IRC log for #debian on 20090802

00:00.51*** part/#debian a2 (n=tom@unaffiliated/tomaw/bot/-)
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00:01.09odoodjahandarie are you still there?
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00:03.57sladi_What package is kde4 desktop please? widget folderview?
00:04.59dpkgPlease search for things rather than just asking, e.g. 'apt-cache search regex', or with <aptitude search>.  The following ways can locate packages that own a file (installed, or candidate for install): 'dpkg -S /bin/foo', <apt-file>, <pdo> (online) and <help find> (bot).  <search dpkg> for factoids.  See and ask me about <bot help>.
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00:08.51sladi_adb, I did but I\m not sure. I want to file a bug.
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00:09.04Matt-hey, sleepy heads
00:09.25Matt-i've got something installed in /opt but im runnign out of space on /
00:09.33Matt-and i was wondering if it was possible to move it to /home ?
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00:10.31exnguys help! anybody have working config for ospf for debian ? I need simple but actually working configuration file to retrieve routes to my pc ..
00:11.15dpkgi heard ospf is Open Shortest Path First, or a good open internal routing protocol, or see
00:11.23sladi_adb Thanks, I found it.
00:11.55exnI'm asking for 100% working config, because if I do it by manual it not works
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00:16.55Matt-cause is i move it then i get ./mangos-worldd: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
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00:21.48epaphusHello guys, ill permit myself to ask a more of a networking ...  Iam having a network routing issue confirmed by the command mtr on the 3rd hop when I do it against yahoo. The 3rd hop is part of our network and according to mtr it is lossing 40% of the packets... however when I ping directly that specific hops IP then apparently it isnt loosing packets. Anybody know what the technical difference is?
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00:27.06kompulsiveo hai thar debian community. good evening.
00:29.02iluminator101Hi, I am am debian squeeze testing, it works but....every now and then i come with some issue or two....i was thinking about down grading to lenny b/z i just want the thing to work....although i know how to deal with most minor things that do come up
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00:32.39dpkgmethinks downgrade is not possible with apt-get currently.  No future support is anticipated.  Some programs change the binary format of their files in a way that cannot be rolled back later, and package maintainer scripts provide ways to upgrade to new config file formats but not ways to downgrade.  You can always try to downgrade a package using dpkg -i <olderversion.deb>.  Also see <partial downgrade>, or <sdn>
00:33.17*** join/#debian vader- (
00:34.25iluminator101well i started with lenny and apt upgraded
00:34.30craigevililuminator101:  save any config files that you edited, and your /home and reinstall is pretty much the only safe way to go from testing>stable
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00:37.56iluminator101this is the one issue that i couldnt resolve
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00:38.42dcbbaHi, I accidentally set the root shell to a shell that doesn't exist and now I can't login as root
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00:39.03trakcyiaim trying to set a chainloader in menu.lst but when i try to load the extlinux.conf menu using the chainloader entry i get "invalid or unsupported format"
00:39.04uvstudioshey everyone i had a question for you guys
00:39.14uvstudiosits not completely realted to ubuntu but all the commands are the same.
00:39.33uvstudiosright now i'm trying to install xenserver but i cant get it to recongize my cdrom drive to install the software off of
00:39.58trakcyiai bet #debian hates it when ubuntu users come in here with "same thing" notions
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00:40.11uvstudiosi've already tried the mod probe command and get the erro message hda: command error: status=0x51 driveReady seekcomplete error
00:40.38uvstudiosis there anywhere i should go besides here for xenserver help?
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00:47.48trakcyiaI am trying to make a chainloader entry in my menu.lst but every time I try I get "invalid or unsupported format". The grub manual says that means the kernel isnt supported. That makes no sense to me because I should't need a kernel to load extlinux.conf through a chain loader
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00:50.10tabris|awaychainloaders don't so much load a kernel as they do a boot sector.
00:53.45trazanunikon: i guess it is your screensaver, do you use gnome?
00:53.59djahandarieI'm trying to install debian lenny amd64 via hd-media on a USB stick.
00:54.12djahandarieI zcat boot.img.gz > /dev/sdc
00:54.18djahandarieThen I plug it into my laptop (where I'm trying to install it)
00:54.23djahandarieAnd I tell it to boot from USBHDD, and it just says Boot Error
00:54.34djahandarieSo I tried install-mbr on /dev/sdc and then put it back into my laptop, and it just says 'MBR 1234FA'
00:54.42unikontrazan yes
00:54.48djahandarieAnd I can't get any further than that... could someone help?
00:54.53djahandarieThis is a ThinkPad T500 if that helps, and apparently people have put Debian on it before.
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00:55.53macrobatunikon: if you open your gnome screensaver, isn't there some option about "lock screen"? try to disable it
00:56.01dpkg[thinkpad] one of the best laptops you can buy, or a thing that dies when your car hits it, according to abrotman.  Some models may restrict Mini PCI card usage, see .  See also <hdapsd>, <martian>, <mwavem>, <synaptics>, <tpb>, <trackpoint>.  ##ibmthinkpad on
00:56.30djahandarieadb, most everything on those links
00:56.42djahandarieI'll see if anyone in the channel can help though, thanks
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00:57.27unikonthanks macrobat i found it under system-preferences-screensaver & unchecked the lock screen when screensaver is active
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01:00.05tuantubhi, does anyone there know, how to extract the postinst script in a deb package without installing this package ?
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01:01.32adbdpkg -x packagename packagename ?
01:01.34dpkgi don't know, adb
01:02.00tuantubadb: it's not working :(
01:02.31macrobati guess you could open it in an archive manager :)
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01:03.34tuantubmacrobat: i did have a look in this package but there are no scripts :(
01:04.02macrobati just opened the postinst to a libwebkit .deb file
01:04.24tuantubmacrobat: :-/
01:04.47macrobatidk, tuantub
01:05.50tuantubmacrobat: sorry, i don't understand what you mean ? :(
01:06.28enoufsyslq78: i like pstree -lunap and pstree.x11 as needed
01:07.01*** mode/#debian [+l 928] by debhelper
01:07.08enoufg00se no idea what you're talking about
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01:07.24macrobatidk == i dont know :)    can the deb be badly packaged?
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01:09.22syslq78enouf, hehe, thanks mate (btw every half normal person in this part of Europe is sleeping by now ), I used pstree, it has nice representation
01:09.23enoufseems i sent some messages to g00se that were meant for gumbox .. oh well
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01:10.12tuantubmacrobat: :P, no no, this package hat only postinst/postrm (i think ;)), i've found the source package of this but i just want to know if it's possible trace the scripts packaged in this package without downloading the source package ?
01:10.14enoufsyslq78: they'll 'come around' to seeing 'our way' real soon  ;-)
01:10.29syslq78enouf, yeah :=)
01:10.34fas3rhow to know if my computer use ACPI or AMP ?
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01:11.02enouffas3r: dmesg .. but dmidecode, lshw -- what's the CPU
01:11.14enoufyou mean ACPI or APM
01:11.47enouffas3r: give me a roundabout year it was made ;-)
01:11.55fas3renouf: it's a  Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU
01:12.00enoufbut knowing the CPU would tell me
01:12.05enoufhehe - tha's ACPI
01:12.45enouffas3r: my penitumII even uses ACPI -- not that ACPI hasn't had enormous issues over the years
01:12.48fas3renouf i can see it in /etc/procinfo ? (i mean this line : apicid : 1 .. where 1 = true ? )
01:13.15enoufyou mean /proc/cpuinfo?
01:13.50fas3ryes, where i can check is it's acpi or amp ? in a file or directly in the bios
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01:14.04enouffas3r: listen ...both
01:14.06fas3renouf: and sorry i'm tired bad line ^^
01:15.00enoufalthough my BIOS of older PCs (like mine) doesn't necessarily say ACPI, it might just say Power Management
01:15.25icedwaterAnyone's used a Lexmark X1195 printer before? I'm not sure how to get it to work...
01:15.40enouffas3r: grep -i acpi /var/log/dmesg
01:16.00enouffas3r: install and run lshw, hwinfo, dmidecode -- /msg dpkg what
01:16.02*** part/#debian psycho_oreos (
01:16.13enouffas3r: /msg dpkg what's my hardware
01:17.10fas3renouf: thank for tools ^
01:18.02*** join/#debian CAiRO__ (
01:18.18enouffas3r: np
01:18.36*** join/#debian Augusto (n=saggese@unaffiliated/saggese)
01:18.52fas3renouf: i didn't use it before, i used lspci ^^ but lshw is really nice ^^
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01:19.14fas3ri will use it now :)
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01:30.57bpuni did a cool motherboard switch (kept same lenny install) -- everything works as expected-- 1 thing is I can't control the sound volume :(
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01:31.59bpun(sound playback functional -- /etc/init.d/alsa-utils reset 0 had no effect-- no ~/.as* files )
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01:32.21zetheroo I put it to you ... a guy wrote me with the following  .... are all these things not 'happening' in Linux?
01:32.53*** join/#debian echosystm (n=echosyst@
01:33.39bpunzetheroo, linux can already do all that-- Xcode is apple objective C
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01:33.59bpunzetheroo, i dont see any use of Xcode on *nix platforms.. it's an apple developer thing
01:34.07zetheroooh really?
01:34.22bpunzetheroo, if u add a secondary monitor, no need to restart x..
01:34.29echosystmis objective c really used for anything other than apple stuff?
01:34.30zetheroosorry ... I am passing this info onto you guys because I am unsure of this stuff
01:34.33bpunzetheroo, also X is auto self configuring
01:35.04bpunzetheroo, xorg.conf doesn't have to be created manually anymore (nor does it have to exist)
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01:35.25zetheroooh right
01:35.54*** join/#debian Darkclaw66 (n=portness@unaffiliated/darkclaw66)
01:36.25Darkclaw66if I want to encrypt all web activity (80,443) through a VPN, would I tell the browser to use a proxy behind the VPN?
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01:36.30zetherooso of all he said is there anything that really sticks?
01:36.33bizzle_omg #debian we're all elite pricks omg
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01:36.58bpunzetheroo, i'm bound to setup xinerama tonite (which is two displays).. supposedly X doesn't need to be restarted.. just a little command needs to be issued as mentioned from the url
01:37.03dpkgit has been said that xinerama is where you have several monitors but only one logical desktop -- XFree86 4.0 and have it! Documentation is available: , or functionality is provided by randr in recent Xorg drivers, see for howto.
01:37.10*** join/#debian jony123 (n=jony123@unaffiliated/jony123)
01:37.28bpunzetheroo, <
01:38.47bpunzetheroo, i believe you dont even need to type any commands for a secondary monitor.. but i'll look into it tonite...
01:39.08bpunwonders what zetheroo is trying to point out
01:39.12Darkclaw66anyone know?
01:39.38*** join/#debian zophy (
01:39.51bpunDarkclaw66, you mean outside a VPN ?
01:39.52zetheroobpun: oh .. I was not trying to point anything out as such .. I just was wondering if there was a good response for him ... :) ...
01:40.08bpunzetheroo, tell him to stfu and try it already
01:40.17Darkclaw66bpun im going to another country and I want to have everything I do encrypted
01:40.29Darkclaw66I run a vpn server at home and I was hoping to use it to make sure everything I do is encrypted
01:40.33echosystmwhats the difference between xinerama and "normal" dual screen?
01:40.41zetheroowell .. how many things in that list are valid ... ?
01:40.42dpkgxinerama is probably where you have several monitors but only one logical desktop -- XFree86 4.0 and have it! Documentation is available: , or functionality is provided by randr in recent Xorg drivers, see for howto.
01:40.44*** join/#debian zhxk` (i=zhxk82@
01:40.56zetherooif any ....
01:40.56echosystmyeah but how is that different bpun ?
01:40.57zhxk`hello, may debian connect to windows and ping to it through serial uart?
01:41.02icedwaterHmm... I can access the Printers section in System/Administration on Ubuntu/GNOME.. how do I get that set up on Lenny?
01:41.10bpunechosystm, read those url sites.. or wikipedia it..
01:41.17bpunechosystm, i'm not an expert in it..
01:41.18icedwaterI don't see any way to configure my printers short of going to localhost:631.
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01:42.53echosystmanyone know why netbeans and eclipse are so outdated in the repo?
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01:43.13zetheroobpun: oh cool
01:43.19echosystmnetbeans is 5 versions behind and eclipse is 3
01:43.33Darkclaw66darn I was hoping someone here would know what I should do
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01:45.41bpunzetheroo, plus you dont have to wipe out your mac.. you can even use virtualization products (vmwarefusion) on your mac intel to try out linux --  i even made a native dualboot macbook with osx and debian on it..
01:46.41*** part/#debian Darkclaw66 (n=portness@unaffiliated/darkclaw66)
01:46.45zetheroocool ... I am pasting those links in my reply :)
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01:47.20sanmarcoswhere can I find out a howto on creating .deb packages?
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01:55.20enoufechosystm: /msg dpkg dual monitors (as well)
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01:59.27enoufechosystm: and while you're at it, see xdmx :-P
02:00.13enoufsanmarcos: /msg dpkg package basics
02:00.22enoufsanmarcos: /msg dpkg mentors
02:00.28echosystmguys i have a question
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02:00.39enoufi doubt it
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02:00.41echosystmif i startx, xfce will load up automatically
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02:00.57echosystmdoes this mean i don't need to add startxfce to my .xinit ?
02:01.01enoufupdate-alternatives --config x-window-manager
02:01.11enoufno idea what xfce does
02:01.16unikonany idea when pidgin 2.5.8 will be releasing a .Deb
02:01.24echosystmwell the same idea is applicable to any DE enouf
02:01.28enouftry startxfce instead of startx
02:01.33*** part/#debian zetheroo (
02:01.33basslinerhi there, is there a reason the "send host-name" option in dhclient.conf is not being used in debian default installations?
02:01.44enoufstartx starts my x-window-manager
02:02.30enoufechosystmfor ex; startkde, might be used instead, or whatever gnome uses, gnome-session or someshit
02:02.41bpununikon, you're probably missing a repo
02:03.07bpunnotices 2.5.8 << the greed of numeros!!
02:03.23enoufnotices he STILL is using dhcpcd on sid ...for some odd reason
02:03.53ranixbassliner: I don't know, but it has been reported as a bug under #151820 and #165086
02:03.58enoufjudd: versions pidgin
02:03.58juddenouf: pidgin -- lenny-volatile: 2.4.3-4lenny1~volatile0 lenny: 2.4.3-4lenny1 etch-backports: 2.4.3-4lenny2~bpo40+1 lenny-security: 2.4.3-4lenny2 lenny-backports: 2.5.5-1.1~bpo50+1 squeeze: 2.5.6-1 sid: 2.5.8-1+b1
02:04.23enoufunikon: you running lenny? check - or /msg dpkg ssb
02:04.25basslinerranix: hmm
02:04.35basslinerranix: i noticed ubuntu uses that option by default
02:04.39ranixa lot of reports have been submitted on it
02:04.41basslinerranix: and debian doesn't
02:04.45ranixsome ubuntu discussion was about it also
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02:04.51basslinerranix: thanks.
02:05.42zenwrylyif gpg says my primary key is 1024d/* does that mean it's a 1024 bit DSA key that uses SHA1 and thus needs to be migrated?  For that matter, what does 2048g, 2048r, etc. mean?  Where is the meaning of that last letter documented?
02:06.55enoufr == RSA likely
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02:07.16sanmarcoshow does one set up the email, name, etc environment variables package building needs?
02:07.20enoufman ssh, man x509 or something
02:07.28enoufman ssh-keygen
02:07.55enouf!tell sanmarcos -about nmg
02:08.03zenwrylyenouf: this is for gpg (gnupg)
02:08.18zenwrylyenouf: and I've been looking at the man page and lots of other docs :(
02:08.29enoufahh, as opposed to openssh/ssl .. my bad
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02:08.50enoufhrm, does gnutls stuff help? though i doubt it
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02:09.40zenwrylyenouf: hmm, worth a look, thanks
02:09.42enouf~$ gpg --list-keys
02:09.45enoufi see now
02:09.49zenwrylyenouf: yeah
02:10.12zenwrylyenouf: seems like the kind of basic symbol stuff that you'd have a legend for somewhere in the man page
02:10.22enoufstill, if D == DSA, then r == some R<algorithm>
02:10.44zenwrylyenouf: and g?  :)
02:10.44enoufsame for g
02:10.57enouflook up crypto algorithms
02:11.44enoufi mean, even reiserfs offers; rupasov, or tea. r5 is the default one.
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02:11.55enoufas a hash function
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02:14.30enoufsee OpenGPG or something; man gpg<TAB><TAB> ; man gnu<TAB><TAB>
02:14.45zenwrylyenouf: been looking at the gpg man page
02:14.50enoufer PGP
02:15.05enoufnot enough - or you're blind :-P
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02:15.15enouftry /usr/share/doc/ like normal people
02:15.21zenwrylyenouf: someone in #gnupg finally answered
02:15.25zenwrylyenouf: also looked there
02:15.42zenwrylyenouf: but theystill haven't told me where to find a legend
02:16.13enouf~$ dlocate gnupg (ftw) \o/
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02:16.43enoufzenwryly: perhaps you can help out, and document some of it? ;-)
02:18.17enoufzenwryly: ask yourself, why is it displayed at all -- obviously, someone whom programs, inserted it there, so when they run something like ~$ gpg --list-keys they can quickly tell the key-type. or something distinct they want to know about it
02:18.20zenwrylyenouf: I certainly will in my key transition announcement
02:18.45enoufthey just didn't document that aspect well ;-)
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02:18.51enouf(so it seems)
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02:19.28echosystmin your DE, what does "save session" do?
02:19.40echosystmyou know, when youre logging out
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02:20.30zenwrylyenouf: yup
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02:22.40enoufechosystm: likely stores your which open windows you have and settings and shit
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02:23.00echosystmso its kind of like hibernat/suspend?
02:23.13enoufzenwryly: mind sharing what the gnupg people said?
02:24.59zenwrylyenouf: he told me that "d" means DSA, "g" means ElGamal
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02:28.42DominicusI'm trying to specify in /etc/exports for nfs sharing on the server to an address/subnetmask of And my client is using Can anyone tell me if it is weird that it is refusing my connection when it's set to /29, but accepts by connection when it's set to /28? Am, I interpreting things correctly?
02:28.43*** join/#debian lindenle (
02:29.21lindenleIs there a good gui tool in debian for handling network connections (especially wireless)
02:29.48craigevillindenle:  try wicd
02:30.13lindenlecraigevil: ok (use iwconfig and interfaces by hand now)
02:30.33DominicusMy 192.168.1.x is a full class C, and I haven't divided it into any further subnets. i just want to limit it to a low number, so i picked /29 to encompass about 8 IPs that are periodically rotated through because they're assigned from DHCP.
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02:31.38TrampDominicus: use ipcalc to see, that "100/29" is really "96/29", going up to 103, which would be the broadcast
02:32.26Tramp(however, specifying a range like that would usually allow .103 as a host address). But 104 is out of this net.
02:32.57icedwaterHmm, I'm trying to set up a Lexmark X1195. I've got it in CUPS, but there's a /usr/lib/cups/filters/rastertoz600 error when I try to print. Running that program on its own shows it can't find, even though it's already installed. Anything I can do to fix this?
02:33.39TrampDominicus: but you can't say "...100/29" and hope it to be "100-107", which you apparently did.
02:35.19lindenlecraigevil: um nothing happened when I run it...?
02:35.26DominicusTramp: LOL. Thanks for the mini lesson there. Yeah, I've never tried to just adhoc through in a subnetmask value like that before. i didn't know it was attached to predefined blocks like you're telling me thanks. (I never had to deal with that when I was doing networking configuration, else I would have learned that THAT doesn't work. heh heh)
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02:36.38MrWaxhow can I search for a file from my root dir?
02:36.45MrWaxfind -type f . FILE ?
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02:36.57lindenleoh I see
02:37.04lindenlehmm d-bus error
02:38.09TrampMrWax: may be helpful. For your case: find / -type f  -name <filename>
02:38.10zenwrylyenouf: he also recomended using seahorse which prints human readable type on the properties screen of a key
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02:38.53Gokee2Hello all, anyone here done anything with gps units?  I got a little USB unit today and figured I would plug it in and see what I got in dmesg but I got nothing?  I tried both turning the unit on and plugging it in and plugging it in first then turning it on.  Anyone happen to know any good sites on making gps units work?  Thanks
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02:41.42lindenlecraigevil: looks pretty cool
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02:46.19chunkychilidebian FTW!
02:48.57macrobathow do i run lua scripts in ~/.config/awesome ?
02:49.00enoufzenwryly: thanks for the infos
02:49.15enoufzenwryly: am having an issue ssh'ing .. doesn't make sense
02:50.12bpunGokee2, try modprobe usbserial
02:50.35enoufwhy does ssh -vvv user@hostIP not tell me no more than (basically) "debug1: connect to address port 22: Connection refused" ?
02:50.40enoufheck i even straced it
02:50.56enoufand it worked last night :-(
02:51.19enoufi got prompted for a passwd, entered it correctly and i was in
02:51.37bpunenouf, heheehe you starting to sound like that crazy guy yesterday..
02:52.40*** part/#debian TbbW^ (
02:52.42Gokee2bpun, Ok, I tried that but I still get nothing if I turn on the device or unplug/replug while on
02:52.53enoufchecks router config .. and .. thinks about how he booted knoppix on the server with the ssh=<passwd> option, but i don;t think knoppix3.9 even recognizes that option (but it was correct user passwd anyway) , does
02:53.14bpunenouf, route -n .. does it have ?
02:53.43bpunGokee2, when you plug in the usb device, are there messages? (btw what usb gps model do you have? lspci can show)
02:53.59enoufbpun: indeed - everything on my side is fine
02:54.09enouf192.168.0.0     *        U     0      0        0 eth0
02:54.24Gokee2bpun, Nothing in dmesg I got a Flaircomm GPSBT560
02:54.31bpunenouf, is gets shown in arp table?
02:54.32enoufbpun: i mean, when my route is bad here, i can't access the internet at all :-)
02:54.44enoufbpun: no
02:54.45Gokee2lspci does not have anything about gps in it
02:55.30bpunenouf, according to managing the gateway (debian to do list).. the debian scripts on this still need some woekr..
02:55.31enoufwhat's gps? oh - maybe you want lsusb -v ?
02:55.34enoufor dmesg?
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02:56.12Gokee2enouf, I have been using dmesg..  Wow lsusb -v looks cool :) give me a sec :)
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02:56.37enoufGokee2: /msg dpkg what's my hardware (for even more cool stuff ;-))
02:56.45bpunGokee2, y, if you use -k << usbserial.ko might show up with your gps device.. (meaning the gps device is using that module)
02:57.06mimcpherI'm looking for software to replace camserv.  IE, streaming video on a website.  I've had a few problems with camserv.
02:57.19bpunGokee2, it says bluetooth on that webpage
02:57.44Gokee2bpun, Ya, it also seems to say it supports usb
02:58.10Gokee2For example under product requirments it list usb and not bluetooth
02:58.24Gokee2It would be really sad if it only supported usb for charging
02:58.48bpunGokee2, maybe you want to verify that the usb cable is only meant for charging the device..
02:59.44bpunGokee2, if in doubt, you can try another cable (of different lenght) and different usb port
02:59.45Gokee2bpun, Hmmm  how would I go about that?  It came with very little documentation
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03:00.20Gokee2bpun, I have tried both my front ports, and the gps uses a slightly non-standard end on its cable :(!
03:00.41bpunGokee2, is this a laptop?
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03:01.18Gokee2bpun, Right now I am testing it on my desktop but I can move over to my laptop
03:01.43bpunGokee2, what's the kernel ver?
03:02.06Gokee2bpun, 2.6.26-2-amd64
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03:02.33bpunGokee2, so you don't have bluetooth tech with the desktop or laptop?
03:02.48bpunbelieves usb cable is only for charging..
03:03.24enoufbpun: the sshd was NOT running on other end ... ;-)
03:03.32bpunenouf, heheeh
03:03.34Gokee2bpun, I don't think so, my motherboard on my desktop supports it but I think I need a antenna or something
03:03.44enoufbpun: man o man ... such simple overlooks
03:03.55bpunenouf, how many machines are you working on? it does get confusing sometimes..
03:04.23bpunGokee2, can you modprobe bluetooth?
03:04.35DominicusI have a /etc/fstab entry of "  /home/mythVideos/networkvideos  ntfs  ro,users  0  0" but, whenever I do a "mount /home/mythVideos/networkvideos", I get "mount: special device does not exist". Has anyone come across this? It's difficult to find via google. =(
03:05.24Gokee2bpun, Ya I can...
03:05.59enoufshit .. now i cannot get the friggin passwd correct? c'mon!
03:06.01bpunDominicus, it should be "//dev/sdc?   /home/<rest> .. " << i'm not too sure if its ntfs or ntfs-3g..
03:06.12*** part/#debian mimcpher (
03:06.46Gokee2bpun, So, what can I do with it now?  I have never done anything with bluetooth
03:06.55bpunGokee2, run the bluetooth service up..
03:07.00*** mode/#debian [+l 912] by debhelper
03:07.08bpunGokee2, i believe bluetooth package has bluetooth commands to probe the area
03:07.33bpunGokee2, dpkg -L bluez-utils |grep bin
03:07.42Dominicusbpun: UGH *slaps forehead*. Thanks. It's not supposed to be ntfs, it's supposed to be nfs. I apparently have ntfs on the brain again from having tinkered with it so much lately. Thanks.
03:08.09Gokee2bpun, aw nice
03:08.38bpunis feeling like a retarded pro :)
03:08.38Dominicusbpun: And of course it works like a charm with that single character typoe fixed. =)
03:08.44bpunwhat's happening with everyone today?
03:09.37echosystmdoes debian use upstart by default?
03:09.58trazanechosystm: debian uses inittab
03:10.13echosystmwhats the benefit of upstart? i heard it makes booting faster
03:10.14Gokee2Hmmm...  I have something called bluetooth-applet but if I tun it something pops in and out of my systray real quick and then nothing else...
03:10.21echosystmbecause it does more things in parallel
03:10.21trazanupstart is buntu-buntu
03:11.30bpunGokee2, can you get anything with hcitool scan ?
03:12.01Gokee2If I do "hcitool scan" it says "Device is not available: No such device"
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03:12.20trazaninittab, i meant init  :)
03:12.23bpunGokee2, is bluetooth daemon running? (not sure if needed) (/etc/init.d/bluetooth start)
03:12.41dpkgsomebody said bluetooth was a wireless communications protocol: or about as secure as shouting.  apt-get install bluez-utils; then run hidd --search as root.
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03:13.20bpunbelieves it was hidd --search ://.. but he still newbie at bluetooth
03:13.33phorce1Gokee2: you definitely need bluetooth -- the USB on that GPS is for charging only. Here's a user manual:
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03:15.07Gokee2phorce1, That sucks :(  Who would build usb into a gps unit for charging only?
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03:16.29bpunGokee2, i dont know much about bluetooth-usb gadgets.. but i know some things can still be used while charging them on usb.. or some may not..
03:16.41phorce1Anybody that wants to make it easy for to always find a charger (eg. any PC that's handy or a car 12V to USB adapter or a wall wart to usb adapter etc.)
03:16.54Gokee2bpun, hmm
03:17.31phorce1bpun: no, you misunderstand. The GPS unit he has does NOT have USB functions at all. The USB is for charging only.
03:17.35bpunGokee2, did u see that bluetooth page?
03:17.45bpunphorce1, i did not say that :)
03:18.09Gokee2bpun, Hmm no I will look at that too, thanks
03:18.17phorce1bpun: Oh, this one can be used while charging
03:18.41bpunphorce1, we don't know
03:19.43Gokee2It does do its normal bluetooth blinking while charging
03:19.46phorce1bpun: theuser manual is only a few pages of actual information. It was a quick read. I might be interested in a $20 GPS antenna for the laptop that doesn't have to be tethered with a USB cable in the truck. I current have 2 that use USB.
03:20.31btnzhi, how can i remotely access my debian system that is running in my home network over the internet?
03:21.00phorce1bpun: The user manual states "if you are using it while charging the red led will be always on while charging and will start blinking once per second when fully charged"
03:21.03bpunbtnz, !ssh
03:21.06dpkg[ssh] the Secure SHell; "aptitude install ssh" (  Clients for other platforms include <putty><cygwin><niftytelnet> or MacSSH.  It's _unwise_ to enable both RSA and password authentication.  Firewalls to mitigate against brute-force attacks on your ssh server include <fail2ban> <denyhosts>.  Also see <scp><sftp><ssh without password><sshx><ssh linedraw><debug sshd>.
03:21.27bpunbtnz, (server is package in openssh-server)
03:21.53bpunphorce1, it's not my gadget
03:21.58bpunit's Gokee2's ..
03:22.25bpunphorce1, I think he knows how to read :)
03:22.53echosystmive added non-free to my sources.list
03:23.03echosystmbut i still cant get access to netbeans-ide package
03:23.12echosystmam i missing something?
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03:23.30bpunechosystm, it's in contrib
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03:23.47bpunechosystm,  lenny main non-free contrib
03:23.51btnzbpun, thanks, aptitude install ssh  enables me to run a ssh server on the system so that i then just need a ssh client? did i get that right?
03:23.54Gokee2is trying to pull up the manual on his motherboard and see if it has any bluetooth support
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03:24.18bpunGokee2, if it does, verify that the bios settings enable it on..
03:24.35bpunechosystm, (i'm assuming you're using lenny)
03:25.17bpunbtnz, and port forward to port 22 on router box (i personally tweak the sshd settings to listen on the non-default port because there are bad people out there :)
03:25.21Gokee2bpun, Ya I should check that :)
03:25.30Gokee2Although then I have to restart.... :(!!!
03:25.35phorce1Gokee2: how new a system? Not many desktop systems that I've seen come with BT pre-installed. It's usually an optional riser card
03:26.41Gokee2phorce1, Build it just after Christmas last year so about 1 & 1/2 years old
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03:27.50phorce1Probably optional. My year old quad core with all the bels and whistles that I could find (like 8 SATA ports and 8 USB ports) didn't have BT or 1394 built in
03:27.55btnzwow, just stumbled upon ' In some countries it may be illegal to use any encryption at all without a special permit.   ' on the ssh site.. thats tough
03:28.16referheadermy resolv.conf is getting rewritten all the time - or whenever i change it by text editor or gui
03:28.31referheaderi lost connectivity because of this
03:29.21Gokee2phorce1, Ah I see, the book had said something about bluetooth but I figured at the time I would need something extra or what not to make it wook but did not really look into it as I did not need bluetooth at the time
03:29.45Tramp!tell referheader -about override dns
03:29.57bpunGokee2, what motherboard is it?
03:30.00referheaderyes tell me pray tell
03:30.27Gokee2bpun, ASUS P5K LGA 775 Intel P35 ATX Intel
03:30.28bpunreferheader, probably the resolvconf package
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03:31.08Gokee2is still trying to find a online manual, he might have to go poke his closet again
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03:34.19phorce1Gokee2: This says "Expansion slots -- Bluetooth - No"
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03:36.07Gokee2phorce1, Ah I see, too bad
03:36.20phorce1Gokee2: Most of those type sites pull their "specs" lists straight from the manufacturer website
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03:37.49phorce1You can buy USB-->BlueTooth adapters. Don't go cheap though. I tried a couple and they were absolutely useless.
03:38.14Gokee2phorce1, Hmm, this is annoying
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03:39.39Gokee2phorce1, There is a nice cheap one :)
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03:43.28bpunGokee2, gosh.. you love buying cheap stuff!
03:43.46bpunthat's good!
03:44.00Gokee2bpun, My wallet feels better with cheap stuff :)
03:44.06bpunbuy my apple II!
03:44.25bpunand try uclinux!
03:44.25Gokee2my wallet hates shipping though
03:45.02bpunGokee2, how much was the gps device?
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03:45.20Gokee2bpun, $20
03:46.12bpunGokee2, i've tested out those things a while ago.. haven't been succesful on the linux platform at the time (about 3 years ago).. are there any linux gps apps worth checking out?
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03:46.56Gokee2bpun, I don't really know as I have not got it working yet...  at a glance looks cool though
03:47.13bpuni have to change a video driver option
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03:55.05Gokee2wonders if he could take about the gps unit and rewire it :/
03:55.50phorce1Gokee2: look for an adapter model here:
03:57.00*** mode/#debian [+l 906] by debhelper
03:58.05Gokee2phorce1, Ah, thats a handy list
03:59.09phorce1Gokee2: the one Conwise adapter listed on that page is listed as "maybe" working(and it's not the same model number as the geeks one
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04:00.05Ricky_RocKwhat is the command to write to load a .php page every hours for 5 minut because the page take 5 minut to load completelyaa
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04:01.59Ricky_RocKwhat is the command to write in cron to load a .php page every hours for 5 minut because the page take 5 minut to load completely
04:02.00Gokee2 is not even listed on the page you gave
04:03.01Gokee2Ricky_RocK, can you wget the page?
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04:04.18unikonafter installing the latest version of teamspeak 2 for linux after installing on Lenny why is it i cant see it anywhere on the menu or application list
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04:04.32unikonive received no errors
04:05.19luke3321Hey guys, I'm on gnome and need someone with kde's help.  Could you just get the absolute location of kdesu?
04:05.43trazanunikon: some applications dont automatically get into menus, you can add them manually
04:06.00trazanluke, try "locate kdesudo"
04:06.17trazanor if it's called "locate kdesu"
04:06.39luke3321hmm.... Dont know why its on my computer.... I dont even have kde... But it is
04:06.43luke3321haha thanks
04:07.27unikonhow can i add it manually trazan
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04:08.29trazani dont use gnome, unikon, maybe rightclick on the menu or use gconf, im sure there are guides
04:08.40Ricky_RocKwhat is the command to write in cron to load a .php page every hours for 5 minut because the page take 5 minut to load completely
04:09.16phorce1Gokee2: The cheapest I've found so far that IS on the list is
04:09.20unikonlooking into that now trazan
04:10.09Gokee2phorce1, thats like $27 after shipping :(
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04:10.55macrobatunikon: can you run teamspeak from terminal or from alt-F2?
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04:13.14unikonnegative on both macrobat
04:14.19Gokee2phorce1, Ahha
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04:16.08unikonmacrobat i can run teaamspeak after clicking on the start icon in my homefolder
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04:33.39ryanhaighhi all, can anyone tell me how to completely disable my cdrom from software, it is broken and i can't unplug it
04:33.43ryanhaigh(inside laptop)
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04:35.25mrtn1232am I right that cdrecord is kind of low-level ultimate tool for creating CD/DVD/BD disks? I mean is there any other low-level CD/DVD/BD recording tool, which can do something that cdrecord can't?
04:35.50enoufun-freakin believable - this dell bios just sucks soooooooo much smelly hairy ass
04:36.12click170I've noticed that the traffic accounting (in ifconfig) for interfaces has a limit and rolls over at ~4.3Gigabytes, is there any way to increase this?
04:37.33enouftrazan: which <binary-name> should find it ;-)
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04:40.57Ricky_RocKwhat is the command to write in cron to load a .php page every hours for 5 minut because the page take 5 minut to load completely
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04:46.31shivrajim thinking about opening a service to help people get linux installed ... is there anything like this right now ?
04:47.02shivrajmost people just need to be able to browse the internet without their computers slowing dowing ..
04:47.03redstickits called IRC
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04:47.37shivrajredstick: but what about the thousands that have no clue about linux ?
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04:47.57shivrajmaybe millions if not billions :)
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04:52.23trazanwhich lua pkgs would i need for awesome? for editing and running scripts and such
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04:55.18bullgard4What is a 'ULi Driver'? (in
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05:15.25andy753421Hello, I'm writing some software and would like to provide a package for debian users, but I don't use debian myself.. any suggestions on how to go about doing so?
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05:22.56enoufomg, it's sooooo easy to break the kernel ... lmap
05:23.04enoufbullgard4: Uli is a vhipset
05:23.08enoufbullgard4: Uli is a chipset
05:23.22enoufbullgard4: a motherboard one - used to be ALi
05:24.27enoufthen amd64 came around and dual cores and they had the 1st system that had BOTH an AGP slot _and_ a PCI-Express one .. so you could upgrade the CPU from SingleCore AMD64->DualCore, AND upgrade from AGP->PCI-Express
05:24.36enoufbullgard4: ^^^^^
05:24.49enoufif i recall correctly
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05:28.43bullgard4enouf: Ah! Thank you for explaining. I can use your information now to do more snooping more efficiently to solve my Amilo computer's software problem.
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05:29.25enoufbullgard4: s939 (Socket939) amd64
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05:31.36sanmarcosso I have a question, once my package gets added by a sponsors, I assume to sid, does it flow down to testing/stable?
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05:33.12enoufbullgard4: actually - that's a much newer version (of combination AGP + PCIe) than i recall ... but doesn't matter for your need
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05:35.02enoufbullgard4: i would have to load up my older win98 bookmarks to find the board i meant - it had some issues, but was CHEAP and yes, an ASrock and yes, it overclocked well, according to some, but the "PCIe x16 + AGP 8x" (naturally you couldn't use BOTH at the same time) was a bit of a x8 or something they hid about the spec
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05:35.56enoufandy753421: /msg dpkg package basics ; /msg dpkg mentors ; /mag dpkg nmg
05:36.13enoufand see also bullgard4 's links
05:37.15enoufif i tell you too much, others will presume you _know_ a lot about packaging when asking for help
05:37.21scienteswhy didn't this get built for amd64?
05:37.54enoufscientes: it's exper; maybe the pkg just wasn't yet built?
05:38.06scientesits ben like that for a week
05:38.13enoufscientes: try #debian-amd64
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05:38.40scienteswait 4 days
05:38.52dpkgOhhhhh.... Aaaarrrreeee yyyyoooouuuuuuuuu iiiinnnn a huuuuurrrrrrryyyyy?  Welllllll...   We do not cater to the ["me!me!me! : mine!mine!mine! : now!now!now!now!"] crowd .. so bugger off! Run home crying now ..and tell jo'momma that we spanked you!
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05:39.44enoufgoes to his ssh tunnel to knoppix
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05:43.47enoufwow - what a dump ... try this; and watch the livecd lock up; ll /etc/ | grep '\.sh'
05:44.05enoufwho the fuck writes this crap?
05:44.14scientesrun it from loop back
05:44.31enoufwhat do you think UnionFS is
05:44.49scienteslife cds from hard drive virtualized is faster
05:44.54enoufliable: hola and aloha
05:44.56scientesbut of course it doesn't see hardware that way
05:45.10liableenouf: salut! ;)
05:45.29enoufscientes: you have no idea what your talking aboutt - nnot to mention - you have NO IDEA how crappy this dell MP xeon BIOS is
05:45.35katinaHello everyone.
05:45.50katinaI've recently gotten debian lenny installed on an ibook g3 (dual usb).
05:45.52scientesyeah i wasn't thinking
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05:46.32katinaI also can't get 1024x768 resolution.
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05:47.04enoufliable: how come my pentiumII enables DMA for a Toshiba DVD-ROM M1202 (or someshit) .. but this Dell Xeon dual cpus plops it into mdma mode!! .. what a fucken dump -- naturally hdparm spits out it's HD_* errors when i try to enbale udma or even dma
05:47.19katinacan anyone assist me?
05:47.20enoufliable: my p2 enables udma2 actually
05:47.57enoufand it's a fucken 440BX / SB82443 Southy .. not even an ICH POFS!
05:48.28enoufthat ls -l is STILL HANGING
05:49.13enoufnaturally ^C does nothing
05:50.00enoufwait, that SB is incorrect
05:50.16enouf00:07.1 IDE interface: Intel Corporation 82371AB/EB/MB PIIX4 IDE (rev 01
05:50.23enoufthere .. for my p2
05:50.38enouf00:01.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 440BX/ZX/DX - 82443BX/ZX/DX AGP bridge (rev 03)
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05:50.59xinguenouf: how come you're still using pata. :)
05:51.11liablegoogle the controller I guess, sounds like its a pos
05:51.13enoufxingu: cause it "Just works!"
05:51.29xinguenouf: some of the dells have a usermode tool for bios twiddling; usually rpm packaged.
05:51.38enoufliable: no no .. that's my p2 -- it's my babay ..
05:51.43xinguenouf: is this a desktop or a rackmount?
05:51.50enoufthe POFS i'm talkin about is a DELL
05:52.11enoufDual CPU XEON .. 2x 1.7G
05:52.29enoufWorkstation Precision 530MT
05:52.40enoufxingu: ^^^
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05:53.12enoufxingu: it's nasty man - the BIOS cannot even pass boot sequences properly .. not to mention lack of options
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05:55.15enoufxingu: here
05:57.33enoufthe AGP card slot is 4x and has a Nvidia fx 5500 which doesn't seat properly cause the whole entire case design twisted the shit out of it - not to mention the Proprietary PSU which is on the "door" .. heh
05:58.32enoufxingu: why does that site try to lock up even my links2! :-P
05:59.31xinguenouf: either the diag util or the system utils will have a tool for poking at the bios in.
05:59.46enoufxingu: can you help me upgrade the BIOS? version i have is A03, latest is A11, yet it's an MSDOS MZ format ... so an .exe ... and i guess i can try booting Knoppix to FreeDOS and dump it to floppy, then iFlash
06:00.00enoufxingu: i see
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06:00.28enoufxingu: BTW, that ls -l is STILL hanging ... heh
06:00.32xinguenouf: that's it, flash up to latest is always the right thing to do with dells.
06:00.43xinguenouf: as to how, intargoogle your favourite dos boot env
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06:01.01xinguenouf: suggest you avoid usb boot unless as a last resort
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06:01.50xinguenouf: dosbox under linux will probably be sufficient to extract their flash tool self-extractor.
06:02.00enoufxingu: i was messing with booting into an old win98 install i had on .. /dev/hdc4 (*FOUR*!!) hence, not hd0,0, and not 1st primary Disk, nor 1st partition --- hehe
06:02.12enoufxingu: then, i saw Biosdisk
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06:02.43enoufxingu: i'll get it ... just fucking around with such trivial shit shouldn't require a degree in ASM!@ ;-)
06:02.57xinguenouf: it just requires a degree in dell
06:03.12enoufyou're sooooo right ... check this out
06:03.17xinguenouf: their r610 is a very nice thing
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06:03.33enouf xingu
06:04.07enoufxingu: one good apple amongst a barrel of rotten monkeys does not make for a tasty proposition ;-)
06:04.49xinguenouf: they've actually got their shit together in the high volume rack space.
06:04.59enouftickles xingu .. seems his sense of humor was left elsewhere
06:05.01xinguenouf: never thought I'd see the day, but they do.
06:05.21enoufxingu: this is 2001 crap .. so, prolly .. took long enough, eh?
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06:05.39enoufxingu: my point is, my 1998 crap is much better
06:05.55enoufit's disgusting
06:06.24xinguenouf: <-- I've been busy installing a few hundred of these. :)
06:06.36enoufxingu: how about my ssh issue - it's all on LAN ... why is it so hung? .. let me post to pastebin ...
06:06.36xinguenouf: fully loaded spec. :)
06:06.57enoufxingu: at a later time - thanks, i WILL look though ...
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06:07.39enoufi need to figure out why this command hangs - i'm FORTUNATE it's not remote - but fuck LiveCDs .. anyways, there's a reason
06:08.23enoufor .. any <commmand> through SSH that hangs, that i cannot break out of, without yanking out the PSU cable
06:08.42enouf$ ll /etc/ | grep '\.sh'    <-- so bad?
06:08.49enoufwhile logged in as a user
06:09.01enoufit's STILL hung
06:09.19enouffuck the pastebin -- here tcp        0      0          ESTABLISHED 3433/ssh
06:09.44xinguenouf: is the socket still open on ?
06:09.56enoufxingu: do tell me how to check, lsof?
06:10.01xinguenouf: netstat -anp
06:10.12xinguenouf: ... grep for 58191
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06:10.40enoufunix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     7494     2689/ssh-agent      /tmp/ssh-KrTiic2639/agent.2639
06:10.43enoufunix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     7497     2690/ssh-agent      /tmp/ssh-xONhOl2639/agent.2639
06:11.14enoufhowever ... grep sock yields unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     6222     2285/dbus-daemon    /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket
06:11.27xinguenouf: anything for 58191?
06:11.33enoufwhich is unrelated .. ok, wait
06:11.49enouftcp        0      0          ESTABLISHED 3433/ssh
06:12.02enouf~$ sudo netstat -anp | grep 58191
06:12.12enoufmy -tunap showed that
06:12.24xinguenouf: ok, so strace -p 3433
06:14.08enoufCommand: cat somefile1 attach: ptrace(PTRACE_ATTACH, ...): No such process
06:14.28enouf~$ sudo strace -p 3343
06:14.29enoufattach: ptrace(PTRACE_ATTACH, ...): No such process
06:14.42xinguenouf: 3433 ... and over on
06:14.44enoufwrong PID
06:15.02bpunnotices package launchtool which may help debugging
06:15.08enouf~$ sudo strace -p 3433
06:15.09enoufProcess 3433 attached - interrupt to quit
06:15.09enoufselect(7, [3 4], [], NULL, NULL
06:15.21enoufxingu: that's it, 3 lines
06:15.47xinguenouf: so take a look at /proc/3433/fd/7 and see what it is
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06:16.03enoufi hit ENTER and it just jumps to another empty line, no Prompt or anything
06:16.17xinguenouf: alternatively use lsof against the process; it's either the socket descriptor to or it's a filedescriptor for the bash session
06:16.25bpunenouf, there's also this package mtr which may help watching what gets lost across the network
06:16.28xinguenouf: either way sshd is waiting for output from it
06:16.57xinguenouf: if it's the bash terminal - use pstree -p 3433 to find it, and then strace *it*
06:17.36enoufit hung .. waited about 30 secs then spit out that shit
06:17.48xinguenouf: also output from ps -o wchan,args -p ${bash_pid} might be interesting
06:17.53enoufxingu: now my ~$ sudo cat /proc/3433/fd/7 is hung
06:17.57xinguenouf: yes, it'll be using select with 30s timeout
06:18.08xinguenouf: don't use cat; use ls ;)
06:19.04enoufxingu: you are way too intelligent for my ignorance and madness, can you tell me how tokill it withOUT having to pull the power? -- i cannot even read and process all the good info you've given AND work on this
06:19.17xinguenouf: pstree -p 3433
06:19.22xinguenouf: what children does it have?
06:19.23bpunenouf, you mention strace, did you also check out ltrace?
06:19.40bpunsays strace ltrace .. sounds like mace in enouf's face :)
06:19.40enouf64 2009-08-02 02:07 /proc/3433/fd/7 -> /dev/ptmx
06:19.41xinguenouf: then ps -o wchan,args -p ${eachpid}
06:20.03xinguenouf: ok so this is the pty for the bash shell sshd has exec'd.
06:20.16enoufyuo asked -- see "what it is". so i catted the fucker
06:20.36enoufi know pty/pts
06:20.40enoufbut ptmx ?
06:20.52xinguenouf: so now just find it and look at wchan for it - if it's blocking in the kernel you're fucked, you can stop it from but the child will continue as a zombie on until godot arrives
06:21.03xinguenouf: pts(4)
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06:21.34enoufxingu: just to post   <-- pstree -lunap
06:21.57hugowhere can i learn how to build a deb package?
06:22.05enoufxingu: why do i get the feeling that "ssh-agent" is causing issues here
06:22.14hugoDebian New Maintainers' Guide ?
06:22.15xinguenouf: is that from ?
06:22.29enoufxingu: no, .0.2
06:22.38xinguenouf: ... from .0.4 would be nice. :)
06:22.46enoufxingu: it's still hung!
06:23.03xinguenouf: and specifically pstree -p 3433
06:23.09xinguenouf: even to new logins?
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06:23.50enoufxingu: wait, i can close the shell out ... but i did that already way before you showed up .. and .. nothing changed
06:23.58enoufi even restarted sshd on the server
06:24.10enoufBUT .. SUPPOSE it was remote!
06:24.29xinguenouf: we need to find the process id on the far end not 0.2
06:24.56enoufi actually went onto .0.4 (via jumping over a physiucal K+V+M heh) and pkill sshd
06:25.12enoufxingu: ok - i'll bbiab then?
06:25.20xinguenouf: so from the top (and all on 0.4) netstat -anp | grep 58191; then strace -p that pid, look to see what it's up to; if it's in a select loop, look at what fd it's busy-waiting for
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06:25.44enoufxingu: i have to physically pull/put the K+V+M into other box (.0.4)
06:26.03xinguenouf: then, find out what that fd is; if it's a local-to-0.4 process, find it with ls on the /proc/.../fd, and find the process with pstree
06:26.29xinguenouf: finally, depending on care factor, look via ps -o wchan at what that child (busy-waited-on) process is up to
06:26.44xinguenouf: if it's blocked in kernel - you probably have a filesystem error of some description
06:26.49enoufxingu: i'll try to remember all that ;-)
06:26.59xinguenouf: ie nfs mount hung, fuse filesystem crashed, ext read errors, etc.
06:27.03hugoany one build deb packages?
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06:27.19enoufxingu: the sshd (.0.4) is a livecd knoppix boot of a 2.6.11 kernel
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06:27.40enoufnow .. we get back to Dellio and crappy nodma support for the 5.x DVDs i have!
06:27.43xinguenouf: so the cdrom could be erroring away like crap
06:27.50enoufxingu: no, it works fine
06:27.54enoufi know it does
06:28.02enoufi've used it many times
06:28.21xinguenouf: sure, but under this netinstall of linux? perhaps it's throwing ata errors like billy-o
06:28.32djahandarieHello, I'm running squeeze. Is it possible to use the 2.6.30 kernel from sid? I apt-get'd it but when I restarted it was still on 2.6.26
06:28.57enoufxingu: it's not ... but i understand you have to ask ..
06:29.20xinguenouf: ok; well generally when things block like that it's because they block in kernel space, and generally *that* is IO related.
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06:30.03enoufxingu: the stupid BIOS will boot the DVD versions, and newer 5.x so newer kernels (.19 and .24 even for 5.3) but they BOTH require the nodma param to boot .... ughh
06:30.20LuciusMareHey,i have got a phone (touch diamond 2) with a gprs modem.What do i have to do if i want to connect to the internet through it?
06:30.33xinguenouf: generally most other syscalls will fail - the ones that won't in general are vfs and mm related.
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06:30.53enoufxingu: the kernel reports the HT flag for the CPUs, though dmesg says "Disabled" and if you saw that thread ... i posted
06:31.01xinguenouf: I did...
06:31.42enoufxingu: i'll jump over there now .. bbiab?
06:32.46enoufxingu: i'm trying not to pull my video (and keys + mouse) .. physically .. until you are done .. i'll remain connected here though
06:33.05enoufxingu: i just need an 'ok .. go for it' ;-)
06:33.30xinguenouf: ok, go for it ;)
06:33.37enoufxingu: ;-)
06:33.50xingugoes back to breaking shit
06:34.29LuciusMarewhat do i have to do to connect with gprs modem-phone?
06:36.35liablei told you yesterday
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06:45.08enoufxingu: back .. ugh!
06:45.23enoufxingu: i passtebinned a lot of those command outputs
06:45.41fxinyenouf: fixed it ? :)
06:45.48enoufand .. i even tried to do my xchat and sign on to talk to you, but it would never connect
06:45.51enouffxiny: no
06:46.12enoufxingu: and eventually xchat too ended up being ownd via init
06:46.45enoufi have no idea what the exact URL s are, but it's at pastebin.comn
06:46.57enoufeverything is all hung up though
06:47.46enouffxiny: i _fixed_ some of the hardware issues, as best i could, for now ... but, now ssh is hung like crazy
06:49.19enoufxingu: i can't take it -- i tried , but the cart-before-the-horse doesn't work well for me ;-)
06:49.27enoufxingu: i'm yanking the plug
06:50.41enoufxingu: turns out takes a NAME field -- didn't think of it -- and it's being spammed at the moment, so all recent "Anonymous" ones are real crap -
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06:51.28sanmarcosI set my hard drive to spin down with hdparm every 5 minutes
06:51.33sanmarcoshowever it randomly spins up once in a while
06:51.43sanmarcoshow can I see the process, or waht is causing access to that disk in my computer?
06:52.54liableecho 1 > /proc/sys/vm/block_dump
06:52.55enoufsanmarcos: try laptop-mode and power-management pkgs and maybe acpi ones
06:53.02liablethen tail syslog
06:53.08enoufhrm ..
06:53.21enoufmine randomly crashes the heads once a day :-P
06:53.24roziesanmarcos: try iotop
06:53.43sanmarcosdont have acpi disabled it
06:53.47enoufi KNOW it's some old hdparm setting i set ~sargetimes
06:54.03enoufyou'll never tell
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06:54.13enoufunless you run the kernel debugger
06:54.15liableenouf: i reckon that thing of yours has hardware issues, prolly why it was in the bin to start with :P had a close look at the mobo for cracks and shit?
06:54.53sanmarcosso I should run iotop all the time and when my hd spins up see waht process is using disk read/write?
06:54.57sanmarcosor is there a better way?
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06:55.31enoufliable: i know .. it likely is - but the issues i'm upon really has nothing to do with "hardare" issues .. IOW, i know why the BIOS sucks, and it won't boot certain things, unless they are Primary and listed properly, etc .. but this is a SSH + kernel issue
06:55.47sanmarcosdo packages from sid eventually make their way down to stable?
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06:56.12liableakitada: no, once stable is released, it doesnt get new versions
06:56.18enoufliable: i'm pretty good at separating out hardware from software issues, when i have "hands on"
06:56.19liableerm, sanmarcos ^^
06:56.34liableakitada: sorry, wrong nick
06:56.43beardysanmarcos: They make it down to testing, and into stable, when testing is frozen. No new packages enter stable when it has been released, only security fixes.
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06:57.26sanmarcoshow long does it take for unstable packages (i.e just added package) to get into testing?
06:58.51enoufsanmarcos: 10days - 2 weeks .. or more
06:59.05sanmarcosah ok, nice, I wanted to know because I am submitting a package to unstable soon
06:59.08enoufwhy do you care?
06:59.26sanmarcosand I want it to be in squeeze when it freezes in december
06:59.37enoufsanmarcos: which is? unstable doesn't get pkgs unless they have a CHANCE to get to testing
06:59.52enouf!hug liable
06:59.52dpkgwraps his shiny metal lovin' arms around liable
06:59.57sanmarcoswhat do you mean chance?
07:00.04sanmarcosenouf: you mean what is the package I am submitting?
07:00.09enoufi mean "chance"
07:00.31enoufsanmarcos: and have you cleared it with the devs?
07:00.35liablemore hugs!
07:00.37sanmarcosenouf: I am the developer, I am doing a new release soon and submitting into debian
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07:00.55sanmarcosits already in Fedora
07:00.59enoufsanmarcos: excellent!
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07:01.20enoufis it even remotely useful?
07:01.34sanmarcosand I already make debian packages, so might as well submit it
07:01.51enoufi'm not unpacking an .ar
07:01.54bpunsanmarcos, sounds like toilet wash..
07:01.59bpunsanmarcos, lol
07:02.02sanmarcosenouf: it is for me, I use it with friends to share "screens", it could be useful for remote monitoring
07:02.11enoufsanmarcos: why not posta link to your site explaining what it is?
07:02.14bpunsanmarcos, you should practice :)
07:02.23sanmarcosI did post a link
07:02.41cantidosanmarcos: sharing x sessions?
07:02.42sanmarcos if you want
07:02.43bpundoesn't want any discouragement.
07:02.46enoufoh - heh. country code?
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07:03.12sanmarcoscantido: no, its an HTTP server, when it gets a request, it takes a screenshot and makes an HTML file with it. an on-demand screenshot server
07:03.13stevierabiejoin it
07:03.18bpunsays what makes a good package manager is abiding to debian's rtfm!
07:03.22beardy!ops stevierabie
07:03.22dpkgHydroxide, bob2, caphuso, dondelelcaro, doogie, eeyore-, ElectricElf, ):, helix, ljlane, LoRez, RichiH, mentor, Netsnipe, TML, walters, xk, abrotman, gravity, azeem, Maulkin, stew, peterS, Alife, Myon, Ganneff, Maulkin, weasel, zobel: beardy complains about: stevierabie
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07:03.31rozieit's like vnc in view mode?
07:03.31enoufsanmarcos: thanks for posting a proper url - my bad, i mistook the URL as a AR file
07:03.37cantidosanmarcos: I see, why's it called itaka?
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07:03.57cydork!sing sunday
07:03.57dpkgEveryday is like sunday... Everyday the tards come to play...
07:03.57enoufshithead stevieasshole
07:04.02sanmarcoscantido: itaka in spanish, especially in argentina is a name for a type of shotgun
07:04.19enoufsanmarcos: 12 guage?
07:04.31enouf!shoot stevierabie
07:04.31cantidosanmarcos: ah cool.. I would have called it jamon
07:04.31dpkgblows stevierabie away with a double-barreled shotgun
07:04.39cantido<3 jamon
07:05.00beardyIt's a company name.. and it's spelled Ithaca..
07:05.05*** join/#debian ToXBoT__ (n=toxbot@
07:05.14enoufthat's a city in NY State!
07:05.17sanmarcosbeardy: ah, didnt know, thanks
07:05.55enoufcydork: hola and aloha mi amigo ;-)
07:06.02enoufcydork: good to see ya
07:06.20enoufwhy?  ... no idea  :-p
07:06.29cydorkenouf, good morning! :)
07:07.00cantidothat can't be real spanish.. where's the chiquillo
07:07.00*** mode/#debian [+l 911] by debhelper
07:07.09enouffinally closes out the hung ssh process -- even though the power was pulled years ago from the sshd - heh
07:07.15*** join/#debian kamalnandan (n=kamalnro@
07:07.34enouf!chupacabrasmite cantido
07:07.49kamalnandanhi..can i ask debian packaging questions here?
07:07.57sanmarcosyes kamalnandan
07:08.12kbmaniachi all, looking to install debian for my main desktop, how stable is testing ?, I understand it may break parts of the system from time to time but does this happen a lot ?
07:08.25dpkg[testing] A continuously updated release between <stable> and <unstable>, currently codenamed <squeeze>.  See and ask me about <testing faq> <lenny->squeeze> <testing security> <moving target> <dda> <apt-listchanges> and <bts>.
07:08.34*** join/#debian shdb (
07:08.36sanmarcoskbmaniac: Lenny stable seems good enough for me, I definetly would not use sid though
07:08.44kamalnandani am trying to make a basic debian package...and here is the rules script that I am using..
07:08.54dpkgDo not paste more than 2 lines to this channel.  Instead, use: or for pics.  Use for large files (think tar.gz) up to 100MB.  Remember to tell us the URL of your paste!  Just use pastebinit (package) if you cannot cut & paste.
07:08.55kamalnandanthough i dont have any configure script
07:09.01cantidokbmaniac: testing rarely breaks, but when it does it might not get fixed for a while
07:09.01enoufkbmaniac: i run unstable (i ONLY say that in case you're reading scrollback and wondering)
07:09.18enoufkbmaniac: Stable is best for most newcomers
07:09.30beardyWhat a politically incorrect bin.
07:09.51sanmarcoskbmaniac: if its an ubuntu deb you are trying to make you should ask the ubuntu community
07:09.54enoufxingu: thank you (just wanted to get that in there)
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07:10.35kamalnandansanmarcos: isnt it true that both ubuntu as well as debian packaging are same..
07:10.46kbmaniacthanks guys, I was on ubuntu for a few years, coming back home now :)
07:11.03sanmarcosthis is the #ubuntu channel sucks and people don't know much there so I come to #debian where I always get useful answers syndrome
07:11.11sanmarcosbeen there, done that
07:11.20sanmarcoskamalnandan: what is the error you are getting?
07:11.39stevierabiehi everyone
07:11.54enoufstevierabie: gtfo
07:12.07cantidokamalnandan: I think the main issue with answering ubuntu questions here would be that most people are running Debian.. so things might not be 100% the same.
07:12.22bpunenouf, stevierabie was jamming the other chans as well
07:12.33*** join/#debian dinya_ (n=dinya@
07:12.47fxinyenouf: so nothing to do with the hardware
07:12.54sanmarcosvirtualizes a Debian sid instance to compile his package..
07:12.56kamalnandansanmarcos: thanks..
07:13.01enouffxiny: :-P
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07:13.22kamalnandanfollwoing is the output that I get when i do "dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot
07:13.36cantidosanmarcos: I think there is a package for creating build chroots.. probably faster than using vm's :)
07:14.02sanmarcoscantido: oh? I didn't know about it. I just read you need to build your deb in a SID system.
07:14.11cantidokamalnandan: so you're root, but trying to use fakeroot for starters
07:14.28sanmarcoskamalnandan: your makefile has no install rule...
07:14.47sanmarcoskamalnandan:  /usr/bin/make DESTDIR=/home/kamal/work/packaging/hello_from_scratch/hello/hello-2.4/debian/hello install
07:15.29cantidosanmarcos: yeah, you could debootstrap a sid chroot, and a testing one and a stable one.. I think I saw a package for doing it all automagically though
07:15.35kamalnandansanmarcos: where do i need to put this line?
07:15.59kamalnandansorry..i am a beginner..
07:15.59sanmarcoskamalnandan: your Makefile.. you do know what it is?
07:16.21*** join/#debian echosystm (
07:16.29echosystmif im installing from commandline
07:16.39echosystmare intel video drivers installed automagically with xorg?
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07:16.48echosystmor do i need to install them separately
07:16.54sanmarcosany idea what the utility is to bootstrap a sid chorot?
07:17.00sanmarcosechosystm: there might be a package
07:17.04kamalnandanyes..i know what a makefile is ..and I have written that too...oh..i need to put that line in the makefile ..i thought this was something to put in the rules file..
07:17.13sanmarcosechosystm: xserver-xorg-video-intel
07:17.37sanmarcoskamalnandan: nope, the debian process calls your makefile's make install
07:17.38echosystmi think this is included in the xorg pacakge
07:17.58sanmarcosechosystm: for me I just installed the nv package, did startx, no config file was ever touched it worked
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07:19.05sanmarcoscantido: is that it?
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07:20.45sebihiho. i think i have a problem with the stable release.
07:21.37bpunsebi, excuse me?
07:21.41kamalnandansanmarcos: thanks..i simply put this line in the makefile
07:21.49bpunsebi, you have a problem with the latest stable release?
07:21.57kamalnandancp hello ${DESTDIR}
07:22.21sanmarcoskamalnandan: that should do it
07:22.27kamalnandanand then did "dpkg-buildpackage" rfakeroot
07:22.41sanmarcoskamalnandan: you can use the debuild command too, automated
07:22.46sebiwhile installing a system with a adaptec 2400a raid controller, the drives appear under /dev/i2o/hda, grub & lilo install fails, after rescue-system-boot and installing grub from there, i booted into the initramfs
07:23.02sebiand there the devices were named /dev/sda
07:23.05kamalnandanand then it created a "hello_2.4-0Ubuntu1_i386.deb" in the parent directory..
07:23.16kamalnandani hope its fine now..
07:23.19sanmarcoscan one upgrade from stable to sid?
07:23.43kamalnandansanmarcos: am i right?
07:23.54dpkgit has been said that raid is Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks. See RAID{0-5}, <Software Raid>,, <raid-resizing>, or kills bugs dead
07:24.01sanmarcoskamalnandan: try installing it, see what the package contains, etc etc
07:24.06sebi=> cryptserup fails miserably
07:25.18sebik, looking
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07:27.08sebibpun: this is a true hardware raid card.
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07:27.28cantidosanmarcos: sorry, was away cooking.. that page discribes debootstap basically. You will probably find debootstrap alone useful.. stuff like creating debian build environments on top of some other Linux etc
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07:27.55sanmarcoscantido: yeah I just need a sid bootstrap with some packages to build my deb, my real system is lenny
07:28.43cantidodebootstrap is perfect then
07:29.05enoufer .. way late
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07:30.49cantidodebootstrap is something everyone should <3
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07:32.04akitadaI works only in debootstraped root. I use it as experimental environment. Once it's done, just rm -rf
07:32.14bpunthinks "<3" reminds him of the babes he sees on the beach
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07:32.36cantidoit also looks like a double scoop icecream
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07:32.48kamalnandansanmarcos : when i do "dpkg -i <hello_2.4-0Ubuntu1_i386.deb>", i get the following output
07:33.09bpunis proud of the terminus font with very great three curves
07:33.58kamalnandanbut when i use the command "which hello", it must output "/usr/local/bin"..because that was the install directory..
07:34.01kamalnandanam i right..
07:34.18sanmarcosdpkg -L packagename
07:34.18dpkgii  packagename                 3.4-2.1           sanmarcos's private stamp collection
07:35.06bpunkamalnandan, place /usr/local/bin in $PATH
07:35.12cantidokamalnandan: Did you read the new maintainer guide.. especially the bit where it tells you that you need to modify you makefile to install it in the right place?
07:35.13bpunkamalnandan, then which should work..
07:35.53*** join/#debian smica (
07:36.06dysfunctionalSo here is my problem, i have a tablet, I have my xorg.conf file, I have the driver installed, I want this thing to use pressure senitivity.   i think this damned thing is ignoring my xorg.conf file
07:36.08enoufmost fonts suck ass .. what a shame
07:36.35cantidodysfunctional: It should say what it's doing in your log
07:36.51dysfunctionalyea.. it looks like its not doing a damn thing but defaults
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07:37.00*** mode/#debian [+l 918] by debhelper
07:37.08bpunenouf, terminus!
07:37.12bpunenouf, enough!
07:37.12dysfunctionalwhich is really pissing me off, I mean why would x server ignore it own conf file?
07:37.23bpunloves his terminus fonts
07:37.58bpunenouf, apt-get install xfonts-terminus mofo!
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07:39.00bpundysfunctional, X -configure , you did?
07:39.24dysfunctionalno xorg.conf edited
07:39.56bpundysfunctional, are you saying something about xorg.conf?
07:40.08bpundysfunctional, or..
07:40.11dysfunctionalthat is what controls Xserver and X right?
07:40.14bpundysfunctional, trying to mess with me?
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07:40.25dysfunctionalno i am not trying to mess with you.
07:40.32bpundysfunctional, YES YOU ARE
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07:40.49kamalnandanbpun: though i didnt place /usr/local/bin in $PATH, but the binary should be there at usr/local/bin..e.g if i do "usr/local/bin/hello", it must work..right..
07:41.07bpundysfunctional, try /etc/init.d/gdm stop , then X -configure,  bakup ur old xorg.conf, and copy the to /etc/X11
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07:41.25fxinyajavid: sounds familiar to you you , that bootkit /. is taling about ? :P
07:41.32bpun(the new copy should be xorg.conf of course)
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07:41.42enoufbpun: i have every font imaginable available - they all suck
07:41.49bpundysfunctional, then edit the xorg.conf accordingly -- if needed be to accept the tablet's input..
07:41.57enoufbpun: nimbus sans something is ok
07:42.05bpundysfunctional, then start gdm again (/etc/init.d/gdm start)
07:42.12bpundysfunctional, perhaps u need to load a module?
07:42.20bpunenouf, that sucks!
07:42.22tawanJura is a nice font
07:42.35enouf!tohomasmite font weenies
07:42.36bpunterminus rules!
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07:42.39dysfunctionalhmmm... or its not trying to bind to the right device tag or what ever its called
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07:43.13kamalnandancantido: thanks I was reading the maintainer's guide too..and some others as well...but i got overwhelmed by the amount of information and got confused..however, i will read that again..i thought of just dive into packaging without going thru the tutorial first..
07:43.13enoufpasses out .. due to lack of legibility
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07:43.18bpunjust had to lower his font dpi to 89, from the 92 or 96 it gets set by default
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07:43.45bpunterminus @ 10 pitch works great every time on any video card for me :)
07:44.16cantidokamalnandan: mmm it's not too hard, if you just follow the example of packaging and get that working you're set
07:45.04*** join/#debian g00se (
07:45.26bpunenouf, if you want fonts, there's a site where u can simply copy the ttf font to .xfonts, and type fc-cache -fv ~/.fonts
07:45.27dysfunctionali get this in the log when i connect it in if this means anyting
07:45.45enoufhurls a tomahawk at the the tahoma font weenies, due to incorrect spelling
07:46.04bpunenouf, the terminus fonts seems to me, the closest of the 75 and 100 dpi that i was used to with the older X servers..
07:46.07enoufsimply? hahaha
07:46.13enoufpasses out
07:46.36bpunenouf, try the disney font.. magical world of wonder
07:46.41*** join/#debian davidef1986 (n=davide@2002:4e86:5e05:7b:21f:3bff:fe98:a9b1)
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07:46.54enoufwelcome to my magical kingdom
07:46.58fxinyuses terminus even at breakfast
07:47.00*** mode/#debian [+l 924] by debhelper
07:47.02bpunenouf, it's one step to start using a new font, downloadable from the net..
07:47.28bpunenouf, but i checked and compared.. still terminus wins for me..
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07:47.48dazmanterminus > *, fact.
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07:47.55cantidolikes konsole's font.. whatever it is
07:47.57enoufare you deaf? i'm sleeping! .. hear me snore!
07:48.11enoufkonsole fonts suck ass
07:48.12bpunenouf, use the wingdings bitch!
07:48.20bpunenouf, >:) mwahahaha
07:48.22enoufand there's no easy way to alter them
07:48.22kamalnandaninfact..i dont know how to write a configure file too(which is not mandatory), and some other thimgs as well..i just know how to write a c/cpp program and the makefile reqd to compile that..will that be enough to understand that..i want to do packaging from scratch and dont want to download some or the other already built packages(which the tutorial frequeantly talks of e.g. hello.tar.gz etc)..
07:48.36kamalnandaninfact, i want to write on a clean slate..
07:48.38enoufKDE sucks smelly hairy bloated ass
07:48.41liablebullshit, you just pick whatever one you want in the preferences
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07:48.57enoufstop pissing me off woith your fucken nonsense
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07:49.07cammoblammoIs there a standard place to put files that are shared by all users of a machine? I'm wondering where I should put the family photos on the family computer without worrying so much about permissions.
07:49.08fxinyenouf: pass the vodka
07:49.13bpunyeah.. KDE is BLOAT
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07:50.16slvi like XFCE for a balance between lightweight and functional desktop
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07:50.21cantidocammoblammo: /usr/local/share maybe
07:50.27bpuncammoblammo, permissions you say? why, you have some devil wanting to nuke all the nude family photos ?
07:50.49bpuncammoblammo, there are picture servers, perhaps that..
07:50.58g00seenouf: The case of the disappearing kernel package is still open: . update-dlocatedb made no difference
07:51.55bpuncammoblammo, xbmc and freevo are interesting projects, but i'm not sure about sharing albums.. i'll find out..
07:52.31cantidoor just stick them in <somewhere>/local
07:52.37fxinyi'm not productive with point and clicks wm , i use tiling . i save energy not decoding silly icons
07:53.07*** join/#debian jelly-home (
07:53.16cammoblammocantido: Yeah, that's what I've done before. It seems more correct to have it somewhere in my /home partition though.
07:53.30FailPowahin debian/linux in general, which mail server is the easiest to manage to add/remove/maintain domains, users and accounts for smtp, pop3 and imap? (maybe preferably  down right stupidly easy to maintain)
07:54.08cantidocammoblammo: um, you can always set the perms so the photos directory is open to everyone
07:54.10cammoblammobpun: Sounds interesting, but the question's more general---I also want to put all my CD rips there and stuff.
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07:54.28cantido/usr/share was where shared stuff went AFAIK
07:54.57jelly-homeFailPowah: pop3 and imap are handled by separate pop3 and imap software, usually separate from the smtp server
07:55.05cammoblammocantido: True. I'd just like to keep them out of my own directory!
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07:55.30cammoblammoI suppose I could just create /home/share and leave the perms at 777 or something.
07:56.12FailPowahjelly-home: so there isnt one "all in one" package?
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07:56.56sanmarcosis there an apt package for vmware tools?
07:57.13bpunsanmarcos, why?
07:57.25bpunsanmarcos, you mean deb package..
07:57.38sanmarcosbecause I am virtualizing debian in vmware fusion?, I was wondering if there was a package for the tools rather than compiling from source from VMWare
07:57.56bpunsanmarcos, u can download .deb from the vmware site i believe..
07:58.09bpunsanmarcos, mac?
07:58.12*** part/#debian kron4eg (n=kron@
07:58.31sanmarcosyes it doesnt matter
07:58.34bpunsanmarcos, vmware appliances are free
07:58.42sanmarcosyou dont understand what vmware tools are
07:58.55bpunsanmarcos, there's probably of interest.. already made debian appliances , ready to be run..
07:58.57*** join/#debian zorander (
07:59.10bpunsanmarcos, y.. it should be in the vmware install folder
07:59.24bpunsanmarcos, .iso (linux)..
07:59.38sanmarcosbpun: enough, thanks
07:59.44bpunsanmarcos, be clearer!
08:00.28*** join/#debian gihan (n=gihan@
08:00.32bpunsanmarcos, if its not there, there's apt-cache search vmware
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08:01.39Terminusbpun, fxiny, dazman: you rang?
08:02.07bpunTerminus, u bastard.. why do you have the same name as my favorite font :)
08:02.49Terminusbpun: it's also my favorite font. =D
08:03.06kamalnandanexperts, plz suggest some solution to my problem..i tried creating a debian package which seems to have been built successfully..
08:03.12kamalnandanfollowing is the output
08:03.20fxinyTerminus: heh
08:03.22dpkgDo not paste more than 2 lines to this channel.  Instead, use: or for pics.  Use for large files (think tar.gz) up to 100MB.  Remember to tell us the URL of your paste!  Just use pastebinit (package) if you cannot cut & paste.
08:03.27echosystmhi guys, trying to get my wireless working
08:03.29Terminusi had this nick before it became my favorite font though. just used some random wikipedia topic to choose it. =D
08:03.31echosystmi have two options
08:03.39dpkgSupport for your wireless LAN device is dependent on the chipset within.  Don't know what you have?  Ask me about <what's my wireless>.  Atheros: <atheros>, <madwifi>; Atmel: <atmel>; Broadcom: <b43>, <wl>; Intel: <ipw2100>, <ipw2200>, <ipw3945>, <iwlagn>; Intersil: <prism>; Ralink: <ralink>; Realtek: <rtl-wifi>; TI: <acx100>; ZyDAS: <zydas>.  See also: <wlan howto>, <wpa>, <killswitch>, <wmaster0>.
08:03.55echosystmbpun, i already have the solution
08:03.57echosystmbut there is 2
08:04.04echosystmand i want to ask you guys which you think is better
08:04.15bpunechosystm, ok, so you have 2 wifis and now cant get a wife on your wifi
08:04.22sanmarcoswhats that meta-package for basic dev tools (gcc, etc) ?
08:04.25bpunechosystm, jk
08:04.30kamalnandanwhen i do "dpkg -i <packagename>", then also it seems to have run successfully..
08:04.33echosystmi can install the newer driver in the current kernel
08:04.34bpunechosystm, you have 2 what bitch?
08:04.48echosystmor i can "use a backport to Lenny of the 2.6.29 kernel in Sid which now works with AR242x"
08:04.49kamalnandanbut i dont see the binary in the install directory..
08:04.58echosystmcan you explain what this second alternative means?
08:04.59kamalnandanwhat can be the problem..?
08:06.27bpunechosystm, a stable debian is not part of backport
08:06.42bpunechosystm, so u'd have to see which one works better
08:06.52echosystmso by doing that i am making my debian "non-stable" ?
08:07.15Arrowmastersanmarcos: build-essensial
08:07.44bpunechosystm, you're already using like hybrid stable and non-stable packages already.. (sid is for testing and backports would likely give u well-- you can try out backports in this case)
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08:07.51gihanHi all, im using vmware server on debian5  is there any way to open range of ports to guest os ?
08:08.21bpungihan, in the settings, you can use the vnc features
08:08.42Arrowmastersanmarcos: build-essential (i spelled it right that time)
08:08.47sanmarcosgihan: use bridge mode or I know ther emust be some settings file for NAT
08:09.07sanmarcosgihan: at least that is how it works in mac with Fusion, I usually just use bridge and forget about it
08:09.13sanmarcosgihan: also #vmware
08:10.02bpungihan, y, u can use bridge in the network setting (vmware) -- also there's a vnc feature from the vmware settings box.. i can't say more, this isnt a vmware channel
08:10.09gihan#vmware seems to be dead channel. and i cant use bridge since my datacenter now allowed to use bridge :(
08:10.12kamalnandanok...guys..bye for now..will look into this problem after a break..
08:10.31cantidogihan: you can forward the ports with ip tables iirc
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08:11.01stevierabiewhat is debian?
08:11.04bpungihan, well if you can't control the firewall on the host then you're out of luck
08:12.02gihani just can edit nano /etc/vmware/vmnet2/nat/nat.conf and forward single port
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08:13.09gihanbut no idea how to forward port range like  30000 - 35000
08:13.17cantidoI wonder why people still use vmware when kvm and virtual box are so good :/
08:14.12fxinydamned spammer
08:14.27*** kick/#debian [stevierabie!n=debhelpe@unaffiliated/debhelper] by debhelper (use the paster bot or #flood)
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08:14.45Esinecantido: Obviously you have never tried VMWare's products.
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08:15.00cydork!ops stevierabie is spamming again
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08:15.00dpkgHydroxide, bob2, caphuso, dondelelcaro, doogie, eeyore-, ElectricElf, ):, helix, ljlane, LoRez, RichiH, mentor, Netsnipe, TML, walters, xk, abrotman, gravity, azeem, Maulkin, stew, peterS, Alife, Myon, Ganneff, Maulkin, weasel, zobel: cydork complains about: stevierabie is spamming again
08:15.01liable!ops wake up and ban stevierabie already
08:15.02dpkgHydroxide, bob2, caphuso, dondelelcaro, doogie, eeyore-, ElectricElf, ):, helix, ljlane, LoRez, RichiH, mentor, Netsnipe, TML, walters, xk, abrotman, gravity, azeem, Maulkin, stew, peterS, Alife, Myon, Ganneff, Maulkin, weasel, zobel: liable complains about: wake up and ban stevierabie already
08:15.17*** part/#debian stevierabie (
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08:16.43strog_how do i tell debian to automatically load a module at startup?
08:16.46gihancantido: any example of port forward using iptables?
08:16.55strog_i always use modprobe
08:17.22cobra-the-jokerHey there guys can i install the broadcom wireless card b43 ?
08:19.30cydork!tell cobra-the-joker -about b43
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08:20.55bpunstrog_, have you tried the modprobe command?
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08:21.53cobra-the-jokercydork , but i dont have internet connection in debian ...just wireless
08:23.00strog_bpun: yes i did
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08:23.27strog_bpun: i compiled the driver for my minipci wlan card and restarted the system
08:23.42strog_iwconfig doesnt list a wireless device to me
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08:29.56strog_bpun:  iwconfig doesnt list a wireless device to me
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08:31.36grazymaxhi all
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08:31.58Esinehi grazymax
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08:32.08grazymaxhi Esine
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08:33.57cydorkcobra-the-joker, you just need the firmware and that fwcutter, you can get it from anywhere..
08:34.14M06wso somebody tell me
08:34.20M06wdoes samba actually work
08:34.26M06wor is it a joke against newbies
08:34.36Esinedepends what you want to do, M06w
08:34.46Esineuse it as a client or a server?
08:35.23Esineagain, depends on what features you need. If you need simple file sharing yes, that works without problems. But if you want to use it as an AD replacement.. don't tell the #samba guys but I don't think it's ready for that yet.
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08:35.45sanmarcosdoes a debootstrap sid fail for anyone else? on apt-utils?
08:35.51g00sestrog_: ifconfig -a
08:36.34Esinesanmarcos: yeah, I'm running sid and can't install apt-utils
08:36.43Esinemissing dependency
08:37.06sanmarcosEsine: :-( that sucks
08:37.21sanmarcosi am trying to debootstrap to build a deb package for upstream sid
08:37.33sanmarcosEsine: how can I know when it will be fixed?
08:38.10g00sesanmarcos: aptitude why-not apt-utils
08:38.18*** join/#debian nomatter001 (
08:38.33EsineI don't know :-( But maybe you could debootstrap testing and dist-upgrade to sid?
08:38.46sanmarcosEsine: wont it fail again on apt-utils?
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08:39.06EsineMaybe you can install the testing package of apt-utils
08:39.14EsineI'm not sure
08:39.19nomatter001i'm currently using lenny and would like to know if its possible to somehow get mplayer with support for vdpau on nvidia graphics cards
08:39.40sanmarcosnomatter001: good luck
08:39.44nomatter001i think i would need that package:
08:39.45Esinenomatter001: one option is to compile it yourself
08:39.46nomatter001is that right
08:40.05nomatter001Esine: is there anywhere a guide for that?
08:40.13nomatter001so that i know what i have to complie?
08:40.31EsineI mean mplayer
08:40.37sanmarcosnomatter001: no, usually if you want to use more advanced/newer stuff you wouldn't use Lenny/stable which is a couple of years behind at least
08:40.48Esineit should be pretty straightforward.. if you know what you're doing :)
08:41.23nomatter001sanmarcos: i was using gentoo before and now thought of using debian (cause compiletime was too long)
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08:41.37nomatter001and everytime i tried to dist-upgrade to sid i fucked the whole system
08:42.04sanmarcosyes that is the thing with debian on the desktop, you are either so bleeding edge the whoel system is fucked every week or you are so stable that the system is years old
08:42.19sanmarcosstable is great for servers though!
08:42.29Arrowmasteror you can use testing
08:42.34nomatter001yes but i'm not running a server
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08:43.01nomatter001Arrowmaster: as far as i can see there is no vdpau on testing
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08:43.43Arrowmastertrue, but you can use a testing/sid mix where you only pull in packages you want from sid
08:43.44sanmarcosnomatter001: that is the reason I use OS X on my desktop, Quicktime does hardware acceleration out of the box
08:44.33nomatter001not really an option for me
08:44.39sanmarcosnomatter001: I would recommend, switch to testing, compile your own bleeding edge nvidia drivers and mplayer, and it should work
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08:44.53nomatter001i'll think about it
08:44.56sanmarcosnomatter001: it is pretty straight forward if you know what you are doing
08:45.01nomatter001or moving back to gentoo
08:45.14sanmarcosor try Ubuntu if you want something with more updates more frequently
08:45.26nomatter001would be also possible
08:45.29Esineindeed nomatter001, you could try Ubuntu.
08:45.37Arrowmasterubuntu is always more out of date than debian testing
08:45.46sanmarcosnomatter001: also, i am sure on the ubuntu forums there are tutorials on getting that nvpau or whatever working
08:46.08sanmarcosArrowmaster: yes but its more user-friendly,  it ships with all the bells-and-whistles out of the box
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08:47.39sanmarcoswell bootstraping squeeze worked, but not sid
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08:54.19Kamping_Kaisermore user friendly? depends who the user is
08:54.27sanmarcosmost users
08:55.09Kamping_Kaiserah yes, the all encompasing 'my opinion'.
08:55.12*** part/#debian nomatter001 (
08:55.22Kamping_Kaisergoes back to his recompiling
08:55.38sanmarcosKamping_Kaiser: dont escape through the roof kaiser
08:56.34Kamping_Kaisersanmarcos bug i'm james bond!
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09:01.07s4br3Hi, yesterday I tried to install Debian, using Grub2. As I had repeated failures I went to bed, an had planned to continue today.  However, today the BIOS beeps in a pattern not found in the manual, and repeats in a reboot cycle. It won't even load the bios, won't boot from a usb, and does not show any "post" text. Clearing CMOS did not help. Anything else I can try?
09:01.46dpkgGNU GRUB version 2 is the successor to GRUB Legacy (i.e. GRUB version 0.9x).  In development, not recommended for production systems, little documentation at present.  Packaged as grub-pc (PC/BIOS version) and grub-ieee1275 (OpenFirmware version).  Command list comparison: .  See also  #grub on
09:02.05*** join/#debian WastePotato (n=WastePot@unaffiliated/wastepotato)
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09:03.20Kamping_Kaisergrub-ieee1275? what an easy to remember package name :|
09:04.00s4br3sanmarcos, Thanks. Still, I wonder why I first get the message that grub2 is experimental and that grub is considered deprecated...
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09:04.43sanmarcoss4br3: why do you need grub2?
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09:05.33s4br3sanmarcos, well, like I said when I installed grub it said it was deprecated
09:05.46sanmarcosits what ships on all distros right? grub 1?
09:06.00s4br3sanmarcos, yes I guess so
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09:07.46Osriccan I just rm the folders in /usr/share/locale that I'm never going to need?
09:07.55sanmarcoss4br3: another case of idiotic developers releasing something that is not ready and probably never will be to the public
09:08.02s4br3Osric, try localepurge first
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09:09.02s4br3sanmarcos, I more concerned that they have these to contradictory messages
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09:09.27s4br3Osric, I managed to get rid of 600MB unneeded locales
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09:09.44sanmarcoss4br3: i love EI
09:10.10s4br3sanmarcos, EFI?
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09:10.36s4br3no efi?
09:10.37sanmarcoss4br3: bios replacement
09:10.45sanmarcoss4br3: what macs, and some PC's use
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09:10.55sanmarcoss4br3: try reflashing your bios from windows
09:11.13s4br3I cannot even see the grub choice...
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09:11.16Osricanyone got any other suggestions on what to do with a fresh install to remove cruft?
09:11.23sanmarcosremove the baterr?
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09:12.29superdumpcan anyone tell me an easy way to remove all ia32 stuff that has been installed due to the new multiarch stuff in unstable as i've decided i no longer want it
09:12.30markunI have a little support question. I'm using debian unstable, and when I try to upgrade 'apt' to 0.7.22 I get unmet dependencies for aptitude and synaptice because they depend on "libapt-pkg-libc6.9-6-4.7 which is a virtual package."
09:12.52sanmarcosmarkun: broken...
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09:13.02markunsanmarcos: ah, ok
09:13.24markunsanmarcos: broken for all users or something on my system?
09:13.27superdump(i'm running 64-bit debian unstable and wanted acroread but i think i'd rather use it in a more contained way - i.e. chroot or so)
09:13.37sanmarcosmarkun: all
09:14.31markunsanmarcos: is there a better place to find out these things than this channel?
09:14.39s4br3sanmarcos, I think grub2 is the default today for many distros
09:14.48sanmarcosis it?
09:14.53superdumpit's becoming so
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09:15.21superdumpi think in debian the 'old' grub package has been renamed to grub-legacy
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09:15.39g00se!tell superdump why aptitude
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09:16.14markung00se: is the bot down?
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09:16.56g00semarkun: i didn't think so ...
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09:17.00superdumpseems so as i didn't receive any messages
09:17.01*** mode/#debian [+l 937] by debhelper
09:17.11dpkg[grub] Grand Unified Bootloader.  It's an extremely powerful boot loader which can boot many OSes, understands many filesystems (including <reiserfs> and <XFS> since 0.97), but see .  For an install guide, see, or "aptitude install grub grub-doc".  To reinstall, ask me about <fixmbr>.  To migrate from LILO, ask about <lilo->grub>.  See also <grub errors>.
09:17.15*** join/#debian balans (
09:17.19superdumpunless the command was not formulated properly
09:17.23g00se!why aptitude
09:17.24dpkgaptitude has more advanced conflict/dependency resolution than other tools, it has far more advanced searching available, and will automatically uninstall unneeded dependencies, read /usr/share/doc/aptitude/README for more info.  Aptitude can also remove or purge one package at the same time as installing others all from the command line, making it much easier to recover from broken dependencies.
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09:19.11sanmarcosapt can do that too
09:19.27sanmarcosapt-get install --purge pacakge1 package2
09:19.35sanmarcospackage2- sorry (see the - at the end)
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09:20.08superdumpi'll give it a go in a bit
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09:23.51g00seThe point is that aptitude will know *which* ia32 stuff was brought in and get rid of it. You can't do this after the fact: it would need to have been *installed* by aptitude
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09:41.28sanmarcosW: BAD signature from "Debian Archive Automatic Signing Key (5.0/lenny) <>"
09:41.36sanmarcosI cant do pbuilder create, I Get that, any ideas?
09:43.01*** join/#debian Padhu_1 (n=Padhu@
09:43.49s4br3All, my bios is working again. It didn't work with 4x2GB or 1x2GB, but worked fin with 1x1GB.
09:44.16dpkgfrom memory, key is Install the latest debian-archive-keyring package  to get the latest gpg key used to sign the Debian archive
09:44.27Kamping_Kaisersanmarcos: is that relevant to you ^^?
09:44.48sanmarcosi have the latest
09:47.13dutchfishsanmarcos, and you have the latest debian-keyring
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09:47.46sanmarcosyes I have the latest
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09:47.55sanmarcosits weird because it fails with --distribution sid, but not with squeeze
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09:48.04bobrockHey there folks! Help me find out where is qingy's binary files are placed. Please. =)
09:49.13sanmarcosdpkg -L quingy bobrock
09:49.13dpkgNo packages found matching quingy bobrock
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09:50.41bobrocksanmarcos: not quingy. qingy
09:51.11bobrockdpgk -L qingy bobrock
09:51.44dutchfish!info qingy
09:51.52sanmarcosyeah dpkg -L should show all files
09:52.16bobrocksanmarcos: tnx yes it work
09:52.26bobrock!info qingy
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09:53.05dutchfishbobrock, i think dpkg is not in sync yes for that package
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09:54.26dutchfishqingy squeeze Versie: 0.9.7-1+b1
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09:55.03bobrockdutchfish, sanmarcos: thanks bros i found /usr/sbin/qingy, it'd work after reboot, bye
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10:11.13sanmarcoswhich package provides update-alternatives?
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10:14.10Tuomassanmarcos: you can find it out with dpkg-query -S filename
10:14.33Tuomassanmarcos: it seems to be dpkg
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10:18.53sanmarcosW: Failed to fetch  Hash Sum mismatch
10:19.00sanmarcosis there something in unstable that is not broken?
10:19.10sanmarcosi am serioulsy reconsidering making a package for debian now
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10:29.41tdn_How do I set the output of a cron job to be send to a different e-mail-address?
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10:34.37g00setdn_: Try /usr/local/bin/script &> /dev/null in cron and send the mail in 'script'
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10:36.32cantidotdn: MAILTO
10:37.06tdng00se, but then I am just implementing an already existing functionality of cron myself. I would like exactly what cron does. Mail me output if there is any. I just want it to go to another user.
10:37.10tdncantido, thanks!
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10:40.31osfdHi guys. I get this message with amarok "xine was unable to initialize any audio drivers." is there to restart the sound or whatever manage the sound please (Lenny -- KDE)
10:41.03cantidoosfd: It's probably locked by something else.. do you get sound in KDE or other apps?
10:41.21osfdcantido: let me check this out
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10:43.01cantidoosfd: Amarok/xine also has a bug where it locks the device and doesn't unlock it.. thus stopping itself from using it. But in this case it's probably that pulseaudio or something is locking it
10:43.52osfdcantido: actually I launched smplayer and it stopped working there
10:45.08g00setdn_: MAILTO would normally be applied then to *every* job
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10:48.18cantido -- you can change MAILTO per job
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10:48.57klbateIn the current Evolution package, is there a way to make it hide all folders that do not contain unread messages?
10:49.04carl_im trying to use the ia32-apt-get to install the 32 bit libcv1 and it keeps saying that "libcv1 is already the newest version", any ideas.
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10:50.52osfdso yes
10:51.04osfdis there a way to "reboot" sound server ?
10:51.16osfdunlock the process...whatsoever
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10:51.54lvhHey. In all 3D SDL games (mostly shooters), my mouse keeps warping (always the same position, causing my character to alwasy be pointed in the same direction). How do you debug something like that?
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10:54.13g00seosfd: Which 'sound server'?
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10:55.24cantidoosfd: use lsof or something to see what processes have /dev/snd opened maybe
10:55.27osfdg00se: I don't know, might have use the wrong expression, dunno exactly what I'm talking about....just wanna have sound back
10:56.05mrtn1232am I right that cdrecord is kind of low-level ultimate tool for creating CD/DVD/BD disks? I mean is there any other low-level CD/DVD/BD recording tool, which can do something that cdrecord can't?
10:56.05g00seosfd: Are you using alsa?
10:56.08cantidog00se: I think he's got a process that's locked the alsa device, by sound server he probably means alsa
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10:56.31osfdg00se: I think so
10:56.37funkyhello people
10:56.38g00seosfd: If it *is* alsa, try running alsaconf
10:56.49carl_cdrecord cant burn ps games
10:56.53carl_but i think thats about it
10:57.07cantidosector size?
10:57.20*** join/#debian Frold (
10:57.21funkyis there any way to solve all the ia32 stuff in amd64 ?
10:57.34mrtn1232carl_: you mean make images of PlayStation games? What do you use for that?
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10:58.15cantidomrtn1232: I think cdrecord (called wodim in debian iirc) is the best tool for most jobs..
10:58.29osfdg00se: did the trick, sound is back...but still, that does not really make sens
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10:59.00cantidoit killed the process that was holding a lock..
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11:01.10g00seosfd: If what cantido said is correct, and it happens again, find the misbehaving process: sudo lsof | grep /dev/snd
11:01.43osfdg00se: ok, I'll try that
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11:03.42cantido/etc/init.d/alsa-base restart kills all processes that are holding the device open too I think
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11:12.15mrtn1232when I do "aptitude search cdrecord" I get:                                                                                                                                                                          <<<                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      
11:12.15mrtn1232v   cdrecord                                               -
11:12.17mrtn1232>>>                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Whad does this "v" flag mean?
11:12.17*** kick/#debian [mrtn1232!n=debhelpe@unaffiliated/debhelper] by debhelper (use the paster bot or #flood)
11:12.21FroldIm not sure if this is the forum - I have debian webserver and for somereasone my server doesnt send out mails any more. PHP is set to use sendmail. And ATM my mail queue in my postfix mail server is 20 unsent emails.  :
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11:15.13mrtn1232what is a virtual package("v" letter in front of found package name) status in aptitude search?
11:15.20nikomrtn1232: v is virtual i think
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11:15.54nikoa symbolic link to a specific version of the package
11:15.56mrtn1232niko: yes, but what is a virtual package?  Any examples?
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11:16.59niko mrtn1232
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11:17.17cydork!virtual package
11:17.18dpkgextra, extra, read all about it, virtual package is a package that doesn't really exist but represents a function which several real packages fulfill, which appears in the Provides control file field of another package.  The effect is as if the package(s) which provide a particular virtual package name had been listed by name everywhere the virtual package name appears.  To find which package(s) provide a foo virtual package, use $ apt-cache showpkg foo;
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11:20.49ajavidfxiny, yo
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11:21.51smarfhey guys, I have problem installing vmware on Lenny. I get "unable to build vmmon module". I've set $CC to gcc-4.1. Any ideas?
11:21.52fxinyajavid: read it ? yes ? ;)
11:22.37cydorkfxiny, YO!
11:22.44fxinycydork: hey !
11:23.05ajavidfxiny, yes
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11:23.09ajavidfxiny, don't get it
11:23.26fxinycydork: come back !
11:23.37cydorkyes i am here :)
11:24.05ajavidoh /. is slash dot website
11:24.18ajavidno I don't read moronic websites
11:25.06fxinyajavid: you don't get it ? strange , browse to /. and search for "bootkit"
11:25.32fxinycydork: here here ? under the banana trees ?
11:25.33ajavidI just woke up
11:25.58cydorkfxiny, oh you mean there.. no can do mate.
11:26.42fxinycydork: :)
11:27.39fxinyajavid: moronic sites ? /. is talking about some bookit called "stoned" , where's the moron ? :P
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11:28.09fxinywhich is bypassing truecrypt in winblows
11:28.16ajavidwhat does that have to do with me
11:28.36fxinytought you knew it
11:28.50ajavidI just heard of it from you
11:28.52ajavidjust now :)
11:29.24ajavidwhat is a bootkit
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11:29.31ajavidis it like a rootkit
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11:29.54lvh_ajavid: A bootkit is a fancy way of saying: "hey if you give me physical access to a computer I can compromise it"
11:30.05ajavidi see
11:30.51fxinycydork: so you are not coming back ? that's bad , it means you are working hard :)
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11:31.01ajavidfxiny, where are you from?
11:31.50fxinyajavid: planet clair
11:32.15ajavidi see
11:32.28ajavidfxiny, very nice country you are from
11:32.37ajavidfxiny, I always wanted to go there
11:32.49fxinyajavid: i dont feel i belong to this place i live in
11:33.00ajavidfxiny, are you not from there originally"
11:34.12fxinyyes i am
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11:34.37lvh_How do I sset Option ``SWCursor'' when using Xorgs that use HAL's input layer?
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11:38.39cirzgamantihi, i'm trying to convert 30+ jpg -> pdf, "convert *jpg out.pdf" works, but the output is lower image quality. what's the easiest way to produce a pdf without losing quality?
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11:48.15Padhu_1Cirzgamanti: create odp using image and then pdf
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11:53.47cirzgamantiPadhu: is there a way to automatically do this? i'm trying ooimpress, but it lets me insert only an image at a time.
11:54.11cirzgamantii tried gscan2pdf, but it downcompresses the images too.
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11:58.07Padhucirzgamanti: It's too difficult to find it. but in windows, it may easy. search wine hq
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11:58.30Padhufor applications
11:59.30cahootcirzgamanti: tried setting quality level for convert?
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12:09.13cirzgamanticahoot: in gscan2pdf? yes, somehow it seems it already kills the quality when importing
12:09.43cirzgamantioh, for convert. no, frankly i was afraid of its option universe :)
12:09.52cahootcirzgamanti: no I meant convert *jpg -quality 100 output.pdf
12:10.18PolarinaDon't use JPEGs. :(
12:10.30PolarinaUse PNGs.
12:10.30cahootwell if that's what he's got
12:10.33cirzgamantiwell i have jpegs as the source
12:10.45cirzgamantipng output is 4x as huge
12:10.51PolarinaBut lossless!
12:11.10PolarinaYou can run PNGs through optipng to reduce filesize.
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12:11.53cahootPolarina: is png optimal for photo?
12:12.12Polarinacahoot: Quality wise? Yes.
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12:21.16g00secirzgamanti: If you post one somewhere i'll have a go. Can't you bring them in directly to impress btw?
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12:24.33pozicWhere can I see why my machine just restarted out of nothing?
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12:24.48pozic/var/logs/syslog doesn't contain anything
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12:44.16Bad_Religionanyone have tips for upgrading etch to lenny that I might not find in a typical upgrade?
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12:44.18Bad_Religioni have a full backup and will be taking db dumps immediately after service shutdown
12:44.45g00seBad_Religion: You should be fine then
12:44.46Bad_Religioni have also created a hardware listing of devices and all the raid/lvm settings
12:44.57jelly-homeBad_Religion: if you have openldap, include a slapcat in those dumps
12:45.19nsadminBad_Religion: db? with which raid?
12:45.21fxinydon't forget to upgrade to rsyslog
12:45.39Bad_Religiondb=database :)
12:45.49Bad_Religionmysql database
12:45.52nsadminyes understood
12:45.57nsadminwhich raid?
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12:45.59Bad_Religionraid is mdadm
12:46.08nsadminwhich level?
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12:46.14Bad_Religionim mostly concnered with raid devices being renamed
12:46.25Bad_Religion2 disks in raid 1 and lvm
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12:47.09Bad_Religionwait that wouldn't make much sense I think its 4 disks in 2 raid1 arrays then LVM
12:47.11jelly-homeBad_Religion: if you have an up-to-date mdadm.conf with array definitions, things _should_ be fine
12:47.25nsadminahh... just so you know, raid5 doesn't do random-access very well, and databases like random access
12:47.45Bad_Religionoo i see, thanks for that info
12:48.04jelly-homeBad_Religion: /usr/share/mdadm/mkconf
12:48.16g00sefxiny: I've a fresh install of lenny, yet locate rsyslog returns nothing ...
12:49.04*** part/#debian SlayerXP (
12:49.21fxinyg00se: i don't have locate :) apt-cache policy rsyslog ?
12:49.30Bad_Religionjelly-home: I have done a successful reboot with current mdadm and latest etch updates so I would assume current mdadm.conf is safe?
12:50.48nsadminsince you booted with it
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12:53.29Bad_Religionduring release upgrades is not the time for my wireless keyboard to get funky
12:54.11fxinyg00se: or : #type rsyslogd
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12:54.59g00seFrom : "Starting with Lenny, Debian will use rsyslog instead of sysklogd by default"
12:55.24g00sewonder why it's not installed with my fresh lenny
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12:56.25valdyng00se: that wiki is wrong it seems
12:56.52roziewiki's right
12:57.00rozie"by default"
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12:57.46roziebut in Etch there's syslog installed
12:57.58g00serozie: My install was nothing other than defailt afaicr ...
12:58.02rozieand it can be used in Lenny
12:58.08valdyng00se: read the #2
12:58.15rozieso, during upgrade, syslog package is not changed
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12:58.48rozieif you want rsyslog just apt-get install it
12:58.59g00sevaldyn: Thanks. wiki's wrong
12:59.05roziesyslog (and klogd) will be removed
12:59.49rozieno, wiki's right
13:00.21rozieit'd be rsyslog installed if there was no other syslog package present
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13:00.56rozieconsider you are using gnome for desktop
13:01.05Bad_Religionshouldn't I be concerned if libc6 has unmet dependencies and aptitude is not going to install/upgrade it (but will upgrade libc6-dev)
13:01.08rozieand in 6.0 kde would be default
13:01.20g00serozie: the only thing approaching syslog installed for me was the Windows event log
13:01.23roziewould you like to have your gnome silently replaced?
13:01.36valdynrozie: he's not talking about an upgrade?
13:01.43fxinyi have a fluxbox only lenny with rsyslog installed by default
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13:02.45valdynmy lenny never had rsyslog installed
13:03.20valdynso maybe it comes with no logging daemon at all by default
13:03.31fxinyqyestion : are  gnome or kde are pulling syslog ?
13:03.53fxinyit seems strange
13:04.05roziefxiny: no. it's just an example
13:04.30fxinyrozie: so why g00se is not on rsyslog ?
13:04.54roziethat default doesn't mean "replace everything other what fullfils dependency requirements"
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13:05.10roziefxiny: cause he had syslog installed?
13:05.17rozieand there is syslog in Lenny?
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13:05.23fxinyrozie: he said fresh install
13:05.26fxinyg00se: ? a daisy
13:05.56client3424Is there a way to disable dhcp/bootp in the kernel?
13:06.08rozieoh. fresh
13:06.26rozieg00se: apt-cache policy rsyslog, pls
13:06.35g00seOne mo
13:07.12rozieand what installer did you use?
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13:09.00rozieaptitude -s install -t lenny-backports rsyslog
13:09.08roziewhat's this lenny-backports?
13:09.15fxinya fresh install with bpo packages ? why uing bpo rsylsog ?
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13:09.39rozie"fresh install" ;>
13:09.43fxinyit seems you upgraded to lenny
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13:10.15g00seNo. I added backports later. What makes you think i upgraded?
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13:12.40g00seErm.. installed lenny then added backports to sources later. I don't get what the implication is ... I didn't say i've stayed with a default install...
13:13.05rozieg00se: what installer did you use?
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13:15.34g00serozie: There *could* be an issue there, although i wouldn't have thought so, as i used a disk from a magazine to install afaicr
13:16.44roziewell. it could be not official installer
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13:17.04rozieIIRC after debootstrap I had rsyslog installed
13:17.22rozie(that's not official installer)
13:17.36rozieafter upgrade I'm sure I had syslog running
13:17.39shadow`debian sucks with KVM
13:18.23fxinyg00se: anyway, lenny upgrades to rsyslog like a charm , i went for the official rsyslog
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13:19.42shadow`not even getting passed install
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13:20.36PadhuHow can i check the CPU temperature
13:20.50mooneyeyou cant
13:20.54mooneyei think
13:20.59Padhuindebian lenny
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13:21.01valdynPadhu: depends on your cpu
13:21.02dondelelcaroPadhu: install lmsensors and use sensors
13:21.26dondelelcaroassuming your mainboard isn't garbage.
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13:22.54tawanwhy would a LUA script that works on other distros not work on Squeeze? :/
13:22.58PadhuASUS Mother board P5B-MX
13:23.09PadhuIntel core 2 DUO
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13:28.51g00sePadhu: acpi -t
13:29.11Padhunot worked
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13:32.34TagorI have 2 hdds in a software raid with debian. But always when data-checking (which is done by a cron or manually) the raid the server just suddenly shuts down when it is at 99,5% of the last array (md6 - the /home directory)
13:32.45TagorMessages and syslog don't show anything new to packaging...why is it so that when i do "debuild -us -uc", the pkg also gets installed..?
13:33.00TagorDoes anyone know what could be wrong?
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13:33.41kamalnandanI just want to build the package and not install it..i want it to be installed only when i do "dpkg -i <packagename>"
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13:39.35kamalnandanexperts..any idea??
13:40.53project2501athis is the post-modern era, there are no experts
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13:42.13wald0are the nvidia privative drivers not more maintained ?
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13:46.25kamalnandansorry...had got disconnected..
13:46.37kamalnandanhowever, any idea about my problem?
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13:48.32kamalnandanwhile doing "debuild -us -uc", i just want the *.deb file to be created and not to be installed..
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13:49.01kamalnandanit must be installed only when i do "dpkg -i <*.deb>"
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13:51.52SchuenemannI'd like to know how can I run zsnes in debian 64bit. Thanks
13:51.57kamalnandanfolks..any idea about this?
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14:03.27iluminator101Hi I get this tor dependency error, have not figured out how to solve it....
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14:05.30Pnuxhey, just checking.. is something wrong with the testing repos? <There are 2 newly obsolete packages: libcolamd-3.2.0,>
14:06.22Bad_Religionis it normal for aptitude full-upgrade to hang on 99% [Working] for a long time? I'm used to apt-get ( I think aptitude as well) showing more verbose output on what is happening?
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14:16.11wald0what happened to the nvidia drivers in debian ? i don't want to use the very ugly .run file :S
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14:17.17KeiKuronosomeone has issues with amule adunanza.deb ?
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14:18.40foo-nixI want to setup wireless interwebs using wpa_supplicant, such that I do not need to start an X session to get internet (and it's simpler then Networkmanager in a console). I have setup a wpa_supplicant.conf, like I am used to do. Now the  howto says I need to edit /etc/network/interfaces and configure everything there. This file seems to have a complete different syntac then wpa_+supplcaint.con
14:18.40foo-nixf,. howe can I use this? I.e. how can it support the complete syntax of default wpa_supplicant?
14:19.06foo-nixand where is this syntax documented?
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14:19.32kamalnandanguys...can someone help me with my query?
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14:19.51JuanJOBCHi all
14:20.17kamalnandani want it to  be installed only when i do "dpkg -i <*.deb>"
14:21.00lizonethere is something I don't understand in regard to a socks server; I don't have a socks server installed on my machine yet my sshd uses it -- how come?
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14:21.19JuanJOBCI want to isntall debian in a XEON cuad Core class server computer to act principaly as a Web server. What file do you recomendme guys to download? I was thinking in a smal CD and then continue installing through network, but I don't knwo if I have to go with i386 or ia64, thanks
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14:24.02racecar56i see "WARNING: Unable to activate console: No such device or address" in my dmesg, is that something i need to fix?
14:24.29JuanJOBCWill "debian-502-ia64-CD-1.iso   " be enough to install and start up Debian in a XEON cuad core machine? thanks
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14:24.38racecar56wait it isn't my dmesg O_o
14:24.49JuanJOBCor do I need to download more images?
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14:25.19_coredump_JuanJOBC, you need amd64 image, netinstall is a pretty good choice, if you have internet connection
14:25.29_coredump_ia64 is for intel itanium only
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14:25.50JuanJOBC_coredump_, ok, so XEON is compatible with Amd64,
14:26.10_coredump_yes its x86_64
14:26.12JuanJOBC_coredump_, I was htinking to downoload the first image and then add mre things through network if needed
14:26.52JuanJOBC_coredump_, I started to download "debian-502-amd64-CD-1.iso"
14:27.19JuanJOBCI am sorry to ask this questions, this will be the first time that I install Debian, 4 years so far with Ubuntu so I decided to move on
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14:27.51racecar56it's been about 1 year and ubuntu with me but i first tried debian back in september 2008, on a virtual machine, which that would be etch
14:28.06racecar56then in feb 2009 i tried it on a real comp
14:28.26JuanJOBCracecar56, and did you find what you were expecting?
14:28.33racecar56but i went back to ubuntu, but a few weeks ago i tried it again and i stayed
14:28.45racecar56JuanJOBC: ubuntu == bloat
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14:28.56racecar56JuanJOBC: that's what i say at least
14:29.04racecar56JuanJOBC: i like debian better :D
14:29.10JuanJOBCI noticed that Debian doens't distinguish between the desktop and the server versions
14:29.30racecar56that's because it's technically the same os....... i guess
14:29.53*** join/#debian Padhu (n=Padhu@
14:30.06racecar56if you'd need a server version, bingo, just install a few packages on a cmdline installation and boom, instant debian server
14:30.15JuanJOBCso, I have to look for every package by myslef? In Ubuntu server during the installation the main server utilities are prompted to be installed so it is faster
14:30.30racecar56yeah but the benifit is you can install what you want
14:30.51JuanJOBCracecar56, ok, for this new installation I just need mysql+Apache+PHP
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14:30.53racecar56instead of getting bloated virtual packages like ubuntu-desktop for gnome + xorg
14:30.56jelly-homeJuanJOBC: servers do not carry lots of packages
14:30.57JuanJOBCso I already know the packages
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14:31.41JuanJOBCjelly-home, I used to use Webmin to control my Ubutu servers remotely, ..what Debian's population think about this? (Ubunutu banned Webmin from the repositories)
14:32.12racecar56JuanJOBC: just use aptitude and install your stuffs
14:32.26racecar56JuanJOBC: apt-cache can help you when searching
14:32.34JuanJOBCyeah I used doing so
14:32.36racecar56JuanJOBC: apt-cache search <terms>
14:32.36jelly-homeJuanJOBC: how many machines?  You might want to investigate something like puppet of cfengine
14:33.07*** join/#debian Padhu_1 (n=Padhu@
14:33.11racecar56JuanJOBC: and apt-cache search pkgname | grep pkgname makes sure that you only get results that have pkgname in them
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14:33.33JuanJOBCracecar56, ah ok, thanks
14:33.41racecar56JuanJOBC: and last but not least, be sure to use less if the package is popular, apt-cache search pkgname | less
14:34.03racecar56JuanJOBC: hint: use shift+pageup/down to scroll in the terminal
14:35.01racecar56JuanJOBC: and i suggest ssh for remoting your server
14:35.02JuanJOBCracecar56, thanks! I knew those points!, I have been working before with Ubuntu servers (only SSH and console), so I used a lot of times apt-get and apt-cache !! thanks
14:35.09racecar56JuanJOBC: kk
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14:35.29JuanJOBCbut I also sed to work with Webmin wich is very handy
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14:39.11lizoneanyone here with some knowledge on socks server
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14:40.49amphi!tell lizone -about ask
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14:41.25KeiKuronosomeone has issues with amule adunanza.deb ?
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14:44.38s4br3Hi, is it possible to remove or purge locally build kernel modules, like fglrx?
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14:46.08valdyns4br3: if you built it properly then its just an installed debian package
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14:46.24valdyns4br3: if you didnt then you get to clean up your own mess, which might be anything but easy
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14:46.46valdyns4br3: ( just removing the kernel module isnt half of it )
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14:47.07s4br3Hmmm. Any tips on how to clean up? A link?
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14:52.02valdyns4br3: ati website:
14:52.02valdyns4br3: or the equivalent for the driver version you installed
14:52.02valdyns4br3: and if its anything broken as the nvidia drivers 'native' installer then it will probably not clean up properly
14:52.02s4br3valdyn, Thanks! I have a few more days on my vacation... :)
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14:52.03s4br3valdyn, BTW, I built it myself using module-assistant: m-a update m-a prepare m-a build fglrx m-a install fglrx. Would that still be the same?
14:52.44valdyns4br3: then its debian packages
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14:52.51valdyns4br3: dpkg -l | grep fglrx
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14:53.25smarfhello, by mistake vsock.ko module was deleted.. Can I just download it from somewhere or needs anything else?
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14:54.33Wooga_tchello, i am updated from lenny to squeeze and now whenever i run gnome-session i am getting message that 'There was an error starting the GNOME setting daemon.' ... 'The Settings Daemon restarted too many times'
14:54.47Wooga_tcby the way, everything works well
14:54.53Wooga_tcbut this message is frustrating
14:55.00enoufuff .. eth1394: eth0: IEEE-1394 IPv4 over 1394 Ethernet (fw-host0) stole my eth0 .. heh
14:55.01s4br3valdyn, that gave 5 hits
14:55.17Wooga_tcanyone have any idea, why it may come ?
14:55.48enoufmodprobe -r eth1394 ; ifconfig eth0 down ; ifconfig eth1 up wins
14:56.50smarfnoone? is it irreversible?
14:57.11KeiKuronoa previous installation of debian via win32-loader has installed an additional boot manager that will fire up AFTER grub is loaded (if i load winxp, then another boot loader is shown to choose among win and the failed debian installation), how can i remove it?
14:58.21enoufalias grep='grep --colour=auto'
14:58.30enoufoh, that's a nice one ;-)
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14:59.08enoufsmarf: if it was part of the debian kernel linux-image-$VERSION, you could judt reinstall the kernel
14:59.48smarfenouf, just a simple apt-get or is it going to create other problems?
14:59.57s4br3valdyn, So I managed to remove 3 of the 5 hits, as they were "rc". The remaing two are "pH"; I'll Google to see how they work
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15:05.01tawanMint Debian anyone (probably not but some of you quiet ones will like it)
15:05.16smarfenouf, after reinstalling I get again: WARNING: Can't read module /lib/modules/2.6.26-2-686/misc/vsock.ko: No such file or directory
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15:08.36PyroPeteri installed usbip on lenny. but im missing the kernel modules?
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15:13.21sshchow do I disable the default login manager in Debian?
15:13.42tawansshc, what is the default?
15:13.45sshcI don't want an X session whenever I boot or kill the current X
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15:13.48tawani don't have one
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15:14.12PyroPetertake gdm out of the runlevels
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15:15.01PyroPeterrm /etc/rc2.d/S30gdm
15:15.21roziePyroPeter: very bad idea
15:15.31rozieuse rcconf instead
15:15.31PyroPeterrozie: but works :-P
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15:16.08PyroPeterrozie: what does rcconf besides deleting the symlink?
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15:16.40rozieit just disables the service
15:17.07SchuenemannI installed a 32bit with force-architecture and now I broke the package manager
15:17.10rozieS -> K
15:17.12Schuenemannhow do I fix that
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15:17.33Schuenemannit was libao2_0.8.8-4_i386
15:17.33PyroPeterrozie: but how?
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15:17.51rozie*much* better
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15:19.29qumahi all, how can i check installed packages per section? i.e. devel or net...
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15:20.23PyroPeteris there nobody who could help me using usbip?
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15:28.10PyroPeterthe question is: why does someone package a software if it would be easier to compile the sources?
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15:30.47s4br3Schuenemann, "and now I broke the package manager". I think aptitude is broken now; i.e. not your fault
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15:34.04thneedI am running debian squeeze and I am having errors with gnome-settings daemon crashing as I login, I checked in #gnome and it looks like it may be a debian problem. Is there a fix?
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15:34.53YiamiYois there any way to "save" my system and when i reformat install it just like it is now?
15:35.13dophaminYiamiYo man dd
15:35.31dophaminyou can create a clone of your hd using dd
15:35.57YiamiYois it a command?
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15:38.36mrtn1232I would like to test all of my three HDD's(sda, sbd and sdc). Should I use fallowing command: "badblocks -b 4096 -s -v -n /dev/sda && badblocks -b 4096 -s -v -n /dev/sdb && badblocks -b 4096 -s -v -n /dev/sdc"? I mean am I right that && menast that if the first command has finished, then execute the second one etc?
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15:40.17Titan8990is there a way to get apt to remove a package ignoring package that depend on it?
15:40.44g00seYiamiYo:  partimage
15:40.58PadhuTitan: man apt-get
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15:41.45g00seTitan8990: why do you want to?
15:41.52stevieBdoes debian have an fuser package
15:42.09Titan8990g00se, test an exception catch in application
15:42.40YiamiYoty g00se...
15:42.46zinkeldonkI want to upgrade the kernel to the latest lenny kernel, but keep the rest of the release as etch. I was hoping I could do this using the preferences file. Thing is really, can preferences take this syntax:
15:42.46zinkeldonkPackage: linux-image*
15:42.46zinkeldonkI see it can do:
15:42.46zinkeldonkPackage: *
15:42.46*** kick/#debian [zinkeldonk!n=debhelpe@unaffiliated/debhelper] by debhelper (use the paster bot or #flood)
15:43.21fxinyand use lenny !
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15:44.01Titan8990Padhu, i am not seeing a flag for it... do i need to hold the package or something?
15:44.03norbert_hi all, is there a way to find out how many and what symbolic links exist to a certain file (in Debian stable; bash) ?
15:44.13fxinyzinkeldonk: why not just upgrading to lenny ?
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15:44.44zinkeldonkUmmmm. Well..we've standardised on etch for the mo.
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15:46.15WormFoodwhat package do I need to install in sid to see what the fuck using all my disk I/O? I'm so fuckin' suck of my god dam hard drive led staying steady lit 2 fuckin' hours, while I can barely use my computer for anything.
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15:46.59norbert_WormFood: did you check out "top" ?
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15:47.13WormFoodwhat the hell in top shows me what is using all my hard drive I/O?
15:47.19norbert_might be something that also keeps the CPU busy
15:47.39WormFoodit does not appear to be, as I can see nothing that should be acting this way.
15:47.45rozieWormFood: iotop? and don't swear.
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15:47.54WormFoodiotop, that is it
15:47.59WormFoodthanks rozie
15:48.02norbert_a simple top-like I/O monitor
15:48.09norbert_sounds like what you need :)
15:48.25WormFoodyeah, that i exactly what I need
15:48.35Titan8990ehh, guess im just going to test this in gentoo...
15:48.36amphi'what the hell' is hardly swearing
15:48.36WormFoodI swear this shit is driving me crazy!
15:48.43m2rtHey, question, I inserted debian netinstall cd. Got it to boot from the cd. Now its excpecting me to write something. it has: boot:
15:48.57norbert_amphi: but "what the fuck using all my disk I/O? I'm so fuckin' suck of my god dam hard drive led staying steady lit 2 fuckin' hours" is
15:49.01Titan8990m2rt, press enter
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15:49.16WormFoodnorbert_, what? I'm not allowed to vent here? :P
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15:49.43m2rtTitan8990: went to next line and did nothing....
15:49.46norbert_iotop, that's nice, have to remember that one
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15:50.07amphinorbert_: it is indeed; I missed that ;)
15:50.11Titan8990m2rt, what is the next line?/
15:50.17WormFoodI remember hearing about iotop before, but couldn't for the life of me remember the name now
15:50.22norbert_on my pc it currently shows: skype, kjournald and mplayer
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15:50.55paissad-hphi everybody !
15:51.10paissad-hpi have a trouble of connecting to the internet when i get out of pm-suspend
15:51.18zinkeldonkActually my question is one related to Ubuntu but I know this is not the forum for that. If I know more about the prefs file from here, I can apply it in 'buntu
15:51.19paissad-hpi ran dchlient , but the matter remains !
15:51.27paissad-hpdoes someone know what to do to solve that ?
15:51.32m2rtTitan8990: empty line
15:51.32paissad-hpthanks in advance
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15:51.48WormFoodgod damn! this is really hard drive led is still steady lit, and iotop nothing at the top of the list...they cycle through the different active programs, like I would expect it to appears that no one thing is sucking up all the disk i/o.....but it usually does not act this way.
15:52.18fxinystill mourning ?
15:52.24fxinyrozie: ^^^ ;)
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15:52.39norbert_WormFood: go through all the output lines of: $ ps auxxxwww
15:53.12WormFoodnorbert_, I've gone over this before...this is not the first time this has happened...I NEVER see anything out of the ordinary
15:53.49norbert_WormFood: what's the output of: $ free -m|grep Swap
15:53.51WormFoodand then it stops after about 2 hours, while my whole fuckin' compute quits working...and then something like pidgin or firefox crashes (and both are running fine now)
15:54.11norbert_WormFood: can you stop swearing, it won't help you and annoys us
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15:55.02WormFoodit is showing about 1.3 gig of swap being used (but it really shouldn't be using any swap, as it is not using up all of the physical ram)
15:55.19norbert_yeah, 1.3G swap in use sounds like the problem
15:55.27norbert_that might also be why firefox crashes
15:55.48rozienow you can check what uses the memory...
15:56.14norbert_WormFood: try top and then press <Shift>m
15:56.21norbert_and look under %MEM
15:56.25zinkeldonkAlso, I don't suspect the preferences is ordered in any way....I mean, first entries don't mean more than last, etc.
15:57.56norbert_can anyone tell me how I can check what symbolic links exist to a certain file?
15:59.03WormFoodok, I got it all figured out
15:59.09WormFoodI think
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16:00.11norbert_nm, found it (find -L . -samefile /home/matto/example)
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16:00.57Demiosi'm having a problem with my resolution. I just installed debian yesterday
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16:01.18Demiosmy only options are 640x480, 800x600, 1024x768
16:01.20smacnayI checked but see no mention of the bug I have with aptitude.  It was removed due to dependency issues.  This must be fairly recent.
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16:01.29Demiosmy laptop screen is a 16:10
16:01.38Demios133x768 native
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16:01.51Demioserr 1266x768
16:01.57Demioscant trype
16:01.57Titan8990Demios, using what drivers?
16:02.16Demiosi have installed no drivers, if i do it will be intel
16:02.19WormFoodI think I viewed the wrong web page, using "epiphany-browse"...and their poorly written flash shit sucked up all my ram, causing my machine to swap out to disk like crazy. (I usually use firefox with no-script, so I don't usually have those type of problems anymore)
16:02.32smacnayah - this package (libapt-pkg-libc6.9-6-4.7) us missing or obsolete.
16:02.51Demioscan i find the drivers i need in synaptic?
16:03.16norbert_Demios: what's the video card?
16:03.42WormFoodas soon as I killed firefox, I could see my memory in use drop by about 500 meg, then steady using it all up soon as I killed epiphany-browse, both ram and swap dropped a LOT, and hasn't jumped back up
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16:04.19WormFoodthanks norbert_ and told me what I already know, but was too pissed off to think straight about it.
16:04.28norbert_Demios: does this output something: $ lspci|grep VGA
16:04.44norbert_WormFood: np, have fun using Debian :)
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16:05.13Titan8990Demios, lshw will tell you the driver that the card is currently using
16:05.14WormFoodthis isn't a debian problem, but a "Linux problem" in my opinion.
16:05.50norbert_another cool package, lshw-gtk
16:05.51Demiosnobert hardinfo lists it as an intel corp mobile 4 series chipset integrated graphics controller
16:05.52WormFoodI actually like debian, and have been using it for about 5 years now I think. (before that my system was mostly LFS)
16:05.55norbert_got to remember these things
16:06.06Titan8990WormFood, i disagree, its an adobe problem
16:06.29WormFoodwell Titan8990, I agree...flash is complete and total garbage
16:06.32rozieWormFood: disable cache in memory in about:config
16:06.48WormFoodbut I look at it as Linux should handle it better
16:06.55WormFoodwhere is that rozie?
16:07.04rozieabout:config in Fx
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16:07.20roziesearch for "cache"
16:07.20WormFoodfirefox is not usually a problem, but I'll check out that option.
16:07.44rozielinux has nothing to do with apps, which want more memory
16:07.52rozieyou can set limits...
16:07.53WormFoodwithout a doubt, flash is the single worst thing (other than microsoft) that ever happened to the web :(
16:08.01WormFoodI know, read what I said
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16:08.12WormFoodI feel part of the problem is in how Linux (kernel) handles it
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16:08.18Demiosintel corp mobile 4 series chipset integrated graphics controller (rev 07) is what lspci|grep VGA gives me.
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16:08.25WormFoodmaybe I'm wrong...I do understand it is apps using up all the ram.
16:08.28rozieno. you told him to use memory + swap
16:08.45roziethere was no limit for ram and app/user
16:08.56rozieso it tried to use memory (and swap)
16:09.03WormFoodwhat I HATE about flash is the way people abuse it
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16:09.30fxinypeople ? you mean klingon
16:09.44WormFoodwhat the fuck are these people thinking? I want to go to their god damn shit web page to listen to music....but I can't use the site without turning on this god damn garbage.....drives me fuckin' crazy I need to use shit web sites like this.
16:10.39paissad-hpplease guys, which service need to restart in order to make my internet come back, when i get out  of pm-suspend, i cannot connect to the internet, even if i run
16:10.51WormFoodnow when I restart FF, and reload my tabs, I get 3 or 4 different pages trying to play shit music at me at the same time
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16:10.58paissad-hpis there any service to restart manually please ?
16:11.14WormFoodyou'd think they would leave that off, but nooooo. these fucktards make it automatically play music when you visit their page...AARRRGGGHHH!!!
16:11.47WormFoodpaissad-hp, you can try "ifdown eth0; ifup eth0" (or whatever your interface name is
16:11.48norbert_Demios: I'm no expert on this, but I'm pretty sure you need xserver-xorg-video-i810
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16:12.06WormFoodpaissad-hp, that is how I handle it
16:12.06paissad-hpWormFood, i did that but the matter remains
16:12.15WormFoodhow many interfaces do you have?
16:12.16Demiosi have xserver-xorg-video-intel
16:12.25WormFoodsure you don't need to do that to ppp0 or eth1 as your network device?
16:12.27norbert_Demios: and you might want to run dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg after that
16:12.59WormFoodpaissad-hp, you can also try "/etc/init.d/networking restart", and see if that helps
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16:13.07paissad-hpWormFood, my network device is eth0
16:13.13paissad-hpnot eth1 or ppp0
16:13.57WormFoodpaissad-hp, did you try unloading and reloading your network module
16:14.11WormFoodI sometimes find (under certain conditions) I have to do that
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16:14.28Demiosnorbert_: i get one video option for buffer, everything is is about my keyboard settings
16:14.40paissad-hpWormFood, restarting /etc/*/networking returns something like send_pakcet: Network is unreachable
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16:15.09thneedI am running debian squeeze and I am having errors with gnome-settings daemon crashing as I login, I checked in #gnome and it looks like it may be a debian problem. Is there a fix?
16:15.12paissad-hpWormFood, how reload or unload network modules ?
16:16.11norbert_Demois: not sure but didn't it generate a file for you?
16:16.25paissad-hpWormFood, btw, when i restart the computer, the network is ok !
16:16.29paissad-hpreally weird !
16:16.35roziepaissad-hp: install wicd
16:16.46paissad-hpi always get the matter when go to pm-suspend
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16:17.49WormFoodpaissad-hp, did you try unloading and reloading your network module?
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16:17.57Demiosnorbert_ nope
16:17.58paissad-hpWormFood, how please ?
16:17.59roziepaissad-hp: probably your driver has some problem with suspend
16:18.01superfirelord42Hello, I cant seem to find this to save my life, prob wrong search terms. Im looking for the debian equivlent of, but for debian. Anyone got a link?
16:18.39solexxsuperfirelord42: what about ?
16:18.46rozieshomething like that
16:18.54norbert_that question was just too easy
16:18.57paissad-hprozie, when i used to use slackware linux, i did not have that trouble of getting of pm-suspend and using internet after
16:18.58superfirelord42facepalms, i was mispelling it
16:19.06WormFoodpaissad-hp, rmmod xxx, modprobe xxx
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16:19.14WormFoodof course, replace xxx with your network module
16:19.20paissad-hpi see
16:19.45usb_userpaissad-hp, do you have gnome installed with the whole gnome network admin thing?
16:19.54norbert_Demios: X -configure ?
16:20.08norbert_Demios: that should give you the file I was talking about
16:20.12norbert_Demios: but you have to leave X for it
16:20.15usb_userI know I had problems with debian and any kind of network manager, So I just let /etc/network/interfaces take care of it
16:20.15WormFoodrozie, I'm looking for that option to disable the cache, and I don't see anything (I hate the way the changed the config screen in firefox)
16:20.51norbert_Demios: it gives you a file in ~
16:20.54rozieWormFood: try cache
16:20.54Demiosnorbert_: fatal error sever is already active for display 0
16:20.56usb_userWormFood, you mean like browser.cache.disk.enable
16:21.08norbert_Demios: yes, that's what I said, you have to leave X for it
16:21.18WormFoodwhere is that setting?
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16:21.24norbert_Demios: also, before you use the new file, make sure you backup the old /etc/X11/xorg.conf
16:21.24WormFoodnot in the normal preferences page
16:21.30paissad-hpusb_user, i use debian-xfce
16:21.42paissad-hpthat the iso i have used to install the OS
16:21.45abrotmanWormFood:  in firefox or iceweasel?
16:21.45usb_userWormFood, open a new tab and go to "about:config"
16:21.45WormFoodhow do I get to the hidden settings?
16:21.47TagorWormFood: about:config
16:22.02WormFoodok, about:config...I remember it was something stupid like that.
16:22.03roziedoesn't matter
16:22.08usb_userpaissad-hp, hmm not sure then
16:22.20paissad-hpyes, not sure :-)
16:22.22rozie18:12 < rozie> about:config in Fx
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16:22.36mrtn1232in wodim(cdrecord) if the buffer shows "99%", is it 99% full or 99% empty? And as i understand if it's fullt, is good? :)
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16:22.58superfirelord42Ederson, pong?
16:23.26Edersonsuperfirelord42, Just testing :P
16:23.33WormFoodbrowser.cache.memory.enable <-- I'm guessing it is this one
16:23.57rozie18:26 < rozie> browser.cache.memory.enable
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16:24.05paissad-hpWormFood, did you mean " rmmod eth0" ^^
16:24.15roziewonders if is ignored in some strange way...
16:24.17Schuenemanncan anyone tell me if debian's libao's package for 32bit is broken?
16:24.23WormFoodwhat would that get you paissad-hp? did you try it?
16:24.47EdersonAnyone know how is the default font for Xchat???
16:24.56paissad-hpWormFood, i tried it, but it think it's normal that does not work , eth0 is not a module, but a device
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16:25.10paissad-hpi just don't know which module you"re talking about, sorry mate
16:25.17EdersonI change my font and now I dont know the default to revert back the change
16:25.18Demiosnorbert_: heh xorg.conf is empty
16:25.23roziepaissad-hp: paste lspci -n on
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16:25.27norbert_Ederson: Preferences -> Interface -> Text box -> Font
16:25.30Demiosguess i have to leave X
16:25.40ranixEderson: xchat doesn't have a default font, it's image based
16:25.40WormFoodright, eth0 is not a device you need to do an lsmod and see what is  your ethernet device, and try what I suggested
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16:26.15WormFoodand what difference does the default font matter? just use whatever font you want.
16:26.25Edersonnorbert_, Yes I know how to change, but I would like to know how is the defauld font
16:26.26Schuenemannabrotman,  well, that are many involving libao
16:26.58abrotmanlspci -k .. it will show you the module name
16:27.19Edersonnorbert_, ranix I changed to Comic Sans MS Bold 10 but I did not like this one
16:27.43Edersonnorbert_, ranix Do you guys know how is the default font??
16:27.46WormFoodso change the font to something else, until you find what you like
16:27.55norbert_not sure I understand your question; the default gnome fonts can be changed here: System->Preferences->Appearance->Fonts
16:27.55WormFoodI personally suggest you use a monospace font
16:27.58ranixEderson: I was just trolling you, sorry
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16:28.24norbert_oh, you mean "what"
16:28.33norbert_you want to know "what" the default font for xchat was, because you changed it
16:28.42norbert_that would be: Monospace 9
16:28.49freenosehmm didn't know about go-oo.o, running sid, really impressive, the speed
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16:29.06Schuenemannabrotman,  I'm trying to run zsnes 32 bit on lenny 64 bit. According to a zsnes developer I should make a symlink to /usr/lib/ao/plugins-2/liboss-32.a. There is only a .so file there, though
16:29.14Schuenemannthat's why I ask
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16:30.19Edersonnorbert_, Seems good now
16:30.29Edersonnorbert_, Thanks so much
16:30.39norbert_Ederson: np
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16:31.53WormFoodI wished I could use monospace 9 with x-chat, but I just can't read most chinese characters that small :(   I wished I could have a different font size just for chinese characters
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16:32.25WormFoodeven with monospace 12, complex characters look like a blob
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16:36.43paissad-hpwhen i do lspci -k ,i see the module for the ethernet card, and when i do rmmod -vf module_name, i have this output " rmmod forcedeth, wait=no force ERROR: Removing 'forcedeth': Device or ressource busy'
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16:37.09paissad-hpwhere module name is forcedeth
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16:37.20paissad-hpi've done ifconfig eth0 down too
16:37.23dpkg[rmmod] a command that should not be used, use 'modprobe -r' (or <modconf>) instead
16:37.41thneedokay, I ran through failsafe gnome and fixed broken packages, and now I can get my gui to load in ubuntu, but terminal keeps telling me to fix package dependencies with apt-get -f install, it consistently fails
16:38.08abrotmanthneed: shouldn't you be asking #ubuntu?
16:38.09thneedtrouble is itis recommending pulseaudio which I have no desire to run
16:39.22paissad-hpmodprobe -rfv forcedeth does not solve the matter too !
16:39.26paissad-hpwhat a pity
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16:39.32paissad-hpunlucky i am !
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16:40.52paissad-hpdo you have another idea to restart the network please ?
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16:41.24OpenTokixreboot the machine?
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16:41.59paissad-hpOpenTokix, it works, i know, but i don't want to do every time i get out of pm-suspend !
16:42.23OpenTokixNot my ballpark, laptops that is
16:42.56abrotmanyou can have suspend unload the module before suspending .. then reload it when it starts up again
16:43.22paissad-hpabrotman, the module is loaded, i've checked with lsmod
16:43.33abrotmannotice where i said .. unload
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16:44.25enoufsmarf: sorry, been busy - i have no /misc/ directory - and "rgrep vsock /lib/modules/2.6.26-1-686/kernel/" yields nothing here for me
16:44.26enoufsmarf: so, i suspect that module came from elsewhere, whatever it is
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16:46.01cydorkenouf, i remember you were asking about btrfs yesterday.. check this out
16:46.22enoufcydork: oh nice ;-)
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16:46.54smarfenouf, yes, actually it's from vmware.
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16:47.18smarfenouf, I want to remove it because it spits annoying warnings like:
16:47.33smarfWARNING: Can't read module /lib/modules/2.6.26-2-686/misc/vsock.ko: No such file or directory
16:47.39smarfin every apt-* use
16:47.47smarfhow can I remove it?
16:48.54enoufsmarf: you originally said it got "accidentally removed" ?
16:49.02smarfby me.. yes
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16:49.14roziesmarf: reinstall kernel
16:49.22smarfrozie, I did, same warnings.
16:49.25enouf10:51 < smarf> hello, by mistake vsock.ko module was deleted..
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16:49.41roziesmarf: install other kernel, reboot to it
16:49.43smarfor maybe remoot?
16:49.46smarfreboot :p
16:49.54smarfoh i forgot to reboot :/
16:49.56roziethen purge this and install once again
16:50.01abrotmansmarf: is it in /etc/modules ?
16:50.04kensukeido | Debian Sid
16:50.07enoufsmarf: or ask #vmware or stop vmware from using it
16:50.22enoufsmarf: find it's depends
16:50.30smarfabrotman, no.
16:50.31enoufmodinfo <modulename>
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16:50.37smarfenouf, yes vbox seems wiser.
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16:50.50smarfi uninstalled vmware.. and I don't want it any more.
16:51.00fxinyil lenny ?
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16:51.14smarfthat's why I want to remove that warning too. I don't know why it "reads" vsock somewhere..
16:51.16smarffxiny, yes
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16:51.27enoufsmarf: ok ... so how about you install a Debian kernel :-p .. or reverse whatever you did to get that /msic/vsock.ko
16:51.27fxinysmarf: what was the problem ?
16:51.49enouffxiny: he's got leftover vmware modules loading
16:51.56fxinyenouf: i see
16:52.02smarfjust one..
16:52.11enoufi have no clue about vmware - ask them
16:52.12smarfthe other were removed successfully
16:52.16fxinyyou did not remove it properly , i guess
16:52.25smarfactually I deleted it :)
16:52.41smarfand I have such warnings now:
16:52.42smarfWARNING: Can't read module /lib/modules/2.6.26-2-686/misc/vsock.ko: No such file or directory
16:52.49enoufsmarf: show us the "warning" again - and what are you running when that occurs?
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16:52.54kensukeidoAnybody have an idea about this pastebin?
16:52.57paissad-hpdamn it, i restarted the system, i have no longer eth0 now when i run ifconfig -a
16:53.02smarfenouf, every apt* command.
16:53.04paissad-hpi just have 'lo' for the loopback !
16:53.10enoufsmarf: something else is trying to load it
16:53.12smarfenouf, depmod -a too.
16:53.19enoufoh .. well .. fix it :-P
16:53.22paissad-hpbtw, the module for the ethernet card is loaded, i see it into lsmod !
16:53.39abrotmanpaissad-hp: look through 'dmesg'
16:53.47EdersonChanServ, ?
16:54.02enoufmy apt-* commands never say anything like that - ask vmware, or fix your possible apt-proxy settings? echo $http_proxy?
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16:54.09fxinysmarf: vmware server ?
16:54.48smarffxiny, yes.
16:54.48enoufreinstall, update/upgrade apt?
16:54.48enoufdoes aptitude also do it?
16:54.48smarfenouf, what about "depmod"?
16:54.58enoufwhat about it?
16:55.04smarfit gives me the same warning.
16:55.15fxinysmarf: 0.9 ?
16:55.20enoufoh - well stop running it - and use modinfo
16:55.45smarffxiny, which version is that? vmware's?
16:55.47enoufi told you, some/many modules depend on others
16:55.50enouffix it
16:56.12smarflet me reboot and pray to see if it's fixed.
16:56.27enoufrgrep vsock /etc/mod*
16:56.27smarfbe back in a few seconds
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16:56.48enoufsmarf: stop talking and ask the #vmware people
16:56.49smarfenouf, nothing.
16:57.06enoufit has NOTHING to do with debian
16:57.24EdersonWhos is the operator for this channel??
16:57.25enoufand keep praying :-p
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16:58.06smarfenouf, alright..
16:58.15fxinysmarf: ls /usr/bin/vmware* --> seen the uninstall ? so reisntall and run that .pl after
16:58.17enoufremember to circle *counterclockwise* while you circumvent the southern hemisphere - heh
16:58.27smarffxiny, I did that SO MANY times..
16:58.34smarfreally, nothing.
16:58.40enoufto /dance in a/ circle -- heh
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16:58.57fxinysmarf: which version again ? cause 0.9 works only with a psycho* something patch
16:59.10EdersonI would like to reset the password for my nickname. Who can help me on that??
16:59.16smarfa newer one.. I think it was 1.2
16:59.28enoufsmarf: strace your apt-* and depmod commands
16:59.45enouf(last thing i say about it)
17:00.15abrotmanEderson: passwd <username>
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17:00.40Edersonabrotman, I forgot my password
17:00.41SuperMiguelfor desktop use is it worth it going from 4gb to 8gb?
17:00.49abrotmanEderson: so do it as root
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17:01.06fxinysmarf: i've tested it , i have installed it , pathced  and removed it , no porbs , i'm not a vmware faa but i can't stand when something "free" like this "don't work" in stable
17:01.37freenoseabrotman: I think he means irc password
17:01.57Edersonabrotman, No man, I think you did not understand, I have a nick resgistered here, but as I am not using IRC for the last year I forgot it
17:01.59abrotmanbe less vague ?
17:02.14abrotmanEderson: /nsg nickserv help .. though you'll likely have to contact staff
17:02.23smarffxiny, I did have lots of problems.. I tried stuff.. When other virtualizations work within minutes, I don't want to waste time on that :/
17:02.24bormanHi, I'd like to update a package that is not in the repositories I've seen that there are a package in the repositories but I don't know how to update an specific package
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17:02.55bormanI mean it is in the repositories sorry for my bad explanation
17:03.04rozieEderson: try to re-register it
17:03.08rozieif it's free
17:03.10Edersonabrotman, So, is there someone from Freenode here to help me??
17:03.18Edersonrozie, How??
17:03.23smarfenouf, folks in #vmware: touch ..vsock.ko and then remove :p It did the job!
17:03.25roziejust register it
17:03.27abrotmanEderson: ask #freenode
17:03.29fxinysmarf: 1.2 ? don't like it at all
17:04.24g00seEderson: /msg NickServ identify <password>
17:04.51smarffxiny, i was wrong, it's 1.0.9 (installed many softwares today)
17:05.09Edersong00se, I forgot the password, that's the problem :(
17:05.22g00seEderson: Sorry ;-)
17:05.24fxinysame /usr/bin/
17:05.46abrotmanEderson: ask #freenode
17:05.58g00seEderson: Although you might be able just to reset it like that ...
17:06.18Edersonabrotman, I am trere thanks
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17:06.43kensukeidois a bug
17:07.14abrotmankensukeido: you're running unstable
17:07.23kensukeidoabrotman: yes
17:07.40abrotmanyeah .. that happens .. if you want your system to work without issues like that, don't run unstable
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17:07.56fxinysmarf: --> "... uninstalling currently installed kernel modules ... "
17:08.44fxinysmarf: so , just run the install again and run the uninstaller
17:09.17smarffxiny, everything seems to be fine after doing the trick of the #vmware guys.
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17:09.32fxinysmarf: which one ?
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17:09.32smarfI'm already using vbox..
17:09.41smarffxiny, touch vsock.ko and then remove it.
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17:10.11fxinysmarf: so simple ;)
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17:12.20liarsits such a bummer being stuck on stable (lenny) sometimes
17:12.32liarsthe xorg 3d acceleration is really a terror in lenny
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17:37.18darrh00minutes ago I see emacs23 has been in unstable,but When I search again,it disappears.what can possibly happen?
17:37.44wildc4rdevening all
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17:41.46abrotmanjudd: versions emacs23
17:41.48juddabrotman: emacs23 --
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17:43.11gwzhey, i was wondering how i would go about connecting to my wifi which uses wpa, i already have wpasupplicant and passphrase etc
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17:46.42liarsgwz: it depends on how complicated a solution you want
17:47.02dpkgI ain't no stinkin' bot.  I am a finely tuned and hand crafted tool.  Oh wait... I guess I am a bot (that you should not abuse).
17:47.24liarsgwz: i use wicd which is light on resources, give it a shot, gnome also comes with a wifi manager application, part of network-manager i think
17:47.33norbert_norbert, versions emacs23
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17:47.44norbert_norbert_: versions emacs23
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17:49.13norbert_hark: I know :) I though that abrotman was telling the bot to do something
17:49.30abrotmani was asking the bot
17:49.45norbert_now I get it, judd is another bot
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17:50.19norbert_(I thought he was using dpkg to tell judd something)
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17:51.08n_nphey guys
17:51.20n_nphow do you download packages with the netinstall to install on other puters also?
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17:54.05mrtn1232when I do "diff file0 file1" I get a fallowing output: 14a15  What does that mean?
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17:55.07jaaltoI'm trying to start cvsd, but syslog says: "listening on 2401 bind() failed: Address already in use". I don't see port used in "netstat -tap". xinetd and inetd services were disabled for clean testing. What should I check next?
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17:56.45norbert_mrtn1232: something was added, probably lines 14 and 15, let me look it up for you
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17:58.12norbert_add a new line after line 14
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17:58.15norbert_that's what it means
17:58.59mrtn1232norbert_:  I was bit stupid. I did "ls . >> file0 && ls $pwd >> file1 | diff file0 file1". I should have done those logfiles file0 and file1 to /tmp folder. :D
17:59.01norbert_so, a line was probably added to file1
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18:00.32iandohhey does anyone here use VLC on debian lenny
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18:00.55norbert_iandoh: I do
18:00.57jpinx-eeepciandoh: yes
18:01.21norbert_and mplayer of course :)
18:01.33iandohhave any of you been able to sucessfully transocde uising it?
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18:02.10jpinx-eeepciandoh: /join #vlc - I have no clue what transcoding is
18:02.15norbert_never use vlc for it
18:02.24norbert_from what to what do you want to convert?
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18:02.29iandohim trying to transcode a mpeg-2 TS stream
18:02.34iandohwhich works fine in the VLC on windows
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18:02.49iandohbut no matter WHAT i do all it seems to give me is the source output like it cant find encoders
18:03.24norbert_I don't understand what you're saying, you might want to try #vlc, as jpinx-eeepc suggested
18:03.36iandohtranscoding as in, encoding
18:03.37*** join/#debian TrueDD (
18:04.46norbert_transcoding is conversion of one encoding to another
18:04.50TrueDDHi all
18:04.59norbert_so in order to understand what you mean, you'd have to mention two types
18:05.10iandohinput: Mpeg-2 TS stream
18:05.34iandohoutput: wmv, mpeg-1, divx (tried all) and nothing coems out or if it does, it just plays the source back
18:05.41iandohat the orginal source bitraqte
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18:06.16norbert_iandoh: try: ffmpeg -i in.mpg -sameq out.avi
18:06.33iandohthats the problem
18:06.35iandohi cant install ffmpeg
18:06.49norbert_then use: mencoder in.mpg -o out.avi -ovc copy -oac copy
18:06.59iandohwhen i goto do that, it tells me that i need to remove vlc to do it, im trying to stream not end up with a local file
18:07.05iandohcant use menoder either
18:07.12norbert_then join #vlc
18:07.14norbert_this is #debian
18:07.23norbert_good luck :)
18:07.55iandohive joined
18:08.21iandohi do apt-get install mplauyer it says
18:08.21iandohThe following packages will be REMOVED
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18:08.55Z4ndXHello.. Any one know a good program for showing system info... With shell ofc
18:09.05norbert_iandoh: add to /etc/apt/sources.list: deb lenny-backports main contrib non-free
18:09.09norbert_then run: apt-get update; apt-get upgrade
18:09.17rozieZ4ndX: define system info
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18:09.59Z4ndXLike RAM usage, users logged in, heat, CPU usage and so on
18:10.00iandohi need a key for backports
18:10.07norbert_and then use: apt-get -t lenny-backports install mplayer
18:10.21norbert_add the key with: wget -O - | apt-key add -
18:10.36Z4ndXKinda lige PHPsysinfo just in shell and not on webserver
18:10.58lesouvageMy idea is to have ssh not running by default and calling in the Asterisk server running on the server and pick the proper (hidden) choice from the voicemenu to start the sshd running before I want to login. This seems pretty safe, not protecting the door but simply remove it. But I can't stop and start sshd so I can't turn theory into practice.
18:11.25iandohThe following packages have unmet dependencies.
18:11.40iandohbut i cant install libavcodec as it removes vlc
18:11.44iandohits like a no win
18:11.52lesouvageWhen I'm done the idea is to call in to stop the sshd so noboddy can login.
18:12.16*** part/#debian liars (
18:12.47mavhcwouldn't port knocking be better?
18:12.58norbert_iandoh: installing libavcodec51 _removes_ vlc?
18:13.05*** join/#debian SQlvpapir (
18:13.06norbert_iandoh: I'm sorry, I can't help you any further
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18:14.16iandohwhat if i complied vlc on its own
18:14.21iandohwithout apt-get would that avoid the problem
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18:21.31eti remember that there was a way to stop services from starting after installation via policy-rc.d - does someone know what i'm talking about and can point me to some documentation?
18:23.47etfxiny: not init stuff
18:24.07etfxiny: packages have the habit of directly starting after installation, that's what i want to prevent
18:24.15fxinyet: take samba ,  stop the service first /etc/init.d/samba stop , then run update-rc.d -f  samba remove
18:24.34etfxiny: that's not what i'm after
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18:25.51etaptitude install foo -> "Starting Foo service: foo."
18:26.03*** part/#debian iandoh (
18:26.06abrotmanet: you want it to not start when installing ?
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18:26.31norbert_"The starting is done by the post-installation script in the package, so you'll need to modify that script and build a new package. (Or maybe file-roller can modify files within packages.)"
18:27.11mrtn1232is there a possibility to set up Linux RAID1(mdadm) during the installation of Debian? Or should it be done after the installation?
18:27.25abrotmanet: not really esaily done
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18:27.55xxtjaxxUhmm can you help me with a packageing issue aboput cpack ? this is the debian packaging part but cpack says it doesnt have a project name whats wrong?=
18:28.03enoufsmarf: yikes
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18:28.47enoufmaybe their name was smurf
18:28.54enoufor smores
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18:31.08norbert_et: you could temporarily rename invoke-rc.d
18:31.24norbert_the postinst script calls it as a last command
18:31.38*** join/#debian tanto (
18:31.41norbert_it's hard-wired, but if invoke-rc.d isn't there it can't run
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18:31.46tantodo i want to use apt-get or aptitude on debian??
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18:31.54norbert_tanto: aptitude
18:32.08tantoi'm not understanding the differences between them, why is aptitude better?
18:32.15dpkgapt-get is a program (part of the apt package) used as a simple command line tool to libapt.  apt-get is the most used front-end for <apt>.  See also <aptitude>, <reference>, <synaptic>, <apt-cache>.
18:32.16tantoaren't the packages pulled from the same repos?
18:32.17*** join/#debian margiolas (
18:32.25ajavid!tell tanto -about why aptitude
18:32.36norbert_right :)
18:32.50tantogreat, thanks
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18:34.49jairsorry :-)
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18:38.45enoufet: how about debconf? that desn't handle that?
18:39.10jairI have one of the latest thinkcentre desktops with a network adapter intel (pci-e) and the netinst can recognize the network adapter...
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18:39.54abrotman!tell jair about kmuto
18:39.55roziejair: which installer do you use?
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18:40.17rozieusb netinstall has problems even with e1000
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18:41.23gumboxWhat package do I have to install to get the keyboard(4) man page?
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18:41.55jairI am sorry I got disconnected can you repeat that?
18:42.08abrotman!tell jair about kmuto
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18:42.23jairI am running an irc client on my iPhone ;-)
18:42.31rozie20:45 < rozie> usb netinstall has problems even with e1000
18:42.40jairohhh I almost met him actually ;-)
18:42.47xxtjaxxUhmm can you help me with a packageing issue aboput cpack ? this is the debian packaging part but cpack says it doesnt have a project name whats wrong?=
18:42.48*** join/#debian BCM43 (
18:42.51luke3321This question may make no sense, but does KDE4 use dcop or dbus?
18:43.18jairabrotman I was in japan for two weeks but he was in Spain at the debconf
18:43.47jairabrotman I will send him an email then.
18:44.00abrotmandid you actally read what the bot said ?
18:44.08roziejair: just use his installer
18:44.21*** join/#debian Cain (n=Geek@unaffiliated/cain)
18:44.48BCM43hey, when installing on an aspire one i get the error "the attempt to mount a file system with type ext3 in SCSI3 (0,0,0), partion #1 (sdb) at / failed." How can I fix this?
18:44.57jairnope I haven't abrotman I am running a limited irc client from my iPhone while I am in a bus going to the beach to play volleyball ;-)
18:45.08abrotmanso why would you ask us now?
18:46.28*** join/#debian UNera (
18:46.30jairabrotman just checking to see if anyone have use or know about a solution for my issue, and it looks like I will be using the kmuto-san netinstaller
18:46.58roziejair: you can boot knoppix and install with debootstrap
18:47.19roziejair: what's the driver for this card?
18:47.36jairwhy you and some other experience debian users are in such a bad mood all the time I fucking hate that. that is not good for new debian users. I am not that new but I am talking for others
18:48.07jairrozie let me get the exact driver name
18:48.24maligorbad mood?
18:48.29roziejair: why bad mood?
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18:48.31hacker_kidi understand how to create basic ip failover with heartbeat, does anyone know how to create dual-ipfailover ie each node is master and slave
18:48.53jairI am talking to abrotman about the bad mood. others can ignore the message
18:49.07\amethystbad mood?
18:49.11roziejair: suggesting knoppix is not a bad mood. it's getting things done
18:49.15\amethystyou asked him for help and ignored his answer twice
18:49.26\amethystbecause you don't know how to use your IRC client
18:49.41roziejair: tell the new to use google first. it may help a lot
18:49.44abrotmanjair: you didn't read what the bot told you .. i'm not in a bad mood .. but you came here to ask questions totally unprepared to use the answer .. thanks for playing
18:49.58jairlet's focus and not start drama. focus on debian and helping others
18:50.18jairI apologize
18:50.27roziebeing helpdesk all the time is not very funny, especially if answer is on first google results page
18:50.31BCM43hugs everbody
18:50.39gumboxthat's what they were doing 'til you got all wife on them, jair
18:50.41jairI am trying to do my best with a limited irc client
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18:51.08jairagain I apologize let's focus
18:51.38abrotmanwe did .. you can't even figure out how to read a msg
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18:51.41jairthe driver rozie is the latest one from intel I can't remember if it was e1000e
18:51.47gumboxok.. so what package installs the keyboard(4) and mouse(4) man pages?
18:52.13jair/me ignore non debian related messages
18:52.25BCM43hey, when installing on an aspire one i get the error "the attempt to mount a file system with type ext3 in SCSI3 (0,0,0), partion #1 (sdb) at / failed." How can I fix this?
18:52.29vmxhi. is there a config file or an env variable to set the architecture dpkg-buildpackage uses?
18:52.54enoufBCM43: edit /etc/fstab?
18:53.05*** join/#debian yehezkel_ (
18:53.16gumboxthe type must be wrong, BCM43 use 'sudo fdisk -l' to see the partitions and types
18:53.54BCM43enouf: gumbox: it has not even started an install, just started to partition.
18:54.11enoufcompare with blkid, dmesg, and file -s /dev/nameX output
18:54.22jairrozie, and I actually tried to build the .deb and install it on the debian thinkcentre box but I needed make and gcc and the current netinst does not have those packages. so I guess I can try using the DVDs CDs for debian or use kmuto-san installer
18:55.16*** join/#debian xlotlu (n=john@
18:55.24enoufoh, it's attempting to use that as it's '/' .. maybe you didn't the installer to wipe/convert it ? are you in rescue mode? try expert mode
18:55.38enoufwhich installer?
18:55.57BCM43enouf: netinstall
18:56.22enoufthe message doesn't sound debian - and scsi3 isn't a typo?
18:56.44BCM43enouf: no, no typo, internal ssd, 8gb
18:57.29enoufahh.. hrm which module do you need for that controller?
18:57.32jairBCM43 are you doing a fresh istall using netinst Lenny 5.0.2?
18:57.44enouflistvals acer
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18:57.47enouf!listvals acer
18:57.49dpkgFactoid search of 'acer' by value (15 of 20): acerone ;; ask-sp ;; cacert ;; dnsutils ;; mtr ;; netbook ;; netselect ;; netselect-apt ;; planetpenguin-racer ;; povray ;; ppracer ;; soyuz ;; tracert ;; tuxracer ;; xracer.
18:57.55dpkgThe Aspire One netbook is a low-cost laptop PC manufactured by Acer.  Models supplied with Linux are shipped with the <Linpus> Linux Lite operating system and are not supported in #debian.  To install Debian, see for installation, configuration and troubleshooting instructions.
18:58.01BCM43jair: yes. this happens with other distos too, and is new.
18:58.21enoufLinpus? oomPAHloomPAH ?
18:58.24*** join/#debian karrotx (n=steveb2@unaffiliated/karrotx)
18:58.29karrotxi need bruteforce detection for debian
18:58.32BCM43this was xp originaly
18:58.32karrotxwhat do you recommend?
18:59.12enoufBCM43: have you tried debian.exe ?
18:59.17dpkgdebian.exe is a debian-installer loader for win32. It installs Debian as default; it installs grub for NT on C drive, then downloads the netboot kernel/initrd.gz from, and creates entries in boot.ini to load grub/menu.lst.  Available at Also ask me about  <ig> <setup.exe> or see
18:59.25CcSsNETfail2ban, iptables, psad, or portsentry
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18:59.37jairBCM43 so you go through the istallation process and you are having error messges while you are on the partitioning phase of the installer?
18:59.42enoufbut anyways BCM43 how about that wiki pages
18:59.48*** join/#debian Cynope (n=omid@
18:59.53BCM43enouf: it no longer has windows on it
19:00.04BCM43jair: yes
19:00.13enoufi already figured - heh ; hence my wiki comment that dpkg told us
19:00.46BCM43enouf: I have already installed debian on it just fine, then wiped it, tried some other distos, then tried debian again.
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19:00.56jairBCM43 are you telling the installer to assist you with the partioning or you are doing manual partitioning?
19:01.10caretais there a way to de-install some packages with aptitude, save that list of packages and re-install them later?
19:01.44BCM43jair:  I habe tried both, when I tell fdisk to write it returns fdisk printout: “Calling ioctl() to re-read partition table. WARNING: Re-reading  the partition table failed with error 16: Device or resource busy” then does nothing on reboot
19:02.04jaircareta you can save the result of dpkg -l >> somefile and then work with the packages.
19:02.13hiwkcareta: may I ask why?
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19:02.49dvscareta: dpkg --get-selections; dpkg --set-selections
19:02.55caretai need to de-install a .dev package to test something  and it will de-install a lot of other .dev packages
19:02.55etFIXwith an old kernel (2.6.24) i got nice decimal values for zone pfn ranges (in syslog), now with newer kernels there's a hex-value.. is this is a kernel change thing or it can be configured somewhere? does anyone know?
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19:03.36jairBCM43 I think you want to do a cold power off of the system boot with a live cd fdisk and delete all partitions then powerboff again and boot from the netinst again.
19:03.45hiwkcareta: if you do something like "aptitude remove foo" and it suggests to remove bar1, bar2 and so on, it is usually because bar* is a dependency to foo
19:03.48enoufindeed dvs - or grep-{status,available} etc .. or aptitude -- careta you might like to install aptitude-doc-en and view the html docs
19:04.08BCM43jair: tried
19:04.11hiwkcareta: and as such, those will automatically be installed when you do aptitude install foo
19:04.55BCM43jair it seems the disk is write protected.
19:04.58*** join/#debian ToXBoT_ (i=toxbot@unaffiliated/toxbot)
19:05.30enoufcareta: you might want to mark some pkgs as manually installed, so /msg dpkg unmarkauto
19:05.32jairBCM43 is this something that can be changed in the bios of your machine?
19:05.48BCM43jair not that I know of
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19:06.59jairhmm never had that type of issue my friend if i was you I will check in google for acer disk wrprotected and see what they did to make it writable again
19:07.37*** join/#debian ToXBoT__ (i=toxbot@
19:08.12jairI am close to my destination so I will be logging off soon. I will be back later and Monday with updates on the kmuto installer on the thinkcentre desktop.
19:08.32jairthis is a 64bit desktop btw
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19:09.50enoufBCM43: you should perhaps consider dd and /dev/zero the disk out
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19:09.55jairtalk to you all later
19:10.31hacker_kidanyone know how to build a dual master cluster with heartbeat?
19:10.32enoufBCM43: also - find out which controller module you need loaded
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19:10.48wald0im trying to update the upstream of the nvidia package, but i get an error with the debian/rules file, can somebody help me ?
19:10.52wald0or where i should ask ?
19:11.06dpkgthe makefile that's used when building a .deb from source.  Edit debian/rules to change compilation options. Be aware that some packages use sophisticated build systems that should be documented in debian/README.source. Also remember to make a new entry in debian/changelog with "~yourname" (for a backport) or "+yourname" (for a recompile) added to the version number. Also ask me about <hold> <package recompile> <source>.
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19:12.42TagorHow can I delate a directory with the current day-number?
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19:13.05wald0echo $(date +%F)
19:13.25master_of_masterhi, how can I use/try a -dbg package?
19:13.37TagorOk so it will be rm -rf $(date +%F) ?
19:13.58hiwkTagor: nononono
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19:14.28TagorWhat else?
19:14.31hiwkTagor: read about 'find'
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19:15.46happycan someone help me? I have a text file that has some characters in it that are not even unicode. Is there a way to remove all characters that do not exist in a text file?
19:16.02hiwkTagor: somthineg like find [path] -Xtime [time] -exec echo rm \{\} \;   except -Xtime should be something else
19:16.19hiwkTagor: and when you are satisfied with the output, remove echo
19:17.02hiwkTagor: alternatively, if you just have one folder, you might do some innovative grep-ing on the ls -l output and use that as an input to rm
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19:17.51CutMeOwnThroatthere's -newer
19:18.21TagorThanks :)
19:18.39enoufmaster_of_master: install it? look at output of dpkg -L <pkgname>
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19:20.44master_of_masterenouf: I've done that, but the files aren't executable
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19:21.16enoufhow about the README - no info?
19:21.46enoufare "the files" supposed to be executable?
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19:22.47wald0how where i can send/upload a new upstream version of a debian package ?
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19:25.16master_of_masterenouf: yes, asterisk should be executable.
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19:25.32enoufso make it so
19:25.46enoufwald0: /msg dpkg mentors
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19:28.51enoufi'm guessing you'd need to recompile the binaries to include symbols
19:29.28enoufif file `which binary` says stripped, that'd be the case in most cases
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19:29.57enoufmaster_of_master: ^^^^
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19:31.16KeiKuronois there a .deb of zend studio or aptana? :/
19:31.44CynopeKeiKurono, use VIM! :D
19:32.05CynopeDon't you dare to use those Java IDEs...
19:32.18KeiKuronoCynope, they are bad?
19:32.44craigevilKeiKurono:  no but you can mkae one >
19:32.53KeiKuronovim as php-js support too?
19:32.59KeiKuronocraigevil, thanks, i pass :)
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19:33.20CynopeOc. I use it for my Zend Projects.
19:34.27CynopeKeikurono, It's a lot lighter than those IDE's and if you are patient you can add 70% of features of those IDEs to VIM
19:34.28KeiKuronoi need syntax checkes
19:34.39n-iCe_is the flash link working?
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19:35.11Cynopeer... It doesn't do Syntax check unfortunatly, but it doest have syntax highlighting, a little bit of intellisense... Project feature
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19:35.51KeiKuronoCynope, i used aptana in windows i felt comfortable with it
19:36.19CynopeKeiKurono: Good then :) I just can't stand Java IDEs they are way too heavy for me.
19:36.52KeiKuronoCynope, as soon as i wil not needed syntax checkes i think i 'll switch to vim, but to noob for that now
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19:39.12KeiKuronoi have either gnome and gtk libs, should i download vim-gnome or vim-gtk ? :/
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19:43.04CyrHi, I am trying to connect a Canon Powershot G10 to my computer via USB to download my pictures...
19:43.29CyrI can't get any block device to mount...
19:43.53CyrCan anyone help me?
19:44.53CyrWhen I run udev in debug mode, I can see the following message:
19:44.56Cyr[14138] run_program: '/sbin/modprobe' (stderr) 'FATAL: Module usb:v04A9p318Fd0002dc00dsc00dp00ic06isc01ip01 not found.
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19:45.09CyrDoes it ring a bell to someone?
19:45.27macrobatKeiKurono: vim-gtk is what i use, it is gvim
19:46.06maligorCyr, gphoto2 would support that, I don't know if you can mount it as normal mass storage
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19:46.33macrobataslo the colorsamplerpack:
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19:47.37Cyrmaligor: I'll try that right now :-)
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19:48.05daf999How can I find documentation for things like:   net.ipv6.neigh.eth1.base_reachable_time_ms
19:48.28owner_Hi guys, I'm compiling zoneminder and seem to have trouble with dependencies, as it needs libgnutls-dev for which apt returns "Depends: libgnutls26 (= 2.4.2-6+lenny1) but 2.6.6-1 is to be installed". I'm on lenny stable... any suggestions please?
19:48.50abrotmansounds like you've been mixing versions of debian
19:48.55dvsCyr: Try "update-usbids"
19:49.00macrobati take the memory card out of the camera and use a card reader for it
19:50.02Cyrmacrobat: yes but my 10$ internal card reader is (naturally) broken :-/
19:50.33CynopeKeiKurono: Which ever your prefer, I use gtk.
19:50.54macrobat:(  i got a cheap usb one, Cyr
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19:51.15TagorHow can I prevent a command in a .sh file to output information?
19:51.20owner_abrotman: i believe i haven't. is there anything i can do to check for/resolve this?
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19:51.46dvsmacrobat: what's wrong with that?  I have a "cheap" USB one and an internal one.  The internal one can't read SDHC cards
19:52.24macrobatTagor: redirection > /dev/null
19:52.39abrotmanowner_: apt-cache policy foo
19:53.44macrobatdvs, its not wrong :)  a good thing is that i dont use the batteries in the camera while i transfer pics
19:53.52daf999how to get documentation for sysctl parameters?
19:54.26abrotmanowner_: it's asking about libgnutls26
19:54.35dvsmacrobat: Oh.  I thought you meant that the internal ones are better than the USB ones.
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19:54.40themillowner_: perhaps you could pastebin the output of "apt-cache policy" for us
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19:55.36owner_abrotman: that's what i'm trying to install.. sorry, I actually launched 'apt-cache policy libgnutls-dev'... here's plain 'apt-chache policy
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19:56.29owner_and my sources...
19:56.42Cyrdvs: update-usbids didn't help
19:56.49Cyrdvs: file "/var/lib/usbutils/usb.ids" goes up to PowerShot G9 not G10
19:56.51Cyrdvs: If I can help updating this file...
19:57.00*** join/#debian Anon4609 (n=Anon4609@
19:57.03abrotmanthat's not the whole file
19:57.03Cyrmaligor: Could gphotofs help me mount a block device from my Canon PowerShot G10?
19:57.10abrotmanerm .. whole output
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19:57.39maligorCyr, I guess
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19:58.30owner_abrotman: this really is all i get? should there be more?
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19:59.06doudouhi, i changed my monitor, and now it says cant display this video mode
19:59.34abrotmanowner_: apt-cache policy libgnutls26
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20:02.42Cyrmaligor: gphoto2 goes up to PowerShot G9... What's the problem with this cam??
20:03.22maligortoo old gphoto2 I suppose
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20:03.32maligorthe gphoto2 website list has PowerShot G10
20:03.34abrotmanowner_: looks like you installed that package manually
20:05.50Cyrmaligor: ok. I think I got it. A simple "gphoto2 --auto-detect" found it as a general PTP camera... I'm already seing the thumbnails in gtkam :-)
20:06.40owner_abrotman: I can't remember. Should I remove it and try installing libgnutls-dev again?
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20:07.36abrotmanyes if you can
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20:09.22Cyrsh*t: "Problem Getting 'IMG_0001.JPG' from folder '/store_0010001/DCIM/100CANON'"
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20:10.07n215is debian best linux dist ?
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20:10.48owner_abrotman: wow.. I'm not so sure that's what I wan't! ?
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20:12.05CyrOk... Downloading 531 pictures :-)
20:12.11Cyrthanks for the help :-)
20:12.55abrotmanowner_: try using aptitude instead
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20:15.56mrehPackage libxul0d is not available, but is referred to by another package.
20:15.56mrehThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or
20:15.56mrehis only available from another source
20:16.00owner_abrotman: that looks better, should i accept this? is it going to downgrade by itself or do i need to do that manually? also, should i use aptitude instead of apt-get in the future to avoid similar issues?
20:16.02smacnayIs aptitude temporarily broken due to dependency issues?
20:16.08smacnayOr is this permanent?
20:16.10mrehhow can I diagnose what the problem is with this message?
20:16.16abrotmanit's going to have to downgrade it
20:16.23abrotmanowner_: and yes .. normally use aptitude
20:16.30smacnayoops - I will read what is being typed above
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20:19.27owner_abrotman: very well done... Thanks for your help!
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20:23.36GNU_LOVERhi, i change my network LAN, and restart the router and the system but can't connect to internet, must i reconfigure DHCP or network to connection or any another solution?
20:25.03nsadminGNU_LOVER: first, and in detail,
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20:25.12nsadminwhat exactly did you change?
20:25.19ranixdhclient, run it
20:25.40MooseMoralsis there a command that will suspend a system from text mode?
20:26.09GNU_LOVERnsadmin: i have anew LAND card the old network card used for another PC
20:26.37nsadminwhat's a LAND card?
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20:26.51nsadminso an ethernet card?
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20:26.58GNU_LOVERnsadmin: yes
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20:27.06nsadminok, is it working?
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20:27.19nsadminso that's the first thing...
20:27.24GNU_LOVERthe light is green is connected
20:27.30GNU_LOVERbut no connection
20:27.30nsadminis it for the inside or outside?
20:27.58nsadminlooks like I need more info...
20:28.10KeiKuronoas expected aptana won't run... :/
20:28.24nsadminso this new lan card is in what machine?
20:28.24GNU_LOVERnsadmin: what? my question is clear
20:28.40GNU_LOVERnetwork caqrd changed but have no connection.
20:28.47GNU_LOVERwhat is more?
20:28.50smacnaywhere oh where did libapt-pkg-libc6.9-6-4.7 go?  Oh where oh where can it be?  :)  It took aptitude with it.  :(
20:28.53nsadminI need the shape of your net and the names of the involved boxes
20:29.19nsadminthe names don't have to be real as long as they're constant while we're conversing
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20:29.54KeiKuronoi've installed aptana from his site, the process start but hang up with the aptana studio logo.. how can i solve it?
20:30.08GNU_LOVERnsadmin: i think that hat nothing to do with my question. fo example you have pc and you change the network card to anew one but you have no connection. what must recofigured again?
20:30.39abrotmanKeiKurono: maybe ask the author ?
20:30.41nsadminyou need the driver at least
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20:30.56GNU_LOVERwhich driver, i have no connection
20:31.09GNU_LOVERwhat with driver??
20:31.15nsadminI really have no idea, you're blocking information
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20:31.51GNU_LOVERnsadmin: you have no idea, that is true
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20:32.42strawHey, I see that in /etc/modprobe.d/aliases much longer and less ituitional aliases are created. Why? Which sybsytem is using these?
20:32.45kinnehhi all,  how do I figure out the difference between debian policy 3.7.3 and 3.8.2 ?
20:32.58GNU_LOVERany idea?
20:33.03nsadminyou don't give specific information, you decide whether to volunteer info or not, and you have the gall to tell me what I know?
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20:33.17GNU_LOVERnsadmin: wtf, !!?
20:33.27nsadmineither come across with the information I requested or ask someone else
20:34.16KeiKuronoabrotman, don't think the aptana team will ever reply to me...
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20:34.46WastePotatobeardy: Lmao.
20:35.35abrotmanGNU_LOVER: do you know which driver is for your new card ?
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20:36.16cahootudev at work?
20:36.19GNU_LOVERabrotman: this network card was on another pc for some dayes, without problem, plugin and finish
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20:36.25abrotmanGNU_LOVER: do you know which driver is for your new card ?
20:36.32mrtn1232is lspci able to show PCI-E devices as well?
20:36.41abrotmanmrtn1232: it should
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20:36.55GNU_LOVERididnøt need driver,is DHCP
20:37.00*** mode/#debian [+l 989] by debhelper
20:37.05nsadminthere -really- needs to be a paid section of this channel
20:37.18abrotmanGNU_LOVER: the hardware driver for your card has nothing to do with it being configured as static or dhcp
20:37.23nsadminbecause if I'm going to get crap, I want to be paid
20:37.32abrotmannsadmin: you can always step away
20:37.38GNU_LOVERabrotman: i have no internet what with driver?
20:37.55GNU_LOVERwhy the same card with same debian version worked on another PC?
20:38.24cahootgot another eth*?
20:38.29GNU_LOVERwithout extra driver!??
20:38.48abrotmanGNU_LOVER: did you look through 'dmesg' ?
20:38.55nsadminGNU_LOVER: it possibly will... but until you tell him what he wants to know, he won't be able to rule out possibilities that you came here to get help with
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20:40.54GNU_LOVERthe network is on board "Accton Technology Corporation SMC2-1211TX"
20:40.56nsadminmy problem with you is you're acting like you can be abusive as if you have paid support... this is volunteers, and you don't have paid support here (I happen to have mixed feelings about that)
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20:41.01abrotmanGNU_LOVER: you're still not answering my questoins
20:41.22GNU_LOVERabrotman: the funy think if i turn of my lapetop with wireless worked fine
20:41.27strawWhat part of Debian (or Linux subsystem) is using the longer aliases from /etc/modprobe.d/aliases?
20:41.33abrotmanokay .. then don't answer the questions
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20:41.50GNU_LOVERbut if the lapetop connected to same router i have on pc no connection more!!?
20:42.02GNU_LOVERwhich question?
20:42.10abrotmani've asked you two questions now .. neither of which you've answered
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20:42.42GNU_LOVERabrotman: i can't see you question, srry
20:42.57nsadminthen scroll up :)
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20:43.22GNU_LOVERabrotman: yes i see dmesg
20:43.28Arie01is /etc/network/interfaces the only config file?
20:43.46abrotmanGNU_LOVER: maybe you should try reading it
20:44.28Arie01where the default gateway can be set
20:44.28nsadminArie01: no, look in /etc for lots more config files
20:44.28GNU_LOVERnsadmin: as i said the funist think is worked if not connected to wireless with my laptop!!
20:44.28GNU_LOVERabrotman: is 100 line
20:44.28abrotmanso? read it
20:44.33nsadmindoes your wireless router have the same subnet as the wired?
20:44.56GNU_LOVERabrotman: what is so intressting in it?
20:45.10GNU_LOVERi see nothing without report the hardware and ..etc
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20:45.15abrotmanGNU_LOVER: if you're not going to read it .. i'm not going to help you
20:45.28KeiKuronoany suggestion?
20:45.41GNU_LOVERabrotman: and i'm really sure that you no answer
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20:45.45PolarinaHow do I change my keyboard layout to esperanto when the keyboard layout configuration in GNOME breaks?
20:45.49nsadmin2 down... 987 to go...
20:45.50abrotmanokay ..
20:45.51GNU_LOVERbut you try to write somthing
20:46.04GNU_LOVERno idea like you partner nsadmin
20:46.08GNU_LOVERok thnx
20:46.28abrotmanGNU_LOVER: have fun
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20:46.56GNU_LOVERfuny is "no idea and say read 100 line to nothing"
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20:47.07GNU_LOVERis not funy that your answer LOL
20:47.42abrotmanyou're not willing to give the answers that people need to help you ..
20:48.01GNU_LOVERabrotman: r u understand what i say"??????????????!!
20:48.23GNU_LOVERis fu***more than 100 lines which one or what is intresting?
20:48.39nsadminread it and see
20:48.43GNU_LOVERyou still say read the dmesg is nothing
20:49.00GNU_LOVERnsadmin: yeh yeh
20:49.03nsadminbut that's just one of the questions he asked
20:49.28GNU_LOVERwtf, which question again??
20:49.48PolarinaHow do you change the keyboard layout in a terminal?
20:49.55GNU_LOVERi said " the connection worked if i not connected with other pc && laptops to internet""
20:49.57nsadminsee for yourself... it's in your scrollback, I guess
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20:50.11GNU_LOVERany one understand this F*** problem!?
20:50.16strawI don't mean to be rude, but couldn't you just stop ranting and help the others?
20:50.43owner_abrotman: sorry to bug you again. i can't get my head around this one. ever since the downgrade, i can't start my apache2. it gives 'apache2/usr/sbin/apache2: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory' I can't find anything on this...
20:51.11abrotmanowner_: /msg dpkg apt-file
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20:51.24abrotmanowner_: find the package that owns that file
20:51.41nsadminstraw: did you have something you wanted to ask about?
20:51.51strawYes :]
20:51.55strawWhat part of Debian (or Linux subsystem) is using the longer aliases from /etc/modprobe.d/aliases?
20:52.20GNU_LOVERnsadmin: i read it again , you L*** is no question that i have not answered before
20:52.23nsadminthe module loader
20:52.43nsadminspecifically modprobe
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20:53.28strawWhy isn't modprobe just using the shorter real module names? Like 'wire' instead of 'net-pf-16-proto-1'?
20:53.46nsadminare you trying to accomplish somethign specific right now?
20:54.06strawNot really, I just wonder what's the real reason for this file.
20:54.27nsadminthe names like net-pf-16-proto-1 come from the kernel and are autogenerated...
20:54.34*** join/#debian RaDiC_rs (
20:54.45strawso wire is the alias?
20:55.07nsadminsometimes you can have a choice as to which module you want handling (for example) net-pf-16-proto-1
20:55.51owner_abrotman: .. I don't have the -dbg installed but already tried removing/reinstalling the libkrb53 package and that didn't help...
20:56.06nsadminsometimes you can have differing hardware, and modprobe would try to load the appropriate module... but it's not an autodetector and so you have to configure it
20:56.12abrotmanowner_: does the file actually exist ?
20:56.40strawnsadmin: ah, I see. Thank you!
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20:57.32fas3rmkinitramfs and mkinitrd are the same command ?
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20:58.19nsadminanother example, is say an application generates sound... if the module isn't yet loaded, then modprobe could get the name SOUND-CARD-1 or something like that, look it up and load the module for that
20:59.21owner_abrotman: it doesn't seem to ..
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20:59.59abrotmanowner_: aptitude reinstall libkrb53
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21:00.32nsadminstraw: I hope I've communicated the basic concept
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21:01.58owner_abrotman: once again, nicely done, sir! i guess i've got some reading-up to do on aptitude.... THANK YOU SO MUCH!
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21:02.11abrotmangood plan
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21:02.18fas3ri don't find the command mkinitrd, mkinitamfs is the same ?
21:02.20abrotmanit's nice when people actually read :)
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21:02.44strawfas3r: yes
21:02.51fas3rok thank straw
21:02.54nsadminfas3r: it might not be the same command but they both serve the same purpose
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21:03.14strawfas3r: mkinitramfs -o /boot/mkinitrd-2.6.30 /lib/modules/****
21:04.08fas3roki thank straw
21:04.52nsadminmkinitramfs should be called for you when the kernel package is installed
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21:05.36FuriousRagea stupid question maybe, but can debian use an PCI-e atheros 1GBit network card "out of the box"?
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21:06.27nsadminFuriousRage depends on: the specific chipset, the kernel you're running (since the kernel encapsulates the drivers)
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21:07.46FuriousRagensadmin: its a "Atheros QR8121 / AR8113 / AR8114 PCI-E Ethernet controller" in the device manager in the computer its currently in
21:07.48nsadminis the card installed right now in a running linux?
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21:08.58nsadminso AR8121?
21:09.17exnguys, is any replacement for "ingress" for tc ? maybe some trick..
21:09.23nsadminone thing that might be helpful is googling each one of those
21:09.28rgrCan anyone here recommend a tv/video capture card which works "out of the box" or with minimal building with Debian please. I want to catch and stream video live.
21:09.39macrobatPolarina: in /etc/X11/xorg.conf  Section "InputDevice" for keyboard, i have set Option         "XkbLayout"     "se" where se is swedish, i dont know what the two esperanto letters are
21:10.12macrobatoh, that will be hard to read :)
21:10.32Polarinamacrobat: Is it possible to change without restarting X? I have two keyboard layouts I wish to use just as frequently.
21:10.42cahootmacrobat: epo?
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21:10.55macrobatPolarina: i suppose hal can do it
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21:12.44macrobati think you copy  /usr/share/hal/fdi/policy/10osvendor/10-keymap.fdi somewhere to /etc and edit it
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21:13.07macrobatthen unplug and plug in your keyboard
21:13.59tantoanyone use shorewall with lenny?
21:14.21tantoi'm not sure how to make shorewall log, it's not writing to /var/log/messages or console
21:14.53strawnsadmin: I try to put it in a nutshell. "wire" is the normal module name. And net-pf-1-proto-1 is a from kernel autogenerated (and hardware-depending) let's call it 'Symbol'. So modprobe.d\s Alias commands are there for connecting both. Is that right so far?
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21:15.32EzepHello, I installed a foreign package from adobe, but it say me that I need a package called "iceape-plugin" and that package doesn't exits. When I try to purge adobe package, It say me that I have to install it first, And I cannot install anything else, here is a paste of the result:
21:16.05macrobatPolarina:  you use the output of "hal-device | grep keyboard"  to find something to put in your /etc/hal/fdi/policy/10osvendor/10-keymap.fdi
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21:17.37macrobatPolarina: nevermind i found "setxkbmap" much easier :)
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21:29.24g00seyou should
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21:29.32g00se# reinstall it before attempting a removal.
21:29.47g00seEzep: Did you?
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21:34.20tantoguys, i know someone here is using debian lenny + shorewall
21:34.34tantoi just need to figure out how the hell to make shorewall logging work, cuz debian lenny is doing something strange.
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21:35.33dhiaeldeeni have a wireless internet , and can not connect it to linux ,although  it's working on my PSP well .
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21:50.16daffidityhi what is the dfifference between sudo, su and gksu?
21:51.53g00seI've been cutting the power suddenly to my 'BT Voyager 220V' router. Surely this can't be good for it?
21:53.01Ezepg00se: yes yes, but when I try to reinstall, apt say me that I need the package "iceape-plugin (or something like that", do you wanna an input?
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21:54.31g00sewell try to do what it suggests
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21:55.55Ezepg00se: ,that was strange :|
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21:59.05Ezepg00se: forget it, it's solved, thanks :)
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22:01.47mooneyeIs it possible to install a program locally as a non-root user? (Locally as in just for that one user)
22:02.25racecar56where can i find Y, the replacement for X
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22:03.32sladiHi! I just built a kernel lik this . It won't boot, there is a kernel panic because it can't load the / filesystem.
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22:04.11kdasdasfhi any good designer (html/css/photoshop) here? will pay for design
22:04.18kdasdasfany hints appreceated
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22:04.28sladimooneye, AFAIK the program should have an installdir option durin 'configure'
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22:05.32mooneyeI probably sound like a newb, but what's AFAIK?
22:05.41cheakoHello, my nautilus crashes every time I click on a desktop icon.  Is there a way I can stop this but still keep my background?
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22:05.43JPTas far as i know = afaik
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22:09.54sladiI see it's a bug
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22:15.32valdynslummer: did you forget the --initrd switch?
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22:30.11ewethi, is it possible to have sound in a xephyr box with alsa?
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22:31.00macrobatcheako: maybe you can start nautilus in a terminal and paste the error messages
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22:32.11hacker_kidis there anyway to failover two ips? ie if A fails pass A's ip to B, and if B fails pass B's ip to A?
22:32.12macrobatbut i guess nautilus is started when you start gnome, right?
22:32.18PolarinaHow do I change subversion so it doesn't touch the GNOME keyring?
22:32.43themillPolarina: in what way is subversion touching the gnome keyring?
22:33.03Polarinathemill: It's trying to use it when I store my password.
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22:33.51ivanki've installed gnome-do and gnome-do-plugins in unstable, and the gnome-do preferences can't see any plugins. has anyone solved a similar problem?
22:33.56themillPolarina: that's your ssh-askpass that's doing that (not svn)
22:34.10Polarinathemill: How do I murder it?
22:34.38dhiaeldeenthis room is not so active .
22:35.05themillPolarina: You could use a different ssh-askpass-fullscreen (or ssh-askpass, not sure which one is used in this case)
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22:35.12dhiaeldeenqcd : have i to enter something in DNS , i left it blank
22:35.26Polarinathemill: No, I want svn to not use it.
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22:35.51themillPolarina: the you'll have to some how disconnect that shell from your ssh-agent
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22:38.13themillPolarina: if you export SSH_ASKPASS=/usr/lib/ssh/x11-ssh-askpass (or similar) that will proably work.
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22:38.24magnuXhello everyone
22:38.47themillPolarina: (that's actually using a different ssh-askpass so your ssh-agent will still work for you)
22:39.13Polarinathemill: The reason I want to fix this is because it asks me for my keyring password and spams this message: "** (process:24162): WARNING **: couldn't connect to daemon at $GNOME_KEYRING_SOCKET: /tmp/keyring-oA6JX1/socket: Connection refused"
22:39.29magnuXI had compile the kernel with kernel-package but after rebooting I get this message when I try to boot with the new kernel
22:39.43magnuXlease append a correct "root=" boot option. Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0)
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22:41.12themillPolarina: nfc about that... don't use gnome at all, let along gnome keyring.
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22:42.24pipelinemagnuX: bad initrd or otherwise missing driver
22:43.25magnuXpipeline, I am thinking about the missing driver too
22:43.52magnuXpipeline, but I have selected all the ATA-PATA drivers and it still doesnt work
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22:44.23pipelinemagnuX: there are other possibilities - you could have also cocked it up such that LABEL doesn't work, or lvm, or or or...
22:44.24magnuXthe initrd is ok, I am comparing it with the debian default kernel
22:44.30pipelinemagnuX: you're probably better off not building your own kernel.
22:45.03racecar56how do i change the desktop from the spotty 'xorg loading' to something else
22:45.32magnuXpipeline, I am trying to make work a wifi card who doesnt work with defaults debian kernels
22:46.23themillmagnuX: what's the card?
22:47.27factordoes anyone in ehre use a huappage remote control, I loaded the module but what programs uses that module ir-kbd-i2c
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22:48.27pipelinemagnuX: oh, so you're getting your arm twisted, here.
22:48.42magnuXthemill, Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL-8185 IEEE 802.11a/b/g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 20
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22:49.12dpkg[rtl-wifi] the Realtek Linux wireless drivers, forked from the rtl8180-sa2400 project.  Supports RTL8180, RTL8185, RTL8187 and RTL8187B chipsets.  RTL8187 support included in mainline kernel from 2.6.23, RTL8180 and RTL8185 from 2.6.25, some RTL8187B from 2.6.27.  RTL8187SE not supported, ask me about <rtl8187se>.
22:49.14magnuXwhen I ifconfig wlan0 the pc freezes
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22:49.26magnuXthemill, it doesnt work...
22:49.43pipelinemagnuX: I doubt upgrading your kernel is going to help wit that particular problem...
22:49.48magnuXthemill, I have tried with all the debian modules, always the computer freezes
22:49.50pipelinemagnuX: better just to get a betetr wifi card.
22:50.08themillmagnuX: have you tried the 2.6.30 kernel from
22:50.18magnuXpipeline, nice way to solve things
22:50.23magnuXthemill, that is a great idea
22:50.36magnuXhavent try it yet, thank you
22:50.44themillmagnuX: /msg dpkg bpo
22:50.55themillmuch easier than compiling your own...
22:51.48PolarinaHow do I stop `svn update` from spamming "** (process:24732): WARNING **: couldn't connect to daemon at $GNOME_KEYRING_SOCKET: /tmp/keyring-oA6JX1/socket: Connection refused"?
22:52.16themillPolarina: did setting SSH_ASKPASS not work?
22:52.32Polarinathemill: What does it really do?
22:52.41themillPolarina: man ssh
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22:53.22Polarinathemill: The path you gave me doesn't exist on my machine.
22:54.07Polarinathemill: No, it doesn't help.
22:54.45themillPolarina: you'll probably need to install a terminal-only ssh-askpass that won't try talking to gnome.
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22:54.57Polarinathemill: Do you know of one?
22:55.02pipelinemagnuX: hey, it's been the way to solve problems for twenty years.
22:55.27pipelinemagnuX: I only have intel and 3com NICs in my house :X
22:55.58themillPolarina: unsetting it will probably also work, actually
22:56.07heffayive heard people caution me against running a mixed distribution (ie. stable with some packages from testing) but is it ok to run testing with a few packages from stable?
22:56.43Polarinathemill: How do I do that?
22:56.47magnuXpipeline, somethings you cant change the hw, the easy way to justify it doesnt work is just get a new one
22:57.01themillPolarina: better would be to fix the gnome keyring so that your ssh could talk to it.... but you're going to have to work on that yourself.
22:57.34Polarinathemill: I don't want to fix ssh. I want to fix svn that's trying to authenticate over https.
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22:58.07themillPolarina: hang on.... did I make up the bit about you doing svn+ssh?
22:58.32Polarinathemill: Yes, you did.
22:58.37Polarinassh has nothing to do with this.
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22:59.47cantidoheffay: I wouldn't .. what's the point in mixing stable and testing anyhow.
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23:00.15cantidoheffay: run stable with backports or run testing
23:00.17abrotmancantido: you enjoy suffering ?
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23:00.55cantidoabrotman: ?
23:01.02themillPolarina: there should be an optionn for this in ~/.subversion/config
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23:03.16Polarinathemill: It's ignoring that file somehow...
23:03.41themillPolarina: what did you add to that?
23:04.18Polarinathemill: I changed some options.
23:05.16PolarinaOh, I fixed it.
23:05.19PolarinaThanks. :)
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23:05.50themillPolarina: of course if you just ran stable.... :P
23:05.55PolarinaI deleted the auth directory after setting store-auth-creds and password-stores to yes and it's fine now
23:06.59Polarinathemill: Now it's asking for the password every time I do a svn update.
23:07.14themillPolarina: you should try connecting it to gnome keyring then
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23:07.39Polarinathemill: Never!
23:07.49themillremembers why he always does svn+ssh and not https
23:08.18PolarinaAnd why's that?
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23:08.34themillssh keys to do all the auth
23:08.50heffaycantidio, i AM running testing but im trying to install a package the depends on a library that is only in stable
23:08.56ajavidI only run svn on my server
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23:09.13ajavidaccess it with file://
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23:09.44Jorophosegreat, so the upgrade to 5.0.2 bjorked apt-get
23:09.45ajavidbut svn+ssh makes more sense
23:09.56Jorophosedpkg: parse error, in file `/var/lib/dpkg/available' near line 2398 package `libwps-0.1-1':
23:09.56JorophoseE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2)
23:09.57dpkgYou are person #1 to send an unparseable request, Jorophose
23:10.48JorophoseI don't understand dpkg. Assuming the account is a bot, can anyone help me out? What do you mean, I'm the only person to fail at apt-getting a package, or I just envoked you by saying "apt-get"?
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23:11.38abrotmanyes, dpkg is a bot
23:11.55Jorophoseso what's dpkg trying to tell me here?
23:11.58themillheffay: if the package isn't in testing, it's usually for a reason. What are you trying to do?
23:12.24themillabrotman: it was better when dpkg just called the punters morons. This new polite dpkg is disturbing.
23:13.21abrotmanthemill: don't look at me .. i didn't complain about it
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23:13.41Jorophoseoh, lol am I retarded, I missed my own copypasta.
23:13.42heffayinstall mable for kde4, which depends on libgps17, which is only in stable. libgps18 is in testing
23:13.42jmarsdenJorophose: dpkg the bot is telling you it did not understand what you asked it.  dpkg the application on your machine is telling you there is an unexpected newline in the file /var/lib/dpkg/available near line 2398 ...
23:13.57Jorophosejmarsden: how do I fix it?!? all I did was upgrade to 5.0.2
23:14.30ajavidJorophose, how about apt-get update
23:14.37abrotmanJorophose: use a pastebin .. paste lines 2350 to 2400
23:14.51Jorophoseok, will do
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23:15.47Jorophoseajavid: ran fine, some of the sources appear to be gone now though, better remove them. should I try apt-get install now?
23:16.11ajavidso package list updated, try installing something
23:16.34themillheffay: you might want to run an apt-get update. I can't see any dependency on libgps17 in squeeze
23:17.01*** mode/#debian [+l 925] by debhelper
23:17.04heffaylibgps17 is not in squeeze...
23:17.07heffaythats the problem
23:17.32themilland there's no dependency on it in the package in squeeze
23:18.30Jorophosechecking /var/lib/dpkg/available, no line 2400, but I'm pastebinning what was there at 2350 and past
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23:19.54themillheffay: did you run an "apt-get update"?
23:20.14abrotmanjudd: versions libgps17
23:20.15juddabrotman: libgps17 -- etch-backports: 2.37-6~bpo40+1 lenny: 2.37-7
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23:20.31abrotmanjudd: versions marble
23:20.31juddabrotman: marble -- etch-backports: 0.4.3-2~bpo40+1 lenny: 0.6+svn837399-2 squeeze: 4:4.2.2-1+b2 sid: 4:4.2.4-1 experimental: 4:4.2.96-1
23:20.36abrotmanokay ..
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23:21.20themillheffay: can you pastebin the output of "aptitude search ~U ; apt-cache policy ; apt-cache policy marble libmarble4 libgps17 libgps18"
23:21.21abrotmansqueeze has libgps18
23:21.31themillabrotman: keep up!
23:21.48abrotmantotally ahead
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23:23.32Jorophoseok, so I tried to install something else, failed again
23:23.36themillheffay: so the problem is with the packages youre getting from rather than from debian...
23:23.59Jorophosenow, it seems to be related to the xorg package, but the only xorg related thing was update my xorg.conf. I have no idea if it's breaking because of that.
23:24.42themillJorophose: you seem to have some fairly horrid filesystem corruption there.
23:24.58heffayright, but it compromise my system to install a package from stable?
23:25.01heffaywould it?
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23:25.16owen1what is the difference between .bash_profile, .profile and .bashrc ?
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23:25.25themillheffay: you're mixing non-debian sources for lenny with debian sources for squeeze. That is the source of your problem.
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23:25.28Jorophosethemill: so what's the solution?
23:25.42Trampowen1: man bash, section "INVOCATION" explains it
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23:26.13Jorophosethemill: I also had a crash about five minutes ago, no idea if it was power related... just heard a "click" like the machine turned off but the image was frozen on screen and the LEDs in the case were still on. tried turning it off took like a minute
23:26.22heffaywhich sources are for lenny?
23:26.37themillheffay: lenny/kde424
23:26.46themillwhich bit of that doesn't say lenny?
23:27.32macrobatwhen i enable a deb-src, i get W: GPG error: sid Release: Unknown error executing gpgv
23:27.33themillheffay: get rid of that and hope that you haven't introduced too many strange packages from there
23:27.44macrobathow do i add a key?
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23:28.42Jorophoseso seriously, what could I do to fix this, short of reinstallation?...
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23:29.18abrotmandid he ever paste the file ?
23:29.21TrueDDGood night all
23:29.32themillabrotman: [00:20] <Jorophose>
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23:29.49themillheffay: you may want to "/msg dpkg obsolete" to find out what else you've picked up from there, although your box appears to need a good {safe,full}-upgrade anyway.
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23:30.20themillabrotman: the punch line is: Priority:nameserver
23:30.31heffaythats odd, i did an upgrade about two days ago
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23:31.43Jorophosethemill: oh! I just searched that. but again, can you help me fix it? I have no idea what it's supposed to be, and I know it shouldn't be pointing to my router...
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23:33.30jmarsdenJorophose: Those entries in /etc/resolv.conf should usually point to whatever DNS servers your ISP provides for you to use, unless you are an expert doing something "clever".
23:33.45abrotmanthemill: just remove that stanza ?
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23:34.13themillabrotman: if it's fs corruption then there's a lot more work to do than that
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23:34.46Jorophosejsmarden: it's not /etc/resolv.conf, it's /var/lib/dpkg/available
23:35.18bkwIs it 'Active' in /proc/meminfo which shows how much memory the currently processes are consuming? Like free -m "-/+ buffers/cache:" ?
23:35.38abrotmanmove it out of the way and try again ?
23:35.47macrobatW: GPG error: sid Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 9AA38DCD55BE302B Debian Archive Automatic Signing Key (5.0/lenny) <>
23:35.52macrobatwhy is the pkg manager looking for a lenny key? im on sid
23:36.15themillmacrobat: it's the archive key, /msg dpkg new archive key
23:36.23Jorophoseabrotman: refering to me?
23:37.07jmarsdenJorophose: nameserver is in your /var/lib/dpkg/available ?  I think you are confused?
23:37.26themilljmarsden: he's not confused. It's the cause of the problem
23:37.27macrobatpurge the debian-archive-keyring and reinstall?
23:37.34Jorophosejmarsden: no, check this out:
23:37.36abrotmanjmarsden: it's in the paste
23:37.37themillmacrobat: although "BADSIG" is a different error again
23:37.39macrobati dont get it :)
23:38.02Jorophosemacrobat: how would I purge the keyring? and then I just apt-get update and then try to install my package?
23:38.14abrotmanJorophose: he wasn't talking to you
23:38.41jmarsdenJorophose: OK, then that line "nameserver" should be edited out of there, or the whole file needs to be regenerated.
23:38.41Jorophoseabrotman: oh, sorry.
23:38.56themillJorophose: what file system is that on?
23:38.59Jorophosejmarsden: how do I regenerate the file? and do I just delete that single line?
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23:39.13Jorophosebut it's really old hardware...
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23:40.15themillJorophose: first step would be to force and fsck of that partition to make sure this isn't going to happen again the next tine you get a dhcp lease.
23:40.21Nicolashi everyone here!
23:40.39Jorophoseforce and fsck?
23:41.26gihanhi im running debian 5 and ftp as vsftpd. im getting directory listening error   any idea why it happens?
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23:42.21macrobatok, i tried adding a random "key" in seahorse, didnt help and seahorse is run as a normal user
23:42.27themillsorry, force an fsck. "shutdown -r -F". Then you need to regenerate that file -- copying the available-old file across will hopefully be enough.
23:42.54fas3rcan i start grub in vesa mode ? (i mean start linux in vesa mode from grub ) ... i have install my grapphic card but when i reboot i have nothing on screen and keyboard don't work ...
23:43.30Jorophoseok themill. how long would that take? is it that the filesystem-check I see every 30 boots?
23:44.21zenwrylyHow does one sign a document with multiple sigs?  I'm trying to follow
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23:44.48zetheroois this true? "a large percentage of Linux developers have switched to Macs, or have stopped developing for Linux entirely after using OSX"
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23:49.20macrobati did: gpg --keyserver --recv-keys 55BE302B ; gpg --export 55BE302B | sudo apt-key add -
23:49.29macrobatproblem persists
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23:49.48Jorophosethemill: and then copy over the old available over the new one?
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23:55.52Pupuser402-1I am unable to boot debian 5.0   error unable to enumerate usb device on port 2 ,,Try the 8139 driver instead ?
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23:57.25marcompileHello, I got 2 HDs , the first one is connected to Sata channel 0, the second to channel 4, If i use one-time boot menu to boot from the second HD will it be /dev/sda or /dev/sdb ?
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