IRC log for #debian on 20080506

00:00.10abrotmansmultron: i'd try another local address ..
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00:02.52smultronabrotman: cool. worked :)
00:03.08abrotmanso now you try another remote host besides gmail
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00:08.54smultronabrotman: just tried with a yahoo account, didn't work
00:09.23abrotmanis there another email server you control ?
00:09.42abrotmando the email logs have anything useful ?
00:09.44poseidonAnyone here use openSolaris?
00:09.50abrotmanposeidon: #solaris
00:09.52markybobposeidon c'mon
00:09.55abrotmanand i need bread
00:10.16smultronnothing other than that amavis message
00:10.57poseidonI want to get a perspective of it from someone who I know uses a linux distro I'm familiar with (as they probably have the same wants from an operating system as me).
00:11.05poseidonIs it similar to linux?
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00:11.57lastnodeBaatti: you can do a netinst
00:12.05markybobposeidon then go to #debian-offtopic
00:12.15Baattiok, so I'd start by D/Ling the image filez?
00:12.27lastnodeBaatti: yes, you said you cant burn a cd though?
00:12.34lastnodeBaatti: are you ruwnning win32 atm?
00:12.39poseidonI'll try it in virtual machine
00:12.49BaattiI can burn discs, but I don't think I can burn images
00:12.56lastnodeBaatti: imagesare discs
00:13.00lastnode*images are discs
00:13.10lastnodethere are a lot of free disc/image burning tools for win32
00:13.16Baattiso I'd just burn the file normally?
00:13.18lastnodedont worry, it's the last time you'll need to find one anyway
00:13.33noisesmithBaatti: it should do the right thing when you hand it an iso
00:13.35lastnodeBaatti: no. you need to burn the image, the .iso, which is an archive that has a lot of files
00:13.48lastnodemost programs do that on their own
00:13.56lastnodebut dont drag and drop hte iso, that is all :)
00:13.58Baattilemme start this d/l of Debian than
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00:14.15lastnodeBaatti: id recommend you get Debian Etch, the latest stable release
00:14.22lastnodeespecially since this is your first time.
00:14.34lastnodeyou are about to pop you debian cherry :o
00:14.34noisesmithlastnode: I would be surprised if a halfway decent disk burning program did not do the right thing if you dragged an iso to it
00:14.50lastnodenoisesmith: im talking about windows cd creator :)
00:14.55lastnodei think i tjust copies the file as data
00:15.03lastnodeas in just copies the .iso
00:15.06abrotmansmultron: what's the message again ?
00:15.36smultronit looks like it should be successful
00:15.48poseidonHow do I search apt for a package, ie virtual machine?
00:15.49smultronbut it never arrives at the remote host address
00:15.49abrotmansmultron: you did check the junk folder right ?
00:15.58smultronabrotman: let me check
00:16.00abrotman!tell poseidon about search
00:16.16Baattido I want to d/l the bootable image?
00:16.29abrotmangravity: do you know what's up with people going etch->lenny and the dexconf barfing and leaving them with a half-assed xorg.conf ?
00:16.38smultronabrotman: it's not in the junk
00:16.47abrotmansmultron: on yahoo and gmail ?
00:16.51gravityabrotman: xorg.conf is supposed to be much shorter in lenny, but dexconf shouldn't barf
00:16.57smultronabrotman: right
00:17.07gravityabrotman: I haven't been following changes over the past few weeks though, so I don't know what they've changed.
00:17.18gravityNor have I followed bug reports
00:17.23abrotmangravity: i saw someone earlier on OFTC and someone here today that said it was crashing after the Emulate3 question .. and wouldn't write a complete config
00:17.35gravityabrotman: Hrm, that's a new one.
00:17.46lastnodeBaatti: yes.
00:17.47abrotmanthat was the guy earlier here today
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00:18.17gravitychecks git
00:18.18abrotmansmultron: if you send a mail normally to gmail, does it show up ?
00:18.21lastnodeBaatti: im afraid i have to run now, but ask in here, you will get answers. if you don't, wait a while, use google. that's the linux way. we help those who help themselves. :) in any case, good luck!
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00:18.41BaattiI appreciate the help
00:18.42Baattitake care
00:19.14smultronabrotman: yep, shows up fine
00:19.30abrotmangravity: we did try a few things, including them doing a fresh install/dist-upgrade
00:19.39abrotmansmultron: did you check the mailq ?
00:19.56gravitydamn, git.d.o is sloooooow
00:20.25gravityI was probably the last one mucking around in that code, but you never know.
00:20.30smultronabrotman: yeah, it's not in there
00:20.35BaattiI don't understand what the difference is between: alpha, amd64, arm, hppa, i386, ia64, mips, mipsel, powerpic, and sparc
00:20.57dvsBaatti: chances are you need i386
00:20.59abrotmansmultron: did you check the other mail logs ?
00:21.03noisesmithBaatti: incompatible cpus
00:21.12abrotmannot wholy incompatible
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00:21.38Baattiso not the i386?
00:21.53BaattiI'm gonna install it on a system with Windows XP already installed
00:21.58noisesmithBaatti: if you are runnign windows, you want x86
00:21.58markybobif you dont know, you should get i386
00:22.38Baattiwait, but that isn't an option at..
00:22.43smultronabrotman: yeah, i did grep -rn gmail /var/log
00:24.02mom_I just installed the nvidia proprietary driver (through apt), and now the screen is shifted a half-inch to the left (so part of it is cut off, and there's unused space on the right side). And since my monitor has no buttons, I'm not able to shift it to the right.
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00:24.16noisesmithgoogle isn't helping me much here: for an airport card is the orinoco driver a better bet, or wlan-ng?
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00:24.34dvsBaatti: I see i386 as the fifth option.
00:25.10Baattiyeah, I'm downloading debian-40r3-i386-netinst.iso now
00:25.37Baattionly thing is :( *sigh* I don't think I have a blank CD on me
00:25.45abrotmanmom_: xvidtune used to fix that .. not sure if it still exists
00:26.03markybobBaatti check on top of your head
00:26.39Baattithere's one!
00:26.48Baattithanks markybob
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00:26.58gravityabrotman: I think I've found the bug
00:27.04gravityI just need to make sure
00:27.05abrotmangravity: i didn't do it!
00:27.10gravityI probably did
00:27.15gravityOverzealous deletion ftl
00:27.22Baattiguys, what programming language was Linux built on?
00:27.24abrotmangravity: let's blame Ubuntu developers!
00:27.28abrotmanBaatti: numerous
00:27.36Baatticuz it's opensource?
00:27.48mom_abrotman, It exists, but gives me a error saying my "requested modeline is not possbile" whenever I try to apply a change
00:27.48azeemcuz it's teh awesome
00:28.08azeemBaatti: do you have a Debian question?
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00:28.44abrotmanmom_: you could try changing the refresh rate(assuming it's a CRT) which seems to alter the position .. and what kind of monitor doesn't have buttons to move stuff
00:29.07noisesmithBaatti: the linux kernel itself is mostly c, a tiny bit of assembly
00:29.26Baattiazeem: well yes, I had a few that were already answered, and I'll have a bunch more in a few minutes when I get my .iso burned
00:29.32gravityabrotman: I may do that too, but I doubt it
00:29.33Baattiahah, thanks noisesmith
00:29.48azeemBaatti: ok, try to ask the Debian question then, not the off-topic ones please
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00:29.55noisesmithBaatti: the userland is mostly c with a large amount of c++, and a sprinking of perl, sh, python, and miscelanious obscurity on top
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00:30.11Baattiazeem: sorry bro, I'll try my hardest /me is the king of random
00:30.42cafuegostone fruit
00:30.50hedosHello. When I go into the KDE Control Panel, my MX500 Logitech mouse is detected. However, it is said that it "was not possible to access the mouse" and is probably due to a "permissions problem". Any idea what's wrong?
00:31.00mom_abrotman, Some samsung model that decided to do it only in software - which is windows only :(.  I'll try playing with my refresh and see what happens.  Thanks!
00:31.19hedosRight now the scroll wheel and forward/back button just provoke random other things happening in my web browser.
00:31.24gravityYep, it's my fault. Made the change on October 31.
00:32.29Baattiif I don't like Debian OS, how'd I remove it?
00:33.32syclewhats the package name to install curl? i know how to list the packages, but which one?
00:33.54dondelelcaro!tell sycle -about search
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00:34.02syclei know about search
00:34.12sycleapt-cache search curl
00:34.18dondelelcarosycle: and what did that tell you?
00:34.27sycleabt 10 different things
00:34.37dondelelcarosycle: and did you look at those 10 different things?
00:34.53sycleim looking at them now
00:35.22noisesmithsycle: you want the one called "curl"
00:35.31dondelelcarounless you're not running Debian, the answer is there, and should be obvious to find.
00:36.17sycleah, well when i tried that obvious answer before, it said it didnt know how.
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00:36.33dondelelcarosycle: what, aptitude install curl?
00:36.35syclebut i htink i got it now
00:36.43syclei used apt-get that time
00:37.19gravityabrotman: Thanks for letting me know. I'll be committing the fix to git now.
00:37.25abrotmangravity: thanks :)
00:37.37abrotmangravity: now i just have to find Lovelace :)
00:37.39gravityheh, I never expected to be committing changes to the X packages the day after blogging about how I was taking time off :-)
00:37.49And1abrotman: Hrm, I don't find any .deb package with google... =/
00:37.52abrotmangravity: you broked it!
00:38.06gravityI did
00:38.12gravityI can't believe it didn't get caught before this
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00:38.31gravityI'd file a bug report about it, but this is an ubuntu machine and reportbug from ubuntu scares me
00:38.40abrotmanAnd1: .. look for norbert's postings .. there are a few
00:38.43dondelelcarogravity: traitor! ;-)
00:39.01abrotmanAnd1: seems the last he did was 2.16
00:39.14abrotmanAnd1: is that new enough ?
00:39.17gravitydondelelcaro: Well, I installed it to learn how to do so because I was going to repeat the setup on my girlfriend's identical laptop. So it did serve a very good purpose :-)
00:39.24gravitydondelelcaro: I've just been too lazy to install debian over it
00:39.30And1abrotman: 2.10 is new enough I think.
00:39.33abrotmanAnd1: nevermind .. it's gone
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00:40.13abrotmanAnd1: your options 1) make your own package (/msg dpkg ssb) 2) upgrade your box to Lenny
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00:40.47And1Ah ok. =/
00:41.34Monkey_armaMy hardware clock is set to UTC. My timezone is Europe/London. I have set /etc/default/rcS UTC option to yes as it says in man page for tzconfig. However, my clock is 1 hour out.
00:41.52Baattiok, now I'm frustrated..
00:41.52poseidonWhen trying to apt-install irtualbox-ose-modules it says that it can not find it, but it see's packages that refer to it.
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00:42.18And1abrotman: He also seems to have my problem: =)
00:42.18battlemidgetposeidon: sun has debian packages for the latest virtualbox
00:42.38battlemidgeti installed it today with no problem
00:42.53poseidonbattlemidget, how do I get it from sun?
00:42.56BaattiI downloaded the netinst.iso, but i couldn't choose SAVE I had to choose Open with: Easy CD Creator, and I can't choose the netinst.iso as a file to add to my burn project
00:43.00battlemidgetlemme see if i can find the link
00:43.27dondelelcaroMonkey_arma: what does date --utc; date; TZ=UTC hwclock --utc; say?
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00:44.06battlemidgetBaatti: is there a menu option for burn an image?
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00:44.17Baattihrm, lemme check
00:44.21lagboltanyone know of a program that i can launch a full screen game in so that it stay's windowed and not full screened?
00:45.04gravityOk, fix pushed
00:45.30BaattiI can choose a 'New CD Project' but I have to tell it which file to burn, and it's not on my harddrive
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00:45.43Baattilemme try the download from scratch again
00:45.47gravityThat was also the first "real" thing I've done with emacs
00:45.57dondelelcarogravity: using git.el?
00:46.03adr3nalin3could anyone tell me if debian supports /etc/smbfstab?  For mounting smb/cifs at boot time?  I have asked in #samba already and haven't found much on google.
00:46.04gravitydondelelcaro: No, I should learn that.
00:46.05battlemidgetBaatti: downloading with firefox?
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00:46.22And1abrotman: I can also try to reaplace some actions in my gtkrc... =/
00:46.24gravitydondelelcaro: I'm still just trying to get used to the keybindings at this point, so modes are kinda scary :-)
00:46.24battlemidgetadr3nalin3: smbfs is deprecated
00:46.27dondelelcaroMonkey_arma: right; your clock is set wrong
00:46.31gravityexcept org-mode. org-mode rocks my socks
00:46.38dondelelcaroMonkey_arma: install ntpdate or ntp; and set it properly
00:46.44adr3nalin3battlemidget: ok thank you
00:46.54dondelelcarogravity: ah; yeah, the keybindings do take a bit to get used to
00:47.00battlemidgetadr3nalin3: cifs is provided as module with kernel so you can just put that in your /etc/fstab
00:47.02Monkey_armadondelelcaro, this is just for my home comp
00:47.11dondelelcaroMonkey_arma: doesn't really matter
00:47.18abrotmanAnd1: perhaps
00:47.20Baattiok, ne'er mind, I got it
00:47.22poseidonHow do I install from a .deb?
00:47.29battlemidgetBaatti: :)
00:47.34dondelelcaroposeidon: in general, you should use apt-get, but dpkg -i foo.deb;
00:47.34abrotmanposeidon: man dpkg
00:47.34battlemidgetposeidon: dpkg -i <deb file>
00:47.35Monkey_armadondelelcaro, what is causing it? i can alter clock in bios etc...
00:47.36Baattijust a sec, brb, afk
00:47.45abrotmanAnd1: i don't muck much with themes
00:47.46dondelelcaroMonkey_arma: are you running windows on that machine?
00:47.57adr3nalin3battlemidget: awesome thanks!
00:48.03battlemidgetadr3nalin3: np : )
00:48.12And1I just get this error: "/home/and1/.themes/Clearlooks_Compact/gtk-2.0/gtkrc:46: error: unexpected identifier `darker', expected string constant"
00:48.17Monkey_armadondelelcaro, i have a windows ME partition but i dont use it. I checked time in bios and it was correct.
00:48.19And1That's the only problem I have. ^^
00:48.32dondelelcaroMonkey_arma: the time in the bios is set to your local time, not to UTC, which is what it should be.
00:48.42dondelelcaroMonkey_arma: so because of that, all of your clocks are one hour off.
00:48.52Monkey_armaah of course
00:48.59dondelelcaroMonkey_arma: if you install ntpdate or ntp, they'll set your clock correctly automatically, and it'll be right when you boot up next time.
00:49.10Monkey_armadondelelcaro, yes GMT is not same as BST. I can just alter BIOS
00:49.18Monkey_armathank you for making me realise
00:49.31dondelelcaroMonkey_arma: ntp is the way to go; there's no way to set your clock accurately using the bios.
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00:50.02sean_hello is anyone here
00:50.04dondelelcaro(and setting the clock using the bios requires work; installing ntp requires very little)
00:50.08dondelelcarosean_: no.
00:50.15Monkey_armadondelelcaro, a few seconds here or there out is fine for me..i will learn ntp at some point tho
00:50.25dondelelcaroMonkey_arma: nothing to learn, honestly.
00:50.34battlemidgetMonkey_arma: if you work with kerberos then you'll need ntp
00:50.35dondelelcaroMonkey_arma: just install it, and the package does it all for you.
00:50.36Monkey_arma:) ok i will look into it thank you
00:50.37battlemidgetso why not just use that
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00:51.36poseidonbattlemidget, now that I've installed the virtualbox from sun, where can I find the executable?
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00:52.13battlemidget: )
00:52.26Baattibattlemidget: ok, I'm back, what'd you want?
00:52.27battlemidgetposeidon: in gnome it adds it to the system tools menu
00:52.36battlemidgetBaatti: nothing just glad you got it burned
00:52.52poseidonbattlemidget, I use kde, and it adds it to by defualt, unless you have a custom menu layout like me
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00:53.14Baattibattlemidget: heh, I actually haven't gotten that far yet, I just started my download over, this time saving it to disc
00:53.31Baattiyeah, apparently I overlooked that option last time
00:53.59BaattiI'm at 66%
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00:54.13battlemidgetyea netinst is small : )
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00:54.25CyorxampDoes anyone know how I can make this umm, go away? :) ..... The following packages have been kept back: linux-image-2.6-686
00:54.36BaattiI used Fedora Core 4.0 a few years ago on a friends computer, it was a bit difficult to understand at first, but I am excited to try Linux again
00:54.44Baattihow does Debian compare to Fedora?
00:55.12Cyorxampmain difference is the package manament
00:55.33CyorxampInstead of RPM's you have DEB packages... IMO much greater reliability at resolving dependancies
00:55.45Cyorxampdefault GUI's are both Gnome - so you should feel at home
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00:57.46Baattiok, cool
00:58.16gravityLess hat, more swirl
00:58.26Cyorxampexactly :D
00:59.38HELLOFis it normal for the [Select and install software] part to hang at 5% retrieving 670 of 718? It's been like this for at least 5 minutes
01:02.29karstenHELLOF: Usually indicates a bad packages list.
01:02.47karstenHELLOF: Try re-running 'aptitude update'.  You may need to clear the package lists themselves.
01:03.19HELLOFno, i'm installing this using the dvd and on a vm and i disabled the internet on it (why use it? i have all 3 dvds)
01:03.23karstenHELLOF: /var/lib/apt/lists
01:03.30karstenHELLOF: Hrm.
01:03.33HELLOFif that's the case, i have to reburn
01:03.46Baattiyay, I finally got my .iso to start burning!
01:03.51karstenHELLOF: 'dmesg' and look for disk errors.
01:03.56Baattilet's hope it's all working properly..
01:03.58karstenHELLOF: This is during install or after install?
01:04.11HELLOFduring. do i do that on the first screen, next time?
01:04.21Baattiso now, I'm just going to keep my cd in, and reboot my computer, and it should start the installation, correct?
01:04.29battlemidgetBaatti: yea
01:04.34Baattiok, great
01:04.44battlemidgetBaatti: if it fails it may be because it didn't burn the iso as an image
01:04.46HELLOFdebian should make that more explicit, i feel that knowing if the disk is error free before doing anything is crucial
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01:05.00battlemidgetBaatti: you can verify if you open the cd in your file browser and see if the physical iso is on the cd
01:05.05karstenHELLOF: <alt>-<f2> should get you a shell.
01:05.08Baattiand since i'm running windows too, it'll ask if I want to set it to dual boot, right?
01:05.08battlemidgetBaatti: you should see folders and such
01:05.22karstenHELLOF: You _do_ have the option of verifying media at the boot prompt.
01:05.25battlemidgetBaatti: you'll need a separate partition for dual booting
01:05.27karstenHELLOF: ... so you can try that.
01:05.31Baattiut oh..
01:05.40Baattiso I'll have to re-partition my hard drive?
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01:05.53BaattiI don't dare to mess with that schtuff..
01:05.56Baattiit's my dad's computer!
01:06.10karstenHELLOF: That said, a possibly valid criticism.  The installer's come miles and miles from where it started, it's hard to anticipate all possible errors.
01:06.17HELLOFthanks for pointing out all of this karsten, it will be helpful when i really install debian as my main os
01:06.24battlemidgetBaatti: yea unfortunately
01:06.25karstenHELLOF: NP.
01:06.34battlemidgetBaatti: though there are live cds out there
01:06.39battlemidgetBaatti: if you jsut want to mess around with it
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01:06.47Baattibattlemidget: hrm, what does a live cd do?
01:06.53Baattican I download one?
01:06.55battlemidgetBaatti: it boots linux up into memory
01:07.01battlemidgetBaatti: yea there are several out there
01:07.05HELLOFand speak of the devil, the progress bar just shot past 5% while i was chatting
01:07.16HELLOFguess i'm lucky
01:07.18Baattibattlemidget: hrm, well, can I pm you for a sec?
01:07.24battlemidgetBaatti:, all have livecds available in download section
01:07.27battlemidgetBaatti: sure
01:07.53karstenHELLOF: I haven't done a Debian install lately, just did Kubuntu off CD, and noted that it sat for a long time whilst installing the X11 packages.
01:08.33karstenHELLOF: ... the progress meter may be a count of packages, so one large package (or bundle) may slow it down.  Watching das Blinkenlights may indicate what's actually going on behind the scenes.
01:08.40karstenHELLOF: eg:  disk access lights.
01:09.17And1Night everyone. abrotman, thanks for your help. =)
01:09.19*** part/#debian And1 (
01:09.44karstenabrotman: O. Hi. Oh.
01:10.50Wyzardabrotman: Hawaii and hydroxide perhaps?
01:11.04abrotmanuhm .. Ohio ?
01:11.45karstenabrotman: It's the new rage.
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01:11.57abrotmanOhio is?
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01:12.26karstenabrotman: You *didn't* get the memo?
01:12.33*** part/#debian Baatti (
01:12.59abrotmankarsten: i've been there .. it's not exciting
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01:14.02abrotmankarsten: yeah .. i have this thing about states that call it a river and it's only two feet wide
01:14.27jberg_my computer turned  itself off earlier because of overheating or something. in /etc/fstab it now says /dev/md0 / ext3 errors=remount-ro 0 1 is that correct? shouldnt it say defaults or something?
01:15.29jberg_does it mean i have to remount read only to fix anything?
01:15.37LeonardoESBRHi! Do anyone know what is the package that contain "start-stop-daemon"?
01:15.44jberg_(my computer seems to be working fine though)
01:16.27karstenjberg_: No, your root FS is mounted with 'errors=remount-ro'
01:16.48gordboyjberg_: just click your heels together 3 times and say "there's no place like $HOME"
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01:16.58karstenjberg_: That allows your root filesystem to be remounted read-only in the event fo any filesystem errors.  You still have access to root FS, but you're not going to damage it (with luck).
01:17.06karstenjberg_: man mount
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01:17.28karstenjberg_: Other options are "continue" or "panic".
01:17.33*** join/#debian dav7 (n=dav7@
01:17.41jberg_hm okay
01:17.43karstenalways advises "Don't Panic", in large, friendly letters.
01:18.21LeonardoESBRHi! What is the package that contain the "start-stop-daemon"? Is possible install it with aptitude?
01:18.32karsten!tell LeonardoESBR about search
01:18.38karstenLeonardoESBR: I suspect sysvinit, however.
01:19.53karstenLeonardoESBR: dpkg, actually.
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01:23.47LeonardoESBRkarsten: thanks! i wouldn't find by start-stop-daemon in sysvinit.
01:23.50noisesmithwhat is the right way to change my machine's hostname? I changed /etc/hostname, but programs like sudo complain now
01:24.00*** join/#debian speme (n=speme@
01:24.24karstenLeonardoESBR: 'dpkg -S /sbin/start-stop-daemon' turned it up.  As likely would have 'auto-apt search start-stop-daemon'
01:24.43karstennoisesmith: In sheep's blood, at midnight.
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01:25.05karstennoisesmith: ... or edit /etc/hostname and re-run /etc/init.d/hostname
01:25.20noisesmithkarsten: doesn't that get run at boot?
01:25.27karstennoisesmith: Frequently.
01:25.42noisesmithkarsten: that did not fix it
01:25.57karstennoisesmith: You may want to shutdown to single-user mode and go back to multi-user, as some logging processes will retain the old name.
01:26.03karstennoisesmith: As determined how?
01:26.06craigevilnoisesmith: hostname newname
01:26.09craigevilas root
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01:26.25noisesmithkarsten: I changed my hostname 10 reboots ago in /etc/hostname
01:26.27karstencraigevil: /etc/init.d/ should do that.
01:26.34karstennoisesmith: ... and?
01:27.00noisesmithkarsten: sudo complains "sudo: unable to resolve host isometric"
01:27.16jberg_btw enouf if you're there. i cleaned up the old thermal paste and applied a new thin layer. so far so good (over 2 hours), so thanks for the advice, hope it keeps it cool for forever :)
01:27.46Ryan52noisesmith: edit /etc/hosts
01:27.56karstennoisesmith: Check /etc/hosts as well.
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01:28.02noisesmithRyan52: thanks
01:28.08enoufjberg_: good to hear ;-)
01:28.09karstennoisesmith: Your old hostname may be there.
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01:29.50noisesmithkarsten, Ryan52: yeah it was /etc/hosts, thanks for the help
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01:31.07karstennoisesmith: NP
01:32.16noisesmithnext question: it is mostly aesthetic, but how do I change the name of eth1 to wlan0?
01:33.11amphiudev, I believe
01:33.32magyarhi, Lenny had a kdelibs update now some apps are not launching. I get errors of kdeinit failed
01:33.35karstennoisesmith: In sheep's blood, at midnight....
01:33.52noisesmithudev it is, thanks amphi
01:33.54abrotmankarsten: that'd be funny if you were joking
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01:33.58karstennoisesmith: There's a utility to mangle network device names as well, though I'm not sure that that applies to your question.
01:34.22karstenabrotman: I have no sense of humor.
01:34.26karstenabrotman: Ergo:  I'm never joking.
01:34.31abrotmankarsten: i think she got that in the settlement :(
01:34.52karstenabrotman: Hush, puppy, or I'll give you her phone number.
01:35.22abrotmankarsten: i think you mean give her mine :)
01:35.32karstenabrotman: Nope, can't do that.
01:35.41abrotmanoh .. i forgot
01:35.56noisesmithkarsten: my fingers are used to typing wlan0, and the name is more informative if I am kind of out of it and forgetting what the devices are on this particular machine
01:35.58karstenabrotman: Yeah.  Hopefully we'll clear that little technicality up shortly.
01:36.07abrotmanwhy? you want to hang with her?
01:36.16abrotmanwait .. why am i talking about this here
01:36.28karstennoisesmith: Yeah, I understand, just not sure of the specific method for accomplishing same.
01:36.32karstenabrotman: Precisely.
01:38.18noisesmithreboot says: udev: renamed device eth1 to wlan0
01:38.27noisesmiththanks amphi
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01:41.12noisesmithok, since I am on a role with finding answers here: what program(s) would I use to figure out why ssh and http protocols are hanging/stalling on one of my machines over wireless (same machine is just fine over cat5, but it is a laptop)
01:41.32noisesmithis there some trick with wireshark or netcat that could get me started?
01:41.39Ryan52noisesmith: do "ssh -vvv some_machine"
01:41.49jberg_enouf: btw, theres a "drive in" time for paste right? should i let my pc stay up as long as possible or turn it off when i dont need it?
01:41.58*** join/#debian blahdeblah-lap (
01:42.07beardynoisesmith: wireshark, netcat, what Ryan52 said is the right end to start.
01:42.10lagboltanyone have any trouble with gdmflexiserver?  it spawns a nice login screen then when i log in it just exits back.  like the session just quits.  anyone seen this before?
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01:43.08karstennoisesmith: In general:  find out if you've got an end-to-end TCP connection.  Run the protocol in its verbose mode.  If you can't sort it out from the client end, try looking at debug output on the server side as well (this presumes some way of getting to the server).
01:43.14blahdeblah-lapHi.  I installed the cacti 0.8.6i-3.3 security update this morning, and now when i try to login to cacti, i get this: "Invalid PHP_SELF Path" on an otherwise empty black on white screen.  What could the problem be?
01:43.50lagboltnever mind :) fixed it
01:44.10karstenblahdeblah-lap: Your apache or apache2 config?
01:44.30noisesmithlooks like "/usr/sbin/sshd -v -v -v" on one end, plus "ssh -vvv" on the other will do what I want
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01:44.37karstennoisesmith: You _can_ do protocol sniffing w/ wireshark, though I'd do that _after_ trying to sort through debug output.
01:44.40blahdeblah-lapkarsten: I didn't change anything - would the upgrade have moved something aside?
01:44.53amphinoisesmith: what card is it?
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01:45.02karstennoisesmith: Yeah.  I tend to like running sshd in non-daemon mode for one shot while doing that.
01:45.11noisesmithamphi: airport on an ibook g3
01:45.14karstenblahdeblah-lap: That would be the presumption.
01:45.31karstenblahdeblah-lap: The error comes, I think, from apache.  Check your server errorlogs.
01:45.53amphinoisesmith: oh, I know nothing about those; if it had been intel, I would have suspected endless firmware restarts
01:46.18noisesmithamphi: I connect to some base-stations and everything works, the other ones (like here at my sister's house) lag certain protocols horribly (while other linux machines work fine)
01:47.02amphinoisesmith: I've heard some cards don't like some APs, but I've not seen it myself
01:47.08noisesmithamphi: boggles the mind, streaming 192kbps mp3 works fine, but times out
01:47.10blahdeblah-lapkarsten: Only error there is that favicon is not found.
01:47.46karstenblahdeblah-lap: Might try joining #cacti and asking there.  I've managed to get it installed and configured myself, though I'm no expert.
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01:47.58blahdeblah-lapkarsten: OK - will do
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01:49.58lkthomasfreaking authmysqlrc
01:50.05lkthomasvery picky on spacing
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01:52.49XrMb2how can one set the correct date after editint /etc/timezone ?
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01:53.05blahdeblah-lapkarsten: Looks like it's a known problem:
01:53.10dondelelcaro!set the time
01:53.11dpkgTo set the time in debian, use date --set. The truly enlightened user, however, will install ntp and adjtimex to have their clock set automatically on reboot and slewed to match time servers. You may also need to run tzconfig (sarge, etch), dpkg-reconfigure tzdata (lenny, sid), and make sure you have the right UTC setting in /etc/default/rcS first.
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01:54.15XrMb2eh, dpkg-reconfigure tzdata, thank you
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01:56.24karstenblahdeblah-lap: Thanks.
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01:58.05blahdeblah-lapdondelelcaro: ... and truly enlightened NTP users will first read Sun's best-ever NTP documentation (see references at
01:58.17dondelelcaroblahdeblah-lap: there's no need to, actually.
01:58.21noisesmithamphi: it looks like it is not the card at all, when I started ssh on port 222 instead of 22 (for debugging) everything worked fine
01:58.45noisesmith*sshd that is
01:58.49dondelelcaroblahdeblah-lap: since Debian configures ntp.conf correctly for the most trivial usage cases
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01:59.13magyarhi, i cant launch most of the applications on Lenny KDE, I get kdeinit errors, anyone else has these issues?
01:59.42blahdeblah-lapdondelelcaro: True, the default config is pretty good now, but so many people who configure NTP don't understand it, and we're talking about "truly enlightened NTP users" here... ;-)
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02:01.06elifHi, I installed apache-perl and I'm trying to set it for twiki, I copy and paste some config files and apache-perl is claiming about the line with directive:
02:01.06elifPerlSwitches -T
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02:01.59elifit says it is invalids
02:02.25elifbut that is real VALID directives... what could be ?
02:03.41Number9i have a rather involved question about user id's and groups--anyone knwoledgeable about that willing to talk to me in pm about it?
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02:05.01enoufjberg_: it'll be fine whether you leave it on, or turn it off, you're thinking more of a cpu 'burn in' phase, but that's not your case
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02:07.11kiiwiiHi,all. I am new to debian. Now I have made a source program to binary, and want to pack into a debian package. but I don
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02:07.37dpkgnmg is probably Debian New Maintainers' Guide, Debian Policy Manual and Debian Developer's Reference are the documents you need to read, in that order, to make packages for the Debian project., or ask me about <package basics>, <mentors> and <mg>
02:07.54enoufjberg_: since you have now correctly applied the thermal paste, all should be well - you can use utils (lm-sensors) to monitor system temps, and various gui applets to help watch, if needed (conky, gkrellm)
02:08.41kiiwiiI do not know what is the name of "Debian packaging tools " to apt-get install. would somebody tell me ?
02:09.02*** join/#debian mrcheeks (
02:09.04dpkgTo work with Debian source packages, cd to a location with free space. As root: 'aptitude install build-essential fakeroot devscripts' and 'apt-get build-dep {packagename}'. As any user: 'apt-get source {packagename}', cd into the directory it creates, edit 'debian/rules' to suit, run 'debuild -us -uc'. You need deb-src lines in /etc/apt/sources.list for apt-get source to work.  Ask me about <deb-src>.
02:09.38enoufdammit - where's the one that says, "if you want to build shit in debian ... " ? :-P
02:10.25mrcheeksI would like openjdk source to be in debian but that's just me, I tried to build it on amd64, complete failure
02:10.55enoufyeah, it is just you :-)
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02:12.48mrcheeksenouf: that's what I thought :p
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02:13.49elifHi is apache-perl broken in debian testing ?
02:14.08enoufcheck the BTS ?
02:14.18mrcheeksI had one homie in #java saying that once a guy entered the channel and started talking to the bot. He didn't know it was a bot and He felt that the bot was a rude person :p
02:14.21aptsomebody said dpkg was a bot, or the low-level command to install and manipulate Debian package files (.debs).
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02:15.16elifapache-perl is not recognizing valid directives of mod_perl... so should be broken somehow.
02:15.21jberg_enouf: ah ok. now i've apt-get lm-sensors, how do i use it? no man page for lm-sensors
02:15.40enoufjberg_: dpkg -L <pkgname>  .. find docs
02:15.45kiiwiidpkg, thanks for your helping me :)  the problem is that , i have already "make" the program. and now want to pack it to be a *.deb. did i describe my problem to the point ?
02:15.46dpkgkiiwii: no problem
02:16.26jberg_enouf: ah thanks
02:16.44*** join/#debian Miesco (
02:17.18abrotman!tell kiiwii about mg
02:17.27abrotman!tell kiiwii about package basics
02:17.35abrotmankiiwii: dpkg is our channel bot
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02:17.44enoufkiiwii: building a deb is fairly straight forward when using debian sources - you really need to read a bit,  do "/msg dpkg <any-of-those-keywords-mentioned>" , visit #debian-mentors , etc etc
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02:17.56kiiwiiactually, i am try to make " wireshark 1.0.0" then "make debian-package" appeared"Error: debian packaging tools not found"...
02:17.59IndyGunFreakwhich ISO do I download for a Gnome Live CD?
02:18.05dpkgit has been said that livecd is an operating system that can boot and run directly from CD.  Linux-based examples are Knoppix and Ubuntu.  Useful as a rescue cd or for showing off to your geek friends.  Debian may one day have its own LiveCD or or #debian-live on oftc
02:18.17Ryan52kiiwii: he means debian-mentors on the oftc irc network
02:18.34enoufoops, yeah, i forgot it's there, not here
02:19.36enoufkiiwii: , (or , then /join #debian-mentors
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02:20.27kiiwii...-_-bb seems I am too naive to ask such a question and did make the problem clear...
02:21.02MiescoIs there a dictionary program for linux that does not use a server
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02:21.16noisesmithMiesco: aspell
02:21.27noisesmithMiesco: kind of
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02:23.04noisesmithMiesco: do you need a spelling dictionary, or a definition dictionary? for definitions wordnet is nifty once you figure it out
02:23.23Miesconoisesmith: Okay
02:23.39noisesmithMiesco: aspell is for spelling only
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02:25.45dondelelcaroMiesco: you can just install dict and dictd with dict-gcide dict-web1913 et al.
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02:26.11noisesmithdondelelcaro: is dict usable without the dictd demon?
02:26.19dondelelcaronoisesmith: if you've got network, sure.
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02:28.25palomeralsa-init: playback open error: Device or resource busy
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02:29.07enoufas root/sudo ; lsof | egrep 'arts|esd' and start killing crap
02:29.13noisesmithpalomer: somone is hogging your sound card, kill the offending app (and maybe install some sound server that all your apps play nicely with, or get dmix working, or jackd, etc.)
02:29.38enoufconfesses, it it i !
02:29.45enoufer, it is*
02:29.54abrotmanyou're using the sound card?
02:30.05enoufno, i'm hogging it ;-)
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02:31.21noisesmithif I could magically make two things sane in the linux kernel it would be software audio mixing and memory allocation
02:31.53enoufhow about we just make vendors make decent friggin sound cards? ;-P
02:32.07abrotmanor at least use an open base spec
02:32.13enoufhalf the load of work now ;-)
02:32.19Ryan52noisesmith: whats wrong with the memory allocation?
02:32.49noisesmithRyan52: default behaviour is overcommit, and that is compensated for with random killing of processes if memory runs out
02:32.54\amethystnoisesmith:  what's wrong with dmix in alsa?
02:33.22noisesmith\amethyst: most apps don't use it, because it took to long before it came out
02:33.34enoufnoisesmith: it's just manifesting as such b/c of too many misbehaving applications ;-)
02:33.40noisesmithdon't get me wrong, I have been 100% linux for a decade, these are my little gripes
02:33.43\amethystnoisesmith:  don't use ALSA you mean?
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02:34.06noisesmith\amethyst: don't use alsa in such a way that they can be migrated to dmix
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02:34.51noisesmith\amethyst: dmix is a different api (slightly) from regular raw alsa device, so not every alsa app can be made to use dmix readily
02:35.31noisesmithotherwise, nobody would ever have to worry about what app is hogging their sound card, because dmix would just work
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02:35.38\amethystnoisesmith:  hm, that might explain why some games don't give me sound (using slave.pcm "dmix")
02:35.48noisesmith\amethyst: yes
02:35.58\amethystnoisesmith:  however, most programs I use do work
02:36.05\amethystnoisesmith:  (under aoss in some cases)
02:36.12enoufwhat's dsnoop then? .. nm, i'll go read up ... again
02:36.15noisesmith\amethyst: the lower level the app, or the more they were pushing for performance, the more likey dmix breaks them
02:36.21HELLOFhmm, debian installed perfectly on the vm when i used the .iso off the harddrive
02:36.25\amethystnoisesmith:  makes sense
02:37.00noisesmith\amethyst: and of course games tend to use low level performance tricks
02:37.19syclewebPragmatist: Couldn't stat source package list etch/main Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/ftp.usa.msu.edu_debian_dists_etch_main_binary-i386_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory <--- anyone know the right hostname?
02:37.40enoufsycle: /msg dpkg mirrors
02:37.51sycle/msg dpkg mirrors
02:38.22HELLOFspeaking of games, i always wanted to know something: if i run xp in debian (and i have an 8600gt) and play a 3d game, what usually happens?
02:39.08HELLOFwell that was badly worded, i wanted to know if directx worked inside of virtual machines (or not)
02:39.23enoufsycle: and just in case, "/msg dpkg sources.list"
02:39.43enoufHELLOF: i think not
02:40.04HELLOFok, that's pretty bad
02:40.39noisesmithHELLOF: if you found an emulator with opengl support it should work? I think?
02:40.41enoufHELLOF: mainly because VMs cannot allow access to DMA (which is needed for hardware acceleration), not to mention, many would try using both (host) and (client) at the same time ;-)
02:40.59noisesmithHELLOF: but the performance would be well below what the machine should be capable of of course
02:41.05enoufs/cannot/should not/g
02:41.25HELLOFwell, i have a spare 40gb, so i guess i'll put it on that
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02:46.11enoufHELLOF: supposedly, the best possible performance should come from a combination of 3 things, a) a CPU with Hardware VT tech (AMD-V, Intel-VT), b) KVM  (and/or) c) qemu -- though i think qemu is only needed/required if hardware VT isn't available
02:46.17akioim trying to figure out how to get a 1280x800 resolution in text/console mode from bootup
02:46.31akioi have vbetool
02:47.00enoufmuch of which (kvm/gemu/container implementations) is still in experimental stages
02:47.05akiobut so far i have to reboot after using it becuase i screw up the screen becuase i don't know what i'm doing
02:47.41enoufhrm, laptop? have you tried just a vga=NNN line ?
02:47.44akioin menu.list there is a defopts= line that i see other people using to set the vga mode
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02:47.47HELLOFi can't wait until we get to the point where virtualization is seamless and you get to use all the native technologies
02:48.05akiobut i don't know if that works since i have a wxga screen
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02:48.07enoufHELLOF: well, in some *nix systems, it's already there
02:48.07HELLOFwell thanks for the additional info
02:48.22akiowhat does NNN do?
02:48.30enoufIINM, HP-UX, maybe AIX, and maybe some Sun things
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02:48.47enoufakio: my line contains vga=791
02:48.53enoufakio: 3 Numbers
02:49.00akioisn't that 1280x1024?
02:49.10enouf791 == 1024x768@16 bits
02:49.24akioso there is no way to get an wxga mode?
02:49.35Ryan52it doesnt look like there is one for 1280x800...
02:49.38enoufakio: see
02:49.47akiowhen i boot knoppix its framebuffer uses all the resolution in text mode
02:49.54enoufakio: does it have to be exactly that?
02:50.15sycle <-- any clues?
02:50.17akioim in text mode right now and i don't know how to copy that link in finch
02:50.23enoufakio: perhaps you need/want your video cards' framebuffer support
02:50.36akioits an intel 945gm
02:50.44akioshould be simple
02:50.51akiobut im clueless really
02:51.03noisesmithsycle: is debconf running?
02:51.17enoufwell, i don't get to play with much high lowend crap ;-)
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02:53.38enoufwell, here's some general info for the 945gm, ..i wonder if knoppix loads that module (or it's perhaps compiled into the kernel)
02:53.50syclenoisesmith, no idea its semi-fresh install
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02:54.23noisesmithsycle: care to put the output of "ps aux" in pastebin?
02:54.24akioim using the latest sid kernel
02:54.26enoufsycle: is that Debian? and which media/release did you use?
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02:58.01akiohow do i add that module to boot list?
02:58.09simonrvnis that like a semi-fresh turd? ;p
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02:58.24simonrvn/etc/modules ...
02:58.42akioi thought it was spelled terd
02:58.58simonrvnyou thought wrong
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03:01.30anarcati'm having *weird* issues on lenny since last night's upgrade
03:01.47anarcati can't single-click anymore, everything is a double-click :)
03:01.56noisesmithanarcat: wow, that is weird
03:02.19anarcatsounds like a X11 issue, that upgrade did a xorg upgrade
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03:02.45noisesmithanarcat: lenny/sid here, on ppc, up to date and no such issue
03:02.55amphianarcat: that's a known bug
03:03.05anarcatamphi: ah-AH! #?
03:03.30amphianarcat: the solution is, IIRC, to use CorePointer instead of SendCoreEvents or some such
03:04.00anarcatamphi: interesting
03:04.07anarcatthe weird thing is that i didn't modify my xorg.conf
03:04.12anarcatoh, thanks! checking
03:04.24amphino, xorg has changed, it seems
03:04.30anarcati see
03:05.04anarcati was looking through
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03:05.37amphithe page won't load for me here :(
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03:06.00anarcatthe wiki page?
03:06.01amphianarcat: < Nemoder> enabling the CorePointer option fixed it
03:06.06anarcatit's really slow
03:06.08hedosHello. When I 'su', bash displays the machine hostname at the prompt, i.e. "machine_name:/home/hedos#". Is it possible to make it says "root" instead of "machine_name"?
03:06.16syclenoise, this? root 19721 0.0 0.4 11088 8444 pts/2 S May02 0:00 /usr/bin/perl -w /usr/share/debconf/frontend /var/lib/dpkg/ upgrade 2.6.18.dfsg.1-18etch
03:06.18anarcatthe bts is also very slow to me
03:06.32amphianarcat: that's someone who had the problem before, & found the bug report
03:07.22the_plumberto delete .ini files recusively?    find | grep -i \\.ini | someargvprog "rm $"
03:07.45the_plumberhow would i do that?
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03:08.23amphia lot of people seem to be having this mouse problem, perhaps something for /topic ?
03:08.44harryvin iptables: "-A INPUT -p TCP --dport 25 -j ACCEPT
03:08.56harryvshould be sufficient for smtp, no?!
03:09.29harryvor, just open that port
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03:09.33hedosapt-get gives me a "couldn't stat source package" when I add "non-free" to my mirror in /etc/apt/sources.list. What's wrong? Do some mirrors don't host non-free packages?
03:09.39harryvroot@annakarina:~# netstat -anp|grep 25
03:09.40harryvtcp        0      0    *               LISTEN      16977/master
03:09.53harryvconnects fine from localhost, but from the outside i can't get any connection
03:10.02anarcatamphi: would sure be faq-material imho, maybe even in some etch -> migration docs...
03:10.12syclenoisesmith see my response?
03:10.14Trampthe_plumber: check the -exec(dir) option for find
03:10.34sycleit looks like theres some sort of upgrade instance running
03:10.34the_plumberTramp: find . -name CVS -exec rm -rf {} \;
03:10.36the_plumberlike so?
03:10.41Trampthe_plumber: and -name, while you're at it
03:10.48the_plumbergot it
03:11.05noisesmithsycle: sorry, my client does not highlight abbreviations of my name :) yeah, other installs won't work until that process is done
03:11.23noisesmithsycle: it is probably waiting for your input in a terminal somewhere?
03:11.24the_plumberwhat if i wanted to make a dir's files 755 but i wanted to make the dir's 777? what to do to do this recursively?
03:11.56the_plumberchmod -R 777 /directory  <----- would make the dirs and everything else 777
03:12.15syclenoise, nah
03:12.20noisesmiths/other installs/further debconf configuration/
03:12.26syclei didnt start it
03:12.44Trampthe_plumber: check the -type option for find as well
03:12.54the_plumbertramp: ty
03:13.18the_plumberi know theres an arv operator program somewhere in the bin dir
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03:13.29noisesmithsycle: I didn't say you started it, just that debconf won't run until it finishes, and it may be waiting on your input... try ctrl+alt+f1 ctrl+alt+f2 etc to see where it is running
03:13.45sycleim not local
03:14.14anarcatamphi: so messing around with my xorg.conf fixed it, but this is definitly something that should show up at least in NEWS
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03:14.28anarcatand now the mouse is slooooow :)
03:14.33Trampharryv: the iptables rule you gave does not cover the outgoing packets, only the incoming. Either cater for them or use stateful matching
03:14.53amphianarcat: xset will fix that ;)
03:14.59harryvTramp: all outgoing is accepted.
03:15.00enoufhedos: ran apt-get update after altering sources.list?
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03:15.06noisesmithsycle: oh, remote install? well you could force kill that debconf and do a reconfigure later? dunno how bad it would break things
03:15.09harryvtelnet: connect to address Connection refused
03:15.32hedosenouf, that's it, thanks.
03:15.54noisesmithsycle: for all I know there is some magic way to attach yourself to that tty, but that is over my head
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03:16.04hedosenouf (and it was actually in the error message ...)
03:16.45INternatwith hotkeys(1), anyone happen to know how to work with VolUp/VolDown, since it keeps changing the front channel rather then the master?
03:17.16syclei killed it and reran
03:17.20sycleit seemed to work
03:17.39noisesmithsycle: cool
03:17.46Trampharryv: sends an ICMP prohibited message. Probably your provider blocks that port
03:18.19Trampharryv: uh. Sorry. that's my provider 8)
03:18.28harryvi doubt slicehos t would do that
03:18.29harryvah. heh
03:18.37anarcatamphi: actually, i'm not sure: putting maximum sensitivity in the gnome control panel doesn't work, so i guess that xset won,t either
03:19.01Trampharryv: Sorry, as you see, I cannot help in debugging this. tcpdump on your server, then connect.
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03:20.14lkthomashey guys
03:20.25lkthomaswhere can I get the latest version of clamav deb binary ?
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03:23.06markybob!tell lkthomas about volatile
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03:23.14markyboblkthomas that might be what you're looking for
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03:26.30amphianarcat: I wot not of gnome, so I wouldn't trust it, myself ;)
03:27.13anarcatamphi: i see... how do you make your xset settings persist through logout?
03:27.51zxcvanarcat: Just put them in your .xinitrc or .xsession file.
03:28.17anarcatzxcv: just what i though, ok
03:28.42noisesmithanarcat: for a slow mouse there are two issues: the acceleration and the resolution, the resolution is a translator of "this many units of the mouse = that many pixels", the accelerations is "if moving faster than x, multiply pixels traversed by y"
03:28.46zxcvUnless you can find a way to set those settings through the xorg.conf or whatever the X configuration file is.
03:28.58noisesmithanarcat: both are seperately configurable, but many frontends only control one or the other
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03:29.19anarcatnoisesmith: interesting.
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03:29.29amphianarcat: I don't use a gui login; such stuff I just put in ~/.xsession
03:30.03noisesmithamphi: me neither, but .xsession is an option in gdm, and xdm, if you create the file
03:30.35noisesmithamphi: I think one needs to set the executable bit on the file (as of a few years ago when I last used gdm at least)
03:30.41anarcatnoisesmith: does xset allow to control both (it seems to just set the acceleration)
03:30.57noisesmithanarcat: let me refresh my memory
03:31.06amphinoisesmith: not for startx - perhaps for ?dm
03:31.19anarcatnoisesmith: from the manpage, it sure looks like it talks about acceleration
03:31.25noisesmithamphi: I always ln -s .xinitrc .xsession
03:31.52anarcatnoisesmith: i used to do that too, back when i was configuring my wm and everything "by hand"
03:32.00amphiI have no ~/.xinitrc here
03:32.02anarcati grew tired of that and just got used to the default thingy
03:32.08anarcat(being gnome under debian)
03:32.23anarcatnot that i particularly like gnome, but it's there and requires close to no work on my part
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03:32.47the_plumberTramp: ahhh found it
03:33.02the_plumberTramp: xargs was the program i was looking for
03:33.07noisesmithanarcat: in the xorg.conf, section inputdevice for the mouse you want configured: option "resolution" "1600"
03:33.17amphimy panel is low res., I have no room for all those panels and wotnot ;)
03:33.21noisesmithanarcat: the cool thing with that is you can hand tune seperate mice
03:33.33anarcatnoisesmith: coool!
03:33.49anarcatnoisesmith: where are those obscure settings documented anyways?? i couldn't find that in xorg.conf manpage
03:33.50Trampthe_plumber: what can xargs do what -exec can't?
03:33.57noisesmithoops, make that "Option" with a capitol O
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03:34.32noisesmithanarcat: man xorg.conf works for me
03:35.04noisesmithanarcat: but oddly that option is not documented in the man page!
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03:35.14anarcatnoisesmith: exactly my point :)
03:35.24anarcata lot of Option are missing in there
03:35.27the_plumberTramp: i dont know :-)
03:35.31anarcatand that's too bad
03:36.37noisesmithanarcat: the reason I know this is I do computer music, and I wrote a program that reads the /dev/input/* devices so each of the eight mice plugged into my laptop controls eight knobs, and only one of them moves my mouse. Needless to say I had to learn alot about mice to write this program.
03:36.44catsupTramp: xargs doesn't do what exec does, xargs calls one process with multiple args
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03:36.58anarcatnoisesmith: wow, very cool :)
03:37.07noisesmithanarcat: mind you that makes a total of 64 knobs, more than I know how to use at the moment :)
03:37.08anarcatnoisesmith: what software do you use?
03:37.16Trampcatsup: exec has a "+" extension
03:37.17nevynnoisesmith: surely with 8 mice you could do 16 knobs
03:37.22amphinoisesmith: eight mice plugged into your laptop? heheh
03:37.34anarcatthat's insane :)
03:37.37noisesmithnevyn: chording * x * y
03:37.59noisesmithnevyn: so eight usable knobs per mouse
03:38.02catsupTramp: well, that does what xargs does.  although xargs doesn't need to receive input from find.
03:38.22nevynnoisesmith: sweet.
03:38.37Trampcatsup: well, I was talking to the_plumber in the context of find
03:38.40anarcatcan only count 6 "knobs" on his mouse, not counting buttons
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03:38.49anarcat(up/down/mouse wheel * 2)
03:38.57Trampcatsup: you may have missed that part 8)
03:39.03catsupi did, but anyway--
03:39.08catsupthat + thing must be a gnu extension
03:39.11nevynanarcat: up down left right  == 2 axis + chord the mouse buttons to switch 3 buttons == 8 states
03:39.15nevyn8x2 == 16
03:39.23noisesmith(left|right|left+right|none)*x*y is 12
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03:39.34noisesmithnot counting scroll weel and extra knobs
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03:39.50jhanssenHI guys... good evening....
03:39.52noisesmithbut only 8 usable in a performance scenario
03:40.29noisesmitherrm make that 16 but only 8 usable
03:40.42Trampcatsup: imho, there is no reason to suggest the weird "| xargs ..." syntax anymore (given the print0/-0 requirement which "helpful people" sometimes forget). That was my only point.
03:40.48jhanssenI would like to know if is there anyone facing issues with Skype ? like, I can hear my own voice on my phone but I can not hear on my skype call test service
03:41.29jhanssenI am using debian lenny...
03:41.34anarcati've been facing the same major issue with skype over and over again: it's a proprietary application that might be full of backdoors because it's designed like a trojan
03:42.15noisesmithanarcat: by the way, the software is mostly pd and csound, the mouse reading was a small daemon written in c sending OSC messages
03:42.18jhanssenand do you know anyother software that allow us to call US toll free numbers ?
03:42.32anarcatnoisesmith: csound eh :) i thought that was dead...
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03:43.12anarcatjhanssen: free world dialup used to do that, but any SIP/IAX provider will offer that, and then you can use open source applications like ekiga to connect calls
03:43.47noisesmithanarcat: far from it, just recently they made a package so that you can use csound as a ladspa or dssi plugin, it now has opcodes to create an fltk gui, and you can embed python in your code, so it is very much alive, which is scary since it is based on musicV which is from like the '60s
03:44.07anarcatnoisesmith: definitly scary :)
03:44.12jhanssenI know ekiga, but I am living in Brazil and would like to use, I dont know if with Ekiga could I dial toll free numbers....
03:44.52noisesmithanarcat: you know you are dealing with ancient software when they designed its syntax to be as much like assembler macros as possible
03:45.07anarcatnoisesmith: probably why i never got the damn thing to work :)
03:45.23lkthomashey guys, how could I add a ftp user without allow it to access shell ?
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03:45.24anarcatnoisesmith: i like to keep my artistic and programming activities seperate, for the sake of my mind :)
03:45.42nevynanarcat: you don't think programming is artistic?
03:45.53anarcatnevyn: don't get me started :)
03:46.17anarcatnevyn: let's call it "work" then
03:46.27anarcatmusic is programming anyways, when you get down to it...
03:46.32anarcatmy point is
03:46.35jhanssenanarcat, another question why audacity has the same bug ?
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03:46.40noisesmithanarcat: programming the soul!
03:46.42anarcatmusic is a way to get away from the computer and relax a bit
03:46.43jhanssenit's a free software so far as I know..
03:47.07ViViViPirePengyhey if i did and install by using the netinst disc, then adding debs to /var/cache/apt/archives and changing some conf files ... would and apt-get -f install or dselect work to install those debs.. im trying to find a way to save on dl debs if i can
03:47.10nevynlkthomas: add /bin/false to /etc/shells and make the users shell /bin/false
03:47.11anarcatjhanssen: that's because the bug is not in audacity, skype or ekiga, it's with your soundcard configuration :)
03:47.43lkthomasactually, there have mod_auth_file, but I can't find it in debian
03:47.46jhanssenmy soundcard configuration is really cool, I am almost sure it's a bug with some package installed on debian
03:47.59noisesmithjhanssen: are you using dmix?
03:48.03jhanssenI am saying that because my friend is facing the same issue in his notebook...
03:48.05jhanssendmix.. ?
03:48.12jhanssenlet me take a look hang on
03:48.12smacnayA recent "testing" update seems to want to uninstall my nvidia-glx and xorg.  Is nvidia support still going on?
03:48.43anarcatjhanssen: if the same bug is in every sound application out there, the bug is not in the sound application :)
03:48.45noisesmithjhanssen: without dmix, or some sound server, only one (or if you are lucky two) programs can use a sound card at a time (unless it is a pro soundcard)
03:48.54anarcatit's in the layer below, which is ALSA
03:49.09streunersmacnay: /msg dpkg nvidia
03:49.14jhanssenmy sound is a direct oss card ....
03:49.18streunersmacnay: and read
03:49.28noisesmithjhanssen: that is even worse
03:49.38jhanssenI am using the A7V8X-X, supported by kernel and stuffs like that...
03:49.54jhanssenI have selected the correct module to the sound card...
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03:50.01anarcatOSS?? isn't that dead yet?
03:50.12jhanssenYes, I am using alsa modules now..
03:50.13anarcatwhen *will* it finally die, that thing...
03:50.16noisesmithjhanssen: without alsa+dmix (plus apps that use those) or some functinal replacement, only one program can use the sound card under linux at a time
03:50.23jhanssenbut I tried both
03:50.40jhanssenwith and without deprecated OSS module... twice skype failed
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03:51.24jhanssenMy car allow myself to use various applications at the same time noisesmith
03:51.43noisesmithjhanssen: oh, ok, lucky :)
03:51.51jhanssenI forgot the name of this functionality
03:51.59noisesmithjhanssen: hardware mixer?
03:52.14jhanssennope, double something ... or full something...
03:52.19anarcatfull duplex?
03:52.21jhanssenjust forgot
03:52.23anarcat(that's different)
03:52.29noisesmithjhanssen: full duplex means input and output both work
03:52.40jhanssenfull duplex is to Network cards
03:52.41anarcat(what noisesmith says)
03:52.49noisesmithhardware mixer means multiple apps can directly use the card
03:53.05anarcatjhanssen: yes, but it also applies to sound cards
03:53.08jhanssenyes... I can do that ... as I said I can hear my own voice on my mic...
03:53.11noisesmithby default, in linux, that is the only way multiple apps can use your card, unless all the apps use the same intermediary
03:54.06noisesmithjhanssen: hearing your voice on your mic doesn't neccisarily go through your computer at all, it could just be a sound card channel: you need the mic channel turned on for recording
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03:54.55noisesmithjhanssen: I appologize, it looks like I misunderstood your problem and was talking down to you, mea culpa
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03:55.59jhanssennot a problem, maybe my fault as well
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03:56.15jhanssenbut Just confirmed my sound card is full duplex, yes, that was the correct name
03:56.54noisesmithfull duplex means you will be capable of inputing and outputing at the same time- what channel is turned on for input?
03:57.14jhanssenhow could I validate that ? alsamix ?
03:57.24noisesmithjhanssen yes, alsamixer
03:58.03jhanssenchannel 6 or 4 or 2, tried all of them :)
03:58.11dpkgA real soundcard (or a good soundcard, or better than bad) does hardware mixing, that means, play more audio streams at once, without any sounddaemons and similar.. things. They are not expensive (depends on your demands of quality, but in general) get one and be happy.
03:58.45noisesmithdpkg: that doesn't help me on a laptop :P
03:58.46dpkgnoisesmith: are you using Windows?
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03:58.55noisesmithdpkg: FYAD
03:58.56dpkgnoisesmith: are you using Windows?
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03:59.53jhanssennoisesmith, I really thinking there's some package broken or something like that bugging my debian ..
04:00.02noisesmithjhanssen: which input channel is your mic?
04:00.36jhanssenthat is the back input...
04:00.40jhanssennot the front
04:00.42noisesmithand that is turned on for capture, and not muted, and skype gets nothing?
04:00.55jhanssenexactly ...
04:00.57iceninehey, what package contains the dictd databases for english?
04:01.15icenineI couldn't find it with aptitude search dict
04:01.15noisesmithjhanssen: ok, sounds like a bug, unless some other app has grabbed the capture channel
04:01.20jhanssendont know my x-chat came as default..
04:01.35jhanssenno no .....
04:01.36beardyicenine: You need basic searching skills.
04:01.54dpkgPlease search for things rather than just asking: 'apt-cache search regex'. Find which package owns a file: 'dpkg -S /bin/foo' or 'aptitude install apt-file; apt-file update; apt-file search foo'. Use or '/msg dpkg find filename' if you're already here. '/msg dpkg listkeys <thing>' to find factoids containing <thing>. See
04:01.56jhanssenI try to use only the Skype, not a application mix..
04:01.56beardyicenine: Try searching in aptitude's interactive interface instead.
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04:02.21beardyicenine: You can also check which packages dictd depends on.
04:02.32noisesmithicenine: looks like there are lots of options, they are all near dictd in the aptitude interface
04:02.51icenineah, thanks
04:02.53jhanssennoisesmith, I would like to help the community or some developer, as I am using a testing version ..
04:03.07anarcatthanks everyone
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04:03.15jhanssenthat could help, because up to now, my friend and I are facing this issue..
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04:04.04jhanssenBut I starting to think that I must send a message or get someone from Debian Team to report that ... dont know where and how..
04:04.15dpkgBug Tracking System for Debian packages, or to go directly to the bug page for a particular package/bug, try or . aptitude install reportbug, and check out <querybts> too. Users of sid and testing are required to check the BTS. Useful for sid and testing: aptitude install apt-listbugs apt-listchanges .
04:04.20noisesmithjhanssen: do you have alsa + oss emulation loaded? have you tried running skype under aoss?
04:04.33jhanssenyes... as kernel piece not as module...
04:04.41jhanssenbuilt in
04:04.57smacnaystreuner, I have my nvidia card working but see that the recent updates break the nvidia drivers.  Maybe I will just wait for the nvidia drivers to be updated in testing.
04:05.05noisesmithjhanssen: did you try, from a terminal: "aoss skype"?
04:05.07jhanssenalso I tried to run skype under aoss Yes
04:05.33noisesmithjhanssen: well that message via beardy from dpkg looks like your best bet
04:05.35streunersmacnay: hm, you can wait till hell freezes too...
04:05.48jhanssenYes.. let's try the bts
04:05.53jhanssenthanks guys...
04:06.23smacnaystreuner, hehe - done that before.
04:07.30smacnaystreuner, I think that these drivers were downloaded from the maintainers site before there were in testing,
04:07.43smacnayI won't fix what isn't broken.
04:08.37streunerTwo options: 1) you use the packages out of unstable (nvidia) or 2) you use nvidia's installer
04:09.04streunerbest bet is surely option 1)
04:09.07jhanssennoisesmith, just found a tool, dbg Will try this one ...
04:09.17jhanssenit's a debug tool
04:09.25catsupdon't use nvidia's installer
04:10.01beardycatsup: That's what he said, streuner just gave all options.
04:10.03streunercatsup: scroll up and read carefully what we told him
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04:10.10catsupstreuner: no thanks
04:10.22beardyThen don't whine.
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04:11.08noisesmithjhanssen: gdb is especially useful if you give the c compiler the -g flag when compiling skype- if you don't, be prepared to read lots of unadorned assembly (not that I judge you for being into that if that's your thing)
04:11.33catsupright, but an imperative can hardly be called a complaint
04:11.38smacnaystreuner, thanks - so you think that the newer drivers will not make it into testing?
04:11.43noisesmithjhanssen: if there is a skype-dbg package, that will be the equivalent
04:12.01*** mode/#debian [+l 783] by debhelper
04:12.02jhanssenforgot ..
04:12.14jhanssenin fact that didnt find a debug flag or something like that...
04:12.20jhanssenThanks one more time :)
04:12.44noisesmithjhanssen: it is often a CFLAGS option in the Makefile, you just add -g to that list
04:12.45streunersmacnay: i wouldn't wait, but situation could change any time
04:13.27beardyjhanssen: What exactly is the problem, in a very short summary? No mic input?
04:13.35catsupyou can build a package with the source of the newer drivers
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04:14.08noisesmithbeardy: he has the mic turned on for capture, it is audible in his headphones, and skype is not recieving it
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04:14.29catsupprobably just by putting the new source into the old debian source package
04:14.49beardynoisesmith: jhanssen: and neither was audacity?
04:15.08jhanssenYes.. But I can hear my output on Phone..
04:15.37noisesmithjhanssen: that is entirely seperate, hearing the mic in your speakers, and software recieving your mic are very different
04:15.37beardyjhanssen: If you're hearing it, you have just turned up the output.. or straight through volume on your mic, NOT the recording volume.
04:16.08noisesmithjhanssen: that is why I asked if mic was selected for capture and turned up
04:16.29jhanssenhmmm, ok .. it means the Mic and Boost tabs in alsamixer itself right ?
04:16.45jhanssenK, they're fine
04:17.02jhanssenMic Channel 1
04:17.11noisesmithand is there a red C by the mic? or something similar?
04:17.20noisesmiththat shows which device is captured
04:17.30jhanssenYes, they're ON
04:17.35beardyOr something to indicate that it is the one selected for recording?
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04:17.51noisesmithbeing on is different from being the capture device
04:18.21jhanssenYes, it's the capture device... it's the mic1, not the mic2
04:18.40jhanssenand If I change that turns off the output in the sound...
04:18.43noisesmithif you hit <tab> so View: says capture, what channel says CAPTURE in red underneat it?
04:18.56jhanssenlet me see
04:19.16beardyjhanssen: You shouldn't have any output in your headphones from it.
04:19.19noisesmithon mine it just says CAPTUR actually
04:19.27jhanssenhmm maybe that the problem
04:19.29jhanssenhang on
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04:19.34noisesmithbeardy: that is isometric :)
04:19.39jhanssenno no
04:19.44jhanssenThere's nothing
04:20.01noisesmithjhanssen: the space bar toggles a channel for recording
04:20.08jhanssenlet me see
04:20.27jhanssenlet's test :D
04:20.59jhanssenhmmm Problem with audio playback
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04:21.35beardyEither way, this is not a bug, at all.
04:21.48noisesmithbeardy: thanks for getting us back on the right track
04:22.02beardynoisesmith: No problem. Keep up the good work.
04:22.39beardyjhanssen: If you try to record something in audacity, make sure the mic is selected there too, do you see any waves atleast, even if you can't play it back at the moment?
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04:22.55jhanssenlet me explore the <tab> now
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04:23.59noisesmithbeardy: if I am not mistaken, selecting a channel for recording in audacity uses the same api that alsamixer does (I gave up audacity for ardour a long time ago though, so I could be wrong)
04:24.18r0bdo i need to restart x on a xorg update?
04:24.33noisesmithr0b: for the changes to take effect: yes
04:24.34zxcvIf you want to be running the newer X server, then yeah.
04:25.04noisesmithr0b: you could even start a second X and try both the X servers at once :)
04:25.06beardynoisesmith: (And I haven't used a linux box with sound since OSS really, not enough to know/remember exactly anyway.) That sounds likely yes.
04:25.29jhanssennoisesmith, just recording ..
04:26.02jhanssenI must have the MIC as CAPTURE and the CAPTURE It self turned on with the space right  ?
04:26.04r0bnoisesmith: ok so it wont hurt if i dont right away, i did a aptitude safe-upgrade and i get xorg updates but i dont wanna restart if it isnt needed yet
04:26.05noisesmithjhanssen: you mean recording is working but not playback? but not monitoring? or?
04:26.13jhanssenjust remembering sorry ..
04:26.18noisesmithr0b: exactly
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04:26.24r0bnoisesmith: thanks
04:26.28beardyrdz: You can let it running until you feel like restarting yes.
04:26.40beardyr0b: ^^^
04:27.53kryptozhi all, just installed debian lenny, I have a intel pro 3945ABG wiresless card. I installed firmware-iwlwifi, what else I need to install to get the wireless working ?
04:28.03jhanssenHeyyyyyyyy mannnnnnnnnnnnnn
04:28.16jhanssennoisesmith and beardy THANK YOU GUYS
04:28.24grendal_primei got a situation where i built a diagnostic os with debian. (works great by the way) but now we are looking at expanding its abilites.  Now i have installed a distributed root key so that i can automate loggin in and installing packages.  the next question.  Is there a simple way of creating packages (these are all just bash scripts for the most part)
04:28.35kryptozdoes iwlwifi drivers work with ipw 3945 ? should I go back to ipw3945ABG drivers ?
04:28.43noisesmithkryptoz: sudo iwconfig, after the module is loaded, what is the output like?
04:28.56jhanssennoisesmith, now it's working .. thanks by the help
04:29.08beardyjhanssen: Great. :)
04:29.19noisesmithkryptoz: if you see a device with wireless extensions, and are comfortable using iwconfig by hand, you are done, otherwise pick a wireless frontend
04:29.21jhanssenlet me take a rest now, have you guys a good night.... C 'ya
04:29.41beardyjhanssen: Good night.
04:29.43smultronanyone good with sed? i'm getting stuck
04:29.46noisesmithkryptoz: if you see no wireless extensions with the driver loaded, you need a different driver
04:29.55kryptoznoisesmith: I dont see the module when i do `lsmod | grep -i iw`
04:30.14kryptoznor do I see it in "modprobe -l | grep -i iw"
04:30.15beardygrendal_prime: Have a look at the..
04:30.21beardy!nm guide
04:30.21dpkgThe New Maintainer's Guide contains an introductory tutorial on the art of making Debian packages. It is located at There is also an additional guide that the Debian Women subproject has put together which may be useful:
04:30.40noisesmithkryptoz: what is the module called?
04:31.06kryptozI before have installed ipw3945ABG (from and got things working.. but I got strong recommendations from others that I should use the packages from deb repo..
04:31.10grendal_primeinteresting...i didnt think it had anything to do with sex ..but ...ok im game ill check it out
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04:31.32beardygrendal_prime: ?
04:31.36grendal_primeooooh ..shut down You don't have permission to access /wiki/index.php/English/BuildingWithoutHelper on this server.
04:31.49grendal_primeprobably because im not a women
04:31.55kryptozthere is no module  frm the firmware-iwlwifi package ..
04:32.18kryptozit only has a firmware copied to "/lib/firmware" called "firmware-iwlwifi"
04:32.34kryptozso I wanted to know what package i need to install to get the module for the card
04:32.54noisesmithkryptoz: ok, yeah, that is a different question :)
04:32.56kryptozI did a apt-cache search (i have non-free enabled in the source.list)
04:33.02kryptozcould find anything at all
04:33.33kryptoznoisesmith: if you see my initial question, you will see I had only one q ;)
04:33.55noisesmithkryptoz: try modprobe ipw3945
04:34.04beardygrendal_prime: I'm sure you can use a search engine..
04:34.38kryptoznoisesmith: I dont have ipw3945 installed. That package is not maintained now. Its depricated. So I waas wondering the replacement, the "iwlwifi" would work ?
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04:35.57jimif I don't have a wireless setup already but somewhat considering the idea of getting one, is it worth the hassle of getting the drivers going?
04:35.57kryptozI had ipw3945, but was strongly advised against by other debian users
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04:36.37dondelelcarokryptoz: it should have been moved into the kernel, iirc.
04:36.41beardy!nm guide =~ s/
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04:36.50kryptozmy same card, works out of the box with Ubuntu 8.04, which uses iwlwifi drivers... so I guess it should work in debian testing also..
04:36.51dondelelcarojim: it's pretty triival to get them going
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04:37.15jimwhat are a few of the worst-case cards and what would I be looking at?
04:37.23jimheya don
04:37.31dondelelcarodpkg: nm guide =~ s{wiki/index.php/English}{/wiki/English}
04:37.31dpkgdondelelcaro: KCI error, or a problem with the Keyboard-Chair Interface.
04:37.44dondelelcarodpkg: nm guide =~ s#wiki/index.php/English#/wiki/English#
04:37.44dpkgthat doesn't contain 'wiki/index.php/English', dondelelcaro
04:37.46shyam_khi why dont lenny repo have an emacs-snapshot?
04:37.57dondelelcaroshyam_k: because that's not a package that Debian will ever release with.
04:37.58noisesmithjim: worst case I have seen is having to put a windows binary driver on my machine under ndiswrapper, and code that has touched windows makes me feel unclean
04:38.33dondelelcaroshyam_k: there are a few unofficial emacs snapshot packages out there, though.
04:38.47jimwell the hardware has touched windows... I still have to wipe the slop off the transistors in the chip...
04:38.51noisesmithjim: what you are looking at is not cards, but chips
04:39.12jimok, so the worst case is having to do ndiswrapper?
04:39.15noisesmithjim: some chips are definitely better supported than others
04:39.28dondelelcarojim: the worst case is that the chipset has no support at all; that said, bcm43xx, madwifi, and the iwl stuff are all pretty well supported
04:39.32noisesmithjim: yeah, I have never seen a wifi card that did not at worst case work under ndiswrapper
04:39.38jimI keep hearing it's hard to get a card with the chip you want
04:39.45beardydondelelcaro: Thanks. But that isn't it.
04:39.47jimat least buying it now
04:39.48dondelelcarojim: it's actually not so difficult.
04:39.58beardy!nm guide =~ s/alioth.//
04:39.58dpkgbeardy: that doesn't contain 'alioth.'
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04:40.18dondelelcarodpkg: newmaint =~ s{wiki/index.php/English}{/wiki/English}
04:40.18dpkgdondelelcaro: wish i knew
04:40.55jimhowbout if I augment the requirements a bit... what if I added that I want a wap from linux... does that kill off a bunch of cards I could have used if not for wap?
04:41.01MiescoDoes writer have a dictionary?
04:41.05dondelelcaro!nm guide
04:41.06dpkgThe New Maintainer's Guide contains an introductory tutorial on the art of making Debian packages. It is located at http:/ There is also an additional guide that the Debian Women subproject has put together which may be useful:
04:41.59shyam_kdondelelcaro: ok the confusion was coz the cvs emacs code didnt said me about specific packages to be installed.. now i got a list of packages from #emacs..think it will work..
04:42.00dondelelcaroMiesco: it does spell checking
04:42.06beardydpkg: no, nm guide is <reply> The New Maintainer's Guide contains an introductory tutorial on the art of making Debian packages. It is located at http:/ There is also an additional guide that the Debian Women subproject has put together which may guide that the Debian Women subproject has put together which may be useful:
04:42.07dpkgokay, beardy
04:42.18dondelelcarodpkg: no, nm guide is <reply> see newmaint
04:42.18dpkgokay, dondelelcaro
04:42.29dondelelcarobest not to modify factoids unless you know what you're doing
04:43.06Miescodondelelcaro: Wait, it has a dictionary, there's a wizard to install it
04:43.22dondelelcarobeardy: in this case, literal nm guide; would have told you why it wasn't working (and using /// as delimiters isn't going to work when you've got /// in the regex)
04:43.24jimthat BuildingWithoutHelper thing is the answer to one of the maint test questions
04:43.29noisesmithsitting in front of me I have one machine with a d-link dwl-650+ with an acx 100 that supports scanning, manual send and recieve power override
04:44.02beardydondelelcaro: Other delimiters doesn't work, either.
04:44.07dondelelcarobeardy: sure they do
04:44.18dondelelcarobeardy: I fixed it using ###, so...
04:44.28dondelelcaro!nm guide
04:44.29dpkgThe New Maintainer's Guide contains an introductory tutorial on the art of making Debian packages. It is located at http// There is also an additional guide that the Debian Women subproject has put together which may be useful: http//
04:44.50dondelelcaro!newmaint =~ s#//#://#g
04:44.51dpkgdondelelcaro: OK
04:45.08beardydondelelcaro: Then it can't replace "women." with "men.".
04:45.18dondelelcarobeardy: sure it can
04:46.02beardyThen good day.
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04:46.25jimwatches the battle of the network regex stars
04:47.19jim(perhaps you shouldn't fight like that in public)
04:47.56jimerasing each other's changes, etc
04:48.16streunerhm, pretty senseless
04:48.33jimone saying (not suggesting) the other doesn't know what he's doing in public
04:48.37streunerfactoids changed till years without beeing a PERL guru
04:48.40jimvery unprofessional behavior.
04:48.48noisesmiththrows a non-greedy glob at jim, hitting him in the face, while dodging a character-set-negation operator
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04:49.49jelly-homejim: whatever. I just see a simple correction, not a fight.
04:49.51jimthrows a s!!! operation at noisesmith, not knowing whether it will work!
04:50.26noisesmithblocks with a unicode collation set
04:50.31dondelelcarobeardy: didn't mean to say that fixing it was wrong; I see how it could have been interpreted like that. My point was just that you should check whether the factoid that you're modifying is actually the root before using no.
04:50.50dondelelcaroliteral foofactoid; is the way that you do that; no is the nuclear option.
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04:51.21jimcontrols the collateral damage by explaining how emacs doesn't work for wrist watch cell phones!
04:51.42dondelelcarojim: if you've got a wrist watch that is less powerful than a PDP10...
04:52.04beardydondelelcaro: Yes, I know how to check that, but most factoids are not pointing to another one. Noted.
04:52.15jimoh, oops, sorry, what I thought was a wrist watch was a collection of freckles
04:52.32noisesmithwait, I just got sent home from the last editor war, am I getting drafted AGAIN?
04:52.41dondelelcarobeardy: it's pretty common, actually... most of the really informative ones have a bunch of aliases
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04:53.01dondelelcaro(most of them put in place because I often can't remember the original name)
04:53.17dondelelcaro!factinfo nm guide
04:53.18dpkgnm guide -- created by dondelelcaro <> at Wed Mar 31 05:41:53 2004 (1496 days); last modified 10m 59s ago  by dondelelcaro!; it has been requested 180 times, last by dondelelcaro, 7m 24s ago.
04:53.24dondelelcaro(the above being a *classic* example. ;-))
04:53.43jimnoisesmith: your mission, jim, should you decide to accept it, would be to self-destruct in 5 seconds... good luck jim!
04:54.09beardyYes, I'm sure I have made one or two too.. and when changing others, I guess I've just used the original one, not destroying too many.
04:54.11jimoops, I knew I shouldn't have cut the tape down that much!
04:54.26beardyIIRC, one regarding grub floppies..
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04:55.32streuner.oO (convo sounds like "Who has the longer dick?";-))
04:56.17beardy!factinfo grub floppy
04:56.17dpkggrub floppy -- last modified at Sat Apr 29 13:06:48 2006 by beardy_!n=beardy@unaffiliated/beardy; it has been requested 29 times, last by abrotman at Sun Mar 16 13:01:08 2008.
04:56.29beardyHuman memory is interesting at times.
04:57.41beardy!literal grub floppy
04:57.42dpkg"grub floppy" is "<reply>see grub floppy image"
04:57.47beardy(One of those, I meant.)
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04:58.04beardystreuner: Maybe it's just you? ;)
04:59.28dondelelcarostreuner: size and technique, man; size and technique.
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05:02.54beardyI guess one could make that analogy.. dondelelcaro's technique was better than the brutal size of my try, today.
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05:05.24streunerThat's not the point, the point is rather for me, is the factoid correct and helpful
05:05.45streuner(without being a PERL guru)
05:06.04dondelelcarooh... blootbot actually doesn't understand perl regexes
05:06.09dondelelcaroit's really, really basic
05:06.27beardyI guess, if possible, would be nice if it did the edit on the referenced factoid, if it is a linked one.
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05:08.00mxmxsup Maliuta
05:08.06n3klAnyone know if the lonhaul driver has been fixed?
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05:09.42beardyn3kl: Check the Bug Tracking System, if it has, it will be there. (No idea what that particular thing is though.)
05:09.43shyam_kwhats exactly the would be  lenny package name for gtk+-2.0 and glib-2.0 ?
05:10.05streunershyam_k: what for?
05:10.06shyam_kops grammar mistakes;-)
05:10.38streuner(what do you want compile?)
05:10.56shyam_kemacs asks me to install gtk+-2.0 and glib-2.0 :)
05:11.56shyam_ki am confused which package exactly is to be installed..i am in a fresh lenny
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05:12.40zxcvemacs can run in X as an X client, and can run in console as a console program.
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05:13.28noisesmithshyam_k libgtk2.0-0 libglib2.0-0
05:13.28dondelelcaroshyam_k: just apt-get builddep emacs; and you should be all set.
05:13.29zxcvthe gtk+-2.0 is a GUI toolkit for X.
05:13.41n3klbeardy: thanks
05:13.44beardyshyam_k: 'aptitude' /to search, type gtk, n until it looks correct, check version, install. Same with glib, search for it, control if it's the right version, install. (Where did you install emacs from, or have you built it? But then you have the -dev packages installed.) Or: /msg dpkg search
05:14.28beardyn3kl: You're welcome.
05:14.30noisesmithshyam_k: are you asking what libs to install, or what the lib is? to see a description of some package in aptitude, hit enter while the cursor is on it's line
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05:15.23n3klbeardy: I need to get in the habbit of using the proper resources.  I find often, several google searches and no answer when I could have just looked in /usr/share/doc
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05:16.09shyam_kyeah libgtk-2 and libglib was i was searching for! that lib extension i didnt get!! i have used and install that before but forgot that for a moment now!:) sorry for the mess:)
05:16.11beardyn3kl: "/msg dpkg grounding" if you like, it has many starting point factoids with the good things.
05:16.27shyam_kdondelelcaro: thanks i didnt see builddep so far:)
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05:21.40noisesmithn3kl: regarding /usr/share doc: I just wish there were more programs that could usably browse that directory. The people who most need that directory are using konqueror or nautilus, and the dir takes ages to load
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05:23.10markybobi've never browsed that outside of a terminal.  ever
05:23.16beardyIt's a good exercise to start learning a shell, "cd", "ls" and "(z)less", though.
05:23.27beardyFor those.
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05:23.48noisesmithmarkybob: rox does a decent job of browsing it on a pIII with 125 megs of ram and a 800mhz processor
05:24.28noisesmithbeardy: yes, it is good to use the shell, but the people who most need to read things in /usr/share/doc are least likely to be comfortable in a shell
05:26.06beardynoisesmith: Good time to start loving it, then. Works nicely on a 66MHz 486 with 8MB of RAM too, btw.
05:26.39noisesmithbeardy: wow, what do you use that machine for?
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05:28.20Haris_what is /dev/xconsole?
05:28.41beardynoisesmith: I played with the apple2 emulator with name of just "apple2", a bit in the weekend, also as an alarm clock, (but I didn't wake up ;) ).. and just about anything I can think of. If I network it again, and/or get a tiny bit more RAM, I'll upgrade it, it runs Woody, 3.0, and very nicely too.
05:28.54markybobHaris_ man xconsole
05:29.03Haris_there is no man page for it
05:29.12markybobyes, there is
05:29.14Haris_at least one's not installed if there is one
05:29.15beardyHaris_: The device that is listed in the corner of your display manager, and some window managers.
05:29.49noisesmithjustin@emergent:~$ file /dev/xconsol -> /dev/xconsole: fifo (named pipe)
05:30.03Haris_I didn't install gui with debian
05:30.35streunermakes sense then
05:30.37beardynoisesmith: Runs DOS too, and as I found it simpler to get a new version, runs slashem, and various old games, and so on.
05:30.44streunerxconsole is prolly in X
05:31.16Haris_Secondly, daemon.* catches all squid cache.log. How can I have it not catch squid's events
05:31.18noisesmithHaris_: you can cat /dev/xconsole to monitor system messages, whether x is running or not
05:32.03noisesmithbeardy: slashem or nethack is enough for any computer to be usable for decades on end :)
05:32.27beardyHaris_: The device will still be there, as noisesmith just said, it gets used if it is needed, otherwise it's jsut a good thing to have the device anyway.
05:32.43Haris_beardy: That's ok
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05:32.47beardynoisesmith: Yep. :)
05:33.11noisesmithbeardy: nethack on my cellphone = happy bus commutes
05:33.11zenwrylyis there a way to copy the permissions (user, group, mode, stickiness, etc.) from one file/dir to another?
05:33.39beardyzenwryly: 'man cp' search preserve
05:33.47Haris_Time to turn on the other connection
05:33.53noisesmithzenwryly: without copying the contents?
05:34.12zenwrylynoisesmith: yeah
05:34.47zenwrylybeardy: noisesmith is talking about the part I forgot to specify.  :)  I don't want to copy contents.
05:34.56beardyzenwryly: Ah.
05:35.02noisesmithzenwryly: I can imagine a way to do it in perl, which makes me think someone wrote that app or functionality in perl already... but I am not 100% certain if it exists. It would only be a 10 line script or so
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05:35.33noisesmithzenwryly: it could even be done in the shell if you had to
05:35.39zenwrylynoisesmith: ok, thanks, I can certianly do it myself
05:35.47zenwrylynoisesmith: I mean chmod has --reference
05:36.04noisesmithzenwryly: but don't take my word as the last one, maybe the app exists
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05:36.30zenwrylynoisesmith: k, thanks!
05:36.38noisesmithzenwryly: what do you need that chmod --reference does not do?
05:37.33beardyzenwryly: Another way could be to use shred(1) for each file, with the --size=N option after each copy to throw the data..
05:37.55zenwrylynoisesmith: I want chomd --reference and chown --reference in one command :)
05:38.02zenwrylynoisesmith: and easy shell script
05:38.23zenwrylynoisesmith: I just wanted to check if there wasn't something in the typical *nix CLI for doing that already
05:38.31noisesmithoh, so I was wrong about the line count by an order of magnitude
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05:39.26tclineksi'm getting broken newliens in the output of watch, any suggestions?
05:39.50noisesmithtclineks: wrong $TERM variable?
05:40.21tclineksnoisesmith: possibly, i'll check into that, thanks
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05:40.42beardyzenwryly: There will be after you've made a nice little script using chmod and chown, or the more silly/creative way with shred and cp.
05:41.00tclineksnoisesmith: TERM=screen =/
05:41.07zenwrylybeardy: yup :)
05:41.30tclineksnoisesmith: bad outside of scren as well (xterm)
05:42.10noisesmithtclineks: if it is under screen, try setting term to VT100 or VT102 and see if you still get the wrong behavior
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05:43.30tclineksnoisesmith: no go on either of those
05:43.37noisesmithmy TERM=screen as well, and I have no such problem though (lenny/sid)
05:43.38tclineksit's a python traceback that i'm watching
05:44.05tclineksls -l for example is fine
05:44.24noisesmithtclineks: then it sounds like a bug in the python program?
05:44.49tclineksnoisesmith: hm, sort of doubtful, i'll look around more, thanks for your tiem
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05:45.07tclineksfack, time
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05:46.17beardytclineks: Can you try at a real vt?
05:46.52tclineksbeardy: bad there too
05:46.52noisesmithmarkybob: I think he meant "fack tiem"
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05:47.21tclineksfack ~= fuck
05:47.45markybobi believe you mean frak, from bsg.  or frack, if you're talking about the late (not current) series
05:48.10beardytclineks: I guess watch itself is to blame.
05:48.35noisesmithnevyn: as in: ti si tiem fro me to og oto bed
05:49.04beardynoisesmith: em!
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05:49.35beardytclineks: Not sure what would be a good thing to check with though.. it sure can't display everything as it should anyway.
05:50.23beardyOh, and bde, you must be tired. ;)
05:51.07noisesmithtclineks: watch messes up newlines for me when stderr is used
05:51.36tclineksah that must be it
05:52.27beardytclineks: Hmm..
05:52.35noisesmithtclineks: so a workaround is "watch 'python 2>&1'"
05:52.37tclineks"(cmd) 2>&1"
05:52.39beardytclineks: Quote it within single quotes.
05:52.53tclineksdidn't have to quote it
05:53.00tclinekswell, i did, but not in singles
05:53.01beardywatch 'echo -e "Foo\nBar\nMoo\n"'
05:53.08beardyWell, I had, for that.
05:53.16beardyBut if double works, go with that then.
05:53.23beardy!win noisesmith
05:53.23dpkgCongratulations, noisesmith! You have won second prize in a beauty contest!
05:53.24tclinekscool thanks guys, this has been bothering me for a long time
05:53.41tclinekswith other things as well, never thought it was because of stderr
05:54.21noisesmithis that a bug?
05:54.42noisesmithman watch mentions "you can check for a new kernel version with 'watch uname -r'"
05:55.03beardyHeh.. check 'man watch' for very clear mentioning of quoting..
05:55.06noisesmithI see no mention of stdout behaviour in man watch, so I call that a bug
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05:56.11beardyOh, so it wasn't the quotes, but that it was stderr?
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05:56.46noisesmithbeardy: yeah
05:57.02noisesmithI think
05:57.23tclineksif that's a bug it's been there for years
05:58.01noisesmithwell I figure they should either a) fix it or at the very least b) mention that it breaks formatting on stderr
05:58.08noisesmithin the manual that is
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05:59.16vyHi! What's the problem with sun-java5-jre package in here:
06:00.21noisesmithit means a package is needed, but not provided, did you manually install some .debs from sun?
06:00.45beardynoisesmith: Ah yes. There we go. watch 'echo -e "Foo\nBar\nMoo\n" 1>&2'
06:01.01beardytclineks: Yeah.
06:01.02vynoisesmith: No, this is a plain etch installation with upgrades properly done.
06:01.51noisesmithvy: I cannot find sun-java5-jre what repository is it from?
06:02.14beardynoisesmith: non-free probably/IIRC
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06:03.03vynoisesmith: deb etch main contrib non-free
06:03.43noisesmithI have non-free on my lists, and I am not seeing it
06:04.03beardyvy: One thing though. Use aptitude.
06:04.11vyHrm... Can it mean broken .fr repos? I'll switch to and retry.
06:04.24noisesmithanyway, whoever is providing you with sun-java5-jre seems to no longer be offering the sun-java5-bin package, but did not remove it as a dependancy
06:04.26vybeardy: Any particular reason?
06:04.42beardyvy: Yes.
06:04.49noisesmithvy: if you use .us, I don't think you will see the sun packages available at all
06:05.14noisesmithvy: you keep less kruft that way
06:05.44beardyvy: /msg dpkg aptitude , /msg dpkg why aptitude, or just take my word.
06:08.34noisesmithbeardy: /msg dpkg aptitude references /msg dpkg aptitude-foo which seems mto be missing
06:08.48*** join/#debian inimesekene (
06:08.50lkthomasguys, if I want to make sure all email is processed by maildrop, do I need to use DEFAULTDELIVERY ?
06:09.09dpkgrumour has it, aptitude is now the recommended tool for managing packages on your debian system. You can use it as a cli replacement for apt-get; it keeps track of automatically installed packages and will offer to remove them when no longer required. Aptitude, like apt-get in lenny/sid, also installs "Recommended" packages that are usually required but you have the option not to install them. Ask me about <why aptitude> <why not aptitude> <aptitude-fu>
06:09.53beardynoisesmith: Hmm?
06:10.05*** join/#debian supersako (
06:10.25supersakohey guys i am running a debian webserver just a basic test server at home.. does it matter if i leave it as /var/www/ as the main folder?
06:10.30supersakois it a big security risk
06:11.01noisesmithit says: Ask me about <why aptitude> <why not aptitude> <aptitude-fu>
06:11.03markybobsupersako it's fine.  no, it's no security risk
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06:11.13beardynoisesmith: Yes, and they all exist.
06:11.20supersakoeven with php files
06:11.22lagbolthow do you ask dpkg about a bug?
06:11.29supersakoshould i just put it in the default htdocs folder?
06:11.40lagboltif i have the bug #
06:11.41lagboltthat is
06:11.41markybobsupersako does matter where you put it.  at all
06:11.43sonniei'm trying to compile vsftpd but failed at 'sysutil.c:604: error: assignment of read-only member __in'
06:11.44noisesmithI swear it was not working before
06:12.13beardynoisesmith: (The < and > is just to make it more readable, if you mean that.)
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06:12.27noisesmithno, I must have misspelled aptitude or something
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06:13.53beardylagbolt: /msg dpkg bugs #<number>
06:13.59lagboltthanks beardy
06:14.46beardy!wayc sonnie
06:15.15dpkgsonnie: Why are you compiling instead of using aptitude?
06:15.15sonniebecause i want to patch the source code
06:15.15dpkgPut "deb etch/updates main contrib non-free" in your /etc/apt/sources.list file to keep up-to-date on security updates in stable. Run "aptitude update" and "aptitude upgrade", or ask me about <testing security> or <unstable security>  Sarge security support ended March 31 2008; ask me about <sarge->etch>.
06:15.22beardyWhat patch?
06:15.25beardyWhat source?
06:15.48sonnievsftpd-2.0.5, with a charset patch
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06:23.39noisesmithis it a bug that the spidermonkey bin package description does not mention "smjs" and that its executable name and manfile are smjs and apropos smjs won't find its man page?
06:24.03*** join/#debian Rayon (n=chatzill@
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06:26.11Rayonhi, all!
06:26.22zxcvhi Rayon.
06:26.59RayonI found that debian kernel image amd64 is the indicated to xeon, but...
06:27.10markybobRayon you're totally wrong
06:27.15beardynoisesmith: No, but a bit messy.. apropos searches desciptions, 'apropos whateveritactuallydoes' instead.
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06:27.33Rayonfor xeon dual core is that too?
06:27.50noisesmithbeardy: in that case smjs is what it does because that is the entirety of it's description
06:28.06markybobRayon amd64 works on x86_64 kernels and newer xeon (ia64) kernels
06:28.24noisesmithn/m It must really be time for bed over here
06:28.28noisesmithI misread the page
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06:29.04markybobRayon hrm, no, disregard my last part.  just x86_64 :P  newer ia64 support x86 but not x86_64.
06:29.08Rayonwell, ia64 kernel image is the write to use to a "xeon dual core"?
06:29.28Rayonxeon dual core os EM64T
06:30.09markybobxeon is an os now?
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06:31.05RayonEM64T [Extended Memory 64 Technology)
06:31.47Rayonin there is: "AMD64 (amd64)
06:31.49RayonFirst officially released with Debian 4.0. Port to the 64 bit AMD64 processors. The goal is to support both 32bit- and 64bit-userland on this architecture. This port supports AMD's 64-bit Opteron, Athlon and Sempron processors, and Intel's processors with EM64T support, including the Pentium D and various Xeon and Core2 series."
06:31.59beardynoisesmith: Weird packagename too, and that whole thing.. well.
06:32.24nevynRayon: no it's not amd64 is the correct image
06:32.35nevynia64 is only for intel Itanium cpu's
06:32.59noisesmiththe package name is fine: spidermonkey-bin, but the app being called smjs confused me for a little while
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06:33.35noisesmithbut this is the world of unix, where copy-some-bytes-from-here-to-there is called dd, so it is to be expected
06:33.38*** join/#debian sidhartha (n=sidharth@ says that AMD64 image is for Xeon. But a friend says that this image suport the 64bits from the Xeon, but not the "multi core" feature.
06:34.48RayonIs that right?
06:35.23Maliutafrom the reading I had done I thought newer intel 64bit systems should use amd64 kernels
06:35.26fireba11Rayon : i doubt that that is what says
06:35.43nevynRayon: smp/smc support is orthoganal to archetecture
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06:36.03nevynRayon: debian has a amd64 kernel that supports smc correctly
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06:36.50Rayonnevyn: so amb64 wil work with both cores?
06:37.42b4t1st3l4someone have a problem with "populating /dev" on kernel ?
06:37.55nevynRayon: Rayon if there's not an amd64-smp varient then yes.
06:38.22nevynRayon: but. as I say they're orthoganal issues and you don't need smp to get the system installed
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06:38.38Rayonnevyn, yes.
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06:38.57nevynyou want it once it's running.
06:39.10noisesmithRayon: if you use a -smp kernel you will be fine
06:39.31RayonI´ve already instaled, but I don´t now if it is using the total potential of the harware.
06:39.41nevynRayon: cat /proc/cpuinfo
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06:39.48nevynwhat's the biggest cpu number?
06:40.03fireba11!tell rayon about amd64
06:40.06nevynRayon: what's the cpu configuration?
06:40.07RayonI´m not with the CPU right now
06:40.20RayonJust a minute...
06:40.52nevyn2 sockets each with 2 core xeons?
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06:41.14b4t1st3l4someone could help me?
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06:41.38nevyn!tell b4t1st3l4 about ask
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06:43.43fireba11Rayon: what you want is IA-64
06:43.59nevynfireba11: really he doesn't
06:44.18fireba11nevyn: what makes you think so ?
06:44.48noisesmithb4t1st3l4: what do you need to know?
06:44.50nevynia-64 is not for xeon
06:44.57b4t1st3l4I'm running Debian lenny with the kernel, and on the boot it takes to much time at "populating /dev", i want to know if someone knows something about this or how could i verify why this occur
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06:44.59nevynia64 is for itanium.
06:45.18noisesmithhow long is "too long"?
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06:45.55b4t1st3l4about 10 or more seconds
06:46.00fireba11nevyn: whops .. mixed those up
06:46.03nevynif he has cpu's branded xeon then they're EMT-64T
06:46.12Romikhi, today I have update of xserver-xorg-* and my system now to slowly
06:46.18beardyProbably very contextspecific.
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06:46.24Romika have intel 945GM video
06:46.37Rayonthe processor is the xeon E3110
06:46.52nevynRayon: right so amd64 is the correct arch.
06:47.15nevynhow many cpu's does it have? and how many core are they?
06:47.38noisesmithb4t1st3l4: maybe someone else knows, I don't know what would case a ten second delay off the top of my head
06:48.22Rayonjust 1 xeon
06:48.32Rayona dual core xeon
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06:48.50nevynso check that you have a cpu0 and a cpu1
06:49.28b4t1st3l4noisesmith, ok, thank you
06:49.29nevynls /sys/devices/system/cpu/
06:49.35nevynshould show cpu0 cpu1
06:49.43Rayonsorry, but I can´t check now. I´m in home and the server is at work.
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06:50.07nevynRayon: that's what you need to check that smc is working correctly
06:50.41Rayonif it shows "show cpu0 cpu1", al is correct. If not?
06:50.43nevynit's possilbe that debian stable doesn't have support for the heirachical scheduling stuff but that doesn't affect you.
06:50.46noisesmithb4t1st3l4: try adding echo statements in /etc/init.d/udev and changing the invocation of udevd to udevd -v
06:50.57nevynRayon: it will ;)
06:51.05*** part/#debian arctanx (n=VK7NML@pdpc/supporter/base/arctanx)
06:51.10Rayon: )
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06:53.43nevynRayon: it shouldn't print "show" it should print "cpu0 cpu1"
06:54.05Rayonnevyn: Only to know, the board is Intel® Entry Server Board S3200SH
06:54.26CokeCan someone recommend me a free PDF viewer in which you can select printer for printing easily? I've tried xpdf which requires users to write the lpr command manually (not good) and Evince which has exactly the printer selection I need, but segfualts when run over X11 on remote Windows boxes.
06:54.33RayonTomorrow I came with news. : )
06:54.35nevynRayon: sure.
06:54.43nevynCoke: kpdf
06:54.46RayonThaks for the attention
06:55.03Cokenevyn: ok, checking it out.
06:55.30nevynCoke: actually you just need the kprint infrastructure and specify kprinter instead of lpr
06:55.34sidharthahello everybody
06:55.39nevynthis will "fix" xpdf
06:55.55noisesmithhello sidhartha
06:56.04sidharthai've installed opera for testing and when i launch it i get this error :
06:56.26sidharthaERROR: object '' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded: ignored.   ERROR: object '' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded: ignored.   Erreur de segmentation
06:56.54sidharthawell i've goggled around , it needed the java5-jre
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06:57.19sidharthaso i installed the java5-jdk (which on dependancy jre)
06:57.26sidharthabut still the problem
06:58.08sidharthaI even try to aptitude reinstall opera after the installation of java5-jdk
06:58.16sidharthabut still the problem
06:58.24sidharthadoes someone experienced the problem
06:58.39noisesmithsidhartha: see if you have a or something of the sort, and symlink that to that would be one workaround
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06:59.23noisesmithsidhartha: there may also be something with ld-preload that you could use with a wrapper script
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07:01.01sidharthanoisesmith: the 2 dll are located in my system
07:01.51noisesmithsidhartha: then I have no idea what would cause that error for opera, unless your ldconfig is out of sync, which seems unlikely
07:02.17*** join/#debian dbmoodb (n=david@unaffiliated/dbmoodb)
07:02.29dbmoodbhow secure is testing -- from what i have seen not very
07:02.50dbmoodb-- considering running lenny over ubuntu but i  have problems with the security of it
07:03.06simonrvn!testing security
07:03.06dpkgPut "deb lenny/updates main contrib non-free" in your /etc/apt/sources.list file. Regularly update your APT index and upgrade (e.g. # aptitude update && aptitude dist-upgrade) to keep up-to-date on security updates in Lenny.
07:03.18noisesmithsidhartha: oh, looking closer at your error: it appears opera already is a shell script that sets LD_PRELOAD
07:03.20dbmoodbyeah but i saw the tracker
07:03.24dbmoodbfor lenny it is terrible
07:03.38noisesmithsidhartha: I bet it is setting the LD_PRELOAD wrong for your system, but it should be a simple edit
07:03.43simonrvnyou can stop trolling now
07:03.51dbmoodbi'm not trying too
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07:04.01dbmoodb-- i wish there was an in between testing and stable
07:04.10dbmoodbbackports are only so good
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07:05.24noisesmithsidhartha: it looks like it checks your .opera/ directory for a file called javapath.txt, and that is where it expects to find those libs
07:05.25simonrvnit's a tracker... which means they're they're getting fixed, or not, depending on severity/relevance...
07:06.50noisesmithsidhartha: so put the single line "/usr/lib/jvm/java..(whichever version).../" filled in for the directory version of the jvm you want it to use
07:07.22Romikmay be somebody know, if exists encoding for Spanish and French language, not multi-byte?
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07:07.49sidharthanoisesmith: i'm searching that file, not present in my .opera folder
07:07.49Romiklike cp1251 for English and Russian
07:07.59noisesmithsidhartha just create the file
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07:08.16beardyRomik: ISO-8859-1, Latin1, isn't it?
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07:08.43beardyRomik: Unless you want utf-8, which is only one byte so.. what do you mean?
07:09.11beardyRomik: Encoding to be used where?
07:09.16sidharthanoisesmith: you mean i have to create a file javapath.txt in the ~/.opera/ directory  ?
07:09.27noisesmithsidhartha: exactly
07:09.32Romikbeardy, in mysql+php
07:09.37noisesmithwith only one line, with the directory the .so files are in
07:09.52Romikbeardy, thanks
07:10.04dbmoodbmost are fixed -the high problems i see but there is one outstanding ... a 'high' one
07:10.58simonrvni don't know if you've ever coded, something tells me you haven't, but sometimes bugs are hard to fix
07:11.13dbmoodbwho are you talking to simonrvn ?
07:11.43simonrvni'm talking to myself....
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07:12.27markybobsimonrvn i'll join you.  i'm having one of those bitch nights where i look through my navy pictures.  there's one of me being initiated by being sprayed with a fire hose.  ah, the old days
07:12.39noisesmithsidhartha: if you get this same problem again with other apps, setting the JAVA_HOME shell variable may be a more widely applicable fix
07:13.29sidharthanoisesmith: you mean in my bash_rc, set JAVA_HOME to /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-gcj-4.3-
07:13.47noisesmithsidhartha: yeah, and then exporting the variable
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07:14.29noisesmithsidhartha: or adding that to your /etc/profile if you have other users on the machine
07:15.05asteroidI'm using sid, and I see man pages are colored. How the method to color them ? On my other OS I'm using most as manpager, but on my sid the default pager is less
07:15.28asteroidso i'm curious by knowing how man pages are colored, using less :)
07:15.52noisesmithasteroid: that would be affected by your .less file, among other things
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07:16.07noisesmithasteroid: you could also export PAGER=less
07:16.12asteroidthis is the default one
07:16.15noisesmitherr PAGER=most I mean
07:16.19asteroidMANPAGER for man
07:17.01asteroidbut noisesmith I like those colors, and I'm looking for how is it done, I do not want to change it ;)
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07:17.08noisesmithasteroid: or you could just read man less., and search for color
07:18.21CokeOK, back to square one, kpdf either does not print at all or prints garbage.
07:18.32asteroidnoisesmith, of course it did, but i'm not able to reproduce it on other os.
07:18.41CokeI need a PDF viewer that will allow me to choose the printer from a list and that can actually print PDF's.
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07:19.16noisesmithCoke: I think openoffice can do that (though it is a bit more than just a viewer)
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07:19.58asteroidCoke, evince, via gnomeprint
07:20.14Cokeasteroid: it segfaults when run on remote X
07:20.21noisesmithasteroid: he already ruled evince out
07:20.31asteroidok sorry
07:20.46Cokexpdf has no list, evince segfaults on remote X and kpdf prints garbage (it tries to print the PDF as text)
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07:21.05CokeAnd on my local computer kpdf doesn't even add a printer job.
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07:21.41asteroidpdftotxt ... | lpr /o\
07:21.54noisesmithCoke: I have seen issues between mac and linux boxes with printing, where both are using cups but they disagree in their cups version about which end should be doing the pdf->ps formatting, could this be a similar bug?
07:22.09noisesmithasteroid: wow, that is scary backwards :)
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07:22.46Cokenoisesmith: I've found errors in the cups log
07:22.50asteroidread, analyse, act ... like a computer may do ;)
07:23.11Cokenoisesmith: I changed the name of one printer in the web interface, now cups is trying to print on the old name, even though all the gui interfaces show the new name
07:23.15nevynCoke: did you install kprinter
07:23.19CokeI _HATE_ printing outside of Windows.
07:23.29nevynCoke: you do have cups already right?
07:23.45CokeThe only thing I remember about Windows the last time I used it, around 10 years ago, is that even back then at least it could print properly.
07:23.50Cokenevyn: mm
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07:24.08asteroidso folks, thx for all, see you \o_
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07:24.19sidharthanoisesmith: always the problem
07:24.38noisesmiththat did not fix it? is there a different error message?
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07:24.59nevynCoke: cups + kdeprint  wfm
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07:26.24CokeThe cups web interface is THUROUGHLY BROKEN
07:26.24noisesmithyou know, that makes for a nice motto -- noisesmith: always the problem. I could see putting that on a business card
07:26.33noisesmithcoke: tell me about it
07:26.40CokeWhen I select "modify printer", the link points to the PRINTER IP instead of the CUPS server IP.
07:26.53noisesmithCoke: same here
07:27.27CokeTen years later and printing sucks just as much in GNU-based systems as they did in '97
07:27.59noisesmithCoke: I had a bug at one point where I could not modify the mac's config of which printer to use, because all the links took me to the cups interface on the linux box, so I had to hand-write the urls... I swear I almost wrote a sed script for it
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07:29.23Cokenoisesmith: I don't get it, what's the problem?
07:29.45CokeKids write webinterfaces for their communities on a daily basis, why can't a corporate sponsored project make one?
07:30.05noisesmithI got mine working, and did my best to forget all the details, because it was so traumatizing
07:30.15CokeI understand.
07:31.36sidharthanoisesmith: no the same error message
07:31.57Cokenoisesmith: and the thing is, this is such a simple technology, given that the printer manufacturers provides a ppd
07:32.02noisesmithsidhartha: odd, my opera works just fine, so I don't know what to tell you at this point
07:32.16Cokenoisesmith: you receive incoming IPP, convert it to printer native language, queue it and then send it. Voila!
07:32.53noisesmithjust imagine web frontend 2.0, "printr", with javascript dhtml, svg smoothed shiny icons, and still broken
07:34.25Cokenoisesmith: sucks
07:34.41CokeGet me a CLI utility that supports tab completion
07:35.12CokeI tried some GTK gui written in Python which crashed when adding a PPD.
07:35.34CokeI'll never understand people who release broken software as stable and I don't understand how it could have made it's way to Debian Testing.
07:37.19HydroxideCoke: broken software makes it into testing when nobody files release-critical bugs against it.
07:37.35CokeHydroxide: gotcha
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07:38.20HydroxideCoke: here's the RC policy for the current Debian testing version, lenny:
07:38.43HydroxideCoke: it's aimed at people involved with debian development, but the part at the beginning should be understandable to everyone
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07:39.07HydroxideCoke: has instructions on how to file bugs, or you can use the reportbug or reportbug-ng packages
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07:43.30crem0rhey guys. does anyone know a good howto to convert a running etch using xinetd?
07:43.49slxixi don't understand what you're asking.
07:43.52joeyjonesis it possible to install debian on a playstation 3?
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07:44.27slxixcrem0r: you're trying to replace inetd with xinetd?
07:44.53markybobjoeyjones absolutely.  google it
07:45.56extorIf I do a "ssh [ip] -X" and then do a "screen someXapp" would I be able to keep my X-application in limbo in a screen session, just like I can keep a curses or all text app in limbo in a screen session?
07:46.16crem0rslxix: only if its secure and reliable on etch.
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07:46.36CokeHydroxide: actualy, this is a problem with printing
07:46.58crem0rslxix: is xinetd supported by debian?
07:47.11CokeHydroxide: I got cups working by writing the files manually, but now it turns out that Evince disregards margins
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07:47.32slxixcrem0r: it does on lenny. i just used aptitude to check for it.
07:47.34HydroxideCoke: ah. I was just responding to the part about the GTK GUI for CUPS that crashed when adding a PPD.
07:47.36Cokexpdf has no printer list and evince disregards margins
07:47.56CokeHydroxide: I'm just blowing off steam. I feel like hitting the authors of these softwares
07:47.58slxixextor: why don't you just try a test?
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07:48.09CokeHydroxide: why would you even make a PDF viewer that doesn't know what a margin is?
07:48.17extorany way to do that though?
07:48.26HydroxideCoke: I understand. I was just trying to help you channel that steam into a productive way to improve things. and yeah, that sounds like a bad oversight.
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07:49.01nevynCoke: it's not the viewer's problem.
07:49.29crem0rslxix: if you install new deamons with dpkg will the xinetd.conf being updated or do you have convert the /etc/inetd.conf by hand?
07:50.58Cokenevyn: sure it is. every viewer I've tried makes the print look differently
07:51.20Cokenevyn: I thought the point of using postscript and pdf was that the print would be the same.
07:52.05slxixcrem0r: i would guess that you'll have a new configuration file.
07:52.28CokeWell, xpdf, ye olde application without a proper interface, is the only one that generates correct printouts from the PDF's
07:53.08CokeGuess my users will have to write the lpr command manually to use other printers in the building.
07:53.39CokeVery smooth solution, I'm sure the FUD'ers would have a field trip with this.
07:53.40HydroxideCoke: doesn't it support specifying a printer command? you can use gtklp as the printer command for any users, or kprinter for kde users, or something else probably for gnome users
07:53.46slxixi wonder if you could run both inetd and xinetd together.
07:53.52HydroxideCoke: that will let you configure all the printer options
07:53.57HydroxideCoke: including which printer to use
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07:54.03HydroxideCoke: they're CUPS-aware
07:54.15simonrvnslxix: no
07:54.20CokeHydroxide: hang on, checking.
07:54.23HydroxideCoke: they just print to one of those commands without specifying options, then the relevant GUI pops up
07:54.32HydroxideCoke: and they can specify things there
07:54.37CokeHydroxide: I don't get a preview
07:54.57HydroxideCoke: oh. this does let them print to other printers in the building though
07:54.59CokeHydroxide: but I guess you can't get a system that works fully anyway
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07:55.16CokeOk, so either broken printing, broken GUI or broken preview?
07:55.36HydroxideCoke: I'm confused. if you use xpdf to print to gtklp, what's the problem? lack of print preview?
07:55.51HydroxideCoke: I don't have this problem myself, since I use kpdf and KDE
07:55.52CokeHydroxide: ah, but, do I pipe it or what?
07:56.00CokeHydroxide: kpdf does not print PDF's properly
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07:56.18nevynCoke: what's it do wrong?
07:56.24Cokenevyn: margins and scale
07:56.31HydroxideCoke: honestly, when you get complex enough, only Adobe Reader prints them properly
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07:56.42CokeHydroxide: no, xpdf and direct lp works
07:57.05CokeHydroxide: if you send it using gtklp or lpr it just works. But I'll try to use gtklp as default print command for xpdf
07:57.12nevynCoke: what's the printer settings and page setup? kde will default to a4
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07:57.29Hydroxidenevyn: ah yeah, that'd do it. although that depends on your settings.
07:57.39nevynHydroxide: sure.
07:57.41Cokenevyn: I'm using A4
07:57.42HydroxideI hope it doesn't default to a4 in US locales
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07:58.00nevynHydroxide: it should be whatever libpapersize is set to I think according to policy
07:58.06preddercan a pid file contain more than one pid?
07:58.24Hydroxidenevyn: ya. in any case, for me it seems to be US letter which is correct. (not that I have a printer here right now...)
07:59.20beardypredder: A pid file is just a file, as any file, if you want to store two PIDs in the same file for some reason, go ahead.
07:59.25CokeHydroxide: it says A4 and I use A4
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07:59.34Hydroxidethat's good.
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07:59.59CokeHydroxide: no, the margins are still wrong
08:00.11HydroxideCoke: I understand. but it's good that that isn't mismatched.
08:00.19beardypredder: (But the thing that reads it must be aware of that, and handle it, of course. You can't use the same file for something that excepts there only to be one number in it, of course.)
08:00.40HydroxideCoke: I'm not sure what the cause of the problem is. try the xpdf->gtklp thing.
08:00.53CokeHydroxide: anybody using an A4 paper with holes in it will be dissapointed when using the default margins with kpdf
08:01.00CokeHydroxide: that worked nicely.
08:01.14HydroxideCoke: good. I'm glad you have a working solution.
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08:03.52CokeHydroxide: yeah, I'll just change the default command to gtklp
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08:04.07CokeHydroxide: although it is possible to change the margins manually in kpdf and save them, I can't do this for every user
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08:04.31HydroxideCoke: there probably is a systemwide way to set kpdf preferences, actually
08:04.37HydroxideCoke: just like with all KDE stuff
08:04.42CokeHydroxide: I'm still very very dissapointed that the community and corporations now involved in printing STILL have not made a working solution from beginning to end
08:04.58CokeHydroxide: I wonder if printing works this bad on Mac
08:05.06HydroxideCoke: sounds like a good opportunity to get involved. clearly you know what's required, at least.
08:05.12HydroxideCoke: (not trying to be snarky here)
08:05.39CokeHydroxide: I ususaly just give up and go with any postscript compatible printer
08:05.54CokeHydroxide: just so happened that Kyocera has PPD's for all their printers, so I thought I'd try it out.
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08:06.17CokeBut the BSD utils and PostScript is still the only fully working solution.
08:06.38CokeEven though it lacks an interface to printer-specific settings.
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08:07.46CokeConsidering how big a part printing is in an office, I can't say I would recommend using GNU systems in an office, unless you have a very, very determined Linux geek that works relentlessly on getting it up an running. :)
08:08.35CokeJust last week I asked myself "Why would anybody use Windows?", but now I know. Hehe.
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08:10.22HydroxideCoke: well, I definitely recommend that offices based on GNU/Linux have someone on staff or as a consultant who knows that stuff, yes
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08:10.46HydroxideCoke: that said, paying for several hours of a consultant's time to tackle the specific problem of printing is not all that expensive
08:10.47lonutcan any1 help me with: ?
08:10.57HydroxideCoke: (for a company, I mean)
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08:11.15HydroxideCoke: ideally it wouldn't even be several hours if the consultant is experienced :)
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08:11.46CokeHydroxide: no, if the consultant is experienced he'll just say "sorry, there's no working printing solution for GNU systems, buy Vista"
08:11.50HydroxideCoke: having administered stuff in the windows world too, I will say it's still not clear that the situation overall is better on the windows side.
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08:12.01nevynHydroxide: that's untrue.
08:12.01CokeHydroxide: and even though I "solved" the problem I actualy only did a workaround
08:12.18nevynHydroxide: there are lots of mediocre windows admins out there.
08:12.18CokeHydroxide: overall situation is not better on Windows, but printing sure is.
08:12.29nevynmost linux admins are worth something.
08:12.36HydroxideCoke: right, I meant the overall situation.
08:12.40CokeHydroxide: and in an office area where the concept is that workers print bills and such it's the most important feature
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08:13.06nevynCoke: if it costs you money for it not to work spend money to make it work.
08:13.06sysdefwhere can i get the stex kernel module for kernel 2.6.18-6-486 (debian installer). the promise supertrak ex card is listed at
08:13.21sysdef+? (was a question)
08:13.32Cokenevyn: well, I know a thing or two about unix likes, so it's not a problem
08:13.35HydroxideCoke: sure, I still think the accounting/finance people need to use windows in a business for that reason, as well as the fact that there isn't any good equivalent of QuickBooks (GNUCash isn't it)
08:13.46beardyCoke: It's just what people are used to. It's not harder to configure their printer once, by typing it in, or what the thing was. It takes three braincells to learn somethign slightly different.
08:13.50CokeBut I can see why a regular company who doesn't have a geek employed would go with Vista
08:14.06Cokebeardy: I can't have them write lpr commands manually
08:14.25beardySuch a company don't know of anything else, because they have never seen, or heard of it.
08:14.40Cokebeardy: and they should stay clear of GNU if printing is important to them
08:14.43beardyCoke: Not even once? Or do they have to do it each time?
08:14.58Cokebeardy: they have to do it every time they wish to change printer
08:15.05beardyI haven't read all of your discussion.
08:15.21HydroxideCoke: gtklp lets them select the printer from within gtklp
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08:15.33HydroxideCoke: so they don't have to re-specify that each time
08:15.44HydroxideCoke: and they have access to all the options of the PPD for each printer
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08:15.51masgandhulwhy debian 32 cant used in 64? but UUE 1.6 can do it? I need debian. but now i use UUE 1.6 with repo for debian
08:15.51Cokebeardy: all I know is that Microsoft has somehow mastered the technology of making print previews, margins, etc and the actual print looking the same
08:15.59beardyWell.. are they that stupid? It is not so hard, to print(!) out an instruction describing each printer.. if they have ever typed, they will soon find it is faster than scrolling, clicking and so on, in a tree.
08:16.03CokeHydroxide: yes, xpdf + gtklp is a nice workaround
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08:16.37Cokebeardy: dude. you can't run the "re-educate" argument because I know it's bullshit
08:16.48HydroxideCoke: this seems like a really important issue to you. would you like some pointers as to how to get involved to deal with it? the "community" you mentioned is made up of people like you
08:16.57CokeHydroxide: no
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08:17.03CokeHydroxide: I never release crap
08:17.06beardyHydroxide: I hope not..
08:17.18masgandhulwhy debian 32 cant used in 64? but UUE 1.6 can do it? I need debian. but now i use UUE 1.6 with repo for debian
08:17.22HydroxideCoke: so? I don't either. I still help out by fixing, packaging, bug reporting, etc
08:17.23CokeHydroxide: I was known as the "pedantic" in my days as a developer
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08:17.29CokeHydroxide: Oh, I do that too
08:17.30HydroxideCoke: I'm not talking about writing code
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08:17.36Rada_Hi debian
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08:18.05HydroxideCoke: maybe at least make sure that bugs are filed for all the issues you've found in this effort, report the ones that are missing, and add any relevant missing information to existing reports?
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08:18.14RadaI'm trying to use apt from a script.
08:18.17HydroxideCoke: (and choose appropriate severities in whatever bug tracking systems apply)
08:18.19CokeHydroxide: I usually file bugs using the nifty reportbug, but right now I work 16 hour shifts 7 days a week, we are in a rush and all I wanted right now was to make it easy for the users to select the printer to use.
08:18.21RadaObviously, that's impossible.
08:18.23masgandhulmy debian etch didnt well and i can getin after installation, only blank screen
08:18.30RadaHow would I otherwise install software from a script?
08:18.34HydroxideCoke: ok, that makes sense. good luck :) file the bugs when things calm down then.
08:18.46CokeRada: why is that impossible?
08:18.47HydroxideCoke: sorry to hear about the huge hours
08:18.58CokeHydroxide: well, it's $
08:19.18HydroxideCoke: I should hope so with those kind of hours :)
08:19.18RadaCoke: It compains about no terminal, no env vars, no PATH, that the world is evil and that it want's to die.
08:19.29CokeHydroxide: Now I have to write a Qt interface for weekly planning of shipments.
08:19.35CokeRada: what script are you running it from?
08:19.36sysdefwhere can i contact the debian installer team?
08:19.43RadaCoke: *a* script.
08:19.54Hydroxidesysdef: for what purpose?
08:19.59CokeRada: just a regular bash hack
08:20.00Hydroxidesysdef: (the right method depends on the purpose)
08:20.01CokeAh, ok.
08:20.02Radaapt-get update
08:20.06Radaapt-get install blah
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08:20.32sysdefHydroxide: my question: where can i get the stex kernel module for kernel 2.6.18-6-486 (debian installer)? the promise supertrak ex card is listed at
08:20.43RadaHow would I go about getting apt to let me do it?
08:20.51CokeRada: works fine for me
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08:21.00RadaI mean, it's run by the system, not manually.
08:21.20CokeRada: as what user and how? cron?
08:21.30Hydroxidesysdef: are you just trying to extract the module from the installer's kernel, or do you not see it there and want to find it?
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08:22.30CokeRada: it's difficult to say without having access to the system, but make sure the script is run by root.
08:22.39Ademanhey does anyone know if apt is able to download multiple packages concurrently?
08:22.55dpkgaptitude is probably now the recommended tool for managing packages on your debian system. You can use it as a cli replacement for apt-get; it keeps track of automatically installed packages and will offer to remove them when no longer required. Aptitude, like apt-get in lenny/sid, also installs "Recommended" packages that are usually required but you have the option not to install them. Ask me about <why aptitude> <why not aptitude> <aptitude-fu>
08:23.38sysdefHydroxide: the installer don't detect the card automaticly and stex isn't in the list. also i miss the module in /lib/modules/... but i can use a floppy drive to load the module (if i have the lkm)
08:24.08Ademanbeardy: can/does aptitude use apt's existing backends for downloading?
08:24.17Hydroxidesysdef: you can do basically anything you want during the installer - you have a shell prompt, network access, ssh, peripherals access, etc. including loading modules
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08:24.24Hydroxidesysdef: but, which version of the installer are you using?
08:24.53Eulexsysdef, it appears that the 2.6.18 kernel doesn't have that module; check out etch and a half
08:24.55sysdefHydroxide: the latest debian etch netinstall cd
08:25.37beardyAdeman: Define "apt", but yes.
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08:25.47sarefohi, my freshly installed lenny says i only have a partial acpi installation (kde kcontrol), and that i need to rebuild my kernel. is there no easier way to get my machine to suspend to disk?
08:25.53sysdefEulex: i need to run debian stable on that machine because it's a server
08:26.14Hydroxidesysdef: etchandahalf is stable, just with a newer kernel. it's still security supported by the stable release team.
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08:26.29Hydroxidesysdef: well, it's currently a proposed update to stable - it will become Debian 4.0r4
08:26.33Eulexsyscrash, so, did you read what etch and a half is?
08:26.34Hydroxidesysdef: still etch though
08:26.39HydroxideEulex: wrong person
08:26.47yigalcould anyone point me to a slim biff program, cli is fine, that can handle gmail as an imap account?
08:26.48Ademanbeardy: crap used by apt-get?  stuff in /usr/lib/apt/methods
08:27.08EulexHydroxide, yep
08:27.40Superbarttyigal i use gnubiff (for gnome) and it works fine ^^
08:27.56Hydroxidesysdef: take a look here:
08:28.15yigalSuperbartt: what do you use for the address?
08:28.16Hydroxidesysdef: it gives you a way to install etch using a lenny debian-installer and the etchandahalf kernel
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08:28.32dbmoodbhi so is debian testing secue ?
08:28.32yigalSuperbartt: if you don't mind me asking :)
08:28.38beardyAdeman: That's what it uses AFAIK yes. It uses the same sources.list, as these methods seem to be binaries, yes.
08:28.46dbmoodbthis is my question
08:28.51Superbarttor do you mean server adresses?
08:28.52Ademanthanks beardy
08:29.03Hydroxidedbmoodb: it has its own security team, separate from the stable security team. it's not as guaranteed secure as the stable distribution, but they do a pretty good job.
08:29.08yigalSuperbartt: I mean something like: imaps:// ?
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08:29.27yigalSuperbartt: I mean something like: imaps://, I can't get it to connect
08:29.40mib_pzaltihi does a virtual midi keyb exists for deb?
08:29.51dbmoodbi am just looking at hardy and going oh look its an lts .. that is what .. so testing is pretty good these days -- sorry to bother you people again (i was on just before )
08:30.12Hydroxidedbmoodb: it usually is pretty good, and now is not an exception.
08:30.25Superbartt @ yigal
08:30.38Hydroxidedbmoodb: by contrast, I've heard lots of reports of problems with hardy, but I don't have enough details handy to elaborate further
08:30.40dbmoodbok .... i'm trying to compare it with hardy -- can't find any ubuntu sites like the tracker thing
08:30.49Cokedbmoodb: I use testing on all workstations, aside from a few applications not being bugfree, the Debian stuff is rather stable
08:30.51dbmoodb-- Hydroxide -- lots of bugs in it
08:30.51yigalSuperbartt: you rock, thank you
08:30.58dbmoodbi know Coke
08:31.08yigalSuperbartt: I complicate things :)
08:31.20Hydroxidedbmoodb: the usual differences between debian and ubuntu continue to apply. overall, testing is pretty well working.
08:31.21Superbarttno problem :) you could have found it on google ;)
08:31.48yigalSuperbartt: but it appears as though there are no special needs for ports etc.
08:31.51Cokedbmoodb: I didn't see your original question, is the problem that stable provides outdated drivers?
08:31.58dbmoodbno Coke outdated apps
08:32.12Superbarttno ofc not :p why do something difficult when you could use default ports yigal :p
08:32.15Cokedbmoodb: hm. oh. well, then Testing won't suit your needs either, probably.
08:32.17Eulexdbmoodb, any specific problem?
08:32.23dbmoodbCoke:  it does
08:32.39yigalSuperbartt: too tired to disagree, anyway thanks again
08:32.42Cokedbmoodb: ok. I've noticed that it has rather late releases of some libraries due to bugs found
08:32.43dbmoodbjust general things - pidgin, amarok (new) faad ffmpeg, ah .... new drivers, kernel
08:32.57dbmoodbipod support
08:33.02dbmoodbgraphics ... looks better
08:33.11Cokedbmoodb: I had a friend who tested ubuntu, xubuntu, debian stable, testing and fedora
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08:33.32Cokedbmoodb: he sticks with Fedora now because of the fancy glitz-based opengl desktop and latest versions of media players.
08:33.35dbmoodbfedora isn't for me , ubuntu is ok xubuntu is fine
08:33.43mib_lgi1jfhi doeas a virtual midi keyboard exists for debian?
08:33.46Cokedbmoodb: including mp3 support from suplemental repos
08:34.16Cokedbmoodb: well... I think most Debian users think like me, they prefer outdated over broken
08:34.25sidharthado you know a light graphical web browser
08:34.29Eulexmib_lgi1jf, did you search?
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08:34.34dbmoodbwell i can't use an ipod on etch
08:34.40dbmoodbreally ...
08:34.45HydroxideCoke: that said, debian is pretty up-to-date nowadays in both testing and unstable, even given the caveats you've mentioned
08:34.49Eulexsidewalk, xlinks2
08:34.57dbmoodbthe new ipods
08:35.10sidharthai 'm very disappointed with iceweasel , and his RAM eating
08:35.16Cokedbmoodb: my friend says his video out, wlan, 3d desktop and media players worked the best in Fedoral.
08:35.33Cokesidhartha: iceweasel just isn't as good as firefox
08:35.37dbmoodbCoke: i am an lenny, etch and hardy user
08:35.48EulexCoke, emh, it's identical
08:35.50dbmoodbeh not as good i find it better
08:35.50markybobCoke you're insane.  it's the same code base
08:35.58dbmoodbCoke: i prefer the weasel
08:36.04sidharthaCoke it's the same isn't it
08:36.06markybobCoke lookup iceweasel before you say stupid shit like that
08:36.08*** part/#debian jo4 (
08:36.17Cokemarkybob & Eulex: except that the latest firefox is 4-6 weeks newer than the latest Testing Iceweasel
08:36.18dpkgTo list uninstalled recommended or suggested packages: aptitude search '~RBsuggests:~i!~i'; upgradeable packages: aptitude search '~U'; manually installed packages: aptitude search '~i!~M'; install without recommends but not uninstalling other recommends: aptitude install -R -o Aptitude::Keep-Recommends=true
08:36.42mib_lgi1jfhi doeas a virtual midi keyboard exists for debian?
08:36.45dbmoodbi would run etch if i could get a few things
08:37.08RadaCoke: The script is in roots crontab.
08:37.09markybobCoke no.  latest firefox is as is the same as lenny
08:37.12EulexCoke, testing has which is the newest one.
08:37.13markybobCoke nice try, though
08:37.20Cokesidhartha: really, if firefox and iceweasel are identical, why isn't firefox a package in Debian?
08:37.21dbmoodbwhat is this misc-backports ?
08:37.21Eulex!tell mib_lgi1jf about search
08:37.32markybobCoke look it UP
08:37.35dpkgit has been said that iceweasel is the name of a DFSG-free fork of Firefox, which replaces Firefox in Debian starting from Etch. It is different from GNU's version of Firefox, which formerly had the same name but is now known as IceCat ( To learn about the reasons for the fork, ask me about <why iceweasel>.
08:37.40Cokemarkybob: some patent issue?
08:37.44dbmoodbmmm ? what is misc backports ?
08:37.45sidharthaCoke: because of licence problem with the name of firefox
08:37.49markybobCoke it has to do with branding/trademark, not actual code
08:37.52Eulex!tell Coke about why iceweasel
08:37.53sidharthaif i rememeber weel
08:38.16Superbartt!why iceweasel
08:38.17dpkgDue to Mozilla logos licensing, Mozilla software isn't DFSG-free, so Debian distributes Mozilla software with different logos. One day Mozilla Corporation decided to revoke the agreement to let Debian use Mozilla trademarks, so Debian changed to non-trademarked product names. See for more information.
08:38.33Cokemarkybob: well, whatever you say, bub, but I've had issues with Testing iceweasel that firefox managed. could be some dependency library issue.
08:38.39Superbarttexplains something :)
08:39.14sidharthadoes someone uses another web browser than iceweasel ?
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08:39.29markybobsidewalk i use dip browser
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08:39.38CokeWhy would Mozilla do this? Are they turning into the next Netscape or next Microsoft?
08:39.52Superbartti have opera and galeon installed, but i prefer firefox/iceweasel
08:40.05markybobCoke  please google or read the info on the iceweasel/icecat website
08:40.06*** join/#debian Zenton (n=Vicente@
08:40.06Coke"Holy shit, our free software has become popular thanks to our budding community, let's become soulless cash whores and revoke all freedom!"
08:40.38beardyYour statements do not match entirely. "dude".
08:40.41markybobsidhartha i use dip browser
08:40.41dbmoodboh i found my solution
08:40.45dbmoodbthey are backported
08:40.48sidharthayesterday , i was amazed, i was opening many tabs in FF, , a top showed me my system was begining to swap
08:41.01sidharthai closed some tabs -> nothing change
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08:41.17sidharthai close firefox -> notihing changed
08:41.31HydroxideCoke: I'm not a fan of Mozilla's move there, and neither is anyone in Debian really, certainly not the Iceweasel maintainer.
08:41.38sidharthaso the RAM freed by firefox hasn't been reallocated
08:41.51Eulexsidhartha, define 'nothing changed'
08:42.04CokeHydroxide: well, it just proves what I've always known; fame and fortune makes everybody soulless cash whores
08:42.06markybobsidhartha it's not really supposed to be.  cached ram is supposed to act like that
08:42.08sidharthathe top command
08:42.09Eulexsidhartha, I seriously doubt that the ram used by firefox wasn't freed when it exited.
08:42.17Eulexsidhartha, what didn't change?
08:42.19sidharthashowed me the same RAM consuption
08:42.28HydroxideCoke: but aside from branding, and the usual ways Debian has always integrated firefox (e.g. disabling auto-updates for the application part and putting things in more standard filesystem locations), it's still firefox
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08:42.36Eulexsidhartha, of what?
08:42.49HydroxideCoke: and yes, what you say has some truth to it :)
08:42.50sidharthasorry the RAM used/unused
08:42.53Superbarttsidhartha, firefox still maintains tabs when you close them, so you can easily reopen them from cache, you should google up the setting if you want it to use less ram
08:43.21Eulexsidhartha, and you're sure that it wasn't something else using the ram in question?
08:43.40sidharthaSuperbartt: yes but when you close firefox, the RAM should be freed, no ?
08:43.58Superbarttyes, and it does sidhartha
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08:44.03Eulexsidhartha, note that firefox won't exit until you close all windows in use by it
08:44.15Eulexsidhartha, including any stray download manager window you might have open
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08:44.55sidharthaok i will re do some test before insulting firefox
08:44.57dbmoodboh i see i don't actually need .. great i can reinstall etch
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08:45.11Hydroxidedbmoodb: enjoy
08:45.14RadaI get this when trying to do an automated software install:
08:45.18RadaWhat should I do?
08:45.22dbmoodbi didn't know about that backport tree
08:46.17dbmoodbstill is lenny good ?
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08:46.46EulexRada, basically, you can't do that, because it requires an interactive console. also, it needs to be run as root. why do you need to do that?
08:46.49dbmoodbwould you run a ssh interneted server on it ?
08:46.53RadaIt is root.
08:47.05Hydroxidedbmoodb: depends on your personal requirements and judgment.
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08:47.28dbmoodbwho here thinks that that would be fine ?
08:47.28EulexRada, if it were root, it would find the commands in question that it doesn't find.
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08:47.35RadaBecause I need to push automated "update packages" to a server that I won't be able to reach through ssh (long story)
08:47.39dbmoodb-- that is my question
08:47.53RadaAlso, it is not run by a user. It is run from a script in cron.
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08:48.01Radaroots crontab, that is.
08:48.01Hydroxidedbmoodb: it's not a popularity contest. you have to consider the specific situation you're in
08:48.27dbmoodbwell i need a person who is doing it
08:48.40themillRada: have you looked at cron-apt? (I don't know the context of what you are asking...)
08:48.45Radadbmoodb: What's an interneted ssh server?
08:48.48dbmoodbi just don't do things unless i can have some one else going yeah it is fine for the most part
08:48.51Hydroxidedbmoodb: e.g., how good are you at keeping up on updates? how many ports is it listening on? how many people have accounts? do you have strong passwods? do you trust your users? what level of risk are you willing to accept? et cetera
08:48.52Radathemill: thanks
08:49.02dbmoodbone person me
08:49.11dbmoodbah update a lot, one port strong passwords yes
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08:49.27dbmoodb-- i'm worried about possible kernel / ssh exploits from lenny that is all
08:49.29Hydroxidedbmoodb: I can tell you that I run a machine with sid/unstable that has publically accessible ssh (I'm the only user though)
08:49.41dbmoodbthat is enough
08:49.44dbmoodbthank you
08:49.48Hydroxidedbmoodb: ok
08:49.52markybobdbmoodb install fail2ban
08:49.53themilldbmoodb: you should run something like fail2ban
08:49.55dbmoodbi do
08:51.41justnutsdoes rsync locks a file while its copying it?
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08:54.15justnutsliable: which technically means if a large file is being constantly written to ... rsync may not be the right tool... i suppose snapshotting the file would assist eg lvm snapshot?
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08:55.08justnutssome of my backup-ed files were corrupted after rsync-ing ..which defeats the purpose
08:55.37liablejustnuts: i'm not sure of a good way around that problem
08:55.59liablebut yes, having a copy thats not being written to is needed.
08:56.40justnutslife doesn;t seems to be easy ...sigh
08:56.55liablemaybe it does
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09:01.13justnutsliable: interesting
09:01.42sortudo_78Please, how do i put a folder definitively in the path?
09:02.44justnutssortudo_78: i think its under /etc/profile ... i'm 50% sure
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09:03.17themill!tell sortudo_78 about path
09:03.28sortudo_78there is any comannd to put a directory ina path?
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09:04.19justnutsfound this:
09:04.28themillsortudo_78: temporarily:    export PATH=/your/new/path:$PATH
09:04.43themillsortudo_78: permanently: see what dpkg told you and put a line like that in your ~/.bashrc
09:04.47justnutsif its for the occasioanal use.. i normally just %export PATH=/new/folder:$PATH
09:05.03sortudo_78thanks very much for everybody
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09:08.02justnutsliable: i'd read both pages. hmm ..  if a user is modifying a file and the root is rsyncing it ... is it possible that corruption might occur? shouldn't happen but i'll test this tonight anyway ... maybe i should memtest and fsck  as well
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09:09.09SolidSlashhey, can someone with Sid check if he can install libffi4 ?
09:09.11liablejustnuts: those pages i linked seem to be in relation to the box being copied to, dunno about the box being copied from. google should have more info. its not something i am really familiar with
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09:10.21justnutsliable: cheers ..thx
09:11.24liablei guess i shouldn't really comment when i dont know, but i cant help myself..
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09:14.58dpkg<yazid> "dumb client with the fewest moving parts" .. a phrase dangerous when overheard by strangers out of the IT office ;)
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09:18.08themill!tell DocMAX78 about root
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09:19.00Pascal_1what is the best way to install e17 on a fresh install debian etch whith no graphical interface ?
09:19.42liablewget its sources and build
09:19.52Pascal_1no repository ?
09:19.59Guerinthe best way is not at all
09:20.03liablenot that i know of
09:20.11EulexPascal_1, no official one, at least
09:20.15Guerinbut hey, if you like using half-made software don't let us stand in your way
09:20.15BushmillsPascal_1: there is a page on the debian wiki
09:20.18liablewishes he just fucking release it already
09:20.21dpkg[DR17 debs]
09:20.25Guerintry that
09:20.28beardyHi Guerin
09:20.39Guerinbeardy: greetings, bearded one
09:21.09Bushmillsrefers to the #pkg-e channel on this irc net
09:22.10Pascal_1can i use this :  ?
09:22.32Guerin!htfswk Pascal_1
09:22.32dpkgPascal_1: How The Fuck Should We Know?
09:22.38Guerinsuck and see
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09:36.50the_sniffanyone here knows how to make postfix delete messages that get certian errors? (like a time out, unknown user etc)
09:38.39markybobthe_sniff you'd be better off in #postfix
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09:40.50the_sniffyeah but no one is there
09:41.27slxixchannel has 185 in it.
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09:41.45the_sniffyeah :eso
09:43.03slxixis that relevant?
09:44.28slxixmake sure you read the article discussion before running the script provided.
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09:45.51jorge_i have a dell poweredge 2950
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09:46.09jorge_when i boot when a rescue cd , cd is sda and disk sdb
09:46.16jorge_but i need to invert this order
09:46.34jorge_i probed with mknod and nothing
09:46.42slxixyou could try changing it in your bios.
09:46.58jorge_bios, don't have this option
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09:47.08jorge_only can enable or disable
09:47.42jorge_someone know some boot modifier to avoid to load sg module ?
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09:48.16Eulex!tell jorge_ about blacklist
09:48.19slxixhi and][ng
09:48.48jorge_thanks Eulex, but this is able to run at boot ?
09:49.34liablemeh, why cant iceweasel open .c files without going into infinate tab opening loop
09:49.42nirupamaI am unable to suspend my laptop
09:49.54Eulexjorge_, ask dpkg about blacklist-initramfs (as that factoid told you) for info on blacklisting stuff that is automatically loading from an initrd
09:50.02nirupamaI am using s2ram --force --vbe_mode
09:50.14slxixnirupama: what model laptop?
09:50.15nirupamait suspends but I am unable to wake up the system
09:50.16and][ngI've got a question on for days, I want to launch vncserver at boot time as a user, I'm using start-stop-daemon but I'm having some env issues
09:50.24nirupamaslxix, its sony vaio
09:50.26Eulexnirupama, tried pm-suspend?
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09:50.34and][ngwhat' s the right way to do it
09:50.35nirupamaEulex, is it a command
09:50.39Eulexnirupama, there are many models of sony vaio
09:50.41Eulexnirupama, yes.
09:50.51nirupamaEulex, yes its sony vaio VGN-TZ17GN
09:51.13telmichI am looking for the debian-way to add additional addresses to the loopbackinterfaces on bootup and set it to non-arp
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09:51.35CoolColdanybody knows linux analog to freebsd's netstat -Lan, i wanna see socket's listen queues
09:51.57slxixnirupama: is about the best reference i can give you.
09:52.11telmichanyone a hint, how that would be made mostly beautiful according to debian way? the loopback option seems not to have an up section, as static has in interfacas
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09:53.36slxixCoolCold: netstat -lan? :)
09:53.39themill!suspend troubleshooting
09:53.39dpkgA guide for troubleshooting suspend-to-ram and suspend-to-disk problems is at . The tools it talks about are available in the debian package uswsusp.
09:54.20CoolColdslxix: and where is listen queue size there?
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09:55.47lkthomasdoes anyone have any idea how to use maildroprc to point maildrop deliver to right maildir ?
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09:56.39hjbHi. I'm running lenny. When i execute "reboot", instead of doing a real reboot, a new kernel is loaded and started. That sucks. How can i switch it off?
09:56.47slxixCoolCold: yes/no?
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09:57.07CoolColdslxix: i don't see them anyway, show me example of your output
09:57.23slxixer, ok. give me a moment. will msg.
09:57.30themill!tell kevix about root
09:59.22Eulexhjb, try -f
09:59.42thneehow can i change the default editor that is used by crontab -e?
09:59.58ex1stenzcan any1 tell me if the page opens?
10:00.08slxixex1stenz: stop spamming.
10:00.16hjbEulex Hmm, i'll try... will be right back :-)
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10:01.21slxixCoolCold: sorry, i don't know.
10:01.25markybobthnee man update-alternatives
10:01.38mquinthnee: set your EDITOR or VISUAL environment variables to the editor you wish to use
10:02.17thneemquin: how does it choose between EDITOR and VISUAL?
10:02.34Guerinthnee: presence of x
10:02.54thneeGuerin: how does it determine presence of X?
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10:03.03mquinit doesn't
10:03.13Eulexthnee, $DISPLAY, I assume
10:03.14Orion_X11When I update my source.list it says that there is duplicated list. But, I had a look in it and can't find this. Is there a command line for getting rid of this duplicated source?
10:03.31hjbEulex :-| -f was like pressing the "reset" button
10:03.49hjbEulex Probably not what i intended. No shutdown script were run etc...
10:03.49GuerinOrion_X11: depends where it is. rename it to sources.list.nonexistent
10:03.58Eulexhjb, ouch
10:04.18Orion_X11Guerin: I mean not a list, But line inside the source.list
10:04.19hjbEulex As long as i can see, no data were lost :-)
10:04.53GuerinOrion_X11: comment one line at a time until it goes away
10:04.59hjbEulex I have a second machine here running the same debian version "lenny" which behaves normally on "reboot"
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10:05.05Eulexhjb, you could try shutdown -r now
10:05.42Eulexhjb, it sounds like the one you're currently using is using a new kernel feature to 'reload' linux without rebooting the machine. I must say I've never seen that before.
10:05.44slxixi use shutdown -r now. what's this reboot command? :)
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10:06.22hjbEulex I think it came with 2.6.21 .22
10:06.44thneeso how is stdout/stderr handled when running crontab commands?
10:06.50Eulexhjb, current lenny is 2.6.24
10:06.50hjbEulex Can't remember. But it's a plain debian kernel and i have never activated it :-/
10:07.07hjbEulex 2.6.24 is what i'm running now
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10:07.12Guerinthnee: sounds like you need to read the manpage for run-parts
10:07.41Guerini think that's TRFM
10:08.03hjbEulex I'll try "shutdown -r" now. But before that i'll issue a "sync" ;-)
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10:08.56slxix"shutdown -r now" should run your shutdown scripts.
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10:11.24hjbEulex shutdown -r does the same as reboot
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10:11.48Eulexhjb, heh, very interesting.
10:11.55kevixhjb: and dont forget runlevel 6
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10:12.10Eulexhjb, you do have acpi or apm, right?
10:12.18thneeGuerin: before i read that, what i want to do is to check what happened, because the desired result was not achieved. i have this in my crontab: "*/1 *   *   *   *       /home/thnee/doxygen/" and that command is correct. if i run it from the terminal, the documentation is updated, but the documentation never gets updated when i just wait for the crontab
10:12.28and][ngEulex: I had to switch acpi off in bios
10:12.54hjbEulex right, i have acpi, as this is a laptop where i need it for pm. btw. it's linux-image-2.6.24-1-686
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10:13.29hjbEulex Is this problem acpi related?
10:13.40BubbaTCan someone suggest a  good build-your-own live distro based on debian?
10:13.55BubbaTSimilar to BartsPE?
10:14.06Eulexhjb, no idea
10:14.13EulexBubbaT, debian live
10:14.36Eulex!tell BubbaT about debian live
10:14.49and][ngBubbaT: IDK BartsPE but recently I searched the same and I found dsfutils, cdboot and debootstrap for debian
10:15.04and][ngEulex: does Debian Live allow to add packages easily?
10:15.10BubbaTEulex thanks.
10:15.16slxixBubbaT: for CD or USB key?
10:15.58and][ng!tell and][ng about debian live
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10:15.58BubbaTslxix, CD
10:16.09Eulexand][ng, you can create your own cd with the exact packages _you_ want
10:17.24and][ngEulex: actually I'd like to create a minimal live with two apps that are not in any repository
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10:18.24mavhkis there a recommended way to make iptables stuff permament?
10:18.29and][ngnamely irsim and magic vlsi tools, actually a guy asked info about license on magic-dev as he was creating packages but it's stil only one of them
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10:18.47markybobmavhk /etc/init.d/iptables tends to take care of that
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10:19.27hjbEulex telinit 6 does the same thing
10:20.17mquinmavhk: use iptables-save to write your configuraiton out somewhere, then call iptables-restore from an 'up' staement in /etc/network/interfaces
10:20.36Eulexhjb, I'd suggest googling; I've never seen this before. I just knew it was possible, not that it was actually used under some circumstances by reboot etc...
10:21.03mquinmarkybob: /etc/init.d/iptables was removed from debian some time ago
10:21.41hjbEulex I can't belive that i'm the only one running a plain vanilla debian kernel who's experiencing this. Strange
10:21.52hjbEulex But google may be a good idea
10:22.32slxixmost people run plain vanilla debian kernels. it's preferred.
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10:23.57extorIs it possible to install a xen-vserver kernel within a VMWARE linux machine and actually have it work? Or will it just choke?
10:24.47thneemy crontab is never run, what should i do?
10:24.52vaqextor: no
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10:25.13Eulexhjb, well, the feature is kinda cool, _unless_ you need to perform a full reboot...
10:25.25slxixthnee: turn your computer on?
10:25.34thneeslxix: funny
10:25.38vaqextor: why the heck do you want to do that?
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10:25.56remoteCTRLhi guys!
10:26.17remoteCTRLi ha installed etch on some brand new hardware and allthough everybody seems to be fine i get no sound
10:26.19BubbaTIS there a way to umount then remount a system ro in one step?
10:26.25extorvaq cuz I wanna test xen out before rolling it onto my dedi server
10:26.25remoteCTRLany help please?
10:26.32and][ngEulex: thanks
10:26.48themill!tell remoteCTRL about alsa checklist
10:27.00vaqextor: get a spare server, there other think wouldn't work
10:27.05themillremoteCTRL: What sound card do you have?
10:27.13vaqextor: im using xen, vmware before... Wouldn't go back in a million years
10:27.19remoteCTRLthemill: its a onboard intel card
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10:27.46extorhmm yeah maybe I will put it on the spare box then but this woulda been convenient hehe
10:27.50themillremoteCTRL: does lsmod | grep snd list snd_hda_intel?
10:28.04remoteCTRLthemill: lspci does not list it but lsmod lists snd_hda_intel drivers...
10:28.30EulexremoteCTRL, did you run update-pciids?
10:28.45hjbEulex Hmm, the feature is called "kexec" (see
10:29.04remoteCTRLthemill: basically everything looks as if itr is working, if i launch amarok it displays an equalizer that looks like playing back exept for it doesnt...
10:29.25hjbEulex Don't get me wrong, i think it's a great feautre. But NOT if you can't control it
10:29.30remoteCTRLEulex: nope i havent i heard that one for the first time right now, ill do that and be back in a sec
10:29.32Eulexhjb, right
10:29.42fireba11remoteCTRL: you checked for problems outside your box ?
10:29.45themillremoteCTRL: don't use things like amarok for testing audio. There are too many things that can go wrong.
10:29.53EulexremoteCTRL, are your volume levels turned up?
10:30.09esteelBubbaT: from the man page of mount:               remount
10:30.50themillremoteCTRL: just use something like "aplay /usr/lib/openoffice/share/gallery/sounds/cow.wav" to test the sound output and fiddle with switches while doing so. You will want to invoke-rc.d alsa reload first too. (and check that nothing is hogging the sound card in the output from that last command)
10:30.58remoteCTRLfireball yes, checked two dirfferent headsets and i know they work, themill any recommendations? eulex, yes in alsamixer and gnome-control-center all up
10:31.19remoteCTRLthemill uhuh ok i tryed mplayer it also wouldnt work
10:31.46hjbEulex Am i right: init executes one of the various reboot system calls of the kernel after preparing the running processes for reboot?
10:32.12*** join/#debian jnbes (
10:32.17themillremoteCTRL: use something like aplay with a simple wav file. Don't use anything more complicated than that. Don't bring codec problems (esp mp3) into the discussion.
10:32.23remoteCTRLthemill: ahaaaaaaa here wego:
10:32.26remoteCTRLALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:864:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave
10:32.26remoteCTRLaplay: main:550: audio open error: Device or resource busy
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10:33.02Eulexhjb, I believe so
10:33.03remoteCTRLthemill i didi it with mplayer and horse.wav shoulod basically produce same results i thought...
10:33.32EulexremoteCTRL, lsof|grep /dev/pcm; lsof|grep /dev/snd
10:33.40remoteCTRLthemill: ok i geht a device or ressource busy error but there is absolutely nothing runnling...
10:33.50remoteCTRLEulex: sec pls
10:33.53themillremoteCTRL: perhaps.... but mplayer comes with many more bells and whistles. invoke-rc.d should have told you why it was busy too.
10:34.00hjbEulex hnmm, the reboot(2) manpage is out of date :-/
10:34.19remoteCTRLEulex: ok lsof|grep /dev/pcm returns nothing
10:34.48remoteCTRLmixer_app  2884       draco   39u      CHR      116,0                4289 /dev/snd/controlC0
10:35.05remoteCTRLwould be the output of lsof|grep /dev/snd
10:35.13hjbEulex So somewhere in the source of init must be a conditional which either executes reboot with LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_KEXEC or LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_RESTART as parameter
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10:36.11Eulexhjb, hmm wait, check out /etc/rc6.d/S90reboot
10:36.12themillEulex: the output of "invoke-rc.d alsa reload" provides a list of pids and process names that are touching the sound card. No lsof or grep required.
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10:36.57Eulexthemill, oh, never knew
10:37.21themillEulex: it's quite nice. Although someone said that had changed under lenny.... :(
10:37.32Eulexthemill, let me try
10:37.51Eulexyep, invoke-rc.d: unknown initscript, /etc/init.d/alsa not found.
10:38.02remoteCTRLthemill: ok i got a substantial error msg vor invoke ill pastbin that, sec pls
10:38.02hjbEulex Ohhh, right. And especially /etc/rc6.d/S85kexec :-D
10:38.19hjbEulex Let's see where this is coming from...
10:38.28Eulexhjb, hah, I don't have that one
10:38.32themillEulex: :(
10:38.56themillremoteCTRL: you have gnome's esd and mixer applet still running
10:39.12Eulexthemill, and you don't appear to be able to do the same thing with alsa-utils
10:39.24hjbEulex That's why your system does a plain old reboot and mine is not, i think
10:39.37Eulexhjb, very likely yes
10:39.42remoteCTRLthemill: hmm i understand, sec pls
10:40.13jimremoteCTRL: there's some kind of way of setting the particular device using that intel chipset
10:40.14hjbEulex Ahh, now i've got it. I have the kexec-tools package installed
10:40.25themillEulex: that's a shame. That was a really handy way of seeing what was being a pain and also what alsa modules were installed.
10:40.55jimsnd-hda-intel needs to know specifically which chip you have, and they're named
10:40.56Eulexhjb, :)
10:41.12*** join/#debian acv (
10:41.16remoteCTRLthemill: ok i killed the two processes and reloaded successfully, what now?
10:41.29acvdo i need acpid running if i'm running etch on a desktop?
10:41.34jimoh good :) hopefully that works
10:41.34hjbEulex Thanks for your help figuring this out :-)
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10:42.31themillremoteCTRL: try in one terminal "while true; do aplay /usr/lib/openoffice/share/gallery/sounds/cow.wav; done" and in another terminal, start alsamixer and fiddle with the mutes and levels. You might need to *mute* a channel to get it working.
10:42.46Eulexhjb, yw :) I learnt as much about it as you did :)
10:42.46hjbEulex I think that it is rather intrusive that the package installs a call to itself as S85kexec without asking
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10:43.01Eulexhjb, file a bug
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10:43.37remoteCTRLthemill: hummm... ok i'll try, sec pls
10:43.49hjbEulex Good idea. But first i'll check if it really don't ask :-) Maybe i just had answered yes to it ;)
10:44.49remoteCTRLthemill: nope that didnt work...
10:44.51hjbEulex Shame on me. It really asks :-D
10:44.54BubbaTIs there a way to run scandisk using wine?
10:44.56Eulexhjb, hehe
10:45.02remoteCTRLjim: the chip is realtec alc888
10:45.12acvdo i need acpid running if i'm running etch on a desktop?
10:45.30markybobacv if you dont know, then yes
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10:46.10hjbEulex hand now as i can finally reboot my machine :-)
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10:46.33aurehmanHi.. I want to download Linux 2.6.18 Debian 4.0... anybody help me... from where i download this OS?
10:46.43remoteCTRLthemill: by the way how do i get that infinite loop to stop again?
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10:47.01remoteCTRLthemill: nope?
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10:47.39themillremoteCTRL: you might need to do that a couple of times.... Otherwise you only kill the aplay and not the while.
10:47.45remoteCTRLthemill: ah ok it worked but you need to hold it down for at least 5 sec XD
10:48.03remoteCTRLthemill: yeah i realized *g*
10:48.10remoteCTRLso still not working...
10:48.26themillremoteCTRL: Also, the snd_hda_intel drivers have improved a lot in recent kernels. You could try upgrading to a newer kernel. 2.6.22 is in backports (/msg dpkg bpo) and 2.6.24 is in etchnhalf (/msg dpkg etchnhalf).
10:48.45jimyou would have to hold it down because it's not paying attention while the loop's member is going
10:49.49remoteCTRLthemill: i'm afraid that is outta question, i am in a universitiy institute, we got like 50 pcs  and i cant start compiling the new ones with other kernels as that creates update issues...
10:49.59aurehmanHi.. I want to download Linux 2.6.18 Debian 4.0... anybody help me... from where i download this OS?
10:50.06*** join/#debian st_moto (n=st_moto@
10:50.12jimwhat do you have now
10:50.29remoteCTRLjim:  yeah i realized;)
10:50.34markybobjim i know this one!  two women on a stick!
10:50.54jimohh tasty
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10:51.09slxixi've seen that movie.
10:51.09remoteCTRLwell thanks alot for attempting to solve my trouble guys!
10:51.14themillremoteCTRL: I'm not suggesting compiling new kernels, I'm suggesting that you install newer debian-packaged kernels
10:51.35jimremoteCTRL: what's the retail name of your card?
10:51.49remoteCTRLthemill: wich would still lead me to apt-pinning, wouldnt it?
10:51.49jimor is this sound on the motherboard?
10:51.53markybobjim are you jim eagan?
10:52.00*** mode/#debian [+l 835] by debhelper
10:52.26remoteCTRLjim: its a intel dg33fb or dg33bu mainboard with onboard sound
10:52.59jimremoteCTRL: ok, do you have the exact model number? which of those is it?
10:53.05remoteCTRLjim: as far as i could figutre out its a realtec alc888 chip
10:53.21*** part/#debian gamla_kossan (
10:53.37themillremoteCTRL: you need to make sure that you don't end up with all packages from, but the instructions are trivial.... you need 4 lines in your /etc/apt/preferences. Or for that many machines you'll be using some sort of apt-proxy so you can only add the kernel packages to its list of available packages in a local repo.
10:53.37jimwhat you can try is google "intel dg33fb" linux alsa sound driver
10:53.39aurehmanplease anybody help me
10:53.41remoteCTRLjim: not unless i open the pc which i cant as it is locked and my master isnt there *g*
10:53.58jimno manual?
10:53.59themill!tell aurehman about getting debian
10:54.04jimoh well, try both
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10:54.39aurehmanthemill: I want to download Linux 2.6.18 Debian 4.0.
10:54.48aurehmancan u guide me how can i get the iso image
10:54.53jimaurehman: what kind of internet you have
10:54.59themillaurehman: follow the link that dpkg sent you
10:55.11aurehmani have 1mb internet
10:55.34jimok, that goes from the outside to what device exactly?
10:55.37aurehmanbut the most frustrating this is that here are 21 cd images
10:55.46aurehmanwhich image should i download?
10:55.59streuner!d-i aurehman
10:55.59dpkgaurehman, you want to go to Or (if you've got hardware that the etch installer doesn't support) for your own good, and everyone else's.
10:56.07jimanswer these questions and we'll see
10:56.11remoteCTRLthemill: jim: Eulex: thanks for the attempt anyways!:)
10:56.19jimremoteCTRL, sure :)
10:56.32streuner!+tell aurehman -about ig
10:56.33dpkgtold aurehman about ig.
10:57.14themillremoteCTRL: it shouldn't be too hard for you to upgrade your kernel even across a lab that size. As long as you know it will work :)
10:57.19themillremoteCTRL: Good luck with it :)
10:57.24aurehmanshould i download the small image file
10:57.28Eulexaurehman, check out the netinstaller
10:57.45streuneraurehman: What's hard to read ig?
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10:58.10aurehmani need to install pythong... so.. whould small image file will ok?
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10:58.46slxixaurehman: i'm a fan of net installs.
10:59.08Eulexaurehman, any image will do; what is not included on the iso(s) you're downloading you download later on
10:59.11aurehmani m newbie in irc
10:59.28streunerand hopefully not a newbie in reading
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10:59.44aurehmani m downloading small image file
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11:00.42aurehmanis it Linux 2.6.18 Debian 4.0
11:00.52aurehmanin Debian 4.0 RC3?
11:00.57jimwhat could be helpful is to draw out exactly what your networking setup looks like, every device, how it's connected
11:01.19themillaurehman: not "release candidate 3" but "release 3".
11:02.01themillwishes that debian would stop using X.YrZ version numbering
11:02.08extorCan someone tell me why I see the following, in my auth.log?
11:02.09slxix is what i would use.
11:02.10extorMay  5 06:25:01 debian su[2350]: Successful su for nobody by root
11:02.10extorMay  5 06:25:01 debian su[2350]: + ??? root:nobody
11:02.10extorMay  5 06:25:01 debian su[2350]: (pam_unix) session opened for user nobody by (uid=0)
11:02.14markybobhappy pidgin
11:02.16aurehmano yes.. sorry... it is release 3
11:02.16themill!tell extor about paste
11:02.19markybobi mean, funpdigin
11:02.22markybobi mean...fuck
11:02.37extorIt's just three lines
11:02.51aurehmani m totally a newbie for Debian
11:03.03aurehmancan anybody help me how i can install and configure it?
11:03.07*** join/#debian jberg (
11:03.08extorI typed the first line and then pasted 3 lines. The rule is to not post MORE than three lines
11:03.10jimare you a newbie to your networking hardware?
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11:03.48aurehmanbut new in debian
11:03.59jimso... your networking comes into your house somehow...
11:04.04jimhow? what media
11:04.17themillextor: if you're going to bitch and complain then no-one will bother helping you. You get *kicked* at three lines, that's the enforcement, not the rule.
11:04.31slxixaurehman: did you read the install manual on :)
11:04.32jimI'm not doing anything without information
11:04.40extorso the rule is wrong then, perhaps someone should update the bot
11:04.44themillextor: BTW that is most likely a cron job for something like logrotate or syslog.
11:04.52themillgives up
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11:04.55jimextor: just use your best judgement
11:05.27jimconsider that every line you type here goes out however many clients are connected
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11:06.00extorright but if you scrole of my lines is split from the other three and in between you have something by slxix
11:06.07jimI'm not trying in any way to be authoritative... the opposit, I'm saying you take care of it
11:06.16slxixextor: don't include me in this!! :)
11:06.31jimjust use your own best judgement
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11:06.51jimthe bot will take care of stuff it thinks went over anyway
11:06.53extorslxix I can't help it if you were in the wrong place at the right time(for me).
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11:07.21extorYeah so the bot didn't kick me...cuz I waited 15 seconds before pasting the actual three lines
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11:07.35slxixmaybe it only showed up between your messages on your side. ;)
11:07.40streuneraurehman: via modem, do you use a hardware-router?
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11:07.56Eulexextor, umh no, there was 2 seconds between your first line and the three pasted ones
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11:07.59aurehmani worked on ubuntu.. but never worked in debian
11:08.14aurehmanactually i m using 1 MB internet
11:08.15extorMay have been lag in the first line perhaps
11:08.18jimok, he is failing to answer pertinent questions...
11:08.22aurehmani dont have any router
11:08.25streunerwell, ubuntu - that makes sense then
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11:08.55streuneraurehman: no hardware-router, but via modem?
11:08.58aurehmannor i have any modem
11:09.08streunerso internet comes via air?
11:09.23aurehmanno i mean there is no cisco router
11:09.24streunerwireless then?
11:09.35aurehmanyes i m using wireless
11:09.37slxixstreuner: plugged in like the matrix
11:09.41aurehmanthere is a bridge...
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11:10.27streunerhm, wireless, you need to know the chipset then (wireless NIC)
11:10.31jimaurehman: perhaps if you were to understand how tech people connunicate you'd get a better response. personally, I am choosing to ignore you because you have refused to answer questions I feel would help to make a choice. I now leave that choice to you, read the install guide; it has relevent info
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11:11.02jimif you want to understand that kind of communication, one source is /msg dpkg smart questions
11:11.18aurehmanjim: i m sorry if i am unable to answer properly...
11:11.33aurehmanbut i m in a very difficult situation..
11:11.41aurehmani've to give a client demo on that server
11:11.48aurehmanand currently i m downloading the iso
11:11.55jimmeetoo, it's called "4 AM in the morning, and not slept yet"
11:12.02aurehmanafter 2 hours i've to give demo
11:12.30jimyou chose to start today to ask?
11:12.32slxixis it a full moon tonight?
11:12.34Eulexaurehman, emh,  you've got a server connected via wireless?
11:12.54jima better choice would have been last week or last month or better, 2 months ago
11:12.59slxixjim, it's 8pm
11:13.26Eulexno, it's 1pm!
11:13.33jimmy local time is 4 am in the morning (plus some mins by this time) :)
11:13.53and][ngI have to agree with Eulex
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11:14.25extorare the default Xen kernels in debian pretty decent ones to put onto production webservers?
11:14.51corecodeis there a way to tell dpkg not to run postinst/restart deamon scripts?
11:15.06jimman update-rc.d
11:15.09corecodei'm trying to update an image created by debootstrap and dpkg fails
11:15.18Eulexcorecode, fix the script
11:15.19streunerwait, dpkg?
11:15.20aurehmanEulex: my live servers are directly attached on a switch where the wireless cable terminates
11:15.34shoonyacan someone tell me how to build a .deb package
11:15.34corecodeEulex: the postinst?
11:15.44Eulexcorecode, yes.
11:15.47slxixwireless cable? oxymoron? :)
11:16.18corecodeEulex: what would be the correct fix?
11:16.31*** join/#debian inimesekene_ (
11:16.34corecodeinvoke-rc.d: initscript dbus, action "start" failed.
11:16.34corecodedpkg: error processing dbus (--configure): subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1
11:16.34dpkgThat isn't an error, post the whole output to paster.
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11:16.54corecodeyes, that is an error.
11:17.19*** join/#debian Jessica_ (
11:17.19shoonyaidimmu: thanks
11:17.24streunerbut dpkg is right, just paste the whole error with command in
11:17.53corecodethat *is* the error, what more is there to be
11:18.03Jessica_i would like to change distro and i am considering moving to debian i would like to know if my wireless card will work its the RTL8187B
11:18.14streunercorecode: What does 'dpkg -l libc6 | tail -1' say?
11:18.33corecodeii  libc6               2.7-10ubuntu3       GNU C Library: Shared libraries
11:18.35sortudo_78alguem pode me ajuda a compilar a ultima versao do wine?
11:18.53dpkgHispanohablantes: Por favor /join #debian-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.  Spanish Speakers: Please /join #debian-es, there you will get much more help.
11:18.57streunercorecode: #ubuntu
11:18.59*** join/#debian surgeon (n=surgeon@binford.kawo2.RWTH-Aachen.DE)
11:19.04dpkgPor favor use #debian-pt para ajuda em portugues ou #debian-br para ajuda em portugues do brasil. ( /join #debian-pt )
11:19.05corecodestreuner: clueless there
11:19.17Jessica_i would assume it dose because i am currently using ubuntu which is based on debian but i just want to make sure
11:19.18corecodestreuner: and essentially it is a dpkg issue
11:19.24catsupno it isn't
11:19.26Eulexcorecode, no, it's a packaging issue
11:19.30catsupit's a dbus issue
11:19.32catsupdbus fails to init
11:19.37streuner!+tell corecode -about based on debian
11:19.39dpkgtold corecode about based on debian.
11:19.40catsupthe error occurs in /etc/init.d/dbus
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11:20.04corecodeyes, it can't init because there is nothing running.  this is a plain directory image, not an instance running
11:20.14corecodeit has been primed by debootstrap
11:20.18sortudo_78Please! Anybody could help me to compile the last version of wine ?
11:20.36catsupi see.  then force it through by moving /var/lib/dpkg/info/dbus.postinst somewhere else temporarily
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11:20.46Eulexcorecode, you've got ubuntu in a chroot there?
11:20.49corecodeokay, thanks
11:20.52corecodeEulex: yes
11:20.55catsupor, better, uninstall ubuntu, and install debian
11:21.06sortudo_78i need to install some dependecie, but dont know how to install that :(
11:21.23slxixsortudo_78: why are you compiling wine?
11:21.23corecodei basically want to do it like debootstrap does, just for an upgrade
11:21.28Jessica_dose anyone know if the RTL8187B wireless card works in debian
11:21.36catsupcorecode: debian backports does what ubuntu is supposd to exist for
11:22.00*** mode/#debian [+l 844] by debhelper
11:22.11catsupif you want a more permanent solution to this problem i believe there is actually a package (in debian...) that gives you a dummy invoke-rc.d
11:22.40corecodewill look into that
11:22.56sortudo_78slxix: becose i must try the last version that is 0.9.61 with my Paltalk aplication, i just found debian packeges to wine version 0.9.58 :(
11:22.57corecodethe thing is that i'd like to use that chroot as rootfs for a set of diskless clients
11:23.07corecodebe it debian or ubuntu, i don't really care
11:23.33Eulexcorecode, well, then use debian and you'll be able to receive support in here.
11:23.48*** join/#debian abrotman (
11:23.58corecodei was asking about dpkg, not about distro specific details
11:24.09catsupno, you're mistaken
11:24.18EulexI'm 99% sure that ubuntu patches dpkg
11:24.23abrotmanit does
11:24.34corecodeokay, then let me rephrase the question
11:24.34catsupthe error was not in dpkg, dpkg was merely reporting it
11:24.49sortudo_78slxix, i dont need 0.9.58, i need 0.9.61
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11:24.59corecodeis there a way to prevent dpkg from running the postinst/invoke-rc.d script
11:25.11catsupcorecode: i told you
11:25.13corecodesorry, didn't phrase the question correctly
11:25.22corecodecatsup: yes, just for completeness :)
11:25.28E-bolaWhat options do I have if I want to monitor the disk load of my disk system? In windows you have performance counters like idle time, where you can monitor the utilisation of a disk. Does debian/linux have something similar?
11:25.39*** join/#debian LeGreffi3R (
11:25.39E-bolaI need to monitor if the disks are a bottleneck
11:25.48E-bolaabrtoman: i tried looking at it, but couldnt get any useable values
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11:25.54slxixsortudo_78: that web pages tells you how to install the latest available wine from wine's own repository.
11:26.07slxixi would assume it has the latest?
11:26.22E-bolaabrtoman: Can iostat in any way provide values that can give me a utilisation value for the driveS?
11:26.29E-bolapreferebly in a percentage
11:26.35abrotmandude .. A B R O T M A N
11:26.35sortudo_78slxix: thanks i will get a read
11:26.54abrotmanE-bola: define usable values
11:26.56slxixi hope it works out for you.
11:26.58abrotmanat least i highlight on abortman
11:27.10liableso you should
11:27.11*** join/#debian rage (n=rage@
11:27.13cammoblammoE-bola: There's a new utility in sid called iotop that may do what you want. I haven't had a play with it yet, but it looks kinda interesting.
11:27.15alin_CNE-bola, are U chinese ?
11:27.27E-bolaabortman: I need something i can make graphs of, and i'd prefer soemthing that have a specific range which woudl be general for any disk
11:27.32E-bolaalin_CN: no
11:27.38corecodecatsup: i guess i could also just force the status of the package to be "completely installed" and not "half installed, postinst missing"
11:27.48alin_CNen, thank U, you ..go on..
11:27.50E-bolacammoblammo: sounds interesting i love the htop and top utilities
11:27.50catsupha, abortman
11:27.53sortudo_78slxix: the debian repository is 0.9.58, i need to compile 0.9.61 :(
11:27.53Eulexoh no, what did I do
11:27.56abrotmanE-bola: there are system monitors in debian, not sure what they graph as far as dis IO
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11:28.16sortudo_78but frist i need to install dependencies
11:28.18E-bolaabrotman: ive tried a fair deal of them, nagios, bigbrother etc
11:28.26E-bolathey all just use scripts/plugins
11:28.33*** part/#debian alin_CN (n=alin_CN@
11:28.33E-bolaim jsut wondering if linux can provide the kind of data im looking for
11:28.43abrotmanE-bola: there's disk test suites like bonnie
11:28.49abrotmanor lmstat can do that also
11:28.59E-bolaabrotman: isnt bonnie a benchmark tool?
11:29.22abrotmanyes .. doesn't mean it can't tell you if your disks are slow
11:29.29abrotmanoh .. not lmstat .. lmbench
11:29.33abrotman!info lmbench etch
11:29.37zxd_does this look like a regex mistake to you
11:29.38zxd_(xend-relocation-hosts-allow '^localhost$ ^localhost\\.localdomain$')
11:29.41zxd_the double \\
11:29.44E-bolaWell do you understand what i mean when i say windows and idle time performance counters?
11:29.53dpkglmbench: (Utilities to benchmark UNIX systems), section non-free/admin, is optional. Version: 3.0-a7-1 (etch), Packaged size: 779 kB, Installed size: 3516 kB
11:29.57E-bolait gives you a percentage of how much any given disk is utilised
11:30.08slxixsortudo_78: did you just look at the archive?
11:30.11E-bolaso basically a value between 1 and 100 that tells you how busy the disk is
11:30.20catsupzxd_: it depends on what else parses the text before the regex engine receives it
11:30.20abrotmansounds .. random :)
11:31.04slxixsortudo_78: i think that if you install the apt repository, then you'll get the latest.
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11:31.21E-bolaWell what would you monitor if you wanted to keep a track of your disks, utilisation wise
11:31.31liableinstall the apt repository?
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11:31.44slxixliable: my wording is probably bad.
11:31.47petemcE-bola: you can log disk writes, its obviously very verbose tho
11:31.58liableslxix: i suspect so :)
11:32.27slxixadd sources? :)
11:32.34E-bolahmm so i guess this is a small niche where linux is a bit inferior
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11:32.49E-bolaiotop is the thing that comes closest
11:32.59petemcE-bola: thats quite a statement considering you seem to know next to nothing about it
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11:33.10abrotmanE-bola: i don't mind iostat .. i think it is useful
11:33.23pjv_mwhat's a good CMS for a website?
11:33.33E-bolaabrotman: but isnt the values in iostat specific for the drive ur looking at?
11:34.02E-bolapetemc: well google doesnt show anything after ive been looking for it for motnhs at intervals, and nobody ive asked ever had any tools that would show the values i need
11:34.07abrotmanmeasured in Blks/sec
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11:34.24abrotmanDevice:            tps   Blk_read/s   Blk_wrtn/s   Blk_read   Blk_wrtn
11:34.25abrotmansda              18.80       820.68        54.35  332713911   22032784
11:35.02E-bolaWell thats my point
11:35.10E-bolacant you have mroe reads from a fast disk per sec
11:35.13Dark_ApostropheHello. I'm running 2.6.25 with an Intel 4965 wireless card. My AP is a DD-WRT one with WPA2-personal-AES encryption. I can't manage to connect to it. Can anyone please help me?
11:35.15shoonyapjv_m: you can try drupal
11:35.24E-bolathan from a slow one? So to know if the value is critical you have to know the disk?
11:35.29catsupE-bola: i think what you want to do is benchmark your disks
11:35.30abrotmanE-bola: that's not a benchmark .. that's actual stats
11:35.31pjv_mthank you
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11:35.47catsupE-bola: then you can interpret the figures given by iostat in terms of percentage usage
11:36.03aurehman_Eulex: I've downloaded netinst... and now i m burning it
11:36.10aurehman_then i'll install it on my machine
11:36.20aurehman_is there any pre requisite?
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11:36.38dpkgI heard "ig" is Installation Guide...see for Etch 4.0 stable, or for now oldstable Sarge (3.1). Lenny is now the new Testing!
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11:36.59kuribasWhat is the best version of Octave to install?
11:37.09abrotmanthe one in your Debian sources
11:37.12E-bolacatsup: yes but it needs to be interpreted per drive right?
11:37.42kuribasabrotman: There are three!  2.1, 2.9 and 3.0
11:37.44catsupE-bola: it doesn't "need" to be; that's just the only thing that makes sense
11:37.55abrotmanE-bola: and iostat does have more information available .. i just gave you the standard ouitput
11:38.08E-bolaabrotman: like an oooold ide drive would have a much lower blk_read/s than a fast scsi drive, without that being an indication of a problem
11:38.11abrotmankuribas: i'd think that depends on your work
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11:38.34abrotmanE-bola: what do you think that blk_read/sec is measuring? the ability or actuality ?
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11:38.52E-bolacatsup: thats my point im looking for something that can interpret it in relation to the specific drives capabilities and report it in a percentile utilisation for that drive
11:39.00abrotmanE-bola: it really sounds to me like you want a system benchmark suite
11:39.02catsupE-bola: i just told you what to do
11:39.04E-bolaso you can compare how utilised different drives in different servers are
11:39.16E-bolaabrotman: actuality
11:39.37abrotmanE-bola: right .. so if the ide drive is reading 30 blks/sec .. that's well under its capacity
11:39.40catsupit's clear what you want, what you hav to do is benchmark your drives to find out the speed
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11:40.06E-bolaabrotman: so in your way, you would have to examine every drives "capacity" to know which values to alert on for blks/sec ?
11:40.14E-bolawhich is completely useless in my case unfortunately
11:40.17abrotmanE-bola: i just said that you want a benchmark
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11:40.38abrotmanE-bola: iostat shows real-ish time stats .. but you're looking for a bottleneck .. benchmark the system
11:40.42catsupE-bola: obviously, you have to know what 100% is, before you can issue a figure in percentage
11:40.43E-bolaabrotman: I dont want a benchmark, its not about how fast the drive is, but how busy it is in the instance ur lookign at it
11:40.51abrotmanthen use iostat
11:41.01E-bolacatsup: yes thats the problem, windows figures all that out for you
11:41.03abrotmanor some other real-ish time disk IO thing
11:41.04catsupE-bola: to say that basic mathematical fact, which applies to every percentage every issued by anyone or anything--
11:41.19Dionixmplayer always looks for /dev/cdrom when i play dvd's, but really its /dev/hdc and there is a symbolic link for /dev/cdrom1   so i do "sudo ln -s hdc cdrom" so mplayer can find it, but everytime i reboot /dev/cdrom disappears, how can i permanently fix this?
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11:41.55E-bolaabrotman: iostat will only tell me how many operations its doing that instance, not how big a percentage of its capacity those operations are
11:41.57abrotmanDionix: fix mplayer?
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11:42.08abrotmanE-bola: benchmark
11:42.09catsupE-bola: sigh.  benchmark the drives
11:42.09E-bolawhich is the problem, ur solution works if you have alot of similar drives, or very few drives
11:42.20E-bolathats not feaseable
11:42.23catsupit's not "his" solutino, it's the only possible solution
11:42.23E-bolanot at all
11:42.25abrotmanthen stop asking
11:42.27catsupthen what you want is impossible
11:42.28E-bolathe system would ahve to be idle etc
11:42.33abrotmanyour day is over .. go home
11:42.33Jessica_is there just a 1cd download of debian
11:42.37abrotman!d-i Jessica_
11:42.37dpkgJessica_, you want to go to Or (if you've got hardware that the etch installer doesn't support) for your own good, and everyone else's.
11:42.41E-bolayes impossible on linux, not windows. Thats what i concluded several lines ago
11:42.51E-bolawhich is a shame :(
11:42.57catsupE-bola: if windows doesn't benchmark the drives, then it's merely guessing
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11:43.08catsupE-bola: which you can do, also
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11:43.15E-bolamaybe thats good enough, i dont knwo how they do it, byut the figures make sence
11:43.19catsupjust guess.  just output random numbers.
11:43.21abrotmanor he could benchmark them .. and then use iostat .. but he's too damn lazy
11:43.36Dionixabrotman: how?
11:43.44E-bolaabrotman: its not about being lazy, its just not feaseable to benchmark 100's of differetn servers with 1000's of different disks
11:43.55Dionixabrotman: i rather like the link /dev/cdrom anyway though
11:44.01Jessica_there is like 21 cd's
11:44.02catsupE-bola: how do you think that 'windows' obtains this information?
11:44.04Jessica_which one do i need
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11:44.35E-bolacatsup: its only a guess, but maybe something like its looking at how many writes/reads are in queue, and if the queue is mmm "full" the drive is 100% busy
11:44.46catsupE-bola: uh, no
11:44.49abrotmanDionix: you can use udev rules instead
11:44.57E-bolai dont think its about actual performance, since its a relative value ur getting. (A percentage showing how busy the drive is)
11:44.58abrotmanJessica_: the netinst ..
11:45.08*** part/#debian Ivan_Shi (i=dd02a40f@gateway/web/ajax/
11:45.13Dark_ApostropheCan anyone please help me out with my wifi problem?
11:45.20Dark_ApostropheI can't connect to my AP...
11:45.26catsupE-bola: look, what you can do is watch the drive over time, and see how far it is from the max it's ever been at
11:45.29BubbaTI'm getting a new3 computer today. I want to make a dual boot XP, debian. Is it possible for me to make a vm in Windows that starts up the debian installation. Is that possible?
11:45.36E-bolacatsup: yes thats simple and easy
11:45.39E-bolaand what abrotman is saying
11:45.47E-bolabut it doesnt scale
11:46.05catsupE-bola: the package 'munin' does that
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11:46.13Dark_ApostropheBubbaT: Sure, virtualbox, vwmare, etc... But why have Debian in a virtual machine, when Windows is the insecure of the two?
11:46.18E-bolaive looked at munin
11:46.20catsupdoesn't scale.  listen, don't use phrases like that
11:46.31heroxbdHello! With the coming of Linux 2.6.25, ISATAP is supported by the kernel. How can I configure to use it in user space?
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11:46.47catsupi've gotta go, coffee time
11:47.12abrotmancatsup: but munin doesn't scale or some thing dumb managers would say
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11:47.56liableDark_Apostrophe: why do you keep breaking your wireles?
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11:48.51BubbaTDark_Apostrophe, I did not say that I wanted to create a disk image with debian on it. I said I wanted to create a disk image that uses an existing debian installation. When I am on Windows, I occasionally want to do some linux stuff, so a VM seems the best way.
11:48.51BubbaTBut I do not want to make a complete debian image.
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11:52.02heroxbdI mean... How can I invoke iproute2 to enable isatap when using kernel 2.6.25?
11:52.54Dark_ApostropheBubbaT: Just use a VM..what's the problem?
11:53.04Dark_Apostrophevirtualbox, for example...
11:53.05*** part/#debian alin_CN (n=alin_CN@
11:53.14Dark_ApostropheVMware works too, but I think you have to pay to get a decent version
11:53.23Dark_ApostropheMaybe I'm mistaken
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11:53.53jellyBubbaT: you can use the real disk in a virtualbox guest, but you have to be careful.
11:54.25abrotmancolinux ?
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11:55.45jellyDark_Apostrophe: vmware server is gratis
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11:56.35abrotmanjelly: big words .. confusing!
11:56.39Dark_Apostrophejelly: Oh, okay. I wasn't too sure on that.
11:57.13BubbaTjelly, I would use Xen or Qemu.
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11:57.23abrotmanthe major one that isn't free is vmware esx
11:57.30robocop1Hi there.I need a little help pleasse.Ive just installed debian I need to do an apt-update and apt dist-upgrade please?
11:57.31abrotmanBubbaT: on windows?
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11:57.43extorWhat is a decent CPU benchmarking utility packaged in debian?
11:57.45abrotmanrobocop1: you mean 4.0r3 ?
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11:58.03robocop1abrotman, yes sorry
11:58.10dubare 8139 nics broken in 4.0r3?
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11:58.16abrotmanrobocop1: why would you ask if you have to do a dist-upgrade ?
11:58.25abrotmandub: that's a lot of cards .. be more specific
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11:58.42jellyBubbaT: I use Debian in virtualbox as well as on real machine, it works decently apart from not being able to boot from real disk, so I had to create a grub.iso image to boot from.
11:58.53kilahhi, i have some question about debian development volunteer, who can help me ?
11:59.09robocop1abchirk, well Im new to debian.a lot of other distros require updates and dist upgrades
11:59.10jelly?runon sentence error
11:59.15abrotman!beer abchirk
11:59.15dpkgdeftly decants a fine Bornem Tripple for abchirk
11:59.33abrotmanrobocop1: aptitude update && aptitude upgrade .. is anything held back ?
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11:59.54themillkilah: just ask
12:00.03BubbaTjelly thanks
12:00.30robocop1abchirk,  thanks thats the commands I needed to know.last thing though is installing an ati driver
12:00.42abrotman!beer abchirk
12:00.42dpkgdeftly decants a fine Franziskaner Hefeweizen for abchirk
12:00.50abrotman!tell robocop1 about fglrx one-liner
12:01.03sarefo_workany idea why synergy isn't in lenny? it's in etch and unstable.
12:01.24dubabrotman, would any be broken?
12:01.25themill!why is synergy not in testing
12:01.25dpkgsynergy is not in testing for the reasons listed in
12:01.26kilahwhat i need todo to be developer..or how i find somenone to advocate me ?
12:01.35themillsarefo_work: ^^ because it's buggy, iirc
12:01.37abrotmandub: BE LESS VAGUE
12:01.47abrotman!tell kilah about nm
12:02.21kilahabrotman: i have read from website conditions
12:02.47themillkilah: you need to already be active in the debian community before you can get someone to advocate you. If you are already active, then you will know who will advocate you already.
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12:03.28jellythemill: catch22?
12:03.41themilljelly: not really.
12:03.46abrotmanthemill: i don't know that what you said is entirely true
12:03.48dubabrotman, 8139too adn 8139cp are loaded
12:04.06abrotmani don't think you want them both loaded at the same time .. but anyways .. and what happens ?
12:04.07kilahthemill: i`m not very active in debian community because i don`t know where to start
12:04.09sarefo_workthx themill
12:04.15themillabrotman: no-one will advocate you if you are not active in Debian in some way.
12:04.35abrotmanthemill: no one is a bit strong .. but okay
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12:05.10dubabrotman, netinst doesnt find it or only if no link is up
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12:05.17abrotmandub: how old is the card?
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12:05.40dubabrotman, two diff cards both work in ubuntu
12:05.57dubboth generic rtl crap idk what
12:05.58themillabrotman: I wouldn't have thought so.
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12:06.38abrotmanthemill: uh .. that's crap .. i've had people offer to advocate me
12:06.50abrotmanthemill: and i'm crazy
12:07.35abrotmandub: is it a pretty new machine/mobo ?
12:07.42themillkilah: to start with, run wnpp-alert (from the devscripts package) and see if there is software that you are currently using that is looking for a new maintainer (RFA, O) or assistance (RFH). Also look at the list of RC bugs and see what you can do to help along Lenny's release.
12:07.46dubabrotman, no
12:08.03abrotmandub: less than 18 months old though ?
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12:08.29dubabrotman, no its i82815 old as fuck
12:08.42abrotmanthat's the mobo .. not the NIC .. but okay
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12:08.59abrotmandub: you can try the etch installer with a newer kernel if you prefer
12:09.01dubboth are older than a couple of years
12:09.23abrotmani've seen stuff in dmesg that sometimes says "using 8139cp but you should try 8139too"
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12:09.55dubi tried rming either
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12:10.31dpkgrumour has it, etchnhalf is "etch + 1/2" -- an update to Debian's stable release "etch" designed to provide support for newer hardware. It will include a 2.6.24 kernel and provide an updated installer. See:  Preview installer images (not for general testing yet) are at
12:10.43dubboth are loaded Under ubuntu too
12:10.50abrotmanthere's an unofficial netinst with a newer kernel .. try that
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12:11.15abrotmanhopefully it doesn't eat all your food
12:11.38syskis there a prob with the debian servers currently ?
12:12.25syskwell updating process seems broken and a friend of mine reports the same prob
12:12.35fireba11try another mirror
12:12.37abrotmantry another mirro
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12:13.26syskgood idea
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12:15.16acvdo i need acpid running if i'm running etch on a desktop?
12:15.28dpkgati is, like, For X1300 and later, see Proprietary FGLRX <fglrx> <fglrx one-liner>. 3D accel is available via xserver-xorg-video-ati driver for many cards. "man radeon" for a full list. <radeon>, <radeonhd>
12:15.32Dark_ApostropheCan anyone please help me get my wireless running?
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12:16.07abrotmanacv: *need*, no .. probably would like some of the features though
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12:16.15esteelDark_Apostrophe: have you tried google? :) what wlan card do you have?
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12:16.32Dark_Apostropheesteel: Intel 4965
12:16.39soppmanwhy doesnt 4.0 netinstall download debs from the internet? it claims that some packages on the cdrom is broken, can i change source somehow in the installation program?
12:16.48themillDark_Apostrophe: you used to have that card working fine... what's wrong now?
12:16.59Dark_Apostrophethemill: I replaced the hard drive
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12:17.21esteelDark_Apostrophe: i got it to work by installing (on unstable) firmware-iwlwifi and gnome-network-manager..
12:17.31Dark_Apostrophethemill: After reinstalling Debian, now I can't get it working. Neither with 2.6.24, which I used before, nor with 2.6.25, which I use now.
12:17.39themillDark_Apostrophe: was it catastrophic for which you had no backups....
12:17.41Dark_Apostropheesteel: I use KDE
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12:18.06Dark_Apostrophethemill: The disk started clicking, so I did make backups.
12:18.15esteelDark_Apostrophe: maybe its just the iwl thing missing..
12:18.23Dark_ApostropheWell, iwlwifi is part of the kernel
12:18.28Dark_ApostropheAnd I installed the firmware manually
12:18.53themillDark_Apostrophe: and the symptoms are... the dmesg output is... the output from iwconfig is...
12:19.00Dark_ApostropheHere's what happens, when I try to connect with wpa_supplicant:
12:20.16acvabrotman, what features?
12:20.43abrotmanmonitor off? fan slow down? power saving stuff
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12:21.25acvabrotman, i run these on a vps
12:21.35acv*the debian install
12:22.04abrotmanbut .. etch .. on a desktop .. on vps?
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12:23.06dpkghmm... ati is For X1300 and later, see Proprietary FGLRX <fglrx> <fglrx one-liner>. 3D accel is available via xserver-xorg-video-ati driver for many cards. "man radeon" for a full list. <radeon>, <radeonhd>
12:23.24dpkgit has been said that ati is For X1300 and later, see Proprietary FGLRX <fglrx> <fglrx one-liner>. 3D accel is available via xserver-xorg-video-ati driver for many cards. "man radeon" for a full list. <radeon>, <radeonhd>
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12:23.34robocop!one liner
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12:24.02dpkgmethinks dpkg is the program used by debian to install and remove packages, "man dpkg".  also ask me about <apt howto>. The main info bot in #debian is also called dpkg; ask me about <dpkgbot>.
12:24.12robocop!howto ati
12:24.33Eulex!tell robocop about msg the bot
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12:24.51robocopabrotman, what was the one liner again please
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12:26.03AussieGuyhow many mb is 25094761 kb?
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12:26.26themillAussieGuy: depends on how you define m, k and b.
12:26.31nevynAussieGuy: divide by 1024
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12:26.40AussieGuymegabytes and kilobytes
12:26.49nevynyeah but which version
12:27.01Dark_Apostrophethemill: Any ideas?
12:27.04nevynThe base 2 ones or the base 10 ones?
12:27.04themillAussieGuy: there are also decimal and power-of-two versions of those.
12:27.11*** part/#debian sysk (
12:28.33themillDark_Apostrophe: not without you providing a lot more information. In particular, what gets written to dmesg when you modprobe -r then modprobe the iwl driver.
12:28.59acvabrotman: sorry i meant server but this is a testing desktop install
12:29.02Dark_ApostropheOkay, let's see.
12:29.02acvso server
12:29.10*** join/#debian kolloh16 (
12:29.22robocopcan someone tell me what the command is to get the one liner for installing my ati card....thanks
12:29.39themill!tell robocop about fglrx one-liner
12:30.49Dark_Apostrophethemill: Here's my dmesg:
12:31.26acvwhich ftpd should i use?
12:31.42robocopthemill thanks....but I got an error message saying this Couldn't find package fglrx-driver
12:31.42Eulexvsftpd is a good one
12:32.00*** mode/#debian [+l 858] by debhelper
12:32.19Eulexrobocop, "Contrib and non-free sources needed. ask me about <non-free sources>"
12:32.36themillrobocop: it's in non-free... did you add contrib and non-free as instructed.
12:32.54abrotman!tell robocop about f
12:33.00*** part/#debian end-user (n=tony@unaffiliated/end-user)
12:33.20themillacv: I'd recommend against any ftpd. /msg dpkg ftpmustdie
12:34.04*** join/#debian djace_ (
12:35.01acvthemill, customers need ftp access
12:35.58themillacv: need is the wrong word.... there are many other solutions that are technically superior and can also still be used by clueless windows users without any troubles.
12:36.54acvthemill, like?
12:37.27themillacv: sftp would be a good choice. Even ftp+ssl would be better than just ftp.
12:37.42abrotmanidimmu: uh no?
12:37.45acvthey have their own ftp clients
12:37.49idimmuuh ya!
12:37.50acvi cant force them to use smth else
12:37.55abrotmanacv: filezilla is easy
12:37.57themillnotes that winscp and filezilla are clients not protocols
12:38.04abrotmanacv: yes, you can .. it's your server and their data ..
12:38.14acvwhat's a sftpd?
12:38.15abrotmanthemill: SHUT IT SHEEP LOVER!
12:38.25themillabrotman: I'm not a kiwi!
12:38.26asgthemill: thought we were talking about solutions, not protocols. Baaaaaa.
12:38.27*** join/#debian deny[all] (n=pdiablo@unaffiliated/denyall/x-000001)
12:38.36idimmugive them local accounts and use scponly as their shell!
12:38.41acvsftp server i mean. recommendations?
12:38.42*** join/#debian Kalli (
12:38.43themillasg: indeed... :)
12:39.00asgacv: openssh-server (you should already have it and it comes with sftp)
12:39.53Dark_Apostrophethemill: Any ideas?
12:40.07*** join/#debian Pusselgenerator (
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12:40.31sChaaaany suggestion ton an ircd on debian ?
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12:41.28themillDark_Apostrophe: can't see anything there... does "iwlist wlan0 scan" give you a list of APs?
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12:42.20Dark_Apostrophethemill:  wlan0     Interface doesn't support scanning : Network is down
12:42.27*** join/#debian master_of_master (
12:43.07themillDark_Apostrophe: uhuh.... nfi then. Try asking in #ipw2100.
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12:43.28Dark_Apostrophethemill: I did, nobody seems to know there, either.
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12:46.18ziyaxHello, I wanna prevent from syn attacks some1 attacking our HLDS servers which has webmod with syn attack when i do netstat i see attackers ip with SYV_RECV
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12:51.36drew_any ideas on how to get a list of manually installed packages? i.e. the ones that apt-get autoremove is generated from
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12:52.26abrotmanas opposed to auto-installed?
12:52.30abrotmanaptitude can do that IIRC
12:52.43dpkgTo list installed packages, COLUMNS=200 dpkg -l |awk '/^[hi]i/{print $2}'; man dpkg; man grep; man awk; If you use aptitude, try aptitude search -F '%100p' '~i!~M';
12:52.52abrotmanyou might ahve to use the aptitude manual to modify that query
12:53.00*** join/#debian djace__ (
12:53.07abrotmanoh wait .. aptitude search '~i' maybe
12:53.37robocopis back now after a working lunch..trying to work out why I should pay and who to install the ati graphics driver....anyone any ideas then?
12:53.40catsuphm.  dpkg -l should not use COLUMNS when stdout is not a tty
12:54.11catsupi'm filing a wishlist bug...
12:55.41abrotmancatsup: are you really filing a bug?
12:56.24catsupdo you think i should not?
12:56.35abrotmancatsup: you would want to verify that it exists .. many of these factoids are pretty old .. some are older than 2000
12:57.00catsupi will
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12:57.06catsupalthough i'm running stable
12:57.17azeemcatsup: so make a testing chroot and test there :P
12:57.21catsupin stable, it's already fixed
12:57.26abrotmancatsup: see .. not a problem!
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12:57.36pippijnhi all
12:57.40abrotmangood thing you didn't make an ass out of yourself in the BTS ..
12:57.44abrotmanwe get enough of that here :)
12:57.44suwroI am having problems with apache2 and webdav - keep getting :: AuthDigestFile perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration -- I have auth_digest enabled and if I put AuthFile it starts but does not auth.
12:57.48catsupso, how do i file a wishlist bug against dpkg (the bot)?
12:57.56abrotmancatsup: you don't
12:58.02pippijnever since I upgraded from 7.2 to 7.3 on debian lenny, fonts in nearly all X applications have become huge
12:58.03heroxbdI am using the lastest iproute2. How can I setup a isatap tunnel?
12:58.05catsupi'm kidding
12:58.38*** join/#debian gadi_ (
12:58.40heroxbdI type " ip tunnel add is0 mode isatap local <localaddr> remote <server addr>
12:58.54E-bolacatsup: i looked into munin, where you referring to the iostat plugin?
12:59.08gadi_where i find the /sbin/consoletype ?
12:59.09drew_abrotman: ahh! aptitude search '~i!~M' (thanks!)
12:59.23abrotmandrew_: i said a few things after that ...
12:59.38pippijnalso, my right alt key is not working correctly anymore
12:59.41heroxbdBut it says "no remote for isatap"... I am wondering where can I specifiy the server ip...
12:59.46abrotmandrew_: the aptitude manual is really what you want .. and it's a decent read
12:59.55abrotmannot like a murder mystery or anything ...
12:59.59pippijninstead of a pipe character, alt+< now produces esc+pipe character
13:00.48drew_abrotman: but I read enough to solve my riddle :)
13:00.56abrotmangood enough for me
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13:04.46ziyaxHello, is there a way to wake up application which went to S1 Stat
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13:06.09acvwhich vpn server should i use?
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13:07.00themillcatsup: COLUMNS= might be necessary under sarge though... so it's worth leaving it there until we're not helping people with sarge->etch any more.
13:08.01catsupthemill: it is
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13:08.52asgacv: take a look at openvpn
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13:09.02themillcatsup: thought so... (I don't have any sarge boxen left to test such things any more...) Some amount of cleaning up of factoids is always necessary, it's a matter or working out what and when as they come up.
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13:10.51aurehmanEulex: I've downloaded debian netinst... and installed it on my machine
13:11.03aurehmannow it is downloading packages from internet
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13:11.44aurehmanI need to install # MySQL 5.1.23 RC release candidate on my debian machine
13:11.47aurehmanhow can i do so
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13:13.29themillaurehman: umm.... are you really sure you want the mysql release candidate? It's available in experimental, but you probably don't want that. /msg dpkg experimental
13:13.55abrotmandoes he really want mysql? :)
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13:14.57aurehmanthemill: actually this is the requirement of our client
13:15.10aurehmanthere are some plugins like big-tables
13:15.25aurehmanthese are only on # MySQL 5.1.23 RC
13:15.34abrotmanyour client has a screw loose
13:15.42catsupbest not to pay too much attention to your client's 'requirements'
13:16.25catsupit's a simple patch, to change the stable mysql to report version number 5.1.23 RC
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13:17.20magyarhi, after some lenny KDE updates i cant launch most of the applications on Lenny KDE, I get kdeinit errors, anyone else has these issues?
13:17.36farionhello, is there a console-tool to download webdav recursivly?
13:17.54aurehmanyes u r right... his all screws are loose
13:18.02themillfarion: I believe curl can do that
13:18.17themillfarion: or cadaver, actually.
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13:18.28farionthemill: how, I tried a lot, but it only downloads one file
13:18.33themillmagyar: have you logged out and then logged back in?
13:18.57farionthemill: and cadaver did only copy the files and said: "file or directory not found" on the directories
13:18.59aurehmancatsup: how can i apply the patch of rc?
13:19.08nesshi, I have returned haven't done any dist-upgrade for some time (vacation etc), now there's about 600 updates. The problem is that my / fs only has about 1GB left, so it could be that there's not enough space for all archive files. Will apt-get somehow take care of this?
13:19.12catsupaurehman: that was a joke
13:20.04catsupaurehman: (but apt-get source mysql, change the version definition in the source file, build the package and install.)
13:21.13themillfarion: sorry... it's years since I actually used cadaver so I can't tell you any more than that.
13:21.14moshiineoark: upgrade in stages
13:21.22moshiineoark: sorry, that was for ness
13:21.25catsupness: try apt-get update, apt-get autoclean, maybe you can get some space
13:22.34nessmoshii: as in, select packages to update by hand?
13:22.58liablei wonder how many unique ip's download from debian mirrors. a rough estimate would be nice as to how many debian boxen are out there..
13:23.25aurehmancatsup: ok.. i'll try this
13:23.34aurehmanright now it is downloading packages from internet
13:23.34moshiiness: yesh, use aptitude to select a few packages at a time.. it'll tell you how much space you need at the top
13:23.39catsupaurehman: you'd be crazy to actually do that
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13:23.52catsupaurehman: although i have to say--that's my kind of crazy!
13:23.59aurehmancatsup: you are right... but dear what to do.. we got money from client
13:24.15catsupyes, it may well be the solution which maximizes your income
13:24.18aurehmanhe pays us... for his madness
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13:25.19aurehmancatsup: you are a good man who gave right solution...
13:25.59catsupaurehman: yes.  most of the other people here would hesitate to recommend fraud.
13:27.13acvanyone has used vyatta?
13:27.37dpkgPlease do not ask if anyone uses <someprogram>. Instead, ask your real question. (If the real question _was_ "does anyone use <someprogram>?" ask me about <popcon> instead.) See <ask> <sicco> <ask-to-ask> <polls>
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13:30.21aurehmancatsup: you are right
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13:30.57aurehmani found most of the people very nice and good here
13:31.10*** join/#debian Mohero (
13:31.13moshiiis afraid
13:31.14MoheroHi all
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13:31.23MoheroI have a couple of quick questions...
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13:32.32TiCPUI'm trying to debootstrap from my Gentoo system to install debian on my USB key, but it fails at entering the chroot with the following error:
13:32.33TiCPUmount: relocation error: /lib/tls/ symbol _dl_out_of_memory, version GLIBC_PRIVATE not defined in file with link time reference
13:32.49moshiiMohero: just ask ;)
13:33.14MoheroI'm doing some work with XKB so that we have APL characters on the keyboard (in Level 2) - I've got a script to set all this up under RedHat - but we will also be supporting Debian for this too, can someone tell me if "/usr/share/X11/xkb/base.xml" is a link to "/etc/X11/xkb/base.xml"
13:33.20*** join/#debian aardvarq (
13:33.54Moheroand also what the oldest supported version of debian is, and when the support ends on it, as for building the .deb's we would want to use the aldest supported we can.
13:34.22moshiiTiCPU: library differences by the look of it
13:34.37Moherosorry base.xml is under /usr/share/X11/xkb/rules/base.xml
13:34.53Eulexaurehman, experimental has 5.1.24rc
13:35.26vaqCan i upload files to a rsync server? or only download from it?
13:35.35TiCPUyes, seems so, but if I can't even chroot inside it, it seems bad, my Gentoo is using libc-2.6.1 and I'm trying to install 'sid'
13:35.59TiCPUsid seems 2.3.6
13:36.22TiCPUI was sure libc was backward compatible if the major was the same
13:36.39moshiiTiCPU: I'm not sure what happens with chroot() and libraries, it would seem the debian executable is built differently though
13:36.42aurehmanEulex: yes u r right it is experimental...anyway lets see
13:36.43pippijn <- my fonts have become huge after the upgrade of 7.2 to 7.3
13:36.46pippijnany ideas?
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13:37.36Eulexpippijn, fix your dpi? change your fonts?
13:37.37*** join/#debian acemi (n=acemi@unaffiliated/acemi)
13:37.48pippijnEulex: where do I change dpi or fonts?
13:38.03pippijnEulex: I am also getting these fonts if I use plain X without window manager or anything
13:38.04moshiiTiCPU: I dont think it's to do with versions  much, more that the debian libc build is different to gentoos
13:38.07Eulexfonts depends on what desktop environment you're using
13:38.07TiCPUno way around that?
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13:38.12pippijnEulex: none?
13:38.31Eulexpippijn, then you have to set it in your .gtkrc-2.0, I do not remember the exact syntax
13:38.41pippijnEulex: it's also in Qt
13:38.44TiCPUbuilt with gcc 4.1.2 for i686 no fuzzy flags and x86
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13:39.04Eulexpippijn, then I assume that the dpi was what changed
13:39.35moshiiTiCPU: it's talking about TLS stuff, debian is probably stricter on what SSL library is linked in
13:39.43AussieGuyapparently in my usage meter, my ISP refers to kilobits as kb
13:39.47EulexTiCPU, unstable currently has libc6 2.7
13:40.25pippijnEulex: I changed displaysize to 1920 1200 (my resolution), but it didn't change anything
13:40.26moshiiTiCPU: Being a gentoo user, you should know all about symbols, linking, executable formats etc. otherwise you wouldn't build all your software would you ;)
13:40.52Moheroanyone able to help?
13:40.56TiCPUohh TLS right
13:41.07Eulexpippijn, then I suggest that you reread that text.
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13:41.32pippijnEulex: okay, DPI
13:41.35pippijnI'll try that
13:41.49Eulexpippijn, DisplaySize is set in mm
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13:41.57DrXalaplop all
13:42.09TiCPUEulex: now, maybe my debootstrap isn't retriving up-to-date stuff
13:42.14pippijnEulex: fixed
13:42.15pippijnEulex: thanks
13:42.29moshiiTiCPU: sorry, actually I don't think your line said anything about TLS,... reading something else and confused it
13:42.34TiCPUmoshii: well well I though libc was standard all the way, but I forgot about TLS on this one
13:42.42Eulexpippijn, but you probably do not want to measure your screen; you want to calculate the size your screen would be with a specific resolution and dpi. 96x96 is a favorite.
13:42.58EulexTiCPU, etch has libc6 2.3.6
13:43.18moshiiTiCPU: you understand how linking works?
13:44.00TiCPUmoshii: yes, I'm just not sure how it works when chrooting, does it try to use my currently loaded libc?
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13:44.32TiCPUI'll rm -rf .  and start again with sid, because I first used etch then sid afterward
13:44.41moshiiTiCPU: I'm not sure, I'd have to look up how that works..
13:44.50*** part/#debian DrXala (
13:45.29TiCPUmoshii: /bin/bash loads /lib/tls/ and complains that version "GLIBC_2.4" is not found
13:45.43moshiiTiCPU: would be nicer if it didn't load up loads of copies of the "same" libraries.
13:46.02*** join/#debian Ramattack (
13:46.12Ramattackdoes anybody use mailgraph in debian here?
13:46.27RamattackI have a little problem
13:46.32TiCPUyea right, however, with version number appended... it should load different versions in different spaces
13:46.41TiCPUbut most applications use right..
13:46.44moshiiTiCPU: so it would seem it's not using the chroot's version
13:48.03Ramattackwhen exactly are refreshed weekly and monthly stats and yearly?
13:48.07Ramattackwhen could it be?
13:48.37acvwhy isnt vyatta available as a pkg?
13:48.50moshiiacv: because you haven't packaged it
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13:52.37TiCPUmoshii: with sid.... Can't locate Hash/   while running dpkg, nice :P
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13:53.10moshiiTiCPU: etch gave you the libc problems?
13:53.27TiCPUand now perl
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13:54.27moshiiTiCPU: you aren't running grsecurity patches or something?
13:54.39TiCPUit's wide open
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13:55.10TiCPU./usr/share/perl/5.10.0/Tie/   the only "Hash" found by find
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13:56.15moshiiTiCPU: have you tried using the cdebootstrap instead?
13:56.18TiCPUoh well, I just though the first one was a common problem
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13:56.41TiCPUwhat is it?
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13:57.20moshiiTiCPU: debootstrap rewritten in c, opposed to perl(?)
13:57.28TiCPUnice, I'll try
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14:00.37wurstwolfhi all
14:00.52wurstwolfmaybe anyone of you can help me with an annoying problem
14:01.00dpkgIf you have a question, just ask! For example: "I have a problem with ___; I'm running Debian version ___. when I try to do ___ I get the following output ___. I expected it to do ___." Don't ask if you can ask, or if anyone uses it, or pick one person to ask (ask the whole channel!). We're all volunteers; make it easy for us to help you. If you don't get an answer, ask later or ask
14:01.25moshii<3 !
14:01.28TiCPUthank you moshii, I'll see what I can do with the C bootstrapper, I've got to go for now
14:01.48wurstwolfi just installed lenny with kde
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14:02.00*** mode/#debian [+l 866] by debhelper
14:02.00moshiiTiCPU: you might have more luck with it, your gamble though ;)
14:02.12wurstwolfuser management says "user management could not be loaded"
14:02.14JoeThomasHi, I'm tring to get alsa up but having difficulty. I have playback but its complete distortion.
14:02.34TiCPUthanks, see you later, I might give some news !
14:03.10moshiiJoeThomas: crackling in the left channel?
14:03.32JoeThomasmoshii: both.
14:03.54JoeThomasmoshii: I play a 3minute mp3 and it only plays for about 20seconds maybe?
14:04.15moshiiJoeThomas: what chipset is it?
14:04.21acvshould i add non-free to sources.list in security?
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14:04.37JoeThomasmoshii: Creative Labs SB Audigy
14:05.13JoeThomasmoshii: when I use aplay it errors "aplay: pcm_write:1269: write error: Inpuit/output error"
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14:06.15acvwhat's the difference between aptitude upgrade and aptitude dist-upgrade?
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14:07.23moshiiJoeThomas: just looking around, is there anything in dmesg?
14:07.37*** join/#debian JacobH (n=jacob@
14:08.11wurstwolfacv: man apt-get tells you about the differences
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14:08.19JoeThomasmoshii: not that i can see
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14:10.47moshiiJoeThomas: when it plays, is it too fast or just corrupted?
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14:11.05JoeThomasmoshii: corrupted.
14:11.35wurstwolfuser management under lenny/kde doesnt work, it says "user management could not be loaded". reinstallation of kuser and kde-guidance didnt seem to change anything
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14:14.14Petur_Hi all
14:14.40idimmuwhy hello there Petur_ !
14:14.49moshiiJoeThomas: the only things I can find are about playing with your mixer settings, turning off the digital output etc. There is usually more info around :/
14:15.02JoeThomasmoshii: how do i turn off digital output?
14:15.36SolidSlashdoes anyone here use xchat? is there any way to make identifying on servers automatic?
14:15.47moshiiJoeThomas: there should be a control that you can mute in alsamixer, the name of it might not be obvious though
14:16.02JoeThomasmoshii: alright well thanks for the help ill see what i can do
14:16.55*** join/#debian REx07 (
14:16.58moshiiJoeThomas: if you had an intel chip making weird noises I'd be able to help you more. ;)
14:17.23Petur_I'm going to USA for a few days next month, i'll be going to bestbuy to shop for hardware.. they do not seam to have server stuff at their disposal...
14:17.28Petur_Dunno where to go for server hardware :S
14:18.09Petur_as in ?
14:18.13moshiidell, sun, hp,..
14:18.29joakogoogle = frys
14:18.41halflife08Petur_: personally wouldn't buy stuff from bestbuy (overpriced)
14:18.45joakogot the best prices
14:18.51Petur_halflife08, ohh thanks!
14:18.59Petur_joako: Cool, it's in every state or so, ye?
14:19.23moshiiPetur_: you want to buy sun hardware on the highstreet?
14:19.31joakonot sure, but in california is the best
14:19.41JoeThomasPetur_: what about good ol` newegg?
14:19.42Petur_moshii: Na :)
14:19.56Petur_I'm not familiar with those chains
14:20.19Petur_Thanks again
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14:21.12moshiiPetur_: there are plently of people that will sell you refurb server stuff, we used to get stuff from the us shipped to spain it was so much cheaper. You won't pickup "server" stuff from a shop though
14:21.38*** part/#debian dooooo (n=sahl@
14:22.24Petur_moshii: ohh, thanks again :) maby i'll find something on ebay and ask em to ship it to my hotel
14:22.34*** join/#debian Paddy_EIRE (n=patrick@
14:22.51acvshould i add non-free to sources.list in security?
14:24.41wurstwolfuser management under lenny/kde doesnt work, it says "user management could not be loaded". reinstallation of kuser and kde-guidance didnt seem to change anything. any ideas?
14:25.34fireba11does debian have a list of local users for which NOT to accept mail ?
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14:29.01micolsanyone familiar with packet level QoS or throttling of bandwidth?
14:29.13asgmicols: has all the fun facts
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14:29.16micolsi dont know where to start, i want to throttle my bandwidth
14:29.27micolsso it never reaches over 90%
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14:29.47micolsasg: thanks, ill have a look at it
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14:32.06fas3ri have problem at boot .. it do fsck and block at 60% .. and i will go in maintenance mode
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14:33.28fas3ri have execute fsck manually and it find bad inode .. i need to blacklist bad inode ? it's possible to remount the partition in RW ? ... :s
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14:35.41vvdbaaaaaad computa
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14:36.16kibibytehow to remove java from debian
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14:37.32kibibytedarkstar:/etc/java# ls -la /etc/alternatives/java
14:37.32kibibytelrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 24 2008-05-06 15:25 /etc/alternatives/java -> /usr/bin/gij-wrapper-4.1
14:37.38kibibytehow to remove it
14:37.52kibibytedarkstar:/etc/java# apt-get remove gij-wrapper-4.1
14:37.58kibibyteE: Couldn't find package gij-wrapper-4.1
14:38.23asgkibibyte: apt-get install apt-file ; apt-file update ; apt-file search bin/gij-wrapper-4.1
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14:38.32dimirasg no such file
14:38.43dimirI think it's created by postinstall script.
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14:38.52dimirkibibyte: dpkg -l '*java*' | grep ^ii
14:38.55kibibyteapt-file: command not found
14:39.04dimirkibibyte: check the packages and remove java related.
14:40.12kibibytewhat is pn and un ?
14:40.38dimirkibibyte: check the header output by dpkg
14:40.47dimirIt's all explained there.
14:41.39fas3rvvd: i know bad disk :) .. it's possible i bypass fsck at boot ?
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14:43.09SyLhow do I add an alias to /etc/network/interfaces?
14:43.13kibibytedimir, cant find it
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14:44.14dimirkibibyte: dpkg -l | head -n 6
14:44.34ootputwhat's the best way to monitor package status in repos? I'm currently using unstable repos alongside lenny repos for the sole purpose of getting nvidia drivers to work. I'd like to be up to date with nvidia glx' availability in lenny's repo
14:44.42*** join/#debian White_Spaw (n=mvleandr@
14:45.01pippijndpkg -l | head -n 6 | tail -n1 :-)
14:45.01dpkgNo packages found matching | head -n 6 | tail -n1 :-)
14:45.31abrotmanSyL: man 5 interfaces
14:45.53kibibytedimir, i have all the time message dpkg - warning: ignoring request to remove java1-runtime which isn't installed.
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14:46.17dimirkibibyte: apt-get -f install
14:46.35fas3roki it's good i have find :)
14:46.39kibibyte0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 8 not upgraded.
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14:48.54vvdfas3r: yeah, touch /fastboot
14:49.04vvdwill bypass fsck
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14:51.04stewootput: you can subscribe to the package at
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15:08.23lindenleIs there a tool  to make a bunch of NFS disks  look  like one big disk Something like LVM for NFS?
15:08.46abrotmanyou mean a bunch of nfs exports appear to be a single export?
15:09.23lindenleabrotman: yes,  disks on different machines look like one big mount to the client
15:09.30Blast_HardcheeseIsn't there a setting that lets NFS follow other NFS shares mounted under them?
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15:09.33dpkgextra, extra, read all about it, gfs is The Global File System (GFS): it allows multiple Linux machines to share storage devices over a network. See or
15:09.39abrotmanmaybe ?
15:09.51*** join/#debian honkytonk (n=honkyton@
15:09.56abrotmanthere are other similar items
15:10.27asglindenle: if the contents of the exported filesystems don't conflict, you could union mount them on the client I suppose
15:10.28abrotmancouldn't you put a head node on the whole thing .. and have it attach to the nfs points, and then have it share them out as a single thing ?
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15:11.06lindenlesue could but I was lookin for something  simple  where I did not have to change the cluster (and... doesn't that make it slow?)
15:11.23lindenleNFS  -> NFS-> hardware?
15:11.28Meawwhy the "lspci" command isnt working on lenny debian
15:11.38acvshould i add non-free to sources.list in security?
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15:11.57jorge_is GFS better than NFS ?
15:12.01*** join/#debian JonathanS (n=Jonathan@freenode/staff/jonathand)
15:12.06asgjorge_: fsvo better
15:12.51lindenleabrotman:What were the other utilities?
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15:15.17stewMeaw: be more specific.  are you getting an error?  are you getting unexpected output?
15:15.18sysdefHydroxide: thanks for the hint. it's working! *hug*
15:15.24ehirdSo why doesn't the ruby1.9 have VM::InstructionSequence? :(
15:15.37*** part/#debian Baloo (
15:15.43Meawstew, no just lspci command not found.
15:15.52Meaw-bash: lspci: command not found
15:16.21Eulex!find bin/lspci
15:16.52disco-apt-get install pciutils
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15:17.11Eulexyeah, right, if dpkg could be done updating its sources anytime soon
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15:17.31dpkgDebian Search of 'bin/lspci' (1): (/usr/bin/lspci) in admin/pciutils.
15:17.41dpkgaw, gee, asg
15:17.43jorge_asg fsvo ? ?
15:17.44stewMeaw: /msg dpkg apt-file
15:17.48dpkg[fsvo] For Some Values Of.  For Small Values Of
15:18.06dpkgi heard fsvo is For Some Values Of.  For Small Values Of
15:18.12Meawoh ok got it thanks
15:18.37asgjorge_: read the links to the redhat docs listed above. The documentation is comprehensive and should give you an idea if you wish to use it vs. NFS.
15:19.08jorge_ok, thanks
15:19.13Meawanother question, lspci now shows that i've 3 ethernet cards, i have 2 configured in /etc/network/interfaces ,but now im trying to configure the 3rd card like ifconfig eth1 x.x.x.x netmask up ..but it says device not found.
15:19.34asgMeaw: one is probably a firewire interface
15:19.40stewMeaw: does it show up when you run "ifconfig -a"?
15:19.41asgMeaw: what does /sbin/ifconfig -a show?
15:20.36Meawsomething like
15:20.37Meaweth1_rename_ren Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:18:f3:96:bf:bc
15:20.56stewMeaw: this means that udev got confused while trying to rename it, /msg dpkg z25
15:21.17Meawit was working fine yesterday but when i was trying to bond it with another card..
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15:22.11Meawso if i changed the card name from eth1 to something else will it work?
15:22.50stewMeaw: i'd suggest fixing the z25 file so that the card gets a more sane name
15:23.52acvhow do i use checksecurity>?
15:24.12stewacv: have you tried /usr/share/doc/checksecurity ?
15:24.15asgacv: /usr/share/doc/<pkg>/*
15:25.05stewasg and I sure are synced well today
15:25.44themillGreat minds, etc.
15:25.47acvstew, yes
15:26.14asgthemill: he has the great mind, I just managed to find a window of sobriety
15:26.19acvalso should i have acpid running on a lamp server?
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15:26.58Meawstew, what to change on the z25 file? the ethernet card name? and then change it from /etc/network/interfaces?
15:27.06asgacv: if the server supports acpi and you have a need to respond to events, yes. Otherwise, no.
15:27.28stewMeaw: that's what I'd think.  are there two current entries for eth1 or something?
15:27.32acvasg: hm when would i have a need?
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15:27.50acvi run the said install in a virtual environment
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15:28.16Meawstew, no just three enteries, eth0 eth1 eth2
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15:29.16asgacv: then you probably don't.
15:29.20bijurall: hello al
15:29.47asg!seen al
15:29.47dpkgi haven't seen 'al', asg
15:29.53humboltocan anybody imagine a way to install debian from within another running debian and that from a live CD?
15:30.01humboltoor install CD?
15:30.05asghumbolto: debootstrap
15:30.26humboltoasg: I know debootstrap, but can I install from a CD somehow?
15:30.44acvalso should i add non-free to sources.list in security?
15:30.58humboltoasg: Could I boot up a xen domU and boot from the CD but install to a real disk?
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15:31.59asghumbolto: I'm pretty sure you can but I've never done that with xen. (The Xen manual probably has info on that)
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15:36.51twobitworklintian is complaining the my manpages aren't compressed in my package... what's the debian way to cause that to happen?
15:36.57richd_so i am getting an error, "Can't have overlapping partitions" I think when i installed windows last night, it created an extended partition and messed with my partition numbers. Any guesses how i can use parted and such again?
15:37.12richd_twobitwork: sorry, i dunno
15:38.06asgacv: sorry?
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15:38.50And1Does anyone know how I can change my mp3-tags and file-names from ISO-8859-15 to UTF-8 with easytag (or maybe another nice tool...)?
15:38.56*** part/#debian speeves (
15:39.17ZharfAnd1, I use picard
15:39.27Zharfwell, picardqt actually
15:39.48Bushmillsrichd_: linux fdisk has a "verify" which might tell you which partition is the culprit. deleting the overlapping - not the overlapped - and recreating it should fix it.
15:40.02And1Zharf: Hrm, that's not in Etch or in the backports. =/
15:40.04richd_coolio, thanks Bushmills
15:40.17HardDisk_WPhi all
15:40.30HardDisk_WPi know, that in a firmware file, that there is a GZIP file embedded
15:40.42HardDisk_WPhow can I strip it out of the firmware binary?
15:40.46ZharfAnd1, no, it isn't
15:41.13asgHardDisk_WP: with dd if you know where it is located and how large it is
15:41.24HardDisk_WPasg, that is the problem...
15:41.28HardDisk_WPi dunno both
15:41.38And1Zharf: Can I simply change ISO characters to UTF-8 with it?
15:41.39HardDisk_WPbut shouldn't it be possible to find out via magic bytes?
15:41.44acvasg: can you answer my question regarding the nonfree?
15:42.00*** mode/#debian [+l 857] by debhelper
15:42.17asgHardDisk_WP: you could look for them with a hex editor or something I suppose.
15:42.21richd_Bushmills: i didn't see the verify option/switch in fdisk man page... can you tell me the syntax of rit or where i could find it on my comp?
15:42.29asgacv: try it and see, it can't hurt and won't break anything.
15:42.31themillacv: yes you should, but there aren't many non-free security updates.
15:42.40ZharfAnd1, I'm not sure, , maybe not... you'd probably need to get the tagging data from musicbrainz with it and retag
15:42.45Bushmillsrichd, should be "v"
15:42.51HardDisk_WPasg, in a 10 MB file?? sorry, but i don't know the magic bytes...and i'm no hex edit geek ^^
15:43.03HardDisk_WPdon't there any tools exist for that kinda stuff?
15:43.19Bushmillsrichd_: gnu-fdisk doesn't have that one. fdisk has
15:43.22stewMeaw: show us the contents of that file, and the output of "ifconfig -a" ; use a pastebin: /msg dpkg pastebin
15:43.22richd_hmmm... for me that just outputs the fdisk version
15:43.30asgHardDisk_WP: the magic bytes will be listed in /etc/magic. You may also want to run 'strings' on it to see if anything interesting pops up.
15:44.04And1Zharf: Ah, hrm... - Well, actually EasyTAG has options which should solve my problem, but they kind don't do it... or I misunderstand it...
15:44.15asgHardDisk_WP: or /usr/share/misc/file/magic
15:44.16Bushmillsrichd_: seems that fdisk has been dropped.
15:44.16HardDisk_WPasg, yeah, that's how i found that there is a gz embedded^^
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15:44.41richd_lol, darn. thing the windows version has a chance at doing it right?
15:45.09asgHardDisk_WP: well, just because that sequence shows up in a binary doesn't mean that there is a gz inside, unless you know for a fact there is one.
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15:46.05Bushmillsi suspect it is a matter of using half a cylinder of a partition which the other doesn't like, expecting use of a whole cyclinder only.
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15:47.56Bushmillsrichd_: you can check with fdisk "p" command whether there is an obvious overlap between partitions
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15:49.03richd_Bushmills: you mean, "fdisk -p" ?
15:49.26Bushmillsno. fdisk /dev/...  , and then interactively "p"
15:49.48Bushmillsfrom cmd line it would be fdisk -l
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15:50.09stonedtrying to build a document server
15:50.16bijurhow can there be an "obvious overlap" of partitions
15:50.17stonedauto fax, email, etc. etc.
15:50.20bijurthat shouldnt happen right?
15:50.33stonedtakes input from the scanner
15:50.35Bushmillsnot extremely consistent ...
15:50.52richd_haha, ask M$
15:50.55stonedwhat fax software does debian have available that is good (or I could just go one by one in the package list, install and check)
15:50.58stonedwhat do you recomment?
15:51.02bijurfdisk -l would list you the entire set of partitions
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15:51.03richd_anything is possible when you trust them
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15:51.12richd_ya, i am getting it with this
15:51.24richd_hopefully this will fix it Bushmills
15:51.31HardDisk_WPasg, any way to tell file to scan the firmware for every magic byte it knows at any location?
15:51.35bijurrichd_: ms or not, u cannot have overlapping partitions
15:51.38bijurunless ofcourse
15:51.44Bushmillsthat only lists. it is still up to you to take steps to fix it
15:51.59bijurone's an extended partition and the others are logical partitions inside the extended partitions
15:52.01richd_that has arbitrary number
15:52.05bijurwhich is perfectly alright
15:52.14richd_we'll see
15:52.15Bushmillsi assume the logical partitions (in the extended) are overlapping, that is the ones >4
15:52.32richd_actually, the windows extended partition is hda2
15:52.40bijurok.. and ?
15:52.42richd_and then 3-6
15:52.45richd_are in it
15:52.53bijurthat sounds fine to me
15:52.56richd_but previously i had 5-6 in an extended
15:52.58Bushmillsno, 5 and 6
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15:53.14asgHardDisk_WP: maybe using od(1) to dump it in hex or some other format and grepping.
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15:53.18richd_and completely different positions for start and end on it
15:53.23bijuru cud check the blocks beginning and ending in fdisk -l
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15:53.36bijur, fdisk
15:54.04bijurwrong window
15:54.08bijurwrong tab rather
15:54.16asg!latexsmite bijur
15:54.20richd_and reboot time
15:54.24hoxu!penixstrike asg
15:54.24dpkgA towering Penix descends from the heavens, knocking asg to the ground and leaving a large wet spot.
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15:54.36efaistosdid someone use cowbuilder recently ? I cant setup any chroot with it ..
15:54.47bijurasg: *winks*
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15:54.50asghoxu: yeah, he must have done it from the Heavens since he left irc hours ago
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15:56.18Meawstew, i changed the ethernet card from z25 and /etc/network/interfaces and restarted the network
15:56.21Meawbut still the same
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15:57.31richd_fdisk had no probs now, but still have the error
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15:57.50richd_can read all parts jsut fine except for the one that is the extended part num
15:57.56KomiaPoikawhat package must i install to have flash plugin in firefox?
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15:57.57stewMeaw: just restarting the network would not effect the changes in z25
15:58.04richd_will have to tinker...
15:58.19richd_thanks Bushmills and bijur
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15:58.33bijurrichd_: no pblmo boss !
15:58.40stewKomiaPoika: what arch are you running?  do you want adobe's non-free flash plugin?  or gnu's free plugin?
15:58.50Bushmillswhat is he trying to do with the extended partition i wonder
15:58.55bijurstew: gnash sucks!
15:58.55Meawstew, what should i restart then
15:58.56KomiaPoikastew: i have etch and i dont mind non-free
15:59.05bijurstew: it needs some serious work on it
15:59.05KomiaPoikastew: and machine is amd64
15:59.40bijurKomiaPoika: u'll need 32 bit plugin wrappers to have any sort of flash on the system
15:59.44stewKomiaPoika: there is no adobe plugin for amd64, so your choices are gnu's gnash, to run iceweasel in a 32 bit chroot, or nspluginwrapper
16:00.03bijurnspluginwrapper is pretty good, use that.
16:00.06KomiaPoikawhich is fastest to play web videos?
16:00.21stewbijur: #gnash is the place to look for helping make gnash better
16:00.22KomiaPoikabijur: how is it called?
16:00.30bijurgnash sucks no matter how u look at it .. and the only reason why i dont slate it more is cos i dinn pay for it
16:00.36bijurand cos i am freeloader
16:00.38stewKomiaPoika: gnash would be faster than nspluginwrapper
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16:01.05stewgnash doesn't suck the way i look at it
16:01.23bijurstew: is this on the assumption that using gnash would make sure u r still on 64 bit while nspluginwrapper would bring it down to 32bit?
16:01.36KomiaPoikahow is the 32bit plugin wrapper package called?
16:01.39Bushmillswell there is at least one way gnash doesn't suck - it can be improved
16:01.53stewbijur: no
16:02.01KomiaPoikaE: Couldn't find package nspluginwrapper
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16:02.50stewKomiaPoika: its not in debian.  you can get it from's contrib repository, /msg dpkg bpo
16:03.10Meawstew, what do i have to restart to make an effect on z25?
16:03.17bijuri think its only in ubuntu
16:03.31stewbijur: debian distributes it
16:03.31bijuru can get an ubuntu .deb file and install it here
16:03.41KomiaPoikathank you stew
16:03.44bijurstew: used to right?
16:03.48stewbijur: still does
16:04.03stewbijur: please don't recommend that people install ubuntu .debs on debian
16:04.07stewMeaw: udev
16:04.10bijurstew: i just tried doing an apt-cache dinn find it
16:04.10KomiaPoikaW: GPG error: etch-backports Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY EA8E8B2116BA136C
16:04.16bijurstew: am on gnash by the way
16:04.28stewbijur: what?
16:04.35BushmillsKomiaPoika: topic
16:04.48stewKomiaPoika: read the instructions page at
16:05.05bijurstew: no am on adobe, a small misunderstanding
16:05.09bijuri had installed it first
16:05.12bijurthen removed it
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16:05.43bijurwhats this? FutureSplash Player
16:05.52bijurtis is what i am running on ?!!!
16:06.01bijuronly god knows why
16:06.07bijurseems to work fine though
16:06.29Meawstew, still the same :/
16:06.45stewMeaw: show us the contents of that file, and the output of "ifconfig -a" ; use a pastebin: /msg dpkg pastebin
16:07.29stewMeaw: or you can rename the interface by hand with something like 'ip link set name newname dev oldname'
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16:08.02KomiaPoikai install nsplugwrapper, but firefox still cant play videos
16:08.24Meawstew, i did on the z25 file and /etc/network/interfaces
16:08.30Meawi changed it from eth1 to eth3
16:08.46stewKomiaPoika: nspluginwrapper isn't a video player, its just a way to let you install a 32 bit plugin into a 64 bit browser
16:08.53Meawbut im still getting this in ifconfig -a , eth1_rename_ren Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:18:f3:96:bf:bc
16:09.04KomiaPoikastew: okay, then how is the flash player plugin for firefox called?
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16:09.56KomiaPoikaok i foiund
16:10.06Meawstew, here
16:10.28KomiaPoikaThe web browser you are using to view this video is not supported. Please use one of the supported browsers:
16:10.57acvi didnt install rsync or execute it but it is running . why?
16:11.04acvrsync daemnon
16:11.04KomiaPoikahow do i make iceweasel declare itself as firefox?N
16:11.11Meawstew, and here the ifconfig -a
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16:12.11bijurbrowser identification?
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16:12.22KomiaPoikabijur: where do i set it
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16:12.45stewacv: its running becuase someone installed rsync and enabled the rsynd daemon
16:13.06stewMeaw: so the problem is that you have two different cards listed there with the same MAC address
16:13.34stewMeaw: both eth0 and eth1_rename_ren have 00:18:f3:96:bf:bc
16:13.36acvstew: i'm running lamp and postfix and proftpd
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16:13.44acvcould it be one of those?
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16:13.47bijurgood question .. i just searched
16:13.48jzu_Aynone running Debian on SPARC with other filesystem than EXT3?
16:13.49stewacv: no
16:13.49bijurcudnt find it
16:14.21Meawstew, yeah i told you i was trying to bond eth0 and eth1 together yesterday and when it didnt work i removed it
16:14.28stewMeaw: yes
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16:14.46acvstew: i dont see it in ps aux output
16:14.54acvbut it shuts it down upon reboot
16:14.59Meawstew, how to fix that
16:15.02jzu_Would you recommend using other filesystem than EXT3 SPARC?
16:15.12stewMeaw: do you have two sundance cards? or one card with two ports? or what?
16:15.18stewacv: do see what?
16:15.24asgjzu_: I've never found a reason to use any filesystem other than ext3
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16:15.40stewacv: the rsync daemon?  are you running it via inetd?  i think that is the typical way to run it
16:15.50jzu_asg: I've heard that EXT3 tends to corrupt files after long uptimes
16:15.50Meawstew, 1 sundance card and two amdtek
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16:16.13acvdefault runlevel is 2?
16:16.14asgjzu_: not in my experience
16:16.26acvstew: yes the rsync daemon
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16:16.46jzu_asg: yeah thats what I've experienced too
16:16.49stewacv: is it exposed via inetd?
16:16.57stewacv: default runlevel in debian is 2
16:17.14acvno i don't run inetd
16:18.00stew12:08 < acv> i didnt install rsync or execute it but it is running . why? 12:12 < acv> stew: i dont see it in ps aux output
16:18.15stewacv: if you don't see it in ps aux, then what makes you think it is running?
16:18.40acvstew: in shutdown it says shutting down rsync daemon
16:19.12stewacv: that doesn't mean it is running. that means something is trying to stop it if it is running
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16:19.32acvstew, hm..
16:19.33stewacv: what des "grep ENABLE /etc/default/rsync" return?
16:19.59acvstew, false
16:20.12stewacv: then it wouldn't be started
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16:20.56acvstew: ok thanks. also every file with S in fron in /etc/rc2.d/ doesnt get started on each boot?
16:20.59stewMeaw: it looks to me like the opposite is true.  I see two different sundance cards with the same hwaddr, and one tulip
16:21.23stewacv: that means the init script is called the init script checks the value of RSYNC_ENABLE and decides not do do anything
16:21.25asgacv: it does but /etc/default/<pkg> may be configured not to start a service
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16:21.51acvstew:i installed and then removed acct but it has an entry in /etc/default/
16:22.12asgacv: you didn't --purge the package?
16:22.22stewacv: becuase you didn't purge it, so configuration files remain
16:22.28asgrsyncs with stew
16:22.31acvah thanks
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16:22.39acvim a new user
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16:22.44Teltariatgreets folks.
16:23.06Meawstew, if i changed the ethernet card, will that fix the problem?
16:23.32stewMeaw: maybe
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16:23.40stewMeaw: you could also just disable the renaming of cards
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16:24.17KomiaPoikai'm trying to install nvidia drivers using the method on, but i get: Package nvidia-kernel-common is not available, but is referred to by another package.
16:24.29Meawstew, how to disable the renaming of the cards :/
16:24.29KomiaPoikahow do i get it?
16:24.34stewMeaw: /msg dpkg z25
16:25.03MeawI renamed the card but still the same
16:25.11Meawit was eth1, i changed to eth3 ^^
16:25.19stewMeaw: nm, that no longer mentions it.  there is a /etc/udev/rules.d/z45_persistent-net-generator.rules ; if you move that away, it will stop
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16:25.24stewMeaw: how did you rename the card?
16:25.47bijurhey what does Yahoo Mail run on?
16:25.52Meawstew, edited /etc/udev/rules.d/z25_persistent-net.rules changed eth1 to eth3
16:26.07Meawstew, also from /etc/network/interfaces
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16:26.17stewMeaw: you may have to unload and reload the driver for that renaming to actually happen
16:26.31stewMeaw: but so long as you have two cards with the same MAC address, udev is going to have these problems
16:26.35acvhow do i disable cd and floppy?
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16:27.00stewMeaw: did you do anything to somehow change one of the card's MAC address?
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16:27.18Meawstew, no just bonding it together
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16:28.11NurulwaiDoes anyone know of something that would cause a debian box to reboot all of its own accord and leave nothing indicating the reboot in the logs? All I can see in the logfiles is it starting up, nothing indicating a reboot.
16:28.36BushmillsNurulwai: CPU too hot
16:28.46suwrohello - does anyone know if webdav can save as real user not as apache  or http ??? I have an ftp account - and www-data has only read access - security reason
16:28.48stewNurulwai: faulty hardware
16:28.55asgNurulwai: does 'last -a' report 'crash' anywhere?
16:29.08acvshould i use vsftpd or proftpd?
16:29.23cuscoin my opinion? vsftpd
16:29.25Bushmillsacv: what for?
16:29.29bijurCud it be a script doing it?
16:29.37acvftp server
16:29.48Bushmillsacv: own use? public use?
16:30.02acvBushmills, public use
16:30.07cuscoproftpd is good for webhosting scripts that create several "virtual" users
16:30.10Nurulwaiasg: Yes - there was a powercut at 11AM this morning ,it shows that. (0751 - crash)
16:30.15stewacv: if you are familiar with one or the other, use that one.  if you are not familiar with either.  vsftpd has a better track record
16:30.21stewcusco: so is vsftpd
16:30.35asgNurulwai: then that would cause it to reboot if the power was cut.
16:30.41cuscobut if you manage it yourself, not trough some vhcs or webmin or whatever then vsftpd is the obvious choice
16:31.06Nurulwaiasg: It was powered on at 1307 after the crash (indicated in the last -a_
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16:31.24suwrowebdav anyone?
16:31.24Nurulwaiasg: But following that, there is another 'reboot' at 1611, the mystery one which I'm trying to track down
16:31.31twobitworkwhat's the difference between debootstrap and cdebootstrap
16:31.41asgNurulwai: does it say reboot or crash at 1611?
16:31.54asgsuwro: sftp ftw
16:31.59NurulwaiSpamming two lines:
16:32.00Nurulwaireboot   system boot  Tue May  6 16:11 - 17:31  (01:19)     2.6.24-1-686
16:32.00Nurulwaireboot   system boot  Tue May  6 13:07 - 17:31  (04:24)     2.6.24-1-686
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16:32.05cuscotwobitwork: I could figure that out by the name
16:32.12Nurulwaino crash between those two events
16:32.24KomiaPoikawhats the best way to install nvidia drivers on etch and amd64?
16:32.33asgNurulwai: is the server in a rack that also hosts windows systems and they all share a single KVM?
16:32.44twobitworkcusco: awesome, mind sharing?
16:32.48Nurulwaiasg: Nope, standalone box under me desk. :-)
16:32.53Bushmillsacv: without user access control, i suppose it doesn't really make a lot of difference. proftpd may be easier to setup. both seem to re relatively secure (if you can call ftp secure, of course)
16:33.01Nurulwaiasg: Completely headless, only has a power cable and a network cable
16:33.12cuscotwobitwork: the later debotstraps from a local CD repo
16:33.14suwroasg: i use eclipse - which dropped the ftp - i keep getting syncronize errors on eclipse ftp syncronisation
16:33.23asgNurulwai: ah, I've seen that before in my datacenter where sloppy windows admins will login with ctrl_alt_del but reboot a linux box since they didn't see which console they were on.
16:33.39twobitworkcusco: then why does it accept a argument for a debian mirror?
16:33.56NurulwaiIt's kind of odd, as it seems to consider those two boots running concurrently
16:33.57asgNurulwai: we replace the line in /etc/inittab with 'echo this is not a windows box noob'.
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16:34.19twobitworkcusco: also, debootstrap will work from a cd too with file:///...
16:34.25asgNurulwai: could be corruption in the file but that does look odd.
16:34.40cuscotwobitwork: then I don't know
16:34.53cahootasg: what reaction does that line provoke?
16:34.53twobitworkcusco: then don't be so quick to be a smartass
16:35.09cuscoI will remember that
16:35.29asgcahoot: not much of one anymore but it was funny for a while.
16:36.12webPragmatisthow can I copy the entire image of my drive with debian (partitions and all?)
16:36.43the-dudewebPragmatist: with dd
16:37.04cuscowebPragmatist: I would say with dd - but I don't know how to use it
16:37.05stewtwobitwork: the difference is that cdebootstrap is implemented in c
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16:37.12twobitworkstew: ahh, thanks
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16:37.26stewtwobitwork: they should be functionally equivalant
16:37.28Nurulwaiasg: I must have done apt-get install mitosis or something while half asleep. Oh well, at least I'm not actually insane and it is being bizzare.
16:37.37twobitworkstew: that's kind of what I assumed, but just wanted to make sure :P)
16:37.37the-dudedd if=/dev/$harddisk of=/placeoutput
16:37.38webPragmatistdoes dd stand for something?
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16:37.47webPragmatistdiskdrive heh?
16:37.47Meawstew, in my case what would you to fix that problem?
16:38.39asgNurulwai: did you fsck the drive when it came up?
16:38.45the-dudeperhaps data dump or so
16:38.57twobitworkthe-dude, webPragmatist: unless you need to preserve every inane detail of where files are located on the disk, etc, then I would recommend tar -jcf /somewhere/img.tar.gz /
16:39.07stewMeaw: you have two cards with the same MAC address.  this is odd.  if you say that it is a sundance card with only one port, then you probably only need to use one anyway and can ignore the eth1_rename_ren card.
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16:39.34Nurulwaiasg: I didn't do anything - I wasn't here. It appears to have done the autofixing for the boot after the crash. The first and second recorded reboot are about three hours apart, and the second one appears to be a clean boot.
16:39.37webPragmatisttwobitwork: does that copy like the swap and everything?
16:39.41stewMeaw: if you are trying to figure out how to configure both of your tulip cards, you should start by trying to figure out why only one of your tulip cards is showing up
16:39.42the-dudetwobitwork: that wont keep his partitions
16:39.44webPragmatisttwobitwork: and partitions
16:39.51webPragmatistyea :)
16:39.52NurulwaiIt looks like it wasoperating normally for the three hours til the second recorded boot
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16:40.01webPragmatistthanks i will read more about dd
16:40.07the-dudewebPragmatist: a tar doesn't keep your partitions
16:40.08twobitworkwebPragmatist, the-dude: if you want to keep the partition table then just dd the first sector
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16:40.22asgNurulwai: so, possibly corrupt file after the first boot. That's all I can think of unless the logs show anything around either start or final times.
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16:41.07twobitworkkeep in mind, that dd will also copy all of the empty space on your drive as well... better to just dd the first sector to get the partition table and tar everything else
16:41.09o2T7ping enouf !
16:41.14NurulwaiThe logs don't indicate anything with regards to a reboot initiation, only that all of a sudden it's booting again. No errors that I can see.
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16:41.22webPragmatisthrm ok
16:41.28webPragmatistdo something like
16:41.33stewtwobitwork: keep in mind that the first sector might be only a portion of the partition table
16:41.33the-dudetwobitwork: that true but if he doesn't now how to use dd, then a dd of his partitions will be hard ;)
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16:41.52twobitworkstew: ok, first couple of sectors... how many do you thin you need?
16:41.53stewsfdisk is a better tool for backing up a partition table
16:42.06twobitworkahh, there we go
16:42.10twobitworklisten to stew :)
16:42.15stewtwobitwork: i don't know where the data for extended partitions is stored on the disk
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16:42.38stewtwobitwork: but i'd assume it was in the partition itself
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16:42.39webPragmatistah good point
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16:42.49webPragmatistisn't the partition the first 512 bytes?
16:43.02bijurhey what are the opensource development tools available to us?
16:43.03Meawstew, i can change the ethernet card but im not sure if i'll get this problem again or no
16:43.10bijuri can think of only emacs and blue fish
16:43.12JoeThomasAlright, so I ran alsaconf and now i get a never ending amount of errors of the same thing on boot so I can't login and remove alsa, how can I get into a safe mode or whatnot.
16:43.13bijurany else?
16:43.18balzac5000I've recently upgraded our web server from sarge to etch and the symbolic links in HTML land pointing to other HTML files are being displayed as raw HTML in the browser. The upgrade *did* keep the previous httpd.conf file - anyone have a clue?
16:43.19twobitworkbijur: if its open source, it's probably in debian :)
16:43.35bijuri meant in debian what are the dev tools available?
16:43.43themillbijur: for development of what?
16:43.51o2T7JoeThomas: you can pass the "single" option to the kernel boot
16:43.53twobitworkbijur: ohh... vi and make, what else do you need?
16:43.55bijursomething along the lines of eclipse etc
16:43.56helobijur: in that case, just about everything :)
16:44.01heloeclipse is available...
16:44.05stewbijur: aptitude search '~sdevel'
16:44.10JoeThomaso2T7: I ran in single user mode.
16:44.14bijurbut eclipse isnt open source right?
16:44.17heloit is
16:44.18twobitworksure it is
16:44.20stewMeaw: what is the problem you are trying to solve?
16:44.28BlinnyI need to change a compile-time option of a package. Is this possible using any dpkg* or do I need to work from the source package?
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16:44.52o2T7JoeThomas: And you can't login?
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16:45.01twobitworkBlinny: first check to see if there is a package which has that flag enabled
16:45.01stewBlinny: if its a compile time option, you have to recompile the source, /msg dpkg source ; /msg dpkg debian/rules
16:45.08Meawstew, to get the 3rd network card working and remove this from ifconfig -a
16:45.09Meaweth1_rename_ren Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:18:f3:96:bf:bc
16:45.25Blinnystew/twobitwork: Cheers. Thanks.
16:45.34JoeThomaso2T7: No, because the errors come up before I even login and I can't even Ctrl + C...
16:45.42stewMeaw: does the third card show up in lspci?  why do you want to get rid of that from 'ifconfig -a' ?  you could simply ignore it
16:45.50JoeThomaso2T7: i open a new virtual terminal and it writes the errors to each one
16:46.09Meawstew, yes the 3rd card is showen up in lspci
16:46.10twobitworkBlinny: e.g., vim has a compile option in include gtk support, and debian has the package vim-gtk which has it enabled
16:46.15stewMeaw: can you show me the output of "lspci -n" ?
16:46.38JoeThomaso2T7: nevermind I got X to come up
16:46.54o2T7JoeThomas: Perhaps you could boot from a rescue disk and chroot to your root partition and blacklist the alsa modules, which I guess that are giving you that errors
16:46.54Meawsure, hold on
16:46.55bijurhey how much behind are we in enterprise office ?
16:46.56Blinnytwobitwork: Thanks but I'm fairly sure there isn't a separate package with the flag.
16:47.03stewbijur: 7
16:47.08bijuropenoffice is still quite a lot bad right
16:47.10twobitworkBlinny: in that case go with that stew says :)
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16:47.21stewbijur: i don't know, how do you measure "behindness"
16:47.27Blinnytwobitwork/stew: Cool. Thanks again.
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16:47.54bijurstew: the thing is ms excel beats openoffice functionality by quite a bit
16:48.12bijuri am wondering would we have to finally wait for ms office for linux?
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16:48.28stewbijur: that is up to you
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16:48.35stewbijur: or perhaps ask
16:48.48twobitworkbijur: also, this is one of the rare cases where MS can boast better perfomance than the opensource equivalent is just damn slow
16:49.01Blinnybijur: Or at least try the openoffice software and decide for yourself.
16:49.21jzu_is it bullshit that EXT3 corrupts files after +250 days uptime?:O
16:49.31JoeThomasHow can I fix this from occuring at startup? I imagine in modprobe somewhere?
16:49.33stewjzu_: yes
16:49.33jzu_anyone had files corrupted after long uptimes?
16:49.53jzu_ok, so Ill guess Ill trust ext3
16:49.58stewjzu_: ext3 doesn't change the way it interacts with files based on uptime
16:49.59KomiaPoikawhy can't i install package nvidia-kernel-common?
16:50.09pippijnstew: uptime?
16:50.13pippijnstew: you mean atime?
16:50.17stewpippijn: no, i mean uptime
16:50.18KomiaPoikaPackage nvidia-kernel-common is not available, but is referred to by another package.
16:50.19asgpippijn: no, uptime
16:50.22bijurhey i got a pblm with my debian suspend
16:50.24twobitworkjzu_: ext3 is very mature and well tested, I've never heard any complaints
16:50.27bijurdoenst work!
16:50.33bijurany idea howto fix it
16:50.36bijurits on my t61
16:51.00twobitworkjzu_: rieserfs on the other hand does have known issues with large files, etc
16:51.08jzu_twobitwork: thats what Ive heard too, though few people have said it does corrupt files if you dont fsck it regulary
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16:51.14noisesmithbijur: suspend is really iffy, and works with only a few machines that I know of (no machine I have ever owned)
16:51.18pippijnstew: how does what change?
16:51.30stewMeaw: i don't know why both tulip cards wouldn't be showing up.  if you run "modprobe -r tulip ; modprobe tulip" and "dmesg | tail" do you anything interesting?  does it mention one card? both?
16:51.38bijurnoisesmith: sigh
16:51.40noisesmithbijur: if you mean suspend to ram
16:51.41twobitworkjzu_: well... if the filesystem wasn't unmounted properly you should let linux fsck it... but that's true of any fs...
16:51.52bijuryes thats what i meant
16:52.00*** mode/#debian [+l 862] by debhelper
16:52.00stewpippijn: i'm saying that nothing changes.  someone is asking if ext3 corrupts files after a long uptime.  i'm saying that ext3 doesn't behave any differently based on uptime"
16:52.05noisesmithbijur: suspend to swap can work, but is broken for some modules (like the nonfree x drivers)
16:52.15pippijnstew: ah, okay
16:53.08noisesmithbijur: I have three different model linux laptops in front of me, none of them have working suspend, I have tried (and on the other linux laptops I have owned)
16:53.12bijurnah! i was looking at simply close the lappy and it going into suspend
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16:53.27Meawstew, i'll paste you the output
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16:53.57stewbijur: you'll have to add a script to /etc/acpi to react to the lid event
16:54.17noisesmithstew: but with almost every bios out there, resume won't ever happen :)
16:54.33stewnoisesmith: that is not true
16:54.51noisesmithstew: what bioses does this work with?
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16:56.02stewnoisesmith: it works with every thinkpad i've owned (which are the only laptops),  it doesn't work with one of my first generation dual k7s but it works with all the other desktops here that i've tested with
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16:56.16stewnoisesmith: i mean *which are the only laptops i've owned
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16:57.54noisesmithstew: ok, I have had it fail with three models of dell laptop, plus three models of toshiba sattelite, plus an ibook g3
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16:58.43noisesmithstew: plus, a friend's hp pavillion entertainment dv6000
16:58.47stewnoisesmith: the last time i used a non-thinkpad was in 1997, but i know that people that have problems coming out of suspend with thinkpads is usually related to non-free video drivers (which i also don't use)
16:59.07benjamindeessomebody please tell me it's not normal for a package's 'debian/rules clean' to overwrite 'debian/control'.
16:59.18stewnoisesmith: try suspend / resume without x running
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16:59.50stewbenjamindees: its rare, but it exists.  is there a
17:00.00noisesmithstew: I only use free drivers, on the ibook linux kernel does not re-initialize the video properly for the openfirmware
17:00.01asgnoisesmith: also, removing the usb subsystem modules before you suspend yields better results in many cases.
17:00.10noisesmithasg: cool, thanks
17:00.10*** part/#debian Blinny (n=Blinny@
17:00.27benjamindeesstew, yes, apparently.  that's horrible.
17:00.39stewbenjamindees: which package?
17:00.48benjamindeesstew, samba
17:01.02asgnoisesmith: I've had good luck with suspend-to-disk on my latitude d410. Uptimes are often over a month or two.
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17:01.41benjamindeesI should go ahead and distribute these packages with 'debian samba team' still listed as the maintainer.
17:01.46noisesmithasg: yeah, suspend to disk is fine, he wanted suspend to ram
17:01.50*** part/#debian pippijn (n=pippijn@unixcorps/staff/pippijn)
17:01.59asgnoisesmith: if you are running X, the script you use to do cleanup pre-suspend should have a 'chvt 1' pretty early on to get to a console. This often helps to prevent X getting screwy.
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17:02.10stewMeaw: so it looks to me like your sundance card and one of your tulip cards have the same MAC (at least according to udev)
17:02.19noisesmithasg: this is not x, it is all video
17:02.19stewMeaw: you might try just removing z25 and rebooting (if you haven't already)
17:02.33noisesmithasg: the first thing I tried was suspending without X
17:03.05*** part/#debian suwro (n=daci@
17:03.15noisesmithasg: resume happens, with no video (all apps are still running, but can only be controlled via vnc or ssh or whatever, which stinks for a laptop :)
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17:04.17asgnoisesmith: what video card?
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17:04.53noisesmithasg: ati mobility m6 ly
17:05.07asgnoisesmith: try using the 'radeontool' package to reset the backlight on resume
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17:05.42noisesmithasg: cool, I will check that out!
17:05.57asgnoisesmith: something else to check is for your laptop. There are often useful workarounds posted.
17:06.37stews/mobile/mobil/ ?
17:06.49acvhow can i do vpn with vyatta?
17:06.51stewahh, both work
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17:07.12asgacv: see if there is a #vyatta or ##vyatta on freenode.
17:07.30acvasg: nope
17:07.43asgacv: maye on Does vyatta's website list an irc channel?
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17:08.58acvasg, nope :(
17:09.37asgacv: then I don't know. It's not Debian so it's difficult for us to help you. See if they have a forum or somesuch.
17:09.52acvasg: ok thanks
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17:11.41QuibusHi, does someone know a good way to extract vector graphics from PDF files? (On Debian, of course.)
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17:12.05rifHi, guys, I am on debian testing and I kept the 2.6.18 kernel in order to use the nvidia-legacy packages, but latest update removed nvidia-glx-legacy, is ther any wokaround?
17:12.15xingunoisesmith: suspend on x86_64 seems like trying to balance jell-o on a toothpick fwiw
17:12.35noisesmithxingu: yeah, that is why I am hopeful with this ibook
17:12.59Quibusrif: do you need the legacy ones or can you just use the regular ones?
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17:13.42holycowwhat is the easiest way to get file sharing between users so that each can open up each others files?  add the to the same group?
17:13.54xingunoisesmith: especially once you add in all the modern goodies - typical pc bios, wlan, gpu and _its_ bios, msi-x interrupts, etc.
17:14.14rifQuibus: I need the legacy (I have a very old video card)
17:14.21StarkDI need help to connect to a netowrk HP printer at "hp:/net/HP_Color_LaserJet_4730mfp?ip=". I don't find any installation option for using hp:/ in CUPS at localhost:631
17:14.52rifQuibus: the xpdf-utils has a pdfimage
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17:15.30xinguholycow: yes; I'd combine with creating a directory root which was group-owned and group-writable (and possibly - sticky)
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17:15.50rifQuibus: it might not work for vector, though
17:16.06xinguholycow: in the long run it usually proves a mistake to open up group access to user homedirs
17:16.30c_newbiehi, i just trying to install Etch 4 r03 on my Dell PE 2970, but it didnt detect both NIC, is there any trouble with Release 3?
17:16.43holycowyeah, this is a situation where actually there is a manager whose files only he can access but staff account which he wants rwx access to
17:16.56Quibusrif: seems to be for bitmaps indeed
17:17.02holycowi thought doing a 777  on the staff dir would do it but when he drops a file there they cant read it obviously
17:17.22holycowthe delegation of rights in other words is required
17:17.23xinguholycow: look into sgid behaviour for directories
17:17.27bijurbye all :)
17:17.32holycowdanke, really appreciate that
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17:17.37c_newbieor should i tried with r.01 1st?
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17:18.10c_newbiehelp me please
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17:19.10mofinowhat happened to the strings command?
17:19.12mofinoin etch
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17:19.26battlemidgetwat do you mean mofino
17:19.35mofinoI can't find it
17:19.50mofinopoor searching
17:19.53mofinoit's in binutils
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17:20.13mofino"packages that contain files named like this" == win
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17:21.10Jessica_lillyis there 1 install CD like ubuntu has because when i go on to the mirrors there is 21 cd's
17:21.42themillJessica_lilly: you only need the netinstall or CD1.
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17:22.25tsvhey, I'm looking for some software to write nicely typeset letters easily from the command line, TeX seems like overkill, do LaTeX or troff offer easy support to write letters? sorry if this is the wrong place to ask
17:22.25c_newbiei used netinstall tho :(
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17:23.41benjamindeestsv, LaTeX is TeX, only simpler;  so yes?
17:23.50noisesmithc_newbie: do you know the name of the module that it needs to load for your network card?
17:23.56fastaCan anyone recommend a graphical timezone application?
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17:24.23fastabenjamindees: simplicity is in the eye of the beholder.
17:24.39iateadonutif i write a website using GPL components, i have to make the website source available to the public?
17:24.42tsvbenjamindees; I know, just wondered if there was any specific feature of it that made letter-writing easy, as opposed to essays or whatever
17:24.51fastaiateadonut: no
17:24.54themilliateadonut: no
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17:25.49Bushmillsfasta: what should a timezone application do?
17:26.06fastathemill: what if I let people have a shell account and run X applications on the server? (just curious)
17:26.28iateadonutonly if i want to distribute it as software, then i have to include the source code and the proper credits.
17:26.30fastaBushmills: see the time difference between various countries/continents and related functionality.
17:26.48Bushmillsfasta, selected places, or any?
17:27.05fastaBushmills: selected, I guess.
17:27.13xingufasta: gworldclock?
17:27.15Bushmillsfasta: sunclock can do that.
17:27.26Bushmillsexists in gnome and kde flavours too
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17:27.38fastaGnome had something by default in a previous version, I think.
17:27.54fastaThanks, I will try both.
17:28.13Bushmillsfasta, what desktop environment?
17:28.25fastaBushmills: I have both installed. I don't care for Gnome/KDE differences.
17:28.36tsvbenjamindees; thanks :-)
17:28.46themillfasta: allowing someone to run ls on your machine is not normally considered to be "distirbution". This was in some way clarified with gplv3 by changing to the word "convey" rather than "distribute".
17:28.52Bushmillsthen there is kworldclock as third option
17:30.32fastathemill: I realise this is off-topic, but can I ask you another question about this in another channel?
17:31.07themillfasta: sure... #debian-offtopic
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17:31.21iateadonutcan you dpkg a .deb in an alternate directory, such as /opt ?
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17:31.38valdyniateadonut: no
17:31.49iateadonutmy only option is to install from source?
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17:31.55valdyniateadonut: why?
17:32.00valdyniateadonut: whats the purpose?
17:32.02themilliateadonut: well, yes. but it might not/probably won't work.
17:32.23iateadonutbecause startdict 3.0.1 will not install over stardict 2.4 (etch)
17:32.29valdyniateadonut: thruth is you can "install" a deb anywhere, but that doesn't mean its supported or easy
17:32.50valdyniateadonut: so remove stardict 2.4 ?
17:33.33p_mashohow do I completely remove mysqld with apt-get.. Database has got corruptd so want to do complete reinstall..
17:33.37iateadonutif i don't purge, then my dictionaries will stay in their /usr/shar/
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17:34.16valdynp_masho: how does that make sense?
17:34.31valdynp_masho: you buy a new refrigerator when milk goes bad?
17:34.36Bushmillsp_masho: if you reinstall linux, mysql will be reinstalled too
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17:35.02p_mashoSuppose what I want to do is remove the current configuration also !
17:35.13Bushmillsbut you may want to consider to buy a new hard disk first
17:35.16dpkgpurge is, like, to completely wipe away a package, including its config files. Use aptitude purge [package] or if you already removed package with apt-get remove, and forgot config files you can use 'dpkg -P <package>' to remove configs.  To purge all config files of all removed packages: aptitude purge '~c', or see <confmiss> about restoring individual config files
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17:36.16rwaiteif i do an apt-get dist-upgrade and it updates a lot of packages, like, lets say, all the xserver related pkgs, is there an easy way to 'undo' that update and get back to the old versions
17:36.38dpkgmethinks downgrade is not possible with apt-get currently.  No future support is anticipated.  Some programs change the binary format of their files in a way that cannot be rolled back later, and package maintainer scripts provide ways to upgrade to new config file formats but not ways to downgrade.  You can always try to downgrade a package using dpkg -i <olderversion.deb>.
17:36.43and][ngI'd like to ubild a vm image with a minimal system and xorg, should I look at debian-live anyway?
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17:38.00iateadonutwa sai.
17:38.08iateadonutwo sai, i mean.
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17:38.18and][ngiateadonut: chinese?
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17:39.35iateadonuti'm not sure if that's the correct pinyin, but i hear people in my office say it all the time.
17:39.37and][ngisn't "wo" "I"  ?
17:39.42_ZeuZ_hey guys, anybody knows where can I get the software linuxconf (it's kinda old, but seems to bee truly powerful...)
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17:39.55and][ng_ZeuZ_: what does it do?
17:39.57iateadonutit means something like 'oh my god'
17:40.16_ZeuZ_it has network configuration tools, firewall configuration tools, etc etc...
17:40.24iateadonutand speaking of chinese, the website i wrote using GPL tools is a chinese learning one.
17:40.31asg_ZeuZ_: it's a redhat thing and doesn't exist in debian
17:40.31iateadonutteaching one, actually.
17:40.39fastaxingu: gworldclock worked for my purposes.
17:40.47_ZeuZ_asg, I knew it from a Debian manual...
17:40.50rwaitewhoa. linuxconf, isnt that from the rh7 days?
17:40.59asg_ZeuZ_: which manual?
17:41.08abrotmanasg: it was on :)
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17:41.12_ZeuZ_Dunno, I gathered it from the network... perhaps he compiled it...
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17:41.27asgabrotman: ah, ewww.
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17:42.03jbergim using the default gnome editor in a lenny install. when i try to click a link a link it says " here was an error launching the default action command associated with this location."
17:42.06piper69hello everyone
17:42.08jbergany way i can debug this?
17:42.21jbergi've set iceweasel to my default browser
17:42.35_ZeuZ_Well then, any tool that you would recommend for a beginner like a GUI for port forwarding and such? I wanted to install that tool into a box I will not manage any further, and so he would have a chance no not ruin it
17:42.38piper69this might be very simple but i don't know how to do it, i am trying to ls my .profile how can i do that
17:42.44xinguhow do I nondestructively work out why a given package is going to get the arse during apt-get dist-upgrade ?
17:42.59xinguie, I need something that's going to walk the conflicts/depends and tell me exactly what's what.
17:43.45asg_ZeuZ_: take a look at the firehol package
17:45.01_ZeuZ_asg: this guy does not even know how to use nano, so, I wanted a easy ncursed based tool so he could manage it...
17:45.33*** part/#debian aindilis2 (i=andrewdo@
17:45.36asg_ZeuZ_: people that can't use nano have no business configuring firewalls
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17:45.56acvin the debian security manual it states that the user owning the sites of apache shouldn't be www-data
17:45.58abrotmanasg: but the windows firewall works well
17:46.01acvif not www-data then what?
17:46.06abrotmanthe user
17:46.15asgabrotman: no it doesn't
17:46.16piper69how can i list .profile
17:46.23noisesmithpiper69: do you mean see it's contents?
17:46.34piper69noisesmith: yes
17:46.35asgpiper69: pager <file>
17:46.35jbergpiper69: i dont have a .profile
17:46.38noisesmithpiper69: cat .profile, or nano .profile, or less .profile
17:46.39_ZeuZ_Thing is, I'm not gonna manage that server anymore, and he's going to screw it...
17:46.45_ZeuZ_But fuck it, let him screw his lie
17:46.54_ZeuZ_But fuck it, let him screw his lie
17:46.58_ZeuZ_But fuck it, let him screw his life
17:47.13acvasg: then what?
17:47.28acvabrotman, i dont think it should belong to the user
17:47.34asg_ZeuZ_: there are plenty of resources to breastfeed him through the process. If it's that much of an issue, install the bastille package and use it's simple firewall config.
17:47.45asgacv: then what what?
17:48.00acvasg: i thought you were talking to me
17:48.25abrotmanacv: no, but you were talking to him
17:48.30piper69noisesmith: oh i might asked the wrong question, ok why when i view .profile i can see it but when i am trying to list it i can't "ls -l " doesn't return ".profile"
17:48.32abrotmanacv: pick a totally different user
17:48.36_ZeuZ_Too heavy like for it to run on a 386 with 16mb of ram and 500mb swap space
17:48.46noisesmithpiper69: ls -a
17:48.57noisesmithpiper69: or ls -al to show all extended, etc.
17:49.00*** join/#debian KomiaPoi1a (
17:49.06_ZeuZ_piper: ls -a (cuz .FILE are recognized as extended or hidden)
17:49.10and][ng_ZeuZ_: mcedit was ncursed afait
17:49.23acvabrotman, ok
17:49.24_ZeuZ_mcedit? Gonna check it...
17:49.32piper69noisesmith: thank you so much
17:49.33KomiaPoi1ai installed thunderbird package, and it installed me icedove instead. how do i importe thunderbird settings in icedove? .thunderbird/ is there, but icedove doesn't see it
17:49.39dpkgharden is, like, D:SbD, or, or read
17:49.52themillKomiaPoi1a: icedove usually uses ~/.mozilla-thunderbird
17:49.54iateadonutwhen will i be able to upgrade my work OS to lenny without fear that i'll not be able to use something critical to my job.
17:50.20noisesmithKomiaPoi1a: did you try renaming .thunderbird to .icedove maybe?
17:50.20_ZeuZ_and][ng, no packages on the Debian database
17:50.22xingubloody python-ctypes -> pythonX.Y-ctypes conversion.
17:50.29and][ngiateadonut: obviously it depends on what your job is
17:50.36*** join/#debian TheOnly|afk (
17:50.40xingucomplete with its bloody broken provides=
17:50.45xinguchecks bts
17:51.14KomiaPoi1athemill: thanks  ln -s .thunderbird .mozilla-thunderbird  fixes it
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17:51.21KomiaPoi1anoisesmith:  ln -s .thunderbird .mozilla-thunderbird  fixes it
17:51.25abrotmaniateadonut: right after release ?
17:51.29and][ngand][ng: anyway lenny should go stable on october afair
17:51.33and][ngit should be in topic
17:51.40abrotmanand][ng: talking to yourself
17:51.42KomiaPoi1aok now i have a very retarded problem
17:51.44dpkgLenny(5.0) will release WIR; SIYH, hopefully in the second half of 2008. Ask me about <lenny pool>, <wir>, <siyh>. also see
17:51.47simonrvniateadonut: wir
17:52.04and][ngabrotman: why?
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17:52.25abrotmanand][ng: you were talking to yourself .. as in .. you were addressing yourself .. not your intended target
17:52.35KomiaPoi1ato make google-earth work on amd64, i need  lib32nss-mdns  installed using dpkg -i. but i can't apt-get install or remove any package while it's there, because it installs with errors. how can i tell apt-get to ignore  lib32nss-mdns??
17:52.38abrotmansimonrvn: IRC is hard, let's go shopping
17:52.43and][ngabrotman: oh lol, I just saw it
17:52.49*** part/#debian enri_bass (
17:52.51simonrvnabrotman: hehehe
17:52.53and][ngabrotman: new nick
17:52.59noisesmithKomiaPoi1a: did you try apt-get install -f
17:53.42KomiaPoi1anoisesmith: yes, all it does is delete the  lib32nss-mdns package, screwing google-earth in the process
17:53.59xinguaah, it's not python-ctypes, it's libffi4
17:54.11noisesmithKomiaPoi1a: than you need a non-broken lib32nss-mdns package?
17:54.43KomiaPoi1anoisesmith: i can't find any other... i downloaded it off debian website ... it's a unstable package
17:54.53abrotmanand][ng: it'll get in the topic eventually .. the plans aren't really concrete enough and not enough people asking
17:55.09noisesmithKomiaPoi1a: are you running unstable? if not you may need a backport
17:55.32KomiaPoi1anoisesmith: no i'm running etch, and i have backports, but to run google-earth on amd64, you need that package no matter what
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17:55.44KomiaPoi1aand ihad to install it using dpkg -i
17:55.57KomiaPoi1athe install misses a dep, but still installs without configuration
17:56.01KomiaPoi1aand makes google-earth works
17:56.08jberghm, why does /etc/debian_version say lenny/sid?
17:56.13jbergwhy not just lenny?
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17:56.41and][ngabrotman: I had just an idea I had read it in topic, probably I'm wrong
17:56.51benjamindeesjberg, lenny is not released
17:56.51noisesmithKomiaPoi1a: what is your debian version?
17:56.57abrotmanjberg: it's very fluid .. what's the point
17:57.00KomiaPoi1anoisesmith: 4.0r3 etch afaik
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17:57.11stewjberg: because the base_files package that contains it was originally uploaded to sid.  packages move from sid to testing without changing, packages are generally uploaded directly to testing
17:57.11jbergabrotman: no point?
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17:57.15abrotmanjberg: check your libc6 version .. that's a better indicator at this point
17:57.24abrotmanor some other package version like gcc or something
17:57.25KomiaPoi1aso now everytime i must add package i gotta delete lib32nss and reinstall it zafter
17:57.44jbergabrotman: ok how can i check that?
17:57.47stewKomiaPoi1a: you should be trying to install packages from unstable directly onto stable, use a backport instead, /msg dpkg backports
17:57.53kdub432so why doesnt gdb work on etch? i've been told that its some sort of kernel bug
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17:58.10stewKomiaPoi1a: whatever package you installed that depends on lib32nss-mdns should be removed
17:58.14noisesmithKomiaPoi1a: did you check backports? (/msg dpkg backport)
17:58.15and][ngwhy live-magic tries to install cupsys too ?
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17:58.42and][ngthis is unfair
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17:58.54abrotmanjberg: dpkg -l libc6 | tail -1 .. then go to .. compare versions
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17:59.11stonedand][ng, what are you galing about?
17:59.16jbergabrotman: ok thanks
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17:59.33KomiaPoi1astew: i need google-earth and it's not a package it's a binary you just install
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18:00.14stew< KomiaPoi1a> so now everytime i must add package i gotta delete lib32nss and reinstall it zafter
18:00.20stewKomiaPoi1a: what makes you say that^^^?
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18:00.22KomiaPoi1anoisesmith: yes i already have backports
18:00.25xingupokes bts#479115 in the eye
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18:00.34and][ngstoned: galing like a "gal" ?
18:01.07and][ngstoned: I can't see what live-magic package has to do with cupsys and foomatic stuffs
18:01.17stonedlook at the depends
18:01.20twobitworkhmm... debootstrap (actually pbuilder) can't validate packages.. but my main system has no problems...
18:01.23stonedis it depending on them
18:01.26stonedor is it recommended
18:01.30noisesmithKomiaPoi1a: your choices are either a working backport of that lib, or installing the lib from source (or making your own backport, of course)
18:01.31stonedaptitude installs a buncha shit
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18:01.46stonedlook at what the depends are and try maybe apt-get instead of aptitude or configure aptitude
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18:06.15MartiiniI want to transfer my linux system/partition onto another computer. How do I do that?  Should i selectively back up current system "A" and overwite and installed system "B"?  .. or .. can I just make an image with partimage and unarchive that to computer "B" .. or .. ?
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18:08.25stonedMartiini, 2nd pc is what? different file systems?
18:08.54BushmillsMartiini: want to backup periodically?
18:09.28Bushmillsor just keep a single, up-to-date copy?
18:10.03KomiaPoi1anoisesmith: when i compile from source google earth doesnt see it
18:10.20KomiaPoi1anoisesmith: and when i install libc6 2.7 i get:
18:10.22KomiaPoi1adpkg: error processing libc6-i386_2.7-10_amd64.deb (--install): failed in buffer_write(fd) (9, ret=-1): backend dpkg-deb during `./emul/ia32-linux/usr/lib/gconv/': No space left on device
18:10.22dpkgThat isn't an error, post the whole output to paster.
18:10.38KomiaPoi1adpkg stfu
18:10.38dpkghmm... stfu is Shut The Fuck Up, or see also
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18:11.09noisesmithKomiaPoi1a: you have a full filesystem
18:11.20KomiaPoi1ai have gigabytes free
18:11.46abrotmanin the correct partition?
18:11.52KomiaPoi1anoisesmith: can i paste you the output of df -h?
18:11.53zinxKomiaPoi1a: df -h /emul/ia32-linux/usr/lib/gconv/
18:11.54noisesmithKomiaPoi1a: do you have multiple filesystems mounted? because no space left on device...
18:11.58noisesmithKomiaPoi1a: sure
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18:12.35MartiiniBushmills:  i want to make a copy of my current system/setup of my hp laptop partition to my PC "server" disk with 3 partitions on it. Laptop has AMD Turion processor ... PC (computer "B) has Athlon CPU .. etc etc
18:12.42KomiaPoi1azinx:  268M  260M     0 100% /
18:12.45twobitworkdpkg: E: Couldn't validate Packages!
18:12.45dpkgtwobitwork: are you using Windows?
18:12.55KomiaPoi1azinx: how do i make it bigger?
18:13.07dmndhow do i deal with iptables on debian? i want my firewall to be loaded when i reboot
18:13.09noisesmithKomiaPoi1a: a 260meg filesystem on /?
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18:13.28stewKomiaPoi1a: why do you want to switch to debian unstable?
18:13.36KomiaPoi1anoisesmith: it's a default install with encrypt lvm
18:13.49KomiaPoi1astew: i don't, i just wanna install the libs for google-earth
18:13.50MartiiniBushmills: basically .. I have no idea how to make backups and transfer linux systems properly
18:13.52KomiaPoi1aon amd64
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18:13.59stewKomiaPoi1a: you should not be messing with libc6
18:14.01and][ngstoned: I heard that aptitude has to be preferred over apt-get
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18:14.09noisesmithKomiaPoi1a: try taking some directories in / and symlinking them to directories in another fs
18:14.14abrotman!tell and][ng about why aptitude
18:14.41KomiaPoi1anoisesmith: what dirs can i move safely?
18:14.47BushmillsMartiini: you're sure you want a copy of the installed system, rather than installing the same packages?
18:14.56streuner!nickometer and][ng
18:14.57stonedand][ng, but, but maybe your problem of it having installed other packages was caused by not the dependant packages, but the recommended ones
18:14.58dpkg'and][ng' is 53.000% lame, streuner
18:15.16and][ngno bad, half lame
18:15.21enoufstreuner1: ouch - time to retune nicko ;-)
18:15.26and][nghow much can you score with your simple nick?
18:15.29stonedenouf, tat healin nicely
18:15.35stewKomiaPoi1a: libc6 is probably the most important package on your system,  its the library that provides the most basic of functionality to programs written in c.  for an idea of the impact, "aptitude search '~i ~Dlibc6'" would list the package on your system that depend on libc6, it will be many
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18:15.59rwaitei tried compiling libc on slackware once, it was not pretty
18:16.01stonedhi stew
18:16.02streunerandash: you get karma in #debian...
18:16.06twobitwork!nickometer twobitsprite
18:16.06enoufstoned: the nyle is not a river in egypt :-P
18:16.08dpkg'twobitsprite' is 0.000% lame, twobitwork
18:16.55KomiaPoi1astew: so, basically, if i install libc6 2.7 for google-earth, i will screw up all otherp ackages?
18:16.55stewKomiaPoi1a: and also, mixing package from testing/unstable with stable is a bad idea.  you should be using a backport intsead
18:16.55Bushmillsthere's one complication: it is a bit tricky to replace the running system - you'd want to copy that as an additional system (plus customize for machine differences, like fstab, hostname, network config etc)
18:16.55streunerand][ng: you get karma in #debian
18:16.55and][ngstoned: and you told me to configure aptitude, I'm assuming it can be told how to manage recommended
18:16.55KomiaPoi1ai tried
18:16.55stewKomiaPoi1a: maybe
18:16.55noisesmithKomiaPoi1a: any directory not currently being used by an open application: you 'mv DIR /newlocation/DIR; ln -s /newlocation/DIR DIR'
18:16.56stoned!aptitude howto
18:16.56andashstreuner: wat
18:16.56and][ngstreuner: I love karma
18:16.57streunerandash: typo...
18:16.58MantaarDAMN! recent upgrade in sid borked poor old tomcat. Anyone willing to help me with resolving #412690
18:17.01enoufman aptitude, install aptitude-doc-en
18:17.03MartiiniBushmills:  I would not get customisations I have made if I just install the same packages ( I know dpkg > create package list)
18:17.17noisesmithKomiaPoi1a: but I agree with stew, replacing libc6 is bad bad news
18:17.18and][ngstreuner: actually I just had karma for dinner
18:17.23BushmillsMartiini: an alternative could be to  dpkg --get-selections "*" > /etc/packages.list  , and use that file to let the other machine install the same packages (and bring them into same state)
18:17.36enoufkarma chameleon? anyways, i use apt-get
18:17.41stewand][ng: are you sure that cupsys has anything to do with live-magic?  does it still want to install cupsys if you simply run "aptitude -f install' ?
18:17.51BushmillsMartiini: then you would mostly need the /etc custom things
18:18.06and][ngstew: not sure but it was 50 Mb so I just let it go
18:18.37KomiaPoi1anoisesmith: so since i can't use  lib32nss, to use google-earth on etch and amd64, i gotta install a broken package everytime i run google-earth and deinstall it everytime i want to install packages
18:18.39and][ngstew: and it's still going actually so I'll check cache info for live-magic later
18:18.44twobitworkso... anyone have an idea as to why debootstrap can't validate packages when my main system can?
18:18.46and][ngstew: it just seemed strange to me
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18:19.12stewand][ng: it could very well be to some other previous action.  you can always remove cupsys next and see what else it wants to take with it
18:19.14noisesmithKomiaPoi1a: lib32nss won't build without the libc upgrade?
18:19.14enoufMartiini: if you're looking for cloning options, maybe 'bootcd', 'system-imager-*', or even g4u
18:19.20MartiiniBushmills: actually .. dpkg --get-selections should do it for me .. I can customise and tweak it then later
18:19.31stewKomiaPoi1a: can you use a backport of lib32nss
18:19.35BushmillsMartiini: for an image to transfer, you could tar all of the source partition, tell tar to stay on one partition (excludes /proc), and maybe exclude /tmp/
18:19.36enoufMartiini: i came late, so not sure what you desire, issues
18:19.39twobitworkhmm... nevermind, it seemed to have fixed itself...
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18:19.40xingu_pokes bts#469221 in the eye too
18:19.46stewKomiaPoi1a: why do you have to install a broken package?  which package?
18:19.48KomiaPoi1anoisesmith: i installed nss-mdns-0.10 from source but google-earth doesnt see it
18:20.01and][ngwhat's #299009 ?
18:20.03enoufMartiini: there's also those typical tar, gzip, rsync options too ;-)
18:20.05and][ng!why not aptitude
18:20.05dpkgaptitude has many bugs, such as #299009, which other APT frontends do not have.
18:20.17KomiaPoi1astew: i gotta dkpg -i lib32nss-mdns_0.10-3_amd64.deb just to get google-earth able to connect to network
18:20.21and][ngbug ticket no. ?
18:20.24smacnayIs the debian "way" for maintaining nvidia drivers still recommended in testing or is it now changing to something else?
18:20.27noisesmithKomiaPoi1a: ok, what directory did it install to? /usr/local/lib?
18:20.34KomiaPoi1aeven tho the install doesn't configure for bad libc6 version
18:20.36enoufbug tracking service == BTS
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18:20.42twobitworkand][ng: I haven't run into any bugs...
18:20.42stewKomiaPoi1a: as i've said a couple of times now, you should not install packages from testing or unstable onto stable.  use a backport instead
18:20.51and][ngtwobitwork: lucky you
18:20.57BushmillsMartiini: but i'd not go for binary image transfer. used it with minimal installations on remote servers, but would avoid to do that when not necessary.
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18:21.14KomiaPoi1anoisesmith: nss-mdns installed in Libraries have been installed in: //lib
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18:21.35stewKomiaPoi1a: don't compile it from the upstream source, recompile the debian package, /msg dpkg ssb
18:21.38KomiaPoi1astew: but i couldn't find any backport for  lib32nss-mdns
18:21.41noisesmithKomiaPoi1a: try running ldconfig manually, then google earth?
18:21.50stewKomiaPoi1a: yes, you'd need to make your own
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18:22.16MantaarNo one here willing to go bug hunting with me? I see... meh. I'll do it myself then...
18:22.19stewnoisesmith: ldconfig has nothing to do with debian package management
18:22.28MartiiniBushmills:  ok , thanks ,, I will read about that
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18:22.53noisesmithstew: KomiaPoi1a built the library, and the app is not finding the library, if you mean I am ot? mea culpa, sure
18:22.56stewMantaar: if you are trying to debug tomcat in sid, you are more likely to find help in #debian-java on
18:22.58MartiiniBushmills:  oh, you mean  .. not use partimage unles ..
18:22.59KomiaPoi1anoisesmith: no luck
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18:23.26stewnoisesmith: no, i mean it won't solve the problem that the package managers think that he has a missing dependency on lib32nss-mdns
18:23.27Bushmillsi mean, i'd match the installed packages by installing them on the target, instead.
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18:23.57Mantaarstew: thanks. I'll try it.
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18:24.22noisesmithstew: yeah, I was thinking: 1) get the app to run 2) make sure aptitude is all squared up, but maybe that is backwards priorities
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18:24.38stewnoisesmith: i was thinking of doing both at the same time
18:24.40kdub432i'm having trouble getting gdb to run, it complains of an invalid memory map
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18:24.54MartiiniBushmills: dpkg --get-selections is what Im gonna use .. install base system on second box and then make it like my current system
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18:25.45KomiaPoi1astew: E: Unable to find a source package for lib32nss-mdns
18:25.46MartiiniBushmills:  you cannot really transfer a system onto another box with different setup , can you?
18:26.00stewKomiaPoi1a: did you add a deb-src line for testing or unstable?
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18:26.28BushmillsMartiini: not to replace the running system. you'd want to run from a second, minimal installation anyway.
18:26.34KomiaPoi1anoisesmith: i made ./configure, make, sudo make install with the lib and it installed, but google-earth behaves like its not there
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18:27.00kdub432Martiini: you can kinda, if youre willing to replace the kernel
18:27.10noisesmithKomiaPoi1a: I would suggest rebuilding the .deb from source, like stew suggested
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18:27.23noisesmithKomiaPoi1a: then that fixes the aptitude issue too
18:27.30stewMartiini: what do you mean by "different setup"?
18:27.30KomiaPoi1anoisesmith: how dpkg tells me to do it does not work
18:27.38Martiinikdub432:  but surely its not just the kernel that gets customised when you install linux system?
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18:27.46stewKomiaPoi1a: show us your /etc/apt/sources.list ; use a pastebin: /msg dpkg pastebin
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18:28.08KomiaPoi1ado i really need to use a deb-src line for sid if i already have a deb-src line for etch??
18:28.30stewMartiini: the kernel does not get customized when you install debian, unless you mean the initrd, which you can fix by reconfiguring the kenrel package from some other booted kernel or from a livecd or some such
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18:28.34stewKomiaPoi1a: yes
18:28.43stewKomiaPoi1a: since etch doesn't contain the pacakge you are trying to compile
18:28.44noisesmithKomiaPoi1a: etch deb-src doesn't have the package if etch does not have it
18:28.46kdub432Martiini: i made a linux from scratch system, and the 'fresh install' of that is just copy of usbdisk, reconfigure kernel
18:28.50KomiaPoi1a  is my sources.list
18:29.08stewKomiaPoi1a: /msg dpkg ssb
18:29.16stewKomiaPoi1a: start over, you missed step #1
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18:30.22simonrvn72.0.209.185 <-- could someone ping that please?
18:30.26KomiaPoi1alike this?
18:30.28KomiaPoi1adeb-src sid-backports main contrib non-free
18:30.33stewsimonrvn: pinging
18:30.35simonrvnthank you
18:30.42stewsimonrvn: 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=45 time=66.3 ms
18:30.44aleksanterisimonrvn, responds
18:30.54aleksanteri64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=45 time=193 ms
18:30.59noisesmithsimonrvn: works for me
18:31.17simonrvncould someone ping ?
18:31.18Martiinikdub432: , stew , Bushmills , Can I just TAR a linux system and copy that to another machine with different CPU, hardware, partitons ,, ?
18:31.36simonrvnthank you
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18:31.43tdnHow do I change the background color of an xterm? I have tried putting "XTerm*background:       grey4" in my .Xdefaults, but it has no effect.
18:31.55kdub432Martiini: no. you need to know what to reconfigure
18:32.02stewsimonrvn: no response from .242
18:32.06aleksanterisimonrvn, timeout
18:32.07BushmillsMartiini: the more the hardware differs, the more you'd have to customize
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18:32.21noisesmithtdn: are you running xrdb -load .Xdefaults?
18:32.26stewMartiini: maybe.  it depends on if they both have the same root filesystem and the initrd contains a driver that can mount it
18:32.41simonrvnthank you all, isp taking care of that
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18:32.49Martiiniarrhgg ,,   If I want to copy a system to another machine , I need to install base first and then install all the same packages, right?
18:33.17MartiiniI will just  dpkg --get-selections
18:33.19KomiaPoi1astew: ok ... now i upgraded my error to: E: Build-Depends dependency for lib32nss-mdns cannot be satisfied because the package gcc-multilib cannot be found
18:33.21noisesmithtdn: for whatever reason .Xdefaults is never automatically sourced
18:33.22Bushmillsi'd say that's preferrable.
18:33.24stewMartiini: or just copy everything and maybe reconfigure the kernel in its host machine
18:33.34KomiaPoi1aE: Couldn't find package gcc-multilib
18:33.41noisesmithKomiaPoi1a: try apt-src installing gcc-multilib?
18:33.52tdnnoisesmith, nope. When should I run that? Isn't there an easier way to just set the background of xterm to black?
18:33.54stewKomiaPoi1a: you have to backport that first then
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18:34.48tdnnoisesmith, should I just run "xrdb -load .Xdefaults" before starting xterm?
18:34.51noisesmithtdn: that can be run as part of your .xsession or .xinitrc, or if you can specify programs to run with gnome/kde session init you can do it there, really you can run it whenever and as often as you like
18:34.59KomiaPoi1anoisesmith: dpkg-checkbuilddeps: Unmet build dependencies: gcj-4.3-base (>= 4.3.0-1) gcc-4.2-base (>= 4.2.3-1) gcc-4.3-base (>= 4.3.0-1) gnat-4.3-base
18:35.00stewtdn: the easiest way it to set it up in .Xdefaults.  if you just want to do it one time, 'xterm -fg white -bg black'
18:35.23tdnstew, okay, thanks!
18:35.36tdnnoisesmith, thanks to you too!
18:35.38noisesmithstew: I am telling him how to make sure his .Xdefaults is sourced
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18:36.17Martiinistew.. is initrd the only thing that gets customised during system installation?
18:36.39Martiinistew, surely , its not , is it ,, the only thing
18:36.45tdnnoisesmith, thanks to you too!
18:36.49stewKomiaPoi1a: then you have to backport binutils and gcc-4.3-base, which i think, means you are going to lose
18:37.07stewMartiini: to the hardware?  yes, as long as it is all the same arch
18:37.17noisesmithKomiaPoi1a: I don't know if there is a way to automatically deb-src dependancies with deb-src (what stew said)
18:38.00KomiaPoi1astew: i backported po4a and will try to go upstream
18:38.21stewhmm i thought gcc-4.3 would have had a versioned build-dep on libc6-dev, but i guess not
18:38.47KomiaPoi1aE: Build-Depends dependency for gcc-defaults cannot be satisfied because the package gcj-4.3-base cannot be found
18:38.57stewKomiaPoi1a: yes, you'd have to backport that too
18:39.14stewKomiaPoi1a: this means you are going to have to backport the entire toolchain
18:39.26noisesmithstew: is there a way to recursively deb-src the way aptitude recursively grabs dependancies?
18:39.33KomiaPoi1aso it means like i'm gonna screw my other ports if i do?
18:39.33stewKomiaPoi1a: which i'm guessing means you are going to eventually hit a roadblock
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18:39.50KomiaPoi1ai already have
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18:40.02Pasteurizedhi all
18:40.09stewnoisesmith: i don't know, unless perhaps apt-build can
18:40.13noisesmithI am thinking that we are discovering why that package was not already backported
18:40.16Martiinistew, how about different modules and mtab , fstab .. all that   , surely , if you compare debian installed on HP PC with lets say Debian installed on Dell, the systems would be different and not transferable from one to another ?
18:40.19KomiaPoi1ai made apt-get build-dep po4a to satisfy dpkg-dev but dpkg-dev still won't apt-get build-dep
18:40.28stewMartiini: maybe
18:40.51KomiaPoi1ai'll just keep reinstalling broken package when i need google-earth
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18:41.38humboltConsidering that I have a 64bit server with 4GB RAM and AMD virtualization extensions, would you rather use KVM or Xen for virtualization?
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18:41.54stewMartiini: it depends on how fstab is setup, and how you are moving the data.
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18:45.10xinguwonders wtf you'd actually _need_ lib32nss-mdns for googleearth of all things
18:46.02xinguKomiaPoi1a: my googleearth-package'd googleearth package doesn't have that dep.
18:46.14xingummm, smells like bogus
18:46.23KomiaPoi1axingu: you made a google-earth package??
18:46.27stew!info googleearth-package
18:46.40KomiaPoi1a!info googleearth-package
18:46.44dpkggoogleearth-package: (utility to automatically build a Debian package of Google Earth), section contrib/misc, is optional. Version: 0.5.4 (sid), Packaged size: 9 kB, Installed size: 64 kB
18:46.46dpkggoogleearth-package: (utility to automatically build a Debian package of Google Earth), section contrib/misc, is optional. Version: 0.5.4 (sid), Packaged size: 9 kB, Installed size: 64 kB
18:47.04KomiaPoi1ai have etch and amd64
18:47.15stew!info googleearth-package etch
18:47.25KomiaPoi1a!info googleearth-package etch
18:47.29dpkggoogleearth-package: (utility to automatically build a Debian package of Google Earth), section contrib/misc, is optional. Version: 0.0.4 (etch), Packaged size: 6 kB, Installed size: 28 kB
18:47.34dpkggoogleearth-package: (utility to automatically build a Debian package of Google Earth), section contrib/misc, is optional. Version: 0.0.4 (etch), Packaged size: 6 kB, Installed size: 28 kB
18:48.25xingusucks down another gigantic update
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18:51.02PasteurizedI try to fing the key of repository, thanks for help
18:52.19stewPasteurized: you can find it on htt://
18:53.14KomiaPoi1ai have 2 120G hard drives on my machine. i configured the first one as encrypted lvm at install. how do i make another encrypted lvm on the second drive, to mount it on a single dir, like, /home2?
18:53.14valdynhumbolt: kvm is not yet mature really
18:53.33humboltvaldyn: And Xen is?
18:53.42valdynhumbolt: i have no idea
18:54.09humboltIsn't only the 2.6.18 kernel really patched by xensource?
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18:55.35valdynhumbolt: kvm is probably the fastest virtualisation in existance, so if it works for you.. go for it
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18:55.39And1Hi, does anyone know how I can recode mp3-tags and file-names from ISO-8859 to UTF-8 (e.g. using easytag)?
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18:56.42markoahi everyone
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18:57.05markoaI'm reading adduser man page... what is a system user?
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18:57.54gpmmarkoa: a user who uses the system
18:58.03valdynAnd1: read what it does
18:58.09valdynAnd1: ops
18:58.21foobar8markoa: a user created by the system ;-) (typical example is a user for some daemon)
18:58.26noisesmithmarkoa: a special not quite root user, a pre-sudo solution to privelidge granularity
18:58.28valdynmarkoa: are you reading what  adduser --system does compared to normal user ?
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18:58.52stewmarkoa: a user that is running a system service.  for instance a webserver or mail server
18:59.08markoaok that was very helpful, quick and clear
18:59.16gpmAnd1: for filenames
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18:59.47gpmtags are a different story. i have a script that tags based on filename, but it is based on my own peculiar organization structure for mp3s
19:00.11markoaI thought that maybe it means "a user who can sudo"... thanks.
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19:00.30SlimGHow should I write the «route» parameters to do the following: remove the gw route at eth2
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19:02.25And1gpm: Thanks, I'll read the thread now.
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19:04.47xinguwonders wtf his ia32 schroot just sucked citadel-server
19:04.58xinguadds it to the list of things to nuke from orbit
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19:06.57farionis there a way to download a webdav-directory recursive via commandline?
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19:09.04xingunice, spam all over my consoles from citadel
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19:10.20dabreegsterRunning inetutils-ftpd, a user is denied permissions to STOR a file in their /home directory. If I log in the same way using the public IP but from within my lan, I have perms. How do I remedy?
19:10.30simonrvnxingu: weee (and hello)
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19:11.00And1gpm: Hrm, that really seems to work fine... =)
19:11.12noisesmithfarion: would wget -r -l <levels> do it?
19:11.29And1gpm: Should I use "utf8" or "utf8-strict"?
19:11.29gpmAnd1: hooray
19:11.35b23hi, i have a dell 1530 laptop and need to select a ethernet card, wich one should i select?
19:11.40SlimGHow should I write the «route» parameters to do the following: remove the gw route at eth2
19:11.45gpmAnd1: i don't know about utf8-strict, i just use utf8
19:12.16farionnoisesmith: i will try
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19:12.31And1gpm: K... I never heard anything of -strict. =)
19:13.09dabreegsterinetutils-ftpd doesnt seem to have any kind of config file, so maybe I just need to run a diff server
19:13.16and][ngstew: removing cupsys removes... just cupsys
19:13.41stewand][ng: then it wasn't being installed in order to satisfy a dependency
19:14.06stewb23: what are the choices?
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19:15.18b23stew: a full list of cards, i mean in the install menu
19:15.54stewb23: you are trying to install debian?  and the installer didn't recognize the ethernet card?
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19:16.38And1gpm: Hrm, sometimes I get a "Error: Permission denied"?
19:16.45farionnoisesmith: no wget only saves an index.html
19:17.14And1gpm: Think it are the directory names and they won't be converted, because the files in it wouldn't be found then? oO
19:17.15and][ngstew: I wonder why then..
19:17.21b23stew: exactly
19:17.36noisesmithfarion: how many levels did you give in the -l argument?
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19:17.45farionnoisesmith: 100
19:17.47xingudabreegster: sounds like something's intercepting your ftp traffic
19:18.03xingudabreegster: for instance, checkpoint firewall-1 can be told to do exactly what you're seeing.
19:18.22docta_vwhat file does debuild look at to set the package version number?
19:18.32stewdocta_v: debian/changelog
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19:18.53xingudabreegster: suggest you need to have a chat to the person who runs your internet infrastructure and ask them if they're tampering with the ftp session and if they've decided that STOR is verboten
19:19.06noisesmithfarion: wget only gets hyperlinks on each page, I don't know how webdav is layed out?
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19:19.42farionnoisesimth: thats the thing, there are no links on index
19:19.50vyHi! While playing an audio cd sound hangs regularly. What might be causing the problem?
19:19.57dabreegsterxingu: i'm not supposed to be running any servers anyway on a home license, so I'll just give up and use rapidshare or flash drives. thanks
19:20.16farionand cadaver does not work recursive
19:20.31and][ngok I've choose "expert" in live-magic, how can I revert to wizard mode ??
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19:22.58jberg_what is the lsb and lsb-base packages?
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19:23.39simonrvnjberg_: apt-cache show <package name> [<package name> ...]
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19:25.54Mark17i want to check other nameservers off my and now i want to know how i can see if a nameserver is authoritive or that it get the information from an other nameserver
19:26.07Mark17is that possible?
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19:26.34jberg_simonrvn: ah thanks
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19:27.35jberg_simonrvn: so its only something i need if i want to write applications that should work on most linuxes?
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19:27.43and][nglive-magic man page doesn't give a clue
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19:28.45simonrvnjberg_: well there are some lsb* packages that'll get installed anyway, due to some (more and more) of the init scripts and other stuff depending on it, but pretty much yes.
19:29.00jberg_simonrvn: i see
19:31.55and][ngdpkg-reconfigure eventually did it
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19:35.02pelegafter adding an "export" line to /root/.bashrc, how can I reload that configuration file ?
19:35.23ToznoshioI tried the Dreamlinux (which is straight Debian) on a PC with an ATI Radeon 9550 graphics card, and the font rendering of the text underneath the icons is pretty blurred. Any pointers in the right direction for how to go about fixing that?
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19:35.43stewToznoshio: try #dreamlinux
19:35.57Toznoshiostew: it's empty :(
19:36.15stewToznoshio: try to find a dreamlinux mailing list maybe.  sorry, but we only support debian here
19:36.16noisesmithpeleg: log root out and back in, or '. /root/.bashrc' you are trying to change root's bash options right?
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19:36.35cahootor just source it
19:36.41pelegnoisesmith: indeed; I am trying to add a bin folder
19:36.42sukmydikksukkkk my dikkkzorzzz
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19:36.50sukmydikkiets taesetyzzzz
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19:39.12noisesmithpeleg: you mean add a directory to root's PATH?
19:39.32pelegnoisesmith: indeed
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19:39.34noisesmithpeleg: I just want to make sure you understand this will only affect the root user
19:39.55BubbaTHey I am running aptitude like it says on this page:
19:40.28BubbaTi'm getting an error message can find any package that matches live-magic.
19:40.42pelegnoisesmith: of course. actually, I want it to affect users that use sudo.
19:40.53and][ngBubbaT: what system are you on?
19:41.15noisesmithpeleg: does sudo source /root/.bashrc? I think it may be a config option that is not on by default
19:41.17*** join/#debian DDave (n=DDave@
19:41.29BubbaTWhat do you mean by system.
19:41.39BubbaTIf you mena version I'm using etch.
19:43.08pelegnoisesmith: now I see it doesn't. I wonder, then, what .bashrc it *does* source.
19:43.10noisesmithpeleg: on my machine, after running sudo bash ~ is still /home/user
19:43.23noisesmithpeleg: so it still sources ~/.bashrc
19:43.28and][ngBubbaT: I think that's the point
19:43.33noisesmithpeleg: this behaviour is configurable in sudoers, I think
19:43.53peleg/etc/sudoers? I couldn't find there anything about it..
19:43.53*** join/#debian Cheery (
19:44.00chopsnoisesmith: I think that's a bash behavior rather than a sudo behavior.  Try: sudo bash -l
19:44.25BubbaTand][ng, what do you mean by point?
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19:44.38noisesmithchops: .bashrc is sourced for non-login shells, if ~ still means user, that is because of sudo I think, not bash
19:44.39and][ngBubbaT: I think live-magic is in lenny
19:44.41pelegnoisesmith: well, I have wrote a script and put it in ~/bash
19:44.56stewnoisesmith: "man sudo" and search for HOME
19:45.01BubbaTlenny comes after etch?
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19:45.06stewBubbaT: yes
19:45.11pelegnoisesmith: ~/bash is in my PATH; calling scriptname works, but calling sudo scriptname does not.
19:45.17CheeryI have a problem with my debian etch, repeatedly in bootup, it enforces filesystem check, claiming it has been 25878 days from the last filesystem check!
19:45.22noisesmithstew: yeah, that was it, thanks
19:45.49BubbaTSo there is nothing similar in etch?
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19:46.00Cheeryit came when I updated my kernel
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19:46.25EulexCheery, from what kernel to what?
19:46.42noisesmithpeleg: is it in your path as ~ or as the full directory name?
19:46.48CheeryI have been updating my debian etch, regularly, once in week
19:47.12Cheeryupdated yesterday
19:47.13pelegnoisesmith: with ~
19:47.27pelegthat might be the problem, ha? :-)
19:47.29peleglet me check
19:47.34abrotmanCheery: check your CMOS battery ?
19:47.39noisesmithpeleg: hmm, I dunno, but I bet there is a line in sudoers that will fix this?
19:47.45Cheery"Linux version 2.6.18-6-686 (Debian 2.6.18.dfsg.1-18etch3) ( (gcc version 4.1.2 20061115 (prerelease) (Debian 4.1.1-21)) #1 SMP Thu Apr 24 08:33:59 UTC 2008"
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19:48.12pelegnoisesmith: I'll check, thanks
19:48.22foobar8farion: a bit heretic - but if you use gnome - nautilus might be the easiest choice ;-) - otherwise there also was some fuse fs supporting webdav (though afair webdav in the debian package is disabled)
19:48.23noisesmithCheery: do you have a bad cmos battery?
19:48.31abrotmancopy cat!
19:48.35Cheeryabrotman: I don't know, it's a quite lottery if it happened to the very same time when I updated my linux kernel
19:49.03CheeryI guess I'll replace it then
19:49.09Cheeryany other reasons it may occur?
19:49.11stewpeleg: the PATH variable is reset by sudo for security purposes.  for instance compare the output of "echo $PATH" and "sudo bash -c echo\ '$PATH'"
19:49.23pelegnoisesmith: still doesn't work.
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19:50.11Cheeryoh well, thank you
19:50.20foobar8farion: fusedav maybe
19:50.27pelegstew: sudo echo $PATH gives the same path. sudo bash -c echo $PATH gives nothing.
19:50.51stewpeleg: try: sudo bash -c 'echo $PATH'
19:51.03pelegoh, sorry...
19:51.15foobar8farion: but i had problems with this one, too
19:51.22pelegI see... different indeed.
19:51.32pelegstew: how can I workaround this?
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19:52.50stewpeleg: change whatever you are calling with sudo to not rely on the PATH variable, move whatever needs to be run as root into the PATH in the sudo environment, or change the way sudo handles the PATH variable (man sudo)
19:53.42pelegstew: thanks!
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19:53.53DevilChaoshey guys hows it going?
19:54.12abrotmanmy dog died
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19:54.34simonrvni lit a fart and now i have no more ass hair
19:54.40DevilChaoswhat is the package name for java runtime that will work for iceweasel on unstable?
19:54.50abrotmanDevilChaos: apt-cache search java plugin
19:54.52rwaitei'm trying to install mono and i get this:
19:55.04DevilChaossorry to hear that dude what kind of dog was it and how old?
19:55.15abrotmanrwaite: did you do an aptitude update first ?
19:55.32saoknI installed compiz but deleted it soon after, and now I don't have window borders in XFCE4
19:55.46simonrvnrun xfcm4
19:55.59rwaiteno, but i just did, and it gave me the same error again
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19:56.21themill!tell DevilChaos about install java
19:56.24abrotman!depends mono lenny
19:56.26saoknI also unable to run xfce4 settings ( These settings cannot work with your current window manager (unknown)
19:56.27BubbaTOk I am going to say something stupid now.
19:56.32saoknsimonrvn, (xfwm4:4280): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: :0.0
19:56.38abrotman!info mono-common lenny
19:56.40BubbaTHow do I migrate from etch to lenny.
19:56.46abrotman!tell BubbaT about etch->lenny
19:56.48simonrvndon't run it as root...
19:56.54abrotmanyou wish
19:56.55themill!tell BubbaT about etch-> yeah, what he said
19:57.03abrotmanno i won't, invalid target
19:57.21rwaiteis this a common error?
19:57.30saoknsimonrvn, sweet, it works, thanks. It was a little weird it didn't go back after I purged compiz settings..
19:57.37abrotmanrwaite: seems like mono is partially not in lenny currently
19:57.45rwaitei see
19:57.52DevilChaosnothing under java plugin dude
19:57.53BubbaTGood for lenny.
19:57.57abrotmanrwaite: oh wait .. do you have security sources ?
19:58.03rwaitei think?
19:58.12simonrvnknow, don't guess
19:58.27abrotmanrwaite: nevermind .. the deps are all goofed up
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19:58.38saoknsimonrvn, how can I set it to default as it was before?
19:58.49rwaiteoh ok, so it was trying to find a version of the package, but could only find the dfsg versions?
19:58.52abrotmanrwaite: aptitude install mono-common mono-jit .. might be enough to get it going depending on what you want
19:58.54DevilChaosabrotman: do you know the package name for jre?
19:58.57stewBubbaT: did you try a backport of whatever it is that is missing in etch?
19:58.59kevin___how can I use udev to make sure the device name of a hard drive is always the same?
19:59.01abrotmanDevilChaos: apt-cache search java plugin
19:59.03noisesmithsaokn: you should be able to run the xfce4 prefs utility again?
19:59.09simonrvnsaokn: save your session, and all will be well.
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19:59.13rwaitei was just going to try something, its not major. i'll wait for the deps to be fixed
19:59.16abrotmanDevilChaos: it's probably like java5-jre-plugin or something like that
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19:59.20saoknnoisesmith, yes, simonrvn, thanks again
19:59.26stewDevilChaos: apt-cache showpkg java-virtual-machine
19:59.28themillDevilChaos: did you read what dpkg sent you?
19:59.33simonrvnsaokn: make sure your session file os ok too
19:59.34DevilChaosdid that but it just went down a line with the curser nothing happened
19:59.45DevilChaosno am in bitchx
19:59.59DevilChaosdont know how to read ext windaws through it
20:00.10saoknsimonrvn, how can I make sure that it's ok? I don't have any other config files, so I'll assume it is default now
20:00.10BubbaTstew how do you do a backport?
20:00.16stewBubbaT: /msg dpkg ssb
20:00.23DevilChaoshey stew
20:00.26stewBubbaT: also /msg dpkg backports
20:00.30themillDevilChaos: then get a decent client or learn to use the one you have.... /msg dpkg install java
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20:01.00simonrvnsaokn: i would assume you didn't if you didn't edit files, so you're probably ok. did you do it like "compiz --replace"?
20:01.07stewDevilChaos: "apt-cache showpkg java-virtual-machine" will list JREs in the "Reverse Provides:" section
20:01.15and][ngwhere does live-magic build the system?
20:01.25and][ngI'm running out of space
20:01.25saoknsimonrvn, correct, but I purged compiz settings now
20:01.49saoknWhat configuration file that command overwrote?
20:02.22simonrvnshouldn't be a problem then. it doesn't.
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20:02.44stewsaokn: what does "readlink -f /usr/bin/x-window-manager" return?
20:03.52DevilChaosYou should explicitly select one to install.
20:03.53DevilChaosE: Package java-virtual-machine has no installation candidate
20:04.29DevilChaosi did apt-get install You should explicitly select one to install.
20:04.29DevilChaosE: Package java-virtual-machine has no installation candidate
20:04.33stewDevilChaos: yes, java-virtual-machine is a virtual package, not a real package, to get a list of packages which provide a java-virtual-machine, run "apt-cache showpkg java-virtual-machine" and look at the "reverse provides" section
20:04.59cmannsHey guys how do I check which are largest files in a directory?
20:05.07saoknstew, /usr/bin/x-window-manage
20:05.12cmannshdd on server went 100% for mysql box, dunno what caused it
20:05.27DevilChaosbbl thanks for the help
20:05.34stewcmanns: "ls -S" lists them in descending size order
20:05.53stewsaokn: update-alternatives --config x-window-manager
20:06.31stewcmanns: if you are looking for the lagest file or subdirectory, try "du -sk * | sort -n"
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20:06.54cmannsthx stew
20:07.19saoknok, looks like it was using xfwm4 after I issued that last command which fixed the problem but I'm using xfwm to provide x-window-manager just in case
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20:08.15jberg_iceweasel sucks extremely in gnome. is this a common problem?
20:08.29stewjberg_: can you be more specific than "sucks"
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20:08.35jberg_it gets slow as hell and makes the whole system slow too
20:09.17stewjberg_: its well known to use lots and lots of memory.  otherwise no, however plugins such as flash and java which run in iceweasel are well known to often needlessly use lots of CPU
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20:09.52jberg_hm ok
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20:10.04webPragmatistwtf is iceweasel
20:10.05webPragmatista game?
20:10.20stewwebPragmatist: /msg dpkg iceweasel
20:10.25webPragmatistyea no
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20:12.11saoknstew, alright, works without problems now, thanks again
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20:16.33mistiipui used a lan card direct pc to pc strategy to share internet to an another pc. now i added another lan card and for another pc to share internet but it is not seem to work. can any one guide me?
20:16.33mistiipu<mistiipu> i have eth1 2 3       firestarter (firewall) says 1 is internet 2 is local 3 is ethernet.. i followed
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20:18.12pelegI have cp -b in my script, and that should keep a backup of the destination file, if exists. a few tests have shown that it's not doing that. any ideas why?
20:18.32pelegtried --backup as well.
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20:22.46noisesmithpeleg: 'touch foo; touch bar; cp -b foo bar' creates the file bar~ over here
20:23.39noisesmithpeleg: is the issue that the ~ file already existed, maybe made by emacs?
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20:26.03pelegnoisesmith: oh! thank you... GNOME fooled me... how embarrassing... :-)
20:26.48noisesmithpeleg: lemme guess, gnome ignores ~ files because it figures you don't want to see them?
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20:27.18simonrvnyes; it's boolean, but defaults to hidden
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20:27.51nelftrue/false/hidden the new boolean
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20:28.24unfancynesstrue/false/won't say/ the new java 2.0
20:28.25noisesmithnelf: do you mean that true/false/filenotfound has been extended to include hidden?
20:28.53noisesmithfour value boolean ftw
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20:29.17bfremonhi everyone.
20:29.18abrotmanITYM ++boolean
20:29.21unfancyness8bit boolean for the fool
20:29.25sussudio!dbugs 477454
20:29.29dpkg#477454:S[quodlibet] Insulting source code; Wed, 23 Apr 2008 10:24:01 UTC
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20:29.39nelfnoisesmith: I am suffering from IRC fatigue and am now projecting all of todays insults back onto undeserving fellow IRCers
20:30.17nelfI'll make up for it by being exceptionally helpful tomorrow, honest
20:30.53noisesmithsussudio: yeah that was pretty funny
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20:31.57abrotmannelf: or you could just /part
20:31.59bfremonI'm having trouble setting up a  D-Link System D-Link System Inc DGE-528T Gigabit Ethernet Adapter. lspci shows the right PCI id's, the corresponding module (r8169.ko) is loaded, dmesg shows the card present as eth0, /etc/network/interfaces is correctly configured, but i cannot ifup the card.
20:32.19simonrvn<programming> 2. (bool) The type of an expression with two  possible values, "true" and "false".  Also, a variable of Boolean type or a function with Boolean arguments or result. The most common Boolean functions are {AND}, {OR} and {NOT}.
20:32.33abrotmanah .. the rare D-Link System D-Link System
20:32.49abrotmanbfremon: does it require firmware ?
20:32.57nelfabrotman: I have to redress the energy balance of the freenode network - if I were to leave with all that negative energy, the whole thing could tip over on it's side and start leaking into the ether
20:33.17simonrvnnelf: or you could just be quiet
20:33.20abrotmanlay off the drugs kid
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20:33.31bfremonabrotman: nope, it's supposed to be well supported on Linux. The source code for linux 2.2 and 2.4 is even shipped with the card...
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20:34.13bfremonAnd some forums posts suggest that till linux 2.6.12 or so, the pci id of the card was not supported, but i'm running 2.6.18 right now.
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20:34.52bfremonI even tried to modify the module by some hex editing (as suggested here, but i had no luck...
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20:35.24`duKe`_someone know where to get a deb pkg for ssh2 and libssh2?
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20:35.59streunerwhy? ssh has both, ssh1 and ssh2
20:36.04SamuraiDiodoes Debian Etch comes with postgresql 7 or 8?
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20:36.14p_mashoCan anyone advice a newbie please. Am getting a "XFS mounting filesystem md7 failed!" on bootup.. but machine seems ok? - what should I do? googleing comes up with all sorts of stuff !
20:36.21gpmSamuraiDio: is your friend
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20:37.09stewSamuraiDio: both
20:37.10gpmp_masho: wait, is your root filesystem the one that's showing the error?
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20:37.47bfremon`duke`: apt-get install openssh-server
20:39.47p_mashogpm: how would I establish that? am a total newbie ..
20:39.52noisesmithp_masho: what happens if you try to manually mount /dev/md7
20:40.02gpmp_masho: are you able to log in?
20:40.06noisesmithp_masho: does /dev/md7 exist? as a file?
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20:40.35noisesmithgpm: he is mounting /dev/md5 and /dev/md6, then /dev/md7 is failing to mount
20:40.56unfancynessbfremon, just doing what bfremon and logging into the sshd should be safe as long as you keep your passwords safe, etc..
20:41.17gpmoh so it's some other fs
20:41.25gpmso it has an error, fix it with xfsprogs?
20:41.44noisesmithgpm: it is passing fsck just fine, in his paste
20:42.00*** mode/#debian [+l 870] by debhelper
20:42.04gpmhm, maybe dmesg will show more detailed what's wrong?
20:42.14gpmor maybe he needs to tell fsck to be extra picky?
20:42.17noisesmithp_masho: /dev/md7 is being mounted as your /home directory
20:42.22unfancynessp_masho, i mean you :P
20:42.30noisesmithgpm: yeah, that or some manual fix, I bet
20:42.51gpmbeat it with a giant magnet
20:42.56gpmthat always works
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20:43.19noisesmithgpm: that is not what I had in mind when I said manual, but sure!
20:43.48gpmgreat minds don't *always* think alike
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20:44.32p_mashoso here's the mount points
20:45.40mquin'win 15
20:45.45noisesmithp_masho: I have not used xfs, but you may want to check if fsck.xfs has some options for checking or fixing partitions?
20:46.13noisesmithp_masho: also, I presume that when you run the 'mount' command, it does not show /dev/md7 as mounted?
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20:47.01p_mashonoisesmith:  mount includes this line >> /dev/md7 on /home type xfs (rw,usrquota)
20:47.13p_mashoand I cannaviaget the /home directory etc...
20:47.34p_masho ^ can navigate
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20:47.47noisesmithp_masho: I am guessing some other command is failing, or xfs is lying to you
20:48.25silent_following the guide on the forums to setup firefox, I get the following error when running it: /opt/firefox/firefox-bin: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
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20:48.43silent_I can locate the file mentioned above though, and it exists on my system
20:48.44noisesmithp_masho: my first guess is that something in /etc/init.d is running, and announcing it failed without announcing that it is running first
20:49.00stewsilent_: is there a reason you aren't just using the iceweasel package from debian?
20:49.02noisesmithp_masho: and that makes it look like the previous command (the xfs mount) failed
20:49.24noisesmithp_masho: either that or something in /etc/init.d is misinterpreting the return value of mount.xfs
20:49.42silent_stew, I enjoy plugins that are compatible with newer builds
20:49.56p_mashook.. will start sniffing around... this stuff makes me very nervous though...
20:49.57And1How can I search for files with a "?" in it? Something like `locate ?'...
20:50.23gpmyou could use a gui search tool, if you have a gnome or kde
20:50.26unfancynessAnd1, grep "?" filename ?
20:50.45gpmAnd1: oh, do you want files with questions marks in them?
20:50.48stewsilent_: /msg dpkg apt-file
20:50.50And1unfancyness: I don't want to search in files. =)
20:50.50unfancynessand the last ? was for you
20:50.52gpmor with question marks in the file name?
20:50.56gpmoh ok
20:51.00gpmgui search
20:51.00And1gpm: In the filename. =)
20:51.10gpmor escape it with quotes or backslashes
20:51.14gpmi can't rremember which
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20:51.21unfancynessAnd1,  man find
20:51.25And1gpm: I tried to escape it. =/
20:51.40gpmah, find is the shit
20:51.41silent_stew, I went through that. I have the library in which the file is included installed as well
20:51.47unfancynessAnd1, you got an awesome signal/smiley ration..
20:51.48jbassefind . -name "\?"
20:52.18craigevilsilent_: what plugins cant you use with iceweasel?
20:52.43stewAnd1: perhaps "locate -r '\?'"
20:52.52silent_craigevil, few mass image grabbing plugins
20:53.00And1jbasse: That does not work.
20:53.06noisesmithAnd1: find . -regex '.*\?.*' -print does what you want
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20:53.31gpmAnd1: yeah, there are a bunch of different escapes you could try using quotes and of which might work
20:53.36gpmor what noisesmith said
20:53.37silent_craigevil, perhaps it depends on something else except a different build, but I'd like to get firefox running regardless
20:53.49noisesmithAnd1: I just tested that one I suggested, it works
20:54.09And1Ah ok, thanks guys... quotes AND backslashes works... and the find-regex-thingy...
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20:54.43aasdfashello i can't log into live cd but i need to install grub in windows in order to load my linux... how can i do it
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20:55.08Saarhey, how would I make exim start as group shadow, meaning how do I need to modify user Debian-exim to enable this?
20:55.35Saari did usermod -a -G shadow Debian-exim but that didnt work
20:55.49stewAnd1: i don't think any combination of quotes and backslashes would work with locate unless you specify that you are locating by regex, in which case you can escape the ? with a \, but then you either have to escape both for your shell as well giving \\\? or put the whole thing into quotes so that your shell doesn't touch it
20:56.33format_cgpasswd -a Debian-exim shadow; Why do you want that?
20:56.53J-roenHi. Today I upgraded the perl packages from 5.8.8-7etch1 to 5.8.8-7etch3. Now OTRS doesn't work anymore, because of syntax errors. According to the changelog of the Debian perl package, only two heap overflows have been fixed. I don't think the fixes have caused the problem. What else could be the problem?
20:57.26And1stew: "locate '\?'" worked. =)
20:57.43format_cdoesn't work is a bit like looking into the magic glass ball
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20:58.36J-roenformat_c: One of the syntax errors is: Global symbol "%params" requires explicit package name
20:58.52J-roenThat wasn't a problem before the upgrade.
20:59.21format_cThat looks like use strict was enabled before
20:59.38And1Now all my filenames are UTF8... now I need to edit the mp3tags... :-X
20:59.58J-roenformat_c: That sounds hopeful. I'll try to enable that option again.
20:59.59Saarformat_c: debian exim docs suggest it to allow smtp_auth
21:00.06format_cJ-roen, ah wasn't
21:00.08format_cI mean
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21:00.45format_cwhat means smtp_auth
21:00.55format_cauth against system users?
21:01.12format_cfor that purpose you should use saslauth
21:01.22Saarsmtp authentication
21:01.25J-roenformat_c: I don't really know, I didn't enable or disable it and don't know how to switch it, but I'll try to find out how.
21:01.27format_cthere is a section prepared in your exim.conf
21:02.00*** mode/#debian [+l 863] by debhelper
21:02.10NomadXCan anyone tell me how stable (or rather usable) is lenny atm?
21:02.13format_cJ-roen, Could you try to go to this file and line and put a "my " in front of %param.
21:02.17stewJ-roen: have you checked the bts? (/msg dpkg bts)
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21:02.54Saarformat_c: that'd auhtneticate against local users?
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21:03.29Saari was wanting to use pam
21:05.03format_cAh OK
21:05.17infernixcan i use "ssh somehost 'cat /dev/sdX-remote-usb-stick' > /dev/sdX-local-usb-stick? e.g. in other words, will the SSH session preserve bit for bit when used like this?
21:05.19format_cFor me I'm walking fine with sasl
21:05.21infernixor is there a more sane method?
21:05.36J-roenformat_c: All the used variables are declared with 'my variablename' or 'my %variablename'.
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21:05.53format_ceven %param?
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21:06.05format_cBut then the error message makes no sense
21:06.50stewinfernix: yes, that will work
21:06.54NomadX... so nobody has taken a look at yesterdays testing freeze?
21:07.21infernixstew: sweet, thanks
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21:07.44J-roenformat_c: Yeah, I understand. I think the problem is somewhere else. Another error message: syntax error at ... near "debug "   field param <$param> = <$params{$param}>""
21:07.47stewNomadX: what do you mean by "yesterdays tesing freeze"?
21:07.50J-roenThe line is: debug "   field param <$param> = <$params{$param}>";
21:08.07NomadXstew: the weekly testing build...
21:08.08J-roenWhen I comment out the line, the problem seems to be fixed (but others arise).
21:08.08stewNomadX: not much of testing is currently frozen, only the toolchain and the udebs, afaik
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21:09.16J-roenformat_c: It seems lines starting with 'debug ' and 'usage ' are causing the problem.
21:09.20NomadXNomadX: poor choice of words, just wondering if testing is fairly usable atm...
21:09.36NomadXheh, talking to myself
21:09.47And1Bye. =)
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21:10.03libin_vi have just reinstalled windows xp on my winxp+debian machine and the boot loader has been over written
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21:10.23stewNomadX: the installer is beta.  it might work, it might not.  installing etch and upgrading has a better chance of working
21:10.23format_cThe question is why they are printed and the not yet defined variables queried
21:10.31stewlibin_v: /msg dpkg fixmbr
21:10.37stewJ-roen: have you checked the bts?
21:10.47format_cMMhh looks very strange
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21:11.00Orion_X11libin_v: Reinstall again without win_xp :-) This is the best solution
21:11.04J-roenstew: I tried, but nothing happened. Is that correct?
21:11.12NomadXstew: oh ok, thanks..
21:11.18stewJ-roen: what do you mean "nothing happened"?
21:11.31JoelitoQuestion: anyone know when is the date of debian r4?
21:11.43J-roenstew: Sorry, just missed the private message from dpkg. Yes, I already tried to search in the bts.
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21:11.53valdynJoelito: you dont understand debian release versioning?
21:12.12Joelitovaldyn: no :(
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21:13.17J-roenIs this bad perl?
21:13.20J-roensub exists {       usage "deprecated; use count() instead";
21:13.28dpkgAsk me about <lenny>.
21:13.38dpkgi guess lenny is the codename for the next Debian release, currently testing. To upgrade to lenny, ask me about <etch->lenny>. Lenny is the binoculars.  Lenny will be known as version 5.0 and the schedule is set for release in Sept 2008 (but ask me about <wwlr>).
21:13.40unfancynessis there good perl?
21:13.45NickPrestaJ-roen, I would imagine if it is deprecated, you should use count() instead :)
21:14.04J-roenNickPresta: It is the syntax of that line that is causing problems, not the sub self. But thanks :).
21:14.26J-roenThe otrs package contains lots of lines like that (usage ...) but now perl says they are all syntax errors.
21:14.28stewJoelito: do you mean 4.0r4? or 4.0? or lenny? something else?
21:14.34NomadXunfancyness: there is good perl and there is readable perl, never shall the two meet :)
21:14.43Joelitostew: 4.0 r1
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21:15.07stewJoelito: i don't know of any plans. would probably be the place to check
21:15.54valdynJoelito: why would you ask for r4? new kernel ?
21:16.00Durtroyou tell me ;)
21:16.17dpkgEtch is the code name for the current stable Debian release, version 4.0, released on April 8th, 2007.  Ask me about <install debian>.  Please read the release notes at which also contain the upgrade procedure for upgrading from the previous version of Debian stable (<sarge>).
21:16.38*** part/#debian oscarx (n=oscarx@unaffiliated/oscarm)
21:17.03Joelitovaldyn: I'm planing to downlad the DVD-1, but if there to be a new release, I might wait for it
21:17.29valdynJoelito: the new release isnt going to be very different, counting just data
21:17.38valdynJoelito: its a bugfix release only
21:17.53valdynJoelito: no point waiting
21:17.57NomadXJoelito: you can always update
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21:18.21valdynJoelito: 4.0->5.0 is a big change, 4.0r3->4.0r4 isnt much at all
21:18.55Dark-FxLenny out in September?
21:19.02valdynDark-Fx: no
21:19.03NomadXDark-Fx: yes
21:19.12NomadXthats what the devel site says...
21:19.12stewJoelito: when the revision comes out, there will also be an update cd which contains just the changed packages (which won't be many).  anyone who installed from any previous revision of 4.0 would be up to date with 4.0r4 when it comes out simply by running "aptitude upgrade"
21:19.12unfancynessJ-roen, u sure you closed that { ?
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21:19.27valdynDark-Fx: debian never hits planned release times
21:19.29Dark-FxWell, knowing debian it won't be out then..
21:19.34stewDark-Fx: that is the goal, but it is not likely to be hit
21:19.53Joelitooh, ok...well..I'll just install it then :)
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21:20.00Dark-FxWhy not just say 6.0 expected release date is October 08
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21:20.11stewDark-Fx: lenny will be released when the green line hits zero:
21:20.40L3S3Rdebian lenny should be in stable in december
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21:21.22stewL3S3R: what makes you say that?
21:21.36streunerstew: his crystal-thingie ;-)
21:21.48L3S3Rrumors form crystall-ball
21:22.02stewwoody should have been out in 2004
21:22.15stewsarge should have been out in 2006
21:22.18stewerr etch
21:22.29J-roenunfancyness: Yes. The error message is: syntax error at line 390, near "usage "deprecated; use count() instead""
21:22.29*** join/#debian huhlig (
21:22.33stewhow does i remember released names
21:22.57J-roenunfancyness: There are many lines in the OTRS code starting with 'usage'.
21:23.40NomadXstew: because you liked the movie?
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21:24.20stewJ-roen: what versin of otrs2 is installed now?
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21:25.03unfancynessJ-roen, but only one line 390
21:25.56J-roenstew: Our current version is 2.2.5.
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21:26.05jaggz-is there any way I can run audio on this linux box but have it play on the XP system in the other room?
21:26.12jaggz-(because I like amarok so much)
21:26.17J-roenunfancyness: Yes, but all those lines are causing syntax errors.
21:26.26J-roenunfancyness: Not only the one at 390.
21:26.36stewJ-roen: how did you install otrs2?
21:26.56J-roenstew: That's a while ago. I think I followed
21:27.04unfancynessJ-roen, it has to start somewhere
21:28.14stewJ-roen: what does "apt-cache policy otrs2" say for "Installed:" ?
21:28.27J-roenunfancyness: Just all the lines starting with 'usage ' or 'debug ' are causing syntax errors. I don't know what kind of language construct this is, but since the Perl upgrade of Debian we installed this afternoon, the error occur.
21:28.30stewJ-roen: 2.2.5 is not a current version in any release of debian
21:29.05J-roenstew: I know, the Debian package is very very old, so I installed a more recent version.
21:29.14J-roenstew: That worked fine for months now.
21:29.18stew17:24 < stew> J-roen: how did you install otrs2?
21:29.45L3S3Ryou should download it and compile
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21:30.03J-roenstew: I thought I followed the steps at, but I see that cannot be the case.
21:30.18J-roenstew: I think OTRS has a installation manual for Debian also. I might have followed that one.
21:30.31stew17:25 < stew> J-roen: what does "apt-cache policy otrs2" say for "Installed:" ?
21:30.49J-roenstew: Installed (none) (I already answered that one)
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21:31.19J-roenThe weirdest thing is that the Perl upgrade is only one security heap fix.
21:31.26J-roenHow can that cause a problem like this one?
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21:32.27ZootAllureshello.  i'm having troubles getting both of my displays to help and was wondering if anybody could help me out a bit
21:32.39ZootAllureshello.  i'm having troubles getting both of my displays to work and was wondering if anybody could help me out a bit
21:33.21J-roenI just found a forum topic of someone with the same problem: Unfortunately no responses yet.
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21:33.32stewJ-roen: well i must be missing some of you messages then.  sorry.  I'd suggest trying the debian packages of otrs2
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21:34.01J-roenstew: I already thought that would be the only 'correct' solution.
21:34.43J-roenMaybe I can try to downgrade and see if the problem is solved. How can I downgrade 5.8.8-7etch3 to 5.8.8-7etch1?
21:35.18BubbaTAre their lenny packages at
21:35.31ZootAlluresdoes anybody here have experience in setting up dual displays?
21:35.41valdyn!tell ZootAllures -about ask
21:36.05stewBubbaT: yes, but security releases sometimes don't cover lenny, you shouldn't count on them being there for every security release.  if security is a concern, use stable
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21:36.17ZootAlluresthanks, valdyn
21:36.21valdynZootAllures: which driver? which docs are you following? what is working?
21:37.10valdynZootAllures: "linux <drivername> X dual display" is probably  a reasonable google search
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21:37.47BubbaTstew I was just wondering whether I should update the entry in sources.list when upgrading.
21:37.47J-roenI'll try again tomorrow. Thanks for all your help.
21:37.56stewBubbaT: you should
21:38.05ZootAlluresi have an ati rage pro installed which is working.  the onboard display is an sis real256e(sis661 FX).  both adapters are recognized and i can choose from either adapter with displayconfig-gtk, but it will not let me use both at the same time
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21:38.49valdynZootAllures: i dont know about a GUI to set this up
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21:40.20ZootAlluresvaldyn: i've been looking at the manual for xorg.conf and have tried to manually configure the file but have had no luck.  i could pastebin what i've tried if you think that would help
21:40.55valdynZootAllures: paste the config anyway. And the Xorg.0.log, both on a paste site
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21:41.19linksliceI've got a few virtual domains running under apache 1.3 on etch, but will upgrading to apache2, is there any 'gotchas' I should watch for?
21:41.23ZootAlluresvader: is the wiki for adapters that can support two monitors? i have two seperate adapters
21:42.00valdynZootAllures: 2 or one adapter does not change the setup significantly
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21:42.38ZootAlluresvaldyn: ok.  could you link me to an english version of that page?  i don't know german
21:42.41valdynZootAllures: in both cases you specify _2_ Devices
21:43.21valdynZootAllures: maybe
21:43.29themilllinkslice: it's many many years since I upgraded so I can't really tell you about that, but it is worth changing over to the sites-available/sites-enabled config structure. Unless you have an insanely complicated setup, it's worthwhile rewriting your config files from scratch to fit in with this new way of going things
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21:44.23valdynZootAllures: the basics are simple, you get 2 display and 2 monitor sections instead of one of each, and an additional ServerLayout Section, all of which you can see examples of in both of these HOWTOs
21:44.28ZootAlluresvaldyn: thank you.  i'll hold off on pasting things.  i think i should have read a bit more before asking for help
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21:44.36r121I'm trying to use debootstrap to install Sid, but it's failing on me, and Google gives me this:   So what is this Perl transition that is happening
21:45.03stewr121: 5.8 -> 5.10
21:45.26valdynZootAllures: on top of that you get to configure  the logic between those displays ( clone,xinerama, whatever ), but that comes later
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21:45.56vengeri noticed an fsck running during boot up but i caught it at the tail end where it basically corrected errors but needed to reboot.  is there any way to see what errors that it did correct since the reboot occured?
21:46.16r121stew: ah, thanks. how long will this affect me? maybe I'll just install testing instead
21:46.37ZootAlluresvaldyn: yes, and that's what i had.  could it have something to do with the drivers that are being used for the adapters?  the dual display works fine in my windows installation, but only after i had installed drivers from the manufacturers
21:46.51stewr121: unknwon how long.  check the bts for perl-base which has a bug open about exactly this issue
21:47.12r121stew: thanks, I'll check it
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21:51.12humbolthow can I disassemble a raid device without destroying the data and without changing the md numbers of the remaining raid devices?
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21:52.34linkslicethemill, new structure?  hehe I think I'm more unprepared than I thought
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21:52.54linksliceI jsut wanna do apt-get upgrade  ;)
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21:54.43h0axanyone know what i can do about this : checking whether build environment is sane... configure: error: newly created file is older than distributed files!
21:54.44themilllinkslice: well... last time I looked at apache 1.3, the user was encouraged to stick everything into apache.conf (or similar). The configuration for apache2.2 is significantly more friendly to both the packager and the user, putting "standard" settings that you probably don't need to change or override in apache2.conf and then allowing you to override settings in either /etc/apache2/conf.d or sites-enabled or mods-enabled directories.
21:55.20themilllinkslice: If you don't touch apache2.conf, then the next time you need to update the apache packages, you will have considerably less work to do.
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21:55.21stewh0ax: what does "date" return?
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21:55.32humboltIs it possible to put a grub on a raid partition?
21:55.45alesanhi, how do I find out which package contains the "openssl" binary? I need that command and I am not sure what to install.
21:55.49humboltI mean both the mbr and the grub files?!
21:55.58stewalesan: /msg dpkg apt-file
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21:56.05alesanhumbolt: I did that on RAID1 disks
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21:56.13alesanhumbolt: not sure if it would work on others
21:56.19h0axstew: Fri Jan  1 00:29:01 GMT 190
21:56.23h0axwrong one :P
21:56.26humboltalesan: it is a raid1
21:56.34humboltalesan: but the damn thing is not booting up
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21:57.43bipolarhumbolt: I think it only works if it's hardware raid
21:57.53alesanhumbolt: no idea. I did thta a couple of years ago and I do ont remember exactly what I did
21:58.06alesanno, mine was fully software raid
21:58.17stewh0ax: /msg dpkg set the time
21:58.35humboltAny idea what that means? Running "embed /boot/grub/e2fs_stage1_5 (hd0)"... failed (this is not fatal)
21:58.37alesan5 hard disks with RAID1 root fs and RAID5 /home
21:58.37steegohi, can anyone offer some advice on getting my second usb mouse working? i'm using /dev/input/mice but only one works..
21:59.13steegoi have both /dev/input/mouse0 and mouse1 in the folder, but when I cat them only one shows any output when moving the mouse
21:59.23humboltalesan: see, it worked for the first partition, where my grub mbr is in the hdds mbr not in the partition however.
21:59.25alesanI don't want to install apt-file on this embedded installation, isn't there another way to search for a package that contains a given file?
21:59.47themill!tell alesan about search
21:59.49humboltbut for whatever reason I can not chainload my second partition
21:59.52bipolarhumbolt: grub needs to be loaded on a drive marked as bootable, and is loaded in the master boot record. So if you're using software raid, grub is not technicaly on the raid partition. You'll need a non raid /boot partition for it to work... I think...
22:00.10alesanhumbolt: why don't you simply install it in the first "BIOS boot" hard disk
22:00.43humboltI have two system on there and I want to chainload the grub on the other partition
22:00.49bipolarunless grub itself can understand raid partitions... which I doubt.
22:01.11alesanhumbolt: it may be of little help but now I remember, I did that RAID setup using fedora6, and everything from the graphical installer.
22:01.27themillalesan: BTW you can probably guess the package name.... but and our dpkg bot here can also answer your question.
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22:02.16humboltwhat does the NC flag in cfdisk mean?
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22:04.16h0axi'm getting this .. no acceptable C compiler... but i'm sure i installed C compiler
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22:05.48stewh0ax: install build-essential
22:06.02h0axim sure i did that =/
22:07.08h0axclearly not =/
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22:08.14noisesmithh0ax: if a configure script has CFLAGS that your c compiler cannot work with, the compiling of hello.c will fail, so it will think your c compiler does not work, when really it is an option your compiler cannot handle, or a -l with a nonexistant lib, etc.
22:09.18h0axi see
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22:12.15h0axchecking for XML::Parser... configure: error: XML::Parser perl module is required for intltool
22:12.23h0axdo i need perl-modules for this
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22:12.57``y7does anybody know the default port for remote desktop?
22:13.22themillsounds familiar
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22:17.21_ZeuZ_Sup mates?
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22:19.08BalooJobhunting.  Tired of my load broker jerking me around and being so unpredictable I can't even plan out fuel purchases...
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22:22.19peleghow do I check which software use my sound card at the moment?
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22:26.00h0axYou must have the GLib 2.0 development headers installed to build.
22:26.12h0axi've built pkg-config ... but it's still telling me that
22:26.31stewh0ax: what are you trying to compile?
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22:27.39stewh0ax: apt-get build-dep pidgin
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22:27.55stewh0ax: is there a reason you are compiling it instead of just installing it with apt-get / aptitude ?
22:28.09h0axim running PPC
22:28.14h0axit's not in my apt-get
22:28.31stewh0ax: /msg dpkg bpo
22:29.25h0axman your a life saver :P
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22:34.01noisesmithh0ax: what hardware ppc? I have been getting weird connection problems with my airport, but I don't know if it is a bug or misconfiguration
22:34.17h0ax400mhz 302mb ram
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22:34.50nsehello everybody: which package I need to install in order to have MySQL running if I want to be a web server?
22:35.28stewnse: mysql-server
22:35.44stewnse: if you want it to be a web server, you should also install a webserver.  apache2 is probably the most common
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22:36.12stewnse: are you expecting the web server and the mysql-server to communicate?  if so, how?  (php?)
22:36.14nsestew: Let me explain my situation for you: I am developing a weblog. The HTML and CSS thing about it is done. I have the unchanging layout and the layout of specific posts, and also a menu for categories and recent posts. I also have a form ready to receive comments. I am learning PHP in a tutorial but I don't know nothing about MySQL yet. My computer will be the web server itself - and I still don't know a lot about Apache. I want to know from
22:36.35noisesmithh0ax: no airport card I presume
22:36.38stewnse: then also install libapache2-mod-php5 and php5-mysql
22:37.19``y7i have to get hotmail to work with iceweasel.... my grandma uses hotmail and whenever she attempts to go to it tells her she has to sign up for "windows live hotmail" i click to update my account for it and then it brings me right back to the "you need windows live hotmail"
22:37.30``y7is hotmail not possible on linux?
22:38.07nsestew: do you know a good place where I can learn embased knowledge for working with PHP, MySQL and Apache2?
22:38.26nseI believe Drivel is not what I am looking for
22:38.32stewnse: i don't know
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22:38.53nsebecause they're all very interconnected
22:39.15omnil``y7, did you try user-agent-switcher?
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22:40.09``y7is that in iceweasel settings, or is that a program i need to apt-get install?
22:40.45AcTiVaTeI never had any problems logging into my hotmail account. AFAIK you don't need to convert to Windows Live!
22:40.52omnil``y7, it is a firefox extension designed to trick sites like hotmail
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22:43.12``y7ty omnil
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22:44.43h0axW: GPG error: etch-backports Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY EA8E8B2116BA136C
22:44.43h0axW: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems
22:44.50h0axi ran apt-get update and got that
22:45.11stewh0ax: read the instructions page on
22:45.19h0axi am
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22:45.45h0axi've added the deb http:// and ran apt-get update
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22:46.45jimE lines?
22:46.53jimW lines?
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22:47.11h0axnot sure what they are
22:47.24AcTiVaTeWell, seeing they start with W: ...
22:47.44h0axyes they are
22:47.51jimE: lines are errors and W: lines are warnings
22:48.00h0axthry were w:
22:48.01jimso your next step might work
22:48.14jimif you had to guess, what would you say they meant?
22:48.20fiendishfishCan I download the DEB files for a application on the debian website?
22:48.49unopfiendishfish, sure,
22:48.52jimor from a mirror
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22:49.12AcTiVaTewonders why not just apt-get and save downloading from sites manually
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22:49.45fiendishfishAcTiVaTe, It's upgrading it due to an exploit, and apt-get isn't recognizing the fact that it's out of date.
22:49.57jcranmerso my sound card isn't working; which package should I reconfigure?
22:50.22Deezirefiendishfish: tested the unstable?
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22:50.33Deezireoften newer versions
22:50.37Supranomy wholes system lags when i read in a dvd/cdrom :(
22:50.39hmullerI'm looking for a pointer to information that explains the purpose of "build-stamp" in a makefile.  I've searched both the manpage and manual, and googled.
22:51.10jimdo you understand how make brings projects up to date?
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22:52.35hmullerjim: If you question, was directed to me, then I do not, and need to research that.  I searched the manual for "build-stamp" and didn't find it.
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22:52.57izzybis there a way to kill a process that wont die with kill -KILL?
22:53.25jimyour future understanding of why they decided to use build-stamp depends on your knowledge of the basic workings of make
22:53.26``y7omnil, it didn't work. any other suggestions?
22:54.12jimhmuller: do you do any C work?
22:54.17jcranmernm, found it meself
22:54.47hmullerjim: I can write simple C, but still learning, not done yet
22:55.14jimok, good... so, do you have a basic understanding of the overall parts of the compiler?
22:55.37omnil``y7, so, they plugged the hole; it worked it the past
22:55.44hmullerjim: Yes, I can compile a program, trying to learn how to do it in the overall context of an operating system now
22:56.02``y7omnil, is there anything else i can do?
22:56.17jimI see that you can compile... my question is not that...
22:56.21aindilissorry for the off topic post: what's a good roommate finding service?
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22:56.30stewhmuller: in makefiles, -stamp files are generally just zero byte files that are created in order to signal to the makefile that a certain operation has already been performed
22:56.34omnil``y7, you didn't forget to restart the browser, did you?
22:56.36jimI want to know if you understand the different stages of c compilation
22:56.46``y7omnil, no, and i also selected all three browsers to attempt to fake
22:57.01hmullerjim: I am merely a novice, but yes
22:57.04stewhmuller: this has nothing to do with c compilation or the compiler, so you can probably ignore jim
22:57.12hmullerstew: that was useful, thanks
22:57.46stewh0ax: specifically read the part of the instructions page starting with "If you are using etch and you want apt to verify the downloaded backports"
22:57.51jimstew is an op, so he finds himself deciding what info is useful and what is not, for other people...
22:57.53hmullerstew: i.e. that the build portion of the makefile completed
22:58.00jimstew: maybe you should let him decide
22:58.09h0axI'm looking to develop my website around a certian debian area ...any ideas ?
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22:59.05hmullerjim: I'm here to learn, specifically where I need to specifically focus my reading to further my basic understanding
22:59.17jimhmuller: were you interested in why and how that process happens? (stew doesn't think so)
22:59.26hmullerjim:  and I don't normally use two words twice in the same sentence
22:59.26stewjim: why are you talking about C?  nothing he is asking has anything to do with C
22:59.51jimstew: wait and see.
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23:00.37hmullerjim: looks like you are trying to tell me the manual I need more detail from is the gcc manual?
23:01.02omnil``y7, icedove?
23:01.05jimno, I'm trying to let you think the process through... would you like to continue?
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23:01.43``y7omnil, is that another browser?
23:01.49stewhmuller: build-stamp has nothing to do with gcc
23:02.23stewhmuller: i don't know why we are discussing c or gcc at all, it doesn't relate to your quesiton
23:02.37omnil``y7, no, icedove == thunderbird
23:03.03``y7i can't switch her stuff around though, she has alzheimers and doesn't remember anything
23:03.31``y7that's why i'm trying to put her on linux, she only uses the internet for her e-mail, but she keeps clicking all the "speed up your computer" shit on windows and doesn't remember to not click that stuff when i tell her not to
23:03.43AcTiVaTethunderbird can use WebMail extension and that can use Hotmail.
23:03.53AcTiVaTeNever even asks for a password
23:03.58``y7but will it all look the same to her and be in the same place?
23:03.58AcTiVaTeIf configured well ofc ;)
23:03.59hmullerjim: stew: let's continue the continuing education of Harv, please
23:04.08``y7because she'd get frusterated if things were in different spots and give up
23:04.13stewhmuller: if you look at the makefile, you'll probably see a build-stamp target (a line starting with build-stamp:), and at the end of that target, it will probably have either "touch build-stamp" or "touch $@" which created the build-stamp file.  if some other target depends on build-stamp, make knows it doesn't have to perform this step
23:04.31omnil``y7, can you teach her to use a regular mail reader (like icedove)?
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23:04.43``y7negative, she doesn't remember anything
23:04.49hmullerstew: that's what I thought, so their should be a test for build-stamp elsewhere in the makefile?
23:05.18AcTiVaTe``y7: autostart it when logging in X?
23:05.21jimhmuller: the simple part is: by what mechanism does make know that a file such as build-stamp is up to date?
23:05.43h0axI'm looking to develop my website around a certian debian area ...any ideas ?
23:05.44``y7AcTiVaTe, but it has to look the same or else she'll get frusterated and giv eup
23:05.48stewhmuller: no, the way make works in general is that the targets are names of files to be created.  so you are engineering a makefile to say, "in order to do this, i need there to be a build-stamp file (since the presense of that file tells me that x,y, and z already occured)
23:05.51jimstew: as you can see, he has made a request of me
23:06.35AcTiVaTe``y7: Thunderbird/Icedove autostarting and pulling in emails is about similar to Outlook Express right? Assuming she is using that atm.
23:07.01``y7she's using
23:07.05``y7no outlook
23:07.20hmullerjim: stew:  The makefile I am reviewing (didn't write) states:  build : build-stamp, and all commands are under the build-stamp : section just works for me with my account
23:07.38stewhmuller: which makefile are you looking at?
23:07.39jimso, build depends on build-stamp
23:07.54``y7AcTiVaTe, i have her on debian 4.0 gnome, are you on the same os?
23:07.56hmullerstew: the one created for psad
23:08.17stewhmuller: probably somewhere else in the file you'll see a 'phony' line which contains 'build'?
23:08.17jimand the commands you see (each start with a literal tab char) are what make should do to bring "build" up to date
23:08.23hmullerjim: yes, there are no commands in build: , only in build-install:
23:08.43AcTiVaTe``y7: Nope, using Mandriva here. But I do not believe that would matter tbh.
23:08.54hmullerstew: yes, .PHONY contains build
23:08.54jimahh, so: the only thing necessary to bring build up to date is to bring build-stamp up to date
23:08.56``y7lemme try on my home debian machine
23:09.04hmullerjim: yes
23:09.24hmullerjim: so, I'm wondering what build-stamp is necessary for
23:09.36stewhmuller: phony tell the make program that it shouldn't actually be looking for a file named 'build'  if it weren't this way, if there did happen to be a file named "build" then make would never actually run the 'build' target
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23:09.54jimbut, what do you suppose is the indicator by which make sees whether build-stamp is up to date? do you see the build-stamp target?
23:09.55AcTiVaTe``y7: As long as you don't press the "Sign Up" button for the Windows Live account but use the righthand form on the page it's A ok.
23:10.03``y7AcTiVaTe, it works on mine too. i installed hers with the same disc that i used for mine. any ideas?
23:10.09stewhmuller: this is all really becuase make is engineered around 'tell me what files you need, tell me what to do to make the files'
23:10.31AcTiVaTe``y7: But then again, hearing what state yer grandma is in it's very understandable she's having probs.
23:10.32``y7AcTiVaTe, maybe that's what she used and i haven't gone back far enough
23:10.50``y7well she has an indian dude calling her at night waking her up to ask for money :(
23:10.50jimhint: it's not just file existance, but it's equally as simple as that
23:10.54``y7i'm just trying to do what i can
23:11.57stewjim: its just file existence
23:11.59nsestew! I am installing this: mysql-server apache2 libapache2-mod-php5 php5-mysql php5 phpmyadmin for running a home web server with Apache, MySQL and PHP. is there anything missing?
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23:12.50stewnse: not for what you've told me so far
23:13.11nsestew: any suggestions?
23:13.12h0axI'm looking to develop my website around a certian debian area ...any ideas ?
23:13.26stewnse: for what?
23:13.36``y7AcTiVaTe, i tried logging out and relogging in, the same way i did on my macine and it brought me back to the windows live screen. i installed hers with the same disc i used on mine and with the same packages and whatnot, yet hers doesn't work. her computer isn't as new as mine, could that have anything to do with it?
23:13.51nsestew: Ok, I think that is fine.
23:14.19jimnse: unless you tell him precisely what you want, how can he know what to suggest?
23:15.01nsejim: Ok, fine. I'll take a look at those running!
23:15.18jimdo you have an existing site?
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23:15.54nseYes, not online though
23:16.48jimthen the requirements of that site would tell you what needs you have to fulfill to get the site up
23:17.48jimyou can either go from that standpoint (install what it needs before trying to run it) or try to start the site and see what problems come up
23:18.23nsejim: Ok, let me tell you what I have. The HTML and CSS thing about my website is done. I have a form with three fields to fill the database but I don't know how to build this database nor how to actually make the comment avaliable. I know some PHP and I do have experience with programming languages
23:18.30jimwell hold on...
23:18.41nseI think now it's time use the second optiom
23:18.48jimI'm not available to debug your site
23:19.18jimbut I was available to let you know how you might proceed, hopefully it gets you one step closer
23:19.33nseYes it does, I am sure
23:19.41stewnse: you are going to have to ask more specific questions.
23:19.46nsewhen the site is done I'll show it to you!
23:19.55nsestew: Ok.
23:20.43jimI'm not saying no one is willing to help, but so far there's no additional information (as said before: how can he know without you expressing the site's specific needs)
23:20.43stewnse: and if they are really questions about "how do i do this in php" instead of "how do i setup php in debian" then your questions are probably better suited for ##php
23:21.08nseOk, fine! I understand
23:21.21jimand #mysql too, given you have some database concerns as well
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23:23.03dpkg[xmms] the old X MultiMedia System media player. It has been removed from Debian (although it is still in etch), see For alternatives, look at xmms2, rhythmbox, amarok, exaile, songbird, quod libet ... see for removal reasons
23:24.05gonzaloaf_workhi, is xmms2 a fork of xmms?
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23:24.57john___is there something funny about the default mysql setup in lenny?
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23:25.14john___eg - it won't let you access your databases
23:25.15zomgoblinzum, question
23:25.24zomgoblinzapt-get remove kernel-image
23:25.29zomgoblinzdoes this reboot or something
23:25.40john___no, but it might suggest you should
23:26.01zomgoblinzdevice is not pingable now
23:26.10zomgoblinzand it was an accidental selection
23:26.33nick01I have 2 network cards both configured but one of them eth0 is not started at boot- how do I get that to happen ? :|
23:27.04``y7AcTiVaTe, she had a cookie that kept bringing her back to the windows live setup. i deleted that and everything works fine now. thank you for all of your help
23:27.09abrotmanzomgoblinz: did you remove the kernel you were running ?
23:27.19abrotmannick01: man 5 interfaces
23:27.22zomgoblinzabrotman, yeah... i think it did
23:27.28abrotmanzomgoblinz: bad
23:27.32jimnick01: in /etc/network/interfaces there would be "auto eth0" line to tell it to start eth0 on boot
23:27.37zomgoblinzabrotman, yeah, come to realize that
23:27.41AcTiVaTe``y7: Your welcome =) glad her life is a bit easier again ;)
23:27.48jimman 5 interfaces for details
23:27.54zomgoblinzabrotman, wouldn't it just delete the files and not pull stuff out?
23:28.07streunerCan someone paste /boot/grub/default into ?
23:28.07nick01abrotman: jim tks
23:28.11zomgoblinzand i only wanted to remove a package that wasnt in use
23:29.20nick01jim: even for eth1 there's only allow-hotplug eth1 no auto eth1
23:29.21jimyou're gay? why would you tell us that?
23:29.28stewzomgoblinz: please don't use the word 'gay' as a derrogatory adjective.  it is offensive to some
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23:29.38streunerIs /boot/grub/default empty?
23:29.50zomgoblinzstew, it means happy
23:30.08jimzomgoblinz: not the way you meant it :P
23:30.10stewzomgoblinz: that is not how you used it
23:30.10markybobdumbass <-- that means dumbass
23:30.22zomgoblinzso if they want to take it as something that is not in the dictionary as a definition then that is their choice
23:30.35zomgoblinzI am not the one who defines the word
23:30.38zomgoblinzthey interpret
23:30.40jimzomgoblinz: as that is the choice you made :)
23:30.42Trampstreuner: no:
23:30.53stewzomgoblinz: stop using it.  and drop this discussion
23:31.05zomgoblinzI haven't used it again, have I?
23:31.10zomgoblinzso i do not see the issue
23:31.20Trampstreuner: the "0" is the index of (my) last successfully booted kernel (index as in menu.lst)
23:31.47streunerTramp: thanks
23:36.06zomgoblinzwhat is the easiest way to recover from an apt-get remove kernel-image
23:36.17mentorapt-get install kernel-image
23:36.32zomgoblinzmentor, box is remote and unreachable
23:36.37zomgoblinzas soon as I did that command
23:36.41zomgoblinzit stopped being pingable
23:36.53scorche|shno local console access?
23:36.54zomgoblinzbig oops
23:36.56Saargo there and boot using a CD
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23:37.10zomgoblinzSaar, can I chroot it?
23:37.19zomgoblinzSaar, and just apt-get it back
23:37.26Saari would think so
23:37.31mentorzomgoblinz: That command shouldn't kill things until like... a reboot or something
23:37.32zomgoblinzi hope so
23:37.39Saarif it has more than 1 kernel boot the old kernel
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23:37.43zomgoblinzmentor, I thought that too.....
23:37.46zomgoblinzso weird
23:37.54mentorzomgoblinz: Yes. The Debian installer will do
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23:38.03Saari have done it before and it kinda messed up the system
23:38.28snowflakei have a question
23:38.30Saari forgot how but there are 3 warnings b4 removing it
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23:38.42mentorzomgoblinz: Is the box in a managed facility?
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23:38.55mentorsnowflake: Ask it and see if we have answers!
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23:39.00Saari wonder what's worse removing the running kernel or libc, with the latter you can't run any commands :-(
23:39.00snowflakeI use sid, and I have an issue with gcc-4.3-base, anyone has problems with that package too?
23:39.34Saarzomgoblinz: how far are you from the box... I'd drive to it with a knoppix CD
23:39.39zomgoblinzmentor, no
23:39.48zomgoblinzSaar, I am in Iraq
23:39.52snowflakeit doesn't let me install gnome-core and gnome-desktop-environment and a package called libffi4, that I need for several packages like gedit and others
23:39.52zomgoblinzboss is picking it up
23:39.56zomgoblinzand dropping it off to me
23:40.11Saarwell as long as you have physical access it should be very easy
23:40.27Saarif it has an old kernel boot that and apt-get the removed one
23:40.47mentorzomgoblinz: One presumes that means that the box is not in Iraq then?
23:40.48zomgoblinzim just wondering what caused it to drop
23:40.50Saarotherwise use knoppix or so and apt-get the kernel, using chroot I guess
23:41.00zomgoblinzmentor, its here in Iraq with me
23:41.04abrotmansnowflake: you've run aptitude update today?
23:41.18snowflakenope let me see
23:41.18abrotmanzomgoblinz: so walk over and smack it
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23:41.29zomgoblinzabrotman, heh i wish
23:41.32Saarwell i am not sure but i remember things to become unavailable, likle networking, luckily it was a local box and i did it on purpose to see
23:41.36mentorzomgoblinz: Go and look at the console.
23:41.44abrotmanmentor: i bet it's blinking :)
23:41.51zomgoblinzboss is grabbing
23:41.56zomgoblinzand telling me how much he hates me
23:42.10Saarare you iraqi or from the USA?
23:42.16snowflakeabrotman the problem it's solved :)
23:42.25abrotmansnowflake: yay?
23:42.39Saarmaybe Iraqis using debian is one of the few good things coming out of the USA for them :-|
23:42.53Saarthe army uses debian... hm
23:42.55Gm4nanyone know a commandline ftp client that supports ssl/tls?
23:43.09AcTiVaTencftp must surely
23:43.11snowflakei think it was my first problem with sid since i use it, and that's really long ago
23:43.14snowflakeso cool
23:43.23snowflakecowboys use debian too
23:43.23mentorI thing it's probably quite low on the scale of things to worry about
23:43.38Saari dont worry
23:43.48Saarit's good to see the army has a bit of sense
23:43.55snowflakeok bud's, thank's for the help, bye!
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23:43.58Gm4nsaar: sftp won't do it, it's just for ssl file transfers
23:43.59mentorI meant for the peopel in Iraq
23:44.03Saari thought they're all one huge windoze house
23:44.20SaarGm4n: oh
23:44.32Saarmentor: right
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23:45.01nseoops a problem happened during the download: Err testing/main libapr1 1.2.12-1 not found. and the other packages that I am installing depend on this one. what must I do now?
23:45.02Gm4nAcTiVaTe: ncftp does not have any support for SSL
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23:48.14Dinosaur/usr/bin/perl: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/perl5/auto/Locale/gettext/ undefined symbol: Perl_Tstack_sp_ptr
23:48.22nseMaybe be this can be a real problem If I am trying to run a webserver.
23:48.25Dinosauranyone else had this problem lately with unstable?
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23:49.51AcTiVaTeGm4n: Then you can use ncftp ;)
23:50.03Gm4nooh, spiffy
23:50.07Gm4nthanks, AcTiVaTe :)
23:50.07abrotmanGm4n: apt-cache search ftp ssl .. oddly .. ftp-ssl
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23:50.23AcTiVaTeYer welcome ;)
23:50.32Gm4nabrotman: yeah, I just found that on my own. I didn't realize that was a package name, instead of a description of the protocol
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23:50.54Dinosaurhas anyone else been having gettext problems with upgrading and installing packages due to the Perl package being faulty?
23:51.24stewDinosaur: you realize we are right in the middle of a major perl transition, right?
23:51.50AcTiVaTeGm4n: And also is an option
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23:52.10Gm4nAcTiVaTe: lftp gave me a huge headache, and I didn't manage to even connect :(
23:52.11abrotmanstew: you say that like it matters .. yeesh
23:52.35AcTiVaTeGm4n: Thx for the headsup. Now I can avoid it ;)
23:53.40stewabrotman: what do i know?  i don't run unstable :)
23:54.11Dinosaurstew: it certainly seems like it.
23:55.03Dinosaurbe nice if there was a type of wayback machine so you could set your apt sources.list to a particular date and time, and it would install and update only packages that were available at that time.  I know the archives exist.
23:55.08abrotmanstew: /msg dpkg sid upgrade :)
23:55.11Dinosaurbe nice for doing a rollback.
23:55.22stewDinosaur: /msg dpkg sdn
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23:56.35Dinosaurthanks stew. I'm a bit shocked that our base install tools depend on perl.
23:56.47DinosaurI thought Culus rewrote everything in C.
23:56.50stewDinosaur: debconf is perl
23:56.59Dinosauroh. debconf. the new stuff.
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23:57.49netdaemoni'm no fan of perl =\
23:57.57netdaemonunless i'm just looking at the wrong docs...
23:58.08Joelitois there a way to reboot nor shutdown the machine without admin pass?
23:58.26WyzardJoelito: Press the power button
23:58.35netdaemonJoelito, ctrl-alt-del
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23:58.42Dinosaurif we are going to use perl, we should just use newlisp instead.
23:58.44JoelitoWyzord: WEll..hehe, I mean for command line
23:58.47nseIt's done. It did: the installation is over - Oh my God
23:58.50Dinosaurthe power of perl, the simplicity of lisp.
23:59.02beardyJoelito: Not in a nice way. What abrotman said, but root needs to edit it.
23:59.04WyzardJoelito: ctrl-alt-delete at the system console like netdaemon said
23:59.08cizzi\amethyst hey how are you?
23:59.18WyzardJoelito: From a remote login, no, you can't
23:59.31jimDinosaur: if you can get a thousand maints (an -old- number) to agree on changing something that close to the core, more power to ya
23:59.37abrotmansudo and shutdown.allow
23:59.58Wyzardboth of which require root to set up

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