IRC log for #debian on 20080131

00:00.08IronManMarioand you blamed the processor
00:00.09Azarthe only useful and good thing I did here was preaching the use of aptitude for the past 4 years
00:00.09wireif you all really want to continue this arch debate, use #debian-offtopic
00:00.09NyleAzar: well, I am packaging the engine, I was gonna give you some control files and was wondering if you could build the large data/graphics packs and upload them, as I have near dialup speed
00:00.20NyleAzar: you won't be compiling any software
00:00.20GuerinIronManMario: you are sailing close to a banning, I sense
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00:00.54AzarI don't think I have upload rights on Debian :)
00:00.57NyleAzar: it took me almost 9 days just to download 800mb of doom2 hires textures
00:01.16Nylejust immagine how long it would take for me to upload the fucking things
00:01.27AzarI have the old doom demo 16bit one
00:01.38Nylethats alright, I gotta fine other means of net, like the isp we have, and the area I live in
00:01.42suwrowols: i am ashamed to tell you I use now an AMD64 but usualy my servers are HP PA-RISC and old SPARC
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00:02.07suwrowols: oldie but goldie
00:02.10Nyleits mostly poor people, I have only found one verizon which I thought was fios, and everything else is 768kbit up so no wireless for me
00:02.23Nyleits useless to even hack wep for me now since wher eI live there is no faster internet
00:02.27Nyleit sucks
00:02.31AzarI don't have wireless, and I already feel better
00:02.52Nylewell, I'm just saying, back home I could catch wireles sand crack a wep or two and have faster internet than I paid for
00:02.55Nyleyou know
00:03.00wolssuwro: hang on to them a few more years and you can sell them as antiques for more than you bought them... shesh
00:03.09Nyleanyway... I'll figure something out
00:03.09moshii100mb wtf :)
00:03.14suwrowols: hehe - I will :)
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00:03.38suwrowols: was bought loong time ago - barely can't remember..
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00:03.58moshiip1l6r1m: 100mbit connection
00:04.03suwrook - gtg - i got sleepy.
00:04.04AzarNyle: told you so: you should have come here, move in with me
00:04.17NyleAzar: I'm scared you'll cook me or something and eat me
00:04.22Nylehehe hehehe
00:04.32AzarNyle: no you would cook and code, while I am at work
00:04.34p1l6r1mman, i dont have the courage to say my speed
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00:05.20Nyleman cox comm in oklahoma city, 39.99/mo and you get a full blown 24/7 never slowdown 10Mbps network
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00:05.57AzarI got covad with $70.00/mo 4 dedicated adsl lines
00:05.57dutche-I made an upgrade of libc6 and libc6-dev here, and now when I run any command, it says me that there's no, when I run "ls" command it says that does not exist....what can I do now?? I can log in single mode...and the commands runs
00:06.17NyleAzar: total throughput?
00:06.24Nylecombined bw or what?
00:06.27Guerindutche-: why did you upgrade those packages?
00:06.27AzarNyle: never bothered to measure
00:06.35moshiidutche-: if libc is broken you need to use builtins or something to fix it
00:06.39Guerindutche-: and by what means?
00:06.44AzarNyle: each individual for my 3 PCs
00:06.57NyleAzar: how many people live with you
00:07.03AzarNyle: 3 cats
00:07.23moshiiAzar: They cats are computer litter-ate?
00:07.33dutche-Guerin, cuz I needed to install subversion, and aptitude did it by itself
00:07.41AzarId give you my bedroom where I have 2 PC and a big bed all yours
00:07.42Nylemoshii: I assumed he meant pussy
00:07.46Nyleas in girls
00:07.48Azarmoshii: hehe
00:07.56Azarno , man real cats
00:08.06NyleAzar: I was trying to give you the benefit of the doubt
00:08.10dutche-moshii, I need to use builtins?? how can I do that? which builtins yar talking about
00:08.15AzarI sleep in the living on the couch anyways..
00:08.18Guerindutche-: it sounds like you installed them from outside your current distro, which is a surefiore road to breakage.
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00:09.01moshiidutche-: stuff that is built-in to the shell or statically linked.. everything is linked against libc you see
00:09.32moshiiNyle: If you have 3 cats you don't need women
00:09.38mark6does anyone use kplaylist?
00:09.48Nyleoh boy
00:09.58p1l6r1mi must desagree
00:10.00Azarmoshii: you aren't too clever: women love cats, that's the catch
00:10.01nivansonDuring kernel upgrade with apt /boot/grub/menu.lst is rebuilt with new kernel entries. If I modify this file (setting up so booting from both of my software raid drives is possible) will it still rebuild automatically? If not, could it be solved by storing a copy of the original menu.lst and put it back before eventual kernel upgrades?
00:10.12NyleI dunno bout you
00:10.16Nylebut I NEED women
00:10.17dutche-Guerin, so, if I enter in single mode and do an aptitude *should* fix that, right?
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00:10.25NyleI can't take care of mysel
00:10.31NyleI can't, I admit
00:10.32AzarNyle: me too but that does not mean they have to live with me
00:10.34moshiiAzar: man, I gave my cat away and moved country for a woman! *cries*
00:10.44Guerindutche-: it probably won't even run, because the debian tools are dynamically linked against libc
00:10.54Guerindutche-: you may well have to reinstall.
00:10.55NyleI need a woman to live with me and take care of me, and also code for me hopefuly
00:11.09NyleAzar: I can' do jack shit myself
00:11.13AzarI can't live with a woman: they talk 24/7
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00:11.16Nylecook, clean, laundry, whatever
00:11.21Nylei can't do anything
00:11.31AzarGuerin: did you called me?
00:11.32p1l6r1mAzar, thas is true
00:11.32Guerinwould the pair of you stop demonstrating why ytou DON'T have women in your lives?
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00:11.35Bambrhi, i got wireless pci card, which uses rt61 kernel module, which i compiled and successfully loaded, what do i need to write to /etc/network/interfaces if i want to use this card with AP having WEP authorization?
00:11.51moshiidutche-: you could always manually fix libc and then work from there
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00:11.54NyleGuerin: I'm happy engaged to be married, but I'm trying to tell Azar to get rid of cats and get a woman
00:12.03NyleGuerin: happily*
00:12.13khanman_Nyle, how long?
00:12.17wireBambr: did you use the rt2x00 source for the module?
00:12.20Nyle20 years+
00:12.29Nyledon't ask, long story
00:12.32_moro_bana_i just installed debian on my second hd , whats the equivalent of startx here i want GUI
00:12.35Bambrwire: yup, since it's the only good source i found
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00:12.40dutche-moshii, but how can I manually fix libc?? any idea?
00:12.46Nyle_moro_bana_: startx is startx
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00:12.56khanman_Nyle, at 6 and will not see 7
00:13.04_moro_bana_Nyle: it said command not found
00:13.05moshiidutche-: I pasted some ld output into a shell one bad and totally nuked a 20-something-u sun box.. lots files jammed into the right places later it worked again. ;)
00:13.07wireyeah, I did too. I think I am at about the same place you are. except I am trying to make an access point with it
00:13.08Azar_moro_bana_: startx, and if it does not work is because you need the video driver, and xserver installed
00:13.18Bambrwire :)
00:13.19Nyle_moro_bana_: /msg dpkg setup x
00:13.36wireBambr: unsuccessfully though
00:13.50Nylekhanman_: pity
00:14.02moshiidutche-: use a livecd or something to boot the system and put the correct libc files into the system manually... then boot into the real system and reinstall libc6 properly
00:14.02Bambrwire: i've got plenty of instructions by google for wpa authorization, but nothing clear for WEP
00:14.03_moro_bana_Nyle: i used the netinst cd
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00:14.38nivansonBambr, iwconfig name essid name, iwconfig name key key, dhclclient name
00:14.38Nyle_moro_bana_: so... /msg dpkg setup x
00:14.38p1l6r1m_moro_bana_, which de did u install?
00:14.38AzarNyle: you should move in Utah and become a mormon: get as many wives you want
00:14.55_moro_bana_p1l6r1m: ?
00:15.01NyleAzar: I'm muslim, I am allowed 4 and by god I shall make good use of all 4 any man can handle more than 1
00:15.05Bambrnivanson, did iwconfig ra0 essid name key KEY
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00:15.12p1l6r1m_moro_bana_, KDE, Gnome
00:15.14khanman_wtf do you think they made it illegal? :)
00:15.15AzarNyle: cool man!
00:15.23Bambrnivanson, dhcpclient may be?
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00:15.40moshii4 wives == getting told to do the washing 4 times??
00:15.41NyleAzar: well, I'm not really practicing, I don't even believe, but my parents are, and its convenient for polygamy so
00:15.44Nylethere it is.
00:15.46Bambrnivanson, and name for dhcpclient is name of network interface, right?
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00:15.55nivansonBambr, dhclclient device to get your ip
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00:16.05_moro_bana_p1l6r1m: ddnt come across that, never had an option on that
00:16.09dutche-moshii, thanks for the help
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00:16.14dutche-Guerin, thanks man
00:16.17Nylemoshii: not 4 western wives...
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00:16.33p1l6r1m_moro_bana_, i made a netinstall instalation myself
00:16.34moshiiNyle: even eastern wives tell you to do the washing..
00:16.35Guerindutche-: good luck
00:16.39kjsGuys I have this odd problem, my firewall wont allow VNC sessions, it allows it to connect but the session appears blank. Im sure it is firewall related. Can anyone have a look and see if i have done any thing stupid.
00:16.42Nylemoshii: right
00:16.55p1l6r1m_moro_bana_, i could pass the basics i instaled here if u want
00:17.16_moro_bana_p1l6r1m: pass em
00:17.29p1l6r1mwait a moment
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00:18.25Bambrnivanson, dhclient says network is down, but it is not actually
00:18.32p1l6r1m_moro_bana_, just so i had a GUI, i instaled "x-window-system-core" and "gnome-core"
00:18.43nivansonBambr, ifconfig device up
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00:18.53Sebi've set LC_ALL to UTF-8 in /etc/postgresql/8.3/main/environment, but the server still seems to be runnning under a latin9 encoding
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00:18.59Sebwhat am I forgetting ?
00:19.03p1l6r1m_moro_bana_, if u like kde or other, install it instead of gnome
00:19.11Sebyes, I've restarted postgres after editing the file
00:19.17_moro_bana_p1l6r1m: i prefer gnome
00:19.32NyleI looooove kde becaause it is so much more consistent in its entirety than gnome
00:19.49dvsand KDE doesn't assume that you're an idiot!
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00:20.31Guerini disagree
00:20.33p1l6r1m_moro_bana_, so, i believe these two will do the trick
00:20.38Nylegnome is ugly. horrible dialoge design, gtk2 themes are set in stone and color schemes can't be modified... desktop isn't as configurable as KDE, and its a lot less responsive than KDE as well
00:20.40Guerinit just presumed you're an idiot with adhd
00:20.44_moro_bana_p1l6r1m: still confused
00:20.45Bambrnivanson, did ifconfig ra0 up - said nothing, tried dhclient ra0 after that - still: network is down
00:20.50achillestoday my biology teacher saw my linux book and we started talking about linux for a little bit:)
00:20.55Guerinmoshii: hah
00:21.07p1l6r1m_moro_bana_, u will have a gui and can install the rest manually. its wuat i did.
00:21.23NyleGuerin: I disagree.  After having used close to everything out there and honestly giving everything a shot, I liked kde the best and stuck with it.  Now I can't live without it
00:21.28_moro_bana_p1l6r1m: im on command line
00:21.35NyleGuerin: and I disagree because I am not an idiot.
00:21.42_moro_bana_p1l6r1m: how do i install that
00:21.45nivansonBambr, are you associated with your essid? check iwconfic ra0 and man iwconfig
00:21.45Nyleyou may think so, but you'd be wrong ;)
00:21.47moshiiNyle: tried kde 4? ....
00:21.50Nyleno need
00:21.54GuerinNyle: just because you use it doesn't mean it was designed for you.
00:21.56Nyledon't care about kde4
00:22.12NyleGuerin: if I like something, it was designed for me.
00:22.21p1l6r1m_moro_bana_, to install, type "sudo apt-get install x-window-system-core gnome-core"
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00:23.05GuerinNyle: you sound like an ID proponent.
00:23.11_moro_bana_p1l6r1m; thats the problem u see, i use login internet
00:23.25NyleGuerin: you sound like a tool!
00:23.31_moro_bana_microsoft vpn, i could with ubuntu
00:23.33Nyleheh hehehe hehee
00:23.39GuerinNyle: like I said earlier: industrial strength.
00:23.44Nylehehe word man
00:23.50holycowhey guys
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00:24.00achillesis it ok to use ubuntu?:P
00:24.03Bambrnivanson, , the output of iwconfig for ra0
00:24.05holycowdoing something like: ip route add via dev eth1  ... does that stay on reboot?
00:24.06dvsachilles: NO
00:24.12Guerinachilles: only if you don't talk about it.
00:24.19Guerinachilles: like GAMP
00:24.23moshiiachilles: use what you want, just don't expect use to fix it
00:24.23Guerinand furry porn
00:24.26achillesok than *stops his ubuntu dvd download*
00:24.36Nyleand good.
00:24.40_moro_bana_p1l6r1m: u there
00:24.45dpkgDamnit Jim! It's YOU. Y-O-U. Not *U*. U is a letter. YOU is a word. See ne1, or wud.  Dutch for 'you' (formal singular). See
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00:24.51Nyleohh i just had to
00:24.58Nylehowz u doin lol
00:25.22p1l6r1m_moro_bana_ yeah
00:25.34achillesis mandriva 2008 ok?
00:25.39moshiiengrish wtf
00:25.41dvs!lart achilles
00:25.43Nyleachilles: behave
00:25.48Nyleachilles: /topic
00:25.54dpkg1) Read the /topic, the FAQ, and google before asking us. 2) Don't ask to ask. Just ask. 3) Don't repeat; show that you have tried to help yourself by refining the question. 4) Reading docs (man/info pages, READMEs) is a worthwhile skill. Practice it. 5) Use /msg to talk to the bots (not the people). See <msg>. 6) Be polite and patient. 7) Paste on #flood or <paster>, not here. 8) No trolls or spam.
00:25.54achillesok ill behave:)
00:26.11achilleshey i saw a troll here last time
00:26.23Bambrnivanson, any clues?
00:26.25nivansonBambr, If "Wazzap" is really your networks essid (check with iwlist ra0 scanning) and you already did ifconfig ra0 up, I have no clue what causes your dhclclient to fail
00:26.36_moro_bana_p1l6r1m: any ideas
00:27.09p1l6r1m_moro_bana_, so, if i understood correctly, you dont have the internet working , so you could do the download. is that?
00:27.17Bambrnivanson, iwlist ra0 scanning answers No scan results
00:27.37Nylewhat is the best supported wifi in linux?
00:27.47dvsNyle: intel
00:27.52Nylei figured
00:27.58CartoonCatum, atheros
00:28.02penpyeah, figures
00:28.02Bambrnivanson, if i can see card in lspci output, it should be working and plugged in correctly, right? :D
00:28.04penpive got atheros
00:28.10_moro_bana_p1l6r1m: the internet works on my ubuntu, yes to the q
00:28.10Nylehmm, I've a broadcom
00:28.16achilleslogs off *to use mandriva 2008 that is always updated unlike debian# lol
00:28.18CartoonCatbrcm, ikkies
00:28.20NyleI've no luck with packet injection on intel
00:28.38Nylehowever, bcm4306 is doing just fine with a driver patch to the source
00:28.52CartoonCatNyle, packet injection, with brcm?!
00:29.08NyleI have a 4306
00:29.16CartoonCatbrcm is broadcom
00:29.21Nyleyes i know
00:29.34p1l6r1m_moro_bana_, ok. but is it one machine in dual boot?
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00:29.52nivansonBambr, yeah. I am not able to help you.
00:29.56Bambrnivanson, did lshw, says disabled for that interface ( ra0 )
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00:30.23p1l6r1m_moro_bana_, or they are two machines. one with ubuntu and other with the debian net install?
00:30.27Nylei think this lady has fios but for some reason every day the wep is changed
00:30.39Nyleits annoying
00:30.39Bambrnivanson, may be i must enable it, somehow? :) ( have no clues )
00:30.41_moro_bana_p1l6r1m: on one machine, on diff hdds,
00:30.56_moro_bana_p1l6r1m: they dont share grub
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00:31.17phyburncan I just edit /etc/hosts to change my hostname?
00:31.22phyburnor my computer name
00:31.34penpsort of
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00:31.44moshiiNyle: you change have multiple wep keys iirc
00:31.46IronManMariowhat's the location of the windows partition so i can mount it? it's not in /dev
00:31.47penpyoull also need to execute hostname
00:31.57moshiiNyle: s/change/can
00:32.24_moro_bana_p1l6r1m: i boot from different HDS
00:32.27penpIronManMario: what windows partition? can you be more specific?
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00:32.49jom1Hello, how can I mount a LVM partition ? ( I'm curently on my rescue system ) and I don't know how to mount it ( it's /dev/hda2              14        9733    78075900   8e  Linux LVM)
00:32.55wols!tell phyburn about hostname
00:32.57IronManMarioWhat do you mean what windows partition? there's only one
00:33.08IronManMarioit's called DRV3_VOL1
00:33.09sChaayeeeee after some hours of fight finaly make the smp working yé openbsd rocks !
00:33.19penpIronManMario: fdisk -l should show what drives are currently being detected
00:33.29wolssChaa: wrong channel
00:33.44sChaaops :)
00:33.50penpIronManMario: if its got an NTFS partition, there's your device
00:33.57sChaadebian rocks too just after openbsd ;)
00:33.58p1l6r1m_moro_bana_, as i see (i'm not any expert here, ok), you can setup the conection somehow (and i can't help here, since my modem is routed, so i didn't have much trouble) or, you could download the "x-system-core" and "gnome-core" and put them in /var/cache/apt/archives
00:34.04moshiisChaa: now you need to find something that'll actually run on openbsd
00:34.32sChaaeverything in need is working moshii ;)
00:34.45IronManMariobash: fdisk: command not found
00:34.55IronManMarioE: Package fdisk has no installation candidate
00:35.24penpIronManMario: are you running it as root?
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00:35.36p1l6r1m_moro_bana_, you download them from the ubuntu and, put them in the ubuntu HD. this way, you will have GUI and, may be easier to do the rest of the setup
00:35.43IronManMarioya, you have to be root to do apt-get
00:35.53penpoh duh
00:36.00p1l6r1m_moro_bana_, *on the debian HD (sorry)
00:36.36sChaais aptitude is not done to replace apt with a best packages managing ?
00:36.52p1l6r1m_moro_bana_, did you understand what i meant here?
00:36.53dondelelcarosChaa: in general, you should be using aptitude, yes.
00:36.56_moro_bana_p1l6r1m: thanks i will keep on asking
00:37.07_moro_bana_p1l6r1m: no
00:37.09p1l6r1m_moro_bana_, ok.
00:37.12penpsChaa: its all user preference
00:37.17akuwamarii am trying to update debian but i got this
00:37.18akuwamariSe encontraron errores al procesar:
00:37.18akuwamariE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)
00:37.18*** kick/#debian [akuwamari!n=debhelpe@unaffiliated/debhelper] by debhelper (use the paster bot or #flood)
00:37.21penpsChaa: just dont mix them and youll be ok
00:37.25p1l6r1m_moro_bana_, do u want me to explain?
00:37.34dondelelcaropenp: it actually matters less in unstable if you mix them...
00:37.36_moro_bana_p1l6r1m yes
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00:38.00penpdondelelcaro: but in stable, it matters
00:38.25penpIronManMario: fdisk should be in /sbin
00:38.41penpunless its part of some package..but i think it should be in there by default
00:38.49achilleswho likes cats?
00:39.13akuwamarii am trying to update debian but i got error
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00:39.53_moro_bana_p1l6r1m: are you still there
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00:40.24p1l6r1m_moro_bana_, ok. when you install a package (like "gnome-core", for example), they stay on /var/cache/apt/archives. So, if you download them from the Ubuntu install, you have, and move them to /var/cache/apt/archives in the debian install, when you do the "apt-get install", it will intall it, even if you dont have the internet access.
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00:41.19jom1how can I find out what boot loader I'm using? lilo or grub?
00:41.48Nylejom1: reboot the system and watch the screen, or apt-cache policy grub
00:41.48p1l6r1m_moro_bana_, sorry with any sentence sound funny. English is not my native language, so, i'm making a big effort here...
00:41.53akuwamariany help?
00:42.16_moro_bana_p1l6r1m: ahh i get it, because i can open up the HD from here and copy em to that file
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00:42.18Gun_SmokeAnything wrong with installing virtualbox from the repos?  Someone had mentioned better to go with source the other day and I didn't have time to figure out why.?
00:42.19IronManMarionow it's saying I don't have the mnt command
00:42.23IronManMariofor mounting stuff
00:42.30p1l6r1m_moro_bana_, yes
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00:42.59Maniahow can i use gnome desktop with Debian?
00:43.08Nyle!install gnome
00:43.09dpkgTo install GNOME on sarge or later, install the 'gnome' package to install everything, the 'gnome-desktop-environment' package for slightly less stuff, or the 'gnome-core' package for even less.  You will need X installed as well, ask me about <set up x>.
00:43.11p1l6r1mand, since you can download any package from the debian site, that shouldnt be hard
00:43.13_moro_bana_p1l6r1m: so which package do i have to move
00:43.24Gun_SmokeMania: What do you have now?
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00:43.50_moro_bana_p1l6r1m: english is neither my native, no problem
00:43.51*** join/#debian JordiGH (n=chatzill@
00:43.56Maniahave debian but is defrrence with ubuntu-gnome another icon
00:44.14*** join/#debian eagle-101 (n=eagle@wikimedia/Eagle-101)
00:44.34Maniai have debian but is not gnome
00:44.52Gun_SmokeMania: KDE then or just the base install?
00:45.03IronManMariomount: can't find /dev/hda1 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab
00:45.12IronManMarioit's in /dev
00:45.16IronManMarioand its saying that
00:45.22IronManMarioI typed mount /dev/hda2
00:45.29JordiGHI aborted a netinstall because for some reason, it was downloading packages from etch instead of lenny. I couldn't get debconf to restart properly, so I rebooted the machine. Now I want to get back to where I was, but the problem is that I encrypted my hard drive. Is there a way I can tell debconf to decrypt the existing partition and work from there? It took close to an hour to shred the...
00:45.31JordiGH...hard drive, and I don't think debconf will give me an option to not shred the hard drive. :-/
00:45.36penpIronManMario: you need to make a mount point for manual mounts
00:45.45penpIronManMario: make a directory like /mnt/windows, then type
00:45.55penpIronManMario: mount /dev/hda2 /mnt/windows -t ntfs
00:46.15Gun_SmokeJordiGH: Reason not to just start all over?
00:46.31p1l6r1m_moro_bana_, go to and pick the "x-window-system-core" and "gnome-core". On the page, are listed all the dependences. Get the red ones...
00:46.32IronManMarionow it's saying hda2 doesnt exist
00:46.33penpIronManMario: if you call mount without a mount point, it looks in fstab and mtab for a match to see if thats what you are referencing
00:46.34JordiGHGun_Smoke: I don't want to have to wait another hour for d-i to shred my hard drive again. :-/
00:46.35IronManMarioor 1
00:46.43ManiaGun_smoke how can in in debian installation select gnome desktop?
00:46.51penpIronManMario: try /sbin/fdisk -l
00:46.51IronManMarioThis is impossible
00:47.04Gun_SmokeMania: It is the default.  How did you install?
00:47.06moshiiJordiGH: if it's all encrypted you don't need to shred again..
00:47.23JordiGHmoshii: Yeah, but try to convince d-i that I don't want to shred it. There's no option for it!
00:47.37moshiiJordiGH: ah, that is shit
00:47.58Maniabut the gnome desktop with ubuntu is very nice than gnome in debian :)!
00:48.24IronManMariofdisk wont do anything either
00:48.27Gun_SmokeMania: I don't follow.
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00:48.43Gun_SmokeAzar: great link..
00:48.44Maniawow Azar
00:48.48akuwamariE: /var/cache/apt/archives/linux-image-2.6.18-6-k7_2.6.18.dfsg.1-17etch1_i386.deb: falló en buffer_write(fd) (10, ret=-1)
00:48.56Azarjust making it easier
00:49.06IronManMarioI could mount the partition in ubuntu so i know it's not the partition thatst he problem
00:49.22JordiGHIt's shredding it again. :-(
00:49.27Gun_SmokeAzar: I had that bookmarked but forgot to cp them when I did a clean install yesterday..
00:49.34Maniawho can i download direct debian with gnome? on cd?
00:49.44JordiGHI guess I'll just go swimming and see how it's coming along when I come back.
00:50.05_moro_bana_p1l6r1m: thanks , doing it
00:50.12AzarMania: if you read THAT link you will see: " Debian automatically installs the GNOME desktop.
00:50.16p1l6r1m_moro_bana_, ok, man.
00:50.18IronManMarioand doing fdisk doesnt do anything
00:50.27AzarMania: read it and you will see what and how
00:50.30Maniawich link+
00:50.31Gun_SmokeMania: The business card iso will install it by default.  Gnome is default in debian..
00:50.33IronManMariodebian:/sbin# ./fdisk -l
00:50.45IronManMarioit doesnt even say anything
00:50.51Maniaok thanx
00:51.03karstenIronManMario: fdisk -l <device>
00:51.03Gun_SmokeMania: debians home page.. look for get debian..
00:51.06_moro_bana_p1l6r1m: where are you anyway
00:51.09karstenIronManMario: Try:  cat /proc/partitions
00:51.14Maniaand have question , is debian support kurdish keyboorad and font?
00:51.32p1l6r1m_moro_bana_, i'm brazilian.
00:51.34IronManMariowtf? now i cant open root terminal
00:51.39Gun_SmokeMania: I'm sure it will..
00:51.51JordiGHHow does Debian feel about Automatix? It looks to me like a crutch that's more likely to break things than fix them.
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00:51.57IronManMario'failed to fork new process: No such file or directory'
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00:52.04_moro_bana_p1l6r1m: abrigado!
00:52.14Maniabecause on ubuntu is perfect, dont know on debian!
00:52.15karstenIronManMario: Um, have you nuked your filesystem, perhaps?
00:52.16p1l6r1m_moro_bana_, de nada.
00:52.26IronManMariohow would I do that?
00:52.29p1l6r1m_moro_bana_, :^)
00:52.36Gun_SmokeJordiGH: I'd say its for the massive move to ubuntu.. If you've made your way up the ladder to debian you don't need it.
00:52.38JordiGHAzar: That link you gave recommends that you leave the hostname as "debian"!
00:52.44dpkgextra, extra, read all about it, automatix is a tool which allows a menu-driven installation of 'capabilities', including commercial closed source programs such as Flash plug-in, Adobe Reader, w32codecs (divx, mp3, etc). Even the Ubuntu Technical Board advises against using it and you should definitely not use it with debian:
00:52.54karstenIronManMario: What command are you trying, and how is it failing?
00:53.03_moro_bana_p1l6r1m: only know that, a friend will be teaching me portoguese
00:53.08amphiJordiGH: that url is informative ;)
00:53.10JordiGHAzar: A Debian machine needs a soul!
00:53.15karstenIronManMario: ... also how knowledgeable are you about Linux/?  I'm just jumping in here, you seem to come w/ a Windows background.
00:53.15Gun_SmokeMania: Ubuntu is a copy of debian with some extra stuff to make it seem independent.
00:53.31IronManMarioI've been using linux for a year now
00:53.32Azaramphi: yeah I saw that recommendation on falko's tutorial, that is one bad point to it
00:53.37Maniacan you give me link about install debian setuo by setup
00:53.49JordiGHGun_Smoke: Ubuntu is *very* different from Debian. I had Ubuntu preinstalled on this machine, but I'm now doing a Debian install.
00:53.54p1l6r1m_moro_bana_, cool. Be advised that the language is full of rules.
00:54.03AzarGun_Smoke: could you please forget about ubuntu things and stick with the debian issues?
00:54.14amphione bad point? IIRC there where several horrors
00:54.14Gun_SmokeAzar: Already have..
00:54.25AzarMania: WTF I just gave you a linke
00:54.26IronManMariokurt@debian:/sbin$ ./fdisk -l hda1
00:54.27IronManMariokurt@debian:/sbin$ ./fdisk -l hda2
00:54.32IronManMariowould either of those do anything bad
00:54.42_moro_bana_p1l6r1m: aha thanks
00:54.47amphiIronManMario: no
00:54.54karstenIronManMario: No, fdisk -l should just list the partition table.  Safe.
00:55.01IronManMariothen idk what broke my system
00:55.02ManiaAzar ok
00:55.11karstenIronManMario: What command failed?
00:55.13Gun_SmokeMania:  Google your way to success.. EVERYTHING is there.  Easy enough for my grandma to follow..  enjoy the link.
00:55.13Nyletemp1:       +44°C  (low  =  +127°C, high =  +127°C)   sensor = thermistor
00:55.13Nyletemp2:       +40°C  (low  =  +127°C, high =  +127°C)   sensor = diode
00:55.14p1l6r1m_moro_bana_, ;)
00:55.19Nyledoes this look weird?
00:55.30Nyletemp3:        -1°C  (low  =  +127°C, high =  +127°C)   sensor = thermistor
00:55.33Nylehow about this
00:55.44karstenNyle: Yeah, it's in metric.  Real men use English systems ;-)
00:55.47Azar'd/engleesh.jpg  << that sums it up
00:55.52IronManMarioFailed to run /usr/bin/x-terminal-emulator as user root. Failed to fork new process: No such file or directory
00:55.58Gun_Smokemetric smetric
00:56.01amphiNyle: low +127C is unusual IME ;)
00:56.02Nylekarsten: temperature is in metric?
00:56.05IronManMariohow bad is that -.-
00:56.17Nylekarsten: I thought temp was C/F/K
00:56.18Gun_SmokeNyle: Usually are.
00:56.18Nylethats it
00:56.28Nyleno man hold on
00:56.31karstenIronManMario: try 'sudo'
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00:56.41p1l6r1mok, folks. i'm out of here. it's almost 11pm and i must work tomorrow. so... Fui!
00:56.47karstenIronManMario: ... just get a root shell.  You don't need a terminal necessarially.
00:56.58karstenIronManMario: ... can you run a terminal as your normal user?
00:56.59IronManMariohow do I get a root shell O.o
00:57.06karstenIronManMario: sudo or su.
00:57.08Nyle3 temperature scales, so which one is metric?
00:57.11*** join/#debian MaliutaWrk (
00:57.13Nylewhat are you talking about I dunno
00:57.22karstenNyle: C & K are metric.  F is English.
00:57.25JordiGHWow, Automatix suxx0rz. :-)
00:57.42IronManMariono i can only use the terminal i already have open
00:57.45JordiGHI'm sending people to that page next time they ask about Automatix.
00:57.47amphiNyle: he's talking about medieval/ISO/SI ;)
00:57.50Gun_SmokeNyle:  Where are you from?
00:57.54Azarin any case someone with a 127C is like boiling in own sauce
00:57.58NyleI'm from where you are form
00:58.02Nylethe Poonani
00:58.03amphiJordiGH: doesn't it just ;)
00:58.10IronManMarioif the terminal file isnt there then how is the one i have open already working'
00:58.16*** join/#debian apocn (n=apo@unaffiliated/apocn)
00:58.21karstenNyle: You've also got Rankine, Delisle, Newon, Reaumur, and Romer.
00:58.28Nyleamphi: whats going on man :) hi btw
00:58.40IronManMariokarsten it sounds like your listing pokemon :/
00:58.48apocnHello, is anyone here experienced with isc-http?
00:58.53karstenIronManMario: It's alreaddy mapped to memory and the filehandle's open.  Long story.  You can shoot out exes from under running apps, but not not-yet-accessed resources.
00:58.55Nyleor chinpokomon
00:59.00amphiNyle: guten abend ;)
00:59.04*** part/#debian philips (n=brandon@osuosl/staff/philips)
00:59.07karstenIronManMario: A bit outside my usual playgroup...
00:59.16Nyleamphi: marhaba
00:59.17IronManMarioI'm just gonna go back to windows for a while and forget this happened
00:59.30karstenIronManMario: Whatever.
00:59.39amphinot so much iron...
00:59.45Gun_SmokeBack to the reason I'm here.. Virtualbox..  Any reason not to get it from the repos?
00:59.46Nyleor man
00:59.48Nylefor that matter
00:59.51Nyleooooh burn!
00:59.57karstenamphi: Definitely not brass, at any rate.
01:00.01*** join/#debian jetscreamer (
01:01.12NyleGun_Smoke: I forgot how I installed virtual box, I think I just got the pakages they had available
01:01.35JordiGHIs Marillat still the place for libdvdcss?
01:01.42Azarso Nyle have you ever even had a look at psdoom?
01:01.43dpkgi guess dmm is Debian Multimedia, a repository of unofficial Debian packages, not in Debian for patent-related reasons, maintained by Christian Marillat. - Also see <marillat> factoid (/msg dpkg marillat), or ask me about <debian-multimedia.etch>
01:01.45NyleJordiGH: yes
01:01.55Gun_SmokeNyle: From the repos then?
01:02.11NyleGun_Smoke: sure I don't think its in debian repos
01:02.13Nyleis it?
01:02.20*** join/#debian ArKaItZ (
01:02.23NyleJordiGH: dpkg seems lagged or maybe I am
01:02.25Gun_SmokeOnly reason I ask is someone the other day said not to and I didn't get a chance to pick their brain as to why,
01:02.34Nyle2:FREENODE � Lag: 2.43
01:02.35*** join/#debian Sir_Sid (
01:02.39*** part/#debian apocn (n=apo@unaffiliated/apocn)
01:02.52Nyle2:FREENODE � Lag: 6.04
01:03.04dondelelcaroNyle: it responded almost instantly from what I could see, so yeah; you're lagged. ;-)
01:03.10AzarNyle:  [17:03] [Azar(+ei)] [3:#debian(+JLPcflnt 868 800)] [Act: 1,2]
01:03.14Nyleyeh the bot is fine
01:03.23*** join/#debian Winkie (
01:03.42JordiGHI guess I'm ok now.
01:03.43NyleAzar: doomsday!
01:03.53*** join/#debian m4ggus (
01:03.55AzarNyle: did you read about it before?
01:04.06Nyleread about what ?
01:04.33*** join/#debian _Trinity_ (n=chatzill@
01:04.50jetscreamerhey i just almost got to get into a road rage fight! \o/
01:04.54*** join/#debian zobf (n=zobf@unaffiliated/bobf)
01:05.12Gun_Smokejetscreamer: nice cell pics?
01:05.12JordiGHjetscreamer: Do you keep a baseball bat in your glove compartment for just such an occasion?
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01:05.40Azarjetscreamer: man that's horrible
01:05.41NyleI gotta get a wireless range extender and mount it somewhere in my building somewhere with some power source
01:05.47NyleI gotta get some faster internet
01:05.47jetscreamerdamn.. not used to having a camera on my cell... i forgot
01:05.53*** join/#debian Joko (n=Joko@
01:05.59Gun_SmokeNyle:  Build a cantenna.
01:06.00*** join/#debian Faithful (
01:06.15Nyleinteresting name
01:06.18jetscreamerNyle: i seen a thing you can take an old sat. dish and get like a 12 mile range
01:06.26*** join/#debian xbaez (n=xbaez@
01:06.30jetscreameri forget where
01:06.54Gun_SmokeNyle:  Look to google for other ways..
01:07.15NyleJordiGH: I like free, if its worth it, I'll pay for free, but as long as it is free
01:07.25NyleJordiGH: price is negotaiable, freedom isn't
01:07.29JordiGHNyle: Yeah, I paid for free with this Dellbuntu laptop. :-)
01:07.34Gun_Smokejetscreamer: If your in the US I doubt you could make that happen without the FCC being pissed.
01:07.34Nyleits very simple
01:07.55jetscreamerGun_Smoke: think the guy was in the austrailian outback
01:08.05jetscreameror so
01:08.11NyleJordiGH: I am talking about free as in money vs. free as in no restrictions on the license
01:08.15Gun_Smokejetscreamer: I bet it could happen.. Line of sight.
01:08.34JordiGHNyle: Of course. So am I. In fact, people need to use "gratis" more often. It's in English dictionaries, but "libre" isn't.
01:08.34amphiNyle: has some info on funky antennae
01:08.49AzarNyle: imagine the mayhem: "Since monsters would tend to kill each other off until only a few remained in the area, the user was severely hampered in the ability to orderly control processes on the machine." << effective condemnation of the system
01:08.52Gun_SmokeAnd that would have to be tower to tower.. head high looses line of sight around 9 miles I believe.
01:08.57Nyleamphi: thanks for the tip, i'll check
01:09.25JordiGHDoes this mean I get a life supply of Windows Vista?
01:09.32jetscreamer!congratulate JordiGH
01:09.32dpkgYay JordiGH, you did it!
01:09.38Nylegive me death instead
01:09.43*** part/#debian zobf (n=zobf@unaffiliated/bobf)
01:09.45Gun_SmokeNo kidding
01:09.47*** join/#debian zobf (n=zobf@unaffiliated/bobf)
01:09.56*** part/#debian zobf (n=zobf@unaffiliated/bobf)
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01:10.10amphiJordiGH: you recall MS's HQ address?
01:10.14_moro_bana_p1l6r1m: when i use the names u gave, i find nothing,xwindow and gnome -i get several
01:10.28levanderIs there no way to have my GNOME panels show up on one workspace, but not on another?
01:10.31jetscreameran #ubuntu bash moment: admins: Kinda stupid question: is Mark Shuttleworth around to talk
01:10.37*** join/#debian Munkee_ (
01:11.24JordiGHjetscreamer: Hey, rms sometimes hangs out in #gnu. :-)
01:11.24Gun_Smokejetscreamer: was that just posted?
01:11.24JordiGHamphi: Redmond, right?
01:11.28amphiOne Microsoft Way ;)
01:11.35Nylejetscreamer: I spend $800 on my car today
01:11.41karstenNyle: You know, I should do some sort of lightweight network computing rackable systems w/ that moniker.
01:11.57amphiNyle: sucker ;)
01:11.57jetscreameri dropped a couple into my wife's yesterday
01:12.00karstenNyle: That being:  NetsRak
01:12.03Nylekarsten: I'm sorry? which monikor?
01:12.05*** join/#debian hackeron (n=hackeron@
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01:12.37amphiNyle: I wouldn't buy a car for that ;)
01:12.41*** part/#debian xjdriver69 (
01:12.46karstenNyle: Filled the tank?
01:12.51_moro_bana_p1l6r1m: ypu there
01:12.52Azarhehe right
01:13.09*** join/#debian PK2 (n=qazokm@
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01:13.19Nyleamphi: I hadn't taken care of or it in a while.  The engine was close to siezing up.  Breaks were gone, had to change the rotor too in the front, oil change, fluids, cleaning etc. etc. some other stuff
01:13.20karstenlevander: Yeah.  Switch to WindowMaker ;-)
01:13.28Azarkarsten: speaking of $, man, my face fell on the floor when I read how much I paid for one watermellon yesterday!
01:13.45JordiGHAzar how much, which country?
01:13.46amphiNyle: should've just bought a 'new' one for $200 ;)
01:13.48Gun_SmokeMy next project is to build a liquid cooled box.. Sounds like fun.. Thinking of making the entire case myself out of glass.
01:13.55JordiGHAzar: USD?
01:13.56karstenAzar: What!?
01:14.05Azaryup, at Ralphs grocery store
01:14.06karstenAzar: Did it include the vodka?
01:14.11Nyleplus the 3rd cylinderwas misfiring due to chum in the fuel injectors
01:14.24Nyleamphi: eh
01:14.26Azarfor that price I would have it delivered wiht room service
01:14.26karstenAzar: Nuts.  Though the Mrs. tends to favor Whole Paycheck herself.
01:14.41amphiNyle: I like moribund cars
01:14.51_moro_bana_can anyone help  i need to download packages for my GUI , which ones should i get
01:14.53Azaramphi: that's necro
01:15.00karsten_moro_bana_: ??
01:15.05*** part/#debian PK2 (n=qazokm@
01:15.11jetscreamer   <antenna
01:15.14karsten_moro_bana_: Um, what GUI, what packages, what downloader, why download?
01:15.18Nyleamphi: lets buy a $200USD car and put $2000 rims and $10,000 stereo, $1000 paint job, $2000 leather seat covers and interior
01:15.27Nyleamphi: pimp my ride! goddamit
01:15.30Gun_Smoke_moro_bana_: need more than that to help
01:15.30_moro_bana_karsten: well i cant startx, just installed debian
01:15.43amphiNyle: I prefer to dent my ride, thanks ;)
01:15.43karsten!tell _moro_bana_ about set up x
01:15.54Gun_Smoke_moro_bana_: Thats like saying I need to go shopping please help.
01:16.00Nyleamphi: you are aware of the show right? dumbass show on TV
01:16.08amphiNyle: I like a car that I don't care if I inadvertantly drive it into a wall
01:16.14*** join/#debian shelagh (
01:16.14NylePimp My Ride... ohohohohoh I got it
01:16.15*** join/#debian maxamillion (n=adam@
01:16.17Gun_SmokeAnyone seen the firehouse rodeo?
01:16.19Nyleubuntu is like, Pimp My Debian!
01:16.20amphiNyle: indeed not
01:16.27Gun_SmokeNyle: lol
01:16.39Gun_SmokeBut I like the stickers.
01:16.53JordiGHBtw, I need Debian stickers.
01:16.56Nylejetscreamer: thats cool
01:16.56_moro_bana_Gun_Smoke: karsten: i dont have internet on debian
01:17.04JordiGHSomething to cover the Dell branding on my lappy's lid.
01:17.12NyleJordiGH: wow, I make debian stickers
01:17.37JordiGHSomething nearly indestructible, that will stay on it long after all Windows Vista (in)Capable stickers have crumbled to dust.
01:17.43_moro_bana_karsten: i have to get the packs for xwindow and gnome i think
01:17.53karsten_moro_bana_: Yes, see what dpkg told you.
01:18.07JordiGHNyle: Can I buy some that will just exactly cover my lappy's Dell branding on the lid? I specifically ordered this Inspiron in Debian-red colour.
01:18.10karsten_moro_bana_: Check to see if it's in another IRC window.
01:18.11jetscreamer_moro_bana_: aptitude install xorg gnome (or xorg kde)
01:18.31karsten_moro_bana_: ... or what jetscreamer told you for a streamlined approach.
01:18.42jetscreamermore like bloated :)
01:18.43NyleJordiGH: should've ordered a photo printer and some sticker paper
01:18.51amphiNyle: this is quality pimpage:
01:19.02karstenjetscreamer: Fewer steps leads to more bloat, yes. Exercise is good for you.
01:19.04jetscreameri usually pick gnome over kde, but icewm over gnome
01:19.12JordiGHkarsten: Yeah, but you're German. .de is, like, KLand.
01:19.19Nylejetscreamer: you have poor taste, we know ;)
01:19.21Nyleooooh burn
01:19.23*** join/#debian Lonnie (
01:19.43jetscreameractually i have extremely excellent taste that i can't afford :/
01:19.43_moro_bana_karsten: i have no internet on debian
01:20.09karsten!tell _moro_bana_ about apt-zip
01:20.13Nylejetscreamer: im sure craigslist has the chics you want
01:20.18NyleI mean.. things
01:20.23Nyleum.. nm
01:20.45karsten_moro_bana_: Then set up internet, or transfer the packages via other means.  Note that apt-zip lets you do this more easily.
01:20.52jetscreamerNyle: no need for a list, i have a storeful to choose from :/ (not that i do)
01:21.13Nylejetscreamer: too old and tired to chase pussy
01:21.23jetscreamerno, just too married
01:21.28Nyleno me
01:21.31screamingbyteskk so i suppose its a security q, what would be the suggestion if I have consistent connection attempts from 3 ip's for the last 3 days
01:21.34Nylewhy would I talk about you
01:21.57jetscreameri have to look away sometimes :|
01:21.58_moro_bana_karsten:yes i wanna download em and use my ubuntu to copy em to my debian install
01:22.22karsten_moro_bana_: ... and you're not simply netmasqing through your Ubuntu system why?
01:22.30karsten_moro_bana_: ... or is this a dual-boot setup?
01:22.35_moro_bana_karsten: i have no internet because i cant set it up under CL
01:22.51_moro_bana_karsten dual boot
01:22.56JordiGH_moro_bana_: Do you speak Spanish?
01:23.32*** join/#debian Hoxzer (
01:23.33karsten_moro_bana_: Got a dhcp server?
01:23.46karsten_moro_bana_: easy answer is: "dhclient eth1"
01:23.55*** join/#debian GNU\tresh (
01:24.10karsten_moro_bana_: otherwise, edit /etc/network/interfaces.  man 5 interfaces or see /usr/share/doc/ifupdown/examples/ for examples.
01:24.36karstenSupaplex: you do that and you'll end up being underbarred for life.
01:24.37jetscreamermaybe he has my 'allow-hotplug sucks' bug
01:24.53jetscreamercomment out allow-hotplug eth0 and put auto eth0
01:25.01_moro_bana_karsten: yes dual boot
01:25.17karsten_moro_bana_: Or just copy /etc/network/interfaces from Ubuntu's setup.
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01:26.24karsten_moro_bana_: Should be the same configuration.
01:26.52_moro_bana_karsten: one says i can download the packs i need to /var/cache.....and use apt-gget install
01:27.20*** join/#debian JordiGH (n=jordi@
01:27.25karsten_moro_bana_: Yes, you can do that.
01:27.32karsten_moro_bana_: It's a lot easier to just get network running.
01:27.34jetscreamer_moro_bana_: it's a different path, but yes you can
01:27.38karsten_moro_bana_: Anyhow, I've got to work.  Later.
01:27.46jetscreamer/var/cache/apt/archives iirc
01:27.51_moro_bana_karsten: the i need the exact names
01:27.52karsten_moro_bana_: There's more than one way to do it.  That said, some offer other benefits.
01:27.56*** join/#debian nicoAMG (n=mgmora@
01:28.09_moro_bana_karsten; of the packs
01:28.11karsten_moro_bana_: Which is why I say:  set up your networking.  Solves a whole class of problems.  I'm out.
01:28.23_moro_bana_karsten: how do i do it
01:28.36jetscreamer_moro_bana_: best way is to just download the dvd iso and use that for a source if you don't want to fix your internet
01:29.20GhostlyDeath_What's the difference between x access mode and X?
01:29.59_moro_bana_jetscreamer: fix my internet, i have a login account on a windows network, haw can i fix that
01:30.19metaperlper I am trying to move from stable to unstable... but I see "etch" in more than just the 3rd field... so 'd appreciate someone telling me just how to edit this sources.list -
01:30.24*** join/#debian reZo (n=reZo@
01:30.46_moro_bana_jetscreamer: how*
01:31.03jetscreamer_moro_bana_: not sure. probably just like he said, copy over ubuntu's /etc/network/interfaces file.. be sure and back it up first though
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01:31.42jetscreamerubuntu uses that network-manager though i think
01:32.18jetscreamer_moro_bana_: did your internet like work once, after you installed, then didn't work anymore?
01:32.37Supaplexmetaperl: don't worry about the cdrom field. it's best left out for !=etch anyway. make sure you're totally up to date before jummping to a new dist. with sid, you're generally on your own unless you're very percise about articulating your issue. bts is your friend
01:32.45Azarmetaperl: first, #comment the line 4. the cdrom one. Second replace all "etch" in all lines with "lenny". Then use "aptitude" when you want to dist-upgrade.
01:33.00*** join/#debian rpedro__ (
01:33.36metaperlAzar - you are saying change it to testing?
01:33.48_moro_bana_jetscreamer: no ,it never, i dont have xwindow system
01:33.52Azarmetaperl: well, what was your original question then?
01:34.04jetscreamer_moro_bana_: no i mean internet, not xwindows
01:34.04metaperlAzar: i was trying to go to unstable
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01:34.21Azaroh unstable? not recommended, why you want unstable?
01:34.28metaperlso I should change all "etch" to "sid" just blind text repalce?
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01:34.45_moro_bana_no it never,never tried it,im not that good with command line
01:34.49screamingbytesAzar: iyop: thats the best method?
01:34.52metaperlAzar: if you read that Debian FAQ, things in unstable and stable are fixed quickly...
01:35.02screamingbytesAzar: not some iptables, or other method
01:35.04Azarmetaperl: well, yes but you are on your own to fix bugs then : there is no way back to etch or lenny after that
01:35.08jetscreamer_moro_bana_: have you ever done apt-get update ?
01:35.14jetscreameras root?
01:35.21jetscreameror even tried?
01:35.30jetscreamerhow do you know your internet isn't working
01:35.37*** join/#debian be`o (n=be`o@
01:35.43_moro_bana_jetscreamer; i cant bcause i dont have internet on debian
01:35.44metaperl3.1.7 Why is it that testing could be broken for months?
01:35.46Azarscreamingbytes: that is what I use
01:35.51roldyxhi I have Debian lenny and I cant play wmv with xine.. any idea?
01:36.16jetscreamer_moro_bana_: what do you mean by you don't have it in debian.. if you have it in ubuntu and you dual boot it should 'just work' in debian also
01:36.22Azarmetaperl: same with unstable: packages there are well... not stable, they break
01:36.30metaperlreally, I'm just trying to get wireless networking to work
01:36.34Supaplexroldyx: did it play ever? Check (bts) for any outstanding issues
01:36.39jetscreamerwhat is it you don't have in debian that you do in ubuntu, _moro_bana_
01:36.44metaperland thought I needed an up to date version lke testing or unstable
01:36.46jetscreamerbesides xwindows
01:37.10roldyxSupaplex: I need wvp2 driver
01:37.22Azarmetaperl: then try study how Debian etch gets the atheros driver if that's what you need
01:37.26Supaplexroldyx: what's that? for the kernel? or xine?
01:37.31roldyxwvp2 codec
01:37.36_moro_bana_jetscreamer: you dont understd, i just installed debian using netinst cd , i can say it comes empty
01:37.44screamingbytesAzar: kk tyvm
01:37.51roldyxSupaplex: for xine
01:38.10Azarmetaperl: or, you could use backports to upgrade to a higher kernel version that might have that driver you need
01:38.11jetscreamer_moro_bana_: you don't need xwindows or a gui for internet.. are you sure your internet is not working?
01:38.31metaperlI see --- this is a 3-year old toshiba, so prolly no need for that
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01:38.46_moro_bana_jetscreamer: no im not, i never tried, i though it wont
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01:38.53Azarmetaperl: yeah but the wireless driver is found on more recent kernels
01:38.58dpkg[backport] a package from a newer Debian branch, compiled from source for an older branch to avoid dependency and ABI complications.,,, ask me about <simple sid backport> and <backport caveat>, <>
01:39.04*** join/#debian LimCore (
01:39.09jetscreamer_moro_bana_: it should 'just work' ... as root, try doing  aptitude update
01:39.28JordiGH67% shred of 160 GB hd. :-/
01:39.37JordiGHThis may well take longer than one hour.
01:39.39_moro_bana_jetscreamer: under command line trying to connect to login account
01:39.40Azarmetaperl: try research which kernel version number contains wireless drivers for linux
01:39.41jetscreamer_moro_bana_: or  ping
01:39.53roldyxSupaplex: and??
01:40.02metaperlAzar:  my kernel is pretty new -Linux ronstech 2.6.18-6-686
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01:40.33_moro_bana_jetscreamer: its a microsoft vpn, i need to login using a password
01:40.51Azarmetaperl:  << anything similar there?
01:41.14jetscreamerok. you lost me on that one. when you log in as root, _moro_bana_ , try ping
01:41.39Supaplexroldyx: I do not know. I didn't understand you at first
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01:41.59_moro_bana_jetscreamer: how can that work if im not connected to the internet?
01:42.01metaperlthis is a satellite... dont worry about me... i had wireless running on this machine 3 years ago... I'm just tryingto be a baby and have some neat graphical tool do it for me instead of typing in iw commands like I had to do then :)
01:42.30JordiGHJust for the record, there really WAS no way to tell d-i to install to an already existed encrypted LVM, was there?
01:42.40JordiGHPlease tell me I'm not wasting this hour of my life in vain.
01:42.46roldyxSupaplex: ok.. I can play a lot of videos... but I cant play wmv format..
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01:43.19Supaplexroldyx: I don't know enough about codecs to help, sorry. try waiting on the channel, or use the mailing list in the topic
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01:43.31_moro_bana_jetscreamer: you there
01:43.35Supaplexroldyx: er, on
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01:43.59Azarmetaperl: what's your driver? ipw2200 ?
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01:44.14dpkg[iwlwifi] the new driver for Intel 3945 and 4965 wireless chipsets (  Included in mainline 2.6.24 kernel and Debian 2.6.23 kernels ("modprobe iwl4965").  Binary regulatory daemon not required, but difficult to get working with kernels < 2.6.21.  Firmware provided by the 'firmware-iwlwifi' package (lenny/sid).  HOWTO at
01:44.25JordiGHOh, I thought it also worked for ipw2200.
01:44.45roldyxSupaplex: thanks anyware..
01:44.46*** join/#debian magnet_ (
01:44.46JordiGHis the iwlwifi firmware still non-free?
01:45.05dpkgsomebody said debian-multimedia was a repository of unofficial Debian packages, not in Debian for various legal reasons, maintained by Christian Marillat. For instructions to add APT sources, ask me about <debian-multimedia.etch>.
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01:46.51JordiGHIs the 2.6.23 kernel in lenny?
01:46.55piukemanwhat is better cpufreqd or powernowd
01:46.59JordiGHI could get wireless out of the box with lenny!
01:47.35*** join/#debian Bambr (
01:47.36jsubl2JordiGH: nope it is still 22
01:47.41JordiGHAh, the firmware is still non-free.
01:47.41*** join/#debian icedtea (n=o_0@
01:47.49piukemanwhat is better cpufreqd or powernowd ????
01:48.10Bambrwire, have you got any solution to you problem?
01:48.16jsubl2no idea but i use cpufreqd
01:48.17jetscreamerwhat you say, piukeman ???????????????????
01:48.21Bambrwire, i managed to get the card running
01:48.42Bambrwire, i mean just as NIC, not as AP, but still :D
01:49.12piukemanjetscreamer, i am asking wich is better cpufreqd or powernowd
01:49.45icedteaanyone else have a problem with gnome's Appearance Preferences dialog not responding to mouse or keyboard input?
01:49.51icedteain testing
01:50.17Bambrwire, i user Install module section from , went to my driver source directory, there to Modules subfolder and then just did as it was written in section I mentioned
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01:50.46Bambrwire, even if i got rt2x00 source :D
01:51.41Bambrhehe, now i can get some rest :D
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01:52.00JordiGHIs Intel legally bound to provide nonfree firmware in iwlwifi?
01:52.30mnvlis someone having trouble w/ rt2x00?
01:52.39metaperlI'd like to fix this CONNECTION FAILED issue with my wireless device on eth2 -
01:52.39mnvli've installed it .. lots of times
01:53.08*** join/#debian dutche- (n=dutche@
01:53.12JordiGHmnvl: Neato, the Ralink wireless? I had a friend buy that. It worked for her really well.
01:54.04mnvlthey are pretty good
01:54.30JordiGHmnvl: So you're having problems with it?
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01:54.53icedteahow do you switch audio output to a different audio card?
01:54.54mnvlno, someone mentioned them, and i wondered if anyone needed help
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01:55.09mnvlseems like they sorted it
01:55.12JordiGHmnvl: You're not that guy from the Linux Emporium, are you? :-)
01:55.18dandersonhey. Is xcompmgr still around in debian? If so, which package?
01:55.27mnvlJordiGH: no :)
01:55.48jetscreamer!tell danderson -about search
01:56.39dandersonthanks, I have tried that. A search returns only a compositing library.
01:57.10jelly-homedanderson: did you do a file search?
01:57.21jetscreamersounds xorgish.. maybe ask in #xorg at the same time if so
01:58.02dandersonjelly-home: yeah, just remembered packages.d.o could do that. But a search for xcompmgr comes back blank.
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01:58.15jelly-homethen it's not there
01:58.40jelly-homedanderson: apt-file update; apt-file search bin/xcompmgr would have returned something as well
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01:59.00jelly-homedanderson: but you said you followed /msg dpkg search
01:59.44dayid2nd hit for "debian xcompmgr" in google
02:00.10dayidas well as
02:00.14*** join/#debian Dibbler (
02:00.22dayidthe wopping 3rd response in google
02:00.24dayidbut the first has your answer
02:00.39cheetahj25how can i get my nvidia video card to work?
02:01.04JordiGH!nvidia one-liner
02:01.04dpkg[nvidia one-liner] apt-get install nvidia-kernel-2.6-`uname -r | sed 's,.*-,,g'` nvidia-settings nvidia-glx && dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg (if you're on amd64, also install nvidia-glx-ia32. Using sarge? Ask me about <nvidia_sarge>. Homegrown or kernel from testing/sid: <nvidia_post_etch>. If you're using a Geforce2 or older: <nvidia_legacy>.
02:01.21JordiGHcheetahj25: I play Nexuiz with the Intel card.
02:01.31JordiGHDie die die nvidia!
02:01.43*** join/#debian GhostlyDeath (n=ReMooD@unaffiliated/ghostlydeath)
02:01.45jetscreamernvidia rocks and is easy to get working in debian
02:01.53JordiGHjetscreamer: Bring it on, beeyotch.
02:02.15jetscreameri was a q3 god so nexuiz shouldn't take me too long to rule
02:02.49icedteadamn, its been awhile since ive used linux. whats the command to display all the kernel startup messages again?
02:02.50amphiJordiGH: which intel, if I may ask?
02:02.58amphiicedtea: dmesg
02:02.58dpkg[dmesg] print or control the kernel ring buffer.  /var/log/dmesg gives you the whole thing from boot time. `dmesg' shows you current ring buffer contents.
02:03.00GhostlyDeathI have no clue what channel I am inside
02:03.05icedteathanks guys
02:03.09GhostlyDeathbecause all I see are boxes for  every single character
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02:03.25jetscreameryou need some fonts, GhostlyDeath
02:03.28donald_anyone here using a Thinkpad X61 with Lenny?
02:03.33GhostlyDeathI cant see what you just said
02:03.44jetscreamerGhostlyDeath: irssi
02:03.44dayidGhostlyDeath:: then GTFO?
02:03.45amphiGhostlyDeath: «Ô»
02:03.52dayidamphi:: hah
02:03.59jetscreamer!tell GhostlyDeath -about irssi
02:04.01JordiGHamphi: All of the newer Intel cards I've tried worked without a hitch on Nexuiz. On medium settings and enabling some lighting effects, I was able to get framerates of 35 fps or so with the Dellbuntu lappy. It's using... wait...
02:04.23GhostlyDeathill give you a screenshot
02:04.25JordiGHIntel Graphics Media Accelerator X3100
02:04.40jetscreamerJordiGH: you might look at tremulous if you like nexuiz.. it's in contrib or non-free
02:04.45JordiGHamphi: I think the internal chipset is Intel GM965/GL960
02:04.55JordiGHjetscreamer: contrib. Code is free, content isn't. :-/
02:04.58amphiJordiGH: I don't play games, but good to here that intel's perform usably for such tasks, as the only modern 3d cards with open drivers
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02:05.23amphiJordiGH: ah, that's quite recent I think, AKA x3100?
02:05.39JordiGHamphi: They perform well on "normal" settings. If I get greedy and want more shadow and lighting effects, framerates drop unacceptably. But at least I can play the game and rack some good frags.
02:05.47amphiGhostlyDeath: good font choice ;)
02:05.51JordiGHamphi: Yeah, I bought it last month. :-)
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02:08.53GhostlyDeathwas I in the right channel?
02:08.54borbusThis package seems to have the wrong description:
02:09.03borbusNot sure if I should report that as a bug or not?
02:10.00dondelelcaroborbus: if it's actually the wrong description, file it as a minor or normal bug
02:10.09dondelelcaroborbus: ideally with a suggestion for the proper description
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02:10.52borbusdondelelcaro, actually.. I'm not sure if it is.. the packages list includes this museek++ which I've never heard of
02:11.04cheetahj25i tried this cmd...    apt-get install nvidia-kernel-2.6-`uname -r | sed 's,.*-,,g'` nvidia-settings nvidia-glx && dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg
02:11.05borbusBut I thought it was murmur as in the client for mumble, which is a voice chat app
02:11.18wolsseems it is what it claims
02:11.28dondelelcaroborbus: no, it's murmur, which is a client for museek+
02:11.35cheetahj25but i get ;  Couldn't find package nvidia-kernel-2.6-686
02:11.40borbusOh.. so there's two apps with the same name
02:11.45dondelelcarocould be
02:11.56borbusWhat will happen if the murmur server is added to Debian?
02:11.57wolscheetahj25: what debian branch?
02:12.07GhostlyDeathoh yeah
02:12.11dondelelcaroborbus: with a word like murmur, there probably are even more than that.
02:12.13GhostlyDeathgood thing I took a picture
02:12.15wols!tell borbus about non-free
02:12.24dondelelcaroborbus: it'll have to use a different name, like murmur-server or something else.
02:12.26GhostlyDeathSomething's wrong with my Sans, Monospace and other fonts
02:12.32borbusThe murmur server is free
02:12.35wols!tell cheetahj25 about non-free
02:12.37GhostlyDeathI had to change it all to salem for it to work
02:12.39borbusOh right
02:12.59wolscheetahj25: contrib is needed too
02:13.44GhostlyDeathWhoever messaged me before, can you repeat what you said please
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02:14.20cheetahj25sorry i am sort of new...    the non-free,   means i have to add another source not currently included by default ?
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02:14.52pipelinecheetahj25: yes.  Add non-free to existing apt source lines in /etc/apt/sources.list
02:15.27GhostlyDeathgdm stopped working for me
02:15.37GhostlyDeathIt would start and then say a message that was all boxes
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02:19.12cheetahj25thanx wols
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02:20.23dayidcheetahj25:: indeed
02:20.29se7ensomebody know how to install kde4 on lenny
02:20.40JordiGH!info kde4
02:20.42GhostlyDeathhopefully package reinstallations will fix my problem
02:20.54JordiGHOh, it's not packaged yet?
02:21.09dpkghmm... kde4 is a new and not-yet-complete version of the KDE desktop. It will not be released with Lenny as it is not expected to be stable within the lenny release cycle. See, or see also but ask about these experimental packages in #debian-kde not in #debian. see <kde4 videos>
02:22.05JordiGHDo we have a planned date for lenny freeze yet?
02:22.24cheetahj25hmm... that didnt seem to work though.... now i get a fatal server error: no screens found X10: fatal IO error 104
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02:23.10JordiGHcheetaj25: Is there an error message before that one?
02:24.13cheetahj25(EE) No devices detected
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02:25.44JordiGHcheetahj25: Before that? :-)
02:25.54JordiGHOoh, lenny offers to install GRUB2.
02:26.30JordiGHI'd love to do it, but I'm not sure I would know how to fix it with an encrypted lvm if it breaks.
02:26.37cheetahj25no errors before that, but it does point to log file which i am checking now
02:27.02JordiGHcheetaj: Do "tail /var/log/Xorg.0.log"
02:27.26cheetahj25thats my error log
02:28.10cheetahj25primary device is: (II) PCI 04:00:0   then   the (EE) No devices detected
02:28.13JordiGHWhat the hell... if it breaks...
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02:32.46JordiGHCould I install GRUB legacy and later easily update to GRUB2?
02:32.49JordiGHI think I'll do that.
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02:33.42GhostlyDeathgdm is broke!
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02:34.18xuseris there a debian script to install grup after install?
02:34.50donald_xuser: i think grub-install is what u want ??
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02:35.22xuserdonald_: maybe :)
02:36.04GhostlyDeathWhere are the fonts located?
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02:40.33cheetahj25i found a driver installation app for my card on the nvidia website...
02:41.11cheetahj25but i am getting;   no precompiled kernel interface was found to match your kernel
02:41.27Nyleis today sunday
02:41.39Nyle!ops Asss being obnoxious and spamming
02:41.40dpkgHydroxide, bob2, caphuso, dondelelcaro, doogie, eeyore-, ElectricElf, ):, helix, ljlane, LoRez, RichiH, mentor, Netsnipe, TML, walters, xk, gravity, azeem, Maulkin, stew, peterS, Alife, Myon, Ganneff, Maulkin, weasel, zobel: nyle complains about: Asss being obnoxious and spamming
02:41.49cheetahj25then if i select nvidia to compile ...   i get error reading,   unable to find kernel source tree
02:41.59cheetahj25what does that mean ?
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02:43.04Nylecheetahj25: how are you compiling nvidia?
02:43.15Nylecheetahj25: don't use the driver installer from nvidia imo
02:43.24Nyleregardless of what jetscreamer says
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02:43.58cheetahj25i downloaded the nvidia driver from their site... nvidia linux display driver
02:44.07cheetahj25it is a .run file
02:44.22dpkgTo use an NVIDIA graphics card with Debian, see If you've done it before, ask me about <nvidia one-liner> for a reminder.
02:44.28cheetahj25when i enter...    sh  it runs this script
02:44.38Nylecheetahj25: I woulnd' tuse that
02:44.58Nylecheetahj25: just install it using the debian way, i.e., module-assistant
02:45.04Nyle!nvidia one-liner
02:45.04dpkgextra, extra, read all about it, nvidia one-liner is apt-get install nvidia-kernel-2.6-`uname -r | sed 's,.*-,,g'` nvidia-settings nvidia-glx && dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg (if you're on amd64, also install nvidia-glx-ia32. Using sarge? Ask me about <nvidia_sarge>. Homegrown or kernel from testing/sid: <nvidia_post_etch>. If you're using a Geforce2 or older: <nvidia_legacy>.
02:45.13cheetahj25i tried... that way and i get the error... i wrote it above
02:45.43cheetahj25fatal server error: no screens found X10: fatal IO error 104
02:46.11Nyleyou have nvidia-glx installed?
02:46.30*** join/#debian wireddd (n=wired@unaffiliated/wireddd)
02:46.34Nylehow about as root, modprobe nvidia (assuming you've alredy compiled the module)
02:46.39*** join/#debian hackeron_ (n=hackeron@
02:47.10cheetahj25glx - yes
02:47.59cheetahj25modprobe nvidia responds; acpi & pci
02:48.09cheetahj25and nvrm
02:48.12Nyleit shouldn't say anything
02:48.29cheetahj25really ?
02:48.32Nyleor it should say what was loaded
02:48.40Nyleno output == success
02:48.41cheetahj25oh now it doesnt
02:48.42Nylewith modprobe
02:48.49Nyleoh man
02:48.57Nyledude I would love you help you but my chinese food just got here
02:49.03NyleI have eaten all day
02:49.06*** join/#debian GhostlyDeath (n=ReMooD@unaffiliated/ghostlydeath)
02:49.08Nylehave not*
02:49.17cheetahj253 x in a row now modprobe = no output... but i get same error when;   startx
02:49.38*** join/#debian mx-zoom (
02:49.41cheetahj25oh go ahead :)   enjoy ...   beef & broccoli ?
02:49.41Nyleyou've looked in /var/log/Xorg.0.log?
02:49.49Nylegrep the file for EE
02:49.53cheetahj25and actually my card is not listed there
02:49.56Nyleor read it around the end of it
02:50.01cheetahj25(EE) no devices found
02:50.09Nylelspci lists nvidia?
02:50.15*** join/#debian Obligatory (
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02:50.41Nyleare you sure you don't need like nvidia legacy something if you have an old card
02:50.54Nyleargh stomach grumble, food, be back later
02:50.56Nylegood luck
02:50.59cheetahj25yeah... last one... vga compatible ... but i thinc that is what the reconfigure xorg... entered
02:51.09cheetahj25no new card... maybe that is problem
02:51.17cheetahj25no problem... go eat :)
02:51.54ObligatoryI have Samba troubles.  A knoppix server is set up to share stuff, and worked the other day, but I can't seem to mount drives from my Debian box.
02:52.30Cr3atureis there any real optimization in AMD64 versus to the older 386
02:53.03Cr3atureall benefits i know is that memory addresses have 64bit variable
02:53.59*** join/#debian meff (
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02:55.16ObligatoryHow do I text if my knoppix samba server is working?
02:56.26h3xissee if you can connect to it from another computer?
02:57.22*** join/#debian SynZ (
02:58.44Obligatoryh3xis, inconclusive -- what if the other computer was misconfigured or I wasn't using it the client correctly?
02:59.03Obligatoryagh, s/it the/ its/
03:00.05Obligatorynmap says the right ports are open:  139, & 445.
03:00.33h3xisObligatory, if the other computers are misconfigured then you should configure them right
03:00.44SynZHey is it Possible for a bit of help please, Im using a ibm thinkpad g40, and i have just recently installed debian-40r2-i386-kde but i cant find a driver for My Wireless, ive looked all over the net.
03:00.56h3xisSynZ, what chipset
03:01.10SynZHigh Rate Wireless LAN Mini PCI
03:01.25h3xisright but what's the chipset
03:01.48Obligatoryh3xis,obviously I should, but suppose they're not.  The first point of  failure is the server, doesn't it logically follow that I would test it first, then the other parts?
03:02.03SynZIm not to sure, how do i know?
03:02.21ObligatorySynZ is it a PCI card or on the mobo?
03:02.37SynZMiniPCI Adapter III
03:02.39*** join/#debian _ (i=agywn@
03:02.40SynZits built in
03:02.53*** join/#debian John_R (n=john@
03:02.54h3xisSynZ, as a super user do lspci and look for it there. it'll tell you the chipset
03:03.08*** join/#debian Dibbler (
03:03.17h3xisObligatory, what kind of environment are you in
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03:03.44Obligatoryh3xis, env.?  In what sense?
03:04.06h3xisObligatory, what kind of setup do you have where you cant check to see if it's the client?
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03:04.59Obligatoryh3xis, sorry, did I say I can't check to see if the client?
03:05.59SynZI cant see it In there h3xis
03:06.17h3xisSynZ, paste it in
03:06.30Obligatoryh3xis, odd, not in my log.  I said checking the client was inconclusive, since the first point of failure was the server.  Re systems: client, Debian unstable, server knoppix.
03:07.03ObligatorySynZ, what you said "MiniPCI Adapter III", you mean you have a wireless card plugged in that, right?
03:07.18ObligatoryGah, I can't type tonight...
03:07.21SynZi have one built in
03:07.26SynZand one in the slot
03:07.32ObligatorySynZ, Oh.
03:07.40h3xisObligatory, how do you know the server is the point of failure? it's possible your client(s) could not be configured correctly
03:07.55ObligatorySynZ, so you have TWO wireless cards in one laptop, yes?
03:08.16Nylecheetahj25: I'm back
03:08.25Obligatoryh3xis, exactly.  The server seems like the logical first point of failure, no?
03:08.34SynZOne that is Built-in to the Laptop and another one in the Slot.
03:09.33h3xisObligatory, right. apparently youve done everything you can to ensure that it is not the problem. the next logical step is to check the clients
03:09.33SynZh3xis, it has not got Internet on it to be able to reach that website to paste it for you.
03:09.43ObligatorySynZ, simplification is sometimes good.  Are both wireless devices necessary?
03:09.50*** join/#debian asb002 (n=asb002@unaffiliated/asb002)
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03:11.15Obligatoryh3xis, but I'm not sure I've done everything I can to ensure the server isn't the problem.  My network skills are so-so.
03:12.17ObligatorySynZ, I'd start with the built-in wireless device... guess we should look up if its supported.  What laptop model is it again?
03:12.24*** join/#debian debiantonio (
03:12.38h3xisObligatory, then do the best you can with the server first. then go to the clients. if they are fine, they go back to the server
03:12.51*** join/#debian streuner__ (
03:13.27SynZObligatory, IBM thinkpad G40
03:13.59Obligatoryh3xis, that advice reminds me of:   :)
03:15.00ObligatorySynZ, looking it up now...
03:15.12SynZThank's Obligatory :)
03:15.37h3xisObligatory, i dont understand. you could have a very simple misconfiguration in your clients. youve obviouls given your server a run down of its configuration to make sure it's correct
03:17.32*** join/#debian Hulya_5 (n=Hulya_5@
03:17.36Hulya_5hi all
03:17.41Hulya_5debian is cool
03:17.47Hulya_5debian is cool :
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03:18.24\amethystugh, porn spam
03:18.26pipeline!ops Hulya_5 is posting porn :(
03:18.26dpkgHydroxide, bob2, caphuso, dondelelcaro, doogie, eeyore-, ElectricElf, ):, helix, ljlane, LoRez, RichiH, mentor, Netsnipe, TML, walters, xk, gravity, azeem, Maulkin, stew, peterS, Alife, Myon, Ganneff, Maulkin, weasel, zobel: pipeline complains about: Hulya_5 is posting porn :(
03:18.43*** mode/#debian [+o dondelelcaro] by ChanServ
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03:19.02Obligatoryh3xis, I don't know if my rundown is sufficient or not -- it's knoppix, I just made sure it had an IP, (yes), ran 'Services>Start Samba', answered a few easy questions and that's about it.  From the client I ran xnmap, saw that server ports  139 & 445 are open.
03:19.24h3xisObligatory, did you configure the shares on it?
03:19.29*** join/#debian GhostlyDeath (n=ReMooD@unaffiliated/ghostlydeath)
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03:20.14Obligatoryh3xis, kinda, I enabled 'mount all drives' (it's plenty private).
03:21.12h3xisObligatory, ive never used knoppix to configure samba, but did you do it through the editing of a text file or is there some wizard included with knoppiz that lets you enable shares? simply mounting drives doesnt do anything
03:23.09*** join/#debian deepakravi (
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03:23.34xuserany ideas why i get this error "the file /boot/grub/stage not read correctly" when running grub-install?
03:23.38Obligatoryh3xis, well knoppix uses a something like a wizard, more ad hoc, just a few prompts, and it configures stuff.  It's probably working at that, but it'd be nice to know for sure, say with some obvious server side command I'm currently ignorant of.
03:23.49*** join/#debian s5unty (n=s5unty@
03:24.36cheetahj25hi nyle... i finished going through the wiki, but still no deal...
03:24.52h3xisObligatory, im not sure where the smb.conf is located, but you need to find it and then run as a super user: testparm /location/to/smb.conf to make sure the syntax is correct in your shares, granted that youve configured them
03:25.07cheetahj25but before i already had installed the nvidia ones... so i am reinstalling distro from scratch and i will try again
03:25.19cheetahj25it reads that my card is supported, so it should work
03:25.23*** join/#debian Gun_Smoke (
03:25.23h3xisObligatory, you could try checking /etc/samba
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03:26.31Gun_SmokeRegarding compiz and kde on lenny.. I'm looking around google.. Would someone have a bookmark/how-to you've found useful?
03:27.52JordiGHAh, yes, I'd like to know too.
03:27.54SynZh3xis, its a Atheros chipset
03:28.03h3xisSynZ, which model :p
03:28.15SynZi Found something about it
03:28.31ObligatorySynZ, sorry for the delays, kinda occupied...
03:28.59*** join/#debian Jygzygyzel (
03:29.07h3xisSynZ, ive never dealt with an atheros card before but maybe this would be of some help:
03:30.24dondelelcaroSynZ: assuming you've got a working network, you can just aptitude install module-assistant; m-a a-i madiwif;
03:30.31Obligatoryh3xis, /etc/samba/smb.conf looks OK.  So how do I check if its running and well behaved from the server?
03:30.32h3xisGun_Smoke, JordiGH, i'm running compiz on gnome and i went by that and everything is working fine
03:30.41SynZI dont have a working card
03:30.52SynZim on my other laptop dondelelcaro
03:31.07h3xisSynZ, youre going to have to figure out how to give it internet
03:31.26dondelelcaroSynZ: well, then you'll have to figure out how to transport the module-assistant, build-essential, madwifi-source, and appropriate kernel package to that machine
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03:31.49ObligatorySynZ, doesn't the G40 have an ethernet port?  (the wire kind)
03:31.50h3xisObligatory, well if testparm says everything is okay check to make sure that the paths are configured correctly. maybe you could dump your smb.conf into and i could check it
03:31.53dondelelcaroSynZ: if you've got full cds, everything save for madwifi-source is on them. [madwifi-source is in non-free, and will require you to download and move it across.]
03:32.15*** join/#debian hologram (
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03:35.15JordiGHOh, compiz is in Debian? aptitude install compiz? That easy?
03:35.23Gun_Smokeh3xis: Thanks for the link.. I'm looking for something written for kde users..  Also from the links I've found on shame's site it asks to pull from sid.  Then a few google searches later I see a few lines that compiz is in lenny.. So I don't know where to go..  I was hoping someone who is running kde has recently toyed with compiz might have an up to date how-to.
03:35.43JordiGHCan I already put different images on each side of the cube already?
03:36.10h3xisGun_Smoke, that link works with kde users as well
03:36.28Obligatoryh3xis, 'testparm' -- that's handy.  Unfortunately I must run.  Thanks for the help!  l8r...
03:36.34Gun_Smokeh3xis: Still pulling from sid?
03:36.46h3xisGun_Smoke, ehhh let me check. i use lenny
03:37.12amphiGun_Smoke: the repository of shame has packages for all three branches of debian
03:37.50amphiGun_Smoke: kde does not understand compiz's viewports, it seems, so some of the panel stuff will misbehave
03:38.23Faithfulwhat's the lightest xserver with mouse support?
03:38.32Gun_Smokeamphi: Well that sucks..
03:38.42*** join/#debian edj (
03:38.46FaithfulI just want to run vncserver but I need an xserver.
03:38.50amphiGun_Smoke: I will refrain from the obvious remark
03:38.58*** part/#debian edj (
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03:39.24\amethystFaithful:  xvfb is an X server without any graphics or input devices
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03:42.20cheetahj25what is the minimum packages i need to install for x & kde ?
03:42.26Faithful\amethyst: I am looking for basic mouse and keys
03:42.40cheetahj25just...   aptitude install xorg xserver kde-desktop ?
03:42.53*** part/#debian Bhaal (i=bhaal@freenode/staff/bhaal)
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03:43.33\amethystFaithful:  oh, so you're going to be controlling it locally too?
03:44.30\amethystFaithful:  then you'll probably need xserver-xorg
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03:46.37xulfhow do I check if I am connected via 100 or 1000 mbps?
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03:47.02\amethystxulf:  ethtool eth0 | grep Speed
03:48.27Faithful\amethyst: no I don't want to control it locally... but by vnc...
03:48.33*** part/#debian s5unty (n=s5unty@
03:48.46\amethystFaithful:  then you don't need keyboard or mouse support, do you?
03:49.04FaithfulOk... I wasn't sure on that
03:49.21*** part/#debian pidgin (n=me@
03:50.50JordiGHMan, another KDE install, another day spending prettying it up over the default look.
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03:55.29SynZh3xis, ive got the MadwiFi downloaded, and i put it on CD. can someone help me Install it i tried the read-Me but dont make too much sense to me :\
03:56.15*** join/#debian needhelp (
03:56.31cheetahj25the free 2d drivers aren't even working for me
03:57.24needhelphi i'm having a problem with my /etc/exports .. /video *.sinet(ro,subtree_check) just won't work.. but /video client.sinet(ro,subtree_check) will work.. how come?
03:57.39needhelpwhy is *.sinet cannot work~
03:57.47needhelpas in.. nfs mount
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04:00.25needhelphi i'm having a problem with my server's /etc/exports .. /video *.sinet(ro,subtree_check) just won't let my client mount.. but /video client.sinet(ro,subtree_check) will let my client mount..what happened to *.sinet?
04:01.12\amethystneedhelp:  does the client's IP reverse as "client.sinet" ?
04:01.38*** join/#debian Abhjkort2 (n=Abhjkort@
04:01.41Abhjkort2hi all
04:01.46Abhjkort2 --- this is one of what you miss :)...
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04:02.42needhelpreverse as?
04:02.49needhelpfrom the server i can ping client.sinet
04:03.12SynZcan someone help me install Madwifi. can someone help me Install it i tried the read-Me but dont make too much sense to me :\
04:03.34needhelphow did *.sinet failed of a sudden.. it used to be working
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04:06.07lontrai *thought* i enabled horizontal scrolling for my synaptic touchpad ... however when i try to use it to scroll horizontal in the a program it scrolls vertically!  any ideas why?  here's what's in xorg.conf ->        #Option         "HorizScrollDelta"      "0"
04:07.07lontrahas an idea ... brb
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04:08.31lontraok easily fixed
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04:09.09SynZcan someone help me install Madwifi. can someone help me Install it i tried the read-Me but dont make too much sense to me :\
04:09.33JordiGHGreat, no sound. :-)
04:10.25harkSynZ: /msg dpkg madwifi-install
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04:10.59amphiJordiGH: snd-hda-intel? ;)
04:11.20*** join/#debian ColdFyre (
04:11.23JordiGHamphi: modprobe that?
04:11.44amphiJordiGH: what card is it? ;)
04:12.39JordiGHamphi: ICH8 family.
04:13.30*** join/#debian Rusty1 (
04:13.35amphithat's snd-hda-intel I believe
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04:13.42arooni-mobilehey team!
04:13.48*** join/#debian kupesoft (n=dave@unaffiliated/kupesoft)
04:14.03arooni-mobilewhere do i go to add commands that should run on system startup?  (not crontab -e) .. is there another place?
04:14.34dayidarooni-mobile:: rc
04:14.48arooni-mobiledayid, what directory is that
04:15.05JordiGHDoes that thing have a manpage?
04:15.26arooni-mobileNo manual entry for rc
04:15.30dayidarooni-mobile:: look up rc+debian - or rc+any distribution pretty much
04:15.41dayidrc.local, etc, all your rc.d's, all your runlevels...
04:16.01*** join/#debian hackeron (n=hackeron@
04:19.45cheetahj25no deal again ... hmmm
04:19.51cheetahj25ill have to try again tomorrow
04:19.59cheetahj25nvidia ...   :(
04:21.16JordiGHamphi: Well, it's modprobed, but I get no sound.
04:21.18*** join/#debian g-d_ (
04:21.19amphiJordiGH: what version of alsa do you have?
04:22.07JordiGHnone. :-)
04:22.15JordiGHalsa-base isn't installed. Do I need that?
04:22.16amphialsamixer will say
04:22.54*** join/#debian ColdFyre (
04:23.23JordiGHWhat does the desktop debconf task install?
04:23.32amphichannels are un-muted? ;)
04:23.43JordiGHI don't have alsamixer installed.
04:24.01*** join/#debian cLaiRee (
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04:24.31cLaiReewhy is it everytime i restart my nfs kernel daemon i see this "Exporting directories for NFS kernel daemon...chelsea.sinet:/video0/data: Invalid argument" ? i check my /etc/exports there is no such thing as chelsea.sinet..
04:24.35JordiGHI didn't install the desktop task from debconf because I knew that was going to download gnome, so I thought I could just install the xserver-xorg and kde packages and get the stuff I wanted. Obviously I was wrong.
04:25.00amphiwhy? I never install anything from tasksel
04:26.42JordiGHWell, I have no sound. I probably don't have Iceweasel either. I'm sure there are other things expected on a desktop install I don't have. But boy, do I have Emacs. I've been trying to tell them forever that Emacs belongs in a base install. ;-)
04:27.59*** join/#debian mephux (
04:28.10JordiGHWhat does {a} in a package name mean?
04:28.14mephuxcan someone point me to a download of debian cli for a server?
04:28.57*** join/#debian y (
04:29.03JordiGHmephux: Rephrase your question. What are you looking for?
04:29.15yI'm looking for a theory... I've got LDAP working on a server and I can connect to it on client, but I can't get anything out of search results
04:29.21ysays 'no object found'
04:29.25mephuxdebian + only cli + preped for a server env
04:29.34*** part/#debian shelagh (
04:30.01JordiGHmephux: When you do a Debian install, don't select the desktop task, and select the server things you want there instead.
04:30.19mephuxonly cli possible = y/h/i
04:30.52icedteahow do you change your window manager from metacity to compiz?
04:31.11mephuxseems like a waste of download when all i need is the cli.. hhm can't believe they don't have a iso for for the cli version
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04:32.14JordiGHHm, linux-sound-base wasn't installed for some reason.
04:32.39JordiGHmephux: Huh? A netinstall seems like overkill?
04:33.21mephuxi am using it for an IDS and IPS...
04:33.29JordiGHA what and a what?
04:33.29mephuxaccess to the net is not possible..
04:33.45*** join/#debian lontra (
04:33.47JordiGHmephux: What's your complaint? That the first Debian install CD is too big?
04:34.09mephuxyes, just a waste of time.. i only need the cli.. fuck a gui..
04:35.01amphiperhaps you could ask debian to make you a special iso
04:35.11*** join/#debian jetscreamer (n=jetscrea@unaffiliated/jetscreamer)
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04:35.17JordiGHSo you don't want to download the minimal business card ISO that will bootstrap a Debian system to install over the net... and you don't want to download an install CD that will have the stuff you want because that CD also has the GUI in it. How do you expect to obtain Debian, then? You want someone to make a CD that installs everything but a GUI?
04:35.22Casperhi there, does anyone know a gui based ftp client that can download the file only if the size is different or inexistant? I have too much stuff to ftp and need to ensure that all went throught completly...
04:35.23mephuxamphi: perhaps. or i could be a dick and said stupid shit
04:35.44*** join/#debian jhulst (n=jhulst@unaffiliated/jhulst)
04:35.54mephuxJordiGH: This IDS can't connect to the internet..
04:35.55JordiGHCasper: Unison might be wortha shot.
04:35.59cLaiReewhy is it everytime i restart my nfs kernel daemon i see this "Exporting directories for NFS kernel daemon...chelsea.sinet:/video0/data: Invalid argument" ? i check my /etc/exports there is no such thing as chelsea.sinet..
04:36.02jetscreamerwhy don't you use or debootstrap
04:36.02JordiGHIDS? IPS? WTF?
04:36.06JordiGHwtf ids
04:36.09JordiGH!wtf ids
04:36.11dpkgGee...  I don't know what ids means...
04:36.20JordiGHIDS isn't in the wtf database.
04:36.25mephuxintrusion detection system
04:36.35mephuxwow.. snort?
04:36.46jetscreamerhow do i check to see what fs is on an unmounted partition
04:37.05enouf[23:22:56] <enouf> cLaiRee: man showmount , man exports, man exportfs
04:37.16cLaiReeok read what?
04:37.20mephux!wtf snort
04:37.21dpkgGee...  I don't know what snort means...
04:37.25jetscreamerCasper: gftp has a resume option that would do what you want
04:37.30mephuxlulz.. mad gay
04:37.30dpkgrumour has it, snort is a GPL-licensed open source network intrusion detection system. Snort is capable of performing real-time traffic analysis and packet logging on IP networks. It can perform protocol analysis, content searching/matching and can be used to detect a variety of attacks and probes, such as buffer overflows, stealth port scans, CGI attacks, SMB probes, OS fingerprinting attempts, and much more.
04:37.31enoufcLaiRee: are you running debian?
04:37.38jetscreamernow answer my question
04:38.17jetscreamerCasper: or just use wget.. gnome and kde both have a front end for wget
04:38.17Casperjetscreamer: gftp always crash on me, beside, it's not a overwrite if size differ... it's what to do with the existing file...
04:38.23cLaiReeexportfs -a --> chelsea.sinet:/video0/data: Invalid argument ... checked /etc/exports , nothing unusual or chelsea inside
04:38.29CasperJordiGH: unison don't seems to be via ftp..
04:38.47enoufjetscreamer: ? file -s /dev/hdaX
04:38.50jetscreamerresume would overwrite if the size was diff
04:38.53Casperjetscreamer: wget don't upload..
04:38.54jetscreamerthanks enouf
04:39.05jetscreameryes it will i believe..
04:39.10jetscreamercan't swear
04:39.12JordiGHCasper: What? You sure? I could have sworn...
04:39.23jetscreamerman wget .. i did
04:39.30enoufjetscreamer: np - fwiw, udevinfo -q all -n /dev/hdaX will show more info
04:40.04JordiGHIf I want to customise the keymap, say, swap two keys because I don't like where one is, and I want to do this in the consol, should I manually mess with /etc/console?
04:40.13*** join/#debian [|newbie|] (n=wfewef@
04:40.23Casperalso for gftp... you have to review all the existing files to see if it's fine...  at about 40000 files... not a good idea...
04:40.33[|newbie|]hi, anyone alive?
04:40.56*** join/#debian mazev (
04:41.17\amethystJordiGH:   man keymaps; man loadkeys
04:41.26\amethystJordiGH:  wait, never mind
04:41.31\amethystJordiGH:  I misread your question
04:42.11amphiJordiGH: you could just 'echo blah | loadkeys'
04:42.12*** join/#debian almostautomated (
04:42.27\amethystJordiGH:  I would personally copy an existing keymap into /etc/console and edit the copy
04:42.32JordiGHamphi: For what values of 'blah'?
04:42.50amphithe keys you want to swap
04:42.53*** part/#debian Bhaal (i=bhaal@freenode/staff/bhaal)
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04:43.05JordiGHamphi, right, how do I find what they're called by Linux?
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04:43.28amphiJordiGH: eg. echo 'keycode 158 = Decr_Console' | loadkeys
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04:43.40JordiGHjetscreamer: Same names in a console as in X will work?
04:43.50amphiJordiGH: that's what I have for my stinkpad PgLeft key
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04:44.00jetscreamerno idea
04:44.02amphiJordiGH: showkey for keycodes
04:44.15amphiJordiGH: dumpkeys will dump your current keymap
04:44.19JordiGHAlso, my console is having issues with UTF-8. :-/
04:44.20*** join/#debian roue (
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04:45.04[|newbie|]anyone in QoS on Debian?
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04:46.09almostautomatedwhat would be the syntax for an apt-get command to list versions for vim-enhanced that are available in either stable, testing, or unstable?
04:46.26JordiGHalmostautomated: apt-cache policy vim-ehnanced
04:46.44JordiGHalmostautomated: It's a fun situation in Debian that there are different apt binaries for manipulating packages.
04:47.06*** join/#debian NotMe (
04:47.21JordiGHalmostautomated: This is assuming that you already have stable, testing, and unstable sources in your /etc/apt/sources.list, which is not common.
04:47.52almostautomatedJordiGH: Thanks; that's what I'm missing
04:48.43amphiJordiGH: try mucking about with setfont perhaps
04:48.52NyleI want a more mature than etch amd64 stable
04:49.06Nylecome on people, lets get lenny frozen
04:49.09icedteaanyone else have problems with gnome's Appearance Preferences dialog?
04:49.15JordiGHOlder doesn't mean mature, y'know.
04:49.34icedteai'm having a problem with lenny
04:49.35cLaiReehow to list the content and diskspace info in my tape drive? /dev/nst0 ..
04:49.36JordiGHetch is mature. it's rock solid. It doesn't give me the nonsense I decided to deal with lenny right now. :-)
04:49.48JordiGHicedtea: Good! That's how it's supposed to be. File some bug reports!
04:49.49Nyleare you saying that with time amd64 port of debian won't get better/mature?
04:49.54*** join/#debian yigal (
04:50.02almostautomatedJordiGH: Can I add that via apt-config, or better to edit the file because apt-config dump doesn't show any version; also if I add all three I'll still be able to select which version right?
04:50.06NyleJordiGH: have you ever used amd64 stable?
04:50.18*** join/#debian hologram (
04:50.21NyleJordiGH: its utter garbage
04:50.26JordiGHNyle: I'm using lenny amd64 right now. Just installed it for the first time. But I like bugs.
04:50.51JordiGHamphi: What's setfont?
04:50.54Nyleif you've never used it, you have absolutely no grounds for an opinion.
04:51.11JordiGHNyle: I've used Debian; I have grounds for telling you that etch is stable.
04:51.22NyleJordiGH: when did I contest that?
04:51.38JordiGHNyle: You called etch immature!
04:51.47NyleJordiGH: you are an idiot.
04:51.53JordiGHAn immature idiot, no doubt.
04:52.06almostautomatedlol, nope apt-config only reads ...
04:53.09cycom_macNyle: what don't you like about amd64 stable?
04:53.23Nylecycom_mac: now that is a first valid question
04:54.06cycom_macNyle: a shot of bourbon helped it out :)
04:54.12*** join/#debian docktor00 (
04:54.15Nylecycom_mac: I have massive stability issues with amd64 under debian/etch.  Reboots, freezes, random restarts of X
04:54.36cycom_macNyle: not a hardware issue then?
04:54.49cycom_macworks fine with debian 32 bit?
04:54.50JordiGHNyle: Are you using binary blobs?
04:54.52Nylesid is more stable an etch ime, and I would guess it is because amd64 is constantly updated whiel etch is frozen and not updated
04:55.02Nyleso lenny/sid are more patched up against numerous bugs etc
04:55.28Nylecycom_mac: and under ubuntu/kubuntu gutsy amd64 I have absolutely no issues at all
04:55.55penpthen you obviously don't understand the purpose of stable
04:55.55Nylewhich makes me logically conclude that etch being the first official port of amd64 is not yet as mature as its older siblings, i.e, lenny/sid
04:55.59cycom_macNyle: I would say they are somewhere between sid and etch, wouldn't you? Ubuntu that is.
04:56.13Nylecycom_mac: its just a matter of time
04:56.21Nylewithout a doubt debian is superior
04:56.45Nylepenp: I completely understand, which is why I would like the next stable very much
04:57.16Nylepenp: how did you gather that I misunderstood the purpose of stable? I you would share
04:58.34Nylebtw, this is all specifically in the context of amd64
04:58.42Nyletry not to jump to any guns
04:59.00*** mode/#debian [+l 765] by debhelper
04:59.14yI'm looking for a theory... I've got LDAP working on a server and I can connect to it on client, but I'm not getting consistent ldapsearch results from client/server
04:59.33*** join/#debian LimCore (
04:59.56\amethystNyle:  possibly because it seemed you were using "stable" to mean both the distribution as well as "not prone to crashing"
05:00.31\amethystbut the distribution's name means "not prone to changing"
05:00.38Nyleremind me to help you distinguish between stable 'stable', and etch/lenny/sid
05:00.53cycom_machey now, lets keep it civil.
05:01.14cycom_macI might need more knob creek if this keeps up.
05:01.15*** join/#debian ddalton (
05:01.22ddaltonenouf: hi. around?
05:01.24Nylecycom_mac: don't worry yourself over it, \amethyst knows what I'm talking about
05:01.53Nyleits not anything except when you are consued by me, remind me to clear it up
05:01.58enoufddalton: hiya doing?
05:02.21ddaltonhey enouf. Left coders? I gave you the shits or something?
05:02.25NyleI use the terms stable to mean stable and etch at the same time
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05:03.47Nylethen again I am easily misunderstood, I have to constantly translate urdu to english in my head before I say it
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05:03.58Nylesometimes the translations get broken in my head
05:04.06cycom_macurdu? wassat?
05:04.14Nyleyou can tell, my spelling, sentence structure, and grammar are horrible
05:04.16dpkgUr is the ancient Sumerian city that dominated Mesopotamia from 6000 BC to 600 BC.  If you mean "you are" or "your", just say so. Also swedish for clock, and a swedish word meaning "from within". a german prefix for refering to something very old  Urdu, a language based on the arabic script spoken like hindi. For debian support in urdu/hindi join #debian-ur.  Urdu/punjai/hindi support ke liye #debian-ur mein tashreef le ayen. Shukrya.
05:04.52*** join/#debian ^shark_ (n=^shark_@
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05:05.10SynZtheres a problem with, madwifi-tools_0.9.2+dfsg-1_i386.deb
05:05.16ddaltonenouf: anyway can you help me out with a static ip in ##ddalton?
05:05.18NyleSynZ: which is?
05:05.28Nyleddalton: you still haven't gotten it to work?
05:05.42cycom_macNyle: interesting.  I wouldn't have thought you were converting to english.
05:05.49Nyleddalton: its because you imo refuse to try to understand now networking works
05:05.57*** join/#debian Faithful1 (
05:06.01Nyleddalton: since yesterday or the day before
05:06.11SynZit aint even a Debian File.
05:06.18Nyleddalton: you were told many times by multiple people how to stup static ip config
05:06.47enoufddalton: perhaps
05:07.25Nyleyet here you are again.. unless you've made some progress and read up some stuff or tried to configure it, it would be a waste to time telling you the same things again
05:07.25Nyleunless enouf has time to waste ;)
05:07.25ddaltonwhat Im not allowed to ask for help? Oh im sorry
05:07.25Nyleddalton: I apologize, I did not mean that
05:07.25SynZNyle it isnt even a Debian File
05:07.25Nyleddalton: I meant, you're not trying it seems, maybe I'm wrong
05:07.28enoufNyle: he's visualy impaired and the scroll goes too fast sometimes for his screenreader
05:07.31icedteahow do you disable a certain module from loading on bootup?
05:07.37Nyleenouf: I see, thats what that is
05:07.48*** join/#debian ftp3 (
05:07.57cycom_macddalton: what are you trying to do exactly?
05:08.00SynZnyle, when i did, dpkg -i
05:08.02SynZerror processing madwifi-tools_0.9.2+dfsg-1_i386.deb (--install);
05:08.03Nyleenouf: by all means carry on in #ddalton, if you need more assistance, let me know
05:08.09enoufNyle: but there's a tad of newbness and pebkac invovlved as well - ddalton one second
05:08.10ftp3after i modify the "interfaces" file, how do I manually make the changes take affect?
05:08.11SynZsubproces dpkg-deb ` madwifi-tools_0.9.2+dfsg-1_i386.deb is not a debian format
05:08.19cycom_macddalton: configure a static IP for a host?
05:08.20amphithis channel must make quite a din, in a screenreader :(
05:08.43enoufamphi: indeed
05:08.48Nyleddalton: I was unaware of your condition, by all means carry on
05:08.54cycom_macthus his channel
05:09.01*** part/#debian docktor00 (
05:09.01icedteaftp3: ifdown <interface>; ifup <interface>
05:09.06ddaltonah ok sorry. I should have said why I was asking to speak on another channel...
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05:09.24ftp3icedtea thanks!
05:09.32icedteaftp3: np
05:09.39Nylefruit punch, made from real oranges
05:09.48Nyleyay! vitamin C yay!
05:09.51enoufddalton: don't worry about Nyle , he likes to be tased one in a while
05:10.00SynZtheres a problem with, madwifi-tools_0.9.2+dfsg-1_i386.deb
05:10.08Nyleenouf: I could hurt you if you want, just ask
05:10.11Nyleasshole :)
05:10.17enoufNyle: :-P
05:10.52NyleSynZ: can you pastebin the output of the console when you try to install this package?
05:10.57enoufwe won't discuss reality Nyle - it's better that way for you ;-)
05:10.58NyleSynZ: why are you installing this manually?
05:11.32NyleSynZ: SynZ where did you get this pacakge?
05:11.34*** join/#debian dansushi (
05:11.34dpkgmadwifi is a driver for wireless devices with an Atheros chipset.  More information at  To install madwifi drivers built against Debian stock kernels, ask me about <madwifi-install>.  No USB devices are supported.  NOT for AR5007UG (aka AR2624/AR5524) chipsets, ask me about <zd1211rw> instead., #madwifi @
05:11.49dpkgmethinks madwifi-install is ask me about <contrib> and <non-free sources>, then as root: "apt-get update && apt-get install madwifi-tools module-assistant && m-a prepare && m-a a-i madwifi && modprobe ath_pci".  You should now have madwifi installed.  Note: Atheros = ath0, NOT eth0.
05:12.08*** join/#debian shigarame (
05:12.40penpNyle: because you're complaining about the current stable's support of amd64? the idea of stable isn't about new shit, its about being -stable-, as in, unchanging, save necessary security patches, so that servers can stay up for years without having to reinstall the OS just because a "new" stable came out
05:13.02penpwhen etch came out, amd64 just wasn't ready yet..and im sure it will be by next stable
05:13.02Nylepenp: and its not stable on my hardware, whereas lenny/sid are.
05:13.10Nylepenp: I thought we were past this...
05:13.15penpi dunno
05:13.27Nylepenp: did you even pay attention to anything I said
05:13.36penpnot really, honestly
05:13.40Nylepenp: you are repeating what I said in different words
05:13.48*** join/#debian Phil4 (
05:14.00penpim working, i can't keep tabs on irc the whole time
05:14.29Nylesounds like a personal problem to me.
05:14.49penpthen so does your problems with etch :|
05:14.58NyleI have none
05:15.03NyleI don't use etch amd64
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05:16.08cycom_macNyle: I'm using it in a VM
05:16.19Nyleone thing I'd mention though, at 3.5ghz etch amd64 on my core2 isn't stable, but it is at default 1.8ghz.  lenny/sid/ubuntu amd64 are all stable at any speeds, from 1.8ghz to 3.5ghz
05:16.20cycom_macNyle: a core 2 duo
05:16.29valdynsarge was the last release that didnt have amd64 officially.
05:17.19*** join/#debian brunokrebs (
05:17.43Nyleits probably the high clock speed straining under an older etch amd64 you think?
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05:18.01CompWizrdso let us get this straight.. you're overclocking your hardware, and blaming instability on the OS?
05:18.11NyleCompWizrd: I'm not blaming anything
05:18.17*** part/#debian brunokrebs (
05:18.27NyleI'm just waiting for lenny to go stable thats all
05:19.07NyleI've been though this with donde few months ago
05:19.11penpis 3.5ghz overclocked or what?
05:19.17CompWizrdpenp: yes
05:19.19Nyleyes goddamit
05:19.30Nyleits the cpus fault, sure, but why only under etch?
05:19.42Nylethats what I'm trying to figure out still to this day
05:20.11Nyleoc is as much as I want under lenny/sid or ubuntu and even at 3.5ghz its stable like rock solid
05:20.30MiescoIs it okay to have sid repositories on lenny?
05:20.31jetscreamercan i be a sasquatch too?
05:20.33Nyleonly under etch it really really craps out, I'm not _blaming_ anything, stop getting defensive
05:20.42NyleI'm only wondering why in only etch it does that
05:20.50NyleMiesco: no
05:21.00Nylejetscreamer: sure
05:21.05jetscreamerbecause you didn't gentooify it
05:21.16Nylejetscreamer: all you have to do, are 100 cock pushups
05:21.24jetscreamerno problem
05:22.49Nylebtw, one thing that annoyed me about it in the beginning was that he was announcing Bourie in Emin
05:23.00Nyleand then he goes off to play mozzart in the middle of it
05:23.21Nyleif you are a classical fan, that shit will annoy the piss outta you
05:23.29jetscreameri never could understand exactly the name
05:23.47penpnyle: i'm not getting defensive, i just don't think stable is frozen with desktop users in mind who want to push the limits of their hardware
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05:23.57jetscreamerpenp: no, it's not
05:24.02Nylepenp: man look
05:24.20NyleI've been here for like over 7 years, and I've used debian for longer, I'm fully aware
05:24.42jetscreamertesting is best imo for desktop type ppl
05:24.45jetscreamerbut ymmv
05:24.46*** join/#debian SR71-Blackbird (n=nirvana@unaffiliated/sr71-blackbird)
05:25.03NyleI dno't speak acronym
05:25.12Guerinaka giyf
05:25.13dpkghmm... ymmv is an abbreviation of "Your mileage may vary."
05:25.15jetscreameryou should know the common ones
05:25.20NyleI should?
05:25.35jetscreamerwell it's like what color is the sky
05:25.39jetscreamerimo.. ymmv
05:25.42*** part/#debian almostautomated (
05:25.46CompWizrdi had to explain FUBAR to an ex-boss of mine
05:25.47Nylewhat color is the sky
05:25.49*** join/#debian iateadonut (n=dan@
05:25.57Nyleits the same color as it is the color of sleep.
05:26.02Nylewhat is the color of sleep?
05:26.03*** join/#debian Weng (
05:26.29jetscreamersleep is scary
05:26.47Nylejetscreamer: psycroptic - the color of sleep
05:27.18jetscreamerdon't think so, not in r/l .. but, what IS reality
05:27.31Nylejetscreamer: reality is a synthesis
05:27.39Nylereality is synthesized by our senses
05:28.06Nyleby the neuroelectrical signals interpreted by our brain
05:28.35Nylemodiify the signals your senses send to your brain, and yo ucan alter reality
05:28.38jetscreamerlet the rock off begin
05:28.42Nyleeither by going into the matrix
05:28.48Nyleby dropping acid or shrooms
05:29.06*** join/#debian cmanns (
05:29.20cycom_macoh dear god. we've gone form amd64 and overclocking to tripping on shrooms.
05:29.35NyleI just got this sack of sweet nugz
05:30.18jetscreamerhe's very eclectic
05:30.26Nyleyou have no idea.
05:30.31jetscreameror do i
05:31.00stonedahhh boy
05:31.09*** join/#debian Ryan52 (n=Ryan52@unaffiliated/ryan52)
05:31.10stonedbeen a while, been a while
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05:31.58jetscreameryou can't kill the metal
05:32.12Nylethe demon code prevents me
05:32.20Nylefrom declining a rock off challenge
05:32.26Nylewhat are your terms, whats the caaaattch
05:32.31*** join/#debian Meshezabeel (
05:32.54dpkgTest Failed.
05:33.01jetscreamer!test Nyle
05:33.01dpkgTesting Nyle... *****$$#$
05:33.21iateadonutdoes anyone ever have an idea when the next stable release of debian comes out?
05:33.21NyleI'm not done yet
05:33.36jetscreamerwe swear it will be before xmas 2010 iateadonut
05:33.39Nyleiateadonut: maybe 1.5 to 2 years
05:33.55*** part/#debian Meshezabeel (
05:33.55Ryan52so we have a repository that I didn't set up and know nothing about. We have 2 distributions, freegeek and freegeek-test. I added a new package to freegeek-test, then I wanted to pull it into freegeek. I ran reprepro checkpull, but it showed my package and somebody elses. If I do reprepro pull it will pull in the other package too which I don't want it to do. I just want to pull in my package. Somebody wrote down to do "reprepro pull my_package" but it
05:34.11Nylesarge took the longest, but usually about one and a half to 2 years
05:34.14jetscreamerrepro pull?
05:34.25Ryan52but that will pull in all packages
05:34.31Ryan52I only want 1 to be pulled in
05:34.40jetscreamerno i was just wondering wtf that was
05:34.45jetscreamernever heard of it
05:35.02Ryan52makes apt repositories
05:35.15GuerinRyan52: this is a bit more arcane than hashdweebian normally deals with. You might also try #debian and #debian-mentors on
05:35.17Nylerep rep ro!
05:35.17*** join/#debian hackeron_ (n=hackeron@
05:35.53jetscreamerdamn i feel insulted now
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05:36.02NyleI have no self respect
05:36.07NyleI am NEVER insulted
05:36.10iateadonutwhat's sarge?  what's etch?
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05:36.17iateadonut(i'm running etch, it think)
05:36.19dpkgi guess release is Etch has been released (2007-04-08).  Etch is Debian 4.0, and is now considered "stable".  Ask me about <install debian> or <sarge->etch>, or see for the latest (and historical) releases.
05:36.24Gueriniateadonut: /msg dpkg releases
05:36.39Nylelots of tokens, for the arcade games
05:36.40iateadonutah.  and etch is the newest release from dec 27 or something?
05:36.40Guerin!sing sarge
05:36.41dpkgAny day now, any daaay nooww, I shall beee reeleeeassed...
05:37.02Nyle8th april 07
05:37.08Nylehow you get dec 27?
05:37.52iateadonutjetscreamer, you're a developer for debain?
05:38.01iateadonutthere was some security release or something.
05:38.07jetscreameruh no
05:38.13jetscreameri'm highly unqualified
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05:38.50jetscreamermaybe i should run for debian overgod
05:38.54iateadonutThe latest stable release of Debian is 4.0. The last update to this release was made on December 26th, 2007. - from
05:38.56NyleI love compiz-fusion
05:38.57iateadonutthe front page.
05:39.05Guerin!win iateadonut
05:39.05dpkgCongratulations, iateadonut! You have won second prize in a beauty contest!
05:39.19Guerin!lose Nyle
05:39.19dpkgNyle: You Lose.
05:39.29iateadonutSECOND prize?
05:39.30jetscreamer!elect jetscreamer
05:39.46jetscreameriateadonut: you never played monopoly?
05:39.47*** part/#debian jamesstilwell3rd (
05:39.57NyleGuerin: I also love shred metal and rap music.
05:40.06iateadonutyes, $50, right?  enough to buy a house.
05:40.06jetscreamer!shred nyle
05:40.36jetscreamer!rap nyle
05:40.49*** part/#debian Ryan52 (n=Ryan52@unaffiliated/ryan52)
05:41.22Gueriniateadonut: it's $10 in the original version, not enough for any damned thing. But thanks for playing.
05:41.34Nylejust fucking say DAMN
05:41.36*** join/#debian sf7 (i=SF7@
05:41.46Nylewhat are you larry the cable guy now
05:41.53Nylegit er dun
05:42.06JordiGHiwlwifi working \o/
05:42.21JordiGHIf I get sound working tonight, I'll be happy.
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05:43.16iateadonutyou're welcome.
05:43.18iateadonuthave a good day.
05:43.18JordiGHHrm. "no mixer elements found"
05:43.21*** part/#debian iateadonut (n=dan@
05:43.23JordiGHFrom alsamixergui
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05:44.03jetscreameri chose to use dang
05:44.05*** join/#debian Faithful (
05:44.11jamesstilwell3rdanyone here have any experience with openmosix packages for sarge?
05:44.32jetscreameryou should hear my wife complain about my cursing though
05:44.47JordiGHI probably just need to install a package.... Maybe I should have gone with the desktop tasksel job after all. :-/
05:45.01JordiGHIs there a package that does the same as the desktop tasksel?
05:45.15jetscreamerheh you should have heard me cussin out the stupid taxi driver that decided to take a uturn from the right hand lane tonight
05:45.30*** join/#debian hologram (
05:45.34jetscreamertasksel sucks
05:45.43liableJordiGH: unliely that would help. but you can run tasksel still
05:46.02JordiGHliable: Yeah, it's downloading gnome. :-/
05:46.15jetscreamerand other bloat
05:46.45dpkgit has been said that dselect is a wonderful UI for package management.  or really more powerful than apt-get or the only thing that provides FULL data when making decisions on whether to install a package.  most people should not hate dselect but some seem to have been told to.  just read the help screens, or <Ozzie> is there a dselect howto? - Yes there is:   Also ask me about <aptitude>. see ...
05:47.08*** join/#debian DustyBin (
05:47.18JordiGHBut I don't know what I want!
05:47.32jetscreamerhence package managers
05:47.36JordiGHWell, I want sound, but I don't know what I need to install to get that working.
05:47.38jetscreameruse aptitude
05:47.41enoufJordiGH: for sound?
05:47.49jetscreamerah you need to check stuff, not install stuff
05:48.08liable!alsa checklist
05:48.08dpkgi heard alsa-checklist is 1) run alsaconf as root user 2) add your user to the 'audio' group (log out and log again in) 3) use alsamixer and make sure levels are up and it is unmuted 4) arts or esound stopped? 5) OSS modules unloaded? 6) speakers on? 7) modprobe snd-pcm-oss  8) does `cat /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp` work for root?
05:48.39jetscreamerlspci |grep -i audio
05:48.49Nylealso check to see if your speakers are plugged in, forgot tht one
05:48.50*** join/#debian endlessmobius (
05:48.56enoufJordiGH: ^^^^^^^
05:49.04JordiGHRight, don't have alsaconf.
05:49.32enoufwhat? nub00b00? wtf?
05:49.57*** join/#debian dc3deb (
05:50.00enouf!which driver
05:50.00dpkgextra, extra, read all about it, driver locator is To work out what module you need to load for your pci card, try pasting lspci -n into .
05:51.08enoufand if all fails, run dpkg-reconfigure linux-sound-base, and tell kcontrol to feck off
05:51.13dc3debI have a file on my ext3 (/etc/network/run/ifstate) which comes up with an i/o error when attempting to read, which is causing obvious networking problems.. should i run fsck? it wants to be on an unmounted drive, how can I mark the volume dirty so it checks on next boot? thx
05:51.45jetscreamerdc3deb: touch /forcefsck or shutdown -Fr now
05:51.49enoufthat file is live
05:52.09enoufyou're doing something very wrong
05:52.19dc3debenouf: me?
05:52.28*** join/#debian msn (i=msn@unaffiliated/msn)
05:52.40dc3debits screwed, when i boot networking is dead theres a bunch of errors from the kernel saying it cant be read
05:52.51dc3debi ls the dir and it shows ????? in read where the permissions normally are
05:53.14dc3debafter activating eth0, i cant even ping localhost unless I manually bring it up also
05:53.23dc3debread = red, sorry
05:53.35*** join/#debian Hoxzer (
05:53.40dc3debi open the file and try to save it and it says input/output error in nano
05:53.58enoufthat file won't be populated at early boot, until net comes up
05:53.59dc3deband when i type updatedb it shows 15 or so lines saying cannot read file /etc/network/run/ifstate
05:54.03JordiGHHrm. I don't have a /dev/dsp
05:54.14enoufbut try what jetscreamer suggested, if /
05:54.21dc3debenouf: ,so it must be something else?
05:54.24enoufjetscreamer: you don't need it, but i have it
05:54.34enoufJordiGH: you don't need it, but i have it
05:54.41enoufJordiGH: alsa uses /dev/snd
05:54.51liableJordiGH: modprobe snd-pcm-oss
05:54.58enoufJordiGH: man aplay, man speaker-test
05:55.33enoufsome examples; aplay filename.wav ; speaker-test -tsine -f440
05:56.10JordiGHalsamixer says "no mixer elements". :-(
05:56.14enoufliable: and JordiGH snd_mixer_oss pulls in the pcm one
05:56.26enoufdependencies, ftw
05:56.36enoufrun alsaconf
05:56.44enoufkill KDE dead :-p
05:57.57enoufhere' the perms on that file Access: (0644/-rw-r--r--)  Uid: (    0/    root)   Gid: (    0/    root)
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05:58.02dpkgAnother happy customer leaves the building
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05:59.10Nylei dunno if its just me but i could seriously just live off of soy sauce and white rice
05:59.31Nyleand a pair of chopsticks, this garlic chicken i ordered has so many weird vegetables i can't even eat it man
05:59.40*** join/#debian cahoot (n=radix@pdpc/supporter/active/cahoot)
05:59.45Nylethe garlic chicken from this other chinese place, its wicked
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06:06.25dc3debwell.. thanks marking the volume dirty worked.. as it claimed an inode problem with the file ifstate and it deleted the file.. everything worked! more importantly a large project I was working on that communicated over localhost/IVY is now working
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06:25.23jetscreameryay me
06:27.29dc3for the last 3 days ive been tearing my hair out with an opensource project im participating in.. two of our modules communicate by broadcasting UDP packets via localhost.. and when it stopped working i tweaked/compiled for hours on end trying to figure out what went wrong..
06:28.02dc3got to figure out why it corrupted now ;p
06:28.10\amethystdc3:  does localhost look up as an ipv4 address or ipv6?
06:28.19*** join/#debian `7th_Sign (n=ivan__@
06:28.36dc3\amethyst, ive already fixed the problem, it was a problem we fixed a page ago or so ;p
06:28.41dc3was thanking jetscreamer
06:28.59\amethystdc3: oh, sorry
06:29.05Nylebefore I had my chicken I believe
06:29.33dc3\amethyst, my fault really.. im using my other account (different nickname) and i started babbling again
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06:33.06peteryanghello, what is the max user space for 32 bits linux? if i have 8G RAM, how to take advantage of the RAM?
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06:37.04PryonWith PAE extensions in the kernel, you can get 3 GB (possibly more, but certainly no more than 4GB and usually less) per process
06:38.04ddaltonenouf: still here? I have modified my network file I just want to make sure your happy with output of ifconfig...
06:38.27enoufddalton: ok, i'll join your channel again, one second
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07:04.09liabletalk dammit!
07:04.23liabledpkg: wake up
07:04.24dpkgliable: I'm already awake! :)
07:04.29dpkg<ricky_clarkson> A girl has invited me to learn it with her, from a video, in her bedroom :)
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07:12.17metaperlwhich of these would be my wireless ethernet device -
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07:13.44seoni have a ssh tunnel between a client and my debian server
07:14.05seoni use ssh-agent on my client
07:14.18seonand all the time i have a password prompt
07:14.22liablemetaperl: it doesn't look you have one, unless you dont have ethernet
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07:14.47metaperlI have a wireless ethernet card in this toshiba satellite liable
07:15.18liablemetaperl: do you have a wired ethernet card in it?
07:15.44seoni can connect without ssh-agent but with the ssh-agent i need to give a password strange
07:16.21metaperlliable:  i have both wired and wireless --- please note the ifconfig output -
07:16.29streuner__metaperl: what model?
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07:16.51metaperlstreuner__: what command would Irun to find out?
07:16.58cLaiReeanybody can help????????? bacula-web give me Error query: 4
07:17.19streuner__metalper: just look at the manual
07:17.44streuner__well, my Toshiba L-40 uses atheros
07:18.43metaperlI dont have the manual... there must be a way with Debian to do this
07:18.55metaperllspci output is below the ifconfig output
07:19.01liablemetaperl: eth0 and eth1 are the same card, strange that there isnt an entry for your wireless in lspci. i havent seen that before.
07:19.11liablemetaperl: its a built in mini-pci card?
07:19.53metaperlliable:  it is integrated wireless 802.11b
07:19.56metaperl3 years old machine
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07:20.56streuner__maybe the device is broken...
07:21.17metaperlit was said to be busy by wlassistant
07:21.21liableif thats the case, whats eth2?
07:21.34metaperlyes, ifconfig would not show anything in that case
07:21.47*** join/#debian shahriar (i=shahriar@
07:21.56metaperlwajig dependants wireless-tools should have soemthing which identifies my wireless card
07:22.53harkmetaperl: run: basename `readlink /sys/class/net/eth2/device/driver/module`
07:23.02streuner__if lspci cannot find a device, usually ifconfig arent able to set it up then
07:23.26harkwhat does iwconfig say?
07:23.32metaperlhark thanks - it is orinoco_cs
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07:23.51streuner__.oO (that make sense)
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07:24.48streuner__you should mention that little fact
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07:24.56metaperliwconfig and readmodule output listed here -
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07:25.44liableeven cardbus should show on lspci output
07:27.09metaperlwell now what
07:27.59metaperlhow can I get wireless to work? I am using 64 bit encrypted WEP but a webpage said that linux only did 40 and 128 bit
07:28.14streuner__WEP ? haha
07:28.21metaperlyes, I know, insecure
07:28.25metaperlbut good enough for here
07:28.52streuner__if you using that or not, its useless
07:28.59metaperlI set my netgear router for b and g instead of auto
07:29.33metaperlstreuner__ - well it just defeats the people who want to hijack without knowing the password
07:29.49metaperlwhich is fine for my small town
07:29.55wols_metaperl: then use mac filtering and save yoursself the WEP hassle
07:30.09metaperlI cant - I use the router just the way it is to access my work vpn
07:30.12wols_as for b and g: g only if at all possible
07:30.21metaperlthis is a 3-year old machine
07:30.25metaperlI thnk it is b only
07:30.32metaperlit worked wireless 3 years ago
07:30.33wols_your WLAN encyption has NOTHING to do with work VPN
07:31.01metaperlok, but my work machine is an xp machine and it is setup to connect to the netgear router using WEP and I dont want to change all that
07:31.15metaperlso I just need my Debian machine to connect to the WEP netgear router as well
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07:31.41ddaltonenouf: still here? sorry. I just have one more question...
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07:32.28enoufddalton: ok, we go to your channel
07:32.30liablemac filtering is even more useless than wep
07:32.55enoufand next time i kick you when you flood like that :-P
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07:35.48liablemetaperl: for a bit of background on 40 vs 64 bit wep ..
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07:36.49harpalliable: I have some problem in modules so what should i do ? means how to reinstall my current running kernel?
07:37.19liableharpal: can you elaborate a bit?
07:37.45harpalliable: That yesterday problem sounddriver
07:38.03harpalits nto loading sound driver snd-hds-intel
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07:38.33liableharpal: ok, and do you actually have that module now?
07:38.52harpalbecause earlier it has removed by one program. so I have just copied that modules from my another running machine
07:39.15harpalI have modules but its not loading showing me error.
07:39.30liableharpal: do you have an old kernel still installed?
07:39.59harpalI have just only one kernel installed 2.6.18-4-686
07:40.12liableharpal: what program removed the module? a modem driver or something?
07:40.56liableharpal: delete that module that you copied over, and reinstall your kernel image
07:41.02harpalliable: My sound is not working so I have just downloaded driver from realtek and than try to install it. it has removed my all driver
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07:41.48harpalok, so how to reinstall it. aptitude reinstall kernel-image-2.6.18-4-686 ?
07:42.07liablethen reboot
07:42.22harpalok but does it affect my running system?
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07:43.17liablea reinstall shouldn't iirc, if you tried to remove the kernel it would of course give a big fat warning
07:44.56harpalHey it has just reinstalled it now I am rebooting
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07:48.33harpalHey liable, I have now alsamixer perfectly running. but still I am not getting voice?
07:48.54liable!alsa checklist
07:48.54dpkgi heard alsa-checklist is 1) run alsaconf as root user 2) add your user to the 'audio' group (log out and log again in) 3) use alsamixer and make sure levels are up and it is unmuted 4) arts or esound stopped? 5) OSS modules unloaded? 6) speakers on? 7) modprobe snd-pcm-oss  8) does `cat /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp` work for root?
07:49.03liableharpal: do all of that stuff
07:49.17liableharpal: which sound module is loaded?
07:49.34liableharpal: dont run alsaconf if snd-hda-intel is loaded
07:50.08harpalliable: snd-hda-intel is loaded
07:50.46liableharpal: ok, run through that factoid from 2
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07:52.14harpalliable: I have user added in audio group from /etc/group file I see audio:x:29:harpal
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07:54.38metaperlI disabled eth1 via the Network Tools app, but now I cannot re-enable it... perhaps I can do so via command line?
07:54.41harpalliable: which oss module unloas?
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07:55.21liableharpal: i dont think there are even oss modules for that card. paste your lsmod for me though, and we'll have a quick look
07:57.06harpalliable: here it is
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07:57.52liableharpal: looks ok
07:58.06liablemetaperl: ifconfig eth1 up
07:58.35harpalso I have to unload module snd-pcm-oss? and than reload it?
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07:59.04liableharpal: nope, move to next thing
08:01.28harpalliable: cat /dev/random > /dev/dsp takes long time?
08:01.41liableyou should get sound instantly
08:01.50liableis it just sitting there?
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08:02.00liablehit ^c
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08:02.41liableharpal: i forget, is this a laptop?
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08:03.36harpalliable: no This is my desktop machine. Just taken around 2 week before. Coro2Duo
08:04.21liableharpal: ok, and you are absolutely positive that the speakers and mobo sound bits are hooked up?
08:04.43harpalyes this works on windows on this machine
08:05.08liableharpal: ok, if the cat command ran, but sound didn't come out, thats usually the problem.
08:05.12harpalIf I remove this headphone than I have builtin speaker
08:05.32harpalbut in that still no sound
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08:06.22liableharpal: recheck your alsamixer settings, make sure they arent muted. ie, the level may be up, but it may be muted, if it has MM at the bottom its muted
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08:07.08liableharpal: turn up every thing that you can access, and make sure its unmuted
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08:07.33harpalhey how to unmute, because in some file it shows me MM and in some it shows me 00
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08:07.49liablewith the < and > keys
08:08.28harpalliable: but with < and > key its switching with other options
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08:09.15simonrvnharpal: m
08:09.18liableharpal: some of them, have two channels, some have one, so some will just need to use one <> key, others will need both. play with it and you'll see
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08:09.50liableoh, heh, i didnt know the m bit ;)
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08:10.37simonrvnf1 f2 m <> or arrows, buncha stuff
08:10.54simonrvnf3 f4 f5 change stuff
08:11.35liablefirst thing i found out was <>, being a creature of habit stuck with what worked, didn't look further..
08:11.55harpalHey still no luck?
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08:12.37liableharpal: they all have 00 at the bottom now?
08:12.37harpalyes in all I have done
08:12.49liableharpal: and 'cat /vmlinuz > /dev/dsp' makes no sound?
08:13.06harpalThat I havent tried let me try that
08:14.37*** join/#debian apt (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
08:14.37*** topic/#debian is 4.0r2 released /msg dpkg etch | /msg dpkg etch->lenny | PUBLIC KEY NOT AVAILABLE? /msg dpkg no public key | THIS IS NOT #ubuntu | FAQ: | /msg dpkg bts | NO FLOOD: USE #flood or /msg dpkg paster | /msg bots NOT people
08:14.38liablehit ^c
08:15.06liabletime for a smoke and think, brb
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08:20.26liableharpal: what desktop are you using
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08:20.51Piethi. i have a package half installed in an inconsistent state. "I wasn't able to locate file for the util-vserver package. This might mean you need to manually fix this package." ->
08:21.01Pietwhat can i do to fix it?
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08:21.10harpalI have gnome
08:21.20liableharpal: ps uax|grep esd
08:21.28liableharpal: is it running?
08:22.09liableharpal: what output did you get? just the grep line?
08:22.41harpalroot      4673  0.0  0.0   2852   716 pts/1    S+   13:50   0:00 grep esd
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08:23.22liablePiet: do you have synaptic also running or some other aptitude window open?
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08:24.34Pietliable: got it solved already, thanks. but no, i hadn't, and the error message would have been different if so.
08:25.13Pietnevertheless i really appreciate your help :)
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08:28.12liableharpal: nfi atm, but hang around.
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08:29.07harpalIt has loaded module but why it not playing sould I dont understand that
08:29.19jekili need a list of all debian default usernames that be setted in /etc/passwd, there is one?
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08:30.35liableharpal: whats the mobo?
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08:32.43sridharhi evereybody, i have installed etch in my laptop lenovo, the problem, is iam not getting any sound.
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08:33.35harpalliable: how to check that onlinux machine?
08:33.37amol1hi to all..#udevinfo -a -p /sys/block/sda | grep DRIVER this command showing two different driver are used by sda how it comes?
08:33.45streuner__sridhar: GNOME?
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08:34.43harpalliable: I think Intel Corporation 946GZ/PL/GL
08:34.56liableharpal: dmidecode
08:35.10sridharstreuner_: gnome 2.18
08:35.16*** join/#debian BartVB (n=bartvb@phpbb/leader/BartVB)
08:35.33MiescoWhats your opinions on Ubuntu?
08:35.42streuner__sridhar: did that work before?
08:35.47streuner__Miesco: OT
08:35.50sridharamol: what are all the two drivers
08:36.00Miescostreuner__: OT?
08:36.13streuner__Miesco: /topic and read that
08:36.17sridharbut it is working in windows
08:36.29liableMiesco: we can give you opnions on debian, for ubuntu, go to #ubuntu
08:36.30streuner__sridhar: cat /proc/version
08:36.44streuner__!start a distro war
08:36.44dpkgrumour has it, start a distro war is Debian Rulz
08:37.06sridharLinux version 2.6.21-1-486 (2.6.21-4) (root@debian) (gcc version 4.1.3 20070528 (prerelease) (Debian 4.1.2-10)) #1 Mon Aug 6 11:07:26 IST 2007
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08:37.32streuner__oh, selfcompiled kernel, just use an official kernel :-)
08:37.42MiescoI know its not ubuntu, but i've grown to look up to you guys and respect all your opinions, I dont know anyone in Ubuntu, they will probably say its great because they all have it
08:37.44harpalliable: Iwill be back in few minutes. Lunch time
08:37.50jekili need a list of all debian default usernames that be setted in /etc/passwd, there is one?
08:38.01*** join/#debian honkytonk (n=honkyton@
08:38.24MiescoSo cmon, tell me, whats you debian users opinion on Ubuntu
08:38.25liableharpal: np
08:38.32*** join/#debian p0g0 (n=pogo@madwifi/support/p0g0)
08:38.40liableMiesco: we dont care
08:39.00*** mode/#debian [+l 771] by debhelper
08:39.18tralalaMiesco, my opinion is that debian is better. Satisfied?
08:39.24*** join/#debian rmrfchik (
08:39.50liable!why debian
08:39.50dpkg or
08:40.36rmrfchikhow to rebuild package optimized for i686?
08:40.42*** join/#debian Erik1 (
08:41.38tralalarmrfchik, which package?
08:41.41*** join/#debian GeorgeA (
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08:41.54sridharstreuner: this kernel is working fine on some other machines.
08:42.02rmrfchiktralala: iceweasel
08:42.05tralalanot every package would benefit significantly from i686
08:42.14tralalarmrfchik, don't bother
08:42.39rmrfchiktralala: this is not I want to hear ;)
08:42.52rmrfchiktralala: I want to know the way.
08:42.52*** part/#debian Bhaal (i=bhaal@freenode/staff/bhaal)
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08:42.56Erik1i did something stupid I think: I messed up the X-server and stuff like mouse recognition...The screen stays blak after boot. I can get a command line and access teh system, but no Gnome... Can I reinstalll the X part of the system or do I need to reinstall etch ?
08:43.15tralalarmrfchik, get the source, tweak the debian/rules, build
08:43.19liable!drxx Erik1
08:43.19dpkgErik1: To reconfigure your X server, run dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg as root. If you're not using Xorg (sarge or earlier), dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86, and ask me about xmd5sum if you've changed XF86Config-4 yourself.
08:43.48MiescoHow active is debian, is it a long time before distro releases?
08:43.51tralalaErik1, you don't need to reinstall anything. Did you use nvidia or fglrx propriarity drivers?
08:44.05rmrfchiktralala: hmm, afar, there is a system global variable for this. do u remeber?
08:44.05liableErik1: if you decide to edit your xorg.conf by hand, make sure you back it up first
08:44.06tralalaMiesco, aproximatly 18 months
08:44.13Erik1nvidia stuff did not work after an update
08:44.35liableErik1: using vesa should at least get you x back
08:44.56tralalarmrfchik, I've never done this. I suppose you'll discover it somewhere in the manuals of the debian build tools
08:45.06rmrfchikok, thanks
08:45.19*** join/#debian solid_liquid (
08:45.29tralalaErik1, after an update? Are you running testing/unstable?
08:45.49Erik1tralala no ?
08:46.01tralalawhat update then? Kernel security?
08:46.19Erik1tralala: etch does it autom.
08:46.20streuner__sridhar: sound in Debian is usually painless, if you using an official kernel and the hardware is supported
08:46.39tralalaErik1, you probably need to rebuild nvidia for the new kernel
08:47.20Erik1tralala.. NVIDIA suggests that when installing their stuff
08:47.32streuner__sridhar: in these cases, just make sure no sound-daemon is running (blocking) ALSA
08:47.34*** join/#debian TwistedGenius (n=tgtux@unaffiliated/twistedgenius)
08:47.46tralalaErik1, do you use the nvidia installer?
08:47.54*** part/#debian rmrfchik (
08:47.57Erik1tralala: i suppose I only should have done that, and nothing else...
08:48.20Erik1tralala: I do. but besides that, I messed up some X stuff
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08:48.48tralalaunmess the stuff
08:49.11sridharstreuner_: how to check that there is no sound daemon is running?
08:49.14Erik1tralala: that  was my orig. question...
08:49.31*** join/#debian ktwilight (n=ktwiligh@
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08:50.34tralalaErik1, it was answered.
08:51.28streuner__sridhar: in GNOME? check "ps aux | grep esd"
08:52.52*** join/#debian schemelab (
08:53.08sridharroot      5201  0.0  0.2   2580   588 ?        S    18:15   0:00 /usr/bin/esd -nobeeps
08:53.08sridharroot      9301  0.0  0.2   2008   640 pts/2    S+   19:53   0:00 grep esd
08:53.39streuner__well, just disable sound-daemon in gnome-control-center then
08:55.47*** join/#debian solar_sea (n=solar@
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08:57.37sridhari went to gnome-control-center, but i dont know how to disable
08:57.49streuner__look harder
08:58.24*** join/#debian gynterk (n=gynter@unaffiliated/gynterk)
08:58.29dpkgwell, ldap is TYPE /join #LDAP NOW! or a Lightweight Directory Access Protocol, see for more information. a client/server protocol for accessing a  directory service. It is a lightweight version of the X.500 protocol., or openldap's server is available in the slapd  package
08:58.47*** join/#debian nekostar (n=starz@unaffiliated/starscalling)
08:59.00*** mode/#debian [+l 779] by debhelper
08:59.37gynterkwhere can I check what resolution my laptop can handle ?
08:59.39harpalliable: still therer? i am back
09:00.05liableharpal: ya, i haven't had a brainwave since you left though.
09:00.11*** join/#debian seemawn (
09:00.57harpalI have done dmidecode but which section tells me about mothorboard?
09:01.19MiescoFuck I got banned from #Ubuntu
09:01.22liableharpal: should be not far from the top. paste the whole lot if your unsure
09:01.34MiescoLike im going to install it now
09:02.06*** join/#debian Danux (n=Danux__@unaffiliated/danux)
09:02.11gynterki just realized that I don't use xorg
09:02.20Miescogtg, cya geeks
09:02.40harpalliable: Is that baseboard?
09:03.08*** join/#debian noige (i=jarrod@
09:03.17noigehey anyone here ever used opsware?
09:03.43liableharpal: paste it
09:04.19Maulkinharpal: model?
09:04.48sridharstreuner__: i disabled that one, still problem persists
09:05.03harpalliable: here it is
09:05.53harpalMaulkin: which model? lenovo model? I dont know more about that
09:06.43liablethinkcentre a55
09:06.48Maulkinharpal: you have a thinkcentre a55
09:06.59MaulkinIt looks like your max resolution is 1024x768
09:08.26harpalhay liable have you seen sound in that dmidecode information?
09:08.48harpalsee it it says
09:08.49harpalType: Sound
09:08.49*** kick/#debian [harpal!n=debhelpe@unaffiliated/debhelper] by debhelper (use the paster bot or #flood)
09:08.53Andjeoanyone have a idea how to test processor performance ? i thought of using dnetc
09:08.56*** join/#debian harpal (n=harpal@
09:09.13liableharpal: does your keyboard have sound mute buttons?
09:09.20harpalIs that means that its disable from bios?
09:09.55liableharpal: if it was disabled in bios, usually the kernel shouldnt see it at all
09:10.19liableharpal: cant hurt to check, though you said it works in windows?
09:10.20jetscreamerliable: can't tell.. i disable stuff in bios and linux turns it on anyway
09:10.46*** join/#debian MecSympaTiK (n=MecSympa@
09:10.49MecSympaTiK site dedicated to mathematics and Linux
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09:11.05jetscreamerMecSympaTiK: #math .. feel lowly
09:11.14liablejetscreamer: oh, the only stuff that i have disabled, usually makes the os not see it at all, but it could well be the case i guess
09:11.46jetscreamermust be a bot
09:12.45*** join/#debian ArtVandalae (
09:13.14harpalya let me check. it agaqin
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09:14.08jetscreamerbut, not all things get enabled ... hd's did, sound/modem didn't
09:14.27ArtVandalaeHi guys, I have a large amount of data, spread across 4 hard drives. I want a way to make it seamless. I've heard of unionfs, but then I'd have to reformat my ext3 partitions... does anyone know if ext3 has any features that make it act like unionfs?
09:14.36dpkgi guess lvm is at, Logical Volume Manager for Linux, or ask me about <lvm_tutorial>, or extremely sexy. almost as sexy as Theo
09:15.11jetscreamerapic did
09:15.38*** part/#debian at0m|c (
09:15.43jetscreamerhell i didn't even have a setting in bios for apic with the stock bios
09:15.51jetscreamerlinux still turned it on :)
09:16.15harpalliable: its working on windows machine I am sure. now hwo to enable it?
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09:16.30harpalso that we can see status=enable in dmidecode?
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09:16.52jetscreamerit's the esc key when you're booting, on my thinkpad (t20) at least
09:16.59jetscreameriirc it's esc
09:17.03liableharpal: dmidecode does read bios data, so go into bios and check to make sure its enabled
09:17.26jetscreamerf12 for the bbs popup
09:17.45harpalliable: ok let me check again, and be back
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09:23.50harpalhey liable I gone to devices and audio setup. In that I have Audio support enable
09:24.37*** join/#debian Ububegin (n=chatzill@
09:24.52Ububegini installed like this ... [sudo dpkg -i package_file.deb] ... however to uninstall i haf to do this [sudo dpkg -r package_name ] May I know what is the package_name ... tks
09:25.07*** join/#debian laurly (
09:25.31sridharharpal: i also  had the lenovo, iam not getting the sound
09:26.08harpalUbubegin: just do sudo dpkg -r package_file
09:26.57harpalsridhar: I have same problem, and not sure why its not working
09:27.32harpalin my dmidecode output I have some audio status is disable
09:27.40harpalbut in bios its enable
09:28.04*** join/#debian Acidic32 (
09:28.13harpalso there may be other thing in which it has disable it. now have to check that how to enable it
09:28.22Ububeginharpal : got this error,bro... dpkg: you must specify packages by their own names, not by quoting the names of the files they come in
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09:30.21sri_jsridhar known as sri_j
09:31.09sri_jharpal: what is the other thing to enable it
09:31.11harpalUbubegin: Than you have to find package name from .deb I dont know that
09:31.28harpalsri_j: That I dont know so I am asking here
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09:31.57harpalearlier I couldnt know that its disable after some help from liable we discover that its disable
09:31.58UbubeginHi anyone knows, how to go about and finding the package name.....  harpal: tks for the effort
09:32.06sortowhats the best way to zip/unzip files with debian?
09:32.10Acidic32i got a problem, why does eth keep going up after every boot, i need to ifconfig eth6 then if i reboot it will be eth8
09:32.12liableharpal: are you sure you dont have mute buttons on your keyboard?
09:32.24Ububeginsorto: tar -xzvf
09:32.39liableharpal: i have a thinkpad and the mute button will kill audio even though evrything else looks good
09:33.15harpalYes I have LENOVO keyboard and it has nothing extra button
09:33.38harpalto enable or disable keyboard or do extra things
09:34.41*** join/#debian tapas (
09:34.58tapascan i tell dpkg-buildpackage not to delete all the remains of the last build attempt?
09:35.05*** join/#debian harpal_ (n=harpal@
09:35.05tapasit quit with an error
09:35.13sri_jharpal : k
09:35.14tralalaliable, kill?
09:35.24tapasand i want to rerun it without having to wait another 4hs until is ee the error again
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09:36.17liabletralala: kill what?
09:36.18tralalatapas, I don't think it deletes them
09:36.28tralalaliable, what do you mean "kill audio"?
09:36.49harpalHey liable its working nowwww
09:36.59harpalI done know how but I get sound
09:37.13liabletralala: the mute button on a thinkpad will stop the noise coming out the speakers
09:37.26tralalatapas, but it probably recreates the Makefile causing the build to be redone
09:37.38liabletralala: as advertised..
09:37.47tralalaliable, in other words it would mute it
09:37.47liableharpal: what did you do?
09:38.01sri_jharpal: what you did?
09:38.04*** join/#debian Th3Count (
09:38.08tralalaliable, cause "kill" sounded like somthing going wrong
09:38.17liabletralala: yes, but evrything looks kosher otherwise
09:38.32liabletralala: bad choice of words i guess
09:38.45harpalnothing I have just gone to bios and just checked that audio is enable or not than just quite it and boot in to linux
09:39.09liablei thought you did that before?
09:39.10harpalThan I have just open konversation for irc chat and it heard sound in my headphone
09:39.27Th3CountI am having trouble getting the installer to work, ive read the documentation and am getting nowhere. the installer loads the floppy image to about 2% then crashes saying it can't mount my cdrom
09:39.50harpalliable: I am sure its done before on my windows machine I have sound working
09:39.55schemelabwhich graphical music player can play an audio cd?
09:39.57tralalaTh3Count, which ide chipset?
09:40.28Th3Countmy mobo is an intel DG33LT
09:40.38harpalbut If i dont play any sound than it sounds some thing cheeeeeeeeeeeeee
09:41.11*** join/#debian Sartak (n=Sartak@
09:41.12harpaland if i play file than I heard sound with cheeeeeeee
09:41.13Ububegini installed like this ... [sudo dpkg -i package_file.deb] ... however to uninstall i haf to do this [sudo dpkg -r package_name ] Does anyone know how to find the package name
09:41.16liableharpal: so its fixed?
09:41.18tralalaTh3Count, (first hit)
09:41.26liableharpal: cheeee?
09:41.56liableg33 is ich8 iirc?
09:42.07liable21 supported it
09:42.13tralalaUbubegin, man dpkg
09:42.23harpalliable: thats sound I heard If I dont play sound file. I dont know how to pronounce it in english
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09:42.39Th3CountTralala: on a windows unit. how can i take the cd image i've downloaded and make it bootable from a usb?
09:42.53*** part/#debian Bhaal (i=bhaal@freenode/staff/bhaal)
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09:43.24sri_jharpal: how can i found the sound is disabled in bios
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09:44.19harpalsri_j: just type command dmidecode and in that you have sound section and see there status, but not sure its come from bios or anywhere
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09:46.06sri_jharpal: i found the statement "sound disabled"
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09:47.12sri_jthen i went to bios by giving f1 but i dont know where should i give enable the sound
09:47.33UbubeginDid any of guys have installed apache2 from *.deb files... Cos after installing when I try to run it, -----------------------
09:47.35UbubeginSyntax error on line 1 of /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/alias.load:
09:47.36Ububeginmodule alias_module is built-in and can't be loaded
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09:48.38UbubeginThat's why I want to uninstall it and try again... But somehow I am unable to do it...without knowing the package_name ... :(
09:48.47harpalsri_j: just go to device and go to audio device
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09:49.00*** mode/#debian [+l 787] by debhelper
09:49.07rabby__is there a minimalistic package of gnome that only install what is really neccessary and not everything?
09:49.11harpalin that you have option that tells you weather your audio is enable or not
09:49.35tapasUbubegin: why not comment out the line he moans about?
09:49.57peppeTh3Count: something like this ?
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09:50.45pepperabby__: maybe gnome-core ?
09:50.54rabby__peppe, thx
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09:51.03harpalliable: now audio has gone, dont know :(
09:51.19Ububegintapas: just another error comes out..when I comment it out.. :( .. similar to old one, but with diff name...
09:52.11tapasUbubegin: well, the package is called apache2
09:52.20tapasUbubegin: sudo apt-get remove apach2
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09:54.32Ububegintapas: never knew apt-get will do the job... gracias
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09:55.58tapasUbubegin: you might want to try the introductory ubuntu documentation
09:56.01tapasit might help :)
09:56.32Ububegintapas: thanks man... i am getting a ubuntu book 2morrow...
09:56.35*** join/#debian Luria (
09:56.46tapasUbubegin: no need. much docs are online
09:58.01Andjeoany recomendations for backup software to backup a LAMP box ?
09:58.14sri_jHarpal:In BIOS there is no Device option itself
09:58.20*** join/#debian bootc (n=bootc@
09:58.43harpalsri_j: Than you must have some audio option in your bios
09:58.59harpalin that you got enable or disable
09:59.00bootcmorning folks, I've set up Samba as a domain server but all my users are coming up with their full GECOS name (e.g. Chris Boot,,,)
09:59.07Erik1tralala: still no go... if I want to use plain vga, do I set 'Driver' in xorg.conf to vga instead of nvidia ?
09:59.18bootchow can I edit the passdb.tdb to remove that (already cleaned up /etc/passwd)
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09:59.42tralalaErik1, don't edit xorg.conf manually, /msg dpkg drxx
09:59.51tralalaselect vesa
10:00.05harpalsri_j: Than enable it
10:00.08*** join/#debian sangitha (n=s@
10:00.17harpaland you have sound in debian
10:00.47harpalsri_j: change that disable to enable
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10:01.23sri_jthe disbaled was there in dmidecode command
10:01.49sangithahi all
10:01.50harpalohhhhh I thought that you got it in bios
10:01.50sebastian^good morning folks :)
10:02.00sri_jharpal: no ya
10:02.12sangithai am trying to create debian custom cd
10:02.16harpalsri_j: Dont sure because now my sound is not working
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10:02.32sangithai have created one
10:02.36harpalI have just heard one song and after changing that song it has gone
10:02.57tralalaTh3Count, I don't think you can do it on windows. Download the usb stick installer and follow these instructions:
10:03.08harpalsri_j: I am also searching that
10:03.13sangithabut some of the packages like gnome-utils are available in the cd but not getting installed
10:03.23sri_jharpal:we are hearing single sound
10:03.49sangithacould anybody help me in this
10:03.50sri_jharpal:sorry we are not hearing single sound
10:05.04sri_jsangitha:intially u just check all the dependices are there in gnome-utils
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10:06.05ArtVandalaeHi... I just plugged my Texas Ti84 calc into my computer, and I check my dmesg and sure enough it's "seen" it: "usb 1-1: new full speed USB device using ohci_hcd and address 5" but what address e.g. "/dev/sda" is it on?
10:06.43harpalsri_j: Here its not sure at what time we get sound
10:07.01sangithasri_j, yes i have checked all the dependancies are available
10:07.13*** join/#debian BudgetDedicated (
10:09.01*** mode/#debian [+l 794] by debhelper
10:09.19sri_jsangitha:intially u just install cd and after that install gnome-utils and do the cross verify all the packages are there
10:10.55sangithasri_j, yes i have installed gnome-utils  from the same cd it is getting installed without asking for any dependancies
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10:12.36sri_jsangitha: check both the preceed file and folder name are same
10:13.17aislinuxAnybody that can help me to get my mail relay to work. I mean I tryed everything right now I cant see what it is.
10:13.35aislinuxI got 550 5.7.1 Unable to relay allways
10:15.02petemcaislinux: that looks like a microsoft exchange message
10:15.09aislinuxyes, :-)
10:15.19petemcthis is #debian
10:15.30aislinuxbut still trying from Debian
10:15.41petemcright, but the problem is with the server
10:15.51dpkgrumour has it, nofp is Not Our Fucking Problem
10:16.05bootcto answer my own question: net rpc user edit fullname <user> <new full name>
10:16.31aislinuxNo, I thing it is autentication from Debian
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10:17.01Guerinaislinux: consult the logs on the server to verify. Don't guess.
10:18.25Guerinor better yet
10:18.34Guerinuse a mail server which isn't utterly crap
10:19.07harpalHey any one just show me file /etc/modprobe.d/sound?
10:19.25Erik1tralala: no go : no screen even...acn't work blind...can I redo the entire X-system ?
10:20.28tralalaErik1, what did you do? Show us the X.log
10:20.30*** part/#debian bootc (n=bootc@
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10:20.45sangithasri_j, yes the name in the preseed file and the folder name are same
10:21.36Erik1tralala: how can I get teh log on a pastebin ? it's on the linux machine...I type on my laptop: only got a commandline...
10:22.40tralalapaste, /msg dpkg without x
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10:22.53tralalaErik1, /msg dpkg paste without x
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10:28.58Erik1tralala: yeah, but how can I get the log file on that site ???
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10:30.02erikjaErik1, copy/paste
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10:30.30ringo999what is a good "light" picture viewer app for debian?
10:30.33Erik1erikja: I have no X, now browser
10:31.28sri_jsangitha: u are having any other precced file or first generate the ./
10:31.36erikjaErik1, then it's difficult. Install the Lynx broweser
10:33.33Erik1erikja: might be quicker to reinstall X....or even etch....
10:33.42*** join/#debian Agiofws (
10:33.44Erik1can I reinstall entire X ?
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10:36.02iwksehi all, how can i get with dpkg the license of a package?
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10:37.38peppeiwkse: maybe you can just look in /usr/share/doc/package/copyright
10:37.42y7whenever i type ./configure, i get this error msg: configure: error: no acceptable C compiler found in $PATH
10:37.45y7what am i doing wrong?
10:38.04peppey7: apt-get install build-essential
10:38.04iwksepeppe: thanks:)
10:38.45harpalsri_j: you have thinkpad? and you dont have sound running?
10:39.11harpalsri_j: check out this this may help you
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10:44.02harpalHey to update I must do first apt-get upgrade and than apt-get update or vice versa?
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10:46.41dpkgTo use an NVIDIA graphics card with Debian, see If you've done it before, ask me about <nvidia one-liner> for a reminder.
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10:47.19Internat!nvidia one-liner
10:47.19dpkgrumour has it, nvidia one-liner is apt-get install nvidia-kernel-2.6-`uname -r | sed 's,.*-,,g'` nvidia-settings nvidia-glx && dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg (if you're on amd64, also install nvidia-glx-ia32. Using sarge? Ask me about <nvidia_sarge>. Homegrown or kernel from testing/sid: <nvidia_post_etch>. If you're using a Geforce2 or older: <nvidia_legacy>.
10:47.46happlajoltcan: hehe, check out the one-liner =)
10:48.11Internathmms thats not what i wanted
10:48.46*** part/#debian grumpy (
10:49.06egoleois anyone using acer 4520 amd nvidia geforce 7000M
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10:50.04rush2Please give me a link to site where I can get debian etch images with new kernels
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10:54.02joltcanhappla: Which one? I'm a bit off-line at the moment
10:54.45*** part/#debian rush2 (
10:54.46happlajoltcan: about nvidia
10:54.57happlajoltcan: 11:47:19
10:55.03happlaaccording to ntp
10:55.08*** join/#debian BenoitH (
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10:56.23joltcanhappla: I usually use that one with the uname
10:56.32happlajoltcan: ok
10:57.01joltcanhappla: It is nice though
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10:59.00*** mode/#debian [+l 802] by debhelper
10:59.10happlajoltcan: oneliners is always
10:59.19happlajoltcan: I love my remove thousands of files-onliner =)
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10:59.28happlawell eller, lunch
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11:10.02Cr3atureMP3 Lame codec for Debian?
11:12.42*** join/#debian N0S3 (n=Parana@unaffiliated/n0s3)
11:13.24joltcanCr3ature: You mean the program lame with mp3 support?
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11:31.43apt_getDebian ETCH can work together OpenSSI and DRBD?
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11:40.15Cr3atureARGH what is with this
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11:40.34Cr3atureall the lines are drawing with letters: x and q:s
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11:46.30gordonjcpCr3ature: what lines?
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11:49.43Cr3aturegordonjcp: line mc
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11:53.05EnverexHas there been any progress into multiarch over the last year?
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11:54.08tobiis there any better/easier solution for bandwidth reservation between 2 ips than tc?
11:54.20tobijust plain reservation, nothing dynamic
11:54.36tobionly depending on the source and destination ip
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11:56.04nullvoidhello all
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11:57.19nullvoidwhy is that everytime I try to start my ivman it will display (do_startup_configure) and yet the service not started
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12:03.17nullvoidhow can I start ivman? everytime i issue /etc/init.d/ivman start I got something like do_startup_configure and no process of ivman :(
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12:04.34yommHow can I make a .deb package from an installed application that is not in my apt-cache ??
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12:05.29apt_getDebian ETCH can work together OpenSSI and DRBD?
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12:06.18harkyomm: dpkg-repack
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12:06.50yommhark : Thank you ; I'll check into that right now !
12:07.00yommman dpkg
12:07.18hark!info dpkg-repack
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12:07.49harkwait for it..
12:08.33dpkgdpkg-repack: (puts an unpacked .deb file back together), section admin, is optional. Version: 1.28 (sid), Packaged size: 11 kB, Installed size: 68 kB
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12:09.15unenougherr, how do i download all the dependencies a source package needs for building?
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12:10.33harkapt-get build-dep foo
12:10.58unenoughhark, thanks!
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12:12.02apt_gethark, i will try
12:12.13Erik1can I reinstall etch without affecting /home and /var ?
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12:13.14harpalHey anyone here used syslog-ng for logging?
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12:14.02Guerin!anyone use syslog-ng for logging?\
12:14.02dpkgNo, no one uses syslog-ng for logging?\, not even the people who use it.
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12:14.58^shark_!msg anyone repair etch
12:15.13^shark_!anyone repair etch
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12:17.21GuerinErik1: yes, if they're on separate partitions
12:17.36Erik1Guerin: ok
12:17.37Guerinif not, you'll have to back them up
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12:18.01harpaloh I means I cant log with syslog-ng with perticular program
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12:19.46peppeis there anybody in there?
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12:19.58Enverexchilly, There are 800 people in here, were you expecting a personal welcome?
12:20.28chillyno, just checking if anybody responded here , as in the moole server nobody responded
12:21.05chillyi have a problem with a configuration with my moodle, but gues i cant ask that kinda question here ey ....
12:21.50chillyif anybody know how to configure moodle then please tell me
12:22.02chillyim having a lot a big problem
12:22.17Guerinchilly: not likely
12:22.43gordonjcpCr3ature: sounds like you've got the wrong terminal set
12:23.16gordonjcppeppe: just nod if you can hear me...
12:23.21chillypitty ... thanx anyway
12:23.54Erik1where are firefoxes bookmarks stored on etch ?
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12:24.46peppeErik1: ~/.mozilla/firefox/yourprofile/bookmarks.html
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12:28.46sri_jsangitha: r u there
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12:29.09mic_pHi all. How I can list a package into a repository with apt-get?
12:29.26mic_p(sorry the packages into a repository)
12:31.33nkuttlermic_p: apt-cache search ?
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12:32.45mic_pnkuttler: I'm looking for something like: "apt-get -t unstable install a_package", but that list the packages!
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12:33.31nkuttlermic_p: apt-cache policy ?
12:34.57StrangeCharm_i'm having some trouble making a couple of raid arrays. i have six disks attached to this machine: one 160gb attached to the board's sata controller, one 40gb attached to the board's ide controller, three 300gb and one 320gb attached to an add-in card that claims to be a raid card, but actually just seems to be a raidless sata controller. i'm trying to set up the following system: a 900gb raid5 using the first 300gb of the four disks on the add-in
12:34.58StrangeCharm_hen rebooted. once i got to the partitioner, i marked my disks for partitions necessary to make the above, but when i go in to configure software raid, i don't find all of the partitions that i marked as being available for raid actually being available. if i go to delete multidisk devices, i find 'md1', ':', inactive', 'sdb1 [2]', and 'mdo_raid5', none of which i can delete. the only one of these that appears to have any component devices is md0_
12:35.03StrangeCharm_raid5 which had three of my 300gb paritions on it, however, when i return to the main partitioning menu, i find raid5 device #0 with 900gb of free space on it. what on earth is going on?
12:35.08StrangeCharm_dang it
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12:36.12mic_pnkuttler: but with this, I have to know the package name, but I want to see what package are into that repository
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12:38.11GuerinStrangeCharm_: edit yourself
12:38.32GuerinStrangeCharm_: nobody cares that much about your predicament
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12:38.49StrangeCharm_Guerin: i realised how much i'd typed after i typed it, sorry
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12:39.38Dewiand they say using enter as punctuation is a bad thing
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12:46.07k-man_is there a way to install the nvidia drivers for a new kernel before rebooting into that kernel?
12:46.22k-man_so when i reboot X will work
12:46.51Guerink-man_: no.
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12:50.25m0u5eis there a meta package for installing the minimal deb gui interface (gnome)?
12:51.04m0u5ei was using a netinst cd, but it wasn't able to contact the servers over my network
12:51.05ronrm0u5e: gnome is nog a minimal gui
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12:51.15ronrm0u5e: tasksel will install gnome
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12:51.23m0u5eronr: tasksel?
12:51.27ronrm0u5e: s/nog/not/
12:51.36ronrm0u5e: yes
12:51.47ronrm0u5e: desktop install installs gnome
12:52.21*** part/#debian method_ (n=method@pdpc/supporter/base/method-)
12:52.21ronrm0u5e: but if you want a minimal gui, there are many options more minimal than gnome
12:52.36m0u5eronri meant the minimum gnome requirements
12:52.44m0u5eronr: *i
12:52.54ronrm0u5e: ah, ok
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12:55.57m0u5eronr: so what should i type? :X
12:57.10m0u5ei'm logged in as root, at the moment and i want to install whatever metapackage that will install what the standard debian netinst cd would have installed, were it able to connect to
12:57.59ronrm0u5e: tasksel<enter>
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13:02.37m0u5eronr: it just keeps saying no packages are selected to be installed / upgraded/ removed
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13:03.57ktwilight[m]am trying to setup a bridge on my eth0 and ath0 (wireless). installed bridge-utils, modified /etc/network/interfaces (sample: ) but i still can't ping any pcs within the network nor the internet. what am i missing?
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13:05.42Unknownlu tt le monde les gens
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13:13.19dpkghello, vin`
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13:14.25AKXMorning. I've a bunch of .pcf fonts I'd need to install for X. How do I do it?
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13:24.54metaperlHow do I enable ssh on my Debian/etch machine? I want to be able to ssh into my machine
13:25.11dayidmetaperl:: install it, and then start it
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13:26.02jaggz-dpkg -l '*bind*' does not list all the bind packages, I'm confused.  there's bindgraph, and it doesn't show -- but aptitude shows it (uninstalled)
13:26.03dpkgii  '*bind*' does not list all the bind packages, I'm confused.  there's bindgraph, and it doesn't show -- but aptitude shows it (uninstalled)                 3.4-3.3           ultra s3kr1t #debian package
13:26.09jaggz-not installed, that is
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13:27.19metaperlwajig search ssh returns a lot of things... openssh-server is what I want to install to allow ssh into my box?
13:27.41jaggz-that's what some want you to install so they can ssh into your computer
13:27.42rafikswhat happened to xsane and hplip.. after I upgrade to hplip 2.17.10 ,xsane no longer works ..
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13:28.50rafiksrunnning debian unstable here ..
13:29.20rafiksi have an HP F340 all in one printer
13:30.22rafikshp-toolbox does not recognize the printer but I can print my email via mutt ..cups seems to be working also
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13:31.08grubon join spambot - sHe[14]
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13:35.28metaperlI have a netgear router. Here is the ifconfig of the machine I want to ssh into -  --- how would I do so from another machine which is making use of the same netgear router?
13:36.46ronsonolMigrated from SUSE to Etch in the last week, and it's been shooting dice whether sound works on bootup.  Right now, it isn't.  Applications don't complain, there's just no sound.  If I adjust nothing and reboot, experience says sound will work fine.  Any suggestions toward diagnosis while it's still in a trouble state?
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13:37.58Maniahow can install debian on VirtualBox?
13:38.25petemcMania: ssh user@
13:38.30petemcmetaperl: ^^^
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13:38.54Maniaunde5r OS type is no debian?
13:40.11schemelabyes thanks petemc - it's me metaperl but i'm on IRC upstairs on XP ... ssh'ing to debian downstairs.. that works :)
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13:41.49MunkeeMania: Select linux
13:42.00Maniawich linux
13:42.17MunkeeMania: Probably Linux 2.6
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13:42.28Maniaok munkee thanx
13:42.32Maniai try it
13:42.43peppemetaperl: you've to remove /etc/ssh/sshd_not_to_be_run and restart ssh
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13:43.23schemelabi will see if that file is there downstair
13:43.58MunkeeWith all the 32bit java stuff now in unstable, would I be too hopeful in thinking that I can get java browser plugin support in iceweasel on amd64?
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13:46.46DGnomeHi! After dist-upgrade to lenny, all gtk-fonts got really tiny outside of gnome. Is there a gnome-service that I can start alongside openbox to fix this or do I have to tweak something?
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13:48.49streuner_!info gtk-chtheme
13:48.51dpkggtk-chtheme: (GTK+ 2.0 theme changer and previewer utility), section x11, is optional. Version: 0.3.1-2 (sid), Packaged size: 17 kB, Installed size: 64 kB
13:49.00*** mode/#debian [+l 821] by debhelper
13:49.19streuner_DGnome: ^^^
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13:52.53DGnomestreuner_: apparaently, running gnome-settings-daemon in the background gives the wanted result :)
13:57.59Asmoohdemons.. I dont know how to call them.. demons live in the box.. its a gateway to hell   *sing*
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14:01.58pobegaHow can I have a service automatically stop when I unplug my laptop from the AC adapter?
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14:06.17hypnus9What is the best way for my windows laptop to access my debian desktop?
14:06.45hypnus9I am using my debian desktop as a file server.
14:06.50Enverexhypnus9, Samba
14:06.56hypnus9ok. Thanks
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14:07.59abrotmanuh .. did he mean the files or the desktop?
14:11.07pobegaHow can I have a service automatically stop when I unplug my laptop from the AC adapter?
14:11.08hipodilskiIs there a good way to redirect port locally ?
14:11.31hipodilskilet's say I want to redirect 3306 to 33006
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14:11.44hipodilskiso if somebody tries to connect to 33006 to open 3306?
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14:12.20peppehipodilski: dnat?
14:12.59abrotmanpobega: maybe an acpi event?
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14:13.43DavemanGood morning, abrotman :)
14:13.51hipodilskipeppe: is there something to read about this
14:13.56hipodilskipeppe: how exactly with DNAT?
14:13.58dayidhipodilski:: iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -d YOURIP -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 3306 -j DNAT --to-destination
14:14.08SQLDbHrm. Crap. Somewhere along the line, this kernel update went bad. I've got a box, running, with no kernel installed (at next reboot, it'll be dead), w/o networking (module's not there)... And, I don't think I can drop in a keydrive, with the appropriate .deb on it... Should I just say screw it, and re-install? (all the important stuff was on NFS anyhow)
14:14.12dayidor you can leave out the "-d YOUR IP" if you're wanting to do it for every IP on your machine
14:14.22peppepobega: it's an ACPI event, install acpid and put a rule under /etc/acpi/events/
14:14.24dayidpresuming you have nat allowed, etc
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14:15.13peppepobega: you can see the event's name and attributes in /var/log/acpid
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14:16.05pobegapeppe: I don't see it now. It's an /etc/init.d servic
14:16.15mnehi guys. Is it possible to set up a crypto-disk with dm-crypt ontop a tempfs ? I would like to have a crypto-ramdisk with 256MB for speed testing purposes
14:16.39peppepobega: what is a service? acpid?
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14:17.30pobegapeppe: Well, I'm trying to get an init.d service to stop when I'm on battery life and continue when I'm on AC power.
14:17.51metaperlthe wajig pkg mgr is da shiznit
14:18.01hipodilskidayid: thanks I guess IP forwarding should be enabled
14:18.55abrotmanhi Daveman
14:18.55simonrvni found it got in my way
14:19.15etcat /proc/acpi/ac_adapter/ACAD/state
14:19.15etstate:                   on-line
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14:19.28etat least here
14:19.43etoh, nevermind
14:19.46peppeet: would that mean _polling_ that file?
14:20.00peppepobega: you can call "/etc/init.d/service stop" when the event is "ac unplugged" and start when you replug in the ac power
14:20.03hipodilski# iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -d -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 3306 -j DNAT --to-destination
14:20.11etpeppe: i misunderstood him
14:20.13metaperlok I installed ntp and told the clock gadget in gnome to use a few ntp servers, but the time is still wrong...
14:20.14hipodilskitelnet localhost 33006
14:20.14hipodilskitelnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused
14:20.16*** kick/#debian [hipodilski!n=debhelpe@unaffiliated/debhelper] by debhelper (use the paster bot or #flood)
14:20.32dayidyou just set it up to forward FROM 3306 TO 33006
14:20.41peppepobega: just put a script in /etc/acpi/events/, following the instructions
14:20.46dayidand you would need to then run a service or something on 33006
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14:21.12pobegaSo I create a new script called "ac unplugged" on par with the other scripts?
14:21.41peppepobega: I think you can say "ok, run this script if the event is ac_unplugged"
14:21.49peppeor something like that
14:22.07etpeppe: i thought he wanted a script not to continue if he is on battery power
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14:22.55peppeet: hm.... I've understood that he needs to stop a service when going on battery, and start it when on ac power
14:23.12simonrvnstill hasn't realised he got kicked by the bot
14:23.17pobegapeppe: But what I mean is I have to create a new script, or should it already exist? Because I don't have an ac_unplugged script at the moment.
14:23.27hotchipshello. Does anyone know of a irc channel where people learning to program meet?
14:23.29peppepobega: ok, create a brand new script :)
14:23.32etyes, that's what i got too when i read it again, that's why i wrote "oh, nevermind"
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14:24.42peppepobega: read some acpid manuals in order to create that script... by looking at powerbtn I see that you can specify the event type and a command to be run
14:24.43pobegaWhat do I put for the event= line?
14:24.59peppepobega: dunno, read the acpid manul
14:25.34danielshwhenever I maximize gvim, it shrinks itself to be a little less than maximized. Other apps stay maximized.
14:25.38pobegaThanks a lot peppe and et
14:25.48peppeBTW, you should also modify your service "start" script
14:25.51danielshhow can I make it stay maximized?
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14:26.11peppebecause at boot time you don't know if you're running on ac power or battery, and acpi generates no events for that
14:26.58peppeso you must read /proc/acpi/AC/something and figure out if you're on ac power (and then really start the service) or on battery
14:27.11pobegapeppe: I already modified the script to work with on_ac_power, but thanks for the tip.
14:27.28abrotmanhotchips: is there a #programming ?
14:27.41abrotmanhrm .. guess not
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14:29.53themillpeppe: the /proc/acpi interface is going away in 2.6.24. There is an equivalent interface in /sys instead.
14:30.08hotchipsabrotman : I don't know. I was wondering if anyone knows of a good place to exchange ideas about learning to program.
14:30.22abrotmanhotchips: there are specific channels for languages
14:30.23dayidhotchips:: I hear the internet is a good place for that :-p
14:30.27abrotmanhotchips: what kind of programming?
14:30.37peppethemill: oh, I didn't know that. ok, may be you can just run "acpi -a" ? :)
14:30.51themillpeppe: yep.. or run on_ac_power ...
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14:31.19hotchipsabrotman : I am an absolute beginner
14:32.01abrotmanhotchips: but do you know what kind of programming you'd like to do? or a language you'd like to learn?
14:32.10xozabrotman: english
14:32.12hotchipsI guess I would like to learn C
14:32.18abrotmanhotchips: so you'd start in ##c
14:33.06abrotmanhotchips: there is ##programming also .. though not many people
14:33.08chopshotchips: Generally it's better to pick up a book than show up in a chat and ask everyone to explain everything to you in real time... learning to program takes a long time.
14:33.12hotchipsabrotman: I read most good programs are written in C
14:33.31abrotmanhotchips: depends how you define "good" ... but it is widely used
14:33.53xozhotchips: C programming by Kernighan and Ritchie is a good start
14:34.16abrotmanmight be a bit much .. but whatever
14:34.18hotchipsabrotman: I have a book but I am now looking for resources on line like a good place to find basic samples of code I could use to learn
14:34.27abrotmanhotchips: google! :)
14:34.29chopshotchips: What book do you have?
14:35.08abrotmanthe one with pages
14:35.16hotchipsI bought one of those "For Dummies" series about programming for beginners
14:35.33abrotmanhotchips: if you really want to learn C .. go to ##c and ask them for good online resources
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14:35.53hotchipsxoz: thanks for the tip
14:36.03abrotmanhotchips: just be aware that there are many other languages that are easier to learn
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14:36.24hotchipsabrotman: thanks I will ask them. :)
14:36.58hotchipsabrotman: by the way what language would you recommend to learn the basics?
14:37.08tralalapascal ;)
14:37.28chopshotchips: You can also check out O'Reilly's online books; see .  I believe you'll find better books there than the "For Dummies" series, but that's just my own prejudices :-).
14:37.58edthefoxlol i remember when i first started learning pascal... way back in 1990 lol...
14:38.08abrotmanhotchips: i couldn't recommend a language unless i knew your goal
14:38.15hotchipstralala, chops , xoz Thanks
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14:38.47chopshotchips: C is a little hard to jump into straight away... python is a good choice IMHO; java and ruby would be my second choices.  C is good too though, and it'll give you a much deeper understanding than the others if you can pick it up.
14:38.51edthefoxhotchips: so, ae youwanting to prog on for linux or windows?
14:38.52tralalahotchips, I was kidding. Actually abrotman is right - depends on the purpose.
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14:39.35hotchipsabrotman: I think my goal is to be able to know a language well enough so that I can modify free software to my needs.
14:39.47abrotmanhotchips: C and python are good places to start .. and perl
14:40.06xoz...and ruby, really.
14:40.34tralalahotchips, most of the free software is writen in C/C++. Python and perl account for much of the rest
14:41.08hotchipsI am taking note. :)
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14:41.35abrotmanxoz: ruby isn't hugely useful for modifying F/OSS apps .. yet
14:41.39chopshotchips: Free software is written in all sorts of languages... picking up some and fooling with it is actually a great way to learn about code once you've gone through one of the "introduction to whatever" books.  There's no substitute for seeing what other people have figured out and how well it worked (or didn't) :-).
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14:42.27tralalahotchips, I'm not sure that modifying free software is a valid goal though.
14:42.52abrotmangotta start somewhere?
14:42.52xozabrotman: yep. 'replacement' i would say. much cleaner/easier coding.
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14:43.01abrotmanxoz: debatable .. but oh well
14:43.15tralalaI mean it could very well be one, but most of the people end up only using it. Including me - an actual coder.
14:43.23hotchipstralala: I meant modify and make it better like getting rid of bugs and then give it back to the community
14:43.26edthefoxhotchips: i highly recommend reading up on bash and regular expressions... learning regular expressions are of paramount importance
14:43.27abrotmantralala: in pascal? :)
14:43.55tralalaabrotman, yes... once upon the time ;)
14:45.03tralalahotchips, I know what you mean.
14:45.53hotchipsSometimes I wish a program could do something and it would be great to be able to program it thus help the free software community
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14:46.12abrotmani wish F/OSS could make me eggs ...
14:46.33tralalahotchips, I'd recommend you to pick your favourite project and start as a tester.
14:46.47abrotmanand bug reporter
14:46.47hotchipsabrotman: well that might be hard to program
14:46.59abrotmanhotchips: it's the laying eggs bit that seems hard :)
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14:47.29tralalaactually if you have the needed hardware making eggs would be trivial to code up
14:47.41tralalabut the laying part...
14:47.49xozhotchips: advertisement of how ruby is easy to learn:
14:47.54chopshotchips: One word of warning -- the first few patches you contribute will be a lot worse than you realize, and people won't want them.  At least, that's what happened to me.  Do not be discouraged; keep at it and you'll get it.  :-)
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14:48.32abrotmanchops: your code sucks!
14:48.32hotchipschops: Thanks. I'll keep that in mind.
14:48.47chopsabrotman: It's true, it does.
14:48.51abrotmanxoz: i love that guide :)
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14:49.07chopsabrotman: The people in #gaim actually got mad at me because of my patch some time back :-)
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14:49.26tralalahotchips, most of the time the effort needed to contribute to FOSS projects is the main demotivator
14:49.54abrotmanchops: i heard they changed the name of the project and hoped you wouldn't find out
14:50.02hotchipstralala: I think I can imagine that.
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14:50.07chopsabrotman: Really?  What'd they change it to?
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14:50.43themillchops: it's when you know you code sucks that you actually start to become a competent programmer.
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14:51.13tralalathemill, this sounded so wrong...
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14:52.00Ya_1I can write 'Hello, world', and I know it sucks... Am I...?
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14:52.27gordonjcpYa_1: you are on the path to enlightenment
14:52.52hipodilskiI would like to redirect port 33006 to 3306 everybody to be able to reach 3306 where directly 3306 is filtered for some IPs
14:52.58hipodilskican somebody point me of a way to do that
14:53.08hipodilskiis it possible to do that?
14:53.38tralalahipodilski, yes - #iptables
14:54.15hotchipsThanks to all of you guys. I will let you know as soon as I am able to write some code.Bye.
14:54.37mbomanwith svn-buildpackage, how can I merge a SVN repository of upstream sources with the local package repository? (ie: trying to build a lorcon package. I have svn co the code to lorcon/trunk and created the lorcon/trunk/debian directory and related files. dpkg-buildpackage works, but svn-buildpackage doesn't [can't open debian/.svn/entries])
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14:55.59the_sniffi've high loads for my server
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14:56.12the_sniffmost of the apache processes i see take 13m of ram each!
14:56.21the_sniffhow can i trace a process? strace?
14:56.28abrotmanthat's it?
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14:56.50abrotmanthe_sniff: shouldn't you be out playing in the snow?
14:56.54chopsthe_sniff: Is the 13M under "RES"?
14:56.59chopsthe_sniff: (in top)
14:57.01the_sniffchops yeah!
14:57.01simonrvnwhat, do you have 32 mb ram on that thing to be so concerned about 13mb?
14:57.10chopsthe_sniff: Also, are you running mod_perl or mod_python?
14:57.11the_sniffabrotman: no, no snow in my city :'(
14:57.20the_sniffchops, no, you asked me yesterday :p
14:57.34chopsthe_sniff: I was wondering if the answer had changed since then :-)
14:57.40the_sniffnah hehe
14:57.41themillsimonrvn: if this is the same box as yesterday, it was running like a dog and with a load average of 15. Too many apache children.
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14:58.06the_sniffsimonrvn: i've 153 apache processes heh
14:58.09simonrvn*cough* process limiting
14:58.10RamattackHi mates
14:58.17Ramattackone very easy question
14:58.22abrotmanhow easy?
14:58.28the_sniffsimonrvn: it has as many visitors on right now, why would i want to limit them :S
14:58.46abrotmanthe_sniff: so limit the available apache children ?
14:59.03the_sniffwhat would that do?
14:59.05abrotmanthe_sniff: paste the output of 'free'
14:59.07Ramattackwell as easy I though I got the answer by myself lol, my answer is one debian box has a number of maximum file descriptors and it sets limits per user
14:59.28simonrvnwell, you do something about it or quit bitching about it. simple.
14:59.36chopsthe_sniff: If you don't have any memory-hungry modules that you don't need, then you may just have to limit the number of children or get more memory.
14:59.38Ramattackand the reason because it doesn't give you more file descriptors is for avoiding DOS of you're self to you're own machine
14:59.41Ramattackam I wrong?
15:00.05the_sniffchops: it's goind to have 2 gbs of ram installed today afaik
15:00.06chopsthe_sniff: It'll be better to make the web-serving slightly slow by limiting the number of children to a manageable number than to make it massively slow by letting the server start thrashing.
15:00.11simonrvnRamattack: that's normal. set the limit higher if needed
15:00.12chopsthe_sniff: Ah, that'll help :-)
15:00.26the_sniffbut untill then i can't have it dead p:
15:00.30Erik1during re-install etch over an existing one, (wanna keep /var and /home) I get a 'debootstrap warning about trying to run chroot /target dpkg --force-depends --install var/cache/apt/archives/base-passwd+3.5.11_i386.dec" what is that ? and what should I do ?
15:00.30abrotmanthe_sniff: how much does it have now? and which kernel?
15:00.39the_sniffwhat would limiting the children do, just increase the wait time?
15:00.40Ramattacksimonrvn, and won't be problems with debian packages? they¡re compiled to support the maximum file descriptors for a standard debian kernel can support?
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15:00.56simonrvnRamattack: uh, what? no...
15:01.03the_sniffabrotman: 900mb, (1gb i guess) 2.6.18-5-486 is the kernel
15:01.22RamattackI mean If I increase file descriptors for www-data user for running apache with more log files
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15:02.02Ramattackcould apache2 package crash because the limit is bigger than standard and perhaps the package is not ready for support so big number of file descriptors?
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15:02.24jellyRamattack: no, but it may fail to work correctly when you hit the limit
15:02.29simonrvnwhy would it crash?
15:02.55Ramattackjelly, why? if it's possible to increase fd's? because it's compiled for default fd's?
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15:04.16simonrvnRamattack: there's no such thing as that
15:04.25Ramattackwhat could cause those soft not to work properly jelly ?
15:04.34Ramattacksorry simonrvn what do you mean?
15:04.47simonrvn"because it's compiled for default fd's?"
15:04.56simonrvnthat's nonsense
15:05.01jellyRamattack: that's a question for software authors
15:05.04Ramattackthen why it could work not as expected?
15:05.32the_sniffwow the server's dead
15:05.35Ramattacksimonrvn, I know it's not a proper question or normal but imagine you compile a package with some options that enforce you to increase the default limit...
15:06.01Ramattackjelly, I see...
15:06.04simonrvnRamattack: the *OS* does that, not the process
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15:06.22Ramattackyeah the OS supports perhaps sometimes more performance than software does
15:06.26datachildis there any createtorrent support channel?, or is there anyone here that could answear a question regardin createtorrent?
15:06.59themillthe_sniff: making your users wait for a few milliseconds until there is an apache process available is preferable to the user having to wait a few seconds for a thrashing server to swap that processes back in and and out a few time.
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15:07.28Ramattackthemill, yes but the problem is when you run an isp for example and you need too many log files
15:07.30simonrvnRamattack: the process doesn't have an idea of max fds
15:07.47chopsRamattack: Are you trying to solve a particular problem, or just asking for the general sake of learning?
15:07.53Ramattacksimonrvn, but a process perhaps could not support very high limits
15:07.55the_sniffthemill: i know, i was just checking if i'm seeing the big picture correctly
15:07.57themillthe_sniff: wtf do log files have to do with this?
15:08.05Ramattackbut thinking in thigs have happened to me
15:08.07simonrvnall it knows is "crap, i'm only allowed that much by the os, i can't open any more"
15:08.07Ramattacksometime ago
15:08.18simonrvnalturiak: it. doesn't. work. that. way.
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15:08.24simonrvnRamattack: ^^^
15:08.28simonrvnalturiak: sorry
15:08.33the_sniffthemill log files?
15:08.57the_sniffthemill what?:S
15:09.06alturiakeh :)
15:09.24RamattackI see simonrvn but as we have said before some soft could have problems with very high limit of fd
15:09.34Ramattackor with high limit of total openfiles
15:09.58simonrvnRamattack: whatever odd idea you have there, forget it
15:10.00the_sniffthemill oh, you were'nt talking to me lol
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15:10.23streuner_simonrvn: "general learning, no target..."
15:10.24Ramattacksimonrvn, well the issue I had with that apache was in solaris9 anyway :) yep
15:10.29chopsRamattack: It's possible, but unlikely.  What you're talking about is extremely unlikely to be the root cause of any particular problem you've experienced in the past.
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15:10.51Ramattackno I have just been reading about open files
15:11.03Ramattackand remembered what happened to me in solaris that year
15:11.06simonrvnyeh, and got the wrong idea...
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15:11.38RamattackI suppose perhaps I couldn't have that problem in debian because it supports more open files per user by default
15:11.42streuner_simonrvn: :-P
15:11.42Ramattackunless more than solaris 9
15:12.19Ramattackand though let's talk to debian mates what do they think :)
15:12.33simonrvnlinux has a default open file max, debian doesn't set anything via /etc/security/limits.conf or sysctl
15:12.50datachildanyone using createtorrent?
15:12.54Ramattackwell I say debian because I'm fan of debian and I always run it
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15:13.05Ramattackdebian r##lz
15:13.16streuner_tell news
15:13.32RamattackI love when in my benchmarks get 100 of load average in my servers :) :) :) :)
15:13.38Ramattacklove debian :)
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15:13.53Ramattackwell mates should go now :)
15:14.18Ramattacksee u :)
15:14.22Ramattackthanks for all
15:15.47simonrvnenthusiastic, isn't he
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15:19.12the_sniffi know whats the heavy load
15:19.41the_sniffi forgot this server had a sex video upload website (i don't touch it heh) the video encoding is what's causing 15m of apache proccess
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15:21.29downhillgameswhat's the syntax for adding etch-backports to /etc/apt/sources.list?
15:21.38enzois it possible with the debian installer to install the /boot partition on a raid ?
15:21.49streuner_downhillgames: read instructions at
15:21.55downhillgamesstreuner_: cheers
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15:23.57yzaLyzarCWhy does my debian box say my cpu is 650mhz when it is 600?
15:24.14g-dit's being generous
15:24.16g-dto you
15:24.29yzaLyzarCCan I make it more generous?
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15:24.37g-dI would just be thankful and not question it really
15:24.45yzaLyzarCLike jump up to 2400?
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15:24.53g-ddepends on what you are willing to do for it
15:24.54hoxuyzaLyzarC, you have been scammed by the hardware vendor, sue them
15:24.54g-din return
15:25.32downhillgamesstreuner_: perfect. ty :)
15:25.36yzaLyzarCIs athlon and duron the same socket?
15:25.53downhillgamesyzaLyzarC: most, yes.
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15:26.03abrotmanyzaLyzarC: or ask #hardware
15:26.13yzaLyzarCabrotman: You are also in web?
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15:26.16downhillgamesanything 900mhz or higher is 462, probably. anything older probably Slot/Socket 7?
15:26.26abrotmanyzaLyzarC: i have internet .. yes ?
15:26.35yzaLyzarCNo, #web.
15:28.44abrotmandownhillgames: it's called #gentoo
15:29.10abrotmanyzaLyzarC: i've been in #web .. i'm not there now
15:29.38yzaLyzarCabrotman: Do you know where admamn whent?
15:29.45abrotmanyzaLyzarC: nope .. i don't go there that often
15:30.22*** join/#debian Zeit|awy_ (
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15:31.45FuroidHi! What's the difference between doing a GET command by yourself as root and when cron does it from crontab -e?
15:32.16FuroidThe script the GET command launches should send an email to my account but the email is only delivered when I do the command by myself
15:33.12``y7is there a way to set synergy up to where it loads before it asks me for my username/password on bootup?
15:33.32madclickerhi, is there a way to get info on the motherboard from a running system?
15:33.34*** part/#debian downhillgames (n=downhill@unaffiliated/downhillgames)
15:33.35abrotman!run at startup
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15:33.35dpkgMake a init script by copying /etc/init.d/skeleton, put it in /etc/init.d/ then install it with update-rc.d, or read /etc/init.d/README, or as a user you can also use a cron entry with @reboot
15:33.41abrotman!whats my hardware
15:33.41dpkgYou can use lspci, lsusb, lsscsi, lspcmcia, lshal, hwinfo, dmidecode, and/or lshw to find out what kind of hardware your machine might have, or or you could crack the lid and look inside ... oooh, shiny!
15:33.43abrotmanmadclicker: ^^
15:33.47*** join/#debian Shadow_7 (
15:33.59``y7!run at startup
15:34.00dpkgMake a init script by copying /etc/init.d/skeleton, put it in /etc/init.d/ then install it with update-rc.d, or read /etc/init.d/README, or as a user you can also use a cron entry with @reboot
15:34.01themill``y7: it would have to run as root to do that so I doubt it. You probably don't want to.
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15:34.17dpkgHispanohablantes: Por favor /join #debian-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.  Spanish Speakers: Please /join #debian-es, there you will get much more help.
15:34.19Furoidabrotman: You're the brain here, can you figure out my problem with the cron command?
15:34.23``y7is it unsecure?
15:34.23madclickerabrotman, thanks
15:34.30abrotmanFuroid: probably environment settings ..
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15:34.41abrotmanFuroid: su - <username> -c "command"
15:35.07Shadow_7Any tips why some apps (those designed for KDE) take five minutes before they actually start?  Am I missing a package or something?
15:35.17themill``y7: synergy does no authentication and isn't really tested for running on hostile networks. It's designed to be used locally or with an ssh tunnel.
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15:35.28Furoidabrotman: It's a script which is really best to run only once a day :/ so I cant test it out too often
15:35.37chopsShadow_7: You can use strace to find out what they're doing; that might give a clue
15:35.37Shadow_7Apps like ktorrent and gkrellm
15:35.45Furoidabrotman: could it help if I put the command to /etc/crontab and run it with root-user?
15:35.54abrotmanFuroid: so try what i said .. it wo'nt be any worse than it not functioning now
15:35.59``y7im using it locally, but the box is still on the internet
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15:36.16Shadow_7Also what do I put in .xinitrc to start kde?  exec kde-session?
15:36.23Furoidabrotman: the script works, but it doesn't send the summary email to my account :D
15:36.36Furoidwhen I run it as root it does send it
15:36.56Shadow_7Not that I want to start kde.  But I don't feel that it's completely installed, hence the delay in launching kde apps.
15:37.04Shadow_7it's NOT even...
15:38.45Shadow_7strace just pauses as well.  clone(child_stack=0, flags=CLONE_CHILD_CLEARTID|CLONE_CHILD_SETTID|SIGCHLD, child_tidptr-0xb66f1708) = 22730
15:38.48Shadow_7close (4)
15:38.49TASAIRESNeed Help to taht site for AMD64 Debian 4.0r2, and AGP graphic Nvidia problem to xserver ----- My CPU is Sempron +3000 (Palermo) on mainboard Nforcer 3 250 of Gigabyte GA-K8NS
15:39.03Shadow_7read(3, ***here it's just waiting***
15:39.10snotIve set up a raid1 which I backup to an external harddisk on a local server... however now I'm looking for a remote backup provider supporting ssh and about a 100GB storage for as little money as possible, recommendations?
15:39.41*** join/#debian StrangeCharm (n=flamsmar@
15:39.52g-dsnot: Svensk Datalagring
15:39.55dayidsnot:: tons of shared hosting companies will allow that - depending on how reliable you need the backup to be
15:39.55g-dthey're really good
15:40.07*** join/#debian evas (
15:40.21snotdayid: I know, and thats the problem
15:40.35sparrwI want to boot a linux box straight into a kiosk mode web browser.  Auto login with startup items seems like overkill, I am considering replacing the gdm/kdm init.d entry with one that does "startx browserbinary -fullscreen" so nothing else runs.  opinions?
15:40.36snotg-d: I'll look into that (being from dk my self :))
15:40.41g-dsnot: =)
15:40.47*** part/#debian evas (
15:40.48snotFuroid: ok
15:41.17Furoidwhole nordic here eh?
15:41.20Furoidany norwegian?
15:41.40g-dfortunately not.
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15:41.53g-djust kidding
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15:42.00g-dmy co-worker is norwegian. she's really cool
15:42.13g-dError: Couldn't save configuration file: No space left on device
15:42.28Erik1how can I install an Etch over an existing one without getting a 'debootstrap warning'
15:42.34themillg-d: so delete some of your pr0n collection
15:42.42Furoidit's stupid how all the other nordic languages are pretty same but finnish differs a lot
15:42.53*** part/#debian Bhaal (i=bhaal@freenode/staff/bhaal)
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15:42.53g-dthemill: I have none. it's for security reasons that I fill up my disks!
15:42.56Furoidok back to the topic probably
15:42.58snotthanks a lot everyone, I'll go read :)
15:43.17g-dyou can't hack me if you can't even write to the disk!
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15:43.26the_sniffanyone fimiliar with munin? im getting the files updated but they are empty
15:43.39the_sniffanyone knows why?
15:43.43the_sniffthe node doesn't run :P
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15:43.46Shadow_7also, why is barfing on gzip?  since when is it acceptable to have "security" fail?
15:44.15chopsShadow_7: What do you mean, "barfing"?
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15:44.59Furoidg-d so there's no downside on filling your computers with porn eh? It even makes the computer hacker safe
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15:45.56tinushello, sorry for this ignorant question, but I was asked to install php5-mysql module on RHEL5. Is there a way to do this with yum in an equivalent way of apt-get?
15:46.06tinusif not, where can I find the packages for it?
15:46.25tinus'yum list php' does not list it
15:46.26Shadow_7chops: on dialup, so trying to recreate it.  Been messing with sources.list.  But it was downloading gzip, then complaining about something about it.
15:46.31tinusneed I add a repository or so?
15:46.49chopsShadow_7: "Complaining about something"?
15:47.15chopstinus: Ask Red Hat?
15:47.32tinusoh haha, sorry
15:47.41tinusmind-slip, I thought I joined redhat
15:47.48Shadow_7sorry, only 3K per second on dialup.  And I removed security from the sources as work around.  So it's having to redownload... be patient.
15:48.23tinusthx chops
15:49.09Shadow_7Hmmm.  removing it, updating, then re-adding it seems to have fixed it.
15:49.18g-dFuroid: haha
15:49.37Furoidabrotman: When I do the command su - root -c "command" it works normally, emails sent
15:49.59Furoidshould I put the command in that format to the cron?
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15:51.12Furoidi mean the problem is the cronjob, it doesnt send the email
15:51.23chopstinus: np
15:51.30Furoidif I'm logged in as root and manually trigger the command it works normally, too
15:51.44Shadow_7referencing an old xterm where it lingers...  Err updates/main Packages /// 404 not Found [IP: 80 ] /// along with a bunch of Failed to fetch urls...  (but that's not the original error)
15:52.37Furoidyep,, that's the case, I confirmed it
15:52.49Shadow_7stupid strace pushing it out of the buffer.
15:53.13abrotmanFuroid: su - <yourusername> -c "command" in the cronjob
15:53.58Shadow_7Still takes forever for ktorrent to load.
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15:54.27Furoidabrotman: i tried that, no emails :/
15:54.30mick_homehi, can someone tell me why i'm banned from #debianppc? i just tried to join (I haven't been in there for months) -- and i get a message saying: "[INFO]You are banned from this channel."
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15:54.37g-dFuroid: /sbin/su
15:54.43mick_homeor is the channel having issues?
15:54.48abrotmanFuroid: uhm ok
15:54.54g-dor where ever su may reside
15:55.06abrotmanmick_home: msg an op for the channel and ask
15:55.14g-ddoes crontab know the path to su?
15:55.19Shadow_7and gkrellm.  /// connect(6, {sa_family=AF_INET, sin_port=htons(7634), sin_addr=inet_addr("")}, 16
15:55.21g-dor to the command?
15:55.23chopsShadow_7: When it hangs reading from FD 3, what is FD 3?  You can investigate /proc/???/fd to find out, or look back in the strace output for "open(blah) = 3"
15:55.31mick_homeabrotman: don't know an op in that channel off hand
15:55.49abrotmanmick_home: /msg chanserv access ##debianppc list
15:55.50Shadow_7maybe lo isn't configured yet...?
15:56.04chopsShadow_7: If lo weren't configured you'd have very serious problems
15:56.09chopsShadow_7: What version of Debian are you running?
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15:56.15mick_homeabrotman: thanks :)
15:56.28chopsShadow_7: Also, what's up with the connect() call to port 7634?  Does it hang after that?
15:56.30abrotmanmick_home: or go to the one on OFTC
15:56.47Shadow_7debian stable (etch) as installed from recent CD1+CD2+network (less than 30 days, and I have the speeding ticket to prove it).
15:56.49mick_homei think i know what the problem is
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15:57.01mick_homei think that a cloak was banned
15:57.18Shadow_7chops: that's the last item listed in strace... as I wait for it to continue.
15:57.57chopsShadow_7: Hm, so it hangs without an open system call in strace?  You could attach to the hanging process with gdb and see what it's doing, then.
15:58.45Shadow_7I'm gonna make sure lo is in /etc/network/interfaces first.
15:58.50*** join/#debian jumperz (
15:59.09Shadow_7shows up in ifconfig -a, but not ifconfig.  localhost is in /etc/hostname
15:59.17Shadow_7in /etc/hosts even
15:59.20chopsShadow_7: Just typing /sbin/ifconfig will show you whether lo is up.
15:59.33Shadow_7it's not up.  but it's a valid interface.
15:59.44chopsShadow_7: That is a odd.  Maybe you're right.  Is "auto lo" in /etc/network/interfaces?
16:00.01chopsShadow_7: Also, does the problem go away if you type 'ifup lo' and then restart KDE?
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16:00.21Shadow_7And otherwise missing from /etc/network/interfaces until now.
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16:00.53Shadow_7just edited that.  It only had two comments pointing at the docs for examples.
16:00.53chopsShadow_7: You want "auto lo" and "iface lo inet loopback" in /etc/network/interfaces.  I wonder how they managed to go missing from there...
16:00.56jajI was wondering how I can get a list of leaf packages
16:01.09chopsjaj: Packages that nothing depends on?  Try apt-rdepends.
16:01.12Kithylincan anyone help me figure out how to download the net-install iso for Sarge(stable) ? i can't find it on any of the mirrors
16:01.20chopsKithylin: sarge is not stable, etch is
16:01.32KithylinWhatever, i just want sarge, NOT etch
16:01.32Shadow_7kind of not wanting to /etc/init.d/networking stop|start though.  cause I'll loose this irc session.
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16:01.44chopsShadow_7: ifup lo
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16:01.48Kithylinis there some mirror i'm missing or something?
16:02.01jajchops, thanks I'll look into that
16:02.13SupaplexKithylin: it's old enough I doubt a lot of mirrors have it
16:02.21dpkgsomebody said sarge was Ten-HUT!  Fall in!  Sarge is the code name for the previous stable Debian release, version 3.1, released on June 6th, 2005.  ISO repository still exists:
16:02.25Shadow_7did - ifconfig lo netmask up - instead
16:02.29Kithylinis 3.1 sarge?
16:02.51chopsShadow_7: ifconfig in general is not sufficient to bring up an interface properly (for one, it doesn't set up the routes)
16:02.54Shadow_7much better.  ktorrent starts right up now.
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16:03.13Shadow_7chops: well routing shouldn't be much of an issue for lo.
16:03.18Kithylini have an older server made in 2000 that i'm trying to find an smp-enabled kernel for it (686), but none of the options under apt in etch work
16:03.24Kithylinthey all kernel panic on boot, so i need something older
16:04.44*** join/#debian truz_`24 (n=truz_`
16:04.50screamingbytesmorning all
16:05.01chopsKithylin: What's the kernel panic?
16:05.14Shadow_7Now I've got to figure out why kde is failing to start with startx.
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16:05.15Kithylinsomething with the raid card i think
16:05.24Kithylinbecause it makes the raid card scream at me when it panics
16:05.29Kithylinadaptec 2120s
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16:05.36Shadow_7Even though it appears to be installed.  And gnome-session and icewm-session work fine.
16:05.37chopsKithylin: Installing sarge on a server is not a good idea right now; security support for it will end soon
16:05.42faclonHI, I recently install debian etch but I got a problem, When I boot it when it gets to Begin: Waiting for root file system... ... it freeze and I need to reboot the computer, but it always get to the same error again and again
16:05.45Shadow_7maybe it is/was a lo thing too.
16:05.45Kithylini don't care
16:05.47chopsShadow_7: Put 'startkde' in .xinitrc?
16:05.53Kithylinit's behind a hardware firewall, it's fine
16:06.12abrotmanKithylin: all etch kernels are SMP
16:06.19Kithylinthey don't work though
16:06.23abrotmansure they do
16:06.26abrotmani've got plenty of them
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16:06.35abrotmanKithylin: did you try turning off APIC ?
16:06.35chopsabrotman: He's saying they don't work on _his_ hardware :-)
16:06.46Kithylini tried that, it /saw/ all the procs in /proc/cpuinfo, but when i tried something cpu-intensive like tar'ing something it only used 25% (1 proc)
16:06.51abrotmanchops: they make kernel options forthat!
16:06.57jetscreamer.xinitrc with startkde in it
16:07.06abrotmanKithylin: you might also want to look for a BIOS update
16:07.39chopsKithylin: Wait, you expected an SMP kernel to magically run a single-threaded process on all four CPUs simultaneously?
16:07.39Kithylinit's all updated already
16:07.39Kithylinit did in sarge, most processes would branch out fine
16:07.39chopsKithylin: You are mistaken, sir
16:07.39abrotmanno they do'nt .. tar isn't threaded
16:07.39Kithylintar worked, apache worked, ftp servers worked
16:07.47Kithylini watched top, they'd all go out and use 100% on a 4-core box
16:08.00Shadow_7didn't really want kde installed (100MB+, over dialup), but thought that it was responsible for kde apps having delay issues.
16:08.15Kithylinthanks anyway, i'll get sarge workin and be happy
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16:08.32chopsKithylin: Yes, SMP kernels will run multiple processes on multiple CPUs.  But nothing a kernel will do for you will run a single-threaded process on more than one CPU at a time.
16:08.34abrotmansarge likely doesn't have support for that SATA controller
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16:08.56Shadow_7and I'll probably get koffice setup eventually.  Up to the O's in packages on my script to get to a similar state as my other unstable / development install.
16:09.00*** mode/#debian [+l 830] by debhelper
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16:09.06creativehow can i install kde4 on debinan sid ?
16:09.18jetscreamercompile it
16:09.20dpkgi guess kde4 is a new and not-yet-complete version of the KDE desktop. It will not be released with Lenny as it is not expected to be stable within the lenny release cycle. See, or see also but ask about these experimental packages in #debian-kde not in #debian. see <kde4 videos>
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16:09.24dpkgit has been said that reinstall is aptitude reinstall '~i' ; or COLUMNS=200 dpkg -l | awk '/^[hi]i/{print $2}' | xargs apt-get -y --reinstall install, or dpkg --get-selections > my_packages.txt , then later, dpkg --set-selections < my_packages.txt && apt-get install .  See also <aptitude clone>.
16:09.36*** join/#debian s0d0 (
16:10.01abrotmanyeah .. that'd be the next step :)
16:10.06Shadow_7time to test kde... brb...
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16:10.26jetscreamerthat was really for ralph^^ there
16:10.34jetscreamerbut it fits that too
16:11.18sparrwI want to "xinit /usr/bin/firefox" when the computer boots, without anyone logging in.  i tried adding a script to that effect to /etc/init.d and linking it in /etc/rc*.d, but no go.
16:11.26jetscreamerthere are like 3 or 5 kde4 packages in sid... just like base-common-runtime or so ...
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16:11.49chopssparrw: /etc/rc.local?
16:11.51jetscreamerno kpat.. solitaire, conflicts with that
16:12.05chopssparrw: I would expect you to have to take care to set up the X authority stuff correctly, too
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16:12.22sparrwchops: hmm, how does that differ from rcX.d?  does it run before or after?  what sort of X authority stuff?
16:12.25jetscreamerif nobody logs in where will ff go?
16:12.28chopssparrw: After
16:12.37sparrwjetscreamer: what do you mean?
16:12.40Kithylinwent afk a sec
16:12.44KithylinI don't need a sata controller
16:12.48jetscreameri mean where will the window show up
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16:12.51Kithylinthe server i want to use it on is entirely scsi based
16:12.53jetscreamerthe ff window
16:12.58sparrwjetscreamer: i want an X server (hence xinit) and firefox run as root
16:13.09Supaplexare you nuts?
16:13.11*** join/#debian Shadow_7 (
16:13.15Shadow_7kde works...
16:13.23Kithylinrunning X and programs as root is not smart
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16:13.27sparrwSupaplex: no, just desperate.  im trying to eliminate as many steps as possible
16:13.30Kithylinbig security risk
16:13.32abrotmanKithylin: i thought you said adaptec 1210 ?
16:13.40sparrwKithylin: only if they have a keyboard.
16:13.41Supaplexsparrw: steps like what?
16:13.47Shadow_7any idea why it doesn't show up in Programs->WindowManagers ?
16:13.50sparrwSupaplex: logging in.  starting extra software.
16:14.01sparrwSupaplex: i want to eliminate as many possible points of failure in the process as i can
16:14.04Supaplexyou may as well go use microsoft for that
16:14.09Shadow_7thanks chops
16:14.10jetscreamersparr_: you sure you're not looking for kiosk mode?
16:14.10Supaplexwell, cept for failure
16:14.11sparrwif there was a browser-kiosk-mode distro, id use it
16:14.22Supaplexsparrw: debian-live ?
16:14.24jetscreamerkde-kiosk or so
16:14.31sparrwjetscreamer: way too much overhead
16:14.31jetscreamerapt-cache search kiosk
16:14.33sparrwi dont want kde
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16:14.37jetscreamerthere are others
16:14.40Supaplexyou don't have to use kde
16:14.41sparrwtoo many ways to fail
16:14.48chopsShadow_7: np
16:15.00Kithylini like xfce4 myself
16:15.02Kithylinsmall and light
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16:15.09jetscreamerok then you wish to create your own custom selinux enabled locked down kiosk
16:15.14Supaplexflwm/openbox3 here :)
16:15.22chopssparrw: There are a _lot_ of ways for firefox-as-root to fail, too.  Download file, save as /etc/shadow, overwrite?  Yes.
16:15.53Shadow_7I like icewm...  small light, and net/cpu meters in the taskbar.
16:15.53Supaplexjetscreamer: he wants all three. cheap fast good
16:15.54jetscreamerff can browse your filesystem
16:15.56Shadow_7Plus fully customizeable colors/graphics.
16:16.01themillhang on... how do we have "I want to run firefox are root" and "I don't want to use kde because there are too many ways to fail" at the same time?
16:16.06dayidfor kiosk, ratpoison+opera
16:16.10sparrwthere are no files to download on the page this kiosk will see
16:16.14Kithylini wonder if anyone's ported internet explorer to linux :D hehe
16:16.32dayidKithylin:: look up BSOD, they have ;)
16:16.33Shadow_7doesn't it run in wine now?
16:16.33sparrwdayid: i dont want a window manager at all, but thats moot, youve still skipped the "how to start ratpoison and opera" step
16:16.33jetscreamerie4 was
16:16.39jetscreamerlong ago
16:16.43KithylinWTS bsod :D
16:16.47SupaplexKithylin: wine has partially, and there's ies4linux - both have their issues.
16:16.50dayidsparrw:: I was never talking to you... so I could car eless
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16:17.01jetscreamerms puts it out for solaris i think
16:17.07sparrwdayid: thank you for your pointless off topic contribution, then
16:17.10jetscreamerdoesn't want linux using it though
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16:17.26sparrwthemill: we have them at the same time because they dont contradict in the instant case
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16:17.49Kithylinlinux doesn't bsod, it just kernel panics
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16:18.03atealthaupdate-rc.d is strange to me, I see I need to remove symlinks first, but the remove command requires that init.d scripts are removed before doing so, why is this?
16:18.03sparrwthis kiosk is going to see one page.  in full screen mode.  with no links and no keyboard.
16:18.11sparrwinterface security is not a concern
16:18.22sparrwreliability of the boot/reboot process is what im working on
16:18.25dayidsparrw:: sounds like you need a poster
16:18.34Supaplexeven a pdf
16:18.39*** part/#debian TASAIRES (
16:18.42jetscreamerctrl+o to open a file in ff
16:18.48Kithylinuntil you get someone that walks up and loads a javascript that lets them brose your / folder with firefox, and because it's running as root, they delete things
16:18.49sparrwjetscreamer: no keyboard
16:18.55jetscreameroh yeah no kb.. use mouse
16:18.59sparrwKithylin: "loads a javascript"?
16:19.03sparrwjetscreamer: fullscreen browser
16:19.08Kithylinno keyboard no mouse?
16:19.11sparrwyes mouse
16:19.11Kithylinnevermind then
16:19.13sparrwwell, touchscreen
16:19.31sparrwso, one-button mouse
16:19.48sparrwno hover
16:19.51sparrwjust left click
16:19.58Kithylini dunno, seems scary to me
16:20.04*** join/#debian Terminus (n=justin@
16:20.05Kithylinat least run it as any kind of normal user >.<
16:20.06Shadow_7Any reason ktorrent doesn't show up in the menus either?  Aside from missing a /usr/share/menu/ entry...
16:20.12sparrwid love to run it as a normal user
16:20.14jetscreamerwhy reinvent the wheel is what i'm wondering
16:20.16sparrwas long as that user doesnt have to log in
16:20.22sparrwjetscreamer: where is the wheel that i am reinventing?
16:20.27sparrwid LOVE to find a ready made solution
16:20.29jetscreamerShadow_7: you might try update-menus
16:20.35jetscreamerit's in your kiosk
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16:20.43dayidsparrw:: you can always set up a user to automatically login
16:20.47dayidthrough almost any dm
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16:21.00sparrwdayid: yes, and a dm is another step that can fail, and more software to run.
16:21.02dayidyou can also always force them to start a program, even using their bashrc
16:21.19Shadow_7jetscreamer: wont be affected if it doesn't have an entry.
16:21.25dayidsparrw:: yes, and a hammer can fail when hitting a nail, but that doesn't mean that it hasn't been done 100,000 times without ever a problem
16:21.28Supaplexsparrw: don't blame the wm for your paranoia. ffs
16:21.42dayidsparrw:: saying "can fail" is ridiculous when they simply won't unless you break them
16:21.46sparrwi was using kdm because it seemed to have the best automatic login options...  and after a few dozen reboots it just randomly provided a login prompt instead of continuing to auto login.  so no more kdm for me, thanks
16:21.59Shadow_7Not that I can't make an entry.  Just odd that it doesn't get packaged with one.
16:22.07jetscreamerShadow_7: well if it's not in the debian menu either.. yeah make one..
16:22.27chopssparrw: You're not okay with using a WM to start X and log in a user, but you're okay with using firefox-as-root as a technology to display a single picture in an untrusted environment?
16:22.35dayidsparrw:: blaming software for your inability to use it is like blaming a gym for you not being fit
16:22.35Shadow_7in SID it had one.
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16:22.42Shadow_7but not in Etch
16:22.43sparrwchops: single picture?  other than that, yes.
16:22.46Supaplex!tell sparrw -about init.d
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16:22.58chopssparrw: You said you just wanted to display a single thing with no links or UI, right?
16:23.01Supaplexsparrw: su -c firefox normaluser
16:23.08sparrwSupaplex: thats what im using now.  but its not working for some reason.  ive got a "xinit /usr/bin/firefox" script in there
16:23.18sparrwSupaplex: ok, ill try that
16:23.22sparrwchops: its a form with buttons
16:23.28jetscreameruh... we don't have firefox in debian come to think of it
16:23.33chopssparrw: Ah, I see
16:23.35Supaplexsparrw: my bad, you'll need x :) haha totally forgot that.
16:23.39sparrwjetscreamer: i have links :-p
16:23.44NyleI have 3 processes of hald-addon-storage polling /dev/blahblah (every 2 sec)
16:23.46Nylewhat is this?}
16:24.01jetscreamerntfs-3g ?
16:24.04Kithylini'd take a shot in the dark and say it's the hal daemon
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16:24.07abrotmansparrw: errors ?
16:24.23edthefoxNyle: specify what 'blahblah' is
16:24.25sparrwabrotman: not that i can find, i just get a normal console login prompt
16:24.39chopssparrw: I would advise using KDM and kiosk mode as a normal user.
16:24.51abrotmansparrw: there are errors somewhere
16:24.56Nyleedthefox: sda/sdb/sdc/sdd
16:24.57sparrwabrotman: ive got /etc/init.d/x-with-firefox linked at /etc/rc*.d/K99x-with-firefox
16:24.59Nylepick one
16:25.10Kithylinsparrw: there's several pre-build linux kiosk packages i found in google, look at your query, i linked ya
16:25.12chopssparrw: Avoiding existing solutions to a security problem because you'd rather reinvent a simpler system seems unwise to me.  Ultimately of course it's up to you.
16:25.33Shadow_7anyway back to my script.  cat dpkg_l.txt | while read LINE; do echo $LINE; apt-get -d -y install $LINE; done
16:26.16sparrwchops: i thought i had a good solution, until it failed.  im not going to be around forever to fix these failures, so i need to leave as few failure points as possible.  if i could find a nothing-but-kiosk-mode-browser distro, id take it.  hell, the old QNX live floppy would work if it had a modern browser  :)
16:26.33Shadow_71.3G of packages so far.  7.8G disk useage.  Maybe I shouldn't install so many games.  Probably another gig of packages to get.
16:26.40Nylei see what it is actually slowing my system down
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16:26.49Nylethere seems to be updatedb been running for 7 hours in htop
16:26.56Kithylinoh, oops
16:27.05Shadow_7Nyle: /etc/cron.daily/
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16:27.36Shadow_7used to only run once per day though.  about 6:25am, way back when...
16:27.40Kithylinnevermind, this network is stupid >.< can't query
16:27.43edthefoxNyle: see this page about why your drives are getting polled -->
16:28.28Shadow_7It used to be my alarm clock of sorts as my hard drive was soo noisey.
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16:28.41bk__how i can decide what services i want debian to start automaticly
16:29.04Shadow_7bk__: remove them one by one, until it wont boot.  Then undo the last one you did.
16:29.13thesuliban1980Does debian/etch support leap seconds? I tried to set it via the date command (just for trial) but I got an error message from the date command which says unsupportet format
16:29.15Nylethank you
16:29.19thesuliban1980invalid date  â€ž31/12/2008 23:59:60“
16:29.23Supaplexsparrw: I just tried li:~# su -c "xinit `which firefox`" supaplex    and it runs fine. what problems are you having with that?
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16:30.08sparrwSupaplex: it works fine for me too, until i try it from init
16:30.15sparrwSupaplex: then it Just Doesnt Work
16:30.21dpkgextra, extra, read all about it, rc is Release-critical, or Release Candidate
16:30.26dpkgsomebody said rc.local was /etc/rc.local is a script called by /etc/init.d/rc.local which is typically one of the last things to be run during the boot sequence.  if you have commands you want run at boot, edit /etc/rc.local (don't touch /etc/init.d/rc.local).  rc.local is considered a hack,  consider writing a real init script (ask me about <init.d>).
16:30.28chopsthesuliban1980: I could easily see leap seconds not working in the date libraries... I would call that a minor bug myself.
16:30.37Kithylinthere see if that went through
16:30.49sparrwi was trying from /etc/rcN.d/scriptname
16:30.54sparrwK99scriptname, that is
16:30.58themillthesuliban1980: date can certainly output dates in leap seconds. Not sure about setting time through it though.
16:31.00SupaplexI think it's a tty issue
16:31.02chopsthesuliban1980: That said, on a real system the system clock drift will dwarf any effect of leap seconds, and any leap second error will be corrected by ntp if they're not handled properly.
16:31.06sparrwill try rc.local next
16:31.08*** join/#debian helo (
16:31.24helohow do i access this raid1 device from a livecd?
16:31.35Shadow_7heh.  I just add a /etc/rc#.d/S99zzz_myscript to take care of stuff I want to run at boot.
16:31.43themillhelo: which livecd?
16:31.45Kithylinget a livecd that has drivers for your raid card, i imagine
16:31.49sparrwKithylin: LinuxKiosk seems perfect...  but its 3 years old  :(  i need a newer browser
16:31.50*** join/#debian jakub_ (
16:31.55sparrwfor some definition of "need"
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16:32.07themillsparrw: newer browser? for displaying a single picture...
16:32.08bk__Shadow_7: i misphrased the question.. how can i control wat services/deamons debian starts
16:32.12heloi don't know the mdadm commands to create the mdX without risking wiping out the existing raid
16:32.28dpkgsysv is, like, dpkg --force-all --remove sysvinit && dpkg --force-all -i sysvinit && apt-get -f install
16:32.36sparrwthemill: who said single picture?  chops did.  not me.
16:32.39dpkgi heard linux is closed
16:33.00helodpkg: linux is pissed
16:33.00dpkghelo: cannot alter locked factoids
16:33.18themillsparrw: newer browser? for doing anything that is sufficiently trivial as you'd allow it to run as root?
16:33.21jetscreamerbk__: you want something like update-rc
16:33.25themillhelo: quite messing with the bot
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16:33.34bk__jetscreamer: yes i do. very much
16:33.35sparrwthemill: yes.
16:33.45sparrwfirefox from 3 years ago won't even have decent CSS2 support
16:33.53Supaplexuse /query dpkg   :)
16:34.08Ranpha1Question when you boot and the root has to be checked for errors you see a progress bar. Only when i do a manual fsck i can't get a prograss bar. What is the option for this?
16:34.37SupaplexRanpha1: man fsck
16:34.51Shadow_7bk__: My method is the move them out of /etc/rc?.d/*.  I move them so incase I want to re-add them later, I just move them back.  Like if I broke something.  But I generally don't move it unless it leaves something running in ps -Al.  And I don't want it running.
16:34.55helomdadm --examine --scan /dev/hda1 >> /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf
16:34.56bk__jetscreamer: how do i use it ? (yes i know about man pages, but im in a hurry and i need to do this right away)
16:35.10psycodadis upgrading mysql4.0 to mysql4.1 on sarge with ~100 production database something you would do ? im looking for advice/oppinions before i get toasted by management for breakfast...
16:35.16jetscreameri can't even remember the name of the stupid program
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16:35.26jetscreamerit's easy to use..
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16:35.33jetscreameror just do what Shadow_7 said
16:35.48Supaplexpsycodad: I would back it up first :) I didn't have any problems following normal updates, but you never know.
16:36.00jetscreamerme i chmod -x /etc/init.d/whatever
16:36.04bk__what is debians default runlevel?
16:36.07*** part/#debian iateadonut (n=iateadon@
16:36.12dpkg0 is halt, 1 is single user, 2, 3, 4, 5 are multiuser, 6 is reboot. By default 2, 3, 4 and 5 are identical (no graphic/non-graphic runlevels), but you can configure this if you wish. Read /usr/share/doc/sysvinit/*; read /etc/init.d/README; man update-rc.d; if that doesn't make sense, consider installing <rcconf> or <file-rc> instead., or ask me about <startup>
16:36.16jetscreamerthere's it is
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16:36.33innocuousDoes Debian hide a lot of kernel processes?
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16:36.40Supaplexthis 80x25 screen suxors :P
16:36.50jetscreamer!info rcconf
16:36.54psycodadSupaplex: suresure, i just found out php and mysql are not aware of the word backwards compatibility... so i fear to exchange new features against the loss of used features
16:37.00*** join/#debian BudgetDedicated (
16:37.04Shadow_7bk__: the methodology of which is something like: fine /etc/rc?.d/ -iname '*<thing>*' >> temp.txt; cat temp.txt | while read LINE; do LINE2=`cat $LINE | sed 's/^\///' | sed 's/\//\_/g'`; mv $LINE $LINE2; done
16:37.16Kithylinback, had to run to the loo
16:37.21*** part/#debian atealtha (
16:37.22Shadow_7I nano temp.txt first to make sure I'm not grabbing something I don't want to.
16:37.34Kithylinsparrw: you said you were looking for pre-configured packages for kiosks, so that's what google came up with
16:37.39Shadow_7And I do an echo before using mv to make sure the parms are what I want.
16:37.53bk__this server starts AppleTalk for some reason. and its an important webserver so id ont want any useless stuff
16:37.54Supaplexpsycodad: perl+Pg ftw :-D  yeah, that sucks generally.  you could ask the mysql ppl for a totally unbiased opinion *cough*
16:37.59*** part/#debian thesuliban1980 (
16:38.18Shadow_7bk__: fine /etc/rc?.d/ -iname '*apple*'
16:38.18dpkgrcconf: (Debian Runlevel configuration tool), section admin, is optional. Version: 1.19 (sid), Packaged size: 17 kB, Installed size: 112 kB
16:38.23Supaplexbk__: well uninstall the appletalk related nonsense if you're not using it.
16:38.31Shadow_7or just uninstall it.
16:38.32themilldpkg: you're slow
16:38.33dpkgNo, I'm not slow, I'm just overworked, underpaid, underappreciated and much maligned. Now STOP NAGGING ME!!!!
16:39.10dpkgnag is probably the Network Administrator's Guide, available at
16:39.23psycodadSupaplex: i agree 101%, i am more on python-pgsql or python-sqlite but well.... hehe totally unbiased, i liked that one. anyway, thx for your answers
16:39.31bk__and what the hell is exim4?
16:39.42bk__and natatalk
16:39.43chopsbk__: apt-cache show exim4
16:39.48jetscreamer!tell bk__ -about search
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16:40.11edthefoxor !info exim4
16:40.11bk__!tell jetscreamer about little time
16:40.12Shadow_7I tend to just install everything.  Then disable from the startups.  As I'm on dialup, and should I ever want/need to use something it's just nicer to have it there already.
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16:40.38tralala!+tell bk__ -about plonk
16:40.38dpkgtold bk__ about plonk.
16:40.49*** join/#debian Greggor (
16:41.22themilltralala: nice one :)
16:41.23sebastian^heyho all :)
16:41.33tralalathemill, it did the trick :)
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16:44.13Kithylinhow can we help? :D
16:44.31Almindorif I want to make "generic" debian packages (eg: stuff which depends on few things and can be packaged for more distroes, also older releases), which version would you suggest?
16:44.35S3v3NHi. "apt-get update" and "apt-get upgrade" is that all if I want to update my server?
16:44.45Almindorthe app only needs gtk2+ (2.4 or newer AFAIK) and libaspell.15
16:44.48Almindor0.15 that is
16:45.13Almindor(I need to also test this on 32bit version, I'm currently residing on 64 bits)
16:45.14jetscreamerS3v3N: aptitude update && aptitude dist-upgrade
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16:45.57jetscreamerS3v3N: aptitude update && aptitude dist-upgrade , or aptitude upgrade .. there is a new aptitude directive, safe-upgrade, which just means upgrade i believe
16:45.59Almindorpossibly still also kernel 2.4..
16:46.33chopsAlmindor: Is this software open source?
16:46.39Almindorchops, yes
16:46.57Almindorchops, but it's not easily buildable
16:47.45chopsAlmindor: I would advise trying to get it into the archives as the easiest way of packaging it for Debian (repeating for other Linux distros is an exercise left for the reader...)
16:47.46Almindorminimal older debian, minimal older rpm-distro and possibly freeBSD 5.x
16:48.11AlmindorI don't think they'll accept something which cannot be auto-built
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16:48.19chopsAlmindor: The best way I've seen of packaging for multiple distros has been the proprietary software that just links everything statically and ships a single executable, honestly
16:48.36Almindorlinking gtk2 static? are you mad? :)
16:48.43*** join/#debian lepton (
16:48.43Almindorthe RTL is static tho (smartlinked so it's not big)
16:49.00chopsAlmindor: I don't think there's a useful middle ground between that and shipping source which can be compiled locally by end-users or placed in the vendor's archive
16:49.13Almindorit can be compiled by users
16:49.15Almindorbut not by machines
16:49.20chopsAlmindor: Just my (probably unpopular) opinion...
16:49.37Almindor(eg: requires to actually compile in an IDE)
16:49.59chopsAlmindor: Well, that's your problem right there.  If it's a Linux executable, it really should be automatically buildable.
16:50.06Almindorthere's "build" tool for it but it's bleeding edge so far, so they can't get it other than by source too etc.
16:50.11chopsAlmindor: (ideally by make)
16:50.30Almindorit WOULD be but the IDE which was used for it doesn't separate it's lib parts yet
16:50.41Almindorso you simply need to get the whole IDE to make it anyhow
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16:53.07sparrwthis should not be this hard
16:53.09ToNightNeed money??? go heeeree --->
16:53.09ToNightNeed money??? go heeeree --->
16:53.10ToNightNeed money??? go heeeree ---> http://nofate.clan.suNeed money??? go heeeree ---> http://nofate.clan.suNeed money??? go heeeree --->
16:53.11ToNightNeed money??? go heeeree --->
16:53.11*** kick/#debian [ToNight!n=debhelpe@unaffiliated/debhelper] by debhelper (use the paster bot or #flood)
16:53.15sparrwi just want a kiosk mode browser
16:53.20*** join/#debian Dibbler (
16:53.24sparrwexpected this problem to take 5 minutes to solve
16:54.59dayidno, you want a kiosk OS, as you won't just use a browser on kiosk mode
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16:55.59donald_is there anyone here using an IBM X61 with Lenny?
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17:06.54screamingbyteswhat ntp program is most commonly used? openntp or ntp
17:07.10screamingbytessry openntpd
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17:08.00screamingbytesis there a netsplit going on or what?
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17:08.35chopsRandom question: Does anyone know how to output the value of a preprocessor define at compile-time (ideally inside an #error directive)?
17:08.41chopsFrom C that is
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17:09.51apt_getDebian ETCH can work together OpenSSI and DRBD?
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17:11.12asusuchops: info cpp, there's a node about it.
17:11.42abrotman!tell donald_ about laptop
17:11.45abrotman!tell donald_ about thinkpad
17:12.15donald_abrotman: thanks. but i wanna see if anyone here uses one..
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17:12.27abrotmandonald_: ask a more specific question
17:12.27cahootdonald_: look up unless already done so
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17:12.57chopsasusu: thx, installing gcc-doc now
17:12.58donald_cahoot: been there too long..
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17:13.19asusuchops: info cpp, then * Macros:: -> * Stringification ::
17:13.20donald_abrotman: on lenny, the Fn+ brightness controls are erratic
17:13.22cahootdonald_: t61 runs fine on lenny here
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17:13.49kombican't get ffmpeg to convert video with sound, do I need lame installed?
17:13.49donald_cahoot: does the Fn+Home/End control brightness properly?
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17:14.06amphidonald_: did you look at or the linux-thinkpad list archives?
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17:14.30chris__hello, i am running etch i386 and have installed the latest kernel update. now i have to rebuilt the vmware modules, but there seem to be no linux-headers installed. how come? i had them installed before for when configuring vmware to run with the previous kernel..
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17:15.13donald_amphi: yea. not much help there
17:15.27yzaLyzarCIs debian for 64bit ready?
17:15.34donald_though i should dig linux-thinkpad list.
17:15.37chopsyzaLyzarC: Yes
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17:15.48abrotmandonald_: don't use them? :)
17:15.56chopsasusu: Hm, I installed gcc-4.3-doc and 'info cpp' still shows me the man page :-/
17:15.57yzaLyzarCDoes it have i138 software? all of it? and wine?
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17:16.11abrotmandonald_: FWIW .. my brightness buttons work fine on my older thinkpad
17:16.22mark6can anyone help me with kplaylist? i have no audio when streaming from flash box
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17:16.42donald_abrotman: awwwwww
17:16.51chris__mark6: you can ask in channel #kde, they know better
17:17.02mark6i am using gnome
17:17.10mark6does tha matter?
17:17.41chris__mark6: as far as i know, no, but the app itself is kde, so better ask in #kde
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17:17.55mark6ok thankyou
17:18.03yzaLyzarCIs 64bit wine done? Would I get less software?
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17:21.15asusuchops: oh well, check the last part here:
17:21.26angasulehello, I have some pdfs I want to view in a computer without X11, I thought about converting them to html and see them in links2, but pdftohtml seems unable to output html with images, any tools you can recommend? it's best if they're offline tools
17:22.24NickBurnsSNLGreetings and salutations to all ...
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17:27.02LucidFoxWhat is Ubuntu?
17:28.13chris__LucidFox: learn how to use search engine. open your browser and enter
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17:28.27jetscreamerit's a clone
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17:29.21LucidFoxchris__> Okay, I opened the Google home page... what now?
17:29.53chris__enter the term you want to search fow and hit enter
17:30.09LucidFoxthanks, that helped! :)
17:30.17*** part/#debian LucidFox (n=sikon@wikia/Sikon)
17:31.47NickBurnsSNLAny postgresql users?  Did an update today, and got a message about "Obsololete major version 8.2" ??  This is the latest version, 8.3 is an RC right now, but for (Testing/Lenny) I thought 8.2 was the correct version.
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17:33.24jetscreamerso what is this google thing? is that like a googol?
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17:35.04Cr3aturehow do you use gem files
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17:39.07faclonmay someone help me, I have install debian, but it doesn't connect to the internet, I can ping to local computers but not outside
17:39.34faclonI already check /etc/resolv.conf and /etc/network/interfaces
17:40.11leptonfaclon: did it get a DHCP lease? is a default gateway set?
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17:40.29faclonno, I set a static ip address
17:40.37kombican someone give me a jumpstart on ffmpeg?
17:40.40leptonthery ya go
17:40.48faclonWhen I set that same information on another computer it connects fine, but not in this one
17:41.00faclonboth computers running debian etch
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17:41.40leptonfaclon: is a dhcp server on the lan? a hardware-based router for example?
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17:49.19Ryan52In my dmz I set up a loghost. What port do I have to open to allow the other servers to send stuff to it?
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17:49.51Kithylinthis is driving me up the wall
17:50.11Ryan52Kithylin: What?
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17:50.28Kithylinhow the heck do i force apt to use sarge, NOT the current stable, i've tried modifying my sources.list to point to  but it keeps saying unmet dependancies when i install stuff, and "will not be installed"
17:50.30Kithylinargh, so annoying
17:50.54chopsKithylin: Can you pastebin your sources.list and the exact command you're typing with all the error output?
17:51.06Kithylinyeah i guess
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17:51.27chopsKithylin: Well then, I _guess_ I can try to help you :-)
17:51.33Kithylincall me stupid, but i want to use kernel-image-2.6.8-2-686-smp  NOT some current version >.<
17:51.53kombiwould someone not a .deb of ffmpeg with mp3 and aac support?
17:52.36Kithylingimme a sec
17:53.06chopsKithylin: Wait, are you doing this on a sarge system, or an etch system, or what?  Can you include 'apt-cache policy libc6' in your pastebin?
17:53.22Kithylinsarge system
17:53.32stonedI have 2 sarges here
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17:53.46stonedlamp and ftp/samba/nfs
17:53.53stoned1.3 apache and php4
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17:54.00chopsKithylin: Have you done 'apt-get update'?
17:54.02stonedheh, is there any reason forme to update?
17:54.05Kithylinyeah, so i'm not insane to want to use old software
17:54.10Kithylinand yes i have
17:54.14stonedKithylin: you're not the only one
17:54.19chopsstoned: Security support for sarge is going to end in a few months, probably
17:54.19stonedKithylin: older stuff is very stable
17:54.29stonedchops: other than that not really any reason :)
17:54.30Kithylinchops:i don't care
17:54.42LeGreffi3RKithylin> an update won't upgrade your software
17:54.42Kithylini have an older box, i want older packages for it
17:54.46chopsstoned: Not unless you need more recent software for any reason
17:55.23chopsKithylin: Can you pastebin the output of 'apt-cache policy libc6' (like I asked before) and 'apt-cache policy initrd-tools'?
17:55.37Kithylinyeah one sec, i have to make a txt file and upload it
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17:56.50chopsKithylin: FWIW, 2.6.8-2 is missing some security updates; you really want 'kernel-image-2.6-686' (which has a dependency on the security-updated kernel).
17:57.05*** part/#debian Ryan52 (n=Ryan52@unaffiliated/ryan52)
17:57.08chopsKithylin: You're running an etch system, at least partially.  That's why you can't install a sarge kernel.
17:57.16chopsKithylin: Your libc6 comes from etch
17:57.29Kithylini downloaded the sarge netinstall cd and it picked stable, and it went to install base system and this is what it installed
17:57.55chopsKithylin: It picked stable instead of sarge?  Ugh, unless you told it to do so that's a nasty bug in the installer
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17:58.09Kithylinsee the commented out parts in my sources.list?
17:58.12stonedit isn't
17:58.12Kithylinthat's what the installer put in
17:58.18stonedit depends on how you use the sources.list file
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17:58.24stonedstable points to etch
17:58.28stonedwhile sarge points to sarge
17:58.32chopsKithylin: Probably best to redo the install.  Certainly the installer _should_ provide an easy way to do a sarge install even after etch releases (which isn't to say that it does).
17:58.40visik7I've a HP ML 110 G5 etch doesn't support bcm5722 integrated gigabit card
17:58.45visik7how can I use it ?
17:58.51``y7i changed my ip in the gui interface with debian and now i'm unable to connect to the internet
17:58.53Kithylini guess during the base install part, i'll have to switch to tty2, login, and tell sources.list to use sarge before it downloads anything
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17:59.02chopsKithylin: Yeah, maybe
17:59.09stonedor, if you had the sarge installer, and you loaded expert mode or priority=low boot param, then yes, it gives an option to pick the debian release, and you pick stable, you'll get etch
17:59.14stonednot sarge
17:59.17stonedthat isn't really a bug
17:59.24stonedmore a moron user :)
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17:59.32Kithylinany way to pick sarge in expert?
17:59.33chopsstoned: IMHO it is.  sources.list should _never_ have "stable" in it.
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17:59.44stonedchops: file a bugreport
17:59.51stonedthis behavrious continues to this day
18:00.13Kithylinhey stoned
18:00.22Nylewhat can I do you for?
18:00.23Kithylinthe un-commented parts of my sources.list, that's correct for sarge,. right?
18:00.30Nyleno clue
18:00.51Nyleoh crap i clicked open with mozila
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18:01.03Kithylinit's just a text file
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18:01.09amphi!pal Nyle
18:01.17Nylethey are fine
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18:01.34Kithylinso i'll try another install and try and modify the sources during base install
18:01.42Kithylinsucks i have to do that to use old stuff, ah well, maybe i can get it workin :)
18:01.45NyleI would just use canonical names instead of stable/unstable/etc. etc.
18:02.02NyleI specify names like etch/lenny in my souces.list, and not stable/testing etc. etc.
18:02.05KithylinThanks for your input all
18:02.45chopsNyle: Yeah, agreed.  I don't see why the installers have ever written 'stable' to sources.list
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18:03.42esimmersHello, is there a recommended hardware requirements for encrypted LVM?
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18:07.01smmorning all.. what's that tool for managing unpackaged software in /usr/local, in a semi packaged way ?
18:07.10kithylinsitting in the other room with the large 7-u dell box with laptop
18:07.22themillsm: checkinstall
18:07.28visik7is 2.6.22 from backport kernel safe ?
18:07.39kithylinwho was talking to me about old sarge a minute ago?
18:07.56*** join/#debian flipouk (i=d99bc41c@gateway/web/ajax/
18:08.19datachildhow do i execute php files on command line if my php-dir isn't /usr/bin/php ?
18:08.30smthanks themill.. is there another similar tool ? I remember a different name
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18:08.52smalso is apt-get source roughly equivalent to bsd/osx's ports system ?
18:09.00themillsm: you could also use dh_make or similar, I guess.
18:09.10flipoukdatachild: where is your php executable then?
18:09.14chopssm: stow
18:09.22smthat was it!
18:09.25Nylehi it has been a while since I mounted ntfs
18:09.33chopsdatachild: Make a link at /usr/bin/php, or run 'php scriptname' by hand
18:09.45chopskithylin: I was talking to you earlier
18:09.45Nylewhat is the correct way (usermask uid/gid specification to make sure it can be read by users and such
18:09.50Nylespecify what, 0222?
18:09.56dpkgfrom memory, ntfs is Windows NT's filesystem. There are 2 main drivers in Debian, a Linux driver only able to read and NTFS-3G, a FUSE driver able to write too. For information about the former, ask me about <ntfsro>. For information about the latter, ask me about <ntfs-3g>. See also and
18:09.57flipouk!#/path/to/php -q... as first line of your script
18:09.59kithylini was gonna query em about old hardware, but i dun remember who it was now >.<
18:10.00kithylindarn ADD
18:10.13dpkgadd a line similar to: /dev/hdd1 /mnt/hdd1 ntfs ro,user,auto,gid=24,uid=1001,fmask=0333,dmask=0222 to your fstab... change the hdxx and uid, and maybe the gid if you want.
18:10.48datachildflipouk, the thing is that i have this script wich refers /usr/bin/php to be able to run.. but /usr/bin/php is empty?, altho i have php installed
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18:11.00tralala!+tell Nyle -about msg the bot
18:11.00smI'll assume apt-get source *is* roughly equivalent to bsd/osx's ports system
18:11.00dpkgtold Nyle about msg the bot.
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18:12.12loXxhi. I have installed the nvidia-driver with module-assistant (FAQ) some time ago. Now, after a kernel update in etch, the driver is only available in the old kernel, but not in the new one. Is it possible to automatically reinstall the nvdia-driver after a kernel update?
18:12.13tralalasm, I don't know the systems in question, but apt-get source doesn't handle source dependencies
18:12.32smI thought it did
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18:12.41chopsloXx: Not automatically that I know of; you'll have to redo the m-a process to build it against the new kernel
18:12.47flipoukdatachild: you need to install php-cli
18:12.56*** join/#debian ChemicalBit (n=HariSeld@wikimedia/ChemicalBit)
18:12.56smthanks tralala
18:13.07datachildflipouk, apt-get install php-cli ?
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18:13.10kithylinstoned left :(
18:13.10tralalasm, nope, it simply downloads and unpacks the packages you ask
18:13.28tralalasm, but there is something else... let me check
18:13.39``y7i accidentally ran screen and then firefox from root. is there a potential problem doing this?
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18:13.46NyleI'm here
18:13.47``y7as long as i log out of root afterwards?
18:13.49Nylekithylin: right here.
18:13.57*** join/#debian Ametrine (n=ami@unaffiliated/ametrine)
18:13.59flipoukdatachild: sudo apt-get install php5-cli
18:14.03themillsm: apt-get build-dep packagename && apt-get -b source packagename
18:14.04Nyle!tell kithylin -about stoned
18:14.09loXxchops: ok, i though there was an easier solution for lazy ones ;)
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18:14.23flipoukdatachild: or look for it: apt-cache search php | grep cli
18:14.23smnice, thanks
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18:15.16tralalasm, this doesn't build all the sources howerver - it gets the binary deps and only builds the package you asked
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18:15.25tralalasm, check out pbuilder
18:16.02themillcowdancer, ftw
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18:16.32ChemicalBitAptitude complain me that some package (like linux-image-2.6-686 and gcc) are from an untrusted source. Howcan I get from where a package is?
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18:16.49Nyleapt-cache policy
18:17.20jetscreamerPUBLIC KEY NOT AVAILABLE? /msg dpkg no public key
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18:17.50ulrik(from the /topic)
18:18.25datachildflipouk, i get php working but there's no /usr/bin/php?, should i edit the script and the path to /wherever/php/is ? so i can run it?
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18:18.34datachildbut where should that be?
18:18.38datachildor, would
18:18.58chopsdatachild: Where is your PHP?
18:19.00*** mode/#debian [+l 852] by debhelper
18:19.12chopsdatachild: Do you just want that one script to run against your PHP, or all the PHP scripts on the system?
18:19.24datachildchops, just that one script
18:19.40chopsdatachild: Edit the #!/usr/bin/php line in the script to say #!/path/to/your/php
18:20.01*** part/#debian angasule (n=angasule@
18:20.06datachildwhat is the usual path to php?, or php5 for that matter?
18:20.15chopsdatachild: flipouk already told you that
18:20.18dpkgrumour has it, locate is a tool for finding files on your hard drive using a precompiled database rather than searching the actual drive using "find" (ask me about <find.cli>). Alternatives to the original locate are <slocate> and mlocate. Under etch, locate is in the findutils package. If you are running lenny, ask me about <missing locate>.
18:20.22chopsdatachild: The usual path is /usr/bin/php
18:20.23wols_datachild: dpkg -L <packagename>
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18:20.49wols_datachild: that's php5-cli which is rarely if ever used. the apache mod works totally differently
18:20.57chopsdatachild: Where is your php, and why isn't it in the standard place?
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18:21.33datachildthat'sa pretty good question, chops, i dont know.. it's not in /usr/bin/php atleast..
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18:22.00chopsdatachild: How did you install php?
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18:22.45datachildapt-get install php5
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18:23.15flipoukphp5-cli is to execute scripts on the command line
18:23.35chopsdatachild: You need to install php5-cli as well.  You've already been told that, as well.
18:23.43flipoukto use php to do shell programming
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18:23.48datachildyeah, i already did that chops
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18:24.05chopsdatachild: ... and you don't have /usr/bin/php?
18:24.13flipoukor cgi scripts, possible
18:24.26jetscreamerls /usr/bin/php*  ?
18:24.44datachildchops, nope
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18:25.27kithylinohh man i made a mistake
18:25.29kithylinoh well lol
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18:25.36kithylini think it'll work out in the end
18:25.40flipoukdatachild: is php-common installed?
18:25.47jetscreamerjust restore from that backup you made...
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18:26.01kithylini tried to force it to use only sarge, since /stable points to etch
18:26.02datachildflipouk, no
18:26.13jetscreameryou would put oldstable in your sources
18:26.18kithylinso i killed the post-install configure and changed sources myself and forced it to sarge
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18:26.35kithylinthought i'd go into aptitude and install everything under 'base' in not-installed, bad idea
18:26.49kithylini mean, it'll work, but it's downloading all the kernels, rofl
18:26.52flipoukdatachild: php-common is normally a dep when you install php-cli
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18:27.08flipouktry installing it separately, maybe...
18:27.27flipouksudo apt-get install php5-common
18:27.40flipoukbut your install is weird...
18:27.41kithylingood thing i'm on fios and this goes fast
18:27.55atarihow can i find out whether a special maintainer is available in irc?
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18:28.02jetscreamertry aptitude dist-upgrade , imo, datachild
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18:28.45abrotmanatari: /whois ?
18:28.49flipoukdatachild: if you're running an old version of Debian, php5 might not be there
18:28.58flipoukphp4 is maybe a better bet
18:29.05datachilddid the aptitude-dist-upgrade
18:29.26jetscreamerdid it do anything, datachild ?
18:29.27atariabrotman: so i should check 800 nicks? :/
18:29.31datachildjetscreamer, yes
18:29.34datachildhold on
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18:29.38abrotmanatari: you don't know his nick ?
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18:29.48atariabrotman: thats the problem
18:29.53abrotmanatari: so what's his name?.
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18:30.11abrotman(and i doubt {s}he's in this channel anyways
18:30.11atariabrotman: Lionel Elie Mamane
18:30.24abrotmanatari: why not just email him ?
18:30.25atariit's about mailman ;)
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18:30.36datachildhmm, is perl broken too maybe?, i keep getting perl: warning thingy's
18:30.47atariabrotman: because in irc it would be a one-liner ;)
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18:30.59jetscreameryou 'might' have better luck with such a search on #debian , atari ... not sure
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18:31.13abrotmanatari: he doesn't have an irc nick listed in the database
18:31.17abrotmanatari: did you try asking #mailman ?
18:31.27atariabrotman: ok. thank you
18:31.42flipoukdatachild: if perl is broken, your install is in serious trouble :(
18:31.45kithylini bet #mailman dislikes #dogs
18:32.05atariabrotman: not yet. i think it about a special patch i think... but i'll check and #mailman
18:32.09atariabrotman: thank you!
18:32.11*** part/#debian resiak (n=will@unaffiliated/resiak)
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18:32.15abrotmanatari: did you check the changelog ?
18:32.21jetscreamerdatachild: is that the locale error or what.. paste some of it
18:32.25nameless`how can i have the brctl command ?
18:32.26datachildi have no idea, flipouk, it output'd perl: warning's when i did the update
18:32.35atariabrotman: yeah
18:32.40datachildjetscreamer, yes, locale error
18:32.44jetscreamer!tell nameless` -about search
18:32.48abrotmanatari: you'd likely see it mentioned there if it were debian specific
18:33.03chopsdatachild: Can you report the exact error instead of "thingy"?
18:33.03jetscreamerdatachild: ignorable 'probably' try dpkg-reconfigure locales after it's done
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18:33.24atariabrotman: there had been something about it in discussion, but i'm not sure whether it got in
18:33.35nameless`jetscreamer: it doesn't help me anymore
18:33.48datachildjetscreamer, chops, i'll pastebin it, 1 sec
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18:34.57jetscreamernameless`: that would be because you didn't use apt-file . it's in bridge-utils
18:35.00datachildjetscreamer, chops,
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18:35.08nameless`jetscreamer: thanks
18:35.30chopsdatachild: Can you pastebin the output of 'dpkg -l php5\*' and 'ls -l /etc/alternatives/php' and 'ls -l /usr/bin/php'?
18:35.33jetscreamerdatachild: it didn't break anything, just fix your locales and stuff
18:35.48jetscreamerand it may have just gotten fixed.. not sure
18:36.00chopsdatachild: Yes, dpkg-reconfigure locales and enable en_US.UTF-8 if it's not already
18:36.13datachildokay, so just dpkg-recofigure locales?
18:36.23chopsdatachild: Correct
18:36.24jetscreamerdatachild: dpkg-reconfigure locales && dpkg-reconfigure console-data  'seemed' to fix that for me way back when
18:36.32smlater all.. & since I don't visit #debian every day.. <emotional> I love you guys/gals, keep on rocking
18:36.40jetscreamerwe love you too
18:36.42jetscreamer!love sm
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18:38.11themilldpkg: kill sm
18:38.58datachildjetscreamer, chops,
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18:39.26chopsdatachild: When you reconfigured locales, did you enable en_US.UTF-8 like said you should?
18:39.33chops*like I said you should
18:39.42jetscreamerhe couldn't it seems chops
18:39.50jetscreamerdatachild: try apt-get -f install
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18:40.00themill!tell enzo about kubuntu
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18:40.10datachildjetscreamer, didn't do anything there
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18:40.24datachild0 installed/upgraded
18:40.29enzoyou know the answer ? i have no answer on the other chan
18:40.34jetscreamerdatachild: ok try aptitude reinstall locales
18:40.59abrotmanenzo: ask #kubuntu
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18:41.21enzoit's a question for debian
18:41.29abrotmanno it's not .. you already said so
18:41.33jetscreameralso aptitude install dialog libncurses5-dev
18:41.39enzoi don't know yet if i keep on my debian or switch to kubuntu
18:41.53jetscreamerenzo: dual boot, try both, decide
18:41.59wols_enzo: it still is no debian question,it's a kubuntu one
18:41.59enzofirst install of kubuntu, kaboum, problem with openoffice, conflict on package
18:42.08datachilddidn't work
18:42.12enzono wols_ the debian installer propose the encryption and raid
18:42.22enzoi'm talking about the debian installer
18:42.33jetscreamerhow do you not have locales intalled? anyway...
18:42.39abrotmanenzo: which one?
18:42.43jetscreamerdatachild:  aptitude install dialog libncurses5-dev  locales
18:42.51enzoinstaller of etch
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18:43.04abrotman!tell enzo about ig
18:43.13jetscreamer!info libncurses5-dev
18:43.16dpkglibncurses5-dev: (Developer's libraries and docs for ncurses), section libdevel, is optional. Version: 5.6+20080119-1 (sid), Packaged size: 1462 kB, Installed size: 6360 kB
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18:43.22jetscreamerdid i.. ah i got it right
18:43.43enzoi'm already reading this man pages
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18:45.46mfowleafter i addmyself to a group with adduser user group, what do i need to do to "get" those permissions?
18:45.47datachildjetscreamer, didn't work (i think?)
18:46.06abrotmanmfowle: logout/login
18:46.13justinmfowle: log out and back in will work, or if you don't feel like it  you can su to yourself
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18:46.35mfowlehmmm ok
18:46.41abrotmandatachild: what are you trying to do?
18:46.41Guerinmfowle: newgrp also works
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18:47.09datachildabrotman, fixing locales
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18:47.13mfowleword!  thanks all
18:47.24datachildabrotman, seems like perl is b0rked too
18:47.33abrotmandatachild: dpkg-reconfigure locales?
18:47.33jetscreamerdatachild: now try the dpkg-reconfigure locales && dpkg-reconfigure console-data
18:47.44jetscreamerabrotman: first he had to install locales
18:47.51abrotmanuh... ok
18:47.58jetscreameryeah.. htf eh...
18:48.02datachildjetscreamer!, boom!
18:48.06datachildseems to work!
18:48.25jetscreamerafter that try the aptitude dist-upgrade maybe
18:48.34datachildwich locales should i generate?
18:48.43jetscreamerthe ones you use...
18:48.50jetscreameri choose the 3 us ones
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18:49.10General_TsoHello, is there a recommended hardware requirements for encrypted LVM in Etch?
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18:49.38jetscreameren_US ISO-8859-1  et al
18:50.05GuerinGeneral_Tso: as much as you can afford
18:50.13thelostbutlerhello folks,does anybody know how to change the number of files open for a cron job. it shows 1024 inspite of limits.conf in /etc/security saying 32767
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18:51.21General_TsoGuerin, hmmm.  I have an older, non-production machine that I'm doing some testing on--maybe I'll pass for now, it's pretty ancient.  Thanks.
18:51.37GuerinGeneral_Tso: encryption is expensive.
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18:52.16datachildjetscreamer, set it up now.. did the aptitude dist-upgrade but there was nothing to upgrade
18:52.16jellythelostbutler: does cron's pam configuration use
18:53.10jetscreamerok now work on the php if that was you, datachild
18:53.18jetscreameror whatever
18:53.19datachildyes, that was me jetscreamer
18:53.27thelostbutlerjelly:  # session    required, the linie is commented, uncommenting the line would work ?
18:53.29jetscreameri looked at php once
18:53.32jetscreameri know nothing
18:53.40datachildme neither, lol
18:53.46jellythelostbutler: it would definitely help cron use those limits.
18:53.57chopsdatachild: You could try providing the information I asked for earlier...
18:54.10chops(1:35:25 PM) chops: datachild: Can you pastebin the output of 'dpkg -l php5\*' and 'ls -l /etc/alternatives/php' and 'ls -l /usr/bin/php'?
18:54.16jetscreamerdatachild: that would be found via /lastlog chops
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18:54.22jetscreameror that
18:54.22datachildchops, yeah, i was scrolling up to see right when you highlighted me
18:54.26jellythelostbutler: I don't know whether a restart is required after that
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18:54.44jetscreameror that even
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18:56.18shamrockThe package xfireworks says it displays fireworks in the "root window on X". What is this "root window"? The root terminal? I see nothing.
18:56.40datachildnow it gives output atleast, so i guess it "works"
18:56.50jetscreamerthe desktop background shamrock
18:56.55chopsdatachild: It's almost as if installing php5-cli fixed it, just like we said it would :-)
18:57.01*** join/#debian polter (i=johan@
18:57.09datachildthanks alot jetscreamer, chops
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18:57.28chopsdatachild: np
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18:57.37astronautehello guys
18:57.46astronautehow to install Zend Optimizer and extension manager on debian please ? (etch4)
18:57.58jetscreamershamrock: the penguins are cool also
18:58.10shamrockjetscreamer: basically, definitively or not at all? I see nothing on my desktop.
18:58.33jetscreamerit works here all i can tell you. definitely.
18:58.37*** join/#debian LordAnta (
18:58.38abrotmanastronaute: ask them .. zend isn't in debian
18:59.10jetscreameri have the penguins the gliders and the... i forget
18:59.11shamrockjetscreamer: you run xfireworks from the command line or what? Or are you confusing xfireworks for the screensaver?
18:59.15astronauteI know but it is for PHP so maybe there is sone sources to install with aptitude
18:59.19astronauteok anyway thank you :)
18:59.27jetscreamerah yeah and the xfireworks
18:59.36jetscreamerno i'm not confusing them
18:59.48shamrockjetscreamer: so when do you see xfireworks running?
18:59.59jetscreamerwhen i turn it on via the menu
19:00.09jetscreamerdebian menu
19:00.12jetscreamerunder toys
19:00.28shamrockjetscreamer: will look.
19:01.23jetscreamera couple don't or didn't have a 'turn it back off' ... but the fireworks penguins and gliders do
19:01.41jetscreamerah no the fireworks doesn't
19:01.45jetscreamerthe fishtank does
19:02.00shamrockI have no debian menu.
19:02.41jetscreameryeah... not sure how to turn that on under gnome. it just shows up with kde and icewm et al
19:03.00jetscreamergnome's menu is lacking
19:03.11jetscreameryou'll notice a lot of other things not in there also
19:03.23shamrockjetscreamer: the documentation is ropey if what you say is true. xfireworks sepcifically says it displays in the root window on X. Nothing about the user desktop.
19:03.26thelostbutlerjelly: a restart was not necessary ! it worked straight out
19:03.47jetscreamershamrock: by root x window they basically mean the desktop background
19:03.53shamrockjetscreamer: how will I notice things missing if I never knew they should be there?
19:04.13shamrockthe desktop background is not root x window surely?
19:04.31jetscreamerthe desktop background runs in the root x window...
19:05.13*** join/#debian Fun_ (
19:05.22jetscreamerlike imagine no picture, no color...
19:05.36Fun_hello, i know this could sound a little noobish, but: can you please suggest me any free shell services?
19:05.43jetscreamer(the grey hashmark thing if you ever saw it)
19:05.45ezguyis it ok to install amd64 on intel64 architecture?
19:05.55jetscreameryes that's the one you use ezguy
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19:06.00Eulexezguy, yes
19:06.06Eulexezguy, it's made for that
19:06.10valdynezguy: if you mean emt64, which you likely do, yes
19:06.11jetscreamerthe name is misleading
19:06.13TurboBeeFun_, use google to search for them.  I recommend learning how to run linux on your own pc, much easier that way.
19:06.33Fun_TurboBee i need to host a program
19:06.38dpkgamd64 is probably See and the #debian-amd64 IRC channel, or, now official, will be a supported arch on Etch, or a generic name.  It also supports xeon etc, see  Consider using debian/i386 if you do not have a good reason to use debian/amd64.  For flash on amd64, ask me about <nspluginwrapper>
19:06.40shamrockjetscreamer: oh well, It doesnt work at all running from command line. Just sits there with nothing displayin on my desktop. I'll give it up as a bad job today I think.
19:06.42Eulexezguy, if you don't mean ia64, that is. but you do know that if you do.
19:06.46Fun_and i cant keep my pc 24/7 on TurboBee
19:06.50TurboBeeFun_, what program
19:06.51jetscreamershamrock: let's see
19:07.28Fun_TurboBee c++ program
19:07.32Fun_*a c++
19:07.40jetscreamershamrock: doesn't 'seem' to work from xterm here either
19:08.11jetscreamerah the gliders are working
19:08.21shamrockanyone know how to add the debian menu to a gnome panel?
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19:08.29dkrit works here.  although it's a bit too fast
19:08.29abrotmanFun_: you're in the wrong channel
19:08.32jetscreamerxfirworks works
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19:08.40jetscreamerworks here..
19:08.53Fun_abrotman can you suggest a right chan pls
19:08.58ezguyEulex: so is ok to install amd64 software on 2.6.9-34.ELsmp #1 SMP Fri Feb 24 16:56:28 EST 2006 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux?
19:09.05abrotmanFun_: not this one
19:09.11dkrshamrock: check out the -no-direct-draw  option
19:09.15ponyofdeathhi, im wondering if i do apt-source on a debian stable for a testing package and build package for it on that box that is safe correct?
19:09.16Eulexezguy, x86_64 == amd64
19:09.19abrotmanezguy: are you running debian ?
19:09.23ezguyi see
19:09.26jetscreamerezguy: wtf is that :)
19:09.27Eulexezguy, just a different name for the same thing
19:09.38abrotmanwhy are you asking us ?
19:09.48jetscreamerhe's asking about installing debian
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19:10.32jetscreameryou bertter get you some rest!
19:10.56dkrxfireworks -fine 200 -after-image 150 -gradation 64 -wait 10000   is much prettier.  :)
19:10.59jcmhi, is there a way to tell pp not to overwrite /etc/resolv.conf ? nopeerdns doesn't seem to work; setting /etc/resolv.conf to root 200 doesn't prevent ppp to write it !
19:11.08abrotmanjcm: man pppd
19:11.22valdynjcm: maybe you want to remove resolvconf if that is installed
19:11.24shamrockdkr: still nothing.
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19:11.49shamrockapt-get install menu-xdg
19:11.54shamrockwhoops worry
19:12.11jetscreamermight be a gnome/gtk thing... i noticed the gliders did not overwrite xchat, i had to minimize it.. hmmm
19:12.14valdynjamesturnbull: "man attr" to make it immutable
19:12.19jellythelostbutler: good to know, thanks
19:12.23valdynjamesturnbull: "man chattr" to make it immutable
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19:12.38jetscreameror just an xwindow
19:12.52jcmvaldyn: I want to tell to use my bind install instead of peer dns
19:12.56rokrasomeone tried to install kde4?
19:13.00abrotmanwhy is everyone in france a nancy?
19:13.10abrotman!tell rokra about kde4
19:13.13jcmabrotman: I read the man already; userpeerdns is no more activated but still writes resolv.conf
19:13.14msanoops . wrong windo
19:13.28jetscreamerand nautilus is what does the gnome background.... so maybe drawing in the root window and nautius don't play well together
19:13.28valdynjcm: and? is resolvconf installed?
19:13.33abrotmanjcm: okay .. then make it immutable
19:13.34rokraabrotman: nancy is in the east france near strasbourg/metz
19:13.41abrotmanoh ok
19:13.56jcmabrotman: immutable ? how ? root 200 isn't enough
19:14.07jetscreamerthey told you to man chattr
19:14.11valdynoo, information overload
19:14.23jcmvaldyn: yes, I tried resolvconf too, not better in my case. Uninstalled currently.
19:14.38valdynjcm: as it should be.
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19:14.53rokraI installed kde4 but it s not working , here the error message when I restart kdm : Warning: --old-kde does not end with /share/config. Might wreak havoc.
19:14.56ezguyabrotman: i figured someone may know the answer.
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19:16.22abrotmanezguy: read the manual
19:16.28abrotmanrokra: ask #debian-kde
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19:18.18ezguyabrotman: linux is linux doesn't matter which distro isn't it? done a lot manual readings and will some more when i got the time. i figured i may get a quicker answer from asking it here.
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19:18.39shamrockjetscreamer: I brought up the menu editor and the debian menu is unchecked. Because its two sub menus help and screen are both empty.
19:19.06xingudkr: if you want pretty fireworks, skyrocket from rss-glx
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19:21.36bughunter2i've recompiled my kernel and sda changed to hda, and now /dev/hda is as slow as 1.72 MB/s, any ideas as to what i can try?
19:22.08chopsbughunter2: What kernel did you start with, and what did you move to?  Why did you recompile your kernel?  How did you get your config?
19:22.18bughunter2to remove bloat
19:22.27bughunter22.6.24, i had a working (as base config)
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19:24.01jetscreamershamrock: maybe update-menus .. but i think you're going to find that gnome and those root window toys don't play well together
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19:24.51chopsbughunter2: Hm, it sounds like you're looking for excitement and you found some :-).  You can try git bisect on kernel snapshots to find the kernel revision where that change happened, and make a mention to the linux-kernel mailing list
19:25.10chopsbughunter2: But if you want things to _work_, as opposed to getting excitement, there are always the Debian-packaged kernels :-)
19:25.24bughunter2no no
19:25.25shamrockjetscreamer: already tried it. no joy. thanks anyway.
19:25.29bughunter2i changed a lot of options too
19:25.40bughunter2and no i don't want debian packaged kernels :P
19:25.45Guerintranslation: if you want help with your kernels, there are always the Debian-packaged kernels
19:25.46jetscreamershamrock: yeh.. gnome, what can you do eh
19:25.50bughunter2i'm going to find this bastard :)
19:26.06xingumoving from libata to the deprecated pata drivers is about as cunning as Baldrick
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19:26.07shamrockjetscreamer: I just find KDE too flash and unstable. Oh well. I can live without it.
19:26.20*** part/#debian shamrock (n=shamrock@
19:26.25Nyleshamrock: kde find you to be too flashy and unstable.
19:26.33jetscreamerhim go byebye
19:26.38GuerinNyle: impossible.
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19:26.59Guerinthe only people more flashy and unstable than kde users are OSX or Enlightenment users
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19:27.10xingubughunter2: is there a reason you also picked the obsolete ide stack?
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19:27.20Nylewhy do men have nipples?
19:27.24Guerinxingu: it's oldskool!
19:27.25mage__whats the meta package that installs stuff for CLI
19:27.30chopsbughunter2: If you changed a bunch of options, then you could try the option changes you made, a few at a time, until you find the one(s) that make the difference.
19:27.34Nyleno one knows.
19:27.35bughunter2because i had boot problems when i had /dev/sda
19:27.36jetscreamerdefine stuff
19:27.38chopsbughunter2: Then study those options until you achieve enlightenment
19:27.41GuerinNyle: of course people know.
19:27.44\amethystNyle:  because they start out as women
19:27.47mage__like I did a debootstrap and it didn't give me stuff like bzip2 :(
19:28.03jetscreamertry aptitude dist-upgrade
19:28.04dpkg*** NEWS FLASH! *** Your box does not come with every app, tool and utility known to debiankind installed already. If you find that the program you've been told to use isn't there, install it. Also ask me about <search>. if someone suggests an application to you, it's highly likely that it's available via apt-get, or aptitude
19:28.08jetscreamerafter aptitude update
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19:28.19dpkgIf you get errors saying gcc cannot create executables, or that you can't find header files like stdio.h, you need to apt-get install build-essential.  See also <qotd49>.
19:28.21Nyle\amethyst: well... do the nipples develop before the embryo is maleified
19:28.32Guerinmage__: aptitude install ~pstandard
19:28.57Nyleeach zygote/embryo is female sure, but about nipple development?
19:29.01NyleI dunno man, thats iffy
19:29.09GuerinNyle: they're part of the standard equipment, on all mammals.
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19:29.21Nyleyeh why on males though
19:29.26sparrwam i the only one who finds it odd that sudo is not part of the "standard" tasksel list
19:29.35jetscreamertasksel sucks
19:29.37Nyleits like one of those mysteries of life, why does shirley temple use a curling iron? no one knows.
19:29.43GuerinNyle: because males and females are very very close to being genetically identical
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19:29.51Nyletasksel does suck and you I think you said it last night toio
19:29.57Nylewhy does it not get deprecated?
19:29.59sepskisparrw, why should it be ?
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19:30.03jetscreameryes and i think i said it to him, also
19:30.08Nyleit is still presented to you in the installer
19:30.10Guerintasksel is deprecated in favour of aptitude
19:30.11jetscreamerhe was there maybe
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19:30.17\amethystNyle:  precursors to the nipples are present.  In some animals, like mice, they are eliminated in males
19:30.24Guerinno, that's aptitude now
19:30.32Nyle\amethyst: see, thas what I'm talking about
19:30.34jetscreameri have nipples because i would look frickin weird w/o them
19:30.44Nyle\amethyst: best laid plans of mice.. you know
19:30.48Eulexmight I ask what this discussion has to do with debian?
19:30.49Guerin\amethyst: actually, only the external bits are absent. The vestige is still there, just not so obviously.
19:30.56xingujetscreamer: you look weird with them; lose the third one.
19:31.12jetscreameri am an international hitman, yes
19:31.20jetscreameri live in china
19:31.24sparrwjetscreamer: tasksel has its virtues.  someone must like it enough for it to be in the installer
19:31.26jetscreameri have a golden gun
19:31.30Nylejetscreamer: redneck china?
19:31.38Nyledeep dow in the continent of texas?
19:31.47rubeezi just updated my lenny and evolution stopped working over there a work around for this problem?
19:31.48jetscreameri lied..
19:31.51twiggzi love my firearms.
19:31.55sparrwsepski: well, to pick one of many reasons...  because popcon says its popular enough to be
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19:33.07sepskisparrw, file a wishlist bug then
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19:33.45Nylesparrw: well, there it is
19:33.51sparrwok, next question  :)
19:34.04Nylesparrw: why is it really popular, because it gets installed and used and you have no fucking choice
19:34.04sparrwwhy doesnt xserver-xorg depend (in some way) on xfonts-base ?
19:34.27GuerinNyle: no. tasksel is deprecated for aptitude nbow. Aptitude does all the tasky stuff nowadays.
19:34.28sparrwit seems that it does, literally, depend on it
19:34.31Nyleif something if forced down your throat through the installer, then obviously the popcon stats won't matter for tasksel
19:34.41jetscreamerthe installer comes up with tasksel
19:34.48sparrwNyle: yes, but the installer doesnt force sudo, thats my point
19:34.52sparrwNyle: i think it should
19:34.59jetscreamersparr_: or should it
19:35.00Nylesparrw: it doesn't, but it has an option
19:35.02sparrwNyle: sudo is popular on its own merits
19:35.09Nyleit does n't force, but its there ifyou know how to isntall debian
19:35.15jetscreamerthat's a wishlist bug.. file it
19:35.16Guerinsparrw: xorg does. the server itself doesn't.
19:35.18Nyleor if you actually take the time to read the install guide
19:35.26xingusparrw: it's one more suid root binary to worry about, for one.
19:35.37jetscreameri never read shit about how to install
19:35.37xingusparrw: one which can easily be misconfigured
19:35.40sparrwGuerin: is there some use the xserver can be put to that doesnt require the fonts?
19:35.56jetscreamerit has fonts
19:35.56Guerinsparrw: probably.
19:36.02Nylemost debian users aren't retarded like ubuntu users
19:36.08sepskisparrw, i prefer the basic debian to be free of bloat so keep the very minimum, you can make a task package called "popular"  and put sudo in it if you want :)
19:36.16Nylesudo isn't defaulted/forced on debian users
19:36.19Nyleonly ubuntards
19:36.29sparrwsepski: "basic debian" is, imho, what you get if you dont check any boxes in tasksel during installation
19:36.37sepskisparrw, who need more then 1 xfonts server on your network anyway
19:36.45jetscreamerwhat happens in the installer if you choose the 'no root' option...
19:36.46Guerinsparrw: agreed.
19:36.51jetscreamerdoes sudo get installed?
19:36.52Nylejetscreamer: sudo
19:36.52Guerinsepski: agreed!
19:36.55Nylejetscreamer: yes
19:36.57sepskijetscreamer, yes
19:37.01jetscreamerok so there's sudo
19:37.03*** part/#debian bughunter2 (
19:37.05Nylejetscreamer: and an entry is created in sudoers
19:37.05jetscreamerquit bitching
19:37.12Nylepay attention
19:37.24sparrwGuerin: is there a meta-package that i should be installing other than xserver-xorg to get working X?
19:37.24Nyle14:33 <              Nyle> it does n't force, but its there ifyou know how to isntall debian
19:37.28Nyle14:33 <              Nyle> or if you actually take the time to read the install guide
19:37.41jetscreamersparr_: aptitude install xorg
19:37.44sepskisparrw, that's base i said basic, but you get my idea
19:37.49Nylejetscreamer: you are the one bitching about tasksel sucking :)
19:37.50Guerinsparrw: xorg. xserver-xorg is not what you install to get a working x.
19:37.56sparrwahh, good to know
19:38.03*** join/#debian shahriar (n=shahriar@
19:38.24sparrwxorg seems to cover a few important things that xserver-xorg doesnt
19:38.30xsdgsepski: what are you talking about?
19:38.31sparrwoddly, xorg depends on binutils
19:38.34jetscreamerNyle: i wasn't bitching, i was stating a fact.
19:38.42Nylebitch bitch bitch
19:38.44Nyleall day long
19:38.45sparrwand make
19:38.46sepskisparrw, forinstance i have 200 diskless clients all booting and running xserver-xorg, but they use the 1 font server. so no need for fonts on each host.
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19:38.54sparrwsepski: good to know, thanks
19:38.55Nylebitch bitch bitch, while jetscreamer sings the song
19:39.07sparrwheh, now the fun part
19:39.07Guerinsparrw: it's probably a recommend: not a depend:
19:39.08jetscreamerelton john?
19:39.09sparrwive got to configure X
19:39.12Nylegonna bitch all day, gonan drive us nuts
19:39.14sepskixsdg, 3 things at once, and it's confusing for me too :)
19:39.17jetscreamerok configure it
19:39.20Nylegonna get us off our butts
19:39.27jetscreamer!tell sparr_ -about drxx
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19:39.59Nylejetscreamer: adam sandler, highschool janitor recieves a severe beating
19:40.01aephi. is there a xen guide that installs from the actual apt binaries?
19:40.07Nyle2nd cd, they're all gonna laugh at you
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19:40.13xingucan an x11 fontserver even handle truetype fonts? or are they still stuck transcoding them to bitmap on request?
19:40.13aepmost of the guides refere to source packages
19:40.20dpkgit has been said that xen is an open source virtual machine monitor, developed by the University of Cambridge. It is intended to run up to 100 full featured OSs on a single computer. Operating systems must be explicitly modified ("ported") to run on Xen (although compatibility is maintained for user applications). This enables Xen to achieve high performance virtualization without special hardware support. try #debian-xen on
19:40.23Nyleaep: which guides?
19:40.33Guerinaep: ask in the abovementioned channel
19:40.33aepthos i googled for :/
19:40.33Nylewhere are these guides found?
19:40.42sepskixingu, i guess that depends on the xfont server implementation i think debian have like 3 of them :)
19:40.43aepGuerin: ah thanks
19:40.52SixT6pedro__ lacks political experience
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19:40.55mark6ok kde cant help can anyone in here help with kplaylist not playing audio (note i aint using kde)
19:41.03xinguI'd be willing to bet that no fontserver played nice with Render
19:41.08GuerinSixT6: ?
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19:41.20SixT6Guerin: Napoleon dynatite
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19:41.32SixT6Fudge my spelling today
19:41.38GuerinSixT6: oh. Another reputedly-awesome film I've failed to see.
19:41.45Nyleoh god
19:41.51Nyleretarded movie for retarded people
19:42.02GuerinNyle: your favourite, then?
19:42.04SixT6Guerin: Depends what kind of movies you like
19:42.09NyleThe Usual Suspects
19:42.17sepskixingu, you can test xfstt and give us your opinion ?
19:42.24jellythat wasn't really a question, was it.
19:42.38SixT6The Godfather is reputedly awesome, but I think it sucks
19:42.46GuerinSixT6: my undergrad was in film and I currently study and work with propaganda.
19:42.48NyleThe Usual Suspects is like, the best movie ever.
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19:43.32SixT6Best movie ever? Would have to be one of the northpole movies
19:43.34GuerinThe Godfather is a supreme example of its genre
19:43.36Nylethe Will of Keyser Soze
19:43.44NyleScarface too
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19:43.50Nylethe classics you can't go wrong with
19:43.59Guerinnot quite true
19:44.01SixT6Guerin: That might be true, but I still haven't been able to see all of the movie because I fall asleep during it
19:44.03jetscreamerThe Pick of Destiny > *
19:44.04Nylelock stock and true smoking barrel
19:44.10Guerina lot of bollocks gets a lot of respect because it's old
19:44.22SixT6Boondock Saints
19:44.25Nylethe cube
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19:44.29SixT6The cube sucked
19:44.33twiggzBoondock Saints is the best movie ever.
19:44.40Nyleok guys
19:44.41SixT6Or maybe it was the cube 2
19:44.43twiggzI almost went and bought it it was so good.
19:44.45Guerinbah, boondock saints and the cube aren't even worth mentioning in the same breath as the godfather
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19:45.03screamingbytesSixT6: do you mean gleaming the cube?
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19:45.11Nyleso debian has 3 types of font serverS?
19:45.14Nyledid someone just say that?
19:45.21Nyleor did i misunderstand
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19:45.35xingusepski: test? I've used it in the past; and a quick through google confirms my suspicions; by using a fontserver, you're basically bypassing the xserver's own glyph rendering pipeline - it's getting bitmaps from the fontserver; so this is going to lose in both the uncached case (bandwidth hungry) as well as the libxft2-enabled-client case (ie, most Qt/Gtk apps these days)
19:46.13xingusepski: libxft2 will talk to Render - and for some of us, that means gpu-side rendering of glyphs.
19:46.16screamingbytesso a real debian topic :)  ntp or openntpd
19:46.26dpkgi heard better is a matter of personal taste; asking "is foo better than bar?" is almost meaningless unless we know what *you* mean by "better".
19:46.32dpkgntp is, like, the Network Time Protocol.  Try "apt-get install ntp" for basic usage.  Use "" as your NTP server if you don't have one of your own already.  (Make sure your time zone is right, with tzconfig, first.)  See or for more information.
19:46.37jellyscreamingbytes: server or local machine?
19:46.44Guerinscreamingbytes: who cares?
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19:47.02NyleGuerin: I can answer that
19:47.06NyleGuerin: the people who care.
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19:48.04jellyscreamingbytes: if it's a leaf machine, the answer is obviously chrony. :->
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19:48.50shachafIs there a way of making apt-get download a specific package (like -d) into /var/cache, even if it's already installed?
19:49.07mark6anyone know if kplaylist not playing sound is script/httpd/server
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19:49.36xingusepski: you'll win in the hetrogenous environment case (maintaining multiple fontsets across display servers so that the same font at the same dpi is the same glyph everywhere isn't fun) as well as the diskspace challenged case (but you've already said you're diskless - I assume putting a few fonts on your rootfs wouldn't be a huge stretch)
19:49.44jellymark6: ask the kplaylist people?
19:50.05jellymark6: it is not in Debian.
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19:51.50screamingbytesjelly: Guerin: its a server for about 15 or so workstations, sync time obviously is important
19:52.15Guerinscreamingbytes: 15 or so workstations should sync in under a second, total.
19:52.16jellyscreamingbytes: I've never tried openntpd and never missed it.
19:52.34screamingbytesjelly: these 15 workstations are also connected to another office with over 50 workststions and a 3rd office with about 35 workstations
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19:52.37Guerinscreamingbytes: so I'd be inclined to not care
19:52.48screamingbytesGuerin: noted
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19:53.29xinguscreamingbytes: I think the only one which plays well with the kernel's pll regulator is ntpd; having said that I haven't looked at openntp in over two years now.
19:53.41xinguwouldn't be surprised if it was still the case though
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19:53.44xinguand as for chrony
19:54.32screamingbytesSo i believe i will go with ntpd, reading between the lines it looks like everyone agrees on that one. tyvm
19:54.49jellyxingu: it has a decent, original name! :-)
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19:57.05xingutime to find out if various display killing bugs are dealt with yet
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19:57.40chopsxingu: Display killing bugs in what software?
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19:58.20xulfa display can kill bugs in software?
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19:58.39xinguchops: oh, this is full force rice factor stuff; running sauerbraten w/ compiz fusion active and fsaa/aniso turned all the way up to 11 on a 7600go
19:58.53chopsxingu: Ahh, good old rice :-)
19:59.27xinguchops: it's been a reasonably good way to provoke nvidia drivers into dieing; so new drivers, time to retest.
19:59.49chopsxingu: I'd be happy if my intel drivers just would not crash when playing movies, myself
19:59.57chopsOr exiting X
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20:00.07chopsOr if they would start in the right resolution
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20:00.35keglevichdoes somebody maybe have some experience here using iSCSI?
20:00.40dpkgPlease do not ask if anyone uses <someprogram>. Instead, ask your real question. (If the real question _was_ "does anyone use <someprogram>?" ask me about <popcon> instead.) See <ask> <sicco> <ask-to-ask> <polls>
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20:01.14xinguchops: took me ages before working out how to get mplayer to play stuff properly on a 16:10 aspect
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20:01.27xinguchops: guess I'm just thick. :)
20:01.31xingu(here goes nothing)
20:01.59chopsxingu: Oh, yeah, that seems to be another bug -- on the occasions when movies play correctly, they seem to play with the aspect ratio inverted if you're playing on a rotated monitor
20:02.15chopsxingu: I'm waiting to report that one until they fix the others, though.  No new bugs until you fix the ones you've got!
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20:04.46xinguwell, bug still present. :)
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20:05.17sevardHey guys.  I'm a fairly seasoned slackware linux user (about 10 years) but a new client of mine wants me to install some debian servers.  I have no problems getting to know a new distro but as a slackware user don't like the fluff too much.  Would it be advised for a server setup to just go with the disc 1 of the etch install, and aptget the reset of my server applications? (iptables, openvpn, apache w/mod_php, etc)
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20:06.01Guerinsevard: yes, that will be fine. Debian's stock install is pretty minimal, if you don't get a desktop and other such bollocks.
20:06.03fengoryes sevard, jsut get the netinstall and do a baseisntall then get the rest via apt-get or aptitude
20:06.17Heavy-DHey everybody, Could you let me know what Kernel is used in Etch 4.0r2 ? It'd be much appreciated.
20:06.28hoxusevard, or netinstaller, just skip the tasksel part (install packages by hand using apt-get/aptitude)
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20:06.57Guerinsevard: be careful not to fall back on your slackware habits, though - especially for packages and installation, if you don't like how something is in debian, you can't just go randomly compiling and installing shit with impunity. You need to make it work via apt.
20:07.06sevardNow that's what I was spinning on, I couldn't find list of applications included in the disc1 or the netinstall, or if there is even a major difference/advantage between the two.
20:07.13Guerinit might seem a pain in the arse, but it's worth it in the long run
20:07.37hoxusevard, netinstaller is smaller, and you only need it if you have a network connection
20:07.43chopssevard: There's not a different set of applications for the different install methods
20:07.44Guerinsevard: the netinstall has fuck-all. CD1 has a little more but most of it is gnome. But as long as you have network you're all good.
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20:08.09chopssevard: It's just that the less that's included on the installer, the more gets downloaded over the network.  But the set of packages for a given release is the same regardless.
20:08.13sevardGuerin: of course, I'll be sticking simply with apt-get, I understand entirelly that different distros have very different ways of doing things and from a philosophilcal perspective the last thing I want to do is tailor a debian install to look like a slackware install just because I'm a pendantic ass.
20:08.37chopssevard: IOW, your "start with nothing and apt-get what you need" is exactly the way Debian is designed to be set up :-)
20:08.40Guerinsevard: goodgood. I don't run my bsd boxen like debian boxen, for the same reason.
20:08.52sevardso netinstall and aptitude it is.  thanks very much for the clarification.
20:08.59Optichey, can somebody give me some help on getting a keyspan serial adapter to work with debian?
20:09.20Opticthe driver has been removed from teh debian kernels for religious reasons but I actually need to use it
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20:10.16chopsOptic: If by "religious" you mean "it's illegal to distribute it", I believe...
20:10.26Opticchops: no, that's not the reason in this case
20:10.36Opticit's in the standard linux kernel
20:10.40chopsOptic: No?  Why was it removed?
20:10.45Opticit's explicity stripped out in the debian ones
20:10.58EulexOptic, if you run debian you should know what the dfsg is about.
20:11.08Opticapparently its because the keyspan license says the driver can only be used with keyspan devices
20:11.10chopsOptic: Right, and why?
20:11.59Optici would choose a different multiport serial adapter but there aren't many choices in the market
20:11.59chopsOptic: So why wouldn't that be illegal to distribute alongside GPLed software, which may not be linked with software with such a license?
20:12.25chopsOptic: You can download a vanilla kernel and build it by hand with a config based on the Debian config
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20:12.45OpticI'm not sure.  I imagine linus would have evaluated those concerns when shipping it with the linux kernel
20:12.46mark6ok i broke php can somenoe tell me what files i need to stop it telling me to download it?
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20:12.56dondelelcaroOptic: well, unfortunatly that's not often the case.
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20:13.13Heavy-D<chops> sevard: There's not a different set of applications for the different install methods
20:13.13Heavy-D<Guerin> sevard: the neti
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20:13.23Heavy-Dsorry, wrong key
20:13.30dondelelcaroOptic: and in any event, since we can't modify it as we'd like, we don't distribute it in main. If you're concerned about that, feel free to build your own kernel, or otherwise build that module.
20:13.34Opticchops: cool.  and it should work?
20:13.35dondelelcaroOptic: we won't stop you
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20:13.48Opticright, i'm not asking you to include the driver in debian
20:13.54Optici'm just wondering how to go about getting it working :)
20:13.59sevardHeavy-D: heh
20:14.17dondelelcaroOptic: build your own kernel, or just build that module against the kernel headers; either will work.
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20:15.15Opticok, i'll give it a shot
20:15.19Heavy-DDo you guys know what kernel is included with 4.0r2 ?
20:15.37dondelelcaroHeavy-D: 2.6.18
20:15.46Heavy-Dah, so same as 4.0
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20:16.03dondelelcaroHeavy-D: it's slightly different, as it has security fixes, but yes, it's the same major version
20:16.23chopsHeavy-D: Point releases of Debian change very little; a new kernel version would never happen that I can imagine.  Mostly it's just a collection of the security fixes that have happened since the last point release.
20:16.29chops*new upstream kernel version
20:16.30Heavy-Dah okay, I don't think 2.6.18 detects my Raid adapter :(
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20:17.18FizkahHow do I see what screens I have under a certain name?
20:17.43aephi.i'm switching from lilo to grub.  update-grub adds " root   (hd0,0)", but my root partition is sda2.  i can't afford just "trying it". any suggestions?
20:17.45sparrwive got a program that wants libgtk-x11-2.0-so.0, any tips on where to find that?
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20:18.35dondelelcaroHeavy-D: well, you can use one of the testing installers to install stable, and then install a testing kernel if necessary.
20:18.47LordAntaFizkah: try (hd0,1).
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20:20.01Heavy-Ddondelelcaro: Hrmm okay thanks for the suggestion
20:20.11FizkahLordAnta: When I do screen -wipe I get this: 27984.ventrilo  (Detached) - How do I kill that screen?
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20:21.48LordAntadon't know. I am using lilo for a slackware in MBR and grub for debian. The grub is installed in (hd0,7), that's why i told to try (hd0,1)
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20:22.39seonhow can i fix an IP adress on a computer connected in a DHCP network?
20:22.43npriceis there any way to prevent dpkg-buildpackage from passing -host=XXX to ./configure?
20:23.18dondelelcaroseon: use a fixed address at the dhcp server
20:23.37aepwish me luck *reboot*
20:23.46mark6ok php files are only downloading what did i do to break it?
20:24.08aepmark6: addHandler. ask in #apache
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20:24.42aepyay. up and running with grub. guess that means i can keep my job
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20:25.28bodqhi all; I'm looking for a "info display"-style application, to display real-time data (rss feeds, upcoming calendar events, kittens, etc)
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20:25.49bodqA couple of search terms would be appreciated
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20:26.40Eulex!tell Heavy-D about kmuto
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20:28.38chopsbodq: korganizer may do what you want
20:28.55chopsbodq: I understand evolution was working in that direction last I looked at it (which was a very long time ago)
20:29.01Opticis it important to build the exact same linux kernel version?
20:29.09Opticor should I build the latest one?
20:29.16chopsOptic: Are you building a whole new kernel, or just the module?
20:29.24Optici'm doing a kernel build
20:29.27chopsOptic: In general it's best to stay as close to the Debian version as is possible
20:29.29Optici can't find the module distributed separately
20:29.34bodqchops, not quite; I need a generic ticker for a kiosk-like display
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20:30.04bodqchops: something like gkrellm but not so rigid, and scriptable
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20:30.13bodqand fullscreen
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20:33.46Heavy-DEulex: Thanks very much ^.^
20:34.40jamesturnbull.whois valdyn
20:35.08jamesturnbullbah - ignore me no coffee
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20:38.48Saari am kind of wondering if ubuntu cooporates with dell, as their site suggests, that installing it on dell machines is a major pain of crashes and not working gfx
20:38.59Saarif = why
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20:40.18dpkgUbuntu is based on Debian, but it is not Debian, and it is unlikely to live up to Debian's standards (see <Debian policy>).  Only Debian is supported on #debian.  Use #ubuntu ( instead.  Even if the channel happens to be less helpful, support for distributions other than Debian is offtopic on #debian.
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20:41.28codazodaI have what is probably a dumb question.  I cannot seem to get my PATH variables to work.  I've added 'PATH=$PATH:/my/new/path' and 'export PATH' to '~/.bash_profile' and to '/etc/profile'.  But, when I 'echo $PATH' it doesn't have '/my/new/path' at the end.
20:41.44chopscodazoda: Did you re-log-in before checking $PATH?
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20:41.53codazodaI did, yes.
20:42.17Saarhey i know, I just felt like bitching
20:42.19chopscodazoda: Is it possible that it's being overwritten after you've set it?  Have you tried setting it at the _end_ of ~/.bash_profile?
20:42.28chopscodazoda: Also, silly question... you are running bash, right? :-)
20:42.28codazodaWell, I should say I logged out of gnome and back in using...  Um, I forget the graphical login manager I'm using.  But, I think that's the same thing....
20:42.32themillcodazoda: are you running a login shell?
20:42.39codazodathemill, yes
20:42.52themillcodazoda: as in running bash -ls ?
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20:44.20codazodathemill, not sure I completely understand.  In fact, I'm not completely sure I'm running bash, but I think so.  I'm actually running gnome-terminal and typing my echo.
20:44.42chopscodazoda: Try running gnome-terminal, running bash -ls, and then echoing $PATH
20:44.42Trampcodazoda: what gives "echo $0" in the shell in question?
20:44.51themillcodazoda: OK. In that gnome-terminal, type "bash -ls" and then try your echo $PATH again.
20:44.51chopscodazoda: Just to narrow down where the problem might be occurring
20:45.09themillcodazoda: (that's a lowercase -LS btw not a one)
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20:45.58codazodaecho $0 returns bash.
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20:46.24Trampcodazoda: then it's not a login-shell
20:46.33bodqalso "bash -x
20:46.39bodqalso "bash -x | grep PATH" could help
20:46.41codazodaif I do 'bash -ls' (and in fact just bash) then echo the path, it works.
20:46.42sparrwwish me luck, first reboot after screwing with inittab
20:46.53ruxpincodazoda: is it "export $PATH" with the $ sign?
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20:47.10bodqsparrw: init q
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20:47.28codazodasparrw, Nope...  That's probably my issue.  Web examples I saw didn't have that...
20:47.35Trampcodazoda: in gnome-terminal, edit the profile, "Title and Command", Check the "run command as login-shell" button
20:48.17codazodaWait, the $ isn't necessary, right?
20:48.28themillruxpin: you shouldn't include the $ in the export
20:48.28tralalasparrw, no need to reboot; man telinit
20:48.43Trampcodazoda: (Edit the profil through Edit->Current Profile)
20:48.46themillcodazoda: your .bash_profile is not used except for login shells. If you change your gnome-terminal to run "bash -ls" not just bash, then it will work. (or what Tramp said)
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20:49.48codazodaOkay.  I'm only testing in terminal to see if "it worked".  What I'm trying to do is get my other tools to have that PATH.  Specifically tkCVS when it launches ZDE.  Should I put the path elsewhere?
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20:51.09Trampcodazoda: Yes. you would have to put it, where tkCVS honours it - wherever that is. Finding this out would probably involve studying the documentation
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20:51.49xinguhmm, maybe it's stripping env vars... possible
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20:52.57xinguaah, that's exactly it from the looks
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20:53.58aepwhut? i have no /dev/sdb1 althought there is a partition on it
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20:54.40codazodaHmm.  The tkCVS docs are fairly sparse.  It's a tk app that I'm executing through a gnome menu.
20:55.05sparrwtralala: i dont have telint, and pdo cant tell me what package its in
20:55.08codazodaIs there a place I can put the PATH command if I want it to work inside of BASH when it's NOT a login terminal?
20:55.18codazodaerr.  login shell.
20:55.43yzaLyzarCHow can I find out what screencard I have?
20:55.52justinyzaLyzarC: screencard?
20:55.54codazodaOr, does it only apply to the login shell?  I can see that my path is the same thing that is set in /etc/profile.  But I guess it's not set BY /etc/profile.
20:55.58themillcodazoda: .bashrc or /etc/bash/bashrc should do the trick
20:56.28yzaLyzarCjustin: Yeah, like nvidia, ati, you know. The card you plug the screen into
20:56.35justinyzaLyzarC: oooh, VIDEO card
20:56.41justinyzaLyzarC: lspci will tell you
20:57.04yzaLyzarChow would I know if it is agp or pci or pci express?
20:57.12tralalasparrw, it's telinit, not telint
20:57.12aep"/dev/sdb1 is apparently in use by the system; will not make a filesystem here!"   <- what?
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20:57.34justinyzaLyzarC: lspci -v may have more clues
20:57.36justinmine for exaple shows
20:57.40justin01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV18 [GeForce4 MX 440 AGP 8x] (rev a2) (prog-if 00 [VGA])
20:58.00justinheh :)
20:58.03yzaLyzarCjustin: Woha, same card almost
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20:58.10sparrwtralala: ahh, typo on the howto i was using, thanks
20:58.13justinyzaLyzarC: what is the number at the beginning of the column?
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20:59.09xingutralala: "init" tends to be a bit more portable
20:59.13justinyzaLyzarC: in lspci all the pci cards should start the same, probably as 00:xx.x, and if it is a agp card it would be probably 01:00 like mine
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20:59.20xingutralala: telinit is a bit bsdish. :)
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21:00.06Hypnus9Hi room. What is the easiest way to set up samba?
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21:00.15justinHypnus9: apt-get install samba
21:00.24yzaLyzarC01:00.0  agp?
21:00.30justinHypnus9: remove the 'read-only' under the default home share. done :)
21:00.36justinyzaLyzarC: yep, most likely
21:00.42aepwtf is wrong with that kernel?
21:00.47justinaep: file -s /dev/loop0 ?
21:00.49Hypnus9ok. Thanks
21:00.50L4m3rAm I going to regret installing the .deb that Skype provides for etch? I've hosed dependencies too many tmes and am paranoid :P
21:00.52aepjustin: yeah
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21:01.05aeperr no
21:01.07sparrwL4m3r: could be worse, could be a .rpm  :)
21:01.57tralalaxingu, point taken
21:02.01aeproot@ibcsolutions:/xen# mount -o loop ./terrordrone /media/cdrom0/
21:02.01aep/dev/loop0 looks like swapspace - not mounted
21:02.19aepi just mkfsed  it
21:02.25aepits not swap >_<
21:02.46justinaep: what does file say terrordrone is?
21:02.52justinaep: that isn't a whole disk image is it?
21:03.04aeproot@ibcsolutions:/xen# file terrordrone
21:03.04aepterrordrone: Linux rev 1.0 ext3 filesystem data (large files)
21:03.28aepmaybe that has something to do with the missing /dev/sdb1 ...
21:03.43justinperhaps.. what does ls -l /dev/loop0 show?
21:03.51justinmaybe somehow the devices got created wrong?
21:03.58aepbrw-rw---- 1 root disk 7, 0 2008-01-31 21:57 /dev/loop0
21:04.11justinnope.. that is right
21:04.48justinaep: what happens if you manually use losetup?
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21:05.19aepuh i never did
21:05.48justinaep: if you losetup and then run file -s /dev/loopwhatever you should get back the same ext3 info
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21:06.42aepbah never mind. the image was 1kb.
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21:07.13Erik1installing etch: what is bcm43xx ? it stumbles over that when booting up the finished installation
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21:08.15dpkgbcm43xx is a driver for Broadcom's wireless chipsets ( included in kernels since 2.6.17-rc2, "modprobe bcm43xx" in Etch.  Firmware required to be loaded before operation, ask me about <bcm43xx-fwcutter>.  Replaced with <b43legacy> in kernels 2.6.24 and later.  USB devices are not supported.
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21:08.22nameless`i've got a keymap problem with tty
21:08.45nameless`each time i boot, i have to do install-keymap /usr/share/keymaps/mac/mac-fr-ext_new.kmap.gz
21:08.51Erik1and how can I get rid of the appletalk protocol ?
21:08.53nameless`how can i make it by defaylt ?
21:09.23yzaLyzarCWhat computer do I need to run debian+kde+some aplication smoothly? (like gimp)
21:09.25nameless`dpkg--reconfigure console-data doesn't show me the good keymap
21:10.07aepjustin: but maybe you have a clue why i get "mount: /dev/sdb{1} already mounted or /somedir busy" for my decond harddisk.  /dev/sdb1 is missing after reboot so i tryed mkfs on the disk directyl. same resuöt
21:10.25chopsyzaLyzarC: Lots of memory is most key; >= 512MB is my guess for where the performance starts becoming decent
21:10.34chopsyzaLyzarC: But if you're using gimp on large images, you might need more
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21:10.50codazodaThanks for you help.  I understand paths properly now.  I should have known this long ago.
21:10.56justinaep: dmesg have any clues about the partitions?
21:10.58yzaLyzarCchops: I've never seen it use more than 256
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21:11.08chopsyzaLyzarC: "it"?
21:11.28aepjustin: nothing in dmesg about the partition.  sdb is fine:     sd 1:0:0:0: Attached scsi disk sdb
21:11.49aeperr whats that?  neveer seen it:     md: bind<sdb>
21:11.50justinaep: file -s /dev/sdb ?
21:11.57yzaLyzarCchops: The debian-box that is too slow, it has an amd duron 600mhs
21:12.00aepjustin: /dev/sdb: ReiserFS V3.6 block size 4096 num blocks 78142800 r5 hash
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21:12.09chopsyzaLyzarC: How much memory?
21:12.20justinaep: ahh, it looks like you don't have partitions
21:12.42justinaep: and the partition type is probably the raid partition type, so it thinks it is for a raid array
21:12.51justinaep: what's fdisk -l /dev/sdb say?
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21:12.59yzaLyzarCchops: 377mb SDRAM
21:13.22TrueDDHi all
21:13.24aepjustin: yeah i created the fs directly on the device becouse the partitions i craeate have no device nodes
21:13.34yzaLyzarCchops: Would I increase preformance with a faster hd? from 5400rpm to 7400rpm?
21:13.55justinaep: usually they show up after creating the parition table, sometimes you have to reboot though
21:14.06sparrwwe have a p2/266 running debian+x+iceweasel at the office...  its just fine for web browsing, webmail, etc
21:14.13aepjustin: thats the problem. they show up after fdisk but are gone after reboot
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21:14.18Guerinsparrw: this matches my experience.
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21:14.23aepjustin: andf i get the same "is in use" error for them
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21:14.44Guerinunliek the usual whiners with a core2 and 2G of ram complaining about how iceweasel is bloatware
21:14.52sparrwwell, it is  :)
21:14.54sparrwits still a memory hog
21:15.09Guerinyes, but not to the extent it is fashionable to claim
21:15.15sparrwif it wasnt for site compatibility id put opera on that box instead
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21:15.42Guerinif it wasn't for it being so crap and utterly unfixable, I'd consider running opera
21:15.56Trampaep: are you really sure you actually saved the partition-table before leaving the partition editor?
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21:16.22aepTramp: yes. the devices are created when i leave
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21:17.42hipodilskiHi guys I have upgraded my debian kernel and restarted and hooray
21:17.44aepTramp: and when i try to moun them after mkfs i get mount: /dev/sdb1 already mounted or /somedir busy
21:17.49hipodilskinow it boots into BUSYBOX!
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21:18.04edicoI want to install a debian, and I think at that skeme of partions /boot /dev/sda1 128MB primary, / 1GB /dev/sda2 primary, ntfs the unspeakable name primary, swap /dev/sda5 1GB (I have 1GB RAM) logical, /dev/sda6 /tmp 2GB logical, /var /dev/sda7 5GB logical, /usr /dev/sda8 15GB logical, /home /dev/sda9 50GB logical, /opt /dev/sda10 5GB logical.
21:18.14hipodilski"/init: /init: 1 canno open /dev/root: No such dvice or address
21:18.16Trampaep: [22:13:25] <aep> justin: yeah i created the fs directly on the device becouse the partitions i craeate have no device nodes  <-- I don't understand what you say here
21:18.25edicoIt's to much allocated?
21:18.28hipodilskiTarget filesystem doesn't have /sbin/init
21:18.33chopshipodilski: How did you upgrade your kernel, and what did you upgrade from and to?
21:18.39hipodilskican somebody help me with this
21:18.43chopshipodilski: Are there any previous error messages?
21:18.43aepTramp: i tryed creating the fs without partitons to test if that has the same results
21:18.46hipodilskichops: using apt-get
21:19.05yzaLyzarCapt-get me a new computer...
21:19.18yzaLyzarCapt-get money
21:19.31jetscreamerapt-get !ops
21:19.33chopsyzaLyzarC: 377MB is almost certainly too little for KDE+gimp
21:19.48yzaLyzarCchops: But it is slow without gimp too
21:19.49hipodilskichops: there are some error messages for missing kernel modules in /lib
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21:19.57Trampaep: You use fdisk, finish with "w" for write. You have /dev/sdb1 then. Then you mkfs on /dev/sdb1. What in this sequence fails?
21:20.07aepTramp: mount fails
21:20.08chopsyzaLyzarC: I didn't say it would be fast without gimp :-)
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21:20.24hipodilskiwhy does debian thinks I don't have /sbin/init?
21:20.29yzaLyzarCchops: I need first it too run smootly without gimp
21:20.36chopsyzaLyzarC: Okay.  Add memory.
21:20.37hipodilskiI should note that /sbin is in the same partition as the kernel
21:20.47chopshipodilski: You could try answering the other two questions I asked you...
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21:21.11hipodilskior chops I've upgraded debian etch
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21:21.20hipodilskiI'm on stable
21:21.32hipodilskiI'm using lilo as a boot manager
21:21.38chopsyzaLyzarC: You might also consider switching to a lighter-weight window manager.  KDE and gnome are pretty heavyweight options; something like icewm will work better for you.
21:21.45ustunozgurhi, is the " asoundconf" currently buggy in lenny? "asoundconf list" returns no cards.
21:21.51chopshipodilski: Did you rerun lilo after the kernel ugprade?
21:21.57chopshipodilski: When was the last time you booted?
21:22.06yzaLyzarCchops: Does it look good? And is it good for my openssh-server?
21:22.15Trampaep: so what does file -s /dev/sdb1 say?
21:22.29hipodilskichops: I haven't rerun lilo after the kernel upgrade because I think debian manages that
21:22.34chopsyzaLyzarC: Personally I use blackbox on my 256MB machine, and it works well for me more or less (though things like gimp are slow)
21:22.57chopshipodilski: I'm not sure that it does
21:23.04aepTramp: /dev/sdb1: Linux rev 1.0 ext3 filesystem data (needs journal recovery) (large files)
21:23.10chopshipodilski: I tend not to trust that anything with lilo is handled correctly :-/
21:23.20chopshipodilski: You can boot from a rescue disk and rerun lilo and see if that fixes it.
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21:23.34chopshipodilski: The next thing to try would be rebuilding your initrd, though that should be handled by the Debian scripts
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21:24.18Trampaep: and "mount | grep sdb1" gives no output?
21:24.19hipodilskichops: ok
21:24.20yzaLyzarCchops: for what I save not buying windows I can buy an entire computer...
21:24.27aepTramp: nothing
21:24.32aepneither lsof
21:24.37aepneither /proc/mounts
21:24.39hipodilskichops: I was thinking about that but this is a real pain in the ass since the machine doesn't have cd or anything :|
21:24.49chopshipodilski: :-(
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21:24.56chopshipodilski: Do you have an older kernel around that you can boot into?
21:25.08hipodilskichops: no
21:25.15chopshipodilski: :-(
21:25.23hipodilskichops: the worst is
21:25.42chopshipodilski: Well, if you're booting into busybox, you can try poking around and see if you can manage to mount the root partition
21:25.43hipodilskithat the machine has not enough ide cabels
21:25.56chopshipodilski: Actually, if it's managing to bring up the kernel and busybox, lilo is probably ok
21:25.57hipodilskiand I have to disconnect the second hdd
21:26.14hipodilskichops: can I do something from busybox
21:26.39chopshipodilski: I'm not sure what tools are available in the initrd busybox... there might be fdisk, mount, and the like.
21:26.50hipodilskichops: no fdisk
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21:27.08chopshipodilski: That is sad
21:27.25hipodilskichops: I can guess my hard drives
21:27.38chopshipodilski: nod
21:27.47chopshipodilski: Are you using RAID or any funniness like that?
21:27.48Trampaep: hmm. This is weird, also because, to my understanding, if it's not in use, the journal should not need recovery
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21:27.58hipodilskichops: no it's old 166 mhz box
21:28.05chopshipodilski: odd
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21:28.10chopshipodilski: How long since it was last booted?
21:28.12Gtwyis debian testing really still on 2.6.18
21:28.19chopsGtwy: no
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21:28.30Gtwychops: something must be screwed up
21:28.35hipodilskichops: btw busybox doesn't create /dev/hdax and /dev/hdbx*
21:28.38hipodilskivery funny huh
21:28.41Trampaep: do I understand it correctly, that you say, if you would reboot now, the partition would be gone again?
21:28.47aepTramp: it has never been mounted, so that would be explainable
21:28.51aepTramp: yes
21:28.58aepTramp: not the partiton but the device
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21:30.15Trampaep: I only can guess, from what you said previously, that the md (software raid) driver claims the disk for some reason
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21:30.47mfowlewhat executable is the gnome desktop window manager?
21:30.49aepTramp: possible. i have no clue what that line means
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21:32.37Trampaep: I have little experience with software raid ... - do you have /proc/mdstat at all?
21:32.44amphimfowle: metacity, I believe
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21:33.39abrotmanmfowle: depends which ones you have installed
21:33.53mfowlewhat are the options?  anything besides metacity and sawfish?
21:34.00aepTramp: yes and it contains sdb
21:34.02abrotmananything else you want
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21:34.07aepi'm not sure why. i didnt set that up
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21:34.41abrotmanmfowle: you can use kwin with gnome i believe ...
21:34.46Trampaep: I think, this is your problem. The md claims md. I just don't know why and how to change this - somebody more experienced with this has to help here. Sorry.
21:34.58abrotmanmfowle: i've seen people using blackbox/fluxbox .. icewm .. e16 .. all kinds of stuff
21:35.01Trampaep: I mean the md claims sdb of course
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21:35.46aepTramp: yeah looks like it
21:35.56aepi didn't setup anything mdlike *shrug*
21:36.16aepso anyone has a clue why md steals my disk?
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21:36.26aepTramp: thank you
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21:37.32mfowlehow can i get modeslines for a display?  my 1680x1050 lcd has faint lines that appear and disappear vertically, mostly across the upper part of the dispaly.  i presume its just a bad modeline.
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21:38.22abrotmanor a bad monitor
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21:39.22mfowleit works fine plugged into other computers
21:39.26mfowleand other 1680x1050 displays work ifne
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21:40.57mfowleits mostly noticable with the default X background, the stitched black and white
21:41.24mfowleonce you put a solid color on it it becomes invisible
21:41.35mfowlethat bespeaks poor modelines to me
21:42.01dpkgyou can create custom modelines at, or, or apt-get install videogen, or modeline
21:42.02abrotmanhave fun
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21:42.42nameless`i turn mad with this keyboard problem
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21:43.10nameless`does anyone can help me ?
21:43.32nameless`each time i boot, i have to do install-keymap /usr/share/keymaps/mac/mac-fr-ext_new.kmap.gz
21:43.48nameless`i tryes dpkg-reconfigure console-data, unsuccessfully
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21:44.09nameless`i tryed to add a script in /etc/rcS.d/
21:44.17nameless`unsuccessfull again
21:44.33nameless`how can i put this keymap by default ?
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21:45.43dondelelcaronameless`: stick it in /etc/console/boottime.kmap.gz or similar.
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21:46.15dondelelcaronameless`: generally you would use install-keymap to do this.
21:46.56nameless`yes i use install-keymap
21:47.09nameless`but i have to use install-keymap each time i boot
21:47.17dondelelcaronameless`: no, you only have to use it once.
21:47.58nameless`it doesn't works so
21:48.07nameless`because i really have to use each time i boot
21:48.18nameless`if not, i've got a wrong keymap
21:48.27ericP_what's a good debug path if i suspect udev is not creating /dev/ttyUSBn?
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21:48.42frojnd1hello there
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21:48.51frojnd1can someone give me a list of all debian distros ?
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21:49.20dondelelcaronameless`: does /etc/console/boottime.keymap.gz actually have the keymap that you expect? does loadkeys -q /etc/console/boottime.keymap.gz; actually load the right keymap?
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21:49.26ericP_frojnd1, names like stable, testing and unstable?
21:49.29dondelelcarofrojnd1: there's only one, and it's called Debian.
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21:50.06dondelelcarofrojnd1: if you mean suites, like stable, or releases, like etch, that's something else entirely.
21:50.33dondelelcaro(well, I lie slightly, we have Debian GNU/Linux, Debian GNU/kFreeBSD, Debian GNU/HURD and a few others...)
21:50.50frojnd1dondelelcaro, debian like
21:51.20dondelelcarofrojnd1: we don't track those; distro-watch has some kind of a list. There are probably close to a thousand derivatives.
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21:52.45nameless`dondelelcaro: replacing /etc/console/boottime by the good keymap stille doesn't works
21:52.59dondelelcaronameless`: you don't replace it. You use install-keymap to replace it.
21:53.11*** join/#debian visik7 (n=dksakd@unaffiliated/visik7)
21:53.15dondelelcaroyou can't stick a random keymap there, as keymaps have dependencies
21:54.29dondelelcaro(and it should in general be called /etc/console/boottime.kmap.gz, not /etc/console/boottime)
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21:55.04JordiGHMeh, major b0rkage in lenny amd64. :-/
21:55.27dondelelcarofiled the bugs?
21:55.31JordiGHNo sound, no synaptics touchpad, compiz won't work, gnash won't play YouTube vidoes...
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21:55.32karstenWhy would rpc.statd, dbus-daemon, tor, hald, hald-addon-acpi, and exim4 be running with UIDs not listed in /etc/passwd, and more to the point, how can I fix this.  ps waux output:
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21:56.01nameless`dondelelcaro: install-keymap /usr/share/keymaps/mac/mac-fr-ext_new.kmap.gz ?
21:56.15dondelelcaronameless`: if that's the right keymap, yes.
21:56.20karstenThe binaries are *not* suid/sgid installed, but appear to be switching uid/gid when launched.  I can't find anything in config files suggesting why they're doing that.
21:56.23*** join/#debian bohsain (
21:56.23JordiGHLet's start with the sound first. Before I file a bug, can we first make sure that I didn't mess it up myself?
21:56.26nameless`dondelelcaro: that's what i do each time i boot !
21:56.31dondelelcaronameless`: as root?
21:56.35nameless`as sudo
21:56.40bohsainhi all
21:56.51dondelelcaronameless`: if you've done it once, then you should have a /etc/console/boottime.kmap.gz for that keymap.
21:56.55JordiGHalsaconf seems to run, correctly reports what sound card I have, but no program can see my sound card, not even alsamixer.
21:57.12bohsaini have problem in Sid when i try to burn an iso image i get error...
21:57.14abrotman!alsa checklist
21:57.15dpkgextra, extra, read all about it, alsa-checklist is 1) run alsaconf as root user 2) add your user to the 'audio' group (log out and log again in) 3) use alsamixer and make sure levels are up and it is unmuted 4) arts or esound stopped? 5) OSS modules unloaded? 6) speakers on? 7) modprobe snd-pcm-oss  8) does `cat /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp` work for root?
21:57.22dondelelcarokarsten: and getent passwd 102; FE, fails to return anything?
21:57.23nameless`i don't know, but it doesn't works
21:57.33dondelelcaronameless`: check.
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21:57.53nameless`dondelelcaro: yes, i've got a boottime.kmap.gz in /etc/console and then ?
21:57.58frojnd1nameless`, thanx!!
21:58.15dondelelcaronameless`: does loadkeys -q /etc/console/boottime.kmap.gz; load the keymap that you expect?
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21:59.03JordiGHabrotman, the only thing I don't know how to do there is unload OSS modules.
21:59.14abrotmanso ask ..
21:59.36mick_homeomfg - a mindmap
21:59.38JordiGHThat was a question... but if alsamixer can't find "mixer elems", I'm a little skeptical.
21:59.39nameless`dondelelcaro: not in sudo : permission denied, as sudo ok that's works i've got the good keymap
21:59.51abrotmanthat wasn't a question
21:59.52mick_homethere was a guy at my work who had like 3 meetings about how cool they are
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22:00.21JordiGHabrotman, well, excuse me, Mr Jeopardy. :-) "what is unloading OSS modules?"
22:00.24mick_homei'm still not sold on that concept
22:00.25dondelelcaronameless`: yes, you have to do it as sudo; ok, then you've got the right console kmap in place, and your mission is to figure out why /etc/rcS.d/S05keymap isn't loading the keymap like it should.
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22:00.53abrotmanJordiGH: lsmod .. see any OSS modules? likely not .. but you'd remove them modprobe -r <module>
22:01.37bkwHow do I get the automount working with HAL? Right now when I attach a usb storage device I get a error which sais that due to security reasons the Hal can't mount and show the device
22:02.06JordiGHbkw: Are you in the plugdev group?
22:02.07Gun_SmokeAnyone know of a collection of all debian releases?  I was thinking of pulling all releases together to hold on to.
22:02.30abrotmanGun_Smoke: already done
22:02.43*** join/#debian SSGunner05 (
22:02.48dpkghmm... archive is a collection of files.  'tar', 'ar', 'cpio' are all archiving tools.  This is *not* the same as compression, which is a separate operation.  Maybe: or even, or
22:02.52abrotmansee the last url
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22:03.15Gun_Smokeabrotman: thanks.
22:03.49bkwJordiGH: Do users have to be added manually to that group? Hold on, I'll edit /etc/group
22:04.04bohsaini have problem in Sid when i try to burn an iso image i get error...
22:04.19Guerinbohsain: welcome to Sid
22:04.26nameless`dondelelcaro: i see just one loadkey
22:04.33nameless`and it doesn't load the keymap
22:04.36JordiGHbkw: newly created users might. Debian by default only creates one user at install time, and that user will be in plugdev. Depending on how you create more users, they may or may not be in plugdev by default.
22:04.46nameless`opps i miss
22:04.48bohsainGuerin, th.x :)
22:04.52nameless`there is one at the bottom
22:05.11JordiGHAlright, I went through the ALSA checklist. No sound. :-(
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22:05.37Guerinbohsain: that's all the help you'll get with it, too.
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22:05.51amphiJordiGH: or what kernel?
22:05.55dondelelcaronameless`: there are two of them; most likely your issue is that you don't have your keyboard sending linux keycodes by modifying /etc/syscntl.conf, so that only gets set way late in the boot process.
22:06.30JordiGHamphi: alsa 1.0.15-4, kernel 2.6.22-3-amd4
22:06.40JordiGHEr, 2.6.22-3-amd64
22:06.55bohsainGuerin, so there's a problem in sid with burning iso images?
22:07.10Guerinbohsain: Sid has problems. For details, see the BTS.
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22:07.44bkwJordiGH: I've added the user to the plugdev group and attached an usb memory, but still I get
22:07.59amphiJordiGH: it should work with that version of alsa - have you perchance disable the modem in the bios?
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22:08.27JordiGHamphi: The modem? What does the modem have to do with the soundcard?
22:09.36JordiGHbkw: Login and logout with that user.
22:09.36JordiGHbkw: And try again.
22:09.36nameless`dondelelcaro: i have no file keyboard_sends_linux_keycodes in /proc/sys/dev/mac_hid/
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22:09.42amphiJordiGH: a lot, from what I here - if you disable it, the soundcard will not work correctly, in at least some laptops
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22:09.49amphi*I hear, dammit
22:10.07dondelelcaronameless`: my suggestion then is to add a set -x to the top of that init script, and see the output when you boot next.
22:10.08JordiGHamphi: Hum. I see. Do I have to perhaps get the modem non-free drivers working, then?
22:10.21dondelelcaronameless`: possibly fork a shell in the middle of the install too
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22:10.30amphiJordiGH: no; just that the 'modem' must be enabled in the bios
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22:10.53bkwJordiGH: still the same error, the user is member in bkw root audio plugdev
22:10.59nameless1dondelelcaro: add -x at which script ?
22:11.02JordiGHamphi: Well... I don't think I disabled it. But I could go check.
22:11.05*** join/#debian hydoskee (n=hydoskee@ROAMFG-AUTHCLIENTS-01.NATPOOL.NYU.EDU)
22:11.07JordiGHbkw: root is a group?
22:11.12hydoskeewhat's the best way to get files to run on boot up?
22:11.13JordiGHamphi: brb
22:11.18hydoskeeeg: configuration scripts for things?
22:11.22nameless1S05keyboards ?
22:11.35streuner_hydoskee: depends
22:11.39dondelelcaronameless1: S05keymap
22:11.50nameless1dondelelcaro: add -x where ^^
22:11.52dkrhydoskee: create an init script and update-rc.d it to the appropriate runlevels
22:12.05dondelelcaronameless1: the top
22:12.15nameless1i don't understand
22:12.15dkrhydoskee: or just add to /etc/rc.local
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22:12.43streuner_hydoskee: there is also /etc/network/interfaces
22:12.45dondelelcaronameless1: set -x. It's a shell command. Add it immediately following the ### END INIT bit at the top
22:12.54karstendondelelcaro: Debian-exim:x:102:102::/var/spool/exim4:/bin/false
22:13.00karstendondelelcaro: Hrm.
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22:13.01DrusTI have troubles with network too :
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22:13.32DrusTudev intent to rename my wireless interface to eth2 but fail
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22:13.45DrusTthere is an empty interface eth2 created
22:13.51karstendondelelcaro: OK, looks like only 123 fails to return.
22:13.53DrusTand a wireless "wlan0_rename" too
22:14.03nameless1dondelelcaro: what it is suppose to do ?
22:14.09DrusT(iwl3945 module)
22:14.19dondelelcaronameless1: it'll output everything that is run in that script, so you can see what is going on. help set.
22:14.21karstendondelelcaro: ... but why wouldn't ps be returning a username rather than an UID for these?
22:14.38dondelelcarokarsten: I'm not entirely sure, actually. I've noticed that it sometimes doesn't, almost at random.
22:14.58bkwAnyone who know how to fix the hal error I get when I attach a usb device? (the user is member in plugdev group)
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22:15.21karstendondelelcaro: OK, so that's another problem.  Meantime how do I get rpc.statd to run under a valid user?
22:15.24nameless1dondelelcaro: ok, i didn't know this command
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22:17.26mranostay_officehow can reinstall all packages?
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22:17.39mranostay_officei.e like a world build
22:17.45Trampkarsten: ps returns the uid if the name is >8 characters
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22:17.51streuner_there is a factoid for, but usually i just doesnt work
22:18.01karstenTramp: Got a reference on that?
22:18.13JordiGHamphi, nope, nothing like a modem disabled in the BIOS.
22:18.24streuner_mranostay_office: "world build"?
22:18.25Trampkarsten: no. someone hat this problem a couple of weeks ago, and I checked it manually
22:18.38mranostay_officestreuner: how do i reinstall every package?
22:18.40amphiJordiGH: this is what alsamixer looks like here, FWIW,
22:18.44Trampkarsten: I also checked the manpage, but its not in there
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22:18.57JordiGHI wish I could get a better error than "lolz, no sound u suck"
22:19.02streuner_mranostay_office: every package?
22:19.10nameless1dondelelcaro: where i can see the debug line ?
22:19.12streuner_mranostay_office: why do you want that?
22:19.20mranostay_officei just do, how do it do it?
22:19.29amphiJordiGH: does yours look similar?
22:19.35JordiGHamphi: Well, here alsamixer says "lolz, no sound u suck".
22:19.40nameless1dondelelcaro: it didn't print on the screen during the boot
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22:19.44nameless1or i missed it
22:19.45karstenTramp: OK, thanks.
22:19.47amphiJordiGH: no channels?
22:19.49JordiGHamphi: Actually, it says "no mixer elements found" and it doesn't even load.
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22:20.22JordiGH"no mixer elems found"
22:20.24amphiJordiGH: but snd_hda_intel loads ok?
22:20.29enzois there a gui to update packages on debian ? for now i use aptitude
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22:20.36JordiGHamphi: Yep, modprobed it, no error, can't see anything weird in dmesg.
22:20.41karstenTramp: ps ax -o pid,uid,user
22:20.48JordiGHenzo: aptitude is a gui. :-)
22:20.51karstenTramp: .... will show the real username even if > 8 chars.
22:20.53amphiJordiGH: aumix shows anything?
22:20.58JordiGHenzo: It lets you use the mouse.
22:21.01bkwJordiGH: wb
22:21.05karstenTramp: So thanks, 123 is my only problem.
22:21.10bkwJordiGH: Still get the same error :(
22:21.14amphiJordiGH: I hate to ask, but it's not muted by a hw button? ;)
22:21.20Trampkarsten: ah, ok. Interesting. ps has too many too conflicting options anyways.
22:21.25amphiJordiGH: belay that ;)
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22:21.33enzook JordiGH but more graphical, synaptic is working for debian ?
22:21.35JordiGHamphi: No, it isn't. :-)
22:21.55nameless1well, i'll add a session script, what is the init-session script ?
22:22.00JordiGHabrotman, remember what I told you about people being scared of monospaced fonts? Witness enzo.
22:22.20amphiJordiGH: I ask about aumix, because it showed a 'channel' not visible in alsamixer, 'pcm2', without which only one stereo channel worked here
22:22.25nameless1ops i can't
22:22.30nameless1because sudo can
22:22.32enzoeuh i'm not a person scared about such font, i'm using the console for 10 years...
22:22.38frojnd1I have nmap 192.168.0* and here is the output  what does that mean that there are 4 more computers connected to the router: ?
22:22.48enzobut always fun to have a good gui just to show off
22:22.55JordiGHenzo: Yes, you can use Synaptic in Debian, but it doesn't have as good a conflict resolution mechanism as aptitude.
22:23.08enzook so aptitude, thanks
22:23.16JordiGHenzo: So it's the people around you who are scared of monospaced fonts
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22:23.45JordiGHenzo: I motion to bring back the monospace. Life was good back then.
22:23.48xdranyone got a tip about a good ircd?
22:23.51enzoi've never used konqueror, always konsole, everyone is scared when i move a file
22:24.03JordiGHamphi: "aumix: no device found."
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22:25.12amphiJordiGH: in the bios, are all the pci entries set to 11 or auto? I've quite often seen them all set to 11, and that has caused problems (at least changing them to auto has made mysterious hw problems go away for me in the past)
22:25.25amphiJordiGH: pci irq settings
22:25.30JordiGHamphi: I didn't see any options in the BIOS for setting pci anything.
22:25.41enzoafter hours trying to switch to kubuntu, i stick to my good debian
22:26.02JordiGHamphi: For the record, I didn't mess around with the BIOS, and the sound was working when I had Ubuntu installed on this thing. :-(
22:26.11enzopackage conflict on kubuntu at first install, it's really not serious...
22:26.33amphiJordiGH: hmm... does /proc/interrupts look reasonable?
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22:28.04JordiGHamphi: define reasonable:
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22:29.46JordiGHMy synaptics touchpad is also not working. :-/
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22:30.16karstenTramp: Yeah.  I'm in a heterogenous 'Nix environment at work, had to write a specific script to invoke ps on all the different hosts with options strings to get both the information I needed and formatted the same on all platforms.
22:30.18amphiJordiGH: looks ok; what kernel was the Other Distro running?
22:30.53JordiGHamphi: I forgot... it was the G release, latest. Might have been newer.
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22:31.25Saarfor some reason debian 4.0R2 netinst doesnt recognise the sata cdrom in this Dell optiplex 755, anyone know about known issues with this machine?
22:31.32amphiJordiGH: I don't recall if I got sound going before I installed 2.6.24 ;)
22:31.37*** join/#debian ArKaItZ (
22:31.50Trampkarsten: poor you. I'm trying to completely forget the BSD syntax of ps (which I was used to from Solaris probably) and only use the (to me) more logical Unix-syntax.
22:32.00JordiGHamphi: Great. Maybe the time has come for me to compile my own kernel. What lappy are you using anyways?
22:32.39JordiGHIsn't that also a Dell?
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22:32.50amphiJordiGH: no, lenovo stinkpad
22:32.56FlimzyIs there any way to rebuild/repair a corrupt status file?
22:33.07Trampkarsten: actually, everytime I find myself typing "auxww" I backspace and replace it with "-ef" to punish myself
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22:34.11karstenTramp: Yeah.  AIX, Solaris, HPUX.  As far as I'm concerned, the GNU syntax is standard, and the vendors should just scrap their userlands.
22:34.18JordiGHamphi: Hm, a Colombian seems to suggest a fix:
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22:35.33schafin fedora 6/7/8 i have a support for the brightnesssettingbuttons on my laptop. in debian lenny is this feature not out of the box supported. how can i get this feature?
22:35.35Trampkarsten: iirc we installed the gnu-tools everywhere (don't they come with Solaris at least in some special path) just to have a consistent toolbase
22:35.37karstenOK:  What user *should* rpc.statd run as?  I've got a statd user (UID 103) in /etc/passwd.  So why is rpc.statd running as 123 instead?
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22:36.15karstenTramp: Yeah, we're sorta there, but what we end up with is toolchains all over belovin' jeebus.
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22:36.45karstenTramp: My PATH is 471 bytes long
22:36.48dkrkarsten: etch?
22:36.56amphiJordiGH: rmmodding and modprobing, you mean?
22:37.12karstendkr: unstable.
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22:37.31karstendkr: lenny/sid, but etch should be good enough for starters.
22:37.36amphiJordiGH: AFAICS. that's just for enabling audio after hibernation
22:37.49JordiGHamphi: No, at the top, very first green thing.
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22:38.11dkrkarsten: well, I can just confirm rpc.statd runs as statd user on etch for me (uid 101)
22:38.28karstendkr: Feh.
22:38.32JordiGHamphi: It says "create this file in /etc/modprobe.d" and put "this in it".
22:38.33dpkgHispanohablantes: Por favor /join #debian-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.  Spanish Speakers: Please /join #debian-es, there you will get much more help.
22:38.37mage__is there a way to get a dependancy tree? im curious why xorg needs cpp
22:38.44amphiJordiGH: oops, missed that
22:38.46karstendkr: Somewhere it's got a hardcode to run as UID 123 then...
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22:39.24JordiGHmage__, It's not a tree, it's a complicated graph, but you can use dotty. Do "apt-cache dotty package-whose-graph-you-want > foo" and then "dotty foo" after you install the graphviz package.
22:39.39rcbarnesNow, I know that it's entirely my choice to run testing, so don't take this as a complaint, but is it expected that every time I run a dist-upgrade more things will break?  Is this something that will get rapidly better as lenny approaches release, or can I only get a solid system by starting with a stable release?
22:40.03karstenrcbarnes: You should anticipate this, yes.
22:40.06dondelelcarorcbarnes: it's not that more things will break, but that different things will be broken, and usually the other things will get fixed.
22:40.22karstenrcbarnes: Ideally, it doesn't, but there's a risk involved, and you should be open to it.
22:40.39rcbarneskarsten, dondelelcaro:  though things will suddenly start getting better as lenny approaches release?
22:40.41JordiGHamphi: I'm curious to try out compiling my own 2.6.24 kernel, since it seems that things get better there, but I know I'm bound to royally mess up the kernel compile. I've never done it.
22:40.54dondelelcarorcbarnes: no, they'll incrementally get better the entire time.
22:40.57karstenrcbarnes: At release, testing freezes, so things generally stop changing as much.
22:41.03amphiJordiGH: you could just use the debian config
22:41.12amphiJordiGH: and make-kpkg --initrd
22:41.14karstenrcbarnes: Then all hell breaks loose after release and updates start pouring in again.
22:41.14rcbarnesdondelelcaro, karsten: thanks.
22:41.21amphiJordiGH: if you feel lazy ;)
22:41.33rcbarneskarsten: Well, I'm using lenny by name, so I will avoid that next time.
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22:41.36JordiGHamphi: If I break everything, worse that will happen is that I'll just have to boot the old kernel, right?
22:41.39karstenrcbarnes: I've been running testing/unstable for about seven years now.  I've had a couple-three times where something major fried.
22:41.53amphiJordiGH: BTW, I had already forgotten, the snd_hda_intel module does take a model=foo arg
22:42.01rcbarnesI started just before etch was released, so I had a distorted idea of how stable testing is
22:42.03karstenrcbarnes: ... other than that, it's less painful than any other distro I've used (RH, SuSE, Mandrake).
22:42.08BSDsomebody Know something about the Debian/Freebsd project
22:42.14JordiGHamphi: Where does that arg go?
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22:42.18karsten!tell BSD about polls
22:42.22amphiJordiGH: I have options snd-hda-intel model=thinkpad in /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base
22:42.30karstenBSD: Try a specific question.  Or Google.
22:42.30JordiGHDebian... it's not just Linux anymore.
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22:42.54rcbarneskarsten: Do I just have bad luck?  Atm, I lost my terminal (urxvt) video player (mplayer) and at least two other things I generally need and I have to chroot to etch to use.
22:42.56amphiJordiGH: you can test it on the command line, modprobe snd_hda_intel model=foo
22:43.18rcbarness/lost/have lost/  (it's been progressive, with mplayer going first)
22:43.21JordiGHAnd how do I find what model it is?
22:43.35amphiJordiGH: therein lies the wub
22:43.40karstenrcbarnes: par for the course is that some given app breaks for a while.
22:43.55JordiGHamphi: Isn't there at least a terse manpage? :-)
22:44.12JordiGH"man snd-hda-intel" ---> "lolz, u sux"
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22:44.24karstenrcbarnes: File a bug, check the BTS, see if it's fixed in unstable.  You can run a testing/unstable release, pin to testing, and pull from unstable (man aptitude) when necessary to get updated packages before they're in testing.
22:44.30*** part/#debian BSD (n=GON@
22:44.43karstenrcbarnes: ... or you can sit in the (very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very) stable world of "stable".
22:45.15shamrockkarsten: stable is not stable in terms of the quality of the applications.
22:45.18rcbarneskarsten: I'll look into that, though I'm finshing a B.S. and a B.A. both this semester, so time is limited.
22:45.30karstenshamrock: No, it's stable in the sense of the distro doesn't change.
22:45.43shamrockexcept for security updates.
22:45.56karstenshamrock: I'm familiar with the policy, thanks.
22:45.58*** join/#debian solar_sea (n=solar@
22:46.25karstenrcbarnes: If you're familiar with the package management system and don't mind the prospect of dealing with periodic issues, I find it's a very good tradeoff.
22:47.14karstenrcbarnes: If you're running enterprise stuff or can't stand any hassle, stick with stable or try something like Ubuntu, which gives you a bit more in the way of training wheels and a more frequent release cycle.  Not without its own hairyness though either.
22:47.16amphiJordiGH: I note that thinpad is not there, so either it's out of date, or 'thinkpad' is a noöp ;)
22:47.54karstenrcbarnes: stable:  functionality of packages won't change, no functional updates, only bugfixes and security, unless absolutely necessary (eg:  can't fix bug w/o changing behavior).
22:48.04JordiGH"If in doubt, check the source code for alsa"
22:48.09rcbarneskarsten: Ew.  Come now!  Just 'cause I overestimated testing, don't suggest ubuntu!
22:48.30karstenrcbarnes: stable mostly intended for enterprise server deployment where a multi-year platform stability committment is necessary.
22:48.34karstenrcbarnes: :)
22:48.38rcbarnesI have been using Linux for years, I'm just new to Debian.
22:49.00rcbarnesI got sick of gentoo, RH was too wonky, and slack was too much work.
22:49.00*** mode/#debian [+l 835] by debhelper
22:49.01karstenrcbarnes: Eg:  where I work (though the solution here is to run RHEL3 as the designated standard... <sigh>).
22:49.02JordiGHamphi: I've never compiled a kernel. I think this is a necessary rite of passage. How do I do it?
22:49.15*** join/#debian clemyeats (n=clemyeat@
22:50.00karstenrcbarnes: Welcome aboard.  Read the docs at, and I *HIGHLY* recommend (the book).
22:50.34*** join/#debian SDr (
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22:51.19karstenrcbarnes: at the Debian website I'd start w/ the docs more or less in order presented, through the first 4 or 5 (IG, FAQ, Reference, Release Notes, Wiki).
22:51.25*** join/#debian Cato9021 (
22:51.46karstenrcbarnes: The FAQ & Reference being particularly good.  Martin Krafft's book is an absolute gem though.
22:52.34JordiGH!info linux-image-2.6.23
22:52.59Guerinadd -1-$arch
22:53.14karstenGuerin: ??
22:53.53JordiGH!info linux-image-2.6.23-1-amd64
22:54.01*** join/#debian Hypnus1 (
22:54.01themill2.6.23 isn't in debian anywhere
22:54.22themilllinux-image-2.6.24-1-686 is now in sid, .23 is gone.
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22:54.35themill(well, there's still snapshots)
22:54.50JordiGHHm, really?
22:54.56JordiGHWhat was wrong with .23?
22:55.02*** join/#debian jetscreamer (n=jetscrea@unaffiliated/jetscreamer)
22:55.03JordiGHBut only 686? No amd64?
22:55.20Hypnus1Hi room. How do I access my debian server with my windows client? How do I set the permissions on debian?
22:55.44themill2.6.23 is old news now. It never made it into lenny and since there's a newer, shinier kernel around it replaces it in sid. -amd64 is also uploaded.
22:55.53Erik1Hypnus1: samba ?
22:55.59JordiGHHypnus1, install openssh-server in Debian and use Putty from Windows. For setting permissions, read "info coreutils chmod"
22:56.04*** join/#debian StrangeCharm (n=flamsmar@
22:56.07JordiGHthemill: Alrighty, let me try.
22:56.19jetscreamerthe .24 linux source got updated too ... muhahahaha
22:56.23Hypnus1I have been trying samba, but I can't get it to do thew trick.
22:56.43Erik1HYpnus1: FW ?
22:56.43jetscreamer!pal debian linux source maintainer
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22:57.19Erik1Hypnus1: fwS....plural
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22:57.49Hypnus1infor corutils chmod
22:58.05howlingmadhowieoo, lots of people
22:58.11Hypnus1whoops. sorry
22:58.42Hypnus1Thanks guys. I'll get it.
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23:00.06JordiGHEr... wrong window.
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23:00.56amphiJordiGH: BTW, I just tested with the 'model=thinkpad' line commented out (having found no such reference in the code), and sound works fine after rmmodding and modprobing
23:01.13amphiJordiGH: looks like that one was pure superstition ;)
23:01.23JordiGHamphi: Cargo-cult programming.
23:01.40*** join/#debian dererk (n=dash@unaffiliated/dererk)
23:01.43JordiGHamphi: I'm gonna try the .24 kernel in unstable. Worse that can happen is that I'll have to reboot the old kernel, right?
23:02.03StrangeCharmwhat's the command to list the disks availible on my system?
23:02.51howlingmadhowieStrangeCharm: "cat /proc/partitions" should help
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23:02.56JordiGHStrangeCharm: There isn't something like that exactly...
23:03.25JordiGHStrangeCharm: Linux doesn't care too much about disks. It cares more about what's mounted on the tree.
23:03.33dkrdmesg |grep '[sh]d'
23:03.42Erik1etch2R2 does not let me be very picky in choosing the packages to have installed... is there a way around the default choice ?
23:04.20JordiGHErik1: You can tell tasksel to not install anything at all and then manually choose packages with aptitude or synaptic later.
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23:04.42JordiGHErik1: Or with adept. You get the idea.
23:04.47Erik1how do I access tasksel during install ?
23:04.47StrangeCharmhowlingmadhowie, JordiGH: when trying to install uswsusp, it says that there's are more than one available swap partition, and i want to see what they are
23:05.02jetscreamerswapon -s
23:05.20dkrErik1: that's the normal step that asks if you want a desktop, a web server, etc.
23:05.22jetscreamerErik1: it's under that install software one
23:05.27Erik1JordiGH : by just choosing nothing ?
23:05.46JordiGHErik1: Choose nothing from tasksel, then manually choose later, yeah. :-/
23:05.48jetscreamertake all marks off in tasksel.. tasksel sucks
23:06.32JordiGHtasksel lied to me yesterday. I said "tasksel --task-packages desktop" and there wasn't a gnome dependency there, and gnome got installed anyways!
23:06.51JordiGHBut I think I'm starting to like gnome more than the big K.
23:07.09JordiGHamphi: Ok, gonna boot the .24 kernel. brb
23:07.29jetscreamerthe .24-pentiumpro kernel
23:07.41JordiGHThere's such a thing?
23:07.57jetscreamerthe -686 is optimized for ppro
23:08.07JordiGHI've got core 2 duo.
23:08.12howlingmadhowiejetscreamer: "swapon -s" only gives information for partitions currently running as swap partitions. the way i see it is, StrangeCharm has a number of partitions formatted as swap. but maybe i'm wrong here
23:08.21jetscreamerfdisk -l  then
23:10.14jetscreamertime to see how this new kernel source does ... least it compiled :)
23:10.27howlingmadhowiejetscreamer: oh wow. that looks wierd on my system! :)
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23:12.35Zee <<<--- visit / register . click on the links / and earn a lot of money, you may earn more than 300 USD / month, i did earn more !!! register now
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23:14.06xinguhmm, curious, there's a timing bug between xscreensaver and compiz fusion
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23:14.32howlingmadhowiexingu: what does this bug do?
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23:15.00nelfoneliner for firefox flash plugin on amd64 etch?
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23:16.47enzohow can i know if a bug in the intaller has been fixed in last debian stable ? (this bug :
23:17.09*** join/#debian JordiGH (n=jordi@
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23:17.28husimonhey what is that key combination to reset a terminal if you have cat a binary file and hosed it?
23:17.29JordiGHsynaptics touchpad works with .24 kernel.
23:17.30xinguif I stretch this gpu a bit with fsaa/aniso, then all's well; if I don't stretch it, say 2x quicunx multisampling, 8x aniso which it can do standing on its head - then _returning_ from screensaver, the window manager won't gain control
23:17.38Nylenspluginwrapper, backported, therefore not in etch.... you can setup maybe wine+firefox, or run a 32bit firefox using ia32libs or just run a 32bit chroot
23:17.45JordiGHStill no sound, but at least now applications seem to believe that a sound card exists (probably something muted in a non-obvious way).
23:17.45xinguI'll just be left with a movable pointer, no desktop/menus/windows.
23:17.48themillhusimon: type: reset
23:17.55JordiGHCompiz works.
23:18.00husimonhmm thanks
23:18.01xinguit's trivially reproducable too
23:18.05JordiGHI'm sorry I ever doubted you, Debian!
23:18.05husimoni thought there was also a key combination
23:18.09Nylechannel events on ignore
23:18.18NyleJordiGH: did you get me message yesternight?
23:18.24JordiGHNyle: No, what was it?
23:18.32*** join/#debian helo (
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23:18.47NyleI didn't want you to think I called you an idiot in general
23:18.48JordiGHI guess next thing is to test suspend and hibernate...
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23:18.57JordiGHNyle: Oh, I forgot about that.
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23:19.01NyleI simply said, if you think I said what I said you're an idiot, but not in so many words
23:19.02xinguJordiGH: new toy?
23:19.07JordiGHNyle: It's ok. I think you're a specialised idiot too.
23:19.08NyleJordiGH: good man
23:19.13Nylethere we go
23:19.18Nylefeel the love
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23:20.02NyleJordiGH: but yeh, etch amd64 aint doin' it for me yet
23:20.08Nylelenny definitely will
23:20.08JordiGHxingu: Yeah, new toy. A Dellbian lappy, née Dellbuntu.
23:20.20JordiGHNyle: I had to go all the way to the sid kernel to get amd64 working!
23:20.21Nylewhen its stable/frozen/released
23:20.22*** join/#debian ArKaItZ (
23:20.30xinguJordiGH: nice one
23:20.39xinguJordiGH: m1330?
23:21.11Nyleyou and your dells
23:21.32*** join/#debian jetscreamer (n=jetscrea@unaffiliated/jetscreamer)
23:21.57jetscreamersource seems to be still afu'd
23:22.03jetscreamerif anybody cares
23:22.11jetscreamerit does boot though
23:22.20amphiJordiGH: did the new kernel make it work?
23:22.21jetscreamerjust the runaway loop about the modules.dep
23:22.24JordiGHxingu: No, the ones with Ubuntu preinstalled. Inspiron 1420. I wrote a lengthy review about it, if you want to see it.
23:22.38JordiGHamphi: Well, still no sound, but at least now all my apps agree that a sound card should be there!
23:22.58xinguJordiGH: yeah zap me a link; about to head out for a bit but will squizz.
23:23.00*** join/#debian craigevil (
23:23.01JordiGHI probably have something muted. alsamixer is so confusing and Debian so quaint for muting sound by default.
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23:23.18xinguJordiGH: those sli 8800m m1730's have caught my eye ;)
23:23.26amphiJordiGH: did you try modprobing with all those model=foo options?
23:23.28xingubet they weight a tonne though
23:23.35Nylejetscreamer: what?
23:23.58JordiGHamphi: No, no, I have sound now! Well, as soon as I figure out alsamixer, I'm sure.
23:24.09Nylewhats to figure?
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23:24.22Nyleyou got volumes and thier levels
23:24.24JordiGHxingu: It weighs about 2.5 kg. Hold on, let me dig up my revie.
23:24.26amphiJordiGH: I'd be interested in your review, BTW
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23:24.48Nyleadd the bag, and accessories
23:24.53xinguJordiGH: /msg, off for a bit now.
23:24.56Nyleyou're looking at carrying close to 10+ pounds
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23:25.11Nyleabout 15lbs or so depending on the size of your machine
23:25.13jetscreamerdebian .24 source is afu i said, nyle
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23:25.27Nyleall fucked up?
23:25.28xinguit was the m1730's I was thinking that'd weigh in at 4kg or so
23:25.28jetscreamerall fucked up?
23:25.35Nylejetscreamer: yo i was right on
23:25.35JordiGHDellbuntu review:
23:25.38SaarI have to set sata to legacy in this delll optiplex or else debian install wont recognise the cdrom
23:25.43xinguwith sli 8800m's and dual hdd's fitted...
23:25.45Nylefuck dell and fuck ubuntu
23:25.54jetscreamerciao xingu
23:26.08Saarubuntu on the other hand fucks up its boot after install
23:26.08Nyleget that shit outta my life and outta #debian (but its a wish, aint never gonna happen)
23:26.10Saari hate dell
23:26.14JordiGHNyle: I don't mind Ubuntu. It has its place, and it's doing good things. I just feel more comfortable with Debian.
23:26.42NyleJordiGH: I'm sorry, but quality > quantity
23:27.03*** join/#debian sysop2 (
23:27.05JordiGHNyle: Uh, you realise that Ubuntu tries to improve the quality of fewer packages than Debian?
23:27.07Nyleas long as we have DFSG, debian will always be superior to most others
23:27.29NyleI don't speak english well, I don't understand you.
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23:27.39NyleSaar: /msg dpkg policy
23:27.49Saaroh ok
23:27.56enzois there a way to know if a bug in debian has been fixed ? i don't see anything in
23:27.57Nyledebian free software guidelines
23:27.59dpkghmm... dfsg is the Debian Free Software Guidelines, which can be found at, or
23:28.07JordiGHNyle: Ubuntu concentrates on a few core packages, about 10% of all Debian packages, polishes those, releases them, and leaves the other 90% Debian packages untouched.
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23:28.22JordiGHenzo: When a bug is fixed, it's closed in the BTS.
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23:28.40jetscreamerNyle: he said ubuntu doesn't have to maintain such a large repo... non-multiarch
23:28.52NyleJordiGH: yes I am aware of that, however overall stats matter
23:28.53Saarin legacy mode formatting the hds takes 10 times as long :-|
23:28.56enzowhere can i find the BTS JordiGH ?
23:29.00*** mode/#debian [+l 830] by debhelper
23:29.00JordiGHenzo: that bug is still open, unfortunately.
23:29.06Nyleyou're looking at something with a strong foundation
23:29.11JordiGHenzo: The page you linked to is part of the BTS.
23:29.17Nyledebian is strong, ubuntu built on top
23:29.18*** join/#debian christefano (
23:29.30Saarafter install it'll probably will boot fine with legacy turned off
23:29.31enzook JordiGH but where did you see the bug was open ?
23:29.36Nylebut ... how come it still sucks and manages to piss me off every time I try to use it
23:29.41JordiGHNyle: And Ubuntu isn't as committed to software freedom as Debian, I'll grant you that.
23:29.52JordiGHI like that Debian makes me *work* if I want to get non-free software. :-)
23:29.53Nyleeitherway, we are more serious
23:30.01Nylewe don't make linux for the humanity
23:30.05Nylefuck humanity
23:30.20Nylelinux for human beings
23:30.21JordiGHenzo: When they close it, the last message in the bug discussion is a template saying the bug was closed.
23:30.23*** join/#debian abrotman (
23:30.30Saarwe make linux for the fluffy people
23:30.30Nylewhat the fuck is it gonna be for if not for humans
23:30.33Nylelinux for trees?
23:30.41Nylecome on with that nonsense slogan bullshit
23:30.46Nyleargh, here I go again
23:30.48NyleI shush.
23:30.52JordiGHLinux for the ubermensch.
23:30.58enzo <= this bug has been closed but i don't see such a message JordiGH
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23:32.10amphiNyle: linux for curmudgeons? ;)
23:32.10SaarDebian "fluffy"
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23:32.28JordiGHenzo: That bug is still open too.
23:32.40Xenguyamphi: I like it :-)
23:33.09JordiGHhowlingmadhowie: gobuntu? That thing that breaks the FHS? It's not Unix if they don't obey the FHS. I don't care what the  actual POSIX standard says. ;-)
23:33.32Xenguya crusty irascible cantankerous old person full of stubborn ideas
23:34.18howlingmadhowieJordiGH: how does gobuntu break fhs?
23:34.40abrotmanwrong channel
23:34.50JordiGHhowlingmadhowie: Isn't that the one with /Programs /User Files, /Application Data?
23:34.56Nyleoh yeh
23:35.04Nylesomeone was talking about that and I asked wht gobuntu was
23:35.06Nyleits retarded
23:35.07abrotmantry #gobuntu
23:35.08WyzardJordiGH: That's GoboLinux
23:35.17JordiGHWyzard: Oops.
23:35.20Nyleand this guy wanted to know how to turn debian into gobuntu or something
23:35.24Nylethat shit was funny
23:35.39Wyzardthough I've never heard of Gobuntu
23:35.40Nyleoh gobo
23:35.46karstenamphi: A true curmidgeon never admits anything is nice.
23:35.47Nyleit was something go
23:36.06howlingmadhowieJordiGH: gobuntu is shuttleworth's attempt at a free version of ubuntu. it's not quite as pure as gnusense
23:36.07Nyle!define curmudgeons
23:36.49karstenNyle: FYI: Gobuntu == Unbuntu - non-free
23:36.59NyleAn ill-tempered (and frequently old) person full of stubborn ideas or opinions.
23:37.04Nyle(archaic): A miser.
23:37.24NyleI'm surprised they don't have "Jew" right there too
23:37.59Nylehowlingmadhowie: free version of ubuntu?
23:38.04NyleI thought ubuntu was free to begin with
23:38.16howlingmadhowieNyle: free as in freedom, not free as in beer :)
23:38.25*** join/#debian karrotx_ (
23:38.30Nyleyes, and under the GPL its freedom
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23:38.36karstenNyle: OT, but there may be some non-DFSG stuff included.
23:39.00*** mode/#debian [+l 817] by debhelper
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23:39.14Nylekarsten: sorry
23:39.43Nyleenzo: bug is open and unresolved afaict
23:39.52TrueDDGood night all
23:39.53howlingmadhowieNyle: what i really like about free software is that i don't have to worry that much about architecture. like i'm writing this on an sgi indy, and my .screenrc is the same as for my ultra10. it's sooo cool :)
23:40.09Nylehowlingmadhowie: indeed
23:40.35enzohow can i know if the bug 393728 will be corrected in next debian release Nyle ?
23:40.39Nyleoh nm I was looking at a diff one
23:40.52Nyle!dbugs #393728
23:40.55dpkg#393728:N[partman-md] dm-crypt on raid does not play nicely; Tue, 17 Oct 2006 15:48:52 UTC
23:41.11Nyleenzo: I don't know.  Would you like to help resolve it?
23:41.19abrotmanenzo: is it closed ?
23:41.33Agrajag-g'day, i know there's a debian package with a program that will give you info about what ram slots are in your computer, what type they are and other info. i can't remember the name and my apt-cache search foo isn't working too well. anyone happen to know?
23:41.44enzosomone has gave a patch there : Nyle abrotman
23:42.03NyleI can't recall it either Agrajag- there was one where you can get infor about your mobo and everything else etc.
23:42.10Nylecrap now I can't remember what it was called
23:42.12enzothere was an erratum i think there :, i've not yet tested it
23:42.16NyleI just told someone of it like 2 days ago
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23:42.41abrotmanenzo: okay .. you could append the bug and ask if it has been fixed in lenny
23:42.53*** part/#debian Bhaal (i=bhaal@freenode/staff/bhaal)
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23:42.58enzolenny is next debian release after etch abrotman ?
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23:44.18NyleAgrajag-: try lshw in the meantime while I try to find/remember
23:44.31NyleAgrajag-: also try to search package list for 'sysinfo'
23:44.35Agrajag-yeah i found that.. doesn't tell me what i need to know. i really just need to know free slots/type
23:44.52WyzardNyle: dmidecode maybe?
23:44.57Nylethats the one!
23:45.01NyleWyzard is da man
23:45.16enzodone abrotman
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23:46.27enzoi've replied for bug 393728, i hope the bug will be corrected in lenny
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23:46.42Nyleuse with -t 6
23:46.44NyleI think
23:46.48NyleWyzard: verify?
23:47.26WyzardNyle: "dmidecode -t 6" gives RAM info on my system
23:47.37*** join/#debian szymon_ (
23:47.49Nyleyeh, i just confirmed it
23:47.51NyleI was being lazy
23:48.05NyleWyzard: one thin though, and I don' tknow why
23:48.11*** join/#debian ivorw (
23:48.20Nylebut windows xp program called everest tellsme the name of the ram chip and its timings and etverything else
23:48.23Nylehow come this doesn't?
23:48.29Nyleor can it?
23:49.00*** mode/#debian [+l 805] by debhelper
23:49.06NyleI took a look through the type list and I couldn't a type suitable for ram cas latency timings, vendor name etc.
23:49.28Nylewas the xp program possibly looking in some sort of database or is it easier than linux to get all that info?
23:49.52*** join/#debian MaliutaWrk (i=nikolai@
23:50.05NyleI dunno
23:50.14WyzardNyle: Well, we know RAM can report its timings to the motherboard, because that's what the motherboard uses by default
23:50.27WyzardNyle: I wouldn't be surprised if it's possible for software to get that info somehow, but I don't know how
23:50.37NyleWyzard: what about the 5
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23:50.47Nyleim going to try all memory related types using dmidecode
23:50.51Nylelets see what happens
23:51.07WyzardNyle: Type 5 is the memory controller on the motherboard
23:51.18NyleI think that ought to report that no?
23:51.36Wyzardno, it just tells you about the controller itself
23:51.49Nyleyes, you're right, that all it does
23:51.51Wyzardhow much total RAM it supports, supported voltages, etc.
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23:52.37Nylewow, I just found this out, I did not know this
23:52.54Nyleand even without knowing I almost went and ordered 2gb sticks
23:53.09NyleI have a really crappy mobo, wow
23:53.12WyzardNyle: You can find that info in the motherboard manual too
23:53.34NyleWyzard: that I know, I never read it
23:53.48NyleWyzard: I know my timings too, I set them manually for an OC
23:53.59Nylejust curious as to hwo you can get that info though
23:54.56Nyle33 isn't applicable, and 37
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23:56.53Nyleand all of them useless regarding latency/timings
23:57.03DeformativeHow does one turn off system beep?
23:57.11DeformativeMy system beep is like, extremely loud.. ._.
23:57.16NyleI hate pc speaker
23:57.19NyleI neve connect the wire
23:57.33WyzardNyle: FWIW, memtest tells you the speed of your RAM
23:57.34DeformativeThis is an imac g3.
23:57.39amphiDeformative: do you have a skr or beep channel in alsamixer?
23:57.41DeformativeI do not even know how to get in there.
23:57.43NyleWyzard: so does -t 17
23:57.46DeformativeRight, I forgot about that.
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23:57.48DeformativeThanks amphi.
23:57.53NyleWyzard: I'm taling about RAM's CAS latency timings
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23:59.25dpkg[fwiw] for {what,whatever} it's worth
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23:59.39eldowanis there a way to use gimp at the command line to, say convert an image to a different format? I've looked at imagemagick, but when it converts jpg to png the resulting pngs are VERY large. however gimp gives nice compact images.
23:59.48Nyleeldowan: imagemagick
23:59.51WyzardNyle: "On Linux systems, the user space program provided with lm_sensors [1] decodes and prints information on any memory with SPD information in the computer."

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