IRC log for #debian on 20090430

00:00.10abrotmanit's not my fault he has to quit to change channels
00:00.10Knorrieis using lenny-xen-2.6.26 big time
00:00.18CutMeOwnThroatI never said so
00:00.26Knorrieas dom0 and domU
00:00.26beardyd-b: I run a -xen kernel on an amd64 guest, runs fine.
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00:01.47d-bbeardy: did you use the di ?
00:02.18d-bsome one had better fix the wiki who actually knows about this then...
00:02.37d-bi'll add a note tho.
00:02.55Knorriedoes not use di to setup domU, im using cdebootstrap
00:03.08CutMeOwnThroatsounds like a nice irc client, though
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00:03.51d-bCutMeOwnThroat: yeah chat while you debootstrap ^^
00:03.55CutMeOwnThroat... to induce pity in your fellow human beings
00:04.54CutMeOwnThroatI don't see why he had to leave with a threat, tho
00:06.40KnorrieCutMeOwnThroat: your nick sounds aweful
00:07.09CutMeOwnThroat!tell Knorrie -about dibbler
00:07.18Knorriehas msg
00:07.37CutMeOwnThroatcongratulates Knorrie to his brand new msg
00:08.17micolsdebootstrap is a nice tool.
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00:08.44beardyd-b: No, I installed the kernel afterwards. It was installed with debootstrap and afaik an upstream xen kernel, at the time.
00:09.24Knorriewhee "The Dibbler was believed to have become extinct until it was rediscovered in 1967 at Cheyne Beach on the south coast of Western Australia after a gap of 80 years. It remains an endangered species."
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00:11.11internat1anyone know where i can find the checksums for the netinst disk?
00:11.30azeeminternat1: where you downloaded the netinst as well
00:11.40internat1thats what i thought but i cant find it there
00:11.44beardyinternat1: Same place where the image is, add .md5sum to the filename if it's "hidden", as in not displayed on the site.
00:11.45azeemevery FTP directory has a file with the md5sums I think
00:11.52azeeminternat1: where are you looking?
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00:12.15CutMeOwnThroatKnorrie, saussageinnabun?
00:12.25internat1oh its not linked on the webpage.. its in the mirror itself as another file.. hmms
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00:12.55beardyYes.. I noticed that too when I looked actually, but never reported it..
00:13.04beardyI recalled now when you said that.
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00:14.13beardyinternat1: But they're there as said yes. One .md5sum file containing the checksum for each one.
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00:16.40KnorrieCutMeOwnThroat: :)
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00:18.53CutMeOwnThroatguesses the ) is the sausage and the : is mustard
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00:19.51Knorriedoes not want mustard, better (|) only sausage in bread
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00:20.08dustedit's garbage meat stuffed into the guts of the animal it came from.. yaya, let's eat it... :s
00:20.23sshchi, my computer freezes whenever I run "links2 -g &" in a tty.
00:20.27sshcthe keyboard becomes unresponsive (I can't toglle numlock, for exapmle).  but I can ssh into it so it's not really completely frozen
00:21.02CutMeOwnThroatdusted, my, that little bugger was in for a surprise... would've never thought to end up in its own gut :)
00:21.09Zharfsshc, intel gfx?
00:21.56dustedCutMeOwnThroat, that's true.. I used to fukken LOVE sausage.. but these days they just don't taste as good... :)
00:22.34CutMeOwnThroatI'm really vegetarian, but gotta stay in character... *points at nick*
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00:22.57amphisshc: talk to enouf
00:22.57jelly-homeyou could be a carrot.
00:22.58Knorrieyour nick is just suicidal
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00:23.16dustedCutMeOwnThroat, so... why are  you against eating animals?
00:23.29CutMeOwnThroatthat's offtopic
00:23.49dustedoh, never realized this is a topic-only chan
00:23.55jelly-homedusted: best discussed in #debian-offtopic
00:24.11CutMeOwnThroat... and the topic-police is never far :-P
00:24.54dustedsry,I'm drunk, I should have kicked myself offile long ago :D
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00:26.42JymmmEMCHey folks, how's debian 5.xx (compared to 4.xx)?
00:26.50Knorrieow wait
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00:27.10KnorrieJymmmEMC: it's great
00:27.25jelly-homeJymmmEMC: it's about 1 more.
00:27.25Knorrieit just works
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00:27.39JymmmEMCWhat issues doe sit have?
00:27.59jpinx-eeepcwhat's the default mail package with lenny?
00:28.00JymmmEMCKnorrie: You don't speak typo?
00:28.21JymmmEMCWhat issues does it have?
00:28.44Knorriesid always has issues, it's supposed to habe
00:28.54dondelelcaroJymmmEMC: you can check the bts for yourself if you want to know specifics
00:29.09JymmmEMCdondelelcaro: url would be appreciated
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00:30.11sshcZharf, no, ati
00:30.27JymmmEMCI'm basically asking if it's ready to upgrade the production boxes
00:30.28sshc9500x, I think
00:30.38sshcamphi, who is enouf?
00:30.56KnorrieJymmmEMC: never run production on sid
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00:31.15dondelelcaroJymmmEMC: you can upgrade production machines to lenny, yes, though you really should be testing them using a staging area first
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00:32.06Knorriedondelelcaro: huh? testing > lenny now
00:32.16Knorrieoh testing them
00:32.25jaggy-if I use gpg on one system to secure a file, just for personal use (not to send to anyone else), and I want to access it on another system, what do I do?  duplicate the private key file over yonder?
00:32.42dondelelcaroKnorrie: we're talking about releases, not un-released suites like testing or unstable
00:32.48JymmmEMCdondelelcaro: Sure, just wondering if I should bother getting my feet wet "JUST YET" or wait a lil bit is all.
00:32.49thirdwheel__jaggy-, public key, not private
00:33.08thirdwheel__jaggy-, private key encrypts then public key decrypts
00:33.16jaggy-the public key would be for encrypting.. but I want to decrypt on both systems -- to access the data.
00:33.18KnorrieJymmmEMC: lenny is stable
00:33.20Wyzardthirdwheel__: That's signing, not encryption
00:33.29thirdwheel__Wyzard, i stand corrected
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00:33.30dondelelcaroJymmmEMC: Debian's stable releases don't change much after release, so you might as well start now.
00:33.31Knorriedondelelcaro: sorry i misunderstood
00:33.50Wyzardjaggy-: You can encrypt a file with two (or more) public keys, so that it can be decrypted by either corresponding private key
00:34.01dondelelcaroJymmmEMC: in the future, you probably should be tracking testing with some of your staging area machines so you can report bugs that affect you too
00:34.22JymmmEMCdondelelcaro: No PRNG issues? <ducks>
00:34.29amphisshc: who indeed?
00:34.41jaggy-how's that work?  that's really interesting
00:34.53amphisshc: he uses links2 -g and seems knowledgable about it
00:35.01Wyzardjaggy-: but if you ever use gpg for securing communications with others, you probably want to have a single keypair representing your identity, not different ones for each computer
00:35.07JymmmEMCdondelelcaro: Actually want to toss on vmserver2 under deb5, but I need to rebuild the boxes from scratch if I'm to go that route.
00:35.15jaggy-ahh.. that's it.  thanks.
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00:35.54jaggy-I wasn't sure how that part worked.. so I *would* actually duplicate the private key (and public too) onto each of my own computers
00:36.01JymmmEMCdondelelcaro: blood now, beverages with umbrellas later =)
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00:36.29Wyzardjaggy-: only computers that you trust, but yes
00:36.35Knorriekeys are supossed to be bound to a user, not a machine
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00:37.18JymmmEMCKnorrie: VMWare Server version 2.0.3, or instead of typing that all out and not to confuse it with other VMWare Incorporated products... VMServer2
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00:38.44Knorrie(/me does not use vmware) so you have to use something like debian installer to generate a machine instance?
00:38.53freaky_tin what file can I put some iptable commands to be executed after startup?
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00:39.06JymmmEMCI do have a question though... what is the difference between the AMD64 and the intel IA_86 other than both being 64bit?
00:39.25JymmmEMCKnorrie: No, just manual install.
00:39.26KnorrieJymmmEMC: it's the same
00:39.48KnorrieJymmmEMC: only the itanium-whatever is different
00:39.55JymmmEMCKnorrie: literally? as in same MD5 ?
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00:40.57jaggy-Wyzard, thanks.  Are you familiar with the algorithms to understand how the multiple-public-key-encryption actually works?
00:41.20`brandon`i am installing debian and everytime i get to the part something about partision disks it freezes up on me
00:41.21jaggy-doesn't sha1 have less collisions than md5?
00:41.34Wyzardjaggy-: The message actually encrypted with a random symmetric key called a "session key"
00:41.39JymmmEMCjaggy-: theretically
00:41.49Wyzardjaggy-: and the session key (which is much smaller) is encrypted with the recipient's public key
00:41.49jaggy-I remember Mr. Torvalds mentioning the use of sha1 in a GIT presentation
00:41.55JymmmEMCjaggy-: theoretically, yes.
00:42.12KnorrieJymmmEMC: does md5 algorithm depend on arhitecure?
00:42.18JymmmEMCSHA-1 is depreciated too
00:42.21jaggy-Wyzard, got it.. I was wondering if there was redundancy -- they just repeat the session key.. nice.  Thanks :)
00:42.23JymmmEMCKnorrie: No,
00:42.23Wyzardjaggy-: To encrypt to multiple recipients, gpg just encrypts several copies of the session key, one with each recipient's public key
00:42.28KnorrieJymmmEMC: so
00:42.32jaggy-how is it theoretical?
00:42.39jpinx-eeepcwhat's the default MTA in lenny?
00:42.54jaggy-I think it's postfix, jpinx
00:42.54JymmmEMCjaggy-: due to the algo that SHA-1 uses it would/should has less collisions.
00:43.11jpinx-eeepcjaggy-: tks
00:43.12Wyzardjaggy-: That's a side benefit; the main reason for doing that is because public-key ciphers are much slower than symmetric ciphers, so encrypting the whole message with a public key could be a performance problem
00:43.12jaggy-since I don't believe I picked one, and that's what's running on my new install
00:43.13Knorriejpinx-eeepc: i guess still exim, but you'll soon find out by installing debian
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00:43.39sshcenouf, can you help me with a problem?  my computer freezes whenever I run "links2 -g &" (in the background) in a tty
00:43.44jaggy-well which is it?  :)
00:43.51jpinx-eeepcKnorrie: I have lennny installed, but I can't find the MTA
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00:43.54JymmmEMCsshc: Then DONT DO THAT  =)
00:43.59jpinx-eeepcit's not postfix
00:44.11Knorriejpinx-eeepc: netstat -an | grep 25
00:44.42jaggy-Wyzard, it's beautiful isn't it
00:45.07Knorrieor just try aptitude install postfix, and look it there s something other that gets removed
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00:45.46jpinx-eeepcknorrie - orbit?
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00:46.14jaggy-jpinx, sorry
00:46.22xororandis it possible to run a debian lenny 32-bit xen kernel with a 64-bit hypervisor?
00:46.31jpinx-eeepcnot exim and not postfix - what is it?
00:46.31`brandon`Hello, i am installing debian and everytime i get to the part something about partision disks it freezes up on me, Why do i keep getting that error?
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00:46.56jpinx-eeepcnetstat shows me nothing on port 25
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00:47.22JymmmEMCtelnet localhost 25
00:47.54abrotmanjpinx-eeepc: fuser -n tcp 25
00:48.07pickcoderthe default MTA used to be exim4
00:48.09JymmmEMCjpinx-eeepc:  telnet localhost 25
00:48.14abrotmanjpinx-eeepc: fuser -n tcp 25
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00:48.43jpinx-eeepcabrotman - no output
00:48.49Wyzardxororand: says no
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00:48.54jpinx-eeepcJymmmEMC:  no telnet
00:49.01abrotmanjpinx-eeepc: nothing there!
00:49.18JymmmEMCjpinx-eeepc: apt-get install telnet
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00:49.36jpinx-eeepcJymmmEMC: telnet is not what I want  - I want an MTA
00:49.38xororandthanks, Wyzard
00:49.47abrotmanjpinx-eeepc: so install one
00:50.20jpinx-eeepcso what's all the grief about debian "needing" an MTA ?
00:50.45JymmmEMCto deliver error messages, log, status, etc
00:50.49pickcoderjust install a null mailer
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00:51.09pipelineiirc exim just delivers locally by default
00:51.09jpinx-eeepcand lenny does not have an MTA in it's base install
00:51.23jpinx-eeepcpipeline: no exim
00:51.33abrotmanjpinx-eeepc: i believe it does .. it just defaults to local only
00:51.54jpinx-eeepcexim is not installed
00:51.57pipelineconfiguring exim is kind of a pain but fortunately it does the basics out of the box with no fooling around
00:52.01linkdfights [Gandhi] quietly in the corner
00:52.02pipelinejpinx-eeepc: then install it, problem solved
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00:52.34jpinx-eeepcI am asking what MTA is default in lenny and is an MTA essential for debian
00:52.50gravityexim and yes
00:52.57pipelinejpinx-eeepc: no, you don't need an MTA.
00:53.12gravityAlthough said MTA can be as simple as nullmailer
00:53.13JymmmEMCmaybe you need an MTA
00:53.13jpinx-eeepcgravity: exim is not installed by default - I have not got it
00:53.24JymmmEMCNow, you have ALL the answers!!!!
00:53.30Stanlinhello camerades
00:53.44abrotmanjpinx-eeepc: i did an install yesterday .. only with Standard .. and it was there
00:53.50Knorriejpinx-eeepc: you can install any mta you want
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00:54.15gravityjpinx-eeepc: You don't have exim4 installed?
00:54.30gravityIt's priority: standard
00:54.33plugwashdo people really still install standard?!
00:54.37jpinx-eeepcabrotman: what specific package got installed with lenny base system?
00:54.53abrotmanjpinx-eeepc: i don't have the system here ..
00:55.01abrotmanplugwash: as opposed to?
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00:55.07jpinx-eeepcexim is not a package
00:55.08Stanlinabrotman: using Windows?
00:55.12gravityjpinx-eeepc: exim4
00:55.23nsadminis gcc & emacs still priority: standard?
00:55.23gravityexim is a virtual package apparently
00:55.25plugwashabrotman, just installing base, not installing standard
00:55.30gravitynsadmin: Neither ever was
00:55.36jpinx-eeepcexim4 is the package and it is not installed
00:55.37plugwashjpinx-eeepc, there is no mta in the base-system, exim4 is in the standard system
00:55.41abrotmanplugwash: oh .. i still skip tasksel .. but aptitude install "~pstandard"
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00:55.51nsadminpretty sure they were
00:56.08`brandon`Well i have the Debian Installer on my Computer but how do i get rid of it?
00:56.17abrotmanplugwash: i've found over the years, when you skip it, you end up with too many missing bits that you'll need at some point
00:56.23Knorrieskips tasksel alhthough
00:56.26nsadmin`brandon`: remove the cd?
00:56.31jpinx-eeepcfwiw - there is *no* MTA in the base install and the system runs fine
00:56.32pickcoderjpinx-eeepc: if you have no cron jobs or applications that submit mail then you don't need an MTA
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00:56.42pickcoderit's a bad idea to not install one though
00:56.45jpinx-eeepcinstalls postfix
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00:57.16pickcoderponders web log metrics
00:57.22`brandon`nsadmin: well i got it from the windows installer and i am having trubble with installing it, so i just want to remove the Debian Install
00:57.29freaky_thi all. how can I automatically put some iptable commands at startup? because those are needed for some network statistics ... ?
00:57.51pickcoderfreaky_t: bring them up when the interface comes up in /etc/network/interfaces
00:57.57gravityHrm, there must be some way to see what provides a virtual package on one's system without using grep-dctrl
00:58.10gravityYou can see what's providing mail-transport-agent then
00:58.19Knorriefreaky_t: there's no default iptables start/stop in debian
00:58.19freaky_tpickcoder how to? just put the iptable commands at the end of the file?
00:58.33nsadmin`brandon` : remove how it booted and then remove the partitions I guess
00:59.09`brandon`nsadmin: um i don't know how to do that
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00:59.11plugwashabrotman, i'd probablly install it for a shellserver or so but for boxes with only a couple of users all of which have access to root I don't see a huge need. I just install stuff as and when I need it
00:59.12gravityaptitude in interactive mode lets you do it pretty easily
00:59.12nsadminI have no idea where you installed it to, and also no idea how you installed the boot loader or which one you installed
00:59.16pickcoderpost-up <iptables command>
00:59.27pickcoderpre-down <commands>
00:59.48Knorriefreaky_t: either use a /etc/init.d/firewall and add it with update-rc.d or put a iptables-restore<blah into /etc/networ/interfaces with pre-up
00:59.53pickcoderor you can just call a script name there and put all of your iptables in there
01:00.04plugwashhaving said that installing some form of mta is a good idea because if you don't you may get one pulled in by dependencies and it may well not be the one you want
01:00.11abrotmanplugwash: it was a VCS system
01:00.24`brandon`well i guess i will need to wipe my OS again to remove it
01:01.18nsadmindoes it boot at all?
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01:01.38`brandon`nsadmin: yes but when i get to the install screen it freezes
01:01.57`brandon`nsadmin: [5:41] <`brandon`> i am installing debian and everytime i get to the part something about partision disks it freezes up on me
01:02.16nsadminI don't think you installed anything yet
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01:02.44`brandon`when i reboot it says Debain Installer
01:02.45nsadmindo you agree?
01:03.19nsadminis there a cd in the drive?
01:03.19`brandon`and i try to install it and when i get to this one part it freezes up on me
01:03.28pickcoder`brandon`: check support for your disk controller
01:03.34pickcodersounds like it can't find disks
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01:03.52Knorrieon bare metal?
01:04.12freaky_tok thank you all ill try it now
01:04.15nsadminI'm not familiar with this windows installer either... it's not just a cd?
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01:05.13JymmmEMC`brandon`: IDE or SATA?
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01:05.26`brandon`well when i use the windows installer it tells me Unable to find "system partition", assuming it is the same as the "boot partition" (C:).
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01:05.55simNIXwindows ? aint ya in a Linux chan ?
01:05.58JymmmEMC`brandon`: IDE or SATA?
01:05.59nsadminwhat kind of disk controller do you yave?
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01:06.31`brandon`i don't have any blank disk's so i am using the .exe version to install it
01:06.47JymmmEMC`brandon`: What hdd's do you have... IDE or STAT?
01:06.52abrotmanhe's using the one from
01:06.57nsadminsimNIX: nope :) ##linux is downstairs, to your right, upstairs, to your left, and into the bathroom!
01:06.57`brandon`JymmmEMC: idfk
01:07.33JymmmEMC`brandon`: Then open the computer and look
01:07.50`brandon`its on the same computer i am using right no
01:07.51nsadminoh ok
01:07.57JymmmEMC`brandon`: So?
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01:08.09Knorrieopen the computer and look? :|
01:08.22nsadminyou'll have to shut down and open it to be safest
01:08.32`brandon`well i am on Windows right now
01:08.41JymmmEMCI'm telling him to LOOK, no stick his hand in it.
01:08.43`brandon`but this is the only way i can get help
01:08.48`brandon`as of right now
01:09.13nsadmincouldn't he look in the device manager panel?
01:09.17pickcoder`brandon`: so look in device manager
01:09.22plugwashwould generally just open a PC without shutting it down if he just wanter to look
01:09.22pickcoderif it says SCSI it's probably SAA
01:09.26aptIdeally you want Jeff Garzik's libata patch against 2.4.x.  See .  For a netinst w/libata, see to make one with a custom kernel, or for more options.  If that seems too much trouble, it's the price of using bleeding-edge hardware.  ("You can tell the pioneers by the arrows in their backs.")
01:09.32JymmmEMCnsadmin: He could, but that wouldn't answer my next question =)
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01:09.57plugwashpickcoder, that apt factoid you just called up looks horriblly outdated to me
01:09.57`brandon`i beleve it is SATA
01:10.01nsadminhow many red rocks are there in the month of mars?
01:10.08JymmmEMCnsadmin: 9
01:10.12pickcoderI didn't call up a factoid
01:10.19JymmmEMCnsadmin: I counteed them in binary
01:10.33pickcodernot on purpose anyway
01:10.39plugwashpickcoder, you did (though it looks like it may have been unintentional)
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01:10.53KnorrieJymmmEMC: 9 is not binary
01:11.01aptrumour has it, foo is bar
01:11.03JymmmEMCKnorrie: It is on Mars
01:11.03pickcoder...~<something> means replace what I just said with ~<something else>
01:11.23JymmmEMCStupid Hu-Mon
01:11.39aptit has been said that bar is baz or a friend of foo
01:11.48apti heard life is a board game
01:11.49*** join/#debian KC (
01:11.50Knorrieheh apt knows baz
01:12.19JymmmEMC~<life> 42
01:12.25aptrumour has it, life is a board game
01:12.30JymmmEMCoh well
01:12.36Knorrieok we're off-topic now
01:13.35JymmmEMCI TOLD him to keep his hands out of the computer.
01:13.36nsadminspoil the bot, feed the automata
01:14.22Knorriecan't resist..
01:14.25aptit has been said that baz is a GNU Arch compatible RCS/SCM/VCS.
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01:33.26pav5088Hello all...  I'm looking for any sysadmin types interested in managing stuff via LDAP (controlled through the GOsa GUI).  I've done a lot of documentation, but wow...  is it a task...  I could really use some help if that kind of thing floats your boat.
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01:35.03pav5088I have all the basic stuff documented already (ie. getting GOsa + OpenLDAP working, and plugging services into it such as Samba, Groupware (ie. SOGo + Cyrus + Postfix), DNS, DHCP, Linux accounts that live in LDAP (ie. Posix)
01:35.24jetscreamerok new2me box. sound isn't working. sudo aplay /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Noise.wav does not make noise. lspci|grep Audio: Intel Corporation 82801FB/FBM/FR/FW/FRW. i'm in the audio group. snd_* is loaded. even snd_hda_realtek ... and i don't have a realtek according to lspci. cept a nic.
01:35.41jetscreamerwhat's next
01:35.57abrotmanmake sure the levels are up
01:36.18*** join/#debian egypcio (n=egypcio@unaffiliated/egypcio)
01:36.19jetscreameraccording to kmix they are
01:36.25jetscreamerand unmuted
01:36.27abrotmanand the pcm is?
01:36.28pav5088There's more interesting stuff to do ie. FAI (fully automatic installer), OPSI (winxp etc...  automatic install, inventory and app deploy), Asterisk VoIP etc...
01:36.29*** join/#debian lynucs_jham (
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01:37.07jetscreamerinteresting though: pcm is the only one that does not have a mute button
01:38.03*** join/#debian Helpdesk (
01:38.30jetscreameri did the alsa-checklist stuff
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01:46.22joel_anyone know if rox-filer people have IRC channel?
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01:50.48Joelitoabrotman: yep, thanks...btw..nice to see you here, you always been nice to anwser my questions. =)
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01:50.55abrotmani'm sorry
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01:51.22qiyongmy ssh key doesn't work to a server, it prompts me password? what could go wrong?
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01:52.04JymmmEMCJoos bin root3d - mens in da middles attacks!
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01:53.00pyrohotdogMy application menu doesn't show anything when I click on it...and alacarte won't launch.
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01:55.41unomierm, where is xorg.conf getting resolution info from?
01:55.49abrotmanit guesses
01:55.55unomiI would like to change what it uses
01:55.56*** join/#debian klaz168 (n=ev0l@unaffiliated/klaz168)
01:55.57abrotmanwell . not quite guesses
01:56.10dondelelcarounomi: the default one doesn't have it; the monitor informs Xorg what resolutions it supports, and it chooses the biggest one
01:56.12unomiwell, it seems like it has set a smaller resolution than is ideal
01:56.30*** join/#debian dturut (n=d@unaffiliated/dturut)
01:56.32dondelelcarounomi: in such a case, see the output of xrandr; and choose an ideal resolution
01:56.35unomilxrandr lets me choose higher and functional resolutions
01:56.45unomibut where to set it?
01:56.57*** join/#debian anoHito (n=anoHito@
01:57.05dondelelcarounomi: you can either run xrandr in your .xsesion or similar, or you can encode it into the xorg.conf or similar
01:57.11*** part/#debian dturut (n=d@unaffiliated/dturut)
01:57.20anoHitoi have ran /etc/init.d/httpd stop
01:57.24anoHitothen killall httpd
01:57.29anoHitosays no process is killed
01:57.31unomiok, because /etc/X11/xorg.conf
01:57.40unomiis nothing but a shell
01:57.46anoHitobut i cannot restart httpd says unable to listen to port 80 address is already in use.
01:57.56anoHitonetstat -anp | grep :80 | grep ESTABLISHED | sort
01:58.09anoHitothere are sill some connections established, how come ?
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02:00.25unomi1reconf did the trick
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02:01.12unomi2actually, no it didnt :|
02:01.22unomi2I had set xrandr in .xinitrc
02:01.58unomi2but conky would still use the old res and not be all the way on the side
02:02.26unomi2.xinitrc fires before .xsessionrc ?
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02:05.49SDragonhow can I rediscover the list of connected devices to the system?
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02:12.10anoHitoi am not sure if i am having some evil http conenctions
02:12.20anoHitobut i  run netstat -an -t tcp | grep ":80" | sort
02:12.38anoHitothere are some IPs with continued port numbers and many of them
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02:16.33ubuntu1life is a pain in my ass
02:17.21enyawixIs something wrong with the Debian servers? " 404 Not Found [IP: 80"
02:17.49dondelelcaroenyawix: that's not the right url
02:18.19abrotmanenyawix: your sources are mal-formed
02:18.22dondelelcaroenyawix: it's
02:18.36dondelelcaro(you've probably listed lenny/updates instead of just lenny
02:21.24*** join/#debian penguim (n=penguim@ubuntu/member/linuxba)
02:22.32enyawixsome one have a url to a good sources list?
02:23.51abrotmanenyawix: put yours in a pastebin .. we'll see what's wrong
02:24.17enyawixabrotman ok brb
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02:28.43abrotmanwhere'd he go?
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02:29.25enyawixSorry, your post tripped our spam filter - let us know if you think this could be improved
02:29.51enyawixpastpin :(
02:31.18greymalkinI'm looking for a mail client that doesn't require installing an MTA... specifically I want a cron job to email results, but I don't want the possible security problems associated with having even a closed mail server.
02:31.22greymalkinAny suggestions?
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02:33.03abrotmanenyawix: wow .. hold on
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02:33.55abrotmanenyawix: .. should be better
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02:35.33greymalkinAnswering my own question: sendemail (NOT sendmail)
02:36.50greymalkinOr, better yet, ssmtp
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02:41.26ap0thhow do I know if I'm updated to Lenny 5.0.1?
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02:41.57abrotmanap0th: you could check the release notes, and the versions and verify
02:42.23dpkgDebian GNU/Linux 5.0.1 was released on April 11th, 2009.  This is the first update of <lenny> and the first point release to use a micro version number (ie. 5.0.1 instead of 5.0r1).  This update corrects security problems within the <stable> release, along with adjustments for serious problems. .  To upgrade, ask me about <point release>.
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02:43.11abrotmanap0th: no need to msg me
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02:44.20ap0this it recommended to enable proposed updates in synaptic for Debian updates?
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02:44.46abrotmanthat's up to you .. they're not officially supported AFAIK
02:44.58nsadminwill "5.0.1" be in /etc/debian_version?
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02:45.51ap0thindeed it is
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02:46.59ap0thanyone know what the deal is with the kernel failure at every boot? (i see it is not just me)
02:47.58nsadminwell yours is just yours... so error messages pastebinned will help
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02:48.58nsadminby the same token, there is not just one kind of kernel failure
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03:11.50anoHitoin vi ,how do i go to the exact line ? for example, go to line 101 ?
03:12.12gravityG 101
03:12.21gravityOr :101<enter>
03:12.30unomi2not really sure what to do here
03:12.43gravityanoHito: Actually, sorry, 101G
03:12.58unomi2ive done dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg
03:13.02gravityusually uses :101 because he likes to see what he's typing
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03:13.07unomi2but all it does is ask me about my keyboard
03:13.20unomi2ive written out the config using --configure
03:13.29unomi2but there seems nothing in there about resolution
03:13.41anoHitogravity, Thanks.
03:13.45unomi2well, there was one thing, and that had to do with DPI
03:14.12unomi2xrandr tells me I can run at higher resolution and it works
03:14.38anoHitogravity, it does not work
03:14.43anoHitogravity, /G 101 ?
03:14.45gravityunomi2: Can you put your /var/log/Xorg.0.log in a pastebin?
03:14.50gravityanoHito: 101G
03:14.57gravityanoHito: Or :101<enter>
03:16.56*** join/#debian lipsin (n=lipsin@unaffiliated/lipsin)
03:18.07gravityunomi2: What's the higher resolution that you want to run at?
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03:18.57tktAnyone have issues with sound in Lenny?  I have an onboard Intel chip
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03:20.17gravityweird... it doesn't log choosing a resolution
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03:22.05unomi2can I copy that modeline as is ?
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03:22.21Loevgaardhow do I delete the first x number of lines in a file?
03:22.52gravityunomi2: You probably don't  have to specify the full modeline though
03:23.28jpinx-eeepcwhat's a really simple MTA, lightweight and for very light use
03:24.00jpinx-eeepcpostfix is 1,888KBs installed, but I'm looking for something smaller
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03:24.43gravityLoevgaard: perl -n -e 'print $_ if $. > yournumbern' <infile >outfile
03:24.58gravityjpinx-eeepc: nullmailer
03:25.07TrampLoveGuru: tail -n +10
03:25.19TrampLoevgaard:  tail -n +10
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03:26.56jpinx-eeepcgravity: cool small size, but "show" tells me it'll " relay to a fixed set of smart relays" Does that include out to the public internet?
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03:27.25zhxkhello, does this channel runs around the clock?
03:27.27gravityjpinx-eeepc: You presumably have an smtp server that your ISP provides you with, right?
03:27.39jpinx-eeepcgravity: no
03:27.47*** part/#debian ap0th (
03:27.56jpinx-eeepcI'm in Peru ;)
03:28.11jpinx-eeepcvery basic services here
03:28.17*** join/#debian gog (n=putz@unaffiliated/putz)
03:28.41gravityHow do you normally send email?
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03:29.29gravityjpinx-eeepc: Then just don't send email via other things
03:29.42gravityjpinx-eeepc: With nullmailer your mail client will at least be able to send you local mail
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03:30.15jpinx-eeepcgravity: I'm setting up a small http server on the adsl here
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03:30.51jpinx-eeepcand it has a php driven webpage that responds with an email (if I have an MTA
03:30.53zhxkwell,Peru is far from europ, and far from asia
03:31.09pickcoderjpinx-eeepc: then just run postfix
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03:31.40jpinx-eeepczhxk: your point?
03:31.53jpinx-eeepcpickcoder: yea - that's what I'm thinking
03:32.13zhxkjpinx-eeepc:i'm in china
03:32.23jpinx-eeepcI was just looking for a really small and lightweight MTA
03:32.42zhxkwhat is MTA?
03:33.00jpinx-eeepcI'm on the smallest eeepc - only 4Gbs SDD
03:33.11zhxkagent to mail transfer?
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03:35.59zhxkstew:nice seeing you again
03:39.49jaggy-xine takes forever to load.. it'll pop up its window pretty quick, but then the hd works for 20 seconds, then another 10 seconds passes before the video begins
03:40.52unomi3gravity: thanks for that link
03:41.03jaggy-it checks the cd.. does a ton of stuff I don't want it to do
03:41.42jpinx-eeepcjudd: versions dragonfly
03:41.43juddjpinx-eeepc: dragonfly --
03:41.50unomi3next question; I downloaded OO.o3 from their site, unpacked and get a bunch of deb files
03:42.04unomi3is there a way 'import' them into apt?
03:42.11dondelelcarounomi3: uh... why not just use the Debian packages of
03:42.19unomi3so they are able to resolve each others deps?
03:42.27unomi32.4 vs 3.0?
03:42.30*** join/#debian [Gandhi] (n=[Gandhi]@
03:42.33jpinx-eeepcjudd: versions dma
03:42.34juddjpinx-eeepc: dma --
03:42.44dondelelcarounomi3: 2.4  works perfectly well...
03:42.51unomi3so does vi
03:43.00dondelelcarounomi3: if you actually need 3.0, backport it from testing or unstable.
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03:45.17mhymnhow can i disable dmix in alsa? seems there's no '/etc/asound.conf' in lenny
03:45.59jpinx-eeepcjudd: versions wnpp
03:46.00juddjpinx-eeepc: wnpp --
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03:52.10MalfI just attached an external usb drive in testing and dmesg seems to start working but it stops here: sd 5:0:0:0: Attached scsi generic sg4 type 0
03:52.18Malfand the device never shows up in lsusb or anywhere else
03:52.26Malfany ideas on what I'm missing/forgetting here?
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04:16.55jaggy-how do I disable xine's check for lirc/lircd?
04:17.35jpinx-eeepcdo I have to have dovecot with postfix? Or can I collect my emails directly?
04:17.43dondelelcarojpinx-eeepc: you can do whatever you want
04:18.08Trampjaggy-: you did "man xine" and searched for "lirc"?
04:18.11dondelelcarodovecot just happens to be one of the better imap/pop servers
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04:18.41jpinx-eeepcok - I'll rephrase - do I need dovecot if I am the only user of the mail on this box and I have direct access?
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04:18.57jpinx-eeepcbasically I will alias all mail out to gmail
04:19.15jaggy-no.. been looking for config files..t hanks
04:19.28*** part/#debian Red_HamsterX (
04:19.53Trampeven that you will find in "man xine", at the very end
04:20.29jaggy-yeah, I see it.. now I'm trying to figure out how to get default command line options into the config files
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04:20.39jaggy-(vs. making a wrapper/alias for the command)
04:20.59dondelelcarojpinx-eeepc: nope; you only need it if you plan to get at your mail using imap or pop
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04:22.35jaggy-step by step..
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04:25.05Trampapparently it's as easy as writing "-L" in ~/.xine/xinerc on a line of its own. Not that I ever tried it.
04:27.37jaggy-where'd you find that?  just tried -- it still tries to access lircd
04:28.00jaggy-funny thing is, if I run it through strace xine will not test for lirc .. :/
04:28.37jpinx-eeepcPostfix is much more than I need. Is there a package that only does local mail and will send mails created by a php-driven webform?
04:28.50jaggy-ah.. additional command line args.. nice.
04:29.02jaggy-wonder why it's not working.. trying manually first with -L to test
04:29.19jaggy-oh.. xine runs gxine
04:29.28*** join/#debian _grout_work____ (
04:30.17Sashiis it possible to LVM a partition?
04:30.43Sashilike say I have.. a 250GB HD 5GB on / rest on /home
04:30.56Sashithen I add a 500GB disk and want to add it to /home
04:30.57jaggy-jpinx, still working on that?  mail is an important issue to resolve.  I just use postfix though.. but maybe it would be nice to have something which runs as a cron job and periodically checks for mail?
04:31.39*** join/#debian fatio (
04:31.53jaggy-I haven't used LVM, but you'd probably have to NOT mount the partition on /home and instead have that partition be a part of the volume, and the other disk be a part of the volume
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04:32.00dondelelcarojpinx-eeepc: nullmailer will do it
04:32.02jaggy-so I'd look up what you can add to volumes
04:32.25Sashino I loooked up guides how to do LVM
04:32.34Sashibut is it possible to do LVM on a working installation without loosing data
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04:33.09dondelelcaroSashi: sure
04:33.24Sashilike boot the system via live cd
04:33.26Sashior something
04:33.32jaggy-hmm.. nullmailer..
04:34.32jaggy-sashi, or set the Volume up on the 500gb, copy home to it, clear the original /home partition, add that partition to the volume.  but let's see what dondel says
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04:35.28Tramphang on. He's currently busy crossposting his question in ##linux
04:35.48Sashithe linux community is huge!
04:36.07Sashisince LVM isnt OS specific
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04:36.13jaggy-gxine's commandline options are far fewer than xine.. that's weird.
04:37.27jaggy-xine comes from xine-ui, but shows gxine when I run xine --help
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04:39.51jaggy-I wonder how to get the real xine.. not gxine (not that I mind gtk.. but gnome is another issue.. since I'm enjoying my kde)
04:39.58jaggy-and I'd really like the full set of xine options
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04:42.49Trampjaggy-: not sure, if I can help you. I have the xine-ui package installed and no gxine package. Apparently they are different packages (though probably not confilcting, just different UIs for libxine)
04:42.50*** join/#debian Mirthas (
04:45.56Trampfor KDE appears to exist a thing called "codeine" - at least it depends on both libqt3 and libxine1
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04:49.00monkeyblackI installed hping2 but when i type "find hping2" it says no files or directory, I installed it via apt-get install hping2
04:49.35monkeyblackrabia809@debian:~$ find hping2
04:49.35monkeyblackfind: hping2: No such file or directory
04:49.49arvind_khadrimonkeyblack, locate hping2
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04:50.27monkeyblackarvind_khadri: I get no results
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04:51.05arvind_khadrimonkeyblack, what do you actually want to do, and before doing locate once run updatedb
04:51.56monkeyblackarvind_khadri: im trying to use hping2
04:52.20monkeyblackbash: hping2: command not found
04:53.33Trampmonkeyblack: probably you're trying as user.
04:53.47arvind_khadrimonkeyblack, hping2 needs you to be root
04:53.57Trampmonkeyblack: the program is in /usr/sbin/, which is not in user's path
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05:04.51jmoncayohi guys, i have a 250gb /home partition, from whm i assigned all the space to quota users, the problem is it is only 1% full and i have /usr about 95% full i want to unallocate space from /home to allocate it to /usr, i am using lvm is it possible, and how safe would it be since i have really sensitive data in home
05:05.29dondelelcarojmoncayo: backup your data, then resize the filesystem on /home, then resize /home and increase the size of /usr, then resize the partition on /usr
05:05.34*** join/#debian HTT-Bird (n=kb1rd@unaffiliated/htt-bird)
05:05.56HTT-Birdok. I can su consistently from the shell prompt, but gksu rejects my password 9 times out of 10
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05:06.01HTT-Birdwhat gives?
05:06.21jpinx-eeepcok - now I have found esmtp to send mail and I need a really simple and lightweight solution to accept mail and queue it while the box is offline. Any ideas what'll work? something like sensible-mda but I'd really appreciate some input here;)
05:06.24jmoncayodondelelcaro: what about the quotas?
05:06.42jmoncayodondelelcaro: i assigned the quota in GB not %
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05:09.50monkeyblackwhen installing tcpdump thruw "apt-get install tcpdump" I get this where can I find the disk debian netinst?
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05:10.33HTT-Birdmonkeyblack, that means that your Debian CDs didn't get commented out of /etc/apt/sources.list
05:10.57monkeyblackHITT-Bird: Im using virtualbox
05:11.37HTT-Birdmonkeyblack, are you a host or a guest?  I don't think that matters though tbh
05:11.47HTT-Birdas long as the guest has a network connection, ofc
05:12.00monkeyblackHTT-Bird: host
05:12.14HTT-Birdmonkeyblack, then virtualbox doesn't matter, now, does it?
05:12.27monkeyblackHTT-Bird: what u mean?
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05:13.13HTT-Birdmonkeyblack, afaik, the HOST os in a virtualization set up isn't any different than a non-virtualized OS, or am I wrong?
05:13.17monkeyblackHTT-Bird: where can I locate debian netinst in linux when it asks me
05:13.43HTT-Birdmonkeyblack, open up your /etc/apt/sources.list
05:13.55HTT-Bird(as root)
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05:15.52monkeyblackHTT-Bird: Ok I just did that and it still ask me to insert the disk in /cdrom/
05:16.29HTT-Birdmonkeyblack, it's got to be something in sources.list
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05:17.10monkeyblackHTT-Bird: nothing is # on /etc/apt/sources.list
05:17.23monkeyblackHTT-Bird: not anymore anyways
05:18.24HTT-Birdmonkeyblack, the problem is that you have something that does not have the # that should
05:18.33HTT-Bird(namely, the entries for the netinst cdrom)
05:19.09monkeyblackHTT-Bird: isnt # comments? so it shouldnt have the # or it should?
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05:19.25HTT-Birdmonkeyblack, comment out the entries for the netinst cd
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05:19.59monkeyblackHTT-Bird: I did I took off the # on both netinst cd
05:20.09HTT-Birdmonkeyblack, put the # back on
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05:21.37monkeyblackHTT-Bird: ooh it works, thank you very much, and sorry for been kinda stupid, still getting used to debian and apt ;p
05:22.23HTT-Birdmonkeyblack, np
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05:27.25ManojWhat does Sähköposti (ei julkisteta)  mean?  And Sivusto?
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05:30.15Manoj"Name \n E-mail (will not be published) Site"
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05:32.09theinformanti want to run a gui program as root but im having trouble with X
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05:35.20phorce1Debian lenny. I'm udev ignorant. How do I figure out what group my regular user needs to be a part of to avvess a device detected and set up through udev? Access works fine as root but not found as normal user. (cell phone using BitPim to access it)
05:36.34thirdwheel_ls -l /dev/device ?
05:38.21phorce1Still trying to figure out which device it is. BitPim (as root) lists it as usb::006::007::2
05:38.25theinformantwhat do i assign to :0.0  ?
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05:39.26thirdwheel_have a look in /dev/usb
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05:42.06phorce1evrything in /dev/bus/usb is root:root I need to figure out how to get udev to assign a different group to the phone when it's attached --- the way usb mass storage devices get assigned to a /dev/sdX that is root:disk
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05:43.38phorce1udev rules make my eyes bleed
05:44.01fatiotheinformant: as root, try  cp /home/you/.Xauthority ~ ; DISPLAY=:0 xterm
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05:46.21theinformantettercap says GTK+ failed to initialize. Is X running?
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05:46.31theinformanti suppose i'll just learn sudo
05:47.22theinformantyeah sudo is better.
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05:53.08pranithI am still stuck at iceweasel version 3.0.6 while firefox is 3.0.10. Can anyone confirm the security issues do not affect iceweasel?
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05:57.15indigofluxpranith: Debian backports security fixes from firefox to xulrunner, not iceweasel.
05:58.29indigofluxAs long as you're updated you should be fine. :)
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06:18.14MrWaxI have a hdd with 1 800 gb partition where vista is on and some 200gb unpartitioned space, now i try to extened the vista partition to take up the whole hdd, i'm doing this with gparted but it's taking 10 hours + now - does anyone know a better way to do it?
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06:20.32OpenTokixMrWax: Don't run vista and use lvm for your partitions.
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06:22.13MrWaxOpenTokix: ?
06:22.42OpenTokixMrWax: you asked for a better way. - Reason for it taking a looong time, is because they have to rebuild alot fo stuff when you have such a big partition.
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06:29.29zxdwhat's the program cron uses to send mails
06:29.38zhxkcan a little performace be gained to toggel off realtime mark off to ext3 root filesystem?
06:29.40OpenTokixzxd: tghe configured MTA
06:29.46OpenTokixzxd: default its exim4
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06:30.00zxdCron mail sending using outside SMTP mail server
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06:31.24OpenTokixzxd: Cron just use the configured MTA, and default MTA is exim4 wich you can configure to use a smarthost or whatever.
06:32.12zxdhow does know what is the default MTA
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06:32.33OpenTokixzxd: if you havent changed it, its exim4
06:32.56OpenTokixzxd: to reconfigure it run dpkg-reconfigure exim4-config
06:33.36thneewhat is this "Smart upgrade" that the Update manager speaks about? it says that some packages can not be installed.. but i dont know which ones?
06:33.50thneei am running testing
06:35.07zxdOpenTokix: cron uses the command sendmail to send mails?
06:35.30OpenTokixzxd: yes, or mail
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06:45.30zxdwhy dosen't this work in /etc/aliases username:
06:46.31Kamping_Kaiseryour mail server is broken?
06:47.00khaije1is there an advantage to setting a partition type to raid or is it cosmetic?
06:47.25khaije1in setting up mdraid
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06:52.03teccan somebody help me applying a .diff patch to a linux kernel? im running debian lenny on 2.6.26-2-686 kernel and want to run openbsc on this machine ( now i must compile a new kernel to include the misdn modules for the hfc e1 pci card. i got that working! but i dont know how to apply the .diff patch from the svn...   i tried it with patch -p1 < linux-
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06:53.43tecthe .diff can be found here:
06:53.54khaije1tec: i haven't not worked with patch in quite a while but i think you can find the answer by googling
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06:54.56teckhaije1: oh, i googled a lot and tried alot, but still at the same place :(
06:55.09khaije1what is the error yr getting?
06:55.42teckhaije1: as i learned, the diff describes the difference between kernel versions/builds?
06:56.04*** join/#debian ootput (n=ootput@unaffiliated/ootput)
06:56.04tecpatch: **** Only garbage was found in the patch input.
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06:58.53teci have no odea what is wrong with the patch..
06:59.10khaije1tec are you sure yr working with a good patch and that you are attempting to patch the right kerne version and all that?
06:59.16fatiotec: have you got the clean linux- sources unpacked?
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07:04.58tecyes i have downloaded a frash kernel from linus
07:05.11tecand the instructions can be found here:
07:05.32teci compiled the kernel fine, but the patch wont work
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07:06.35teci got it, something was wrong with the file format..  file said it was html... :(
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07:06.58tecnow i got this: gsmbase1:/usr/src# patch -p1 < linux-
07:06.58teccan't find file to patch at input line 4
07:06.58tecPerhaps you used the wrong -p or --strip option?
07:06.58tecThe text leading up to this was:
07:06.59*** kick/#debian [tec!n=debhelpe@unaffiliated/debhelper] by debhelper (use the paster bot or #flood)
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07:07.41aliihey, how do i add local email addresses to my postfix configuration in order to REJECT them. (i have 3-4 email addresses that receive a lot of spam)
07:07.49tecwhat do i have to do now?
07:07.57fatiotec: did you find the "plain text" link on the html page?
07:08.02tecwhich file do i have to select?
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07:08.53tecfatio: yes, now it seems working :)
07:09.16tecbut what are the following steps?
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07:09.21tecive never done this before and it asks now for a file to patch
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07:11.10fatiotec: you should be running the unmodified linux- in debian first. what does  uname -a  say?
07:11.49tecLinux gsmbase1 2.6.26-2-686 #1 SMP Thu Mar 26 01:08:11 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux
07:13.11fatiotec: are you on lenny? don't do the patch yet. unpack again to be sure. compile and *run* the unmodified kernel first.
07:13.41tecunpack the kernel?
07:13.57fatiotec: yes, unless you're sure patch hasn't modified it
07:14.11tecok, ive loaded the linux-source-2.6.26.tar.bz2
07:14.23tecapply the patch before compiling?
07:14.54*** part/#debian alii (
07:14.58fatiotec: no. 1) compile and run without patch. 2) apply patch. 3) compile and run with patch.
07:15.01tecand do i have to make changes in menuconfig, to get misdn to work / my hfc e1 card?
07:15.33tecmenuconfig then in before step 3?
07:16.06fatiotec: dunno, depends on the patch. what does  sha1 linux-   say?
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07:19.27tec212c12f0f74c3880c18556288687b410bb5199a6  linux-
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07:22.33fatiotec: ok. in step 3,  cd linux- ; patch -p1 < linux-   should work
07:22.47*** join/#debian _krash (
07:22.50tecok, ill try now :)
07:23.01tecthank you so far! :)
07:23.06*** join/#debian T-One (n=T-One@
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07:23.30fatiotec: but debian may give you troubles running even the unpatched kernel. you get to deal with those before reaching step 3.
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07:23.55tecwhich troubles should i expect?
07:24.22fatiotec: anything. i guess the locals here know better than i.
07:25.13tecok, ill give it a try now :)
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07:25.48fatiotec: as for the kernel config, just make shure it builds the source in drivers/isdn/mISDN   then step 3 shouldn't need another config
07:26.49tecok, i thought about this already
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07:27.11tecisdn4linux is now named misdn, is this correct?
07:28.23noudwhat is debians ( lenny ) preferred mailserver? postfix?
07:28.31fatiotec: i don't know
07:29.11*** join/#debian Selveste1___ (
07:29.12tecthank you
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07:31.31simonrvnnoud: exim4. it was almost postfix but it wasn't ready just yet when the mta had to be included.
07:32.50noudohh that other os that wasn't just ready :)
07:32.57*** join/#debian digitalmortician (n=digitalm@
07:32.59noudgot to give it a try
07:33.36rbo_hi! why do i have "date: invalid date `043010302009'" stting new date/time?
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07:34.15AlexC_morning Earthlings
07:34.33khaije1is i create a raid1 device using sda1 and sdb1 will they both be destroyed when md0 is created?
07:34.52khaije1(should say "if is create a raid device...")
07:34.54ootputkhaije1: no
07:35.03simonrvnnoud: os?
07:35.05ootputkhaije1: unless you mean contents distroyed
07:35.08AlexC_I'm still have issues with curl/wget waiting for a response. I've managed to install strace, and doing a strace curl shows the following:  poll([{fd=3, events=POLLIN|POLLPRI}], 1, 1000) = 0 (Timeout)           it keeps showing that line over and over, what on earth can solve this?
07:35.16simonrvnfails to see context
07:35.29khaije1hehe yes, i was wondering about the data on the drives
07:36.20simonrvnAlexC_: dns? routes? trouble on your upstream? traceroute it.
07:37.09*** part/#debian thursley (
07:37.24fatiotec: if all else fails, remember that Slackware is designed to run Linus' unpatched kernel
07:37.26matsi think i have a false bios driver, because the keys for the brightness doesn't work and i don't get a bios beep - even if i want it ... how can i check out if the bios driver is correct?
07:38.02AlexC_simonrvn,  routes you mean kernel routes? They are fine. I've asked the date center tech to ensure everything is ok on their side, still awaiting to hear from the. How can I rule out DNS?
07:38.20AlexC_despite the obvious use IP
07:38.22noudsimonrvn: deb 5.0 lenny, trying it again after years of using gentoo and sendmail
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07:39.06simonrvnnoud: oh ok. i get context now :).
07:39.33simonrvnAlexC_: check resolv.conf
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07:40.02AlexC_simonrvn, have, DNS is working just fine. I've tried changing nameservers to, it doesn't affect the issue
07:40.35noudhands out some glue
07:40.44noudsimonrvn: thanks
07:42.08simonrvnAlexC_: to what?
07:42.26AlexC_simonrvn, tried OpenDNS
07:42.30matshello??? anyone who can help me?
07:42.43simonrvnoh, you meant "too".
07:42.51AlexC_yes =)
07:42.53simonrvn!tell mats -about ask
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07:54.52JyZyXELhow the heck do you install grub from live cd?
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08:03.37JyZyXELwhy does debootstrap leave /boot/ empty -.-
08:03.41JyZyXELi bet thats whats fucking with grub
08:04.51khaije1ootput: the only disks i have availabe are the ones that i want to use in the raid1 device, do i need to backup all the data on the master, then create the md0 device and then copy it back? or is there a way to shortcut this?
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08:11.28shambata coworker of mine upgraded one of our boxes from 7.04 (or 7.10..not sure) to 9.04 ... would this break logrotate? I can't find the old configuration files
08:11.55khaije1it sounds like this would be non-trivial in my case... unless.... i create a degraded raid1 array migrate the lv's over to the md0 then add the master disk back
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08:18.35havocologehow to see which files where altered on or after a specified date on the whole system ?
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08:23.50slummerhavocologe: man find
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08:27.21JyZyXELisn't there a way to install debian from debian live cd?
08:27.22zhxk小 诸侯 :are you here?
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08:29.17shambathow can I get logrotate to rotate exactly at midnight?
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08:30.41mischief6can anyone tell me what consolekit is and why it has so many processes @_@
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08:35.21themillmischief6: apt-cache show consolekit
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08:37.25mischief6themill, i already did that. it was not very enlightening. removing it also has the consequence of removing xfce, which is not good.
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08:39.13themilleven kde doesn't depend on that....
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08:40.29jaggz-hey, once I do apt-get build-dep foo, and I'm done with patching and installing the program -- how do I get rid of all those now-unneeded deps?
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08:41.08themillmischief6: exactly what package is it trying to uninstall? "aptitude why xfce4 consolekit" says that they're not linked (in lenny at least).
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08:41.56themilljaggz-: there's no automatic method. Scroll back and copy+paste, or next time, work in a pbuilder/cowbuilder chroot so that it's automatic.
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08:44.50tktAnyone know if there is a way to change the default browser in Pidgin?  I looked in the preferences over and over and cant find anything
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08:45.42themillmischief6: ahh... by xfce you mean lxde. :) Actually, it's hal that brings in the consolekit dependency, so there's pretty much no way of avoiding it on a modern desktop system.
08:46.14mischief6oh yea, got them mixed up.
08:46.34mischief6themill, well, what does hal do? >.> can i stop the daemon?
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08:48.10themillmischief6: how is it that you are running sid on your desktop and have never wondered what hal is or gone off to google this yourself? "apt-cache show hal" is enlightening.
08:48.34jaggz-okay, these mac commercials are deceptive
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08:48.44mischief6themill, i don't run sid on my desktop.
08:48.50mischief6i run squeeze in a virtual machine.
08:49.04themillmischief6: oh, that version of hal has just migrated to squeeze...
08:49.13jaggz-pbuilder cowbuilder chroot!
08:49.45Hipskasomeone who can help me mount a folder on a usb drive into a folder in the home dir ?
08:50.06Hipskathe usb drive itself is already mounted
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08:52.00themillmischief6: hal is a framework that controls access to devices for most desktop environments. It's an "abstraction layer" meaning that the DE can ignore the fine details about the device and just deal with the broad concepts (e.g. it's removable storage rather than it's a "foo-drive 1000" for which the kernel will need $driver).
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08:57.51remoteCTR1can somebody please compile a pidgin version for lenny that is not "too old" to connect to icq?
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09:02.37simplechat_hey, i need a bit of help
09:02.44simplechat_i have a raid 0 array that is failing to fsck
09:03.20ootputremoteCTR1: backports?
09:03.50remoteCTR1ootput: of course already enabled...
09:04.36simplechat_i'm getting the message that md0 has stopped
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09:05.06remoteCTR1ootput: err... or maybe not :D k, will do that, thanks
09:05.45yareckonhi all, what happened to being able to set the resolution in dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg?
09:06.01yareckonwhen I run that command and go through all the screens I am not asked for resolution anymore
09:06.28yareckondespite the face that xorg is getting it crazy wrong with all of it's auto configuration
09:07.08simplechat_ok, i think that my raid array just isn't coming up
09:07.18yareckonis there any recourse to typing out a whole modeline like the olden days? Am I just doing somehting wrong?
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09:11.14glontuhow can i install php in debian from sources ?
09:11.26glontuthe version available via apt-get is not new enough
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09:13.00yareckonglontu, the version available in source from debian is probably not any newer than the packaged version for your distro
09:13.12yareckonwhich version of debian are you running?
09:13.20yareckontesting, stable, unstable
09:13.29nkuttlerglontu: /msg dpkg backports
09:13.44yareckonthat's probably the best option
09:13.52glontuyareckon, i an runing etch and it has php 5.2.0 ... i need a newer version
09:14.26yareckontry backports
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09:14.40yareckonI think that a newer version of php should run fine on etch
09:14.42nkuttlerglontu: um, which version do you need?
09:14.58yareckonnot like apache has changed that much in a couple years
09:15.14Guerindon't run etch
09:15.15glontunkuttler, i need 5.2.4 atleast
09:15.15Guerinrun lennt
09:15.28yareckonwhat is etch running?
09:15.34nkuttlerglontu: lenny has 5.2.6
09:15.36yareckonyeah, you should probably upgrade
09:15.51yareckonbut backports will tide you over until then
09:15.58glontuso if i don't have time and bandwitdth to perform an upgrade ?
09:16.15glontui'll look into this "backports" thing
09:16.23Gueringlontu: find time/bandwidth
09:16.30nkuttlerdoes maintain backports for oldstable?
09:16.37Guerinyou'll have to do it sometime, and the more you try to set up now, the more pain it'll be
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09:18.04mosnodo i want libc6-xen for my Dom0?
09:18.25mosnosorry, gotta go -- back in 90min
09:18.43OpenTokixmosno: yes
09:18.58OpenTokixmosno: either that or, move tls to tls.disabled
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09:23.04simplechat_<simplechat_> hey, i have a few issues
09:23.04simplechat_<simplechat_> my server just stopped booting about 15 minutes ago
09:23.04simplechat_<simplechat_> its having issues finding /dev/md0
09:23.04simplechat_<simplechat_> it complains that it can't fsck it
09:23.04simplechat_<simplechat_> but the md0 array won't build
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09:23.21simplechat_my server can't find /dev/md0
09:23.26simplechat_it makes the device but i can't find it
09:23.33ootputsimplechat_: try to type complete sentences
09:23.39simplechat_i have a /dev/sdb and /dev/sdc which should be the two disks on the array, however i can't mount them
09:23.52simplechat_ootput, my server refuses to boot, my raid array won't start nor fsck
09:23.57simplechat_and i have absolutely no idea how to fix it
09:24.01simplechat_and it has all of my files
09:24.18OpenTokixsimplechat_: Does bios detect both drives?
09:24.29OpenTokixsimplechat_: is /dev/md0 a raid1 or raid0?
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09:24.33simplechat_OpenTokix, where would i go to check it?
09:24.35simplechat_its raid 1
09:24.42ootputsoftware raid or other?
09:24.44simplechat_it has three disks, one disk is / the other two are /data
09:24.48simplechat_its a software raid
09:24.57simplechat_made by the debian installer
09:25.21yareckontwo of the disk are in a raid 1
09:25.38OpenTokixsimplechat_: Probably have the first disk died, where you have the boot-stuff
09:25.40simplechat_the raid was fsck'd about two days ago
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09:25.53simplechat_OpenTokix, it will boot to / and then fail when it tries to build the raid
09:26.03simplechat_it says that it can't find /dev/md0 no devices
09:26.07simplechat_and then it can't mount it
09:26.10simplechat_and then can't fsck it
09:26.14OpenTokixsimplechat_: yeah, sounds just about right
09:26.24simplechat_so what should i try doing?
09:26.33yareckoncheck to see if the bios can see the drives
09:26.39ootputuse livecd to boot in, degrade, and save what you can from the remaining disk
09:26.43OpenTokixthat is a good start
09:26.43yareckonalso do an fdisk -l
09:27.01simplechat_i'm starting it now
09:27.03yareckonto see what the kernel thinks you have attached to it
09:27.27yareckonif you get up an running enough to have that command
09:27.38yareckonmay need the live cd mentioned above
09:28.13simplechat_its only found one disk
09:28.15ootputmake a backup now if you can
09:28.27simplechat_i think it might have lost power or something?
09:28.30simplechat_the computer is very old
09:28.48simplechat_in the bios
09:28.50ootputstares at his pentium 133 in the corner of his room
09:28.55simplechat_this is a p3
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09:29.40yareckonyeah, someone can correct me if I am wrong, but after making sure that it isn't some thing stupid, like a loose cable,
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09:29.55simplechat_ok this is odd
09:30.02simplechat_in dmesg it says that it can find ata1 and ada2
09:30.12simplechat_which are thw two disks of the raid
09:30.25simplechat_i'm going to turn it off and see what i can see
09:30.33simplechat_i'm thinking of grabbing another pc and shoving the disk in there
09:30.57simplechat_and trying to mount it from that
09:30.57remoteCTR1i need a pidgin that is not "too old" for icq, can anyone help me with that please?
09:30.58simplechat_yareckon, ?
09:31.32remoteCTR1enouf: are you ther buddy? i need your expertise please
09:31.45simplechat_OpenTokix, ootput is that a good course of action?
09:32.11simplechat_disk -l gives me /dev/sda1 2 and 5
09:32.14simplechat_nothing in sdb or sdc
09:33.00yareckonif you've check the cable, I would do what is being suggested above, break the raid and mount  the disk separately
09:33.26simplechat_/dev/sdb and/or /dev/sdc?
09:33.58yareckonI don't have experience working with raid 1.... can anyone tell simplechat if he's going to need to mess around with the superblock or formatting in order to get one of the disk to mount as a normal disk?
09:34.14yareckonmount the good one :)
09:35.09yareckonin raid 5 you can't just take one of the drives out and try to recover it separately, but in raid 1 you theoretically should be able to
09:35.36yareckonsomeone with direct experience (or google) can tell you what you will need to do first
09:35.50yareckonit's you're job to figure out which of those disks is not working
09:36.10simplechat_or if its just an issue with cabling or something
09:36.21simplechat_atm i've got the covers off
09:36.25simplechat_and i'm going to see whats going to happen
09:36.29simplechat_its saying that its got bad superblocks
09:36.34simplechat_but thats probably just because the raid wasn't made
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09:37.10yareckonwhat does mdadm say?
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09:38.26yareckonif you have smarttools installed, you can use it to detect the serial # of the drive
09:39.01yareckonwhich could be handy to find out which one is up and which one is not
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09:40.22zhxkhello, are ther Ircguidelines to #debian? I want to have a study, thanks
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09:40.49yareckoneverybody act normal, it's an anthropologist
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09:40.59unixluserhello. how do i have several repos listed in my sources.list (multimedia and such). How do i get a listing of packages installed from a  particular repo?
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09:41.17unixluserer.. *hello. i hve..
09:41.19petemczhxk: /msg dpkg guidelines
09:42.21yareckongood questio unixluser, but I don't know the answer
09:42.39simplechat_yareckon, ok, once i finish checking it over
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09:50.24nkuttlerunixluser: i guess script around apt-cache policy
09:52.03unixlusernkuttler: figured it out. apt-show-versions | grep -v lenny
09:52.09unixluserkind of a silly workaround
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09:54.20zhxkgood, this channel much beeter, and feel more freedon than #ubuntu
09:54.40unixluserfreedom, or less activity?
09:55.25zhxkfeel freedon and more activity
09:55.52ootputwrong on both counts :)
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09:56.17themillunixluser: look at the ~O search pattern for aptitude. /msg dpkg aptitude docs
09:56.53simplechat_yareckon, i was using an external raid card for the raid array
09:56.59simplechat_so i'm going to take it out and recable and see if that works
09:58.01themillunixluser: It will only work if you've got different "o=" entries for each repository shown in "apt-cache policy" though. Also /msg dpkg which repo
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09:58.45unixluserwow, one hell of a one liner
09:58.50unixluserthemill: thanks!
09:59.32themillunixluser: that one-liner is quite insane... but it works out ok. If you have a well defined set of repos that you're looking at, then something like "aptitude search" will work out better.
09:59.45yareckonok... that should be a first step.... but you need to figure out if you were using hardware or software raid
10:00.02yareckonif it's md0 it's probably software, which is good
10:00.10yareckonbecause it's easier to recover
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10:00.47yareckonthat card just may be a fancy set of ata ports with no raid functionality being actually used
10:01.40themillunixluser: someone with better awk-fu could possibly tidy it up... I was going for functional rather than elegant at the time!
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10:02.19unixluserheh. it'll do for now :)
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10:02.30unixluserthough that latter command worked nicely too
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10:04.07SebbohLong ago I broke my system by using some package tool other than apt-get.  I was told that it happened because ..the tool saved data to the apt-cache in a way that apt-get didn't expect.
10:04.09SebbohWas that true, and if so, how can I prevent it if I want to start using a package tool now?  Also, what tool should I use to search based on those tag things?
10:04.36superdumpi'm running testing amd64 and i want to grab the most recent 2.6.29 linux-source release
10:04.41superdumpthis appears to be in unstable
10:05.18superdumphow should i approach installing the package? pin all packages to testing but add an exception for this one package or...?
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10:05.35ootputwhat are you after in the .29 release?
10:05.58ootputwait, linux-source?
10:06.17vakwhere to install a custom package from sources to? (I would avoid a mess with the official debian package when it later appears)
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10:08.27Sebbohvak, oh, there's a lot of debate about that.  /opt is used by a lot of people, but it's really annoying.  There are some /local/ dirs in /usr ..  But lately I've found that keeping software in ~ works for me perfectly well, often enough.
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10:09.13vakSebboh: ~ is hardly a good way to go as the package is to be used by apache
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10:09.54superdumpootput: i need a newer kernel than 2.6.26 for some drivers for my dvb-t card
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10:13.44dpkg1) Read the /topic, the FAQ, and google before asking us. 2) Don't ask to ask. Just ask. 3) Don't repeat; show that you have tried to help yourself by refining the question. 4) Reading docs (man/info pages, READMEs) is a worthwhile skill. Practice it. 5) Use /msg to talk to the bots (not the people). See <msg>. 6) Be polite and patient. 7) Paste on #flood or <paster>, not here. 8) No trolls or spam.
10:14.30simplechat_WOOOOO server is back on the air
10:14.49dpkgtalk to me in /msg unless there is a reason to do it in the channel
10:14.52flowerwhere can I find sudoers(5)
10:14.59ootputsimplechat_: what was the problem
10:15.08Guerinflower: in the `sudo' package
10:15.16simplechat_ootput, drive came out from the hw raid controller
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10:15.24simplechat_controller went "OMFGOMFGOMFG" and froze
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10:16.02flowerGuerin: but man sudo starts with (8)
10:16.56MrWaxI'm about to make partitions on my new hdd 1tb sata drive for debian and windows vista, what fs should debian be ? only 1 200gb ext3 would be ok right?
10:17.03Guerinflower: do you know how manual sections work?
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10:17.16flowerGuerin: not exactly
10:17.28Guerinflower: type `man 5 sudoers'
10:17.36remoteCTR1man man *g*
10:17.42ootputflower: man man
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10:18.14flowerok thanks, man man wat moet je toch veel lezen ;)
10:18.20pranithwhy am i not able to change the login screen using gdmsetup?
10:19.08omry|workinstalled a new box and I get this when I try to mount an nfs mount point :   mount.nfs: rpc.statd is not running but is required for remote locking.   (
10:19.20themillflower: since there is likely only man page called sudoers on your system at all, "man sudoers" will do exactly the same as "man 5 sudoers".
10:19.30omry|workwhat does this mean? is rpc.statd supposed to be running on the client?
10:19.58ootputomry|work: nfs?
10:20.03pranithi get these errors when i run gdmsetup.. wht do i do?
10:20.04lillisugh, where the hell do I find rxvt config files?
10:20.08lillisdoesnt say anything in the man page
10:20.16omry|workootput, nfs.
10:20.31simplechat_ok, now for another question
10:20.39simplechat_i've set up authorized_keys on my etch server
10:20.42remoteCTR1pranith: have a look at gnome-art with that one you can also change the login screen
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10:20.48simplechat_however it simply refuses to do pubkey ssh authentication
10:21.15simplechat_any ideas as to something i can do to get it to do that?
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10:21.26remoteCTR1pranith: sudo apt-get install gnome-art
10:21.40pranithremoteCTR1, I have already downloaded other themes.. when I select them, they do no stick
10:21.43remoteCTR1kschinki@jay:~$ sudo apt-cache search gnome-art
10:21.43remoteCTR1gnome-art - install GNOME themes from
10:21.57pranithit goes back to the default blue login screen again
10:22.03remoteCTR1pranith: have a look at it, iuse it and i like it;)
10:22.13pranithok :)
10:22.26remoteCTR1for me the login screen with myamoto musashi works just fine
10:22.35ootputsimplechat_: other Authentication mechanisms in place on server?
10:22.56pranithremoteCTR1, trying it out now..
10:23.12remoteCTR1pranith: go ahead:)
10:23.17pranithremoteCTR1, but gdmsetup is not working. a bug should be filed against it...
10:23.40remoteCTR1pranith: if you consider it to be a bug please do so
10:24.13Coweaterlillis: the list of resources in the manual can be put into ~/.Xdefaults or ~/.Xresources, they would look something like "Rxvt*scrollBar_right: true" one per line
10:24.26*** join/#debian ShredZ (
10:24.27simplechat_ootput, its wierd
10:24.34simplechat_cause when i use ssh -vvvv it is trying
10:24.35simplechat_but fails
10:24.38simplechat_when on another server
10:24.45simplechat_with identical authorized_keys it succeds
10:24.57lillisCoweater: I missed the rxvt* part, thanks :)
10:25.18remoteCTR1simplechat_: have a look at the server's log files
10:25.47ootputsimplechat_: what of the former server's config?
10:25.51simplechat_Apr 30 20:20:08 nas sshd[2813]: Authentication refused: bad ownership or modes for directory ?
10:26.03simplechat_ootput, they have pretty much identical sshd_configs
10:26.13ootputthen check ownership/mode of ~/.ssh
10:27.41remoteCTR1works now?
10:27.41simplechat_i own ssh
10:27.44lilliswhere do I configure the default bash colors
10:27.46simplechat_and its mod 755 (just like the other file)
10:27.48lillislike blue for directories etc
10:27.59simplechat_and .ssh/authorized_keys is 755 too
10:28.01simplechat_and also owned by me
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10:28.38simplechat_remoteCTR1, failure :(
10:28.54remoteCTR1simplechat_: do you happen to have an ldap based authentication running on that server?
10:29.06*** join/#debian buscon (
10:29.31simplechat_just pubkey and normal plaintext authentication
10:29.37simplechat_pubkey always fails and it falls back to plaintext
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10:29.46simplechat_but i have exactly the same auth on two server
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10:29.50remoteCTR1plaintext works?
10:30.34unixlusersimplechat_: you sure pubkey auth is enabled, and not just commented out with = yes?
10:30.45simplechat_debug2: we did not send a packet, disable method
10:30.45simplechat_debug1: Next authentication method: password
10:30.58superdumpManoj: ping?
10:31.11unixlusersimplechat_: is this a standard ~/.ssh/id_*sa key
10:31.26simplechat_PubkeyAuthentication yes is the whole line
10:31.40simplechat_unixluser, i had and
10:31.53unixluserwhich are you using for both servers?
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10:32.07saftsackhi any udev freaks out there?
10:32.23unixluserwhat is a udev freak?
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10:32.38remoteCTR1simplechat_: according to this your .ssh permissions might be too loose not to tight:
10:33.02themillsimplechat_: check that $HOME is not writable by group or others. Check that id_rsa is not readable by group or others.
10:33.09*** join/#debian malyOle (
10:33.17simplechat_themill, on my own computer?
10:33.18remoteCTR1there we go...
10:33.21simplechat_or the other computer?
10:33.21*** part/#debian malyOle (
10:33.27unixluseron the client
10:33.32saftsackunixluser, i want to ask how i can numberin a device other than the kernel does it
10:33.34unixluserpubkeys are supposed to be world-readable
10:33.44themillprivate keys are not, however
10:33.46saftsackSYMLINK+="%n" orientates itself on the kernel numbering
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10:33.53unixluseryay for common sense
10:33.54remoteCTR1themill: seeing a chief rocker here, can you help me get pidgin updated so that it is not "too old" to connect to icq please?
10:34.02simplechat_unixluser, client works for other servers
10:34.05simplechat_with identical settings
10:34.15unixluserare the servers identical themselves?
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10:34.33themillremoteCTR1: aiui, pidgin in lenny is OK. make sure you're running version 2.4.3-4lenny1
10:34.34unixluseror a variation of silly distros
10:34.58remoteCTR1themill: err i am running lenny and i even have the backports enabled?
10:35.20unixluserremoteCTR1: does pidgin fail to connect with that same message?
10:35.23themillsimplechat_: check $HOME, ~/.ssh ~/.ssh/authorized_keys on the server too.
10:35.45*** join/#debian Holborn (n=holborn@unaffiliated/holborn)
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10:35.53remoteCTR1well for starters i cannot install the backports version of pidgin because of dependecy problems
10:35.56simplechat_my home dir is chmod 777?
10:36.07simplechat_drwxrwxrwx 89 alex alex  12K 2009-04-30 20:34
10:36.17simplechat_i probably did something earlier to do it
10:36.35simplechat_i chmodded 755 it and now it works :)
10:36.41simplechat_thanks everyone :D
10:36.43simplechat_thanks unixluser :D
10:37.51lxsameerhi people how can i use bugziila in debian ( i mean the debian maintain version)?
10:37.56remoteCTR1themill: can you have a look at this please:
10:38.22*** join/#debian [radithz] (n=radithz@
10:38.23ootputah, you're on ubuntu
10:38.46remoteCTR1who is on ubuntu?
10:39.17ootputmisread. which repos are you using?
10:39.37*** join/#debian AliG (
10:39.42remoteCTR1ootput: who are you talking to please?
10:39.58AliGHi guys
10:40.15AliGHello Ian how a u...? Mart here :-)
10:40.20unixluserapparently to someone not listening :D
10:40.29AliGremoteCTR1: to all of u :-)
10:40.37remoteCTR1unixluser: y<a maybe he is even talking to you :D
10:40.41AliGJak sie macie ?
10:41.00*** mode/#debian [+l 915] by debhelper
10:41.17remoteCTR1ok and themill gone again.... *sigh*
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10:42.59MrWaxis it possible to make swap space after debian is already installed on the partition?
10:43.09MrWax(and all spce on the hdd is already partitioned) /
10:43.15petemcMrWax: you can use a swap file
10:43.15GuerinMrWax: yes, use a swapfile
10:43.54MrWaxis this always recomendable ?
10:43.59MrWaxi have 2gb ram now
10:44.14*** join/#debian hiroyuk__ (
10:44.23petemcits better to have it and not need it than not have it and need it
10:45.55*** join/#debian DonAlex (
10:46.06DonAlexMorning All..
10:46.54DonAlexJust a quick question because it is driving me nuts. What has happened to the mounting of /proc/bus/usb in Debian and 2.6.29?
10:47.16DonAlexTry as i might I cannot seem to mount usbfs with group perms?
10:47.31DonAlexthis is manually from the shell too!
10:47.40*** join/#debian tower__ (
10:48.18nkuttlerDonAlex: works just fine here. debian kernel?
10:48.44remoteCTR1gawd 900 ppl in the channel and no freaking body willing to help fix a damned broken dependencies problem
10:49.30DonAlexnkuttler:  Well a git kernel compiled the Debian way. ;)
10:49.43DonAlexnkuttler: Vanilla 2.6.29 though
10:50.06*** join/#debian derchris (
10:50.09superdumpdoes anyone know what script needs to be put into /etc/kernel somewhere to build the initramfs 'image'?
10:50.14nkuttlerremoteCTR1: are you using ubuntu?
10:50.30nkuttlerDonAlex: i'd guess you forgot to compile something
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10:51.18DonAlexnkuttler: Well the fact is I try and mount it manually and it just seems to ignore any of the options.
10:51.30DonAlexnkuttler: that is what is throwing me..
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10:52.38remoteCTR1nkuttler: if i used ubuntu i'd be asking in #ubuntu, right?;)
10:52.56DonAlexought to mount that with perms right?
10:53.01MrWaxAt installing debian, is it which options are recommended to install ? I can install all later on also easily right besides the core system (for example, i have now ticked Desktop Environment and Standard System as to install, what does standard system consist of?)
10:53.20asdwhat the "make dep" function is when complied the kenrel ?
10:53.36DonAlexIt doesn't complain. just mounts it root.root 640
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10:55.18nkuttlerremoteCTR1: i think you'd ask here for help because #ubuntu can't help you..
10:55.32ootputsuperdump: there are sample scripts provided
10:55.37nkuttlerremoteCTR1: and your paste indicates you're using ubuntu, so we can't help..
10:55.42superdumpootput: yes, so i see
10:55.56remoteCTR1nkuttler: kschinki@jay:~$  cat /etc/debian_version
10:56.00superdumpbut the initramfs related ones seem to already be in place
10:56.22nkuttlerremoteCTR1: pidgin: Depends: pidgin-data (< 2.5.5-z) but 1:2.5.5-1ubuntu3~pidgin15.8.04 is to be installed
10:56.25superdumpbut it looks to me like all they do is un/install initramfs 'images' if they're present
10:56.26ootputsuperdump: what do you have atm in postinst.d?
10:56.35nkuttlerremoteCTR1: you get extra bonus points for mixing ubuntu with debian backports...
10:56.50remoteCTR1nkuttler: what the..???
10:56.57superdumpootput: a script called initramfs-tools
10:57.02ootputnkuttler: apparently he's not using ubuntu
10:57.09nkuttlerremoteCTR1: paste your sources.list
10:57.18ootputi asked for his sources list too
10:57.26remoteCTR1nkuttler: sec pls
10:57.32nkuttlerootput: what then, did etch have ubuntu labeled package versions?
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10:57.42superdumpthat script contains an update-initramfs -c -t -k "$1" line
10:57.47ootputnkuttler: the sky is falling
10:57.59superdumpi think $1 is the kernel version looking at the script
10:58.16ootputsuperdump: you'd need more than that
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10:58.21superdumpso i thought
10:58.26ootputsuperdump: which release?
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10:58.45superdumpootput: of kernel-package or debian? 12.001 and testing respectively
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10:59.24remoteCTR1nkuttler: as you can see we got our own repository, but there is for 100% sure no ubuntu package in there
10:59.49nkuttlerremoteCTR1: apt-cache policy pidgin-data
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11:00.18superdumpootput: the initramfs script in /usr/share/doc/kernel-package/etc/kernel/postinst.d doesn't seem to contain too much more
11:00.24remoteCTR1nkuttler: what can be is that this comes from the following: whe i was still on etch i tried to download pidgin from there are only redhat and ubuntu versions there, but i wasnt able to install that anyways as glibc diodnt match
11:01.01*** mode/#debian [+l 904] by debhelper
11:01.10superdumpootput: it looks like at most it adds -b /path/to/vmlinuz/dir to the end of the update-initramfs command
11:01.13zakamedoes lenny's nvidia-glx work on a syncmaster lcd connected to a geforce 8600gt via dvi?
11:01.14ootputremoteCTR1: that was hard to read
11:01.40ootputsuperdump: have a read through the other samples
11:01.47remoteCTR1nkuttler: i don't get it:
11:02.03ootputsuperdump: you'd need to as one of 'em references lilo, which you may or may not have
11:02.15superdumpi don't
11:02.21nkuttlerremoteCTR1: um, did you apt-get update?
11:02.26MrWaxAt installing debian, is it which options are recommended to install ? I can install all later on also easily right besides the core system (for example, i have now ticked Desktop Environment and Standard System as to install, what does standard system consist of?)
11:02.40remoteCTR1nkuttler: if i purge this and reinstall it from lenny backports that should do the job?
11:02.54remoteCTR1nkuttler: yes i did as i inserted the backports only an hour ago...
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11:03.50nkuttlerremoteCTR1: yeah, purge that and everything else you pulled in from ubuntu
11:04.07moss23hi, anybody know how can I "route add" rule at the top of the routing table ?
11:04.15remoteCTR1nkuttler: ok will do but yet still i have no freaking idea where that ubuntu crap comes from -.-
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11:04.48moss23everytime I add it, it goes on second position and the rule above is applied before this one
11:04.49mosnoOpenTokix: re. libc6-xen for Dom0: so if i use the default libc6 on my Dom0, that is slower?
11:04.58mosnoOpenTokix: and are there any other pros/cons?
11:05.00remoteCTR1nkuttler: ootput thanks so far guys i even didn't realize when reading the error message... report back later
11:05.21ootputremoteCTR1: Canonical...
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11:08.25unixluserhmm. do you guys think he was actually using ubuntu repo, and changed that paste to hide it?
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11:10.27remoteCTR1nkuttler: ok now i got it installed and it still tells me that my client is too old for icq rrrrrrrrr
11:10.45ootputsuperdump: fwiw, i have force-build-link, grub_conf, initramfs, initramfs-tools, symlink_hook
11:10.49remoteCTR1and it is still version 2.4.1
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11:11.54remoteCTR1this is really driving me nuts
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11:13.59superdumpootput: so you just copied across all the scripts from /usr/share/doc?
11:14.05superdumpnone of those contain mkinitramfs
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11:14.17superdumpit doesn't look like there's an example for it
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11:15.13ootputhow are you building your kernel?
11:15.51superdumpusing make-kpkg
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11:15.58superdumpwith --initrd
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11:16.33superdumpManoj said that there should be an example script to create whatever initramfs stuff is necessary
11:17.50pandatorhello. how do I change a user's login name without changing anything other than the name itself?
11:17.52ootputiirc, Manoj maintains those scripts
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11:18.00ootputso i wouldn't be surprised if he was right
11:18.11creator-cdscmy wireless card is Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 2200BG   but i think the drivers are not loaded, how can i install the drivers?
11:18.53superdumpootput: indeed, so i see from looking at them
11:19.00*** join/#debian abrotman (n=abrotman@pdpc/supporter/active/abrotman)
11:19.02bzedManoj: imho the default for --initrd should be to use update-initramfs on install, as this is what all other tools do
11:19.06pandatorcreator-cdsc: the drivers are inside the kernel, you don't need to load them. you need to load, however, the firmware. google ipw2200 firmware
11:19.10ootputsuperdump: you'll figure it out. you're a bright enough chap
11:19.15ootputas long as you're reading
11:19.41pandatorcreator-cdsc: I have the same card
11:19.43superdumpi am, but i don't see mkinitramfs anywhere, so unless make-kpkg checks for initramfs and uses it...
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11:20.07creator-cdscpandator: when i say run iwconfig   it shows me lo eth0 and irda0 all with no wireless extensions
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11:20.22creator-cdscpandator: how do i access the wireless networks?
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11:20.45pandatorcreator-cdsc: are you running debian?
11:20.54creator-cdscpandator: yes, debian lenny
11:21.00*** mode/#debian [+l 914] by debhelper
11:21.22dpkgwell, ipw2200 is the driver for Intel PRO/Wireless 2200 and 2915 802.11a/bg chipsets ( included in kernels since 2.6.15.  Firmware is required.  Lenny: Add <non-free sources> and install the 'firmware-ipw2x00' package.  Etch: Download firmware v3.0 from and extract to /lib/firmware.  See also <ipw2200 troubleshooting>.  #ipw2100 @
11:21.44dpkgTo use an NVIDIA graphics card with Debian, see  If you've done it before, asking me about <nvidia pre-built> or <nvidia m-a> might work.  Installing directly from (ie. with <nvidia-installer>) is _not_ supported in #debian, please go to #nvidia (
11:21.55pandatorcreator-cdsc: OK, first thing you need to get the firmware for your 2200 card. Then you need to copy it to where it says in the readme...
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11:22.18pandatorcreator-cdsc:...if you did it right you should see the firmware loaded in your dmesg
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11:22.41pandatorcreator-cdsc: then your card will show up in iwconfig or whatever you use
11:23.01creator-cdscpandator: ok, the firmwire-ipw2200 package?
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11:23.42pandatorcreator-cdsc: well I did it manually but apparently there is a package, I suggest you start with that
11:23.51creator-cdscpandator: ok
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11:24.49pandatorcreator-cdsc: reboot after you install it and check the dmesg for signs of the firmware being loaded
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11:25.13petemcthat shouldnt be necessary
11:25.30pandatorpetemc: well as I said I did a manual install, YMMV with the package
11:25.45pandatorcreator-cdsc: OK, nevermind the reboot advice
11:25.47petemcloading firmware doesnt need a reboot, ime
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11:26.29creator-cdschow do i change my system proxy settings? i was behind a proxy server earlier, now i am directly connected to the internet
11:26.33pandatorpetemc: uhh, how do you actually load the fw after copying it under wherever?
11:26.53abrotmanmodprobe -r <module> ; modprobe <module>
11:26.54petemcpandator: unload and reload the module, if even that
11:27.31pandatorahh I see. I thought the only way was to get the system to detect and load it at startup
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11:29.09lxsameeris there any bug tracjing system that be easy to use
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11:29.25abrotmanpeople claim bugzilla is
11:29.48abrotmanmy boss seems compatible with flyspray
11:29.55lxsameerabrotman: i get f***ed with bugzilla
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11:32.16jigpI just want to ask if irssi,btlbee is secured?what if the root will access my account?im using irssi,screen,btlbee with yahoo messenger...(account shell)
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11:33.38hoxujigp, nothing will save you from the wrath of root
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11:34.32jigphoxu : I see... :( so the root can access my personal chat for example I screen yahoo messenger and gtalk?
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11:35.14ootputjigp: yes
11:35.18hoxujigp, root has pretty much access to every information you input in the system
11:35.24hoxu+bit of
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11:36.21jigphoxu : better run it to my own box then :(
11:36.49jigphoxu : the root know my ym password then and gtalk? huhuhu ....
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11:38.10hoxujigp, you have to be able to trust the admins of systems you use. How much, depends on how much you value your data. If it's something like a university shell, laws should keep the admins at bay
11:39.19abrotmanmaybe you should ask him which country he's in first
11:39.30jigphoxu: the box is in america. I am in davao city philippines. but he is my friend. but still I don't trust him..
11:40.03jigpbut im beginning to trust him though.he is very kind
11:40.20creator-cdscpandator: i installed the firmware. things went well. eth1 is showing up on iwconfig
11:40.42creator-cdscpandator: how do i now see the detected networks?
11:40.50abrotmanman iwlist
11:41.00pandatorcreator-cdsc: you need a program for that
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11:41.10flashthebioshave any laptop owners here updated (in the last 12 months) their Phoenix BIOS from a running gnu/linux system? o perhaps from a bootable usb pendrive???
11:41.19pandatorcreator-cdsc: try wifi-radar
11:41.35hoxujigp, it's up to you really, this is a social problem, not technical one... I'd use only disposable accounts on that system until there's reasonable amount of trust on the admin
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11:43.08ootputjigp: how about ssh'ing home and bitlbeeing from there?
11:44.35jigpootput : I don't have internet in home.its very expensive internet here in davao city. I login in school and in my sis home
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11:47.40pandatorhmm I didn't know about iwlist
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11:48.20trupheenixhow do i load usb network modules?
11:48.42jigphoxu ootput thanks for the info
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11:49.38zhxkdoes there have a pakage to irc server in debian package dispo?
11:50.16zhxkootput:are you speaking to me?
11:50.51pandatordoes iwlist probe for networks or is it passive?
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11:51.27lillisHm. So I have Debian installed with grub, and now I installed Win XP on another partition (same disk).
11:51.48zhxkhow to search packages you want to install?
11:51.55zhxkhow to search for packages you want to install?
11:51.57lillisNow it won't let me choose between the two OS:s, it just boots windows. Is it as simple as booting with a deb cd and reinstall grub?
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11:52.00ootputapt-cache search
11:52.05lilliszhxk: aptitude search
11:52.18zhxkthank you
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11:53.08remoteCTR1ok pidgin 2.4.3 finally
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11:53.14abrotmanlillis: should be
11:53.19abrotman!tell zhxk about search
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11:55.29remoteCTR1now this really was some pesky effort here
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11:55.58kees-janlillis: likely yes
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11:56.08kees-janwhen installing windows, it tends to overwrite the master boot record
11:56.43lillisah, that's what I figured
11:56.45lillisthanks :)
11:56.49lillisfriggin windows..
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12:00.37shambatI'm trying to host multiple sites on the same machine, I've set up the VirtualHost and enabled the site, where I set <VirtualHost *:8080>  when I enter my IP address into the firefox bar, I only get the standard "It works!" from apache, and not the php file I'm asking for
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12:03.29_Elros_i solved the my system boots well...bye
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12:06.23remoteCTR1nkuttler: i got pidgin 2.4.3-4lenny1 running now and i still got the error message that my version is too old for icq, what i can i do now?
12:06.57gonzaloafhi, I'm mounting in the /etc/fstab files a ext3 partition on /media/files with the defaults options, how can I give permissions to write on it to the normal users?
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12:09.10RyushinDoes anyone here know how to use git?  I've downloaded Linus kernel source tree, and I want to put Anholt's tree over top of it.
12:10.19ootputRyushin: #git
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12:12.49Ryushinoutput: okay, thanks.
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12:19.08nkuttlerremoteCTR1: paste command and error..
12:19.29nkuttlerremoteCTR1: oh, from pidgin? no idea about that
12:19.32*** part/#debian jigp (n=jigpe@securabit/listener/jigp)
12:19.54remoteCTR1nkuttler: yeah keeps telling me it is to olld to connect to icq
12:20.16remoteCTR1nkuttler: brand new debian yet still no connectivity... suxx...
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12:20.32petemcremoteCTR1: 2.5.5 is in lenny backports
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12:21.43Dillizarhow can i know if i am using debian 4 or debian 5 i know by the kernels but i dont know their numbers so i can compare them
12:22.02petemcyou can check your libc version
12:22.09dpkgKernel: uname -r.  Debian: cat /etc/debian_version. and: dpkg -l libc6 | tail -n 1.  Package: dpkg -l _pkgname_.  Miscellaneous: try --version on the command. check /etc/apt/sources.list; run apt-cache policy <packagename>, or lsb_release -a, or cat /proc/version.  Do cat /etc/{*version*,*release*,*issue*} which should grab almost all distros
12:22.29remoteCTR1petemc: does that on work?
12:22.37petemcremoteCTR1: no idea
12:22.50moss23hey, can you login to today and yesterday ?
12:22.51remoteCTR1petemc: hd it installed previously and didnt seem to work that well also :D
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12:23.14remoteCTR1try it out again, be bac in a few...
12:23.39Phil4I'm attempting to find my onboard modem on Debian. Here is the output of linmodem's tool:
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12:24.01Phil4can anyone perhaps suggest what /dev/ device, if any, I should use in the efax application to use that modem?
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12:24.17trupheenixcan anyone help me to get my laptops memory card reader working?
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12:24.35petemcmodems are typically on /dev/ttyS0 or ttyS1
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12:26.12Phil4that's the serial port, is it not?
12:26.19petemcit sure is
12:26.21Phil4this is an onboard modem
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12:26.53petemcim not sure that makes a difference, but ive not used any onboard modems so i dont know for sure
12:27.08Phil4I'll give it a blast
12:27.09petemci do know lots of onboard modems used not to work
12:27.17superdumpootput: it seems the initramfs script from the examples does it
12:27.42superdumpjust fyi
12:28.53trupheenixlenny better than jaunty. many unexpected things work out of the box.
12:30.01superdumplet's see if it works...
12:30.35abrotmantrupheenix: most of them just owrk .. what happens in dmesg when you stick a card in?
12:30.45Dillizarhey where should i install the grub in to the root partition or in MBR
12:30.57trupheenixabrotman: it worked!! :)
12:31.03abrotmanokay then
12:31.07trupheenixabrotman: on Ubuntu i needed to install some seperate drivers
12:31.16abrotmanweird .. but okay
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12:32.13Dillizarany one
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12:32.58nkuttlerDillizar: your choice
12:33.07jellyDillizar: mbr, esp. if there's no other operating system installed
12:33.25Dillizarnkuttler, kewl so mbr it is
12:33.54Dillizaris it possible to install the add/remove program like in ubuntu so i dont need to install them via terminal
12:34.12*** join/#debian J-_ (n=justin@unaffiliated/j-laptop/x-0000001)
12:35.30superdumpthe nvidia drivers won't compile against this debian linux-source-2.6.29
12:35.45superdumpbut the version of nvidia-kernel-common is the same in testing and unstable
12:35.50Phil4none of the /dev/ttyS# devices will dial, petemc
12:36.15zhxkexcuse me how to install a irc client on debian?
12:36.39superdump/usr/src/linux is linked to /usr/src/linux-source-2.6.29
12:36.42Dillizardamn copy/usr. this may takes time. be patient
12:36.46petemcPhil4: lots of onboard modems arent modems at all
12:36.53DillizarZharf,  apt-get install Xchat
12:37.01DillizarZharf,  apt-get install Xchat-gnome
12:37.10DillizarZharf,  apt-get install xchat-gnome
12:37.14Phil4they are what, petemc?
12:37.22Dillizardunno if its with a capital x
12:37.35petemcPhil4: very simple sound cards, aiui - all the work is done in software
12:37.36superdumpi'll try changing the symlink to the linux-headers that corresponds to my kernel
12:37.43Phil4hrmmm, IC
12:38.23superdump!nvidia m-a
12:38.23dpkgThe short version: aptitude install module-assistant; m-a prepare;  m-a a-i nvidia && apt-get install nvidia-glx && dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg. For instructions that should work, see
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12:39.41DillizarZharf,  did it work
12:40.32Dillizarcopy/usr. this may takes time. be patient, but i am waiting for 40 min now
12:41.03superdumpseems to be api mismatches in some of the function calls between the nvidia module and the kernel stuff
12:41.06zhxkDillizar:do you mention to me?
12:41.35Dillizaryes zhxk  sorry
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12:42.09Aldus25hi, my debian remote server is suddenly rebooting without apparent reason. Which log files should I check to see what is going on?
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12:42.25zhxkDillizar:thanks im trying
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12:42.42Dillizarzhxk, you are od kde or gnome
12:43.05Dillizartry apt-get install konversation
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12:43.10Dillizarthis is a good client
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12:43.45zhxkDillizar:is it better than xchat?
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12:44.32Dillizarzhxk,  no cuz doesnt have all the servers list like in xchat
12:44.36ZharfDillizar, learn your tab completion
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12:44.59DillizarZharf,  sorry mate i am sorry if i waked you :)
12:45.28easyfithey, I'm trying to get xdmcp working and II've activated it in kdmrc (running kde) as well as removed the no listen tcp arg in xserverrc, but the X server still starts with the "no listen tcp" option... so is there anywhere else I need to deactivate it?
12:45.42zhxkDillizart:it's ok, why do you mark me Zharf?
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12:46.38Dillizarba oui
12:47.36Dillizaris going to take a shower if the usr is not copied till then i will kick my laptop
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12:48.41zhxkexcuse me, how to speed download on aptitude install?
12:48.54zhxkexcuse me, how to speedup downloading on aptitude install?
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12:49.02OpenTokixzhxk: get better connection?
12:49.09Dillizarzhxk,  change your country :)
12:49.17OpenTokixzhxk: and slect a good mirror
12:49.26linux-in-vietnamExcuse me!
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12:49.42linux-in-vietnamCan I install Lenny in ext4 partition?
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12:50.06Dillizarlinux-in-vietnam,  NO dont install it on ext4 its not stable
12:50.26linux-in-vietnamThank you!
12:50.53zhxkis there a way to intergrate ariac2 to aptitude?
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12:51.30Dillizarlinux-in-vietnam, ext4 is not stable for all linuxes :)
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12:51.49OpenTokixzhxk: what is ariac2?
12:52.16Dillizarzhxk, or smt like that
12:52.20*** join/#debian nood (
12:52.43Dillizartry there
12:52.57zhxkOpenTokix:a multithread and multiconnection faste download tool
12:53.11zhxkOpenTokix:a multithreaded and multiconnectioned fast download tool
12:53.39OpenTokixzhxk: if you have the bandwidth, get a better mirror
12:54.07OpenTokixzhxk: checkout netselect-apt
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12:55.26zhxkthank you, i'm reading
12:55.42nightwish86zhxk: there is some way to integrate ariac2 with apt-get. In /usr/lib/apt/methods/ there are different methods for fetching the sources. Few years back I was messing with apt-get source code and there is a way to integrate other methods with it. That's all I know.
12:57.09*** join/#debian phet (
12:57.16phetdpkg, apt-spy
12:57.16dpkga secret!  Shh! 'Mirror, mirror, on the wall... who is the fastest of them all?' Note that it will overwrite your sources.list when finished, so (1) cp /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.mybak (2) apt-get install apt-spy (3) apt-spy update; apt-spy -d [stable,testing,unstable] -a [Africa,Asia,Europe,North-America,Oceania,South-America] (4) fix your sources.list by adding back in any other mirrors you had been using.
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12:58.25phethello, I do now why exaile fails, any bug?
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13:00.54abrotmanphet: what?
13:01.03abrotmanphet: the music tagger?
13:01.14phetImportError: cannot import name feedparser
13:01.23phetexaile, to play music
13:02.36zhxkwell, what is apt-spy? compared to netselect-apt
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13:03.57jellyzhxk: it's used for pretty much the same thing
13:04.20Texouhow can I make the address om my scanner static? now it's /proc/bus/usb/002/003 but it was /proc/bus/usb/002/004 at previous boot... I'd like it to be always /proc/bus/usb/002/003 or 004.
13:04.41zhxkjelly:which one is better?
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13:05.22jellyzhxk: no idea, try them
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13:05.56justinTexou: why?
13:06.54Texoujustin: because with virtualbox I want to use usbattach, and it needs address or uuid as argument. but if they change at every boot... boring to pass them every time
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13:07.41justinTexou: you can use lsusb to figure out the device
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13:08.41Texoujustin: but lsusb doesn't print uuid and address. and it's the easiest way to use usbattach
13:09.03justinTexou: lsusb prints the bus and device...
13:09.18Texoujustin: ah right
13:09.29Texoujustin: but it changes at every boot :(
13:09.37justinyou can just do lsusb -d 0xblahblah:0xblahblah
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13:09.38Texouespecially the bus
13:10.19justinTexou: so? if there isn't an easier way of doing this(like with udev or something) just write a 2 line script to figure out the device and bus and make a link somewhere
13:10.29*** part/#debian hanibana (n=mozafar@
13:10.48Texouah yes
13:10.50Texouwhy not
13:11.03TexouI had not thought of this
13:12.16Texoujustin: how can I write a script which says: "take on line x columns y to z and put in a variable"
13:12.38phetTexou, try bash
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13:13.11TexouI'm not great in bash shell script for this kind of instructions but...
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13:13.31ootputTexou: cut head
13:13.36Dillizarwhooooooohooooooooo debian installed now to see if it will boot at all
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13:13.52zhxkit's hard to choose between konversation and xchat, what to do then?
13:14.00Texouootput: what do you mean?
13:14.04mosnozhxk: konv
13:14.25Dillizarlol zhxk
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13:15.00Dillizari like xchat cuz its showing me if i had misspelled a word or smt like that
13:15.09Dillizarand i have all the servers
13:15.45Dillizarzhxk,  and konversation comes only with freenode
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13:15.57justinDillizar: I do not think that the spell checker is working correctly
13:16.06TexouI look
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13:16.27Dillizarjustin, lol maybe  your english is not that good :P
13:16.53justinDillizar: 'cuz' and 'smt' are not english words
13:17.30Dillizardunno and lemme are not too but they are amercian i think
13:17.57ootputwhich nationality is that?
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13:18.42ootputmavis beacon teaches typing
13:18.42ranixI think that's aolese
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13:19.24ranixthey're a small nationality that was absorbed by an oligarchial hostile state
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13:19.58ranixlately, there've been talks to separate the original aol from its oppressors, but there are already too many aolese refugees
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13:20.02wsxswhi all
13:20.09ranix!hi wsxsw
13:20.27wsxswis the a command to list all files inluding all subdirs ?
13:20.50wsxsw(ls -R just shows one sub, but not the subs under the sub)
13:21.19wsxswoops. my nick is mixed up
13:21.33ootputa does not list recursive
13:21.43justinmsaizar: just run 'find'
13:21.44stewwsxsw: find
13:21.47ootputonly one-level deep if: $ls -a path/
13:23.26wsxwsfind ?
13:23.37ranixwsxws: find
13:23.52ranixnot to be confused with nifd, or dinf
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13:24.01wsxwsis there a way to make it files only ?
13:24.06stewwsxws: find -type f
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13:24.08ranix-type f
13:24.08wsxwsnot the emtpy pathes ?
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13:24.39ranixthere's also a useful -maxdepth option
13:25.04wsxwsgreat, thats exact the command i was looking for
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13:25.17zhxk_well, i'm going to think if it's possible to have windows erased from my computer.
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13:25.34ranixthat will erase windows quite thoroughly
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13:27.04superdumpit seems there are patches on pkg-nvidia-devel ( ) for getting nvidia drivers to compile against 2.6.29
13:27.14superdumpbut, to what do they apply?
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13:27.31superdumpdoes lennart sorenson hang around here?
13:27.35JoelioHi all, I've just installed lenny amd64 with lvm, but after rebooting, it appears the lvm paths won't mount. I presume the cd became /dev/sda during install, with the raid array as /dev/sdb. Whereas now it's /dev/sda.. so the lvm is broken. Any idea how to fix this?
13:28.00ranixJoelio: check the kernel option for "root=/dev/foo"
13:28.08zhxkwell, precisely i'm thinking if it's suitable to make a scheduale to have windows go away from harddisk
13:28.13Joelioranix, it's lvm?
13:28.14justinJoelio: lvm doesn't care about device paths
13:28.28Joeliook, I'll take a look
13:28.34ootputzhxk: cron mke2fs -j
13:28.38ranixJoelio: you can manually edit it with 'e' in grub, then alter /boot/grub/menu.lst later
13:28.42frostschutzJoelio: lvm doesn't really care about sda or sdb, unless you restricted your lvm.conf to specific devices only
13:28.55justinJoelio: are you getting some kind of ERROR?
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13:29.27ranixJoelio: if you feel very giving, could you file a bug report against the installer? lots of people have been having this problem lately
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13:31.37Joelioranix: As I thought, it's using devmapper
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13:31.53Joelioso it's root=/dev/mapper/name-root
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13:32.28JoelioI can't remap that, what I need to do is work out where lvm maps to the device and change the path and regen initramfs
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13:33.16JoelioStrange this only happens with Poweredge 2950's.. everything else is fine
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13:34.41techousehas anyone got any idea how i could grep something from a file that between xml tags? like <option>word1</option> and i need word1
13:34.51petemcJoelio: did you add firmware from a usb key during the install ?
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13:35.08techousethe xml has many diff. tags so it's probably  best that i grep what's inside > <
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13:35.10Joeliopetemc: Yes, I did.. got a Qlogic FCA in there and Broadcom adapters
13:35.11trupheenix1i'm facing a weird problem when formatting my sd card. i created two partitions on it using fdisk /dev/mmcblk0 but after that when i do fdisk -l it shows me three devices /dev/mmcblk0 /dev/mmcblk0p1 /dev/mmcblk0p2. as a result, i am not able to format these partitions.
13:35.29Joeliopetemc: Maybe that's what reordered the device nodes?
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13:35.46petemcJoelio: i believe it is
13:36.02Joeliopetemc: Aware of a fix?
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13:36.09petemcnot off the top of my head
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13:36.50Joeliovents, damn you untainted kernel nirvana!
13:36.52justintrupheenix1: what do you mean "as a result"?
13:38.27trupheenix1justin: hmmm i cannot get mkfs to work on the partitions
13:38.35justintrupheenix1: why not?
13:38.38trupheenix1justin: because /dev/mmcblk0 is formatted as ext2
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13:39.25justintrupheenix1: and..?
13:39.29jellytrupheenix1: unformat it?
13:39.34trupheenix1justin: how?
13:40.07justintrupheenix1: this is the part where you pastebin your terminal session so someone can figure out wtf you are talking about
13:40.17trupheenix1justin: OK
13:40.28jellytrupheenix1: wiping the beginning of the device with zeroes and making the kernel reread the partition table
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13:40.52_luizhello, i've been using apt-cacher-ng for a while... but recently i've got problems with the proxy configuration... my web proxy and my apt-cacher-ng are different machines and when someone configure their env to use the web proxy, the synaptic cannot use the apt-cacher-ng proxy...
13:41.01*** mode/#debian [+l 934] by debhelper
13:41.05jellytrupheenix1: you'll have to remake the partitions as well after that
13:41.43_luizthere are some way to force apt to *always* use a specific proxy address instead the env http_proxy?
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13:42.20justin_luiz: Acquire::http::Proxy "http://foo"; in /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/
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13:42.36_luizjustin: i am using that
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13:42.50_luizbut IF i have a http_proxy, apt will use http_proxy instead...
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13:43.21_luizand apt will ignore the Acquire::http::...
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13:44.37justintrupheenix1: yeah.. i'd zero out the beginning of the drive and repartition it, that should work
13:45.12flowerhow do I unmount stuff?
13:45.29Sebbohwith the unmount command.
13:45.37justinSebboh: what unmount command?
13:45.51Sebbohumount ;P
13:46.36trupheenix1justin: dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/mmcblk0
13:47.13justintrupheenix1: yeah, though you can probably get away with bs=1M count=16
13:48.34[kapal]Is it possible to install debian 5.0 stable on software-raid 1 with debian-installer on two disks? I mean not manually using console, which i managed, but using the default ncurses gui? I've seen an option while partitioning disks ("Use as raid" or sth), but I was unable to create raid partitions and then ext3 filesystem on it. Can anyone be so kind to help me or just point a good howto (which i cannot find using google:P)?
13:49.55OpenTokix[kapal]: yes
13:50.13Joeliopetemc: ranix: I've used this before - for fixing encrypted lvm, but this doesn't work for non-encrypted (as there's no /etc/crypttab)
13:50.55Joelioreally annoyed with this, the debian installer always does it.. did it with etch too and non-lvm installs.. perpetually fixing broken fstabs etc..
13:51.00*** mode/#debian [+l 925] by debhelper
13:51.22JoelioThere must be some kernel parameter to pass to the install kernel to force it to bind the harddisk/array to /dev/sda
13:51.23adbtrumpen: /dev/mmcblk0p2 is only an extended partition , must make at least an  partition in , use  mkfs.ext2  for ext2 filesystem and fsck.vfat for fat, install  dosfstools  for that
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13:51.39justinJoelio: lvm does not care about sda/sdb
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13:51.48[kapal]OpenTokix: Im not a debian newbe, but i still cannot do this with debian-installer, can you elaborate, what is the trick to install it?
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13:52.04daMullhi folks, got a strange issue with a iptables script ..
13:52.12OpenTokix[kapal]: 1. create raid partitions, 2. create raid, 3. mount points etc.
13:52.13Joeliojustin: well where it trying to pull in /dev/sdc1 for the lvm containter then? must be somewhere
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13:52.28daMullit does some filtering and obviously rejects packets from a specific host
13:52.35Joeliojustin: /dev/sdc doesn't exist anymore.. /etc/fstab and menu.lst contain lvm paths
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13:52.44adbtrupheenix1: ^^^ er   mkfs.vfat
13:52.48justinJoelio: what is the error that you are getting?
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13:53.06Joeliojustin: can't find /dev/sdc1..
13:53.14adbtrumpen: sorry
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13:53.15daMulli've logged such a packet, but am not knowlegeable enough to decide why this packet won't pass the firewall
13:53.21justinJoelio: the full error?
13:53.36daMullhere is such a packet:
13:54.14Aldus25Hi. I need to mount an usb drive to my Debian remote server, that is in another country. I'm  newbye, coming from Windows. They say that they plugged the hdd to the server, but how to verify? I installed usbmount and udev and pmount. I have many directories in /media/ (usb0, usb1, etc.) but they look all writable, how I know if one of those is my disk?
13:54.26[kapal]OpenTokix: what i did was, i switched to console while installing, created partitions with fdisk, then created raid and mounted :P, anyways thanks for the answer, i will try this when i have time on virtual machine :)
13:54.27abrotmanAldus25: dmesg .. do you see it?
13:54.43Aldus25dmesg outputs 100000 things
13:54.46daMullcan someone tell me if there is something obviously wrong with that?
13:54.56Aldus25ah, I see it abrotman
13:55.26petemcdaMull: do you have rules in place to block packets to port 80 ?
13:55.41Aldus25here is the output of the usb part
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13:55.55petemcdaMull: also, your question is spread over many lines,it makes it very hard for people to follow
13:56.04daMullpetemc: sorry
13:56.23daMullshould I repeat it? or is that considered spamming?
13:56.42petemcdaMull: do you have rules in place to block packets to port 80 ?
13:56.47Aldus25abrotman: any guess about how to go on?
13:56.58daMullpetemc: not for that destination ip
13:57.15daMullother hosts can access that port
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13:57.40daMullI have just the problem from _one_ subnet/host
13:57.47danttiquestion i've just installed lenny and installed linux-image-2.6-xen-686 / is reiserfs but when rebooting i gor file format invalid, using file on /boot/vm..xen says it's a gzip file, someone knows if i missed some step?
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13:58.26talexbAre package names in the DEBIAN/control file case-sensitive?
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13:58.40talexbI thought they weren't ..
13:58.49zubacai can't settup wireless internet in lenny 5.0.1 with KDE 3.5.10
13:58.56Joeliojustin: found it! It was /boot complaining, not the lvm's.. doh! Cheers for the push in the right direction :)
13:59.10Joeliostill think this is a problem with the installer though
13:59.14justinJoelio: lol, if you say so
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13:59.32Aldus25can someone help me with a simple mounting of usb drive under debian? The result of dmesg about that drive is here:
13:59.37petemcdantti: did you install a hypervisor? the best method is to use the xen-linux-system meta packages
13:59.39justinJoelio: probably, does lenny not setup fstab with UUIDS by default? I think ubuntu has been doing that for a few releases now
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14:00.53frostschutzAldus25: so it's detected as /dev/sdb? what's the problem?
14:00.56jamoni understand the use for a uuid, but i can't f'ing stand looking at a system and having to figure out what is mounted where versus just reading a straight fstab
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14:01.08abrotmanAldus25: for example .. mkdir /media/usbdrive .. mount -t auto/dev/sdb1 /media/usbdrive
14:01.09danttipetemc: no i didn't, is this normal? shouldn't be a dependency?
14:01.12abrotmanerm .. auto /
14:01.19Aldus25thanks abrotman, trying
14:01.20daMullpetemc: here is the firewall :
14:01.30abrotmanAldus25: notice i missed a space after auto
14:01.35Aldus25can I make mkdir /usb instead of /media/usbdrive?
14:01.36petemcdantti: no, some people may just want the kernel
14:01.41Aldus25yes I noticed thanks
14:01.48danttipetemc: hmm i see, thanks :D
14:01.52abrotmanAldus25: you can put the mount point anywhere you like
14:02.22Aldus25abrotman: "you must specify the filesystem type"
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14:02.37daMullpetemc: and the target IP is one of the natted ips and the port is open (as I told earlier, connection from other external hosts work fine)
14:02.37Aldus25should be ntfs
14:02.39abrotmanAldus25: -t auto should guess it
14:02.58Aldus25mount -t auto /dev/sdb1 /usb/   ----->  mount: you must specify the filesystem type
14:03.35petemcwhen is -t auto necessary? if mount can guess, it should do so without it
14:03.39abrotmanyou could try -t ntfs
14:03.44abrotmanpetemc: apparently it can't guess
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14:03.48abrotmanAldus25: this is Debian?
14:03.58Aldus25abrotman it's debian
14:04.25frostschutzAldus25: or -t ntfs-3g if you're using this (for read-write ntfs support)
14:04.30Aldus25abrotman: dell:/media# mount -t ntfs /dev/sdb1 /usb/ ----> mount: special device /dev/sdb1 does not exist
14:04.36Aldus25frostschutz: trying
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14:04.49tonsofpcsI am trying to create a dialup server that will accept connections from an autoanswer modem, connect ppp over this link, then route IP traffic from the link NAT to the local ethernet network.  I have connections being accepted by mgetty, ppp is connecting, i can ping both sides from each other, but I cannot seem to figure out how to properly NAT.  Is there a good HOW-TO for this or something blatently obvious that I may be missing?  (
14:04.50frostschutzAldus25: so it's not partitioned? what does file -s /dev/sdb give you?
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14:04.56tonsofpcsI have iptables installed, ip_forward for ipv4 set to 1, just tried ipmasq and it doesn't seem to be helping...
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14:04.59Aldus25it's totally formatted I guess
14:05.17Aldus25hem... "/dev/sdb: x86 boot sector, Microsoft Windows XP MBR, Serial 0x3a2dafcd"
14:05.29trupheenix1justin: taking me hell lot of time to zero out the drive :|
14:05.38justintrupheenix1: you only had to do the beginning!
14:05.53trupheenix1justin: oh ... :| stupid me
14:05.56frostschutzAldus25: that's all? :-/
14:06.00Aldus25frostschutz: seems like yes
14:06.09Aldus25I have no problems in re-formatting it
14:06.13Aldus25if this could help
14:06.21MrWaxI like to delete my debian partition or grub as MBR, and set the vista partition as that - how can i do this?
14:06.22trupheenix1justin: so i can just Ctrl+C it now?
14:06.26justintrupheenix1: yes
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14:06.50frostschutzAldus25: do you need read-write access on ntfs? (do you need ntfs at all?)
14:07.10Aldus25frostschutz: I don't need ntfs I just want to use this disk as a backup unit
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14:07.31petemcMrWax: you would do that from within vista, or the vista install cd at least
14:07.32Aldus25whatever it is
14:07.41MrWaxpetemc: ok
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14:07.59frostschutzAldus25: in that case I'd recommend creating a partition with cfdisk and then using any linux filesystem of your choice... much less hassle than ntfs under linux :)
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14:08.35Aldus25but with cfdisk I see only sda1 and sda5
14:08.52frostschutzcfdisk /dev/sdb should let you create partitions on sdb
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14:09.05Aldus25oh yes
14:09.14frostschutzif you're sure thats the right disk and there's no data on it you dont want to lose I hope :P
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14:10.17Aldus25it is empty :)
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14:10.49Aldus25should i make them primary or logical?
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14:12.49Aldus25yeee i mounted it
14:12.56Aldus25abrotman, frostschutz: thanks !
14:13.17demon_where is the trash on debian 5
14:13.27Aldus25but it doesn't let me write on the disk, says: "operation not permitted"
14:13.52frostschutzAldus25: as root?
14:14.16frostschutzAldus25: which filesystem are you using?
14:14.29Aldus25i made the standard
14:14.43frostschutzwhat's that? :-/
14:14.51frostschutzwhat does 'mount' without parameters say?
14:15.00demon_where is the trash on debian 5
14:15.19Aldus25frostschutz: it says /dev/sdb1 on /usb type ntfs (rw)
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14:15.53abrotmandemon_: depends on which DE you use
14:16.18demon_i dont know what is DE but i am on xfce
14:16.24trupheenix1justin: i'm still getting mkfs errors :(
14:16.27harkAldus25: if you want to write, use ntfs-3g instead
14:16.52justintrupheenix1: did you make a primary parition, or is it still an extended one?
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14:17.13trupheenix1justin: i made one primary partition and one extended one
14:17.36justintrupheenix1: try making 2 primary partitions?
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14:18.18Aldus25hark: it's unknown filesystem type
14:18.23flowerhow can I copy the first column of an file?
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14:19.01abrotmanflower: #bash is probably going to be more help .. but depends ont he file format
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14:19.38talexbI've googled a bit and haven't found an answer yet -- are package names in the DEBIAN/control file case sensitive? Does it have to be perl-dbi, or is perl-DBI OK?
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14:20.42abrotmantalexb: i believe they are .. unix in general is case-sensitive
14:21.23zubacahi. i'm using lenny 5.0.1, 32bit, 3.5.10 KDE, i tried to install driver and set up wireless  internet and everything looked fine but i can't connect to the router
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14:21.41talexbabrotman Right, that makes sense. I just wish I could find some man page somewhere that confirms it.
14:21.42zubacarouter or ADSL modem. don't know what's the difference :)
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14:21.45trupheenix1justin: same problem
14:21.55abrotmantalexb: maybe ask #debian-mentors on OFTC for a reference
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14:22.14Aldus25i made it finally. Thank hark, very much
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14:22.55e1lucahi, I don't really feel ready for this but I'm about to take a leap of fate and switch from fedora to debian (being 100% newbie & atechnical). I'm on a Vaio with intel core 2 duo. What iso should I get? amd64, i386, or what? Tnx in advance
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14:23.22trupheenix1justin: updated pastebin
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14:23.23abrotmane1luca: either i386 or amd64 should work
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14:24.10e1lucatnx abrotman. so it makes no difference...
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14:24.29abrotmanit does .. but ultimately up to you
14:24.31justintrupheenix1: uhh, 'no such file or directory' means you still didn't install the dos filesystem tools package
14:24.34abrotmanbut both will work
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14:25.18e1lucaaha. so if I want 64bit I'll go with amd64 that's right?
14:25.38trupheenix1justin: ok..
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14:25.46e1lucak. tnx again
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14:25.56trupheenix1dpkg dosfstools
14:25.56dpkgtrupheenix1: I give up, what is it?
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14:27.31roseahow can I copy the first column of an file?
14:27.36talexbabrotman doesn't help either ..
14:28.24abrotmanflower: #bash is probably going to be more help .. but depends ont he file format
14:28.24abrotmantalexb: why would that help ?
14:29.01flowerabrotman: it's an text file made by dpkg -set packages > packages
14:29.17abrotmannot helping
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14:31.05talexbabrotman I'm still trying to find an answer, but reading further down the page it's leaning towards case sensitivity.
14:31.19abrotmansaid that
14:31.29talexbI've asked on OFCT/#debian-mentors but they're quiet right now.
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14:31.37abrotmanoftc i hope you mean
14:31.58talexb;) Yeah, that's the dyslexia popping up .. the medical condition that keeps on giving.
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14:32.24talexbI'll just go with case sensitivity. Thanks for your time, I appreciate it.
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14:33.57iateadonutmy ssh and mount just stopped for some reason.  i can still ping it... if it's not the firewall, what could it be?
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14:34.13justiniateadonut: what happens when you telnet to port 22?
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14:35.53DassuAARGH. Somebody else having problems with Iceweasel Consuming huge amounts of CPU power when playing video? (Flash, mplayer etc..)
14:36.07justinDassu: flash is a piece of crap
14:36.23iateadonutopening the man file for that now, unless you want to tell me how to telnet.
14:36.25Dassujustin: THe problem is clearly with firefox
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14:36.34justinDassu: no, the problem is flash
14:37.06justinplaying a video with flash on my laptop takes 60% cpu, the same video with mplayer takes 3%
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14:37.28DassuWell, then tell me why am I having same problem when firefox is using mplayer-plugin to display content ?
14:37.30iateadonutit says this: Name or service not known
14:37.32pobegaDassu: Yep. Flash = 90% cpu usage here, Mplayer is far lower
14:37.48justinDassu: are you using Xv output or X11 output?
14:37.48pobegaDassu: is it HD content? And what kind of computer are you on?
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14:38.12justiniateadonut: space, not :
14:38.13DassuWell, I have no idea. BUt pretty sure it has to be XV because it is default
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14:38.36iateadonuttelnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused
14:38.38iateadonutjust that.
14:38.41iateadonutit's so strange.
14:38.48justiniateadonut: what did you type?
14:39.00iateadonutbecause mount and ssh were working a few days ago.
14:39.03Dassujustin: if mplayer-plugin uses same output as mplayer then yes. xv
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14:39.14iateadonuttelnet 22
14:39.19Dassujustin: but CPU load is just normal without firefox
14:39.22justiniateadonut: sshd isn't running then
14:39.38iateadonuti just restarted it on the other computer.
14:39.52justinDassu: weird.. I used to use the mplayer plugin that you could tell to not embed in FF, it would just pop up in its own window
14:39.58iateadonutlet me restart it again.
14:40.40Dassujustin: I'm using stable and there has been some reports of FF using 100% of CPU with version of 3.06
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14:41.09Dassualso using amd64 version
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14:44.22talexbabrotman I got the link which spells it out -- lower case only.
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14:45.07abrotmantalexb: but is that because it's case-sensitive?
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14:45.34techouseanyone using gawk here?
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14:46.57talexbabrotman Yes, case-sensitive .. we have some internal packages that have mixed upper and lower case names, and they work fine.
14:46.58petemctechouse: lots of people
14:47.28talexbtechouse I used awk a long time ago .. does that count?
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14:47.44CuteAlienhi! I remember I could change screen resolutions in my previous distro with 'ctrl'+'alt'+'-' and 'ctrl'+'alt'+'+'. I supose it's some X setting (or xorg.conf setting) or maybe the keys have changed. Anyone knows how I can enable that in lenny (with kde running)?
14:48.08abrotmanCuteAlien: use xrandr
14:48.44liablestill works here, but only for individual apps, ie if iceweasel is in focus
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14:49.40justinmaddash: fail
14:49.49CuteAlienabrotman, thanks. Seems to be replaced by x11-xserver-utils and I have already newester version there.
14:49.58tech404CuteAlien, I find xvidtune to work great. You can take the output from it after you get it where you want and put it in xorg.conf to make it stay that way
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14:50.26maddashwhere are the dpkg trigger scripts located? ie, everytime I install/rm a pkg, I see "Processing triggers for menu ..."
14:51.01CuteAlientech404, the thing is - I don't need it to stay but to correct the resolution after it's been messed up by some wine application without restarting the whole session :)
14:51.07justinmaddash: so?
14:51.20maddashjustin: 'so'?
14:51.29justinmaddash: it's supposed to do that
14:51.52maddashjustin: read the first half of my entry
14:52.01maddashthat's my main question
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14:52.36justinmaddash: /var/lib/dpkg/info/
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14:58.38widewhat can I use to capture/download flash that's playing in Iceweasel (with the serving ip unknown/obfuscated, like some video sites do) it's all just digits so it should be possible
14:58.56justinwide: try flashdot, or just urlsnarf+wget
14:59.00justiner, flashgot
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14:59.10TrevelyanHi. I'm trying to compile a 32bit kernel (AMD Geode) on my 64bit system. How can I convice make-kpkg that it can use my normal gcc (propbably with -m32) and to stop trying to put some i486-blah- prefix on the gcc command ?
14:59.26widejustin, ok thanks i'll try it
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14:59.46maddashjustin: thanks
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15:00.58ajavidgood morning gang
15:01.45ajavidthe highest rating video downloading firefox plugin works great on almost EVERY website with embedded video
15:02.02ajavidI forgot the name of it, look at most popular, and go through them, its in the first 20
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15:05.14omakasewhat does this mean: kernel: general protection fault: 0000 [1] SMP
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15:06.02ajavidthat would never happen
15:06.15ajavidI myself will get people together and file an anti trust law suit
15:06.30jellyomakase: you've stumbled onto a kernel bug.
15:06.31sepultomakase: it means, some user-space was attempting to use kernel-space without the rights for
15:06.42jellyomakase: (or your hardware is misbehaving)
15:06.46kriebelcan `host` be made to just return an address, or list of addresses, instead of overly verbose lines from the zone file
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15:07.22jellyomakase: more context would be helpful
15:07.54petemckriebel: you might want dig +short
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15:08.04omakasejelly: it happened on a machine in ec2, the same error was printed every 5 seconds and now the machine is unaccessible (that normally happens when it runs out of memory)
15:08.05jellysepult: that's not what a mere userspace segfault detection looks like AFAIK
15:08.50Bert_2Hi, I just found out that my debian server's HD is full, now I want to find out which directories are the biggest ATM, now I now apps like boabab can show that on the desktop, but is there a smilar command line utility (with for example HTML, text or gnuplot output) ?
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15:09.02jellyomakase: your virtual machine went byebye; do an equivalent of a powercycle
15:09.20kriebelBert_2: `du -sk . | sort -n`
15:09.55Bert_2kriebel: it only returns one line to me
15:10.20kriebelit should summarize every file or directory in the current working directory
15:10.25kriebeltry it from / or /var
15:10.31kriebel... as root
15:10.40Bert_2kriebel: I'm in / as root and it says 2072949 .
15:10.44Bert_2kriebel: that's it
15:10.48kriebeldu -sk *
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15:11.36talexbwoo .. only 15 to go!
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15:11.45Bert_2kriebel: is the returned size in KB ?
15:11.59kriebelBert_2: yes, that's what -k stipulates
15:12.02omakasejelly: thanks
15:12.17Bert_2kriebel: I guess -m gives it in megabyte
15:12.40amgarchingif I run "screen" from a "screen" how do I open new shell in the inner screen? C-a c opens new shell of the outer.
15:13.16kriebelamgarching: crtl-a ctrl-a c or ctrl-a a c
15:13.21kriebelI forget
15:13.41kriebelBert_2: read the man page for du, it's pretty tidy
15:14.01Bert_2kriebel: I found it rather confusing (I'm not a native speaker, that might be it)
15:14.02amgarchingkriebel: thanks, thats the latter, c-a c-a switches to the last window right away
15:14.08kriebelBert_2: also, run `apt-get clean` or other housekeeping to free up some space, or your machine will crawl
15:14.40Bert_2kriebel: I just noticed that me apt cache was huge, 263MB
15:14.43Bert_2that explains a lot
15:14.44kriebelnews flash: Linux is confusing.  Filem at 11.
15:15.03kriebel263 isn't that big, really
15:15.25Bert_2kriebel: my server has only 2GB of HD and around 300MB is taken by swap
15:15.37Bert_2kriebel: so 263MB is a lot to me :P
15:15.46jellyomakase: now, the cause of the kernel bug is uncertain; it could even be hosts' fault
15:15.53kriebelBert_2: if that's not flash, you need to get hardware from after 1994
15:16.31jellykriebel: it could be a very small virtual machine
15:16.53Bert_2kriebel: it's a VPS
15:17.05Bert_2jelly: it is
15:17.29jellyBert_2: apt-get clean or aptitude clean
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15:17.45Bert_2jelly: done that, now I can receive mail again
15:17.46jellyoh, you were already told about it
15:17.51Bert_2yes :D
15:18.00jellyBert_2: you might also look at /var/log usage
15:18.02Bert_2jelly: silly me forgot that it doesn't do that automatically
15:18.21enoufBert_2: i use localepurge
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15:18.37Bert_2jelly: yeah, I'm not sure whether I'm gonna delete logs after a few months, I like to keep the data for webalizer
15:18.47Bert_2enouf: what's that, localepurge ?
15:18.49enouf!info localepurge
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15:19.03Bert_2enouf: the bot seems unresponsive :P
15:19.08jellyit's just slow
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15:19.11nvzI just burned a Lenny IA64 netinstall and it wont boot on a core 2 duo... should I be using AMD64 or will debian 64bit just not run on the duo?
15:19.15jellyjudd: info localepurge
15:19.16juddjelly: localepurge (admin): is optional; Version: 0.5.9-0.2; Size: 37.2k; Installed: 156k -- Automagically remove unnecessary locale data
15:19.24dpkglocalepurge: (Automagically remove unnecessary locale data), section admin, is optional. Version: 0.5.9-0.2 (sid), Packaged size: 37 kB, Installed size: 156 kB
15:19.26jellyenouf: judd's faster
15:19.27petemcnvz: amd64
15:19.35dpkgime is probably in my experience
15:19.50nvzpetemc: figured, just didn't want to burn another one that didn't work
15:19.51Bert_2enouf: I already found it in aptitude
15:20.00decodernvz: AMD64 is the right one... IA64 is something completely different
15:20.02kriebelhaha, people still make the IA64 mistake
15:20.03nvzis in a hurry to get back to doing nothing
15:20.03enoufso then don't ask
15:20.35mavhcmore people download the ia64 version wrongly than rightly, it's just a bandwidth waste
15:20.50jellyBert_2: if you're really pressed for space, you can wipe /usr/share/doc; I'd advise against that.
15:21.00nvzwell its confusing because you see IA64 and think Intel 64-bit, and thats what you got.. then you google it and got forums saying amd64 is long gone..
15:21.08Bert_2jelly: yeah, I'm not gonna delete that
15:21.23kriebeleh, you can always read docs on another machine
15:21.34Bert_2enouf: does localepurge do anything else than apt-get clean after every upgrade or install ?
15:21.50kriebelif you want really slim, the last thing you do is dpkg -r dpkg ;-)
15:21.53jellyBert_2: it cleans something else
15:22.11nvzI just built a new machine here for the shop and had to put winxp pro on it, so I'm gonna setup a dual boot
15:22.15Bert_2kriebel: I use different distros on my machines and sometimes have to use windows with putty, so I really need the docs
15:22.18enoufBert_2: do you know what locale data is?
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15:22.31Bert_2enouf: not really
15:22.43nvzTired of working around all these windows machines.. heh
15:23.19enoufsee /usr/share/locale/
15:23.49kriebelnvz: install Debian and VirtualBox, and just leave Windows XP running full-screen when other people are using it
15:24.19Bert_2enouf: ow, it cleans language stuff
15:24.50kriebelBert_2: you might want someone to explain the aptitude way of doing what debfoster did to you
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15:25.15kriebelnot me, since I'm old, and hate aptitude
15:25.22Bert_2kriebel: okey
15:25.37nvzkriebel: well I'm the one here all day.. and I rather be taking advantage of my hardware
15:25.59kriebelpetemc: thanks, that works great
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15:27.43wsxwsive got a problem, i lost 2 pathes /bin and /boot, is there a way to restore/repair this ?
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15:32.02bstockwsxws: not really, best bet is to setup another instance of the OS on a different hard drive and copy what you need from the drive with the lost directories
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15:40.28kriebelanyone actually in IT: given a choice between hardware and software RAID, which way do you lean?
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15:42.46TrevelyanI'm trying to install a kernel onto a system whose /boot is vfat. But I get this:
15:42.47Trevelyandpkg: error processing linux-image-2.6.29_2.6.29-10.00.Custom_i386.deb (--install):
15:42.47dpkgtrevelyan: That isn't an error, post the whole output to a pastebin (/msg dpkg pastebin).
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15:43.11Trevelyanand the install aborts
15:43.53Trevelyanhow can I by pass this?
15:44.03Trevelyan--force-all didn't work
15:44.04ariel_kriebel: I try to use hardware when I can.  Depends on server and drivers.
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15:44.35jmoncayothe defual partitioning for debian is not good, my / is 98% full already :(
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15:46.54petemcjmoncayo: it recommends that people just use one large partition
15:47.36jmoncayopetemc: i used the different partitions entire disk
15:48.06Trevelyan(grub does not support jffs2, so I'm sticking the kernel image & grub into my freedos partition, hence the vfat /boot)
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15:49.17jmoncayopetemc: is there no way to modify partitions? i am not using lvm
15:50.55cireMy RTL8168 doesn't wake on lan with magic packets. I set it up correctly with ethtool, but on power off the NIC also gets powered off. (no leds blinking). I also enabled wake on PCI and PCI-E without success.
15:51.05cireDoes anybody have an idea?
15:51.21cirelspci -v -v also returns  Status: D0 PME-Enable- DSel=0 DScale=0 PME-
15:51.34cireI don't know what I copuld do further
15:53.04kriebelcire: try replacing it with an identical card?  Erase BIOS settings and try again?
15:53.17cireit is a built-in card
15:53.43kriebelmaybe there's a jumper
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15:54.09cireno, there isn't
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15:54.24cireI looked it up in the manual and searched on the board
15:54.27kriebeljmoncayo: you could probably boot the Ubuntu CD, install gparted, and use that
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15:55.00TrevelyanPlease can someone help me? How can I over rule the install script here ?
15:55.07Floops[w]what is the best way to update kernel from etch to lenny
15:55.15JockyWilsonhi, downloaded debian-501-i386-DVD-1.iso, checked md5sum OK, installing and data corrupt in INSTALLBASE section ?
15:55.26kriebelFloops[w]: /msg dpkg etch->lenny
15:55.37Floops[w]thanks kriebel
15:55.38JockyWilson2345 dvds needed for install?
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15:55.54nkuttlerTrevelyan: first, stop using force all..
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15:56.02kriebelJockyWilson: do a net install if at all possible
15:56.11Trevelyani tried without first time
15:56.21JockyWilsondebian-501-i386-DVD-1.iso this enough for debian installbase?
15:56.21nkuttlerTrevelyan: and then "error setting ownership of `./boot/vmlinuz-2.6.29': Operation not permitted"
15:56.31nkuttlerTrevelyan: fix that
15:56.35Trevelyanthat's because /boot is vfat
15:56.45nkuttlerTrevelyan: fix that
15:56.57JockyWilsonkriebel are all 5 dvds needed?
15:57.17jmoncayoi dont htink so
15:57.17Trevelyangrub does not support jffs2, so I'm sticking the kernel image & grub into my freedos partition, hence the vfat /boot
15:57.22kriebelJockyWilson: depends on what you want
15:57.44kriebelJockyWilson: you can install the OS using 1 tiny 45MB CD if you're on the Internet
15:57.46nkuttlerTrevelyan: i don't think symlinks will work on fat..
15:57.52Trevelyani'm setting up a system on a compact flash card
15:58.17Trevelyanthey're not really needed for grub
15:58.34kriebeljust make a 30MB ext2 part
15:58.50JockyWilsonselected graphical install and install chokes at INSTALL BASE  corrupt "apt_0.7.20.2_i386.deb"
15:59.03module000JockyWilson: self explanatory
15:59.03JockyWilsonchokes at INSTALL BASE  corrupt "apt_0.7.20.2_i386.deb"
15:59.06nkuttlerTrevelyan: then find out what's making the symlink and fix that, or extract the package manually
15:59.13JockyWilsonmd5sum ok
15:59.36nkuttlerTrevelyan: (and put /boot on some real filesystem)
15:59.39Trevelyanwhere would dpkg cache the install script ?
15:59.48nkuttlerTrevelyan: /var/lib/dpkg/info/
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16:00.08nkuttlerTrevelyan: or man dpkg, see extract
16:00.16cireif /proc/acpi/wakeup tells me, everything is disabled, what can I do about this? Is this a BIOS related thing?
16:00.22JockyWilsoni will burn another dvd
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16:00.38enoufcire: check output of ethtool -i <iface>
16:00.48nkuttlerTrevelyan: btw, why don't you run whatever you use freedos for in a virtual machine?
16:00.49kriebelJockyWilson: just use the netinst CD
16:00.58enoufcire: look for 'pumbags' flags or somesuch
16:01.07cireenouf: it is set to "g"
16:01.18enoufcire: that's it?
16:01.30Trevelyanthis is an embedded system, freedos is for firmware updates
16:01.43cireenouf: supports pumbg, set to g
16:01.48enoufcire: sorry, remove the -i
16:02.05cireI did
16:02.20cireWake-On; g
16:02.36Trevelyanonce linux is booted, I have a USB storage attached.
16:03.02Trevelyanbut first i got to get linux, freedos and grub onto this cf card
16:03.29bstockkriebel: with regard to hw/sw raid, for me it depends on the desired use, and weather or not there is replacement hardware readily available
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16:03.44JockyWilsonok downloading netinst
16:03.51Ace2017_-hi all
16:04.14enoufcire: i don't know ... oh - have you configured /etc/ethers yet?
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16:04.25Ace2017_-is it possible to make xorg nicer? something like -1
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16:04.50cirewhat's this
16:04.51enoufman 5 ethers
16:04.54Mark21hello, why do i get an error when trying to install mysql-server-5.0 via apt-get (see also for the error)
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16:05.27enouffrom the net-tools pkg ..
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16:05.33esaymhowdy, anyone using kde in here?  I am wondering how the kde media manager works.  Like when I connect my camera a box will pop up and ask me what to do with the device, like open it in konqueror or digikam.  I have made a custom program to manage my digital camera and I want the program to work with the media manager but I can't figure out how...
16:05.34talexbMark21 Um, maybe unmet dependencies?
16:05.43Mark21talexb: and how can i fix it?
16:05.45bstockMark21: try installing the dpeendancies on their own
16:05.47enoufTrevelyan: heard about grub4dos?
16:05.57enoufTrevelyan: how about loadlin?
16:05.58talexbMark21 What bstock said.
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16:06.15enoufTrevelyan: vfat has no concept of nix permissions
16:06.22Trevelyanenouf, no good when they can't read jffs2
16:06.23cireenouf: I can't see why this should help with WOL, since it is not IP level
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16:06.32enoufTrevelyan: what can't?
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16:06.47enoufcire: i read it when i used etherwake pkg
16:06.55enoufor something
16:06.57Trevelyanlooks like i will have to try and squeeze 3 partitions on: freedos vfat, linux jffs2, and /boot ext2 =/
16:07.12cireenouf: I think the main problem is the DISABLED in /proc/acpi/wakeup
16:07.28enoufcire: i think not - but ok
16:07.28cirebecause the NIC gets turned off when shutting down
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16:08.41Mark21bstock talexb i all ready have the newest version on the system if i may believe apt-get (see ), i did just do apt-get update before i did this
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16:09.42bstockMark21: do you have weird sources in sources.list?
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16:10.09corecodeis there a way to query dpkg whether a package has been installed automatically or manually?
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16:12.30sepultdpkg !tell
16:12.31dpkgbugger all, i dunno, sepult
16:12.40sepultdpkg !tell corecode about query
16:12.40avu!tell sepult about self tell
16:12.41dpkgbugger all, i dunno, sepult
16:13.05corecodequery won't tell me whether a package has been manually installed or not
16:13.10corecodeat least i can't see any info
16:13.13Mark21bstock: only normal sources for as far as I can see, but I did just replace it with the sources.list on and now it works :S thank you for pointing me in the right direction
16:13.27enoufcire: from man etherwake; ".... The single required parameter is a station (MAC) address or a host ID that can be translated to a MAC address by an ethers(5) database specified in nsswitch.conf(5)"
16:13.38Silveira_NetoA quick question, Synaptic comes by default in a Debian Lenny Cd installation where I choose only a plain desktop+basic system?
16:13.45avucorecode, it's easlily done with aptitude of course
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16:14.52corecodeavu: also as a batch output?
16:15.31avucorecode, sure. use "aptitude search '~M'" for example to get a list of automatically installed packages
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16:16.00enoufthis manual/automatic is completely nonsensical
16:16.00avucorecode, also see the -F option for easy ways to format the ouput for easier processing by scripts
16:16.23avuenouf, no it isn't. it's quite useful for desktop systems especially.
16:16.26amphienouf: eh?
16:17.10enoufit's insane and borderline stupid
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16:17.36corecodeavu: essentially, i want to compile a list of packages I manually installed, and use this list for any point later in time.  That's why I don't want packages with version numbers in there, and rather have "g++" instead of "gcc+-4.3"
16:18.02avucorecode, that's not the name of the package though..
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16:18.39corecodewell, yes, it is.  the full name is g++-4.3.3deb2 or so
16:19.18enoufi install pkg A, which pulls in Depends B, C and D ;  i --purge remove A, but before i do, B happens to also be a Depends on another pkg i installed in between - and also would've been pulled in automatically from another pkg anyways ... so, what state is B in?
16:19.18corecodeg++ is a virtual or so package
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16:20.06enoufjust friggin install the pkgs you need and remove the ones you don't want - learn "priority" in pkgs ..
16:20.08avucorecode, aptitude search '~i!~M' -F '%p'
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16:20.33avucorecode, how's that a question?
16:20.40avuenouf, how's that a question?
16:20.58avuenouf, B is still automatically installed and will of course not be removed as it's still needed
16:21.11enoufavu: no it isn't and wasn't
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16:21.26enoufit was installed Manually
16:21.39avuthat's not what you said though...
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16:21.45wektHas anyone successfully run rpc.idmapd for NFS4?  It's giving me an error. [fcntl(/var/lib/nfs/rpc_pipefs/nfs): Invalid argument ] It looks like it may be the same as:
16:21.55enoufif it at some point got switched to Auto .. then ok - my point is made then
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16:22.16abchirkHi, how can I search in files and files? :)
16:22.20avuenouf, it always was auto as it was pulled in as a dependency when you first installed A
16:22.23enoufavu: so all Depends are considered Automatically installed?
16:22.23abchirkso for foo in all files. :)
16:22.33avuenouf, that's the whole point
16:22.40enoufthat's even more insane
16:22.49avuenouf, marking packages that you did not explicitly request
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16:23.09avuthat's not insane, that's a perfectly reasonable and well-working method of keeping systems cruft-free
16:23.27enoufavu: when "request" == "won't work without these others" does not implore the term "Auto" to me
16:23.43avuenouf, can I have that sentence in english please?
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16:24.46enoufavu: if i Manually install pkg A, and it won't work without B, C and D, then i manually installed A B C D
16:24.56avuenouf, no you didn't.
16:25.07enoufOh .. but i did
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16:25.11avuenouf, the whole point that if you remove A, B, C and D can be removed as well
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16:25.20avuenouf, because they were installed automatically as dependencies of A
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16:25.32enoufand they would be if they were marked Manual in the 1st place
16:25.40enoufno they weren't
16:25.46avuno they wouldn't
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16:25.56avuwell, by now I think you're just trolling
16:26.07enoufthis is some circular bullshit ...
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16:27.30enoufand FWIW, where'd this Manual/Automatic shit come from - if all depends are considered automatically installed, use Primary/Depends or something
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16:28.54corecodehm.  seems the installer doesn't mark packages as automatically installed :/
16:29.44enoufavu: You do realize though that; If the Pilgrims had given the Indians a donkey on Thanksgiving instead of a turkey, we'd all be getting a piece of ass! ;-)
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16:33.07techousei need some help with gawk. i tried this method here but when i execute the script written on that page i get this error:
16:34.02techousedunno what to do about the @ error
16:34.17techousegoogle doesn't give me any definitive answers either
16:34.35enouf"cruft-free?" that is just way too funny -- hahaha .. my system has so much shit on it ... leftover from much earlier releases ... and i always --purge remove when i do remove
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16:36.57avutechouse, that document describes a specially patched version of gawk
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16:37.25techouseavu: i had the feel something like that was the problem
16:37.40avutechouse, it's been included in gawk since 3.2
16:38.08techouseGNU Awk 3.1.5
16:38.08avuor 3.1.6 if the document is right, which is new to me though, as well
16:38.16avuanyway, the version in lenny is too old
16:38.31techousethanx avu
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16:39.26techouseavu: experimanetal has 3.1.6
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16:40.08avutechouse, so? 3.2 hasn't been released..
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16:46.28Manojbzed: the other tools might be biased. yaird is a perfectly fine initramfs generator
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16:55.34fetzbeasthallo, muss ich mein packetmanager bearbeiten um libc installieren zu können
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16:55.43dpkgdeutschsprachige Hilfe bekommt ihr in (auf, oder - German speaking users please go to (on, or
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17:02.53rolerwhat is the most popular email solution? I had postfix and postgrey running which helped a lot, but my wife started getting a lot of spam recently. I just switched to gmails hosted email, works great but I don't like the idea of the server being out of my control. What about spamassassin? And do you guys use that with postfix or exim?
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17:05.38ootputroler: for home use, webmail should suffice
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17:06.26frostschutzroler: I use fetchmail + procmail + spamassassin for fetching mails, msmtp for sending them, and mutt for reading and writing them...
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17:06.39valdynroler: stick to whichever mta you are familiar with
17:06.45valdynroler: + spamassassin
17:06.48Chubbzhey, i'm trying to build a kernel module, but i keep getting errors. I'm assuming i just dont have the right dev packages installed as I jsut upgraded the kernel. What packages do i need for this?
17:07.11frostschutzroler: of course I still use my providers mail servers... I don't have a 24/7 running static ip server at home that could act as mail server for me
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17:07.45valdynChubbz: read the error
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17:08.56Pietthose kernel bugs the kerneloops package reports, where do they end up?
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17:09.54Chubbzheres the error i'm getting
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17:13.54jose_zapI have deleted the folder /etc/samba by mistake and now aptitude install samba cant create again! please help!!!
17:14.38harkjose_zap: /msg dpkg confmiss
17:15.05harkChubbz: what are you compiling?
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17:15.33jose_zaphark: must i send a private message to dpkg?
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17:16.40Chubbzhark: wireless driver
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17:16.50harkwhich one?
17:17.10Chubbzbroadcom bcm4312 driver
17:17.19T-u-N-i-Xhey there.. i'm packaging one of our applications and basically it just copies files and dirs under /var/www/foo/bar .. i need to chown those files and dirs to www-data.. should i do it with postinst or is there a debian way for that?
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17:17.54Chubbzi did it with my old kernel and it worked perfectly
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17:18.18Chubbzbut when i dist-upgrade yesterday, now it wont compile
17:18.37Chubbzi think i installed all the packages i would need to build a module, bu tim not sure
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17:19.30jose_zaphark: I did what you said and followed the instuctions but it does not create the config files :(
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17:20.54harkjose_zap: try it with the samba-common package
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17:21.48justinT-u-N-i-X: you shouldn't be copying files to /var/www
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17:22.26harkChubbz: you just need the headers, linux-headers-$(uname -r)
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17:22.53jose_zaphark: great that did the trick
17:22.57justinT-u-N-i-X: install the files into /usr/share/yourapp/ and a file in /etc/apache/conf.d/ that sets Alias /foo /usr/share/yourapp/htdocs/foo
17:23.00jose_zaphark: thanks A LOT
17:23.15Chubbzalready installed
17:23.24mandric_is a 10.x.x.x address a class C network? .. i.e. it's a publically available IP space?
17:23.41Chubbz@mandric no
17:23.55justinmandric_: 10.x.x.x is a class A network
17:24.12T-u-N-i-Xjustin: but my app is django based and needs to write to some places and i still need to set some permissions?
17:24.35justinTurboBee: and?
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17:25.28mandric_justin: ok ... i'm wondering why a server is not reachable ... and it has a 10. address.  That means there is probably a DNS mis-configuration?
17:26.01justinmandric_: ask the person that runs the server
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17:26.20mandric_justin: but is 10. even a public IP space?
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17:26.40justinmandric_: no. the answer to that question is also irrelevant to your problem
17:27.11Chubbz@hark the kernel headers are already at the newest version
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17:27.20mandric_hrm but wouldn't a non-public IP not allow me to access route to that IP?
17:27.26Denis1how can i set default web brouser
17:27.39justinmandric_: depends
17:27.54mandric_right depends if you're on the local network or not
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17:28.03mandric_and the public is not on the local network so ...
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17:29.00maheshmDenis1: in Sysytem->preferences->preffered application
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17:29.30foobar09hi there
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17:29.43foobar09i am currently trying to get the .NET framework v3.5 running
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17:31.54*** topic/#debian is lenny (debian 5.0.1) released!: /msg dpkg lennyr1 | /msg dpkg etch->lenny | 4.0r8 released /msg dpkg etch | NO FLOOD: /msg dpkg pastebin | /msg bots NOT people | offtopic: #debian-offtopic | channel logs:
17:31.55ChubbzCan someone help me build a kernel module?
17:32.01themillfoobar09: wine is known to not support install the .net framework. See
17:32.10Denis1maheshm: thanks :-)
17:32.20Chubbzi keep getting an error
17:32.34maheshmchubbz: whats the error?
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17:32.59foobar09themill: on the homepage it says .net 3.5 does not work
17:33.06foobar09at least the user-experiences say that
17:33.25Chubbzfoobar09: thats what the said
17:33.26themillright... that's what I just said
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17:35.04foobar09themill: 60megs to go after download finishes i'll see if it works
17:35.15foobar09is there a way to use wine together with mono as a replacement for .net ?
17:35.30themillfoobar09: good luck with that.. and you'll need a much newer wine than is etch to have any hope at all.
17:36.07abrotmanfoobar09: which version of linux?
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17:38.33foobar09Debian GNU/Linux 4.0 abrotman
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17:38.52foobar09themill:  i heard about that it works and i allready uninstalled the wine version of etch and installed the last avail binary for it
17:39.02foobar09if that wont work i'll try a compile out of the sources
17:39.21ChubbzCan someone help me build a kernel module? I keep getting this error
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17:40.00abrotmanChubbz: what are you trying to do?
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17:40.08Chubbzbuild my wireless driver
17:40.21brakkvatnHey. Does there exist a package source for debian, like Fedora's RPMFusion?
17:40.32abrotmanChubbz: which one is that?
17:40.38abrotman!tell brakkvatn about source
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17:41.02nvzI have a dual nVidia MCP 55 network card onboard, I need to do send the args msi=0 and msix=0 to get it to work.. how can I set it to do this automatically at boot?
17:41.12Chubbzabrotman: Broadcom 802.11 Linux STA driver
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17:41.30abrotmanChubbz: the b43 stuff is debian already
17:41.38brakkvatnabrotman: I am not looking to install sources of programs, but to add a mirror that allows me to install dirty codecs and VLC and stuff.
17:41.48themilldpkg: tell brakkvatn about dmm
17:42.00abrotman!tell brakbah
17:42.22greycatHave we moved away from "User: /msg dpkg dmm" then?
17:42.37Chubbzabrotman: I used this driver on my old kernel and I loved it, it worked so much better than b43
17:42.37themillgreycat: "what's /msg mean?"
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17:43.13greycatChubbz: you may want/need to revert to the older kernel in some cases.
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17:43.24Chubbzabrotman: but when i upgraded my kernel yesterday, it obviously broke the driver, I just need to recompile the module
17:43.24greycatWith linux, higher numbers are not always better.
17:43.26asggreycat: no, though it does cut down on the usual 'huh?' response we seem to get.
17:43.32greycatChubbz: you can't always do that.
17:43.56greycatThe other day I wanted to try to build the 2.6.18 tg3 driver under 2.6.26.  Can't be done.
17:44.16themilland you're still bitter about that too
17:44.24Chubbzi think its just a matter of installing the right build packages
17:44.25greycatnot entirely
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17:44.36Chubbzi think i've just missed one
17:44.38amitzChubbz: I love the driver of a PC of mine so much that I upgrade to lenny yet stay in 2.6.18 :-)
17:44.42greycatChubbz: no, it's not that simple at all.  The kernel internals change dramatically even from 2.6.18 to 2.6.26.
17:45.00Chubbzi went from 2.6.26-1 to 2.6.26-2
17:45.00tonsofpcshow do I save my current iptables to be the default on boot?
17:45.03abrotmanChubbz: updated your driver from what to what?
17:45.07abrotmanerm .. your kernel
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17:45.29greycatthemill: now that I know you are supposed to put "autoneg off" in your "ethtool -s eth0 duplex full..." commands (which is *extremely* non-intuitive!) I've got things working.
17:46.24greycattonsofpcs: "iptables -save > /etc/firewall.conf" (or a file name you choose), and then put an "up iptables-restore < /etc/firewall.conf" in your /etc/network/interfaces file for the interface in question
17:46.32amitzChubbz: you have installed the new header of 2.6.26-2 right?
17:46.46stew!factinfo kernel of gratuitous change
17:46.46dpkgkernel of gratuitous change -- created by greycat <> at Tue Aug 17 01:46:06 2004 (1717 days); it has been requested 8 times, last by stew, 28s ago.
17:46.47Chubbzall kernel headers are up to date according to apt-get
17:46.59abrotmanokay then .. dont' answer ..
17:47.21Chubbzabrotman: i answered you before you asked the question
17:47.31greycat13:45  Chubbz> i went from 2.6.26-1 to 2.6.26-2
17:47.33abrotmanChubbz: and what's wrong with the b43 driver?
17:47.50greycatDid the b43 driver really chanve from 2.6.26-1 to 2.6.26-2?
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17:48.08abrotmanno, he's not using b43
17:48.20greycatI suspect there's a communications gap here..
17:48.52Chubbzabrotman: no, i WAS using the offical broadcom driver
17:49.00abrotmani understand that ..
17:49.02greycatAn upstream driver that you compiled yourself?
17:49.10abrotmani'm asking what's wrong with b43
17:49.33Chubbzi got better link quality out of the official driver
17:49.44greycatChubbz: did you build it yourself on 2.6.26-1?
17:49.52Chubbzgreycat: yeah
17:50.14greycatThen just build it again on 2.6.26-2.
17:50.17Chubbzgreycat: it built perfectly after I installed the headers and build-essential
17:50.42Chubbzgreycat: but it wont build in 2.6.26-2 i get this error
17:51.40*** part/#debian catap (
17:51.46nsadminso files are missing.
17:52.55nsadminoh, and was that your make -C command that you typed?
17:53.00greycatIf the kernel-headers-2.6.26-2-amd64 package is missing things, file a bug report against it.
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17:53.19nsadminif so... you're not using the debian build system
17:53.28greycathe never said he was
17:53.34nsadminoh ok
17:53.53Chubbznsadmin: the make command is striaight out of the README for the module
17:54.20nsadminthere's not a debianized source pkg for that?
17:54.36greycatnsadmin: this is pretty normal for upstream drivers
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17:55.12Chubbzgreycat: weird thing is that i could compile the NVIDIA drivers
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18:00.48amartin83hi all, i try to connect to my wireless WEP secured router by: sudo iwconfig wlan0 mode managed key 11111, but i get this error: Error for wireless request "set encode" (8B2A) : set failed on device wlan0 ; invalid argument.  Does anyone knows how to handle this?
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18:03.50Chubbzgreycat: lets pretend I havent installed any dev packages, what would I need to compile a module?
18:03.53techousehas anyone any idea how i could the words i extracted from an xml now condense into sentences. the words are now each one in its line
18:04.02nsadmininvalid argument sometimes means a driver is not present
18:04.07greycatChubbz: kernel-headers-$(uname -r) and build-essential, maybe others.  I don't think there are any others.
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18:04.26greycatOr maybe it's not kernel-headers- any more.  Maybe they renamed it.
18:04.33Chubbzyeah, they did
18:04.43greycatRight, linux-headers-$(uname -r) now.
18:04.49Chubbzits linux-headers
18:04.55nsadmintechouse: /msg dpkg fundamentals
18:05.15greycatwithout leading space
18:05.16stewgreycat: got renamed @ 2.6.12
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18:05.54techousei was just asking if anyone had any idea :D
18:06.20greycattechouse: what do you want to do with this list of words, one per line?
18:06.26techouseso i'll probably have bang my head with awk once more
18:06.46simonrvn_!ops _Duygu_ on-join spam
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18:06.46dpkgHydroxide, bob2, caphuso, dondelelcaro, doogie, eeyore-, ElectricElf, ):, helix, ljlane, LoRez, RichiH, mentor, Netsnipe, TML, walters, xk, abrotman, gravity, azeem, Maulkin, stew, peterS, Alife, Myon, Ganneff, Maulkin, weasel, zobel: simonrvn_ complains about: _Duygu_ on-join spam
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18:06.50techousegreycat: condense them into a sentence - i.e. from multiple lines into 1 line
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18:07.05greycatI don't think the word "sentence" means that.
18:07.20nsadminyou could look into xargs and echo
18:07.25techousewell....they are sencences broken up into lines by words
18:07.31greycattechouse: the simplest way would be   tr '\n' ' ' < yourfile; echo
18:07.42greycatDon't use xargs.
18:08.09simonrvn_thank you
18:08.15Chubbzgreycat: so whats missing from linux-headers?
18:08.18nsadminwhats wrong with xargs?
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18:08.36greycatecho "don't" | xargs echo
18:08.59greycatIt gets worse from there.
18:09.07enoufgreycat: fwiw, if you care, /msg dpkg dbse (see last URL mainly) .. for atleast changes made around that time period
18:09.17nsadminoh, ok... point taken
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18:09.57enoufnsadmin: do you also get this? xargs: xargs.c:444: main: Assertion `bc_ctl.arg_max <= (131072-2048)' failed.
18:10.00greycatenouf: I knew the name had changed; I had just momentarily forgotten
18:10.07nsadminfreenode's naming their boxes by carbs now?
18:10.09enoufgreycat: np
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18:10.51nsadminenouf: no, didn't get that
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18:12.08enoufnsadmin: thought not .. see, my tty1/console from boot up also has similar errors (and some others) .. many seem to involve xargs as well
18:12.13nvzHow can I set certain args on a module loaded at boot?
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18:12.56techousegernot: ok, now how do i transport that to a file? adding > xxx doesn't wanna work
18:13.01enoufnvz: put "options <modulename> option1 option2 ..." into any file you make in /etc/modprobe.d/
18:13.11greycattechouse: { tr; echo; } > file
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18:13.31enoufnvz: ensure you have no /etc/{modprobe,modules}.conf files
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18:14.05nvzenouf: so in example echo "options forcedeth msi=0 msix=0" > forcedeth
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18:14.12enoufnvz: you could also list those options in /etc/modules after the modulename, i think, if that module needs to be placed there
18:14.47enoufnvz: if you're in the /etc/modprobe.d/ dir .. yes
18:14.47nvzenouf: the installer and fresh install loads forcedeth but it wont get an IP unless I unload it and reload it with those args
18:14.52*** part/#debian Chubbz (n=chubbz@
18:15.09nsadmintechouse: so if you want a general ability in this area you should study the fundamentals for awhile... there's probably a quarter's worth of material there
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18:15.20greycattechouse: also see /topic #bash
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18:17.47nvzenouf: ok well hopefully I remember that.. heh. thanks
18:17.50*** join/#debian mandric (n=mandric@ne-campus-wlan-168-118.AirBears.Berkeley.EDU)
18:18.07enoufnvz: fwiw, there's MSI related kernel boot params .. not sure if that's useful -- see kernel-parameters.txt in /Documentation
18:18.13Pieti recall there's some development kernel image pakage APT archive. where would i find that?
18:18.13enoufnvz: np
18:18.45enoufPiet: like /msg dpkg kernel trunk   ?
18:18.47nsadminfundamentals meaning... learning the basic operation of your shell (probably bash?) as well as a handful of basic commands that manipulate text... grep, head, tail, cat, echo, sort, uniq
18:19.04*** part/#debian panamatours (n=edgardot@
18:19.22nsadminunderstanding the basic three streams every process starts with is important too
18:19.26nvzenouf: I dont even know what those parms do.. seen it on a forum, it worked..
18:19.43nvzthe dual nic onboard was giving me all kinds of shit in the installer
18:19.46greycatI assume bash unless otherwise stated
18:19.59nvzthough the onboard wifi seems to work fine
18:20.43*** join/#debian Nielsen (
18:21.07nsadminthe thing about bash is that the best reference for them (the texinfo and generated info files) are considered non-free by debian because they're under gfdl
18:21.16Pietenouf: not, i assume: <dpkg> have you tried ?, Piet
18:21.28enoufnvz: hrm .. all i know is i heard the gigE mobo nvidia chipsets are a PITA .. also, atleast sometime back, they didn't even support jumbo frames
18:21.45greycatThe thing about bash is that all the "guides" and "tutorials" and "howtos" about it suck.  Some more than others.
18:21.46enouf!kernel trunk
18:21.53enouf!trunk kernel
18:21.54dpkgVisit for information on installing the kernel team's latest experimental kernels.  Also visit #debian-kernel on for more information on these kernels.  See or ask me about <kernel package>.  Remember these packages are previews and work in progress.  Handle with care.
18:22.00enoufPiet: ooops :-P
18:22.04greycatIn particular, anything with "howto" in its name is very, very bad.
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18:22.21Pietenouf: yes, i have a lot of those ;-)
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18:22.45nvzenouf: well thats good to know... just built this for a shop machine.. he wanted windows on it so I set it up dual boot.. cause we already have an XP and a Vista box
18:24.17nsadminbut in any case the most central fundamental area to study is the shell you use. it's extremely expressive and powerful, and quite cryptic and hard to read in many cases unfortunately
18:24.27*** join/#debian GuilhermeCunha (n=falecom@
18:25.01lip_skip_vt_bye *
18:25.26enoufnvz: i atleast like to follow's) summation of what's new in each new kernel, and also other things, like, but there are also some nice sites that are specific to kernel subsystems, like the wifi stuffs and such - not to mention wiki, and other places
18:25.33*** join/#debian dotch (n=dotch@
18:27.02enoufnvz: btw, is that the Lenny installer? very recent d/l, burn?
18:27.42tonsofpcsthat'ss enouf!
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18:27.46nvzyeah just burned it today, used graphical netinstall
18:28.05nvzenouf: amd64
18:28.11enoufnvz: the Installation Guide also shows (touches on atleast) how to blacklist modules, and perhaps add options at boot/installation time - see the Boot Params section Chapter 5 or 6ish, IIRC
18:28.23nvzI'll look into that
18:28.40nvzfor now I'm considering this done.. its just a shop machine.. just built it
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18:28.50nvzI got a VCR and a BETAmax to fix
18:29.03nvzthe VCR is giving me all kinds of shit right now
18:29.10nsadminso a vcr and a vcr? :)
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18:29.30nvzwell a VHS and a Beta
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18:29.38nvzbut yes they are both VRCs
18:29.45enoufnvz: hey, can you fix my 8-track tape deck? :-P
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18:29.57nvzits the electronic hospital, we fix it all
18:30.05nvzI got a doctors coat and everything
18:30.07nsadminI only get 7!
18:30.34CutMeOwnThroatBETAmax doesn't even exist, it was a mass hallucination
18:30.38nvzthinking about setting up those IV bag poles near the work benches with the kvm wires hanging on em.. LOL
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18:31.11nvzthats weird cause I got at least 4 betamax machines here now
18:31.49nvzyou can also find such wonders as a TRS-80, VIC-20, Apple IIC, IBM PS/2...
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18:31.59enoufCutMeOwnThroat: you're thinking in 'Consumer' terms
18:32.23nvzcant seem to get that PS/2 to work
18:32.45enoufCommodores was a band .. :-p
18:32.50nvzgives errors about time/date batter issues, hd problem.. and I made a floppy for the options disk but still cant get it to do anything
18:33.10nsadminthey called it that so that all the guys could say they have a gf...
18:33.10enoufmmm batter  ...
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18:33.26nvzwill probably need a new dallas bios for that thing
18:33.26enoufspeaking of pancakes ...
18:33.34nvzif you can even find em anymore
18:34.31nvzthe most valuable thing in this place is our collection of free AOL cds..
18:34.41nvzthey are all glued shiny side out across the walls
18:34.59nsadminno aol floppies?
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18:35.10nvzhah, probably have some of those somewhere too
18:35.28nvzI wouldnt be surprised if I found an 8" floppy around somewhere
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18:38.51iv_s_hi, how to set bitrate for wifi card?
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18:41.32abrotmanit should autopick the highest it can use
18:41.42enoufiv_s_: not sure what you mean, ethtool?
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18:42.15iv_s_abrotman: it picks lowest...
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18:42.51iv_s_enouf: nop, what i should add to interfaces? wireless-rate 54M?
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18:43.31MrWaxHi, I just installed a dual boot system with Windows Vista and Debian (later made vista MBR) and I let EasyBCD handle the boot where I can choose for either Windows Vista or Neogrub which boots to Grub, but when booting to grub and then choosing for the (correct set) normal debian, I get this error "Error 2: Bad file or directory type" - does anyone know what the problem could be?
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18:43.54enoufiv_s_: no idea .. i know close to nothing about wifi
18:44.24enoufiv_s_: i would imagine you might be able to pass options to it's kernel module ..
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18:45.11Mallehello i downloaded lenny and burned the iso to a cdrom, i just bought a new HDD but the installer cd wont boot, i have cdrom as first prior in boot order ...
18:45.19tosmofrom syslog i see that my wireless card is configured according to us regulations (cfg82011). i've not found anything about cfg82011 and wonder where i can change the country setting?
18:45.30enouf!grub errors
18:45.31dpkggrub.errors is probably grub error X? go to to find out what it means
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18:45.44iv_s_enouf: after logon, i execute sudo iwconfig rate 54M, but i want to add it to interfaces and don't know how...
18:45.53Malleenouf is that ment for me ?
18:45.58Mallebecause i dont get any grub message
18:46.03enoufno Malle
18:46.15tosmoMalle: checked cd integrity? (md5sum)
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18:46.31Mallei just burned it and nero said it was fine
18:46.39Malleand its working on my other pc
18:46.51enoufiv_s_: maybe place that into your rc.local file? or if using gnome, see system > preferences > sessions ?
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18:47.28enoufMalle: it boots fine on another box? .. hrm ..
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18:49.07enoufMalle: try these separately; "install generic.all_generic_ide=1" ... oh wait, you don't even get to the boot: prompt? Play with your BIOS again - is there a Key you must press to THEN choose boot from CDROM - some BIOSes suck so bad, they have their own boot menus
18:49.10greycativ_s_: "up mycommand" in /etc/network/interfaces, in the stanza for the interface in question.  If wifi uses /etc/network/interfaces.  I have no idea whether it does or not.
18:49.20iv_s_enouf: yep, if i don't find how to do it with interfaces i'll use rc.local
18:49.43enoufgreycat: and iv_s_ ahh .. there are /if-preup.d/ dirs in /etc/network/
18:49.54enoufand such
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18:50.27greycatexamples in
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18:50.57DuCkNeTi need help installing debian 5.0 with raid 1
18:50.58enoufgreycat: yes, i've seen wifi use /etc/network/interfaces ... indeed -- iv_s_ if you're using WPA, see /msg dpkg wpasupplicant
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18:51.42nvzis there any decent software in debian to setup a live webcam?
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18:51.54enoufiv_s_: are you using a Debian kernel? if so which one?
18:51.57Malleenouf argh... my main problem is that my fucking bios is on danish!!!!!!!! and im not a dane
18:52.28enoufnvz: i know there is, no idea of name .. many use "gspca" ? ask #v4l too
18:52.34iv_s_enouf: Linux debian 2.6.26-1-686
18:52.36nvzah ok
18:52.43*** join/#debian adb (
18:52.59nvzthinking I may setup a live feed from my "ER"
18:53.15enoufok doc
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18:55.13jintxoDuCkNeT, hint: you need to be more specific or nobody can help you.
18:56.20helowhat library provides access to bash environment variables for c/c++ programs?
18:56.29DuCkNeTjintxo: basicaly i can install fedora, centos etc... but as soon i try to setup debian (which is the one i want to be install) i can see my 2x 80gb harddrive which i should only see 1
18:56.46DuCkNeTis there anything i can do about it ?
18:56.50greycathelo: getenv()
18:57.01enoufDuCkNeT: have you tried expert mode?
18:57.07greycathelo: (which is in libc)
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18:57.24Malleenouf i tested with windows xp install disc, it boots .. WTF
18:57.25DuCkNeTi'm not that of an expert but if someone could help me thru
18:57.39tonsofpcsthanks greycat
18:57.52jintxoDuCkNeT, what kind of raid controller do you have?
18:57.54enoufMalle: how old a box is that? CPU is?
18:58.01MalleP3 Katmai
18:58.10MalleIBM P400 i think
18:58.11Malleor sth
18:58.32Mallewait it does not boot on this box
18:58.33DuCkNeTits an onboard controller for a compaq proliant ml330
18:58.34enoufMalle: well... my p2 350 boots anything - my p150 is very very picky
18:58.36Mallei need to start it manually
18:58.39Mallei guess thats my problem
18:58.44DuCkNeTanything in fedora i can do to help you more ?
18:58.44enoufmostly all i found out is ; it
18:58.51enoufs and isolinux issue
18:58.56abrotmanDuCkNeT: because you don't have a real raid controller
18:59.20enoufMalle: did you burn with the 'use floppy emulation' option in nero?
18:59.31Malledont think so
18:59.32DuCkNeTabrotman: so ill never be able to install debian ?
18:59.42dpkgA term used for controller cards that advertise RAID functionality that is NOT supported by a hardware chip for parity. Most of these have only a BIOS ... if you use them with Debian it's suggested that you don't set a RAID in the BIOS and don't use dmraid, just use regular software RAID (ask me about <md>). see <sata faq>
18:59.53jintxoDuCkNeT, is it one of thos cheapo SATA riad controllers? if so, I would STRONGLY recommend sing software raid instead of the raid capabilities of that controller
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19:00.18enoufMalle: can you take the disk in any other linux box and pastebin output of "file -s /dev/cdrom" and "isoinfo -d dev=/dev/cdrom"
19:00.23iv_s_enouf: i add 'wireless-rate 54M' to my interfaces, and it works! as i see, to add wifi option i should use the same as for iwconfig, but with 'wireless-' prefix
19:00.27Mallenope enouf
19:00.29Mallethis is the img
19:00.38Mallethats the one im suppose to dl right
19:00.50enoufthat's fine ..
19:01.00*** mode/#debian [+l 937] by debhelper
19:01.01Malleso i guess i did sth wrong with nero ?
19:01.02nsadminor the netinstall
19:01.05enoufi think there might be some option in nero affecting it
19:01.12DuCkNeTjintxo: no its ide raid that came onboard with it ive install prior version of debian before on it just 5.0 that wont install
19:01.18Mallewhat option could it be enouf
19:01.24Mallensadmin can i use the netinstall on a CDrom
19:01.27enoufyou could use the netinstall - but if that also fails, then i suspect nero options
19:01.30Malleit does not really metter
19:01.36enoufMalle: maybe X/Mode
19:01.41Mallesince 99% its a nero error
19:01.45nsadminMalle: usually netinstall has the base
19:01.57abrotmanless enter key please
19:02.00nsadminwhich you install from the cd, then...
19:02.18DuCkNeTabrotman: see its one of those that you cannot delete the raid array it creates it automatically....
19:02.18enoufmode2/xa thingies or whatever they are .. in man genisoimage they are referred to as "levels" sigh
19:02.19nsadminyou use the net to get everything else
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19:02.38abrotmanDuCkNeT: what isn't? the crap raid controller?
19:02.46tonsofpcswhat is the proper way to permanently reconfigure networking to be static ip instead of dynamic?
19:02.59jintxoDuCkNeT, IDE? if yu see the 2 drives independently instead of just one, it's probably what we would call "fakeraid". if it is, it is a better idea to create software raid devices during the installation from the 2 drives
19:03.05DuCkNeTabrotman: yeah the raid controller
19:03.10dpkgA term used for controller cards that advertise RAID functionality that is NOT supported by a hardware chip for parity. Most of these have only a BIOS ... if you use them with Debian it's suggested that you don't set a RAID in the BIOS and don't use dmraid, just use regular software RAID (ask me about <md>). see <sata faq>
19:03.15enoufDuCkNeT: you'd need dmraid for any fakeraid crap
19:03.31DuCkNeTdo i need to delete array ?
19:03.44DuCkNeTwhen i boot cd i type dmraid ?
19:04.00abrotmanseriously .. this is almost as bad as the winmodem junk
19:04.08enoufit's not in debian, AFAIR
19:04.22greycatDo you guys mean "md" and "mdadm" and so on?  That's in Debian.
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19:04.30enoufgreycat: no
19:04.37jintxogreycat, we're trying to tlk him into using mdadm :-)
19:04.38greycatI've installed Debian onto md devices created during the installer.
19:04.47Malleenouf what type of cd am i suppose to burn? CD image
19:04.56jpinx-eeepcno abrotman - nothing is as bad as winmodems:(
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19:05.38enoufMalle: yes, i recall Burn Image .. but i'd go into all the preferences and poke about
19:05.54Malletrying with netinstall noq
19:05.55greycatenouf: so we have md and dm.... joy.
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19:06.03nsadminsay you succeed in talking him into it... does he have to completely build the array up again from scratch?
19:06.04enoufMalle: i haven't used Nero since like version 4 or something
19:06.09jintxoDuCkNeT, anyways, if it IS fakeraid, I wouldn't use it. during installation you can create software raid (managed my mdadm) devices and install to those. that works very well and is very vrsatile compared to the fakeraid (or dmraid) option.
19:06.09greycatGood thing nobody would ever typo "md" as "dm" or vice versa.
19:06.13enoufgreycat: and more!
19:06.18nsadmin(and backup/restore etc)
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19:07.38enoufMalle: see if there's anything about using El Torito standard over floppy emulation mode, and see if there's a setting for RockRidge extensions, enable that
19:07.44DuCkNeTjintxo: or so if i do understand when i install debian i install on one drive and i work with mdamd to create my array after ?
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19:08.16jintxoDuCkNeT, no, you do it during install by creating same-sized partitions on both disks and telling the installer to create the raid for you before actually installing.
19:08.37DuCkNeTok let me try it now...
19:08.42jintxoyou can do it all during install
19:08.49DuCkNeTill try now
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19:09.02nsadmindo you have stuff on the existing array?
19:09.07Malleenouf netinstall failed
19:09.08greycatDuCkNeT: you can create mdadm devices during the installation
19:09.19jintxoDuCkNeT, yeah, you haveDATA you want to keep?
19:09.47Malleand there's no such option enouf
19:09.55nsadminthis will destroy everything on the array... you sure you want to do that?
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19:10.12DuCkNeTjintxo: nop
19:10.17jintxoyay .-)
19:10.22DuCkNeTyeah haha
19:10.25nsadminyou're all set then
19:10.32E_mE_hi, i'm having strange problem: Failed to fetch  404 Not Found
19:10.41E_mE_where has it gone?
19:10.48nsadminaptitude update
19:10.49greycatE_mE_: did you do an apt-get update?
19:11.00E_mE_ah fair point :)
19:11.06*** join/#debian Garda (n=Garda@
19:11.34E_mE_and now i get: (Reading database ... dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/libcurl3_7.15.5-1etch2_i386.deb (--unpack):
19:11.43enoufMalle: ok ...
19:12.42greycatsounds like you have a corrupted package
19:13.09E_mE_i've rm /var/cache/apt/archives/*
19:13.11greycatE_mE_: ls -l /var/lib/dpkg/info/libattr1.list
19:13.13E_mE_and tried again
19:13.41E_mE_it exists greycat
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19:13.48greycatIs it 0 bytes?
19:14.03E_mE_nope 410b
19:14.48greycatMine is 201 on my etch box.
19:15.15greycatE_mE_: can you pastebin the libattr1.list file?
19:15.31enoufE_mE_: try installingwhy would you have to "rm /var/cache/apt/archives/*" ?
19:15.34enoufand did you recently alter your sources.list?
19:15.47greycatenouf: I'm more concerned about the actual error he pasted
19:15.47nsadminthats the same as apt-get clean
19:15.50E_mE_there you go
19:16.12greycatE_mE_: that is /var/lib/dpkg/info/libattr1.list ???
19:16.24greycatThat's... not right.
19:17.11greycatYou've somehow got a shell script in a place there should be a list of files one per line.
19:17.12nsadminE_mE_: could you pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list please?
19:17.31ilaihothere is a grave functionality bug in stable's ktechlab
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19:18.30ilaihoPackage maintainer Georges Khaznadar thinks "there is no valid procedure to backport the version 0.3.6-4 into Debian
19:18.32E_mE_thats my sources.list
19:18.35enoufE_mE_: does ls /var/lib/apt/lists show (text of) mirrors you no longer use, or which don't match what's in /etc/apt/sources.list ?
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19:19.56E_mE_thats my lists
19:20.03jelly-homeilaiho: if the package is completely broken in lenny, and if a backport doesn't introduce any new dependencies, and if no other package in stable would get broken by such upgrade, it could be done,
19:20.11enoufis not sure he should even glance ...
19:20.31greycatE_mE_: I'd stop worrying about the sources.list and fix the corrupted libattr1.list file.  Let me give you mine:
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19:20.44E_mE_okay cool thanks greycat
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19:20.58jelly-homeilaiho: firefox/iceweasel got such full version updates in sarge or etch at the time.
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19:21.07nsadminyeah, the sources.list looks totally fine
19:21.42E_mE_he my file looks totally different heh
19:21.50greycatYeah, I don't know how yours got that way.
19:22.06greycatNone of the other libattr1.* files even match.
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19:22.12Malleenouf i even tried another program and choose "burn bootable image cd"
19:22.27Mallestill not working, however its working with the windowx xp install disc
19:22.39ilaihojelly-home: if i try to install squeeze's ktechlab to lenny, it will fail due unsatisfiable dependencies
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19:23.06jelly-homeilaiho: yeah, don't do that
19:23.19jelly-homeilaiho: follow /msg dpkg ssb
19:23.24ilaihobut maybe it could be compiled against lenny's libraries
19:23.34j0nrhi all. I just installed debian for the first time. Just trying to get wireless connected...what's the best way to achieve this? thanks
19:23.38enoufyou don't do things like "rm /var/cache/apt/archives/*" and expect to have a working pkg management system .. gawd only knows what else was done
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19:23.40nsadminilaiho: you might be able to find a backport or (like you just said) you can build it
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19:24.00E_mE_no help greycat ... still get this:
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19:24.13enoufhence, my follow through of checking sources.list, and other things
19:24.15davidiskohi guys, i have web fileserver based on 24x1TB disks on 9650SE 3ware.. i'm getting very high loads (200) on 500+mbits outgoing traffic.. don't know why.. can anyone help somhow?
19:24.27ilaihonsadmin: it is not in backports
19:25.00nsadminso you'd have to build it I guess
19:25.02ilaihoso i try to build it
19:25.03greycatenouf: well, it *did* help, because now you're showing a different error.
19:25.07greycatenouf: sorry.
19:25.14greycatE_mE_: well, it *did* help, because now you're showing a different error.
19:25.19enoufno worries
19:25.52nsadminE_mE_: notice that the error is now referring to a different package
19:25.56E_mE_ja sorry
19:25.59E_mE_i see what you mean
19:26.12E_mE_the file libcomerr2.list contains a load of script
19:26.16greycatI wonder how many of your *.list files are broken.
19:26.42nsadminpastebin that one
19:27.14nsadminmaybe we can come up with a script that can count and/or list them
19:27.15greycat updated to show both of mine
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19:28.01greycatIt's going to be a bitch if you've broken *all* of them...
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19:28.34E_mE_doesn't look like its all
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19:29.03nsadminE_mE_: no idea how this happened, btw?
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19:29.17E_mE_no idea sorry, this is one of my webservers
19:29.27Malleenouf just tried an ubuntu install disc, its working aswell WTF
19:29.27E_mE_it just stopped working
19:29.28olrihi davidisko , what did top say, is it us, sy, ni, wait or what ?
19:29.38greycatcd /var/lib/dpkg/info; for f in *.list; do read < "$f"; if [[ $f = "#!"* ]]; then echo "$f begins with a shebang, probably broken"; fi; done
19:29.40ilaihojelly-home: is static linking an allowed way to do that?
19:30.02greycatErrr, no, that's wrong.
19:30.12greycatcd /var/lib/dpkg/info; for f in *.list; do read < "$f"; if [[ $REPLY = "#!"* ]]; then echo "$f begins with a shebang, probably broken"; fi; done
19:30.19jelly-homeilaiho: don't do it unless you have to
19:30.46E_mE_im just grepping the files greycat
19:30.47nsadminread sets REPLY?
19:31.08greycatI suppose 'grep "^#!" *.list' would also work
19:31.09jelly-homein bash, maybe.
19:31.14enoufMalle: ubuntu disk boots? debian (both cd1 and netinstall) do not?
19:31.16greycatnsadmin: yes, in bash.
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19:31.27nsadminI did not know that :)
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19:31.49MrWaxI use EasyBCD (need to have Windows Vista partition of the disk as MBR, sorry) to boot into my debian partition (into grub) but it boots into grub and I only get grub command line grub> - does anyone know how i could fix this?
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19:32.05bolthow do I save my entire loaded xmodmap (consists of several files currently) into a single file which does it all?
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19:33.15nsadminMrWax: from the grub command line you can boot pretty much anything that's there
19:33.18E_mE_greycat: im trying to find the option to return just hte file names
19:33.23greycatgrep -l
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19:33.28E_mE_ah cool
19:33.30MrWaxnsadmin: can you explain how?
19:33.31greycatOr you could use mine and just remove the text.
19:33.49greycatMine reads only the first line of each file, instead of the whole file.
19:34.21nsadminMrWax: is the machine you are trying to boot separate from the one you're ircing to this channel on?
19:34.43MrWaxnsadmin: no, but i can write fast :)
19:34.55MrWaxand this stays open, screen session on my shell
19:35.19E_mE_greycat: gonna pastie now
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19:35.43nsadminok... in that case you need to study up on grub and booting in general... one good thing about grub is the tab key can complete some things
19:35.44lxsameerhow can i install locale ?
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19:35.58greycatyou didn't need sudo or -R
19:36.10nsadminwhat you might try first is grub> root (
19:36.17nsadminthen hit tab a coupla times
19:36.18enoufMrWax: did you install grub onto the debian partition? and is it a logical partition?
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19:36.29nsadminsee what your choices are
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19:36.33MrWaxnsadmin: 1 min
19:36.39nsadminyou don't have another machine?
19:36.49nsadminthat you can get here with?
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19:37.10enouflxsameer: also; /msg dpkg locales
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19:37.25nsadminMrWax: also note enouf has a question for you
19:37.50enoufnsadmin: and ... besides tab completion there;s find, cat, and other things
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19:38.09enouflike "find /boot/grub/stage1"
19:38.31nsadminenouf, MrWax: so grub's shell is pretty good
19:38.47jpinx-eeepcanyone able to shed light on why I am not getting mail through with an error of "can't find a mail exchanger or IP address. (#5.4.4)" but dig is showing A and MX correctly?
19:38.49nsadminin terms of helping you boot
19:38.54E_mE_greycat: appricated :)
19:39.03greycatE_mE_: from a Debian 4.0 i386 box, with libc6 2.3.6.ds1-13etch9+b1
19:39.06MrWaxnsadmin: when i press root( and hit tab nothing happens
19:39.11MrWaxwhen i type root and enter
19:39.17MrWaxI get filesystem type is ntfs
19:39.23enoufnsadmin: fwiw - he asked similarly prior, and i noticed he's basically using a diff bootloader for the system and something-i-forget in between that bootloader and grub
19:39.29E_mE_greycat: 2.6.18-6-686 #1 SMP Sun Feb 10 22:11:31 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux
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19:39.59nsadminput a space, like this root ( <--- the cursor will be here, hit tab (before pressing enter)
19:40.02j0nrhmmm ok, i am coming from ubuntu... i added my username to sudoers...but what is my sudo password? its not taking my user password or the root password?
19:40.14enoufMrWax: root <spave>
19:40.16greycatE_mE_: I'd recommend reinstalling each of those packages (apt-get --reinstall install ...) once you've uncorrupted the *.list files.
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19:40.20enoufspace even
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19:40.58jpinx-eeepcj0nr: it depends on what you put in sudoers - paste it
19:41.10nsadminI'm a comin from ubuntu with a thumb harp on muh knee....
19:41.36E_mE_greycat: thank you very much , really appreciating your help
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19:41.39CutMeOwnThroatplain "su" was always good enough for me
19:41.56enoufMrWax: i'm going to hazard a guess - that's a laptop?  why not install on another separate HDD - the Blista will be happy and you can use the grub map command to remap drives at will ;-)
19:42.04greycatj0nr: by default, sudo wants you to type your own password
19:42.05Joelitoquestion: why rox-filer in "etch" is multilanguage" and in "lenny" is only in english? ¬¬
19:42.09j0nrjpinx-eeepc: I just added the line: jonrALL=(ALL) ALL
19:42.11MrWaxenouf: it's on a desktop
19:42.17enoufMrWax: and .. did you use grub1 or grub2?
19:42.18greycatj0nr: this is so random people walking by your desk can't hack root
19:42.18j0nrwith a tab between jonr and ALL
19:42.22MrWaxand I need it like this, have only 1 hdd, with 2 partitions
19:42.26nsadminCutMeOwnThroat: but you wouldn't want to do that from an unknown env like a student's unix shell window...
19:42.39MrWaxenouf: idk, i used that that came with the netinst cd of the latest debian version
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19:42.56j0nrgreycat: but it isn't taking my normal password
19:43.00jpinx-eeepcj0nr: with a space?
19:43.07CutMeOwnThroatnsadmin, I don't see that it'd make a difference to sudo
19:43.12E_mE_greycat: another error: pastie following
19:43.23j0nrjpinx-eeepc: yeah jonr    ALL=(ALL) ALL
19:43.25nsadminCutMeOwnThroat: leaves the env set the way it was
19:43.30j0nrjust copied the root one and changed the name
19:43.35greycatj0nr: you're typing it wrong, probably.
19:43.45CutMeOwnThroatnsadmin, that's what '-' is for
19:43.53nsadminright :)
19:43.56jpinx-eeepcj0nr: did you use visudo to edit sudoers?
19:44.09j0nrhold may be working :\
19:44.12greycatE_mE_: When was the last time you did an fsck on this box?
19:44.16CutMeOwnThroatand... sudo wouldn't work at all from that account because he'd not be in sudoers
19:44.23dpkgsudoers is, like, You can grant yourself (minimally secure) root permissions for sudo by adding a line like this to /etc/sudoers: 'user ALL=(ALL) ALL' (no quotes, replacing user with your username). see also <visudo>  For more security, please study the man pages from 'apropos sudo'
19:44.24nsadminCutMeOwnThroat: oh, I see, I missed what you're comparing su to
19:44.37enoufmine has a NOPASSWD
19:44.43nsadminoh, to sudo
19:44.47Malleenouf correct
19:44.51CutMeOwnThroatwell, I don't see the point of sudo
19:44.53enoufbut .. i use su anyways :-)
19:44.58greycatThe bot's factoid used to have NOPASSWD as well.  greybot does.
19:45.08jpinx-eeepchas a selection of applications for sudo
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19:45.12enoufi thought so too greycat  ... huh
19:45.22E_mE_greycat: not a long time
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19:45.23nsadmingreybot: you're on the spot!
19:45.24javiobuenas tardes
19:45.26greycat<-greybot[] To use sudo commands in a script (without prompting for a password), put something like this into the sudoers(5) file: username ALL = NOPASSWD: /some/program
19:45.44jpinx-eeepc!tell javio about es
19:45.45CutMeOwnThroatwell, admittedly a passwordless sudo would be preferrable to a passwordless root account
19:45.46abrotmanwhat could go wrong ..
19:45.59E_mE_greycat: its a working server
19:45.59greycatE_mE_: might be a good time....
19:46.03javioyes yes   sorry
19:46.21E_mE_greycat: what command do i use?
19:46.28greycatE_mE_: do you have another Debian i386 4.0 system available to transfer non-corrupt files from?
19:46.39E_mE_greycat: no :(
19:46.42MrWaxnsadmin: I get
19:46.47MrWaxnsadmin: possible disks are hd0 rd
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19:46.59E_mE_greycat: drwxr-xr-x 2 root root   4096 2007-02-26 21:21 libacl1.list
19:46.59E_mE_drwxr-sr-x 2 news news   4096 2008-07-07 00:32 libpam0g.md5sums
19:47.04greycatE_mE_: for the fsck stuff... is /var/lib/dpkg/info part of the root FS, or a separate FS?
19:47.05E_mE_those are the two directories
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19:47.20enoufMalle: if you can, see what version of isolinux is on the ubuntu cd and mail all info to .. or check on their channel on
19:47.55MrWaxnsadmin: any idea ?
19:48.01enoufMalle: it's odd .. but .. i wonder what happens if you Burn using something other than Nero .. i know atleast XP has a free app avail
19:48.23E_mE_greycat: the answer to your question is yes
19:48.31E_mE_same FS
19:48.42greycatE_mE_: if it's in the root FS, then "touch /forcefsck" and reboot
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19:48.58E_mE_urk i can reboot its a running server
19:49.07greycatE_mE_: although in your current situation I'd be a bit worried about it not booting...
19:49.21greycatGods only know what else got corrupted.
19:49.21Malleenouf working now
19:49.29Mallei burned it on antoher computer -.-
19:49.33Mallenero is fucked or my burner
19:49.42E_mE_greycat: can you give me those two other files as listed above please?
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19:50.15greycatE_mE_: another thing you should consider doing it getting another Debian 4.0 i386 box available as a backup server, development server, etc.
19:50.15enoufMalle: ok - good to hear - which burning app on the other pc? if also nero, tell me versions please?
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19:50.48Mallefault pc ? nero 9
19:50.49E_mE_greycat: this box costs a fair amount each month :S ... maybe ill ask tech support to fix things up
19:51.02enoufMalle: and working pc has?
19:51.03greycatNot necessarily in the same hosting place.  It could be in your house..
19:51.21E_mE_greycat: ah see your point, might be an idea actually
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19:51.51E_mE_is it possible to have those 2 files? so i can at least get the stuff i want installed in
19:51.51Malleworking pc = nero 6 express
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19:52.14greycatE_mE_: I can't even guarantee my *.md5sums file would match yours.  But anyway:
19:52.30E_mE_greycat: thanks :)
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19:53.04greycatNah, multiplayer notepads are called "wikis".
19:53.36j0nr_is there an equivalent to ubuntu-restricted-extras?
19:54.22jintxoj0nr, what is it?
19:54.49enoufMalle: wow .. well to see if it's your burner, or nero, use the same nero versions ... on both boxen .. or burn other CDs (oh .. you already did burn the ubuntu disk on fault pc using nero 9? which then booted that pc?)
19:54.49Malleanyone know what this cldera dr dos shit is
19:55.10Malleenouf cba.. i work 13hours a day .. 5 days in a row..
19:55.13jpinx-eeepcj0nr read man sudo - there's everything you need in there
19:55.13enoufcaldera - heh
19:55.14Malletime for sleep now
19:55.19greycatDR-DOS is an alternative to MS-DOS.  Caldera bought it many years ago.
19:55.41enoufthen there's FREEDOS
19:55.49greycatjpinx-eeepc: except for the stuff in man sudoers
19:55.52Malleyeah but the shit comes with the debian 5.0 cd
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19:56.10jpinx-eeepcgreycat: touchê
19:56.22greycatI thought it was touché
19:56.25enoufoh .. that's likely there as an alternate DOS system if needed to like .. flash your BIOS or such
19:56.32j0nr_jintxo: installs a bunch of stuff like flash, java, etc to make everything work
19:56.46enoufor to somehow use it to help make SBM
19:56.55jintxoj0nr, take a look at debian multimeia if that's what you're looking for
19:57.05jelly-homeTouché Turtlé?
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19:57.34greycatis Touché Tigre the next ubuntu release?
19:57.48jintxoI think it was, j0nr_
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19:58.17greycatj0nr_: /msg dpkg dmm
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19:59.12enoufthere's also a unofficial debian .net site something .. i always get the name wrong though .. one sec
20:00.35enoufhere it is;
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20:01.41Malleso this caldera dr dos shit is up
20:01.49greycatyou... booted into it?
20:01.51Mallebut why inst the install for debian 5.0 booting
20:02.30enoufahh that reminds me - i still have yet to try opera as a browser .. i can't stand bloat
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20:03.19enoufMalle: i don't understand you
20:03.49enoufMalle: booting the CD should not bring up any dr dos things
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20:04.00Malleit came up..
20:04.06Mallei put in the debian 5.0 cd
20:04.12Mallethen cladera shit starts
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20:04.26enoufsomething is really screwy with your BIOS or something
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20:04.59enoufwhat was it? a p3 500 or so? IBM desktop?
20:05.14Mallenever seen it before
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20:05.18Mallewith old disk u used
20:05.21Mallei used sarge
20:05.23Malledebian started
20:05.25Mallei installed
20:05.30Mallethen everything was fine
20:05.34enoufMalle: easy on the ENTER key pleas
20:05.39Malleokay im sorry.
20:05.49enoufMalle: do you still have the Sarge Cd?
20:05.57Mallenope, lost it
20:05.58enouftry booting that
20:06.22Malleif i had the disk i wouldnt go throught all this trouble because i could just have upgraded to lenny from sarge ofcourse.. but now thats not quite the case
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20:06.34enoufyou sure the BIOS isn't set to something stupid like OS/2 ?
20:07.04enouf(my p150 offers those choices, but not my oem made p2)
20:07.40Mallewhat do you mean by OS/2
20:07.53dpkg[os2] a nice 32-bit OS made by IBM, but was a flop as IBM didn't market it well enough. it is now dead., but could run Windows 3.1 applications. or not so dead; IBM still use it internally quite a bit, and see odin
20:08.03Mallethe hard disk is clean, from factory.. and i have not change anything in bios since last HDD and everything worked fine
20:08.31enoufMalle: clean? run dd over it - zero it out .. still - a CD should boot, even without a HDD
20:08.44Mallewhat is dd?
20:09.02enoufmaybe IBM was using IML then and tatooed the disk the way Compaq did
20:09.08Mallethe lenny disk is booting, but its starting this Caldera shit as i said, ive never seen it before
20:09.17enoufso .. basically the BIOS code was on the disk ... if so ..ugh
20:09.34enoufMalle: do you get a Boot: prompt?
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20:09.58Mallei can type commands yes if thats what ur saying
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20:09.59enoufno, that's not what i'm asking
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20:10.22enoufManoj: once it boots and stops, can you press F1-F10 and see help screens?
20:10.32enouferm Malle - not Manoj
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20:11.27greycatsounds like the CD was not burned correctly, or he used the wrong image
20:11.28Mallewithout the disk i get "os not found" , when i have the disk in it automaticly boots Caldera 7.0.3
20:11.31enoufthen something is amiss ... you said ubuntu will boot? see if you can install that
20:11.39enoufi mean just start the process ...
20:11.41Mallei dont want ubuntu..
20:11.47enoufthen back out
20:11.53Mallei started the ubuntu process, worked like a charm
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20:11.57dondelelcaroMalle: then you're not booting off of the CD or you haven't burned the CD properly.
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20:12.22Mallei downloaded the iso from debian, choosed burn bootable disk and selected the debian .iso
20:12.32Malleis there anything i can do wrong about it
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20:12.39enoufdondelelcaro: is there dr dos stuff on the CDs? perhaps i'm mistaken, i recall some windows/dos related things in there
20:12.48jintxoMalle, the softwar you used to burn the CD put DR-DOS on the boot sector
20:13.03dondelelcaroMalle: uh... you should be choosing the "burn iso image" option, not the burn bootable disk option
20:13.08enoufNero 6 express?
20:13.10Malleok.. ill try
20:13.13Malleyes enouf
20:13.17jintxoMalle, you sholdhave just burnt the ISO straight to disk (option ike "burn image" or somethinglike that)
20:13.25Malleill try
20:13.27dondelelcaro(or whatever the program you're using calls it)
20:13.30enoufMalle: as dondelelcaro just mentioned - and i think i did before as well
20:13.38enoufchoose "Burn Image"
20:13.40dondelelcaroenouf: nope
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20:13.52enoufdondelelcaro: i see now - thanks
20:14.06dondelelcaroenouf: we used to distribute some things in tools, but we removed all (or almost all) of them
20:14.19enoufdondelelcaro: ahh ... ok
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20:14.37greycatI remember the one DOS tool you were supposed to use to make boot floppies... can't remember the name though
20:14.38enoufi recall stuff for SBM and some other tools as you said
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20:15.04nsadminand rawrite2
20:15.07jintxoand then there was laodlin, I wonder if that still exiss
20:15.12enoufgreycat: in debian? sys .. yeah ... those i recall seeing the various rawwrite ones
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20:15.23greycatenouf: I was thinking of rawrite
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20:17.37phetHello, how can I fix the bug with exaile? (testing)
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20:19.35Mallenow its not working again enouf
20:19.45Mallei burned the cd on 2 different computers..
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20:20.47maplebed(apologies if this is OT.) I'd like to set up an IRC daemon (running on etch) that only accepts SSL connections and only allows users to connect if they can successfully auth against PAM.  Any comments on whether that's possible / easy or how to do it?
20:20.50Malleshould it be this hard to get debian .. sight..
20:21.15dondelelcaroMalle: it's not. If you burn the CD properly, it will work fine.
20:21.17greycatDo you have a unix/linux machine to burn CDs on?
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20:21.26Malleall other cds work fine
20:21.34greycatburning with "cdrecord image.iso" is a lot easier than Windows.
20:21.36Mallehow can i burn a CD wrong, ive burned 100 cds before all work
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20:21.48Malleive tried 2 different burning programs on 2 different pc's
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20:21.53dondelelcaroMalle: well, you certainly burned the one that has DR DOS on it wrongly.
20:22.15Malleyeah that was the only one, all others about 4 discs were burnt on the same way
20:22.20jintxoMalle, did you check the md5sum to make sure that the download is not corrupt (re-download if in doubt)
20:22.22dondelelcaroMalle: you'll know that you've burned it properly if it mounts and has things that look like Debian on it
20:22.41themillFollowing etch->lenny, is there any reason why I shouldn't "svnadmin upgrade" on my svn repos?
20:22.45dondelelcaro(well, you'll have a chance of having burned it properly, anyway)
20:22.47Mallejintxo how do i do it...
20:22.53dondelelcarothemill: after a backup, no.
20:22.56Malledondelelcaro , all other cds mount properly
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20:22.59themilldondelelcaro: :)
20:23.12jintxoMalle, just re-download
20:23.26Mallei donwloaded it on 2 different compuiters jintxo
20:23.42nsadminMalle greycat has a question for you
20:23.48greycatI do?
20:23.57Mallegreycat no i dont have one
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20:24.03Mallejintxo ->
20:24.06Mallethats the link i use
20:24.07nsadmin<greycat> Do you have a unix/linux machine to burn CDs on?
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20:25.17Philippe46if you cannot download once big DVD. you can download netinst image and download other from official reposity
20:25.23nsadminMalle: what os do you use?
20:25.36greycatI generally use the netinst images.
20:25.48MallePhilippe46 i already tried netinstall on one of the CD's . nsadmin Windows xp
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20:26.16nsadminmaybe there's a port of something like cdrecord for win32?
20:26.29abrotmanthere are free tools to burn ISOs
20:26.47nsadminthat would be his ticket
20:26.56Philippe46ok. you can burn CD image with FREE Record programs
20:27.01greycatThere's barely a port of cdrecord for Linux, given how much strife there is between Joerg and the Linux people.
20:27.36abrotmangreycat: most major distros stopped using the joerg-impaired version awhile ago
20:27.47*** join/#debian KennethP (
20:28.00nsadminbacking away slowly... from my curiousity about the strife...
20:28.02greycatYou'll note that I've carefully chosen my wording not to express my opinion one way or the other in that battle.
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20:28.15greycat(If you pressed me, I'd side with Joerg, not with Linux.)
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20:28.45abrotmangreycat: i don't have a problem with the 'cdrecord' itself .. just the way the author acts .. kind of like tuomov
20:29.59nsadmintechnical, communication or political issue?
20:30.06greycat"yes" ;-)
20:30.13*** part/#debian ariel_ (i=3fd6eca9@gateway/web/ajax/
20:30.19nsadminall of the above?
20:30.39nsadminbacking away really really fast... from my curiousity about the strife...
20:30.48abrotmannsadmin: good plan :)
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20:30.58Philippe46plus one
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20:31.12nsadminthanks greycat
20:31.18dthreeone questing how can i register #debian-ar ?
20:31.32greycatdthree: /msg chanserv help
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20:31.36abrotmandthree: why not use #debian-es ?
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20:31.55dthreeabrotman, i want a channel for
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20:32.03abrotmannsadmin: if you want to read more .. .. for wthaever that's worth
20:32.05dthreeargentinian comunity
20:32.13abrotmandthree: that's different than #debian-ar ..
20:32.15lxsameeri running etch , how can i change my default python version from 2.4 to 2.5?
20:32.33dthreeabrotman why?
20:32.35themillabrotman: heard of #debian-uk?
20:32.43abrotmandthree: and the website says it has #debian-argentina already
20:32.51Mallelxsameer try apt get install python 2.5 ?
20:32.55Malleor search for the package ?
20:33.00dthreeabrotman yes, but i want change it
20:33.02greycatlxsameer: make /usr/bin/python a symlink to whatever version
20:33.07dthreedebian-ar sound cool :P
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20:33.31lxsameergreycat: but what about the old python that is in python path?
20:33.33abrotmandthree: i'm not sure if you need to contact the debian group admins or not, or if it would be easier to just go ##debian-ar
20:33.35themillgreycat: eek...
20:33.35stewin theory, cdrtools will be in debian again sometime in the (nearish?) future
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20:33.42abrotmanstew: lies!
20:33.58greycatsvr3:/var/lib/dpkg/info$ ls -l $(which python)
20:33.58greycatlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 9 2007-12-03 16:34 /usr/bin/python -> python2.4
20:34.05abrotmanstew: does that mean cdrkit will die ?
20:34.13themillgreycat: python 2.4 to 2.5 was a long and painful transition in lenny.
20:34.15greycatI don't see a problem with changing that, as long as you are prepared for anything that counts on /usr/bin/python being 2.4 breaking.
20:34.20dthreeabrotman ok, thanks
20:34.26stewabrotman: schilly said he is re-licensing it now that opensolaris is planning on dropping it otherwise
20:34.38enoufMalle: only thing else i could suggest, if your d/l is not bad/corrupt, is a) reflash the BIOS, b) try the debian-live cd c) install some other way, netboot, or debootstrap, .. or even
20:34.41*** part/#debian dthree (n=dthree@unaffiliated/dthree)
20:34.48zibricdrtools... much fun reading :D
20:34.55enoufor USB key Malle
20:35.04Malleenouf dling livecd now
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20:35.06zibrisane guy...
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20:35.14Mallei should take the debian-live-500-i386-standard.iso right?
20:35.17enoufstew: no more CDDL?
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20:35.27greycat-live?  is that a netinst?
20:35.31enouf(atleast for cdrecord)
20:35.34dpkgThe Debian Live project provides pre-built Debian live system images and allows creation of your own.  #debian-live on OFTC (
20:35.35dpkgAn operating system that can boot and run directly from CD.  Linux-based examples are Knoppix and Ubuntu.  Useful as a rescue CD or for showing off to your geek friends.  Debian has its own LiveCD (, ask me about <debian live>.
20:35.54enoufhrm .. those should be the same ;-)
20:35.56stewenouf: i think so
20:36.14Malle70kb/s .. jesus christ do they use modems :X
20:36.21nsadminso, is cdrecord moreorless bad juju?
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20:36.48enoufnsadmin: let's just say .. i've given up on all optical media :-P
20:37.03nsadminoh man
20:37.05Malleenouf i dont know if to take the .rescue or the .standard
20:37.08greycatnsadmin: some people claim cdrecord is superior to all the imitators like cdrkit/wodim.  Others claim Joerg Schilling is full of shit.
20:37.31enoufMalle: i don't know either - but i'd guess standard
20:37.34dpkgit has been said that netinst is a small CD image (or set of floppy images) which installs Debian using an Internet connection, but the connection is not required for a base install to complete.  See and ask me about <check iso image>.  If you use a dial-up connection, ask me about <dialup install>.  See also <pppoe install>, <netboot>, <bf>.
20:37.47enoufgreycat: he's done the netinstall as well as cd1
20:37.52greycatenouf: so he says.
20:37.57Malleim dling the standard in 60kb/s enouf hehe and the rescue in 4MB/s .. sight
20:38.02nsadmingreycat: the "others claim" part sounds like haters
20:38.48enoufgreycat: indeed - i see no reason to disbelieve .. yet .. though who knows; redmond pays handsomely for well-trained-trollage :-P
20:38.53greycatPeople who think 70 kB/s downloads are 'slow' need a serious wet-noodle-lashing.
20:39.11*** join/#debian Jacob_H (n=jacob@
20:39.38nsadminda wettter da bettter
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20:39.49greycatAnd no, 70 kB/s is not "modems".  That is about 14 times the top speed of a modem.
20:39.58enoufgreycat: (unrelated to Malle issue) .. but when KonqOut d/l at 3kb/sec on a 15/2mbit line .. you know something is wrong!
20:40.28enoufgreycat: and links2, wget, curl ... all zippy - i get 1.7MB/sec at times
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20:41.45justinconsiders anything under 1MB/sec to be slow heh
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20:42.11nsadminjustin: how's life in the tower? :)
20:42.15enoufMalle: not sure if it's a typo, but i think you wanted s/sight/sigh/
20:42.37lxsameerwhere does apt store the postinst file for deb file?
20:42.51greycatit's actually dpkg that 'stores' them, and they are in /var/lib/dpkg/info/
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20:44.02greycat"locate postinst" would've given you a faster answer, probably
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20:44.47enoufheh "dpkg -l <any-pkg-name>"
20:44.52khaije1are there any comprehensive benchmarking tools for linux? the only one i'm aware of is phoronix test suite, are there others?
20:45.06enoufjust in case updatedb was never run O_o
20:45.22*** part/#debian theshredder (
20:45.38enoufkhaije1: i only know of
20:45.51enoufnever used them/those - but seen the pages
20:46.01*** join/#debian Dillizar (n=asdas@
20:46.06Dillizarhey any body here
20:46.18maplebedall empty.
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20:46.31dpkgThe enter key is not a substitute for punctuation.  Hitting enter unnecessarily makes it difficult to follow what you are saying.  Consider using ',', '. ', ';', '...', '---', or ':' instead.  If you hit enter too often, you will be autokicked by debhelper for flooding the channel.
20:46.51Dillizari had a deb file with the newest kernel but i deleted and i dont know from where i download it
20:46.58Dillizarcan any body gimme the link
20:47.11greycatDillizar: man apt-cache apt-get
20:47.24Dillizargreycat i dont have debian
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20:47.39j0nr_can someone help installing flash to get iplayer working
20:47.43greycatThen a .deb kernel package isn't going to be much use to you.
20:47.58enoufbut i agree with greycat :-O
20:48.07Moofius-How to run a init.d script at startup? I can start it myself with "sudo /etc/init.d/program start", but I want it to be done automatically
20:48.20greycatMoofius-: make a symlink to it from /etc/rc2.d/Ssomething
20:48.28greycatMoofius-: see also /etc/init.d/README
20:48.41Moofius-but what should something be?
20:48.47*** join/#debian tumbak1 (n=zaid@
20:48.51justinMoofius-: unless you installed something manually any debian package will install the proper links
20:48.52Moofius-I found that
20:48.54greycatA number and your script's name, is the convention.  Read the README.
20:48.55tonsofpcsok, I have a fully configured system that I want to deploy to three different sites with minor modifications, i have three identical [hardware-wise] systems, what's the best way to clone the system?
20:48.58enoufMoofius-: use rc.local .. depending .. oh ... righto .. is it a custom init.d/scriptname? update-rc.d will generate the symlinks
20:49.10*** join/#debian DouglasK (
20:49.25enoufMoofius-: if it is custom. see /etc/init.d/skeleton
20:49.27Moofius-enouf: I have used update-rc.d on another thing before
20:49.33nsadmingreycat: unless he wants to pull it apart manually... that still isn't going to have all the functionality he would have if he did have debian, but maybe the image works for him
20:49.40themilltonsofpcs: "/msg dpkg aptitude clone" is a good start
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20:50.30enouftonsofpcs: i think systemimager-* pkgs used to do that ... or you ..ok
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20:50.45enoufthemill: can judd take wildcards?
20:50.59tonsofpcsthemill: i want a 100% clone, settings and all, the only thing that i will change is hostname and eth0 static ip
20:51.00Moofius-enouf: "sudo update-rc.d nginx defaults" right?
20:51.02themillenouf: for what argument?
20:51.09tonsofpcssame users, same pass, etc.
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20:51.14enoufthemill: versions
20:51.18DouglasKHow does one deselect all packages which are selected but not installed using dselect, or dpkg?
20:51.29tonsofpcsi'd run dd directly, but i don't have the ability to insert 3 ide drives [2x hdd, 1xcd] on here
20:51.49justintonsofpcs: run DD over the network?
20:51.51enoufMoofius- basically yes .. however - i think_ it'll make them S20 which might not be apropos
20:51.54j0nr_do i need flashplugin-nonfree or flashplayer-mozilla for flash anims etc iplayer, etc
20:52.02enoufMoofius-: is nginx in Debian?
20:52.06justintonsofpcs: or don't clone systems and use something like FAI instead
20:52.09themillj0nr_: one of them, yes
20:52.18j0nr_themill: either is it?
20:52.31enoufjudd: versions systemimager-*
20:52.34dpkgan automated installation tool to install or deploy Debian GNU/Linux and other distributions on a bunch of different hosts or a Cluster. It's more flexible than other tools like kickstart for Red Hat, autoyast and alice for SuSE or Jumpstart for SUN Solaris. FAI can also be used for configuration management of a running system. channel: #fai site:
20:52.35tonsofpcscan you dd over a network?
20:52.37Moofius-enouf: dunno, I compiled it myself, and found an ok init.d script for it
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20:53.23Moofius-enouf: I ran the command and rebooted the server, here goes nothing :)
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20:54.14juddenouf: systemimager-%
20:54.18Moofius-enouf: well, it works, that's all I want, thanks ^^
20:54.24enouftonsofpcs: i'd think of a dd way to do it then ... same FStype and everything then .. you might need/want to install grub (or whicjever bootloader) too after
20:54.29j0nrmmm iplayer still not working
20:54.40themillenouf: fsvo accepts wildcards...
20:54.45enouftonsofpcs: there's a pkg in debian called gddrescue
20:54.59abrotmantonsofpcs: yes
20:55.10abrotmantonsofpcs: kind of
20:55.38enoufMoofius-: ok - but keep an eye on it when other pkgs get installed - well - you'll find out if and when it's an issue :-P
20:55.48enoufthemill: thanks
20:56.37Moofius-enouf: no package dares to mess with russians (nginx) ^^
20:57.22DouglasKIs there a way to deselect all packages which are selected but not installed using dselect, or dpkg?
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20:58.08nsadmindselect?? wow :)
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20:58.21abrotmannsadmin: DES .. not DS
20:58.26abrotmanoh .. jeez
20:58.54abrotmangoes back to his dungeon
20:58.54nsadminsecond instance :P
20:58.54dkraptitude has an option to remove all pending actions...
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20:58.58DouglasKdkr, that's good for me too... how do I do that?
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20:59.13nsadminI'm not that kwoowess...
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20:59.27j0nrseriously, whats up with getting the bbc iplayer working?
20:59.44dkrDouglasK: it's  a choice in the "actions" menu.  I think ctl-t or F10 to get to the menu
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21:01.13j0nrflash seems to be working, bu the iplayer just freezes on the spinning loading icon
21:01.24petemcisnt iplayer air, not flash?
21:01.52DouglasKdkr, I don't see any such option there... Just install/remove, update, forget new, clean package cache, clean obsolte, mark upgradable.
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21:01.56lxsameerhow can i change the default python version in debian etch from 2.4 to 2.5?
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21:02.49stewDouglasK: you can use grep-status to find them
21:03.03themilllxsameer: I would suggest that you shouldn't do that. Why do you need to do so?
21:03.03dkrDouglasK: hrm, running debian stable?
21:03.16stewDouglasK: they'd have statuses that match "install.*not-installed" or "install.*config"
21:03.42lxsameerthemill: 2.4 is old and some software does not work with that
21:04.00DouglasKdkr: older version of ubuntu to be honest, still 'supported' but no one seems to know anything about non gui package management over there.
21:04.53themilllxsameer: the software in etch is designed to work with 2.4 and changing the default python to 2.5 is likely to break a lot of things. You can change the python that individual scripts use just by editing the first line of the script. That's much less problematic. Or if you really need new stuff, then upgrade to lenny.
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21:05.22maplebedlxsameer: themill makes a good point -- 'installed and available' != 'default'
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21:05.52j0nrhmm a simple flash player on a website is playing funny doesn't expand properly to fit the video size like it should
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21:06.37lxsameerthemill: but i can't do that because  of some software like trac do not work fine with 2.4 i need to use 2.5 instead of changing the code
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21:07.57themilllxsameer: the trac website says it works with any python > 2.3
21:08.40lxsameerthemill: if you take a look at some plugins you can see they require 2.5
21:08.58ersoycompared with the following error when I install the program, c:181: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function 'exit' , how can i do ?
21:09.18j0nrsurely getting iplayer to work is a commonly covered topic??
21:09.18jdahmWhat's the best lvm partioner and fs writer live distro?  I want to install debian with lvm and use ext4
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21:10.18themilllxsameer: if you need shiny and new, then consider upgrading to lenny.
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21:10.54themilllxsameer: Changing the default python on etch is going to make life difficult for you... and it will *not* fix mod_python for apache anyway.
21:11.17lxsameerthemill: i can't do that too , because it's a webserver and i don't have permission to do that
21:11.33themilllxsameer: but you have permission to install trac and try to break the default python?
21:12.10lxsameerthemill: yeah
21:12.33themilllxsameer: right... btw how are you planning to run trac? using tracd or using mod_python?
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21:12.41lxsameerthemill: i see python 2.5 in etch repo , so why python 2.5 is in repo
21:13.09lxsameerthemill: mod-python
21:13.37themilllxsameer: having it available doesn't mean that it's able to work as the default. I can't think of another way of explaining to you that a lot of things in etch assume that /usr/bin/python==python2.4.
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21:15.46themilllxsameer: And I'm pretty sure mod-python doesn't use /usr/bin/python anyway... you're asking a different question again. As a workaround, why not use cgi mode and then you can just change the shebang on trac?
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21:17.23lxsameerthemill: i don't have problem with mod-python i have problem with python 2.4
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21:25.04shyam_kif i stop debmirror in between, next time it will start working on the rest right?
21:25.45madsaraHey, what's the easiest way to determine installed file when creating a .deb? I thought there was a tool I used once that made that easier.
21:25.50shyam_kjust C-c C-c exit from the process is enough?
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21:28.33abrotmanmadsara: determine what?
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21:29.04madsaraabrotman: What binaries are installed.
21:29.23madsaraI'm building a deb and I need to know whats installed when I do a make install on the source.
21:29.37abrotmanmadsara: dpkg -L <pkg> .. will list the package contents
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21:29.47madsaraabrotman: Yes, but I'm building the package.
21:29.54dpkgA simple packaging walkthrough can be found by (as root) "apt-get install maint-guide" and then (as user) "www-browser /usr/share/doc/maint-guide/maint-guide.en.html/index.html" (or online).  Also ask me about <nmg>. 'Mg' is also the chemical symbol for magnesium, or may mean Madagascar.
21:29.56madsaraNot looking at a previously existing one.
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21:30.39madsaraThere's a tool that determines which files are installed during a make-install, that's what I need to know.
21:30.50madsaraWhat's the name of that tool
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21:31.03themillmadsara: checkinstall?
21:32.02madsaraYes, that's it. Thanks.
21:33.37jdahmdoes the debian installer not allow editing of LVM partitions when you create them?  I can't seem to create a custom layout.  I add the lvm physical voluemn, but then there's no option to add logical volumes to it
21:34.09*** join/#debian Mood (n=Mood@unaffiliated/mood)
21:34.15DouglasKdkr, Ok, I've got a list of the packages to fix in a file, one per line.  17230 packages selected for install right now.  Is there a way to pipe them to apt-get or dpkg to set them back to 'purge'?
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21:37.17XAVeRYhello. I've got a problem with installing Debian. I have booted the installer by using the "hd-media" method and I want to use the network installation, but the installer tells me that the computer doesn't have any Ethernet hardware, while the card I'm using is Intel PRO/100 supported by the e100 driver. if I roll over to one of the other consoles, "modprobe e100" says that the module e100...
21:37.19XAVeRY...doesn't exist.
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21:37.28XAVeRYhave I missed something or what?
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21:39.50vim|back_in5minhi all.  I told manpool to "aptitude install nmap -yq".  It now is removing rhythmbox.  Is it safe to Ctrl-C?
21:41.23lambda__hi, i come here because i am unable to install the non-free nvidia driver with debian squeze/unstable and  a very  recent kernel (2.6.29-2-686)
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21:42.50ajavidmy desktop is for some reason unable to resolv anything
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21:43.19ajavidi have the resolvconf package installed and its /etc/resolv.conf.d/base contains my nameservers from my isp
21:43.28ajavid <-- this is my interfaces file
21:43.53ajavidI can ping router, and other machines in the network, but I can't resolv by  name
21:44.09themillajavid: I presume the pastebin has eaten the correct indentation on /e/n/interfaces for you
21:44.41ajavidthemill, what do you mean
21:44.58ajavidthemill, it shows up fine here when I click on my paste link
21:45.07themillajavid: man 5 interfaces. everything after "iface" should be indented, it's not in your link
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21:46.37ajavidok I fixed that indentation issue
21:47.20ajavidI /etc/init.d/networking restart
21:47.25ajavidand I can't resolv still
21:47.56abrotmanajavid: can you `telnet 80` and "GET /" ?
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21:48.34abrotmanor `wget` ?
21:48.41ajavidyes, and I was able to ping google by ip
21:48.44ajavidjust no resolving
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21:49.13abrotmancan you `nslookup` .. assuming your router forwards dns lookups ?
21:49.14DouglasKOk, on the command line, how does one clear a pending action from a single package?
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21:49.38DouglasKeg, I have zope-common selected for install, but not installed yet.  i want to deselct it...
21:50.08ajavidabrotman, yes
21:50.24abrotmanso what's in /etc/resolv.conf ?
21:50.39ajavidits blank, as debian likes to have it
21:50.46DouglasKabrotman, your DNS server list, mainly
21:50.47ajavidjust comments about not to edit it
21:50.49themillerr... no it doesn't
21:50.56abrotmanDouglasK: i'm not the one asking for support
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21:51.02abrotmanajavid: uhm .. it should have stuff in it
21:51.02ajavidguys.. focus
21:51.12enoufajavid: ?
21:51.14stewDouglasK: echo "zope-common deinstall" | dpkg --set-selections
21:51.17ajavidabrotman, well it says resolvconf package takes care of everything
21:51.26abrotmanyou trust it?!
21:51.28ajavidabrotman, it says i should not edit this file and leave it alone
21:51.29DouglasKstew: thanks.
21:51.36enoufajavid: i'd use /etc/resolv.conf
21:51.36themillajavid: it takes care of everything by putting the relevant entries in /etc/resolv.conf for you
21:51.51ajavidabrotman, also in /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/base I think it says my dns servers from my isp
21:51.54enoufajavid: note the files in /etc/network/*
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21:52.27ajavidI'm on sid, you suppose its a bug or something I should report
21:52.38themillajavid: what does /etc/resolv.conf look like after running "resolvconf -u"?
21:52.45ajaviduno momento
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21:53.06abrotmanfancy tools mean fancy breaking :)
21:53.08ajavid# Dynamic resolv.conf(5) file for glibc resolver(3) generated by resolvconf(8)
21:53.29enoufwonders if ajavid has files like this; /etc/network/if-up.d/avahi-daemon
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21:53.48ajavidenouf, ope
21:54.54dpkghmm... resolvconf is a package that can be used to manage your /etc/resolv.conf (the file that contains your dns settings).  Many packages including ppp, ifupdown, dhcp-client, pump, pdnsd, dnsmasq, ... are compatible with resolvconf, making it easier to manage your dns settings.  Ask me about <fixresolvconf>.  See also <resolv.conf>.
21:54.56ajavid <-- the only place in my system where I have entries
21:55.17dpkgTo fix your /etc/resolv.conf: edit /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf to include the nameservers you want to use (ask me about <override dns>).  Alternatively, use <resolvconf> and specify the nameservers yourself: echo -e "nameserver a.b.c.d\nnameserver w.x.y.z" > /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/base; resolvconf -u (where a.b.c.d and w.x.y.z are your ISPs nameservers).  Also ask me about <fixresolvconf the ugly way>.
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21:55.39abrotmanwell .. tha'ts to keep it from mucking with yours IIRC
21:56.06enoufi'm thinking he mucked with it already :-P
21:56.12enoufknowing him
21:56.13ajavidmucked with what?
21:56.25enoufajavid: anything :-)
21:56.30abrotmanto keep resolvconf from messing up your resolv.conf
21:57.00ajavidso whats going on then
21:57.14ajavidis resolvconf supposed to put stuff in resolv.conf or not?
21:57.30ajavidI gather its not supposed to? but its supposed to manage your nameservers somehow
21:57.38ajavidwith a blank resolv.con?
21:58.34ajavidI mean my problem is fixed but I'm wondering if this is a bug or something
21:58.34themillajavid: it takes care of everything by putting the relevant entries in /etc/resolv.conf for you
21:58.43ajavidI never messed with my resolv.conf file EVER
21:58.45enoufajavid: typos? <ajavid> i have the resolvconf package installed and its /etc/resolv.conf.d/base contains my nameservers from my isp     versus  [dpkgbot]    Alternatively, use <resolvconf> and specify the nameservers yourself: echo -e "nameserver a.b.c.d\nnameserver w.x.y.z" > /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/base
21:59.25enoufls  /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/base shows it exists?
21:59.28ajavidI figured it out with some hints from ya'll but why did resolvconf leave my file blank
21:59.34ajavidenouf, yes,
21:59.38abrotmanit's crap?
21:59.45Crazy_Hopperhi, i remember asking this here before, but i lost the buffer :-( could anyone remind me about the problems with gspca cameras in 2.6.29?
21:59.50abrotmani believe this is well known :)
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22:01.05sepultpeeps unite
22:01.07sepulthave sex
22:01.09sepultor what ever
22:01.20sepultday change
22:01.21plugwashwonders about the possibility of filing serious bugs against every package that messes with resolv.conf
22:01.57plugwashAfaict by writing over /etc/resolv.conf they are all in violation of debian policies on handling configuration files
22:02.04abrotmansepult: knock it off
22:02.11themillplugwash: just the ones that don't do it through the resolvconf package...
22:02.11martianlobsteris /tmp a physical directory on the hard drive, or is it a ramdisk like /dev/shm, which swaps to the swap drive when it needs memory?
22:02.27enoufCrazy_Hopper: if no answer in here - maybe try #v4l ? or .. is it debian specific?
22:02.31dkrmartianlobster: the former
22:02.45Crazy_Hopperenouf: no, not specific, thanks for the hint
22:03.01martianlobsterdkr: thanks
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22:03.06enoufCrazy_Hopper: maybe some info here too
22:03.32plugwashthemill, I don't see how resolvconf (which is only optional) can claim ownership of a key system file like that and write over the users settings when installed and not be in violation of policy
22:03.51sepultabrotman: that's my first time i took dpkg by the hands why don't you let me
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22:03.58enoufCrazy_Hopper: there's also ##linux
22:04.02abrotmansepult: it's not funny
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22:05.05dondelelcaroplugwash: uh... it doesn't overwrite the user's settings when installed, actually
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22:05.35enoufmartianlobster: just to clarify, anything that swaps out to a swap file/partition is by definition not a ramdisk .. many things do though, and use tmpfs
22:05.46dondelelcaroplugwash: but since it installs a mechanism for dealing with a configuration file (as evidenced by its symlink), normal rules don't apply. You can easily override it if you wish.
22:05.51enoufmartianlobster: run as root df -hT
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22:06.40enoufdondelelcaro: i bet debconf settings might/should come into play as well?
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22:07.18ersoyhif1, how can i do start my sbnc?
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22:07.43dondelelcaroenouf: it'll ask at medium priority unless you have a dns-nameserver line in your /etc/network/interfaces
22:07.59enoufi mean, for ex; file:///etc/apt/apt.conf.d/70debconf
22:08.06enoufi see dondelelcaro - ok
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22:08.33themillplugwash: you're free to go back to the dark ages with your network configuration if you like -- most mobile/laptop users are quite happy to have a network configuration that "just works" in > 99% of cases.
22:09.22anewbiehello there guys i have problem with one of mine ext3 parition i use sata sda disk and planing to perform #dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hda bs=1M
22:09.24anewbieto fix this
22:09.40enoufthemill: not fair ..his question was legitimate and dealt with debian policy issues ... btw, what can one do about this Xorg autoconfig crap :-P
22:09.58anewbieis there any other sugestion's that you can give me i hear that i can make llf only one time with that disc
22:10.07enouf(just kidding - i know how to deal with it anyway - if needed)
22:10.20enoufbut we have no choice  ... anymore
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22:10.42plugwashi've seen at least report of a machine with previously working manual resolv.conf configuration having it broken by the (accidental) installation of resolvconf
22:10.56enoufanewbie: a) make sure sda is correct /dev/name
22:11.10enoufanewbie: b) use bs=4M instead of 1M
22:11.10gravityenouf: If you want to change something, get involved. X isn't magic.
22:11.29anewbieenouf, yes i am sure i dont have any other disks here
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22:11.32themillgravity: congratulations, you've been trolled!
22:11.38enoufanewbie: c) you realize all data will be lost and you're writing 0s to entire disk
22:11.51anewbieyes i backup everything
22:11.53enoufgravity: i was teasing .. ;-)
22:12.11anewbieenouf, can you tell me tool for bad sectors scanning
22:12.17anewbiei try to use hirenbootcd apps
22:12.20gravityreally would rather see all the people upset, confused, or just simply curious about all the stuff going on with X to get involved
22:12.23anewbiebut they dont detect my disk
22:12.24enoufanewbie: oh .. want to see partial progress?
22:12.31enoufanewbie: badblocks
22:12.49enoufanewbie: also, your HDD manufacturer has tools
22:12.51SQlvpapirI need the 8139too module but I cant find it in make menuconfig.. any hints?
22:13.04anewbieenouf, yes it has but they are only windows compatible
22:13.40amphianewbie: if it's a modern disk, finding 'bad sectors' is a sign the drive is dead; you could run the smartctl long test if you suspect the drive
22:13.47ajavidthe package resolvconf doesn't have any bugs reported where it is leaving the resolv.conf empty
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22:14.02enoufanewbie: open another shell than the one dd is running in ; use ps to find out the PID of the dd process ; then in that shell issue; kill -SIGUSR1 <PID> ; then look in the original dd shell and it;ll spit out progress info
22:14.17enoufanewbie: no DOS boot floppies?
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22:15.11enoufajavid: obviously there's some confusion about what and where it's supposed to write to - BTW, how's /etc/hosts and /etc/nsswitch.conf look ? nice and clean? is avahi-* running?
22:15.45ajavideverything is fine
22:15.50enoufajavid: i would remove the resolvconf pkg and setup /etc/resolv.conf myself .. that's my suggest, you could always reiunstall and break it again ;-)
22:15.52ajavidmy machine is resolving now
22:16.00anewbieenouf, no i dont have dos boot flopies
22:16.09anewbiei think to perform scan with badblocks first
22:16.11ajavidI just want to see if this is a bug in the package or not, becasue it should be reported
22:16.14ajavidif it is a bug that is
22:16.21anewbieand thet i will think again about the dd
22:16.30anewbiei read that this is too radical
22:16.33ajavidso I'll remove the package, purge config, blank out my resolv.conf install the package and see what happens
22:16.34enoufanewbie: no, i meant the Manu. has something for a floppy disk you could use .. many do
22:16.36dondelelcaroanewbie: if it's a new drive, there's pretty much no point
22:16.44dondelelcaro(if it's a floppy, then carry on)
22:17.06anewbieits mine disk :
22:17.06dondelelcaroajavid: if there's no resolv.conf or an empty one, you'll end up with an empty one.
22:17.29dondelelcaroajavid: if there is one, it'll shove the contents into tail.
22:18.12enoufanewbie: i've issued that dd command many times .. the badblocks one not often at all
22:19.08anewbieenouf, sorry my english is not so good
22:19.25anewbiecan you explain the last 2 lines :(
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22:19.49enoufdondelelcaro: so, what is /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/base for? Manual usage? replaces /etc/resolv.conf? helps out resolvconf pkg?
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22:20.32enoufanewbie: no, i meant the Manufacturer has tools that could be placed and booted from a floppy disk you could use .. many do
22:20.44enoufanewbie: if not, no worries
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22:20.57anewbieenouf, no floppy arround :(
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22:21.05enoufanewbie: i've Zeroed out many disks at various times - especially older ones
22:21.07dondelelcaroenouf: stuff that isn't directly tied to an interface. Normally it should be empty, or possibly contain a search line
22:21.22ajaviddondelelcaro, this is very confusing
22:21.49anewbie:) enouf  you gave me the bright light in the end of the tunnel
22:21.50anewbie#dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hda bs=1M
22:21.52ajavidI blanked resolv.conf, installed resolvconf package, and my resolv.conf is not updated
22:22.00anewbiecan you just explain me the bs sequence in that line
22:22.13enoufanewbie: it stands for block size
22:22.20dondelelcaroajavid: it won't be until you bring up an interface that has information for resolv.conf
22:22.38enoufanewbie: fortunately both yours and mine are multiples of 512 ;-)
22:23.04ajavidI see
22:23.13enoufanewbie: i suggested bs=4M for speed .. but it might not be that different than 1M .. or even 32K
22:23.49enoufanewbie: it is much faster than the default which is bs=512  (bytes)
22:24.18enoufi think i tried 4096 once too or something .. sighs
22:24.18anewbieenouf, you talk for the speed of format or the disk performance
22:24.21foetusmy /etc/resolv.conf: nameserver ("nameserver" must be in slowercase!)
22:24.30anewbiefoetus, yes
22:24.32enoufanewbie: speed that dd works ...
22:24.44anewbieand how about the performance
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22:24.55enoufanewbie: what about it?
22:25.00foetusanewbie: but, whats the problem then?
22:25.09enoufyour disk's performance is .. your disk
22:25.11ajavidthe manual isn't that much clear on resolvconf
22:25.17ajavidlet me see what th epackage documentaiton says
22:25.27enouf's performance .. still the same if stuck within same box
22:25.30anewbieajavid, are you sure that you enter the correct nameserver
22:25.32dondelelcaroajavid: what's your question about it?
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22:25.42anewbieand are you sure that the GUI network manager dont work about that ?
22:25.50ajavidI don't use gui network manager
22:25.50dondelelcaroresolvconf is remarkably simple
22:25.55ajavidmy network is fine
22:26.03anewbieenouf, i understand that the bs sequence dont metter the disk performance after the dd
22:26.05adama_ajavid: the nameserver is supposed to be written in when you acquire an address from DHCP
22:26.07ajavidits just that resolvconf package is never updating my resolv.conf file
22:26.13enoufanewbie: i mean .. certain partitioning strategies and FSTypes, and other mount options, and even kernel compiles could certainly improve performance
22:26.20dondelelcaroajavid: when do you think it should be updating it?
22:26.23enoufbut .. not to worry about all that anewbie
22:26.25ajavidI see
22:26.33ajavidwhat about static, have to specify manually
22:26.35dondelelcaroajavid: in order for it to be updated, an interface must be brought up
22:26.39adama_ajavid: yes
22:26.53ajavidyeh, so resolvconf doesn't work with static configurations
22:26.54dondelelcaroajavid: in the case of a static address, you add a dns-nameserver line to /etc/network/interfaces under the interface in question
22:26.58dondelelcaroajavid: sure it does
22:26.59anewbieenouf thx a lot fot the pation
22:27.04enoufanewbie: no, the bs= is a dd only option .. dd works at the block level, not the FS level
22:27.08ajaviddondelelcaro, that explains it
22:27.24anewbiei undestand :) thx once again
22:27.26dondelelcaroajavid: man resolvconf; for details. It's explained in the PUBLICATION stanza.
22:27.30enoufanewbie: man fdisk .. note the area that talks about altering the disk's block size, you do not want to do _that_! :-)
22:27.34ajavidim there already
22:28.16Crazy_Hoppersimonrvn: iirc, it was you who tried to help me with gspca problems in 2.6.29 some time ago.
22:28.17foetushm, i see, you guys are working on something special..
22:28.23ajavidahh yes
22:28.31ajavidreading it again now with what you said it makes more sense
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22:31.03ajavidI was wondering why on static config it wasn't updating the file, but on dhcp it will
22:31.29ajavidits the dns-nameservers, they say it in manual but not in so many words I guess, I didn't fully understand it the first time I read it I guess
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22:34.27mograhow would I go about setting user homefolders to default to "700" permissions?
22:34.57mograI know I can change it a la "chmod 700 /home/*" but I mean after that, future proofing it
22:35.32dkrmogra: chmod 700 /etc/skel
22:36.58dkrmogra: that was wrong.  the file sin there are just copied, dir perms aren't.  you need to edit /etc/adduser.conf
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22:37.54anewbiemogra you have new installation and want to import old home dirs in it ?
22:38.33anewbie:) ok sorry
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22:39.15mograI just want to make it so that Group and World don't have r-x on people's homes, so only users can do things in their own homes.
22:39.34simNIXam I correct in understanding aptitude is recomended over apt-get ?
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22:39.51anewbiemogra, i use chkperm for that
22:40.01gravitysimNIX: Usually
22:40.31positronajavid: I used chattr +i /etc/resolv.conf to use always the same and specific name server.
22:40.48dkrsimNIX: yes
22:40.50simNIXwriting a manula with notes I got and in it apt-get is used - was checking if updating that to aptitude is current best practice
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22:41.07simNIXtnx 4 responce
22:41.24mograanewbie: must not be a BSD thing, I'll check that out on Deb when I get home.
22:41.39mograat work, tho, I'm on PseudoBSD >.>
22:41.53mograaka Darwin
22:42.01anewbiemogra, chkperm it's full compatible with deb systems
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22:42.07anewbiei use it ... many times
22:42.09simNIXis there already a clear page epxlaining why better aptitude instead of apt-get I can refer to ?
22:42.24mograGreat, I'll look at it tonight when I'm on... a deb system
22:42.26mograwhat's it for?
22:42.37mograI can't seem to find a def online in a quick look ;)
22:43.14nachsimNIX: try it, you'll like it.
22:43.23anewbieit is a script for fast permision configuration
22:43.29anewbieand works verry nice
22:43.38anewbiebut the rbash is solusion too
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22:43.52nachsimNIX: if you haven't yet, try the UI, type 'aptitude' enter.
22:43.54anewbieand it is far  more easy to config
22:43.55mogralol, rbash is a little much ;)
22:44.11anewbieyes but it works :D
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22:44.21simNIXnach; im ok with switch to it - its just im writing a manual and would liek to have a urll in it to refer to why aptitide usage is better
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22:45.09mograanewbie: altho, I might have a favorite new method....
22:45.30szymon_ghm... are debian's initscript written in 'pure' posix-compatible shell or in bash (they have /bin/sh /which is a symlink to /bin/bash)?
22:46.37nachbought a range rover sport. o/
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22:48.50foetusszymon_g: no. #!/bin/sh -e
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22:49.50simNIXnach, I do lke it - it's just form earlyer confersation ive understood that a aptitude install ... is better somehow then apt-get install ... - im trying to learn why and such so I can write bit about it - one thing I remembered was said is with aptitude can fix certain conflikts better ...
22:49.57szymon_gfoetus: what '-e' means? i looked into bash's manual and i dont see it
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22:50.51foetusszymon_g: just use it..however, its the standard, imho
22:51.15\amethystszymon_g:   it's under 'set'
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22:52.38adb!tell simNIX  about why aptitude
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22:54.22foetusszymon_g: stands for ename, sh -c help
22:54.37szymon_gah, thanx \amethyst and foetus
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23:04.38simNIXadb - ty
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23:17.58jetscreamermy sound 'doesn't work'. i suspect that digital output is enabled by default. i need to know how to turn it off manually. (no mixer (alsamixergui, kmix) has such a setting)
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23:19.01jetscreamernew2me box, intel hda, alsa seems configured, all (seemingly all) required modules loaded
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23:20.23jetscreamerrealtek alc330 or so is not detected by lspci, but i get  Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801FB/FBM/FR/FW/FRW (ICH6 Family) High Definition Audio Controller (rev 03)
23:21.42jetscreamerit says realtek in windows though... and i saw a chip that said realtek on the mb... not sure the chip id
23:22.04jetscreamerand don't everybody answer at once, for a line and take a number...
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23:27.11octoserverwhat is   @@ -240,7 +242,7 @@, is that somethig you might find in a patch? what does it mean ?
23:28.08adama_it means the difference that will be patched occurs on line 240, 7 lines. It will be on line 242 after patching
23:28.25adama_see "man diff" and "man patch"
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23:29.23octoservercool thanks for the info
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23:31.41funyunanyone know of a video splitter better than avidemux? avidemux makes all my split videos out of sync..
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23:38.53jetscreameryou mean split into audio and video? mplayer will
23:39.08jetscreamermencoder rather
23:39.14dpkgi heard mencoder is available from the repositories and is not in Debian itself. Ask me about <dmm>. For usage instructions, see and also
23:39.21dpkgRealtek is a developer of semiconductors.  For Ethernet chipset information, ask me about: <rtl8029>, <rtl8139>, <rtl8101e>.  For wireless chipset information, ask me about: <rtl-wifi>, <rtl8187se>.
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23:41.45dandcCan you ifconfig an interface to set the ip, netmask, and bring it up all at once?
23:41.53dondelelcarodandc: yes
23:42.24dondelelcaro(though it's not like it matters if you bring it up in stages, either)
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23:44.24funyunjetscreamer: does mencoder re-encode it? or just split?
23:44.54dandcso just ifconfig <interface> inet <ip> netmask <mask> up?
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23:45.48techousewhy did i get iceweasel 3.0.7 from the squeeze repo wehn it clearly states that it has  3.0.9 in the squeeze repo?
23:46.08jetscreamerfunyun: it's the swiss army knife of video editing i guess you'd say .. #mplayer
23:46.51adbjudd: versions  iceweasel
23:46.52juddadb: iceweasel -- etch: etch-security: lenny: 3.0.6-1 sid: 3.0.9-1 squeeze: 3.0.9-1
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23:47.40techouseadb: i know, but when i downloaded it from the repo via aptitude i got 3.0.7
23:48.19adbdid update ?
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23:48.33techouseGet:16 squeeze/main iceweasel 3.0.7-1 [1131kB]
23:48.34dondelelcarotechouse: is your mirror out of date?
23:48.59dondelelcarotechouse: see what apt-cache policy iceweasel; says. If it doesn't say 3.0.9-1, and you've run apt-get update; your mirror is out of date.
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23:50.08techouse3.0.7-1 0
23:50.12techousemirror out of date
23:50.19techousei got it manually....
23:50.26techouseno additional deps, so ok :D
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23:51.59dondelelcarotechouse: you're going to want to switch to a mirror that isn't so out of date though; it's at least 3 days out of date.
23:52.32techousedondelelcaro: meh....this mirror gives me 10MB/s
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23:52.50techouseit's the same ISP i got
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23:53.11EtherNetby chance, is there any option for aptitude/apt-get to enable multithreading download? many download threads at the same time-'
23:53.31techousei've seen it in ubuntu
23:54.55techouseit downloaded 3 things at the same time
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23:55.11EtherNetif it's from different sources it does it automatically.. but from the same source
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23:55.16anewbiehmm am i wrong or lenny repos dont have syslinux and mtools ?
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23:55.27EtherNeti   mtools                          - Tools for manipulating MSDOS files
23:55.27EtherNetlenny has it
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23:55.28anewbieEtherNet, yes i am wrong
23:55.28EtherNetboth of them
23:55.28anewbiebut apt-get dont install them
23:55.32anewbiei install them with aptitude
23:55.41EtherNetyou should always use aptitude rather than apt-get
23:55.50anewbiei think that aptitude and apt-get use sources.list
23:56.00EtherNetboth of them use the same one
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23:56.20anewbiethen why apt-get says that there are no such packege like syslinux
23:56.28anewbieand aptitude install it
23:56.33EtherNetI don't know...
23:56.41EtherNetacpidump - utilities to dump system's ACPI tables to an ASCII file
23:56.41EtherNetcpmtools - Tools to access CP/M file systems
23:56.41EtherNetfmtools - Utility for managing FM tuner cards
23:56.41EtherNethpoj - HP OfficeJet Linux driver (hpoj)
23:56.41EtherNetmtools - Tools for manipulating MSDOS files
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23:56.45EtherNetpmtools - Perl module tools
23:56.49EtherNetthere you got my own output
23:56.55EtherNetapt-cache search mtools
23:56.57EtherNettry that
23:57.38anewbie... i think it's not needed i just will use aptitude
23:57.38techousewhen's weael 3.0.10 coming?
23:58.04c0m1hi. I'm configuring apt-mirror's mirror.list for the first time. If I do not specify a default arch, will it download packages for all architectures? What I really would like is for i386 and amd64 to be mirrored (as all computers on my network are that)
23:58.06themillisn't sure whether to !paste or !enter ...
23:58.06EtherNetno idea, but I am getting pissed about the delays between firefox and iceweasel
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23:58.48techouseEtherNet: yea
23:59.13techousebesides, when's google gonna move their ass and make us a non-alpha chromium

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