IRC log for #debian on 20080718

00:00.39fork4childshi, does someone have some experience with gnome-themes? i dont know how to change them.... cant find the gnome-themes-manager
00:00.54Nylefork4childs, try gnome-control-center
00:01.00Nyleit should be in there
00:01.29Nylechilds is wrong
00:01.34Nyleits children btw
00:01.40Nyleor child.
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00:01.56Nylestill its wrong
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00:02.05cafuegoThough if people weren't stupid and didn't breed we wouldn't have this discussion
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00:02.17cafuegoPLUS the world would be a quieter, calmer place
00:02.21Nylesadly, stupid prople procreate more than the smart ones
00:02.26*** join/#debian BrahmsC (n=ii@pdpc/supporter/active/BrahmsC)
00:02.26fork4childsok ok .. next time i change it to child
00:03.11mordy_what's the driver name for the free radeon driver? i.e. what do i put in xorg.conf?
00:03.27Nyleyou shouldn't need to put anything in xorg.conf
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00:03.48mordy_nyle - i tried using vesa - which works - 'radeon' gives me the same problems i've been having all along
00:03.51BrahmsCis apache configured by default to be run as a intranet server ?
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00:04.03NyleBrahmsC, yes
00:04.14teratoma_2.6.20 without upgrading to testing ?
00:04.16NyleBrahmsC, you have to configure for outside your lan
00:04.18cafuegoBrahmsC: apache doesn't care what it rusn at, it just listens on port, 80 on all IPs and interfaces.
00:04.26yeplai have buy msi wind i try to install the webcam (sound and network ok but not implemented yet)
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00:04.31greeg_can you folks verify if my web server is reachable?  im not sure if my ISP blocks port 80 or not.
00:04.31Nylecafuego, fqdn settings
00:04.46mordy_well, the reason i want the radeon drivers is because i'm limited to a 1024x768 with vesa
00:04.48BrahmsCi have to run it ONLY on the intranet
00:04.51Nyleit works
00:04.58Nylethis kid likes george carlin
00:04.59yeplasomeone have succefuly installed the webcam ?
00:05.04cafuegoBrahmsC: edit /etc/apache2/ports.conf
00:05.11greeg_Nyle: can  you see my web server ?
00:05.21cafuegoBrahmsC: And change Listen 80 to Listen intranet.ip:80
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00:05.26NyleI cannot see that you have a george carlin pdf file there
00:05.28NyleI can't see it
00:05.41NyleI also can't see your picture of a kilt
00:05.55greeg_thats me Bashing Korn on youtube
00:05.56BrahmsCcafuego: where intranet.ip is the client ip address ?
00:06.11NyleGeorge Carlin - When Will Jesus Bring The Pork Chops v1.2.pdf
00:06.22Nyleim getting that one
00:06.24Nylehope you don't mind
00:06.35BrahmsCshould have asked that on apache, sorry :\
00:06.38cafuegoBrahmsC: No, the server's internet address
00:06.41NyleApache/2.2.3 (Debian) mod_python/3.2.10 Python/2.4.4 PHP/5.2.0-8+etch11 mod_perl/2.0.2 Perl/v5.8.8 Server at Port 80
00:06.47Nylelook at how much ifnormation you're giving out
00:06.53cafuegoBrahmsC: inTRA net sorry :-)
00:06.55teratoma_where's that debian irc network ? actually
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00:08.25cafuegoDo you think he yotube comment system would shrink by more than half if all comments inappropriately using "gay" were deleted from it?
00:09.21cafuegoneeds coffee
00:09.35themill!coffee cafuego
00:09.36dpkgdecants a fine broth of organic, fair trade Colombian for cafuego, courtesy of themill
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00:11.06mordy_anyone else here using a radeon card?
00:11.07BrahmsCcafuego: thank you
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00:11.30mordy_x just gives me a blue screen when i use their radeon driver
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00:12.56cafuegoBrahmsC: np
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00:13.39cafuegoor rather, buy nvidia? ;-)
00:14.37mordy_cafeugo - if you're talking to me - it's a laptop - and one whose display i don't plan to use much. i just want things to work as they should though
00:15.11gravitywols: For which drivers?
00:15.48gravitythemill: drxx wouldn't work for resolution any more anyway, we'd have had to rewrite that.
00:16.14Nylewhat are you doing to Xorg?
00:16.38cafuegomordy_: Yeah, that's the problem with ATI and Linux.
00:17.06themillgravity: ahh... it's a common enough problem that we're seeing. And telling people just to use xrandr (or similar) after they have logged in is a poor hack at best and might leave them with a garbled login screen at worst.
00:17.14amphimy old radeon 7500 worked very nicely with the xorg driver
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00:17.37gravitythemill: They can ostensibly set it in xorg.conf still. Realistically, some of it is out of debian's control and is reliant on upstream changes
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00:17.45cafuegoamphi: Yup, you'll find there were pobably specs for that card
00:18.00DawnLightI am setting up an automatic installation using preseed. I'm using the 'd-i preseed/late_command string' option to make it wget a script and run it. My challenge is to make this script run in foreground because it is interactive. How can I do that in d-i?
00:18.02superlinuxi am wondering abt one thing
00:18.07amphicafuego: mayhap
00:18.10mordy_my radeon used to work - i'm getting a feeling that something isn't configured properly - i don't think that it's something intimately connected to the driver
00:18.10gravityWe need a better way to deal with setting resolutions, but we're short on manpower and time
00:18.19themillgravity: yeah, I know. Much of it is a huge improvement though ;)
00:18.22gravityI won't have any time for it until November at the earliest
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00:18.32gravityAnd no one else seems to have picked it up unfortunately
00:18.48abrotmanthe old way worked ?
00:18.54mordy_but again, i don't know where to look - the only things i know how to check up are the xorg log and the xorg configuration -and even that is pushing it
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00:19.35cafuegomordy_: Have you had a look on for sample X config files form people witgh an identical laptop?
00:19.48cafuego!tell superlinux -about repeat
00:20.00gravityneeds to just graduate, find a job, and get back to X work
00:20.23Nylehow long do you have left?
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00:20.27jelly-homesuperlinux: your question makes no sense
00:20.30gravityNyle: November if all goes well
00:20.32superlinuxcafuego: i am not.. just fixing my question
00:20.36Nylegravity, awesome
00:20.37gravityStill need to find a job though
00:20.44Nylegravity, my older brother just graudated from nurshing school
00:20.47superlinuxjelly how come?
00:20.53gravityNyle: Cool. Congrats to him
00:20.57Nylegravity, thanks
00:21.07Nylegravity, younger brother just graduated highschool too hehe
00:21.07mordy_cafeugo -\i have, and i don't't think i've found my laptop
00:21.18nanoasomebody can install voyage in a soekris
00:21.22Nylegravity, what degree?
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00:21.30Nylecomputer stuff?
00:21.43gravityNyle: PhD in developmental genetics
00:21.56gravityNyle: Sadly not enough computer stuff, although I'm working a bit in lately
00:22.09gravityYay python
00:22.09jelly-homesuperlinux: cabling (layer-1) doesn't have anything to do with upper layers
00:23.00superlinuxwhen u cable a switch to a swithch dont u put a x-over for example?
00:23.18rahulsuperlinux: that has nothing to do with upper layers, tho
00:23.28rahuland it has nothing to do with "switch to switch"
00:23.34mordy_the closest match to my laptop is the HP branded zd8000 (as opposed to my compaq branded x6000) - it uses the fglrx driver
00:23.35abrotmanand maybe he should ask #networking
00:23.36rahulit has to do with how the ports on the switch work
00:23.37jelly-homesuperlinux: it depends on the hardware, and still doesn't have anything with iso layers
00:24.32superlinuxi want to ask you: how do you connect a switch to a switch? or router to router ethernets?
00:24.44abrotmansuperlinux: ask #networking
00:24.55jelly-homesuperlinux: ... and read their documentation
00:25.05superlinuxi want to see other ppl opinions
00:25.13abrotmansuperlinux: ask #networking
00:25.19jelly-homesuperlinux: this is not the right place.
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00:25.26superlinuxok bro, no worries
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00:26.20rahulheh, opinions
00:26.57Nylerahul, wanna go see the dark knight
00:26.58rahulsuperlinux: if you want opinions on how people should create cabling standards, this is not the right place either... if you want opinions on facts, you're on crack
00:27.10rahulNyle: I do, but probably not tonight
00:27.16rahulgotta head downtown
00:27.20Nylerahul, stew went to the thing i think in brooklyn
00:27.28Nylesame place as last time
00:27.34Nylepacific standard, good beer place
00:27.37rahuloh yeah
00:27.44rahulan official debian nyc thing?
00:28.08fedora_does linus torvalds ever connect to freenode IRC_
00:28.10*** part/#debian fork4childs (
00:28.17abrotmanfedora_: how would we know?
00:28.30abrotmanfedora_: email him and ask him
00:28.41rahuland yeah... he doesn't use debian, so why would he be here
00:28.47superlinuxi want to see who is right only. cos what i learnt is that same layer devices u put a cross over cable, different  layered , put a str8 thru
00:28.53fedora_what's his email address?
00:29.01DawnLightI am setting up an automatic installation using preseed. I'm using the 'd-i preseed/late_command string' option to make it wget a script and run it. My challenge is to make this script run in foreground because it is interactive. How can I do that in d-i?
00:29.06abrotmanfedora_: google "LKML" find it yourself
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00:29.11abrotmanfedora_: do you have a Debian question?
00:29.14DawnLighthi abrotman
00:29.16superlinuxmaybe there is something wrong in what i learnt
00:29.21Nylehi abrotman
00:29.26abrotmansuperlinux: for the last time .. ask #networking
00:29.27fedora_not so Debian based but...oh well
00:29.39fedora_here goes my question
00:29.50DawnLighthi Nyle
00:29.56Nylewhats goin on man dude homie bro
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00:30.11DawnLightlotsa love
00:30.19fedora_how do you put the name of whom you are typing at in the beginning of an IRC phrase on Konversation, on Debian? ;D
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00:30.32Nylerahul, my girl went to go see batman movie :(
00:30.39NyleI'm stuck here being sick
00:30.44Nylec'mon go with me
00:30.47Nylebe a come-with guy
00:30.48cafuegoNyle: It's *good* too
00:30.53castNyle: pics
00:30.59Nylebe a come-with guy dude
00:31.05Nylei'll pay for your ticket
00:31.23rahulI got other plans, dude
00:31.27abrotmanNyle: msg him .. jeez
00:31.33rahulI wanna see it tho, maybe over the weekend
00:31.39Nylelets do that
00:31.39cafuegorahul: take your man out for a night on the town, show him you love him...
00:31.44Nylecafuego, hahaha
00:31.45rahulbut I gotta get going. laters.
00:31.47themillfedora_: start typing the nick and hit <TAB>. There are options for how to do the tab completion. I go for "case insensitive" and "cylce".
00:31.53DaemonikI'm trying to boot Debian via PXE then continue using NFS. I want this NFS share to be read-only, so how would I best go about getting Debian to combine a ram-disk with this NFS share using UnionFS?
00:31.57rahulcafuego: you Penix.
00:32.02Nyleread only?
00:32.06cafuegorahul: lies!!!@!
00:32.12Nylethat might could cause a problem
00:32.19DawnLightDaemonik: do you know that there's ltsp?
00:32.27fedora_thanks themill
00:32.36DaemonikDawnLight, Is it ready to go and "just works"?
00:32.55cafuegoDaemonik: Yeah. You just allow users to write to /home, which is an other nfs share...
00:32.55fedora_that was not a Debian question but I was promted to make a Debian centered one, so I had to...
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00:33.06DawnLightDaemonik: ahm... yes. the etch version just works after you set up some stuff
00:33.28cafuegoDaemonik: I played with ltsp a year or two ago, worked very nicely.
00:33.37DaemonikDawnLight, This is being served by OpenBSD
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00:33.57cafuegoDaemonik: OpenBSD doesn't care. You just need a kernel and an NFS mount.
00:33.58DawnLightperhaps they have an openbsd port
00:34.04cafuegoand a tftp server
00:34.13Daemonikcafuego, Which I already have ,I'm already at that part.
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00:35.00cafuegoDaemonik: *nod* Then you need an ltsp client installed tree in the nfs server, so you can share that to clients,.
00:35.07Nylei did ltsp
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00:35.18Nylefew months ago
00:35.24DaemonikWe're going to be having dozens of thin-clients booting off this, so I want the NFS share to be read-only, and have all changes transparently only appear to be made . . in ram using UnionFS.
00:35.37KineticBugUhhm, random newbie question, how do I get the IP address of the machine I'm on (To the internets, not local) through CLI?
00:35.45NyleKineticBug, ifconfig
00:35.46Daemonikcafuego, I've already copied an etch installation, would that be hard to get working?
00:35.48dpkgTo get your ip: /sbin/ifconfig eth0 | grep "inet addr" | sed -e 's/^.*inet addr://' -e 's/ .*$//', or ifconfig eth0 | awk '/inet addr:/{sub\"addr:",""\;print $2}', or hostname -i, or "ip a s eth0 | grep inet | cut -d' ' -f6", or /sbin/ifconfig eth0|perl -ne 'if /addr:s*d+.\d+\.\d+\.\d+/ {print qq|$1n|}', or wget -O- 2>/dev/null|perl -pe 's/.+Address:\ [\d\.]+<.+/$1/;'
00:35.51dondelelcaroKineticBug: see above.
00:35.52cafuegoNyle: That is not a picture of ltsp
00:35.56KineticBugThanks guys!
00:35.56Nylecafuego, ;)
00:36.02Nylewow thats long factoid!
00:36.08cafuegoDaemonik: To be honest, I don't know. I didn't ude Debian for mine.
00:36.10Nylehow about just ifconfig and using eyes
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00:36.27Nylecafuego, ubuntu?
00:36.41Daemonikcafuego, Looks here like I can install ltsp-build-client, then I'll just go ahead and copy /opt/ltsp . . hmm
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00:37.32DawnLightgnight lovers
00:38.14rixthIs root SSH login via a key acceptable?
00:38.28teratoma_sure why not
00:38.28cjaeis debian servers different from ubuntu servers on xchat?
00:38.42cjaesorry are
00:38.44cafuegoNyle: edubuntu, yes
00:38.59Nyledebian points to and ubuntu poitns to
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00:39.07cafuegoNyle: But... i was booting a whole battery of coloured iMacs, so it looked pretty and cheerful :-)
00:39.15Nylehehe nice
00:39.23NyleI setup a data recovery system using ltsp
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00:39.35Nyledata/system recovery
00:39.42cjaeNyle, ok but ubuntu is the same as freenode...confused o_0
00:39.52Nylecjae, what is your question
00:39.57NyleI may have misunderstood you
00:40.02cjaecuriousity == == here on freenode
00:40.21Nyleis this what you are asking?
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00:41.48Nylecast, satisfied?
00:41.56cjaeone more xchat question, how do I get the channel list of ppl on the channel? like the window to the right
00:42.03cafuegonagios web ui tells me the nagios server apache is down?
00:42.07Nylelook on the menu
00:42.18Nyleyou'll see windows, channel list window
00:42.37Nylecjae, you can do /who #chan to see who is on the chan
00:42.42Nylei don't think that opens up in a seperate window
00:42.47Nyletry asking #xchat
00:44.10cjaewhen I used xchat last it showed users/ppl online in that channel on the right of screen now its not here, will ask in #xchat
00:45.44Nyleits probably pushed all the way to the side to its hidden now
00:45.46mordy_cjae - you just need to resize the menu on your right/left
00:45.54Nylemove your mouse around the edge
00:45.57mordy_it's pushed all the way to the side - as nyle said
00:45.59Nyleyou will see resize handlers
00:46.09Nylejust grab one and drag left, to make the userlist wider
00:46.19cjaesorry thanks
00:46.41Nyletry irssi
00:46.43dpkgi guess irssi is the best irc client ever, or found in the irssi-text package on sarge, or irssi on etch, or,, #irssi @ / #irssi @
00:47.02Nylewhat about irssi here on #freenode
00:47.02mordy_yeah, irssi :|
00:47.07Nyle#irssi on freenode
00:47.51cjaeis there a multimedia repo for debian
00:47.56dpkghmm... dmm is Debian Multimedia, a repository of unofficial Debian packages, not in Debian for patent-related reasons, maintained by Christian Marillat. For information on how to use this repository, see . or ask me about <debian-multimedia.etch>
00:48.49mordy_the framebuffer still refuses to turn off *sigh* - i see it initialized in boot, despite ... gah, what's the use
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00:53.26cjaeNyle, so this repo would have w32 and all that jazz, I see debian already plays .avi - dvix and such but the image qulaity is low
00:54.00cjaeNyle, btw latest stable is etch right?
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00:56.00tuvis it at all possible to chroot to a debootstrapped directory without root access?
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00:57.20cjaenyle, I cannot just add this repo to sources list I need a gpg key as well right?
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00:57.55Nyleaptitude install debian-multimedia-keyring after you add the repo
00:58.10Nyleand obviously update
00:58.40cjaeNyle, yah just saw that increased text size for web pages too
00:58.49*** join/#debian SilverDawn (
00:59.13dpkgUbuntu is based on Debian, but it is not Debian, and it is unlikely to live up to Debian's standards (see <Debian policy>).  Only Debian is supported on #debian.  Use #ubuntu ( instead.  Even if the channel happens to be less helpful, support for distributions other than Debian is offtopic on #debian.  See also <based on debian>.
00:59.16superlinuxwhich has more advantages? letting the root do all group assignments or let a normal user take care of his own group
00:59.32SilverDawn:( didnt it used to say debian for retards?
00:59.44abrotmanSilverDawn: does it matter?
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00:59.48SilverDawnGuess not
01:00.08SilverDawnI just wanted to give it to someone :P
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01:00.49Alyawtf package manager is trying to connect over proxy if I dont see any proxy settings?
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01:01.06Alyaor am looking not in the right place
01:01.09abrotmanapt.conf ?
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01:01.26Alyano proxy still
01:02.11mordy_hmm.. i'm thinking maybe the radeonfb got inside the kernel - how do i tell? how do i remove it?
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01:02.16abrotmanAlya: likely on your system
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01:02.36johndoedoes aptitude keep a log of the things it installed/removed ?
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01:02.50abrotmanjohndoe: /var/log/dpkg.log
01:03.02johndoeabrotman: thanks
01:03.23dutonhow can i check a cd for errors ?
01:03.39*** join/#debian TimothyA (
01:03.49TimothyAhow do i run something in the background, without being annoyed by its output?
01:04.09abrotmanfoo & &>output
01:04.12abrotmanwait .. is that right ?
01:04.16tuvTimothyA, 2>/dev/null at the end
01:04.20abrotmanfoo &>output &
01:04.32KineticBugRecommended mail daemon for debian?
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01:04.37TimothyAtuv; I can't do anything when I do that
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01:04.40abrotmanKineticBug: postfix or exim
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01:05.18unixSnobSo i did a netinst, and installed and configured all the apps I want.  THEN discovered that it installed a 32-bit kernel on a 64-bit machine </rant>
01:05.33tuvis it at all possible to chroot to a debootstrapped directory without root privileges?
01:06.00GhostlyDeath|LptunixSnob: that sucks, was it a 64-bit CD?
01:06.01abrotmanunixSnob: i386 debian has a 64bit kernel available .. if you think it will help
01:06.29dutonhmm found cdck will check that out.
01:07.04unixSnobGhostlyDeath|Lpt: not sure.. probably.  I originally burned it for a 32bit machine
01:07.07tuvTimothyA, actually that only forwards the error stream to /dev/null
01:07.33Alyasilly ghost proxy
01:07.48unixSnobabrotman: I believe I need to reinstall everything in order to leverage 64bit performance
01:07.54GhostlyDeath|LptunixSnob: then it would install 32-bit software
01:08.01abrotmanunixSnob: really not worth it
01:08.01tuvTimothyA, &>/dev/null will get rid of all output
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01:08.44unixSnobGhostlyDeath|Lpt: that was a typo.. i meant to say 'probably not'
01:08.52TimothyAtuv; I'm unable to issue anymore commands
01:09.10abrotmanfoo &>output &
01:09.21cjaeNyle, I seem to be getting an error when I try to recieve the gpg key
01:09.21*** part/#debian wirenutt (n=glen@
01:09.26tuvTimothyA, CTRL-C will inturrupt the current command, if it doesn't stop on its own
01:09.30unixSnobabrotman: really?  I really intend to push this machine... running a couple VMs, perhaps even at once
01:09.42cjaeNyle, sorry nevermind
01:09.44abrotmanunixSnob: then do whatever you want
01:09.44TimothyAtuv: i want it to run in the background, I still want to continue to be able to use the shell
01:09.47naivwhich is the better terminal ? rxvt ?
01:09.52mordy_depends what program - ctl-c doesn't always interrupt as expected
01:10.03tuvTimothyA, right.. what abrotman suggested will add the feature of sending the program to the background
01:10.22abrotmanthat is what he asked for  oringially
01:10.24TimothyAah yes :D
01:10.30TimothyAthank you, abrto
01:10.49tuvabrotman, it's not my fault he picked my answer over yours!
01:10.51shiftyhow do I rename -leading_hyphen.pdf to no_leading_hyphen.pdf in bash?
01:11.02abrotmantuv: yeah .. it happens from time to time :)
01:11.06TimothyAwill it also still run when i disconnect?
01:11.10abrotmanshifty: man rename
01:11.48tuvTimothyA, most probably not. i guess it depends on the program. you may want to use screen if you want it to continue running no matter what
01:11.49shiftyabrotman: is it possible using mv?
01:12.04TimothyAtuv; how do i switch between screens?
01:12.05*** mode/#debian [+l 782] by debhelper
01:12.07tuvTimothyA, or maybe nohup
01:12.20TimothyAi think screens might be more useful to me
01:12.28*** join/#debian Posterdati (
01:12.31tuvTimothyA, install the package "screen" and read its man
01:12.47TimothyAi have a very tiny window to read in
01:12.47abrotmanor nohup
01:12.51TimothyAit's almost impossible
01:13.46shiftyi would like to understand how to sucessfully escape leading hyphens in filenames in the shell
01:14.04cjaelibdvdcss2 is the most current?
01:14.17tuvshifty, won't quotes do it?
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01:14.41abrotmanshifty: i'd use rename
01:15.00*** join/#debian Sipingal (
01:15.07shiftytuv: apparently not :-)
01:15.34*** part/#debian NoUtRoS (
01:15.40shiftyabrotman: yes, i will follow your advice for this particular file, although it is bugging me I can't escape it properly!
01:16.01abrotmanshifty: escape it ?
01:16.25amphishifty: you put '--' after any args to the command
01:16.49amphishifty: eg. mv -- -foo bar
01:17.07*** join/#debian _abbenormal (n=_abbenor@
01:17.39dpkgTo use an NVIDIA graphics card with Debian, see If you've done it before, ask me about <nvidia one-liner> for a reminder. or If using a later release than Etch, ask me about <nvidia_post_etch>
01:17.40_abbenormalhello all
01:17.43shiftyamphi: AWESOME!  there's always a simple answer!  Thanks!
01:17.52TimothyAurgh, I can't seem to create a new screen..
01:17.59abrotmanoh .. i thought it had an underscore
01:18.04Nyleamphi, pin
01:18.06abrotmanTimothyA: ctrl-a c
01:18.21_abbenormalhas anyone done a fresh install and built a vanilla kernel today
01:18.27shiftyabrotman: thanks also - the 'ls \-file.pdf' just complains "invalid option -f"
01:18.36TimothyAabrotman; i did!
01:18.44abrotmanshifty: right .. use the --
01:18.46DaemonikWhen I attempt to PXE-boot Debian then NFS, after the kernel has loaded initrd, I get the error "mount: Mounting /root/dev on /dev/.static/dev failed: No such file or directory", I'm not exactly sure what to do here. Do I have to edit initrd? This is one made with initramfs.conf with BOOT=nfs and all that.
01:18.53TimothyActrl-a, and then c
01:18.57TimothyAit just ignores it
01:19.09_abbenormalthe ? is what is this and why is it in the menu.lst   root=UUID=419f6c44-d2f2-44d8-85ab-b7ef08b3121e ro
01:19.10abrotmannot ctrl-a,ctrl-c .. ctrl-a,c
01:19.25TimothyAthat's what I just said
01:19.35abrotman_abbenormal: your bootloader is booting by UUID instead of device ..
01:19.36*** join/#debian dansushi (
01:19.39abrotmanthat didn't make sense
01:19.49*** join/#debian kanzure (i=bryan@
01:20.06_abbenormalok why is debian moving to this type of bootloading
01:20.09Trampabrotman: should be equivalent (ctrl-a,ctrl-c or ctral-a,c)
01:20.40*** join/#debian dondelelcaro (
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01:21.33abrotmanTramp: i think win32 putty doesn't work with the former .. can't recall
01:21.40Gnurduxwhats that command that tells you what's using what file?
01:21.43_abbenormaland is there more info out here as when i make a new kernel it panics using that in the menu.lst remove it and it loads fine
01:21.44TimothyA'xenconsole' ?
01:22.05naivis rxvt a wired term or a dinausaur term ?
01:22.07abrotmanGnurdux: fuser or lsof
01:22.16Gnurduxah yes thanks
01:22.20*** join/#debian derchris^ (
01:22.50phorce1lenny appears to be in high freakin gear. Hundreds of megs of upgrades every few days.
01:22.56*** join/#debian ZsoL (
01:26.16Ian_Daniheris there anyway that I can have rsync delete files on the far directory that have been removed in the local?
01:26.17*** join/#debian CAiRO_ (
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01:28.11abrotmanIan_Daniher: you want to delete files from the master that were deleted in the copy ?
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01:28.32Ian_Daniherabrotman: strike it, reverse it
01:28.40Zeroyezlooking for etch and a half iso amd64
01:28.53Ian_Daniherdelete files from the copy that were deleted on the master
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01:28.53abrotmanIan_Daniher: the man page covers that
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01:30.20pr0uthello all
01:30.31pr0uti have some problem with iptables
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01:31.05pr0utim usning script to make firewall but when i do "iptables -F" my server (its a dedicated server) crash
01:31.36blamelessdoes it crash or do you just get locked out?
01:31.46*** join/#debian cmsimon (i=cmsimon@unaffiliated/cmsimon)
01:31.53pr0uti lost ssh on my server
01:32.07cmsimonhi. where can i fetch a copy of the public debian gpg key so i can check images?
01:32.32blamelesspr0ut: does your iptables policy say something other than Allow?
01:33.09abrotmanpr0ut: you're getting locked out
01:33.11pr0utim using this ->
01:33.14*** join/#debian KineticBug (
01:33.22abrotmanyou're flushing your tables .. and after that's done, ssh isn't allowed
01:33.37pr0utbut how can i just clean my iptable ?
01:33.46*** join/#debian greeg_ (
01:34.03bpgoldsbI want to install some packages (i.e. postfix) without having to bother with dpkg-reconfigure.  I'm going to pull it's configuration from another location (cfengine/puppet).  Any ideas on the APT command I should be using?
01:34.22blamelesspr0ut: do a iptables -P INPUT ACCEPT before the iptables -F
01:34.44greeg_could someone be so kind and tell me if they could reach my web server?
01:35.01greeg_i need to verify if my ISP blocks port 80
01:35.01pr0utok blameless i will try
01:35.16Zeroyezi rea ched it
01:35.21Zeroyeznot blocked :)
01:35.26greeg_thanx Zeroyez
01:35.41pr0utok it's good, thx blameless
01:35.48*** part/#debian cmsimon (i=cmsimon@unaffiliated/cmsimon)
01:36.00Zeroyezwhen will jesus bring the pork chops? o.o
01:36.04amphigreeg_: you could also use FWIW
01:36.10Zeroyeznice stuff xD
01:36.19greeg_thanx  i'll book mark it
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01:41.56dos000is there an easy way to figure the category of a package ? when i visit i see those categories. Now from a package name how do i see which categry its in ?
01:42.05*** mode/#debian [+l 776] by debhelper
01:42.24abrotmanSection ?
01:42.57blamelessdos000: do a search?  or just go to
01:44.18dos000blameless: where do ise the category ?
01:44.45*** join/#debian piju (n=piju@
01:45.08dos000blameless: also i did not understood what you meant by search ?
01:45.10abrotmandos000: apt-cache show vserver-debiantools | grep Section
01:45.31dos000abrotman:  thanks!
01:45.39dos000blameless: thanks
01:46.17Eitanis there a utility to check to see whether a partition is ext2 or ext3?
01:46.32blamelessEitan: mount
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01:46.37dos000df -ha
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01:49.22Eitanblameless: what is the default filesystem for etch?
01:49.37blamelessext3 afaik
01:49.50blamelesswhich may not be much since i don't use ext at all
01:50.04Eitandos000: do you concur? default filesystem for etch is?
01:50.14KineticBugHmm, one thing I've never done... How do you uninstall a package I just apt-get'd
01:50.28dos000Eitan: no idea .. sorry !
01:50.29blamelessKineticBug: apt-get remove --purge <blah-package>
01:50.46KineticBugAhh, thanks
01:51.16bpgoldsbIf a package (postfix) wants to run dpkg-reconfigure, is there a way to install it with a 'dont run dpkg-reconfigure' setting?
01:51.59*** join/#debian alphad (n=alphad@
01:54.32epsilondefault is ext3
01:54.34abrotmanbpgoldsb: uhm .. you have to answer those quetsions usually
01:54.38civillianblameless: which fs do you use mainly?
01:55.08bpgoldsbabrotman: I'm rolling out configs with puppet/cfengine/etc
01:55.17*** join/#debian lilferry (
01:55.17bpgoldsbI'm aware of the issues by skipping it
01:55.32lilferryanyone using tvtime?
01:56.02civillianblameless: googling..
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01:59.06civillianblameless: what's you main reasoning for using jfs?
02:00.54blamelessaccording to what i've read, it performs better overall on low power devices
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02:01.55KineticBugHmm, what could be causing this
02:02.15KineticBugDoes the same thing trying to apt-get remove postfix
02:07.26acidslephaha back!
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02:09.08_abbenormalwhy is debian using this in the grub menu.lst and where can i find more info about how it is used in kernel making     root=UUID=419f6c44-d2f2-44d8-85ab-b7ef08b3121e ro
02:10.22acidslepdid you check info grub?
02:10.42cjaeis there no package installer for debian, I mean like the one similar to windows install shield I think its called gdeb or something?
02:10.43_abbenormalgoogling now
02:11.00acidslepcjae whats wrong with aptitude?
02:11.12cjaeor is it not installed by default
02:11.41acidslepor synaptic if your into that sort of thing
02:11.46cjaeacidslep, nothing just curious
02:12.01acidslepdselect will do the same i belive
02:12.06acidslepsynaptic will work with X
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02:13.13Cyp_j8, r u there ?
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02:17.12BrahmsCfor an iso i write with Joliet, Iso level 1 or iso level 2 ?
02:18.26KineticBugHmm, what could be causing this
02:18.40acidslep!alert! xorg bugs!!!
02:19.00acidslepbut seriousley, my mouse is fucked up
02:19.25dutonfile name lenght limitation with level 1
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02:20.28abrotmanKineticBug: you could just comment that out in the prerm script
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02:25.01elikAnyone here has ever played with bridge-utils to do a wireless to ethernet conversion or know a way to make a netinstall over wifi
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02:25.06elikfor lenny
02:25.24elikI tried the beta installer, but my interface wouldn't show up
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02:28.42abrotmandepends on your wifi device
02:29.58unixSnobabrotman: when I do a apt-cache search linux-image, i don't see any kernels that appear to be for the 64 bit intel
02:30.06*** join/#debian hedos (
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02:30.15hedosHi. Is there a package for pidgin on debian?
02:30.19abrotmanunixSnob: -amd64
02:30.22abrotmanhedos: gaim
02:30.38hedosOh, should have thought of that.
02:30.44elikabrotman, I have a nice intel ipw2200 card... I did read it depended on the network card, but couldn't find any info about which card
02:30.48unixSnobreally? the amd kernel for a core2 duo?  i wouldn't have expected that
02:31.01abrotmanunixSnob: it snuck up on intel too!
02:32.05unixSnobit's about time intel is treated like the underdog
02:32.05BalooNo joke there... I remember working at intel and seeing the letters to the editor of "Circuit," Intel's internal employee publication, questioning the intelligence of taking on AMD64 instead of fixing Itanium.
02:32.25elikAre you saying you install the amd packages for intel core2 duo?
02:32.25BaloounixSnob: Remember, intel was the underdog when they got started.
02:32.54elikor that's just if you want to run 64 bits?
02:32.57BalooIntel's one of the few corporations in the IT industry that actually seems to have a moral conscious.
02:33.10*** join/#debian marka (
02:33.17elikI love their ipw2200 wireless card drivers :)
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02:33.39unixSnobdoesn't like the fact that intel drug tests employees - they're morals are a bit lacking in terms of privacy
02:34.18*** join/#debian BrahmsC (n=ii@pdpc/supporter/active/BrahmsC)
02:35.01unixSnobbut i have to give intel credit in terms of the environment
02:35.36unixSnobintel chooses to clean the mass quantities of water they consume in the desert, and give it back to the community
02:36.09unixSnob(the chips need absurd amounts of water to clean them on a daily basis)
02:36.33BaloounixSnob: On the other hand, the drug testing policy is pre-employment or with probable cause.  So unless you're a walking industrial accident, you only have to pass it once.
02:37.04unixSnobwell it's the pre-employment test that I have a particular issue with
02:37.18unixSnobit's boils down to lifestyle discrimination
02:37.27elikis it so hard to stop taking drugs for the test?
02:37.45unixSnobit's the fact that you have to
02:37.55unixSnobnot the difficulty
02:37.57BaloounixSnob: That being said, there's a comic called Intelland, documenting a new hire's first day, in which the protagonist falls asleep while reading a book entitled "How to Pass a Drug Test," and out of 12 people on my team, I think one wasn't a pothead, and it wasn't the manager.
02:37.59*** join/#debian mordy___ (
02:38.06abrotmanhow the hell is it life style discrimination?
02:38.24Balooabrotman: You can test positive while not under the influence.
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02:38.42abrotmanBaloo: uhm .. they're testing for illegal drugs right ?
02:38.46elikwell, if you took some yesterday, and want to take some tomorrow, sure you will test positive
02:38.50*** join/#debian Pavlz (
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02:39.05elikit's not a matter of right now, but rather of habit
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02:39.18elikyou know, they pass those tests to those who want to be policemen
02:39.26unixSnobelik: if you smoked 6 weeks before the test, you can test positive
02:39.34elikI know
02:39.45unixSnobsomeone can visit amsterdam, smoke up, return, and fail the test
02:39.52Balooabrotman: In the case of marijuana, no.  That's legal in all the provinces they operate in north of the border, and parking tickets are considered more severe than marijuana infractions in the US states where they have their largest operations.
02:39.55abrotmanpoints to #debian-offtopic
02:39.58*** join/#debian Heavy-D (
02:40.03wols_unixSnob: if you have an issue with that "lifestyle discrimination" take it up with the government. THEY outlawed those drugs, not employers
02:40.13elikwell, if you want to work there... just hold on for a few weeks
02:40.22acidslepwtf is iceweasel..
02:40.30abrotmanacidslep: /msg dpkg iceweasel
02:40.31unixSnobit's not the employers job to enforce drug laws -- they are doing so voluntarily
02:40.34abrotmanpoints to #debian-offtopic
02:40.36Heavy-DAnybody know how to change the partition style of a hard disk? I need to make this hard disk MBR but it's saying it's of type GPT (the drive came out of my Mac pro)
02:40.46elikabrotman is trying to point out something :D
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02:40.51acidslepoh quit it :P
02:40.53BalooAnd failing horribly.
02:40.57elikabrotman, did you know more about those bridge
02:40.58wols_Heavy-D: reformat
02:40.59acidslepive just never heard of it
02:41.01elikacidslep, funny eh
02:41.16abrotmanelik: where's that confounded bridge!
02:41.19Heavy-Dwols_: if I stick the hard disk in my debian box I can format it there?
02:41.25Pavlzi have take the adsl with i would to buy a router supported openwrt and by, which one do you suggest me ?
02:41.28dondelelcaroHeavy-D: you repartition it; it's not necessary at all, but you can do it.
02:41.40dondelelcaroHeavy-D: you'll lose all of the data on the drive, though.
02:41.47BalooThe fact that so many people smoke pot and are open about it at Intel strongly suggests that they need to stop testing for it as a prerequisite for employment because it's not weeding anybody out except qualified employees.
02:41.53Heavy-Ddondelelcaro: that's not an issue, the drive is blank anyways
02:41.56wols_Heavy-D: dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hda bs=512 count=1    done
02:42.03wols_Heavy-D: then you can create MBR partitions
02:42.17elikabrotman, uh? the wifi-ethernet bridge
02:42.27wols_dondelelcaro: does debian have now GPT support out of the box?
02:42.30abrotmanelik: i'm not sure why you have to bridge anything
02:42.36abrotmanelik: /msg dpkg ipw2200
02:42.46abrotmanelik: doesn't your system have a functional wired NIC ?
02:43.09*** join/#debian Mathieu (
02:43.33elikabrotman, the whole point is, I want to install Lenny on my new machine, but I don't have access to the router
02:43.38Heavy-Dwols_, dondelelcaro: You guys are my heroes. I must try that
02:43.46elikabrotman, but my laptop is functional and on the wifi too
02:43.54Heavy-DDebian effing rocks. hardcore.
02:44.01*** join/#debian RaymondX (n=raymond@
02:44.07abrotmanelik: oh .. and your laptop has both 10/100 and wifi ?
02:44.29elikabrotman, so I wanted to transform my laptop into a bridge so I could wire my desktop to my laptop
02:44.29elikabrotman, yeah
02:44.30*** join/#debian mordy (
02:44.30abrotmanelik: /msg dpkg ipmasq
02:44.30wols_elik: no need for a bridge
02:44.37dondelelcarowols_: it definetly does on ppc, and I was pretty sure it supported it on i386, though I haven't checked recently.
02:44.50elikabrotman, wols_, really?
02:44.56elik<wols_> elik: no need for a bri
02:45.01wols_dondelelcaro: grep GPT config-2.6.*
02:45.03abrotmanelik: /msg dpkg ipmasq
02:45.07Pavlzi have take the adsl with i would to buy a router, which one do you suggest me ? In the future i would to install openwrt, have you one to suggest me that is good for ? awaiting your reply, tnx by paolo
02:45.09elikyeah, looking it up
02:45.13wols_that gives zero results in /boot for me which has 2.6.18 in there
02:45.30wols_abrotman: don't tell people to use double NAT!
02:45.38wols_that'e evil
02:46.19wols_elik: set a static IP on wired nics each, enable ip_forwarding on the lappy and off you go
02:46.28wols_oh, set DNS on the desktop properly as well
02:46.49*** join/#debian GhostlyDeath|Lpt (n=steven@unaffiliated/ghostlydeath)
02:47.18elikwols_, is that ip masq what I need to use to do that?
02:47.23wols_elik: no
02:47.32wols_that sets up another NAT
02:47.40elikwols_, I see
02:48.00elikwols_, so I just setup a static IP on my desktop and hard wire it on my laptop
02:48.04Pavlzi would to buy a router have you one to suggest me ? In the future on the router i would to install openwrt, i have an adsl of , please help me by paolo
02:48.15*** join/#debian GillaGal (
02:48.29wols_ip_forward must be set in /etc/syslog.conf as well with net.ipv4.ip_forward=1
02:48.49elikwols_, is there anywhere I can have more info about that?
02:48.53abrotmani don't think you have to do that explicitly with the ipmasq package
02:48.59*** join/#debian L|NUX (n=linux@unaffiliated/lnux/x-10290)
02:49.07wols_abrotman: cause ipmasq does it for you
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02:49.17GillaGalI'm trying to create a custom 404 error msg, in my .htaccess I've got "ErrorDocument 404 /error/404.html", looking in my apache error log it show's "/usr/share/apache2/error/404.html"  In my vhost config the doc-root is states, Is this another issue associated with debian not reading virtualhost files?
02:49.32elikwols_, considering it is very temporary, could ipmasq be a good solution
02:49.41elikwols_, I just want to get the netinst to work
02:49.59wols_ok then maybe. thought it was supposed to be fixed
02:50.11wols_double NAT is just evil when not needed :)
02:50.17elikwols_, I didn't specify, so you couldn't know
02:50.52elikwols_, but the wireless interface on my laptop works on kubuntu, so I'd expect it to work when the proper packages are installed on Lenny
02:50.52dondelelcarowols_: CONFIG_EFI_PARTITION=y
02:51.05dondelelcarowols_: though I must admit that I was confusing APM and CPT.
02:51.38amphielik: what card?
02:52.04elikamphi, ipw2200 on laptop, some broadcom on my desktop
02:52.09elikamphi, not too sure which
02:53.11wols_elik: better make sure :)
02:53.22wols_dondelelcaro: thx
02:53.23amphielik: ipw2200 is working?
02:53.29elikamphi, perfectly
02:53.54elikwols_, well, if it work on kubuntu... I'd be disappointed if it didn't work on debian ;)
02:54.12elikamphi, had a few issues in the past with firmware missing
02:54.37elikamphi, took a while to figure out, but other than that... nothing to say about it... love the fact that intel have their own open source driver
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02:54.46elikamphi, sad they can't open the firmware...
02:54.58*** join/#debian certron (
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02:55.53certrongreetings. Has anyone reported errors with the newest version of Asterisk? 1.4.21 just installed tonight.
02:55.53phoulHey everyone, Im having issues with fglrx in debian, is the output from fglrxinfo and my xorg log, I cant figure out why it wont direct render... ive tried shutting aiglx off in my xorg config
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02:58.13amphielik: indeed
02:58.21elikwols_, in terms of network, how does the ip forwarding work?how does it know which interface to use?
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02:59.07elikwols_, also, is there any way I can get DHCP to work over this ip_forwarding (although the ip_forwarding makes me think that it can't, since it's at ip layer, and dhcp is a little lower)
02:59.37wols_elik: routing table knows what to use
02:59.54elikwols_, good enough, how about DHCP?
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03:01.12Heavy-Dwols_, Brilliant that worked for me... thanks so much.
03:01.49elikabrotman, thx for pointing out ip masq, that sounds like something that might be useful at some point
03:02.04*** mode/#debian [+l 770] by debhelper
03:02.29abrotmanit's useful now?
03:02.40Heavy-Dhey phoul, you from Manitoba?
03:03.08elikabrotman, well, I'll try to use the ip_forwarding trick
03:03.11*** join/#debian error404notfound (
03:03.17elikabrotman, seems more suitable for my current situation
03:03.27phoulHeavy-D, yes
03:03.42Heavy-Dphoul, nice i'm in Winnipeg. Where abouts you at?
03:03.43phoulas are you
03:03.43elikabrotman, btw, do you know every single questions dpkg can answer?
03:03.51Heavy-DHehe, nice
03:03.54abrotmani've used the ipmasq to install systems via my laptop
03:03.57abrotmanelik: all? no
03:03.58phoulMind if i IM?
03:04.04Heavy-Dsure, go for it
03:04.16abrotmanelik: the bot has tons of factoids .. with more being added every day
03:04.31abrotmancurrently reference 38290 factoids.
03:04.38elikabrotman, how do you "instruct" him?
03:05.14abrotmanelik: /msg dpkg foo
03:05.18abrotmanelik: /msg dpkg help
03:05.39phoulAnyone here an fglrx nerd
03:05.39elikhum, I feel recursion
03:05.49GillaGalcan anyone point me to a document on how to set custom 404's with debian/apache2?
03:05.54*** join/#debian pramz (
03:06.02abrotmanelik: it depends what you're looking for in the bot
03:06.16abrotmanGillaGal: ?
03:06.43elikabrotman, oh, nice, constant parsing
03:06.54GillaGalabrotman I've followed that... seems dedian isn't following the virtualhost configs.
03:08.04GillaGallog is showing "/usr/share/apache2/" in front of whatever I set.
03:08.05*** join/#debian Zeit|awy_ (
03:10.55phoulDoes anyone here run fglrx...
03:11.02*** join/#debian kokice (
03:11.10kokiceshold i disable inetd
03:11.16kokiceand all services in the conf
03:12.48*** join/#debian dewey (
03:13.52certronphoul: if you asked me about a year ago, I could help. As it is now, I don't run linux as often and I use 3D accel even less often.
03:14.18*** join/#debian lafille (
03:14.26phoulThat doesnt help me
03:14.28Nylephoul, #ati
03:14.32phoulTried there
03:14.33*** join/#debian fxcp (
03:14.33phoulNo response
03:14.37*** join/#debian mordy_____ (
03:14.40Nyle!wayttd phoul
03:14.40dpkgWhat Are You Trying To Do, phoul?
03:14.45certronphoul: but at least you know your words aren't just going into the ether
03:14.47phoulHey everyone, Im having issues with fglrx in debian, is the output from fglrxinfo and my xorg log, I cant figure out why it wont direct render... ive tried shutting aiglx off in my xorg config
03:15.04*** join/#debian Bladesman (
03:15.20certronis there a kernel component that is also required, for example, dealing with AGPGART or similar direct memory access?
03:16.23phoulAny ideas Nyle
03:17.11phoulsuch as?
03:17.47*** join/#debian TMN_ (
03:18.09Nylephoul, which debian release?
03:18.11*** join/#debian kommodore (
03:18.27*** join/#debian streuner (
03:19.41Nylehow did you install the fglrx driver?
03:19.48*** join/#debian wasynyt (
03:19.55phoulor not
03:20.04phoulsome one liner... lemme grab you the command
03:20.24Nyledo you have fglrx-glx installed
03:20.32Nylephoul, no need
03:21.01phoulaptitude install module-assistant fglrx-driver fglrx-control fglrx-kernel-src && m-a a-i fglrx && modprobe fglrx  && echo fglrx >> /etc/modules && dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg is the command ....
03:21.52phoulto be entirely honest, I dont even know if xorg is using the fglrx driver, debian has gotten weird with their xorg.conf's by default it seems...
03:22.08Nyleyou are
03:22.22Nyle(II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers//
03:22.37Nyleas such you will not get dri to work because the radeonhd driver is not supportin it in lenny
03:22.42Nyleits only available in git/developmental
03:22.51Nylephoul, modprobe fglrx
03:23.02Nylephoul, if you get no output, it is successful
03:23.15phoulits already there...
03:23.16*** join/#debian Rusty1 (
03:23.26phouland why is fglrx not supported yet its in there
03:23.28Nylephoul, of coruse, post inst does it
03:23.34Nylephoul, pastebin your xorg.conf
03:24.50Nylephoul, under the device section
03:24.55Nylecreate another entry
03:25.26phoulalright, i will try restarting X with that
03:25.50Nylehang on
03:26.07Nyleapt-cache policy fglrx-glx
03:26.15Nyleis it installed?
03:26.37Nyleyour device section should look rougly like this with the driver option
03:26.57Nylewhere is your irc running?
03:27.00NyleX or console?
03:27.36Nyleinstall irssi and connect to irc from console, try alt+f2, install irssi, star it, login to here, and then it would be easier for you to go back and forth until you get X to work
03:27.39Nylejust a tip.
03:27.39*** join/#debian tengulre (n=tengulre@
03:27.47Nylego ahead and restart X with the new driver
03:28.55Nylesince the radeonhd driver doesn't provide 3d Accel, which xorg is automatically laoding as it determined that radeonhd would be best for you
03:29.00*** join/#debian acidslep (n=lapper@unaffiliated/acidslep)
03:29.10Nylefglrxinfo and/or glxinfo will not show direct rendering
03:29.14*** join/#debian piju (
03:29.28*** join/#debian nick_server (n=nikhil@
03:30.09acidslepis beginning to think everyone is an assho
03:30.28Nyleacidslep, imagine 700+ people saying hi back to you
03:30.45acidslepthat would be totally cool if it only happend once
03:30.46streunersure, nice, but troll somewhere else :-)
03:30.59acidslep:( i no troll
03:31.02Nylestreuner, whats the matter with you
03:31.09Nylethats not trolling
03:31.44streuneradjust Nyle's eyes :-)
03:32.06acidslepshoots bottle rockets from his hands and gets burnt real bad
03:32.14*** join/#debian Kumool (n=Klarth@
03:32.15streunerNyle: hm, join a channel and saying "hey, everybody is an asshole"? ;-)
03:32.26Nylehe did no do that
03:32.32Nylehe said hi twice
03:32.35Nyleand he didn't get a response
03:32.44Nyleif he though we were being assholes, he is free to think that
03:33.40ootputdo any of you use conkeror by any chance? I'd like to know if there was a way (similar to vimperator) that allows me to use search keywords without having to specify google in the url bar
03:34.11Nyleootput, use space as a delimiter
03:34.23Nyleand select google as your default search engine
03:34.34Nyletype anything in location bar with a space in it
03:34.41Nyleif you type single word, it will not pick up
03:34.43Nylemust include space
03:36.38*** join/#debian phoul (
03:36.55acidslepgui's are nothing but trouble :)
03:37.00acidslepyou can qoute me on that
03:37.14phoulNyle, that doesnt work :( it makes my monitor freak out... just turns off.... i checked X -configure and it says 'too many screens' or somethin like that, however i have 1
03:37.18phoulSo im not sure what to do
03:37.26*** join/#debian Helios` (
03:37.40ootputNyle: pardon? so i can omit 'google'?
03:39.02acidslepootput, if you do what he said, yes you can just type your search directly into the adress bar
03:39.05ootputin debian, is there a way to affix static nameservers in resolv.conf?
03:39.19ootputacidslep: preceeded by a space?
03:39.44acidslepa space following it will make it pick up on it, if i understand correctly, if there is only one word
03:39.49ootputah, nvm. it appears i can tab-complete g<oogle> and search from there
03:39.57ootputtakes two extra keystrokes
03:40.24phoulacidslep, do you have any experience with fglrx?...
03:40.35acidslepsorry, i have no xp with anything
03:40.44streunerootput: using DHCP?
03:40.53phoulI doubt that somehow... but thanks for responding
03:41.00acidslepfglrx video drivers?
03:41.15acidslephehe, actually i do. but no more than you im sure
03:41.21acidslepnever had any problems really
03:41.22phoulI have next to none
03:41.31phoulI cant get direct rendering to work :(
03:41.36acidslepdas not good
03:41.39phoulI know
03:41.45*** join/#debian zn3t (
03:42.05*** mode/#debian [+l 764] by debhelper
03:42.16phoulI dont know what to do... if i tell it to use fglrx in the xorg.conf my monitor just turns off, X -configure gives me an error when i run it, And what ever its using right now doesnt use direct rendering
03:42.16*** join/#debian shellito (n=shellito@
03:42.21phoulSo i have no clue what to do
03:42.41*** join/#debian Casper12345 (
03:43.26acidslepwhat video card do you have
03:43.44phoul01:05.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RS690 [Radeon X1200 Series]
03:43.46*** join/#debian astro76 (n=jtaji@unaffiliated/astro76)
03:43.59phoulIt does work with direct rendering. Its worked before (Not under debian mind you)
03:44.32acidslepand you didnt find anything good on teh internets?
03:44.59phoulI did look however... I found lots of people with a similar issue... but no fix...
03:45.14phoulI really need to get this working....
03:45.17acidslepwhy do you talk about direct rendering? isint it that the drivers just dont work for you?
03:45.28phoulYes and No
03:45.32acidslepno one can use drivers for X1200 then?
03:45.40phoulThats not true...
03:45.55phoulOnce again, They can work, They worked before.
03:46.01phoulI cant figure out how to fix this problem however
03:46.21acidslepon debian, the fglrx drivers do not work for the X1200
03:46.37phoulThe only way i can think of, is to remove fglrx, do a x -configure, get the config that works, install fglrx and mod that config
03:46.41phoulIm not saying that
03:46.44phoulIm saying it doesnt work for me
03:46.54acidslepbut you said other people had that problem?
03:47.08phoulYes, Different distros, Its not like google spouts out info for just debian
03:47.25phoulAnd i said similar problem, Not exact
03:47.29streunerthat's NO debian issue
03:47.37streunerit's an ATI issue
03:47.43*** join/#debian roe___ (
03:47.44*** join/#debian _Kewl_ (
03:47.48acidslepor X
03:48.05acidslepyoud have more luck in #X
03:48.10acidslepor wherever it is
03:49.40*** join/#debian freet15 (n=freet15@
03:49.41acidslepphoul, in what way do you plan to modify the x config?
03:49.57phoulChange the driver
03:50.40acidslepHah, pwned again by Remote
03:50.56*** part/#debian _Kewl_ (
03:52.16acidslepso you have timestamps?
03:52.19acidslepin ms?
03:52.38*** join/#debian L|NUX (n=linux@unaffiliated/lnux/x-10290)
03:54.18*** join/#debian syc_ (n=syc@
03:55.44acidslepwhy is the "set" command so full of crap
03:56.00acidslephaha, nice one
03:56.30*** join/#debian ndryden2 (
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03:57.10*** join/#debian TavoX (
03:57.40*** join/#debian phoul (
03:57.42*** join/#debian oompa_loompa (n=enrique@
03:57.46phoulNothing works..
03:58.24Nylewould love to help you
03:58.29Nylebut my girl just came online
03:58.31Nylebye bye
03:59.14snogglethorpephoul: there's always "wait 6 months until the free drivers start to do 3d"....
03:59.18*** join/#debian maxamillion (
03:59.28acidslepphoul, i totally feel for you. ive got that sort of things that happen
03:59.43phoulWell, If i cant get it working i cant use Debian
03:59.44acidslep6 months, more than that
03:59.58*** join/#debian martian67 (n=martian6@about/linux/regular/martian67)
04:00.28snogglethorpephoul: you might try some forums with more focus on such things
04:00.37*** join/#debian xelapond1 (
04:00.38snogglethorpephoul: e.g., maybe the phoronix forums?
04:00.41xelapond1hi everyone
04:00.42phoulsnogglethorpe, you have no idea how many ive been to today
04:00.46acidslephi xela!
04:00.47xelapond1I am trying to set up iptables
04:01.00xelapond1so I did sudo apt-get install iptables
04:01.08xelapond1which informed me that it was already installed
04:01.09acidslepphoul, even if it was 100+ he could still have an idea :P
04:01.14xelapond1but the iptables command is not found
04:01.22xelapond1How do I get to it?
04:01.28acidslepdid you reboot? :P
04:01.36acidslepi would
04:01.37snogglethorpephoul: at the least, there's a forum dedicated to fglrx, and some amd employees working on linux stuff that tend to post there
04:01.39acidslepbut im a noob
04:01.40xelapond1but it said it was already installed
04:01.51xelapond1I assume it came with debian
04:01.53xelapond1im running lenny
04:01.56acidslepit does
04:02.07acidslepoh i see
04:02.16xelapond1so then why would I have to reboot?  I have already many times
04:02.19*** join/#debian chip__ (n=chip@
04:02.54chip__I've got a surprise udev weirdness: /dev/null and other /dev nodes aren't getting their perms set
04:03.10acidslepmines in /sbin/iptables
04:03.10chip__I did my usual update and reboot thing, nothing different from usual
04:03.13acidslepi think
04:03.15chip__anyone else getting a 660 /dev/null?
04:03.19chip__on reboot
04:03.24chip__restarting udev is enough too
04:04.00*** join/#debian ApOgEE- (n=ApOgEE@
04:04.17xelapond1acidslep: Thats, that did it!
04:04.18liablechip__: check bts. udev was just updated
04:04.39acidslepgood luck setting it up
04:06.38*** join/#debian mohadib (n=mohadib@unaffiliated/mohadib)
04:06.40chip__liable: the package page says 0.124-3 and that's what I have
04:07.02liablechip__: that has nothing to do with what i just said
04:07.03elikwols_, are you still around?
04:07.10mohadibi have a 1.5T ext3 raid 5 partion. Will this take forvere to fsck?
04:07.23liableyes :)
04:07.29wols_elik: sorta
04:07.45elikwols_, hum, k... reading on ip forwarding
04:07.47streunerliable: no work today?
04:07.52wols_what about it?
04:08.05mohadibshould i use a differient file system for larger partitons?
04:08.07elikwols_, seems like it is for 2 sub nets
04:08.09liablestreuner: i'm at work, but not working
04:08.11chip__liable: then I guess I misunderstood you.  Could you unpack your meaning?
04:08.17wols_elik: so?
04:08.30wols_if you do NAT you have two subnets as well
04:08.36streunerliable: at work?
04:08.40liablechip__: check the bts for udev. it was recently upgraded, so is likely to have bugs.
04:08.40elikwols_, well, so I put my desktop on a static ip on a different subnet
04:08.48*** join/#debian Hatty (
04:08.56wols_elik: yes, and?
04:08.58elikwols_, so ip forwarding will translate between those two
04:09.12liablestreuner: no. when i dont have work to do, i dont have to be there
04:09.12elikwols_, is it possible to configure statically with the debian net installer?
04:09.15wols_can you get to the point please?
04:09.19wols_yes it is
04:09.28elikwell, I think it should be fine
04:09.31eliksorry for disturbing
04:09.38chip__liable: Ah.  yes, I checked.  Nothing in bts about missing chmods
04:09.42HattyWhy does openssh-server require X11 libs in Lenny?
04:10.02liablechip__: file one then :)
04:10.05chip__the main archives don't have the previous udev version around
04:10.09wols_namit: recommands are the culprit
04:10.10chip__my system is busted atm
04:10.11streunerHatty: show us :-)
04:10.17chip__where can I find slightly old .deb?
04:10.26wols_!tell chip__ about sdo
04:10.37wols_Hatty: ^^
04:10.40chip__wols_: the bot isn't listening
04:10.41*** join/#debian alpha22333 (
04:10.43wols_!tell chip__ about sdn
04:10.56wols_Hatty: it recommends xauth which in turn...
04:11.11Hattystreuner its in a vm so i cant paste out of it but it requires, for example, libx11-6 libx11-data libxau6 libxcb-xlib0
04:11.30streuner!depends openssh-server
04:11.30Hattywols_ is there any way I can make it not reccomend xauth?
04:11.33wols_Hatty: it does NOT require. it recommends and since lenny recommends is installed by default
04:11.43wols_Hatty: there is. apt option
04:11.51alpha22333just so you know, lenny has issues with lvm betwen kernel and lvm2 modules.
04:12.03*** join/#debian jhulst (n=jhulst@unaffiliated/jhulst)
04:12.03dpkgopenssh-server: depends on libc6 (>= 2.7-1), libcomerr2 (>= 1.33-3), libkrb53 (>= 1.6.dfsg.2), libpam0g (>=, libselinux1 (>= 2.0.59), libssl0.9.8 (>= 0.9.8g-9), libwrap0 (>= 7.6-4~), zlib1g (>= 1:1.1.4), debconf (>= 1.2.0) | debconf-2.0, libpam-runtime (>= 0.76-14), libpam-modules (>= 0.72-9), adduser (>= 3.9), dpkg (>= 1.9.0), openssh-client (= 1:4.7p1-12), lsb-base (>= 3.0-6), openssh-blacklist
04:12.22Hattyalpha22333 if it crashes its no big deal. Its just for playing around in
04:12.34alpha22333same lvm created with knoppix the other day, cant mount it becasue of such, but lvm READS it with the GUI Kde lvm app somehow.
04:12.48alpha22333what is?
04:12.56alpha22333the lvm, no I have stuuf on it.
04:13.04Hattyno mine is
04:13.09alpha22333wine,yeah maybe.
04:13.55Hattywols_ what is the option?
04:14.25alpha22333ive seen it go further, so i know its not a particular ly wine issue.
04:15.18alpha22333weird because lenny finds the lvm off a clean install.
04:16.18Hattywols_ whats the apt option to not install reccomends?
04:16.35elikHatty, I don't think it installs recommends by default
04:16.43alpha22333lenny forces reccomends?
04:16.56streunersince when? :-)
04:17.01Hatty[22:11:35] <wols_> Hatty: it does NOT require. it recommends and since lenny recommends is installed by default
04:17.06HattyIm going off his word
04:17.28*** join/#debian martink (
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04:17.39elikwell, if wols_ says it... I'm not gonna argue, but I do remember installing packages and then installing the recommended ones...
04:17.58streuneryeah, better do not argue with wols :-)
04:18.26Nylewols doesn't know shit
04:18.34Nyleyou should argue with him every chance you get
04:19.31*** join/#debian tuv (n=tuv@unaffiliated/tuv)
04:20.48alpha22333isnt opensll fixed with the apt-update command?
04:21.07streuneralpha22333: What does 'dpkg -l libc6 | tail -1' say?
04:21.33streunerlook at the BTS
04:21.43martinkHi guys. My VPS server (debian etch stable) came with sendmail pre-installed, however it seems to be somewhat corrupt as cron is sending me emails every 20 minutes with usr/sbin/sendmail-msp: No such file or directory. The file exists and is executable. Apart from the cron error message everything seems to work fine. Any ideas?
04:21.56alpha22333ii  libc6                                 2.7-10                           GNU C Library: Shared libraries
04:22.21streunermartink: default in Debian is exim
04:22.52alpha22333firestarter seems to be filling up the syslog as welll in similar fasion.dmesg is full of nothing but.turned it off.
04:22.55streuneralpha22333: sure, look at the BTS
04:23.13dpkgBug Tracking System for Debian packages, or to go directly to the bug page for a particular package/bug, try or . aptitude install reportbug, and check out <querybts> too. Users of sid and testing are required to check the BTS. Useful for sid and testing: aptitude install apt-listbugs <apt-listchanges> .
04:23.48*** join/#debian phoul (
04:23.56phoulwell thats one issue down
04:23.57phoulnow a new one
04:24.05phouli have no 'pcm' for my audio.. =|
04:24.06alpha22333No maintainer for lvm. Please do not report new bugs against this package.
04:24.28streunerdpkg, bts =~ s/sid/unstable/
04:24.28alpha22333There is no record of the lvm package, and no bugs have been filed against it. hmmmm.
04:24.29dpkgOK, streuner
04:24.34martinkstreuner: Ok, anyway, exim is no longer installed and instead I find a (broken?) sendmail installation.
04:24.48phoulany ideas on why pcm would be... gone
04:25.12streunermartink: well, blame the guy who installed sendmail then :-)
04:25.58martinkstreuner: Yes, I am doing that, however, I don't trust him with fixing it:) and they will probably charge me for it.
04:26.03alpha22333 gives me the same info that synaptic does.numbers match up.
04:26.16streunerdpkg, bts =~ s/sid/unstable/
04:26.17dpkgOK, streuner
04:26.29phouldpkg, pcm
04:26.29dpkgrumour has it, pcm is Pulse Code Modulation, an encoding that represts intensity for several samples.  In the case of audio, each sample is how far the speaker should go out or in to produce sound.  two channels at 44100 samples per second each, or 44100 hertz is CD quality
04:26.30*** join/#debian peter_12 (
04:26.48martinkstreuner: I am fine with uninstalling sendmail, but it is a production server and I would like to be sure I don't break anything. Can I uninstall/re-install sendmail without breaking anything?
04:27.00phoulHow on earth... do you get PCM...
04:27.03martinkstreuner: And how do I do that? just apt-get remote sendmail?
04:27.25alpha22333remove u mean?
04:27.31streunerDon't even touch a MTA if you have no clue :-)
04:27.32martinkthats right:)
04:27.44alpha22333~ s/sid? i get 404 on that.
04:29.04streunermartink: who installed that on the production server?
04:29.23GillaGalHow can I force apache to obey the ErrorDocument set in my virtualhost config instead of the apache2.conf?
04:29.43alpha22333i've used .htaccess files.
04:29.48*** join/#debian {Matteo} (i=NuTulPro@
04:30.10phoulanyone know why PCM would be gone from my alsamixer... i cant find anything on google about it
04:30.12martinkstreuner: The service provider. I guess I should go to them and ask, but that will take time and as I am resposible for the server I rather have things on it I know how they work. And a broken sendmail installation is not part of that
04:30.40phoulIs there something that pcm requires? like ESD or pulse audio?...
04:30.46streunermartink: ok, just ask them
04:31.18alpha22333phoul-- why would PCM be missing? sound like an installer fault.or maybe it couldnt find your s/c driver.
04:31.39phoulfinds the driver
04:31.46phoulfinds all the mixers but PCM =\
04:31.47martinkstreuner: Ok, well thanks anyway. So too much risk uninstalling sendmail and installing something else?
04:31.49{Matteo}hi all. I'm having issues with getting debian etch recognizing my pcmcia wireless network card (exterasys xn-2423g). anyone got any ideas on how to get it to work?
04:31.58alpha22333bug with kmix?
04:32.08phoulim using alsamixer to check
04:32.32alpha22333could be the same.....never had it missing.
04:32.40elikwols_, I configured my laptop to have .2.3 address, and my desktop .2.4 The desktop gateway is .2.3, and the dns, not too sure.. I set it to .0.1 (which is the router's address)
04:32.56*** join/#debian koppernet (i=kopperne@
04:33.06elikwols_, I watch packet coming on my wired interface, I see dns querry, but no reply
04:33.13elikwols_, I did enable ip forwarding
04:33.30alpha22333it the router properly configed?
04:33.32streunermartink: you shouldn't use a MTA with no clue ™
04:34.31streuneryou can always use smarthost...
04:34.41phoulEven if no one has any idea, an answer would be nice...
04:34.53streunerless risk and no big deal to configure...
04:34.53{Matteo}iwconfig lists that there are no devices, the card does not light up indicating that i has been initialized
04:34.57dpkgA smart host is a type of mail relay server (typically your ISP SMTP server) which allows an SMTP server to route e-mail to an intermediate mail server rather than directly to the recipient’s server.
04:35.43streunerdid you have a driver for that NIC?
04:36.03elikwols_, how would the router know how to reply to that request? it has no idea where the network is located at...
04:36.32{Matteo}this is my first time trying debian on this laptop, it worked out of the box on ubuntu
04:36.50dpkgAll there is worth knowing about linux and laptops can be found at and  Also ask me about <acpi> and <suspend>, or see the debian-laptop mailing list at  For Thinkpads, ask me about <thinkpad>.  See also <laptop mode>.
04:37.08streunerlook for tips and trics there
04:37.30streunerDebian doesn't provide firmware...
04:37.37{Matteo}hopefully they have some information on this dinosaur
04:37.50*** join/#debian Lail (
04:37.54streunerwhat kind of laptop and what kind of NIC?
04:38.30*** part/#debian Alucard4200 (
04:38.48{Matteo}compaq 700, xterasys xn-2423g
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04:41.04streunerhm, no entry for that
04:41.43HattyI've added the following to /etc/apt/apt.conf and yet apt-get install openssh-server is still trying to install xauth. I did apt-config dump | grep Recc to verify that they were being read as config.
04:41.43HattyAPT::Install-Recommends "false"; Aptitude::Recommends-Important "false";
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04:43.21{Matteo}ah well I'll just stick with ubuntu, but even under ubuntu I have issues. network interface fails if I try to connect to an open network X-D
04:44.03martinkstreuner: The problem is not the MTA per se, but the sendmail installation on debian. I am fine with postfix for example, but I am fairly new to debian. So somehow it seems like the sendmail installation on debian is corrupted. For example the dpkg -L sendmail only shows 13 files and no binaries. Is it possible to reinstall sendmail without breaking current configuration?
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04:48.14phoulHey all.. one issue into another it seems, Does anyone know if theres an ETA on fixing audacious, Since they released 1.5.1 and the plugins isnt for that version its rather... broken
04:48.38phoulIm just curious sincei f its not for a long time prolly i'll attempt an upgrade to sid, I used to run that a long time ago...
04:49.09karstennotes that irss isn't his shell
04:50.10dgawhat exactly is installed when choosing the "laptop" option in tasksel on the debian netinstall cd? and is there a way to make the "desktop system" option install kde instead of gnome?
04:50.44Bladesmanapt-cache show laptop
04:51.28dgai don't have a running system yet
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04:51.58karstendga: yes to #2 and you can show the dependencies though I'm not sure about expanding them out.
04:52.02*** mode/#debian [+l 758] by debhelper
04:52.05Nylestony, hi
04:52.11Nyleok I'm back
04:52.14*** join/#debian Maerz (
04:52.14Nylephoul, ping
04:52.41*** join/#debian Jonbo_ (
04:53.04Nylephoul, if fglrx is making your monitor go crazy, then it means you probably need to fine tune the modes in xorg.conf (as xorg isn't autodetecting correctly)
04:53.22Nylephoul, your other option is to use the free drivers
04:53.43Nylephoul, which card do you have? lspci|grep VGA
04:54.33dgakarsten: how do i tell it to install kde instead of gnome?
04:55.17Nyledga, yes
04:55.29Nyleyou can install kde however not from tasksel at this time
04:55.35dgaoh ok
04:55.48Nyleit is done as a boot param
04:55.54*** join/#debian L|NUX (n=linux@unaffiliated/lnux/x-10290)
04:56.03Nyleor through a preseeded custom tasksel config
04:56.24Nyleor after tasksel is finished (do not select the desktop task otherwise you will have xfce/gnome/kde all installed)
04:56.31Nylethe default dependencies are fucked up majorly
04:56.43BladesmanOops.  Try: tasksel --task-packages laptop
04:57.09Nyledga, /msg dpkg install kde
04:57.23Nyledga, simplest thing to do is to download the KDE cd
04:57.37*** join/#debian GhostlyDeath|Lpt (n=steven@unaffiliated/ghostlydeath)
04:57.38dgayeah i did that
04:57.43Nyleyou did not.
04:57.48dgayeah i did
04:57.52dgakde cd 1
04:57.55Nyledid you use it?
04:58.18Nylewhy not?
04:58.39Nyleliable, dot dot dot
04:58.43Nylewhats up
04:58.49dgai was hoping to be able to use the network install cd to avoid installing a lot of stuff i don't need
04:59.03liablenot much
04:59.06Nyledga, I see
04:59.32liabledga: just install kde after the first boot then
04:59.44Nyledga, what liable said
04:59.52gnunixguyapt-get install kde-base?
05:00.18gnunixguyaha, thats what it was :) thank you nyle!
05:00.26gnunixguybeen a while since i ran the kde install :)
05:00.47Nylegnunixguy, /msg dpkg install kde
05:00.54dpkgPlease visit to learn how to effectively search the factoids database for FAQ, and not flood in the channel with !tell <who> about <what>. Also see <msg the bot>. We ask that you learn to search for yourself first, unless it is a specific problem.  Many questions are asked repeatedly, and the factoid database can be of great help to you.  Ask me about <search dpkg>
05:01.01dpkgfrom memory, is A Frontend to the dpkg irc bot and the factoids database at @
05:01.06gnunixguymeh, i already have it installed
05:01.08dga"To install KDE instead of GNOME during Debian installation if you're not installing from the KDE CD, supply "tasks=standard, kde-desktop" at d-i's boot prompt."
05:01.23dgathat's what i want to do right?
05:01.30Nyleyou cannot do so anymore
05:01.31*** join/#debian omer (
05:01.45liablehe can if he starts again
05:01.48Nyleas I stated previously, you are now unable to pass the boot param to the installer
05:01.56NyleI doubt he would want to reinstall
05:02.00dgayeah i will
05:02.04Nylejust finish your installation
05:02.07BladesmanHow do you search the wiki pages with only links2?
05:02.14Nylethen after you reboot
05:02.19Nyleaptitude install kde-core
05:02.22Nylethats all
05:02.31liableand xorg
05:02.31Nyleyou do not need to reinstall debian in order to install kde
05:02.35chip__liable: found it
05:02.41Nyleliable, thank you
05:02.41*** join/#debian ajonat_ (n=ajonat@
05:02.43Nyleand xorg
05:02.43chip__liable: dmsetup added a rules file that borked everything
05:02.46Nyle!setup x
05:02.46dpkgTo install X in etch or later "aptitude install xorg" , you may also want to install a window manager or ask me about <install gnome>, or <install kde>, or <install xfce>, or <install fluxbox>. To reconfigure your X server, ask me about <drxx>.
05:02.48*** join/#debian sysop2 (
05:03.00liablechip__: nice one.
05:03.02chip__debugging udev is SUCH fun
05:03.11chip__liable: had a goto nowhere and of course udev doesn't complain it just EXITS
05:03.34Nylechip__, what was the issue?
05:03.37*** join/#debian zn3t` (
05:03.39Nyle(just curious)
05:03.59chip__Nyle: dmsetup /etc/udev/rules.d/<mumble> added
05:04.10chip__Nyle: it has a "if foo goto bar", and "bar" is invalid
05:04.25chip__Nyle: therefore udev says "oh, goto nowhere, fine, IGNORE ALL OTHER RULES ENTIRELY AND DO NOT EXIT OR PRINT ERORR"
05:04.31chip__udev can be SUCH a bitch
05:05.22Nylei see
05:05.52Nylemy gf is watching the new batman movie as we speak... I'm stuck home
05:05.57Nylelife can be SUCH a bitch
05:06.22Nylei want to see that and Hellboy II
05:06.32Nylebut for now I might watch back to the future 3
05:06.34*** join/#debian tingle (
05:06.41NyleOR I might watch Stephen King's IT
05:06.45NyleI am not sure yet
05:06.55NyleI am however sure I need to get away from #debian for a while
05:07.00*** join/#debian xulf (
05:07.04PinkFreudmeh.  reading Stephen King's The Dark Tower.
05:07.08chip__well rebooting in hope
05:07.15Nylegood luck buddy
05:07.21*** join/#debian chinku[x] (
05:07.22PinkFreudepic story, to say the least
05:07.28*** join/#debian TheMadHat- (
05:07.33NyleI've not read that yet
05:07.35NyleI love King
05:07.37*** join/#debian Conzariev (
05:07.41PinkFreudabout halfway through the last book :)
05:07.45*** join/#debian Xen^ (n=linux@unaffiliated/lnux/x-10290)
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05:08.35PinkFreudgood stuff.  only problem is finding the time to read it.  :P
05:08.40*** join/#debian Fersure|Away (i=Maybe@unaffiliated/fersure)
05:08.52NyleI'm on amd64
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05:08.58Nylemplayer won't play .rvmb files
05:09.14NyleI need w32codecs
05:09.25PinkFreudthere's a w64codecs package out, iirc
05:09.30Nylefor debian?
05:09.42dpkg[dmm] Debian Multimedia, a repository of unofficial Debian packages, not in Debian for patent-related reasons, maintained by Christian Marillat. For information on how to use this repository, see . or ask me about <debian-multimedia.etch>
05:09.44*** join/#debian Sysctl__ (
05:09.52PinkFreudoff of debian-multimedia
05:09.56*** join/#debian martian68 (n=martian6@about/linux/regular/martian67)
05:09.59PinkFreudheh, yep, there.
05:10.44PinkFreudPackage: w64codecs
05:10.44PinkFreud1:20071007-0.3 (/var/lib/apt/lists/www.debian-multimedia.org_dists_testing_main_binary-amd64_Packages) (/var/lib/dpkg/status)
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05:11.54HattyI added APT::Install-Recommends "0"; to my apt.conf but apt-get install openssh-server sill tries to install reccomends (xauth, which I don't want)
05:12.01PinkFreudworst case, I've found that using schroot to maintain an ia32 tree is handy.
05:12.08*** join/#debian avu (n=jan@unaffiliated/avu)
05:12.14HattyI'm using Lenny
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05:12.38PinkFreud$ schroot mplayer ...
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05:12.59PinkFreudfreenode's having a few issues
05:13.04*** join/#debian amorel (
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05:13.28jimmybgoodwhere to get recent, but superseded version of packages now that has stopped updating
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05:14.48jigphello is there a yahoo messenger voice chat and conference ?what kind of client to use pls?
05:15.13jigpand also is it posible to voie chat in skype?
05:15.27Nylew64 codecs package has like 3 .so files
05:15.28Nylethats all
05:15.39Nylejigp, not sure
05:15.48NyleI don't use yahoo, I think maybe gaim
05:15.49Nyleor pidgin
05:15.58jigpw64? whats that?a client?
05:16.03Nylenot for you
05:16.16Nylejigp, w64codecs for me not for you
05:16.28Nylejigp, look into program called 'gaim' or 'pidgin'
05:16.42Nylenot sure but Kopete may do it too
05:16.46NylePinkFreud, hi
05:16.54NylePinkFreud, 3 .so files inside w64codecs
05:17.19PinkFreuddoes it?
05:17.24Nyleonly 3
05:17.25PinkFreudI haven't looked
05:17.27Nylehowever the movie works
05:17.36PinkFreudthere's a start :)
05:17.42NyleI wonder if they bunbled all codecs into 3 libraries
05:17.50*** join/#debian chipdude (i=chip@
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05:18.29BladesmanBe sure to check out debian-unofficial.  Good packages there.
05:18.59*** join/#debian _Kewl_ (
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05:20.00Bladesmansees if he can find it.
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05:22.02*** mode/#debian [+l 744] by debhelper
05:22.46Bladesmanrecommends lame.
05:22.50owen1where can i get retune (for sync my ipod)?
05:23.13NyleHot-babe is a small graphical utility which displays the system activity in a very special way. When the CPU is idle, it displays a dressed girl, and when the activity goes up, as the temperature increases, the girl begins to undress, to finish totally naked when the system activity reaches 100%. Of course, if you can be shocked by nudity, don't use it!
05:23.21Nylei will get the hot babe packages
05:23.53BladesmanCrap.  You would let a blind guy know that.
05:24.04*** join/#debian SR71-Blackbird (n=nirvana@unaffiliated/sr71-blackbird)
05:24.42Bladesmanshrugs and installs it for his friends.
05:24.45infotronbraile pr0n
05:24.47*** join/#debian elgrnsDOS (
05:24.49NyleI used to do tech support at cox comm.
05:24.55Nylethis guy called in one time
05:24.56Nyleblind guy
05:25.01Nylewanted to order someporn
05:25.12Nyleblind guy wanted to order pay per view porn!
05:25.26PinkFreudpay per touch?
05:25.27Nylehalf the call center was laughing thier balls off
05:25.28BladesmanDid he ask for pic descriptions in detail?
05:25.44PinkFreudno, pay per grope.
05:25.45infotronwas it closed captioned?
05:25.48PinkFreudthat's it.
05:26.12dondelelcaro#debian-offtopic is that way...
05:28.19GhostlyDeath|Lptin mexico
05:28.22BladesmanNo soup for you!
05:29.58*** join/#debian subir (n=subir@
05:30.12phorce1jigp: Try looking at the two forks of this older program (gyachE and gyachI). He has links to the forks on his page. Y! with voice chat:
05:30.28*** part/#debian JiaQin (n=qinjia@
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05:33.35streunerdrinks his coffee
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05:34.31owen1i removed a file with rm.  is there a way to undo?
05:35.06GhostlyDeath|Lptowen1: Try file recovery software
05:35.19owen1GhostlyDeath|Lpt: ok
05:35.22*** join/#debian |inuxmath (
05:35.22wolsowen1: ext3?
05:35.28owen1wols: yes.
05:35.36wolsthen not really.
05:36.05owen1where can i get retune? it's a small python app to sync my nano.
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05:39.40phorce1hmmm looked like a good idea. Too bad they no longer appear to update it.
05:39.56oompa_loompawhat do I need to do in order for OpenGL to create fonts
05:40.06oompa_loompaERROR: couldn't create font (glGenLists)
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05:46.21elikwols, hey, finally, ip masquerade did the trick
05:46.33elikwols, I don't think it was possible with simple ip forwarding
05:47.10elikwols, since my router cannot be configured enought o reply to 192.168.2.N... just have a home D-Link here
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05:49.30Dewigreps 6MiB of code for a pattern, and it's 1300 times faster with LANG=C to disable unicode. 66 seconds -> 0.05 seconds.
05:49.55dondelelcaroDewi: how many times did you replicate that?
05:49.55jetscreamerwhat happened to the internet
05:50.01elikDewi, you changed your locale?
05:50.08elikjetscreamer, it collasped
05:50.21jetscreameryes i noticed
05:50.22Dewidondelelcaro: several. I've been aware of this for months, but this is the biggest difference I've seen so far. Usually it's only ~10 times faster
05:50.35*** join/#debian DogBoy (
05:50.38Dewidondelelcaro: it seems to depend on the pattern. '.*' is very very bad
05:50.51dondelelcaroDewi: yes, it'll depend on the pattern
05:50.53Dewidondelelcaro: I habitually type LANG=C grep instead of grep these days
05:51.06dondelelcaroDewi: but if you're not using egrep, it shouldn't be very much of a difference
05:51.11simonrvn*cough* alias *cough*
05:51.20Dewijust grep -i
05:51.27*** join/#debian akio (
05:51.29dondelelcarooh, well, that'd be why
05:51.31Dewithe -i has unicode implications too of course
05:51.38phorce1jetscreamer: where are you located? I'm having trouble getting some places from here in Texas but others go fine. is on the other side of the broken internet for me
05:51.46jetscreamertexas, houston
05:51.55dondelelcarojetscreamer: try a different mirror
05:52.00jetscreameri can't reach about 1/2 the us
05:52.02*** mode/#debian [+l 743] by debhelper
05:52.08dondelelcarojetscreamer:, FE.
05:52.13jetscreamerno, i can't ping
05:52.18jetscreameri'm all updated
05:52.20elikjetscreamer, are you serious?
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05:52.42phorce1jetscreamer: phorce1 == Texas, Silsbee (about 90 miles SE of Houston). Must be a backbone router dead somewhere.
05:53.08jetscreameri can reach google and yahoo, but not cal tech or so
05:53.09elikwell... I can ping
05:53.40simonrvnbeen like this all week... wondering wtf's going on
05:53.54Dewijetscreamer: the other day here in QLD, Australia, one contractor sliced a single optic fibre cable. Much of the state was without internet, land-lines, cell-phones, cash machines for most of the day.
05:53.56*** join/#debian obmij (
05:54.04simonrvn'bout an hour ago i was having 20-40% packet loss to a google host
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05:54.31elikThat's funny... it sounds like apocalypse
05:54.33jetscreameryeah i can't reach cambridge harvard or mit
05:54.37Dewijetscreamer: the one alternate route (hundreds of kms from any city) had a H/W meltdown and they had to helicopter new parts in
05:54.39jetscreamergoogle sure...
05:54.45jetscreamernobody messes with goog
05:55.15phorce1jetscreamer: It appears to definitely be backbone related. My Sprint T-1 works fine but my ATT/DSL connection doesn't.
05:55.23simonrvnfuck, they have their own ip blocks and asn...
05:55.38*** join/#debian entaro_ (
05:55.39phorce1jetscreamer: I have no idea which backbone host the DSL connection hits first.
05:55.46jetscreameri can reach the uni of melbourne though
05:55.57Dewidondelelcaro: wow, without the -i it's not much of a problem
05:56.23Dewidondelelcaro: insignificant difference
05:56.23jetscreamerwell least i have ya'll ...
05:56.47simonrvnjetscreamer: yes, at least you're here now
05:57.02dondelelcaroDewi: yes; lowercasing unicode is significantly more expensive than lowercasing non-unicode
05:57.04simonrvn(the meh was for isc having nothing effing useful...)
05:57.05obmijaptitude install utorrent fails :(
05:57.15elikis that ISP related, or you think it's at a higher level
05:57.19Dewidondelelcaro: > 1000 times more expensive?
05:57.24obmijwhat's the utorrent package name?
05:57.33obmijmutorrent? youtorrent?
05:57.33dondelelcaroDewi: yes
05:57.34Dewidondelelcaro: or does somebody need to hash a lookup table... :P
05:57.48elikjetscreamer, is that ISP related, or you think it's at a higher level
05:57.51dondelelcaroDewi: in the case of non-unicode, it's just a single & operatoin
05:58.02dondelelcaroDewi: which is going to be way faster than a hash lookup
05:58.22jetscreamermy guess is higher but i'm basing that on no data
05:58.23phorce1jetscreamer: Maybe we're finally seceding from the union
05:58.26Dewidondelelcaro: indeed
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05:59.09obmijhello ?
05:59.10phorce1jetscreamer: who is your provider?
05:59.16dondelelcaroDewi: I'd imagine that you'd find grep '[fF][oO][oO]' to be quite a bit faster than grep -i 'foo'
05:59.23Dewidondelelcaro: but the thing is, we're only talking about the pattern
05:59.41dondelelcaroDewi: heh, nope.
05:59.43Dewidondelelcaro: it should only need to expand all the possibilities for each pattern char once
05:59.47elikjetscreamer, that's really surprising, up to today, I was still under the impression that the internet was failsafe
05:59.58jetscreamerphorce1: att...
05:59.59phorce1elik: hardly
06:00.04Dewidondelelcaro: or at least, that's how it should be implemented
06:00.07dondelelcaroDewi: no, it has to do it every time it attempts a match with that character
06:00.16elikjetscreamer, so when I told you it was collapsing, it was just a big joke
06:00.27jetscreamerbut you were right :)
06:00.35Dewidondelelcaro: can't it preprocess -i to turn 'a' into '[Aa...]' ?
06:00.35obmijalright, what is your favorite torrent application and how do you install it in Debian?
06:00.40elikphorce1, well, I know that stuff go down here and there.. but isn't internet all about redundancy?
06:00.55phorce1jetscreamer: taht's the lines I'm having problems with, my ATT connection. May just be a problem with them. I just wish I could get my machines to handle multiple routes better.
06:01.05obmijI can't seem to install utorrent or bittorrent :(... aptitude can't find utorrent and doesn't install bittorrent
06:01.26Dewidondelelcaro: or does the list depend on what is being matched against?
06:01.27elikobmij, I think there is one installed by default in gnome
06:01.39obmijeh? I have gnome
06:01.43obmijwhat's it called?
06:01.47dondelelcaroDewi: in a simple regex, presumably, but in complex ones, it wouldn't necessarily work
06:01.50jetscreamerobmij: azureus is probably what you want.. but utorrent works flawlessly under wine i hear
06:01.51obmijgtorrent? :)
06:02.01dondelelcaroDewi: I also don't know how -i is actually implemented in grep
06:02.04obmijahh ok I'll grab azureus
06:02.04elikobmij, I dunno, I just have bittorrent and never really requested it, I think
06:02.15elikobmij, yeah, azureus is fine too
06:02.20phorce1jetscreamer: My T-1 is working fine but most of my net enabled software wants to route through the ATT IP by default and doesn't fail-over to the T-1 IP even if I unplug the ATT network cable.
06:02.21elikobmij, more options, more infos
06:02.26jetscreamerobmij: probably in non-free or contrib but i dunno
06:02.40obmijhow do I add non-free to my sources.list?
06:02.41Dewidondelelcaro: I'm disappointed in you :)
06:02.47dpkgnon-free is probably a component which contains software that does not comply with the <DFSG>. To add non-free packages to your packages index, ask me about <non-free sources>. To see which non-free packages are installed on your system, ask me about <vrms>. For the Non-free tracking system, see
06:03.03phorce1azureus is a resource hog
06:03.07jetscreamer!tell obmij -about non-free sources
06:03.10dondelelcarogrep's search implementation isn't particularly interesting; perl's is far more useful
06:03.17phorce1uses rtorrent
06:03.26Dewidondelelcaro: I wonder if I should file a bug. Hard to tell if it's a libs bug or a grep bug though, really
06:03.28elikthat's cli right?
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06:03.49Dewidondelelcaro: heh. Perl doesn't even attempt to default to unicode like the rest of the OS
06:03.58phorce1elik: yes, cli
06:03.58obmijso far I've loved Debian
06:04.07elikjetscreamer, that's what is nice about internet.. when something fail, nobody ever talk about it...
06:04.09obmijit's a huge breath of fresh air from Gentoo
06:04.13elikwell, get used to it
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06:04.16Dewidondelelcaro: I doubt perl is affected by $LANG at all
06:04.18obmijno offense to Gentoo lovers :P
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06:04.21elikcause it will stay like that :P
06:04.34\amethystDewi:  C isn't affected by $LANG at all unless you make a specific API call
06:04.38jetscreamerusually it can be routed around,k but i dunno why it's not
06:04.55Dewi\amethyst: naturally
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06:05.18Dewi\amethyst: but C programs in debian do make those calls
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06:06.10Dewi\amethyst: I wouldn't expect C to, because I don't think C is a string-centric language. But I am quite critical of the unicode situation in perl and PHP
06:06.14phorce1jetscreamer: the "backup routing" may send your packets to Siberia and back. may actually load if you can get a browser to wait 5 or 10 minutes before timing out
06:06.36elikjetscreamer, hey, if I install deiban on a partition, and I will use grub, do I need to make it bootable?
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06:06.43simonrvnjetscreamer, elik: well, i think it's lower level, since it's affecting several networks, and over several days.
06:06.54obmijlol it says azureus is broken
06:06.57jetscreamerelik: no but i do it anyway
06:06.59obmijscore is somewhere around -9000
06:07.09Dewi\amethyst: but anyway, it's not really the point. The point is grep -i performance is unusably bad in debian at the moment
06:07.13PinkFreudDewi: according to the perluniintro doc, utf8 is the default as of 5.8.0
06:07.28obmijok I installed bittorrent, but when I type bittorrent in a shell it says not found
06:07.31obmijwhere should I go?
06:07.39DewiPinkFreud: really? I apologise then, I thought it was all 8-bit naive still
06:07.43jetscreameryou want btdownloadgui
06:07.58valdynobmij: dpkg -l bittorrent | grep bin
06:07.58jetscreamerthe executable is named that
06:08.19jetscreameror btdownload-gui
06:08.24elikobmij, you can also go in your menu in internet, there is a shortcut
06:08.27jetscreamerstart it with that command
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06:08.48PinkFreudDewi: actually, not so much the default, as supposedly having the ability to detect whether the data it's parsing is unicode or not
06:09.00elikobmij, and if it installed properly, your browsers should start it automatically upon opening of a .torrent file
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06:09.03PinkFreudI don't deal with much unicode, so I can't tell you how well it works
06:10.03infotronPinkFreud: UE�q���v����HL���$�ĵ�� B��ƭa>�C��Yy���8�ʨ8�(�!UBVL\�{��,�@��p\[��d����ɡ��W���u�]w�Bk^]k`��
06:10.10\amethystDewi:  the scary thing is "For operations where Perl can unambiguously decide that the input data are characters, Perl switches to character semantics."
06:11.12PinkFreudinfotron: I agree completely
06:11.14obmijit's not in the internet menu
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06:11.37PinkFreudanyway, I'm out
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06:12.06elikIf I install debian on a Core2 duo, which kernel should I take? 2.6-486 2.6-686, 2.6.24-1-486 or 2.6.24-1-686?
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06:12.26infotronelik: amd64!
06:12.32rhysahhh sweet #debian. where RMS lurks in the shadows of every keyboard.
06:13.16rhyselik: stability. use 2.4
06:13.30elikyarr, downloaded the i386 net install
06:13.39rhyselik: i think 2.6 is just a metapackage to the current kernel.
06:13.47rhysi would suggest using 686, not 486.
06:13.48infotronelik: but c2d can do 64bit
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06:13.50elikrhys, oh, k
06:14.11elikinfotron, well, ok, but isn't that a bit more risky
06:14.14obmijwait do I need contrib non-free for ?
06:14.17rhyselik: and what he said. there is no real reason NOT to use 64 bit unless your doing something really crazy. unlike windows, things just get recompileds so things work.
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06:14.25infotronelik: risky how?
06:14.37rhyselik: risky? yea. the extra bits will rise up to murder you if you anger them
06:14.51rhysthere are less bits to revolt if you use 32 bit.
06:14.53dpkgdmm is probably Debian Multimedia, a repository of unofficial Debian packages, not in Debian for patent-related reasons, maintained by Christian Marillat. For information on how to use this repository, see . or ask me about <debian-multimedia.etch>
06:15.12elikinfotron, rhys, well, is everything tested for for both architectures at the same time?
06:15.32infotronit's rock solid here
06:15.41elikinfotron, well, I guess I'm affraid because of the Windows world, where most things are broken on x64
06:15.47infotronand trust me, I tend to kick the crap out of my box
06:15.49rhyselik: its called source code.
06:15.52rhystends to fix that
06:15.54elikinfotron, and it all gets released at the same time?
06:15.55jetscreamerdamn i can't reach my site
06:16.02rhysas for testing, not sure of the "debian way" as it were.
06:16.06eliklol at jetscreamer
06:16.17infotronelik: in parallel. debian supports some 14 forks now? I lost count.
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06:16.31jetscreameryou mean arch's?
06:16.37infotronyeah. arch :)
06:16.44elikspark and such
06:16.47rhyselik: debian is not windows. windows has some nastiness because they are binary only.
06:16.58rhyselik: sparc*
06:16.58elikrhys, sounds reasonnable enough
06:17.01rtrfixany tips to find a hex editing/editor channel?
06:17.04elikoh, sry
06:17.10obmijok honestly bittorrent is not installing and azureus is marked as broke
06:17.10infotronwindows is crapware because only a few can fix the bugs.
06:17.13obmijwhat's going on ... ?
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06:17.17jetscreamer!info hexedit
06:17.19dpkghexedit: (view and edit files in hexadecimal or in ASCII), section editors, is optional. Version: 1.2.12-3 (sid), Packaged size: 25 kB, Installed size: 104 kB
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06:17.25rhysyea. hey all, on his point, what about the binary blobs?
06:17.28valdynobmij: which debian release are you on?
06:17.31rhysflash, java, etc.
06:17.34rhys+ 64bit
06:17.37elikrhys, infotron, oh, no worries, I prefer the linux side by far
06:17.42valdynobmij: try the transmission client
06:17.54rhyselik: honestly they all suck and have their downsides. some things just suck less.
06:17.57jetscreamerobmij: you start bittorrent with the command 'btdownload-gui' or 'btdownloadgui'
06:17.57elikrhys, infotron, just didn't want to delay updates on Lenny because of that
06:18.16obmijdpkg -l  bittorrent | grep bin found nothing
06:18.16dpkgii   bittorrent | grep bin found nothing                 3.7-12           ultra s3kr1t #debian package
06:18.19rhysbtw, i really need to get around to reading about dwm so I have X on this box...
06:18.19jetscreamerobmij: type btdown<tabkey>
06:18.22infotronrhys: you can install 32bit parallel versions of some of those. eg, firefox etc
06:18.24rhyspfft. who needs X
06:18.30rhysinfotron: ahhhh. solution
06:18.34valdynobmij: obmij sorry, dpkg -L, big L
06:18.55obmijit gives btdownload ... but command not found
06:19.06jetscreamerhit tab again
06:19.11jetscreamerit will give you a list
06:19.30elikrhys, infotron, sorry, some of Windows 64 bit fear brushed on my linux side
06:19.34obmijand btdownloadheadless
06:19.45jetscreamerah you don't have the 'gui' part
06:19.47elikrhys, infotron, just gonna download that amd64 version
06:19.48jetscreameri guess
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06:19.59mishohimselfHey, guys! I just installed etch, changed the repos to lenny, added sud and experimental, as required by the debian kde team and installed the "kde4" package from the experimental repo with aptitude, I also installed kdm. I rebooted and what I had was a perfectly working kdm (with no mouse). I typed in my password and I got an error. Something for missing Xsession. I tried to install "xsession" package, but the only thing I found was something called
06:20.05jetscreameri used to use bittornado for the gui but that was a while ago
06:20.05infotronelik: that's understandable. I know a friend that's tried the win-x64 and is burned daily on it.
06:20.07mishohimselfPlease help
06:20.36obmijoh, so that's just the protocol libs?
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06:20.52jetscreamerit might mean ~/.Xsession
06:20.55valdynobmij: what is?
06:21.07obmijaptitude install bittorrent
06:21.09infotron!tell mishohimself -about experimental
06:21.15valdynobmij: "btdownloadcurses file.torrent"
06:21.15rhysinfotron: neurologist at work got a new machine. dual processor quad core xeon, 8gb of ram...and because he needs the binary only cisco VPN client, he is happily running on windows XP 32bit. i was appalled.
06:21.21jetscreamertry aptitude install bittornado then
06:21.33obmijtransmission is installed
06:21.36obmijseems fine :P
06:21.40obmijtime for some missy elliot
06:21.40infotronmishohimself: we don't support that. if the kde team suggested it, ask them.
06:22.05rhyswe tried 64 bit windows xp which took its 8gbs of ram, used 400 mb of it, and then put another 800mb in its swap file....swap. 8gb of ram. swap.....
06:22.06mishohimselfinfotron: which channel is that?
06:22.26obmijrhys, lol
06:22.49obmijI have XP on another machine ... SP3... doesn't use that much ram... but wow
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06:22.55obmijI know vista would
06:23.03rhysi tried to convince him to put ubuntu on it, and then run 32 bit in a virtualbox. but noo.... sigh.
06:23.31rhys32bit vista is getting sad, when it can only access 3.2gb and needs 2gb to run properly.
06:23.38infotronmishohimself: I don't think there's one.  If you're not a developer willing to help fix bugs, it's not for you, because you're on your own.
06:24.23jeffwheelerI've never seen anything like this before. I can get to a random set of sites fine (e.g. Google, random uncached Youtube videos), but other sites don't work at all (e.g. Wikpedia or AIM's servers).
06:24.36elikrhys, lol, that's right, the two rail are getting close together
06:24.41rhysjeffwheeler: routing issue?
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06:24.52jeffwheelerrhys: I guess; how would I look into that?
06:24.59elikrhys, maybe with windows 7, you will actually need more ram than windows can address ?! :P
06:25.01phorce1jeffwheeler: ATT DSL?
06:25.03\amethystjeffwheeler:  traceroute perhaps
06:25.04jeffwheelerDNS seems to be working fine for Wikipedia, but not (which is actually working)
06:25.08mishohimselfinfotron: OK, so is there any other way to run kde4 on debian. I mean, besides experimental
06:25.11jeffwheelerphorce1: exactly
06:25.13*** join/#debian Superbartt (
06:25.16dpkgwell, kde 4 is a new and not-yet-complete version of the KDE desktop. It will probably not be released with Lenny as it is not expected to be stable within the lenny release cycle. See but ask about these experimental packages in #debian-kde not in #debian.  See <kde version>.
06:25.21phorce1jeffwheeler: Texas?
06:25.21jeffwheeler\amethyst: tried that; drops off at some point inside ATT
06:25.30jeffwheelerphorce1: yep; you getting the same issue?
06:25.32infotrondpkg and her noisy factiods. :)
06:25.32dpkginfotron: I give up, what is it?
06:25.36rhysjeffwheeler: change your DNS for one to opendns, see if that works...
06:25.52jeffwheelerrhys: just did; with no result
06:25.57jeffwheelerrhys: let me double-check that, though
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06:26.09infotronmishohimself: ahh. read that factoid in full. it answers a previous question you had.
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06:26.11jeffwheeler(I'm doing this on both a Mac and Debian, and it's easier to change on OS X.)
06:26.28rhyshmm. ISP should be glad im at Uni. I would sooo be bitching with them the whole time if they fuck up for nastiness.
06:26.28phorce1jeffwheeler: Yes, me near Beaumont and Jetscreamer in Houston also. My Sprint T-1 works fine.
06:27.02jeffwheelerphorce1: hmm, odd. Know if ATT knows yet?
06:27.16jeffwheelerI would assume they do.
06:27.27jeffwheelerrhys: yeah, OpenDNS doesn't resolve the issue.
06:27.29mishohimselfdpkg: eer, I see. So what are you guys using? kde3 or gnome probably?
06:27.30dpkgmishohimself: what are you talking about?
06:27.46rhyswait. isnt dpkg a bot in this channel?
06:28.00rhysdpkg: are you a bot?
06:28.01dpkgrhys: I wish you would RTFM.
06:28.08rhys..... yes. i think it is.
06:28.10jeffwheelerHe is.
06:28.21dpkgI ain't no stinkin' bot.  I am a finely tuned and hand crafted tool.  Oh wait... I guess I am a bot (that you should not abuse).
06:28.23rhysnah. there are no women on IRC
06:28.23kingsleyWhich command, if any, can find all packages on a system which are "essential"?
06:28.55rhyskingsley: define essential.
06:28.56jeffwheelerphorce1: I guess I can only hope it's fixed by the morning.
06:29.00mishohimselfrhys: ha-ha. But a nice made one :)
06:29.31rhysmishohimself: just what we need. fembots with flaming tassels.
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06:30.06kingsleyrhys: "Essential" is a pre-defined field in the output of "dpkg -s". For example, you could type "dpkg -s coreutils" and see "Essential: yes".
06:30.14mishohimselfinfotron: thanks for your help. I'll give it another shot and probably dump it
06:30.21jeffwheelerI wonder what the routing issue could be n ATT's side. I've never heard of anything like this.
06:30.27mishohimself*I mean bye :D
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06:30.48shrimantswho here is having problems with ATT in texas?
06:30.56rhysjeffwheeler i believe
06:31.05rhysso i was wrong
06:31.08jeffwheelerI am, phorce1 said he was, and apparently jetscreamer.
06:31.18jeffwheelershrimants: you too?
06:31.21shrimantsim having problems up here in michigan
06:31.24muramasaHiya. I'm currently trying to install my webcam, but upon modprobing uvcvideo I get this error: . Any clues? v4l2 support is compiled in the kernel
06:31.34shrimantsgoogle, youtube, and IRC work, as does the ATT website
06:31.45rhyscan someone set the bots tidbit on at&t to "curse ye!"
06:31.45shrimantsbut engadget and gizmodo are down, cant connct to AIM protocol
06:31.57jeffwheelershrimants: same here
06:32.03*** mode/#debian [+l 753] by debhelper
06:32.20jeffwheelerI wonder if we're disconnected from the West coast? Is that even possible?
06:32.27shrimantsi have no idea
06:32.35shrimantsblogspot works but livejournal doesnt
06:32.43shrimantsthis is the weirdest thing ever
06:32.53shrimantsoh and stumbleupon wont work
06:33.02elikreally seems localized, cause all of that work
06:33.08rhysso...someone should post this to slashdot
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06:33.22jeffwheelershrimants: those don't work for me
06:33.39shrimantsyeah slashdot doesnt work for me
06:33.39elikrhys, definitely ... otherwise they will just get away with it
06:33.45jeffwheelerATT's cell internet is fine. I'm getting to Wikipedia without problems.
06:34.02jeffwheelerNo /. for me either, obviously.
06:34.05shrimantsi cant get wiki on my laptop
06:34.14jeffwheelerAnd I can on my iPhone.
06:34.31elikusing the cellphone wireless, obviously
06:34.32jeffwheelerSo, I guess we've learned that the ISP is _very_ different from the wireless carrier. ;)
06:34.36shrimantsinitially i thouht it was a network update
06:34.37jeffwheelerelik: yeah
06:34.50shrimantsbut i powercycled and no change
06:34.53jeffwheelerIt seems to have happened 30 minutes to an hour ago, is that right?
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06:35.27elikthat's odd that AT&T cellphone internet doesn't go through the same path as home internet...
06:35.56jeffwheelerIsn't there some site that has a table of the connection status between major backbone/IPX/whatevers?
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06:36.18shrimantscertain google cache things arent working for me either
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06:37.13nano_I get different results when I run "groups" vs "groups myname"...does anybody know what could cause this?
06:37.41phorce1If no Intenets(is serious buzness) is just killing your then poke around on Google for a proxy site that you CAN hit and use that to reach sites you CAN'T hit
06:37.42elikI dunno it that means anything at all
06:37.54nano_Although I should say the difference in the result is that "groups myname" provides an additional group taht i belong to which i recently added
06:37.56elikbut it shows some low availability on some interconections
06:37.58jeffwheelerelik: that's what I was looking for; thanks
06:38.17jeffwheelerelik: yeah, I actually have never needed to use it, so I don't know what's normal
06:38.27shrimantsis the FTP protocol working for anyone?
06:38.33shrimantswith att i mean
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06:38.44elikjeffwheeler, well,
06:38.55elikmost of them seems fine
06:39.04elikjust between some networks, it's really low
06:39.05jeffwheelerelik: on the other hand, everything critical is with SBC, so that could be indicative of something
06:39.14\amethystnano_:  because, without the name, it gets the list of groups by looking at the groups the process is running under
06:39.25phorce1a friend I'm on AIM with said he's using some russian full proxy (actually had to entr the proxy IP in hos browser settings, not web based). Works, just VERY slow.
06:39.26\amethystnano_:  with the name, it looks it up in /etc/group and /etc/passwd
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06:39.31shrimantsim trying to talk to an agent on chat
06:39.32elikjeffwheeler, true, hadn't noticed
06:39.33jeffwheelerit's getting packet loss to Qwest
06:39.40shrimantsbut apparently, im number 86 in line
06:39.51shrimantsand all agents are busy
06:39.58Raggedjoin /opensuse
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06:40.07shrimantsso i think its safe to assume its because of this internet thing
06:40.25shrimantsragged: who are you talking to
06:40.28elikyeah, you won't be the first to point it out
06:40.28\amethystnano_:  since you've changed your groups but haven't logged out and back in, groups sees the old permissions
06:40.31jeffwheelershrimants: hmm, yeah; I wonder if there's any way to escalate to tier two (not that it'd help, much)
06:40.55nano_\amethyst: is there anyway i can dynamically make it see the new permissions without having to log in and out?
06:40.59RaggedThick fingers... :-(
06:41.01elikrhys, infotron, looking bad for the amd64...
06:41.33shrimantsalright, im number 82 now
06:41.42elikrhys, infotron, with the i386 one, I had my network cards with drivers
06:41.44shrimantsthis is gonna take a hell of a long time, it seems
06:41.57*** join/#debian zap (
06:42.01jeffwheelerI assume they already know the issue, but it's still fun to feel important. :)
06:42.05elikrhys, infotron, and with amd64... it asks me for flopy drivers
06:42.24elikyou can ask for a refund
06:42.27shrimantsim betting they need to release a modem update
06:42.46jeffwheelerWait a second . . . how are AT&T and SBC related on . . . I thought it was all ATT now?
06:42.55jeffwheeler(And they were just using the old name.)
06:43.01shrimantsatt owns sbc
06:43.02\amethystnano_:  not really.  if the group has a password set, you could use newgrp to join that group
06:43.04shrimantsthey're the same thing
06:43.07*** part/#debian bendle (
06:43.10shrimantssbc did just internet
06:43.17nano_\amethyst: thnx, ill try that
06:43.17shrimantsatt does internet through their satellites
06:43.22jeffwheelershrimants: yeah, that's what I thought; but why is there a section forboth?
06:43.27\amethystnano_:  but that would affect only the single shell that newgrp creates
06:43.40\amethystnano_:  another option would be to su to yourself
06:44.06nano_\amethyst: yes i see...but if i su myself..i am limited to the new group membership only in the current terminal
06:44.46\amethystnano_:  same with newgrp
06:45.02elikrhys, infotron, false alert :S hadn't loaded components from the CD :S
06:45.07\amethystnano_:  that's the thing... there's not a way to grant group membership to an existing process
06:45.26nano_\amethyst: yeah...i c what u mean....well i guess i can live with "su"
06:45.34\amethystnano_:  unless that process is running as root (like login and su)
06:45.39nano_\amethyst: its interesting i haven't come across this sooner
06:45.58nano_\amethyst: what if i disown a process...i wonder? is now going _extremely_ slowly.
06:46.12jeffwheelerOh, there it goes.
06:46.23\amethystnano_:  won't help, that just makes the shell forget about a background process
06:46.44*** join/#debian milligan (n=Milligan@
06:46.56nano_yes i c.....well i guess its not the end of the world.  i will have to learn to accept this.
06:47.21\amethystthat would be an interesting syscall
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06:50.02jeffwheelerAll people on SBC/ATT: they've taken most of their phone support and replaced it with a message stating that they're aware of the issue and that their network team is working to rectify it. They "apologize" for any inconvenience.
06:50.31shrimantswell now that i know that theres nothing i can do about it
06:50.33shrimantsim going to bed
06:50.43jeffwheelerNow we need somebody to post to /., first.
06:51.02shrimantstouches his nose
06:51.02shrimantsnot it
06:51.06elikI can help
06:51.12jeffwheeler_can't_: I can't get there. ;)
06:51.15eliklemme see if it's there already
06:51.24jeffwheelerelik: sweet, thanks
06:51.37*** join/#debian Guerin (
06:51.48elikain't in the hose
06:51.57elikYou want to write it, I post it
06:52.10jeffwheelerEh, that sounds like a lot less fun. :D
06:52.13shrimantsisnt there a place where att lists the updates by location?
06:52.14jeffwheelerLet's work together, team.
06:52.24elikI'll report that I post it for you.. cause you just can't get there
06:52.38jeffwheelerHa, uh, okay.
06:52.46elikwe could title it "The internet is falling appart"
06:52.49*** join/#debian xlotlu (n=john@
06:52.57shrimantsor we could title it
06:53.00shrimantswhat the hell sbc
06:53.09jeffwheeler"AT&T Has Service Problems Around Midnight"
06:53.16shrimantsthat works
06:53.24jeffwheeler"AT&T Disconnects Half the Internet Around Midnight"
06:53.56elikAT&T tears Internet appart around midnight
06:54.02shrimantsAT&T: connection problems leading to subscription based website scare?!
06:54.34*** join/#debian Gruelius (
06:54.52simonrvntheir site is sloooow
06:54.55jeffwheeler"Around 1:30 AM Eastern time, many ATT/SBC users began to lose connections to major sites like Wikipedia, CNN and AOL's instant messenger servers."
06:55.18GrueliusHey all im trying to find out why my ~300mb video files have started developing glitches. They sit on a large ext3 partition in a lvm on a mdraid5 array. All integrity checks pass so what should i be looking at?
06:55.57jeffwheeler"It seems most packets to Qwest, Savvis, and XO were not making it through to the other side."
06:55.59simonrvnjeffwheeler: URL?
06:56.01jeffwheeler"DNS was not an issue."
06:56.03*** join/#debian nonno (
06:56.03shrimantsim going to bed
06:56.06jeffwheelersimonrvn: hmm?
06:56.11jeffwheelershrimants: thanks for the fun :)
06:56.12Grueliusif it was a hardware issue it would be picked up by mdadm or fsck yes? Im just a bit sus about the PCI hdd controller one of the disks sits on
06:56.18simonrvnwhich page are you fetching that from?
06:56.21*** part/#debian shrimants (n=shrimant@
06:56.36jeffwheelersimonrvn: we've been writing the post for /., since many ATT users aren't able to get there right now
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06:57.11jeffwheelerIncluding myself, phorce1, jetscreamer, and shrimants, who just left.
06:57.45elikAT&T: tearing Internet apart
06:57.45elikAround 1:30 AM Eastern time, many ATT/SBC users began to lose connections to major sites like Wikipedia, CNN and AOL's instant messenger servers. It seems that most packets to Qwest, Savvis, and XO were not making it through to the other side. DNS was not an issue.
06:57.53simonrvnbeen wonky elsewhere too
06:58.12simonrvnnot outright outages, been last 2 months have been crazy
06:58.28jeffwheeler"Around 2:30 AM Eastern time, their phone support started to spew a message regarding their awareness of the problem, and their work to fix it."
06:58.33jeffwheeler. . . and that's a wrap
06:58.48jeffwheelerSound alright?
06:59.00Guerinwhy do we care?
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06:59.13jeffwheelerEh, good question.
06:59.13eliksounds good
06:59.13*** join/#debian LadyNikon (
06:59.22jeffwheelerelik: thanks for posting
06:59.26steveni can't seem to install libstdc++2.10-glibc2.2 ?
06:59.38elikJeffwheeler report at the beginning sounds good?
06:59.44Guerinsteven: try harder.
06:59.45LadyNikonwhats the best web and secure web console client?  webmin or ?
06:59.50stevenapt says it can't find it but it is at
06:59.50aptsteven: what are you talking about?
06:59.50GuerinLadyNikon: no.
07:00.14jeffwheelerelik: it's fine
07:00.31LadyNikonGuerin: what do you recommend?
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07:00.56GuerinLadyNikon: ssh
07:01.02stevenim talking about installing a package ??
07:01.18LadyNikonGuerin: i meant something that I can use to admin the box over the web.
07:01.25LadyNikonscratch the console statement.
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07:01.30LadyNikoni just sat through batman heh
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07:01.35elikhem jeffwheeler, never posted on /. :S
07:01.39elikHow would I do that?
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07:01.49GuerinLadyNikon: the web isn't an administration tool. ssh is.
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07:02.07Lagboltsteven, it is available. libstdc++2.10-glibc2.2: etch/main Packages
07:02.10LadyNikonGuerin: you can setup webmin or some other type of program to do so.
07:02.18Lagboltmaybe you need to check your sources
07:02.20dpkgextra, extra, read all about it, webmin is a lame web-based interface for unsafe system administration for Unix. Check it out at Remember, dondelelcaro *hates* webmin. "i'd rather sit on the floor shoving table knives into live electrical outlets than run webmin on an exposed server." See about the removal. Don't use their .debs, they are of extremely poor quality.
07:02.26GuerinLadyNikon: you can if you want your computer to break and/or be owned.
07:02.28*** join/#debian mija (
07:02.37soulchildHI all,... gnome says: "You are not privileged to mount this volume.", when I try do acces a NTFS Partition. Do they have to be in fstab? I actually want them to be auto-mounted, when i double-click there symbol.
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07:02.54LadyNikonsimonrvn: note.. the reason why i said or something similar.  I was looking for somethign more secure
07:02.59Guerinsoulchild: ask #gnome on
07:02.59LadyNikonbut thanks for the trigger anyways..
07:03.15stevenLagbolt: thanks but apt still can't find it ??
07:03.24GuerinLadyNikon: there's really been nothing created to replace webmin since it's a thoroughly broken concept in the first place.
07:03.41LadyNikonGuerin: thanks.
07:03.45*** part/#debian orveldv (n=orveldv@
07:04.42soulchildGuerin: that channel is nor very activew
07:04.43LadyNikonsimonrvn: i am already doing that.  I wanted something more.  Guerin answered my question :)
07:04.56Guerinsoulchild: that's a shame.
07:05.01stevenLagbolt: u can see my source.list here i don't understand why i can't install it ?
07:05.03soulchildyes it is
07:05.06LadyNikonand now for bed.
07:05.12LadyNikongn :)
07:05.15Guerinhooray for bed!
07:05.22LadyNikonoh btw.. batman was awesome.
07:05.37soulchildnight ? here in germany it is 9 am :D going to university in 20 minutes,... :D
07:05.53LadyNikonsoulchild: its 3am here
07:05.56Guerini can do without more latex animal costumes in my life
07:06.06soulchildLadyNikon: where is here ?
07:06.13LadyNikonsoulchild: maryland US
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07:06.33dpkgwell, lamp is Linux, Apache, MySQL, {PHP,Perl,Python} or maybe Linux Animation and Movie Player, at
07:06.47*** join/#debian Agiofws (
07:06.48soulchildLadyNikon: You americans think that you are the only one existing in the panet, aren't you
07:06.51MaliutaLadyNikon: it's 3am, you must be lonely. </obQuote>
07:07.13LadyNikonsoulchild: why would I think that?
07:07.24LadyNikonMaliuta: i dont get it.
07:07.39MaliutaLadyNikon: it's a Matchbox20 lyric
07:07.42GuerinLadyNikon: i think he's trying to subtly invite himself into your notional bed
07:07.50simonrvnMaliuta: that's nice
07:07.52Guerinrrrreeeeallly subtle like
07:08.06soulchildYou only say "Here" without specifing the place and exepting that I know it is US, because here must mean USA
07:08.21LadyNikonsoulchild: no i said here.. because I am sitting here
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07:08.31simonrvnhere means where you are...
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07:08.50Guerinyep, stupid people are still stupid
07:08.50LadyNikonnow if you care enough to know where *here* is.. you would ask.. as you did
07:08.55soulchildLadyNikon: ok,... maybe I am a little bit tired, beacause HERE it is 9am in the morning
07:09.01Guerini just have to check now and again
07:09.16LadyNikonsoulchild: and see.. if you said that.. I assumed you meant where you were sitting :)
07:09.35soulchildokay,... I'll get a coffe
07:09.59Lagboltsteven, wow you have experimental sources eh.  well assuming your etch main source is up to date i would say it should be there
07:10.00simonrvnGuerin: barely have to, they do it for you
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07:10.16simonrvnetch and experimental? are you crazy?
07:10.32JustSoulHello, Is it possible and how to recover deleted files and dirs from ext3?
07:10.34Lagboltsteven, you should def remove experimental and maybe try a mirror to see if the package you want is there
07:10.54LadyNikonwell before I get anymore stereotypes tossed at me.  I am going to bed. gn all
07:10.54stevenLagbolt: the experimental is only used for one package
07:11.01stevenmysql 5.1 :)
07:11.17Lagboltsteven, so you get nothing from apt-cache search libstdc++2.10-glibc ?
07:11.30stevenLagbolt: no ?
07:11.41GuerinLadyNikon: g'night
07:12.09Guerini wonder if stereotypes are like deadlines, in that they make a cool noise as they rush by
07:12.12stevenLagbolt: it's worth noting that this x64
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07:12.31simonrvnGuerin: mostly whoosh sounds, as they go flying over your head
07:12.34stevenLagbolt: on the webpage for the package it does not appear to have a download for x64 ???
07:12.47Lagboltsteven, oh? on
07:12.47simonrvn(you general, not you you)
07:12.48abraxasi'm experiencing the weirdest thing recent debian installations. there is a server online somewhere, and with these debian servers i can't download more than 12 KB from it (TCP), after which it stalls indefinitely. trying this from suse or an old debian (2.4 kernel or 2.6.8 kernel) is no problem, but all the recent ones refuse to download (these debian machines are in various locations and all show this behavior)..
07:13.00Guerinsimonrvn: nothing goes over my head, brotha - except programming and mathematics
07:13.10owen1how to use ls and only show file name and size?
07:13.14simonrvnheeey, hehehe
07:13.23abraxasif i set up rinetd on a problem-free machine and use that to download, then the problem-machines have no problem anymore... so it seems like some obscure tcp problem to me... anyone interested in checking this out for the good of debian?
07:13.27Guerinowen1: why use ls for that?
07:13.38stevenim actually trying to install the hpacucli
07:13.51stevenLagbolt: u can see the direction near the bottom of here
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07:14.10owen1Guerin: i want to display all the files, one by line, but only show name and size.
07:14.19Guerinowen1: why use ls for that?
07:14.21abraxaswith other operating systems i can download without problems, it's just debian, and no matter if i use wget, links, curl, it's all the same problem
07:14.29Lagboltsteven, yeah i dont see it listed for 64bit.
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07:14.36owen1Guerin: what else can i use?
07:14.44Lagboltsteven, it says libstdc is for i386 not amd64
07:14.46Guerinowen1: du does exactly this
07:14.57GuerinLadyNikon: then it probably is
07:14.57owen1Guerin: let me try
07:15.04GuerinLagbolt: ^^^
07:15.11Guerinowen1: ok, you can try.
07:15.16stevenLagbolt: yes look a little further it says you must force the install of hpacuclie for 64bit
07:15.16Guerin(like I can stop you)
07:15.37JustSoulIs it possible and how to recover deleted files and dirs from ext3?
07:15.51*** join/#debian Vlack (n=joya@unaffiliated/vlack)
07:15.52Guerinwhenever I hear the word `force', I reach for my sign which reads `FAIL'
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07:16.07GuerinJustSoul: not categorically. Sometimes you can.
07:16.16Vlacki need help with cups what do you put with add new printer location
07:16.20abraxasanyone? i'd think this is a serious debian problem...
07:16.30GuerinJustSoul: i recommend photorec, in the testdisk package.
07:16.50Guerinabraxas: what branch?
07:16.51streuner_Vlack: just put something into there, i.e. desk
07:16.56abraxasGuerin: stable
07:17.11abraxas2.6.18 kernel
07:17.19owen1Guerin: is there a way to sort by size with du?
07:17.20Guerinabraxas: if you're having problems with stable it's likely a problem at your end.
07:17.31abraxasthe problem with a bug report is, that i can offer a location for testing now, but just now
07:17.32Guerinowen1: |sort -n
07:17.50Guerinowen1: you want to use du -k also
07:17.50Lagboltsteven, it says to force-architecture
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07:18.03abraxasit's a problem at every up-to-date debian server i have access too in every physical location
07:18.08GuerinLagbolt: man dpkg
07:18.12Lagboltsteven, i have no experience with that option so cant tell you if that is problemattic
07:18.17stevenyes which i have done for the hpacu.deb
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07:18.31GuerinLagbolt: don't bother asking for help with this, nobody will help you put that round peg in that triangular hole.
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07:18.38LagboltGuerin, i am not asking
07:18.38stevenLagbolt: i think i may have to install ia32-libs ??
07:18.42Guerinsteven: ^^^
07:18.43LagboltGuerin, i was trying to help steven
07:18.45stevenLagbolt: i think ill give it a try :)
07:18.47abraxasGuerin: i simply cannot make decent tcp transfers on these machines.. with windows, suse, old-debian it's no problem
07:18.53GuerinLagbolt: sorry, got me wires crossed :)
07:19.04LagboltGuerin, but i dont have to knowledge or desire to tell people to force install things :)
07:19.04Guerinabraxas: so you said.
07:19.11Guerin!beer Lagbolt
07:19.12dpkgpours a quart of Guinness for Lagbolt
07:19.16Lagboltthanks :)
07:19.19owen1Guerin: nice!
07:19.20GuerinLagbolt: very mature!
07:19.27abraxasGuerin: it's only when connecting to a certain machine tho, it's behind a draytek router
07:19.36Guerinabraxas: fix your router
07:19.40Guerinwhich is clearly crap
07:19.59abraxasGuerin: i'm pretty sure the draytek (crappy stuff) is triggering it (it ain't mine), but still, recent-debian is the only OS with this problem
07:20.02stevenGuerin: check for half-duplex, dropped packets, crap mtu etc etc
07:20.09Guerinabraxas: file a bug.
07:20.13stevenabraxas: even ;)
07:20.31Guerinabraxas: what you can try is a new kernel
07:20.38abraxasi tried, no luck
07:20.59*** join/#debian telmich (i=telmich@gpm/telmich)
07:21.01telmichgood morning
07:21.19Guerinli'l schoolgirl
07:21.41abraxaslike i said, problem with a bug report is that i can no longer offer the test location, and the bug report will be vague "i think it's draytek" and i assume nothing would ever be done with it (i know i wouldn't handle it, coz it's not easily reproduced)
07:22.01Guerincan't do much for you, then
07:22.03*** mode/#debian [+l 765] by debhelper
07:22.07Guerindo what steven suggested
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07:22.23Guerinfuck with some settings on the router too
07:22.58abraxasi can solve the problem eventually, .. if i have to do an rinetd on another machine, so be it
07:23.10abraxasi'm only here because i figured debian people might be interested
07:23.23abraxasbut yeah, i'll do what steven suggested
07:23.25abraxastnx for that
07:23.45Guerinwell ... as you say, what can we do about it?
07:23.51*** join/#debian jakub (
07:24.00abraxasi'm offering a test location, you'll probably experience the same problem on any stable debian
07:24.13Guerinfile the bug anyway - it's possible a DD has that router lying around to test with, or it might affect others too
07:26.05abraxasi'm not entirely sure it's the draytek tho.. behind the draytek hop i don't know what hardware is used, but i know it goes to optic fiber and then back to utp
07:26.06*** join/#debian Truman (n=Alexis@
07:26.26TrumanI have killall5 instead of killall , is it the same?
07:26.46dondelelcaroTruman: no.
07:27.21Trumanwhat's the difference?
07:27.23dondelelcaroTruman: if you don't have killall, you don't have psmisc. /msg dpkg search
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07:29.17LagboltNyle, you in here?
07:29.32Vlackneed help cups 426 Upgrade Required when adding new printer
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07:32.31liableRichiH: ping
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07:35.19extorIs there any easy way to configure mrtg besides the webmin gui? Webmin totally FAILED
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07:37.24dondelelcaroextor: you'll have better luck using munin instead of mrtg.
07:37.31dondelelcaro(unless you actually have a ton of routers)
07:37.46extorI have zero routers
07:37.55dondelelcaroextor: then you want munin, not mrtg.
07:37.58dpkgmunin is a information graphing system for multiple systems based on rrd. See and FE.
07:38.07extormrtg is just to watch the localhost load average, cpu util, network load etc
07:38.26dondelelcaroyes... that's why I recommended munin
07:38.39extorUhm...this is just to monitor a single dedicated webserver
07:38.44dondelelcaroextor: yes...
07:39.12*** join/#debian axx (n=axx@
07:39.13extordoes munin have a gui interface that is easy for noobs to follow?
07:39.22extorlike I was expecting with webmin/mrtg?
07:39.32dondelelcaroextor: you don't need one. That's why I recommended it.
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07:45.08biatchedoes anyone know how many threads can a system or processor or whatever can run at one time? is there a way to calculate this?
07:46.04extorps aux?
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07:46.20gnummis debian 64bit as good supported as debian 32bit ?
07:46.30dondelelcarognumm: yes.
07:46.45gnummone question
07:46.59gnumma few weeks before lenny will be stable, there is a feature freeze, right?
07:47.07*** join/#debian axx (n=axx@
07:47.17dondelelcarognumm: different things freeze at different times
07:47.32gnummwhen i change now in sources.list lenny to testing, will i also have this freezes?
07:47.48dondelelcarognumm: yes.
07:48.03dondelelcarognumm: up until the moment that we release the next stable release, lenny==testing
07:48.15dondelelcaro(technically, testing is a symlink that currently points at lenny)
07:49.01gnummso when i have testing in my sources.list, it will download updates from the next testing version?
07:49.15gnummafter the stable release of lenny
07:49.21dondelelcarognumm: yes.
07:49.31dondelelcaro(whatever that release is going to be called)
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07:49.50gnummand is it right that testing systems brake hard after these freezes?
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07:50.01gnummi heard something like that
07:51.29dondelelcarognumm: generally not
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07:51.50dondelelcarothough there tends to be more breakage immediately following than preceeding, for obvious reasons
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07:52.18gnummi used for a long time sid, and there it was recommanded to use kde instead of gnome, because gnome often change etc....
07:52.22gnummwhat about testing?
07:52.53dondelelcarowhoever gave you that recommendation didn't know what they were talkinga bout
07:53.07dondelelcarothere's no real difference; use whatever you prefer
07:53.21gnummok, thanks for that info :)
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07:54.05gnummdoes flash also work on 64bit?
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07:54.32maligorwell, adobe flash player doesn't, not too well
07:54.35dondelelcarognumm: if you're using gnash, yes.
07:54.45maligoryou can run it in nspluginwrapper that's a bit unstable sometimes
07:54.45etthe adobe one works too
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07:57.01foetusflash doesn't support 64bit
07:58.29gnummon just every gnome distribution i wasn't able to play tuxguitar files (with timidity) and watch youtube videos at the same time, because of some pulseaudio problems
07:58.45gnummeither tuxguitar worked, or youtube, but never both at the same
07:58.45*** join/#debian axx (n=axx@
07:58.48foetusI have enough problems to run it in my firefox without process peaks ...
07:58.55gnummhow do i disable pulseaudio?
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08:05.45foetuswith flash i encounter prozess peaks of 100%, two apps at same time are too much i think ...
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08:06.34gnummswfdec works well, but only on youtube i guess
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08:08.15uieauieauieahi all
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08:08.39foetusquestion: is there a way to shrink down the process load of flash in a browser like firefox or seamonkey?
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08:10.26streunerif you using third-party plugins which isn't even free, what do you expect then?
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08:11.10foetuskonqueror rocks better with it, i be able to change the plugin setting over the wrapper, with firefox not ...
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08:12.02foetusflash is a product of adobe (or macromedia), they know what they do ...
08:13.09streunerflash isn't bad idea, but the code just sucks, IMHO
08:13.17foetusanyway, there is too much process load ...
08:13.28etpkill nsplugin # reduces processor load for flash in ff ;)
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08:14.04ethmm. i'm wondering why it's still called nsplugin
08:14.15foetusso you see nothing ...
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08:14.43foetussome gifs,maybe
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08:17.18truskawkaChe skifooooooooooo
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08:18.28foetusso is there a way to adjust process priority of plugins in firefox (or iceweasel) like in konqueror?
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08:18.46RodrigoVito0r nossaaaaaaaaaaa
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08:18.54prahalEitan, any news ?
08:18.54Vito0rRodrigo :Oooooooooooooooo
08:18.58Vito0r[Rodrigo]: tem um com 1200. :PPPPP
08:19.10RodrigoVito0r qual ?
08:19.26Vito0rRodrigo nao lembro nome to tentano lembra
08:19.35Vito0rRodrigo /list me derrubou de tanto lag
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08:19.56RodrigoVito0r kkkkkkkkkk
08:20.16liableRodrigo: Vito0r english please
08:20.18RodrigoVito0r moço aqui nao existe op nao
08:20.27RodrigoVito0r e todo mundo fica sem o OP
08:20.32Vito0rliable im from brazil. :]
08:20.37Vito0rim no speak english :(
08:20.38prahalfoetus, should ask on #firefox , though I am interested too
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08:20.47liableVito0r: yes, the please try
08:20.52Rodrigoliable i don`t speak english man :(
08:21.11Vito0rliable no users. :(
08:21.12Rodrigoliable what channel brasilian ?
08:21.16Rodrigoliable pvt me
08:21.22Vito0rpvtme HAHAHAHAHA
08:21.36dpkgEste canal é apenas em inglês. Por favor, use #debian-br (/j #debian-br) para ajuda em portugues.
08:21.43foetusthanks,prahal ... i try it - nice day!
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08:22.21foetusnice esperanto, guys
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08:22.43Vito0r[dpkg]: thanks.
08:22.44dpkgEste canal é apenas em inglês. Por favor, use #debian-br (/j #debian-br) para ajuda em portugues.
08:22.44PeanutGood morning - I'm trying to build the Chelsio 10Gb/s ethernet driver. This is looking for /lib/modules/2.6.18-6-686/source which does not exist - I do however have a /lib/modules/2.6.18/source. How can I update my modules tree to have the missing directory?
08:23.06Rodrigoliable thanks
08:23.19liableRodrigo: you're welcome
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08:26.57dpkgdeutschsprachige Hilfe bekommt ihr in (auf, oder - German speaking users please go to (on, or
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08:29.04jerry_laudid anyone compile the ATI 8.6 qriver  with the kernel 2.6.25 ?
08:29.36ne2k__Does anyone know how I can make cream (editor) support Ctrl-A and Ctrl-E as Home and End?
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08:30.44dutchfishhi, are there problems atm with downloads?
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08:43.36sladiHi! When packaging an application I have to compile it first with make. Do I need to do a make 'install too?'
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08:45.33sladiliable: Is there a possibility that it breaks something in the installation?
08:46.15liablesladi: i have no idea, especially since you havent stated what you are building.
08:46.22psibyrionwhy cant i find any testing unstable experimental repositories? will synaptic not do it? where is there a good apt-get tutorial thats not contradictory?
08:47.22cydorksladi: for packaging?? what are you trying to do?
08:48.13sladiliable: There is Fracplanet for instance and xf4vnc. :) I mean the Debian install. Maybe it would overwrite something. Should I use a chroot or look through some file to see in advance what will happen on 'make install'?
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08:48.49liablesladi: you can use make -n iirc to see what it does (check the docs)
08:49.23sladiliable: Thanks a lot! RTFM of course. :)
08:49.32psibyrionmaybe i should not use synaptic for kde4
08:49.43cydorkis still wondering about what sladi means by _packaging_
08:50.20psibyrioni wonder if kde4 will allow itself to run under e17
08:50.37jerry_lauthe easy way to packing a software is checkinstall
08:51.00psibyrionwhy cant i find any testing unstable experimental repositories? will synaptic not do it? where is there a good apt-get tutorial thats not contradictory?
08:51.14stevenwhat is the difference between apt-get and aptitude and is one prefered over the other ?
08:51.21cydork!why aptitude
08:51.21dpkgaptitude has more advanced conflict/dependency resolution than other tools, it has far more advanced searching available, and will automatically uninstall unneeded dependencies, read /usr/share/doc/aptitude/README for more info. Aptitude can also remove or purge one package at the same time as installing others all from the command line, making it much easier to recover from broken dependencies.
08:51.31sladicydork: I'd like to create a debian package so I can't install software the Debian way.
08:51.52psibyrionso aptitude is much better
08:51.57cydorksladi: the read the policy, learn the how the packaging is done
08:52.10cydorksladi: check /msg dpkg nmg
08:52.33psibyrionsynaptic went stupid o n me when i tried to install amarok2
08:52.45psibyrioni try aptitude
08:53.25jerry_laudoes anyone use the ati video card  on the kernel 2.6.25?
08:53.32sladicydork: Ok. I'm reading Debian's New Maintainer Guide.
08:53.39sladiThanks again! :)
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08:56.32prahaljerry_lau, yes but with the open source driver . Works neat (and xrandr support)
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08:57.31jerry_lauprahal , can you use compiz?
08:57.42sladipsibyrion: Are you sure you've got the repos listed in sources.list?
08:57.44prahaljerry_lau, sure I do
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08:58.21prahaljerry_lau, though I am using sid (maybe lenny has up to date packages too) and experimental
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08:58.50prahalso your mileage may vary with etch if you are using it (worth the test anyway)
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09:00.12prahalxrandr extended mode on low end cards is a little dangerous with compiz (could crash the X server) because of the size of the max texture that s all
09:00.22jerry_lauprahal , i use the lenny , but the close source drive can't support 2.6.25 kernel
09:01.09jerry_lauso i use the 2.6.24
09:02.03*** mode/#debian [+l 784] by debhelper
09:02.04prahalthen switch to the xserver-xorg-video-ati driver (and install driconf to tweak advanced features)
09:02.22rdzis there a way to edit symlinks (which is not deleting and rewriting them)?
09:03.15joltcanrdz: ln -sf will overwrite, that is probably as close as you get
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09:03.26rdzjoltcan, thanks
09:03.44prahalthe only use I see for the ati provided one is to support latest cards ... but this too is phasing out as the specs are given by ati/amd
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09:04.17jerry_lauprahal , does i change the xorg.conf ?
09:04.47prahaljerome, yes use radeon as the driver
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09:04.57daf999how can I make XFE the default file manager in gnome?
09:05.56sladidaf999: I guess you use GDM. You can specifiy that there.
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09:07.19sladidaf999: also there is 'update-alternatives'
09:07.22prahaljerry_lau, is what I tweaked in xorg
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09:08.05daf999sladi, will that open up xfe, instead of nautilus when say i click on "computer" ?
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09:08.18berzerkaupdate to yesterday. rebuilt my stock kernel with only xen disabled, now nvidia installer builds fine.
09:08.20prahalMonitor-LVDS and Monitor-S-Video are for tv output and GARTSize for blender that needs more than the default of 8
09:08.29jerry_lauprahal, thanks ;)
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09:09.11prahaljerry_lau, AccelMethod , XAANoOffscreenPixmaps and EnablePageFlip where for compiz if I remind well . Have not tried with newer version if they are still needed
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09:09.38jerry_lauprahal ,o, i see
09:09.46jerry_laui will try it
09:10.04prahalso not really out of th box though I guess the ati driver needs tweaks too for some stuff
09:10.22sladidaf999: sorry I thought you meant window manager. You mean filer. I don't use Gnome. You could edit the shortcut to point to xfe instead of Nautilus(?).
09:11.04gnummwhen i want to install a new nvidia driver, should i remove the old one or can i just install the new over the other?
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09:11.50sladignumm: The Nvidia installer will detect the old driver and remove it.
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09:11.58prahalgnumm, you should uninstall just in case some file changed names (if you ar enot using debian packages , if so thi will be handled automatically)
09:12.36gnummah ok^^
09:12.45gnummhow do i remove a driver?
09:12.53gnummwhen it#s not a debian package
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09:13.29prahalas sladi told the nvidia own installer manage this too . Did not knew
09:14.11sladignumm: Yes, just strt the installer and it should tell you t found the old drivers.
09:16.08sladignumm: The Debian way is preferred though. They say the installer might screw the system by overwriting files.
09:16.38sladiI guess the package system prevents one program overwriting files used by others.
09:16.45gnummtesting should have the newest driver?
09:17.22sladiI think it's 169.12.
09:17.52sladiUnstable has the newest.
09:18.11gnummand when will 173.14.09 be in testing
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09:18.56gnummon the debian homepage they say, package should be after 10 days(when they work on sid) in testing
09:19.02sladiIt appeared recently ^^. Lenny had 169.12 before. 173.14.09 is in Sid now.
09:20.00sladiIt's not in Lenny anymore. Happens sometimes with Lenny packages.
09:20.08berzerkagnumm: testing has nvidia-glx package atm.
09:20.24berzerkagnumm: just rebuilt using nvidia-installer yesterday..
09:20.24gnummwhichdriver is in it?
09:20.47berzerkagnumm: next should be 173, which is now in sid..
09:21.12gnummdo you know when 173 will be in testing?
09:21.38berzerkano, but i wonder too, so i will look it up..
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09:23.23gnummet: there is no nvidia-glx package?
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09:24.27gnummis this firefox 3 final or release candidate 2?
09:25.13sladignumm: It's the same apart from the about dialog. But I installed 3.0 final from testing recently.
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09:25.52gnummk3b just burned my debian lenny kde iso
09:26.00gnummi'll install it now ;)
09:26.08gnummthanks for the answers
09:26.15sladignumm: I see I guess I remember incorrectly. ^^ Anyway they are the same, just the Mac version was different.
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09:30.46aNOOBisacan anyone tell me what the kernel param  swiotlb=force for AMD64 does
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09:31.47cr3_what does it mean if after installing nvidia drivers menu.lst contains kernel 686 entry (and 3d hardware accel doesnt work in 486 mode)? now it doesn't work to add 'vga=781' for example in GRUB - at booting time i get error like "incorrect value hit RETURN to view available modes or SPACE to continue".... BUT! these values aren't screen resolutions (in pixels), but in format like columns x lines (eg. 80x40)... what happened? how to revert to normal vga modes?
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09:32.34cr3_i remind 3d hardware acceleration doesn't work in 486 kernel on my computer
09:33.04cahootaNOOBisa: you sure it's intended for amd64? looks like it's for ia64 in kernel-parameters.txt
09:33.11freemerhi all
09:33.34Badzois it possible to run bluetooth on etch using backports?
09:33.35cahootswiotlb=[IA-64] Number of I/O TLB slabs
09:33.41freemeri have some problem with my debian sid, i think it with new udev
09:33.49extorIs there any software or technique which can "patch burn" data sectors into a DVDRW disk after the original sectors start giving errors? I keep getting coasters but it is just usually 3 or 4 bad spots on the DVD
09:34.11freemerafter boot a have 660 premissions on /dev/null
09:34.24freemerand some another problems in /dev/
09:34.28freemerhow i can fix it?
09:34.43CorwinI am unable to run 32 bit programs on my amd64 machine. I have installed ia32-libs and ia32-libs-gtk. I'm using 2.6.24-1-amd64
09:35.16Corwinextor: I've never heard of anything that will "reburn" a dvd, but ti sound possible
09:35.18aNOOBisacahoot its for xen
09:35.38freemerin udev rules i have KERNEL=="null" MODE="0666"
09:35.51freemerbut it doesn't work for me
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09:37.16zris there a release of debian for the Commodore Amiga?
09:37.18Corwinhi zr
09:37.23extorCorwin, it would leave 99% of the tracks intact but just erase, reformat and reburn the bad sectors
09:37.39internatthat would have to be a cdrw or such wouldnt it?
09:37.39extorCorwin, are there any tools that allow someone to do that by hand?
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09:37.47extoryeah DVDRW
09:38.11extorIt could also be done on a CDR using some trick with the multisession feature
09:38.17CorwinI had so many problems with cdrw's back 10 years ago that I've never touched a RW disk sence
09:38.49Corwinzr: I don't think so.
09:38.52zrcdrw.... soooo '90s
09:38.58zrCorwin: :(
09:39.26CorwinCommodore had a UNIX for amigas, amny years ago a friend ran it
09:39.27enoufcahoot: wow, i didn't even notice that when looking at it -- but see how that param translates into x86_64 usage
09:39.50extorCorwin did you ever try to see if the problem was bad media, as in NOT manufactured by that Tyco company?
09:40.15mordy_hello all
09:40.31Corwinit probably was, the brand was CompUSA, I got 50 from ebay and NONE of them worked reliably
09:40.35extorCuz it was brought to my attention that the best media is made by some japanese company and all the other media is just crap
09:40.41Corwinhi mordy
09:40.48cr3_what does it mean if after installing nvidia drivers menu.lst contains kernel 686 entry (and 3d hardware accel doesnt work in 486 mode)? now it doesn't work to add 'vga=781' for example in GRUB - at booting time i get error like "incorrect value hit RETURN to view available modes or SPACE to continue".... BUT! these values aren't screen resolutions (in pixels), but in format like columns x lines (eg. 80x40)... what happened? how to revert to normal vga modes?
09:40.50berzerkaet: what do you want to point me to?
09:41.02enoufmachvec=        [IA64] Force the use of a particular machine-vector  Example: machvec=hpzx1_swiotlb
09:41.02extorOh gawd I had some CompUSA CDRWs too...they had the compusa logo embossed on them in silver.
09:41.20*** part/#debian jgr (
09:41.25etberzerka: no nvidia-glx there.
09:41.29mordy_cr3 = try vga=normal
09:41.34extorOne of my DVDRW is fucked and the other burns perfectly. So it could be a laser issue too
09:41.37berzerkaet: i know, the question is why.
09:41.38Corwinthoes were the disks. Never gone near RW again
09:41.47enoufextor: yes, MIJ is best
09:41.55extorMIJ stands for what?
09:42.05*** mode/#debian [+l 792] by debhelper
09:42.06etberzerka: "< berzerka> gnumm: testing has nvidia-glx package atm."
09:42.08enoufmade in _______
09:42.23mordy_Made in Mars
09:42.43berzerkaet: ohh that was supposed to be testing has NO nvidis-glx package. thanks....
09:42.49extorits not just japan
09:42.54cahootenouf: kernel-parm.txt not sufficiently updated? (all greek to me anyway) ;)
09:42.56extorit has to be this special japanese company,
09:43.08extorEither it has to be Taiyo Yuden or it has to be SONY
09:43.17CorwinI hate Sony
09:43.21extorHas anyone ever had problems with Sony DVDRs?
09:43.22*** join/#debian xoz (n=xoz@
09:43.37extorCorwin Sony uses only Tayo media, what sort of problems did you have?
09:43.43CorwinSony dvdrw's fail at 6 months
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09:43.58Corwinnever used their disks as I stay away from the company
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09:44.28mordy_cr3 those options represent rows x columns - lines x letters and represent the console 'resolution'
09:44.30extorwtf are you sure?
09:44.34prahalcr3_, look for vesafb section 781 is a weird resolution . Maybe not supported by your card
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09:45.11mordy_prahal - still slaving over my problem - i think it's compiled inside my kernel :((
09:45.12enoufextor: shame there isn't a dvd equiv of readcd/readom -c2scan eh?
09:45.12prahaltry 791 or 792
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09:45.28CorwinYes, sony drives fail a lot, pioneer are next on the list
09:45.35enoufextor: it's Taiyo-Yuden, not tayo
09:45.56Lagboltmy BENQ has lasted 7 years :)
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09:46.01extorCorwin, I am not talking about sony drives, I am talking about sony MEDIA
09:46.06enoufbut sony sucks donkey genetalia anyway
09:46.12CorwinI'm talking about the drives ;)
09:46.44Corwinactually a friend loaned me some sony CDr's and they worked. Kind of surprised me.
09:47.06*** part/#debian xoz (n=xoz@unaffiliated/xoz)
09:47.10prahalmordy, the issue is that a lot of things fails . As I told I am no expert in initrd things so this leaves a gap . Have you found out which was the framebuffer driver that was triggered : vesafb , radeonfb ? if vesafb yes it is compiled in kernel
09:47.12mordy_can't beat sony's screens thoguh
09:47.14CorwinI've been using Fry's house brand, GQ (Great Quality), very cheap and they seem to work well
09:47.27mordy_radeonfb - not vesafb
09:47.33extorthey worked because sony gets their CDRs from Taiyo only and no other crappy manufacturer
09:47.39extortherefore sony CDRs work great
09:47.54extorone of the few smart things sony ever did--not make their own but have it made by the best
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09:48.27CorwinPersonally I woudl pick Samsung or LG over a Sony monitor, but that partly because I don;t want to look at "Sony" all the time.
09:48.27extormaxell, memorex etc etc get their media manufactured by crappy places or try making their own which is why they are piss stains
09:48.43extorNext DVDRWs I will buy will be Sony
09:48.48themillpoints towards #debian-offtopic
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09:48.50Corwin10 years ago Sony quality could not be beat, now they are just a pathetic washed up company
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09:49.00mordy_prahal - maybe this could be of some information: , ,
09:49.23CorwinI've had issues with maxwell and memorex media, it's not quality like GQ!
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09:50.09petemcCorwin: washed up? as in winning the latest round of the format wars? and being one of the worlds largest conglomerates?
09:50.15extorI will never by memorex again in my life
09:50.37themillbobobobo: don't do that
09:50.43maligorverbatim has some TYs also
09:50.48Corwinand putting more DRM than you can shake a stick at in every product, including what is suppose to be an ISO audio CD?
09:50.50mordy_prahal- search for 'radeon' - it shows several listings of 'FB_RADEON' which i gather is the same as 'radeonfb'
09:50.53extorSOME but not ALL
09:51.03extorSONY has all TYs all the time
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09:51.06maligorthe non-TY discs are ok too
09:51.14prahalmordy, hum interesting
09:51.16extorfuck who wants to risk that
09:51.29extorI cant recall if all my verbatums were perfect
09:51.41extorBut I do know my compusa, memorex and maxells were pissy
09:51.41CorwinI've had good luck with Verbatum
09:51.45extorso I will never buy them
09:51.48maligornever had a coaster with TDK or Verbatim
09:51.50prahalmordy, cat /proc/fb ?
09:51.52mordy_hmm.. i love osdir
09:51.57maligorI don't burn huge amounts tho
09:52.01extorverbatun...naw they are crap too cuz my verbatum CDrs from 10 years ago dont work
09:52.08CorwinExtor: I've had exactly the same experiece
09:52.19dondelelcaroif you're generating coasters, usually that means that either your media or your drive is bad.
09:52.19extorMy TDKs are crap too
09:52.20Corwinoh oh, don;t say that
09:52.23sladiextor: all discs degrade over time.
09:52.28prahalthe thing I learned is vga16 may be triggered and it tells how to disable it too
09:52.34extoryeah but TYs degrade a lot slower
09:52.42freemersomebody have sid on a desktop? i found udev problems with last dist-upgrade
09:52.43mordy_prahal - but it's not vesa - it clearly says initializing radeonfb
09:52.44enoufResults 1 - 10 of about 276,000 for thebest sony sucks
09:52.45CorwinI've heard that DVD are suppose to degrade slower than CD's
09:52.48maligorextor, buy a pressing plant if you want lasting optical media
09:53.12dondelelcaroCorwin: who made them changes things more than the actual media type
09:53.14extorI burn backups with a ton of PAR files with small blocks, that works for me
09:53.22extortrick I learned swimming in bad media
09:53.59enoufCorwin: you should enjoy this ;-)
09:54.11CorwinActually I just ripped all my audio CD's. According to accurate rip, 5 year old CD's covered in scratches would rip fine while 20 year old disks that looked perfect were covered in errors
09:54.26zri do my backups by renaming them as porn, encrypting them and sharing them on torrent sites
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09:54.55Corwinusing the Linus approach there
09:55.06prahalmordy, ah ok so infering from the osdir entry video=radeonfb:off (the documentation does not tell about this option though it could well be generic for all fb drivers)
09:55.11extorI think I downloaded one of your pr0ns when I though I had fished me an auto repair CD zr
09:55.22zrextor: SOH-RRY
09:55.30extorExcept this was real it wasnt you my bad
09:55.55mordy_prahal -'VESA VGA'
09:56.01extordamn where is my brain today
09:56.38mordy_hehe, i tried thst - radeonfb:off
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09:57.03enoufmaligor: actually, Many of my Pressed Store Bought commericial CDs suck .. they suffer pit rot
09:57.23maligorah, yes, they suck air
09:57.26mordy_well, it's vesa because i set it to vesa in X - X will only work with vesa - which isn't too good
09:57.29prahalmordy, could well be vga16fb I am trying to find out
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09:58.42maligorenouf, if it was possible to design the perfect indestructable consumable object, the universe would by now solely consist of it
09:58.42prahalmordy, that s another issue . X drivers don't use the framebuffer driver (except the vesa one). If they fails it is another issue
09:59.16Corwinmaybe it is.. they're called atoms
09:59.21mordy_prahal - i guess i could do a modprobe - no?
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09:59.45prahalmordy, modprobe what ? radeonfb ? if so yes
10:00.06mordy_modprobe vesafb shoes it's not there, vga16 - not there, radeonfb *is there*
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10:00.21maligorCorwin, atoms aren't, unfortunately ;)
10:00.25prahaland VESA VGA is vesafb
10:00.28enoufmaligor: all i want is equal copie(s) for free
10:00.47maligorenouf, the way things are going, they'll just make the media rot faster and demand you buy a new one
10:00.50prahalmordy, you cannot modprobe vesa and vga16 because they are compiled in the kernel
10:01.03enoufmaligor: to be played on any device i own, and happen to choose to play it on ;-)
10:01.16CorwinI don't know.. I hear it's theoritically possible to store an infinitive about of information in the spin pattern of an electron. The atom is just the packaging
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10:01.34mordy_prahal - if i can modprobe something - it means it's not in the kernel?
10:01.44enoufmaligor: well, they certainly aren't going to give me Gift Certs to go shopping :-P
10:01.55eth01Corwin: gobble-de-gook
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10:02.22mordy_hmm.. let me do some of these searches though
10:02.23peppemordy_: if it is already loaded modprobe won't tell you anything
10:02.27Corwinoh oh, my eithernet card is talking to me ;)
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10:02.49peppemordy_: use --first-time if you want to know if it really did something
10:02.49prahalmordy, btw what was wrong with vesafb (sorry I forgot ) . video corrupted in console mode ? yes it s not in the kernel but could still be in initrd (which well I am no guru of) but that means at least that if in initrd it could be loaded early at boot
10:03.39enoufprahal: dmesg will tell you if vesafb is loading
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10:04.14prahalenouf, yup but cat /proc/fb too and it is easier . No need to parse the big output
10:04.44enoufvesafb: framebuffer at 0xf0000000, mapped to 0xc4880000, using 3072k, total 4096k vesafb: mode is 1024x768x16, linelength=2048, pages=0 vesafb: protected mode interface info at c000:03cd vesafb: scrolling: redraw vesafb: Truecolor: size=0:5:6:5, shift=0:11:5:0
10:05.02enoufparse big output?
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10:05.08sladivesafb enables me to use more than 60Hz in terminals, no?
10:05.22mordy_doh. i mean
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10:06.24prahalmordy, it tells me something vga16 was modprobe vga16fb
10:06.24mordy_hmm... why is radeonfb *not* there?
10:06.42enoufprahal: dmesg tells you a lot more than those 3 fields, lmao
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10:06.56mordy_dmsg output is earlier in the paste
10:07.23mordy_errr... i don't know what to do with source code :(
10:07.24enoufmordy_: lspci -k | grep kernel   and lshal | grep driver
10:08.19enoufmordy_: sorry
10:08.30enoufmordy_: lspci -k | grep Kernel  capital K
10:08.53enoufor grep -i  ;-)
10:09.08debabuserhello, got a problem with /dev/null, random and uramdom with lastest udev, file permission is 660 not 666. some tips?
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10:09.32mordy_enouf - no k or i parameters - what does it do?
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10:10.29mordy_hmm... vesafb is there
10:10.52enoufmordy_: i have no idea what your isues are, but if it involves any 3D Proprietary Binary Blobs, i want no part of it - that said, for weirdo resolutions try "uvesafb" in .24 and up
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10:11.36debabuserprahal thx
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10:11.49prahaldebabuser, you can apply the workaround by hand to /etc/udev/rules.d/65_dmsetup.rules
10:12.05mordy_the box is in X mode - i gather X mode switches to vesa drivers - which don't cause any problems - so now it mentions vesafb. but let me see what happens if i boot without X
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10:12.19mordy_but then i don't know how to get ssh server
10:12.34debabuserprahal, dmcrypt users are special, reminded me :)
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10:13.22mordy_1440x900 - nothing weird
10:13.30prahaldebabuser, I am not using cryptography still this package was installed and borked udev rules .... I guess udev should be more pedantic about rules and discard incorrect ones
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10:14.30debabuserprahal, yeah, i noticed 2-3 udev probelms every year
10:14.31prahalmordy,  ls /etc/rc2.d/S16ssh -l
10:15.19prahalmordy_, $runlevel
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10:16.31CorwinI'm running compiz fuzion, I love the cylinder plugin. :) I can't figure out how to change the WM theme though.  I don't see any emerald packages.
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10:17.19mordy_ssh isn't there. $runlevel just returns blank. but i'm using 'single user' mode now
10:18.09prahalmordy_, you need to install openssh-server and start in non single user mode for ssh
10:18.45mordy_prahal - it's installed - the only reason i'm doing single mode is to see what i'd get without loading the vesa drivers :(i.e. without starting X)
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10:19.32prahalmordy_, hum if the init start script is missing it won't work even in non single user mode
10:19.46prahalI was looking after your second problem (ssh not working)
10:19.52mordy_should i just recompile the kernel and remove all mention of FB_RADEON and its dependents?
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10:21.37mordy_it's my architectural proposition - but i don't know how to do it :( - i'd really want to remove all references to any FB - i'd still be able to use it if i wanted to, theoretically - yes?
10:23.06prahalCorwin,  gconftool-2 -g /apps/gwd/use_metacity_theme
10:23.46prahalCorwin, compiz in debian does not have emerald support . gtk-window-decorator use metacity theme if told to (otherwise it has a default cairo theme)
10:23.57debabuserprahal, thx to my old kernel i could even boot, with 2.6.25-2 and udev bug i wasnt able to boot, lucky me
10:24.09CorwinNo value set for `/apps/gwd/use_metacity_theme'
10:24.27prahalCorwin, you need compiz-gtk
10:25.00prahalCorwin, oh no sorry . Firt question are you using the gconf backend for compiz preferences
10:25.20prahaland are you using compiz-kde ?
10:25.29CorwinI use ccsm, yes I'm using kde
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10:27.44Corwinopps, I wasn't running compiz :/ Now sconftool-2 gives me true
10:27.53mordy_err... does /usr/src/linux-OLDVERSION... mean my old kernel before it was recompiled?
10:28.34extorOk this is wierd, I went to newegg and neither SONY nor TY have rewriteable media!
10:28.39prahalCorwin, ps ax|grep window-decorator : is it gtk-window-decorator or kde-window-decorator ?
10:30.19prahalCorwin, install fusion-icon too . It will help you select the kde-window-decorator if you want kde look and feel instead of the metacity one (gtk-window-decorator)
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10:31.45Corwincool, I installed fusion-icon. I'd probably prefer the metacity look as long as it works as good
10:32.40CorwinI ran fusion-icon. It seems lik it reloaded the WM
10:33.09prahalCorwin, with gtk-window-decorator (and gconf option set to true for use_metacity_theme) use gnome-appearance-properties to control the theme
10:34.06Corwingnome-appearance-properties errors saying it needs the GNOME settings manager running
10:34.25Corwinthen it came up...
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10:34.36mordy_what's the difference between <*> and <M>?
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10:34.53prahalmordy_, <*> is compiled in kernel <M> is as module
10:34.56extorWhy are some CDRs sold as audio and other CDRs sold as data? What is the difference?
10:35.13mordy_ahh... so i want M? or nothing?
10:35.14Corwinextor: audio CD's have cash kickback to the RIAA
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10:35.26Eulexas far as I heard: quality
10:35.28extorCorwin, I'm serious
10:35.30prahalmordy_, yes
10:35.37CorwinI am serious
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10:36.01CorwinThe difference is a tax
10:36.01mordy_err.. let's put it this way - M means support (i.e. modular) while * is basically forced?
10:36.03extorQuality...meaning the audio ones are better quality? I don't get it. Which ones should I buy for high quality DATA burning windows XP Cds etc etc?
10:36.05prahalyes in france there is no difference . Every media sold send cash to the RIAA
10:36.24extorCorwin, if that is true then it is truly fucked up
10:36.35mordy_support for framebuffer devices is * in my current configuration
10:36.37extorBut what kind of an idiot thinks you cant burn audio to a data CD?
10:36.38liablethey do that here too
10:36.54Corwinit's politics. I think some music component devices only accept the RIAA kickback disks
10:37.02sladiextor: normal peopel do.
10:37.16prahalextor, I gues it is a legal issue . If they find audio on a data cd -> jail !
10:37.16extorscratches his head
10:37.31CorwinI must be an idiot because I burn CD audio to CD's
10:37.33extorMaybe they INTEND to make it a legal issue one day...and this is just a precursor
10:37.37sladiextor: I didn't believe it myself until I witnessed it. ^^^
10:38.02extorHow do you witness something like that,. sladi?
10:38.44sladiextor: I worked in a store for a while selling al kinds of paperwork-stuff AND electronics devices. :)
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10:39.53Lagboltanyone have luck with flash vids on using iceweasel?
10:40.15mordy_ok, i've saved my configuration - now how do i recompile the kernel?
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10:40.55enoufmordy_:  i was afk, so haven't been following, but fwiw; the X vesa driver is /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/ (and there's also  maybe ~$ grep drv /var/log/Xorg.0.log can help you
10:41.03Corwinyea, fusion-icon let me change the WM. Thanks prahal
10:41.16defryskmordy_, a howto here :
10:41.46extorok what I dont understand is why audio cdrs cost MORE than data cdrs..when there is no quality difference and in fact the audio cds are restricted???
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10:42.22extor  <--- This babbling I found doesn't clear up the confusion much either
10:42.23enoufit's Sony - what more needs to be said :-P
10:42.31enoufstop pasting like that
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10:42.39extorthey are both SONYs and priced differently
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10:43.49mordy_enouf - i've decided to remove fb_radeon from the kernel - i <M>d "Support for frame buffer devices" - should that do the trick?
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10:45.21Eulexextor, the tax?
10:45.21mordy_err.. wait - can i just download a new kernel without waiting an hour for it to compile?
10:45.21extoryeah ok I missed the tax
10:45.29sladieulex: I guess it' the same reason why you can sell 1000$ power cables?
10:45.33extorthis is truly insane though...who on earth would buy those "consumer cd copiers" now
10:45.58prahalmordy_, compiling a kernel from a debian .config takes hours . It has all the options. Btw I still don't remind what was wrong with the vesa framebuffer
10:46.32Eulexsladi, yes, or ignorance. "I gotta have an audio cd-r to burn audio"
10:46.34mordy_prahal - it's not the vesa but the radeon - the radeon won't work with X
10:46.56Eulexprahal, hours? <1h on modern hardware.
10:47.10mordy_takes about an hour on my computer
10:47.25prahalextor, this is all a matter of lobbying . join EFF (world) and FFII (europa) to avoid those damn *** from getting a law passed
10:47.59mordy_but can i just download a kernel binary? i don't need any custom configurations
10:48.06CorwinOr move to Costa Rica
10:48.14prahalEulex, with all options ... maybe but I only got 2GHz and 2G ram. Btw I make a bare bone .config for my use and it takes 15 minutes
10:48.16mordy_and the old kernel worked fine - maybe it's there... somewhere
10:48.26mordy_longs for his old kernel and sighs
10:48.36Eulexmordy_, what was your problem? why do you think you need a custom kernel?
10:48.47Jabkaanyone familuer with a problemtic ethernet card that need special modules when working with 2.6.22 kernel
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10:49.16Jabkaim building a CDD and i need to be sure that people could use it (when installing offline )
10:49.54prahalmordy_, and look for linux-image in package pattern
10:50.15enoufmake-kpkg on my p2 takes ~1-1.5 hours, IIRC
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10:51.18prahalenouf, yup but newer hardware are not especially faster for a lot of thing . It is only faster at multitasking but for single tasking they could even be slower than good old p3
10:51.25EulexJabka, I don't know what intel pro/wireless drivers where included with 2.6.22, but I also know that they require non-free firmware -- which it is illegal for you to distribute. in any case, this is very off-topic for #debian.
10:51.54JabkaCDD is offtopic ?
10:52.04mordy_eulex - radeonfb seems to be compiled within the kernel and is preventing me from working normally with X
10:52.09dondelelcaroJabka: in general, yes.
10:52.51Jabkawhere is the right place to ask then ? (custmizing debian installer and fetching all packages only from debian)
10:53.04enoufprahal: heh, don't i know it ....but, iirc, make can be passed the -j option, and even dpkg-buildpackage can now also as well? hrm
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10:53.08dondelelcaroJabka: we will sometimes talk about how to make them, but actually supporting a specific CDD isn't on topic here.
10:53.10EulexJabka, debian doesn't even have a 2.6.22 kernel nowadays
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10:53.45prahalenouf, maybe I need to learn about it though
10:54.07Jabkasorry ..
10:54.28enoufprahal: last i read was
10:54.36dondelelcaroJabka: is there any reason why you're making a derivative of Debian?
10:54.53sladimordy: Don't you just tell in xorg.conf what driver to use?
10:55.04dondelelcarosladi: you don't even need to do that any more.
10:55.13mordy_sladi - been there, done that - it only works with vesa
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10:55.42Jabkayes , i don't wont to rebuild d-i manually since it dosn't support some stuff i need
10:55.46Eulexmordy_, what problem are you getting with ati/fglrx?
10:55.49enoufprahal: and also see #458589
10:56.16dondelelcaroJabka: huh?
10:56.26mordy_eulex - with fglrx i get a black screen, with 'ati' or 'radeon' i get a blue screen
10:56.37sladimordy_: Good luck then. My X800 wouldn't work woth amd64 so I have Nvidia now. I wanted the closed-source drivers though.
10:56.39defryskblue ?
10:56.40dondelelcaroJabka: what stuff in particular, and why aren't you starting with the recent 2.6.24 or 2.6.25 d-i images?
10:56.57nimbathi, is there a way to make starting/stopping init-scripts in /etc/rcX.d/ persistent over package upgrades? the original links are always restored after upgrades
10:57.21enoufnimbat: pretty sure that using something like rcconf stops that
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10:57.51prahalmordy_, what is your card ? what is your xorg.conf ? sorry I know you already pasted those while I was offline but ...
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10:58.16nimbatenouf: thanks, I'll give it a try now
10:58.19enoufyeah, i've heard fglrx + radeonfb do not play nice - way to go ati
10:58.21prahalbecause radeon X driver has nothing to do with vesafb . So those are different issues
10:58.27Jabkadondelelcaro , d-i that i have to use (etch) dosn't support some realtec card (property firmware) and sevral more (i was told that i have to work with etch since the extra packages are only etch compatible ) - i actually prefer to work with lenny or sid
10:58.50prahalI mean for the free driver the ati driver is well ... ****
10:58.50Jabkai got an assignment
10:58.56EulexJabka, did you check out kmuto's custom installers?
10:59.05Jabkanot yet
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10:59.10mordy_prahal - my card is mobility x600 - when using 'ati' or 'radeon' i get a blue screen, when using 'fglrx' i get a black screen
10:59.10enoufall mine are =m  ;-)   ~$ grep -i radeon /boot/config-2.6.16-2-686
10:59.12EulexJabka, then do that.
10:59.15JabkaEulex, not yet but no ill check it
10:59.17dondelelcaroJabka: assignment for what? You can easily use 2.6.25 kernels with etch or 2.6.24; there's no problem to install etch using the newer installers.
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10:59.33dpkgFor etch (or sarge) installers with up-to-date kernels, see, or ask me about <etchnhalf>.
10:59.35mordy_enouf - some of mine are =y
10:59.35Shiftyhow can i activate a software raid 5 which is declared in the /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf?
10:59.37enoufer, except CONFIG_FB_RADEON_I2C=y and the debug one is not set
10:59.44dondelelcaro(and frankly, there's no real problem with chucking the firmware in an appropriate location and causing it to be loaded)
10:59.46enoufmordy_: mine's old
10:59.49Eulexmordy_, what kernel are you running?
10:59.58enoufmordy_: notice my version :-P
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11:00.13Eulex2.6.16? why? :)
11:00.24Eulexmordy_, which of them?
11:00.28enoufEulex: just too lazy to reboot :-)
11:00.59Eulexat least the 2.6.18-4-686 has CONFIG_FB_RADEON=m
11:01.15Jabkadondelelcaro,  ill test the kmuto now and perheps it is a much better approach that i used
11:01.17Jabkathank you
11:01.43Corwinok, so if I use fusion-icon to change to metacity, i'm not running compiz anymore so my desktop cylinder goes bye-bye.....???
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11:01.56Eulexmordy_, and that's the relevant option that you should look after
11:02.02mordy_hehe, i must say this is inded a learning experience for me - i'm learning how the kernel works sorta
11:02.10sladimordy_: I managed to boot fine with Ubunti Feisty 64bit ONCE. I dunno why but this never happeneded again.
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11:02.20enoufShifty: read man mdadm{.conf} and see /usr/share/doc/mdadm/* use zless if needed
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11:02.45enouf!wb abrotman
11:02.45dpkgO frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!  abrotman has returned!
11:03.23mordy_sladi - all FB_RADEON are =m except for 12C=y
11:03.23nimbatenouf: yeah, rcconf seems to do the job. thanks
11:03.37mordy_that's in my new configuration - i remember a few stuff being y in my old one
11:03.39Eulex!tell mordy_ about blacklist
11:03.55enoufnimbat: yep, i use, nice tool - "/msg dpkg rcconf" and man update-rcconf-*
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11:04.08mordy_eulex - tried the blacklist - but perhaps i shoud blacklist FB_RADEON and not radeonfb?
11:04.18CorwinWhy does debian not have Emerald?
11:04.30Eulexmordy_, you should blacklist the module. which afaik is named radeonfb.
11:04.36CorwinCompiz is nutered w/o it
11:04.40mordy_eulex, it's blacklisted then
11:04.41GuerinCorwin: because of the reason.
11:04.45mordy_blacklisted and recompiled
11:04.51Eulexmordy_, note that it may be in the initrd, so check dpkg's factoid on blacklist-initramfs
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11:05.06CorwinGuerin: I'm not familiar with "the reason"
11:05.22sladimordy_: I have no idea if the kernel-config is to blame. I didn't try recompiling the kernel, I was lucky I could use Linux. ^^
11:05.31enoufnimbat: what it might be doing to achieve it, is just renaming the symlinks from SNN to KNN, thereby the /etc/rc?.d/xNNscriptname symlinks still exist - not certain
11:06.16enoufnimbat: so any/all .postinst scripts check for that, and honor the conffile
11:06.31enouferm, so to speak - i'm saying that mistakenly, but whatever
11:07.09mordy_would just recomplling initramfs do the trick after the changes in .config?
11:07.13prahalmordy_, what is your /var/log/Xorg.0.log when starting with the radeon driver ? (pastebin package might help getting this one on line)
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11:07.24enoufCorwin: would #compiz-fusion know?
11:07.40cr3_hi i tried to install adobe reader and i got the following error
11:07.50Eulexmordy_, did you read blacklist-initramfs in dpkg?
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11:07.54enoufCorwin: i mean, as far as settings - not why emerald is out
11:07.54CorwinThey would probably give the answer of "that's what Emerald is for"
11:08.05cr3_i have many partitions, / is ~200mb, does it matter?
11:08.12prahalCorwin, change to gtk-window-decorator . It uses metacity themes set in gnome-appearance-properties
11:08.30enoufCorwin: i was answering/replying to ;   <Corwin> ok, so if I use fusion-icon to change to metacity, i'm not running compiz anymore so my desktop cylinder goes bye-bye.....???
11:08.39Eulexmordy_, .config has nothing to do with it
11:08.45enoufi'm slow to read, slow to reply, so type slower :-P
11:09.31Corwinfusion-icon give me the options of Compiz, Kwin, and Metacity
11:09.46abrotmanamphi: i ought to slug you
11:10.25enoufprahal: i don't and never have used gnome, but let me ask, is man gconf{2} detailed? i mean as far as how to change configs/settings and what all these specific gnome-* do ?
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11:10.56Corwinok, if I run gtk-window-decorator I get a metacity theam w/compiz still running.
11:11.09prahalenouf, gconftool2 --help-client is all I use . I don't know about the man page
11:11.17enoufCorwin: fwiw, maybe as root or sudo update-alternatives --config x- [TAB] [TAB]
11:11.22Corwinso it seems like compiz-icon is worthless as all it does it shut off compiz
11:11.27enoufprahal: ah, ok - cool
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11:12.37prahalCorwin, it is worthy if you have compiz-kde installed . You can switch between kde-window-decorator and gtk-window-decorator . That s a tiny tool and does few things (but in an easy way)
11:13.32enoufprahal: also, pastebinit is only in lenny and sid, though the 2 factoids "pastewithoutx" and "pastebin pipe" should do ;-)
11:13.44mordy_is debian wiki working? i can't seem to access it
11:14.15enoufworks here
11:14.17prahalenouf, for the meaning of the settings they are viewable in gconf-editor when selecting an option (or in their xml schema file)
11:14.25mordy_i get a connection reset
11:14.26Corwincompiz-kde just contains kde-window-decorator, I don;t see how it lets you select between them
11:14.38mordy_can i apt-get a kernel?
11:14.49Corwinsure can mordy
11:14.55enoufprahal: hrm, interesting, though somehow, i'm sure i'll forget ;-) thanks
11:15.24Corwinmake sure bas-completion is enabled, and as root type apt-get install linux-[tab]
11:15.35Corwinthat's bash-completion
11:15.56sladimordy_: you can reboot to your new kernel then
11:16.31mordy_well, tab completion is enabled, but apt-get install linux- doesn't give me anything
11:16.56prahalmordy_, libgl1-mesa-dri installed ?
11:17.05prahal(EE) AIGLX error: dlopen of /usr/lib/dri/ failed (/usr/lib/dri/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)
11:17.20Corwinmordy: you need to be root
11:17.35mordy_prahal - glx is, dri is not
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11:18.13mordy_hmm.. it got uninstalled somehow - the package is there
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11:19.20prahalmordy_, apt-get install --reinstall libgl1-mesa-dri
11:19.31prahalmaybe the ati driver messed up the install
11:20.01mordy_and what driver do i use for x?
11:20.06Corwinprahal: where is this tiny tool in compiz-kde? dpkg -L compiz-kde shows me no such tool
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11:21.31Corwinbtw thanks again for the compiz help prahal (and enouf)
11:21.52prahalCorwin, /usr/bin/kde-window-decorator
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11:22.14mordy_ok, let's see if this works
11:22.22prahalyou can start it by hand with kde-window-decorator --replace
11:22.30mordy_what is gdm?
11:22.46prahalgdm is a graphical login manager
11:22.47enoufprahal: oh, to review; basically if i can recall gconftool2 --help-client and gconf-editor, i should be able to do shit? ;-)
11:22.48Corwingnome display manager
11:23.03prahalenouf, install tomboy :)
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11:24.08Corwinprahal, I guess I just misunderstood you when you said kde-window-decorator was a "tiny tool and does few things"
11:24.33prahaloh I was talking about fusion-icon
11:24.53Corwinok, got ya.
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11:25.19prahalit is just to avoid having to type kde-window-decorator --replace  or gtk-window-decorator --replace , metacity --replace , etc
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11:25.33enoufahh. i recall seeing that --replace option to swtiuch wm
11:25.48enoufthat's a compiz thing, no?
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11:26.03prahalno work for metacity too . Don't know about kwin though
11:26.08enoufmeh, *-window-decorator :-P
11:26.37prahalcompiz-gtk and compiz-kde
11:26.51Vlackhow do I setup disk quotas for each user in debian?
11:27.08CorwinI don;t think fusion-ison it switches to gtk-window-decorator, it's changes from compiz to kwin and metacity W/O compiz running anymore
11:27.36Corwingtk-window-decorator and kde-window-decorator keep compiz running
11:27.45Vlackhow do I setup disk quotas for each user in debian?
11:28.12enoufVlack: i'm trying to recall if there's a pkg for that? i know mount options matter (there's some quota mount option(s)) and see /etc/security/limits.conf ?
11:28.22enoufVlack: don't repeat so often please
11:28.38prahalVlack, ?
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11:29.22VlackI installed my first debian a while ago, its good but could not make cups work
11:29.27Vlackok thanks for the links
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11:30.15prahalVlack, cups . Tried system-config-printer (lenny ?)
11:30.24enoufprahal: and Vlack to add to the URL list ;-)
11:30.53enouf(forgot to search my bookmarks, prior to responding :-P)
11:31.16Vlackprahal system-config-printer automation for cups?
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11:31.59prahalVlack, automation ? it is an interface for configuring cups itself and its print queues. From fedora and well done
11:32.02Gadicathanyone having issues with xfce apps taking ages to start?
11:32.32enoufprahal: debian has those system-config-* deadhat thingies?
11:32.32prahalGadicath, ~/.xsession-errors ?
11:32.48enoufheh :-P
11:32.49mordy__meh, i don't know what's wrong with my X now - it fails to detect the radeon driver- maybe i have it disabled yet somewhere else again - X gives a 'fatal error no screens found'
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11:32.57Gadicathprahal: nothing of note in there
11:33.00LagboltGadicath, no trouble here. did it just start? or did you change something
11:33.19prahalenouf, yup . I don't buy all of them but system-config-printer is neat (found out how to share printers via ipp in a second )
11:33.41enoufprahal: ok, cool .. that one, i'll have to look into more sometime
11:34.04prahalmordy_, good news . It means it goes further in the start process
11:34.11GadicathJust started recently after a reboot.  Something was probably
11:34.11GadicathERC> previously upgraded but not visible.  ~15s to load xfterm on a quad core
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11:34.36GadicathI've upgraded to the latest and greatest, but I'm still getting it
11:34.40Gadicathin sid
11:34.43prahalmordy_, try to make a new xorg.conf via dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg after moving away the old one
11:34.56mordy__yeah - that didn't help - same error
11:35.11prahalXorg.0.log ?
11:35.21mordy__i'm removing the video parameter from my menu.lst - although i doubt that will do any good
11:35.29LagboltGadicath, how is your load? is something loading down your system?
11:35.31mordy__but let me show it to you anyway
11:35.48enoufmordy__: rgrep -i radeon /etc/mod*
11:35.56prahalyup the problems are orthogonal . radeon X driver works well with vesafb and radeonfb
11:36.07Gadicathprahal: nothing in the log except init info.
11:36.20GadicathLagbolt: load is negligble
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11:36.27mordy__what do you mean orthogonal? is that about my problem?
11:36.43LagboltGadicath, this happens for all apps? or just xfce related? what if you load an Xterm or iceweasel
11:36.44prahalmordy_, I mean they are different issues
11:36.55mordy__Fatal server error: Cannot run in framebuffer mode. Please specify busIDs        for all framebuffer devices - from X
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11:37.12GadicathLagbolt: purely xfce.  All other apps are nice and snappy to respond
11:37.18mordy__ahh.. maybe i'll just give it the 1:0:0 - but still
11:37.24LagboltGadicath, do you have compositing on?
11:37.34Vlackis xfce better than flux?
11:37.50GadicathLagbolt: I didn't, but I've turned it on since the issue cropped
11:37.50tarzeauis blue better than green?
11:37.51GadicathERC> up.  Can that add to this sort of thing?
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11:38.18LagboltVlack, depends. it is light weight , has ok desktop icons and fairly configurable. i like it. so it is a matter of taste i guess
11:38.31LagboltERC> ?
11:38.32Vlackam not into guis
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11:38.43Vlackbut I would like if it does the work good
11:38.46enoufwhois ERC ?
11:38.51GadicathLagbolt: my client, the prompt is being included in my output
11:39.02enoufor better whois ERC> ?
11:39.10GuerinERC is an irc client used only by the most diehard emacs fanatics
11:39.12mordy__prahal - dprobe.d/blacklist:blacklist radeonfb
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11:39.15mordy__/etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.local:blacklist radeonfb
11:39.32Guerinnow don't get me wrong - I love teh emacs, but that's one shitty client
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11:39.33enoufGuerin: ahh, so what is erc, thanks
11:39.44enoufmordy__: nice work :-P
11:39.46LagboltGadicath, lol dunno , did it start getting slow after you started using that?
11:40.02enoufoh, you don't want that? nm then
11:40.08GadicathLagbolt: :) no
11:40.12prahalmordy_, what is your Xorg.0.log with dpkg-reconfigure generated xorg.conf . Could well be there s a bug in the detection code (missing pci id for your card)
11:40.16mordy__enouf- i don't know if you're serious - but it's not doing any good-\
11:40.33mordy__i think that's the case - can i enter it manually?
11:40.37LagboltGadicath, i had some slowness issues with it when compositing was on but that was more an issue when resizing, caused a huge load on X
11:40.38enoufmordy__: i misunderstood, my bad
11:40.41deufraihi there, good people. I've been put in charge of refurbishing an old debian box (wich was used as an intranet server) into a gateway. Tech guys are going to put in a second net card. I'm having a hard time figuring out how this new hardware will be recognized by existing system
11:40.54prahalmordy_, yes
11:41.01mordy__i'm getting the feeling that X can't detect my card when i have the radeon fb blacklisted. but indeed they are two different configurations
11:41.03enoufdeufrai: lspci -nn
11:41.05GadicathLagbolt: hmm, I'm not seeing any load spikes
11:41.08Lagboltif other apps are starting quickly i would look at settings for xfce term. maybe mv some config files away and see what defaults do
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11:41.33deufraienouf: will the second NIC be recognized automatically (if it's not too old) ?
11:41.34GadicathLagbolt: it's every xfce, including run
11:41.42enoufdeufrai: /msg dpkg which driver    but your Device/VendorIDs from lspci -nn will do
11:41.50prahalmordy_, I guess it tries to fallback to framebuffer if the pci id is missing for radeon ?
11:41.52enoufdeufrai: sure, it should
11:42.04enoufdeufrai: also see dmesg
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11:42.08LagboltGadicath, and you cant think of anything you might have done. . . although you did upgrade using SID right? maybe you found a problem.  go to #xfce and ask in there
11:42.09Corwindeufrai: Linux rocks for hardware support. lspci will list the device ID's, but 99 times out of 100 the correct net module will load automatically
11:42.12prahalso it is not really an issue because we don't want to use the framebuffer driver
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11:42.32mordy__let me try this now again - where do i enter it? or maybe i'll just restore one of my old xorg.conf files - i've got dozens of them :D
11:42.34GadicathLagbolt: yeah, it is sid.  I'll try xfce, thanks
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11:42.51deufraiok, new NIC will pop in soon. I'll bother you guys laterz maybe. thanx
11:43.04enoufdeufrai: also doens't hurt to run update-pciids and update-usbids
11:43.11infernixxis there a way to find files on a system within a certain date range? I know find can do it, but defining a range is non-trivial. e.g. i need all files created on july 3rd between 19:00 and 22:00. is there a better tool than find that anyone knows of?
11:43.21deufraienouf: thanx for that tip.
11:43.24enoufdeufrai: /msg dpkg interfaces and /msg dpkg z25
11:43.33deufraienouf, Corwin : I'll keep you guys posted
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11:43.54Corwininfernixx: find is the perfect tool for doing what you want
11:44.15prahalmordy_, here is mine
11:44.41prahalchange the keyboard layout
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11:45.38mordy__hehe, you have the same card :p
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11:45.54mordy__oh, well, not really
11:46.05mordy__mine is mobility - maybe you've got a desktop
11:46.17Lagboltinfernix, a neat trick but it works
11:46.23prahalmordy_, close to it . I got a mobility too but an X60 not X600
11:46.36enoufWTF  ???
11:46.37LagboltCorwin, :) nice
11:46.42Corwinhaha you beat me
11:46.49enoufwhere'd the page go ? :-(
11:46.52prahalthe pci id is registered so I would not need so much details but I keep my old conf as it is working for ages
11:46.56Lagboltenouf, WTF is right
11:46.58infernixxahh, never knew i could do that. thanks guys :)
11:47.30Lagboltinfernix, :) google ... 4 words lol
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11:48.43mordy__gah, what's wrong with me? i don't even know how to rename files anymore. i guess my acumen is intimately related with X
11:49.27infernixxhrm, doesn't seem to work though.
11:49.38mordy__but let me edit that xorg.conf
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11:50.05prahaloh it is an X600 too ... guess your is a variant that s all
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11:50.42mordy__you've gort a laptop?\
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11:51.55enoufLagbolt: Fixed
11:52.03enoufand infernixx and others
11:52.21sarefomy mobo died, i plugged the hd into the new machine, and can't get online. the old /etc/network/interfaces uses eth0, ifconfig on the new machine says eth3 is online (+ loopback). anyways, i'm offline this way. any hints what i could do to rectify this?
11:52.55sarefo/etc/init.d/networking restart did not work
11:53.10sarefowith changing eth0 to eth3 beforehand, of course
11:53.45mordy__ok, modified it - now let's see if it's going to work
11:53.49abrotmanwhat does the script say when you run it ?
11:54.07prahalcrossing fingers
11:54.31Lagboltenouf, sweet!
11:54.59enoufLagbolt: yeah, it was spammed :-{ .. stinkin idiots
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11:55.24Lagboltenouf, nice page, always like to see more ways to use it
11:55.32enoufLagbolt: indeed
11:55.33visik7is there a way to pin a specific external non official repository ?
11:55.35mordy__gah, not another parse error :(
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11:56.37sarefoabrotman: you were not talking to me, were you?
11:56.42abrotmani was!
11:56.53prahalmordy__, maybe the Écran Générique translate to wrong charset . set it to anything else with accentuated characters
11:56.58abrotmansarefo: even if i weren't .. errors are helpful :)
11:56.59sarefoah :) 'reconfiguring network interfaces...done.'
11:57.16abrotmansarefo: and ifconfig -a .. show anything useful ?
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11:57.43mordy__that wasn't the problem - the prioblem was a monitor naming conflict.. now let's try again
11:58.06sarefoeth3 is allegedly online, with an arbitrary inet addr.
11:58.21sarefobut i need to give out a specific address, so it's not working.
11:58.34enoufsarefo: is avahi-daemon running? does ifconfig show a 169.254.x.x addy?
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11:58.35wolssarefo: what's in your interfaces file?
11:59.00sareforight, address is
11:59.08enoufsarefo: "/msg dpkg z25" and show us what ls /sys/class/net says
11:59.10wolsthat means it has no address at all
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11:59.13DewiEitan: default filesystem has been ext3 for a while
11:59.19sarefoavahi is running (whatever that is ;)
11:59.30abrotmansarefo: /msg dpkg zeroconf
11:59.35enoufsarefo: that's zeroconf / avahi crap - kill that, killall avahi-daemon
11:59.36abrotmanthat's what avahi is
11:59.40CorwinAny clue how I get the gnome theme manager to change metacity theme on kde compiz?
11:59.46abrotmanenouf: killing it isn't going to help
11:59.58enoufabrotman: well, uninstall it afteer killing
12:00.02enoufgive me a chance!
12:00.18abrotmanif you configure your stuff right, avahi won't interfere
12:00.19enoufbecause it's worthless, useless and weak?
12:00.19sarefosys/class/net only contains eth3 and lo, like ifconfig shows
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12:00.26prahalCorwin, with kde-window-decorator I believe it is managed by kcontrol kwin theme
12:00.33abrotmansarefo: paste your interfaces file
12:00.57mordy__prahal - 'module 'radeon' does not exist'
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12:01.29mordy__modprobe radeon gives no complaints
12:01.45prahalls /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/ ?
12:02.01sarefoi KILLED THE DAEMON!! HAHAHAA! ok, feeling better now :)
12:02.11enoufsarefo: kill avahi and any zeroconf, and restart networking and get your z25 and interface file in order
12:02.26abrotmanlala .. not useful .. lalala
12:02.28Lagboltenouf, haha naughty file; "rm -fr . " <--- that is hilarious.
12:02.38MrNazi'm trying to umount a dir but it says "device is busy" it was a sshfs mounted volume, and i'vekilled sshfs... how can i unmount the dir so i can mount it again (the process died)
12:02.45enoufnot really Lagbolt .. not to me anyway
12:02.53mordy__no such file..
12:02.54Corwinall kde themes look like crap, I would like to use a metacity theme.
12:02.57wolsMrNaz: lsof and check which file is open
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12:03.20prahalmordy__, apt-get install --reinstall xserver-xorg-video-radeon
12:03.21Lagboltenouf, yeah def not funny if it happens. just glad it is on there, i never thought of it
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12:03.34cydorkMrNaz: you tried fusermount -u ?
12:03.38enoufLagbolt: where? oh, the wiki .. ok :-)
12:03.51prahalCorwin, then gtk-window-decorator --replace
12:03.59Lagboltenouf, yeah the {} section
12:04.21prahalthe kde compiz bind to kwin but you can still use the gtk compiz under kde
12:04.38mordy__prahal- package not found - apt-cache search radeon -> xserver-xorg-video-ati
12:04.57Corwinright, I do that, but then I have no clue how to change the theme. Once I had a metacity theme selector program up, I have no clue how I ran it or how to get it again
12:05.12mordy__so i'll use 'ati' as the driver
12:05.40enoufhrm, i think the sit0 seen in ls /sys/class/net is ipv6 related, anyone care to explain a bit myabe? :-)
12:05.45prahalmordy__, it will not help
12:05.48Lagboltenouf, ${1##*/} <-- strips all leading chars? never seen that before.
12:06.19Corwinok, looks like gnome-control-center -> appearance does it
12:06.25MrNazcydork yea, same thing (device is busy)
12:06.33prahalradeon_drv is needed . It is just that the packaging has changed radeon_drv must be in xserver-xorg-video-ati then . apt-get install --reinstall xserver-xorg-video-ati
12:06.46enoufLagbolt: yep - man basename is nice too ;-)
12:06.49abrotmansarefo: uh .. eth0?
12:07.06cydorkMrNaz: what wols said.. or  try fuser
12:07.07prahalsorry for that seeking . The packaging changed few days ago . Maybe it just entered lenny and you don't have it yet
12:07.30mordy__prahal - we're back to the blue screen again
12:07.32sarefoabrotman: i changed it to eth3 in the meantime, did /etc/init.d/networking restart, still not working
12:07.55abrotmansarefo: right .. so paste what you have now
12:08.04MrNazwols there's an app that has a dir open, is there a way to kill that without killing the app? the app has some unsaved data
12:08.11prahalmordy__, Xorg.0.log ?
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12:08.30sarefohere we go:
12:08.33abrotmansarefo: you could also try to setup the interface manually .. you may also want to check the switch/dmesg and see if there's a physical link
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12:08.41wolsMrNaz: depends
12:08.45Corwingnome-appearance-properties is what I was looking for :)
12:08.50wolseither you can make it stop or you have to kill it
12:09.02MrNazwols   thats the lsof output
12:09.03mordy__one sec.. let me scan through what it spewed
12:09.14wolsMrNaz: I didn't want that
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12:09.28chlueHello. I installed a new harddrive (sdb) and want to remove one of my old ones (hda). Debian is on sda (hd1 for grub), but grub is on hda (hd0 for grub). Is is possible to install grub on sda (by editing menu.lst) in the running system, or do I need use a cd after I removed hda?
12:09.42Lagboltenouf, yeah i found that link :) good stuff!
12:09.43enoufLagbolt: crap, i meant 73
12:09.58sarefohuh, in dmesg: 'udev: renamed network interface eth0 to eth3'. ??
12:10.12abrotmansarefo: that's the z25 stuff
12:10.20Corwinchlue: I would remove the drive, boot into a live CD, chroot into your drive, and run update-grub
12:10.27MrNazwols sorry
12:10.45SeboPLHi! Which email server package can you recomend me for small company (about 5-6 users).
12:10.55enoufcydork: !!
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12:11.06sarefothe last dmesg line is 'eth3: no IPv6 routers present'. before it says 'r8169: eth3:link up'. does that mean there's a physical link?
12:11.23wolsSeboPL: there isn't a single "email package"
12:11.38wolsSeboPL: yes the link is active
12:11.41SeboPLCorwin: And it need to be extreamly simple to configure ;P
12:11.47Corwinpeople like postfix too, and qmail is amazing but I wouldn't recommend it
12:11.51cydorkenouf: "Multiple exclamation marks," he went on, shaking his head, "are a sure sign of a diseased mind." - Terry Pratchett, Eric
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12:12.19wolsSeboPL: ifconfig -a
12:12.21enoufit was only 2! :-p
12:12.33Corwinthe debian scripts for exim4 are not too bad. Run from sendmail yelling and screaming. Run yelling and screaming from anything with the name Vixie in it
12:13.35SeboPLAcctually I need the serwer only to verify my domain @ ;]
12:14.01SeveredCrossepic4-script-light is s'posed to be pretty good.
12:14.07shefqetiSeboPL: what do you mean by "verifying the server" ?
12:14.08enoufchlue: it's best to just boot into rescue mode and reinstall grub into the MBR of whatever drive you want, i'm presuming you're going to remove that drive (hda - hd0)
12:14.13SeveredCrossknows the person who wrote that.
12:14.27abrotmansarefo: the ipv6 stuff hsouldn't matter
12:14.33abrotmansarefo: did you /msg dpkg z25 yet ?
12:14.51abrotmansarefo: if you reset udev .. you'll have to change your interfaces file too
12:14.52enoufchlue: make sure your Drives are in correct boot order in BIOS too, and if you use grub-install manually, try the --recheck option , the /boot/grub/ file
12:14.52SeboPLthey sends domain verification e-mail to root@[your domain]
12:15.06chlueenouf: yes hda is going to be removed so sda will be the new hd0 bootdrive
12:15.15enoufchlue: oh, and check that /etc/fstab is all good
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12:15.21SeboPLso I need some e-mail server to get this mail ;]
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12:15.32sarefoabrotman: actually i could not parse /msg dpkg z25 ... :)
12:15.43abrotmanyou couldn't?
12:15.51enoufchlue: sure, or you could just install it to both drives, but yeah, /msg dpkg rescue
12:15.59shefqetiSeboPL: I believe the vanilla exim4 that comes with debian can do what you want perfectly
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12:16.12enouf!tell sarefo -about z25
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12:16.41SeboPLso I just need to #apt-get install exim4
12:16.45sarefoguys, ok, i never used /msg before, i looked it up :)
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12:17.02abrotmansarefo: in your irc client "/msg dpkg z25"
12:17.03Corwinthey're a few options, heavy and light, you can pick the light one
12:17.44prahalEitan, when your back leave me a memo on freenode. I ll be away for a while now
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12:18.19mordy_disconnected. damn windoze
12:18.22sarefodpkg is not talking to me :(
12:18.22dpkgsarefo: I don't know, could you explain it?
12:18.27chlueenouf: my guess would be to manually edit and menu.lst and then issue "grub-install /dev/sda". But I am a bit afraid.
12:18.35enoufsarefo: register abd identify
12:18.42shefqetiSeboPL: normally yes. You will have to correctly supply the information at installtime for exim4 and that should be suficient
12:18.54enoufchlue: well .. you should be ;-)
12:19.29chlueenouf: but that should work, if done correctly, right?
12:19.49enoufchlue: but that sounds about right,
12:19.54sarefodpkg z25
12:19.55dpkgAs of version 0.090, udev has the ability to statically rename ethernet cards based on MAC address. The addresses are configured in /etc/udev/rules.d/z25_persistent-net.rules .  If you want the mappings to change, edit that file.   See <forcedeth mac>. As of version 0.124-1 the file is called /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules .
12:20.27abrotmansarefo: in your irc client "/msg dpkg z25"
12:20.29SeboPLshefqedi: So lets try exim4 :) ...I'll be back if somethink wouldn't work.
12:20.35Corwinwhat happens when you change your mac?
12:21.09enoufit breaks?
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12:21.40shefqetiSeboPL: be noticed that exim does smtp only. If you want a retreival means like pop3 or imap you will need the server for that too. But for testing whether the emails arrive or not, you can use exim only and then check the mailboxes from within dhe server machine
12:21.50enoufor, maybe it just spoofs it :-P
12:22.19enoufno, it will create a new entry - my guess
12:22.20mordy_meh, i think i'll just recompile the kernel - how do i do it?
12:22.22Corwina server like dovecot handles the imap
12:22.25jellythe new card becomes next available ethX
12:22.30mordy_or better yet - where can i get a ready made kernel?
12:22.49Corwinmordy, debian has the latest kernels ready made!
12:23.00cydorkmordy_: why do you want to compile it?
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12:23.26zrmordy_: the very best, hand made kernels, straight out of some indian sweatshop
12:23.31enoufok folks, mordy_ is have ATI fglxr + radoen + radeonfb issues in X and stuffs
12:23.43ternimator3yo ca't get firefox to load flash player. how can i lad it after installing
12:23.43SeboPLshefqeti: Yes. I've found out that I've got exim allready installed ;]
12:23.47enoufthough, he might have removed fglrx now?
12:23.52mordy_zr ROTFL
12:24.00mordy_fglrx is removed
12:24.09sarefoso, i changed z25_persistent-net.rules to identify eth0 as eth0, changed the eth3 in interfaces back to eth0, did 'udevcontrol reload_rules', restarted network. didn't work.
12:24.21enoufreinstall your libg1-mesa-*
12:24.25enouferm gl1
12:24.32mordy_enouf - did that
12:24.33zrmordy_: nw you can have your name, and that of your loved one, compiled in your kernel for a low low price
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12:24.37wolssarefo: ifconfig -a
12:24.42mordy_zr ROTFL
12:24.58ternimator3debian shitfaces
12:25.02ternimator3hury up
12:25.11wolsternimator3: don't do that
12:25.11dpkgOhhhhh.... Aaaarrrreeee yyyyoooouuuuuuuuu iiiinnnn a huuuuurrrrrrryyyyy?  Welllllll...   We do not cater to the ["me!me!me! : mine!mine!mine! : now!now!now!now!"] crowd .. so bugger off! Run home crying now ..and tell jo'momma that we spanked you!
12:25.23shefqetiSeboPL: you might need to reconfigure it. If you do, try  dpkg-reconfigure exim4-config
12:25.30sarefowols: still eth3, forgot to mention this.
12:25.41zrwow, it' pretty rough here in #debian
12:25.43mordy_well, seriously - where can i get my very own, ready made, high quality kernel?
12:25.58wolsmordy_: very own and ready made?
12:26.05wolswhat's that supposed to mean?
12:26.12CorwinI think stock debian kernels are ready made, high quality kernels
12:26.16mordy_wols, they both sound good, but they are indeed a contradiction in terms
12:26.21MacGyverNLzr: Well, when you're called "shitfaces" it tends to temper the inclination to help people.
12:26.30Lagboltternimator3, doesnt show up in about:plugins?
12:26.47wolsternimator3: how did you install flash player?
12:26.50sarefoternimator3: btw, there's no such thing as firefox in debian...
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12:26.56kleop2how can I tell konsole to stfu and stop beeping while I use it?
12:26.58enoufSeboPL: fwiw, there's a few update-exim* man pages; man update-<TAB><TAB>
12:26.59abrotmanho changed that?
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12:27.16wolsabrotman: what? your w key?
12:27.21abrotmanlooks at enouf
12:27.23ternimator3eat shits yo
12:27.26mordy_well, marketing things generally involves lies and deception of sorts. just like the salesperson who sold me this laptop claiming it to ahve a 800fsb
12:27.26ternimator3just do it
12:27.28Corwinenouf: Let me know, that always pisses me off too. beep.. beep..
12:27.37wolsabrotman: can you please make ternimator3 stop?
12:27.47ternimator3wols you shut up
12:27.49Lagboltternimator3, :) you are so cute i want to take you home
12:27.51abrotmanternimator3: stop it
12:27.53sarefowols: sadly i cannot paste the complete ifconfig output, i'm not online on this machine ;)
12:28.04abrotmanternimator3: no one is going to help you with an attitude like that
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12:28.17wolsternimator3: answer me
12:28.17ternimator3Lagbolt just who do yu think you are?
12:28.26Corwinopps, I clicked the wrong name.. lack of sleep
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12:28.27Lagboltwols, i dont think he is here for help
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12:28.29enoufabrotman: changed the hurry factoid? i did years ago (appended)
12:28.31wolsabrotman: he clearly is a troll
12:28.42ternimator3wols i knew you were bunch of crack head bullies
12:28.50abrotmanternimator3: which version of Debian do you have?
12:28.51MacGyverNLGents: About the console beeps:
12:28.52enoufabrotman: where have you been? :-P
12:28.52shefqetiternimator3: how old are you ?
12:28.53mordy_i can't access the site - anyone else having this problem? is it working? maybe the mossad banned it
12:28.55jellyLagbolt: I bet you also take sick kittens home and nurse them to health
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12:29.02abrotmanenouf: busy .. deleted project.. remember?
12:29.10ternimator3i am 15
12:29.20kleop2hmm can anyone tell me, how to disable the beeping sound while using konsole or gnome-terminal?
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12:29.26shefqetithat explains a lot then
12:29.33MacGyverNLkleop2, Corwin, <-- might be what you want.
12:29.35abrotmankleop2: /msg dpkg bell .. or beep .. whichever it was
12:29.36Lagboltjelly, once i had a one winged mourning dove i found.  lol  but now i am way offtopic :(
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12:29.40ternimator3abrotman fuck debian i use suse linux
12:29.43Corwinkleop2: read what MacGyverNL said
12:29.46*** mode/#debian [+o abrotman] by ChanServ
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12:29.53*** kick/#debian [ternimator3!n=abrotman@pdpc/supporter/active/abrotman] by abrotman (abrotman)
12:29.53enoufCorwin: i'm not following you - but, nm  me ;-)
12:29.53Lagboltthank you abrotman :)
12:29.54s0n1i need download ISO debian witch suport a RAID1 for hardware
12:29.54*** mode/#debian [-o abrotman] by abrotman
12:29.59jelly!highfive abrotman
12:29.59dpkggives abrotman a big high-five
12:30.03wolsabrotman: wtf took you so long?
12:30.11abrotmanwe let you stay :)
12:30.15wolss0n1: what hardware?
12:30.18enoufwols: he's getting old
12:30.27sarefokleop2: there's also setting in konsole to switch off the bell
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12:31.06*** kick/#debian [_Alanovski_!i=tom@freenode/staff/tomaw] by tomaw (tomaw)
12:31.07wolsyay, another done
12:31.07jelly^%$# spam
12:31.30enoufmy favorite dictatorship
12:31.32Corwinbeeps all gone no more!!!!!!! yeeeeaaa!!! Thanks MacGyverNL
12:31.33abrotmanwonders if tomaw has automated kicking people that paste links
12:31.48cydorkabrotman: try pasting one? :)
12:31.49MacGyverNLCorwin: And all it took was some basic google-fu ;)
12:31.55kleop2sarefo: wasnt there some .inputrc setting, that worked on all xterminals?
12:32.00tomawnothing automatic but it is on hilight
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12:32.21enoufCorwin: oh, you wanted to stop Bell/Beep? modprobe -r pcspkr; echo "blacklist pcspkr" >> /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist
12:32.28Corwinbut it took kleop2 to remind me how much that bugs me
12:32.29mordy_where can i find the ready-made kernels in the repositories?
12:32.29sarefokleop2: set bell-style none
12:32.38kleop2sarefo:  thanks
12:32.44dpkgrumour has it, bell is "xset b off" in X, or "setterm -blength 0" in console .  For some reason, bash beeps excessively when in emacs (default) mode.  "set -o vi" puts it in vi editing mode, which doesn't beep on partial completions.  See also <shell beep>.  or "set bell-style none" in ~/.inputrc, or or in konsole, Settings->Bell->Visible Bell
12:32.47sarefokleop2: btw, thanks, that explains why my machine is not beeping, even if i want it to ;)
12:32.52jellymordy_: apt-cache search linux-image will show you what's available
12:32.58kleop2Corwin: you too? most users seem to be pissed off by it... why debian guys dont just disable it
12:33.15enoufbut i like my method better - kills it dead :-)
12:33.29SeboPLshefqeti: I did #dpkg-reconfigure exim4-config... and now I'm confused cause I don't know which 'General type mail configuration' fits my needs ;] The system is always onLine but its IP is dynamic.
12:33.37enoufi could just shoot it i guess too :-p
12:33.46Corwinmy biggest debian pet peve is why bash completion is disabled by default. Lets just take the best feature of the entire operating system and... comment it out!
12:33.48wolsSeboPL: you need a smarthost
12:34.01wolsSeboPL: or many sites won't accept mail from you
12:34.06sarefoenouf: my first reaction was to tell him to disconnect the pc speaker :)
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12:34.13enoufCorwin: wishlist bug -> bash maintatiner
12:34.15sarefothat's what i used to do for a while
12:34.26jellyCorwin: too bad there's absolutely no way for the user to enable it back!
12:34.30mordy_now which one do i choose? does a new kernel mean a new installation? or not really?
12:34.49enoufsarefo: yep - some though aren't (easily) accessible - think craptop
12:34.50abrotmanCorwin: people not everyone likes it
12:34.57jellyCorwin: real hackers use zsh anyway
12:35.06wolsmordy_: not really. what is your cpu? what do you want to achieve with a new kernel?
12:35.07SeboPLByt I need only to get one msg ;]
12:35.31CorwinYou show me one person who dislikes bash completion (who uses bash) and I'll show you someone who needs prozak
12:35.58sarefoso, as i changed udev to use eth0 for eth0, and did udevcontrol reload_rules, and network restart, why is eth3 still in ifconfig?
12:36.20wolsSeboPL: restart udev
12:36.22mordy_wols - my cpu is amd64 (em64) - i want to get a new kernel because it seems i messed up the old one by compiling FB_RADEON*=y in it - which is giving me all these problems i've been complaining about the entire day.
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12:36.26themillCorwin: it slows down loading of bash quite a lot and if you source bash_completion twice then you can hit some nasty bugs that can prevent you from logging in even. It's safer not to enable it by default.
12:36.27enoufsarefo: new motherboard, onboard nic?
12:36.31abrotmansarefo: it's probably done at boot time
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12:36.40wolsmordy_: 32 or 64bit debian?
12:36.52mordy_my current kernel is 2.6.18-amd64
12:37.16enoufmordy_: i386 or amd64 install
12:37.17Corwinhmm. is the slow down part relating to ARM cpu's and stuff with 386 power?
12:37.19wolsmordy_: then install that
12:37.25mordy_amd64 install
12:37.25sarefowols: i'm not SeboPL ;)
12:37.34enoufmordy_: file /bin/ls  .. ok
12:38.03wolsCorwin: huh? ARM and 386?
12:38.04mordy_ELF 64-bit LSB executable, AMD x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), for GNU/Linux 2.6.0, dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.0, stripped
12:38.16Corwinwols: lol
12:38.23enoufbingo - amd64 arch mordy_
12:38.27sarefoenouf: yes, the network card is onboard
12:38.41sareforestart udev, and still ifconfig -> eth3
12:38.46enoufsarefo: but your HDD contains info from the Old mobo and it's Cards
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12:39.01mordy_apt-get install --reinstall linux-image-2.6.18-amd64?
12:39.05enoufOnboard and PCi
12:39.05mordy_or just install?
12:39.16enoufnot reinstall
12:39.22kleop2how to set inputrc for all users default?
12:39.24enoufmordy_: use -s too
12:39.31enoufmordy_: to see what'll happen prior
12:39.37mordy_what does that do?
12:39.40Corwin is a cool site. I don't think I've been there in 5 years, I forgot about it :/
12:39.42enoufin /etc/inputrc ?
12:39.43kleop2how to get list of modes supported by my LCD?
12:40.00enoufmordy_: man apt-get ;-)
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12:40.16mordy_man man :|
12:40.25enoufkleop2: hwinfo --monitor , xrandr ?
12:40.34shefqetiSeboPL: if you have say the domain, where have you declared the MX for it ?
12:40.34sarefoisn't there some wizard for changing these settings? :)
12:40.45dpkgi heard wizard is An enhancement to programs that makes them easier to operate by guiding you through, step by step, what is required to achieve your purpose. at, or subtle and quick to anger
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12:40.54kleop2enouf: no
12:41.00enoufkleop2: best is to see the manual :-P
12:41.00kleop2info in xorg.conf is wrong
12:41.01chlueenouf: thanks for the help. System survied the the reboot without hda
12:41.03mordy_"linux-image-2.6.18-6-amd64 is already the newest version."
12:41.07enoufkleop2: no what
12:41.13enoufchlue: cool
12:41.16Guerindpkg, wizard =~ s/enhancement/dehancement/
12:41.16dpkgGuerin: OK
12:41.26kleop2how to ask the LCD via eeidsomething so it will report what is supports
12:41.31Guerindpkg, wizard =~ s/An/a/
12:41.32dpkgGuerin: OK
12:41.39enoufmordy_: oh, then reinstall .. i guess
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12:42.07enoufmordy_: or /msg dpkg   if you wanted a newer kernel
12:42.15enoufkleop2: install read-edid pkg
12:42.19mordy_crosses fingers
12:42.34ootputhow do i get suspend/hibernate to correctly resume with X output? I'm left with a black screen when resuming in lenny
12:42.41enoufkleop2: it's much easier to google for the specs :-P
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12:43.03mordy_i'll get you all beer (or lemonade) one day
12:43.03sarefoGuerin: what i mean is, when i set up debian for the first time, i did not have to specify any network cards by hand, so maybe it's possible to let this nice piece of code run again, without having to reinstall debian? :)
12:43.16sarefobut i like the picture of the wizard :))
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12:43.45Guerinhmm, i think you can use that
12:43.52Guerinethtool or something maybe?
12:44.01kleop2I se ths stupid bell to none,  but now  vim  still beeps... what the helll
12:44.09kleop2whacks his box with STFU sign
12:44.16kleop2* I set
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12:44.18sarefoGuerin: there's no program starting with 'eth' on this machine
12:44.27dpkg*** NEWS FLASH! *** Your box does not come with every app, tool and utility known to debiankind installed already. If you find that the program you've been told to use isn't there, install it. Also ask me about <search>. if someone suggests an application to you, it's highly likely that it's available via apt-get, or aptitude
12:44.39jellyGuerin: ethtool is a low-level card/driver configuration thing, nothing to do with ip addresses and dhcpes etc
12:44.48Guerin(not that I make no representations of being correct)
12:44.54Guerinok :)
12:45.04sarefokleop2: you never want to hear a beep again?
12:45.17themillistr there's a SoC project to come up with such a tool though.
12:45.20dpkgsomebody said bell was "xset b off" in X, or "setterm -blength 0" in console .  For some reason, bash beeps excessively when in emacs (default) mode.  "set -o vi" puts it in vi editing mode, which doesn't beep on partial completions.  See also <shell beep>.  or "set bell-style none" in ~/.inputrc, or or in konsole, Settings->Bell->Visible Bell
12:45.24mordy_:(( i still get the radeonfb :((
12:45.29Guerinbell is hated enemy
12:45.39jellyeven taco bell?
12:45.50Guerininsufficient data to comment
12:45.51themillbell =~ s/or or/or/
12:45.55kleop2can't this be turned off by default if users dont like
12:46.02Guerinwe don't have Taco Hell in $country
12:46.19Guerinkleop2: of course it can be.
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12:46.56wolsmordy_:  grep -i radeon /boot/config-2.6.*
12:47.07wolsmordy_: pastebin that and the output of uname -a
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12:48.44mordy_wols -
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12:49.14wolsmordy_: the kernel is fine. and you didn't blacklist
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12:49.38mordy_i did - could it have made or ignored the blacklist?
12:49.42wolsmordy_: and you've been told times and again how to do that but you apparently are unable to do so. goodbye
12:49.55sarefoenouf: any idea where my old hdd stores its info from the old configuration?
12:50.46mordy_gah, idii
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12:51.41chluesarefo: /etc/network/interfaces  or what are you locking, for?
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12:52.21kleop2was names in read-edid created by some half intelligent developer...
12:52.21enoufsarefo: it's the modules that load from your initrd and /etc/modules, (and possibly /etc/modprobe.d/)
12:52.25sarefochlue: i switched my hdd to a new machine, and there are still settings from the old network cards somewhere that mess the present config up
12:52.47enoufsarefo: but your networking and interfaces seem buggered
12:52.50kleop2package name is "read-edid" ,  so the name of program is... edid? no. read-edid? no... get-edid.. sigh
12:53.16enoufdpkg -L <pkgname>
12:53.16dpkgii  <pkgname>                 3.6-1.1           enouf's private porn collection
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12:53.46Blast_HardcheeseQuestion about writing device drivers,
12:53.51CorwinDoes anyone have any experience with a real time kernel? Kde was absolutly unusable to the point of being comical when I tried it last.
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12:53.57mordy_wols, i wondered why you're so convinced i hadn't blacklisted it
12:54.26Blast_HardcheeseThe tutorial I'm following ( ) says nothing about the character device nodes and how to handle conflicting nodes
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12:54.28wolswols: cause if you said it's still loading
12:54.45wolsmordy_: lsmod output
12:54.48themillwols: talking to yourself is the first sign of madness
12:54.56Blast_HardcheeseIt just says "60 is the major number, 0 is the minor number"
12:54.59wolsthemill: I'm LONG past first sign
12:55.23CorwinI;m pretty sure madness is a sign of intelligence
12:55.53mordy_is comforted thus, by the fact that he often talks to himself
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12:55.54zrBlast_Hardcheese: mine says "I am the Alpha and the Omega"
12:55.59sarefoCorwin: if it's broken, it needs to exist beforehand, so there's a point.
12:56.03enoufbats in the belfry?
12:56.06Blast_Hardcheesezr: crap
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12:57.27CorwinMy dad used to talk to himself while sitting on the toilet.
12:57.36gadicathAnyone else having issues with xfce apps starting slow?
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12:57.45sarefoenouf: /etc/modules only contains 'loop', in /etc/modprobe.d/, the only thing that i thing could contain such stuff (pnp-hotplug) contains no nic stuff
12:57.47enoufmaybe he was talking to the Tidy Bowl man
12:58.01Blast_Hardcheesegadicath: Nah, I'm totally fine with xfce apps starting slow
12:58.13enoufsarefo: cat /proc/version
12:58.49enoufsarefo: do you have dhclient issues? i mean .. remind me again what's wrong .. you have net now?
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12:59.44sarefoenouf: still no net. i have now eth0 in ifconfig (rebooted), with the correct static ip, but ping says unknown host still.
13:00.04enoufsarefo: what's route and arp say?
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13:00.17mordy_wols -
13:00.35sarefoenouf: route only finds localnet and default at eth0
13:00.42E-bolaHow come when i want to install a newpackage, if i do it with aptitude it selects the recomended packages as well as the required, while if i use apt-get it only selects the ones actualy needed?
13:00.46enoufsarefo: pastebin
13:00.49E-bolaIs this normal behavior under debian etch?
13:00.49sarefoarp finds and .45 on eth0
13:00.53xulfI cant find a webbased way to view my users quotas?
13:01.06xulflooked every which place
13:01.18sarefoenouf: argh, i'm not online... :) ok ok, i'll type it...
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13:01.39enoufsarefo: gah .. well - they need to be correct ;-)
13:01.59CorwinE-bola:  because apt-get tells your the recommended and suggested packages, and lets you make up your mind if you want it or thinks it's extra crap
13:02.41kleop2my gfx card is seriously ghay, how it can not suppoort edid
13:02.58Akuwi need to send 4 dirs and all dub dirs and files
13:03.02Akuwusing ssh
13:03.06E-bolaCorwin: well i prefer the apt-get behavior, im wondering why like say i want to install postgrey, but use it with exim, aptitude uninstalls my exim and wants to install postfix
13:03.12enoufE-bola: in Etch apt-get doesn't install recommends - in aptitude you can tell it --without-recommends or something
13:03.15E-bolaall because postfix is a recomended package
13:03.22Akuwcan i send all in .zip and later uncompress ?
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13:03.48petemcAkuw: you can use scp recursively
13:03.51enoufE-bola: starting with apt 0.7.0 it default installs Recommends too
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13:04.18Corwinfor exim you want greylistd I think, postgrey is specifially for postfix
13:04.24E-bolaenouf : damn :(
13:04.27petemcCorwin: no it isnt
13:04.29E-bolai think thats horrible default behavior
13:04.41Akuwpetemc: but i can send all in .zip and later uncompress remotely ?
13:04.47E-bolaCorwin: greylistd is not maintained, and postgrey works fine with exim
13:04.50enoufE-bola: you can stop that by adding APT::Install-Recommends="false";   to   /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/98-recommends
13:04.59tinctorius"""revert [the patch that backs out the tg3 driver], package it as a kernel patch package"""
13:05.00petemcAkuw: yes, you can use zip or tar, but you dont have to
13:05.04sarefobtw, is there some good book/site to learn about networking in linux?
13:05.04tinctoriushow am I going to do that?
13:05.07Corwinok, I stand correted. Thanks for the info
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13:05.14E-bolaenouf: well its always soemthing u can change the default, but that doesnt change the fact i think its quite aggresive default behavior
13:05.23E-bolaisnt it quite rare you want all the recomended packages? Atleast it is for me
13:05.26tinctoriusis there some trivial(ish) way to package a firmware-enabled tg3 module?
13:05.35petemcAkuw: scp -vrC dir/ user@host:dir/
13:05.37enoufE-bola: i know - not my fault :-P
13:05.56enoufE-bola: there was at one time much discussion and voting about it, iinm
13:05.57E-bolayes it is! its all your faulT!!! :)
13:06.00bkwHow can I echo a string to top of file, echo "HTTP/1.0 200 OK" | cat tmpfile.10M.2 is wrong :(
13:06.11tinctoriuswithout it, the NICs on my server are kinda useless...
13:06.18themillE-bola: if recommends are set correctly (some things that are recommends should be suggests) then you normally *do* want the recommended packages. That's why they are recommended.
13:06.19E-bolaenouf: wonder what arguments ppl had for making it install all the recomended packages
13:06.48E-bolathemill: I trhink its more often the case that things are wrongly set recomended than than correctly
13:06.52E-bolathats why its an issue
13:07.17themillE-bola: Can't say that I've ever seen it being a problem. There were a few early on but they are mostly fixed now.
13:07.39themillE-bola: if you think the Recommends should be a Suggests, then file a bug.
13:07.50busconHallo, I'm trying to setup a pppoe connection through wireless
13:08.07busconbut I don't have a ppp0 interface
13:08.19pete_what a shame
13:08.21buscondo I need it ?
13:08.21wolsbuscon: not possible unless you have a dsl modem with a wlan adapter which is kinda unlikely
13:08.34wolsbuscon: the ppp0 interface will be created
13:08.54busconwols, it is possible, unfortunately I have a wireless modem
13:08.54themillbkw: what output do you want? try echo foo | cat - bah
13:09.02pete_your modem is going to do that pppoe shit thing and you only use wlan
13:09.08busconyou connect to it and then pppoe connection
13:09.17enoufsarefo: localnet in route should say os similar
13:09.19wolsbuscon: the modem has an IP. can you get on to it?
13:09.21busconpete_, ok, thanx
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13:09.25busconwols, no way
13:09.29wolsbuscon: no. you have a router
13:09.30maligorye gods... krita has stored a 500mb temp file in my /tmp
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13:09.39busconwols, I tried to reset it , but no way
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13:09.45wolsbuscon: what is athe model of your "wireless dsl modem"?
13:09.55busconwols, yes, it's a router, sorry
13:10.07wolssince it's a router you don't need pppoe
13:10.08enoufsarefo: how's your /etc/resolv.conf ? and do you have entries in /etc/hosts{.allow.deny} ?
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13:10.26jellywols: dsl modem with a wlan adapter kinda unlikely? my siemens dsl router matches the description (I don't use pppoe, but I could)
13:10.27wolsbuscon: what wlan do you have?
13:10.38wolsjelly: router. NOT modem
13:10.42enoufsarefo: i know, ping should work anyway,  but
13:10.44themillwols: both?
13:10.50busconwols, I have this alice siemens router, you connect to it by wireless
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13:10.52wolsa modem or only a modem. you have a router which also has a moden and a ap attached
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13:11.01busconno way to have an IP
13:11.04enoufsarefo: i'm no great networker :-p
13:11.12mordy_a wireless dsl modem is pretty much a modem wiht a router in one. i don't think you can ever get it to assign a wan ip to a wireless interface, or any interface
13:11.13busconeven resetting it
13:11.18kleinI set my xorg.conf to include the mode for my LCD,  "1680x1050"  but this otpion is not avaialble in xrandr even after restart X  why
13:11.20pete_omg god lord. Stop wanking arond- Modem does that pppoe and connect to DSLAM. You connect to modem and get IP-address (statis/dynamic) That's it.
13:11.21wolsbuscon: it has an IP
13:11.32busconthen you made a pppoe connection through it
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13:11.40busconwols, how can I find it ? :)
13:11.42sarefoenouf: i just came to the same conclusion, after a ping from another machine to mine worked fine.
13:11.52sarefo/etc/resolv.conf is empty...
13:11.56pete_if you want todo pppoe throught wlan and modem i have to say that it's is so stupid setup that lol
13:11.59wolsbuscon: read its manual. and answer my question: what wlan do you have?
13:12.01mordy_i don't know why you'd want a ppp over wlan anyway
13:12.11kleinanyone can help me how to add resolution to xorg?
13:12.14busconpete_, very studip, I agree :)
13:12.32jetscreameryay, teh intarweb ain't broke no more
13:12.39pete_buscon: yea :) I know cos have fight with some rounting over shit scenarios so many times :D
13:12.41busconwols, I read the manual, but it tells about dhcp, while dhcp doesn't work...
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13:12.46wolsbuscon: you are pretty confused. answer my question: your wlan adapter in your PC: what is it?
13:13.15busconwols, it's dwl-122g, dlink usb wifi card
13:13.15wolsbuscon: your problme is you need to configure your wlan properly
13:13.16pete_lspci |grep Ethernet
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13:13.21wolsbuscon: and what chip does it use?
13:13.36pete_buscon: i have one similiar. Is it A,B or C revision?
13:13.37wols!tell buscon about ralink
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13:13.53pete_it should work like charm and show in your system as wlan0 or rausb0
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13:14.05IpNextGenQ.: What would be the proper method for disabling something that is called during system startup in the rc.d under debian? im used to chmod 222 rc.thefile under slackware... but under debian i dont know what is the proper method?
13:14.17busconpete_ I don't know the revision, how can I get it ?
13:14.17pete_IpNextGen: update-rc.d
13:14.31pete_buscon: it reads backside of that adapter. Right next to MAC
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13:14.40kleinwf is that:  (WW) NVIDIA(0): No valid modes for "1680x1050"; removing.
13:14.42sarefoenouf: resolv.conf, hosts.allow and hosts.deny are all empty.
13:14.42IpNextGenpete_, thanks :D
13:14.43mordy_pete, if it's rt73, then it's rev c
13:14.45themillIpNextGen: either update-rc.d or mv SXXthing to KXXthing
13:14.50pete_there some shitty thing other then A and C revision devices. It uses different chips
13:14.50mordy_i've got one of those myself
13:15.03wolsIpNextGen: update-rc.d
13:15.05IpNextGenthemill, Thanks
13:15.08IpNextGenwols,  Thanks
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13:15.19enoufsarefo: ok, well man resolv.conf
13:15.21busconpete_, ok, it's C1
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13:15.40pete_buscon: and you got bulk etch? check 'ifconfig rausb0' It should be there. Then just connect to that wlan
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13:16.00enoufsarefo: can you msg the bot yet?
13:16.05pete_or 'tail -f /var/log/syslog' unplug and plusin again and you see it
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13:16.14busconpete_, I've already have my interface, it's wlan1
13:16.25sarefoenouf: damn, i did init.d/networking restart, now eth0 is gone from ifconfig!! :((
13:16.33busconjust wanted to know if I need a ppp interface for making a pppoe connection
13:16.47pete_so configure that wlan as routing using wired connetion. If you are sure that it's online then connect to that router using wireless
13:16.47wolspete_: not true. m-a needed
13:16.51pete_buscon: no you don't
13:16.53wolsbuscon: you don't
13:17.16enoufsarefo: "/msg dpkg static route" , "/msg dplg interfaces"
13:17.18pete_wols: i never needed..
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13:17.29wolspete_: what driver?
13:17.44pete_Can't remember. C-revision. Just plugged in and it worked
13:17.45busconI followed this guide
13:17.52mordy_pete, i think he specifically wants to get a wan ip on his wireless card, which is a cool thing, if you think about it
13:17.53pete_i was pretty happy that i didnäät need to fight with it
13:18.05wolsmordy_: it's a stupid thing
13:18.06busconat with internet access installing
13:18.08sarefo/msg dpkg static route
13:18.19pete_mordy_: but it should not be problem. Just box to routing mode
13:18.22wolspete_: this is wrong. there is no ralink driver in the main debian kernel. end of it
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13:18.49tubbybastardcan some point me to the location of documentation for x configuration in lenny, the /etc/X11/xorg.conf has basically zero information in it after installing, but my display is working great
13:18.54IpNextGenpete_,  ( update-rc.d: /etc/init.d/portmap exists during rc.d purge (use -f to force) )   is it normal?
13:18.59pete_wols: ok.. then i guess i got some custom kernel from But anyway this has nothing to with the "problem" he's having
13:19.02sarefoeunouf: nickserv says i'm already logged in (register,identify), but still dpkg won't talk to me in secret :)
13:19.10pete_IpNextGen: update-rc.d -f portmap remove
13:19.18sarefodpkg static route
13:19.18dpkgTo add a static route in Debian, just put "up route add -net ...." in the appropriate interface's stanza in /etc/network/interfaces
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13:19.20pete_or portmap and remove vice versa. Can't remember
13:19.27IpNextGenpete_, but is it normal? to have to force it?
13:19.30mordy_indeed, i can't see why he'd want a wan ip on his wifi
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13:19.41IpNextGenpete_, ok thanks
13:19.45pete_IpNextGen: at least i have always needed to force it
13:19.57ilembitovHi, all. Does Debian include "wl" driver like Ubuntu? The driver to some Broadcom cards?
13:20.15pete_ilembitov: what is that Broadcom card?
13:20.35sarefodpkg interfaces
13:20.35dpkgYour network configuration is in the file /etc/network/interfaces ; "man 5 interfaces" for docs, (zless /usr/share/doc/ifupdown/examples/network-interfaces.gz for an example). start and stop your networking with ifup -a and ifdown -a respectively.  See also <dhcp client> read "man resolv.conf" for DNS also ask me about <static route>
13:20.39pete_tg3 and bnx2 should do almost every BR
13:21.03wolsilembitov: wlan or wired?
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13:21.28mordy_where else can the framebuffer problem reside? if it's not in the kernel and not in X?
13:21.29pbnHello. aptitude update on Debian lenny takes like, 30 minutes  instead of 40 seconds. Is that a known issue ?
13:21.30ilembitovwols: wlan
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13:21.45wolsilembitov: which one?
13:21.50ilembitovpete_: Broadcom 4310 usb. I mean, somehow Ubuntu managed to set this card up automatically, without fwcutter or ndiswapper, so I wonder what was used
13:22.02dpkgrumour has it, b43 is the new driver for modern Broadcom 802.11g and 802.11a wireless chipsets (, included since kernel 2.6.24.  Use <b43-fwcutter> to extract version 4 firmware for this driver.  USB devices are not supported.  For a list of supported devices, see  Legacy BCM43xx devices are supported by the <b43legacy> driver.  See also <which b43>.
13:22.08jellypbn: Can you be more specific, where does it stall? which mirror are you using?
13:22.18abrotmanilembitov: because ubuntu ships firmware
13:22.23pbnjelly: it is using a local mirror (apt-cacher)
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13:22.41ilembitovabrotman: So wl is actually b43?
13:22.53pete_you can install fwcutter
13:22.55abrotmanis wl  the driver?
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13:23.11ilembitovabrotman: Ubuntu's lsmod shows an "wl" module
13:23.12cahootb43 doesn't support 4310
13:23.15enoufsarefo: you sure dpkg isn't msg'ing you in another window?
13:23.22ilembitovcahoot: That's why I am asking)
13:23.24abrotmanilembitov: is it pci or pcmcia ?
13:23.24pbnjelly: it says [Waiting for headers] and it's like that for many many minutes
13:23.28sarefoenouf: oops... :)
13:23.37sarefoi'm sorry, dpkg!
13:23.37wolscahoot: what does then?
13:23.50ilembitovabrotman: lspci says it's usb
13:23.54jellypbn: so it's your mirror that's slow, not aptitude
13:24.03abrotmanilembitov: can you get the device pci/usb id ?
13:24.03wolsilembitov: lspci does NOT say it's usb
13:24.11cahootwols: no idea just read on linux wireless page
13:24.11ilembitov0b:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4310 USB Controller (rev 01)
13:24.19wolscahoot: link?
13:24.21abrotmanthat's from lspci ?
13:24.26abrotmanlspci -nn
13:24.33wolswtfranken device is that?
13:24.49ilembitovabrotman: 0b:00.0 Network controller [0280]: Broadcom Corporation BCM4310 USB Controller [14e4:4315] (rev 01)
13:24.58pbnjelly: well I have the same problem on another lenny machine which uses a completely different apt-cacher mirror
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13:25.13abrotmanyou're on etch or lenny ?
13:25.24jellypbn: can you try it with a normal debian mirror?
13:25.27ilembitovabrotman: me?
13:25.56ilembitovabrotman: I am currently on Ubuntu and want to understand, what distros can handle this card like Ubuntu does
13:26.27abrotman!which driver
13:26.27dpkgwell, driver locator is To work out what module you need to load for your pci card, try pasting lspci -n into .
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13:26.31abrotmandpkg: you love me!
13:26.31dpkgI resemble that remark!
13:26.47jelly!which b43
13:26.47dpkgFrom the b43 page: "b43legacy should be used on all 4301 and 4303 cards.  4306 and 4309 cards with a MAC core revision of 4 or less should also use b43legacy.  b43 should be used on all other cards."
13:26.56pete_ilembitov: from topic.. -> | THIS IS NOT #ubuntu |
13:27.10themillThat pciid doesn't match anything in the 2.6.25 kernel.
13:27.11sarefoenouf: oouf, i added our nameserver to the resolv.conf, now it's working! many thanks to you all.
13:27.51enoufilembitov: modinfo wl
13:28.00enoufsarefo: heh
13:28.12ilembitovenouf: moment
13:28.22jellypete_: try to follow the conversation instead of blindly pasting "THIS IS NOT #ubuntu"
13:28.34pete_jelly: for sure.
13:29.03*** join/#debian ootput (n=ootput@unaffiliated/ootput)
13:29.11pete_jelly: you too. It have been already told that wl/shit is included FROM 2.6.24
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13:29.15sarefook, i'm off into the weekend :) bye!
13:29.41themillilembitov: can you: dpkg -S wl.ko
13:29.46*** part/#debian certron (
13:29.50enoufilembitov: wonderful ; NO Description? lmao
13:29.58abrotmanpete_: if it is .. on lenny it doesn't match the pcimap
13:30.15enoufubuntu must really suck ass
13:30.29jellyabrotman: or is it usbmap! :-)
13:30.42abrotman!find wl.ko lenny
13:30.47abrotmanhugs dpkg
13:30.50Blast_HardcheeseWhen writing device drivers what's the secret to picking major numbers, or is the current system that exists as fragile as it seems? (No offense intended, I'm switching to linux and some things are tripping me up)
13:30.53ilembitovthemill: linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24-18-generic: /lib/modules/2.6.24-18-generic/volatile_bcmwl/wl.ko
13:30.53ilembitovLike I was saying - it's restricted modules
13:31.18abrotmanwhich means .. requires firmware .. which means not in lenny ?
13:31.28cahootilembitov: looks to me it's a proprietary module from broadcom
13:31.38pete_cahoot: agreed
13:31.51abrotmanlooks to me like ubuntu crap!
13:32.06pete_for me looks like this is one more conversation what keeps rolling like wheel
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13:33.14abrotmanpete_: he's trying to find out if it can work in debian
13:33.31tinctoriusI too have some issues with Broadcom crap
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13:33.39tinctoriusbut with tg3
13:33.41cahootilembitov: search for wl-apsta on this page
13:33.42pete_abrotman: that's why got manufacturer's home site. Im pretty god damn sure there is driver for that what you can compile against kernel
13:33.50tinctoriuswithout the firmware, my NICs won't work
13:33.53enoufmmm pasta :-P
13:33.55abrotmanyes they won't
13:34.12abrotmanpete_: yeah .. i guess if you want OOTB .. you just avoid broadcom :)
13:34.15cahootilembitov:  wl_apsta rather
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13:34.15themillpete_: yeah. rolling like a wheel with rather useless and incorrect comments like this from you: [14:29] <pete_> jelly: you too. It have been already told that wl/shit is included FROM 2.6.24
13:34.25abrotmanwhich is false!
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13:34.43usarhi. how do I change the keyboard settings for a debian system (console only)?
13:34.51pete_well i guess im just so god damn good cos i just open console and do some surfing and it works. Never ever i haven't needed to come here cry
13:35.01themilldpkg: tell usar about keymap
13:35.10usarthemill: thanks
13:35.12pete_but what ever. im out of this shit
13:35.17themillusar: no worries
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13:35.30themill!comfort abrotman
13:35.30dpkgThere, there, abrotman.  It's OK.  I'm here for you.
13:35.32jellyno tears, abrotman!
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13:36.10ilembito1I am really sorry. It's my ISP being an asshole
13:36.20abrotmangive them cookies
13:36.30ootputtake it to otw
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13:36.56ilembito1So, did anyone understand, whether that wl package is present in Debian?
13:37.10Blast_HardcheeseAlright, if I'm not allowed to ask that, how can I find the major number for any given driver?
13:37.15*** join/#debian Unitux (n=Unitux@
13:37.20themillilembito1: nowhere that we can find
13:37.42ilembito1Damn. Not in debian's restricted modules?
13:37.48pbnjelly: hmmm gonna try that...
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13:38.34themillBlast_Hardcheese: you'd be better off asking these questions in a kernel-specific channel.
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13:39.16Blast_Hardcheesethemill: Hmm
13:39.18Blast_Hardcheesefair enough
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13:39.40jelly##kernel to the rescue
13:40.04themillBlast_Hardcheese: e.g. /msg alis list *kernel*
13:40.38ilembito1Well, anyways, thanks to all of you guys. Can anyone point me to feature list of the upcoming Lenny?)
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13:40.39jellywtf is alis
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13:41.31themilljelly: alis replaces chanserv for searching for channels
13:41.33Eulexprobably dpkg written with misaligned fingers
13:41.36abrotmanjelly: chaserv bot
13:41.41mordy_anyone have any ideas of what can be forcing radeonfb to initialize? it's not in the kernel and it's blacklisted - but the console still goes into framebuffer mode
13:42.02abrotmanmordy_: have you tried the initramfs blacklist stuff?
13:42.10abrotmanbets it's compiled in though
13:42.11mordy_abrotman - yes
13:42.25jelly24 months I've been living next door to alis!
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13:43.02mordy_abrotman - i reinstalled the kernel from apt-get - but the 'problem' still occurs
13:43.13abrotmanoh ok
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13:43.57mordy_abrotman - is there anywhere else i can check? could there be something else initializing it? i haven't tried disabling all framebuffer support from the kernel - i just =m them all
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13:45.18mordy_hmm.. maybe i can install an additional kernel - would that tell me whether the problem is in the kernel or not?
13:45.23enoufjelly: just using /list still works
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13:45.56jellyenouf: I clicks on the menu and the list appears!  What /list??!?!!11
13:45.56enoufmordy_: and/or livecd boot
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13:46.58enoufmordy_: enable bootlogd
13:47.05mordy_enouf - livecd boot works - no problems - although the only live cd i have is ubuntu - nor can i get a debian one
13:47.07enouf!tell mordy_ -about bootlog
13:47.39enoufmordy_: i get ~$ grep nvidia /var/log/boot
13:47.39enoufSat Jul 12 15:50:53 2008: Loading kernel module nvidia-agp.
13:47.57*** join/#debian deever (
13:48.01mordy_nvidia? i'm using ati :-??
13:48.12enoufmordy_: c'mon extrapolate ;-)
13:48.26mordy_let me reboot then
13:48.28enoufi have an nvidia card
13:48.32enoufmordy_: wait
13:48.34deeverdoes anybody know here how to unpacke a "Debian binary package (format 2.0)"?
13:48.37mordy_too late
13:48.37*** part/#debian nkuttler (
13:48.43abrotmandeever: ar x foo.deb
13:48.54enoufmordy_: and lscpi -k
13:48.57enoufsays Kernel modules: nvidiafb
13:49.34jellydeever: inside the ar, data.tar.gz (or .bz2) will contain package data
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13:50.26enoufmordy_: ~$ grep nvidiafb /lib/modules/2.6.16-2-686/modules.dep  <== replace with radeonfb
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13:50.43jellydeever: or you could just use the native tools if you're on a system with dpkg.
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13:51.52mordy_enouf - boot
13:52.02*** mode/#debian [+l 807] by debhelper
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13:53.25pete_move that module to some toher place :)
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13:53.46enoufmordy_: and having radeonfb load is an issue? where is it showing it's loading?
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13:54.12mordy_enouf - i see it on my screen - i'm also wondering why it doesn't show up in log/boot
13:54.25enoufmordy_: what screen?
13:54.32enoufduring bootup? check dmesg
13:54.34mordy_debian:/lib/modules/2.6.18-6-amd64# $grep radeonfb /lib/modules/2.6.18-6-amd64/modules.dep -bash: radeonfb: command not found
13:54.40mordy_enouf - yes
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13:55.03enoufwait, what? command not found  wtf?
13:55.10jellymordy_: extra "$"
13:55.11enoufmordy_: remove the $
13:55.17enouf!win jelly
13:55.17dpkgCongratulations, jelly! You have won second prize in a beauty contest!
13:55.26deeverjelly: yes, i know, thx! ;)
13:55.33mordy_ahh.. there it is
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13:55.40ootputdoesn't grep require two arguments?
13:55.43ootputat least?
13:55.50deeverootput: no
13:56.03mordy_enouf -
13:56.06jellyootput: there is no grep in command line like "$grep radeonfb /lib/modules/2.6.18-6-amd64/modules.dep"
13:56.11enoufootput: he kept the $ i showed
13:56.50enoufheck, i even do ti, and bug out for a few minutes
13:57.01jellyootput: now explain why did he get this error: "-bash: radeonfb: command not found" for bonus points.
13:57.18usarthemill: I've tried dpkg-reconfigure console-data, selected the right keymap but it didn't change anything. also, the boxes drawn by the debconf Dialog frontend look really messed up (funny symbols instead of lines)
13:57.40usarthemill: (had to install console-data first by the way)
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13:58.49ootputjelly: $grep taken as an environment variable to radeonfb command
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13:59.11jellyootput: close but no.
13:59.14themillusar: is this actually on console or in an ssh session (like through putty)?
13:59.24enoufmordy_: what's with vga=0 ? and do you have multiple video cards? one onboard perhaps?
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13:59.32ootputjelly: huh?
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13:59.44usarthemill: actually on a console, I'm sitting in front of the physical machine
13:59.46mordy_enouf - i've only got one video card
13:59.57usarthemill: (it's a i386 laptop)
14:00.14Akuwwhat is wrong here     --->     scp -r /home/cms/Desktop/Sitio/*
14:00.19themillusar: nfc then... haven't actually used console for a very very very long time and then I have the advantage of the defaults being fine for me.
14:00.24mordy_enouf - i changed the boot parameters to vga=0 at one going - but that shouldn't be in the new pastes
14:00.25enoufmordy_: lsmod | grep radeon and also pastbin that output of the grep
14:00.34ootputjelly: well?
14:00.39jellyootput: the syntax for that would be foo=bar some_command, not $foo some_command
14:00.41[darkterror46]could someone tell me where i can find a tutorial about configuring active nat with etch?
14:00.53Akuwi  want copy all content in the dir Sitio   (sub dirs and files)
14:00.55enoufmordy_: dude, you gave me a link with 1000s of lines
14:01.20pumpkin0Akuw: and the error-msg/problem is .. ?
14:01.23enoufmordy_: it's great to keep a record like that - all in one place, but sucks a bit for keyword searching for me
14:01.29mordy_lol, you can search. i can post the 'relevant' line - but i don't know if i may be omiting something important
14:01.58enoufmordy_: it's the Xorg.0.log with too many radeon refs :-P
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14:02.03themillootput: $grep is not set, so when the shell does the parameter expansion, it disappears from the command completely, leaving radeonfb as the command that will be executed.
14:02.03Akuw/home/cms/Desktop/Sitio: No such file or directory
14:02.21themillootput: I suspect that's sort of what you meant
14:02.25pumpkin0Akuw: Does "cd /home/cms/Desktop/Sitio" work ?
14:02.28mordy_enouf - nothing in the xorg log explains why my console gets into fb mode - since that's only intiialized later
14:02.36wolsenouf: he needs to blacklist but is apparently incapable of doing so. including initramfs blacklist
14:02.49enoufmordy_: oh cool, i can click raw
14:02.55ootputjelly: what does $ mean in regular expression?
14:02.56enoufwols: i see
14:03.09wolsenouf: I tried to tell him countless times by now
14:03.12ootputthemill: that is what i meant
14:03.22mordy_so while my xorg may indeed be messed up - i think it's something else
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14:03.59jellyootput: it matches the place at the end of a line usually
14:04.13enoufmordy_: why do you have stuff from make menuconfig ?
14:04.29Akuwhumm, i was in the remote server
14:04.31mordy_wols, why don't you have a look at my paste and see for yourself what i did - if i did something wrong, then tell me - look at pastes 8 and 9
14:04.35Akuwthat was the problem
14:04.44enoufmordy_: and where's the paste i asked for (lsmod and grep /lib/../../../modules.dep)
14:05.39enoufdeonfb              106176  1 i2c_algo_bit           13832  1 radeonfb i2c_core               27776  3 i2c_i801,radeonfb,i2c_algo_bit
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14:06.09karmatronicmordy_: what are you trying to do?
14:06.09mordy_enouf - that's grep /lib... modules.dep
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14:06.37mordy_karmatronic - i wish i knew - i'm trying to find out what's forcing it to boot in frambuffer mode
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14:06.45sichhow can i fix this error by bcm43xx instalation aptitude install
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14:07.03Akuwi just create a dir in the remote server
14:07.07enouffunny, my deps says the same for my nvidiafb, but lsmod doesn't show nvidiafb, nor those particular i2c things, only i2c-core from i2c_core               19312  1 i2c_piix4
14:07.15Akuwbut when i want to copy the files from pc to server i got    Permission denied
14:07.23ootputin lenny, resume from suspend/hibernate (while in X) produces a black screen that I can switch out of. Am i required to pass any arguments to or modify any acpi scripts in order to restore the X display?
14:07.32mordy_enouf - lsmod
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14:07.56Akuwbut with gFTP i can copy files
14:08.00pumpkin0Akuw: the user scp login as has no permissions, fix that.
14:08.15themilldpkg: tell ootput about suspend troubleshooting
14:08.45pumpkin0Akuw: "medifarm" is missing the rights to write to that dir.
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14:09.05Akuwbut i can copy file using gFTP
14:09.09sichany idea?
14:09.31mordy_enouf - i guess because your nvidiafb isn't forced like mine
14:09.59enoufmordy_: my browser doesn't do AJAX and ASP crap with the #14 and #15 shit
14:10.05ootputthemill: have you implemented any of the 'dirty hacks' yourself?
14:10.11enoufmordy_: mine only goes to ELEVEN!
14:10.19themillAkuw: can you ssh to the remote machine?
14:10.33pumpkin0Akuw: and gFTP uses the same user ?
14:10.43sichany solve for this error ?
14:10.44enoufmordy_: you reinstalled the kernel, yes?
14:10.53jellyootput: Hm, s2disk or hibernate did chvt 1 ... suspend/resume ... chvt 7 given some configuration
14:10.54themillootput: I had to on my previous laptop but istr this one was fine.
14:10.54enoufmordy_: did you blacklist-initramfs again now?
14:11.00mordy_enouf - yes - and yes
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14:11.06pumpkin0Akuw: are you realy sure?
14:11.28Akuwjust now i delete the dir
14:11.32enoufmordy_: grep radeon /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist .. show me here
14:11.32Akuwi will create another
14:11.32mordy_enouf - you can see me blacklisting it - in paste 8 or 9 - i only posted that to demonstrate to wols that i indeed did it
14:11.40pumpkin0Akuw: and gFTP really log in as medifarm and does not use the FTP-user mediafarm ?
14:11.44enoufmordy_: grep radeon /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.local .. show me here
14:12.06*** mode/#debian [+l 814] by debhelper
14:12.09mordy_debian:/lib/modules/2.6.18-6-amd64# grep radeon /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.local blacklist radeonfb
14:12.13themillootput: I think I needed to tell it to use the save video state option at one stage.
14:12.16sich?? please
14:12.35enoufmordy_: run "update-initramfs -u"
14:12.36mordy_let me get another pastebin
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14:13.06enoufmordy_: then run dpkg-reconfigure linux-image-`uname -r` for good measure ;-)
14:13.32enoufsich: tell us something about it
14:14.02massmchi, I was using gparted and when trying to format a usb drive in fat32 it's greyed out.. do more libs need to be installed to get these?
14:14.24ootputjelly, themill: i had a working script (on etch) - - that managed those things, but it fails to work i lenny. I didn't think there'd be much else to it
14:14.27sichenouf: iwell install bcm43-fwcutter on debian etch, but receive this error
14:14.47mordy_enouf.. doing
14:15.15jellyootput: dunno, I've been using s2disk ever since it mysteriously started working on my machine :-)
14:15.28mordy_enouf - now reboot?
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14:15.31jellyootput: (part of uswsusp I believe)
14:15.33enoufmordy_: and make certain the correct kernel loads from grub and the initrd line is also correct
14:15.52mordy_enouf - how do i do that?
14:15.58mardidebian rocks
14:15.58enoufmordy_: look at it
14:16.06enoufand choose the correct one when booting
14:16.10ootputjelly: on lenny?
14:16.11mordy_oh, ok
14:16.17jellyootput: yeah
14:16.18enoufmordy_: in /boot/
14:16.19mordy_there's only one kernel in the list anyway
14:16.25enoufmordy_: in /boot/grub/menu.lst
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14:16.51enoufi smell amd64 issue
14:17.01pumpkin0Akuw: ssh into the remote server and do "sudo medifarm" and "touch /<upload-dir>/test-permissions"
14:17.01jellyI smell coffee.
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14:17.30sichenouf: ?
14:17.34mordy_enouf - here's what i did in the past five minutes
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14:17.48enoufsich: pastebin your sources.list
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14:18.07themillootput: aiui, all the extra state saving stuff you have either be unnecessary or handled directly by s2* itself.
14:18.24themillootput: Have you tried just "s2disk" on its own without all the rest of the stuff there?
14:18.39mordy_but it worked before *sigh*
14:19.02souldierhello, how im on debian etch, if i aptitude install a program is there any way to remove it completely? i did purge and remove but for some reason if i write the command for the program i removed i get an error, but its like its still there.
14:19.12enoufsich: ok
14:19.24mordy_enouf - same thing happens
14:19.27Akuwtouch: /mdf/test: No such file or directory
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14:19.44mordy_i'm not running an amd64, i'm running a em64 - although the kernel is amd64 - if that makes any difference
14:19.46pumpkin0Akuw: cd into that directory.
14:19.47enoufsich: you ONLY have cdrom there
14:19.54mordy_maybe i should install the em64 kernel?
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14:20.01enoufsich: the repo lines are commented out, why?
14:20.16dpkgsomebody said debian mirrors was or | ask me about <apt-spy> or <netselect-apt>  | to make a mirror, see or
14:20.19sichenouf: can you help?
14:20.24enoufsich: add some mirrors
14:20.40pumpkin0Akuw: is the upload-directory really on the remote server?
14:20.43sichok i add some mirror
14:20.47sichbut i have DVd
14:20.48enouf!tell sich about sources.list
14:21.00enoufsich: you need atleast main and contrib
14:21.00Akuwi just created
14:21.02pumpkin0Akuw: and can you create new files in it using the User mediafarm ?
14:21.25pumpkin0Akuw: OK, now retry the scp-command
14:21.36enoufso ==> "deb http://ftp.<cc> etch main contrib"  <-- as an example sich
14:21.45sichyes i know
14:21.57enoufsich: replace <CC> with your country code - ok
14:21.57ootputthemill: no, i haven't. I will now
14:22.02mordy_enouf - if it's an amd64 issue - could it have arisen suddenly? i didn't have this problem before - but then again, i seldom reboot
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14:22.19Akuwscp -r /home/x/Desktop/Sitio
14:22.25enoufmordy_: well, not really if you're on Etch - though remotely possible
14:22.26ootputthemill: should i issue s2disk from within x? or should i switch to vt1 before doing so?
14:22.29Akuwscp -r /home/x/Desktop/Sitio
14:22.33Akuwsorry  hrmm
14:22.46Tapoutgotta go check it out now
14:22.50enoufmordy_: ask if anything funny like this in #debian-amd64
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14:23.02Tapoutwhat a waste of that domain
14:23.08enoufmordy_: BUT - could be your FGLRX crap has just really screwed you
14:23.25sladimordy_: do you still have ati problems? maybe try agp=off in kernel line?
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14:23.55mordy_enouf - what else could fglrx have changed?
14:23.55themillootput: the best plan is to (1) start plain console mode (i.e. no X runnning) and try it. (2) X running but chvt 1 and then try it. Then actually try it from within X.
14:23.55enoufsich: you do have working internet, no?
14:24.03pumpkin0Akuw: you missed the * after Sitio.
14:24.03enoufmordy_: dude , no clue
14:24.07Akuw/home/x/Desktop/Sitio    in that dir i have sub dirs and files
14:24.09ootputthemill: alright
14:24.22*** join/#debian torti- (
14:24.24ootputthemill: mind if i take a gander at your /etc/uswsusp.conf for a bit?
14:24.25sichenouf: wired yes, but i well install bcm43xx to my wireless device to
14:24.27enoufmordy_: dude, nobody would know :-P that's teh thing about BLOBS!
14:24.34enoufmordy_: ask in #fglrx
14:24.34sladimordy_: that seems needed for nvidia at least according to suse s2ram howto.
14:24.35ootputi'd like to make sure i'm working with vanilla options for the time being
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14:24.52enoufsich: yes, but you need internet to get stuff
14:25.03enoufsich: even when you have DVD1
14:25.04*** part/#debian torti- (
14:25.07NyleI haven't been to work since last wed.
14:25.07mordy_let's try this with agp=off
14:25.14Nyleit feels weird
14:25.16sichenouf: i have wired intern now
14:25.21Nyleenouf, sup
14:25.28*** join/#debian Dekcarki (
14:25.28jetscreamer!lart nyle
14:25.29dpkgsmacks nyle up side the head with a clue-by-4
14:25.34Akuwscp: /mdf/: No such file or directory
14:25.35Nylewho'da thought you need internet to get stuff
14:25.38Nylejetscreamer, hi
14:25.40*** join/#debian massmc (n=massmc@
14:25.44mordy_enouf - is that really a room?
14:25.48mordy_nobody's there
14:25.51enoufmordy_: i thinki  recall something about some weirdo Intel module needing removed
14:26.02enoufmordy_: maybe #ati ?
14:26.14enoufNyle: morn
14:26.24Nyleyou forgot an o
14:26.36themillootput: sure. Doubt it will be useful though:
14:26.46enoufNyle: hot on that ENTER key eh? :-P
14:26.55Akuwth problem was i use
14:27.02wolshot on bullshit talk as usual too
14:27.09Akuwbut the right is
14:27.22jetscreamer!congratulate Akuw
14:27.23dpkgNice one Akuw, you did it!
14:27.27pumpkin0Akuw: so the dir is not /mdf but ~/mdf ?
14:27.30enoufwols: your cane needs tweaking :-p
14:27.43Akuwthe problem was
14:27.52enoufshakes his cane at wols
14:27.54ootputthemill: is your uswsusp.key present?
14:27.59Akuwwhen i login i my default is medi
14:28.09Akuwinto that dir is mdf
14:28.16mordy_agp=off doesn't help
14:28.20themillootput: erm... no.
14:28.23jetscreamerit's off your home dir you mean?
14:28.24mordy_maybe it's indeed something to do with fglrx
14:28.27ootputthemill: alright
14:28.32*** join/#debian twobitwork (n=isaac@nat/ibm/x-0430ce23f5e4f27d)
14:28.36wolsenouf: has he managed to not load radeonfb by now?
14:28.37jetscreamer~/mdf ?
14:28.45enoufwols: not yet - afaict
14:28.47pumpkin0Akuw: if you tell scp to go the root dir (/mdf) then it will so... always, w/o fail.
14:28.51sichenouf: i update the source list and try agian but the problem is still
14:29.06enoufsich: aptitude update
14:29.12sichi do it
14:29.15twobitworkis there a way to get metacity to show the size of a window while resizing it? most other wm's have an option for that...
14:29.25Akuwnow is copying the files
14:29.30wolsmordy_: the ONLY think you should work until you actually fix it is to not load radeonfb on bootup
14:29.39Akuwif i use -C option the transfer is compressed right?
14:29.46wolsmordy_: not dablle with kernel parameters and such
14:29.58jetscreamerwanders off again
14:29.58sichenouf: is another error have noithing to doi with sources.list look the pastebin
14:30.01pumpkin0Akuw: yes.
14:30.06enoufsich: and uncomment deb etch/updates main contrib   <-- you want security lines
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14:30.41sichenouf: iam sure that have nothng to do with the problem plz look the paste bin
14:30.43pumpkin0Akuw: on older hardware and for local transfers the CPU is the limit, not the network. Everything is encrypted, that takes time.
14:30.44cahootenouf: looks like the file doesn't exist - 404
14:30.47enoufsich: aptitude update && aptitude dist-upgrade
14:30.48mordy_let me see what i can find on fglrx - perhaps it's altering some configuration files - but can someone give me heads up about what *not* to look at?
14:30.55*** join/#debian And1 (
14:31.14enoufsich: you cannot have pkgs that are held back when using etch
14:31.15wolsmordy_: easy: do not look at fglrx
14:31.17sichlol enouf i say have nothing to du with upgrade is 404 error
14:31.20enoufcahoot: ?
14:31.50cahootenouf: the error sich wrestles with
14:31.51enoufsich: lol?
14:31.58*** join/#debian patrick_ (n=patrick@
14:31.59enoufsich: how about you suck my _____
14:32.03*** mode/#debian [+l 820] by debhelper
14:32.10enoufcahoot: got it
14:32.22enoufsich: fix your broken internet or proxies or firewalls
14:32.43enoufor make the mirror URLs correct
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14:32.55sichenouf: you can suck my ---- , thanx i need no help from ...person
14:32.58cahootsich: actually visiting the urls shows the file is nonexistent
14:33.13sichaha cahoot thanx
14:33.14*** join/#debian ajonat_ (n=ajonat@
14:33.19enouflooks liek Rootkits and Spyware Connecting to||:80... connected.
14:33.45sichenouf: ---
14:33.53enoufsich: it has everything to do with upgrade you b0z0
14:34.08enoufthen fix it
14:34.13enoufyou're smart
14:34.15enoufyou know
14:34.30sichhave nothing to do with upgrade what yu talking about? is 404 error from the source
14:34.39enoufsource this you weenie
14:34.50Akuwhow can i be sure that all files were transfered ?
14:34.58enouf[10:36:50]  Ignoring sich!* ... what a relief!
14:35.22Akuwbecause, i was using gFTP, the when i review the dirs, there was a lot of files missing
14:36.01themill!bcm43xx-fwcutter etch
14:36.01dpkgAs of Etch r3 (17 Feb 2008), bcm43xx-fwcutter can be found in the Debian volatile repository.  Include volatile in your sources.list and then "aptitude update && aptitude upgrade" to install the latest version of the bcm43xx-fwcutter package and download the firmware.  Ask me about <volatile>.
14:37.04sichenouf: isay that have nothing to do with upgrade you say NO, look the dpkg info about bcm43xx-fwcutter etch
14:37.24Akuwpumkin0: why?
14:37.45sichthemill: you are the best, that is correct answer thanx
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14:38.50pumpkin0Akuw: if you want me to read stuff, then prefix it with my correct nick. The files may be unreadable or the filenames contain chars that are impossible to present on the target system.
14:39.28themillenouf: you can have held back packages when using etch e.g. when security updates add new packages (like the openssh one did a short while back). In those cases you need a dist-upgrade else you have packages held back.
14:39.45Akuwpumkin0: but, why when i copy one by one is possible?
14:39.46enoufthemill: i know, look what i wrote
14:40.04*** join/#debian Xjs (
14:40.09enoufthemill: [10:32:47] <enouf> sich: aptitude update && aptitude dist-upgrade
14:40.29themillenouf: you mean: [15:31] <enouf> sich: you cannot have pkgs that are held back when using etch
14:40.32*** join/#debian souldier_ (
14:40.37enoufthemill: no
14:40.55enoufthemill: do you want to go into the b0z0 box too?
14:41.04themillcare factor 0
14:41.11enoufthemill: then shut the fuck up
14:41.18themillway to go...
14:41.25enoufthemill: don't get involved in my converstations
14:41.29*** part/#debian And1 (
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14:41.49themillenouf: you put the guy on ignore instead of helping him.
14:42.12enoufthemill: i helped him - he's too stupid too understand - now you can help him
14:42.49themillenouf: if you didn't have him on ignore, you'd already know that it was simple -- he just had to use the fwcutter package from volatile not from etch.
14:43.15*** join/#debian ^shark_ (n=jochieng@
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14:43.27themillenouf: And at the point where the regulars are being rude to people coming in for help, there are no "my conversations", it's a problem for the entire channel.#
14:44.19*** join/#debian Averell (n=averell@p3m/member/Averell)
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14:45.35enoufthemill: those held back errors occur from not listening - [10:20:41] [dpkg] bcm43xx-fwcutter is a tool to extract firmware from Broadcom's proprietary drivers for the <bcm43xx> driver.  Installing the 'bcm43xx-fwcutter' <contrib> package will optionally download, extract and install driver firmware to /lib/firmware. If you are running Debian stable, you have to use the latest package from the volatile repository. See bug #437488 and ask ab
14:45.35enouf<bcm43xx-fwcutter etch> and <volatile>.
14:45.35trinux!bcm43xx-fwcutter etch
14:45.35dpkgAs of Etch r3 (17 Feb 2008), bcm43xx-fwcutter can be found in the Debian volatile repository.  Include volatile in your sources.list and then "aptitude update && aptitude upgrade" to install the latest version of the bcm43xx-fwcutter package and download the firmware.  Ask me about <volatile>.
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14:45.50sichenouf: iam not sooped, and i can't accept that, OK
14:45.51*** part/#debian jeffwheeler (
14:46.06enoufSome moron should fix the factoid then - it's likely a moron that broke it in the 1st place
14:46.42themillenouf: Probably. I'm not going to bother looking through the logs any further. The problem comes when you say "fix your internet" or "fix your sources.list" or similar when the pastebin shows quite clearly that is not the case.
14:46.48sichenouf: u r to supid and -----
14:47.23enoufthemill: i'll say whatever i want when i want
14:47.58trinuxenouf: are you a bit stubborn now?
14:48.00Akuwi lost the connection
14:48.10themillenouf: that's nice. Try to at least be technically correct in #debian at least.
14:48.22Akuwhow can i copy all files without overwrite ?
14:48.39enoufthemill: i do, maybe you should try not being an ignorant dumbass
14:48.46*** mode/#debian [+o stew] by ChanServ
14:49.04enoufstew: hey, fine - he's going on ignore now
14:49.10pumpkin0Akuw: read about rsync.
14:49.13*** mode/#debian [+b %enouf!*@*] by stew
14:49.15cahootAkuw: sounds more like a job for rsync
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14:49.46stewenouf: i'm silencing you for now,  you should ignore BEFORE things get out of hand instead
14:49.54sichhe tell me suck my--- and you ignore me in the channel?
14:50.08trinuxmaybe he was having a bad day
14:50.09stewsich: drop it and move on
14:50.34*** mode/#debian [-o stew] by stew
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14:52.07sichstew: themill look the problem i still her
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14:53.14ZeuZhey guys how can I change tabs in IRSSI?
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14:53.27themillsich: *now* enouf is right... you're sources.list needs some attention to get it right. Lines 25-27 show that it is not.
14:53.41sichaha ok
14:53.54trinuxsich: and you are sure you want sarge repositories?
14:54.04sichno etch
14:54.06themillsich: You're running etch, right? So you don't want sarge-volatile in there.
14:54.08ZeuZivee_: tryed, not working here... xD
14:54.15themillsich: deb etch/volatile main contrib non-free
14:54.17*** join/#debian abchirk (
14:54.18ZeuZit spits out the key associated to it
14:54.18ivee_fix your terminal ;p
14:54.19trinuxsich: can you pastebin your sources.list please?
14:54.32ZeuZivee_: awaiting for instructions on how to do that xD
14:54.41ZeuZaint there any other way?
14:54.54sladiZeuZ: alt+ left reight
14:55.05ZeuZsladi: not working either :(
14:55.24stewZeuZ: esc+1, esc+2 ; /win 1 /win 2 /win 3 ; ctrl-n / ctrl-p ;  /win goto windowname
14:55.49ZeuZstew, that did it, thanks
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14:56.20sichtrinux: is installed yet, thanx
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14:56.40deeveranyone with heartbeat-2 running here?
14:56.41ZeuZstew, and to close a tab?
14:56.50stewZeuZ: /wc
14:56.56ZeuZlovely, thanlks
14:57.00*** part/#debian ZeuZ (n=ZeuZ@
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14:57.18trinuxsich: nice!
14:57.28themillsich: fyi, you can delete line 10 and if you want non-free stuff, you can add "non-free" after contrib in line 11.
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14:58.23mordy^is there a lag here?
14:58.51sichtrinux: is installed but can't finde the wireless signal
14:59.11sichand iwconfig  say nowireless connection!
14:59.15trinuxsich: with wireless itself i cant help much cause i dont have that technology yet
14:59.16^shark_hi friends, i am running etch & i am trying to install pine4, however i need to add repos into my sourcelist, i have tried to google for this with no luck.
14:59.35sichtrinux: thanx again is ok
15:00.13ivee_ifconfig your_wireless_card up
15:00.31ivee_and try find wireless networks
15:00.43amphiiwlist <iface> scan
15:00.48cahootsich: did you modprobe bcm43xx?
15:01.15cahootsich: if you did - check dmesg for any error msg
15:01.22sladithose repos are hard to find and I couldn't either when needing them.
15:01.49ethow do you set the cpufreq governor?
15:02.01et(the default one, not interactively)
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15:02.39cloakableHi, is the Lenny switch to using Xen kernels permanant?
15:02.42sladiet: I'd guess man cpufreqd. there should be a file in /etc/
15:03.37cydork^shark_: pine is not distributed as a binary package. but you can build it by adding deb-src repo and running apt-get -b source pine
15:04.28mordy^i'm thinking maybe fglrx messed up something - i'm trying to figure out exactly what it did
15:04.32Eulexcloakable, apparently the default has changed, but non-xen kernels are still available
15:04.47mordy^how do i search for folders and files?
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15:05.07Eulexmordy^, on your filesystem?
15:05.10Eulexmordy^, find or locate
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15:05.17pumpkin0mordy^: find -iname "*stuff-you-want*"
15:05.35stewcloakable: it looks like lenny will ship with a domU kernel but no dom0 kernel
15:05.38^shark_cydork:  is there a repo you know of in this regard?
15:05.41Eulexbut if you have a locate db, locate will be 1000x faster in many cases
15:05.45sladinot -lname ^^
15:05.57cloakableEulex: I tried installing the non-xen kernel, but the nvidia driver still complains of Xen, and a grep of the config file reveals CONFIG_XEN=y
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15:06.04mordy^debian:~# find -iname "*fglrx*" doesn't return anything
15:06.08etsladi: ah, thanks
15:06.22cydork^shark_: check /msg dpkg deb-src
15:06.28pumpkin0mordy^: you are searching file below your home-dir.
15:06.42^shark_cydork: thx
15:06.49pumpkin0mordy^:  you want: find / -iname "*fglrx*"
15:07.07Eulexcloakable, oh, indeed
15:07.38Eulexcloakable, however, I managed to compile and use the nvidia driver with the 2.6.25-2-686 kernel, which has CONFIG_XEN=y
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15:08.22sladicloakable: I used the standard amd64 kernel 2.6.24 and 2.6.25 from lenny fine with the latest nvidia installer.
15:08.25cloakableEulex: how? Mine's failing at the end, bitching about Xen
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15:08.42Eulexcloakable, how are you compiling it?
15:08.49peterScloakable: xen and 2.6.2x have a strained relationship
15:09.06Eulexcloakable, I just did m-a a-i nvidia-kernel with the latest nvidia-kernel-source in unstable
15:09.21peterSwhy that should affect nvidia is anyone's guess though
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15:10.04mordy^*sigh* :( neither lname or iname does anything:(
15:10.12wald0why thunar in Lenny don't show me the changes "on the fly" like before (etch?) ? i need to do a Ctrl + R to see if i have removed or added files
15:10.49cloakableEulex: I'm grabbing directly from nvidia
15:10.58Eulexcloakable, don't do that (tm)
15:11.01sladimordy^: don't use lname. ^^ I misread that once wondered why I couldn't find files on my hdd.
15:11.18liablewald0: famd installed? does xfce use it?
15:11.22Eulexunless you have some very special reason to
15:11.32cloakableEulex: I'm NOT going to pull from Sid, though :P I'm no developer
15:11.46Eulexcloakable, oh, you're on etch?
15:12.04cloakableEulex: Lenny
15:12.20*** part/#debian koan (
15:12.36cloakableEulex: Etch on most of my systems, though
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15:12.50Eulexcloakable, me too. the nvidia driver from unstable is working very well. I do believe all deps are in lenny already.
15:13.03cloakableEulex: hmm.
15:13.09wald0right liable, it uses fam, thanks! :)
15:13.24wald0liable: maybe libfam0 could be added on the suggested packages
15:13.36Eulexthat said, I can of course not recommend anyone to fetch stuff from unstable -- the proper way would be to backport it, but for me just using it has worked. ymmv of course.
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15:13.44sladicloakable: I'd try the unstable driver 174.something. It worked for me but I don't know what yen is.
15:14.02liablewald0: file a wishlist bug
15:14.09wald0liable: sorry, no libfam0, just package "fam"
15:14.10^shark_cydork: i know understand what you meant, thx for the info.
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15:14.28cloakablesladi: Hmm. I may try downloading it and popping it onto my box. Not going to touch sources.list though :)
15:14.42wald0liable: via email, how i report the bug in "wishlist" mode ? i need to add a special line to the body for that ?
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15:14.48cydork^shark_: np
15:15.05liablewald0: not sure how to by email.
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15:15.32sladicloakable: should be the best way. I always changed the list around. ^^
15:15.33SparFuxHi all. For quite some weeks I have unresolved dependencies for package xmms2-plugin-gnomevfs and xmms2-plugin-avformat when I do aptitude full-upgrade. Perhaps it's the best way to just uninstall these packages? I don't want to break my installation.
15:15.38mordy^ahh... this is working - the slash did the trick
15:15.44flamiwald0 you cant use the report-bug script ?
15:15.58deeveranyone with heartbeat-2 running here?
15:16.25wald0flami: never tried it, its for me more easy to do it via email :)
15:16.39wald0well, i have tried it long time ago but i have turn confused with it
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15:17.03flamiwell im also too lazy to think about what headers to use (wishlist etc ) :P thats why i use it
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15:18.04cloakableActually, buggeritall, I'm going back to the Etch kernel :P
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15:20.26phoulIs there a way to track a packages status, To see when its -soposed- to be going into a certain branch?
15:20.44flamiyou mean the PTS ?
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15:21.09phoulflami, was that at me?
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15:21.26flamiuhm yes kinda , phoul
15:21.27sichcan i upgrade to firefox 3 on etch or iceweasel3?
15:21.36webPragmatis1hey I ran ln -s www /var/www in my /etc/skel dir
15:21.39phoulflami, yeah i have no idea what PTS is
15:21.45webPragmatis1what did it do heh?
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15:22.13webPragmatis1i thought it would create a link to /var/www and name it www
15:22.32Nyleenouf, ping
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15:22.36phouli think that would give you the reverse
15:22.41Nylephoul, did you ever get video to work
15:22.45phoulNyle, yes
15:22.56enoufNyle: yes?
15:23.21webPragmatis1phoul: oh i have it backwards
15:23.34Nylephoul, awesome
15:23.38Nylephoul, which driver?
15:23.44Nyleenouf, you being a prick lately?
15:23.47webPragmatis1how do i tell if a link is hard or symbolic with ls?
15:23.49enoufNyle: if it's ot, msg me or something
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15:23.50Nylephoul, congrats
15:23.55elikHi, I played with ip masquerade yesterday and am having some issues connecting to internet now. I obtain an ip address, my gateway is set and all... but for some reasons, I can't ping anything
15:23.59Nyleenouf, join #debian-offtopic please
15:24.01Nylefor a sec
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15:24.54Cyp_j8, estás pro ahí ?
15:25.08eliknow, abrotman got me into this, I'd expect him to fix it :P
15:25.16abrotmanwho waht?!
15:25.22abrotmanblames wols
15:25.46elikabrotman, no, but seriously, I followed the ip masquerade path in the end
15:25.59elikabrotman, it was required, considering I only have a home router
15:26.13elikabrotman, and you can't add a static route to it for a subnetwork
15:26.21phoulHrm, audacious-plugins is past its 10-day wait period and its still not in Lenny :(
15:26.59shingouzgetting a perl warning 'LANGUAGE = (unset), LC_ALL = (unset), LANG = "en_IE.UTF-8" ' when doing a dpkg-reconfigure on everything i have tried. what do i kick (besides myself) to make the barf go away?
15:27.14flamiphoul: here it should tell you why :
15:27.34*** part/#debian hotnuma (
15:27.39shingouzoh. dpkg-reconfigure locales does not help, it just reiterates the barf
15:28.14phoulflami, i saw that, lol, it just says its not built for a certain arch
15:28.25elikabrotman, the weird thing is that I didn't do anything permanent... loaded a few modules, but a restart won't load them again, added some routes in iptables... but that is not static
15:28.28phoulWhich is a Pita seeing as i dont use that arch lol
15:29.05Nylephoul, what did you do special?
15:29.15Nylephoul, i heard your monitor was going crazy with fglrx
15:29.36phoulNyle, i used aticonfig and wrote a new xorg.conf
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15:29.41nkuttlershingouz: you probably want to set the variables or start a new shell
15:29.41webPragmatis1if you add a user to a group in /etc/group do you have to do anything for it to "activate" ?
15:29.41Nylei see
15:29.49Nylephoul, I'm happy for you
15:29.54Nylefglrx can be a bitch
15:29.54elikabrotman, is iptables kernel module loaded by default?
15:30.04shingouznkuttler: in /etc/defaults/locale i guess?
15:30.24phoulAye... Now im trying to figure out when the audacious-plugins package will be updated in Lenny =( audacious currently segfaults cuz its the wrong one
15:30.55nkuttlershingouz: no, in your env
15:31.12elikAnyone played with ip masquerade? since I installed it and rebooted, I can't access the network, but I know it is connected since dhcp works
15:31.32shingouznkuttler: umm... it barfs even as root when i try to dpkg-reconfigure
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15:31.55cloakableelik: works like a charm on my etch gateway
15:32.12nkuttlershingouz: reconfiguring the locales won't change anything in your current shell...
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15:33.02shingouznkuttler: let me kick myself real quick :$
15:33.06^shark_who can help me out on this >>, i dont know what i am missing
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15:34.04nkuttler^shark_: man apt-get, search for build deps
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15:34.12petschgewhat should I do about the problem shown here: ?
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15:35.11dFencehey guys... i think i have a problem with my bind-configuration: Server A is running DHCP/DNS for the router-infrastructure. Router B has it's own dhcp-server running. a client connected to  router B can sometimes connect to server A but sometimes the requests just fail... any idea where i should start checking for errors? (syslog/messages/klog don't show anything)
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15:36.22webPragmatis1hey I found and have used a way to wrap ssh to work as umask 002 ... anyone have the article on that? I can't find it on google
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15:37.39mordy^when do things in init.d get intitialized?
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15:38.49nkuttlermordy^: /etc/init.d/README
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15:39.28deeveranyone with heartbeat-2 running here?
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15:39.55bbsis anyone familiar with pinning in here?
15:39.56g00seWondering if there could be problems in Etch with HD that describes itself as 'S/ATA'?
15:40.17And1Hey guys, how can I use the snd-cs46xx driver in sid? It was removed, in etch it's still available.
15:40.19deeverbecause hb_gui doen't work as described in a linux-ha book
15:40.39^shark_nkuttler: i assume the deps are libncurses5-dev libldap2-dev libssl-dev, and i am installing them now
15:40.46^shark_nkuttler: didnt have them
15:41.13nkuttler^shark_: why do you assume anything, just apt-get them
15:41.37^shark_nkuttler: ok
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15:42.25elikcloakable, well, the thing is... I don't want it to work anymore
15:42.40cahootAnd1: you could see if module-assistant can give you the option
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15:43.34elikcloakable, I installed it yesterday on my laptop to install debian on my desktop (wire only, but too far from the router)
15:43.47And1cahoot: What you mean? The driver was removed from sid because of some firmware-no-license-stuff...
15:44.05elikcloakable, yesterday, internet worked fine on both computers, but I restarted since then..
15:44.15cahootAnd1: ok
15:44.26elikcloakable, at this point, my desktop has its wireless interface configured and is working by itself
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15:44.36cloakableelik: apt-get remove --purge ipmasq
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15:44.46elikcloakable, but ip masquerade on my laptop messed things up
15:45.05cahootAnd1: else it's still present as an option in kernelsrc
15:45.29mordy^i see some fglrx entries in inti.d and in a few rc<x>.d - i don't know what to do with them though - just delete them?
15:45.47elikcloakable, yeah, I guess that would work... but I thought I'd leave it installed to be able to use it in the future
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15:45.57elikcloakable, will see if it works anyway
15:46.06elikcloakable, I can reinstall later if I need it again
15:46.30mordy^from what i understand, the rc<x> - x represents the run-level, and thus scripts of a later level depend on scripts from an earlier level - and i guess all scripts depend on init.d? am i getting this right?
15:46.50cahootAnd1: hmm - at least up to 2.6.25
15:46.59mordy^but i'm just a newbie :(
15:47.05elikcloakable, I was under the impression that the problem came from the iptables module, but can't figure out if it was loaded before
15:47.22And1cahoot: I found abug report here, ...
15:47.40And1cahoot: What you mean with it's still present in the kernel?
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15:48.35cahootAnd1:  grep -i cs46xx /boot/config- returns # CONFIG_SND_CS46XX is not set (here)
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15:49.43And1cahoot: Here in /boot/config-2.6.25-2-686 I don't get any output... =/
15:49.51elikcloakable.. well, that work
15:50.54elikcloakable, thanks a lot
15:51.01cahootAnd1:  ok I have src - debian removed it?
15:51.47nkuttlermordy^: what are you trying to do?
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15:52.13mordy^nkuttler - remove the fglrx entries
15:52.14And1cahoot: Yup, because of some license-stuff, dunno exactly, ... but in the bug report I don't see any way to use the driver right now. Hrm.
15:52.39nkuttlermordy^: what fglrx entries?
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15:54.15mordy^nkuttler - radeonfb seems to be forced at boot - despite me blacklisting it and even using a new kernel - the only other thing i can think of forcing the radeonfb is something in rc?.d - and there are fglrx entires there
15:54.48shefqetihi all. I'm getting enstranged by this. When I run:  dd if=/dev/random of=testfile.dat bs=1024k count=500     the testfile.dat that gets created is only 1k, the commands hangs and doesn't return unless I do ^C
15:55.25valdynshefqeti: yes, thats expected, try /dev/urandom instead
15:55.27nkuttlermordy^: oh, that was you. radeonfb is framebuffer, right? that gets loaded at boot time, before all that rc stuff
15:55.52shefqetivaldyn: I see. What's the difference between random and urandom ?
15:55.56mordy^nkuttler - it gets loaded *in middle* of boot time -
15:56.02valdynshefqeti: random gives better randomness
15:56.27stewshefqeti: /dev/random would work, but more slowly, becuase it has to wait for more random events to occur to use to generate more random numbers
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15:56.48valdynshefqeti: if you dont have  a hardware rng it needs human input for entropy though
15:56.55mordy^in other words, after grub, it still uses the normal display - but about halfway through it spews out a line "using frame buffer device" and then followed by <something> radeonfb
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15:57.16shefqetistew, valdyn: thanks. no no, I only want to create a garbage file for temporary measurements
15:57.21nkuttlermordy^: well, what does it say before? why don't you rm -f the module? is it a module at all?
15:57.29valdynshefqeti: /dev/zero is faster
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15:58.04shefqetivaldyn: I'll do one with that too. thanks
15:58.39mordy^nkuttler - modprobe radeon fb shows it's a module - after rm -f radeonfb modprobe still shows it's there
15:58.57nkuttlermordy^: sure, removing it from the disk doesn't remove it from ram
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15:59.22bipolarWhen openssl-vulnkeys tells me "WARN: could not open database for 4096 bits." that just means that a database of vulnerable keys has not been made for that high of a bitlevel, right?
15:59.27sladimordy^: can you replace the video card or use onboard for testing?
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15:59.50deeveranyone with heartbeat-2 running here?
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15:59.51deeverbecause hb_gui doen't work as described in a linux-ha book
15:59.54mordy^indeed - but how do i rm -f radeonfb before boot? if i'd need to use the init.d or rc?.d - then why not remove the thing that's causing it in the first place
16:00.03mordy^sladi - i'm using a notebook - i can't
16:00.08nkuttlermordy^: rm -f (or mv) it and reboot
16:00.28Eitanshefqeti: hello again!
16:00.30nkuttlermordy^: btw, isn't radeonfb and flgrx something different?
16:00.48shefqetiEitan: hi there
16:01.01nkuttlermordy^: your problem isn't starting x, is it?
16:01.02mordy^nkuttler - i gather they are - but fglrx shouldn't be in init.d if i removed it
16:01.04Eitanshefqeti: I hooked up the new drive and ran ddrescue
16:01.16mordy^nkuttler - that's what the *problem* is
16:01.35And1What's apaches problem, when outputting: "apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using"?
16:01.36mordy^but it also boots into framebuffer mode in the middle - it shouldn't do that - not if i tell it not to
16:01.42shefqetiEitan: did it work ?
16:01.45nkuttlermordy^: try putting vesa in /etc/X11/xorg.conf instead of fglrx, radeon or whatever is there
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16:02.19mordy^nkuttler - vesa works for X - but i want to solve the core of the problem. not to mention that vesa limits my display to 1024x768
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16:03.20mordy^nkuttler - let me place my question this way: if somethign is initialized during boot - where would it be?
16:03.23Eitanshefqeti: It just quit a moment ago.
16:03.38nkuttlermordy^: fb should be kernel automagic stuff.... iirc
16:03.42Eitanshefqeti: So now what should I do?
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16:03.57mordy^hmm.. and how do i find that?
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16:04.36nkuttlermordy^: move the kernel module out of the way of find out if there's some boot parameter. like vga=... (i think i already said that yesterday)
16:04.44shefqetiEitan: did it provide any useful information ?
16:04.49Eitanshefqeti: rescued:    41103 MB,  errsize:   6402 kB,  current rate:        0 B/s
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16:05.24nkuttlermordy^: and unless you use the framebuffer interface for x they aren't connected anyway
16:05.33shefqetiEitan: I don't like the looks of those "errors" sections
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16:05.55nkuttlermordy^: and are you sure that the resolution limitation isn't just a x misconfiguration?
16:06.06Eitanshefqeti: too many errors? Should I try to fsck /dev/hdb1 now?
16:06.08shefqetiEitan: how does your hd behave now ?
16:06.32Eitanshefqeti: What do you mean? They're both just sitting there...
16:06.45Eitanshefqeti: ddrescue finished like 5 minutes ago.
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16:06.56docmaxi need a quick way to connect to a new wlan...
16:07.11ootputgod this suspend/hibernate issue is unbearable
16:07.12shefqetiEitan: no I mean, when you try to boot from that faulty disk, does it boot at all? As far as i remember, you couldn't
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16:07.39Eitanshefqeti: Like I said, ddrescue finished while I was talking to you... I haven't tried anything yet.
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16:09.06shefqetiEitan: try to boot as before. Before you do any other modifications
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16:09.18sladimordy^: I had no problem using vesa at high resolution. It's slow though.
16:09.32psycodadare the kernels now by default compiled with smp support ? like on amd64 and ppc32 ?
16:09.33Eitanshefqeti: will you be here for a while for chat?
16:10.04shefqetiEitan: for some more 30mins I think. I'll head home afterwards
16:10.11Nyleahhh boy
16:10.25Nylei feel sick again
16:10.33Nylefuck it im going home
16:10.36Eitanshefqeti: Where are you located?
16:10.37Nylei can't work right now
16:10.42shefqetiEitan: albania
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16:11.11Eitanshefqeti: Albania!
16:11.17shefqetilol, yea
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16:11.34Eitanshefqeti: ok... I'm off to test the drive for boot then.
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16:11.54ootputI'm currently using a Radeon Mobility M6 LY on my lenny system. Are there any direct-render-enabling drivers in repo for this?
16:12.14ootputI'm guessing that the fglrx drivers are too new?
16:13.26pumpkin0ootput: the opensocure radeon works just fine.
16:13.41pumpkin0ootput: fglrx never did M6. Not even 2D.
16:14.09ootputpumpkin0: opensource radeon did dri?
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16:14.23pumpkin0ootput: sure. And 3D.
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16:15.12jellyRadeon Mobility M6 LY =~ 8500?
16:15.25jellyor even some 7xxx?
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16:15.39pumpkin0jelly: 7000
16:15.57ootputi'm not sure
16:16.26mordy^ok, back
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16:17.38pumpkin0ootput: M6 = Rv100 = Radeon M7000. The M7 was the 7500.
16:17.39ggg334hi... is there any command line option available in debian like system-config-network in RH
16:17.45mordy^jelly - i'm using x600 - and the m6
16:17.56ootputglxinfo shows dri is not enabled
16:18.14pumpkin0ootput: which debian ? etch or lenny ?
16:18.24jellyggg334: not really, man 5 interfaces and an editor :-|
16:18.25ootputpumpkin0: lenny
16:18.42shefqetiggg334: I don't know how RH has it, in debian you have all the network information under /etc/network/interfaces
16:18.57pumpkin0ootput: are you sure the radeon-driver is loaded? did you check xorg.0.log for errors ?
16:19.00shefqetiggg334: it's a text file
16:19.35mordy^err... nkuttler - i don't know or care much about X at this stage - i'm more concerned really with having the console not get into framebuffer mode - i don't know why it does it now. something has changed, and i don't know how to change it back or restore it
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16:20.02jellywonders how ubuntu manages their network config... NetworkManager? *shudder*
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16:20.54ootputpumpkin0: no errors, and radeon is loaded
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16:21.08shefqetijelly: I just checked and it has an /etc/network/interfaces too
16:21.26ootputpumpkin0: the only thing resembling an error is drmOpenDevice: node name is /dev/dri/card0
16:21.26pumpkin0ootput: can you put your xorg.conf into a pastebin ?
16:21.46pumpkin0ootput: put the log-file online too.
16:21.47ootputwhat's the name of the tool that automates uploads to pastebin?
16:21.48jellyshefqeti: it might, but editing it might not be the recommended way
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16:22.43pumpkin0ootput: aptitude install pastebinit
16:22.50shefqetijelly: that I can't guarantee, yea. To what I've seen, the setups made from the gnome applet, they are reflected at /etc/network/interfaces
16:23.06jellyshefqeti: gnome's thingy, then
16:23.11ZitZmay radeon x1650 crashes the xserver, when it tries to use fglrx
16:23.19shefqetijelly: let me see which is it
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16:23.24ootputpumpkin0: xorg.conf:
16:23.30jellyshefqeti: nah, I don't really care
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16:24.00shefqetijelly: nm-applet -.6.6
16:24.04shefqetijelly: nm-applet 0.6.6
16:24.12jelly!win me
16:24.12dpkgCongratulations, jelly! You have won a lifetime supply of spam!
16:24.13ootputpumpkin0: Xorg.log
16:24.41mordy^!help me
16:24.45psychodealiqdoes anybody knows how to manage resources limits for processes ran from within some cgroup?
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16:26.11jellypsychodealiq: you'll probably have to wait a few months until cgroups tools are written and packaged, so that a debian specific answer can be given
16:26.17pumpkin0ootput: "(EE) RADEON(0): At least 12288 kB of video memory needed at this resolution and depth." You need more VRAM or less resolution.
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16:26.51ootputbut at 1024x768 @ 16bit?
16:26.55jellypumpkin0, ootput: or less bits per pixel
16:27.09maligorhow much vram do you have?-)
16:27.11pumpkin0ootput: too much for a 8MB version.
16:27.21jellyootput: for DRI, sure
16:27.44ootputi'll right, i'll try a lower res
16:27.46jetscreameryeah 8 megs isn't enough
16:27.56jetscreameri can't increase mine on my laptop either
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16:28.02jetscreamerso no 32 bit which sucks
16:28.11henry_nicolasHello everybody, I'v been looking for some times about Debian compatibility for a Dell 530. It should use an Intel 1395 wifi card, is that ok under Debian lenny ?
16:28.16jellyootput: I don't really think any lower res. will help, and your driver might require 32bit for dri to work
16:28.27Eitanshefqeti: you there?
16:28.34ootput.. 16bit works @ 1024 after all
16:28.43ootputmy xorg.conf had 24 set as the default depth
16:28.47rwaitei cant use dri cause im doing dual monitors. it sux.
16:28.49jetscreameryeah on mine too but it's fugly to me
16:28.57pumpkin0jelly: no, the radeons do have dri at 32, 24 and 16 Bits. 8 Bit will fail.
16:29.03jellypumpkin0: nice
16:29.13ootputI'm perfectly fine with it as it's mostly console apps anyway, besides the occasional movie
16:29.22jetscreameryou need >8megs vid ram for 32bit.. or 24 (i believe)
16:29.30pumpkin0jelly: these cards are cool, but to slow for this modern world...
16:29.34stewx doesn't do 32 bit
16:29.36jetscreamermplayer looks great in console though
16:30.08jellypumpkin0: I come from the land of Intel, where women grow and 16bit sucks
16:30.21ootputi don't mind the positive impact on youtube playback either :)
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16:31.50EitanI'm trying to restore a filesystem. How do I know if I should run fsck or fsck.ext3 ?
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16:33.22jellyEitan: fsck will call fsck.ext3 anyway
16:33.24stewEitan: you can use either if it is ext3.  if you run fsck on an ext3 filesystem, fsck runs fsck.ext3
16:33.59pumpkin0ootput: btw: memorywise it does not matter if you use 16 or 24bit. The alignment-stuff will cause 24bit/poxel anyway ...
16:34.04EitanI just rescued a drive with ddrescue... is the next step to run fsck?
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16:34.31pumpkin0Eitan: 1. create a read-only copy.
16:34.48pumpkin0Eitan: then run fsck.ext3..
16:35.05maligorpumpkin0, you mean 24/32, not 16/24
16:35.17Eitanpumpkin0: I create a read only copy in case fsck ruins the restored drive?
16:35.20shefqetiEitan: were you able to boot ?
16:35.26Eitanshefqeti: no
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16:35.33maligor24 is the problematic alignment
16:35.36Eitanshefqeti: error 17 under grub
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16:35.40pumpkin0Eitan: right.
16:35.46shefqetiEitan: i presume you're running a livecd now ?
16:35.56Eitanpumpkin0: won't that require yet another drive?
16:36.02pumpkin0Eitan: yes.
16:36.06Eitanshefqeti: live cd
16:36.18shefqetiEitan: are you able to mound the drive with the livecd ?
16:36.39Eitanpumpkin0: so to restore 1 drive, you recommend 2 replacement drives, or is that just being very safe?
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16:37.08shefqetiEitan: Does the drive show up when you do: fdisk -l
16:37.19Eitanshefqeti: it's not mounted yet... gparted shows that the primary partition has an "unknown" filesystem... so debian couldn't mount it.
16:37.19pumpkin0Eitan: safe. Not very safe. very safe is using a backup in the first place.
16:37.45shefqetiEitan: and that partition would be your wanted partition
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16:38.02pumpkin0Eitan: your data is in trouble anyway. So one more copy cannot hurt.
16:38.42PeanutHi - I'm running into a known bug with libgd2-xpm and the solution is to 'install the libgd2-xpm from unstable' - how does one do that? I tried "apt-get -t unstable install libgd2-xpm" but that says it's already the newest version.
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16:39.23Eitanpumpkin0: apparently I have to spare no expense buying new replacement drives.... what could go wrong with fsck?
16:39.49shefqetiEitan: try this:  mount -t ext3 /dev/hda1  /mnt
16:39.52*** part/#debian ggg334 (n=gmohana@
16:40.04shefqetiEitan: from what I see it is recognised as a linux partition
16:40.05pumpkin0Eitan: if you mount stuff: -o ro
16:40.12maligorhow did you bug it?
16:40.43maligortestdisk might be useful to run too
16:41.03pumpkin0Eitan: the copy was from a failing drive, right? In that case all bets are off.
16:41.05maligorit searches for partition headers
16:41.09Eitanpumpkin0: ok
16:41.31Eitanpumkin0: yes failing drive... you mean fsck could ruin things?
16:41.42pumpkin0Eitan: yes, that is possible.
16:42.06Eitanshefqeti: recognized as a linux partition, but without a filesystem
16:42.29maligorI wonder if fsck will even accept it
16:42.37maligorbut you should use ext3 version directly probably
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16:42.46Eitanpumkin0: but isn't fsck the last resort anyway to restore the filesystem? even if I had a second duplicate drive... if fsck didn't work, what else could be tried other than fsck?
16:43.03maligorEitan, there's testdisk
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16:43.08Eitanpumpkin0: but isn't fsck the last resort anyway to restore the filesystem? even if I had a second duplicate drive... if fsck didn't work, what else could be tried other than fsck?
16:43.20Eitanmaligor: what does testdisk do?
16:43.26maligorit doesn't really do magic tho, I think fsck might be able to do the same thing
16:43.48pumpkin0Eitan: you can rescue files with other tools as well. There is the sleuthkit ...
16:43.53Eitanmaligor: so we're back to that.
16:43.59maligorI guess it'll mostly just search for ext3 superblock actually
16:44.07maligorthe backup one
16:44.10maligorI think fsck will do that too
16:44.13Ace2016_Hi all
16:44.15TheMadHat-how do i unpack/install/use a .deb file?
16:44.20maligorbut if fsck won't accept it, you can try testdisk
16:44.21Eitanpumpkin0: should I try sleuthkit first?
16:44.27ZitZsudo dpkg -i file.deb
16:44.33Ace2016_anyone here use 64bit and have any regreats? i just want to know before installing 64bit for the first time
16:44.36maligortestdisk can recover complete partition tables
16:44.39pumpkin0Eitan: no. that takes days to weeks for a single HD.
16:44.49maligorEitan, oh and, check that your partition table looks ok
16:45.01Eitanmaligor: my partition table is fine... no filesystem data on the primary partition
16:45.02maligorif it's corrupted you might get some really bad results
16:45.12maligorlike partition sizes
16:45.34Eitanmaligor: I think the partition table is fine... THINK... that is... it shows up fine on gparted... but the primary partition shows "unknown" filesystem
16:45.52shefqeti... and that's the partition you want
16:46.01Eitanshefqeti: unfortunately
16:46.08maligorit's always hard to say much in those cases
16:46.17Eitanshefqeti: now what? should I do fsck or???
16:46.18maligorfsck is destructive reconstruction
16:46.26Eitanmaligor: what do you mean by that?
16:46.31maligorit'll modify things :P
16:46.49shefqetiEitan: that you can save what's saveable, IF. what's not saveable, it's lost
16:46.51maligorif something goes wrong, you'll be left with the pieces
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16:47.13Eitanmaligor: doesn't it need to modify things to fix them? What I need is the best last hope... not something intermediate
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16:47.32jellyEitan: it means that, before you do anything, you have to make a dd-style image of either the whole disk or just the partition in question
16:47.39Eitanshefqueti: right... that's what I was thinking... if fsck doesn't work, isn't there no hope to recover what's on the drive?
16:48.04Eitanjelly: I did that... I'm working with a duplicate of the bad drive now... not the bad drive.
16:48.07maligorEitan, you can try testdisk if that happens
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16:48.29maligortestdisk might be able to recover files
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16:48.43maligorfeatures include: "Copy files from deleted FAT, NTFS and ext2/ext3 partitions. "
16:48.57shefqetiI have had damaged discs where dd would quit with a message saying "unable to read data"
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16:49.14samplrI used debootstrap and ended up with a directory I could sucessfully chroot into, but dpkg can't find /var/lib/dpkg/diversions, anymore (it used to work fine.  maybe apt-get somehow broke things).  How can I create a new diversions file?
16:49.21jellyshefqeti: dd_rescue, whatever
16:49.24maligorI once overwrote my harddisk header completely with random data
16:49.27Eitanmaligor: is running testdisk safe? could it damage things?
16:49.32maligortestdisk was a friggen godsend :P
16:49.48maligorEitan, I'm not sure
16:49.56maligorI expect it can be used for either
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16:50.19Eitanshefqeti: it recovered 41 gigabytes... 6 megabytes could not be recovered as errors
16:50.20ootputno regrets w/ 64bit
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16:50.52jellyEitan: that sounds nice.  is your partition table undamaged?
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16:51.01shefqetiEitan: those 6Megs, did it report them in the beginning of your check or at any other time of the process ?
16:51.09maligorEitan, mm..  that probably means your backup superblock is most likely intact
16:51.19Ace2016__anyone have issues with 64bit that they don't have with 32bit?
16:51.29maligorso sounds like you might be able to recover most data
16:51.34maligorunless you're really unlucky
16:51.36shefqetiEitan: I'd suspect that if it was in the beginning, you could be in a bad situation where your first sectors of the disk are damaged
16:51.55maligorshefqeti, heh, not really
16:52.02maligorthat's recoverable
16:52.04Eitanjelly: I think so... basically gparted shows all the partitions... except the primary partition hda1... the one with all my data on it shows the filesystem as "unknown"
16:52.06shefqetimaligor: i'm not very sure though
16:52.28maligorEitan, to tell the truth, I'd use testdisk first
16:52.38maligorfsck isn't meant for data recovery
16:52.43maligorbut filesystem maintenance
16:52.51Eitanshefqueti:.... the beginning of the check was like 1 meg... the other 5 were on later parts of the disk
16:53.07maligorbut it's entirely possible that testdisk will fubar it, and fsck would work
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16:53.17jellyEitan: so make an additional image of hda1, then do a fsck -b 8193 /dev/wherever the image is
16:53.54Eitanmaligor: sounds like you're not sure
16:54.15maligorI'm always not sure when it's someone else's corrupted data they want to recover :P
16:54.20jellygood thing you can make extra images and play each scenario on them :-)
16:54.31maligorespecially if they can't take a backup
16:54.48Eitanjelly: what does -b 8193 do?
16:55.00maligorI had good experiences with testdisk but different problem
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16:55.07Eitanjelly: only with extra drives!
16:55.15jellyEitan: e2fsck's option to use an alternate superblock
16:55.35jellyEitan: the first alternate superblock is usually at 8193
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16:55.45shefqetijelly: would mount accept a parameter to use a different superblock ?
16:55.49Eitanjelly: and the 8193... what's that for?
16:55.58shefqetiEitan: the number of the superblock
16:56.03jellyEitan: man e2fsck (or fsck.ext3, same thing)
16:56.15Ace2016__help, something is slowing everything down
16:56.26IgneousAfter a recent kernel upgrade, my nvidia driver fails to build and install, I was wondering if someone might be able to take a look at the logfile, and maybe assist me?
16:56.29jellyAce2016__: oh noes
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16:56.31Ace2016__but everything in netstat, ps and ram/swap usage looks ok
16:56.32pumpkin0Eitan: you can tell fsck to make a dryrun (not to edit stuff, just to have a look what is broken).
16:56.43Ace2016__can't even play a youtube video without it stalling
16:57.11jellyAce2016__: pastebin some 20 lines of "vmstat 1" output
16:57.21Eitanpumpkin0: ok... how do I do that?
16:57.30Ace2016__whatever it is, its pushing the cpufreq to 1800/1600 and keeping it there and not going down to 800
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16:58.02jellyAce2016__: use "top" and sort the processes by cpu usage
16:58.11EitanCan one of you guys... pumpkin.. shefqueti.. jelly... whichever one of you feels they are most expert guide me step by step to finish recovering this drive? Please?
16:58.18maligorIgneous, I guess the kernel in question is 2.6.26?
16:58.32Ace2016__firefox-bin has very high usage
16:58.34Igneousmaligor: yeah
16:58.37IgneousLinux Ursa 2.6.26-git6-debian-sid #1 SMP PREEMPT Fri Jul 18 04:35:59 CDT 2008 i686 GNU/Linux
16:58.46pumpkin0Eitan: fsck.ext3 -n /dev/drive is safe
16:58.52jellyAce2016__: disable flash.
16:59.02jellyAce2016__: restart firefox
16:59.03Igneousmaligor: bleeding edge, like 5 hours old
16:59.23maligorIgneous, might be better to ask on #nvidia tho, the interfaces changed so it probably needs patching
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16:59.34Igneousmaligor: It worked on git4, yesterday
16:59.42maligoroh, something more changed
17:00.00shefqetijelly: yes. It seems mount will accept a different superblock with sb=8193
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17:00.38Eitanpumpkin0: it's doing it... waiting...
17:00.38IgneousI think I know what it is, I enabled some experemental hyperthreading option
17:00.40jellyAce2016__: well, use Flashblock or a similar firefox plugin to only run that one flash applet you want
17:00.56maligormaybe mount the filesystem with alternate superblock and ro?
17:01.19mordy^anyone in the mood for helping me with my stubborn radeonfb?
17:01.40Ace2016__opera plays it fine
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17:02.12shefqetimordy^: you're still stuck with that aren't you.. :/
17:02.59wolsmordy^: pastebin the output of /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.local
17:03.01Sebbyi need to change the port on wich the e-mails are sent and to specify to use smarthost how do ia doit in Debian ?
17:03.06Ace2016__wtf, firefox is downloading the youtube video slower and ends up pausing, wtf is going on
17:03.21wolsSebby: depends on the MTA
17:03.23Sebbyi need to have port 587 instand of port 25
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17:03.52Sebbyhow can i find wich mta i have
17:04.04shefqetiSebby: telnet localhost 25
17:04.09shefqetiand see what you have
17:04.12Ace2016__oh they are using flash from two different locations lol
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17:04.43Sebbytelnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused
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17:04.49wolsmordy^: do you want help or not?
17:04.57wolsSebby: you have a broken debian then
17:04.59shefqetiSebby: is the mta in localhost or anywhere remote ?
17:05.18mordy^yes, sorry wols, shefqeti - connection here is on the slow side
17:05.34Sebbymy debian is running under colinux
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17:05.38Eitanpumpkin0: ok... well the output was huge... how do I do it so that the output goes to a file that I can pastebin for you? is there anything about the output I can just tell you about or do you want me to pastebin all the output?
17:05.41Sebbyand my port 25 is blocked
17:05.52wolsSebby: not on localhost
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17:06.01mordy^wols - there's only one line - blacklist radeonfb
17:06.07wolsSebby: go into your debian, and run the command
17:06.07Sebbyand on windows i bypassed that by setting in IIS the port 587 and a smarthost
17:06.10jellyEitan: script some.log, then do your fsck inside script and exit that shell when you're done
17:06.15Ace2016__yup, they had different flash version installed
17:06.34shefqetiSebby: yea. you need to login at the machine you have the mta on, and then give that telnet command
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17:06.55wolsmordy^: what is in /etc/modules?
17:06.55Ace2016__i think flash player downloads stuff slower
17:06.56Eitanjelly: where will some.log be saved?
17:07.01Sebbybut i don`t know if i have mta
17:07.04wolsEitan: /var/log
17:07.11Sebbyi use the defauld debian
17:07.14PeanutOk, now I'm scared - I want to install 'libgd2-xpm' from unstable on my Etch machine. But then it wants to install a new libc6, remove linux-kernel-headers, upgrade binutils, libfreetype and loads of other stuff - not sure if it'd be safe to continue?
17:07.14wolsSebby: debian has it unless you removed it
17:07.30jellyEitan: current dir.  you can specify an absolute path if you like
17:07.30wolsPeanut: you should be. that breaks your debian
17:07.38wolsPeanut: it is not safe
17:07.48Sebbyby default were should reside the mta files
17:07.49wols!tell Peanut about ssb
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17:07.57jellywols: wtf? <jelly> Eitan: script some.log, [...] <Eitan> jelly: where will some.log be saved? <wols> Eitan: /var/log
17:08.01mordy^wols: loop, sbp2, fuse
17:08.07wolsjelly: thought logfiles
17:08.17PeanutOk thanks wols, let me try and understand what you just said :-)
17:08.21jelly!be a reading barbie
17:08.21dpkgAww, reading is HARD! Let's go shopping, jelly
17:08.23PeanutAnd let me remove the 'unstable' line from my sources.list
17:08.29wolsmordy^: since you cannot do pastebin repeatedly I cannot help you, bai
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17:08.41shefqetiSebby: depends on mta. I'd guess the binaries are in /sbin  and the configs under /etc
17:09.02wolsSebby: netstat -anp |grep 25
17:09.04Sebbyconfigs in /etc
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17:09.34jellyEitan: you can also try and see whether fsck.ext3 -b 8193 -n ... will produce a smaller log :-)
17:09.39Sebbygnuworld@debian:~/gnuworld/bin$ netstat -anp |grep 25
17:09.39Sebby(Not all processes could be identified, non-owned process info
17:09.39*** kick/#debian [Sebby!n=debhelpe@unaffiliated/debhelper] by debhelper (use the paster bot or #flood)
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17:09.51wolsas root
17:10.10Eitanjelly: I'm doing the non-destructive pass first, according to pumpkin0
17:10.31Sebbycan you give me the netstat parameters again
17:10.42Sebbynetstat -  |grep 25
17:10.45shefqetiSebby: do you have anything when you do: ls /etc/exim*  ?
17:10.53jellyEitan: right. and after that one, do another non-desctuctive one (-n) with using the superblock at 8193 as a basis
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17:11.11polliehello guys
17:11.26pollieis the beta2 lenny installer safe to use?
17:11.46polliethe errata section says that disk may change all the time after installation
17:12.00Sebbyi don`t have
17:12.12shefqetiSebby: it seems you don't have exim
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17:12.58shefqetiSebby: netstat -n | grep 25
17:12.59deus___pollie, i already used it twice and had no problems with it.
17:13.06shefqetiSebby: does that show anything ?
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17:13.15Eitanpumpkin0: I have outputs... should I pastebin them?
17:13.32polliedeus___, which version of it? weekly snapshot?
17:13.40Eitanjelly: the -b 8193 didn't work at all
17:13.45polliei have time to remake my box today and i need some help :(
17:13.49shefqetiSebby: it seems you have no running mta
17:13.53Eitanjelly: debian:/home/user# fsck.ext3 -n -b 8193 /dev/hda1
17:13.53Eitane2fsck 1.40-WIP (14-Nov-2006)
17:13.54Eitanfsck.ext3: Bad magic number in super-block while trying to open /dev/hda1
17:13.54polliejust the installer issue, nothing more
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17:14.06wolspollie: why do you want to use it?
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17:14.35polliewols, debian testing? because i would in anycase do a lot of pinning in stable for newer packages
17:14.45deus___yes, i tried one yesterday and had no problems
17:14.48wolsno. why use the lenny installer
17:14.55wolsdeus___: don't
17:15.00Sebbyi`m running debian 4 (etch is i think)
17:15.06Sebbyif that helps
17:15.07polliewols, what should I use ?
17:15.17wolsetch installer. upgrade afterwards if you want
17:15.22wols!tell Sebby about version
17:15.28shefqetiI have to leave guys. Take care all
17:15.32*** join/#debian `KaMa` (
17:16.09Sebbydebian:/home/gnuworld/gnuworld/bin# uname -r
17:16.36Sebbydebian:/home/gnuworld/gnuworld/bin# cat /etc/debian_version
17:16.36wolslibc6 version
17:16.39Eitanjelly: I have the log file... but now I don't know how to pastebin it.
17:16.47wols!tell Sebby abou paste
17:16.49polliewols, you mean to set the release from stable to testing after installing and then dist-upgrade?
17:16.51munkyeetrhas anyone here had iceweasel's titlebar comepletly disappear on them?
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17:16.59tinglei just installed wine on etch how can i install a game now? when i try wine in terminal i tells me i need to give a arguement
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17:17.00wolspollie: xes
17:17.04Sebbydebian:/home/gnuworld/gnuworld/bin# dpkg -l libc6 | tail -n 1
17:17.04Sebbyii  libc6          2.3.6.ds1-13etch5 GNU C Library: Shared libraries
17:17.05wols!tell pollie about etch->lenny
17:17.16wolsSebby: STGP that spamming!
17:17.19Eitanshefqeti: I need some help...
17:17.22rsktingle: wine app.exe
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17:17.26polliealright i will try that way
17:17.28wolsEitan: he's gone
17:17.40wolspollie: what mainboard/chipset?
17:17.47Sebbyso what do i have to do
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17:18.03Eitanwols: ok... so who was helping me?
17:18.16polliee6420, 16GB ram, 4TB space
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17:18.23pollie965p intel
17:18.26wolsEitan: if you don't know you have bigger problems than that disk. see a shrink
17:18.57polliesilicon image softraid controllers wols
17:19.02Eitanwols: that wasn't nice... it seems like everyone who was helping me has jumped ship
17:19.02polliework like a charm with the kernel
17:19.05wolspollie: evil
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17:19.11wolspollie: use software raid btw
17:19.15polliei do
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17:19.37pollielvm on top of it
17:19.42polliewith xfs
17:20.13EitanIs there anyone here who can help guide me to recovering the files from a damaged filesystem?
17:20.34pollieEitan, is it ext3 ?
17:20.39jeffwheelerEitan: do you know any more details? There are some good resources on the internet.
17:20.47Eitanpollie: I believe so.
17:21.03polliethere was someone who put up an utility for undeleting files easily on ext3
17:21.05jeffwheelerEitan: for many (non-ext) things, there's a DataRecovery page on the Ubuntu wiki which is pretty good
17:21.06rwaiteugh, good luck to you mate. that's why god invented backups.
17:21.07polliei read about it at osnews
17:21.08Eitanjeffwheeler: I have a lot of details... if someone is willing to help.
17:21.31polliehowever, if fsck has done its bidding you are s-o-l
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17:21.53jeffwheelerEitan: there's a lot of good ideas here:
17:21.54Eitanjefwheeler: look... I need the help of someone live... faqs are not going to cut it at this point
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17:22.17pollieubunfu :***
17:22.20jeffwheelerEitan: oh, then I'm not your man; I don't nearly know enough about this stuff --- I've just Googled
17:22.25jellyEitan: I missed a few minutes, did you paste fsck -n logs?
17:22.28polliewhat the hell is it with that anyway...
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17:22.29jeffwheelerpollie: it's a great page, don't disregard it
17:22.42pollieok i will take a look...
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17:22.58Eitanjelly: I was looking for you... somehoe you got bumped... anyway... I did the fsck logs... but I don't know how to pastbin an entire file... it's long.
17:23.14jelly!tell Eitan about pastebin pipe
17:23.48pollieho well, i have to back up enough configuration to drive me nuts now
17:24.33pollieand thanks
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17:26.28matthiasbHi, i'm about to install a Debian on a really old machine. It's a HP 9000 d200 so far, i can't get any response out of it.
17:26.30jeffwheelerI've never figured this out . . . why does everybody leave at the same time?
17:26.44matthiasbi thought of installing it over network, but i don't know how to do this?
17:26.59matthiasbIs there, like, a start cd that's opening a new ssh session?
17:27.11ZitZwhat do you mean no response?
17:27.24jeffwheelermatthiasb: I think there is a netinst boot disc, but I've never used it
17:27.39m_rmHi, I made a dist-upgrade on my Thinkpad yesterday (I run testing) and now there is no mouse at all.
17:27.39matthiasbI don't know how to communicate with this server.
17:28.22jellymatthiasb: "can't get any response out of it"?  Does it power on?
17:28.25jeffwheelermatthiasb: this is probably not exactly what you're looking for, but might get you one step closer:
17:28.29matthiasbAny details about this netinst boot disc? I need a HPPA version of it.
17:28.54jeffwheelermatthiasb: it looks like there's a HPPA disc on that site.
17:28.55matthiasbOh yes, it does power on, but then it's just running.
17:29.04matthiasbThere's no way to plug a monitor in.
17:29.20m_rmxorg tells me that the /dev/input/event* devices are missing
17:29.23matthiasbI plugged a Lan-Cable in, but when booting i can't capture anything with wireshark.
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17:29.48jeffwheelermatthiasb: what ports _are_ on it? LAN, power, USB?
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17:30.33matthiasbHeck if i would know, there are a LAN, some R232 a SCSI PS/2 (two) and thats about it.
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17:30.49jellyEitan: yeah, it looks like that first run would mess some things up.  what about -b 8193?
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17:31.49matthiasbIt's a really really old machine. There are some details here:
17:31.54matthiasbCalled d200
17:32.10jellyEitan: also, is hda1 now the image, or the original drive? you should be working on an image (and have an additional intact backup image as well)
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17:32.53jellyEitan: hm, what about -b 32768 -n ?
17:32.54Eitanjelly: I'm working off a new drive... the bad drive is sitting on my desk... I don't have a 3rd drive to make a 2nd backup.
17:33.13jeffwheelermatthiasb: you're beyond what I know; I thought there might be something possible with firewire
17:33.18Eitanjelly: oh... my mistake... hold on
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17:34.20matthiasb@ jeffwheeler in your posted link i just find a method for installing debian over the internet, i can't plug a monitor or else in, is there a way to simply boot from CD, start a ssh session and work over a ssh clien?
17:34.52jeffwheelermatthiasb: I suppose you could always try memorizing the necessary key combos ;)
17:35.31Eitanjelly: it's doing it now... btw... I thoght 8193 was the backup superblock... what's 32768?
17:35.39psycodadwhat do i have to add to /etc/network/interfaces to bring an if up but not more ?
17:35.41matthiasbhaha, but still i can't plug a keyboard in, there's a ps/2 but i don't know if it's working though
17:36.00zebedeeeHi all. Are there any LVM experts out there who might be able to rescue my system? I have my root filesystem on LVM, but am being booted into initramfs due to two pv devices.
17:36.06jeffwheelermatthiasb: this is a bugger of a machine, ha; I'm not sure if that's really possible
17:36.11jellyEitan: it's the usual backup superblock, but for larger partitions... I'm not sure where the line is
17:36.19jeffwheelermatthiasb: it _should_ be possible to make a live cd that would have openssh on it
17:36.41jeffwheelermatthiasb: and many live discs already do automatically boot and connect to the network
17:36.42ZitZhi, my ati x1650 pro crashes the xserver immediately when using fglrx
17:36.43matthiasbYes, but it should launch everything automatically
17:36.57jellyEitan: description of -b in e2fsck man page mentions both
17:37.11Eitanjelly: oh... it's still going...
17:37.21jeffwheelermatthiasb: I don't think Debian Live supports hppa, does it?
17:37.22matthiasb@ jeffwheeler OK, that idea is GREAT, i'll just start inserting a live CD and test if it's booting from disc.
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17:37.39jeffwheelermatthiasb: how are you going to test that? Watch for network traffic?
17:37.54matthiasbWell... i don't know either but i'll have to look if it's booting from disc at ALL.
17:38.06jeffwheelermatthiasb: ha, yeah.
17:38.23matthiasbI tested for network traffic via wireshark, no response, no DHCP lookup or anything else.
17:38.48jellyEitan: how large is hda, is it significantly large than the original disk?  If it is, you may be able to make an additional copy of hda1 before doing a real fsck or some other potentially destructive action
17:38.49matthiasbso, i'm on it to boot from disk. if it isn't... well i don't know how to change the boot sequence..
17:38.51jeffwheelermatthiasb: that was without a live cd, right? Try the same thing with a live cd in there, and see if it tries DHCP.
17:39.02jeffwheelermatthiasb: then you _are_ SOL
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17:39.22jeffwheeler(Without a keyboard, that is. . . )
17:39.38Eitanjelly: it's exactly the same model drive
17:39.59kingsleyIs there a command like "apt-get upgrade", but which only upgrades essential or required packages? Maybe it could be called something like "apt-get upgrade-essential-or-required".
17:40.01Eitanjelly: here are the results of 32768 ...
17:41.02n1kt0I have installed system from netinstall cd & I have debian-40r3-i386-xfce-CD-1.iso, how can I correct update package ? i try it: apt-get update && apt-get install xfce... I have no result
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17:41.29kingsleyFailing that, is there a command which returns the names of all essential and required packages that are installed? (They could be fed to "apt-get install ...".
17:41.55cahootn1kt0: try /msg dpkg sources
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17:42.19alysI have been running etch for just a week.  Please, what is the equivalent of the old 'base-config'.   I need to configure exim.  Thank you.
17:43.23cahootalys: dpkg-reconfigure exim4-config (IIRC)
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17:43.56alyscahoot: thank you.
17:43.59jellyEitan: eh, pretty much the same thing.  This is out of my area of expertise, I'd hoped the alternate superblock fsck would be gentler.  I suggest asking the ext3-users mailing list.  There also might be more knowlegeable people in #linuxfs on
17:44.01n1kt0<cahoot> I not understand you
17:44.20n1kt0where I write /msg dpkg sources ?
17:44.32simonrvnhere in irc
17:44.32cahootn1kt0: do you have any valid mirrors lisetd in /etc/apt/sources.list?
17:44.57Eitanjelly: I'd rather not wait for a mailing list... so I should go to a different irc room?
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17:45.09n1kt0<cahoot> not yet
17:45.38dpkgThe list of repositories for installing packages is /etc/apt/sources.list and has lines like "deb http://ftp.<cc> etch main" and "deb etch/updates main" where <cc> is your country code. Be sure to run "aptitude update" after editing sources.list. Also see <mirrors> <apt-spy> <apt-setup> <etch security> <testing security> "man sources.list" and /usr/share/doc/apt/examples/sources.list
17:45.52cahootn1kt0: ^^
17:45.58Eitanjelly: some questions... what if I had done the fsck without the -n and said "yes" to all the questions?
17:46.22matthiasb@ jeffwheeler: OK i put a Ubutnu 8.1 in (because it was lying around) and i don't even know if my machine did boot from it. CD is inside and not spinning down anymore, but wireshark doesn't display anything.
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17:46.47jeffwheelermatthiasb: isn't the Ubuntu disc only i386?
17:47.06matthiasbooh, i think yes
17:47.06jellyEitan: you'd have ended up with lots of files in /lost+found
17:47.17Eitanjelly: I also remember now, that when the original drive went bad... during boot, debian said I needed to run fsck... which I did, and I said yes to all the questions.... this was on the bad drive... it was after that that I got error 17 on grub
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17:47.45matthiasbdo you know if i'm inserting debian-40r3-hppa-CD-1 if it's trying to open any network connections?
17:47.47n1kt0<cahoot> m... i need installed packege from cd debian-40r3-i386-xfce-CD-1.iso in to the installed system from netinstall
17:47.47Eitanjelly: ok... let's say that happened... would I at least be able to access the filesystem?
17:47.59jellyEitan: oh, so your metadata might already be destroyed.  Be sure to mention that to #linuxfs and whoever else you ask.
17:48.20jeffwheelermatthiasb: and unfortunately, Debian Live only supports i386, amd, ppc at the moment; I'm not sure where to find you a hppa live disc
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17:48.43matthiasbOfficial Debian release is not a live disc like Ubuntu?
17:48.51jeffwheelermatthiasb: nope
17:48.58m_rmMy mouse does not work with gpm either and /dev/input/mice does not show any output on mouse moves
17:49.01matthiasbAnd not opening any network connections?
17:49.06jellyEitan: the directory tree would be virtually nonexistent and recovered files would be placed in lost+found
17:49.23jeffwheelermatthiasb: it looks like Gentoo might have a live disc that supports hppa; and I don't _think_ the Debian installer would open any connections
17:49.30dpkgextra, extra, read all about it, wut is a lamer way of saying what
17:49.33cjaeNvidia questions here or #nvidia? I think it has to do with debian more
17:49.35Eitanjelly: ok... so there would be one directory called lost+found with a huge list of files in it?
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17:49.45jellyEitan: that's the way fsck works, yes
17:49.53jeffwheelercjae: here is fine
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17:50.32jellyEitan: at least some of files would lose their filenames and would be named like "#1345432"
17:50.34Eitanjelly: that's fine... I care more about getting the files ultimately... having the directories would be nice but... if I can't get that...
17:50.44Eitanjelly: that's bad...
17:50.56jellyEitan: and there's no guarantee that all the files would be recovered
17:51.18Eitanjelly: given that I already ran fsck on the bad drive, as debian boot suggested... is there still any hope?
17:51.19matthiasbseems i have to ask someone who is familiar with these old hp servers. i was even soldering an r232 cable so i could plug it in, but still no response.
17:51.26cjaeinstalling the nvidia driver in etch and get the nvidia logo upon xserver reboot but when I try  glxinfo |grep rendering
17:51.27cjaebash: glxinfo: command not found
17:51.29matthiasbmonitor is weird too, it has it's own console running
17:51.38jellyEitan: no idea.  ask an ext3 expert
17:51.42jeffwheelermatthiasb: hmm, good luck
17:51.55Eitanjelly: ok... then, I'm off... thank you very much for your help.
17:52.01matthiasbthanks so far, i'm coming back when i've debian relatet questions
17:52.02jellyEitan: how much are you willing to pay for that data to be retrieved?
17:52.11jeffwheelermatthiasb: no problem; it was a good challenge
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17:52.29Eitanjelly: well... I suppose $100 ... I know that's not enough.
17:52.29jeffwheelermatthiasb: I'm curious what I'd do in the same situation :P
17:53.00matthiasberm, do know any channel where i can find such old server hackers?
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17:53.13matthiasbthat machines about 20 years old...
17:53.17n1kt0reiserfs is a stupid file system
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17:53.37Eitanjelly: thanks again.
17:53.38TheMadHat-n1kt0: why is it stupid?
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17:54.28cjaejeffwheeler, did you catch that?
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17:55.04jeffwheelercjae: I'm no nvidia expert myself; I just figured it was okay because I've seen plenty others ask hree
17:55.04jeffwheeler* here
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17:55.11jellyEitan: I've seen data recovery services here (Croatia) start at $250 or so.  A year ago It would have been $150
17:55.20n1kt0<TheMadHat-> frequent fall=\
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17:55.29jellyoh, you're gone
17:55.49pandarkécoute Without You I'm Nothing Remix .. par PLACEBO album:Without You I'm Nothing single remix
17:55.54Nylerahul, ping
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17:56.00jeffwheelercjae: without knowing anything about it, you might try /msg dpkg nvidia-one-liner and /msg dpkg nvidia
17:56.11rahulNyle: unda
17:56.39Nylecheck msg
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17:57.52nkuttlerpandark: you really want to turn that script off
17:58.09dpkgTo use an NVIDIA graphics card with Debian, see If you've done it before, ask me about <nvidia one-liner> for a reminder. or If using a later release than Etch, ask me about <nvidia_post_etch>
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17:58.54turneralexhey im currently installing the world best distro, (debian). and i've got it running on at least 100 machines before, but im installing deb onto this adaptec hardware (fake) raid card, and the format is taking 3 hours +, and stuck on 33%
17:58.59turneralexfrozen, or doing something?
17:59.00s0n1someone knows a ISO debian witch suport a raid 1 for hardware ??
17:59.29jellys0n1: which hardware?
17:59.31turneralexs0n1: any of them, try netinst its small, and probably the fastest to install
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17:59.47turneralexjelly: I think he means a hardware RAID 1 controller
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18:00.02jellyturneralex: and I'm asking "which one"
18:00.07cjaejeffwheeler, /msg dpkg nvidia-one-liner doesn't work
18:00.11turneralexjelly: Whoops.
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18:00.23jeffwheeler/msg dpkg nvidia-one-liner
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18:01.02s0n1jelly: i use HP DL320 witch suport a RAID 1 (BIOS)
18:01.03turneralexMy guess is, if he's asking that question, it isn't a sever raid card with ram and batteries
18:01.15jeffwheelercjae: try with underscores instead of hyphens
18:01.20turneralexs0n1: Which generation?
18:01.20s0n1but i install debian don't , i view two HD's SATA
18:01.22jellys0n1: DL320 has 2 or 3 controller options
18:01.33s0n12 controller options
18:01.33turneralexjelly: Dependant on the gen
18:01.44Ace2016how does the plain debian installer with the blue background and the white on red selction know what my display is? the letters do not look stretched
18:02.03*** mode/#debian [+l 817] by debhelper
18:02.09jellyturneralex: even the current DL 320 G5p has at least two :-)
18:02.11abrotmanAce2016: LCD .. and not the crt/lcd
18:02.19jeffwheelerAce2016: probably using VESA?
18:02.22turneralexjelly: Do you really think he's on a G5?
18:02.25Ace2016yes its an lcd connected via dvi
18:02.31jellyturneralex: I have no idea.
18:02.37turneralexim a dl380 user :D
18:02.41s0n1i need debian iso witch suport HP DL320 raid 1
18:03.03turneralexjelly: How long does a 2TB hardware raid array format usually take with the debian installer.. +3hours?
18:03.07jellyturneralex: $employer is pretty much a HP shop, I can has 320 - 380, g2 - g5 :-)
18:03.25cjaejeffwheeler, /msg dpkg nvidia_one_liner doesn't work either
18:03.33turneralexjelly: Oh wikid, i've got 10 Dl380 G3's in my house
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18:03.52turneralexbut the differences between the G3 and G4 aren't tooo great, so G3 will do.
18:03.54jellyturneralex: I never format that large partitions, mine are split into 100-200GB slices
18:03.57jeffwheelercjae: the one with hyphens definitely worked for me
18:04.01dpkgwell, nvidia one-liner is apt-get install nvidia-kernel-2.6-`uname -r | sed 's,.*-,,g'` nvidia-settings nvidia-glx && dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg (if you're on amd64, also install nvidia-glx-ia32. Using sarge? Ask me about <nvidia_sarge>. Homegrown or kernel from testing/sid: <nvidia_post_etch>. If you're using a Geforce2 or older: <nvidia_legacy>.
18:04.08turneralexjelly: Ahh, this is for my dads home server
18:04.32turneralexjelly: A media server
18:04.32jellyturneralex: 2TB means horrible fsck times
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18:04.44jeffwheeler(I love dpkg's prefix's: "well," "hmm," etc.)
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18:04.47turneralexjelly: Yeah, im going to let it run overnight
18:04.48Ace2016not with xfs
18:05.02Ace2016xfs fsck is fast
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18:05.21turneralexjelly: Anyways mate, thanks for the heads up, im off to bed (3AM Japan Time)
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18:05.42jeffwheelerIs the ZFS license issue still stuck where it was two years ago? I used it on OS X the other day and it really is pretty cool.
18:05.45jellys0n1: which generation DL 320?
18:05.51Ace2016the japanese train systems looked good on tv, very accurate
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18:05.57turneralexshut me up
18:05.59jellys0n1: SATA or SAS disks?
18:06.02s0n1HP DL320 G5
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18:06.07s0n1Disk SATA
18:06.08Ace2016are they really on time like that?
18:06.28turneralexs0n1: I'm pretty sure debian supports that, thats the 6i right?
18:06.48jellyturneralex: nah, SATA means some onboard intel crap
18:06.59turneralexReally? YUCK
18:07.19jellyturneralex: SAS disks = cciss driver (SmartArray C200 I think)
18:07.21\amethystjeffwheeler:  IIRC there is a ZFS-on-fuse implementation
18:07.31turneralexjelly: Btw, I bought 2 fully loaded BL20P G3 enclosures for $100 so i must brag!
18:07.35s0n1turneralex: yes...
18:07.40jeffwheeler\amethyst: ah, yeah. Heh, that barely counts. ;)
18:07.44jellyturneralex: can I hate you?
18:07.47jeffwheeler\amethyst: but progress.
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18:07.52s0n1i download debian beta lenny and can't support too
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18:08.06jellys0n1: lenny's 2.6.24 should work
18:08.07turneralexs0n1: Haha, ;)
18:08.28turneralexjelly: If you want anything my AIM is russianboi2 and msn is ciao
18:09.19jellys0n1: first, I'm not sure that controller is really hw raid, it might be just bios fakeraid
18:09.23\amethystjeffwheeler:  last benchmark of zfs-fuse I saw showed pretty big penalties for writes, but fast reads
18:09.51jellys0n1: 2.6.23 or 2.6.24 images from "/msg dpkg kmuto" ought to boot that stuff
18:09.54s0n1jelly: i create Raid 1 ; in bios,
18:10.06\amethystjeffwheeler:  and you're supposed to have write caching turned off for safety
18:10.17jellys0n1: can you boot a livecd and pastebin your "lspci -n"?
18:10.25valdyns0n1: thats not telling us much at all, real raid controllers can create raids from bios too
18:10.28s0n1i need netinstall witch suporte a raid1
18:10.35valdyns0n1: no
18:10.39jeffwheeler\amethyst: I'm not a big fan of FUSE in general, so I've somewhat stayed away from the FUSE ZFS implementation.
18:10.51mordy^sigh, i'm still struggling with this
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18:11.08jellys0n1: if it were hardware raid, it would present a single device and things would "just work".
18:11.13jeffwheelerIs the sudo timer based on the time that you typed your password last, or the time that you last used sudo?
18:11.18s0n1jelly: in install after i create raid 1 ; have two hd's Sata... and don't one ha sata
18:11.31iruleI wnat to compile samba 3.2.0 and yould like to know how debians default samba was compiled, how may I get this info?
18:11.36jellys0n1: if you see _two_ disks in lenny's installer, this probably means your controller is fakeraid
18:11.38asgjeffwheeler: man sudo ; /time
18:11.52jeffwheelerasg: ah, thanks
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18:12.26irulehi, I want to compile samba 3.2.0 and would like to know how debians default samba was compiled, how may please I get this info? thanks (fixed typos)
18:12.31jellys0n1: and if your controller is fakeraid, I'd suggest disabling the bios raid and using Linux md raid instead
18:12.37abrotmanirule: /msg dpkg source
18:13.17bbsi just switch back to deb
18:13.26asgjeffwheeler: you could always verify by looking in /var/run/sudo to see if the timestamp is updated after running sudo
18:13.28bbswaits for clapping
18:13.41s0n1jelly: this HP 320 G5 i install centOS create raid 1 via hardware (bios) and function perfect
18:13.42asg:clap bbs
18:13.46asg!clap bbs
18:13.57asgthe bot has been sanitized
18:13.59bbsi guess we are botless
18:14.01asgabrotman: you are to blame for this
18:14.14s0n1but in debian in install have two hd's Sata for inicial install
18:14.28jellys0n1: that doesn't mean much, it could be that centos just uses whatever fakeraid drivers are needed
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18:14.54abrotman!applaude asg
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18:15.08abrotman!applaud asg
18:15.08dpkg*clapclap* good show, asg
18:15.15dpkgTest Failed.
18:15.21dpkgi heard bong is like, dude, yeah... see
18:15.46irule"A new upstream version is available: 3.2.0, you should consider packaging it." how may I get it?
18:16.10cjaeis it possible that glxgears and glxinfo are not installed on my system as I have checked the /var/log/xorg and it seems to be good
18:16.30Ace2016my bios has linux AHCI
18:16.32wolscjae: they're not installed by default. mesa-utils
18:16.33abrotmanis mesa-utils installed ?
18:16.58Ace2016should i pick Linux AHCI or AHCI or IDE (i don't want to pick RAID)
18:17.05jellyAce2016: ahci.
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18:17.08wolsAce2016: ahci is fine
18:17.15Ace2016what does linux AHCI do?
18:17.27jellyAce2016: it makes things work!
18:17.27wolsask your bios maker
18:17.28cjaewols, aptitude install mesa-utils?
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18:18.07bbs!piglatin hello
18:18.10jellyAce2016: those are various compatibilty options for older OSes that expect to find a classic ATA device
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18:18.36jellyAce2016: you want ahci, linux works best with it
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18:18.56Ace2016jelly: but linux ahci or ahci is what i'm wondering about
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18:19.17wolsAce2016: we told you both already
18:19.32Ace2016yes i know ahci, but why achi and not linux ahci?
18:20.01wolsask your BIOS maker. it'S their shitty software not ours. we also told you that before
18:20.09wolshow should we know what your BIOS maker thinks?
18:20.43Ace2016oh i thought linux ahci was a generic framework or something linux used
18:21.41maligorAce2016, what mb is it?
18:21.47Ace2016abit an-m2
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18:25.20jellyone would expect that something labeled "linux" would be best to use with ... linux
18:25.55irulehow may I install experimental packages on etch?
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18:27.05sichhow can is fix this error? gcc compiler is already installed
18:27.05iruleI found this
18:27.33extorWhat distro(s) is the knoppix 5.3 DVD live build made up of? I really like the KDE desktop special effects and wondered if I have debian etch installed if I can switch to KDE and get all those visual goodies?
18:27.38valdyn!b-e irule
18:27.39dpkgirule: Sounds like you need to aptitude install build-essential.
18:27.49valdyn!b-e sich
18:27.49dpkgsich: Sounds like you need to aptitude install build-essential.
18:27.57Lagboltt l
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18:28.03Lagboltoops wrong win
18:28.14maligorAce2016, maybe it disables workarounds (buggy windows) :P
18:28.19jellyAce2016: I have a BIOS that I can choose which operating system to configure for.  There are various options like Linux, Solaris, SCO, Windows 2000/2003, OS/2, etc... any of those might work (and I've verified that linux works even with "windows 2003" selected) but we still configure the machines to "Linux" if it's going to be installed
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18:29.17Ace2016ok i'll go with linux ahci
18:29.22maligorAce2016, linux doesn't usually mind toggling between those settings
18:29.27maligorso you could benchmark both quite easily
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18:30.01g00seAny possible problems with Etch and this HD (current drive is ATA) ?
18:30.31sichmake: *** No rule to make target `install'.  Stop. ?
18:30.35valdyng00se: why do you think that theres specific disks that dont work with linux?
18:30.52jellyg00se: it looks like any other ata disk
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18:31.01Ace2016ok there is a problem, the installer just reboots
18:31.12dieghi all
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18:31.46g00sevaldyn: well i don't really. Just got burned with a SATA one, so now i'm nervous ;-)
18:31.54sichmake install not worked  !?
18:31.59Eulexg00se, usually, it's not the disk that might be the problem, but the disk controller chipset
18:32.12g00seEulex: yes
18:32.14valdyng00se: how could you have been burnt by a specific disk? you're probably confused
18:32.27Ace2016wonder why it restarts, not letting me see the kernel output
18:32.29diegisn't there a linux-image 2.6.25 with xen for amd64 in sid?
18:32.41Eulexg00se, that is, the problem you had with that computer which had that sata disk wasn't the disk, it was the sata chipset
18:32.56Eulexg00se, ... which is part of the motherboard and not the disk
18:33.11valdyng00se: dont use ata, use sata, its better
18:33.27g00seEulex: yes, i know that really
18:33.34valdyng00se: its just that ata chips are not made anymore, so linux chipset support can be somewhat complete
18:33.43valdyng00se: but that doesnt mean its a reasonable choice
18:33.57g00sevaldyn: no choice really, unless i get a sata card - not worth it
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18:34.00Ace2016maybe i'll just leave it in ide
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18:34.19valdynAce2016: which installer are you using?
18:34.24valdyng00se: true
18:34.39Ace2016amd64 netinstaller beta2
18:34.50valdynAce2016: well, what do you expect from a beta installer?
18:34.55valdynAce2016: that it works flawlessly?
18:35.06valdynAce2016: this is hardly related to your ahci setting
18:35.11Ace2016oh common, just because its beta doesn't mean its broken
18:35.19dpkgFor etch (or sarge) installers with up-to-date kernels, see, or ask me about <etchnhalf>.
18:35.20Ace2016it worked fine with the ide setting
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18:35.40g00seThanks folks!
18:35.46Ace2016x3me: hi
18:35.48valdynAce2016: its slow
18:35.51x3meanyone has installed debian on HP Proliant DL 320 G5 with RAID via hardware ?
18:35.58valdynAce2016: thats the problem with the ide setting, probably
18:36.00x3methe RAID controller is an Intel ICH9R
18:36.03extorcompiz-fusion , what a sexy window manager
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18:36.20Ace2016ok fine i'll get the proper installer
18:36.22valdynx3me: i have that controller
18:36.32valdynx3me: probably needs a kmuto installer
18:36.37Ace2016omg i screwed something up, now it just reboots even with ide :o
18:36.37*** part/#debian foetus (
18:36.49x3mevaldyn, hmm, what is a "kmuto installed" ?
18:36.54dpkgFor etch (or sarge) installers with up-to-date kernels, see, or ask me about <etchnhalf>.
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18:37.03valdynx3me: he's a person, making installers
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18:37.31valdynx3me: ich9r should be set to ahci in bios too
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18:37.36x3mevaldyn, ah, ok... i have entered the site right now
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18:37.52sichany solve for this error?
18:37.53valdynx3me: needs a 2.6.20+ kernel or somesuch, hence kmuto, because stock etch is 2.6.18
18:37.57diegmsg dpkg xen
18:38.11x3mevaldyn, and what d-i did you recomend to download?
18:38.22valdynx3me: no idea
18:38.29valdynx3me: any
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18:38.40valdynx3me: i guess kmuto still labels some as beta or whatever
18:38.50valdynx3me: look for one thats tested
18:39.16x3mevaldyn, the lastest is: etch-custom-0622.iso - kernel version 2.6.25 + Ubuntu firmware + WPA support
18:39.30valdynx3me: thats as good as any
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18:40.04valdynx3me: id go for an older one, just because it could have errata if there were any
18:40.15valdynx3me: but really, doesnt matter much which you choose
18:40.22x3mevaldyn, you have got an succesfull instalation with any of thats d-i ?
18:40.27x3mewith that controller
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18:40.36valdynx3me: i dont install
18:40.40valdynx3me: i havent for years
18:40.50x3meah ok
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18:41.09x3mevaldyn, i will try to set the ahci on the bios
18:41.09htmlolhi guys
18:41.12x3methis test i did not try
18:41.15thezapperoi. any suggestion for a pci sata raid controller which runs smoothly on etch?
18:41.26valdynthezapper: no
18:41.28simonrvnvaldyn: you got crufty systems yet? ;)
18:41.32valdynthezapper: thats not a good approach
18:41.33htmlolI'm trying to burn a bunch of wav files and make an audio CD, but k3b gives me the following error:
18:41.37htmlolHL-DT-ST DVDRAM GSA-4084N KQ09 (/dev/scd0, ) [CD-R, CD-RW, CD-ROM, DVD-ROM, DVD-R, DVD-RW, DVD+R, DVD+RW, DVD+R DL] [DVD-ROM, DVD-R Sequential, DVD-RAM, DVD-RW Restricted Overwrite, DVD-RW Sequential, DVD+RW, DVD+R, DVD+R Dual Layer, CD-ROM, CD-R, CD-RW] [SAO, TAO, RAW, SAO/R96P, SAO/R96R, RAW/R16, RAW/R96P, RAW/R96R, Restricted Overwrite]
18:41.47valdynsimonrvn: crufty?
18:41.56valdynsimonrvn: i can change hardware w/o reinstall
18:42.10valdynsimonrvn: this ones as old as amd64 inofficial port is, roughly
18:42.16valdynsimonrvn: but the computer isnt
18:42.18simonrvnstray bits from installed packages, various homebrew scripts, various docs, etc.
18:42.20htmlolthat's the debug info. The error k3b says is "IO Error. Most likely no space left on harddisk." but I have over 2GB free.
18:42.30mordy^hello - i'll state this problem again: my box gets into framebuffer in middle of boot - changing the boot parameters, blacklisting radeonfb, renaming radeonfb.ko, using a different kernel, etc. have not yielded any fruit - any suggestions? i'm thinking that there's something in init.d or rc?.d that's forcing it to start, but i can't think of anything - any help?
18:42.36valdynsimonrvn: ah, probably, i try to clean that up
18:42.50simonrvnvaldyn: of course. one of my installs has chnged machine like 4 times
18:42.51htmlolwhy isn't k3b letting me burn the disc?
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18:43.17s0n1valdyn: in HP DL320 don't have option AHCI on the bios
18:43.39s0n1i have the problem too
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18:43.46s0n1i need raid 1 in DL 320 G5
18:43.47valdyns0n1: im not sure i talked to you about that
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18:44.01valdyns0n1: i was talking to x3me
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18:44.25s0n1valdyn: ok.
18:44.32maligorhtmlol, are you a part of the cdrom oligarchy?
18:44.33s0n1but don't have this option
18:44.36simonrvnmordy^: in the initrd, if any is present? some console setup tool, number of things.
18:44.43Ace2016found it, i changed the USB keyboard support and USB mouse support to BIOS instead of OS, thats what caused it
18:45.00valdynthezapper: you want a modern sata controller that supports ahci
18:45.01x3mevaldyn, i try to find this option on the BIOS and on the RAID BIOS, does not exists
18:45.35htmlolmaligor: what?
18:45.35valdynthezapper: everything else from that point can be dealt with by using appropriate installers
18:45.35maligorhtmlol, the cdrom group
18:45.36maligorhtmlol, type ye groups in terminal
18:45.40valdynx3me: obviously i cant know about your bios
18:45.45htmlolyes, I am
18:45.52valdynx3me: mine knows at least the modes RAID and AHCI
18:45.52mordy^simonrvn = initrid is related to init.d and co.?
18:46.00htmlolI've burned audio cd's before just fine, that's why this is so weird.
18:46.02valdynx3me: whatever difference that makes, ahci works fine
18:46.11maligorhtmlol, option number two: where is it trying to store the temp image
18:46.13simonrvnmordy^: no, kernel
18:46.21x3mevaldyn, on my BIOS I can only set RAID to "on" or "off"
18:46.22dpkg[initrd] initial root disk. initial RAM disk, or god's way of punishing you for using a prebuilt kernel image, or  ...And you WILL HAVE TO INCLUDE AN INITRD STATEMENT IN YOUR BOOTLOADER (hint, hint).  Typically if you can't find your root filesystem, this is your problem. or a great system for those who understand modulesneed/want root in lvm and/or md raid., or make-kpkg --initrd
18:46.24maligorhtmlol, like is it attempting to use /tmp
18:46.33valdynx3me: maybe that is equivalent
18:46.42htmlolmaligor: I don't know, let me see if I can find out...
18:46.49valdynx3me: in one case at least you should see the ahci bios printout while booting up
18:47.01maligorhtmlol, probably definable in the k3b options
18:47.10mordy^simonrvn - then no - it's not in the intirid - and it's not a kernel issue
18:47.18x3mevaldyn, but i need the hardware RAID, i dont understand of how deactivating the RAID will helps me
18:47.27valdynx3me: there is no hardware raid on that hardware
18:47.48s0n1ma qburro
18:48.11x3mevaldyn, but I have created an RAID1 array on this hardware...
18:48.20valdynx3me: geez
18:48.22htmlolmaligor: thanks! that solved the problem. for some reason, it had the temp directory as /media/sda1/tmp/, which doesn't exist.
18:48.27valdynx3me: thats not what defines hardware raid
18:48.33htmlolso I changed it to /tmp/ and it worked. :D
18:48.43s0n1HP DL320 G5 suport RAID 1+0 in your bios
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18:48.51valdynx3me: you have a bios that can be used to create such a "raid", thats not hardware raid
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18:49.20mordy^let me ask the question differently- can it still be a kernel issue if the problem occurs on two different kernels?
18:49.21valdynx3me: disable raid, use md raid from the debian installer.
18:49.21x3mevaldyn, ok. So, setting this RAID to "off" or enabling AHCI to "on" I can create my array at the same way ?
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18:49.43valdynx3me: no, not the same way, but from the debian installer
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18:49.49x3mevaldyn, i dont want to make software raid...
18:49.55valdynx3me: ok, again
18:50.00valdynx3me: you dont have hardware raid
18:50.22valdynx3me: yes, your bios supports creating the inferior software raid from within itself, thats nothing great
18:50.24\amethystx3me:  the question as I understand it is whether you use Intel's software RAID or Linux's
18:50.33maligorhtmlol, I'm not sure /tmp is a very good place to put large images
18:50.46maligorhtmlol, but it depends on the fs configuration you're using
18:50.52htmlolmaligor: where would you suggest the temporary directory being?
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18:51.07maligormaybe /home/user/tmp or something
18:51.09htmloloh, I have everything lumped on one partition, not separate ones
18:51.21htmlolif that's what you're thinking of
18:51.22valdynx3me: you *could* use the "intel software raid" from debian, but that is stupid, its not as good as md raid
18:51.45valdyn( and its probably not even supported by the installer, i dont know that )
18:52.22x3mevaldyn, ok. So here is an example: If one of my hard drivers fails, I want to turn off my machine, remove this hard drive and turns on the machine. In this case, the other hard drive will boot normally ?
18:52.34valdynx3me: yes
18:52.45x3meand when I replace the hard drive who faills, the array will be rebuilded automatically ?
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18:52.54valdynx3me: no
18:53.19x3mevaldyn, so this situation only works on a real hardware RAID?
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18:53.44valdynx3me: you have to run something like "mdadm /dev/md0 --add /dev/sdc2"
18:54.03x3mevaldyn, and about hot-swap hard drives ?
18:54.15valdynx3me: ahci driver supports hotswap
18:54.44x3mevaldyn, so, with the machine "on" I remove one of the hard drives, still working ?
18:54.58valdynx3me: yes
18:55.06valdynx3me: thats not what hotswap is though
18:55.22valdynx3me: i can unplug even ata drivers and the array might keep working
18:55.29valdynx3me: i can unplug even ata drives and the array might keep working
18:55.43x3mevaldyn, and when I put it back?
18:55.56x3mestill working or I need to rebuild the array ?
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18:56.10valdynx3me: you need to readd that device
18:56.29valdynx3me: well, its a little more than that actually, failed devices need to be removed first, then readded, all via command lin
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18:57.06x3mevaldyn, so, to boot the 2 hard drives I need to install boot loader on both, right?
18:57.14valdynx3me: yes
18:57.39x3mevaldyn, on the debian installer I can do this or only after the system boots at the first time?
18:57.44pickcoderis anyone here on a Deltacom pipe?
18:58.05valdynx3me: no idea how the installer does it
18:58.30x3mevaldyn, and manually? Only boots and make something like : grub-install /dev/sdb ?
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18:59.13Ace2016finally i have a chance to see how good encrypted software raid is
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19:00.58Eitanjelly: are you there?
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19:04.03Eitanwhat is the command to find files in a directory and recursing subdirs?
19:05.07simonrvnunamazingly, 'find'
19:05.32Eitansimonrvn: can you be more specific... find filename is not working
19:05.46Ace2016locate filename
19:06.09simonrvnman find is as specific as i need to be
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19:06.26Nylesimonrvn, howdy
19:06.42simonrvntip: find $path $arguments; the rest should be easy
19:06.43Eitanace2016: locatedb doesn't exist... it hasn't made a list of the files... I need a command that will actually do the looking real time... not access some file index
19:06.50simonrvnNyle: hi
19:06.54Ace2016sudo updatedb
19:06.57Ace2016or updatedb as root
19:06.59NyleEitan, find?
19:07.02Eitansimonrvn: man find was not helpful
19:07.09Eitannyle: no... find didn't work.
19:07.09Ace2016well update the index and search
19:07.10Nylefind is what you're looking for
19:07.22simonrvn.:15:06:42:. < simonrvn> tip: find $path $arguments; the rest should be easy
19:07.33NyleAce2016, he doesn't want that
19:07.38Nylehe wants real time searching
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19:07.58Nylenot to query an index of stuff
19:08.11Eitanlook guys... I just restored a bad debian drive... and there is a huge lost+found directory where all the directory names are in the form of #23452536 .... I am running of a debian live-cd.... I am just looking for a particular file among all the lost and founds... how do I do that?
19:08.11Nyleso use find.. to find stuff
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19:08.48Ace2016find /home .mp3 works fine
19:09.12Ace2016run search within files from konqueror
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19:10.00simonrvnEitan: find is not going to help there
19:10.02Eitanace2016: when I specify the lost+found directory, find just lists all of the files in the directory.
19:10.13amphiEitan: grep?
19:10.23Eitansimonrvn: that's what I thought.... so... now what?
19:10.41simonrvnEitan: you're looking through the *contents*? use grep. file name or other external attributes, find.
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19:10.50Eitanamphi: ... let's say I am looking for a file in the lost+found directory called "inbox" ... what command do I use?
19:11.10simonrvnyou won't find it, they'll *all* be named #foo
19:11.44Eitansimonrvn: there are about 10000 directories in lost+found... there's got to be a linux command to search all of the directories in lost+found to find a specific file.
19:11.49amphiEitan: you'll have to grep the files for some text you think unique to that file
19:12.02amphirecursive grep
19:12.09Eitanamphi: I am not looking for text... I am looking for a file of a specific name
19:12.15proqwhat repos do I add to my sources.list file to be able to download *all* available packages on lenny?
19:12.17simonrvnthere is, we just told you.
19:12.33Eitansimonrvn: and I just tried it, and it doesn't work
19:12.34amphiEitan: wtf?
19:12.50Ace2016the files have lost their names
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19:13.06simonrvnEitan: YOU WON'T FIND IT
19:13.11Eitanace2016: no... the directories have lost their names... the files still have their names.
19:13.21Ace2016then find will find them
19:13.22amphiEitan: in that case, use find
19:13.30Eitanamphi: I did. It doesn't work.
19:13.39Ace2016then the file is no there
19:13.49Ace2016test with a file to see if the command is working
19:13.52Eitandebian:/mnt/lost+found# find inbox
19:13.52Eitanfind: inbox: No such file or directory
19:13.53amphithen it's not there, or you did the command incorrectly
19:13.58Ace2016test with a file that is there to see if its working
19:14.01amphiEitan: d'oh
19:14.14simonrvnffs, *plonk*
19:14.23EitanI know there is a file named "copyright" in the lost+found directory... watch:
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19:14.36Eitandebian:/mnt/lost+found# find copyright
19:14.36Eitanfind: copyright: No such file or directory
19:14.37Ace2016find /mnt/lost+found inbox
19:14.45Ace2016thats what you need
19:14.45pickcoderor find . inbox
19:14.51pickcoderfor CWD
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19:15.13jacekowskihi, i need to resize partition
19:15.15pickcodergee.. doesn't the manpage state that a few hundred times in examples...
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19:15.23jacekowskii remounted it read-only
19:15.28Eitanace2016: sorry to say that that command just lists ALL the files in the lost+found directory... not just the ones called "inbox"
19:15.28simonrvn.:15:07:21:. < simonrvn> .:15:06:42:. < simonrvn> tip: find $path $arguments; the rest should be easy
19:15.31jacekowskiand parted doesn't want to touch it
19:15.34jacekowskiany ideas?
19:15.43simonrvnfor the 2rd time...
19:16.02Ace2016find /mnt/lost+found |grep inbox
19:16.04soulchildHi all,... what is a good video plugin for firefox 3 ?
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19:16.39rsksoulchild: mplayerplug-in
19:16.49soulchildrsk: but it does not work with firefox3
19:16.52simonrvnuseless use of grep
19:17.04rsksoulchild: it does for me
19:17.06Ace2016i know but it works
19:17.12soulchildrsk: firefox 3 ?
19:17.19bbsis there a way to remove all of these stupid xorg drivers
19:17.26soulchildrsk: did you compile it ?
19:17.33bbsi don't need them because i only have an intel chipset
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19:17.48soulchildrsk: because i get: wonÄt be installed beacuse there are no secure updates for the plugin
19:17.57rskno installed from repos in unstablwe
19:18.11soulchildrsk for iceweasel or firefox
19:18.14bbsrsk: iceweasel? is broken atm
19:18.24bbsin unstable
19:18.34Eitanace2016: that worked
19:18.58rskyea weasel but it works for me..
19:19.19Ace2016soulchild: hey i figured it out, find /home  -name *mp3*
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19:19.45simonrvnfind $path -iname '*.mp3'
19:19.57amphiAce2016: you might want to protect the '*'s from the shell
19:19.59soulchildAce2016: ???
19:20.11x3mevaldyn, hi.. i have booted my debian with /dev/md0 and make grub-install /dev/sdb
19:20.23x3meafter, i turn off my machine, removes the /dev/sda and turns on
19:20.29x3meGRUB hard disk error appears
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19:20.43x3mewhere is my mistake?
19:20.43Ace2016amphi: how do you protect *?
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19:20.58amphiAce2016: as simonrvn already told you
19:22.43Ace2016so like this? find /home  -name \*mp3\*
19:23.27Ace2016x3me: boot a livecd, install grub, tell it where the boot partition is on one of the drives, it can't work from the raid, and it has to be raid1
19:23.29amphisingle-quoting is more conventional - why the trailing '*', BTW?
19:23.30simonrvnsimonrvn> find $path -iname '*.mp3'
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19:23.58milligan_Still having problems with sound on flash videos (i.e youtube), on debian lenny. 2.6.24-1-686. Shockwave Flash 9.0 r124. I've tried reinstalling/restarting alsa. Sound works fine in mediaplayers. I've installed the mozilla-plugin. I've tried fiddeling with iceweaselrc, and setting it to none or auto. still no sound. Any ideas?
19:24.05Ace2016because i didn't want to find mp3 files, i just wanted to find all files with mp3 in the name
19:24.29Ace2016milligan_: tried opera/
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19:24.43Ace2016see if its a flash issue or browser issue
19:25.04x3meAce2016, and when I replace the disk? I need to remake the array?
19:25.25milligan_Ace2016, same problem in epiphany
19:25.45simonrvnsomething occupying the device?
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19:26.07milligan_how would I check ?
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19:27.15Ace2016no just reinstall grub and tell it where one of the raid1 paritions making up /boot is, say /boot is made of the primary partitions /sda1 and /sdb1 and /sdc1 in raid1, tell it to use /sda1 as the partition to use, if the drive fails you'll have to reinstall grub because the mbr isn't on any of the other drives
19:27.39dpkgrumour has it, lsof is LiSt Open Files.  apt-get install lsof
19:27.41Ace2016milligan_: just a hunch but try killall -9 artsd, that'll stop kde using the sound system letting alsa through
19:28.10Ace2016man i love these linux tools
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19:29.22milligan_ace2001ac, I use gnome
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19:30.20x3meAce2016, I'm not using the /boot partition, I have to create /boot on all the hard drives and point grub  to there?
19:30.40x3meand that /boot needs to be out of the array ?
19:31.05nkuttlermilligan_: turn off esd
19:31.10mordyjumps naked into the street
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19:31.55milligan_nkuttler, how ?
19:31.56Ace2016you have to create a partition about 1GB in size on all the drives and put it in raid1, i do it at the very start of the drives so sda1, sdb1 and sdc1 are /boot
19:32.19nkuttlermilligan_: no idea. google it. click through that gnome config tool..
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19:32.57buntfalkeacpid still uses proc/acpi/events - how to switch to the new interface?
19:33.48Ace2016x3me: /boot needs its own raid array, its own raid1 array made up of primary partitions or else you'll be unable to boot if the hard drive fails
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19:34.47x3meAce2016, so my /boot will be /dev/md0 and my / will be /dev/md1
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19:35.52Ace2016newsense: ?
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19:36.27x3meAce2016,  so, my primary drive is /dev/sda and my secondary is /dev/sdb. If I remove /dev/sda and do nothing on grub, my system will crash or grub will know on what drive it will try to boot?
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19:37.36milligan_nkuttler, urk .. seems like oss is running for some reason. does that mean I need to recompile a kernel or something ?
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19:38.00nkuttlermilligan_: what makes you think oss is running?
19:38.11Ace2016if you have /boot on sda1 and sdb1 in raid1, then on the first install grub will use /dev/sda1 as /boot and install to the mbr of sda, but if sda fails you can reinstall grub to the mbr of sdb and then use sdb1 as /boot to start the system
19:38.13amphimilligan_: it's not the alsa oss emulation?
19:38.16milligan_nkuttler, because testing sound using oss works, and testing it using alsa doesn't.
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19:38.48milligan_amphi, it could be ...
19:38.56Heavy-DHey guys, i'm getting a message saying "Your PHP installation appears to be missing the MySQL extension" how do I remedy this?
19:39.03JulousteWhy cant I chroot into a filesystem without /bin/bash ?
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19:39.35nkuttlerJulouste: why should chroot care about some random shell?
19:39.36x3meAce2016, great ;)  only a last question: If on my first boot with /dev/sda1 on /boot, and make grub-install /dev/sdb, at the moment I remove /dev/sda, my system will be boot normally or at the same I need to change grub ?
19:39.40nkuttlermilligan_: how do you test?
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19:39.57x3mes/and make/I make/g
19:40.00milligan_nkuttler, System - Preferences - Sound
19:40.20mordyquick question: when installing debian from a usb disk -does the disk have to be formatted as fat16 (if i'm using fat) or is fat32 ok too?
19:40.23milligan_nkuttler, if I chose alsa as the device there, it threw an error. The only one it worked on was the OSS option.
19:40.27abrotmanHeavy-D: install php5-mysql
19:40.33nkuttlermilligan_: what error?
19:40.57milligan_nkuttler, audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink profile=music: Could not open audio device for playback.
19:40.58Juloustenkuttler: I get the error  "cannot run command /bin/bash : no such file or direcotry"
19:41.12nkuttlermilligan_: lsmod | grep oss, paste that somewhere
19:41.14dieghello, how can I install xen in unstable in an amd64 system? it looks like there isn't 2.6.25-xen-amd64 image. Thanks
19:41.16Juloustenkuttler: but I can chroot into my own root
19:41.28Heavy-Dabrotman: It already is installed and the latest version :S Do I need to do something to activate it?
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19:41.57nkuttlerJulouste: does the chroot have any shell at all?
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19:42.08Ace2016x3me: no, unless you tell bios to boot from the second hard drive and install grub to the mbr of the second had drive and also tell it to use /dev/sda1, if sda has been removed then sdb will become sda so i'm not completely sure what will happen, you might have to reinstall grub or sdb1 will effectively be sda1 so grub will use that, test it and see before you continue with the whole install and configuration
19:42.21nkuttlermilligan_: that's alsa. find someone who uses gnome :/
19:42.21Ace2016grub reinstall should work because you have /boot
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19:43.11Juloustenkuttler: it's an empty, mounted ext3 filesytem
19:43.35nkuttlerJulouste: um, what do you expect with an empty /?
19:44.22milligan_nkuttler, what would you recon the problem is? Alsa or flash ?
19:44.52nkuttlermilligan_: flash works just fine for me with alsa. i'd guess esd.
19:44.55*** part/#debian foetus (
19:45.46milligan_hmz.. no way I can stop that server? I certainly can't remember installing it.
19:45.56Heavy-Ddarn. The whole ... remove and then re-install php5-mysql trick didnt work :(
19:46.03Heavy-Danybody have any other ideas?
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19:46.17nkuttlerHeavy-D: restart apache?
19:47.05Heavy-Dthrows confetti in the air and watches the fireworks go off for nkuttler, and marvels in his own ignorance.
19:47.16abrotmanHeavy-D: check the php.ini file to make sure it's enabled
19:47.32Heavy-Dnkuttler: That did it. Thanks guys
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19:48.36DaemonikWhen attempting to NFS-boot Debian the kernel will print "nfs: server <IP address> not responding, still trying" then eventually print "nfs: server OK" several times then print the two several times then eventually boot. Why?
19:50.59dpkgsomebody said flash was frequently used to deliver interactivity, audio and video through a web browser.  Ask me about <gnash> or <swfdec> for free implementations or <adobe flash> for a non-free implementation.  Also see
19:52.52*** join/#debian simonrvn_ (i=simon@unaffiliated/simonrvn)
19:53.12Ace2016anyone running raiser 4 yet?
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19:54.12phoulAnyone here willing to walk me through this instruction... i dont quite understand how to add unstable to my sources ONLY for flashplugin
19:59.11mordyhow do i add an iso to my usb installation disk? the installer boots from the disk and says it can't find the iso - although it's on that vey same partition as the installer - i also renamed it to a ms-dos compatible filename- but it still won't detect it - any sufggestiions/
20:00.36phoulCan anyone give me a hand with the flash thing... i'm not sure how to do it properly....
20:00.56Ace2016Does anyone here use raiser4?
20:01.09DaemonikIn what packages would I find lh_config and lh_build?
20:02.03*** mode/#debian [+l 809] by debhelper
20:02.05dpkgPlease do not ask if anyone uses 'some_program'. Instead, ask your real question. (If the real question _was_ "does anyone use 'some_program'?" ask me about <popcon> instead.) See <ask> <sicco> <ask-to-ask> <polls>, or <search>
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20:02.23Ace2016i just wanted to know if it was uable as a filesystem
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20:02.53clip9Ace2016: you need to make a -mm kernel.
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20:04.12mirror_manHI. Does anyone know of a nice graphical LAN chat program?
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20:04.59jacekowskishould work in wine
20:05.17biatcheI wish to replace all occurences of AA BB CC with DD EE FF in *.html . How do I do this? I'm green to regex.. and im notquite sure what i should use to run through the files
20:05.23mordymirror_man, why can't you just scream?
20:05.26Ace2016how can i do that? i'm installing lenny as a way to get to sid now so how exactly can i get a new kernel in place for the install to work?
20:05.32mirror_manjacekowski, thanks.
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20:05.59mirror_manmordy, It's for use with a complete PC novice.
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20:06.14Ace2016-mm as in the -mm patchset?
20:06.19mirror_manis scream suitable for that?
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20:07.06mordydepends what he's accustomed to. i was just kidding though. i'd be surprised if there was an actual lanchat program called "scream"
20:07.23mirror_manmordy, lol.
20:07.50mordymirror_man, in terms of program names - in respect to GNU, anything is possible
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20:08.19mirror_manmordy, Yea, I would think so.
20:08.45r00txchi all
20:09.06mordyanyone have any experience installing debian from an iso located on a usb HD? when i try to install, it works until it scans for an iso, and says it can't find any
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20:11.24stewmordy: /msg dpkg usb-install
20:11.24Ace2016i just realised something
20:11.59stewmordy: what is the name of the iso on the usb drive?
20:12.04*** mode/#debian [+l 816] by debhelper
20:12.04Ace2016i created a swap space on an encrypted parition for the purpose of resume :( damn i didn't think that through
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20:13.08mordystew - originally the name was the name from - it was part of the cd set.. blah blah.. i386 blah .iso
20:13.30mordyi thought there may be a problem with the naming convention, although the partiton is fat 32 so i changed it to 1.iso
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20:14.48mordyhmm... dpkg doesn't say anything about copying an iso to the stuck
20:15.02stewmordy: hmm, i'm not sure if it works with isos that aren't netinst or businesscard.  but it might
20:15.12stewmordy: it definately should be named the same as it was when you downloaded it
20:15.19mordystew - according to debian documentation it works
20:16.09mordystew -
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20:16.38mordyi'll try downloading a netinst image and see what happens though
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20:17.26danielvrfgood night :)
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20:18.41stewmordy: the .iso should also be the same version of the installer as the hd-media that you are using
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20:19.14mordystew - hmm.. maybe i should check again - although i'm pretty positive it's the same version.
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20:21.13JulousteIf I create a symbolic link in a filesystem (with pwd=/ )  pointing to "/foobar"  will it be interpreted differently from a symbolic link pointing to "foobar" when the filesystem is mounted under another filesystem?
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20:21.15dpkgi heard apt is Advanced Packaging Tool, a package management system used by Debian and its derivatives. There is no apt program per se; APT is a C++ library of functions that are used by several command line programs for dealing with packages, most notably apt-get, apt-cache, and aptitude. see also <apt-get> <apt-cache>
20:21.22mordynope. it can't find it. is it possible that it's not mounting its own partition?
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20:22.01n1kt0pls give official links repozitory for the 4.0 testing
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20:23.12testiI have a netbios name, I want to resolve it's IP address. How can I do that?
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20:24.25n1kt0nbtstat -A ip -n?
20:25.02stewn1kt0: /msg dpkg mirrors
20:25.09stewn1kt0: but 4.0 isn't testing, 4.0 is stable
20:25.22kenjyok guys I have here an interesting problem, I was working in my PC, using gnome, I have hda1 for /, hda5 for swap and hda6 for /home, after a reboot I can't be loged in because my hda6 partition dose not exist, so I checked with fdisk and there is not, I only have hda1, there is not swap and /home, if I use fdisk I get this message: Warning: ignoring extra data in partition table 5
20:25.22kenjyWarning: invalid flag 0x4947 of partition table 5 will be corrected by w(rite) can you help me please guys?
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20:26.40n1kt0<stew> how can I update 4.0 to testing ?
20:26.59n1kt0<stew> i'm installed debian to desctop
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20:28.18mordyhow do i find things in busybox? i'm trying to see if i can find the .iso on the installation filesystem - is it possible that the installer isn't mounting the partition?
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20:28.52n1kt0<mordy> gm ?
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20:29.12mordygm? what do you mean?
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20:29.25n1kt0<mordy> can I do it?
20:29.27elvedinfind . -name "CVS" -type d -exec rm -rf \; would delete all CVS dirs in cwd's tree?
20:29.47n1kt0<mordy> gm? --it's russian word)
20:30.11mordyoh, i don't speak russian :p i'm not an expert - i probably knwo less than you
20:30.38mordyi only know privet
20:31.02n1kt0<mordy> it's good
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20:31.15mordyhehe, and kharasho
20:31.26mordyand a few curses, of course
20:31.47n1kt0<mordy> i'm not also the expert in the english language :P
20:31.48TheMadHat-will a dell xps m1330 work fine with debian without having an driver issues?
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20:32.27mordyhehe, no need to know good english - it's more important to read :)
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20:32.45biatcheI wish to replace all occurences of AA BB CC with DD EE FF in *.html . How do I do this? I'm green to regex.. and im notquite sure what i should use to run through the files.. I've came up with sed 's/AA BB CC/DD EE FF/' .... but I do not know how to make the appropirate change to each file with the occurance... and oh, is my sed format correct?
20:32.47mordy25% of the people in this country are russians though - you hear it on the streets all the time
20:33.06n1kt0<mordy> heh
20:33.36n1kt0<mordy> =)
20:34.25mordyhehe, my ancestors lived in eastern europe - but not russia: lithuania, poland, hungary, ukraine
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20:34.48kenjycan you help me please? =)
20:35.16n1kt0i'm going to revers-ingineering in the win32 :P
20:35.18mordykenjy, i probably don't know enough to help
20:35.32kenjymordy tnks jeje
20:35.36mordyreverse engineering is fun.. when nothing goes wrong
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20:37.08stewbiatche: you probably want "s/AA BB CC/DD EE FF/g' not just 's/AA BB CC/DD EE FF/' (in case "AA BB CC" appears more than once on a line).  you can do this in each html file with "sed -i 's/AA BB CC/DD EE FF/g' *html"
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20:38.21mordyhopw can i find things in busybox? doing find / -iname "blah" doesn't work -
20:38.23biatcheok thanks, ive been showed various ways
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20:39.07biatchestew: ive been told to use " find . -name "*.html" -exec sed -i 's/AA BB CC/DD EE FF/' {} \; " ... is this better?
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20:39.55Gryflhasestrange.... I'm recording a mpeg-stream from my tv-box with cat /dev/video0 >somewhereonmyharddisc   after a 2nd try it gave an error like, the resource video0 is use by another programm....  but it's really strange, that I don't see the task with cat in ps -AL....
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20:40.35biatcheso without appending that /"g" it would only make changes to the first occurence is it?
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20:42.02stewbiatche: that's what you would need if there are subdirectories containing html files, if they are all in the same directory, mine is better
20:42.40biatchethere are subdirs
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20:43.19stewbiatche: yes, without g, if you had a file that contained the line "AA BB CC XX AA BB CC", it would be replaced with "DD EE FF XX AA BB CC" instead of "DD EE FF XX DD EE FF"
20:43.39biatchethanks for the clear explanation
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20:45.32Posterdatihow can I install java plugin on iceweasel (debian amd64)???
20:45.33kenjycan some one help me please? =)
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20:48.38stewPosterdati: what version of debian are you running?
20:48.42wolsPosterdati: via nspluginwrapper (must use a 32bit java)
20:48.54Posterdatistew: lenny
20:49.13n3klkenjy: fdisk -l /dev/hda
20:49.25stewPosterdati: "aptitude install gcjwebplugin"
20:49.41Posterdatistew: tx and for flash=
20:49.45stewPosterdati: if you need the sun java plugon then you need nspluginwrapper
20:49.55stewPosterdati: aptitude install gnash
20:50.13stewPosterdati: if you need adobe's flash player you'd need nspluginwrapper
20:51.18stewinteresting, there is a icedtea-gcjwebplugin for amd64 in sid now
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20:52.57solid_liqanyone know where I can get a repo for opera (sid)
20:53.06n3klkenjy: your partition table got fscked.  What did you do?
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20:53.25ttyS1I'm trying to patch a debian package but when I run debuild I get the fatal error:   gpg: skipped "Jon Watson <>": secret key not available     "gpg: [stdin]: clearsign failed: secret key not available"
20:53.27moprilohi,  I have telnet working on root, but i just created a new user, and if i try to run telnet, I get permission denied.  why is that_?
20:53.38kenjyn3kl: honestly I don't know xD any way to fix it or I need to re-create the partition table?
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20:54.20n3klkenjy: found this.  still reading through it to see if it would help you though...
20:54.31kenjytnks n3kl
20:54.56n3klkenjy: I don't think that will help you now though
20:55.41kenjyn3kl: So I need to recover the partition table by hand with fdisk (its not a problem I can use rsync to backup the file system)
20:56.11stewttyS1: add the -us -uc to the dpkg-buildpacakge options section
20:56.24n3klkenjy: at this point though, you can't get to /home, so if you fsck this now, you could loose everythign.  I would rsync anyway before you do anything
20:56.41n3klkenjy: er, not necessarily rsync, just backup somehow
20:57.04stewttyS1: but note that by the time you are signign the changes/dsc files, the build has pretty much already succeeded
20:57.34n3klkenjy: there is a tool gparted I think that people have used.  Its got a recovery mode iirc
20:57.47n3klkenjy: maybe its just called gpart
20:57.49abrotmansolid_liq: .. /msg dpkg opera apt
20:57.55ttyS1stew: I've been having trouble with that package so I figure that may have caused a problem
20:57.59kenjyn3kl: oks
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20:58.53Posterdatistew: ok done! Thanks
20:59.03donspauldinganyone in here know how I can set a password on the web interface of ntop?  or at least require people to enter the admin password before they see all my network traffic?
20:59.16jacekowskiin setup
20:59.25jacekowskilast page
20:59.31jacekowskipassword protection
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21:00.25ttyS1stew: I'm just using debuild is it a different option for that ?
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21:02.11Sebbyhi i`m running sendmail and i need to configure it
21:02.22Sebbywere are by default the configs
21:02.27donspauldingjacekowski: awesome, thanks.
21:02.29Sebbythis is the version
21:02.32Sebby220 debian ESMTP Sendmail 8.13.8/8.13.8/Debian-3
21:02.37Juulhi.I have a server which i can only control remotely (over ssh), plus I have the ability to reboot it. The server recently crashed, and now I can only boot it using netboot and a rescue-linux. In /var/log/messages the last thing it prints before stalling is this:
21:02.38pickcodersends Sebby the batbook
21:02.39JuulJul 18 20:55:16 grafiki kernel: IPv6 over IPv4 tunneling driver
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21:02.48Juulany idea how to begin debugging this problem?
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21:03.11Sebbypickcoder ?
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21:03.50pickcoderIt's a phone-book size manual for Sendmail that's been around for ages
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21:04.18mordyhow do i search for things in busybox?
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21:04.22famicomWhy doesn't the etch installer detect my cdrom drive
21:04.23Sebbybut i need only the path to the configs not the manual
21:04.24famicomi mean
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21:04.37famicomwhat the fuck did i just load the goddamn installer from
21:05.01mordyfamicom - i'm having a similar problem wiht my usb - i don't think it mounts it
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21:05.28famicomwell, i dont feel like booting from gaybuntu
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21:05.32v1k1ng0how can I configure that my audio output was digital output?
21:05.36v1k1ng0hdmi output
21:05.36famicomi guess i could do a PXE install
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21:05.50v1k1ng0I have a laptop with hdmi output
21:05.54famicomyeah yeah yeah
21:06.03famicomv1k1ng0 which chipset
21:06.03mordyfamicom -net install?
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21:06.18v1k1ng0famicom: ok, wait please
21:06.18famicomis it an integrated chipset or a seperate card
21:06.28v1k1ng0integrated I think
21:06.40famicomv1k1ng0 intel/ati/nvidia?
21:06.52Juuldoes anyone know how to get all of the output that occurs during boot (after mounting root partition rw) saved to a single file?
21:06.53v1k1ng0famicom: intel
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21:07.04v1k1ng0$ aplay -l
21:07.05v1k1ng0**** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****
21:07.05v1k1ng0card 0: Intel [HDA Intel], device 0: STAC92xx Analog [STAC92xx Analog] Subdevices: 1/1 Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
21:07.08v1k1ng0card 0: Intel [HDA Intel], device 1: STAC92xx Digital [STAC92xx Digital] Subdevices: 1/1 Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
21:07.19famicomi have one of those
21:07.25v1k1ng0I run alsamixer
21:07.38v1k1ng0but iec958 is off
21:07.44famicomrecompile your kernel and make sure you select ALSA as a module
21:07.45v1k1ng0iec958 is digital output?
21:07.55famicomv1k1ng0 yeah it is
21:08.07v1k1ng0why it is off?
21:08.09famicomanyway, hush, this is how i get it to work stfu and listen
21:08.12*** join/#debian Posterdati (n=tapioca@
21:08.31famicomrecompile your kernel and make sure you add alsa as a modle
21:08.44pickcoderfamicom: it is by default
21:08.44famicomthen select support for the intel-hda as a module as well
21:09.02*** join/#debian rdd (
21:09.07famicomafter that, install alsa from source using aabuild
21:09.22famicomafter you have instaleld your new kernel that is
21:09.28v1k1ng0famicom: it is like module I think, I've recompiled the kernel (it isn't a debian kernel image)
21:09.34famicomoh ok
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21:09.43famicomthen run aabuild
21:09.48pickcoderv1k1ng0: lsmod | grep hda-intel
21:09.52v1k1ng0snd                    39060  9 snd_hda_intel,snd_pcm_oss,snd_mixer_oss,snd_pcm,snd_hwdep,snd_seq_oss,snd_seq,snd_timer,snd_seq_device
21:09.53famicomcheck the alsa wiki, it's a script
21:10.26v1k1ng0ups not, it isn't like module then :)
21:10.51v1k1ng0snd_hda_intel yes
21:11.12famicomrun this
21:11.14v1k1ng0snd_hda_intel          70300  0
21:11.14v1k1ng0snd_pcm_oss            31648  0
21:11.14v1k1ng0snd_mixer_oss          12928  1 snd_pcm_oss
21:11.14v1k1ng0snd_pcm                54980  2 snd_hda_intel,snd_pcm_oss
21:11.14v1k1ng0snd_page_alloc          7368  2 snd_hda_intel,snd_pcm
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21:11.32v1k1ng0I'm sorry for flood
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21:11.33famicomrun then
21:11.36famicomthen come back
21:11.42v1k1ng0ok, thanks famicom
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21:11.53pickcoderfamicom: do you plan on support his custom kernel?
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21:12.14famicomhe just said he compiled the module
21:12.16famicomso that should work
21:12.23pickcoderno.. it comes with the kernelo
21:12.23vodnikhey, guys. i'm having trouble getting gnome-power-manager to start
21:12.24famicomHDMI is tricky as fuck
21:12.42famicompickcoder maybe so, but this is the only way i can get it to automagically work
21:12.51v1k1ng0famicom: I have alsa packages installed, have I deinstall it?
21:12.54juniorsaHi, all of a sudden when restarting bind9 I am getting the error Stopping domain name service...: bindrndc: connect failed: connection refused I have changed permissions owner and group to root:root and chmod 755 rndc.key file without luck, any suggestions
21:12.57famicomv1k1ng0 no
21:12.59famicomnot needed
21:13.01pickcoderwell don't come in telling people to custom build a kenel and expect people here to support it
21:13.34famicommake oldconfig ?
21:13.47pickcoderthat's fine.. if _you_ know what you're doing
21:14.05pickcodersteps off the soapbox
21:14.06famicomwell, this is #debian
21:14.12famicompeople generally know what they are doing here
21:14.21pickcoderyou don't come around on sunday do you...
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21:14.41famicomif they're retards, they should ride the shortbus
21:14.47famicomand join #ubuntu
21:15.58vodnikany idea of how i can run gnome-power-manager under ion3?
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21:17.53juniorsaAnyone have a solution to error Stopping domain name service...: bindrndc: connect failed: connection refused
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21:18.49famicomfuck bind and switch to powerdns
21:19.23pickcoderjuniorsa: is 953 blocked in iptables?
21:19.34juniorsaoh let me take a look thanks
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21:19.56pickcoder(or if the default is DROP is it allowed)
21:19.59vodniki'm having trouble getting my laptop to turn off the screen on lidclose under ion3. it works fine under gnome. any ideas?
21:20.03juniorsano it's not blocked
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21:20.14famicomjuniorsa fuck bind
21:20.17famicomget rid of it
21:20.22famicomget powerdns and the mysql backend
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21:20.34famicomthen use mysql replication for slaves
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21:21.04stewjuniorsa: does your named.conf or named.conf.options contain a "controls" section with "inet port 953" or something similar?
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21:21.56v1k1ng0famicom: when I run the aabuild it doesn't work
21:22.02famicomv1k1ng0 in that case
21:22.07famicomhere be dragons
21:22.08pickcoderacl internals should list 127.0.0/8 in named.conf also
21:22.08famicomgood luck
21:22.10famicomand god speed
21:22.54juniorsastew: 953 is not in named.conf I grepped
21:22.56vodniki guess that my question is how can i get gnome-power-manager to run under a different wm
21:23.00v1k1ng0famicom: dragons?
21:24.01stewjuniorsa: that's the reason then.  you need a controls section
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21:24.23juniorsastew: ok I will read the man pages and create one
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21:25.21cr3rzemjestis it a good idea to add sid repo key only to update 1 particular program?
21:25.34stewcr3rzemjest: what version of debian are you running?
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21:26.37cr3rzemjesti mean i installed from netinst cd 4.1 r 2
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21:27.41cr3rzemjesti guess it is if i must
21:28.03EitanQuesiton to all: if I'm running a debian live cd, can I remove the cd so I can burn a dvd... or will the system complain?
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21:28.41xandEitan: it won't let you eject it
21:29.00abrotmancr3rzemjest: it's an awful idea
21:29.10cr3rzemjestabrotman, why?
21:29.11stewcr3rzemjest: there is no 4.1.  if you mean 4.0, then you should not be installing pacakges from sid at all, but using a backport: /msg dpkg backports
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21:29.26amphiEitan: you need to use a livecd that copies itself to a ramdisk; iso can do that, I don't know about the debian one
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21:29.35Eitanxand: So if I booted a debian live-cd and have a partially working, rescued debian hd connected to the same system, I won't be able to transfer the data from the rescued drive to a burned dvd?
21:30.07xandyou could boot from a usb stick or something, or copy to one... or what amphi said
21:30.09Eitanamphi: So basically I can't burn dvd's using a debian live-cd... right?
21:30.14cr3rzemjesti'll risk it because i need the program, however i will read about backports and delete key after update
21:30.23xandEitan: you can if you have two optical drives :)
21:30.33amphiEitan: I don't know
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21:30.36Eitanxand: ya... ok... got it... second question....
21:30.43cr3rzemjestand i don't want to install/compile from tar.gz
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21:31.12stewcr3rzemjest: no, read about backports before you do anything, not after you break your system
21:31.19EitanSecond question.... if I use gnome to copy a directory from the rescued drive to a usb stick... will it also copy the "hidden" files like files that start with a . ?
21:31.32xandif you copy the directory itself, yes
21:31.38xandrather than selecting all the contents
21:31.43n3klHow do xen vms get their time?  Is there a need to install ntp at all?
21:31.47Eitanxand... ok I'll give it a try.
21:31.52xandn3kl: from the host machine?
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21:32.23Nazcafanhi, I noticed that message when apt-get upgrading, recently:
21:32.37n3klxand: so I would only need ntp on teh host machine to sync time.
21:32.38Nazcafan*** This build of Glib was compiled with glib 2.16.4, but is currently running with 2.16.3, which is too old.  We'll continue, but expect problems!
21:32.48xandn3kl: well... that's a guess
21:32.52n3klxand: so all time should be synced between vms
21:32.54Nazcafanis this standard behaviour?
21:33.04xandn3kl: there's probably a xen channel that could answer
21:33.10xandor someone else here
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21:33.31n3klxand: I target you cause you responded =]  THanks
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21:35.33Eitanxand: I opened the nautilus window as root... but stupid gnome is telling me I don't have permissions to copy the folder off the hd to the usb stick! what's going wrong? How do I do a "copy this entire directory including hidden files" to the usb stick?
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21:35.55stewrunning nautilus as root sounds scary
21:36.19Eitanstew: ya... but it works... usually
21:36.20xandEitan: is the usb stick mounted ro or something?
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21:36.25xandI wouldn'
21:36.29xandt copy using nautilu
21:36.32vodnikhow can i start gnome-power-manager without getting the rest of gnome-sesson?
21:36.37xandpardon my line breaks
21:36.47xandI'd use cp -a
21:37.05Eitanxand... it shouldn't be... it's not... read write execute
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21:37.45xandwell can you create files on there using CLI?
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21:38.18Eitanok... I got a folder /mnt/home that I want to copy to the usb drive... what's the cp -a syntax I should use?
21:38.32Eitanxand... what's cli?
21:38.45xandcommand line interface
21:39.12xande.g.: cp -a /mnt/home /media/usb
21:39.15Eitanxand: I just created a new text file on the usb stick... it seems to work fine.
21:39.21xanduse cp -av if you want to see progress
21:39.38xandalso, you'll lose permissions if the stick is FAT formatted
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21:40.29Eitanxand: how do I check to see whether it's fat formatted or not?
21:40.32amphiEitan: you should tar up the files if you're backing up to vfat
21:40.45xandEitan: "mount"
21:40.56amphiEitan: file -s /dev/whatever will also tell you the fs
21:40.57stewEitan: file -s /dev/whatever
21:40.57xand(if it's already mounted)
21:41.23Eitanxand: it says usbfs
21:43.07Eitanxand: it's vfat
21:43.12Eitanstew: it's vfat
21:43.34Eitanok... so now what should I do?
21:44.06EitanI've spent two days with #debian's help to recover this debian drive... now all I have to do is copy the files off it.
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21:45.25cr3rzemjestwhat if package i'm looking for isnt in backports? add sid keys then? or install from tar.gz?
21:45.36neonlightningtwo questions is there a program or script so that i can configure stuff to different defaults for different stuff like mice in my xorg and is there still a xmms anywhere other then xmms2
21:45.46xandI would cp -a /source /destination
21:45.53xand(from CLI as root)
21:46.02amphixand: onto fat??
21:46.02Eitanxand: would that preserve the permissions and all?
21:46.04xandbut... format the USB stick as ext3 or something if you care about permissions
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21:46.11amphiEitan: no, of course not
21:46.22AbortRetryFailamphi: tarball it onto the fat part.
21:46.39amphiAbortRetryFail: aye - I suggested that some time back
21:46.39n3klEitan: but tar could
21:46.49Eitanxand: is it ok to format a usb stick as ext3?
21:47.00n3klEitan: why not
21:47.02amphiEitan: ext2 better
21:47.03AbortRetryFailor you could mount a file on the fat drive as -o loop and format that as ext3
21:47.05xandsure, but don't expect to use it in windows
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21:47.24AbortRetryFailyeah ext2 would be better, less writing to the flash.
21:47.39Eitann3kl: ok... you're saying I should tar it first... what's the command to tar an entire directory and save it as a file to the usb stick that's formatted as vfat?
21:47.58Eitanamphi: will ext2 preserve all of the file info from ext3 files?
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21:48.10amphiEitan: yes
21:48.10SeJowhere can i find the sources for e17
21:48.24n3klEitan: sure, thats one option.  tar -cvzpf /fat/tar.gz /mnt/root/shizzle
21:48.35n3klSeJo: google
21:48.37*** part/#debian v1k1ng0 (
21:48.57AbortRetryFailor man tar
21:49.11n3klEitan: listen to AbortRetryFail
21:49.13SeJon3kl: charming don't you think i tried a lot of them yet?
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21:50.13Eitann3kl: do you mean tar -cvzpf /dev/sda1/hometar.gz /mnt/home   ?
21:50.37n3klEitan: whatever, man tar
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21:51.00n3klEitan: I have not been folowing your story, if that is where you want the file, do that
21:51.54Eitann3kl... I want the /mnt/home directory to be gzipped and placed on my usb drive which should be /dev/sda1
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21:52.46n3klEitan: mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/sda1 && tar -cvpzf /mnt/sda1/backup.tar.gz /mnt/home
21:52.56n3klEitan: the manpages will tell you everything
21:53.02EitanIf I format a usb stick as ext2... and I copy a directory structure from a hard drive that's formatted as ext3... will I lose any data?
21:53.25n3klEitan: I would tar it regardless of the filesystem
21:53.35n3klEitan: the p option for tar is very important
21:53.45amphiEitan: no; /mount/point/foo.tgz not /dev/blah/foo.tgz
21:53.50Eitann3kl: since I'm basically a linux newbie... why is it a good idea to tar things first?
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21:54.03AbortRetryFailpreserves permissions and ownership.
21:54.04n3klEitan: or you could follow one of the earlier sugestions was cp -ax
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21:54.25amphiEitan: if it's an ext2 fs, cp -a will be fine
21:54.44n3klamphi: did I misslead him?
21:55.01JyZyXELhow many wlan connections can you have at one spot?
21:55.04SeJon3kl: you tried compiling on a eeepc?
21:55.04Eitanamphi: what was your correction to tar -cvpzf /mnt/sda1/backup.tar.gz /mnt/home ?
21:55.04n3klamphi: x, habit
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21:55.19n3klSeJo: no, I used distcc
21:55.29Eitann3kl: why is it a good idea to tar things first?
21:55.34SeJon3kl: good on ya
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21:56.15n3klSeJo: but also, I use debian so I don't have to compile.  Also, afik e17 is a heavier wm, so I prefer fluxbox, but I don't know that cause I have never run e17
21:56.21n3klEitan: personal preference
21:56.22amphiEitan: Eitan> n3kl: do you mean tar -cvzpf /dev/sda1/hometar.gz /mnt/home   ?
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21:56.39n3klEitan: everything is in one place for portability reason, and its compressed
21:56.41SeJon3kl: e17 is not a WM but a DM
21:56.58SeJoand the smallest one I know off
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21:57.11amphiDE, shurely
21:57.17n3klamphi: no, mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/sda1 && tar -cvzpf /mnt/sda1/tar.gz /mnt/home
21:57.27SeJoamphi: true sorry
21:57.33n3klSeJo: hmm, could be mistaken
21:58.35SeJon3kl: it's a habit also, each his choice right? ;p
21:58.47n3klWhen I use anohter desktop environment, I alwasy end up installing kde apps anyway
21:58.51Eitanhow do I format a usb disk as ext2 ?
21:58.54n3klSeJo: definately
21:58.59n3klEitan: mkfs.ext2
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22:01.28Eitanok... I'm going to go and try those things... thanks
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22:04.26mirror_manhifi, I'm trying to compile glanchat on two machines running Lenny. It compiles fine on one but ./configure stops at "checking for GTK" on the other. Glanchat needs Gtk+2 to compile. The machine in question has libgtk2.0.0 installed so I guess it needs some other package. Does anyone know what package this may be?
22:04.32vodnikhow can i start gnome-power-manager without gnome?
22:04.58n3klSeJo: ps, I wasn't ragging on e17
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22:05.28n3klvodnik: can you just type gnome-power-manager?
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22:06.07abrotmanmirror_man: apt-cache -- search libgtk -dev
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22:07.18vodnikn3kl: gnome-power-manager won't start if i do that. it claims that the dbus session service isn't running. it starts fine if i type gnome-session, and i can then close the rest of the session with it running allright
22:07.31*** join/#debian Cpudan80 (n=Dan@about/windows/staff/Cpudan80)
22:07.34Cpudan80HEllo all
22:07.45Cpudan80How do you add a script to the shutdown sequence?
22:07.50mirror_manabrotman, Thank you. I'll try installing that and see how it goes.
22:08.03Cpudan80I have a daemon that is running, and I need it to shut down cleanly and save the log files
22:08.31Cpudan80I tried adding a symlink called K52MyScript in /etc/rc0.d -- but it doesnt work
22:08.33Cpudan80It just hangs
22:08.49Cpudan80The script works fine if I execute it normally
22:09.07themillCpudan80: is it a script that starts with !#/bin/sh ?
22:09.36Cpudan80Other python scripts are in the shutdown sequence too, they work fine
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22:10.01themillCpudan80: read /etc/init.d/README...
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22:11.41Cpudan80themill: yeah I see that - but there are other python scripts in the shutdown sequence that work fine
22:12.34Cope57I received a Iceweasel update, and decided to check out the version which it upgraded to. I found this in the "Help " About Iceweasel part of the browser... Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-US; rv:1.9) Gecko/2008062908 Iceweasel/3.0 (Debian-3.0~rc2-2). There has been no bug issues that I know of, but I am running Debian 4.0 testing, and not 3.0~rc2-2 as it states in the browser identification. Is this a bug, or just something t
22:12.36themilldunno then... but we get people with problems here on a regular basis who are trying to insert ruby or python scripts into init.d...
22:12.57neonlightningi see debian has system-config-lvm and system-config-print but what about disaply and mouse?
22:12.57stewCpudan80: does your script expect to get called with "stop" as an argument?
22:13.14themillCope57: It's iceweasel version 3.0 not Debian version 3.0
22:13.20biatchehow do i get regex to match # ? im editing my squid.conf, i need it to match a regex that contains #... how can i escape it and yet allow squid.conf to read it
22:13.48Cpudan80stew: yes
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22:13.59Cope57But it states Iceweasel/3.0 (Debian-3.0~rc2-2), so this is just the browser version mentioned twice?
22:14.10Cpudan80stew: If I do ./myScript stop it works fine
22:14.28Cpudan80if I just do ./myScript it just gives me a usage error and quits
22:14.47stewCpudan80: does your script rely on environment variables that might not be available during shutdown?
22:14.59Cpudan80stew: no
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22:15.25Cpudan80stew: all it does is check to see if some file exists - and copies it off to a remote data store if it does exist
22:16.00shefqetistew: is it a must that scripts be links at /etc/rc0.d/ and the real ones be at /etc/init.d/  ?
22:16.07themillCope57: yes.
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22:17.27themillCope57: Iceweasel/3.0 is the "browser version" while Iceweasel Debian-3.0rc2 or whatever will be the package version.
22:18.17themillCope57: Compare the output to "apt-cache policy iceweasel" to see the debian package version.
22:20.13Cpudan80shefqeti: the real script is at /etc/init.d
22:20.26Cpudan80the one in rc0.d is a symlink over to etc/init.d
22:20.56neonlightningwhere can i actually configure my xorg stuff because it says dexconf is supposed to do it but i have to use grandr to set my resolution on every xorg reset and my 7 button mouse isn't working
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22:21.00Cope57I never did look into user agent stuff before, "Installed: 3.0~rc2-2 and Candidate: 3.0~rc2-2". It makes more sense now. Thanks themill, I guess I am not to old to learn a thing or two. ;)
22:21.16themillCope57: heh... no worries.
22:21.42Cope57Just thought it was a bit weird to see Debian 3.0 in the user agent.
22:21.42shefqetiCpudan80: i don't know. maybe matter the ownership and permitions of the file and link. see compare with the other ones in the directories
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22:22.38Cope57The cache policy made sense to me. Been forever since I actually looked at one, lol. Thanks for the help...
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22:24.15Cpudan80shefqeti: I wonder if there is some kind of timeout on the things?
22:24.29Cpudan80shefqeti: the file it has to move is huge - it takes about 45 seconds
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22:25.26Cpudan80kinda annoying that we have to move the thing on shutdown... but... we have to
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22:27.08shefqetiCpudan80: And if you call it from within an existing shutdown script ?
22:27.46shefqetiCpudan80: like add a line in one part of the shutdown sequence in mailserver shutdown, suppose
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22:28.04Cpudan80shefqeti: ehh... I could try that  Iguess
22:28.10Cpudan80Hadnt tried it
22:28.24Cpudan80I'd rather not mess with another script -- but if I have to...
22:28.41shefqetiCpudan80: why not try call it from rc.local ?
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22:29.19shefqetiCpudan80: ahh
22:29.31Cpudan80I could try that
22:29.43shefqetiCpudan80: but that's executed in startup no shutd
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22:29.56shefqetiCpudan80: my bad
22:30.03Eitanshefqeti: It worked!
22:30.25shefqetiEitan: your hd data is safe now ?
22:30.28Eitanshefqeti: My home directgory has been recovered!
22:30.38Eitanshefqeti: not quite... there's one last thing to do...
22:30.47shefqetiEitan: lol. finally. you were sweating
22:30.56Eitanshefqeti: I need to transfer the files from the hd ...
22:31.08shefqetiEitan: to ?
22:31.12Eitanshefqeti: it turns out the only files that were destroyed were debian system files... not my data
22:31.13Cpudan80shefqeti: oh yeah... that wont work ;-)
22:31.20Eitanshefqeti: I was hoping to a dvd
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22:31.36Eitanshefqeti: will the dvd preserve the fs structure and permissions?
22:31.46n3klSomeone help me figure this out.  I have a xen vm, I du -sh / reports 725M, df reports / is 3G full.
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22:32.17shefqetiEitan: tar.gz the entire home folder and burn it regularly in dvd
22:32.43shefqetiEitan: you will have a single file containing all your data
22:32.54Eitanshefqeti: that tar business didn't work ... I don't know... maybe I got the commands wrong... I tried it already...
22:33.11Eitanshefqeti: I want to do a straight transfer... let's say I'm not comfortable with tra
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22:34.23Eitanshefqeti: how about a dry run... tell me what command you would use to transfer the /mnt/home directory including all subdirs to /dev/sda1
22:34.29war9407curious -- does anyone here use a (windows/lirc compatible) remote for their computer/windows media player/mplayer? if so which do you use?
22:34.35Eitanshefqeti: I mean by tarring them
22:34.45shefqetiEitan: I don't have means to write directly from debian so i tar.gz stuff and burn in windows those. (hides in shame)
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22:35.22Eitanshefqeti: ok... fine... so can you give me the command to tar the /mnt/home dir and subdirs to /dev/sda1 ?
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22:35.47shefqetiEitan: you can't tranfer directly. you mount /dev/sda1 first at say /mnt2 and then simply copy recursively
22:36.11Eitanshefqeti: no... not directly... with tar... my usb stick (sda1) is already mounted.
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22:37.48tinglehi i run debian for years now but now i would like to install xp on dualboot for games
22:37.52tinglewhere do i starT?
22:38.18EitanQuestion to all: if I burn a linux directory under ext3 to a dvd... will it preserve the directory structure and permissions?
22:38.27shefqetiEitan: so like: cp -r /mnt/home/username /mnt/where/usbstick/
22:38.56Eitanshefqeti: I'm sorry... I confused you... I want to tar to the usb
22:40.05tingleis it smarter to install linux first and then winxp for dualboot or the other way arround?
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22:41.08shefqetiEitan: tar -cf /mnt/where/usb/homearchive.tar /mnt/home/username; gzip /mnt/where/usb/homearchive.tar
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22:41.37cloakabletingle: winxp, then linux, so grub can boot both
22:42.17Eitanshefqeti: that whole thing?
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22:43.22tinglecloakable: mkay ty
22:44.17Eitanshefqeti: debian:/home/user# tar -cvpzf /mnt/sda1/home.tar /mnt/home
22:44.17Eitantar: /mnt/sda1/home.tar: Cannot open: No such file or directory
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22:45.15Eitanshefqeti: debian:/home/user# tar -cvpzf /dev/sda1/home.tar /mnt/home
22:45.15Eitantar: /dev/sda1/home.tar: Cannot open: Not a directory
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22:47.25cloakabletingle: no
22:47.32cloakabletingle: np :P
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22:48.37shefqetiEitan: where is your usb mounted ?
22:48.46Eitanshefqeti: /dev/sda1
22:48.54shefqetiEitan: /mnt/sda1 ?
22:48.54JemtGreetz. Is it possible to bind a file extension or file type to a specific program in Gnome using a command line, by modifying a file or similar? I'm building a shell script that is setting up useful bindings.
22:49.38shefqetiEitan: not the device. the mount point
22:50.18Eitanshefqeti: /dev/sda1 on /media/UDISK2.0 type vfat (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev,quiet,shortname=mixed,uid=999,gid=999,umask=077,iocharset=utf8)
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22:51.40shefqetiEitan: and where is your home dir?
22:52.08Eitanshefqeti: /mnt/home
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22:54.01shefqetiEitan: try: tar -cvpf /media/UDISK2.0/homearchive.tar  /mnt/home/eitan
22:54.13shefqetiEitan: if your homedir is called eitan
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22:55.04Eitanshefqeti: it's going like crazy
22:55.16shefqetiEitan: wait
22:55.26shefqetiEitan: how much data is there averagely ?
22:55.40Eitanshefqeti: hundreds of files.....
22:55.40Eitanshefqeti: 1.7 gigabytes
22:56.25shefqetiEitan: you're on a livecd. you'll wait
22:56.43Eitanshefqeti: what do you mean?
22:57.02shefqetiEitan: it will take a while
22:57.40shefqetiEitan: in the end, in your usb you will have the "homearchive.tar" file. there is all your directory and contents
22:58.00Eitanshefqeti: and then all I have to do is untar it?
22:58.10Eitanshefqeti: what's the command for untarring?
22:58.18shefqetiEitan: yes. wherever you want them back
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22:59.19Eitanshefqeti: I want express to you how grateful I am that you have helped me rescue my data.... and to the others who helped who aren't online now.
22:59.52shefqetiEitan: you cd where you want the homedir extracted and run: tar -xvf homearchive.tar
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23:00.31shefqetiEitan: i mean the full path of homearchive.tar
23:00.58shefqetiEitan: like /mnt/where/next/will/be/usb/mounted/homearchive.tar
23:01.37shefqetiEitan: yw :)
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23:03.02shefqetiCpudan80: you solved that shutdown script yet ?
23:03.04DeltaS4when I update my kernel-image will modules-assistant find a nvidia module for that new kernel version?
23:03.12Eitanshefqeti: really... I really apreciate it... ddrescue worked very well and fsck too... all I did was say "yes" to everything.
23:03.33mad_muppetI just got given a compaq presario 4000 .. Im having problems installing linux because I cant set the boot sequence ..
23:03.59Cpudan80shefqeti: Well I found out that it doesnt hang -- thats just my VM doing something weird
23:04.06Eitanshefqeti: you're in albania, right?
23:04.13shefqetiEitan: yea lol
23:04.15Cpudan80shefqeti: But no... still stuck
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23:04.48Eitanshefqeti: is there anything you want from LA as a token of my appreciation that I can send you?
23:05.15abrotmanclean air?
23:05.26DeltaS4is it better to use linux-image-2.6 or a linux-image-2.6.xx?
23:05.32Eitanabrotman: canned smog
23:05.44abrotmanDeltaS4: linux-image-2.6-<arch>
23:05.50abrotmanDeltaS4: or linux-image-<arch>
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23:06.17Eitanshefqeti: just tell me.
23:06.30DeltaS4abrotman, and when I update the kernel will I have the nvidia modules for the updated version?
23:06.41abrotmani'd imagine so .. i don't use nvidia
23:06.45shefqetiEitan: no worry man, lol.  I know how it feels
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23:07.06shefqetiEitan: i've had crashes of tens of thousands of mailboxes
23:07.15Eitanshefqeti: feels like crap.... losing years of data...
23:07.25n3klabrotman: ati?
23:07.30shefqetiEitan: and having others looking at you gasping
23:07.36abrotmann3kl: no thanks
23:07.43n3klabrotman: intel?
23:07.49Eitanshefqeti: what do you mean you don't back up every month?
23:07.58abrotmanin this box .. yes .. and likely anything in the future also
23:08.22n3klabrotman: because of their new feelings toward open source?
23:08.23shefqetiEitan: yea I do. but mailboxes are like if you can, do it every second, lol
23:09.13shefqetiCpudan80: you use what vm system ?
23:09.13Eitanshefqeti: ... I have to backup every month now.... that'll be enough for me.
23:09.22Cpudan80shefqeti: vmware
23:09.29Eitanshefqeti: curious... what version of debian are you using?
23:09.41shefqetiEitan: 4.0
23:09.52abrotmann3kl: yes
23:09.57Cpudan80shefqeti: Instead of switching to "Power off" on the toolbar, it just halts and I cant type anything
23:10.03n3klshefqeti: xen is another nice one to checkout
23:10.10Eitanshefqeti: did they make a version number for lenny yet? have you seen lenny?
23:10.23themillEitan: 5.0
23:10.31Eitanthemill: wow... that's bold.
23:10.41Eitanthemill: have you seen lenny?
23:10.42n3klabrotman: good work
23:11.01themillEitan: I don't use it, but mrs themill does.
23:11.41shefqetin3kl: yes. I have some small vms for smtp servers with no so much traffic
23:12.21n3klshefqeti: I really like xen for my pwersonal use, but I am sure that work would look down on me if they knew
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23:13.15shefqetiCpudan80: odd. I don't know vmware though. It might have settings on how emulated hardware behaves. like irqs or memory. as far as i know vmware emulates hardware with bios and all
23:13.20Eitanthemill: so you've seen it... what's it like... what's the killer app? what's the big wow factor? any headline news... something to look forward to?
23:13.46n3klshefqeti: vmware free server is more sluggish than xen
23:13.51shefqetin3kl: what do you care? I run my xen puppies at 64M vmachines :D
23:15.03themillEitan: ummm.... not much to report, really. Newer openoffice, iceweasel and icedove are all a big improvement on etch. Newer KDE also, but that's also in (as is OOo).
23:15.04shefqetin3kl: but the thing is more like for tech support. the biggies get scared from made-in-house things. depends, i don't know
23:15.20n3klshefqeti: I have a couple of those.  The only reason I take interest is because I finally got fed up with vmware.  Just remember, you have to have a client to use vmware, that means that if you are on a different machine or something, you can't really access the server without installing and compiling some modules
23:15.48n3klshefqeti: but the web interface is getting better and better
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23:17.45shefqetin3kl: i've settled with xen for what i do. it does all i need. i have been wondering in xen, can one have one ethernet directly and exlusively usage from one vmachine? Or one entire hd or other device exlusive direct access to it? like no emulation? but directly the device, if there is any to spare?
23:18.03Eitanthemill: my main issues in etch are: slow windows, slow display, screwed up printing with cups (it's hard to get my printer to do 1200 dpi), screwed up scanning
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23:18.12Eitanthemill: any improvement in those areas?
23:18.19PerfDaveshefqeti: You can pass PCI devices directly to Xen guests
23:18.26n3klshefqeti: pretty sure
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23:19.04shefqetin3kl: nice. I can have the ftp server direct ethernet and hd then :D
23:19.10themillEitan: I don't see the first three myself and I don't do any scanning, so I can't really tell you
23:19.19Eitanthemill: also... slow pdf viewing... there's just a lot of things that seem slow in debian that are not slow in windows 2000... even though windows is technically inferior
23:19.43bombshockHello. Can someone tell me if its possible to resize partition from command line without the need of doing any back up, booting via live cd and then resizing or deleting/creating a new partition via mkfs?
23:19.44shefqetin3kl: and yet have the core system as a vm. Transferable everywhere
23:19.57themillEitan: can't say that I see slowness. I find kpdf much faster than acroread.
23:20.18Eitanthemill: i've been using evince...
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23:21.08shefqetiPerfDave: it's good to know that now. never found the time to properly check
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23:22.22EitanDoes anyone know whether burning an ext3 directory to a dvd will or won't preserve the structure and permissions properly?
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23:23.01jacekowskiit will preserve structure
23:23.19jacekowskiin best case
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23:23.24freebsehi, there is a problem with dist-upgrade (unstable) :
23:23.27freebseErrors were encountered while processing:
23:23.29jacekowskiin worst it can shrink file/folder names
23:23.55freebseI found a bug report, is there a workaround till it get fixed
23:24.02freebsehi btw
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23:25.36Eitanjacekowski: what about permissions?
23:25.36PerfDavefreebse: If there's a workaround, it'll be on the bug report :)
23:26.06jacekowskiEitan: permissions doesn't exist on dvd
23:26.13freebsePerfDave: not allways, because some work arounds do not fix te prob really
23:26.28jacekowskiEitan: you can your files and burn this file
23:26.32Eitanjacekowski: so no... right?
23:26.34PerfDavefreebse: would be a better place to look anyway
23:26.41Eitanjacekowski: ok...
23:26.47freebsePerfDave: ok thx anyways it is a bug I can live with :)
23:26.58Eitanjacekowski: are permissions an issue for a 1 man system? :)
23:27.00abrotmanfreebse: help if you read the actual bug
23:27.06shefqetiEitan: your home directoy stuff has all the permitions. it's preserved in the .tar file
23:27.29jacekowskiEitan: sometime
23:27.35shefqetiEitan: for the .tar file itself it can sufice to have read permitions.
23:27.41jacekowskiEitan: mostly for all daemons
23:28.15Eitanjacekowski: are you saying something might not work if I just burn a cd with the file on it... because of permission loss?
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23:28.37jacekowskiEitan: yes
23:28.46jacekowskiEitan: wrong
23:28.59shefqetiEitan: you don't lose any permitions of your data. you carry the archive file like any file
23:29.01jacekowskiEitan: if you burn file then everything will work
23:29.04Eitanjavekowski: yes wrong?
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23:29.53Eitanshefqeti: if I do the archive file... I'm planning to do both.... I just want to know for my knowledge... if I backup by just burning a cd with the files... not a tar... would I miss out on something?
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23:30.48freebseI thought about installing hal by source, ./configure went allright, maybe I break my whole system, actually I wanted to ask, if someone tried this allready, anyway I removed hal manual and started make allready, so I am going to find out shortly :) thx everybody for answering
23:31.05abrotmanfreebse: the URL i gave you shows a work around
23:31.29shefqetiEitan: i have not tried anything similar. I think you can treat a cd-rw as a normal ext3 fs with any technique, I don't know. it's a maybe for me
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23:31.49shefqetiEitan: it deals lots with filesystems
23:31.50freebseabrotman: ups, I should read things first and be patient, this was allways my problem, thx
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23:32.09abrotmanfreebse: and using to read the official bug might be helpful too :)
23:32.26valdynEitan: you would loose permissions
23:32.28shefqetiEitan: but you sure can format an usb with ext3 and not the usual vfat. and treat it like any disk
23:32.50Eitanshefqeti: I'm just sitting here with the usb drive still writing... I was thinking about also burning a dvd ... or maybe 2... one with a tar and one with just the raw directories and files
23:32.58shefqetiEitan: for permitions, links and all
23:33.21valdynEitan: just use tar, theres no point in working around that
23:33.47Eitanvaldyn: would it matter that I lose permissions if it's just a one man system? also... what would permissions revert to upon copying back to a running linux system? rwx for all or rwx for no one?
23:33.55freebseabrotman: well you got me, it is a notebook from my company, I am actually BSD user :) sorry for asking dumb questions :) thx anyways
23:34.04valdynEitan: yes
23:34.09valdynEitan: thats totally fucked up
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23:34.23valdynEitan: permissions serve their purpose even on a single person system
23:34.26shefqetiEitan: treat tar.gz or tar.bz2 as an advanced zip which preserves all atributes there are
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23:34.30Eitanshefqeti: I tried that format business for the usb and it didn't work... so I'm just taring to the usb vfat
23:34.41valdynEitan: and theres no technical 1-user system with debian
23:34.44shefqetiEitan: when you restore from them all will be as you put them there
23:35.24valdynEitan: you know theres tools that do backups for you, levels higher than just tar
23:35.27Eitanvaldyn: so can you give me an example of one thing that would "break" because it lost permissions? I am just talking about user data... not debian system files.
23:35.44valdynEitan: ok, im talking about system files
23:36.00valdynEitan: user data rarely breaks, but ~/.ssh/* will break
23:36.11valdynEitan: and that is user data too
23:36.11Eitanshefqeti: so it doesn't matter if I had just copied the files... I didn't need to tar... right?
23:36.17Eitanvaldyni: so it doesn't matter if I had just copied the files... I didn't need to tar... right?
23:36.37shefqetiEitan: could be the loss of all read permitions of the evolution email storage section
23:36.44valdynEitan: well, you cant copy files to an iso9660 or a vfat filesystem with all info preserved
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23:37.24Eitanshefqeti: I don't use evolution... icedove... would that make a difference?
23:37.32shefqetiEitan: no
23:38.02Eitanvaldyn: ok... but do I need those permissions for my email files from icedove and my other random user files... ?
23:38.03shefqetiEitan: if that affects one, i'd guess it does the other too
23:38.11valdynEitan: its simple, since you cannot verify every single file for permissions relevance, you really want to backup those too
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23:38.32valdynEitan: so thats an irrelevant question
23:38.44Eitanvaldyn: so you're saying taring is safer...
23:38.52valdynEitan: yea
23:38.56shefqetiEitan: yes. permitions are like part of the file. the filename is incomplete in many cases for proper usage
23:39.25Eitanok... so I guess I'll do both, why not? they'll both fit on a dvd.
23:40.04Eitanif I put the tar file on a usb... would the usb be fast enough to transfer the data to a dvd for burning without an underrun?
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23:40.58shefqetiEitan: you better take it to a system with hd and copy it there first and then burn it from that copy
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23:41.18Eitanvaldyn: so for sure... just copying the files to a dvd would not mean that they would be restored with all the permissions for everyone off... rather, they would be ON for everyone.
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23:41.27Eitanshefqeti:... I see.
23:42.24shefqetiEitan: there's on and off and excutabe and sticky and browsable for directories and write-without-read and all. :p
23:42.48Eitantoo complicated!
23:43.01shefqetiEitan: means you need them
23:43.09Eitanlinux makes my head spin ()~)(~)()(~
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23:43.43shefqetiEitan: no it's simple. permitions matter. use transfers that preserve them
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23:43.56blizzowI added my friend's network to my own with:
23:43.56blizzowroute add -net netmask dev eth3
23:43.56blizzowroute add -net netmask gw dev eth3
23:43.57shefqetiEitan: disconsider what loses permitions
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23:44.15blizzowmy router is able to ping my neighbors network but none of the machines on my network can reach his.
23:44.26Eitanis dvd iso 9660?
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23:44.55blizzowWhat am I missing?
23:44.55valdynblizzow: 2 times conflicting routes, how the hell is that supposed to do what you want?
23:45.29blizzowvaldyn: I couldn't seem to put a gw in unless I ran the first command.
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23:46.33valdynblizzow: the 1st command sets the way to go to plain thru eth3
23:46.56valdynblizzow: the 2nd claims that you need to pass thru a gateway within the network that gateway is supposed to help you reach
23:47.18valdynblizzow: maybe the 2nd is supposed to be "route add default gw
23:47.25valdynblizzow: or maybe not, i dont know what you want
23:47.43blizzowvaldyn: will two default gws conflict?
23:47.59valdynblizzow: umm?
23:48.08deadcatsomething wrong with the lastest 2.6.25-2 kernel? when i boot up it sits and "waiting for root filesystem ..."
23:48.10valdynblizzow: you can have as many gw as you want , but only one per network
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23:48.40deadcatfor ppc
23:49.01PerfDaveblizzow: Hang on, you're running these route commands on your router, right? (a) Do the other machines on your network know to route through your router and (b) do the machines on the other network know how to route back?
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23:50.30shefqetiblizzow: you might want to see the FORWARD rule of iptables to see if it blocks by default too
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23:51.26shefqetishefqeti: and turn on ip forwarding too maybe
23:52.19PerfDaveBut not IP masquerading if you can help it ;)
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23:53.54blizzowvaldyn: I just want hosts on my neighbors network and my own to be able to talk freely.  He's on eth3, I'm on eth5.
23:54.24PerfDaveblizzow: You need to set up routing on both sides of the link, really.
23:54.34PerfDavesuggests a copy of "TCP/IP Illustrated vol. 1"
23:55.28abrotmanthe pictures help!
23:55.49shefqetiblizzow: does  cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward  show 1 or 0 ?
23:56.13PerfDaveAlso, when dealing with routing problems, learn to love tcpdump :)
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23:57.31shefqetiPerfDave: rough love that tcpdump. it wears my patience like crazy
23:57.31blizzowPerfDave: It was working before I rebooted it :(
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23:58.18blizzowshefqeti: ip_forward shows 1.
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23:58.44JyZyXELhow many wlan access points can you have at one area?
23:58.47tviewcan anyone show where to look so I know when the next kernel is coming in from unstable to testing please?
23:59.27abrotman!why is foo not in testing
23:59.27dpkgfoo is not in testing for the reasons listed in
23:59.39abrotmanJyZyXEL: #wireless

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