IRC log for #debian on 20080101

00:00.17abrotmanthere's also one on
00:00.33iyuraelabrotman: thx, so I don't have to spam the mainchannel xD
00:00.37indigo196one other question abrotman -- on sound
00:00.57indigo196with SUSE I was able to get all four speakers working, under Debian 'etch' this is not working
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00:01.40indigo196I have the Intel DP965LT main board... is there a driver I need to load after the initial install in Debian?
00:02.04xandindigo196: a driver for what?
00:02.04abrotmanindigo196: i'd guess it's an alsa setting .. check the website
00:02.27indigo196yeah... that would work... wols is that just in apt-get?
00:02.52wols_indigo196: it's part of your kernel package and on your hdd already
00:02.57dpkgALSA is the Advanced Linux Sound Architecture.  Debian has documentation at or see <alsa install> or <alsa-checklist>
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00:04.11indigo196ok... then it should be working... the mixer does not show anything beyond the front speakerss though.
00:04.29Ace2016!!!Happy New Year!!!
00:04.42wols_indigo196: as abrotman told you, check
00:04.54osmosishow do I find out what the install does differently from debootstrap?
00:05.12indigo196ok wols... had done that but perhaps I missed something.
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00:05.26wols_osmosis: why should it do something differently?
00:05.42wols_or rather: why should the result be different?
00:05.52osmosiswols_:  well..for one, it sets up a link for the timezone.
00:06.04osmosiswols_: doesnt it also install logrotate ?
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00:06.07Wyzardosmosis: The installer does debootstrap plus some additional steps beyond
00:06.22abrotmanand you know .. is bootable :)
00:06.26osmosisWyzard: yah..i just want to know what those additional steps are so that I can run them on my debootstrap install.
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00:06.50wols_osmosis: install grub to make the system bootable
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00:07.59osmosisWyzard: hmm..maybe some of its in there. Maybe I can just find the script that the install runs and read the actual code.
00:08.37osmosisbut no big deal, my system works fine with debootstrap also. I was just caught offguard by not having some things like rsync installed by default, and logrotate not running drives were getting filled up.
00:09.00oakxxautomatix ftw
00:09.02*** part/#debian oakxx (
00:09.31Wyzarddebootstrap just installs the base system, not the "standard" package selection or optional additional tasks
00:09.43WyzardYou can do that yourself with tasksel though
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00:10.36osmosisWyzard: does the installer install the "standard" package selection from tasksel ?
00:10.51abrotmanit's checked by default
00:10.56osmosishow can I see what is in "standard" ?
00:11.05WyzardIt's been awhile since I've run the installer, but IIRC it gives you tasksel with the standard task checked by default
00:11.16WyzardYou can check additional tasks, or uncheck the standard one, before continuing
00:12.14abrotmanosmosis:  tasksel --task-packages standard
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00:13.08oakxxif anyone relaly looked into it, and i have, they would know that the linux elitests hate automatix cos it eats into their job security. otherwise its all
00:13.08oakxxThese issues are primarily cosmetic and in themselves are unlikely to
00:13.08oakxxcause any harm to the system.
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00:13.18oakxxcosmetic crap
00:13.19Wyzard!ops oakxx automatix spammer
00:13.19dpkgHydroxide, bob2, caphuso, dondelelcaro, doogie, eeyore-, ElectricElf, ):, helix, ljlane, LoRez, RichiH, mentor, Netsnipe, TML, walters, xk, gravity, azeem, Maulkin, stew, peterS, Alife, Myon, Ganneff, Maulkin, weasel, zobel: wyzard complains about: oakxx automatix spammer
00:13.28dlynesis there a way to downgrade back to etch 4.0r1 from etch 4.0r2?
00:13.42oakxxi was spammed first by dkpg
00:13.43osmosisoakxx: uhh..what is so great about automatix ?
00:13.44dlynes4.0r2 borks zaptel/wanpipe
00:13.48abrotmandlynes: you can try to force the package to downgrade ..
00:13.52abrotmandlynes: borks how ?>
00:13.58oakxxflash 32 working in 64 is whast so great
00:14.04Wyzarddlynes: The 'r' updates are just rolling the security updates into the out-of-the-box install
00:14.05oakxxfind another way adn ill paypal you money
00:14.07dpkghmm... nspluginwrapper is a wrapper allowing you to use 32-bit browser plugins in a native x86_64 browser.  It is known to work with Flash and a few others.  It is in <contrib> on testing/unstable, while unofficial *stable/Etch* packages are available at
00:14.12dlynesabrotman: tells me that my card doesn't exist when asterisk tries to use it
00:14.12abrotmani'll take that money
00:14.24abrotmandlynes: did you rebuild the zaptel driver?
00:14.27peterSwait, why are we talking about automatix?  is it debian?
00:14.29Ace2016>>>>>>>>>>>  !!!Happy New Year!!!   <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
00:14.38abrotmanpeterS: no .. it's not!
00:14.39dlynesabrotman: yes, several times...tried multiple zaptel versions, too
00:14.42oakxxyes it is
00:14.47oakxxthere is a debian only release of it
00:14.48dvsAce2016: it's not New Years until Dick Clark says so. ;-)
00:14.52peterSoakxx: they should just call it debian then
00:14.56abrotmanit's not in debian .. it's not part of debian
00:14.57Ace2016who is that?
00:14.58dlynesabrotman: tried, 1.4.6, 1.4.7,
00:15.05abrotmandlynes: does it fail to build
00:15.15dlynesabrotman: works fine on 4.0r1
00:15.28oakxxthats fine, keep telling yourself that, im going to go skype and watch some youtube with my flashplayer
00:15.29abrotmandlynes: m-a a-i zaptel ?
00:15.35dlynesabrotman: works just fine, but I do get a complaint that I dont' think i got before
00:15.41dlynesabrotman: m-a a-i?
00:15.46abrotmanat least he'll shut up
00:15.50abrotmandlynes: module-assistant
00:15.52peterSdlynes: m-a is the command you get when you install module-assistant
00:16.06dlynesabrotman: and what exactly is that?
00:16.11dpkg[module-assistant] a tool helping to build additional (kernel) module packages and generate/install DEB packages with them, or aptitude install module-assistant build-essential && m-a prepare
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00:16.25abrotman!info zaptel-source etch
00:16.27peterS!m-a =~ s/DEB/.deb/
00:16.27dpkgthat doesn't contain 'DEB', peterS
00:16.31dpkgzaptel-source: (Zapata telephony interface (source code for kernel driver)), section devel, is optional. Version: 1:1.2.11.dfsg-1 (etch), Packaged size: 902 kB, Installed size: 1064 kB
00:16.38peterS!module-assistant =~ s/DEB/.deb/
00:16.38dpkgpeterS: OK
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00:17.03dlynesabrotman: and then did you want me to do something with it?
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00:17.39iyuraelwhen typing: uname -r i get: 2.6.18-5-486. There is Version 4, isnt it? Should I download and reinstall?
00:18.55abrotmandlynes: it should install the zaptel driver
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00:19.47Wyzardiyurael: The difference from -4 to -5 was security fixes...  why do you want to downgrade that?
00:19.50dlynesabrotman: i don't want to install a super old version of zaptel, though
00:20.36iyuraelWyzard: I thought it was about the first number, cause my version lying here was a half year old I guess. But so...thanks :-)
00:21.18Wyzardiyurael: I'm talking about 2.6.18-4-486 vs. 2.6.18-5-486
00:22.21iyuraelon I read about Debian 4.0. I thought I have 2.6. But I know what you mean too(I guess*G*)
00:22.25abrotmandlynes: i'd at least try it to see if it works
00:22.38abrotmandlynes: otherwise .. you have to downgrade and hold all the r2 packages
00:22.58dlynesabrotman: how long of a process is the downgrade and hold?
00:23.02Wyzardiyurael: 2.6.18 is the version of the Linux kernel, which is just one component in the collection of packages that is Debian 4.0
00:23.29iyuraelah, it's just the kernel. okay.
00:23.36abrotmandlynes: uhm .. depends on the system .. but it's really not a great idea ... all kinds of security issues
00:24.16dlynesabrotman: so basically, i'm probably screwed?
00:28.21LewocoHow do I specify a name server for a static interface in /etc/network/interfaces?
00:28.51robinyou dont
00:28.55WyzardLewoco: That goes in /etc/resolv.conf
00:28.58robinwell, no, you do
00:29.01*** mode/#debian [+l 788] by debhelper
00:29.11robinit goes in reolv.conf, but its not interface specific
00:29.19robinresolv.conf even
00:29.22WyzardLewoco: Unless you use the "resolvconf" package, which lets you put lines in your interfaces file to be used for dynamically generating resolv.conf
00:29.30LewocoWyzard: Yes I have resolvconf
00:29.50LewocoWyzard: But I can't find anywhere in the man page that describes what lines it allows me to add to interfaces
00:29.51WyzardLewoco: then read /usr/share/doc/resolvconf/README.gz
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00:30.28robinjust bear in mind they are not specific to that interface, if you see what I mean
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00:31.02wols_you can specify the nameserver in /etc/network/interfaces too
00:31.09mfrischdondelelcaro: abrotman no luck making the mini mirror any other ideas?
00:31.28WyzardLewoco: Specifically, section 3.4 in that file
00:31.53LewocoWyzard: Got it. Thanks.
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00:33.09mfrischhow do I reinstall my complete box?
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00:37.25AMDFreakmfrisch: dpkg -i --reinstall | dpkg -l and grep all package names in a pipe or some thing, i think
00:37.58WyzardThat's not really a full reinstall
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00:38.25Wyzardmfrisch: What do you need to reinstall for?
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00:43.12LewocoIs it possible to add an alias for a domain name? For example let's say I want 'g' to resolve to the same IP that '' resolves to.
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00:43.52dvsLewoco: I thought that's what the keyword is for in Firefox
00:43.57mfrischWyzard: got s
00:44.24Lewocodvs: I'm not using firefox.
00:44.36mfrischWyzard: got a selections file just want the packages again...can't figure out how to get them
00:44.49mbroekerLewoco, there is a change to change the resolver
00:44.56mbroekera chance
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00:45.10WyzardLewoco: DNS "CNAME" records are sort of like symbolic links for domain names, but to create one you'd have to be running a customized DNS server on your network
00:45.38osmosisWyzard: customized? CNAME is pretty standard. very standard.
00:45.46WyzardLewoco: A shortcut like that would be better done with a browser feature (such as Firefox's "keyword" thing, but I'm sure it can be done with other browsers too.)
00:45.59Wyzardosmosis: yes, but there's no "g CNAME" in the public DNS
00:46.35osmosisoh, i missed the earlier part.
00:46.40WyzardIt'd have to be set up privately on your network's own DNS server
00:46.45dvsWyzard: I think Lewoco wants to do that from, say, the terminal with ping or something
00:47.01LewocoWyzard: What firefox keyword thing? When I type 'g test' into Opera's address bar it does a google search, but AFAIK firefox has never had this feature.
00:47.33WyzardLewoco: I don't use Firefox either (I use Epiphany) but I'm pretty sure it's supported
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00:48.13WyzardLewoco: You'd create a "smart bookmark" (the kind that accepts a parameter to be inserted into the URL, like a search term) and then go to the bookmark's properties and type "g" in the Keywords box
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00:50.02WyzardI know the keywords feature exists (I discovered it a few days ago in plain Mozilla) and I'm guessing about using a smart bookmark being the right way to make the keyworded bookmark accept parameters, like "g foo" to do a Google search for "foo"
00:51.38mavhkyou right click on a search field in a web page with firefox and Add Keyword For This Search
00:51.50Wyzardoh, that's even more convenient
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00:52.01mavhkbest feature noone knows about
00:53.15AMDFreakin Firefox go to "about:config" and search Keyword
00:53.27Lewocomavhk: That's awesome. Thanks.
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00:54.55AMDFreakkeyword.URL  standard  string    or someting
00:55.11AMDFreakkeyword-enabled  Stadard   boolean  true
00:55.44AMDFreakAnd this will open google when no url is typed in only some words
00:56.10AMDFreakand will put in these words in google search
00:56.22LewocoIncidently is there a way to recursively sort bookmarks?
00:56.50sandmanCan Debian-arm be installed on a Sharp Zaurus SL-5600?
00:57.59AMDFreaksandman: when this is a arm processor it should be
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01:03.06sandmanWould anyone be interested in helping me install Debian-ARM on my Sharp Zaurus SL-5600?
01:03.12sandmanIt would appear that there aren't any official instructions.
01:03.38*** part/#debian deadcandance (
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01:07.25Lewocogah, Why doesn't apt-cacher cache the package list?
01:08.38Bushmillssandman: join  #handhelds, they support familiar and intimate, which is in my understanding a full debian (based?) distribution for arm based devices
01:09.37kgoetzLewoco: it probably does, just they change
01:09.59*** join/#debian puff (
01:11.00Bushmillssandman: debian based.  have a look here:
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01:15.06tomehvery 1980s...
01:15.25anon6490what is very 1980's?
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01:16.24tome; ) what's up
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01:16.55anon6490it's new years eve!
01:17.01anon6490happy new years everyone
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01:17.02billyochappy new years!
01:17.34billyocanon6490: my apartment is 1 block from Times Square. lol
01:17.55anon6490that is so ridiculously awesome! i'm so jealous
01:18.12anon6490i live in queens, and i've never gone, fear of getting squished i suppose
01:18.18*** part/#debian samo (
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01:19.55anon6490I would feel out of place having so much fun, this holiday has been somewhat depressing
01:19.56jpinHi, i have an interesting problem: when I turn on my laptop, i run fgl_glxgears and the window doesn't show up. Then i run glxgears (runs ok), and the i try again fgl_glxgears and voila, it works! What can this be?
01:20.42anon6490yay someone with a relevant question
01:21.51*** join/#debian xuxa_ (
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01:26.17x_linkGood night and happy new year to you guys!
01:27.03*** join/#debian Garda (
01:27.54sandmanDoes anyone know which website has that web-install for installing Debian?
01:28.00sandmanSomething like or something
01:28.07sandmanI forget what it was, I was just wondering if anyone knew about it
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01:28.47aFlagI'm 4800 miles from times square
01:29.00*** mode/#debian [+l 782] by debhelper
01:29.19JockeTFHappy new year. ^_^
01:29.31TrampaFlag: so you won't make it, even if you hurry.
01:29.39*** part/#debian mfrisch (
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01:32.20aFlagI have a delorean
01:32.20ybeddyji have compiled 2.6.24-rc6 and installed it but when i try to install nvidia drivers it complained that it cant detect my linux version i'm thinking i need to install the kernel headers or the source(even though the sorce directory is still in place) how do i get the nvidia to work ?
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01:33.28robin!tell ybeddyj about nvidia one-liner
01:33.30BaD-Laptopheh, /usr/src/linux needs to be a symlink to /usr/src/linux-2.6.24-rc6
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01:34.56ybeddyjok ill try that i thought i didnt ned to create that symlink anymore
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01:35.09obnauticus_hey, I installed the bluetooth package from aptitude, how do i enable it now?
01:35.14obnauticus_i did modprobe bluetooth
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01:36.01brif8I have just managed to install debian onto a USB stick with encrypted FS thanks to  I'm now loading gnome, gnome-core and x-window-system.  How can I get a graphical look when linux loads like Ubuntu & windows does with the  sliding scroll bar looking thing?
01:38.31*** join/#debian grazz (
01:38.35billyocbrif8: that splash screen is an Ubuntu thang.
01:39.00brif8ibillyoc: thanks is there a debian equiv ?
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01:39.46ybeddyjok another newbie question... i've being wondering if i just add a new piece of hardware too my system ... say a network card or a video capture card...lets say this card already had builtin support in the kernel but it was compiled as a module...if i didnt know the name of the module how woult it /i get working?
01:41.47*** join/#debian MrJoey (i=MrJoey@
01:42.24ybeddyjcorr** ok another newbie question... i've being wondering if i just add a new piece of hardware to my system ... say a network card or a video capture card...lets say this card already had builtin support in the kernel but it was compiled as a module...if i didnt know the name of the module how would i go about getting it working? would it be loaded automatically?
01:42.44*** join/#debian |elppa| (
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01:45.22|elppa|What's the best way of installing a lenny package onto etch when there's no package in backports?
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01:46.54LewocoIs there a way to see the popularity of a package using aptitude?
01:47.27*** join/#debian inazad (
01:48.02grazz|elppa|, i just switch the repositories, apt-get install package, and then switch back to etch
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01:50.28muh2000a happy new apt-get update year to all :)
01:50.32dpkgit has been said that popcon is the Debian Popularity contest. See results at or install popularity-contest to participate. do the dpkg-reconfigure popularity-contest right after you answered all debconf stuff, or the basis for what packages appear on the first few cds/dvds etc (by rank)
01:50.52*** join/#debian asdfa (
01:51.36asdfaon the first debian iso does anyone know if it includes laptop support ?
01:51.51asdfathe laptop option I mean
01:51.53asdfato install
01:52.21cuscoerr dunno
01:52.25asdfaI will have no internet so I want to make sure I get the right cds
01:52.33robinso, what is there , Linux based, for laying out documents for print, like Adobe inDesign, but Linux based?
01:52.51robinor do I have to go back to 'doze for that?
01:52.56cuscoIm sure the desktop instalation is enough
01:53.23asdfahow do you check what packages are included on the cd?
01:53.25simonrvn|elppa|: ^^^ see what dpkg said
01:53.47asdfais there a pkg list somewhere
01:54.01simonrvn!cd contents
01:54.01dpkgTo find out what is on what cd, use the searchable index at or download the .jigdo template from the same location and zless fooimage.jigdo. In the [Parts] section you will see the list of packages that are contained in the cd. Also ask me about <cd contents sarge>.
01:55.32inazadWhich distro is the best for a LAN Party server ? (games)
01:56.06simonrvnask in ##linux
01:56.12Gotenksargh, i'm trying to set up internet connection sharing... testing on my ubuntu desktop, but going to set it up on my debian server
01:56.45Gotenksmy internet is my wireless card, and my lan is on my NIC
01:57.44Kevin`Gotenks there's a package you can install that will do everything for you for a standard setup, but if your doing this for a permanent setup just add the one or two firewall rules for nat and enable ip forwarding
01:58.23Gotenksipforwarding is what i'm trying to do
01:58.35Gotenksi've done it on windows but not linux
01:59.08Kevin`windows using the "ICS" stuff or windows using the proper routing and remote access/dhcp server, etc?
02:00.47dpkgIf all you want is NAT (internet connection sharing), aptitude install ipmasq; and be happy. Otherwise learn about it at
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02:05.46soulriderhello, i can only find isos for the stable release, are there any isos for the testing release?
02:05.47Gotenkssorry Kevin` i stepped away
02:05.53Gotenksics stuff :(
02:06.22Gotenksthank you Tramp
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02:06.49TrampGotenks: np
02:07.39*** join/#debian CAiRO- (
02:08.40itchisoulrider: Take a look on
02:08.57itchisoulrider: The second bullet list
02:11.57Bushmillsrobin, most text processors can write pdf. in addition, printing can also "print" to pdf file.
02:12.08*** join/#debian mzb (
02:12.14Bushmillsprint system
02:12.22itchiHeh, htop does't start up anymore, i only get "Aborted. Please report bug at"
02:13.19Bushmillsrobin, check out abiword (lightwright), or openoffice (not lightweight)
02:14.32Bushmillsrobin, then there is passepartout, "Desktop Publishing Application", of which I know nothing at all
02:14.49*** join/#debian Lewoco_ (
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02:15.32Bushmillsinazad: shouldn't really make a lot of difference.
02:16.27Bushmillsinazad: they are all linux, after all. differences between don't describe their usefulness for that application, but how comfortable you are with one
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02:18.17abrotmandlynes: no
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02:19.44dlynesabrotman: fwiw, it seems to be an issue with zaptel/asterisk....I haven't narrowed down the problem yet
02:19.55dlynesabrotman: gotta run for now, though
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02:24.00realonei have problem
02:24.03realonewith xwine
02:24.53Faithfulwhat's the time in tx ?
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02:26.32robinBushmills, thank, i'll look, abiword is more of a word-processor really, rather thana page layout app
02:26.49robinsame applies to openoffice ...
02:27.00Bushmillsthat's right
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02:28.01robinI have Ooo already, looking for something more like inDesign, a page layout tool
02:29.05Bushmillsrobin, latex maybe, but that won't resemble to what you're used to at all
02:30.01realonei have Problem
02:30.10realonewith xwine
02:30.29robinI have Adobe Pagemaker at home, and have used inDesign at work, Pagemaker is old and poor, indesign is lovely, but expensive
02:30.41Bushmillsrealone: do you want to hear "congratulation" or "so sorry"?
02:30.42abrotmanrobin: scribus
02:30.51robinhoping to find something linuxy and good, bit necc. free though
02:30.53*** join/#debian wols (
02:30.57abrotman!info scribus etch
02:30.59Tramp!tell realone about ask
02:31.01dpkgscribus: (Open Source Desktop Publishing), section graphics, is optional. Version: 1.2.5.dfsg-5+b1 (etch), Packaged size: 5381 kB, Installed size: 15920 kB
02:31.04abrotmanscribus also runs on win32
02:31.35abrotmanrobin: you might want to check the website first
02:31.37dpkgfrom memory, scribus is a DTP program for Linux. Still under construction, but quickly progressing
02:31.39abrotmanbah ..
02:32.01abrotman!scribus is also
02:32.01dpkgabrotman: okay
02:32.12realonei have install xwine with apt-get and aptitude but he don't worck
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02:35.45ThePuppetMaster_hello @all
02:36.15ThePuppetMaster_anyone know a way to show the number of threads in use about a application?
02:43.30billyocThePuppetMaster_: ps will do it.
02:43.38ThePuppetMaster_i cant see the number
02:45.30ThePuppetMaster_i only see: USER       PID %CPU %MEM    VSZ   RSS TTY      STAT START   TIME COMMAND
02:46.45billyocThePuppetMaster_: what options are you passing to ps?
02:46.52ThePuppetMaster_ps aux
02:47.14|elppa|I don't undertsand Debian's apache2 package
02:47.27|elppa|The config file is renamed to apache2.conf?
02:47.51|elppa|And the sites have aliases in /etc/apache2/sites-available/?
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02:47.57Azarhello honorables
02:48.35Azaruh I just got in and wols fell off the wire
02:49.00*** mode/#debian [+l 771] by debhelper
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02:50.16ThePuppetMaster_billyoc, and? .. a idea?
02:50.19abrotmanAzar: he does that all the time
02:50.30Azarabrotman! :) happy new year!
02:50.33abrotmanThePuppetMaster_: there's a tree mode
02:50.35abrotmanAzar: not yet
02:50.44Azaryah not yet here either
02:50.52ThePuppetMaster_abrotman, tree mode?
02:51.19*** join/#debian x3on (n=sddsds@
02:51.34abrotmanps auxef ?
02:51.50abrotmani'm not sure that's quite right
02:52.21robinscribus is hmm "in the early stages" ;)
02:52.37AzarOSNews must sorely missing Debian news if they got publishing a regular Debian Etch update
02:52.40simonrvnaux or -ef
02:52.50ThePuppetMaster_abrotman, ok .. will works . but not as number ... well.. its ok
02:52.51simonrvni use auxw or -ef
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02:53.56abrotmanyou're special!
02:54.16simonrvni guess apache2-mpm-event qualifies as a thread mpm ... *sigh*
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02:54.58simonrvnu'r speschul
02:55.41abrotmanrobin: did you try it?
02:55.45robinabrotman, ahh, point taken re scribus website, they have a MUCH later deb in a repository for etch
02:55.49abrotmanrobin: are you robin_sz ?
02:55.55robinabrotman, the etch standard variant is a bit basic
02:56.05robinabrotman, normally, yes I am
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02:56.32robinabrotman, just upgrading to the latest variant, looks a lot better
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02:59.10enoufThePuppetMaster_: f == forest, try pstree with -lunap options maybe
02:59.37enoufThePuppetMaster_: htop also , toggle f5
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03:03.31PaulTTHi -- how can I see the list of drives installed on my system?
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03:04.48ThePuppetMaster_enouf, perfect .. thx!
03:05.43PaulTTis there something other than df?
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03:07.23ThePuppetMaster_enouf, can i select a PID to show only this process as looped tree?
03:07.25obnauticusDoes anyone here know where one can obtain the bluetooth libraries/headers ?
03:08.34enoufThePuppetMaster_: in which htop?
03:08.38obnauticuswell i have bluez and im trying to configure chan_mobile with asterisk if you are firmilliar with the asterisk-addons.
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03:09.00obnauticusand i got bluez and everything (i got the bluetooth pakcage from aptitude) and it's still saying i do not have all the dependencies (bluetooth)
03:09.02ThePuppetMaster_enouf, htop?
03:09.11enoufThePuppetMaster_: space bar will highlight it, once you move the line highlight there using Up/Down arrows
03:09.20obnauticusI have bluez-utils.
03:09.36obnauticusAs I said before I got the bluetooth package from aptitude :\
03:09.46enoufThePuppetMaster_: you'll have to read the docs for pstree then i guess, not sure what you're after
03:09.48obnauticusIn my makefile I have this (looking for the bluetooth libs)
03:09.58ThePuppetMaster_is htop a command? ... if yes then i cant find it on my debian
03:10.10abrotmanyou have to install it
03:10.13dpkg*** NEWS FLASH! *** Your box does not come with every app, tool and utility known to debiankind installed already. If you find that the program you've been told to use isn't there, install it. Also ask me about <search>. if someone suggests an application to you, it's highly likely that it's available via apt-get, or aptitude
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03:10.29ThePuppetMaster_k ... i apt it
03:11.30ThePuppetMaster_WOW .. whats for a nice tool
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03:14.39robinabrotman, thanks for that, the urrent release of Scribus seems to be just what I need, cheers dude
03:14.51*** join/#debian oshiii-_^ (n=eyelovey@unaffiliated/oshiii/x-3278)
03:15.01abrotmanrobin: enjoy!
03:15.14robinabrotman, can I say thanks for all the help over 2007 too, much appreciated
03:15.32robinthe same goes to the rest of the regulars too ;)
03:16.06abrotmanrobin: you better hurry up before the year is over!
03:17.16Trampwhat's the last place to reach 08 - Hawaii?
03:18.03ThePuppetMaster_thx for help @all
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03:19.22PaulTTthank you!
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03:23.27robinheh :) the year is 3:23 minutes over already here
03:24.08epsilonha! 4:23 :-)
03:24.25robinTramp, nah, there are places in the world still trying to make it as far as 1972 yet, Hawaii is miles ahead
03:24.26ThePuppetMaster_epsilon, here too
03:25.04ThePuppetMaster_epsilon, u are from britain?
03:25.13epsilonna, CET
03:25.27Tramprobin: well, I get the point, but I strictly meant calendar-date 8)
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03:25.47epsilonThePuppetMaster_: you are not geek enough to understand :D
03:26.15ThePuppetMaster_your na i know but not your CET to say me where you from
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03:30.37PaulTTHow can I repartition a live server (without formating the disk) so that /var is much larger than it currently is?
03:30.49Gotenksis there a way to access network resources on eth0 while accessing internet on eth1?
03:31.05PaulTT(I guess a resizing of partitions)
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03:32.46Tramphmm, No. UTC-11 is the latest (inhabited) TZ (Samoa). Honolulu is UTC-10, UTC-12 is uninhabited.
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03:34.50niruhappy new year
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03:35.13TrampPaulTT: (g)parted is the usual answer to your question. But plan for disaster-recovery when fscking around with partitions
03:36.04niruTramp, hi
03:36.15GotenksTramp, you don't have this answer for me do you?
03:36.21ThePuppetMaster_well .. thx for help .. and happy new year
03:36.24niruTramp, I have espeak installed whenever I open it and open a file to read it quits
03:36.25PaulTTalso, second question--what is the recommended method to backup a dying hard disk? dd or cp?
03:36.27niruwhy is it so
03:36.42*** part/#debian ThePuppetMaster_ (
03:37.16Trampniru: sorry, no idea.
03:37.40abrotmanGotenks: yes you can
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03:38.23abrotmanGotenks: are eth0 and eth1 different networks ?
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03:38.50Gotenkseth0 is wired into my router, eth1 is wireless internet
03:38.59abrotmanadd a route .. make sure it's not your default gateway .. and give it a netmask etc
03:39.15Kevin`where is the script in the debian startup that sets up (messes up) the kernel keymap?
03:39.48abrotmanit's probably a config file in /etc/default/
03:40.24dondelelcaroKevin`: it's /etc/rcS/, and if it's setting it wrongly, fix /etc/console/boottime.kmap.gz appropriately.
03:40.41Gotenksabrotman, i don't quite understand
03:41.54Trampoh, late me
03:42.23Kevin`hmm, I dont seem to have that
03:43.42dondelelcaroKevin`: uh... are you actually running Debian? Do you have console-common installed?
03:44.10Kevin`dondelelcaro really really. installed from debootstrap though
03:44.24dondelelcaroKevin`: then you may not have installed console-common.
03:44.50Kevin`i'm going to reboot and see if its still messed up
03:47.36Gotenksabrotman, what am i looking for in /etc/default?
03:47.43abrotmanthat wasn't for you
03:48.30Gotenkslol ok
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03:49.10ybeddyjcorr** ok another newbie question... i've being wondering if i just add a new piece of hardware to my system ... say a network card or a video capture card...lets say this card already had builtin support in the kernel but it was compiled as a module...if i didnt know the name of the module how would i go about getting it working? would it be loaded automatically?
03:51.16abrotmanit should get loaded
03:53.16*** join/#debian Vasistha (n=david@unaffiliated/vasistha)
03:53.41Vasisthaisn't there a way to make a .deb as an alternative to running 'make install' ?
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03:54.35Gotenksso abrotman how do i determine which network it's working on?
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03:56.48Rhizomethe route command would determine that unless the application is bound to a specific interface.
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04:00.45abrotmanwhat is it?
04:01.06abrotmanVasistha: make it a package?
04:01.22Vasisthaabrotman: exactly
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04:01.41abrotmani'm telling you .. make it a package :)
04:02.10Vasisthaabrotman: ah - how? :)
04:02.10dpkgA simple packaging walkthrough can be found by (as root) "apt-get install maint-guide" and then (as user) lynx /usr/share/doc/maint-guide/maint-guide.en.html/index.html" (or online). 'Mg' is also the chemical symbol for magnesium, or may mean Madagascar.
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04:03.37Vasisthaabrotman: wow, this is not trivial :P
04:03.59Vasisthaoh well, neither was creating my own initramfs image last week
04:04.14RhizomeGreat way to learn ;)
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04:06.46dpkgwell, raid1 is a single mirrored raid with a minimum of two drives
04:06.55y!raid1 documentation blows.
04:07.37abrotmandocumentation ?
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04:12.33yi'm sure its very well detailed but I don't have clue one how to follow it
04:14.02duder-ughis there a switch or something to pass to apt-get upgrade to not update certain packages (ie; kernel stuff)?
04:14.14abrotmany: stop using the ! all the time
04:14.24abrotman!tell duder-ugh about hold
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04:14.46duder-ughthank you kind sir :)
04:15.54Vasisthais there a way to control gz compression level with tar?
04:16.09dondelelcaroVasistha: yes
04:16.38Vasisthadondelelcaro: mind sharing the trick? I don't see any such options in 'man tar'
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04:18.29PaulTTOkay all, I need some help wrapping my mind around this one. I had debian installed on a remote server and the installer made oddly sized partitions that are useless to me. I need to dramatically increase the size of /var and in turn, I don't need /home to be large--what would be the best way to accomplish this?
04:18.46PaulTTcan I swap /home and /var? is it that simple?
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04:19.05dondelelcaroVasistha: it's in the info manual, iirc. I forget the precise option. Worst comes to worst, you can use the --use-compress-prog option
04:19.41Vasisthadondelelcaro: thanks
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04:20.20RhizomePaulTT: sure you can, just remember to copy with -p to perserve file settings, or look at 'man resize2fs'
04:21.23PaulTTRhizome: So would I simply cp -rp /var to I dunno... /usr as a temporary slotholder and then cp -pr /home to /var then /usr/tempvar to /home?
04:21.32PaulTT...and then update /etc/fstab?
04:21.33dondelelcaroVasistha: you can also do it by using something like tar -xf - foodir |gzip -dc > blah.tar.gz
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04:23.52RhizomePaulTT: yup, the best way would ofcourse be to do it from a live cd or while your booted in single user mode, but i doubt it would cause any problems either way.
04:24.06PaulTThmm.. how do I boot in single user mode remotely?
04:24.12Rhizomeah right
04:24.16PaulTTcan I?
04:24.23Rhizomeyou dont have a network kvm switch? ;)
04:24.29PaulTTYes, I do.
04:24.49abrotmanPaulTT: does the system boot at all ?
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04:25.27PaulTTabrotman: Yes, the system is booted and running
04:25.36abrotmanwhat do you want single user for ?
04:25.50abrotmanoh ...
04:25.58PaulTTIf you recall from earlier, my hard drive failed. Sys admins at the datacenter put in a new drive however partitioned oddly
04:26.12abrotmanlet's beat them up!
04:26.21PaulTTso.. /var is like... too small.. whatever 2885780 1-k blocks is ;)
04:26.36PaulTTbecause the web files in /var/www take up much more space than that
04:26.41PaulTTand I don't use /home at all
04:26.44abrotmandf -h
04:26.56abrotmanyou could just ln -s /var/www/ to /home/www/
04:27.26ameyerI'd do what abrotman says
04:27.27abrotmanor change the DocumentRoot to /home/www/
04:27.41ameyermaybe file a bug against d-i
04:28.02abrotmanyeah .. i'd probably change the DocumentRoot
04:28.07PaulTTan interesting proposition
04:28.15PaulTTwell.. that would involve editing the configuration of way too many programs
04:28.21PaulTTI'd rather go through the trouble of switching the partitions
04:28.30abrotmanthen do the ln -s
04:28.35abrotmanthey shouldn't know the difference
04:28.48abrotman(unless they have some DoNotFollowSymLink thing)
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04:28.53Rhizomeif its a production system then the ln way is definetly the safest ;)
04:29.19PaulTTRhizome: well, it's a production system out of production ;)
04:29.32abrotmanit's on vacation
04:29.34PaulTTIs there a reason why switching the partitions would be bad?
04:29.44abrotmanother than you're remote ?
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04:29.55PaulTTbut, I do have console access through KVm
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04:31.31RhizomePaulTT: You should consider xen or VMware server.. if one off my harddisks would crash its simply a matter off copying a .img file and booting it on another hardware ;)
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04:37.30Gotenksabrotman, i take it you are not sure of the answer for me?
04:38.08abrotmanGotenks: you have to set up eth0
04:38.22abrotmanhave you done that yet?
04:38.26dpkgYour network configuration is in the file /etc/network/interfaces ; "man 5 interfaces" for docs, (zless /usr/share/doc/ifupdown/examples/network-interfaces.gz for an example). start and stop your networking with ifup -a and ifdown -a respectively.  See also <dhcp client> read "man resolv.conf" for DNS also ask me about <static route>
04:38.32Gotenksit was my internet connection
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04:38.57Gotenksi added a wireless because my neighbor is providing my internet now (he's letting me use his)
04:39.22abrotmanand that's eth1
04:39.27abrotmanright ?
04:39.38Gotenkseth1 is a usb wireless device
04:39.45abrotmanokay .. so setup eth0 to use your network ..
04:40.18Gotenkswhich is what i'm trying to do....
04:40.20abrotmangive it an IP and a netmask
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04:40.50abrotmanhi jt
04:42.00Vasisthahmph, I am having an increasingly difficult time justifying to myself why I am not just running 'make install'
04:42.04jetscreamerhey dude
04:42.28abrotmanVasistha: it's just like any other reason to use package management
04:42.33abrotmanVasistha: what software is this ?
04:43.08Vasisthaabrotman: the free pascal compiler, I'd like to try the svn 2.3.1 version to see if it works better for a specific task
04:43.19abrotmanthere is a pascal compiler in debian
04:43.24abrotmanoh .. nevermind
04:43.30Vasisthaheh :)
04:44.10abrotman!info fpc sid
04:44.13dpkgfpc: (Free Pascal Compiler -- Meta Package), section devel, is optional. Version: 2.2.0-dfsg1-3 (sid), Packaged size: 8 kB, Installed size: 40 kB
04:44.19VasisthaI already added sid main to my sources.list so I could try the 2.2.0 version :P
04:44.47*** join/#debian PaulTT_ (
04:45.33PaulTT_I apparently have been lagging and have seen 0 replies ;)
04:45.46abrotmandisconnected ?
04:46.13PaulTT_in any case, to move the partitions, SU mode is recommended?
04:46.21VasisthaPaulTT: 15 mins ago: [20:30] * PaulTT pets drac III -- and after that there was one reply
04:46.46Gotenksok, it won't let me configure the NIC
04:46.54PaulTT_apparently it was not happy with the drac III java applet ;)
04:46.56VasisthaPaulTT_: you'll want to drop to runlevel 1 to do an operation like that
04:47.08PaulTT_how does one enter runlevel 1?
04:47.10itchiHow does spammers get other ip's?
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04:47.31PaulTThome is a 57G partition and var is 3G
04:47.33PaulTTI don't need any space for home
04:47.34PaulTTand this is a web server
04:47.36PaulTTwhere logs and such are hefty
04:47.37PaulTTand all live in var
04:47.39PaulTTI'd have to link /var/log
04:47.41itchiI have there are bastard that has already used 308 diff ip's
04:47.43PaulTTI think I'd just rather switch the two
04:47.44PaulTTunless you all think that would be a Really Bad Thing (tm)
04:47.50dpkgThe enter key is not a substitute for punctuation. Hitting enter unecessarily makes it difficult to follow what you are saying. Consider using ',', '. ', ';', '...', '---', or ':' instead.
04:47.50PaulTT!single user mode
04:47.51dpkg# telinit 1, or reboot and choose "single-user mode" from the GRUB menu, or add '1' to the lilo boot prompt 'LILO: linux 1' enter.
04:48.12PaulTT_... what in the world was that?
04:48.21vedaDebian can be installed without an active network?
04:48.36Vasisthaveda: sure, even with the netinst cd you can install a base system
04:48.39itchiveda: If you have the first (or two) cd's, yes
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04:49.04PaulTT_so.. I'd simply type telinit 1 and I'll be in single user mode?
04:49.14VasisthaPaulTT_: yeah
04:49.28itchiveda: Without net and with the netinstall, you should install the standard system later with tasksel standard, once you get the network
04:50.01vedaitchi: Is a WM included on the cd iso?
04:50.08PaulTTVasistha: When I'm finished, how do I exit single user mode and go back?
04:50.16itchiveda: On which cd?
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04:50.24VasisthaPaulTT: init 2
04:50.26itchiveda: There are different type's of install cd's
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04:50.33n-iCehow can I uninstall postgsql ?
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04:50.41vedaitchi: The first installation cd.
04:50.41Vasisthan-iCe: with aptitude
04:50.54n-iCeVasistha how? is there a command?
04:50.56itchiveda: There should. See /msg dpkg cd contents
04:51.07Vasisthaveda: there are several "first" installation cd's; the "default" one has gnome
04:51.16PaulTTVasistha: That seems rather simple.
04:51.16n-iCeaptitude-remove postgresql ?
04:51.20PaulTTI suppose I should do this from console?
04:51.25jetscreamerinit 1
04:51.33itchin-iCe: Take the debian reference ;-)
04:51.46jetscreamertyype init 1 in console
04:51.58VasisthaPaulTT: well, you'll probably want to end your X session first, then ctrl-alt-f2 or whatever, login as root, and init 1
04:52.27Vasisthan-iCe: or perhaps: aptitude purge postgresql
04:52.34itchin-iCe: It's for you're own good that i said it ;-)
04:52.47vedaVasistha: The CD iso, on
04:53.11itchin-iCe: Do you know that aptitude has a text user interface?
04:53.12vedaVasistha: I'm looking for a minimalistic approach to running linux, simply for testing and development purposes.
04:53.26Vasisthaveda: as we have said -- there are several. Have you already downloaded one of them or are you trying to decide which to download?
04:53.33itchiveda: Setup a apt-cacher
04:53.44vedaVasistha: I'm trying to make a decision.
04:54.17Vasisthaveda: ah, well if you want minimalistic, perhaps you want the xfce one
04:55.26vedaVasistha: Gnome works; but which iso to install?
04:55.27PaulTThmm.. it has a hard time with me typing a "-"
04:55.28itchiveda: You can install apt-cacher on one box who has 5-10 GB to much free space. So that you modify the /etc/apt/sources.list of your clients where this point to the apt-cacher server. You will download once the needed .deb's and these will be leaved on the apt-cacher server. The second machine you setup will fetch the package of that server; that said, it will "download" the packages much more faster
04:55.48vedaitchi: Sounds like a plan =)
04:55.50itchiVasistha: Minimal is fluxbox for me :-p
04:56.09PaulTT"Unknown key pressed (translated set 2, code 0x0 on isa0060/serio0)."
04:56.26itchiveda: apt-cacher is very easy to setup. I use that for all my boxes at home. And especially when i setup a virtual machine with vmware. To avoid bandwidth wasting
04:56.50vedaHmm, alright.
04:57.15vedaI'll be running it on a VM (until I get a new cd/dvd drive)
04:57.35Vasisthaveda: gnome is on the cd-1.iso
04:57.52vedaVasistha: alrighty.
04:57.59Vasisthaveda: ...kde is on kde-cd-1, and xfce on xfce-cd-1, as you might quess ;)
04:58.00itchiveda:  8.7G    /var/cache/apt-cacher  But i use stable, testing, and bit of unstable.
04:58.25vedaVasistha: I don't like kde/xfce.
04:58.28vedaGnome works fine.
04:58.38vedaitchi: ;p
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04:59.02itchiI don't know what people don't like on fluxbox. Appart that it is a bit pain to get it "configured" the first time
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04:59.38itchiWell, the bastard use 350 diff ip's
04:59.51itchiDoes tor allow that much of different ip's?
05:00.09itchiallow or provide
05:00.10RhizomeI like fluxbox, i dont need anything else, well except idesktop for a few icons :P
05:00.44veda (No Gnome CD-1..)
05:00.55abrotmanyou don't have ia64
05:01.02abrotmanand it's on the first regular CD
05:01.04RhizomeBut sometimes i think i should be using Kde or Gnome only so i can get used to them since i always recommend it to people.
05:01.16Gotenksabrotman, ok it has an IP, but i cannot connect to the net
05:01.22vedaabrotman: There isn't an IA64 build, with gnome?
05:01.28vedaabrotman: I have IA64.
05:01.29abrotmanveda: do you have itanium ?
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05:01.38vedaabrotman: Intel core 2 duo.
05:01.42cizzihappy new years
05:01.45abrotmanyeah .. that's not ia64
05:01.46itchiRhizome: I have some desktop icons here too, but i never use it :-) I just press mod4+e and get grun
05:02.13abrotman!tell veda about amd64
05:02.32abrotmanveda: .. is the one you want ..
05:02.36itchiRhizome: Gnome and KDE is that easy to use heh
05:02.42abrotmanthat has the main parts of gnome on it
05:03.00itchiabrotman: How would you do to steal ip's?
05:03.10vedaabrotman: Thanks for the tip.
05:03.23abrotmanitchi: whowhat?
05:03.44itchiabrotman: I have a f* spammer that spam my stuff. He is already on 350 diff ip's :-(
05:03.51abrotmanspam what stuff?
05:04.16Vasisthaveda: although you may actually want the 32-bit i386
05:04.28itchiabrotman: My web stuff. At least he try, and he should get a spammer error on the page. It's just that my apache log grow to much
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05:04.36vedaVasistha: Yeah, contemplating on that. I really wanted to try out the 64 bit branch.
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05:05.45itchijetscreamer: Well the thing has never yet crashed at all. He want to spam on articles on my website. There is a captcha + custom system to avoid spammers. But these stupid guys still continue to try
05:05.57vedaWell, thanks a lot.
05:06.00Vasisthaveda: just yesterday a couple guys were talking about that ...
05:06.02*** part/#debian veda (n=veda@unaffiliated/veda)
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05:06.49n-iCeVasistha aptitude purge postgresql didn't remove all
05:07.01itchiWell 354 diff ip's right now. f* b* stupid guys heh
05:07.23jetscreameraptitude purge postgresql*
05:07.33abrotmanitchi: is your website really that important ?
05:07.38JordiGHfucking bitch stupid guys?
05:07.42JordiGHfucking bastard?
05:07.45itchiBah, i don't realy care, i have wrote a script that auto DROP it with iptables. But i'm gona drop the world if these continue
05:08.12abrotmanGotenks: did you give it a route?
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05:08.29Gotenksit found the dhcp
05:08.37abrotmancan't use dhcp
05:08.42abrotmanit will change your default route
05:08.49abrotmanor you have to change your default route after it comes up
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05:09.09Gotenksthe wireless is still connected as internet connection
05:09.10itchiabrotman: No, just my own stuff. (my Home Page). My new project  where my articles are and that the old model
05:09.13abrotmanor see if there's an option in the dhcp client config to not change the default route
05:09.20n-iCehow to install the last postgrqsl version
05:09.25abrotmanitchi: so just shut it down for the night
05:09.29Gotenksbut the other nic has my old ip again (
05:09.31abrotmann-iCe: aptitude install postgresql
05:09.35Vasisthan-iCe: huh? you just asked us how to remove it...
05:09.40itchiabrotman: Bah, i don't like that :-p
05:09.48abrotmanitchi: okay
05:10.00itchiabrotman: Some external sites like tuxmobile, linux on laptop come to here
05:10.06jetscreamerthink he wants svn maybe
05:10.32n-iCeVasistha yeah because it install an old version
05:10.37itchin-iCe: Well, i may say you again: take the debian reference for you own good sake
05:10.41abrotmann-iCe: are you using etch ?
05:10.45Vasisthan-iCe: what version of debian are you using?
05:11.36n-iCeno idea, does uname -a must say me?
05:11.51abrotmanyou tell us
05:12.05mineraleHappy n ew year everyone!, to another year of free and open source software
05:12.14n-iCeLinux Xplorer 2.6.18-5-686 #1 SMP Wed Oct 3 00:12:50 UTC 2007 i686 GNU/Linux
05:12.18itchin-iCe: Take the debian documentation ;-)
05:12.19jetscreamercat /etc/debian_version i think
05:12.23RhizomeCheers! and happy new year ;)
05:12.39abrotmann-iCe: so it will install pgsql 8.l
05:12.41Gotenkshappy new year those of you in eastern time zone
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05:12.55n-iCeabrotman no, look
05:13.16n-iCeUnpacking postgresql (from .../postgresql_7.5.22_all.deb) ...
05:13.16n-iCeSetting up postgresql (7.5.22)
05:13.20abrotmanokay ...
05:13.26abrotmanaptitude install postgresql-8.1
05:13.49n-iCeDone sir
05:13.57abrotmanyou'll probably want to remove the other
05:14.23n-iCehow? :p i did the Vasistha command did it work?
05:14.24abrotmanit's just pascal
05:14.44Vasisthaabrotman: yeah, probably :)
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05:16.05Vasisthan-iCe: we're having a separate conversation here ;)
05:17.22abrotmanin a public channel!
05:17.35jetscreamerget a room
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05:18.18itchijetscreamer: A room?? :-p
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05:18.54jariep1_can somebody help me find creative commons documentary listings
05:19.32JordiGHjariep1_: That's a tall order. What are you looking for specifically?
05:19.43jariep1_geography related
05:19.44JordiGHjariep1_: Also, what does this have to do with Debian or the new year?
05:19.57jariep1_cause i dont know whom to ask for assistance
05:20.55jariep1_i used to us legaltorrents but they are down for twoweeks
05:20.59Vasisthawhen in doubt, ask #debian, and be prepared for a verbal lashing
05:21.03msshamshi, i compiled APC in Debian etch and use it successfully. and now i will compile new version of APC (3.0.16). but i don't know that this needs that i remove current APC then compile new version or not?
05:21.37abrotmanneither do we .. ask the authors
05:21.51jariep1_alright thanks for letting me ask
05:22.16jetscreameranti personnel carrier?
05:22.39abrotmani can't figure out if he means acpi or the APC UPS stuff
05:22.39jetscreameror just armored
05:23.04obnauticusHas anyone here gotten bluetooth working in debian?
05:23.16dpkgPlease do not ask if anyone uses <someprogram>. Instead, ask your real question. (If the real question _was_ "does anyone use <someprogram>?" ask me about <popcon> instead.) See <ask> <sicco> <ask-to-ask> <polls>
05:23.25jetscreamermy dog likes peanut butter
05:23.29itchimsshams: It should just compile it over the old. Or use a source package manager like paco for example
05:23.32obnauticusDo you want me to highlight a specific user (eg you)?
05:23.44abrotmanno .. i want you to ask a real question
05:23.47jetscreamerno ask the real question
05:24.01obnauticusOkay, how do you pair a bluetooth device (ie phone) with debian using the bluez stack
05:24.20msshamsitchi: thanks. so i don't need to remove old version? just compile new version?
05:24.47jetscreamermsshams: that was a 'probably, check the docs though'
05:24.53obnauticusAlso, how do I enable dbus?
05:25.06jetscreamerinstall it it's enabled afaik
05:25.13msshamsitchi: thank you,
05:25.35itchimsshams: In most cases, yes, but i suggest to use a 'program' that track down the stuff you install from sources
05:25.39up365obnauticus,start here
05:25.50obnauticusup365 i AM rtfm'ing right now
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05:25.52obnauticusall with epic failures.
05:26.40up365obnauticus, what about
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05:27.12up365obnauticus, is this a laptop you're trying to configure ?
05:27.40obnauticusAsterisk Boxen.
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05:29.51up365obnauticus, ok got a couple more links, hope they help
05:30.08obnauticusNo GUI.
05:30.16obnauticusand I've found some good tutorials
05:30.22obnauticusbut like none seem to work really :|
05:30.54obnauticusLike /var/log/syslog says
05:30.55obnauticusDec 31 21:19:48 asterisk hcid[30794]: Device hci0 has been activated
05:31.33obnauticusBut that's just saying the dongle is there
05:31.35up365obnauticus, i have nokia and etch can't help beyond that but
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05:31.47obnauticusI got that one
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05:34.22up365obnauticus, so your preferences say  "other devices can connect" or "visible & connectable for other devices" ? using gnome bluetooth
05:34.35obnauticusI'm going all CLI dude.
05:34.43obnauticusIt's an asterisk server running chan_mobile
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05:34.55obnauticusto setup an IAX trunk over bluetooth, if i get it working it'll be kinda cool...
05:35.20abrotmanyou're sick!
05:35.23up365obnauticus, yikes sorry I'm no help other than the links I gave you
05:35.26obnauticus(/usr/src/asterisk/asterisk-addons/asterisk-addons)-(root@asterisk)--> hidd --connect 00:17:E3:18:67:A2
05:35.26obnauticusCan't get device information: Success
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05:35.39obnauticusWell all I really need to do is get it connected to an hci device
05:35.43obnauticusthen i can do the rest
05:36.14obnauticusUnable to get on D-Bus there may be a problem there
05:36.54up365obnauticus, it did take quite a few times back and forth just to get phone and pc connected
05:37.02obnauticusI don't know if it's even connected
05:37.28obnauticusIt would be registerd as an hciX assending assuming my BT USB dongle is 0, it goes up 1 so is hci0
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05:37.53up365well your phone should show your home/host name as an account
05:38.11obnauticusI cannot find my dongle via the phone, i don't know why.
05:38.21obnauticusIs there a way i can set it as discoverable via hcid.conf ?
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05:38.59obnauticusCouldn't allocate D-Bus message
05:39.03obnauticusya I think there may be something up with d-bus
05:39.07up365I don't know, I used "bluetooth preferences"
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05:42.43up365obnauticus, on your phone-bluetooth-paired devices- should be your PCs home name
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05:43.04obnauticusup365 it's not in there :|
05:43.20obnauticusbecause i can either wait for a request via bt with a pin code, or search for hosts.
05:43.22soulrideris there a way to install xserver-xorg but not install all those useless drivers packages like wacom input etc?
05:43.30obnauticusand when i search nobody comes up
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05:43.42obnauticusSo I'm wonderig if i can put my bt dongle in discoverable mode
05:43.44up365obnauticus, it is a dongle that you're trying to access right ?
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05:45.40up365yeah there is a command for that , looking gimme a sec
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05:45.46obnauticusI got it
05:46.00obnauticusit's iscan enable
05:46.03obnauticusin hcid.conf
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05:47.51obnauticusk i got it
05:47.54obnauticushciconfig hci0 piscan
05:47.58up365alright, once it's discoverable, you're almost there
05:48.21obnauticusk it found it
05:48.47soulrideris there a way to install xserver-xorg but not install all those useless drivers packages like wacom input etc?
05:49.18soulrideralso, what files in debian specify what daemons are loaded when debian starts?
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05:50.41up365obnauticus, that'll work to send from phone to PC this is for PC to phone install obexftp and obexpushd, this link
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05:52.29obnauticusWhy are the pailing epic failing?
05:55.33obnauticusThank god
05:55.40obnauticusthe bluetooth gods have smiled upon me
05:57.01up365it's a bluetootufil thing ;)
05:57.27obnauticusI hate bluetoothing
05:57.29obnauticusconfuses me
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05:58.30up365what are you ultimately trying to do, link a bunch of PCs with BT ?
05:58.39obnauticusyou know what Asterisk is right?
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05:58.52up365enlighten me
05:58.56obnauticusAn Opensource PBX
05:59.01*** mode/#debian [+l 765] by debhelper
05:59.03obnauticuslike... a phone switch
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05:59.26obnauticusYou can use it to host like phone conferences, voicemail, basically anything you want with the phone system
05:59.30obnauticusif you have the money and knowledge
05:59.43obnauticusso what im doing is using my cell phone as an outbound trunk over bluetooth
05:59.57obnauticusso i can call and receive calls over my cell phone through my PBX, which are later then routed wherever i want
06:00.03obnauticuslike my Cisco IP phone right here
06:00.07obnauticusa software SIP phone on my computer
06:00.10obnauticusit's pretty cool stuff
06:01.15Rhizomeits pretty cool, i have something like that set up aswell, basically a call back system that calls me back when i dial a number, and then lets me dial out ;)
06:01.20up365ok I've got some reading to do , sounds interesting
06:01.28obnauticusYou're interested now?
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06:01.48obnauticusIt's easy to setup, a suggestion DO NOT isntall from aptitude
06:01.53obnauticusbuild from source and keep it locally.
06:02.00obnauticusYou need it :)
06:02.11obnauticusand that doesn't mean source from aptitude that means source from asterisk's site.
06:02.30Rhizomeah your using your cellphone as a trunk very neat ;)
06:02.38obnauticusit's called chan_mobile
06:03.09Rhizomehm, never thought about that.. i recently bought a box from china with gsm and ethernet to do the same thing.
06:03.23obnauticusYou can get a GSM modem
06:03.29obnauticusand plug it into an asterisk box and do that.
06:03.42obnauticususe sim cards and etc.
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06:15.47JoeyAdamsI downloaded a source tarball/patch, and I think I applied the patch correctly, so how do I properly build it into a dpkg?  The package is xserver-xorg-video-cirrus
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06:19.04dondelelcarodpkg: quick build is <reply> To build a package, apt-get source <packagename>; apt-get build-dep <packagename>; apt-get install fakeroot build-essential; cd packagename-*; fakeroot debian/rules clean binary; cd ..; ls -l *.deb;
06:19.04dpkgdondelelcaro: okay
06:19.52bhundvenwell... I'm no dpkg ninja, but that works too.
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06:27.40JoeyAdamsWell, I don't have a network connection (yet :) ), but I think I'm getting somewhere with dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot
06:27.44JoeyAdamsI just had to install fakeroot
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06:28.48obnauticusup365 do you know the differece between a bluetooth slave and a bluetooth master?
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06:29.12JoeyAdamsBy the way, what's that program that lets one use a mouse in a terminal (not under X)?
06:31.08magyarHappy New Year!!! Thanks for all the help and wish for you a double dose of health and happiness topped with loads of good fortune. Cheers
06:33.05Rhizomecheers ;)
06:34.04JoeyAdamsHow come when I run fakeroot debian/rules binary or fakeroot debian/rules clean, I get Permission denied?  (even under root)
06:34.40Rhizomeeven root has to abide by permissions ;)
06:34.49JoeyAdamsoh, gotta chmod it, I guess
06:34.53JoeyAdamswhy wasn't it chmodded to begin with?
06:36.28dondelelcaroJoeyAdams: because you didn't use dpkg-source to apply the diff.gz to the tar.gz?
06:36.34JoeyAdamsI applied it
06:36.41JoeyAdamsThough I'm not sure I did that correctly, either
06:36.54dondelelcaroJoeyAdams: if you use dpkg-source, it chmod's it properly. If you don't, it isn't
06:37.13JoeyAdamsHow would I use it in this situation?
06:37.17dondelelcaro(you'd go dpkg-source -x foo.dsc;
06:37.29JoeyAdamsOh, that sound easy :)
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06:37.53dondelelcarobasically it does what you did with some extra checking and it also chmod +x debian/rules;
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06:45.32danf_1979I have a sort of video problem, maybe. I have a voodoo 3 in here, sid, gnome. X11 has no problems, but iceweasel and epiphany show random "lines" and artifacts when browsing and scrolling. This does not happen if, for example, I open a big document in openoffice and scroll it down, or use nautilus to scroll down. Why does this only happen with iceweasel and epiphany? Iceweasel shows artifacts even in the user interface, menus and such. Epiph
06:45.32danf_1979any only on web pages. Help please......
06:46.21danf_1979There are no problems at all with other programs.
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06:50.08danf_1979this is my default xorg.conf, fresh install
06:50.52obnauticusWhat's teh device class for a bluetooth headset?
06:51.02AMDFreakdanf_1979: what says glxinfo | grep renderer
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06:52.37danf_1979This other xorg.conf version, that *did* work for me in this same pc until days ago, it doesn't work (I reinstalled today)
06:52.54danf_1979dan:/home/dan# glxinfo | grep renderer
06:52.54danf_1979OpenGL renderer string: Mesa GLX Indirect
06:53.33danf_1979So I guess it has nothing to do with xorg.conf
06:53.37danf_1979it must be something else
06:53.45AMDFreakdanf_1979: then the driver isn't installed correct
06:53.46jetscreamer!tell danf_1979 -about paste
06:54.02jetscreamervoodoo would probably use mesa
06:54.07jetscreamerbut i dunno
06:54.53AMDFreakjetscreamer: a 3D hardware accelerator would use indirect mesa rendering?
06:55.10jetscreamerAMDFreak: iirc an opensource/old one would/does
06:55.22AMDFreakjetscreamer: mhhh
06:56.04AMDFreakdanf_1979:  glxinfo | grep direct ??
06:56.04danf_1979AMDFreak, but I've already tried to reinstall it with aptitude, or do you mean something else?
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06:56.27danf_1979direct rendering: No
06:56.27jetscreamerbut maybe make sure the dri kernel modules are loaded, play with the driver options (not many to play with though eh)
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06:56.52danf_1979okay, I'll try that
06:57.08xsdgdanf_1979: look at /var/log/Xorg.0.log
06:57.08jetscreameri use modconf to brose the module tree
06:57.24jetscreamerbut yeah what xsdg said
06:57.24xsdgdanf_1979: it'll often tell you why DRI isn't enabled
06:57.30Hoxzeris htere any way to tell ntpd not to synchronize time if latency with ntp-server is more than 30ms ?
06:57.33dpkgmodconf is a tool to configure/add/delete kernel modules, and at the same time it will update /etc/modules, or fix drivers/net no-view bug with
06:58.07Nyleoh man dude homie bro man
06:58.16jetscreamerHoxzer: you can with other ntp software, so i would imagine so
06:58.16pengwyndoes at1700t get recognized as at1700?
06:58.17NyleGood Freaking New Year of 2008
06:58.18danf_1979I must say I dont care about 3d acceleration, I think direct rendering refers to that?
06:58.19jetscreamerhey nyle
06:58.26xsdgHoxzer: 30ms? wow
06:58.39NyleI am wasted man jetscreamer man dude
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06:59.10xsdgHoxzer: I know ntpd has a limit; I'm not sure if it's configurable
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06:59.26pengwyn(before I slave the card in and reboot)
06:59.49AMDFreakdanf_1979: libgl-mesa-glx installed ?
06:59.59sauvinHappy New Year!
07:00.35Hoxzerxsdg: oh ok :/ I sometimes have high network load and eventhough I have somekind of traffic shaping I'm not sure will I get bad times. I noticed that my computer clock was +8s today.
07:00.39AMDFreakdanf_1979: ups.. libgl1-mesa.glx and libgl1-mesa-dri
07:00.56Nylejetscreamer: whats going on with in the world of gifts?
07:01.19danf_1979AMDFreak, yep, both of them
07:01.21Nyle8 seconds off
07:01.26xsdgHoxzer: 30ms is considerably smaller than 8 secs
07:01.43xsdgHoxzer: what server are you using?
07:02.05*** join/#debian arashOio (n=arash@unaffiliated/arashoio)
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07:02.53xsdgHoxzer: ok; haven't used them.  look for messages in /var/log/daemon.log from ntpd
07:02.59jetscreamerNyle: that would be 'the world of high fashion'
07:03.11Nylejetscreamer: hot chics?
07:03.24AMDFreakdanf_1979: please give the xorg.log
07:03.51jetscreamerNyle: if you like really skinny fashion models
07:04.01xsdgHoxzer: but 8 seconds off after how long?
07:04.02jetscreamernice girls though
07:04.02Nylejetscreamer: sometimes
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07:06.47jetscreamerok so how far behind does this make me: i finally saw tenacious d
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07:10.10NyleI don't like fat chix
07:10.22Nylei mean yeh, they need tha lovin' too, but damn man
07:10.28pengwyn"penguin chix"
07:10.28Nylejust can't do it
07:10.42Nyleyou kinky bastard ;)
07:10.59Nylepengwyn: you've seen the pick of destiny no doubt?
07:11.11Nylejetscreamer: the movie or the band/songs?
07:11.18pengwynwhat's that 3d video with the penguins?
07:11.35Nylemarch of the penguins
07:11.40pengwynyeah but it involves a xmas tree
07:11.44Nyleice age 2?
07:11.46pengwynand a little dog
07:11.52Nylei dunno
07:12.25Nyleisn't there a little dog in every kids movie
07:12.27pengwynit was on the iceage dvd | extras
07:12.32Nylelittle kids love little dogs
07:12.51pengwynthe funniest 3d animation with penguins I ever seen
07:12.53Nylei like little dogs, but i hate big dogs, I like cas more than dogs
07:13.06Nyleyeh those movies are cute
07:13.27*** join/#debian kuhwallskee (
07:13.56kuhwallskeeanyone know where I can find an example smb.conf that has just share level security and one share?
07:15.50NyleI like to move it move it
07:15.54Nyleyou like to move it move it
07:16.16jetscreamerdepends on the chick
07:16.24jetscreameras to whether she's too fat or not
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07:17.01jetscreamerthe movie... course i'd never heard of them before, either
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07:17.22debianforlifekuhwallskee: use swat to configure samba, then you can get it just how you want
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07:18.01kuhwallskeegood stuff
07:18.17Nylethe little dog
07:18.27jetscreamerseems to me man smb.conf was fairly understandable
07:18.38Nyleits heavily well comented
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07:18.53Nylein [global]
07:19.04Nyleand define a single share
07:19.07kuhwallskeei'm having issues seeing the share with xp
07:19.09Nylewhats so hard about it?
07:19.25Nylepastebin your smb.conf
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07:19.39debianforlifeset 'available = yes' in the share
07:20.30Nyledon't need to really, if not specified to be no, it defaults to yes
07:20.52Nylebrowseable=yes maybe
07:21.10Nyleand make sure to restart the service
07:21.11debianforlifethats what i meant, thanks for reading my mind... :P
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07:23.14Nyleyo nigg' that straight up dro
07:23.22Nyleand it aint even rolled yet
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07:24.25kuhwallskeeboth of those are enabled
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07:25.03Nyleinstall smbclient and type smbclient -L localhost
07:25.08Nylesee whts the problem is
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07:25.21jetscreameri usually find with nfs or smb turning off the firewalls then getting it going is the method for me
07:25.36jetscreamercourse unplugging the intarweb is part of that
07:25.39Guerinnfs + firewall = madness
07:25.50Guerini suspect samba is much the same
07:25.51Nyleyo G
07:25.58Nylewhats kickin'
07:26.00Guerinsup N
07:26.10Nylewhat man
07:26.13Nylewhat doesn't sound right
07:26.18Guerinjust about to watch the footer
07:26.22NyleG is legit like sup G
07:26.24Guerinand make some ricey stuff
07:26.26Nyleman thats makes no sense
07:26.29Nyleword man
07:27.20jetscreamereven with windows to windows the fw can fuckup xp to 2k
07:27.32jetscreamerxp to xp is usually good
07:27.45Nylehome vs pro
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07:29.29kuhwallskeeok now I"ve added those and smbclient gives me a login.
07:29.36kuhwallskeebut none of the passwords I have set works
07:29.47Nylehow did you set them
07:29.54jetscreameri had better luck with nfs than smb
07:29.55Nylesmbpasswd -a username
07:30.53kuhwallskeestill no good
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07:32.55pengwynI wonder why the USDA Office of Operations is on my server.  lol
07:33.12pengwynhappy new year.  I produce no food
07:33.20Nylewrong channel
07:33.25Nylewhere am I
07:33.27pengwynI hear ya.
07:33.35Nylewho me?
07:33.58dpkghmm... nm is New Maintainer, the process through which new Debian developers happen.  A program to list symbols from object files and libs.  Never\No Mind.  New Mexico  No Molestes (do not disturb) in spanish. at
07:34.04pengwynI indeed was on wrong channel
07:34.06kuhwallskeeNyle, that didn't help
07:34.17Nylekuhwallskee: I don't know anything about computers
07:34.34jetscreamerwhat is a computer
07:34.41Nylesomething that computes
07:34.42NyleI think
07:35.00*** join/#debian proqesi` (n=user@unaffiliated/proqesi)
07:35.06Nyleno but seriously
07:35.10Nyleyou have any firewalls?
07:35.12Nyleoh wait
07:35.13pengwyncom = communications puter = sends golf balls into holes?
07:35.29Nylecommunications sends golf balls into holes?
07:35.44MephuxNyle: how did you get on IRC
07:36.01NyleI dunno
07:36.09*** join/#debian pxw8 (n=pxw8@
07:36.14kuhwallskeeNyle, no firewall
07:36.15pengwynI got on IRC with a zombie script
07:36.23NyleMephux: what is IRC?
07:36.41Nylekuhwallskee: may I see your smb.conf please, pastebin it
07:36.44Nyle!paster kuhwallskee
07:36.44dpkgkuhwallskee: put your output on so we can see it. DO NOT paste into the channel.
07:36.55pengwynNyle, pass the green
07:36.58Nylekuhwallskee: also, you need to add the user to samba with smbpasswd
07:37.21Nyleyou gonna get me yelled at
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07:37.27proqesi`I have a borked hard drive I am trying to erase. e2fsck -b 8193 /dev/sdb doesn't work and fdisk doesn't work. the bios won't recognize this drive on startup. is there a way to erase it?
07:37.29lkthomas2guys, anyone using cacti with snmpd ?
07:38.23dpkgPlease do not ask if anyone uses <someprogram>. Instead, ask your real question. (If the real question _was_ "does anyone use <someprogram>?" ask me about <popcon> instead.) See <ask> <sicco> <ask-to-ask> <polls>
07:38.36kuhwallskeeNyle, it's up
07:38.46Nylekuhwallskee: please liknk me
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07:39.00*** mode/#debian [+l 765] by debhelper
07:39.18debianforlife-:- [Users(#debian:56)]
07:39.18debianforlife[ waltz_    ] [ CutMeOwnTh] [ Toad      ] [ blackbart ] [ m80       ]
07:39.18debianforlife[ joepa     ] [ david-work] [ pipeline  ] [ DustyBin  ] [ folken    ]
07:39.18debianforlife[ entropic  ] [ mrak      ] [ badcfe    ] [ bernard   ] [ skule     ]
07:39.18debianforlife[ jm|laptop ] [ tazle     ] [ tw-nym    ] [ pingouin  ] [ ead       ]   RJ11 or RJ45.. the world will never know
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07:39.39Nylekuhwallskee: you are in the correct workgroup?
07:40.01kuhwallskeeIt's workgroup right?
07:40.15pengwynmaybe not, maybe MYXXX
07:40.21Nylekuhwallskee: why do you want share level security?
07:40.35kuhwallskeecause I only have one share.
07:40.48pengwyntraditionally I always used "WORKGROUP"
07:41.04pengwynbut I long since have a need for that
07:41.07NyleThere have been recent reports that Microsoft Windows clients have compatibility issues with share-level security servers. Samba developers strongly discourage use of share-level security.
07:41.12jetscreamerdd it maybe
07:41.25Nyleuse user level security then
07:41.39Nyleunless you have a real reason why you need something else
07:41.45jetscreamerdd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb
07:42.02jetscreamerif linux can't see the hd it won't work
07:42.23jetscreamerproqesi`: ^^
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07:42.48kuhwallskeeNyle: If I could see it in xp I'd be gravy
07:43.18Nylesetup your share, use user level security
07:43.33kuhwallskeegot it
07:43.33Nyledo smbpasswd -a yourusernamehere
07:43.53Nylethen restart samba /etc/init.d/samba restart
07:44.00jetscreamerproqesi`: if that doesn't work, run it through an mri machine, drop it in a bucket of acid then throw the bucket in a vat of molten steel
07:44.21Nylethen go to cli, do smbclient -L localhost, AS user and not as root btw, and type in user/pass you made with smbpasswd
07:44.28Nyleif you get it connected, you're good to do
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07:44.36Nyleuse the correct workgroup and you can see it in network neighbourhood
07:44.37proqesi`jetscreamer: I was going to erase it with my neodymium magnet, but I can't find it  :(
07:44.46Nyledon't use a workgroup and you can connect to it with ip
07:44.55jetscreamertry the dd command
07:45.04kuhwallskeehmmm ok
07:45.06proqesi`jetscreamer: dd seems to get it a bit closer to sanity but not quite
07:45.11kuhwallskeeso just take out workgroup
07:45.27Nyleyou can easily modify :\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts and type in entry for host and its ip, and just do \\host\share
07:45.28proqesi`[  895.471757] Buffer I/O error on device sdb, logical block 0
07:45.35Nyleno don't take it out
07:45.39Nyleread the samba docs
07:45.45Nyledon't blindsly ask obvious questions
07:46.17NyleI meant even if you speciy the wrong workgroup
07:46.34jetscreamerproqesi`: take a hammer/screwdriver to it then
07:46.41pengwyn\\host\C$  or \\host\$C  ?   j/k
07:46.57Nyleif ipc have not been disable
07:47.07kuhwallskeeNyle, I do but i can't connect
07:47.07pengwynwell my first thought C$
07:47.08Nylehidden admin shares are diabled now
07:48.33Nylekuhwallskee: @$$
07:48.43Nyletake a chill pill
07:48.50pengwyn\\PIG.TROUGH.BOX\JOHNSONBABYSHAMPO$ user: wash pass: mehair
07:48.53Nylefew deep breaths
07:48.54*** join/#debian Insolit (
07:49.05Nyleyou'll get it
07:49.54pengwyntrying to subliminally help
07:50.26Nyleim bord
07:50.28Nyleim going
07:50.46MephuxNyle: where are you?
07:51.04Nyleoh man i was just about to roll a new one
07:51.13Nylei'll be fine guys, i got my green back
07:51.19Nylenot bored no more
07:51.32Nylejetscreamer: so are you done with work now for a day or two ort hree?
07:52.31dpkgrumour has it, time is found on, or 2008.01.01  7:52:31, or an illusion, and lunchtime doubly so - Ford Prefect said that. of no essence here!, or it's beer o'clock!!
07:52.48kuhwallskeei used that little app that is in gnome..
07:53.14jetscreamerwell the big flood
07:53.17kuhwallskeeand now the shit don't work
07:53.19dpkgIt's considered impolite to paste many lines of text on IRC. Please don't do it. Pasting one line is fine. Pasting two lines you can usually get away with. Pasting three lines will get you insulted. Pasting four or more lines will get you kicked. If you want to paste, use #flood or
07:53.25Gnu_Raizanyone seen this type of message!
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07:53.33Gnu_Raizusb 2-3: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 9
07:53.34Nylewhich type of message?
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07:53.46jetscreameryeah i see it all the time
07:53.49Gnu_RaizI am getting this spammed from my kenrel.
07:53.54dpkgfrom memory, printk console is see docs for sysctl and set kernel.printk to 3 4 1 7 or so. You can also use 'dmesg -n1' command. If you want to know what those numbers mean, see the file Documentation/filesystems/proc.txt in your kernel sources.
07:54.10jetscreamerflashdrive or usb drive or camera perhaps
07:54.43Gnu_RaizI have a front panel that might be doing it.
07:54.51jetscreamerbut if you see it over and over it's maybe not connecting properly
07:54.52Gnu_Raizbut I think its a chipset problem.
07:55.03Nyledid you try all usb ports?
07:55.04jetscreamercould be a hub
07:55.17jetscreameryou get that when you plug in a usb2.0
07:55.39Gnu_RaizI have this on both nvidia systems I set up recently, but did not get it on a old asrock 939 system.
07:56.00Nyleman champagne kicks butt
07:56.10Gnu_RaizI also have a bunch of unknow devices in lspci.
07:56.10jetscreamerunplug everything, but it might be internal to the board.... missing driver module perhaps
07:57.03Gnu_Raizyeah I was thinking the same thing, but I think it might be my front panel.
07:57.42Gnu_Raizas the other day I tried to transfer files to a ssd card and it would not see the device under at all.
07:57.54*** part/#debian zhan_zr (n=zhan_zr@
07:58.11Gnu_Raizbut it works great under windows and is nice in general.
07:58.40Gnu_Raiztakes up a front 5 1/4 slot, would not want to disable it.
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07:59.24Gnu_Raizthe usb ports does work, but the mini ssd, and other ports don't.
07:59.37kuhwallskeecould it be a problem with the permissions on the shared folder
08:00.01Gnu_RaizHNY to those who are in the proper time zone's.
08:00.03jetscreamerif it's hooked up to a usb port, then yes that panel is it
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08:00.31jetscreamerwhatever it is is a usb2.0 device
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08:01.00jetscreameryou might just need to load a kernel module
08:01.04jetscreamernot sure
08:01.04Gnu_RaizI might do some checking, as the panel uses a cord that is routed to the back motherboard usb ports.
08:01.27jetscreameruse modconf, look around, maybe a name will be familiar
08:01.30jetscreameror google
08:02.00Gnu_RaizI think they are doing some sort of emulation of usb under windows for the ssd slots and other memory types.
08:03.00jetscreamersounds like it just uses usb as an interface, but i'm just guessing wildly now. however, linux can read such devices... unless maybe if it's like a winmodem
08:03.07Gnu_Raizok will try.
08:03.11jetscreamers/like/similar\ to/
08:03.27jetscreamerwith the proper modules loaded
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08:03.58Tidusjetscreamer: linux can even read some winmodems
08:04.04jetscreamercourse sometimes the proper modules just don't exist/haven't been written
08:04.04Gnu_RaizI thought it might be something with the drivers nvidia supplies.
08:04.07Tidusthe one in my dell inspiron 5100 laptop was detected without a problem
08:04.19jetscreameryou 'might' ask in #nvidia
08:04.23Gnu_RaizI don't have them installed.
08:04.36jetscreamerthe forceware thing eh
08:04.41jetscreamerno idea never had one
08:04.52Gnu_Raizthis was a pvr build meant for windows.
08:05.17jetscreamerTidus: it was just an example
08:05.40jetscreamerbut yes, you're right
08:06.24Tidusthe broadcom wireless card however...
08:06.32*** part/#debian Bhaal (i=bhaal@freenode/staff/bhaal)
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08:06.57pengwynTidus. broadband, don't look back
08:07.05Gnu_RaizI must say that I am not impressed by nvidia based chipset boards too many unknow devices.
08:07.06Tiduspengwyn: i'm on broadband
08:07.14Tidusjust sayin that my winmodem in this thing was detected
08:07.25pengwynI see that now.  cox
08:07.34pengwyndoing a modem for bbs?
08:07.50pengwynor accessability
08:07.52Tidusno, i haven't needed a modem in almost 3 years
08:08.02Tidusand how'd you figure out i'm on cox?
08:08.11pengwynme neither, I have a pile layin in a box
08:08.11Gnu_RaizThis will be my news year day project to fix my usb spamming project.
08:08.25pengwyntidus do a /whois nick
08:08.31Tiduspengwyn: try again
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08:10.32DawnLightthis is crazy. no one is playing nexuiz right now
08:10.36pengwyntidus, does cox have ipv6 experimental?
08:10.43Tidusi'm not entirely sure
08:10.57Tidusmy net right now is borrowed wireless so i just take what i can get
08:11.04pengwynyeah, sonic does, it's something I will try this year
08:12.20Gnu_RaizI installed nexuiz and after a system updated it stopped working.
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08:23.00kuhwallskeeI have the simplest smb.conf and it still don't work
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08:27.54hgraeyhi everyone
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08:28.54hgraeyi'm in the process of setting up my first debian - is it safe to use the 64studio backports repo for new gnome stuff?
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08:30.01richdhey, is it one port per interface for each iface on a comp, or one port on a comp that all ifaces can see?
08:30.26jetscreamernever heard of them
08:30.33dpkgbackport is, like, a package from a newer Debian branch, compiled from source for an older branch to avoid dependency and ABI complications. or or or ask me about <simple sid backport> and <backport caveat>, or <>
08:31.06hgraeyit's mentioned here:
08:31.21richdanyone see my last message?
08:31.51jetscreameri saw it
08:32.06richdok, wasnt sure if it went...
08:32.21richdthis connec i have is crap...
08:32.39jetscreamerprobably safe but i've no idea hgraey
08:33.07hgraeyi'll find out. backup time anyway :)
08:34.00richdanyone know the answer to my question?
08:34.19hgraeyrichd, try to be more specific on what you are doing or trying to do
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08:35.16richdI just want to know if a port that is open, has to be opened on the comp, or on each interface...
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08:35.44Penixmy liver hates me...
08:36.02richdi think i just answered my own question...
08:36.36hgraeyif it is open on the machine and there are no interface specific rules in your iptables, it's open to all of them
08:36.39jetscreamerthe computer
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08:37.22checkerscan anyone suggest a php or similar script to view my system's status over the web?
08:37.23abrocadabroI am using tuxonice and suspend to disk is painfully slow, usually takes up to two minutes, does anyone have any ideas?
08:37.24jetscreamerof course if you had a fw sitting inside a nic
08:37.46Tidusabrocadabro: how much ram?
08:37.59Tidusand at 30-ish mb/sec ...
08:38.05Tidus2048/30 and you have your reason why
08:38.24Tidusit can only suspend to disk as fast as it can write
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08:39.05abrocadabrowhy is so much faster in windows? also it is a lot faster with suspend1, the one came with default kernel
08:39.19Tiduswindows only writes what is actually in use
08:39.31Tidustuxonice writes the ENTIRE memory
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08:40.09abrocadabrohow come? what benefits does it have?
08:40.24checkerseasier to code?
08:40.25mudgewhen I try to install postifix with aptitude,  at the bottom aptitude has a score: -648  what is an aptitude score?
08:40.37mudgeanyone know what score is for aptitude?
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08:41.35richdok, thanks guys
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08:42.59mudgeanyone know what score is with aptitude?
08:43.22simonrvnno. i'd go read the man page or READMEs
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08:47.17proqesi`mudge: negative score usually means you are going to lose something by installing that package
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08:49.14nascentmindAfter installation of debian my cdrom does not get detected. can somebody help me with this?
08:49.46pengwynnascentmind: check your /etc/fstab and /etc/mtab and your df -ha
08:50.32pengwynI am sure someone knows the unmounted commands herer, but you know it's prolly bunged up
08:51.23pengwynsda1, sda2, sdb1, sdb2, hda1, hda2, hdb1, hdb2  bla bla
08:51.58pengwynsomeone told me the unmounted command yesterday and I already forgot
08:52.22pengwynI always used df -ha  to show partitions
08:52.24mudgeproqesi: thanks
08:52.29pengwynfdisk maybe
08:52.34mudgea  -648 sounds like I'd lose a lot
08:52.38richdunmounted command for what?
08:52.53mudgei guess I shouldn't remove sendmail
08:52.57nascentmindit just shows sda
08:53.04*** part/#debian checkers (i=sparky@unaffiliated/checkers)
08:53.05mudgedoes anybody know of any good tutorials on sendmail with debian?
08:53.06nascentmindand others
08:53.08pengwynthat's it just sda?
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08:53.14nascentmindbut does not show the cdrom
08:53.25richdpengwyn: what are you trying to do?
08:53.25nascentmindbut the whole of debian i could install with the cdrom
08:53.46pengwynyou probably need a ln -s /dev/xxx to /mnt/device
08:54.25abrocadabronascentmind: how did you install debian? maybe can use 'lspci' just to make sure your system seems it first
08:54.35pengwynrichd, I am looking for a log analysis proggie that does iptables fine tuning adjustment
08:54.37nascentmindusing the dvd's
08:55.08richdwell, good luck with that...
08:55.19nascentmindabrocadabro, it could detect the dvdrom while installing.
08:56.41proqesi`nascentmind: do you have a /dev/dvd*?
08:56.48pengwynprolly a usb something shifted your devices
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08:58.13richdnascentmind:  is it apt that can't see your dvd or linux at all? not something apt-cdrom would fix is it?
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08:59.18nascentmindno i can not see a /dev/dvd*
08:59.22abrocadabronascentmind: I would 'lspci' or 'lsusb' and making sure you system seems it now. what kind of a dvdrom is it by the way?
08:59.26nascentmindi mean not /devd0
09:00.01nascentmindapt can't see later i.e. when i do a apt-get install
09:00.11pengwynmtab fstab I bet
09:00.23nascentmindabrocadabro, how do you know what type it is?
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09:00.47abrocadabro<nascentmind>: I meant if it was a USB dvdrom or a pci one
09:01.07nascentmindabrocadabro: its a pci dvdrom
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09:01.46abrocadabro<nascentmind>: in a console, type 'lspci' and you can see your dvdrom there?
09:01.50nascentmindwhen i do a lspci it shows something called "Ricoh Co Ltd unknown device"
09:01.56nascentmindabrocadabro, no
09:02.12abrocadabro<nascentmind>: do you have a Ricoh DVDrom?
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09:02.47nascentmindabrocadabro, how do i come to know abt that?
09:02.54nascentmindabrocadabro,most probably
09:03.10richdlook at thhe front or top if it...
09:03.28abrocadabro<nascentmind>: do you also have a SD card slot? what computer is it? thinkpad?
09:04.09richdwanna pastebin your lspci ooutput?
09:04.10pengwynmount dvd problem ^
09:04.48nascentmindabrocadabro, its a compaq 6608
09:04.53pengwyndf- ha don't modify existing partitions and hack the hdx sdx's and ln -s them and you'll be lit
09:04.57nascentmindyes it has a card slot
09:05.48pengwyn;o) what does a card register as
09:05.58abrocadabronascentmind: my SD card is manufactured by Richo, maybe it is that
09:06.15pengwynyour drive is just shifted
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09:06.26pengwynhack the devices
09:06.28nascentmindabrocadabro,whats the device id
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09:07.14abrocadabronascentmind: how do I find that about?
09:07.47pengwynlspci and df -ha tells you what is mounted
09:08.18abrocadabronascentmind: 15.00.1
09:08.36nascentmindpengwyn, its not shwoing any dvd or cd mount
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09:09.00pengwynwhat's prolly happen is.  your sd card, is a device /sda1, and your drive is /sda2 or sdc1 or ?
09:09.12pengwynthe dvd ain't mounted
09:09.24pengwynyou need to symbolically link it
09:09.29pengwynln -s
09:09.53pengwynBut you also need to CAREFULLY modify /etc/fstab|mtab
09:10.16pengwynyou should be able to type a command line to hack out mounting it
09:10.43abrocadabronascentmind: in a console, type 'mount /dev/sd' and then press Tab key, see what have you got
09:10.57pengwynmount -t iso9660 /dev/something /mnt/dvd.something
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09:11.09pengwynor vice versa
09:11.32pengwynI had old boxes do that to me all the time on suse
09:11.44pengwyninstall and then no DVD after install
09:11.56pengwynshifted the devices it did
09:12.22pengwynplugin a damn thing and mount it I bet it's there
09:12.56pengwynIDENTIFY, your hardware and it's links to /dev/something
09:13.09nascentmindpengwyn,did that just cannot find it.
09:13.23pengwyngot midnight commander?
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09:13.49pengwynmc can hella help ya
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09:14.00pengwynyou can uninstall it after
09:14.43pengwynnascentmind: just asking, what do you think the device name is?
09:14.55pengwynnascentmind: or was
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09:15.42pengwyntry that name+b1 +c1 +d1 or +b1 +b2 +b3  etc... hack it
09:15.56pengwynprolly figure it out in 9 trys
09:16.09pengwynor 12 with 4 drives
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09:16.34pengwynill pm ya
09:17.10pengwynsorryu channel trying to help folks
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09:23.59screamingbytespengwyn / nascentmind check your fstab, theoretically you will have an entry there.
09:24.23pengwynyep I'm on it
09:25.14screamingbytessaving that check the proc dir, look in diskstats and partitions, the disk not in partitions will likely be the cdrom, then enter ide or scsi dir for model etc... to get the driver going i suppose
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09:25.59screamingbytesoh kewl, nvm then
09:26.05pengwynwhat's the command to see all partitions and devices without or with being mounted?
09:26.17pengwynsomeone told me yesterday
09:26.18screamingbytesdf or du
09:26.27pengwynI swear to god i already forgot
09:26.28liableam i missing something or are you gys talking to yourselves?
09:26.33screamingbytesdf is partitions
09:26.37pengwynno it wasn't df
09:26.41screamingbytesor cat /proc/partitions
09:26.48hoxupengwyn, fdisk -l
09:26.49pengwyndf was mounted only partitions
09:26.49liableor fdisk -l
09:26.57pengwynthere ya go! yeah
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09:27.10pengwynliable likely the one that told me
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09:27.19screamingbytesliable: im kinda talkin to pengwyn, he is msg'ing someone in a priv window
09:27.47pengwynI can stop
09:28.03pengwynI am only trying to help folks without losing data
09:28.11pengwynthat's my #1 mission
09:28.18pengwyndon't lose data
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09:28.30liablei dont really give a shit, just wondering whether i was going bonkers ;)
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09:28.48jpinHi, how can i use "apt-get install package=version" to install the dependencies? I'm trying to install an older version of a package
09:28.55pengwynif he has existing fstab / mtab entries I don't want them broken
09:29.06liablejpin: you cant get it to auto install old depends
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09:29.27liableand why isnt he asking here anyway?
09:29.34jpinliable: how?
09:30.08liablejpin: you have to do it all with dpkg (and that can cause madness depending what the depends are)
09:30.29jpinliable: does dpkg fetch from apt repos?
09:30.46jpinliable: is there a easy way?
09:31.04liablebut if you are lucky they are all in /var/cache/apt/
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09:31.22jpinliable: they are not
09:31.22mudgedoes anybody recommend a mail transfer agent?
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09:31.33liablejpin: you can try aptitude, it *may* be able to do it
09:31.35mudgeis postfix better than sendmail?
09:31.41jpinliable: hm.. thanks
09:31.59liablemudge: debian recommends exim4, i personally prefer postfix
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09:32.39liableonly because exim's config's seem to be made for insane people or perl coders..
09:32.59mbroekerHappy New Year:
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09:33.16n-iCehow can I know my Bandwidth on site and Bandwidth to LAN
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09:41.41BaD-Laptopi use 'iptraf' and 'iftop'
09:43.03simonrvnhappy new year, if you believe in that stuff (j/k)
09:43.06jpinliable: it worked, thanks (aptitude is quite nice)
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09:45.04simonrvnyeh, it is nice. sometimes i feel nostalgic about dselect, so i don't uninstall it, but i've grown to prefer aptitude
09:45.21[gnubie]anyone here familiar of customizing the debian stock kernel source before building a binary .deb package? i have a confusion on how can i do a 'make menuconfig'  the 'debian way' having all the debian patches already on my selection list?
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09:47.18simonrvnyou run make menuconfig, then you run make-kpkg with various options (see man page)
09:47.32simonrvndpkg: test
09:47.32dpkgTest Failed.
09:47.48simonrvnthe hell
09:48.29dpkgTo compile a kernel The Debian Way(tm) "apt-get install kernel-package build-essential libncurses5-dev" and follow the instructions in /usr/share/doc/kernel-package/README.gz; You should also ask me about 'make-kpkg' and 'kp mantra'
09:48.45simonrvn[gnubie]: ^^^
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09:50.41vorpalHappy New Year!
09:50.53[gnubie]simonrvn: that's it? i mean, inside the linux-version directory, i will just do a 'make menuconfig' and it will already load the debian patches on the selection list?
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09:51.38simonrvnwell you'll need to tell it to apply the patches, or you can do that manually; there's also a kernel building thingy at
09:52.27simonrvnjust gotta be sure that the patches are for the right kernel, else you're in for some headaches ;)
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09:53.12[gnubie]simonrvn: how will i tell it or that manually? i found out that ~/linux-version/debian/config/i386/ directory have different config files
09:53.14jariep1_hello all
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09:53.39simonrvnread the documentation ;)
09:53.44jariep1_does anybody know if debain and how i can utilise 640x350 resolution EGA adapter card
09:54.09pengwyncrap I couldn't help him FYI for those watching me with sharp eye. <nascentmind> just switched to fedora ;-)
09:54.26pengwyni tried
09:55.14simonrvnbah, who cares. his choice
09:55.27liable[gnubie]: if you have debian kernel-source, all patches are/will be applied and you can just go about building your kernel
09:55.46n-iCehow do I get tracerout and pings
09:55.59simonrvnoh it does it now? last time i did this it failed to do so
09:56.06simonrvnn-iCe: you use them
09:56.32[gnubie]liable: yeah, i just apt-get'ed the linux-2.6 and there are indeed the debian patches.. but from there, i want to customize first the kernel before building it
09:56.35pengwynactually i cared. but like I said I care most about not making folks loose data, and if they change to fedora core they have no data
09:56.45liable[gnubie]: customize how?
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09:57.22msshamsi upgrade my Debian, and qmail doesn't send via smtp after upgrade
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09:57.29msshamsi upgrade these packages:   apache2-utils base-config kernel-image-2.6.8-4-686 libapr0 tar vim vim-common
09:57.47msshamsdo everyone any solution?
09:57.53simonrvnand what do those have to do with qmail?
09:58.03[gnubie]liable: basically, the debian kernel source comes with its own config file(s) and ready for a general purpose use.. but, i want that from that config file(s), i want to do a 'make menuconfig' so that i can customize it
09:58.15simonrvn#qmail for qmail questions, we don't support it here
09:58.48pengwynthank god i finally don't have a mail server
09:58.54liable[gnubie]: erm, you sure it comes with a .config?
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09:59.49[gnubie]liable: no, it doesn't have a .config inside the linux-version directory but i found a 'split' config files inside the ~/linux-version/debian/config/i386/ directory
10:00.54[gnubie]liable: and if i'm not mistaken, those split config files are being called when you do a 'debuild -us -uc' from that kernel source
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10:01.21[gnubie]liable: to build a generic debian kernel package
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10:02.13mbroeker[gnubie], make menuconfig to get default values to adjust
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10:03.03[gnubie]mbroeker: yeah, but i'm worried if the debian patches will already be in the 'choices' if i just do a 'make menuconfig'
10:03.05mbroekerthere is also a noconfig target, but i forgot the proper target name
10:03.10liable[gnubie]: nfi, i havent ever bothered to even look at that stuff.
10:03.16liablejust build the damn kernel
10:03.22pengwynwhat was that again liable?
10:03.33pengwynfsck -i  fsck -l?
10:03.49pengwynshort ass memory
10:03.54pengwynI am writing that shit down
10:04.11liablelastlog is your friend :P
10:04.25pengwynfdisk -l && df -ha compare
10:04.35pengwynthen you can figure out what AIN'T mounted
10:04.48pengwynor df -h even
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10:05.20pengwynfdisk -l && df -h && cat /etc/fstab && cat /etc/mtab
10:05.47pengwynthen they can play mount -t /x /y
10:06.01pengwynand ln -s /x /y
10:06.02liableyes, that will give lots of output about your mount points
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10:06.43pengwynBut how to protect them from themselves. e.g ln -s hda to some nonworking nonboot crap
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10:06.57pengwyn;o_ no way I guess
10:07.08pengwynmake sure they compare everything
10:07.41mbroeker[gnubie], try make allnoconfig then. That is the most difficult approach...
10:07.50pengwynI dunno, liable, the guy had installed debian (i dunno what distro) and then his dvd went missing on reboot
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10:08.25[gnubie]mbroeker: oh..
10:08.27pengwynit's unimportant but i actually cared.
10:08.38liablepengwyn: ah, thats an old and frustrating issue. I once got someones to work when they used acpi=off on reboot
10:08.40BadRobothi there,Happy New Year Linuxes
10:09.00liablepengwyn: there is very little info on why the fuck that happens, and you see it here quite often
10:09.05pengwyni also had it happen in suse many times and fixed it by hacking the above mentioned crap
10:09.07mbroekerHeho BadRobot !! Lets get ready to rumble!
10:10.00BadRobotI need some help regarding Debian Etch install,i have 40 GB free space in my HDD,i am currently using Linux Mint,so i would to install Debian on the rest,so how should i install it?
10:10.13pengwynthat's why I knew what the problem was. WHY it happened that I don't know, but the fix was a simple ln -ls /x /y
10:10.25liableBadRobot: just selsct the free space during install..
10:10.27dpkgI heard "ig" is Installation Guide...see for Etch 4.0 stable, or for now oldstable Sarge (3.1). Lenny is now the new Testing!
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10:10.31liableread that ^^
10:10.47liableno BadRobot
10:10.53BadRobotI have tried to install before,but then i could not boot my mint partition
10:11.13BadRobotshould i install it w/o grub?
10:11.24pengwynliable I hung out with "the suse experts" till they finally banned me
10:11.24liablethe installer *should* see your mint install and add it to menu.list
10:11.38pengwynhelping always
10:11.43liablepengwyn: oh well.
10:11.51BadRoboti guess it didn't
10:11.52pengwynI still have friends there
10:12.04hgraeyarf, just noticed etch snuck a sarge repo in there by default and checkinstall failed because of the outdated sarge version with none for etch -.-
10:12.04pengwynit's just I get drunk
10:12.09pengwynya know?
10:12.13liableBadRobot: in any case, you should be able to do it manually after
10:12.26BadRobotLiable,i did select the free space
10:12.33simonrvnhgraey: old cd/iso, that problem was fixed with 4.0r1
10:12.38BadRobothow could i do it manually?
10:12.43pengwynjust being honest.  alright enough of my crap tonight, or this morning now.  I fucking love debian.
10:12.52hgraeyi downloaded that iso today ;9
10:12.59pengwynI am gonna officially shut the fuck up now
10:13.03SpeedyGgoodmorning #debian, and a happy newyear
10:13.12simonrvnyou too SpeedyG
10:13.14liableBadRobot: you just need to edit menu.list to point to where its kernel and root file system is
10:14.59pengwynliable, what about killing apci?
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10:15.07pengwynif you installed with that crap
10:15.18pengwyncan you remove it?
10:15.32liableits a kernel option that sometimes helps
10:15.35hgraeysimonrvn, are there more surprises that could hit me coming from the old iso?
10:15.56fredlargh. After the latest lenny updates all my fonts seem to be screwed up once more.
10:16.02pengwynunderstood, temperature, fan, disks and slew of garbage
10:16.05fredlHappy Newyear and crap.
10:16.13hgraeyapart from that in synaptic etch is still listed as testing ;o
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10:16.25pengwynand processor...
10:16.31simonrvnthat was a major one, pretty much all there is IIRC. fix came out a day or two after etch released
10:17.21pengwynliable, what if it's not helping? ;o)
10:17.31pengwynjust askin
10:17.46maddashdidn't you "officially shut the fuck up" over 10 entries ago?
10:17.52liablethen i have no further ideas
10:18.02pengwynk mad
10:18.10maddashpengwyn: j/k.
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10:19.45pengwyni ain't like normal people.  i actually ask what's up.  i try to help.  i try to learn.
10:20.09hgraeysimonrvn, the iso i got is debian-40r1-i386-CD-1.iso
10:20.31hgraeydon't have the url i got it from anymore, but it's obviously a mislabel then
10:20.37pengwynnormal people watch folks get tazored and maced and then wonder why their eyes burn with pepper spray
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10:20.51BadRobotha ha
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10:21.39hgraeyit was from an official mirror though
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10:23.06pengwynI am gonna part real soon, but i hope to god (whatever your choice or nonchoice) that 2008 ain't screwed up by electronic tabulation and that the USA (my country i swore an oath to protect the POTUS and the Constutution) starts actually holding oath breakers to carry the fucking can.
10:23.50liablegod bless ya, now go to bed.
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10:25.18hgraeyi was just gonna suggest collective civil disobedience to him :/
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10:26.28BadRobotI just hope USA is not heading to the wrong side
10:26.34BadRobotas it seems
10:26.58BadRobot...let the other countries to be how they want
10:27.44hgraeymeh, all western nations are following suit in a more or less open way. happy new year 1984.
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10:31.11mbroekerThe Future is wide-open: Enter the crossroad, make your decision. Don't look back!
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10:32.18vorpalhopefully you have a final destination in mind.  otherwise, you are just driving around!
10:32.34rhsA choice !
10:32.42liableand with oil prices as they are, i hope you have a prius..
10:33.09vorpalthey aren't cheap enough
10:34.17vorpalsmall, economy, gas-only cars are still better for the average consumer
10:34.28rhsopen-source oil ?
10:34.49rhshow would that sound like ?
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10:35.33telexiconis there no way to fully replace python 2.4 with python 2.5?
10:35.39hgraeyyou would have an open oil source (i.e. well) so you can refine your own ;9
10:35.43telexiconit seems like there are dependency issues
10:36.05telexiconin debian testing
10:36.24rhsinstall both
10:36.27mbroekerthey just discovered a big oil field in the argentinian sea. Cars wont get out of fuel ...
10:36.33vorpalthe point is not gas or electric or foo power source.  the problem is that private interests still drive national policy.
10:36.33liablethat happens in testing
10:36.44rhsbloody capitalists
10:37.21rhsprepare for the communist revolution
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10:37.31vorpalhah.  not likely
10:37.36hgraeythey're not private if they're listed on nyse :P
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10:38.51mbroekerrhs, communism leads into controlled regimes. That's not what you want in any way.
10:39.03dpkgi guess politics is Yerp. Everyone has their own opinion. Please discuss them elsewhere. This is #debian, not #politics. [If you wanna discuss politics, that's cool, just do it elsewhere.]
10:39.20rhsmbroeker: communism failed this time but it can work
10:39.28BadRobotwhich version of gnome debian etch uses?
10:39.40Airbottlewhat is a good terminal based cpu-workload displayer?
10:39.50Airbottle2.14 i think Bad
10:40.03BadRobotdamm,it's old
10:40.11nullvoidguys speaking about oil, I was in Riyadh couple of months back and it cost 0.30 riyal a liter
10:40.12Airbottle2.14.3 BadRobot
10:40.24BadRobotsome distros are already on 2.21
10:40.29Airbottleyeah, its damn old
10:40.34mbroekerrhs, i lived in one. I found my way out. My World changed. It took a long time to get familiar with the new system.
10:40.40nullvoidit's less than 0.10 USD a liter
10:40.54Airbottleubuntu is debian based and has a newer gnome if you want that
10:41.12BadRobotIn Brazil they don't use even much oil any more,mostly bio or biodiesel
10:41.15rhsmbroeker: the systems are all ok, the people in it are the problem
10:41.29Airbottlewhat is a good terminal based cpu-workload displayer?
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10:41.29BadRobotapart they don't need to buy oil from anywhare
10:41.31mbroekerthank you rhs! you are a dumb ass
10:41.39BadRobotthey have their own reserves
10:42.12Airbottlecommunism is in essence the same as capitalism
10:42.32Airbottleour capitalistic system is robbing us from all our freedom
10:42.56BadRoboti think there is nothing wrong with Communism
10:43.04Airbottlethe people are happy to give up their freedom for safety
10:43.24BadRobotpeople chooses the system what is most suitable to them
10:43.29hgraeyBadRobot, have a look at - the backport repo there has a newer gnome version. i'm gonna try upgrading from there in a few after i'm done with all the base setup and have my backup
10:43.47BadRobotthx hgraey
10:43.54Airbottlei think that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolute, it has always been like that and it will always be like that, i think local communities will do a much better job in controling power and money
10:44.02*** join/#debian Ohmu (i=SF7@
10:44.14BadRoboti think so too
10:44.26rhsAirbottle: we should elect someone who doesn't want to be elected
10:44.42BadRobotAl Gore for president
10:44.47Airbottleany good political system prevents that power becomes concentrated in a few persons
10:45.10Airbottleand i would not be suprised if ron paul is a fraud
10:45.11BadRobotwell,i like the Finnish system
10:45.18Airbottlehe wants the gold standard
10:45.25Airbottlebut who owns all the gold?
10:45.29Airbottlethat's the banks
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10:45.32Airbottleprivate owners
10:45.40mbroekerOperation Grand Slam reloaded, Airbottle ?
10:45.47BadRobotyou pay too much taxes,but you get it back with good welfare,education and health care
10:47.39Airbottleah well, i dont know much about politics, but i have a strong aversion from people with power they become easily corrupted
10:47.55Airbottlewhat is a good terminal based cpu-workload displayer?
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10:48.27rhsAirbottle: top
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10:49.38Airbottleok, htop is in rep
10:50.40Airbottlebut it looks damn ugly :)
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10:50.56rhsyou get what you need
10:51.49BadRobotAirbottle i don't like Ubuntu
10:52.18rhsBadRobot: why ?
10:52.21Airbottlei dont understand why amarok is eating 46% cpu even when its pauzed
10:52.30Airbottlei would go for lenny BadRobot
10:52.50rhsis there a release date for lenny ?
10:52.55BadRobotBecause it's too popular
10:53.01Airbottlei thought end 2008
10:53.11BadRobotI rather keep my Linux MInt
10:53.16rhsaargh, one year to wait
10:53.17Airbottlebut there is never a release date
10:53.29hgraeyi've tried ubuntu yesterday. i like the desktop part a lot, but it has ugly bugs in xen. so i'm gonna try pimping debian's desktop part a bit and hope i'll finally have something that works :)
10:53.50*** join/#debian p-a-v`` (n=user@
10:54.33rhswhat ubuntu is good at is dealing with non-free stuff
10:54.45rhssuch as proprietary drivers
10:54.55rhsflash on amd64
10:55.08BadRobottry Linux Mint or the new PcLinux OS Gnome
10:55.35BadRoboti also use PC-BSD on other box,and it's great
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10:56.24hgraeyi've tried pclos, but i think they've overdone the easymode a bit
10:56.45Airbottlei tried pc-bsd some time ago
10:56.48Airbottleits pretty nice!
10:56.57*** join/#debian cartouche (
10:57.02Airbottleexcept i don't really like kde
10:57.16rhswhat about hurd ? ;)
10:57.19fignewAirbottle: weirdo ;)
10:57.42cartouchehappy new year all
10:59.00BadRobotHappy New year
10:59.13Airbottlebut i cannot play games on hurd :p
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10:59.42BadRobotI have bought myself a psp,so then i can play games
10:59.58BadRobotand my box some important stuff
11:00.16BadRobotapart my wife gets upset if i play games
11:01.06*** join/#debian Nippoo (
11:03.17hgraeybuy her a DS with nintendogs or something. she'll never see it coming, but soon be playing sims, then rts, and in a year or so you can doubleteam the counterstrike servers ;)
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11:04.22BadRobotwell,she doesn't have time for that,we have got a baby,well a child
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11:07.13tuntunhow can i do a clean install whilst having the latest packages from the update servers?
11:08.02epsilonsounds like normal netinstall?
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11:09.29hgraeydebuild is surprisingly easy. just built my first package :)
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11:11.06hgraeyhi to both your personalities
11:12.51magalyi have a ati radeon 7000/VE and debian sid , i upgrade and now i have not X, somebody can help me?
11:13.40hgraeyyou'll probably need a new kernel module for the proprietary driver
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11:14.29magalyhgraey: dont work xserver-xorg-video-ati are free
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11:14.48hgraeyyeah, that's the free one
11:14.53logdhi is it possible to install debian on a 600mhz notebook with 64mb of ram thus using kde or gnome as environment ?
11:15.10mbroekerlogd, i would not recommend it
11:15.14logdand to have decent performances
11:15.19Penixlogd: are you serious?
11:15.23moshiilogd: yes, I don't know if kde or gnome would be the best choice though
11:15.29magalyhgraey: but donr work :-(
11:15.31logdi know but i'm fighting to find a distro that runs smoothly
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11:15.40Penixlogd: it's got nothing to do with the distro
11:15.43logdon such machine
11:15.50Penixlogd: you're trying to use kde or gnome with 64mb of ram. that's your problem
11:16.05moshiilogd: That won't be a distro problem.. thats running too much or too little
11:16.18logdthere are much lightweight oprins ?
11:16.24Penixlogd: loads
11:16.36logdsopls help me find out
11:16.39mbroekerlogd, kde needs at least 256 mb of ram to run smoothly.
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11:16.57moshiilogd: you'll probably find xfce or something is better with that amount of ram
11:17.02hgraeymagaly, i'm not familiar at all with the upgrading procedure in debian and its pitfalls. did you try reinstalling the ati driver?
11:17.25logdi just need this notebook to be able to play midi files and some divx movies - to have a desktop and to mount usb devices and network automatically
11:17.32magalyhgraey: i tried it but dont work
11:17.45moshiilogd: xfce will do then
11:17.46mbroekerlogd, my kde system consumes with running xchat, amarok and kopete 220 MB of persistent ram.
11:17.58Penixlogd: then you're gonna need a lot more ram
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11:18.28moshiimbroeker: how much memory an app uses depends on how much the kernel can alloc to it though.. so what it uses on your machine might not be the same as another machine
11:18.54hgraeymagaly,  did you try setting something safe in xorg.conf for testing? like 800x600 16bit, no dri?
11:19.46magalyi can try it
11:20.12magalybut in this machine have ubuntu and work perfectly
11:20.16mbroekermoshii, well, i have many servers running in the background, thats right. But fluxbox consumes less than 64 mb of ram up and running
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11:20.50hgraeymagaly,  grep your xorg log for EE and see what's failing
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11:21.29moshiimbroeker: yup, but does fluxbox do things like pixmaps caching.. qt probably grows a bunch of caches if it thinks it has the memory to do so
11:21.38magalyhgraey: yes i do that and said me No valid modes
11:22.04moshiimbroeker: kde also starts sleeping konq instances that eat memory,.. but improve interactivity
11:22.11magalyhgraey: can you see my log? i can put it in pastebien
11:22.41hgraeypase your xorg.conf as well please
11:23.06mbroekermoshii, so would you agree that a usable kde desktop environment needs at least 128 MB of physical ram?
11:23.20magalyhgraey: wait a min please
11:23.52moshiimbroeker: I used to use kde on a machine with 32meg.. but kde was running on another machine ;)
11:24.30moshiimbroeker: you could probaby run the core of kde on 64meg, if all you did was browsing with konq
11:24.45mbroekermoshii, i configured a diskless workstation for my neighbours: i486 with 16MB Ram and an vesa local graphics board.
11:25.20mbroekermoshii, they booted with a floppy disc and got their operating system via nfs.
11:25.26moshiimbroeker: its nice recycling computers, shame those old machine use so much power
11:25.33mbroekerand thats with kde-3.2
11:26.44hgraeymuch power? how so?
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11:27.32Airbottleif you want to save energy: linutop, zonbu
11:27.37Airbottlevery little pc's
11:27.58moshiihgraey: The performance/watt of old hardware probably isn't that great.. 5v logic etc
11:28.39Airbottlelinutop: 5w energy consuption :p
11:29.35hgraeymoshii: that's true, but they don't each much in total
11:30.52moshiihgraey: processors of that age don't have low power modes, need fans,.. you can get 400mhz PPC system thats smaller than a cd cash for $99 these days
11:31.03hgraeymagaly, and your xorg.conf please?
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11:31.28magalyhgraey: okis wait
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11:32.07hgraeyoh, 486s or p1 don't need fans :)
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11:32.39Airbottlei have an amd x2 3.8 with geforce 7600 all passive
11:32.41mbroekerhgraey, wont forget theese days...
11:32.45Airbottleonly the psu has a fan
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11:33.07Airbottleeven my cpu and gpu are passive cooled
11:33.45HoxzerAirbottle: How warm are they under the load ?
11:34.19Airbottlegpu 37°
11:34.25Airbottleunder load its around 45°
11:34.31Airbottlecpu i dont know
11:34.37Hoxzer:/ grrr
11:34.38Airbottlebut i have a thermaltake tower, and it feels cool
11:34.41Airbottleeven under load
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11:35.44Airbottlei tried to install sensor package, but it doesnt work for one reason or another
11:35.45Hoxzer:\ I'm thinking of buying zalman's passive water cooling system to cool 2.4Ghz Pentium 4 on my HTPC/server
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11:36.15Hoxzeratm, I have a zalman 7000 and one fan pulling air in. 62c
11:36.28hgraeymagaly, CRT monitor?
11:36.28Airbottlei have a zalman in my other pc
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11:36.38Airbottlei'm not impressed by zalman
11:36.42HoxzerThe load stays somewhere at 30 all th etime
11:36.52HoxzerAirbottle: zalman's are said to be quiet
11:36.57magalyhgraey: TFT 19"
11:37.02xinguwell, given the amount of booze consumed, that's been a remarkably hangover free new year
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11:37.45liablenever be fooled when you initially wake up feeling ok.
11:37.51Airbottleoh, i looked it up, i dont have a thermaltake, ihave thermalright HR-01 heatsink
11:37.56Airbottleits a very good one
11:38.04Airbottlei use it passive
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11:38.38hgraeymagaly, ok. check your monitor's specs for max horizontal refresh rate. it should safe to just set HorizSync to 30-110 (section "monitor")
11:38.53Airbottlemy brother has a scythe ninja scnj-1000 cpu cooler, and he uses it also passive
11:39.08Airbottlehe's also pleased with it
11:39.20magalyhgraey: ummmm wel i try it
11:39.24liablethe fucking things are huge though
11:40.03Airbottleidd, but a vacuum cleaner in your pc is also a pain in the ass :)
11:40.05hgraeyi'm done with air cooling. dual cpu and several disks and you still have a leaf blower
11:41.00hgraeywith manufactured water cooling out there it's really easy to set up these days, and not horribly expensive either
11:41.35liablei broke my original fan, went to the local shop and they gave me one that the heatsink didnt fit. the fan kinda sits on top of my old heatsink ok though. hasnt shutdown from overheating yet
11:42.25Airbottlea normal desktop doesn't need water cooling i think
11:42.55hgraeydepends on how much noise you can bear :)
11:42.58Airbottleif the disks are put automatically on standby with hdparm, you can save a lot of heat
11:43.19Airbottlei have only 1 fan in my pc, thats from the psu hgraey
11:43.31Airbottleand my pc is on 24/7
11:43.41hgraeyis it a minicube?
11:43.56Airbottleno, amd x2 3.8 with gforce7600gs
11:44.34Airbottle(but i modded the northbridge cooler a bit, and i extended the gforce passive cooler :))
11:44.45hgraeywhat's the case temp on that?
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11:45.16Airbottleno idea, but its not much, the cpu heatsink doesn't feel warm so i guess everything is under control
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11:46.10Airbottlehow can i check cpu temperature?
11:46.13hgraeyyeah, you can get local hotspots at the vrm or disks though with so little air going through
11:46.40Airbottlethats right, but i have only 2 disks, with one is on standby most of the time
11:46.45hgraeyshould probably have a sensor on the board for general environment temperature
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11:51.17Airbottle/dev/sda: SAMSUNG HD400LJ: 30°C
11:51.55simonrvnthat's fine
11:52.02hgraeygood enough :)
11:52.13*** join/#debian |Virtus| (n=Virtus@
11:52.27simonrvngood operatng temp.
11:52.43|Virtus|Happy 2008 everyone :D
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11:55.55AirbottleSys Temp:    +29°C  (high =  -118°C, hyst =   +58°C)
11:55.55AirbottleCPU Temp:  +35.5°C  (high = +15.0°C, hyst = +13.0°C)   ALARM
11:55.55AirbottleAUX Temp:  +35.0°C  (high = +80.0°C, hyst = +75.0°C)
11:56.34Airbottleand all fans on ALARM :)
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11:57.17hgraeythat's pretty impressive for all-passive
11:57.43|Virtus|thats really nice
11:57.45hgraeydid you try running a stress-test for an hour or so?
11:57.54|Virtus|my cpu is around 60c
11:57.56Airbottlegpu is 37°C
11:58.07mbroekermy cpu is always above 50°C
11:58.33|Virtus|got the 2.4ghz core 2 @ 3ghz
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11:59.07|Virtus|runs those seti@home packages every 1œ hours
11:59.13liableyour probably helping the nsa crack your pgp :P
11:59.22|Virtus|hardly :D
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12:00.29|Virtus|afk.. gotta wait for the seti screensaver now ;;o)
12:01.07Airbottlehehe hgraey that will be exciting :)
12:01.11hgraeyi have around 40°C on the cpus with closed circuit water cooling and low water throughput
12:01.19mbroekeri tried boinc and wanted to partizipate on medical projects. but the servers were down for a week, no projects available. So i gave up changing the world.
12:01.20Airbottle here is a pic of the cooler :)
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12:02.16Airbottlei'll do a stress test for 10 minutes and check again
12:02.34liablei cant remember what my boinc runs, i think its the africa aids one
12:02.50|Virtus|Geez, my site had 807 yesterday.. or.. last day of last year :D
12:02.56|Virtus|807 hits
12:03.17|Virtus|and there was 19 online in the realms @ midnight
12:03.26Airbottlewhat stress test should i use?
12:03.33|Virtus|gotta love wow gamers! dedicated to the bone
12:03.46liableAirbottle: compile
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12:04.44hgraeyAirbottle, i haven't found something that really stresses the gpu and the cpu on linux at the same time yet
12:05.02dpkgDebian Package/File/Desc Search of 'sbin/sysklogd' returned no results.
12:05.09Airbottlestress: FAIL: [11260] (155) missing argument to option '--cpu'
12:05.09hgraeya 3d physics simulation with shader effects would do the trick
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12:05.38mbroekeri found one, hgraey: Try the quake-wars-demo for linux
12:06.08jamesd_hgraey, i don't think "the sims" is availible in linux ;-)
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12:06.55mbroekerjamesd_, but second-life with his buggy linux client stresses too
12:07.18hgraeynote to self: get "the sims - summer of tsunamis 2030 edition"
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12:08.55xinguhgraey: spec viewperf ;)
12:09.00mbroekerhappy new year, dpkg
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12:09.53kgoetzdpkg: *hug*
12:09.53dpkg/me returns the hug
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12:10.19AirbottleSys Temp:    +29°C  (high =  -118°C, hyst =   +58°C)
12:10.20AirbottleCPU Temp:  +37.5°C  (high = +15.0°C, hyst = +13.0°C)   ALARM
12:10.20AirbottleAUX Temp:  +37.0°C  (high = +80.0°C, hyst = +75.0°C)
12:10.29Airbottleafter 70 s of stress
12:11.12Airbottlei go to eat now
12:11.27hgraeyxingu, does specview do sm2/3? i was under the impression it uses some OGL engines from DCC programs
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12:17.06xinguhgraey: sm2/3 ?
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12:18.44xinguhgraey: viewperf uses whatever glx provider it can link its grubby hands on; most of them will be forced during the run to execute at least part of the benchmark on the host side
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12:20.27OXIji have a raw image of hdd vith mbr and DOS partitions table. how can i make it accesseble as /dev/vhdd /dev/vhdd1 /dev/vhdd2 /dev/vhdd3 etc? (map dev to virtual patrtitions)
12:21.51hgraeyxingu,  shader model (referring to their directx naming). honestly i don't know how far OGL got with pixel/vertex shaders because none of my linux boxes have graphics cards worth mentioning ;(
12:23.41xinguhgraey: I'm not au-fait enough with the concepts to comment; I can however assure you that viewperf will stretch your cpu+gpu's legs.
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12:24.16xinguhgraey: besides, pixel/vertex shaders are yesterday's hoopla, it's all stream processors now ;)
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12:26.33mavhkmy quantum graphics card is awesome, 300 fps, if you don't look at the screen
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12:27.28hgraeyi wonder when that's all gonna be on a multicore cpu like cell
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12:28.23xinguhgraey: at a guess - never; they're vectorized/threaded, instead.
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12:29.53nascentmindi installed debian and after that my dvd rom doesn't get recognized.
12:30.02nascentmindhow can i solve the problem?
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12:31.11acc_Hi, all.  I just set up a lenny box and *some* of my X fonts (in particular, the one inside the GDM username/password textbox) are very oversized.  Any ideas what could be causing this?
12:31.12xinguhgraey: multicore solves a different problem - parallelising above and beyond superscalar
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12:35.44hgraeyxingu, i'm not really deep into the matter, but the difference between gpu and cpu has never been smaller. and it would be kinda neat to have the system able to distribute resources among graphics and physics processing as needed
12:36.00hgraeyjust found something interesting on that:
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12:37.02nascentmindcan anybody help me?
12:37.12xinguhgraey: the difference is huge; modern gpu's are _vector_ designs, massively so (hence, the shift to stream processors); they also have insanely hungry memory busses and little in the way of classic cache
12:37.49xandnascentmind: what is the error/what are you doing exactly?
12:38.12xinguhgraey: modern cpu's are packages of multiple smt/superscalar cores
12:38.14nascentmindxand: i am not able to find my dvd rom device.
12:38.28xandnascentmind: how are you looking?
12:38.48nascentmindxand: i could install debian.. but after that i am not able to mount the rom because the device is not present.
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12:39.25xandnascentmind: if you run "dmesg | grep -i dvd" does it list anything?
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12:39.41hgraeyxingu, but modern cpus already have some extensions making them more efficient at vector operations or not?
12:40.02xinguhgraey: nowhere near the silicon budget spent on it
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12:40.57xinguhgraey: some of these newer _consumer_ designs have have 128 or 256-way concurrency
12:41.09nascentmindxand: nothing.
12:41.31hultizI just installed PAM from a tarball, and all of a sudden I can't use su and I can't logon to my accouts (Access denied). How did this happen?
12:41.36xandnascentmind: what kernel have you got, and is it a SATA drive?
12:41.39kiracan somebdy tell me what should i do do got the function to use TABULATOR example: apt-get install lin (hiting Tabulator) and then he shows me a list of options?
12:42.16xinguhgraey: yes, they have vector operations - but no, they are not (in the gpu sense) highly vectorised cores
12:43.20xinguhgraey: typically, there's only one vector core per core, and it can only deal with a single pipeline (which might be an Nx way add/multiply/whatever matrix op)
12:43.21nascentmindxand: its 2.6.18 and the hard disks are sata.
12:43.40xinguvector core per cpu core
12:44.08xandnascentmind: I mean the dvd
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12:44.22xandnascentmind: it could be the kernel is too old
12:44.54nascentmindxand:how can i say its sata?
12:45.54hultizI just installed PAM from a tarball, and all of a sudden I can't logon to my accouts (Access denied). What the heck has happened? Can I fix it?
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12:46.15xandnascentmind: if it has a sata cable...
12:46.25xinguhgraey: don't underrate those memory bus designs either; keeping x-many vector pipelines fed is why you see those memory clocks and things like ddr3; but part of the point is that it's _possible_ to keep them fed - because you're dealing with a vectorised workload
12:47.46nascentmindxand:its a laptop
12:48.02hgraeyxingu, i see. i've just discovered papers to read for the new year's rainy sundays - all of them :)
12:48.37xinguhgraey: on a non-vectorised workload, you have to get tricky with tiered cache designs, speculative execution, register files, etc - to extract any kind of parallelism from a sequential execution stream
12:48.52xandnascentmind: how old?
12:49.23xinguhgraey: hence the (silicon) budget spent on precisely that - fast icache/dcache, register file, smt, branch target prediction, etc.
12:49.54liablewow, that was hard to understand
12:50.06nascentmindxand:its brand new.
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12:50.23nascentmindxand:its compaq persario v6000 series
12:50.59hgraeyyeah, i'm still wondering if that's just residual alcohol that's making my head spin ;)
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12:52.19xinguhgraey: I'm guessing that article's author will eventually realise that a "gpu" is a general purpose _vector_ processor, not just a rasteriser; for instance, crypto is vectorisable. :)
12:53.00hgraeyxingu, IDS as well :D
12:53.57xinguhgraey: so are many kinds of data analysis - signal processing, voice/video recognition and synthesis, quantitative trading, ... :)
12:54.56xinguhgraey: if a problem can be expressed as a foo-to-bar sausage factory and it can operate on adjacent data cells concurrently, you're looking at a potential win
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12:55.22liablemmmm, sausages
12:55.22hgraeysausage factory?
12:55.43xinguhgraey: same operation repeated without resetting the computational parameters
12:56.15xinguhgraey: the _setup_ time dominates for many vector workloads; the amount of time it takes to tool the factory verses the amount of time it takes to operate the machine once set.
12:56.37xandnascentmind: if it's new, it's probably a SATA issue, hard to say for sure
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12:58.04hgraeyxingu, SIMD?
12:58.36xinguhgraey: that's one technique for keeping vector cores fed; you can scale your memory bus sideways at a given clock rate
12:59.21hgraeysausage factory... gotta remember that one :D
12:59.30dutchfishxingu, you where talking about HPC?
12:59.38xinguhgraey: the threads in a vector processor typically abstract the SI away from the MD though; the code is loaded in a discrete setup phase, and then the thread is pointed at some data to go work on.
12:59.40nascentmindxand: any other way to get it working?
12:59.52xingudutchfish: ;) yes. :)
13:00.01xandnascentmind: it's odd that the installer worked though :|
13:00.07nascentmindxand: yes
13:00.13dutchfishxingu, i was thinking to build a box myself for some days now
13:00.18nascentmindxand:thats what is surprising
13:00.25nascentmindxand:and everything worked well.
13:00.38nascentmindxand:until first time boot
13:00.52dutchfishxingu, to implement my fats breeder algo on it
13:00.59dutchfishxingu, fast*
13:01.01nitrileI really suspect your cd/dvd is just on hda
13:01.12xinguhgraey: SIMD tends to feature more on superscalar designs that have vector core; and also, superscalar designs with no real speculative execution/ branch prediction like the i860
13:01.21xandnitrile: why wouldn't it show up in dmesg?
13:01.48xinguhgraey: ... a vector core in addition to their floating point, integer, etc parts.
13:01.54xandis installing debian to jffs2 a bad idea? (not that the installer supports it...)
13:01.58nascentmindnitrile: i did a ls /dev/hd* and nothingshows up
13:02.10nascentmindnitrile:in fstab it shows as /dev/hda
13:03.13hgraeyxingu,  but re dsp/multimedia: that's why i do think the cpu manufacturers might look into that direction. there's not much more going in terms of raw clock speed and the applications for future home computers need the stuff. so integrating that with vector cores would kinda make sense from my naive point of view, leading to cpus that could compete with low-end graphics chipsö
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13:03.33xinguhgraey: vector cores tend to operate more like multiple, discrete signal processors - a short-ish list of operations held in sram within the stream processor itself, and a giant hosepipe worth of memory coupling for fetch/store
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13:05.00xinguhgraey: I'd be surprised as I said, they're two quite distinct problems; putting both in packages on the same die will give you a worse yield for a given process than either alone, and, also slow your rate of innovation to new process and to new technology
13:05.35xinguhgraey: having said that, you've just described amd's roadmap; it's one way to make more margin out of old product, I guess.
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13:07.10xinguhgraey: what it does give you as a benefit is a faster bus (shorter and more traces) between your vector and general purpose cores; so faster setup times for the vector core, and lower penalty for executing some of the vector workload in software on the host side.
13:07.56xinguhgraey: I can't ever really see cutting edge vector or general processing designs being issued that way though
13:08.12xinguhgraey: history is littered with examples of what happens to those that tried
13:09.42hgraeyah, the puzzle comes together now :p buying ati and non-disclosed specs... they're working on the "ahypercube 720" with "c-block" processors ;p
13:10.07dutchfishxingu, i am wondering if this technology also will bring powersavings to increased cpu/gpu proc power ....
13:10.37liablei am wondering wtf you guys are on about
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13:14.10H4ZEhow can i see how much RAM has my computer? and how much of ram is used/free?
13:14.48xingudutchfish: I don't think cutting edge gpu designs are ever going to be bothered about power budget - _old_ designs, yes; usual tricks, die-shrink, variable clocks, and being able to power up/ power down the vector units depending on workload (hey, you just described nvidia's "go" line, and powermizer)
13:15.09dutchfishH4ZE, cat /proc/meminfo
13:15.14xingudutchfish: but a low power application is not _leading_ the performance race, it's trailing it.
13:15.31H4ZEthanks dutch
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13:15.32hgraeyxingu, about the bus, wouldn't just the shorter physical lines (less resistance/crosstalk potential) make it potentially several times faster? if so that could make up for some of the disadvantages i guess
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13:15.55dutchfishxingu, ok, gotcha
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13:16.30razcreating a mirror with debmirror right now
13:16.36xinguhgraey: yes; a package-to-package hypertransport interface is going to run rings around one running over physical traces; roughly the same effect as running a packed rollercoaster into a wall of jell-o at full tilt
13:16.40razjust curious, why isn't it using rsync?
13:16.43dutchfishxingu, tho i am still dreaming of my own mini with moderate power demands
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13:17.36xinguhgraey: but the _disadvantages_ of doing so (defect rate, interlock between general purpose and graphics core design for a given process) are going to hand your arse to your competitors on a plate
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13:18.24xingudutchfish: just pick a performance level that's adequate, wait, and hop off the merry-go-round; I bet a fanless 7950gtx will do everything you need
13:19.00xandif I were to replace the kernel on a netinstall cd with one that had jffs2 support, would hte installer offer that as a  filesystem option for / ?
13:19.22xingudutchfish: if it doesn't need a fan, comes on a half-height card, and can unpick h.264, then that's about the end of it; hell, even one of these new-ish x3100's or whatever they're called would probably do.
13:19.31hgraeynot to mention 1 or 2 generations behind is much nicer on the wallet :D
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13:19.59dutchfishxingu, i meant something of about the mips of 400 cores
13:20.11xinguoic :)
13:20.12hgraeyprices for cutting edge graphics cards are insane already, and then you better buy 4
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13:20.27moshiijust buy a console..
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13:21.54xingudutchfish: sun's leading that race at the moment; ultrasparc t2; 8core, 8-way smt per core.
13:22.01xingudutchfish: low power too.
13:22.06randomWhat's the average compression rate for FLAC when going from WAV? (I don't need smartass answers, since I already know what that smartass answer is...)
13:22.15dutchfishxingu, yes i know
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13:22.44dutchfishrandom, 800 => 150 - 200mb
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13:22.56randomdutchfish: hmm, that's quite a lot. Thanks
13:23.07hgraeydutchfish, i think it's a bit worse
13:23.11hgraeylike 3:1 or so
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13:23.56nascentmindwhen i do a apt-get update it fails to get packges.gz and subprocess gzip returns with an error code. what is the problem?
13:24.03moshiiIs it the same as gzip, ratio-wise?
13:24.15xingudutchfish: you gotta respect a vendor that ships 10GE interface in 2U systems :)
13:24.31dutchfishxingu, :)
13:24.40hgraeymoshii, should be
13:24.46liablenascentmind: try another mirror
13:24.52hgraeywiki says even 2:1
13:25.05randomhgraey: I couldn't find it in the FAQ, URL please
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13:25.25xingudutchfish: we've been trialling t5220's for a bit of system consolidation next year
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13:25.47rdorschwhat is a good java runtime environment in Debian? I saw icedtea in Ubuntu, but that seems to be not there in Debian.
13:25.55xandrdorsch: the sun one
13:26.22moshiixand: netbeans?
13:26.30xandno, Sun Java
13:26.40xandJRE, not an IDE
13:26.45randommoshii: you are mixing up concepts.
13:26.50moshiiyeah, noticed my mistake haha
13:27.16brif8I have just installed debian and gnome ;)  I want to use iceDove and not evolution. If I go to Synaptic and try to remove evolution it wants to delete gnome-desktop-environment, will this  break what I have now ? and If so, how can I safely remove evolution ?
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13:27.31randombrif8: it won't break anything.
13:27.44randombrif8: Just Do It.
13:27.44xandrdorsch: if you add non-free to your sources you can install sun-java5-jre
13:27.49liablebrif8: thats fine, the package it wants to remove is a meta package
13:27.53moshiibrif8: gnome-desktop-environment is a meta package,.. it doesn't contain anything
13:27.53brif8random:  what then in gnome-desktop-environment ?
13:27.53xand(or sun-java6-jre in testing)
13:27.54rdorschxand: thanks. I had non-free disabled until nod (default installation setup)
13:28.02randombrif8: There is a slightly longer explanation.
13:28.17brif8besides a meta-package?
13:28.35randombrif8: if you know what a meta-package is, then you don't need to ask.
13:28.41brif8no I don't
13:28.53rdorschxand: I am running lenny. Do you anyways recommend java5 not java6?
13:28.59liablebrif8: a meta package is just a package that pulls in other packages
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13:29.09moshiibrif8: gnome-desktop-environment just depends on a set of packages that make up a "gnome desktop environment"
13:29.30xandrdorsch: if it was the jdk then maybe 5 to write compatible code... but otherwise 6
13:29.37TrinchenHi I need help with my etch-system: When my system is booting, the message occurs: boot fsck.ext2: Device or resource busy while trying to open <DISK THAT IS BEEING MOUNTET AS BOOT PARTITION>. Then the kernel offers me a rescue shell. How to fix?
13:29.59brif8aaah!!  so deleting evolution and gnome-desktop-environment, just says the whole proposed environment is not available, right ?
13:30.09randombrif8: the only case where you might find unwanted behaviour is when gnome gets upgraded to say version 2.40 (20 years from now ;) ) and you don't see "default applications" being included.
13:30.22randombrif8: but then you can just install them when you need them.
13:30.33brif8right,  thank you all
13:30.33randombrif8: that's the only disadvantage.
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13:31.05random10 years*
13:31.26brif8random: 10 years in IT terms a lifetime, right ?
13:31.38TrinchenHi I need help with my etch-system: When my system is booting, the message occurs: fsck.ext2: Device or resource busy while trying to open <DISK THAT IS BEEING MOUNTET AS BOOT PARTITION>. Then the kernel offers me a rescue shell. How to fix?
13:31.41randomOr 5 even.
13:31.42moshiirandom: hopefully they won't totally cock it up like kde..
13:31.58randomGnome skips uneven numbers, right?
13:32.02liableTrinchen: i guess run fsck from that rescue shell. I cant think why it cant do it itself. What have you got thats unusual with your install?
13:32.04moshiiTrinchen: you need to learn to wait
13:32.30liableTrinchen: dont repeat like that otherwise we will just ignore you
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13:32.48TrinchenSorry. :)
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13:35.43hgraeymoshii, i've been using kde for a while but i'm a newly converted gnome disciple now :) just missing some apps like amarok and konqueror (minus the bugs)
13:36.03randomhgraey: why not run them both?
13:36.23randomhgraey: i.e. gnome + amarok
13:36.32hgraeyamarok, sure
13:36.46Trinchenliable: manual fsck just outputs the dame message.
13:36.57Trinchenliable: same
13:36.57hgraeybut konq for me is about the integration as a file browser
13:37.05liableTrinchen: which is?
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13:37.45moshiihgraey: I installed the kde4 packages from experimental, downgraded very quickly, looking for an escape route before its released
13:37.47liablei dont understand why thats happening
13:37.50Trinchenliable: fsck.ext2: Device or resource busy while trying to open <DISK THAT IS BEEING MOUNTET AS BOOT PARTITION>.
13:38.12liableTrinchen: in the rescue shell, remount it ro
13:38.18liablethen fsck it
13:38.55Trinchenliable: It is not mountet at all.
13:39.05Trinchenliable: Shall I?
13:39.27liableTrinchen: yes you shall
13:39.40liablewhatever that was in relation to..
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13:39.49Trinchenliable: Mounting ro
13:39.52hgraeymoshii, i couldn't even see menus in kde4. guess you need a midrange 3d graphics card with dri or something ;)
13:41.14moshiihgraey: that's a feature. They copied it directly from <insert desktop with lots of really bad concepts here>
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13:44.19hgraeyyeah, i totally need translucent buttons and windows so i can read the text below the segfault message ;)
13:44.40brif8surely gnome is also not a meta-package?  I selected epiphany for deletion and it wants to delete (epiphany-extensions (OK) , epiphany-gecko (OK) , gnome (WHAT!!!) and gnome-desktop-environment )  ???
13:45.05liablebrif8: apt-cache show gnome
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13:46.55randomTag:  role::metapackage
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13:49.13Dewidoes anyone know why a simple grep is 5-10 times slower than the equivalent perl script?
13:49.43jelly-homeDewi: what is your locale?
13:49.49Dewijelly-home: en.AU-UTF8
13:50.00hgraeyhm, the gmenu-simple-editor in a default etch install won't let me do anything but check/uncheck displayed menu items. is that just because it's so old?
13:50.05jelly-homeDewi: how about LANG=C grep foo bar ?
13:50.10Dewijelly-home: I'll try
13:50.20dondelelcaroDewi: did you test the perl script after testing grep?
13:50.29jelly-homeDewi: (or any 8-bit locale I guess)
13:50.33Dewidondelelcaro: this is all repeated with caching
13:50.36Dewijelly-home: aha!
13:50.39Dewijelly-home: now grep wins
13:50.48Dewijelly-home: LANG=C just increased speed by like 20 *times*
13:51.00Trinchenliable: Ok, I know now, what's wrong. I distinguished my 2 drives in fstab, so the kernel was ordered to mount a partition to /boot that didn't contain the real boot partition... :/
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13:51.28liableTrinchen: ok.
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13:51.51Dewijelly-home: on the bright side, that's easier than changing all my grep scripts to perl
13:52.06jelly-homeDewi: yeah, the UTF-8 enable regexp library GNU grep uses is slow
13:52.08Dewijelly-home: however you've also made me extremely depressed about internationalisation. As if I wasn't already.
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13:52.19Trinchenliable: Thank you for help me think. :)
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13:52.55liableTrinchen: i didnt do anything, but make you think i guess. :)
13:53.00jelly-homeDewi: try case-insensitive grepping for characters that can take 1-4 bytes, see how fast you do it ;-)
13:53.17chris_abyihey! I tried to mount my ntfs-partition which is situated on the same hd as my linux ext3-sys. This is what I wrote in my etc/fstab : /dev/sda2       /media/windows_share    vfat    user,auto,vmask=000,utf8 0       0, unfortunately. "mount /media/windows_share" returns: mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda2, .. , do you have any hint for me?
13:53.41moshiichris_abyi: ntfs isnt fat
13:54.04Dewijelly-home: yeah, I've noticed quite often that -i caused my scripts to just drop through the floor
13:54.16Dewijelly-home: I never could explain it, but with unicode it makes a depressing kind of sense
13:54.21chris_abyimoshii: I just read this command in an how-to, which was specified for ntfs AND fat32 .. , is there any method to get access to ntfs-partitions?
13:54.24jelly-homeDewi: I'd accept it being 2 times slower, but this is poor
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13:54.25moshiichris_abyi: The output from mount actually said that.. weird that tools output useful info..
13:54.51moshiichris_abyi: yes, mount it with ntfs as the fs type I think
13:54.54Dewijelly-home: I had actually come to the conclusion that all my disks sucked and/or linux caching was absolutely shit
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13:55.09jelly-homeDewi: I bet a UTF-16 enabled grep (fixed two-bytes, I think) would be much faster than this one
13:55.23Dewijelly-home: it wasn't until I was diffing the same files just now that I went "hey wait a moment, how come diffing is painless and grep takes forever?"
13:56.05chris_abyimoshii: with ntfs as filesys type, I get the same error message
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13:56.23moshiichris_abyi: modprobe ntfs
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13:56.45abrotmanhe shouldn't have to
13:56.51abrotmanjelly-home: file a bug :)
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13:57.21moshiiabrotman: mount probes the module?
13:57.22speehow well does debian do in optimizing use of a dual core processor?
13:57.31abrotmanmoshii: i think so
13:57.34moshiispee: It doesn't
13:57.41abrotmanspee: optimising what?
13:57.42chris_abyimoshii: oh, modprobe ntfs returns nothing =/
13:57.58moshiichris_abyi: cat /proc/filesystems.. ntfs should be in there
13:58.08liablechris_abyi: nothing is good in linux
13:58.09speemoshii do you want to explain or elaborate on this? does it just not use one of the cores?
13:58.13abrotmanspee: if the application is written to take care of two CPUs .. then sure .. the kernels are SMP .. not sure whatelse you need
13:58.24jelly-homeabrotman: have to upgrade first... the oldish testing package I have doesn't even contain its info page... but it has /usr/share/info dir.
13:58.26abrotmanspee: it works like all other linux distors
13:58.27moshiichris_abyi: then mount -t ntfs /dev/myshineydisk /mountpoint
13:58.32chris_abyimoshii: it is there
13:58.33abrotmanjelly-home: oh
13:58.37speeoh i figured one application would take use oif one processor and the next cpu-intensive application would take the other
13:58.44abrotmanjelly-home: i think i was kidding .. didn't we already see the bug ?
13:58.53abrotmanspee: that's up to the kernel
13:59.07speewill the debian kernel typically do that?
13:59.14chris_abyimoshii, :ok, Ill try. Could it be that the actual ntfs with windows vistas (I know, just for games) is a newer one and yet unsupported probably?
13:59.17speeinstead of using the crap out of one of the cores with multiple applications
13:59.22speethat could be spread out between the two
13:59.26abrotmanspee: of course
13:59.30jelly-homeabrotman: for grep? I don't remember.
13:59.38moshiispee: The scheduler in the kernel will be doing that
13:59.44abrotmanjelly-home: maybe it was peanutbutter-home .. don't recall
13:59.46speethe scheduler
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14:00.00abrotmanspee: there's also cpu-affinity which you could  manually set
14:00.13abrotmanGFDL ?
14:00.18jelly-homeabrotman: they just removed it, and this time there is no "grep-doc" package in non-free
14:00.18Dewispee: most software isn't multithreaded of course
14:00.27abrotmanjelly-home: yeah .. there's a bug filed
14:00.29speeyea, i knew that
14:00.30Dewispee: so it's very dependant on what you're running (and how many things you're doing)
14:00.32moshiispee: But it's not just a cases of a single application sitting on the cpu.. you have stuff like servicing interrupts etc to contend with also
14:00.44abrotmanbah .. i thought it was there
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14:01.08jelly-homeabrotman: I don't think Debian deserves the "GNU/" bit any more, what with lots of GNU bits removed
14:01.19moshiichris_abyi: you'd have to google for that.. I think ntfs is well support if you want to *read* the disk, writting is another matter
14:01.25Dewijelly-home: like what?
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14:01.30abrotmanjelly-home: you could uh .. file a bug? :)
14:01.32liablejelly-home: explain
14:01.33jelly-homeDewi: half the docs
14:01.37chris_abyimoshii: looks better, but he doesnt list the directory contents and says that there arent enough permissions. any clue why?
14:01.51hajihongchris_abyi: install ntfs-3g package
14:02.01jelly-homeliable: ffs, no manuals for tar, grep, glibc ...
14:02.07chris_abyihajihong: does this also support writing on ntfs?
14:02.14TrinchenMy sound is too loud when I start KDE. How to fix permanently? Is there a config-file existing?
14:02.18Dewijelly-home: heh. well, anything to piss off RMS
14:02.29moshiiTrinchen: alsa?
14:02.40hajihongchris_abyi: yes
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14:02.59chris_abyihmm..doesnt seem to be available for etch yet
14:03.07moshiihajihong: writing it slow as hell with ntfs-3g isnt't it? to the point of being useless?
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14:03.25Trinchenmoshii: How to examine? In control center sound system choose ist set to 'auto'
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14:03.45liablejelly-home: so three packages with non-free docs means its not gnu/linux?
14:04.01jelly-homeliable: not any three packages.
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14:04.13moshiiTrinchen: If you're running etch you should be using alsa.. which will save the mixer values when you reboot
14:04.15jelly-homeabrotman: Date: Fri, 05 Jan 2007 21:43:11 +0000 ... no answer from DD
14:04.26enoufspee: man taskset
14:04.27Dewiabrotman: that conflicts with the bug I'm about to submit, description "remove all info pages from debian, they are an abomination"
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14:04.28jelly-homeabrotman: thank for the reference
14:04.29abrotmanjelly-home: i think there are multiple bugs .. that's just the first i found
14:05.00abrotmanDewi: that's okay .. non-free "isn't part" of debian :)
14:05.05Dewiabrotman: hehe
14:05.27abrotmanmost info pages are useless .. but whatever
14:05.31moshiiTrinchen: note that anything in kde that looks like its useful for configuring hardware or the system in general should be avoided.. heh
14:05.33spalI installed php5 which has installed libapache2-mod-php5, but when I try to open the PHP pages, they download as PHTML files without the source code processed into HTML
14:05.39liableit is odd with the docs being non-free tjhough
14:05.51abrotmanspal: clear your browser cache .. restart the browser
14:05.58liable!php wants to download still
14:06.06jelly-homeabrotman: GNU uses it as the main online docs format
14:06.08Trinchenmoshii: Can't count on it?
14:06.09abrotmani'm faster than the bot!
14:06.11liableDewi: stupid bot
14:06.15abrotmanjelly-home: i know
14:06.18spalliable: it is "php wants me to download still"
14:06.27abrotmanjelly-home: i just meant they don't offer much over the man pages
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14:06.34abrotmanspal: i just told you
14:06.37jelly-homeabrotman: ah, all right then ;-)
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14:06.50spalabrotman: yeah checking.
14:07.06moshiiTrinchen: nah, the tools are just nasty. I think they cause more headache that they solve..
14:07.16Dewijelly-home: also that they suck ;)
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14:08.02enoufnot info coreutils
14:08.39DewiI don't know why I bother being so negative about info; man pages are a bit over-simple too
14:08.44spalabrotman: thanks! it worked.
14:08.45Trinchenmoshii: ok. But I say you: I use arts-control in my kicker-bar. I can set the volume after startup. But when I restart, the old (too loud) volume is set. So where to adjust it then?
14:08.54jelly-homeit seems funny to have a Linux distro without the f*$ GNU libc reference... "here's the free devel platform, but we won't tell you how to program it"
14:09.00*** mode/#debian [+l 798] by debhelper
14:09.26abrotmanjelly-home: use php!
14:09.29moshiiTrinchen: do you have alsa-base installed?
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14:09.41jelly-homeabrotman: not into BDSM
14:09.47Trinchenmoshii: checking...
14:09.57Dewijelly-home: and yet you use info. I think you're both very ill.
14:10.10abrotmanjelly-home: does the gnewsense distro include gfdl stuff?
14:10.34jelly-homeabrotman: that is a good question!
14:10.52abrotmanjelly-home: do i look like a sunday?
14:11.23Dewieep, it's tomorrow, and tomorrow's a work day. This can't be happening. :( Goodnight, fellows.
14:11.24jelly-homeabrotman: yes.  Now shush, Riders on the Storm on radio.
14:11.39abrotmanjelly-home: is LA Woman next?
14:11.54abrotmanDewi: you should move to a new timezone!
14:12.09jelly-homeabrotman: probably not, but it is the album version.
14:12.28Dewiabrotman: are there any that can still get me 2007? I felt safer there
14:12.30jelly-homeabrotman: the metadata says so!
14:12.34abrotmanjelly-home: that's because you can't understand morrison in the live versions :)
14:12.44jelly-homethat too
14:12.44abrotmanDewi: nerp
14:12.46Dewiabrotman: things were so much simpler then. Sniff.
14:13.04enoufTrinchen: if you're using artsd, it's likely a kmix setting you want
14:13.05Trinchenmoshii: alsa-base and alsa-utils are installed.
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14:13.14jelly-homeDewi: I prefer years divisible by powers of two.
14:13.49Trinchenenouf: Kmix seems somehow to be "disconnected". Changes there have no effect.
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14:13.54jelly-homeDewi: planning to gloriously die in 2048!
14:13.59Dewijelly-home: hmm, 2008 does only 4 of those
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14:14.05moshiiTrinchen: alsa-base has a script that stores and reloads the mixer values on reboot/boot I think... maybe something else is munging them
14:14.09enoufTrinchen: i disabled all that crap though - and yes, where it says Auto in kde control center click the next tab ffs, and select ALSA
14:14.19Dewijelly-home: oh, that will be a year! But you'll have to live through the end of the 16-bit unix epoch
14:14.24chris_abyihm.. I want to add the user "worldwindow" to the group "fuse" and used this command: useradd -G fuse worldwindow, but he just tells me: useradd: user worldwindow alredy existing. "id" also doesn't return the new group
14:14.31jelly-home64bit time_t ftw
14:14.40moshiiTrinchen: but to be honest, the sounds/kde sound system in kde are f'ing awful,I just turn it all off
14:15.21jelly-homeDewi: they'll all convert to tai64, and DJB will, somewhere, laugh manically
14:15.23enoufTrinchen: then whatever mixer you were using - there's a "Load settings upon startup" or somecrap
14:15.45Trinchenmoshii: I can't see any reason to disable it. Sounds work. Only the start-up volume is too loud.
14:15.50abrotmanjelly-home: swatch internet time!
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14:16.10enoufi concur with moshii Trinchen , i use alsamixer
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14:16.33enoufbut that's just opinion
14:16.34abrotmanamixer ?
14:16.38Joelitohi all:)
14:16.46Joelitofirst happy new year
14:16.55abrotmani think i used amixer to set volume from CLI
14:16.57moshiiTrinchen: the sound system is one of those things that just shouldn't be in a desktop environment
14:17.17Trinchenmoshii: Where else???
14:17.18enoufalsactl store
14:17.20Joelitohow secure is to use ubuntu's packages sources list in debian to get more software
14:17.29abrotmanJoelito: it's not
14:17.33mbroekerTrinchen, try alsactl store as root after setting the volume to the proper values.
14:17.37abrotmanno one will support you .. and your system will break
14:17.43jelly-homeJoelito: it's a good way to hose your system
14:17.50moshiiTrinchen: the os has a decent enough sounds system already, there's no point having that arts crap on top
14:18.06abrotmanmoshii: software mixer!
14:18.29jelly-homemiftware soxer!
14:18.46abrotmanThat's wordwang!
14:18.51Joelitojelly-home: Meaning that after all I can have actually firefox?
14:19.10abrotmanuse iceweasel
14:19.13Trinchenmoshii: I agree to you in this point. But KDE doesn't connect to alsa directly...
14:19.17moshiiI think I read somewhere the kde developers didn't like the way arts turned out, a useless piece of crap, so they want and built another one.. oh god
14:19.31abrotmanmoshii: no one likes the way arts turned out :)
14:19.36enoufTrinchen: i told you how to change that
14:19.48abrotmanmoshii: last i heard .. gnome and kde were going to collaborate on a replacement for esd and artsd
14:19.52Joelitojelly-home: oops, I didn't read meant is not secure :p
14:20.00enoufTrinchen: also dpkg-reconfigure linux-sound-base
14:20.21moshiiabrotman: photon isn't it.. which is an attempt to replace gstreamer and everyone else just for the sake of it
14:20.21TrinchenTrying recent tip...
14:20.39abrotmanmoshii: i don't remember what it was called .. just that it was planned
14:20.52jelly-homeJoelito: iceweasel and let it lie about:config, general.useragent.extra.firefox
14:21.03enoufmoshii: something with a C iirc
14:21.35enouflike curvacious renamed to start with a K, rofl
14:21.44abrotmanmoshii: phonon
14:21.52enoufsee? C ..
14:22.03abrotmanthere's also PulseAudio
14:22.09jelly-homeabrotman: pharts!
14:22.24moshiienouf: The good bits of kde like amarok are undone by some really stupid crap that they bloat on elsewhere
14:22.50enoufmoshii: that reminds me ;-)
14:22.58Trinchenenouf: 'dpkg-reconfigure linux-sound-base' just gave me the option to select between 'alsa', 'oss' and 'standard'. No volume application.
14:22.58abrotmanhahah .. good bits of kde .. that's  funny! :)
14:22.58enoufbloat bloat bloat your bloat ... gently down bloat stream .. (everyone sing-along now!!)
14:23.07jelly-homemoshii: that's why I use xfce and amarok on it
14:23.09enoufmerrily merril merrily merrily .. life is but bloat dreams
14:23.23enoufTrinchen: yes, alsa
14:23.32moshiiabrotman: There's good things in everything, like the exit button.. that sort of thing
14:23.46abrotmanif it were that good .. why would you want to exit?!
14:23.47enoufTrinchen: also, go where i said and change it also
14:24.12Joelitojelly-home: ok :)
14:24.33moshiijelly-home: I don't really want to move away from my clunky but functional minimal kde3 :/
14:24.50Trinchenenouf: Of course, I selected alsa. But where to set the volume? Please repeat. The screen scrolled to fast.
14:24.54enoufclick Start to shutdown, yes .. some good in everything ;-P
14:25.17jelly-home!why is iceweasel not in testing
14:25.17dpkgiceweasel is not in testing for the reasons listed in
14:25.29enouf[09:13:33] <enouf> Trinchen: i disabled all that crap though - and yes, where it says Auto in kde control center click the next tab ffs, and select ALSA
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14:25.51Trinchenenouf: Thanks! Trying...
14:25.59enouf"Advanced Linux Sound Arch...." it says though
14:26.21enoufthanks for the Abbreiviations kde
14:26.46enoufTrinchen: there's a drop down menu or something
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14:27.06abrotmanjelly-home: damn arm!
14:27.12Trinchenenouf: Yes, I selected alsa there.
14:27.13abrotman!info iceweasel lenny
14:27.16dpkgiceweasel: (lightweight web browser based on Mozilla), section web, is optional. Version: (lenny), Packaged size: 7915 kB, Installed size: 24400 kB
14:27.28abrotmanshould be installable though
14:27.35jelly-homeabrotman: even stable has a newer version!
14:27.41abrotmanit does?
14:27.50abrotman!info iceweasel etch
14:27.51enoufTrinchen: set your volumes, then "alsactl store" as root, and someone else mentioned
14:27.53dpkgiceweasel: (lightweight web browser based on Mozilla), section web, is optional. Version: (etch), Packaged size: 8878 kB, Installed size: 26284 kB
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14:28.12enoufTrinchen: fire up alsamixer, restart your kde session
14:28.14abrotmanjelly-home: this is why i use opera+epiphany! :)
14:28.25jelly-homeDebian testing: we fuck you hard.
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14:28.55jelly-homeabrotman: I use opera + konqueror.  Plus iceweasel sometimes :-|
14:29.15abrotmanbut you use xfce .. why not epiphany? or galeon ?
14:29.18Trinchenenouf: Trying...
14:29.23Joelitoanother question: What version of kde is the one that opensuse 10.3 has?
14:29.29abrotmanask #suse
14:29.38abrotmanprobably 3.x
14:29.38JoelitoI like to have it on my debian-netinstall?
14:29.43moshiiabrotman: konq is on of the good bits in kde
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14:30.06abrotmanmoshii: it's okay .. but requires too many bits of KDE to get it going
14:30.07enouf(i hope i didn't break this guys sound, ffs)
14:30.11jelly-homeabrotman: my system is already infected with bits of kde, so it's no big deal
14:30.34abrotmanmoshii: i'd have to install 110MB of crap to get konq
14:30.54Trinchenenouf: I've read that! :)
14:31.07moshiiabrotman: I use kmail, konq, kopete.. so I just use kde :/
14:31.09enoufhey look ma!, it's also a File Manager
14:31.13enoufTrinchen: :-)
14:31.23abrotmanmoshii: right .. i don't .. and epiphany is pretty good so i don't mind
14:31.31abrotmani really use opera for most stuff
14:31.37abrotmanthe static build
14:31.43jelly-homei can has amarok, kbluetooth and konqueror... the rest is GTK+ (well, Opera is Qt as well)
14:32.10jelly-homeOOo has some widget from hell
14:32.23jelly-homejudging by the looks of it
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14:32.30abrotmanjelly-home: java ? i think
14:32.33enoufif i touch anything in the kmenu, the HDD starts thrashing, then like 5-10 seconds later, the util opens
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14:32.44jelly-homeenouf: buy more memory!
14:32.47enoufsometimes longer ;-)
14:32.59enoufjelly-home: not an issue - links2 ftw ;-)
14:33.19jelly-homeenouf: xfce works really well with 2GB ;-)
14:33.22enoufit's not swapping, it's just;   ... bloat bloat bloat your bloat
14:34.02abrotmananything should work well with 2GB
14:34.11abrotmantwo of anythings :)
14:34.26enoufi've heard stories of Firepoop bringing 2GB ram systems to their knees, O.o
14:34.53abrotmanenouf: lastlog don .. and grep for iceweasel or firefox .. his was like 1.5GB or some crap
14:34.58DustyBinxfce ftw, i been using it for quite a while now on sid
14:35.02abrotmanenouf: if you have two weeks of logs :)
14:35.09enoufand tha's not even that nice Suite called mozilla at one time ;-)
14:35.19jelly-homeabrotman: Indeed.  I'd been running Debian under XP host last week.  Couldn't get bluetoothed network to work.
14:35.29DustyBinfluxbox = too thin, gnome+kde = too bloated, xfce = perfik :D
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14:35.43abrotmanwho would use gnome+kde .. that's just silly!
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14:37.00moshiimmm just logged in with xfce.. this terminal font is frickin huge
14:37.12DustyBinmoshii: install xfce4-terminal
14:37.18DustyBinand change the font in the menu
14:37.38nascentmindi have a wireless broadband modem and i am connecting to it using an ethernet cable
14:37.53moshiiwhere's the shineyness button???!?!
14:38.09abrotmansand that's a kde user in a nutshell
14:38.34enoufmoshii: light on the blingbling?
14:38.54moshiienouf: If it's not a gold colour, I won't buy it
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14:39.06jelly-homemoshii: konsole has a beautiful VGA font that has a good subset of UTF-8, but for some reason they don't install it for everyone else to use it
14:39.30robintop o the morning to yer
14:39.32xingujelly-home: it's a localised font for localised people
14:39.52jelly-homehowever one can just copy /usr/share/apps/konsole/fonts/console8x16.pcf.gz to some directory in FontPath, mkfontdir, xset fp rehash and there it is
14:40.32moshiiis there some sort of compiz plugin for this? I don't like my windows moving around so fast
14:40.35enoufbut i like the font i'm using (whatever it is, heh)
14:40.45aleksanterimonospace ftw
14:40.49jelly-homegood for reading Russian spam in mutt
14:41.21enoufsmut in m'am?
14:41.42enouf(oops, i wordwanged)
14:43.27jelly-homethat's some serious distance... or very low ceiling
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14:45.25bahadunnanyone know how logcheck determines the sender address in its notification emails?
14:45.29PaulTT_hi all... is it possible to mount a drive as read only?
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14:46.01wolsPaulTT_: sure. don't heve "user" or "defaults" in the fstab entry
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14:46.17wolsoops. read only, I read root only
14:46.23wolsyes, the ro option mounts stuff read only
14:47.20PaulTT_ah, thanks I just found that :)
14:47.23wolsbahadunn: "sender address"?
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14:48.29rewtahyou think i can make a sausage mcmuffin w/eggs?  (i think nOt!)
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14:49.37fritsy4sorry for this very basic question, but how do i find out if i have a package installed already?
14:49.51abrotmanfritsy4: dpkg -l <pkg>
14:49.58abrotmanor apt-cache policy <pkg>
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14:50.37fritsy4abrotman, thank you very much...googled for hours......
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14:50.44bahadunnwols: yeah the address that logcheck uses to send the mail from
14:50.54abrotman!tell fritsy4 about refcard
14:50.58cinexjust to be super annoying and lazy: what kernel version is in the testing release? and also does it have the b43 module?
14:51.08bahadunnwols: recently my logcheck was upgraded and now amavis thinks the mails it sends are spam
14:51.17xandcinex: 2.6.22... and erm
14:51.35bahadunnwols: I believe this is caused by the address logcheck is using to send mail from
14:51.44cinexi think 24 is for b43
14:51.53fritsy4abrotman, refcard?
14:51.57bahadunnhowever there is no configuration setting to set the from address
14:52.01dpkgrumour has it, refcard is A short reference of Debian commands can be found at and will be quite useful for someone new to Debian.
14:52.02bahadunnonly the address to send to
14:52.18cinexno .22 will have it. thanks xand
14:52.20xandcinex: 2.6.24 isn't even released, so certainly not in testing :p
14:52.23bahadunnI have been unable so far to determine how logcheck generates the from address
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14:53.32fritsy4abrotman, THANX very useful !
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14:54.00dpkgBefore asking in here or on debian-user, you should read the install guide, or if you have already installed, the debian reference, the apt howto.  Ask me about <ig>, <docs>, <manuals>, <reference>, <fundamentals>, <newbiedoc>, <refcard>, <faq>, <unix lessons>, <general cli tutorial>. (e.g. in your irc client, type /msg dpkg reference)
14:54.43fritsy4abrotman, ok i will...thanks
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14:55.19bahadunnlooks like it may just send it from the logcheck system user
14:55.26abrotmanfritsy4: /msg dpkg refcard .. for example
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14:56.03abrotmanfritsy4: those references have tons of information .. but you can ask here before reading all of them .. we just prefer that you do a bit of work on your own before oyu just ask us :)
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14:56.54fritsy4abrotman, i understand , i actually tried googling this for hours but i guess i didnt know the right words to put in google
14:57.09abrotmanfritsy4: okay :)
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14:57.46bahadunnabrotman: happy new year!
14:57.56abrotmanit's over!
14:58.04bahadunnabrotman: fine
14:58.10bahadunnabrotman: disregard then
14:58.11abrotmanhi :)
14:58.20abrotmanbahadunn: did you have a good party?
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14:58.49JoelitoI want to use "lenny" and "sid" in my sources.list, is this correct type:
14:58.51Joelitodeb lenny sid main contrib non-free
14:59.07RoninJoelito: bad idea to do that
14:59.11abrotmanJoelito: no you don't
14:59.11bahadunnabrotman: I was sleeping
14:59.18abrotmanbahadunn: sounds like a plan :)
14:59.22wolsJoelito: it is not and Ronin is right
14:59.26bahadunnabrotman: sleep is good
14:59.52abrotmanJoelito: you'll break your system quickly and viciously!
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15:00.44Joelitoabrotman, wols, Ronin: So I must do each one by a line:
15:00.47Joelitodeb lenny sid main contrib non-free
15:00.52Joelitois bad, ok.
15:00.56TrueDDHi all
15:01.20TrueDDgood year
15:01.24RoninJoelito: no mixing and matching is bad
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15:02.22JoelitoRonin: Because the software that I need are in those mirrors :(
15:02.29bahadunnI like my etch/lenny/sid box
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15:04.46RoninJoelito: all you'll be doing is breaking your system if you do it that way
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15:05.38moshiiRonin: mixing testing and unstable shouldn't be that bad..
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15:06.07wolsmoshii: people who ask about testing and unstable like him shouldn't run either in the first place
15:06.18wolsboth WILL break and he will have a broken system then
15:06.28bahadunnand he wont know what to do to fix it
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15:06.35moshiiwols: that's true ;)
15:06.36bahadunnand then he will come back here and call us all bad people
15:06.39tdnIs there any apt-getable application for Etch that allows me to extract ace archives?
15:07.00bahadunnafter a horrible re-install I might add
15:07.19wolstdn: unace
15:07.20moshiitdn: unace
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15:07.49moshiitdn: there is also unace-nonfree for some reason.. probaly if you can't get the first to work the later will
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15:09.27tdnmoshii, hmmm... Ok. I have unace installed, but for some reason Ark will not extract ace archives. I'll try unace manually. Thanks.
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15:10.14moshiitdn: Ark might not know how to handle ace files,.. it's not magic ;)
15:10.17jussxtdn: maybe you should configure it
15:10.34tdnmoshii, ok.
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15:11.35moshiiWhy people use rar, ace etc is beyond me..
15:12.33tdnHmm... unace says: *** stack smashing detected ***: /usr/bin/unace terminated
15:12.33tdnzsh: abort (core dumped)  unace l
15:13.00Gnu_Raizif you want to know why people use rar you have to look at the development of Usenet.
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15:13.28Gnu_Raizback in the day people did not have a way to evenly break up big files, so rar was created.
15:14.05tdnmoshii, I think that a lot of people use rar because WinRAR is *the* best archiver for Windows (not counting cygwin and other measures to get access to gnu utilities)
15:14.19Gnu_RaizIn fact it still is one of the best programs for that reason say you want a 15 Mb even file size of your 3 gig file well rar allows it.
15:14.40moshiiGnu_Raiz: We had join/split back in the day too
15:14.43Gnu_RaizIf you use windows at all that is one program that is a must buy.
15:15.04tdnmoshii, still... WinRAR lets Joe Average do it, graphically.
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15:15.27moshiitdn: Those people shouldn't be on myspace, I mean internet
15:16.15tdnmoshii, heh. True, but they're here. Not much to do about it.
15:16.41Gnu_Raizstill try sending a joe average a rar file bet they don't know what it is.
15:17.07Gnu_Raizmostly came out for the alt.binaries boys.
15:17.32Gnu_Raizin fact I meet people all the time who have no idea of alt.binaries or its use.
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15:18.18moshiiGnu_Raiz: That's what nzb was invented for
15:18.23Gnu_RaizI was upset that the mpaa started to sue usenet providers.
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15:18.35Gnu_Raiznzb is a good tool.
15:18.43moshiiProbably not wise to talk about warez here though, I would think
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15:19.38Gnu_Raizall of alt.binaries != warez
15:19.59Gnu_Raizalso Usenet != copyright infringement.
15:20.00wolsGnu_Raiz: all of alt.binaries  != debian
15:20.27Gnu_Raizdebian includes rar and unrar thus the conversation.
15:20.41moshiiHere's an on topic question.. how do you import archive keys into apt/dpkg/whatever cares
15:21.12jelly-homemoshii: on topic and in the topic!
15:21.22wols!topicsmite moshii
15:21.22dpkgAnd the wrath of /TOPIC descended with terrible fury upon moshii.  And all the people marveled, saying, Behold, we too should read the /TOPIC, lest we be stricken.  And all the people read the /TOPIC, and went away edified.
15:21.25moshiijelly-home: yay!
15:21.33epsiloninstall the keyring package
15:21.45epsilonpr manually import the keys
15:22.04moshiithis is the key for the kernel-archive server..
15:22.19wolsmoshii: why would it need a key? what for?
15:22.44moshiiwols: to stop aptitude spitting out errors about the key missing
15:23.00wolswhat .debs are you getting from there?
15:23.29moshiiwols: kernel 2.6.24-rc images.. I have to run it to have working keys on my Japanese macbook
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15:24.01wolsmoshii: either the archive provides piblic keys or you are SOL
15:24.03jelly-homethere are prebuilt packages of -rc kernels?
15:24.25moshiijelly-home:, from the debian wiki
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15:24.39moshiiwols: there is a key.. I need to know how to import it
15:24.59jelly-homemoshii: pipe it to apt-key add -
15:25.39moshiiapt-key says OK.. :D
15:26.01moshiiah, another annoyance off the list
15:26.24*** join/#debian zir0faive (
15:27.24moshiinext, I can never get my display to sleep with a KVM machine running.. does a KVM have to put its sleep to bed before the host will?
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15:28.50danilomhi, what system can i use to share files, on every user, via web
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15:29.20moshiidanilom: a web server
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15:29.39danilommoshii, ok but with webdav? or something?
15:29.53wolsyes you can use webdav if you want
15:30.05danilommoshii, i need something like a file manager, so users can backup
15:30.25wolsthen you need a backup program
15:30.30wolsnot a webserver
15:30.31moshiidanilom: You need an application that can do that then
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15:30.41danilomim using rsync
15:30.41wolsbackuppc or something
15:31.08danilomit can do the backup. but i want to show the files..
15:31.31moshiidanilom: web server for that then
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15:32.02danilommoshii, so is possible to authenticate each users, so only can view their own files
15:32.17moshiidanilom: maybe you want something like ftp then?
15:32.31wolsyes. you could use basic auth for example
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15:32.52danilommoshii, i think ftp, and a cms with web ftp navigation
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15:33.20moshiidanilom: there's probably some php application that does what you OK
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15:33.28danilomis possible to configure a ftp server to show certain directory for user
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15:33.54moshiisorry, the ok came from a random touchpad middle mouse bottom
15:34.01danilommoshii, yes im looking e107 cms it haves a ftp browser pluhin
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15:34.52moshiidanilom: you problaby need to decide exactly what you want first..
15:35.20danilommoshii, i need i backup system, to use over internet
15:35.47danilommoshii, i recently installed rsync, and using a rsync client is possible to backup
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15:36.03danilombut i want to show, the files, to the clients
15:36.04moshiidanilom: so you already have what you want
15:36.23danilommoshii, well i need the "show part"
15:36.34moshiidanilom: so you need to export those files via a webserver or something
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15:38.36screamingbytesmornin all
15:40.23dpkgsomebody said mount was a command used to mount a device to the local filesystem
15:40.33dpkgfstab is, like, a file that lets the `mount' command know what mountable things (partitions, drives, etc) are in your system. Try `man 5 fstab` for more information on it.
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15:41.32Gnu_Raizsorry had leave for a minute to test some hardware problems.
15:41.41zipperI need to mount /dev/hdb1 to /mnt/hdb. It's an ext3 partition. I want all users to have read/write access, but i cannot seem to get my fstab right : - Any hints?
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15:42.24moshiizipper: you need to use chmod/chown
15:42.42moshiizipper: ext3 supports permissions
15:43.02zipperi'll try
15:43.33moshiizipper: umask is for fat/similar filesystems that don't have permissions
15:45.13zippermoshii, makes sense... What group should i chown the mount to, to enable all users read/write?
15:45.16Gnu_RaizYep solved that hardware problem, my front panel was spamming my log files with usb detected problems.
15:45.40Gnu_RaizNow all I need to do is find out how to fix the problem.
15:46.26moshiizipper: all users would fall under the last section.. of others
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15:46.49zippermoshii, chown root:others ?
15:46.54moshiizipper: there's no point assigning r/w to a group if that group is everyone..
15:47.07moshiizipper: no, chmod
15:49.01dpkgPCs are like air conditioners, if you open Windows(R) they don't work.
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15:50.09yI see there is instructions for raid1 in preconfiguration file for debian
15:50.20yBut I am finding them somewhat mysterious.
15:50.31yI wonder if I should just follow a more generic faq?
15:50.57yI like that one. I think I could do that.
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15:51.08yis what I find scary.
15:51.27moshiiy: software raid1 is easily done in the installer
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15:51.56yreally? I looked thru installer table of contents and didn't see RAID. Is it around the time of partitioning?
15:52.06yBecuase I thought RAID1 partitions had to be a special non-83 type.
15:52.30ymy beef is i can't RAID1 the devices right away. I'm going to have to do some shuffling because they've got data on them.
15:52.42moshiiy: Yes, you can create raid and lvm volumes in the partioning section of the installer, tell debian what it should put there (/, /home etc) and press go
15:53.15moshiiy: oh, moving to raid after install is another problem
15:53.16yhmm.... but it will probably want to wipe both off at that point. right?
15:53.24yyeah. hmm
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15:53.55ythe first article i posted seems to achieve that.
15:54.25moshiiy: there are few tutorials on how to move to raid1 after installing, but it's probably better for your sanity to do it during install
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15:55.10zippermoshii, thanks, its working now
15:55.59ymoshii, what if I just don't have the storage?
15:56.20yI've got 3 300GBs and about 500GB disk space.
15:56.28yI don't think it will compress to
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15:58.22moshiiy: If you use raid1 you'll half the total available storage anyhow
15:58.59yi've got a spare disk which won't be on RAID1
15:59.05yfor backing up iPods, etc.
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16:00.43moshiiy: if you have a free disk, you could create a raid volume on that disk, move you system there, boot from the raid volume and convert the original disk
16:01.40yusing LVM?
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16:02.12yI do have a spare 320GB drive which I am about to install debian on.
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16:03.15extorHow do I stop the nfs stuff from starting? My box locks up trying to launche statd and I traced it to the /etc/init.d/nfs-common file
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16:03.33dpkgwell, sysvinit is zless /usr/share/doc/sysvinit/README.runlevels.gz.  In Debian Lenny and beyond it's /usr/share/doc/sysv-rc/README.runlevels.gz
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16:05.42extorAnd I thought linux was POSIX not SYSV/BSD?
16:05.42Wizards_Castlehey  i am stuck with sound problem
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16:06.25Wizards_Castlealsa works fine  but Noatun has no sound
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16:06.44Nylenoatun sucks anyway
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16:06.47Wizards_Castlecan anyone help me out
16:06.57Wizards_Castleit plays videos  good
16:07.02Nylemplayer > *
16:07.10Wizards_Castlemplayer  has no sound output either
16:07.23Nyleaudio output is correctly selected?
16:07.34Nylefor noatun dunno if it makes a diff, but is arts running?
16:07.46Nylei udnno if all kde apps depend on arts for sound or alsa
16:07.47Wizards_Castleyea i think so
16:07.52Wizards_Castlelet me check
16:08.08Nyletry #kde as well
16:08.13Nyleits probably a config issue
16:08.19Nyleplay a file with alsaplayer
16:08.21Nylesee if you get sound
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16:08.37Nyleyou have alsa-oss package?
16:08.38Wizards_Castlealsa works very good
16:08.46Nyledunno if that matters but whatever
16:08.56Wizards_Castlecommand line stuf works
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16:09.16Nyleplay a file in mplayer with command line
16:09.28Nyleit should tell you where it fails ifyou read the output
16:09.36Nylefind out why exactly is audio not coming
16:09.45Wizards_Castlemovie   or mp3
16:09.46Nylemake sure you select the correct auto output plugin
16:09.50Nyledoesn't matter
16:10.08Nylemaybe you don't have all the codecs to just play a mp3
16:11.25Wizards_Castle2 min
16:12.35Nyleoh i know what it is
16:12.42Nylemy wireless reciever is too far away
16:12.43dpkgTest Failed.
16:13.25jelly-home!dbugs 385561
16:13.28dpkg#385561:N[konsole] konsole crashed after my cat jumped on the mouse; Fri, 1 Sep 2006 08:03:17 UTC
16:13.59Nyleis that a real bug
16:14.07Nyleyou gotta be shititng me, someone actually file a bug like that
16:14.11Nyleits not even a bug
16:14.23jelly-homesure it is, there's a backtrace attached
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16:20.54mfrischabrotman: I still can't figure out how to do a mini mirror!  any more suggestions?
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16:21.56itchiWhere can i find more info to setup software raid? I have found this but there's missing informations and is not that clear at all
16:22.34itchiI want to setup software raid from the installer. From the begin.
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16:24.05Wizards_Castlehmmm  the guys in kde saaaid its a debian  issue
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16:24.41Wizards_Castlewhen i am in the sound system and system notifications  it fails to load drivers
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16:25.06mike1oIve got one of those peculiar mp3 usb players with a hidden partition for voice recording... is there a way I can format it in linux? (original SW only works with XP)
16:25.32dondelelcaromike1o: if you can actually see the partition, yes. Otherwise, no.
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16:26.18mfrischdondelelcaro: still trying to redownload packages any more suggestions?
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16:26.59dante_1coremike1o: try and just play it back on the player, recording it from new in your computer via line-in or microphone
16:27.00yitchi, I'm in the same boat.
16:27.10dante_1coreto record, you can use, for example, audacity
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16:28.34itchiy: Well, i switched to another console and tried that d-i, but that seems to be an unknow command
16:28.42grubcan i hotplug batteries on dell laptops? anyone know?
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16:28.58dante_1coregrub: how do you mean hotplug?
16:29.00wolsgrub: ask dell
16:29.02dante_1coreinstall acpid
16:29.18grubdante_1core, putting it in while on ac supply
16:29.28dante_1coregrub: should work, why not?
16:29.32grubwols, well, can we hotplug battery in laptops, generally?
16:29.32dante_1coredo you have acpid installed?
16:29.37grubdante_1core, yes
16:29.39dante_1corei can
16:29.44dante_1corethen what does acpi say
16:29.45Gnu_Raizgrub: that depends on if you already have another battery installed.
16:29.47dante_1coreor acpi --verbose
16:30.18itchiy: Do you setup raid 0 or 1 ?
16:30.41grubdante_1core, what should acpi --verbose say?
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16:30.55dante_1coresomething like   AC Adapter 1: off-line
16:31.07dante_1coreor      Thermal 1: ok, 56.0 degrees C
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16:31.11grubdante_1core, shows on-line
16:31.15dante_1coreok good
16:31.18Gnu_RaizThe nice folks on the nvidia pointed me to a pcids file where does debian keep it?
16:31.19dante_1corenow plug the battery
16:31.23dante_1coreand look what id says then
16:31.32dante_1coreGnu_Raiz: try lspci -v
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16:31.44dante_1core(if you need tons of info, try lspci -vvv
16:32.04grubdante_1core, yep works, thanks :)
16:32.09dante_1coregrub: no problem
16:32.16dante_1coreGnu_Raiz: /proc/bus/pci/devices
16:32.45dante_1coreGnu_Raiz: what's the problem then?
16:33.13Gnu_RaizI want to install the file to get rid of all the unknown devices when doing lspci.
16:33.23itchiy: If you want, i have some notes how to setup raid1. But i first install debian on one hdd, then setup the second hdd for raid1, copy over the files and reboot.
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16:33.41dante_1coreGnu_Raiz: what devices are unknown? what kind of box is it, anyway?
16:33.48dante_1corewhat kind of graphics card?
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16:35.18torokingyour os sux ass
16:35.24torokingwindows xp is #1
16:35.27Gnu_RaizIt's a desktop mcp 51 based matx board.
16:35.31torokinggo microsoft!
16:35.46xinguGnu_Raiz: update-pciids
16:36.10xandtoroking: /part
16:36.12Gnu_RaizI tried that on another board, but it was not listed.
16:36.17Gnu_Raizwill try that now.
16:36.46torokingyou cant even get it to work with a mcp 51 based matx board
16:36.56torokingxp would work fine
16:37.02dante_1coretoroking: there's no place for ignorant and intolerant people in this channel. we are a sucial support channel. accept that and acknowledge the rules, or leave.
16:37.27torokingwhy are you calling me ignorant
16:37.34torokingxp is the way to go
16:37.41torokingits proven in its sales
16:37.45Gnu_Raizstill get a bunch of unknown devices do I have to reboot, or init 1?
16:37.52dante_1corebecause you start with a rating of something without argumenting for it
16:37.54torokingand works with the mcp based matx board
16:38.07*** part/#debian toroking (
16:38.18dante_1coregood, done that.
16:38.30xanddondelelcaro: nm, he left
16:39.00*** mode/#debian [+l 818] by debhelper
16:39.22mike1odante_1core, the player says empty disk :(
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16:40.37error0327antegral(x^(2x)) ====????
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16:42.08xanderror0327: pardon?
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16:43.20error0327boring here !!
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16:44.11xandabrotman: halp, sunday again
16:44.35itchixand: Well, it's an official holiday, that's in one way or another: considered as sunday
16:44.48norton-I'm having some problems with my mouse and X. The mousepointer respoonds perfectly fine to movements, but when I attempt to drag something, like a window, it often takes a while for the mousedown event (or something) to register. So if I try to drag a window across the screen it often does not grab the window because the mouse click happens after the mouse has moved away from the window. Any ideas?
16:44.49xandhmm yes.
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16:45.31itchinorton-: Do you have tweaked the xorg.conf? What DE do you use?
16:45.34dante_1c1rebye guys!
16:45.47xanddante_1c1re: but you only just arrived
16:45.49norton-Sometimes when moving the mouse with the button down, X also seems to lose the down state for a while, and then it comes back a moment after that. Hope you understand what I mean.
16:46.12itchinorton-: Do you have that same problem with another mouse?
16:46.17Gnu_Raizwhat mouse are you using.
16:46.21norton-itchi: what is DE?
16:46.29itchinorton-: Desktop environment
16:46.37itchinorton-: Gnome, KDE, ...
16:46.39norton-ok, fvwm2
16:47.08norton-pretty old computer, PIII 500MHz. Yes I have tried other mice, same problem.
16:47.23norton-It is a PS/2 mouse, using ImPS/2 driver
16:47.27mike1ohow do I check for encrypted partions?
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16:49.00norton-and with gpm in console it works fine
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16:49.14itchinorton-: Did you tweak the xorg.conf ?
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16:49.44mike1oIve got one of those peculiar mp3 usb players with a hidden/encrypted partition for voice recording... how do I detect it?
16:49.59teleniekoHi ppl. Since few days ago when I insert blank media on the cd/dvd drive GNOME does not notice it, and it won't allow me to record anything; It says that there's no media on the drive. dvd+rw-mediainfo says that there is a blank DVD on the drive so it doesn't seem a hardware problem. Any clues? (Debian/Lenny)
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16:50.30norton-itchi: no I haven't. I think I tried when I had slackware on this box, without success. But haven't touched it here on Debian. Any idea on what I should try?
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16:50.55itchinorton-: Not really
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16:51.17itchinorton-: Try maybe the psaux
16:51.51norton-ok, I'll try a little
16:51.53itchinorton-: /dev/input/mice also. Did you try other drivers?
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16:54.42Gnu_Raizok found the default location of the pciids file
16:55.09norton-/dev/input/mice was the default, tried /dev/psaux now, same problem. There is no other drivers are there?
16:55.17norton-I'll try some different protocols too
16:55.22*** join/#debian PriceChild (n=pricechi@ubuntu/member/pdpc.supporter.student.PriceChild)
16:55.24Gnu_Raizits listed in the man page /usr/share/misc/pci.ids
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16:55.38abrotmanxand: ?
16:55.48abrotmandamn him
16:56.02Gnu_Raizmy question still stands, do I need to init 1 for the new list to be read or is it automatic the man page does not specify.
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16:56.34yfrom the tar command can i maximize gzip compression?
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16:56.59jamesd_y man tar
16:57.50Gnu_Raizabrotman: have any idea if I need to init 1 to read the new pci.ids file?
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16:58.28Gnu_Raizstill getting unknown devices :(
16:58.44jamesd_--use-compress-program PROG
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16:59.30Gnu_Raizwhy do you need better compression, running out of room or something?
17:00.17abrotmanGnu_Raiz: if what needs to read it ?
17:00.33yI'm not running out of room I am just shuffling files around the system
17:00.35abrotmany: don told you last night how? or was that jamesd_ ?
17:00.42abrotmanyou were told last night
17:00.52ynein. I was told other things last night.
17:00.57abrotmanno you weren't
17:00.58rewtahmust've been ##linux
17:01.10yyes, abrotman, I was. And I'm not going to have this stupid discussion, either.
17:01.16yThe things I was told to do last night, I did last night.
17:01.16abrotmanno .. you weren't ...
17:01.23*** join/#debian mike1o (
17:01.27abrotmanand he also told you that you could pipe it to gzip if you couldn't figure out tar
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17:02.17mike1oAs soon as I log into gmail in iceweasel and it automatically restarts X...
17:02.18shamrockhow do I provide an alias for a long name like to "zzz"? I dont have a known ip address so /etc/hosts sin't the place.
17:02.35abrotmanmike1o: tried another browser? for all users?
17:02.50mike1oabrotman, with epiphany all goes well
17:03.01abrotmansame browser plgins etc?
17:03.14mike1oabrotman, gotta check on that one
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17:04.22norton-nope, xorg.conf settings seems to be fine :(
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17:04.30shamrockno one?
17:05.05screamingbytesshamrock: do u have a dns server running?
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17:05.11abrotmanshamrock: your browser might accept that as a bookmark ?
17:05.23abrotmani know epiphany does
17:05.56yI am getting errors with tar -cvvfz desktop.tar.gz Desktop/
17:05.56shamrockits for ssh and vncviewer in teh command line
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17:06.51abrotmany: are you going to share the errors with us?
17:07.23yI was hoping there was something obviously wrong with it. Just said 'failed due to previous errors' maybe i should remove verbose mode to see errors.
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17:09.07ygives me 'Cannot stat, no such file or directory, abrotman.
17:09.14yfor the name i give it
17:09.25abrotmanit can't find ~/Desktop/ ?
17:09.36yno,i t can't find desktop.tar.gz
17:10.07abrotmanyou're trying to create it?
17:10.22*** join/#debian neosmatrix (
17:10.26yys sir.
17:10.29ythus the -c switch
17:10.40abrotmanso why is it trying to find it?
17:10.43abrotmanis your PWD gone ?
17:10.58yI have no idea my friend. I'm just running that command.
17:11.00ymy PWD?
17:11.37*** join/#debian gravity (
17:11.43abrotmanecho $PWD
17:12.02ygives me cur directory
17:12.21abrotmancan you tar anything?
17:12.32*** join/#debian voyage (
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17:13.29mike1oI have a mp3 usb player containing a weird hidden/encrypted partition... is there a way I can detect it and not have to install XP in order to use the SW that came with it?
17:13.34*** join/#debian Bombo_ (
17:13.57yabrotman, seriously.
17:14.13yyeah maybe my kernel is messed up. occum would cry.
17:14.15abrotmanyes .. i'm serious
17:14.29*** join/#debian albabe (
17:14.43abrotmanyou know .. like tar -cvvfz /tmp/blah.tar.gz ~/.bash_profile
17:15.13abrotmanhrm .. maybe 'f' needs to be last ?
17:15.16*** join/#debian NotMe (
17:15.23abrotmani bet it does
17:15.49abrotmany: put the 'f' last
17:15.50*** part/#debian albabe (
17:16.03yhmmm maybe c needs to be last, or something?
17:16.06abrotmany: put the 'f' last
17:16.07yyeah. weird switch ordering i bet that's it.
17:16.15ygood call. =)
17:16.21ylet see...
17:17.31*** part/#debian rewtah (n=rewtah@
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17:17.45Azarhappy new year honorables
17:19.43Azarwoot? it was Sarge, not Etch updated :)
17:20.01*** join/#debian assd (n=aasxad@
17:20.29itchiWell, the preseed automating seems to be cooool :-)
17:20.34mike1oI don't know how I got it working!!
17:20.39itchiI got it working :-p
17:20.52mike1oyou too?
17:21.09itchiAzar: wishe you a great health!
17:22.39itchimike1o: Well, it's kinda easy. Put a preseed.cfg somewhere. Boot up a install and on the first install screen, enter: install vga=791 auto url=  and that's done. Once you have manually enter the network info, all goes automated.
17:23.21*** join/#debian dutchfish (
17:23.47itchiA nice example you get there  More info on
17:24.14Azaritchi: thank you I needed it :) best wishes to you for this new year
17:24.16itchiwtf 5 mins and my Debian install is done. That's crazy!
17:24.43bjwebbhow do i update the opengl glx server version?
17:24.58itchiAzar: Thanks!
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17:27.24tripooHello, what is the way to 'remove score' if something is 'good', I use this, but does not work, only work using 1.0 or +1.0
17:27.28tripooscore DKIM_SIGNED -1.0
17:27.30tripoowhy not -1.0 ? I want to 'remove' just one point if DKIM is signed, any idea?
17:28.07itchiWell, just my password did not work with the automated install :-)
17:29.45*** join/#debian duns_s_ (
17:29.46jelly-hometripoo: note: this is #debian, not #spamassassin ... we might not know what you're talking about
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17:30.07tripoono one uses spamassassin?
17:30.16abrotmani read my spam
17:30.17Azarjelly-home: yeah I was looking at his stuff and thought: wtf?
17:30.22Ronintripoo: many do but #spamassassin knows it best
17:30.38tripoonothing repspons me, I am on #spamassassin too
17:30.45Ronintripoo: patience
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17:30.58Roninthey too may be hung over heh
17:31.03Azarit's the first day of the year... people still sleeping
17:31.08tripooRonin: you use spamassassin?
17:31.23tripooAzar: are you sleep? are you a people? :=
17:31.55abrotmantripoo: you don't really want to know
17:32.04AzarI just woke up, andif I am not people, maybe I am goat
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17:36.46Roninfigures it would be you
17:36.59dpkgrumour has it, dma is (Direct Memory Access) PCs have DMA channels that allow certain devices to directly access memory in order to speed up the process. to turn on dma, hdparm -d1 /dev/hda. to make it permanent, edit /etc/hdparm.conf
17:37.57*** join/#debian Firestarter- (
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17:38.37chuckhi, in exim4, is it possible to make an alias in /etc/aliases that gets sent to more than one account?
17:38.54abrotmancomma separated
17:39.11abrotmanat least that works in postfix .. don't see why exim would be different there
17:39.14Alam_Debianhmm, how do I check if DMA is on for my hard drives?
17:39.21chuckso like:
17:39.24abrotmanhdparm probably
17:39.25*** join/#debian omar (n=omar@unaffiliated/omar)
17:39.30chuckcoolalias: oneperson, anotherperson, athirdperson
17:40.01chuckalso is there a way to search through installed packages for a certain package?
17:40.08*** join/#debian |zeal| (n=kvirc@
17:40.10chucklike apt-cache search but only for installed ones?
17:40.32abrotmanchuck: dpkg -l | grep <foo> ?
17:41.00abrotmanmaybe with aptitude
17:41.04chuckah, thanks
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17:48.18karrotxis there a way to turn off umask for a user?
17:48.24Azarwow! Debian was tagged as "Almost Non-Free Software"
17:49.00*** mode/#debian [+l 840] by debhelper
17:49.00jelly-home"almost free", you mean
17:49.17Azaroh yes, sorry, Almost Free
17:49.22finekto much alkohol
17:49.44Azardutchfish: reading LWN... from Dec 12
17:50.39Azarhmm bsd wasn't classified yet
17:51.11jelly-homewho cares about how FSF classifies distros
17:51.31AzarI do, I would go HURD but can't manage to install..
17:51.34*** join/#debian Cobra^^ (
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17:53.57Azarhey what happens with the woody's repo archives? get toasted or still available around?
17:53.58SPFhappy newyear everyone!
17:54.42Azarif one say wants to install and use woody , will that still be possible?
17:56.08*** join/#debian CHC (
17:56.09Azarthanks jelly-home :)
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17:59.09solomonis ext3 the best choice for a file system on a file server that will serve some music and movies, including large HD movies, to a small handful of clients over a local gigabit network?
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18:05.41abrotmansolomon: if you don't know better .. yes :)
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18:06.20solomonabrotman: ironically, i just went ahead and chose that on that very logic :P
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18:11.59chuckwhat's the latest kernel that one would want to use on a production server?
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18:12.26chucki'm out of date
18:12.34chuckwhat's the package name to install it?
18:12.53simonrvn!tell chuck -about search
18:12.53dotCOMmiechuck: oh you mean debian based package? I don't know
18:13.29chucki don't know what to search for :-(
18:13.35abrotmanchuck: 2.6.18 is in etch
18:13.53chuckoh, i've got 2.6.18-4-686 is that up to date?
18:13.58*** join/#debian FrancoGG (n=Franco@wikimedia/FrancoGG)
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18:14.07abrotmanchuck: do you have sources?
18:14.15dotCOMmieTesting has 22 I think
18:14.21abrotmandotCOMmie: you're not helping
18:14.28abrotmanchuck: aptitude update && aptitude upgrade
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18:14.35abrotmanchuck: is anything held back ?
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18:15.20chuckabrotman:   linux-image-2.6-686
18:15.29abrotmanchuck: explicitly install that package
18:15.39chuckso i should say n?
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18:15.41abrotmanso aptitude install linux-image-2.6-686
18:16.11mudgeanyone familiar with exim?
18:16.27mudgeI just aptitude install exim,   but i have no idea what to do next
18:16.46mudgehow do I test that exim is working?
18:16.53chuckabrotman: can i install it now and restart later?
18:16.53abrotmantry to send yourself an email ?
18:17.01abrotmandefine "later"
18:17.26chuckabrotman: like 30 minutes or so?
18:17.28dutchfishwhe i do a \time ls -la ; what does (in the last line) 0inputs+0outputs (0major+400minor)pagefaults 0swaps ; 400 minor exactly mean?
18:17.32mudgeabrotman: how do I send myself and email and where do I look for it?
18:17.33abrotmanchuck: that should be fine ...
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18:17.40abrotmanmudge: echo "hi" | mail mudge
18:17.41ydoes "df" need to be updated periodically, or update itself, or something?
18:17.47yI just removed a rather large file and no change in space.
18:17.48abrotmany: updates itself
18:17.51abrotmany: sync
18:17.57yi need to call sync command?
18:18.08abrotmanor wait for it to happen on its own
18:18.17*** join/#debian dcordero (
18:18.33ecolou74hello everybody ans happy new year 2008
18:18.36ydf --sync gives me same resullt. i suppose maybe that tar was 0 kb
18:18.53dcorderoactually i get the extension of a file in a shellscript using ls file | cut -f2 -d"."  But i need to know the special case of when a file havent extension, someone know how can i get it?
18:19.00*** mode/#debian [+l 851] by debhelper
18:20.16mudgeabrotman: I sent myself an email,   i know i'm using the mbox format
18:20.32*** part/#debian tor__ (
18:20.33abrotmandid you get it ?
18:20.41mudgeabrotman: i don't know,  how do I check?
18:20.52abrotmanwhat kind of mailhost did you pick?
18:20.59*** join/#debian Suprano (
18:21.31mudgeI typed in mail,  and it says: "No mail for nick"
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18:21.37abrotmanso no mail
18:21.49abrotmanwhat kind of mailhost did you pick?
18:21.50mudgeabrotman: i'm sorry i don't know what a mailhost is
18:22.04abrotmanit asked you questions when you installed ?
18:22.14abrotmando you know what you picked ?
18:22.39mudgelike smarthost  or   static ip?
18:22.43mudgeI chose static ip
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18:22.57mudgei'm running a virtual private server that has a static ip
18:22.58abrotmanso you chose "Internet Mail Server' or something like that ?
18:23.08*** join/#debian maybeway36 (
18:23.15abrotmanmaybe look in your mail logs
18:23.24abrotmanor check the mailq
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18:27.30mudgewhen an email is sent,  what file does the email get sent to?
18:27.50mudgewhen I type "mail"  what files does "mail" check to see if there is mail
18:28.26chuckmudge: /var/mail/youruser iirc
18:28.29*** join/#debian Insolit (
18:29.20chuckat least that's how i have it configured, not sure if that's default or not
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18:32.36shamrockI can view and control an existing remote dekstop using vncviewer, but what do I need to actually loginto a new desktop session on a remote machine with full X desktop?
18:33.47*** join/#debian neumayr_ (
18:35.32mudgei checked the mail box of www-data and it says "Mailing to remote domains not supported"
18:35.43neumayr_can i change the default cpufreq governor without recomiling the kernel?
18:35.52chuckmudge: did you configure exim yet?
18:35.53Insolitguys i have one 2wire DSL router that connects to the internet, i wanted to connect my Asus with openwrt router to 2wire DSL, so that Asus router gets to be the main router of the house. First thing i tried was to set the asus router in DMZ, in the 2wire router. This works, but connection is unstable. I'm disconnected in applications like IRC and online games, almost every 5 minutes. So I'd like to know the best approach to link these to rou
18:35.53Insolitter, to get a stable connection.
18:36.00InsolitCan anyone help me with this?
18:36.12mudgechuck: yes,   you think i did something wrong?
18:36.34abrotmanInsolit: this is #debian ...
18:36.36chuckpossibly, i don't remember the configuration exactly
18:36.39wolsInsolit: how is this a debian problem?
18:36.46chuckInsolit: #openwrt ?
18:36.50abrotman#networking ?
18:36.58Insolitis there such a channel? :D
18:37.00*** join/#debian Marius__ (
18:37.10Insolitwell here it focused a lot of experienced people
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18:37.30InsolitI was just trying my luck, thank you for pointing me to #networking, ill try my luck there
18:37.35wolsInsolit: we know about debian. if you have other problems not related to debian: other channels
18:38.00Insolitusually debian users in here, know a lot more than debian
18:38.04*** join/#debian Ace2016 (
18:38.07Insolitbut i understand
18:38.12Insolitthanks a lot anyway
18:38.15abrotmanInsolit: and the people in #networking might know about cooking ...
18:38.22Ace2016Hi all
18:38.30wolsabrotman: say, I have this nasty pony problem...
18:38.36neumayr_hm, mine isn't really a debian problem either.. guess i check #linux or something. bye
18:38.47abrotmanwols: pull your pants up
18:38.58Ace2016is there a user group that cannot write any file to the system??? i want to run an app but i'm scared it might leave something on my system, its from an untrusted source
18:38.59neumayr_wols: it's pink?
18:39.00wolsabrotman: THAT pony's fine, it's the OTHER one
18:39.00*** mode/#debian [+l 845] by debhelper
18:39.18abrotmanAce2016: then don't run it ?
18:39.22*** part/#debian neumayr_ (
18:39.28Ace2016no but i want to run it
18:39.34chuckAce2016: nobody:nogroup and yeah, you shouldn't run it if you don't trust it?
18:39.54wolschuck: there are world writable places. like /tmp
18:40.00Ace2016like you know how i;m user 1000 is there a group so low it cannot write a thing?
18:40.07chuckoh yeah
18:40.11wolsAce2016: no
18:40.17abrotmanchuck: can still write to /tmp/ for example
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18:40.29Ace2016i was hoping for something that cannot read or write a thing
18:40.32chuckAce2016: maybe try a chroot jail? or is that something different?
18:40.38Ace2016yea how do i do that?
18:40.41wolsAce2016: and lower UIDs are usually more priviledge with UID 0 having ALL the priviledges
18:40.55wolschuck: not really a security measure
18:41.18wolsthe only thing "secure" is a full OS image (not oirtualized) you immediately delete after use
18:41.26wolsand pray it doesn't infect your network
18:41.39Ace2016damn forgot about the network
18:41.48Ace2016ok i'll not run it
18:42.04chuckAce2016: what are you considering running, anyways?
18:42.50Ace2016something a friend (someone i know) made and said it would make my computer super fast and efficient, and its a binary linux file
18:43.28chuckerr yeah i wouldn't run that
18:43.32*** join/#debian Tramp (
18:43.34cizzihwo come when i do apt-get install apache2 it doesnt create /etc/apache2  anymore?
18:43.54cuscoperhaps it is created
18:43.54Ace2016look at the installed files by that package
18:43.55dpkgthe reason you have to use dpkg --force-confmiss is because whenever your config files (<conffiles>) are gone, dpkg assumes you deleted them on purpose, and that you want them to stay deleted.  You can also reinstall them using the following apt-get line: apt-get -o DPkg::Options::="--force-confmiss" --reinstall install <packagename>
18:44.00wolsthat's why
18:44.02*** join/#debian naudiz (
18:44.15naudizWhat version of python does Debian Lenny have ?
18:44.17abrotmancizzi: wrong package
18:44.30abrotman2.4.4 apparently is the default
18:44.40abrotmanthough i also have 2.6
18:44.43abrotmanerm .. 2.5
18:44.47Ace2016naudiz: go check at
18:45.01cizzistill didnt work
18:45.07cizzididnt re-created /etc/apache2
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18:45.18abrotmancizzi: apache2.2-common
18:45.25naudizAce2016 allright
18:45.41cizzisays its installed
18:45.46dpkgthe reason you have to use dpkg --force-confmiss is because whenever your config files (<conffiles>) are gone, dpkg assumes you deleted them on purpose, and that you want them to stay deleted.  You can also reinstall them using the following apt-get line: apt-get -o DPkg::Options::="--force-confmiss" --reinstall install <packagename>
18:46.03cizzigot it
18:46.04cizzithanks guys
18:46.19*** join/#debian mandingo (
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18:47.02JoeyAdamsWhat argument would I append to the kernel to enable using the fbdev terminal instead of the hardware terminal?
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18:48.50gikidi always seem to stuff up apt-get
18:48.52Ace2016whats the difference between the fbdev terminal and the hardware terminal? how can you have a hardware terminal?
18:49.11Ace2016gikid: tried using a gui, its hard to mess that up
18:49.13gikidthis time i tried installing proftpd using webmin
18:49.22Roningikid: how on earth can you mess up apt-get install
18:49.23abrotmanwebmin isn't in debian
18:49.34gikidRonin i tried using webmin
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18:49.39Roningikid: mistake #1
18:49.42gikidit asked me a question and i couldnt awnser it
18:49.54gikidso i hade to kill it in the middle
18:50.00gikidi tried unstuffing it up
18:50.06gikidlemee pastebin the error
18:50.20naudizabrotman Damn I thought python 2.5.1 would be the default in testing but it's not -- damn debian is slow on the uptake man
18:50.28abrotmangikid: aptitude install vsftpd .. done .. stop fucking around with webmin .. it will only screw up your system
18:50.45abrotmannaudiz: it might still be when it's released .. but currently i think they're still doing the libc transition for some stuff
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18:51.22Ace2016debian sid has 2.5.1
18:51.28gikidabrotman the problem is that io cant
18:51.34abrotmanyou can
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18:51.41gikidi cant*
18:51.43abrotmanAce2016: but what's the default?
18:51.49naudizAce2016 Yeah, but I'm afraid to run Sid it might hose my system
18:51.56TbbWomg no! sid breakes the toys! noo! dont hand em to him!
18:51.57abrotmangikid: you can too .. even Azar can do it
18:51.59Ace2016abrotman: default?
18:52.10abrotmanAce2016: type "python" .. which version loads?
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18:52.21gikidlet me try
18:52.22nitro4cehow do i specify to an executable where to search for a library? because i get "No such file or directory" and the library is there
18:53.03gikidthis is a network server btw
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18:55.03abrotmangikid: if you wouldn't fuck around with webmin .. you would know what you're doing
18:55.18jellonaudiz: lenny has python2.5, it's just not the default
18:55.22gikidabrotman i was being a lazy bastard
18:55.31ydf --sync tellls me hdc1 has Used 7261384 yet a directory listing in a folder on /hdc shows a fille of 6 Gigs. WTF?
18:55.31gikidi know what i'm doing... but
18:55.35abrotmanlazy wasn't the word i was going to use
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18:55.41gikidi didnt feel like ssh'ing in
18:55.43yoh duh
18:55.47abrotmanyour fault .. you fix it
18:55.56ydf gives me things not in bytes but in kilobytes
18:55.59yso all is well
18:56.07*** join/#debian JymmmEMC (n=Jymmm@unaffiliated/jymmm)
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18:56.22gikidhow can i tell what has /var/cache/debconf/config.dat locked?
18:56.34jellogikid: lsof
18:56.45abrotmany: df -h
18:56.56cizziok things are messed up
18:57.03cizzihow can I reinstall completely apache2
18:57.09cizziand no apache at all
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18:57.25jellocizzi: back up /etc/apache*, then purge apache2-common
18:57.27ycan i tar and gzip an 80GB iso without fear of problems?
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18:57.35chuckdamn, i installed the new kernel and i restarted the server, but now i'm getting ssh: connect to host port 22: Network is unreachable when i ssh to it
18:57.40gikidrack8189:~# lsof | grep /var/cache/debconf/config.dat
18:57.40gikidfrontend  25006        root    4rW     REG        8,1    75903    3524492 /var/cache/debconf/config.dat
18:57.40gikidrack8189:~# killall frontend
18:57.42*** kick/#debian [gikid!n=debhelpe@unaffiliated/debhelper] by debhelper (use the paster bot or #flood)
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18:58.25JymmmEMCchuck: which kernel?
18:58.27gikid<3 you guys
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18:58.40chuckJymmmEMC: uhh i installed linux-image-2.6-686 iirc
18:58.57JymmmEMCchuck: and which kernel is that?
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19:00.46cizzias soon as i install apache 2 and restart it i get this
19:00.46cizziForcing reload of web server (apache2)...apache2: Could not open configuration file /etc/apache2/apache2.conf: No such file or directory
19:00.46pleedIs there a way to tell dpkg (apt-get espacially) to install/update a package giving it a chroot as / ?
19:00.50cizzion a default install
19:00.51cizzinot normal
19:01.02cizziwhy doesnt it have a conf file
19:01.20*** part/#debian neo2dot0 (
19:01.34wolsa crhoot of / is kinda useless
19:01.39wolsalready is your root
19:01.49abrotmanchuck: anything special about your NIC?
19:02.10JymmmEMCI'm having some strange, random behavior with sshd under ubuntu, and I'm wondering if anyone is having anything like this under debian as well. sshd may not let more than one sesssion, sessions lock up at random, not responding at all. etc. I'm just wondering if anyone has seen anything like this elsewhere; I've heard romors, but that's about it.
19:02.15pleedwols: i know. i wanted to say i would like to give a chroot path to dpkg/apt-get ...
19:02.19abrotmanJymmmEMC: #ubuntu
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19:02.20wolsabrotman: he installed a new kernel remotely and now the box isn't coming back up?
19:02.22chuckabrotman: ahh not really i dont' think
19:02.27abrotmanwols: sure
19:02.37wolspleed: I meant cizzi
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19:02.45JymmmEMCabrotman: reread what I asked please.
19:02.45wolsoops. it was you
19:02.56wolspleed: do a chroot and run dpkg inside that
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19:03.11abrotmanJymmmEMC: ... enjoy!
19:03.18pleedwols: so i have to install dpkg into the chroot?
19:04.04wolspleed: running dpkg only makes sense if dpkg is already instaleld ie you want to put something in an existing debian install you didn't actually boot
19:04.10wols!wayttd pleed
19:04.10dpkgWhat Are You Trying To Do, pleed?
19:04.30abrotmanisn't it easier to do a debootstrap in the chroot ?
19:04.54pleedok thanks
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19:06.11cizziquick question, can i use http.conf and for apache2?
19:06.24rwpyes but why?
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19:06.34cizzicause i get this
19:06.35cizziForcing reload of web server (apache2)...apache2: Syntax error on line 189 of /etc/apache2/apache2.conf: Could not open configuration file /etc/apache2/httpd.conf: No such file or directory
19:06.44cizzii dont have a httpd.conf
19:06.56simonrvn!tell cizzi -about confmiss
19:07.11rwpYou should have /etc/apache2/httpd.conf if you installed apache2.  It is created automatically in the postinst.
19:07.23wolscizzi: just purge ALL of apache2 stuff and reinstall it since you're unable to do it otherwise
19:07.36cizzii did that
19:07.37rwpHowever it is created as a zero sized file by default simply so that people know where to look for it.
19:07.49wolscizzi: I don't believe you
19:08.04rwpI am skeptical as well.
19:08.19rwpdpkg -l |grep apache
19:08.19dpkgNo packages found matching |grep apache
19:08.24cizziwhich package do i need to reinstall completely to regenerate httpd.conf ?
19:08.52wolsAciD: please uninstall them all as you see fit and then show us dpkg -l |grep apache
19:09.01wolscizzi: ^^
19:09.07*** part/#debian pa7iQ (
19:09.07cizziallright i'll do it again
19:09.27wolscizzi: before reinstalling apache, show us the dpkg -l | grep apache output
19:09.49rwpAlso remember that --remove leaves /etc conffiles untouched.  --purge removes /etc conffiles.
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19:10.29cizzipastebin is not working
19:10.32cizzian i paste in channel
19:10.41JymmmEMCabrotman: Thanks. Man, aweful lot of really old bugs in there.
19:10.48mudgei'm trying to setup the dns for my exim4 mail server
19:10.51chuckdang, i installed linux-image-2.6.18-5-686 kernel on my server and restarted it, but i can't ssh to it
19:10.52abrotmanJymmmEMC: anything remotely related?
19:10.54simonrvn/join #flood
19:10.57mudgei don't know how the MX record should look like
19:10.58chuckit says; ssh: connect to host port 22: Network is unreachable
19:10.59rwpcizzi, hopefully dpkg -l |grep apache would be empty anyway. :-)
19:11.01abrotmanJymmmEMC: have you tried another NIC or kernel?
19:12.06*** join/#debian Ryan52 (n=ryan52@unaffiliated/ryan52)
19:12.13cizziok i pasted it
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19:12.24jellomudge:                 MX      10     ; Primary Mail Exchanger
19:12.25rwppasted it where?  URL please?
19:12.36cizzididnt give me a url
19:12.37jellomudge: where is the A record of the mail server
19:12.38Ryan52when you run "xm list" nad it shows one of your instances with b, does it mean its not working or that it has nothing to do?
19:12.42cizzinever used before
19:12.44JymmmEMCabrotman: Nothing that I can see. NIC is onboard. Upgraded kernel, Still getting session timeouts, but that may be isolated to one of my (older) remote routers.
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19:13.00rwpcizzi, Got it from "Recent Posts" link.
19:13.01abrotmanJymmmEMC: it might be .. sadly .. this is #debian :)
19:13.16cizziok good
19:13.36rwpcizzi, You did good with the pastebin.  It shows that you still have both apache version 1 and apache version 2 installed at the same time.  I recommend not doing that.
19:13.53cizziok so i'll remove all of those right?
19:14.05*** part/#debian Ryan52 (n=ryan52@unaffiliated/ryan52)
19:14.08rwpcizzi, Yes.  Have you made manual modification to the apache files in /etc?
19:14.09mudgejello: my dns looks like this currently,   first there is the MX record: MX 1
19:14.12cizziyes i did
19:14.12Orion_X11When lenny is becoming stable? Which will be the next testing version?
19:14.15JymmmEMCabrotman: Well, remor had it was related to ubuntu build, so I was wondering if debian had it as well. I might just fdisk and install debian instead, jsut didn't want hte same behavior if issues was in debain core as well.
19:14.16cizzilets start from 0
19:14.16mfrischabrotman: hey ooooooo
19:14.26jellomudge: you need the trailing dot
19:14.28rwpcizzi, If so then you should copy them off before --purge.  --purge will delete the conffiles.
19:14.36cizzithats fine
19:14.37abrotmanJymmmEMC: i haven't seen it
19:14.37cizzii have backups
19:14.39mudgethen newsconomy's dns looks like this: A
19:14.44abrotmanmfrisch: you keep running away!
19:14.48rwpcizzi, If you have made no changes then simply purge all of the apache packages.
19:14.55jelloOrion_X11: iirc, current plan is for end of 2008
19:14.58mudgejello,  besides the trailing dot, does that look okay?
19:15.02cizziwith dpkg --purge <package>
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19:15.14jellomudge: dunno, can you post to pastebin your dns file?
19:15.17rwpI would use dpkg to get a list and then purge that.
19:15.23jellomudge: also try running nslist
19:15.29rwpcizzi, dpkg -l | awk '/apache/{print$2}'
19:15.37mfrischwho's running...did you answer me earlier?  I am just doing it the hard way and saving the debs this time.
19:15.39jellomudge: nslint
19:15.39rwpIf that looks okay then 'apt-get remove --purge' that list.
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19:16.08JymmmEMCabrotman: Good to hear. It's a 1U server in a DC, so ssh needs to be reliable. and I is too po to afford a IPkvm =)
19:16.11mudgejello: I'm using everydns
19:16.19Orion_X11jello: iirc > is it the new codename for the new testing?
19:16.21rwpcizzi, The 'dpkg --purge' on a list of packages is fine too.  But then all of them must be done at the same time on the same command line.
19:16.37abrotmanmfrisch: i'm not even sure what you're doing
19:16.39jellomudge: don't know what that is, i use bind9
19:16.44rwpSince dpkg will want to see all of the dependencies nice and tidy.
19:16.56jelloOrion_X11: no, the new codename is decided on by the RMs when release time get closer
19:17.25mudgejello,  everydns is a free dsn hosting service:
19:17.52mfrischabrotman: uhm trying to have the packages so I can reinstall easier in the future.  might just do a full mirror haven't decided, it is 18Gib fo testing
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19:18.06abrotmanmfrisch: i thought you were burning them to CD
19:18.12cizziallright guys
19:18.16cizzieverything is removed
19:18.29cizzibut i sitll have a /etc/apache2 dir
19:18.30jellomudge: ok, can you get a complete dns file out of it somehow and pastebin that?
19:18.37cizzido i manually remove that?
19:18.39rwpcizzi, Great.  Then /etc/apache2 is not there anymore right?
19:18.40mfrischabrotman: would be nice.  I put a ten Gib ide in for now
19:18.46*** join/#debian n30 (n=n30@
19:18.54cizzidpkg -l | grep apache shows nothing
19:18.54dpkgNo packages found matching | grep apache shows nothing
19:19.01rwpcizzi, What other files are in /etc/apache2?  (Wondering if another package is involved.)
19:19.12cizzionly file in there
19:19.19jellomudge: check their FAQ -
19:19.20abrotmanmfrisch: okay .. so use it ?
19:19.32rwpcizzi, Okay to remove that then.  Remove it and the /etc/apache and /etc/apache2 dirs.
19:19.53cizzinow i install what exactly
19:19.55cizzifor apache2
19:20.03mfrischabrotman: have you used aptoncd?  can you add them to the package list without aptoncd?
19:20.17abrotmanapt-cdrom ?
19:20.19rwpcizzi, What type of web server are you wanting?  (Asking about the PHP modules.)
19:20.37abrotmanmfrisch: just copy them to CD .. then copy them back? i'm really not sure why you won't use the http sources
19:20.38mfrischabrotman: don't know.
19:20.47cizzijust normal web server that runs php code.. my whole point was to add php this morning, now i dont even have a webserver lol
19:20.50cizzii had apache
19:20.55cizziso not i want apache2 + php
19:20.56cizzithats itt
19:21.22rwpcizzi, Okay.  Install 'apt-get install apache2 libapache2-mod-php5' at a start.
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19:21.28mfrischabrotman: wastes time downloading.  only going to have wifi soon and I want to get something more production before I connect.
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19:21.44cizzirwp - all done
19:21.58cizzihey apache2 is running
19:21.59rwpcizzi, Good.  So now you have /etc/apache2/httpd.conf right?
19:22.01cizziyou guys are good
19:22.02abrotmanmfrisch: so why not just get the debian CD set?
19:22.07cizzilet me check
19:22.17cizziyes I do
19:22.27rwpThe /etc/apache2/httpd.conf file should be a zero length placeholder file.
19:22.32mudgejello, abrotman:  i got my email server receiving email,  thanks for your help
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19:22.35cizzisure is
19:22.36cizzi0 bytes
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19:22.47jellomudge: you're welcome
19:22.48rwpAll of the real configuration is done in /etc/apache2/conf.d/* individual files added by subsequent modules.
19:22.53mfrischabrotman: if I can I would like to use testing.
19:23.02cizzihang on taking notes
19:23.27cizziok done
19:23.28rwpSo the httpd.conf file can be empty in the typical case.  But classic old apache always documented throwing stuff in there.  Today you should mostly ignore it and use the conf.d/* files.
19:23.44cizzii think im good from here
19:23.58*** join/#debian Intensity (i=[hqc6PZ0@unaffiliated/intensity)
19:24.02cizziconf.d is empty?
19:24.05abrotmanmfrisch: testing changes
19:24.20cizziwhere do i change my default /var/www dir
19:24.46rwpyou may also want to install mysql-client mysql-server php5-mysql libdbd-mysql-perl too.
19:25.00mudgeanyone know of a good mail reader?  is pine or mutt good?
19:25.02rwpOops on including the perl module there.  cut and pasted
19:25.09jellomudge: i use mutt
19:25.13rwpmudge, mutt is highly favored
19:25.26jello!start a mua war
19:25.27dpkgmutt rules
19:25.29rwpmudge, pine is not quite free software and means you always have to go get it yourself
19:25.36jello!start a mua war
19:25.36dpkgpine owns
19:25.41cizzirwp - is it safe to modify apache2.conf ?
19:25.50*** join/#debian TML (i=joey@unaffiliated/tml)
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19:25.58cizziand add loadmodule php etc at the end?
19:26.16*** join/#debian LeGreffi3R_ (n=greffier@
19:26.21rwpcizzi, yes it is "safe" to modify apache2.conf but normally you won't need to do that.  What are you wanting to do?
19:26.33cizzijust change the default www dir
19:26.36TMLwhen you uninstall a package with aptitude, does it 'purge' by default?
19:26.41rwpNormally modify the /etc/apache2/sites-available/default file.
19:27.11jelloTML: there's an option to do that, don't know if it's the default
19:27.29mudgedoes mutt read from mbox  or only Mailbox?
19:27.30rwpcizzi, you mean DocumentRoot?  Modify /etc/apache2/sites-available/default for that.
19:27.36jellomudge: both
19:27.36dvsTML: It usually does NOT purge the config files
19:27.37cizzicool thanks
19:28.01cizziand finally whats the correct way to restart apache2?
19:28.15*** join/#debian rdorsch (
19:28.18dvscizzi: update-rc.d restart apache2
19:28.20rwpcizzi, The default Debian install sets things up so that you can have multiple virtual servers easily and so the sites-available/* files are modular.
19:28.28dvscizzi: invoke-rc.d restart apache2
19:28.35rwpcizzi, /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
19:28.38cizziand it enabled php5 by default?
19:28.43cizzii can run .php files?
19:28.52dvscizzi: you need a separate module to do that.
19:28.56jellocizzi: just install php5
19:29.08rwpinvoke-rc.d is really more designed for use in package postinstall scripts and not so much from the command line.  It respects the policy-rc.d settings.
19:29.21jellocizzi: libapache2-mod-php5
19:29.44rwpcizzi, libapache2-mod-php5 installed the apache php modules.
19:29.55cizzi#/etc/init.d/apache2 restart  ?
19:30.02dvscizzi: yup
19:30.32cizziok not working in browser
19:30.39cizzimaybe i need to speciify my ip
19:30.48*** join/#debian Gunirus (n=Gunirus@unaffiliated/Gunirus)
19:30.58jellocizzi: try `telnet localhost http`
19:31.32jellocizzi: type GET / HTTP/1.0
19:31.33joyfulgirlHello again! One last thing to configure in my mad quest to get this computer working:  Printing. The printer is an HP PSC 1610 All-in-One, and I'm pretty sure I'm using the right driver (googled around a bit), configured using CUPS. When I try to print to it, however, it just wants to spew out an endless stream of blank pages (even if only trying to print one page). Any ideas?
19:31.38dvscizzi: what's not working?  Do you see a web page
19:31.39jellocizzi: and then press enter twice
19:31.53cizzii dont see a web page
19:32.00cizziand i get output from jello's instructions
19:32.22rwpcizzi, When you say browser not working, you did not see the default install page for http://localhost/ ?
19:32.22jellocizzi: then browse to http://localhost/
19:32.42jelloapache's probably only listening on lo0
19:32.54jelloer, lo
19:32.54*** join/#debian rdorsch (
19:32.54rwpIt should say "It works!"
19:33.03cizzionly listenning on loopback
19:33.08cizzii need to put my ip
19:33.11cizziwhere do i do that
19:33.14*** join/#debian |HellTiger| (
19:33.25cizzilisten ip:port ?
19:33.37rwpThe Debian default for apache2 install is to listen on all interfaces.
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19:33.52rwpWhat does this say?  'netstat -na | grep :80'
19:34.06cizzitcp6       0      0 :::80                   :::*                    LISTEN
19:34.14rwpIt is listening on all interfaces.
19:34.22jellothat's tcp6
19:34.26rwpIt would say if it were locked to the local interface only.
19:34.29jelloie IPv6
19:34.32jellonot IPv4
19:34.59rwpActually I believe it is both.  At least it matches my IPv4 machine.
19:35.21*** join/#debian sauvin (
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19:35.47rwpWithout my understanding why I always see tcp6 when a process is listening on all interfaces including IPv4.
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19:36.13rwpcizzi, What is in the tail end of your /var/log/apache/error.log file?
19:36.18rwpAny errors there?
19:36.30cizzi[Tue Jan 01 14:29:56 2008] [error] [client] File does not exist: /home/cizzi/www/apache2-default
19:36.30cizzi[Tue Jan 01 14:29:59 2008] [error] [client] File does not exist: /home/cizzi/www/apache2-default
19:36.30cizzi[Tue Jan 01 14:30:05 2008] [error] [client] File does not exist: /home/cizzi/www/apache2-default
19:36.39rwpSorry, /var/log/apache2/error.log file.
19:36.48cizziwho told it to look for apache2-default
19:36.53cizzii need index.html in there
19:37.03rwpUhm, why does it say /home/cizzi there?  Shouldn't it say /var/www?
19:37.10cizzithats where i want it
19:37.12cizzithats good
19:37.18rwpDid you hack the default file DocumentRoot before looking to see if it worked?
19:37.29rwpThen remove the Redirect command.
19:37.44cizziwhy i just need to tell it to poitn to index.html
19:38.04*** part/#debian rawcut (
19:38.18rwpThe default RedirectMatch is a helper.  But after you have moved the location you wan't want that helper there anymore.  It will only confuse things.
19:38.33*** join/#debian DarkCow (
19:39.11cizziwhere do i change that
19:39.15cizzithe apache2-default
19:39.17rwpcizzi, Don't forget that when you changed DocumentRoot you also needed to change the matching Directory statements to match too.
19:39.27cizziyeah  i did
19:39.32rwpcizzi, In /etc/apache2/sites-available/default file.
19:40.04rwpThen /etc/init.d/apache2 force-reload  (or /etc/init.d/apache2 restart)
19:40.26joyfulgirlHi; I'm working on printing. The printer is an HP PSC 1610 All-in-One, and I'm pretty sure I'm using the right driver (googled around a bit), configured using CUPS. When I try to print to it, however, it just wants to spew out an endless stream of blank pages (even if only trying to print one page). Any ideas on how to fix this? Thanks in advance.
19:40.37rwpAlso remember that apache runs as the www-data user.  Your files in /home/ need to be readable by it.
19:41.49cizzistill not working
19:41.50cizzii put
19:41.53cizziis that right?
19:42.03rwpNo.  Remove it entirely.
19:42.12cizzithat line?
19:42.24rwpYes.  The entire line.  (Plus the two comments talking about it above it.)
19:42.34rwpYou may comment it out if you like.
19:43.01rwpI wish that was not the package default.  I think it confuses things more than it helps things.
19:43.10dvsrwp: agreed
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19:43.22abrotman!info printconf etch
19:43.26dpkgprintconf: (automatically configures USB and parallel printers with CUPS), section utils, is optional. Version: 0.7.7 (etch), Packaged size: 15 kB, Installed size: 48 kB
19:43.30rwpThe idea is that a default installation wiill get something going for the user immediately.  But they did it indirectly.
19:43.35*** part/#debian TML (i=joey@unaffiliated/tml)
19:43.36cizzican you guys tell me if it works outside my subnet?
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19:44.00rwpI see a full page with Welcome to
19:44.03cizzii always used apache... first time with apache2
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19:44.08cizziquite different
19:44.15rwpIf you look in /var/log/apache2/access.log you should see an entry for my browser.
19:44.50cizziyeah i see a bunch
19:45.00cizzinow  back to my orignal goal
19:45.02cizziget php to work
19:45.06cizzii was trying to get phpinfo to work
19:45.09rwpapache2 is incrementally more capable than apache1.
19:45.11cizzilets see if it works
19:45.25rwpyou probably want to install phpmyadmin then
19:45.33*** join/#debian talexb (
19:45.48cizziit works!!!
19:45.56talexbHappy New Year all .. now, back to trying to set up a pair of mirrored drives ..
19:45.57rwpGreat!  What works?
19:46.07cizzithanks so much
19:46.22cizzii get nervous when things dont work
19:46.26talexbUsing mdadm, is the --zero-superblock really necessary?
19:46.41cizzirwp - oh i meant phpo
19:47.02talexbi did fdisk on the two drives, setting the partition type fo fd, but get 'mdadm: /dev/hdc does not appear to have an MD superblock.'
19:47.08rwpLooks good.
19:47.13joyfulgirlabrotman: Thanks.
19:47.31itchitalexb: Do you setup raid1 from the debian intaller?
19:48.19talexbitchi, No -- I'm installing it after the fact, and I'm using DSL, which is based on Debian.
19:48.21rwpBe sure to read the /usr/share/doc/mysql-server-5.0/README.Debian file about setting passwords.
19:49.03itchitalexb: Bah, i don't support DSL :-p But if you want, i create a note about some test setups
19:49.14cizzii love this pentium 3 computer
19:49.19cizzidebian runs well on it
19:49.36itchicizzi: Even on my P1 it runs nice :-p
19:50.02talexbitchi, I understand you don't support DSL :) this is a technology experiment raelly.
19:50.16talexbBut thanks for the link -- I will read it and enjoy.
19:50.22cizzii found a utility last night called hddtemp it gives the hdd core temperatur if your hdd has a sensor and ihad thte idea of putting it on my web site.. to run hddtemp /dev/hde and display it dynamically on html thats the whole point of this lol
19:50.40cizzii can do that with php right
19:50.41*** join/#debian Ace2016 (
19:50.55Ace2016Hi all
19:51.03dvscizzi: sure
19:51.03itchitalexb: I did the test setups in vmware-server. I have one production RAID1 setup too
19:51.07Ace2016Anyone know how to see what the mouse dpi is?
19:51.22talexbI am running a Celeron 400 w/192M so I chose to go smaller with DSL than install FC8 which I figure would overwhelm this ancient box.
19:51.41talexbKinda funny to put two 320G drives into such a small box. :)
19:51.43AzarAce2016: I would guess you could look at the X configuration file
19:52.07Ace2016Azar: i haven't set that option, i just want to see what is currently in use
19:52.08itchitalexb: My file/nis/nfs server is only a 1000MHz
19:52.13dvstalexb: FC8? Blasphemy!
19:52.35AzarAce2016: it is listed in /etc/X/xorg or xfree file you just need to "look" at it, not configure it
19:53.29talexbdvs, I know, I know. ;) At work we're a RH/FC setup everywhere. I had some bad experiences with Debian earlier on, but I'm getting the hang of it now.
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19:53.59dvstalexb: Probably because you never talked to us before. ;-)
19:54.14Ace2016Azar: nothing special in there
19:55.07talexbdvs, Probably. :) But now I'm wondering if I should be partitioning these 320G monsters into more than just a single partition.
19:55.27edistartalexb: why not use LVM?
19:55.35dvstalexb: Most likely.  It depends what you're using them for.
19:55.36edistartalexb: then you can change it later on
19:55.55talexbedistar, Thought about that .. I guess I wanted to do One COmplicated THing at once .. get RAID figured out, then if necessary add LVM.
19:56.29cizziitchi - i bought a linksys nas nlsu2 device a few weeks ago and replaced the rom with debian hehe
19:56.31cizziits great
19:56.33dvstalexb: how many 320GB drives are you using?
19:56.41cizzii back up to it and have debian on it too
19:56.48talexbdvs, Two.
19:56.56itchicizzi: Well, i remplace my crapy router with a debian box :-)
19:57.13cizzio a computer
19:57.15dvstalexb: well, if you REALLY want to keep what's on those drives, I'd set up RAID.
19:57.23cizzijust set up a ftp server right?
19:57.32cizzii use rsync
19:57.35itchicizzi: It's already that long time ago, A D-Link if i remember right
19:57.46AzarAce2016:  "ZAxisMapping"          "4 5"  < input device mouse  .... this is what you are looking for?
19:58.12itchitalexb: Play first with raid in a virtual computer.
19:58.13Ace2016i am looking for the DPI, like 1600, 2000 or 800
19:58.32cizziany of you guys know if its hard to track bytes in and out for a user in debian? to track their bandwidth
19:58.42cizziwith iptables maybe?
19:58.49AzarAce2016: I am sorry I never heard of a mouse DPI
19:58.50petemc_cizzi: i use ipac-ng to do that
19:58.54petemc_which uses iptables..
19:59.00*** mode/#debian [+l 835] by debhelper
19:59.01cizzipetemc - does it give it to you at the user level
19:59.04cizzifrom ssh sessions
19:59.07cizzior just internal 192.x?
19:59.21petemc_it logs what you tell it to
19:59.29cizzipete - even external internet ips?
19:59.30petemc_per host, per service, whatever
19:59.45petemc_yes, i get a list of which internal ips used what bandwidth
19:59.54cizzithat works
19:59.54talexbitchi, I have this spare machine with nothing importatnt on it -- I'm using that instead of doing anything 'virtual'.
19:59.59cizzii need for external ips
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20:00.05cizziusersc conencting from the outside
20:00.10itchicizzi: There are tools like ifstat, iptraf and ntop ... But i don't know if the may track per user
20:00.17cizzithey dont
20:00.17AzarAce2016: if you "less /etc/X11/xorgconfig < or something of that name file, you could find what you look for
20:00.24cizzii did a fair amount of reasearch
20:00.33cizzione i found useripacct
20:00.33talexbEventually it's going to be an NFS file server for doing a vinyl -> MP3 operation.
20:00.38cizziits no longer maintaine
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20:00.41Azarthank you abrotman :)
20:00.41edistarcizzi: you /could/ make a virtual network interface for every user ;)
20:00.54itchitalexb: Just don't put important stuff on the RAID system before you are sure and able to manage the stuff
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20:00.58edistartalexb: cool, exactly what I am planing ;)
20:01.21talexbitchi, Of course -- this is the first tiem I've set on of these things up. It's going to be very experimental to begin with. Thanks for your cmments.
20:01.25cizziedistar which program would be good for my need?
20:01.49itchitalexb: Break first the toy several times. Experiment and do some hdd failures simulations
20:02.46mudgehey, does anyone know how to make exim forward email to a different email address?
20:02.48edistarcizzi: I only know programs like iptraf that show traf for each interface, so if it really important I would make a virtual interface for each user and map that to the standard interface
20:03.15cizziedistar - how is a virtual interface created?
20:03.21mudgei want exim to forward all emails to to
20:03.24jellomudge: $HOME/.forward
20:03.26petemc_why would you use a virtual interface for each user?
20:03.31mudgejello:  thanks
20:03.32petemc_thats absurd
20:03.45edistarpetemc_: because I can't think of a diffent way
20:03.48itchimudge: Edit   /etc/email-addresses
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20:04.02petemc_InsolitWork: thats for rewriting outgoing mail
20:04.06petemc_gah, itchi ^^
20:04.08itchimudge: Sorry, i missed a line
20:04.54mudgeitchi: what?
20:04.59mudgeitchi: what do you mean?
20:05.00itchimudge: Ignore me ;-)
20:05.12cizzii dont know if that would work
20:05.21cizziusers can login from various ip's or locations
20:05.29mudgeitchi: should I edit /etc/email-addresses or $HOME/.forward ?
20:05.29cizziso i need by user ip accounting
20:05.41itchimudge: The ~/.forward
20:05.50petemc_cizzi: im not sure thats viable for your needs
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20:06.06edistarpetemc_: any other suggestions? I'd be interested too
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20:06.24itchimudge: I replied to you first message, without seeing your second message with the details
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20:06.34petemc_edistar: as i said, i use ipac-ng, which is ok, not great - im not sure how cizzi would achieve what he needs
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20:06.48cizzii'll show you an ouput of what i'd need
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20:07.29edistarpetemc_: thx
20:07.29mudgeitchi: okay, thanks
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20:07.29jellocizzi: you'd have to track the net traffic by process and then match the processes to the users then total them up
20:07.38edistarpetemc_: it's not in the lenny repos?
20:07.39Ryan52Is xfce4 considered linux newbie friendly? (To be used for word processing, web browsing, etc)
20:07.47cizziby process ?
20:07.54edistarRyan52: depends, if you are simplistic, yes
20:08.02edistarRyan52: if you have no windows experience, definitely
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20:08.15cizzithats what i'd need
20:08.18Ryan52edistar: thanks
20:08.19fysffahello, does someone know how can i activate the boot logger daemon ? /var/log/boot file says : "(Nothing has been logged yet.)
20:08.24jelloRyan52: if you have windows experience, i'd suggest KDE...
20:08.32petemc_fysffa: /etc/default/
20:08.33cizzibut ipacct doesnt work
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20:08.40cizzilast released in 2000
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20:08.43cizziby old patches
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20:09.21Ryan52jello: thanks
20:09.33fysffapetemc_ : thanks
20:09.48itchiAll DE are really easy to use. Even if you come from another OS. When you switch from XP to Vista, it take also some time to figure out where what is
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20:10.03jellocizzi: net-acct maybe?
20:10.08cizzitried most of them
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20:10.10cizzisounds familiar
20:10.20jelloi imagine they all sound similar...
20:10.44edistarRyan52: XFCE is much faster than KDE, so if you have an old pc or don't want to wait for 10 seconds or so when logging in then use XFCE
20:10.53cizziwell i just checked, its a site i've been on allready
20:10.57cizziso probably doesnt work for me
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20:11.11cizzii ordered a book on iptables
20:11.15cizzigonna writ something myself
20:11.23cizzicause poeople are doing this allready obviously
20:11.28branstromMy libc6 is too old for w32codecs from medibuntu
20:11.29cizzithey just dont wanna tell yuo how
20:11.40branstromDoes anyone know if there's a nice backport or something?
20:11.53petemc_cizzi: ip accounting should be fairly well documented
20:12.04cizzisure is
20:12.06cizziat the ip level
20:12.06branstromOtherwise I'll have to upgrade to testing, like an irresponsible brat?
20:12.08cizzinot at the user level
20:12.26itchibranstrom: Well, install Debian first
20:12.35edistarcizzi: iptables are not made for user level, are they?
20:12.45branstromitchi: ?
20:12.53cizziI don't know but one guy told me he's doing it with iptables+perl
20:12.54branstromI run Debian.
20:12.58itchibranstrom: Why do you use stuff from medibuntu?
20:12.59*** part/#debian Ryan52 (n=ryan52@unaffiliated/ryan52)
20:13.01cizzihe runs a debian server shell service too
20:13.07branstromitchi: I wanted w32codecs.
20:13.13branstromfor mplayer
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20:13.32itchibranstrom: Well, checkout the debian-multimedia repo
20:13.33cizzii know in iptables you can set rules
20:13.39edistarcizzi: I think iptables can handle user level stuff but it isn't very handy to do
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20:13.44cizziso maybe log the current user AND his ip(s)
20:13.45cizziand log that
20:13.47zepardhappy new year
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20:13.54itchibranstrom: See  /msg dpkg debian-multimedia
20:13.56cizziedistar - you have another suggestion?
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20:14.05edistarcizzi: no :(
20:14.07zepardis their a ndiswrapper master on sid
20:14.25cizzii emailed some of these guys that work on ip accounthing stuff
20:14.27edistarcizzi: I just read that once when I tried to dive into iptables
20:14.28cizzimaybe they will help
20:14.59cizziif i write something i will make it public for sure
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20:15.28cprofittanyone know how to remove applet from the KDE system tray -- I have five instances of nm-applet
20:15.45edistarcizzi: could you email me if you achieve something?
20:15.50zepardI want to build ndiswrapper but need linux-headers. problem on sid no way to get linux-headers-2.6.22-2-686
20:16.00cizziedistar - sure
20:16.07cizziemail me your email
20:16.09zepardany idea or workarround?
20:16.13branstromitchi: thanks... gah, already started the upgrade process though... got lots of upgrades, don't know if they came from medibuntu or not... hmm
20:16.34itchibranstrom: You should avoid to use other repo's
20:16.40edistarcizzi: I sent it by query, did you get it?
20:16.44cizzilet me check
20:16.45branstromrebooting now, then I'll get rid of medibuntu and get debian-multimedia in there
20:16.47itchibranstrom: Take only debian-multimedia and the backports
20:16.56cizziwhats sent by query
20:17.00itchibranstrom: See  /msg dpkg backports
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20:17.02branstromitchi: yeah...
20:17.06edistarcizzi: my address
20:17.07cizzimy mta is /bin/mail hehe
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20:18.41fysffapetemc_ : unfortunately it doesn't seem to work :( ;
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20:19.28petemc_fysffa: you edited that file to enable it?
20:19.33edistarcizzi: you should have a new mail ;)
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20:19.49itchifysffa: Did you set  BOOTLOGD_ENABLE=No  ?
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20:20.16cizzigot it
20:20.22jellocizzi: seems like you want iptables with --uid-owner
20:20.44cizzijello - from that url u gave me?
20:21.05jellocizzi: the url is a general intro to iptables...
20:21.17jellocizzi: --uid-owner is from the iptables manpage
20:21.29cizzigonna write this down
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20:21.55cizziso maybe it can match ip's to uid's and log that
20:22.00cizzithen i can parse the logfiles
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20:22.47fysffapetemc_ : ouch, didn't edited it, just made it executable and rebooted. i'll check it right away
20:23.09jellocizzi: why do you need IPs?  just create a chain for each user and get your stats from that
20:23.30cizzieach user's in and out?
20:23.50cizzigonna read the iptables link
20:23.53cizzito see how it works
20:24.04jellojust my rambling, but sounds like it should work that way...
20:24.15cizzii'll give it a shot at this point
20:24.22Azarholy cow! it looks like the entire republic of china invaded my mailbox... dam spammers
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20:24.36eth01do what i did.
20:24.43eth01ban the whole country.
20:24.50Azaryah good idea
20:24.52eth01prohibit access.
20:25.11cizzisendmail has a hosts.deny ?
20:25.12eth01since doing that, my life has been a lot better.
20:25.24cizzior just add sendmail: ip
20:25.27cizziin hosts.deny
20:25.32eth01use hosts.deny yea
20:25.43dvsone IP for China? ;-)
20:25.50eth01the ranges
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20:25.59Ace2016Hi all
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20:26.41itchiAzar: I have some f* bastards that are trying to spam comments on my articles :-p
20:26.51Ace2016whats the equivalent of /etc/modules.d/ in debian?
20:26.53abrotmanitchi: quit whining .. shut it off
20:26.56itchiAzar: The spammer are super active the last 4 weeks
20:27.02Ace2016i'm trying to follow a gentoo howto for my mouse's pooling rate
20:27.07abrotmanAce2016: /etc/modutils/ ? ?
20:27.13Contessawhat is the "done" method for installing a cluster under debian ?
20:27.16itchiabrotman: Realy not, because these are not able to spam :-) But it just blow up my logs :-(
20:27.24Ace2016why does debian use a different name?
20:27.36thedonvaughnAce2016: why does * use a different name?  and wtf are you asking?
20:27.36abrotmanitchi: then stop logging .. apache has flexible logging
20:27.37Ace2016there is no /etc/modules
20:27.40dvsAce2016: I thought Debian uses the same name
20:27.42thedonvaughnAce2016: create it
20:27.48Ace2016create it?
20:27.52itchiabrotman: I already have banned +- 420 bastards
20:28.01itchiThat on 4 weeks
20:28.17Ace2016maybe you banned too many
20:28.28abrotmanitchi: that's useless .. whatever ..
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20:28.59itchiabrotman: Yeah i know, it just reduce it a bit, till they get a new ip. But honesty, banning slow down his motivation
20:29.11abrotmanonly another 4 billion or so to go
20:29.26cizziif i start messing with iptables could i screw up my system?
20:29.26itchiabrotman: I don't care, it's automated :-p
20:29.31cizzisince i'm new to iptables
20:29.35dvsyeah, just wait until IPv6
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20:29.41jellocizzi: yes
20:29.48cizzijello - damn
20:29.52jellocizzi: mostly just the networking...
20:29.55cizzii cant experiment
20:30.03jellocizzi: experiment locally
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20:30.31dvsjello: Locally?  I thought that's how you run into trouble.  Ban yourself from the network.
20:30.36cizzii ordered iptables book from oreily
20:30.41cizzihopefully i can understand it
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20:31.01jellodvs: you at least have console access so you can reset it...
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20:31.35dvsjello: Ok.  That's what you mean.  If you have physical access to the machine then a screw up isn't as bad.
20:31.41jellodvs: screw with it on a remote machine and you could end up putting yourself in a black hole
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20:32.43itchiI have some troubles with the preseed.cfg. I use a apt-cacher server and the preseed process is not able to make use of my http://ip:port/debian of my apt-cacher.
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20:33.45itchiabrotman: It's now near a day i don't have get a spammer back. It seems these have used all these stolen ip's
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20:34.42zepardquestion: the latest linux kernel on sid is 2.26.22?
20:34.54jellozepard: ask p.d.o
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20:35.55zepardbut it's kept back on my sid
20:36.12abrotmanso isntall it explicitly
20:36.37zepardno conflicts in sight after that?
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20:38.29abrotmanzepard: i have no idea . you're the sid user .. you should know how to solve these problems
20:38.43dvsabrotman: true
20:38.47zepardyou're right
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20:38.59zepardabrotman: you're right
20:39.08abrotmanyou should also have known how to find out which kernel was in sid
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20:39.20WildPikachuhi guys .... any idea when will be updated with r2?
20:39.24zepardi had a doubt
20:39.41abrotmanWildPikachu: i think the last few times it's been about a week
20:39.58WildPikachuthanks abrotman
20:40.32chuck__any ideas why i'm getting errors like this when i compile? ./configure: line 526: `AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE(libcppircclient, 0.1.1)'
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20:41.24jellochuck__: install libcppircclient ?
20:41.52chuck__no, that's not a package, it's an alpha irc framework thing that i'm trying to get compiled
20:42.19abrotmanchuck__: ask the authors
20:42.43pleedhow can i look to what package a specific file belongs?
20:42.45chuck__isn't there a package or something to get that working though? something for automake?
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20:43.06abrotmanchuck__: build-essential ?
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20:44.34jellopleed: dpkg -S /path/to/file
20:45.17pleedjello: thanks
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20:46.40ski__hello all, happy new year, was wondering if any one could give me some info on using 'vm' for mail
20:47.40ski__basically are there limits to the mailbox size it can hold
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20:48.37ski__i've just loaded my mail (~2.G) and its telling me 'Maximum buffer size exceeded'
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20:49.16jelloski__: change from mbox to maildir ?
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20:49.45mike1owhat's the best dj program available for linux/debian?
20:50.11tralalamike1o, /msg dpkg search
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20:50.54abrotmanjello: if you have a 2GB mbox .. you should be shot! :)
20:51.55jelloabrotman: i think that;s what that msg means... :)
20:52.17abrotmanstill not working!
20:52.21dpkgTest Failed.
20:52.28abrotman!iced tea
20:52.31abrotmannope ..
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20:52.49jelly-homenah, it's just not there
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20:56.11abrotman!icedtea is <reply>
20:56.11dpkgokay, abrotman
20:56.16abrotmanjelly-home: feel better? :)
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20:59.11chuck__!icedtea | abrotman
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21:00.49jello!icedtea is also
21:00.49dpkgokay, jello
21:00.51hgraeyhi #debian
21:00.54chuck__!icedtea | chuck__
21:02.00Azarhmm some distro (forgot its name) labels all non-free packages as bugs
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21:02.40Azarshould Debian do the same?
21:02.56tralalano is not part of debian
21:03.02hgraeyquestion about services in debian: why is there no feedback on the CLI when i e.g. issue "/etc/init.d/foo status"? and is there a shortcut for /etc/init.d/ like "service" on RH?
21:03.23Azarwols! :) happy new year! what is
21:03.28*** part/#debian telmich (i=telmich@gpm/telmich)
21:03.52tralalahgraey, because there isn't and no there isn't
21:03.55wolsAzar: "non" with keyboard encryption
21:04.09wolstralala: invoke-rc.d?
21:04.19tralalawols, deprecated
21:04.45hgraeytralala, so i have to grep ps for every process an init script might start? :O
21:04.55Azarwols: so Debian is "almost" free only due to kernel's blobs?
21:05.12simonrvnhgraey: yeh there is, may be in etch, dunno
21:05.19wolsAzar: basically. supposedly lenny will be fully free
21:05.36Azarreally! oh wow, that sounds nice!
21:05.58tralalahgraey, I've never had to do this. So I suppose the answer is: depends
21:06.32*** part/#debian Bhaal (i=bhaal@freenode/staff/bhaal)
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21:06.42jellohgraey: what are you trying to do?
21:06.54hgraeyeither i'm doing something wrong, or some default setting in debian is preventing me from getting output :o
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21:07.18tralalahgraey, getting what output out of what?
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21:07.32hgraeyjello, calling /etc/init.d/foo status i expect feedback
21:07.49jellohgraey: that's very non-standard
21:07.51simonrvnnot all of them support that
21:08.00jelloi would have on such expectation
21:08.04simonrvnit's a redhatism
21:08.04jellothis is not red hat
21:08.15hgraeyheh, they don't even say OK when i start or stop them
21:08.20Azarhgraey: maybe you need to config some daemon's file in order to get announcements..
21:08.24hgraeyi'm kinda used to it because it's sensible
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21:08.44simonrvnuseless extra junk to bloat init scripts
21:08.47|elppa|What's the best way of installing a lenny package onto etch?  It's not in backports and when I try and install it it wants to upgrade all sorts of stuff to the lenny vesion like libc6 and build-essential which I'm scared to do.
21:08.50jellohgraey: install lsb-init
21:09.09tralala|elppa|, /msg dpkg simple sid backport
21:09.17AzarI used to get boring mail announcements from the daemons... don't remember what I did to stop them
21:09.24hgraeyjello, gonna have a look thanks
21:09.26simonrvn|elppa|: backport it yourself
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21:10.02erpoIn debian, how are log files normally rotated? Is it a cron job, or is it the responsibility of the individual daemons?
21:10.12wols!tell |elppa| about simple sid backport
21:10.18jellohgraey: er, lsb-base is what i meant
21:10.18wols|elppa|: works for lenny too instead of sid
21:10.21Azarcron jobs I guess
21:10.23simonrvnlogrotate is the preferred tool
21:10.41hgraeyi should have probably checked the scripts themselves first, but between no sleep, new years eve and juggling 5 distros 3 of which are new to me i'm a bit confused. sorry ^_^
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21:11.06simonrvnyour problem :P
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21:11.27hgraeyoh, and i already have lsb-base
21:11.40Azarmister simonrvn how did you end your 2007 ?
21:12.06erposimonrvn: Thanks.
21:12.12Azarnothing better when it snows than a soup of belly and tequilla
21:12.14simonrvnlike any other evening, except i watched sporanos and a james bond movie on teevee
21:12.28Azarhey sounds nice enough
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21:13.21jellosoup of belly???
21:13.29Azarjello: the belly of the cow
21:13.38Azarthe skin from the belly
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21:13.53jellonever heard of such a thing...
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21:14.13Azaryea is a sour and spicey soup goes excellent with whiskey or tequilla
21:14.16tralalait's horrbile until you get the hang of it
21:14.19Azarmakes you dance in the snow
21:14.33Orion_X11Which is the fedora channel in this server?
21:14.46tralalaOrion_X11, #slackware?
21:15.14magalyi upgrade sid and now i have not X :-( with ati radeon somebody know about it?
21:15.29hgraeyhi magaly, we talked earlier
21:15.36wolsBhaal: did you upgrade your kernel?
21:15.43Orion_X11tralala: No. Fedora man. Please ;-) I have a friend here who want some help from people there :-)
21:15.46hgraeyfixing your horizontal refresh didn't do it?
21:16.26tralalaOrion_X11, if you had to make a wild guess what would it be?
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21:17.07erpoOrion_X11: Open up a channel list and search through it.
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21:17.47magalyhgraey: hi :-)
21:17.55Airbottle/J #cmus
21:18.02magalyhgraey: yes i does it
21:18.17Airbottledamn, doesn't exist :s
21:19.44hgraeyFYI #debian: the 64studio etch backport repo has some 404s i.e. incomplete gnome stuff, but some other gems that complement multimedia setup nicely
21:19.58abrotmanhgraey: it's not Debian .. doesn't matter to us
21:20.10hgraeyit's on the debian wiki ;)
21:20.15abrotmanit's not Debian
21:20.19abrotmanlots of things are in the wiki
21:20.21wols!tell hgraey about dmm
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21:21.16hgraeyhm, so we don't talk about experience with debian related repos in #debian?
21:21.35wolsdebian related != debian
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21:22.05hgraeyfair enough ;o
21:22.54hgraeymagaly, you were gone for a while. what happened then? didn't work?
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21:24.18hgraeywols, is there a debian-related channel of some sort?
21:24.22magalyhgraey: didn't work
21:24.41hgraeymagaly, did you get another error or the same?
21:24.59wolshgraey: not that I know
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21:25.31hgraeytry renaming your xorg.conf to xorg.conf.bak, then restart X and see what happens
21:25.32magalythe same :-(
21:26.02magalyhgraey: i did it  , but don't work
21:26.22magalyi tried some things
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21:28.02hgraeymagaly, it's a videomode problem though. you might have success if you generate a modeline going from your monitor's specs.
21:28.17hgraeydid you try the vesa driver at 800x600?
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21:29.12milliganI've added a printer, that seems to be working fine. I'm sharing the printer through samba, to a windows vmware machine. When I print stuff from the windows machine, the last 5 mm or the print (approx) are cut off. Any ideas to why ?
21:30.16magalyhgraey: i think that is a bug in a package
21:30.39hgraeymagaly, try another monitor if you have one
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21:30.54Blackgothand a happy new year
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21:31.56hgraeymilligan, long ago since i used linux as my print server. i think back then i got better results using a postscript driver on the win box
21:32.28shamrockwhat is the best way to determine if a certain process is talking to a certain port? e.g I have palantir running (a web streamer) and I want to know if its talking to port 9192.
21:32.31magalyhgraey: this monitor run perfectly with ubuntu in another disc
21:32.43hgraeynow i have a printer with it's own nic, much less hassle :3
21:32.51milliganhgraey, the print is actually even better quality than it was when I was using just windows :P Only prob is those last few mm
21:34.26hgraeymagaly, did you try copying over the relevant parts of your xorg.conf from ubuntu?
21:34.43hgraeyespecially modelines and monitor definition...
21:35.05magalyhgraey: yes
21:35.12magalyi does it
21:35.36magalyi think that xserver-xorg-video-ati is bad
21:35.59wolsmagaly: what card?
21:36.41magalyati radeon 7000/VE
21:37.51milliganmagaly, I got my ati card in this laptop up and running in 5 minutes yesterday.
21:38.13milliganapt-get the fglrx driver .. then download the driverinstaller from ATIs website.
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21:38.22milliganOnce that's installed, run: aticonfig --initial
21:38.25milliganand you're good to go.
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21:38.39wolsmilligan: it would be nice if the fglrx would even work on that card....
21:38.46|elppa|Hey wols that totally worked... compiling the package from sid sources and installing the deb onto Etch.  Thanks!
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21:39.00magalymilligan: well i try but look this log please
21:39.04|elppa|wols: What about simple upgrading an etch package to the version in sid?
21:39.11wolsmagaly: that drivre will not work for you
21:39.20|elppa|I have an etch package for something already installed and would like the sid version
21:39.22wolselenril: what about it?
21:39.27magalyi have debian sid
21:39.41wolselenril: you can do it like you did this package if you want the newer
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21:40.28wols|elppa|: ^^
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21:44.59magalywols: driver?
21:45.18magalywols: what can i do?
21:45.38wolsset the monitor manuially incl. display frequencies
21:45.59magalywols: is TFT 19"
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21:46.07magalyin ubuntu work perfectly
21:46.25wolsmagaly: thatn it's not understandable
21:46.39wolsTFTs should be fine. but: just set your display data in xorg.conf manually
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21:46.43wolsit seems there are DDC problems
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21:46.57magalyhow can i do?
21:47.48dpkgTo reconfigure your X server, run dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg as root. If you're not using Xorg (sarge or earlier), dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86, and ask me about <xmd5sum> if you've changed XF86Config-4 yourself.
21:47.58wolsbut doing the monitor selection manually
21:48.41magalyi did it
21:49.01magalyi change several xorg.conf
21:50.08gravitymagaly: What exactly is wrong for you?
21:50.23gravityThe ati driver is ungoing some transition right now
21:50.48magalyscreen found  but none have a usable configuration
21:51.05magaly> fatal error 104
21:51.49magalygravity: is a ati radeon 7000/VE in debian sid with xserver-xorg-video-ato
21:52.04*** join/#debian Smooph (
21:52.32eagle-101I'm working with someone to install a package on debian that I wrote. The package is libcppircclient-0.1.3r4 an alpha version of a C++ IRC framework I'm writing. It compiles correctly on both gentoo linux and ubuntu, but for some reason his attempt to compile it on debian fails with the following error.
21:52.32eagle-101make[2]: AR@: Command not found
21:52.32eagle-101This indicates it cannot find the ar package, but asking him to run whereis ar tells me he has the package in /usr/bin/ar
21:52.32eagle-101If anyone wants to try it on their system the package is at Please run ./configure && make CXXFLAGS="-O0". It requires boost to run. (boost threads and boost serialization).
21:52.32*** kick/#debian [eagle-101!n=debhelpe@unaffiliated/debhelper] by debhelper (use the paster bot or #flood)
21:52.38gravityWow, that's different
21:52.44gravityIt's not detecting the monitors at all
21:52.45*** join/#debian eagle-101 (n=eagle@wikimedia/Eagle-101)
21:53.03magalygravity: how can i do?
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21:53.15AuroraMSXI have a problem with my soundcard: it is recognized as a intel-hda - which is correct. All relevant snd_* modules are loaded, but still no card shows up in /proc/asound :-(
21:53.26eagle-101how many lines will it let me put in the question?
21:53.27talexbI've installed Damn Small Linux, which has the 2.4.31 kernel. It doesn't appear to have support for RAID built-in.
21:53.41jelly-homeeagle-101: 4 lines in the row -> kick
21:53.45talexbDoes the latest one have it, and should I upgrade to that if so?
21:53.52*** part/#debian father_marc1978 (
21:54.05eagle-101jelly-home, alright, I just typed out all the details to the question... must have been a bit much.
21:54.06talexb(DSL uses Debian -- which is why I'm asking here.)
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21:54.13eagle-101I'm working with someone to install a package on debian that I wrote. The package is libcppircclient-0.1.3r4 an alpha version of a C++ IRC framework I'm writing. It compiles correctly on both gentoo linux and ubuntu, but for some reason his attempt to compile it on debian fails with the following error. "make[2]: AR@: Command not found"
21:54.13eagle-101This indicates it cannot find the ar package, but asking him to run whereis ar tells me he has the package in /usr/bin/ar
21:54.13eagle-101If anyone wants to try it on their system the package is at Please run ./configure && make CXXFLAGS="-O0". It requires boost to run. (boost threads and boost serialization).
21:54.14jelly-hometalexb: we don't know
21:54.26jelly-homeeagle-101: we got your four lines kthx?
21:54.34eagle-101oh... sorry
21:54.36jelly-homeno need to repeat
21:54.49gravitymagaly: What happens when you comment out all those modelines?
21:55.02magalydont work
21:55.05gravitymagaly: As well as your horizsync and vertrefresh
21:55.11gravityYou tried this?
21:55.13magalyi tried reconfigure package
21:55.25magalyi tried many forms
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21:55.35jelly-homeeagle-101: can you pastebin the complete output of make?
21:55.53gravitymagaly: Could you submit a bug against xserver-xorg-video-ati?
21:55.54blatchis there a straightforward way of installing kde4?
21:56.03magalygravity: no
21:56.04gravitymagaly: For now, I'd go to and grab the old driver that worked for you
21:56.15gravitymagaly: You can't submit a bug report?
21:56.21Airbottledoes sombody know if its possible to set shortcut keys for the terminal based audioplayer "cmus"?
21:56.21hgraeymagaly, could you try copying the whole working xorg.conf from ubuntu?
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21:56.29magalyi does it
21:56.41gravityThe xorg.conf from ubuntu won't help
21:56.51hgraeywhy not? he says it works
21:56.58magalyhgraey: yes is that
21:57.00eagle-101pastebin of the error is at
21:57.09gravitymagaly: The xorg.conf from ubuntu works on your debian sid system?
21:57.18magalygravity: no :-(
21:57.23gravityhgraey: ^
21:57.25*** join/#debian InsolitWork (
21:57.34gravityThe driver has changed substantially between gutsy's release and what's in sid
21:57.46gravitymagaly: So why can't you submit a bug report?
21:57.56magalyi think that is a bug xserver-xorg-video-ati
21:57.59magalyi think
21:58.00gravitymagaly: It is
21:58.04gravityThat's why we need the bug report
21:58.06hgraeygravity, but videomodes shouldn't change unless i'm mistaken?
21:58.14magalygravity: yes i do it
21:58.16gravityhgraey: The driver doesn't handle the modes the same way now
21:58.19jim__hello world
21:58.42magalygravity: my english is very bad :-(
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21:59.06jelly-homeeagle-101: your paste indicates issues with the system clock, which may or may not mess with make.  Set your clock correctly and try to reproduce?
21:59.08gravitymagaly: The above webpage should help you configure it, although given that the driver is failing to get any information from the monitor, I don't know what's going on
21:59.11gravityIt's very strange
21:59.12hgraeyeww, good all the xorg devs still use crts on cirrus logic cards ;)
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21:59.28jim__i am having a problem installing debian etch amd64 bit on my new custom built system... doesnt detect a common cd rom
21:59.36magalywell thanks i try it
21:59.48gravityhgraey: Most of us use intel
21:59.56gravityAnd radeon
22:00.00jim__was wondering if there was a way to do the install from ubuntu to an already exsisting hard drive
22:00.04magalyi use intel and radeon
22:00.48gravitymagaly: You may want to try with the IgnoreEDID option enabled too
22:01.17jelly-homejim__: you could try the debootstrap installation method, or you could try using netinst images from "/msg dpkg kmuto" that use newer kernels
22:01.37AuroraMSXI have a problem with my soundcard: it is recognized as a intel-hda - which is correct. All relevant snd_* modules are loaded, but still no card shows up in /proc/asound :-(
22:02.21magalywell everybody thanks :-)
22:02.26magalyi try again
22:02.40hgraeygravity, was just kidding. i'm aware development for ati is not fun with just a handful of nda-signees, but exact timings from chip/monitor db is not one of xorg's strong points
22:02.51*** part/#debian magaly (
22:02.53eagle-101jelly-home, he will try to reproduce. It might be a while however :S
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22:03.20hgraeyi'm glad i use crts, always off by a little bit. sensitive tft might bite the dust there
22:03.20jim__jelly-home_: hmmmm.... i am still kinda green with linux... deboot strap sounds like it could be a project...
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22:04.05gravityhgraey: I'd say with randr1.2 xorg is doing a lot better at getting things right
22:04.33jim__jelly-home_: i know nothing about the latter suggestion you are making... is it a apt-get
22:04.35gravityhgraey: In magaly's case I don't know what's going on. The driver is failing to detect the monitor being connected at all, which is very weird
22:04.42gravityMaybe his connection table is off, I don't know
22:04.52gravityupstream will reply to the bug if all goes well though
22:04.53cinexhi. I was hoping for some advise/solutions. I have tried to isntall the debian testing release but the 'known issue' of the partitioner failing is affecting me (it can load it up, unbale to access files). Is there an older realse I can get with it working or any idea how long such things take to fix?
22:05.15cinexI need the new kernel
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22:05.42gravitycinex: Just install the stable release. kmusho has builds of the installer with new kernels.
22:05.49jim__jelly-home : I'm kinda hoping of getting my system running sometime here in the very near future
22:05.59cinexgravity: kmusho ?
22:06.01gravitycinex: You can move that installation to testing once it's done. I usually do a stable base install, then move it to unstable
22:06.16dpkgFor etch (or sarge) with up-to-date kernels, see
22:06.20gravityAh, thanks
22:06.22cinexnice. Thankyou
22:06.27gravityI need to meet Kenshi one day
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22:09.37hgraeygravity, looks like the monitor is detected to me, maybe ddc info conflicts with his modelines
22:10.05father_marc1978I'm new to debian and I was wondering if it is possible to put all the proprietary multimedia stuff on it?
22:10.20father_marc1978*Don't need to know how...*
22:10.23gravityhgraey: Possibly, but he said that commenting those out had no effect
22:10.27gravityhgraey: That was my first thought too
22:10.55cinexfather_marc1978: there is a repository for media stuff
22:10.57gravity(II) RADEON(0): Output VGA-0 disconnected
22:11.01gravity^ that line was weird
22:11.05gravityAssuming he had a connection
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22:12.13father_marc1978gotcha... thanks
22:12.21father_marc1978I wasn't sure it was possible at all...
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22:13.02cinexfather_marc1978: they jsut can't add it into the isntall disks because of legal issues
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22:13.58father_marc1978I thought it might be ideological.
22:14.07father_marc1978I call Debian "Commie-Linux." ;)
22:14.26father_marc1978Or alternatively, "Hippie-Linux." I like it.
22:14.30bp0anyone know where to get a pidgin debian package?
22:14.43father_marc1978It seems to be the most FREE oriented of the distros.
22:14.52hgraeygravity,  yeah, that's weird indeed. didn't even notice that line before, is that feature one of the latest additions?
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22:16.23Airbottleyou an get it via bakports bp0
22:16.43Airbottledamn, there is a letter not working on my keyboard
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22:16.45hgraeyshh Airbottle, that's not debian ;)
22:16.54gravityhgraey: I don't honestly know.
22:17.06Airbottlewhy hgraey?
22:17.07gravityhgraey: I don't know if that line comes from the ati driver or the xserver even
22:17.09bp0meh i cant build it
22:17.20gravityI don't track changes to -ati as well as I'd like
22:17.20bp0this is frustrating
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22:17.35hgraeyAirbottle, i was giving feedback about a backport repo i asked about earlier and got told off *shrug*
22:17.49Orion_X11How do I install broadcom wireless card on debian?
22:17.58dpkgbcm43xx is a driver for Broadcom's wireless chipsets ( included in kernels since 2.6.17-rc2, "modprobe bcm43xx" in Etch.  Firmware required to be loaded before operation, ask me about <bcm43xx-fwcutter>.  Replaced with <b43legacy> in kernels 2.6.24 and later.  USB devices are not supported.
22:18.24cinexOrion_X11: the same way you do for ubunto. ubunto have lots of tutorials
22:18.42dpkgbcm43xx-fwcutter is, like, a tool to extract firmware from Broadcom's proprietary drivers for the <bcm43xx> driver.  Installing the 'bcm43xx-fwcutter' <contrib> package will optionally download, extract and install driver firmware to /lib/firmware (this won't work on Etch, see bug #437488 and ask about <bcm43xx-fwcutter etch> for the manual procedure).
22:18.44abrotmancinex: are you 100% sure about that?
22:19.05cinexabrotman: not really. I wouldn't bet on it.
22:19.13abrotmancinex: then why even say it?
22:19.27cinexbecause I have one. and its true
22:19.27chuck__on ubuntu, it comes default (or at least it did when i tried it)
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22:20.21bp0"computer" in gnome thinks all my disks are removable, and wont mount any
22:20.26bp0anyone got a fix for that?
22:20.28cinexbcm43xx-fwcutter and and the bcm43xx module or the ndiswrapper and windows driver
22:20.29gravityYeah, just use the fwcutter and the bcm43xx module
22:20.31cinexits the same
22:20.46gravitynon-ndis is way easier in the long run
22:20.54gravityNo periodic maintenance
22:21.03gravityGod, I hated ndiswrapper
22:21.26cinexgravity: this is why |I need a new kernel: so I can try out the b43 module
22:21.33cinexndiswrapper has no monitor mode support
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22:23.03jelly-homeeagle-101: Um.  To build this thing, one also needs: build-essential, automake, autoconf, g++, binutils, libtool, libstdc++-dev, in addition to libboost-thread-dev and libboost-serialization-dev
22:23.23jelly-homeeagle-101: ... and I still can't get it to build. ;-)
22:23.38eagle-101jelly-home, ow...
22:23.49chuck__jelly-home, i was able to get it to build (finally) lol
22:23.52chuck__what errors are you getting?
22:24.12gravityboost is terrifying
22:24.32jelly-homechuck__: missing RANLIB was one thing
22:25.18jelly-homechuck__: ok, it builds now after redoing aclocal && automake && autoconf (I'm not sure what's the correct way to do this ;-)
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22:26.27eagle-101heh :) well enjoy it if you care about the subject, my ideal is to write a decent C++ client library. :)
22:26.34eagle-101and thanks for trying
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22:26.58jelly-homeif you're the author, I suggest adding those to docs
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22:28.12pumpkin0what is the minimum recommanded RAM for etch ? (XFCE) ?
22:28.41jamesd_i don't think they make dimms that small any more ;-)
22:28.48jelly-homeeagle-101: someone is going to make a package out of it eventually, and those seem to be the build dependencies (though, it shouldn't be necessary to have to remake configure once you have a release tarball)
22:28.55rdorschI replaced a etch cups server by a lenny cups server. Now my client cannot access the server anymore (access denied).
22:29.23rdorschI though I find the reason in /var/log/cups/*, but there is not a single entry for this request.
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22:29.35rdorschI have no firewall on the cups server.
22:29.43hgraeypumpkin0, it's in the install docs.
22:29.49rdorschHas anybody an idea what else I could check?
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22:30.22pumpkin0hgraey: OK, i'm running etch on this PC. somewhere in /usr/share/doc ?
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22:30.46pumpkin0jamesd_: but they did sell 32MB "High-End" Laptops ...
22:30.48jelly-homepumpkin0: I'd recommend 256-512MB.  Been running xfce on 128MB and more, but if you need something really lightweight I'd suggest against xfce.  Just use a window manager (like fluxbox or something)
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22:30.51rewtahany way to add new mouse exagerrations to KDE?
22:30.58hgraeyprobably, i read it on the web docu today
22:31.07pumpkin0jelly-home: OK, so ... sarge ?
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22:31.23Guerinpumpkin0: no, run etch.
22:31.32Guerinthere's no good reason to run sarge in 2007
22:31.58cinexGuerin: I bet you feel silly now!
22:32.08pumpkin0Oh, well. let's just try it.
22:32.09Guerinno more silly than I did before
22:32.24hgraeymaybe he's got the time is running backwards bug from ubuntu-xen...
22:32.32jelly-homemeh, I make the same mistake in February too
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22:33.10jamesd_pumpkin0, i have owned 8MB desktops... but currently i can't find a reason to poweron a box with less than 256MB and even that is nearly 5 years old and a laptop...  my 4 main current home boxes have a total of 14GB of ram.
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22:35.09pumpkin0jamesd_: it's not my laptop. the person cannot afford a newer model (he knows about the asus EEE). Maybe if it dies during the install ...
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22:35.48jelly-homepumpkin0: how much RAM do you actually have?
22:36.00pumpkin032MB, 233MHz PII.
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22:36.11abrotmani'd probably use icewm
22:36.13pumpkin0i'm running 2GB PM 1.6Hz...
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22:36.35jelly-homepumpkin0: sarge with 2.4 kernel might be advisable indeed
22:36.42abrotmanetch with 2.6!
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22:36.48pumpkin0icewm sounds good.
22:36.51jelly-homeabrotman: there goes 5MB or so
22:37.02jelly-homejust for the kernel
22:37.05abrotmanjelly-home: X takes the other 27 :)
22:37.22jelly-homexfree86 3 ftw ;-)
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22:37.30abrotmanoh .. that's a good point
22:37.34abrotmanpumpkin0: which video card?
22:37.44jelly-homebut that would have to be woody or earlier, I guess
22:37.49itchiHow do i create a floppy image file? It should be not bootable
22:37.53eagle-101jelly-home, mmm alright, I'm new to this whole releasing stuff.. at this point I'm working on the code and letting folks who ask get the source and try to compile :)
22:38.12abrotmanjelly-home: sarge has XF4 ..
22:38.21pumpkin0something from intel. But i'm not sure, the netinstall-iso does not boot...
22:38.32abrotmandoes it boot in another machine ?
22:38.34itchiI need to create a floppy image so that i can mount it and put some stuff on it
22:38.35abrotmancheck the bios
22:38.44pumpkin0what about svncviewer ? More or less RAM then xorg ?
22:39.20pumpkin0abrotman: broken CD, burning a new one.
22:40.07jelly-homepumpkin0: oh, one thing: whatever you install, if it's debian install it by putting the disk into a different machine, one with more memory.  Running dpkg with 32MB is possible, but a DOG.
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22:41.05abrotmanjelly-home: three legged dog :)
22:41.08pumpkin0jelly-home: well, i need my box and have time.
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22:41.15Trampitchi: use dd to make an empty file with 1440k, mount on loop, make a fs on it an copy stuff
22:41.24hgraeyjelly-home: snob :P
22:41.25itchiTramp: Thanks gona try that
22:41.34hgraey64 was a lot those days
22:41.45jelly-homehgraey: this was in 2004
22:41.53hgraeyoh ;)
22:42.09stravthere's been an update on the sysVinit system and since then, usplash has to be removed. anyone knows why?
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22:44.17pumpkin0thanks a lot everyone. I'm back in 6-12 hours, depending on how long this thing installs...
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22:45.19hgraeymaybe you can mount a usb stick as swap
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22:46.18pumpkin0well, it is uncompressing the kernel right now. Since 15 sec... and counting. oh f**k.
22:46.19jamesd_jelly, how did you get 64MB in a 486... i thought they maxed out at 32MB.
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22:46.37itchiTramp: I have create the floppy image file with: dd if=/dev/null of="floppy_disk.img" bs=1440k  and i now try to mount it with   mount -t vfat /tmp/floppy_disk.img /mnt/floppy_img/ -o loop  But he still complain that it's not a valid fs
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22:46.58abrotmanjamesd_: not at all .. some went to 128MB that i've seen
22:47.00hgraeyjamesd_, dx4 could go up to 128 i think
22:47.03jelly-homejamesd_: it was a very nice motherboard with PCI and stuff
22:47.26hgraeybut by then pentium was out
22:47.41Guerinitchi: you did put a filesystem on it, right?
22:47.52itchiGuerin: Well, not yet. Should i not first mount that?
22:48.02itchiGuerin: I planned to do it right now, after the mount
22:48.03Trampitchi: losetup -f <your file>, then mkfs on the loop device
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22:48.13Guerinitchi: read the error.
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22:50.16Trampitchi: sorry, "mount on loop" in my first instruction was a bit tight/misleading.
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22:51.11Trampitchi: dd, losetup, mkfs, mount, use
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22:52.20CalJohnI have a custom kernel installed (via make-kpkg), and I want to install a couple of new modules.  I've altered the /usr/src/.config, now do I just run 'make-kpkg modules'?
22:52.23itchiTramp: I did that losetup, but still not able to mount that image. A bit logic as there is not yet an image
22:52.43Trampitchi: mkfs on the /dev/loop?
22:52.50wolsCalJohn: run the full one again and reinstall imho
22:53.11CalJohnwols: I have to reinstall the whole kernel...:/
22:53.35itchiTramp: I need to install that dosfstools
22:53.36CalJohnwols: is it not possible just to add a couple of modules, as if I was doing this the typical linux way?
22:54.12Trampitchi: just make an ext2fs - or does it have to be FAT?
22:54.15wolsCalJohn: possible is a lot, but desireable?
22:54.18hgraeynetwork manager applet question: is that supposed to show an active wired connection? i've had some trouble swapping eth0/1 by udev rules (new eth0 for some reason kept defaulting to a dhcp ip - from xen i think) and getting "no network connection" on the applet now
22:54.27CalJohnwols: why is it not desirable?
22:55.06itchiTramp: It's just to put the preceed.cfg file on it. Just to test the automated debian install, now trying to take the preceed.cfg of a floppy
22:56.04Trampitchi: although I don't know what all this is, it sounds as if you don't need a FAT-fs on the floppy - but do whatever pleases you 8)
22:57.04itchiTramp: I always used fat on floppy's :-s
22:57.46Trampitchi: well. ext2 works fine - just not with certain OSs.
22:57.58itchiTramp: Ok, gona make it ext2 then
22:58.44hgraeyfat is ok on floppies, about every os can read that even booted from floppy itself
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23:00.46yhow to tell size of directory?
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23:01.30Orion_X11How do I install a broadcom wireless card on debian?
23:01.59dpkgbcm43xx is a driver for Broadcom's wireless chipsets ( included in kernels since 2.6.17-rc2, "modprobe bcm43xx" in Etch.  Firmware required to be loaded before operation, ask me about <bcm43xx-fwcutter>.  Replaced with <b43legacy> in kernels 2.6.24 and later.  USB devices are not supported.
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23:02.11abrotmanOrion_X11: as long as you keep asking .. i'm going to keep doing that
23:02.17itchiy: You want to summaries the directory or use "."  ie. du -sh /tmp  or even  du -sh .  See also ncdu if you're on testing
23:02.33hhhshey, i want to run debian 64bit i have a Xeon IA64 what arch should i use?
23:02.40yitchi - awesome.
23:02.45wolshhhs: you are mistaken
23:02.56wolsthere is no Xeon IA64. does not exist
23:02.57hhhswols, nope just stupid
23:02.59hgraeyhey, and here i thought it was a deja-vu. gotta flush cache with a drink
23:03.05hhhswols, how so?
23:03.10wolshhhs: do you have a Xeon or Itanium?
23:03.26wolsthen you want the AMD64 one
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23:03.49hhhswols, what is IA64bit then?
23:03.53dpkgit has been said that ia64 is (Intel Architecture-64), a 64-bit processor architecture developed in cooperation by Intel and Hewlett-Packard, implemented by processors such as Itanium and Itanium 2. The goal of Itanium was to produce a "post-RISC era" arch using EPIC. see -- if your CPU is opteron/athlon64/turion/sempron/xeon/em64t/pentium/core2duo/core*,  then it is NOT ia64
23:04.10DustyBinintel copied AMDs 64-bit architecture, thats why its called AMD64
23:04.42Orion_X11How do I find with is my wireless card?
23:05.01wolsOrion_X11: lspci usually
23:05.13wolsif I can decipher your broken question correctly
23:05.21hgraeyor read the label :)
23:05.27jelly-home!whats my hardware
23:05.27dpkgYou can use lspci, lsusb, lsscsi, lspcmcia, lshal, hwinfo, dmidecode, and/or lshw to find out what kind of hardware your machine might have, or or you could crack the lid and look inside ... oooh, shiny!
23:05.50DustyBinoooh, shiny! o_0
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23:06.04ywow. Can a tar of a directory be of lesser size than the original directory?
23:06.17yI tar'd a 207G directory and its 206GB according to DU
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23:06.52abrotmany: yes
23:06.56DustyBintar doesnt compress but it puts everything together so that might use less space?
23:07.06hgraeyyou get a monolithic file instead of wasting space on small files
23:07.19yso I need not fear? I got no errors besides socket missing errors on some files.
23:07.26ywhat were those, do you suppose??
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23:07.40wolsDustyBin: smallest allocation unit is usually 1kB. what happens if a file is <1024bytes in size?
23:07.51DustyBinaye ok
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23:08.38DustyBinwols: if the file is <1024bytes it will be registered as 1kb
23:08.59yif Gzip fails, will I lose data? It seems like it because it replaces the file.
23:09.39DustyBiny: im sure you can run some -vtests before you do the actual compress?
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23:10.36ymaybe I can just gzip -c > new.gzip?
23:10.41yso the original is unaffected?
23:10.46hgraeymaybe ;)
23:10.48cizziis it possible to change the default www-data user than php code uses to another user ?
23:10.59ycizzi -- bad idea. apache won't be able to do anything if you do that.
23:11.01DustyBiny: i think you need to use the maximum compression level to get the best results?
23:11.03yunless permissions are 777
23:11.05cizzioh ok
23:11.09abrotmancizzi: yes you can
23:11.10yDustyBin huh?
23:11.12cizzicause i found the problem of a command not running
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23:11.17yhgraey ? maybe ? =)
23:11.25cizzii did su www-data and ran it and it says cannot....
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23:11.28abrotmancizzi: you mean the user that apache runs as
23:11.29cizzibut it runs fine under my user
23:11.38DustyBiny: -9, --best        compress better
23:11.48cizziso i can change apache's user to mine?
23:11.50yDustyBin what does that have to do with what I'm asking?
23:11.57abrotmancizzi: don't do that .. what doesn't run ?
23:11.59ycizzi - why? why not just add yourself to the apache user group?
23:12.02cizzia simple command
23:12.09cizzidisplays hdd temperature on console
23:12.12cizzii want it on html
23:12.16abrotmancizzi: how are you calling it in PHP ?
23:12.21cizzii'll show you
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23:12.25abrotmanplease do!
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23:12.57hgraeythat's a decent pickup line. original.
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23:13.03wolsabrotman: proc_open?
23:13.12abrotmanwols: system() ?
23:13.38wolsabrotman: can you get the output of the system() command?
23:13.41abrotmancizzi: and the output is ?
23:13.45abrotmanwols: i think so
23:13.46yHow long does anyone suppose the md5sum command on a 200GB file will take?
23:13.50Ryan52If I wanted to start rtorrent in a screen when the computer boots what would I want to put in the /etc/rc2.d/S99rtorrent? I tried "su ryan52 screen -md rtorrent" but then when I run "screen -r" theres a shell/
23:13.56abrotmany: about 28 hours
23:14.03yabrotman =( oh no.
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23:14.07ythere must be a better way.
23:14.10abrotmanRyan52: su -
23:14.13DustyBiny: run a test on a 1 gig file then x200
23:14.15cizziblank web page
23:14.16abrotmany: depends on the speed of the machine
23:14.23yMy machine is the Cray supercomputer. =)
23:14.29Ryan52abrotman: thanks
23:14.32yOk, its done.
23:14.34wolsabrotman: advocates passthru() and me thinking more about python was thinking of its popen() version :)
23:14.50cizziif i do ls it works though
23:14.56Ryan52abrotman: that would not work at all...
23:15.02abrotmancizzi: passthru() says php ?
23:15.09abrotmanRyan52: it wouldn't?
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23:15.10cizzidont know
23:15.13cizziwhats passthru
23:15.14wolscizzi: where is the php code you wanted to show us?
23:15.18cizzii pasted it
23:15.19Ryan52abrotman: that makes a login shell?!?!
23:15.22abrotmanRyan52: you su - <username> -c "command"
23:15.33wolscizzi: nd what about phps error reporting? or your checking?
23:15.37abrotmanRyan52:  in this case .. i'd run your command inside screen
23:15.39Ryan52abrotman: ohhh....I understand. Thanks
23:15.46cizziwell nothing on the screen its blank
23:15.51cizziand if su www-data
23:15.51cizziand run it
23:15.53cizziit fails
23:15.57cizzicant run under that user
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23:16.04cizzibut runs under mine
23:16.25wolscizzi: "Note: This function is disabled in safe mode. "
23:16.31wolscizzi: read more docs
23:16.31cizziin the man?
23:17.09wolscizzi: and for gosh's sake turn on error reporting
23:17.33Ryan52abrotman: "screen -r" still gives me a shell. I want rtorrent to be there enstead of the shell.
23:17.38wolscizzi: use system, passthru or proc_open
23:17.48itchiTramp: How do i create a file image with a certain file size? I got a message when creating the fs that the size is wrong
23:18.01cizziok thanks wols
23:18.05abrotmanRyan52: keep reading the man page for screen .. it tells you how to name it .. and run a certain application
23:18.14hgraeytalking about php errors: is anyone here running selinux targeted/strict enforcing?
23:18.18abrotmancizzi: or ask ##php :)
23:18.31cizzii did
23:18.33cizzithey didnt answer
23:18.35cizziso i came here
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23:19.02hgraeyi've had a bit of fun with SEL on centos and fedora, and i'm pondering whether it's worth it for service-less xen0
23:19.18wolscizzi: what error did you get running hddtemp as user www-data?
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23:20.42cizziwols - couldnt open something
23:20.47abrotmanthat's important!
23:21.32cizzistill dont work
23:21.35cizzilet me give you the error
23:21.38cizzii tried with system()
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23:21.57cizzish-3.1$ /usr/sbin/hddtemp /dev/hde
23:22.15cizzidoesnt paste the error
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23:22.27cizzi.../dev/hde: open: Permission denied
23:22.30cizzithere we go
23:22.36cizzican't open a device?
23:22.51wolscizzi:  ls -al /usr/sbin/hddtemp
23:23.08cizzi-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 26672 2007-01-18 19:08 /usr/sbin/hddtemp
23:23.21abrotmanls -l /dev/hde
23:23.23jelly-homethat doesn't look good
23:23.35wolswhat did you do with your debian cizzi ?
23:23.37cizzibrw-rw---- 1 root disk 33, 0 2008-01-01 13:40 /dev/hde
23:23.37wolsyou broke it
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23:23.46cizzii need
23:23.51abrotmanyou changed it
23:23.52wolsyou broke it
23:23.52cizzi+r on dev?
23:23.54abrotmanyou've done it now
23:23.57abrotmanyou broked it
23:24.02abrotmanyou'll be sorry!
23:24.07abrotmani'll get you and your little dog
23:24.21hgraeyno, +x
23:24.26cizzii made hddtemp +rwx on purpose for o
23:24.28wolscizzi: dpkg-reconfigure hddtemp and read carefully
23:24.34hgraeyerr, nvm that
23:24.49hgraeyi thought you were talking about your hddtemp
23:25.03simonrvn777 doesn't fixe anything...
23:25.06jelly-homecizzi: having executables writable by others isn't advisable
23:25.21cizziits for testing purposes
23:25.23cizzii'm debugging
23:25.24jelly-homeyou fixe your fix
23:25.32wolsas for what you dd with the hddtemp thing: it's simply evil. don't do it or abrotman will handle you like he handles cheesesteaks
23:25.45simonrvnthat's just plain stupid move
23:25.46simonrvnto test for what
23:25.47cizziexcuse me?
23:25.50wolscizzi: that's not debugging that's having no clue and brekaing the OS
23:26.04simonrvn? how fast you get rooted?
23:26.05abrotman!unix lessons
23:26.05dpkgi guess unix lessons is (1) Don't change the permissions, (2) back up your data, (3) keep it simple, stupid, (4) read the fscking manual, (5) don't fsck with package management, (6) don't type anything you don't understand, (7) always have a boot floppy or CD, (8) read your log files, (9) the FIRST error is the one that counts, (10) don't leave your root shell until you TEST your changes, (11) don't be root when you don't have to be
23:26.11abrotmansee #1 ?
23:26.16abrotmanthat's NUMBER ONE!
23:26.21abrotmanNUMERO UNO!
23:26.24itchiTramp: If i'm correct  dd if=/dev/zero of="floppy_disk.img" count=1024 bs=1440  did the trick and creating a fs on it don't complain now
23:26.28Trampitchi: huh? recreate the file with dd. Use /dev/zero as input. Check the zize
23:26.43wolsitchi: that makes a 1,44GB sized file
23:26.49itchiTramp: Well, no
23:26.55wolserm, 1,44MB of course
23:26.56simonrvnfucking lagging like hell
23:27.05itchiYup 1,44MB
23:27.25Trampitchi: It was, because you used /dev/null in the first place - and didn't check what actually happened
23:27.45itchiTramp: The size was leaved 0
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23:28.02itchiTramp: Yeah, i used /dev/null at first place too
23:28.27Trampitchi: yeah. That's what I sait. I thought it was obvious to use /dev/zero.
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23:28.47jacekowskiis there nopaste like script in debian repository?
23:29.35edistarjacekowski: yes, something like wgetpaste or so
23:30.05nvzok I half setup a bridge and its not working and wont let me take it down now says interface not configured doing ifdown on br0 eth0 or eth3, and brctl delbr br0 says that the bridge is still up and it can't delete it.. advice?
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23:30.19nvzeth0 is getting an ip from dhclient but its not getting online
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23:30.33abrotmanbr0 ?
23:30.52itchiTramp: Cooool, all done now :-) Thanks
23:30.55nvzthe bridge interface
23:30.56itchiThanks all!
23:31.10hgraeyifconfig down
23:31.15cizzii got it
23:31.17cizzisteak this!!!!
23:31.30cizzithanks guys
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23:31.39cizzii made it run as a deamon
23:31.46cizzithen i telnet to cat its value
23:31.46nvzhgraey: sorry thats invalid I mentioned no interface named down
23:32.07hgraeycan you guess the right syntax? ;)
23:32.15itchiNow i need to figure out how i can feed my preceed.cfg of my floppy to the installer :-s
23:32.24wolsnvz: ifconfig <if> down ?
23:32.27nvzhgraey: you didn't read what I said I did that already on all 3 interfaces
23:32.32nvzwols: you didn't either
23:32.42hgraeynvz, you did ifdown
23:32.46jelly-homenvz: you have to delif all the devices in the bridge before delbr-ing it
23:32.58wolsnvz: you didn't use your brain either. I guess we're even
23:32.59nvzjelly-home: thanks, I'll try that
23:33.03nvzwols: hah
23:33.07nvzwols: touche
23:33.50NippooFUCK! Kernel panic...
23:33.59Nippoo... while I'm 2000 miles away from the server.
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23:34.36jelly-homenvz: you do know bridge-utils provide funkeh /e/n/interfaces helpers?
23:34.39hgraeythat will teach you to hardwire a cell phone buzzer to the reset switch ^^
23:35.03dvsit's a kernel db! ;-)
23:35.05nvzok well the bridge still refuses to delete but I don't care removing eth0 from the bridge allowed me to dhclient and get on the network for now
23:35.05jelly-homeor to use hardware with light-out management
23:35.12Nippoohgraey: nice idea ;-)
23:35.17nvzI'll fix the bridge as soon as I get a crossover
23:35.46*** join/#debian gan|y|med (
23:35.48cromagdpkg: DK
23:35.48dpkgsomebody said dk was Hvis du vil tale dansk og få hjælp til debian, skriv /join in your irc client, also the country Denmark
23:35.48Nippoohgraey: but what happens if someone dials the wrong number? =)
23:35.53gan|y|medhi and happy new year
23:36.02jelly-homenvz: can I sell you my br0?
23:36.38wolsgan|y|med: #ubuntu
23:36.41simonrvnso go to #ubuntu like the other ubuntu-using people
23:36.46hgraeyNippoo, you could use a smarphone or an asterisk. of course if either of those crash... :p
23:36.47nvzjelly-home: hah, no the only problem with my bridge is I didn't have the shit to set it up and it broke my existing network config
23:36.57hgraeysmartphone rather
23:37.21gan|y|medyou don't even know which machine this question is meant for. but yes, i welcome you, too
23:37.39simonrvnso go to #ubuntu like the other ubuntu-using people
23:37.43abrotmanyou only mentioned gutsy .. wtf
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23:38.30nvzI got another unrelated question though. I was here the other night and ssh'ing from this debian box to mine at home and at some point I detached this screen session that had been running for 24 days then tried to reattach it and it kept refusing siting some invalid terminal or something of the sort "screen.linux" what would I do if that happens? I tried  resetting the term type
23:39.07gan|y|medsorry about the gutsy, it happens on both, my gutsy and my etch (both ati cards)
23:39.16edistargan|y|med: sure
23:39.45*** join/#debian Joelito (
23:39.54edistargan|y|med: what does your uname -a say?
23:40.12JoelitoSeems that debian repos have filezilla 3.0.0-beta...How can I updated to the current 3.0.4?
23:40.24hgraeygan|y|med, don't use compiz without dri/fglrx running?
23:41.00gan|y|medno compiz. too slow even with fglrx. just the ati driver.
23:41.04wolsJoelito: you wait until it's packaged or compile it yourself
23:41.36gan|y|mededistar: what do u wanna know of my uname -a? it is a custom kernle though (compiled the debian way)
23:42.59Joelitowols: Ok.
23:43.27Joelitothanks, laters.
23:43.27abrotmangan|y|med: which card?
23:43.32hgraeymy guess: if something graphical eats cpu, it's trying to use direct rendering of some sort. x hasn't eaten my cpu by itself even on the crappiest of crap cards so far
23:43.42abrotmanJoelito: are you sure debian is the distro for you ?
23:43.52gan|y|medabrotman: x700
23:45.11streuner_abrotman: he just left... :-P
23:45.27abrotmanwho did ?
23:45.30abrotmanoh oh well
23:46.02Nippoogan|y|med: I find it funny that you posted the exact same question in #ubuntu before coming here ;-)... at least have the decency to change the distro name to try and pretend that you're not running 'buntu ;D
23:46.29streuner_abrotman: btw, he just ask(ed) in OFTC...
23:46.59dvsabrotman: bless you
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23:48.06gan|y|medok, watch. i got two pcs and i am sitting in front of one of them. i have encountered the same problem (probably because i have ati cards with radeon chips in both of them (and i regret that choice)) when i wanted to revert back to the ati driver. i always end up wasting 30 % cpu usage
23:49.00hgraeyyou probably still have options that the ati-config program (whatever it's called) wrote to your xorg.conf
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23:51.16gan|y|medhgraey: i did dpkg-reconfigure. i looked at it, it is as fresh as it was right after the install. and i did not edit so far
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23:51.44hgraeysince problem solving seems to be a distributed task for you, maybe the guys in #ubuntu are willing to tell what to strip ;o
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23:53.44itchiI have put the preseed.cfg file on a floppy and try to start the automated install with  install vga=791 auto file=/dev/fd0/preseed.cfg  But it dont find the preseed file. I can't figure out what i do wrong
23:53.51Superbarttok... i give up :x
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23:54.08Superbarttwhy does my server KEEPS neogiating to 10 Mb half duplex :\
23:54.21Superbartteven with mii-tool -F 100baseT4 it still keeps going to 10Mb HD
23:54.25hhhsi have a P4 dualcore box is there advantage using 64bit on it?
23:54.36edistarSuperbartt: cabling?
23:54.39abrotmanhhhs: depends on the purpose of the box
23:54.49Superbarttno did fine before edistar, it's a dedicated box
23:54.56hgraeyor the other box
23:54.57hhhsabrotman, webserver with php
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23:55.00Superbarttso i haven't changed anything on the cabling or switches
23:55.10abrotmanhhhs: it won't hurt .. most likely
23:55.20gan|y|medhgraey: oh man, i am just trying to solve something that cannot just be resolved by entered a specific sequence of characters in google's marvelous search engine. if you don't want to help me, it's fine.
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23:56.20edistarhhhs: not on the desktop really
23:56.22kgoetzgan|y|med: why cant it be solved that way?
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23:57.38SuperbarttJan 2 00:50:07 ipx14294 kernel: e1000: eth0: e1000_watchdog: NIC Link is Up 10 Mbps Half Duplex
23:57.39SuperbarttJan 2 00:50:07 ipx14294 kernel: e1000: eth0: e1000_watchdog: 10/100 speed: disabling TSO
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23:58.03hgraeygan|y|med, if you don't know what to look for... may the brute force be with you
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