IRC log for #debian on 20100320

00:00.17dotCOMmiestian79: also on some cards esp intel, you can change which of the ports serves as mic.
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00:10.57Elive_user83_enis it possible to use e17 and ecomorph in debian
00:11.16caste17 foo sure
00:11.22castnfi what ecomorph is
00:11.22*** part/#debian CyberGabber (
00:12.08Elive_user83_enecomorph is screen manager like compiz
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00:14.14Elive_user83_endebian has e17 in lenny
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00:14.34Elive_user83_enbecayse sid gives package error  while installing e17 module
00:14.39casti always compile from cvs
00:14.54castseeing as its cvs quality software ^_^
00:15.08Elive_user83_enwith sh script
00:15.11*** part/#debian astartoth (~daemon@
00:17.00*** mode/#debian [+l 890] by debhelper
00:17.04*** join/#debian Lateralus (~derek@
00:17.45LateralusWhat's the correct way to upgrade from lenny to squeeze without running into udev issues?
00:17.58Elive_user83_ensh script gives error
00:18.07Elive_user83_enwhat is the adres you used
00:18.16themillLateralus: afaik, "/msg dpkg lenny->squeeze" works ok
00:18.24*** join/#debian SRP (~SRP@
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00:18.31dpkgISPConfig is a web hosting control panel available under the BSD license -
00:19.52dpkgfrom memory, dpkg is the program used by debian to install and remove packages, "man dpkg".  Also ask me about <reference>.  The main info bot in #debian is also called dpkg; ask me about <dpkgbot>.
00:20.09Elive_user83_eni need your help cast
00:20.43simonrvn!tell SRP -about msg the bot
00:20.51simonrvn!tell Mousk4r -about msg the bot
00:21.09castElive_user83_en: i RTFM
00:21.23Elive_user83_enwhat is rtfm
00:21.33dpkgrumour has it, rtfm is Read The Fucking Manual.  If you want to ask a question about foo, please read man foo; before asking.  If there isn't a manpage about foo, use apropos to find one.  Reading manuals helps us help you.  [You might try info foo as well.]
00:22.55Elive_user83_enyou people prepare message like that
00:23.07Elive_user83_enhow do you know i didnt read anything
00:23.14Elive_user83_enwhat are you ?
00:23.18*** join/#debian ae86-drifter (
00:23.36SRPIs ther usage of 495mb ram for a vps configured with ispconfig3 normal or very high? It's using the tutorial from
00:24.25castif you read everything then you know as much as me and i am of no help
00:24.29Elive_user83_enx"you must be so genious
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00:25.36themillElive_user83_en: if you're running sid, we work on the assumption that you're able to read check the bts yourself and that you can solve your own problems. /msg dpkg bts ; /msg dpkg sid.
00:25.51Elive_user83_encvs script gives me an error
00:25.57Elive_user83_enand sh file gives me an error
00:26.25Elive_user83_eni am not in sid
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00:26.47Elive_user83_eni am in elive right now based on debian stable
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00:26.59Elive_user83_ene17 is in debian sid
00:27.07Mousk4rand squeeze
00:27.18Elive_user83_ennot in squeeze
00:27.23Mousk4rah ok
00:27.25Elive_user83_eni did aptitude search
00:27.32*** part/#debian Entroacceptor (
00:27.35Elive_user83_eni wonder it is in lenny
00:27.40hayleyw!based on debian
00:27.41dpkgYour distribution may be based on Debian, but it is not Debian, and it probably falls short of Debian's standards (see <Debian policy>).  Only Debian is supported on #debian.  If your distribution has an IRC channel, you can use it instead.  Even if your distribution has fewer people in its IRC channel, or doesn't have one, support for distributions other than Debian is off-topic on #debian.
00:27.52Elive_user83_enbecause any e17 cannot install in sid
00:27.54hayleywgo elsewhere.
00:28.18Elive_user83_eni dot want to support liike something else
00:28.31Elive_user83_eni just want to use e17 in debian
00:28.40Elive_user83_enand i want to use ecomorph in debian
00:28.45Elive_user83_eni wonder is it possible
00:28.49Mousk4rdo it manual
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00:48.56LateralusMy 2.6.32 kernel is not booting when I upgrade from lenny to squeeze; CPU#0 stuck for 61s, etc
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00:49.15castchecked the bts?
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00:56.47jfbhello world
00:57.09Lateraluscast: bts?
00:57.52adb!tell Lateralus -about bts
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00:58.22jfbexperience callback with an ADAPTEC 3405 in RAID5 mode under lenny, everything is all right :)
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01:19.11involvedHi. Do you guys think that a XFCE4 install of DebianEeePC should fit in a 4gb disk?
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01:19.32hayleywinvolved, yes
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01:20.04involvedhow much should it take? 'bout half?
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01:20.22hayleywinvolved, 2.5ish depending on what you install
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01:20.53involvedmany thanks for your help
01:22.03wadHi, guys. I'm trying to play a game of Neverwinter Nights 2, but I need to set up an ip tables rule to allow traffic in, and send it to the machine on the internal network. (I've got a debian box with 2 NICs, one internet-facing, and one for the internal network). I've read some things, and tried some IP tables commands, and I was able to make it accept traffic on port 5121 (I think),
01:22.14wadbut I can't seem to make it forward the packets on to the right internal IP address.
01:22.22wadAny of you guys know much about IP tables?
01:22.35*** join/#debian rawrio (
01:22.37castits generally easier to use an iptables frontend like shorewall rather than iptables directly
01:22.44castyou'll probably make less fuckups
01:22.53wadcast: You're a genious.
01:22.57Wyzardwad: Assuming you're asking about a router that's running Debian, what did you use to set it up as a router?
01:23.01wadBut my debian server is headless....
01:23.12involvedssh -X
01:23.13wadWyzard, it's just a box I built. It's a PC.
01:23.18Wyzardwad: If you used a firewall package, you should be able to configure it to do port forwarding, rather than having to write iptables rules manually
01:23.24wadinvolved, there is no X on the debian server.
01:23.25*** join/#debian ania (
01:23.43castshorewall isn't a gui at all, or a cui, you write a shorewall config and it builds the iptables rules from that
01:23.45jfbif you want try to install "arno's iptables", it's an easy way to configure iptables if you're not used to use command lines
01:23.48wadI'm not using any specific firewall package, just IP tables directly. Maybe I'm doing it the hard way....
01:24.03Wyzardwad: Take a look at firehol or shorewall
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01:24.51Wyzardwad: They let you configure your routing policies in a much-more-understandable config file, and generate iptables rules from the config file
01:25.26wadWyzard, nice.
01:26.28wadheh, if I suddenly disconnect, it means that I screwed it up......
01:27.17*** join/#debian rmariano (~r-mariano@
01:28.14jfb2h27 in france..i'm tired...going in my bed. see you soon world
01:29.12*** part/#debian jfb (
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01:29.25beardywad: I agree on firehol, try that. Also, when trying filtering rules of any kind, use at(1) or 'sleep 10m ; turnthemoff' to turn them off in case you do screw up.
01:30.00*** join/#debian Selveste1 (
01:30.25Wyzardbeardy: "firehol try" does that for you
01:30.50beardyOr that then.
01:30.55*** join/#debian careta (~botto@
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01:32.24WyzardJust noticed "firehol panic" in the manpage...  that's pretty cool
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01:32.49Wyzardblocks all traffic immediately, except if $SSH_CLIENT is set, it adds rules to make your own ssh session continue working while blocking everything else
01:32.52*** part/#debian maggs (
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01:36.36benji_Hi, how can I change the TIME_WAIT delay?
01:36.54adb_WAIT what ?
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01:37.36benji_TIME_WAIT timeout for tcp connections
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01:39.23involvedin debianeeepc, i've started with a base install, then installed base-desktop and xfce4 (with all the deps, but now I can't get X to start on boot. Init is 2. What am I missing? gdm?
01:39.34involvedor what's the gdm equiv for xfce?
01:40.52castthere's xdm
01:40.59neuro_damage, seeing this error with module-init-tools, anyone know what could be the issue or how I could track it down?
01:42.52involvedthanks cast
01:45.31Backupis there a pease of software in the repository that lets me controll a cellphone, like sending sms, calling using the computer mic etc..? not bluetooth, but usb?
01:45.34*** part/#debian rmariano (~r-mariano@
01:46.45dpkgextra, extra, read all about it, as is autosearch: install apt-file and use apt-cache search <packagename>  and/or apt-file search <name> , do it yourself ;)
01:47.06*** join/#debian person (~ed@
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01:47.46Backupyou gotta be kidding me
01:49.34castits fucked up hey, searching the software repository
01:50.16Wyzard"apt-cache search phone" turns up wammu, which looks like it can do some of that
01:50.29*** join/#debian gm152 (
01:50.36Wyzardand a few programs like bitpim for accessing data stored in a phone
01:51.09adbekiga == calling using the computer mic
01:51.57Wyzardgsm-utils looks relevant too
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02:08.00ge0rge007hello all! I am trying to make me usu router work at debian but i have some problems! I have tried it with all work great,then i have copied all the settings ubuntu uses and try to make them work at debian.So i have connected to the network but i can't access any webpage or ping anything.Any idea?
02:08.20ge0rge007(usb* router)
02:09.26OrigenHi,  I can map wmy Microsft SkyDrive in Windows using the Map Network Drive and inputting the URL "^2Documents", how can I do the same in Linux. Using wdfs it doesnt seem to like the "^2Documents"
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02:11.29*** join/#debian BOMBER^ (
02:11.52BOMBER^how can I install GMAKE on debian?
02:12.01hayleywaptitude install make
02:12.29BOMBER^well make i have but it looks I need gmake, as command
02:12.43BOMBER^to install something
02:12.49SRP!tell SRP about kloxo
02:12.56BOMBER^so .. ?
02:13.13BOMBER^how can I get the 'gmake'commend to work
02:13.31SRPapt-get update
02:13.32hayleywBOMBER^, so create a symlink.  ln -s /usr/bin/make /usr/bin/gmake
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02:14.07BOMBER^ok thanks
02:14.24*** join/#debian mezgani (
02:14.30adbBOMBER^, PM me please
02:14.46gato_cincothis is probably a stupid question, but... if i have, say, a /tmp/ partition, and i umount it... why can i still cd into /tmp (granted, an empty tmp)
02:15.23hayleywgato_cinco, because linux doesnt release the file/folder until all processes are done with it
02:15.43gato_cincohayleyw: but the contents aren't there
02:15.54hayleywgato_cinco, doesnt matter.  most daemons lock in it
02:16.10gato_cincok, thanks, just curious
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02:18.19gato_cincowait, follow up: so if i need to take down a partition for maintenance, but there is still a lock on it...
02:18.44*** join/#debian metalfan_ (julius@
02:19.00casttake down a partition for maintenance?
02:19.02hayleywgato_cinco, man fuser
02:19.24gato_cincooh yeah, i've used fuser
02:19.39gato_cincoso you're saying, yes, i should ensure there is no lock before doing that ;)
02:19.41*** join/#debian DasEi1 (
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02:22.37BOMBER^one more question, on posgresql, ./configure error - readline library not found
02:22.46BOMBER^how do I install readline library ?
02:23.12arleBOMBER^: apt-cache search readline dev
02:23.58BOMBER^ok and what to do next
02:24.10BOMBER^I`m not very familir with debian so bare with me :)
02:24.24arleBOMBER^: when you are compiling from sources, you need development libraries
02:24.50arleBOMBER^: In Debian, its packages has the 'dev' keyword in their names
02:25.44arleBOMBER^: Did you issue the command I typed?
02:26.03arleBOMBER^: May have listed a few packages and its descriptions
02:26.08hayleywBOMBER^, or you should just do apt-get build-dep postgresql
02:26.10BOMBER^found it
02:26.12*** join/#debian daltio111 (~daltio@
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02:26.28arleBOMBER^: that package sounds nice for me :-)
02:26.43BOMBER^lets see if it works now
02:26.57hayleywBOMBER^, you should do what i said first
02:26.59daltio111guyz my debian machine is down i have anther machine with same spec how can i copy the right machine to old bad one and get the old up n running any idea?
02:27.09BOMBER^hayleyw did it
02:27.24BOMBER^looks like it works now
02:27.52castdaltio111: find what broke.
02:27.56hayleywdaltio111, you can dd the working hd to the old
02:28.16*** part/#debian gato_cinco (
02:28.19daltio111the disk fails so no OS now
02:28.59castdaltio111: put in a new disk....reinstall from backup?
02:29.03daltio111i toook backup pf right machine through partimage rescue cd and restoe on bad one but i am not able to boot that bad achine
02:29.16daltio111i do not have any backup
02:29.35daltio111i put the new disk now i want the machine u
02:29.38arlehayleyw: Maybe BOMBER^ isn't compiling a deb source package. Seems like she's using the vanilla tarball from postgresql project
02:29.52hayleywarle, that's irrelevant
02:30.14BOMBER^actualy I installed posgre
02:30.19BOMBER^but I get an error at
02:30.54BOMBER^ In member function âint PgDatabase::CmdTuples() constâ:
02:30.58arlehayleyw: actually, I can't issue apt-get build-dep because I have commented out my src apt list entries
02:31.03BOMBER^ error: âatoiâ was not declared in this scope
02:31.04BOMBER^gmake: *** [pgdatabase.o] Error 1
02:31.08BOMBER^that the errors I get
02:31.15*** part/#debian lunaphyte (~lunaphyte@unaffiliated/lunaphyte)
02:31.22hayleywarle, good for you.  you are not the majority
02:31.23*** join/#debian h2oman (
02:32.35BOMBER^so any sugestions on that one?
02:32.48arlehayleyw: Majority doesn't matters. Freedom does. If you insist, I can switch over the way I compile from soruces. Perhaps the method you posted is the right one. And, not, that is not "irrelevant"
02:33.26hayleywarle, ok, i insist.
02:33.44arleBOMBER^: (1) search for the library name _or_ (2) enable your src apt list entries and follow hayleyw advice
02:34.06arleBOMBER^: I mean search for the development headers for that lib
02:35.03BOMBER^or running the dependencies command right now
02:35.04daltio111do u use partimage command from sysem -rescue cd
02:35.07BOMBER^and then what ?
02:35.13BOMBER^reinstall posgre ?
02:35.26arlehayleyw: c00l, that's a new approach for me when compiling from sources. tnx a lot
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02:35.36daltio111i tried that act the right server is in production and its on remote location i can not do dd
02:35.46arleBOMBER^: Reinstall? You haven't even installed it, I guess. :-)
02:35.58BOMBER^well it said its installed
02:36.09BOMBER^and ready to use...
02:36.16BOMBER^maybe the system lied?:)
02:36.25arleBOMBER^: sorry, I thought you were having trouble with some lib when compiling
02:36.50BOMBER^actualy having problems with  libpq++
02:36.56BOMBER^when installing
02:37.00*** mode/#debian [+l 863] by debhelper
02:37.34hayleywyou installed debian's postgresql package, then for some reason decided to try to compile it from source?
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02:37.51BOMBER^installing it from source
02:38.09hayleywok.  why?
02:39.44*** join/#debian sauvin (~sauvin@unaffiliated/sauvin)
02:40.00BOMBER^as i told u, not very familiar with debian, I just thought its the right way
02:40.11hayleywBOMBER^, no.  aptitude install postgresql
02:40.31BOMBER^well will that be ok after I installed from source/
02:40.50hayleywBOMBER^, you havent even finished compiling?
02:41.17*** join/#debian pguerr (
02:41.22BOMBER^I compiled and installed it, I get errors with that  libpq++
02:41.28BOMBER^thats what is not working
02:41.38hayleywBOMBER^, make uninstall and aptitude install postgresql
02:41.40BOMBER^when I`m trying to install it
02:42.02BOMBER^hayleyw is there a package for  libpq++?
02:42.12hayleywgoddamn. just do what you're told
02:42.22bloufhi i'm new to the linux world, just wanna say that it's a real pleasure to see the quality where it is, linus torvald is genius
02:42.40BOMBER^justa sec
02:44.35BOMBER^but after that how do I ./configur it adding the options I need?
02:44.39arleBOMBER^: Installing from binaries this time..?
02:44.47BOMBER^from apt
02:45.03arleBOMBER^: Install from source only if you need to tweak some default options
02:45.23BOMBER^heh thats what I did in the first place
02:45.26hayleywarle, apt installs it with 99.9% of the options poeple want.  then you edit what you want enabled via postgresql's config file
02:45.40hayleywBOMBER^, sorry, that was for you
02:45.43arlehayleyw: you are the man
02:46.04arlehayleyw: no problem
02:46.05*** join/#debian msaizar (
02:46.19BOMBER^ok I need it with --enable-multibyte --with-CXX --with-tcl --without-tk, how do I do that ?
02:46.40arleblouf: just remember the Debian GNU/Linux project involves a lot of people
02:47.00arlespecially those over here, giving free consulting :-)
02:47.16daltio111can u help
02:47.31*** join/#debian ngomes (
02:47.34ngomes!! kernel
02:47.45arleBOMBER^: What Debian version / platform are you running?
02:47.49hayleywBOMBER^, aptitude install libpgtcl1.5 postgresql-pltcl-8.4 will get you what you need
02:48.07bloufarle : for sure, free consulting should be remunerated too
02:48.44BOMBER^E: Couldn't find package postgresql-pltcl-8.4
02:48.57ngomescan i upgrade kernel to 2.6.33-2-686 experimental in debian sid ?
02:48.59BOMBER^o its pgtcl
02:49.01BOMBER^not pl
02:49.12arleBOMBER^: apt-cache search postgre tcl
02:49.15adbBOMBER^, lenny ?
02:49.24ngomesmy sid is crashing all the times
02:49.33*** part/#debian hayleyw (
02:49.39adbngomes, don't use sid
02:49.47ngomestoo late for that
02:49.51daltio111guys i have lot of zombie processes in debain which makes my memory and swap used and system will slow down eventually
02:50.05ngomescan i upgrade kernel to 2.6.33-2-686 experimental in debian sid ?
02:50.10BOMBER^libpgtcl-dev  ?
02:50.16BOMBER^arle libpgtcl-dev ?
02:50.17daltio111i want to run a script on some procee which kill them any idea what to do?
02:50.31ngomesmake the script
02:50.48arleBOMBER^: may be your package is postgresql-pltcl-8.3
02:51.02ngomesor maybe 2.6.26 kernel is it possible to get it in the sid tree ?
02:51.18BOMBER^arle yes its there
02:51.23BOMBER^so I should install ?
02:52.09BOMBER^ok that was ok
02:52.19BOMBER^so now...
02:52.26arleBOMBER^: as hayleyw said, install that using aptitude install postgresql-pltcl-8.3
02:52.35BOMBER^I did
02:52.45ngomesjudd, kernels
02:52.48juddAvailable kernel versions are: experimental: 2.6.33-2-686 (2.6.33-1~experimental.3); sid: 2.6.32-4-686 (2.6.32-10); squeeze: 2.6.32-3-686 (2.6.32-9); lenny-backports: 2.6.32-bpo.2-686 (2.6.32-8~bpo50+1); lenny: 2.6.26-2-686 (2.6.26-21lenny4); etchnhalf: 2.6.24-etchnhalf.1-686 (2.6.24-6~etchnhalf.9etch3); etch: 2.6.18-6-686 (2.6.18.dfsg.1-26etch2)
02:53.05BOMBER^so now i have --enable-multibyte --with-CXX --with-tcl --without-tk ? or I have to do something else?
02:53.13*** join/#debian Lancien (
02:54.06arleBOMBER^: dunno
02:54.22*** part/#debian facet (
02:54.32sylarhow to ban an IP?
02:54.38BOMBER^then can I run ./configure with those options ? how do I do that ?
02:55.08arleBOMBER^: Please read: You don't issue ./configure after _installing_ a binary package
02:55.33arleBOMBER^: You only use ./configure when setting up things for _sources_ to be compiled
02:55.47BOMBER^ok, then how do I set that up ?
02:56.04arleBOMBER^: configuring the PostgreSQL is about editing conf files
02:56.18*** join/#debian CAiRO_ (
02:56.28BOMBER^hm ok
02:56.35arleBOMBER^: config files are located under /etc
02:57.00arleBOMBER^: search for postgresql config scripts or directory
02:57.00*** mode/#debian [+l 857] by debhelper
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03:04.41*** join/#debian ktrav (
03:05.29ktravHey I have an issue with my internal mic...I have a thread open will full details and an error message I repeatedly get
03:05.41ktravIf anyone thinks they can help, lemme know
03:06.22*** join/#debian Drgdhmstr (
03:07.18*** part/#debian Backup (
03:08.57*** join/#debian linuxwizard (
03:09.22DrgdhmstrI'm having an error in Linux:
03:09.42adbDrgdhmstr, which linux ?
03:09.56adblenny ?
03:10.19Drgdhmstr\\Devserv1 is not accessible. You might not have permission to use this network resource. Contact the administrator of this server to find out if you have access permissions.  The network path was not found.
03:11.10*** join/#debian Drgdhmstr (
03:11.24DrgdhmstrDid you see the error?
03:11.25LoReztry not to spam
03:11.30LoRezuse a pastebin.
03:11.33DrgdhmstrThat isn't spam.
03:11.47DrgdhmstrError: \\Devserv1 is not accessible. You might not have permission to use this network resource. Contact the administrator of this server to find out if you have access permissions.  The network path was not found.
03:12.03LoRez_that_ is a reasonable paste.
03:12.04DrgdhmstrTitle is "Workgroup"
03:12.40DrgdhmstrWindows NT 4 trying to connect to Samba on Debian Linux.
03:13.09DrgdhmstrHold on, maybe I need to change security = setting
03:16.07*** join/#debian vivid (
03:16.32DrgdhmstrStill not working.
03:16.56DrgdhmstrWhat causes this error?
03:17.14*** join/#debian simula (
03:18.21Drgdhmstr\\Devserv1 is not accessible. You might not have permission to use this network resource. Contact the administrator of this server to find out if you have access permissions.  The network path was not found.
03:18.21*** kick/#debian [Drgdhmstr!~debhelper@unaffiliated/debhelper] by debhelper (use the paster bot or #flood)
03:18.32ngomesuse swat to make samba shares
03:20.26*** join/#debian Rusty1 (
03:20.26castor NFS
03:21.48dpkgAnother happy customer leaves the building.
03:22.21*** part/#debian Guest74105 (
03:23.30*** join/#debian magyar (
03:25.03ngomescan i use experimentar kernel or not on sid ?
03:25.09ngomesis not on repositories
03:25.34adbngomes, y,  but why ?
03:25.53ngomesits always hanging with 2.6.32-4
03:25.59ngomesneed to test other
03:26.12*** join/#debian topgun21 (
03:26.17adb, kernels versions
03:26.20judd(kernels [--release <lenny>]) -- Outputs the kernel versions in the archive, optionally restricted to one release. Note that semi-major releases like etchnhalf are treated as separate releases.
03:26.39adb, kernels
03:26.41juddAvailable kernel versions are: experimental: 2.6.33-2-686 (2.6.33-1~experimental.3); sid: 2.6.32-4-686 (2.6.32-10); squeeze: 2.6.32-3-686 (2.6.32-9); lenny-backports: 2.6.32-bpo.2-686 (2.6.32-8~bpo50+1); lenny: 2.6.26-2-686 (2.6.26-21lenny4); etchnhalf: 2.6.24-etchnhalf.1-686 (2.6.24-6~etchnhalf.9etch3); etch: 2.6.18-6-686 (2.6.18.dfsg.1-26etch2)
03:27.00*** mode/#debian [+l 847] by debhelper
03:27.14ngomeswhere is it then , adb ?
03:28.13ngomeswith aptitude ?
03:28.17ngomesis not possible ?
03:28.49*** join/#debian Vasistha (~david@unaffiliated/vasistha)
03:28.51adbor y , but wget it + dpkg -i
03:29.06ngomescan u provide link
03:29.18dpkg - here you can search for debian packages and their contents.  Pretty Damned Obvious, isn't it?, or, in some contexts.  Maybe even
03:30.58*** join/#debian stealth- (~stealth@unaffiliated/stealth-)
03:31.11stealth-any reason the default debian install doesn't have killall? How can I get it?
03:31.34dkrstealth-: skill
03:32.09dkror install psmisc
03:32.18ngomesthanks adb
03:32.27adbyw ngomes
03:32.32*** join/#debian sivik (
03:32.42sivikanyone here have any luck with ati drivers in debian 64 to actually work with 3d?
03:32.55dkrpsmisc also includes pstree, which I find nifty
03:33.49stealth-ugh, got any recommendations on how to take down a really reluctant-to-quit process, dkr?
03:33.50dkrskill is nicer than killall though, can kill by name or term or uid
03:34.06dkrstealth-: kill -9 is the best you can do
03:34.07*** join/#debian PARLIAMENT (~owls@unaffiliated/lordlicorice)
03:34.11stealth-oh, skill is a utility. I thought you were being a smartass :o
03:34.14stealth-my bad :)
03:34.23Vasisthastealth-: careful with kill -9, it should be a last resort
03:34.37stealth-well it kinda is my last resort :/
03:35.10dkrstealth-: oh yeah, forgot skill is also a word that means something.  heh
03:35.15*** join/#debian arvind_khadri (~arvind@unaffiliated/arvind-khadri/x-2237230)
03:35.18adb, versions  skill
03:35.18juddSorry, no package named 'skill' was found.
03:35.33ngomesany help?
03:35.36dkrit's in procps package
03:35.50stealth-oh, there we go, that got rid of it. Thanks a bunch dkr :D
03:36.00Vasisthastealth-: Here's the instructions for kill ... Generally, send kill -15, and wait a second or two, and if that doesn't work, kill -2, and if that doesn't work, kill -1.  If that doesn't, REMOVE THE BINARY because the program is badly behaved!
03:36.15*** join/#debian sauvin (~sauvin@unaffiliated/sauvin)
03:36.34Vasisthathat said, I've been known to kill -9 on curlftpfs when it wouldn't die.
03:36.49Vasisthafunny, though, I haven't been using curlftpfs lately...
03:36.59adbngomes, try to install linux-base (>= 2.6.33) , anyways if things bo wrong you will reinstall all ..
03:37.19ngomeswhere is linux-base ?
03:37.24ngomesa package also ?
03:37.26stealth-I think the program might have been forced to DOS, so I'm not really blaming the binary itself
03:37.51ngomesi think i wont install then
03:37.59ngomesshit can happen
03:38.37adbngomes,  in   pdo   too
03:40.28adb, versions  linux-base
03:40.31juddlinux-base -- sid: 2.6.32-10; experimental: 2.6.33-1~experimental.3; experimental: 2.6.33-1~experimental.4
03:40.37*** join/#debian buntfalke (~nobody@unaffiliated/buntfalke)
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03:41.36adbdkr, can't find skill ... in lenny
03:42.04Vasisthangomes: hum, my brother also goes by the name bop. Never met another one before today.
03:42.12nvzskill is not found, its obtained through practice :-P
03:42.19dkradb: it's in the package procps
03:42.39adbdkr, oh, thanks
03:43.06dkrwhich is "important" so you should have it by default
03:43.41adbyes, not tested before
03:43.43nvzVasistha: most people would send a signal 9 after trying 15.. heh
03:44.02Vasisthanvz: I should hope that most people would at least try a 1 before a 9
03:44.06nvzpersonally I'm a dick, so I go with an 11
03:44.09Vasisthaeven if they skil the 15
03:44.10adbnvz, i see ..
03:44.17Vasistha* skip
03:45.01Bushmills15, 2, 1, 9, is my preferred order
03:45.31dkrhrm, I wonder if any of the apps have an option to do that?  kill -TERM, then wait and kill -INT if still up etc up to kill -KILL
03:45.57Bushmillsnot to my knowledge. one could script it, though
03:46.08dkrslowkill :)
03:46.30Vasisthagradualkill ... suffocate :)
03:46.32*** join/#debian dark (~dark@unaffiliated/eliasamaral)
03:46.58dkrit's like heavy metal band names, :)
03:47.04*** join/#debian Tommy_DO (
03:47.20Vasisthaindeed, clearly the script should be named megadeth.
03:53.27*** join/#debian felix (
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04:13.14*** join/#debian Sync` (
04:13.32Sync`wtf is this..
04:13.38Sync`looks like a copy of windows
04:14.17Sync`what does it have that windows/mac doesnt have
04:14.43karlpinc_Sync`: Technically, this channel is only for support.  But someone will likely comment.
04:15.07Sync`is this hard to use
04:15.23Sync`is there a channel i can ask this
04:15.29karlpinc_Sync`: For me, it just works.  And keeps working through security updates and major upgrades of all software.  And I can count on the software never going out of business.
04:15.37Vmanzwtf is sync even on about :|
04:15.43Vmanzprobly high on some drug
04:15.53karlpinc_Vmanz: He wants to know "why debian".  I think.
04:15.54Sync`ya know it
04:16.31Sync`OK, karlpinc_. Thank you for answering my question. I'll be sure to support Debian. Bye!
04:16.56castwe missed the best feature, it's Free!
04:16.58kgoetzfrigging bigpond users
04:17.11liablethe aol'ers of oz :)
04:17.13Vmanzbigpond users have low IQ's it seems
04:18.10karlpinc_Vmanz: Be kind.  He could have chemical assistance.
04:19.07karlpinc_cast: I like that it can be fixed when broken.
04:19.23castyip, a consequence of it being free :)
04:21.00karlpinc_cast: It's all a consequence of it being free.  The strange thing is it took me 2 years of reading the gpl to even begin to understand the implications of copyleft.
04:21.25simonrvn!why debian
04:21.25dpkgDebian strives to maintain your freedom whilst also paying close attention to the technical aspects of making a great OS.  Debian is stable, upgradable and well tested.  See also (archived at  As an added bonus, you get to ask questions in #debian.
04:22.23*** join/#debian felix (
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04:33.21*** join/#debian linoge (
04:34.26S`Is 2.5 GB HDD and 64 MB RAM enough for running and SVN repository on Debian?
04:34.45linogehi all, i'm installing debian using chroot in this computer... thing is my currently running OS have a wireless connection and i want chroot debian to have internet connection... how can i do that?
04:35.12adbS`  64 MB  ? NO
04:37.12*** join/#debian ChaozZBubi_ (~bubi@piratenpartei/supporter/chaozzbubi)
04:37.23S`adb: Can you help me to select the best plan for me? I need to this server for hosting an SVN repo and to test my site
04:37.25*** join/#debian brbrbr (~basiley@unaffiliated/brbrbr)
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04:38.41adbS`, i dunno , sorry  but in general minimum 250 MB ram , and 5 GB hard
04:38.45*** join/#debian phiwer_ (
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04:39.07S`Thanks adb
04:39.15*** join/#debian Majus (
04:39.28adblinoge, usually it does it automatique
04:39.41*** join/#debian lnievas (~lnievas@nat/hp/x-lfwzofwkttmaywlz)
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04:42.02linogeadb, well... it doesn't... i mounted /dev in /mnt/dev and proc... but it still doesn't know i'm connected...
04:42.06Vasisthalinoge: I would expect chroot to pass on the internet connection automatically. Are you sure it's not available? And what OS are you running?
04:42.22linogeVasistha, ... ubuntu
04:42.39*** join/#debian [1]ChineseGuy (~Thor@
04:43.20linogeVasistha, i installed base system through netinst and expected to do the rest through ubuntu...
04:43.41linogecause only way i can access this connection is wireless...
04:44.00*** join/#debian gandalfcome (~gandalfco@
04:44.20Vasisthalinoge: seems to me you should be working on getting that wireless connection set up in the bootable base install rather than messing with chroot
04:44.36Vasisthalinoge: what kinda radio ya got?
04:45.58linogeVasistha, i own a laptop with a broadcom wireless device that needs propietary firmware...
04:46.26dpkgBroadcom Corporation is an integrated circuits supplier.  For wireless LAN chipset drivers, ask me about <b43>, <wl>.  For Ethernet chipset support, ask me about <bnx2>, <bnx2x>, <tg3>.
04:46.27linogeVasistha, i'm very near the source of wireless
04:46.54Vasisthalinoge: close enough to plug in a cable? :D heh
04:47.43*** join/#debian whirr (
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04:47.58Vasisthalinoge: are you looking at those b43 and/or wl factoids?
04:48.34linogeVasistha, yes... but i already know i need b43-fwcutter and download the the firmware...
04:49.15linogenot so close... i'm outside the house and 'tis locked
04:49.39*** join/#debian eryn_1983 (~erin@
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04:51.01Vasisthalinoge: oh, one quick thing -- in your chroot, did you try pinging an ip address rather than a domain name, to see if it might be a dns issue?
04:51.01*** join/#debian sivik (
04:51.14sivikanyone have any luck with the ati drivers
04:51.18linogemmm, let me see...
04:52.02nvzsivik: you're better off asking a question than taking a usage poll.
04:52.19sivikanyone get the 3d drivers working with 64 bit and ati?
04:52.43nvzobviously someone did, or we wouldn't have them available
04:53.03sivikyea, i know.  I am having issues and not finding anything on the google and still having issues
04:53.18*** join/#debian eryn_1983 (~erin@
04:53.37linogeVasistha, dns issue i think
04:53.57siviki don't have a mouse pointer anymore and I tried using the information from the xorg that was working and its still not working right.
04:54.05Vasisthalinoge: oh, is that so? can you ping -- a yahoo address?
04:54.59Vasisthalinoge: cat /etc/resolv.conf
04:55.46linogeVasistha, nothing... yeah, that's kinda idiot ^^'. I have done this before :(. I forgot to copy resolv :(
04:56.54Vasisthalinoge: cool, so this will make it easier to tackle your wireless issue. are you online in the chroot now?
04:57.04linogeVasistha, yeah, thanks
04:57.42Vasisthalinoge: np. do you know what to do next?
04:58.25linogeVasistha, yes, i will add the official mirrors, install b43-fwcutter and wireless tools... wpa_supplicant, X11, kde, etc... that's it right?
04:59.29*** join/#debian jzacsh (
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04:59.54VasisthaI'd personally be inclined to get wireless working and then boot the base system before installing x; otoh it can be difficult to get a wireless connection going on the command line if you don't know how. Also I'd recommend wicd, and do use aptitude rather than apt-get
05:00.02*** join/#debian project2501a (~project25@
05:01.29linogeVasistha, yep, aptitude does it work better... and yes, i was thinking on boot the system... i'm curious about setting wireless with wpa_supplicant... i'm connected to a wpa2 network, can i do it?
05:01.59Vasisthalinoge: mmm... it's possible, but I've never succeeded at it myself :) wep is much easier. And I'm a lazy dude.
05:02.43*** join/#debian guevolt (~guevolt@
05:02.47linogeVasistha, the same here, so wicd be it then?
05:03.15Vasisthalinoge: yeah, prolly. give sources.list a line, deb debian extras
05:03.15*** join/#debian Majus (
05:03.39guevolti'm trying to fix a broken package. i tried dpkg -r --force package but not resolved the problem.
05:04.10Vasisthaguevolt: why don't you run aptitude and see what it recommends?
05:04.42karlpinc_!tell guevolt about errors
05:04.54*** join/#debian iViLe (
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05:07.32linogeVasistha, what are the mirrors for testing? sorry, long time i haven't used debian...
05:08.17*** join/#debian albech_ (~thomas@
05:08.33karlpinc_linoge: See's link to mirrors.
05:08.39dpkgit has been said that debian mirrors is or | ask me about <apt-spy> or <netselect-apt> | to make a mirror, see or, see also <debmirror>, <apt-mirror>, <mirror size>.
05:08.58linogethanks :)
05:09.10*** join/#debian sekyourbox (~username@unaffiliated/sekyourbox)
05:09.44sekyourboxI need help with wpa_supplicant. When i run the command its says the following drivers are installed: wext, nl80211, amtel, wired... I need to enable madwifi drivers, and they are already installed..Network says im using auth5k. I need to get rid of network manager. Any help please
05:09.57*** join/#debian eryn_1983 (
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05:12.01pallgonesekyourbox: is it a new install?
05:12.52*** join/#debian shingouz (
05:13.05sekyourboxpallgone, I'm actualy using Ubuntu 910 which i just installed on this machine, about a week ago.
05:13.56sekyourboxThis is the first time i decided to set up wpa_supplicant
05:14.23sekyourboxUbuntu is Debian, so I can ask here right?
05:14.28linogemmm, ok i have debian for amd64, so the right format should be something like deb testing main  ?
05:14.34Vasisthasekyourbox: no.
05:14.36*** join/#debian LinuxMercedes (
05:14.36dpkgUbuntu is based on Debian, but it is not Debian, and it is unlikely to live up to Debian's standards (see <Debian policy>).  Only Debian is supported on #debian.  Use #ubuntu ( instead.  Even if the channel happens to be less helpful, support for distributions other than Debian is offtopic on #debian.  See also <based on debian>.
05:14.54sekyourboxbut ubuntu sucks, lol
05:15.02Vasisthasekyourbox: so install debian.
05:15.24sekyourboxIf i knew i would have to turn this into a server I would have
05:15.50Vasisthasekyourbox: I've used debian for my desktop for several years. Never needed a server.
05:15.57sansendebian is not just for servers
05:16.11sekyourboxhow is it better than ubuntu?
05:16.13karlpinc_linoge: man sources.list
05:16.39karlpinc_sekyourbox: Ubuntu is based on debian unstable.  There are pros and cons.  YMMV.
05:16.55Vasisthasekyourbox: although debian and ubuntu both use the same packaging system, the archives are maintained by very different teams with very different philosophies.
05:18.02Vasisthasekyourbox: debian's team maintains a much larger cache of packages, and keeps much higher standards for compatibility and maintainability and upgradability and security
05:18.27sekyourboxhmmm, sounds intriguing
05:18.52sansenfor more architectures
05:19.32sekyourboxthen why does everyone use ubuntu?
05:19.46Vasisthasekyourbox: hype, marketing
05:20.03sekyourboxI assumend they had more packages
05:20.23sansenbecause is for human beings ?
05:20.32sekyourboxis there an unsupported packages option?
05:20.42linogeso... apt automatically selects the architecture?
05:20.54guevolthumm.. look this. the package that i'm trying to remove is trying to connect to mysql using admin account. but i don't know which password the aptitude is using to connect to the mysql.
05:20.56karlpinc_sekyourbox: Debian has more packages.  Ubuntu is more bleeding edge, at least when compared to stable.
05:21.01guevoltTrying to establish test connection... ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'admin'@'localhost' (using password: YES)
05:21.21Vasisthasekyourbox: in some cases it is easier to set up and get running. Also ubuntu includes things like adobe flash in their basic installs, whereas debian does not include proprietary software in their repos -- one must use other repos like debian-multimedia for that, if you want those things. Ditto for some hardware drivers. Getting 3d graphics working *might* be easier in ubuntu
05:22.10Vasisthalinoge:  oh yeah, aptitude knows what your architecture is, you don't need to think about that, it will just work
05:22.36linogeok thanks... fantastic
05:22.37karlpinc_sekyourbox: In other words debian takes more care that you don't inadvertently use non-free software and get stuck when it breaks/won't upgrade/etc.
05:23.31Vasisthalinoge: erm, the only exception to that, I suppose, is with some 64/32 bit things where there might be some crossover. I've never used a 64-bit system myself, but I've heard people being confused about it.
05:23.42sekyourboxok, thanks for the propaganda
05:24.31Vasisthasekyourbox: that's what we're here for!
05:24.43linogeVasistha, so now i'm a bit confused... do i need to specify arch or not?
05:25.38Vasisthalinoge: you really shouldn't. Do you have an opportunity to do so?
05:26.44linogeVasistha, yes i think... according to sources.list man page you can specify it with something like squeeze/$(ARCH)
05:31.48*** join/#debian konr (~konrad@
05:31.56konrWhat package contains certtool?
05:32.12simonrvn!tell konr -about search
05:33.29konrwell, considering that it's not installed
05:33.42Vasisthalinoge: but... you shouldn't do that :)  just let it decide automatically for you, and in all likelihood you will be fine. Why did you install a testing system anyway??
05:34.01*** part/#debian sekyourbox (~username@unaffiliated/sekyourbox)
05:35.08linogeVasistha, well, i've always used testing, except for the first few times i installed debian stable... don't know, kinda like it....
05:35.54Vasisthalinoge: as long as you know what you're doing. I don't like having to put that much effort into maintaining my system :)
05:37.56linogeVasistha, :). I don't find wcid...
05:38.16Vasisthalinoge: did you put that entry in your sources.list and do an update?
05:38.35sansenlinoge, wcid or wicd ?
05:39.55linoge:(... wrong again, found it...
05:40.17linogeseems like i have to install x11 and gnome?
05:40.56guevolthow can i fix this problem?
05:41.23guevoltnote. i dodnt know the admin mysql user
05:41.29guevoltops. password
05:41.54*** join/#debian drinkycrow (~dead@
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05:47.00*** mode/#debian [+l 841] by debhelper
05:49.14Vasisthalinoge: wicd was designed to be a graphical tool, it might be pulling in a WM as a recommends
05:50.32Vasisthalinoge: and debian's default DE is gnome, so if wicd was to recommend a DE, debian would make it gnome. You can use ctrl-u to undo in aptitude
05:50.58linogemmm... coming back in a few moments, i think i can get wpa_supplicant working, it'll be interesting
05:51.00Vasisthalinoge: or you could just reboot into debian and see if you can get your wireless connection going without wicd
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06:06.39KaptinKurkI mounted something with fusefat
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06:07.06KaptinKurkfusermount -u fails with not mounted
06:07.14KaptinKurkroot is required to unmount it
06:07.24KaptinKurkwhich is very annoying and breaks my script
06:07.30KaptinKurkwhere it has worked before
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06:08.50nvzdid you mount it as root?
06:09.05KaptinKurkIt used to work some months ago but not anymore
06:09.10nvzwell that was my best guess.. heh
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06:09.24KaptinKurkI'm in the fuse group
06:09.41nvzI've noticed that before using "user" mount options that if root mounted it, then root has to unmount it
06:11.29KaptinKurkother than fusefat, there's no way that I know of to put files on a floppy
06:11.37KaptinKurkfloppy image
06:12.31KaptinKurkguess I'll have to make a script in root that never ends, that unmounts it when i say so
06:12.32nvz*shrug* I haven't used a floppy in over 10 years. I do use floppy images, but only occationally in virtualbox
06:12.40KaptinKurkthis is QEMU work
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06:13.06tuvhow do i have a ntfs flash drive automatically mount on plugging it in?
06:13.24KaptinKurkDepends on what you currently use
06:13.36KaptinKurkGNOME Volume Manager? Some KDE manager?
06:13.39KaptinKurkAnother thing?
06:13.40tuvan ext3 gets mounted automatically, but not an ntfs one
06:13.52tuvnautilus, without all of gnome
06:14.03KaptinKurkYou have ntfs-3g installed?
06:14.05nvzI find it funny you even have ntfs on anything much less a flash drive
06:14.21KaptinKurkI used to use NTFS on a flash drive
06:14.26tuvand pcmanfm on another machine. both of which mount ext3 partitions automatically
06:14.27KaptinKurkbecause it was 128MB and it had compression
06:14.43KaptinKurkthen I swithced to Linux
06:14.47tuvand i can mount ntfs manually, so yes. ntfs-3g is installed
06:15.08KaptinKurktuv: Does it complain of "unchecked disk", or anything else?
06:15.17nvztuv: do you have gconf-editor?
06:15.34nvzand gnome-volume-manager?
06:15.37tuvnvz: i want files > 4G, and compatibility with linux and windows (for when i need to plug it in a friend's machine)
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06:16.26KaptinKurkthere may be an automount option for NTFS
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06:17.25KaptinKurkI believe my NTFS partitions tried to get mounted by GNOME's volume manager
06:17.30KaptinKurkbut they had errors
06:17.31tuvnvz: i'm now on the machine with pcmanfm. neither of gnome-volume-manger or gconf-editor are installed
06:17.43KaptinKurkYou should install those then
06:17.54nvzwell gnome-volume-manager will do it for you..
06:18.08KaptinKurkgnome-volume-manager manages the automounting
06:18.11KaptinKurkfor GNOME at least
06:18.23nvzyeah it monitors hal via dbus
06:18.27nvzand automounts
06:18.32nvzgconf-editor --anonymous --buildbase flock- trunk
06:18.45tuvso does pcmanfm, though it doesn't seem to recognize ntfs
06:19.12nvzgconf-editor /system/storage/default_options/ntfs-3g
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06:21.26tuvhmm.. correction. pcmanfm does mount ntfs
06:21.46tuvmy problem is with nautilus without a gnome environment
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06:22.26nvzhmm.. well as for pcmanfm, /usr/share/pcmanfm/mount.rules
06:22.49KaptinKurksince fuse is sucking
06:22.54nvzas for nautilus I don't know that it has any means of automounting without gnome-volume-manager
06:23.12KaptinKurkI just made a script that runs in an infinite loop that unmounts the damn thing, when a file in /tmp/ is created
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06:24.51nvzgives KaptinKurk the rube goldeberg award of the day
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06:25.30mobidevhi to all
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06:26.41nvzall is not here right now, would you like to leave a message?
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06:38.12lnievashi mobidev
06:38.44mobidevlnievas, hi
06:39.12lnievaseverything is fine today?
06:39.17webPhonedo you dev in a desert?
06:39.39webPhonehaha moobies
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06:50.04\ottizenWhat's the name of the SSL development library? It's not libssl-dev, openssl-dev or openssl-dev...
06:50.39castaptitude search ssl|grep dev
06:51.17castsure its not libssl-dev o_0
06:51.44*** join/#debian gigo (~gigo@unaffiliated/gigo)
06:51.46\ottizenI changed mirror, and not it works.
06:51.49\ottizencast: Thank you. :)
06:51.55gigowhy is the original firefox not available in non-free?
06:52.03webPhoneis ubuntu the best os
06:52.04\ottizenOpera :D
06:52.10\ottizenwebPhone: It's good for beginners.
06:52.33webPhoneand if I'm a pro?
06:52.57cahootthen you don't need ask
06:53.14kgoetzgigo: why bother?
06:53.29\ottizenwebPhone: Arch, Debian or LFS.
06:53.35webPhonewas hoping for a quick road to pro
06:53.37dpkgSunday is the day all trolls swarm to #debian, avoid at all cost to remain sane.
06:53.48castwebPhone: if you're a pro you wouldn't be asking.
06:53.48\ottizenIt's Saturday.
06:53.51dpkgrumour has it, saturday is Tardsday Eve
06:53.57kgoetzdpkg: tell webPhone about why debian
06:54.06gigokgoetz: curious about the firefox-debian issue. i understood the the logos are not free as per debian standard, so it had to be rebranded. but then it could have been possible to provide firefox in non-free. isn't it?
06:54.07*** join/#debian simNIX (
06:54.14dpkgi heard friday is tardsday eve eve, or ! ! ! F R I D A Y ! ! !
06:54.28kgoetzgigo: its possible, but why bother?
06:54.41dpkgLooks like someone is having a case of the mondays!, or see tuesday
06:54.48gigokgoetz: I am not bothering. just curious.
06:55.29*** join/#debian wertik_ (
06:55.34webPhonenever got a tell
06:55.52\ottizendpkg: Hello
06:55.53dpkghi, \ottizen
06:55.59\ottizendpkg: How are you?
06:56.00dpkg\ottizen: what are you talking about?
06:56.04kgoetzwebPhone: dpkg says it old you
06:56.27\ottizenMSN is at
06:56.31\ottizenWhere is MSN?
06:56.45dpkgPlease keep the discussions in #debian on-topic (i.e. Debian support); imagine the chaos if each of the hundreds of people in the channel felt the need to wander off topic for a few minutes every day.  #debian-offtopic is the place for longer off-topic discussions.
06:56.48\ottizenWhere can I find MSN?
06:56.59*** join/#debian adam8157 (~adam@
06:57.01\ottizenadb: Okey, sure.
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06:57.36\ottizendpkg: !join #Debian-offtopic
06:57.37dpkgi haven't a clue, \ottizen
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07:31.44bintutnow i'm lost. i just installed nfs-kernel-server on lenny, added an entry on my /etc/exports and restarted the /etc/init.d/nfs-common and /etc/init.d/nfs-kernel-server
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07:33.10bintutfirst question: what is the nfs version of the nfs-kernel-server available in the lenny repository?
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07:46.07linogehi all... again, i have tried to connect a wpa2 ap through wpa_supplicant for at least two hours now and don't have internet connection yet... can anybody help me please ?
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07:49.01wolslinoge: /msg dpkg smart questions
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07:49.04wolsand never ask to ask
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07:52.40linogegood, i have a laptop with a broadcom wireless device. I installed wpa_supplicant, wireless tools and b43-fwcutter to download and install firmware. I bring the network up with ifconfig wlan0 up and i can see the ap if i run iwlist wlan0 scan, i configured wpa_supplicant and when it finishes it says the connection is complete but i can't even ping to google
07:52.59linogeah... and i modprobe b43 before connecting :)
07:53.18*** join/#debian PhilSliderS (
07:53.46wolsthe AP you connect to is your own? ie you have full control over it?
07:54.22wolsthen disable wpa there and try to connect without any encryption as a trial
07:54.48wolsthen if that works reenable WPA again and tackle that problem: now you have a foundaction to stand on
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07:55.39linogewols... mmm, how do i connect withouth wpa encryption?
07:55.46dpkgSupport for your wireless LAN device is dependent on the chipset within.  Don't know what you have?  Ask me about <what's my wireless>.  Atheros: <atheros>; Atmel: <atmel>; Broadcom: <b43>, <wl>; Intel: <ipw2100>, <ipw2200>, <iwlwifi>, <iwlagn>; Intersil: <prism>; Ralink: <ralink>; Realtek: <rtl-wifi>; TI: <acx100>; ZyDAS: <zydas>.  See also: <wlan howto>, <wpa>, <killswitch>, <wimax>.
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08:10.17piratekittehi have entries in my tcp netstat output where the local (and remote) addresses are not my ip address and the stat is SYN_RECV. how do i stop this?
08:10.53castthats curious
08:11.07piratekittehive tried dropping all packets on the local address port (80) but that doesnt seem to help
08:11.07wolswvd: piratekitteh what address is it?
08:11.12wolscould be some multicast stuff
08:11.56casti presume receiving a single syn packet would create such an entry?
08:12.46piratekittehlooks like a regular address,
08:13.09piratekittehthere are actually several addresses that keep coming up
08:13.19piratekittehinterestingly the first two bytes are the same as my own
08:14.32castdo you get any other packets not for you? :)
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08:15.01piratekittehif i recieved a syn packet with spoofed src address then this surely would make a connection with my own ip address as the "local adress" so this seems wierd
08:15.38piratekittehi dont get any other wierd traffic besides this
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08:19.03piratekittehoh this is happening on port 25 as well as port 80
08:19.16wolscan a sniffer sniff before the 3 way handshake is completed?
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08:34.29wcshi people
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08:38.55amol112hi all, i have MTNL modem lsusb shows 0451:6060 ,it gets detected after modprobe usbserial vendor=0x0451 product=0x6060 but wvdialconf not works with this
08:39.39amol112dmesg shows usbserial_generic 4-2:1.0: generic converter detected usb 4-2: generic converter now attached to ttyUSB0
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08:51.02wols!tell amol112 about doesn't work
08:51.39Squawkhey guys, evidently I screwed up a grub configuration as I get error 15 on trying to boot, whats the smallest download I can get that will allow me to fix it? I'm not inclined to download and burn a full livecd unless forced to
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08:52.15amol112Squawk, livecd is must
08:52.16wedgeSquawk: get "parted magic liveCD"
08:52.18wedgeit's pretty small
08:53.01Squawkwedge, thanks taking a look now
08:53.19*** join/#debian madi (~madi@unaffiliated/madi)
08:53.23kgoetzsurely you can rescue it using the install cd?
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08:54.16amol112wols, i have tested usbmodem using wvdialconf it worked but,0451:6060 after detecting by kernel also not getting detected by wvdialconf utility or gnome network manager
08:54.34Squawkkgoetz, I don't have the install cd, I was upgrading from grub to grub2
08:54.49Squawkwell, I probably do have an install cd, but I have no idea where, its been over a year since I used it
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08:57.15wolsSquawk: the debian netinst CD is enough
08:57.18wolsno need for a live cd
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08:59.01Osmosisload autoload/
08:59.02Squawkwols, thanks, that saves me some downloading
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08:59.51wolsqemqemqem_: it has a feature "rescue boot" ro such. bnasically, you load the kernel from CD and everything else from the harddisk by using the kernel commandline "root=/dev/sda1" or whatever your root fs is
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09:09.56amol112hi all,i don't know much modem configuration after search i got running #modprobe usbserial vendor=0x0451 product=0x6060 it detctects as /dev/ttyUSB0 but dont know how to configure it..
09:10.03amol112can anyone help me/
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09:17.35amol112is any firmware package require to install?
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09:20.20Walexamol112: if you need a firmware package, bad news.
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09:21.26Walexamol112: as to configuring, it is a serial device with a command language. There are several dialout packages, e.g. 'wvdial', you can also use 'minicom' to test out some of its commands.
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09:23.51amol112Walex, thanks but wvdialconf shows that no modem found
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09:33.52amol112ifconfig or mii-tool is detected card.
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09:38.21Tass`how to let my rootfs be checked automatically on startup? it queries for rootpw atm :-/
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09:43.08Bryansteinamol112, what kind of modem is it?
09:43.28amol112usb broadband modem
09:43.58amol112usb connected
09:44.39amol112Bryanstein, is there any other way than wvdialconf for configuring usb modem
09:45.05Bryansteinyes like 6 ways lol
09:45.28Bryansteininstall pppconfig also
09:45.47Bryansteinbut sometimes I've found wvdial to be hit or miss
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09:48.59amol112Bryanstein, may be pppconfig will work?
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09:50.08Bryansteinlol amol112 I am looking at somethings too about your modem
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09:50.22amol112Bryanstein, thanks
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09:51.44Bryansteinamol112, your modem has an ethernet port too right?
09:52.08amol112Bryanstein, yes ethernet port works
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09:53.38Bryansteinamol112, why not use that?
09:53.46Bryansteinyou just want to see if you can get usb working?
09:54.09amol112Bryanstein, no i have other system as well which is going to use usb modem
09:55.12Bryansteinamol112, pastebin an lsmod and dmesg
09:56.57stian79I'm stuck with a few ishues on my new debian install. one is to get the microphone to work. Anyone care to help me out?
09:57.29Bryansteinamol112, I said lsusb and dmesg
09:57.46wols!tell stian79 about ask
09:57.55Bryansteinlol @ wols
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10:01.47BryansteinHAHAHA amol112 type in dmesg > usbmodem.txt; lsmod >> usbmodem.txt
10:02.06Bryansteinthen open that a ctrl +A then paste it into pastebin
10:02.09Bryansteinwtf lol
10:02.10wolsBryanstein: tip, he already has the module loaded and has a device file for it
10:02.49amol112Bryanstein, yes device detected as /dev/ttyUSB0
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10:03.43Bryansteinoh...that means a lot...the real way to see what's up is the send AT commands with minicom...but we ain't going there
10:03.57Bryansteinrun sudo pppconfig amol112
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10:05.39amol112Bryanstein, i am at office and device is at home i will try pppconfig
10:06.26amol112Bryanstein, i have one doubt but why not it is showing in ifconfig output or in network manager
10:06.58Bryansteinamol112, probably needs the firmware to be in the right place or installed
10:07.41Bryansteinthese modems are used with Linux so,
10:07.45Bryansteintry this
10:08.00Bryansteinlocate ti_usb-3410.bin
10:08.11Bryansteinsee if you have that...your modem is most likely asking for it
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10:08.35n0tamy question is.. When i use i get error 403 (forbidden) Where can i change somthing like this ?:) so people can view this folder
10:09.33amol112Bryanstein, ok will gnome-ppp will be useful to configure usb modem?
10:09.43wols!tell n0ta about permissions
10:10.01wolsn0ta: you change the permissions of the files directory on your harddisk
10:10.12petemcn0ta: you change permissions with chmod, use 644 for the files you want apache to read
10:10.30n0tacan i do this on the whole foldeR?
10:10.43wolsyes. read the factoid more carefully
10:10.56Bryansteinamol112, yes it will but if you dont have the firmware
10:11.01Bryansteinyou wont get anything
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10:11.26amol112Bryanstein, which firmware package require to be install/
10:11.40amol112to get this firmware/
10:12.25Bryansteinmake sure the modem is not looking for can get the firmware from the repos I believe
10:12.42Bryansteinfirmware-linux-nonfree or firmware-linux
10:12.43Bryansteinor both
10:12.47n0tahmm, when i used chmod 644 in FileZilla, the folder just disapered
10:13.13Bryansteinnot sure if that ti driver is there or not...but if you google that .bin file and search around you surely will find what you want
10:13.44Bryansteinwell that is because it needs to be executable
10:13.51Bryansteinhe said file n0ta not folder
10:13.56petemcn0ta: use 755 for directories
10:14.15*** join/#debian SchleimKeim (~skull17@
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10:14.54petemcn0ta: feel free to supplement what i tell you with actual reading to understand what you're doing
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10:15.49n0tajust made the folder 755, seems still 403..
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10:17.12n0taCould it be because my ispCP (controlpanel) blocks it?
10:17.37umarzukihi, how do i get grub2 to detect other linux distro on /dev/sda3?
10:17.50wolsumarzuki: you don't. need to edit it by hand
10:18.15wolsn0ta: are you even running debian? is ispCP a debian package?
10:19.11n0tabecause I use my server for other stuff than just webhosting :) and I like debian best
10:19.28umarzukiwols: how do i do that? os-prober could not do that
10:19.37n0taoh but ye, i run debian 5.0
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10:20.44wolsumarzuki: you need to edit your /etc/grub.d/40_custom for example
10:21.03umarzukiwell, i had done that
10:21.35umarzukii only managed to get it booted once, then i got "unknown command initrd"
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10:30.54some2some one know about nameserver config
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10:33.32dpkgIf you have a question, just ask! For example: "I have a problem with ___; I'm running Debian version ___. When I try to do ___ I get the following output ___. I expected it to do ___." Don't ask if you can ask, if anyone uses it, or pick one person to ask. We're all volunteers; make it easy for us to help you. If you don't get an answer try a few hours later or on See <smart questions><errors>.
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10:52.06some2You must confirm domain ownership before continuing.
10:52.22*** join/#debian krion (~seb@unaffiliated/krion)
10:52.35some2some one here confirm a domain ownership bevor?
10:52.55some2i need the settings on the name server
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10:55.12wols!wayttd some2
10:55.13dpkgWhat Are You Trying To Do, some2?
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10:55.55some2i need to confrime my domain
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10:56.12wolssome2: that is no debian related question. go to your registrar
10:56.13some2so i have to change the settings on my nameserver
10:56.17LuciusMareHi, i have a command, how do i get what package is it from?
10:56.25wolsLuciusMare: dpkg -S
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10:57.45antivirtelhello all
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10:57.51some2zone "." { type hint; file "named.root"; };
10:57.52some2zone "" { type master; file "named.local"; };
10:57.52some2zone "localhost" { type master; file ""; };
10:57.52some2zone "" { type master; file ""; };
10:57.52*** kick/#debian [some2!~debhelper@unaffiliated/debhelper] by debhelper (use the paster bot or #flood)
10:57.58SimManiacLuciusMare: apt-file,
10:58.18antivirtelcan I ask, that why is here a lot of torrent files: ?
10:58.19SimManiacwols: that wouldn't work if the package is not installed, right?
10:58.58wolsSimManiac: right. but he said "I _have_"
10:59.06wolsantivirtel: why not?
10:59.16antivirtelhow can I choose ?
10:59.31wolsantivirtel: get CD1. the rest is not necessary to install debian.
10:59.47antivirtelok, I download the first :D
10:59.51wolsantivirtel: the full content of the debian repo is just many many CD (14 CDs or so)
11:00.21wolsantivirtel: depending if you want gnome, kde or xfce on that CD1, you can different versions of CD1
11:00.34antivirtelyes, but if I want to setup, and download packages what I need, is it possible ?
11:00.47SimManiacwols: I know, just pointing it :)
11:00.53antivirtel(download packages LEATER!)
11:01.16wolsantivirtel: yes. you can get anything in debian later and it is the same as if you install it via CD. no difference
11:01.50antivirtelwols I want gnome interface :) so easy I can download this:  debian-504-amd64-CD-1.iso.torrent           01-Feb-2010 00:06   26K ?
11:02.05wolsantivirtel: yes
11:02.29antivirtelok, thanks, and boot and install generally supports CD-RW ?
11:02.44*** join/#debian abchirk (~abchirk@unaffiliated/abchirk)
11:02.55wolswhat do you mean "generally supports"?
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11:03.48antivirtelso I mean usually supports boot from CD-RW?
11:04.12wolsyes. if your hardware supports it, it will bootfrom CD
11:04.13k-mani installed debian netinst last night and there is weird stuff going on with logins - i could not log in after instalation
11:04.31k-manroot and user passwords were not set correctly
11:04.42k-manis there a netinst channel?
11:04.54antivirtelwols- thanks, i will try it today :D I had in some desks ubuntu, but here I want to setup debian :)
11:05.31wolsk-man: netinst asks you for a root password
11:05.35*** join/#debian rebussicstantibu (~chatzilla@
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11:06.01k-manwols: yes, i set the root and the user password, but was unable to log in once install was finished.
11:06.13k-manshadow had a * instead of a pw field in it
11:06.20k-mani suspect its a bug maybe
11:06.39k-manit was the nightly build of the netinst - so bleeding edge
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11:11.44Squawkhey guys, very quickly how big shold the root partition be, not including /home. I've been using gentoo as my primary OS for a while and I'm guessing debian is a bit more streamlined
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11:13.16wolsSquawk: depends how much you have in /var and what you want to do with your debian
11:13.25wolsSquawk: say around 10GB?
11:14.22*** join/#debian rage7 (
11:14.24badHTMLHow should I move from a 32 bits system to a 64 bits one? Change kernel and then dist-upgrade'ing?
11:14.28Squawkwols, well I've got 500Gb of disk space so I can plan for all contingencies basically. It'll be a standard desktop system, might run winblows in a virtual machine
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11:15.00wolsSquawk: and your windows image file will be where?
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11:16.33Squawkwols, dunno, I havn't run windows in a virtual machine before, just throwing out ideas. I've gone for 20gb atm
11:17.12*** join/#debian FriarLaurence (
11:17.39badHTMLI had a *-686 kernel, then installed a *openvz-686 one. Now, after a motherboard replacement, I would like to move to *-amd64. Is it necessary to reinstall everything?
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11:17.59wolsbadHTML: depends if you want a 64bit userland
11:18.02FriarLaurencehi, my apache2 is not parsing phpfiles. instead i can download phpfiles via http. how can i fix this? apache2-mod-php5 is installed
11:18.13dpkgphp5 is probably in Lenny and Etch.  PHP5 is the only PHP version in Lenny, as PHP4 support has been discontinued; ask me about <php4 security>.
11:18.21badHTMLwols: Yes, that would be the idea
11:18.30wolsFriarLaurence: is php enabled via a2enmod?
11:18.40FriarLaurencei dont know
11:19.00wolsthen start to know
11:19.24wols!tell FriarLaurence about install php
11:19.47FriarLaurencewols: no, php has been activated by apt-get install
11:20.00wolsread the factoid
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11:20.32FriarLaurencethe php5 link in mods-enabled exists
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11:21.05FriarLaurencea2enmod says: Module php5 already enabled
11:21.21wols!tell hellyeah about msgthebot
11:21.32wolshellyeah: tip: it's "usb install"
11:21.48hellyeahsorry wols
11:21.51wolsFriarLaurence: use wget to get the page and check the output
11:22.03wolsif that works, empty your browser cache, close it, etc
11:23.04*** join/#debian _saw (~saw@unaffiliated/saw/x-485762)
11:23.41FriarLaurencewols: ok, wget -O - printed the php code unparsed
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11:24.29SparFuxHI all.
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11:32.14FriarLaurencewols: mime is application/x-httpd-php but i cant find this in the configfile. is that normal?
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11:32.55hellyeahsome web site told me that so as to install debian from usb
11:32.59wolsFriarLaurence: no
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11:33.10dutchfishhi, using ghc6 and having replaced -XNoBangPatterns in debian squeeze/amd64 with latest haskell i got :NOT IN MAIN in every program that once compiled fine, someone that oculd shed a light on this?
11:33.13hellyeahzcat boot.img.gz > /dev/sdX
11:33.35hellyeahbut debian web site just put vmlinux and initrd.gz to usb
11:33.47hellyeahi dotn understand
11:33.52wolshellyeah: read more carefully
11:34.17*** join/#debian Zambezi (Zulu@
11:34.28hellyeah i am reading
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11:34.43wolshellyeah: read instead
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11:37.17hellyeahwols,  i already read that i do syslşnux step
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11:37.55wolshhex: sorry, meant 4.3.1
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11:42.40kadukhow to extend number of IRQ avaibale ?
11:42.50kadukso ksoftirq is not running
11:42.58wolskaduk: it will always run
11:43.15wolswhat do you have against it?
11:44.03*** join/#debian salvin (~salvin@unaffiliated/salvin)
11:44.06kadukit takes 100% of my cpu
11:44.15kadukand machines is rejecting connections
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11:45.03wolsksoftirq is not a process. it's a kernel component
11:45.09kadukI assume that this is the problem with lacking number of IRQs
11:45.14kadukhow to increase them?
11:45.20kadukbuying other hardware?
11:45.28kadukchanging something in kernel?
11:45.30kadukI dont know
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11:46.26hellyeahwols,  e17 is in debian sid but when i try to install any enlightenment module it giives dependency error. But it is enlightenment package. Why it is not possible to make clean install of enlightenment on debian
11:46.39wolsincreasing the number of irqs won't help
11:46.53wolshellyeah: keyword "sid"
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11:49.53jamesstanleyIn the debian packaging guide, it says "That program should not be a daemon, or something that goes in */sbin directories, or open a port as root." Am I to take this to mean that Debian does not accept daemons in to the main package archive?
11:50.00jamesstanleyWho did the Apache devs have to bribe?
11:50.03farriI have installed red5 rtmp server in my debian box but I can't make it run, I have tried /etc/init.d/red5-server start but in a second it stops, any help?
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11:50.30wols,versions rtmp
11:50.31juddSorry, no package named 'rtmp' was found.
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11:51.53farriwho said rtmp?
11:51.58hellyeahbtw e17 package is only in sid
11:52.13hellyeahthis mean i never install e17
11:52.14farrired5 is an rtmp server
11:52.45wols,versions red5
11:52.46juddSorry, no package named 'red5' was found.
11:53.41farriit's called red5-server in debian
11:53.56farri,versions red5-server
11:53.57juddred5-server -- sid: 0.9~svn3968-2; squeeze: 0.9~svn3968-2
11:54.26wolsfelipe: you know what they say about sid, right?
11:54.36kadukwols, thats that was really helpful
11:54.41kadukwols, thanks
11:55.48farrisomecodehere, has someone tried red5 on debian? I cant make it run
11:56.09farriperhaps I must touch some config file, but I can't find any documentation
11:56.39farrioh, it seems my xchat replaces some texts with usernames, sorry
11:56.49wolsfarri: red5-doc
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11:57.51farriwols: already installed in my box, but no help in there, or hidden so I can't find it
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11:58.12wolswhere did you look?
11:58.50stuckey < -- I get this when trying to upgrade in aptitude.
11:59.14farriwols: in /usr/share/doc/red5-doc
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11:59.57farriwols: sorry., no -doc at the end
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12:01.33stuckeyI'm trying to upgrade from lenny to squeeze and aptitude says this: --- What do I do?
12:02.15wolsstuckey: if you have to ask, you don't upgrade
12:02.48stuckeyOh wols, I knew you'd say something like that.
12:03.46*** join/#debian ia (~ia@
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12:05.13stuckeywols: I have to for nvidia drivers
12:05.24wolsstuckey: wrong
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12:06.49stuckeywols: people here told me that yesterday
12:06.54wolswho did?
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12:07.12stuckeywols: sney, ml, et. al.
12:08.26stuckeyI have to get drivers from sid, so I should be using testing.
12:08.52stuckeyI'm following the instructions dpkg gives but aptitude gives me ( and I don't know how to respond.
12:09.16wolsthere was no one named sney here yesterday. and you never asked anything about nvidia either
12:09.53wolsand you do not need to upgrade to testing for nvidia drivers at all
12:10.17wolsso which instruction exactly did dpkg give you?
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12:16.36amzif i have kde, and wanna have gnome, what i should do? apt-get install gnome and will work normal?
12:17.21wolsamz: yes
12:18.19stuckeywols: i was on
12:18.35stuckeywols: /msg dpkg lenny->squeeze
12:18.46*** join/#debian starenka__ (
12:19.10wolsstuckey: you initial premise was wrong: you do not need squeeze to get nvidia drivers from anywhere
12:19.31stuckeywols: I've already upgraded to squeeze.
12:19.47wolsstuckey: then have a nice day
12:20.13wolsand read the >testing> factoid. especially the part about knowledge
12:20.22amzwols: on 100%?
12:20.23*** join/#debian hellyeah (~ubuntu@
12:20.33wolsamz: huh?
12:20.36amzand where i will can chose what kde or gnome i wanna?
12:20.39amz13:16 < amz> if i have kde, and wanna have gnome, what i should do? apt-get install gnome and will work normal?
12:20.42amz13:17 < wols> amz: yes
12:20.43*** join/#debian tholmith (~tholmith@
12:20.51amzbecause some time ago i try to do same and all crash -_-
12:21.02wolsamz: what debian version do you run?
12:21.07amzbut i dont good remember last time and what i was do
12:21.21wolsthen it does work
12:21.32stuckeyI'm trying to upgrade from lenny to squeeze, and aptitude is giving me this:
12:21.37amz2.6.32-bpo.2-686 kernek
12:21.43stuckeyWhat should I do ?
12:21.51amzmaybe there is point,  because last time was sqeeze
12:22.01amzso, just apt-get install gnome and all should work?
12:22.10amzand before login i will can chose what i wanna kde or gnome?
12:22.20tholmithmy / is on aes-xts encrypted lvm. on sid, with 2.6.32-4 kernel, i get 'cryptsetup: evmc_activate is not available', and i can't even enter the password, but with 2.6.32-3 it works like a charm. any ideas or hints would be greatlly apreciated.
12:22.21wolsamz: yes
12:22.27amzwols: ok, thx!
12:22.33amzbecase kde is shit, gnome best <3 :)
12:22.35stuckeyHi tholmith
12:22.58amzok i have problem
12:23.00amzw8 sec
12:23.08tholmithhowdy stuckey
12:23.38*** join/#debian mquin (~mquin@freenode/staff/mquin)
12:24.01stuckeytholmith: did you say yesterday that I should upgrade to suqeeze to get nvidia drivers?
12:24.01\ottizenmquin: hi
12:24.06\ottizenmquin: do u like debian?
12:24.16dpkgDamnit Jim! It's YOU. Y-O-U. Not *U*. U is a letter. YOU is a word. See ne1, or wud.  Dutch for 'you' (formal singular). See
12:25.00tholmithstuckey, no i didn't said that.
12:25.31amzwols: :<
12:25.36stuckeytholmith: oh okay. Well now that I'm doing it I get this in aptitude and I don't know how to respond:
12:25.53*** join/#debian amphi (~amphi@unaffiliated/amphi)
12:26.02mquin\ottizen: it's my prefered linux distro - been using it for well over ten years
12:26.28wolsamz: pastebin your sources.list
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12:27.18amzwols: there is
12:27.19amzon top
12:27.40amzand is after update/upgrade commands
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12:28.04wolsamz: apt-cache policy gnome-desktop-environment
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12:29.23tholmithstuckey, i'd say you should press y, but i might wrong. i'm allways
12:29.43wolsamz: should work fine. I'd use aptitude
12:30.05stuckeytholmith: I was thinking Y too.
12:30.23amzaptitude install gnome ?
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12:32.08pookeyhi all - someone told the bot to tell me how to clone the packages from one machine to another last week, can anyone do it again or remind me? :)
12:32.26gluonSuppose there's a javac binary both in /usr/bin and $HOME/java/bin. Both this directories are set in my $PATH variable but javac from /usr/bin always takes precedence, how to reverse that to use the version in $HOME/java/bin?
12:33.04wolspookey: /msg dpkg debian clone
12:33.27mquingluon: PATH is processed from left to right, so you just need to make sure $HOME/java/bin comes first
12:33.29FriarLaurencewols: i can access phpfiles in /var/www via http://localhost/... phpfiles are not parsed if they are in ~/public_html and i access them via localhost/~user/... do you know how to fix this?
12:33.39pookeywols: thanks :)
12:33.40Squawkguys, fdisk should be able to see unpartitioned space on a hard disk shouldn't it?
12:34.01wolsFriarLaurence: known bug. you are running squeeze, right?
12:34.08FriarLaurenceyes i am =)
12:34.09wolsSquawk: yes
12:34.21wolsFriarLaurence: read the BTS before asking next time
12:34.49FriarLaurenceknown :P nice. i fiddled around more than one hour do find out that i can access phpfiles from /
12:35.15*** join/#debian radius (~cube@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/radius)
12:35.18Squawkwols, ok then something isn't right here. I have a 500Gb hard disk, 5 partitions on it. three primary partitions and 2 extended, totaling around 200GB. It's a 500GB disk. I purposefully left 300GB unpartitioned during install as I'm not certain what I'm going to end up doing with it, but that unpartitioned space is no longer available to me via fdisk
12:35.54amzi should Y?
12:36.04wolsSquawk: how big is your extended aprtition (note: there is only one extended partition, not several)
12:36.47Squawkwols, the extended partition is showing as the total of the two sub-partitions it is divided into. That would be the problem it seems, but not sure how to correct it
12:37.00*** mode/#debian [+l 888] by debhelper
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12:37.17wolsSquawk: can you create a new partition?
12:37.26Squawkwols, no, no free cylinders
12:37.35wolsSquawk: what command do you use to create it?
12:37.40Squawksectors, sorry
12:37.49Squawkwols, fdisk /dev/sda followed by "n"
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12:38.19wolsSquawk: and it immediately tells you "no free sectors"?
12:38.31SparFuxAnybody using pulseaudio on sid?
12:38.57gluonmquin: thanks! How didn't I thought about that before, makes sense!
12:39.16wolsSquawk: debian is installed? I'd try gparted or such
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12:39.19SquawkIt looks like the extended partition isn't using all the free space on the device, but when I used the partition tool during install the free space was there
12:39.33Squawkwols, yeah I'll take a peak at gparted when my update to squeeze is complete
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12:40.29Squawkor I might just delete the extended partition, there isn't anything in there yet
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12:51.46arcskyi downloaded a music dvd and it got some .vob files instead of an iso/img how can i burn those?
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12:52.24wolsarcsky: do you run debian?
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12:55.15arcskywols: yes
12:55.25wolsarcsky: uname -r
12:55.38arcskywhy do u need that?
12:55.54wolscause it depends what software to use for burning
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13:01.48DrgdhmstrLoRez: Sorry about the paste last night.
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13:02.51DrgdhmstrAnyway, I fixed the error by reinstalling Debian.
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13:04.25Drgdhmstrbrb dude is throwing rocks at my window
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13:12.58DrgdhmstrBack. Okay, I need to turn off file permissions.
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13:13.20DrgdhmstrI had it turned off with chmod -R 777 / I think.
13:13.51wolsDrgdhmstr: you cannot really turn it off. so what do you really want to do?
13:15.19DrgdhmstrI need it so that, over SMB or CIFS, software running on a Windows NT 4 machine can modify, delete, write, or read to any file in /
13:15.27Drgdhmstr(or any subdirectory)
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13:16.18wolsDrgdhmstr: that is terminally stupid to allow
13:16.18DrgdhmstrThe problem is that Samba doesn't run as root by default.
13:16.49wolsDrgdhmstr: of course it does run as root
13:16.56Drgdhmstrwols: The Windows NT 4/2000/2003 servers are able to do this.
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13:17.18wolssure, so is debian, but it's stupid. in both instances
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13:18.04DrgdhmstrWell, I don't see the problem as long as the NT 4 machines are trustworthy.
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13:18.42DrgdhmstrSo, there must be a way to change the /etc/rc so that Samba is root.
13:18.58DrgdhmstrAfterall, /sbin/init is running as root.
13:19.00wolssamba is always root
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13:19.21wolsroot      3009  0.0  0.3  10504   932 ?        S    Mar16   0:00 /usr/sbin/smbd -D
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13:20.12DrgdhmstrThen I need to disable Samba's compliance with file system permissions.
13:20.14EsineHey. Are there any programs available that'd execute a command on X11 keypress? I'm looking for something that I can use even when the keyboard input is captured by another program (say, a fullscreen 3d game), so the window manager keybindings don't really help there.
13:20.38wolsDrgdhmstr: no you don't (and you cannot)
13:21.19DrgdhmstrEsine: Read
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13:22.37Esine.. I'm actually looking for something that allows me to specify a hotkey like Meta+F10 and then execute a program I specify.
13:22.40DrgdhmstrEsine: Maybe you can use Xlib.h and write a program in C to do this and put it on sourceforge, unless someone else knows of a program that does this.
13:23.01*** join/#debian Anubisss (Anubisss@
13:23.02EsineI *could* write a C program to do it, I've played with XGrabKeyboard before, but I thought maybe there is a ready program for it
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13:23.38EsineThanks for the idea, Drgdhmstr. I guess I'll do that then as I have nothing else worthwhile to do :)
13:23.48DrgdhmstrMaybe xbindkeys?
13:24.01EsineSounds familiar. I'll try that
13:24.04DrgdhmstrEsine: I'm Binging around for a solution.
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13:24.12Esinewow, I didn't know anyone uses Bing :)
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13:24.22Drgdhmstr might work
13:25.09DrgdhmstrEsine: No one does, I just say Bing to piss off bingphobes.
13:25.19EsineHeh, I see. How nice
13:26.13DrgdhmstrOkay, anyone know how to get Samba to allow guest users (over CIFS or SMB) to modify any file regardless of permissions?
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13:26.34DrgdhmstrI'm considering doing chmod -R 755 /
13:26.54DrgdhmstrThe problem is, that takes too long.
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13:28.37EsineDrgdhmstr: xbindkeys is the one I needed. Thank you so much.
13:28.40wolsDrgdhmstr: the problem is, afterwards your debian is irreversibly broken
13:28.42Drgdhmstrmp :)
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13:29.32Drgdhmstrwols: Hmm, I guess it depends if that means broken to the point of failing to boot to login.
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13:31.24DrgdhmstrYou know, I'm not so sure granting write permissions to all of / is such a great idea now. Especially since the NT 4 machines are accessible from the Internet.
13:31.44DrgdhmstrI'll hold off and just chmod some subdirectories.
13:32.20sansenDrgdhmstr, try edictin /etc/samba/samba.conf
13:34.21sansenMadonnaLikeAFork, sorry /etc/samba/smb.conf
13:35.10MadonnaLikeAForkYeah, I've edited that quite a bit already. I think I'm just going to leave it with just some specific directories changed after considering wols' argument.
13:35.21MadonnaLikeAForkThanks guys.
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13:44.39DevastatorI have a notebook here from my dad, he wants dual boot, should I install linux first and then....?
13:46.17wolsDevastator: no. first windows, then linux
13:46.53dutchfishDevastator: windows will overwrite crucial parts on install (bootsector)
13:47.49DevastatorI thought about that.. but wasn't sure..
13:48.01Devastatorbut I think he will figure grub easily
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14:04.46babylinuxhello ,anyone?
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14:07.51AldousHi, I want to install ROOT from sources ("make debian") and I get the message that ruby.h was not found, yet I tried it with libruby1.8 and with libruby1.9 installed
14:07.51Aldous(btw I'm newbie to make and irc, please tell me if I'm wrong here, thanks)
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14:08.37wolsAldous: you need the -dev package for your ruby version
14:08.40Devastatoris lenny-backports a good call for people that never used linux before?
14:09.00wolsDevastator: rephrase the question
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14:09.17AldousI tried it with ruby1.8-dev, yet it didnt work
14:10.12Devastatorwols well, you already know the scenario, my dad never used linux before, so I'm thinking about installing lenny with backports, for more updated packages and being safe too
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14:10.36wolsDevastator: what has that to do with being safe?
14:11.12wolsAldous: ruby.h is in the ruby -dev package. if your compiler didn#t find it you need to deal with the places where your compielr looks for include files
14:11.19wolsAldous: what are you trying to compile exactly?
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14:11.30Devastatorwols a package is only backported if doesn't break lenny, correct?
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14:12.28wolsyes. but when he upgrades to squeeze when this is stable, his backports will/might cause problems upgrading
14:13.15asperonhi guys, i am having some problems with my debian box (lenny), i did an apt-get upgrade this morning, and then i reflashed the router, and now it refuses to connect to the net. dhcp fails, and If i give it as static ip it still cant access anything. All my other machines work fine. if i remove the cable it detects that
14:13.20asperonany idea what might be wrong?
14:13.26Devastatorbut that can take a few years yet.. correct?
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14:13.37asperonhi wols, long time no see
14:14.01wolsDevastator: while debian is slow with releasing new versions, not THAT slow. squueze will take ~12 months now
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14:14.17PinchiukasWhy does debian want to install exim along with mysql-server?
14:14.29wolsPinchiukas: cause it always needs an MTA
14:14.44wolsPinchiukas: you must have done a lot of things to not have any
14:15.07wolsasperon: what NIC chip?
14:15.29asperonwols: nvidia
14:15.41asperonjust tested on my debian laptop, that works as expected
14:15.42AldousI got root_v5.26.00.source.tar.gz from and unpacked it, then I used ./configure and "make debian", and installed all the packages requested, then did another run of make and so on, but now it's stuck, because ruby.h isn't found
14:16.01wolsAldous: I told you
14:16.04asperonis there anyway to see what packages were updated this morning?
14:16.11wolsasperon: /var/log/dpkg.log
14:16.27asperonok, ill have a look there to see if that could be the cause
14:16.31Pinchiukaswols: "to not have any"?
14:16.39Pinchiukaswols: can I use a different MTA somehow?
14:17.04wolsPinchiukas: nullmailer, ssmtp and so on
14:17.13wolsthey're vers small and ressource friendly
14:17.30wolsevery debian system has a MTA. if it doesn't, it's broken
14:17.34Pinchiukaswols: I know, but why doesn't anybody let me know I can choose stuff other than exim?
14:18.00wolscause exim is the default unless you specify something, that is what is used
14:18.25wolsand you can easily search for "MTA" and get about a dozen alternatives. almost everything in debian has alternatives
14:18.34PinchiukasHow do I "specify something"?
14:18.43wolsasperon: same kernel version on notebook and desktop?
14:18.49wolsPinchiukas: you install it
14:18.53asperonit did remove the bcrelay package, which has something to do with broadcast and so
14:19.00asperonwols: probably not, let me check
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14:19.04Pinchiukaswols: so if I install ssmtp, mysql-server will no longer install exim?
14:19.04wolsif you install an old MTA, the onld ones is uninstalled
14:19.11wolsPinchiukas: yes
14:19.20PinchiukasIt seems I don't have an MTA at the moment. :)
14:19.25PinchiukasAnd I don't even intend to need it.
14:19.46wolsPinchiukas: as I said, you must have done something very bad. you cannot just run without unless you explicitly tell debian not to
14:19.55asperonserver is 2.6.26, laptop is 2.6.29
14:20.00wolsyou don't need it but programs do. like crond
14:20.04Pinchiukaswols: I installed as little stuff as I could. :)
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14:20.23wolsasperon: hmm... you can use a 2.6.32 backports kernel if you want
14:20.46wolsPinchiukas: doesn't matter. exim is ALWAYS there. it's part of the base install. no exim, no debian
14:21.00wolsPinchiukas: disable recommends in apt btw
14:21.01asperonwols: think that would help?
14:21.23wolsasperon: it's a shot... forcedeth is old, so it's kinda strange
14:21.33Pinchiukaswols: "disable recommends in apt"?
14:21.33wolsnot that much has changed there with recent years
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14:21.52asperonwols: ok, so i get the deb and put it on a usb, or?
14:22.02wolsasperon: yes
14:23.02wolsasperon: but I'd check the router firmware too so nothing has changed there either
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14:23.25asperonwols: its a dlink, and the windows boxes, the ps3 and the debian laptop likes it
14:23.34asperonnot really sure what could have changed
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14:23.59wolssomething like only allowing certain MACs or such? dunno
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14:26.11asperonwols: i removed the router and plugged the box directly to the wall, still no DHCP response
14:26.29asperonis there a way to check that the module is loaded, and perhaps to unload it and load it again or something like that
14:26.43asperonsince it worked this morning if feel is strange that it just stopped
14:27.09Braini just noticed something really odd
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14:27.38Brainwhen going to update my system i couldnt, because /boot wasnt mounted. so i went to mount it, that worked... well i thought maybe i want it mounted all the time, so that its easier to do grub updates thru synaptic etc
14:27.43Brainwell this is where i found the prbolem
14:27.45wolsasperon: lsmod. the module should be "forcedeth"
14:27.53Braini went to edit the fstab.... and this is all it has in it:
14:27.59Brainso where is my fstab on debian stable?
14:28.11Brainsurely its mounting / etc from something, right?
14:28.35wolsBrain: the installer should have created it. what debian is this exactly and installed how?
14:29.10Brainand installed from netinstall, a couple of months ago
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14:29.56wolsasperon: what does "ifconfig -a" say?
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14:30.11asperonwols: its there, and since i have a eth0 that i can up/down and that reacts to loss of link i guess its ok, let me check
14:30.23Brainso are you saying somethings wiped my fstab, wols?
14:30.26equijadahow can I execute a command from my linux server to windows?
14:30.35Brainbecause the system did boot ok when i booted it after installing it...#
14:30.51asperonwols: it ses eth0 and lo
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14:31.22Pinchiukaswols: "disable recommends in apt"?
14:31.28wolsBrain: sounds like there never was an fstab. / gets mounted by kernel on bootup
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14:31.37Brainthe file hasnt been modified since the system install on 14th feb it seems
14:31.38wolsBrain: do you have a swap?
14:31.39Brainhmm, it does?
14:31.51Brainsince when, i thought it had to be remounted rw when runlevel 3 is entered
14:31.51wolsBrain: yes:  root=/dev/sda1  or whatever
14:31.53Brainotherwise it stays ro
14:32.04Brainhas that changed?
14:32.21wolsit is mounted ro via "ro" parameter iirc yes. again: do you have swap?
14:32.21equijadahow execute and program from linux to another server with linux
14:32.47JPTif you are logged in via ssh, you just ./execute --your-programm
14:32.50Brainim not sure wols, i dont think i ever created a swap
14:33.03wolsBrain: "mount"
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14:33.08Brainno i dont have swap
14:34.00Brainthere was a swap partition on this drive from when it ran gentoo
14:34.03Braini bet it just isnt using it
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14:34.14equijadaJPT: no , i cant run that way
14:34.19asperonwols: the one i want? just get that deb or do i need anything else?
14:34.29JPTwhy? :)
14:34.31cmtptrWhat's the difference between fakechroot and schroot?
14:34.32wolsyes, get the deb. all that's needed
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14:34.44Brainyeah fstab shows /dev/hda2 as swap, which isnt mounted
14:34.58wolsBrain: your fstab doesn't show anything...
14:35.03equijadai need can execute for remote
14:35.17Brainyeah, which is why its not being used
14:35.25Braini guess im going to have to create an fstab, thanks wols
14:35.58wolsequijada: unless you tell us properly what you want, no one can help you. what you said so far isn't helpful
14:36.14JPThelp us to help you :)
14:36.21wols!tell equijada about es
14:37.01*** mode/#debian [+l 902] by debhelper
14:37.19equijadawols: I have a debain server and I need from my server to run a program in another server with windows
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14:39.00wolsequijada: you still talk gibberish. you need to explain what you want to run and the hosts involved more clearly
14:39.06amzHow mount windows partions? in gnome when i wanna mount it say i have no access, i edit via root fstab and reboot and still dont have in /media only cd-rom :/
14:39.59wolsamz: what is the outpout of "mount /media/win1
14:40.04*** part/#debian action09 (~action09@unaffiliated/action09)
14:40.16amzwols: mount: mount point /media/win1 does not exist
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14:40.27amzroot@debian:/media# ls
14:40.28amzcdrom  cdrom0
14:40.36wolsamz: now you know why
14:40.42asperonwols: the packages are like 2.6Kb? cant be right can it?
14:40.43amzso.. where is problem
14:40.52wolsasperon: it's a few MB as usual
14:41.09amzhow fix it
14:41.17*** join/#debian slug__ (
14:41.22action09amz  you don't have the directories created
14:41.25action09no ?
14:41.31amzi should do dirs?
14:41.40asperonwols: linux-image-2.6 i want to be looking for?
14:41.42equijadawols: I need a run a program that create a file. Thsi file I need to send to debian after finish
14:41.47asperonwols: thnx
14:41.47Pinchiukaswols: what do you mean by "disable recommends in apt"?
14:41.49equijadathe host are just two
14:41.56equijadadebian lenny and WinXP
14:42.02amzokok reboot
14:42.39action09amz you're trying to mount a partition /dev/sda2 to your filesystem in a directory: /media/win e.g...  /medi/win must exist before mounting it
14:42.49wols!tell Pinchiukas about apt recommends
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14:43.13action09amz i personnaly put in my  /etc/fstab for my windows partition: /dev/sda1       /mnt/win         ntfs-3g        rw,user,auto,gid=100,uid=1000,nls=utf8,umask=002        0       0
14:43.48amzplease pastebin
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14:44.01amzbecause on irc it is parsed
14:44.16action09oups sorry
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14:46.15Pinchiukaswols: can I somehow remove the recommended packages I already installed? :)
14:47.04wolssure: aptitude remove :)
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14:47.20Pinchiukaswols: how about finding them? :)
14:47.28PinchiukasI mean I dont' remember all of them.
14:47.34action09dpkg -l
14:47.34dpkgaction09: I don't know, could you explain it?
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14:57.14Devastatorneed suggestions here: hdd has 40GB and I think there's another small hdd (1GB) for recovering, but I've removed that... so generally I create a partition for windows, a partition for backup, a partition for linux root and a swap partition, how you guys suggest the size of partitions? 15GB for win, 10gb for backup, 10GB linux root and 3gb swap?
14:57.45asperonlooks like somebody fixed the random loading order of sata interface cards in the .32 kernel, problem is that it is now loading the in the wrong order, ie my sda1 where the system is is loaded as sde1, how do i fix that?
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14:57.53wolsback on a partition? what's the point?
14:58.24wolsasperon: first driver gets first dibs on sda IIRC
14:58.39asperonwols: in the .26 kernel its completly random
14:58.39Devastatorwols if I need to reinstall the poor system from MS, I don't lose my files
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14:58.43wolsasperon: to circumvent all that sdX stuff, you could use UUIDs
14:58.53asperonwols: how would i do that?
14:59.12wols!tell asperon about uuid
14:59.21wolsasperon: also check the finduuid factoid
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15:00.08asperonwols, so change in menu.lst from /dev/sda1 to UUID=whatever
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15:00.23hellyeahis there someone who can help me to install e17
15:00.30asperonand it should load? or do i need to change in fstab as well?
15:00.50MilpHey guys, ive got a problem: My debian has got a wifi connection and even though its supposed to work, i cant ping anything through it, not even the router. How would i go about solving this problem?
15:00.53wolsasperon: basically yes. fstab too
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15:01.01asperonwols: ill give it a try, thanks
15:02.07Devastatorwols hwo did you partition in my case?
15:03.48wolsDevastator: approx 10GB or so linux, rest windows
15:03.59wolsbut it depends which OS is used more
15:04.05Milpnevermind, dhclient fixed it :)
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15:05.55Devastatorwols I think he will use windows more at first.. 10GB including swap? also, I think I will create a backup partition just in case, I had bad experiencies in the past.. windows crashing and couldn't recover my docs
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15:08.41MilpIf i have debian running on arm eabi, do i need a special repository or can i use normal ones?
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15:09.13_abc_What is the exect order of scrips executed related to audio mixer setup on debian with alsa installed?
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15:10.28dbboltonwhen i try to launch nm-applet i get this error
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15:11.00cicoIs Chrome available on Squeeze?
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15:13.43hellyeahit seems it is not possible to install e17 in debian
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15:15.14asperonwols: still cant get it to boot the .32, i changed the /dev/sda1 in fstab ti UUID=blabla and in menu.lst i changed /dev/sda1 to UUID=blaba (and ran update-grub), it still tries to load the system from /dev/sda1 from what i can tell
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15:16.45wolsasperon: what does the kernel say and where exactly (what line) did you change to UUID in menu.lst?
15:17.29hellyeahgive me a way
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15:18.30asperonwols: on the second line (not the root (1,1) or what ever it says) but the one that ends with ro
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15:19.18asperonwols: it complains that it cant find the restore device (which seems to be the swap) and if i press enter to ignore it fails to find the /sbin/init or something, i can got check
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15:19.50wolsasperon: what does the menu.lst line start with where you edit it?
15:21.46asperonwols: seems like update-grub changed it back
15:21.56wolsasperon: hence why I asked what line you changed...
15:22.13asperonlet me get you the exact line
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15:22.29hellyeahtold me if there is no way
15:22.30wolsyou change it in the "# groot" line. note the # comment letter and don't remove it
15:22.45wols!tell hellyeah about ssb
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15:24.19asperonwols: no, i probably changed it at the end, where update-grub overwrote it, i could just try to change it manually in grub at boot right?
15:24.41wolsasperon: yes, but then you had to do that everytime you boot
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15:32.05wolsasperon: all well?
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15:33.20asperonwols: its getting there, how do i tell it where to find the swap?
15:33.28asperonblkid doesn't give me a id for the swap
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15:33.50asperonand it still breaks on not begin able to find the swap on /dev/sda5
15:34.24king313Hi. I am searching for a compiz theme manager. I have read about Emerald but it does not longer appear at the repositories
15:34.42king313Have it changed it name? They are other theme manager that I could use?
15:34.44wolsasperon: if your swap has non, mkswap the partition again, but swapoff -a first
15:34.51asperonwols: ok
15:34.52wolsthen it should have a uuid you can see with blkid
15:35.01king313All posts I found are from 2007 and references Emerald. Thanks
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15:37.16jason_mHi all,  I am building a new system and attempting to install debian from a USB stick.  I am following the "easy way" instructions here:  For the final step, copying an install image to the drive, i picked "mini.iso" from the amd64/current/images/netboot directory.  When the installer starts up, it tells me no installer image can be found.  I went out to a rescue shell
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15:38.03wolsjason_m: how big is this "mini.iso"?
15:38.10asperonwols: looks like i wasn't using the swap anyway
15:38.18asperonwols: sadly this didn't fix the problem
15:38.24asperonstill cant access the net
15:38.32wolsasperon: what does dmesg say?
15:38.46jason_mwols: 8.4MB
15:38.50asperonwols: about?
15:39.09wolsjason_m: that is no debian installer
15:39.18wolsjason_m: get the ~150MB netinst iso
15:39.28wolsasperon: your network interface mainly
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15:40.49asperon6-7 lines about forcedeth, last one is that it loads to irq 28 for msi/msi-x
15:41.14asperonthe device is there, i can ping myself (both on the ip and 127), but thats it
15:41.27wolsdoes it say something like "eth0 up"?
15:43.40asperonand i see it if i do ifconfig
15:43.50asperonand if i pull the cable it reacts on that as well
15:43.54jason_mwols: sounds like it should be easy, but i'm struggling to find that image.  the install guide keeps pointing me to
15:44.02wolswhat speed does it say is it using?
15:44.41asperonill check
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15:46.05asperonwols: cant see any speed indications, i have a complaint about not finding any ip6 routers
15:46.14asperonwhere should the speed be, in dmesg?
15:46.32wolsin the eth0 up message usually. if not ethtool can tell you
15:46.47jason_mthanks wols, i will give that image a try.
15:46.54jamesstanleyI'm looking to buy a computer similar to the Dell PowerEdge T105, but with provision for a PCI-e graphics card. Anyone have any advice on where to buy? I'm in England if that helps
15:46.57wolsasperon: do you have a debian install cd or a live cd?
15:47.10wolsjamesstanley: ##hardware
15:47.14jamesstanleyok thanks
15:47.15asperonthe box doesn't have a cddrive :(
15:47.24xyanasperon: does "route" show a default gateway?
15:47.31asperonxyan: let me check
15:47.55king313Hi. I am searching for a compiz theme manager. I have read about Emerald but it does not longer appear at the repositories
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15:47.58king313Have it changed it name? They are other theme manager that I could use?
15:48.01king313All posts I found are from 2007 and references Emerald. Thanks
15:48.04asperonno, its empty
15:48.10xyanroute add default gw <gateway_ip>
15:48.18asperonguess that could have happend when i messed around with pptpd
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15:50.25wolsasperon: did you configure your static IP via /etc/network/interfaces?
15:50.31asperonwols: yes
15:50.45asperonxyan: that just gives me no such proces
15:50.53asperonie, route add default gw
15:51.14wolsasperon: are you root?
15:51.15xyanyep you dont have the network if route is empty, /etc/init.d/networking restart then
15:51.26wolsyou should have /sbin/route
15:51.36king313asperon, what is your local ip and netmask?
15:51.41wolsxyan: local subnet works fine without a route
15:52.09xyanwols: but you cant add the default gateway withouth having the network for that gateway
15:52.11king313I have received that message sometimes when defining a gateway that is out of netmask
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15:52.54asperonit was empty due to the failed dhcp, when i changed it back to static the route contains two lines
15:53.11xyanasperon: good should work then?
15:53.16asperonxyan: doesn't
15:53.32xyanpaste your /etc/network/interfaces
15:53.55asperonwell, the machine is not connected to the net, and in the other room, ill bing the laptop
15:54.07wolsasperon: can you try a livecd?
15:54.18xyanhe said he doesnt have a cd drive there
15:54.29wolsusb stick?
15:54.36xyanmessed it up
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15:57.13xyanasperon: can you ping the machine from your laptop?
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15:59.36xyanasperon2: thats fine, resolv.conf set up properly as well?
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16:00.32xyanasperon2: can you ping from your other machine?
16:00.32asperon2xyan: no
16:00.43xyanbut switch/router port inbetween works?
16:00.50xyanin the end forcedeth nvidia crap cant autosense the link and the cable is crossover or something :-)
16:01.01asperon2resolv contains search and three nameserver
16:01.21asperon2thing is, it worked until this morning, ill change the cable just for the hell of it
16:01.24_abc_Guys is there a mod for kde which causes desktop icons to be 'sticky' to the relevant virtual screen? Because apps can be sticky but icons not, and I have hundreds of them.
16:03.22_abc_I mean a normal application windo decoration has the right-click-on-decoration option 'To Desktop...', but icons don't. Is there a patch or mod or a newer kde version which can do that?
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16:04.14asperon2still nothing, i get destination host is unreachable trying to ping the router
16:04.26xyan_abc_: i guess theres a #kde chennel which might be more helpful
16:04.33asperon2or anything else for that matter
16:04.39xyanasperon2: you didnt change anything in your bios, or had a power outrage or something which might have damaged the nic?
16:04.47asperon2xyan: no
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16:05.21asperon2its on UPS, and the only thing i did this morning was an upt-get upgrade that upgrade some php packages
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16:05.51hellyeahE: /var/cache/apt/archives/udev_151-3_i386.deb: subprocess new pre-installation script returned error exit status 1
16:06.02hellyeahhow can i fix this error
16:06.06wolshellyeah: that is not the error
16:06.24hellyeahbut i couldnt install e17 package
16:06.30hellyeahwhat is this message about
16:06.42wolshellyeah: give us the FIRST error
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16:06.58wols,versions udev
16:06.59juddudev -- etch: 0.105-4; etch-security: 0.105-4etch1; lenny-security: 0.125-7+lenny1; lenny: 0.125-7+lenny3; squeeze: 151-2; sid: 151-3
16:07.06xyanasperon2: i tried to drive a 5v pci card in a 3.3v slot once after that my nic didnt work anymore showing similar symptoms as yours does. it solved itself by completly taking the machine off the line but yeah im clueless
16:07.09wolshellyeah: you should not run squeeze
16:07.47king313Hi guys. I've installed emerald from a non-official repository and now I want to get back the updated packages
16:08.00adbudev_151-3_i386 its  ..sid
16:08.09king313how I can get it done? It now says things about not resolved dependencies
16:08.11asperon2xyan: haven't opened the box in moths, sure, it could have dies on its own, but i kinda doubt that
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16:09.39hellyeahi want to install e17 e17 is in sid
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16:11.05xyanhellyeah: id try the elive cd instead ;-)
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16:12.55asperonjust to make sure that it wasn't the port on the router i connected it to the switch that is running this box, still the same problem
16:13.57hellyeahelive cd wants money
16:13.59ishanjHi, does this channel related to debian development?
16:14.00wolshellyeah: why didn't you google for it?
16:14.02hellyeahor article :D
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16:14.13hellyeahwols since 11 a.m i am in google
16:14.37wolsI did one google search and found e17 for debian lenny immediately. englightenment has its own debian repos
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16:14.48hellyeahi try 5, 6 ways to install enlightenment
16:15.03hellyeahi found that also
16:15.07hellyeahthat doesnt work
16:15.13hellyeahi re try
16:15.20dustybinhellyeah: be a man and compile it yourself
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16:16.42wols!tell hellyeah about ssb
16:16.44asperonso, should i assume that the nic is fried? shouldn't the driver complain?
16:17.03wolsasperon: I asked long ago about live cds/usb sticks...
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16:18.35hellyeahwols,  you sent me that adres i try that method and i see udev error
16:18.44asperonwols: right, ill get a live usb stick and try that
16:19.35wolshellyeah: I sent you what exactly?
16:19.49wolshellyeah: if you mean ssb, then no you did it totally utterly wrong
16:19.50bosyakI have installed java sun jdk6 from package... What I should write in JAVA_HOME env?
16:20.03wolshellyeah: cause ssb factoid will not install udev ever
16:20.08bosyak? /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/
16:20.32hellyeahi do deb-src sid
16:21.00wolshellyeah: that won't isntall udev...
16:21.09hellyeahthen pt-get update 3) apt-get install build-essential; apt-get build-dep packagename;apt-get -b source e17
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16:21.28wolshellyeah: pastebin your sources.list
16:21.30hellyeahthen i ddi this and i try to install other packages related to e17
16:21.36wols,versions udev
16:21.38juddudev -- etch: 0.105-4; etch-security: 0.105-4etch1; lenny-security: 0.125-7+lenny1; lenny: 0.125-7+lenny3; squeeze: 151-2; sid: 151-3
16:22.40wolshellyeah: you have a deb sid source in your sources.list. otherwise, this udev version could have never ben downloaded. however, the ssb factoid never tells you to put a deb sid source in there. so YOU did something you are not supposed to do
16:24.04hellyeahxyan,  i tried this already
16:24.13hellyeahand i put file to usb
16:24.47hellyeahbut elive developer wants money as donate. I dont have suitable web card
16:24.58hellyeahor want an arnowledgeticle i dont have anough k
16:25.03hellyeahhow can i write article
16:25.07wolshellyeah: who told you to put deb sid main non-free contrib in your sources.list?
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16:26.14hellyeahnormally i put but that doesnt work.
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16:26.58hellyeahalphagemini does not work also
16:27.01wolsthe hostname is not the point. who told you to put sid repos for binary packages in your sources.list?
16:27.02hellyeahi try this
16:27.09joeliasjuniorHello people, anyone here knows how to recovery a ext3 deleted folder?
16:27.21dpkgLinux doesn't generally support 'undeleting' files.  For ext2fs *only*, use mc (Midnight Commander), umount the fs, and select "Undelete files" from menu.  For ext3fs, see and ask me about <ext3grep>.  With reiserfs, jfs, xfs, you're SooL.  Some desktops (GNOME/KDE) offer a trash bin.  See also <photorec>.
16:27.21hellyeahsorry wrong channel
16:27.57xyanjoeliasjunior: google does, but be aware its hard work
16:28.32hellyeahwols my sources.list is wronf
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16:31.24joeliasjuniorxyan: and dpkg: Thank you! I have seen this article, but seems doesn't work with my problem. I need to recovery a folder in a remote server and I have no enouth space there to recovery all the partition.
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16:32.19MrWaxHello, I already asked this some mins ago, but i couldn't find anything that would fix it. I use Sun Virtualbox, I have a .vdi Debian image that I imported from an earlier installation. When reading the debian disk nothing is accesible because the root filesystem is 'read-only' - Is there any easy step I can take to fix this issue?
16:33.16pallgoneI can't install qemu on squeeze:
16:33.21pallgonewhat does that mean?
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16:34.01xyanMrWax: is it remounted ro on errors? did you run fsck on it yet?
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16:35.06MrWaxxyan: how can i check?
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16:35.09MrWaxxyan: sup btw :)
16:35.57xyanMrWax: boot the vm, do a touch /forcefsck and reboot it
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16:36.17petemcyou'll have trouble touching a file on a read only fs
16:36.36petemcmaybe try mount -o remount, rw /
16:36.37todd_howdy all
16:36.56petemcmount -o remount,rw /
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16:38.07todd_looking for help with sound on my system
16:38.39MrWaxpetemc: and then?
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16:38.51petemcMrWax: does remounting it rw work?
16:39.19petemcMrWax: you'll probably want to fsck it as xyan said, check dmesg/messages/syslog
16:39.24cahoottodd_: what does speaker-test -t wav -c2 return?
16:40.02MrWaxpetemc: yes, no errors
16:40.05MrWaxpetemc: how can i test?
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16:40.13todd_I hear it saying "front left" "front right"
16:40.23petemcMrWax: touch /forcefsck
16:40.30cahoottodd_: so sound is basically ok?
16:40.47MrWaxpetemc: done
16:40.51todd_yes, sorta
16:41.09petemcMrWax: reboot to do the fsck
16:41.18todd_I don't get sounds from games or apps
16:41.23todd_no system sounds
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16:41.53cahoottodd_: that's probably a matter of choosing the right output
16:41.56PinchiukasAnybody can tell me where the binary 'php' resides? Or what package it's in. I seem to have the php apache module, but not the cli binary.
16:42.02asperonwols: the live usb stick failed to get a dhcplease as well
16:42.21petemcPinchiukas: php5-cli
16:42.29MrWaxpetemc: "fsck died with exit status 4"
16:42.33todd_I had this issue on my other computer when i installed lenny on it. someone in here helped me. but it's been long enough that I don't remember what we did to get it working
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16:42.50xyanFile system errors left uncorrected
16:42.53MrWaxpetemc: /dev/hda1: UNEXPECTED INCONSISTENCY; RUN fsck MANUALLY
16:43.02Pinchiukaspetemc: thanks.
16:43.03MrWaxxyan: ok
16:43.03todd_and like a bonehead I didn't write it down back then
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16:43.54todd_I remember it had something to do with something else having control of the sound daemon and we had to kill it, reboot my computer and it worked after that, just don't remember how to do it now
16:43.58MrWaxxyan: Directory inode 51706, block 0, offset 0: directory corrupted
16:44.06adbtodd_, there is on archive for irc at
16:44.06MrWaxxyan: i get errors like this a 723692472 times when running fsck
16:44.35todd_thanks adb
16:44.43xyanMrWax: what did you do to your vm, acpi power off?
16:44.50asperonwols: same problem when on static ip, guess the card died then?!
16:45.14petemcMrWax: edit /etc/default/rcS to FSCKFIX=yes , touch /forcefsck and reboot
16:46.04MrWaxxyan: how do you mean acpi power off?
16:46.16xyanno clean shutdown?
16:46.16antivirtelis animations avaible on lenny ?
16:46.28MrWaxxyan: I just shutdown the vm in computer #1 (notebook) and am trying to use the copied .vdi image on Computer #2
16:46.33MrWaxxyan: yes, clean shutdown
16:46.51adbantivirtel, what's 'animations'  ?
16:46.53xyanMrWax: md5sum the vdi then sounds like copying went wrong
16:47.27antivirteladb: compiz ex..
16:47.28asperonwhen getting a new nic i guess intel is a good brand, or?
16:47.37adbantivirtel, sure ...
16:47.43antivirtelbot how ?
16:47.49MrWaxpetemc: error writing /etc/default/rcS: read-only filesystem
16:47.55wolsasperon: with a live cd? and with dhcp too?
16:48.09wolsif so, it's either the NIC or the combination NIC/router or the cable
16:48.15adb!tell antivirtel  -about compiz
16:48.17xyanMrWax: do the mount -o remount,rw / again
16:49.16asperonwols: i have changed the cable, and tried to plug it directly to the wall, so it has to be the nic i fear
16:49.24adbantivirtel, on which  video card ?
16:49.35todd_adb, is there a way to search ? If I knew what day (or month/year even) I was getting help it easy, but I can't even remember what part of the year it was.
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16:49.46antivirtelshapphire 3600 hd
16:50.17adbantivirtel, ati , nvidia ?
16:50.53MrWaxxyan: its fixing thousands of blocks, this correct?>
16:51.10adbantivirtel, i dunno , still ask here
16:51.40adbtodd_, i dunno , sorry
16:51.51asperonanythoughts on usb based nics?
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16:52.02todd_adb, s'ok, thought I'd ask
16:52.15xyanMrWax: as i said if you cleanly shut down the vm on one machine, copied it over to another and end up with a bokred fs then this is really strange. with a bit of luck that thing boots still but i suggest you copy the vdi again and make sure that the checksum of the original and copied vdi match
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16:54.23adbtodd_, i thou , you killed the bell sound ?
16:54.39todd_killed the bell sound?
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16:54.58todd_my pc speaker beeps at me from time to time
16:55.00MrWaxxyan: ok
16:57.18todd_if I go into sound preferences and test the card it works, but under system sounds it won't play anything
16:57.38sanderAnyonw know what it means when "netstat -i" reports 0 RX-OK and lots of RX-ERR ?
16:58.07sanderThe network is very slow atm.
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16:59.25todd_so how do I find out what's got control of my sound daemon?
16:59.37petemcsander: i dont think thats much to worry, do you see any errors in syslog or messages? you can use mtr-tiny to show packet loss along hops
16:59.38*** part/#debian \ottizen (kottizen@unaffiliated/icanhasfreenode)
17:00.01n0taLooking for someone to help me setup /etc/network/interfaces with about 30 ips.. I'll pay you 10€ though paypal or somthing. It must be setup perfect :P
17:00.25karlpinc_sander: Bad hardware?  cable, switch port, nic, etc?
17:00.35karlpinc_n0ta: What's a ips?
17:01.15petemcn0ta: do you have 30 network interfaces? if not, you can easily add a post-up line to use ip addr add
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17:01.51MrWaxxyan: ok, but how come it keeps saying, 'unknown file system?'
17:01.57MrWaxxyan: i ment 'read-only file system'
17:02.13n0tayeah, thats what i did with my first 3 ips.. but I recently got a /27 network (32 ips with 27 usable) and then it dont work.. for some reason
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17:02.32karlpinc_petemc: What's wrong with aliases?  lines for eth0:1, etc.?
17:02.37petemckarlpinc_: nothing
17:02.56petemcdepends what you want, aliased interfaces or one interface with many ips
17:03.22n0taWell, I really just want it to work, and easy :D
17:03.44xyanMrWax: fsck didnt finish fixing it?
17:03.48n0taBut I like i said.. i used ip addr add for my 3 additional ips.. but seems not to work with my /27 interface
17:04.07Osmosisn0ta: whats your /27 and gateway ip?
17:04.22MrWaxxyan: nop
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17:04.46petemci have a /27 and use aliased interfaces, it works fine
17:04.53karlpinc_petemc: I guess I'm out of date.  Why do I care one way or the other?
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17:05.25n0taWell, i got 32.. where the first 4 is: network, gateway, router redundancy 2, router redundancy 3 and last one is broadcast
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17:06.21petemckarlpinc_: other than what i said above, not sure
17:06.28jhutchins_ltTriple router redundancy seems a bit much.
17:06.56n0tajhutchins_lt not sure to be honest.. thats just what my host told me :P
17:06.58jhutchins_ltn0ta: What are you trying to do?  How many actual devices do you have?  Do you have a fileserver?  Mailserver?
17:07.00*** mode/#debian [+l 906] by debhelper
17:07.26n0taWell its just one box, that runs "everything"
17:07.31jhutchins_ltAh, well that makes more sense if they have a large farm.
17:07.39jhutchins_ltn0ta: If you have one box then you need one IP.
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17:07.51Osmosisn0ta, msg me the ip range and ill help you.
17:08.09n0tajhutchins_lt true, but i still need the other ips :P
17:08.20petemcn0ta: cut and paste your working entry in /etc/network/interfaces a few times, then edit to change eth0 to eth0:2 eth0:2 etc and edit the ip, then ifup eth0:1
17:08.23karlpinc_jhutchins_lt: There could be virtualization....
17:08.38petemceth0:1 and eth0:2 , i meant
17:09.06petemcthere are lots of reasons to want a machine to have many ips
17:10.21MrWaxxyan: can the fact that it is not a 'fixed storage' virtual machine, be the reason that the filesystem is corrupt when copied?
17:11.23xyanMrWax: sparse filesystem you mean? i copied them succesfully but moved the machine config as well. did you checksum the vdi's?
17:12.01todd_ok, well time to go work on my truck's brakes
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17:12.26epifanioHi All
17:12.50MrWaxxyan: my notebook is at work, i cannot check the original version now
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17:13.41epifanioI have 2 external drive on one of this i have a running debian distro, while the second one is empty (1,a : partition ext4 ; 1,b : partition swap)
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17:14.12epifanioexists a way to clone the hard disc 1 into the second one ?
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17:15.20epifanioi used :   cat -a /disk/with/linux/* /empty/disc      ;   but then tring to install the grub on the second disc i have :  Format of install device not recognized
17:15.38xyanepifanio: dd, pcopy and some others
17:15.41karlpinc_epifanio:  dd will get you a bit-for-bit copy.  That may not be what you want.  Try "/msg dpkg aptitude clone".
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17:16.08MilpWhy does debian by default come with this weird "iceweasel" thing instead of a real firefox?
17:16.26petemcMilp: /msg dpkg why iceweasel
17:16.49swathanthranhow do i give the three hex codes given by showkey like 0x00 0x83 0xa2 with setkeycodes?
17:16.55karlpinc_Milp: Type what he said.
17:17.00*** mode/#debian [+l 900] by debhelper
17:17.01Milpoh i did
17:17.17epifaniokarlpinc_:    aptitude clone  will install the packages .deb  ... what about source code instalation ?
17:17.38swathanthrani.e one multimedia key gives that three hex numbers, how should i give it on setkeycodes to bind it to a keycode?
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17:18.05swathanthrani have say 120 as a free keycode
17:18.10karlpinc_epifanio: It would help if you explained to us what you're trying to accomplish by "duplicating".
17:20.06epifaniokarlpinc_: yes,  i have a debian running on external drive. on it installed a lot of .deb (using apt-get) plus other sw compiled from source.  now i have an other external drive and i want clone the first one to the second one ... so i can boot from it (as i already do with the first one)
17:22.14jhutchins_ltepifanio: Boot from a third medium, use rsync to transfer the files.
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17:22.30jhutchins_ltepifanio: How do you boot from it now?  BIOS or a bootloader on an internal device?
17:23.21epifanioi'm booting pressing "esc" when i power on the pc ... and selsect the usb device as boot-device
17:23.36sanderkarlpinc_, petemc does it exist a tool like mtr-tiny that lists ping for all adresses used on my system?
17:23.40karlpinc_epifanio: If you don't use the package manager (See also "/msg dpkg why aptitude") you're taking on the task of doing system's integration and security support.  This is something that Debian does for you and is a big advantage over proprietary operating system adminstration.
17:24.05jhutchins_ltepifanio: In that case you'll need to use dd to transfer the bootsector, or chroot to the device and run grub install.
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17:24.26karlpinc_epifanio: What he said.  You will need to install a bootloader too.
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17:24.56jhutchins_ltepifanio: use mkfs.ext3 to format the partition first, then rsync -avz to copy the files.
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17:25.37jhutchins_ltepifanio: rsync -avz /dev/<source>/ /dev/<target>
17:25.48jhutchins_ltHm, wait, sorry, need to mount them both first.
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17:26.06epifaniook, so i'll reformat the disc to ext3 (not ext4) then i'll use  rsync
17:26.23jhutchins_ltepifanio: mount them, then rsync -avz <mountpoint source> <mountpoint target>
17:26.39epifaniook tring it right now
17:26.40jhutchins_ltepifanio: reformat, mount, rsync.
17:26.57jhutchins_ltgoes for more coffee.
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17:39.46swathanthranis there anything i can do to make a multimedia key useful if showkey -s shows no numbers for it and showkey shows 3 hex 0x00 0x83 0xa2 0x80 0x83 0xa2,,etc?
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17:41.03mezganihow can i get the build directory
17:41.09shamunIf you want to test software, give a 10/12 year kids with ubuntu/centos/freebsd, who use regular msn/itunes/windows. I just put in my son computer debian, my god what a experience, he just want back his itunes/msn , what i should do?
17:41.15wolsmezgani: what build directory?
17:41.18mezganiin my /lib/module/` uname -r`
17:41.21petemcdpkg: tell swathanthran about mutlimedia keys
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17:41.37wolsmezgani: what for?
17:41.47mezganii wan to compile a kernel module
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17:42.01morgan-rokay. i don't see the magic of installing debian on a mac mini. i've got updated firmware, but once i'm finished with the debian install, a reboot produces a text message that no boot device is found, press any key to continue. just points to the standard wintel installer instructions. what am i missing? some funky partition-ness during setup?
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17:42.30petemcswathanthran: /msg dpkg multimedia keys
17:42.31wolsmorgan-r: sounds like you miss a bootloader
17:42.41Milphow do i end a chroot session?
17:42.44plastunhello! I use GNOME and I can't use 'sleep mode' or 'wait mode' - there are no such buttons in my GNOME. Ehat packets I should to install?
17:42.50wolsmezgani: get the kernel headers for your kernel
17:43.00wolsMilp: "exit"
17:43.01morgan-rwols: i've tried this with both grub and lilo.
17:43.10wolsmorgan-r: macs use efi
17:43.21Milpwols that only closed one of the graphical terminals
17:43.38wolsMilp: how did you start your chroot?
17:43.41morgan-rwols: so i do an expert install and choose ... what option, exactly?
17:44.02Milpwols: Per shell script
17:44.07emlI'm following the guide to booting from an USB stick. It uses commands available in linux to prepare the stick. Is it possible to do all these steps from windows?
17:44.33wolsMilp: what is the "chroot" line?
17:44.42Milpone sec
17:44.56*** join/#debian wthtt (
17:45.03wolsmorgan-r: read the "Dual/Triple Boot"  section on the url you linked
17:45.06Milpbusybox chroot /data/local/debian/mnt /bin/bash
17:45.26wolsMilp: as soon as this one bash shell is closed (with "exit") your chroot is gone
17:45.33morgan-rwols: okay. "if you're not planning to dual boot OS X and Debian ..., you can skip this step." so i did.
17:46.00wolsmorgan-r: then read the "Install EFI boot loader" section
17:46.02Milphmm i cant really close it, considering the shell was opened through a terminal emulator app, which is already closed
17:46.12Milpor is it a independent process that i could kill?
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17:46.36morgan-rwols: which the howto says isn't needed if you have current firmware, which i do.
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17:48.02wolsmorgan-r: from the sounds of it, your mini hasn't set/configured this BIOS compatibility mode
17:48.23wolsmorgan-r: where did you install grub to? what partition?
17:49.02morgan-rwols: default guided setup.
17:49.36wolsthat's not what I asked
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17:50.13morgan-ras i recall, it installs to the mbr on /dev/sda. hd0
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17:53.45morgan-ri'm surprised nobody's bothered to rip the code to do this easily out of the ubuntu installer. grr.
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17:57.54mezganiwols, can i read the module struct from userland
17:58.08mezganiwols, or i have to do it on a module
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18:05.25magyarhi, is there an issues with debian-installer daily for amd64,grub2,softraid?
18:06.05morgan-rit's a daily. what do you expect?
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18:09.19petaris ETCH still supported?
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18:09.52dkrend o flife for security updates was last month
18:10.23petarjust let me get this straight:  there will be *no* more updates for etch?
18:10.49dkroldstable is supported for 1 year after new stable is released
18:11.03petarok, thanks
18:11.19petartime to update
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18:12.10dkrI still have some etch systems to update myself.  procrastination is fun. :)
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18:20.03isfranchave create fedora machine domU on testing with febootstrap, have a way for opensuse easy install chroot on debian ?
18:20.32magyarmorgan-r: is there any installer for testing that supports grub2-amd64-softraid?
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18:51.02u42pafter lenny comes ...? i want to upgrade from lenny :)
18:51.16azeemu42p: lenny is the current release
18:51.46u42pyes, i want testing or unstable or what the "next" one was called again?
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18:53.13amphiu42p: you probably don't want unstable
18:54.12hramrachwants experimental
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18:54.45amphihramrach: heheh
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18:55.57hramrachactually it's too old at times but still helpful ;-)
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19:01.14jhutchins_ltu42p: The next one is called "Oh, my computer doesn't work any more".
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19:02.04hramrachand Lenny is known by alis "Oh. my computer is not supported still."
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19:02.20epifaniojhutchins i get :
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19:02.50epifanioafter i did resync i unmounted the target disc (sdg) and i tried to install the grub on it
19:03.35MaranathaHello. I am looking for some help on installing debian on a G1 running cyanogenmod
19:03.43MaikBhey guys.  i got an question regarding packaging, where I play the part of the upstream and wanna hear what debian packager would like me to do.  Is this the right channel or is there a better suited one?
19:04.13jhutchins_ltepifanio: Oh dear, and I don't have a guide on installing grub handy.
19:04.33hramrachMaikB: you will probably have better luck in a channel for Debian packagers
19:04.46MaikBhramrach, which is?
19:05.00dpkgfrom memory, mentors is the system that the Debian project uses to train new people to become Debian Developers or Debian Maintainers and get their packages into the Debian archive.  Ask me about <nmg> or <mg>.  #debian-mentors on
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19:05.44MaikBwols, thx!
19:05.55jhutchins_lt!tell epifanio about reinstall grub
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19:07.00jhutchins_ltepifanio: I'm afraid that I haven't actually done it manually myself, I used Centos' rescue mode.
19:07.12MaikBwols, oh boy, including me there are three peoples at the mentors channel :D
19:07.35wolsMaikB: use the mailing list I guess
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19:08.11MaikBwols, meh
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19:08.18MaikBthx anyway
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19:15.27Psi-JackAlrighty. I'm trying to figure out how to do this right. I have a dom0 with bonded eth0-eth1, the dom0 itself activates the entire bonding interface and br0 bridge and I'm just trying to get my domU's to be able to work with it. I've so far had no success in any method I've been trying based on various googlings. The dom0 is Debian 5.0.4 (Lenny), with Xen Hypervisor 3.2.
19:15.37linhisi created a php script to download youtube video, which works on m,y local but doesnt work on my linode
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19:18.03JPTlindi-: how about some error-messages or hints what is wrong?
19:18.13JPT"doesn't work" is a term for every problem
19:18.58jhutchins_ltPsi-Jack: Just curious, why do you keep asking VM questions in here?
19:21.21Psi-Jackjhutchins_lt: Well, I understand a few people here actually use Xen, and since this is stock standard Xen from debian, it relates with Debian.
19:21.46linhisjpt: file not found, when i click on the generated link
19:21.53Psi-Jackjhutchins_lt: The dom0 setup is totally debian setup with /etc/network/interfaces as well.
19:22.12JPTdepends on your script...
19:22.19jhutchins_ltPsi-Jack: Not objecting, I just wonder why here and not something more specific like #xen
19:22.21JPTmaybe you need stuff like mod_rewrite..
19:22.40Psi-Jackjhutchins_lt: ##xen isn't apparently very trafficed when I'm around. ;)
19:24.58jhutchins_lt38 nics in #xen on
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19:33.32jhutchins_ltAs you say, though, not much traffic there either.
19:33.46jhutchins_ltBed time for Europe I guess.
19:34.00JPTnot yet
19:34.08cahootsounds ominous
19:34.12JPT20:34 here...^^
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20:03.57czesmirhi all
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20:04.27Devastatorjudd pciid 8086:4220
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20:04.29judd[8086:4220] is 'PRO/Wireless 2200BG [Calexico2] Network Connection' from 'Intel Corporation' with kernel module 'ipw2200' in lenny. See also
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20:12.22eptalonheyas all
20:13.02*** join/#debian andyeb-- (
20:14.07eptalonI am having a problem with an USB device on a SID 2.6.32 kernel; says "device descriptor read/64, error -32",  ideas found on the net don't seem to work.
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20:15.07SparFuxMy xchm displays lots of source code only. Isn't it supposed to render pages?
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20:23.55jhutchins_lteptalon: Try a working OS.
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20:24.22jhutchins_lteptalon: The error message suggests a bad device, however there's no telling if you're running Sid.
20:25.01eptalonjhutchins_lt: Its one of the "Sansa" players
20:25.26eptalonjhutchins_lt: my other media player works fine
20:25.28jhutchins_lteptalon: I don't think that's significant.
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20:26.52jhutchins_lteptalon: I think the next step would be to try to mount it on another pc, preferably one not running an unstable OS.
20:27.12jhutchins_lteptalon: Even booting a live CD if you don't have other hardware/boot options.
20:28.14eptalonjhutchins_lt: Another comp, with windows
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20:40.00sepultare there any languages, which use recursive pointer derefencing as default ?
20:40.41sepultor is that a poor concept which makes no sense for computing ?
20:42.47*** join/#debian heiner (
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20:43.46sepultor is that concept rather left for special purpose packages to impement accordingly (according to the needs for the
20:43.46sepultdata structurs...whatever)
20:43.55heinerHow could I define the order in which the hard disks are named? I have 1 IDE (sda) and one SATA drive (sdb), but sometimes they change names and the SATA drive becomes sda
20:44.20sepultheiner: sysfs, udev
20:44.28dpkgLabels can be set on some filesystems, enabling referencing via LABEL=foo in <fstab>.  To set: Ext{2,3,4}: e2label /dev/{s,h}dXX foo (16 char limit); XFS: xfs_admin -L foo /dev/{s,h}dXX (12 char limit); FAT{16,32}: dosfslabel /dev/{s,h}dXX foo (11 char limit); NTFS: ntfslabel /dev/{s,h}dXX foo (128 char limit); ReiserFS: reiserfstune -l foo /dev/{s,h}dXX (16 char limit).  To mount: mount -L foo dir.  See also <uuid>.
20:44.37*** join/#debian seisatsu (
20:44.41robbe-sepult: by recursive pointer dereferencing you mean you would get the int with 'int ***** p = 42; *p;' ?
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20:46.13heinerI understand I'm not the first asking this question ;-)
20:46.21sepultrobbe-: i don't get your answer
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20:46.44robbe-sepult: It is not an answer, I'm asking what you mean.
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20:49.55jhutchins_ltheiner: That's a known problem, LILO has ways of dealing with it, but I don't know of real solutions.
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20:50.37jhutchins_ltheiner: What most people do is find some other way to identify the device, such as a UUID.
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20:51.12heinerhow could I use that to mount the right partitions? Do you have a pointer?
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20:51.30dpkg[uuid] Universally Unique IDentifier, used to reference disk partitions (among other things).  See currently known partition UUIDs with `blkid'.  In /etc/fstab and /boot/grub/menu.lst, use "UUID=dead-beef-0420-etc" as the partition name.  Helps to cope with device name changes such as hda->sda (<libata> transition) or changes in USB disk order discovery.  <LVM> tools accept PV/VG/LV UUIDs as arguments, use {pv,vg,lv}display to acquire.
20:53.05killajoeups :\
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20:53.22xingualthough for the life of me I don't understand why swapping one nondeterministicly auto-generated label with another would be good practice
20:54.23heinerI just search a way to mount the right partition on the right hard disk on "/" ;-/
20:54.24xinguI mean on the plus side something generated when building the partition table is a little less volatile than bus order, but regardless, the problem domain is "administratively assigned persistant lables" and so too must be the solution
20:54.47xinguhence my own personal preference for label rather than uuid
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20:57.15xingu(where I need to reference "that physical object" rather than "that nebulous concept of bits shaped into a concept called a filesystem" - such as, for example, SMART monitoring, I use the /dev/disk/by-id construct instead)
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20:59.01Lemurekhi, i have in samba log on debian unstable Unknown parameter encountered: "wide symlinks", this parameter i need to share direcotries by symlinks
20:59.04heinerxingu: looks like a good plan
20:59.43Lemurekthere is some "debian specific patched" samba in unstable?
20:59.53xinguheiner: imagine the consternation that'd break out if for example partitions were scanned concurrently rather than linearly. :)
21:00.38xinguheiner: it's really only luck that says the first partition is blkdev1 and the last blkdevN
21:01.01eptalonjhutchins_lt: Works fine with windows
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21:03.25MrWaxdoes anyone know how I can set in the proftpd.conf to use active mode only?
21:04.08jhutchins_lteptalon: Ok, so we're looking at Sid not being able to understand the device descriptor (or not able to read it).
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21:05.19DevastatorDebian installer asked for a non-free firmware, I plugged a pendrive with the file but it couldn't found, I'm still installing the system, how can I make d-i ask for it again?
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21:05.39eptalonjhutchins_lt: looking at the posts on the internet, seems to be a more general "Kernel 2.6" problem, occurring from about 2.6.20
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21:06.42sepultone can allow it or not allow it to use dynamic minors
21:07.18sepultthough i don't know the default is no dynamic minors up to some version, and then vice versa or so...
21:08.01jhutchins_lteptalon: Specific to that player?
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21:08.43eptalonjhutchins_lt: No, seems to be unrelated, but generally seems to "occur" with these kinds of players.
21:09.09eptalonMy guess is that some manufacturer did not implement USB MSC properly.
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21:10.48eptalonwhich is incomprehenisble; I have "SDHC" cards from them that work perfectly.
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21:11.34sepultdynamic mayjors minors lieutenants and the kernel lol
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21:11.47xingueptalon: seems relevant
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21:16.23eptalonxingu: that's it, yes.
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21:16.50eptalonxingu: So should I add that 2.6.32 is "still" broken?
21:17.44xingueptalon: does removing usb-ehci allow you to at least access the device?
21:18.15xingueptalon: I realise this isn't acceptable as a workaround, but if yes - then time to reopen that bug (or open a new one referencing it)
21:18.17eptalonxingu: no idea, need to try.
21:18.33xinguif no, it's something new all over again
21:18.51dutchfisheptalon: have you double checked that ehci is loaded first, i have seen signs in that is *not* sometimes
21:19.30eptalondutchfish: where would I configure that?
21:20.05valdyndutchfish: ehci loaded *first* ?
21:20.42valdynah, news
21:20.48dutchfishvaldyn: let me find the ref for it
21:20.51valdynWarning! ehci_hcd should always be loaded before uhci_hcd and ohci_hcd, not after
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21:20.58valdyndutchfish: i found that printk
21:21.02sepultboot offline/offdisk chipsets first or so ?
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21:21.38dutchfishvaldyn: ok
21:21.39valdyndutchfish: thats new between  2.6.30 and 32 anyway
21:22.48eptalonanyway: this time with uhci: same error
21:23.25eptalonwhich would suggest it's not related to ehci, but a more general problem
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21:26.46eptalonSo I rpeort a bug against what, the 2.6.32 kernel?
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21:29.49Lonely_Troll1981I am so hungry....
21:30.03heuerrecommends sofa pizza
21:31.36Lonely_Troll1981Doe anybody wanna feed me?
21:32.27Lonely_Troll1981I am dieing... aaaaa.... ooooo....
21:32.46*** join/#debian goksin (~goksin@
21:33.19sepulthmmm ?
21:33.28Lonely_Troll1981Why people here are such cruel?
21:33.35adb!ops Lonely_Troll1981,
21:33.35dpkgHydroxide, bob2, caphuso, dondelelcaro, doogie, eeyore-, ElectricElf, ):, helix, ljlane, LoRez, RichiH, mentor, Netsnipe, TML, walters, xk, abrotman, gravity, azeem, Maulkin, stew, peterS, Alife, Myon, Ganneff, Maulkin, weasel, zobel, themill: adb complains about: Lonely_Troll1981,
21:33.51Lonely_Troll1981!ops adb
21:33.52dpkgHydroxide, bob2, caphuso, dondelelcaro, doogie, eeyore-, ElectricElf, ):, helix, ljlane, LoRez, RichiH, mentor, Netsnipe, TML, walters, xk, abrotman, gravity, azeem, Maulkin, stew, peterS, Alife, Myon, Ganneff, Maulkin, weasel, zobel, themill: lonely_troll1981 complains about: adb
21:33.57*** join/#debian konsel2 (
21:34.07Lonely_Troll1981adb Do you like it?
21:35.06*** join/#debian POC|Farmer (
21:35.26Lonely_Troll1981Ich war nicht nimals in New York
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21:36.00Lonely_Troll1981konsel2 hi!
21:36.06konsel2moin moin
21:36.31Lonely_Troll1981konsel2 Do you from France?
21:36.41konsel2nope, from germany
21:37.07Lonely_Troll1981konsel2 I watch the Deutche Welle
21:38.11Lonely_Troll1981Egal... das ist mein favorite word
21:38.36simonrvn!ops Lonely_Troll1981 - name says it all
21:38.37dpkgHydroxide, bob2, caphuso, dondelelcaro, doogie, eeyore-, ElectricElf, ):, helix, ljlane, LoRez, RichiH, mentor, Netsnipe, TML, walters, xk, abrotman, gravity, azeem, Maulkin, stew, peterS, Alife, Myon, Ganneff, Maulkin, weasel, zobel, themill: simonrvn complains about: Lonely_Troll1981 - name says it all
21:38.55*** join/#debian Zyferus (
21:39.09dvsdvs shudders
21:40.07hideodvs: why, are you cold?
21:40.11Lonely_Troll1981!ops simonrvn - faggot< like says your name
21:40.12dpkgHydroxide, bob2, caphuso, dondelelcaro, doogie, eeyore-, ElectricElf, ):, helix, ljlane, LoRez, RichiH, mentor, Netsnipe, TML, walters, xk, abrotman, gravity, azeem, Maulkin, stew, peterS, Alife, Myon, Ganneff, Maulkin, weasel, zobel, themill: lonely_troll1981 complains about: simonrvn - faggot< like says your name
21:40.26simonrvnooh, wow, i'm so insulted
21:40.26zobelLonely_Troll1981: stop it!
21:40.41Lonely_Troll1981zobel He start it first
21:40.44dutchfish!ops Lonely_Troll1981 is insulting
21:40.45dpkgHydroxide, bob2, caphuso, dondelelcaro, doogie, eeyore-, ElectricElf, ):, helix, ljlane, LoRez, RichiH, mentor, Netsnipe, TML, walters, xk, abrotman, gravity, azeem, Maulkin, stew, peterS, Alife, Myon, Ganneff, Maulkin, weasel, zobel, themill: dutchfish complains about: Lonely_Troll1981 is insulting
21:40.50simonrvn*plonk* - i suggest the same
21:40.52zobelLonely_Troll1981: i dont care
21:41.02simonrvn/ignore Lonely_Troll1981
21:41.06Lonely_Troll1981!ops dutchfish - stupid fish
21:41.07dpkgHydroxide, bob2, caphuso, dondelelcaro, doogie, eeyore-, ElectricElf, ):, helix, ljlane, LoRez, RichiH, mentor, Netsnipe, TML, walters, xk, abrotman, gravity, azeem, Maulkin, stew, peterS, Alife, Myon, Ganneff, Maulkin, weasel, zobel, themill: lonely_troll1981 complains about: dutchfish - stupid fish
21:41.14*** mode/#debian [+o Hydroxide] by ChanServ
21:41.15*** mode/#debian [+b *!*] by Hydroxide
21:41.15*** kick/#debian [Lonely_Troll1981!~jim@debian/developer/jimmy] by Hydroxide (you should know better)
21:41.15*** mode/#debian [-o Hydroxide] by Hydroxide
21:41.20zobelhypemit: thx
21:41.23dutchfishthank you
21:41.23dvshideo: <simonrvn> !ops Lonely_Troll1981 - name says it all
21:41.35simonrvnhe should get a g:line ...
21:41.36Hydroxidezobel: you're welcome despite the bogus tab completion :)
21:41.39simonrvnthanks Hydroxide
21:41.48zobelHydroxide: yes, thx.
21:41.56zobeland i still have no op-rights here.
21:41.59Hydroxidehe thinks I'm a bot... heh
21:42.15Hydroxidezobel: unless I abuse god mode I can't give them to you, sorry. remind dondelelcaro :)
21:42.39zobeldondelelcaro: ^
21:42.43simonrvni asked last month. no reply.
21:43.10AimHereIf you give zobel god-mode, then he can do all the god-mode abuses that you couldn't otherwise get away with ;)
21:43.13Hydroxideoh, this is freenode - I can't even do god-mode anyway
21:43.13*** join/#debian Agiofws (
21:43.24HydroxideI got confused between the two networks I'm on :)
21:43.51zobelHydroxide: me as well too often
21:43.59dutchfishas long as you kick the bad boys out its fine by me as it is ;)
21:44.31hideoHydroxide: are you NaOH?
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21:45.06simonrvnmany of those aren't even around anymore
21:45.59zobelhideo: he is at least not acidly
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21:46.47Hydroxidehideo: if you like :)
21:47.00*** mode/#debian [+l 907] by debhelper
21:47.09hideoHydroxide: don't ever marry HCl
21:47.22hideomeh lame jokes =(
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21:47.43dvslike the chemistry in here
21:47.49simonrvngeek jokes are fun
21:48.33Hydroxidelooks at dvs acidly and agrees that geek jokes are basically awesome
21:49.19zobelgoes back to his terrain
21:49.23robbe-sepult: What about the link you sent me?
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21:50.01Bohemianhi. i am trying to update php5 and i clicked "5 open a new shell to examine the issue" when it told me the php.ini files were different. well, i can't find that shell
21:50.03Bohemianwhere is it?
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21:50.41simonrvnum, that's what the prompt is?
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21:51.47simonrvnnow you can run a diff, and when done fg it again
21:52.34Bohemianand i can't run aptitude because it says dpkg or another apt to ol is already installing packages...
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21:54.02valdynBohemian: exit
21:54.39Bohemianvaldyn: out of the shell? i have
21:54.43Bohemianand started a new one
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21:56.04Bohemiancan i kill the process somehow?
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21:58.19simonrvnoh yeh, i think it is exit actually. i usually do this in another shell instance so i forget if it's fg or exit
21:58.44valdynBohemian: apt ran a shell to enable you to investigate the situation, just "exit" to get back to apt
21:59.30simonrvndpkg actually, but that's correct otherwise
21:59.31dpkgsimonrvn: KCI error, or a problem with the Keyboard-Chair Interface.
21:59.38simonrvndpkg: shushie
21:59.38dpkgsimonrvn: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox?
22:00.05Bohemianvaldyn: i typed exit
22:00.08Bohemiani closed the shell
22:00.11Bohemiani've restarted the shell
22:00.16Bohemiani still cannot run that command
22:00.36Bohemianthat command being aptitude update && aptitude upgrade
22:01.45valdynBohemian: closed shell as in closed the X window?
22:01.52valdynBohemian: that was stupid
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22:02.00Bohemianno, as in typed exit
22:02.08Bohemianwhich closes the X window, terminal
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22:02.32valdynBohemian: it does not close the X window where you let apt open a shell for you
22:02.45Bohemianwell, obvisouly something is wrong
22:02.50Bohemianso how cna i kill the process
22:02.56valdynBohemian: obviously you or I misunderstood something
22:03.03valdynBohemian: killall dpkg, killall aptitude
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22:03.06Bohemiani typed exit in command line
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22:04.31Bohemiangot it, thanks
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22:08.12Roby_Hello people
22:08.32Roby_How can i remove a package from debian + configuration files + and leftover spore's?
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22:09.07simonrvnman dpkg; --purge
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22:09.26valdynRoby_: aptitude purge
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22:09.48Roby_i tried apt-get --purge install dovecot-imapd-
22:09.50Roby_but it didnt work
22:10.05valdynRoby_: so?
22:10.29Roby_so it didnt remove the configurations + spores
22:10.32petemcRoby_: did you check to see which package actually owns the config files?
22:10.39Roby_if i try to reinstall dovecot. i dont get new configs at all
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22:10.51petemci suspect its dovecot-common
22:10.53valdynRoby_: thats hardly suprising considering you are giving is borked syntax
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22:12.22Roby_well, where can i find the default config files of a package?
22:12.35valdynRoby_: in /etc
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22:13.03Roby_i think im not understood correctly
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22:13.09valdynRoby_: yea
22:13.22rocketmagnethi, how can i find out the name of a package that contains a certain file ?
22:13.24valdynRoby_: how you can find the package owning specific config files?
22:13.33Roby_i just removed a package, Dovecot-common and dovecot-imapd.. i have edited /etc/dovecot/ configs before and i deleted them.
22:13.36Roby_where can i get examples?
22:13.47dpkgThe reason you have to use dpkg --force-confmiss is because whenever your config files (<conffiles>) are gone, dpkg assumes you deleted them on purpose, and that you want them to stay deleted.  You can also reinstall them using the following apt-get line: apt-get -o DPkg::Options::="--force-confmiss" --reinstall install <packagename>; or using aptitude, aptitude -o DPkg::Options::="--force-confmiss" reinstall <packagename>;
22:14.03petemcRoby_: there should be a default config in /usr/share/dovecot/
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22:14.18valdynRoby_: apt-file search /etc/dovecot should get you started, from there with confmiss and purge and install you can do anything possible
22:14.47valdynRoby_: often default configs are also in /usr/share/doc/packagename
22:15.02Roby_thanks petemc, and valdyn
22:15.17Roby_btw. valdyn you give hard explanations for a beginner XD
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22:15.41valdynRoby_: yea i do
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22:20.01Roby_anyone has experience with dovecot?
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22:24.33troy-hi, i have an interface setup as '
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22:24.37troy-iface eth1 inet manual'
22:24.52troy-how can i assign a static address to it? currently there are lots of active sub-interfaces
22:25.14troy-this would be for untagged traffic
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22:28.27TiTi_-sa parle francais ici ?
22:28.33dpkgPour l'aide en francais, veuillez rejoindre le canal #debian-fr sur  Francophone users: for help in french, please go to #debian-fr on
22:28.57troy-xand: any idea how i can assign a static address to an interface in manual mode?
22:29.08xandman interface
22:29.10xandman interfaces
22:30.07xandchange dhcp to static and put in the settings
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22:30.46troy-xand currently its "manual" not "dhcp"
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22:31.15troy-below manual i have a few of these:
22:31.32xandI'll show you mine
22:31.53troy-thanks :)
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22:34.01xandeth1 does not have a gateway as it's for local access only
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22:35.47lilibis possible install .bin package ?
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22:36.12lilibi got some app that is one file and name of file ends at .bin extension
22:36.13DevastatorI've just installed debian on a notebook here, but it refuses to boot giving me error 18: selected cylinder exceeds maximum supported by BIOS
22:36.17hayleywlilib, yes. bash foo.bin
22:36.25Devastatorhow can I fix it?
22:36.36lilibthank you
22:36.59lilibthen one what i will do under root account is type: bash name_of_package.bin
22:37.45hayleywDevastator, did you partition it manually?
22:38.20Devastatorhayleyw no, assisted
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22:38.50xandlilib: well really bin could be anything. use file on it
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22:54.03nvzwhat are the chances that if machine A is compromised and packet scanning (promisc) on it shows a great deal of traffic from around the world, and machine B, sitting right next to it on the same subnet, connected to the same switch doesn't show any said traffic scanning in promisc mode..
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22:54.14nvzwhat are the chances machine B could be clean?
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22:56.10nvzI don't understand how, short of machine B also being compromised, it doesn't see the traffic from machine A
22:56.39nvzkarmic_indian: #ubuntu
22:57.15u42pnvz: i would guess some random hacker/kid rooted A and uses it to spam or whatever, not caring about the rest of your network because he achieved his goal
22:57.39*** part/#debian karmic_indian (~7371398f@gateway/web/freenode/x-dkmxpadcswaoqbdx)
22:58.12nvzu42p: well machine A is this machine.. haha.. and it seems to be being used to monitor other machines across the web
22:58.36nvzwhat I don't get is why wireshark on this one is scrolling like crazy, and the one right next to it cannot see the traffic from it
22:58.43u42pthen it simply became part of a botnet
22:59.26nvzI'm not real sure what happened here, but I got no problems other than the waste of time it is.. reinstalling this machine
22:59.35nvzI really do not however want to have to do it on the other one
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23:03.42lilibdpkg -i lw.bin
23:03.42lilibdpkg-deb: `lw.bin' is not a debian format archive
23:03.42lilibdpkg: error processing lw.bin (--install):
23:03.42dpkgremoves a lung from lilib and replaces it with lw.bin
23:03.43dpkglilib: That isn't an error, post the whole output to a pastebin (/msg dpkg pastebin).
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23:04.27lilibis it definitly .bin is not suitable with debian?
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23:05.05lilibor how i could check it?
23:05.05mcphailHi. I'm trying to use Squeeze on a Sheevaplug as a print server for my Samsung ML2010 using the Splix drivers. Any attempt to print results in blank pages. There isn't anything worrying in /var/log/cups/error_log, even when loglevel is set to "debug". The printer works fine when connected directly to an Ubuntu AMD64 desktop running the same driver. Where am I going wrong?
23:05.06petemc.bin could be anything, but its very unlikely to be a debian package
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23:05.24petemclilib: file lw.bin might tell you something
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23:06.39lilibis inside this file
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23:06.57petemclilib: where did you get it? what do you expect it to be?
23:07.39lilibit is some compiled package friend of mine sent me
23:07.51lilibhe said manual said it is for linux
23:07.53lilibnothing more
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23:09.41lilibLSB executable
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23:10.00petemclilib: you could make sure its executable and try to run it with ./lw.bin , but understand that it could do anything that the user you run it as could do, which may be destroy your system
23:10.18Sia-i want to start the apps with more languages for example starting xchat with 3 languages "LANG=en:de:da xchat" as command line worked fine but want to change the apps shortcut, it is possible?
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23:11.10rysiek|plhi guys
23:11.21lilibpetemc> ok, i will cancel it
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23:11.26MrWaxI am using Bridged Networking mode for my debian virtual machines now, and setting a static ip for each virtual machine on the network works now, however i am not able anymore to connect to outside ips.. does anyone know what the reason of this could be?
23:11.27lilibthank you for help
23:11.40rysiek|plI have a strange feeling my debian-based server can't handle the amount of iptables NAT rules I have thrown at it
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23:12.02rysiek|plCPU/RAM-wise everything's ok, but I seem to have dropped connections nonetheless
23:12.18MrWaxMy debian virtual machine is on - all traffic should first go to (router) or (THESE 2 ips are perfectly reachable from the debian virtual machine) how ever I cannot connect to any ip on the internet
23:12.19rysiek|planything I should look at? anything to check? any fine-tuning I can do?
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23:12.55rysiek|plMrWax: sudo route -n -> is the router set up as default route?
23:12.58petemciptables -L | wc -l
23:13.47rysiek|plpetemc: ok, mine's about 200, so you win. ;)
23:14.18rysiek|plpetemc: it might not be the amount of rules, then, but the amount of traffic?
23:14.27rysiek|plpetemc: some buffers might get filled or something?
23:14.28petemcis it a lot of traffic?
23:14.41petemcis your hardware all good, switches included?
23:14.58MrWaxrysiek|pl: sorry gateway was set wrong, thanks
23:14.58rysiek|plpetemc: sometimes, yes; hardware seems AOK, as I can SSH directly to the machine just fine
23:15.14petemchow are you seeing the dropped connections, exactly?
23:15.52rysiek|plpetemc: SSH to a NATed server; vim some_important_file.conf; work a few mins; FFFUUUUU-
23:16.09rysiek|plMrWax: happy to be of service ;)
23:16.31petemcrysiek|pl: ive seen lots of shitty NATing firewall devices that drop connections
23:16.38petemcsonicwall for example
23:17.09petemcfor some, if you keep the terminal active, like running top, it keeps the connection up
23:17.32rysiek|plpetemc: well, a mobile tech R&D lab at Warsaw University of Technology, sponsored by one of the biggie telcos in Poland here. we do not do sonicwall ;)
23:17.52petemcright, but you're not sure its your end, are you?
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23:18.08rysiek|plall direct connections seem fine
23:18.20rysiek|plas in: no fsckups spotted
23:18.30petemcwhat sort of direct connections?
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23:19.37petemcalso, to prevent you losing data, use screen
23:19.44rysiek|pldoing that already
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23:20.07rysiek|plbut, you know, as the sysadmin, I'm kinda annoyed by the mere fact of those fsckups happening
23:20.34rysiek|plpetemc: server A, directly accessible from Teh Intertubes; server B, behind an iptables-based NAT from server A.
23:20.44mcphailrysiek|pl: have you tried diabling TCPKeepAlive?
23:20.51felixI m trying to use nfs on a debian client and debian server. when trying to mount the dir i get "mount.nfs: rpc.statd is not running but is required for remote locking." . ps aux shows that statd ist running. does anyone of you know the error?
23:21.05rysiek|plpetemc: ssh rysiek@A works AOK; ssh -p some_port rysiek@B -> dies
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23:21.22rysiek|plmcphail: hummm... you mean in sshd config?
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23:21.29mcphailrysiek|pl: yes
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23:21.47rysiek|plmcphail: same thing happens to http/https connections to NATed services
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23:22.12mcphailrysiek|pl: aah - ok
23:22.32rysiek|plhumm, I kind of remember there were some a). stats; b). config options regarding the TCP/IP stack
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23:22.39rysiek|pla buffer here, a bucket there
23:22.47rysiek|pljust can't remember now
23:22.49marcus__hi all, I'm just having a problem during an upgrade from lenny to squeeze.
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23:23.31marcus__my root is on raid5 and (I think) the cmdline is root=UUID (just getting debian live now to debug) ...
23:23.45marcus__if that's the issue is it as simple as specifying the device node instead?
23:24.20marcus__(I made the mistake of updating both initrd's. doh!)
23:24.51petemcrysiek|pl: is it possible one of your 200 iptables rules is the problem?
23:25.21rysiek|plpetemc: hah, never thought of that, to be honest; why yes, need to check that
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23:26.03petemci have plenty of machines accessed on alternate ports through an iptables firewall, no dropped connections
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23:33.19DevastatorI've just installed debian on a notebook here, but it refuses to boot giving me error 18: selected cylinder exceeds maximum supported by BIOS, what should I do?
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23:43.28darkdoes anyone know how to put this block into the bad blocks list? e2fsck -c isn't working. it's a usb pen drive. [85649.848849] EXT2-fs error (device sda1): ext2_readdir: bad page in #448837
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23:43.45MoMoi am trying to setup a diskless boot enviroment for some nodes -- the nodes are booting fine except near the end it starts spamming this over and over for a while and then it cuts out to busybox begin: retrying nfs mount ... Begin: running /scripts/nfs-premount ... done mount call failed: 13
23:43.53hellyeahi install debian lenny i have fresh install
23:44.03hellyeahi didnt install anything from other distro
23:44.09dark(i'm not sure if there is a better channel to ask this..)
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23:44.21Devastatorthat's odd, I've never seen lack of debian support here..
23:44.21darkhellyeah, so?
23:44.26hellyeahwhen i try to install gdm. System try to install libcairo2 package
23:44.39hellyeahwhat is the problem of libcairo2
23:44.57hellyeahbecause i cant install some packages because of libcairo2
23:45.23darkthere is a conflict? o.o paste it in a pastebin
23:45.29hellyeahi canrt remove libcairo2 because system wants to delete all package in the system
23:45.32jhutchins_ltMoMo: Are you doing this manually or are you using ltsp?
23:45.35hellyeahi am on windows
23:45.52jhutchins_ltMoMo: Sounds like you need to check the NFS setup on the server.
23:45.58hellyeahi cant install any chat program because of libcairo2
23:46.06darkhellyeah, go to debian, try installing the package you want, copy the message..
23:46.10hellyeahbut libcairo2 ggives dependency error
23:46.22hayleywhellyeah, you need to be specific. otherwise we cant help you
23:46.22MoMojhutchins: right thats we are started probbing .. i'm not familier with nfs -- i'm thinking its a premission deal
23:46.22hellyeahwait a sec
23:46.26jhutchins_lthellyeah: Dunno which release you're on, but plenty of people have gdm & chat.
23:46.30hellyeahi am coming back
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23:47.01jhutchins_ltMoMo: I'd say find yourself a NFS or LTSP howto.
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23:47.12MoMolol i thought i did =P
23:47.13MoMowhat is ltsp
23:47.35jhutchins_ltLinux Terminal Server Project - sets up a netboot server for you.
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23:48.39MoMowould ltsp be beneficial if i'm trying to configure a clusteR?
23:49.30mcphailI'm trying to use Debian Squeeze on a Sheevaplug as a print server for my Samsung ML2010 using the Splix drivers. Any attempt to print results in blank pages. There isn't anything worrying in /var/log/cups/error_log, even when loglevel is set to "debug". The printer works fine when connected directly to an Ubuntu AMD64 desktop running the same driver. Where am I going wrong?
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23:49.54Bohemianhow do i downgrade my php version to 5.2.latest from 5.3?
23:50.41darkthere *is* a way of downgrading any package, Bohemian? @.@
23:50.52darkhmm is there (i guess)
23:51.48hayleywyou cant.  you have to do it all manually. completely remove, then install
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23:53.52Bohemianhow do i figure out what i installed for php5 so i know what to take out?
23:54.22hayleywyou really cant.  not the supporting libraries, anyway.  that's why downgrading isnt supported
23:54.36Bohemiani am so fscked
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23:54.46hayleywyou can dpkg -l '*php*' |grep ^i ...but that wont give supporting libraries
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23:55.22hayleywlikely. depends how stubborn you are
23:55.30mcphailWhat about forcing the version through aptitude and trudging through any broken dependencies?
23:56.07Bohemiani found the line that i used to upgrade to 5.3 php
23:56.12Bohemiancan i just use that line but aptitude remove?
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23:56.31Bohemianso just do aptitude remove php5?
23:56.37hayleywaptitude installed suporting libraries not listed in the command line
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23:58.09Bohemianand then update && upgrade
23:58.13Bohemianthen do aptitude install php5?
23:58.32j3rgyo wats up everyone .....any Wii owners
23:58.46Devastatoryep.. I'm giving up on debian on this notebook...

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