IRC log for #debian on 20070609

04:05.43*** join/#debian apt (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
04:05.43*** topic/#debian is ETCH IS NOW STABLE: /msg dpkg etch | /msg dpkg sarge->etch ! Lenny is the new testing! | /msg dpkg lenny | /msg dpkg etch->lenny | PUBLIC KEY NOT AVAILABLE? /msg dpkg no public key | THIS IS NOT #ubuntu | FAQ: | /msg dpkg bts | NO FLOOD: USE #flood or /msg dpkg paster | /msg bots NOT people | /msg dpkg java
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04:08.59stylushi there. i'm looking for assistance in setting up oidentd
04:09.59stylusi've installed the program. on ubuntu, it worked from there, but is there any further tweaking that i need to do for debian?
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04:12.12davidLWyzard: How long does a typical memtest session take? I have 1 GB of ram.
04:12.27Wyzardpossibly a few hours, though it depends on how fast the RAM is
04:12.41WyzardI'd recommend running it for several passes, though -- perhaps overnight
04:12.57davidLWill do.
04:12.58Wyzard(It runs forever until you stop it, just doing one pass after another)
04:13.13WyzardI've seen RAM that was fine for the whole first pass but started showing problems in the second
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04:13.25davidLHow long does Seagate's dianostic tool take?
04:13.46WyzardTo scan all three of my 750GB drives it took 8 or 9 hours
04:13.56WyzardThat's not really a question of how fast the tool is, it's how fast the drives are
04:14.23davidLDoes SeaTools check every sector?
04:14.30WyzardIf you do a full scan, yes
04:15.08WyzardAs I understand it, it's actually an internal self-test procedure in the drive's firmware, which is probably more thorough than just going through and reading and writing each sector once
04:15.20WyzardSeaTools just sends the drive the command to start the self-test, and monitors its progress
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04:20.35troubledonehas anyone here successfuly installed the ati liux drivers\
04:20.55troubledonei am stuck on trying to run aticonfig
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04:23.35davidLWyzard: Thank you very much for your help. I'm off to run the tests. Have a good day.
04:23.47WyzarddavidL: Good luck with it
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04:26.39Thorrn4what version of ffmpeg are in the debian repos?
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04:30.32n3klHi.  I have a perl script that uses system(rsync -ave ssh ...) but does not load the ssh keys from the home directory.  Is there a way to tell the system to load the users bash profile or something?  How can I get around this?
04:31.12Supaplexn3kl: ssh-add <3
04:32.31*** part/#debian Thorrn4 (
04:33.03n3klSupaplex: don't I need an environment for that, like a shell or something?  I forgot to mention this is a cronjob, don't know if that makes a difference.
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04:35.03Supaplexn3kl: ssh -i ~/.ssh/ -i ....
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04:35.33Supaplexassuming they are passphraseeless, otherwise, use ssh-add and ssh-agent > ~/.ssh/sourceme
04:35.40Thorrn4hey, I have some questions with k3b, I am compiling it from source and it says I am missing things, where can I get each part?  : "K3b - Lame Mp3 encoder plugin no missing the Lame headers and libraries"  "K3b - Resmgr support: no"  "K3b - FFMpeg decoder plugin no. missing the ffmpeg headers and libraries version 0.4.9 or higher"
04:36.07SupaplexThorrn4: why from source?
04:36.19Thorrn41.0.1 isnt in the repos is it?
04:36.28n3klSupaplex: alright, I will give it a try.  Its my backup script, so it will run in about 3 hours... Thanks for the tip
04:36.57SupaplexThorrn4: if it's in sid, try <simple sid backport> (/query dpkg <factoid>)
04:37.17Supaplexn3kl: tryit now, but use the dummy/test flag on rsync.
04:38.00n3klSupaplex: well, I guess I am not sure how to make it run in the same environment as cron.  When I run it from bash, I already have all my keys loaded into the agent.
04:38.11Supaplexn3kl: env
04:38.17Supaplexor unset
04:38.18Thorrn4I dont understand Supaplex
04:38.27Supaplex!tell Thorrn4 -about simple sid backport
04:41.06Thorrn4Supaplex, do I do "apt-get -b source k3b" ?
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04:42.12n3klThorrn4: apt-get build-dep k3b && apt-get -b source k3b
04:42.35Thorrn4wat is it doing n3kl ?
04:42.55Supaplexwe have man pages for that. *sigh*
04:43.02n3klgetting all the development libraries
04:43.39Supaplexeg, build dependencies
04:43.54Thorrn4is that going to solve the problems that I had before? that lame and ffmpeg werent there?
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04:44.09Thorrn4K3b - Lame Mp3 encoder plugin                 no
04:44.25dpkgrumour has it, ftbfs is "fails to build from source"
04:44.49SupaplexThorrn4: if it ftbfs, file a bug on it. (provided you installed build deps)
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04:45.11Thorrn4ok ty
04:45.26n3klThorrn4: read the error more carefully.
04:45.54SupaplexThorrn4: oh, why is 1.0.1 important?
04:46.21Supaplex!info k3b sid
04:46.24dpkgk3b: (A sophisticated KDE CD burning application), section otherosfs, is optional. Version: 1.0.1-2 (sid), Packaged size: 4951 kB, Installed size: 9252 kB
04:46.47SupaplexThorrn4: it might also be backported. (I'm slow to recall that;before my time).
04:46.52Supaplex!tell Thorrn4 -about backports
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04:47.28Supaplexiamnobody: you know who you are? --- you are nobody. ;) fun nick?
04:48.03Supaplexhard to resist. :)
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04:50.49mvfeinsteincan anyone here tell me which version of gnome is in the current stable debian distro?
04:51.41mvfeinsteinSupaplex, ty
04:52.32n3klSupaplex: so I am looking into your sugestion.  I am reading the manpage for ssh-add and it looks like it is a must to prompt me for the passphrase on the key, right?  Hard to do in a cronjob.  I might have to think of something else.
04:52.39Thorrn4Supaplex, 1.0.1 has the dvd video rip
04:52.55Supaplexahh cool.
04:53.30Thorrn41.0.0 has it, but its faulty and was fixed in 1.0.1
04:53.38Thorrn41.0.0 is in the repos of sid I think
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04:53.55Thorrn4so I wanted 2 rip the dvd and watch it when ever I wanted disc free
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04:54.13Supaplexn3kl: 1. run ssh-agent (if no other agent is running), redirect to a place you can source (eg, in the shell, shell script, etc). From the cli, run ssh-add to add them, provide the passphrases when prompted.
04:54.27Thorrn4and if i could get it down to 700mb I could fit a lot more movies on 1 DVD ;)
04:54.52Supaplexn3kl: the crontjob should source the previous output file, check for it needed keys (ssh-add -l | grep ..) and continue if safe, or abort.
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04:55.15mvfeinsteinCan anyone here suggest a graphical interface? I have been using gnome for a few years but am not reinstalling my OS and wondering if there is something else I should try. I spend most of my time at a terminal but when I do use the gui I like something that is easy to use and looks nice.
04:55.36n3klSupaplex: perhaps I should stick to bash it sounds like and forget perl then...
04:55.50Supaplexn3kl: yea. :)
04:56.00Supaplexperl's great, but bash has its uses to.
04:56.32n3klSupaplex: yeah, I am jsut learning perl, so I was all stoked to do something with it.  A backup script sounded like a fun thing
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04:56.58n3klah, but you know what I could do, I could have a bash sciprt source the profile and then run the perl, that might work
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04:57.40Supaplexn3kl: yes :) provided the ENV you need is exported to perl.
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05:13.21karstenSupaplex: Perl:  when compiling line noise is an RFP requirement.
05:13.45karstenmvfeinstein: Depends on what you want from a GUI.
05:13.54karstenmvfeinstein: What did/didn't you like from GNOME?
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05:14.44mvfeinsteinKarsten, other then the headache from trying to get beryl working there was nothing I didn't like I am just wondering if there is something better I should look at
05:14.48karstenmvfeinstein: In general, I'd suggest you take a look at KDE, XFCE4, WindowMaker, Fluxbox/Openbox, ion/pwm, fvwm, vtwm, to get a general flavor of options.  It's easy enough to install and test these.
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05:16.17karstenmvfeinstein: There are several dozen WMs with various design philosophies.
05:16.27Decepticonhow do i do folding@home on debian etch
05:16.48mvfeinsteinkarsten, any idea which ones other then gnome support something like beryl
05:17.04karstenmvfeinstein: IIUC beryl is its own desktop environment.
05:17.07dpkgberyl is a compositing window manager for the X Window System. It is a fork of Compiz. or, HOWTO and links to package repositories are here:
05:17.13WyzardBeryl is a window manager
05:17.23WyzardIt makes no sense to ask whether another window manager supports Beryl  :-)
05:17.28karstenmvfeinstein: In which case, the answer is "beryl".
05:17.41karstenWyzard: Well, it makes sense, the answer however is "none" ;-)
05:18.28Wyzardnah, the answer is "beryl" to that one too
05:18.48mvfeinsteinkarsten, interesting I didnt know that. So can I install beryl with out something like gnome on my computer?
05:18.49karstenWyzard: note "another" WM.
05:18.55karstenmvfeinstein: Da.
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05:20.29mvfeinsteinKarsten, "Da"?
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05:21.26*** join/#debian RossNoob (n=Ross@nat01-camapt-ext.Rutgers.EDU)
05:21.32RossNoobhi all
05:21.40RossNoobhave a quick question if anyone's around
05:22.04karstenmvfeinstein: Russian for "yes".
05:22.23karstenmvfeinstein: Da, si, oui, ja, sher, hi
05:22.38mvfeinsteinkarsten, any particular reason for the russian?
05:22.45karstenmvfeinstein: Nyet
05:23.10mvfeinsteinKarsten, harasho
05:24.05RossNoob... I have a system with a fresh debian install, GRUB installed to the ext3 inside a logical partition and set as active, but it still boots to windows
05:24.08RossNoobany ideas?
05:24.16AmbrishTrade stock, commodities or FOREX? GET FREE BUY/SELL SIGNALS
05:24.28RossNoobthanks ambrish
05:24.31RossNoobexactly what I Was looking for
05:24.38karstenRossNoob: 'install-grub <your primary hard drive>'
05:24.48karstenRossNoob: Eg:  install-grub /dev/hda
05:24.53karsten!ops Ambrish stock spam
05:24.54dpkgHydroxide, bob2, caphuso, dondelelcaro, doogie, eeyore-, ElectricElf, ):, helix, ljlane, LoRez, RichiH, mentor, Netsnipe, TML, walters, xk, gravity, azeem, Maulkin, stew, peterS, Alife, Myon, Ganneff, Maulkin, weasel, zobel: karsten complains about: Ambrish stock spam
05:25.02RossNoobwe were kind of looking to avoid installing to the mbr if at all possible
05:25.06RossNoobI had this working on my machine
05:25.10RossNoobbut that was on a primary partition
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05:25.14*** kick/#debian [Ambrish!i=~m|ptrS|] by peterS (meh)
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05:25.27RossNoobsimply because my friend doesn't have an xp install disk
05:25.33RossNoobso no fixmbr if he nukes the partition
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05:25.42RossNoobby accident or by wanting to ditch linux
05:25.46karstenRossNoob: freedos
05:25.47RossNooband the other issue is that there's a recovery partition
05:26.08karstenRossNoob: Get it, there's floppy and CD versions.  'fdisk /mbr' will regenerate your DOS/NT MBR.
05:26.09RossNoobwhat about freedos?
05:26.13vultureI'm trying to configure X with a gamepad. The d-pad comes up as the first two axes, but I'd like to use it for the left/right/up/down arrow keys. Any tips on how to get axis movement to correspond to keypresses? man joystick & google haven't helped so far..
05:26.14RossNooboh ok
05:26.15dpkgit has been said that freedos is a free implementation of the Disk Operating System, at, or now FreeDOS can run loadlin  Violates the Principle of Least Surprise.  After booting it, it won't see files that you copied to A:.
05:26.15stewRossNoob: you can use the mbr package to put a generic mbr similar to "fdisk /mbr"
05:26.34karstenstew: s/similar/identical/
05:26.39RossNoobhaha ok
05:26.46RossNoobbut the regular linux fdisk doesn't have that featre?
05:26.57karstenWell, I haven't actually compared the bytes, but it works as MSDOS or any other proprietary dos.
05:27.05RossNoobk, that's fine
05:27.13karstenstew: no what?
05:27.21RossNoobmaybe the qparted livecd too...
05:27.23RossNoobthanks guys
05:27.28RossNoobI really appreciate it
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05:27.36stewkarsten: no to "regular linux fdisk doesn't..."
05:27.40karstenRossNoob: Setting your active partition may also help.  Linux fdisk / cfdisk.
05:27.48karstenstew: regular *DOS* fdisk.
05:28.00RossNooboh, it's already active
05:28.06RossNoobthat's why I didn't understand what went wrong
05:28.06stewkarsten: i have no idea if they are identical in bits or not, i agree they are identical in the limited "chainload the first active primary partition"
05:28.21RossNoobI have the same setup, sans the extended partition, on my dell machine
05:28.29karstenstew: Feh, I wanted an argument, stop agreeing.
05:28.53karstenRossNoob: Likely you don't have a GRUB boot record there.  'install-grub' will do that for you.
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05:29.23RossNoobkk... do you think it might be easier just to make his media partition an extended and then switch the now extended one to a primary?
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05:30.00karstenRossNoob: I'd have to see a partition table to assess that.  In general, not f*cking around with partitions beats f*cking around with them.
05:30.23RossNoobyeah, well with my lack of experience with the mbr, it's 50/50 I guess for me at least
05:30.31RossNoobI'll try installing grub to the mbr first
05:30.40RossNoobif all hell breaks loose, I guess I can go the freedos route
05:30.48stewkarsten: i know better than to piss off a regular, so i'm going to drop it
05:30.59RossNoobif you don't hear from me again, then you can assume it went well :)
05:31.00karstenRossNoob: Right.  Windows then won't boot until you add a chainloader stanza.  That's documented in the GRUB info docs.
05:31.11karstenstew: rofl
05:32.02karstenHrm.  Is it possible to do split-screen in irssi so two channels are visible at once?
05:33.13cafuegoapparently so
05:33.20cafuegoTiming buffered disk reads:  310 MB in  3.01 seconds = 103.03 MB/sec
05:33.38karstencafuego: apparently so what?
05:33.52cafuegokarsten: apparently irssi can have a split screen with multiple channels.
05:34.20karstencafuego: I'll file that under "Cool, now I need to figure out how"
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05:34.57cafuegobest bet is /help window I guess
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05:35.22cafuegoi need to be distracted by my newest debian machine now
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05:35.48karstencafuego: Thanks, I'll hunt
05:36.54cafuego600G of raid5 rebuild still takes forvere.
05:37.32Caelumdoes it do it in the background?
05:37.44Caelumthat's good at least :)
05:38.00cafuegoOh yeh, it's the initial checksum disk build
05:38.23cafuegorunning at full speed (75MB/sec) but these newfangled disks are just damn huge :-)
05:41.28cafuegoxingu: Shiny. But new in 2006 means not useful in production until 2008 ;-)
05:41.41xinguif ever on linux ;)
05:41.49*** join/#debian rbwsam (
05:41.59cafuegoI'll just run lvm on raid for now
05:42.19xinguit does drastically change the restripe profile though.
05:43.28rbwsamLittle help please: I'm installing ppc etch on my PowerBook G3 from DVD, I'm stuck at 94% on Select and Install Software, it's sitting at "Installed foomatic-filters-ppds" Any help?
05:43.55cafuegorbwsam: Check on console 3 and 4 (alt-F3 and alt-F4)
05:44.07cafuegorbwsam: it'll be logging if it's busy
05:45.46tenzindhi .. i am using debian etch on a powerbook. my x wont start and it gives the error "could not open default font 'fixed'". What might be the problem? how can i install the font 'fixed'?
05:46.04xingu!fixed font
05:46.04stewtenzind: aptitude install xorg
05:46.04dpkgif you have a problem XFree86 it not finding 'fixed' font, see fonts.alias, or /usr/share/doc/xfree86-common/FAQ.gz, or make sure xfonts-base is installed, or purge and reinstall it, or see fontfix, or if you are having trouble with xorg r7, see, or a bad remix of a good ep
05:46.48rbwsamok so four says its failed to install xserver-xorg
05:47.20rbwsamim pretty sure my install DVD is a clean burn
05:47.42stew!no fixed font is if X is complaining about "finding font 'fixed'" you don't have the xfonts-base package.  usually this means you want to "aptitude install xorg"
05:47.42dpkgstew: okay
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05:51.23rbwsamcafuego: thanks for the logging tip
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06:03.45RossNoobworked :)
06:03.56RossNooband now a separate, more minor issue
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06:04.23Supaplexhow to pay for school?
06:04.36RossNoobstuck in 1024x768, used dpkg-reconfigure to redo the xorg configuration, but after killing and restarting, it doesn't give 1280x800
06:04.44RossNooblol, my parents have that fortunately
06:04.55Supaplexlucky snot :)
06:05.00RossNoobyeah, I know
06:05.05RossNoobbut I don't take it for granted
06:05.08RossNoobI still work
06:05.43Supaplexthat's good.
06:05.54witlessi was using courier imap on sarge.  is there another imap server that's preferred?
06:06.01witless(on etch)
06:06.10CaelumRossNoob: check your resolutions in /etc/X11/xorg.conf ?
06:07.02RossNoobyeah, that's what it wrote it to, I'm afriad
06:07.03RossNoobbut I'll recheck it
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06:08.01RossNooboh my god I'm such a noob
06:08.03RossNoobwhat dir is that in?
06:10.13RossNoobit's overwritten
06:10.18RossNoobdo I just kill the x server?
06:10.22RossNoobor does it need a full restart?
06:10.46Caelumit makes no difference
06:10.59Caelumyou don't need to restart your machine
06:11.10RossNoobk, I'll be back in a second
06:11.34RossNoobdidn't work
06:11.59Caelumcheck /var/log/Xorg.0.log
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06:14.18RossNoobwhat should I be looking for?
06:14.35Caelumwhy it didn't switch to that resolution
06:14.50RossNoobwell obviously
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06:15.02Caelumit should use the first resolution in the list in xorg.conf
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06:15.09RossNoobbut it didn't
06:15.36RossNoobinterestingly enough though, it did follow the 60hz
06:15.38RossNoobinstead of 80
06:15.54RossNoobmaybe I'll try the vesa instead
06:16.04RossNoobhe's using the intel 900 or whatever
06:16.08RossNoobpiece of crap chip
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06:17.31kakaltoI've tried installing nvidia drivers via the newest nvidia installer, and it installed without a hitch, but X seems to freeze after/on initialising the GLX module. Any ideas what's wrong?
06:18.30kakaltousing etch
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06:19.13RossNooboh my god this so irritating
06:19.15RossNoobnone of them work
06:19.27RossNooblinux graphics settings are so annoying
06:19.38kakaltoRossNoob: what's up?
06:19.59RossNoobno matter which driver I choose, it won't let me go past 1024x768
06:20.07RossNoob1280x800 is the only one defined in xorg.conf
06:20.10RossNoobbut it chooses to ignore that
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06:21.48tophermy X and gnome (package) installs seem to be broken. is there a way to tell apt-get to completely reinstall X and gnome
06:22.13CaelumRossNoob: try installing xserver-xorg-video-i810-modesetting
06:22.19kakaltoRossNoob: basic question - you have a >=17" screen, yes?
06:22.51RossNoobwidescreen laptop LCD, I'd assume about 17 diagonally
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06:22.59kakaltoahk, fair enough
06:23.05CaelumRossNoob: yeah, you need that package for widescreen resolutions
06:23.12RossNoobah ok, I'll take a look at that
06:23.15RossNoobthanks, brb
06:24.00RossNoobI suppose it's not in the main repositories?
06:24.33buuAnyone want to recommend a good bitorrent client that is usable solely from the command line and very easy to script?
06:24.36Fetrovskywhat can i use to burn CDs and DVDs?
06:24.55Stazbuu : I like btdownloadcurses
06:25.10buuStaz: Er,uh,
06:25.20buuStaz: How exactly do you script it?
06:25.29boltHow can I disable password login on specific ssh users?
06:25.33buuAlso it needs to handle bunches of torrents very effectively.
06:25.47Stazhmm maybe not then
06:26.05*** join/#debian Battosai (
06:26.16CaelumRossNoob: it's in unstable, you might have to use 915resolution otherwise (which may not work)
06:26.28RossNoobhaha I just got done installing it :)
06:26.44RossNoobI'm about to to test it... do I need o reconfigure the xorg.conf again?
06:27.14boltbuu: azureus has a command-line mode, i think. it handles multiple torrents like a charm. otherwise, you could use btdownloadcurses and make a script to do what azureus does. it recognizes imported torrents by adding .imported to their file name, thus making sure they're not imported again.
06:27.15CaelumRossNoob: driver should be i810
06:27.21RossNoobyeah, it is
06:27.30RossNoobor maybe it's still stuck on vesa
06:27.34RossNoobI'll make sure
06:27.55buubolt: Yeah, I'm using az now. I like it a lot, but it's an incredible memory whore and the interface isn't exactly perfect.
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06:28.18buujava.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
06:28.23buuI'm very familiar with that =[
06:28.30RossNoobit worked!
06:28.31RossNoobI love you
06:28.38RossNoobthanks a lot
06:28.41Caelumnp :)
06:28.46kakaltoanyone got ideas about my problem?
06:28.53RossNoobalright, gotta go, thanks again everyone
06:29.35kakaltoDebian etch, Geforce 8600GT. I've tried installing nvidia drivers via the newest nvidia installer (100.14.09), and it installed without a hitch, but X seems to freeze after/on initialising the GLX module. That's the last thing in /var/log/Xorg.0.log. I get no official error. Any ideas what's wrong?
06:29.36*** join/#debian Moorenkopf (
06:29.38cafuegobuu: have a look at `rtorrent'.
06:31.19buucafuego: What, no package?
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06:31.53buu"Only one torrent at a time is checked." I wonder what that means.
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06:32.03mvfeinsteinIs there any way to set up a system for multiple simultanius remote graphical logins?
06:32.41Caelummvfeinstein: sure, configure gdm/kdm/xdm for it
06:32.52Caelummvfeinstein: or a vnc server
06:33.35mvfeinsteinCaelum I was reading about vnc and everything I found said that i would only support one remote connection
06:33.43Caelumbuu: there's a POE::Component::BitTorrent now...
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06:33.58tenzindhi .. how do i emulate the right click on my powerbook running debian?
06:34.20Caelummvfeinstein: oh, didn't know about that, sorry
06:34.30Caelummvfeinstein: I don't think gdm has that limitation
06:34.54mvfeinsteinCaelum do you by chance know where i can find some documentation on that?
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06:37.12Caelummvfeinstein: I think you run gdmsetup to enable XDMCP
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06:39.48Caelummvfeinstein: what client are you going to use?
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06:46.03regulatewhat provides /init
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06:48.10mvfeinsteinCaelum, not sure yet. I am trying to find a way to connect from windows / mac. Past that it really doesn't matter
06:48.46Caelummvfeinstein: on windows you can use the Cygwin X server,
06:50.17*** join/#debian ErkiDerLoony (
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06:57.54witlesshow can i find out what packages are associated with the broad categories offered in the debian-etch installer?  eg, there is an option for "file server" - how can i find out which packages that includes?
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06:58.12cafuegotenzind: F12
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06:58.47Wyzardwitless: If it's any help in looking up that info, those groupings are called "tasks"
06:58.47xinguwitless: tasksel --packages?
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07:00.10reduzQUESTION: /var/lib/dpkg/available seems to be zero in size, how do i fix it? (recreate it?)
07:00.15xingu--task-packages rather
07:00.39cafuegoreduz: First, free up some space on /, as I think you're at 100% usage. The put back the backup.
07:00.52reduzcafuego, oh, where's the backup?
07:02.08dpkghmm... available is run "dselect update" to restore /var/lib/dpkg/available, or if your 'available' file is corrupt, remove it first, then see above.
07:02.30reduzdselect is evil :(
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07:04.34zotttyDear Friends! Please help me in the following issue: I want to delegate the MX record of a domain from server X to server Y. On server X, I configured bind for the delegation properly. On Y, I have no idea if I need to do anything with bind or if it is enough to set up only postfix and dovecot.
07:04.34xlotluany idea if there's some special in debian about kde? files in ~/.kde/env/ are not sourced
07:04.43witlessyou guys have a favorite imap server?
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07:05.51reduzhmm another question
07:06.02reduzdpkg: `update-rc.d' not found on PATH
07:06.02reduzdpkg: 1 expected program(s) not found on PATH
07:06.08reduzany idea what this may be?
07:06.27Azarhehehe, LOLCODE programming language..
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07:07.08factoris unstable debian ok to upgrade to right now. i was having problems with glic a few weeks ago
07:07.16factorglibc even
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07:08.25stylusis this line correct for inetd.conf to specify an identd service?
07:08.30stylusauth stream tcp nowait nobody /usr/sbin/identd -i
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07:10.27dc3aesis there a basic linux command to join another users session? (non x11)
07:11.48Wyzardfactor: sid is working fine for me
07:11.55liabledc3aes: if they run there session in screen you can
07:12.04factorok thanks
07:12.10dc3aesok i couldnt place the command
07:12.12dc3aesthats it, thanks
07:12.51factorhad to reinstall do to glibc stuff a few weeks back and I usually can fanagle with it to get it back on its feet but was just too wonky
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07:18.13Locohi im using ubuntu and i want to try debian, what version should i try: stable or testing?
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07:19.49anapivirtua_Hi all
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07:20.16AzarLoco: stable is most recommended for people who don't want to deal with bugs and crashes. Testing is for experimented users wanting to report and help fixing bugs
07:21.29WyzardAzar: I think you mean "experienced", not "experimented"
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07:21.45AzarWyzard: ah haha yes , sorry, experienced
07:21.50g00seInstalled Lenny instead of Etch by mistake. Have changed sources.list to etch but that's not adequate to get back to etch is it?
07:22.04Azarg00se: no, there is no way back.
07:22.07LocoAzar,  ok thanx
07:22.32AzarLoco: you can start with Etch, the stable then later if you like it and get experience, upgrade to testing
07:22.50LocoAzar,  ok ill do that
07:22.51g00seAzar: Do you think that's why i had a dependency prob installing vim?
07:23.23Azarg00se: probably there are some packages that are not fixed yet... vim might be too
07:23.43Azarg00se: get Etch and install it if you have issues
07:23.54g00seAzar: So there's no other alternative?
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07:24.19Azarg00se: today is vim... tomorrow might be something else: you have the time to deal with all?
07:24.35g00seAzar: Point taken ;-)
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07:27.41kritzstapfim using a jabber server and like to change the domain name, how to transfer accounts from to
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07:36.03badgersOkay, I'm here. (courtesy of sussudio)
07:36.59*** join/#debian DukeDrake (
07:37.47DukeDrakedpkg doesn't finish setting up locales
07:38.24g00seAzar: What do they mean by 'Standard system' in the installer? Should i leave all unchecked for full control over what packages get installed?
07:38.31DukeDrakeit says "Setting up de utf8 <something>" for hours now
07:38.39kritzstapfdoes anybody know where jabberd stores the user-data?
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07:39.04Azarg00se: I guess if I recall correctly there are three options: standard(minimal), desktop , and server
07:39.36Azarlet me check
07:39.47g00seAzar: when i installed Lenny by mistake i actually unchecked all.
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07:40.13hyphenexWhat's the current stable distro?
07:40.52dpkghmm... stable is the status of a Debian release when no packages will be added, and changes will only fix security issues and critical bugs. Packages can be removed in rare circumstances. The current stable version of Debian is Etch (4.0), or ask me about releases.
07:41.56Azarg00se: scroll down to : How much do you want today? chapter
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07:42.48Azar... so I was wrong :)
07:43.21hyphenexAHHH!!! 21 CD's??? STAY AWAY!!!
07:43.21DukeDrakeIt says "Generating locales ....", then "de_DE.UTF-8@euro..." , then nothing happens ... Anyone know how to solve this?
07:43.36Azarhyphenex: people only use the 1st CD usually
07:44.27hyphenexI can always apt-get my software, right?
07:44.33*** join/#debian litage (n=nick@
07:45.01Azarhyphenex: yes you can grab the other packages with apt-get. The rest of 20 CDs are for people with temporary no connection
07:45.25streunerDukeDrake: What does 'dpkg -l libc6 | tail -1' say?
07:45.28hyphenexcool :)
07:46.42*** join/#debian sercik (
07:46.58sercikHi to all!
07:47.04DukeDrake"ii  libc6          2.3.2.ds1-22sa GNU C Library: Shared libraries and Timezone"
07:47.18serciki aheve installed debian this is my dirst boot  :)
07:47.36serciksomeone can give me goos repositories to add?
07:47.37DukeDrakesercik: congrats =)
07:47.45streunerDukeDrake: and that's an upgrade from sarge to etch?
07:47.46sercikhi DukeDrake
07:48.00DukeDrakestreuner: sarge, etch?
07:48.14*** part/#debian hyphenex (
07:48.23serciki'm a good kubuntu user
07:48.29AzarDukeDrake: sarge(oldstable), etch(current stable)
07:48.38streunerDukeDrake: /msg dpkg sarge
07:48.41streunerDukeDrake: /msg dpkg etch
07:48.44sercikplease some repositories!!
07:48.50Azarsercik: kubuntu is something else, it is not debian
07:48.56streunersercik: bobbitt!
07:49.04*** join/#debian Tiffon (n=Tiffon@unaffiliated/tiff0n)
07:49.04dpkgRemember Lorena Bobbitt?  Remember what she did to her husband's woody?  Well, when you install binary packages from different branches onto your woody, you get the same result. Same goes for Sarge, Etch, and any other debian system.
07:49.06Azarsercik: try #ubuntu
07:49.17sanelsonwhat is the/a way to set a desktop background image in a way which is windowmanager agnostic? i use xsetroot to set it to a colour, but suppose I wanted to set it to a jpg ?
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07:49.32serciki don't understand i want to try debian why ubuntu?
07:49.39DukeDrakestreuner: dunno - how can I find out?
07:49.43serciki already know very good ubuntu
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07:49.54Azarsercik: kunbutu you said
07:50.05sercikah ok!
07:50.11streunerDukeDrake: find out what? what causes the error? use pasterbot and paste the whole error there
07:50.14serciktell me some repositories!
07:50.27Azarsanelson: I use X with no desktop manager (gnome or kde) I use feh to put a wallpaper image
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07:50.42Wyzardsercik: has mplayer and acroread
07:50.45Azarsercik: we do not have kunbutu repositories
07:50.46streunersercik: /msg dpkg bobbitt
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07:51.06g00seAzar: Thanks. I see no reason there not to do what i did last time and uncheck all
07:51.09Wyzardsercik: but you don't really need lots of third-party repositories...  it's better to stick with Debian-supported packages
07:51.13DukeDrakestreuner: find out wether I use sarge or etch. And there is no error (unfortunately) It just hangs on setting up "de_DE.UTF-8@euro..."
07:51.29Azarsanelson: and yes you can "aptitude install feh"
07:51.32streunerDukeDrake: its sarge atm
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07:52.01AzarWyzard: he is using kunbutu..
07:52.12DukeDrakeok. I'm not upgrading, just trying to initially set up locales
07:52.25WyzardAzar: My understanding was that he's experienced with KUbuntu, but how he's installed Debian and wants to get started with using it
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07:54.08AzarWyzard: well he wasn't clear, many think *buntu is Debian
07:54.15piper69my mouse sensitivity and accelerationsare both set to fast and hight , but still the mouse moves very slow
07:54.28WyzardAzar: <sercik> i aheve installed debian this is my dirst boot  :)
07:54.35sanelsonthank you, Azar
07:54.39sanelsonthat works perfectly
07:54.58streunerDukeDrake: Hast du verstanden was wir dir sagen wollten (did you unterstand, what we trying to tell you)
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07:55.11Azarsanelson: you are welcome
07:55.36piper69Azar:  my mouse sensitivity and accelerationsare both set to fast and hight , but still the mouse moves very slow
07:55.46streunerDukeDrake:, visit the URL and paste the whole error there
07:56.22Azarpiper69: hmmm maybe trying dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg (if you use xorg) try another mouse type or feature type..
07:57.23piper69Azar: it's my laptop and this is the touchtp one, hmmm i will try to  dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg
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07:57.38DukeDrakestreuner: on the risk of repeating myself: _there is no error_
07:57.47DukeDrakeIt just hangs on setting up "de_DE.UTF-8@euro..."
07:57.56streunerwhat command?
07:58.01streunerapt-get install locales?
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07:58.53streunerok, run dpkg-reconfigure locales and throw DE* out
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07:59.13kritzstapfdoes anyone know good tutorials for setting up postfix with some imap stuff? :D
07:59.41dpkgmethinks postfix is a really cool MTA, which tries not to be too unlike sendmail so that its hard to get used to but is much better than sendmail or is at or #postfix
08:00.13dpkgFactoid search of '' by value (2): postfix howto ;; ispmail.
08:00.18DukeDrakestreuner: k, thanx for now.
08:00.30Azarpiper69: I use an old gaming logitech and my settings are: /dev/psaux, PS/2, Emulate 3buttons: true.
08:01.14streunerkritzstapf: /msg dpkg postfix howto ; /msg dpkg ispmail
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08:01.19xinguAzar: for recent x11 you're better off using evdev/ /dev/input/mouse*
08:01.39Azarxingu: that is on my old Sarge system with xfree86 :)
08:01.44xinguAzar: fair do.
08:01.50*** join/#debian deriaN (
08:01.57Azarbut thanks for the tip... gonna keep it for when I upgrade this box
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08:02.11serciki have installed debian 4.0. Is stable version in repository?
08:02.27kritzstapfstreuner: ah thanks, ill use ;)
08:02.41streunergood luck
08:02.52WyzardWow...  Windows TCP/IP has only just gained ECN support as of Vista?
08:02.56Azarsercik: ahhh ok, yes it is
08:02.57WyzardI thought that was well-established already
08:03.19yigaldoes anyone use mutt with gmail and if so what is your setup?
08:03.44AzarWyzard: after three years I booted up my win box for some stuff, and connections die on it :)
08:03.50piper69Azar: what should i pick the mouse protocol "ImPS/2 or ExplorerPS/2" ? i don't know
08:04.15*** join/#debian a_collins (n=collins@
08:04.32Azarpiper69: depends on what mouse you use, I just gave you an example, at the beginning, myself I had to toggle and try different options..
08:04.51AzarI just picked PS/2..
08:05.46Azarit actually told me to look at the physical mouse and see if is 5 pin, or usb.. something like that,
08:06.52AzarI guess the Etch installer is smarter... guesses it immediately
08:06.52nvzthe protocol has nothing to do with the hardware interface
08:06.56nvzthe protocol means the data itself
08:07.05Azarnvz: my installation and setup was really archaic back on the woody days
08:07.43yigalAzar: wow what about potato?
08:07.43Azarnew users lost a lot of goodies
08:07.43Azarno, I never had potato
08:07.54xinguwith recent xorg and 2.6 kernel protocol "auto-dev" should just work on /dev/input/mouse*
08:07.58Azarbut with woody was fun.. lots of time until I got it but fun
08:08.16*** join/#debian zir0faive (
08:08.27yigalAzar: I came at the beginning of sarge and I had my work cut out for me on a laptop
08:08.33serciki have an athlon 64 but debian during installation put kernel k7 is the right choice or i need to use 686?
08:08.34Azarsearching for modules with modconf, and assign them by hand..
08:08.48castsercik: you can use the amd64 port if you want
08:08.51*** join/#debian RaphaelZ (
08:08.52Azaryigal: not sure if woody was laptop-friendly
08:09.01dpkgfrom memory, qotd160 is <mhall> sanmarcos: i'm beginning to wonder about the size of the clue-free zone in which you live <sanmarcos> mhall: huh? <sanmarcos> clue-free ? <sanmarcos> i.e "have no clue"
08:09.02sercikno i don't
08:09.04RaphaelZhey, how come there is no libapache2-mod-auth-mysql supported in debian etch?
08:09.07AzarI guess there was no wifi stuff back then
08:09.15sercik64 bit have problems
08:09.16yigalAzar: most likely not, sarge was the beginning
08:09.20castsercik: your cpu is k8, i suspect k7 would work fine
08:09.21nvzxingu: thats what I am noticing, that the kernel drivers pretty much make input transparent now.. different protocols in userland seem to be a thing of the past
08:09.28sercikkernel k7 is the right choice?
08:09.28tarzeauRaphaelZ: doe apache 2 have it?
08:09.34xingunvz: yes; that was the whole point of the big input merge.
08:09.35sercikcpu is k8 yes!
08:09.37castsercik: ahh. i've been using 64bit for quite a while, no problems :)
08:09.44sercikand flash?
08:09.52sercikand win32codecs?
08:09.52Azaryigal: yes, Sarge was a big change... in ease of installation and use
08:09.52tarzeauRaphaelZ: many mods for apache 1.x weren't ported to 2.x
08:09.53yigalAzar: wifi support was non-existant even now it has just become great - relatively speaking
08:10.02castsercik: those are both nonfree, and not in Debian.
08:10.07RaphaelZtarzeau: of course apache2 has it
08:10.19sercikcast: but i can install it if i want... or not?
08:10.21xingunvz: worst-case you may have to bump the psmouse maxproto to allow it to do unsafe probes.
08:10.23tarzeauRaphaelZ: then you can package it too,
08:10.37xingunvz: but the detection is really good; and unlike psaux, it also deals with resynch.
08:10.39castsercik: sure, amd64 users can use flash if they set it up right.
08:10.45serciki know
08:10.45xingunvz: which happens scarily often
08:11.27yigaldoes anyone use mutt with gmail and if so what smtp/pop setup do you have - I am mostly interested in deb. on a desktop not a server
08:11.56RaphaelZfuck I need to change back to sarge
08:12.04yigalRaphaelZ: :)
08:12.07*** join/#debian drexxi (
08:12.26drexxicould someone tell me how to change from gcc4 to gcc3-5 ?
08:12.27wols_yigal: gmail needs TLS for pop3. and port 465 for smtp
08:12.34tarzeaudrexxi: why?
08:12.42tarzeaudrexxi: because you have software that don't build with 4.x?
08:12.48drexxii think so
08:12.49Azarsercik: you might be in for some dissapointments if you think you can install "anything you hear of, see, or want" from the net on a Debian stable system. All the "glitzier, newest" packages might not be on Debian repository, you only get "stable" packages
08:12.51wols_is there even a gcc 3-5 in dbeian? did it ever exist?
08:12.55tarzeaudrexxi: what software?
08:13.02tarzeauwols_: 3.4 afaik
08:13.04drexxitarzeau, its anope irc servicesa
08:13.08wols_tarzeau: I thought 3.3
08:13.14drexxitarzeau, its anope irc services
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08:13.21tarzeauwols_: 3.4 also existed, i know for sure
08:13.27wols_drexxi: do you have the needed gcc version installed?
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08:13.36Azarsercik: because, as you are used with kunbutu, that distro uses non-free software which Debian does not
08:14.00Azarmisterrr tarzeau, good evening from ca
08:14.06tarzeauhi Azar
08:14.10wols_drexxi: export CC=/path/tp/gcc3
08:14.26tarzeauAzar: i've just finished making two skyboxes for my levels using the gimp (gradient tool)
08:14.39Azaroh my god!!! so cool!
08:14.40tarzeauAzar: and made a better water surface texture... it's really great
08:14.46AzarI used to code html gradients
08:14.58tarzeauAzar: this map will be so different and great.. you know you can do so much with light in sauerbraten
08:14.59drexxii cant install libc6-dev
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08:15.12tarzeauAzar: like the gay rainbow colored texts?
08:15.17tarzeauAzar: geeeee ..
08:15.27Azartarzeau: no... like gradtables art
08:15.38Azarbut in a browser that was working only on TV, not on PC
08:15.52wols_drexxi: why not? and why are you even trying to install it on its own?
08:15.57nvzI jsut lvoe it wehn popele feel the need to say an etrine msgease tciwe jsut bcaseue tehy hvae a snglie cahtecre tpyo
08:16.15tarzeaunvz: ouch, you typed it like that or was it a "filter"?
08:16.16nvzas though we can't understand them
08:16.16wols_nvz: you are wrose than me.
08:16.23nvzI typed it like that
08:16.29drexxiwols_ i want to compile anope irc services and sudo apt-get install libc6-dev tells me some error
08:16.36Azartarzeau: and not only, audioscopes, color lines that move in the rythm of music ( that why I loved mod-s :)
08:16.39wols_drexxi: WHAT error?
08:16.42tarzeaunvz: apt-cache show filters (write one?)
08:16.44wols_!tell drexxi about b-e
08:16.47drexximom plz
08:16.51tarzeauAzar: hehe
08:16.57tarzeauAzar: is there a video of the action?
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08:17.24xingunvz: and for your next trick, do that again in a client that supports gdict based auto tpyo correction :)
08:17.25AzarI kept the code for a while could have been run with a webtv emulator, but I trashed it, nobody was interested
08:17.56Azarthe webtv browser and html code was breaking regular browsers...
08:18.18xinguAzar: how many gig for a copper demo? :)
08:18.25Azarbut it was fun ..
08:18.45nvzxingu: heh, I hate auto correction. I was blogging about the gap of understanding between people the other day, and trying to illistrate it using the word Aluminium and my browser highlighted it as mispelled just further making my point
08:18.57Azargig ? hehe I was coding it and using it with a weak 80MB of ram.. back in the days the word "gig" was a fantasy
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08:19.44Azarxingu: basically ordinary tables combined with hex color code and specific audio code instruction
08:19.57nvzxingu: actually I was blogging about the Counting Crows song "New Frontier" which is about how plastic and easily misled understanding can be between people
08:20.40drexxiwols_ no installation candiate for b-e
08:20.53wols_drexxi: dpkg told you something.r ead it
08:21.00drexxiyes i read it
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08:21.07Azarxingu, tarzeau .. until ms took over webtv and blocked access to audio codes..
08:21.07nvzI laugh my ass off at people's interpretations of Adam Duritz's lyrics.. this song New Frontier was written for these egg heads.. they think they see references in his lyrics but don't understand him at all
08:22.11drexxiwols_,  E: Package build-essential has no installation candidate
08:22.11drexxithats my problem
08:22.11wols_drexxi: fix your sources.list then
08:22.11wols_drexxi: paste your sources.list
08:22.11wols_!tell drexxi about sources.list
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08:22.12xingunvz: you're crossing the line from fanboy to stalker, you realise :)
08:22.12drexxi!tell drexxi pastebin
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08:23.06nvzxingu: I don't want to dress like him, or stalk him or anything like that.. we've just got a lot in common.. I understand him cause we are alike in many ways
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08:23.32nvzhe's a lyracist I'm an interpreter
08:23.50wols_drexxi: /msg dpkg <factoid>
08:24.12Azarxingu: that looks awesome :).. comparing with my trivial beginner html at sound, and color play
08:24.26piper69what is a best web browser you guy think of
08:24.39xingupipeline: w3m
08:24.50dpkgBest for what? Please define what you mean by "best".  Gloria Gaynor!  Tina Turner!  Aretha Franklin!  Men without Hats!  Women without Hats!  Men at Work!  Women at Play! Anyone for Tennis!
08:25.19nvzbut we're both Emo ass leo's who walk around with out hearts on our sleeve trying to understand the anatomy of love, trying get from the outside of everything, to the inside of you.. as the song says
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08:25.29wols_drexxi: you are in the wrong channel. we cannot help you
08:25.36dpkgyes, ubuntu is based on debian. Still, it has its own packages which are different and they have their own bugs and different ways of working that are unique to ubuntu. If we give you advice here, we could break your system more than it already is. So please, ask #ubuntu . Thanks :)
08:25.48drexxithanks anyway
08:26.01Azartarzeau:  << but we can't see the output result with our browsers..
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08:27.12Azarpiper69: for me the best browser is one that is the most secure.. I would go with Debian Etch's iceweasel
08:27.30tarzeaupiper69: links2 -g
08:27.35piper69Azar: thats what i choose
08:27.42wols_Azar: I am certain ithat one isn't the most secure browser at all. never can be
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08:27.49piper69i chose
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08:27.55Azartarzeau: hehe, don't push it...!! I love links2
08:28.10piper69wols_: ;)
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08:28.26Azarwols_: indeed browser+secure is kinda ireal..
08:28.54Azarbut comparing IE, or even Firefox with a stable and secure Iceweasel, I go with Iceweasel
08:28.59wols_there are vrey secure browsers. just that few people want to use it. no javascript, no plugins, no dhtml...
08:29.00*** mode/#debian [+l 718] by debhelper
08:29.15Azaryes, no js, flash and crapola
08:29.31castnc must be pretty secure :)
08:30.12Azarif I would go back to remove the mouse, I would only use links2...
08:31.24piper69ok, i want to remove the Epiphany web browser, so i did apt-get remove Epiphany and that didn't work
08:31.56xingusun java applet viewer! :)
08:32.06Azarpiper69: if it did not removed it what itsaid?
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08:32.19nvzugh I just 3 finger saluted a window by accident.. my Ignore and Kill commands are too similar Ignore is Ctrl+Shift+Click and Kill is Ctrl+Alt+Click I get em confused sometimes
08:32.20sercikfor nvidia drivers i need to download and compile? or is there some repositories?
08:32.36xingu!nvidia one-liner
08:32.37dpkgi heard nvidia one-liner is apt-get install nvidia-kernel-2.6-`uname -r | sed 's,.*-,,g'` nvidia-settings nvidia-glx && dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg (if you're on amd64, also install nvidia-glx-ia32. Using sarge? Ask me about <nvidia_sarge>. Homegrown or kernel from testing/sid: <nvidia_post_etch>. If you're using a Geforce2 or older: <nvidia_legacy>.  1.0.9xxx drivers are in unstable.
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08:33.16piper69Azar: it said that its not installed
08:33.26Azarpiper69: maybe it is not..
08:33.38Azarhmm it is?
08:33.43Azarmister dimir!
08:33.56Azarpiper69: try aptitude remove <packagename>
08:34.06dimirAzar: ye
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08:34.17Azarbecause what you did NOT installed with apt-get, apt-get does not see/know about
08:34.24dimiroh, that question wasn't for me. :-) Moin Azar !
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08:35.27kritzstapfhi, i followed and now sending the testmail gives: - as im not that into this dovecot thing i need some help :/
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08:36.28piper69Azar: it says that it is a virtual pkg
08:36.36sercikthanks xingu but i don't have nvidia-glx in packages probably i need sone repo
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08:36.57serciki have installed 1 hour ago
08:37.33streunerkritzstapf: out of curiosity, why do you think you need an own mail server?
08:37.35Azarsercik: type as root that long command given by dpkg..
08:37.52Azarstreuner: that was the dream of my life too... :)
08:38.13kritzstapfstreuner: to recieve mails for me@mydomain.tld for example? ;)
08:38.15Azarbecause all darn webmails now require js enabled
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08:39.12sercikAzar: i have told that i don't have that packages!!
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08:39.27serciki need repositories!
08:39.33xingusercik: they're in non-free
08:39.36sercikis the first thing i have tols
08:39.37Azarsercik: ahhhhhh edit your /etc/apt/sources.list by adding    "non-free contrib"  at the end of each and every source (minus the CD source)
08:39.37castAzar: they don't require, take gmail for instance
08:39.37xingufor obvious reasons.
08:39.59hescoI'm getting this error.  Any ideas how I should proceed?
08:40.03xingudo people just not do pre-upgrade planning these days?
08:40.03hescosudo mount -t iso9660 /dev/hdc /media/cdrom0
08:40.03hescomount: /dev/hdc is not a valid block device
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08:40.10Azarcast: they do.. and gmail requires original e-mail of an user or I do not have one
08:40.17xinguheaven help us when they hit the workforce
08:40.48Azarcast: at least that when I tried it 3 years ago
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08:41.11AzarI am using yahoo on their "old format" ... I don't know how long is gonna last though
08:41.26sercikthanks Azar now works
08:41.37sercikalso in security repo i need to add non-free
08:41.42Azarto date, yahoo is the only one that gives such an option
08:41.44castw3m doesn't have javascript right?
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08:41.49tarzeaucast: no
08:41.58Azarsercik: I did... and no problems
08:42.05tarzeaucast: links2 has some, but the plan is to have it removed
08:42.06kritzstapfstreuner: so can you help me anzway? :\
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08:42.11casttarzeau: is that a 'no, you are wrong' or a 'no, it does have js'
08:42.20tarzeaucast: it doesn't have js
08:42.25hescosudo mount -t iso9660 /dev/hdc /media/cdrom0
08:42.25hescomount: /dev/hdc is not a valid block device
08:42.35hescowhat does this error mean?
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08:42.58Azarhesco: /dev/hdc used to replace cdrom, try cdrom instead
08:43.50hescosudo mount /media/cdrom0
08:43.50hescomount: /dev/hdc is not a valid block device
08:44.51Azarhesco: edit /etc/fstab :  /dev/hdc        /cdrom          iso9660 rw,user,noauto          0       0
08:44.58cahoothesco: dmesg | grep -i cdrom returns what?
08:44.59xinguhesco: try /dev/cdrom
08:45.07Azarthen : mount cdrom
08:45.15hescogrep hdc /etc/fstab
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08:45.20hesco/dev/hdc        /media/cdrom0   iso9660 ro,user,noauto  0       0
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08:45.41Azarhesco: Sarge, or Etch?
08:45.48sercikok i have installed nvidia drivers! thanks
08:46.04cahoothesco: err  dmesg | grep -i cd-rom
08:46.07Azarsercik: welcome
08:46.08hescoSarge dist-upgraded to Etch last night
08:46.35cast gets you no js, i think
08:46.36Azarah so still with the old settings... xingu, do you think he needs to groom there?
08:46.48AzarI didn't.... on my upgraded Etch box..
08:46.50sercikbut debian 4.0 is sarge etch? what?
08:47.08Azarsercik: yes, Debian 4.0 is the stable Debian named Etch
08:47.10hescocahoot: Thanks.  found it at hdd, let me try this agin.
08:47.25xinguAzar: etch's udev should build /dev/cdrom automagically.
08:47.49xinguAzar: /etc/udev/rules.d/z25_persistent-cd.rules
08:47.52sercikberyl repo for debian?
08:48.00dpkgberyl is a compositing window manager for the X Window System. It is a fork of Compiz. or, HOWTO and links to package repositories are here:
08:48.00Azarxingu: I did upgraded Etch last August, I did not checked if I got udev over discover... but generally no major changes there
08:48.03hescoI'm sorry.  This is the other box, which is still Sarge, no udev
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08:48.10hescoediting fstab now
08:48.33xinguAzar: it won't prevent the hda link from working; the point is that udev will dtrt based on the device capabilities.
08:48.35Azarhesco: if you use Sarge, your original settings were good
08:48.44Azarhesco: just try   mount cdrom   only
08:49.28Azarxingu: so fstab needs groomed after upgrade to Etch.. right?
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08:51.00xinguAzar: only if you want to move the link; fstab might need a look at if you've been shifted to libata (hda->sda device renaming)
08:51.12xinguAzar: I'm sure this is covered in the release notes ;)
08:51.33Azaraha.. I see...
08:51.41Azarthanks xingu
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08:55.11hescoOK, I suspect a hardware issue with the Sarge box.
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08:55.23hescoI've switched to the Etch box.
08:55.46kritzstapfhi, i followed and now sending the testmail gives: - as im not that into this dovecot thing i need some help :/
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08:56.29hescodmesg | grep -i cd-rom gives me:
08:56.34hescohdc: CD-ROM 52X/AKH, ATAPI CD/DVD-ROM drive
08:56.47hescohdd: ATAPI 32X CD-ROM CD-R/RW drive, 8192kB Cache, DMA
08:57.08hescoand my /dev has cdrom and cdrom1
08:58.05xingu$deity bless udev, for 'though opaque, 'tis wicked clever
08:58.17sercikbut why user and root have different PATH ? i can't start synaptic like user
08:58.42xinguprobably because the user's path has been added to whilst logging into x11
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08:59.49sercikbut can i configure sudo like in ubuntu?
09:00.11azeemwhat do you mean with "like Ubuntu"?
09:00.54streunersercik uses kubuntu
09:01.02castsercik: read the sudo documents.
09:01.05sercikstreuner: please
09:01.27streunerplease what?
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09:01.35castpersonally i just su to root
09:01.43sercikdon't tell me to use ubuntu!
09:02.09tarzeauhow can i get qt/qmake to build in a different directory?
09:02.10sercikif you help me only a little then i don't ask anymore
09:02.18azeem10:59 < azeem> what do you mean with "like Ubuntu"?
09:02.19serciki'm a good user and not a noob
09:02.24castsercik: ask in #ubuntu for a cat /etc/sudoers or read the sudo manpage, really
09:02.28sercikso i think i'm quite good to use bedian
09:02.40sercikdebian sorry!
09:02.48hescosudo mount -t iso9660 /dev/cdrom /media/cdrom0
09:02.48hescomount: No medium found
09:03.02hescothat must be the empty tray
09:03.20casthesco: there is a cd ...yeah, eject /dev/cdrom :)
09:03.23xinguso use cdrom1...
09:04.02streunerFreenode-#debian.log:Jun 09 09:48:22 <sercik>   i'm a good kubuntu user
09:04.14hescogot it.  Now I'm getting: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/cdrom1
09:04.26hescoI had used a -t iso9660 switch
09:04.37LexusAhelp manual samba+winbind for debian 4
09:04.38sercikstreuner: why do you quote me?
09:04.43xinguhesco: why force the fs?
09:04.43hescoI think this has a single mp3 on it, but am not sure.
09:04.59hescoWhat other filesystems might be on this disk?
09:05.22xinguhesco: udf; or just da audio; try file -s /dev/cdrom1
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09:05.35xingufile's pretty opaque and clever too.
09:05.36streunersercik: you are using kubuntu, we told you to ask in #(k)ubuntu serveral times, what's so hard to ask there?
09:05.38harksercik: /msg dpkg sudoers ; /msg dpkg visudo
09:05.58sercikstreuner i want to try debian now
09:06.03harkstreuner: he's not. he said he had installed debian earlier
09:06.19streunersorry, my bad
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09:06.30sercikstreuner: but you hate me i can't understand
09:06.40hescofile -s /dev/cdrom1
09:06.43sercikif i ask something do you disturb
09:06.43hesco/dev/cdrom1: symbolic link to `hdc'
09:06.55harksercik: it was just a misunderstanding.. you weren't clear on this
09:06.56xinguhesco: file -sL /dev/cdrom1
09:07.19hescofile -sL /dev/cdrom1
09:07.19xingustupid posixly-incorrect defaults
09:07.21hesco/dev/cdrom1: ERROR: cannot read `/dev/cdrom1' (Input/output error)
09:07.43xinguin that case it's probably an audio cd, or region encoded, or whatever.
09:07.57hescoHow do I mount it and read it then?
09:08.03serciki think that kubunut is not stable so i want to try debian
09:08.11sercikok now!
09:08.33azeemsercik: just ignore streuner
09:08.33streunersercik: read what hark told you
09:08.54streuner<hark> sercik: /msg dpkg sudoers ; /msg dpkg visudo
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09:10.18sercikstreuner con't speak with me please!
09:10.37azeemsercik: if you don't want to talk to people on irc, use the /ignore feature
09:10.57xinguhesco: apt-get install cdtool; cdinfo
09:11.03azeemyou cannot force people not to talk to them - if they get overly aggressive they will be moderated though
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09:11.10hescoxingu: thanks,  I will
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09:11.50serciki'm starting to like debian
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09:12.01sercikfor now all works like a charm
09:12.08azeemthat's nice
09:12.18hescoCouldn't find package cdinfo
09:12.23sercikazeem some good repo please^
09:13.12streuneruse the official server of your TLD
09:13.13xinguhesco: it's in cdtool.
09:13.13azeemsercik: the main repo is all you need for starters
09:14.18sercikto write on ntfs fuse is available under debian?
09:14.35xinguhesco: nb there are ways and means to mount an audio cd - fuse+cddfs - but you probably don't want to; you probably want abcde instead, to convert the tracks to mp3.
09:14.50streuner!listkeys ntfs
09:14.52dpkgFactoid search of 'ntfs' by key (15 of 33): #debian ntfs ;; #debian ntfs rw ;; #debian read-ntfs ;; #debian-bots ro-ntfs ;; _default ntfs ;; _default ntfs rw ;; _default ntfsrw ;; _default read-ntfs ;; _default ro-ntfs ;; ntfs ;; ntfs rw ;; ntfs-3g ;; ntfs3g ;; ntfsro ;; read-ntfs.
09:14.56harkntfs3g :) but it's not in etch
09:15.22dpkghmm... ntfs-3g is a new driver for NTFS with write support, see for release status.  Read the FAQ at, also ask me about <ntfs>, <backports> (in sarge-backports)
09:15.26xinguhesco: the gnome desktop environment will tend to do the right thing for whatever media type is inserted, starting a cd audio player or mounting it.
09:15.34casti suggest moving your data off ntfs and running pvcreate on the partition :)
09:15.49serciki can't
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09:15.58serciki have an external hd
09:16.05azeemsercik: read-only ntfs works pretty good
09:16.17hescocdinfo /dev/cdrom(1|0), either way returns: 'no_disc'
09:16.39hescoBUt there is definately a disk in one of those
09:16.41Arafangionsercik: There are a few hacks to allow ntfs support in linux, one of them is commercial.
09:16.43sercikso i can't use ntfs-3g on debian?
09:16.45xinguthen the disk is unreadable
09:16.53Arafangionsercik: read-write, that is.
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09:17.24hescocdinfo -d /dev/cdrom1
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09:17.48hescocdinfo -d /dev/cdrom0
09:17.48hescocdinfo: can't open cdrom (/dev/cdrom0): No such file or directory
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09:18.10streunerhesco: just create a symlink
09:18.13xandArafangion: and there's ntfs-3g which isn't commercial, and seems to work well
09:18.25streunerhesco: if you using udev just make a rule of udev for
09:18.31RaphaelZif anyone knows a howto or good help on how to install libapache2-mod-auth-mysql on etch, please give it a shout
09:18.56harksercik: you can, but it was removed from etch. Maybe check backports or even maybe if you need do a sid backport...
09:19.09azeemsercik: for now, yes; it might be available later on from
09:19.22Arafangionxand: Yeah, just saw that - I'm from the days of captive-ntfs and paragon-ntfs
09:19.36sercikbut i can always compile myself?
09:20.17Arafangionsercik: That's what is meant by a "sid backport", btw
09:20.42streuner!simple sid backport
09:20.42dpkgFirst: See if the package has already been backported. Ask me about <backports>. If it hasn't, 1) Add a deb-src line for sid to your sources.list.  2) apt-get update 3) apt-get build-dep packagename;apt-get -b source packagename; 4) install the resulting debs, or pay someone to do it properly.
09:22.30xinguhesco: cdir /dev/cdrom1
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09:22.55xinguhesco: err, cdir -d /dev/cdrom1
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09:27.19EglatholionQuestion: In my aptitude is linux-source-2.6.21 available. But etch has 2.6.18 as stable. Where does it come from? I only have debian-marillat and blackdown additionally in my sources.list.
09:27.54azeemEglatholion: run apt-cache policy linux-source-2.6.21
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09:28.54Eglatholionoh. It comes from Sid. But I told /etc/apt/preferences to set sid to Pin-Priority: 20 and stable to 900
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09:29.27azeemEglatholion: it'd still be visable for aptitude
09:30.18EglatholionAh, I see. Yes, blackdown-java
09:30.21xinguetch has sun java
09:30.27Eglatholion(don't hit me for that ;))
09:30.33xinguthat takes me back a few years. :)
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09:31.13wols_Jerom817: if that was a script, remove it please
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09:31.17EglatholionOh, so I should search for Sun-Java in the repository, then. :o)
09:31.31wols_!tell Eglatholion about install java
09:31.33xinguEglatholion: probably; it runs rings around the blackdown jre
09:31.51xinguEglatholion: the earth has spun a few times since jre1.4 was a new thing. :)
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09:32.12wols_xingu: maybe but gnu java ist still 1.4.2... :)
09:32.21Eglatholion:P Sorry, it was still in my sources.list when I updated from sarge
09:32.43*** part/#debian YGingras__ (n=ygingras@
09:33.08Shadowcatdamn this place never sleeps
09:33.21EglatholionBut another question: So also other packages, let's say packages which are not available at all in etch, appear in aptitude when sid is in my sources list - no matter if I used pinning?
09:33.31liableShadowcat: timezones d00d
09:33.47Shadowcatliable: yeah I'm on screwed up time
09:33.52Shadowcatjust like everyone else ;)
09:33.53SupaplexShadowcat: please standby while the entire internet is rebooted. ;)
09:33.54xinguit's always midnight somewhere
09:34.25ShadowcatSupaplex: we did that last week
09:34.47xinguwell, it would be if it weren't for these weirdass types who like to set daylight per socieconomic/political boundaries
09:34.49SupaplexShadowcat: all couple million routers, servers and stations?
09:35.26Supaplexwell anyway. speaking of time, I guess 3:35am is my time for sleep. *yawn*
09:35.40streunerpinning is a great idea, but it doesn't work very well. Just don't use it.
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09:35.55ShadowcatSupaplex: we're upgrading them to Windows Embedded while we're at it
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09:36.04Supaplex!nuke Shadowcat
09:36.09EglatholionI use it because I want kaffeine and sylpheed-claws-gtk2 from sid.
09:36.12Shadowcat!windowssmite Supaplex
09:36.18streunerif you want REAL headaches, just use it :-) (/msg dpkg bobbit)
09:36.19Shadowcat!beat Supaplex
09:36.30Supaplexouou owe owe!
09:36.30xinguSupaplex: nah, knowing the average ip engineering skills there's probably a huge spof somewhere that's a hub under someone's desk.
09:37.00Supaplexxingu: hehehe yea, I know. :-x I worked for one of those palces before. TWICE. (different places)
09:38.07wols_!tell Eglatholion about bobbitt
09:39.37xandxingu: since when has it been 15?
09:39.37Eglatholionwols_, Yes, I know, but it wasn't available for backports when I did this. And IIRC, there were no further dependencies necessary.
09:39.50Supaplexxingu: it's a little known fact, the NFS NAS at my last place had a hair trigger power button. you make faces at it, and it'll turn off.
09:39.54SupaplexOne of my coworkers brushed up near it. A few seconds later I hear a girly shreek from the NOC.  I rush in, "What?! What's wrong!???" ... we uh, decided to mod the front panel :)
09:40.02xinguxand: <-- verified by google, it must be true.
09:40.05Supaplexno more accidents hehe.
09:40.31Shadowcatxingu trusts google blindly
09:40.42Shadowcatthat means that if we poison his dns and points to some other site
09:40.46Shadowcatwe can feed him false information
09:40.53xandxingu: that's not 15
09:41.13xinguI've been onion routing my http through google's ajax for years.
09:41.32Shadowcatactually that would be so evil
09:41.34xinguxand: how many do you count?
09:41.38Shadowcatreplacing google links
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09:41.43saptahhi all.
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09:41.50xandxingu: 12
09:41.52Supaplexoh no saptah is on to us
09:42.02Shadowcatquick everybody look busy
09:42.08Supaplexblame dpkg
09:42.15xinguxand: you're deduping where tzoffset is equivalent?
09:43.09xinguxand: too bad if they have different sort orders, charsets, or daylight savings. :)
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09:43.19saptahI have a debian server (stable) with squid installed, now I upgrade the server to etch, and, my squid now have a lower version. Now the transparent mode not works. Any clue about this guys?? THX :)
09:43.41sercikntfs-3g is in the backports
09:43.42saptahsorry 4 my english
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09:43.54xandxingu: what do sort orders and charsets have to do with the time?
09:44.06azeemsercik: only for sarge, the old version of Debian, I think
09:44.23serciki have added lines in sources.list then i have done sudo apt-get -t etch-backports install ntfs-3g
09:44.27sercikbut don't works
09:44.43azeemsercik: see above, it's in sarge-backports only
09:44.49azeemyou shouldn't install that
09:44.58xinguxand: in glibc, they're all wrapped up together in the locale
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09:45.23Supaplexisn't a sarge-backport in etch, just an older etch? :)
09:45.25xinguxand: which is why there are locales with equivalent tzoffsets
09:45.28xandxingu: wikipedia says .ru has 11... and their map agrees
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09:45.58zorg-sonwhy does everything I startup in debian bind to my tcp6 ip?
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09:46.00xingufair do, I'm yet to visit the place and I've never asked my colleagues a question that strange. :)
09:46.05zorg-soneverthing I startup!
09:46.23zorg-sonif I go netstat -an
09:46.36zorg-soneverything starts on binds to tcp6
09:46.43zorg-sonanybody any ideas?
09:46.56Supaplexzorg-son: ip6 can supply ip4 clients. eg, ::22 means it's listening on ip4 to.
09:47.23zorg-sonI am a dumbass
09:47.35sercikfor now i can live without ntfs-3g
09:47.39Supaplexzorg-son: give yourself credit. I had to learn that to. :)
09:48.21Supaplexzorg-son: but, if you get any grief with networking, the release notes cover why ip6 can cause problems (in some situations)
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09:49.35zorg-sonI for instance starts jboss
09:50.10serciki see black windows with beryl
09:50.11zorg-sonit supposeand then
09:50.25zorg-sonit is supposed to open a port on 8080
09:50.26xingusercik: what hardware
09:50.35zorg-sonit does not
09:50.45zorg-sonsince it says it cannot bind
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09:51.20zorg-sonhow can I tell debian not to bind to tcp6?
09:51.26zorg-sonbut good old tcp4
09:52.45zorg-sonyou ahve any ideas Supaplex?
09:52.51serciki have enabled force aiglx and indirect rendering now should work?
09:53.27xingusercik: nvidia is a vendor; what hardware.
09:53.34sercikgeforce 7600GT
09:53.44xingusercik: how much dram fitted?
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09:53.55xinguthat's probably why.
09:54.16sercikChecking for GLX_EXT_texture_from_pixmap        : failed
09:54.25sercikwith kubuntu i don't have this error
09:54.37xinguyou need 9755 driver from lenny
09:54.55sercikxingu do you speak with me?
09:55.04serciklenny is a repo?
09:55.07xinguand you still may have black windows depending on desktop layout with 128m
09:55.29serciknow i have 1.0.8776-4
09:55.44sercikcould you give me lenny repo address?
09:56.27xingusomeone really needs to update dpkg with a hint showing how to get lenny's nvidia running on etch, this is going to be a regular pain in the ass.
09:57.04xinguespecially once the 100-series drivers are out as is hardware that needs it (nv series 8/ dx10 gpu's)
09:57.29xinguguess what's coming in all the non-gma santa rosa designs later this fall
09:58.11Eglatholionhas someone a apt-something | grep somewhat line for me to find out which package is installed from which branch?
09:58.31sercikapt-cache policy package_name
09:58.47Supaplexsercik: black and beryl can mean too little ram (from what I hear)
09:58.57Supaplexanywayyyy - el sack time.
09:59.01*** mode/#debian [+l 711] by debhelper
09:59.02xinguSupaplex: yes, and 128m is too little ram
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09:59.18Eglatholionsercik, I mean for EVERY installed package at once
09:59.26sercikok xingu but i have this problem only with debian
09:59.36wols_Eglatholion: there are always, sooner or later a new libc6 necessary. and then, you are SOL
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10:00.03xingugt is turbocache too, which means you get the benefit of black screens as well as the exciting prospect of greater than usual flakiness
10:00.18sercikgt is not turbocache
10:00.40Eglatholionwols_, I'll check out every time before I update. I'm careful. And if I find the time, and no backport is available, I'll try to write one for myself and publish it.
10:00.46sercikgt is a serious card
10:01.58wols_xingu: "tucbocache" is only on the lowest end 7300 cards. no others
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10:02.11xingufair do.
10:02.14wols_even the 7300GT doesn't have it (it's actually a disgused 7600)
10:02.37xinguwols_: feel like walking this one through 9755-from-lenny-on-etch ? I have other things to do.
10:02.56xinguwols_: 8xxx series has no tfp and beryl needs it (and sercik wants beryl)
10:04.10sercikxingu i'm following a guide to install lenny drivers
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10:04.10sercikbut i can't understand: m-a -i prepare
10:04.11wols_what's not to understand about it?
10:04.12dpkgi guess module-assistant is a tool helping to build additional (kernel) module packages and generate/install DEB packages with them, or aptitude install module-assistant build-essential && m-a prepare
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10:10.49arooniwhere should i put a .jar file that i want to be able to run from any directory?  and how do i run it?
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10:11.45azeemarooni: put it e.g. into ~/bin and add ~/bin to your PATH
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10:13.53serciki need to upgrade libc6 to use nvidia 09775
10:14.05castif you say so
10:14.08sercikit i spossible to upgrade libc6?
10:14.31liablethat way danger lurks
10:14.32wols_sercik: don't
10:14.32azeemsercik: do you really need beryl?
10:14.46serciki suppose!
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10:14.57azeemyou suppose?
10:14.59sercikbut works also with older nvidia-glx
10:15.05*** join/#debian artur (n=artur@unaffiliated/artur)
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10:15.06serciki imagine
10:15.08wols_sercik: which part of the driver wants to upgrade libc6?
10:15.13*** part/#debian artur (n=artur@unaffiliated/artur)
10:15.20azeemsercik: it's not available with the latest version of Debian, so you're looking for trouble
10:15.49sercikdepends from libc6 2.5
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10:16.18boltazeem: nobody _needs_ beryl, except if their girlfriend go moist over fancy graphics or something. it's still fun to play with.
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10:16.46sercikdebian uses old packages it seems!
10:17.01sercikfor this is stable like a rock??
10:17.22liablewhy is debina so old!?!? lolz
10:17.28tarzeausercik: debian has stable, testing, sid and experimental
10:17.34bolt!punch liable
10:17.37liablesercik: the stable version, is, um, stable
10:17.39sercikwow complicated
10:17.40wols_nvidia 97.55 came out in december 2006. that was after the etch freeze
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10:17.50tarzeausercik: no you just pick one
10:17.56sercikbut can i use a modern debian
10:18.01tarzeausercik: i can
10:18.10tarzeausercik: modern has nothing to do with age
10:18.20tarzeausercik: there is old people that are very modern
10:18.21liablesercik: compiz is in etch
10:18.24serciki need to download another version that have more upgraded packages
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10:18.25tarzeausercik: and there is modern software, which is very old
10:18.35tarzeausercik: and there is new software which isn't modern at all
10:18.45serciktarzeau: ok stop please :)
10:18.50tarzeau!SNS syndrome
10:18.51dpkgit has been said that sns syndrome is a serious disorder otherwise known as Shiny New Software Syndrome usually breaks out into an epidemic every time something new is released. Slashdot readers are more likely than others to contract the condition.
10:19.00*** mode/#debian [+l 720] by debhelper
10:19.12serciktarzeau: lol
10:19.21sercikbut how can i use testing sid or others?
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10:19.50azeemsercik: sid is not supported here, you can upgrade to testing if you want, but it's not that stable
10:19.55liablesercik: learn how to administrate a stable box properly first
10:20.09serciki understood
10:20.30Fri13Hi! I need tips for few question what is about stupid debate, what is reason why different distros are called as distros and not as different operation systems. And is Debian GNU/Linux different OS as Debian GNU/Linux or different distro. Im trying to explain one guy who claim distro and OS has same meaning and it is stupid to call them as distros as those should be called as different OS's.
10:21.02buuFri13: Just stab him to death, it will save time.
10:21.03xandFri13: they're called distros because they have the same kernel.
10:21.05jduggan_Fri13: all distro's sit on the linux kernel
10:21.12liablesercik: its not that we dont want you to use it, its just that you need to learn how to fix stuff when it breaks. its not so hard, but you need to learn a little bit first
10:21.12jduggan_Fri13: therefore its linux
10:21.17castFri13: jduggan_ no they do not.
10:21.27jduggan_cast: linux distro's sit on linux kernel
10:21.28castuh, just jduggan_
10:21.50Fri13Judgen_: so Debian GNU/Hurd isnt distro, its GNU OS like it says on webpage?
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10:22.14xandFri13: it is a distro, but not a linux one
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10:22.41jduggan_yea hurd is not linux kernel therefore not a linux distro
10:22.43liablelinux is kernel, gnu is tools, without tools you dont have an os
10:22.48castFri13: the definitions are arbitrary, such arguments are pretty pointless. don't bother imho
10:22.54Fri13buu, I would stab him to death unless it would be a crime ;-)
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10:23.09buuFri13: I'm sure it wouldn't.
10:23.41castFri13: theres alot of confusion, say all the people that think Linus wrote an OS
10:24.12cast'Linux is a clone of the operating system Unix, written from scratch by Linus Torvalds with assistance from a loosely-knit team of hackers across the Net. '
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10:24.37waldeHello. I want to execute a server with a initscript in "/etc/init.d". As these scripts are running with "root", what is the debianway to switch the user in a script? "su" or "sudo" or sth else?
10:24.44Fri13cast: yes, there are those. And there are few of these who like to call all distros as different OS's and if those aren't different OS's and distros, then all WIndows versios are distros too and not OS's.
10:24.44liablehehe, i was searching for one qotd and got this perler
10:24.45dpkg<ananke> erps : here. let me rub my crystal ball. <erps> ananke, awesome, can I borrow that? :) <ananke> erps : nope. company policy, we can't give away our crystall balls. <erps> ahhh :(   But I assume you let special people rub them for you? <ananke> erps : you're not that special
10:25.00azeemwalde: see start-stop-daemon
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10:25.08azeemwalde: it has an option to run the daemon as another user
10:25.13waldeazeem, thankyou
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10:27.23Fri13cast: but aren't those distros called as distros because they share same kernel (linux) + GNU OS platform + other tools and apps?
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10:29.07castdebian always comes with GNU, but not always with Linux
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10:29.52castshould the word 'distro' apply to just things using linux/gnu, or does distro cover kfreebsd/gnu too?
10:30.10Fri13cast: So Debian GNU/Hurd isnt same OS as Debian GNU/Linux but both are distros?
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10:31.45castno idea.
10:31.46EdwardElrici call freebsd a distro...
10:32.03EdwardElrici think it applies to all *nix like operating systems
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10:33.40Fri13EdwardElric: But distro is member of the Linux family of *nix OS's what uses Linux kernel. By wikipedia?
10:34.47EdwardElricmaybe im wrong, but you see unixish OSes on sites like distrowatch...
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10:37.02EdwardElricif it is not a distro, why is it there? are they also wrong?
10:38.14Mazingaroplease I've got a problem with vnc: on the server I got kde and vnc, on the client kde but when I connect to server it starts a gnome session, how can I use a kde session instead? Tx
10:40.26EdwardElrici have no idea...better wait for someone else
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10:41.30LightKnightCiao :)
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10:56.15Mazingaroplease I've got a problem with vnc: on the server I got kde and vnc, on the client kde but when I connect to server it starts a gnome session, how can I use a kde session instead? Tx
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10:57.49MoDaXMazingaro: update-alternatives --config x-session-manager
10:57.52MoDaXas root
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10:58.36MoDaXMazingaro: or get rid of gnome from your system
10:58.40rmwaitemy LORD x takes a long time/ a lot of space to compile
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10:58.49SoulChildHi all
10:58.53MoDaXrmwaite: yes, it does
10:59.01rmwaitei had no idea, ran out of space lol
10:59.05MoDaXrmwaite: is even worse
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10:59.14rmwaitei heard horror stories about mozilla
10:59.19SoulChildi found a missing dependency in debians package lists,.. where should i say this, to solve this for everbody ?
10:59.22MoDaXthat one too
10:59.26abrotmanrmwaite: why would you want to compile X ?
10:59.36MoDaXSoulChild: in stable?
10:59.45rmwaiteabrotman: it's on an openbsd machine, some patch to freetype or something
10:59.47SoulChildMoDaX: yes
11:00.03abrotmanSoulChild: which package .. and which dep ?
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11:03.17SoulChildabrotman: the mathematcal application "maxima" or "wxmaxima" needs the libary libgmp3c2 otherwise it does not start with error: "error while loading shared libraries:"
11:04.19abrotmanwxmaxima depends on maxima
11:04.25MoDaXSoulChild: yes,
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11:06.14abrotmanMoDaX: but that is marked as done .. it should be tagged that it affects etch
11:06.32castmaxima has libgmp3c2, in the depends
11:06.40MoDaXabrotman: the bug is not rc
11:06.44abrotmancast: not on etch
11:06.48abrotman!depends maxima etch
11:06.49MoDaXabrotman: versioning is enough
11:07.00casti thought i was on etch -_-
11:07.02abrotmanMoDaX: it makes the package not work .. at all ..
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11:07.35abrotmanMoDaX: i'd tag it as busted for etch
11:07.50abrotmanoh .. it is
11:07.53castabrotman: oh. its broken for i386, i'm on amd64 :)
11:08.01abrotmancast: cute
11:08.02MoDaXabrotman: severity is not rc
11:08.08TrueDDSalut tous
11:08.09abrotmanMoDaX: broked!
11:08.16TrueDDhi all
11:08.17MoDaXabrotman: then up it :)
11:08.18abrotmanMoDaX: but it does say it's broken in etch .. so whatever
11:08.33MoDaXotherwise it won't be fixed
11:08.38MoDaXin etch
11:08.41jelly-homeMoDaX: well it kinda should be rc... considering it doesn't work at all
11:08.48abrotmanMoDaX: like anyone actually uses maxima :)
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11:09.30MoDaXjelly-home: I agree, but now it isn't
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11:10.32jelly-homegood. who'll send mail to 411147@b.d.o?
11:10.41SoulChildMoDaX: so why is the maxima dependencies problem still not solved ??
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11:11.00MazingaroMoDaX: will this affect vnc client?
11:11.17MoDaXMazingaro: everything, including vnc
11:11.51abrotmanjelly-home: let's all do it!
11:11.59abrotmanSoulChild: it is .. but not in etch
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11:12.07SoulChildabrotman: also not in lenny
11:12.16abrotmanSoulChild: i don't have a lenny box here
11:12.22MazingaroMoDaX: it was set on gnome! But I got kde starting on that box!
11:12.33SoulChildabrotman: what else do u have
11:12.44jelly-homewhat... reopen, raise severity, tag etch?
11:12.44abrotmanSoulChild: however .. the fix is in sid .. it'd eventually filter to lenny
11:12.47MoDaXMazingaro: because you told gdm/kdm to do so
11:12.56SoulChildabrotman: ahh ok ...
11:13.07abrotmanjelly-home: it's already tagged for a version .. i'd up it and append stating why ?
11:13.56abrotmanjelly-home: i'm sure it'll quickly be downgraded again :)
11:13.57*** join/#debian rogier (n=rogier@
11:13.57MazingaroMoDaX: now I get an empty x window on vnc-client :(
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11:13.57SoulChildabrotman: do u use unstable ?
11:13.57abrotmanSoulChild: nope
11:14.18abrotmanSoulChild: i usually have a testing/stable box somewhere .. but i haven't gotten time to up anything to testing yet
11:14.40abrotmanand i still have sarge boxes .. eww
11:14.50SoulChildabrotman: hehe
11:14.54jelly-hometee-hee, reportbug-ng crashed
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11:15.02abrotmanjelly-home: irony!
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11:15.37jelly-home*** glibc detected *** python: malloc(): memory corruption (fast): 0xb5700997 ***
11:15.54abrotmani blame ruby
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11:16.35MoDaXMazingaro: have you chosen startkde?
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11:16.47abrotman!depends maxima etch
11:17.27MazingaroMoDaX: ok, solved
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11:17.38MazingaroMoDaX: I restarted the vnc server
11:17.39MoDaXMazingaro: cool
11:17.55MoDaXMazingaro: yes, vnc server is the main player here
11:18.07MazingaroMoDaX: coolest
11:18.36pteehi, anyone has this expereince with sound applications crash? XMMS, Amarok, mplayer crash on debain with segmentation fault but noatun and mp3blaster work!!! What can be the problem? i already upgrade the whole etch system but didn't help.
11:18.38MazingaroMoDaX: buahaha it's very fun
11:18.43*** join/#debian doob77 (
11:19.14MoDaXptee: don't use noatun, arts, esd. you alsa output plugins
11:19.44abrotmanbot is messed
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11:20.30pteeMoDaY:  i restarted alsa but also doe't help. The prob is I cannot have my sound application such as amarok or xmms or mplayer work at all.
11:20.50pteeMoDaX:  i restarted alsa but also doe't help. The prob is I cannot have my sound application such as amarok or xmms or mplayer work at all.
11:21.32MoDaXptee: go to control center -> sound -> sound system -> set auto suspend to not less than 10 secs)
11:21.59*** join/#debian roodie (n=evil@
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11:22.40pteeMoDaX : ehr, i dont know much about sound things...why suspend has the effect on sound application?
11:23.35MoDaXptee: arts is crap and preventing other applications from accessing sound device
11:24.16pteeMoDaX: thanks : ) ok, i try.
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11:26.19abrotmandondelelcaro: <dpkg> FIXME: files/debian/Packages-etch-main-i386.gz does not exist?
11:27.28*** join/#debian gcardinal (
11:28.33pteeMoDaX: still doesn't work. i log-in on gnome session but xmms  still crashs. Do you have any other ideas?
11:29.00*** mode/#debian [+l 735] by debhelper
11:29.12gcardinalsorry for newby quastion, but is there a place where I can find complete manual on how to install LAMP with SQUAD/APC/Zend Optimize ?.. From a trustfull up to date source. I have found many on google, but they all kind of different and I am not sure wich on to trust
11:29.16MoDaXptee: check which plugin xmms is set to use
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11:30.52pteeMoDaX : it crashes since the call, I cannot check its setting. This happens also with amarok and mplayer....
11:31.16cahootptee: you run them from terminal?
11:31.29wols_abrotman: do what dpkg told you: fix it! :)
11:31.49*** join/#debian kintaro0e (
11:31.50abrotmanwols_: i think i should not do that to dondelelcaro's machine :)
11:31.59wols_ptee: open an xterm, start a audioplayer there
11:32.15wols_abrotman: chicken :P
11:32.36abrotmanwols_: you could do it!~
11:32.47wols_nah. I'm a coward
11:32.57wols_and dpkg didn't tell me to fix :)
11:32.59*** join/#debian soulSurvivor (n=debian@
11:33.14pteewols_ : still segmentation fault on all applications related to sound, gxine, mplayer, xmms, amarok, totem except mp3blaster.
11:33.28HostilePenguinwhat would be the best way to connect to a headless name server?
11:33.49wols_HostilePenguin: ssh or serial console
11:34.00HostilePenguinwhat i thought
11:34.12wols_ptee: esound running?
11:34.28abrotmanthough if you ask #mandriva .. they'd tell you vnc to a KDE session!
11:34.35cahootptee: is it really debian?
11:34.41pteewols_ : no, shall i install it.
11:34.46rmwaiteis vnc encrypted?
11:34.49pteecahoot : yes, etch.
11:34.53wols_ptee: no
11:34.54abrotmanrmwaite: afaik .. no
11:34.59*** part/#debian gcardinal (
11:35.19wols_ptee: dpkg -l | grep alsa
11:35.21MoDaXptee: does aplay work?
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11:35.54pteewols_ : i use alsa. and it works fine because i can use mp3blaster (console mp3 player)
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11:37.19pteeMoDaX: it hangs on from the console command. give no message of segmentation fault but not doing anythinge either.
11:37.42pteeMoDaX: i meant this aplay..
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11:38.24abrotmanwols_: restring my guitar!
11:38.30pteeI think I may need to re-install etch from scrash .... I already upgrade the whole system....
11:39.48sussudioin soviet russia, system upgrades you
11:40.06HymnToLifehaha, nice one :p
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11:48.27abrotmanwols_: restring my guitar!
11:49.15HostilePenguinok how do i end ssh
11:51.09HostilePenguinheh sweet
11:51.09*** join/#debian George2 (
11:51.09corram i still banned here under this name?
11:51.10corrnope cool
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11:51.55azeemcorr: why were you banned earlier?
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11:52.22corri've a long and complicated history of trolling around these parts.
11:52.30azeemI see
11:52.36azeemcorr: any reason you should be in here now?
11:52.40corrbut it's been a while
11:52.55corrazeem: yeah, definitely. i am actually using debian now.
11:53.08corrbefore i just pretended to :)
11:53.34azeemwhat's the first name of the second-last Debian Project Leader?
11:53.51corri dunno
11:54.02azeemare you sure you're not using Ubuntu?
11:54.05corrhey i said i'm using it, not a guru :)
11:54.11abrotmanthe one before AJ ?
11:54.17corrazeem: i literally just installed it 4 days ago
11:54.17azeemok, just giving you a hard time
11:54.32azeemcorr: but we'll keep an eye on you *makes Robert de Niro handwaive*
11:54.34corrits nice. suprisingly, the best distro i've used.
11:54.51HostilePenguindoes it matter for xforwarding if the server is booted to xdm?
11:55.05HostilePenguinbefore i unhook everything again
11:56.08*** join/#debian luca____ (
11:56.09azeemHostilePenguin: no
11:56.20azeemHostilePenguin: that's the point, you don't need an X server on the remote end
11:56.51Marenzare there some optimize functions for make-kpkg ? can'T find them in man..
11:57.30wols_Marenz: what optimize functions?
11:57.38abrotmanman kernel-pkg.conf
11:57.47Marenzwell in gcc you got -O1 -O2 and so on
11:58.04wols_see what abrotman said or use export CFLAGS
11:58.11*** join/#debian CharminTehM00se_ (
11:58.36wols_but careful: the kernel is the last place to test out fancy optimizers
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11:59.14Marenzbut on the other side its the first place to have a well performance  boost
11:59.55abrotmanwhat .. no gentoosmite ?
11:59.56*** join/#debian mmmmmmmmm (
11:59.56wols_one organ per string
12:00.00abrotmanwols_: and this one has 12!
12:00.28wols_very distinct parts
12:01.56abrotmani can't even imagine restringing a piano or harp :)
12:02.26wols_the way I do it, no muscial talent is needed....
12:03.16*** join/#debian ^zanDarK (
12:03.16jduggan_hi all, is there any such opensource alternative to visio
12:03.16^zanDarKciao a tutti
12:03.18jduggan_preferable part of debian?
12:03.19wols_otoh. I might try out in what keys yiz cab squeal. fun project, that
12:03.33wols_*you can squal
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12:08.44OkanmIRC Script'imiz Yenilenmitir. Trke mIRC 6.2 [iStannbuL Script] Artk Sizlere Sunulmutur indirmek iin link'imize Tklamanz Yeterlidir ->  www.iStannbuL.Com - [ By mR ]
12:09.06corrhey, lets wage holy war against gentoo.
12:09.12corrwho's with me??
12:10.21liableOkan: wtf?
12:10.22liablecorr: no one
12:10.24wols_corr: if you keep shit like this up, you will be banned again in here in no time
12:10.28HostilePenguinhow do i start xforwarding?
12:10.28corrwols_: dude, language.
12:10.35wols_we are all adult motherfuckers in here
12:10.44abrotmanyou're inciting trolling .. and you're whining about language?
12:10.54corrlol, thats weird, because i was just lectured in gentoo for saying fuck
12:10.55*** join/#debian Okan (n=iStannbu@
12:11.03OkanmIRC Script'imiz Yenilenmitir. Trke mIRC 6.2 [iStannbuL Script] Artk Sizlere Sunulmutur indirmek iin link'imize Tklamanz Yeterlidir ->  www.iStannbuL.Com - [ By mR ]
12:11.04*** join/#debian WP-Gast579 (
12:11.04corrboth channels are anal in their own way, i suppose
12:11.07wols_abrotman: his mum forbid him to use bad words. she doesn't know about trolling
12:11.17wols_Okan: either stop that script or leave please
12:11.21liableOkan: stop that
12:11.23OkanmIRC Script'imiz Yenilenmitir. Trke mIRC 6.2 [iStannbuL Script] Artk Sizlere Sunulmutur indirmek iin link'imize Tklamanz Yeterlidir ->  www.iStannbuL.Com - [ By mR ]
12:11.31*** join/#debian azeem (
12:11.34corrsee, at least i dont spam the channel with stupid stuff
12:11.39MarenzOkan  cya
12:11.47liablecorr: um, you did..
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12:12.38h3sp4wnHostilePenguin: ssh -X should just do it
12:12.53HostilePenguinroger that
12:13.29corrliable: it was a joke. are you saying that its a crime being unfunny?
12:13.37Marenz<- compilng
12:13.50abrotmanhave you been to .au ?
12:14.09liablecorr: not at all, it just seemed like a troll to me. i may have read you wrong..
12:14.19liableabrotman: shut up!
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12:17.04Kill3eri need help -----> i want make colors to motd  <--  Debian 3.1
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12:19.30spheardhello, how do I install the english language pack?
12:19.42abrotmandpkg-reconfigure locales
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12:21.08spheardabrotman, ns:~# dpkg-reconfigure locales; perl: warning: Setting locale failed.; perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings:;LANGUAGE = (unset),; LC_ALL = (unset),; LANG = "en_GB.UTF-8"
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12:22.57l1nuxI have to carry my tree structure debian of a machine to another, when each time i try upgrade kernel, it modifies the root (root=/dev/hda3) in grub/menu.list, as the old one…   which file to declare the root of the current system? for avoided the modification of the menu.list to each update of the kernel
12:23.05*** join/#debian Jax (n=Jax@pdpc/supporter/active/Jax)
12:23.23me_herei have an issue with my glibc, how do i upgrade it ?
12:23.30liablel1nux: see the automagic section of menu.list
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12:23.39abrotmanme_here: why?
12:23.43me_hereit tells me glibc2-4 bla not found
12:23.45Jaxhey guys, i usually use gentoo but am sitting infront of a debian box here. i need to compile mplayer with a couple configure options. in gentoo i could do something like: USE="xvid mmxext encode avi live matroska mpeg oggvorbis real theora aac jpeg mp3 mp2" emerge mplayer, how would i do that in debian?
12:23.49me_heremainly the linker
12:23.53liablel1nux: the kopt section specifically
12:24.12me_herei have to set it to ldconfig -c old -r / manually sometimes
12:24.19corrdoes every deb have dpkg-reconfigure options
12:24.22l1nuxok, Thanks liable :)
12:24.29castJax: i'd just grab the mplayer tarball and do the usual ./configure, make...etc..
12:24.36castJax: could use dpkg-buildpackage though
12:24.57h3sp4wnJax: check
12:25.02abrotman!tell jax about source
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12:26.17h3sp4wnJax: If you do want to build it from source anyway just doing apt-get build-dep mplayer (from debian-multimedia) will save you a bit of time tracking down dependancies
12:26.30Jaxthat looks reasonable
12:26.46h3sp4wnJax: the mplayer that is in debian-multimedia has most stuff enabled anyway
12:27.31Jaxhm apt-get install can't find debian-multimedia
12:27.48Jaxah gotta download the deb first i guess
12:27.59dpkgsomebody said debian-multimedia was a repository of unofficial Debian packages, not in Debian for various legal reasons, maintained by Christian Marillat. For instructions to add APT sources, ask me about <debian-multimedia.etch>.
12:28.18Jax!tell me about debian-multimedia.etch
12:28.41l1nuxliable, kopt, is disabled # kopt=root=/dev/hda3 ro
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12:28.46wols_!tell Jax about selftell
12:28.58liablel1nux: read it properly
12:29.27liablel1nux: start at the top
12:29.33liableof the automagic bit
12:29.57g00sepast.debian seems to be broken. Good alternative?
12:30.11dpkgPlease don't paste more than 3 lines here in the channel, use instead: or or or for pics. --- Also ask me: pastebin pipe
12:30.48Shadowcatthere's a news chopper hovering outside
12:30.52Shadowcatand it's making A LOT of noise
12:31.16liableShadowcat: turn on the telly, can you see yourself?
12:31.17RoninShadowcat: get your digital camera out, could make somemoney
12:31.25Jaxh3sp4wn gpg --keyserver --recv-keys 1F41B907 aint working for me, gpg: no valid OpenPGP data found.
12:31.40ShadowcatI'm trying to do multi vector analysis
12:31.54Shadowcatso the last thing I need is a 100db engine hovering over head
12:32.10casti analysised a vector once
12:32.19liableits actually not the engine that makes the most noise
12:32.22h3sp4wnJax: forget that part,  just install debian-multimedia-keyring after
12:32.28abrotmanShadowcat: sure .. "multi vector analysis" ...
12:32.32Shadowcatno, it's air turbulance
12:32.39Jaxh3sp4wn well i did echo "deb etch main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list; apt-get update;
12:32.41abrotmanwe know why the chopper is there
12:32.43Shadowcatabrotman: I should say vector problems in n-space
12:32.52Shadowcatabrotman: yeah you can climb down now
12:32.56Shadowcatwe all know you love spying on people
12:33.04abrotmanah .. ok
12:33.14liableturbulance? is that the thing that rescues injured air?
12:33.18h3sp4wnJax: apt-get (or aptitude) install debian-multimedia-keyring
12:33.23Jaxah got it thx
12:33.34g00se wtf? Am i being thick?
12:33.43*** join/#debian FreePBX8373 (i=PJirc@
12:33.44Jaxdamn it, it didn't install mencoder
12:34.06Kill3erplz need help
12:34.11*** part/#debian FreePBX8373 (i=PJirc@
12:34.53l1nuxliable, hmm... ok, but not is debian default configuration, any other solution ?
12:35.16corrKill3er: escape codes
12:35.34abrotmanKill3er: people don't want colors
12:36.25l1nuxliable, without "automagic boot options"
12:36.38Kill3erjust wan't msg day to RED Color
12:36.49Shadowcatactually the most evil thing would be to change it to the Microsoft EULA
12:37.07corror an ascii goatse
12:37.08Shadowcatand force users to press ALT+N until they've reached the end before logging in
12:37.10enoufdmca == more devilish
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12:38.31liablel1nux: it is, you just said it was commented, when in fact it isnt, the comments have ##
12:38.55*** join/#debian dfa001 (n=dfa@unaffiliated/dfa001)
12:39.00liablel1nux: and if it isnt debian, why are you asking us?
12:39.31*** join/#debian Roey (
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12:40.01Shadowcatyeah I don't think anyone in here speaks Japanese
12:40.07RoeyHi, anyone here dip into iptables occasionally?  I need some help with a script..  has the habit of banning ssh clients immediately  instead of after three attempts..  Where am I going wrong with this script?
12:40.12Roeyhey Shadowcat
12:40.45corri'm surprised that showed up as good as it did in my client
12:40.49beardyI think someone does, but that is irrelevant, since the language here is English.
12:41.03abrotmanuse fail2ban or ask #iptables
12:41.04Shadowcatunicode enabled client
12:41.21corri thought you still needed fonts installed. maybe i do.
12:41.34Shadowcatyou need one unicode font
12:41.35Roeyabrotman:  fail2ban?
12:41.42ShadowcatI know debian has at least one by default
12:41.46corr<- vista
12:41.48Roeyabrotman:  I asked in #iptables, they just pointed me to a tome of cryptic information
12:41.50Roeybarbo:  hi!
12:41.51abrotman!info fail2ban etch
12:42.01Roey!info fail2ban etch
12:42.06abrotmanoh .. bot is borken
12:42.08corrits quite nice actually. wonderful unicode support, i guess.
12:42.10dpkgfail2ban is a small python program that runs rules when people fail to logon after a certain number of tries. By default it works with ssh and iptunnel, but can be extended to whatever authentication and access denial system you're using.
12:42.19abrotmanaptitude: info fail2ban etch
12:42.24dfa001!slap corr
12:42.25azeemShadowcat: chill
12:42.30Roeyabrotman:  what's wrong with using the 'recent' module?
12:42.33azeemdfa001: please /msg the bot
12:42.34Shadowcatazeem: heh, joking
12:42.41Roeyabrotman:  as in the script I have
12:42.41corrlol vista's better than xp at least :)
12:42.47corrand no i'm not trolling here
12:42.52dfa001azeem, that was for Roey
12:42.53abrotmanmore bots?
12:42.56Shadowcatcorr: uhh jury's still out on that
12:42.57azeemcorr: but you're off-topic
12:43.17*** join/#debian Maerz (
12:43.18Roeycorr corrals himself
12:43.24Roeyha, hahahah
12:43.29liablecast: you like having your logs blown out?
12:43.33dpkgfail2ban: (bans IPs that cause multiple authentication errors), section net, is optional. Version: 0.7.5-2 (etch), Packaged size: 61 kB, Installed size: 488 kB
12:43.34jelly-homecast: sounds like you don't run a multiuser machine, then
12:43.37corrRoey: i'm experienced is all :)
12:43.38azeemdfa001: I meant the !slap
12:43.43dpkgfail2ban: (bans IPs that cause multiple authentication errors), section net, is optional. Version: 0.7.5-2 (etch), Packaged size: 61 kB, Installed size: 488 kB
12:43.49abrotmandpkg: hi
12:43.49dpkghey, abrotman
12:43.52dfa001azeem, ah =P
12:43.52Roeythanks abrotmn
12:43.56castliable: logs getting big are the only issue. :)
12:44.07Roeycast:  with what?
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12:44.14Shadowcatif you're really evil you can ban an entire subnet for hammering
12:44.18ShadowcatI used to do that once upon a time
12:44.31RoeyOoh, you touch my tra la la.
12:44.37Roeymmm, my ding-ding-dong.
12:44.39dfa001Ive banned entire countries before
12:44.41Shadowcatthat usually does wonders too when it's a ban for a class A subnet
12:44.42jelly-homeShadowcat: uh, that's prone to DoS
12:44.55Roeythat turns me on to ban that great a swath of the Internet at a time.
12:44.55Shadowcatjelly-home: I was getting ddosed anyway
12:44.57abrotmancast: they could also get lucky
12:45.01Roeythough it's like performing surgery with a baseball bat
12:45.17aptitudefail2ban: (bans IPs that cause multiple authentication errors), section net, is optional. Version: 0.7.5-2 (etch), Packaged size: 61 kB, Installed size: 488 kB
12:45.40Shadowcatsomething tells me freenode's lagged to hell today
12:45.43l1nuxliable, where debian store default root at first installation ?
12:45.45beardySomeone is swapped out.
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12:46.18liablel1nux: where ever it installed /
12:47.00jelly-homel1nux: default root what?  password?  user passwords are usually in the shadow file.
12:47.01azeeml1nux: what do you mean with "default root"?
12:48.18l1nuxjelly-homeI, azeem have to carry my tree structure debian of a machine to another, when each time i try upgrade kernel, it modifies the root (root=/dev/hda3) in grub/menu.list, as the old one…   which file to declare the root of the current system? for avoided the modification of the menu.list to each update of the kernel
12:48.25*** join/#debian sander (
12:48.31sander <-- can anyone figure out whats wrong with my debian box when printing a test page trough cupsd to a network printer?
12:49.03azeeml1nux: I think those lines are generated from commented-out lines further above
12:49.39enoufRoey: perhaps you also have denyhosts python script running?
12:50.13l1nuxazeem, where ?
12:50.30l1nuxazeem, grub/menu.list ?
12:50.33azeem# kopt=root=/dev/hda8 ro resume=/dev/hda7 splash quiet vga=791
12:50.39azeemI have this in my menu.lst
12:51.02sander <-- after 5 minutes the job I'm trying to print goes from state "processing" to "stopped"
12:51.03azeemnot the  "# kopt="
12:51.26azeeml1nux: the real grub entry gets generated from this line, so modify the kopt= line rather than the root= line directl
12:51.33enoufhere's some other stuff i had been looking at using iptables
12:52.02l1nuxazeem, but this line is commented
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12:52.16l1nuxnot used ?
12:52.39Muisjei think my server's hard drive crashed
12:52.44Muisjegrub loading... error 15
12:52.49l1nuxazeem, where debian store default root at first installation ?
12:54.17MoDaXl1nux: in that commmented line
12:54.19castodd. anyone have any ideas why sshing to a host in domU would take 1 second, but dom0 25? maybe its running out of entrophy, can't think of anything else
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12:55.09HardDisk_WPis someone here with experience with raki/SynCE?
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12:55.35MoDaXl1nux: man update-grub
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12:55.49A-L-A-R-Mhello, under which repository can i find the 1.3 version of audacious ?
12:56.02A-L-A-R-Mi can find only a 1.2.x version till now
12:56.07A-L-A-R-Mfor debian etch
12:56.08liablel1nux: you dont seem to listen to what people tell you
12:56.27sn0A-L-A-R-M you need to get it from their website
12:56.59A-L-A-R-Myes, but i dont want a source file
12:57.12sn0you will have to really, if you want the plugins etc
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12:57.27A-L-A-R-Mand deb etch main includes the 1.2.x version
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12:57.33sn0oh so it does
12:57.41azeeml1nux: yes, it's commented, that is expected
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12:57.50sn0im on sid and using latest
12:57.54sn0hmm dunno then sorry
12:58.01l1nuxMoDaX, the commmented line is used ?
12:58.11A-L-A-R-Mcan i do that ? i mean add the sid repository although i use etch?
12:58.11liablel1nux: man update-grub
12:58.20liableread it
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12:58.32sn0i wouldn't recommend it A-L-A-R-M , im not sure what effect it would have
12:58.40sn0it may depend on other packages
12:58.41A-L-A-R-Mokie :)
12:58.56MoDaXl1nux: yes, it is. they are used by update-grub script
12:59.07MoDaXl1nux: ignored by grub itself though
12:59.07boltwhere can I find the stored crontab on a debian root partition i've mounted
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12:59.13A-L-A-R-Mi found a deb file here: . but i dont know what happens with the dependencies if i just download the audacious deb file
12:59.26LightKnightaudacious is something different :)
12:59.38MuisjeWhat can i do, when grub stops with Error 15? Debian etch 4.0
12:59.45l1nuxok, Thanks MoDaX :)
12:59.50A-L-A-R-Mi see its on the unstable , should i add the unstable repository maybe ? or its also risky ?
13:00.00sn0A-L-A-R-M as you can see it depends on certain versions of filesi in etch
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13:00.07sn0so you might get problems with dependancies
13:00.21sn0maybe check in #audacioous
13:00.25sn0err sorry #audacious
13:00.41sn0have you checked A-L-A-R-M ?
13:00.47A-L-A-R-Mi will, but as i said. adding the unstable repo , can cause me problems ?
13:00.49LightKnightone thing you could do is to add the repo, then: apt-get update && apt-get -s install audacity/unstable
13:00.50abrotmanA-L-A-R-M: /msg dpkg simple sid backport
13:01.07MoDaXA-L-A-R-M: yes, it will cause problems
13:01.15LightKnightthe "-s" is to simulate the install, to just check for dependencies without messing around.
13:01.16sn0A-L-A-R-M yes, unstable can be risky
13:01.49A-L-A-R-Mok... :)
13:01.58LightKnightuhm, s/audacity/audacious/
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13:03.06A-L-A-R-Mand a last question. after adding the unstable repo i guess there will be some upgrades that my system will ask me to do. can i avoid everything and just install audacious and then remove the repository again ?
13:03.22LightKnightA-L-A-R-M: one thing you could do is to add the repo, then: apt-get update && apt-get -s install audacious/unstable
13:03.41LightKnightthe "-s" is to simulate the install, to just check for dependencies without messing around.
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13:03.47sn0A-L-A-R-M please dont add unstable, instead check for a backported version of the latest audacious
13:03.50MoDaXA-L-A-R-M: you cannot. audacious will need deps which can't be satisfied in etch
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13:04.08sn0or as i said check their channel
13:04.09MoDaXA-L-A-R-M: and those deps are libraries like libc6
13:04.11A-L-A-R-M2 different opinions in here :)
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13:04.34A-L-A-R-Mi see, MoDaX  true libc6 is indeed needed on which many other apps depend on
13:04.38sn0well you 'could' try it but im not sure i would :]
13:05.13MoDaXA-L-A-R-M: newer libc6 than on etch
13:05.14A-L-A-R-Msn0,  how about backports? same risk ?
13:05.27sn0backports are made for _etch_
13:05.28MoDaXA-L-A-R-M: but you can backport (recompile) the package
13:05.29sn0so much safer
13:05.33sn0otherwise build from svn/source
13:05.51A-L-A-R-Msn0,  thats something out of my knowlegde to be honest
13:05.55MuisjeGuys, what can i do when my system refused to read/write from hdd and when i turned it off cause debian was like frozen, i turned the system off and rebooted, and now getting grub error 15.
13:05.59A-L-A-R-Mi will check what i can find on backport
13:06.00MuisjeDebian Etch 4.0
13:06.04sn0well check first A-L-A-R-M
13:06.13sn0if you have no joy we can assist in compiling
13:06.18sn0shower for me
13:06.19harkA-L-A-R-M: /msg dpkg simple sid backport
13:06.21l1nuxMoDaX, i modify line (kopt &  groot)  without removing comment!, and is work fine :)
13:06.37MuisjeGrub is at stage 1.5
13:06.48MoDaXl1nux: yes, never remove the comment
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13:07.52MoDaXMuisje: you will need to reinstall grub
13:08.00MuisjeDownload knoppix?
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13:08.17MoDaXMuisje: debian install cd can be used as rescue disk
13:08.35MuisjeAlso the netinstall?
13:08.46MoDaXMuisje: yes
13:09.00dpkgextra, extra, read all about it, rescue is at
13:09.31MuisjeDownloading, give me 2 minutes to download the netinstall
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13:11.17MuisjeDone, getting cd to burn on
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13:12.47corri love netinst :)
13:12.58HostilePenguini love debian
13:13.20wols_I love ponies
13:13.30abrotman!nopony wols_
13:13.57HostilePenguinha hah thats the best
13:13.59wols_abrotman: you're a meanie
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13:16.51corri <3 pbf
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13:17.23MuisjeMoDaX, it's probably the motherboard has died
13:17.31A-L-A-R-Mwhy is debian etch kind of "out" of date that fast? i mean although the etch release is pretty new. the new versions of softwares arent being added in the debian repositories
13:17.58abrotman!meaning of stable
13:17.58dpkgok, listen up. "Stable" in debian terminology means "doesn't change". Stable is stable. Unstable, by definition is not, unless you don't update it, which means you're not up-to-date with security fixes. Either way, you're wrong, and you sound stupid, and you're giving a false impression of what sid is REALLY like. See <sid evangelism>.
13:17.59cahootA-L-A-R-M: it's the meaning of stable
13:18.07massctrlhello folks,... How can I make sure hdparm runs before activating mdadm ? Because activating dma on my hdc and hdd disks after the md is activated, is corrupting/crashing the raid etc,..
13:18.30HostilePenguinwhat else can i make a name server do not really using the box at all k6 400 64m of ram
13:18.51stumbleshi, i have some spare space in an LVM volume group that isn't used by logical volumes. Can I reduce the size of the volume group?
13:18.54massctrlHostilePenguin : give me shell access
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13:19.08A-L-A-R-Mi am not talking only about security fixes but generaly .
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13:19.25corrso sid is always the unstable branch?
13:19.37corrthats so cool
13:20.55corryou know what's funny? that user friendly isn't.
13:21.00A-L-A-R-Mso, to have my applications up-to-date i return on where the discussion started from, unstable repository ?
13:21.16abrotmanplease don't
13:22.18A-L-A-R-Mwell, but that means that if i keep for example my debian os for over 1 year on my system, i wont have any upgrade on any application.
13:22.36tarzeauA-L-A-R-M: if you chose to run stable
13:22.48tarzeauA-L-A-R-M: unless you update a few packages yourself
13:22.52tarzeauA-L-A-R-M: or use backports
13:22.55A-L-A-R-Mdebian etch uses java 1.5 , lets say in 1 year there will be 1.7 , i will be still using 1.5 or what
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13:22.57techbeestumbles: man lvmresize
13:23.03tarzeauA-L-A-R-M: debian etch has no sun java
13:23.10tarzeauA-L-A-R-M: yes
13:23.34MoDaXA-L-A-R-M: unless you upgrade java
13:23.43tarzeauMoDaX: but it doesn't exist?
13:23.50A-L-A-R-Mi see
13:23.52abrotmantarzeau: it has java5
13:23.57stumblesthanks techbee
13:24.03tarzeauabrotman: 5 is not 1.5?
13:24.07abrotmanyes it is
13:24.12MoDaXtarzeau: 1.5 == 5
13:24.13tarzeauabrotman: only at sun
13:24.19tarzeaubut debian doesn't have sun java
13:24.21abrotmantarzeau: and?
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13:24.28tarzeaudebian != sun
13:24.40abrotman!info sun-java5-jdk etch
13:24.41dpkgsun-java5-jdk: (Sun Java(TM) Development Kit (JDK) 5.0), section non-free/devel, is optional. Version: 1.5.0-10-3 (etch), Packaged size: 4923 kB, Installed size: 11420 kB
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13:24.53tarzeauthat's not debian. it's non-free
13:25.01abrotmanit's available
13:25.05dimir!nickometer A-L-A-R-M
13:25.07dpkg'A-L-A-R-M' is 99.810% lame, dimir
13:25.16stumblestechbee: i don't have lvmresize -- can you confirm this is the right command?
13:25.37A-L-A-R-Mdamn i am close to 100%
13:25.48xandhow alarming
13:25.53xandalarmingly close!
13:26.00tarzeauA-L-A-R-M: you know, show me any other software distribution larger than debian
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13:26.41techbeestumbles: lvresize
13:27.54HostilePenguindebian is battling on the front lines of freedom
13:27.57A-L-A-R-Mtarzeau,  i am not trying to say if its wrong or right, as i dont know my self, i just asked. i was using kubuntu before getting to debian and there were all the latest releases . now i am on debian , happy to use it, and i just wondered if there is a way of letting my OS upgrade my applications to a newer version. anyway the whole discussion started with audacious , where i can find only 1.2.* in the debian repo and not a newer one
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13:28.12spheardum, how do I properly benchmark the connection on my server for latency, it seems very slow on the up.
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13:28.19jelly-homeHostilePenguin: lol
13:28.40A-L-A-R-Mtarzeau,  its a 1.2x version as a said . i didnt say that it doesnt exist
13:28.44tarzeauA-L-A-R-M: i can find 1.3.2-4
13:29.08HostilePenguindebian contributors are patriots and heros
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13:29.23tarzeauA-L-A-R-M: and the homepage has 1.3.5 ...
13:29.24MoDaXA-L-A-R-M: feisty has only 1.2.x too
13:29.25stumblestechbee: cool, i've resized the lv, but was wondering how to now reduce the vg & pv
13:29.32A-L-A-R-Mcould it be that i am mising a repo ? is it ok if i do paste here a link with my repository list ?
13:29.40spheardHostilePenguin: what are microsoft programmers?
13:29.43tarzeauA-L-A-R-M: it's just you use stable. and i use sid
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13:29.48A-L-A-R-Mohh ok
13:29.52HostilePenguinpart of the problem
13:30.05A-L-A-R-Mwell some told me its not that safe of using sid with etch
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13:30.36spheardthe 3 that are left
13:30.41MuisjeI'm in rescue mode, now what?
13:30.47abrotmanA-L-A-R-M: they were wrong
13:31.02MoDaXMuisje: do you see your hdds?
13:31.03techbeestumbles:man pvresize vgchange
13:31.07MuisjeCan't mount haddrive, i assume either the motherboard is malfunctioning, the psu became insufficient or the hdd is dead.
13:31.18MuisjeIt does show the hdd, but it can't mount it MoDaX
13:31.28MoDaXMuisje: what's the error?
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13:31.35tarzeauA-L-A-R-M: actually you don't ever use sid + etch. you just use one. some people use selected backports (see !simple sid backport)
13:31.39MuisjeHow can i read syslog?
13:31.44tarzeauMuisje: in /var/log ?
13:31.56tarzeauMuisje: some people use grep, others less, or $EDITOR or tail -f
13:32.02A-L-A-R-Mnow i must say i got confused :)
13:32.13MoDaXMuisje: what does `mount` tell you?
13:32.20A-L-A-R-Mohh i see, dpkg> the unstable version of Debian
13:32.27tarzeauA-L-A-R-M: is like you can't have two motors in a car
13:32.35tarzeauA-L-A-R-M: either you driver the vw golf or the porsche
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13:33.13A-L-A-R-Mthought that its kind of repository that i could add, but as i see its the unstable release
13:33.30tarzeauA-L-A-R-M: yes unstable is a repository
13:33.44tarzeauA-L-A-R-M: but you can not ADD it, you can use it (and nothing else, except +experimental)
13:33.47MoDaXA-L-A-R-M: unstable is a continuously moving/changing target
13:33.47tarzeau!sid faq
13:33.47dpkgit has been said that sid faq is
13:33.53A-L-A-R-M<A-L-A-R-M> sid - dpkg> the unstable version of Debian
13:33.54corri think its funny. motors are so complicated, so technologically advanced, and really all they do is spin something, over and over
13:33.55abrotman!sid upgrade
13:33.55dpkgRepeat after me: Sid is NOT AN UPGRADE! Sid is meant for developers and testers, so stay away from it if you're neither. Use stable or testing instead.
13:34.00tarzeaui wonder how so many people don't get it, when it's so easy
13:34.21tarzeauA-L-A-R-M: you know there's free and free
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13:34.29tarzeauA-L-A-R-M: just like unstable and unstable
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13:34.47tarzeauA-L-A-R-M: it's not like unstable hangs and reboots all half hours
13:34.52A-L-A-R-MSid is meant for developers and testers, so stay away from it if you're neither  . i am newbie so i shouldnt touch i guess :)
13:34.57tarzeauA-L-A-R-M: it's just not tested by so many people for so many hours
13:35.25HostilePenguinit will break
13:35.26Muisjecan't find hda* in /etc/fsstab
13:35.27A-L-A-R-Mwhat do u mean i cannot add it but use it ?
13:35.31HostilePenguinfor sure
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13:35.39tarzeauA-L-A-R-M: it's not that you add unstable to stable
13:35.44corrfilesystem stab?
13:35.46MoDaXMuisje: mount /dev/hda1 /mnt
13:35.46Muisjecan't find hda* in /etc/fsstab @ MoDaX
13:35.52tarzeauA-L-A-R-M: that'd be mixing two repositories, you shall not do that
13:36.02A-L-A-R-Mi see
13:36.09tarzeauA-L-A-R-M: like you put salt and sugar in your tea
13:36.11MoDaXMuisje: succeeded?
13:36.16HostilePenguinso many shall nots
13:36.32tarzeauA-L-A-R-M: sure you can do it, but the tea won't be nice
13:36.33A-L-A-R-Mso or the one , or the second
13:36.33Muisjeyes MoDaX
13:36.33tarzeauA-L-A-R-M: bingo
13:36.35MoDaXMuisje: chroot /mnt
13:36.36corrso what if sid and etch merged into an etch a sketch with a animated pic of sid on it
13:36.40tarzeauA-L-A-R-M for DPL!
13:37.04wols_!tell corr about bobbitt
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13:37.14Muisjecannot execute MoDaX
13:37.27wols_Muisje: you are not root?
13:37.40MoDaXMuisje: what's the error?
13:37.49Muisje... /bin/sh : file cannot be found
13:38.09MuisjeShall i try mounting all hda's?
13:38.16MuisjeCause there's like hda1 till hda6
13:38.17A-L-A-R-Mtarzeau,  thank you a lot , and the rest :)
13:38.31MoDaXMuisje: which /boot is on?
13:38.37Muisjei have no idea
13:39.02MoDaXMuisje: what is in /mnt now?
13:39.08*** part/#debian ky0n_ (
13:39.22corrKill3er: escape codes.
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13:42.33Muisjeit's now hda1
13:42.35Muisjeand hda6
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13:42.47Muisje2 and  5 say invalid argument
13:43.27stumblesthanks techbee: have resized the pv down. What other steps are there before the free space should be apparent to my partitioner (gparted)?
13:43.37MoDaXMuisje: /mnt/usr/sbin/chroot /tmp
13:43.44MoDaXMuisje: /mnt/usr/sbin/chroot /mnt
13:45.06*** join/#debian icy (
13:45.07MuisjeCannot be found
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13:45.21Muisjethe sbin dir exists
13:45.23Kill3erdimir : i donwload it at my root
13:45.28Muisjebut chroot is not in it
13:46.04MoDaXMuisje: is there such thing as pivot_root?
13:46.12MoDaXMuisje: run pivot_root
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13:46.46Muisjethe only thing in it
13:46.49Muisjeis ttlyload
13:47.08MoDaXMuisje: /sbin/pivot_root
13:47.29Kill3erdimir : ???
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13:47.55Muisjeyes MoDaX
13:47.58MuisjeHow to use?
13:48.09Muisje./sbin/pivot_root ... ...?
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13:49.03MoDaXMuisje: cd /mnt; pivot_root . old_root
13:50.55icyI got 3 ips and added the 2 additional ones to my /etc/network/interfaces but somehow I can't get em running. this is my configuration and ifconfig output. Can someone help me solve this?
13:51.19MuisjeNot working, pivot_root cannot be found
13:51.45MoDaXMuisje: cd /mnt; /sbin/pivot_root . old_root
13:51.51MoDaXmaybe path is not set
13:52.00MoDaXMuisje: then check if /sbin/chroot exists
13:52.01xandicy: what works and what doesn't?
13:52.11icyxand: the main ip works
13:52.50icyif I add the second one like shown in the interface file, dns doesn't work anymore and the second ip also
13:53.17abrotmanicy: paste route -n
13:53.33Muisjein /sbin/chroot YES, in /mnt/sbin/chroot, no
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13:53.50asgiirc, you can't set multiple gateways on virtual interfaces without using iproute2 and/or vlan tagging
13:54.12MoDaXMuisje: nice. cd /; /sbin/chroot /mnt
13:54.28abrotmanmmm .. two default gateways .. i think
13:54.41dimirKill3er: echo -e "\033[31;1mfoo\033[32;1mbar\033[33;1mbaz\033[m" >> /etc/motd
13:54.43Kill3erdimir <-- are u here
13:55.30icyabrotman: if I leave the gateway part out of the interfaces file for the second ip, the same problems arise
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13:55.57Kill3erdimir : done
13:56.00MuisjeMoDaX chroot does not work, cannot find /bin/sh
13:56.38dimirKill3er: cat /etc/motd
13:56.41MoDaXMuisje: SHELL=/bin/bash /sbin/chroot /mnt
13:57.05Kill3erwith color
13:57.27Kill3erhh nice
13:57.31icyxand, abrotman: any ideas?
13:58.09abrotmanicy: so when you take it out .. and reboot the server .. you get the same problem ?
13:58.17MoDaXicy: make sure you ifdown interface before modifying /etc/network/interfaces
13:58.18abrotmanicy: can you get into the server remotely ?
13:58.21icyyes but I can try again
13:58.34Kill3ernow i will edit my motd
13:58.34abrotmanicy: what if you route add default gw
13:58.44icyabrotman: yep, ssh works although it takes 30s to connect when the second ip is added
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13:58.51Kill3erdimir : thx
13:58.51Muisjestill asking for /bin/sh
13:58.54abrotmanbecause dns is messed
13:59.03icyMoDaX: I did /etc/init.d/network restart
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13:59.34MoDaXicy: /etc/init.d/network stop; <modify interfaces file>; /etc/init.d/network start
13:59.43icyabrotman: then I get "SIOCADDRT: File exists"
14:00.10icyMoDaX: will that kill my ssh connection? I don't have physical access to the server
14:00.44MoDaXicy: it will. then ifdown the specific interface
14:01.19MoDaXMuisje: /sbin/chroot /mnt /bin/sh
14:01.22MoDaXMuisje: /sbin/chroot /mnt /bin/bash
14:02.05icyMoDaX: ifdown eth0:1 gives me "Ignoring unknown interface eth0:1=eth0:1"
14:02.08Muisjecannot execute either MoDaX
14:02.17MuisjeDrive is probably dead...
14:02.25*** join/#debian Ankman (
14:02.28MoDaXMuisje: does /mnt/bin/bash exist?
14:03.02MoDaXMuisje: does /mnt/bin exist?
14:03.30MoDaXMuisje: what's inside?
14:03.33Muisjels, netstat, ps
14:03.42MoDaXhow come there is no bash
14:03.48*** join/#debian Danux_ (
14:03.50MuisjeI have no idea.
14:04.02MoDaXMuisje: mount | grep hda
14:04.03MuisjeI told you, drive could be dead...
14:04.11*** join/#debian AlteKiet (i=rein@
14:04.35MoDaXMuisje: or hda1 is mounted to the wrong place :)
14:04.44AlteKietHi all. How can i print _to_ a printer shared by a windows machine on the network?
14:04.52*** join/#debian Havis (
14:04.58MuisjeMoDaX, 2 are mounted
14:05.00Muisje1 and 6
14:05.04Muisje2 and 3 refuse to mount
14:05.07corr_to_? is it possible to print _from_ a printer?
14:05.09Muisjeehm, 2 & 5
14:05.13MoDaXMuisje: where?
14:05.25AlteKietcorr: not yet
14:05.43corrdidnt think so
14:05.48MoDaXMuisje: hda1 probably has your system and hda6 is your /home
14:05.55abrotmanwhere'd smbprint go ?
14:06.07jelly-homeHi, is zfs available on kfreebsd?
14:06.11*** part/#debian AlteKiet (i=rein@
14:06.23corrwhat is kfreebsd
14:06.39MoDaXdebian with freebsd kernel
14:06.39jelly-homecorr: Debian on freebsd kernel.
14:06.54corrthats kinda cool
14:07.27corri heard about a debian win32 a while ago
14:07.46massctrlanyone experience troubleshooting mdadm raid1 ?
14:07.50Muisjeyes MoDaX
14:07.58MuisjeBut Like i said, i think the HDD died
14:08.02*** join/#debian sylvanthis (
14:08.02MoDaXMuisje: where is /dev/hda1 mounted now?
14:08.07Muisjein /mnt
14:08.22MuisjeMoDaX, before this happened, files could not be found anymore
14:08.30MuisjeAnd i couldn't login, so i rebooted the system
14:08.38MoDaXMuisje: and /dev/hda6?
14:08.43massctrlwhen starting my raid I get "mdadm: no devices found for /dev/md0"
14:08.43Muisjeand got myself GRUB stage1.5 loading grub... pleasewait error 15
14:08.59Muisje./dev/hda6 is unmounted
14:09.36MoDaXMuisje: then probably you're right. either your hdd is near death or filesystem screwed up badly
14:09.57*** join/#debian cllcr (
14:10.05icyanyone with more clues on my ip problem?
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14:10.48MoDaXicy: I have used eth0:1 thing. but I used `ip addr` for the same purpose
14:10.50*** join/#debian clars (n=clars@
14:11.00MoDaXhave never*
14:11.04asgicy: I'd look at the advanced routing faq at You'll need to use iproute2 to get what you are trying to do to work. I'd also suggest being very careful if you are not located near the server.
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14:11.32clarshow do I see how most data I got on /home + / ?
14:11.53icyasg: ok I will try that (I can boot into a rescue cd if anything goes wrong)
14:12.16MoDaXclars: df -h
14:12.44sylvanthismassctrl mdadm --C /dev/md0 --auto=yes -n 2 --level=yourlevel -a /dev/[hs]dax /dev/[hs]day
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14:13.03Muisjewhat are my options MoDaX?
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14:13.08massctrlsylvanthis: yes but that will create a new one and destroy my data not ?
14:13.21Muisjecause i really don't wanna lose everything on that disk
14:13.24HostilePenguinwhat to do if ssh hangs at logout
14:13.34MuisjeCould also be the IDE controller of the system is broken
14:13.49sylvanthisno nothing will be destroyed, you could remove your array fist (no data will be deleted) and then assemble your array afterwards
14:13.54MuisjeI hope it's not the drive
14:14.21MoDaXMuisje: find another computer, connect the hdd and backup data. then try reinstalling
14:14.47*** join/#debian mentor (n=matthew@unaffiliated/mentor)
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14:15.52sylvanthisMuisje, you could perform a badblock test to check hard disk integrity (though it might also return nothing on a dying harddisk)
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14:15.56HostilePenguinbest way to monitor server traffic?
14:16.02massctrlsylvanthis: don't you use mdadm --assemble for that ?
14:16.24unlinkis there any way to make dragging a file *from* a nautilus window not steal focus?
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14:17.08sylvanthismassctrl, if you remove the device first, no, but i think you can also add devices to an existing array
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14:17.59sylvanthismassctrl, if the devices are listed in the config file, you could use --assemble with --scan
14:18.00MuisjeHow about
14:18.05Muisjei hang my server haddrive
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14:18.17Muisjeto my pc, and let Disk Recovery software go over it
14:18.28clarsMoDaX, thanks
14:18.29MuisjeThan my server will still be death
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14:18.33Muisjebut i don't lose the files on it
14:18.39massctrlsylvanthis: that's the weird thing: when I do that I get mdadm: no devices found for /dev/md0, although they are in my config file and they are physically there
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14:19.15sylvanthisMuisje, i'd recommend first doing something like dd if=/dev/hda of=/dev/hdb , before it actually dies
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14:19.51sylvanthismassctrl, in that case i think you'd better actually remove the array, and recreate it, it's what i did some time ago and it worked for me
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14:20.24Muisjesylvanthis the disk isn't responding properly
14:20.25mikearthurhey guys, I've got an existing etch installation and a spare identical drive
14:20.40mikearthuris there any way to move my existing setup to raid-1 without a reinstall?
14:20.41Muisjeit doesn't allow some stuff to be mounted and i donno but i'm forced to use disk Recovery software now
14:20.48warmikearthur: hi
14:20.52MuisjeIn hope of not losing DB, Files
14:20.54warmikearthur: I only do it without reinstall
14:20.57warmikearthur: boot knoppix
14:21.03MuisjeWhich are worth over more than thousands of euro's
14:21.03warmikearthur: setup your raid1
14:21.07warmikearthur: and then chroot into it
14:21.10warmikearthur: and oyu're golden
14:21.15warmikearthur: that's the fastest way sir
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14:21.33mikearthurdo you use LVM?
14:21.36mikearthurI'm not currently
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14:21.51sylvanthisMuisje, i had a dying harddisk, and i recommend (when it fails to mount) to use dd (it is the lowest level, it doesn't care about filesystems) and you could store that on a) directly another hdd b) on a local file on another harddisk
14:21.57MuisjeThe harddisk isn't DEAD
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14:22.28warmikearthur: no
14:22.31warmikearthur: I would never use LVM
14:22.36warmikearthur: 30%-50% performance hit
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14:22.46mikearthurany links to resources?
14:22.50warmikearthur: google , plenty
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14:22.56warmikearthur: btw
14:22.59warmikearthur: the kicker is
14:23.04*** join/#debian Led_Zeppelin (
14:23.04mikearthurI just meant if you had any you recommended off-hand
14:23.07warmikearthur: use 0.90 for your /boot volume or your screwed :)
14:23.17Led_ZeppelinI am trying to find my CDROM device. It seems my dmesg has been overrun.
14:23.18warI recommend 0.90 for all boot volumes
14:23.24Led_Zeppelinany ideas to find what my CDROM device would be?
14:23.29MuisjeMoDaX, i'm quite sure the motherboard is having issues
14:23.30warmikearthur: the mdadm has a boot version 0.90, 1.0 etc for the bitmap
14:23.33mikearthurah ok
14:23.52warraid info I mean
14:23.57warmikearthur: there are nog ood docs
14:24.04sylvanthisLed_Zeppelin, ls -l /dev/cdrom
14:24.10mikearthurthis looks reasonable
14:24.23Led_Zeppelinsylvanthis: /dev/cdrom -> hdc
14:24.32Led_Zeppelinsylvanthis: /dev/hdc does not exist !
14:25.03warmikearthur: if you want to boot knoppix and put ssh on I can show you how to configure it
14:25.04sylvanthisLed_Zeppelin, you tried dmesg | grep -i ide ?
14:25.12warmikearthur: but explaining takes = several hours
14:25.17warmikearthur: vs. doing = ~5 min;)
14:25.30mikearthuryeh, fair enough
14:25.34Led_Zeppelinsylvanthis: dmesg is overrun by older messages.
14:25.44*** join/#debian DeVilsoulBlacK (
14:25.44mikearthurno offence, but I don't trust random people with root access on my machines though ;)
14:25.45Led_Zeppelinsylvanthis: box has been up for 40+ days...
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14:25.51mikearthurI'll work it out, thanks for your help war
14:26.04warmake it like this is btw
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14:26.30warand make sure you make the partitions on /dev/sda2 and /dev/sdb2 (boot)-- bootable
14:26.36sylvanthisLed_Zeppelin, but /var/log/messages will add newer messages at the end of the file (append) so how is that possible?
14:26.40warand make sure its ext3
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14:26.52mikearthurwar: pmed current setup
14:26.57HardDisk_WPi have a scanner..
14:27.02HardDisk_WPits supported by SANE.
14:27.07HardDisk_WPhow do I scan a image now?
14:27.17warman scanimage
14:27.38HardDisk_WPis no GUI program available?
14:28.08Led_Zeppelinsylvanthis: -rw------- 1 root root 0 Jun  3 05:03 /var/log/messages
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14:28.13Led_Zeppelinsylvanthis: does not look good!
14:28.23illohello, is  there a way to know if a cdrom was formatted with 512b blocks? is fdisk reliable for cds? i have problems booting linux on an alphaserver that was dumped into my office and was checking if cdroms lying around were the right size (googling around alphas might need 512 b not 2048)
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14:28.55corri thought all cdroms had the same filesystem settings?
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14:29.04sylvanthisLed_Zeppelin, overwritten apparently, maybe you should try a reboot
14:29.09solars_hey, is it possible to specify where the arguments in an alias are inserted? eg I want something like: alias fu="mycmd <args> ~/path" so that fu -bar returns fu -bar ~/path
14:29.29Led_Zeppelinsylvanthis: doh, looks like the only solution
14:29.32maddashsolars_: $1
14:29.53solars_maddash, damn, that was obvious..
14:30.00maddashsolars_: no, $@
14:30.01illocorr it ought to be something bootable from srm firmware, AFAIHG (as far i have googled)
14:30.17solars_maddash, thanks
14:30.18dpkgWANTED: loving home for CPU architecture.  Alpha is housebroken, and has had all its shots.  Friendly, affectionate and energetic!  Contact DEC (oops, Compaq! (oops, HP! (oops, the morgue))) for details. #alpha
14:30.19maddashsolars_: if you want to pass a multiple params, use $@
14:30.25solars_maddash, yeah
14:30.34illook ok
14:31.04abrotmanillo: FWIW .. i found it easier to do my alpha installs with floppies :)
14:31.04maddashabrotman: did you just create that?
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14:31.04abrotmanmaddash: no
14:32.30sylvanthisbuiltin exit
14:33.09solars_maddash, hm, alias fu="fu $@ bar" doesn't seem to work for me
14:33.16jelly-homeabrotman: what about its bastard child ia64?
14:33.23illoabrotman, i tried potato or woody rescue floppy, it failed halfway. Maybe media prob. I will have to buy new floppies (it must be 10 years i don't)
14:33.34abrotmanjelly-home: ia64 isn't nearly as good as alpha :)
14:33.41abrotmanillo: i used sarge floppies IIRC
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14:34.14illowell i'll give it a try thanks abrotman.
14:34.34abrotmanillo: admittedly .. my CDROM was external .. so that might have made it more difficult
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14:34.58abrotmanillo: IIRC .. tarzeau has some alpha hardware
14:35.27maddashsolars_: ls -h ; alias ls='ls $@ -l' ; ls -h
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14:35.45corri wish i could run vms in an emulator
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14:36.00illoabrotman, since the alphaserver internal cd burps out whatever is put after a mere 2 seconds i guess that being internal prevented me throwing it out the windows, so indeed being internal it's an advantage
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14:36.29abrotmanillo: i htink i was using SRM also .. dunno if that matters either
14:36.36abrotmanno .. wait .. it was ARC i think
14:36.40abrotmanstupid prom
14:36.56illoabrotman I have to use srm for the alphaserver
14:37.01corrprom? as in dancing and getting laid prom?
14:37.02abrotmanillo: you have to ?
14:37.12abrotmanhow is 'prom' loser ?
14:37.13boltwhere can I set wherether my clock is set to GMT or not?
14:37.13illoabrotman doc say so
14:37.22abrotmanbolt: /etc/default/rc.S
14:37.25corror almost getting laid except that stupid guy stole my chick
14:37.27abrotmanillo: which docs ?
14:37.34abrotmancorr: stop already
14:37.44dpkgyes, ubuntu is based on debian. Still, it has its own packages which are different and they have their own bugs and different ways of working that are unique to ubuntu. If we give you advice here, we could break your system more than it already is. So please, ask #ubuntu . Thanks :)
14:37.44illoabrotman debian docs
14:37.54abrotmanillo: AFAIK .. you can use either .. but ok
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14:38.20abrotmanillo: might be machine dependent
14:38.57illoabrotman yep it is IIRC
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14:40.02illoabrotman, how much does an alphaserver suck (power consumption wise, of course? ) all those power inlets made me wonder :)
14:40.05abrotmanrmwaite: dont' msg me .. and don't change nicks to avoid detection
14:40.25abrotmanillo: depends on the one you have .. i just have three alphastation 200/4 boxen
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14:40.46rmwaitei changed nicks because this one is registered, and i didnt want to register corr, and it wont let me private message without identifying.
14:40.59rmwaitei pm'd you so i didnt fill the channel with off topic stuff
14:41.05rmwaitejesus, what the hell did i do
14:41.05abrotmanyou already did
14:41.17illoabrotman i have a 1200, or better, it resides around here
14:41.28abrotmanillo: lucky duck :)
14:41.38solars_maddash, are you sure that the arguments are in that order then? ls doesn't complain if its ls -h -l or ls -l -h I guess
14:41.38massctrlhow can I selectively choose which init script has to be executed during startup ?
14:41.40rmwaiteand avoid detection from what?
14:41.52abrotmanillo: but i did have better lcuk with floppies .. i tried TFTP .. which i never got working correctly
14:42.25statmanSo, I have this debian machine that someone else set up. I did a 'sudo apt-get update' and on the next reboot, it couldn't find my root partition and gave a kernel panic. After some reading I changed hda1 to sda1 in menu.lst and can now login just fine. The only trouble is, up issuing startx gives the familiar X background and mouse cursor, but then just sits there -- no debian splash screen, no gnome. I've checked messages and
14:42.25statmanthis seems to be a problem with gconfd. Is there an easy way to repair gnome using aptitude? Thanks
14:42.28*** join/#debian Ramattack (
14:42.42maddashsolars_: you could always prefix your alias with a pipe from xargs
14:42.45illoabrotman, tftp was what i was to try next, but i think i will give floppies another round
14:43.02Ramattackanyone that know something about iptables? in #iptables there's nobody
14:43.07solars_maddash, yeah, just wondered if there is a different way without xargs
14:43.11abrotmanRamattack: ask a better question
14:43.26rmwaiteabrotman: am i going to get an answer?
14:43.33*** join/#debian StormBlade (n=stormbla@
14:43.42Ramattackwell I'll expose my situation
14:43.50abrotmanrmwaite: leave me alone
14:44.05rmwaitethen you leave me alone
14:44.12rmwaiteand stop accusing me of things.
14:44.14Ramattackhave two firewalls and behind one we have lan and behind the other with dmz1 and dmz2....
14:44.17maddashstatman: reinstall it?
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14:44.33Ramattackwe have connected fw1 and fw2 with a utp5
14:44.43Ramattackhow could we connect from lan to dmz1 and dmz2?
14:44.52unlinkin banshee, i get the error message "please insert a blank cd for the write process", despite having a blank cd inserted into the cd drive, and there being a symlink from /dev/cdrom and /dev/cdrw to the right cd device, and me having the appropriate permissions to write to those devices
14:45.02MoDaXstatman: aptitude install gdm
14:45.24massctrlmy debian box hangs while booting during initialisation of mdadm,... how can I skip this init script while booting?
14:45.25StormBladehi all. i can
14:45.27statmanmaddash: well, I'm sort of worried that aptitude is broken, as it seems to want to remove like 600 packages that is says are no longer in use. But I'll give your suggestion a try
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14:45.47MoDaXstatman: use apt-get then
14:45.47abrotmanunlink: does another burning application work ?
14:45.56StormBladei can't hear sound in totem  at gnome.what can i do ?
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14:46.23maddashstatman: tell aptitude to forget the changes
14:46.44statmanmaddash: I'm more comfortable with apt-get
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14:47.02unlinkabrotman: cdrecord does
14:47.05unlinkabrotman: i mean, wodim
14:47.22maddashstatman: the apt-get --purge remove gdm ; apt-get install gdm
14:47.26abrotmanas root or a normal user ?
14:47.44maddashstatman: you realize that aptitude has  a gui, right?
14:47.51abrotman"gui" :)
14:47.56unlinkabrotman: normal user
14:48.04statmanmaddash: thanks, I'll let you know how it goes!
14:48.06maddashabrotman: more like, *GUI*
14:48.12abrotmanunlink: been to the BTS ?
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14:49.56unlinkabrotman: there's nothing in there about this issue
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14:50.55abrotmani'd say you're going to have to do some debugging .. might not actually be a banshee issue but something lower
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14:51.26unlinkabrotman: it doesn't work in brasero either
14:51.37abrotmanis brasero also mono-based ?
14:52.01unlinkabrotman: no, it's written in C
14:52.03abrotmanunlink: try something like gnomebaker ..
14:52.07*** part/#debian maddash (n=bryant@unaffiliated/maddash)
14:52.09abrotmanunlink: and check dmesg and your syslog etc
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14:52.33takerossomebody know to use tvtime.?
14:53.11illotakeros i know how to see analog tv from mplayer
14:53.19dpkgPlease do not ask if anyone uses, knows, is good with, can help you with or is a guru/expert of <someprogram>. Instead, ask your real question. (If the real question _was_ "does anyone use <someprogram>?" ask me about <popcon> instead.) See <ask> <sicco> <ask-to-ask> <polls>
14:53.20illoif hardware is supported
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14:53.43takerosi have dvb-t
14:53.51illotakeros use kaffeine then
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14:53.52takerosavermedia, it work fine with xine..
14:54.05takerosand kaffeine work fine with it..
14:54.10illokaffeine uses xine iirc
14:54.39takerosthe problem is whe i try to generate script tv-program with tvtime..
14:55.10takerosi use freevo and it say, the file its corrupt.
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14:56.28covuxhi, i try to run jackd which uses realtime scheduling via PAM in a console and it always complains that it cant use realtime scheduling. i know that PAM is configured right ( kernel has realtime patch, entries in /etc/security/limits.conf, user is member of group which has realtime access etc.) because in a windowmanager jackd starts in realtime without complains but in a console it doesnt. thanks for any hints
14:56.35*** join/#debian Jonny| (
14:56.42illotakeros, sorry i never used tvtime nor freevo. I just pick up what kaffeine's timers record with mplayer, and encode them to something less unwieldy than a 15000kbps stream :)
14:57.17takerosdo you use kaffeine's to record..? tv? how do you program the records..?
14:58.44StormBladeall volume parameters are full but i still can't hear sound in totem. What can i do
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15:00.03HostilePenguinjust totem?
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15:01.38illotakeros you have instant record, as menu command and as button somewhere down. Or press T to show timers
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15:02.08illotimers are the ways to record, you program them with channel, start time and duration.
15:03.32illowhen you see a red light kaffeine is recording, anyway it warns you if you try to quit when it's recording
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15:05.41theclawhi, i have the following problem: whenever i try to start zsnes, i get: "can't create mcop directory";
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15:05.57Legalityhi, hey how could I set the language to the debian?
15:06.00theclawseems that its a arts bug or so, but updaten arts didn't help
15:06.34MoDaXLegality: dpkg-reconfigure locales
15:06.35JarJarBinksdo I get a chance of attaching a diff (patch) when I use reportbug, or should I paste the patch in the report it self
15:07.06spheardum, I get an unmet dependancy error when I try and install php5 on my sparc64 debian, any ideas on how to debug this?
15:07.10MoDaXtheclaw: clean up /tmp and ~/.kde/tmp-*
15:07.18azeemJarJarBinks: I think it asks you whether you want to attach anything
15:07.29azeemJarJarBinks: if not, you can also follow-up with the patch later on, no worry
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15:08.33JarJarBinksohh, sure thanks azeem
15:08.38theclawMoDaX: trying that (will reboot, so /tmp is recreated as its a tmpfs, and create a new user with a clean ~)
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15:11.32HardDisk_WPis anyone here familiar with SANE?
15:11.52dpkgPlease do not ask if anyone uses, knows, is good with, can help you with or is a guru/expert of <someprogram>. Instead, ask your real question. (If the real question _was_ "does anyone use <someprogram>?" ask me about <popcon> instead.) See <ask> <sicco> <ask-to-ask> <polls>
15:12.16HardDisk_WPi can scan only as root
15:12.19roland^^is lenny suitable for desktops ?
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15:12.33dvsHardDisk_WP: you probably need to join a group
15:12.34xandroland^^: that's up to you ;p
15:12.37HardDisk_WProland^^, i use lenny here, everything except my rotten scanner works
15:12.56roland^^ok thans
15:13.08theclawMoDaX: didn't help, same as before
15:13.46HardDisk_WPdvs, hmm that is a idea
15:13.48*** join/#debian hyperactivecrond (n=chris@unaffiliated/hyperactivecrond)
15:13.48theclawMoDaX: however, i just figured out that it helps to start a kde-application like amarok
15:13.57hyperactivecrondsomething's wrong with my xor.
15:14.03theclawMoDaX: then it works - any idea why? / thats an arts bug, isn't it?
15:14.09HardDisk_WPyepp worked
15:14.14hyperactivecrondif i log in as someone other than root, kdm crashes
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15:14.25spheardhas someone got a good lamp setup howto for 3.1?
15:14.35hyperactivecrondOR even if i try startx from a text login after stopping kdm, it still crashes
15:14.36hyperactivecrondif i'm not root
15:14.40unlinkabrotman: Jun  9 11:13:41 shatin kernel: cdrom: This disc doesn't have any tracks I recognize!
15:14.42hyperactivecrondthis is under deb 4.0
15:14.46MoDaXtheclaw: probably. arts is unmaintained
15:14.54\amethysthyperactivecrond: are you using fglrx?
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15:15.02hyperactivecrond\amethyst : on
15:15.17\amethysthyperactivecrond: oh, you said "crashes" not "locks up" anyway :)
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15:16.37boltWith netstat I see "udp        0      0    *                          2069/atftpd" yet I still get "tftp/udp: bind: Address already in use" in my logs. Any ideas?
15:16.40theclawMoDaX: hrm.. i think its more a libao-bug, because zsnes uses libao, and in the zsnes-source theres no hard-coded "libao, use arts!" ;)
15:16.56hyperactivecrondit seems that it a font that isn't readable by users other than root
15:17.04theclawMoDaX: an in my /etc/libao.conf is alsa configured
15:17.05hyperactivecrondbut idk what though as xorg doesn't give any suseful output
15:17.53MoDaXhyperactivecrond: /var/log/Xorg.0.log
15:18.10theclaw(sorry for the bad english)
15:19.49hyperactivecrondok it's a KDE problem then
15:19.59hyperactivecrondb/c TWMworks
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15:20.14theclawbrb trying somethink
15:22.46MoDaXhyperactivecrond: mv ~/.kde ~/.kde-old
15:23.00pat10hi evreybody!!
15:23.11hyperactivecrondMoDaX it does that under other accounts, too
15:23.19hyperactivecrondany non-root account
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15:23.37MoDaXhyperactivecrond: start failsafe session
15:23.38eduhathey guys, can i just apt-get install gdm to get it? then run the command 'gdm' to start it?
15:23.42MoDaXhyperactivecrond: and run startkde
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15:24.06eduhatallright, nvm
15:24.11MoDaXeduhat: yes; /etc/init.d/gdm start
15:24.32eduhatMoDaX: yeah, i had to run as root...
15:24.33hyperactivecrondMoDaX will do han gon
15:25.14hyperactivecrondMoDaX still crashes
15:25.16cuscoI have been using testing with a 2.4 kernel
15:25.31MoDaXhyperactivecrond: any error?
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15:25.36hyperactivecrondMoDaX: no
15:25.43hyperactivecrondtwm won't even work from that menu
15:25.54cusconow it came to a point where upgrading packages includes new glibc and it requires a kernel 2.6
15:26.12MoDaXhyperactivecrond: you mean startkde brings X server down?
15:26.27cuscothis computer is used as my home server.. I have no screen or mouse or keyboard attached to it..
15:26.28massctrlhow can I stop debian from detecting mdadm raid devices at boot? when booting it keeps saying "can not find suitable devices for md0" in an endless loop,... I boot with a bootcd what should I modify so debian doesn't try to launch md0 ?
15:26.30hyperactivecrondMoDaX no the failsafe option crashes it
15:26.33cuscoI am now installing a new linux-image
15:26.40hyperactivecrondall options on the sessions menu crash
15:26.58cuscois tehre any advices? will grub update the selection of the new image autoamatically?
15:27.38roland^^hi, i have a problem with my debian box, i've installed the HD containing etch(installed on a separate machine, a p4) and then moved it to my pentium III box (dell optiplex) but now the NIC is not working, something must be wrong.. its a old 3com mb integrated card.. when i dmesg | grep eth nothing shows up, but then i have ifconfig eth1 .. i did activate eth1 but now on the other pc( i have p4 connected to p3 directly) windows says: a network cable is un
15:27.42roland^^what could be wrong
15:27.44cuscoim still using hotplug and all...
15:27.50hyperactivecrondMoDaX if i run startx from a terminal after stopping kdm it still doesn't work if i try to run kde
15:28.02hyperactivecrondwith 'exec startkde' in my .xinitrc
15:28.24hyperactivecrondbut if i tell it to try to run twm it works
15:28.28hyperactivecrondbut not in kdm
15:28.31MoDaXhyperactivecrond: ls -l /etc/X11/Xsession
15:28.34hyperactivecrondfrom the sessions menu
15:28.41roland^^i also tested the cable by connecting it to a router and leds on nic and router port show activity
15:28.47roland^^something is wrong with my debian there
15:29.11cuscoroland^^: tried see lspci?
15:29.15cuscolspci|grep -i eth
15:29.19roland^^trying now
15:29.35hyperactivecrond-rwxr-xr-x root root 3944 2007-02-20 04:07 /etc /X11/Xsession
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15:30.49roland^^ok i tried
15:30.53roland^^i dont have lspci
15:30.57roland^^i did a netinstall
15:31.16cusconeet pcitools
15:31.18cuscoI think
15:31.31roland^^yes but i cant i dont have any conectivity on that box, its isolated because of the nic problem
15:31.42roland^^i installed debian on the p4 because the cdrom on p3 didnt work
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15:32.20roland^^maybe i need to reinstall debian on the p3 now?
15:32.26cuscoroland^^: did it detected it on the netinstall process?
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15:32.42hyperactivecrondOO i found an error
15:32.45hyperactivecrondi got kde to almost start
15:32.47roland^^cusco: i installed the debian on the P3's HDD on a P4 with different NICs/hardware
15:32.53hyperactivecrondit complains about not being able to write to /tmp
15:33.04MoDaXhyperactivecrond: heh
15:33.09wols_roland^^: cat /proc/bus/pci/devices
15:33.16wols_roland^^: no you don't
15:33.16cuscoperhabs you should try the floppyinst
15:33.19hyperactivecrondMoDaX should i get rid of anything in /tmp that has kde in it?
15:33.22cuscoor I am not the persond to advise you
15:33.43MoDaXhyperactivecrond: or restart pc
15:33.45roland^^damn i need a kvm switch :)
15:33.49hyperactivecrondMoDaX it's been doing this
15:33.52hyperactivecrondfor a lil while
15:33.57hyperactivecrondread: Yesterday
15:34.05*** part/#debian grub (
15:34.18MoDaXhyperactivecrond: ls -ld /tmp
15:34.26roland^^wols_ what should i specifically look for in the output of that ? for a string '3com' or 'eth' ?
15:34.32hyperactivecronddrwxr-xr-x /tmp
15:34.40hyperactivecrondowned by root
15:34.44hyperactivecrondlemme chmod it to 777
15:34.50wols_for anything that could be your eth1 right now
15:34.58MoDaXhyperactivecrond: yeah, you should
15:35.02cuscowols_: while you;re here... I was using a 2.4 kernel for some time, now apt-get upgrade broke due to the new glibc - asks me for kernel 2.6... meanwhile I was using aptitude to install linux image 2.6 and aptitude errors out due to the previous dependency errors of glibc
15:35.18hyperactivecrondeek i did -R
15:35.31MoDaXhyperactivecrond: and it won't be enough
15:35.32wols_cusco: install a sarge 2.6 krenel
15:35.45hyperactivecrondnow it's complaining about stuff with suspicous ownership permissions
15:35.55MoDaXhyperactivecrond: sec
15:35.57hyperactivecrondMoDaX should i just get rid of everything in /tmp
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15:36.05hyperactivecrondthen just re-create everything i need?
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15:36.09MoDaXhyperactivecrond: /tmp pers are still wrong
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15:36.49cuscowols_: where from?
15:36.52hyperactivecrondsuspicious mode on /tmp/.X11-unix
15:36.52cuscoah yes form sarge
15:36.55wols_cusco: from sarge
15:36.55hyperactivecrondnot 1777
15:36.58cuscowhy? doesn;t sarge use udev?
15:37.03roland^^wols_ , in all the cryptic output, meaningfull to my eth device is the presence of the string : 3c59x
15:37.08wols_cusco: whotf cares?
15:37.14MoDaXhyperactivecrond: yes, do chmod 1777 /tmp
15:37.15hyperactivecrondi chmod and it works
15:37.18hyperactivecrondgot it
15:37.22hyperactivecrondthanks modax
15:37.26MoDaXhyperactivecrond: ls -ld /tmp ?
15:37.26wols_roland^^: so you have a driver loaded. so what's the problem?
15:37.29cuscowell... why use a sarge kernel? I don;t understand
15:37.39MoDaXhybridiZ1_: should be drwxrwxrwt
15:37.40roland^^wols_ , well i do have 3c59x loaded i knew this before
15:37.48wols_cause the sarge 2.6 kernel will be able to deal with your sarge libc6
15:38.05cuscowols_: but Im not using a sarge glibc I think
15:38.25cuscoam I?
15:38.27wols_cusco:so what do you use then?
15:38.46stewsarge 2.6 kernel can't deal with sarge libc6?
15:38.55cuscoetch was testing when I installed the 2.4 linux image
15:38.57roland^^well windows still says on LAN connection : a network cable is unplugged
15:38.59roland^^i wonder why
15:39.00*** mode/#debian [+l 758] by debhelper
15:39.07cuscoI just used testing... so now I am using lenny
15:39.15cuscoI always apt-get upgraded
15:39.26wols_stew: he upgrades without reading release notes while running a 2.4 kernel
15:39.47stewwols_: and?
15:39.48wols_yes, but you never upgraded your kernel
15:40.01cuscono, I didn't feel the need for it...
15:40.02wols_stew: lenny libc6 complains cause it can't run under a 2.6 kernel
15:40.13stewwols_: huh?  no, that's not true
15:40.28wols_erm, under a 2.4 kernel. sorry
15:40.38stewwols_: that's not true either
15:40.45wols_and he can't upgrade the kernel cause for that he needs a newer libc6...
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15:41.21wols_stew: then give cusco different packages cause the ones he gets from lenny right now say exactly that
15:41.21stewa newer libcy than the lenny libc6 is needed to upgrade from a 2.4 kernel?
15:41.51MoDaXstew: you need libc6 from etch
15:41.57stewfor what?
15:42.09MoDaXto upgrade from 2.4
15:42.13wols_stew: maybe you should read the backlog?
15:42.16MoDaXsid's won't work
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15:42.24cuscoim not sure, I think I already had libc6, today I went to upgrade packages... and a new version says it needs linux 2.6
15:42.47MoDaXcusco: 2.5 and up needs 2.6
15:42.49azeemtesting and unstable need 2.6 now
15:42.56azeemlinux-2.6, that is
15:43.02stewwols_: in fact the release notes tell you to upgrade from a 2.4 kernel after getting the newer libc6 in some situations
15:43.10stewoh wait
15:43.14stewi am confused
15:43.17wols_cusco: dpkg -i a sarge or etch 2.6 kernel, then run apt-get -f install to fix your apt, then apt-get upgrade normally
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15:43.28cuscoI was using 2.4.... and never had problems now.. so OK I see I need a 2.6 kernel
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15:43.46cuscowhen I try to install linux image 2.6, I get problems
15:43.55azeemcusco: can you paste the error message to a pastebin, please?
15:44.05abhithere are some applications whose theme turned to something different in kde. when i starts the gnome-theme-manager , themes becomes default as in kde? help pls
15:44.09MoDaXcusco: 2.4 hasn't been supported for a long time now
15:44.26azeemMoDaX: not supported doesn't mean "impossible to use"
15:44.34wols_MoDaX: it's still supported. for almost a year still. sarge has 2.4
15:44.34azeemthe latter is only true since this week (for testing)
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15:44.56MoDaXI'm talking about sid
15:44.57wols_cusco: I told you to use dpkg -i
15:44.58cuscoMoDaX: I noticed that 2.4 images weren't available any longer on the repositories.. but ... yes well..
15:45.07stewi was getting lenny and etch confues, i apologize
15:45.09cuscowols_: ok ok I'll give it a go
15:45.20stewcusco: 2.4 images are still available for sarge
15:45.35MoDaXstable is stable
15:45.40azeemcusco: what version of Debian are you running?
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15:45.59MoDaXthat one is also a moving target
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15:46.40cuscook I will install the latest sarge 2.6 kernel
15:47.05cuscoone more thing, this computer is currently my home server, it has no screen... I am counting that I won't need one
15:47.07wols_cusco: use an etch one perhaps
15:47.17cuscoyou reckon?
15:47.30stewcusco: wait, if you are using lenny, why not use a kernel from lenny?
15:47.40cuscostew: precisely
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15:47.52cuscoI need to install it directly with dpkg -i
15:47.56pihhancan someone help me to print from linux to windows printer?
15:48.06pihhancups as client to samba printer on xp
15:48.18pihhanit used to work, but not now
15:48.20cuscook, I will go for a walk on the park nopw, I will deal with it later. thanks very much for your attention :P
15:48.22xandpihhan: have you tried?
15:48.25cuscoI will bug you all again alter
15:48.40MoDaXcusco: yes, use etch kernel
15:48.40pihhanxand, yes, i had it configured before
15:48.57pihhanit does say something about tickets in error_log
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15:49.11pihhanwell target is in domain, but in samba domain without any tickets
15:49.21wamtyWhere did #Debian here moved too again?
15:49.34wamtyi forgot the name of the other IRC network
15:49.34wols_wamty: english please
15:49.40dpkg[oftc] the Open and Free Technology Community, a support/collaboration service.  They have an IRC network: You may be connected to OFTC's network. See also <freenode> and <fact sharing>
15:49.59abhithere are some applications whose theme turned to something different in kde. when i starts the gnome-theme-manager , themes becomes default as in kde? help pls
15:50.39MoDaXabhi: kde apps?
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15:51.01bolataxhelp! i have one compact flash in my computer and one hard disk, with what command can I know if a device in my computer is a hard disk or a compact flash?
15:51.03abhiMoDaX: this happens to xchat and other apps.
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15:52.05MoDaXabhi: these are gtk apps. kde does not fully control their look&feel
15:52.05A-L-A-R-Mwhen i check an mp3 from the properties about its meta info , the title,artists,album... are show with symbols like: "Óáí ìáãåìÝíï ôï ìõáëü ìïõ" , although the file name is written correctly . i use kde on debian etch . what changes do i need to do ?
15:52.06MoDaXabhi: try gtk-theme-switch
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15:52.42wols_A-L-A-R-M: you sure the ID3 tags of the mp3 are set correctly and doN#t contain gibberish?
15:52.42MoDaXA-L-A-R-M: what language are they in?
15:52.43abhiMoDaX: how to do that?
15:52.44A-L-A-R-Myes. for sure
15:52.58MoDaXabhi: install and run gtk-theme-switch2
15:53.20MoDaXA-L-A-R-M: encoding mismatch
15:53.22abhiMoDaX: thanks, let me try this.
15:53.23A-L-A-R-Mi just did dpkg-reconfigure locales and added iso and utf for greek but didnt seem to change something
15:53.50xandwols_: does gibberish == non-ascii? :)
15:53.52\amethystA-L-A-R-M: did you log out and back in after you did that?
15:54.03MoDaXA-L-A-R-M: change default locale in dpkg-reconfigure locales and restart kde
15:54.06A-L-A-R-Mno, didnt know its needed
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15:54.15A-L-A-R-Mok give me a second pls
15:54.45piper69in my laptop i have a touch tap mouse , i am experincing slow motion , i tried modprob mousedev but nothing can someone help me , thanks in advance
15:55.00wols_xand: being german, I make excemptions for and of course. the rest is "gibberish" yes :P
15:55.11xand[][][] and [] ?
15:55.22*** part/#debian horrng (n=zhi@
15:55.25wols_ae, oe and ue. plus sharp s
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15:55.35wols_and now go and get a better font for your irc client :P
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15:55.49A-L-A-R-Mnothing changed
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15:55.59A-L-A-R-Mstill the same
15:56.06MoDaXA-L-A-R-M: echo $LANG
15:56.10A-L-A-R-Mi use deja vu as default system font
15:56.23A-L-A-R-Malarm@rockpc:~$ echo $LANG
15:56.23\amethystA-L-A-R-M: do you know if these are id3v1 or id3v2 tags?
15:56.33EulexA-L-A-R-M, it's possible that the tags are incorrect.
15:56.41MoDaXA-L-A-R-M: bad. choose greek iso as default
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15:57.00A-L-A-R-MMoDaX, would this affect other applications that are on english ?
15:57.02MoDaXA-L-A-R-M: are you using konqueror to preview metainfo?
15:57.26A-L-A-R-Mi use the file properties (right click and meta info tab of the file)
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15:58.19Slikecan someone explain to me what the exact role of glibc is? i see it's used to communicate with the kernel, but what does it do?
15:58.32aadilc library
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15:58.56wols_Slike: it lets programs use kernel services. like open files, run other programs and the like
15:58.58aadil!dpkg glibc && fetch me a beer
15:59.04aadildamn, doesnt work
15:59.04*** part/#debian agente2012 (n=agente20@unaffiliated/agente2012)
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15:59.12MoDaXA-L-A-R-M: and greek locale is?
15:59.20tarzeauis this dfsg free?
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15:59.49A-L-A-R-Mel_GR.UTF-8 UTF-8 , el_GR ISO-8859-7
16:00.09piper69!dpkg modprob && psmouse
16:00.11A-L-A-R-Mjust dont want to put them as default, unless it wont have any effect on other applicaionts font
16:00.22Slikewols_: why can't these programs communicate directly with the kernel, why is this library needed in between? to do translations between the complex requests of programs and a reduced api of the kernel?
16:00.22wols_tarzeau: doubt it: "You may not use this work to advertise for or promote anything but the work you create from it."
16:00.23Eulextarzeau, mustn't you be able to distribute etc for commercial purposes?
16:01.09vnI recently rebooted and before the last reboot, I did the dist-upgrade from sarge to when running a program, or directly svok, I get this, any idea what I can do?  svok: relocation error: svok: symbol errno, version GLIBC_2.0 not defined in file with link time reference
16:01.09tarzeauEulex: yes you must
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16:01.10MoDaXA-L-A-R-M: close all konquerors. start konsole. run LANG=el_GR.ISO-8859-7 konqueror
16:01.10wols_Slike: BSD has a different kernel, but programs want the same API to use for BSD and linux
16:01.10tarzeaui hate CC
16:01.10tarzeauwols_: Creative Commons sucks so much
16:01.12A-L-A-R-MMoDaX,  and then ?
16:01.24Slikewols_: ok, so it's for api abstraction? as i was supposing?
16:01.30MoDaXA-L-A-R-M: preview metainfo
16:01.33wols_tarzeau: shut up and use MS software. then you know how much licenses can suck
16:01.50tarzeauwols_: but i can't use all these sounds
16:01.54wols_Slike: this is not #homework. this is #debian
16:02.00tarzeauwols_: so many of them and they call it free sound, but it's not free
16:02.15A-L-A-R-Mnow the metainfo tab doesnt appear at all
16:02.16wols_tarzeau: gpl isn't free either! </BSD>
16:02.38tarzeauwols_: it's dfsg free, we can throw it into our supercow
16:02.40Slikewols_: i just try to learn, and i know you debian people have a great knowledge. thanks for that!
16:02.50A-L-A-R-Mhmm ok, found it, now the tags still look the same
16:02.56jduggan_can anyone recommend some visio like program for linux?
16:03.08jelly-hometarzeau: but, _which_ CC sucks? :-)
16:03.09AzarSlike: most of non-debian questions fit into google's search bar
16:03.28tarzeaujelly-home: the one i mentioned and the nonderivate, noncommercial ones
16:03.30wols_jelly-home: all of the ones he doesn't like
16:03.32tarzeaujelly-home: but they really suck all!
16:03.34A-L-A-R-MMoDaX,  could it be that the tags are writen with cp encoding ?
16:03.45MoDaXA-L-A-R-M: probably
16:03.46tarzeaujelly-home: because they cause confusion and force you to read it
16:03.51jelly-hometarzeau: duh
16:03.54tarzeaujelly-home: because people just say CC
16:03.56Azarmister Eulex! :)
16:03.58tarzeaujelly-home: without the details
16:04.04A-L-A-R-Mi see
16:04.26Eulexhello Azar :)
16:04.32jelly-hometarzeau: 1st FAQ I've ever seen on CC was to specify which CC license of the million
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16:05.23tarzeauwhere can i find really free software music and sample packs?
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16:05.38jelly-homepay for your sample packs, ya git
16:05.39wols_tarzeau: *g*
16:05.52tarzeauwols_: actually not even there, they DO have non-free media in main
16:05.56tarzeauwols_: by accident
16:06.24tarzeaujelly-home: who sells them under free software licenses?
16:06.38gravitygit ftw
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16:07.28tarzeaujelly-home: FREEPATS!
16:07.34jelly-hometarzeau: freepats suck.
16:07.41tarzeaujelly-home: but they are free
16:08.05plbdoes any one know if there is a songbird .deb?
16:08.14jelly-homethey're also of very uneven quality, which makes the collection sounds like crap
16:09.37tarzeauplb: yes on my computer
16:09.37apoHm. What could be the reasons for getting segfaults when trying to insmod a module?
16:09.37tarzeauplb: where's the software, url?
16:09.38tarzeauapo: use modprobe. it should tell
16:09.38*** join/#debian abhi (i=abhi@
16:09.38apoFATAL: Error inserting acpi_cpufreq (/lib/modules/2.6.18-6-custom/kernel/arch/i386/kernel/cpu/cpufreq/acpi-cpufreq.ko): No such
16:09.38*** part/#debian vn (
16:09.42jelly-homeapo: the module didn't find a working device to attach to.  There might be more info in dmesg/kern.log
16:09.49dpkgSorry, that command doesn't exist.  Surely you meant "modprobe"?, or modprobe also loads dependencies, insmod only loads what you tell it to load.  NEVER attempt to use insmod under 2.6.  Use modprobe.  Did we mention "modprobe" yet?.  Taunting Happy Fun Ball causes cancer
16:10.05jelly-homeapo: which cpu do you have?
16:11.11apojelly-home: I think it's Pentium M
16:11.16*** join/#debian spikeb (
16:11.17abhiMoDaX: thanks man , it worked.
16:11.20wols_apo: cat /proc/cpuinfo
16:11.20*** join/#debian Sweetandy (
16:11.20apoAt least that's what I chose in the kernel :)
16:11.23Sweetandyjoin #clisp
16:11.33apoIntel(R) Celeron(R) M processor         1.50GHz
16:11.53wols_celerys have no speedstep
16:12.00spikebthey dont?
16:12.06apoThis one doesn't.
16:12.07jelly-homeapo: heh, that one is crippled power-wise
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16:12.19apoBut frequency scaling is possible.
16:12.23jelly-homewols_: they do.  They don't hae Advanced Speedstep.
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16:13.17apoI had it working before, but I changed something in the kernel and broke it. Meh
16:13.33apoI should've told it to include the .config in the kernel, then I'd know what it was :)
16:13.35jelly-homeapo: best thing I can do on a thinkpad with that same cpu is modprobe p4-clockmod
16:13.46jelly-homewols_: I trust Intel over wikipedia.
16:13.54wols_apo: /boot/config*
16:14.09apojelly-home: Thanks, I'll try that
16:14.24Azarsomeone said somewhere that wikipedia is not 100% to be trusted
16:14.34apoIt's working
16:14.40apoAwesome. Thanks :)
16:14.40*** join/#debian AM|R (
16:15.29jelly-homeapo: don't expect huge (or even any visible) improvements in battery life ;-)
16:16.01apoOkay ;)
16:16.11mikearthurI got visible improvements
16:16.19spikebooh, what color were they?
16:16.21apoI hardly use this notebook when I'm not at home anyway
16:16.21jelly-homemikearthur: with that Celeron M?
16:16.29spikebmikearthur: sweet.
16:16.33apoJust fiddling around with my hardware's features :)
16:16.34mikearthurnot a celeron M, but using speedstep
16:16.57jelly-homemikearthur: not the same thing.
16:17.06mikearthurok :p
16:17.06tarzeauis there some cool and free software 3d nascar racing game?
16:17.45spikebactually, there is a cool 3d racing game.
16:18.04*** join/#debian Xen^ (n=linux@unaffiliated/lnux/x-10290)
16:19.14tarzeaubut is it really fast, as in wipeout?
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16:20.13spikebno it's probably more of a sim
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16:21.13tarzeauspikeb: you know of other great speedy 3d games?
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16:21.32spikebhmm not really, havent looked much at racing games
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16:25.49Azartarzeau: you know why linux did not win at Nascar?
16:26.02tarzeauthey just finished showing days of thunder... now jackass 1
16:26.08tarzeauAzar: no?
16:26.22Azarbecause they could not find a non-free driver
16:26.37tarzeauAzar: heh
16:29.28witlessis it possible to configure bind to provide aliases to hosts outside the local network?
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16:30.08rahul!penixstrike stoned
16:30.08dpkgA towering Penix descends from the heavens, knocking stoned to the ground and leaving a large wet spot.
16:30.30rahul!penixstrike Azar
16:30.30dpkgA towering Penix descends from the heavens, knocking Azar to the ground and leaving a large wet spot.
16:30.38rahulthat joke hurts
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16:34.06HostilePenguinwheres the best place to assign static  ip's?
16:35.03\amethystHostilePenguin:  in the DHCP server's config :)
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16:35.14tarzeauno in /etc/network/interfaces
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16:35.29\amethystHostilePenguin: but, yes, in interfaces (man interfaces)
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16:36.18HostilePenguinthank you
16:36.26abhiMoDaX, : theme are working now , but fonts are going back to pls
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16:39.33abhiMoDaX, : pls help. man
16:39.46bluemonkI just tried to downgrade libc6; it gave an error and now the root account is no more working
16:39.50bluemonkanyone can help?
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16:40.37mikearthurwar: got it all working, thanks man
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16:41.57Azarbluemonk: so without root you can't really do any administration tasks, right?
16:42.18Azaryou can't upgrade, downgrade, install and un-install..
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16:42.53DaemonikAzar, NO
16:43.01DaemonikAzar, man sudo
16:43.10AzarDaemonik: I do not need that..
16:43.13bluemonkAzar: exactly
16:43.29rahulbluemonk: you broke your system, more or less
16:43.40Azarbluemonk: so as a newbie (you and me too).. a rescue disk or a reinstall..
16:44.08bluemonkok, I was hoping for any other solution :)
16:44.20yakahow to upgrade to  gnome 2.18 in debian?
16:44.27Azarmister rahul! :) greetings
16:44.36bluemonkdoes the debian dvd act as rescue disk?
16:44.37rahulyaka: choose a debian release, not a version of a package
16:45.01rahulyaka: at least, until you figure out how debian releases work... then you'll be able to mix and match and only occasionally break your system
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16:45.05rahulAzar: :)
16:45.10rahulbluemonk: I think it can
16:45.10Azarbluemonk: usually the 1st CD or DVD would have a recovery system
16:45.19wolvieHowto boot into runlevel 3 from grub? What option should be added to the kernel= line?
16:45.35rahulwolvie: add a "3" to the kernel params
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16:45.44rahulnot the kernel itself, the params passed to it
16:45.54CoolKidhi all
16:46.04bluemonklet's try... thanks for your help
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16:46.19rahulkernel /vmlinuz root=... ... 3
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16:46.36Azarbluemonk: defying the gravitational rules, in Debian everything goes ^ up and nothing comes back v down
16:46.44wolviethank you.
16:46.59quittehi. I'm having some trouble setting up a nic with busybox in an initramfs.right now i'd be glad if it just aswered to pings butfor some reason it dfoesn'T even do that. the system is headless so debugging is a little difficult
16:47.00bluemonkyes, but the last upgrade on lenny broke a lot of stuff
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16:47.24bluemonkI was trying to downgrade
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16:47.39yakarahul: thk u
16:47.40quitteso any idea why this might not work: ip address add eth0;ip link set eth0 up
16:47.45Azarbluemonk: your choice: want a stable, unbreakable system, or want the testing with newer packages that break ?
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16:47.59rahulquitte: what doesn't work?
16:48.05bluemonkI know, I'm not blaming debian for that
16:48.28quitterahul: i'm no sure. but the interface that was should have been set up like this doesntanswer on my pings
16:48.35Azarrahul: did you see the newest programming language that uses the lolcode?
16:48.45rahulAzar: oy.
16:49.00rahulquitte: maybe there's a subnet overlap with another iface?
16:49.24rahulI don't even want to know.
16:49.34quitterahul: no. there is no other interface.
16:49.34rahulkthxbye :)
16:49.42*** join/#debian appelza (
16:49.47quitterahul: but the command is ok as it is?
16:49.57rahulquitte: seems ok to me
16:50.05rahulquitte: but why not use /etc/network/interfaces?
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16:50.36appelzaHi, I've installed realplayer on debain 4.0, but I get no sound.  no errors either.  Sound works fine in other apps, like amarok
16:50.39appelzaany ideas?
16:50.46dpkgDebian! D-E-B-I-A-N! The founder of Debian was not named "Ain". Sheesh!
16:50.56rahul\amethyst: heh.
16:50.56tarzeauappelza: ask
16:51.00quitterahul: doesn'T work either with that busybox for some reason. and before i dont have netcat working i have no way of telling whats going on on that box
16:51.26appelzatarzeau: its not realplayers problem.  realplayer works on gentoo fine.
16:51.34CoolKidi installed debian etch from using a netinst cd without an active internet connection(didn't connect to ethernet net).is there a way to install the packages that should have been installed from the net after installation?
16:51.35tarzeauappelza: then use gentoo
16:51.38appelzaIts debians problem.  or well, its my problem actually
16:52.09tarzeauappelza: it's a real problem
16:52.09tarzeauappelza: bullshit
16:52.09Azarappelza: realplayer is a commercial application, non-free, not included with Debian, .. a 3rd party application from somewhere on the universe
16:52.10tarzeauappelza: your problem, real problem. NOT DEBIAN problem
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16:52.10rahulappelza: figure out what the app uses for sound and check how that's set up
16:52.10appelzalol k
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16:52.17rahulwe can't magically guess
16:52.29quitteappelza you can get it from the debian multimedia distribution
16:52.33Acuis anyway to browse the local net for the IP addresses of the connected computers ?
16:52.45rahulAcu: not reliably
16:52.48Azaranyway or anyhow?
16:52.52rahulAcu: ask your network admin
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16:53.35ShaftinoDuring net based install, do I get to choose exactly what packages I want to install?
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16:53.44quitteAcu: if all computers support it you can use avahi to look for other computers
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16:54.01Acurahul: I am the network admin - obviously with windows is easy - but with Debian I do not know (except if I use SMB4k)
16:54.15Acuquitte: I will try to find avahi
16:54.32rahulAcu: that's ridiculous
16:54.53rahulSMB has nothing to do with finding computers on an ethernet network
16:54.54Acurahul: what's ridiculous ?
16:55.03rahulAcu: you are a horribly incompetent network admin
16:55.07Acurahul: SMB4K has
16:55.12rahulAcu: wrong
16:55.26quitteAcu: if you have the time, there is a google techtalk video about bonjour. I found it to be very enlightening about how device discovery on a network should work
16:55.40CoolKidi want to get the *full* standard system packages,not just the 8 on the netinst cd.FYI Debian did connect to the ethernet after installation
16:55.52rahulSMB has tto do with finding computers with an SMB daemon running
16:55.56Acuquitte: thanks I am going to watch it
16:56.25rahulCoolKid: set up your sources.list with a mirror and run aptitude to get package lists and upgrade/install packages
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16:56.54JunoDewarI'm learning regexp and got confused again, can someone help me create extended regexp for this pattern: two
16:57.01rahulAcu: a windows machine will never find my linux box in the way you are describing
16:57.09rahulJunoDewar: two
16:57.16tanner123Hi ;) Anyone know how to put a app in "background" when the app doesn't allow u to press Ctrl+Z??
16:57.26Acurahul: if you are so exedently competent in network you could tell me what to do - the question - how can you find the IP addresses of all local computers
16:57.26CoolKidrahul, it just installed to kernel when i did that
16:57.29dpkgPlease do not ask if anyone uses, knows, is good with, can help you with or is a guru/expert of <someprogram>. Instead, ask your real question. (If the real question _was_ "does anyone use <someprogram>?" ask me about <popcon> instead.) See <ask> <sicco> <ask-to-ask> <polls>
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16:57.37rahulAcu: you can't
16:57.44rahulAcu: not reliably. I already said this.
16:57.46valdynAcu: windows uses VERY confusing terminology, confusing 'Network' with 'SMB servers', its retarded, don't learn from that
16:57.54rahulCoolKid: install what you want...
16:58.05*** join/#debian Hunni (
16:58.09rahulAcu: this is not how IP works. nor how ethernet works.
16:58.20rahulI think a managed switch might be able to tell you its guesses
16:58.30CoolKidrahul,which pkgs comes with the "standard system" option?
16:58.41rahulCoolKid: open up the listing and see
16:58.49JunoDewarso pattern should be : two or more uppercase letters then everything except two or more uppercase letters
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16:59.12rahulJunoDewar: regex is too weak of a language to do that, I think
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16:59.39rahulJunoDewar: although, that pattern is nonsense.
16:59.39JunoDewareven extended?
16:59.50valdynAcu: there's no technically good way to find 'all local ip addresses', there can't be. There's many hacks around the problem, sure.
16:59.55rahulJunoDewar: extended has nothing to do with the regex computational power
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17:00.08rahulJunoDewar: it just makes certain patterns have a simpler syntax
17:00.15JunoDewar'computational power'?
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17:00.43rahulJunoDewar: regex should only be used by people who have graduated from a good school with a B.S. in C.S..
17:00.52quitteis there a way to find all local mac addresses?
17:00.54rahulyou need to know about computational complexity classes
17:01.03rahulquitte: such a concept does not exist.
17:01.07valdynquitte: not really
17:01.10bluemonkI've booted in rescue mode
17:01.11quittethought so
17:01.13rahulJunoDewar: I'm serious
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17:01.28valdynquitte: your switch knows all mac addresses that caused traffics recently, that's all
17:01.31JunoDewarrahul: sarcastic you mean?
17:01.37rahulJunoDewar: regex is a strangely limited language... its computational power is analagous to a finite state machine
17:01.49rahula finite state machine cannot keep an arbitrary count of events
17:01.56JunoDewarI'm not talking about computational power dude
17:02.01rahul(hence the word "finite")
17:02.05rahulJunoDewar: yes you are
17:02.11Azarbluemonk:  I do not know how you can recover that libc6, ask someone with experience here
17:02.12rahulyou want a "not" in a regex
17:02.14quittefor some reason ip still dosn't work even with the full path. grrr.
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17:03.12rahulJunoDewar: you need to keep a counter to see if you have less than some number of things happening, but you already wanted them to happen... which makes no sense
17:03.23rahulif it already happened, why are you asking for it to not happen?
17:03.32rahulin what context is this not?
17:03.36bluemonkAzar: I think I'll try to reinstall the correct version.. thanks for your help
17:03.45JunoDewarto delimit
17:04.00rahulJunoDewar: if you can write an FSM for the recognizer, you can use that to build a regex
17:04.04rahulthat's the easiest way
17:04.49rahulswap build and write there, actually
17:04.50JunoDewarfor example I want to delimit stream of dictionary words with something
17:04.50CoolKidthere isn't a package list titled "standard system" in
17:04.50rahulthen look forthe delimiter
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17:04.51rahulCoolKid: just browse around aptitude, ffs
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17:04.53JunoDewardelimiter is two consecutive uppercase letteers
17:05.14JunoDewaror more
17:05.44simonrvnbluemonk: boot from rescue media; mount your installation somewhere from the rescue media; MAKE SURE YOU DO NOT chroot TO IT; "dpkg -x libc6.deb /" (or "cd /whereYouMountedYourInstall; ar -p libc6.deb data.tar.gz | tar -zx") a known working libc... also see (URL coming up)
17:05.44Sweetandyis there a way to have xterm be a border-less, titlebar-less, semi-transparent hovering terminal?
17:05.44rahulJunoDewar: what should happen when it gets recognized?
17:05.44rahulJunoDewar: regex doesn't really have "delimiters"
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17:05.56simonrvnbluemonk: this is if you already rebootedand are scrwed... if you haven't rebooted, then try to install the working libc
17:05.59JunoDewarreplace it with same string with changes through sed
17:06.01rahulJunoDewar: it's some other thing that inserts itself into the FSM generated by the regex that causes behaviors to occur
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17:06.11rahulJunoDewar: which one?
17:06.22JunoDewarwhich one what?
17:06.24rahulJunoDewar: what kind of changes?
17:06.32JunoDewardoes it matter?
17:06.34bluemonksimonrvn: thank you. I've already rebooted, since I couldn't reinstall the lib without using root
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17:06.40rahulyou need to group to select the part of the string you want to change
17:06.44JunoDewarI use sed
17:06.49rahuland the part you want to keep the same
17:06.50tarzeauanyone tried rocket skates like in the jackass movie?
17:07.00rahuland then you need to decide how that interacts with lines
17:07.20rahulone replacement per line or replace all matches?
17:07.26JunoDewarsomething like sed 's/pattern/&[I insert here something]/'
17:07.42CoolKidis there a list of packages installed by the netinst when installing "standard system"
17:07.54JunoDewarso what's the problem?
17:08.02rahulJunoDewar: where do you want to delimit the groups?
17:08.07rahulCoolKid: no
17:08.12dmilithwhere can i find brief info about differences between glibc 2.3 and 2.5 ?
17:08.13rahulCoolKid: just run aptitude!!!
17:09.10quittedmilith: the changelog. thats hardly brief,though.
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17:09.42JunoDewarrahul: I just want to find a pattern which starts with two or more uppercase letters and ends before other two or more uppercase letters
17:09.42dmilithquitte: ;f but something with hmmm milestones or similar things?
17:09.47CoolKidrahul, aptitude didn't get those packages when i ran aptitude dist-upgrade
17:09.59AzarCoolKid: what is a standard :
17:10.09JunoDewarrahul: Am I not getting something?
17:10.12rahul[::uppercase::]{2,}[^::uppercase::]*[::uppercase::]?[^::uppercase::]* ... I think
17:10.20rahulor whatever the char class name is
17:10.36Azarthe Installer is said to get more goodies versus upgrade
17:11.12rahulJunoDewar: basically, the only way to write regexes is a kinda guess and check, since you don't really have full control of how you match
17:11.12simonrvndon't bookmark that, i'm redesigning my site
17:11.20rahulyou can only go forward, kinda
17:11.36rahulat least, if you want to be able to go back, you need to add lots of crap in the expression to allow that
17:11.41karmatronicJunoDewar: [A-Z] will work too
17:11.49rahulkarmatronic: not in general
17:11.50Azarsimonrvn: he rebooted in rescue mode
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17:11.55bluemonksimonrvn: thank you
17:11.56JunoDewarI need to match newlines too
17:12.02rahulkarmatronic: , for example
17:12.12rahulJunoDewar: that makes no sense...
17:12.23rahulnewlines are the end of the line...
17:12.29JunoDewarI use sed not egrep
17:12.31rahulthe replacement is done on the line itself
17:12.51dureyescan someone please send the list of radion stations on debian 4 to me from the  Rhythm Box program?
17:13.11JunoDewarso sed does thing only with lines and not strings?
17:13.15rahulthat stoned bastard
17:13.18rahulJunoDewar: unix does.
17:13.35*** join/#debian prahal (
17:13.39rahulI still haven't figured out when stoned works and when he doesn't
17:13.42Azardureyes: Debian does not have a list of net radio station , your application should carry it
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17:14.27simonrvnugh... bitchx...
17:14.42prahalWhen I use gdb on a threaded application I only have the symbols in the main thread ... is this how it is supposed to work ?
17:14.45dureyesusing 3.0 and I heard there is nice list that comes with debian 4.0
17:15.00rahulsimonrvn: well, he was as dumb as a bitchx user would be expected to be
17:15.21rahulprahal: symbols don't exist in threads.
17:15.39rahulprahal: so no, that's not how it's supposed to work because that's not how it could possibly work
17:16.14prahalrahul, thank you. Well I am stuck then. I will have to say I hate threads then
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17:16.22bluemonksimonrvn: worked, thanks a million
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17:17.00bluemonknow I have to fix apt database
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17:18.20CoolKidAzar, that article doesn't have the list
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17:18.48rahulCoolKid: you are a tool.
17:18.51rahulCoolKid: do you use bitchx?
17:19.02simonrvnbluemonk: np. you'll have to install that deb the proper way once you're booted
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17:19.32bluemonkactually, I just did dpkg -i libc6.deb
17:19.36bluemonkand it worked
17:19.42bluemonknow anything it's fixed
17:20.00bluemonkthanks again
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17:20.08simonrvn'k :)
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17:20.12SoulChildI love Debian ! :D
17:20.19CoolKidrahul, no
17:20.23SoulChildtarzeau: I knew you are here ,... hehe :D
17:20.26rahulJulia loves me
17:20.30SweetandySoulChild, yay
17:21.01SoulChildSweetandy: at first sight i thought your name is sweetlady ... as if this is a flirt channel :D hehe
17:21.05tarzeau!love SoulChild
17:21.16tarzeau!breastfeed SoulChild
17:21.21bluemonkAzar: thanks again to you too
17:21.25rahulJulia41: fortunately I know you're not her, because there's no way she could figure out how to use IRC :P
17:21.25SweetandySoulChild, I'm male!
17:21.35SoulChildSweetandy: i know :D
17:21.42SoulChildtarzeau: hehe
17:22.08*** join/#debian astronaute (
17:22.11rahulbut I'm not sure whether she like me or alex more
17:22.34rahulespecially when alex and I are pretending to be a gay couple... that just makes her friend all hot and bothered :P
17:22.34*** join/#debian Ali_ix (n=Ali_ix@unaffiliated/corelist)
17:22.44Ali_ixhi all
17:22.49SoulChildAli_ix: hey
17:22.49rahulhrm, I need to get some food.
17:22.50SweetandySoulChild, tee hee 8 )
17:23.07Ali_ixany channel related to APT? or i should ask here?
17:23.20rahulAli_ix: if it relates to apt in debian, sure
17:23.29SoulChildGuys,.... i think i am addicted to IRC,... any solutions ?
17:23.33rahulit's a fundamental tool to using debian
17:23.42*** join/#debian xbaez (n=xbaez@
17:23.49tarzeauSoulChild: play games
17:24.10*** join/#debian vin` (i=nach@unaffiliated/takatumi)
17:24.15Ali_ixrahul: it is more about apt, but on ubuntu :(, butthere is no one in ubuntu channel to answer
17:24.16SweetandySoulChild, recompile all IRC clients on your system with a few rather key lines removed from the source
17:24.21rahulAli_ix: oh well.
17:24.27Ali_ixi need to exclude soma packages via apt-pinning
17:24.28rahulAli_ix: ubuntu works differently from debian.
17:24.29SoulChildtarzeau: as you know, that my gcard sucks, this is no oppertunity
17:24.35*** join/#debian Taproots (n=ross@nat01-camapt-ext.Rutgers.EDU)
17:24.38TaprootsHi all
17:24.39Ali_ixrahul: =( thanks
17:24.46rahulAli_ix: man apt_preferences is how we do it on debian
17:24.46*** join/#debian Havis (
17:24.47tarzeauSoulChild: there's many 2d games that don't need fast video cards
17:24.49Taprootsreal simple question
17:24.58SweetandySoulChild, Yeah, Nethack!!!
17:25.11*** join/#debian andre_ (
17:25.13Taprootshow do I assign different images as backgrounds for my different workspaces?
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17:25.34tarzeauTaproots: depends on your window manager
17:25.35rellistaproots: are you in kde?
17:25.37tarzeauTaproots: wmaker can do it
17:25.39SoulChildtarzeau: okay i want a good RPG game ,...
17:25.54tarzeauSoulChild: kq
17:25.54tarzeauSoulChild: apt-get install kq
17:25.55SoulChildtarzeau: ok
17:26.03Taprootsis there any way to do it with gnome?
17:26.13rellisI don't know.. I would assume so..
17:26.21rellisKDE/Beryl seem to have a facility for it
17:26.24TaprootsI'll give it a google
17:26.29rellisya.. good call
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17:28.02Ali_ixrahul: thanks for info
17:28.37rahulmentor: make lots of margeritas
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17:28.54mentormmm pizza
17:29.17dpkgper aiuto in lingua italiana, provi il canale #debian-it sulla rete (non  C' anche il canale #linux-it l.
17:29.50dpkgfrom memory, tarzeau is
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17:31.33dpkgwell, de is deutschsprachige Hilfe bekommt ihr in (auf und - German speaking users please go to (on and freenode)
17:31.50SoulChildwoow great
17:31.53pipelineHow can I paste from the X clipboard using the keyboard?
17:31.57*** join/#debian Deepa|Away (
17:31.59tarzeaupipeline: shift-insert
17:32.07pipelinetarzeau: Well, that was a lot simpler than I expected.
17:32.23SoulChildtarzeau: how do i totally uninstall a package in apt ,... add --purge after remove %apckagename ?
17:32.26tarzeaui like the gnustep or screen clipboards nicer
17:32.32tarzeauSoulChild: yes
17:32.52tarzeauSoulChild: but even then users can have leftovers. or game scores
17:33.41*** join/#debian cahoot_ (n=radix@
17:33.48furrywolfbah.  /me is listening to the noise of a hard drive repeatedly slamming the head into something trying to find track zero.
17:34.07SoulChildtarzeau: so how do i fully uninstall something
17:34.15furrywolfnot going to get debian onto this drive.  heh.
17:34.47rahulaptitude remove --purge package
17:34.51xingu746 of you, one of me, I make that time for beer
17:35.02rahuluser dirs are never touched by apt
17:35.05stewrahul: s/remove --//
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17:35.34rahulreason #22 to use aptitude instead of apt-get
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17:35.51Ali_ixwell, apt-pinning rules are same as debina (in ubuntu) =)
17:36.05rahuloooo heavy metal fest warmup tonight!
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17:36.30rahulAli_ix: the rules are probably the same. obviously, the names of the releases will be different
17:36.33apoYou shouldn't have mentioned
17:36.33Ali_ixnow please advice on pin and priority value to avoid any new versions of a package being installed :)
17:36.39*** join/#debian Rydekull (i=rydekull@luda/rydekull)
17:36.40Ali_ixrahul: yes
17:36.43*** part/#debian SoulChild (
17:36.45rahulAli_ix: "any" new versions?
17:36.46apoI'm supposed to be learning history :(
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17:36.47tarzeaurahul: apt-get won't touch user dirs either
17:37.00rahulAli_ix: or do you want to pin to a specific release?
17:37.05rahultarzeau: well duh
17:37.13rahultarzeau: dpkg won't either.
17:37.15tarzeauoh and debconf configs won't be removed either
17:37.21Ali_ixrahul: yes, i have some stable confgi on kernel and dont like to update kernel until next major release
17:37.21tarzeaurahul: yes that's what i said earlier
17:37.24rahulhrm, purge won't?
17:37.27tarzeaurahul: neither will apt-get, and that's good
17:37.33tarzeaurahul: no, purge just removes system configs
17:37.37Ali_ixrahul: to specific version, is it possible?
17:37.39rahulAli_ix: on debian, kernels don't get upgraded like that
17:37.44tarzeaurahul: as in classical /etc ones, maybe the grub one outside etc too
17:37.47rahultarzeau: hrm, that's annoying
17:38.01*** join/#debian ehc (
17:38.04Ali_ixrahul: is it possible to pinpackages to versions?
17:38.09rahulAli_ix: yes.
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17:38.17tarzeaurahul: why?
17:38.19rahulthere should be an example in the man page
17:38.33rahultarzeau: because it should purge all system-level traces of that package
17:38.34Ali_ixrahul: i will check, thanks
17:38.56rahultarzeau: one use of purge is to eliminate any local configs you made to the package so you can start from fresh
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17:39.16tarzeaurahul: so? yes it does remove the local configs . so?
17:39.25tarzeaurahul: it's just it doesn't touch debconf stuff
17:39.26rahultarzeau: not all the configs
17:39.30rahuldebconf is a local config
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17:39.34tarzeaurahul: how would it know where user configs are?
17:39.41rahulI said system
17:39.42tarzeaurahul: and why would you want to lose system game high scores?
17:39.52tarzeaudebconf is for the system
17:39.54rahulbecause you said you wanted to purge the package
17:39.58tarzeaulike /etc is
17:40.01rahul!penixstrike tarzeau
17:40.01dpkgA towering Penix descends from the heavens, knocking tarzeau to the ground and leaving a large wet spot.
17:40.06tarzeaui don't want to purge any package
17:40.08rahulexcept debconf is not purged like /etc is
17:40.09tarzeauthat was that other guy
17:40.11rahulthen don't purge
17:40.14tarzeauwho didn't read the damn fucking manual
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17:41.12*** join/#debian ferret_0567 (
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17:41.43ferret_0567I'm using Linux from Scratch, and I have a question about Debian's packages website
17:42.32ferret_0567I'm trying to get dhcdbd installed so that I can use NetworkManager, and it's not available from it's official webpage anymore
17:42.37*** join/#debian xbaezmx (n=Xavier@
17:43.15ferret_0567So, are the *.orig.* packages the original source packages for a particular piece of software?
17:43.17*** join/#debian L|NUX (n=linux@unaffiliated/lnux/x-10290)
17:43.27tarzeauferret_0567: sure,
17:43.45earthianhello, I have problem configuring vmware server. while running i have this output: There you can see a module compilation error. Where is the fault? How can i fix it? Please help? :)
17:43.46tarzeauferret_0567: with hypertext transfer protocol
17:43.53tarzeauearthian: we don't care. ask vmware
17:44.01*** join/#debian wdondek (n=wdondek@
17:44.25earthiantarzeau, i did not upgrade vmware and did not upgrade my debian it all just broke.
17:44.26tarzeauearthian: use virtualbox
17:44.33tarzeauearthian: yeah sure. i broke it
17:44.45earthianyou are very friendly
17:44.54tarzeauearthian: well vmware is not from debian
17:45.11tarzeauearthian: you don't buy a porsche and ask for help at ford, right?
17:45.19earthiananyway, maybe you know something that would make my vmware virtual disks be recognized by something?
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17:45.28tarzeauearthian: no. use virtualbox
17:45.38tarzeauearthian: even if i knew, it's off-topic here, and i wouldn't help
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17:46.28earthiananyway... the error with my vmware look like a compiler error and not vmware one :(
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17:47.03tarzeauearthian: PEBKAC
17:47.10tarzeauearthian: it's a problem of you, not the compiler, nor vmware
17:47.20tarzeauearthian: i told you to use virtualbox it's PEBKAC proof
17:47.37earthianand PEBKAC = wtf?
17:47.39roxy_I am using debian testing. I would like to test emacs22. Can I just use dpkg on the .deb, and aptitude will catch up when 22 comes into testing or do I have to go via the pinning stuff ?
17:47.43dpkgi heard pebkac is Problem Exists Between Keyboard And Chair, or PEBCAK.  PEBMAC, PICNIC.  PEBRHAL, or
17:48.04tarzeauroxy_: yes you can try, beware of the dependencies
17:48.20roxy_tarzeau: thanks.
17:49.00*** mode/#debian [+l 769] by debhelper
17:49.01unlinkwhen i insert a blank CD, i get the following in /var/log/messages: Jun  9 13:48:30 shatin kernel: cdrom: This disc doesn't have any tracks I recognize!
17:49.13tarzeauunlink: it's a cd-rom drive?
17:49.29unlinkcombo dvd/dvd burner/cd/cd burner
17:49.44tarzeauunlink: and how is that message a problem?
17:49.52cuscohello again
17:49.53ferret_0567that's normal
17:50.00unlinkoh, ok
17:50.20unlinkJun  9 13:48:30 shatin kernel: cdrom: This disc doesn't have any tracks I recognize!
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17:50.30unlinki forgot that X has two paste buffers
17:50.38cuscoMoDaX: why should I use a etch 2.6 kernlen and not the testing, if all of my other tools are from testing?
17:50.57ferret_0567I wish they would have only one
17:51.02ferret_0567It's confusing
17:51.03unlinkwhen i try to burn a CD, i get this message:
17:51.12tarzeauferret_0567: no it's not confusing
17:51.18ferret_0567for me, it is
17:51.27cuscojust use the middle button click
17:51.30unlinkit's confusing because *some* apps conflate them
17:51.34MoDaXcusco: afaik, stable kernel is almost the same as etch kernel now
17:51.39MoDaXcusco: so you can
17:51.49MoDaXerr, s/stable/testing/
17:51.53cuscoMoDaX: but I run testing, shouldn't I install from testing?
17:52.01ferret_0567I can't count on one hand how many times I used the middle mouse button because I like it better and then paste something I didn't mean to into a Terminal
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17:52.45cuscoferret_0567: thats because you selected something
17:52.52unlinki'm not trying to extract audio; in fact i issued the command Burn to get that error message
17:52.53ferret_0567Yes, I always do that
17:53.11tarzeauunlink: mebbe the command Burn is buggy? checked !BTS yet?
17:53.15ferret_0567I realize my error, but I continue to mess up because I usually just select things that are interesting
17:53.30grewquit clicking your middle mouse button
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17:53.36grewunless you need to paste
17:54.01ferret_0567I'll see if I can't remember to do that
17:54.08unlinktarzeau: it's a CD burning package...
17:54.11artagnonI'm running Lenny and the latest kernel image available seems to be the rotting old 2.6.18. What should I do? I want 2.6.21
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17:54.20tarzeauunlink: why not use cdrecord?
17:54.23tarzeauunlink: maybe it has a bug?
17:54.32grewomg 3 versions old! SOOO OLD
17:54.36tarzeauunlink: i can burn cd images perfectly here, with cdrecord
17:54.37grewcompile your own
17:54.52tarzeauartagnon: !make-kpkg
17:54.59artagnongrew: I'm doing that now. But it seems odd
17:55.09tarzeauartagnon: no it's stable
17:55.12tarzeauartagnon: sid has later kernels
17:56.09tarzeauartagnon: but you're not pro enough for it
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17:56.10unlinktarzeau: i'm burning an audio CD, and i don't feel like writing a TOC
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17:56.45artagnoncompiling one is such a pain... reading the lshw to find out which drivers to include
17:56.57ferret_0567my laptop had a guide
17:57.05*** join/#debian Heros (
17:57.22tarzeauartagnon: hahaha
17:57.33tarzeauartagnon: you never compiled one, right?
17:57.34ferret_0567someone already compiled a kernel for my laptop (A Dell Latitude C840)
17:57.50*** join/#debian AndiM (
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17:58.08vnahhh, debian rocks
17:58.12ferret_0567I just got the suggestions from the guide
17:58.34artagnontarzeau: if you just want to poke fun at others, there's no f***ing end to it
17:58.35vnjust did for fun migrations from slink to  potato to woody to sarge to etch
17:58.38ferret_0567Then, I picked stuff other than the hardware myself, reading through every help option to see what I need
17:58.45unlinktarzeau: (and no, there's nothing in BTS about it)
17:58.47tarzeauartagnon: i helped you, i said !make-kpkg
17:58.52tarzeauartagnon: but you don't even get it
17:58.56artagnontarzeau: I suggest you be more polite and helpful
17:58.57grewvn: that is your idea of fun?
17:59.00grewget a hobby
17:59.00tarzeauartagnon: you're telling things that are just not true
17:59.08artagnontarzeau: what do you think I'm downloading now?
17:59.11ferret_0567artagnon: I agree
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17:59.12tarzeauartagnon: compiling a kernel the debian way is NOT, i repeat, NOT such a pain
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17:59.15vngrew: lol I had nothing to do
17:59.21tarzeauartagnon: no idea, nor do i care
17:59.31unlinkvn: fix bugs!
17:59.31tarzeauartagnon: you're downloading porn?
17:59.44ferret_0567This was my first time compiling my kernel
17:59.53ferret_0567I am using my compiled kernel now
18:00.01grewlinux kernel config is a pain imo
18:00.03*** join/#debian surgeon (
18:00.08artagnontarzeau: I took dpkg's suggestion and am finding out the Debian way of compiling the kernel
18:00.09ferret_0567What was really great was removing all support for IPv6
18:00.10tarzeaugrew: not really
18:00.11grewcompared to other oss os's
18:00.18tarzeaugrew: tried other kernel configs?
18:00.20AndiMhi guys! can anyone tell me what exactly provides /dev/bus/usb on a current Debian testing system? My install is 11 years old and thus it's not always fully compliant with current setups, it seems... I had a look at Ubuntu 7.04, and it seems they don't have any meta-filesystem entries in /etc/fstab any more!?
18:00.24grewtarzeau: on a regular basis
18:00.44tarzeaugrew: you can't compare a kernel to application software
18:00.45grewtarzeau: im not
18:00.45tarzeauartagnon: very good!
18:00.49tarzeauartagnon: it's really easy
18:00.49*** join/#debian RaphaelZ (
18:00.50artagnonshut up
18:00.55RaphaelZconfiguring the debians hostname
18:00.57tarzeauartagnon: fuck off
18:01.00*** join/#debian RvGaTe (
18:01.09RaphaelZdo I need to change only the hosts and hostname files in /etc?
18:01.21grewRaphaelZ: yes
18:01.21artagnonthat's all I can say
18:01.24tarzeauyou said shut up
18:01.32grewRaphaelZ: you can type hostname <host> too if you dont want to reboot
18:01.35RaphaelZgrew: are there any restarts or reload to be done?
18:01.36cuscoRaphaelZ: yes
18:01.39HardDisk_WPhow can i find out which ASCII char my keyboard sends if I press a special key?
18:01.45artagnontarzeau: it's for you to judge if that was distasteful
18:01.49grewHardDisk_WP: the kernel should report it
18:01.52grewHardDisk_WP: check dmesg
18:01.57RaphaelZshould the rdns be the same as hostname?
18:02.06ferret_0567tarzeau and artagnon: can you please both stop talking to each other?
18:02.08grewRaphaelZ: typically
18:02.19*** join/#debian thor_ (
18:02.40AndiMHardDisk_WP: on a console you may use Ctrl-V to print a keysym symbol, but that probably doesn't apply to special keys.
18:02.40ferret_0567This is getting ridiculous
18:02.48thor_Hey can i run on 256mb ram
18:02.52grewthor_: yes
18:02.53artagnonferret_0567: I don't mind. I only came here for help.
18:03.11grewthor_: a full desktop solution might be a bit laggy
18:03.12thor_is ther a mini iso install to it
18:03.24grewwhy do you need a mini iso install?
18:03.32grewsize of install != ram size
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18:03.37wols_a!tell thor_ about d-i
18:03.43AndiMHardDisk_WP: try "showkey" on a console.
18:03.50wols_grew: netinst is still the best way to install debian
18:03.58grewwols_: yes, but not required due to ram
18:04.15thor_Grew size of install and use of mb ram
18:04.16wols_thor_: stay away from kde and gnome. xfce should be ok
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18:04.30unlinkwols_: ?
18:04.32grewthor_: size of install is not related to use of ram in any way shape or form
18:04.41thor_grew is there iso whit xfce
18:04.43wols_unlink: hm?
18:04.53grewthor_: install the netisnt and install whatever you want
18:04.55wols_thor_: no. debian is not ubuntu
18:04.57grewthor_: debian has xfce
18:04.59unlinkwols_: i hit w<tab>, intended for another channe
18:05.09thor_is there link
18:05.17wols_!tell thor_ about d-o
18:05.19wols_!tell thor_ about d-i
18:05.27artagnonferret_0567: looks like tarzeau's gone anyway
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18:05.54thor_thank for the links
18:05.57HardDisk_WPtarzeau, hmm...compiling it works, but it segfaults
18:06.02unlinkartagnon: i think the schoolbus got to his house
18:06.05AndiMthor_: there's NO relation between mini iso install and desktop bloat. all it would provide is install comfort, but you can adapt any debian install whichever way you like. try icewm or xfce packages instead of kde / gnome desktops to shrink memory requirements. and 256mb is *plenty* enough for normal tasks if you properly shrink your desktop environment. even 128mb is still "usable", I think.
18:06.15tarzeauHardDisk_WP: are you root?
18:06.16vngrew, first time I meet a mate!
18:06.17artagnonunlink: :P
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18:06.24grewvn: ??
18:06.28vnI run xfce+beryl on my laptop too
18:06.31grewoh word
18:06.37thor_AndiM: can i run it with 128mb ram
18:06.42grewworks great
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18:06.51HardDisk_WPtarzeau, non
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18:07.12grewisnt that ubuntu
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18:07.32AndiMthor_: it'd work, but it's enjoyable only when tweaking things to minimal footprint and properly tuning things to be fast otherwise.
18:07.35unlinkthere isn't much that 128MB is comfortable for
18:07.38vnit is
18:07.39HardDisk_WPtarzeau, aah, found reason, I used a old version
18:07.42*** part/#debian artagnon (n=artagnon@
18:08.01HardDisk_WPtarzeau, but it doesnt work like i want :( i want the real ascii chars and not their value...
18:08.09thor_AndiM: thank
18:08.29HardDisk_WPb'cause i wanna make my own program which watchs for keystrokes on the special keys of my microsft keyboard
18:08.37AndiMthor_: i.e. tune HDD settings, remove any and all running daemons which you don't need, use minimalist desktops, ...
18:08.41tarzeauHardDisk_WP: it's not their value, it's the keyboard controller code
18:08.42*** join/#debian SilverWolf (n=SilverWo@
18:08.46tarzeauHardDisk_WP: read the source, adapt it to your needs
18:08.51tarzeauHardDisk_WP: or pay me to do it for you ;)
18:08.52*** join/#debian Zarock (
18:08.53thor_but can i not make a install whit only xfce
18:08.59AndiMthor_: ...and use a -ck kernel if possible.
18:08.59HardDisk_WPtarzeau, *g*
18:09.00*** mode/#debian [+l 777] by debhelper
18:09.08HardDisk_WPi am no Cccccccccccccccccccccch4xx0r
18:09.14HardDisk_WPoops, wtf happend with y  key
18:09.14wols_AndiM: you are talking to someone new to debian without a clue about linux there
18:09.29tarzeauHardDisk_WP: that happens when multiple people try to acccess the keyboard controller :)
18:09.30wols_thor_: you can.
18:09.36*** join/#debian _wall (
18:09.52EulexHardDisk_WP, why not use klineakd or xbindkeys?
18:10.10wols_thor_: start with a netinstall and install xfce later with aptitude. do not use tasksel as presented on install
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18:10.26thor_AndiM: hehe i am not so good to that so i dont know what a-ck is
18:10.37wols_thor_: ignore it. not needed
18:10.50wols_AndiM: not a debian package. it's OT
18:11.01HardDisk_WPEulex, what is klineakd? I cand find it in debian repos
18:11.30AndiMthor_:  Or, IOW, don't bother about it. it's just very helpful for small-sized boxes once you know what you're doing :)
18:11.39thor_wolfyes netinstall can you give apt-get so i get xorg xfce synaptic
18:11.58*** part/#debian ferret_0567 (
18:12.07Decepticonwhat packages are installed when you do net-inst and choose the 'desktop' type of install
18:12.25wols_Decepticon: gnome. man tasksel to see exactly what
18:13.08thor_hmm you are a great help it is the help i have get THANKS
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18:13.40thor_oop the best help
18:14.46wols_thor_: xfce x-window-system synaptic
18:15.35unlinki can confirm that cd burning does indeed work, since i can burn data cds with wodim as user, but i cannot explain why banshee and brasero don't work
18:15.54liran_I'm at a painful situation where I have in the past installed php5 for sarge using backports and now that it is available in sarge when I try to install php5-imap it's a whole mess i.e apt wants to remove libapache2-mod-php5 and then re-install (I'm assuming it wants to re-install sarge's official version, etc...)
18:16.03liran_any easy way to resolve it?
18:16.15thor_wolf apt-get install xorg xfce4 synaptic
18:16.26HardDisk_WPhmpf, xbindkeys doesnt capture some of the function keys
18:16.32quitteliran_: don't you mean etch?
18:17.26*** join/#debian hunst (
18:17.27liran_quitte: no I mean sarge :)
18:17.28liran_quitte: I'm on sarge right now.
18:17.36hunsthello everyone !
18:18.00wols_liran_: there is no php5 is sarge and never will be, ever
18:18.18*** join/#debian CharminTheMoose (
18:18.20wols_liran_: you do know etch is stable and sarge is oldstable?
18:18.27liran_I've used apt-setup to setup new sources for my sarge and I just noticed that it changed my sources to be   "deb stable main"
18:18.35liran_wols_: yeap ofcourse.
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18:18.45hunstI have a little problem : I have install a debian sid+xfce4.4 . But, I don't know how to turn off the screensaver
18:18.57wols_liran_: that new line means it's etch. NOT sarge. so wheneever you install something now, it's wetch
18:19.05liran_wols_: first of all, so for going back to sarge it should be deb sarge main ?
18:19.09liran_wetch lol :)
18:19.16wols_liran_: yes
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18:19.41liran_wols_: cool just did and I'm re-updating my sources.
18:20.03wols_liran_: just keep in mind after next april, there won't be any security updates for sarge anymore
18:20.07liran_wols_: what's the best way to fix this conflict then? I'm on sarge with php5 backports and I want to move to etch then...?
18:20.33wols_!tell liran_ about sarge->etch
18:20.54wols_liran_: your best bet is to remove the backports and reinstall the proper packages from etch
18:21.13wols_e.g. remove backports, update to etch, reinstall php5 and the likes
18:21.26quitteliran_: the configuration files are not removed when removing a package unless yopu purge the package.
18:21.34cuscowols_: I just installed the new kernel (finally) hehe - now before I reboot, is there any chance to compile the madwifi modules for that kernel, while usng the old kernel?
18:21.34liran_wols_: sounds like a painful task :P
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18:22.01wols_cusco: yes. m-a can do it but don't ask me how. read the manpage/docs
18:22.07liran_well it's a production system I use for hosting a few websites so it doesn't seem to be going as smooth as I thought, that's all that bothers me.
18:22.21cuscowols_: are you sure it can be compiled on the old kernel and put into the new kernel?
18:22.30cuscoso when I reboot, it is going to be loaded
18:22.42wols_cusco: I am sure
18:22.50quitteliran_: depending on how much it is in production you should maybe stick with sarge
18:23.00wols_you can tell it to compile for the new kernel while still running the old one
18:23.01quitteliran_: or at least hav a good backup
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18:23.27quitteliran_: it is likely to just work.
18:23.29liran_quitte: it's not a business or something like that, just that I'm currently swamped with work and project and I don't have the time to deal with it if it breaks and I don't want to get annoying emails from my friends :)
18:23.53wols_liran_: then wait. you have another 10 months time to do it
18:24.00quitteliran_: so delay it until you have that extra time to fix it in case it breaks
18:24.20liran_yep I'm gonna wait a little bit even though I need that php5-imap for some app
18:24.28somianLord, on #gnu we've got a guy who wants to know if he can distribute GPLed s'w on toilet paper, and here we've got CharminTheMoose. I think IRC is down the toilet now.
18:24.36liran_or just install it from backports and that's it for now.
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18:25.04CharminTheMoosesomian, hey what did i do?
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18:25.28liran_php5 backports for sarge would be deb sarge-backports main right?
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18:26.59somianYou were born, CharminTheMoose.
18:27.14somianThat is, your irc alter-ego was born.
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18:27.27CharminTheMoosesomian, just because i'm a moose doesn't mean you gotta discriminate..
18:27.34furrywolfI can be FluffySnuggly the Wolf if you want.  :P
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18:28.15somianThere was a Furry Wolf on CSI Las Vegas the other night. He caused someone's death.
18:28.44somianOtherwise it was one of the most hilarious epis I've ever seen.
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18:29.51cuscoI am unable to find module assistant documentation on how to compile a module for another kernel version
18:31.09furrywolfsigh, yet another tv show to grossly misrepresent furry fandom.
18:31.19cuscoon the it says that is powerfull but underdocumented tool
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18:31.41vin`cusco: man m-a look at -k
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18:32.26cuscois there anyway that I can compile the madwifi mopdules (using m-a OR NOT) - for the kernel version that I am about to boot? (different from the one that I am running)
18:33.09cuscoI don't have m-a installed... I was thinking that if m-a could do-it so could I like compiling it normally
18:33.32cuscoit is going to be a pain installing m-a until I deal with my unmet dependencys
18:34.15sam_hi. the netinstall cd hangs at install with the message: "PCI: Sharing IRQ 11 with 0000:00:0a.0" what can i do? (ibm x21)
18:34.53furrywolfsam_:  google for "ibm x21 linux"...  or try pci=noacpi
18:35.07quittesam_: might help
18:35.48cuscosam_: try booting with pci=noacpi
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18:36.26AndiMsam_: or maybe pci=routeirq or acpi=off or others.
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18:38.44sam_quitte, thinkwiki did'nt help
18:39.17sam_cusco, pci=noapci did'nt work
18:40.05cuscoperhabs take out the conflicting pci card :P
18:40.29cuscotry go on the bios and say the OS is not Plug&Play
18:40.31cuscoor vise-versa
18:40.54sam_cusco, its a thinkpad, how do i figure out which is the confloicting card?
18:41.06cuscooops sorry
18:41.06*** join/#debian Sufixx (n=sufixx@
18:41.35quittesam_: how did you connect the cdrom?
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18:42.24sam_quitte, via docking station
18:43.24quittesam_: if it supports booting from an usb stick i'd try that
18:43.32Sufixxhi, since upgrade to etch my usb-bluetooth doesn't work :(
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18:46.26Sufixxsystem doesn't detect bluetooth usb device
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18:48.36sam_quitte, how do i find that out?
18:49.14SufixxSupaplex: yes usb
18:49.48quittesam_: check in the bios
18:50.01SupaplexSufixx: if you can paste one line, show us the device from lsusb
18:50.04soneilIs it still sane to install from the first CD only (offline machine)?  and can I achieve a sane build system with just that first?
18:50.27Supaplexsoneil: will it have network access sooner or later?
18:50.51soneilSupaplex: As soon as I can get the wifi on a mac/intel working.
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18:51.11Supaplexsoneil: sure, that'll do fine.
18:51.15SufixxSupaplex: empty :/
18:51.19Supaplexsoneil: there's also netinst
18:51.20quittesam_: from a forum:According to IBM/Lenovo, BIOS version 2.07 for X20/X21 enables boot from an "IBM USB Portable CD-ROM drive".
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18:52.34SufixxSupaplex: sufixx:~# lsusb   sufixx:~#
18:52.41soneilSupaplex: Thanks.  I haven't installed from CD since potato, and 21 ISOs is rather daunting
18:52.48SupaplexSufixx: is your usb host controller loaded?
18:53.25sam_quitte, i don't have a usb cdrom. do you mean i could also install it with a stick?
18:53.52Supaplexsoneil: yes it is. thanks for asking =) but if you haven't downloaded anything yet, netinst is usually fine.  I'm not sure about wifi, maybe cd1 is better, because it'll probly have tools you might need.  what wifi card is it?
18:53.54sam_quitte, (i don't think so, there is no option for that)
18:53.59quittesam_: i'D be very surprised if they added support for booting from an usb cdrom but forgot about sticks
18:54.26quittesam_: do you have 2.07 bios or later?
18:54.26Supaplexsam_: the install guide tells you how to setup a usb stick for installing.
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18:54.45Decepticoni just foudn out debian etch uses vim.tiny... if i wanted to replace vim.tiny with, say, the full vim, and get rid of vim.tiny what would i do?
18:54.46quittesam_: if not you should update your bios in any case. it's likely that fixes the problem you had in the first place
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18:55.26Azarhmmm usb sticks, I am tempted since I never managed to do burn a cd or dvd
18:55.40quittesam_: in other words. update your bios unless you already have the latest version
18:55.51sam_quitte, it's the last version
18:55.56Supaplexor if you still have windows installed (it'll resize partitions to)
18:56.07SufixxSupaplex: I don't know - how to do it?
18:56.14*** join/#debian RaphaelZ1 (
18:56.23AzarDecepticon: aptitude remove <unwanted package>, aptitude install <wanted package>
18:56.51EulexDecepticon, lineakd
18:56.52RaphaelZ1hey, how can I make a command and print the prints in series, so that I can see them all?
18:56.52SupaplexSufixx: use and show us lspci -nn (but only paste the url of it here)
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18:56.52AzarEulex: what is that ? :)
18:57.24thor_I download debian-40r0-i386-xfce-CD-1.iso (torrent) so i hobe that it can run on 256mb(i have dumb ubuntu because it unstable)
18:57.35soneilSupaplex: I'm not entirely sure.  from installing ubuntu, it appeared to be Atheros-based.   It identifies itself just as 0x168C, 0x87.
18:57.39Supaplexthor_: 256mb ram, or disk?
18:57.45DecepticonEulex whats that
18:58.03thor_superaplex is 256 mb ram
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19:00.16SupaplexSufixx: I think you need uhci-hcd loaded, but I'm not completely sure. try lsmod | grep hcd
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19:00.20Azarthor_: yes it manages to run on 256mb ram
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19:01.03RaphaelZ1hey, how can I make a command and print the prints in series, so that I can see them all??
19:01.09Supaplexsoneil: atheros is madwifi.
19:01.16thor_azar great thank
19:01.16*** part/#debian L|NUX (n=linux@unaffiliated/lnux/x-10290)
19:01.31sam_quitte, other ideas?
19:01.33SupaplexRaphaelZ1: print from where? a shell script? man bash, see 'set -x'
19:01.38SufixxSupaplex: uhci_hcd               33136  0   \\   usbcore               118980  3 uhci_hcd      humph..
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19:02.15bolataxhelp! i have a compact flash on my motherboard and i've installed linux on it and its bootable, however when it boots i get 10 times the error dma_expire .. driveready seekcomplete datarequest Error.. however my linux is booting and finally working, but sometimes i get these messages. when i boot with ide=nodma then i don't get the messages.. how can i fix my linux to boot my compact flash without dma errors (my compact flash support
19:02.18RaphaelZ1Supaplex: I mean when I do a command it prints say 500 lines, and I can only see 200 of them. How can I get the printed lines to be printed in series so that i can see them?
19:02.56SupaplexRaphaelZ1: ls -l | less
19:03.06quittesam_: first I'd go through all the helpscreens of the installer and try possibly related options. then I'd try a linux that is listed as known to work on thinkwiki.
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19:03.59EulexDecepticon & Azar, apt-cache show lineakd ?
19:04.44sam_quitte, tried the whole day fsck'ing boot options, debian and ubuntu are known to work, debian fails with the more informative screen :/
19:05.00somianbolatax: just use ide=nodma that's the fix
19:05.27quittesam_: have you tried ubuntu 7.04?
19:05.42Supaplexbolatax: edit /boot/grub/menu.lst
19:05.53sam_quitte, yep
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19:05.55jelly-homesam_: possibly a newer kernel might be better
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19:06.25quittesam_: from the thinkwiki:At the installer's boot screen, F6 and enter a boot parameter of "debian-installer/probe/usb=false" (don't use quotes)
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19:06.51quittesam_: but from your description it doesnt even get that far
19:07.11sam_quitte, yes
19:07.27jelly-homebolatax: possibly a newer kernel might be better
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19:07.53Supaplexsam_: expert mode will give you more control.  I don't think it'll do much for the issue though
19:08.09sam_Supaplex, already tried expert moede, same problem
19:08.22quittesam_: hereyou can get more recent snapshots:
19:09.11Supaplexsam_: is there anything you can set in the bios? maybe you can pin those irqs down yourself. I've heard thinkpads dumping everything on irq2 before. that gets "real fun(tm)"
19:09.43*** join/#debian CharminTheMoose (
19:10.04btynerI'm using kernel version 2.6.12; originally, I had debian sarge. Over the last month I've done some upgrading and now have etch. However, I have two problems: (1) my .bashrc and .bash_profile are no longer getting loaded, and (2) my usb mouse no longer works (I guess that's because the new udev requires a newer kernel than mine. I figure (1) is a simple fix but don't know what to do since I...
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19:10.05btyner...never had that happen with any distro before. For (2), I'm wondering can I go back to the old udev, or will I have to do a kernel upgrade? Thanks
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19:10.41sam_Supaplex, i can set the irc to annother number, but it yust shows the prolem with the new number
19:10.47quittebtyner: just do the kernel upgrade
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19:10.56jelly-homebtyner: use the kernel from etch
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19:11.38jelly-homeno idea about (1)
19:11.43btynerwell, the thing is, another guy set this machine up originally, and I think he had sort of customized the kernel modules or something and I worry about breaking things.
19:11.44Supaplexsam_: my goodness. it's a pill huh?
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19:12.26CharminTheMooseI installed a bunch of gtk themes and i selected one of them and then got rid of them all 'cos it didn't do what i wanted it to do and now my cursor is all 'gnome-enised' how do i fix my cursor back to it's default black?
19:12.37quittebtyner: installing another kernel won'T remove kernels that are already there
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19:12.52sam_Supaplex, don't get it
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19:13.07btynerquitte: OK, can I use apt-get or aptitude to do the kernel upgrade? Which do you recommend?
19:13.07Supaplexsam_: "pill" as in a very big pain in the ass.
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19:13.42sam_Supaplex, ok. yeah, you can't imagine the pain
19:13.43Supaplexsam_: is there any other kernel known to work with it? debian or otherwise?
19:13.43aroonihow do i restart apache 2.2 on debian etch?
19:13.52somianbtyner: which do you like?
19:13.55jelly-homebtyner: which cpu do you have?
19:14.00Supaplexarooni: /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
19:14.11quittebtyner: both work
19:14.24Quintin_phresh_: just a sec.. :)
19:14.32arooniwhat can i do about all the commands i need to remember?
19:14.37aroonialias them?
19:14.38sam_Supaplex, knoppix 5.1.1 works if i supress udev (means: it boots up, but Konsole etc is not fully usable)
19:14.43Quintin_phresh_: just a min
19:14.51Supaplexarooni: just learn them.
19:15.05btynerquitte: the machine is a thinkpad t43. /proc/cpuinfo says  Intel(R) Pentium(R) M processor 1.73GHz. can I do it from a terminal in gnome or should I drop back to a lower runlevel?
19:15.20Supaplexsam_: does a pre udev kernel work?
19:15.26sam_arooni, you 'll need that /etc/init.d scripts all the time
19:15.28jelly-homebtyner: linux-image-2.6-686 is for you, then
19:15.33arooniwhat does cp -i do ?
19:15.42arooniit says 'prevent mistakes '
19:15.48arooniin my .bashrc file
19:15.50quittebtyner: you can even do it with synaptics
19:15.53Supaplexarooni: man cp
19:16.04btynerjelly-home: what apt-get or aptitude command will work best
19:16.14*** join/#debian Jasmine\17 (n=MaViLiM@
19:16.27sam_Supaplex, dsl (kernel 2.4.20(?)) does also hang at the hardware autoconfig
19:16.32Supaplexarooni: there's actually a script called invoke-rc.d that operates similar to redhat's "services" script. it just called /etc/init.d/$service $what
19:16.34jelly-homebtyner: uh, the usual.  aptitude update && aptitude install linux-image-2.6-686
19:16.56jelly-homebtyner: or apt-get, whichever's your fancy
19:17.00btynerjelly-home: OK thanks I'll give it a try
19:17.16Decepticoni installed vim-full, its kinda slow. anyway to make it faster
19:17.27Decepticonit opens up kinda slow
19:17.53somianHave not seen that problem, Decepticon. What's "slow"?
19:17.56jelly-homebtyner: note that the non-free kernel modules, if you have any, will fail to work with the new kernel.  This might include wifi, graphic card or modem functionality
19:18.07Decepticonsomian, takes 1.5 second for vi to open
19:18.07Supaplexsam_: have you searched for the message "PCI: Sharing IRQ 11 with" ?
19:18.18arooniif i edit the .bashrc file... is there a way of force reloading it without having to log off/log in to my remote server again?
19:18.24*** join/#debian Nazxul (
19:18.25somianTerrible, terrible. How can you live with that?
19:18.34Supaplexarooni: source .bashrc
19:18.42CharminTheMooseI installed a bunch of gtk themes and i selected one of them and then got rid of them all 'cos it didn't do what i wanted it to do and now my cursor is all 'gnome-enised' how do i fix my cursor back to it's default black?
19:18.43btynerjelly-home: once aptitude is done, I guess I need to reboot? Will the new kernel show up in GRUB?
19:18.46sam_Supaplex, you mean while the bootup?
19:18.47Decepticonsomian well, i was used to vi opening as soon as i typed vi but that was vi-tiny
19:18.58jelly-homebtyner: yes and yes (well, it should)
19:19.13Supaplexsam_: on google. I'm sure there are mailing lists posts about it all over the place.
19:19.18quittesam_: do you have any pcmcia cards installed?
19:20.07btynerit says Your /etc/kernel-img.conf needs to be updated. Read grub's NEWS.Debia n[1]
19:20.08btynerfile and follow its instructions.
19:20.31btynerand You shouldn't call /sbin/update-grub. Please call /usr/sbin/update-gr ub instead!
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19:20.46btynerbut otherwise nothing that looks too serious
19:20.57jelly-homebtyner: the second lines means you have /sbin before /usr/sbin in the PATH
19:21.31jelly-homebtyner: the first one is self-explanatory ;-)
19:22.09quittebtyner: /usr/share/doc/grub/NEWS.Debian.gz
19:22.14jelly-homeI guess he rebooted
19:22.16sam_quitte, no pcmcia cards installed.
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19:23.15quittesam_: ell maybe without the dockingstation. but im toaly out of ideas. so is google as it seems. fix it! this is driving me crazy
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19:23.24xingusam_: 0000:00:0a.0 on x21 is the NIC
19:23.55sam_xingu, i know. with knoppix (and supressing udev to be able to boot) the nic is working perfect
19:24.20ndeecan anyone tell me the update procedure from sarge->etch? I tried /msg dpkg sarge->etch but he didn't answer :(
19:24.27xingusam_: in the log lines immediately prior, what peripheral is being initialised?
19:24.34sam_if i disable the irq slot, the x21 does'nt boot
19:24.40dpkgwell, sarge->etch is read the etch release notes: ; the recommended upgrade procedure for sarge->etch is no longer as simple as running "aptitude dist-upgrade", please follow the prodedure in the release notes.  also ask me about <security>
19:24.46xingusam_: we know what is being shared with, but we don't know what is triggering the sharing
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19:27.29xingusam_: nb: this guy (how's your shift-jis/ kanji?) seems to have given up and booted knoppix then debootstrapped debian from there.
19:28.44sam_xingu,isapnp finds no devices, he loads a serial driver, "pnp: Device 00:0b activated\n00:0b: ttyS0 at I/O 0x3f8 (irq=4) is a 16550a\n ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKC]] enabled at IRQ 9 \nACPI: PCI Interrupt 0000:00:0a[A] -> Link [LNKC] -> GSI 9 (level, low) -> IRQ 9
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19:29.02aroonihow do i install the Proxy module for apache 2.2?
19:30.11xingusam_: ok well it's just possible that there's something lunatic going on as a result of the NIC on the docking bay which I have a suspicion might be on the other side of a pci<->pci bridge
19:30.58bolataxhello, how can i disable the blank screen after some minutes in the shell??
19:31.16xingusam_: I find it quite telling that that guy ^^^ has bootstreapped from a knoppix cd rather than using the debian installer.
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19:31.28ndeehow would you guys upgrade a server from sarge->etch if you can only connect via ssh?
19:31.44dpkghmm... sarge->etch is read the etch release notes: ; the recommended upgrade procedure for sarge->etch is no longer as simple as running "aptitude dist-upgrade", please follow the prodedure in the release notes.  also ask me about <security>
19:31.46Roninndee: same as you would locally but just a bit more riskier
19:32.02ndeeRonin: yeah, it IS a little bit riskier :D
19:32.23sepskindee, upgreades are allways done over ssh. console is just for when things have broken :)
19:32.24sam_xingu, knoppix installed on hd (from another person, i think before the error appeared) does also hang at the udev thing
19:32.45ndeesepski: hehe
19:33.06ndeeif that server runs with kernel 2.4, do you guys think that 2.6 will also support all the hardware?
19:33.37sam_xingu, so i think there is more rotten than the debian installer (i don't know it THIS installer is rotten...)
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19:34.51xingusam_: yes, I agree; I'm guessing that it's a kernel issue with the kernel on the installer cd
19:35.00quittesam_: I have seen the mini-pci nic in a t21 cause trouble before. That guy eventually replaced it
19:35.34xingusam_: and my money would be on some pci<->pci<->peripheral funkiness
19:35.40somianI have to build a kernel module from source:
19:35.48sam_quitte, is it difficult to unscrew it?
19:36.15somianFirst they say to build an rpm using rpmbuild then convert it to a deb using alien. Fine, but the rpmbuild step fails
19:36.16sam_xingu, so you think i should try to debootstrap from knoppix?
19:36.19quittesam_: if the x21 is like the t21 it's pretty much trivial.
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19:36.23liran_what a mess, php5-mysqli has been removed and can't be installed cause php5-mysql is supposed to replace it
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19:36.56quittesam_: are there 2 covers at the bottom? if so one is for ram and the other is mini pci
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19:37.40xingusam_: it's a thought and a possible way forward if you can get knoppix booted and your cdrom and hdd mounted...
19:37.45btynerjelly-home:just wanted to say thanks -- after the reboot, I had a kernel panic, but after changing hda1 to sda1 in menu.lst the new kernel boots fine and my mouse is working
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19:37.57Wyzardliran_: so install php5-mysql
19:38.10xingusam_: probably less painful to remove the minipci wlan card if it has one first though.
19:38.53sam_quitte, there is only one cover
19:38.58btynerthough I am a little concerned, df /
19:38.59btynerFilesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
19:39.01btyner/dev/sda1              6627364   6246628     38648 100% /
19:39.24liran_Wyzard: that's the thing, php5-mysql is installed :)
19:39.26WyzardHaving your root filesystem completely full generally isn't a good thing
19:39.26btynerwhat's a good thing to delete from / to free up space after a kernel upgrade?
19:40.02WyzardDid you uninstall the old kernel package?
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19:40.26WyzardAlso, "apt-get clean" if you haven't done that lately
19:40.33btynerok I'll try that
19:41.12btynerdf /
19:41.14btynerFilesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
19:41.16btyner/dev/sda1              6627364   5011924   1273352  80% /
19:41.30Wyzardlooks like you hadn't run "apt-get clean" in awhile
19:41.38Wyzardbtw, "df -h /" gives nicer-looking output
19:41.56btynerguess not -- hey nice suggestion about the -h
19:42.06clavi've run into a dependancy loop involving glibc and a 2.6 kernel
19:42.19clavlibc6_2.6 fails as i need to move to kernel 2.6
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19:43.24clavbut 2.6 fails as i never completed the glibc install
19:43.48clavk maybe its not a dependancy loop, but i'm stuck (i'll just paste to flood :)
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19:45.14xandclav: please use pastebin not #flood
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19:45.37clavxand, is pastebin a channel i'm assuming?
19:45.46dpkgPlease don't paste more than 3 lines here in the channel, use instead: or or or for pics. --- Also ask me: pastebin pipe
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19:46.09wols_clav: install a 2.6 kernel with dpkg -i
19:46.31btynerwith etch, one thing that is still bugging me is on bootup, gnome starts automatically. How can I disable this?
19:46.37clavwols_, thats what i was thinking, just dowload the deb you think
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19:46.49ndeeok, on that server, I had sarge installed, I never touched the sources.list file. So now, I did a apt-get install mysql-server5.0 and it did install, but it seems like it is a "etch" package. Can this cause some problems in the future?
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19:47.09clavwols_, cept kernel-image depends on linux_image depends on, etc
19:47.09wols_clav: a etch 2.6 kernel tho
19:47.19xandoh cock
19:47.22tarzeaudoes someone know the movie "the transporter"?
19:47.23Azarndee: because your sources say "stable" you should replace them with "sarge"
19:47.27tarzeauxand: like penis?
19:47.33xandtarzeau: yes I do.
19:47.36xandbut that's not what I meant
19:48.05xandI don't think apt-proxy will work too well on my new router with 512MB storage :D
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19:48.22Azarndee, after you edit your sources.list to "sarge", aptitude remove mysql-server5.0 and try again
19:48.44Azarndee: errr apt-get remove....
19:48.59ndeeAzar: so I would have to install a backport of mysql-server5.0?
19:49.00somianAha, those Ximeta folks provided a .deb files in a different location. I'm ok.
19:49.13Azarndee: if you stay with sarge, yes.
19:49.21ndeeAzar: ok
19:49.36somianGood thing I didn't need help with rpmbuild / alien cause no one here was jumping to help me ;-D
19:49.58jelly-homebtyner: sata disk, huh? great
19:50.40ndeeAzar: I uninstalled mysql-server5.0 but the mysql 5.0 server still runs.
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19:51.02Azarndee: you first stop the running application, then remove it :)
19:51.08ndeeAzar: ok :D
19:51.50ndeeAzar: where could I get such a backport of mysql-server5.0?
19:51.52clavso i'm trying dpkg -i kernel-image-2.6 but it depends on linux-image-2.6, do i follow the rabbit down the dependancy hole?
19:52.34Azarclav: on etch it is now called "linux-image" .. not "kernel-image"
19:52.37illokernel-image is not the old name for linux-image, so a virtual package?
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19:52.56clavthis a a dumb question but is testing still etch?
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19:53.03illois kernel-image not the old name for linux-image, so a virtual package?
19:53.15Azarclav: etch has become the official Debian stable distro on April 18
19:53.26jelly-homendee: well, if you already have installed mysql-server from etch, chances are other important parts of the system were upgraded too (like libc6)
19:53.40clavcrap no wonder my upgrades are acting weird
19:53.48Azarthose who had "stable" on their sources list were silently moved/mixed packages from sarge with etch
19:54.03clavso testing is now?
19:54.05ndeejelly-home: ok. So.... what can I do? I'm totally confused haha
19:54.06jelly-homeclav: lenny is the new testing
19:54.21Azarclav: use the distro name "sarge" , "etch" on your sources list, not "stable" "testing"
19:54.26jelly-homendee: if this isn't a production machine, I suggest upgrading to etch
19:54.29btynerhey after I installed the new kernel, it said to follow the instructions in README.Debian[1] or somesuch. Where can I find this?
19:54.39Azarclav: the testing is Lenny look at topic ^^^
19:54.42clavAzar, thanks thats good advice
19:54.44jelly-homendee: /msg dpkg sarge->etch
19:55.10clavi need to fix this 2.6 / glibc issue before a dist-upgrade though
19:55.11somianbtyner: did you reboot already?
19:55.24somianThen everything is probably fine, eh?
19:55.25ndeejelly-home: it's a staging server but... I somehow just hate those upgrade because ALWAYS something wrong will happen...
19:55.48btynereverything seems OK, I just wanted to cross my ts etc
19:55.52somianbtyner: if I had to guess I'd say a file under /usr/share/doc/<pkg-name>
19:56.02jelly-homendee: well, that's a given.  However the release notes cover a good number of things that can go wrong
19:56.09somianA file named README.Debian that is.
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19:56.22Azarclav: edit your sources, and try  aptitude update,  aptitude upgrade. If it fixes, change "sarge" to "etch" and dist-upgrade after reading the release notes
19:56.27ndeejelly-home: ok. I just gonna follow that tutorial.
19:56.40tonyhi all
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19:56.54tonyI'm having a sound problem on a new install, was wondering if anybody might be able to advise
19:57.09Azartony: new install of what?
19:57.30jelly-homendee: I've never heard of that site.  I strongly suggest reading the official documentation.
19:57.31Azarsound problems? no sound? what sound application you use?
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19:57.38tonyno sound at all
19:57.41somianI find /usr/share/doc/linux-headers-2.6.20-14/README.gz btyner -- but that's on my Ubuntu machine
19:57.42ndeejelly-home: ok
19:57.47Azartony: what application? xmms?
19:57.47tonyand I tried to install a newer version of alsa
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19:57.56Azartony: you better don't
19:58.01Azarnewer means worse
19:58.04tonyyeah, I realize that now
19:58.12btynersomian: is there a way to read that without ungzipping?
19:58.13tonywhen it's not even acting like it's working
19:58.16somianbtyner: dpkg -L <pkg-name> is yo friend :-}
19:58.20Azartony: how did you install it?
19:58.29somianzless I think does that, btyner
19:58.29tonycompiled the kernel module from source
19:58.45Azaryou messed it up, etch comes with alsa and it works.
19:58.48somianor gunzip -C <file-path>|less
19:58.53tonywell it wasn't working
19:58.57tonyit was acting like it was though
19:58.59clavk its official, i can't dpkg -i linux-image-2.6, the base config is off
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19:59.00tonydidn't give any errors
19:59.05tonyjust didn't play any sound
19:59.06Azartony: we do not compile things on Debian stable: we grab the precompiled packages
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19:59.25btynersomian: thanks much
19:59.27Supaplextony: you'd hate yourself if it was a low/muted volume thing.
20:00.35tonynah, it wasn't ;)
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20:00.35tonyI checked the mixer first
20:00.35somianIf you want to compile, go play with RH/CentOS/FC! :-P
20:00.36Azarhe "compiled" the thing, mannnnn
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20:00.36Supaplexor genpoo
20:00.36somianbtyner: no problem
20:00.36wols_clav: download an etch kernel. and linux-image-2.6 is NOT a kernel .deb
20:00.36jelly-homenothing wrong with compiling, where needed
20:00.36somianthat's right, genpoo :-O
20:00.36tonyyeah, well gcc doesn't even come with debian
20:00.36tonywtf is that about
20:00.36ndeeboah, I just hope that I don't have to press a button when the server reboots...
20:00.37Azarjelly-home: if you are up on testing, or unstable.. but in stable?
20:00.37Wyzardtony: Sure it does, it's just not installed by default
20:00.37Thorrn4hello, gtk+ programs seem faded and the menu parts seem block-y. Is there a way to fix this?
20:00.37Supaplex!tell tony about installit
20:00.37wols_tony: you are very mistaken
20:00.37jelly-homeAzar: pack borts.
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20:00.37clavwols_, where would i find an etch kernel?
20:00.38tonyok, so it comes on the cd
20:00.39Azarjelly-home: hehe
20:00.45tonybut it's not installed by defaut
20:00.45wols_clav: on
20:00.55illoi have a firewire drive, after blacklisting eth over 1394 it works if present at boot time. That is, it is recognized and i can plug it off and replug no problems. If it's not present at boot it's not hotpluggable. What can be wrong? bios? udev? me?
20:01.00Wyzardtony: because not all Debian systems need or even want a compiler
20:01.01tonyand anybody trying to compile anything without prior knowledge will be confused by it not being there
20:01.04wols_clav: possibly 2.6.18-4 from lenny might work too
20:01.05Azartony: on Debian stable you use apt-get or aptitude install <package> and is DONE
20:01.08Azarno need to compile
20:01.18tonyyeah, except when it's not available as a binary
20:01.21tonylike ndiswrapper
20:01.28Wyzardndiswrapper is packaged
20:01.30wols_tony: debian doesn't install X by default either. nor gnome nor a thousand other things
20:01.31tonyas a source
20:01.32somianIt's so amazingly trivial to get gcc onto your Debian system.
20:01.34clavwols_, is in not a linux-image ? i tried dpkg -i linux-image-2.6.18-4-686_2.6.18.dfsg.1-12_i386.deb
20:01.36tarzeautony: no as binary
20:01.43Supaplextony: some systems have extremely limited resources, gcc doesn't belong in the base install.
20:01.50Azartony: it seems like you are coming from the gentooland: here we usually don't compile things
20:01.50wols_clav: that is the right one. what was the output?
20:02.02tonyI am a very new linux user
20:02.04jelly-hometony: any confused souls can read the documentation and learn how to search, then install build-essential or somethin
20:02.07Azarprecompiled, packaged ready to install
20:02.12Azartony: ah
20:02.23clavwols_, i got a curses screen saying my base config was wrong and the system would break if it tried to install
20:02.24jelly-home!tell tony -about search
20:02.32wols_tony: debian is a kind of "mix and match" distro. it onlyinstalls the bare minimum by default and the rest is up to you
20:02.39somiantony: debian is so much easier to add software to that, say, MS Windows, that maybe this ease of use is what's confusing you.
20:02.43somianto than*
20:02.47tarzeauwols_: the default is a desktop install which is huge
20:02.52tonyI find that amusing
20:02.52wols_clav: try an etch kernel then
20:02.52Azartony: etch is coming with alsa, and is working. Those Debian versions (older) that don't have alsa install with alsa one-liner
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20:02.53tonybut ok
20:02.54somianI am not joking either.
20:02.55Wyzardbut "the rest" still comes from packages provided by Debian
20:03.04Wyzardnot by compiling stuff from source
20:03.10tonyok, well alsa definitely wasn't working
20:03.15tonyneither was oss
20:03.25sam_wow. it's working without LAN card
20:03.27wols_tarzeau: isn't there a tasksel thingie where you have to select desktop? and where you also can select gcc?
20:03.45tarzeauwols_: the desktop shit is selected by default, isn't it?
20:03.50clavwols_, i thought that was an etch kernel, does that mean lower than 2.6.18?
20:03.51wols_tarzeau: I must admit, long time since I used anything but a netinst. and netinst always had this
20:03.51Azartony: you do not need oss when installing alsa. By default oss loads at bootup and blocks alsa.
20:03.51dpkgYour /etc/apt/sources.list should have a line like "deb http://ftp.<cc> etch main contrib non-free" where <cc> is your country code. Be sure to run "apt-get update" after editing sources.list in order to refresh your database. Also see <mirrors> <etch security> <testing security> and /usr/share/doc/apt/examples/sources.list
20:03.53quittesam_: great. that's at least a start. do you have a pcmcia ethernet card?
20:04.13Azartony: /etc/modules should have the oss module commented and replaced with alsa module
20:04.16wols_tarzeau: I gues it is. but when that screen comes I press cacnel as fast as I find the key
20:04.30sam_quitte, a wlan card. but do you think the card or something other is defect?
20:04.32WyzardAzar: A fresh install of etch wouldn't have any OSS modules in use
20:04.46tonywell it did, and I didn't install it
20:04.46wols_clav: no I mean a 2.6.18 kernel from etch. not from lenny
20:04.49AzarWyzard: oh, thanks for the tip, so they disabled it huh..
20:05.00wols_tony: you are wrong
20:05.08WyzardI'd imagine so, considering that OSS is deprecated in favor of ALSA, and has been for a long time
20:05.13Azartony: reinstall etch and don't try to get a "newer" alsa
20:05.15tonyok, so why did it show up in the mixer settings then?
20:05.24clavwols_, how do they differ on though, i just get kernel-architecture numbers
20:05.31quittesam_: I'm absolutely clueless where the problem comes from. I've seen it before and gave up on it.
20:05.33wols_tony: chances are you saw the ALSA oss emulation
20:05.39AzarDebian Etch "just works" with what it comes
20:05.52wols_clav: there are testing repos and stable repos. different places
20:05.55Wyzardtony: ALSA has an OSS emulation layer, for use by applications that use the OSS interface for playing sound
20:06.03tonyok that makes sense
20:06.15Azarsnd-pcm-oss < alsa module that emulates oss
20:08.03tonydamn, I guess I have to go through the entire install again
20:08.03WyzardIt's basically an OSS driver that talks to ALSA rather than directly to hardware
20:08.03wols_tony: why?
20:08.03sam_ok, the knoppix installed on harddisk works a little bit..
20:08.03tonywell reinstalling won't give me sound
20:08.04Azarwols_: because he installed a binary and can't rid of it now
20:08.04tonyso I guess I'm as good as where I Was
20:08.04Wyzardtony: What kind of sound card do you have?
20:08.04wols_ah. he fucked up his alsa by stupidity. oh well
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20:08.04tonywow, you're a dick
20:08.05WyzardIt might just be an unsupported one, like the new SoundBlaster X-Fi (I think)
20:08.05tonygreat way to bring users to the community
20:08.05tarzeau!penixstrike tony
20:08.05dpkgA towering Penix descends from the heavens, knocking tony to the ground and leaving a large wet spot.
20:08.05Wyzardwols_: inexperience != stupidity
20:08.05Azarok man, install Etch and stay with what you get. Ever want a package do : apt-get install <package> Want to know if your repo has it? apt-cache search <package>
20:08.07tonybrb, I'll find the chipset model
20:08.14Wyzardtony: FWIW, Ubuntu is desktop-oriented and has a reputation for being friendlier
20:08.31tarzeauWyzard: it's cursed, i swear
20:08.39ndeean athlon xp is considered a 686 architecture, right?
20:08.45wols_ndee: k7
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20:08.46tarzeauWyzard: their sources.list is a monster, where as a debian system can work perfectly with just one line
20:08.50ndeewols_: ok
20:09.00*** mode/#debian [+l 748] by debhelper
20:09.01quitteright. don't ever install any 3rd party software into debian unless you can d it in your $HOME or _really_ know what you are doing. reading some howto is not the same as knowing
20:09.06clavwols_, the etch kernel failed to, the messag says i don't have the tools to generate an initrd image
20:09.08ndeehow can I check again which CPU I have installed?
20:09.20tarzeauquitte: they are not related to each other
20:09.31tarzeauquitte: even someone who knows can read a howto (his own?)
20:09.32wols_ndee: cat /proc/cpuinfo
20:09.40Wyzardtarzeau: I haven't looked at an Ubuntu sources.list lately, but what makes it so ugly?
20:09.44ndeeok, it's a Sempron
20:09.51ndeeSemP0rn yeah
20:09.56tarzeauWyzard: see the curse and sources list
20:09.56SufixxSupaplex: problem was caused by old kernel from sarge
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20:10.04jelly-homendee: it'll work with either -686 or a -k7 kernel
20:10.20jelly-homendee: k7 is a more correct choice
20:10.21SufixxSupaplex: udev required newer one :)
20:10.22furrywolfgrr, I can't make this box boot off a cd...  the only boot device set in the bios is atapi cd-rom, hard drive is disabled.  it has two drives, a cd-rw and a dvd-rom.  in either drive, it spins up, then says failure booting.  the disk is good, it boots in another computer.  the dvd-rom drive is good, it was removed from the computer I tested the cd to boot in!
20:10.35quittetarzeau: that comment was a bit late. but as soon as it involves mke; make install chances are good that someonejus put a bunch of crap in his fs and has no idea how to get rid of it
20:10.37Wyzardtarzeau: that's just splitting main/universe/multiverse/etc. out into separate source lines so they can be commented/uncommented more easily by automated tools
20:10.56Wyzardtarzeau: You *could* combine them all into a single line and it'd work fine
20:11.11jelly-homequitte: good thing is ./configure && make && make install usually puts the crap in /usr/local
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20:11.35wols_clav: then what is the EXACT message you get when installing the lenny 2.6.18?
20:11.44quittejelly-home: and thats where the howto comes and says --prefix=/usr ;)
20:11.54jelly-homequitte: uhh
20:11.59ndeejelly-home: ok... just upgrading the kernel... I will hit myself in the head if that doesn't work
20:12.09tonyhmm, apparently it's a documented bug in ALSA, 2309
20:12.15Wyzardtarzeau: I see essentially two archives, the release and the security updates, and corresponding deb-src for each...  seems fine to me
20:12.29furrywolfthe bios finds both drives at boot, and unplugging the unused drive doesn't make any difference.
20:12.34jelly-homendee: have you read etch release notes?
20:12.36btynerquitte: thanks for your help -- my usb mouse is working with the new kernel
20:12.40clavwols_, that i need initramfs-tools or the like to build the initrd or the system will break
20:12.49ndeejelly-home: I am reading them, and upgrading it accordingly.
20:13.05clavwols_, i ctrl-C out of it and now i get dpkg -r linux-image-2.6.18-4-686
20:13.05clavdpkg: error processing linux-image-2.6.18-4-686 (--remove):
20:13.05clavErrors were encountered while processing:
20:13.06jelly-homendee: good, they tell what to do if upgrading from a 2.4
20:13.06*** kick/#debian [clav!n=debhelpe@unaffiliated/debhelper] by debhelper (use the paster bot or #flood)
20:13.13ndeejelly-home: jep.
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20:13.33furrywolfany ideas how to convince this box to boot off the cd?  :)
20:13.43jelly-homefurrywolf: use a hammer.
20:13.51clavsorry bout that, getting frustrated and not thinking
20:13.53SupaplexSufixx: so you fixored it? cool.
20:13.53furrywolfI haven't often found that to work.
20:14.21furrywolfI know that this cd, in this drive, boots in another computer...
20:14.26SufixxSupaplex: ye, thx for help
20:14.29jelly-homefurrywolf: TBH it probably won't work, but you'll feel better for a second or two... if a bit stupid
20:14.41PingFloydfurrywolf: there's no option to change boot order?
20:14.51PingFloydin your bios
20:15.01jelly-homeor a boot menu
20:15.25furrywolfPingFloyd:  boot order in the bios is set to "1 ATAPI CD-ROM", "2 disabled", "3 disabled".
20:15.32furrywolfto force it to boot off the cd and nothing else.
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20:15.44PingFloydfurrywolf: is it atapi compliant?
20:15.52PingFloydfurrywolf: your CD drive
20:16.03WyzardPingFloyd: All IDE CD drives are ATAPI
20:16.03clavi think my debian is unsalvagable
20:16.05jelly-homePingFloyd: what else should it be?
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20:16.11furrywolfit spins up the cd, but then says it failed, as if it wasn't a bootable cd...  but _this cd_ in _this drive_ boots in another computer.
20:16.18furrywolfI'd be rather sure it is, yes.
20:16.22PingFloydWyzard: not all, some are proprietary crap
20:16.26Wyzardfurrywolf: sounds like a BIOS problem, then...  can you boot other CDs?
20:16.38furrywolfWyzard:  offhand I don't think I have any.  heh.
20:16.38WyzardPingFloyd: Not if they're connected to an IDE cable
20:16.50furrywolfI can't find my netinst disc, might burn another.
20:16.51PingFloydWyzard: for instance, creative used to make some that weren't
20:16.55jelly-homefurrywolf: hm.  can you connect the drive to be the only device on the channel?
20:17.05furrywolfjelly:  tried, no change at all.
20:17.10WyzardPingFloyd: Back in 1995 maybe
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20:17.40jelly-homefurrywolf: oh well, out of ideas then, blame the bios/motherboard
20:17.54furrywolfalso tried another drive, just to be sure it wasn't the drive and this box playing well, even though I know this drive worked, and booted this exact cd, in the last box it was in.
20:17.56quitteah crap. so it turns out that with this proprietary enhanced kernel I have to deal wth the vendor did somthing that prevents everything from working unless init was started. doing the very same things from a shell script doesn't work. wtf?
20:17.57PingFloydjust because it uses an ide cable doesn't necessarily mean it uses atapi standard
20:18.01jelly-homefurrywolf: how old is the motherboard, btw?
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20:18.12somianfurrywolf: I have found that bootable CDs are tremendously temperamental and unpredictable. If you have a known good CD that boot s some machine, it is *more* likely that it will boot another, but not 100% sure.
20:18.13furrywolfjelly:  it's an intel server board, p4 1.5ghz.
20:18.32quitteI'd be glad for any ideas what it is that init does that couldmake a difference. both busybox' init and sysvinit do work.
20:18.35furrywolf(well, I assume it's a server board, since it uses that god-awful rdram...)
20:18.38jelly-homefurrywolf: hmph, that should be new enough to boot from all kinds of bootable cd images
20:18.39illoquitte "proprietary enhanced" is an oxymoron
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20:19.00somianAs crazy as it might sound, sometimes there's nothing to be done but try to burn another Cd and try it.
20:19.12furrywolfI spent $100 for the 768mb of ram in this box.  I hate rdram.  :)
20:19.18clavhow do you force in dpkg ?
20:19.22quitteillo: ok. it's crippled
20:19.28WyzardPingFloyd: Are you saying that there are *current*, non-ancient optical drives that use the physical IDE interface but not the ATAPI protocol?
20:19.32furrywolfclav:  if you need to ask, you don't want to.
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20:19.56PingFloydWyzard: not that I know of, but for all you know, it could be an older CD-ROM drive
20:20.03clavfurrywolf, i want to, my distro is dead and i'm pissed
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20:20.06dpkgit has been said that xgl is the X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL and takes advantage of available accelerated 3D rendering hardware. It is designed to integrate well with the composite extension and performs best when a compositing manager is running. Ask me about "compiz" and "xgl-howto", or see see
20:20.13dpkgi heard xgl-howto is xgl may or may not work on your system.  Currently supports nVidia/ATI.
20:20.14tarzeauquitte: --force-all ?
20:20.25tarzeauquitte: err that was for clav
20:20.33jelly-home!tell Greyscale -about selftell
20:20.56illoi'd add  that beryl, a compiz alternative has packages for sarge that i found enjoyable
20:21.07WyzardXGL is a hack that's obsoleted by AIGLX, and only needed on systems with ATI cards since their driver doesn't support AIGLX yet
20:21.42furrywolfI wouldn't touch an nvidia card with a ten foot pole.  hence, aiglx is useless.  :)
20:22.00clavfurrywolf,  i tried to dpkg -i kernel-2.6 and was told my system would break if i continued, so i ctrl-c and now it won't proceed unless i reinstall my badly conditioned kernell, yadada
20:22.02WyzardI wouldn't touch an ATI card with a ten-foot pole because their driver sucks
20:22.03jelly-homefurrywolf: they have better linux support than ati
20:22.12clavafter 10 years, i'v lost patience with open source
20:23.00illofurrywolf, then go the intel cards ;) no propr. drivers and you can run tuxracer :)
20:23.14Supaplexthe intels are ok
20:23.24jelly-homeand they're onboard only
20:23.25furrywolfjelly-home:  the nvidia driver is proprietary, closed-source, and BUGGY AS HELL.  completely, totally unusable.  there is no useful open-source nvidia support I've found, and the nv driver is 2d only.  xorg's radeon driver, however, has good 3d support, and is completely open.
20:23.29Supaplexmight be the next card I buy
20:23.46jelly-homefurrywolf: that's only for cards <= RV280
20:24.12Supaplexjelly-home: how do you know what rv your cards are?
20:24.20Wyzardfurrywolf: ATI is fine if you have one of the older cards that the open-source driver works for, but the newer cards need the proprietary driver, and that sucks much more than nVidia's proprietary driver
20:24.31enoufSupaplex: wikipedia ;-)
20:24.36jelly-homeSupaplex: uh, lspci? Xorg.log?
20:24.41furrywolfWyzard:  nvidia's proprietary driver isn't usable, so it's hard to suck much worse.
20:24.47Wyzardfurrywolf: btw, for a driver that's "completely, totally unusable", nVidia runs UT2004 pretty well  :-)
20:25.15jelly-homeSupaplex: In any case, card with R300 chips and above don't have a stable free driver.
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20:25.20WyzardI've been using nVidia for years -- it's far from unusable
20:25.22quittehmm. any recommendations for a socket 479y board with onboard graphics? I'd prefer i975 chipset but cant find any with onboard graphics. so itseems I have to wait for i965 boards
20:25.34tarzeauWyzard: me too
20:25.45furrywolfI've tried...  I think 5 nvidia cards with nvidia's driver, in several people's computers.  every single one of them turned unstable when nvidia's driver was used.  the "screen frozen but mouse moves" thread has about _six hundred_ posts last time I checked nvidia's forums.
20:25.49tarzeaufurrywolf: bullshit
20:25.52tarzeaufurrywolf: PEBKAC
20:25.55Supaplexah, so I'm better off in some way with NV34 and NV17?
20:26.01tarzeaufurrywolf: YOU did something wrong
20:26.06tarzeaufurrywolf: don't blame it on nvidia
20:26.21gravityintel ftw
20:26.23furrywolftarzeau:  I did, eh?  you're right, I did.  I tried installing a piece of crap closed-source driver on an otherwise nice system.
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20:26.37tarzeaufurrywolf: man, you can't say software is shit because it's not free software
20:26.40tarzeaufurrywolf: FUCK OFF
20:26.43tarzeaufurrywolf: YES YOU DID
20:26.45gravitytarzeau: Calm down
20:26.45azeemtarzeau: eh, chill
20:26.50Wyzardfurrywolf: I've had problems with exactly one nVidia card, one that I was using on an old AGP 4x motherboard about five years older than the video card, and I think it was an issue of the board not being able to supply the card with enough power
20:26.50tarzeauazeem: he's an asshole
20:26.52fougwhat software does debian come with? or is just an OS by itself when you install?
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20:26.59furrywolftarzeau:  if I did something else wrong, maybe you'd like to explain it?  also explain it to the ten thousand or so other people on nvidia's forums with the _exact same_ problems I've had?
20:27.03PingFloydtarzeau: are you like 12?
20:27.03Wyzardfurrywolf: but even that wasn't as bad as you describe
20:27.04gravityazeem: Thanks
20:27.09streuner_azeem: asshole
20:27.10azeemtarzeau: you've been silenced for 10 minutes for being aggressive
20:27.14quittetarzeau: uhm why not. non-free sooftware _is_ shit because it is non-free
20:27.15azeemstreuner_: hi
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20:27.38streuner_dpkg, fuck azeem with a ruberdick in his asshole
20:27.52ndee <-- that's my /proc/mounts file, do I use devfs? My guess is no but I just want to make sure.
20:27.53enoufI'd like to alter my /tmp file time to 1 day (rather than 0) -- I've done a "grep -r --exclude='*inetd' TMPTIME=0 /etc/" which produces "TMPTIME=0" in /etc/default/rcS, and in /etc/rc{0-6}/{K,S}XXbootclean files .. which file(s) should change it to =1 ?
20:28.02azeemstreuner_: do you have a Debian question?
20:28.17illofoug if you mean: what do i get after a base install the answer is: very little; if you meant what is available for debian, the answer is, a lot more than your average linux distro
20:28.22streuner_azeem: yes, why is such an asshole like you a DD?
20:28.22enoufs /should I change /
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20:28.37Azaroh my god
20:28.41azeemstreuner_: that's off-topic here, let's discuss it in #debian-offtopic
20:28.45furrywolfheh, I just /ignore'd tarzeau...  he's /msg'ing me too now.
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20:28.58furrywolfohhh, and he's sending me random ctcps!  how intelligent!
20:29.00Wyzardfurrywolf: Actually, "screen frozen but mouse moves" is pretty much happened with that old system I mentioned, but it only happened once every few days
20:29.06Azarfurrywolf: stop it
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20:29.19Wyzardfurrywolf: and I have several other boxes with nVidia GPUs with no problems at all
20:29.25fougillo: well, i use ubuntu right now and it comes with a lot of software among other things (firefox, openoffice, totem etc etc) and a lot of i don't need or want, so is debian a clean slate after installing?
20:29.27PingFloydfurrywolf: what a nut job
20:29.35azeemPingFloyd: eh?
20:29.40Wyzardfurrywolf: so, yeah it has some bugs -- everything does -- but it's not completely unusable as you say
20:29.42wols_foug: it can be
20:29.43gravityfoug: It can be. You can have it install just a basic system then add what you want
20:29.53enouftardsday's a bit early eh? .. okie .. i enjoy the scrollback
20:30.04gravityfoug: It's very flexible that way. Just don't install the desktop task right off
20:30.07PingFloydazeem: that guy harassing furrywolf
20:30.10fougwols_ gravity: you eman there's things i can add during installing?
20:30.15azeemPingFloyd: this issue has been acted upon, please stop now.
20:30.16gravityfoug: Sure
20:30.20jelly-homesome guys at work have bought cheap nvidia to run compiz/beryl and they work _very_ nice
20:30.21fouggravity: desktop task?
20:30.24gravityfoug: You can customize what packages you want right from the start.
20:30.32furrywolfWyzard:  I had "screen frozen but mouse moves" on all but one of them, unless I disabled acceleration, which made it no better than the nv driver...
20:30.35fouggravity: well that's pretty handy
20:30.43enoufazeem: what is PingFloyd doing?
20:30.53furrywolfsome boxes it was every week, some it was every 5 minutes.  neither is usable.  :)
20:30.54gravityfoug: No, not from the desktop task exactly. You'll get the chance to customize your package installs. It'll fire up aptitude if you say yes, and then you can just choose what you want
20:30.55Wyzardfurrywolf: I had some other issues too, graphical glitches in both 2D and 3D, but only on that one box
20:31.01azeemenouf: he's dragging on a dispute that has been settled
20:31.09gravityfoug: And of course, you can always add or remove things later
20:31.12Azarfurrywolf: I used the free nv driver, now I am using the non-free and it works ok because I did not installed the binaries..
20:31.14fouggravity: ahh cool
20:31.19Wyzardfurrywolf: Right now I'm using a PCIe 7600Gs with no problems whatsoever
20:31.21gravityfoug: Yeah, I think so :-)
20:31.36ndee <-- should I now change that device name?
20:31.38furrywolfWyzard:  way newer than anything I'll own for about ten more years.  :)
20:31.56furrywolfI've since switched to ati cards, and had nothing but good luck with xorg's radeon driver.
20:31.59Wyzardfurrywolf: Next to me I have an Ubuntu box with an AGP 6200; no problems there either
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20:32.03jelly-homegravity: except the people with amd machines?
20:32.20fouggravity: does debian use gnome by default like ubuntu?
20:32.20gravityjelly-home: I don't think people should buy amd machines and run X on them if they're buying now, honestly
20:32.24gravityfoug: Yes
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20:32.40Wyzardfurrywolf: Anyway, it's great to use a GPU with a free driver, but the newer ATI cards can only use the proprietary driver, and between proprietary ATI and proprietary nVidia, I choose nVidia in a heartbeat
20:32.52illofoug IIRC the debian installer asks what so-called tasks to install, so you can end up with a ubuntu-like system. I'd suggest installing a graphical desktop in the installer, but install all the rest via aptitude or whatever you were familiar with in ubuntu. There are live debian isos to try, too
20:32.56Azargravity: agree with you there.
20:33.03gravityI think there's major advantages to running intel right now, in terms of X drivers. Nothing else really does it.
20:33.14enoufwell, i think someone who's been kicked who's harrassing others through PMs and CTCPs and crap, ought to have their childish behaviour known in public
20:33.15jelly-homegravity: well, I can choose my home machine with that in mind, but my employer goes for "CHEAP" and "windows works"
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20:33.19gravityI wish it were otherwise, but it's not. Whatever ati supports is pretty good too right now
20:33.26drexxihi can someone help me with "tor" ?
20:33.29gravityjelly-home: Yeah, I know how it is
20:33.30drexxithe demon fails to start
20:33.30illofoug debian has no preferred desktop system. I like xfce4 with it
20:33.33WyzardI'm curious about how an Intel X3000 actually compares to an ATI or nVidia card
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20:33.48furrywolfWyzard:  I've never tried in anything nearly that new...  but on older stuff, I've never been able to get an uptime of more than a week with nvidia's driver installed.
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20:33.53valdynWyzard: running what?
20:34.03bolataxhelp! how can i know if device /dev/hdd is a compact flash or an hard disk without using hdparm?
20:34.03Azargravity: my all time favorites: amd with nvidia, all time disliked: intel and ati
20:34.21Wyzardvaldyn: anything...  what sort of things would be usable on an ATI/nVidia but too slow to be useful on an X3000
20:34.27gravityAzar: intel video? Because of the performance?
20:34.34valdynWyzard: games?
20:34.34furrywolfbrb, switching kvm back to the other box
20:34.45Wyzardvaldyn: My 1.5-year-old laptop has an i915, and driver-wise I'm pretty happy with it, but it can't handle any games newer than Quake 3
20:34.46Azargravity: the intel vs amd cpu I ment
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20:34.59illobolatax try time reading a file, so you can see the performance. I guess compact flash is way slower than an hd... well it used to be at least
20:35.04gravityAzar: Yeah, I don't really care about the CPU, to be honest. They're both equal in my mind
20:35.05matthewCan't find font 'fixed' ?
20:35.07gravityThe video has major divergence
20:35.10fougillo: ahh i see. I'm not really going for a more ubuntu like system. I'm sticking with debian cuz i like apt, and I don't like the sound of fedora's of gentoo's package management, Ubuntu has a lot of uneccessary stuff on it it seems
20:35.22gravitymatthew: Did you upgrade sarge to etch or something?
20:35.27Wyzardfurrywolf: A 6200 isn't all that new...  I bought mine for around $70 USD about a year ago
20:35.28matthewno O_o
20:35.36gravitymatthew: What happened?
20:35.37ndee <-- that's what I got when I entered /sbin/lilo . Should I change that now?
20:35.44Wyzardfurrywolf: It's probably $40 or $50 by now
20:36.05matthewtried installing XGL D:
20:36.11illofoug you can probably slim down ubuntu too. Apt has a preference not to load recommended packages which i would consider in either debian or ubuntu if you don't want to end up with too many packages
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20:36.48jelly-homefurrywolf: fwiw nvidia 7300 (about $50 here in Croatia) works well on our AMD/ATI SB600 machines at work
20:36.49Azarmatthew: if you installed Debian 3.1 before April 18 2007 and your sources list contain sources pointing at "stable" most likely you are now mixing etch with sarge sources
20:36.50fougillo: yea, i installed a lot of add ons for audacious accidently once and it made me lag if i ran a game along with audacious, lol
20:37.14enouffurrywolf: as to you orig issue (non-boting CD/DVD drive) -- the nly thing that comes to mind is the HDD has some DDO software installed stopping it at the BPB botstrapping handoff
20:37.22enoufr bootstrapping
20:37.34gravitymatthew: Are you running unstable?
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20:37.40matthewThis was a fresh etch install O_o
20:37.44enouffurrywolf: stuff like older Ontrack DDO ..
20:37.59jelly-homeenouf: the funny thing is the left _only_ the cdrom in the bios boot devices setup
20:38.12Wyzardfurrywolf: -- $37
20:38.12gravitymatthew: Can you post your xorg.conf in a pastebin?
20:38.20matthewFrom terminal?
20:38.27gravitymeh, never mind
20:38.33gravityIt's probably just the default if it's a fresh install
20:38.39gravityI don't know how Xgl looks for fonts
20:39.19furrywolf$50 for a video card would be more than I spent for my entire computer, video card and all.
20:39.26gravityYou've got to make sure it's looking in /usr/share/fonts/X11/misc/
20:39.32illofoug, aptitude purge works well, anyway. Aptitude logs the attempted actions so it's not too difficult to roll back.
20:39.45furrywolfand since I have a perfectly stable ati card, why would I want a newer one?  :)
20:39.57furrywolfWyzard:  dual p3-866.
20:40.09fougillo: ahh i see, i'm still new to all of this, been using ubuntu only about a month. But I use apt-get to install an ything i need
20:40.14WyzardThat's worth more than $50  :-)
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20:40.38illofurrywolf not bad at all, i guess it's an used one, else OLPC is bankrupt :)
20:40.56ndeeHAHA, it worked.
20:40.59furrywolfWyzard:  motherboard was $5, first cpu in a $3 computer, second cpu in a $15 computer, memory $1, video card $5, etc.  :)
20:41.17furrywolfnew caps for the motherboard was another $5...
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20:41.51furrywolf(22 uber-shiny Nichicon low-esr switching supply caps)
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20:41.58streuner_Azar: don't worry, its not the first and not the last time he got banned...
20:42.19Azarwell, I hope he comes back...
20:42.27streuner_he will
20:42.57matthewI give up. Reinstall time.
20:43.18Azarhe is just too passionate about video, benchmarks, games... got carried out
20:43.27drexxican someone help me to get tor running?
20:43.31illohehe an italian dial up provider has lots of subnets whose dns don't resolve. When i wanted to wreck things in a channel i used that one. Wonder if it's still up
20:43.56furrywolfif you're decent at soldering, you can get very good deals on pentium-3 era motherboards.  :)
20:44.05jelly-homeillo: lots of isps don't care about reverse dns for dynamic ips.
20:44.12furrywolfthe best deal was the ram...  got a bag of assorted dimms for $1 at a yard sale.
20:44.14jelly-homeillo: whois ftw ;-)
20:44.21somianfurrywolf: way to go ;-)
20:44.50furrywolfin the bag...  4 512MB ECC PC-133 dimms, 4 256MB ECC PC-133 dimms, and the rest were 128s of various specs.  :)
20:45.06furrywolfnone of them were labled...  for $1 I was expecting a bunch of 8s and 16s...
20:45.40jelly-homefurrywolf: an smp machine is always nice... you can watch a movie and build kernels at the same time ;-)
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20:45.56furrywolfjelly:  nah...  you can use both cpus to build the kernel.  :)
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20:46.41illojelly-home, yep but manual work required. Or a clever bot.
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20:46.58jelly-homefurrywolf: eh, I'd expect you'd be into furry anime O:-)
20:47.07somianja, me too ;)
20:47.12furrywolfugh.  and I like anime even less than normal movies.
20:47.54furrywolfI also don't own a TV, which everyone considers a completely unfathomable concept.  :)
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20:48.45somianIt's hardly unfathomable; its even praiseworthy as long as you don't become pious about it ;-)
20:48.49sayihi everybody
20:48.59sayihow can i save iptables rules ?
20:49.01furrywolfyou're not american, are you?  :)
20:49.08somianrighteous* I really meant ;-)
20:49.27somianAll-American dissident queer lefty freak
20:49.43furrywolfyou can't be american and queer at once.  bush says that's not allowed.
20:50.01somianWith horrible arguments between me and my so-called liberal friends and relatives
20:50.04illosayi, save them in a bash script and have it executed at boot in one of the couple ways?
20:50.32*** part/#debian sayi (n=Develop@unaffiliated/sayi)
20:50.41somianWell, yeah, currently there's a group of traitors in charge. Such things happen.
20:50.59furrywolfbah.  mentioning america made me think about all the things I miss here, and now I want a good curry.  :(
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20:51.37somianWhen people pine for good curry they usually reference London ;-)
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20:52.00streuner_and they eat only pakistani or indian food :-)
20:52.07furrywolfthere's no curry within a hundred miles of here.
20:52.25xandtheres plenty here, but it doesn't agree with me
20:52.27streuner_must be in the states :-)
20:52.37furrywolfthere's only one indian reasturant, and for exhorbatant prices they'll serve you a teeny tiny plate of meat with slightly yellow-colored sauce, and call it curry.
20:52.40Azargamers, is scorched 3D in sarge repositories? how can I find/
20:52.42furrywolfnorthern california, usa.
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20:52.57xandlondon is nearby c.c
20:53.29furrywolfxand:  think they can airmail a take-out curry in less time than it takes to get cold?  :)
20:53.36streuner_heh, they make good pizzas too ;-)
20:53.43Azarewwwwwww indian pizza
20:53.49Azaritalian pizza is the real deal
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20:54.08streuner_Azar: all of those people who make pizzas in big town in .de are indian or pakistani ;-)
20:54.29AzarI believe you, man, in Vienna turks make pizza
20:54.32illoitalian pizza? naples' pizza you meant.
20:54.36xandfurrywolf: doubtful :P
20:54.46furrywolfhrmm, curry pizza...  that's not a half bad idea...  use really thick nan bread for the crust...
20:54.48illoit's different from pizza in other parts of italy
20:55.03xandfurrywolf: sounds revolting :P
20:55.17Azaryeah that curry thing... I guess I got allergy to it
20:55.18furrywolfmake it more like a calizone, with the curry between two layers of nan bread.
20:55.31furrywolfcurry is, like, the best food ever.  :)
20:55.38Azaryeah right
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20:56.12Azarif I go to india I will beat the record of hunger strike
20:56.28furrywolftoo bad I'm horrible at cooking it...  I can make a maple syrup mousse that'll put many fine chefs to shame, but I can't cook a simple curry.
20:56.30Azarnice people, but bad baaaad food
20:56.40illoI must not mention debianists imagining a pizza with curry or everybody here will switch to ubuntu.
20:56.57gravityI think I've had such a thing
20:57.39streuner_Azar: you are living in europe, that's why
20:57.53Azarstreuner_: I live in California and I never ever touched a hamburger
20:58.03illoAnyway all pizzas different from "margherita" are technically unorthodox
20:58.04streuner_Azar: heh
20:58.13Azarfilet mignon, fish, cordon bleu..
20:58.17streuner_Azar: aren't you spanish?
20:58.19gravityYou're all making me hungry.
20:58.26apo_illo: I actually just switched from Ubuntu to Debian... :P
20:58.38jelly-homeis this the room for a quattro formaggi?
20:58.57apo_Only on my notebook, though. That one's for playing around :)
20:58.58suppamanjelly-home: I'd like to
20:59.00Azarstreuner_: romanian, with very good spanish speaking/writing, and yes speaking english too. Lived in Austria 2 years and miss it a lot
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20:59.18illoapo isn't debian a little more stable? that was my impression compared with ubuntu at work
20:59.24streuner_Azar: where do you live in the states?
20:59.42Azarstreuner_: in L.A. to watch celebs going to county jail :)
20:59.53suppamanillo: why ?
20:59.57gravityAzar: WHat part of LA?
21:00.12apo_illo: Hm, I never had any crashes with Ubuntu. Except for stuff where proprietary software or 3d stuff were involved
21:00.20AzarLos Feliz towards Hollywood
21:00.21apo_(-> Quake 3, Beryl)
21:00.32furrywolfI like this idea.  I'm going to try making curry calzone.  :)
21:00.33gravityAh, cool. I used to live in West LA
21:00.44AzarWLA is not bad either
21:00.45gravityA few blocks west of the 405 and Santa Monica Blvd
21:00.49illosuppaman, just my impression... oh wait indeed the ubuntu install had proprietary stuff and many enabled services i don't use on debian
21:00.55gravityYeah, I liked it ok.
21:00.57Azargravity: damn, select place
21:01.10suppamanillo: no I meant why pizzas different from margherita are unhortodox
21:01.22gravityAzar: Yeah, it was pretty good. The rent wasn't bad either.
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21:01.37AzarI just realized is the officiall tard Sunday!
21:01.38streuner_gravity: you grow up there?
21:01.43apo_Anyway, with playing around I'm not necessarily talking about just using bleeding edge stuff (although I'm using sid), but also trying out new distros
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21:01.49gravitystreuner_: I grew up in San Diego, but went to LA for college
21:02.10Azargravity: house prices and rent jumped 120% just in the past 3 years
21:02.11furrywolfI could never live anywhere near LA.
21:02.18enouffurrywolf: the other thing i just thought of is that someone disabled the IDSE Controller for that IDE channel -- whereas usually "Default" or "BOTH" are the correct settings, there's usually also an IDE0 only crap setting
21:02.20gravityAzar: Ouhc, then I missed all that.
21:02.29gravityAzar: I left four years ago, almost to the day actually
21:02.30Azarfurrywolf: good, I don't get the chance to see curry
21:03.01Azargravity: people sell now here moving to tx az for better price of housing
21:03.01suppamangravity: what's the difference between college and university ?
21:03.03furrywolfenouf:  I got it to boot one cd...  a relative's windoze cd.  it won't boot any of my debian cds, nor my seagate hard drive tools cd...
21:03.28gravityAzar: Interesting
21:03.32gravitysuppaman: Same thing, in this country
21:03.32furrywolfso everything works, the bios just doesn't like linux.  :)
21:03.39enouffurrywolf: then that's a proprietary issue of some sort
21:03.50suppamanAzar: how long did you lived in Romania ?
21:03.50enoufas i said .. usually DDO crapware
21:03.57illosuppaman because the first pizza ever was margherita. all the rest are variations. The Margherita princess went to Naples, which at the time were a civilized place, and they made the margherita for here. There was a traditional dish like pizza without tomato whose work was based on, though
21:04.05Azarsuppaman: not long, my first 4 years of life
21:04.21enoufmaybe even MaxBlast, EZ-Drive shit
21:04.24gravitysuppaman: In the US, people don't really say they went to university the way they do elsewhere. It's more like a word used when referring to the place formally
21:04.31Azarthen my family moved in Germany.... then Austria... then here
21:04.33furrywolfI didn't even have the hard drive present for some of the tests.
21:04.41furrywolfI don't think it has anything to do with software on the hard drive.
21:04.43illosuppaman and the purists say other ingredient distract from tasting the pizza. they are right
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21:05.33suppamanillo: I know the margherita story, I live in Naples, but afaik there was pizza even before
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21:05.36enoufhow far does wintendo get? tried installing?
21:05.50furrywolfenouf:  good god no.
21:06.04enouffurrywolf: obviously for teesting puposes ;-)
21:06.25illosuppaman it was without tomato, yes.
21:06.28enoufbooting into RAM only qwon;t help you much .. will it?
21:06.29furrywolfyeah... maybe I should stab myself with a sharp stick...  for testing purposes...
21:06.44enoufor is that your goal?
21:06.55enoufyou could install webmin instead ;-)
21:07.11apo_Try ReactOS :P
21:07.17furrywolfsadly, I'll probably end up putting windows on it anyway.  every time I set up a computer for someone else, they always want windows...  only managed to convert one person so far.  :)
21:07.19suppamanillo: any reference it was without tomato ?
21:07.24gravityI've been meaning to try out reactos for a while
21:07.27illonice suppaman. Never tried true pizza napoletana, only a true naples guy making pizza here
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21:07.42apo_furrywolf: I converted my mom so far
21:07.43enouffurrywolf: it's your HDD or your BIOS .. you guess
21:07.59furrywolfenouf:  I'd go with BIOS.  this bios is generally a buggy piece of crap.
21:08.00apo_And am in the process of freeing a woman from my Spanish course :)
21:08.03gravityNot that I'm interested in doing anything serious with windows, but I think it's a great project
21:08.06Wyzardsuppaman: I read somewhere that pizza was originally a way to test the temperature of an oven, to make sure it's hot enough to bake other things
21:08.17suppamanillo: there a few well known places who claim to be the place where the margherita was offered to the Queen
21:08.18enoufi think wintendo can use Floppy emulation whereas syslinux does not
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21:08.19apo_gravity: Yes, it's interesting.
21:08.19illosuppaman that's what i hear, the tomato mozzarella basilico was made for Margherita
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21:08.44illoSuppaman, maybe wikpedia knows all about that :)
21:08.51enoufyes MSFT found in your ACPI output ia not comforting ;-)
21:08.53suppamanillo: they should actually represent the colors of the then-just-born italian state
21:09.18suppamanWyzard: but if I don't remember even Etruschi (the Tuscan ancient ppl) had something similar
21:09.28suppamanand today in Greece you can have a pita-gyros
21:09.36furrywolfenouf:  it's some weird intel bios, very few configuration options, very buggy...  sometimes will spend 5 minutes doing nothing at boot, you press f2 instead of delete to enter setup...  but if you press it twice it hangs at "loading setup" until you hit reset...  etc.
21:09.38suppamanwhere pita means the same as pizza
21:10.07enouffurrywolf: IOW, my Win98 OEM does indeed use floppy emulation to boot .. i end up with a B:\ drive and D:\  -- no idea about XPoop's Recovery Console
21:10.08furrywolfyeah, you've all made me hungry.  :P
21:10.19gravityYeah, I need to get food
21:10.35enouffurrywolf: reflash that buggy biaitch ;-)
21:10.47furrywolfsigh, let's put back in the windoze cd and see what happens...
21:10.51furrywolfbrb, switching kvm
21:10.53streuner_gravity: Isn't in Boston area everything you want?
21:11.00illoSuppaman yes. wikipedia said the combination was made for margherita but you are right tomato could be used before
21:11.08enoufmake sure jumper settings for CMOS are not in reovery or test mode ;-)
21:11.12streuner_gravity: because its almost europe ;-)
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21:11.24suppamandamn bastards using clacson without reason
21:11.52gravitystreuner_: Heh, well I do love Boston.
21:12.02gravityIn some ways it's very close to Europe, yeah
21:12.13suppamananyway I'm tired
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21:12.14streuner_gravity: i would love Boston too
21:12.15illosuppaman you said you live in naples? clacsons are a way of expressing feeling there, not signaling :)
21:12.32suppamanillo: nope
21:12.35streuner_gravity: its prolly not that bad there :-)
21:12.47gravitystreuner_: Aside from the weather, it's great
21:12.49suppamanillo: there's a lot of traffic down the way
21:12.51furrywolfwindoze, sadly, seems to be installing fine.
21:13.08streuner_gravity: hehe :-) sure its NOT california :-)
21:13.14gravityright :-)
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21:13.23furrywolfI want debian on this box, but I bet one of my relatives is going to spot it, and decide he could use it more than I could...
21:13.24illosuppaman here there's lots of traffic too, especially near mestre, no clacsons though
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21:13.52suppamanillo: I hate them
21:13.55enouffurrywolf: just dd the first 64 sectors of the HDD
21:13.59furrywolfI guess I'll do dual-boot...  I get debian, and if he indeterminate-period-borrows it, he gets windows.
21:14.18enoufdd if=dev/zero of/dev/hda count=64 bs=512 ..
21:14.31enoufdd if=dev/zero of=/dev/hda count=64 bs=512 .. <-- correction
21:14.34suppamanthere was a truck and a few cars tried to pass it and then all of them got blocked by cars coming from the front
21:14.42furrywolfenouf:  heh
21:14.50illosuppaman, me too. But we northeners are not fair towards the south. They used to be better off than us before we unified italy, well not we , the Savoia did
21:15.05Azardamn! scorched 3D is in testing
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21:15.22Azarall good games are in testing
21:15.30furrywolfAzar:  never heard of it.
21:15.30enouffi kid you not .. should wipe DDO laden shit, but it also may reside at the very end of the disk too .. check the disk label ID (0x00)
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21:15.33suppamanAzar: is it a bad thing ?
21:15.36illosuppaman, so after putting them in debt and use mafia we complain if they are becoming a bunch of savages
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21:15.46Azarsuppaman: no, is normal... not tested yet
21:15.56suppamanAzar: isn't there a backport ?
21:16.01furrywolfenouf:  it didn't work with the hard drive removed, either.  I don't think it has anything to do with the hard drive.
21:16.05Azarsuppaman: eh, it might
21:16.15suppamanI'm tired
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21:16.32ElwoodBhi guys!
21:16.40enouffurrywolf: aha .. i just recalled the Compaq scam
21:16.49ElwoodBI've got a goofy question
21:16.53enoufwhich uses IML.. the actual BIOS boot code resides on the HDD
21:16.55AzarElwoodB: ask
21:17.00ElwoodBdoes anybody know anybody that's online now and is good with MS Access ?
21:17.13Azargood joke
21:17.15enoufthere's no BIOS ROM chip actually anywhere
21:17.25illoElwoodB, isn't kind of the wrong channel to as for MS related stuff? :)
21:17.27furrywolfhrmm, know what's different between all my linux cds and my relative's windoze dvd?  the linux cd is a cd, the windows one is a dvd.
21:17.31enoufis it one of _those_? .. (hold nose)
21:17.38ElwoodBif not then does anybody know any database - related IRC channels anywhere ?
21:17.39pipelineElwoodB: Sure.
21:17.50AzarElwoodB: you can't ask a MS question on a linux Debian channel..
21:17.51pipelineElwoodB: But it'll cost you.
21:17.53ElwoodByeah I know, but this is serious and I myself am using debian daily
21:17.56gravityThat is a different question
21:17.57Azarow well
21:18.18pipelineElwoodB: You kind of have to pay people serious bucks to get one on one support for proprietary, obsolete products on a saturday :P
21:18.22ElwoodBnot my fault that my prof. wants me to do a project in Access and it works like shit
21:18.30enoufso .. you wipe the drive, and you wipe the BIOS .. rofl .. what a dump ;-)
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21:18.52somianElwoodB: it's not this channel's problem either, dude ... GROW UP (and try ##windows)
21:18.59ElwoodBwell shit then, I'm screwed ... and all this hassle of installing eXtra Pricey winblows
21:18.59enoufthe sheeple of that era were so gullible
21:19.02illoAccess is not obsolete. Obsolete stuff means there was a time where they were ok. That never happened for Access :)
21:19.06gravitysomian: Chill out
21:19.06AzarElwoodB: nobody here knows somebody who uses ms applications
21:19.14somiangravity: fuck off
21:19.20ElwoodBAzar: oh I'd be doubting that
21:19.22somianThat's the proper answer.
21:19.27enoufthat was when ISDN was all the rage ..
21:19.33furrywolfis it my imagination, or is there more swearing in here than usual today?
21:19.37streuner_gravity: just ignore him, its saturday ;-)
21:19.40dpkgSunday is the day all trolls swarm to #debian, avoid at all cost to remain sane.
21:19.49pipelineenouf: ISDN was never very popular.
21:19.56ElwoodBwell seems like I've stirred quite the shit throwing :)
21:19.58enoufpipeline: i know .. and for good reason
21:20.03jelly-homepipeline: it depends on the geography
21:20.20pipelinejelly-home: I suppose if you're on the other side of the atlantic, yes, ISDN may have been fairly popular.
21:20.22jelly-homepipeline: afaik it was very popular in germany
21:20.24pipelinejelly-home: stateside, it was a disaster
21:20.27illoElwoodB, you said MS, garbage in -> garbage out.
21:20.32streuner_somian: keep it in the right mood, we don't like BS :-)
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21:20.33pipelinejelly-home: heh, stole the words from my mouth.
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21:20.43enoufpipeline: however it conincides with when Concrud and Dell were mass producing really broken proprietary crap
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21:20.50enoufer Comcrap ;-)
21:21.04pipelineenouf: I think ISDN's peak popularity was 1982, about five minutes before the Bell breakup :P
21:21.08ElwoodBillo: I agree
21:21.21Azarwell since is almost Sunday, and we are at it I predict: ms will change Vista name which is tm by someone else to ms-linux the new linux distro
21:21.32n3klHow can I install java1.5?
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21:21.39pipelineI predict that Torvalds will start wearing heels in public.
21:21.49streuner_n3kl: /msg dpkg java
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21:22.09enoufwel .ok, when Multimedia PCs came around then .. when the 1st consumer PCs actually came with DVD-ROM drives (1998-1999 ish)
21:22.09illoElwood, so export all your tables to postgres and be done with access. Your users can use psql through ssh.
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21:22.18enoufbut actually Comcrap sucked way before then too
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21:22.37babilenn3kl: depends on your architecture
21:22.39Azarenouf: been long I heard of it.. thought Compaq was out of business..
21:22.44n3klstreuner_: I have installed sun-java5-jre, but when I run java --version, I get gij (GNU libgcj) version 4.1.2
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21:22.49enoufand Dellios into after the p4
21:22.51Azareven Emachines are still kicking
21:22.52pipelineAzar: Compaq was purchased by HP, a "merger of equals".
21:23.02enoufwell said
21:23.10ElwoodBumm if I'd be making this db for a sql server than I'd be doing it there, it's REALLY not like I LIKE Access. I just need to use it this time, because it's an essential requirement
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21:23.19streuner_dpkg, karma gravity
21:23.19ElwoodBwell anyways, of I go to a windows channel then
21:23.19dpkggravity has karma of 11
21:23.28pipelineAzar: Compaq had  really strong midrange sales, and really strong low-end sales, but had trouble breaking into the high end, and an impossible time realizing economies of scope.
21:23.33n3klbabilen: I am running the i686 install
21:23.48pipelineAzar: HP had really strong midrange sales, and really strong low-end sales, but had trouble breaking into the high end, and an impossible time realizing economies of scope.
21:23.53illoThey still bear compaq name. BTW the dual core nx631o is a nice laptop, I have the single core that is slightly less linux friendly
21:23.54ElwoodBthe faster I'm through with this the less time I have to spend on MS products
21:23.55ElwoodBbye gang
21:23.58pipelineAzar: So they figured they would merge, and share the weaknesses! :D
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21:24.07illonx6310 i meant
21:24.08babilenn3kl: you might want to take a look at update-alternatives
21:24.10Azarpipeline: my last source of purchasing PC kits was tigerdirect, now they too fell below my expectations
21:24.17pipelineAzar: hahah, PC :P
21:24.33pipelineAzar: Real men use desperately slow proprietary hardware >:(
21:24.40Azarpipeline: cant imagine the pile of crapola they are selling now
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21:25.04pipelineAzar: Rather, not selling.  The #1 and #3 PC vendors merged to become #2. :)
21:25.22HardDisk_WPhow can I remove all packages installed by apt-get which come from's repos?
21:25.24Azarpipeline: they pull each other down the drain
21:25.51pipelineAzar: Well, yes.  HP blew lots of money to buy compaq, and gutted the company.  They were both much worse off :P
21:26.20waranyone here have a gigabyte motherboard and use the gigabyte sata ports?
21:26.28AzarHardDisk_WP: I would guess if you still have that source in your /etc/apt/sources.list, use   "apt-get remove <package1> <package2> <package3>...
21:26.35pipelineAzar: Hell, Compaq had already abandoned their in-house CPUs in favor of HP's before the merger.  HP didn't even gain on that angle :P
21:26.55HardDisk_WPAzar, that is the problem, i dunno which packages are from this repo
21:27.00Azarpipeline: never looked at either of them, they used intel cpus.. I never buy intel
21:27.21AzarHardDisk_WP: when did you installed it?
21:27.33HardDisk_WPdifferent times
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21:27.52babilenn3kl: that is "update-alternatives --config {java, javac}"
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21:28.06pabHaving trouble pinning linux-image-2.6.17 with testing.  Could it be because 2.6.17 isn't in the repository anymore?
21:28.08pipelineAzar: You may want to note that most dollars changing hands in the computer industry aren't connected to PCs :P
21:28.12illoHardDisk_WP maybe if you comment out a sources.list entry his packages in aptitude become categorized as locally installed, after an aptitude update of course
21:28.25n3klbabilen: just found this.  I never knew about alternatives
21:28.27xRainbowshi, does wget have an option for filtering out files such as ".pdf" ?
21:28.35streuner_pab: sure, all old kernels are gone nowadays
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21:28.37Azarillo: too much work
21:28.40illoHardDisk_WP, or you should see no available version in aptitude
21:28.59pipelinexRainbows: Yeah, enable globbing.  The man page explains it.
21:29.01illoHardDisk_WP, or you should see no available version in aptitude after you commented it out
21:29.12PumpkinPieI have a dark soul
21:29.12xRainbowsglobbing :D  thanx!!
21:29.17illoAzar i agree. we should all be using gobolinux :)
21:29.36AzarHardDisk_WP: you could do this; with that source still active, do: apt-cache search beryl    << see which packages are there and remember which one of them you installed. note them down, then : apt-get remove
21:29.52PumpkinPiedont use gobo linux.. use Ubungobo
21:29.58PumpkinPieits the best
21:30.10babilenn3kl: it's quite handy if you have multiple VM's installed. Necessary if some system packages depend on a specific version.. have fun!
21:30.56illoPumpkinPie, aptitude is apt enough for me, so i'll stay with debian.
21:31.00pabthx streuner_.  Is there an archive source?  I hate redoing vmware everytime apt-get updates
21:31.10PumpkinPieillo: Ubungobo
21:31.17pipelinepab: ESX :D
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21:31.30Azarbah... thats not a debian package
21:31.43illoPumpkinPie, even though ubungobo is one of the greatest sounding names for a distro
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21:31.48pipelinepab: Seriously, though: I grabbed some cheap 2-way at a used computer store to run VMware server.
21:31.58pipelinepab: Etch doesn't have a constantly changing kernel.
21:32.00streuner_pab: may sdn (/msg dpkg sdn), but its not that hard to upgrade vmware and its kernels...
21:32.06linnuxxyhow to build a spell check wordlist from a large set of documents?
21:32.12HardDisk_WPillo, aptitude worked
21:32.19streuner_pab: s/may/maybe/
21:32.31illoHardDisk_WP, aptitude always works :)
21:32.32pabtrue streuner_ ....just a pain
21:32.46furrywolflinnuxxy:  tr ' ' '\n' foo.txt | sort -u  :)
21:33.02pabthx pipeline
21:34.26linnuxxyfurrywolf : is there a helping script?
21:34.39n3klbabilen: that worked, thanks!
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21:34.46illolinnuxxy, LOL that was a great one
21:34.51babilenn3kl: np
21:35.01furrywolf... huh?
21:35.33aroonioh noes: command "sudo  apachectl graceful" failed on ... (i'm on debian etch .... what can i do ) /
21:35.46furrywolfthe command I gave will give you an alphabetically sorted list of every word used in any number of text documents.
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21:37.05arooniwhat is apachectl
21:37.36streuner_arooni: a nice script to make /etc/init.d/apache start/stop senseless :-)
21:37.48streuner_but not more...
21:37.49aroonistreuner_: right, well its not working on debian etch :(
21:38.05streuner_use /etc/init.d/apache blah then
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21:38.10n3klIs athere a defacto standard or recomended virtualization on debian?
21:39.09Azarlinnuxxy: try vim
21:41.11wols_n3kl: what is "athere" supposed to mean?
21:41.25illoanyway aspell IIRC has ways to dump unrecognized words, which probably can be fed back to be added in a dictionary
21:41.53apo_wols_: Try "there"
21:42.15Supaplexarooni: apachectl is used by /etc/init.d/apache* (each of their own flavor). /etc/init.d/apache2 start should work, as shall invoke-rc.d $service $action
21:42.32Azarlinnuxxy: vim also has a plugin for spellchecking:
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21:43.10Azarfurrywolf: you still have to practice and learn "the debian way" of doing things...
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21:43.21furrywolfAzar:  ?
21:43.25linnuxxyAzar.. I'm trying to build a dictionary for aspell, myspell
21:43.35illoazar vi vs a bash script is the debian way? :)
21:43.42Azarlinnuxxy: ah you try to make your own one... nice
21:43.57n3klwols_: a drunken typo.
21:43.57Azarillo: it was not specifically related to vim
21:44.13linnuxxyAzar, very nice... but if i just know where to start from?
21:44.19Supaplexvi already has builting spell checking. sometimes it gets ignored if syntax highlighting is on. :help spell (iirc)
21:44.34n3klI want to run a virtual installation of solaris on a box without bringing down debian to do so.  Are there any nice virtualization tools to do so?  Vmware seems bloated.
21:44.46AzarSupaplex: I know from the tutorial, thought that plugin script gave it more muscle
21:45.03Supaplexn3kl: qemu, xen, virtualbox
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21:47.51n3klSupaplex: hmm, googleing, thanks
21:47.52aroonihow can i make is such that when a script logs in as root, and then tries to run this command "sudo  apachectl graceful" ... this command "sudo apache2ctl graceful" is run instead?
21:47.53Azarhehe funny nick
21:48.23Supaplexarooni: make a symlink
21:48.31furrywolfarooni:  symlink apache2ctl to apachectl?
21:48.37arooniSupaplex: how do i do this?
21:48.51AzarSupaplex: might be by configuring the environment variables?
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21:49.42Dark_ApostropheDoes anyone know of any good headphones that have USB (I hate minijacks), are of a good quality and preferably not terribly expensive?
21:50.13SupaplexAzar: you know, it's been a few days since I tried it for the first time, and I forgot already.
21:50.25Azarshell functions?
21:50.47Azarmyls() {
21:51.46SupaplexAzar: I thought you were talking about vim. :P
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21:52.12AzarSupaplex: ahhhh.. no I was wondering if a shell function could perform aaroni's command
21:52.38beet0lcan anyone suggest a lightweight way to transfer files from client to client (bi-directional)
21:52.43SupaplexAzar: it a symlink would be eaiser, provided he doesn't install over it.
21:52.45WyzardDark_Apostrophe: The nice thing about "regular" headphones is that they plug into your regular sound card
21:52.54WyzardDark_Apostrophe: USB headphones *are* a sound card, as far as the system is concerned
21:53.01dondelelcaro!+depends libc6 etch
21:53.02dpkgUpdating debian files... please wait.
21:53.05dpkglibc6: depends on tzdata
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21:53.20Dark_ApostropheWyzard: I don't care - Miniports get worn out very quickly
21:53.27dondelelcaroabrotman: the mirror that it pulls files from was down some time last night, so that's probably why it failed
21:53.44illoDark_Apostrophe, i'd not waste an usb port for audio, and such headphones should incorporate a DAC to accomodate usb output, unless it's hi quality stuff i don't see any gain
21:54.12WyzardDark_Apostrophe: I've never tried using USB headphones in Linux, so I don't know how well the system deal with suddenly plugging in a second soundcard and expecting it to know which one(s) to use...  that'd be my concern
21:55.06furrywolfWyzard:  I've never used usb headphones, but I have a usb sound gizmo, and it works flawlessly...
21:55.12Dark_ApostropheIt's for a laptop.. I don't want its miniport worn out due to constant unplugging/replugging
21:55.17furrywolfit gets assigned the first available alsa card id number when you plug it in.
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21:55.37furrywolfDark_Apostrophe:  umm, usb plugs get worn out even faster.
21:55.39Dark_ApostropheWith HAL, maybe it would work out
21:55.47WyzardI plug/unplug headphones on my laptop on a daily basis, and neither the jack nor the plug are worn-out
21:55.50Dark_Apostrophefurrywolf: Really? I haven't seen that yet
21:55.53illoDark_Apostrophe, i've replugged 3.5 jacks for 30 years...
21:55.56Wyzardand I've been doing this for about two years
21:56.21furrywolfDark_Apostrophe:  get a little 6" headphones extension cable, plug it into your laptop's headphones jack, then tape it to the side.  then plug and unplug your headphones from it.
21:56.23Dark_Apostropheillo: I mean the minijack on the headphones, the male part
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21:56.44WyzardI haven't seen any problems with that
21:56.52furrywolfI've never seen a wornout male TRS connector.
21:57.00WyzardUnless you bend it sideways and break it off or something
21:57.14enouffurrywolf: that funny lag while entering bios setup surely sounds like IML compaq crap.. (it's loading it off the hdd) , that's why nothing will boot without the hdd hooked up (tried a LiveCD without hdd connected?)
21:57.45enouftime to practice your 1337 soldering skills ;-)
21:57.45Dark_ApostropheI've had two Koss Porta Pro plugs get worn out
21:57.58furrywolfenouf:  no, it's a decent-quality intel motherboard, and I've used it with no hard drive at all before.  in fact, to install windoze to see if it would work, I tossed a random 20G drive into it from my spare drive pile.
21:57.59illoYes, Dark_Apostrophe, but i think you are concerned with the female part. A worn male jack (never seen one) can be replaced easily
21:58.26Dark_ApostropheYeah, I am, but also the male part if I invest in fucking expensive headphones
21:59.14enoufthe windows CDs boot with no HDD?
21:59.14xandplugs are easily replaced with a soldering iron
21:59.15furrywolfand unless you buy crap headphones, the cable should be replacable anyway, if you do manage to screw up the plug.
21:59.15enoufthat would be a first .. you should trademark that
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21:59.21sanmarcosin unix systems, what is a good folder to share files between all users, say a gpg public key?
21:59.21Dark_Apostrophexand: I only have one experience soldering, when I tried modding my old Xbox
21:59.25Dark_Apostrophexand: It never recovered
21:59.27furrywolfenouf:  haven't tried the windows cd.  I tried it with a rescue cd when I first set this box up for the first relative I gave it to...
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21:59.51WyzardMy $80 Sennheiser HD280 came with directions for replacing the cord, and I'm pretty sure it didn't involve soldering -- I'd imagine anything more expensive should be able to do the same
21:59.54furrywolfit booted linux cds then.  I don't know why it won't boot them now.  :)
22:00.00WyzardAnd that plug isn't worn out at all, after two years, anyway
22:00.02enouffurrywolf: tried altering the BIOS while no HDD was connected?
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22:00.33furrywolfenouf:  I have had, since I first obtained this box, FIVE different boot hard drives in it.  I assure you, it is not using any harddrive-based bios.  :P
22:00.37xandI've never had headphones that expensive
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22:01.14enoufi suppose you never had Linux installed then in all that time?
22:01.15xandenouf: compaqs haven't done that for ages
22:01.30enoufxand: i realize that .. but tuhe symptoms sure are like it
22:01.38robin__szso ... In Wondows, pile of shite that it is, i turn on the IR port of my Nokia phone,  put it near my laptop, and whoosh, I can browse the images on its internal memory card ... can I do the same thing in Linux?
22:01.38Dark_Apostrophexand: It's a gaming laptop - I intend for the quality to be high
22:01.57Azarlaptop+gaming does not click very well
22:02.11robin__szgaming .. laptop ... gaming ... laptop
22:02.12AzarI mean +serious gaming
22:02.14xandDark_Apostrophe: pfft.
22:02.16robin__sznope not understanding that
22:02.19Dark_ApostropheAzar: Oh no? 8600M GT card?
22:02.32AzarDark_Apostrophe: man you gonna burn your nuts
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22:02.36furrywolfenouf:  no, it booted my debian netinst cd just fine last time I installed linux on it.
22:02.40rahulmmmm roasted nuts
22:02.41enouflike i said, then it's the f;loppy emulation mode, which i don;t think you've addressed yet
22:02.52Azarrahul: mmmmm yea what rahul said
22:03.00enoufwtf? .. beat it with a slegde then .. i'm done
22:03.18furrywolfthat hard drive crashed.  the extra-pleasant sound a maxtor drive makes when it repeatedly slams the heads into the side of the case trying to find track0.  :)
22:03.22topherid like to use the experimental version of just two user programs but keep everything else using the etch stable packages. is there a way to do this?
22:03.25illorobin__sz, in wondows i turned on the friggin laptop and i had to burn two dvds of recovery system and had only one chance to do so. messing a lil with IRDA if necessary is still better than windows.
22:03.28Dark_ApostropheAzar: I'm not gonna have it on my lap as I game :P
22:03.42Azarbtw rahul, you are not from us, right, europe? ever ate fried pork nuts?
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22:03.45furrywolfenouf:  yes, wtf is right.  why do you think I've wasted a morning trying to figure out what the hell it's doing?  :P
22:03.57enoufdig the hole DEEP in the yard .. i think i wil go pick up my buds' p4 Gateway that he doesn'ty want anymore .. RDRAM babay!
22:04.07furrywolfthis is rdram.  :P
22:04.17robin__szillo, im not particualrly interested in how crap windows is, im more interested in what I need to do to browse my phone photos on Linux ... any ideas?
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22:04.39enoufphone's are meant for talking ;-)
22:04.42illorobin__sz, nope no ideas as i dunno what protocols nokia uses, sorry :)
22:04.52xandenouf: phone's what are?
22:04.56Azarrobin__sz: feh has a slideshow for photos
22:05.09dpkgfeh is, like, the poor man's bah, or an excellent imlib2-based image viewer
22:05.10enoufer - one ' please ;-)
22:05.16rahulAzar: why do you think I'm not from the us?
22:05.17Azarrahul: cuz I did and they are de li ci o us
22:05.41Azarrahul: from your sleeping hours...
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22:06.13Azarrahul: in france they are known as "delicatessen" and very expensive in the restaurant
22:06.16robin__szAzar,  will feh interface to the phone in some way ?
22:06.45Azarrobin__sz: feh is just a Debian package, you apt-get it, then read the howto and done.
22:06.54rahulAzar: my sleeping hours are usually 02:00-10:00 and 19:00-21:00
22:06.58quitteAzar: weird plural for french
22:07.02illorobin__sz, IIRC there was gnokii package, see if you find on their site if/how your model is supported
22:07.13enoufdudes .. i'm running out of JW black .. :-(
22:07.17rahulor instead of 19:00-21:00, maybe 15:00-16:00 or something
22:07.38Azarrobin__sz:  << click on the feh --help on the up right square
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22:08.05illorobin__sz, once you get images on the pc, browsing them can be done with many viewers, gthumb...
22:08.10Azarquitte: eh was in german... don't remember how is in french, les
22:08.46Azarillo: feh is found in Debian repositories, very easy to use
22:09.18robin__szillo, gnokii is soemting I looked at ... its some weird ass command line tool that I failed to be able to use after an hours trying .. im looking for something a bit more gui I think
22:09.19Azarrahul: I guess stoned went out to see a game, or at the pub
22:09.36rahulhe's not like that
22:09.39illoAzar pornview is packaged for debian too :)
22:09.44Azarrobin__sz: feh command line is very easy and highly customizable
22:09.52Azarillo: hehe
22:10.21illoshowfoto for kde is nice too
22:11.07Azarrobin__sz: feh has gui
22:11.07robin__szimage viewing tools are ten a penny ... not that interested to be honest ... its the getting from phone to laptop thing that is more interesting
22:11.18illorobin__sz, gnokii
22:11.35robin__szillo, is there some sort of gui for gnokii?
22:11.36illosee that one if has functions to transfer stuff
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22:12.22illorobin__sz, dunno really i have samsung and i barely know how to set up an alarm on it - not interested in closed environments :)
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22:13.14michael____am hey guys the latest debian linux does it come with kde version 2.5.6 or 2.5.5?
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22:13.30illoaptitude says gnokii is both for console and gui
22:13.31aptitudeillo: okay
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22:14.04Azarmichael____: the latest Debian stable is 4.0 Etch and I doubt has the latest kernel, kde, gnome or whatever. However the packages and kernel are "advanced" and stable
22:14.08o2T7do you know where to find a cool firmware for sb4200e ?
22:14.21o2T7Sorry for the off-topic
22:14.37Azaro2T7: never used that.. sorry dunno
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22:15.44illohi kimy. Can't sleep before the gran premio huh?
22:16.09kimy_i need to save all my /home and then restore it on another disk...can i do it with tar -cvvpf file.tar /home --same-owner ?? or i need  other parameters?
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22:16.55kingsleyIs there a way to reset the scsi bus?
22:17.28michael____Azar: oh ok cause i was just checkin it out and i see i have kde version 2.5.5 and i was just wonderin if i have the lastest debian linux...
22:17.31Legalityim having a error 500 with awstats and I think it's related to the problematic relationship between libapache2-mod-auth-mysql and debian etch
22:17.31rahulthe whole bus?
22:17.33illokimy as long as the other disk is used in a place where user id match the original one i guess tarring and untarring preserving attributes should work.  I use rsync for that so i don't recall tar
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22:17.42illotar options
22:17.42sepskiKing_Brad, depends on the scsi controller. it's driver and the utils for it.
22:17.53Legalitydoes anyone know a good libapache-mod-auth-mysql package that works perfectly on etch?
22:18.00illoi know i am in italy too kimy_
22:18.19kingsleyrahul: Thanks for asking. Yes, there's only one device on the scsi bus, so resetting the whole bus would be fine.
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22:19.55robin__sznothing :(
22:20.46michael____Azar: i am tryin to get the gtk thing to change the look of my iceweasel browser interface a bit...cause it look kinda like windows you know which gtk utility to get?
22:21.21obnauticusDoes anyone here know of a good torrent tracker for Debian
22:21.25obnauticusor just *nix
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22:21.31obnauticuspreferably with a webGUI
22:22.01blinxI just imported my mp2 file recorded with kaffeine in audacity but there is nothing really to hear
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22:22.09robin__szany more clues?
22:22.09illorobin__sz, did you check you have irda modules loaded in the kernel? that should be automatic but you never know. And see what logs say if anything
22:22.11blinxonly some strange noise..
22:22.43robin__szillo, which ones should \i have?
22:22.44illoobnauticus, mldonkey has a web frontend and does torrents, but i dunno how good a tracker it is
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22:23.45robin__szillo: is this right? irda                  162588  2 irtty_sir,sir_dev
22:23.45robin__szcrc_ccitt               2240  1 irda
22:23.47obnauticusI don't necessarily need downloading capibility
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22:25.59illorobin__sz, well modules seem to be present. I'd google to see which modules your model is likely to use, IIRC there wasn't sir only.
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22:26.38michael____hey guys  i am tryin to get the gtk thing to change the look of my iceweasel browser interface a bit...cause it look kinda like windows you know which gtk utility to get?
22:28.55techbeemicheal__:y don't  you  change the theme of browser
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22:31.36robin__szillo, do I need to do anything else, apart from just put the phone near the laptop?
22:31.42aroonihey folks is /etc/init.d the right place to put startup scripts (that i want to run if my server unexpectedly restarts) ?
22:32.13arooniyea, i'm on a VPS
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22:32.51prahalrahul, sorry to bother you again about symbols and threads. I had some research in progress when you answered me and I have digged deeper. It could be that I used the wrong word by asking for symbols (I am not a native english speaker) : I am looking after having a meaningful backtrace (with functions and file names) with thread apply all bt
22:32.54robin__szarooni, main scripts go in /etc/init.d, call them from the appropriate rc.d for your runlevel
22:33.16onurI doesn't using sound card if i using xmms or any program using sound card. Do you have any idea?
22:33.24prahaldoes this match my understanding of symbols ?
22:33.29onuror is it normal?
22:33.29robin__szarooni, all debian stuff that needs an init.od script comes with one pre-installed anyway
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22:34.42illorobin__sz, I think you might see gnokii help
22:34.58SweetandyI'm looking for a script that will call to /dev/random and give output indefinitely in a matrix green until stopped with C-c
22:35.28Azarnews: "Embedded board-maker VersaLogic has started shipping free Linux BSPs (board support packages) for two more of its single-board computers (SBCs) : Embedded Debianized boards
22:35.29robin__szSweetandy, whats a matrix green?
22:35.35CrippsFXI'm trying to follow the directions here: ... but when I get to "$ debootstrap -arch i386 sid /var/sid-386-chroot" debootstrap has no output, and there's nothing in the directory I specify ...
22:35.43Alarmhello, i want to go to sid , i wanted to ask if i can leave this repository like that (deb etch main contrib non-free restricted) or change it to deb sidmain contrib non-free restricted
22:35.50Sweetandyrobin__sz, it's just the color green, basically. From The Matrix.
22:36.02aroonihey folks , im having trouble adding a binary executable as a service:
22:36.32robin__szSweetandy, why nit just use matrix screensaver?
22:36.44Sweetandyrobin__sz, What environment do you usE?
22:37.16Sweetandyrobin__sz, I'm in Ratpoison. I'll log out and try that.
22:38.21{nathan}Are there any good gameboy or NES emulators in the repositories?
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22:40.21robin__szSweetandy, try the cmatrix thing too
22:41.19arooniany ideas?
22:41.24arooniregarding making mongrel_cluster a service?
22:41.26prahal{nathan} apt-cache search gameboy -> gngb and xmess-sdl
22:41.38Saint-Takeshihaving trouble getting direct rendering to work. using ATI radeon 9250 with fglrx prop. driver, but no matter what i do, glxinfo | grep direct always returns "no"
22:41.44valdynarooni: so? have you read /etc/init.d/README ?
22:42.04{nathan}prahal: Azar: Thanks a ton ^^
22:42.20valdynSaint-Takeshi: why dont you use the free ati driver?
22:42.49aroonivaldyn: well i just took a look at it
22:42.51Saint-Takeshidoes that use DRI?
22:42.52aroonii dont see how it affects me
22:42.52sobersabrehi. is there a way to resize a reiserfs partition, without losing its data ?
22:42.57sobersabreI am on debian etch.
22:43.00prahalSaint-Takeshi, yes
22:43.08sobersabrereiserfs 3.x
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22:43.26valdynarooni: now you know, but you could have concluded that from the error you pasted too, just by reading it
22:44.11aroonivaldyn: well the file does exist, its just symlinked
22:44.23prahalsobersabre, gparted
22:44.27rahulprahal: you can only get a backtrace of a thread that you stop
22:44.36rahuldunno about gdb in particular
22:44.48rahulkingsley: well, you can use hdparm to reset a specific hard drive
22:44.52prahalok I get it
22:44.53valdynsobersabre: like the resize_reiserfs tool ?
22:45.01rahulkingsley: also, there's scsiadd etc
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22:45.59null-pointerhumm what is the best way to install the nvidia driver for people with a custom kernel?
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22:46.32dpkgwell, module-assistant is a tool helping to build additional (kernel) module packages and generate/install DEB packages with them, or aptitude install module-assistant build-essential && m-a prepare
22:46.45rahulget the module source and use modASS
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22:46.55Wyzardnull-pointer: nvidia-glx, nvidia-kernel-source, and module-assistant
22:47.18omriHow can I boot an ISO image without burning it? (I have the image on the disk)
22:47.28Azarvaldyn: is parted good for sobersabre ?
22:47.38null-pointerinstalling nvidia-glx will install the oldest kernel image as dependcy
22:47.39Wyzardomri: You can't
22:47.40illom-a debs are strictly dependent on a single kernel version i guess?
22:47.49null-pointeri dont want it
22:47.58omriWyzard, are you sure? I've read about a project that does that. It was made for ubuntu actually.
22:48.18omriIt prepares the installation from windows, then reboots to the ubuntu livecd, just like it would if it was burnt
22:48.18Wyzardnull-pointer: That's because it depends on nvidia-kernel, so it automatically installs the older nvidia-kernel package
22:48.25valdynAzar: yea
22:48.29illoAzar i used gparted to shrink ntfs with no problems insofar. Dunno about reiser
22:48.32rahulnull-pointer: that's ridiculous
22:48.33Azarsobersabre: if you use parted, read this:
22:48.37rahulnull-pointer: you don't have a kernel?
22:48.42null-pointerbut i dont want thhe old kernel!
22:48.43Wyzardnull-pointer: Use module-assistant to build and install nvidia-kernel for your custom kernel
22:48.47null-pointeri have a custom one
22:48.53Azarillo: there are warnings for reiserfs..
22:48.56rahulnull-pointer: then it won't install a new one
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22:49.04Wyzardnull-pointer: That'll satisfy nvidia-glx's dependency
22:49.11valdynnull-pointer: it wont if you install a nvidia-kernel package for your kernel first
22:49.16Azarhehe rahul, you are in for some sweat
22:49.26Guerinhey kids, what's a free alternative to mprime?
22:49.33rahulmy balls are sweaty
22:49.35AzarMister Guerinnnn! :)
22:49.39illoomri qemu boots iso
22:49.40Guerinto load-test an undervolted centrino laptop
22:49.46Azarrahul: I believe you
22:49.48omriillo, without qemu
22:49.53omriI want to boot the ISO nativly.
22:49.55rahulAzar: that's what she said
22:50.01Guerin]othen burn it to cd
22:50.04Guerinomri: ↑
22:50.12valdynGuerin: a kernel compilation?
22:50.18omriGuerin, I was asking about booting an ISO without burning it
22:50.21Guerinvaldyn: eh?
22:50.27Wyzardomri: Aside from some special loader like you mentioned, the only way to do it is in a way that your BIOS supports, which means on a physical CD
22:50.28Guerinomri: then by definition, it's not natively
22:50.38valdynGuerin: to load test your undervolted laptop
22:50.44rahulwhere. is. that. stoned?
22:50.50WyzardGuerin: "natively" meaning on the real hardware, not in a virtual machine
22:51.00Alarmis unstable more risky than testing or the opposide ?
22:51.05Guerinvaldyn: yeah ... that's what I'd tend to go for. I hear cpuburn is dangerous, no?
22:51.12nvzI don't think grub boots isos off filesystems
22:51.19GuerinAlarm: yes, much more.
22:51.29omriWyzard, isn't there a way to make the BIOS "think" the ISO is the actual CD?
22:51.30WyzardAlarm: unstable is more risky -- packages only go into testing after spending some time in unstable with no major problems found
22:51.34AlarmGuerin,  much more what ? to which on are u refering
22:51.35valdynGuerin: i doubt it. But i cant tell for sure
22:51.38omriCan't GRUB boot ISOs, for example?
22:51.39Wyzardomri: The BIOS knows nothing about files on your disk
22:51.41GuerinAlarm: much more dangerous
22:51.51omriWyzard, of course it doesn't. The drivers to.
22:51.54AlarmGuerin,  testing or unstable is much more dangerous ?
22:52.08omrimaybe some grub feature? kexec even?...
22:52.08Alarmi see , thanks Wyzard
22:52.09Wyzardomri: What I mean is, the BIOS doesn't have filesystem drivers...  it just sees a disk as a raw block device
22:52.11illoomri the bios won't. You'd have to mount the iso as a loopback somewhere after. I say easier to use qemu or burn the disc :)
22:52.15AzarAlarm: if you do not know how to administer, find and fix bugs in the unstable Debian, you are wasting time.
22:52.16valdynGuerin: does cpuburn even do proper consitency check though?
22:52.31omriillo, I want to netboot ISOs
22:52.39Guerinvaldyn: i don't really know anything about the requirements of prope load testing, that's why I ask.
22:52.40Alarmi see..
22:52.44Wyzardomri: GRUB understands filesystems and in principle could be made to support iso-booting, but it's not currently implemented
22:52.59AzarAlarm: unstable uses untested packages that often lead to the crash of the system
22:53.00rahuldamn it
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22:53.11Alarmi see
22:53.11Azarrahul: wanna play ball?
22:53.12rahulI want to invite stoned to a bbq tomorrow
22:53.13WyzardAzar: I dunno if I'd say "often"
22:53.14omriWyzard, maybe another bootloader? wrapper or something?...
22:53.19rahulAzar: that's what she said
22:53.22Alarmso i guess testing would be a better choice
22:53.28AzarWyzard: to a new Debian user, might be quite "often"
22:53.29valdynGuerin: well, whatever load you run has to verify what it calculates, gcc does that and will spit out an internal compiler error in case something is wrong
22:53.29illooh i dunno how to make an iso into a netboot img, sorry omri
22:53.35Wyzardomri: Like I said, it's possible in principle, yes
22:53.42Guerinvaldyn: right, cool.
22:53.44Wyzardomri: but there's no existing software (AFAIK) which actually does it
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22:53.53Wyzardomri: Just get a rewritable CD or something and burn the iso
22:53.54Guerini guess I can do a few concurrent builds to really make it hurt
22:53.58omriillo, That's not the idea, I want to boot the ISO without altering it
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22:54.08omriWyzard, I guess I would try a bit more googling :)
22:54.10Guerinomri: i want a pony
22:54.21Azarrahul is my pony
22:54.28Guerinride 'em cowboy!
22:54.36valdynGuerin: or just compare sha1sums
22:54.49illoomri then you'd have to modify bootp or something :)
22:55.12AzarGuerin: I saw on pbs the other day an american couple bought Patagonia... man lucky people
22:55.13Guerinvaldyn: it's purely precautionary, since I have a list of voltages which are apparently known to work
22:55.24GuerinAzar: WTF, all of it?
22:55.26Wyzardomri: Keep in mind that bootable CDs usually contain startup code that actually looks for, and expects to find, a CD-ROM drive to load files from
22:55.35AzarGuerin: yes the entire south of Chile...
22:55.40sobersabreAzar: have you actually read this link yourself ?
22:55.44GuerinAzar: that's so wrong
22:55.44omriWyzard, that's why you need to emulate the CDROM before loading the ISO
22:55.50Azarsobersabre: which one?
22:55.55sobersabrewith parted
22:56.02Wyzardomri: which is rather non-trivial to do, and that's why nobody's bothered writing software to do it
22:56.06sobersabreIt says parted doesn't support reiserfs
22:56.09Wyzardomri: Blank CDs are cheap and quick to burn
22:56.10AzarGuerin: for preservation... to impede the destruction of the nature by a developing country
22:56.17omriWyzard, furthermore, linux installations look for the CD drive to get the packages from. sometimes an unsupported cdrom can't install the system
22:56.17Legalityhi, one small question
22:56.20valdynsobersabre: gparted supports reiserfs
22:56.22sobersabreso ... what DOES resize an reiserfs partition... ?
22:56.24GuerinAzar: mm, the white man's burden.
22:56.28omriWyzard, The final goal is to netboot ISO images
22:56.29sobersabrevaldyn: are you sure ?
22:56.30Legalityis this format of /etc/hosts file correct
22:56.30Legalityip.ip.ip.iphostname.locallocalhost hostname
22:56.31Wyzardsobersabre: resize_reiserfs  :-)
22:56.31*** kick/#debian [Legality!n=debhelpe@unaffiliated/debhelper] by debhelper (use the paster bot or #flood)
22:56.33valdynsobersabre: "reiserfsprogs" needs to be installed naturally
22:56.39valdynsobersabre: yes I am
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22:56.42sobersabreWyzard: it doesn't work either.
22:56.47GuerinLegality: that's not a question
22:56.50Legalityso is that format of the hosts file correct?
22:56.53Wyzardsobersabre: Yes it does
22:57.04LegalityGuerin: is it correct?
22:57.04Azarsobersabre: ah no, it said : Note that ReiserFS support is only enabled if you install the libreiserfs0.3-0 package. Since libreiserfs0.3-0 has been removed from sarge, ReiserFS support is not compiled in the default package.
22:57.10AzarI assume you run Etch?
22:57.10GuerinLegality: looks fine to me
22:57.15LegalityAzar: yes
22:57.23GuerinLegality: though we only saw 3 lines
22:57.30rahul!seen stoned
22:57.30dpkgstoned is currently on #debian, last said: 'hi'.
22:57.31Jerom817Saw stoned Joining #debian on Fri Jun  8 18:32:22 2007
22:57.32sobersabreI've tried to use resize_reiserfs with:
22:57.35sobersabreresize_reiserfs -s 69786M /dev/hdb2
22:57.40LegalityGuerin: there were only 3 lines?
22:57.41sobersabreand it gives me error.
22:57.43Guerin!seen Jerom817
22:57.43dpkgjerom817 is currently on #debian. Has said a total of 1 messages. Is idling for 12s, last said: 'Saw stoned Joining #debian on Fri Jun  8 18:32:22 2007'.
22:57.43Jerom817Saw Jerom817 On #debian as of Fri Jun  8 00:04:35 2007
22:57.48Wyzardsobersabre: Well, what's the error?
22:57.49Azarrahul: I'm telling you he left, is Saturday...
22:57.57rahulleft where?
22:57.58valdynsobersabre: so what, what's the error?
22:57.59GuerinJerom817: whoever owns you needs to turn you off public addressing
22:58.04rahulhe doesn't go anywhere
22:58.06LegalityGuerin: should there be more?
22:58.10Azarrahul: where people go Saturday nights
22:58.12GuerinLegality: i don't know
22:58.15rahulAzar: he doesn't
22:58.16*** join/#debian Firestarter- (
22:58.20rahulit's not saturday night yet
22:58.22GuerinAzar: they call it `the pub'
22:58.30Alarmdoes deb testing/updates main contrib non-free exist ? or there is no testing repo for the security updates ?
22:58.32Azarwhat Guerin said
22:58.52WyzardAlarm: Correct, there is no security support for testing (nor for unstable)
22:59.00*** mode/#debian [+l 731] by debhelper
22:59.08GuerinI didn't go to the pub last nigth
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22:59.15rahulI went to 4
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22:59.25WyzardAlarm: They get security fixes when new versions of packages go into unstable and eventually propagate to testing
22:59.27Guerinstayed in and watched the mighty All Blacks put nine tries to one over France
22:59.28Azarrahul: I used to start partying on friday nights, go to a game on Saturday morning, to movies and a restaurant daytime, and pub on saturday night
22:59.38rahulAzar: stoned doesn't do that
22:59.43rahulhe sits on irc :P
22:59.53rahulor maybe he's working at Macy's
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22:59.56Guerinrahul: is it true that he gave up the smokables?
22:59.57Azarrahul: maybe someone took him to show how the life is spent better
23:00.05Alarmso all i will need will be deb-src testing main contrib non-free restricted and the multimedia testing ?
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23:00.09rahulGuerin: maybe
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23:00.15sobersabrevaldyn, error has 3 lines. do oyu think it's ok to paste in here ?
23:00.18Alarmi understood
23:00.23dpkgPlease don't paste more than 3 lines here in the channel, use instead: or or for pics.
23:00.28sobersabre/dev/hdb2 is of 12914400 blocks size only with reiserfs of 12914400 blocks
23:00.29sobersabresize on it. You are trying to expand reiserfs up to 17864192 blocks size.
23:00.29sobersabreYou probably forgot to expand your partition size.
23:00.40sobersabreit isn't MORE than 3 lines. :)
23:00.43Wyzardsobersabre: You're trying to make the filesystem bigger than the partition it's on
23:00.59sobersabreWyzard: it's a problem then.
23:01.08sobersabreI am using the syntax as written in the manual
23:01.09Azarrahul: you should go to a pub, have fun and let stoned look for you instead :)
23:01.09valdynsobersabre: why need us to read that simple and self explanatory error?
23:01.16Wyzardsobersabre: yes, but it doesn't mean resize_reiserfs doesn't work, it just means you told it to do something impossible
23:01.31rahulAzar: I will, but I want to invite him to a bbq tomorrow and a metal show wed
23:01.34sobersabreWyzard: I am working according to the manpage
23:01.38sobersabreand it doesn't work.
23:01.41Azarrahul: leave him a memo
23:01.48Wyzardsobersabre: Do you understand what the message is telling you?
23:01.49rahulhe's logged in
23:02.08Azarrahul: add it to the topic line, make azeem red
23:02.10sobersabrebut I am not telling resize_reiserfs to exceed anything.
23:02.17Wyzardsobersabre: Yes you are
23:02.20sobersabreI have ~80GB disk
23:02.22linnuxxyyesterday I had a major filesystem corruption ... and now when I try to apt-get anything i got alot of this errors : dpkg: serious warning: files list file for package `xfce4-appfinder' missing, assuming package has no files currently installed... how can i fix that?
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23:02.25omriWyzard, have a look at this
23:02.28nzkMy filesystem corrupted
23:02.31nzkI can't boot
23:02.35nzkWhat do I do?
23:02.36omriWyzard, seems it's possible to simulate a CDROM :)
23:02.42valdynsobersabre: how is your disk size relevant here?
23:02.43Wyzardsobersabre: doesn't matter how big  your disk is, it matters how big the *partition* is
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23:02.50omri(this one doesn't do that. it simulates a hard drive)
23:02.53Wyzardsobersabre: The filesystem can't be bigger than the partition which contains it
23:03.00Azarlinnuxxy: not sure try "aptitude update"  "aptitude upgrade" maybe works?
23:03.06Wyzardsobersabre: Resize the partition first, to make room for resize_reiserfs to expand the filesystem
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23:03.17illonzk, curse.
23:03.39nzkI tried to boot into command line mode but fsck didn't work
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23:03.50nzkright now I'm gonna boot into Knoppix and try from there
23:03.55sobersabreWyzard: ... I think I understand my error only now :(
23:04.02illonzk boot off a cd ...yes exactly
23:04.05Wyzardomri: Bootable CDs can specify floppy or hard-drive emulation, and the BIOS presumably uses a similar trick in that case
23:04.10daemonhey all can anyone give me a hand trying to hack my wifi card to work this is the first time I have used debain and im incredibly lost
23:04.20daemonespecially with the incredible lack of documentation
23:04.21sobersabreso, before I run resize_reiserfs, I must expand it with fdisk or similar.
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23:04.43sobersabrethis is something I've missed!
23:04.43valdyndaemon: or your incredible lack of googling skills ;)
23:04.47Azardaemon: which Debian? 4.0?
23:04.53sobersabreWyzard: am I right ?
23:04.53omriWyzard, can you emulate a CDROM from the bootloader? If the ISO image is on a remote machine (using an NFS share, for example), would the emulation hooks still work?
23:04.56kenboodaemon, use ndiswrapper if you haven't tried.
23:04.56Alarmand a last question for tonight . does the testing exists or not ?
23:05.00omristill work as in after the ISO boots
23:05.02MikePerhello. one of you uses an LSI SATA RAID controller? A while back (sarge) I tried to install one but had problems. Is the support in etch better?
23:05.04daemonAzar, Linux debian 2.6.18-4-686 #1 SMP Mon Mar 26 17:17:36 UTC 2007 i686 GNU/Linux
23:05.09daemonvaldyn, no.
23:05.46babilensobersabre: haven't read everything so i am not sure if this is relevant ....: have a look at gparted. it's a great toll for resizing partitions/filesystems of all kinds.. they have a boot cd..
23:05.49GuerinMikePer: find out what version of linux supports it
23:05.56daemonkenboo, hmm what do I need to apt-get for ndiswrapper
23:06.05Wyzardomri: There are three ways a bootable CD can work:  floppy emulation, hard-drive emulation, and no emulation
23:06.29kenboodaemon,  apt-get install ndiswrapper-common diswrapper-source ndiswrapper-utils
23:06.39MikePerGuerin, there was support even in sarge but it wasnt very mature
23:06.43omriWyzard, what do you mean? lost you there. Why a bootable CD needs a HD emulation?
23:06.45daemonkenboo, many thanks
23:06.47Wyzardomri: In the first two cases, the BIOS loads a file from the CD (1.44MB in the case of floppy emulation, bigger for hard-drive emulation) and uses that trick to make it appear as a real drive
23:07.05Wyzardomri: I dunno, I've never seen a bootable CD that actually uses hard-drive emulation
23:07.05kenboodaemon,  and also module-assistant
23:07.11GuerinMikePer: well, etch's kernel is 10 minor versions newer, so I expect it would work more betterer
23:07.26omriso, bootable CDs are like a bootloader that loads the kernel that operates the CD itself?
23:07.34Wyzardomri: but I've made floppy-emulation bootable CDs for things like BIOS updates -- I don't have a floppy drive in this computer, so I just take the 1.44MB disk image and make a CD out of it
23:07.40omrieven windows installation medias use this approach?
23:07.42daemonkenboo, ok dokey already got that bit
23:08.06Wyzardomri: The Windows install CDs, and I think the Debian install CD too, use the "no-emulation" option
23:08.11MikePerGuerin, thats what I hoped but experiences some had with it would be better than just hope :-)
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23:08.12Guerinomri: it's voodoo built on a dirty hack wrapped in some precarious workarounds
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23:08.15kenboodaemon,  then run module-assistant
23:08.28Wyzardomri: in which the BIOS just loads a small amount of code, a few sectors, from the CD, and that code is responsible for everything else
23:08.33omriWyzard, so the boot sector of the CD is the kernel itself?
23:08.46Wyzardomri: No, it's isolinux
23:09.01omriWyzard, and on windows?
23:09.05Wyzardomri: which uses BIOS functions for accessing the CD and loading the kernel
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23:09.21Wyzardomri: In Windows it's whatever small bit of code loads the rest of the installer from the CD, again using BIOS functions to access the CD
23:09.21Azardaemon: if you google for "wifi on Debian Etch" you can find the specific for your wifi card, you know I have no idea of your hardware...
23:09.40daemonAzar, on google there are about 50 difrent forums all static diffrent problems wit hthe card
23:09.43omriWyzard, what's an example for a floppy emulation?
23:09.47daemonnot only this but there is more than one version of it
23:09.49daemonsome will work
23:09.50daemonsome wont
23:09.56Azardaemon: I don't know your card, but google can find it
23:10.03Wyzardomri: Example of what, how to create a floppy-emulation bootable CD, or how the floppy emulation works?
23:10.04daemonAzar, as it already has
23:10.06kenboodaemon, anyway what card is it?
23:10.21omriWyzard, example of a CD that emulates a floppy disk to boot itself :)
23:10.22daemonkenboo, 3CRWE254G72
23:10.24daemonversion 2
23:10.24Azardaemon: I can't find nothing for you on google as I dont know your PC
23:10.42Azarall are pcmcia I guess
23:10.45illodaemon, backup your /lib/modules(whatever version) before trying and try all the howtos you find until one works-
23:10.53sobersabrebabilen: thanks, running gparted.
23:11.05Wyzardomri: I don't know of any pre-made CDs which do that, but you can easily make one with genisoimage (aka mkisofs)
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23:11.23Wyzardomri: Floppy emulation is the default unless you specify -hard-disk-boot or -no-emul-boot
23:11.27daemonkenboo, module-assistant ran successfully
23:11.40omriisolinux is -no-emul-boot then?
23:11.49Wyzardomri: Actually, no, I do know of one:  Seagate SeaTools, their bootable diagnostic software for hard drives
23:11.57kenboodaemon, UPDATE, PREPARE, and then SELECT ndiswrapper
23:12.11Wyzardomri: It's available as either a bootable floppy image, or an .iso which is just the floppy image made into a floppy-emulation bootable CD
23:12.29Wyzardomri: I'm pretty sure isolinux uses the no-emulation approach, though not absolutely certain
23:12.34omriSo if I understand correctly, if there was a CD emulation, you could emulate the ISO as the CD and boot it?
23:12.38daemonkenboo, selected
23:12.41Azardaemon: do you have madwifi?
23:12.51daemonAzar, yes it couldnt find the card
23:13.05Wyzardomri: Well, there's no need for "CD emulation" on a bootable CD because, well, it's already a CD
23:13.12kenboodaemon,  i guess you can go INSTALL directly.
23:13.24omriyes, but what if you want to use a bootloader, such as grub, to boot an ISO image?
23:13.30Wyzardomri: but we know it's possible to simulate BIOS floppy and hard-drive devices by hooking interrupts; the BIOS does that when you boot a CD which uses emulation
23:13.43daemonkenboo, needed me to build it
23:13.44illodaemon and try rebooting the box- i had to with my wifi
23:13.47Wyzardomri: In principle it should be possible to simulate a BIOS CD-ROM device in the same way, by hooking interrupts
23:13.48Lunar_LampI've just upgraded my serve,r but it seems to be taking AGES to process "update-initramfs" - several minutes on a fast server.  I think something has ogne wrong, but no idea how to check what.
23:13.49omriso you can hook the CDROM's interrupts to do that?
23:13.51daemonkenboo, built+installed
23:13.59daemonillo, really
23:14.03valdynAzar: his 3com card has an atheros chipset?
23:14.06kenboodaemon,  ok. so ndiswrapper is ready.
23:14.14omriWyzard, yes; that's what I had in mind when talking about the
23:14.14Wyzardomri: You'd hook into whatever interrupts are used for accessing CD-ROM drives via the BIOS
23:14.16Azarvaldyn: I try to make him tell me what is having...
23:14.18illoyep, a ndiswrapper for a broadcom card
23:14.36omriWyzard, these interrupts stay hooked after the kernel boots?
23:14.36Wyzardomri: but I don't know whether they're the same as for accessing hard drives
23:14.38Azardaemon: you have to state all specs, names, versions of your wifi card
23:14.43valdynAzar: he tried to, and gave a serial that looks like one for a usb wifi thingie
23:14.57daemon3CRWE254G72, version 2 not 1
23:14.58kenboodaemon,  you need Windows driver for your card. do you have it?
23:15.06daemonkenboo, yep got it inserted into cd drive
23:15.09daemonill mount the cd one sec
23:15.12Wyzardomri: No, the kernel has its own drivers that talk to hardware (such as an IDE controller), rather than using the BIOS interface
23:15.29daemonkenboo, ok dokey
23:15.33omriWyzard, so that doesn't do any good. the kernel that boots has to know you were booting a direct ISO image
23:15.40omrithat's just like the problem with unsupported CDROMs
23:15.43Wyzardomri: The hooked interrupts only work for code that uses the BIOS to access the CD, not code that talks to the IDE controller directly
23:15.47kenboodaemon, ndiswrapper -i your_card.inf
23:15.47omrithe kernel boots. but it fails to mount the cdrom
23:16.12omrithanks. things are much clearer now :)
23:16.28omriSo I guess to boot an ISO image off a net boot you need to hack the ISO
23:16.30daemonkenboo, ok done
23:16.35Wyzardomri: Like I said, booting an .iso directly is non-trivial and nobody's bothered implementing it since CDs are cheap  :-)
23:16.36omri(for windows installations, that is)
23:16.36kenboodaemon,  try ndiswrapper -l
23:16.48daemoninstalled drivers:
23:16.48daemon3c154g72        invalid driver!
23:16.55kenboodaemon,  urgh...
23:17.01omriWyzard, yes, but I'm talking about convenient :)
23:17.04Wyzardomri: Anyway, there are other ways to install an OS via netbooting
23:17.26omriMy guess to install windows XP from netboot I could copy the base installation partition or similar
23:17.39daemonkenboo, prism54 has the card but shows a weird status on it
23:17.43Wyzardomri: For installing Windows, I think Microsoft actually provides a netboot image you can use
23:17.43daemonill try rebooting
23:17.47daemonssee if madwifi picks it up
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23:17.51valdyndaemon: that serial links only to a discontinued usb product, can you show us the real thing?
23:17.59Wyzardomri: which will run the installer and get the data from a file server
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23:18.05illodaemon if it says invalid driver...
23:18.10Wyzardomri: (You just copy the CD contents to a folder on a hard drive, and share the folder, I think)
23:18.11omriWyzard, don't know if you installed windows recently, but first it copies files to the target partition, then it reboots and starts off it.
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23:18.31daemonoh yeah
23:18.33omriSo, my idea is to copy the files right after the reboot and create a netboot image that will put them on the destination drive
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23:18.35daemonon this cd i have a few optiobns
23:18.39daemonnot sure what they mean though
23:18.43omriWith the boot sector of the partition, of course.
23:18.48daemondebian:/cdrom/Driver# ls
23:18.48daemon3C154G7251.sys  3C154G72.INF  CCU3C154.dll  Driver.2K  Driver.ME
23:18.48daemon3C154G72.CAT    3C154G72.sys  CCU3C154.EXE  Driver.98
23:18.53omrisounds doable?
23:19.03daemonim not sure what the 'driver.OS' files do
23:19.12Wyzardomri: I know...  and if I understand correctly, Microsoft's netboot image does that same first step, formatting the drive and copying files from a fileserver, then rebooting to continue the installation
23:19.12omrioh, forgot another thing... after copying the files the OS looks for the CD
23:19.26prismhmm anyway let me reboot this laptop
23:19.29omriWyzard, you need the CD contents as well. it copies files from it
23:19.47Wyzardomri: You put the CD contents in a shared folder somewhere on the network
23:19.50omriWyzard, the files being copied before the first reboot aren't sufficient
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23:20.00omriWyzard, I'm not sure the installation has SMB support
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23:20.08rvalles0xb7e1624e in ?? () from /usr/lib/
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23:20.18Wyzardomri: The netboot image does, presumably
23:20.19rvallesI'm getting an illegal instruction in libcrypto
23:20.21omriWyzard, I can put it on the image I'm creating, on a special folder, and delete it right after the installation
23:20.32omriWyzard, are you sure there's such netboot image?
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23:20.34rvalles(from amuled, amule-server)
23:20.50omriWyzard, I think microsoft offer it with a windows 2003 server package only
23:20.52prismok laptop erbooted
23:20.57Wyzardomri: I don't know the details since it's been a few years since I read about this, but Microsoft already officially supports network installation, and I'm pretty sure they provide a PXE image for exactly this purpose
23:20.57prismstill no wifi showing up though :(
23:21.03omriWyzard, I'd have to get the image from their TFTP server
23:21.38Wyzardomri: Anyway, go ask in a Windows channel about that, and/or see Microsoft's resources for system administrators
23:21.38omriWyzard, they do. only they don't give it out for free. it comes with the win2k3 as a seperate service
23:21.52Wyzardomri: I read about it while setting up a Win2003 server a few years ago, but I'm pretty sure it supported installing XP and possibly 2000 too
23:22.01omriWyzard, I think I'd try hacking their service, debug the DHCPd args and get the image myself
23:22.05illoprism, see i fthe card is working under win, see hardware list in win, see what driver it uses, locate .inf for that and try that one
23:22.08Wyzardomri: At any rate, we're off-topic right now
23:22.21Guerinok, and from the `random a/v advice' department: can I take a non-shielded cable, wrap tinfoil and gaffer tape around it, and expect it to work as a shielded cable?
23:22.40omriWyzard, yup. The main idea wasn't windows installation, though it's some of it.
23:22.40Wyzardomri: but once you get the netboot image you could probably use a Debian bootp/tftp server (rather than Win2003) to serve the boot image, and samba to serve the files
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23:22.52omriWyzard, yes. that's my idea :)
23:22.52prismillo, it is working under win
23:22.54CompWizrdGuerin: off topic to that, but: friend of mine used speaker wire for 10base2, it worked decently, oddly enough.
23:23.00Azarfrom someone showing his stuff out: Linksys WMP54G and 3CRWE254G72 both on Slack-current, ndiswrapper1.16 wpa-supplicant0.4.9, wext-driver, WPA-PSK TKIP << nicknamed wireless g card on linux
23:23.02omriWyzard, the netboot image is probably copyrighted though
23:23.03karmatronicprism, what card is it ?
23:23.09CompWizrdGuerin: you'd have to ground the "shield" for that idea
23:23.11daemonkarmatronic, scroll up
23:23.19omriWyzard, when you buy the system, you buy the rights to use the netboot image.
23:23.21karmatronicdaemon, cant
23:23.36omristupid non-free software :\
23:23.41Wyzardomri: I don't know what their distribution terms are for their netboot image
23:23.53Azarvaldyn ^^^^
23:24.00Wyzardomri: but it'd probably be more worthwhile to buy a basic Win2003 license than to try to engineer your own
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23:24.08omriWyzard, if it comes with windows itself (and is not available to download over web), it's probably copyrighted
23:24.11GuerinCompWizrd: how would I go about that?
23:24.17prismkarmatronic, 3CRWE154A72
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23:24.22Wyzardomri: but check first -- they might make it freely-available, I dunno
23:24.27omriWyzard, heh, I could get the 180 days version :]
23:24.29illoprism if it works it'll tell you what win driverit's using
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23:24.44mmlj4isn't/wasn't there a way to convert $foo distribution to debian?
23:24.49factorin debian where are the iceape icons kept
23:25.12omrimmlj4, are you talking about installing debian from a working linux system? then you want debootstrap
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23:25.38karmatronicprism, it s supposed to work with madwifi driver
23:26.05Wyzardomri: hmm, according to it requires Active Directory
23:26.11mmlj4omri: i'm wanting to turn an outdated suse box into a debian box by running a few commands and sweating many bullets
23:26.13Wyzardomri: Once again, why not just burn CDs?
23:26.25Wyzardomri: (and once again, we're offtopic)
23:26.26omriWyzard, for the sports of it :)
23:26.34omriok ok. end of conversation :]
23:26.44dpkgi guess debootstrap is <caphuso> get the debootstrap source from, compile it, read the man page, install debian with it </caphuso>  Useful for installing in a chroot., or see, or key to Installing Debian GNU/Linux from a Unix/Linux System.  See to the release specific Debian GNU/Linux Installation Guide for more details.
23:26.55Azardaemon: what is the NAME of your wifi card? "not number", NAME! atheros, broadcom, linksys?
23:26.58prismkarmatronic, thats version 1 of this card, version 2 doesnt
23:27.06Azardaemon: NAME, not yes or no
23:27.20prismAzar, I gave it you twice, its a 3com 3CRWE154A72
23:27.29omrimmlj4, that's not a simple procedure.
23:27.31Azarprism: NAME NOT SERIAL NBR
23:27.37Wyzardomri: You could netinstall Debian, and have it run a script that installs VMware too, and then installs Windows from an .iso in a new virtual machine  :-)
23:27.40omriyou need to know a thing or two about linux before you do that
23:27.50prismAzar, hmm 3com office connect Wireless 11a/b/g PC Card
23:27.53omriWyzard, heh, had that in mind as well :)
23:28.03mmlj4omri: understood
23:28.07Azarok hold on
23:28.24omriyou remind me of people that tell you to shut of because they want to sleep and start talking again ;)
23:28.27omrino offence mate :]
23:28.59omrimmlj4, read the docs, consult people around here if you get into trouble, and remember to back everything up :)
23:29.37mmlj4omri: hey, if everything goes wrong, i can always do a clean install and restore my crap from backups :-)
23:29.46mmlj4but you think debootstrap is the tool to use?
23:29.51omrimmlj4, why don't you do a clean install of debian then?
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23:30.52nzkWhy does Debian have so many problems
23:30.53prismwhen i tell it to add that inf
23:30.56prismthat inf depends on a exe
23:30.58nzkAfter a few days my file system turns read only
23:31.00prismcould this be the problem
23:31.06nzkand it just unrecoverably corrupted
23:31.12nzkso I had to reinstall and lose all my data
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23:31.42nzkIs it possible to make a "backup" partition where the /var partition is backed up to?
23:32.22mmlj4omri: because I think it's easier (not smarter, for sure) to upgrade/convert the box in-place
23:32.23Azarprism: read this dialog:
23:32.35CompWizrdnzk: i'd start by verifiying your hardware is good, memory in particular
23:32.46omrimmlj4, install debian from a CD. do yourself a favor :)
23:32.54mmlj4heh, you're probably right
23:33.20mmlj4i mean, i know you're right, i'm just trying to make a fool out of myself
23:33.54omrithere's of course the option that you heard about something else, which is not debootstrap, which I haven't heard about
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23:34.19mmlj4i've emailed $friend who said he converted an old redhat to debian, some years ago
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23:34.42Azarprism: if all comes down to getting the firmware see if the wifi card maker supports linux
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23:36.31Azarnzk: is not Debian having problems, new users having problems because they don't read the documentation: computing in linux Debian is TOTALLY different than doing it on windows. Be ready to learn something totally new.
23:36.34daemonAzar, ah this card is 16bit
23:36.51Azardaemon: man is hard.. is that a usb card?
23:36.59daemonAzar, pcmcia
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23:37.30Azardaemon: I googled for you unfortunately, I have not found ONE comment by someone who might use it.
23:37.46Azardaemon: what is the NAME of the card?
23:37.52itchiHi, if my output is "addr:", with which tool can i get the part ?
23:38.15daemonAzar, let me get the box for it
23:38.15Wyzardnzk: That sounds like a hardware problem
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23:38.17daemon3com: OfficeConnect Wireless 11g PC Card
23:38.46Wyzardnzk: Linux doesn't randomly corrupt filesystems, but bad sectors or defective RAM can
23:38.47daemonAzar, ^
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23:39.06Azardaemon: then same issue like with prism: might be a firmware issue: call the manufacturer, ask if they support linux, or try finding how you could install the firmware
23:39.31daemonAzar, so there is no way this card will work
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23:39.42massctrlhi, when enabling DMA on my ide disks mdadm isn't able to see the raid configuration,... Is this a known issue?  The raid config is extremely slow, this is caused by dma turned off, .... anyone an idea
23:39.53apo_itchi: Try egrep -o "[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+"
23:40.02prahalcontinuing on my thread issues ... is there a way to stop a thread. Setting a breakpoint does not work at stopping the main thread when the breakpoint is in a child (or so it seemed)
23:40.04daemonAzar, btw i am prism, prism is my desktop, daemon is my laptop
23:40.18Azaris called wireless g card type
23:40.45Azarso did you read the dialog on that link?
23:40.51prismstill reading it
23:40.54prismtried a few commands on it
23:40.56itchiapo_: Thanks, that work, i gona read the egrep stuff :-)
23:41.04apo_You're welcome
23:41.12apo_Regex rock
23:41.20Alarmcan i do a 'partial' dist-upgrade ?
23:41.31itchiI'm tunning my zsh, that's fun :-p
23:41.34Azarhehe no
23:41.36Alarmi mean to install just a few packages now , and the rest some other time ?
23:41.38daemonAzar, how do I install firmware onto the card
23:41.51AzarAlarm: /msg dpkg backports
23:42.03Azardaemon: no idea my friend, never used wifi..
23:42.20nzkWyzard, my money would be on defective ram
23:42.32daemonI think im just going to throw this card under the treads of a HGV ok it wont make it work but it will sure feel nice
23:42.33Wyzardnzk: run memtest, then
23:42.33nzkThis horribly old computer is not worth buying new ram for
23:42.34apo_Kinda boring.
23:42.45nzkAzar, I've been using Linux for over a year
23:42.54Wyzardapo_: Keep in mind that draining a lithim-ion battery all the way down is bad for it
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23:43.27apo_I won't
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23:43.33apo_Don't worry.
23:43.44apo_I think I'll stop somewhere around 20%
23:43.59Wyzardgood  :-)
23:44.47apo_40% is the threshold where the battery starts charging and at 70% it stops again, by the way
23:44.50apo_tp_smapi is nice :)
23:45.09WyzardI haven't used that, though I do have a Thinkpad
23:45.51apo_Why not?
23:46.10apo_Too lazy? ;)
23:46.24Wyzarddon't know exactly what it's for or what benefit it brings
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23:46.36Guerinapo_: anything required other than installing it?
23:46.38Wyzardhaven't gotten around to reading about it
23:46.48Guerini'm about to launch a battery-life crusade on my T42
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23:47.00Guerinbuilt an undervolt kernel and all
23:47.05zeeeeehow do i find out what's the conflict in some package? (when i see "iBA" next to a package when doing aptitude search)
23:47.11apo_Wyzard: The main feature right now is just the battery stuff
23:47.14WyzardGuerin: Have you tried out powertop yet?
23:47.24GuerinWyzard: nope.
23:47.27apo_Guerin: You have to echo some values to files somewhere in /sys ;)
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23:47.50Guerinapo_: yes, I have the values, but I need to test them
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23:48.24GuerinWyzard: ah, cool
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23:48.28apo_ < Instructions on how to install tp_smapi, if you need them :)
23:48.53Guerinzeeeee: try installing it
23:48.57apo_Also information about the usage
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23:49.50zeeeeeGuerin, i did, i just see '0 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.'
23:50.04zeeeee(that's why there's an 'i')
23:50.22Guerinzeeeee: aptitude -f install; should tell you how to fix any problems
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23:50.44zeeeeeGuerin, still see same thing
23:50.48Guerinby `contlict' i guess you mean a conflict in apt/dpkg
23:50.58Guerinif -f install runs clean, you have no conflicts
23:51.04zeeeeeGuerin, no, dpkg says ii
23:51.20aroonihow do i add add a path which contains executablers that i want to be able to access from any directory ( i think it has something to do with $PATH)
23:51.24Guerinok, so what do you mean by `conflict'
23:51.48Guerinarooni: export PATH=/foo:$PATH
23:52.00Guerinarooni: just make damn sure not to include `.' in PATH
23:52.03zeeeeeGuerin, according to the manual
23:52.09zeeeeelet me find it for you
23:52.18Guerinzeeeee: you're being vague anmd I can't be bothered
23:52.22arooniGuerin: currently i have: echo export PATH=$PATH:/var/lib/gems/1.8/bin
23:52.26aroonibut that isnt working :9
23:52.40zeeeee... geez...did i say something wrong
23:53.12zeeeeeisn't that what the "B" stands for?
23:53.17zeeeeein iBA
23:53.24Guerinarooni: that will work, but it reads PATH in order, so if you want that dir selected in preference to /usr/bin, you speciify it first
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23:54.06Guerinzeeeee: you're just being so vague I have no idea what sort of `conflict' you're on about. If -f install runs clean, there are no conflicts in apt. That's how it is. So what sort of conflict DO you have?
23:55.34zeeeeeGuerin, sorry, the correct term was "broken"
23:55.34zeeeee"the package is “broken”: some of its dependencies will not be satisfied. aptitude will not allow you to install, remove, or upgrade anything while you have broken packages."
23:55.42Guerinzeeeee: yes. -f install also fixes broken packages.
23:55.54Guerinthe -f stands for `fix', not `force'
23:56.07zeeeeeGuerin, for some reason that doesn't do anything for me
23:56.27Guerinzeeeee: then I'd say the package isn't actually broken. Do you have any other indication that it's broken?
23:56.39zeeeeeGuerin, just that 'broken' flag
23:56.54Guerinzeeeee: what happens when you purge the package and reinstall?
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23:59.31zeeeeeGuerin, nothing seems to go wrong but i still see the B flag (this time it's just iB)

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