IRC log for #debian on 20100103

00:00.10bzedTrox: if you ask this question, use stable.
00:00.13Troxbabilen : 686
00:00.30babilenbackport the fixed packages into testing. Josselin might disagree though
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00:00.43kingsley_Does anyone here happen to know why firefox would tend to get stuck in a short tight audio loop when playing a flash video, until it's killed and restarted?
00:00.47vchrizztrox: i experienced similar problems, i changed to stable today ;)
00:01.00Troxbzed : why would i use stable for just asking this question ?
00:01.26Troxvchrizz : i would but i has some problems with the intel driver and X11
00:01.27bzedTrox: you obviously don't know how testing/unstable works
00:01.56Troxbzed : they are tested on the unstable  release first
00:02.09Troxthen after a few weeks sent to testing
00:02.14dotCOMmieI just ran aptitude upgrade and iceweasel 3.5.6 stops responding after going to a few pages.
00:02.15Troxthat correct?
00:02.34dotCOMmieI moved my ~/.mozilla to ~/.mozilla~ and its behaving a lot better
00:02.44TroxdotCOMmie : iceweasel has some deps problem yesterday here
00:02.59Troxalong with apiphony
00:03.00dotCOMmieAny idea on how to figure out what in profile is causing issues?
00:03.12dotCOMmieTrox: as in it wouldn't install?
00:03.25babilendotCOMmie: Try add-ons first ..
00:03.29TroxdotCOMmie : wouldnt run.
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00:03.39Troxdependence problem.
00:03.50dotCOMmiebabilen: I started disabling the but it crashed
00:03.54dotCOMmieI'll try again
00:04.18dotCOMmieTrox: My testing/unstable system has been bitching about ESD and alsa lately
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00:04.38Troxnothing like that here dotCOMmie
00:05.02dotCOMmiejust overwrote my original mozilla profile
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00:05.36Troxbzed : you can correct me if im wrong. :)
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00:05.49dotCOMmie.. I'll have to pull it off my backup server I guess
00:08.47dotCOMmiebtw is there a more appropriate channel for iceweasel related issues. I'm afraid I'm gonna piss firefox people if I say I run iceweasel
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00:08.47bzedTrox: basically you're right, but its much more complicated
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00:11.36JPThey, i'm trying to copy some data with dd. one hdd has some errors that cause dd to stop. is there an option switch for dd that forces dd to ignore errors?
00:12.22stewJPT: use ddrescue instead
00:12.23idimmuif there is, what value would  you like the failed bytes to take
00:12.31idimmu1s or 0s ?
00:12.36JPTokay :)
00:12.59Troxyou seem like a bright guy bzed, how about a more comprehensive answer on the subject. :P
00:13.19icerootJPT: man dd   noerror
00:13.56dotCOMmiethe noerror is not perfect you probably want to use some wrapper script or maybe tryout ddrescue as stew suggested
00:14.01babilenTrox: Read section 5.13 In the developer reference
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00:15.04teratomahow can i boot a macbook pro with debian on a usb stick?
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00:15.34GimpMachinequestion: how can i find out how much ram i have on a debian machine?
00:15.48dvsGimpMachine: free
00:15.56LightKnightor cat /proc/meminfo
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00:16.50GimpMachinethats a 512 and a 128, right?
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00:16.57dotCOMmieteratoma: installing from USB is covered in manual. You might want to follow a howto when it comes to specific apple hardware
00:17.11JPTthanks :)
00:17.13LightKnightGimpMachine: should be
00:17.24osx5yo scott you here?
00:17.29teratomadotCOMmie: I can't find a howto to do that does not involve using a boot cd
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00:17.35GimpMachinethe damn ram doesnt have any labels
00:17.39babilenosx5: ask the channel
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00:17.44nsadmindam ram
00:17.46GimpMachineok, thats what i needed, much thanks and many loves
00:17.59LightKnightwelcome :)
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00:18.06babilenteratoma: have a look at the link dotCOMmie just gave you. It explains the procedure.
00:18.10yakamo_anyone recommend a good prog for viewing my 1,000's of photos
00:18.16dotCOMmieteratoma: do you have osx running? you probably can do dd on it
00:18.34osx5babilen: I downloaded the debian dvd iso, does it give you the option to use whatever desktop environment you want?
00:18.39babilendotCOMmie: you mean debootstrap?
00:18.40nsadminyakamo_: post them all to and organize them?
00:18.46rgryakamo_: picassa
00:18.53yakamo_yeah i like picasa
00:19.03yakamo_is that available on debian
00:19.04teratomababilen: i have read it.  are you aware of anyone on Planet Earch who is able to boot a macbook pro from a usb stick with debian installed on it, without resorting to using a boot cd trick?  i cannot.  everyone tells me to read the usb stick install howto, that's not the problem
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00:19.20rgrits available for linux yes. google.
00:19.28nsadminyakamo_: actually both questions have searchable answers
00:19.32yakamo_ah ok
00:19.39yakamo_cheers guys im away to have a look
00:19.44dotCOMmieteratoma: does the apple boot of USB? Most likely yes, so you should not have any issues.
00:19.50rgrall questions have searchable answers.
00:20.13nsadminthen what is this channel doing here?
00:20.16babilenteratoma: What do you mean with 'Debian installed on it' ? Have you followed the procedure outlined in the manual?
00:20.25nvzanyone have suggestions on how I might preamp all sounds on my machine? I got a netbook and the sound is crap even when playing through the jack. I'd just like to boost the db of the sound a little see if that will make it any louder..
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00:20.49dotCOMmienvz: get a usb sound card
00:20.57rgrhuman contact. he asked an opinion for a phot app for linux/debian and got an answer. thats harder to google as I could have explained why ;) Anyway ...
00:20.57nvzprograms like xmms for example have a preamp on the EQ
00:21.04babilenyakamo_: Some people also like f-spot ... If you are looking for one of those massive Photo Managers ..
00:21.15teratomadotCOMmie / babilen : i have.  can either of you find evidence of anyone ever in history booting a recent macbook pro with just a usb stick with debian installed?  I am not talking about an external firewire drive?  i don't think it works
00:21.27rgrf-spot isnt't a touch on picassa IMO.
00:21.28nvzdotCOMmie: yeah or I can go out and but a $2000 laptop and a brand new sound system.. lol
00:21.31yakamo_yeah unfortuantly i am, means i have to come out of command prompt
00:21.39yakamo_but i love photography
00:21.50osx5nvz: are you scott?
00:21.53nvzor someone could just suggest a way to increase the db of the sounds going to my sound ard..
00:21.56dotCOMmienvz: mplayer can bost sound through soft mixer
00:21.59nsadminyakamo_: you love photography? then is worth a look
00:22.01nvzosx5: who wants to know?
00:22.07osx5you know kovac?
00:22.07babilenteratoma: So the problem is that the macbook can not boot from the USB stick? What is the issue if you try to do so?
00:22.12nvzosx5: yes sir
00:22.20nvzosx5: why do you ask?
00:22.23osx5nvz: I met you at Matt's house with him over the summer
00:22.25nsadmineven if you never post a photograph there
00:22.26osx5you showed me your netbook
00:22.26dotCOMmieteratoma: can the macbook not boot of USB? I find that hard to believe
00:22.31nvzosx5: oh, right.. I remember you
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00:22.43nvzosx5: you a debian user now?
00:22.44osx5finally got deb
00:22.46dotCOMmieteratoma: hold on one sec I might know someone
00:22.52nvzosx5: hah, cool.
00:23.04osx5can I message you?
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00:23.12yakamo_nsadmin:i will look at that as well, cheers
00:23.33nvzdotCOMmie: a lot of apps can, but I'm mainly concerned with flash.. so thats why I'm asking if there is a way to do it for ALL sounds
00:23.37nvzosx5: sure ++
00:23.42teratomadotCOMmie: i cant get it to work.  i have booted many non mac machines with usb sticks with debian installed.
00:24.10nvzits not that bad through headphones, but I don't wanna be wired to it all the time
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00:24.15babilenteratoma: Why don't you use a CD then?
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00:24.26dotCOMmienvz: maybe if you use pulse or something?
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00:24.42hexiconebabilen: installation on my Toshiba worked like a charm, thanks!
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00:25.12babilenhexicone: great! enjoy the experience. Make sure you take a look at the reference.
00:25.12nvzdotCOMmie: I think I am using pulse. was using it to send sound from my desktop
00:25.21nvzdotCOMmie: I'll look and see if it has an option for that
00:25.25teratomababilen: a long horrible story full of First World problems.  I have a laptop ( typing from it right now) with no cd rom drive.  Im trying to get ubuntu onto a macbook pro.  the macbook pro is password protected, so i can't use it to burn a cd of ubuntu
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00:26.39dotCOMmieteratoma: yeah it seems silly
00:26.48teratomadotCOMmie: cool.  ive read that before.  that guy is booting off of a cd first.
00:27.22dotCOMmieteratoma: the second guy says he was able to do it
00:28.10teratomadotCOMmie: i think he is using the fact that a mac will boot from an external firewire drive.  for some reason usb sticks dont count.
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00:29.12dotCOMmie"from an external USB drive plugged into "
00:29.20dotCOMmieHe could be lying d:
00:29.44teratomayes.  a usb 2.0 hard drive.  he's not using a 4 gig usb stick i got from Walgreens
00:30.37teratomai guess Steve must have decided booting a mac from a usb stick means you are up to no good
00:30.44dotCOMmiewhat diff does it make?
00:30.55dotCOMmieteratoma: some other site says you need to use GPT
00:31.15dotCOMmieAnyway it seems silly that I am doing the googling for you
00:31.47teratomai have googled about it! i think booting a mac with a debian usb stick is a myth.
00:32.08dotCOMmieStop trolling
00:32.12teratomaalso isnt it interesting only 2 people on entire internet have sort of kind of claimed they have done it.  no howtos
00:32.16teratomaim not trolling
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00:32.24teratomanot that bored
00:33.11dotCOMmieHave you tried using gpt?
00:33.21jorikteratoma: mac boot from usb drives
00:33.35Trox"The advantage of using the unstable distribution is that you are always up-to-date with the latest in GNU/Linux software industry, but if it breaks: you get to keep both parts :-) "
00:34.10teratomajorik: but not USB sticks !
00:34.20teratomadotCOMmie: no.  trying.
00:35.04dotCOMmieteratoma: usb stick and usb harddrive is the same thing as far as your computer is concerned.
00:35.06jorikteratoma: yes they do. just use disk utility to format it with guid and then use disk util to "stream" an iso (any iso) to it
00:35.23jorikcan be osx, or any linux
00:36.55teratomathis guy is running into the same problem as me.  i can use my usb stick install to boot non mac devices.  just not a mac.
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00:38.36dotCOMmieteratoma: maybe it does not like the partition/boot loader on the disk and needs something special
00:39.32babilenteratoma: Can you boot from PXE? Why is the debootstrap method not applicable?
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00:40.01jorikteratoma: did you set GUID as scheme? please read why @
00:40.07babilenteratoma: And you are trying to install Ubuntu?
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00:40.45teratomababilen: oops you caught me.  in here i claim to install debian.  in #ubuntu i claim to install ubuntu.  either one is fine with me!
00:41.00Troxsimple question,
00:41.16Troxif i want to upgrade everyday my debian squeeze installation
00:41.37Troxwould i use upgrade or full-upgrade ?
00:41.51dotCOMmieTrox: for cronjob?
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00:42.18babilenteratoma: So: Can you boot from PXE? Why is the debootstrap method not applicable? and ultimately: Decide if you want to install Debian *or* Ubuntu *now*
00:42.33TroxdotCOMmie : no manually
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00:43.31Troxbecause i always use full-upgrade between every few weeks
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00:43.46babilenTrox: 'aptitude update' 'aptitude safe-upgrade' 'aptitude full-upgrade' also make sure that you have apt-listbugs and apt-listchanges installed
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00:44.07teratomababilen: im running Windows.  I would like to install ubuntu onto a macbook.  i have no cdrom or dvd drives.  ill install debian, thats fine.
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00:44.52dotCOMmieis full upgrade the new term for dist-upgrade?
00:44.59babilenteratoma: Yes, so can you boot from PXE (network boot) and did you have a look at the debootstrap link i gave you earlier?
00:45.00teratomalooks like only 64 bit windows supports GPT
00:45.27dotCOMmieTrox: you probably want to stick to safe-upgrade unless you are stuck with nasty dependency
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00:48.14dotCOMmieTrox: certainly full-upgrade is not best for routine updating
00:50.25dotCOMmieGUID Partition Table
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00:53.52babilenteratoma: Not an option?
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00:54.32FIReunbabilen: holy crap, it was working all afternoon
00:54.41FIReunbabilen: I was going on what pccardctl said
00:54.56FIReunbabilen: IGNORE IT, if it shows up in lspci, its there, load the driver for it and GO
00:55.12Troxpossible to run applications in Wine without starting their gui ?
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00:55.41babilenFIReun: You never tried that? o_O
00:56.07babilenFIReun: But anyway \o/
00:57.02teratomababilen: cant pxe boot.  im trying to debootstrap on this usb stick then ill try to boot the mac ( and fail, i am sure )
00:57.18FIReunbabilen: I was doin one step at a time, finally tossed an eth0 card in there and said "ifup youz silly card" AND IT WORKED
00:57.24FIReunbabilen: everything changed after that (:
00:57.25babilenteratoma: No, you would debootstrap from OSX
00:57.37babilenFIReun: hehe
00:58.09teratomababilen: i cant boot my osx machine, at all.  i only have usb stick i can stick in the mac.  woe is me.
00:58.30babilenteratoma: Are you sure that PXE is not an option. ppc macs used to do that just fine
00:58.59dvinchipxe rules
00:59.04teratomababilen: i haven't been able to.  ive tried to hit N after booting with Option held down
00:59.17teratomaperhaps intel macs are different
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00:59.53dotCOMmieFIReun: AFAIK pccardctl is for PCMCIA card only not PCCARDS (the ones with gold strip over connector)
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01:03.42rieshey all.. I am looking for a desktop environment/display manager that is lightweight (not kde or gnome) but does support a menu so i can start my installed programs, any suggestions?
01:04.11Justinries: icewm?
01:04.23jorikries: xfce
01:04.42riesJustin: jorik am open to anything... will try these, I just tried openbox...
01:04.43Justinkids these days seem to like lxde
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01:04.56Justinries: openbox works too, probably different than you are used to
01:05.19riesJustin: it's to long ago since I worked with X at all (back in the 2.0 kernel days...)
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01:05.39dagnachewhi all
01:05.45dagnachewhappy new year all
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01:05.49Justinah, good old days of fvwm95
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01:06.32dagnachewJustin, musca is real deal
01:06.56dagnachewI was wondering if someone has installed oracle on 64 bit ?
01:07.12riesJustin: I remember that one...
01:07.57riesJustin: I think I used to use afterstep also..
01:08.08babilenries: fluxbox maybe? or venture into the land of tiled window managers (xmonad, wmii, awesome)
01:09.09riesbabilen: I think I did read a bit about fluxbox.... this is for a CNC machine I am going to control with rtai/emc2 so I just need something simple, but with a little menu to get in and out of a program...
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01:09.43dotCOMmieIs this an off the shelf CNC?
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01:10.01dotCOMmieor are you building your own hardware?
01:10.03WhiteCrow1babilen: plz help me if u want
01:10.27babilenries: I would say that fluxbox might fit your needs. But evaluate the options. There are plenty of window manager
01:10.27WhiteCrow1babilen: can i ask u ?
01:10.51riesbabilen: I will try that indeed... just readign about it on there website
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01:11.27babilenWhiteCrow1: ask the channel
01:11.28WhiteCrow1babilen: plz see >> and told me what can i do
01:12.33dagnachewescuse me fellas to ask again
01:12.46dagnachewis anyone here installed oracle ?
01:13.39WhiteCrow1any one can tell my how can i fix xorg.conf  i want bac xorg.conf
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01:14.37jhutchins_ltWhiteCrow1: You'll need to look at the whole log file and see what errors it lists.
01:15.14WhiteCrow1jhutchins whole what file ?
01:15.33babilenWhiteCrow1: /var/log/Xorg.0.log
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01:15.50pb_laptopsee the (==) line of your image
01:15.54WhiteCrow1babilen: if i pastbin it can u help me
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01:16.08babilenWhiteCrow1: yes, paste it
01:16.23babilen!tell WhiteCrow1 -about u
01:16.30jhutchins_ltWhiteCrow1: Meanwhile though, have a look at it and see what it says.  It probably tells you what's wrong.
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01:17.33babilenWhiteCrow1: btw: your hostname contains a typo
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01:22.15WhiteCrow1anyone can help me
01:22.59jhutchins_ltWhiteCrow1: I take it you're failing to get a GUI interface, but the CLI is up and running just fine?
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01:24.01FIReundotCOMmie: well *now* ya tell me (:
01:24.14WhiteCrow1jhutchins: plz tell me how can i fix it
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01:25.23JustinWhiteCrow1: what exactly is the problem you are having?
01:25.35ctmjrthis is driving me nuts because i know the answer but cannot remember in aptitude search what does the "A" mean
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01:25.40dvsno xorg.conf
01:26.06babilenctmjr: aut ....
01:26.30jhutchins_ltSheesh, 3000+ lines
01:26.40jhutchins_ltWhiteCrow1: Fix what?
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01:27.26jhutchins_ltWhiteCrow1: We can't guess what problem you're having.  You have to tell us.
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01:28.50jmarsdenctmjr: See and think A for Automatic.
01:30.35jhutchins_ltWhiteCrow1: Sorry, I see you said you weren't getting a GUI above.  Do you know what your graphics chipset is?
01:31.56jhutchins_ltWhiteCrow1: There is no obvious error in your Xorg log except that I don't see a chipset specific driver.
01:32.40jhutchins_ltWhiteCrow1: Which release?
01:32.46nsadminWhiteCrow1: No such nick/channel
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01:33.09ctmjrjmarsden: babilen thanks am getting old need to start writting stuff down but then i would just delete the notes
01:34.17babilenIs there a support channel for speakers of Persian or Arabic?
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01:39.56riesbabilen: dotCOMmie yeaa.. I am building a woodworking machine and going to use emc2 to control it
01:40.51riesdotCOMmie: and I am building most of the hardware, but not stepper drivers, I just bought teh gecko of the shelf, same as the BoB
01:42.36jhutchins_ltbabilen: Do you know how to do a challen list?
01:43.04jhutchins_ltbabilen: You can filter on "debian" and see if there's one.
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02:03.28roeis there a way to get rsyslog to do reverse DNS lookups?
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02:04.10waawaamilkis there a way to establish what debian mirror a machine is using? I could go grepping in sources.list, though that smells of hax
02:04.37babilenwaawaamilk: apt-cache policy
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02:06.03waawaamilkhm, that's potentially useful, though it's dropped the port number and subdir name off the mirror
02:06.24waawaamilk(e.g. my mirror is http://host:9999/debian, and it's just outputting http://host)
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02:11.33MidnighTokerevening people. I'm trying to install a module for this webcam, but i'm having problems getting it to build. following ``. when i try making the module, it fails saying "/lib/modules/2.6.26-2-686/build: No such file or directory.  Stop." -the dir exists, but there is no 'build' file :-$
02:12.37d1bMidnighToker: you need the kernel headers probably.
02:12.41JustinMidnighToker: use module-assistent (m-a)
02:13.12Justinthat howto is pretty bad
02:13.19MidnighTokerthanks for both replies
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02:13.35MidnighTokergoing to have to read up on module-assistant, no idea how to use it
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02:13.54MidnighTokerannoyingly i have compiled my own kernel, i don't understand why i need these extra headers :S
02:14.07Justinm-a a-i gspca ?
02:14.24Justinbecause you didnt properly install the kernel headers for the kernel that you built
02:14.45MidnighTokerok, i'll work out which revision of heads i need
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02:14.56MidnighTokerthat command replies gspci, what is gspci?
02:15.45sussudiogamp special pci
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02:17.40octo_what is the best way to remote win from llinux when it is xp home and you cant use rpc ?
02:18.06octo_without tricking it into thinking it is xp pro and installing remote desktop
02:18.28octo_i heard vnc sux compared to rpc ?
02:18.48Gnurduxoh, Windows from Linux
02:18.51octo_can you istall a NX server on xp ?
02:18.56octo_right :)
02:19.00Gnurduxi thought you were talking about the other way around
02:19.16octo_other way around should be illegal lol
02:19.19holycowvnc is fine
02:19.37holycowthey have improved the video drivers quite a bit recently
02:19.47octo_ultravnc? or is there a better one? why is it said that rpc is sooooo much better ?
02:20.24nsadminocto_: but it's much easier... just install an x server and -query to the linux box (requires an adjustment to the xdm prefs)
02:20.42nsadmin(the other way that is)
02:20.56MidnighTokerdlb Justin : installed the headers, seems to be buildintg now
02:21.17holycowuvnc doesn't work with linux
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02:21.31octo_nsadmin: ive used putty and stuff to go from win to linux and that was pretty nice
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02:22.00scratchmeHi all.  Is there a simple way to forward a TCP port on all interfaces to another interface/port?
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02:22.02nsadminocto_: you might find it nicer when you install an x server on the win box
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02:22.29nsadminand then use that x server to log into the linux box's xdm
02:22.53nsadminbut again... that's the other way around
02:23.05octo_holycow: what about installing ultravnc server on win and loggin into it from krcd ?
02:23.22holycowwhich part of uvnc doesn't work on linux don't you get?
02:23.35holycowread their page, they provide a java interface for it.  basically forget it
02:23.53\amethystis uvnc not really VNC?
02:23.53holycowsorry didn't mean it the way it reads
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02:24.05holycowits vnc with some windows bullshit extensions
02:24.13holycowits designed by windows weenies for windows weenies
02:24.40nsadminEVILcow... evilGRUMPYcow...
02:25.27holycowtightvnc works i think, been a while since i've used it
02:25.30nsadminI know tho... been there done that
02:26.14holycownsadmin: i meant that for octo
02:26.52nsadminyeah I knw
02:27.00octo_holycow: ahh, the reason I was stuck on it was becasue I thought something I read about remoting win from linux recommended it, but as i went back to look that isnt the case. I just assumed it may work
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02:27.45nsadminocto_ what problem are you trying to solve?
02:28.00octo_holycow: however, krdc has an option to log onto vnc, are there any free vnc servers for win that krdc can log into well ?
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02:28.25octo_holycow: ahh, tightvnc I just saw your prev post
02:29.07holycowuvnc is not compatible with linux. its vnc with windows extensions.  please just read their website. or listen to good experienced advice.
02:29.35octo_holycow: I know, i understand that, i am over uvnc lol
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02:30.34nsadminocto_ what problem are you trying to solve?
02:30.36octo_holycow: i actuall just want to know what is the best method to rape my  xp home without installing BO2k lol
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02:31.11holycowgive nsadmin more info
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02:31.46scratchmeAhh, found it.  Incase anyone else wants such an app as I was looking for, look at rinetd.
02:31.53scratchmeThanks all.  later on.
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02:32.03nsadminactually provide the info to the channel... while I do understand that there could be other solutions to your problem once wen know what that problem is, I'm clueless on vnc
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02:32.16octo_nsadmin: xp home doesnt have remote desktop, I was looking for a quick easy way to remote it other than tell it it is xp pro and install remote desktop so I decided vnc should work, but then someone told me vnc is terrible but i dont think it shoudld be that bad.  So now I am just trying to find the best vnc server for windows that I can log into from linux
02:33.18nsadminbut what problem would that solve?
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02:33.37kingring! mount
02:33.37dpkgsomebody said mount was a command used to mount a device to the local filesystem.  `man 8 mount`.  See also <reference>, <fstab>.
02:33.48octo_ohh, i see. I would solve my OCD lol
02:34.16FIReunbabilen: I'm an aptitude convert btw, no more apt-this and apt-that for me -- althought I still think it should install with shorter name
02:34.19kingringhow can i mount ext3 with read write permission
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02:34.45nsadminwell... ok... but there's not a reason you want to go from linux to windows (as opposed, for example, to the other way around)?
02:34.50FIReunkingring: dont mount it ro?
02:35.19holycowFIReun: just add an alias in your .bashrc file and off you go
02:35.22babilenFIReun: apti<tab> or alias ai='aptitude install' (or whatever)
02:35.28octo_nsadmin: well, it would offer a fast way to work on a xp home box remotely without having the user modify the registry and install remote desktop, but I guess not many people use xp anymore hey?
02:35.42kingringi newly formatted a partition in my hardisk from ntfs to ext3
02:35.51nsadminkingring: why is it not mounting rw?
02:36.13FIReunyeah guys, I know... alias -- I'm just saying its something the original authors should have thought about more
02:36.36kingringjust now i did that format, so can i restart
02:36.59kingringas you said it has to auto mount right?
02:37.12nsadminkingring: what is your goal again?
02:37.33kingringi newly formatted a partition in my hardisk from ntfs to ext3
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02:38.19nsadminocto_: so you really want to run a win box from a linux box
02:38.19kingringi want to mount it
02:38.19nsadminand use it for what?
02:38.19nsadminto install?
02:38.20kingringno, i want to store my backup files
02:38.32octo_nsadmin: no, i have virtualbox for that, I am actually referring to working on other boxes remotely that dont have xp pro on them
02:39.02octo_nsadmin: namely xp home that doesnt have remote desktop installed
02:39.10nsadminkingring: ok, what's the problem with the mounting?
02:39.35kingringits says, you are privileged !
02:39.37nsadminactually brb
02:39.50nsadminoh, so you're not doing that as root
02:40.04nsadminactually brb :)
02:41.04octo_kingring: did you want this to be a permanent mount that should be in the /etc/fstab  file ?
02:41.23kingringcool, how to add that
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02:41.58Sergio`Is there a way to remove packages from aptitude's package list itself?
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02:42.07kingringocto_: commands please
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02:42.55Sergio`To remove what I don't want and have a custom package list and update only them.
02:42.56octo_kingring: you have to open up your fstab file and modify it
02:43.11kingringi opened fstab file
02:43.20octo_kingring: you can open it in kwrite or kate as root
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02:43.29kingringya, i opened
02:43.39kingringwhat i have to include in
02:43.47octo_what is the device name and the mount point that you want ?
02:43.48kingringGive me a sample command
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02:43.57kingringmy point is sda2
02:44.29octo_that is your device
02:44.36kingringmy point /home
02:44.41kingringdevice is sda2
02:44.46octo_oh ok one sec
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02:45.03babilenkingring: 'man fstab'
02:45.06kingringand my type is ext3
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02:46.40octo_kingring: /dev/sda2  /home      ext3    noatime,nodiratime,acl,user_xattr 1 2
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02:47.26octo_kingring: that should work, noatime and nodirtime are not default values I believe and you can take them out or add a lot of other mount options too
02:47.27babilenkingring: do you actually use ACLs?
02:47.57kingringcan i add this errors=remount-ro
02:48.21kingring! acl
02:48.21dpkgi guess acl is Access Control List,,, at
02:48.58kingringdump, means , i see zeros there , what can i give there
02:48.59octo_kingring: if you read man mount, you will see all of the options, many that are filesystem specific
02:49.28infohighbut remember, don't man mount in public.
02:49.44simonrvn!lart infohigh
02:49.44dpkgcuts infohigh into thin stripes
02:50.12octo_kingring: if it is an external usb drive, you may want to list the dev by uuid rather than /dev/sda2 as it can change at another boot
02:50.13infohighdon't worry, I've come to expect that sort of thing from dpkg :)
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02:50.39babilen!comfort infohigh
02:50.39dpkgThere, there, infohigh.  It's OK.  I'm here for you.
02:50.40kingringno, its a part in my hardisk
02:50.48infohighhugs dpkg.
02:51.17infohighyou still might as use uuid, n'est-ce pas?
02:51.22infohigh*might as well
02:51.24kingringi edited, here is my now, 2       /home     ext3  errors=remount-ro 0      1
02:51.32kingringocto_, ^^
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02:51.46babilenuuid == 2? unlikely
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02:52.02simonrvn2 what?
02:52.03kingringocto_,  /dev/sda2       /home     ext3  errors=remount-ro 0      1
02:52.13simonrvnthinks it looks very very wrong
02:52.29kingringWhat's wrong
02:52.32nsadminkingring: you probably already have something on /home
02:52.46simonrvn0 2 since it's not critical to booting
02:52.52kingringits just a example ^^
02:52.55babilen...and that is not your root fs
02:53.04babilenkingring: man fstab
02:53.28kingringso what should i give at dump and pass
02:53.28nsadminI'll go for man fstab too, since you're not showing the actual line
02:53.40TrueDDGood night all
02:53.48babilenTrueDD: sleep tight
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02:53.52nsadminkingring: read up on dump and pass
02:53.59octo_kingring: nsadmin brings up a good point, if you wanted to make it your new home, would should copy everything over to it first and then mount it as home so you dont kind of lose it all
02:54.03nsadminin man 5 fstab
02:54.06TrueDDgn babilen
02:54.14simonrvnthe remounting ro at errors is useless for non-/
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02:54.36blast_hardcheeseI've got mdadm -> lvm2 -> xfs on a raid I haven't used in quite a while;
02:54.48nsadminsimonrvn: he probably didn't show the actual line he's editing
02:54.55kingringLet me try, brb
02:54.57blast_hardcheesemdadm assembled the raid correctly, lvm2 started the vg correctly,
02:55.08babilenxfs screwed up?
02:55.14blast_hardcheesefile -s <block device> tells me "data"
02:55.22simonrvni'm betting not ;)
02:55.36blast_hardcheesebabilen: I would guess so;
02:56.15octo_nsadmin:   dont flame me, they explain a lot lol
02:56.16blast_hardcheeseI can hexump -C /dev/mapper/g24--raid-lvm0, and I see the data,
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02:56.33blast_hardcheesebut file -s /dev/mapper/g24--raid-lvm0 reports "/dev/mapper/g24--raid-lvm0: data"
02:56.37octo_ops, i sent it to the wrong person nsadmin
02:56.52octo_kingring:    read about dump and pass
02:56.59blast_hardcheeseI'm really hoping I didn't lose 1.5TB of pictures/documents
02:57.04blast_hardcheeseand OS backups
02:57.05kingringThank you , :)
02:57.09kingringlet me see that
02:57.09nsadminocto_: np, probably good info and all... but I'll let him do it since he's not showing the fstab line
02:57.11blast_hardcheeseand software installs
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02:58.03octo_kingring: is has to do with dumping, and filesystem check priority, have fun hacking up your sys, I know I do :)
02:58.26blast_hardcheesebabilen: Any ideas?
02:58.29kingringocto_, That was cool link
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03:00.32octo_kingring: btw, after you change your fstab file, you can do a mount -a  , and it should reload the settings in the fstab file
03:00.39babilenblast_hardcheese: What's the problem actually? I did not quite get that... I am off to bed though. Good Luck!
03:00.55kingringoh, okay dude . .
03:01.08octo_kingring: however, beware of the /home conflict nsadmin warned about
03:01.30ray66Need properity drivers for my nvida 7900 gs card is this the right procedure graphic drivers
03:01.34kingringyes i changed, /home/kingring/soft_bck
03:02.11jhutchins_ltblast_hardcheese: all "file" does is read the "magic word" at the beginning of the file.  If it doesn't understand it: "data".
03:02.26infohighIf fstab lists two filesystems as mounting on the same mountpoint, what happens? does it mount one, or both, or neither?
03:02.38blast_hardcheesejhutchins_lt: Yes, but that means that the magic of the fs has been damaged
03:02.46octo_kingring: being able to mount whereever you want is awsome, you can add unlimited new drives and space anywhere, cool shiznot
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03:03.10blast_hardcheeseEither that or file doesn't recognize the filesystem
03:03.10nsadminkingring: where do you have it mounted now?
03:03.14jhutchins_ltblast_hardcheese: I don't know that that follows.  A filesystem doesn't have a standard magic word as the first part of the data.
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03:03.21nsadminactually show the fstab line
03:03.40blast_hardcheesejhutchins_lt: xfs_check: /dev/mapper/g24--raid-lvm0 is not a valid XFS filesystem (unexpected SB magic number 0x00ae08f4)
03:03.56jhutchins_ltAh.  RAID fails again.
03:03.56nsadminoh ok, so you have it mounted on a dir inside your home dir
03:03.56blast_hardcheeseso the superblock has a magic;
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03:04.07kingringnsadmin, /home/kingring/soft_bck
03:04.09blast_hardcheesejhutchins_lt: actually, lvm2 fails again
03:04.24jhutchins_ltPeople wonder why I say raid is just another point of failure.  Or why I say "lvm is evil".
03:04.25blast_hardcheeseDon't know why I let my friend talk me into trying it.
03:04.32blast_hardcheeselvm is a steaming pile
03:04.37nsadminhow large is it?
03:04.46blast_hardcheesensadmin: 1.5TB
03:04.57blast_hardcheesenot the end of the world, but it would be a significant loss.
03:05.05yetii recently installed debian  on my Compaq presario but I can't get sound to work. Any input would be greatly appreciated
03:05.07kingringfor me, its 50GB
03:05.16blast_hardcheesejhutchins_lt: Yeah, I know this now
03:05.25blast_hardcheesejhutchins_lt: Unfortunately when I set it up I didn't do backups.
03:05.39jhutchins_ltblast_hardcheese: Experience is proportional to data destroyed.  You just got points.
03:05.40kingringyeti, check your sound card model first
03:05.41nsadminwhat problems are the two of you experiencing with lvm?
03:05.44blast_hardcheeseSome friends and I are getting together to do a distributed offsite backup system
03:05.58infohighyeti: find out what audio card you have, what driver it's supposed to use, make sure all the alsa stuff installed
03:06.14ray66Need properity drivers for my nvida 7900 gs card is this the right procedure graphic drivers
03:06.32kingringyeti, Alsa support most of audio hardware
03:06.46yetiok.. when I open gnome audio control panel i hear sound the test sound but I can't hear playing. Alsaconf dicates everything is okie dokie
03:06.48jhutchins_ltblast_hardcheese: Our LUG has a cooperative backup of rdiff-backup data where they rsync it to three different sites, each site offers storage to the other three, etc.
03:06.49babilen_zzzblast_hardcheese: create an image and try to repair that with xfs_repair ..
03:06.52blast_hardcheesensadmin: My lvm config broke at some point in the past, it jumbled some data (bad). I unplugged the drives and waited until I had time to deal with it. I now have time to deal with it.
03:07.04infohighyeti: oh then your sound stuff is all working fine :D
03:07.19blast_hardcheesebabilen_zzz: I don't have 1.5TB of space free anywhere; I'm just trying xfs_repair directly on the RAID. I know this is dangerous. are you expecting it to use flash to work? or how else does it try to play sound?
03:07.29nsadminblast_hardcheese: so you're just now getting started fixing your situation?
03:07.35yetiinfohigh, yes.. but i cant listen to my mp3's (well i dont know what software to install yet) and i can't hear anything that shoutcast is playing?
03:07.39octo_blast_hardcheese: hahah just saw your post about a steaming pile hahaha\
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03:07.59blast_hardcheeseocto_: Yeah, I wish I hadn't used it.
03:08.03infohighyeti: slow down ;) take things one at a time.
03:08.04yetiinfohigh, brand new to linux debian. Switched from windows. <-- new year resolution.
03:08.09infohighyeti: well congrats :D
03:08.10nsadminso this is an lvm on top of what?
03:08.14blast_hardcheeseyeti: \o/ :D
03:08.17blast_hardcheesensadmin: mdadm
03:08.27blast_hardcheeseRAID5 of 750gb disks
03:08.27babilen_zzzblast_hardcheese: additionally. I would *highly* recommend discussing any solutions/plans with the people in #xfs ...
03:08.28nsadminso software raid?
03:08.35blast_hardcheesebabilen_zzz: Good idea.
03:08.37infohighyeti: first get an mp3 player and make sure your local stuff is working.  the web-browser-based stuff seems harder, but I'm pretty sure mp3s will work once you get software for it
03:08.41blast_hardcheesensadmin: Indeed
03:08.49kingringyeti, o/
03:08.50infohighyeti: if uses flash, then it's flash that's broken, not shoutcast (or your audio setup).
03:09.16nsadminI haven't done any lvm using any form of multidrive combiners (like raid of any kind)
03:09.21kingringshoutcast is working for me, \o/
03:09.27babilen_zzzblast_hardcheese: good luck
03:09.32octo_blast_hardcheese: why not, it brings depth and texture to the visualization of the pile steaming away in its freash but still usless state of being :)
03:09.33kingringbuti nvm
03:09.46blast_hardcheesebabilen_zzz: Thanks for your help :)
03:09.53*** join/#debian trost (i=c345d00c@gateway/web/freenode/x-qumkfsezmjfjvlxk)
03:10.00trosthello again :)
03:10.05nsadminbut I do have lvm pvs on single drives, and vgs per one pv
03:10.56newsensei installed logcheck today and have recieved no emails yet and i'm sure some activity from syslog should have triggered an email, i can also not make it run manually
03:11.12yetialso when I do a aptitude install firefox nothing is found... is there another name for it?
03:11.44dpkgIceweasel is a DFSG-free fork of Firefox, which replaces it in Debian as of Etch.  It is not GNU's Firefox fork (now known as <IceCat>).  Ask me about <why iceweasel> and <iceweasel user-agent>.  Use gnome-default-applications-properties to change settings such as the mail reader.  No longer supported in Etch, see and ask me about <d-s-a>.
03:12.00*** join/#debian RichardH (n=RichardH@
03:12.04infohighalso try 'aptitude search' in order to find things :)
03:12.20trostLets say i have the package of wine form the testing release installed, and i want a newer version of wine installed.
03:12.48octo_blast_hardcheese: there is a guy in #xfs called war somthing that has like 20 drives in mdadm  so yes, i second the idea of asking in xfs if I read correctly
03:12.48newsensewhen i try su -s /bin/bash -c "/usr/sbin/logcheck" logcheck it asks for a password
03:12.51trostis it right to remove that package and just installed latest deb files found at the Wine's site ?
03:12.57infohighyeti: debian and mozilla had a little spat, debian's not able to distribute verbatim firefox due to trademark issues iirc
03:13.26yetiinfohigh, oh... so Iceweasel is the other option?
03:13.38infohighyes, it's the "debian firefox" :)
03:13.43stewyeti: iceweasel is firefox just with a name change and different icons
03:13.55blast_hardcheeseocto_: Yeah, hopefully someone will become active sometime soon
03:14.03nsadmintrost: in #debian there's probably no one who's tried that
03:14.04trosti do get a few packages broken but those all have to do with wine and arent going to effect the system
03:14.06ray66!nvida drivers
03:14.16trostnsadmin : why not ?
03:14.24nsadminit's not in debian
03:14.28nsadminyou'd have to ask them
03:14.38infohighand I doubt many ppl here use wine much ;)
03:14.42trostnsadmin : note that that package was just an example
03:14.59octo_blast_hardcheese: I actually missed what the brob is, but i use mdadm on all of my comptuers, usually just mirror though
03:15.10octo_blast_hardcheese: never used lvm either
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03:15.26nsadminan example of a package that's available from somewhere other than debian mirrors?
03:15.27yetiok... everything seems to be ok.. but I can't hear the gnome sounds.... how odd
03:15.33blast_hardcheeseocto_: let me paste what I just described to #xfs
03:15.34blast_hardcheeseone second
03:15.35octo_blast_hardcheese: just primary partitions(dont know if that is good or bad)
03:15.48macrobattrost: wine has a repo, you can add it to your sources.list
03:15.51stewtrost: if you want to install a newer version of a package you don't have to remove the older first, you can just install the newer.  though I wouldn't necessarily trust a third party .deb to handle this upgrade correctly
03:15.53infohighyeti: you sure your volume is turned up, and gnome sounds are enabled?
03:15.55ray66!nvidia drivers
03:15.55dpkgSee for help with drivers for NVIDIA graphics cards
03:16.04nsadminif not, what makes the example the same as the thing you really want?
03:16.08babilen_zzz!tell ray66 -about selftell
03:16.15infohighyeti: again, I recommend you just get an mp3 player and use that, because it might actually report useful error info if it's having trouble playing an mp3.
03:16.15nsadminor better:
03:16.16babilen_zzzray66: and it is 'nvidia'
03:16.28nsadminwhat do you really want?
03:16.29blast_hardcheesewhoops, remove the / from the end
03:16.42octo_got a 404 not found lol
03:16.42yetii am not aware of a nice mp3player graphical for debian linux
03:16.44trostnsadmin : finding this so hard to understand mate ?
03:16.50blast_hardcheeseocto_: should work
03:16.53octo_oh ok lol
03:17.00infohigheven totem or mplayer should work
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03:17.09infohigh(totem comes with gnome so you might already have it)
03:17.09troststew : wouldnt that cause some deps problems ?
03:17.11octo_blast_hardcheese: im slow at this poin tonight, didnt notice :)
03:17.17blast_hardcheeseno worries.
03:17.26troststew : aka broken packages ?
03:17.32nsadmintrost: yep... and will be doing so as long as you don't specify what you really want and from where it comes
03:17.36blast_hardcheeseI'm really hoping someone will be able to help, I really don't want to lose this data.
03:17.42stewtrost: if you do what, specifically?
03:18.05troststew : as you said install that newer package without removing the old one.
03:18.43nsadmintake as an example of software that's set up to do that: postgresql
03:18.45stewtrost: how are you installing the newer package?
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03:19.00nsadminbut... the package name also has the version number in it
03:19.21nsadmindifferent versions of postgresql can coexist
03:19.33nsadminthey are arranged to do that
03:19.49nsadminand it's probably a rare example
03:20.10troststew : dpkg
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03:20.34nsadmindpkg is -not- set up for that.
03:20.34dpkgno idea, nsadmin
03:20.38stewtrost: then maybe you'll get broken packages.  but you can fix the broken packages immediately with "aptitude -f install"
03:20.57stewtrost: and removing the old package first doesn't make any difference here
03:21.10yetiever since i intalled debian... the laptop battery does not give me an audible or visual warning that the battery is about to run out.
03:21.13octo_blast_hardcheese: I never used lvm, do you get  like a md3 or md3 num from raid, and the lvm goes on top of that, then the filesystem ?
03:21.18yetiis there anything like that available?
03:21.21macrobatwine in lenny is version 1.0.1-1     there is a "lamaresh" repo
03:21.47trostyeti : check if acpi is working.
03:21.57yetitrost, how do i do that?
03:22.16nsadmintrost: let me get this straight... you want multiple different copies of dpkg installed?
03:22.19trostyeti : i really dont know.
03:22.24infohighlol :)
03:22.38blast_hardcheeseocto_: md3?
03:22.44trostnsadmin : no!
03:22.50blast_hardcheeseocto_: With lvm it just gives you a new block device.
03:22.59nsadminoh, then what is the package you want to do this with?
03:23.15octo_blast_hardcheese: well for example, my mount point from rain are /dev/md0 /dev/md1 and so on
03:23.24octo_blast_hardcheese: raid*
03:23.28stewnsadmin: he wants to upgrade wine
03:23.56blast_hardcheeseocto_: I see
03:24.02nsadminoh, I thought he said wine is just an example of a package he wants to deal with
03:24.11stewhe did
03:24.14blast_hardcheeseYes; mdadm is /dev/md0, which I then set up in lvm2, which provides me with /dev/mapper/*
03:24.17trostnsadmin : i had some broken packages a few days ago that turned out to be caused by the installation of a newer version of wine above the version for the testing release
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03:24.47octo_blast_hardcheese: so my partitions might be /dev/sda1 and /devsda2 and they would be mirrord together and called /dev/md0
03:24.52nsadminoh, ok... that sounds like it could happen
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03:25.31octo_blast_hardcheese: if i do fdisk -l. it tells me /dev/md0 isnt a valid partition which i find old and weird ?
03:25.58nsadminwhat you'll probably have to do is rebuild wine on your present system into a package and then install that package
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03:26.11stewocto_: you mean "doesn't [yet] contain a valid partition"
03:26.15bababumhapy new year to everybody
03:26.22stewocto_: err, "... partition table"
03:26.23trostany thing like backports for the testing release ?
03:26.35newsenseanyone know of a package that'll clean up after an uninstalled package, still got a user and files in /etc for the package and i purged it
03:26.36stewtrost: no
03:26.49stewtrost: there shouldn't be a need for it
03:27.01nsadminbuilding packages shouldn't be hard
03:27.24octo_stew: it actually said /dev/md0 doesnt sontain a vaid partition table
03:27.39stewand in general you shouldn't need to build backports for testing, you should be able to pull unstable packages, unless we're frozen and you are hoping to follow testing to stable perhaps
03:27.41nsadminyou'll need sufficient disk space and, in a more limited way, plenty of ram
03:27.46troststew : well security problems are solved in unstable before they are sent to the testing release.
03:27.48bababumi want to buy a dedicated and install debian on it with apache2 (vhosts), php5 + extensions, mysql5, email (vhosts), ftp (vhosts) and SVN and i would need help finding the best config approach
03:27.57stewocto_: and why is this odd?
03:28.00octo_stew: but i have partitions on /dev/sda1 and dev/sdb1 , and they are mirrored
03:28.06stewtrost: often, yes
03:28.37troststew : thats why there is a need for something like backports for testing :)
03:28.41bababumidealy i would want a setup similar to that on shared hosting servers where i can have different accounts for sites and they can't access resources of other users
03:28.44troststew : or is there some other solution to this ?
03:28.59octo_stew: well, it is odd to me because i dont understand whyfdisk doesnt see the partition ?
03:29.08stewtrost: the solution is to use the unstable package
03:29.20nsadminbababum: probably you would want to offer virtual servers
03:29.21infohighdoes testing still miss out on timely security updates?
03:29.24bababumi've read however that setting up something like this has an impact on performance
03:29.25stewtrost: and if security is something that you need to have guaranteed, use stable
03:29.31infohighoic ;)
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03:29.56nsadminby who?
03:30.09bababumnsadmin: all sites are mine, but for security reasons i was prefering to limit access from them to other sites
03:30.13stewocto_: how did you create the mirror?
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03:30.24troststew : to be honest all the security problems arent stuff like remote exploits so its not really a big problem here
03:30.27bababumso i will take this approach only if it doesn't impact performance badly
03:30.43troststew : but how would i install the unstable packages without ending up with broken packages ?
03:31.25bababumnsadmin: i need some pointers to what to study/google
03:31.44bababumi've found that chroot-ing apache and ftp is probably a good idea
03:32.02nsadminnever use plain ftp unless you want to be compromised
03:32.22stewtrost: man apt_preferences ; read about pinning: /msg dpkg pinning ; see the Default-Release setting in apt.conf.  note that unstable package may have little or no testing at all and could be completely broken
03:32.28bababumthe opposed of plain ftp is chrooted? or SFTP?
03:32.46octo_stew: the last time i did it durring the install using mdadm, last time i did it from the running system tutorial
03:32.48nsadminyou could use sftp or ssh/scp
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03:32.54simNIXftp can do ssl login
03:32.59simNIXor chroot sftp
03:32.59octo_stew: i mean time before last
03:33.07bababumgot it
03:33.46bababumcan u guys recommend a good step by step guide with explanations? i was unable to find one though i've been googling for the past week
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03:33.57stewocto_: then your paritions don't exist anymore
03:34.23nsadminprobably not, as there's too much material and there's not a good way to predict which way you'll want to go
03:34.35stewocto_: you can't create a mdadm mirror of two devices and expect that data on one of the devices to still be intact without going through some hoops
03:35.01bababumso what do i do? just do the best i can and pray?
03:35.31infohighbababum: a good strategy for life in general :)
03:35.35nsadminbababum: which part are you currently asking about?
03:35.40simNIXbababum, or
03:36.36octo_stew: you can copy it over to a raid of 1 out of 2 then boot to it then sync them, however the last time it was a fresh install from raid set up during install
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03:36.47bababumim not experienced with linux. i am familiar with it but certainly not experienced enough to setup a solid production server. so i need guidance on what to read
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03:37.05simNIXI gave you 2 links just ...
03:37.22nsadminbababum: then you have a decision to make as to whether you want to go with linux/unix
03:37.43nsadminif you're not experienced, believe me, you WILL need to get experienced.
03:37.49nsadminor hire a unix admin
03:38.09bababumhiring an admin is out of the question. not enough money
03:38.18stewwhat could possibly go wrong
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03:38.33bababumi can pay to have it installed but is more bad than good because i think is better to learn myself
03:38.40nsadminthen you're back to deciding what operating system you want to run
03:38.50bababumlinux(debian) for sure
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03:39.06bababumi just need to figure out what I NEED :)
03:39.06octo_stew: either way, fdisk -l shows /dev/md0 and all of the size info and such, but says it doesnt contain  a valid patition table which has always been my case but i dont understand why. either way all systems are a go and it is the same in any distro ive been in
03:39.18nsadminok, given you're making that decision, you're making an implied commitment to learning it
03:39.21bababumso then i can learn about it
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03:39.33bababumyes i am commited to learn it
03:39.40infohighgreat :)
03:39.41nsadminoh, ok, good.
03:39.43octo_stew:  I just dont understand why and havent payed any attention to it
03:39.46simNIXbababum, if you can input the time you will noticed how much is already written out on how ... if you choose to do read up and such you will notice when your still stuck after reading what you could find in google/man/info pages you will see getting help on irc or mail lists is great
03:39.52yetii recently installed KDE ; how do I tell debian to start using it as opposed to GNOME?
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03:40.28bababumyeti - session menu in login screen
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03:40.58nsadminyou've made a pretty good choice, as unix is generally better at networking and servers
03:41.21kingring(fs_freq), what is freq here
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03:41.24nsadminbut there are a lot of piddly little tools to learn about
03:41.46yetibababum, ty.. going there now
03:41.53nsadminkingring: a freq is a chick that it's lucky to find...
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03:42.29aaroninfidelanyone here have experience with bind9? I want to setup my own name server
03:42.34kingringCan you please tell me full form of freq?
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03:42.40bababumyeti: there's also the option from somewhere in settings menu. possibly in user management. you can specify how the logon screen works
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03:43.02kingringnsadmin, :)
03:43.07stewaaroninfidel: lots of people, but you'll have to ask more specific quesitons than that
03:43.19kingringso its not chick for me anymore
03:43.39nsadminwhich is a measure of how many times a particular periodic event occurs within a specific amount of time
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03:44.06nsadminkingring: unless you want to spend the time necessary to get good with chix :)
03:44.18bababumif anybody around here is very good as a sysadmin for a production server and is willing to write me an outline about how to setup/config my server i am willing to pay. msg me directly if you want
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03:45.07aaroninfidelI just bought a .ch domain and my current domain host doesn't support it, so I'd like to setup a name server, someone told me I should use bind9 does anyone here have the patience to help me set it up?
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03:45.07bababumi need just an outline and some answers to my questions not a full howto
03:45.08nsadminbababum: would this production server be remote?
03:45.37bababumi will host probably with
03:45.42nsadminand you want to run multiple domains?
03:45.53bababumi control all domains
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03:46.43kingringi hate chicks when they are using makeup kits, if not i like them
03:46.48nsadminone obvious way is for each domain, rent a service from them... so if you have five domains, you rent 5 ververs
03:47.09nsadminkingring: you have to consider why they're doing that
03:47.27dotCOMmiebababum: I used bind, but a good friend of mine recomended powerdns take a look at it
03:47.33nsadminand deeply. for that, you have to understand how they feel
03:48.00kingringfor useless purpose, they will be beautiful if they not use beauty kits
03:48.28kingringchicks with natural beauty, awesome
03:48.46kingringi use to say to them :)
03:49.17nsadminthe thing is, to get any good, you have to approach 1000 of them.
03:50.04kingringI have one
03:50.17kingringi don't want anymore
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03:50.24octo_blast_hardcheese: just readning stuf and this may give you a little insight on where to aim ?
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03:50.28kingringAny chicks here
03:50.32nsadminthen that subject is done :)
03:50.34newsensei installed logcheck today and cannot get it to run, anyone have an idea ?
03:51.10kingringnsadmin, why chicks are not entering to this channel
03:51.20nsadminthey're not?
03:51.30octo_blast_hardcheese: i am just trying to read on lvm as i really dont know how to help, but am curious what other say about lvm2 and stuff
03:51.32aaroninfidelnsadmin: do you know how to setup bind9 and would you be willing to help me with it?
03:51.55nsadminwell you would start with aptitude install bind9
03:52.02stewkingring: please stay on-topic
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03:52.29kingringstew, okay
03:52.31nsadminwhat do you want the bind9 for?
03:52.43kingringi carry nsadmin too.
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03:55.15octo_blast_hardcheese:  this may interest you as this person had troubles with xfs on lvm  using 6 drives
03:55.29kingringnsadmin, you were invited to offtopic
03:55.36blast_hardcheeseocto_: Nah; that's from 2001, that's probably just a purely technical issue
03:55.45nsadminaaroninfidel: what do you want the bind9 for?
03:55.54blast_hardcheesexfs support has improved by leaps and bounds since then,
03:56.07aaroninfidelnsadmin: I bought a .ch domain and my current domain host doesn't accept transfers for that type of extension.
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03:56.56nsadminaaroninfidel: are you sure you want to run the domain yourself?
03:57.21aaroninfidelnsadmin: what would you recommend?
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03:57.52aaroninfidelnsadmin: I'm a web developer, not an admin so I'm only working from my knowledge.
03:57.52nsadmindepends, how important is the domain?
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03:58.19kingringnsadmin, (fs_passno) so, now what is passno
03:58.32aaroninfidelnsadmin: I plan on using it for all my personal projects and development.
03:58.38nsadminor is it like, you're experimenting with stuff
03:59.04nsadminso it's closer to experimentation
03:59.18aaroninfidelnsadmin: more or less.
03:59.42simonrvnaaroninfidel: that's called a tld not an extension
03:59.48kingring! fs_passno
03:59.51aaroninfidelsimonrvn: thank you.
03:59.57octo_here is a post talking about xfs on lvm on raid 5  ?  it is 04 and kernel 2.4 something bit worth checking maybe ?
04:00.01nsadminif you run the dns yourself, you'll need a server on a static IP which is at least as well-connected as the sum of all the domains on it
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04:00.26aaroninfidelnsadmin: I've got a dedicated box
04:00.28nsadminand you'll actually need two
04:00.40nsadminone for primary and the other for secondary
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04:01.17nsadminthe primary will actually hold the databases of the hosts on the domain
04:01.31nsadminthe secondary will ask the primary to feed it those databases
04:02.00nsadminafter that...
04:02.23simonrvnaaroninfidel: np
04:03.00nsadminyou will need the service that holds the IP addresses to provide reverse dns; they may agree, they may not
04:04.34aaroninfidelnsadmin: ok, well how can we get started?
04:05.04nsadminyou might do some research on dns hosts
04:05.24nsadmin-maybe- the company you bought the domains from could host the dns for you
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04:05.49aaroninfidelnsadmin: end goal here is I want my .ch domain up and hosted on my box, if you know of a quick, easy method of doing that I will follow your suggestion.
04:05.53nsadmin-so- much easier when you don't have to deal with it :)
04:06.45nsadminlet's assume for a moment that the company you bought the domain from agrees to pull dns duty for you
04:07.31aaroninfidelnsadmin: from what I've read, they don't.
04:08.32nsadminthen somehow you would add the names and IPs to the database on their server, and it eventually propigates, and then suddenly your machine has a name on the internet...
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04:08.51octo_blast_hardcheese: i remember when I had a motherbaosrd withe sb600 chipset on it and i couldnt even get mdadm working. could it maybe be a hardware problem or mismatch using different raid cards or are all 4 or more on the same chipset?
04:09.11blast_hardcheeseocto_: Not using RAID cards
04:09.13blast_hardcheesethis is software raid
04:09.21nsadminaaroninfidel: why won't the virt server company accept the domain?
04:09.29octo_i know, i meant sata cards sorry
04:09.37nsadminbtw, you should -never- give ownership of your domain to anyone
04:09.42aaroninfidelnsadmin: if I was to seek a company to host this domain for me, would I seek "Domain Parking" as the service?
04:09.57nsadminunless you no longer have interest in it
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04:10.39aaroninfidelnsadmin: I am unsure how to "give/keep" the ownership of a domain.
04:11.23nsadminaaroninfidel, to alter the whois entries such that someone else is the administrative contact for it
04:11.57aaroninfidelso I shouldn't use private whois services?
04:12.04Justinblast_hardcheese: what did you do to break it?
04:12.07aaroninfidelnsadmin ^
04:12.12nsadminwell you could, but you should be the admin contact
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04:12.26blast_hardcheeseJustin: lvm2 stopped working for some reason
04:12.31aaroninfidelnsadmin: noted.
04:12.34blast_hardcheeselvm2, being under xfs
04:12.39nsadminand the person who runs the server should be the technical contact
04:12.58blast_hardcheeseI didn't realize that I could just purge lvm2 and reinstall it and it would figure out the config based on the vgs there
04:13.17aaroninfidelnsadmin: so what service should I be looking for in terms of getting this domain hosted and pointed on an a record to my box?
04:13.22nsadminblast_hardcheese: did it do that?
04:13.27blast_hardcheeseIt did
04:13.33blast_hardcheesebut I tried to repair it before
04:13.35nsadminoh :) good times!
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04:14.10Justinblast_hardcheese: what does pvs,vgs,lvs output?
04:14.14blast_hardcheesensadmin: Yeah, if only I had realized that before.
04:14.15nsadminwhen you say "my box" do you mean a box on a static IP?
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04:14.39aaroninfidelnsadmin: yes a fully dedicated box for web hosting
04:14.46JaneDoehello folks. happy new year. which channel here is USA or ecommerce oriented?
04:14.46nsadminblast_hardcheese: that's excellent... so your vols weren't actually damaged
04:15.09abrotmanJaneDoe: for Debian, or just in general ?
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04:15.15JaneDoeor let me ask you this way: anyone doing ecommerce on debian? what are they using?
04:15.16blast_hardcheesensadmin: And yet, xfs is completely trashed
04:15.18abrotmanJaneDoe: /msg alis help
04:15.31abrotmanJaneDoe: i've heard some people like interchange
04:15.36JaneDoeabrotman: doesnt matter. both works fine.
04:15.53nsadminJaneDoe: well it's english here... ecommerce, depends strongly on what you mean by that
04:16.08abrotmannsadmin: electronic-commerce
04:16.17nsadminthere are a lot of different tool kits that can do ecommerce
04:16.49nsadminshoves an electronic shopping cart into abrotman's USB port!
04:16.50JaneDoensadmin: I am trying to get some info from some folks doing ecommerce.
04:17.06abrotmannsadmin: can i get a cuecat instead ?
04:17.07Justinblast_hardcheese: you only have the one lv?
04:17.13nsadminJaneDoe: like web?
04:17.20nsadmincuecat, is that a scanner?
04:17.37JaneDoensadmin: I need a real person to ask some questions... web did not do it for me.
04:18.01nsadminno I mean, what media do you want to run the ecommerce on?
04:18.25JaneDoensadmin: debian server
04:18.34nsadminabrotman: that's that bar code scanner that they once gave away isn't it?
04:18.47abrotmanpretty much
04:19.19blast_hardcheeseJustin: Yes
04:19.30nsadminJaneDoe: so let me just ask,,, you want to build a web site to sell things on, yes?
04:20.13JaneDoensadmin: I have a site that is already selling things. I just want to ask some questions about check (cheque) system in usa. We have servers running debian and openbsd.
04:20.27nsadminif so... do YOU want to be involved in the building/designing/etc?
04:20.52nsadminoh, ok.
04:21.15nsadminso you want information about US financial institutions and how the checks work
04:21.23JaneDoensadmin: EXACTLY
04:21.44abrotmanthe routing numbers ?
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04:21.58nsadminsee? it took me a few tries... but I finally got one!!
04:22.25JaneDoeabrotman, nsadmin: you have been very helpful. but i dont think it is apt to carry on this conversation here. or can i without hijacking the channel?
04:22.44abrotmanJaneDoe: you can try #debian-offtopic if you dont' feel it's appropriate here
04:23.12JaneDoeabrotman: thanks. are you both there?
04:23.13abrotmanJaneDoe: assuming you can get nsadmin to join you
04:23.31nsadmincrosses his arms :P
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04:29.23xxploitwould anyone happen to know why network manager shows no networks detect with a small x on the icon in the system tray, and doesnt seem to be working. Debian squeeze + xfce
04:29.38octo_blast_hardcheese: file -s /dev/sda2/dev/sda2: Linux rev 1.0 ext3 filesystem data (needs journal recovery)
04:29.50octo_blast_hardcheese: does that mean i have a prob ? lol
04:30.04*** join/#debian Brenden`` (
04:30.12blast_hardcheeseocto_: Is sda2 mounted?
04:30.19octo_blast_hardcheese: yea
04:30.28blast_hardcheeseDon't worry then
04:30.32octo_blast_hardcheese: it is /boot
04:30.45octo_blast_hardcheese: same with sda3 is /   same output
04:31.01blast_hardcheeseocto_: When ext3 is mounted, it marks the drive as "needs recovery"
04:31.07blast_hardcheesethen when it unmounts it unsets it
04:31.17blast_hardcheesejust in case your machine shuts down unexpectedly
04:31.18octo_blast_hardcheese: ahh cool
04:31.27blast_hardcheeseso when it boots back up it checks it
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04:36.27octo_blast_hardcheese: I never used the file command before, file -s /dev/md0 thourgh 4 show the FS's correctly, I wonder why fdisk doesnt? fdisk is out of date on sata or mdadm  perhaps?
04:37.47nsadminabrotman: what happened after I left?
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04:54.18mercutio22hello, is it possible for me to associate to a wireless ap from the command line? I don't have a functioning X-server at this moment
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04:57.35ctmjrstew: may i pm you?
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04:58.12stewctmjr: sure
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05:02.30mmindmercutio22, look at wicd.  it has an ncurses gui
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05:14.28ctmjryangtongxue: /j debian-zh
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05:20.01yangtongxuectmjr: 这命令不会用啊。
05:20.29stewyangtongxue: english only in here please.  if you want to speak chinese try #debian-zh or #ubuntu-cn
05:21.24yangtongxueI'm very sorry.
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05:30.38FIReunwhy am I having so much trouble setting up sound?
05:31.14FIReunalsaconf w/ESS 18xx doesnt work, I try sb16 and at least the alsamixer works, but still no sound
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05:31.28FIReunwhats the (easY( way?
05:31.33dpkgALSA is the Advanced Linux Sound Architecture, a project providing device drivers for sound cards.  To install, ask me about <install alsa>.  See also <alsa-checklist>, <alsa firmware>, <alsa versions>, <alsaconf>, <asoundconf>.  #alsa on
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05:42.39forcehi, is there a way in sudoers config to allow a user to edit a specific file eg. /etc/apache2/apache2.conf but no other config files
05:42.49mercutio22I have no X
05:43.20stewforce: write a script that edits the file and give him permission to run that script
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05:44.06forceoh good idea :) thanks
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05:47.15\amethystforce:  you have to be careful with that, though
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05:47.45\amethystforce:  if the editor, like most, lets you open another file, the problems are obvious
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05:50.00\amethystforce:  it might be better to use "sudoedit /path/to/thefile" as the permitted command   and have the user use sudo -e
05:50.01aaroninfidelI'm using lighthttpd and trying to load the Zend framework with PHP on Debian, is this the right channel to be posting questions about this?
05:50.50FIReunaaroninfidel: not directly I imagine
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05:51.03FIReunthat sounds app specific
05:51.35aaroninfidelFIReun: thanks
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06:24.29xyzthis is bullshit man
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06:24.38xyzmy fucking debian install sucks
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06:24.49xyzi wanna go back to windows vista man
06:24.56xyzso i can use cs4 suite
06:24.57xyzand mirc
06:25.07FIReunplease rant somewhere else
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06:25.18xyzmake me negro lover
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06:25.40FIReunah, its the lack of intelligence that caused you to fail
06:26.25xyzIm fairly intelligent
06:26.29xyzjust a sociopath
06:26.58xyzwhile(bored && !high) { troll(irc);}
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06:29.56forcei have something odd going on with apache2, if i have a file called 'blah.php' and i access the site with it will load blah.php and there are no rewrites or .htaccess files
06:30.00forceany ideas why it would be doing this?
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06:50.54Arrowmasterforce: thats default behavior
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07:05.01pav5088I want to know if tasksel simply pulls in a single package with lots of dependencies or if it pulls in multiple packages somehow...  and if so where to find the list of packages.
07:05.21pav5088I'm playing with FAI (fully automatic installer) and I want some packages to throw at it.
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07:54.51gparentis it possible to get the date a package was installed?
07:55.11gr4p3sif i wanted to get debian, would i get it in i386 (im running x86)?
07:55.19gparentyes gr4p3s
07:55.35gr4p3sgparent: thanks. is there any diff between i386 and i686?
07:56.06gparentwell as far as im aware theres no i686 for debian
07:56.27gparentpretty sure they're the same architecture, but 686 being more recent
07:56.35gparenteither way both are x86
07:57.59cahootgparent: aptitude keeps logs
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07:58.10gparentthank you.
07:58.11gr4p3syeah, thats why im asking about the i686. some other distros offer that... does that mean that i386 works, but i686 works better for me?
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08:52.56pokehhy i have debian vps , i need make this vps for webhosting company , how to install or configure it , thanks for reply
08:53.30JyZyXELi can't find a single ara engine online
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08:54.12pokehhy i have debian vps , i need make this vps for webhosting company , how to install or configure it , thanks for reply
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09:02.22dpkgTest failed.
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09:02.54pokehhy i have debian vps , i need make this vps for webhosting company , how to install or configure it , thanks for reply
09:03.23Kamping_Kaiserpokeh: you do some research, and stop spamming this channel. thanks.
09:03.37Kamping_Kaiseron that note, i'll head afk :)
09:03.41pokehi not spamming
09:03.48pokehi just havce questuon
09:03.52pokehhave questions
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09:09.48billbobhow can I get pidgin to notify me of users logging on/off on all accounts?
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09:36.02WormFooddoes "tcprules" from ucspi-tcp package work for anyone?
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09:36.35WormFoodI had it working just fine on my system, and haven't had to touch it for years, and now when I go to use it, it just hangs...I don't understand why...installed it on 2 different systems, still just hangs
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09:37.56WormFoodI've been fighting with this shit for over an hour, and it is really pissing me off! (and of course, google is no help)
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10:04.26kleanchapI want to install Debian over the wireless network.  My laptop has Broadcom WiFi adapter.  During the network install bootup, how can I load the Broadcom driver?
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10:07.24pav5088kleanchap, not sure...  but after boot doesn't it give you the option to load different drivers?
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10:08.47simonrvnkleanchap: next time, ask in one channel at a time (try to avoid cross-posting). thank you.
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10:11.14fredlI installed trac-wysiwyg on my box, how do I make trac use the right files globally (I have two vhosts, each with their own trac environment)
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10:12.04fredlI noticed Debian's trac pkg doesn't come with an /etc/trac/trac.ini so I'm a bit at a loss of whether I'm supposed to edit both environment's local trac.ini
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10:12.48dpkgi heard antgel is cool ;)
10:13.11fredlstares at simonrvn
10:13.29simonrvni didn't add that, so don't stare at me bub
10:13.44LovecraftPerhaps you mean 'glares'.
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10:14.33fredlno, I hold no grudges, it's just really a blank expression, surprised what antgel could have to do with my problem
10:14.34arghh2d2i'm trying to remap Mod4 to Caps_Lock... anybody know a quick and painless way to do this?
10:15.04simonrvnfredl: as for your problem, i suppose you could ask #trac (if there's a channel) or rtfm
10:15.04LovecraftUse a keymap and loadkeys
10:15.21simonrvnfredl: it's ok, i didn't take it seriously in the least =)
10:15.31LovecraftRead the Keyboard and Console HOWTO.  short and good.
10:15.40nevynarghh2d2: mod4 == capslock?
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10:15.57simonrvndpkg-reconfigure console-whatever
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10:16.46fredlsimonrvn - haha well gee thanks :p
10:16.52fredlI feel much better now :)
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10:17.06simonrvnfredl: i've never worked with trac, that's all i can offer :/
10:17.31fredlit's pretty nice actually from what I can see so far
10:18.02fredljust having a bit of a hard time dealing with too many unknowns at the same time, don't know Trac, could be Sid, could be Python
10:18.36simonrvnlikely trac, it being the unknown
10:18.53simonrvnpython is relatively transparent
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10:19.59arghh2d2ok  Lovecraft and nevyn thanks for the idears
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10:26.45rgrarghh2d2: you can use xmodmap. Its discussed loads of places in relation to xmonad. .xmodmaprc.
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10:31.15arghh2d2rgr: yeah, i tried somebody's xmonad+xmodmap hack with scrotwm and it failed
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10:33.31GrandMastasheevaplug seedbox setup! hello debian! ahh
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10:36.43arghh2d2I just need to know what the Caps Lock key is called, like the Windows key is called Mod4... what would the Caps key be called
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10:38.28rgrthe xmod file needs to be processed/read. Gnome (I use xmonad on gnome) sees the .xmodmaprc. If its any cosolation the syntax is mad IMO. Hang I'll post mine :
10:38.28cahoot_arghh2d2: run xev
10:38.34rgrCaps_Lock btw
10:39.07rgrlibnotify-Message: Unable to get session bus: Failed to connect to socket /tmp/dbus-T2Gr2hW8hC: Connection refused
10:40.10rgrcant paste here from an xterm emacs. f******.
10:40.22rgrlibnotify-Message: Unable to get session bus: Failed to connect to socket /tmp/dbus-T2Gr2hW8hC: Connection refused
10:40.53rgrarghh2d2: need to log out and log in back in. brb.
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10:41.41rgrlibnotify-Message: Unable to get session bus: Failed to connect to socket /tmp/dbus-T2Gr2hW8hC: Connection refused
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10:43.23arghh2d2rgr: i tried something like that with scrotwm and it failed...brb
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11:00.50mallxsmorning folks
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11:07.16mallxsI'm using gnome for my desktop machine ... where and how do start a background prog while logging in to the desktop ?
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11:07.39itrf96hello, "Permission denied (publickey,gssapi-with-mic,password)" <-- what is the mean? thanks
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11:09.39dutchfishitrf96, what program you tried to start?
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11:11.02itrf96dutchfish, I want o login via ssh on my server
11:11.21mallxslet me refrease my question what is equal in gnome to my shell .kshrc ?
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11:12.10dutchfishitrf96, you used the correct user, and doe your server need a key and a password?
11:12.43itrf96yes, it is true
11:13.10mallxsitrf96: are u using SecureCRT or something like that ?
11:13.19itrf96dutchfish, ssh -o PreferredAuthentications=password -l username hostname.domain.ext
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11:13.25dutchfishitrf96, then make sure that the correct private key is installed on the client and can be found (path)
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11:13.44itrf96is it true?
11:14.12dutchfishitrf96, man ssh
11:14.22itrf96dutchfish, ssh -o PreferredAuthentications=password -l username hostname.domain.ext  --> change =password to ="mypasswd"
11:15.29dutchfishitrf96, -K option for the GSSAPI authentication
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11:16.37dutchfishitrf96, or -k if not
11:18.12dutchfishmallxs, i think the default shell is bash in Debian, if that is what you are asking?
11:18.52mallxsI just need a program to start fi i start my desttop
11:18.58itrf96dutchfish, thank you, let me search
11:19.19dutchfishmallxs, you mean to start automatically on logon?
11:20.07mallxsso now i'm looking for .gnomerc .. but can't locate it
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11:20.18mallxsor something like that
11:20.18dutchfishmallxs, if its a user program you might get away with session from gnome as far as i know, otherwise script it in sysv, if the porgram doesnt already
11:20.23WhiteCrow1hi guy's
11:20.49dutchfishmallxs, what porgram you try to start that way?
11:21.10mallxsdutchfish: syner .. you know it ?
11:21.23WhiteCrow1i want to know permission of xorg.conf anybody can tell me ?
11:21.41dutchfishmallxs, synergy ?
11:22.05mallxsyes synergys -f --daemon --name --config synergy.conf
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11:22.47dutchfishmallxs, use gnome sessions
11:23.32dutchfishmallxs, for that user that is
11:23.48mallxsI'm the only user on this system
11:24.04dutchfishmallxs, same
11:24.49mallxsdutchfish: gnome session .. is that a gui thing or can i just vi a file somewhere ?
11:25.40dutchfishmallxs, (System->Preferences->Sessions)
11:26.02mallxsdutchfish: thx
11:26.07dutchfishmallxs, yw
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11:27.01LovecraftIts a script
11:27.08dutchfishWhiteCrow1, -rw-r--r--
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11:27.21WhiteCrow1dutchfish: tnx a lot :-*
11:27.48dutchfishWhiteCrow1, its root:root
11:28.08WhiteCrow1ok and tnx again dude
11:29.28WhiteCrow1guys when i install fglrx i have probleam my gdm is cant to start
11:29.45WhiteCrow1and i had to rm xorg.cong to can i run gdm
11:29.58mallxsdutchfish: is that you ?
11:30.05dutchfishmallxs, no
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11:30.12babilen!tell WhiteCrow1 -about xorg config lenny
11:30.45WhiteCrow1babilen: i search in network and i read wiki debian but i have problem yet
11:30.55WhiteCrow1babilen: hi dude
11:31.07Lovecraft!tell Lovecraft -about xorg config lenny
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11:31.30babilenWhiteCrow1: yes, I remember. What kind of graphic card do you have?
11:31.48babilenLovecraft: /msg dpkg <topic>
11:31.50WhiteCrow1babilen: ATI 4870 1G ddr 5
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11:33.15babilenWhiteCrow1: You have several options. You could try to free drivers 'radeon' and 'radeonhd' or install the proprietary 'fglrx' drivers
11:34.03WhiteCrow1babilen: i want to install fglrx but i cant fix my be if u help me i can fix this
11:35.03babilen!fglrx one-liner
11:35.03dpkgEnsure you have <non-free sources> added.  Exit X / stop any <DM>, then: "aptitude install module-assistant fglrx-driver fglrx-control fglrx-kernel-src && m-a a-i fglrx && modprobe -r radeon drm && modprobe fglrx && echo fglrx >> /etc/modules".  Lenny users: create/edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf and specify 'fglrx' for the driver in the Device section (man xorg.conf).  Etch users: run "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" and select fglrx.
11:35.12babilenWhiteCrow1: ^^^^
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11:37.40WhiteCrow1ok i go to stop x
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11:51.42noreflexHello! I'm in desperate need of help guys. I had a machine with softraid1 (mdadm) on which I had a few websites hosted. This morning I noticed a few directories were not accessible - if I tried ls -lh i got some directories and files displayed as ?????
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11:53.03noreflexThen I tried fsck -y /dev/md0 - this seemed to take a LOT of time (but was stating that it was fixing things) so I tried fsck -y /dev/md0 > /dev/null which finished fast...
11:53.42noreflexnow /dev/md0 is reported as having no filesystem
11:54.09noreflexno backups...this was the backup machine :(
11:54.17babilenand the original?
11:55.05babilennoreflex: Did you interrupt the first fsck?
11:55.07noreflexit was the backup machine for other machines in the network...I have no backups of the contents of /dev/mdo
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11:55.16noreflexbabilen: yes
11:55.56noreflexi thought I was safe with raid1 :(
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11:56.37noreflexsmartctl reported the tests as passed for /dev/sdb and /dev/sdc - the drives from the raid setup
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11:57.23babilensorry, telephone ...
11:57.28TangentCollisionsomeone named bear in here tried to dcc me something
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11:57.37mjtraid does not save you from system errors, as in: if system wrote some garbage to the filesystem, raid will happily store that garbage
11:58.10mjtbut having "no filesystem" after fsck is wrong
11:58.25mjtthat's not how things works
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11:58.34noreflexI don't understand how fsck managed to make things worse...this morning only a few directories were "unreadble"
11:59.15icerootsynaptic is not part of debian but from ubuntu?
11:59.18mjtis it raid1?
11:59.28mjtoh yeah it is
11:59.29noreflexfdisk and cfdisk state that there's no filesystem on /dev/md0
11:59.42mjtwell, that's not a good test
11:59.52mjtwhich filesystem it was?
12:00.26noreflexand /dev/sdc and /dev/sdb are reported to be linux_raid_member
12:00.37mjtand the kernel version?
12:00.53mjtnote that in ext4 received a *ton* of bugfixes
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12:02.18noreflexsorry : /dev/md0 is reported as having no partition table....
12:02.26mjtshould it?
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12:03.22noreflexkernel version is 2.6.28-11
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12:04.18noreflexmjt....I guess a partition table isn't actually necessary
12:04.36mjtsure it's not necessary in general case
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12:04.45noreflexmjt I just created the raid setup and run mkfs on it
12:04.52mjtbut we're talking about _your_ case where you either had partition table or not
12:05.17mjtso what a partition table has to do with all this?
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12:05.33noreflexmjt I don't think I had one - I created the array with mdadm and then used mkfs.ext4 on it
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12:05.46scorchI'm only getting "no boot signature in partition" when I try to boot after installing. Tried installing twice now and getting the same thing both times
12:05.48mjtso why even mention partition table??
12:06.07mjtbut ok
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12:06.33mjtnoreflex: note that neither of *fdisks will report a filesystem on whole device
12:07.06scorchbios says "no valid operating system"
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12:07.12noreflexmjt sorry...when I try to mount it it gives ext4 no journal on filesystem on md0
12:07.31mjtand fsck says what?
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12:10.18noreflexmjt: fsck /dev/md0 says : /dev/md0 clean 47969/15261696 files, 27817153/61034912 blocks
12:10.32noreflexsorry for the delay...that machine is in another room ...
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12:13.26noreflexmjt: do I have to recreate ext4's journal? is it possible?
12:13.37noreflexwithout loosing the actual date?
12:13.37jelly-homescorch: how many hard disks are there in the machine?
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12:14.45scorchjelly-home: one
12:14.58LarsJ[>....................]  recovery =  0.2% (920768/446261504) finish=3869.4min speed=1917K/sec - Why is the resync running which such a slow speed. How do I debug this?
12:15.28mjtnoreflex: -- similar issue as yours
12:15.35scorchjelly-home: but I installed from an usb-stick, and the stick always gets assigned as sda, and the hdd as sdb, don't know if that's a problem or not
12:15.59mjtnoreflex: so far i don't see how it works.  But the good thing is that you have automatic backup
12:16.08jelly-homescorch: tried unplugging the stick and rebooting?
12:16.21scorchjelly-home: yes
12:16.44jelly-homescorch: it sounds like your boot loader wasn't installed properly.
12:16.45mjtnoreflex: you'll have to experiment, and the best way is to break raid (remove one drive from it0 and perform experiments there (on e.g. sdb instead of md0)
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12:19.20mjtnoreflex: you can also try disabling journal (tune2fs -O ^has_journal /dev/foo)
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12:19.48mjtnoreflex: or, indeed, recreating journal
12:20.08mjtnoreflex: but it looks like it's a good idea to update kernel to at least
12:20.11noreflexmjt: If I recreate the journal - will I loose the current data?
12:21.25mjtrecreate how, exactly?
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12:22.22mjtand i answered this one already: try anything on a _half_ of your raid
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12:22.47mjtso in case it'll go wrong you'll have another half intact
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12:23.05noreflexwill try to remove one drive from the raid array
12:23.15noreflexthanks mjt
12:23.22mjt(to restore, re-add the drive back to raid and wait for resync; disable write-intent bitmap on raid if you have any)
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12:23.53mjtdo experiment on the real disk, not on raid!
12:24.02mjtor else it'll be difficult to restore
12:24.39mjtnoreflex: by the way, it probably is also a good idea to check your disks before breaking raid, like running smart selftests for example...
12:25.20mjti found a few refs about this on google, people solved this prob by exactly this: recreating the journal.
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12:26.36VhozardAnyone here with a subscription to Nature ?
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12:27.17noreflexmjt: I don't know how to recreate the exactly did they solve their problem?
12:27.29mjtnoreflex: tune2fs -j
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12:28.24mjtnoreflex: after restoring the fs, i'd save all data and re-create the filesystem.
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12:39.44noreflexmjt: I did tune2fs -j /dev/md0 and now I have a lost+found directory which has lots of directories like 16346 where I can find lots of my files - don't know if it's all of them...
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12:41.51noreflexis there a way to restore those files preserving the directory structure? I had some sites created with joomla and recreating the directory structure by hand is virtually impossible
12:43.00thrasholdCan anyone hint me where i should look if su says "su: Module is unknown" ?
12:43.28MASARUwotathrashold: whow, what
12:44.08oggeifn'thrashold: probably a misconfiguration in /etc/pam.d/su or common ones
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12:44.51initmaxúÄÒÁÓÔÅ, ËÔÏ qutim ÐÏÌØÚÏ×ÁÌ?
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12:45.12MASARUwotainitmax:english please
12:45.12thrasholdIs there an easy way to restore a config file to the one in the package version?
12:45.38subanomicIf I add a route using "route add ...", is that root maintained or is it deleted at the next reboot?
12:46.36thrasholdIs there a way to force su to print which module is missing?
12:46.56thrasholdI uninstalled a bunch of packages with autoremove, and I believe it stopped working after that
12:47.01noreflexmjt: any idea?
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12:48.55oggeithrashold: if you want you can strace
12:49.17thrasholdWhat I'm looking for? dlopen or something?
12:49.25oggeibut i'd personally prefer to track this kind of problems starting analyzing config files
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12:49.40mjtnoreflex: i was afk.. idea about what?
12:49.54mjtnoreflex: ahh i see
12:49.58mjtnoreflex: nope, there's no way
12:50.31thrasholdOK, how would I restore all pam configs to the versions that are in the packages?
12:50.32mihi all
12:51.31oggeithrashold: keep in mind that pam stuff in debian is generally designed to not make trouble to users who don't know how to use it, so if now is broken and you can't operate for yourself, you got a problem
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12:52.07mjtnoreflex: lost+found is just like the name suggests: these are lost directories, the system has no track where that dirs where initially
12:52.10thrasholdMy suspicion is that I uninstalled some pam module that left a config file there
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12:52.24thrasholdOr I upgraded some and the config file wasn't updated
12:52.44thrasholdSo the only way is to go through all the files and do dpkg -S for each .so?
12:52.45oggeithrashold: then it should be easy enough to find the rogue "required" line
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12:54.37oggeithrashold: yu can also use pam_debug(8)
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12:57.47miiceweasel (Debian-3.5.6-1) and icedove ( keep crashing, when i try to change the diretory during "save to disk". anyone has an idea what might be the problem or can tell me, where the logs could be?
12:58.51thrasholdI think I found the problem
12:59.19thrasholde2fsck deleted some configs (apparently part of my terminfo files are gone, too, I suspect some pam configs are too)
13:00.22thrasholdNote to self: Never use ext3 again
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13:01.07war9407Does anyone here have a (new) Radeon 5XXX card (the ones that support eye infinity) working under Linux with Xinerama? (until the driver supports Eye Infinity?)
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13:10.19unom1I am facing an issue with duplicate ping responses
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13:10.26unom1what could cause this?
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13:14.02paissad-hphi to all, i have this message when i use update-initramfs to update my initrd
13:14.04paissad-hpI: mdadm: using configuration file: /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf
13:14.04paissad-hpI: mdadm: will start all available MD arrays from the initial ramdisk.
13:14.04paissad-hpI: mdadm: use `dpkg-reconfigure --priority=low mdadm` to change this.
13:14.05*** kick/#debian [paissad-hp!n=debhelpe@unaffiliated/debhelper] by debhelper (use the paster bot or #flood)
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13:14.18paissad-hpsorry, :s
13:14.29filePeterlol :-)
13:14.58paissad-hpi would like to know if i should use "dpkg-reconfigure --priority=low"
13:15.06paissad-hpbtw, i have no problems with my raid1
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13:15.55mjtuse that if you want to change that
13:16.03mjtwhat's the problem?
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13:16.44paissad-hpthere's no problem, but i just want to know if i should bother for that message
13:17.00mjtit tells you that it will try to assemble all arrays
13:17.00*** mode/#debian [+l 906] by debhelper
13:17.19mjtyou should bother if you want to change that
13:17.38mjtis confused
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13:17.59paissad-hpall i know is i have no proble with my raid1 system
13:18.23paissad-hpbut that does not mean my config is optimal or quite correct
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13:28.37thrasholdHow do I disable the udev warnings with newest udev? My system is booting 1 minute longer because my framebuffer is too slow to print all those crap
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13:39.25abrotmanthrashold: which warnings ?
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13:40.44superlinuxhi all
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13:41.30superlinuxcan I install two different glibc versions?
13:41.31thrasholdabrotman: That something is deprecated, I can't reboot now to tell :)
13:41.41abrotmansuperlinux: no
13:41.49abrotmanthrashold: nothing in your boot logs ?
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13:42.52superlinuxabrotman, what is the impact of having both? like i have a one that i apt-get it, and another that I compiled?
13:42.53itsosimponeed java plugin for epiphany browser
13:43.11techknowlustI'm having trouble installing debian on a dell machine I have. the install goes fine but everytime I boot it fails and all I see is what seems to be a stack trace
13:43.13abrotmansuperlinux: try it .. let us know what happens
13:43.25superlinuxno way!!! hhehe!
13:43.48superlinuxcos all I need is to run a game.
13:43.50thrasholdabrotman: It has to do with this part of the changelog: o remove deprecated BUS=, SYSFS{}=, ID= keys
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13:44.01abrotmanthrashold: unstable ?
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13:45.00superlinuxubuntu has newer versions
13:45.11superlinuxso why debian has not?
13:45.44superlinuxthat does not mean i say ubuntu is better
13:46.12thrasholdsuperlinux: What glibc version this game needs?
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13:46.32abrotmansuperlinux: then go use ubuntu .. if oyu need the game, don't let us stop you
13:46.43superlinuxno no!
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13:47.18superlinuxi have been always a debian user since 2000
13:48.03superlinuxok i'll try to download and compile glibc
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13:48.56pingouinsuperlinux: i got the same problem, for a browser, need glic 2.8
13:49.08thrasholdIt would be easier if you upgrade to squeeze. And you'll break less stuff.
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13:49.12pingouinsuperlinux: dont know how to handle this, without breaking stuff
13:49.13superlinuxabrotman, does the change in a glibc have an impact on the kernel?
13:49.28abrotmansuperlinux: you're going to break your machine ..
13:50.18superlinuxwhat do you mean by breaking the mechine, seriously? do you mean the package list? or not making the sytem able to boot?
13:50.21abrotmansuperlinux: do you even understand what libc6 is ?
13:51.06superlinuxall I know it's the basic C++ libraries needed to build  a program.. not that much
13:51.22mjtit's THE basic C library
13:51.32mjtwhich is used by 99.9% of all your system
13:51.33superlinuxoh! ok
13:51.43thrasholdsuperlinux: The result from upgrrading libc manually usually is: No app works (e.g. ls refuses to work, cp refuses to work, bash refuses to start, etc.)
13:52.03mjtyeah, that's quite usual result
13:52.27thrasholdsuperlinux: I've done that twice, so from my little sample I got 100% success in ruining the system
13:52.53pingouinthrashold: but there is not a solution to build the latest libc from gnu, in /opt for instance, and make only 2 or 3 soft use it, custom build from sources ?
13:53.13abrotmansuperlinux: your simple choices are 1) Don't play the game 2) use squeeze 3) use another distro
13:53.13mjtthe answer to that is chroot
13:53.24superlinuxpingouin, thats what you say is what i want!
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13:53.48linhisi want 2 remove d extensions 4m my php file on apache on debian
13:54.01abrotmanlinhis: please speak english
13:54.09linhisi want the url and to be the same
13:54.15linhisooops sorry
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13:54.35abrotmanitsosimpo: did you install the sun-java6-plugin ? or hte icedtea plugin ?
13:54.37mjtapc dbn
13:55.00superlinuxI have just moved to AMD64.. I mean it took me a while
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13:56.58aidanIs there a deb for "Sun's MSV" which contains relames.jar
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13:57.26babilenaidan: 'apt-file search relames.jar'
13:57.33rgrsomeone just sent me a privazte msg but where is it? I got a libnotify pop up but cant find which windows its in.
13:57.55rgrsorry - wrong channel
13:58.10babilenaidan: or use p.d.o to search all distributions
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14:04.44Strumhi all
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14:09.59rieshey all, I knew there was a apt function to search for filenames within packages, I am looking for gnome.ui (python I think) apt-file search gnome.ui doesn't give me any results, any hint for me what package contains gnome.ui ?
14:10.20*** part/#debian aidan (i=aidan@unaffiliated/aidan)
14:11.02pingouinsuperlinux: maybe there is some information to do so here :
14:11.17babilenries: 'apt-file search' is the correct tool. You might have to update it's database or use
14:11.19pingouinsuperlinux: and in the Help of newer version from gnu of libc
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14:11.31superlinuxok pingouin thanks very much
14:11.42riesbabilen: I have been using that... I didn't knew it needed any update... let me look into that
14:11.49pingouinsuperlinux: sorry, i'm trying to learn how to do it also
14:12.48riesbabilen: there is not by any change a online tool?
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14:13.19riesthanks, my internet is slow here (512kbs)
14:13.29babilenries: but it is unable to find a package with that file as well. What is it?
14:14.16babilenries: What do you need that file for?
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14:14.22riesbabilen: I am looking for gnome.ui
14:14.48riesand it's for a program called emc2 ( to be precise, stepconf needs it
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14:15.57babilenries: guile-gnome2-gnome-ui maybe?
14:15.59babilenjudd: versions guile-gnome2-gnome-ui
14:15.59juddbabilen: guile-gnome2-gnome-ui -- sid: 2.16.1-4 squeeze: 2.16.1-4
14:16.16pingouinsuperlinux:  the LD_LIBRARY_PATH is surely what we look for
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14:16.31riesbabilen: let me try that
14:16.36superlinuxok ok
14:16.44pingouinsuperlinux: called in a script to launch the software
14:17.22superlinuxpingouin, that's correct! I should have thought of it
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14:19.19Strumquestion - with lenny - how do i install dosemu, apt-get and aptitude don't seem to work
14:19.31abrotmanpingouin: he's going to break his machine
14:20.03liablethats what he aspires to do
14:20.04superlinuxabrotman, the tldp mentions that LD_LIBRARY_PATH is the way around it
14:20.26abrotmansuperlinux: you're going to break it .. i know what it's telling you
14:20.49superlinuxI will compile it but not install it. can't i?
14:21.07liableStrum: you got contrib in sources?
14:21.07pingouinsuperlinux: take care of the ./configure option , read the Install
14:21.16superlinuxno then!
14:21.27pingouinsuperlinux: it need not be installed in the system
14:22.08pingouinsuperlinux: sorry this one is in french but , back in etch time, the qt lib was not high enough to install firefox 3, you'll script to launch
14:22.33pingouinabrotman: dont tell me it's not possible to have some lib to test without breaking everything
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14:23.09abrotmanthis isn't "some lib"
14:23.19liablejust a lib
14:23.24pingouinabrotman: yeah, you right , it's THE lib
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14:23.55pingouinbut i just want it to run for some software, not for all system
14:24.15pingouinthus, maybe a aptitude install -t testing  would work ?
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14:24.33liabletell whoever makes the software they suck. dont break your system for one package
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14:25.23pingouinliable: learning take time and some faillure i guess
14:25.42babilenpingouin: debootstrap a squeeze chroot and install the game in there. You can also use a virtual machine, or upgrade your complete system.
14:25.55thrasholdsuperlinux: You have two much better options: Install a Debian Squeeze chroot with debootstrap, it takes less time than it will take you to figure how to compile glibc, and you will have two glibc versions on one system
14:25.55liableyes, fucking with libc6 will gaurentee failure :)
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14:26.08thrasholdsuperlinux: And the other is, if you use LVM, snapshot your root, upgrade to squeeze, check if everything is working for a week so and enjoy your squeeze
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14:27.23superlinuxguys! I dont want it any more
14:27.31superlinuxnot for a game
14:27.34pingouinbabilen thrashold yeah debootstrap is a good idea , i did not think about
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14:28.09pingouinand deboutstrap have plenty how to , contrary to how to build lib aside of running installation
14:28.22pingouinthanks for the reminding
14:28.43thrasholdDamn, something installed network-manager, which disables my internet when I plug my phone into my PC. That's why I'm so lagged.
14:29.22abrotmanpingouin: no, using -t wouldn't work
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14:29.34babilenthrashold: apt-cache rdepends network-manager --> What is this something?
14:29.38pingouinabrotman: ok, thanks
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14:30.53rgranyone here successfully got an identd daemon working for ident services on irc connection? If so which one and do you recall any issues?
14:31.07thrasholdbabilen: evolution and resolvconf
14:31.15rgrhad daemon running, did necessary router port forwarding and doesnt seem to work.
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14:33.00babilenthrashold: Which version of Debian do you use? I am sure that you can safely remove nm ...
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14:33.31thrasholdbabilen: I removed it just fine, but I guess it gets installed by something that suggests it
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14:36.17babilenthrashold: You can disable automatic installation of suggests
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14:40.31riesbabilen: I cannot find that package name in Lenny... seems to be available in SID?
14:42.08babilenries: yes .. have  look at what judd said about the versions or /msg judd versions guile-gnome2-gnome-ui
14:42.28rieslet me see, I missed that
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14:42.51riesAhh yes.... but I have Lenny, not sid...
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14:43.58babilenries: It's also available in squeeze. You can either (i) Upgrade to squeeze (ii) use a squeeze debootstrapped chroot (iii) use a virtual machine
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14:45.11riesbabilen: I am sorry... but squeeze? Lenny is the latest already, right? or do you want me to use unstable?
14:45.23babilenries: But I would download that package first and check that it contains the gnome.ui file. You said that the CNC program that depends on this is written in Python, correct?
14:45.38babilenries: squeeze is the current testing
14:45.42riesCorrect, it's written in python
14:45.42dupondjeI just burned a img to dvd with wodim, but it creates 2 sessions? Any way to make it only 1 session? or close the session? Cause now its still open
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14:46.03riesAhh ic... let me try that
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14:46.44babilenries: Another option might be to install the program and it's dependencies into a
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14:47.12babilenries: I would try that first. What is the name of the program?
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14:47.35babilenries: virtualenv is also available from the Debian repositories
14:48.11riesbabilen: the name of the program is stepconf, it's part of the whole emc2 suite
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14:49.36riesbabilen: virtualenc is beyond my knowledge of python, I thought you did mean a VM :)
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14:50.46libertad0Good afternoon
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14:51.44libertad0I have lenny and I am trying work with a modem huawei e1552. usb_modeswitch not work, someone could help me?
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14:52.10babilenries: It is a program to create a private/non-system Python environment. But I am not sure If that is the best solution for emc2, which seems to be quite a big software suite
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14:53.26babilenries: I would try the debootstrap chroot approach first. The main purpose of the box you install that suite on is controlling your CNC tools, right?
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14:53.50riesbabilen: I thionk it works already... on eof the packages I installed seems to added it
14:54.06dHLhey am is it correct that p7zip does not support 7z file compression under linux but rather only decompression? :-s
14:54.07rieshowever gnome.ui is still not found on my filesystem, so it must be embedded into something...
14:54.07babilenries: even better
14:54.34riesfrom all the program languages I do know.. python is not one of them
14:54.59babilenries: so it is working now?
14:54.59dHLpz7ip does not support file compression on linux is that correct?
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14:55.38libertad0I have lenny and I am trying work with a modem huawei e1552. usb_modeswitch not work, someone could help me?
14:55.49babilenlibertad0: be patient ... ;-)
14:55.56riesbabilen: it's working now indeed
14:56.01babilenries: \o/
14:56.06riesthanks for the honts and tips... I feel rather stupid
14:56.12babilenries: Which window manager did you settle on?
14:56.15dHLanyone know what compression tool has the best compression algorithm for linux?  seeings how 7z compression apparently is not supported under linux...?
14:56.28dHLtar ? bzip ?
14:56.36libertad0babilen: ok :=)
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14:58.13riesbabilen: I settled on xfce4, teh desktop environment, but it seems to be partly loaded now :)
14:58.13riesa other challange to figure out...
14:58.22babilenlibertad0: Is the modem not detected? Is it an internal one?
14:58.37babilenries: :-D Have fun then ...
14:58.53libertad0babilen: lsusb show a usb storage
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14:59.25riesbabilen: hehehe yeaa..... I will it's working mostly though
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14:59.52cahootlibertad0: usb-modeswitch install via aptitude?
15:00.17libertad0One in a million of turning on the computer, the modem is recognized as a modem and storage, this does not work most of the time
15:00.50libertad0cahoot: no, it's a binary from the author
15:01.20cahootlibertad0: got a corresponding udev rule?
15:01.38libertad0cahoot:  yes for the modem
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15:02.15psycoseHi, using uptodate ubuntu karmic 32 bits, i got a bandwidth problem (-28 no enough bandwidth) using an USB Logitech webcam (046d:08f0, with driver STV06xx), i'm trying to solve this issue, on linux is it possible to tell the system to use another USB controller (see thanks
15:02.22libertad0cahoot: usb_modeswith show "all right, ok, type lsusb for look the changes"
15:02.40abrotmanpsycose: please go to #ubuntu for support
15:02.48babilenlibertad0: might provide some pointers
15:02.55cahootlibertad0: I'm on sid here - the deb (usb-modeswitch) also includes a udev rule 80-usb-modeswitch.rules
15:03.51cahootlibertad0:  80-usb_modeswitch.rules to be correct
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15:04.05libertad0_I'm sorry, my conection is unestable
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15:04.43abrotmanwonders what stewdots is ...
15:05.07libertad0_I wrote the corresponding command with usb_modeswitch
15:05.12cahootlibertad0: you need  80-usb_modeswitch.rules
15:05.14libertad0_for my modem
15:05.25libertad0_cahoot: I have already that
15:05.43asgabrotman: those little candy things, he's covered in them
15:06.00jaggz-how do you do network data mirroring without having something like rsync have to search through everything all the time to sync it?
15:06.00libertad0_usb_modeswitch displays an "all went well"
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15:06.12asgjaggz-: drbd
15:06.15jaggz-something like a modified version of a raid mirror, which worked over the network
15:06.27stefan_Is there any performance gain for a regular desktop user with AMD64 over x86?
15:06.34abrotmanstefan_: generally not
15:06.54libertad0_I use the channel as a last resort before trying a hundred times
15:06.57stefan_basically i have 4 gigs of RAM, but never us more than 2.
15:07.22stefan_Also seen some problems with 64-bit flash
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15:07.48cahootlibertad0: tried the troubleshooting hints here?
15:08.03libertad0_cahoot: yes yes
15:08.04stefan_When should it be adviced to use 64-bit OS? Or what kind of apps do have preformance boost to speak of?
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15:09.52libertad0_cahoot: I tryed rmmod usb_storage too
15:09.53jaggz-asg, in features it doesn't mention it can be used for other than actual block devices..  so I can't mirror a directory using this method it seems?  ie. I'd have to allocate a data partition.     also, what about different sized partitions?
15:10.00rpaulsonI'm looking to sync my phone (symbian s60 3rd edition) with kontact (calendar and contacts) anyone have any ideas?
15:10.07jaggz-that is, varying sized block devices..
15:10.15libertad0_cahoot: and mknod manually
15:10.26asgjaggz-: correct, it is for replicating block devices
15:10.28jaggz-actually I should try to go get some rest.. I'll get about 35 minutes and read up some more on this.. thanks, asg ..
15:11.23libertad0_cahoot: If I turn the machine from scratch and I recognized it to work perfectly. Unfortunately, this does not occur often
15:11.37jaggz-that should be fine.. although I sometimes end up working in such low resources that I'd like one or more of the systems to have some leeway on the size.. (ie. using a directory instead of a fixed-size block device)...
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15:12.35jaggz-like this laptop has only 80gb .. so I have to share system, user, and that shared data space..  not much luxury to allocate a fixed size to anything where the space might be wasted
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15:12.39war9407Does anyone here have a (new) Radeon 5XXX card (the ones that support eye infinity) working under Linux with Xinerama? (until the driver supports Eye Infinity?)
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15:13.18veramenWhy "convert" does grabbing 100x100 area of X screen and saving it to PNG for 4..5 seconds...? Too long (-;
15:13.25j03Hi, I'm a bit out of touch with Debian, to tell you the truth. I've just done an install via the netinst disk, And I'm getting Out of Sync on my monitors.
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15:13.56j03I know I need to edit my xorg.conf file, but How can I do that if I cant get into the command line? I've tried adding init 3 to the end of my Grub Option thingie, but no dice.
15:13.59rpaulsonj03: try the non graphic install
15:14.00*** part/#debian Ironhand (
15:14.20rpaulsonj03: oh, you're done with the install?
15:14.25j03Yeah, It's installed
15:14.33j03Via the GUI, it was fine.
15:14.33rpaulsonj03: try ctrl+alt - ?
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15:14.39babilenj03: ctrl-alt-f1
15:15.06j03Ah, that's the one I was looking for, I think! I shall go and try that. I'll let you know how I get on :)
15:15.07babilen!tell j03 -about xorg config lenny
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15:15.42libertad0_cahoot: in ubuntu work fine, XD
15:16.31jaggz-okay.. gotta go, thanks :) :)
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15:19.51rpaulsondo anyone know of another way to sync symbian phones other than syncml?
15:20.00rpaulson(which is not installable)
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15:20.48libertad0_babilen and cahoot. Thank's for the help. Although I failed to solve the problem
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15:22.39veramenWhy "convert" does grabbing 100x100 area of X screen and saving it to PNG for 4..5 seconds...? Too long (-;
15:22.47veramenWhy "convert" does grabbing 100x100 area of X screen and saving it to PNG for 4..5 seconds...? Too long (-;
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15:26.16valdynveramen: to give you time to set up windows?
15:26.23valdynveramen: this should be configurable
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15:43.35j03I've run dpkg-reconfigure xorg-xserver
15:43.46j03No difference.
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15:44.48j03I took a look at /etc/X11/xorg.conf
15:45.01j03It's not got anything about my monitors resolition in it
15:45.11j03I've got an ATi 4870
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15:46.21jamelynstrange problem on java app can see the network.  there is no proxy, java control panel is not set to use a proxy, all non-java apps see it fine.  i've tried several java apps and none see the net. any suggestions?
15:46.48dotCOMmieanyone tried installing from testing business card cd image lately? I'm getting signature errors on debbootstrap
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15:47.38jamelyndotCOMmie: try #debian-boot on oftc
15:47.43j03Anyone have any idea's?
15:48.04dotCOMmiejamelyn: thanks
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15:50.19free_foxdotCOMmie, what do you mean by signature errors?
15:50.39dotCOMmiefree_fox: I'm gonna upload a screenshot, hold on one sec
15:51.03free_foxdotCOMmie, please do . I installed from the business card ISO (stable) and it workd fine
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15:53.50dotCOMmieI guess I'll use stable then
15:54.09dotCOMmieThis is in a KVM if it matters
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16:10.57libertad0cahoot: look
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16:15.53libertad0same problem
16:16.15libertad0wvdial show "Invalid Dial Command"
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16:16.33scorch_I've just installed debian with encrypted lvm
16:16.42scorch_I had to edit grub manually, otherwise it wouldn't boot
16:16.56scorch_but now cryptsetup waits for sdb instead of sda efter the kernal is loaded
16:17.01scorch_how can I change that?
16:17.13scorch_(sdb doesn't exist)
16:17.50scorch_I installed from an usb stick, and it got assigned to sda and the hdd to sdb, but after rebooting and removing the stick the hdd is sda
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16:18.56azeem_the g-p-m notification icon's menu no longer shows suspend and hibernate, just the battery; am I missing a package (current squeeze)?
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16:22.57libertad0_same problem
16:23.30libertad0_wvdial "ATDT invalid dial command"
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16:26.12babilenscorch_: use UUIDs
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16:26.52babilen!tell scorch_ -about uuid
16:27.04nsadminscorch_: see if you can get it back to the way you installed so you can boot... then you can make changes
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16:27.18Sindikathi all! how to make LyX export into PDF using Liberation font?
16:27.38babilenah, right! scorch: /msg dpkg fixmbr and good luck!
16:27.51scorch_nsadmin: it has never booted more than this
16:27.58scorch_before it wouldn't even load the kernel
16:28.37nsadmintry booting from the usb stick and then use rescue
16:28.45nsadminhow do you do that?
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16:29.18MrTorquehi there. how can i return a string from one bash-script to another?
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16:30.04scorch_babilen: where should I specify the UUID?
16:30.08filePeterMrTorque: echo "mystring" | onotherbashsrcipt
16:30.08babilenMrTorque: You mean use the output of one program as the input of another?
16:30.40scorch_the only disk specific thing I can find is the "root (hd0,0)" in menu.lst
16:31.03nsadminoh, look at your
16:31.04zomGregscorch: to get the UUID of the drive: $ udevinfo -q env -n /dev/sdx
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16:31.29MrTorquefilePeter: i run a, let's call it, MotherScript ( which calls a child script ( the child-script does some echo and read (user needs to put sth. in) then i want to return a value from to
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16:31.38scorch_it sais sda, which is correct
16:31.40babilenscorch_: run 'blkid' to get the UUIDs of your drives/partitions
16:31.45scorch_but cryptsetup waits for sdb still
16:31.46MrTorquebabilen: see what i wrote filePeter
16:31.52scorch_should I change it anyway?=
16:32.02nsadminno, that's good so far
16:32.35filePeterMrTorque: There are other pipes you can create with pipehandles… You might want to read and write from them…
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16:33.17nsadminlook at menu.lst for kopt=root=
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16:33.36MrTorquefilePeter: isn't there sth. like return for srings? myreturn=$( doesnt work since the user needs to give input.
16:34.51dutchfishMrTorque, then use bidirectional pipe and handle the user input in your clientside program/script
16:35.01babilenscorch_: Which version of grub do you use?
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16:35.40dutchfishMrTorque, mostlikely a fifo
16:35.41scorch_babilen: the one that comes with debian 5.0.3
16:35.52MrTorquedutchfish: how would i do this? what is a bidirectional pipe and how else can i handle userinput than with read?
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16:36.00MrTorquedutchfish: fifo is first in first out??
16:36.05nsadminscorch_ look at menu.lst for kopt=root=
16:36.10babilenscorch_: ^^^
16:36.27scorch_nsadmin: kopt=root=/dev/mapper/hostname-root ro
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16:36.50MrTorquedutchfish: what about export myReturn="foo" and read that variable in?
16:37.18libertad0_all look fine in lusb
16:37.25babilenscorch_: should be fine with that. Run 'update-grub' afterwards
16:37.36libertad0_but when I try conect to Internet, wvdial display:
16:37.39libertad0_# ATDT*99# # ERROR # --> Invalid dial command.
16:37.42nsadminscorch_: so everything is in lvm (except /boot)?
16:37.50scorch_nsadmin: yeah
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16:38.05nsadminso the only issue is /boot
16:38.15filePeterMrTorque: do that if its ok for you…
16:38.42dutchfishMrTorque, that asumes a single lined pipe (one direction) if that is what you need
16:39.07MrTorquedutchfish: i guess so.
16:39.25MrTorquedutchfish: the link you gave is for c programming. but all i do is a little bash scripting :)
16:39.38dutchfishMrTorque, there are more tecnigue's that can handle this btw
16:39.46dutchfishMrTorque, by file is another one
16:39.58*** part/#debian Guest43643 (n=mentor@unaffiliated/mentor)
16:40.02nsadminscorch_ I sat down here kinda late in your conversation... exactly how is your machine booted now, and what is its status?
16:40.32scorch_nsadmin: fresh install
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16:40.50scorch_installed from usb stick, hdd got assigned sdb and stick sda
16:40.59dutchfishMrTorque, maybe start here:
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16:41.04MrTorquedutchfish: i thought about that too, but is that neccessary? this is a workaround, i think
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16:41.36scorch_tried rebooting now, still getting "volume group "padnora" not found" and "cryptsetup: source device /dev/sdb2 not found" (should be sda2)
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16:41.45yaroslavWhy "convert" does grabbing 100x100 area of X screen and saving it to PNG for 4..5 seconds...? Too long (-;
16:41.56scorch_"Begin: Waiting for root file system..."
16:42.01scorch_then nothing more
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16:42.22nsadminok, how is it you're able to see its filesystems at this point?
16:42.31scorch_or liveusb
16:42.43scorch_and just mounted the /boot partition
16:43.08scorch_getting thrown to "(initramfs)" after a while
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16:43.33Elmiis testing still not receiving any security fixes? (or no full security support)
16:43.34libertad0_babilen: usb_modeswitch now work with the new providerId 1446. But wvdial show ATDT like a invalid dial command
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16:43.38Elmias the announcement for this is from dec 2008
16:43.46Elmi(but still on the website as if being current)
16:43.57libertad0_babilen: thank you for the deuch link
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16:44.32nsadminso the first thing is it's not finding the vg... what happens when you do a pvscan?
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16:44.59Elmiis there no information available on this? O_O
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16:45.06ElmiI mean, the lenny release is a while back now
16:45.11Elmialso the libc port should be
16:45.17Elmiso is this information still current or not?
16:45.28nsadminlenny is latest release.
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16:45.30abrotmantesting is testing ..
16:45.45abrotmanif you need a stable and secure system, use lenny
16:45.53Elmithis gives two reasons why security updates are worse for testing, but _temporarily_
16:45.57Elmiand both of those reasons seem outdated
16:46.01Elmiso *is* the statement still current or not?
16:46.04scorch_nsadmin: "No matching physical volumes found"
16:46.22ElmiI get this is testing, anyway there's a difference between close to normal security updates and strongly delayed security updates
16:46.23nsadminhmm. so it doesn't find your pv at all
16:46.48abrotmanElmi: then use lenny .. i don't see how either of those points are invalid
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16:46.56nsadminI wonder if that's because the partition the pv is on is encrypted
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16:47.32Elmiabrotman: well, they are from dec 2008
16:47.44Elmiabrotman: and the release party should be over since then. also the libc porting?
16:47.44scorch_nsadmin: if I unlock it first and then run pvscan it finds it
16:47.52nsadminand so pvscan can't see it because it doesn't look like a pv
16:47.57Elmiabrotman: and that's the two main reasons listed for bad security
16:48.12Elmiabrotman: so given they are outdated, isn'T it a valid question whether this is still current?
16:48.16abrotmanElmi: so you're aware of the latest eglibc transition ?
16:48.19abrotmanthey're not outdated ..
16:48.24abrotmanyou're still not paying attention .. have fun
16:48.32Elmiabrotman: I'm simply not knowing any details
16:48.38Elmiabrotman: is there still a libc transition in place then?
16:48.51abrotmanyou claimed it was outdated .. surely you know
16:49.15Elmiabrotman: now don't feel insulted. I simply said when it's from dec 2008 it is a valid question to ask whether it is still current
16:49.17nsadminscorch_: so, the pv partition -is- encrypted...
16:49.29Elmiabrotman: I didn't want to make this personal or to question your knowledge about it
16:49.34abrotmanElmi: no you said they were outdated .. you didn't ask .. you stated they were
16:49.58scorch_nsadmin: yeah, just selected the "encrypted lvm" choice during installation
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16:50.18nsadminhmm. that should have worked :)
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16:50.33nsadminis encryption important?
16:50.35Elmiabrotman: given by the date, yes
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16:50.44abrotmanElmi: that's a crap argument
16:50.45Elmiabrotman: still, that was an assumption to explain why I insisted so much on details
16:50.53Elmiabrotman: and wanted to know for sure whether this is still current information or not
16:50.54scorch_nsadmin: sort of yeah. It's on my laptop
16:51.02Elmiabrotman: in no way I was meant to say you're wrong or I know everything about it
16:51.08abrotmanElmi: so do some more research before saying that the arguments are invalid simply because they're old
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16:51.43Elmiabrotman: well I said this *should* be over. anyway, if it's not I'm taking that all back
16:51.46abrotmanto be quite honest, i'd rather they spend more time supporting oldstable than testing ..
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16:51.53ElmiI simply wanted to know whether it is or if there are any new more current reasons for this
16:52.02Elmithat aren't listed in that mail posting
16:52.06abrotmanElmi: or maybe they just don't want to?
16:52.09Elmi(on which I can probably assume better when this state is going to change)
16:52.25Elmiabrotman: yea, might be an idea
16:52.42abrotmanElmi: you could send an email to the debian-security list and ask about the status of testing-security updates
16:53.52abrotmanElmi: the answer is still really the same .. if you need security, then testing/unstable aren't the answer
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16:54.30dutchfishElmi, as far as i have seen in the past, security will get more active when testing hits freeze, before that point its pointless up to a high degree to go into the nitty-gritty anyway
16:54.33scorch_nsadmin: I unlocked, activated and mounted the root partition, and in /etc/crypttab it says "sdb2_crypt /dev/sdb2 none luks". Should I change this to sda?
16:55.15nsadminyou could try that... but make sure you understand the format of /etc/crypttab first
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16:56.13dutchfishElmi, that does not mean testing wont get security patches, but they mostly arrive through the high rate of the normal updates when the package in question evolves, this is not the fact when testing hits freeze and that explains the why's
16:56.20nsadminbut... notice that cryptsetup is running -after- it tries to activate the vg
16:56.31nsadminor is that true?
16:57.41nsadmindid you install onto an empty drive? or was there stuff there before (like the pv)?
16:57.53scorch_the only thing I can see is that after the kernel is loaded, the vg cannot be found and then cryptsetup waits for the wrong device
16:58.18scorch_I've tried erasing the drive twice before this install
16:58.25nsadminwhere on the disk is cryptsetup?
16:58.40nsadminso the disk is blank
16:58.46nsadminor was
16:59.31nsadminis it in (root partition)/sbin/cryptsetup?
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17:00.24scorch_nsadmin: yeah, but that shouldn't be used, since I never get to enter the passphrase to unlock the lvm
17:01.52nsadminmaybe you should consider having a / vol outside of lvm
17:02.09nsadminrelatively small, like 100mb
17:02.41nsadminand then the pv would have everything but /
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17:04.24nsadminwait, how is it running cryptsetup when the whole pv is locked still?
17:04.32initmaxhello! how can I install skype for squeeze AMD 64?
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17:04.50scorch_don't know, initramfs?
17:05.00nsadminmaybe it's on there...
17:05.12abrotmaninitmax: you cannot
17:05.25scorch_I'm running another computer with the whole systen in an lvm (except for /boot)
17:05.28abrotmaninitmax: you can do something like a chroot perhaps, but skype for 64linux doesn't exist
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17:05.42abrotman64-bit linux
17:05.44scorch_encyrpted lvm*
17:06.07nsadminscorch_: so it works
17:06.21nsadminsame installer?
17:06.59scorch_nsadmin: that one was an older version (one year ago maybe) and from a cd, not from an usb stick
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17:07.32nsadminlook at its /etc/crypttab
17:07.54scorch_I can't, the hdd broke some weeks ago :)
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17:08.21scorch_I'll try having a separate /home and only encrypt that one
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17:09.40nsadminyou might also encrypt a separate /var
17:10.57scorch_yeah... I just dislike having separate partitions. I always run out of space on one of them, and have huge amounts free on others
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17:15.32yaroslavWhat utility does allow to select a rectangular frame on the screen by mouse and then dump it to some file format and runs from console? ) (imagemagick->import allow this, but too slowly - 4 secs for PNG 100x100)
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17:17.05abrotmanscrot ?
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17:19.55dutchfishshutter ?
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17:20.48scorch_great, and now I can't boot from an usb stick anymore, it just goes straight to the hdd even if I tell it explicitly to boot from the stick....
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17:22.44lukas2511hi :D
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17:23.14valdynyaroslav: youre using gnome?
17:23.30lukas2511bye :)
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17:23.37dpkgTo take a screenshot of your current desktop, you can probably just hit the "PrintScreen" key on your keyboard (Gnome and KDE).  Alternatives include ksnapshot, gnome-panel-screenshot, the Gimp's "Acquire->Screenshot", "import -window root screenshot.jpg" (imagemagick package), scrot, xwd.  For framebuffer consoles, use fbgrab.
17:23.40yaroslavvaldyn icewm. Already used scrot )
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17:30.55newsense_i installed logcheck but when i run it i get Auto-submitted auto-generated: No such file or directory and also get the same error in my email when logcheck runs from cron
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17:41.25paissad-hpis there another special way to show depends of a package instead of "aptitude show package"
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17:43.29xevzShould there be any problems with moving a PCI NIC from one PCI bus to another?
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17:44.56madunixDebian supports no SATA controllers. am i correct or far away off?
17:45.11abrotmanway way off
17:45.12valdynmadunix: far away off
17:45.21infzywhat are you having trouble with?
17:45.45abrotmanpaissad-hp: apt-cache depends foo
17:45.48newsensemadunix: wrong
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17:46.01newsensemadunix: i'm using sata right now
17:46.07paissad-hpabrotman, thanks
17:46.18karihreok there was a way to add another version (eg testing to stable) in apt but mark that version as a low priority one, in order to be able to install packages from there without aptitude dist-upgrade upgrading the whole system.  I remember meddling with some apt config files, any clues?
17:46.45karihre(google isn't being very helpful atm)
17:46.45newsenseanyone here use logcheck successfully ?
17:46.48infzymadunix: protip -- they're called /dev/sda1 instead of /dev/hda1, etc.
17:46.51abrotmanpaissad-hp: you could also get it done another way with aptitude .. but the output would be the same
17:46.58chopskarihre: 'apt pinning'
17:46.59madunixWhat RAID devices does Debian support?
17:47.00*** mode/#debian [+l 949] by debhelper
17:47.11abrotmanmadunix: which ones does the Linux kernel support?
17:47.16stewkarihre: 'man apt_preferences" but note that you should not mix stable with testing or unstable
17:47.16valdynmadunix: hundreds.. are we support to list them?
17:47.17chopskarihre: For that specific scenario (testing on stable) backports is likely to be the best way
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17:47.29chopsmadunix: What's your real question?  What are you trying to do?
17:47.33madunixwhere can i find the list
17:47.43abrotmanin the kernel documentation
17:47.47karihrestew chops: thanks
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17:48.20valdynmadunix: this is totally the wrong approach anywhere
17:48.30madunix -> Documentation -> Linux Hardware Compatibility
17:48.30madunixHOWTO which is
17:48.44stewmadunix: a raid controller that is not supported would be rare, i'd thing
17:48.55valdynmadunix: that one is the wrong approach too
17:49.13valdynCopyright © 2001-2007 Steven Pritchard
17:49.17valdynand way out of date
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17:52.09abrotmantags stew
17:54.42free_foxhow to check if there are updates available via command line?
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17:55.20stewfree_fox: aptitude search '~U'
17:56.25free_foxstew, thanks
17:57.10free_foxstew, I was wondering if there was an apt for it.
17:57.23stewwhat is that?
17:57.29Justinapt-get ugprade -duy
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17:58.32free_foxJustin, thanks . stew like an apt extension
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17:59.05stewi don't know.  is aptitude not an apt extension?
17:59.15stewor what is an apt extension?
17:59.38free_foxbelieves apt has super cow powers
17:59.56paissad-hpif i create a package whose name is foo, what must i do if i want the system to know that package Foo is same as package foo ?
18:00.04paissad-hp"Foo" = "foo"
18:00.20Justinpaissad-hp: why?
18:00.28free_foxmv Foo foo
18:00.35infzydoes debian-stable installer still come with Lilo?
18:01.10paissad-hpfree_fox, i don't think so
18:01.19walrusinfzy: i think so
18:01.22chopspaissad-hp: What do you mean "is the same as"?
18:01.32stewpaissad-hp: you can't.  you can mark the foo package as Conflicts: Foo and Replaces: Foo
18:01.42free_foxpaissad-hp, create a symlink of Foo to foo
18:01.53free_foxI meant that
18:02.05paissad-hpstew, yes, i think that's a better idea to mark foo is in conflict with Foo
18:02.12paissad-hpthat suits me
18:02.50paissad-hpstew, or Foo is provided by foo either
18:02.52paissad-hpno ?
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18:03.39stewpaissad-hp: only if you have things that depend on Foo which should be satisfied with foo
18:03.53stew(and the things that depend on Foo don't have a versioned depends)
18:04.33infzywalrus: thx I'll try it :)
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18:06.56manuel_i have alaptop
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18:07.19manuel_schould i use an encrypted lvm for the whole hdd or is encrypted /home enough?
18:07.47manuel_many thanks
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18:09.34babilenmanuel_: You don't have to encrypt anything. But note that quite a few programs save temporary data in /tmp which could be considered a leak if you only encrypt /home
18:10.07manuel_i would use RAM as /tmp
18:10.09babilenmanuel_: same reasoning for swap
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18:10.26manuel_do i need swap? 4gb ram
18:10.38babileneverybody needs swap :-D
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18:11.03zleapif you set it up its there if the system needs it
18:11.40manuel_ok will use swap then
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18:11.47babilenmanuel_: also think about /var which might contain data you would consider confidential too
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18:12.18manuel_do you think it is save enough to only encrypt /home?
18:12.30babilensave enough for what?
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18:12.56manuel_that it is not possible to recover the password from the root partiotn
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18:13.30babilenI mean do you expect RANDOM_THREE_LETTER_AGENCY to break into your house and steal your laptop that contains valuable information from another government?
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18:14.59babilenmanuel_: Do whatever you feel comfortable with. If you want to know more about securing your computer:
18:15.02_Dave123_any recommendations on what to backup (and how to?) when I like to backup my debian system as much as possible ? APART from the /home/user*/ dirs of course
18:15.03dpkgfrom memory, harden is D:SbD or or read or ask me about <security> <security backports> <tracker of doom>
18:15.33babilen!what to backup
18:15.33dpkgA list of some of the things you should back up on your box is: /etc /home /root /usr/local /usr/src /opt /srv.  Tailor this list to your own purposes.  If you think you don't need /var, make sure you don't forget /var/lib/dpkg /var/lib/apt* /var/lib/mysql /var/spool/mail /var/www /var/cache/debconf ...
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18:16.18abrotmanwhat .. no /var/lib/postgresql/ ?
18:16.19babilen_Dave123_: Have a look at rdiff-backup, rsnapshot, rsync, bakula, ...
18:16.43babilenabrotman: yes, that should be fixed
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18:16.54CooLMaNhello every one
18:17.04CooLMaNi have a few problems with my gui
18:17.22CooLMaNcan any one halp me reinstal it throw CLI?
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18:18.27_Dave123_ok i think i know what i need, thanks for help
18:18.33jelly-home_Dave123_: backup everything.
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18:19.17CooLMaNany one can help?
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18:19.24babilen_Dave123_: I second that - You will never end up saying: "Uh, if I only had ..."
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18:20.46CooLMaNi need help
18:20.47jelly-home_Dave123_: this includes the partition table layout (eg. sfdisk -d output) and other useful data not normally present in files.
18:20.56babilenCooLMaN: What kind of problems do you have with your graphical interface?
18:21.17CooLMaNsome times it dont start
18:21.28CooLMaNsome times it does to a diffrent one
18:21.41CooLMaNi costumized a log in screen
18:21.53CooLMaNnow it shows another one oe never shows one
18:22.22CooLMaNthe problem as i think is from the xorg.conf file
18:22.40CooLMaNbecause i edit it as whats said to install compiz
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18:23.43_Dave123_how can I make it possible to login as root user through PROFTPD ?
18:23.46babilenI don't quite understand your problem. Let's clarify this: You customised your graphical login manager (which one?) and it sometimes fails to load. If it does it starts different window managers / desktop environments on login?
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18:24.19abrotman_Dave123_: you really don't want to
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18:24.55CooLMaNwhen i installed compiz i edited the file etc/X11/xorg.conf as what said in the debian wiki
18:25.07CooLMaNthis created this problem in log in manager
18:25.19_Dave123_abrotman: how to backup/transfer contents of dirs like /etc then?
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18:25.41_Dave123_cp -R /etc /home/myuser/_backup ?
18:25.44_Dave123_sudo cp -R /etc /home/myuser/_backup ?
18:25.50babilenCooLMaN: Ok, move your xorg.conf somewhere else and try starting the login manager again.
18:26.04babilen!tell CooLMaN -about xorg xonfig lenny
18:26.33CooLMaNi'v  restarted the manager many times and the pc it self
18:26.40abrotman_Dave123_: rsync over ssh perhaps? look at the etckeeper package
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18:27.12babilenCooLMaN: You would then start over (see what dpkg told you) and adapt the *new* xorg.conf to your needs.
18:27.14CooLMaNi edited the file again to remove what i did, it shows me now an arabic login manader
18:27.14rgr_Dave123_: use rsnapshot. It uses rsync ssh etc. and crons itself.
18:27.42babilenCooLMaN: Shouldn't it be in arabic?
18:28.03CooLMaNi've never chosen it to be in arabic
18:28.07babilenCooLMaN: Which Debian version do you use?
18:28.10newsenseanyone want to install logcheck in a squeeze chroot or such and tell me if they get the same error when running it
18:28.16CooLMaNlenny 5.0.3
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18:28.41CooLMaNamd 64
18:28.59babilenCooLMaN: But as I said - (re)move your /etc/X11/xorg.conf somewhere else and try to start the login manager again. If that works, generate a new xorg.conf and adapt it to your needs.
18:29.34CooLMaNok, but whats the terminal command for moving or even remeaing
18:29.50babilenCooLMaN: 'man mv'
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18:30.14babilenCooLMaN: or 'mv' actually ... but take a look at the manpage anyway
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18:30.32oskiecould anyone recommend a source code repository site for a debian contrib package?
18:30.47CooLMaNso "mv <fileame> <new location>?
18:30.51sunoanodo we have a nginx wsgi module packaged?
18:30.52babilenoskie: What are you trying to do?
18:30.55babilenCooLMaN: exactly!
18:31.35stewoskie: "/msg dpkg mirrors" will tell you how to find the list of debian mirrors
18:31.56CooLMaNdone and rebooting
18:31.56oskiebabilen: i created a package that i need hosted somewhere. it's a set of scripts (GPL) that build .deb packages for a commersial product
18:32.30stewoskie: oh, I misunderstood your question then
18:32.40babilenCooLMaN: No need to reboot. Try /etc/init.d/gdm restart
18:32.54stewoskie: is it something that would make sense to have included in debian's contrib repositories?
18:33.11CooLMaNsame arabic language,
18:33.18CooLMaNi logged in
18:33.18oskiestew: possibly, but not initially (i'm not a debian developer)
18:33.27babilenCooLMaN: But it starts and you can login?
18:33.48CooLMaNi've logged in in the arabic interface
18:34.06stewoskie: you wouldn't need to be a debian developer.  it would need to be free software and you'd need to find a debian developer to sponsor it
18:34.10CooLMaNso from inside where i must go to edit, because i didnt find it again
18:34.27newsenseok so i ran a strace on logcheck and its not finding the file /etc/ and i looked up the file with apt-file but it finds nothing
18:34.39stewnewsense: you don't need that file
18:34.53stewnewsense: it's normal that it isn't found
18:34.56newsensestew: logcheck gives me an error when i run it and when it's run from cron
18:35.00oskiestew: it would be 'contrib' since its free but "depends" on non-free
18:35.06stewoskie: right
18:35.06babilenCooLMaN: So you don't want your computer's main language to be Arabic but English?
18:35.09stewnewsense: what error?
18:35.22oskiei'm trying to figure out whether alioth accepts contrib packages
18:35.27CooLMaNit's working english
18:35.32babilenCooLMaN: Or do you only want the login manager to use a different language?
18:35.35CooLMaNbut the log in screen arabic
18:35.50CooLMaNso i want to set log in to be english
18:35.55newsensestew: Auto-Submitted: auto-generated: No such file or directory
18:36.07newsensestew: i get that in emails from logcheck and if i run it manually
18:36.23CooLMaNnow all english but login arabic, i want to set logi to english
18:36.43stewnewsense: i'd check the strace for the LAST ENOENT error (not the first)
18:36.48newsensestew: logcheck is in the adm group which is the group owner of the logfiles and i have the rule dir set correctly and logcheck can read it
18:37.02newsensestew: ok never used strace much let me do that
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18:37.29stewnewsense: you'll find that basically any program you run will have a ENOENT on /etc/
18:37.32CooLMaNso how i can do that?
18:37.34babilenCooLMaN: Try 'dpkg-reconfigure locales' or 'gdmsetup' . But I am not sure if that solves your problem
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18:38.13newsensestew: good to know i thought i had my problem solved when i looked at the first few lines of the strace :)
18:38.28dpkgSupport for your wireless LAN device is dependent on the chipset within.  Don't know what you have?  Ask me about <what's my wireless>.  Atheros: <atheros>, <madwifi>; Atmel: <atmel>; Broadcom: <b43>, <wl>; Intel: <ipw2100>, <ipw2200>, <iwlwifi>, <iwlagn>; Intersil: <prism>; Ralink: <ralink>; Realtek: <rtl-wifi>; TI: <acx100>; ZyDAS: <zydas>.  See also: <wlan howto>, <wpa>, <killswitch>, <wmaster0>, <wimax>.
18:39.25babilenplasmid: /msg dpkg <topic>
18:39.25plasmidbabilen, ty
18:39.37*** join/#debian xNinja (n=ninjo@
18:39.38plasmidbabilen, do u happen to know why the ports on the laptop do not work? such as volume up/down; my mic port, the earphones port. brightness up/down.. etc?
18:39.46*** join/#debian UsernameDenied__ (
18:39.47*** join/#debian Remote1 (i=56804bc4@gateway/web/freenode/x-vcavzsucxflwlsew)
18:39.55Remote1how do i install the kernel drivers on debian 5
18:40.32dpkgdrivers are pieces of software to "drive" your friggin hardware
18:40.34plasmidbabilen, I would like to take this laptop to a library but the earphone port does not work. Shame.
18:40.55newsensestew: not finding this either /var/run/nscd/socket to install zend to run encrypted php scripts ?
18:41.03*** join/#debian janhouse (n=janhouse@
18:41.05Remote1how do i install the kernel drivers on debian 5
18:41.07CooLMaNbabilen: it didnt work
18:41.19babilenCooLMaN: Can't you change the language when you are on the login manager?
18:41.25*** join/#debian Theoden (
18:41.42CooLMaNonce some one gave me a code export display then some thing
18:41.44sphenxesHow can I open *.bin files under debian? chmod +x file.bin, ./file.bin hasn't worked?
18:41.46CooLMaNit worked
18:41.57CooLMaNdo you know the command?
18:42.04Justin!wayttd Remote1
18:42.04dpkgWhat Are You Trying To Do, Remote1?
18:42.14Justinsphenxes: file file.bin
18:42.22*** join/#debian TrueDD (n=truedd@unaffiliated/truedd)
18:42.23babilenCooLMaN: no
18:42.30Remote1Justin: I want to try and stop this
18:42.38Remote1Justin: I was told it might be the kernel drivers
18:43.13Justinwhoever told you that is an idiot
18:43.15CooLMaNbabilen: so i think i'll stay on arabic
18:43.15abrotmanRemote1: you think kernel drivers are breaking your source build of an ircd ?
18:43.28TrueDDHi all
18:43.29*** join/#debian mohan43u_ (n=squeeze@
18:43.29Remote1abrotman: No, I don't know *shrugs*
18:43.41Remote1I just have been trying to solve this for a while now
18:43.56gorpdoes the linux kernel drink beers ?
18:43.59sphenxesJustin, it says data
18:44.05abrotmanRemote1: there is more than one ircd in debian already
18:44.08stewRemote1: what exactly are you trying to compile?
18:44.14Justinsphenxes: whatever it is, it is not a program
18:44.20Remote1It's an ircd
18:44.24CooLMaNbabilen: before i edited the loging screen from in the system, but now i cant find it any more, where i can find it?
18:44.28sphenxesJustin, ic, thanks
18:44.37*** join/#debian PriitM (
18:44.37abrotmanRemote1: but there are several in debian already .. what's wrong with those ones?
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18:44.55babilenCooLMaN: 'gdmsetup' ?
18:45.05Remote1abrotman: I'm donating this to a network already using this particular ircd
18:45.08Remote1abrotman: It's just not compiling for them on Debian 5
18:45.12abrotmandonating a compiled ircd ?
18:45.14*** join/#debian smeag0l (
18:45.21CooLMaNbabilen: no thrwo gui not terminal
18:45.21Remote1No, donating this server to them
18:45.28CooLMaNit was like a regular screen
18:45.33stewRemote1: find out what version of gcc they are using
18:45.35newsensestew: i found the last ENOENT it cant find access("/var/run/utmpx"
18:45.57babilenCooLMaN: Did you try that command?
18:45.57newsensestew: any ideas ?
18:46.01Remote1stew: 4:4.3.2-2
18:46.21*** join/#debian rgr (n=rgr@
18:46.28babilenCooLMaN: You have to run it as root though
18:46.32stewRemote1: that's the one that works successfully for them?
18:46.37CooLMaNya i know
18:46.38JustinCooLMaN: the word you are looking for is through
18:46.45stewRemote1: find out which glibc version they are compiling against and which gcc they are successfully using
18:46.46*** part/#debian sinsun (
18:46.51babilenCooLMaN: I am sure you can find it somewhere in "Preferences->Login Manager" or so ...
18:46.53Remote1stew: No, that is what they are using to compile it on this machine
18:47.05*** join/#debian dvs (
18:47.24babilenCooLMaN: Is 'gdmsetup' what you were looking for?
18:47.30hoxuany suggestions for photo management (tagging of people etc)?
18:47.30stewRemote1: find out which one works and which glibc works,  its probably requires a different glibc (the libc6-dev package in debain) (since that's where in_addr is defined
18:48.21CooLMaNi had this problems many time, and i find that the best solution is to re install the system
18:49.32CooLMaNso i think ill try to work like that or reinstall debian,
18:49.47CooLMaNand the last questions please
18:50.10abrotmanhoxu: f-spot if you like gnome/mono can do that
18:50.23hoxuabrotman, AUGH!
18:50.36CooLMaNi have a drivers problem with my VGA
18:50.45abrotmanhoxu: i'm just saying .. jeez
18:51.09babilenCooLMaN: I am sure that you can change the language on the login screen.
18:51.20Remote1stew: libc6-dev is installed
18:51.39*** join/#debian rgr (n=rgr@
18:51.56abrotmanRemote1: that's not what he's asking you .. he's asking you to find out which platform the other people use where it compiles correctly
18:52.49*** join/#debian rgr (n=rgr@
18:53.08CooLMaNbabilen: i know if tried again we will do it, but i had a few broplems from installing other faces x ,kde, so i;ll format
18:53.32babilenCooLMaN: What kind of graphics card do you have? It would be great if you could post the output of 'lspci -nn' on
18:53.44*** join/#debian Meise (n=MieMaMei@
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18:54.37babilenCooLMaN: ok, if you think that a reinstall is the right thing to do go for it. But I am sure that you can solve your problems without that.
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18:55.35Remote1stew: 3.4
18:55.44abrotmanhe asked more than that
18:55.50CooLMaNbabilen: i dont know why but with the new login the pc didnt identify my wifi card
18:55.57CooLMaNca you beleave that?
18:56.20babilenyes i believe
18:56.22Remote1abrotman: ? they said version 3.4
18:56.46CooLMaNso i cant past the out put
18:56.53abrotmanRemote1: he also asked for their libc6 version (and ;probably ask them which distro they're using)
18:57.00*** mode/#debian [+l 948] by debhelper
18:57.09babilenCooLMaN: paste the output of 'lspci -nn' somewhere. I'll be gone for some time, but there are plenty of friendly people in here that are eager to help you ;-D
18:57.23babilen!tell CooLMaN -about paste
18:57.46CooLMaNbabilen: ok, noproblem, thank you very much for help
18:58.32newsensewhere can i find what information i need to include in a bug report ?
18:59.30newsenseabrotman: thanks, my first one so i'd like to make it look well written
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19:05.00gewtwhy is networking NOT working?
19:05.02gewtit worked before.
19:06.43newsenseis there an app that cleans up traces left behind by purged packages ?
19:07.00*** mode/#debian [+l 940] by debhelper
19:07.07dvsnewsense: dpkg -P
19:07.21pingouindpkg -P0rn
19:07.33dvsnot quite ;-)
19:07.37newsensedvs: package is purged already
19:07.46maligornewsense, how would anything do that?
19:07.54newsensei still have files in /etc and user and group created by said package
19:08.23dvsnewsense: then the packages have not been purged.  The -P option will remove the configuration files.
19:08.33newsensemaligor: easy install the app and it keeps logs of where stuff is unpacked and if a purge doesn't get it all the app will
19:08.39*** join/#debian ctmjr_ (
19:08.46newsensedvs: it's gone i can't use dpkg -P
19:09.07newsensedpkg: warning: ignoring request to remove logcheck which isn't installed.
19:09.07dpkgYou are person #1 to send an unparseable request, newsense
19:09.32maligornewsense, well, the group removal would have to be a script specified in the uninstall
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19:09.43maligorbut if the package doesn't do it, how would any random tool?
19:10.06AimHeredpkg: reverse the neutron flow on the positron stabilizers
19:10.12newsensemaligor: i don't program so i couldn't tell you
19:10.22iluminator101i get this error when i try to start jdownloader
19:10.25iluminator101Javacheck: Wrong Java Version! JDownloader needs at least Java 1.5 or higher!
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19:11.02AimHereHeh, dpkg parsed MY sentence, although it refused to comply
19:11.20maligornewsense, so you're saying there should be extra metadata stored so you can remove redunant files?
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19:12.00newsensemaligor: yeah
19:12.21*** join/#debian Matic`Makovec (i=biggi_ma@
19:12.24newsensemaligor: what's so hard about having an uninstall script that removes these things ?
19:12.39maligornewsense, the debian format supports that fine
19:12.43iluminator101how do i delete open java
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19:12.50newsensedpkg -
19:12.50dpkghmm... - is this something later than 10-10-01 source ?
19:12.54newsensedpkg -P
19:12.55dpkgi don't know, newsense
19:13.03newsenseanswer to all problems debian
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19:13.22dvsiluminator101: why delete it? Do you want to use another Java?
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19:14.06maligornewsense, I don't really know the package script policies, so I can't comment why it doesn't do it
19:14.27maligorremoving a group would be tricky tho
19:14.39newsensei don't either but now i'm going through my dir's looking for leftover crap
19:14.48newsensedelgroup logcheck done right ?
19:14.50maligorif there was any left over files and someone makes a new group that uses the same id, you'll have the group owning it
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19:16.01\amethystfind / -nogroup
19:16.20dvs!ops Poobuntu is spamming
19:16.21dpkgHydroxide, bob2, caphuso, dondelelcaro, doogie, eeyore-, ElectricElf, ):, helix, ljlane, LoRez, RichiH, mentor, Netsnipe, TML, walters, xk, abrotman, gravity, azeem, Maulkin, stew, peterS, Alife, Myon, Ganneff, Maulkin, weasel, zobel, themill: dvs complains about: Poobuntu is spamming
19:16.25*** join/#debian segin (n=segin@2001:0:4137:9e50:8000:e75:b981:52d7)
19:16.26newsense\amethyst: thanks
19:16.36PoobuntuI am not
19:16.41*** join/#debian Amorphous (i=jan@unaffiliated/amorphous)
19:16.42PoobuntuI haven't even said anything!
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19:16.57newsenseop abuse ?
19:16.59maligoryou'll probably get K-lined here for that
19:17.15maligorno, it wasn't abuse, he's spamming
19:17.16gewtit's the installer
19:17.17dvs<Poobuntu>Tired of NIGGERS? Sick of their monkeyshines? Would you rather never have to deal with the fecal-colored beast? Then you are not alone! Join us at Chimpout Forum! At Chimpout WE ARE NOT WHITE SUPREMACISTS! We welcome anybody who isn't a NIGGER and who HATES NIGGERS!
19:17.19gewtit worked ONCE
19:17.24gewtnow it doesn't work anymore!
19:17.40*** join/#debian segin (n=segin@2001:0:4137:9e50:8000:e75:b981:52d7)
19:17.56newsenseahh one of our good friends from chimpout
19:18.11*** join/#debian comawhite_ (
19:18.14AimHereI think I preferred the GNAA
19:18.17gewtDHCPDISCOVER on eth0 to
19:18.37*** join/#debian segin (n=segin@2001:0:4137:9e50:8000:e75:b981:52d7)
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19:21.20Justingewt: how many networking interfaces do you have?
19:21.29gewtone wired and one wireless
19:21.31gewtit worked ONCE
19:21.36gewtnow it doesn't work anymore.
19:22.00maligoris the issue on wired?
19:22.16gewton the installer.
19:22.33maligoryou should check dmesg | grep eth0
19:22.58maligorfor anything odd
19:23.02newsensewhere can i get an official debian lenny dvd torrent from ?
19:23.05gewteth0: link down
19:23.09gewtno clue why.
19:23.18Justingewt: cable is unplugged
19:23.30newsensethe tracker for the torrent linked on is down
19:23.44gewtJustin, it's plugged in...
19:24.14Justingewt: on both ends?
19:24.31dvsnewsense: This link works for me:
19:24.38gewtJustin, mhm
19:24.41newsensedvs: link works the tracker is down
19:24.51Justingewt: do you have linklights on both ends?
19:25.11maligorgewt, does it show a message like: [   40.766230] sky2 eth0: Link is up at 100 Mbps, full duplex, flow control rx
19:25.21gewtmaligor, heh, no
19:25.33maligorso it's not detecting the link
19:25.44maligortry another cable?
19:25.52gewtI'll try again
19:25.57gewtwith a non-fucked up cable
19:26.16newsensehaha, yeah the one the dog didn't use as a chew toy
19:26.46gewtand one that actually stays in the plug.
19:26.47*** join/#debian salvin (n=salvin@unaffiliated/salvin)
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19:27.02gewtguess other systems are a bit less touchy.
19:27.05maligoroh, plasic clips come off of it?
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19:27.39gewtdmesg | grep eth0 doesn't show anything about the link being up...
19:27.50gewthelps to load the module first...
19:28.01*** join/#debian PyroPhelia (
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19:28.40gewteth0: link down
19:28.45gewtit refuses to bring the link up...
19:28.58gewtyet it's plugged in and lit at the other end
19:28.59*** part/#debian ctmjr (n=ctmjr@unaffiliated/ctmjr)
19:29.28nsadminit's not lit at your machine's nic?
19:29.42PyroPheliawhat would cause mdmadm to check an array?  according to mdstat it's checking one of my arrays and I didn't envoke it.  what is it doing?
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19:30.35gewtr8169 != RTL8101E/RTL8102E...
19:30.42gewtit's loading the wrong driver? o_O
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19:31.22maligorr8169.c: RealTek 8169/8168/8101 ethernet driver
19:31.33gewtbut still
19:31.36gewtwhy does it work once.
19:31.38gewtand never again?
19:31.56gewtmaybe due to the wireless NIC?
19:32.10maligorno, that shouldn't be a problem
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19:32.33gewtit was able to use dhcp ONCE
19:32.36gewtand never again.
19:32.52maligorI don't suppose it has mii-tool?
19:32.53gewttries from windows, then attemopts install again
19:33.05*** join/#debian CharminTheMoose (n=Count_fu@unaffiliated/charminthemoose)
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19:33.11maligorif it's the install image
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19:33.26nsadmingewt: what's the status of your installation now?
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19:34.46gewtworked from windows.
19:34.52gewtnsadmin, not installing.
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19:35.15nsadmingewt: are you in that debian now?
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19:35.55nsadminok, do you have a separate machine you can get here on?
19:36.03gewtthat's what i'm doing.
19:36.09*** join/#debian Naomi__ (
19:36.11gewtI'm installing to a seperate machine.
19:36.17centHOGGusing filezilla for ftp client
19:36.36nsadminok, so you're here now on one machine and installing to another
19:37.00Naomi__I have installed debian on a android phone (G1) I want to use the gps, how do I find where it is mounted?
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19:37.50mischiefanyone know some sort of program to format C code?
19:38.03nsadminNaomi__: if it's actually mounted, try mount
19:38.35nsadminmischief: lots and lots of choices.
19:38.48dutchfishmischief, indent -kr sourcefoo.c
19:39.01gewttries netinst instead of businesscard
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19:39.26Naomi__nsadmin hmm seems not. Would you expect it to be? ( I have never used gps before)
19:39.29nsadmingood idea; you coudl install the base from the cd and go from there
19:39.50mischiefthanks dutchfish
19:39.53nsadminNaomi__: just going by your word "mount"
19:40.22Naomi__nsadmin, sure I appriciate that
19:40.22nsadminmount has a specific meaning: the joining of a filesystem to a mount point (a dir)
19:40.23dutchfishmischief, universalindentgui is another option
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19:41.13nsadminbut dunno if the gps is a filesystem or not
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19:41.31nsadminplus, does it have maps? also, is the phone dual-boot?
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19:41.51Naomi__not dual boot as such
19:41.57Naomi__a chroot
19:42.15nsadminoh, so debian is running in a chroot of the original os?
19:42.33Naomi__nsadmin yes
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19:43.24nsadminsince it's a chroot, mounts that are present on the original system are not visible inside the chroot
19:43.42nsadminare we both sure that gps is mounted by definition?
19:43.54Naomi__no not sure at all
19:44.13nsadminok, so since you have it in a chroot,
19:44.36nsadminis linux running outside the chroot?
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19:44.56nsadminbtw, how much was that phone?
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19:45.38Naomi__android is basically nix I think
19:46.05nsadmindo you have shell access outside the chroot?
19:46.26nsadminok, try running uname -a
19:47.00*** mode/#debian [+l 947] by debhelper
19:47.05nsadmin(but I'm pretty sure it has to be linux for debian to work...)
19:47.26nsadminif it's a chroot, then the kernel running outside is what's running
19:47.39Naomi__blah blah arml GNU/lunux
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19:47.49jhutchinschroot is linux, it keeps the same kernel image but changes where it looks for the root filesystem.
19:47.57gewtit worked ONCE
19:48.26Naomi__so I should have access to all the hardware...
19:48.45Naomi__yes it is a linux kernel
19:48.50nsadminso once you calm down and state what didn't work and how you tried to install, we can go from there.
19:48.50gewtI'm uh
19:48.55*** join/#debian itsosimpo (
19:48.57gewtNOT downloading all 9001 CDs
19:48.58gewtor a dvd
19:49.10nsadminnot asking you to
19:49.18nsadmindid you try to configure the net?
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19:49.23nsadminduring install
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19:49.34gewtdownloads the first two
19:49.41gewtnsadmin, it's not bring the interface up
19:50.04centHOGGgewt: hi, verify your net is working with a livecd
19:50.14centHOGGthen try it
19:50.28*** join/#debian segin_whatever (n=segin@2001:0:4137:9e50:0:e75:b981:52d7)
19:50.31gewtgrabs kubuntu livecd
19:50.38centHOGGusing filezilla for ftp client
19:50.57nsadminNaomi__: ok, run mount outside the chroot and see what's there... perhaps the device names, filesystem type names or mount point names would suggest what hardware is "mounted" in order to access it
19:51.16gewthey! it's what I have lying around
19:51.44nsadmingewt: if you don't specify what you did when you installed, we won't know, and can't help.
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19:51.56gewtI tried to sie dhcp
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19:52.04jhutchinsgewt: If you get kubuntu working, try figuring out what it did differently.  It may use a different kernel, with different patches, and it may include non-free firmware files that the card requires.
19:52.12gewtdmesg | grep eth0 shows link down
19:52.13nsadminok, so you tried to configure the net.
19:52.24gewtjhutchins, it worked ONCE
19:52.30gewtthen hasn't worked afterwards
19:52.33jhutchinsgewt: As far as the installer goes, a netinstall should be no different from a CD/DVD install.
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19:52.54jhutchinsgewt: Realtec chips?
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19:53.09nsadmingewt: are you in linux now on the machine in question?
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19:53.39nsadminif so, run lspci -nn
19:53.40nikeI've got a thinkpad with debian sid and the print screen button isnt saving a snapshot of the screen to the clipboard
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19:53.49jhutchinsgewt: It's entirely possible that you are the first person to ever install this version of Debian on this particular chipset.
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19:53.55nsadminfind the line that describes the net card
19:54.05gewtnsadmin, look above
19:54.06nsadminshow the pciid
19:54.33stewjudd: pciname RTL8101E
19:54.35juddstew: 'RTL8101E' matched: [10ec:8136] 'RTL8101E/RTL8102E PCI Express Fast Ethernet controller' from 'Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd.'
19:55.00nikehow can I print screen?
19:55.09*** join/#debian segin_whatever (n=segin@2001:0:4137:9e50:0:e75:b981:52d7)
19:55.16gewtnike, take a picture
19:55.18gewtimport the image
19:55.20gewtand print it
19:55.20nikeif the software doesnt
19:55.25stewnike: you mean take a screenshot?
19:55.25jhutchinsHm, msi wind uses this chipset.
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19:55.42nikestew: yeah
19:55.46stewdpkg: screenshot
19:55.47dpkgTo take a screenshot of your current desktop, you can probably just hit the "PrintScreen" key on your keyboard (Gnome and KDE).  Alternatives include ksnapshot, gnome-panel-screenshot, the Gimp's "Acquire->Screenshot", "import -window root screenshot.jpg" (imagemagick package), scrot, xwd.  For framebuffer consoles, use fbgrab.
19:55.56*** join/#debian Sulac0 (
19:56.09jhutchinsgewt: Do you know what kernel you ended up with?  (uname -r)
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19:56.13gewtworked fine in kubuntu.
19:56.22gewtjhutchins, 2.6.26-486 I think
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19:56.48gewtbooted livecd, networking worked
19:56.48nsadminNaomi__: still here?
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19:57.32nsadmingewt: does it work during install?
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19:57.54Naomi__nsadmin yes
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19:58.01gewtit shows link as down
19:58.03Naomi__just doing some googlin
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19:58.18nsadminok, then try netinstall and this time -do not- configure network: that is, leave network unconfigured
19:58.26jhutchinsgewt: I think the 686 kernel has some problems with Realtec's...
19:58.27nsadminlet it install base from cd
19:58.34nsadminthen reboot into it
19:58.35Naomi__I tried mount on the android OS - nothing obviously a gps device
19:58.46icerootis there a command to move swap back to ram? if free ram > used swap
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19:59.09Naomi__I am asking some further questions in android channel
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19:59.29Naomi__I will come back when I have a more Debian specific question
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20:00.07BlueGI have a machine here running Debian Lenny that when I try to install gnote it says there is no matching package name or description. I don't understand why, it should be a valid package, I see a proper line for lenny main in sources.list... aptitude update doesn't fix it. Could there be some kind of database or cache corruption that might cause this? How might I try to fix it?
20:00.30*** join/#debian segin_whatever (n=segin@2001:0:4137:9e50:0:e75:b981:52d7)
20:00.30jhutchinsgewt: So you're in Lenny.  That chipset is reported to work.  I believe you said that it has worked reliably in Windows?
20:00.31*** join/#debian simonrvn (i=simon@unaffiliated/simonrvn)
20:00.38jhutchinsgewt: Does this system dual-boot?
20:00.47nsadminat -minimum-, you'll get a debian that is capable of installing .debs (but not the ability to download or otherwise use the net until we figure out what's going on)
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20:01.33gewtjhutchins, it's GOING to dualboot.
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20:02.10jhutchinsgewt: Ah, no Windows yet?
20:02.55gewtit HAS windows
20:02.59gewti'm installing debian.
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20:04.05jhutchinsgewt: Ok, and the connection works reliably in Windows, right?
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20:04.30jhutchinsgewt: Need to know for sure which kernel you have, and the output of "lsmod | grep r81"
20:04.45gewtjhutchins, yes
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20:05.30gewtr8169 23556 0
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20:06.56gewtso much for netinstall working!
20:06.57*** join/#debian segin_whatever (n=segin@2001:0:4137:9e50:0:e75:b981:52d7)
20:07.09gewtby just installing the base system...
20:07.18jhutchinsgewt: Ok, there's the problem, the r8169 driver won't work on the r8101 chipset.
20:07.22jhutchinsgewt: Known problem.
20:07.31jhutchinsgewt: locate r8101
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20:08.04jhutchinsgewt: You should get nothing.
20:08.19nsadminwhich means he needs a different kernel?
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20:08.48gewtjhutchinsm mhm
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20:10.31jhutchinsgewt: Unfortunately, you're going to need a build environment for the 2.6.26-2 kernel.  Any way you can think of getting that?  Any chance of getting a different network adapater, at least temporarily?
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20:11.29gewtjhutchins, no
20:11.44gewtI'll just download cg1 and cd2 and install that way...
20:11.59gewtwastes 2 more hours
20:12.27centHOGGwelcomes gewt to linux
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20:13.46setuidDoes anyone know where there might be a version of Subversion 1.6.5 or later for Debian?
20:14.01setuidI'm running 5.0.3 on this particular server
20:14.07gewtI could debootstrap from the livecd
20:14.23jhutchins_ltgewt: That probably won't work...
20:14.30centHOGGisn't that called "ubuntu"
20:14.52setuidUbuntu... from the ancient African phrase that means "Can't install Debian" :)
20:15.04jhutchins_ltgewt: the r8101 driver isn't included in any of the releases I know of, but maybe the 8169 driver works from some versions and not from others.
20:15.05gewtit worked once.
20:15.36jhutchins_ltgewt: Yeah, reports are that it's extremely unreliable, you get lots of transmit errors.
20:15.57jhutchins_ltgewt: We had a realtec that had a similar problem, it could _send_ just fine but didn't receive anything until I built the driver.
20:16.11jhutchins_ltI think that was 8168 vs 8169.
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20:18.46jhutchins_ltgewt: Your two choices are going to be either find someone who can build the driver for that kernel, or find a different kernel where the driver works.
20:18.52nsadminso he has to build the driver...
20:19.15jhutchins_ltnsadmin: Which would be great, except how does he get build-essentials onto a box without networking?
20:19.28nsadminthere's one way...
20:19.40nsadminget the cd that has it all present
20:19.58nsadminbut as you say another choice is to find a kernel already build with it
20:20.05jhutchins_ltgewt: nsadmin means that if you download the full CD, you can install build-essentials from that.
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20:20.39jhutchins_ltI don't have a build environment for that kernel here.  I may be able to check a remote server in a little bit to see if it has that kernel.
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20:20.51nsadminjhutchins_lt which driver were you saying is unreliable?
20:21.02Baegleis there a way to query dpkg to find out what has been installed from a particular repository?
20:21.17jhutchins_ltIf someone _did_ have a build environment for 2.6.26-2-586 they might take pity and compile it for him.
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20:21.38jhutchins_ltnsadmin: 2.6.26-2 r8169 running on r8101 chips.
20:21.59abrotman!tell Baegle about which repo
20:22.02nsadminso if he had r8101 driver, that would work?
20:22.21jhutchins_ltnsadmin: It _almost_ works, which is what gewt experienced.  I had a similar experience with a different Realtec card & driver.
20:23.46jhutchins_ltnsadmin: Yes.
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20:25.37nsadminhmm, didn't quite parse that... so "2.6.26-2 r8169 running on r8101 chips" is what _almost_ works, and r8101 driver on whatever kernel is what works?
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20:30.14jhutchins_ltnsadmin: Yes.
20:30.22nsadminok thanks.
20:30.41jhutchins_ltnsadmin: It _looks_ like there is a driver from earlier kernels that works too, which is probably how the live CD is working for him.
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20:31.13nsadminso it would be instructive to see the lsmod output from that
20:31.58jhutchins_ltOh, from the working env?  Yeah..
20:32.00jhutchins_ltgewt: ?
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20:32.21GambaroinWhat's the problem when I get [12323.291531] EXT3-fs: sdb1: couldn't mount because of unsupported optional features (240).?
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20:33.22nsadmin!calc 12323 / 60 / 60
20:33.50Justindpkg: 12323 / 60 / 60
20:34.18The_Toxic_MiteHey everyone, I am having trouble compiling my wireless drivers.
20:34.25nsadminso it's been up about 3 hrs 25 mins
20:34.35abrotmanThe_Toxic_Mite: which card? which driver?
20:35.09The_Toxic_Miteabrotman, It's a Belkin F6D4050 USB dongle which apparently uses the Ralink RT2870 chipset
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20:35.42abrotman!tell The_Toxic_Mite about rt2870
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20:36.58The_Toxic_Miteabrotman, Ah, uname -r comes up with .26 instead of .29
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20:37.11jhutchins_ltGambaroin: Either the filesystem on sdb1 isn't what your system thinks it is, or it has some optional ext3 features enabled that your system doesn't support.
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20:37.25The_Toxic_Miteabrotman, a wired connection isn't suitable BTW
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20:38.47gewtdownloading disk one
20:38.49abrotmanThe_Toxic_Mite: you can try the .30 from
20:39.16jhutchins_ltThe_Toxic_Mite: Anything greater than 26 is going to be from backports or some other alternate source.
20:39.23nsadminabrotman: how could I see the .config for that kernel?
20:39.27The_Toxic_Miteabrotman, jhutchins ok
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20:39.48jhutchins_ltgewt: So what's the system's status now?  Does it have an installation on it?
20:40.46jhutchins_ltnsadmin: the kernel config files should be in /boot
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20:41.11jhutchins_ltgewt: I have a 2.6.26-2-686 build environment, we could try that.
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20:41.50nsadminwhat cpu does he have?
20:41.51The_Toxic_MiteRight, I have 8 results from the backports search "linux 2.6.30 686", and I have 8 results - do I install every one of them?
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20:42.17reberhi all. Did anyone know a good software to create animated cartoons please ?
20:42.22The_Toxic_MiteSome are headers, some are images
20:42.33nsadminThe_Toxic_Mite: hell no :)
20:42.50nsadminyou might want one kernel and one headers pkg
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20:43.03nsadminand the versions should match
20:43.59The_Toxic_MiteWhat is "bigmem"??? :?
20:44.10nsadmintha's big
20:44.21nsadmin> 4f
20:44.45nsadminbut what cpu do you have?
20:44.49*** part/#debian Baegle (
20:45.02jhutchins_ltThe_Toxic_Mite: Only need the headers if you're building stuff.
20:45.10The_Toxic_Mitejhutchins, ok
20:46.55Atomixhello, anyone can help me with my mysql server not enableing innodb support while my my.cnf looks good ? I'm a bit confused since it was working in the past without any problem, i'll be happy if someone could help me via PM. Thanks
20:47.00*** mode/#debian [+l 939] by debhelper
20:48.08The_Toxic_Mitejhutchins, - would that be the one to go for? (sorry for my stupidity lol)
20:48.13nsadminAtomix: generally help by pm is not supported... see: /msg dpkg ask
20:48.27Atomixoh sorry
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20:48.50abrotmanAtomix: in Debian ?
20:49.00Atomixwell, i'm a bit confused at what my.cnf my sql server is using
20:49.02Atomixyeah debian 5.0
20:49.22Atomixi also have my my.cnf pasted if you wanna see it
20:49.29abrotmanit should be using hte first one
20:49.36nsadminjust as an aside, you might want to get familiar with postgresql
20:50.13Atomixnever heard of this
20:50.34gewtjhutchins, i'll just use cd1 to install
20:50.39abrotmanthat's not helpful here ... even if it is a better database
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20:50.42gewt8 mionutes left on that download
20:51.19jhutchins_ltThe_Toxic_Mite: You want linux-image-<version> - that's the actual kernel.
20:51.21*** part/#debian reber (n=reber@
20:51.25Atomixwell, take a look at my my.cnf
20:51.44Atomixi really don't see what's wrong, innodb isn't available via ssh cmds or via phpmyadmin
20:51.59abrotmanAtomix: are you sure this worked bvefore ?
20:52.25abrotmanAtomix: i thought that the debina mysql packages didn't have innodb enabled
20:52.33Atomixwell, i was rarely using innodb in the past(about 2 years ago) but i really need it now
20:52.33jhutchins_ltgewt: Ok, well, my build environment isn't current anyway, so I'll let you figure it out.  You may end up installing build-essential off the CD's, downloading the r8101 source from a google search, and building your first kernel module!
20:52.50*** join/#debian dansushi (n=dan@
20:52.55Atomixi used apt-get to install mysql last time i had a problem with it
20:53.04nsadminwouldn't switching to innodb involve a dump and restore?
20:53.21Atomixi was able to use myisam + innodb 2 years ago with this config
20:53.25gewtjhutchins_lt, i've built modules before.
20:53.27Atomixi need to keep both engines supported
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20:53.32gewthell, i've built my own kernel
20:53.57gewt(note: don't run it: likely to cause pain and kill your wife and kids)
20:54.05jhutchins_ltgewt: You should be fine then.
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20:54.32setuidWorks with Debian and Ubuntu
20:55.11abrotmanAtomix: i'm pretty sure it doens't have it .. try reading hte docs in /usr/share/doc/mysql-server-5.0/ or whatever it is
20:55.18abrotmansetuid: why are you showing us ?
20:55.27Atomixalright, i'm going to take a look at it
20:55.42abrotmansetuid: that tutorial is broken
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20:59.44Raazeerhello all, I need gtkglarea for some compilation, and since there is no package in lenny or squeeze, I compiled myself.
21:00.03Raazeerstill, the configure-script couldn't find it, what am I doing wrong?
21:00.17abrotmanit's probably looking for the headers
21:00.33keith4_looks like it's in lenny, to me
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21:01.23Raazeerhey, it is, I must have done something wrong.
21:01.26Raazeerthanks for the hint.
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21:04.31Raazeerit compiled, thanks for the help.
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21:13.53gewtI just need wireless long enough to install wired.
21:14.03gewtwired long enough to steup wireless
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21:14.16nsadminso can you get that?
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21:14.35gewtcan always install via chroot
21:14.40gewtif neccessarry.
21:14.45gewtthat requires networking.
21:14.47nsadminwhat is it you need
21:15.26gewtlemme finish the install first.
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21:16.27lotus-bladeis the a peice of software out there that allows you to mount an iso image as if it were the actuall cd?
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21:16.38konrHow can I remove all I can from /tmp/ without compromising any file that might be in use?
21:16.39AimHereYes. It's called 'mount'
21:17.00*** mode/#debian [+l 945] by debhelper
21:17.16AimHere'man mount' for more, though it involves the '-o loop' parameter, IIRC
21:17.18nsadminlotus-blade: specifically you need the loop device
21:18.36newsenseyeah mount -o lopp file.iso /mnt/point
21:19.05AimHereIf it complains, you might need '-t iso9660' as well
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21:19.52paissad-hpdoes someone know the program which program prints the [OK] during system boot ?
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21:20.26paissad-hpfor example: nfs-kernel-server starting ....... [OK]
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21:21.45babilenpaissad-hp: lsb-base (/lib/lsb/init-functions)
21:21.54babilenpaissad-hp: what are you trying to do though?
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21:22.12newsensepaissad-hp: i have seen it on other distros maybe bootsplash ?
21:22.59paissad-hpbabilen, i've searched into that file before, there's no OK string into that file, maybe in another file included during the call
21:23.02gewthow EXACTLY would I get the module I ened to build?
21:23.13paissad-hpnewsense, yes, bootsplash maybe, i thought about it
21:23.20babilenpaissad-hp: What are you trying to do?
21:23.32newsensepaissad-hp: i think its a simplistic bootsplash or splashy theme maybe
21:23.40babilengewt: paste 'lspci -nn'
21:23.50paissad-hpbabilen, something not really important, modifying the color of the "ok" ^^
21:24.00babilenpaissad-hp: ah ...
21:24.04babilenpaissad-hp: one second ..
21:24.06paissad-hpnewsense, splashy ...
21:24.36newsenseboot splash system
21:24.50paissad-hpwhat ?
21:24.52gewtbabilen, err
21:25.00gewthow would I do that? no networking!
21:25.11newsensei believe that's where you're getting the clean boot screen with the nice formatted lines with the ok's right ?
21:25.39gewtis the card.
21:26.00paissad-hpnewsense, i don't remember really if i  had the [OK] before i install splashy .. i think that's a splashy feature ,
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21:27.03newsensepaissad-hp: i would start looking there, i'm not 100% sure but sounds right to me
21:27.47babilengewt: ok, run 'lspci -nn' there should be the pciid in the end [1234:asdb] we need that
21:29.05babilenpaissad-hp: hmm, not sure then. I thought it was that file, but I just had a look at it and could not find the actual string in there ..
21:29.19babilenjudd: pciid 10ec:8136
21:29.21juddbabilen: [10ec:8136] is 'RTL8101E/RTL8102E PCI Express Fast Ethernet controller' from 'Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd.' with kernel module 'r8169' in lenny. See also
21:29.32dpkg[r8169] the RealTek RTL-8169 Gigabit Ethernet driver.  As of linux-2.6 2.6.32~rc8-1~experimental.1, firmware for the RTL8168D v1 and v2 was removed from this driver; not packaged for Debian as there is no clear redistribution permission (Debian bug #561309).  Both versions will operate without firmware from userspace as of linux-2.6 2.6.32-3.  See also <rtl8101e>.
21:30.00gewt8169 does NOT work correctly for me.
21:30.27dpkgrumour has it, rtl8101e is the RealTek RTL8101E Fast Ethernet controller.  It is not supported by the r8169 driver in Etch's 2.6.18 kernel.  For device support during Debian installation, ask me about <etchnhalf> or <install lenny>.  See also Debian bug #499763.
21:30.46babilengewt: do you get any errors in dmesg when you 'modprobe -r r8169 && modprobe r8169' (firmware?)
21:30.58babilengewt: "dmesg | tail -n 23'
21:30.59gewtbabilen, no.
21:31.04gewtthe network card just doesn't work.
21:31.46babilengewt: But the module loads perfectly?
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21:32.05gewtbabilen, mhm
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21:32.31sphenxesHow can I start stunnel on boot?
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21:33.25paissad-hpbabilen, newsense apt-file list splashy | awk -F ':[[:space:]]' '{ print $2 }' | xargs egrep -l OK {} 2> /dev/null | pastebinit -
21:33.34gewtcompiles dirver
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21:33.52newsense_paissad-hp: i installed it and you can change it in the themes xml file
21:34.10newsense_paissad-hp: and splashy did provide the ok bar etc
21:34.46babilengewt: ?
21:35.04newsense_paissad-hp: /etc/splashy/themes/
21:35.10docmaxhello, i need a fast easy slick ftp server with gui, any suggestions?
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21:36.05gewt9I'm compiling the driver manually.
21:36.15dondelelcarodocmax: that's a contradiction
21:36.51nsadmindocmax: note that ftp is not a good choice if you're entering passwords
21:37.01babilen!tell docmax -about ftpd
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21:37.42babilendocmax: and why would you want a server with a gui?
21:38.20Naomi__docmax ebox
21:38.28nsadmingui is a lot more stuff to install on a server box
21:38.46Naomi__ebox is a web based admin system
21:38.59docmaxi need to send someone a file
21:39.07docmaxdont know which way to choose
21:39.13docmaxmessengers are slow
21:39.23docmaxits 4 GB
21:39.33nsadminnot email
21:39.36gewthoyl shit
21:39.38gewtit fucking worked
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21:39.59docmaxwhats the best way trough internet?
21:40.30nsadminburn a dvd and mail it to him!
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21:42.23Naomi__split the file in 2 and set up 2 accounts, or pay..
21:42.52gewtdownloading 500MB for gnome.
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21:42.58gewtto setup wireless
21:44.02newsense_gewt: coulda downloaded wpasupplicant and skipped gnome
21:44.35babilengewt: install wpasupplicant and read /usr/share/doc/wpasupplicant/README.*
21:44.36newsense_wpasupplicant 918k
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21:45.08newsense_works great and no gui required, i got roaming setup and i'm associated and got a dhcp ip at boot
21:45.37newsense_login to a tty and load up screen+irssi :)
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21:45.54gewtnewsense_, it'd download faster over wireless anyway/
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21:46.16gewtand I was going to install gnome anyway
21:46.21zig_Can't the BIOS map out bad sectors in RAM?
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21:46.41setuidDoes anyone know why the default Debian squid rc script does not properly stop the squid proxy?
21:47.00*** mode/#debian [+l 931] by debhelper
21:47.03setuidThat's the sh -x output of /etc/init.d/squid stop
21:47.23setuidYou can see at the bottom, that it's still running even after invoking that
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21:48.00dondelelcarosetuid: presumably because the pid that squid is running under doesn't match the pid in the pidfile
21:48.04dpkgextra, extra, read all about it, badram is a kernel patch that allows you to safely use RAM modules that have errors - see
21:48.13dondelelcarosetuid: check /var/run/
21:48.28*** part/#debian Naomi__ (
21:49.20dondelelcarosetuid: if that file doesn't exist or is empty, the stop rule isn't going to work, because there's no way for the server to reliably know which squid to stop, so it doesn't do anything
21:49.43setuidit was in /var/log/squid/, as defined in /etc/squid/squid.conf
21:49.51setuidI'll change that to point to /var/run/ and restart and try
21:50.05dondelelcarosetuid: well, you've changed it from the default, so...
21:50.23setuidwell, querying squid should result in it declaring where its pid is, so...
21:50.34setuidWhat's the point of defining it in the config, if the rc script ignores that?
21:50.46dondelelcarosetuid: there's no way to know what squid to query
21:51.01setuidYou query the one that is running
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21:51.36dondelelcarosetuid: there's no way to know which one of the multiple ones that could be running is the right one
21:51.36setuidAt the very least, the rc script should bark that the process couldn't be stopped, or that the pid file isn't found, or something useful
21:51.42parolang2Hi everyone.  Very basic question: How do you know if your ISP gives you a static IP address or not?
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21:51.56valdynparolang2: ask him
21:51.59dondelelcarosetuid: you don't need to specify the pidfile at all; the default is perfectly ok
21:52.25keith4_parolang2, ask them?
21:52.41valdynparolang2: technically its even dynamic even if its always the same "static" ip
21:52.41parolang2keith4_, valdyn: Okay.
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21:53.09valdyn( unless you go out of your way to change that )
21:53.13dondelelcarosetuid: if the daemon that you've asked the script to stop isn't running, then stop always succeeds
21:53.27dondelelcarothat's by design
21:53.36parolang2valdyn: Can you use /etc/resolve.conf even if you configure /etc/interfaces to dhcp?
21:53.47dondelelcaroparolang2: yes
21:53.53dondelelcaroparolang2: but you generally want resolvconf instead
21:53.57parolang2(Sorry...trying to find the right question to ask.)
21:54.05valdynparolang2: arent you using ppp to connect to your isp?
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21:54.50parolang2valdyn: I don't think so.  I have high speed internet through a wireless router.
21:55.08valdynparolang2: so your router is connecting to your isp via ppp
21:55.21parolang2valdyn: Okay, that could be.  I really don't know.
21:55.33valdynparolang2: whats "high speed" ? thats > 100mbit in japan
21:55.40GambaroinWhat's the problem when I get [12323.291531] EXT3-fs: sdb1: couldn't mount because of unsupported optional features (240).?
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21:55.49parolang2I'm reading through debian-reference on the section on networking and trying to figure it out.
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21:56.08Gambaroinjhutchins_lt but
21:56.10valdynparolang2: your router is doing the internet uplink
21:56.27parolang2valdyn: Yeah, I'd have to do research to determine what my speed is.  But I don't think that is relevant right now.  I just don't know what to call "not-dialup or ISDN"
21:56.30Gambaroinjhutchins_lt this looks pretty weird: right? :/
21:56.57valdynparolang2: doesnt matter, still ppp usually
21:57.04parolang2valdyn: So would that allow me to configure as if my internet is static?
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21:57.20valdynparolang2: youre on debian which is connected to your router
21:57.23parolang2valdyn: Okay.  I thought ppp was for dialup.
21:57.28parolang2valdyn: right
21:57.32valdynparolang2: your debian box has nothing to do with your internet access
21:57.48valdynparolang2: so you dont even need to think about that internet access. Its just there.
21:57.58abrotmanGambaroin: did you create the filesystem from another OS ?
21:58.35parolang2valdyn: Well...I had another guy helping me, but he wasn't available to finish the configuration.  But he told me if I rebooted the system I'd loose my internet access.
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21:58.46valdynparolang2: and in all likelyness your debian box has whatever non-internet ip, thats your private net
21:58.55parolang2valdyn: So he referred me to debian-reference before he left and I'm trying to make sense of it.
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22:00.08parolang2valdyn: Okay.
22:00.50parolang2Right now, I think I can just copy my /etc/network/interfaces file from my netbook to my desktop system and it should just work if I rebooted.
22:00.51valdynparolang2: he probably didnt yet configured your local lan stuff
22:01.05gewtmy ...bsd powered router does the uplink.
22:01.06valdynparolang2: if that netbook uses dhcp, yes
22:01.13gewtI tried to use something dbeian based!
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22:01.15parolang2valdyn: Yes it does.  Okay, cool.
22:01.17gewtit didn't like me. :(
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22:01.38valdynparolang2: and, obviously you have to adjsut interface names if they arent identical
22:01.45gewt<3 vyatta.
22:01.49docmaxhello, i need a fast easy slick ftp server with gui, any suggestions?
22:02.03parolang2valdyn: Right.  I think it's wlan0 or something.
22:02.10gewt...ftp server with GUI?
22:02.12dondelelcarodocmax: again, that's a contradiction. You don't need a gui.
22:02.24gewtthe CLIENT might need a GUI.
22:02.31gewtbut not the server.
22:02.41gewtdondelelcaro, it's not a contradiction on windows!
22:02.43abrotmandocmax: there doesn't seem to be anything like that packaged in debian, perhaps you should look on freshmeat
22:02.56abrotmanhe wants a CGI FTP client AFAICT
22:03.22parolang2valdyn: One other question.  My router supplies the wrong DNS information (domain and ip) and I've had to bypass that on every computer I hook up to the router.  Do you know where I should put that information on debian?  Somehow my netbook gets it right, but I don't know where it stores that information.
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22:04.44gewtYou COULD just properly configure the roiuter...
22:04.46parolang2valdyn: It's not in /etc/network/interfaces and /etc/resolv.conf has the wrong info (it updates that info from the router)
22:05.06nyneyou could always use and (google public dns) iunstead
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22:05.31gewtI'm still using and
22:05.39parolang2gewt: Yeah, I know.  I'd just have to figure out how to do that.  I setup the router when I still had a Windows system and used their gui config tools
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22:06.12parolang2gewt: Right now, this way is easier if unclean.
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22:08.11Atomix*yeah i guess but i didn't want to have to reinstall it, the prob might be due of those  2missing lines in my.cnf
22:08.18Atomix*#skip-innodb #default-storage-engine = InnoDB (might need to be uncommented)
22:08.23Atomix*that's wierd cause InnoDB is available on my CSS box and i've also used apt-get install *i'm going to check its my.cnf
22:08.29Atomix*i'm only having that -.-
22:08.49JustinAtomix: skip innodb? I dont think you want that
22:09.02Atomixit's uncommented
22:09.15Atomixi had an error in phpmyadmin because it wasn't defined in my.cnf
22:09.36Justindo you mean commented or uncommented?
22:09.46Atomixerr, i mean i'll keep it commented
22:10.05Atomixsomehow the setting needs to be my.cnf
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22:10.28Atomixi'm not sure if i should uncomment #default-storage-engine = InnoDB though
22:10.32Justinthe setting? you pasted two.  one you should not be using, the other is optional
22:10.40parolang2gewt: When I edit resolv.conf somehow my router overrides the value and replaces it with the wrong values.  I don't know how it does it, is there some way to override this behavior?
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22:11.00Atomixreally ? i'm trying to get some info on mysql forums
22:11.01Justinparolang2: fix your router.
22:11.43Atomixshow engine innodb status; ERROR 1235 (42000): Cannot call SHOW INNODB STATUS because skip-innodb is defined
22:12.00Atomixthat's what happens without the options
22:12.20JustinAtomix: do you know the difference between something being commented and something being uncommented?
22:12.44Atomixyeah, uncommented = enabled & commented = disabled
22:13.00Atomixif i'm not mistaken
22:13.04Justinand what do you have for skip-innodb?
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22:13.26Atomixnot even written in my.cnf
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22:14.25JustinAtomix: grep -r innodb /etc/mysql
22:14.39parolang2Justin: Yeah, no clue there.  If that's a sticking point for you guys then sorry for wasting your time, and thanks for answering the questions you elected to.
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22:15.09Atomixgot that
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22:16.04JustinAtomix: restart mysql?
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22:17.10Atomixnot yet, i have lots of servers running and have to go in maintenance, i'm going to announce it now
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22:20.17wuffi600a question about the debian-dvd-torrents. after seeding 8GB of a debian-dvd-torrent seeding stops, why?
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22:21.03zig_So Linux has no intrinsic means to deal with bad memory
22:21.30abrotmandidn't valdyn point you at the badram patches earlier ?
22:21.45zig_badram isn't automatically, doesn't Just Work.
22:21.47abrotmandoes windows have something better?
22:21.48NiLonin soviet russia bad memory deals with you
22:21.49zig_isn't automatic, rather.
22:22.09jelly-homezig_: it does, it the hardware reports it correctly and you're using decent hardware (ECC RAM and capable motherboards and MCE capable CPUs)
22:22.10zig_I don't care about Windows =) I just wanted to know. Since it apparently doesn't, I'll be looking to get ECC memory
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22:22.26zig_Right, what jelly said =)
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22:22.37maligorhow would it automagically deal with bad ram?
22:22.37abrotmanuhm .. if don't hvae bad RAM, why do you care ?
22:22.53confusidHello,  After installing debian I had a message saying I needed to turn on IOMMU in my bios.  And by not doing so it cost me 64mb..  I'm trying to find where and why this is.  IOMMU does not show in the bios.  What are my options for this or a direction?
22:23.03jelly-homezig_: you _have to_ use ECC memory to have some semblance of reliability anyway
22:23.06maligorthe only way would be to constantly scan the ram for defects using patterns
22:23.10zig_Because my RAM may eventually go bad. I don't like getting RAM chips that are useless with 64KB on it goes bad
22:23.26zig_I understand that with ECC, a lot of the chip could go bad for any reason, and you could continue using it just like that.
22:23.36jelly-homezig_: negative on that
22:23.47cirzgamantihi, some page tells me to run a php script on the cl with 'php script.php', but there's no such program on testing. what should i use?
22:23.54abrotmanzig_: you have a misconception
22:23.54zig_I must.
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22:23.58jelly-homezig_: but at least it will report for some instances of it going bad.
22:24.06abrotmancirzgamanti: it's php5 .. it's in the php5-cli package
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22:24.25zig_ECC == Error Correction Code. That would lead me to believe that the chip corrects itself if it has errors.
22:24.26cirzgamantiahh thx
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22:24.36The_Toxic_MiteHello. I am on Debian, connected to the internet with my phone
22:24.47NiLonzig_ atleast my memory chips at break point just stop using that part of memory :o
22:24.52abrotmanzig_: but it's not going to fix bad RAM magically
22:25.03zig_Well, of course not
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22:25.10The_Toxic_MiteI was going to search on the wiki about the RT2870 thing but it couldn't be found
22:25.10cirzgamantiimagines the device from war games for connecting the internet with a phone
22:25.11zig_It'll mark that section as bad and not use it any longer.
22:25.14cirzgamantifeels old ;)
22:25.16jelly-homezig_: nope
22:25.18abrotmanzig_: wrong
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22:25.42AimHereconfusid, IIRC it's just fixed by a kernel command line option in your menu.lst or LILO equivalent
22:25.57zig_Why would it _not_ do that
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22:26.24abrotmanzig_: wtf .. why would it?
22:26.30The_Toxic_MiteDoesn't matter, found it
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22:26.44maligorisn't ECC just for bit errors anyway
22:26.59maligornot really for breaking ram
22:27.05zig_RAM has ECC. Error is detected. It would seem to me it would follow that the system would stop using the bad RAM, now that it has detected an error there
22:27.10abrotmanmaligor: that's his misconception
22:27.19zig_That is
22:27.20abrotmanzig_: it will keep trying to use it
22:27.26zig_That bad _part_ of the RAM
22:27.43zig_I see. Wow, that doesn't make a shred of sense to me.
22:28.05confusidAimHere, grub was installed...  So it is apart of the initialization of the system?
22:28.07jelly-homezig_: only some mid- and high-range server components do that
22:28.08Atomixi'm trying to restart mysql with /etc/init.d/mysqld restart MySQL manager or server PID file could not be found! failed! Starting MySQL..................................................................................................../etc/init.d/mysqld: line 159: kill: (9725) - No such process  failed! -.-
22:29.09Atomixany idea on how could i reboot it Justin  ?
22:29.19abrotmanyou coul djust kill the PIDs
22:29.34jelly-homezig_: ECC RAM merely corrects single-bit errors (in a 64-bit word) and reports double-bit (uncorrectable) errors; typically when an uncorrectable error is reported to Linux kernel, it panics to prevent further data loss
22:29.39abrotmanjelly-home: is that page totally borked ?
22:29.49jelly-homeabrotman: wfm
22:30.12AimHereYeah, confusid. It's not a serious thing, I think it's a consequence of having an AGP card in this day and age
22:30.13abrotmanjelly-home: in one browser here, yes .. other no
22:30.25abrotmanand now it works .. weird
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22:30.33jelly-homeuse a better browser!
22:31.06abrotmanit works fine now
22:31.14Ganangdoes anyone have experience usign makebootfat for making a debian bootable usb stick
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22:32.40confusidAimHere, the board I'm using does concern me :)  it is a all in one..  Gigabyte- ma78gm-us2h, with an ati hd output.
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22:33.35rgrdoes debian use the .inputrc file when launching a bash shell?
22:33.37Atomixanyone ?
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22:35.04abrotmanrgr: you can easily find out
22:35.11abrotmanAtomix: i told you, just kill it
22:35.26Atomixsorry, didn't see your message
22:37.00*** mode/#debian [+l 921] by debhelper
22:37.18Atomixthanks it's working
22:37.45AtomixInnoDB isn't activated yet though -_-
22:38.10dvs!beer abrotman
22:38.10dpkgdeftly decants a fine Piraat for abrotman
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22:40.26rgrwell, this is why I'm asking. Every where says it should (unless debian has done something mad) but I C-v in bash followed by pos1 key shows a code NOT set .inputrc. And theo TERM/termcap mess prompted me to ask here in case someone else has experience of it.
22:41.51abrotmanrgr: it does here
22:42.20Atomixdo you have any idea to get innodb working ? it's working fine on my 2nd dedi, both are under debian 5.0
22:42.31Atomixand using 5.0.51a-24+lenny1-log
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22:44.15rgrthe fact its all in screen adds anoter level of terminfo hell of course.
22:44.26rgrthanks for checking.
22:44.37Ganangdoes anyone have experience usign makebootfat for making a debian bootable usb stick
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22:47.46testerzdoes anyone know of a way of really improving your typing speed? I type fast (100wpm), but I can't seem to improve on that really
22:47.54zig_Does Debian just have the kernel patch in its repos, or is it in the default debian kernel
22:48.00zig_BadRAM, that is.
22:48.05babilentesterz: gtypist
22:48.07testerzhth do people get like 150wpm?
22:48.15testerzbabilen: thanks, I'll look into it
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22:48.45abrotmanzig_: i don't think they do .. ISTR it's a sizable performance hit
22:49.00jelly-homezig_: it's not in Debian's kernels.  That patch is more of a hack than a tested, reliable solution
22:49.16confusidAimHere, ty for the help
22:49.48jelly-homezig_: do you really want to process your data using  _known bad_ hardware?
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22:50.59abrotmanrgr: you can 'strace -o /tmp/foo bash' and then 'grep input /tmp/foo' .. to see if that file is read
22:52.09jelly-homestrace -eopen should be enough
22:52.15zig_jelly-home: Looks like memmap will get the job done, actually. Won't need BadRAM =)
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22:52.43zig_just load the kernel with memmap=somesize$startloc
22:52.54macman_what is a good net intall dvd .. i386 ?
22:53.12macman_debian-5030-i386-netinst.iso ?
22:53.22zig_So like memmap=10M$500M would tell the kernel to not use the 10 MiB of data starting at the 500 MiB mark.
22:53.30babilenmacman_: yes, you would use the netinstall image for a netinstall
22:53.31dvsmacman_: that's not a DVD
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22:54.15jelly-homedvs: well, it can be (burned on a) dvd!
22:54.26macman_heh .. you guys aren't seeding your on distro
22:54.30zig_jelly-home: And yeah, I would like to process my data using known bad hardware =)
22:54.38testerzbabilen: hrm, it seems to mostly have just drills and tells you your speed, not much advice on _really_ improving
22:54.42jelly-homezig_: good luck
22:54.48zig_Like for instance, if I were to order RAM off a site like newegg, and it arrived bad. I am too lazy to send it back and wait etc
22:54.59zig_I'd much rather just map out what small portions are bad, not use them and be on my way =)
22:55.02dvsjelly-home: true
22:55.19gewtwhat's the right driver for THAT?
22:55.55abrotmanjudd: pciid 10ec:8172
22:55.56juddabrotman: [10ec:8172] is 'Unknown device' from 'Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd.' with no known kernel module in lenny or in sid. See also
22:56.03zig_Is it a rumor that RAM with rot will continue to get worse and worse as time goes on?
22:56.05abrotmanis it pci or usb ?
22:56.09babilentesterz: I guess it boils down to practice. There are other programs, but gtypist is the best *I* know and fits my needs. There might be some articles about that around ...
22:56.16gewtit's a wireless contorller.
22:56.18abrotmangewt: you sure about that ?
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22:57.16gewtRealtek Semiconductor Co, Ltd, Device 10ec:8172
22:57.30gewtNetwork controller
22:57.46nmalwI'm having an issue installing the mysql server package. Here is the apt output: Any ideas?
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22:59.08abrotmangewt: it's not appearing in the PCIIDs file
23:00.01gewtI found a driver.
23:00.02gewtI think.
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23:02.31gewtunknown symnbol in module.
23:02.39gewtlooks again.
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23:08.21Atomixi just fully reinstall mysql-server-5.0 under debian and innodb is still disabled, any idea ?
23:09.00babilenAtomix: Edit the configuration files. You have to enable it explicitly.
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23:10.11nkuttlerAtomix: purge a package to remove it's config
23:11.39abrotmanAtomix: did you read the docs yet?
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23:11.48gewtfucking taiwanese company with drivers you can't downlaod.
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23:13.16Atomixit's enabled in my.cnf babilen  nkuttler i'll do that now abrotman yes i did it
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23:20.22Atomixno luck, InnoDB is still disabled
23:21.00dondelelcaroAtomix: you have to recreate the databases using InnoDB
23:21.02gizmo_the_great_Hi. I've been an Ubuntu user since 2005 and do not consider myself a Linux guru in any way. But I am getting a bit fed up of Ubuntu and considering moving to Debian hearing many good things about it's stability etc. Having installed it as a Virtual Machine first, I am surprised at how similar it is to Ubuntu and its clear Ubuntu is very much based on Debian. I'm curious to know though, from an everyday computing point of
23:21.03gizmo_the_great_view (processing photos, streaming video, video playback etc) , whether Debian will cause me much frustration?
23:21.21AtomixInnoDB  DISABLED  Supports transactions, row-level locking, and foreign keys
23:21.57*** join/#debian infomomo (
23:22.05gewthole fuckign shit
23:22.11tonsofpcsgizmo_the_great_: ubuntu is based on debian, but it installs a LOT of  extraneous packages
23:22.11gewtthe driver fucking worked
23:22.15amphigizmo_the_great_: I doubt it; you might have to add the debian multimedia repo to your sources.list for the odd thing you use
23:22.18tonsofpcsinstalling debian base will run a lot leaner.
23:22.36Atomixcreating InnoDB tables will be automaticly created with MyISAM dondelelcaro
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23:22.48tonsofpcsnote that if you're doing a lot of streaming and such you'll want to run experimental or maybe unstable
23:23.10amphirun experimental?
23:23.15dvsgewt: what made the driver work?
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23:23.50gewtdvs, compiling it,
23:24.18dvsgewt: from source? That's something! ;-)
23:24.31gizmo_the_great_My main use is e-mail (Thunderbird), word processing & spreadhseets (OpenOffice), YouTube and others like it and Photography for which I run apps like Bibble Pro, LightZone etc. I have a fairly old (2005) NVIDIA graphics card.
23:24.39bbelt16aghey peeps um how do i find out if i installed i686 or a  adm64 OS w/o checking the kernel with uname?
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23:24.49bbelt16aghow do i find out if i  got  64bit packages installed?
23:25.00gizmo_the_great_bbelt16ag: lsb-release?
23:25.15gewtdvs, mhm
23:25.18gewtcompiled form soruce.
23:25.21gewtdriver worked fine
23:25.40bbelt16agno mods avilable
23:26.02dondelelcaroAtomix: if it's enabled; what does show variables like 'version'; output?
23:26.20bbelt16agDistributor ID: Debian
23:26.21bbelt16agDescription:    Debian GNU/Linux 5.0.3 (lenny)
23:26.23bbelt16agRelease:        5.0.3
23:26.25bbelt16agCodename:       lenny
23:26.59dondelelcarobbelt16ag: please don't paste stuff here
23:27.01*** mode/#debian [+l 904] by debhelper
23:27.16bbelt16agdoes that mean i got  a  686 install instead of a  64bit one
23:27.20\amethystdpkg --print-architecture
23:27.20dpkg\amethyst: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox?
23:27.41bbelt16ag386 DOH
23:27.45bbelt16agi386 DOH
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23:29.02dondelelcarodpkg: --print-architecture is <reply> (powerpc|amd64|i386|ia64|alpha|mips|mipsel|kfreebsd-i386|kfreebsd-amd64|sh|hurd-i386|arm|armeb|armel|gothic|classical|neo-classical|geary)
23:29.02dpkgdondelelcaro: what are you talking about?
23:30.00dondelelcarodpkg: --print-architecture
23:30.13Atomixthere dondelelcaro
23:30.18Supaplexdpkg: listkeys --print-arch
23:30.20dpkgFactoid search of '--print-arch' by key (1): --print-architecture.
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23:31.00dondelelcaroAtomix: and what do you have in /etc/mysql/my.cnf; and what does show engines; output?
23:31.08newsensei need a debian lenny dvd 1 iso but the tracker is offline, anyone know another tracker ?
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23:31.32Supaplexnewsense: why not just use netinst?
23:31.38dondelelcaronewsense: you can just download it or use the netinst
23:31.47Atomixmy.cnf & show engines
23:31.47newsenseno net where i need it atm
23:32.01dpkgwell, jigdo is Jigsaw Download, *the* method for downloading CD/DVD/BD images of Debian.  See "Downloading Debian CD images with jigdo" at .  See also , and <blu-ray disc>.
23:32.23newsensei thought the jigdo client was incomplete or something
23:32.36Supaplexit worked last time i used it about 2 months ago
23:32.37newsensenever looked too much into jigdo
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23:33.02simonrvnworked fine
23:33.11Supaplexit's not the most user friendly tool sometimes
23:33.11newsensei'll try it thanks
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23:33.29Atomixany idea from where could the problem be coming from dondelelcaro  ?
23:33.29Supaplexit is, but it's picky who its users are. ;)
23:33.32newsenseas long as i can get this iso it'll work in a pinch
23:35.36dondelelcaroAtomix: I'm thinking that you've somehow misconfigured innodb and it's being disabled when you're trying to startup
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23:35.55dondelelcaroAtomix: by default, that version of mysql supports innodb, and you shouldn't need any configuration at all to get it working
23:36.07dondelelcaroAtomix: have you restarted the mysql server since you've shown me that my.cnf?
23:36.14Atomixyes i did dondelelcaro
23:36.16Atomixmultiple times
23:36.23Atomixeven reinstall it few times
23:36.41Atomixwhat settings should i use in my.cnf if it's the cause of the problem ?
23:36.42dondelelcaroAtomix: then comment out the innodb bits and restart it. Also, why aren't you using the my.cnf that Debian ships?
23:37.08Atomixthat's an old config which was working fine for years on 5.0.51a
23:37.16jdm64help!! I was playing with fwbuilder/iptables and now I can't send any traffic out, I can still ping my server!
23:37.36jdm64I've tried to disable iptables but didn't work
23:37.59simonrvnflush (-F, -X) your tables
23:38.31Atomixinnodb is still disabled even with every innodb settings commented out
23:38.35jdm64simonrvn: didn't work, still nothing
23:38.44simonrvnmake sure your policy(ies) is(are) set to ACCEPT FIRST ;)
23:38.45Atomixi restarted mysql server of course
23:38.56gewtit dropped off the network
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23:39.15jdm64simonrvn: how do I show what policies I have
23:39.48dondelelcaroAtomix: and the connection that you had with mysql was dropped when you did that, right?
23:40.20Supaplexjdm64: iptables-save    will show all of them. you can edit a saved output and restore via iptables-restore
23:40.22paradoxmonkeyIs there a way to calculate the compressed size of a directory before issuing tar?
23:40.33dondelelcaroAtomix: start with the my.cnf that Debian distributes, and see if that fixes it. The one that you have makes a lot of changes, and it's not worth my time to figure out how it's screwing things up
23:40.47dondelelcaroparadoxmonkey: no
23:41.15dondelelcaroI know that the version of mysql that we distribute supports InnoDB by default
23:41.23paradoxmonkeydondelelcaro: ok
23:41.48jdm64Supaplex: ok, it shows a line like ":OUTPUT ACCEPT [410:59230]" what should it be?
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23:42.21Supaplexjdm64: accept is fine. any drop/deny entries?
23:42.30dondelelcaroparadoxmonkey: the only way to know is to attempt to compress the file; you don't have to actually write it to disk, of course.
23:43.23newsenseso jigdo downloads the packages for the dvd than builds the image after it's done ?
23:43.29Supaplexnewsense: yup
23:44.03Supaplexjdm64: those are all sane.
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23:44.28jdm64Supaplex: then why could everything be blocked
23:44.33bbelt16ag\amethyst:  can i change my arch and reinstall my packages w/o  screweing up
23:44.47Supaplexjdm64: is this host acting as a router?
23:45.05newsenseSupaplex: cool i started the process than walked away and was wondering what was going on
23:45.30FIReunI must be missing something obvious -- using x2x over ssh to control a second machine on the desk with only one set of keyboard/mouse -- changed target sshd_config to allow Xforwarding, ditto on host, nixed -nolisten from the X startup, but I'm still getting "x2x - error: can not open display :0." what am I not doing? lsof -i tcp shows X listening... I dontgetit. Help?
23:45.37jdm64Supaplex: Not really, it's a server, but I was trying to route some traffic through a vpn
23:45.44FIReunbabilen: I've heard you know alot of things
23:45.55Supaplexsimonrvn is thinking sysctl -a | grep forwarding
23:46.19simonrvnmore like tell him/her how to do it
23:46.31Supaplexjdm64: is the vpn traffic terminating at the server? or does it leave the server unencrypted after it's in/out of the vpn?
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23:48.02jdm64Supaplex: right now I can't get the vpn up, but I was having the server connect to outgoing vpn
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23:49.50Supaplexjdm64: iptables says it's permitting all traffic. if you're having a vpn issue, that's a new set of things to look into.
23:50.11jdm64Supaplex: I was trying to route some port ranges to go out the vpn, it wasn't working then I did "iptables -F" and the server crashed
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23:50.42Supaplexthen you *had* some firewall rules, and flushed all the -t filter rules.
23:51.37jdm64Supaplex: something like that, but one of the rules didn't apply because I was using --gw instead of --gateway
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23:52.07Supaplexdid you save your rules before preparing to make these changes?
23:52.07jdm64Supaplex: so I desided to start over with iptables -F, but the entire server crashed
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23:53.07jdm64Supaplex: I didn't do iptabes-save, just iptables -F, then crash
23:53.11Supaplexdid you have iptables rules before today?  I don't know why your server crashed. there are too many unknowns about locally significant factors. or you haven't told us the whole chain of events.
23:53.37Atomixsame thing dondelelcaro
23:53.44jdm64Supaplex: no, I just started with the rules
23:53.48Supaplexso what can't you do after it crashed?
23:53.54zig_Anyone know why my system load would be sitting @ .77 when absolutely nothing is going on?
23:54.29Supaplex!don't work
23:54.29dpkgLook buddy, "doesn't work" is a vague statement.  Does it sit on the couch all day long?  Does it procrastinate doing the dishes?  Does it beg on the street for change?  Please be specific!  Define 'it' and what it isn't doing.  Give us more details so we can help you without needing to ask basic questions like "what's the error message?".  Ask me about <smart questions> and <errors>.
23:54.54jdm64Supaplex: initiate outgoing traffic, I can ssh into it, but if I try to ping anything it doesn't reply
23:55.40Supaplexping off the server to a gateway?
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23:55.46jmarsdenzig_: Because something *is* going on?  Try using top, jnettop, iotop or similar tools to see what is happening.
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23:56.22deed02392could someone suggest a way i might map the size of the files occupying my hard drive in all but one folder?
23:56.40dondelelcaroAtomix: *shrug*; try purging mysql-server-5.0, and reinstalling it; see if that helps
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23:56.57dondelelcaroAtomix: alternatively, check out the error logs of mysql to see if there's something specific which is going wrong
23:57.08Atomixi don't see anything in the logs
23:57.13Atomixeven in my hostname.err
23:57.24dondelelcaroAtomix: if you don't see anything in the logs, then you're not looking at the right ones...
23:57.27jdm64Supaplex: isn't working, I think maybe it's my gateway address
23:57.56Atomixshouldn't it be /var/log/mysql.log ?
23:58.05jdm64Supaplex: route is hanging without giving the default gateway
23:58.06Supaplexjdm64: I haven't made out what the topology is. okay. if you try to ping the gateway, and run arp -n, do you see it in the arp table?
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23:58.26Supaplexroute -n   dns will choke if you have issues :)
23:58.36dondelelcaroAtomix: depends on the configuration. Here it's /var/log/daemon.log
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23:59.35EvYdanceHello i have this error at the boot :  [  545.150171] map irq failed have you an idea ?
23:59.42jdm64Supaplex:         UG    0      0        0 eth0

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