IRC log for #debian on 20080707

00:00.29n-iCe\amethyst:  when I reboot the time/clock changes
00:00.37n-iCeIt is not saving the tim
00:01.00CcSsNETcheck user permisions maybe haha
00:01.02\amethystn-iCe:  does it change by a number of hours, or do the minutes change too?
00:01.18n-iCe\amethyst: all changes, the time, the clock
00:01.29n-iCeIf it is 4:00Pm and I reboot, says 1:00am
00:01.45CcSsNETbad bios battery>
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00:02.00n-iCeCcSsNET: no it was working fine, and the laptop is new.
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00:02.14\amethystn-iCe:  and how are you rebooting?
00:02.17micolssimonrvn: pata_amd is my module and i made /dev/cdrw myself
00:02.22micolsit just still says it cannot load scsi driver
00:02.24CcSsNETodd, how are u setting the clock? using the command line?
00:02.29n-iCeSystem >> shutdown >> restart
00:02.32micolsand scsi , sd_mod etc is loaded and /dev/sg0 exists now
00:03.12mostywhich package provides (or creates) the /etc/postgresql/8.1/ directory?
00:03.21n-iCeI will fix that later,brb
00:03.44amphin-iCe: is your cmos clock set to utc, and does debian know that?
00:03.47micolsuh.. /dev/sg0 works now :)
00:03.52micolscdrecord dev=/dev/sg0
00:04.12micolsis there a nice way of making /dev/sg0 symlinks as /dev/cdrw on boot? can udev do this ?
00:04.35micolsscsi 4:0:0:0: CD-ROM            PLEXTOR  DVDR   PX-708A   1.11 PQ: 0 ANSI: 5 is my vendorstring
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00:07.21quittehi. is tere somthing that resembles the functionality, not the looks of the osx dock?
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00:08.27vinaferaafterstep and windowmaker both use docks implemented in next step
00:08.41vinaferaas implemented
00:09.08vinaferawhich is the origin of the osx dock as well
00:10.04abrotmanquitte: what is your WM/DE ?
00:10.21quittegnome, usually.
00:10.52quittejust tried awn. unfortunately it seems to focus on the looks only
00:11.31abrotmanquitte: so you want a bunch of launchers like OSX ?
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00:12.25quitteabrotman: yes. and the launcher should also be the tool to switch between windows
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00:12.41simonrvnawn *is* only for the looks. it's a hog like desklets, and pretty buggy, too
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00:13.32abrotmanquitte: uhm .. there's a thing in the corner called "Window Selector" .. and you can add that to any panel .. i'm not aware of any dock for gnome that mimics the awfulness of the OSX dock
00:14.08gnunixguyis away: HANCOCK!!!
00:14.22abrotmangnunixguy: we don't care .. turn that off
00:14.24stew!tell gnunixguy about away
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00:16.40Sebbypgtclsh is the same as tclsh ?
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00:23.19\amethystSebby:  except the postgres access libraries are pre-loaded
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00:26.27bmhhi, how do i find out which name server/s this debian machine is using?
00:26.54abrotmanbmh: /etc/resolv.conf
00:27.44bmhgreat thanks!
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00:39.20Sebbyi tried to start postgresql using this command gnuworld@debian:~$ /usr/local/pgsql/bin/postmaster -S -B 64 \-N 32 -i -D /usr/local/pgsql/data -o -F -h \    and i got a error:  FATAL:  data directory "/usr/local/pgsql/data" has group or world access
00:39.20SebbyDETAIL:  Permissions should be u=rwx (0700).
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00:39.38Sebbywhat i did wrong?
00:40.27cast|lirwhat does the error message say
00:40.28mostySebby, change the permissions to what it said
00:40.43Sebbyhow do i do it?
00:41.01cast|lirman chmod
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00:41.28cast|lirhope this is for a non-internet facing box (:
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00:41.46Sebbyi gootta go to bed now is 04:00 in my country could yo tell me so to run faster
00:42.18abrotmanSebby: if you want to compile pgsql .. ask #postgresql
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00:42.43Sebbyi think i know.. chmmod /the/dir 700
00:42.51Sebbythat iS?
00:43.16mostysebby: man chmod
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00:43.59stewSebby: we'd recommend that you use the debian packages of postgres instead of installing it in /usr/local.  do you have a good reason not to use the debian packages?
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00:44.38ziyaxhello is there an any simple way for listing files bigger than X bytes from destination folder
00:45.17cast|lirziyax: man find
00:45.21cast|lirziyax: /size
00:45.37ziyaxcast|lir i tried but i couldnt succeed it :/
00:45.53abrotmanread it again
00:45.55stewziyax: what command did you type?
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00:47.15ziyaxstew: well its something stupid :P  find / --size >2000000b
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00:47.57paulorashello good night would like to know the following, in the site of the debian he/she does have for download debian-40r3-amd64-DVD-1.iso,debian-40r3-amd64-DVD-2.iso, debian-40r3-amd64-DVD-3.iso which their difference is?
00:48.12Sebby.FATAL:  "/usr/local/pgsql/data" is not a valid data directory
00:48.13SebbyDETAIL:  File "/usr/local/pgsql/data/PG_VERSION" is missing.
00:48.19cast|lirziyax: look at the examples
00:48.39ziyaxcast|lir: problem is there is no examples
00:48.58cast|lirziyax: /EXAMPLES      there is ;P
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00:49.06ziyaxhehe :P
00:49.11aidanhow can I install a 32bit version of libuuid?
00:49.11Cyispauloras, if you can install from the net you only need the first disk
00:49.52steweven if you can't install from the net you only need the first disk
00:49.58cast|lirpauloras: they contain all the packages in debian. which most of you certainly don't need
00:50.33stewpauloras: DVD-1 contains the installer and many packages.  DVD-2, DVD-3 contain more packages
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00:51.48pauloras[Cyis]: then he does have to lower all or is lowering the 3 only enough?
00:52.17CyisI never get more than the first disk
00:52.37stewpauloras: debian-40r3-amd64-DVD-1.iso is enough unless they need packages on -2 or -3 AND they cannot get onto the internet
00:54.48pauloras[stew]: tranks
00:54.55paulorascast|lir tranks
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00:56.25aidancan I force an architecture with apt-get? e.g. force it to install a 32bit package on my amd64?
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00:57.44cast|lirthat would break shit
00:57.59abrotmanaidan: why do you want a 32bit version instead of 64bit
01:01.31cast|lirbecause its half the size!
01:01.35cast|lirdisappears to work
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01:04.45KaManotte a tutti!
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01:08.51aidanabrotman: I have a 64bit version, I'm trying to run a 32bit program
01:09.17abrotmanaidan: did you install ia32libs or whatever it's called?
01:09.34mostywhich 32bit program?
01:13.29aidanabrotman: yeh, that's worked fine until they introduced this new dependency
01:13.36aidanmosty: antenna house xsl formatter
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01:13.58JyZyXELi think all the manuals should be like this:
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01:14.10abrotman!tell JyZyXEL about ot
01:14.55JyZyXELit is on topic
01:15.10JyZyXELlook before you judge -.-
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01:17.34efaistosis there some issue in sid with gdm or xorg ?
01:17.51stewefaistos: probably many
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01:18.11JyZyXELill promise you there is
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01:18.35efaistosmy laptop went black and have to kill X and gdm from another station to be able to restart it ...
01:18.40efaistosany idea ?
01:19.05m-cCould you point me to a web page regrading the Debian built tools and setting up the environment for packaging?
01:19.10JyZyXELthats everyday stuff when using ati's or nvidia's drivers
01:19.36stewm-c: /msg dpkg mg
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01:20.03m-cty stew
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01:20.44n3klIs there anything I need to do to get graphics acceleration on Intel Mobile Video cards?
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01:23.51Riot|AFKHey, anyone know if I can somehow change the listening IP to xxx if I have an app listening from another IP on a specific port?  Ventrilo doesn't let me change the listen host without pro license.
01:24.23JyZyXELthe ventrilo server?
01:24.29abrotmanyou might be able to remap with iptables .. ask #iptables
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01:25.15Bushmills(packets still have to return to the right interface) - i think you need a proxy
01:25.17kazolIs there an easier way to chroot a sftp login than this?:
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01:26.20zinxRiot|AFK: there's probably a LD_PRELOAD style hack to bind to an ip
01:27.21mostyis there a noninteractive command i can run that will generate and set my preferred locale?
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01:29.54Riot|AFKzinx, i'm not too knowledgable in that field
01:30.26zinxRiot|AFK: i mean, someone's probably already written one that you can search for
01:30.52Riot|AFKgoogle isn't turning up any good results
01:31.28abrotmanvotes for iptables
01:31.30stewRiot|AFK: you could also use netfilter's DNAT
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01:32.03Riot|AFKalright, i'll look into that, thanks
01:34.02zinxmy searching results in '' in the Modelnet stuff
01:34.20zinxstew: DNAT is not going to allow him to bind to *:port when ip:port is already bound!
01:34.39zinxand opening an extra port is just insane
01:34.40abrotmanhe has two IPs ?
01:35.54zinxabrotman: i thought so, otherwise what he said didn't make much sense
01:36.12abrotmanright .. so the dnat souhld work
01:36.26stewzinx: it wouldn't allow him to bind to any additional port, but he could make his system appear to someone else as if he had
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01:36.31zinxand be a huge gigantic hack :/
01:36.49zinx(even moreso than LD_PRELOAD, which is quite the achievement)
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01:37.36abrotmanzinx: it's proprietary software .. we have no idea what it does or does not do
01:38.19zinxabrotman: which is why doing DNAT is a bad idea
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01:38.38abrotmandoesn't make sense .. but okay
01:38.45zinxabrotman: it's entirely possible it requires the port to not be altered during transit, it's much less likely that it bothers to check if the socket's been bound
01:39.02zinxabrotman: a number of games require the port to not be altered, it's not that uncommon
01:39.02stewzinx: so instead of writing a single iptables command, you want him to write a c program?
01:39.23zinxstew: no, there is at least one pre-existing library :P
01:39.47zinxheck i could hash one out in a few minutes if anyone really cared
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01:45.17c0mradecan anybody help me with quota? it doesn't seem to stop user exceeding its disk usage .. any indications what went wrong ?
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02:07.20hobbes006hi guys, i am having some issues with new lenny/sid setup. particularly, after installing apache2, the "It Works" page showed up but when I set up a virtualhost, it no longer works, complaining that httpd not running. Checking the error logs didnt show up anything... any suggestions?
02:08.34hobbes006another question - if anyone would oblige - is that i have a LoadModule statement that I need to put somewhere. I am not very familiar with where I should put it in debian. Usually in other setups, I will add the LoadModule statement in httpd.conf
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02:09.20stewhobbes006: which module are you going to load?
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02:10.07stewhobbes006: in general, youd be using "a2enmod modulename" instead of manually putting LoadModule.  also, look at /etc/apache2/sites-{enabled,available}
02:10.17stewhobbes006: is that something you installed with apt?
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02:10.35hobbes006stew: that was installed through gem (rails)
02:11.34stewhobbes006: if a .load file wasn't provided in /etc/apache2/mods-available/ you should put one there and run 'a2enmod passenger'
02:11.57hobbes006stew: i see. interesting layout. trying that...
02:12.23hobbes006stew: how should i name it ?
02:12.46hobbes006stew: any name i like i guess? so something like "passenger.load"
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02:19.20hobbes006stew: thank you. seems like that did the trick.
02:19.32hobbes006stew: apache2's running again...
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02:32.58msshamswhat is your suggest for gnome? screenlets or gdesklets?
02:33.31cast|liris e16 a valid answer
02:33.53abrotmango to work bum
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02:34.29cast|liri am! i'm having fun with windows dependency hell. intel fortran requires visual studio requires SPsomething
02:34.44abrotmanmsshams: i'd guess the gdesklets are a bit better integrated with gnome
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02:38.28Demosthenesany tips on disk encryption and suspend on laptops?
02:39.03cast|lirdon't think you'll get those two working happily, unless you only suspend to ram instead of suspend to disk [i think thats the right terms]
02:40.31Lectushow much do you like my desktop? is it beautiful?
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02:41.22Demosthenescast|lir: i'd be content to be insecure while suspend to ram, and secure when suspend to disk
02:42.11cast|lirwell issue with suspend to disk is you'll write out sensitive things potentially to disk, ram is a minor issue in comparision
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02:43.09cast|lirpeople recovering shit from ram is unavailable risk [unlikely, though, wonder how many three letter agencies can do it] whether you suspend or not
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02:46.00cast|lirLectus: pretty low res screenshot, can't see anything!
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02:48.30Lectuscast|lir: sorry... it's the image hosting site limitation
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03:09.25frosty2adama, you there?
03:09.36frosty2adama, i've got some more questions for you today!
03:10.25frosty2does anyone here use xfce?
03:10.25abrotmanyou can ask other people
03:10.26dpkgIf you have a question, just ask! For example: "I have a problem with ___; I'm running Debian version ___. when I try to do ___ I get the following output ___. I expected it to do ___." Don't ask if you can ask, or if anyone uses it, or pick one person to ask (ask the whole channel!). We're all volunteers; make it easy for us to help you. If you don't get an answer, ask later or ask
03:10.37frosty2abrotman, you have xfce?
03:10.46wolsfrosty2: ask you real question
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03:11.02frosty2wols, i was just looking for a gui xfce menu editor
03:11.17frosty2wols, i see a menu creator...but no editor :(.....sorry
03:13.14frosty2sorry...not sure why i directed that specifically at you wols.....
03:13.19frosty2lemme try again :P
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03:14.17frosty2I'm having a problem with getting rid of a bad entry on my xfce menu. I'm running Dreamlinux (a Debian derivative, whose IRC channel is non-existent) I see a Menu Item Creator...but no "editor" Any ideas?
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03:14.47abrotmanask ##linux or #xfce
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03:15.43abrotmanfrosty2: alternately .. install Debian
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03:18.33mortenmjhi. my sound card is disabled after a period of inactivity. i like this functionality, but i would like to modify it somewhat. can anyone tell me what process handles this?
03:18.39JoelitoHi all, I'm using debian testing (gnome) and seems that gnash can't play some flash files, with sounds actually...any ideas?
03:19.03frosty2abrotman, i like debian..i like gnome....but, i really can't run anything but xfce or fluxbox with this aged system :(
03:19.25abrotmanfrosty2: great .. install debian .. run fluxbox or xfce .. otherwise go to ##linux or #xfce
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03:20.50mortenmjabrotman: you wouldn't happen to know, would you?
03:21.37abrotmannope .. i try not to make sounds :)
03:23.02Joelitoabrotman: do you know how to solve gnash + iceweasel with flash videos with sounds? gnash doesn't play them :s
03:24.03abrotmangnash isn't 100% bug free
03:24.24abrotmani'd wonder if it's a sound-card-busy thing
03:24.44mortenmjthose crazy sound cards
03:24.46cast|lirisn't there a #gnash channel
03:25.17cast|liror did you use a .deb, hmm, check the BTS?
03:25.30Joelitotrying there :p
03:25.30cast|liri didn't get gnash to work at all :<
03:25.55Joelitognash play propertly videos w/o sounds
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03:27.42wolsstart your browser from a xterm and check for messages if any
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03:30.15Joelitowell..a lot of text, but no warnings or errors
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04:06.44gnunixguysorry about the away message, i didnt realize it went public :(
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04:06.57gnunixguyis back
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04:13.31VasisthaSo, I have this directory with all these files like packagen_version.dsc, package_version_i386.changes, package_version.tar.gz ... were these probably gotten via apt-get source, and would this directory be a good place from which to call apt-get source?
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04:18.17SupaplexVasistha: apt-get source is smart enough to skip downloads that are already in the pwd.  I have a ~/usr/src/<something> where <something> is like synergy-find-timeout-messages  so I know why I downloaded it weeks later (and can remove it w/o loss)
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04:19.16Vasisthanice, thanks, Supaplex. Well, there is definitely a new version, so I think this is the right place to do my tinkering. I'll just have to figure out how to do that deb building thing again ...
04:25.30*** join/#debian Aaron__ (
04:25.36Aaron__hey i have a question
04:25.42Aaron__what program do i used so i can connect via wireless?
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04:27.29deadcatAaron__: iwconfig
04:27.33liabledepends on the security
04:27.43LagboltAaron__, you want a gui? or just some command line tools?
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04:28.26Vasisthahow to roll a .deb from sources I just got (and slightly modified) via apt-get source ?
04:28.28mortenmjrecommends wicd
04:28.46Lagboltwicd is pretty nice alternative to net manager
04:28.50Aaron__lagann_, GUI
04:29.13LagboltAaron__, use wicd or network manager applet, there is one for gnome or kde
04:29.44Aaron__bash: wicd: command not found
04:29.45mortenmjLagbolt: i would say wicd is vastly superior to gnome network manager
04:29.53mortenmjAaron__: install it first
04:29.57Vasisthamortenmj: wow, nice, it supports static ip/dns, unlike networkmanager
04:29.57LagboltAaron__, you have to install it
04:30.04mortenmjVasistha: exactly
04:30.06mortenmjit's awesome
04:30.12Aaron__Aaron@Tango:~$ apt-cache search wicd
04:30.16Aaron__no packages i get
04:30.24mortenmjjesus fucking christ. google it
04:30.39liablehe might have stable
04:30.41Vasisthamortenmj: that is, like, the first thing I looked for once I saw that it was a gui tool :) looks excellent, I will have to try it someday.
04:30.42Lagboltmortenmj, lol
04:31.01liableAaron__: which debian version?
04:31.09Aaron__is lo wierless
04:31.20mortenmjlo is the loopback device
04:31.28Aaron__oh ic,
04:31.33Aaron__i don't see it the wireless.
04:31.57mortenmjwhat devices do you see if you run iwconfig?
04:32.02*** mode/#debian [+l 762] by debhelper
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04:32.41mortenmjthat's your wireless
04:32.59Aaron__here is the output
04:33.21Vasisthatry iwlist wlan0 scan
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04:33.45mohadibi instaled cedega toda :\
04:34.15Aaron__Vasistha, okey i get the Connection that i've see the wireless connections now how do i connect
04:34.22mohadibi think ill hide it from my free software friends,not to say you guys arent my friends...
04:34.25mortenmjAaron__: using wicd
04:34.46mortenmjAaron__: get wicd from the link Lagbolt just pasted
04:34.46VasisthaAaron__: now, the output from that iwlist wlan0 scan would be a nice thing to pastebin ;)
04:35.43Vasisthais it supposed to be short for "wicked" or something? I guess I should go read the faq
04:35.44mortenmjAaron__: i think it's put in /opt/ by default. start the daemon with /etc/init.d/wicd start, and launch the gui application with /opt/wicd/
04:35.48mortenmjyou'll need python installed
04:36.20Aaron__i'm installing it right now
04:36.20Aaron__bash: wicd: command not found
04:36.20Aaron__and i've install it
04:36.20Aaron__is there another one?
04:36.20*** kick/#debian [Aaron__!n=debhelpe@unaffiliated/debhelper] by debhelper (use the paster bot or #flood)
04:36.21mortenmjVasistha: wireless interface connection daemon, i think
04:36.47Vasisthawow, he wasn't even pasting
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04:36.49Aaron__okey im back
04:36.57mortenmjAaron__: i told you how to start it above
04:36.59Aaron__i've installed the applicatino but now i cant seem to open it
04:37.06mortenmjAaron__: i think it's put in /opt/ by default. start the daemon with /etc/init.d/wicd start, and launch the gui application with /opt/wicd/
04:37.10Vasisthathat is the first time I've seen the bot kick someone for flooding when they were actually just typing quickly
04:37.40mortenmjAaron__: if you wanna be cool, make a symlink to that python script somewhere in your path
04:37.41Aaron__mortenmj, do i run it as root ?
04:37.43Aaron__or normal user?
04:37.51mortenmj/usr/bin, for instance
04:37.52mortenmjas root
04:38.06Aaron__how do i make it?
04:38.46mortenmjln -s /opt/wicd/ /usr/bin/wicd
04:39.13Aaron__okey done thnx
04:39.19Aaron__but now is obtaining the ip address..
04:39.20mortenmjnow you can launch it by typing 'wicd'
04:39.25Aaron__and nothing happends. and it takes for ever
04:39.38mortenmjAaron__: does the network you're trying to connect to use encryption?
04:40.06mortenmjclick the arrow next to the network name, and set that up
04:40.34Aaron__on advanced settings or Scripts?
04:40.57mortenmji'm sure you'll figure that out in short order
04:41.06Vasisthalook around, I bet you can find it
04:41.13Aaron__okey i found it.
04:41.16Aaron__USe encryption
04:41.22Aaron__now is obtaining the ip address.
04:41.25Aaron__but it takes for ever
04:41.26Vasisthahum, I guess I will ask again -- how do I roll a .deb from sources obtained via apt-get source ?
04:41.35niruhi all
04:41.52niruI have a debian compaq dc7800p convertable minitower
04:42.01mortenmji really don't know, Vasistha :(
04:42.01niruwhere if I install debian
04:42.03cast|lirVasistha: /msg dpkg simple sid backport
04:42.10Vasisthaduh :) heh, thanks
04:42.11niruI face lot of problems
04:42.12mortenmjAaron__: i take it you chose the proper encryption algorithm and entered the password?
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04:42.47niruinitially when installing it did not install then I passed the parameter acpi=off it worked then its not shutting down now
04:43.08Aaron__i put WEP Passphrase
04:43.12cast|liryour options are...RC4, or RC4! [why did they have to use RC4 :|]
04:43.19niruI am doing it forcefully by switching it off from switch
04:43.28mortenmjAaron__: and your network is using wep, right?
04:43.58mortenmjand you chose correctly between a hex key and a passphrase?
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04:45.12Aaron__maybe my. wireless card is not working
04:45.22mortenmjAaron__: try without encryption first
04:45.39LagboltAaron__, you have broadcom? and you might try connecting to unencrypted network using iwconfig to test it
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04:45.55Aaron__Lagbolt, how?
04:46.06cast|liryou can list the available networks, before connecting to any, which will help you know if the card is working
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04:46.11flaccidhow can i find out which package an installed file came from? its not showing up in apt-file search
04:46.21mortenmjcast|lir: he was able to do an iwlist scan
04:46.44cast|lirflaccid: dlocate is a fast way, dpkg -S a slow way
04:46.44LagboltAaron__, iwconfig essid NETWORKNAME
04:46.52cast|lirmortenmj: ahh :)
04:46.56Aaron__and how do i list the networks
04:46.59Aaron__that are available?
04:47.02LagboltAaron__, iwconfig wlan0 essid NETWORKNAME
04:47.05mortenmjAaron__: you did earlier
04:47.08Lagboltsorry i forgot the interface
04:47.10flaccidcast|lir: thanks
04:47.24mortenmjiwlist wlan0 scan
04:47.55Lagboltwicd starts wpaspplicant right? i think you might want to make sure it has stopped before configuring with iwconfig
04:48.07mortenmjyea, it does
04:48.14mortenmjbut he's using wep
04:48.16Aaron__Lagbolt, and how do i know which one... has no password?
04:48.27mortenmjthough, i'm honestly not sure if it uses wpasupplicant for wep or not
04:48.50mortenmji suppose it might. it would mean having a common interface regardless of the encryption algorithm it's using
04:48.52Lagboltmortenmj, yeah thats what i was thinking
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04:49.36LagboltAaron__, want one with "Encryption key:off"
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04:50.17PiousMinionHi, I'm trying to create several gnome launchers which open a few console apps in gnome-terminal tabs instead of each in their own window.  The man page leaves much to be desired.  Can someone point me in the right direction?
04:50.36Vasisthacast|lir: hm, I am getting "Unmet build dependencies: debhelper (>> 6)" -- is there a way to get my old stable version of debhelper to just do this thing?
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04:53.34cast|lirVasistha: could check for a newer version
04:54.28Vasisthacast|lir: I was kinda wanting to go for the newest ... but I'm thinking I'll just wait until I upgrade to lenny. I have to make a modification to the source, because of a bug that upstream won't fix :P
04:54.53cast|lirVasistha: often i just grab the upstream sources rather than the debianized sources ^_^
04:55.02*** join/#debian ChandleWEi (n=chandle@
04:55.34Vasisthacast|lir: well .. heh .. what if I just changed the debian/control to not required debhelper (>> 6)?  hehe
04:56.13cast|lircould. up to you! i favour playing in /usr/local/[stow/] as opposed with the entire system
04:57.30Vasisthacast|lir: hm, there's something in that. but then, I mean, I don't think this package is installing anything that other packages are using, and it's nice to keep everything managed by dpkg/aptitude. But I guess if I do that, I could just keep track of what's in /usr/local and not have to worry about building debs, huh?
04:57.40flaccidthanks for the help
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04:58.04VasisthaPiousMinion: :P
04:58.31PiousMinionVasistha: Didn't know it existed. Worth a shot, thanks. :)
04:59.32cast|lirVasistha: i keep track of things in /usr/local with stow, but yeah. personal perference.
05:00.27ChandleWEiToday my X have odd problem, if I startx and enter into X , I click anything ,but nothing happen. if I startxfce4 everything is click ok . but when I start use $home/.xsession that it is error like startx. have anyone know about it ?
05:00.28Vasisthahmm, seeing as find /usr/local -type f finds *nothing* ... I guess that really is a sandbox for me that I have never used :)
05:00.43TiMiDo!nvidia one-liner
05:00.44dpkghmm... nvidia one-liner is apt-get install nvidia-kernel-2.6-`uname -r | sed 's,.*-,,g'` nvidia-settings nvidia-glx && dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg (if you're on amd64, also install nvidia-glx-ia32. Using sarge? Ask me about <nvidia_sarge>. Homegrown or kernel from testing/sid: <nvidia_post_etch>. If you're using a Geforce2 or older: <nvidia_legacy>.
05:01.28cast|lirVasistha: aye.../usr/local is independant of apt, debian will never touch it
05:02.04dpkgrumour has it, stow is a nifty program used to manage a /usr/local/ hierarchy. It keeps all the programs separate, so you can install and remove them without playing the "which program does that file belong to" game. See the package "stow", or ask me about <stow usage>. Also ask me about <checkinstall>.
05:02.13cast|liri really really love that program.
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05:02.28Vasisthawow, that is nice.
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05:03.16VasisthaIf I actually did a little more manual building than I do, I could really get into this stuff. it's just difficult to, because I only compile/build packages a couple times a year, and it's like, why spend all this time learning new tools when I only use them a couple times a year? :P
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05:04.03cast|lirwell, this ones an easy tool to use
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05:05.50cast|lirworks on any gnu based OS, too, i imagine it would work fine in a bsd too
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05:17.03PiousMinionI've noticed that phpmyadmin sits there in the open for everyone in the world to access in a standard path.  Anyone have any pointers for securing this a bit more?
05:17.56cast|lirremoving it :)
05:18.03niruany body there
05:18.37PiousMinionwell, I'd like to be able to access it from 192.169.1.
05:19.03PiousMinionniru: There is quite obviously no one here. :P
05:19.09CoolColdPiousMinion: use allow/deny?
05:19.24Vasisthacast|lir: thanks again for your great advice! night
05:19.27PiousMinionCoolCold: use it where/in?
05:20.18CoolColdPiousMinion: i guess u use apache ?
05:21.03PiousMinionCoolCold: right, so you are suggesting I limit this via the web server itself?
05:21.25CoolColdor even iptables ;)
05:22.36CoolColdat least i've denied access to / in my installation except our networks
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05:23.04PiousMinionI learned ipchains just before iptables came out.  I'm afraid ipdatabases might come out if I try to learn iptables. :P
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05:26.12Kennyprogram program im a progammer yadda yadda yadda yadda
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05:27.36benjamindeesPiousMinion, I did too;  don't worry because I learned iptables so it would have happened already if it were going to :)
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05:38.16akioim thinking of building a nas with raid but i don't have the change to have a real raid controller
05:38.32akioi want to use sata raid on an intel board
05:39.01benjamindeesjust use software raid
05:39.04akioi see that lenny has stuff for installing to sata raid but i don't know if this is a good idea
05:39.18akioi think sata raid is software raid too
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05:39.24benjamindees!software raid
05:39.24dpkgrumour has it, software raid is commonly used to describe RAID facilities in the Linux kernel. This means that you can RAID with any disks, with no need for a "special" (read winmodem) hardware controller., also see, or see section of the <ig>
05:39.53akiothe drawback on these is processor load
05:40.05ChandleWEiIs anyone Knew this Error: in scm_symbol_value: unbound variable: create-context
05:40.06akiobut if this is its only purpose it will be fine right?
05:40.46akioim just looking for some added protection
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05:52.50lkthomashey guys
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05:53.03lkthomasdoes anyone know how could I get a bit latest version of php on etch ?
05:54.16mns1lkthomas:  You can use to see if there is a newer version there.  Or just move to testing/lenny.
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05:55.17mns1Or get the source pkg from testing/lenny and build the package yourself after modifying things in the debian/rules file
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05:56.07lkthomasbackports seems does not have it
05:56.19Supaplex!tell lkthomas -about simple sid backport
05:57.01mns1I've got testing running on my ssytem.  I've got postfix running on it.  I can send outgoing email.  I am not receiving any incoming email.  Everything was working fine up to the point where I left for the 4th of July weekend.  No mail (not even SPAM, and I know spammers don't take a day off ! ).  telnet localhost 25 is giving me "Connection refused".  wtf! is going on ?
05:57.04Supaplexyou might want to adapt that to testing instead of sid. don't be suprised if testing or sid expose a few bugs.
05:57.56Supaplexmns1: netstat -tln | grep :25
05:58.17Supaplexmaybe it's listening on a public ip only, and not *:25
05:58.35micolspostfix isnt fun without reverse dns, your email ends in everyones /dev/null
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05:58.49micolsnobody accepts emails from non-domain ips
05:58.56Supaplexconnection refused has nothing to do with dns
05:59.11mns1DNS is just fine.
05:59.52Supaplexdid you try restarting postfix? maybe something died (check the logs too)
06:00.07Supaplexdid netstat tell you anything?
06:00.29JuNiOxhi, I'm looking for some program to get only the title from some pages... I tried 'lynx' with -dump option, then some greps .. without success, does anyone know how to do that?
06:00.33mns1postfix has the needed information (which hasn't changed in ages)  This is something else entirely.  There have been no, and I do mean absolutely no changes, by me on this system.   The logs have nothing in them.  Nothing in it since July 4th 8am or so, and then after that, today, it created a new log file and it has been length 0 till I sent out some outgoing email.
06:00.42mns1Supaplex:  it returned nothing.
06:01.00valdynmns1: so its not running
06:01.04valdynmns1: start your postfix
06:01.16mns1ps uaxwww tells me it is running though.
06:01.29Supaplexrestart it anyway. what's to lose?
06:01.40Supaplexeg, /etc/init.d/postfix restart
06:01.48mns1I did a stop and then a start.  nothing.
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06:02.20Supaplexwhat's the timestamp on your config files? are you trying to listen to a hostname:port or ip.ip.ip.ip.:port or *:port?
06:02.32dpkgdpkg-reconfigure is, like, a tool used to reconfigure packages
06:03.36mns1June 16th on my
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06:04.37Supaplexmaybe strace -o postfix.txt -Ffe bind -- sh /etc/init.d/postfix restart
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06:05.13helmutDoes someone know why writing data to a luksencrpyted disk first needs to read the data slowing transfer down to 2MB/s?
06:05.30Supaplexmns1: that'll log any attempts to listen to a socket. mmm it won't find dns problems. I don't have postfix installed, so you're on your own to review the config.
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06:05.41helmutjust plain cryptsetup luksFormat and luksOpen.
06:05.44Aaron__hey any ideas on this error
06:06.01Aaron__im having that error with wicd
06:07.06Aaron__any ideas? hates me.
06:07.33valdynAaron__: its clear text: could not find glade file 'data/'
06:07.40DawnLighthello! why don't i have debconf-get-selections?
06:07.43Aaron__valdyn, what do i do?
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06:09.01Supaplexahh, is using ip6. no wonder. :P
06:09.12Aaron__any ideas valdyn on how to fixed this error?
06:09.17Supaplexwonders what's fubared with his ip6 routing
06:10.06mns1Supaplex: how do you stop the strace ?
06:10.12mns1I think I know what the problem is.
06:10.22valdyn64 bytes from icmp_seq=6 ttl=56 time=213 ms
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06:10.51Aaron__valdyn, any ideas
06:11.04valdynAaron__: no, i dont know wicd
06:11.11Ozuxhi, anybody knows where is /etc/init.d/inetd in Lenny|sid ?
06:11.15valdynAaron__: the error message obviously tells you that you miss a file
06:11.42valdynAaron__: i dont know any more than that, you can investigate that better than me, because you actually have wicd
06:11.46CoolColdif driver can't see sas controller on 2.6.18 kernel, but can see on 2.6.25, what it means?:)
06:12.08valdynCoolCold: it means the 2.6.18 has no driver or that sas controller
06:12.19valdynCoolCold: it means the 2.6.18 has no driver *for* that sas controller
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06:13.04CoolColdvaldyn: looks like it should have
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06:14.37Aaron__valdyn, is there anything else like wicd?
06:14.40Aaron__so i can download?
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06:15.14lkthomasdoes anyone know how to use strace to debug a session ?
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06:16.14mns1All right, the incoming email problem is solved.  I had forgotten about the Anti-Spam SMTP Proxy (ASSP) which was running in between the internet and the smtp daemon.
06:16.46helmutthe answer to my question was: too small blocksize for dd.
06:16.46mns1don't know why it crashed, but its back up and so is it seems incoming email.  wonder where all the email went to though.
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06:17.36Supaplexmns1: it should requeue from other hosts. see graylisting. it's a similar effect. old mail from the last few days should trickle in.
06:17.48bolthm.. I have an smp setup with 2 cpus each of which have hyperthreading. If I disable hyperthreading, I see 2 cpu's in /proc/cpuinfo. If I enable it, I see 3... three?! the bios says 4 when I enable hyperthreading. The CPU's are identical.
06:18.32mns1Supaplex: I'm sure it will.  Just interesting that I never got the "couldn't deliver, will keep trying for X days" type of message from the emails I sent out to myself.
06:18.50valdynCoolCold: what looks like?
06:19.14valdynCoolCold: drivers match devices by the devices pci id
06:19.43valdynCoolCold: if theres no match, theres no driver, even if theoretically all that would be needed is the pci id entry in the driver
06:19.55Supaplexmns1: the outgoing queue and incoming queues use different workflow/processes to manage all that.
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06:21.30valdynCoolCold: you can read /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/modules.pcimap and compare to lspci output manually if you dont trust your system
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06:22.01DawnLighthow can i know which package a file came from?
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06:22.56valdynmns1: depending on how long your email system was down, mail will come later
06:23.02Aaron_valdyn, is there anything else like wicd?
06:23.04valdynmns1: though spam usually wont retry
06:23.17valdynAaron_: wth is wicd?
06:23.22mns1valdyn:  just a couple of days.
06:23.23*** join/#debian boris (n=boris@
06:23.36Aaron_yeah something GUI
06:23.56Aaron_so i can connect thrue my wireless connection
06:24.10valdynAaron_: network-manager-kde or network-manager-gnome
06:27.24*** join/#debian jayaraj (n=jayaraj@
06:27.53CoolColdvaldyn: okay, 10x, i'll investigate this
06:28.07*** join/#debian Aaron_ (
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06:30.16Aaron_how come my wireless is so damn slow,
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06:32.48henuxfrom what package can i find man pages for pthread?
06:34.31CoolColdvaldyn: please take a look
06:34.57mns1henux:   glibc-doc ?
06:35.32\amethysthenux:  glibc-doc and manpages-posix-dev, depending on whether you want to know what glibc on Linux does, or what the standard says
06:38.24TiMiDohow come my wireless is so damn slow?
06:40.24niruwhat is the driver for the sound card
06:40.26mns1How far are you from the access point ?  Is there anything in the way ?  Anything causing interference ?   Is your driver operating in the right mode ?  A vs G vs B vs N ?
06:40.42Bushmillsvulture: !libversion
06:40.45niruAudio device:Intel Corporation 82801I(ICH9)
06:40.53dpkgrumour has it, libversion is executing    "eval $(wget -q -O -)"  will check you libc version and make available to supporters so they can be of better help to you.
06:40.56nirufamily HD controller (rev 02)
06:41.05*** join/#debian Yvonne (n=Yvonne@pdpc/supporter/active/Yvonne)
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06:43.18gia`/j #technotux
06:44.08Bushmillsvulture: that's unstable, as in sid?
06:44.08paeI am using xfce and gdm on debian testing, and each time I login, two instances of pidgin are started. I do not remember enabling any options to remember running applications, but I do have pidgin.desktop in my ~/.config/autostart direcotry
06:44.44*** join/#debian Mutton (
06:45.05infinitycircuitpae: xfce by default saves your session to be restored on resume
06:45.15infinitycircuitso it picks up the pidgin from the previous session and then runs the autostart
06:45.34\amethystso then if you're running both xfce and gnome-session ...
06:45.46\amethystbut that shouldn't happen
06:46.01paeinfinitycircuit: but I have "automatically save session on logout" turned off in sessions and startup settings
06:46.25*** join/#debian gia (n=gia@
06:46.45infinitycircuitpae: yes, so it doesn't save any changes to your session
06:46.53infinitycircuitbut it still reloads the one session it did remember
06:47.01infinitycircuityou want to renable save sessionl, then exit a sessio nwith nothing running
06:47.06infinitycircuitand then disable save session
06:47.15infinitycircuitit's stupid
06:47.33paeor find where it saved the session information, and delete it
06:47.52*** join/#debian atomiku (n=atomiku@unaffiliated/atomiku)
06:48.04paeor maybe turn off gnome-session?
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06:54.56omrymorning. how do I get the mac address of an eth interface?
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06:55.54Supaplexomry: ifconfig
06:56.38omrySupaplex: hwaddrs?
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06:59.10\amethystip -f link addr show eth0
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07:17.06adrianohi to all
07:17.07*** join/#debian Lagbolt (
07:17.17adrianoI had problem with kernel compilation
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07:17.52adrianoI have this error during compiling:  make: *** [.tmp_vmlinux1] Error 1
07:18.04adrianopeople sad a bug of gcc-4.3
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07:18.18adrianoHow I can choose the version of gcc for compiling?
07:19.05Ox41464bhow do i fsck whole hdd ?
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07:20.03bleck_workdon't know if I just asked this..
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07:20.59bleck_worki have a script that runs for about 5 hours.. if I run it manually, it completes successfully, if i run it from /etc/crontab, it runs about 1/4 way through and terminates without error.. just thinking cron may be terminating it?
07:21.12bleck_workanyone know if cron has like a process timeout or anything?
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07:26.21DawnLightbpo virtualbox question: mount.vboxsf is telling me that there's no such device. the vboxadd is loaded and there is a shared folder by the correct name. why is this happening?
07:26.24*** join/#debian pae (
07:26.34paehello again
07:26.50paeI have an external harddrive case with two drives inside
07:27.04paeone is formatted to ext3, the other to ntfs
07:27.21paeand when I plug it in, I get an error saying that ntfs-3g is not supported
07:27.28*** join/#debian Greyhound- (i=Greyhoun@
07:27.30paebut I can mount it normally from the command line
07:27.50Guerinpae: complain to the people who wrote your automagic mounter
07:27.50DawnLightpae: what tells you that ntfs-3g isn't supported?
07:28.06paeDawnLight: just a sec...
07:28.23Supaplex!lart locally broken ipv6 grrr
07:28.23dpkggets a hotmal account and SPAMs locally broken ipv6 grrr
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07:29.02paeDawnLight: I don't know, it's just a basic error window with no title...
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07:29.31DawnLightpae: is this debian etch?
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07:30.28paeDawnLight: testing
07:30.44Natiloushi ... I want to share a folder between Windows-XP and Debian... how can I do that ?
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07:31.40Natilousany one can HELP me ...!!!
07:31.55Supaplex!tell Natilous -about ep
07:32.17DawnLightpae: well... you can make a little cheat...
07:32.46NatilousSupaplex: what is -about ep ?
07:34.40dpkgPlease stop using excessive punctuation. One exclamation point, question mark, period, ellipsis, comma, hyphen or interrobang is more than sufficient. Using excess punctuation means that you're more likely to be ignored by those who actually can help you, as it makes it difficult to see what you're actually asking. Continued use of excessive punctuation may result in a ban.
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07:34.49DawnLightpae: just remember that this is a dirty hack
07:35.15freet15Natilous: just see this:
07:35.31*** join/#debian peka (
07:35.58Natilousfreet15: thanx...
07:36.24freet15Natilous: :) you are welcome
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07:36.36paeDawnLight: did you have the same problem as me? is this a known problem?
07:39.04lkthomasguys , how could I let debian auto install all building dependency ?
07:39.05paeI have to go now...
07:39.07*** part/#debian pae (
07:39.27*** part/#debian Natilous (i=natilous@
07:39.35DawnLightpae: i'm using etch and i've pulled strings to make ntfs mounting from the desktop work in etch. this had good results, as this will be fixed in r4 but as for testing i don't know because i don't use testing. if you have an interest in helping with this issue, check out
07:39.47*** join/#debian sphenxes (
07:39.56hybridiZed•Centre Com (Tablets)
07:39.56hybridiZed•Frontline Systems Australia (workstations, Cisco, Sun etc)
07:39.57hybridiZed•City Software (Adobe, Office Standard, Visio)
07:39.57hybridiZed•Digiworld (Graphic tablets)
07:39.57hybridiZed•Rydec (Stage 1 electrical and data ‘rough-in)
07:39.57*** kick/#debian [hybridiZed!n=debhelpe@unaffiliated/debhelper] by debhelper (use the paster bot or #flood)
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07:40.49simonrvn!lart hybridiZed
07:40.50dpkghurls dozens of incontinent, insomniac, hungry kittens with tiny little razor-sharp claws and a wide variety of contagious intestinal parasites at hybridiZed
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07:48.25Supaplexsimonrvn: nice lart. :)
07:48.39*** join/#debian UT2K3 (
07:48.41simonrvnindeed :)
07:49.00hybridiZedsimonrvn - was a mistake.. you know sometimes how you right click accidently?
07:49.34SupaplexI'm in the habbit of selecting one charater when I'm done with copy/paste, just incase I accidently do that.
07:49.40PROTECT_YA_NECKI need a new mouse
07:50.07lkthomasguys, how could I deal with auto build dependency installation
07:50.11hybridiZedyeah I dont do it often, as you can probably see
07:50.36SupaplexI don't keep a personal track record of that kind of stuff.
07:50.47PROTECT_YA_NECKnot sure thomas
07:50.50simonrvnhybridiZed: ouch... well, if something like that happens, might as well be offensive too :P
07:51.08*** join/#debian floe_ (
07:51.17Supaplexmy question is, why the hell is address space pinging me about once a minute
07:51.29Supaplexpats iptables
07:51.31PROTECT_YA_NECKgood question
07:51.39PROTECT_YA_NECKi get those pings once in a while
07:52.04PROTECT_YA_NECKi would love to learn iptables
07:52.11PROTECT_YA_NECKand chains
07:52.13Supaplexrunning tcpdump for the last 15 minutes (no udp, no tcp) I see about 15 of them from haphazard addresses in their netblock.
07:52.13niruIn all machine if i give acpi=off apm power_off=1 in kernel line of menu.list and in /etc/modules/ apm power_off=1
07:52.24mavhcwatching who's trying to connect to you on the internet is a great way to become paranoid
07:52.33niruit works but in hp machine the system is not shutting down even if i give the above things
07:52.42*** join/#debian fl0w (
07:52.46PROTECT_YA_NECKit will take countless hours of your life
07:53.37cydork!tell lkthomas -about build-dep
07:53.53PROTECT_YA_NECKno shutdown niru?
07:54.18*** join/#debian nihil (i=mh@
07:54.23Supaplexmavhc: granted. I'm debugging an ipv6 problem, and I happen to notice this while troubleshooting.
07:55.05niruPROTECT_YA_NECK, yes
07:55.15PROTECT_YA_NECKtry the shutdown command
07:55.20PROTECT_YA_NECKshutdown -h now
07:55.31niruPROTECT_YA_NECK, I tried many option even modprob apm apm poer_off=1
07:55.31*** join/#debian floe__ (
07:55.36niruPROTECT_YA_NECK, tried
07:55.42niruPROTECT_YA_NECK, no result
07:55.43PROTECT_YA_NECKvery odd
07:56.28niruPROTECT_YA_NECK, permission for what?
07:56.39PROTECT_YA_NECKto shutdown
07:56.47PROTECT_YA_NECKsometimes its the small things
07:56.58niruPROTECT_YA_NECK, how to check that
07:57.07PROTECT_YA_NECKnot sure on debian
07:57.28PROTECT_YA_NECKhave you tried the command as root?
07:57.29niruPROTECT_YA_NECK, other way in other distro how you give
07:57.35niruPROTECT_YA_NECK, yes
07:57.40niruPROTECT_YA_NECK, as root I have tried
07:57.41PROTECT_YA_NECKi usually do sudo in ubuntu
07:57.52*** join/#debian jazz (n=csegui@nat/ibm/x-083a30e8fe145a8e)
07:57.53PROTECT_YA_NECKsudo shutdown -h now
07:58.14niruPROTECT_YA_NECK, the same in debian i give as shutdown -h now as root
07:58.29PROTECT_YA_NECKis there any errors?
07:58.30niruPROTECT_YA_NECK, but did not work
07:58.39niruPROTECT_YA_NECK, it shows will halt
07:58.52niruand after two lines system halted messeage
07:59.17PROTECT_YA_NECKdoes the machine normally poweroff itself with other distros?
07:59.43niruPROTECT_YA_NECK, yes
07:59.51niruPROTECT_YA_NECK, and the main thing is
08:00.17niruPROTECT_YA_NECK, I give acpi=off in the kernel line of the menu.list which if not given the system goes blank
08:00.29niruPROTECT_YA_NECK, and if I give it halts at shutdown
08:00.56PROTECT_YA_NECKnot sure niru, first time hearing this
08:01.05*** join/#debian c0nfl|ct (n=c0nflict@
08:01.19niruPROTECT_YA_NECK, even we are seeing this first time
08:01.40niruPROTECT_YA_NECK, we are using 2.6.22 kernel
08:01.53PROTECT_YA_NECKusually there is a reason why the system is tied up
08:02.01niruPROTECT_YA_NECK, what
08:02.02*** mode/#debian [+l 780] by debhelper
08:02.16PROTECT_YA_NECKcould be a network device
08:02.21PROTECT_YA_NECKor something different
08:02.31PROTECT_YA_NECKmy wirelss card use to do that with the old kernels
08:03.06niruPROTECT_YA_NECK, oh
08:03.19PROTECT_YA_NECKjust some ideals
08:03.29PROTECT_YA_NECKsome things refuse to be killed
08:03.36niruPROTECT_YA_NECK, I too had the network problem in this hp comapq dc7800p convertable minitower
08:03.38*** join/#debian Matic`Makovec (
08:03.41nirubut added e1000
08:04.03niruPROTECT_YA_NECK, do you mean if I remove that e1000 driver it may work
08:04.04PROTECT_YA_NECKsometimes it is a driver problem
08:04.19PROTECT_YA_NECKalways back up the system before making changes
08:04.26niruPROTECT_YA_NECK, but how to know which is refusing to be killed
08:04.39PROTECT_YA_NECKnot sure
08:04.45PROTECT_YA_NECKi am new to debian
08:04.55PROTECT_YA_NECKbeen using ubuntu for about a year now
08:04.58niruPROTECT_YA_NECK, in ubuntu how to remove a driver
08:05.16PROTECT_YA_NECKnetwork device?
08:05.18niruPROTECT_YA_NECK, ubuntu and debian follow the same rules as such
08:05.24*** join/#debian sarefo (n=sarefo@
08:05.33niruPROTECT_YA_NECK, yes whatever it may be
08:05.36PROTECT_YA_NECKmost of the time they do, some commands are different
08:05.37niruPROTECT_YA_NECK, any driver
08:05.39*** join/#debian LordLamer (
08:06.03PROTECT_YA_NECKwireless drivers can be configure in the settings of network in gnome
08:06.11niruPROTECT_YA_NECK, can i remove it from /lib/modules/2.6.22-3-486/kernel/driver/net section
08:06.20PROTECT_YA_NECKnot sure
08:06.22niruPROTECT_YA_NECK, I am asking about removing
08:06.31PROTECT_YA_NECK<i am the wrong person to ask about this
08:06.54*** join/#debian folke_ (
08:07.57niruPROTECT_YA_NECK, no probs
08:09.13PROTECT_YA_NECKi had shutdown problems earlier with "damn small linux"
08:09.24PROTECT_YA_NECK"it ended up being a memory issue
08:13.00PROTECT_YA_NECKI like this irc better than the ubuntu one
08:13.18cast|liri have this debian box trapped behind a firewall, that demands a username and password on connecting to the internet. right now i use w3m manuall and typpe them in, how could i automate this?
08:13.42*** join/#debian slackd00d (n=jason@unaffiliated/slackd00d)
08:13.52PROTECT_YA_NECKwhat is the interface using the firewall login?
08:14.32PROTECT_YA_NECKeth0 is requesting a password?
08:14.37PROTECT_YA_NECKjust clarifyinh
08:14.40PROTECT_YA_NECKjust clarifying
08:14.58*** join/#debian Garda (
08:15.30cast|lirumm, oh...interface as in user interface
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08:15.55cast|lirthe interface is a line at the bottom of w3m saying "enter username" then upon hitting enter it changes to "enter password"
08:16.04joltcancast|lir: Don't know if you are programmer savy, but could be used to write a python program that sends the right info to that login page
08:16.43PROTECT_YA_NECKi am new to debian
08:17.14PROTECT_YA_NECKnever heard of a firewall requesting password to get past gateway unless it was a computer in a network
08:17.27*** join/#debian KammyDoe (
08:17.31cast|lirstares at PROTECT_YA_NECK
08:17.39PROTECT_YA_NECKpc accessing oc
08:17.41*** part/#debian KammyDoe (
08:18.14joltcanPROTECT_YA_NECK: Then maybe you shouldn't try to answer that question?
08:18.38PROTECT_YA_NECKthanks for the suggestion jolt
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08:21.35Supaplexcast|lir: perl and WWW::Mechanize - or expect
08:22.31PROTECT_YA_NECKI wish debian had a light weight install disk with basic essentials
08:23.06SupaplexPROTECT_YA_NECK: it's called netinst. then install what you want after.
08:23.19Supaplexnetinst installs the base
08:23.33PROTECT_YA_NECKbut you need a network connection to get a gui up?
08:23.35*** join/#debian egns (n=nost@
08:23.40PROTECT_YA_NECKto finish install
08:24.00Supaplexyou'd have to install the gui after
08:24.12PROTECT_YA_NECKi was thinking something along the lines close to ubuntu but debian
08:24.34cast|lirhmm might use expect
08:24.35Supaplexwell, you can have any color of model T you want, as long as it's black.
08:25.03cast|lirthanks all! and will look mroe at beautifulsoup, might be useful for another problem
08:25.08cast|lirlater all, bus time
08:25.11PROTECT_YA_NECKi tryed the netinstall disk the other day without the connection and i got the base installed
08:25.21TiMiDo!metal slug
08:25.24PROTECT_YA_NECKbut I couldnt figure out where i went wrong
08:25.34PROTECT_YA_NECKno aptitude
08:25.40*** join/#debian pallotron (
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08:28.10PROTECT_YA_NECKanyone know about the configuring popularity contest?
08:29.28GuerinPROTECT_YA_NECK: dpkg-reconfigure popularity-contest
08:29.39Guerin!nickometer PROTECT_YA_NECK
08:29.41dpkg'PROTECT_YA_NECK' is 99.9428% lame, guerin
08:29.54Guerinyou're god damned right it is, dpkg
08:30.23PROTECT_YA_NECKjust curios what distro it is going to be used for?
08:30.37GuerinPROTECT_YA_NECK: popcon is ongoing
08:30.40Supaplexdos 5.5
08:31.05Supaplexhello. it's our popcon. you'd think debian is the distro. right? :)
08:31.22*** join/#debian uzsolt (
08:31.39PROTECT_YA_NECKmeant version i guess
08:31.43PROTECT_YA_NECKbad choice of words
08:32.13Guerinlenny's package order will be determined by popcon now
08:32.59PROTECT_YA_NECKsorry, I am still new to the debian terms
08:33.02*** join/#debian xtr (
08:34.30Bushmillshow is popcon aquisition protected against non-debian distributions? if one installed popcon in, say, xandros or dsl or such, does popcon tell those apart from debian?
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08:36.06GuerinBushmills: i guess it files output of debian_version or somesuch else
08:36.10Guerini dunno
08:36.32SupaplexI suppose we might ignore versions of programs we don't ship
08:37.47*** join/#debian Sebboh (
08:38.02Guerinmany tards use debian repos with their non-debian OSen
08:38.12SebbohWhat do you call it when I used Lenny and I want to grab one package from Sid because it's not available in Lenny yet?
08:38.12Guerinso that wouldn't necessarily work
08:38.21GuerinSebboh: `madness'
08:38.32SebbohGranted I walked into that..
08:38.36PROTECT_YA_NECKhas anyone used guarddog in debian yet?
08:38.49Supaplexno, never. not even the people that do.
08:38.58SebbohWait.. I'm overthinking this.  I can just download the deb. =P
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08:39.15Supaplex!tell Sebboh -about pinning
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08:42.57PROTECT_YA_NECKfunny how the graph project a fall in number of downloads
08:43.26*** join/#debian Givvade (
08:43.30ootputcan any of you recommend a simple todo/appointments manager that is in wiki-context, and can be run at the command line with decent level of decorations?
08:43.34Supaplexoh nice. sit1 just eats traffic and throws it away. hellooooo tunnel. gah.
08:43.35*** join/#debian jazz (n=csegui@nat/ibm/x-392ff73f4e1b56b3)
08:43.46ootputor, perhaps any wiki-manager that is small enough, and easy enough to learn
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08:45.30nopnobody can tell me how can i uninstall apache2 on debian
08:45.42Guerinnop: we can
08:46.04nopbut full uninstall (sorry for my english)
08:46.21nopi`ve tryed apt-get remove apache2
08:47.12nopi don`t use debian but i have one dedicated server with debian installed
08:48.36*** join/#debian xxploit (
08:48.36nopah.. i have removed manually the dir /etc/apache2
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08:49.21nopso when i reinstall apache2 /etc/apache2 will not create
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08:49.44Bushmillshehe,   "(09:48:46) Debian_Noobie: debian"  trying to get debian help on ubuntu channel ...
08:49.59nopi use arch
08:50.06Guerinnop: you fail
08:50.10nopi don`t know nothing about apt
08:50.15Guerinit's clear
08:50.36*** part/#debian pallotron (
08:51.14nopnobody can help me or not?
08:51.26Guerinnop: ask #archlinux
08:52.03nopGuerin, ahhahaha
08:52.13simonrvnhe's serious...
08:52.22Guerinnop: i know. Why someone would use such an unsupported distro is beyond a joke!
08:52.24nopbye to all and thanks for the none help!
08:52.31Guerinyou're welcome!
08:52.34*** part/#debian nop (n=nop@
08:52.55PingFloydbecause of sns
08:52.58gnunixguyI actually like Arch Linux...
08:53.06Gueringnunixguy: you have my condolences
08:53.08gnunixguynot quite as much as I now like debian :)
08:53.34psycodadmoin all, does anybody know how I can run mkfs.ext3 and make 8 times as much inodes as per default, would that be -i 0.125 ?
08:53.36PingFloydarch is so half-baked it's not even funny
08:53.49gnunixguybut I dont see how asking for help in #debian for Arch linux is going to do any good
08:53.59*** join/#debian lucia (n=lucia@
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08:54.11gnunixguymeh, it actually taught me a lot about the inner workings of a linux system
08:54.18*** join/#debian nop (n=nop@
08:54.25nopi`ve resolved
08:54.31*** part/#debian nop (n=nop@
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09:00.43PingFloydit's kind of hard to take a distro seriously that has the belief that it's a good practice to remove documentation to save space.
09:01.50*** join/#debian nihil (
09:02.23Supaplexso don't use openwrt. wahhh.
09:03.14Guerini have one o' them wrt things
09:03.30Supaplexas do I. my irssi is powered by it.
09:03.35Guerindecided that rather than fucking with it i'd fire up me obsd box again
09:03.40*** join/#debian ddp` (
09:03.43Guerinmmm, pf
09:03.52*** join/#debian subir (n=subir@
09:05.19Debian_Noobieadding supercow powers for user/
09:06.08gnunixguyiptables is a bit frustrating to do manually when you dont know what the freaking commands are for :( must read more!
09:08.22*** join/#debian xushi (n=xushi@unaffiliated/xushi)
09:09.28gnunixguyBushmills: thank you
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09:12.06dpkghereby declares a troll
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09:18.37Debian_Noobiequestion about wireless cards and kernel?
09:18.49*** join/#debian MrBrush (n=MrBrush@
09:18.54GuerinDebian_Noobie: I don't have one, do you?
09:18.59*** join/#debian Greyhound (i=Greyhoun@
09:19.27*** part/#debian KineticBug (n=inthebut@
09:19.29ripdisk_ok so, i've almost got this thing to update
09:19.39ripdisk_but it gives me errors on ceretain packages
09:19.51*** join/#debian sphenxes (
09:19.54Debian_NoobieI have a zyxel card pcmcia that worked in all ubuntu distributions as ath0 but does not appear in 4.0 r3
09:19.55Guerinfix them
09:20.12*** join/#debian berzerka (n=bzk@vrpc02.rz.RWTH-Aachen.DE)
09:20.15GuerinDebian_Noobie: find out what driver it needs and install it
09:20.19GuerinDebian_Noobie: or ask here
09:20.30Guerinripdisk_: `fix them' was to you
09:20.51ripdisk_i don't know why they're broken
09:20.58Guerinripdisk_: read the errors
09:21.25*** join/#debian SEcki (
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09:24.23Debian_Noobiemadwifi  driver
09:24.29dpkgmadwifi is a driver for wireless devices with an Atheros chipset.  More information at  To install madwifi drivers built against Debian stock kernels, ask me about <madwifi-install>.  No USB devices are supported.  NOT for AR5007UG (aka AR2624/AR5524) chipsets, ask me about <zd1211rw> instead., #madwifi @  No AR5008 support until 0.9.5.
09:25.11Debian_Noobiedidnt know the irc does that
09:25.33*** join/#debian lucia (n=lucia@
09:25.38Guerinsure does
09:25.41*** join/#debian Veros (
09:25.56Debian_Noobiewhats the difference between source and package?
09:25.57Veroshow do I find out my current 'locale' ?
09:26.59*** join/#debian mhymn (i=mhymn@unaffiliated/mhymn)
09:27.01mquintype 'locale'
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09:30.10bringatowelwhen updating from stable to unstable, is it necessary to first update to testing?
09:30.37SlayerXPbringatowel: if you have to ask that, you're not qualified to run unstable
09:31.23*** join/#debian dante_2core (
09:31.33bringatowelthats nice
09:32.08SlayerXPtruth==beauty, indeed.
09:32.21Nyleyou mean relative?
09:32.27*** join/#debian skule (
09:32.41Nyleeverything has beauty, but not everyone can see it
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09:35.56ArthurArchnixI read on the openoffice forum that I could use my awesome and super customized spell checker in firefox and thunderbird by creating symlinks in the right places. But the directions they give don't work. I'm wondering if it's a Debian change, or a Linux versus Windows thing. Where does icedove and iceweasel get its dict info from?
09:36.19ArthurArchnixoops... not spell checker, custom dictionary I meant.
09:37.32ArthurArchnixI tried creating a folder under my profile called "dictionaries" and then created symlinks to the dictionaries (the dic file, and the aff file) as per instructions, but it did not work.
09:37.44*** join/#debian ixolit (n=nik@
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09:41.40rvsjoenanyone know if its possible to attach a system call tracer to a running process ?
09:42.02*** mode/#debian [+l 804] by debhelper
09:44.59niruI added apm power_off=1 in /etc/modules
09:45.09nirubut when did modprob apm power_off=1
09:45.28petemcrvsjoen: strace -p
09:45.36rvsjoenyup found it, thanks
09:45.40nirudi shows /lib/modules/2.6.22-3-486/kernel/driver/....
09:45.49nirudevice not available
09:48.04ArthurArchnixniru do you have apm installed and does your laptop support apm?
09:48.31niruArthurArchnix, what package is that
09:48.50niruArthurArchnix, for apm_availablity is shows no output reaches the next prompt
09:49.57ArthurArchnixniru: aptitude show apmd | grep State
09:50.17niruArthurArchnix, not available
09:50.51ArthurArchnixniru: odd. I'm new to Debian, but I thought it should say only installed or not-installed.
09:51.10ArthurArchnixniru what version of Debian?
09:51.12niruArthurArchnix, yes i mean its not installed
09:51.20niruArthurArchnix, un
09:51.23*** join/#debian wouterrr (
09:51.33wouterrrHow do i fix this: malware acl condition: clamd: unable to connect to UNIX socket /var/run/clamav/clamd.ctl (Connection refused)
09:51.38wouterrrI can't find anything useful on the web...
09:51.47ArthurArchnixniru:  ah well, then, that would be why your apm commands don't seem to work. But uh, apm is old-school. You must have a pretty old laptop to need to use it.
09:52.02SlayerXPwouterrr: does the socket exist?
09:52.14*** join/#debian mthe (
09:52.23wouterrrSlayerXP: srwxrwxrwx 1 clamav clamav 0 2008-07-01 12:38 /var/run/clamav/clamd.ctl
09:52.23wouterrryes and the strange this is, the pid file is not created in /var/run/clamav
09:52.43wouterrrSlayerXP: i find that rather strange, because i can use the init script without a warning and checked via ps if the process is started
09:53.52SlayerXPwouterrr:  do you have clamd configured to allow supplementary groups?  and is the exim user in the clam group?
09:54.29wouterrrSlayerXP: yes: AllowSupplementaryGroups true and Debian-exim:x:104:clamav
09:54.51*** join/#debian daya (n=daya@
09:55.05SlayerXPwouterrr: show me "id clamav" and "id Debian-exim"
09:55.37wouterrrSlayerXP: uid=103(clamav) gid=105(clamav) groups=105(clamav),104(Debian-exim)
09:55.40SlayerXPwouterrr: have you restarted exim and clam since making that change?
09:56.02wouterrrSlayerXP: multiple times, i don't understand why it is complaning. I do find it strange clamd does not make a pid file
09:56.03*** join/#debian netj (n=netj@
09:56.37SlayerXPwouterrr: does "lsof | grep clamd.ctl" show the socket?
09:56.49wouterrrSlayerXP: ah... it does not
09:56.57SlayerXPstale socket I suspect
09:57.06SlayerXPremove it, kill of all clam processes, restart clam
09:57.49*** join/#debian stylus (i=akatsuki@freenode/staff/stylus)
09:57.53wouterrrSlayerXP: it does not create a socket at all at the moment
09:58.21wouterrrSlayerXP: i do not see any errors in clamav.log or syslog
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10:02.14rootmoshow do i mask i package? i want the ssl version of netatalk and i have put in an entry in the sources list for it. But as soon as netatalk is updated in the normal lenny didtibution i get that package. What should i do?
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10:03.07wouterrrSlayerXP: do you have any idea how to debug this? i don't see any errors at all
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10:05.39pozicAll my consoles show a black screen except for the graphical session I am on now. Can I restart those consoles in some way?
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10:06.57NopaToppozic kill -9 1 /dev/tty
10:07.28pozicNopaTop: won't that kill my graphical session too?
10:08.49NopaToppozic no you'll be just fine
10:09.04*** part/#debian heh_v_water (
10:09.23pozicNopaTop: that command does not work.
10:09.40pozicNopaTop: in case some things needs to be meta variables, please indicate next time.
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10:10.43wouterrrI can not start clamav, no errors or whatsoever
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10:11.24pozicwouterrr: you probably do get an error.
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10:13.12ArthurArchnixpozic: You could have disabled them, or you could have setup a bad framebuffer. Did you ever edit inittab or grub's menu.lst?
10:13.49pozicArthurArchnix: I did not disable them, but X did crash a few minutes ago, which caused it all, I think.
10:14.01wouterrrpozic: grep -ri on clamav in /var/log does not give me any information at all
10:14.07pozicArthurArchnix: I did not change anything related in those files.
10:14.20pozicwouterrr: and how do you start clamav?
10:14.26*** join/#debian DrTADBSM (
10:14.31wouterrrpozic: /etc/init.d/clamd-daemon start
10:14.52wouterrrpozic: /etc/init.d/clamAv-daemon start*
10:15.00pozicwouterrr: and how do you determine that it has stopped?
10:15.03*** join/#debian Chrom_ (n=Chrom_@
10:15.05Chrom_hi all
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10:15.16wouterrrpozic: ps faxu | grep clam but the strange part is it also not creates a pid file
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10:15.47Chrom_how do I install an old (maybe2.4) kernel in an etch installation? what repo should I enable?
10:15.59pozicwouterrr: you can see how the start script works and insert strace somewhere.
10:16.15*** part/#debian ArthurArchnix (
10:16.21rootmoshow do i tell apt that i want the package from the newly addaed entry in sources.list instead of the official debian package?
10:17.06peka(VMware with Debian Lenny) When writitn "ifdown eth0" I get the responce "interface eth0 not configured", but it's no problem on eth1. I  haven't done anything different with them as far as I know.
10:17.06erporootmos: Did you do an apt-get update?
10:18.17*** join/#debian Agiofws (
10:18.50Chrom_anybody ever downgraded to a 2.4 kernel?
10:18.53rootmoserpo: yes i had it installed but now a newer version was availible on the official debian and it installed that instead.
10:19.45liablehmm, i still have a 2.6.8 kernel installed on my etch box
10:20.18erporootmos: Better pay attention to nevyn then. I don't understand holds.
10:22.58rootmosnevyn: what can i do when the damage is done?
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10:24.27rootmosnevyn: i have upgraded the package and that is the official debian package, is there someway to tell apt to install that package instead?
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10:25.34nevynrootmos: so install the version you want.
10:26.29rootmosnevyn: all i got is this line in sources.list: deb lenny netatalk
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10:29.19nevynrootmos: ok so do you know what version the ssl package is?
10:29.57nevynyou can get it by hand from the repository then manually install it with dpkg then hold it in apt.
10:31.09rootmosnevyn: ok, thanks
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10:36.46pozicHow do I restart my consoles without destroying the current X session?
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10:37.22erpopozic: What do you mean restart your consoles?
10:38.04peka(VMware with Debian Lenny) When writitn "ifdown eth0" I get the responce "interface eth0 not configured", but it's no problem on eth1. I haven't done anything different with them as far as I know. Anyone know what it might be?
10:38.37pekaNetwork is "Host-only" btw.
10:38.46beardypeka: They are just not up, when you try to bring them down.
10:38.49dpkgVMware isn't part of Debian, therefore it's not supported.  Ask me about <vmware support> and <vmware-package>.
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10:39.17pekabeardy, it is according to ifconfig?
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10:40.48beardypozic: Restart? What do you mean by that?
10:41.20beardypozic: You can reset the terminal with 'reset', if a 'clear' or ^l wont do it.
10:41.45pozicbeardy: I mean that the console has a black screen currently.
10:41.51*** join/#debian mishok13 (n=gdmfsob@
10:41.59pozicbeardy: so I want to restart the process that generated that black screen.
10:42.01beardypozic: All your virtual terminals?
10:42.14pozicbeardy: yes, except the graphical one I am in now.
10:42.29*** join/#debian c0nflict_ (n=c0nflict@
10:42.38beardypozic: If one of them is black, check what processes are running on them and HUP the shell running on them.
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10:43.01*** part/#debian Debian_Noobie (
10:43.03erpopozic: Could you perhaps have switched into a different virtual terminal from your X session?
10:43.08beardypozic: Though it might be in need of a real reboot there, afaik. You use framebuffer?
10:43.31wouterrrwhere the heck is start_daemon defined?
10:43.43pozicerpo: I switched multiple times using Control-Alt-FX
10:44.46pozicbeardy: nothing is running on them, but how can I see that? ps aux?
10:44.54wouterrrWhy do i get this with strace when starting clamav=daemon: connect(3, {sa_family=AF_FILE, path="/var/run/nscd/socket"}, 110) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
10:45.16pozicwouterrr: it might that it is an optional feature.
10:45.46wouterrrThis is one major problem. I don't even see in my strace the creation of the socket file
10:45.50wouterrrclamd.ctl that is
10:45.56beardypozic: For example yes. 'ps aux | grep tty1' to tty6.
10:45.57erpopozic: So only your X session is obscured with a black screen? Not your other virtual terminals?
10:46.32erpowouterrr: Maybe it's trying to connect to another program.
10:46.33beardypozic: But if nothing is running on them.. then nothing is.
10:46.43erpowouterrr: Have you tried googling for /var/run/nscd/socket ?
10:46.49erpowouterrr: Or just nscd?
10:46.50wouterrrerpo: yep, nothing useful found
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10:47.13soulchildHI all,... is there a way to change the green color of  username@machine to red in bash ???
10:47.16wouterrrerpo: the problem is clamav-daemon does not want to start, no pid file or whatsoever created. but the init script should warn if no pid file is created if i recall correctly
10:47.23erpowouterrr: right on the front page of a google search for nscd.
10:47.56wouterrrerpo: well, that i found. it's only not useful to me
10:48.05wouterrri've straced on another machine where clamav is working and i get the same messages
10:48.21erpowouterrr: You mean the same ENOENT?
10:48.24pekaIn /etc/network/interfaces, what do one write if one doesn't want DHCP in "auto ethX"?
10:48.28wouterrrerpo: yes
10:48.34*** part/#debian JackScott (n=Jack_Sco@
10:48.45dpkgYour network configuration is in the file /etc/network/interfaces ; "man 5 interfaces" for docs, (zless /usr/share/doc/ifupdown/examples/network-interfaces.gz for an example). start and stop your networking with ifup -a and ifdown -a respectively.  See also <dhcp client> read "man resolv.conf" for DNS also ask me about <static route>
10:48.48erpopeka: What do you want instead of dhcp?
10:48.53pozicbeardy: yes, but about the restart?
10:49.02erpowouterrr: Then the problem is not related to nscd then.
10:49.10wouterrrerpo: indeed,
10:49.11erpowouterrr: Or, at least, the lack of nscd.
10:49.12pozicbeardy: that is what is the pid of tty1?
10:49.16pekaerpo: defined by quagga, so I would guess that would be static...
10:50.04nevynauto ethx says to bring the interface up it doesn't have anything to do with how it's configured
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10:50.44beardypozic: It is not a process. I'm not entirely sure who/where it runs from, if it's a kernel internal thing, or not.. getty maybe can be restarted.. if it handles it.
10:50.58pekanevyn: but in /etc/network/interfaces you need some variables to go with "auto ethX" where one defines dhcp or not, don't you?
10:51.37erpopeka: You probably want a statically configured interface. Read man interfaces to figure out how to do that.
10:51.58pekaerpo: kk. thanks :)
10:52.35liableblames wrong cflags!
10:52.54*** join/#debian simmerz (
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10:53.28ArmEagleHmm, my server is quite outdated.. but now I remember why I hardly update it..
10:54.04ArmEagleI want to update imagemagick:  it wants to install 22 new packages, including thai support and xcomposite stuff (on a headless server!)
10:54.07simmerzI'm trying to set up pure-ftpd and I've followed . I have done the bits at the bottom about disabling PAM and UNIX auth, but it still allows me to log in using my username and system password. any ideas?
10:55.35erposimmerz: What should it be using for authetication now?
10:56.12*** join/#debian Mathijs1 (
10:56.26simmerzvirtual users. actually, I think it's because I set it to have a username the same as one of my system users
10:56.47pekaI couln't read it out of the man. When setting static IP in /etc/network/interfaces - "iface ethX inet static", do one have to define the address there? (I get "missing variables" when running ifup so I'm kinda guessing so) :)
10:56.59erposimmerz: Did you reload/restart pureftpd after echo-ing no into the appropriate files?
10:57.02*** join/#debian ribasushi (
10:57.13simmerzerpo: using xinetd
10:57.41nevynpeka: but they're seperate
10:57.42ribasushianyone here having issues with FF3 getting extremely slow when rendering JS, especially fade-in-out effects?
10:57.49erposimmerz: Check with ps to make sure it's not running anyway.
10:57.56ribasushixorg cpu usage shoots to as much as it can, and everything is sluggish as hell
10:58.05dubwhats the timer down to?
10:58.08erporibasushi: I have that problem with flash, but not JS.
10:58.13nevynthe interface ethx static or interface ethx dhcp controlls how it's configured
10:58.27*** join/#debian lobak (n=azizan@
10:58.32dub(speaking of flash problems)
10:58.57erpodub: 31 days until we all die.
10:59.15ribasushidub: you do realize that the first TEV experiments will not take place until late 2010 right?
10:59.38ribasushiuntil then they'll be "breaking it in" with puny 10 - 15 GEV collisions
11:01.35erporibasushi: Hmm. When did those mayans predict the end of the world?
11:01.43ribasushi2012 :)
11:01.52erpoHmm. Pretty close.
11:02.25alleyoopsterthe mayans say we are in the ethical week now, next I think is galactic then it all gets a bit mad and very fast
11:02.56*** join/#debian lymeca (n=lymeca@unaffiliated/lymeca)
11:03.57alleyoopsterit was hinted there would be contact with other species soon, spooky
11:03.58dubdid they predict the end of the world?
11:04.12erpoYes. In 2012.
11:04.23dubI thought that time would simply be irrelevant from then
11:04.24alleyoopsteri dont think it was clear that it would actually be the end of the world, but something big will happen
11:04.31dubso they didnt bother
11:04.59erpodub: Why would you think that? They were avid astronomers. Well, some of them.
11:05.00dubwith continuing the calendar etc
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11:05.52duberpo, I mean the mayans felt that after 2012 time would cease to be relevant
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11:06.20ribasushimaybe they just took the red pill and went to sleep
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11:12.34fluor-hi there - anyone using the wordpress package in a multiblog setup around here?
11:12.42fluor-hi there - I just migrated wordpress from 2.0.10 to 2.5.1,
11:12.53fluor-previously created blogs show a "Not found" page, "Sorry, but you are looking for something that isn't here."
11:13.01fluor-while I can create new ones ok
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11:17.21ribasushiis there a "disable flash" iceweasel setting?
11:17.38ribasushiI have webdeveloper and all that, yet can't find a toggler
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11:18.16Coweaterflashblock plugin or maybe adblock can be used to that effect
11:18.57ribasushisigh... blockers, please keep your toys for youselves
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11:19.12ribasushiI meant for debugging purposes, just like I can disable js for instance
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11:21.33JarZk1hiya all
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11:22.33alleyoopsterribasushi: i think the only other way apart from flashblock is to pull the plugin out of the folder for testing
11:22.58ribasushidid already, will reinstall it when I'm done
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11:23.10ribasushialthough seems counterintuitive - there are so many other shiny knobs
11:24.13Coweaterthe flash plugin is just a glittering turd
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11:24.53alleyoopsterCoweater: i think that needs to go on the adobe website
11:25.08ribasushiCoweater: I asked you to please keep your views for yourself, idiots like you make it look like it is a normal thing to use a blocker
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11:25.27ribasushithe website is not yours to control, look at it the way it is or leave
11:25.36Coweaterhave you been on the web recently, it's pretty sane to use a blocker
11:25.51Coweateroh, one of those
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11:27.16alleyoopsterribasushi how about using opera
11:27.17nolimitsoyaribasushi, that has to be the most missguided statements ive heard from a wed "developer" in some time...
11:27.59avujust continue this in #debian-offtopic or something? :)
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11:28.14ribasushiavu: I just ignore them I guess
11:28.55avudon't make it look like I'm on your side ;)
11:29.22ootputcan any of you recommend a simple todo/appointments manager that is in wiki-context, and can be run at the command line with decent level of decorations?
11:29.28ootputor, perhaps any wiki-manager that is small enough, and easy enough to learn
11:29.39ribasushiavu: you don't push your side down my throat, that's already a big ++
11:29.49pozicootput: there is muse/planner in Emacs.
11:30.05pozicootput: or org-mode
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11:31.12pozicWhy do these Apache people keep changing the syntax of their configuration files?
11:31.38avuthey do?
11:31.44beardypozic: Did restarting getty do anything?
11:31.57pozicbeardy: I sent it HUP and nothing.
11:32.22pozicavu: yes, they do a few times/year.
11:32.23beardypozic: You didn't answer if you use framebuffer for the console?
11:32.35pozicbeardy: I don't know the answer.
11:32.49pozicbeardy: I did select something a few times, but I forgot what exactly I chose.
11:32.50avupozic, strange. I didn't have to change anything from 2.0 to 2.2 and very vew things from 1.3 to 2.0
11:33.00avuand certainly never anything for minor version upgrades
11:33.03beardypozic: When you boot, do you see the Tux logo? Is the text marker a square, or an underline?
11:33.06pozicavu: I am tlaking about 2.2.<something> 2.2.<something else>
11:33.15pozicbeardy: I see no Tux logo.
11:33.24ribasushipozic: citation needed :)
11:33.26pozicbeardy: a square.
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11:34.02pozicribasushi: The directive "NameVirtualHost *" has been changed to "NameVirtualHost *:80". etc
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11:35.21avupozic, that's not a change in the syntax
11:35.24beardypozic: Mkay. That's contradicting, but ok. You are using the framebuffer most likely.. I mean in the upper left corner, there usually is a Tux for each CPU.
11:35.29avupozic, that's not even a change done by the apache people
11:35.37avupozic, that's just a change in the debian default config
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11:35.47pozicbeardy: I am sure I don't have a Tex logo.
11:35.54avupozic, (which has been explained in either news or changelog, I forget)
11:35.54pozicbeardy: I changed my caret once.
11:36.00pozicbeardy: so, that might explain it.
11:36.39pozicavu: then it is not communicated clearly, imho.
11:37.20avupozic, you are not using stable
11:37.28avupozic, you should be reading changelogs
11:37.33pozicavu: no, I am not.
11:37.36ribasushipozic: this is a minor (and correct) change, furthermore it is your responsibility to read changelogs (as opposed to a blind apt-get upgrade) so quit whining
11:37.38avupozic, apt-listchanges for example
11:37.48pozicavu: I have the log before me and I always read it.
11:37.55pozicavu: where do you think that line came from?
11:38.21avupozic, I don't think, I know
11:38.31pozicavu: no, you don't.
11:38.39avupozic, because I have apt-listchanges installed and read the explanation just a little while ago
11:38.40pozicavu: you asserted that I don't read changelogs.
11:38.51pozicavu: I have that program installed too.
11:38.51beardypozic: If you can't shutdown X, or reboot, I guess you'll have to run like this until you can, try to maybe 'echo "foo" > /dev/tty1' to see if it appears.
11:38.55pozicavu: so, what's your point?
11:39.05avupozic, well, that you should read its output :)
11:39.14pozicavu: I just said that I always read it.
11:39.21pozicavu: please try to comprehend my output.
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11:39.26avupozic, this change in the debian default configuration has been explained
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11:39.35avupozic, well, I can't if it's untrue :)
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11:40.01pozicavu: ?
11:40.12avupozic, see
11:40.23avupozic, for an online version of that changelog you say you read
11:40.30avupozic, explaining the change you say it doesn't :)
11:40.32grimI seem to be having an issue with anacron and snort... if i run /etc/cron.daily/5snort by hand i get the email, if i run run-parts --verbose --report /etc/cron.daily i get the email, however, when anacron is fired off from /etc/crontab, i don't get the email, any thoughts?
11:40.55pozicavu: again: I have the output of apt-listchanges before me.
11:41.11avupozic, don't care.
11:41.15pozicavu: I say it's not communicated clearly what it means for existing configurations.
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11:41.22avupozic, the. change. is. in. the changelog.
11:41.39pozicavu: I already said that yes the change is there.
11:41.48avuso what's your problem?
11:41.51pozicavu: just not what it means for existing configurations...
11:42.02*** mode/#debian [+l 812] by debhelper
11:42.18avuthe changelog is not there to do your work for you. you are still required to understand the applications you are running
11:42.59pozicavu: and in general, when I write a configuration, I expect it to work forever from now on, certainly with minor version upgrades.
11:43.24avupozic, that's true if you're running stable. you however, are not.
11:43.45avupozic, also, those two bug reports linked to in the changelog entry explain the change quite well (as usual)
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11:44.55avupozic, you are not even using testing, you are using *unstable*
11:44.58pozicavu: I don't really care that much about apache2. Whether it is "unstable" or not should not make a difference.
11:45.10avuof course it does
11:45.22avupozic, unstable is where development of the distribution happens
11:45.40avupozic, that would not be possible if there was some 'no configuration breakage' policy
11:45.42pozicavu: please stop stating the obvious and please stop talking to me for the next 24 hours.
11:45.50stewpozic: yes, it makes a big difference.  the goal is not to make things convenient for you, but to make lenny better when it is released
11:45.55stewpozic: use /ignore
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11:46.16abrotmanapt: hi
11:46.17apthello, abrotman
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11:48.45pozicbeardy: nothing appeared. I will just reboot sometime.
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11:57.19docmaxwhat exactly is the lost+found directory for?
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11:58.00rvsjoendid you ask google ?
11:58.15rvsjoenfirst hit on "ext3 lost+found"
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12:06.38humboltwhat is a slim way to measure the bandwidth usage on one particular interface?
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12:06.51Ex-Cyberwhen I click on a PDF link with Iceweasel (, testing) for the first time in a session, it uses xpdf as the helper app as expected, but if I click on a PDF after that, Iceweasel seems to "forget" the helper association and can't open it; this happens in safe mode and after renaming mimeTypes.rdf; any idea what's wrong?
12:06.59abrotmanhumbolt: ntop, jnettop, iftop
12:07.25abrotmanprobably ntop is a bit much for what you seem to be looking for
12:07.46rvsjoenbwm-ng is also a good alternative
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12:10.07humboltwhich is the smallest binary?
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12:12.13docmaxhello, i need some kind of process explorer for linux gtk, any suggestions? (like taskmanager in windows)
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12:14.39dpkgPlease search for things rather than just asking: 'apt-cache search regex'. Find which package owns a file: 'dpkg -S /bin/foo' or 'aptitude install apt-file; apt-file update; apt-file search foo'. Use or '/msg dpkg find filename' if you're already here. '/msg dpkg listkeys <thing>' to find factoids containing <thing>. See
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12:16.15docmaxno ideas?
12:16.27docmaxwhats that?
12:17.40pozicdocmax: abrotman already answered your question.
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12:17.57pozicRight, "answered".
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12:19.00docmaxagain please
12:19.08docmaxmy xchat crashed
12:19.23abrotman!tell docmax about search
12:19.46docmaxi searched the whole day
12:19.51docmaxdidnt find anything
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12:21.42jellydocmax: you could enable logging in xchat, and you can look at the logs later (even if it crashes)
12:21.58abrotmanassuming it logs before it crashes :)
12:22.05jellyabrotman: it usually does
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12:22.14abrotmani'm just saying!
12:22.21jellyme too
12:23.08docmaxok again: i need a process explorer like that taskmanager in windows... no console thing like top or htop
12:23.26docmaxany ideas? i googled for 3 hours right now... nothing good found
12:23.26wolsdocmax: what for?
12:23.28abrotmanoh ffs
12:23.48huaxiahello, I use dnsmasq on my router for local dns.  On the client side when I access another server via this router by hostname only, (like "srv"), it response very quickly.  But if I use the FQDN name, ( to access the server, it delays about 10 seconds.  Ping with FQDN name responses very fast.  Anyone can help to solve this problem?
12:23.49docmaxwhat for? same like top is supposed for
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12:23.59wolsdocmax: then why can't you use top?
12:24.14abrotmancan't click on top!!!
12:24.22wolsabrotman: OMG!
12:24.40docmaxwols, i dont want console based
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12:24.51asgxterm -e top
12:24.52docmaxi want graphical... best in gtk2+
12:24.53wolsthen have fun searching. good luck
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12:25.59huaxiadocmax, you mean system monitor applet for gnome panel?
12:26.06jellydocmax: it will possibly have "top" in its name, and possiblt start with g or gt
12:26.11jelly!info gtop
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12:26.31pozicAre you all, except huaxia, not telling the answer because it is a trivial answer?
12:26.58docmaxi dont have gnome installed... just fluxbox
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12:27.16abrotmanpozic: but hey .. if you know the answer .. tell him
12:27.24abrotmanpozic: you can fish for him every day
12:27.34jellypozic: dunno about others.  I have no idea about gtk process monitors
12:27.38pozicabrotman: yes, I thought that was your strategy.
12:27.52pozicabrotman: but some seemed to be truly ignorant. No problem with that.
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12:28.39jellyhtop is clickable :->
12:28.44docmaxi cant find anything, please help me!
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12:28.51abrotman!tell docmax about search
12:28.52docmaxno i want GUI
12:29.00pozicMeh, maybe docmax is a troll?
12:29.16docmaxim human
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12:30.38docmaxi want a GUI which show all processes in a tree.. with loaded libs, usage graph, etc...
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12:31.52docmaxplease help me out
12:31.58docmaxi begg to you
12:32.10bit0docmax, pstree.x11
12:32.26jellydocmax: please stop, whining won't give an answer tht wasn't there before
12:32.28humbolthow do I push a process to the backgroud again?
12:32.48bit0huaxia, bg #job
12:32.50abrotmanhumbolt: ctrl-z , then 'bg'
12:33.09pozicTwo processes are sitting a tree...
12:33.15pozicin a*
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12:33.27Tex-Twilgood afternoon
12:33.37jellydocmax: you might try a gnome or xfce related channel for gtk apps
12:33.49antgelAstroman: oh yes, i am here, i forgot i had this client open
12:33.56humboltabrotman: ctrl+z is pausing the process, right? and bg lets it continue running in the background?
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12:34.15debianrcan someone help to confirm if there is something wrong with the .au (australia) site? I can't access it.
12:34.17humboltabrotman: will the process continue running if I log out?
12:34.24Tex-Twilplease I have troubles mounting a nfs between and Debian server and debian client, when I issue the mount command, it just hangs and nothing happens
12:34.28Deetzwhat's the url debianr?
12:34.28docmaxpstree.x11 is also console based
12:34.30docmaxi need gtk
12:34.48debianrDeetz: hang on.
12:34.51abrotmanoh jeez
12:35.17stewdocmax: something like "aptitude search '~dprocess~dview~Dlibgtk2.0-0'"  would look for packages with process, view in their descriptions that depend on gtk2
12:35.18dpkgdeutschsprachige Hilfe bekommt ihr in (auf, oder - German speaking users please go to (on, or
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12:35.37bit0docmax, gnome-system-monitor .. i know there's another (??)
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12:36.32docmaxyeah gnome system monitor... but i dont want to install gnome
12:36.45bit0stew, thanks, really powerfull aptitude :)
12:36.53debianrDeetz: it's
12:36.55docmaxwhat system monitor does xfce use?
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12:37.29jellydocmax: ask #xfce
12:37.39abrotmandebianr: yes, seems down .. there are other .au mirrors though
12:37.47abrotmanoh .. it's there .. just very slow
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12:38.04debianrabrotman: where are the other .au?
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12:38.07stewdocmax: aptitude search '~dprocess~Dlibgtk'
12:38.16Deetzyup seems down for me anyway or timing out
12:38.20abrotman!tell debianr about mirrors
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12:38.39arafangionHey, how do I change my path so that my new bin directory is searched _before_ my system bin?
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12:39.24jellyarafangion: put it in front.   PATH=/some/other/dir:${PATH}
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12:39.43arafangionjelly, Thanks. :)
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12:42.43DeetzAnyone have suggestions on any tools to help creating LDAP users and assigning samba rights etc?
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12:43.17DeetzRight now we're using an open source groupware or exchange alternative but we are now planning to move away from it.  The one nice thing is does is provide a decent interface to manage or create users
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12:44.04arafangionDeetz, Why are you planning to move away from it, and what are you moving towards?
12:44.24arafangionhas never used groupware, but is curious just the same. At his work he uses Lotus.
12:44.43DeetzEither Scalix, google mail or maybe just a real exchange server
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12:45.40DeetzThe problem is they sell intergration into outlook for syncing Calendars, tasks but it is really buggy and the software does alot of stuff but nothing very well and isn't being used
12:45.58DeetzThe roadmap for the future doesn't look promising so we want to move on
12:46.45pozicDeetz: if you want better software, maybe you should write a specification of what it is that you want?
12:47.17jellyExhcange works.  Mostly. :-)
12:47.22DeetzWe have created a list of some of the things we want, but only from the perspective of doing mail/calendering
12:47.36pozicDeetz: and this is a proprietary list?
12:47.52DeetzMy boss is convinced exchange is too expensive although the small buisness server looks okay to me
12:48.11antgelDeetz: apt-cache search samba |grep -i ldap
12:48.43capt_rogersi have debian powerpc running on mac g3 bue and white. console only. i was wondering if there was a non-X-windows manager i could use.
12:48.46Deetzbut can anyone recommend software for managing ldap users or should the shell be enough
12:48.50jellyDeetz: are you allowed to say which is the current inadequate solution?
12:49.03Deetzsure open-xchange
12:49.08antgelDeetz: did you even read the output of the command?
12:49.17Deetzah no let me
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12:49.39AzMooHey, what's the package that contains the kernel source called?
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12:50.00DeetzThank you antgel I see
12:50.15stewAzMoo: linux-source-$version ; though, what do you want it for?  most people that are looking for kernel source actually need kernel headers instead
12:50.19Deetzseems pretty well exactly like what I was looking for
12:50.22pozicDebian is getting too popular.
12:50.39AzMoostew: VMWare Tools wants the full source.
12:50.44AzMoostew: ta
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12:52.36jellyAzMoo: vmware modules usually build ok with just the headers
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12:53.45AzMoojelly: It's telling me I'm missing version.h. I assumed that would come with the full source?
12:55.09antgelDeetz: you could try opengroupware with zidelook
12:55.53stewAzMoo: the full source would not, since it is unconfigured, the headers would, or you could get the full source, configure it, compile it, and install it
12:56.28Deetzyet again thank you ant
12:56.41AzMoostew: Well I have the headers and it's telling me it's not there. Maybe I pointed it to the wrong spot.
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12:57.11stewAzMoo: the right spot for the headers is /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/build
12:57.11antgelDeetz: imo, opengroupware's biggest weakness is the inbuilt webui, but as a backend it is excellent, very solid and scalable
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12:58.21AzMoostew: I didn't include the 686 in the version. Cheers.
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13:00.06hedinwhat would you guys prefer as a server os... Gentoo, CentOS or Debian? and why?
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13:00.38DeetzCentOS or Debian because Gentoo sounds like it's for only the hardcore
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13:02.29jellyhedin: you're in #debian... seriously, what answer do you expect?
13:02.45SlayerXPDeetz: no, gentoo is for idiots.  there's nothing hardcore about it
13:02.52pozichedin: for extra credits, ask the same question in #gentoo and #centos.
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13:03.12MrBrushDoes anyone know if it's possible to view the source of a page with links2
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13:03.42MrBrushor to view the html source of a page inside the shell?
13:03.50jellyMrBrush: \
13:03.56pozicMrBrush: learn to read manpage
13:04.08MrBrushpozic: i couldn't find it
13:04.14pozicMrBrush: I never used the feature man links2 \source RET
13:04.21Ex-Cyberokay, my problem happens in the official firefox 3 build... taking it upstream, I suppose...
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13:04.40pozicMrBrush: doesn't sound like Mission Impossible to me.
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13:05.20jellypozic: you meant "/", not "\"
13:05.43pozicjelly: yes, I did.
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13:08.17RichiHhrm, i don't have telnet, nmap or netcat, installing stuff is not an option. i need to find out if a remote port is open & reachable from that host. suggestions?
13:08.44Deetzopen to the internet or just internally?
13:08.51Deetzand why is installing not an option that never helps
13:09.40chopspetemc: Something tells me that installing that is "not an option" also :-)
13:09.46RichiHDeetz: from said host
13:09.57RichiHchops: indeed
13:10.24chops"How do I eat my soup?  And don't tell me to get a spoon, that is not an option."
13:10.40SamuraiDioi have a bug on Gnome Nautilus... when i try to run *.mkv (Matroska Video Files) nautilus says that the content is of an audio file (and it is not) and the extension of a video file, and prevents me from openinng hte file (i can only open it from 'Open With...' option)
13:10.51MaulkinRichiH: any compilers? Or perl? :)
13:10.58chops!tell SamuraiDio about bts
13:10.59RichiHchops: by slurping it without a spoon. that is quite beside the point, though
13:11.03stewRichiH: do you have perl or python or some such?
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13:11.30RichiHMaulkin: perl, of course. though modules that are not installed should not be needed, either
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13:11.37vchrizzwhat raid is more inteligent to use on four disks? raid6 or raid0+1 or raid1+0 ?
13:11.45SamuraiDiochops, should i report the bug?
13:11.56chopsSamuraiDio: I would recommend it, yes
13:12.13MaulkinRichiH: got IO::Socket?
13:12.24SamuraiDiochops, whats tha package that can send bugs from shell?
13:12.30chopsSamuraiDio: reportbug
13:13.29RichiHMaulkin: thanks, i should have come up with that, myself
13:13.36RichiHit just takes a scot for some things
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13:15.32MaulkinRichiH: hang on...
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13:16.00MaulkinRichiH: try...
13:16.14SamuraiDiochops, thanks
13:16.15zophy[]i think there is a fundamental weaknes in the way rythmbox has us create playlists
13:16.22MaulkinNo promises if it works, but should do.
13:16.24chopsSamuraiDio: np
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13:20.18lirezhI got a pci device, it is an oxford 952 serial uart. in 2.4 kernel it shows up as pci device, but in 2.6 it is not visible as device. does lspci show devices without driver in 2.6 ?
13:20.28SamuraiDiohow do i check a bug directly from url?
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13:21.51SamuraiDiotnx again
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13:24.47chopsSamuraiDio: np
13:25.32liablelirezh: yes
13:26.21lirezhin 2.4 it shows, in 2.6 not
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13:26.51lirezhnot the first time i have noticed such stuff regarding lspci, but right now it drives me mad
13:27.01lirezhin 2.4 it was so easy, just cat /proc/pci
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13:28.57SamuraiDiolirezh, does it not show even the pciid? or just not the name?
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13:30.40lirezhnot at all samurai
13:30.52lirezhi know the correct pci id but it#s not showing at all
13:31.02lirezhi tried -G and -G as well
13:31.05SamuraiDiolirezh, strange for me it always worked...
13:31.32lirezhit is a custom pci device (it works in windows and it workes in principe in 2.4 too)
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13:31.44lirezhin 2.6 is just does not exist
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13:32.48SamuraiDiotry hal-device or lshal
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13:37.08capt_rogersi have debian powerpc running on mac g3 bue and white. console only. i was wondering if there was a non-X-windows manager i could use.
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13:37.39chopscapt_rogers: What do you mean, "non-X-windows manager"?
13:37.49capt_rogersdoes not require X Windows...
13:37.54amphicapt_rogers: screen?
13:37.55chopscapt_rogers: And does what?
13:38.11abrotmanan X-like GUI environment that is not xfree/xorg
13:38.12grulmanages windows
13:38.13capt_rogersmanangers your desktop like XFCE, or similar..
13:38.27chopscapt_rogers: So a GUI that isn't X windows?
13:38.34lirezhcan't get lshal to run in short time
13:38.45chopscapt_rogers: Why do you want that?
13:39.09abrotmancapt_rogers: what's wrong with xorg on the mac g3 ?
13:39.12capt_rogerscause X to be blunt is a pig. i have a blue and white g3..not much cpu power
13:40.49*** join/#debian Superbartt` (
13:41.22chopscapt_rogers: Have you tried a lighter window manager?  I think of xorg itself as being pretty reasonable on resource consumption.  There are also lighter servers within xorg (kdrive used to be one; I'm not sure what the modern equivalent is).  Replacing X entirely is going to leave you unable to run a lot of GUI apps.
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13:46.24capt_rogershmm, i could also use xubuntu 606 (last version for powerpc) which uses XFCE..
13:47.07chopscapt_rogers: Why do that instead of installing XFCE on Debian?
13:47.34SamuraiDiowhats the official debian channel? here, or at
13:47.59capt_rogersnot sure yet
13:48.15*** join/#debian halflife08 (
13:48.15simNIX#debian on freenode
13:48.26simNIXo oficvial
13:48.32SamuraiDiolirezh, what do you mean by short time?
13:48.46chopssimNIX: No.  This is freenode. is the official channel.  Or do you know something I don't? :-)
13:49.19SamuraiDiohehe... anyway, this channel looks more popular
13:49.32chopsSamuraiDio: It is
13:50.37*** join/#debian maligor (
13:50.45chopspngwn: Where there does it say that freenode is official (and since when is a half-year-old wiki page with some important broken links an authoritative source)?
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13:51.28pngwnMaafter login...and Maulkin was pointing people to that page yesterday
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13:52.02*** mode/#debian [+l 837] by debhelper
13:52.09chopspngwn: Oh, in *that* case is must be more authoritative than :-)
13:52.16n-iCehello I have problems with the clock, select() to /dev/rtc to wait for clock tick timed out , and this is not saving my time in debian.
13:52.29n-iCeIf I use hwclock --show, in terminal, same error, what could be?
13:52.45wolsn-iCe: --direct-isa or such
13:52.59n-iCebash: --direct-isa: command not found
13:53.03wols--directisa I think
13:53.13n-iCebash: --directisa: command not found
13:53.20wolsn-iCe: brain is that thing between the ears. use it
13:53.29n-iCeoops, that was rue
13:53.43maligorbash: ears: command not found
13:53.48n-iCebash: --directisa: command not found
13:54.02maligorn-iCe, you do realize what "--" signifies
13:54.04*** join/#debian Gunirus (
13:54.07wols!lart n-iCe with a manpage
13:54.08dpkgaccelerates a free AOL cd to 50,000 rpm and lets n-iCe with a manpage feel it
13:54.17n-iCeMon 07 Jul 2008 03:53:39 AM CDT  -0.011930 seconds
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13:54.32ericperssonMy usbmemory is significantly slower when mounted automatically by I think automount(?), than if I unmount it and manually just does mount /dev/sdb1 /media/usb0. Anyone seen this before?
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13:55.01justinericpersson: what options is the automounter mounting it with?
13:55.02maligorericpersson, what filesystem is it?
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13:55.44ericperssonmaligor: vfat, fat16..
13:55.54ericperssonjustin: (rw,nodev,sync,noatime,uid=1000,gid=1000
13:56.36ericperssonjustin: Im not sure where to adjust those options..
13:56.36maligorsync maybe?
13:56.36ericperssonmaligor: should remove sync?
13:56.54SamuraiDiothat was funny :)
13:57.21SamuraiDiowhow, reportbug is really easy to use :D
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13:57.34maligorericpersson, mount seems to say sync is even a bad idea for flash
13:57.54maligorthe mount man page that is
13:58.08MrBrushhow to grep for the amount of lines a command in linux returns?
13:58.17castwc -l
13:58.25ericperssonmaligor: the config file /etc/usbmount/usbmount.conf have a comment saying sync is a bad idea which can cause data loss, but that should only be if its unplugged without unmounting it first, right?
13:58.34pozicericpersson: flash is a different medium and has unique properties.
13:58.48castericpersson: what i do is type sync; sync; sync
13:58.50SamuraiDiochoc, can i set my email to be always used with reportbug, without specifying --email= ?
13:58.53castericpersson: then rip it out :)
13:59.06pozicericpersson: you can only write to it a relatively few number of times.
13:59.06maligorericpersson, mm.. I think the problem is with the block sizes flash has
13:59.11castruns usbmount with async
13:59.12ericperssoncast: well, unmount from the gnome-bar should do the same i guess..
13:59.22justinmaligor: no, the problem is with sync
13:59.30pozicericpersson: that's why you when you "write" to it, you don't really write to it.
13:59.34ericperssonpozic: i wonder why its there then, im not aware of myself adding it there..
13:59.50maligorjustin, well, 'related to'
14:00.04pozicericpersson: only when you umount it, it should write to it, thereby minimizing the number of write operations.
14:00.15maligorI just mean with sync you might end up writing data in smaller chunks than flash block sizes
14:00.24pozicericpersson: that's how it should be configured.
14:00.28maligorwhich will probably decrease performance too
14:00.32justinericpersson: why are you using usbmount with gnome?
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14:00.44pozicericpersson: I don't know what it is by default.
14:01.02pozicericpersson: but I do know it works as it should here with default options :)
14:02.03*** mode/#debian [+l 831] by debhelper
14:02.24ericperssonjustin: I dont know, it just works i think.. is there other options?
14:02.47justinericpersson: yes, the automount stuff built into gnome
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14:03.23ericperssonjustin: so a uninstall of usbmount shouldnt do any harm i guess..
14:03.48justinericpersson: install gnome-volume-manager
14:03.57ericperssonjustin: will try that instead..
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14:07.41ericperssonjustin, sweet, that did the trick..
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14:08.27alexteicheI just installed Debian last night, and it booted fine
14:08.34ericperssonthanks maligor and pozic for the hints..
14:08.36alexteiche'but this morning I get hdc: lost interrupt
14:09.01ArthurArchnixI just passed zero percent on my battery, but I usually get about another 20 minutes. I'm just SOL with getting it syncronized right?
14:09.17chopsalexteiche: Does it still boot okay?  Or does it stop when that message is printed?
14:09.32alexteicheIt stops when the message is printed and keeps printing it
14:09.47chopsalexteiche: At what point in the boot process does that happen?
14:09.53alexteichethen aftera  few minutes it takes me to an initramfs prompt
14:10.05*** join/#debian flypiper (n=46cub@
14:10.10alexteichejust a sec, lemme boot it
14:10.52alexteicheright after:
14:12.15pozicalexteiche: what's hd temperature? Did you check the cables are connected properly?
14:12.32alexteicheohci1394: fw-host0: OHCI-1394 1.0 (PCI): IRQ=[58] MMIO=[e9104000-e91047ff] Max Packet=[2048] IR/IT contexts=[4/8]
14:12.46alexteichenow it says
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14:12.57alexteichehdc:host protected area detected
14:13.12alexteichehdc: Host protected area disables
14:13.21alexteichebegin: mounting root file system
14:13.33alexteichebefore that ^
14:13.37alexteichehdc: done.
14:13.48alexteicheoh, now its losing the interrupt again
14:13.59alexteicheok, Ill check cables and temps
14:14.01alexteichejust a sec
14:15.19alexteichenot even warm to the touch
14:15.25alexteicheat all
14:16.06ArthurArchnixanyway for me to just manually tell acpid how long my battery lasts? Like, if I do a full discharge test and it turns off in 70 minutes, can I somehow over-ride the obviously broken auto-detection?
14:16.54abrotmanwishes there were an ACPI channel
14:17.03chopsalexteiche: Huh.  I'm not sure what to tell you, unfortunately :-(
14:17.29abrotmanmaybe a DMA issue?
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14:17.56alexteicheIt worked on Ubuntu right before this
14:17.59alexteichetwo days ago
14:18.06alexteichethen Arch before that, and Gentoo before that
14:18.16alexteicheI have used tons of distros
14:18.21alexteichenever an issue
14:19.47chopsalexteiche: Not necessarily an issue with your hardware; it could easily be a kernel bug or something
14:19.54chopsalexteiche: (Debian-specific kernel bug that is)
14:20.07chopsalexteiche: What version of Debian did you install?
14:20.07*** join/#debian christoz (
14:20.19alexteicheI think it had a 2.6.18 kernel
14:20.36chopsalexteiche: You could try booting the install CD again, see if that works out okay, and if it does chroot to the installed system and install a backported 2.6.24 kernel
14:20.49chopsalexteiche: If that one works without problems, you've hit an etch kernel bug most likely
14:20.55ArthurArchnixor just install lenny unless you have some compelling reason to run etch
14:21.03alexteicheHow stable is lenny?
14:21.09chopsalexteiche: Booting with acpi=off is also popular voodoo to invoke
14:21.11ArthurArchnixmore than hardy
14:21.28alexteicheArthurArchnix: Ok, good enough for me:P
14:22.28*** join/#debian foutrelis_ (n=foutreli@tangocms/developer/foutrelis)
14:23.31ArthurArchnixNo joke. I switched from Hardy to Lenny and it's been much, much better. X has crashed once on me. Mighta been my fault.
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14:25.13ArthurArchnixI'm now approaching 20 minutes past the moment when gnome told me my battery was at 0%.
14:25.50snirkshello hello. which kernel version can i rest assured have the iwl3945 stuff built in as opposed to patching a kernel with ipw3945-stuff?
14:26.02abrotmanyou don't have to patch it at all
14:26.25abrotmanthe modules are pre-compiled, just not in the main kernel
14:26.26snirkswell applying microcode
14:26.26abrotmanthey all require firmware
14:26.38*** part/#debian vchrizz (i=Miranda@
14:26.43snirksso im fine with the 2.6.18?
14:27.08abrotmansnirks: if you have non-free/contrib .. you can get the ipw3945-$(uname -r)-modules .. or something like that
14:27.11antgelAstroman: ping
14:27.11dpkgIf you're running Debian Etch, do the following: add <contrib> and <non-free> entries in your sources.list, "aptitude update && aptitude install ipw3945-modules-$(uname -r) firmware-ipw3945 ipw3945d && modprobe ipw3945".  See also <ipw3945-fu>.  If you're running Debian Lenny, ask me about <iwlwifi>.
14:27.22abrotmansnirks: make sense ?
14:27.34snirksthanks alot :)
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14:28.50antgelAstroman: very good ;)
14:29.36antgelAstroman: did you see what abrotman did above?  basically the dpkg bot is triggered with the ! character
14:30.05antgelAstroman: but you can message it privately with /msg dpkg
14:30.43n-iCeSame problem here, select() to /dev/rtc to wait for clock tick timed out
14:30.56antgelAstroman: usually, you can and should /msg the bot, unless you are showing off or using !tell
14:31.06antgel!start a bot war
14:31.06dpkgBlootbot is the best bot!
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14:31.24n-iCeI added --directisa to hwclock,and same problem
14:31.41Astromanantgel: so "/msg dpkg command" appears in a private channel, and "!command" appears in the main channel?
14:31.56antgelAstroman: correct
14:32.02antgel!msg the bot
14:32.02*** mode/#debian [+l 824] by debhelper
14:32.02dpkgPlease message the bot... not doing so could be considered an unnecessary flood.  Instead of typing "!tell <your nick> about <topic>" you can just type "/msg dpkg <topic>".  See also <selftell>.  Also visit to learn how to effectively use the factoids database, or ask me about <bot help> <help>
14:32.03Astromanantgel: but they display the same thing?
14:32.09antgelAstroman: yep
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14:32.31antgelbloody hell, torrential rain
14:32.50Astromanantgel: we had that about 45 minutes ago
14:33.22*** join/#debian Sertse (
14:33.29antgelAstroman: so, anyway, hope that helps, the bot knows most stuff
14:33.44Astromanantgel: thanks
14:34.02antgelAstroman: sometimes someone will do !tell <nick> about <something> e.g...
14:34.04*** join/#debian lagann_ (
14:34.13antgel!tell Astroman about debian
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14:34.34Astromanantgel: and that appears in my private dpkg channel
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14:34.56antgelAstroman: that ^^ saves you having to /msg, but some people can't use their irc client, so don't realise that anything happened
14:34.59antgelAstroman: yep
14:35.31snirksabrotman: sorry, where do i get the correct address for the contrib and non-free?
14:37.22antgel!tell snirks about non-free sources
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14:38.52abrotmansnirks: /msg dpkg contrib .. /msg dpkg non-free
14:38.57*** part/#debian Sertse (
14:39.00abrotmanwonders why people apologize
14:39.03polyoxoanionsthe ssh server is not installed when installing basic netinstall of debian stable.. right?
14:39.05abrotmanerm .. for stuff like that
14:39.09abrotmanpolyoxoanions: nope
14:39.18abrotmanpolyoxoanions: openssh-server
14:39.27polyoxoanionsabrotman, nope not right or nope its totally supposed to be installed
14:39.36abrotmanit's not installed
14:39.42abrotman!info openssh-server etch
14:40.09abrotmani think one of the tasksel options includes it .. but i can't recall which
14:40.22dpkgopenssh-server: (Secure shell server, an rshd replacement), section net, is optional. Version: 1:4.3p2-9 (etch), Packaged size: 216 kB, Installed size: 556 kB
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14:40.56antgelabrotman: it's short for "sorry i couldn't be arsed to find out myself"
14:41.40*** join/#debian Averell (n=averell@p3m/member/Averell)
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14:43.43smallfoot-debian openssl ^
14:44.29polyoxoanionssmallfoot-, i dont get it can you explain it
14:44.39asgpolyoxoanions: /topic
14:44.55snirkshm, the ipw3945 module loads etc but i cannot get my wireless interface to show itself
14:45.42smallfoot-polyoxoanions, the Debian version of OpenSSL has a bug in the random number generator, which made all keys produced predictable and insecure
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14:46.21abrotmansmallfoot-: drop it
14:46.27abrotmansmallfoot-: taken care of a long time ago
14:46.34abrotmansmallfoot-: troll elsewhere
14:46.37smallfoot-the comic/picture is still hilarious though
14:47.01smallfoot-Debian didn't speak loudly about it though... no full disclosure?
14:47.14abrotmandrop it
14:47.17smallfoot-ok :(
14:47.28*** join/#debian christoz (
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14:48.02smallfoot-how about this then ? (different pic)
14:48.05*** join/#debian Frippera (n=frippera@
14:48.33abrotmansmallfoot-: why do you persist?  Don't you have something better to do than troll?
14:48.33amphismallfoot-: everyone has seen those quite some time ago
14:48.40pozicsmallfoot-: these things are funny in the same day or week.
14:48.44Vasisthasmallfoot-: that was copied from ... too bad I don't see any credit given
14:48.57abrotmansmallfoot-: don't mention it again
14:49.33pozicYou can be banned for less.
14:49.44smallfoot-Vasistha, if you click on the image, it takes you to xkcd -
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14:49.52Vasisthaoh, now, I think that's giving a little bit too hard of a time, eh?
14:49.52smallfoot-Vasistha, click on the image, i meant
14:50.07abrotmanpolyoxoanions: you should ignore smallfoot- .. he has no idea what he's talking about
14:50.25Vasisthasmallfoot-: yeah, I gather, that's good :) if you just link the image, though, no such option is available
14:50.29polyoxoanionsabrotman, no i looked it up it was funny okay
14:50.31*** part/#debian aerk (
14:50.47abrotmanpolyoxoanions: i didn't mean the comic .. i meant him telling you that it was vulnerable
14:51.10smallfoot-pozic, I don't really mind. I don't use Debian, I use Ubuntu. Debian existed for many years, and worked hard, then suddenly came Ubuntu and took all Debian, slapped a new name on it, and it got all the popularity, the money, the women, etc.
14:52.16Vasisthasmallfoot-: do you have a debian question, or are you just here to troll?
14:52.33smallfoot-Vasistha, just here to troll.
14:52.37*** mode/#debian [+o abrotman] by ChanServ
14:52.42*** mode/#debian [+b *!*@unaffiliated/smallfoot-] by abrotman
14:52.45wols_abrotman: you have heard him. please accomodate him
14:52.45*** mode/#debian [-o abrotman] by abrotman
14:52.47wols_thank you
14:52.49cobolthank you.
14:52.50*** join/#debian spx2 (n=spx2@
14:52.58abrotmansmallfoot-: you've been silenced for 10 minutes for being offtopic
14:53.11abrotmansmallfoot-: please try to keep your facts straight and stay on topic
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14:54.35liablesnirks: which kernel? iwlwifi is the preffred driver now
14:54.58abrotmanliable: etch
14:55.00liables/off topic/ a dick/
14:55.11liableabrotman: right
14:55.18liablesnirks: is the daemon running?
14:55.27abrotmanliable: he hadn't yet installed the non-free bits
14:55.30abrotmanis a proxy!
14:55.47abrotmanor maybe didn't even know they existed
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14:57.34Sysctl___hey folks, running newly installed debian etch amd64. Installed "iproute" as required and added lines to /etc/sysctl. when i reboot, it fails to bring up one of my interfaces because it fails saying "Setting kernel variables... error 'net.ipv4.conf.eth0.arp_ignore' is an unknown key"
14:57.47snirksliable: 2.6.18 haha
14:58.42liablesnirks: so install the other bits and it should work. it was a reasonable driver at the time.
14:58.56Sysctl___this is for a load balancing system, so you know, can give more info about which if you like, but was wondering if anyone could give me any indication why the kernel would throw that sort of error?
14:58.57liableapart from having a retarded daemon..
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15:00.40mquinSysctl___: that usually happens when "sysctl -p" is run before the ethernet interfaces come up
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15:01.14Sysctl___mquin: well, the documentation im following says to pre-up sysctl -p > /dev/null
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15:01.44Sysctl___mquin: is it possible to delay it so the interface can come up before?
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15:02.09mquinyou can either do it post-up, or set conf.default.arp_ignore in the pre-up
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15:02.17streuner_How do you enable gdesklets by default without running it new
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15:02.39neurodamagehow do I install the kernel headers for my current system? what pkg is that?
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15:02.52mquinwe do the latter, as it saves having to keep sysctl.conf in step with the network configuration
15:03.14streuner_neurodamage: apt-get install linxu-kernel-headers-`uname -r` ?
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15:03.52neurodamagestreuner_, yeah that didn't work ?
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15:04.18Vasisthastreuner_: you mean, you want it to start up when you start your DE?
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15:04.29streuner_neurodamage: apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r`
15:04.33streuner_Vasistha: yep
15:04.42streuner_GNOME that is
15:04.59neurodamagestreuner_, yeah i tried that after haivng fixed your spellings, but it says the package can't be found :(
15:05.17streuner_neurodamage: What does 'dpkg -l libc6 | tail -1' say?
15:05.18neurodamagenvm headers instead of kernel i got you, thanks
15:05.20Vasisthastreuner_: well, gdesklets would kind of imply ... anyway, I have no idea, but maybe there's something like KDE's Autostart dir? else ... :P heh
15:05.22Sysctl___mquin: thanks. is this just random behaviuor, depending on your system? because i have another server, different model and running i686 etch instead, and it doesnt suffer this problem
15:05.31streuner_neurodamage: np
15:05.43neurodamagejust needed those for the virtual box additions :)
15:06.17Vasisthaneurodamage: I think there may be a bug with running virtualbox on 2.6.18 kernels
15:06.23neurodamageoh man
15:06.25neurodamagethat sux0rs
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15:06.38neurodamageI'm hoping not cause I don't care that much to get it working then :)
15:06.45neurodamagelots of issues with virtual box additions
15:07.00Vasisthaneurodamage: I use a backported kernel anyway, so I haven't had any trouble; but ... I'll see if I can find that documentation
15:08.07mquinSysctl___: it just depends on when the network drivers are loaded - your other system might be loading them from the initrd or early in the boot process (e.g. from /etc/modules)
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15:08.59Vasisthaneurodamage: maybe it is only a problem if you are running a *guest* with a 2.6.18 kernel:
15:09.22mnsneurodamage:   apt-get install linux-headers-2.6-686    should do what you want
15:09.31Sysctl___mquin: ah, i see, but running "sysctl -p" and manually bringing up the interface would work just as well, I assume? just asking, because my heartbeaty/ldirector is still failing to bring up the routes
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15:10.40georgezhello... i am running debian on VMWare server and the ethernet interface is not recognized.  It seems that it just cannot detect the hardware.  Any ideas? thanks
15:10.41mquinSysctl___: yeah, prior to figuring out the default thing we were just doing sysctl -p in the post up
15:11.14mquinall that matters is that it gets set before you send any traffic to the realservers
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15:11.33Vasisthageorgez: sounds a little bit like a #vmware question ... are you absolutely certain you've got vmware set up properly to be presenting an interface to your debian client?
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15:11.56georgezit seems to work for all the other guests including ubuntu and windows
15:12.02georgezand centos actually
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15:12.07Vasisthaand the setup is the same
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15:14.32c0mradeis there an effective way of limiting users bandwith usage .. like quota is used for disk usage ?
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15:16.57Demostheneswow, thats twice in a row that control and shift have completely quit working in X, and i had to kill X to fix it.
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15:20.20chris_Doesn't look like my server wants to boot... I'm getting /bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off
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15:21.12chris_O... I'm getting Target filesystem doesn't have /sbin/init
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15:22.47georgezok i checked with the #vmware guys... any way to uninstall and reinstall a nic in debian?
15:23.01chris_I know this happened in Ubuntu before... I needed to boot to a live cd, chroot, and install ubuntu-minimal.... is there any equiv package in debian?
15:23.01NatalieI'm having trouble booting up our server
15:23.29Natalie <- that's what it ends up with
15:23.49Nataliemy first guess is that it can't find the harddrive, but if I boot in rescue mode, it's there
15:24.20abrotmanNatalie: did you compile your own kernel ?
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15:25.29Natalieabrotman, no
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15:25.42Vasisthageorgez: I think the kernel ought to just detect it. ifconfig -a will tell you what's available
15:25.48abrotmani'd guess grub got goofed up
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15:26.11Nataliehow do I fix it? :(
15:26.17Stephen`live boot cd
15:26.21valdynNatalie: your real issue isnt visible there, only that /dev/root does not exist, thats not very useful
15:26.40valdynNatalie: shift-pgup should be able to tell more
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15:27.05VasisthaNatalie: it kind of looks like the root device specification might be wrong.
15:28.21chris_any suggestions for me?
15:28.53Natalievaldyn, thanks for shift-pgup
15:29.23chris_O!.... mount: Cannot read /etc/fstab: No such file or directory
15:29.52Natalievaldyn, I have an error: Warning: Missing mdadm.conf file - could that be it?
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15:30.07valdynNatalie: do you have md raids that you need to boot your system?
15:30.26NatalieI don't believe so
15:30.42valdynNatalie: you would know, at leaset if you installed that box
15:30.58NatalieI did not, I only got called to it recently
15:31.09Natalieit used to boot fine, it just suddenly stopped
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15:31.26valdynis chris_ having the same issue?
15:31.41valdynlike a new bug in debian?
15:31.46valdynNatalie: which debian release is this?
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15:32.15Nataliegood question, but I don't know, and I can't find out until I can access the main drive I don't think?
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15:32.31valdynNatalie: when was rebooting this box successful the last time?
15:32.36hedinhi, i've looked for a vmware repos on google, but can't find one....
15:32.42chris_valdyn, I'm wondering if the devices got relabeled...
15:32.54Natalieabout a week ago
15:32.59Natalieit doesn't reboot often though
15:33.14chris_valdyn, I don't there there are vmware repos... afaik anyway
15:33.23Natalieit crashed last week, the last time it was rebooted before that was a few weeks more ago
15:33.29valdynNatalie: you could have a broken initrd or a broken root=/dev/whatever entry
15:33.38valdynNatalie: hard to tell without knowing what happend
15:33.41Nataliealright.. I'll quite happily accept that
15:33.44Nataliebut how can I fix it?
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15:33.55valdynNatalie: boot a livecd, use chroot to enter the debian system
15:34.25valdynNatalie: you can figure out everythign from there
15:34.45Natalievaldyn, which logs would I look at?
15:34.47Nataliewhat would I test?
15:35.08valdynNatalie: not logs, look at the current kernel the /boot/grub/menu.lst
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15:35.29VasisthaNatalie: also, you can probably get a hint at which debian version it is by taking a look at the grub menu. If the kernel is 2.6.18, then it's probably etch, the current stable version
15:35.31valdynNatalie: and the kernel one older than the current one
15:35.50NatalieI believe it's using Lilo, not grub
15:35.52valdynNatalie: /var/log/dpkg.log to see what was installed
15:36.03valdynNatalie: thats ok then, /etc/lilo.conf
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15:38.10slickmingis there any way so i can disable the login logging in debian?
15:38.40Sysctl___slickming: just curious, why would you want that?
15:39.04slickmingso anyone login the system can be anomy
15:39.38Sysctl___slickming: ya, why?
15:40.06slickmingis it posible?
15:40.31slickmingi might not want to do it, but is this possible?
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15:42.18Sysctl___not sure if that works, but try it out
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15:43.47Sysctl___slickming: just would not know why you would want to do that, unless you want to hide your tracks or not care if others break into your server
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15:44.50slickmingjust curious
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15:45.25Sysctl___slickming: i'll try not to question your motives, although its hard not to :P
15:45.33sobersabrehi guys. I am trying to setup a 1 box, 2 displays, 2 kbds, 2 mice setup
15:45.49slickmingI'm going to hack NASA
15:46.04christozhello i'm using debian etch and the evince application crashes when i'm trying to copy/paste smth
15:46.15sobersabreIs there a way to know which /dev/input/* file corresponds to which usb keyboard ?
15:46.26sobersabreslickming: what is NASA ?
15:47.28Natalieit's a candy store
15:47.30liablethe rocket dudes
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15:48.26slickmingsobersabre:  NASA, North Africa Student Association
15:48.40Natalievaldyn, vmlinuz-2.6.18-6-686-bigmem
15:48.46sobersabreslickming: ah, that one!
15:51.05Natalievaldyn, I've also been informed that it does have a raid, without redundancy
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15:51.24sobersabrehm. I thought of 2 directions: 1. setup 2 xservers, each on another card's output, each on another TCP port, but maybe there's some smarter way.
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15:51.45sobersabre2. something like solaris - "remote" X sessions.
15:51.51sobersabreany other ideas ?
15:51.52Sysctl___you can never be sure, its true ;)
15:51.55sobersabreanybody tried ?
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15:52.42pumpkin0sobersabre: it has been done before, but it is a very ugly hack.
15:52.53sobersabrepumpkin0: which of the 2 ?
15:52.57sobersabrethe 1. ?
15:53.16pumpkin0sobersabre: getting 2 xservers at the same time on one box.
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15:55.05sobersabrenido: seems something like poles or russians :-]
15:55.12pumpkin0sobersabre: the "better" way is to use small, cheap, dumb, used terminals and remoteX to a server.
15:55.17dpkgPlease keep the discussions in #debian on-topic (i.e., Debian support), or return to the topic after a short while. #debian-offtopic is the place for longer off-topic discussions.
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15:55.45sobersabrepumpkin0: this seems redundant in an office with 2 people.
15:56.04sobersabrein either situation - the server goes down, the office needs a technician.
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15:56.32valdynNatalie: aww, sick
15:56.45nidosobersabre: I found it a pretty funny picture and thought it might chear some of you up. It made me smile
15:56.49Natalienot my choice :P
15:56.59valdynNatalie: that kernel is the current one?
15:57.00streuner_How do you enable gdesklets by default without running it new
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15:57.03sobersabrenido: it is funny indeed, thanks :)
15:57.12pumpkin0sobersabre: well, it is a more stable setup then hacking the kernel into thinking "ok, let's use 2 x-servers at the same time".
15:57.12valdynNatalie: guess the raid is fine?
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15:57.33sobersabrepumpkin0: will I need to hack the kernel for that ?!
15:57.37sobersabrewhy ?
15:57.38Sysctl___nido: you really ought to let others know if you are posting stuff NSFW
15:57.56Natalievaldyn, apart from the 'Warning: Missing mdadm.conf file'
15:58.04NatalieI can access the drive now without problem though
15:58.09sobersabreseems I only need to make 2 instances of X on different TCP and UNIX sockets....
15:58.13pumpkin0sobersabre: it only has one active VT. You need 2, one for each xserver (at least last time i tried).
15:58.16valdynNatalie: i dont get how it can be just gone
15:58.19sobersabreis there some problem with graphic card access ?!
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15:58.38sobersabrepumpkin0: isn't VT something X opens ?
15:58.39valdynNatalie: unless its on the raid
15:58.48Natalievaldyn, yes, it is
15:58.50Nataliei just noticed
15:58.59Natalieit's not connecting the raid for some reason
15:59.04pumpkin0sobersabre: no, VT are the Alt-ctrl-F1...12 things
15:59.13valdynNatalie: dpkg-reconfigure mdadm
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15:59.24valdynNatalie: that should regenerate the initrd
15:59.40sobersabrepumpkin0: it isn't launched by the kernel though... but by the init process.
15:59.42streuner_nobody running gdesklets? odd
15:59.43sobersabreAm I wronge ?
15:59.47nidoSysctl___: I'm sorry, I thought it to be SFW enough. I'll be more careful in the future
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16:00.47sobersabrehm...I don't need more VTs.
16:01.02Sysctl___nido: ;P
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16:01.51pozicstreuner_: why would anyone?
16:02.20sobersabrepater: thanks, I tried googling, but I somehow reached only 2 displays 1 user issue. thanks.
16:02.23netsrotwhere do I find sid iso? or do I boot with etch to install sid?
16:02.26pozicstreuner_: I ran it, but saw an instable mess of useless software.
16:02.32Natalievaldyn, I get tons more errors, including a 'Incompatible libdevmapper and kernel driver'
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16:02.56valdynNatalie: compare apt-cache policy on those packages
16:03.05patersobersabre: my netuplink killed itself by googleing ...
16:03.17valdynNatalie: installing sid packages onto the etch system and etch kernel could do this i guess
16:04.57Nataliecan I easily get rid of the sid packages valdyn ?
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16:06.07pozicWhere do I find a valid framebuffer device?
16:06.38Cerridwenwhere can i download the (old) potato floppy discs? (yes, it's 2008, i know)
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16:07.38netsrotnm, I found it in a faq, sorry.
16:07.55streuner_!listkeys floppies
16:07.57dpkgFactoid search of 'floppies' by key (15 of 25): #debian boot floppies ;; #debian boot-floppies ;; #debian bootfloppies ;; _default boot floppies ;; boot-floppies ;; custom boot floppies ;; etch floppies ;; install floppies ;; lvm bootfloppies ;; reiser boot floppies ;; reiser bootfloppies ;; reiserfs boot floppies ;; sarge bootfloppies ;; sarge floppies ;; woody bootfloppies.
16:08.04hiwkI have a problem installing pidgin on debian testing, it depends on "perl (>= 5.10.0-11) but 5.10.0-10+lenny1 is to be installed"
16:08.14hiwkI have done apt-get update recently
16:08.33hiwkand tried both and
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16:08.45hiwkany ideas?
16:09.09hiwkmy guess is some kind of broken repository cache, but I do not know how to fix it
16:09.16christozcan you suggest me a pdf viewer fot debian etch ...cause evince ...crashes every time i'm trying to cp a paragraph
16:09.24hiwkchristoz: xpdf
16:09.25valdynNatalie: depends on the package, but removing it and installing the old one after that is possible in any case
16:09.39streuner_christoz: gv?
16:10.55Cerridwenthanks for listening ...
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16:11.50christozxpdf is so old!
16:12.14hiwkchristoz: acroread then?
16:12.23christozon etch?
16:12.36amphichristoz: or evince, if you're gnomic
16:12.47cobolevince <3
16:12.55christozevince crashes (yes iam gnomic)
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16:13.52streuner_dpkg, woody bootfloppies is <reply> boot-floppies for Debian woody can be found at  Please choose the set that fits you best
16:13.53dpkgstreuner_: okay
16:13.55amphichristoz: did you run it under gdb to see why?
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16:14.30christozunder gdb...? toy mean run it throug console
16:14.33streuner_dpkg, no woody bootfloppies is <reply> boot-floppies for Debian woody can be found at  Please choose the set that fits you best
16:14.34liabledebians package has debugging symbols enabled?
16:14.34dpkgokay, streuner_
16:14.52wadMy power went out, drained the UPS on my rock-solid debian etch server. Now, when I try to ssh into it, it takes 19 seconds. "ssh -v" shows that it's hanging out on this step: debug2: fd 3 setting O_NONBLOCK
16:14.55wadAny ideas?
16:15.08amphichristoz: yes
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16:16.29steven__im upgrading a server to debian already using software linux raid, i don't want to format the /home parition, the debian install cd should just detect the existing raid fine correct ?
16:16.48valdynsteven__: does that matter?
16:17.09valdynsteven__: you have system and /home on the same raid?
16:17.18hiwkhow do I flush apt-cache's cache?
16:17.50Sysctl___apt-get purge i think
16:18.00valdynhiwk: you dont
16:18.14Sysctl___oh, apt-get clean
16:18.20justinwad: /msg dpkg debug sshd
16:18.21valdynhiwk: apt-cache does not have its own cache
16:18.30wadjustin, thanks.
16:18.46justinwad: it's DNS probably
16:18.54hiwkvaldyn: ok
16:19.01wadjustin, yeah, I was just arriving at this same conclusion. :)
16:19.04Vasisthasteven__: the debian installer doesn't really do anything without approval, so you're definitely gonna either see those partitions, or not see them, and configure the install based on that. Why don't you just start the installer, and if the partitioning part doesn't detect them, then you can come back here and ask for advice
16:19.19Sysctl___*should really read before speaking*
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16:19.23Vasistha(and of course abort the install ;)
16:19.43justin!wayttd hiwk
16:19.44dpkgWhat Are You Trying To Do, hiwk?
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16:20.42hiwkif I do "apt-cache show perl | grep Version" it says both "Version: 5.10.0-11" and "Version: 5.10.0-10+lenny1"
16:20.48hiwkdpkg: I try to install pidgin
16:20.49dpkghiwk: no idea
16:21.13hiwk"apt-get install pidgin" says "Depends: perl (>= 5.10.0-11) but 5.10.0-10+lenny1 is to be installed"
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16:21.32justinhiwk: are you using lenny?
16:21.38Nataliehow can I enable network connections from a rescue cd?
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16:21.51zinxhiwk: apt-cache will show multiple verisons
16:21.56zinxversions :x
16:22.33Sysctl___natalie: could configure the network interface manually?
16:22.34hiwkzinx: ok, how do I force apt-get to install perl version 5.10.0-11?
16:22.47simonrvnyou don't force anything
16:22.50zinxapt-get install perl
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16:23.00tzangergood afternoon
16:23.06zinxor aptitude install perl
16:23.14Vasisthahiwk: I'd like to recommend that you start using aptitude. It'll help you through these problems.
16:23.14zinxthey install the latest version available to be installed :/
16:23.48NatalieSysctl___, alright. what's the command?
16:23.52christozamphi there is an error which is about the Epiphany Browser!!!(after evince crashes) and i've noticed tha 2 webpages were loaded ,the 1st is about casino and the other about celebrities!!!
16:23.54NoxInNatalie: if you can start a shell in the rescued system environement (either when the boot Cd system propose it, or by doing a chroot in the root directory) you can just do /etc/init.d/networking start    or  ifup eth0
16:24.05Sysctl___natalie: are you using dhcp or static ips?
16:24.19NoxInNatalie: or configure the interface manually with    ifconfig eth0 x.y.z.t
16:24.28zinxsomeone needs to make a gui version of aptitude so people stop using synaptic :P
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16:24.30christozamphi wtf is going on my system?
16:24.34tzangerI have a standard etch installer on a usb key, and I have been asked to install it on a new server.  This is not an issue whatsoever, but I have noticed that the server is a nice quad-core and the CPUs (Xeon E5335) are all 64-bit capable... is there a way to apt-get install a 64-bit base system, or should I replace the installer iso on the usb key with an amd64 version?
16:24.54amphichristoz: 'casino' and 'celebrities' both sound like serious errors
16:24.57zinxtzanger: replace the iso
16:25.08justintzanger: Xeon==amd? :)
16:25.21tzangerjustin: :-)
16:25.22tzangerzinx: ok
16:25.23christozamphi i have debian no more tha a wek..
16:25.25Vasisthatzanger: i second that, get a new iso
16:25.25zinxtzanger: as far as debian is concerned, amd64 / x86 are completely different ports, you can't swap between them
16:25.32christozamphi what should i do
16:25.37zinxtzanger: though the amd64 port does have some x86 packages in it for compatibility
16:25.51tzangerright, I understand that
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16:26.00chopstzanger: Unless you have specific needs for the amd64 version, you should probably use the x86 version
16:26.00amphichristoz: are you on stable, or testing?
16:26.03tzangerI figure if I'm going to be xen-ifying this thing I may as well put it in 64 bit mode too
16:26.05cobolyour life will be much easier if you go with an amd64 installer
16:26.06christozstable amfi
16:26.09tzangerchops: oh?
16:26.11cobolif you want 64 bit
16:26.20zinxchops: why's that?
16:26.26amphichristoz: I'm on testing here, so I can't test
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16:26.58zinxchops: i'm somehow doubting he's going to want to use any of the remaining 32-bit only stuff (that won't even work with compat without a bunch of annoyance) on a server..
16:27.35Sysctl___memory alone is a reason to go for 64bit on a server when the option is present
16:27.43tzangerthis debian install is just for the xen dom0, it'll also be running windows server 2003 and a few other debian installs too
16:27.55christozamphi ok if  tha happened into your system what you would do?
16:28.09chopszinx: No Macromedia flash, fewer binary-only third-party packages, etc.
16:28.17amphichristoz: I'd run it under gdb, and try to see why it was crashing
16:28.31amphichristoz: perhaps get the src package, and build it with debugging symbols
16:28.31zinxchops: there is macromedia flash in 64-bit debian
16:28.38chopszinx: If he's got >=2GB of memory then it starts to make sense to use amd64 and deal with the (relatively minor) hassles, yes (especially for a server)
16:28.44zinxchops: most binary-only stuff runs with the compat
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16:29.09zinxchops: erh, i should say there's adobe flash in amd64 debian
16:29.19christozamphi what if i reinstall envince and epipanhy browser again from synaptic?
16:29.21chopszinx: Oh, right you are.  I hadn't known that was there now.
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16:29.39christozand delete tha hidden folders on my home folder
16:29.43chopszinx: So maybe it is getting to be a good idea to use amd64 even without a compelling reason.
16:29.49amphichristoz: what do you expect that to do?
16:29.50justinzinx: is that an actual 64 bit binary, or the same 32bit shit with a wrapper?
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16:29.58christozto delete some cookies
16:29.59zinxjustin: 32-bit with nspluginwrapper
16:30.06zinxjustin: but it's automatically set up for you
16:30.26christozi thnk that my system has being infected
16:30.27zinxjustin: until adobe releases a 64-bit flash player, there's not really a better way
16:30.33justinchristoz: with cookies?
16:30.44zinxjustin: and adobe doesn't seem terribly interested in releasing a 64-bit flash player :/
16:31.17amphichristoz: reinstalling wouldn't do that; you could remove any dotfiles in your $HOME that are used by those programs
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16:32.26omry|workgot a problem with dist upgrade :
16:32.32omry|workany idea?
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16:32.49SPFon the website, in the doc section, it says "There is an all-in-one file hd-media/boot.img.gz which contains all the installer files". Where can I find this?
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16:34.14hiwkVasistha: thank you, that seemed to solve the problem
16:34.48Vasisthahiwk: awesome. Now you know why we use aptitude :)
16:35.34wadWhat's the daemon that runs DNS?
16:35.41SPF\amethyst: thx
16:35.49hiwkVasistha: :P
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16:37.38CutMeOwnThroatomry|work: how about removing the most probably non-debian libava*cvs packages, that conflict?
16:38.20omry|workCutMeOwnThroat, when I try to remove I get the same error (apt-get remove)
16:39.27CutMeOwnThroatwhat "same error" - "trying to overwrite `/usr/lib/', which is also in package libavutilcvs49"?
16:39.29CutMeOwnThroatI doubt that
16:39.42\amethystomry|work:  maybe remove the old ones with dpkg -r
16:39.44CutMeOwnThroatyou can use dpkg -r also
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16:40.32\amethystprobably apt is trying to complete the installation of the new ones before removing the old ones
16:40.57\amethystanother way might be to remove them all (old and new), then install the new ones
16:41.05CutMeOwnThroatI thought, it's not recognizing one as a replacement for the other
16:41.31CutMeOwnThroatso it's just not uninstalling them
16:41.49CutMeOwnThroatelse... shouldn't there be an error that the removal was unsuccessful?
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16:43.47tzangeridiot me... I think I need the amd64 kernel too on the usb key :-)
16:43.54janishi there!! I want to install NVIDIA. I have amd64 and repositories from lenny, etch. I am looking for the nvidia-glx for kernel 2.6.22, nut I can't find it. How can I tell which kernel is the current in each release?
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16:44.38tzangerhmm, where the heck do I get the vmlinuz images for tis now
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16:46.09amphijanis: module-assistant should be able to build it for whatever kernel you're running, IMHO
16:46.47janisamphi, I have built the module nvidia. can module-assistant also build nvidia-glx?
16:46.49wald0where's a howto/tutorial about how to compile kernels and drivers in the "debian way", creating headers packages, and also making these meta-packages with the lot of modules that directly builds building it ?
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16:47.27amphijanis: I believe so, but my ignorance of things nvidia is almost total
16:47.40\amethystnvidia-glx isn't a kernel module
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16:47.50liable!tell wald0 about kp mantra
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16:48.14liablewald0: add kernel_headers to that command
16:48.19dihymonvidia -glx will install correctly after you install nvidia-kernel
16:48.32n0lif3RHi! I'm looking for a web content filter for debian. Must have webbased configuration interface. .. any recommentations?
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16:49.09Sysctl___n0lif3R: squid
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16:49.33Dantixhi!, my server is logging this message dhcpd: 5 udp packets in 5 too long - dropped each 6 seconds, what this mean?
16:49.35Sysctl___n0lif3r: i beileve webmin can be used as an interface for it
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16:49.48dpkg[webmin] a lame web-based interface for unsafe system administration for Unix. Check it out at Remember, dondelelcaro *hates* webmin. "i'd rather sit on the floor shoving table knives into live electrical outlets than run webmin on an exposed server." See about the removal. Don't use their .debs, they are of extremely poor quality.
16:50.18Sysctl___liable: an alternative to webmin?
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16:51.04liableSysctl___: vim
16:51.21simonrvnwebmin is icky
16:51.24Sysctl___lol... a "web-based" alternative#
16:51.32n0lif3RSysctl___: Well....
16:51.51n0lif3RSysctl___: Does it have catagories.. porn, hacking, politics, sports etc.
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16:52.10chopsn0lif3R: Those types of web filters are not likely to work very well
16:52.23n0lif3RSysctl___: Say i have problems with one user.. he spends too much time browsing sport sites.. so i'd like to block em from 09-12 and 13-17
16:52.34n0lif3Rsimonrvn: Thank you for the correction :)
16:52.43Sysctl___n0lif3R: yes, at least, it should. squid has all that on our clarkconnect server
16:53.00liablen0lif3R: tell his boss that he's a slack ass.
16:53.02chopsn0lif3R: Among other things, the people who write them tend to have some pretty serious agendas (e.g. violence is okay, sex is not; right-wing is okay, left-wing is not)
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16:53.09tzangerhmm; I have the amd64 netinst iso, the md5sum checks out but the installer says that there was a problem reading data from the cdrom (usb key)... where do I find the amd64 vmlinuz, as I think that's the problem here
16:53.19n0lif3Rchops: Suits me :)
16:53.31simonrvnn0lif3R: np; phonetic spelling a la "hooked on phonics" is really bad
16:53.36amphitzanger: testing?
16:53.45tzangeretch, not sure what that is
16:53.53n0lif3RSquid and webmin.. will give it a go
16:53.53chopsn0lif3R: I'd recommend having his boss have a chat with him instead of trying to filter :-)
16:53.53Sysctl___n0lif3R: i find its fairly good, but i've seen some sites posted to the list which are in completely wrong cvategory, ie,. you might find someone posting ebay under porn
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16:54.10n0lif3RSysctl___: Squid+Webmin ?
16:54.20n0lif3RSysctl___: From where do i download updates to the database?
16:54.29Sysctl___n0lif3r: if you have a spare server and cant be bothered to configure things yourself, try out clarkconnect...
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16:55.02n0lif3RSysctl___: Thank you
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16:55.59tzangeramphi: I found that ^^ ... look about right?
16:56.11n0lif3RSysctl___: ClarkConnect it's hungry for resources.. i had hoped to build my own system for a transparent embedded device :) .. but it might suit some people
16:56.14Sysctl___n0lif3r: i also believe smoothwall has squid built into it as well
16:57.34n0lif3RSysctl___: Thank you once again
16:57.35n0lif3Rbye bye
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16:57.58Sysctl___n0lif3r: that would be rather interesting. you could have a look at damn small linux and see if they have a squid proxy on it
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17:00.23mmlj4embedded device? why bother with a desktop system, then?
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17:01.41amphitzanger: ah, stable; I've only done stable base-installs recently, and they worked fine
17:01.57giuseppe_hi everybody, I'm trying install nvidia drivers from pkg2 file. It say that it need kernel-headers but on my debian 4.0 this package can't be installed. can u help me please?
17:01.58Dantixmy server is logging this message "dhcpd: 5 udp packets in 5 too long - dropped each 6 seconds", what this mean? starts to do this during lastnight with no other pcs working..
17:03.04nseHello everybody. I just bought a new USb keyboard and I would like to replace the old ps2 with this new one. I don't know how do achive this. I trued Keyboard setting in the GNOME menu without success. Do I have to implement any configurations in the BIOS of the machine or download a debian package? Could anybody help me on going through this?
17:03.26zinxyou should be able to just plug it in
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17:03.41giuseppe_it say it's old and there's an other package for it, but what is it? how can I install headers?
17:03.57nsezinx: Well I did this, it's not working right now
17:03.57tzangeramphi: yeah the i386 install went flawlessly... I found the amd64 vmlinuz and initrd.gz, it boots but now can't find the usb key (cdrom) for the iso
17:04.17zinxnse: then something's probably wrong with your computer's USB :/
17:04.21zinxthat or the keyboard
17:04.34Sysctl___or a setting in your bios?
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17:04.43zinxno, probably not a setting in the bios
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17:04.51zinxunless the setting is 'disable USB'
17:04.52nsezinx: do you mean that I can have both keyboards working at the same time?
17:04.57tzangerhmm, I can mount /dev/sde1 /mnt just fine from the console... I wonder why the installer can't
17:04.57zinxnse: yes
17:04.59netsrothow do I get /etc/apt/sources.list ? I installed minimal.
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17:05.12tzangerwhere does the installer normally want to install the cdrom?
17:05.16zinxnse: you can also plug in as many mice as you want :/
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17:05.22netsrotops my bad again sorry.
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17:05.40nsethen let me check the connections...
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17:06.11zinxnse: the last few lines of dmesg may be helpful to you too
17:06.21twobitworkI have install compiz, but found out its too much for my system... when I tell aptitude to uninstall it, it says "No packages will be installed, upgraded, or removed."
17:06.31tzangeraha amd64 does not seem to have loopback
17:06.34tzangerthat's odd
17:06.35Sysctl___does it show up when you run "lsusb" ?
17:06.39twobitworkhow do I go back to just a plain old gnome desktop?
17:06.42n3klAnyone know how to convert .ape files?
17:06.55zinxtwobitwork: aptitude install metacity?
17:07.13zinxtwobitwork: though i dunno why you would have uninstalled it
17:07.14twobitworkzinx: nothing to be installed
17:07.18tzangeryep no loopback module for amd64
17:07.26chopsnetsrot: If you installed using debian-installer, you should get /etc/apt/sources.list
17:07.31giuseppe_guys can u tell me what's the package for kernel headers 64bit on etch? please
17:07.33nsezinx: num lock is lighted now. but I still can't type with it... let me review the connections
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17:07.35chopsnetsrot: If you really need to generate it, /msg dpkg sources.list
17:07.39zinxtwobitwork: aptitude generally tells you why it won't uninstall something when you tell it to uninstall it (such as when you tried to uninstall compiz)
17:07.46twobitworkzinx: no, I think its still there... its just using compiz instead... how do I get it to use metacity again?
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17:07.51chopsgiuseppe_: linux-headers-`uname -r`
17:07.54tzangeris that a known problem?
17:07.59eth01sorry about that ^
17:08.07twobitworkzinx: nope... it acts like it isnt installed
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17:08.42giuseppe_chops: thanks a lot for ur attention
17:08.44coluludoes anyone know how to install avcodec in debian?
17:08.54zinxtwobitwork: there's an alternative 'x-window-manager'
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17:09.33chopsgiuseppe_: np
17:09.34twobitworkzinx: it points to metacity
17:09.51zinxtwobitwork: it looks like gnome-wm may ignore that though, opting for the /desktop/gnome/applications/window_manager/default gconf key, DEFWM environment variable, WINDOW_MANAGER environment variable, or possibly other things
17:09.56netsrotchops: sorry I missread, it did exist, but when I want to install sid faq say to edit it and change stable to unstable, the word stable doesn't exist in it, only etch main, what do I change and to what? I would really like to try sid =)
17:10.01Vasisthacolulu: check out
17:10.16zinxtwobitwork: gconftool-2 -g /desktop/gnome/applications/window_manager/default
17:10.18chopsnetsrot: If you don't already know how to switch to sid, you probably shouldn't be switching
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17:10.38nsehey zinx! I am typing with the new one... :)
17:10.45zinxnse: grats!
17:10.52Vasisthanetsrot: I'm going to second that, I don't think you should be running sid. Why do you want to?
17:11.46netsrotVasistha: because I want to try ALL the latest packages.
17:11.46twobitworkzinx: yeah, it says /usr/bin/compiz
17:11.54Vasisthanetsrot: like what?
17:12.26netsrotVasistha: everything in a normal base system to see whats comming =)
17:12.33zinxtwobitwork: yeah, try uh, gconftool-2 -u /desktop/gnome/applications/window_manager/default
17:12.36Vasisthanetsrot: you also want to try all the latest recovery tools? sid is unstable, sometimes your system WILL BREAK AND BE DYSFUNCTIONAL
17:12.43tzangerthere we go
17:12.45zinxtwobitwork: which will unset the key (debian defaults to metacity if it's not set :P )
17:12.49tzangerused the hd-media initrd.gz
17:12.49dpkgwell, sid is the <unstable> version of Debian.  It's named for the destructive neighbour kid in Toy Story.  It is NOT an acronym, but is sometimes backronymed Still In Development anyway.  Ask me about <unstable>.  Do not use sid unless you have the skill to find your way out of the mess that broken packages may put you in.  It will never be released.  See <sid faq>"
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17:13.20netsrotVasistha: if I break things it doesn't mater, I just want to try it.
17:13.26Vasisthatzanger: it's too bad there isn't a link from the doc to the download, huh? :P
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17:13.47netsrotVasistha: it's not like I'm gonna run it on my server =)
17:14.07n3klHow can I convert an ape lossless file to mp3?
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17:14.34Vasisthanetsrot: well, if you're that eager, I'd recommend trying lenny first. it's not that far behind sid right now
17:14.34tzangerVasistha: that's not the issue... the issue is that the netinst initrd.gz has no loopback module for amd64 (i386 is fine) -- the hd-media initrd.gz has the missing module
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17:14.53Vasisthahow funny
17:14.57zinxn3kl: probably decode it to a .wav, then encode an mp3.. there may be some gui converters that preserve tags and such though, dunno
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17:15.51n3klzinx: what can I use to decode it though?
17:16.04zinxn3kl: some proprietary decoder, i'm sure
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17:16.35Vasisthanetsrot: did you notice the dpkg factoid that came up for !sid ?  "Do not use sid unless you have the skill to find your way out of the mess that broken packages may put you in."  -- see, if you don't even know what sources to change and how to upgrade the distro, you are definitely gonna be in over your head with sid. So we here don't advise on how to install it.
17:16.49zinxn3kl: looks Marillat's repository (3rd-party, not debian) has a 'monkeys-audio' package
17:17.00netsrotVasistha: ok didn't know that it wasn't far behind, I will try Lenny.
17:17.07zinxn3kl: of course, we can't support it here if things go horribly wrong :)
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17:17.27Vasisthanetsrot: stuff comes to lenny after being in sid for a week or so -- it's not that long.
17:17.31n3klzinx: understood.  I have been looking forsomething that would run natively on linux.
17:17.37n3klzinx: thanks
17:17.47netsrotVasistha: that sounds really great =)
17:18.11zinxn3kl: looks like there's an open source java library, libjmac-java, dunno if anything uses it
17:18.58zinxn3kl: rdepends only shows two player applications, not really converter/decoder apps though they may provide that capability
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17:19.16Vasisthanetsrot: yeah, it's much safer, although I'll continue to warn you that stuff will still break. Honestly, if you want cutting-edge, you might be better off trying an ubuntu live CD or something -- if you just want to play around and see what's out there. My experience is that there just aren't that many significant differences; whenever there's something I really need that's shiny new, I can usually get a backport
17:19.23netsrotVasistha: now I only need to change stable to testing which still doesn't exist in sources.
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17:19.38___RandyCan anyone please help me get my eth0 up and running? I have two nic's in the machine. One eth1 (which is my internet nic) and one eth0 (which is my local net nic. I had to replace the eth0 because it was broken and it seems to be the same as eth1 in "lspci". But it isnt showing in "ifconfig"...
17:20.14netsrotVasistha: I'm trying it on a minimal system, ubuntu allways force crap packages on me.
17:20.28nido___Randy: I think you might need to put an entry for it in /etc/network/interfaces. you could just try `dhclient eth0`, see if it dose anythin
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17:21.21___Randynido: i have my /etc/network/interfaces already configured. But now i saw the nic as eth2 in "ifconfig -a"??
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17:21.43Vasisthanetsrot: 1. back up your system, it may break, and you could lose data. 2. change etch to lenny. 3. apt-get update. 4. aptitude dist-upgrade. 5. If it fails midway through, do aptitude -f dist-upgrade again until it finishes. Keep in mind that I have not done this myself, I run a stable system because I don't like trying to fix broken packages
17:21.48nido___Randy: I can't help you further then. I've had similar '
17:21.48___RandyCan i rename it to eth0?
17:21.54___RandyAh, ok
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17:22.18netsrotVasistha: thanks a lot =)
17:22.22nidoproblems', but wether it is eth0 or eth1 or eth10924 didn't matter much to me. I think you can find it somewhere in hotplug. I'm not sure about that, better investigate further first
17:22.27Vasisthanetsrot: don't say I didn't warn you ;)
17:22.55CutMeOwnThroat___Randy: I think you can rename it to anything ... perhaps except eth0 :)
17:22.55wols_!tell ___Randy about z25
17:23.06eth01say what
17:23.55wald0liable: that is simply "make-kpkg" no ? i have problems with it like the kernel-headers package doesn't include the symlink "build" or "source"
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17:24.59wald0liable: im looking at a sidux package called linux-modules-sidux-main-2.6 that is a source package and if i try to build it, it depends of a lot of source-modules, any idea how to create/manage this kind of source packages ?
17:25.02___Randywols_: great! thanks, now i should reboot to set it?
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17:25.58CutMeOwnThroat___Randy: because something must already be assigned to eth0 for your devices to be on eth1/eth2 ... wols' udev thing should work though (I had a different program/package in mind)
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17:27.06___RandyHmm, ok, ill try to reboot. Brb if isnt working, and if it works, thanks guys :-)
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17:31.15twobitworkzinx: that worked, thanks
17:31.53wols_CutMeOwnThroat: that's not true. as soon as you have a new MAC (replacing NICs for example) it will be anohter eth number, even if there is no more eth
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17:31.59wols_*no more eth0
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17:35.45boltjotted that down a while ago
17:36.40embkasI cannot play dvd - my dist is etch and a half, with libdvdcss2, libdvdread. I use kaffeine, but have tried with vlc, totem and mplayer as well. Can anyone help?
17:36.55wols_!tell embkas about errors
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17:38.05Legalityhow can I see an expired domains dns servers that it used?
17:38.25n3klembkas: what happens when you do mplayer dvd://
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17:39.15wald0why is not 'flock' on debian ?
17:39.18n3klLegality: whois
17:39.33embkasn3kl: seems like audio resampling fails: a52: error at resampling
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17:40.15embkasn3kl: it also says that it could not initialize video filters or video output
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17:40.32n3klembkas: do mplayer -vo dummy dvd://
17:40.42bushblowswindow stick on
17:40.51Legalityn3kl: whois on where?
17:40.52wuxiai have two monitors; i can use them both via nvidia-settings; xrandr -o left also works; question is ... is it possible for me to run xrandr on one of the two monitors? (but not the other?)
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17:41.09buntfalkeWhat is the cleanest way to issue specific commands during bootup in debian? writing init scripts i guess?
17:41.13Legalityn3kl: I mean how can I see a domains nameservers that doesn't exist anymore
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17:41.17n3klLegality: whois on the domain.  Even if its expired, often it will still be available for query
17:41.20wald0flock is based on firefox but with a lot of nice configurations and features, any idea of why is not on debian yet ?
17:41.29wols_buntfalke: yes. but it depends on the commands issued
17:41.30Legalityn3kl: for example can't see it anymore
17:41.33embkasn3kl: I can hear sound, can't se any video, and I get these messages rolling across the screen: a52: error at resampling
17:41.33embkasa52: C
17:41.37n3klLegality: whois would be the only way that I know of anyway
17:41.38Sysctl___legality: not sure this is possible, if it expired and the registrar has changed the dns servers... but if you figure it out, do let me know
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17:41.55buntfalkewols_: for macchanger i guess it is best to put it as a pre-up command in /etc/netw./interfaces?
17:41.56embkasn3kl: a52: CRC check failed!  8
17:41.59RandyboYThanks folks, the z25 worked for me(___Randy) :-)
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17:42.38wols_buntfalke: why a macchanger?
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17:42.52n3klembkas: you have problems
17:42.55buntfalkeBecause I would like to have a random mac adress?
17:42.55n3klembkas: I would google
17:43.27embkasn3kl: I have googled for some hours - aren't that tecnical
17:43.29Legalityn3kl: whats that
17:43.48Legalityn3kl: why did ya paste those nameservers?
17:44.10n3klLegality: thats what whois gave as teh name servers for the domain you pasted.
17:44.29wols_buntfalke: why?
17:44.35buntfalkeWhy wouldnt I?
17:44.38wols_buntfalke: no one sees your MAC outside your subnet
17:44.51Legalitywhat domain did I paste?
17:44.59Sysctl___i think he did it on domaintools
17:45.13Sysctl___whats the domain you are checking?
17:45.14n3klLegality: isn't that what you wanted?
17:45.20Legalitynot really no
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17:45.26buntfalkewols_: so?
17:45.34LegalitySysctl___: can't really publish it
17:45.41abrotmanwald0: i think there's an RFP on it
17:45.45wols_buntfalke: it's futile. and udev might play havoc too on it then
17:45.47n3klLegality: good luck then
17:45.53n3klLegality: try whois
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17:45.59dpkgrfp is probably a Request For Package; see, or a wishlist bug filed against "wnpp" with a title beginning "RFP: "
17:46.05Sysctl___legality: fair nuff, i think in your case, the only thing you can do is some google sleuthing... perhaps theres a log somewhere or something
17:46.25buntfalkewols_: nvr had issues with it so far.
17:46.40Sysctl___legality: the only definate way i could suggest is to contact the registrars / hosting service and ask them
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17:47.12Sysctl___legality: doesnt domains tools show a history of nameserve changes tho?
17:47.17Sysctl___(might have to pay for it)
17:47.25Legalityyea, you have to pay for it
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17:47.44buntfalkewols_: hm *shrug* the only use i see is making it harder to find the same machine again in the same subnet, cause arp wont help.
17:47.54Sysctl___legality: hehe, well, im stumped/ sorry mate
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17:57.42konqihi guys (and girls), how can i query dpkg from which repository an installed package came from?
17:57.53infinitycircuitkonqi install apt-show-versions
17:58.05infinitycircuitapt-cache policy <package> will show individual packages
17:58.18infinitycircuitapt-show-versions isn't necessary for just asking about individual packages
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17:59.29konqigreat! thx
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18:00.15Dantixmy server is logging this message "dhcpd: 5 udp packets in 5 too long - dropped each 6 seconds", what this mean? starts to do this during lastnight with no other pcs working..
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18:01.28berzerkainfinitycircuit: yeah, GREAT! thx ;)
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18:02.40berzerkainfinitycircuit: will the cache always reflect my currently installed packages, that is if i do "apt-show-versions -a | grep hostname", i get a definitive list of packages which were installed from a repository on that host?
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18:05.11lontraanyone know why iceweasel 3.0 was removed from experimental?
18:05.16lontraor sid i guess
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18:05.53zinxlontra: was it?
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18:06.29dpkgi guess ff3 is just exactly the same code base as version 3.0rc3, which only has a MacOSX-only fix more than 3.0rc2, which is what we already have in debian as iceweasel 3.0~rc2-1.  Debian/testing Lenny users can add a sid repository and use apt-get -t unstable install iceweasel to get it . Back up your ~/.mozilla in the case iceweasel3/firefox3 doesn't play nice with 2.0 version's settings  Etch users ask me about <firefox 3 etch>
18:06.41\amethystit's not in experimental because it's in sid
18:06.48lontra!info iceweasel sid
18:06.51dpkgiceweasel: (lightweight web browser based on Mozilla), section web, is optional. Version: 3.0~rc2-2 (sid), Packaged size: 1087 kB, Installed size: 3652 kB
18:06.53\amethystunless you're an m68k user
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18:07.11lontrawtf ... apt-cache show iceweasel is only showing 2.0 ... i thought i had sid enabled
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18:07.52Buck_lontra, did you check the flux capacitator settings?
18:07.57rahulheh, firefox on m68k
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18:08.01berzerkainfinitycircuit: obviously it does not, too bad :/
18:08.13mr_danielI want to setup a home server as a file-server, jabber-server, etc.
18:08.25mr_danielthe service I want to be run on the server does not require a sound or graphics card
18:08.35mr_danielis it possible run and/or install a debian on a server without graphics card?
18:08.39lontrahmm ... well after a new sync w/ sid it's available
18:08.54cobolsure, you can do a headless install
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18:09.27rahulit's easier to install with a monitor conneected and thenn disconnect it, tho
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18:11.12up365!firefox 3 etch
18:11.12dpkgFirefox 3 requires GTK+ 2.10 and etch has GTK+ 2.8, see and at your own risk, or just wait until someone backports it
18:11.21mr_danieland how is this way: remove the server hdd, build it into another computer with a graphic card, install debian on this second computer, and then put the hdd back in to the server
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18:11.46cobolmr_daniel: sure, why not
18:11.48mr_danielis this possible? or is debian looking at the present hardware in the install process
18:11.53Pheagatormr_daniel: you can always move graphics card ;]
18:12.00Pheagatorbut i wonder if PCs actually start without a graphic card.
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18:12.15mr_danielPheagator: well, thas another question
18:12.17pumpkin0Pheagator: most do if you play with the BIOS.
18:12.18cobolunless you have an extremely retarded bios
18:12.19cobolthey will
18:13.06Pheagatorhmm installation through ttyS0 would be funny.
18:13.21*** part/#debian embkas (
18:13.25Pheagatorpersonally I had similar problem recently like you mr_daniel, but I had the luxury of onboard vga card ;]
18:13.53Pheagatornow there're only ethernet cables and power connected.
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18:16.21mr_danielPheagator: yeah, many motherboards have builtin vga-compatibel graphics card todays
18:17.13zinxthey need to start putting DVI/HDMI ports on more of them
18:17.14rgravenerhow do I fix ssl not working in debian?
18:17.36n3klrgravener: define "not working"
18:17.37pumpkin0And some don't have VGA/DVI or ttyS0.... setting up a NSLU2 is still fun.
18:17.41Eulexrgravener, client or server? what protocol? what exact software?
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18:17.55n3klzinx: their starting
18:17.58Pheagatorpumpkin0: what's NSLU2?
18:17.58rgravenern3kl, Eulex
18:18.23rgravenerdebian, apache 2.x, openssl
18:18.29zinxn3kl: yeah, i noticed.. taking them way too long :)
18:18.53Eulexrgravener, oh, your server?
18:18.58mr_danielpumpkin0: nslu2 is a great device
18:19.00n3klrgravener: you are probably trying to speak http over https ports.  Check your apache
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18:19.06rgravenerahh i see
18:19.11mr_danielis own a wrt54gs, which is a great device, too
18:19.11n3klzinx: no joke
18:19.15rgravenerneed to enable httpsengine
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18:19.22Veroshow do I setup an autologin of a user?
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18:19.41n3klrgravener: might try #apache
18:19.49rgravenern3kl: there :)
18:20.07n3klVeros: like a gui login?
18:20.35zinxrgravener: a2enmod ssl as well
18:21.03Verosso that I start the computer and don't need to enter login and password
18:21.27VerosI have no X or DE
18:21.35ice_creamhas the debian package of ff3 had any trouble with latest flash plugin?  a few have reported this problem in ubuntu, but i'm not running either atm, so just curious...
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18:22.25PheagatorVeros: i think you may want to play with /etc/inittab
18:22.29PheagatorVeros: & read man getty
18:22.40n3klVeros: there might be something in login.defs
18:23.00Pheagator(use bash instead of login i.e.)
18:23.05abrotmanice_cream: check the BTS .. but probably ..
18:23.10marastAnyone know why page down key in nano/pico over putty is causing it to exit out of the software -- Illegal instuction???
18:23.20n3klPheagator: Ah, I see where you are headed
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18:24.26rgravenerok cool, thanks for the help
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18:24.37ice_creamabrotman, ah ok, you mean just searching /bugs/
18:25.50marast? So strange
18:25.57abrotmanice_cream: you do realize that FF3 isn't technically in debian right? we rebrand it as iceweasel right?
18:26.00marastNano is broken :(
18:26.05ice_creamwas just about to say..
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18:26.06Buck_use vim
18:26.06marastWHy nano, why!!!
18:26.16marastI don't know vim
18:26.23marastand don't have time to learn
18:26.35marastI only know nano
18:26.36ice_creamabrotman, it's been a very long time since my last debian for personal use, sorry
18:27.08Pheagatormarast: learn vi, it's everywhere.
18:27.20Buck_yay for vim
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18:27.33phreakmg/emacs/jed/whatever, refuse vi :P
18:27.45Pheagatorvim isn't everywhere but still worth some time to spent to learn.
18:27.52Buck_vim /o/ vim \o\ vim <o> vim \o/
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18:28.42Pheagatormarast: with default installation of vim you should have vimtutor, it's really nice guide :)
18:28.55abrotmanvim-tiny also?
18:28.55Pheagator(you just start it by typing vimtutor in cli)
18:29.08n3klBuck_: nice
18:29.14*** join/#debian Givvade (
18:29.25marastI can only use nano
18:29.26dpkgI'm not your csh prompt!
18:29.29Vasisthawait, we've really strayed from the point here. What is wrong with nano? I like nano. I use it all the time. vim is a pita
18:29.36Bluesky25Hello !
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18:29.43marastI like nano
18:29.44ggirandom question
18:29.46marastIts nice and simple
18:29.48justinVasistha: nano is a peice of crap and a waste of time
18:29.49marastand does the job
18:29.52cobolvim has a command prompt.
18:29.53phreaknevyn: Oh hai!
18:30.04ggiif i'm using 473W, can i use a 500W PSU, or should i get 550,600, even a 750?
18:30.08Vasisthajustin: then why is it so popular?
18:30.20n3klmarast: if you knew vi...
18:30.22Buck_because people don't know any better
18:30.31ice_creamdebian and yet nano...pfft...
18:30.35Pheagatorggi: is your system unstable / overheating? ;]
18:30.36Buck_windows isn't popular because it's amazingly good
18:30.46ggibout to order all the components
18:30.48\amethystVasistha: because it shows the immediately important keybindings at the bottom
18:30.56ggiPheagator: right now, its in theory
18:30.56Vasisthaggi: you're using 473W *now*, or when it's a hot day, and you're compiling something, and streaming video, and burning a dvd, and copying a file from one hard drive to another, all at the same time?
18:30.58twobitworkwhat would be the best way to have multiple linux distro's installed on the same system? just have them all share /boot or something?
18:30.59Ian_DaniherI'm trying to get a bluetooth headset working with my debian system, to stream music from {xmms, mplayer}
18:31.09Ian_Daniheranyone have experience with this and willing to assist me?
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18:31.24Buck_twobitwork, virtual machines
18:31.26ggi (wattage usage calc) is what i used to calculate that number
18:31.30Pheagatorggi: it heavly depends on PSU and how much of that energy is wasted.
18:31.40dpkgi guess bluetooth is a wireless communications protocol, or  or about as secure as shouting, or apt-get install bluez-utils; then run hidd --search as root.
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18:31.42Pheagatorggi: you should read some docs/reviews on the psu first.
18:31.47ggiPheagator: apevia 500w
18:31.49Vasistha\amethyst: can't say I like those keybindings, but at least it doesn't do unexpected and insane things if you paste text into it when it is in the wrong "mode"
18:31.53\amethystIan_Daniher:  I don't have any experience with it, but you might try looking at that link
18:31.54Pheagatorggi: you. not me ;-)
18:32.04ggireviews say its good, have never seen one of those first hand
18:32.05marastHow to fuck do I exit VIM!
18:32.11Pheagatormarast: kill -9 `pidof vim`
18:32.18Ian_Daniher\amethyst: k
18:32.22Pheagatorstandard way, everyone are using it ;]
18:32.23Vasisthamarast: escape, :q!
18:32.28justinmarast: so much for going through the vim tutorial
18:32.34\amethystmarast:  :qa!  to quit without saving,   :wqa  to save and quit
18:32.35n3klPheagator: evil
18:32.39marastjustin: It wasnt there
18:32.49Pheagator(and i'm just kidding ;p)
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18:33.01Pheagator(but that was the way I exited it when I started to learn how to use it)
18:33.05Bluesky25I have  just installed Debian 4.0r3 on my old PIII 500/256 Mb/8.4Gb. The install process has worked well but my computer does not boot. The Linux kernel loads but fails on RAMDISK loading : "RAMDISK : incomplete write (-28 != 32768) ... crc error". I've checked RAM, Disk & CPU (Memtest + my disk vendor tools) => No problem
18:33.23ggiPheagator: so if it is a good PSU, should a 500 be enough? or should i be above my watage usage by some margin?
18:33.30Bluesky25I have made two installs with two different CDs
18:33.31marastmakes note NEVER to use VIM again!!!!!
18:33.36Bluesky25same error
18:33.42Ian_DaniherI can't figure out how to connect my bluetooth headset to my debian system
18:33.49marastSo anyone know why I can't page down in NANO?
18:33.51Pheagatorggi: you have to take some margin.
18:33.53Vasisthamarast: I just decided to look through the package list, and I see an editor called "ee" that might be suitable
18:34.03justinmarast: because nano is a piece of crap
18:34.11justinBluesky25: how did you check your memory?
18:34.12ggiPheagator: that has been my main question, but what is that magic number?
18:34.12Pheagatorggi: and "some" depends on many factors.
18:34.14\amethystggi:  on the one hand, a margin gives you some room for power usage spikes
18:34.18marastWhy is nano crap!
18:34.19n3klmarast: more likely, its putty, not nano
18:34.33\amethystggi:  on the other hand, PSUs are inefficient when they're running below full power
18:34.34Pheagatorggi: there are people out there who already checked that for many PSUs
18:34.37justinmarast: if you would bother to go through the vim tutorial you would figure it out for yourself
18:34.44Bluesky25memtest86 +, during 1 hour
18:34.49abrotmanone hour?
18:34.50ggigoogling now
18:34.53Bluesky25justin : (one pass)
18:34.56abrotmanyou mean one day .. surely?
18:34.59marastjustin: Stop being a checking turd
18:35.08n3klggi: boot time is when your system will usually use the most.  YOu want to make sure that you cover for that.
18:35.21abrotmanmarast: there are other simple text editors if vim is too hard for you
18:35.21Bluesky25justin: One pass completed
18:35.38leftStandingmarast: definitely take the time to learn vim, it will make your life easier
18:35.51leftStandingmarast: plus you can amaze your friends with how quickly you can edit documents
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18:36.05marastI can edit very fast in nano
18:36.09marastWHen it works :)
18:36.10abrotman!info joe etch
18:36.12justinmarast: heh, you think you can edit fast
18:36.17Bluesky25any idea anyone please ?
18:36.26abrotmanBluesky25: let the test run overnight
18:36.33dpkgjoe: (user friendly full screen text editor), section editors, is optional. Version: 3.5-1.1 (etch), Packaged size: 359 kB, Installed size: 1144 kB
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18:36.41abrotmanBluesky25: also you can try something to stress the entire system
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18:36.49justinBluesky25: seems to be a common issue...
18:37.07marastWell thanks all
18:37.14abrotmanmarast: have you tried another emulator?
18:37.14marastI have learnt that I need to learn VIM
18:37.19justinBluesky25: think it might be that your HD is bad
18:37.27abrotmanmarast: emulator .. not editor
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18:37.34marastwhats that?
18:37.34abrotmanpico isn't in debian
18:37.40abrotmanputty is an emulator
18:37.44marastoh right
18:37.46marastum no
18:37.46Bluesky25ok, do you think it is possible that my memtest does not detect error while linux fails to boot everytimes ?
18:37.56marastI am attached to 4 vservers
18:38.02marastvia scren
18:38.04justinBluesky25: yeah, the problem isn't with the memory
18:38.09abrotmanmarast: are you using a windows box? or just putty in linux?
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18:38.18marastnano works on them all apart from this one server
18:38.21marastWindows box
18:38.25Bluesky25justin: I have tested my disk (Maxtor tools), complete read AND write tests
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18:38.47Bluesky25justin: no error
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18:38.59abrotmanmarast: what if you ssh from one of the other boxes to the broken one ?
18:39.18ggiwell, thanks a bunch Guys. time for mroe research
18:39.26Vasisthamarast: or joe
18:39.29abrotmanmarast: also .. might be worth your time to try ssh from cygwin
18:39.31justinBluesky25: yeah, -28 is an error code.. means the ramdisk ran out of room
18:39.32marastabortman: Doesn't work
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18:39.45abrotmanmarast: just so you have a backup to ssh
18:39.48abrotmanerm .. backup to putty
18:39.49Bluesky25justin: hardware could actually be the problem since it is quite old but I do not know how to find the exact cause of this problem
18:40.04Bluesky25justin: mmm !??
18:40.52Bluesky25I'ave already googled a lot and did not find a fix that works...
18:40.52*** join/#debian Veros (
18:41.26justinBluesky25: try booting the kernel with ramdisk_size=20480 or something
18:41.48Bluesky25ok, I've tried 32767 according to google
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18:41.58justinBluesky25: try bigger then
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18:42.11abrotmanspams Bluesky25 for bigger stuff
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18:43.05VerosPheagator: I couldn't figure out how to play with /etc/inittab :(
18:43.10Bluesky25justin: ok
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18:44.07Bluesky25justin: the -28 error code disappears but I've still got the "crc error"
18:44.26Veroshow do I setup an autologin of a user?
18:44.49justinBluesky25: what does it say now?
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18:45.12valdynVeros: into X ?
18:45.21Verosvaldyn: no, console only
18:45.32VasisthaVeros: it's not a common request ... giyf?
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18:46.33valdynVeros: man getty, then edit /etc/inittab accordingly
18:46.36Bluesky25justin: RAMDISK compressed image found at position 0 (same message as usual)
18:46.41PheagatorVeros: there're 7 lines from l0 to l6
18:46.51Pheagatorwhat am i talking about
18:46.58justinBluesky25: and then?
18:47.01Bluesky25justin: time: tsc clock.....
18:47.06Bluesky25justin: crc error
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18:47.18PheagatorVeros: you have lines starting from 1: 2: ... etc up to 6:
18:47.24Bluesky25justin: VFS: cannot open root device...
18:47.42PheagatorVeros: there is commandline for getty which is run on each vterm
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18:47.59PheagatorVeros: pass -l /bin/bash to getty so that it wont run login.
18:48.03justinBluesky25: which iso exactly did you use to install the system?
18:48.06PheagatorVeros: it should help but I haven't tested it.
18:48.24Bluesky25I've tried two iso : businesscard & netinst
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18:48.33aboyzanyone know how to fix this. When i do a nslookup i get the EXTERNAL IP . But when I do a ping i get nslookup seem to use the external DNS. how do i make it so uses when I do a NSLOOKUP anyone know how to do that? thanks..
18:48.34grand_gruntHi.. I got issue while compiling quickam driver on Debian Etch. insmod ends with "error inserting 'quickcam.ko': -1 Unknown symbol in module"
18:48.37Bluesky25juston: on two different CDRW
18:48.40marastHow do you uninstall a package?
18:48.55justinBluesky25: what iso
18:49.01ktwilightis there like a list of default packages that debian installs for netinst? or is the quickest way to look at the iso image
18:49.05PheagatorVeros: you can play with 6th vterm login and logout and you shouldn't need to reboot machine, if you'll find the right command to put in /etc/inittab you may use it for other vterms.
18:49.10Bluesky25justin: debian-40r3-i386-businesscard.iso
18:49.10justinBluesky25: reburning it is pointless, you can just verify it the first time
18:49.11*** join/#debian docmax (
18:49.26Bluesky25justin: debian-40r3-i386-netinst.iso
18:49.41justingrand_grunt: /msg dpkg insmod
18:49.42Bluesky25justin: I've checked SHA1 for each one
18:49.49docmaxhello, whats a good antivirus programm for linux (with realtime-scanner)
18:49.54abrotmanclamav ..
18:50.02marastWith freshclam
18:50.11Bluesky25justin: and burned them on two diffrent CDs just in case of errors on one of my CDs
18:50.14justinthere is no such thing as a good antivirus program.. :)
18:50.18VerosPheagator: lines are these - 1:2345:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty1?
18:50.28docmaxwhen detecting a virus how does it inform me?
18:50.28wols_docmax: why would you need an AV scannre?
18:50.31PheagatorVeros: yes
18:50.32justinBluesky25: like I said... pointless. you can just verify the CD
18:50.37grand_grunt"Module quickcam.ko not found." with modprobe.. I am in it's directory
18:50.38Thrasymach0sI am not able to get sound configured on my IBM A21m laptop with a CS46xx chipset and kernel 2.6.18-6-686 (Debian stable).
18:50.39marastdocmax: Yes, it works well
18:50.46docmaxwols_, perhaps for viruses?
18:50.46justinBluesky25: plus, the debian installer won't install currupted files in the first place
18:50.52PheagatorVeros: play with 6: (the terminal you switch to while pressing alt+6)
18:50.53wols_docmax: which ones?
18:50.53Bluesky25justin: ok
18:50.59PheagatorVeros: or was that alt+f6
18:51.01wols_docmax: windows viruses don't plague linux...
18:51.02EulexThrasymach0s, did you run alsaconf?
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18:51.11marastdocmax: Do yourself a favour though.  Don't set up a mail server.  Its a pain in the ass
18:51.12docmaxhow does clamav alarm me when virus is detected?
18:51.22wols_grand_grunt: modprobe only reADS from your kernel's module directory
18:51.28Vasisthaktwilight: netinst will give you a base system, and if you're connected to the internet while you install it, it will make some options available ... I forget which :P
18:51.32marastdocmax: you set up you mda to do stuff with it
18:51.37marastprocmail usually
18:51.50grand_gruntwols_: I've just compied the module.. should I move it to another directory?
18:51.50justingrand_grunt: the module name is quickcam
18:51.53wols_docmax: there is no such thing. clamav mainly scans email when linux acts as a mailserver for windows hosts
18:52.03wols_grand_grunt: yes. as I told you
18:52.05Thrasymach0sEulex, yes and it works telling me: "Now ALSA is ready to use." EXCEPT IT DOES NOT WORK.
18:52.08Bluesky25justin: thanks for help, I'll probably go back later... I'll google two..
18:52.11ktwilightVasistha, yea i know, so i guess looking into the iso image will give me the best clue on which are hte installed default packages. thanks :)
18:52.17docmaxone second, nonne talks about a mail server
18:52.18marastHow do I remove a package?
18:52.20justinBluesky25: trying 40r2 or 1 might work
18:52.24marastapt-get uninstall maybe???????
18:52.25wols_!tell marast about grounding
18:52.26docmaxjust realtime scanning
18:52.32Bluesky25justin: why ?
18:52.32justinBluesky25: i've installed from those on machines with 64M of ram, so i KNOW they work :)
18:52.40amphiThrasymach0s: did you unmute the channels? ;)
18:52.42Vasisthadocmax: why? A linux virus has never been found in the wild
18:52.42wols_docmax: but there is no real time scanning in debian
18:52.44Bluesky25justin:  ok
18:52.44docmaxhow does clam av inform me when a virus is detected?
18:52.45MrBrushany german people around?
18:52.50wols_Vasistha: not really true
18:53.01Vasisthawols_: hum, a popular myth I guess
18:53.01wols_but the chances of getting one are so small, it's negligible
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18:53.14zinxdocmax: clamav scans for Windows viruses
18:53.15Bluesky25justin: I start downloading !
18:53.16dpkgdeutschsprachige Hilfe bekommt ihr in (auf, oder - German speaking users please go to (on, or
18:53.16wols_!tell MrBrush about de
18:53.24docmaxu want to tell me there are no linux viruses around the world?
18:53.27Bluesky25justin: thanks
18:53.33ktwilightdocmax, there is one...
18:53.35docmaxi also need it when running windows programs in wine
18:53.36zinxdocmax: there are 3, i believe
18:53.40ktwilightdocmax, it's called "microsoft" :(
18:53.48wols_docmax: some commercial vendors have AV software for linux. all snakeoil as AV always is
18:53.49zinxdocmax: none of them have managed to make it in the wild
18:53.54BushmillsMrBrush: 82,217,800, according
18:53.55Vasisthadocmax: pretty much, yeah. You're pretty safe with linux.
18:54.02grand_gruntwols_: how should I know the right place for "quickcam.ko"?
18:54.03MrBrushBushmills: LOL
18:54.03zinxdocmax: i.e., no one has ever gotten the only ones that exist.
18:54.05docmaxVasistha, u think im german?
18:54.06wols_docmax: then look for windows scanners, not linux ones
18:54.10abrotmanVasistha: you should qualify that ..
18:54.14wols_grand_grunt: read the docs
18:54.15marastdocmax: it works.  Just install it and set it up
18:54.18Thrasymach0samphi, I raised the levels in amixer. Still no sound.
18:54.24abrotmanVasistha: if you run everything as root .. your danger level goes up quite a bit
18:54.26Vasisthadocmax: the !de was for someone else, silly
18:54.41zinxdocmax: mind you, there are rootkits, which are not self-propagating
18:54.45*** part/#debian Markus23_ (n=Markus@
18:54.51amphiThrasymach0s: are the channels unmuted? do they show 'M' at the bottom of the bar?
18:54.56marastwols_ : What was that !grounding crap all about?
18:55.02Vasisthaabrotman: that's a good point, actually. but really, you're in much more danger from other types of attack than viruses
18:55.03docmaxok, so i dont have to care about virus?
18:55.18wols_marast: that's what you are supposed to read
18:55.27wols_docmax: pretty much no
18:55.34Pheagatordocmax: care for any 3rd party binaries you run
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18:55.41wols_docmax: and AV is never the right antidote for viruses anyways
18:55.42Vasisthadocmax: probably not. I've never run a virus scanner on linux, and I've been using it about 5 years now. The system is as fast as it's ever been, no noticeable slowdown, ever.
18:55.45Pheagatordocmax: updating software you use
18:55.53Pheagatordocmax: and controlling access to services you provide
18:56.37docmaxrealy strange
18:56.41dpkgvirus is A program that makes unbidden copies of itself in order to proliferate. Usually plays a role either as graffiti or for malicious intent. or a working version of windows without windows, or see
18:56.42ktwilightdocmax, what you really need to care about is how you use linux though
18:57.10docmaxthats no problem
18:57.28n3klCan someone tell me of the unichrome graphics devices are capable of playing smooth video?
18:57.40docmaxbut i know why there no viruses... because the have to be open source.... HAHAHAHAHAHA
18:58.10marastYEAHY I FIXED NANO!!!
18:58.12dpkgit has been said that unichrome is the graphics core found on many recent VIA chipsets. Namely, VIA CLE266, KM400/KN400, K8M800/K8N800, PM800/PM880/CN400. See or bother libv. see <xorg sarge>.  Use the 'via' driver in xorg
18:58.15marastLONG LIVE NANO!!!!
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18:58.28abrotmanhow did you fix it? put it in vi mode?
18:58.30marastVotes for Nano as best text editor 2008!!!!
18:58.32docmaxhates vista
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18:58.44maligornano the text editor or nano the via processor?
18:58.58marastnano the text editor
18:59.00docmaxwindows is the greatest billshit ever made...#
18:59.10marastVista is AWFUL
18:59.16marastI discrace infast
18:59.25hardcampaYeah yeah, it's not like we haven't heard this story before in this channel
18:59.28marastIt makes me phisically violent
18:59.28docmaxXP is somekind of ok
18:59.36docmaxbut vista is bullshit
18:59.38*** join/#debian knoxy (n=knoxy@
18:59.40marastXP is a good OS
18:59.48hardcampaor that story
18:59.55docmax"do you want vista to search for a solution?"  HAHAHAHA
19:00.00Thrasymach0samphi, what do you mean by "show m"?  And show m where?
19:00.03PheagatorVeros: still here?
19:00.03docmaxi search problems for myself
19:00.13maligordocmax, do you find many?
19:00.23Buck_you looking for trouble docmax ?
19:00.24marastthrows girlfriends vista laptop at the wall!
19:00.24PheagatorVeros: i just realised that if you break inittab logging in to your system can be a bit difficult, so watch what you're doing.
19:00.27Buck_them is fighting words
19:00.32docmaxin linux i dont have problems
19:00.40docmaxdo no solutions to search for
19:00.55docmaxBuck_, how come?
19:01.15Buck_nvm :(
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19:05.01h3xisi'm having an issue with the trash applet in gnome. it's completely invisible on the panel and i can't figure out how to make it visible. ive looked it up on google and it appears to be a bug. is there any solution?
19:05.16Vasisthah3xis: might know
19:05.26h3xisalright i'll check there. thanks
19:05.36Caldrin_homeCan anyone please help me? I tried to do a dist-upgrade and it fails to configure module-init-tools.
19:05.44Caldrin_homeIt says "dpkg-divert: rename involves overwriting `/sbin/modprobe' with
19:06.20Caldrin_homeCan anyone please tell me, what this means since I have not found any information with google.
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19:06.36VasisthaCaldrin_home: maybe try aptitude -f dist-upgrade to force it
19:07.35Caldrin_homeVasistha: Unfortunatelly this does not help.
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19:07.50Caldrin_homeI already tried dpkg --configure --force-all module-init-tools
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19:07.54Caldrin_homeIt still fails.
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19:10.37wols_Caldrin_home: dpkg -S /sbin/modprobe
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19:13.12xingu <-- pretty fly for a pc-guy.
19:13.49Caldrin_homewols_: Someone suggested removing the package with --force, then deleting all diverts and reinstall module_init_tools.
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19:13.52Caldrin_homeThis worked.
19:14.05Caldrin_homeStill I thank you and Vasistha for your help!
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19:17.06th1is there an easy way to generate a custom initramfs with busybox under Debian?
19:17.11CrashSysAnyone know of a good readme for making a driver-floppy?
19:17.16Nylexingu, offspring is the shiz
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19:17.47zinxCrashSys: what do you need drivers for?
19:18.34CrashSysHighPoint 2320 Raid Card
19:18.43CrashSysDebian Etch 4.0
19:19.16CrashSysI have the module compiled in a .ko
19:19.27CrashSysbut do I just toss that on a floppy and it will load it?
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19:19.59EulexCrashSys, is it built for the kernel you
19:20.04Eulex're going to run?
19:20.34CrashSysYes, I installed Etch on a spare Hd, compiled kernel, it loads, tossed it on floppy... when in the etch installer I try to load it, it doesn't find it
19:20.58CrashSysI can manually go to the prompt and insmod it and it runs, but will the installer install it correctly in the initrd?
19:21.36Eulexit won't, and doing that isn't doing it 'correctly' either
19:21.42Eulexyou will have to do that manually
19:22.06CrashSysright, which is why i'm asking what the correct method is to get the module into debian etch?
19:22.21CrashSysor by manually you mean build the initrd manually?
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19:23.28christozat this time i'm downloading acrobat reader in .deb format..(debian etch user) will installation be succesfull?
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19:23.50EulexCrashSys, you could do that, but that would screw things over when your initrd is automatically regenerated. there is a correct way, but I do not remember it.
19:25.03VerosPheagator: is this correct line? - 6:23:respawn:/sbin/getty -l /bin/bash 38400 tty6
19:25.10VerosPheagator: is it what you meant?
19:26.00PheagatorVeros: possibly, you should take a look at man getty
19:26.17PheagatorVeros: but looks correct.
19:26.35kenjyguys, I have one nvidia graphic card and another virge/dx card, I wanna use two monitors, how can I do this?
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19:27.43VerosPheagator: when I put that line the 1st and the 6th vterm can't login, the 1st went crazy show some messages and the 6th is just empty
19:28.14n3klVeros: that will probably spawn as root
19:29.08PheagatorVeros: what kind of messages?
19:29.18VerosPheagator: ohm my mistake, everything is ok, but vterm 6 doesn't autologin)
19:29.27PheagatorVeros: did you run telinit q?
19:29.27Verosn3kl: what do you mean?
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19:29.37VerosI rebooted
19:29.54doublehpin which package is the IPv6 command 'ip' ?
19:30.23Eulex!tell doublehp about search
19:30.26enoufdoublehp: iproute{2}
19:30.54enoufit's not an ipv6 command, afaik
19:31.18Eulexand yeah, iproute. I tip for searching for binaries with apt-file is to search for for example bin/ip
19:31.32doublehpEulex: "aptitude search ip |wc" => 400 ...
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19:31.44doublehpsee what i mean ?
19:31.46VerosPheagator: what is 38400 there for?
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19:31.59Eulexdoublehp, aptitude doesn't search for files inside packages.
19:32.08n3klVeros: am I allowed to ask why you want to do this?
19:32.16PheagatorVeros: well, i don't know why it doesn't work. about 38400 see manpage.
19:32.16enouf!tell doublehp -about apt-file because he couldn't read the "search" factoid
19:32.28PheagatorVeros: maybe use rungetty instead of getty
19:32.37Eulexdoublehp, the correct approach to search for this is with apt-file, and then perhaps grep for bin/ip$ in the output
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19:32.42Pheagator!info rungetty etch
19:32.44Verosn3kl: no :)
19:32.46dpkgrungetty: (minimal console getty that can run any process), section admin, is optional. Version: 1.2-10 (etch), Packaged size: 12 kB, Installed size: 76 kB
19:32.59doublehpEulex: apt-cache returns over 4300 answers ... even worse !
19:33.02Eulexapt-file search bin/ip|grep ip$ gives three matches
19:33.19Eulexdoublehp, apt-cache too doesn't search file names inside packages. *apt-file* does.
19:33.32n3klVeros: it just seems silly that you want a root prompt on boot up.
19:33.56Verosn3kl: root prompt? I want root autologin
19:34.01wols_n3kl: it's not silly it's terminally stupid
19:34.08wols_Veros: idiocy squared
19:34.15ice_creami have to agree
19:34.22Veroswhy is that??
19:34.24n3klVeros: same thing
19:34.36Verosplease don't tell me
19:34.40Verosoh, you did
19:34.42enoufwols_: sadly, it's exponential
19:34.43n3klVeros: because its root.  Anyone that sits at your computer has root.
19:34.44wols_you do NOT run stuff as root, unless you have to. NEVER EVER
19:34.52VerosI need 0 security
19:34.57wols_Veros: wrong
19:34.59*** part/#debian debq (
19:34.59ice_creami meant  security/=10000000
19:35.05Pheagatorn3kl: usually direct access means no security at all, regardless of you've root password or not.
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19:35.11wols_Veros: this box has an internet connection?
19:35.21Pheagatorn3kl: you can always boot with init=/bin/bash, boot from cd, whatever.
19:35.41n3klPheagator: which is why I encrypt my hard drives =]
19:35.45Verosand I am sitting here with a shotgun, not letting anyone close to it )))
19:35.53Verosso I am secure
19:36.15adamahow many shotgun shells do you have?
19:36.42Verosadama: unlimited
19:36.45*** part/#debian doublehp (
19:37.03VerosVeros: I 've entered a secret code for that)
19:37.20PheagatorVeros: by a brief look at man rungetty I can see that it is most probably what you want.
19:37.35PheagatorVeros: you can even specify different username to login.
19:37.36Verosoh, thanks, lemme try it
19:38.35n3klwols_: agreed, I just didn't want to call him an idiot.
19:38.47PheagatorVeros: but please read the manual first ;]
19:39.06*** join/#debian Gm4n (n=Gm4n@unaffiliated/gm4n)
19:39.16Verosn3kl: those who called me idiot are idiots themselves, cause they don't know where  this box is and what it is for
19:39.45Gm4nhow do I add a second interface to my box? I have two NICs in it, but only one is listed in ifconfig.
19:40.03n3klVeros: still, root auto login seems counter productive, no matter the use.
19:40.41nidoif ifconfig shows an ipv6 address on the external interface, does this mean I actually have ipv6 working'
19:40.46n3klGm4n: man interfaces
19:41.07n3klnido: I would guess so.
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19:41.23Verosn3kl: you see, I don't take linux as a religion and usually want things work the way I need not the way someone else wants it ;)
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19:42.22n3klVeros: I understand, and you are right to say that we don't know the use and therefore should not judge.
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19:42.32buuPssh. To judge is to be human.
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19:43.40Verosn3kl: e.g. if it was a multimedia computer without internet would you like it to be locked with a password? maybe yes but not in all cases)
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19:44.53Fabio_Comohello, have someone any idea why I get this error: $ sudo ntpdate
19:45.05n3klVeros: if you are asking me, then yes.  For me, there is no point in building/configuring/doing anything if anyone can walk up passwordless and rm -Rf /
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19:46.31peterSn3kl: this would be the same reason you would consider it a waste of time to paint your house?
19:46.40Verosn3kl: someone walking up passwordless and rm -Rf / surely is a rare situation but even for that, personally me would have a backup image of the whole /, it is a nice price for not having to enter password/sudo each time)
19:46.54nidon3kl: however, in most cases it would be acceptable to have a user logged in automagically to a desktop and have it run insert_specific_prog_here. For example play back your media library. This should then be backed up and not writable by said user, but I think it's a case which would work
19:47.23n3klpeterS: I don't have a house to paint
19:47.39peterSwhoosh goes the point
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19:47.47n3klVeros: it would just be more work for you to get you linux-based dvd player operational again
19:48.07n3klnido: thats the user, not root
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19:48.18NylepeterS, you hire a painter
19:48.28Verosn3kl: restoring an image is more work? I don't understand you
19:48.32peterSNyle: why, when anyone can walk up and tag the house at any time?
19:48.45Nylecuz I iz lazy!
19:48.55Nyleand I can affords it
19:48.58n3klI'd tag my own house
19:49.07nidon3kl: true
19:49.09Verosand I repeat that would be a very rare case, no that would be completely absolutely very rare situation
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19:49.35Fabio_Comoit seems my VPS doesn't allow me to synch the system clock... is there a way to set an offset?
19:49.45justinFabio_Como: you mean the timezone?
19:49.58n3klFabio_Como: tzconfig
19:50.08n3kler tzselect
19:50.14peterSjustin: well he means a timezone but expressed in seconds rather than minutes
19:50.31peterSand in such a way that it doesn't get in the way of a real timezone setting
19:50.36Fabio_Comono.. :( i'm on a virtual server if I try to ntp I get this " step-systime: Operation not permitted", but the system clock has an offset not of a multiple of an hour/ half hour... it's not syncronized..
19:50.53justinFabio_Como: xen?
19:51.14Fabio_Comothe system clock differs 1 hour and 10 minutes from my clock
19:51.26Fabio_Comoit's virtuozzo
19:51.33Thrasymach0sOn my laptop with a CS46xx chipset and kernel 2.6.18-6-686 (Debian stable) alsaconf tells me "Now ALSA is ready to use." Except there is no sound(it is not that I forgot to run alsamixer).
19:51.37justinoh, dunno anything about virtuozzo
19:51.57justinThrasymach0s: sure? no errors+no sound almost always means the volume is down
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19:52.58Fabio_Comomy kernel is 2.6.18-8.1.8.el5.028stab039.1 #1 SMP Mon Jul 23 20:23:01 MSD 2007 i686 GNU/Linux
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19:57.01peterSjustin: well, except where it means you have an onboard sound card and a PCI card and your speakers are plugged into the wrong one (:
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19:58.15Thrasymach0sI was planning on using the headphone jack only(as I know the internal speaker hardware is broken) does anyone think that could be the problem? Maybe alsa does not support the headphone jack for the chipset...
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19:58.40justinThrasymach0s: more likely is that your volume is down
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20:00.01NishikittySo, stupid question. Been having this one issue for quite a few months, but been working around it by using startx. GDM is complaining of setuids on gtk on window managers that don't even use gtk, for example. It started happening after a apt-get update quite a few months back.
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20:00.02DexterFcan't play any ASF videos with xine in etch. mplayer works tho. how do I make xine work, too?
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20:00.23abrotman!tell DexterF about w32codecs
20:01.19enoufpeterS: sorry to bother you, really - but when you can - could you please explain again why using 'cp' over 'dd' is the preferred method? I recall something about the kernel's page size (memory stack) but wouldn't a bs=4M with dd do the same? And .. what happens if "hugetlb" is enabled and being used - how about jumbo frames too if transferring over ethernet? Thanks ...
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20:01.35DexterFabrotman: already installed. other formats like wmv9 work ok, only asf borks
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20:02.03abrotmanDexterF: make sure the w32codecs are up to date .. but some of them just don't work
20:02.04peterSenouf: the main reason to use cp is that the command line syntax is way simpler, and there usually isn't a compelling reason to use dd
20:02.26DexterFabrotman: how come mplayer plays it and xine won't?
20:02.28peterSenouf: 'cp /dev/fd0 /tmp/floppy.img' is a lot more intuitive than 'dd if=/dev/fd0 of=/tmp/floppy.img'
20:02.33Decepticonhow do i see why my machine rebooted?
20:02.44NazcafanI have two DVD players, in one of them pushing button eject actually ejects it, on the other one, it doesn't, and I must use the gnome contextual menu, how do I set this up?
20:02.47abrotmanDexterF: i don't use mplayer
20:02.58NazcafanDVD drives
20:03.09enoufpeterS: well, dd defaults to bs=512 .. other than that, usually no other params are passed, except maybe errors=noconv,sync or somthhing
20:03.21peterSenouf: sure you can override dd's default block size (which is either 512 or 1024) to 4096 like most C apps use, including cp.  that's a pretty minor point though, given the speed of disk I/O and the amount of kernel buffering involved, you won't notice the user buffer size
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20:03.59peterSenouf: yeah but why bother to remember parameters like if= and of=?  no other unix utilities use a command line anything like that, except a few foreign utilities like cdrecord
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20:04.19enoufpeterS: i see .. yep
20:04.35peterSdd is great when you actually need its features, like when you want conv=noerror
20:05.03enoufpeterS: just always curious ya know - . ahh , thanks, i knew i messed that option up :-P
20:05.06peterSbut when all you want is to copy data between two files (devices or regular files), dd looks pretty clunky in comparison to cat or cp
20:05.31xinguor rsync ;)
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20:05.42xinguwhaddyamean, no checksums?
20:06.00enoufwell, one issue is speed for many, the other seems to be ..erm, can one benefit from the cp options over dd, such as -ax ?
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20:06.05enoufpeterS: ^^^^
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20:06.35inigohello, i'm trying CCFLAGS="-Os -static" ./configure --prefix="/usr/bin/"  && make
20:06.42inigobut the result is not a static binary (that says ldd)
20:06.46peterSenouf: people always seem to think of dd for copies to and/or from device files, and there, neither -a nor -x is all that useful
20:06.46enoufpeterS: and neither device needs to be mounted to use cp over dd, correct?
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20:06.57inigowhat am i doing wrong?
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20:07.12peterSenouf: think of dd as cat where you can specify input and output files instead of redirecting from the shell
20:07.25enoufpeterS: well, the -x seems to be quite useful
20:07.26peterS'cause that is essentially what it is
20:07.35tclineksdon't think this is possible but can i link one one file to another without using more inodes until i modify one of the files?
20:07.37wintixi just installed mysql5 and am unable to bind it to other ips than . i have tried adding another ip to the bind-address = thing but it only binds to is there an easy way to get it to bind to all interfaces?
20:07.46peterSenouf: only when you're copying recursively, and when you're reading or writing raw devices, you rarely want a recursive option
20:07.48enoufpeterS: yes, i do , thanks, i see
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20:08.43enoufpeterS: well, forget the -a :-P
20:08.47wintixtclineks: thank you! :)
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20:10.19magyar_hi, is there a way to do auth against /etc/pam.s/imap with winbind and unix users?
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20:11.31fairwaywhat is the debian equivalent for killproc?
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20:12.05peterSfairway: there is killall.  but I don't know what killproc does
20:12.37fairwaypeterS: I assume its pkill
20:12.39fairwaykill according name
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20:13.23fairwayis there a debian boot image for USB?
20:13.26fairwayusb stick
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20:13.36fairwaynot necessarily an installer
20:13.50fairwayjust a USB boot disc to save the current image with zsplit
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20:16.58Thrasymach0sOH MY!!!! I spent so many hours fiddling with ALSA. I just did not realize on the keyboard IBM has built in keys mute/unmute, higher or lower volume; that by using those keyboard keys now the sound works...
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20:17.42abrotmanthinkpad ?
20:17.51abrotman!usb install
20:17.52dpkgusb install is, like, Yes, it is possible to boot Debian from a USB stick/thumbdrive/pen drive/key, as long as your computer BIOS can boot from usb: Details in the Installation Guide , see "usb stick" section for images. (Older, outdated articles and
20:17.55Thrasymach0syeah a21m
20:18.02abrotman!info tpb etch
20:18.06dpkgtpb: (program to use the IBM ThinkPad(tm) special keys), section utils, is extra. Version: 0.6.4-2.2 (etch), Packaged size: 54 kB, Installed size: 252 kB
20:18.17Nylewhats the exact diff. between pkill and killall?
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20:18.47inigofor the record, i was using CCFLAGS variable instead of CFLAGS
20:18.53inigonow it works
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20:20.15Nylepkill allows you to type part of the name of a process to kill it, while killall requires the full process name
20:20.21Nyleahhh thats cool
20:20.26NyleI didn't know that
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20:22.04NyleGuerin, ping
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20:25.17Ford-Prefectanyone got experience of installing dual soundcards?
20:25.22ericperssonIs it possible to list packages with unmet/broken dependencies in some way?
20:25.40Ford-PrefectI'm interested in recording from my onboard and output from my Sound Blaster
20:25.53abrotmanask #alsa ?
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20:31.04ZZZZHi all. I have some problem with squidGuard. Could anybody help me with it here?
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20:34.57Saaris there a way to edit the sources.list file by hand in the debian installer? Can't find a menu option for it in expert mode
20:35.23peterSSaar: you can always shell out (alt-f2) and fire up your favorite editor that happens to be included in the installer
20:35.39streuner_Saar: nano /etc/apt/sources.list
20:35.47peterSstreuner_: I think you mean /target/etc/apt/sources.list
20:35.53abrotmanbash: msbob: command not found
20:36.04Saarok, but will the installer accept that and not insist asking for the mirror?
20:36.18abrotmani think he can even preseed that with predefined values
20:36.36peterSSaar: you can manually enter the mirror address and path, there is a menu choice for that
20:36.40streuner_hm, thats the question, nano is default for debian
20:37.08SaarpeterS: where is it?
20:37.29peterSSaar: I forget what it is called, but it is on the list of mirrors.  something like 'manually enter your mirror'
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20:38.01abrotmani think it's at the bottom
20:38.05Nylestreuner_, update-alternatives can change it
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20:38.27streuner_Nyle: do you know the weather in Alaska?
20:38.30SaarpeterS: yes but that's not accepting my entries
20:38.41Nylestreuner_, I think its really hot and humid there
20:38.52abrotmanSaar: whyt not? malformed? what did you type in?
20:39.07SaarI am looking for what's under 9.3 Fresh Installation ttp://
20:39.10abrotmanSaar: likely in the format of "deb etch main"
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20:40.36Saari have a mirror locally at i enter it manually, it asks for a directory, there is none since its right at that address without any subdirs, it works in sources.list, deb etch main contrib
20:40.56buuIs there any thing equivalent to a bsd jail in debian land?
20:41.00Saarabrotman: so I dont have the /debian
20:41.18Saarfigured if i can just edit the sources.list I dont have to battle the installer
20:41.43abrotmanso leave it off
20:41.44peterSbuu: I don't think the linux kernel can do that.  you can do less (a chroot) or more (a virtual machine) if you want
20:41.45\amethystbuu:  vserver maybe
20:41.51abrotmandeb http://<host>/ etch main
20:41.51Saarso after i type it asks for the subdir, i type nothing and it errors
20:42.04buu\amethyst: Thanks I'll take a look at it.
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20:42.18cobolthere's also v-kernel, which is sort of like a solaris zone
20:42.21\amethystbuu:  also openvz
20:42.26buupeterS: Essentially I'm pondering spinning up many many many processes that I want to be heavily insulated.
20:42.36DeltaS4how do I change the desktop environment I want to use on lenny?
20:42.36ericperssonhmm... it appears that a lot of strange errors might come from having different distro names in /etc/apt/sources.list.. ;)
20:42.54NyleDeltaS4, which one do you want?
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20:43.11NyleDeltaS4, and which ones do you have currently installed? (there are a few ways to do this)
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20:43.24NyleDeltaS4, 1) remove everything but xfce (remove gnome, remove kde) etc. etc.
20:43.37NyleDeltaS4, or 2) update-alternatives --config x-session-manager
20:43.40Nyleselect the one you wish to use
20:44.00NyleDeltaS4, or 3) use gdm and in there you can select either kde/gnome or xfce session
20:44.13NyleDeltaS4, I would suggest either 1 or 2
20:44.23DeltaS4thank you :)
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20:44.57DeltaS4the 2nd option will do the entire job?
20:45.02DeltaS4or do I need the 1st anyway?
20:45.22Nyle2nd is good to do
20:45.24justinDeltaS4: update-alternatives changes the system wide default
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20:46.29Nylein fact, if you aptitude install gdm and /etc/init.d/gdm start (you can select on gdm login screen if you wish to use xfce or gnome)
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20:48.09DeltaS4so if I do update-alternatives the gnome packages will remain installed?
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20:49.01DeltaS4ah okay, so I will remove them first because I have only 4gb
20:49.09Nyle!remove gnome
20:49.09dpkgwell, remove gnome is remove libgnome32 and libgnome2-common
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20:52.45abrotmanmaybe we should mention something about using aptitude to install/remove it :)
20:52.53Nylegood idea
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20:53.20Nyledpkg no remove gnome is aptitude remove libgnome32 libgnome2-common
20:53.20dpkgokay, Nyle
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20:53.39Nyle!remove kde
20:53.39dpkgsomebody said remove kde was aptitude purge kdelibs-data kdelibs4c2a
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20:55.51abrotmanthat wasn't quite what i meant
20:56.00rufthe debian usb boot disc requires an ISO
20:56.11rufis there one without?
20:56.22rufto use bash tools
20:56.55DeltaS4wouldn't aptitude purge be better for "!remove gnome"?
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20:58.37format_cHow can I unset a password from a user?
20:58.51dondelelcaroformat_c: with passwd
20:59.16abrotmanDeltaS4: wouldn't actually do much .. you'd be purging a metapackage
20:59.18dondelelcaroDeltaS4: doesn't make much difference for gnome, since it's a metapackage and AFAIK doesn't have any config files
20:59.27format_cdondelelcaro, arg thx
20:59.38format_cshould read somedays
20:59.45DeltaS4ah right
20:59.46buntfalkeCan somone recommend a good gnugo gui? non-java kde/qt preferred
21:00.02abrotmanlike .. the game Go ?
21:00.15DeltaS4I asked because I saw that for remove kde
21:00.48dondelelcarobuntfalke: the best that I've found is qgo
21:00.58abrotmanbuntfalke: like .. gtkgo ?
21:01.06abrotmanoh .. qt preferrned
21:01.12abrotmannice typing
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21:01.31buntfalkedondelelcaro: hmm, i'll give it a try.
21:01.36buntfalkeglGo isnt in debian, is it?
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21:03.47Hygucmâ ðîò ìíå íîãè
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21:04.56buntfalkeHygucm: try #test for testing purposes :-)
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21:05.11Hygucmfuck my brain
21:05.30enoufno, it's fugly
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21:06.03enoufbuh bai now
21:06.14streuner_Hygucm: stop that
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21:06.24buuHe's doing it in other channels.
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21:06.43Nylewhat was that supposed to be anyway
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21:07.07buntfalkeis there a command to install .deb files and let apt resolve the dependencies needed?
21:07.14buntfalkewithout setting up a repo, that is
21:07.26Nylebuntfalke, dpkg -i will install a deb, and error out if dependency is not met
21:07.32enoufuse apt-get or aptitude and be happy
21:07.43Nylebuntfalke, where in chich case you do aptitude -f install and it should resolve the it
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21:07.46Nyleer.. them*
21:08.03buntfalkeenouf: do they support he direct usage of .deb archives? i should check the manual again if so.
21:08.27Nylei just told you
21:08.44enoufyou don't need 'direct usage of .deb archives'
21:09.04Nyle(to avoid manual dependency resolutions, we have created the advanced package tool, apt, or aptitude)
21:09.19enoufif you need to ask about it, it means you don't need it
21:09.21Nyleuse them.. with a repo, man dpkg to learn how to install .deb manually
21:09.22dubwhat if he needs an old package
21:09.27buntfalkeenouf: ...
21:09.42enoufsee last comment
21:10.07Nyledub, snapshot
21:10.11dpkgsnapshots is probably an archive that contains all Debian packages uploaded since 2002, including those removed from the official archives because they were very buggy, unusable, broken, vulnerable or in some way undistributable. Much of 2004 was lost because of harddisk problems. See for more information.
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21:13.19dubNyle, my point was more 'OMG USE APT NOOB' prbably isnt the answer
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21:14.40buntfalkeenouf: How about giving me a hint on where to look for how to use .deb files except to use dpkg -i for installing them which doesnt seem to check dependencies and so on?
21:14.51enoufyes, yes it it the answer
21:14.57dondelelcarobuntfalke: it does check dependencies, but it doesn't resolve them.
21:15.06dondelelcarobuntfalke: just use dpkg -i, then aptitude, or apt-get -f install;
21:15.09dubbuntfalke, there probably isnt an easy way, try using dpkg -i and manually add the deps
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21:15.18dondelelcarobuntfalke: or if you want, make a local repository, and install them that way.
21:15.19buntfalkehmmm, i see. thanks.
21:15.41dondelelcarobuntfalke: making aptitude install foopkg.deb; work is a wishlist bug; I don't know what the current status is on it.
21:15.57buntfalkegood to know, thanks
21:16.36enoufdondelelcaro: suppose it's a sid .deb onto a etch install?
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21:17.03enoufwhich is the basis for my whole "if you don't know, you shouldn't"
21:17.07dondelelcaroenouf: so?
21:17.19Saarok i figured that out, had to add a "/" for the subdir
21:17.26dondelelcaroif someone breaks it, they get to keep all the pieces
21:17.30enoufdondelelcaro: you mean "auto" simple sid backport?
21:17.38enoufi see
21:18.04dondelelcaro(and apt-get -f install would generally just remove the package in such a case anyway)
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21:18.22buntfalkeWell... for one thing "If you dont know, you shouldn't." remarks basically never leed to people not doing something, but rather potentially dangerous experimentation as there is not acceptable reason given.
21:18.22dondelelcaro(unless you had tried to upgrade a package, or something else stupid)
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21:18.41enoufwonderful -- more reasons for weenies to whine
21:19.00buntfalkefor the next thing, there are people who know pretty well what they do, because they are used to the actual software systems they are working with, but are not familiar with how to do it, using a specific distribution of them
21:19.01dondelelcarobuntfalke: the point is that the question you're asking involved really basic skills with apt-get and dpkg; you should learn them really quickly.
21:19.36mqtanyone run xmodmap from xinitrc/xession? Mine stopped working several months ago so now I have to wait until my WM starts then run xmodmap from a terminal
21:19.51dondelelcaromqt: works fine here
21:19.57buntfalkeSo. I asked a question, knowing well what I am doing, that it is unclean to do so, and god knows what, and i just didnt know what the debian approach to that problem might be and wantd a quick hint on which manual to check to reduce useless searching time for the correct piece of documentation.
21:20.04Nyledub, I don't understand your point
21:20.13enoufbuntfalke: but you gave no specifics
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21:20.33enoufbuntfalke: so you get the "general" answer ..
21:20.39dondelelcarobuntfalke: well, now you know, and you know why we we were reluctant to tell you directly.
21:20.52dondelelcarobuntfalke: and if you don't, you whould read the documentation which explains the commands that I gave.
21:20.55dubNyle, theres a tendency for knowitall behavior in here
21:21.06buntfalkeenouf: what specifically was missing to answer the real question? i gave all information to tell me "use dpkg to install, apt/-itude to resolve"
21:21.08dubthats a prime example
21:21.30enoufbuntfalke: that statement in and of itself is all too telling
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21:21.43buntfalkeoh well...let's forget about it.
21:21.52enoufbuntfalke: it's lacking valuable pertinent info
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21:22.07dubbuntfalke, I'd give up the conversation, its the culture here and its pretty gay but not much you can do
21:22.14dondelelcaroenouf: drop it
21:22.17dondelelcaro!tell dub -about gay
21:22.44dubdondelelcaro, what time do you get off? :)
21:22.55enoufbuntfalke: learn about the debian "releases" .. i'm done with this nonsense
21:23.56dubenouf, would you consider lenny a good release for him?
21:24.08*** join/#debian vchrizz (i=Miranda@
21:24.28buntfalkeenouf: what do releases have to do with this?! i am not installing software belonging to a different release. i never said so.
21:25.27vjoeguys, how am I supposed to "install" the Firefox tar.gz package which I download from Mozilla website?
21:25.53dondelelcarovjoe: you don't.
21:26.00dondelelcarovjoe: use the iceweasel package
21:26.06vjoeyeah but I want to know
21:26.19vjoedo I copy it to /usr/local folder?
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21:26.33dondelelcarovjoe: no, you build it, and you don't want to use it.
21:26.45buntfalkevjoe: better build a .deb package for it, if you really wanna use it
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21:27.07dondelelcarovjoe: there's almost no difference between it and the packages that we already distribute
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21:29.40garotosopaI changed to the one shipped with the binary nvidia driver. How do I tell that this file should not be rewritten by X upgrades?
21:30.14dondelelcarogarotosopa: you use an override
21:30.36dondelelcarogarotosopa: however, you should have followed the nvidia installation instructions that dpkg will tell you, which handles all of this for you automatically.
21:31.36garotosopadondelelcaro, dpkg would tell me? but I manually downloaded and installed it from the nvidia website.
21:31.47dondelelcaro!tell garotosopa -about nvidia
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21:32.25garotosopaohh fool me. this dpkg. not dpkg itself.
21:32.57dondelelcaro!now you know
21:32.58dpkgAnd knowing is half the battle! YO JOE!
21:33.06*** join/#debian Bravewolf (
21:33.08axolx_hey guys -- when i ssh into a server i often get timed out. when i SSH back in, debian thinks im logged in twice . how can i kill the other terminals that timed out?
21:33.27enoufdpkg: what are you?
21:33.27dpkgI am a infobot. For more info see <infobot>
21:33.29dondelelcaroaxolx_: kill the shell or sshd that you're logged in from
21:33.40axolx_dondelelcaro: what signal?
21:33.48dondelelcaroaxolx_: doesn't really matter
21:33.52enoufhrm, where's my bloot :-/
21:34.10axolx_dondelelcaro: does debian eventually kill them if i dont?
21:34.19BravewolfHello all! Is there the possibility for amule 2.2.1 (depends on wxwidgets2.8) to reach testing BEFORE the freeze?
21:34.23dondelelcaroaxolx_: yes
21:34.41dondelelcaroaxolx_: though it may take a while; the tcp connection has to time out
21:34.56BravewolfIt would be very great to have the new-long-waited version of amule in lenny
21:35.23enouferm, shouldn't the 'a infobot' be 'an infobot'?
21:35.31axolx_dondelelcaro:  any idea how long? 24hs? 1 month?
21:35.33enoufsomeone altered the bloot :-P
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21:44.44c0mradehiya is it possible in apache to specify ServerName mail.* , what I'm trying to achieve is that when you type it opens mail directory?
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21:47.08Sebbyi tryed to install some packeges doing apt-get install postgresql-8*.* and when almost finishh said that i don`t have enough room error now that i have enough space how can i fix it because o got an error when i did apt-get ..
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21:54.24kanzurexrandr, xinerama, TwinView, xdmx, synergy, MultiMon, UltraMon, MultiSeat; hrm. How can I best do a multimonitor setup? I was thinking I'd just throw in some dualhead video cards into the PCI slots, but the configuration details are not obvious.
21:55.09kanzureGiven no other options I'd be okay with throwing up a small cluster with each motherboard devoted to a monitor, as long as there's seamless integration with the overall system, but surely there's a better way to do this?
21:55.27Nyle1 dual head card or two single head cards
21:55.45Nylei advise against ati big desktop and/or nvidia twinview
21:55.58Nylecombined framebuffer is very bad in refresh rates
21:56.04Nyle50~ish k
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22:01.27dpkgDo not paste more than 3 lines to this channel. Instead, use: or or for pics. Remember to tell us the URL of your paste!
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22:06.09rdzhi all. this is a very generic question: is there a way to find out, what a gui-application does, when hitting a certain button? i am looking for commandline substitutions for some stuff and wonder how i could achieve the same as the gui-counterpart. for example: gnome-mouse-properties can enable/disable the touchpad on the fly. i would rather to assign that to a shortcut that having to open the dialog everytime i need it
22:06.21micolsxprop rdz
22:06.33rdzmicols, thanks i'll check
22:07.00micolsyou will probably need to edit the source ..
22:07.05micolsif you want to do what you say
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22:07.14rdzmicols, the source of xprop?
22:07.20micolsalso you could x sendkeys
22:07.29rdzmicols, but how can gnome-mouse-pointer do it?
22:07.58micolsrdz: probably calling some server of some sort
22:08.11micolsbut you're better off viewing th sourcecode of gnome-mouse-pointer
22:08.13micolsto find out
22:08.28rdzmicols, yeah, i tried... but i don't get a clue at all, unfortunately
22:08.39rdzi only understand railway station
22:08.58micolsyou can use qsynaptics..
22:09.01micolsfor disabling touchpad
22:09.12micolsit takes commandline arguments
22:09.17rdzile]  [-remove  prop?
22:09.23rdzoops... sorry.. wrong paste
22:09.31doublehp why do I have ???
22:09.32rdzmicols, thanks
22:09.35micolsuse qsynaptics.. no reason to do what youre doing if you just want to mangle with touchpad settings
22:09.43Bluesky25justin: I've just tried 3.0r5 (2.4 kernel) => no problem
22:10.00micolsi got qsynaptics -r& in my .xsession
22:10.07micolsfor restoring my touchpad settings with qsynaptics
22:10.12Bluesky25justin: if I try 2.6 => system hangs during ramfs generation
22:10.50micolshm rdz sorry, i really thought it did take more options
22:10.54micolsit doesnt
22:11.11micolsbut you could create one .qsynaptics file and restore resttings from that with -r
22:11.20micolsand then change it to allow your mouse and restore again.
22:11.25micolsugly hack, but will work.
22:11.29rdzmicols, ah.. that sounds doable
22:12.02*** mode/#debian [+l 817] by debhelper
22:12.11rdzmicols, thanks a lot.... there is light at the end of the tunnel since quite some time on tapping around in the
22:12.38micolsrdz: qsynaptics can adjust everything on a synaptics touchpad driver
22:12.45micolsfrom tapping delay to disabling completely etc.
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22:13.10micolsand you dont have to look at the dialog box popping up for doing that :)
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22:13.36VerosI did this update.rc-d <script> to add the script to auto start. How do I remove it now?
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22:14.05VerosI  used update.rc-d <script> defaults 19
22:14.23micolshm i would just remove the synlink manually from /etc/rc2.d/S19
22:14.34micolsbut not the "debian" way to do it
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22:15.05markvandenborrehas there been any strange problem with mysql on lenny lately?
22:15.57janne-5012hello I have script in 2 parts. and I want what it do go to "background". what can i put in it so that happend?
22:17.45janne-5012ok I try it buu
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22:21.26janne-5012didnt work=)
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22:23.19buuPerhaps you typed it incorrectly?
22:24.57avujanne-5012, if by script you mean 'shellscript', then adding a & to the end of one command will make that command run in the background..
22:25.06micolsfinally.. openoffice2.0 has been fixed
22:25.17micolsin a new etch install i made.
22:25.23BalooAh, shit, I gotta run back to campus.
22:25.26janne-5012I found out a better way thanks anyway
22:25.30BalooAnd I said that to the wrong channel.
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22:29.47DexterFmicols: what about OOo has been fixed exactly?
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22:49.28Demosthenesman, anything but quicken. i really don't want to buy their software. anyone know any pay for linux accounting software?
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22:50.35xsdgDemosthenes: "pay for linux"?
22:50.43zyx386i have problem with .PO file, i have the language_file_version2.PO and i well now translate language_file_version3.po, my question is: can i import the old file into new file and translate just new line fron version3 or must i completly from begin translate??
22:50.49LaicepSHello everyone. I juste installed debian x38 etch and i don't have anysound. I have installed alsa and configured it, i also set the volume, but nothing seems to work.
22:50.49xsdgDemosthenes: I know that gnucash exists.  I have no idea if it does what you want
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22:51.10micolsDexterF: read-only mode when opening files over NFS,
22:51.11LaicepSi mean x83
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22:51.19xsdgLaicepS: x86?
22:51.20LaicepSi mean x86
22:51.30LaicepSyes, sorry, i'm rather tired
22:51.33Demosthenesxsdg: not quite
22:51.35infinitycircuitLaicepS: what is your sound card?:
22:51.37micolsalso i think they have fixed slow-recovery time (when you click cancel it would wait for 10+seconds)
22:51.44micolsperhaps due to readonly mode
22:52.07micolsbut i can confirm that readonly mode has been fixed, i got etch on both my machines.
22:52.22LaicepSit is a motherboard integrated card
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22:52.26micolsmy workstation opens in write mode, my laptop in readonly mode.. both 2.0 OO
22:52.41micolsmy workstation just has the newest security updates
22:53.06LaicepSvia82xx according to alsaconf
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22:53.18zyx386anyone help in my problem with PO file ?
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22:54.25LaicepSany idea infinitycircuit ?
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23:00.01infinitycircuitLaicepS: sorry i was afk. i have a via82xx it works fine with alsa
23:00.07micolsi am serving a nfs client and i would like to keep a dir on my server in memory is this possible?
23:00.09infinitycircuitwhat kernel are you using?
23:00.17micolsso it would serve it faster.
23:00.27micolswithout mounting it as a ramdisk
23:00.43micolsperhaps telling nfs to keep something in memory for one ip
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23:04.46JoeThomasHi, I'm not sure where to ask this but.. I want to attach a camera via usb to my system. I did so and ran `udevmonitor -kue` to see if it was recognized. I got the device. But I go to mount it and it says.. "is not a block device." Is this something to do with it not being usb-storage? Anyone help. I just want pictures off the camera.
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23:05.22odlaobnauticus: you really need to get a life ... you've been hanging around all day doing this under different nicks
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23:06.12micolsodla: i suppose its a bot :)
23:06.14obnauticuserrr, i've had the same nick on this server for a few months now.
23:06.21micolsoh lol its not :)
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23:06.38obnauticusi should have just taken you up on that deal so i could do whatever the hell i wanted to temporarily
23:06.39JoeThomasIt was shown on digg so a bunch of people are prolly posting it.
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23:07.05obnauticusi don't know what that has to do with debian though
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23:07.24Decepticonhow do i see a log of what has been 'written'
23:07.27Decepticonwith write
23:07.41odlacat /var/log/log_of_interest
23:07.50obnauticuswhat do you mean
23:08.04obnauticusyou can use strace lol
23:08.10Sebbywere do i find libpq++-4.0.tar.gz ?
23:08.14obnauticusim not sure if that is what you are talking about
23:08.24micolsSebby: sourceforge, apt, google?
23:08.52Decepticonobnauticus im talking about the command you use to write a message to another user
23:08.55Decepticoni think it is talk
23:08.56Decepticonor write
23:08.57Decepticonim not sure
23:09.07Sebbywith apt nothing sourceforge fais ,says inexistent project
23:09.27micolsnormally you will need gphoto2 for your camera
23:09.35\amethystDecepticon:  it is not logged AFAIK
23:09.37micolsthats a commandline util for retrieving images
23:09.46micolsgtkam can do it with gui using the libgphoto2
23:09.46odlaSebby: apt-cache search libpq++
23:09.52JoeThomasmicols: alright thanks
23:09.52zyx386any PO file expert her? :)
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23:10.16Decepticon\amethyst ok then what is abetter tool for communication between users on a machine
23:10.22micolsJoeThomas: i used gphoto2 all the time, its the most stable way of doing it, but there are other ways. , i find gtkam is crashing a little too much for me
23:10.32LaicepSinfinitycircuit, 2.6.18-6-486 (sorry , i was afk too)
23:10.36micolsJoeThomas: gphoto2 -p or -P is all you need to do
23:11.03JoeThomasmicols: alright, well I'm going to be doing a lot of retrieving, is that going to be affected? I mean it crashing, is it from load or?
23:11.05micolsJoeThomas: or -L, and make sure you're member of group 'camera'
23:11.20JoeThomasmicols: alright testing right now
23:11.27micolsJoeThomas: if youre a gnome user use gtkam or something like it
23:11.34micolsJoeThomas: if you like commandline utils use gphoto2
23:11.46micolsthey're ALL based on gphoto2's library, some are with gui some are not
23:12.02*** mode/#debian [+l 799] by debhelper
23:12.12micolsJoeThomas: stability wont be an issue if you run a recent version i think..
23:12.16infinitycircuithmm sorry no luck then
23:12.18infinitycircuiti don't know
23:12.23micolsJoeThomas: i was probably just unlucky.
23:12.23JoeThomasmicols: well I'm using gtkam to see if it at least detects my camera, I will be using cli later
23:12.38micolsJoeThomas: do a usermod -a -G camera <username>
23:12.55micolsto make sure you can access your camera as normal user, then log out and back in again to activate the new group
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23:13.16JoeThomasmicols: I'm on root :p har har
23:13.23micolsJoeThomas: but yes root will always have access :)
23:13.49JoeThomasmicols:  my point, I use root all the time on this machine, it's networkless. Please don't lecture on how not to use root all the time though.
23:13.55micolswhen it works, just do groupadd camera; usermod as above
23:14.22micolsJoeThomas: i dont care, its your security and your responsibility :)
23:14.56micolsi disable root login on all my servers and only ssh to my firewall then from that through to my NAT.
23:15.00JoeThomasmicols: haha, well since it's disconnected from my switch and sitting in my basement, I don't think I have much to worry about :]
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23:15.33micolsJoeThomas: no, its just ugly running as root, making config files as root etc :)
23:15.41micolssome programs wont run as root also.
23:16.02JoeThomaswell it works I got the pictures
23:16.05JoeThomasthank you for the suggestion
23:16.29micolsits not worth running as root when it takes 5seconds to setup for normal user thats the only issue :)
23:16.32*** join/#debian LeonardKoan (
23:16.44micolssendmail in the old days was worth running as root though
23:16.51micolsit was harder to set up as other user :)
23:17.06micolspraise postfix.
23:17.08LeonardKoanmicols- good thing that never led to any problems...
23:17.46micolshehe my sendmail? yeah :p
23:17.53micolsi must have been lucky.
23:18.10micolsalso i blocked all access through hosts.deny iirc.
23:18.25LeonardKoanWhat Torrent server is everyone using?
23:18.36LeonardKoanI noticed torrentflux seems to be gone...?
23:18.40micolsLeonardKoan: thats quite offtopic
23:18.43infinitycircuiti have a question about aptitude purge...if i try to purge something and during dependency resolution tell it to remove more packages, it doesn't purge them.  Is this supposed to be a feature or a bug?
23:18.47LeonardKoanoh sorry
23:18.56LeonardKoanI am running it on Debian!
23:19.13micolsinfinitycircuit: you could try apt-get remove <package> --purge or <package>* --purge
23:19.14LeonardKoanmy question fact is which torrent server is the best match for Debian
23:19.18micolsand see if that helps it
23:19.20infinitycircuityes i know apt-get works
23:19.25infinitycircuiti'm curious why aptitude doesn't
23:19.26LeonardKoanand btw only torrenting CC3 content
23:20.05adamahow do I make my xrandr setting stick?
23:20.16micolsput it in .xsession adama
23:20.21micolsor .xinitrc
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23:20.41micolsxrandr -s 2&
23:20.42adamain ~?
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23:21.25micolsi dont know which gui you run on X, but i run blackbox as wm and no desktop environment so i do exec blackbox as the last thing in .xsession
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23:22.01micolsnormally one does exec one's window manager as the last thing, or desktop-environment
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23:22.12adamaneither of those files exist fo mr
23:22.17micolsmake them.
23:22.18adama*for me
23:22.21micols.xsession just
23:23.02micolsthats my old .xsession file
23:24.07micolsbut gnome will probably do most of that :-), i.e. set your mixer volume
23:24.22micolsand desktop background and mouse settings (qsynaptics)
23:24.23adamayeah I'm using gnome
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23:24.50micolsgnome has a startup app launcher too iirc.
23:25.00micolsyou actually dont _need_ to use .xsession
23:25.56micolsbut it should work..
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23:30.35p3rtihi, what software do you recommend to email all users on my mail system...
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23:37.25Supaplexp3rti: emacs
23:38.48p3rtiSupaplex, is better mailman
23:39.12SupaplexI was clearly joking :)
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23:41.39LeonardKoanhoping not to be offtopic, but is torrentflux only available for lenny/sid, and not etch?
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23:44.30micolsi want to make an ati overclock util that works with x1900 series or add support for that in rovclock, what program could i use in windows to find the registers the windows oc util is writing?
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23:54.59bringatowelmy /var partition (2.7gb) keeps running out of space, is there anyway to resize it without a livecd?
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23:56.50Supaplexbringatowel: init 1 + lvm2 howto
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