IRC log for #debian on 20090629

00:00.12*** join/#debian Westie (n=westie@unaffiliated/westie)
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00:01.17xsdghey, all; lvm question: what is the utility of the volume group abstraction?
00:01.24Fedor-AFKgood night guys!
00:01.26xsdgwhat can a volume group do that a logical volume cannot?
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00:02.17Black_Phantompl4yer0ne, after installing ffmpeg, where I can find it ?
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00:03.07JackGraykeep forgetting... how do you attach to the currently open x on the /host's/ side of ssh (i.e. how do you open applications and have them show up on the host's screen rather than ssh -X over the client's)
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00:03.24WizzupJackGray: I think you can set the DISPLAY value
00:03.31Wizzupexport DISPLAY=":0.0" or alike
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00:03.41ludanhi guys
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00:03.46ludani did update lenny today
00:03.56ludanand I can't compile ati driver any longer
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00:04.04ludandid this happen to anyone here?
00:04.05pl4yer0neBlack_Phantom,  /usr/bin/ ?
00:04.18ludani'm getting crazy with this story over and over
00:04.31ludani need to use a .29 kernel in lenny 'cause of my freaking wifi card
00:04.51ludanbut this gives me a lot of troubles when coming to ati drivers
00:04.58ludanthat I must use since the support of the free driver is bad
00:05.06ludanand the fan of my cpu is 100% without
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00:05.15ludanplease help
00:05.26JackGrayWizzup: yup think that works, thanks
00:05.30bzedxsdg: a volume group is a group of physical volumes. a logical volume is a part of a volume group.
00:06.01bzedxsdg: or better, an lv is a member of a vg and resides somewhere on the pvs the vg was created from
00:06.30xsdgbzed: ::nod::
00:06.34SQlvpapir__ludan: be sure to follow upgrade instructions from the driver provider
00:06.41Black_Phantompl4yer0ne,  I found it in /usr/bin but I can't open it
00:06.57ludanSQlvpapir__: what do you mean? the installer is naive
00:06.58xsdgbzed: why does the concept Volume Group even exist, though?  Why isn't it enough to have just PVs and LVs?
00:07.14SQlvpapir__ludan: oh you use a package in debian?
00:07.18pl4yer0newhat do you mean you cant open it?
00:07.31Black_Phantompl4yer0ne,  when I double click it, nothing happens
00:07.34bzedxsdg: so you don';t have to mess with PVs all the time
00:07.44ludanSQlvpapir__: i'd like to but does not installa since i don't have the right version of the kernel
00:07.51pl4yer0neerrr it isnt a gui program
00:07.52ludanwhich is not available for download in debian
00:08.12Black_Phantomoh ok
00:08.28adbludan: what exactly you need ?
00:08.32bzedxsdg: you can add (and remove) pvs from a vg, and you can just allocate a new lv (or resize an existing one..) from a vg without having to worry about which pv to add now and so on
00:08.48ludanadb: to compile this damn driver as I did before
00:09.02adbyes , as kernel
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00:09.11ludanadb: as kernel module yes
00:10.16xsdgbzed: ok, that makes sense.  So it's so that you can use some space without having to worry about the physical volumes on which that space resides.
00:10.23ludanwhich is not there anymore
00:10.27ludanthere is -2
00:10.34ludanbut the kernel is not there
00:10.47ludanonly the ati driver are available for -2
00:10.59ludanthis is a sick story as usual for ati
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00:11.34ludanadb: let's say, kernel is .30 and ati stuff is .29-2
00:11.43ludanand I can't get them compiled from sources
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00:11.56xsdgbzed: so, next question; I'm trying to build a setup equivalent to a 4-drive raid1+0 using just LVM.  So, basically, I need to make two mirrored pairs and the resulting devices
00:12.01bzedxsdg: exactly. and on the other side, if you want to remove a pv for example, you don't have to worry about hich lv resides on it, you just tell lvm with pvmove to move the data to another pv and you don't have to worry which data is moved...
00:12.31xsdgbzed: I'm confused about whether I need to put all 4 drives in on VG, or each mirrored pair in its own VG, or what.  Or does it not matter?
00:12.44bzedxsdg: don;t use the lvm mirror, its far behind mdadm. I'd just create a raid10 with mdamd
00:12.54pl4yer0neBlack_Phantom, what are you actually trying to do?
00:12.55xsdgbzed: ok, thanks
00:13.23Black_Phantompl4yer0ne, to convert 19 videos to mp3
00:13.23xsdgbzed: unfortunately, can't do a real raid10 because it refuses to start with 2 of 4 drives missing (though I have no idea why)
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00:13.27Black_PhantomExtract audio from them
00:13.38xsdgactually, maybe it cares about the order of arguments
00:13.41xsdgtries something
00:14.15bzedxsdg: you *could* create two normal mirrors (raid1) with mdadm and than use both as PV in one VG and let the LV stripe the data across both mirrors...
00:14.45reptilethe last line of dmesg says--> ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): wlan0: link is not ready
00:14.46xsdgbzed: ::nod::
00:15.03xsdgbzed: if I can get raid10 going, I'll just go with that; lemme see
00:15.11bzedxsdg: I'd just stick with a raid10 from md, though... and use that as single PV for lvm
00:15.35bzedxsdg: hint:if you want to boot with it, create a small (150MB or so) raid1 for /boot
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00:15.53bzedxsdg: grub happily uses raid1, but nothing else
00:16.06xsdgbzed: yeah, already took care of that; thanks, though
00:16.13bzedyou're welcome
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00:16.44xsdgbzed: and yeah, it pays attention to the order of args.  so specifying devices as "sda1 sdb1 missing missing" fails, while "sda1 missing sdb1 missing" works fine
00:16.52adbludan: 32 bit ?
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00:16.58ludanadb: yes
00:16.59adbludan: get linux-headers-2.6.29-bpo  + linux-image .29-bpo2
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00:17.11bzedxsdg: yeah. so you want to add more disks later?
00:17.30ludanadb: so .29-2
00:17.42adbtry it
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00:18.09Mellow2sorry I had a crash
00:18.17Mellow2question:  What is "contrib"
00:18.22Mellow2should I use "contrib"?
00:18.31dpkgit has been said that contrib is Debian packages that are free, but depend on software not in Debian (possibly in contrib or non-free).  To get contrib packages, add lines like "deb http://yourmirror/debian/ [etch|lenny|squeeze|sid] main contrib" to your /etc/apt/sources.list.  Also ask me about <non-free>.
00:18.34xsdgbzed: yeah; I've got a 4-disk raid10 that I'm moving to a new 4-disk raid10 (with bigger disks and a different filesystem); I'd just rather not have to do trial-and-error picking the second drive to pull, though
00:18.42Mellow2deb lenny contrib
00:18.45Mellow2like that
00:18.58xsdgbzed: I'm at the 6-drive limit :o)
00:19.02Mellow2I have no clue what contrib stands for
00:19.04xsdg(plus a boot disk)
00:19.05ludanadb: there is -bigmem version for .29-2
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00:19.23bzedxsdg: ah ok :) sounds like a good plan than. have fun, I'm off to bed :)
00:19.26ludanadb: how am i gonna do?
00:19.31ludanadb: shall I get .30?
00:19.33xsdgbzed: g'night.  thanks again
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00:19.42bzedxsdg: you're welcome
00:19.52ludanadb: then? :(
00:20.22adbludan: install all those  .29-bpo and reboot on .29-bpo
00:20.33jpinx-eeepcjudd: versions bitlbee-skype
00:20.34juddjpinx-eeepc: bitlbee-skype --
00:20.34ludanadb: i'm already with them
00:20.45ludanadb: i've .29 etc etc
00:21.24adbinstall  linux-kbuild-2.6.29_2.6.29-1_i386.deb , use dpkg -i
00:21.38pl4yer0neBlack_Phantom, have you figured it out yet?
00:21.38adbuname -r
00:21.44enoufxsdg: these should be informative and
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00:21.54jpinx-eeepcjudd: versions skyped bitlbee-plugin-skype
00:21.55juddjpinx-eeepc: skyped -- experimental/contrib: 0.7.1-1
00:22.01Black_Phantompl4yer0ne,  I saw the command, I'm trying it now
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00:22.38ludanii  linux-kbuild-2.6.29                              2.6.29-1                       Kbuild infrastructure for Linux 2.6.29
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00:22.59ludanuname -r: 2.6.29-1-bigmem
00:23.08TheTopicPoliceProprietary software for the purpose of evading telephone taxes is offtopic in #debian. Please move to #debian-offtopic.
00:23.09ludan686-bigmem actually
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00:24.01beardyThat's not the reason why it is offtopic, who the fuck you ever are.
00:24.54craigevilnot much point in using bitlbee-plugin-skype you still have to have skype running
00:24.55Black_Phantompl4yer0ne,  worked
00:24.57fortlocknot gonna work
00:25.00adbludan: try recompile now
00:25.08enoufxsdg: other things debian specific perhaps you should note; /etc/default/mdadm ; /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf ; /usr/share/doc/mdadm/* and note, /boot wants to be on it's own (non-LVM) partition when using grub1, and needs an initrd
00:25.12ludanadb: but nothing change so far
00:25.14TheTopicFascistsbeardy: Who the fuck are you?
00:25.35TheTopicFascistsis The Topic Fascists Party
00:25.43ludanadb: /usr/src/modules/fglrx/firegl_public.c:1808: error: ‘struct task_struct’ has no member named ‘cap_effective’
00:25.47ludanand so on
00:26.01adbgrr ..
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00:26.06ludanadb: :(
00:26.15WizzupHow can I see if sshd will be started by default on a reboot?
00:26.17pl4yer0neBlack_Phantom, ffmpeg is a bit magical and you can probably do something like "ffmpeg -i <your video> <your mp3 filname with .mp3>
00:26.26ludanthere is no way I can get linux-image .29-2?
00:26.28xsdgenouf: thanks.  All the "making it work" stuff should be figured out, since it's just for /home, which was already raid10
00:26.30dpkgfglrx is probably "FireGL and Radeon for X", the AMD/ATI proprietary display driver.  To install, ask me about <fglrx one-liner> or follow the instructions at .  As of fglrx-driver 1:9-4-1, no chipsets prior to the r600 series are supported; ask me about <radeon> or <radeonhd> instead.  #ati on
00:26.44pl4yer0nelike:  ffmpeg -i somevideo.avi someaudio.mp3
00:26.45xsdgbut optimization sounds like fun, especially since I'm switching filesystems :o)
00:26.52Black_Phantompl4yer0ne,  yeah
00:26.58pl4yer0neand it will just work out what to do
00:26.59ludanthis damn ati card
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00:27.02enoufWizzup: i use /msg dpkg rcconf , but you could just see if /etc/rc2.d/SNNssh* exists
00:27.16Black_Phantompl4yer0ne,  but how to encode a list of file simultaneously ?
00:27.25enoufxsdg: which is? xfs?
00:27.32Wizzupenouf: Thank you. It is there
00:27.40xsdgenouf: ext4
00:27.47Black_Phantomlike I want to encode the 13 videos simultaneously
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00:27.55xsdgI would have preferred ZFS, but it's slow as heck and not tested enough :o/
00:27.55pl4yer0nejust do a for loop
00:27.59adbludan: i just told you , get them from
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00:28.07Black_Phantompl4yer0ne,  how ?
00:28.08enouf!bpo is an unofficial repository of <backports> for the current stable distribution, prepared by Debian developers.  Read  A sample line for your sources.list is: deb lenny-backports main contrib non-free.  Once added, aptitude update && aptitude install debian-backports-keyring && aptitude update.  See also <bpo mirrors> <bpo contents>.
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00:28.48reptilei appended to the end of /etc/apt/sources.list deb lenny main contrib non-free
00:28.57Black_Phantompl4yer0ne,  because I want to give the command and sleep because its too late, I will wake up tomorrow morning with everything ready
00:29.01enoufnow run update reptile
00:29.09reptileapt-get update says --> W: GPG error: lenny Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 07DC563D1F41B907
00:29.09DarkJusticepretty new to Debian, linux at all and on boot it says to use the 8139too driver... been searching on how to do this... any help on how to enable the 8139too would be appreciated
00:29.13reptilewhat does that mean
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00:29.56dpkg8139 is probably A cheap Taiwanese chipset usually found in low-end cards.
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00:30.21ludanadb: there aren't in bpo
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00:30.27adbludan: get linux-headers-2.6.29-bpo2   + linux-image .29-bpo2
00:30.35dd-_-_-_-_-_-_-bI now have the best nick.
00:30.36enoufheh - DarkJustice does dmesg show it loading? how about 8139cp ?
00:31.24adbdd-_-_-_-_-_-_-b:   do /nick  s$
00:31.27DarkJusticewhoah screen rush when dmesg
00:31.31enoufDarkJustice: you could add it to /etc/modules, you might want/need to blacklist the cp module ; /msg dpkg blacklist and blacklist initramfs
00:31.51enoufer /msg dpkg blacklist-initramfs
00:32.17craigevilreptile:  aptitude install debian-multimedia-keyring
00:32.17Qewreptile: it means you need the debian-multimedia-keyring. Install that. Also you don't need contrib and non-free on the debian-multimedia line.
00:32.18enoufand wiki.debian,org should have specific info about that chip/module
00:32.52dpkgsomebody said rtl8139 was a RealTek PCI NIC that uses the 8139too (new) or rtl8139 (old) driver.  *not* ne2k-pci, or a piece of shit card!...but some people have had good luck with it. see also <rtl81x9.c>
00:33.12dpkgi guess rtl81x9.c is the openbsd realtek 8129/8139 PCI NIC driver. Quote: "The RealTek 8139 PCI NIC redefines the meaning of 'low end.' This is probably the worst PCI ethernet controller ever made, with the possible exception of the FEAST chip made by SMC. The 8139 supports bus-master DMA, but it has a terrible interface that nullifies any performance gains that bus-master DMA usually offers."
00:33.17DarkJusticeyup that's the card
00:33.56DarkJusticeuggh half the dmesg stuff I can't scroll up to see
00:33.59ludanadb: ok not i install it with dpkg?
00:34.04adbludan: when d/l + install by `dpkg -i ` done reboot in  2.6.29-bpo.2-686
00:34.21ludanadb: and then?
00:34.33Black_Phantompl4yer0ne,  the output is not the same folder where the real file exists ?
00:34.42ludanadb: just go to /usr/src/modules/fglrx?
00:34.48adbludan:  reboot in  2.6.29-bpo.2-686
00:34.49Qewreptile: has the details for that error. Check that site for any other issues you have.
00:34.54ludanadb: ok, brb
00:35.46Black_Phantomthe output is in*
00:36.05pl4yer0neBlack_Phantom, the program will do what you tell it to do.  if your input file is /in/some/path/ and then your output file is not. it will put it in your current directory
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00:37.42enoufDarkJustice: shift+pageup
00:37.50DarkJusticeahhh thanks
00:37.51enoufDarkJustice: install less; use it
00:38.20enoufDarkJustice: update-alternatives --config pager (set less as default)
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00:38.39adbludan:  uname -r
00:38.41ludanadb: ok
00:38.49ludanoot@ppcduo:/usr/src/modules/fglrx# uname -r
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00:39.22DarkJusticeyeah it's the 8139cp
00:39.42enoufDarkJustice: IINM, the cp and too conflict
00:39.42s14ckcan I have bpo packages at sid?
00:40.00DarkJusticeso I need to blacklist the cp
00:40.14DarkJusticecould that be why my system keeps hanging?
00:40.21s14ckadb, can I have bpo packages at sid?
00:40.22enoufDarkJustice: make sure it's not listed in /etc/modules too
00:40.36enoufDarkJustice: wrong module for NIC? sure
00:40.49DarkJusticehahah so it's not java
00:41.02adbs14ck: kernel ?
00:41.03DarkJusticeI've been reinstalling java over and over cuz I keep freezing on website
00:41.10WizzupTo everyone. Etch -> Lenny went flawlessly. Only got 150 mails from vbulletin about it not being able to connect to MySQL for 2 minutes. Haha :-)
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00:41.36enoufDarkJustice: do you see tx/rx errors in ifconfig output?
00:42.09DarkJusticenope no errors
00:42.41enoufi meant TX/RX .. ok
00:42.45adbs14ck: kernel from  bpo may work on sid ...
00:42.48enoufwell, could be many things
00:43.06DarkJusticeI thought it was browser, but tried 4 of 'em
00:43.13DarkJusticepurged java and reinstalled it
00:43.15s14ckadb, I have 2.6.29-2-686 from linux-image-2.6.29-2-686 right now
00:43.25ludanadb: no way
00:43.33adbludan:  grr
00:43.42adbwhat say ?
00:43.45DarkJusticebut when I am on any java site... the system just hangs and have to totally shut down... so I assumed that was hardware
00:43.55ludan/usr/src/modules/fglrx/firegl_public.c:1453: error: ‘struct task_struct’ has no member named ‘euid’
00:43.58s14ckadb i need the source packages of this kernel
00:44.15adbludan: hmmm
00:44.26enoufwhat are you doing on the java website?  trying to run applets/servlets?
00:44.36s14ckadb, I need apply this
00:44.46DarkJusticeapplets, yeah but sometimes even running Amarok does it
00:44.53enoufDarkJustice: i mean, try configuring which java is used --  update-java-alternatives?
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00:45.15dpkgsomebody said java was a cross-platform C++-like OO language.  Sun has released most of its Java implementation under the GPL as <openjdk>.  There are other implementations packaged for Debian, Sun's JRE/JDK is in <non-free> (for i386, amd64 only).  Ask me about <install java>.  See also <java alternatives>.  ##java on
00:45.18s14ckadb, but 2.6.30 have a bug. Sound intel is broken
00:45.24DarkJusticeenouf: yeah tried using sun, the gdk and another
00:45.44ludanadb: i'd solve everything getting my wifi 5100 working with debian lenny kernel
00:45.46enoufDarkJustice: i don't know then - i never use that stuff
00:46.05enoufDarkJustice: configure the browser to use correct plugin and settings?
00:46.18DarkJusticeenouf: yup, all 4 browsers lol
00:46.19enoufin IW, check about:plugins
00:46.21adbs14ck: try to use linux-headers-2.6.29-bpo.2 and linux-image-bpo.2 from bpo
00:46.34DarkJusticeenouf: all plugins listed and enabled
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00:46.49enoufin KonqOut check it's Settings | Configure Konqout | Java?
00:46.56DarkJusticeenouf: I'm guessing it's the 8139too issue, because my usb headphones.. the mic won't work
00:47.24xsdgenouf: yay; I'm getting 200+ MB/s write to the LV (during mkfs)
00:47.51enoufDarkJustice: modinfo 8139too lists more avail params you could tweak as well
00:48.08enoufxsdg: \o/
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00:48.39adbludan: lspci -nn | grep -i Net
00:48.53ludan05:00.0 Network controller [0280]: Intel Corporation Wireless WiFi Link 5100 [8086:4232]
00:48.54craigevils14ck:  sound works for me using 2.6.30 but i use a sidux kerne,  Card Intel 82801FB/FBM/FR/FW/FRW (ICH6 Family) High Definition Audio Controller driver HDA Intel
00:48.58enoufDarkJustice: the headphones and mic could be a ALSA or OSS issue, or just sound issue
00:49.09adbjudd: pciid 8086:4232
00:49.10juddadb: [8086:4232] is 'Wireless WiFi Link 5100' from 'Intel Corporation' with no known kernel module in lenny but has kernel module 'iwlagn' in sid. See also
00:49.25ludanadb: if i get this wifi card working, then i don't need kernel upgrade anymore
00:49.28dpkgit has been said that iwlagn is the driver for Intel 5050, 5100BG/ABG/ABN, 5300AGN and 5350AGN series of wireless LAN adapters.  Included in mainline kernels since 2.6.27 ("modprobe iwlagn").  Lenny users: ask me about <> to install a later kernel image containing this driver.  Firmware is required, ask me about <iwlagn firmware>.
00:49.29DarkJusticeenouf: true... ok I'm gonna go start with the blacklist and see if that helps, THANKS
00:50.07enoufDarkJustice: welcome. don't forget the blacklist-initramfs
00:50.12ludanadb: what shall i do?
00:50.18enoufsince i presume the cp is loading from there
00:50.23ludanshall i wait for 2.7.27?
00:50.40enoufludan: will never be in Lenny
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00:51.00ludanthen i'm dump
00:51.08enoufdoesn't mean you can't install that, or a higher version and use it
00:51.16craigevils14ck: also kernel/drivers/media/video/gspca/gspca_pac7311.ko is already in the sidux kernel
00:51.25ludanenouf: yes but then i get problems with the ati card
00:51.42enoufludan: with a .29 kernel?
00:51.43DarkJusticeenouf: got that, thanks again, ok gonna go tyr and reboot.
00:51.43ludancause the fan is always spinning if i use radeon free driver
00:51.44adblsmod | grep iwlagn
00:52.06ludanroot@ppcduo:/lib/modules/fglrx/build_mod# lsmod | grep iwlagn
00:52.06s14ckcraigevil, but include this patch ?
00:52.07ludaniwlagn                 70592  0
00:52.07ludaniwlcore                76868  1 iwlagn
00:52.08ludanmac80211              134672  2 iwlagn,iwlcore
00:52.10ludancfg80211               32780  3 iwlagn,iwlcore,mac80211
00:52.24ludansorry for flooding
00:52.41simonrvn/kick ludan
00:52.56dpkgDo not paste more than 2 lines to this channel.  Instead, use: or for pics.  Use for large files (think tar.gz) up to 100MB.  Remember to tell us the URL of your paste!  Just use pastebinit (package) if you cannot cut & paste.
00:52.59craigevils14ck:  that i am not sure of
00:53.02simonrvnit's ok
00:53.09adbludan: so iwlagn is installed , so wifi 5100 must work
00:53.17ludanadb: it is working
00:53.25adbgreat !
00:53.32ludanadb: but if i switch to my .26-2 does not anymore
00:53.53ludanor should i load the module manually?
00:53.53adbso don't  switch ...
00:53.53Black_Phantompl4yer0ne, thanks for your help everything is working fine.
00:53.53ludani don't understand
00:54.07ludanadb: but if i don't switch i'm in .29 and the ati driver does not work
00:54.12adbkeep using actual kernel
00:54.18ludanadb: :(
00:54.32ludanlike a cat eating its tail
00:54.33enoufludan: best bet is to fix whatever is wrong with fglrx in .29
00:54.45ludanenouf: as i did 2 months ago
00:54.49ludanenouf: before this update
00:54.51enouftried #fglrx ?
00:54.57ludanbut now i can't compile
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00:55.50pl4yer0neBlack_Phantom, your welcome
00:56.19enoufludan: wait, which card? r5xx? tried the radeon/radeonhd module?
00:56.32adbludan: lspci -nn | grep -i VGA
00:56.35ludanenouf: with radeon the fan is always spinning
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00:56.45ludani'd love to use the free driver
00:56.54ludan01:00.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: ATI Technologies Inc Mobility Radeon HD 3400 Series [1002:95c4]
00:56.58enoufwell -see if modinfo fglrx has a parm listed
00:57.08enouf!radeon vs radeonhd
00:57.08dpkgThe <radeon> project started under a non-disclosure agreement with ATI to develop <free software> drivers for Radeon graphics cards.  In 2007, after ATI released its documentation, a second project, <radeonhd>, was started from scratch with a focus on newer hardware.  Differences and similarities can be found at: and
00:57.28adbjudd: pciid 1002:95c4
00:57.29juddadb: [1002:95c4] is 'Mobility Radeon HD 3400 Series' from 'ATI Technologies Inc' with no known kernel module in lenny or in sid. See also
00:57.34enoufthen there's #radeon as well
00:57.42ludanenouf: radeon or radeonhd?
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00:57.52ludanthe driver not the channel
00:58.08enoufnot sure, man radeon, man radeonhd - see the comparison
00:58.33ludanhow do i see the chipset of this card?
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01:00.39enoufludan: Mobility Radeon HD 3400
01:00.59ponyofdeathhi is it possible to have multiple source ip's defined in iptables -s x.x.x.x y.y.y.y ?
01:01.29dpkgit has been said that tias is try it and see, or what you should have done first.
01:01.41enoufoh .. i see what you mean ludan - guess you have to google, or the man pages should tell you
01:01.54*** join/#debian der0b (
01:02.02ludanok thanks
01:02.04ludanreboot a while
01:02.07ludanthanks a lot
01:02.25Trampponyofdeath: no. you can have a network with CIDR notation or (with iprange) a range (in from-to notation)
01:02.36*** join/#debian Helpdesk (
01:03.31ponyofdeathTramp: ok thanks
01:04.39enoufer Lish sorry, i meant ludan, who left
01:05.48enoufi'd imagine all if not most HD cards would use the radeonhd
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01:07.23adbludan is gone : `ludan: reboot a while`
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01:12.21Eternal_Sinhi everyone
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01:22.59daedhelhi, my debian box suddenly refuses to connect to the dhcp server on my lan. "/etc/init.d/networking restart" wont work, and here is the line that is in the /etc/network/interface" : (allow-hotplug eth0) (iface eth0 inet dhcp) . The cable is ok, another box can connect to the dhcp with it
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01:24.19yaboo007can I install debian packages from debian source?
01:24.30enoufyaboo007: huh?
01:24.54enoufyaboo007: if you use debian source, you build .deb and install it
01:25.08enouf!package basics
01:25.08dpkghmm... package basics is The Basics of the Package Management System, Package format, and how to make packages. or see Debian New Maintainers' Guide at
01:25.20yaboo007enouf, think thats it, thanks will read
01:25.55enoufdaedhel: try ifconfig eth0 down; then restart net
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01:26.28dpkgit has been said that dpkg-buildpackage is a program in the dpkg-dev package that builds .debs from source. "aptitude install fakeroot devscripts dpkg-dev build-essential" and run 'dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc -rfakeroot' in the source directory.  Ask me about <package recompile> <debian/rules> <source>.
01:26.53enouf!listvals apt-get build-deps
01:26.55dpkgFactoid search of 'apt-get build-deps' by value returned no results.
01:26.59enouf!listvals apt-get build-dep
01:27.00*** mode/#debian [+l 864] by debhelper
01:27.01dpkgFactoid search of 'apt-get build-dep' by value (5): rebuild from debian source ;; munge package ;; quick build ;; build-dep ;; simple sid backport.
01:27.10enouf!rebuild from debian source
01:27.10dpkgextra, extra, read all about it, rebuild from debian source is add the needed deb-src lines (/msg apt deb-src), then run 'apt-get source whatever; apt-get build-dep whatever'.  cd into the newly created 'whatever' dir, then edit anything you want.  for compilation options, look in debian/rules.  then run 'dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -uc -us' to get your shiny new .debs
01:27.26enoufyaboo007: ^^^^^^
01:27.32daedhelenouf, i have commented the line "allow-hotplug eth0" and put instead "auto eth0" and the "/etc/init.d/networking restart" worked...
01:28.22daedheland with allow-hotplug, even a reboot didn't work
01:28.27bbelt16aghey peeps is there a way to make wget  be 'nice' when download froma web and not piss  webmasters off?  like a delay between files and a slow download rate?
01:28.38daedhelany idea why ? I would like to have the allow-hotplug function
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01:28.50simonrvnbbelt16ag: man wget
01:28.51enouf!info trickle
01:29.09enoufdaedhel: not offhand
01:29.19daedhelk thanks
01:29.28dpkgtrickle: (user-space bandwidth shaper), section net, is optional. Version: 1.07-7+b1 (sid), Packaged size: 36 kB, Installed size: 156 kB
01:30.10enoufyou could also make a script with sleep interjected in between each d/l i guess
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01:31.37adbdaedhel: what's means allow-hotplug ?
01:31.50enoufadb: you plug in, and it comes up :-)
01:32.15enoufyou unplug and it goes away - maybe needs an ifup and ifdown too?
01:33.04daedheladb, that you can plug and unplug the cable and it is detected and configured automatically
01:33.52adbthanks enouf  daedhel   :)
01:34.23adbdaedhel: uname -r
01:35.00enoufdaedhel: which kernel version
01:35.13enoufdaedhel: uname -r ; cat /proc/version
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01:35.37daedhelyou wnat to know the kernel version of the debian box i'm working on ?
01:36.24daedheloups sorry
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01:37.21adband  which network chip  ?
01:37.35daedhelthe stable kernel release is old
01:37.41daedhelone sec
01:38.41daedheladb what do I install to have lspci on the box ?
01:39.04daedhelright now its lspci = command not found
01:39.06adbapt-file search lspci
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01:39.49daedheladb, you mean apt-cache search ?
01:40.06adbinstall it
01:40.40reptiledo i need codecs to play dvd ?
01:40.48*** join/#debian entelarust (
01:40.49dpkghmm... dvd is Digital Versatile Disc.  To play a video DVD, ask me about <dvd playback>, then use either <xine>, <vlc> or <mplayer>.  To burn a DVD, ask me about <wodim> or <growisofs>.  To download Debian DVD images, ask me about <iso> and <small dvd>.  To buy Debian DVDs, ask me about <vendors>.  To copy/rip/transcode DVD video, ask me about <dvd ripping>.
01:41.01reptile!dvd playback
01:41.01dpkgTo play DVDs, you need some media playing software (ask me about <dvd> for some suggestions on viewers).  You will also need libdvdcss2 libdvdnav4 libdvdread3 w32codecs some of which are in <> (see <libdvdcss> <w32codecs>).  You will also need to set a region on your DVD player if you have never done so before using regionset.  Also ask me about <dvd playback troubleshooting>.
01:41.04*** join/#debian Mellow (
01:41.29Mellowhow can I upgrade my Kernel to 2.6.28  without "baking" it from source?
01:41.43adbdpkg: tell reptile about selftell
01:42.01adbMellow: install 2.6.30
01:42.16*** join/#debian ray66 (
01:42.16Mellowthere is 2.6.30 ?!
01:42.18Mellowcool as :)
01:42.21reptileadb my bad
01:42.34Mellowadb: where shall I get this kernel from?
01:42.39MellowI could not find it anywhere
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01:43.02daedheladb, Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation 82801BA/BAM/CA/CAM Ethernet Controller (rev 03)
01:43.04adbno worry reptile , now you know
01:43.12Mellowthe highest kernel I've found was 2.6.29 which gave me a dependency problem
01:44.14adbMellow: so install .29
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01:45.02enoufMellow: cat /proc/version
01:45.02adbMellow: use backports
01:45.03*** part/#debian sdeb (
01:45.20Mellowabd:  I am using backports
01:45.21*** join/#debian AntiSpamMeta (n=MetaBot@unaffiliated/afterdeath/bot/antispambot)
01:45.40enoufMellow: or, go grab the linux-image-name-version and dpkg -i it, do NOT removce your know working kernel(s)
01:45.40Mellowenouf: Linux version 2.6.26-2-686
01:46.10adbMellow: paste your sources list
01:46.10enoufi didn't ask for uname r, did i?
01:46.35Mellowenouf: I only pasted the very first part of the /proc/version - I am sorry!
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01:46.45enoufno worries
01:46.55enouf!lenny-backports is an unofficial repository of <backports> for the current stable distribution, prepared by Debian developers.  Read  A sample line for your sources.list is: deb lenny-backports main contrib non-free.  Once added, aptitude update && aptitude install debian-backports-keyring && aptitude update.  See also <bpo mirrors> <bpo contents>.
01:46.59MellowLinux version 2.6.26-2-686 (Debian 2.6.26-15) ( (gcc version 4.1.3 20080704 (prerelease) (Debian 4.1.2-25)) #1 SMP Thu Mar 26 01:08:11 UTC 2009
01:47.07adbMellow:  backports works nice with lenny
01:47.25*** join/#debian AntiSpamMeta (n=MetaBot@unaffiliated/afterdeath/bot/antispambot)
01:47.29Mellowmy sources.list:
01:47.33Mellowdeb lenny main contrib non-free
01:47.33Mellowdeb lenny/updates main contrib non-free
01:47.33Mellowdeb lenny main
01:47.33Mellowdeb lenny-backports main contrib non-free
01:48.04*** join/#debian CAiRO_ (
01:48.51adbMellow:  aptitude update && aptitude install debian-backports-keyring && aptitude update
01:49.03MellowI already did that
01:49.05adball in one line, as root
01:49.16Mellowyep, thats what I've done before already
01:49.23Mellowthere is a package called  "linux-headers-2.6.29-bpo.2-all-i386"
01:49.23adbso why issue for 0.29 ?
01:49.31reptilemy wifi card works great for backtrack 3, but i have no luck with Debian.  How do i find out what bt3 provides so i know what to get?
01:49.32Mellowis this what I have to install?
01:49.34enoufso - show the errors and command to pastebin Mellow
01:49.34reptileEthernet controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR242x 802.11abg Wireless PCI Express Adapter
01:49.39reptilelspci ^
01:49.52*** join/#debian sdeb (
01:50.04reptilemadwifi wont work.  ath5k is currently loaded.
01:50.06enoufreptile: lspci -nn |  grep Atheros
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01:50.22reptileEthernet controller [0200]: Atheros Communications Inc. AR242x 802.11abg Wireless PCI Express Adapter
01:50.43Mellowthere is no error,  the problem is,  that  the package  "linux-headers-2.6.29-bpo.2-all-i386"  depends on  "linux-kbuild-2.6.29"  but this package does not exist!
01:50.44reptile05:00.0 Ethernet controller [0200]: Atheros Communications Inc. AR242x 802.11abg Wireless PCI Express Adapter [168c:001c] (rev 01)
01:51.03enoufjudd: pciid 168c:001c
01:51.05juddenouf: [168c:001c] is 'AR242x 802.11abg Wireless PCI Express Adapter' from 'Atheros Communications Inc.' with kernel module 'ath5k' in lenny. See also
01:51.12dpkg[ath5k] a completely free (no proprietary HAL) driver for Atheros 5xxx PCI wireless LAN chipsets.  See for more information and supported devices.  Included in Debian kernels since 2.6.24.  NOT for AR5007UG (aka AR2624/AR5524) chipsets, ask me about <zd1211rw> instead.  For 802.11n device support, ask me about <ath9k>.  See also <wireless tree>.
01:51.38reptilethanx i'll read that
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01:53.22Mellowenouf, any ideas about that dependency problem (see above)
01:53.25adbMellow: linux-headers-2.6.29-bpo.2-686  and  wget
01:53.46enoufMellow: you don't need headers to run the kernel
01:54.01Mellowwhat package should I download,  enouf ?
01:54.31enouf!linux-image-2.6-686 --release lenny-backports
01:54.43adbMellow: linux-image-2.6.29-bpo.2-686
01:54.44enoufjudd: versions linux-image-2.6-686 --release lenny-backports
01:54.45juddenouf: linux-image-2.6-686 --
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01:54.51MellowI see ... thank you!
01:55.06enoufjudd: versions linux-image-2.6.29-686 --release lenny-backports
01:55.06juddenouf: linux-image-2.6.29-686 --
01:55.21s14ckhow can I patch a sid kernel?
01:55.22enoufjudd: versions linux-image-686 --release lenny-backports
01:55.24juddenouf: linux-image-686 --
01:55.34enoufgives up
01:55.45*** join/#debian tlyu (
01:55.49sdebhi , how do i install last kernel , from debian repo ?
01:55.55enoufs14ck: patch? install the patch pkg
01:55.59*** join/#debian KavanS (
01:56.03johnakabeanhey everyone; which processor would you recommend the core 2 duo  OR  the Pentium D
01:56.10enoufsdeb: last? repo or source?
01:56.22johnakabeanthis server is going to just be for DNS and DHCP
01:56.35pngwnjohnakabean, try #hardware
01:56.38sdebenouf : last repo
01:56.45s14ckenouf, but I need re-make the module et al
01:56.48johnakabeanenouf, the core 2 is the cheapest
01:56.49enoufthe Pentium Ds are old p4 based crap
01:56.56Mellowgot it!
01:57.04Mellowthank you very, very much enouf and adb and judd!
01:57.04*** join/#debian Flexa (n=gusto@
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01:57.11johnakabeanyeah the pentium d I'm looking at is the wolfdale
01:57.29johnakabeanits not like the rest of the D's
01:57.49Mellowhow could it be solved, that my mouse is slows down sooo extremly when working?   My Computer is not the fastest,  BUT I never had such an experience while on "kubuntu"
01:57.52enouf johnakabean
01:58.04Mellownow, on Debian Lenny, my mouse slows down when a process works in the background
01:58.06*** join/#debian Haraken (i=ryuk@unaffiliated/haraken)
01:58.16Mellowe.g. opening a program,  using aptitude install ...
01:58.18*** join/#debian sladi (
01:58.29adbMellow: rebooted in kernel .29 bpo ?
01:58.30Mellowbut:  my mousepad still works perfectly
01:58.37Mellowabd not yet
01:58.50enoufsynaptic or xorg.conf issue? evdev even?
01:58.55Mellowabd could it become better with the new kernel?
01:59.00enoufreboot indeed
01:59.05Mellowoki !
01:59.07johnakabeanenouf: the link I posted is not for 90nm, its a 45 nm
01:59.08Mellowsee you soon!
01:59.23johnakabeangot to be something about it they redid
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01:59.31enoufjohnakabean: well, then i don't know - depends on whether it's netburst arch or core arch
01:59.47enouferm core2 even .. since core were  the Yonahs and shit
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02:00.35adbjohnakabean: how many clients will have this server ?
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02:00.52johnakabeanjust for DHCP and DNS
02:01.01johnakabeanDNS is public though
02:01.07johnakabeannot for recursive lookups though
02:01.15*** part/#debian MadMoney (n=IranProx@
02:01.16adbhow ram ?
02:01.20johnakabean2 gigs
02:01.36johnakabeanI'm only compiling Debian with BARE minimums
02:01.54adbcompiling ?
02:02.19johnakabeanI'm installing bare minimums and compiling everything beyond kernel and GCC from scratch
02:02.20*** part/#debian Flexa (n=gusto@
02:03.20adbneeds  GCC   for ?
02:03.28johnakabeancompiling software
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02:04.01adbso is a build server ?
02:04.26johnakabeanjust lacking the processor; its a replacement for another one that is half the speed
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02:05.18johnakabeanold one is athlon 3200
02:05.22enoufjohnakabean: no friggin clue why they/you would call them pentium Ds though
02:05.34johnakabeani told you they redid the line
02:05.41johnakabeanthat's why i'm confused
02:05.49johnakabeani would also pick core 2 over it anyway
02:05.58johnakabeanif i didn't discover this new info
02:06.10*** join/#debian JosefAssad (
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02:06.55enoufit is a core2
02:06.57enoufThe Wolfdale processor family announced these days that is based on 45nm cores will initially include three Core 2 Duo processor models: E8500, E8400 and E8200 with 3.16GHz, 3.0GHz and 2.66GHz respective clock speeds.
02:07.20enoufsome asshat advert bozo misnamed it
02:07.25johnakabeanyeah but the pentium D I'm looking is a 45nm wolfdale
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02:07.50sdebcan i build debian and install ii from source like gentoo ?
02:07.54johnakabeaneither way, i'm looking for the best one with a max fsb of 800mhz
02:07.56Mellowre :)
02:08.02qiyongis it good to use autofs on /home?
02:08.04Mellowwell,  my mouse is PERFECT now :)
02:08.09Mellowthe kernel works as well
02:08.13MellowI love you guys :)
02:08.15Mellowthank you!
02:08.29*** join/#debian zink (
02:08.36enoufjohnakabean: no it isn
02:08.42Mellowone li'll quesion:  On kubuntu,  my  "DVB-T" device worked out of the box with "kaffene"   (Kernel 2.6.28)
02:08.47enoufjohnakabean: no it isn't
02:08.58Mellowon debian lenny,  I get the following  output  in  tail -f /var/log/syslog
02:09.21Mellowthe last line seems to give me the information that it will not work
02:09.38*** join/#debian CrazyEddy (n=CrazyEdd@wrongplanet/CrazyEddy)
02:09.47Mellowbut some lines above you can see it know that I've got a pineapple device
02:09.53Mellowwhatever g
02:10.08enoufsee #v4l Mellow
02:10.19adbfirmware: requesting dvb-usb-dib0700-1.20.fw
02:10.20Mellowha, that one should be installed as well!
02:10.23enoufer ..
02:10.23MellowI remember :)
02:10.50*** join/#debian s14ck_ (
02:11.16adbjohnakabean: go #hardware please
02:11.44Mellowenouf:  that one?   libpt-1.11.2-plugins-v4l2
02:12.12MellowI really enjoy to be back in the Debian community :)
02:12.22Mellowkubuntu was a big mistake in my past!
02:12.49*** join/#debian iamtheobject (
02:13.02Mellowbecause its so extremly unmature
02:13.20MellowAlam_Lenny: so buggy,  every version they present you new never before seen bugs
02:13.26enoufjohnakabean: go argue with people in #hardware then, i don't know wtf with intel nomenclature
02:13.31Mellowand the best:  Bugs which have been solved 3 version ago come back :)
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02:14.20enoufMellow: i don't know, i don't use DVBs
02:14.40enoufMellow: usually firmware belongs in /lib/firmware though
02:15.40Mellowwhere does "kaffeine" save personal settings to?
02:15.51*** join/#debian freakazoid0223 (
02:15.58MellowI want to delete the  .kaffeine  folder but this folder does not exist,  how is it named?
02:16.06*** join/#debian Megaf (n=ONEClick@unaffiliated/megaf)
02:16.08sdebiam sorry but you should read this :: why ubuntu tops debian :
02:16.10*** join/#debian L|NUX (n=linux@unaffiliated/lnux/x-10290)
02:16.12enoufYou have searched for packages that names contain dvb-usb-dib0700-1.20.fw in all suites, all sections, and all architectures. Sorry, your search gave no results
02:16.25enoufMellow: you likely need to get it from the Manu site
02:16.28*** join/#debian a-s` (n=user@
02:17.00*** mode/#debian [+l 870] by debhelper
02:17.14enoufMellow: something in ~/.kde/* perhaps
02:17.23craigevilMellow: .kde/share/config/kaffeinerc and/or .kde/share/apps/kaffeine
02:17.41enouffind . -iname 'kaffeine*'
02:17.46Mellowthank you craigevil and enouf
02:17.54enoufi bet there's /etc/ crap too
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02:19.04ValcorEvening all, just got around to upgrading my amdx64 box to lenny, and now proftpd is throwing a seg fault on the mysql module... kernel logs are pointing to libc... proftpd[5601] general protection ip:7f9ffdc95030 sp:7fff06bd9dc8 error:0 in[7f9ffdc1a000+14a000]
02:19.08Valcoranybody seen that before?
02:19.24*** join/#debian LoonaTick_dc (
02:20.00Mellowenouf:  I found the firmware ... should I just save it to  /lib/firmware  without any installation or soft linking?
02:20.34enoufMellow: i think so - read whatever docs come with it
02:20.47adbValcor: asked google for error
02:21.09Valcoradb: yea, lots of links to bug trackers that end up closing with "not enough info" or "bug is probably other program"
02:21.35enoufValcor: checked the BTS?
02:21.36Mellowok, thank you so far!
02:21.42Mellowwill be back soon!
02:22.08enoufjudd: versions libc6 --release lenny
02:22.09juddenouf: libc6 -- lenny: 2.7-18
02:22.16*** join/#debian msaizar__ (
02:22.26Valcorenouf: BTS?
02:22.34dpkgBug Tracking System for Debian packages, or to go directly to the bug page for a particular package/bug, try or .  aptitude install reportbug, and check out <querybts> too.  Users of unstable and testing are required to check the BTS.  Useful for unstable and testing: aptitude install apt-listbugs apt-listchanges
02:22.49Valcorahh, yes, those are where I have found the trackers that get closed
02:23.31Valcorfor example
02:23.31*** join/#debian Haraken (i=ryuk@unaffiliated/haraken)
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02:23.45enouf!dbugs 485464
02:23.49dpkgDONE:#485464:N[linux-image-2.6.25-2-amd64] linux-image-2.6.25-2-amd64: Memory and file corruption after running for few days (); Mon, 09 Jun 2008 17:03:01 UTC []
02:24.00Valcorclosed with "not enough info"
02:24.26adbValcor: uname -r
02:25.01adbso , no 2.6.25-2-amd64 as in bug ...
02:25.41*** join/#debian hidemelol (
02:25.56Valcorright, though that bug report is odd, as it says he's using an intel chip, with the amd kernel *shrugs*
02:27.02Valcorstill, version behind, but similar issues
02:27.05adbyour  chip is ?
02:27.07enoufValcor: diff kernel version
02:27.07Valcorfound others with strace, and copy
02:27.21enoufstop using proftpd
02:27.27dpkgi guess proftpd is a professional GPL'd FTP server for UNIX and UNIX-like operating systems.  ProFTPd is also L33t as Flood's butt., down, something, dropped from all the other dists because they can't keep security holes out of it... ask me about <vsftpd> if you don't need any ProFTPd specific features.  Contributed tools and modules: .  #proftpd on  See also <ftpd>.
02:28.09enoufgeneral protection  ip:7f9ffdc95030 sp:7fff06bd9dc8 error:0 in[7f9ffdc1a000+14a000]
02:28.16Valcorheh, weird... you pay hosting for an AMD chip, and they drop you on an intel chip
02:28.19Valcorgo figure
02:28.31enoufsure sounds like it could be security related
02:29.00*** join/#debian susbwoy (
02:29.10Valcorenouf: could be... was working fine, and is only crapping out on the SQL module, and not any other modules
02:29.16Valcorwill check out vsftpd
02:29.45enoufValcor: you might try #debian-amd64 just to see if they know anything, but it's a devel channel
02:29.57*** join/#debian jesseboy (
02:30.10jesseboyso guys, can I get debian etch somewhere? 4.0
02:30.19jesseboywhats the mirror for that?
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02:30.52Valcorenouf: will stick my head in, thanks for the hint
02:31.01Valcorin the mean time, will check out vsftpd too
02:31.28enoufjesseboy: - or oldstable
02:31.46enouffor the Installer? likely ado
02:32.02enoufjesseboy: why Etch?
02:32.42*** join/#debian Haraken (i=ryuk@unaffiliated/haraken)
02:32.48jesseboycause the hp tools i need run on etch
02:32.50jesseboythey made them for it
02:33.24jesseboyyep for prolient servers. a dl 380 g3
02:33.31*** join/#debian indigoflux (
02:33.37jesseboythe monitoring tools
02:33.47jesseboyhpasm hprsm, hp-openpmi
02:33.48*** join/#debian hidemelol1 (
02:34.43enoufcrap ... old
02:34.54enoufthough ServerHardware (last edited 2009-03-16 03:36:53 by localhost)
02:34.58*** join/#debian lucascoala_ (
02:35.01*** join/#debian pl4yer0ne (n=P1@unaffiliated/pl4yer0ne)
02:35.38reptilepidgin won't apt-get install
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02:36.32adbreptile: lenny ?
02:37.15reptileyeah lenny.  actually it's installing now, but i had to manually apt-get the dependancies.
02:37.28reptileno biggie now, but what if there were a ton of dependancies.
02:37.36*** join/#debian krabe (
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02:38.33adbreptile: use backports
02:39.44adbreptile: dpkg -i pidgin | grep ii
02:40.01*** join/#debian freakazoid0223 (
02:40.09dpkgNo packages found matching pidgin | grep ii
02:41.24Valcorhrm... vsftpd doesn't seem to do nearly any of what I need
02:41.30enoufjesseboy:  ??
02:42.22*** join/#debian jtaji (n=jtaji@unaffiliated/astro76)
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02:55.13enoufInsight Management SNMP Agents for HP ProLiant Systems The HP SNMP Agents (hp-snmp-agents) is a collection of SNMP protocol based agents and tools which enables monitoring of fans, power supplies, temperature sensors and other management events via SNMP. To install the hp-snmp-agents package, run: # apt-get install hp-snmp-agents
02:55.39enoufhe ProLiant Management Command Line Interface Utility (hpasmcli), the ProLiant Integrated Management Log (IML) Utility (hplog), and the UID (blue) Light Utility (hpuid). To install the hp-health package, run: # apt-get install hp-health
02:55.58*** join/#debian ploceidae_ (
02:57.00*** mode/#debian [+l 864] by debhelper
02:57.42*** join/#debian MadMoney (
02:57.54MadMoneyDebian is failing in Virtual Box.
02:58.04MadMoneyKernel panic - not seeking
02:58.13MadMoneyIt was working for a while.
02:59.55*** join/#debian Firestarter (n=Firestar@
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03:00.31MadMoneyDebian Linux was working well in Virtual Bosx (host XP Home), not it says kernel panic - not seeking when I was rebooting! I rebooted again and now it is working again.
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03:01.36MadMoneyWhy is this so bad at reliable?!
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03:04.34enoufthe host is upchucking and falling all over itself because it's never seen anything so beautiful
03:04.56MadMoneySo you are blaming hardware?
03:05.06*** join/#debian Janhouse (n=janhouse@
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03:05.22faffiGod damn, anyone in here use broadcome wireless drivers? My module is giving me the device i need but it doesnt respond to any commands
03:05.48enoufi'd probably go with PEBKAC as first guess :-)
03:06.20enouffaffi: lspci -nn | grep -i bcm ?
03:06.44faffienouf: 0c:00.0 Network controller [0280]: Broadcom Corporation BCM4312 802.11b/g [14e4:4315] (rev 01)
03:06.58faffiI looked it up on the wiki, its not supported by the fwcutter thingy
03:07.00enoufjudd pciid 14e4:4315
03:07.01juddenouf: [14e4:4315] is 'BCM4312 802.11b/g' from 'Broadcom Corporation' with no known kernel module in lenny but has kernel module 'ssb' in sid. See also
03:07.13enouffaffi: uname -r
03:07.20faffienouf: i'm running squeeze, kernel is 2.6.26-2
03:07.31enoufdescription:    Sonics Silicon Backplane driver
03:07.40*** join/#debian tuantub (
03:07.43enouffaffi: you should try the 29 from sid
03:07.56faffii grabbed the .29 kernel from backports but i couldnt compile anything since a package dependency for the kernel headers didnt exist
03:08.07enoufyou don't need to compile anything
03:08.14enoufand don
03:08.16faffimy nvidia drivers :)
03:08.21*** join/#debian Simulator (n=AlCapone@
03:08.23enoufand don't grab the backports one
03:08.30enoufnot when using Squeeze
03:08.41adbin bpo
03:08.49faffienouf: bleh, thats what abrotman told me to do yesterday
03:08.54enoufif really needed you could build the linux-kbuild- yourself
03:09.27faffiI already have a copy of the .29-bpo kernel
03:09.52faffiits from backports, should i remove it
03:10.20enoufjudd: info linux-headers-2.6.29-2-686
03:10.32enoufjudd: versions linux-headers-2.6.29-2-686
03:10.33juddenouf: linux-headers-2.6.29-2-686 --
03:10.38enoufjudd: versions linux-headers-2.6.29-5-686
03:10.38juddenouf: linux-headers-2.6.29-5-686 --
03:10.53*** join/#debian anthonywong (n=anthony@
03:10.55enouf!info linux-headers-2.6.29-2-686
03:11.37enoufsings the jeopardy theme
03:11.41jesseboyanyone know where I can get debian etch 4.0 download
03:11.53enouf!info linux-headers-2.6.29-5-686
03:12.10adbin bpo enouf
03:12.14enouf23:01 <dpkg> Package 'linux-headers-2.6.29-5-686' does not exist ouch
03:12.29enoufadb: that's stupid
03:12.46*** join/#debian Simulator (n=AlCapone@
03:13.07faffiwhat is puzzling me even more is WHY my module suddenly stopped working
03:13.36faffiadb: look at the depedency's, kbuild doesnt exist >_>
03:13.42enoufhow could the fucken headers not be available for a kernel i've been running for weeks?
03:13.50enouffaffi: 22:58 < enouf> if really needed you could build the linux-kbuild- yourself
03:14.00*** part/#debian mordy_ (
03:14.03faffihmmm ok, how would i do that
03:14.13enouflinux-headers-2.6.30-1-686 - Header files for Linux 2.6.30-1-686
03:14.23enoufuse 30 \o/
03:14.37faffiO_O use .30 headers for a .29 kernel?
03:14.47enoufinstall and use 30 from sid
03:15.08adbfaffi:   wget
03:15.14*** join/#debian rmrf (
03:15.40faffibleh, i need to add a sid repo
03:15.51enoufdo NOT use a backports kernel with squeeze - that's my advice
03:15.57enouffaffi: no
03:16.00Valcorhah, bug #516780... same error, says it was fixed in the version I have installed *sighs*
03:16.01rmrfHi.  I was a bit careless with dd and accidentally nuked my /boot.  I've remade the fs, re-installed the linux-image package for my arch, and re-run grub-install.  Am I missing anything else, or should that work?
03:16.01*** join/#debian CalebR (
03:16.07enoufjust goi get the .debs from pdo
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03:16.38faffienouf: ok, so i should apt-get purge my .29 i got from backports correct? im currently booted into .26-2
03:17.19adbfaffi: no
03:17.20Valcorenouf: #517680 is the same error I'm getting for proftpd, but with postgresql, and supposidly fixed
03:17.39faffiadb: how should i remove linux-image-2.6.29-bpo.2-686
03:17.54*** join/#debian reptile (
03:17.59enouffaffi: apt-get --purge remove ...
03:18.04adbValcor: tell this to bts , not here
03:18.06enoufor aptitude purge
03:18.16reptilei installed wireless-tools yet ath5k does not work.
03:18.16adbrmrf:  it's ok
03:18.19*** join/#debian Rusty1_ (
03:18.20enouffaffi: are you sure you have a bootable working kernel?
03:18.26faffienouf: ya
03:18.26enoufother thant that one?
03:18.30reptilemy card is supported (apparently).
03:18.50enoufValcor: ok - well .. dunno :-/
03:19.04rmrfadb: So you think that should be all I needed to do?
03:19.09enoufValcor: refile the bug?> reopen it?
03:19.19dpkg[reportbug] used to submit bugs to the Debian <BTS>.  Install reportbug, then run reportbug.  Or on the web,, or see for some general info about using reportbug and/or for <debian-installer> bug reporting.  Ask me about <report-bugs>.
03:19.33faffiok, so now i need a .deb for the .30 kernel and for the headers
03:19.34reptilei went according to
03:19.43adbrmrf: yes
03:20.38rmrfadb: Right.  Thanks.
03:21.24*** join/#debian Staz (
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03:21.45enouffaffi: the -image and -headers are there
03:21.52adbfaffi: .30 has no kbuild   ...
03:21.57enouffaffi: to get the -kbuild /msg dpkg trunk kernel
03:22.01StazHi there, is anybody here running dynamic 6to4 on Debian Lenny?
03:22.05StazI would like to know the best way to go about it.
03:23.24*** join/#debian wwarrior (n=wwwarrio@
03:23.39enouffaffi: ahh .. it IS there; linux-kbuild-2.6.30 - Kbuild infrastructure for Linux 2.6.3
03:23.55wwarrioranybody here knows the name of the aplication behind " " ??
03:24.09faffienouf: that makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside
03:24.15*** join/#debian Megaf (n=ONEClick@unaffiliated/megaf)
03:24.25faffienouf: Ok, so im grabbing the kernel, headers-2.6.30-686 and the kbuild
03:24.32*** join/#debian Schizoid (
03:24.50alkyCwhen i open dialogues in some applications the bottom of the box will go out of view at the bottom of the screen and i won't be able to select certain buttons (e.g. OK, Apply, Cancel) at the bottom of the dialogue box. is there a way to make it so that nothing can go below the bar ?
03:24.56enouf$ apt-cache show linux-headers-2.6.30-1-686  linux-image-2.6.30-1-686  linux-kbuild-2.6.30 | grep Filename
03:24.59faffienouf: awesome, thank you
03:25.07enoufwelcome ...
03:25.15*** part/#debian Valcor (i=jangliss@squirrelmail/developer/Valcor)
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03:25.19reptileath5k doesent work.
03:25.25alkyCi cant change resolution as its on the max it will allow
03:25.29*** join/#debian Megaf (n=ONEClick@unaffiliated/megaf)
03:25.54faffienouf: the apt-cache doesnt give me any results
03:26.12enouffaffi: without sid sources and an updatew, it wont!
03:26.14SchizoidI used aptitude to install mysql-server, I then used it to 'remove' mysql-server. I then deleted /etc/mysql and /var/lib/mysql. Now when I do aptitude install mysql-server it creates the /etc/mysql dir but it doesnt put any of the default config files in it.
03:26.20*** join/#debian Sloloem (
03:26.24enouffaffi: go d/l the .debs manually and dpkg -i them
03:26.30dpkg - here you can search for debian packages and their contents.  Pretty Damned Obvious, isn't it?, or, in some contexts.  Maybe even
03:26.33faffienouf: thats what i was gonna do :)
03:26.46faffienouf: ya i know without the sid sources it wont lol
03:27.00reptilei can see wlan0 under iwconfig, but iwlist wlan0 scanning --> wlan0   No scan results
03:27.13reptileam i supposed to configure /etc/network/interfaces  too ?
03:27.29enouffaffi: i was just showing, i was having trouble finding the linux-kbuild-XXX pkg b/c my naming constraints were too tight
03:27.32reptilei ran ifconfig wlan up prior to scanning.
03:27.39enoufin my searching of cache
03:27.44enoufafer updating it
03:27.46*** join/#debian Simulator (n=AlCapone@
03:28.14faffiahhh gotcha
03:28.16enoufreptile: yes, /msg dpkg interfaces
03:28.33enoufand see the general page(s)
03:29.54SloloemI have a bit of an odd situation.  The best way to describe it is that several login prompts have been spawned on the same terminal, and it looks like my commands are being interpreted by both the logged in shell and the prompt in different orders.  When I type a command at "login: " it executes. Then shows me a command prompt.  When I type a command there, it prompts me for a password, and if I type a command there, it executes.
03:30.12dpkgSupport for your wireless LAN device is dependent on the chipset within.  Don't know what you have?  Ask me about <what's my wireless>.  Atheros: <atheros>, <madwifi>; Atmel: <atmel>; Broadcom: <b43>; Intel: <ipw2100>, <ipw2200>, <ipw3945>, <iwlagn>; Intersil: <prism>; Ralink: <ralink>; Realtek: <rtl-wifi>; TI: <acx100>; ZyDAS: <zydas>.  See also: <wlan howto>, <wpa>, <killswitch>, <wmaster0>.
03:30.23*** part/#debian a2 (n=tom@unaffiliated/tomaw/bot/-)
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03:30.31enoufheh - just took a long time to resolve ...
03:30.43enoufthe URL i thought, was incorrect
03:30.44faffialright, reboot time
03:31.07*** join/#debian |niko| (
03:31.27dpkgi heard is the place to look what packages are in debian, see also and apt-cache search
03:32.11enoufthe wiki../WiFi one i meant
03:32.39enoufmore to the point
03:33.02wwarrioranybody knows the software behind ?
03:33.12enouf!listkeys wifi howto
03:33.13dpkgFactoid search of 'wifi howto' by key (2): wifi howto ;; _default wifi howto.
03:33.18enoufoh .. heh
03:33.42*** join/#debian subir (n=subir@
03:33.42enoufwwarrior: the pages don't say?
03:34.11wwarriorenouf, nope
03:35.00wwarriorthere it is
03:35.10wwarriorenouf, sorry and thanks
03:36.00*** join/#debian muhoo (
03:36.21muhoois there some way i can fake mount directories elsewhere in a fs?
03:36.27muhooi.e. without symbolic links.
03:36.55*** join/#debian aredhel (
03:37.31enoufwhy fake? and what do you mean without symlinks?
03:37.42*** join/#debian hadi_ (n=hadi@
03:37.46CompWizrdlike a union mount?
03:38.00enoufyou could create a file and mount it as a block device using losetup/loop
03:38.18enoufonce you generate the file and run mkfs on it
03:38.37CompWizrdthink he was looking for the --bind option for mount
03:38.54enoufyeah, i thouhg he might too - but he mentioned nothing about sharing
03:39.14CompWizrdthere's a --move too
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03:45.13enoufadb: didn't you post a site with the link to grab xserver-xorg-core ... -2 over verion -3 yesterday? -3 has broken DRI2 or something? got that again please?
03:45.37enoufadb: was it the .no mirror?
03:46.30enoufadb: ahh .nl
03:46.37enoufthanks adb
03:47.32*** join/#debian jaSOnGg (n=IamSOG@
03:50.09enoufadb: gah .. it's got only -3 now :-/
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03:52.29enoufadb: same for .no :-P
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03:56.43jesseboyanyone know
03:56.47enoufand all 3 google results :-P
03:56.50jesseboywhere I can get the etch cd image
03:57.04enoufjesseboy: ado, i thought
03:57.26enoufjesseboy: did you see what i posted about HP Proliant and Lenny ?
03:57.32jetscreamertry a mirror
03:57.48jetscreamerjust go through the list
03:57.59jetscreamerthere's always some that haven't done the new
03:58.30jetscreameri found a few looking for lenny iirc
04:00.07jesseboyno missed it enouf sorry. can you post again
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04:00.42adbjesseboy: scroll up
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04:01.21reptylesauvin: hi
04:01.32reptylei noticed dmesg says --> [  525.703145] ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): wlan0: link is not ready
04:01.47reptylewhat does that mean
04:01.54adbnot ready
04:01.57*** join/#debian vader-- (
04:01.58sauvinSorry, I've not been paying any attention.
04:02.13sauvinLooks to me like wlan0 isn't taking any callers atm.
04:04.31jesseboyk got it
04:04.33*** join/#debian Omni (n=omni@unaffiliated/omni)
04:04.34jesseboyyah thanks
04:04.36reptylewell how do i make it ready
04:04.44enoufjesseboy: and
04:05.01enoufjesseboy: see the PDF too
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04:06.40enoufreptyle: you've been through all the ath5k stuff on the
04:06.48enoufreptyle: which debian release?
04:06.51enoufand which kernel?
04:07.05enoufdoes that thing need firmware?
04:07.26*** join/#debian hardnrg (
04:08.17sauvinenouf, you old rat, why are you hiding from everybody?
04:08.36enoufsauvin: you mean cause i'm not in -coders? that place sucks ass
04:08.48enoufand most the ops are fucken assholes :-0
04:09.05*** join/#debian ZeroDamage (
04:09.07sauvinI've created a new place, ##codesmith, not a lot of people (yet) but you may find it a bit more genial.
04:09.30enoufsauvin: i don't need nor want geniality ;-)
04:09.35sauvinMmkay :D
04:09.42enoufbut, i'll visit
04:09.43CutMeOwnThroathe meant genital
04:09.50sauvinI, however, am no asshole, and I'm the *founder*.
04:09.58enouf!genetaliasmite CutMeOwnThroat
04:10.11enoufspell it correctly!
04:10.36reptyleenouf: im on lenny
04:10.58adbreptyle: uname -r
04:11.01enoufreptyle: uname -r
04:11.11reptyleyes i have been through
04:11.29enoufsauvin: ;-)
04:12.18*** join/#debian Old_Spike0 (
04:12.57ZeroDamageIs there any reason that this command will not work on Lenny?   Is there some restriction with the kernel?   iptables -A INPUT -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
04:13.09enoufreptyle: pastebin output of cat /var/log/dmesg and also tail -n 100 /var/log/syslog - and that looks like a debian kernel, did you compile it though?
04:13.14*** join/#debian dbezborodov (
04:13.22ZeroDamageI get this error:  iptables: No chain/target/match by that name
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04:14.28adbZeroDamage: try #iptables
04:15.05reptyleNo i did not compile it.  I installed the Lenny Kde CD.
04:15.12ZeroDamageadb:  Already did.  syntax is right.  something with debian?
04:15.17*** join/#debian rhys (
04:15.28adbZeroDamage: i dunno
04:15.30enoufreptyle: are you or have you tried kwifimanager? if you didn't don't
04:15.57enoufif it's even still called that
04:16.11*** join/#debian ultraj6 (
04:16.12enoufreptyle: also show us /etc/network/interfaces and ls /sys/class/net
04:16.26*** part/#debian ultraj6 (
04:17.59reptyleThe scan is complete, but no networks have been found.
04:18.04reptyleok i'll pastebin that
04:18.16enoufreptyle: and you said you _have_ tried the madwifi drivers at one point?
04:18.26*** part/#debian ZeroDamage (
04:19.07reptyleenouf: i have with Kubuntu and it didn't work.  The only occurance with this wifi card working was when i ran backtrack3.
04:19.23enouf596. Jun 28 23:41:05 smax kernel: [   18.931049] ath5k phy0: Atheros AR2425 chip found (MAC: 0xe2, PHY: 0x70)
04:19.38*** part/#debian Guest41530 (
04:19.43enouf593. Jun 28 23:41:05 smax kernel: [   18.798518] ath5k_pci 0000:05:00.0: registered as 'phy0'
04:19.55*** join/#debian rhys (
04:21.47reptylei wonder how that happened
04:21.47*** join/#debian ThaMentor (
04:22.38enoufreptyle: where's your entries for wlan0 in /etc/network/interfaces ?
04:23.30reptyleenouf: i was just going to manually bring up the interface via, iwconfig essid myrouter ; dhclient
04:23.31reptylebut it can't reach it
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04:23.47enouftry the stuff here; under "To try the driver you can do this:"
04:23.47reptyleotherwise it would be seen in iwlist
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04:24.14reptylewhat about the  --->  ath5k_pci 0000:05:00.0: registered as 'phy0'
04:24.19enoufand see if ifconfig -a lists wlan0 as being UP or whatever
04:24.54reptylewlan0 is listed under  ifconfig -a
04:25.02enoufi think that's phy link related, and quite fine - though not 100%
04:26.09*** join/#debian VooDooNOFX (
04:26.19reptylewhat do i need   for?  I already have ath5k loaded
04:26.25reptylelisted under lsmod
04:26.38enoufsudo ip link set wlan%d up sudo iwconfig wlan%d essid any
04:26.50enoufi guess you can't read too well
04:27.04reptyleam i supposed to configure that kernel stuff too ?
04:27.11enoufit's done
04:27.23*** join/#debian johnp (n=johnp@
04:27.32reptyleso what did you want me to read ?
04:27.36enoufthat's WHY i pointed you to a SPECIFIC SECTION!
04:28.39enoufreptyle: and i suck at wifi - many others might be able to help, if not please try #debian at
04:29.00rhys? im on my phone but hm?
04:29.28enoufhang up that phone!
04:29.44rhysno, like, im typing FROM my phone
04:30.01enoufwow, how retarded
04:30.21rhyshey. my os is installing, so android gets pressed to do music/irc
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04:30.27enoufi can barely type on a full sized keyboard
04:30.29rhyshail android
04:31.05adbenouf: file a real keyboard to rhys
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04:31.42rhysi have the g1 with a HUGE battery, makes it really easy to hold. so i can do rather well.
04:32.03enoufreptyle: is the iproute pkg installed?
04:32.50reptyleno becuase didn't tell me to.
04:33.33enoufreptyle: once it is; as root/sudo "ip link set wlan0 up" and root/sudo "iwconfig wlan0 essid NNNNNNNNN
04:33.55enoufwhat is the ESSID supposed to be? no idea - a name - a number
04:34.12rhysiwlist wlan0 scan | less
04:34.12enouf!wifi howto
04:34.12dpkgThe Linux Wireless LAN HOWTO is at  Additional resources and links to related information/websites also available.  See also and
04:34.26rhysiwlist scan to find the essid
04:34.32enouf  <-- i posted that for you earlier
04:34.43*** part/#debian Staz (
04:34.50reptyleyeah, what rhys said.
04:35.04reptylei was going to manually set the essid with iwconfig essid myrouter
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04:35.41enoufrhys: is he supposed to still have a wmaster0 even though now using ath5k and not madwifi?
04:35.47enoufor whatever
04:36.06reptyleyeah i have a wmaster0 too
04:36.25enoufi know, from you paste of ls /sys/class/net
04:36.27rhysahhh. wmaster0 is usually to be ignored as its not a control iface.
04:36.47alkyCis it possible to use packages from an unstable release on the current stable one?
04:36.49rhysnot sure about those specific drivers though.
04:36.53*** join/#debian JosefAssad (
04:37.00*** mode/#debian [+l 856] by debhelper
04:37.01nkuttleralkyC: usually not. /msg dpkg ssbp
04:37.14alkyCim looking to download dia-0.97 but its only included in the unstable version
04:37.50enoufrhys: i realize that - just not sure if it's existance is an issue
04:37.57enoufoh ok
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04:38.33adbjudd: versions dia
04:38.33juddadb: dia -- etch-security: 0.94.0-17.1etch1 etch: 0.95.0-4.1+b1 lenny: 0.96.1-7.1 squeeze: 0.96.1-7.1 sid: 0.97-2
04:38.39*** join/#debian kai4711 (
04:38.41enoufreptyle: do you recall if BT3 was using the ath5k or madwifi drivers?
04:38.53dpkgFirst: See if the package has already been backported. Ask me about <backports>. If it hasn't, 1) Add ONLY a "deb-src ..." line for sid to your sources.list.  2) apt-get update 3) apt-get install build-essential; apt-get build-dep packagename;apt-get -b source packagename; 4) install the resultant debs.  If you are just wanting to change the compilation options, ask me about <package recompile>, or see <uupdate> if sid is too old
04:38.59adbalkyC: ^^
04:39.03*** join/#debian tdn_ (
04:39.08reptyleit's been a while but i think it's ath5k
04:39.32alkyCi don't get how to add the deb-src line
04:39.43dpkghmm... deb-src is 'deb-src http://http.<CC> <release> main contrib non-free' (example) where '<CC>' is the Country Code, replace with your own for a local mirror - ask me about <source> or <apt-build> for some info about how to build stuff, make sure "build-essential" is installed, ask me about <module-assistant>. Might need to have linux-headers-`uname -r` (if using a debian kernel) and "libc6-dev" installed.
04:40.14*** join/#debian r3r2 (
04:40.32enoufalkyC: but search/use bpo 1st
04:41.01enoufoh, i suppose there
04:41.19alkyCdeb-src sid main
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04:41.20alkyCthat right?
04:41.37enoufoh, i suppose there'd be an entry in judd 's output fior lenny-bacports if there was
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04:42.06enoufalkyC: sure. so long as dia, nor it's depends are in contrib or non-free as well
04:42.31alkyCso should i be adding something to that>
04:42.33enoufjudd depends dia --release unstable
04:42.34juddenouf: dia -- Depends: libart-2.0-2 (>= 2.3.18), libatk1.0-0 (>= 1.20.0), libc6 (>= 2.3.6-6~), libcairo2 (>= 1.2.4), libfontconfig1 (>= 2.4.0), libfreetype6 (>= 2.2.1), libglib2.0-0 (>= 2.16.0), libgtk2.0-0 (>= 2.12.0), libpango1.0-0 (>= 1.18.0), libpng12-0 (>= 1.2.13-4), libxml2 (>= 2.6.27), zlib1g (>= 1:1.1.4), dia-common (= 0.97-2), dia-libs (= 0.97-2)
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04:43.25adbalkyC: your deb-src not correct
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04:43.40alkyCadb, could you help me correct it?
04:43.47enoufadb: good catch .. i don;t know what i was looking at :-/
04:43.59*** join/#debian Aminzai (n=Aminzai@
04:44.07adbdeb-src  sid  main
04:44.12tpocraThe 2.6.30 kernel in sid somehow disables direct rendering for my r500 series graphics card using the radeon driver
04:44.17enoufdeb-src http://http.<CC>           \where '<CC>' is the Country Code, replace with your own for a local mirror
04:44.28tpocraReverting to 2.6.26 works, however.
04:44.39alkyCim guessing uk for uk?
04:45.12enouftpocra: dpkg -l xserver-xorg-core | tail -n 1
04:45.14*** part/#debian JackGray (
04:46.40enouftpocra: also try #radeon - maybe even #debian-x on there's bugs in the -3 version
04:46.47tpocraii  xserver-xorg-core                    2:                Xorg X server - core server
04:46.54enoufthere ya go
04:47.09enouf1.6.1.901-3 is bug ridden
04:47.33enoufit's being noted and worked on, or whatever
04:47.57tpocraThanks for letting me know.
04:48.02enouftpocra: do you still have -2 in /var/cache/apt/archives ?
04:48.37tpocraThis was a fresh install
04:48.39enouftpocra: ls -l /var/cache/apt/archives | grep  xserver-xorg-core
04:48.48enoufno it wasn't
04:48.58enoufthat version wouldn't be on any media
04:49.14enoufand you can't install sid straight anyway
04:49.25tpocraerm, fresh meaning I installed lenny fresh and just updated to sid
04:49.32enouf(well, you can, if you're clever enough)
04:49.38*** join/#debian charitwo (n=charitwo@wikia/Charitwo)
04:49.48adbor no
04:49.49enoufok, so what's the output?
04:49.52tpocra-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  2309808 2009-06-25 13:49 xserver-xorg-core_2%3a1.6.1.901-3_amd64.deb
04:49.55enoufls -l /var/cache/apt/archives | grep  xserver-xorg-core
04:50.04enoufoh well
04:50.09enouftough macaroons
04:50.17*** join/#debian paradigma (n=paradigm@
04:50.34paradigmagood night you know where can I download videos tutorials debian?
04:50.51enoufdebconf archives?
04:51.09*** join/#debian openbythoughts (n=openbyth@unaffiliated/openbythoughts)
04:51.22tpocraenouf: Wait... but direct rendering works in 2.6.26
04:51.29enoufdebconf{07,08}  archives perhaps?
04:51.35tpocrawith xserver-xorg-core -3
04:51.44enouftpocra: it's DRI2 that's broken IINM
04:52.11enouftpocra: i'm sure there's many bug reports about it on BTS
04:52.18*** join/#debian Jindrak (
04:52.36tpocraenouf: DRI2 is in the kernel, no?
04:52.42enoufno idea
04:52.45sauvinPasswords aren't stored in /etc/passwd anymore, I've just discovered. Where'd they go?
04:53.13enoufi'm sure the kernel plays a role though
04:53.13adbparadigma: google  `download videos tutorials debian`
04:53.13harktpocra: do you have firmware-linux installed?
04:53.24\amethystsauvin:  /etc/shadow
04:54.01tpocrahark: No
04:54.07tpocraI don't even see it as avilable
04:54.23*** join/#debian themill (
04:54.36tpocraI do not need non-free firmware, as I have an r500 card well supported by the radeon driver
04:54.36sauvinOh, good grief, have fun cracking those... I have six crash test dummy accounts with the same password, only, the password fields in /etc/shadow for them are all unique.
04:55.16*** join/#debian Hyperi (
04:55.36Gnurduxsauvin, yep
04:56.10Gnurduxthis is done to make eg dictionary attacks a bit more difficult
04:56.28sauvinI applaud without reservation.
04:56.32Gnurduxif a password had a unique output, you could just check against a big table of passwords
04:56.59Gnurduxi think even passwd passwords had "salts"
04:58.05harktpocra: ok then
04:58.26sauvinI'm in no position to confirm that, having zero older distros around, but I *like* this, just hadn't realised it'd happened.
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05:04.57Gnurduxthis happened probably > 15 years ago...
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05:05.53GnurduxFrom wikipedia: Password shadowing first appeared in UNIX systems with the development of System V Release 3.2 in 1988 and BSD4.3 Reno in 1990. Vendors which had performed ports from earlier UNIX releases did not include the new password shadowing features, leaving users of those systems exposed to password file attacks.
05:06.12harkupto him, if he doesn't want non-free packages
05:06.16GnurduxThe Shadow Suite was ported to Linux in 1992 one year later from Linux announcement and became a part of many early distributions.
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05:07.33enouftpocra: .. now, if you read the various say and 29 and 28 and look at the various changes concerning DRM, GEM, Kernel-modesetting etc, you might be able to make some sense of it all
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05:13.24krabewhat does virtual rack mean?
05:13.37enouffake boobies?
05:14.41enoufsauvin: IINM, shadowing uses PAM
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05:15.15sauvinI don't believe I have PAM running.
05:15.36reptyleis kernel 2.6.29 in the repos yet?
05:15.44reptyleor is that something i'll need to get from
05:16.06*** join/#debian reptyle (
05:16.14\amethystPAM isn't a daemon, it's a set of libraries that programs (like login, gdm, sshd, etc) use for authentication
05:16.52sauvinSo it's an "on demand", never actually running until something needs it, does its thing and then winks out again?
05:16.56stewjudd: kernels
05:16.58juddstew: Available kernel versions are: trunk: 2.6.30-trunk-686 (2.6.30-1~experimental.1~snapshot.13813); sid: 2.6.30-1-686 (2.6.30-1); squeeze: 2.6.26-2-686 (2.6.26-15); lenny: 2.6.26-2-686 (2.6.26-15); etchnhalf: 2.6.24-etchnhalf.1-686 (2.6.24-6~etchnhalf.8); etch: 2.6.18-6-686 (2.6.18.dfsg.1-24)
05:17.10\amethystsauvin:  it's not even a separate program
05:17.21sauvinJust a collection of libs. Gotcha.
05:17.39enoufsauvin: see /etc/pam.d/ ;-)
05:18.18sauvinenouf, I believe I'll do just that.
05:18.29enouf# The PAM configuration file for the Shadow `passwd' service heh
05:19.01\amethystsauvin:  pam_unix  is the module that does the /etc/shadow stuff
05:19.39sauvinYea, I see all these config files, will tinker in a throwaway VM when the mood strikes.
05:19.47enoufpassword        [success=1 default=ignore] obscure md5
05:20.08phorce1reptyle: check bpo, I don't think judd lists kernels from there for lenny
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05:20.31enoufphorce1: --release lenny-backports, though, i'm not sure about kernels
05:20.45enoufphorce1: judd 's been pissing me off in that regard :-p
05:20.54reptyleis it ok to get up to date kernels from, or is there a "safer" way.
05:21.19enoufreptyle: you're on lenny? lenny-backports has a 29 kernel
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05:21.45enoufreptyle: /msg dpkg backports
05:22.03reptyledpkg says Linux kernel versions, stable: 2.6.30
05:22.03dpkgreptyle: i don't know
05:22.22enoufreptyle: where?
05:22.27reptyledpkg kernel
05:22.29dpkgLinux kernel versions, stable: 2.6.30, prepatch: 2.6.31-rc1, snapshot: 2.6.31-rc1-git4, 2.4:, 2.2: 2.2.26, prepatch: 2.2.27-rc2, -mm patch: 2.6.28-rc2-mm1
05:22.49enoufreptyle: that's versions
05:23.01phorce1enouf: Guerin (I think) was talking about the judd kernels factoid in #d-ot the other day. That's why I remembered that it doesn't show kernels that are on bpo
05:23.08enoufreptyle: those are not debian patched, but feel free to compile :-P
05:23.26enoufreptyle: nor are those .debs for easy installation/removal :-P
05:23.32*** join/#debian paw (
05:23.36enoufphorce1: ahh
05:24.09enoufphorce1: dpkg should list - but you need ... wait ..
05:25.03enoufphorce1: brainfart - i think you need .. wait .. shit
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05:25.37enoufjudd: versions linux-image-686
05:25.37juddenouf: linux-image-686 -- etch: 2.6.18+6etch3 etch-security: 2.6.18+6etch3 etch-backports: 2.6.26+17~bpo40+2 lenny: 2.6.26+17+lenny1 squeeze: 2.6.26+17+lenny1 sid: 2.6.29+19
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05:26.27phorce1enouf: still doesn't show .29 for lenny. heh
05:26.39enoufi know .. needs an update :-)
05:27.07reptyleOh, id rather have debian patched.
05:27.23adbfor ?
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05:28.39reptyle686 or 486 ?
05:28.54reptyleall or common ?
05:29.47phorce1reptyle: did you read the backports factoid?
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05:30.27SparFuxHello all.
05:30.58reptyle ?
05:31.35SparFuxHow can I see the account expire date of a user in debian?
05:32.17SparFuxI know I can change it with command usermod. And it should be somewhere stored in /etc/{passwd,shadow}, but I think there should be a command option or whatever to comfortably display it.
05:32.57adbman adduser ?
05:33.28SparFuxThere is nothing mentioned about the expire date in man adduser.
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05:35.44SparFuxSry, the command is chage(2), thx.
05:35.53enoufSparFux: does a user's account ever expire?
05:36.08adbexpiration date in keyring ?
05:36.16dondelelcaroonly the password does
05:36.34enoufthought so - thanks dondelelcaro
05:36.35SparFuxI had a problem with the error message:
05:37.03SparFuxThat's how I came to that matter. Never really realized an account would expire and I don't know why there was an expiration date set on my accounts on my home computer :-P
05:37.42SparFuxThere are two things as far as I learned in my novice state: account expiration and password expiration.
05:37.46dondelelcarothough I suppose you could write a pam module to do that
05:38.23SparFuxAccount expiration is the account is inactivated and can only be reactivated by admin. Cron jobs aren't run, user cannot do anything. I don't know wether he would be logged out on expiration date though, I think not.
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05:38.39enoufSparFux: i know GDM has a session TIMEOUT or something .. related
05:38.45dondelelcaroSparFux: that's also just password-based expiration
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05:39.20enoufmaybe gdmconfig? or /usr/share/gdm/* has docs?
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05:41.43eshaasei have two systems setup (debian and ubuntu), how come transferring a particular file from one to another results in 11MB/s but transferring the same file in the other direction results in 3MB/s?
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05:43.28dondelelcaroeshaase: could be different disk speeds, bad cables, bad network driver, almost anything, really.
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05:44.01SparFuxenouf: yes, sounds related.
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05:44.17enoufeshaase: maybe one had the file(s) cached already in RAM. or swap is involved?
05:44.20SparFuxPassword expiration means the password is not valid anymore and the user will be prompted for a new password on next login.
05:46.23SparFuxdondelelcaro: Well,  I am not an expert on that. According to my investigation of my debian system I think it's like I described and there is a difference in password vs. account expiration. But it's system dependent perhaps or whatever. I never had problems with the error message anyway, but error messages disturb me somehow and I am glad I found out how to get rid of it. I never noticed a problem as I log into accounts from normal user by sud
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05:46.45hanibana_hi all
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05:47.03hanibana_I've installed gnome by "aptitude install gnome-desktop-environment" ; what's the best way to remove gnome or those packages that have been installed this way?
05:47.05eshaasedondelelcaro: all of what you listed would affect both directions though no?
05:47.22muhoosorry, i got disconnected earlier.
05:47.30eshaaseenouf: well i transferred twice and its still 3MB?s
05:47.38eshaaseenouf: what do you mean about swap?
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05:48.01muhooi was asking for a way to mount /mnt/long/deep/path/to/something to /mnt/shortpath, without symlinks
05:48.09adbSparFux: what about a hacked machine ?
05:48.17reptylewhat does the first column mean in aptitude search ? i see p's and v's
05:48.30dondelelcaroeshaase: nope
05:48.41muhoosomeone suggested an image file, but that won't work. this is a drive, and i just need access to some of its deep dirs from a higher-level dir... which are already empty dirs, so i can't blow them away and make symlinks
05:48.46enoufeshaase: what networked FStype are you using? anythings like kio_slaves on one? (DE related things) - also not sure if this would matter, but do both NICs use FullDuplex mode? ethtool can tell you
05:48.47SparFuxadb: a hacked machine?
05:48.56eshaaseenouf: i'm using scp
05:49.00dondelelcaroSparFux: nah, it's all different levels of password expiration
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05:49.17eshaaseenouf: ill look into ethtool
05:49.34SparFuxdondelcaro,adb: anyways, my problem was the expiration date was errorneously set to 1970: for some accounts.
05:50.05dpkgepoch is, like, the end of an era.  For example y2k was a 2 digit year epoch.  The unix epoch on 32-bit hardware isn't until Jan 18 2038, by which time we will probably have all migrated to 64-bit architectures.  It's also a version number orderer used by the Debian packaging software.  For example: 2:0.0.0 is a higher version than 9.9.9 by itself.
05:50.06dondelelcaroeshaase: for example, if you had a dodgy TX connection on a cable, it'd affect it in only one direction.
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05:50.30phorce1eshaase: could still be a screwed up NIC TX circuit on the one machine
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05:51.14hanibana_any idea?
05:51.16adbSparFux:  set to 1970 by admin ?
05:51.28phorce1eshaase: Yeah, what dondelelcaro said. Cable or NIC. Try swapping cable out first
05:51.29enoufeshaase: try some tests with netcat perhaps, remove any encryption/SSL using apps .. also perhaps options on one side is using compression prior to sending?>
05:51.29SparFuxadb: I don't remember so. I am the admin of my home box, you know :-)
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05:52.01enoufeshaase: funky cables sounds the best though
05:52.27SparFuxI don't find any hints on man pages to chage command though. Perhaps I should file a wish bug.
05:52.40enoufSparFux: have you toyed with man chfn? or chsh?
05:52.59eshaaseok, i'll take a look at my cables
05:53.05eshaasewhich ones should i look at first?
05:53.22enoufthe cat5e ones ;-)
05:53.25phorce1eshaase: don't look, replace
05:53.42enoufyeah - heh, replace , no looking!
05:54.15SparFuxenouf: not for at least one user with the problem. I think it was a temporary bug perhaps in useradd command.
05:54.17yaboo007is there a maximum partition size I can install debian on, I currently wish to do a 220gb root partition
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05:56.08muhoono answer on shadow mounting, eh?
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05:56.50enoufeshaase: could install and try an app like netperf or netsend or something, and how are you measuring the speeds? i mean a dialog box pops up? progess bar?
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05:57.28adbSparFux: cat  /etc/default/useradd | grep EXPIRE=
05:57.30enoufSparFux: possible you did something over samba with a vfat FS?
05:57.38Lycurgusdid I do something wrong or is eclipse 3.2 the official lenny release?
05:57.42SparFuxadb: I use the adduser command instead of useradd.
05:57.48dpkgUUOC is the Useless Use of Cat Award.  Given out for years by Randal Schwartz on the newsgroup  Basically, most constructions that look like "cat filename | grep pattern" can be more easily written as "grep pattern filename".  Works for grep and most other Unix utilities.  Easier to type and marginally more efficient.
05:57.58phorce1yaboo007: that will work fine. I installed on a 500G as a single partition.  Then, a year later when the drive started having issues I had to move hundreds of gigabytes to replace it.
05:58.15SparFuxenouf: samba is impossible.
05:58.15yaboo007phorce1:  thanks
05:58.23SparFuxadb: only SHELL=/bin/sh in there and some comments.
05:58.24enoufadb: good one though, forgot about that
05:58.32enoufSparFux: impossible?
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05:58.48SparFuxenouf: I did nothing with samba on vfat. sry for expression.
05:59.05phorce1yaboo007: I strongly suggest doing something like 100MB /boot + 20G / + 200G /home
05:59.25SparFuxYes, the default/useradd was important. But it's ok here.
05:59.26phorce1samba is annoying
05:59.44enoufjudd: versions eclipse
05:59.45juddenouf: eclipse -- etch: 3.2.1-4 lenny: 3.2.2-6.1 sid: 3.2.2-6.1 squeeze: 3.2.2-6.1
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06:00.41Lycurgusthe just released 3.5 and I've been using 3.3 and 3.4 for some time on etch
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06:02.44SparFuxenouf: adb: recently added users with adduser have no account expiration. So. I did updates in the meantime, it's quite obvious there has been something wrong and it is ok now.
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06:05.36SparFuxOn I think I found an answer to the expiration issue:
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06:14.16B1STaptitude install doesn't works or what
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06:14.26B1ST*aptitude install rar
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06:15.14nkuttler!tell B1ST about errors
06:15.47B1STwell, he cannot find the package rar
06:15.49adbapt-cache search  unrar
06:16.14nkuttlerB1ST: missing non-free sources?
06:16.42pl4yer0ne7zip is better than rar (and I think it can open rars too)
06:16.48B1STnvm, the pack called unrar-free
06:17.04B1STand yes, i do not have the non-free source in the list
06:17.23pl4yer0ne7zip is FOSS =)
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06:22.15reptylewhere's make-kpkg ? it's not even in the repos
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06:23.32adbapt-file search make-kpkg
06:23.58SparFuxapt-get install kernel-package
06:24.50eshaasemeasuring it via scp, theres a display
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06:28.39adb[08:19:09]` <scroat>  where's make-kpkg ? it's not even in the repos`  scroat is reptyle   , wtf
06:30.20eshaaseanyways, th anks guys, appreciate it!
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06:30.40enoufSparFux: Sarge? etch wasn't released until 2007 ..
06:31.25enoufSparFux: or, is the fix not what you expect? or exibits the behaviour you're seeing?
06:31.33SparFuxWell, the posting was form 2005. I got 1970 expiry dates on 2007, too. I am pretty sure I did updates, so I think your concern is legitimate.
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06:32.13enoufit's 2009 now :-P
06:32.17SparFuxenouf: Well, at least the behaviour now is ok. Expiry date isn't set and there is no expiry. The problem exists only with accounts created a longer time ago.
06:32.49SparFuxYes, the question is when the accounts were created. You know, the error message occurred for a very long time now :-)
06:33.09SparFuxThe error never was a problem. I log into accounts with sudo su - <username>
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06:33.23SparFuxThis is possible even for expired and locked accounts.
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06:34.04enoufhrm, confusing, but ok
06:35.27adbSparFux: how many  accounts has this machine ?
06:36.22ThaMentorhi, I want to download DEBIAN 5.0 lenny by torrent, but it appears an error : Not Found
06:36.22ThaMentorThe requested URL /debian-cd/5.0.2/i386/bt-cd/ was not found on this server.
06:36.29SparFuxAs of now 18 accounts. It was less in former days. It's a private machine and I use it all on my own, but I have established a new concept for having accounts for people I do something for. So when writing a letter for sb, he gets an account :-)
06:37.03SparFuxenouf: And I use accounts for some things I consider insecure: games, web, audio apps.
06:37.29SparFuxOne account name source to compile things and vpn for VPN applications.
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06:41.17adbSparFux: so  accounts are more like groups and users enter specific group to do specific tasks ?
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06:43.19SparFuxadb: if I had only one account and used groups for the tasks, then the security wouldn't be hardened, I think. I mean, when running my userspace socialvpn software, this software cannot access the main user's data and cannot change it.
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06:44.21SparFuxOr when user wine runs wine and it runs offensive windows software, all this doesn't have any effect on other parts of the system.
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06:45.28havocwhat could be the problem that my knockd closes my connecten even if i have an active ssh connection? thought the stop command is not done if there was a login after the knocking sequence
06:45.37maheri'm having a weird xfig problem - does anyone else use xfig and feel like seeing if they also have it?
06:48.35*** part/#debian Hiryu (n=hiryu@
06:48.47SparFuxmaher: I have just installed it. Is it easy to reproduce?
06:50.13maherSparFux: yes - the menus don't work - try running xfig and then try and open a file using a menu
06:50.22adbSparFux: so users has no any "privacy" space, aka /home/$User, they may run only fixed services defined by account's group they  use for login ?
06:50.35SparFuxI get a file open window then.
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06:50.55maherSparFux: hmmm.... i must have broken something somehow
06:51.04SparFuxadb: I don't really use groups, but the account name is the group. Yes, that's the idea behind it.
06:51.20SparFuxmaher: yes, I seem to be able to select files. I check for example files to open...
06:51.33maherSparFux: i don't get the file dialog
06:51.47SparFuxaha. there is something broken then.
06:52.03SparFuxnot even the pull-down menu pops open?
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06:52.24SparFuxmaher: What window manager?
06:53.21maherSparFux: blackbox
06:53.33SparFuxhm.. don't know it.
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06:58.36adbSparFux: so a bash_profile is used to define each account ?
06:59.22SparFuxI have the feeling you are aiming at I am doing something wrong with accounts, i.e. something they are not ment to be used for?
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07:01.45Vonoris there a kernel image in debian which has nfs and rootfs via nfs compiled in instead of via initrd?
07:02.11gaintsurahas anyone used Nagios or Cacti for system monitoring? How well does it work, Can it monitor multiple systems at once, so on and so forth..?
07:04.38adbno, i try only  to imagine how we may achive  that in practice
07:06.15redstickDoes anyone know of a repository with SNORT on it?
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07:15.42Nesquickhi there all
07:15.54Nesquickis any posbility to recover data from an ext3fs partition ?
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07:18.28dpkgLinux doesn't generally support 'undeleting' files.  For ext2fs *only*, use mc (Midnight Commander), umount the fs, and select "Undelete files" from menu.  For ext3fs, see and ask about <ext3grep>.  With reiserfs, jfs, xfs, you're SooL.  Some desktops (GNOME/KDE) offer a trash bin.
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07:22.01yaboo007is startx still how you start xwindows
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07:22.23nkuttleryaboo007: yes, if you don't want to use a dm
07:22.34yaboo007yep nkuttler
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07:35.49jan247hi is there a way to 'reverse' an ssh session? i want to let another user connect to my machine for a short time. problem is, i'm having problem and can't install ssh-server on my machine.
07:35.57SparFuxadb: Achieve what in practice? Better security for all the tasks people do? Well, generally I think it's always a very good idea to do everything as a sepcial user. This gives more security and seperates things from each other. This is already done in Debian in many ways. For example there is a user asterisk for the telephony software. Whereever this is missing or whereever I install a software not available in debian, I use my own users. I don
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07:37.35benschwarzhey folks
07:37.43Nesquickhow can i see
07:37.52Nesquickwhat files contains a dd image
07:37.52benschwarzI'm looking to add some virtual interfaces to my system
07:38.02benschwarzwhere is the best place to learn how to do this?
07:38.12nkuttlerjan247: google ssh reverse tunnel
07:38.25nkuttlerNesquick: hm?
07:38.25jan247hm, thanks
07:38.40nkuttlerbenschwarz: ifconfig eth0:0 up?
07:38.46Nesquicki have a backup maded with dd
07:38.51Nesquickand i want to see
07:38.54Nesquickwhat contains that file
07:39.00benschwarznkuttler: will it get written to //etc/network/interfaces?
07:39.04nkuttlerNesquick: is it a partition ?
07:39.09nkuttlerbenschwarz: of course not
07:39.14Nesquicki think so
07:39.33nkuttlerNesquick: you can probably loop mount it
07:39.46Nesquickhow ?
07:39.49Nesquickmount -o loop ?
07:40.28nkuttlerNesquick: see man mount
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07:45.35nkuttlerjan247: oooh, wait, that requires a local sshd anyway
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07:47.31enoufjan247: why can't you install openssh-server?
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07:49.54error404notfoundfrom where can i download debian etch? i can't find it anywhere, everywhere lenny download links are given
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07:55.14error404notfoundgoogles again...
07:55.31fireba11error404notfound: since etch is oldstable .. why do you want to download it? :-)
07:55.35scream_hi! what is the debian way of loading xmodmap on X session startup?
07:55.45error404notfoundfireba11, client requirement
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07:57.48nkuttlererror404notfound: check or just s/stable/oldstable/ on
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07:58.58maherpull down menus don't seem to work in either xfig or gv - maybe this is some problem with xaw3dg? (emacs works though) any ideas?
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08:02.08fireba11error404notfound: you are aware that security updates for etch won't be provided for much longer?
08:02.21Tapouti've got vsftpd, and one ftp user I want to kill (it's me, I'm trying to make sure my error handling with ncftpget works)
08:02.29Tapoutstopping vsftpd does not close the connection
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08:04.37fireba11Tapout: check process list?
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08:05.36anddamI'm searching for an Exposé-like manager for Xorg, any advice?
08:05.50anddamI searched the web and found komposé but that's kde
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08:06.24enouffireba11: etch should be supported atleast until Feb of 2010, IIUC
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08:08.01fireba11enouf: ah, thanks for the info.
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08:16.01dboehmerhello everyone
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08:16.14enouffireba11: AIUI, oldstable should/will be supported for 1yr after the latest Stable release (Lenny)
08:16.15dboehmercan somebody give hints on using LXDE?
08:16.42dboehmeri have installed LXDE from the debian repos and several apps don't start except there are run as root...
08:16.49enouffireba11: it's not a hard and fast rule set in stone though
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08:17.02dboehmere.g. lxterminal says "cannot connect to display :0" when executed as user
08:17.17enoufecho $DISPLAY
08:17.20dboehmercan somebody tell why that is?
08:17.33dboehmerenouf, :0
08:17.33maligorenouf, how do you echo $DISPLAY if you can't get a terminal?
08:17.53dboehmermaligor, i exec root terminal which works and "su username"
08:18.01enoufmaligor: then wtf are you typint lxterminal in?
08:18.07enoufyou too dboehmer
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08:18.16janmejayhas anyone experienced vlc failing to play videos on lenny?
08:18.28enoufdboehmer: root doesn't have DISPLAY set
08:18.33maligorlxde is a desktop environment, I imagine it has things called icons :P
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08:18.54enoufmaligor: talk about without a Display :-P
08:18.59enoufIcons? lmao
08:19.12enoufSo .. let
08:19.13dboehmerenouf, the $DISPLAY var is echoed by root as ":0", too
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08:19.39xiangfuHi I have try to make a debian package. 1. dh_make 2. change the control 3. dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot,
08:19.49enoufSo .. let's review, he cannot echo $DISPLAY b/c there's no terminal, but he CAN click on DE Icons?
08:19.51xiangfumy broblem is how change the version.
08:19.58xiangfuit's always 1.0.0-1.
08:20.19enoufdch xiangfu
08:20.22maligordboehmer, what debian is it?
08:20.28xiangfucan I change the version number to like v2009.06
08:20.42dboehmerenouf, i can use terminal even as user but i cannot start terminal emulation "lxterminal" as user
08:20.43enoufdboehmer: that's the server, not the DISPLAY
08:20.56enoufdboehmer: should be :0.0
08:20.56xiangfuenouf:  what is dch?
08:21.06enoufxiangfu: install devscripts
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08:21.25hamsanddboehmer: you run X as the normal user or root?
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08:21.44dboehmerhamsand, i login at tty2 and exec "startx"
08:22.26hamsandnormal user?
08:22.31dboehmerenouf, i have set DISPLAY to :0.0 but error message is the same
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08:22.53dboehmerhamsand, non-root account
08:22.59dboehmerjust me:)
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08:23.15enoufdboehmer: your env isn't the same when you su username
08:23.32enoufdboehmer: do you have a DM installed?
08:23.46dboehmerenouf, but i set the var and executed "lxterminal" right in the same terminal window
08:23.48enoufdboehmer: pastebin output of 'printenv'
08:24.00enoufdoesn't matter
08:24.01xiangfuenouf:  very thanks.
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08:25.45enoufdboehmer: what release of debian, which kernel and show us output of dpkg -l libc6 | tail -n 1
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08:27.08dboehmerenouf, current debian lenny. everything should be standard. i am using kernel i686
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08:29.03hamsanddboehmer: i think it may be problem about xath
08:29.22hamsandi want you to try running "XAUTHORITY=/home/daniel/.Xauthority lxterminal"
08:30.11dboehmerseg fault:-D
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08:30.41simplechathey, just as a question, is there any way to use ksplice with debian?
08:31.08enoufdboehmer: rm the /tmp/libgksu-KqKHXr/.Xauthority
08:31.08dboehmerhamsand, you received my answer?
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08:31.47enoufdboehmer: make sure the xauth pkg is installed - your VAR should be /home/username/.Xauthority
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08:32.28enoufdboehmer: you seem to already have a _LXSESSION_PID=3208 running too
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08:33.43GarpQuestion: I'm looking for tools to maintain an offline debian machine. Saw, but looks not maintained any more. Does it works? Do you have alternatives? Thanks.
08:33.52dboehmerenouf, there is only one lxsession running which is 3208
08:34.10dboehmerenouf, xauth is installed
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08:34.40enoufdboehmer: export PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/bin/X11:/usr/games
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08:35.43petemcGarp: would using the dvds not be sufficient?
08:35.50dboehmerenouf, with that lxterminal still fails with the gtk error
08:36.24Garppetemc: It means creating a whole dvd for each update...
08:36.26enoufdboehmer: what is lxterminal supposed to be anyway? a xterm equiv?
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08:36.56petemcGarp: you can use things like jigdo to update your existing mediA
08:37.02enoufdboehmer: also, as root update-alternatives --config x-*
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08:37.04dboehmerenouf, it's a full terminal emulator with tab support from LXDE
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08:37.41dboehmerenouf, interesting: i can still execute root terminal from lxde menu, but running lxterminal as root doesn't work anymore
08:38.44enoufdboehmer: is a DM installed? gdm/xdm/kdm? and which WM?
08:38.49Garppetemc: but no clue about pypt-offline-like systems ?
08:38.52dboehmerenouf, @update-alternatives: no alternatives for x-*
08:38.54petemcnone at all
08:39.02Garppetemc: thanks anyway.
08:39.10dboehmerenouf, gdm was installed automatically but removed by me
08:39.12enoufdboehmer: tabcomplete the x-
08:39.31dboehmerx-session-manager    x-window-manager
08:39.31dboehmerx-terminal-emulator  x-www-browser
08:39.41enoufconfigure those
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08:40.34dboehmerx-terminal-emulator keeps being lxterminal
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08:40.54dboehmerenouf, you're still there in 20mins?
08:41.11dboehmeri am in university and we're just doing a break until then
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08:41.36dboehmermaybe is critical. maybe we can fix that now...
08:41.51dboehmercan you please explain to me what the actual problem is? i don't get it
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08:46.45dboehmerenouf, any ideas?
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08:53.22Vonorcan someone help me with netboot and rootfs via nfs? kernel and initrd load fine, just the nfsroot cannot be mounted.
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08:54.59Vonorthats the output:
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08:59.58acemihow is APPEND line in pxelinux conf?
09:00.05sidhgreetings gentlemen
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09:00.43Vonoracemi,       append initrd=initrd.img rw ip=dhcp root=/dev/nfs nfsroot=
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09:01.00JJOliverHi I'm trying to use minicom to connect to an invertor. Where do I select that it is ASCII only?
09:01.23VonorJJOliver, ctrl-A O
09:01.55JJOliverI'm there but I still don't see the ascii option.
09:01.58acemi/ line in /nfsroot/etc/fstab?
09:02.27Vonor192.168.99.1:/nfsroot   /       nfs     sync,hard,intr,rw,nolock,rsize=8192,wsite=8192  0 0
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09:03.40nathan7Hello, I'm having problems with my motd. It contains some ANSI control chars, but this causes my system to ignore the motd completely D=
09:03.45JJOliverVonor: So i can't see anywhere in Ctrl-a O that has anything to do with ascii.
09:03.55nathan7When I remove them, it's okay
09:03.57acemiI used /dev/nfs instead of in my fstab
09:04.00sidhFor developpment/testing purposes , proxmox VE seems to be a great solution for my needs, but as I have only one 'powerful' desktop (quadcore/8 GB Ram) , I would need to have proxmox + XFCE and desktops apps on it too, on the proxmox web site they say it's possible but i would like to have some feedbacks of people who use proxmox as a dev station .
09:04.58acemi/etc/eports is OK?
09:05.03acemi/etc/exports is OK?
09:05.10VonorJJOliver, not sure, under serial port setup, hw and soft flowcontrol no
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09:05.37Vonoracemi, yes, the exports is ok, it can be mounted fine
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09:06.30Vonoracemi, lemme try
09:07.15Vonoracemi, i don't think it even gets as far as to read the fstab
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09:07.40acemido you have a firewall in nfs server?
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09:08.34Vonoracemi, i followed this guide: with additional setup (for the missing parts) from a gentoo howto:
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09:08.48Vonorfrom the gentoo howto i only took the nfs stuff
09:08.49acemican I see the exports content?
09:10.48acemimaybe your client can't get this IP
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09:11.05Vonoracemi, btw, there is no /dev/nfs in the nfsroot
09:11.19Vonorthe client gets the ip, else it wouldn't be able to load the kernel either
09:12.00acemibut after loading the kernel, its IP can be changed
09:12.11jeffrey_Vonor: are you sure your client support NFS too?
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09:14.26acemiVonor:  could you paste /nfsroot/etc/network/interfaces content
09:14.53Vonoracemi, it's empty
09:15.40acemicould you ping the client from the server
09:16.17acemiI think you have not a network connection after the kernel is loaded
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09:16.51nathan7points at initramfs
09:17.09_paladin_there's proplem with multiclient connection to mpd. ncmpc work properly, but mpc at the same time tells "error: problems getting a response from "" on port 6600 : Connection refused". mpd version 0.14.1, debian stable. what's wrong?
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09:18.51jeffrey__paladin: are you sure the port 6600 is allowed? check the firewall setup
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09:20.19_paladin_jeffrey_, yes, mpd binds to this port, and ncmpc connects to it properly.
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09:22.12jeffrey__paladin_: are they connect to the same IP? or 192.168.*.*?
09:24.30enouf_paladin_: can you pastebin output of ifconfig -a and netstat -tunap?
09:24.39_paladin_jeffrey_, yes, to the same. there's one more thing - if MPD_HOST=localhost, then mpc works ok.
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09:25.14enoufthat's sounds like a possible /etc/hosts issue?
09:25.22_paladin_i'm trying to get icewm hotkeys to mpc work.
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09:25.54_paladin_enouf, checked. there's " localhost" line in /etc/hosts
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09:26.49enoufshould be   host.domain       localhost       hostname
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09:27.04enoufbut thanks for ignoring the 1st question
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09:28.40maheri'm still having problems with the drop down menus in xfig - is anyone else having this sort of problem?
09:28.56jeffrey_enouf: do you mean   host.domain       localhost
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09:29.03jeffrey_localhost is the hostname
09:29.09kasimonHi. Am I right that cowbuilder is faster than pbuilder?
09:29.17_paladin_enouf, i'm sorry, just missed it :/
09:29.21Vonorsorry, got a call
09:29.29petemc127.0.0.1       localhost  , is perfectly valid for /etc/hosts
09:29.38enoufjeffrey_: no
09:30.21jeffrey_enouf: then what's hostname in your statement?
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09:30.54enoufseems you have an ipv6 issue _paladin_
09:31.28enoufjeffrey_: echo $HOSTNAME
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09:31.37jeffrey_enouf: if it's IPv6 issue, the IP address should not be
09:31.42polycarbonate1there's a bot back on here and #redhat
09:32.08jeffrey_enouf: I've checked my /etc/hosts, things are not like you listed
09:32.12polycarbonate1they're a regular
09:32.14enouflook for 6600 in your pastebin
09:32.19Vonoracemi, during kernel load i get a message about the ip, it seems to be correct, though i can't ping the client
09:32.23polycarbonate1always o*
09:32.24_paladin_enouf, can you explain more detailed?
09:32.54enoufipv6 is using ::1 correctly
09:33.06enoufinet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
09:33.30_paladin_and what should I do in this case?
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09:35.45acemiVonor: try to define a static ip in /nfsroot/etc/network/interfaces with no auto or allow-hotplug line
09:35.55enouf_paladin_: maybe mpc isn't ipv6 aware? i'm not sure
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09:36.15enoufjeffrey_: this box has been like this since sarge days
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09:37.16enoufyou'll be missing the host.domain (or FQDN) if you haven't set that up, which is fine
09:38.42jeffrey_enouf: my /etc/hosts is like this: localhost
09:39.05enoufand what does  echo $HOSTNAME say?
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09:39.29jeffrey_enouf: x40-jeffrey
09:39.50enoufwell, you could add that if you like, or not ...
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09:40.32enoufi didn't mean it _has_ to be the way i said, though i did say _should_ ...
09:40.47jeffrey_enouf: I just don't think the "hostname" is needed after "localhost", the localhost IS a hostname.
09:41.11dboehmeri have been googling for some time now:
09:41.15enoufyes, one that can confuse many apps such as mail programs
09:41.30dboehmerhow to set flag for some pkg if it is manually installed or as dep?
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09:41.48enoufdboehmer: /msg dpkg unmarkauto
09:42.45enoufdboehmer: for apt; apt-get install pkgname (manual) ; apt-mark (auto -- removal manually installed)
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09:43.38Vonoffacemi, had a discon, dod you say anything after <Vonor> acemi, and how should it work through that file if it isn't even known to the client?
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09:43.43enoufdboehmer: i found this, but i don;t like many of the supposed fixes
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09:44.53maheranyone want to see if they can reproduce my xfig bug before I file a bug?
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09:45.15enoufdboehmer: i'd restart the machine to start with - then try logging in on tty1 as username and launch startx
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09:46.16enoufdboehmer: if there are errors, show us what they are ...
09:47.05acemii tried this and it works for me
09:47.49dboehmerenouf, later that day i can restart the box
09:47.55dboehmeri will tell you then
09:48.09danygughi i have some basic question anyone can help in privet msg?
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09:48.56enouf_paladin_: you could try blacklisting your ipv6 module, or if your MPC_HOST= works, add that 'export MPC_HOST=,,,' to your ~/.bashrc
09:49.34kvsnHow can I know the date on which a given package was installed?
09:50.00enoufdboehmer: i just think you have too much of a mess there as it is., if you want, use pstree -tunap and try to sort it out. kill off unneeded shit .. gently ;-)
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09:50.35_paladin_enouf, thanks, added already. but now i can't understand why key "Alt+z" /bin/sh -c "mpc toggle" in my .icewm/keys doesn't work =_=
09:50.38enoufkvsn: could grep dpkg.log i guess ... otherwise,
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09:52.53enoufkvsn: could ls -l /var/cache/apt/archives/ | grep pkgname and look at the date, but that's no guarantee
09:53.08kvsnenouf: thanks!
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09:53.22enoufit might have only been d/l then .. and/or modified since it was
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09:56.49Vonoffacemi, now i changed my appened line according to that guide and got a kernel panic - nt syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(254,0)
09:57.57enouf!can't mount root
09:57.58dpkgIf you can't mount the root file system when you boot your custom kernel, it means you have failed to include support for either: (a) your root file system (e.g. ext3), or (b) your disk controller (IDE, SCSI, etc.).  These cannot be modules, unless you use an initrd.  Go check your config again. or make sure your bootloader knows about your initrd
09:58.22enoufsee initrd as mentioned, also /etc/default/nfs*
09:58.26maherwtf! xfig now works fine
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10:00.52acemiVonoff: check the exports file too
10:00.55enoufVonoff: any LVM involved?
10:01.15Vonoffacemi, the exports file is still as i showed you earlier
10:01.20maheri realize everyone is deeply excited about my xfig problems
10:01.31enouf(254,0) if it's referring to major/minor nodes is almost always something oddball
10:01.36Vonoffenouf, no, no lvm involved...and how do i check the initrd?
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10:02.42enoufVonoff: welp. start with grep -v /etc/initramfs-tools/initramfs.conf | xargs
10:02.53enoufVonoff: welp. start with grep -v '#'/etc/initramfs-tools/initramfs.conf | xargs
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10:03.28enoufVonoff: there-->  grep -v '#' /etc/initramfs-tools/initramfs.conf | xargs
10:04.00enoufblank spaces are quite important :-P
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10:04.17enouf(not near the pipes though, but still)
10:05.23beardywaves to Vonoff
10:05.30Vonoffhuhu beardy
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10:06.41Vonoffenouf, anything i should change in it?
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10:07.49enoufVonoff: looks ok to me .. however, i'm not even sure what your issue is, nor much about how to resolve nfs issues
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10:08.12iluminator101How do i create cd of debian squeeze desktop install?
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10:08.33Vonoffenouf, the issue is that the kernel i load via netboot cannot access the nfsroot
10:08.34enoufiluminator101: look at the pkg bootcd
10:09.15iluminator101i am not talking about netinstall i all the packages in the desktop
10:09.27enoufVonoff: too much for me atm .. i'm about to pass out .. but hopefully others will see, and perhaps chime in if they can
10:09.48beardyiluminator101: Wait until it is stable? Do you mean the task "Desktop"?
10:10.19enoufVonoff: though if you cat that file, you'll see options for NFSROOT=
10:11.02iluminator101netinstall i have to download all those packages....i want all those packages that i download in netinstall in a cd or dvd
10:11.48enoufVonoff: then you'd alter that and man update-initramfs -u -k 2.6.x.x (or whatever) .. though i'm not sure NFSROOT=auto is incorrect in your situation.
10:12.18enoufVonoff: also seen /etc/default/nfs* ? which most of should be not much and commented
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10:13.18Vonoffafter making changes to the initramfs.conf, how to i recreate it? (standard debian kernel: linux-image-2.6-i686)
10:13.37Vonoffah, nvm, you already saif it
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10:15.39Vonoffok, now it tries to mount it again
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10:24.24zakhow to check if the cam of my lappy is detected ?
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10:28.52maherzak: try running webcam to see if it finds it
10:29.50zakiam looking for the command/
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10:31.18enoufzak: dmesg should tell you, also lsusb -v perhaps, but the latter won't tell you if modules are loaded and it's working properly
10:31.29kinuntI've a new primergy tx150 and after installing Debian it says that the Operative System is not the BIOS I see that the HD do not appear in the BOOT section, any ideas??
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10:32.05kinuntI'm not sure if it is a debian issue or a BIOS issue...and one more thing, the disks are in RAID but I used dmraid=true in the debian installation
10:32.07enoufwhat's a tx150? you have no HDD installed?
10:32.23enoufkinunt: ewwww
10:32.42enoufdmraid is for Motherboard integrated fakeraid
10:32.43kinuntenouf: sorry, it's a server model, I have HDD installed but they do not appear in the BOOT priority section of the bios
10:33.08enoufkinunt: use mdadm (linux soft raid)
10:33.23kinuntmdadm=true ?
10:33.35enoufor you have a hardware raid controller card?
10:34.00enoufhow about the Boot Order?
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10:34.42kinuntI'm embarrased, I'm not sure I have a hardware raid controller...
10:35.02enoufBoot Priority section could refer to various interfaces to boot from (IDE COntroller Add in card, Netboot, Removable media, etc)
10:35.05kinuntin the boot order is where the HDD do not appear, I only see CD/DVD and PXE
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10:35.33enoufkinunt: a hardware controller will have it's own BIOS setup
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10:35.55maherzak: xawtv is probably a better bet
10:36.18kinuntuhm, so, I think I have a hardware controller card because I've seen another bios menu when pressing ctrl+m
10:36.36kinuntis something called LSI controller configuracion...I think...
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10:37.18enoufThe 3.5-inch SAS or SATA or 2.5-inch SAS hot-plug hard disks can be replaced easily while the server is in operation. High data security is offered thanks to built-in RAID 1 functionality and an optional ibutton RAID 5 implementation for SATA or a modular RAID for SAS configurations.
10:37.29enoufyea LSI Logic
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10:38.34kinuntenouf, so I should use dmraid=true, shouldn't I?
10:39.01enoufLSI 1078 8 port SAS for internal HDDs and internal backup devices with RAID 0, 1 (Integrated Mirroring Enhanced also for odd numbered HDs for Windows and Linux) with RAID 0, 1, 10 5, 50, 6; 60 (256 or 512 MB RAID Cache and opt. BBU)
10:39.41enoufSATA variant (Intel ® ICH9R) 6 port SATA for 4 internal HDD`s with RAID 0, 1, 10 for Windows and Linux, RAID 5 iButton key optional, 2 ports for accessible drives also in SAS variant SAS configuration in PCIe slot either LSI 1068e or LSI 1078
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10:39.54enoufyou've got me .. not sure what to do :-P
10:40.22kinunt:) thanks for trying
10:41.04zakenouf: what command shall i use to see if the webcam of my lappy is detected or not
10:41.11enoufkinunt: i don't think dmraid is what you want though .. see
10:41.11kinuntbut in your opinion, if in the boot order the hard drives do not appear, can it be a debian issue?
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10:42.37enoufkinunt: likely you need some special options to boot/enter your BIOS setup for your controllers ... Debian wouldn't affect what you see (and don't see) when in the BIOS
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10:43.22enoufkinunt: all depends on which controller/ports the drives are connected as well - you really should look over your Mainboard PDF manual
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10:43.35enoufare connected to* as well
10:43.36kinuntyes, I think so...I look for that, thanks very much
10:44.34JanniA little problem for you to solve: I'd like to perform an incremental backup a la rsync, BUT of an encrypted partition of which I don't have the key. So what I'd like to get, is a set of files, that can reconstruct multiple versions (for each backup one) of the partition.
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10:44.55enouf06:25 < kinunt> uhm, so, I think I have a hardware controller card because I've seen another bios menu when  pressing ctrl+m
10:44.57JanniBut I don't want a bit-to-bit comparison of the complete partition.
10:44.58enouf06:25 < kinunt> is something called LSI controller configuracion...I think...
10:45.05enoufheh, i missed that kinunt "O_o
10:45.08iluminator101how do i run the bootcd to backup my debian desktop
10:45.16jellyJanni: you want a block-level incremental backup?
10:45.21maherzak: does it show up in lsusb?
10:45.26JanniI guess that's a hard one, because this would require a logging of which sections of the partition have been modified
10:45.31Jannijelly: I think so, yes.
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10:45.50enoufiluminator101: 1st, you realize it'll make a livecd from your installation only, right?
10:45.58enoufif it works properly
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10:46.12Janniis using his favourite search machine on the term "block-level incremental backup"
10:46.32Jannijelly: thx
10:46.43iluminator101my system is broken so that wont help
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10:47.22maheriluminator101: what are you going to back it up onto
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10:48.43iluminator101i want to reinstall my system....netinstall takes too long...thats why i was looking for alternatives
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10:49.19maheriluminator101: what's wrong with it? you can chroot into the broken system from the boot cd
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10:50.16iluminator101user's $home/.dmrc file is beign ignored. this presents the default session and language from being saved. file should owned by user and have 644 permission. user $home directory must by owned by user and not write by other users
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10:50.58iluminator101i fixed this problem but.... all my folder in home are gone....or not visible....
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10:51.43maheriluminator101: boot to the cd - get a shell - mount the hd and chroot into it and see what exactly is wrong and fix it...
10:51.58iluminator101i did
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10:52.13maheriluminator101: actually - if the machine boots up can't you just do crtl-alt-f2 to get a console an dlog in as root?
10:53.07dob1hi, i have this problem connecting to a cvs server on a debian lenny  what is?
10:53.15dob1how can i resolve?
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10:54.47zakenouf: GO TO HELL!!!!!!!
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10:55.58dob1here the problem is more clear  is the #
10:55.59dob1Connection refused: cvs: /lib/tls/ version `GLIBC_2.4' not found (required by cvs)
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11:01.41kinuntenouf: the HDD were not added to the array in the RAID so I had to enter in its configuration  bios and add them, after that they were recognized in the regular bios
11:02.25jellydob1: can you connect to any other cvs server?  What do commands "which cvs" and "dpkg -l libc6 cvs|tail -2" say?
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11:06.03dob1jelly: i think the problem is the lib in cvsd rootjail, i think i need to update it, but how ? csvd-buildroot?
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11:07.00vaqWhy was 502 install cds removed from mirror?
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11:08.53jellydob1: that's out of my field of expertise, sorry; but if your chroot has old binaries, that might be it
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11:15.19dob1_jelly: sorry lost connection, i think i can use cvsd-buildroot again but i don't know if it will wipe my repository ....
11:15.22dob1_this is a problem
11:15.22Liriondob1: zcat /usr/share/doc/cvsd/readme.gz | less
11:15.31marcoolivaIn the page -> the Artistic License is in the "group" of the -> " The Big DFSG-compatible Licenses ". Is the Artistic License in the correct place ?
11:15.38Lirionbackup the repository
11:18.18JanniHmm. Another question. My target: To have two encrypted partitions (cryptsetup, luks, dm-crypt, this stuff), where the first one holds a key-file that can be used to decrypt the other. This way I only need to enter a password once to mount both partitions (on different disks, btw.)
11:18.50JanniThe problem: How do I achieve, that the second partition is "decrypted" AFTER the first one has been mounted?
11:19.00JanniDo I need to take care of this at all?
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11:20.27Binnisbhello. I am wondering, can I make a backup of my system so that if my hdd fails, I can replace it and run that backup onto it and have my system just as it was the day I backed it up?
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11:22.51JanniBinnisb: With two identical hard-disks this should be easy.
11:22.55JanniDo you have those?
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11:24.24BinnisbNo. I'm running a server from an old laptop which has only one hdd
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11:24.40xshadowfire>old laptop
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11:25.48xshadowfireyour only option is probably to ghost it
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11:26.02xshadowfireI can't remember if ghost still has that dumb inode problem though
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11:28.38petemconly option is to ghost it?
11:28.46petemcthere are many disk imaging options
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11:29.16petemcparted/partimage would be probably the most popular
11:29.49asgor just backup /etc /home /usr/local and a list of your packages.
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11:36.03BinnisbThanks. I will look into ghost and partimage. Is it enough to back up just /etc, /home, /usr/local ? (given that I only use apt and keep all configs and stuff in their original places)
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11:37.29mesa_boogerBinnisb: i keep /boot as well
11:37.45mesa_boogerBinnisb: and /root
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11:39.28enoufBinnisb: it goes like this; don't bother saving /proc /sys /dev :-P
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11:39.50beardyBinnisb: That should be enough. Maybe what mesa_booger said is a good idea, /root anyway. Lookout if you have mail left in /var.
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11:40.06enoufalthough /dev (set aside) could possibly help with possible udev issues, should they occur
11:40.28enouf(as a reference)
11:40.49enoufUUIDs and shit .. certain /dev/snd/ nodes .. whatever
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11:41.29mesa_boogerbeardy: i keep all my grub config, and the kernel/initrd etc. makes sense to me ...
11:42.10enoufBinnisb: oh, and if you use a tar, gz, rsync, backup solution, make sure you leave/exclude /mnt or /media crap - umount all the unneeded crap as a precaution
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11:42.28beardymesa_booger: Yes. If using stock kernels it's not much point, but grub, yes indeed.
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11:56.40fraffhi all, is it possible to run debian lenny on a bladecenter hs20 ? I can't find the drivers for the raid ide !
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12:01.17asgfraff: we are running lenny on hs20s but booting from SAN. Maybe google has some info on the ide controller.
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12:02.28fraffasg: google didn't help me, there's a driver for 2.4 kernel, I can't find anything for 2.6
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12:02.50bkraptorhow do I make the Run Application dialog obey /etc/bash.bashrc?
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12:03.32asgfraff: on ours, lspci indicates serverworks is the module in use for the controller.
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12:04.41asgbkraptor: check run in a terminal to see if that helps
12:04.57fraffasg: this is the ide driver module I think, I need the one which drive the "CSB6 RAID/IDE Controller", lspci says serverworks but it doesn't work, I have nothing in /dev
12:05.54fraffasg: hey, you're rigth, modinfo says it the good one ... I'll check that
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12:06.33asgfraff: also, if you can't get the hw raid to work but can see both ide disks, you could use software raid since the performance of those little pcmcia disks is junk to begin with.
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12:08.07fraffasg: yes, I could, but it's a shame to use raid software when hard exists ...
12:08.11bkraptorasg: nope, doesn't work
12:08.33asgfraff: it is but in this case, I don't think it will make much difference.
12:08.53asgbkraptor: then wrap whatever you want to run from ALT+F2 in a script that does the right thing and type that in instead.
12:09.36bkraptorasg: it's different every time. I want to use the aliases defined in /etc/bash.bashrc
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12:10.09asgbkraptor: why not just put them in your own ~/.bashrc ... they should be available at that point
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12:12.05bkraptorasg: that doesn't work either :(
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12:16.57enoufasg: fraff might he need that serverworks module avail in the initrd?
12:17.18asgenouf: good point
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12:18.17fraffenouf: very good point
12:18.18enouffraff: add serverworks to /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and update-initramfs -u -k 2.6.x.x
12:19.01enouffraff: well if /boot and/or rootfs are on it .. i'd think you'd need it
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12:20.20JyZyXELwasn't there an ncurses tool to modify rc?.d's
12:20.23fraffI've booted on a live disk, I can see both hda and hdb disk but no raid, maybe I should modprobe -r everything and modprobe again
12:20.27asgJyZyXEL: rcconf
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12:20.33enoufi notice, the path has changed, from /lib/modules/2.6.26-1-686/kernel/drivers/ide/pci/serverworks.ko to /lib/modules/2.6.29-2-686/kernel/drivers/ide/serverworks.ko (not that it matters .. just noting)
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12:20.57enouf(note the extra pci/ dir in the older kernel)
12:21.18enoufJyZyXEL: as asg mentioned
12:21.35maffHi. Could anybody give me a quick hint how i can change the dependency of a package? I have exactly this problem, but don't know how to change that dependency:
12:22.17enouffraff: your hardware raid would need to be also configured in it
12:22.25enouf's own BIOS setup
12:23.04fraffenouf: it is
12:23.04enoufmaff: maybe /msg dpkg equivs (i'm tired of looking at pastebins today :-P)
12:23.46enouffraff: on your installation - which kernel?
12:24.45fraffenouf: I've build a live lenny with liver-helper (very usefull by the way), so the kernel is 2.6.26-1-486
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12:28.03maffenouf: don't know i understand you correctly...what does /msg dpkg equivs do? i basically just need to change the dependency of an existing .deb package from libxen3.1-dev to libxen-dev. Is there a tool i can use to unpack and repack an existing .deb package?
12:28.35mesa_boogermaff: yes there is. dpkg-deb
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12:29.41maffmesa_booger: thx :)
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12:31.34mesa_boogermaff: dpkg-deb -x, and dpkg-deb -e, to unpack a package and it's control files. dpkg-deb -b to repack
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12:34.41sylarif I set in James  ServerName hostname-or-ip-address , will it send from that IP only?
12:34.59sylarCan it send from an IP that isn't on the server?
12:35.13petemcsylar: you might want to give your questions some context
12:35.21maffmesa_booger: thanks, worked like a charm :)
12:36.17sylarI have lots of IPs on two server that send cups prints through a firewall, so I want the cups to be just one IP so I will have one rule on the firewall
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12:37.06sylarpetemc, ^ context ^
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12:39.11sylaryes? It will send prints that will apear from an IP that it doesn't have?
12:39.20petemcno, i said yes thats context
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12:40.47sylarso ... what  IP does it send from?
12:41.51petemcin my experience, it will use the ip of the last interface to be brought up
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12:42.04petemcnote that my experience does not cover you exact scenario
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12:44.58Estohow to know from which package file coming from?
12:45.07petemcdpkg -S /path/to/file
12:45.07dpkgBadgers ate my /path/to/file!
12:45.08asgEsto: dpkg -S
12:45.17Estooh, sorry for caps
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12:45.52sylarpetemc, my ips are aliases eth0:0 eth0:1 ... so then the order of that will cause the selection I guess
12:46.08petemcsylar: yes, i use ip aliases too
12:47.04ranixdpkg -S petemc
12:47.04dpkgThere is no record of a petemc package
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12:51.49niklaswehmm i will try to setup 2 instance of sshd to run on diffrent ports.. but i cant find in the init.d/sshd where i should specify which config it should use
12:52.32asgniklaswe: sshd -f /path/to/conf
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12:53.33joltcanniklaswe: edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config and add more ports to the "Ports" config value
12:53.51joltcanniklaswe: Eh, add more Ports statements
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12:55.09niklaswejoltcan: but i will using it 22 = public key and another port will not use public key
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13:04.17joltcanniklaswe: Ok, that wasn't in the first question, so -f is fine thne
13:04.31kurkale6kaHi, I've just installed debian on a hp laptop with resolution 1440... but I have only 1028, how can I reconfigure it/
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13:06.51DungeI've build a few libs with the -g flag (debug) and find them too slow so I would like to strip them. Any guide using the strip command? Should I use -g or --strip-unneeded?
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13:08.53kurkale6kaThis is the output of lspci:
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13:15.40Drakesonis something wrong with sid? "aptitude update" doesn't get any Packages.
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13:22.10dimmi need for pre-up for network. i can put it any file, and put 'pre-up /root/network/pre-up' to /etc/network/interfaces
13:22.14dimmam i right?
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13:26.03cast_evening all, how do i keep an entry in /etc/resolv.conf, keeps getting overwritten [possibly due to dhcp? am using wicd to get on the wlan, then openvpn, i need the vpn name server and not the wlan one] :\
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13:27.37Mariusikaim looking for a program in linux to join or merge PDF files?
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13:28.35asgcast_: you should be able to set a static nameserver in the dhcp config. Or you could hamfist the config and prevent overwriting by making the file immutable (chattr +i /etc/resolv.conf)
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13:29.08DrakesonMariusika: look for pdfjoin
13:29.34Drakeson(aptitude install pdfjam)
13:29.49Mariusikain synaptic?
13:29.50cast_asg: hmm, i like the immutable one way, thanks :)
13:30.19DrakesonMariusika: the package name is pdfjam (e.g. in synaptic), and the command you should look for after you install the package is pdfjoin.
13:30.21MariusikaDrakeson: pdfjam = pdfjoin
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13:47.26dimmwhat last stable kernel for etch ?
13:47.59OpenTokix!debian kernel-version
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13:48.05OpenTokix!debian kernel
13:48.05dpkgTo compile a kernel The Debian Way(tm) "apt-get install kernel-package build-essential libncurses5-dev" and follow the instructions in /usr/share/doc/kernel-package/README.gz.  You should also ask me about <make-kpkg>, <kp mantra> and <kernel build-deps>.
13:48.21OpenTokix!debian linux-image
13:48.40RichiHi seem to remeber that there is a limit on how many cnames you can daisy-chain..?
13:48.58asgdimm: 2.6.18
13:49.09*** join/#debian KavanS (
13:49.54dimmhm, i think my question was wrong... becouse i don't specify arch, am i right?
13:50.17asgit is 2.6.18-6-arch on all arches
13:50.38asgi.e., Linux gimp 2.6.18-6-ixp4xx #1 Wed May 6 00:18:36 BST 2009 armv5tel GNU/Linux
13:50.55petemcand 2.6.24 for etchnhalf
13:51.10dimmnext question from newbie: this is from handbook
13:51.20dimmThen install your choice using its package name.
13:51.35dimmwhat -etc at the end of package-name?
13:51.57*** join/#debian forfolias (n=forfolia@
13:52.01asg-etc could be vserver, xen, kvm, etc., etc.
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13:52.59dimmhow i can to know about my package name? something like this -> kernel-image-2.6.18-s390x ?
13:53.00asgdimm: apt-cache search linux-image will give you all the flavours
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13:54.35dimmasg, yes, it is in handbook, but i was think, that i can find more fresh kernel than 'apt-cache search' showing
13:55.14dpkg"etch + 1/2" -- an update to Debian's stable release "etch" designed to provide support for newer hardware.  It includes a 2.6.24 kernel along with an updated installer.  Release notes:  Installation instructions:  See also or <etchnhalf facts>
13:55.15*** join/#debian rudi_s (
13:55.37asgdimm: check ^^^ for newer etch kernels that were released half way through
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14:04.20ToreadorVampireArgh, I keep having to re-ask this question, each time someone answers and I keep forgetting the answer the next time I need to ask it :(  How do I search for a package based on "the name of the application it installs in /usr/bin (or wherever)"
14:04.53ToreadorVampireI'm looking for mencoder, but apt-cache search finds nothing with that name, so if the package exists I don't know what it's called
14:05.08petemcToreadorVampire: /msg dpkg dmm
14:05.12stewToreadorVampire: mencoder isn't in debian
14:05.20ToreadorVampireoh?  Crap :(
14:05.40kurkale6kaHi, my hp laptop has a native resolution of 1440... Apparently debian didn't guess this and does not allow me to use higher than 1280... Can it be fixed?
14:06.00kurkale6kaI mean 1028
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14:17.22grotonwhich tool to store the stream of data in a file via tcp?
14:17.41asggroton: netcat or socat
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14:22.48BinnisbCan I create a tar.gz that does not write over folders when extracted but replaces files in the folders that already exist or creates them? Or is it only in the extraction process that I can decide that?
14:24.36dimmBinnisb, you can
14:24.48*** part/#debian vickyyy (n=vickyyy@
14:24.50dimmmy english is too low, sorry
14:25.03asgkurkale6ka: if you run 'xrandr', does it list the higher resolution?
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14:25.50j0n23Debian GNU/Linux 4.0 \n \l + mysql  Ver 14.12 Distrib 5.0.32
14:25.56j0n23i want to 5.0.35
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14:26.07j0n23i mean 5.0.45
14:26.09dimmBinnisb, as far as i understand you, you want extract files from tar.gz to something path without 'tar -C' for change dir to extract?
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14:27.00*** mode/#debian [+l 925] by debhelper
14:27.26kai4711hi guys... is it possible that some debian distribution server for apt-get is down for 2 days? i get this for days when doing a apt-get update:
14:28.14*** join/#debian anxiolytic_1 (
14:28.33dimmBinnisb, don't read my last post
14:28.33wizleverything is possible
14:28.37anxiolytic_1I'm missing lsmod - not in /sbin, nowhere to be found
14:28.56dimmapt-file ?
14:29.08justinkai4711: try http instead of ftp
14:29.13*** join/#debian davyg (
14:29.22JPTanxiolytic_1: if its installed try which lsmod
14:29.31fraffanxiolytic_1: apt-get --reinstall install module-init-tools ?
14:29.35asganxiolytic_1: make sure module-init-tools is installed
14:30.05fraffmodprobe and insmod parts module-init-tools, can't run without it
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14:30.36fraffis that possible to say to the kernel not to load anything about IDE ?
14:30.41j0n23how can i get latest repo for mysql
14:30.43j0n23in debian
14:30.53fraffman bootparam doesn't help for that
14:30.54asgfraff: /msg dpkg blacklist
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14:31.27anxiolytic_1fraff/asg: thanks, that worked. But why would lsmod be missing? I upgraded from Sarge to Lenny awhile back, but never used lsmod on this server so I don't know if it ever existed. I figure it's part of the standard install though?
14:31.49anxiolytic_1do I gotta restart before lsmod will show anything?
14:31.54asganxiolytic_1: if you were running a pure monolithic kernel, such utilities would not be needed.
14:32.24fraffasg: is it from command line ? I don't want to re-create an other live cd ... lazy (I like that bot by the way)
14:32.27anxiolytic_1I'm suspicious because rkhunter seems to be gone too .. hmm !
14:32.51*** join/#debian _krash (n=krash@
14:33.05asgfraff: oh, that's different.
14:34.31kurkale6kaHi, my hp laptop has a native resolution of 1440... Apparently debian didn't guess this and does not allow me to use higher than 1024... Can it be fixed?
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14:36.05nkuttlerkurkale6ka: do you have a Modes line in /etc/X11/xorg.conf
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14:36.14asgfraff: why are you wanting to blacklist the ide code? is it freezing on boot?
14:36.53kurkale6kankuttler: lemme check
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14:37.46kurkale6kankuttler: no
14:37.59mamalujohi! how would I setup the .ssh/authorized_keys as mentioned i should in ftpsync'r README, to make a local mirror of debian for my architecture? Im expecting not to have much internet connectivity rest of the summer, and would like to continue exploring the system..
14:38.08ranixIs there a good way to automatically blacklist any host who makes some amount (say 50) rejected email attempts in exim4?
14:38.45ranixI am having people try to hit me with a whole name dictionary and just returning "no, you're in the PSBL" every time
14:38.53ranixit's a waste of bandwidth
14:38.56fraffasg: just a try, it seems it doesn't see my serverworks ide raid controler so I'd like to modprobe it myself, not at boottime (on a live cd)
14:39.04*** join/#debian daedhel (
14:39.30asgfraff: you may want to look at the hd=noprobe bit in bootparams(7) to prevent auto-probing
14:39.35daedhelmy usb external drive isn't automatically populated in /dev/
14:39.54daedhelany suggestions ?
14:40.07kurkale6kankuttler: next?
14:40.14asgranix: setup an acl to deny or drop connections from a list of ips in a file. Then write a small daemon or cron job to isolate the offenders from the exim rejectlog based on your threshold
14:40.18*** join/#debian Dunge (n=Dunge@
14:40.24nkuttlerkurkale6ka: see man xorg.conf or xrandr -s
14:42.05nkuttlermamalujo: hm?
14:42.11fraffasg: I've seen that but it doesn't blacklist ide and man says disk is still a valid block device ..
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14:42.12x4dHello, I have a backup drive that I plug in with a USB base and I would like it to automount to /mnt/backup/, in fstab I have set the UUID so and the path to this directory, however when I boot up I have to press control+D because usually I have this disk disconected. There is probably an option in fstab so that it ignores some drives if they are not found, which I think is noauto. Now when I plug in the disk will I have to manually mount the disk or does it recogni
14:42.12*** part/#debian emiltin (
14:42.12mmlj4how do I set LANGUAGE, etc.?
14:42.12kurkale6kankuttler: the max xrand shows is 1024x768. this is my problem. the screen is natively 1440...
14:42.12asgfraff: you might also want to try booting in expert mode and dropping to a shell before the probes begin though I think that happens before the installer starts. You may end up having to build another live cd.
14:42.13nkuttlermmlj4: in your ~/.bashrc ?
14:42.16daedhelmmlj4, try "dpkg-reconfigure locales"
14:42.22ranixasg: hm, thanks. I guess nobody else has something like that written already. Is it possible to drop all incoming TCP connections from an IP address, like with iptables or something? I don't know where to begin looking that up
14:42.25nkuttlerkurkale6ka: ah, bad. try different video driver?
14:42.34*** join/#debian Growly (
14:42.37mamalujonk, I think Im asking how to get the public key of a debian mirror, not sure though :)
14:42.41mmlj4ah, locales, thanks
14:42.44scream_x4d, set last two numbers on the drive's line in fstab to 0 0
14:42.44nkuttlerkurkale6ka: or maybe you need to specify sync/refresh
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14:43.04x4dscream_: without noauto then ?
14:43.12kurkale6kankuttler: whit xrand?
14:43.25asgranix: yes, iptables can do that. There are existing scripts to do it for ssh scans; you might adapt one of them.
14:43.28nkuttlerkurkale6ka: i guess that works too, i'd do it in the config
14:43.37scream_x4d, no the dump and pass columns
14:43.45x4dscream_: thanks
14:43.52nkuttlermamalujo: what are you trying to do?
14:43.54ranixthank 'ya asg. One more thing, do you think this is a reasonably good idea, or is it a waste?
14:43.58*** join/#debian debayan (
14:44.01scream_x4d, no prob :)
14:44.38mamalujonkuttler: a mirror of debian, amd64 arch.
14:44.39edwin_quijadaI get this error with NC Can't grab with bind
14:44.45edwin_quijadaany clueeS?
14:44.46asgranix: well, it depends on how much bandwidth is consumed for a full connection versus a single syn packet. It is a fun exercise though.
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14:45.26asgranix: something we do with OpenBSD at work is to tarpit known idiots by speaking to them very slowly causing them to waste their time.
14:45.33emiltini have a problem with /etc/profile and PATH. it seems only to be loaded when i ssh to my server from a terminal, not when i use the ruby lib Net::SSH. what could cause /etc/profile not to be loaded?
14:45.49*** part/#debian groton (n=groton@unaffiliated/groton)
14:46.06ranixasg: yeah, I was considering doing something like that, as well. Since they're going to spam me all day anyway, it doesn't waste any of my resources to just have them sit there waiting
14:46.10daedhelmy usb external drive stopped being automatically populated in /dev/ . anyone can help ?
14:46.19nkuttleremiltin: man bash, see invocation
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14:46.35emiltinnkuttler: ok i'll try..
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14:46.55asgranix: I also use honeypots that aren't listed in DNS as MX for our sites that do the same thing for the autoscanners.
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14:47.07kurkale6kankuttler: where can I have a driver for: VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation C67 [GeForce 7150M / nForce 630M](rev a2)
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14:47.31IneQuati1nhi all, I have a little question about squeeze and kde4
14:47.53nkuttlerkurkale6ka: /msg dpkg nvidia for the non-free ones, or nv afaik, or vesa
14:48.34asg!tell IneQuati1n about ask
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14:49.13kurkale6kankuttler: sorry, is this for apt-get?
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14:49.32nkuttlerkurkale6ka: /etc/X11/xorg.conf
14:50.11daedhelIneQuati1n, ask your question clearly, concisely with many details. dont ask to ask. I will do what I can to help you
14:50.33kurkale6kankuttler: /msg dpkg nvidia /etc/X11/xorg.conf?
14:50.41nkuttler!tell kurkale6ka about nvidia
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14:50.56DiabolusFilius!tell DiabolusFilius about life, the universe, and everything
14:51.07DiabolusFiliusthereby proving that noone knows
14:51.28IneQuati1nI've made countless installs of lenny from netinst CDs when it was still in testing. My procedure used to be install a base system, boot from it and then install kde-core kdm yakuake to get a base KDE system. Now I wanted to do the same with the new testing (squeeze), but to my surprise the installation of these packages doesn't even install xserver.
14:51.41hikenboot_sorry to bug you guys but where do i go to find out what the latest stable version of the linux kernel is from debians perspective?
14:51.58daedhelIneQuati1n, so ?
14:52.09daedhelIneQuati1n, you want to install xserver ?
14:52.26nkuttlerhikenboot_: apt-cache search linux-image
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14:52.45IneQuati1ndaedhel: so I'd like to know how to get kde4 running? the kde metapackage wants to downgrade some of kde-core dependencies I've already installed
14:53.13daedhelhikenboot_, search in the packages on the website, in the stable (lenny) version. search for kernel
14:53.33nkuttlerIneQuati1n: if you get errors pastebin them
14:53.34hikenboot_ah simple as that thanks
14:53.35daedhelIneQuati1n, let it do what it has to do
14:53.40IneQuati1ndeadhel: correction, at first I didn't install kdm, only kde-core, then I installed kdm and it depended on so I got it downloaded
14:53.50IneQuati1nnkuttler: negative, no errors
14:54.09IneQuati1ndaedhel: but why downgrade to 3.5.9?
14:54.30daedhelIneQuati1n, no idea... might be compatibilty issues or something
14:55.09*** join/#debian lcuk2 (
14:55.27IneQuati1ndadhel: but how on earth? this is a fresh install, I just booted up after installing the base system
14:55.58nkuttlerIneQuati1n: it
14:55.58nkuttlerIneQuati1n: it's testing..
14:56.07IneQuati1ndaedhel: I haven't even installed any console tools, using my shell account to access IRC
14:56.12daedhel^ yup
14:56.28*** join/#debian krabe (i=brainsof@
14:56.48daedhelIneQuati1n, if you want bleeding edge versions, I suggest Sidux. it works
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14:56.56IneQuati1nI've been using debian for 2 years and I never had an issue like this before
14:57.15IneQuati1ndaedhel: it's not about bleeding edge, it's about not being obsolete...
14:57.21nkuttlerIneQuati1n: you have been lucky so far
14:57.25*** join/#debian Z4ndX (n=Z4ndX-ft@
14:57.37DiabolusFiliusIneQuati1n: having every single package up-to-date at all times is an impossible goal
14:57.40DiabolusFiliusbe realistic
14:57.41daedhelIneQuati1n, still, Sidux distro is much better than testing
14:58.04daedhelIneQuati1n, give it a try, you wont come back
14:58.17nkuttlerIneQuati1n: sidux is off-topic and not supported here, jfyi
14:58.17daedhelDiabolusFilius, archlinux does it
14:58.39DiabolusFiliusdaedhel: hmmm...
14:58.47DiabolusFiliusit's not a goal i would set for myself
14:58.52j0n23i would like to update mysql-servr to the lates
14:58.56DiabolusFiliusi want a little slack
14:59.20daedhelDiabolusFilius, archlinux is a distro
14:59.51DiabolusFiliusi know
14:59.55DiabolusFiliusi don't use arch
14:59.56daedhelmy usb external drive stopped being automatically populated in /dev/ . anyone can help ?
14:59.57DiabolusFiliusi don't like it
15:00.14DiabolusFiliusi don't like the overall feel of it
15:00.17nkuttlerdaedhel: dmesg | tail, /var/log/messages, lsusb
15:00.21DiabolusFiliusi'm more of a BSD person
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15:00.27IneQuati1nDiabolusFilius: I'm not expecting everything to be up to date, it's just that I have a working squeeze (installed yet as lenny) on the pc right next to me with kde4 and I can't seem to be able to install it on a fresh install!
15:00.34*** join/#debian ryanprior (n=Ryan_Pri@
15:00.44IneQuati1nDiabolusFilius: that's my problem
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15:00.56DiabolusFiliusIneQuati1n: i don't know how to solve your problem
15:01.01nkuttlerIneQuati1n: it's testing. testing is changing rapidly. if you have problems with kdm or whatever it was don't install it
15:01.06ryanpriorWith cdbs, how is the destination directory passed to my makefile? My package build always fails at the end.
15:01.14DiabolusFiliusi have a suckish connection, and have a not update version of lenny
15:01.24j0n23hey what is the name of debian testing repository
15:01.24DiabolusFiliusi use local repos a friend burned for me
15:01.35nkuttlerj0n23: testing/squeeze
15:01.49nkuttlerj0n23: /msg dpkg backports
15:01.54IneQuati1nnkuttler: is there any difference if I use testing or squeeze?
15:02.01nkuttlerIneQuati1n: no
15:02.04*** join/#debian dabreegster (
15:02.05alkisgHi, I'd like to host an apt repository on my own server. My main concern is that the server will be remote, and each package will be >100Mb, so I want to be able to only send the changes every time I change something. What should I use for that, reprepro?
15:02.33ryanprioralkisg: rsync?
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15:02.53alkisgryanprior: I thought of working with dput or something more specialized to .deb packages...
15:03.00dabreegsterAll the links from are broken; 5.01 is in, but not 5.0.2
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15:03.22ryanpriorrsync works at the block level, so it doesn't matter what you're syncing
15:03.36alkisgryanprior: so that the building process happens on the server with pbuilder or something, not locally
15:03.38nkuttlerdabreegster: you can file a bug against the website
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15:04.07IneQuati1nmaybe it's just t he polish mirror... I'll try updating from the main one
15:04.16ryanprioralkisg: so you're building more like a compile farm, then?
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15:04.28nkuttlerdabreegster: acutally,
15:04.49dabreegsternkuttler: Thanks, i was trying to find a package that somehow represented the website, that works better
15:05.10nkuttlerdabreegster: i thing there used to be one, but lists the email
15:05.47alkisgryanprior: I guess so. How Debian archives or launchpad work? There, I can send the .changes and .diff files with dput...
15:06.39nkuttlerdaedhel: hm, that looks like it's not partitioned?
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15:06.57daedhelnkuttler, okay... one sec
15:07.33nkuttlerdaedhel: cat /proc/partitions
15:07.40ryanprioralkisg: I've never set one of those up before; you might try searching Google for advice on building Debian build farms or Ubuntu build farms.
15:08.33daedhelnkuttler, plugged it in my other box, and in gparted, I see the fat32 partition. I will check if dosfstools is intalled on the debian box
15:08.37alkisgThanks ryanprior, I was looking for the advice of someone more experienced, e.g. "prefer that tool over the other" - because google can't give me experience :)
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15:08.58zxddoes anyone know a gui tool for alerting when quota soft limit is reached
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15:09.17ryanprioralkisg: the best tool is the one you can get working. ;-)   Good luck.
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15:10.40daedhelnkuttler, still not working
15:11.03nkuttlerdaedhel: did you build your own kernel?
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15:11.11daedhelnkuttler, nope
15:11.33nkuttlerdaedhel: no idea then. certainly odd.
15:11.40daedhelnkuttler, Linux 2.6.26-2-686 #1 SMP Sun Jun 21 04:57:38 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux
15:12.49daedhelnkuttler, any hints on what I should look for ?
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15:14.47nkuttlerdaedhel: dmesg | tail when pluggin in?
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15:16.42xsdghey, all.  I'm trying to mirror my root device, but I can't figure out how to make the kernel boot off of the md device.  Any suggestions?
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15:16.58xsdgif I try using root=/dev/md1 or root=0901, it says it can't find the device
15:17.03boha_how do i change gnome foot for debian logo in menu ?
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15:17.55nan8xsdg: which boot loader do you use?
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15:18.08xsdgnan8: grub, but it's not a bootloader problem
15:18.40nan8xsdg: your kernel is booted but the kernel does not find the root fs?
15:18.55xsdgnan8: correct
15:19.24*** join/#debian Theoden (n=Lenny_Th@
15:19.37nan8xsdg: do you use a initrd image?
15:19.46xsdgnan8: no
15:19.52xsdgnan8: raid1 is compiled into the kernel
15:20.33nan8xsdg: hmm - i think the typical approach is to let the initrd image assemble the md raid
15:21.19*** join/#debian DimmuR (n=DimmuR@unaffiliated/dimmur)
15:21.21nan8xsdg: maybe you have to tell the kernel to auto assemble the raid
15:21.28nan8xsdg: which kernel version do you use?
15:22.16*** join/#debian balazsbela (i=balazsbe@
15:22.17xsdgnan8: 2.6.30
15:22.40nan8xsdg: i think the behaviour regarding auto assembling of md raid was changed recently
15:22.54nan8xsdg: i think it is considered dangerous
15:23.05*** join/#debian baggend (
15:23.06nan8xsdg: but please note those: i think - prefixes ;-)
15:23.13xsdgnan8: :o)
15:23.47daedhelnkuttler, should I try a backport kernel or something ?
15:23.54*** join/#debian inkr (
15:24.13nan8xsdg: i use quite the defaults you get if you install lenny with lvm on md raid - no problems here
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15:24.59xsdgnan8: ::nod::
15:25.02nkuttlerdaedhel: no idea
15:25.18daedhelok thanks
15:25.21xsdgnan8: I'm just specifically trying to avoid using an initrd/initramfs
15:25.48nan8xsdg: watch for related kernel arguments in the kernel docs
15:26.04nan8xsdg: maybe also look into the changelog
15:26.16xsdgnan8: cool; thanks
15:26.41*** join/#debian Tarik (n=chatzill@
15:26.54nan8xsdg: ::nod:: = ?
15:27.18xsdgnan8: same as *nod*; to signify the action of nodding :o)
15:28.05j0n23how can i upgrade a single package
15:28.20nan8must update his jargon file
15:28.53nan8or maybe learn some english
15:29.39*** join/#debian cemunal (n=cemunal@unaffiliated/cemunal)
15:30.14daedhelmy usb external drive stopped being automatically populated in /dev/ . anyone can help ?
15:30.23*** part/#debian a2 (n=tom@unaffiliated/tomaw/bot/-)
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15:32.13petemcdaedhel: do you see anything in dmesg/messages/syslog ?
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15:33.07daedhelpetemc, everything is there in dmesg. it just don't appear in /dev/ :
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15:35.55nkuttlerdaedhel: lsmod | grep sd ?
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15:37.06daedhelnkuttler, nothing
15:37.11*** part/#debian tobin (
15:37.15nkuttlerdaedhel: modprobe sd_mod
15:38.08daedhelnkuttler, module loaded
15:38.22*** join/#debian tuantub (
15:38.30nkuttlerdaedhel: plug in the drive again, paste /var/log/messages
15:38.39daedhelnkuttler, took the usb drive ou and back in
15:38.44daedhelok wai
15:39.02mamalujowhere is this lockfile created w ftpsync - starting typicalsync says: aryah is unable to start sync, lock file exists
15:39.09*** join/#debian MJS (
15:39.40nkuttlerdaedhel: and dpkg -l libc6 | tail -1
15:39.51DungeAny reason why after calling "strip" it don't return to bash? Using another tty and "ps -A", strip is not running. I tried ctrl+z ctrl+c.. it just have the cursor flashing and don't exit. I also tried "shutdown -r now" from another tty and it don't want to.. tty1 seems froze and I can't reboot.
15:40.13nkuttlerdaedhel: there you go
15:40.31daedheldpkg :
15:40.31dpkgdaedhel: I give up, what is it?
15:40.34nkuttlerdaedhel: really odd, did you blacklist sd_mod or something?
15:40.47daedhelnkuttler,  :
15:40.57daedhelnkuttler, nope
15:41.10daedhelnkuttler, still dont see it in /dev/ tho
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15:42.07Dungeguess I will have to hard reset it...
15:42.19Dungeeven if it's on a sdcard and it will probably corrupt it
15:42.40nkuttlerdaedhel: sounds like a udev issue
15:43.47daedhel<nkuttler> daedhel: there you go <--- what ?
15:44.02*** join/#debian Vanessa984 (n=HeRo@
15:44.06nkuttlerdaedhel: the kernel clearly recognizes the partition now
15:44.13daedheloh ok
15:44.34*** join/#debian unicum (i=unicum@unaffiliated/unicum)
15:44.41unicumanyone here firm with ssh agent forwarding?
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15:45.52nan8unicum: just ask your question
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15:47.50unicumuhm.. i ssh from my box to boxA and then to boxB (which i have to do this way). both, boxA and boxB, have my public keys. now "man ssh | grep agent | grep forward" suggests to use -A for agent forwarding, but doing a ssh -A unicum@boxB from boxA still asks for a password
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15:48.07unicumi'm probably just doing something wrong.. though i dunno what
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15:54.40stevo32_hi. i'm trying to grab lenny, but when i click the i386 link on this page i get redirected to this page which 404s:
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15:55.07zeta3please ban Vanessa984 for spamming porn links via pm.
15:55.36stevo32_i just got spammed too
15:55.37nkuttlerstevo32_: try 5.0.1 and 501
15:55.39*** part/#debian unicum (i=unicum@unaffiliated/unicum)
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15:55.46nkuttler!ops Vanessa984 spam
15:55.46*** part/#debian a2 (n=tom@unaffiliated/tomaw/bot/-)
15:55.46dpkgHydroxide, bob2, caphuso, dondelelcaro, doogie, eeyore-, ElectricElf, ):, helix, ljlane, LoRez, RichiH, mentor, Netsnipe, TML, walters, xk, abrotman, gravity, azeem, Maulkin, stew, peterS, Alife, Myon, Ganneff, Maulkin, weasel, zobel: nkuttler complains about: Vanessa984 spam
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15:55.56stevo32_nkuttler: kk
15:56.06RichiHnkuttler: ta
15:58.44karlpincstevo32_ : You should be able to use another mirror.
15:59.07*** join/#debian RageOfThou (n=RageOfTh@
15:59.52IneQuati1ndaedhel> wait
15:59.53IneQuati1n10:39 < mamalujo> where is this lockfile created w ftpsync - starting typicalsync says: aryah is unable to start sync, lock file exists
15:59.56IneQuati1n10:39 -!- MJS [] has joined #debian
15:59.58IneQuati1n10:39 < nkuttler> daedhel: and dpkg -l libc6 | tail -1
16:00.01IneQuati1n10:39 < daedhel> nkuttler,
16:00.03IneQuati1n10:39 < Dunge> Any reason why after calling "strip" it don't return to bash? Using another tty and "ps -A", strip is not running. I tried ctrl+z ctrl+c.. it
16:00.20IneQuati1n10:40 < nkuttler> daedhel: there you go
16:00.20IneQuati1n10:40 < daedhel> dpkg :
16:00.20IneQuati1ndaedhel> wait
16:00.21IneQuati1n10:39 < mamalujo> where is this lockfile created w ftpsync - starting typicalsync says: aryah is unable to start sync, lock file exists
16:00.23IneQuati1n10:39 -!- MJS [] has joined #debian
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16:00.25IneQuati1n10:39 < nkuttler> daedhel: and dpkg -l libc6 | tail -1
16:00.28IneQuati1n10:39 < daedhel> nkuttler,
16:00.28*** part/#debian IneQuati1n (
16:00.39dpkgI'm not your csh prompt!
16:00.53nkuttlerkarlpinc: even the stuff linked from 404s
16:01.05*** join/#debian ineiros_ (
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16:02.22*** join/#debian FJ_Sanchez (n=fjsanche@
16:02.39FJ_SanchezHow can I force apt-get to install a package with broken deps?
16:03.14stewFJ_Sanchez: why would you want to?  when are you going to fix the broken deps?
16:03.26nkuttlerFJ_Sanchez: try aptitude first
16:03.32FJ_SanchezIt's a very old system
16:03.33*** join/#debian magentar (n=magentar@
16:03.37FJ_Sanchezreps are down
16:03.44FJ_SanchezBut I want to install a package anyway
16:04.02FJ_SanchezIt's a debian like, but no debian, just using apt
16:04.02stewFJ_Sanchez: show us your sources.list ; use a pastebin: /msg dpkg pastebin
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16:04.27FJ_SanchezI've tried using -f, -m and nothings seems to work
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16:05.03FJ_SanchezIt's a stupid problem with name of the packages
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16:05.50FJ_SanchezWhat is the file where all the deps are stated for a package?
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16:10.30FJ_SanchezDo you know how can I change deps of a package?
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16:10.36FJ_SanchezWhat file should I mod?
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16:12.43FJ_SanchezOk, I got it
16:13.10stewFJ_Sanchez: what depds are you trying to change.  you are probably trying to fix this the wrong way
16:13.28FJ_SanchezSure, but it's an old debian like installation
16:13.33FJ_SanchezSo don't worry about it
16:13.47FJ_SanchezIt wants a package with a different name
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16:13.53FJ_SanchezBut I know that this doesn't matter
16:13.56linduxedim doing a net install, what are the benefits of setting up LVM or an encrypted LVM? why not go with the classic use entire disk?
16:14.09FJ_SanchezJust changed deps in /var/lib/apt/list...
16:14.48*** join/#debian openpercept (n=openperc@fedora/openpercept)
16:14.51stewFJ_Sanchez: yeah, you are DEFINATELY going about this the wrong way
16:15.03FJ_SanchezI know
16:15.14FJ_SanchezBut it doesn't matter, it's just a sandbox
16:15.25FJ_SanchezI can fully destroy it
16:15.33stewi don't doubt it
16:15.49FJ_SanchezAnyway, what should be the right way?
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16:16.22stewFJ_Sanchez: show us your sources.list ; tell us what package it is and what dependency you are changing
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16:16.56FJ_SanchezBut I just want to know how can I solve this, no you solving it
16:17.13FJ_SanchezI'd like to know the way to fix my packages deps
16:17.18stewwhich deps?
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16:17.41rudi_s!tell linduxed about lvm
16:17.47daedhelmy usb external drive stopped being automatically populated in /dev/ . anyone can help ?
16:17.52FJ_SanchezWhat I want to do is to change the version of a package dep
16:17.54FJ_SanchezJust this
16:18.23rudi_slinduxed: Encrypted LVM should be clear, the whole disk (except /boot) is encrypted, even swap.
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16:18.36stewFJ_Sanchez: which dep?  what version do you want to change it to?
16:19.01linduxedrudi_s: is there a downside to it?
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16:19.41flourishdear all, question about temperature. My notebook will be very hot after running for a while. and when execute acpi -V
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16:19.48flourishThermal 0: trip point 0 switches to mode critical at temperature 120.0 degrees C
16:19.53rudi_slinduxed: It's more complicated to set up if you want different partion sizes (at least the last time I tried to change the sizes it didn't work, I had to create a LVM with my sizes on my own).
16:19.58flourishwhat can i do
16:20.04*** part/#debian ultraj61 (n=user@
16:20.22rudi_sAnd encrypted LVM is a bit slower, but works really fine for me.
16:20.29FJ_SanchezArgg, forget it
16:20.38FJ_SanchezIt's a very old ubuntu installation
16:20.47stewFJ_Sanchez: please go to #ubuntu for help with ubuntu
16:20.58FJ_SanchezI don't like #ubuntu channel
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16:21.09FJ_SanchezMost people want their bluetooth working
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16:21.11stewFJ_Sanchez: perhaps try a ubuntu web forum or mailing list then
16:21.14FJ_SanchezAnd similar things
16:21.28FJ_SanchezI just want to know more about apt system
16:21.44FJ_SanchezAnd AFAIK it's at Debian core
16:22.33FJ_SanchezJust one thing, do you how to change the deps of a given package?
16:22.34FJ_SanchezOr you have absolubtley no idea?
16:22.37*** join/#debian G_O_D (
16:22.42stewFJ_Sanchez: wrong channel
16:23.03FJ_SanchezMmm, ok and then, where can I ask for apt help?
16:23.06stewFJ_Sanchez: #ubuntu
16:23.14flourishcan someone help me! my cpu temperature is very high
16:23.24flourishi don't know what to do
16:23.27*** join/#debian CdK1 (n=CdK1@
16:23.38JPT1) check cpu usage
16:23.40caretaflourish, what is your cpu?
16:23.42JPT2) check airflow
16:23.42xororandhave you tried cleaning the fans & coolers?
16:23.53FJ_SanchezOk stew, I think you should be a bot or a really stupid person
16:23.59FJ_SanchezNot sure yet...
16:24.00stewFJ_Sanchez: neither
16:24.16FJ_SanchezThen a really stupid bot, as I supoused from the begining
16:24.18craigevil!tell FJ_Sanchez about Ubuntu
16:24.21*** join/#debian CryWolf (
16:24.57FJ_SanchezStop bugging me man!
16:24.58FJ_SanchezI just want to know more about apt
16:24.59stewFJ_Sanchez: and i would have been able to answer your question, if you had given me the info I was asking for, without the answers to my questions, it would be impossible to accurately help you
16:25.06FJ_SanchezForget the f**n Ubuntu!
16:25.10stewFJ_Sanchez: anyway, you are in the wrong chnanel, this channel is only for end-user support of debian
16:25.18flourishcareta: AMD Turion(tm) 64
16:25.28FJ_SanchezOk I get it know
16:25.37FJ_SanchezI need dev help
16:25.42JPTmhh.. a laptop...
16:25.42stewFJ_Sanchez: yes, users of debian.  #ubuntu is the channel for help for users of ubuntu
16:25.49CryWolfI have an older package installed which requires cracklib2.  This has since been renamed to libcrack2.  While I got the package installed, the dependency now prevents other packages from installing, unless I tell it to ignore dependencies.  How do I tell it that libcrack2 is the same as cracklib2, or to ignore that dependency?
16:25.56JPTflourish: verify that your fans are all okay
16:25.57FJ_SanchezI need debian developer help
16:26.03stewFJ_Sanchez: try #ubuntu-devel
16:26.04FJ_SanchezNo Ubuntu end-end-end-user help
16:26.05dimmwho can help newbie with zipl.conf ?
16:26.09FJ_SanchezThat is!!
16:26.11FJ_SanchezThank you man
16:26.21flourishJPT: howto?
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16:26.38flourishJPT: I guest this is the problem with my fan
16:26.45*** part/#debian CdK1 (n=CdK1@
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16:27.04JPTmaybe your bios and/or some software allows you to check the fan's rpm
16:27.37caretawhat are the modifications that debian does to the vanilla kernel? it is only removal of firmware? where can i inspect these modifications?
16:27.52mininathi ! is anybody know where to find good ressources about wiki programming ?
16:27.53flourishls -lh /proc/acpi/fan/ total 0
16:28.10*** part/#debian FJ_Sanchez (n=fjsanche@
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16:28.30flourishit seems fan doesn't work on my notebook
16:28.33daedhelmy usb external drive stopped being automatically populated in /dev/ . anyone can help ?
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16:31.11wildc4rdafternoon all
16:32.15*** join/#debian mederEsite (n=SG061884@
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16:33.30mederEsiteyou know how you can run open a terminal / console infinite times on a GUI desktop? what's the equivalent of that on a non-GUI pure command line server? would I have to resort to other tty's or what? I'm trying to run 2 irc bots basically and each run in their own prompt
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16:33.52micols anyone, why is the "reply ok" nfs packets the only ones that i cannot get mangled to TOS 0x10?
16:34.14caretamederEsite, read "man screen"
16:34.35mederEsitecareta: is that what guis use to open multi terminals
16:34.45mederEsiteill read now
16:34.52caretano, but it is like a window manager for the command like
16:35.00mederEsiteWow, sounds useful
16:35.05caretayou can do "screen bash" and it will open a bash prompt
16:35.05*** part/#debian flourish (n=flourish@
16:35.16caretaand you can open as many as you want
16:35.32caretait takes some time to learn, but it is quite useful
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16:41.38karlpincmederEsite : See the emacs wiki for how to configure screen for use with emacs.
16:42.09karlpincAnybody have any clues about this bug I just filed?  Bug#535093  Apt-cacher is just not working for me.
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16:50.11CryWolfIs it possible to tell apt to install an unmet dependency for an already installed package, so it doesn't prevent other packages from being installed?
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16:51.03jairI wonder if there is a 64bit attclient vpn software for linux, I am trying to get the vpn client i386 and I get an architecture error...on lenny amd64
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16:52.00jairalso I noticed that lenny amd64bit doe not support the intel 82567LM-3 gigabit ethernet adapter :(
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16:52.08NetEchojair amd64 isn't i386
16:52.15NetEchoor x86 for that matter
16:52.38jairNetEcho: right but i though the all 32 bit code will run on the 86_64 architecture
16:53.14*** join/#debian whitman (
16:53.14NetEchoI'm not 100% sure but I do believe some code has issues
16:53.35NetEchowhich would be where your arch error is coming from
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16:54.22nkuttlerCryWolf: apt-get install whatever?
16:54.23jairI may need to contact ATT to see if they have any 64bit code support or if I can use a free software vpn that will connect me the same way att does.
16:54.28valanneed multilib for 32 bit on 64 bit
16:54.43jairvalan: is that for us?
16:54.47jairor for me?
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16:54.56valanfor you
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16:55.20jairvalan: what about libs? so to run 32bit code programs I will need to install the 32bit libs?
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16:55.26valanmultilib means building 32 bit libs and stuff alongside your 64 bit system so you can still run 32 bit stuff
16:55.29valanyes exactly
16:55.32*** join/#debian comradekingu (n=comradek@
16:56.00CryWolfnkuttler: Yes, that's what I'm trying to do, but it complains about the missing dependency.
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16:56.23nkuttlerCryWolf: pastebin error
16:56.35jairvalan: let me ask you, I am not too experienced with amd64 in linux, what package contains the 32bit layer libraries in lenny?
16:56.40debuzHey guys... what tools does debian installer includes that can be used to shrink a ntfs partition?
16:56.50valannfc i never did multilib on debian
16:57.00*** mode/#debian [+l 938] by debhelper
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16:57.12jairvalan: hahaha
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16:57.36valanheh i've only done multilib on lfs
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16:58.13nkuttlerCryWolf: did you try what the error suggests?
16:58.22*** part/#debian Pagiz (
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17:00.04debuzHey guys... what tools does debian installer includes that can be used to shrink a ntfs partition?
17:00.23*** part/#debian a2 (n=tom@unaffiliated/tomaw/bot/-)
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17:00.27CryWolfnkuttler: Yes.  It wanted to uninstall cpm, which I don't want it to do.
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17:01.07jvogeldebuz: just use ubuntu live cd
17:01.19ranixdpkg -S pork
17:01.19dpkgPackage: pork: Status: install ok installed
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17:01.22debuzjvogel: no blank cds here =D
17:01.29debuzotherwise I'd use gparted
17:02.01ranixdebuz: I would back up the data on the partition with ntfstools' ntfsclone
17:02.13ranixdebuz: then I would alter the partition table with fdisk
17:02.18ranixdebuz: then write the data back
17:02.47debuzranix: hmmm... it's over 350G of important data to save... I don't know if that's the best option hehehe
17:02.51debuzit's one option tho...
17:03.01ranixdebuz: the only unusual caveat when working with ntfs is that the boot partition must be the first primary partition
17:03.10ranixdue to the way the nt bootloader works
17:03.28ranixdebuz: 350G of important data is important enough to make a copy of
17:03.48ranixtrust me, your peace of mind is worth the 4 hours
17:03.50debuzranix: we do have a copy, but it is on tape... don't want to NEED it, you see hehehe
17:03.57ranixah ok
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17:04.12ranixdebuz: then defrag the drive and just shrink the partition with fdisk
17:04.21ranixmake sure it starts on the same block, but end it wherever you want
17:04.39debuzranix: hmm I did not know fdisk could shrink partitions...
17:04.42jairdoes anyone uses the att client vpn software on Linux? is there an alternative like openvpn client for example or vpnc?
17:04.43debuzranix: nice to know
17:04.48ranix'shrink partition' is a misnomer
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17:04.53ranixyou're just altering the partition table
17:04.58valanfdisk doesn't shrink partitions
17:05.10valanit deletes the partition and creates a new one of a different size
17:05.44debuzwon't lose any data this way?
17:05.45ranix'deletes the partition' is also a little bit of a strange way to put it
17:05.50valandepending on the fs and tools used the new partition can either start at the same block or end at the same block
17:06.11valanpartitions don't get deleted, but they do get overwritten when you create a new one
17:06.36debuzthe strange thing is that vista gives me access denied to shrink inside it with it's native storage manager
17:06.43debuzthat makes me a little bit scared to do it on fdisk
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17:07.46MetalexAnyone there with good knowledge of tcpdump?
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17:09.03valanprint (or write or save) a copy of the partition table before you mess with it
17:09.03valanif you save a copy of it, don't save it on the drive you're partitioning!
17:09.06debuzranix: thanks man, gonna check it out
17:09.12debuzhmmm I c valan
17:09.46valansee you can rewrite your partition table all you want
17:10.04valannothing actually happens to the data until you create a new fs on the new partition
17:10.21debuzvalan: but windows would not work anymore, right?
17:11.52valannot until you resize the fs
17:11.52valanor at least you couldn't expect it to work properly until then
17:11.54iluminator101How do i download a debian squeeze desktop cd?
17:11.54debuzvalan: define "resize the fs"... how would I do that?
17:11.54valani dunno the specific tool though, i think someone mentioned it earlier
17:11.55debuzvalan: I thought that rewriting it to be smaller, it would be resized already
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17:11.55valanrewriting the partition doesn't not change the fs
17:12.01valanoh apparently there is a tool called ntfsresize
17:12.09debuzhum! seems interesting
17:12.14debuzI'll search for it =)
17:12.46valanprobably part of the ntfsprogs package
17:13.44iluminator101Is there way to download debian squeeze desktop straight to the computer without doing netinstall?
17:14.16nkuttleriluminator101: what do you mean?
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17:14.42iluminator101i want to install from a cd the debian squeeze desktop install
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17:15.29nkuttleriluminator101: hm, not sure how many cds you need for that. /msg dpkg cd contents
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17:16.30iluminator101Also how do you the bootcd, i couldnt figure it out
17:18.19nkuttleriluminator101: hm? /msg dpkg ig
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17:26.09jairI have this network adapter on my brand new Lenovo Thinkcentre "Intel Corporation 82567LM-3 Gigabit Network Connection (rev 02)" when I try to install lenny 64bit I the system does not recognize the network adapter, what should I do?  I research a little bit and noticed that there is a tar.gz driver on the intel website.
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17:27.17justinjair: didn't we go over this on friday?
17:27.35jairhello justin
17:27.43jairjustin: it did not work :(
17:27.49justinand 'it' is?
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17:28.52mernilhi all!
17:28.53jairjustin: I downloaded what I thougt was the driver and compiled on a 64bit lenny environmet, created a .deb package transferred to the desktop lenny 64bit install using dpkg and nothing no success.
17:29.08justinjair: did you try the kmuto installer cd like I told you to?
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17:30.14jairjustin: nope I haven't but I am checking on that right now
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17:30.33jairjustin: what I wanted to understand is how could I install the driver and make the debian system to work.
17:30.54justinjair: generally: build the driver, load the driver
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17:31.30jesseboywhat would you guys recommend if I receive this error when doing an apt-get install hprsm
17:31.30jesseboyBuilding custom cpqci driver
17:31.30jesseboyFailed to rebuild for custom kernel.
17:31.44jairjustin: that did not work for me or I did something wrong.  But how can I build the driver if I am using netinst to load lenny (very minimal) code =)
17:32.07justinjair: don't use netist?
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17:32.12justinjair: there are other cds and dvds for a reason
17:32.22justinthe full cd1 should have everything you need to compile a driver
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17:32.43jairjustin: correct, I guess I will have to use other installers with mode packages availables at default
17:33.18sylarthese spam never come when you need them :/
17:33.35justinjair: you dont need to reinstall, just put in the cd and run apt-cdrom
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17:36.02DungeWhat kind of speed boost would I get passing from debian etch/arm to debian latest with armel for a Cirrus EP9302 processor (ARM920T with Maverik FPU unit)? My application is not floating-point extensive but use graphical libs who probably are
17:36.48jairjustin: on what cd? the kmuto?
17:36.53justinjair: cd1
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17:37.21jairbut then I can also try to install using the kmuto?
17:37.25mederEsiteshould i use useradd or adduser
17:37.54justinjair: you can try whatever you want
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17:46.17hochroncan someone help me get an 'export LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.4.1' command to work?
17:47.40bullgard4What sound devices are stored in /dev/snd/ and what sound devices are there not stored?
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18:07.31niklasHey. I got a machine with 2 disks that just have been booted on disk 2, so that disk 1 isn't in use. However, when i try to change the partition table on disk 1, it says disk is use. What can cause this?
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18:09.01karlpincniklas: Maybe you're using swap on disk1?
18:09.11niklaschecked for that, not in use :/
18:09.17epsilondoes it have any partition already``
18:09.24niklasyeah some old ones
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18:09.31epsilonmaybe it's auto-mounted
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18:09.38niklasi have checked df -h, /proc/mounts and it's not mounted
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18:10.44drake_Chosonhello, how to make sure that grub/menu.lst ain't changed by the package manager?
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18:12.42cahootdrake_Choson: eidt /etc/kernel-img.conf
18:12.58drake_Chosoninstead of menu.lst?
18:13.16cahootdrake_Choson: read /etc/kernel-img.conf
18:14.47drake_Chosoncahoot: it seems wrong
18:14.57drake_Chosonshould I add my entries to that?
18:15.06niklasBeside that, anyone with any information regarding installing Xen 3.4 on Debian?
18:15.37krfkeith-i7when mounting a device as writable, how do I specify what type of filesystem it is?
18:15.37cahootdrake_Choson: no line like: postinst_hook = update-grub +
18:15.49krfkeith-i7for instance, my device is fat16
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18:17.34drake_Chosoncahoot: can I just add a sed script after the plus?
18:17.58cahootdrake_Choson: the + was intended to be a ?
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18:18.36cahootdrake_Choson: you said you wanted to disable the automagic update of menu.lst - no?
18:19.28drake_Chosoncahoot: yes
18:19.51drake_Chosoncahoot: so I just remove the line or comment it out?
18:20.01cahootcomment it out
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18:20.26drake_ChosonI have to do it to both those hooks or what?
18:20.49cahootdo that
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18:21.34drake_Chosoncahoot: ok
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18:22.07drake_Chosonit's because it changes the bios hd interface
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18:22.43cahootsounds more like you want to learn how to config menu.lst
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18:23.02cahootit's heavily documented
18:23.21jblybergdoes anyone know the proper link for the stable netinst CD image?
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18:24.43drake_Chosoncahoot: I just changes the root() commands but update-grup changes them to a wrong value
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18:26.12cahootdrake_Choson: take your time and read menu.lst including comments
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18:26.35drake_Chosoncahoot: alright
18:26.55`ns`debin/testing  I run a number of different storage devices on a single usb port, each time I change devices the /dev/sd## changes. Since I do not run a 'desktop manager', is there any way for me to control this so that fstab can will be useful to me for mounting them ?
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18:27.12jblybergadb: thanks
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18:27.29p4tr0p1anybody knows what I have to do to Debian Lenny show the "date" like in Etch when listing files "ls -lh" ?????
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18:28.06jairjustin: thank you buddy, I think I am good with the information you gave me.  This installer will have what I need to get my 64bit debian system going
18:28.08p4tr0p1ETCH = -rw-r--r--  1 root root   69 2009-03-25 13:26 tes
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18:28.29p4tr0p1LENNY = rwxrwxrwt  13 root        root     4,0K Jun 29 15:14 tes
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18:28.50p4tr0p1only "date" field
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18:29.19norbert_just for the fun of it I ran a # wipe -rf /
18:29.34norbert_guess at which file it stopped working... place your bets :)
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18:30.28jblybergadb: was 5.0.2 rescinded?
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18:30.40adbnot yet
18:30.56exobyteIs there a way to "move" a block device from one machine to another virtually?  say host1 has /dev/hda.  I'd like to give host2 direct access to hda over the network
18:31.14jblyberg says that 5.0.2 is stable but I don't see it anywhere
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18:32.17drake_Chosoncahoot: ok. it seems as I should set the groot option instead
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18:41.31drake_Chosonwhy in the world does `less' want to expand filenames after it got started from a shell that does filename-expansion? (Might be a GNU question)
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18:42.02justindrake_Choson: huh?
18:42.23drake_Chosonit invokes a shell to do filename-expansion according to manual pages
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18:44.06justindrake_Choson: for the 'e' command
18:44.42drake_Chosonjustin: ok. but it also invoke a shell for something else
18:45.12drake_Chosonjusting: maybe it does a `cat' on the argv
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18:45.29justindrake_Choson: no, less '/etc/mo*' doesn't open /etc/motd
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18:46.05drake_Chosonjustin: thats right, just found out.
18:46.13enoufbullgard4: almost all if using ALSA .. if using OSS, not sure, but check out what alsamixer ; then '/' shows you, but also what 'lshal | grep device_file | sort' does
18:46.17drake_Chosonjustin: but it uses a subshell for something
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18:47.00drake_Chosonim in the middle of cooking food. brb
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18:48.32enoufthere's a LESSPIPE
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18:48.56TrueDDHi all
18:49.48enoufTrueDD: yo
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18:50.18TrueDDyo enouf
18:50.23TrueDDhow are you ?
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18:50.45underHi. Whaat is the better way to set OpenDNS?
18:51.13funkyediting your /etc/resolv.conf ?
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18:52.27underfunky, is it enough? I'v readed about bind
18:53.39funkywhen I want to use opendns, i just comment out these lines in my resolv.conf
18:53.44funkythat's all
18:53.59funkyI guess you could also use as forwarders in your bind
18:54.05funkyuse them*
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18:54.47underIf that strings are commented, how they can be util?
18:55.12funky"comment out"
18:55.14noopercomment out = uncomment
18:55.28underah, ok sorry
18:55.42underI'm not english
18:55.46starenkahi my system failes to boot
18:55.47funkyme neither
18:56.03starenkawhat should i check first (soory for newline - just typo)
18:56.20underSo you have studied better than me :)
18:56.20nooperits ok. although i've always used 'comment out' to mean add comment. "That piece of code didn't work, so i commented it out"
18:56.50funkynooper: I'm probably mistaken
18:57.03funkyactually I'm pretty sure
18:57.21funky(that I'm mistaken)
18:57.29funkyso, you two win :D
18:57.30nooperabout being mistaken?
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18:58.35starenkawhat should i check when my system failes to boot (i checked syslog, which doesnt have any lines from today, and dmesg seems okay)
18:59.06starenkai haven't done anything invasive, except installin wifi driver (deb-all package)
18:59.13funkyhow can you see those logs if the system has failed booting ?
18:59.22starenkait faiks to boot even in single user
18:59.51starenkafunky: dunno, i'm linux noob, but i presumed there should be some generated during boot
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19:00.13funkywhat do you see on the screen when it fails ?
19:00.14mederEsitehow can i run a service on my server without like, needing to ssh to it basically.. like how apache runs as a daemon, except in this case i want my phenny bot to run by itself, of course ill start it up and stop it
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19:00.29bullgard4enouf: Very good! The second command is very enlightening (or should I say 'heuristic'?) and confirms what you said and I supposed: /dev/snd/ is a directory for ALSA sound devices. The other sound device files are there for compatibility with (older or other) sound programs. --  Thank you.
19:00.35dondelelcaro!tell mederEsite -about run at startup
19:00.52starenkafunky: in normal boot nothing - splash just hangs and than nothing (1 minute), on single user it just writes configuring ntwrk ifaces and hangs
19:01.12starenkai did a sync then and rebooted (after ~45s)
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19:02.27funkysplash ? are you using some bootsplash crap ?
19:02.47funkyyou shouldn't if you want to see something about the error
19:03.06starenkafunky:; yes, i was trying to do su mode to disble ii, but it fails to boot too
19:03.35starenkafunky: i know, but the system was okay, so no need to see geeky symbols ;)
19:03.36funkymount the partition and remove in your grub.conf (menu.lst or whatever) the splash command
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19:03.51mederEsitedondelelcaro: how does update-rc.d work
19:04.11starenkafunky: and than just observe what it writes, rite?
19:04.21funkystarenka: if you are using grub, you can edit your grub.conf on the fly
19:04.23funkybefore booting
19:04.27TheOnlymederEsite, update-rc.d --help
19:04.34funkypressing 'e' once the menu appears
19:04.35starenkafunky: oh, yep forget that
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19:04.46TheOnlymederEsite, or: man update-rc.d
19:04.47starenkafunky: w/ e? right?
19:04.48mederEsiteTheOnly: im staring at the help but i'm still confused.
19:05.02funky[21:04] < funky> pressing 'e' once the menu appears
19:05.04starenkafunky: ok, see ya in a while
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19:06.31TheOnlymederEsite, basically update-rc.d adds symbolic links in the /etc/rcN.d directories to the file in /etc/init.d. when you have just added a new file to /etc/init.d you can do update-rc.d add <filename> defaults
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19:06.47TheOnlymederEsite, this would add symbolic links for the default runlevels
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19:08.18TheOnlymederEsite, you can also specify specific run levels, but in your case I doubt you'll need something more than the defaults. But the script you put in /etc/init.d is what must be done right, because it is the actual file that's going to be run on system startup and shutdown
19:08.52enoufmederEsite: read /etc/init.d/README and /etc/init.d/skeleton if you plan on creating your own script, and /msg dpkg rcconf for some URLs - note using 'defaults' with update-rc.d might make your symlinks at /etc/rc?.d/S20scriptname which might not be the apropos time for it to startup - also note what /etc/default/ is for (configuring system startup daemon usages)
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19:09.19drake_Chosonjustin: ok. I just made a shell_wrap to see what's hapepning. it's using it for the lesspipe.
19:09.52justindrake_Choson: oh yeah.. of course :)
19:10.03drake_Chosonsmart enough
19:10.12cirzgamantihi, any suggestions on a nice + powerful gui to create playlists from a rather huge mp3 collection (for use in mpd) ?
19:10.14TheOnlymederEsite, although the documentation is pretty much all you need to know, you may well need some basic knowledge of bash shell scripting - not necessarily though just read the README and the comments inside /etc/init.d/skeleton
19:10.33drake_Chosonis says -c /usr/bin/lesspipe on invocation
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19:10.49cirzgamantii'm currently trying gmpc, which is not too bad on this, but i suppose there are better ones around.
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19:15.17frogglesim updating my kernel, yet i got the error --> make[1]: *** [lguest] Error 1
19:15.32froggleslguest.c:34:18: error: zlib.h: No such file or directory
19:15.42froggleswhat are all the libraries i need to compile this ?
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19:18.59helohow do i know what files in /usr/src/ i can delete?
19:19.10helosome are from packages, m-a calls, etc
19:19.32helobut it's taking up abot 40% of my root partition
19:19.33drake_Chosondepends which source you'll be missing
19:20.25ranixif you're using /usr/src, chances are you're savvy enough to repair anything in there you need anyway
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19:20.52ranixkeep linux-headers and linux-kbuild directories where the version matches uname -r
19:21.00ranixand the rest should be safe to go
19:21.03FairFightcant someone guide me through getting pure-ftpd-mysql to work? followed this, but my server wont start now!!
19:21.26FairFightmy pure-ftpd server*
19:21.27froggleswhat do i need to compile the kernel
19:21.30frogglesE: Couldn't find package zlib
19:21.35frogglesmake[1]: *** [lguest] Error 1
19:21.40froggleslguest.c:34:18: error: zlib.h: No such file or directory
19:21.55drake_ChosonFairFight: if you have to copy the data directory, first you have to lock the database server
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19:22.12enoufheh .. mini-KVM :-)
19:22.19FairFightwhat do you mean drake_Choson?
19:22.35Lirionfroggles: use aptitude search or apt-cache search.
19:22.35drake_ChosonFairFight: that if you aint locking it, curruption can occur
19:22.41enouffroggles: /msg dpkg apt-file
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19:22.56frogglesapt-cache search give too much info
19:23.00FairFightwhat do you mean by data directory?
19:23.04drake_Chosoncorruption of course
19:23.08ranixfroggles: iirc, apt-get build-dep (the thing you're trying to build)
19:23.08stewFairFight: what command are you running that gives you that error?
19:23.11Lirionfor compiling and header files, you need -dev at most times
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19:23.15Lirionthat kinda narrows it down
19:23.15stewFairFight: ignore that
19:23.19FairFighti will
19:23.19drake_ChosonFairFight: in the copy
19:23.21dpkgYes, ajavid, you are online.
19:23.22stewfroggles: what command are you running that gives you that error?
19:23.28dpkgi heard pong is the best name on IRC eg. /ping pong, or *the* classic video game
19:23.36FairFightI dont think i have copied something drake_Choson?
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19:23.43ajavidweird, 1 machien can't resolv
19:23.46drake_ChosonFairFight: isn't that what the ftp is for?
19:23.49frogglesstew fakeroot make-kpkg --append_to_version -amd64 --initrd --revision=rev.01 kernel_image modules_image
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19:23.57ajavidbut irssi machine is fine...
19:24.08FairFightdrake_Choson: But the ftpd wont start!
19:24.16drake_ChosonFirFight: oh!
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19:24.33stewFairFight: what kernel version are you trying to build?  the kernel shouldn't need any external libraries
19:24.35enouffroggles: dpkg -l kernel-package | tail -1 says?
19:24.36drake_ChosonFairFight: that a completely different thing
19:24.47stewFairFight: ignore that again, i don't know what is wrong with my tab completion, sorry
19:24.51stewfroggles: ignore that again, i don't know what is wrong with my tab completion, sorry
19:24.56stewomg, forget it
19:25.34FairFightlol (: thats okay stew
19:25.34FairFightdrake_Choson: Yes it is :>
19:25.34enoufstew: the 'lguest' thing makes me wonder about it's kvm relationship - but whatever
19:25.35mederEsitewell so far, i copied the skeleton to /etc/init.d/phenny and tried to run the default skeleton service which i guess does nothing, via "update-rc.d add phenny" but it complains that there's no file by that name. i did something silly, huh? i did not create a .sh file at all, btw.
19:25.35drake_ChosonFairFight: try to run it from the command-line
19:25.38FairFightI have, but it just doesnt start :(
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19:25.49drake_ChosonFairFight: are you sure?
19:25.51MadMoneyI want Apache 1.3.
19:25.51stewfroggles: what kernel version are you trying to build?  the kernel shouldn't need any external libraries
19:26.01frogglesstew 29
19:26.05drake_ChosonFairFight: something --verbose can help
19:26.07stewfroggles: what?
19:26.12acemifroggles: zlib1g-dev
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19:26.21starenkafunky: heh
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19:26.26stewfroggles: where did you get the kernel source from/
19:26.32MadMoneyApache 1.3
19:26.39MadMoneyI can't find it.
19:26.43FairFightyea, it just goes in that mode where nothing happens, i have to press ctrl+c to get out - i have tried that --verbose drake_Choson - same shit, nothing happens, just comes in that mode and have to press ctrl+c to get out
19:26.48MadMoneyapt-get install apache-1.3
19:26.49frogglesacemi: but how did you know that?
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19:26.57MadMoneyapt-cache search apache-1.3 :(
19:26.58starenkafunky: it hangs, because it's obtaining dhcp lease from router, which is kinda lazy, how can i disable thisduring boot?
19:27.05frogglesstew aptitude install linux-tree-<version>
19:27.08drake_ChosonFairFight: and not listening daemon?
19:27.14acemiI compiled 2.6.29 with this
19:27.19frogglesoh ok
19:27.20stewfroggles: you should be using linux-source-$version
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19:27.24FairFightnope? Dont think so.. But im noob.
19:27.28starenkafunky: also hangs on init of MTA (which i assume is a sendmail or smthng which hangs because of n net connection)
19:27.31jairso did anyone found out how to get the latest version of lenny "5.0.2"?
19:27.45stewfroggles: and for the "how would you know zlib1g-dev"  have a look at /msg dpkg apt-file
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19:27.50mederEsitei just did 'update-rc.d phenny defaults 99' instead of add
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19:27.52enoufjair: there's a mail on #debian-cd mailing list about it
19:27.52drake_ChosonFairFight: you can see who's listening with the `netstat -l' command
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19:28.10tarzeauanyone with a local ultrasparc + debian?
19:28.12mederEsitefollowed by '/etc/init.d/phenny start' but it says permission denied even though i'm root
19:28.29funkystarenka: you should get a timeout from your dhcp client
19:28.35funkystarenka: btw the mta is exim
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19:28.39frogglesstew: i was reading chapter 9.7.4 of
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19:28.48FairFightdrake_Choson: Nope, nothing on 21/ftp
19:29.03drake_ChosonFairFight: sounds really strange
19:29.10FairFightyea :(!!
19:29.15MadMoneyapt-cache search apache-1.3 Not working!
19:29.41MadMoneyI want Apache-1.341
19:30.02stewMadMoney: apache 1.3 is not in the current version of debian, is there a reason you want this instead of apache 2?
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19:30.19drake_ChosonFairFight: I don't know anything about debians ftp programs so please ask someone else :-)
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19:30.25FairFightoh :(
19:30.29stewMadMoney: apache 1.341 was never in debian (and never will be)
19:30.32MadMoneystew: Yes there is.
19:30.35FairFightI hate all those strange problems I get in :(
19:30.38mederEsiteWhat is that, MadMoney?
19:30.40ranixfroggles: just try installing libz-dev or something and see if it solves your problems
19:30.42stewMadMoney: what is the reason?
19:30.43starenkahow can i disable dhcp lease on startup (hangs a comp for a while on wifis)
19:30.44FairFightBut thanks for trying drake_Choson
19:30.47MadMoneyApache 2 is breaking my module.
19:30.53stewMadMoney: which module?
19:31.05MadMoneyThe one I implemented in C years ago.
19:31.15stewMadMoney: you should fix you module
19:31.24Metalexsomeone around having experience with wireshark?
19:31.32mederEsiteyour module caters to an old ass version of Apache that's outdated
19:31.32MadMoneystew: Not when I can get Apache 1.3.
19:31.37starenkaMetalex: what do you need?
19:31.43stewMadMoney: ok
19:31.47ranix!tell froggles -about compile kernel
19:31.49MadMoneyActually, Apache 1.3 is the current major version used in OpenBSD>
19:31.50mederEsiteMadMoney: Grab the source file
19:31.56mederEsiteFrom or whatever
19:31.59mederEsiteand good luck
19:32.04ranix!tell froggles -about kernel build deps
19:32.09ranix!tell froggles -about kernel build-deps
19:32.21Metalexstarenka: got time for a quick pm?
19:32.21stewMadMoney: apache 1.3 is in oldstable.  its not in stable and will no longer be supported in debian beyond security updates for etch
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19:32.47MadMoneystew: So I'll add oldstable to my sources.list, if the mirror has it still.
19:32.52starenkaMetalex: np, not sure if i have skills to help ;)
19:33.21nkuttlerMadMoney: if you're running current stable you'll probably have to re-build apache1
19:33.38MadMoneyI appreciate your forward-thinking sentiment behind updating my code to work with an httpd of this decade, but I just don't have the time.
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19:33.54MadMoneyAh, I see. Different libc.
19:34.03MadMoneyGood point. Better rebuild.
19:34.17nkuttlerMadMoney: /msg dpkg ssbp, and s/unstable/oldstable/ i guess
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19:34.49MadMoneyEh, hmm. If I have to rebuild, I might as well just use current Apache and fix my module.
19:34.56MadMoneyI'll do that. Thanks.
19:35.15drake_Chosonalso don't be paranoid. libc has weak symbol support for intelligent symbol resolution
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19:35.27stewMadMoney: you shouldn't have to rebuild.  but you should use current Apache and fix your module anyway
19:35.49MadMoneyI hope Apache still allows me to read from special/device files in /dev/
19:35.53mederEsitecan someone help me with modifying the do_start function to run ~/.foo ? do i just modify the 'test > /dev/null' part? i dont want to redirect the output to anywhere, just run it as is..
19:36.10MadMoneyI need to communicate with my kernel module through /dev/
19:36.26jairenouf: thank you, I will check that link
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19:37.29drake_Chosonthanks for the help. bye
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19:38.28jairenouf: I go it, I really appreciatte the hard work that team does :)
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19:39.37starenkahi, how to disable dhcp on boot?
19:40.02frogglesModule /usr/src/modules/fglrx failed.
19:40.03frogglesHit return to Continue
19:40.22frogglesnm i just saw the dpkg message
19:40.30stewprobably becuase it is closed source crap software
19:41.37jairenouf: I have a quick question I am not sure if you will know or will be able to point me to the place where I can find the answer. I have a pretty new Lenovo desktop machine with 8GB memory and I want to use 64bit lenny on it.  The network adapter this desktop have is "Intel Corporation 82567LM-3 Gigabit Network Connection (rev 02)" the current netinst installer did not recognized the card, do you think on this new installer and release will?
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19:49.41norbert_hi, I'm trying to set up X on a new machine and tried dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and X -configure, but don't work as I wish, that is, X isn't working; any ideas?
19:49.48norbert_it's a really old monitor
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19:51.12cmyers_worknorbert_: can you give some details beyond "doesn't work"?  Are any errors printed out?  Does X fail to start?  Have you checked the logs?
19:51.18adbdpkg: tell jair about kmuto
19:51.49norbert_cmyers_work: it says no screens are found - but I don't want to edit xorg.conf by hand
19:51.58frogglesstew: i need that closed source crap software to play quake.
19:52.17froggleswhat, am i supposed to just Not have video card drivers ?
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19:53.55stewfroggles: which chipset do you have?  are you sure your chipset isn't supported by one of the free drivers like radeon or radeonhd?
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19:54.56norbert_cmyers_work: I'm used to it asking me about what screens I want (800x600, 1024x768, and so on), but it only asks me about my keyboard and such... any ideas on how to make it ask me more?
19:55.03frogglesstew 01:05.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RS780MC [Radeon HD 3100 Graphics]
19:55.15norbert_I think xf86config did that, but that's no longer on the system these days
19:55.45stewfroggles: according to "man radeon" that on is already supported by free drivers
19:55.57cmyers_worknorbert_: do you know what video card/chipset you have?
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19:57.05Vonoffanyone using ltsp and could tell me what the binary of the ltsp-controlaula is?
19:57.51norbert_cmyers_work: yes, a VGA compatible one, Intel Corp. 82865G integrated thingy
19:58.20cmyers_worknorbert_: ah, so that probably precludes using the nvidia or ati setup programs
19:58.23mederEsitei think i'm confusing myself here
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19:59.00norbert_cmyers_work: yeah, it's pretty stone age 'n stuff
19:59.11cmyers_worknorbert_: can you post your xorg.conf file?
19:59.18mederEsitein the init.d skeleton file, theres a.. DAEMON = /usr/sbin/$NAME .. im guessing $NAME is the name of the script, so it tries to run /usr/sbin/phenny, if this assumption is correct, i dont have anything in /usr/sbin/phenny.. all i want to do is execute a program in ~/.foo/ named bar
19:59.45mederEsiteso would i modify the DAEMON to be that?
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20:00.58norbert_cmyers_work: I have no X there, so I'd probably have to use that command - what was it again... - but I don't think it's necessary: Screen had nothing but Identifier and Monitor in it, Monitor just Identifier, Device also just Identifier, InputDevice just Driver "mouse" and an Identifier, and the keyboard is the only thing that's properly configured
20:02.22cmyers_workthe screen section should have "device" in it also, I think
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20:02.38cmyers_workwhich lists your video card device name
20:02.40norbert_probably, but not here :)
20:02.50cmyers_workmaybe that is the problem?
20:03.09norbert_well, that's part of the problem
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20:03.17norbert_but I don't really want to edit the xorg.conf file by hand
20:03.29norbert_because there's also the BusID, the BoardName, the VendorName, and so on
20:03.44norbert_why can't I just run something that will either autodetect or ask me about things?
20:03.50norbert_I don't want to vi a file
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20:03.55norbert_it's 2009
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20:04.12norbert_I've been using Linux for 12.5 years now and since the beginning of time I've had to do that
20:04.15enoufjair: /msg dpkg installer firmware
20:04.15nkuttlernorbert_: xorg is supposed to auto-configure itself. if that doesn't work... edit the file
20:04.23cmyers_worknorbert_: usually you can, I am assuming you already tried that and it didn't work which means you have to do it the hard way.
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20:04.48frostschutznorbert_: I wrote my xorg.conf from scratch and would never want a generated one ;)
20:04.49elisboahi; does anyone know which vnc debian package does the xen server use?
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20:05.13cmyers_worknorbert_: are you running modern debian?  Which flavor (etch, lenny, squeeze?) and when did you last update?
20:05.20frogglesinstalling the freedriver is too much work.
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20:05.25norbert_Debian stable, just ran apt-get update; apt-get upgrade
20:05.46enoufjair: although i have no idea if that chip is supported in the kernel at all - check places like source, and and such
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20:06.20norbert_I think I will try to apt-get install -o DPkg::Options::="--force-overwrite" xserver-xorg
20:06.26stewfroggles: it is already installed
20:06.39CryWolfWhat do I need to do to modify a .deb, to change its dependencies?
20:06.41cmyers_worknorbert_: that couldn't hurt.  Should put a sane default config there.
20:06.52cmyers_workmaybe back up your current file first just in case.
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20:07.01frogglesim gonna reboot and see if quake wars works.
20:07.04adbnorbert_: so you know want what to do,  do it ! ` and since the beginning of time I've had to do that`
20:07.38cmyers_workCryWolf: I believe deps are specified in the control files - have you read the new maintainer's guide?
20:08.07stewCryWolf: exactly what dependencies do you want to change, and why?
20:08.16enoufjair: and, were you using the Lenny installer? if necessary, try a Daily snapshot of testing, just to see as well .. ahh .. i guess it is in the mainline kernel
20:08.23enoufjair: since when? no idea
20:08.26CryWolfcmyers_work: I haven't, yet.
20:08.57CryWolfstew: I need to change a dependency on cracklib2 to libcrack2.  Because it's an old deb, and the library was renamed.
20:09.06adbdpkg: tell norbert_ about etch->lenny
20:09.15enoufjair: note; try to follow up what's been happening with that
20:09.27stewCryWolf: do you have the source of the package which depends on cracklib2?
20:09.33CryWolfAnd while I installed it without problems, telling dpkg to ignore the dep, apt-get now refuses to do anything until the dep is resolved.
20:09.49nkuttlerCryWolf: still not wanting to apt-get -f install?
20:10.15CryWolfstew: Yes, but getting libcdk4 installed can be problematic.
20:10.24CryWolfnkuttler: I already answered that.  I don't want to uninstall this program, which is what 'apt-get -f install' will do.
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20:10.53stewCryWolf: then in the source package, you'd change the Build-Depends in debian/control to point at the newer libcrack2-dev and rebuild the package
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20:11.20enouf;a=commit;h=4a7703582836f55a1cbad0e2c1c6ebbee3f9b3a7 seems to indicate it was fixed last year
20:11.33nkuttlerCryWolf: are you mixing different releases?
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20:11.56cmyers_workCryWolf: If you plan to submit a patch to the maintainer and fix the package, that'd be great, but if you are just trying to make it work for you, have you tried using dpkg directly instead of apt?  Also, I have found sometimes aptitude fixes dependency problems better than apt.  Just some things to try...
20:12.01nkuttlerCryWolf: even if apt-get -f install uninstalls something you should be able to install it again later
20:12.03adbdpkg: tell norbert_  about why aptitude
20:12.22CryWolfnkuttler: No, it's an external package.  The program was never in a debian release.
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20:12.30JyZyXELhow do you rsync multiple sources?
20:12.34JyZyXELmultiple directories
20:12.44CryWolfI'm sure I can install it again later.  And then I'd have to uninstall it to install anything else.
20:12.45frogglesstew: i removed the fglrx drivers.  After i reboot i dont even get the window manager.  just a login prompt
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20:12.59stewfroggles: did you login?
20:13.03frogglesdo i have to configure x to point to the free radeon drivers?
20:13.06stewJyZyXEL: yes
20:13.07frogglesstew: as root yes
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20:13.10nkuttlerCryWolf: doesn't that external app come with sources?
20:13.18JyZyXELstew,  but how
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20:13.25frogglesit's just a terminal
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20:13.31stewfroggles: not unless you configured them specifically to point to non-free drivers
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20:13.39CryWolfcmyers_work: Using dpkg directly, I was able to get it to install by telling it to ignore the dependency, giving me the problem I have now.
20:13.44stewJyZyXEL: rsync source1 source2 source3 destination
20:13.49froggleswell how do i configure them to point the the free drivers
20:13.50*** part/#debian shadowmaster (n=ignacio@wesnoth/developer/shadowmaster)
20:13.51CryWolfnkuttler: Yes, it does, but installing libcdk4 has proven even more problematic.
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20:14.25nkuttlerCryWolf: never heard of that. doesn't seem to be in debian
20:14.32stewfroggles: you shoudln't need to, "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" would get you a generic conf that doesn't point to any particular driver
20:14.47froggleswell how do i make this work.
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20:15.00CryWolfnkuttler: libcdk4 I can install from an older release, but finding actual sources seem impossible.
20:15.14stewfroggles: show us your /etc/X11/xorg.conf and /var/log/Xorg.0.log
20:15.15froggleswhat do you mean i shouldn't need to.  IM in a commandline prompt
20:15.17stewfroggles: use a pastebin: /msg dpkg pastebin
20:15.25nkuttlerCryWolf: check if has sources
20:15.36stewfroggles: i mean "you shoudln't need to 'configure them to point the the free drivers'"
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20:16.35ajavidfirefox 3.5 in lenny anyoen?
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20:16.45vimpulseajavid:  is it?
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20:17.03nkuttlerajavid: unlikely
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20:17.11NationianteHow can't I download Debian?
20:17.16nkuttleris 3.5 even released yet?
20:17.20ajavidno but I'm gonna build it, I can't find/download an amd64 build (apart from 3.6alpha/pre nightly)
20:17.23vimpulseNationiante:  hi.  What language do you speak?
20:17.26nkuttlerNationiante: getting 404s on
20:17.37ajavidahh screw it, I'll use nightly svn trunk
20:17.41Nationiantevimpulse: Finnish as 1st language adn English
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20:18.12Nationiantenkuttler: yep
20:18.14vimpulseNationiante:  you only spoke one line, but you made a grammar error in it :)  Did you know Debian has a Finnish channel?
20:18.18CryWolfand now around the wheel we go, where we stop, no one knows
20:18.18dpkghmm... fi is Finland, or the end of an if block, or an abreviation for in FIFO  First In First Out, or /join #debian-fi
20:18.22ZitZi have a strange samba problem, whenever i try to browse MSHOME I get a password prompt, I never set a password
20:18.34nkuttlerNationiante: looks like 502 isn't on the mirrors yet, replace 5.0.2 with 5.0.1 etc
20:18.38Nationiantevimpulse: debian-fi ?
20:18.42vimpulseNationiante:  yes.
20:18.46Nationiantevimpulse thanks
20:18.52*** join/#debian beawesomeinstead (
20:18.57vimpulseNationiante:  if they don't help you, of course ask again here.
20:18.59Nationiantevimpulse, there is no such a channel
20:19.08vimpulseNationiante:  maybe it is on  Let me check.
20:19.28frogglesstew: driver is still set to ---> Driver      "fglrx"
20:19.32vimpulseNationiante:  yes, it is.
20:19.41Nationiantevimpulse: thankx
20:19.46ajavidfirefox-3.6a1pre.en-US.linux-x86_64.tar.bz2 I guess I'll just use this... I wonder why they never make available amd64 builds more publically
20:19.46vimpulseNationiante:  welx.
20:19.49ajavidor soemthing
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20:19.54ajavidalways have to hunt that down
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20:20.09vimpulseajavid:  please consider the 32-bit version instead; it works with more plugins.
20:20.17stewfroggles: you should either change that to be "radeon" or "radeonhd" or run "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" to get a generic configuration that doesn't point to a specific driver
20:20.34ajavidvimpulse, thank you for your advice.  I am not using 32bit plugins
20:20.35dbboltoni am looking for a qt4 mail notification application that operates in the kde4 system tray. any suggestions?
20:20.37vimpulsedear all -- I can't kill -9 firefox-bin.  ps aux says "Sl".  strace says "futex(0xadc15190, FUTEX_WAIT_PRIVATE, 3, NULL" and never finishes.  I don't want to start up a second Firefox, since that would be confusing when I Alt-Tab within KDE.  What can I do?
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20:21.01nkuttlerdbbolton: doesn't their kmail app do that?
20:21.07ajavidvimpulse, I don't use java or what not, even silverlight works in lenny firefox amd64 build and what not
20:21.09CryWolfapt gets unhappy really fast as soon as you deviate at all from the norm.
20:21.18ajavidvimpulse, I only use flash for youtube etc. and no other plugins
20:21.26ajavidvimpulse, there is a 64bit flash now so its ok
20:21.28frogglesstew why would i want a generic configuration that doesent point to a specific driver?
20:21.29nkuttlerCryWolf: you're not supposed to mix old packages etc
20:21.31dbboltonnkuttler i have kmail installed, and have run it, but it doesn't seem to provide atray icon
20:21.42froggleswhat program configures the xorg file to work withthe radeon driver
20:21.45ajaviddbbolton, i think it does
20:21.54stewfroggles: becuase right now you have a specific driver which is the wrong driver
20:21.54nkuttlerfroggles: /etc/X11/xorg.conf
20:21.55CryWolfnkuttler: I don't have much choice in this case.
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20:22.19dbboltonajavid if so, how would i enable it?
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20:22.49ajaviddbbolton, Kmail -> Settings -> Appearance -> LAST TAB = systray (check enable it)
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20:23.30frogglesis radeonhd better than radeon
20:24.13stewfroggles: better in what respect?
20:24.14dbboltonajavid is it possible that the tabs would be in a different order in another language? i don't see a tray option under the last tab
20:24.26NationianteWhere can I download DEbian 5.02?
20:24.36ajaviddbbolton, kde4 kmail?
20:24.38froggleswell i got KDE back, but now quake wont even launch
20:24.46ajaviddbbolton, or kde3? I only use kde3, and I'm looking at it
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20:24.56dbboltonajavid 4
20:25.06ajaviddbbolton, go there
20:25.07nkuttlerNationiante: looks like 502 isn't on the mirrors yet, replace 5.0.2 with 5.0.1 etc
20:25.13vimpulseNationiante:  see what <nkuttler> said at 20:18
20:25.15Nationiantecmyers_work: I get "404 Error"
20:25.28Nationiantevimpulse: How could I see what he has said?
20:26.00vimpulseNationiante:  use your scroll bar to scroll up :)
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20:26.38norbert_by the way, I changed it to the "vesa" driver and that worked out
20:26.39Nationiantevimpulse: I can't see messages before I came here (and it was over 22:00)
20:27.00*** mode/#debian [+l 968] by debhelper
20:27.02nkuttlerNationiante: ... i just repeated it
20:27.22frogglesstew: i dont think 3D Rendering is working.  I can play DVD but can't get 3D games to work.
20:27.25Nationiantenkuttler: You mean there's no more mirrors?
20:27.26ajavidMozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-US; rv:1.9.2a1pre) Gecko/20090629 Minefield/3.6a1pre what is minefield?
20:27.27vimpulseNationiante:  oops, I meant 22:18 in your time zone :)  but anyway, he repeated it now.
20:27.36nkuttlerNationiante: no
20:27.39frogglesit worked witht he fglrx driver.  how do i make it work with radeon
20:27.39ajavidwhat happened to firefox? I guess 3.65 is called minedfield
20:27.50Nationiantenkuttler: What then (Could you repeat once again, please)
20:27.56nkuttlerajavid: minefield is their dev version
20:27.59Nationiantevimpulse: Well that's what I thought
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20:28.15enoufajavid: i think it's called something else .. but
20:28.31vimpulsenkuttler:  by the way, most people don't like to repeat 3 times :)
20:28.36enoufmaybe it's 3.x.x
20:28.39vimpulseNationiante:  by the way, most people don't like to repeat 3 times :)
20:28.49froggleserr 3D acceleration
20:28.56Nationiantevimpulse: okay then, can I update from 5.01 to 5.02 when i have installt?
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20:29.06nkuttlerNationiante: yes
20:29.14Nationiantenkuttler: okay thanks
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20:29.42nkuttlerNationiante: you may want the netinst though, that was the link to the business card thing
20:30.06Nationiantenkuttler: Well, last time I installed Debian, I couldn't start it because I could use only the command line
20:30.22nkuttlerNationiante: what do you mean?
20:30.22jairenouf: thank you so much for the information and links =)
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20:30.24enoufstart it?
20:30.29enoufjair: ;-)
20:30.42jairadb: Thank you again for that link i will check if I can run one of those installers
20:30.46Nationiantenkuttler: I mean, I installed Debian, and tried to boot it
20:30.59Nationiantenkuttler: And then I was not able to use it becuase the resolution was too high :/
20:31.04vimpulserepeat:  dear all -- I can't kill -9 firefox-bin.  ps aux says "Sl".  strace says "futex(0xadc15190, FUTEX_WAIT_PRIVATE, 3, NULL" and never finishes.  I don't want to start up a second Firefox, since that would be confusing when I Alt-Tab within KDE.  1.  What can I do?  2.  Should I reboot?  3.  Was my question unclear?
20:31.24nkuttlerNationiante: why didn't you change the resolution?
20:31.31Nationiantenkuttler: How can I do that?
20:31.37enoufvimpulse: if you can;t kill it, it's likely owned via init at this point
20:31.48nkuttlerNationiante: xrandr, /etc/X11/xorg.conf
20:32.08nkuttlerNationiante: xrandr -s 800x600
20:32.08ajavidno wonder I can't isntall shit
20:32.08enoufvimpulse: you could restart your kde session only, see if that helps
20:32.10ajavidMinefield/3.6a1pre <- stupid useragent
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20:32.24Nationiantenkuttler: I think I could just set up 1280x1024 instead of 800x600?
20:32.31ajavidcool, firefox 3.6 is awesome!
20:32.47nkuttlerNationiante: probably
20:32.48enoufvimpulse: does pstree.x11 show firefox-bin ?
20:32.55vimpulseenouf:  it is owned by ksmserver
20:32.58Nationiantenkuttler: Thanks, I'm downloading the netinst
20:32.58enoufvimpulse: if not some fool ran it as root
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20:33.09enoufvimpulse: kill kdecrap
20:33.14vimpulseenouf:  i ran it, and not as root :)  kill what?
20:33.34enoufvimpulse: just restart the session normally
20:33.42norbert_cmyers_work: changed it from intel (i810) to vesa and that worked out; thanks for trying to help a while back; gotta go now
20:34.08froggleswell radeonhd didn't work.  it put me back to the login prompt with no window manager. so i guess radeon is better.
20:34.09enoufksmserver --help is not very helpful .. but ok
20:34.16froggleshow do i make 3D Acceleration work?
20:34.22Nationiantenkuttler: btw, can I use WLAN conection with Netinstall?
20:34.26frogglesthe reason i got a radeon card is for 3D Stuf
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20:34.30enouffroggles: radeonhd is wrong for that card AFIACT
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20:34.57enouffroggles: man radeon, find x600
20:35.00vimpulseenouf:  it was started by kde autostart, as i wished.  enouf, adb:  Never mind, I killed it.  Let me investigate more then report.
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20:35.23enoufvimpulse: i understand, but kde is a mess .. to say the least
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20:36.09enoufvimpulse: you have an entry in ~/.kde/Autostart for it i guess?
20:36.15vimpulseenouf:  yes.
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20:36.29starenkawha thsould i do, when a power failrure happened during opackage install and apt-get keeps complainin on failed install (cant add/remove packages)? i did solve postgress error, but stuck w/ last one - xmail :(
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20:36.58vimpulsestarenka:  what did apt-get recommend that you should do?
20:37.04frogglesenouf: the only line that had X600 --->  RV380    Radeon X600, M24
20:37.12enouffroggles: bingo
20:37.14froggleswhat do i do with that info
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20:37.26enouffroggles: it means it's supported
20:37.33nkuttlerstarenka: dpkg --configure -a
20:37.35enoufhow well? not sure
20:37.58nkuttlerNationiante: if the NIC is supported by the kernel. i prefer cables.
20:38.02frogglesenouf: well why isn't quake wars starting ?
20:38.03enoufstarenka: or 'apt-get -f install'
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20:38.23starenkankuttler: vimpulse
20:38.31enouffroggles: how the heck should i know? does your xorg,conf say fglrx under driver?
20:38.33frogglesi need 3D Acceleration, no ?
20:38.38enoufwhat about dri and drm modules?
20:38.41frogglesno it says radeon
20:38.46starenkaenouf: still the same as w/ above
20:38.48enouffroggles: see #radeon
20:38.52nkuttlerstarenka: fix the postinst script in /var/lib/dpkg/info/
20:39.01frogglesthis is worse than the fglrx driver.
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20:39.15starenkankuttler: thx
20:39.17stewthe one that doesn't compile?
20:39.33enouffglrx will always be atleast one step ahead - it's their coveted tech that they'll never release docs for
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20:39.46stewfroggles: is the radeon kernel module loaded?
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20:40.07stewfroggles: can you pastebin your xorg.conf and Xorg.0.log?
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20:40.40stewfroggles: you can't possibly get 3d with the radeon driver if the radeon kernel module isn't loaded
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20:41.20frogglesthere is no command modprobe
20:41.21starenka_nkuttler: the postinstall one?
20:41.23frogglesnor is it in the repos
20:41.32stewfroggles: sure there is
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20:41.44debuzHi guys. I've just installed debian 5.1 on my desktop but X appears all wrong... where can I get "wizard" of xorg? I've used it some time ago
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20:41.53debuzNow I can't find it again.. there is no such package hehe
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20:41.58enoufdebuz: no longeer the case
20:42.05enoufdebuz: see /msg dpkg xrandr
20:42.06vimpulseadb: enouf:  It looks like Emacs eshell's built in kill command (in esh-proc.el) never works for me.  /bin/kill always works.  Odd.  So adb, thank you for your killall suggestion:  it inspired me to /bin/kill it :)  Enouf, thanks for your help too.
20:42.12vimpulsedebuz:  which wizard?
20:42.15debuzthanks enouf
20:42.20frogglesmy bad, wasnt root
20:42.20stewdebuz: there is no such wizard.  can you be more specific than "appears all wrong"?
20:42.23enoufdebuz: /msg dpkg drxx (for the details)
20:42.39debuzstew: yeah, it appears just on the left
20:42.39debuzand my monitor has no range for it
20:42.43debuzI see only a thin line of the X
20:42.53enoufvimpulse: i use pkill a lot ;-)
20:43.37enoufvimpulse: pkill firefox-bin
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20:43.37enoufdebuz: set your Vert/Hor refresh rate ranges
20:43.37enoufin your xorg.conf
20:43.41debuzenouf: thx =)
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20:43.52frogglesenouf;  i ran modprobe radeon.  it's loaded.  still no 3D Acceleration
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20:43.57enoufor use cvt to find out a modesetting you could use
20:44.11enouffroggles: do what stew asked
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20:44.16enoufdebuz: man cvt
20:44.28debuzthx =)
20:44.46enoufdebuz: the Vert/Hoz ranges go in Section Monitor
20:44.54froggleswhat package has glxinfo ?
20:45.00stewfroggles: /msg dpkg apt-file
20:45.06debuzthanks enouf  =)
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20:45.59anddamhow can I check if my user has access to usbfs?
20:46.00vimpulsefroggles:  or, if you're in a hurry, try a google search for [ debian glxinfo ] .  It is not as good as apt-file, but it sometimes works.
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20:46.26frogglesim apt-getting apt-file now
20:46.53vimpulsedebuz:  by the way does your monitor have an Auto Adjust button?  some LCDs do.  it's worth a try.
20:46.54debuzenouf: xorg.conf is empty o_O
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20:47.02debuzvimpulse: yes, but it does not fix it =(
20:47.06Canarhi, i'm trying to access the daily netboot builds that were once available at
20:47.10Canaris there some other mirror for them?
20:47.16enoufdebuz: the factoids told you to X -configure to generate a minimal one
20:47.21Canari need i386 arch
20:47.25debuzaaah ok... thanks enouf
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20:47.45enoufdebuz: then man xorg.conf and man <intel,radeon,nv, whatever>
20:47.47vimpulseCanar:  hi, when we are busy, please try not to press Enter in mid-paragraph :)  I don't know.  Anyone?
20:48.10debuzthanks ;)))
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20:48.43Canarvimpulse: Peculiar IRC custom, but understandable... Sorry, this is the first time I've heard of such a thing.
20:49.12dpkg[netboot] a Debian installation method involving the use of TFTP and DHCP (or BOOTP, RARP) servers, to provide installation media to clients on a local network.  Not recommended for novice users, ask me about <netinst> instead.  See also <install guide>, <netboot miniiso>, <installer firmware>.
20:49.18anddamis there a default gid for usb users?
20:49.21vimpulseCanar:  no worries.
20:49.28enoufanddam: plugdev
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20:50.25enoufanddam: if the FSType on the disks are ntfs, consider ntfs-3g and FUSE for rw capabilities
20:50.40enoufanddam: /msg dpkg pmount (as well)
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20:51.25enoufanddam: /msg dpkg groups (while you're at it)
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20:52.26anddamenouf: it's not an usb disk
20:52.31anddamenouf: it's a cell phone
20:53.10enoufit's still a usb removable .. but i dunno
20:53.10anddamenouf: this is my issue
20:53.32enoufmaybe /dev/ttyUSB0 or ASM0 or something
20:53.34anddamthe usb device is shown in Vbox filter but not the guest  os
20:53.39eyerisI have a debian installation running under user-mode-linux. I've enabled ACLs, but setfacl still gives me the Operation Not Supported error:
20:53.56*** part/#debian vimpulse (
20:53.56enoufanddam: you have the virtualbox-ose-guest pkg?
20:54.03anddamthe point is the only software to manage this phone runs in win
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20:54.06enoufor whatever it is
20:54.13enoufuse WINE?
20:54.13anddamenouf: I don't, I think but I installed GUest Additions
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20:54.21dpkgi guess virtualbox is a virtual machine solution.  VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE) is available for Lenny and as a backport for Etch.  Ask me about <vbox-install lenny>, <vbox-install etch>, <vbox-install squeeze>.  #vbox on  See also <virtualization>.
20:54.30anddamenouf: you can't install drivers with wine, afair
20:54.43froggles/var/log/Xorg.0.log  says --->
20:54.47JPTwine can just run windows software
20:54.49froggles(II) RADEON(0): Direct rendering not officially supported on RN50/RC410/R600
20:54.50froggles(WW) RADEON(0): Direct rendering disabled
20:54.52anddamVbox is my best chance
20:54.53enoufhow does anything work anddam ?
20:54.56JPTthe linux kernel has to do the hardware stuff
20:54.56frogglesthis driver sucks.
20:55.09anddamenouf: "anything"?
20:55.31anddamthat's a too wide question
20:55.32frogglesstew: this driver sucks.
20:55.33froggles(II) RADEON(0): Direct rendering not officially supported on RN50/RC410/R600
20:55.33froggles(WW) RADEON(0): Direct rendering disabled
20:55.34enouffroggles: you just might need to tweak xorg.conf and comment out 'dri' lines under modules or something
20:56.04*** join/#debian Kuifje111 (
20:56.05Kuifje111hello all.
20:56.10frogglesyou mean there's no programs to configure xorg.conf for me?
20:56.11enouffroggles: i told you - see #radeon for details, the r5xx work pretty well
20:56.11Kuifje111is it possible to allow characters such as $ in echo "test, blah $"
20:56.31wizlon which language?
20:56.40JPTjust escape them with backslashes
20:56.52Kuifje111ok, thanks
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20:57.18debuzenouf: I'm still doing something wrong
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20:57.34debuzI've added the line on the Monitor Section... it opens the same, all on the left, can't see a thing =]
20:57.38Kuifje111oh and another question
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20:57.47_KaszpiR_quiestion: i got midning commander running, lenny, when i press ctrl+o it shows the subshell, then when i press up/down arrows it shows the command history
20:57.50anddamenouf: the point is the phone manager needs 4 drivers, a virtual com, an usb-to-serial converter and so. Lot of crap
20:57.51Kuifje111how to allow quotation marks in echo?
20:57.57debuzenouf: isnt there something to download to make this easier? :)
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20:58.13_KaszpiR_the poblem is, that the histor contains 'echo' and other control code chars, and actual history command is useless - how to avoid this?
20:58.16anddamI have to logout
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20:58.26enoufdebuz: lspci -nn | grep VGA
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20:59.05debuzenouf: Geforce 6150SE nForce 430
20:59.08enoufdebuz: should have examples as well as the URLs listed in /msg dpkg dual monitors
20:59.16pherthylfor some reason I can't access   just comes back as address not found
20:59.29enoufdebuz: so, using the 'nv' driver?
20:59.31pherthylbut it works fine if I reboot into windows, on the same connection
20:59.37debuzenouf: I am using the nv driver
20:59.43pherthylanyone know what I can check to figure out what could be causing that?
20:59.43debuzwell, at least I've installed it with aptitude
20:59.46enoufdebuz: grep drv /var/log/Xorg/0/log | xargs
20:59.52enoufdebuz: grep drv /var/log/Xorg.0.log | xargs
20:59.56pherthylseems to be nothing much in the hosts file...
21:00.18debuzenouf: yeah, =)
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21:00.37enoufdebuz: so man nv, tweak accordingly
21:00.43debuzok, thank you enouf
21:01.01enoufdebuz: 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: nVidia Corporation NV11 [GeForce2 MX/MX 400] [10de:0110]  works here
21:01.16debuzhmmm I'll try that
21:01.42enoufdebuz: and that's NOT lspci -nn output
21:01.48Free5sry newb here, but i see a lot of command examples use the term bar?   what is bar?
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21:02.06debuzenouf: what do you mean?
21:02.18enoufFree5: bar is fooB
21:02.41enoufFree5: soo fooA == var1, bar == var2, baz == var3
21:02.57enoufer s/fooA/foo
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21:03.11enouf16:47 < enouf> debuz: lspci -nn | grep VGA
21:03.12enouf16:48 < debuz> enouf: Geforce 6150SE nForce 43
21:03.16enouf== fail debuz
21:03.57Free5enouf, thanks.
21:05.15enoufFree5: basically the way x y and z are used
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21:05.32enouf(in algebraic stuffs and such)
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21:05.58debuzenouf: yeah, I re-wrote it from the results
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21:06.05debuzafraid to exec -o output here =)
21:06.11enoufdebuz: very incomplete
21:06.20enoufone line is ok
21:06.28debuzok, then, ...
21:06.33debuz00:0d.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: nVidia Corporation GeForce 6150SE nForce 430 [10de:03d0] (rev a2)
21:06.53Mariusikadoes someone know how to fix pidgin messenge? Can connect to internet?
21:06.53enoufjudd: pciid 10de:03d0
21:06.54juddenouf: [10de:03d0] is 'C61 [GeForce 6150SE nForce 430]' from 'nVidia Corporation' with no known kernel module in lenny or in sid. See also
21:07.33enoufMariusika: maybe
21:07.54debuzyeah =/
21:08.13MadMoneyOkay, this isn't good. I noticed that when I run 'reboot', the computer shuts down properly, gets to the boot loader (GRUB), but then the kernel either freezes up (before DMESG stuff), or it kernel panics. If I shut my computer completely off and then reboot, everything is okay.
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21:08.56MadMoneyNow it won't turn back on!
21:09.11MadMoneyI keep pressing the power button, and the laptop won't turn on. :(
21:09.22debuzenouf: before debian, gentoo was installed on this machine and runnign perfectly =/
21:09.25MadMoneyI'll have to remove the battery and put it back in...
21:09.38*** join/#debian Phase (n=Phase@unaffiliated/phase)
21:09.42MadMoneyWow, my laptop hates not having XP Home.
21:09.45enoufMariusika: sounds like your RAM isn't clearing on reboot .. or shutting down properly (perhaps you toyed with the rcS,0,6 scripts or /etc/inittab ?)
21:10.00_KaszpiR_try passing acpi=off noacpi o kernel
21:10.31Mariusikaenouf: what ?
21:10.35enoufMadMoney: try going into BIOS and look to disable QuickBoot/FastBoot/Splash/OEM screen crap
21:10.45enoufMariusika: bad tab
21:11.01Mariusikaenouf: :)
21:11.25MadMoneyI put the battery back in, and it still won't turn on.
21:11.26enoufdebuz: just needs some tweaking ;-)
21:11.36debuzenouf: which I don't know how to do =( hehe
21:12.40debuzenouf: is it about reading "man nv" and configuring xorg.conf accordingly?
21:12.40enoufi told you where to find plenty of info and examples even
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21:12.41Mariusikafor those of u in europe
21:12.41MadMoneyOkay, time to take it apart and reseat the CMOS battery. That fixed it last time.
21:12.42enoufMadMoney: yeah, replace it while in there
21:13.03debuzenouf: is there any soft that can help me on tweaking?
21:13.10JPTi wonder what happens if you really do that... but i already paid 50 euro on a bad bios... so i won't try
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21:13.28enoufMadMoney: check if the BIOS clock is maintaining the time across the rebooting phases - enter BIOS setup right away after reboot - try 'shutdown -r now' instead of reboot
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21:14.06seria-mausomeone playing alien arena 2009 here? i can't get it working on squeeze -> segfault
21:14.51enoufdebuz: not really .. it's supposed to autoconfigure - check perhaps - if you want, play with the nvidia 3d driver, /msg dpkg nvidia
21:15.04debuzhmmm ok, thanks enouf
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21:15.15debuzbasically, I'm lost =)
21:15.17debuzDon't know what to do...
21:15.20TiMiDoIPv6 support must be enabled in the kernel for radvd to work how can i do this?
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21:15.47enoufdebuz: here's mine., as a sort of guide ONLY
21:16.15debuzok, thanks
21:16.18cmyers_workTiMiDo: is there a reason you think it isn't enabled?  I would be really surprised if it isn't enabled by default
21:16.28frogglesif told to upgrade  x to 1.5 is that xserver-xorg ?
21:16.40frogglesor xorg
21:16.48enoufdebuz: all lines with # are commented out, not processed
21:17.07TiMiDocmyers_work, nope is not
21:17.09enouffroggles: probably
21:17.11debuzenouf: hehe that I know ;)
21:17.17valdynTiMiDo: use a debian kernel
21:17.19enoufjudd: versions xorg
21:17.19juddenouf: xorg -- etch: 1:7.1.0-19 lenny: 1:7.3+18 squeeze: 1:7.3+19 sid: 1:7.4+3
21:17.35enoufjudd: versions xorg-xserver
21:17.35juddenouf: xorg-xserver --
21:17.56enoufjudd: versions xserver-xorg
21:17.56juddenouf: xserver-xorg -- etch: 1:7.1.0-19 lenny: 1:7.3+18 squeeze: 1:7.3+19 sid: 1:7.4+3
21:18.44enoufi thought the windows versions use the 1.x naming conventions , see
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21:19.35enoufTiMiDo: might be blacklisted?
21:19.50Gun_SmokeIs there a preferred kernel to use along with virtualbox?  Or should I be considering a different option for virtualization all together?
21:19.53enoufTiMiDo: what happens if you modprobe ipv6 ?
21:20.05*** part/#debian Phase (n=Phase@unaffiliated/phase)
21:20.55debuzenouf: it worked ;)
21:20.57TiMiDoWARNING: All config files need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/nvidia-kernel-nkc, it will be ignored in a future release.
21:20.58debuzthank you very much
21:21.02debuzenouf:  ^^
21:21.11valdynTiMiDo: ignore
21:21.21enoufdebuz: er .. what worked? :-)
21:21.30valdynTiMiDo: thats a new topic, dont you want to fix your first issue first?
21:21.41debuzenouf: I was using the Modes statement in a wrong way
21:21.41*** join/#debian Spity (n=Spity@
21:21.48debuzlooking at your config I could see what was wrong
21:21.56debuzand now xorg is running perfectly :)
21:21.58debuzthank you
21:21.59enoufdebuz: ok ;-)
21:22.02debuzgonna conf the other stuff now
21:22.06debuzthank you very much! ;)
21:22.26*** join/#debian jrm` (n=jeremy@unaffiliated/jrm0)
21:23.05valdynTiMiDo: i believe you want to read the *complete* error message from radvd again
21:23.19TiMiDohow do i do that?
21:23.29valdynTiMiDo: what? reading?
21:23.47TiMiDothe error message from radvd
21:23.48enouf!be a reading barbie
21:23.48dpkgAww, reading is HARD! Let's go shopping, enouf
21:24.00valdynTiMiDo: /etc/init.d/radvd start
21:24.13TiMiDoIPv6 support must be enabled in the kernel for radvd to work.
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21:24.26valdynTiMiDo: that is not the complete message
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21:25.01enoufGun_Smoke: AFAIK, doesn't matter for vbox, for openvz, xen, vserver, then yes
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21:25.49TiMiDothat was the message that i got
21:25.52Gun_Smokeenouf, that's what I was thinking when I looked at the list of available kernels...
21:25.53enoufGun_Smoke: though /msg dpkg vbox and note the virtualbox-ose-* pkgs
21:26.11valdynTiMiDo: it is not the complete message or you lied about the ipv6 thing
21:26.30valdynTiMiDo: testing if ipv6 is loaded : "lsmod | grep ipv6"
21:26.32enouf$ apt-cache search  virtualbox-ose
21:26.53valdynTiMiDo: then once that module is loaded, i *know* that radvd gives a different error.
21:27.00*** mode/#debian [+l 959] by debhelper
21:28.36Gun_Smokeenouf, do you remember off the top of you head what features were/are lost between the ose edition and the non-free edition?  USB support perhaps?
21:29.10enoufGun_Smoke: no idea, likely maybe that and perhaps 3D?
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21:29.44enoufGun_Smoke: i thought vmware had that USB issue - i don't know offhand
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21:32.14Gun_Smokeenouf, well I just went with vbox ose.. find out shortly..
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21:37.49Gun_Smokeenouf, well that's odd.. the ose edition doesn't seem to work with amd64.. virtualbox-ose-modules-2.6.26-2-amd64 is installed, but when trying to install a 64bit guest it complains I'm on 32bit hardware... on to the next solution I guess..
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21:46.03feldany sid/nvidia users in here having issues since some recent updates?
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21:46.38fedorauser162/sbin/ifup: couldn't read interfaces file "/etc/network/interfaces"
21:46.41fedorauser162"operation failed"
21:46.43fedorauser162any ideas?
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21:50.02adbfedorauser162: paste /etc/network/interfaces , use , or read/correct line 28 of that file
21:50.38adbfedorauser162: use fedora ?
21:50.38frogglescan i use my sources.list from lenny on testing if i replace all instances of lenny with testing ?
21:51.00fedorauser162adb, on my other puter
21:51.20heloif i want to apply a patch to fluxbox, is there an easy way to get the source from apt, apply the patch, and create a .deb to install?
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21:57.32dustybinwhat is the name of the tool what checks your cpu temp etc
21:57.38dustybini have it installed, just cannot remember the name
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21:58.50TheJonJonWhat's a good IRC client for Debian?
21:59.10TheJonJonI just installed xChat but don't think I like it much--- The only IRC client I ever used with mIRC years and years ago
22:00.02mederEsite, TheJonJon
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22:01.03TheJonJonmederEsite, Hmm, says terminal based, I'd rather something with a bit of graphical flair
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22:01.22mederEsiteTheJonJon: cant hurt to try it
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22:04.04TheJonJonmederEsite: True that, I'll check it out-
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22:07.05faffienouf: i fixed my wifi, the kernel upgrade to even with the headers didnt let me compile my nvidia modules but my hardware wireless switch had somehow turned itself off....
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22:08.24enouffaffi: i'm lost .. but ok
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22:09.04faffiyou were helping me yesterday updating kernel to .30 to use the ssb module since the regular ones in my kernel werent working
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22:11.16enouffaffi: ahh  enouf> fraff: add serverworks to /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and update-initramfs -u -k 2.6.x.x
22:11.34enoufoh wait .. wrong nick? :-P
22:12.00faffiim back to my .26 kernel in squeeze with wl driver from broadcome i compiled :D
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22:12.01faffiall is good
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22:12.17enouffaffi: that's all that matters then ;-)
22:12.40faffihaha ya
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22:17.24Z_God2I don't get an ipv6 default route, but I do get an ipv6 address
22:17.38Z_God2the routing advertisement is done correctly according to the network admin
22:17.42Z_God2how can I check this out?
22:18.10Z_God2I'm running debian lenny
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22:21.36karlpincZ_God2: With the "ip route" command?
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22:23.41Z_God2karlpinc: it shows me the routes
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22:23.51Z_God2but the default route is indeed missing
22:24.25ryanpriorIf I'm building a package and it fails in the end stages, is there a way I can run debuild again without having to recompile everything? I'm getting a bunch of messages like "dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to ecere-sdk-0.44d2.1/ec/release/pass15.o: binary file contents changed"How can I start the process again without having to clean everything and compile over again?
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22:24.40skor_'lo all.  Trying to install kde4 on etch, but running into problems with kdebase-data being 4.2.4 instead of 4.2.2.   Is there a workaround ?
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22:25.48fedorauser162when it says "wireless-essid EeeAP" and i want to connect to a diff network can i just erase the EeeAP
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22:27.16TrueDDGood night all
22:27.49skor_hmm bad timing I guess.
22:28.13skor_(transition between 4.2.2 and 4.2.4 ?)
22:28.43BinnisbI need some help with users and permissions.
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22:29.23BinnisbI have a user that downloads files to a folder and I want another user to be able to open and delete them from samba
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22:30.32BinnisbCan you help me or point me to a site with info?
22:32.35cg_uiraHi, I have the follow error with a nic 3c509 ISA in Lenny: 'SIOCSIFFLAGS: Device or resource busy'
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22:36.21bit0hello, i can't scan and print, i've a HP1315, any help, please?
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22:52.56eviltuxhi all/hola a todos
22:53.20MetalexAnybody around with some good knowledge about RSA/DES encryption?
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22:55.24craigevilbit0: take a look at
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22:59.28blast_hardcheeseSo I'm kind of in a bad situation,
22:59.50blast_hardcheeseThe squeeze fun last night broke lvm2
22:59.56Free5what is the best site to learn the debian package management system?
22:59.59macrobatBinnisb: maybe
23:00.19blast_hardcheesepvck /dev/md0 repots "Could not find LVM label on /dev/md0"
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23:00.55blast_hardcheeseI can confirm that my XFS partition is there, I can see it when I hexdump the md device
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23:02.26craigevilFree5:  read the debian docs
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23:02.29blast_hardcheese(I can't, however, mount -o offset= the XFS partition, which worries me.)
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23:10.13ponyofdeathhi, im using dnsmasq for dns on a local network. wondering what the best way to add some diff dns servers for it to use for some vpn domains that i have?
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23:11.36blast_hardcheeseponyofdeath: dnsmasq sources /etc/resolv.conf unless you tell it not to
23:11.52blast_hardcheeseif you have, you can specify extra DNS servers in the dnsmasq.conf
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23:12.05ponyofdeathblast_hardcheese: yeah but it chooses a server at random from there i think i might have found it its the -S flag
23:12.06blast_hardcheeseIf you need me to look up the option I will, but it should all be self-documenting
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23:12.27blast_hardcheeseYou can tell to not choose them at random
23:12.51frogglesis there a way to have testing with out kde4 ?
23:12.55frogglesi prefer kde 3.5
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23:13.25blast_hardcheeseShould be able to pin kde 3.5
23:13.38blast_hardcheeseDon't know for sure though
23:15.10ponyofdeathblast_hardcheese: yeah i only want it to use it for certain subments that i have connected via openvpn
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23:29.03skor_anyone using nvidia drivers on a PowerMac ?  I only see IA32 and AMD64 drivers available for download
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23:46.14Gokee2So I was trying to play blobAndConquer and not getting any sound.  Then I found "Remove all music and sound files from the upstream tarball, as they are   not DFSG compliant. Closes: #495531"  Does this mean all sound is gone in the Debian package?
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23:47.49exobyteI'm trying to use nbd to share a hard drive, but I'm getting this: "error: cannot open nbd: no such file or directory"
23:47.54exobytegoogle wasn't ANY help
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23:56.15MadMoneyDoes Debian ever stop supporting an architecture?
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23:57.03stewMadMoney: yes, the next release will have the arm arch dropped, for instance
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23:57.27c0m1stew: really?
23:57.31stewc0m1: yes
23:57.39stewc0m1: its already dropped in testing and unstable
23:57.59stewthere is a good chance we will also drop hpux
23:58.55`ns`debin/testing  I run a number of different storage devices on a single usb port, each time I change devices the /dev/sd## changes. Since I do not run a 'desktop manager', is there any way for me to control this so that fstab can will be useful to me for mounting them ? or am I just going to the logs and finding out what the latest /dev/???? is ?
23:59.20c0m1stew: why drop ARM (not an expert on ARM, in case u hadn't noticed)
23:59.55skor_arm, such as the arm cortex and similar for embedded devices / phones ?
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23:59.56stewc0m1: becuase there are not enough volunteers to support it

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