IRC log for #debian on 20070421

00:00.11*** join/#debian Vluid (
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00:00.37Vasisthaubd: seriously -- experts and newbs and all sorts of folks in between have learned to love aptitude.  You can, too!  Then you won't need to be asking in here, you'll just know how to do the stuff yourself ;-)  We'll be happy to help you get oriented with aptitude
00:00.53antgelNemoder: but all his etch packages depend on apache 2.2
00:01.01markitantgel: but are data that are accessed from all users of my office... put it under just a particular user seems bad to me
00:01.05ubdok i did aptitude remove xfce
00:01.07maddash!say hi Vluid
00:01.07dpkghi Vluid
00:01.21antgelmarkit: i didn't say create a user. i said create a directory
00:01.26ubddoesnt synaptic use aptitude?
00:01.26Nemoderantgel: whatever he uses that depends on apache should be built from source too if he's not using the version that ships with etch
00:01.40antgelNemoder: indeed. probably quite a lot
00:01.44antgelubd: no
00:01.48markitNemoder: thanks, but I don't need samba support, I've already done, but since I'm installing a new pc that will substitute the current office server, I'm wondering if I can do better than last time (many years ago)
00:01.52Acuis it true that nfs is twice as fast as samba ?
00:02.10antgelubd: as you will see if you do aptitude show synaptic
00:02.16antgelAcu: not IME
00:02.23em-dashantgel, Nemoder: thanks for your input.  I'm going to try to build python-subversion from the source package in etch.  wish me luck! :D
00:02.37antgelluck doesn't come into it :)
00:02.39markitantgel: oh, I see... but aren't dir under /home reserved for homedirs for users?
00:02.45Acuantgel: what is IME ?
00:02.47Vluidi have here a server and i also want to use a windowmanger. now i ask myself if i need things like dbus, gconf, etc. some opinions?
00:02.55antgelmarkit: possibly but i prefer it to polluting / :)
00:03.15em-dashany quick and dirty howtos for source package downloading and building?
00:03.20Nemodermarkit: you could also use /usr/local/
00:03.21antgelmarkit: i would create shares under /home/share like /home/share/accounts /home/share/marketing
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00:03.56Vluidi have to say i´m a quite noob...
00:04.03antgelmarkit: my reasoning being that the shares are like homedirs, indeed groupdirs, if such a thing existed
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00:04.10Vluidem-dash: checkinstall
00:04.13Acuantgel: what is IME ?
00:04.22antgel!tell Acu about repeat
00:04.28em-dashVluid: ???
00:04.33antgel!tell Acu about ime
00:04.49maddashthis place is turning into #ubuntu right before my eyes.
00:04.54thingfishVluid: resist the temptation to remove things you know nothing about.
00:05.01thingfishVluid: this is not windows.
00:05.03Vluidem-dash: use checkinstall. download the source run then ./confugure; make; cheickinstall
00:05.34Vasisthaem-dash: man apt-get, check out the part on downloading and building sources
00:05.40antgelVluid: i think em-dash wants to build the debian package, but i am tired :)
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00:06.08em-dashVluid, Vasistha, antgel thanks guys
00:06.10Vluidthingfish: they are not installed. i installed the the plain server w/o anything.
00:06.14enoufwhy do some of my (system root) email body text look like this--> aHdpbmZvICgxMy4yOC0xKSB1bnN0YWJsZTsg <-- tons of lines like that .. from apt-listchanges (mailing root?) when i install/upgrade an app or two
00:06.18antgelem-dash: apt-get build python-subversion
00:06.34thingfishVluid: sorry I jumped in without reading back
00:06.47antgelVluid: it is not that common to have a windowing system on an *nix server
00:06.58enoufI see this --> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" .. but my system is iso-8859-1 .. where would i alter that for mail? (exim4 i suppose)
00:07.53Vluidthingfish: it is a smaller server for my home. i think it is easier to maintain, when sitting in front.
00:08.06Vasisthaenouf: you might check with your mua rather than your mta
00:08.28enoufVasistha: funny you mention that .. i have no MUA .. lol
00:08.32markitbtw, I have to correct myself... the installer identifies dhcp that I use for ltsp, but I can go back and choose "manual" setup for ethernet and fix it,t hanks god
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00:08.40enoufVasistha: I don't do email :-0
00:08.48markitonly LVM seems a hell
00:08.50Vasisthaenouf: well, then you'll probably need to get your terminal set up with utf-8?
00:08.52enoufbut maybe kmail is configured as such
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00:09.42enoufVasistha: well .. some (same system root during/from upgrades) emails aren't utf-8 :-(
00:10.11antgelenouf: did it switch at a certain date?
00:10.15Vasisthaenouf: kmail auto-detects encoding, and if it doesn't auto-detect correctly, you can manually set it quite easily
00:10.18em-dashantgel: apt-get build is telling me 'E: Invalid operation build' -- any gotcha or prereqs to using it
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00:10.36enoufVasistha: I think it flipflops whenever i dpkg-reconfigure apt-listchanges and alter how/when/what the pager (for viewing/ mailing) will be
00:11.11enoufVasistha: i don't open kmail at all .. only browse mail dir's / files in an xterm or file manager
00:11.18antgelem-dash: apt-get source --build, sorry
00:11.28enoufI did once open kmail .. was too complicated so i shut it ;-)
00:11.57em-dashantgel: ah, ok thanks
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00:12.02enoufVasistha: no worries .. i'm just venting i guess .. i'll configure it correctly eventually ;-)
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00:12.08antgelenouf: you deserve a medal for being so hardcore. i bet you have a vt100. this could even be a bug in apt-listchanges
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00:12.26enoufantgel: could be .. but we'll see ;-0
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00:13.21enoufantgel: took a look at the exim4 docs and added them to the pile that contains the Dbus and Hal and Udev docs ;-P
00:13.55enoufevery now and then .. i peek at a page or two ;-)
00:13.58antgeldon't get me started on dbus and hal. i think this is the point where i become a dinosaur and don't understand all the "new stuff" :)
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00:14.12obsethryla quickie, how is this new wallpaper debian has and where is it located?
00:14.23obsethryli need to use it in the kde desktop just installed in 4.0 :P
00:14.47Vasistha"need"  :-)
00:15.06enoufobsethryl: right click blank desktop area (*shudders*), and select Configure Desktop
00:15.14obsethrylyup need, want, mandate
00:15.16dpkgYou don't NEED an application. You definitely don't NEED a game or site. You do not NEED a shell. You do not NEED to get a ban lifted. You NEED food. So go and buy your food, and if you feel that you absolutely NEED a program, we suggest that you go and buy that too while you're out. You do need beer, though.
00:15.23obsethrylenouf: i do not have gnome installed it aint there
00:15.38obsethrylso being "s*s" will not help you
00:15.40enoufobsethryl: no comprehende .. neither do I
00:15.41Vasisthaobsethryl: have you searched the repos for wallpaper?
00:15.51obsethrylhow is it called?
00:16.03obsethrylthat is what i am asking, since i do not have it installed...
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00:16.13antgelobsethryl: you /need/ to ask a proper question ;)
00:16.21enoufobsethryl: i'm telling you how it's done with KDE .. where did I mention gnome?
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00:16.45enoufobsethryl: you're running kubuntu .....aren't ya
00:16.47antgelaha! obsethryl is obviously an ubuntu troll! :P
00:16.56obsethrylok i will find it myself.... it is not done that way enouf since that wallpaper is not installed, you just want to show off...
00:17.08antgeli think it's bedtime
00:17.11antgellater all
00:17.13em-dashwhy would python-subversion depend on apache2.2?
00:17.14obsethrylis this ubuntu to you?
00:17.24enoufobsethryl: actually kcontrol would help you, but you're too stupid to use it
00:17.25obsethrylwhatever, i ask a dumb question and i get a clueless showoff
00:17.38antgelem-dash: because it's /etch/ python-subversion
00:17.40obsethrylenouf: it is not in there, i know how to build kde on my own, let alone use it
00:17.47obsethrylyou are just ignorant, rude and without manners
00:17.56em-dashantgel: oh, you're right
00:17.56antgelem-dash: track down the apache bug. use etch proper, and patch the apache module
00:18.07enoufyou obviously do not, if you cannot even find your wallpaper
00:18.09Vasisthaobsethryl: I found some debian wallpapers last year, I could look around for the link, if you like
00:18.21em-dashantgel: I forgot to -t sarge-backports when I tried you apt-get source, oops
00:18.27obsethrylVasistha: yes is there a place for them
00:18.30obsethrylenouf: shut up
00:18.44antgelobsethryl, enouf: cool it please
00:18.45enoufobsethryl: typing the kernel verision mean shit k\jackass
00:18.50Vasisthaobsethryl: google debian wallpaper
00:18.54enouf!aolify obsethryl
00:19.00obsethrylantgel: he started it
00:19.01Vasisthaobsethryl: there's even a package called wallpaper-tray
00:19.06em-dashantgel: I don't have time to patch the apache module.  As far as I can tell I would have to debug it myself, which I'm certainly not currently qualified to do
00:19.20antgelobsethryl: doesn't matter, only takes one of you to stop it
00:19.29em-dashantgel: although I hear what you're saying as far as 'quit you're whining if you're not going to use the official distro'
00:19.51obsethrylme and my minimalistic setups always lead me to hunting trivialities...
00:20.18K|NgGh0sTis there a console flac player?
00:20.32antgelem-dash: well, i don't need to say that, it's obvious ;) but to me, it's easier to debug a single issue rather than get lost in frustrating dependency issues
00:20.38calmarK|NgGh0sT: mocp maybe
00:21.07antgelem-dash: at least ask the apache people for a hand, i'm sure they will be helpful
00:21.20calmarkingsley: mplayer as well
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00:21.31maddashobsethryl: kde is hardly a minimalistic setup
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00:22.13obsethrylmaddash: heh dele
00:22.41DiilbertI am trying to get vnc to autoload kde when I do vncserver :1 (right now I get an X session when I login to my pc with VNC
00:23.26Vasisthaobsethryl: I kinda like some of the work here:
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00:24.04DiilbertI need to add exec startkde and can't remember which file to put it into
00:24.05antgelDiilbert: did you read the docs? doesn't vncserver use ~/.vnc/xstartup?
00:24.17Vasisthaobsethryl: this artist does some neat stuff with the red swirl and the genie bottle
00:24.48Diilbertantgel: it is always faster to ask :0
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00:25.33enoufdo you own fscken work
00:26.00antgelDiilbert: yes, but you don't learn as much
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00:26.38VasisthaI dunno, I've spend hours looking at documentation, *not* getting what I needed done, and additionally not really learning anything valuable, either
00:27.10antgelVasistha: put the spliff down :)
00:27.17enoufquoting peterS "give a man a fire, and you keep him warm for a day -- set a man afire and he'll stay warm the rest of his life"
00:27.19Diilbertantgel:  I learn.. I just need to write that down for next time ;)  thanks
00:27.33peterSenouf: not an original quote.  I don't know where I heard it though.
00:27.35maddashpeterS said that?
00:27.50enoufpeterS: I know .. just felt like pokin ya ;-0
00:28.09obsethrylVasistha: i have found it: debian-blueish-wallpaper.svg for some reason it was not installed since i did not have /usr/share/images/desktop-base/ directory
00:28.55Vasisthaobsethryl: for something as trivial as wallpaper, I'm inclined to think packaging is a little superfluous ;-)
00:29.25obsethrylVasistha: indeed, but i did not have it
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00:29.41obsethrylthat teaches to the people who jump into conclusions a lesson
00:29.49enoufpeterS: i like the soap, ballot, jury, ammo box quote, but unfrotunately not too apropo in light of monday's tragic events
00:31.49peterSmonday's events had nothing to do with defense of freedom, though
00:31.49enoufpeterS: my point entirely .. spin-doctors
00:31.50antgelnow i'm really going, bye all
00:31.50VasisthaTennessee's decision does, though - yay!
00:31.50enoufusing pseudo-fuel to fan the flames to promote their agenda(s)
00:31.50daeosfor those familiar with kismet, i just built the newest release of kismet, and installed it, after editing the config file, and run it, i get an error saying that hostap was not built with the install.. what option should i have used to include that?
00:31.51peterSwhat?!?  are gun control people _really_ going to try and exploit the virginia tech incident, as though their agenda would have affected matters in the least?
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00:32.09peterSI can't say that exactly blows my mind, but it _is_ disappointing
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00:33.34Vasisthadaeos: I have *no* idea, but -- perhaps you need to rebuild hostap against the new kismet??  Also, did you check the README, or do a recursive grep for hostap?
00:33.38mnguyenHow do I copy the contents of one directory into another directory... including the hidden files? I tried cp -R directory/* newdirectory
00:33.41mnguyenbut it doens't get the hidden files
00:33.57Vasisthamnguyen: try cp -a directory newdirectory
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00:34.08enoufpeterS: ofcourse they are .. and any other whackos who can find any way to make $$ or political opinion sway their way .. it's just capitalism at it's best , exploitating as defined
00:34.19obsethrylmnguyen: cp -aR is what you want
00:34.32Vasisthaobsethryl: -aR is redundant ;-)
00:34.43enoufpeterS: <sigh>.. but i will not go any furhter with this convo here ..
00:34.55enouffor obvious reasons ;-)
00:35.08mnguyenwhat does it mean not to dereference?
00:35.18Vasisthamnguyen: do you know what symlinks are?
00:35.20peterSmnguyen: what is the context?
00:35.21enoufmnguyen: good question actually
00:35.27enoufman pages
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00:35.33maddashmnguyen: i think it's `cp -r directory/ newdir/`
00:35.37enouflike ls -H option
00:35.43peterSmnguyen: oh you're asking about cp and symlinks.  to dereference a symlink is to follow it
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00:35.55enoufpeterS: well .. i am ;-)
00:35.56DawnLighthow do i get multiple monitors to work?
00:35.57mnguyenpeterS: it has nothing to do with pointing to the same inode right?
00:36.04maddashmnguyen: sans the asterisk
00:36.09peterSmnguyen: a symlink does not point to an inode, it points to a filename
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00:36.25daeosVasistha: i'll check about that, i was thinking i had to include something in the make command or the install command to include hostap support... but i even tried to have it use madwifi_g and got same error
00:36.28mnguyenpeterS: so when it means no dereference... it doesn't following the filename?
00:36.35mnguyen*following = follow
00:36.42peterSmnguyen: it doesn't follow the symlink, it copies it as a symlink
00:36.48enoufit's a double negative  .. it seems
00:37.05mnguyenahh okay makes sense, thanks
00:37.41obsethrylmnguyen: anyway Vasistha was right, -aR is like -dpR , so R is redundant there...
00:38.25mnguyenobsethryl: i read the man pages :)
00:38.37mnguyenobsethryl: just had to make sure it would do what iw anted
00:39.05obsethrylit should copy everything you want anyway
00:39.16Vasisthamnguyen: what happened is this -- when you do cp directory/* that '*' acts as a glob which does not pick up dot files.  So you want to copy the whole directory/ without putting a glob at the end.  This has the side effect of making a new directory, rather than just moving the files, but it shouldn't be too difficult to deal with.  There are special things you can do to make it do exactly what you want
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00:40.22mnguyenVasistha: how does -a get rid of that problem tho? by archiving?
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00:40.55Vasisthamnguyen: it doesn't.  -a just also preserves timestamps and links, which I assumed you would also want.
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00:41.36bsmntbombdoodhow can i stop dhcp from every being used?
00:41.38Vasisthamnguyen: I could have simply recommended cp -R dir/ newdir/ ... and that would have been closer to your original request.
00:41.53enouf!tell bsmntbombdood -about interfaces
00:42.04cuscobsmntbombdood: you mean the client?
00:42.17cuscodo you want to add a static lease?
00:42.24cuscothat :p
00:42.25daeosVasistha: were you suggesting that i build from source the most recent version of hostap?
00:42.29mnguyenVasistha: how do i capture the hidden files tho?
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00:42.36bsmntbombdoodcusco: yeah
00:42.40mnguyenVasistha: without creating a new directory of course...
00:42.45cuscobsmntbombdood: read dpkg's mensage
00:42.54bsmntbombdoodenouf: i have the interface set as static in /etc/network/interfaces
00:43.15cuscoso how is dhcp used?
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00:43.46obsethrylbsmntbombdood: why dont you just make a pastbin of your interfaces file so nobody jumps into conclusions
00:43.56bsmntbombdoodActually, i'm not sure it's dhcp, my address just keeps changing
00:44.03Vasisthamnguyen: with a glob?  it's tricky.  It's much easier to copy the whole directory.  You can give it a new name, like cp -a dir/ newdir -- as long as newdir does not already exist.
00:44.08enouftell your DHCP server to stop .. most likely through your router's web interface, and uninstall any zeroconf crap
00:44.36bsmntbombdoodenouf: i don't know how :/
00:45.22mnguyenVasistha: i mean the thing is the directory already exists... so I want to basically copy the contents of a directory to an existing directory
00:45.27mnguyenVasistha: and include the hidden files
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00:45.54enoufbsmntbombdood: sometimes it's , but they all differ .. but i suck ass at networking issues
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00:46.20cuscoits by its gatway address in the interfaces file
00:46.21obsethrylthe usual gateway address for out of factory routers is
00:46.36obsethrylcusco: exactly
00:46.39bsmntbombdoodI know what its address is
00:46.41enoufnot mine
00:46.48cuscobsmntbombdood: what router have you got?
00:46.54obsethrylbsmntbombdood: try checking if dhcp is set there
00:46.59bsmntbombdooda wrt54g
00:47.02bsmntbombdoodobsethryl: where?
00:47.16Vasisthamnguyen: well, one way that *doesn't* work is this:  cp -a dir/* dir/.* newdir/ -- and the reason that doesn't work is that it tries to copy dir/. and dir/.. which has very undesireable effects :P  So in order to glob those dot-files you can try something like dir/.[a-zA-Z0-9] but if you have, e.g., files that start with ., or ..a or something else unusual, then those won't match the glob :P
00:47.18obsethrylbsmntbombdood: in your router configuration
00:47.23bsmntbombdoodobsethryl: yes, it is, other boxes on the network need dhcp
00:47.39enouferm .. maybe that's my modem .. but .. haven't had to touch the stuff lately
00:47.56cuscobsmntbombdood: I have got a wrt54g myself and I have a static dhcp option, where the mac address I want will always gain a specific IP
00:48.13bsmntbombdoodcusco: don't see that
00:48.37obsethrylbsmntbombdood: you would need in that case to set the ip to auto so that the router gives it always the same ip to that specific mac
00:48.39Vasisthamnguyen: oops, forgot a * at the end:  dir/.[a-zA-Z0-9]* should catch most of your dotfiles, but you can certainly create dotfiles that won't match that criteria.  I once discussed this with someone on irc and we figured ou a way...
00:48.39enoufVasistha: I've been waiting for the resolution since i've run into the same issue using 'mv', and have yet to find an easy out ;-)
00:48.58bsmntbombdoodobsethryl: or just not use dhcp on this box
00:49.04maddashwhat are you guys smoking on?
00:49.13maddash20:35:33 <maddash> mnguyen: i think it's `cp -r directory/ newdir/`
00:49.16obsethryli dont use dhcp ever btw
00:49.25mnguyenmaddash: that didn't work...
00:49.38mnguyenmaddash: it created a new directory inside of the existing directory
00:49.42maddashmnguyen: note the lack of the asterisk
00:49.47bsmntbombdoodobsethryl: And I don't want to on this box
00:49.57daeosVasistha: were you suggesting that i build from source the most recent version of hostap?
00:49.58Vasisthamaddash: have you been following the conversation?  if you scroll up a bit, you'll see that we're not wasting such time as you assume.
00:49.59bsmntbombdoodYet it continually asks for an ip address
00:50.00maddashmnguyen: bull. you're doing it wrong.
00:50.13enouf!tell bsmntbombdood -about udev rules
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00:50.21Vasisthadaeos: I was, but keep in mind I really am not one to be making such recommendations with any sort of knowledge or experience ;-)
00:50.31maddashVasistha: so called "hidden files" are automatically taken care of by cp
00:50.31daeoswell i hope #kismet answers
00:50.32mnguyencp -r beta/ dev/
00:50.34daeosstill waiting for a reply
00:50.40mnguyenmaddash: cp -r beta/ dev/ created a /dev/beta
00:50.42Vasisthamaddash: the new directory already exists, dude.
00:50.49mnguyenmaddash: cause the directory already exists
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00:51.13mnguyenthe man pages says there's no difference between -r and -R
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00:51.24Vasisthamnguyen: another thing you can do is this:  find dir/ \! -name '.' \! -name '..' -print0 | xargs cp -a --target-dir=newdir/
00:51.28maddashmnguyen: then mv /dev/beta /beta
00:51.31Vasisthamnguyen: another thing you can do is this:  find dir/ \! -name '.' \! -name '..' -print0 | xargs -0 cp -a --target-dir=newdir/
00:51.36bsmntbombdoodenouf: huh?
00:51.51Vasisthamnguyen: sorry, I missed the -0 on the first try ;-)
00:51.57enoufbsmntbombdood: huh? see /etc/udev/rules.d/z25_persistent-net.rules
00:52.00Vasisthamnguyen: oops, still no good!
00:52.10peterSVasistha: that seems a bit wasteful as it will copy directories recursively then _also_ copy their contents recursively
00:52.13Vasisthamnguyen: need a -maxdepth 1 as a parameter to find
00:52.23bsmntbombdoodenouf: not there
00:52.26mnguyenVasistha: yah... im kinda giving up on this lol
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00:52.36enoufbsmntbombdood: then you ain't using debian :-P
00:52.53Vasisthamnguyen: heh, understandable.  'find' might be the best way.  What are you trying to do, anyway?
00:52.59mnguyenVasistha: is it possible to create an archive of the directory without retrieving the directory?
00:52.59peterSVasistha: simplest approach: cp -a source/. target
00:53.05peterSVasistha: the /. does just what you think it does
00:53.15obsethrylbsmntbombdood: the interfaces file is ok, first of all, how many boxes do you require to have ip set from the router?
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00:53.16enoufwhy did maddash leave? .. he sucks ass?/
00:53.16VasisthapeterS: oh!! well, that's brilliant!
00:53.24mnguyenVasistha: basically im trying to copy the beta version of our portal to a development directory, and we're going to launch soon... so copy the beta directory down to the parent direcory as well
00:53.29Vasisthamnguyen: dude, listen to peterS, methinks he's got the solution
00:53.34daeospeterS: you ever used kismet and tryed to build from source? im having a problem with it
00:53.45peterSdaeos: no - what makes you think I have?
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00:53.53obsethrylbsmntbombdood: pm?
00:53.56bsmntbombdoodobsethryl: 3 i think
00:54.05enoufpeterS: r i g h t .. the  "." for sourcing  .. doh!
00:54.15Vasisthamnguyen: that seems to work perfectly, cp -a dir/. newdir/
00:54.17peterSenouf: how it works is obvious enough, right?
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00:54.25enoufpeterS: indeed
00:54.25mnguyenpeterS: oh crap, you're my hero!
00:54.33mnguyenVasistha: yep it worked :) smart...
00:54.33maddashmnguyen: `cp -r blob/ blob2/ ; mv blob2/blob/* blob2/ ; rm -r blob2/blob`
00:54.43peterSmaddash: mine is easier (:
00:54.44daeospeterS: just asking someone a direct question as #kismet is less helpful than here
00:54.58maddashpeterS: yours took too long to figure out
00:55.10maddashpeterS: mine took only 20 seconds of thinking
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00:55.20mnguyenmaddash: and that gets hidden files?
00:55.28maddashmnguyen: what hidden files?
00:55.31mnguyencause blob/* i dont think get the hidden files..
00:55.33bsmntbombdoodenouf: there is no /etc/udev/rules.d/z25*
00:55.33peterSmine took about the same, but I didn't _start_ thinking of it until a couple minutes ago
00:55.37maddashmnguyen: yes
00:55.40Vasisthamaddash: your mv command is globbing, it's gonna fail
00:55.43maddashpeterS: bull.
00:55.53enoufbsmntbombdood: what's cat /proc/version say?
00:56.06maddashVasistha: you realized that I tried this out, rah?
00:56.11bsmntbombdoodenouf: Linux version 2.6.15-1-486 (Debian 2.6.15-8) ( (gcc version 4.0.3 20060212 (prerelease) (Debian 4.0.2-9)) #2 Mon Mar 6 15:19:16 UTC 2006
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00:56.22peterSmaddash: you tried it with a directory that includes files starting with . ?
00:56.27enoufbsmntbombdood: what's cat /etc/debian_version say ?
00:56.34Dionixdo i have to apt-get install links2 if i want to use it with the svga libraries?
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00:56.40Dionixor will regular links work
00:56.42bsmntbombdoodenouf: 4.0
00:56.52enoufbsmntbombdood: ahhh .. you got an oldiee .. and lixed/matched jobbie there ..heh
00:56.56Vasisthamaddash: you may have tried it out, but I'm still not convined it's gonna work.  blob2/blob/* is not gonna match dot-files.
00:57.15peterSDionix: links doesn't have any graphics support, only links2 does
00:57.20enoufbsmntbombdood: aptitude update && aptitude upgrade
00:57.23Dionixthanks peterS
00:57.28*** part/#debian Dionix (
00:57.48tnksHi.  From previous experiences, I though that /var/log/syslog didn't capture /everything/ that was put to the console during a bootup, but I just looked at syslog, and it seems pretty fleshed out.  Does anyone have an explanation for this?
00:58.07maddashVasistha: why don't you try it out before you start spewing incorrect information?
00:58.19enoufpeterS: right links2 -g .. i'm a proud user ;-)
00:58.35dpkgAnother happy customer leaves the building
00:59.36peterSenouf: it works well enough, but in general if I want to use a graphics browser it's because of unicode fonts or javascript or some such, so links2 doesn't cut it.  most of the time I just browse in text mode
01:00.06Vasisthamaddash: mkdir a a/b; touch a/b/.c; mv a/b/* a/
01:00.08enoufpeterS: well .. i also use it as a file viewer/browser ;-)
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01:00.36peterSVasistha: indeed, that will fail two different ways.  mv will complain that * is not found, _and_ it will not move .c
01:00.40Vasisthamaddash: of course, you could probably make it work with shopt
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01:01.17peterSI used to use the glob * .??* to catch all files.  I don't tend to have 2-char files starting with . so that works in most cases.
01:02.03enoufpeterS: when i need a browser that can handle all the CRAPOLA out there, i used to turn to  Epiphany-browser as a lightweight FF alternative, but it too sucks ass, so I guess i'll have to use konqui for now .. until i can oversome this Opera liccensing d/l agreement ;-P
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01:02.03Vasisthathe dir/. trick really works, though, that is clearly exactly what is needed.
01:02.12peterSenouf: I've stuck with galeon through thick and thin.  it's far from perfect but I've never been in the mood to try to get used to another browser (and I do like gal better than ffox)
01:02.23tnkswait a second.  I just realized that a while ago I switched to syslog-ng.  Maybe that has something to do with better console output coverage?
01:02.36enoufpeterS: never heard of galeon .. hrm
01:02.59peterSit's Yet Another Minimalist Gecko Browser.  like epiphany but older
01:03.12enoufpeterS: I even installed a "Volkswagon" .. in the hopes of finding something appropriate .. lol
01:03.12coshendoes the livecd install a wifi-ready system?
01:03.45enoufbut I have no idea how to drive it ;-).. it's called "vh" .. that's it
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01:04.20enoufpeterS: ewww.. so galeon still uses the "mozilla" engine?
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01:04.35peterSenouf: so my sister calls me up this afternoon to wish me happy holidays.  holidays plural - Earth Day in on the 22nd, and she also wanted me to have a happy 4/20.  is that funny or what?  because neither she nor I are the type to properly celebrate 4/20
01:04.38enoufouch .. no thanks ..
01:05.05peterSyeah if you don't like seamonkey/firefox/epiphany specifically because of the rendering engine, you won't like galeon either
01:05.12coshenis there any single cd which can install a wifi-ready system?
01:05.52enoufpeterS: well .. happy holidays ..and more,  from moi ;-)
01:06.01*** mode/#debian [+l 765] by debhelper
01:06.07peterSI suppose stoned is off celebrating 4/20
01:06.15bsmntbombdoodenouf: when doing aptitude update i get "W: GPG error: etch/updates Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY A70DAF536070D3A1...W: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems"
01:06.26enoufheh .. pipe inj pocket, bong in hand ;-)
01:06.47daeoscoshen: i found an article on google about wep cracking that talked about a non-deb distro that had wifi tools pre installed
01:06.47coshenpeterS: what's so special about 4/20?
01:07.06peterScoshen: "420" is general slang for anything related to smoking weed
01:07.36Vasisthabsmntbombdood: you should install the debian-archive-keyring (you may also want debian-multimedia-keyring if you want w32codecs and other stuff that's not in debian)
01:07.40daeosits 4:20 somewhere...
01:07.49enoufbsmntbombdood: do this as a User --> gpg --keyserver --recv-keys 2D230C5F ; gpg --export 6070D3A1 | sudo apt-key add -
01:07.49coshenhas it got to do with Cho?
01:08.05peterSI don't know who or what Cho is
01:08.35peterSenouf: errr, why the two different key IDs there?
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01:08.50bsmntbombdoodenouf: gpg: WARNING: nothing exported
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01:09.20enoufbsmntbombdood: do this first then;
01:10.01enoufbsmntbombdood:  apt-get install debian-archive-keyring && apt-get update
01:10.01enoufas Vasistha eluded or told you too ;-)
01:10.23enoufpeterS: which two diff?
01:10.39peterSenouf: keys 2D230C5F and 6070D3A1
01:10.48bsmntbombdoodthank's obsethryl
01:11.11obsethrylnp mate glad you resolved your issues with net :P
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01:11.14obsethrylnight all
01:11.18enoufpeterS: my apologies .. yep!
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01:11.24enoufbsmntbombdood: my bad
01:11.27obsethryland thank you too :)
01:11.42enoufpeterS: i copied it from the factoid without reviewing it entirely
01:11.54enoufpeterS: i only edited the last key ebtry
01:12.00bsmntbombdoodE: Couldn't find package debian-multimedia-keyring
01:12.03daeoscan someone tell me why apt-get upgrade would tell me that there are 4 packages kept back from upgrading?
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01:12.44enoufbsmntbombdood: that one is only needed if you use marillat's repo also
01:12.51bsmntbombdoodenouf: i do
01:13.10daeosThe following packages have been kept back: apt-file enigma mozilla-browser mydns-mysql
01:13.12enoufbsmntbombdood: then follow the instructs from there .. /msg dpkg dmm
01:13.14daeos0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 4 not upgraded.
01:13.35daeossomeone be so kind to point out why i get this message?
01:13.48enoufdaeos: apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade
01:13.53Vasisthabsmntbombdood: it may be in contrib or non-free ... let's see your sources.list in a pastebin ;-)
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01:14.22Vasisthadaeos: are you still running sarge, and wanting to upgrade to etch?
01:14.30enoufdaeos: there are dependency isues is _why-
01:14.39daeosenouf: got same issue
01:14.45daeosi already upgraded from sarge to etch
01:15.17Vasisthadaeos: if you use the aptitude front-end to examine those packages, their descriptions might give you some insight
01:15.25daeosoh ok
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01:16.26Vasisthabsmntbombdood: alright, first of all, you'll probably want to add contrib non-free to some of your lines there.  Second, is no more, see <marillat>
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01:18.05bsmntbombdoodVasistha: which lines?
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01:18.13stonedits dead in here
01:18.18kdogIs there a bare minimum install available? The standard install installs packages I don't think I need.
01:18.29Vasisthabsmntbombdood: those for the official debian repos
01:18.31dpkgit has been said that netinst is a small CD or set of floppy images which installs Debian using an Internet connection. see If you use a dialup connection, ask me about dialup install.
01:18.32peterSstoned: hey, happy 4/20
01:18.41stonedpeterS hey thanks brothr
01:18.43stonedyou too
01:18.51Vasisthakdog: the net install, done without a network connection, will install a base system of about 250 MB
01:19.03stonedpeterS for the time being, I can't either :(
01:19.14stonedmust keep my system clean until I find a professional job
01:19.32stonedgot a few interviews lined with some local companies for admin work
01:19.42stonedjust recently bought a suit cuz I forgot mine in baton rouge
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01:19.46stonedhope I get something soon
01:19.55stonedI can't do this hourly job bullshit anymore
01:20.06kdogVasistha, stoned Thanks. I install that in a VM and see what I get.
01:20.26stonednetinst is the shizboo man
01:20.38stonedI only install with that, unless otherwise specified/needed
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01:21.19el_alexlunahi all!
01:21.28daeosapt-file required " --- libconfig-file-perl (UNSATISFIED)"
01:21.31spyro_boyluna <3
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01:21.46Vasisthastoned: good luck with your job hunt, man, and may you have a merrier 4/20 next year ;-)
01:21.49stonedVasistha thanks bro
01:21.55xeladosCan anyone tell me why Debian is so large?
01:22.00xeladosYou know, the whole 3 DVD thing
01:22.02muxwelwhat's the diff between upgrade and dist-upgrade
01:22.04stonedI might toke with rahul tomorrow
01:22.11zinxxelados: because there are a lot of package maintainers
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01:22.23stonedI am trying not to but its damn tempting
01:22.31Vasisthaxelados: because it has a lot of packages.  You don't need them all.  In fact, I'd advise only downloading the net install CD, which is about 180 MB
01:22.47xeladosHmm, maybe I'll do that then.
01:22.49stonedhow many like 16,000 was the count last I checked
01:22.50naught101anyone know if the group "ftp" for proftpd has a standard GID?
01:22.54xeladosIs it wiser to go with etch or testing?
01:22.56naught101and if so, what it is?
01:22.56xeladosor unstable?
01:23.08stonedxelados if you have to ask, stick with stable/etch
01:23.13muxwelwhat's the diff between upgrade and dist-upgrade? anyone?
01:23.14kspathxelados: try stable first
01:23.14Vasisthanaught101: whatever gid is set up when you install the package ;-)
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01:23.25peterSmuxwel: dist-upgrade is more aggressive about replacing packages with other packages in cases where something seems to have been renamed.  it is usually what you want
01:23.33xeladosWell, etch is a snapshot of 4/08, right?
01:23.35Vasisthamuxwel: dist-upgrade is more aggressive in temporarily breaking dependencies in order to do an upgrade
01:23.48xeladosI'm not sure of the exact differences between unstable and testing, though.
01:23.59kspathxelados: etch/stable is debian 4.0 release
01:24.01peterSxelados: it's not a snapshot of anything, it was prepared very carefully, not just by snapshotting an existing archive
01:24.05Vasisthaxelados: etch is not a snapshot.  etch is a stable release.
01:24.07naught101Vasistha: but it didn't... maybe I shoudl reconfigure it. otherwise, is there numerical range that the GID should be in? ie < 1000?
01:24.08muxwelpeterS, no packages will be held back in dist-upgrade?
01:24.17TCWI want to report a wihslist bug against the package which is responsible for /etc/network/interfaces? dpkg -S schos no package, against what package should I report?
01:24.17peterSmuxwel: I don't know, try it
01:24.19stonedthere are not much at this point in time.  After a few weeks of unstable, a package is put into testing if it isn't horribly buggy.
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01:24.46peterSTCW: 'ifupdown' is the package that reads that file.  various packages might write to it during system installation.
01:24.48muxwelpeterS, that's a lousy answer, coming fr someone who has been in this game so long.
01:24.58peterSmuxwel: so you are unwilling to try it/
01:25.06stonedI thought it was a good answer
01:25.11Vasisthamuxwel: perhaps you should read the upgrade guide?
01:25.14stoned"try it."
01:25.19stoneddamn good answer
01:25.28muxwelpeterS, yes, becos it may break the system and could well make it unbootable.
01:25.31peterSmuxwel: I don't know what is on your system or why you are getting packages 'held back'.  if I were to tell you yes or no to your question, it could never be more than a guess
01:25.43Vasisthanaught101: you know, I'm really not sure.  Although, I'm wondering right now what the ftp group would be for, anyway
01:26.00Vasisthanaught101: did it create an ftp user of some sort, to run the daemon?
01:26.14peterSmuxwel: if you are upgrading from sarge to etch, there are very specific instructions in the release notes.  if you are upgrading to unstable or testing, you obviously don't care much about having a working system anyway.  so.
01:26.15*** part/#debian Smooph (
01:26.28keith80403Debian Etch - Just got a new Attack 3 joystick - recognized by the system (/var/log/messages) how do I configure it?  Sabre (svgalib Flight Simulator) doesn't recognize it.
01:26.29naught101it created the user proftpd, but not the user "ftp"
01:26.29TCWpeterS, I know... but my wishlist should be reported against the most-correct package, so I think it should be the package which creates that file (during installation?)... so any idea? I think ifupdown is not _so_ correct.
01:26.29kspathpeterS: hehehehe
01:26.35naught101which I think is the norm
01:27.04Vasisthanaught101: I'm not really sure why you would need such a group anyway.  Why do you want this group?
01:27.11muxwelpeterS, i am using etch which was testing but is now stable. i want to up to testing. should it be upgrade or dist-upgrade?
01:27.11xeladostesting will be upgraded on a regular basis, right?
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01:27.17xeladosWhile etch will not?
01:27.25peterSmuxwel: I already told you the answer to that
01:27.33peterSxelados: right
01:27.39stonedetch will not recieve new packages only bugfixes that remain and critical security updates
01:27.41peterSTCW: if it's a feature you think should be available via the interfaces file, ifupdown is the right package as that is what has to read the file.  or is it something else?
01:27.42Vasisthaxelados: basically, yes.  The only changes etch will see will be security fixes, not package upgrades.
01:27.46stonedstable is frozen
01:27.47xeladosoh, okay
01:27.49naught101Vasistha: setting up virtualmin, and that's what it's asking for
01:27.53xeladosI think testing will be for me, though
01:27.53naught101it might be wrong though
01:28.01markitduring netinst install, I've choose no additional package to install, since I changed to sid. Now, is there a way to install what the installer would have put in the pc as "basic" selection? maybe a virtual package?
01:28.10muxwelpeterS, you did not. that was bout the diff between upgrade and dist-upgrade. you can't communicate.
01:28.17TCWmuxwel, just try it! You will see what will haben and you can interrupt the process befor it does any change! Look for yourself, no-one can say, it _really_ depends on your system
01:28.25xeladosAlright, thanks.
01:28.28peterSmuxwel: stop trolling.  I told you which of the two you normally want to use.
01:28.36xeladosThe whole thing confused me.
01:28.47stonedmarkit that is from tasksel.. which I don't particularly condone.  Just install whatever packages you need now by name
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01:29.03thingfishhey stoned
01:29.10stonedtasksel runs towards the end of the install process
01:29.14stonedthinger man!!
01:29.14peterSmuxwel: you're the one who wants answers here, that means you're the one who has to be polite and accommodating.  we are under no obligation to provide support, we do it because we _want_ to.  if you get snippy with us, we no longer have much reason to want to help you.  just so you know.
01:29.18stonedlong time no see brother
01:29.19Vasisthamarkit: why don't you fire up aptitude front-end and browse for the packages you want?
01:29.19muxwelpeterS, whenever someone points out your mistake or deficiency, he's a troll. what an idiot. peter ass.
01:29.20TCWmuxwel, you can take the release-notes for etch by word there, even if it is not about an upgrade fron sarge to etch here, but the explanation there matches perfectly, read it
01:29.25*** mode/#debian [+o peterS] by ChanServ
01:29.26stonedwhats up whats up?! happy 4/20
01:29.26*** mode/#debian [+b %*!*] by peterS
01:29.26*** mode/#debian [-o peterS] by peterS
01:29.36stoned!beer peterS
01:29.45peterSonce again I'm about || this close to +q *!*@*.sg
01:29.48thingfishstoned: been working, no time for socializing anymore.  work, eat, watch taped tv shows, go to bed.
01:29.56dpkgfrom memory, .sg is Singapore
01:30.00stoneddamn man, don't work so hard
01:30.21peterSI don't know what it is about singapore, I'm sure most of its citizens are reasonable people, but you'd never know that from looking in #debian
01:30.24stonedI used to be like that, worked 5 days to enjoy 2.  Horrible fucking deal.  I can't dig it anymore.
01:30.24dpkgit has been said that .us is United States
01:30.31stoned!msg the bot
01:30.31dpkgwell, msg the bot is please message the bot... not doing so could be considered an unnecessary flood.  Instead of typing "!tell <your nick> about <topic>" you can just type "/msg dpkg <topic>".  See also <selftell>.  Also visit to learn how to effectively use the factoids database
01:30.36*** join/#debian ChakRa (
01:30.48VasisthaTCW: /msg dpkg .us
01:30.50troubledpeterS: at least has settled down over the years
01:30.59peterStroubled: yeah, september ended eventually
01:31.01TCWVasistha, sorry :)
01:31.07thingfishstoned: I don't dig it at all either.
01:31.09VasisthaTCW: it's alright, you know now ;-)
01:31.10stonedno need to be sorry :)
01:31.15troubledpeterS: get really bad in sept or somethin?
01:31.33peterStroubled: google 'september that never ended'
01:31.39daeos..easy fix just removed the packages that wouldn't upgrade and reinstalled them (apt automatically installed dependancies)
01:31.40stonedhey thingfish man guess what I am now
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01:32.03VasisthapeterS: well, I mean, Singapore has a pretty weird history, after all.  It makes some sense that the people would get an awkward attitude from the political tides.
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01:32.34TCWVasistha, what if I forget? ;)
01:32.45VasisthaTCW: we'll just slap you around a bit ;-)
01:32.52peterSVasistha: I try not to actually discriminate against people based on geography.  (that is why we must not actually +q *!*@*.sg, as I'm tempted to.)
01:33.01TCWVasistha, nice to know, I try to remember ;)
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01:33.16stonedyou know
01:33.18peterSTCW: this is why we keep large trout sitting around
01:33.27stonedI was once on aol at someones house I tried to join here and boom
01:33.30TCWmIRC users around?!
01:33.33stonedcouldn't even get in
01:33.36VasisthapeterS: yeah, I know -- yet, I find that it's sometimes educational to examine why why might have these prejudices, and where they might root from
01:33.42Vasistha*why we
01:33.49stonedTCW to discuss mirc, join ##windows
01:34.38TCWstoned, I don't want to discuss _any_ related WIndowsstuff, be sure! I just thought "slapping with trouts" is trademarked by mIRC, see? ;)
01:34.39stonedhey I firgure, large trout is probably as big as a small whale
01:34.41stonedsame difference
01:34.59peterSVasistha: sure, but one's home culture is not an excuse to be unable to fit into a different culture you wish to be a part of.  in this case #debian.  it is a basic social principle that if you're entering a new community you don't just open your mouth right away, you sit and figure out how the place works for a bit first.  if you don't do that, you deserve to be misunderstood.
01:35.13stonedirssi > * IMHO
01:35.30edjuHope this isn't OT -- isn't mplayer supposed to play realplayer stuff w/o the binary codecs?
01:35.30stonedthe options, the configurability man I love irssi
01:35.34naught101Vasistha: actually, there is NO 'ftp' group, only the users 'proftpd' and 'ftp'
01:35.37stonededju no
01:35.43stonedand you're not ot
01:35.56stonededju also consult #mplayer
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01:36.00*** mode/#debian [+l 756] by debhelper
01:36.02peterSyeah now that mplayer is in debian it's on-topic here, at least somewhat
01:36.23Vasisthanaught101: virtualmin, huh?  That's not in debian, afaik
01:36.27*** join/#debian bruno (n=bruno@
01:36.41Vasisthaedju: ahha, but proprietary codecs are not ;-)
01:36.43dpkgmplayer is, like, in Debian testing and unstable. See README.Debian in the Debian package for details. You may want to use a player based on xine-lib or vlc instead. Unofficial packages are available on <debian-multimedia>. The Debian and mplayer FAQ is at
01:36.44*** join/#debian Zeit|awy (
01:36.53stonedoh cool, factoid updated
01:36.57VasisthapeterS: erp, meant to highlight you with that last one, not edju
01:37.12naught101Vasistha: it's a module of webmin, which is.
01:37.26peterSVasistha: it's still on-topic to ask what mplayer can do without extra codecs though
01:37.26daeosstoned: you bet it is
01:37.35*** join/#debian kinema (
01:37.36daeosstoned: better than bitchX ^_^
01:37.37*** join/#debian Dionix (
01:37.49mnguyenhow do i find all .htaccess files?
01:37.52Dionixis there anything special you have to do before or after you apt-get install xorg?
01:37.52stonedBX is also very good.  Just depends on what one is used to.
01:38.09stoned!tell Dionix -about install x
01:38.14Dionixand i don't mean the xf86config
01:38.14Vasisthanaught101: hum.  the only thing I know about webmin is this:
01:38.16dpkghmm... webmin is a lame web-based interface for unsafe system administration for Unix. Check it out at but, remember, dondelelcaro *hates* webmin. "i'd rather sit on the floor shoving table knives into live electrical outlets than run webmin on an exposed server." Obsoleted in debian:
01:38.23troubledstoned: isnt BX based on similar irssi?
01:38.30daeosstoned: the first time i came to #debian on bitchx i was laughed at and told to use irssi... since then i've used it and love it
01:38.31stonedits based on ircII
01:38.34edjuThe codeecs go to /usr/local/lib/codecs /
01:38.39brunosudo updatedb                              then do locate *.httaccess
01:38.40troubledah thats the one
01:39.34stoneddaeos please don't let that give you the impression that #debian looks down on BX.  Some a-hole might have uttered his opinion strongly.
01:39.34stonedthats all.
01:39.34edjuLemmee try that again ... The codecs go to /usr/local/lib/codecs?
01:39.40dpkgw32codecs is probably a non-free package that is not distributed by Debian due to legal issues. The package provides codecs for several multimedia formats, such as AVI, Realmedia, and Windows Media. To get w32codecs, ask me about <debian-multimedia>
01:39.53stonedit is available through /msg dpkg dmm
01:40.02stonedinstall the package and it should contain real decoders
01:40.18troubledwindows media is available in linux? wow. never thought id see the day
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01:40.34cwheelerit has been for several years troubled
01:40.40daeostroubled: i think its a lie..... someone is doing a late april fools
01:40.52edjuw32codecs?  I thought the codecs from mplayer's site were the ones.
01:40.55Vasisthatroubled: well, to a certain extent.  I don't know that there's any capability to encode
01:41.09Vasisthaedju: well, the debian way is to get it from a debian repository, of course ;-)
01:41.12troubledi ripped my cd's to wma lossless. least I know I can skip converting em now should i ever use linux for music
01:41.16stonededju w32codecs is just the name of the package mplayer/marillat used
01:41.22dpkgmethinks dmm is Debian Multimedia, a repository of unofficial Debian packages, not in Debian for patent-related reasons, maintained by Christian Marillat. - Also see <marillat> factoid (/msg dpkg marillat)
01:41.28stonedits easy to install
01:41.35Vasisthatroubled: yeah, wma should play fine with mplayer + w32codecs
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01:42.02troubledgood to know :) if only flac wasnt such a pain in windows i might have picked something else
01:42.10stonedvlc has codecs built in doesn't it?
01:42.10peterSflac is a pain in windows?
01:42.17stonedpeterS it is?
01:42.17brunoguys i need some help here.. i'm using debian etch. i set 3 FAT32 partitions to be mounted on /etc/fstab and it mounts ok.. i use this syntax: "/dev/hda1 /mnt/windows vfat iocharset=utf8,umask=000 0 0". That hsould do read/write acess to every user right? Now the problem is that gedit and bluefish opens files from these partitions as "read only" even when I run the editors as root. What i'm missing?
01:42.28stonedpeterS wait are you asking?
01:42.29peterSI'm wondering, troubled says it is but I hadn't heard that before
01:42.34*** part/#debian eps (
01:42.35troubledpeterS: well, if you want full win media player support
01:42.37stonedno its a breeze really
01:42.42Vasisthabruno: option rw
01:43.00stonedwhy the fuck would anyone use windows media player :)
01:43.06troubledpeterS: well, the instructions on the site I visited made it look terrible
01:43.09Dionixstoned i think those instructions are for the old x like in woody and sarge, but back in my sarge days i started using xorg, but did it manually
01:43.10brunothnx... i'll tr that then run a mount -a
01:43.10stoneduse mplayer on windows too :)
01:43.17Vasisthastoned: there is only one reason -- because they do not know any better.
01:43.21stoned!install xorg
01:43.22edjuOh, I see.  So they're the same - mplayer codecs and w32.  I can play wma, but not realplayer.  I wonder why?  Trying freezes the browser.
01:43.25dpkgsomebody said xorg was X.Org X11, the reference implementation of the X Window System, forked from XFree86 4.4RC2. The current release is X11R7.1. ask me about <get xorg>, or #xorg
01:43.29Dionixlol thanks stoned
01:43.31*** part/#debian circle (n=fenxi@
01:43.32stonedoh setup x?
01:43.33troubledstoned: i just use wmp to rip since i get album art etc and it organizes my dir's. but winamp plays wma just fine which I prefer
01:43.37stonedwhat the fuck was the factoid called?
01:43.39brunobtw: windows media player SUX.. if you really have to use windows... use media player classic.. PWns
01:43.40stoned!setup x
01:43.41dpkg[set up x] First, make sure you have either x-window-system or x-window-system-core installed. To set up X in woody or sarge, "apt-get install discover read-edid mdetect && dpkg --force-depends -P xserver-xfree86 && apt-get install xserver-xfree86". For etch or sid, use xserver-xorg. Sometimes just dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg works. JUST SAY NO to the frame buffer.
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01:44.15stonedI rip and burn and organize with Amarok
01:44.23stonedAmarok is great, but not for windows thought.
01:44.38daeossince i upgraded from sarge... would i remove xfree86 and install xserver-xorg ?
01:44.39miushm too big
01:44.41krazykitstoned, not til it's ported to qt4, really
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01:44.45daeosfrom sarge to etch
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01:44.52troubledwell, i do spend majority of my time in windows these days. Thought I would be fair and "try" the MS solution.
01:44.57*** part/#debian kinema (
01:44.59Vasisthadaeos: yeah
01:45.07bzedstoned: there'll be kde4 for windows... probably amarok, too
01:45.15stonedI read about that
01:45.19stonedI could care less
01:45.24stonedI only use XP for Oblivion
01:45.31troubledbzed: kde4 for win as a explorer.exe shell replacement?
01:45.50stonedand recently I been getting sick of it, I beat almost every single quest in the game, so I don't konw if I will still use windows
01:45.53bzedtroubled: no clue, but I guess so.
01:46.35daeosstoned: since i have a crappy x200 i use my 360 for Oblivion
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01:46.56troubleddaeos: x200?
01:47.02stonedyou know, I had only 200$ for a video card, and the X1900XTX beat every nvidia card in that price range
01:47.08stonednow I regret my decision to buy ATI
01:47.13stonedfuck fglrx!
01:47.31troubledstoned: ya, my ATI 9800 was a tad touchy for X
01:47.31*** join/#debian Irrumato1 (
01:47.50daeosyep ATI x200
01:47.52stonedthere is no AIGLX, no twinview, "big desktop" kills my refresh rates
01:47.55stonedits horrible
01:48.02bzedstoned: there's ebay, praise it as great and well working card and you get more than you've paid
01:48.11stonedI should do that
01:48.27stonedI should sell my entire machine.  3.5ghz core 2 duo E6300 machine 1gb ram
01:48.34stonedthen buy E4300 and OC that :D
01:48.39stonedwith an nvidia card
01:48.47troubledbig gamer?
01:48.51stonedjust oblivion
01:48.55bzeddon't forget to mention that you got it from your aunt as part of your third PC and you used it only rarely, it's like NEEEEWWW!
01:48.59stonedI can't stand video games, no patience left anymore
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01:49.14troubledya, i quit wow for similar reasons
01:49.19stonedbzed I did?! omg I did, didn't I!
01:49.27stonedbzed good thinking :)
01:49.31troublednot to mention my full t1 gear was usless past 60 :(
01:49.45brunoi wish i could quit playing warcraft iii-frozen throne!!
01:49.55brunoit takes me alot of dev time
01:50.16stonedwe're all talking OT right now, but make sure if anyone asks for debian support to drop OT and help if you can
01:50.20dpkghmm... ot is Off topic conversation belongs in #debian-offtopic please. We don't want the channel to get cluttered with off topic discussion so people who need help are not seen.
01:50.22troubledbruno: could you imagine who productive society would be if windows didnt play games? :)
01:50.28stonedjust to let ya'll know
01:50.42troubledya we are a bit ot :)
01:50.53stonedI now eagerly await The Elder Scrolls 5
01:51.01bruno!ot like this?
01:51.03stonedI can't wait to see what Bethesda can come up with
01:51.08daeosVasistha: so i would do a apt-get remove xfree86(whatever the package is called) and then reinstall xserver-xorg ?
01:51.12stonedOblivion kicked ass btw
01:51.22brunomorrowind pwns every rpg game i ever played
01:51.34troubleddaeos: im sure you could just install xorg and it will replace xfree86
01:51.36stonedmorrowind was very buggy
01:51.44stoneddaeos it replaces xfree
01:51.45Vasisthadaeos: I suppose, but I would strongly recommend learning and using the aptitude front-end.  It will give you much better visibility and control.
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01:51.46brunoyes but very promissing
01:52.19bzedVasistha: i know how to use it, and I hate it :\ apt-get is still my alltime favourite
01:52.22tls_81got myself a problem with lilo anyone know of a way to run /sbin/lilo whislt in rescue mode?
01:52.29stoneddaeos apt-get --purge remove xfree* xserver-xfree* && apt-get install xorg
01:52.32bzedVasistha: may be becuase I rarely remove thigns from my compuers again
01:52.40stoneddaeos that should take care of it
01:52.57stonedI run a few sarge boxes but as servers, no X on them.
01:53.00troubledstoned: from a shell, dont you need to escape the *'s?
01:53.07Vasisthabzed: if you don't install/remove stuff very much, I can see how it would be a waste of your time, but aptitude is great for the multitudes!
01:53.15stonedtroubled no
01:53.16troubledmeh, been a while it seems :)
01:53.22daeoswell i want x on it just to vnc to it
01:53.30*** join/#debian TheCoffeMaker (
01:53.36daeoswhen i get bored and want an opengl/gnu game to play
01:53.43dpkg[debgames] debian games installable by apt-get are listed at
01:53.48stonedhave fun
01:53.54*** join/#debian OMFG-Why (
01:53.55stonedthat page is a bit outdated
01:53.57stonedI think
01:53.58bzedVasistha: oh, I install packages daily, but I don;t remove them, becuase I usualyl will just need them again. different thign on servers, but there I rarely install anythign that won;t run the next years
01:54.14bzedstoned: ever used scummVM? :D
01:54.21stonedbzed no I have not
01:54.21OMFG-Whyhey all u peoples, this is the only channel with live people in =D
01:54.25stonedI have read about it though
01:54.29daeostroubled: i was thinking of making some intellivsion roms ... but don't have a catridge to put in my system
01:54.43TheCoffeMakerHi all ... I'm trying to use module-assitan to compile the nvidia module in etch i386 with a amd64 kernel, but I'm getting errors ... someone knows a workaround?
01:54.43OMFG-Whystoned, u from SA?
01:54.52*** join/#debian Caithness (
01:54.54stonedI just bought a gameboy advanced SP and pokemon emerald :)
01:55.01stonedI love pokemon! and I'm an old fart!
01:55.04*** join/#debian fqh (i=fqh@
01:55.06stonedOMFG-Why no
01:55.10OMFG-Whykk ;)
01:55.18troubleddaeos: why use a real cartridge when you can just run it in mame or an emulator
01:55.27Vasisthabzed: well, I often install things, try them, and find that I don't need them, so it's really nice that aptitude automatically removes any unneeded dependencies when I remove the packages later
01:55.28daeostroubled: cause my inty still works
01:55.30OMFG-Whyits 4am here now... :)
01:55.40dpkgif you don't tell us the exact error messages you get, we can't tell you what's wrong, and it's also useful to know exactly what command you're typing.  Please look for the *first* error that occurs, as this is often the cause of later errors
01:55.48bzedOMFG-Why: OMFG - Why ?
01:56.02OMFG-Whylol, shhh =p
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01:56.21bzedVasistha: if I really try somethign I usualyl just copy the list of isntalled packages and get rid of it asap
01:56.22stonedbzed can scummvm play Kings Quest games?
01:56.37stonedthose were awesome, back in the days of Dos
01:56.48stonedI would love to play TIM again.  The Incredible Machine
01:56.50TheCoffeMakerbzed: are u talking to me?
01:56.51stonedawesome game man
01:57.04Vasisthastoned: ooooh, tim was great, too
01:57.09stonedsomeone should make a OSS TIM
01:58.43bzedstoned: don't think so... but
01:58.43*** part/#debian tls_81 (
01:58.43daeosstoned: i want KROZ to come back
01:58.43*** part/#debian xelados (n=xelados@
01:58.43stonedbzed already there
01:58.44bzedTheCoffeMaker: uhm... in case you wanna spend some coffe.. sure... :P if not, no :P
01:58.44bzed!tell TheCoffeMaker about nvidia one-liner
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01:59.08stonedTheCoffeMaker what are you looking to do?
01:59.09bzedTheCoffeMaker: read what dpkg told you
01:59.15OMFG-Whyanyone here that watches bsg??? :D
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01:59.56troubledenouf: ....
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02:00.15TheCoffeMakerstoned: I installed the kernel binaries for amd64 in etch i386 ... but I need to add the nvidia module por my video card
02:00.54stonedTheCoffeMaker I have not much experience with amd64
02:01.11stonedTheCoffeMaker I suppose it should be installed the same way.. do as dpkg said per bzed
02:01.18aubadeAny chance the stock kernels in testing/unstable support IVT?
02:01.44stonedwhat is ivt?
02:01.48bzedTheCoffeMaker: err which kernel binaries did you isntall?
02:02.18TheCoffeMakerbzed: 2.6.18-4-amd64
02:02.23cwheelerTheCoffeMaker I use the nvidia modules from the nvidia site, i've only used i386
02:02.24aubadeIntel Virtualization, like AMD-V.
02:02.33bzedTheCoffeMaker: ok, then read what dpkg told you and do it
02:02.43brunoguys i need some help here.. i'm using debian etch. i set 3 FAT32 partitions to be mounted on /etc/fstab and it mounts ok.. i use this syntax: "/dev/hda1 /mnt/windows vfat iocharset=utf8,umask=000 0 0". That hsould do read/write acess to every user right? Now the problem is that gedit and bluefish opens files from these partitions as "read only" even when I run the editors as root. (I tried adding rw option to the fstab and had no success)
02:02.53stonedaubade maybe with an smp kernel? I dunno
02:02.55bzedaubade: get kvm and kvm-source from unstable and build the module
02:03.10enoufaubade: the 2.6.20 will natively
02:03.12bzedaubade: or install a xen kernel
02:03.23daeosanyone every play an Intellivsion? (or the game Treasure of Tarmin)
02:03.26bzedenouf: the kvm in 2.6.20 is totally outdated, better use the debian kvm-source
02:03.37enoufIIRC, 2.6.20 just got recently uploaded to the repos
02:04.10aubadeSuppose I'll try building up the KVM module first.
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02:04.24aubadeAlright, off to take a swing, thanks.
02:04.28enoufbzed: whatever .. no idea ;-)
02:04.35bzedaubade: the xen stuff works well, too - depends on what you need
02:04.39*** join/#debian whitebread (
02:04.40OMFG-Whyf**k i hate windows
02:04.48Vasisthabruno: I can tell you that my fat32 mount has the options, 'noauto,users' and that seems to work alright.
02:04.48bzedenouf: I think in 2.6.20 is version -12 and we have -19 in unstable
02:04.54OMFG-Whythe only thing my pc will let me do is use mirc
02:04.55bzedOMFG-Why: OMFG - Why ?
02:05.01OMFG-Whyeverything else is frozen
02:05.03bzed*G* sorry :P
02:05.08stonedbzed hahaha
02:05.10OMFG-Whyand task master is also
02:05.17OMFG-Whyi cant ctrl alt del
02:05.21VasisthaOMFG-Why: do you have a debian-related question??
02:05.25stonedOMFG-Why ##windows
02:05.28OMFG-Whyi cant use desktop or start menue
02:05.29enoufbzed: from where is -12? I'm referring to Debian kernels
02:05.37stewOMFG-Why: wrong channel
02:05.42stonedhi stew
02:05.42OMFG-Whyok soz Vasistha
02:05.47stewstoned: aloha
02:05.48OMFG-Whyill keep quiet
02:05.54bzedenouf: in no kernel at all, 2.6.20 contains a rather old kvm version
02:06.00stonedOMFG-Why you can find windows support in ##windows
02:06.39stewman this package takes forever to build
02:06.45stonedstew which?
02:06.50vchrizzon ive read that i have to create my ext3fs on md0 when using raid1 instead of the raid1 components, else e2fsck will complain... well, what to do if i didnt do that?
02:06.51stewstoned: rosegarden
02:06.56OMFG-Whymy windows is stopping me from joining another channel on mirc
02:07.02OMFG-Whyso i cant goto windows
02:07.04stonedahh, you're maintaing it or just building it?
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02:07.07stewstoned: did you ever get anywhere with the game you were packaging?
02:07.11OMFG-Why* Error creating window
02:07.17stewstoned: maintaining
02:07.20enoufbzed: i was ony mentioning that 2.6.20, that kvm is finally natively supported .. and as an aside, to grab any/all available Debian kernel stuffs 2.6.20+
02:07.30stewstoned: it takes 30 minutes to build or something
02:07.35bzedenouf: aah ok
02:07.38OMFG-Whyim stuck here.. :(
02:07.47stonedstew I unpacked my computers today.. hung all my clothes and cleaned up a little.. hopefully soon I should have it all hooked up and running.  Then I will try to package the game again.
02:07.48stewstoned: i left off a semicolon.  back in the 30 minute penalty box
02:07.50krazykitOMFG-Why, if this doesn't have to do with debian, you're in the wrong place
02:07.52dpkgPCs are like air conditioners, if you open Windows(R) they don't work.
02:07.55stonedstew ok
02:08.02*** join/#debian scarsoul (
02:08.05stewstoned: oh I forgot you were a windows user now :P
02:08.11stonedhey back off ! :)
02:08.19troubleddaeos: heh
02:08.23stewstoned: did you celebrate today?
02:08.33stonedi have work tomorrow
02:08.37bzedstew: which game are you packaging?
02:08.41stewstoned: oh, right
02:08.42troubledcelebrate what, Hitlers birthday?
02:08.44stonedI'll go to rahuls house tomorrow and toke with him hopefully
02:08.52stonedhe said he was getting some green tonight
02:08.59stewbzed: none.  i'm in recovery as far as games go.  stoned was working on one
02:09.01*** join/#debian clemyeats (
02:09.02enoufcoco crisp .. man I'm cuckoo for cocopuffs
02:09.05troubledmust be a ding dong dead which thing *shrug*
02:09.08dpkgsmc is, like, the Self-Made Critic at  Secret Maryo Chronicles is an Open Source two-dimensional platform game with a style designed similar to classic sidescroller games. which utilizes the platform independent libray, SDL and since Version 0.98 with the OpenGL accelerated Graphics Renderer developed in C++.
02:09.12OMFG-Whykrazykit. i kno im in the wrong place, only thing is i cant goto another channel.. :(
02:09.19stonedbzed Maryo :)
02:09.21krazykitOMFG-Why, try hitting alt-f4
02:09.26stewcuckoo for falling into the bull-pen
02:09.26OMFG-Whyim gonna need debian help in a few days
02:09.44OMFG-Whywindows wont let me alt f4
02:09.49OMFG-Whyor ctrl alt del
02:09.51*** join/#debian Guerin_ (
02:09.51VasisthaOMFG-Why: why don't you just turn off your computer?
02:10.02brunoVasistha: i wrote your options so now my fstab line looks like: "/dev/hda1 /mnt/windows vfat noauto,users,rw,iocharset=utf8,umask=000 0 0"        but i still have no sucess.. files are read only... curiously when i do ls -l   it shows that the files have write permissions: "-rwxrwxrwx  1 root root  1274 2007-04-20 17:38 config.php"
02:10.07brunowhat shoudl i do guys?
02:10.08OMFG-Whycause then windows will take 40 mins + to boot up
02:10.08stonedstew I have to rebuild the package, and seperate the game from the music/graphics
02:10.14daeosOMFG-Why: press and hold the power button
02:10.15OMFG-Whyand its 4:15am
02:10.16enoufstew: heh
02:10.20*** join/#debian Diamond (
02:10.28krazykitsince you insist on not being remotely ontopic, welcome to /ignore, OMFG-Why
02:10.29enoufnice one .. way to go
02:10.32stewenouf: we turned it off
02:10.43Vasisthabruno: those were the *only* options I have.  try noauto,users,iocharset=utf8 0 0
02:10.44enoufI just might
02:10.47OMFG-Whyif i reboot, windows will take more then 40 mins to load
02:10.47stonedstew right now the package is closed to 75MB.  As the artwork/music are not updated on each release, it is better to seperate the game from the media
02:10.53stonedwould be easier to manage
02:10.54troubledOMFG-Why: ahh, thats a known problem. I got a bios flash image you can install to solve that problem :)
02:10.55bzedstoned: how coooooool. I think I can still play super mario land on the gameboy a fwe times trough
02:11.01Vasisthabruno: and of course, you know you need to umount and mount, right?
02:11.05stewstoned: sounds like the right thing to do.  when i adopted rosegarden it had a bug requesting that and it only had 5mb in /usr/share
02:11.23VasisthaOMFG-Why: can you stop complaining about your windows problems in here, please?
02:11.24brunoi did mount -a   that should make it?
02:11.31OMFG-Whyits fine, i kno its not ur problem, :) ill just read wot u guys talking about
02:11.36OMFG-Whysoz to hav bothered
02:11.54Vasisthabruno: that is not going to remount it.
02:12.02dpkgThere is no such nick ne1. If you can't be bothered to type 'anyone' we can't be bothered to help you.  IRC shorthand for "I don't have two braincells to rub together" (circa EFnet #amiga mid-90s)
02:12.05brunobecause of the noauto
02:12.13Vasisthawhat *is* soz??
02:12.13brunoi will reboot my system
02:12.18Vasisthabruno: no!
02:12.19stonedrub together
02:12.22liablebruno: just remount it
02:12.23stewwhatever it is, we don't need a factoid
02:12.24Vasisthajust umount, and then mount again.
02:12.25brunook i'm lazzy
02:12.29brunook i will then
02:12.46stonedstew I got a haircut today
02:12.47Vasisthabruno: just because you change /etc/fstab does not mean your system will automatically update itself.
02:12.51troubledOMFG-Why: Impressive your trolling skills are. Many distractions created you have.
02:12.55stonedall prepped out short with spiked in front
02:13.02stonedI look clean now, way too clean
02:13.06enoufwe need more smitetoids afaic
02:13.14brunoVasistha: yea but mount -a doesn't cut it?
02:13.17daeosOMFG-Why: you know... better you fix your issue than hang around here because nobody will listen to something complete off topic
02:13.24*** join/#debian |chiz| (
02:13.27enoufer .. maybe tradtoids is more apropo
02:13.33Vasisthabruno: mount -a only mounts partitions that are not already mounted.  it doesn't re-mount.
02:13.35amphi!fruitsmite enouf
02:13.36enoufre tardtoids
02:13.42brunooh thankyou!
02:13.48enoufymmy! thanks dpkg
02:13.56daeos!fish amphi
02:14.07Vasisthabruno: you almost never have to restart linux ;-)
02:14.08OMFG-Whyum, i said i was sorry to hav bothered and i will talk no more till in a few days i need help with debian?
02:14.09amphimmm, tasty
02:14.30amphiI am the only one who has not spoken
02:14.32VasisthaOMFG-Why: the echos of annoyance are still reverberating ;-)
02:14.35stonedVasistha how true is that eh? I love linux.
02:14.36dpkgfrom memory, troll is [troll] In Internet terminology, a troll is a person who posts rude or offensive messages on the Internet, such as in online discussion forums, to disrupt discussion or to upset its participants. "Troll" can also mean the message itself or be a verb meaning to post such messages. "Trolling" is also commonly used to describe the activity.
02:14.41stewok ok enough
02:14.57*** join/#debian Guerin__ (
02:15.08daeosjust so you guys know... that link doesn't work anymore
02:15.41stonedhi Guerin
02:16.13stonedHYPOCRISY, great death metal band from a long time ago
02:16.13stonedhi btw
02:16.35*** join/#debian mx-zoom (
02:17.46kspathHYPOCRISY: are you related to HYPERCRISY ?
02:18.29stewenouf: woah, aparantly i turned it off too soon
02:19.02*** join/#debian cplx_ (n=cplx_@
02:19.26stewenouf: know i know what you were talking about with cuckoo
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02:20.09stewenouf: we just didn't turn it back on when we left the restaurant in the 7th
02:20.17stonedI was very young and my grandparents has this clock and on the half hour and hour marks a cuckoo came out and and I would sit there and watch it.  It was awesome
02:20.37*** part/#debian Caithness (
02:21.25stonedI can't wait until the 27th, I'll get a lot of tax return money.. mmmm
02:22.03cplxlol how so?
02:22.14*** join/#debian rares000 (
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02:22.33stonedI filed my taxes and federal withheld a lot.  Now they will send it back to me via direct deposite.
02:23.11*** join/#debian ^Timo^ (
02:23.12brunoi can't umount a partition in /mnt/windows .. it says it is busy but all i got running is irclient and aptitude. i even did a ps aux | grep windows to check if something might be running from there and got nothing... how can i find what is accessing /mnt/windows ???
02:23.17stonedyeh.. I don't even think about it man.  Tax to me is like throwing money in a well.
02:23.20stonedwhatever you know
02:23.29sussudiobruno: lsof
02:23.31Guerinbruno: fuser or lsof
02:23.32*** join/#debian markybob (i=markybob@unaffiliated/markybob)
02:23.37swordbruno: lsof |grep /mnt/windows
02:23.40liablebruno: have you got a term cd'd into it?
02:23.40stonedbruno umount -f?
02:23.45Guerinbruno: but if you don't care, you can just use umount -l
02:23.50Guerin\-f doesn't fix this
02:23.51stonedor -l
02:23.54liablehow bout that rugby game?
02:23.55stonedyeh yeh i remember
02:24.01Guerinliable: don't tell me the result
02:24.08stoned-l == just do it
02:24.18amphistoned: except your wish is never granted...
02:24.21Guerin-l = i'm too lazy to find out what's using it
02:24.29stonedyeh that
02:24.32brunoERRRRR.. My apache is configures to output logs to there... thankyou guys
02:24.42stonedI wasn't clean on the dictinction between -f and -l when I read the manpage
02:24.43Guerinbruno: wtf
02:25.16liablethats a strange place to put logs
02:25.18stonedwait why does your apache log to a mounted ntfs drive?
02:25.25stonedthats kinda fucked
02:25.29*** join/#debian sabakas1 (n=solapus@
02:25.32Guerinyes, it's very fucked
02:25.39stonedI'm guessing that or vfat is what you have in /mnt/windows
02:27.11*** join/#debian fatman2 (
02:27.30stonedI was once using an ext3 drive under xp through ext2fsd and mounted it as RW.  Few months later, the disk wouldn't work/mount under linux, couldn't even read it at all, and under windows it would mount as ext3, but was being read as an HPFS
02:27.33*** part/#debian fatman2 (
02:27.35stonedconfused the FUCK outta me man
02:27.39stonedI still haven't figured it out
02:27.47stonedI just backed it up and reformatted
02:27.56brunoGuerin: I'm a webdeveloper i'm migrating to debian (started it in about 1 week ago) and in the meanwhile i use old windows place to put php files. i also redirected logs to tehre.. that is because sometimes i use debian to develop and sometimes i still use winxp... widnows can't write logs to linux filesystem (because win sux) so i had to do taht
02:28.00liablemesa upgrade, wonder if it will break my xgl like it usually does
02:28.10stewi had a friend try to use some windows ext2 driver toget at his photos and it set them all to 0 length
02:28.17*** join/#debian sandman (
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02:28.29sandmanIs there a way to keep Debian from using DHCP with my eth0 interface?
02:28.40Guerinsandman: man interfaces
02:28.51enoufsorry honorables (and unmentionables), but i was afk for a bit there, and now that i'm back .. i'm going to relax, and lurk ;-)
02:29.11brunoyes... menu: Desktop > Administration > Netowrking
02:29.15woodgraindpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg ... Module i915 not found ... cannot find it or install.
02:29.49woodgrainapt-cache search ... does it search packages, modules or what?
02:29.49enoufmodprobe i915 ?
02:29.52stonedstew even though there is no internet, or cds, and I installed XP to play Oblivion, I have still mounted my ext3 disk as RO under xp with ext2fsd and it works just fine
02:30.04woodgrainenouf, modprobe i915 yields nothing.
02:30.04stonedsoon as I get my router I can get back on debian
02:30.14stonedoh man I can't wait to get back on linux
02:30.25sandmanGuerin: I edited that file
02:30.37woodgrainliable, i've got xserver-xor-video-i810.  How do I check if i915 is _contained_ in it?
02:30.40enoufthere was an issue .. a BTS about some situation about the i915
02:30.51brunowhats correct way to stop apache?
02:31.03stonedbruno /etc/init.d/apache stop
02:31.28woodgrainenouf ... i'm on 'lenny/sid' do I even want xorg (as opp. to xfree86)??
02:31.39liablewoodgrain: good question. 'dpkg -S i915'
02:31.57brunofor me it had to be: sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 stop
02:31.58enoufnot sure if applicable though .. am lazy now
02:31.59stonedits one or the other :)
02:32.13stonedbruno well yeah you do it as root priv.
02:32.13Guerinsandman: congratulations
02:32.31*** part/#debian Bhaal (i=bhaal@freenode/staff/bhaal)
02:32.32brunook, thank you for your attention
02:32.32*** join/#debian Bhaal (i=bhaal@freenode/staff/bhaal)
02:32.36stonedxorg is the shizboo
02:32.46*** join/#debian fugaro (
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02:32.49woodgrainstoned /etc/debian_version yields: lenny/sid
02:32.54woodgrainstoned /etc/debian_version yields: lenny/sid
02:32.58stonedwoodgrain strange
02:33.06zinxlenny/sid? o_O
02:33.12zinxwhat kind of weirdass version is that
02:33.19woodgrainstoned .. what is strange about it?
02:33.21sandmanNothing is mentioned about dhcp in interfaces
02:33.34stonedsandman just change dhcp to static and give it an ip etc.
02:33.39fugaroWhat is VGA quality like with a big-screen, high-resolution LCD?
02:33.44zinxweird, it used to say testing/unstable or testing/sid..
02:33.45Guerinzinx: testing/unstable
02:33.53zinxi guess that got changed
02:33.59stonedsandman google for a sample version of /etc/network/interfaces which is configured to be static and use it as a guide
02:34.01zinx'cause mine is updated as well
02:34.02woodgrainzinx, I swear it's what I have ... what do you think.
02:34.07Guerinfugaro: since vga is 640x480, blocky
02:34.13sandmanstoned: I did
02:34.16zinxwoodgrain: oh, i believe you
02:34.21zinxwoodgrain: it just surprised me
02:34.22Guerinsandman: man interfaces
02:34.25Guerinsandman: reaqlly
02:34.30Guerinjust fucking read it
02:34.31stonedsandman so whats the problem then?
02:34.33zinxwoodgrain: mind you, i don't stay on top of these things :)
02:34.41fugaroGuerin, what do you mean vga is 640x480?
02:34.42sandmanIt keeps grabbing a dhcp address
02:34.58stonedzinx woodgrain I have not used debian in almost 1.5 months.. since before etch went stable.
02:34.59fugaroI'm referring to a 20" at 1600x1200.
02:35.00dondelelcarosandman: it won't grab a dhcp address if you don't have an iface eth0 dhcp; stanza
02:35.01liablesandman: do you use network-manager or how do you bring up your ifaces?
02:35.13stonedso I don't know, but lenny/sid is not the same thing and why it says that, is beyond me
02:35.16woodgrainstoned, I had this rig working before my synaptic did an 'upgrade' ... should xorg, theoretically speaking, be able to do anything xfree86 could ... I'm running modern hardware, with on-board graphics.
02:35.19Guerinfugaro: that's well beyond vga
02:35.28stonedwoodgrain yes
02:35.29sandmanliable: I use /etc/init.d/networking start/stop/restart/what-not
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02:35.34zinxstoned: it's just saying it's either testing or unstable, so they don't have to have a different package for that
02:35.47sandmandondelelcaro: There's no dhcp stanza in there
02:35.52liablesandman: then its in your ifaces file..
02:35.52stonedtesting is another package tree altogether
02:35.58fugaroGuerin, what are you talking about?
02:35.59liablesandman: paste it
02:36.00sandmandondelelcaro: But I only changed it recently, and ran /etc/init.d/networking restart
02:36.03brunoVasistha: i just wanted to tell you that it worked, my FAT32 mount is now writable! Thankyou very much!
02:36.05fugaroGuerin, vga versus dvi.
02:36.07stonedso it should either say lenny/testing or lenny whatever.  lenny/sid makes no sense to me
02:36.11brunoCya guys.... Go Debian! Go!
02:36.12sandmanliable: I will somewhere else, I don't want to get kickewd
02:36.19sandmanliable: #flood?
02:36.36Guerinfugaro: vga is a resolution of 640x480. WHat are YOU talking about?
02:36.42Guerinfugaro: you mean the connector?
02:36.45fugaroGuerin, vga port.
02:36.53woodgrainzinx, sid is the same as 'unstable'??
02:36.53fugaroGuerin, of course.
02:36.58stonedwoodgrain yes
02:36.59zinxwoodgrain: always
02:37.10Guerinfugaro: no quality issues; works fine
02:37.15*** join/#debian simonrvn_ (i=simon@unaffiliated/simonrvn)
02:37.17dondelelcarosandman: just ifdown eth0; ifup eth0; will tell you if it's configured correctly.
02:37.26Guerinsometimes waviness if you use a vga->rca or such
02:37.27daeosspeaking of xorg .... would a nvidia GeForce4 MX 440 have an issues with xorg running?
02:37.31*** join/#debian mo (
02:37.35Guerindaeos: no.
02:37.36stoneddaeos no
02:37.41fugaroGuerin, but dvi is better?
02:37.42Saizani'm using sid, and when i try to apt-get libgtk2.0-dev it wants to remove gnome and other gtk programs, is there a workaround ?
02:37.56stonedjust use either nv or nvidia... if you don't need 3D support just use nv (oss driver)
02:38.09*** part/#debian mo (
02:38.12Guerinfugaro: dunno. It might be better for some applications, but I rather doubt you'd notice.
02:38.15*** join/#debian mo (
02:38.30GuerinSaizan: are you mixing distros?
02:38.32woodgraindpkg -S i915 ===> libgl1-mesa-dri: /usr/lib/dri/
02:38.32dpkgYou Fool! i915 ===> libgl1-mesa-dri: /usr/lib/dri/ is installed!
02:38.42SaizanGuerin: no
02:38.46woodgraindo I have to build these sources to get i915 ^
02:38.53GuerinSaizan: what branch are you ruinning?
02:39.00*** part/#debian fugaro (
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02:39.07Guerinyeh yeh
02:39.11stonedim sure it was a typo
02:39.11SaizanGuerin: unstable as i said
02:39.13stonedbut hilarious
02:39.29GuerinSaizan: thanks for finding that bug ... time to fix it!
02:39.41GuerinSaizan: welcome to life with sid.
02:39.47Saizanheh :)
02:40.09*** join/#debian ChakRa (n=masta@
02:40.09stonedI would hate to have a child that behaved like sid.. I might end up sending her to a bootcamp
02:40.25Saizannever got a problem so far actually
02:40.27stonedeh, bootcamps don't really help
02:40.38GuerinSaizan: until now. Sid has been very quiet of late.
02:41.09stonedSaizan I have had, what, about 4-6 problems with sid in like 4-6 years
02:41.16Saizanso i should expect more coming?:)
02:41.27*** part/#debian soco405 (
02:41.30GuerinSaizan: yes. Things always hot up after a release.
02:41.50*** part/#debian nomasteryoda|w (
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02:41.55Saizanfund :D
02:42.30*** join/#debian SCORules (
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02:43.22woodgrainOkay, so if I have i915 "installed" why does startx error output read [drm] failed to load kernel module "i915"
02:43.33stonedis it modprobed?
02:43.44stonedlsmod |grep i915
02:44.15Acuguys - do you know whether hp offers tech support on servers with debian ?
02:44.30stonedfor sarge, they officially support debian on thier hardware
02:44.52woodgrainstoned, lsmod | grep i915 gives nothing.
02:45.04stonedwood modprobe i915
02:45.07*** join/#debian na-toth (
02:45.14stonedor whatever be the name of the kernel module
02:45.28woodgrainFATAL: module i915 not found
02:46.02*** join/#debian worren (
02:46.17Acustoned: thanks - I have to look what they have then - I want a opteron server and want to implement some turnkey solution based on debian - and the customer will need some reasurance for suport
02:46.20*** join/#debian brussel (
02:46.39stonedAcu call them and talk to them first before you decide to buy of course
02:46.42worrenafter a recent upgrade, i lost firefox and get iceweasel. is that normal?
02:46.48stonedworren yes
02:46.49Guerinworren: yes.
02:46.56stoned!tell worren -about iceweasel
02:47.01worrenstoned: what happened?
02:47.05daeosoo i noticed that
02:47.09daeosas well
02:47.20amphi!tell worren about why iceweasel
02:47.25woodgrainstoned, should these video modules be rolled into a basic kernel?
02:47.38stonedif you want
02:47.48daeosi even got iceape :P
02:47.58woodgrainstoned, but, like, 'from the factory' or do you have to roll your own
02:48.19daeos!tell daeos about why iceweasel
02:48.25stonedabout i915 I have no info as I've never used it or did anything for anyone else with it
02:48.33stonedstock kernels in debian do not contain it afaik
02:48.34stewdaeos: you can just "/msg dpkg whatever"
02:48.47stonedI might be wrong though
02:48.58stonedwhat the fuck is i915 anyway? onboard intel video?
02:49.05woodgrainstoned, yes
02:49.12SCORulesAre the operators idle?
02:49.23stonedSCORules no
02:49.31woodgrainstoned, it worked before upgrade, and well.  I think I was on xfree86 then
02:49.37SCORulesOkay, I won't plug SCOX stock then.
02:49.43daeosstoned: intel chipset 915
02:49.52daeosstoned: sux0rs
02:50.00stonedI figured. onboard is usually suckage
02:50.06daeosoh you bet
02:50.21daeosIntel "Extreme" Graphics Chipset
02:50.22stonedI've never used an intel video, ever.  always nvidia, and lately my first ati, which I regret no
02:50.50stonedI will never ever get anything but nvidia, ever again
02:51.03worrenummh, ok, to remain free. any diff at all between firefox and iceweasel? is only debian doing this or other distros too?
02:51.07daeosbest thing to do with that onboard i915 is.. if you can't get a new card.. beef up the ram is sucks off the mobo
02:51.11woodgrainstoned, I'm going to Fry right fucking now.  what card do I buy?
02:51.35SCORuleswoodgrain: Something shiny.
02:51.40*** join/#debian K|NgGh0sT (
02:51.56stewwoodgrain: get somethin with a built in intel graphics card and a soldering iron
02:52.04stonedworren mozilla artwork doesn't not comply with DFSG.  Debian used its own artwork for it.  Mozill says if you are going to use the name Firefox, then use everything or use none.  Debian said to hell with it, and changed the name.  I think.
02:52.13stoneddoes not*
02:52.20woodgrainstew, I can solder like a you don't even know.
02:52.46stewwoodgrain: i'm sure i have no idea about your actaully soldering ability
02:52.51K|NgGh0sTHow can I find new sources for apt?
02:52.53SCORulesWho needs Firefox.
02:53.01stewwithout the ly
02:53.06daeosSCORules: would your name be... in reference to a game from gpotato?
02:53.12*** join/#debian spyroboy (i=spyroboy@tuxhacker/spyroboy)
02:53.18stonedno, sco linux
02:53.27stonedc'mon man isn't that obvious
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02:53.46stonedsimonrvn!! my buddy my dude my pal
02:53.53stonedwhats up man dude homie bro
02:53.55SCORulesI am an SCOX stock pump and dump troll current behaving due to non idle operators.
02:53.58*** part/#debian clownfish (n=clownfis@
02:54.26daeosSCORules: you never know
02:54.42K|NgGh0sTwoo time to break my debian box more
02:54.43worrenstoned: the same restriction should apply to other distros too. do they all agree to use the name 'iceweasel' or each going its own way?
02:54.45K|NgGh0sTMoving to Lenny
02:54.53SCORulesI told #gentoo and #kubuntu about SCOX' expected 400% ROI
02:55.01Nyleworren I don't know and don't really care about other distros.
02:55.30Nyleworren what other distros do with mozilla is thier business, I have no knowledge of it
02:56.08Nyleworren wikipedia article on iceweasel explains it. Also google
02:56.09worrenNyle: in the world of free-and-open software, no one distro is an island.
02:56.24Nyleworren agreed, but I don't keep up with other distros
02:56.28Nyleis what I'm saying
02:56.54woodgrainhow do I go from Lenny to Etch.  I'm hosed
02:57.11NyleI think other distros don't mess around with DFSG policies so they can use the name firefox and mozilla artwork
02:57.19K|NgGh0sTwoodgrain, /msg dpkg etch->lenny
02:57.26SCORulesAfter I said SCO was going to sue end users with the RIAA's legal council, I got kicked.
02:57.45NyleSCORules its offtopic here
02:58.15SCORulesSince there are non idle operators, I'm going to part and come back later.
02:58.24SCORulesMay the trolls be with you.
02:58.26*** part/#debian SCORules (
02:58.41Nylebeats me
02:58.48NyleI guess its someone more stoned than I
02:59.24Nylewell babies
02:59.29NyleI must sleep, so good night
02:59.49stewdaeos: please stop the viruses and reboot the internet
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03:00.58daeosthis guy has a Java/ByteVerify.Exploit.Trojan
03:01.33*** join/#debian AndreasDK (
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03:03.18AndreasDKHi. I just installed Debian with KDE for the first time
03:03.56StarwatcherAndreasDK congrats!!
03:04.04AndreasDKCan someone please tell me how to "freshen" the menus up? IceWeasel and oowriter looks frustratingly gray
03:04.40AndreasDK.. as does xchat for that matter
03:04.47K|NgGh0sTWhat video drivers are you using for X?
03:04.47Starwatchercontrol center and try a different theme
03:05.12|chiz|AndreasDK: apt-get install gnome-desktop
03:05.35K|NgGh0sTignore him
03:05.36AndreasDKI am using Plastik and the window borders are fine - it`s the menus that looks like something outta the 1980`s
03:05.36*** join/#debian sandman (
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03:05.46sandmanI ran ifup and such, and it just acquired another dhcp
03:05.52Starwatcherlol ok will not start a gnome/kde battle lol
03:05.59sandmanYou said you wanted me to pastebot the interfaces file?
03:06.04AndreasDKchiz: Please... I`ve been using Gnome for 2 years... Think I`m done with that
03:06.17*** join/#debian Pombero (
03:06.28ArafangionAndreasDK: The latest Gnome's ain't that bad.
03:06.50AndreasDKNahh.. just want to see what all the fuzz about KDe is
03:06.59|chiz|AndreasDK: i just couldn't resist the comment
03:07.15StarwatcherAndreasDK the control center will allow you to change about everything
03:07.53Starwatcherapt-get the theme first and that will give you a big choice
03:07.58ArafangionAndreasDK: KDE has a far more consistent UI and design.  Design wise, KDE is actually better, imho.
03:08.13ArafangionAndreasDK: After all, Linus said so!
03:08.18K|NgGh0sTand upgrade to lenny helped somewhat in my Int10 issue
03:08.21liablesandman: yes, paste the whole file
03:08.31K|NgGh0sTXorg now sees that its a Gefore 5900FX...
03:08.44liablesandman: and run 'bash -x /ec/init.d/networking restart' and paste it
03:08.45StarwatcherArafangion  yes he did!! lol
03:09.26|chiz|AndreasDK: what debian branch?
03:09.29AndreasDKstar: Do you know what option in the look and feel section (Control Panel) I shall look for?
03:10.13amphiAndreasDK: warm 'n fuzzy ? ;)
03:10.15AndreasDKGot tired of running Ubuntu with Debian through vmware. Seemed like the world reversed.
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03:10.47StarwatcherAndreasDK  in my version it is listed under Appearance & Themes   first on the list
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03:11.16K|NgGh0sTso who here is the Nvidia/X Guru?
03:11.24AndreasDKamphi: Well...  It seems better that pclinuxos
03:11.25*** part/#debian clownfish (n=clownfis@
03:11.39AndreasDKStar: strange.. I`ve got Background there
03:11.42Starwatcheros[Linux 2.6.18-4-k7 i686] distro[Debian 4.0] cpu[1 x AMD Athlon(TM) XP 2100+ @ 1.74GHz] mem[Physical : 504MB, 73.5% free] disk[Total : 117.78GB, 91.60% Free] video[nVidia Corporation AGP-V3800 SDRAM] sound[]
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03:13.08daeosStarwatcher: i wish i had 73% free
03:13.11daeosi've got 99% used
03:13.34AndreasDKHmm.. Dunno how to paste my ressources
03:13.44StarwatcherAndreasDK  I just installed debian using net-install on two machine, my test rig has never ran that good before, if you using an amd proc upgrade to2.6.28-4-k7 kernel
03:14.29Starwatcherdaeos just installed a new 160g drive that is why I have so much
03:14.31AndreasDKStar: Eh?? I`ve just got the standard system
03:15.11Starwatcherwhat do you mean by standard system?
03:15.43daeoscpu:Pentium III (Katmai) 448.96;Cache 512kb; System Bogomips:886.78;HDD WDC WD200BB-00AUA1 (Capacity: 18.65 GB)
03:15.43AndreasDKMeaning that I know far too little about linux to begin meddling with the kernels
03:16.00*** mode/#debian [+l 749] by debhelper
03:16.12Starwatcherwhat kernel are you using?
03:16.20AndreasDKNo idea
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03:16.52Starwatchergo to control center and on the startup screen it will tell you
03:17.00troubledAndreasDK: bah, get in there and get dirty boy!
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03:17.06AndreasDKMy computer boots and I haven`t paid anything for the OS... That`s my knowledge-level
03:17.35Starwatcherheh well you are in for a treat, you make it the way you want it
03:17.38troubledahhh, so your a linux pir8 eh?
03:17.39jordanbI just tried to install etch on a Sun Ultra 5 and it won't boot from the disk after an error-free install.
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03:18.06jordanbIf I do "boot disk" Openboot says "Can't open boot device."
03:18.23Starwatcherjordanb why did you do a boot from disk?
03:18.36AndreasDK2.6.18-4-686. Does that sound aboout right?
03:18.49jordanbStarwatcher, What else would I boot from?
03:19.01AndreasDKtroubled: Sue me!
03:19.07daeos2.6.8-3-686 is mine
03:19.15daeosi need to update huh??
03:19.19Starwatcheroh thought you meant floppy sry
03:19.50StarwatcherAndreasDK that is a good kernel
03:19.50troubledAndreasDK: I would if the software you were using was merchantable with fitness for a particular purpose ;)
03:20.03troubledwell, thats probably way off, but im sure some got the ref.
03:20.21concept10Is the debootstrap directory used for anything after install?
03:20.48troubledAndreasDK: i promise ill make a better effort to look up the gpl for ya next time I try joke about it ok? :)
03:20.57Starwatcherdaeos no you don't keep that one for awhile works great on my hp p111
03:21.00*** join/#debian Magui (
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03:21.08amphi!topicsmite Magui
03:21.08dpkgAnd the wrath of /TOPIC descended with terrible fury upon Magui.  And all the people marveled, saying, Behold, we too should read the /TOPIC, lest we be stricken.  And all the people read the /TOPIC, and went away edified.
03:21.19Maguiyes, please smite me.
03:21.24Maguithank you.
03:21.27amphiMagui: sorry, couldn't resist ;)
03:21.30stewconcept10: you mean /debootstrap? or /usr/lib/debootstrap?
03:21.37Maguiamphi:  hehe
03:21.43concept10stew: /debootstrap/
03:21.46AndreasDKtroubled: Don`t bother! I`m too lazy to read through a 400 pages document saying that I can do whatever I want to.
03:21.55troubledAndreasDK: jokes aside, I do suggest jumping right into a kernel compile HOWTO. The system will probably make a tad more sense once you get your first compile out of the way
03:22.10MaguiI'll be damned..."Lenny"?  what happened to sid?  I liked sid.
03:22.22troubledwell, the gpl is nowhere near 400 pages, but I hear ya
03:22.24amphiMagui: sid is always ustable
03:22.29Starwatcherjordanb what loader did you use grub?
03:22.35stewconcept10: that was for --second-stage (like base-config), but if youve done that stuff (/list setting up fstab, sources.list, root password, whatever) it's no longer needed
03:22.39gpmhi guys. long time nvidia drivers user...i know the one-liner, i've never had problems before. but now X reports that it can't load module nvidia, though nvidia clearly shows up in lsmod and anyone have any ideas as to why i can't use these drivers anymore? on sid here.
03:22.48Maguiamphi:  oh...jeez...I didn't know about that rule.
03:22.56K|NgGh0sTLenny still uses the 2.6.18 Kernal right?
03:23.02jordanbStarwatcher, Debian installed slilo, it didn't give me a choice.
03:23.08gpmK|NgGh0sT: yeah, i think so
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03:23.19amphi!tell Magui about sid
03:23.23AndreasDKWell.. Gotta go....
03:23.34stewK|NgGh0sT: yes
03:23.40concept10stew: the only thing left is the empty /debootstrap/debootstrap.log
03:23.42K|NgGh0sTI'm going to go cry
03:23.57concept10gosh, irssi completes filenames
03:24.04stewK|NgGh0sT: (/msg dpkg why is linux-2.6 not in testing)
03:24.12amphiconcept10: yeah, handy, huh? ;)
03:24.14sandmanANybody know why my eth0 would keep grabbing a dhcp addy even though I set it to static in interfaces?
03:24.17troubledconcept10: its the simple things in life....
03:24.18Maguiamphi:  well, I gotta rehink this, I guess.  I honestly thought that aptitude and apt-get was still having problems.  had no idea that I was running stable now (all my apt sources are set to download etch stuff, not testing).
03:24.21K|NgGh0sTstew, oh its not that issue
03:24.26Starwatcherwell I hat elilo I use grub and have never had a problem as for solving you problem short of reinstalling and using a netinstall, I don't have the answer for you.
03:24.28K|NgGh0sTHgue Int 10 bug which I cant fix
03:24.34K|NgGh0sTand was hoping Lenny would fix it
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03:24.42jetscreamerK|NgGh0sT: 2.6.20 linux-image borks my box anyway, no big loss... my compile functions though.
03:24.46concept10amphi: yep... but zsh is the kind :)
03:25.00stewK|NgGh0sT: that was an answer to "Lenny still uses the 2.6.18 Kernal"
03:25.01amphiconcept10: it is ;)
03:25.13StarwatcherI think the loader is not pointing to the right mount point
03:25.48stewconcept10: yeah, for a whlie i was ircing for the first time from a box with xorg installed which made it nice for helping here when i could tab complete stuff like /var/log/Xorg.0.log
03:25.48K|NgGh0sTstew, I need a hug
03:25.53Starwatcherdoes it dead stop??
03:25.54stew!hug K|NgGh0sT
03:26.22concept10the stock completions in zsh amaze me at least twice a week until I found how it was done... The damn thing completes aptitude searches, dpkg stuff, man pages, iptables, and everything in between
03:27.19troubledconcept10: such voodoo is best left a secret :)
03:27.33concept10stew: well, I mostly use xchat, put now im starting to run a couple of full screen terminals until i need to browse web
03:27.47concept10troubled: that greatness should be spread to everyone!
03:27.50Maguiquick question for everybody here running etch (stable):  have you gone almost a week with no new updates, not even security updates?  (you can reply to me in private, if you like)  the reason I ask is that's the situation I'm facing.  oh, btw, yeah, I'm a linux newbie.
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03:28.15troubledconcept10: if you did that, then everyone would make a zsh clone
03:28.28jetscreamerweird thing about stable... it is.
03:28.40concept10Magui: updates dont happen every week, thats why its stable
03:28.55concept10Magui: only come out when things need patching
03:28.55troubledconcept10: no offense, but were running low on TLA's until TLAv6 comes out :)
03:29.39Maguijeez...OK...sorry about my cluelessness.  I'm kinda new at this stable thing.  had no idea that it was THAT stable.
03:29.46stewMagui: or /msg dpkg dsa
03:29.59Maguistew:  thanks!
03:30.07stewMagui: those will tell you when seucirty updates actually released
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03:30.16concept10troubled: cobalt:~% apropos tla
03:30.16concept10tla: nothing appropriate.
03:30.16concept10zsh: exit 16    apropos tla
03:30.24dpkgi guess tla is Three Letter Acronym. or the archetypal TLA. <see arch>
03:30.39dpkghmm... etla is Extended TLA
03:30.47troubledamphi! :)
03:30.47stewMagui: but other than security updates the only updates you should expect are updates to packages which have become completly unusuable or uninstallable
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03:32.28jetscreamertotal loser argument?
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03:32.43troubled!wtf tla
03:32.45dpkgno binary found.
03:32.55troubledbah, nobody every installs that on blootbot's
03:32.59troublederr systems
03:33.15Maguistew:  OK.  that's probably gonna be tough for me to gauge.  last weekend, I got done fixing some hardware problems which seemed to partly corrupt my debian install.  I'm pretty sure I've got everything fixed now.  the only thing was that aptitude and apt-get were acting like there are absolutely no new updates.  it puzzled me (I've been running etch for about a year now).
03:33.21troubleddondelelcaro: apt-get install wtf please? thanks :)
03:33.46Maguistew:  so I thought there was still something to fix.  had no idea that etch had become stable (until a few minutes ago).
03:33.58troubledconcept10: sorry, i would have explained it, but then it would have lost some of its humour :)
03:34.52concept10Magui: you've been on testing for a year?
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03:35.29aidan``when is EOL for sarge?
03:35.50jetscreamersarge got fragged
03:35.52Maguiconcept10:  yeah.  this is my first linux system.  I started with stable (sarge), quickly got unhappy with it, and upgraded to testing.
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03:36.08markybobaidan``: not set yet.  probably a year or so
03:36.10Maguithat's worked out well.
03:36.49jetscreamerMagui: don't go sid. you'll never be happy if you go back...
03:36.53MaguiI dunno if I'll like etch stable either.  well, I'll try it out for a while, I guess.
03:37.02aidanmarkybob: cool
03:37.10jetscreameronce you do sid, you're addicted...
03:37.17*** join/#debian kadath (
03:37.23aidanI'm getting these funny errors
03:37.23aidanReading Package Lists... Done
03:37.23aidanW: Couldn't stat source package list sarge/main Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/public.planetmirror.com_pub_debian-amd64_debian_dists_sarge_main_binary-amd64_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory)
03:37.24Arafangionjetscreamer: I used to use Sid, never again!
03:37.28Arafangionjetscreamer: Used it for 2 years.
03:37.30concept10I cant remember if I changed my box back over to stable and im too lazy to check
03:37.43woodgrainjetscreamer, I'm on sid and I want to go back.  I can'd do a simple reconfigure xserver-xorg.
03:38.00Maguijetscreamer:  hehe.  actually, the more I used it, the more it seemed that testing seemed the right fit for me.  I dunno...maybe I'll try sid sometime.  but I am (or was) pretty happy with testing.
03:38.01ArafangionSid is the little boy next door who breaks toys.
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03:38.24ArafangionMagui: Testing eventually becomes stable, which is terrific, but Sid always stays Sid.
03:38.30MaguiArafangion:  yeah, stories like yours are part of the reason I stuck with testing.
03:38.39concept10I need some OT advice
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03:38.59woodgrainHey gang, my souces.list shows all testing ... but after dist-upgrade ... cat /etc/debian_version shows lenny/sid
03:38.59jetscreamerwoodgrain: just hand edit it
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03:39.00jetscreamerlenny is testing
03:39.03relliksince the upgrade, my sound has been acting weird..  I have a playlist in amarok, and when it goes to the next song, it will play it (those dancing bars that show levels work), but there may or may not be any sound.  if a song starts, and is silent, the next song may or may not play.  or, if I restart the current song, it may or may not play..  any ideas what's going on here?
03:39.05jetscreamertesting is lenny
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03:39.27ArafangionWho is lenny again?
03:39.31MaguiArafangion:  I didn't know that about sid, actually.  I assumed sid would move to testing, and some new distribution name would become unstable.  well, now I know better.
03:39.41concept10Magui: is this a desktop or server
03:39.50ArafangionMagui: :)
03:40.02Maguiconcept10:  desktop.  old one too.  from 1997.
03:40.15concept10Magui: are you male or female?
03:40.15ArafangionMagui: It's /possible/ to move from Sid to testing, but it's very difficult, and requires timing and lots of luck.
03:40.22aidanhow hard is it to swap from sarge to edge?
03:40.30amphiMagui: another loller on the trailing edge ;)
03:40.32MaguiArafangion:  haha...I don't think I'm ever gonna try that:).
03:40.48amphiArafangion: heh
03:40.52Maguiamphi:  lol
03:40.56|chiz|aiden I hope you mean etch
03:40.58woodgrainjetscreamer, I hand edited the thing for testing or stable, and still get bogus Debian_version
03:41.06aidan|chiz|: oops yes.
03:41.16aidan|chiz|: whta's edge?
03:41.38|chiz|aiden: edgy was the previous version of ubuntu
03:41.39Maguiamphi:  yeah, I realize I'm making myself look bad...first, I have no idea what etch is, then it turns out I'm running it on 10-year-old hardware....
03:41.43concept10Magui: If you're a man (or not) grow some balls, put side on that huffer (is that a word?) and ride with the changes :)
03:41.57amphiMagui: 10 year old hw is good ;)
03:42.01ootputis there a deb package for the ledger command-line tool?
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03:42.19ootputi'm having a tough time trying to coax google to give me hits other than sql-ledger
03:42.21troubledamphi: cept when the hydro bill comes in
03:42.25ootputand other non-related ledgers
03:42.32aidanFailed to fetch  404 Not Found [IP: 80]
03:42.32Maguiconcept10:  easy now...I think of this machine as somewhat fragile.  I try not to ask too much of it:).
03:42.46aidanhow do I fix these errors? that mirror is meant to support amd64
03:42.49aidan|chiz|: oh
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03:43.31concept10Magui: my server is a _old_ box.  200mhz cobalt raq2, that old boy does his job too :)
03:43.37lontraah .. why is it that if i'm running xchat on debian etch that when i type /server it says 'Ubuntu Servers'  ...
03:43.43Maguianyway, the 1997 machine is my older desktop.  I have a 5-year-old desktop that I run windows2000 on.  now that's NEW, dammit!
03:43.54jetscreamerwoodgrain: i mean hand edit xorg.conf.. and lenny is testing, testing is lenny
03:44.11amphiMagui: put sid on that one ;)
03:44.19Maguiconcept10:  yeah, these things really work, if you take care of them.
03:44.23concept10I want a new machine so bad.  Actually two. No, maybe three
03:44.24|chiz|aiden: you should probably find a new mirror
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03:44.50aidanCouldn't stat source package list sarge/main Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/debian.planetmirror.com_debian_dists_sarge_main_dists_sarge_main_binary-amd64_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory)
03:45.00|chiz|aiden: that mirror has the etch amd64 binaries
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03:45.14Maguiamphi:  no...after some time, it'll get freebsd.  I want to put linux on a newer machine (that I'm hoping to put together by the end of the year, but real life keeps interfering).
03:45.14aidanare there any sarge amd64 mirrors?
03:45.31concept10I have 6 servers in the closet but only run one, which is the cobalt because its quiet
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03:45.48markybobaidan: try in #debian-amd64
03:45.59woodgraindpkg told me to mod my sources.list ... but dist-upgrade still goes to the same old version.
03:46.08troubledconcept10: some of those media pc's these days are pretty darn quiet i must admit
03:46.26Maguioh...I didn't explain this...but I'm in the middle of a slow transition off windows to linux.  that's why I'm running debian on an old PC.
03:46.35troubledwell, compared to my 20 fan bahemoth
03:47.06dpkghmm... sarge->etch is read the etch release notes: ; the recommended upgrade procedure for sarge->etch is no longer as simple as running "aptitude dist-upgrade", please follow the prodedure in the release notes.  also ask me about <security>
03:47.10concept10troubled: anything would be quiet compared to my laptop, the fan sounds like a jet.  Reminds me of my military days when I worked on gas turbine engines.
03:47.31woodgrainjetscreamer ... what about lenny->etch
03:47.31concept10always a whine
03:47.43dpkgmethinks downgrade is not possible with apt-get currently.  No future support is anticipated. Some programs change the binary format of their files in a way that cannot be rolled back later, and package maintainer scripts provide ways to upgrade to new config file formats but not ways to downgrade. You can always try to downgrade a package using dpkg -i <olderversion.deb>.
03:47.57troubledconcept10: you should hear mine. probably 6 fans all togethere i think. more if I put the hard drive cooler on in this case
03:48.07jetscreamerwoodgrain: you can try... just change testing or lenny to read etch
03:48.10concept10my next box is a mac pro quad or bust
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03:48.20woodgrainjetscreamer, what's the best route to start over again?
03:48.26woodgrainwith downgraded dist.
03:48.27dpkgwell, reinstall is COLUMNS=200 dpkg -l | awk '/^[hi]i/{print $2}' | xargs apt-get -y --reinstall install, or dpkg --get-selections > my_packages.txt , then later, dpkg --set-selections < my_packages.txt && apt-get install
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03:48.37aidanjetscreamer: there's no info about it on that page, or that I can see in the PDF?
03:48.50jetscreameraidan: info about what, i forgot
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03:49.17gpmhi all. i'm on debian sid using their stock nvidia drivers (nvidia-kernel-1.0.8776) with their stock kernel (2.6.18). nvidia shows up in lsmod, but when i try to start X i get (EE) Failed to load module "nvidia" (module does not exist, 0)
03:49.21gpmif you can offer any clues as to why this is happening and how i can make it stop, i'd be very grateful
03:49.53sandmanperhaps that's hte glx?
03:49.59sandmanI'm probably crazy...
03:50.01gpmwhat about it?
03:50.06sandmanIs glx installed?
03:50.13cwheelergpm I accidentally upgraded to sid i get the same result
03:50.23concept10I wonder is debian going to proceed with the proposals to update the main site this year
03:50.23sandmanTry building it from source
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03:50.25cwheeleri'm going back to etch
03:50.27sandmanSometimes I get different results
03:50.32altf4i just compiled a new kernel and ran into a problem. when it boots it tells me mount: cannot read /etc/fstab no such file or directory  mount: Mounting /root/dev on dev/.static/dev failed: No such file or directory. any idea on what i missed?
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03:50.37cwheeleri compiled the driver
03:50.48woodgraincwheeler ... can one go back?
03:50.54gpmconcept10: we can only help
03:50.59gpmsandman: tried that, same result :(
03:51.06cwheeleri'm reinstalling
03:51.26gpmcwheeler: :(
03:51.26cwheeleri should have changed sources.list when etch became stable
03:51.34gpmjetscreamer: excellent
03:51.36cwheeleryeah i'm not in a good mood
03:51.49woodgraincwheeler reinstalling via what ! dpkg describes or off a disk?
03:51.53lontracan anyone tell me how to delete the home, computer, and trash icons from my gnome desktop?  a simple delete doesn't do it :/
03:52.00jetscreamerthe unapproved dirty just works method: get root. kill x. paste this: apt-get install pkg-config xserver-xorg-dev && mkdir /usr/src/nvda && cd /usr/src/nvda && wget -c* && sh -anN
03:52.00cwheelercdrecord isn't here, how can i burn a cdrom from the commant line?
03:52.02gpmconcept10: s/help/hope
03:52.20jetscreamercwheeler: it's called wodim now
03:52.23cwheelerI installed the nvidia driver from nvidia's site, the debian ones have never worked
03:52.31cwheelerthanks jetscreamer
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03:52.36sandmanYou mean the ones from sid?
03:52.39sandmanThey always worked for me
03:52.46gpmme too
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03:52.52gpmthat's why i'm confused
03:53.05jetscreamernote you need the linux-headers-`uname -r` woodgrain
03:53.07gpmi don't think i've updated anything remotely related
03:53.28gpmmaybe xserver-xorg-video-nv?
03:53.29ggeeckoany real difference between the new ubuntu and debian 4
03:53.30Saizanare there nvidia drivers for 2.6.20?
03:53.36gpmggeecko: yes, many
03:53.39JunoDewarif I'll move /etc/cron.daily/find to /etc/cron.weekly will it be enough for it to stop harrassing me or I should change something in some unknown to me conf file?
03:53.40Saizanin sid i mean
03:53.53jetscreamerthere was a new xogr-nv module in sid last night
03:53.53ArafangionSaizan: It's not opensource.
03:53.58ggeeckosuch as
03:54.21jetscreamerSaizan: it doesn't really work like that... the module gets compiled for the current kernel... doesn't matter which kernel.
03:54.24gpmggeecko: ubuntu ships with tons more installed by default, packages have been altered to work for their vision of a desktop system, comes with gnome 2.18, which isn't even in sid (completely) yet...etc
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03:54.52lontraggeecko, and naked people ... debian doesn't come with naked people
03:55.00gpmoh yeah
03:55.04gpmthe most important part
03:55.05lontraggeecko, just toy story nerds
03:55.20gpmhow many more toys can there be?
03:55.21ggeeckolontra, damn
03:55.30Saizanjetscreamer: with m-a? i see, thanks
03:55.35lontragpm, check out wikipedia ... there are tons
03:55.38gpmi wish i'd been using debian back during rex days...rex is my favorite character
03:55.39lontraggeecko, yup
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03:55.53gpmlontra: yeah, but we kinda hit all the big ones right?
03:55.57JunoDewarShameless repeating: if I'll move /etc/cron.daily/find to /etc/cron.weekly will it be enough for it to stop harrassing me or I should change something in some unknown to me conf file?
03:55.57ggeeckolontra, i new something was missing
03:56.01*** mode/#debian [+l 753] by debhelper
03:56.14lontraggeecko, so it's more a question of ... do you like nude people or toy story nerds?  i think the answer is clear (toy story nerds)
03:56.18troubledgpm: it makes me wonder if when they run out of characters if they decide to make sid the last "stable" before adopting a new naming scheme
03:56.21lontragpm, oh of course
03:56.28lontratroubled, they won't
03:56.37lontratroubled, look at the wikipedia article on toy story
03:56.44gpmjetscreamer: you think that's it?
03:56.58gpmjetscreamer: the xorg-nv thing?
03:57.04gpmyou said that a while ago
03:57.29lontraggeecko, but honestly there's lot of different reasons to run one over the other.  they are both good distros.  i prefer debian thus i'm here in #debian if you go to #ubuntu there'll tell you to run ubuntu.  try them both and decide
03:57.46lontraggeecko, in my opinion debian tends to be more stable and faster and more up to date if you run testing or sid
03:57.59lontraggeecko, stable equals the stable release not testing or sid
03:58.12ggeeckolontra, i prefer debian
03:58.13woodgrainjust did shutdown -r now and now ... no keyboard.  what do I do????
03:58.17*** join/#debian mefistofeles1 (
03:58.40lontraggeecko, good man
03:58.51ootputhi guys, i'm a bit uncertain as to how to add the following repository to sources.list:
03:59.02amphi!win ggeecko
03:59.02dpkgCongratulations, ggeecko! You have won the US presidency!
03:59.10ootputessentially, i'm only after the 256color and ledger and mg packages
03:59.17lontra!lose abrotman
03:59.17dpkgabrotman: You Lose.
03:59.25lontratake that abrotman
03:59.41lontra!gentoosmite ggeecko
03:59.58gpmtroubled: i had that idea too
04:00.03gpmthat would be the death of debian i guess
04:00.07*** join/#debian elin (n=ta1a812@
04:00.52troubledgpm: better get on pixar's case to make another toy story asap
04:00.52woodgrainlontra alex is not on now
04:00.52ootputdpkg: but that scrolling text is what defines a man!
04:00.52dpkgootput: what are you talking about?
04:00.53lontrawoodgrain, i know ... but doesn't mean we can't harass him
04:01.06lontra!slap ootput
04:01.13*** join/#debian guk_ (i=chris@SOLOSOFT.ORG)
04:01.16woodgrainlontra I'm a ... ah gunna tell him you said that.
04:01.19lontradpkg, thanks
04:01.19dpkgbitte, lontra
04:01.34lontrawoodgrain, he he
04:01.39troubledlontra: ok now, easy on the bot spam
04:02.33lontrait's not spamming it's informing
04:03.19lontraaidan, dist-upgrade?
04:03.25lontraaidan, aptitude dist-upgrade
04:03.44gg_hp57i configured 'sensors' to monitor my cpu temp. however, my box shutdowns when it reaches 42 deg. cel. ideas?
04:04.18|chiz|gg_hp57: bios setting
04:04.20markybobgg_hp57: that's it?  whimpy box :)
04:04.37markybobgg_hp57: you should set new trip points
04:04.42ootput!slap dpkg
04:04.49troubledinteresting temp to shutdown at :)
04:05.11markybobgg_hp57: google trip point and /proc/acpi/thermal_zone/THRM/temperature for changing them
04:05.15gg_hp57markybob: its not the bios (set to 70 deg)
04:05.15ootput42'C is quite low
04:05.38ootputperhaps it's acting up on 420
04:05.43troubledif it were bios his machine would most likely just stop completly rather than shutdown though
04:06.02|chiz|very true
04:06.03sandmanCan anyone help me fix my NIC from acquiring DHCP?
04:06.09sandmanI've set it to static, but it keeps grabbing dhcp
04:06.10troubledprobably accompanied by a loud pc speaker alarm
04:06.18sandmanI used the interfaces file to do it
04:06.18amphisandman: uninstall dhclient ;)
04:06.28ootputsandman: pastebin network/interfaces
04:06.29gg_hp57markybob: trip points...
04:06.32amphisandman: or just kill it for now
04:06.38markybobgg_hp57: yes, trip points
04:06.56sandmandhcpcd must be running~!
04:06.59aidanI made the wrong decision here: *** my.cnf (Y/I/N/O/D/Z) [default=N], can I go back?
04:07.07sandmanThat's it!
04:07.10amphisandman: dhclient, I suspect
04:07.39sandmanOf course!
04:07.42sandmanI just killed it
04:07.48sandmanIt was still running from when my interfaces file was set otherwise
04:07.54jordanbI thought the etch installer was supposed to be better than the sarge installer.
04:07.58sandmanAnd yet, that stumped me.
04:08.00sandmanjordanb: I think it is.
04:08.05jordanbThis thing is just the sarge installer only more clunkier.
04:08.16markybobjordanb: not even close
04:08.17sandmanI disagree.
04:08.23markybobjordanb: feel free to troll elsewhere, though
04:08.27sandmanI find the installer to be quite functional. But heck, if you don't like it
04:08.27jordanbThe only difference is that it switches to framebuffer for linux to boot, then switches back to that shitty ncurses system.
04:08.30sandmanThere's always slackware
04:08.52gg_hp57markybob: how can i configure trip point or disable them?
04:08.55amphijordanb: shitty? ncurses? wtf?
04:09.03markybobgg_hp57: that link i sent you tells you exactly that.  please read
04:09.04troubledat least debian doesnt need to be bootstraped like gentoo....
04:09.13gg_hp57markybob: k thx
04:09.14|chiz|ncurses is the cats ass
04:09.24troubledi like ncurses :)
04:09.26jordanbAlso what the fuck is this 'silo' thing? why won't it install grub?
04:09.30liableand the dogs bollocks
04:09.34amphi|chiz|: does that mean 'good' in your idiom?
04:09.44|chiz|amphi: yes
04:09.56ootputhi guys, i'm a bit uncertain as to how to add the following repository to sources.list: Essentially i'm only after the 256color and ledger package
04:10.05amphi|chiz|: good-oh - a curious idiom, if you don't mind my saying so
04:10.14jordanbopenboot can't even see the freshly installed debian system as anything other than a blank disk, so debian clearly royally fucked it up.
04:10.47*** join/#debian clownfish (n=clownfis@
04:10.54troubledjordanb: you had the sparc system?
04:10.55*** part/#debian clownfish (n=clownfis@
04:10.57|chiz|amphi: haha, I just love that saying
04:11.17jordanbtroubled, I'm failing to install etch on a sparc system, because the etch installer seems completly broken.
04:11.22ootputright-oh is less curious
04:11.24amphi|chiz|: to each their own ... ;)
04:11.26*** join/#debian comsa (
04:11.50aidanI made the wrong decision here: *** my.cnf (Y/I/N/O/D/Z) [default=N], can I go back? (doing apt-get upgrade .. how can I get the option up again?)
04:11.52troubledjordanb: pprobably something they missed. sparc != x86 in popularity after all
04:12.07troubledaidan: ctrl-c?
04:12.23ootputaidan: find the tmp source file(s) and copy them elsewhere
04:12.27lontratroubled, that won't prompt that again
04:12.45troubledtry reinstall that app perhaps?
04:12.49ootputaidan: i don't think the merges are done until the very end
04:12.57ootput(i could be wrong)
04:13.07*** join/#debian maddash (n=maddash@unaffiliated/maddash)
04:13.18dpkgif you are a gnome user ask me about <gnome-volume-manager>, otherwise ask me about <ivman> or <autofs>
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04:14.28mefistofeles1somebody knows about a RPG compiler on linux?
04:14.57troubledrpg compiler?
04:15.21*** join/#debian adamant1988 (
04:15.30aidanI'm doing a dist-upgrade and still getting packages kept-back
04:16.00*** mode/#debian [+l 746] by debhelper
04:16.15cwheelertesting isn't guaranteed to work correct?
04:16.33liableeven stable is gaurenteed
04:16.37*** join/#debian peterrooney (
04:16.53lontracwheeler, correct ... though it's quite stable
04:17.09troubledi should hope so, they just forked it
04:17.10cwheelertrue even windows isn't guaranteed
04:17.13mefistofeles1yes troubled, I need one
04:17.16lontracwheeler, sometimes problems occur but very rarely ... it's probably as stable as an ubuntu release
04:17.21aidanhahaha, windows..
04:17.26troubledmefistofeles1: no, i was asked wth a rpg compiler was
04:17.35cwheelerbill says it's stable
04:17.42lontrais bill stable?
04:17.43*** join/#debian mo (
04:17.57cwheelerhahaha, well he behaves like an abuser
04:18.00mefistofeles1it is a compiler
04:18.01liableisnt i meant
04:18.09troubledmefistofeles1: i gathered that....
04:18.56ootputhi guys, i'm a bit uncertain as to how to add the following repository to sources.list: Essentially i'm only after the 256color and ledger package
04:18.59*** join/#debian bartden2 (
04:19.13aidanootput: vi /etc/apt/sources.list
04:19.15*** join/#debian P_Kable (
04:19.23mefistofeles1where can I get a RPG compiler on linux? somebody, help me
04:19.42ootputaidan: right, have you taken a look at how that repo is structed?
04:19.49ootputaidan: what is the correct entry for either packages
04:19.51aidanootput: nope
04:21.28troubledootput: you know, you could always just download those 2 deb's and dpkg -i them both if apt sources.list is kickin your butt that bad....
04:21.53ootputtroubled: i know. but i'd like to learn something in the meantime
04:22.07troubledbut getting us to spoon feed you? lol
04:22.35*** join/#debian kyleau (
04:22.43ootputirc is just another medium
04:22.45ootputlike a book
04:22.53ootputlike a reference manual albeit highly o/t at times
04:23.05*** join/#debian turg (n=thorin@
04:23.11amphisome book
04:23.11troubledgive me a book that can do all the work for you and i would be a happy man :)
04:23.22troubledhitchhikers guide perhaps?
04:23.34jordanbWhy does debian go into frambuffer just to switch right back to text-only?
04:23.35ootputavailable at all good book stores
04:23.55amphijordanb: >80 columns ?
04:23.58jordanbUsing a framebuffer to do nothing but display tux during boot. wow.
04:24.01troubledjordanb: are you sure it ever left fb mode? :)
04:24.25ootputthat's related to your bootloader, afaik
04:24.40troubledfb is a way to access the display, not X for console
04:24.46ootputi didn't know deb installations had fb active by default
04:24.56jordanbOk then the way debian uses the framebuffer for the install is completly useless. :P
04:25.10*** join/#debian \amethyst (
04:25.15ArafangionFramebuffered boots muck up my driver :( (Damn ATI)
04:25.16troubledjordanb: beast 80x25
04:25.19ootputfor gui-mode, it's a must
04:25.31jordanbAlso it doesn't let me choose anything other than a 'pc' keyboard map.
04:26.01*** join/#debian solar_sea (n=solar@
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04:26.55troubled!comfort jordanb
04:26.55dpkgThere, there, jordanb.  It's OK.  I'm here for you.
04:27.47*** join/#debian JunoDewar (
04:29.33*** join/#debian markybob (i=markybob@unaffiliated/markybob)
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04:31.04troubledwow, got quiet fast. must be pr0n o'clock in the morning ;)
04:32.04troubledbet i loose a few karma point for that one heh
04:32.17ootputyeah, you'd be in the negative right about now
04:32.31*** part/#debian Bhaal (i=bhaal@freenode/staff/bhaal)
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04:33.30daeoshow can i tell what drivers are used for a specific piece of hardware such as a usb wireless adapter?
04:33.51troubledthats gotta be some mess
04:33.57markybobdaeos: you google the chipset
04:34.03*** join/#debian swa_mobil (n=swa@tuxhacker/swa)
04:35.42daeosmarkybob: google will not tell me what driver im using right now
04:35.43ootputoh, he wants to know which module is governing currently installed devices
04:35.43ootputthat might be tricky
04:35.43markybobdaeos: lsmod should be pretty obvious
04:35.43ootputdig around /proc
04:35.44ootputand irqs
04:35.55daeosmarkybob: i dont use lsmod alot so i had no clue, as why im asking
04:36.49troubledootput: i would sooner be pooped on by a bird than get hit with that mess lol
04:36.58troubledi feel sorry for the bystanders
04:37.03ootputlol yeah
04:37.08ootputthe street is pretty vacant
04:37.28ootputi bet most of the bystanders were admitted into hospital for shock
04:37.56*** join/#debian Starwatcher (
04:38.04troubledand a long bath
04:38.05ootput'oh no, terrorism!'
04:38.06*** join/#debian unix_infidel (n=blue@unaffiliated/unixinfidel/x-8383745)
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04:38.28troubled50 ton's, omg thats big
04:38.43troubledsuckers a mini cruise missle
04:38.43ootputthat whole bomb-in-car thing has been superceded by bomb-in-whale
04:39.24troubledyou seen the clip for that police movie with the beached whale?
04:39.28*** join/#debian ravenbird (i=ravenbir@unaffiliated/simonrvn/bot/ravenbird)
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04:39.31troubledcan't think of the name off hand
04:40.07ootputi don't know the name of the clip
04:40.16ootputi know that they planted some explosives in it, though :)
04:40.22troubledyou able to view .mov clips?
04:40.26*** join/#debian kramed (
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04:40.56Gmolivall the packages i want to install are not compatible to amd64 architeture
04:41.07Gmolivshould i give up and compile a generic x86 kernel?
04:41.14kramedcan the basic system be installed from xfce cd 1 or is the net install recommended?
04:42.31ootputkramed: i think the cd includes the core components
04:42.31GmolivERROR: Your architecture, \'x86_64\', is not supported by the
04:42.31aidancan someone tell me how the hell I go from sarge to etch?
04:42.54troubledootput: possibly
04:43.02troubledreno 911 is the movie i think
04:43.02aidanGmoliv: no, the adobe flash player doesn't work with anything
04:43.05kramedootput, I just dont want it to ask for cd 2 when I dont have it
04:43.14ootputsed 's/sarge/etch/g' /etc/apt/sources.lst
04:43.25Gmolivaidan, update your sources.conf, apt-get update, apt-get dist-upgrade
04:43.28vnaidan: change your sources.list
04:43.36ootputaidan: my previous remark
04:43.38vnaidan: theres something about it on the official website
04:43.40sword!tell adian -about sarge->etch
04:43.45Gmolivaidan, libflash-mozplugin?
04:43.52aidan!tell aidan -about sarge->etch
04:44.05*** join/#debian h1tman (n=Linux@
04:44.14aidanIt says read the release notes ... there's nothing in there
04:44.15comsaaidan im on dialup  ordered the dvds from
04:44.24*** join/#debian ericx (n=jxtadev@
04:44.36vndialup still exists? jeez
04:44.45ootputtroubled: yeah
04:44.46liable!tell aidan about selftell
04:44.58vnits been like 12 years I'm on highspeed
04:45.10Gmolivok, i've just installed debian from net-install
04:45.16Gmolivonly the base system
04:45.26Gmolivnow i got gnome + beryl + nvidia driver
04:45.49Gmolivcan someone send me the address of a guide or something like that to setup flash, video codecs ... ?
04:46.13daeosmarkybob: lsmod wasn't  very helpful in finding out what driver my wlan0 device is using
04:46.40markybobdaeos: just tell us what your usb stick is and we'll tell you the module that uses it
04:47.38amphidaeos: what card is it?
04:47.38jordanbWhat kind of half-assed installer doesn't have fdisk installed?
04:47.41liabledaeos: it should
04:47.43*** part/#debian h1tman (n=Linux@
04:47.59liablejust see what modules are associated with wlan
04:48.16daeoswell, im using a Netgear WG111
04:48.44amphino idea what module that uses
04:48.51daeosshows up as a GlobespanVirata Cohiba 3887 rev0 on usb devices
04:49.01markybobprism54, probably
04:49.29*** join/#debian aDDONiC (
04:49.51daeosi was thinking it would be, but wasn't sure
04:49.56markybobor ndiswrapper.  :)
04:50.05markybobpost your lsmod if you want more help
04:50.37Madd_Mattyou could post it but it might take a few days
04:50.52daeosthe thing is, prism cards are ethX not wlan0
04:51.00daeosand im not using ndiswarpper
04:51.06markybobpaste it, then.
04:51.15amphi'ndiswarpper', heh
04:51.35daeos!fish amphi
04:52.07amphi!penixtrike daeos
04:52.18amphi!penixstrike daeos
04:52.19dpkgA towering Penix descends from the heavens, knocking daeos to the ground and leaving a large wet spot.
04:52.30daeosoh man that was great
04:52.55sussudio%doe daeos
04:53.18amphione typo deserves another - yours was better
04:54.08daeosmarkybob: i'll use pastebin
04:54.19troubledsu su sussudio!
04:54.37amphi!sing sussudio
04:54.38daeos.... i was thinking that
04:54.52daeosdamn phil collins
04:55.52*** part/#debian tnks (
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04:56.35pebblestonehi, could anybody tell me what's the difference of ssh'x trusted X11 forwarding and untrusted X11 forwarding?
04:57.08troubledhmmm, went south
04:57.25troubledi guess 6 ns's dont mean much these days
04:58.01markybobdaeos: didnt see ndiswrapper listed on there, or what?
04:58.04*** join/#debian k13 (
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04:58.59daeosmarkybob: i don't see ndiswrapper listed next to wlan0 or am i looking for the wrong description
04:59.35markybobdaeos: ...anyway, you're using ndiswrapper with your usb stick.  was that your only question?
04:59.54daeoswell then i need to remove ndiswrapper
05:00.12daeosand use aphost or prism
05:00.12daeoshow could i change that
05:00.13daeosor even madwifi
05:00.19markybobyou want to break something that's currently working for you?
05:00.33daeosits not working for me
05:00.49daeos1. it works as a wireless device yes
05:01.02daeos2. it does not work with a program (kismet) when using nsdiswrapper
05:01.16daeosand im trying to stop it from using nsdiswrapper
05:01.26gg_hp57markybob: i tried this for trip points but says no file or directory
05:01.44*** part/#debian pebblestone (
05:02.00gg_hp57markybob: echo 70:0:0:0:0 > /proc/acpi/thermal_zone/*/trip_points
05:02.27markybobgg_hp57: it's /proc/acpi/thermal_zone/THRM/trip_points
05:03.23sceadhi guys... I just updated my lenny system and it appears that my nvidia drivers aren't there anymore. Yet, the package is still installed. Has anyone else had this trouble?
05:03.23*** join/#debian Jerichau (
05:03.45daeosmarkybob: thanks for your help.
05:04.03*** join/#debian cplx (n=cplx_@
05:04.17gg_hp57markybob: same error. (no file/dir) |
05:04.24markybobuname -r
05:04.42gg_hp57markybob: did a ls and acpi is not in /proc
05:05.12markybobgg_hp57: acpid installed?
05:05.41gg_hp57markybob: pretty sure, did yesterday
05:06.00*** mode/#debian [+l 739] by debhelper
05:06.25gg_hp57markybob: i had to boot into 'acpi=off' so my sys won't shutdown
05:06.37markybobgg_hp57: well, duh, then
05:07.01markybobgg_hp57: boot without doing that so you can set the trip points properly.
05:07.44markybobgg_hp57: btw...those trip points are pretty bad.  you might wanna try something like this instead   echo -n "98:97:96:53:45" > /proc/acpi/thermal_zone/THRM/trip_points/trip_points
05:09.46*** join/#debian ericx (n=jxtadev@
05:09.49aidanso far no problems ... this is pretty cool
05:10.22aidanI didn't release aptitude was a command line tool also
05:12.34gg_hp57markybob: @ those the sys will shutdown at 98'c?
05:12.50*** join/#debian dansushi (
05:14.04markybobgg_hp57: tries to suspend to disk if possible
05:14.59*** join/#debian [Nige] (
05:15.23gg_hp57marybob: but 70:0:0:0:0 will define to shutdown @ 70'c right?
05:15.32*** join/#debian inimesekene (
05:15.35[Nige]I fixed my samba problems, turns out vista uses port 445 for smb as well as 137-139, my box was blocking 445 :)
05:16.02*** join/#debian s (
05:16.14markybobgg_hp57: yes.  but you wont have things set like moving from passive cooling to active
05:16.22troubledvista eh? must be a treat heh </sarcasm>
05:16.23sAnyone know why GNOME NetworkManager Applet tells me I've no network connection
05:16.27sWhen yet, I'm using the internet right now?
05:16.30markybobgg_hp57: so that's probably not what you want
05:17.16gg_hp57marybob: i have 2 fans not managed by bios & which i want to run @ full rpm
05:17.30troubled[Nige]: curious though, i thought 445 has been default smb port since like XP
05:17.51gg_hp57marybob: so that does not apply right?
05:18.03jetscreamerisn't .. no that's 443 nm
05:18.13jetscreamerssl is 443 right?
05:18.19[Nige]I thought so too
05:18.22troubledpretty sure its ssl
05:18.35[Nige]but apprently xp and 2000 can happily use 137-139 without a worry
05:18.40markybobgg_hp57: i guess.  give it a shot.  *shrug*
05:18.42[Nige]vista on the other hand drops the buckets
05:18.49*** join/#debian kerframil (n=kerframi@gentoo/user/kerframil)
05:18.52troubledthink 137-139 is netbios
05:19.08[Nige]yep, but if you disable it, samba dont work :)\
05:19.41troubledfor name resolution isnt it?
05:19.49*** join/#debian nipra (n=Nihil@
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05:20.18gg_hp57marybob: thx. seems to work. its not shutting down when i boot into x
05:20.36[Nige]anyone able to shed some light on private and public key problems I am having?
05:20.38troubledwell, shows how often i use samba these days heh
05:20.43*** join/#debian incubus- (n=Cuz@
05:20.46markybobgg_hp57: good.  np
05:21.01[Nige]troubled, what do you use if not samba :)
05:21.24[Nige]ahhh cool
05:21.33[Nige]do you use public / private keys?
05:21.59troublednot often, but if your asking for gpg help i may be able to point in right direction
05:22.18*** part/#debian incubus- (n=Cuz@
05:22.23[Nige]well i dont think its a gpg question
05:22.32[Nige]its ssh+putty
05:22.33troubledwhats your question then
05:22.37[Nige]lol okay
05:22.42[Nige]I use ssh and private and public keys
05:23.07[Nige]I used putty gen to create the keys, I uploaded the private to the host, and can connect through putty on my host pc
05:23.24[Nige]but when I use the same key on alinux box it tells me the key is no good
05:23.35[Nige]its the same key that works on 1 pc but not the other
05:23.53troubledpretty sure putty has a slightly altered syntax for some reason
05:24.01[Nige]fair enough,
05:24.16[Nige]it keeps asking for passphrase on the key which doesnt have one, (I know bad idea)
05:24.43troubledrun a ssh-keygen on the linux box and compare the syntax
05:24.59troublediirc its pretty obvious what you need to edit
05:25.00\amethystI just use one key for putty and another for openssh
05:25.24gg_hp57marybob: i shut down again
05:25.37[Nige]so I can have 2 keys for the same user
05:25.58[Nige]I just need to update the authorised keys then?
05:26.09*** join/#debian Demokrit (
05:26.09troubled[Nige]: yup
05:26.15\amethyst[Nige]: yeah, you can have as many pubkeys in authorized as you'd like
05:26.15[Nige]see thats a good idea
05:26.22[Nige]i might try taht
05:26.23aidanI have a basic mirroring software RAID via mdadm. md0 => /boot and md2 => /  ... I'm guessing both of these are "needed for the root filesystem?"
05:26.25\amethystand, in fact, as many private keys on a single system as you'd like
05:26.28*** join/#debian seemawn (
05:26.30gg_hp57markybob: it shutdown again
05:26.35[Nige]cool :)
05:26.38[Nige]thanks for the help
05:26.44\amethyst[Nige]: as for the empty passphrase
05:26.47markybobgg_hp57: at what temp?  boot it back and see what it's at
05:26.53troubledagain, i think putty's pub key differs at the begining or something simple. been a while though or else i would givey ou details, sry
05:27.03\amethyst[Nige]: I'm guessing that's because you don't like having to type the password over and over?
05:27.05[Nige]thanks troubled
05:27.19[Nige]oh \amethyst yer and its an internal box :)
05:27.33\amethyst[Nige]:  Use ssh-agent and ssh-add
05:27.34[Nige]i changed to public keys after too many brute force attempts :)
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05:27.45gg_hp57markybob: now @ 42
05:27.45\amethyst[Nige]: then you just have to type the passphrase once per session
05:27.45[Nige]yep, I found i had to run that everytime at login
05:27.49[Nige]it got really annoying
05:28.04[Nige]well ssh-add I had to do that in every terminal :S
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05:28.16markybobgg_hp57: i dont know, then.  sorry
05:28.30\amethyst[Nige]:  You can set up gdm (etc.) to run your entire X session in an ssh-agent
05:28.40\amethystso then you just need to type the passphrase once when you log in
05:28.55troubledwerent there issues with ssh-agent?
05:29.16troubledie: one comprimised machine = full access to all hosts or something similar?
05:29.44gg_hp57markybob: how can i access the shutdown log @ last shutdown?
05:29.48\amethysttroubled:  That's an even worse problem with unencrypted private keys
05:29.58markybobgg_hp57: cat your syslog
05:30.15troubledfor sure. im not saying empty passphrase is a good idea by any means though
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05:31.23troubledbut if he keeps the sec key secure im sure he will be fine with a blank pass
05:31.23gg_hp57markybob: found a problem i think'
05:31.51gg_hp57markybob: critical temp. reached (112'C)
05:31.54troubledbesides, to get the key would require to comprimise his host in which case password wouldnt make a diff with a keystroke logger
05:32.09markybobgg_hp57: i thought you said 40 something?
05:32.27gg_hp57markybob: and another line says 37'C
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05:33.00gg_hp57markybob: i set it to 70:0:0:0:0
05:33.23markybobgg_hp57: use 98:97:96:53:45 and see what happens
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05:34.20pdfI landed right on the money with this question I had
05:34.36pdf;' HOWTO: securing debian ';
05:34.39gg_hp57markybob: it seems i have a 3rd temp sensor. | i see m/b temp, cpu temp, and "Temp3" when i do sensors
05:35.28troubledgg_hp57: hd's have temp's too these days
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05:35.54troubledunless its a chipset temp or something
05:36.10gg_hp57it reads 127'C
05:36.40troubledfor some reason i dont think lm sensors grab hd temps though. think thats a seperate interface, but i may be wrong
05:37.07\amethysttroubled:  Having a password on your key lessens the impact of an information-disclosure explot.  Exploiting an agent, or capturing a passphrase, is going to be nearly impossible without a remote execution exploit
05:38.18ivxhey is there a way to do a internet speed test from teminal?
05:38.19\amethysttroubled: e.g. suppose tomorrow someone finds a security bug in Firefox that lets Javascript upload an arbitrary file (that the user can access, of course) to the remote server
05:38.19troubled\amethyst: having a password really only helps if someone has read access to your sec key like root
05:38.29troubledor that :)
05:38.49\amethystit wouldn't be the first time
05:39.03troubledactually, mozilla just had one of those the other month
05:39.30troubledworked in windows on me for c:\boot.ini at least
05:39.35[Nige]I have removed sudo from the box as well :)
05:39.49[Nige]and as a std user, I dont know there would too much damage a bad key could do
05:40.26troubleda comprimised key = shell. and shell = root eventually if the attacker is resourceful
05:40.36[Nige]I know :)
05:40.52cwheelera cracker on another net told me he loves ssh keys without passwords
05:41.04troubledwho doesnt heh
05:41.19[Nige]they are usefull thought :)
05:41.23[Nige]useful though *
05:41.35\amethystThey're not really that useful
05:41.47sceadI just updated my lenny system and it appears that my nvidia drivers aren't there anymore. Yet, the package is still installed. Has anyone else had this trouble?
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05:42.15\amethystI type my passphrase once a day at most, and once a week when I'm at home
05:42.15cwheelerdepends on how many other systems you can compromise with them
05:42.33cwheelerright use ssh-agent
05:42.42cwheelerdebian came with it set up
05:42.45[Nige]i might look into ssh-agent :)
05:43.13troubledthat or buy a smart card reader if your really paranoid and lazy :)
05:43.36[Nige]lol, biometrics :) although you have watch your fingers :)
05:43.53\amethystfingers have been copied successfully
05:43.56cwheelerwatch for people snipping them off
05:44.05\amethystthough presumably the machines have been improved since then
05:44.18cwheelerthe less expensive fingerprint things can be fooled
05:44.22troubledfinger prints can be easy to attain. especially if you have a record. and your eye doctor has your retena's. and bell have your voice sample :)
05:44.33[Nige]yer, I have heard soo, all you need is a 9 volt battery
05:44.35troubledyou cant stop someone with more resources than you
05:44.36cwheelerthe expensive ones check for a pulse
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05:45.01cwheelerhow do you get fingerprints if you aren't a law enforcement agency?
05:45.07\amethystcwheeler: latent
05:45.08troubledcwheeler: an extra step thats all :)
05:45.13cwheelerfar as i know they aren't public record
05:45.34troubledcwheeler: pay someone in law or take a trip to the bar with your suspect :)
05:45.37Demokritcwheeler: wanna have adrink ? :-)
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05:45.56troubledthere is no security these days really
05:46.08cwheeleryeah there are ways i'm sure
05:46.09troubledespecially with the van eck on LCD's
05:46.20markwtroubled: which is why we should all be packing. :)
05:46.30cwheeleri meant fingerprint records not latent prints
05:46.41\amethystOnly in hrefs, only in <a hrefs>, ...?
05:46.53cwheelerwell markw  the fbi and law enforcement have my prints so i could get a license to pack
05:46.53DemokritIn dselect, I somehow managed to have over 600 packages to be REMOVED. Is there a way to say "select all installed packages" or something?
05:47.10markwcwheeler: I'
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05:47.15markwm seriously thinking about it.
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05:47.26cwheelerwhere you live markw?
05:48.00cwheelerthe prk doesn't issue permits in the big city
05:48.12troubledactually, i was thinking earlier about how sad encryption is. when you encrypt say a 100gb file and try descrpyt it, a bad password with gpg is known instantly since it seems only the begining of the data is checked for validity (or some special value). this would make encryption easy i would think since you can just cycle through combinations of this value until you match it
05:48.24cwheelerunless you contribute to thier campaign or you're a movie star or something
05:48.35markwcwheeler: ironically the big city is where you need it the most.
05:48.51cwheelerironic isn't it?
05:48.52[Nige]just created an keypair using ssh-keygen
05:48.55troubledtrue encryption should never know when it gets the pass/key wrong. it should simply decrypt according to the pass and output garbage on incorrect pass
05:49.04[Nige]gotta figure out how to et putty and this key to work now
05:49.08markwcwheeler: local highschool shooting was stopped by off duty cops who were carrying.
05:49.23[Nige]i should beable to use the same key from 2 completely pcs right?
05:49.41cwheelerno state has ever repealed a concealed carry law
05:49.42troubled[Nige]: yes
05:50.05cwheelertexas and florida saw about 30% reduction in violent crime after passing concealed carry laws
05:50.10[Nige]the public key stays with me, private goes to the host correct?
05:50.24markwcwheeler: it's funny in florida, if you have out of state plates, or a rental car, you're more likely to be the victim as they know you probably aren't carrying. :)
05:50.28troublederr vice
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05:50.46cwheelerI have a florida permit :)
05:50.51markwcwheeler: cool.
05:50.59cwheelerand i don't live there
05:51.02markwI don't think I can get anything out here in socal.
05:51.08cwheelerironically you can get a florida permit
05:51.13troubled[Nige]: sorry hehe. you create the key in putty and upload the pub key to the host to log into
05:51.22cwheelerbut it's not good in the prk of course
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05:51.28troubledbrain farts :)
05:52.09[Nige]troubled,  i used ssh-keygen this time :)
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05:52.37aidanlibdns16 is marked as obsolete in aptitude, is it safe to remove?
05:52.57aidanis it safe to remove all of these packages?
05:53.02[Nige]now I have confused myself. I use the private key to logon, which means the host get the public key - is that correct
05:53.05troubled[Nige]: well, which ever setup you use, the private key stays on the machine your connecting with, the pub goes to the machine you want to connect to (think, pub = safe to give out, to. ie: host you want IN to)
05:53.21[Nige]thats what I though
05:54.03markwcwheeler: back home (iowa) lots of people are armed to the hilt, lots of unregistered old school guns there too.
05:54.06troubled[Nige]: the host that has the pub key sends a crypted message scrambled with your pub key that only your sec key (ie: your machine) can decrypt
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05:55.07cwheelermy kinda place markw
05:55.09troubledColdplay - Clocks :)
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05:56.38sceadhello, I'm having a whole lot of trouble with nvidia and after my last dist-upgrade i performed this morning. It is telling me that the nvidia module does not exist, but i know it exists. I even did m-a a-i nvidia to try to reinstall it
05:57.31cwheeleryou running testing scead /
05:57.51sceadno, unstable
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05:58.08cwheeleri was running testing and same thing happened to me, i'm going back to stable
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05:58.19jordanbWhy the FUCK is there no fdisk in the install CD!?!?!?
05:58.22sceadoh really
05:58.38cwheelerlast upgrade broke the nvidia driver as you describe
05:58.49sceadhas anyone else been having trouble with the nvidia driver?
05:59.14cwheelersomeone else here earlier had the same problem, i forget who
05:59.55[Nige]stupid question, if I want to echo the contents of 1 file into another should I just use cat?
06:00.09troubledjordanb: perhaps cfdisk?
06:00.34jordanbThe only thing here is parted.
06:00.37cwheeler[Nige] yes that'll work
06:01.05troubledjordanb: real hackers make partitions with vi! :)
06:01.08simonrvnthere's a mac-fdisk, there shold be one.. try cfdisk
06:01.18aidan"The system is going down for reboot NOW! (pts/0) (Sat Apr 21 15:10:" what's the broken information at the end of that line mean and how do I fix it?
06:01.37dutchfishNigel, or delve into awk
06:01.39simonrvnmy question is why there isn't any cyrus-imap 2.3.8 in debian?
06:01.47[Nige]I will try cat first :)
06:02.05simonrvnaidan: that looks like your prompt...
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06:02.19simonrvnand part of your motd or issue...
06:02.20*** join/#debian Vasistha (n=david@unaffiliated/vasistha)
06:02.41dutchfishNigel, something like cat [file] | grep [expression] > file
06:02.53Vasisthauseless use of cat
06:02.57simonrvntroubled: what's your fucking rpoblem today? :P
06:03.09troubledVasistha good call
06:03.15troubledsimonrvn :p
06:03.18dpkgUUOC is the Useless Use of Cat Award.  Given out for years by Randal Schwartz on the newsgroup  Basically, most constructions that look like "cat filename | grep pattern" can be more easily written as "grep pattern filename".  Works for grep and most other Unix utilities.  Easier to type and marginally more efficient.
06:03.33troubledsimonrvn: that time of the month huh ? :)
06:03.53simonrvnno, i just spent a week fixing some REALLY FUBAR stuff
06:04.07simonrvnand here we go again...
06:04.11dpkgi guess grep is at (GNU grep, egrep and fgrep.) or called that because of ed's g/RE/p command, which does the same thing or "Marvel at the beautiful plumage of the wild grep as it glides lazily through the thick morning ASCII.".  Global Regular Expression Print
06:04.33troubledsimonrvn: software or hardware?
06:04.49simonrvnbit of both
06:04.55Vasisthaso that's how grep got its name!  :D
06:04.59troubled!comfort simonrvn
06:04.59dpkgThere, there, simonrvn.  It's OK.  I'm here for you.
06:06.29Vasisthabtw, cat file | grep pattern >file  *will* *not* *work* -- it will overwrite your file with *nothing* ;-)
06:06.30sceadwork you stupid nvidia
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06:06.43Vasisthabetter use two differently-named files
06:06.46TalluHey umm, what module do I need enabled to be able to use iptables -m state --state related,established? I think I already have conntrack built in
06:06.48jordanbThe debian documentation says I need to use fdisk to fix this problem.
06:06.54jordanbAnd the debian installer doesn't have fdisk.
06:06.56jordanbWhat the hell?
06:07.05*** join/#debian Zoo (
06:07.17[Nige]hmm... i have to update the .authorized_keys file to get my key pair working correct?
06:07.22Kronuzhey, about keyboard layouts... (I think that's how they're called)
06:07.28Zooif anyone would like to help me with the configuration of  XGL + Beryl or even XGL + Compiz even though I like Beryl, compiz is oki.. on debian etch
06:07.34Kronuzare those to change the keyboard language, for instance?
06:07.44ZooI"ll send ya some money via pay pal , like $10 or $20
06:07.45troubledsimonrvn: sorry, dont have a shell handy or I would myself. and god knows windows has nothing built in to do it
06:07.45\amethyst[Nige]: yes, you append the pubkey to it
06:07.47Kronuz(like the windows' keyboard language bar in the taskbar)
06:07.48VasisthaKronuz: if you're referring to kde's, yes.
06:07.59KronuzVasistha: I was referring to gnome
06:08.01Zoooffer has been posted. in  #beryl  , #compiz, #xgl,
06:08.08VasisthaKronuz: probably the same, I just don't know first-hand
06:08.21[Nige]i have totally screwed this ups
06:08.22KronuzI'm confused about how they work...
06:08.53Zooand I already configured AIGLX<so plz, I don't want to hear.. why not AIGLX like I have heard a hundred times... XGL is a complete different xserver than just
06:08.56dutchfishVasistha, cat test.txt | grep noted > sel.txt (works fine for me)
06:09.08Zoothanks =)
06:09.29troubleddidnt we just go over this? :)
06:09.30pdfZoo; if anyone takes your money, tell me so i can make fun of them, then have them banned from freenode :x
06:09.44Vasisthadutchfish: oh, yeah, that'll work great -- just so long as you don't cat test.txt | grep something >test.txt ;-)  Or, hopefully, rather, grep something test.txt >output.txt
06:09.45Zoonope :)
06:09.50\amethystKronuz: Gnome has a keyboard indicator panel applet
06:10.00ZooI'm doing this regardless, like all the other projects I have completed myself, or set out to do
06:10.04dutchfishVasistha, yes of coarse
06:10.07ZooI do not just work with debian
06:10.20VasisthaKronuz: gnome might be a better place to ask;  I know that kde's keyboard layout applet is a little flag and two-letter country code that sits in the taskbar;  you click it and it changes the layout and shows the new flag, and then you can type in a different language.  It's cool!
06:11.02troubleddd if=test.txt | cat - | grep foo - > dd of=test.txt! :)
06:11.03Zooand you see, its all about sharing information... so I think its just  a matter of what all I need to get it configured and up and running, I know my hardware is capable of it... especially XGL + Compiz, I seen that for myself on Mandriva 2007 PowerPack, that I have, and I made copies of packages just in case I need to try and menipulate the debian system
06:11.06VasisthaTallu: if you don't get an answer here, you can try in #iptables ... you might not get an answer right away, but just leave the client open, someone might answer in an hour or so
06:11.20dutchfishtroubled, right
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06:11.36Zoopdf, would you like to help?
06:11.37Vasisthatroubled: heh, you don't want to >dd
06:11.38troubledooops, > should be another pipe :)
06:11.52ZooI been working my tail off m8 :(
06:11.53FirstLite/leave #debian
06:12.03TalluVasistha: cheers, will do
06:12.06dutchfishtroubled, 1 point there
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06:12.21Zoowell okay, I'm going to be studying :)
06:12.33troubledZoo: tail -f /dev/tail? > m8?
06:12.44ZooI'm checking into this..
06:12.48troubledtail -f /dev/tail | grep work > m8?
06:12.49Zoomy bad on that.. :S
06:12.55Gmolivhow can i make beryl my default window manager?
06:13.03Zooits an Rx7
06:13.08kerouacdebating whether to compile and install the new BIND, or just use apt to install the debian version
06:13.12Zoowill do troubled
06:13.34simonrvnkerouac: only if you're going to be adding stuff to it, otherwise don't bother
06:13.35VasisthaZoo: wow, that's a long link that has nothing to do with debian!  :D  don't let your tank get below 1/2 empty ;-)
06:13.39simonrvni.e. patching it
06:13.49Zooit doesn't do anything troubled
06:13.57dutchfishtroubled, nah you dont want to reinvent syslogng
06:14.09troubledZoo: lol, it wasnt supposed unless you magically have /dev/tail :)
06:14.17Kronuzalso the layouts are weird... it says Available layouts, and if I select France there's Dvorak, Alternative, Eliminate dead keys, Macintosh.... what's all that? (there's no "standard" french or qwerty keyboard listed there or anything...)
06:14.19Zoobustin my tail with 2 hard jobs, making the money.. its time to shine this year :)
06:14.22troubledoh, nm </sarcasm> :)
06:14.38Kronuzwhat are those layouts then? I'm confused
06:14.38Zoowell, I"m going to work on it myself
06:14.43troubledok, im not even gonna try unixify that statement heh
06:14.48simonrvnfrench .fr one is usually azerty
06:15.03cwheeleranyone else remember the zoo archiver?
06:15.15kerouacsimonrvn: yeah... i've been lost in redhat land for the last couple years, and i've just always thought it best to not trust the redhat bins for that, but... yeah this is debian, so I don't expect sloppy default configuration
06:15.32simonrvnexpand dollar_tail &
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06:15.50dutchfish!hugs kerouac
06:15.59kerouacsup dutchfish
06:16.24simonrvni used to build my own bind9, but i was patching it, with sdb-ldap
06:16.33Zoocan anyone help?
06:16.43simonrvneasier to just ldap > file -> bind
06:16.58Zoopdf: , troubled, cwheeler, kronuz,  simonrvn
06:17.07Vasistha!tell Zoo -about repeat
06:17.12cwheelerhelp with what?
06:17.13kerouaci just build those 'dangerous' services by hand, just out of some superstition that I'll be better off
06:17.18Kronuzhey, I I think I found out how to use the layouts Ñ=
06:17.22simonrvn/ignore -replies Zoo
06:17.25Zoookay, I see how it is :)
06:17.40ZooI"ll pay a programmer to do it for me..
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06:17.45VasisthaZoo: just be patient, if noone picks up your topic, wait a little while -- like at least 20 minutes -- and ask again
06:17.52cwheelerdo what zoo?
06:17.53Zoono, its okay
06:17.57Zoohave a good weekend
06:18.02VasisthaZoo: just so you know -- there is a list, on the debian web site, of contractors who will work on your debian system
06:18.04dutchfishZoo, look at this
06:18.06Kronuznow, is there a way I can set up a key combination to change the keyboard layout?
06:18.15Zoonah thats okay, thanks anyways
06:18.26dutchfishZoo, the debian of the cars
06:18.40troubledVasistha: actually, studies have shown you get faster results by makeing a false statement and waiting for someone to correct you :)
06:18.48ZooI'll study everything I need to do it myself, then I will benefit from doing it on my own , like I have done with alot of things, but you know as well as I know, its just about knowing the right information to do it
06:18.49kerouacdutchfish: you in NL?
06:18.57dutchfishkerouac, yes
06:18.59Zoothanks dutchfish
06:19.02Vasisthatroubled: haha!  yeah, I'm sure!  ironic as it is
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06:19.44ZooI been working alot of hours, 2 jobs.. from 7 - 5 landscaping, and 6 - 12 at resteraunt, and still trying to dedicate time to debian, my windows xp pro vlk, inside vmware, and even hacking with vista.. plz give me a break eh?
06:19.50VasisthaKronuz: I'm sure there is a way ... at least I'm pretty sure ... keep looking around your settings menu
06:19.58dutchfishVasistha, its through thats one of my favorite ways to get my pupils attention
06:19.59cwheelerdoes the tesla have a huge lithium polymer battery?
06:20.07Zoobusy like hell with mixing with project5.. mixvibes. and even work with bryce 6 and maxon
06:20.27dutchfishcwheeler, no, power caps, the ultimate in storage :)
06:20.51cwheelera huge lyden jar?
06:20.54dutchfishcwheeler, refuel in 10 minutes
06:21.04dutchfishcwheeler, capacitor
06:21.06Kronuzalso there's one issue with my "sleep" mode
06:21.10VasisthaZoo: I don't think anyone here is trying to give you a hard time, but seriously -- did you read the factoid on "repeat"?  It's not meant to be hostile, just to let you know -- if noone's helping you, that probably means noone knows how to help you, who's currently watching the channel.
06:21.19Zoo1cent per mile, lol, I like that =)
06:21.31Zooyou hear about that GM car?
06:21.40Zoothing is, they want too much for those Battery powered Cards
06:21.50ZooI"m getting the Rx7, or Rx8
06:22.05Zoooh np
06:22.11Zoomy bad, Vasistha
06:22.18Kronuzit's not making my box enter in the S3 state, but it merely just puts the computer in "monitor off" state
06:22.21dutchfishZoo, its a gadget for now but tge powercap maker expect 20x cheaper caps at the end of 2007
06:22.26Zooand on forgetting to put everything on 1 line, I think its time for a drink :)
06:22.45Kronuzdoes anyone know how to fix all the sleep thing to make it use S3?
06:22.47dutchfishZoo, then it will be beneath the ROI point
06:22.57Kronuzin ubuntu it was working
06:23.18dutchfishZoo, hold on i look up article
06:23.55simonrvngoddamn gcc 4.x is picky
06:24.07simonrvnthat's a good thing though
06:24.10kerouacdutchfish: I go to amsterdam every couple years. i love it there.
06:24.17kerouacare you near the city?
06:24.24Zooits okay
06:24.26dutchfishits however dutch:
06:24.26simonrvnforces people to write cleaner code, up to standards
06:24.38Zooright now I"m focused on configuring XGL + Compiz in debian etch, and even XGL + Beryl
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06:25.14dutchfishkerouac, i live at the southern part nearby Maastricht
06:25.23ZooI been reading up on how archlinux is doing... not saying I want to use that system, and even the fact I was messing around with my Mandriva 2007 PowerPack, just to see how it configured things, and what packages it used. so, just a matter of time.. only a matter of time :)
06:25.40troubledVasistha :)
06:25.42cwheelerit uses lithium polymer batteries, like my rc helicopter. it's batteries are covered with dire warnings about fire hazards
06:25.44Zooalso, that patch, where they improved performance in XGL
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06:26.44Zoo  ;)
06:26.47Kronuzis anyone using gnome from the experimental repository?
06:26.56kerouacwhat does it mean when i do an aptitude install, and as part fo the output it lists a number of packages saying 'these are held back'
06:26.57Kronuzhow stable is it?
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06:27.03Zoohow you been Kronuz
06:27.05Vasisthatroubled: that's hilarious, dude, thanks
06:27.19troubledVasistha: np ;) Seems fitting to irc imho
06:27.31KronuzZoo, do you happen to be using gnome 2.16 from experimental?
06:27.43Zooif everyone wants to team up with me on this, I would greatly appreciate this, and even set yourself up a pay pal account, or if you have, 1, I'll see what I can do, I"m serious
06:27.45KronuzI'm thinkng of making the upgrade, but I'm not sure :S
06:28.09*** join/#debian ubd (n=ubd@
06:28.27ubdhello/ i cant install sound card\ alsa
06:28.46catubd: why not?
06:28.49catany specific errors?
06:28.55ubdi dont know how to
06:28.57ZooI use gnome, xfce and fluxbox Kronuz
06:28.59cwheeleri've never figured out what you're working on Zoo?
06:29.05dpkg or see <alsa-checklist> or see <alsa one-liner>
06:29.05ubdi install alsa ans alsa utils
06:29.14Zooah,  you didn't read?
06:29.22markybobof course not
06:29.37catisn't it just better to do. !tell $nick about alsa?
06:29.43Zoolet me copy everything, and put it in pastebin
06:30.04ZooI"m sure in the heck not going to keep repeating myself, like the people in here got onto me about =)
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06:30.21Zooor maybe I"ll just see about that debian contractor deal ;-)
06:30.51dutchfishZoo, cwheeler
06:31.09ZooI'll just write up a request.. in a good statement
06:31.59ZooI want to get beryl + XGL and compiz + XGL configured on debian Etch
06:32.22markybobZoo: so go google
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06:32.43Kronuzokay, g2g
06:32.52aredhelhow do I tell how big I can make a ext3 fs with out needing to do off line resizing?
06:32.57ZooI know its possible, I've seen how Mandriva 2007 PowerPack, acted with my hardware, now things are different for that system and configuration was different, however that could mean different for other systems, but its how it supports proprietary hardware.. however I have been messing with and using debian since sarge
06:33.08Zooalready did,
06:33.44Vasisthaaredhel: I don't quite understand your question.  Are you trying to decide how to partition your drive?
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06:34.17markybobzoo i can tell how hard you tried by the multitude of error messages that you've posted asking real questions
06:34.32aredhelVasistha, I am running out of space on my fs and am adding space to the block device using lvm.
06:34.42cwheelergee the tesla is $100,000
06:34.48Zoowhatever man
06:34.51aredhelVasistha, but if I make it too big I have to unmount it to resize it.
06:35.04ZooI"m on my own with this, and I"ll check on that contractor deal if I have too, or I'll just move to a different system
06:35.06cwheelerso at 1 cent per mile it'll only take a couple of lifetimes to break even
06:35.13maddashZoo: what video hardware are you using?
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06:36.33Dionixhey, can i get my scroll wheel working with svgalib links2?
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06:36.35[Nige]okay ssh is fixed now
06:36.39[Nige]now to sort out the agent :)
06:37.13VasisthaDionix: that sounds like a gpm question, and I have no idea
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06:37.49DionixVasistha: where would i go to find out
06:38.17VasisthaDionix: I'm really not sure, but I would start with gpm scroll wheel
06:38.22maddashis there a reliable guide on passwordless ssh authentication?
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06:38.59[Nige]maddash, i am thinking about writing one, i have just been through this alll :)
06:39.33simonrvnset up key auth in sshd, use ssh-agent (look at keychain package), use -A switch on ssh command... for starters =)
06:39.34Vasisthamaddash: I'm going to guess that ~/.ssh/config is your friend here
06:39.55maddashVasistha: no, it's not.
06:40.27Vasisthamaddash: damn, better find another friend I guess :P heh
06:40.46maddashsimonrvn: man ssh-agent? the agent is needed for password-less auth?
06:40.50[Nige]maddash, -
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06:41.16maddash[Nige]: thanks, looking at it now
06:42.12simonrvnwell, makes it easier for stuff like X
06:42.59Vasisthaaredhel: hum, that's an interesting dilemma you've got, and I just have no idea.  It may be determined partly by the block size, though, and it also may be effected by what the current size is, and possibly even whether it's been resized before.  At any rate, I have no clue.  I guess there's some compelling reason why you can't mount -o remount it?
06:43.36*** join/#debian fireba11_grr (
06:45.16[Nige]i need to run some tests
06:45.21Zoomy bad, was laying down
06:45.50Zoomy bad, wrong thing, forgot.. ctrl + shift, + c
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06:46.40Zooit uses the i810 driver
06:47.10Zooits all good though , I will succeed
06:47.17VasisthaZoo: btw, have you checked beryl or compiz hardware compatibility lists to see if your card will work?
06:47.20*** join/#debian alphatauri (
06:47.35Zooit will, it worked on Mandriva 2007 PowerPack, XGL + Compiz
06:47.38aredhelVasistha, as far as I can tell it's based on the number of desc_blocks (17) and the size for the fs blacks (4k).  I am using the fs, and the offline resize takes > 30 minutes.  I can work out the limut by trial and error, but I would prefer to just resize once.
06:47.43Zooits capable of alot m8
06:47.57ZooI'm going sell this soon anyways.. $500
06:48.08ZooI"m getting a notebook with a dedicated nvidia graphics card
06:48.12cathey how do i configured my X?
06:48.15ZooI' better go lay down though
06:48.26dpkgTo reconfigure your X server, run dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg as root. If you're not using Xorg (sarge or earlier), dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86, and ask me about xmd5sum if you've changed XF86Config-4 yourself.
06:48.42VasisthaZoo: if you want to run linux, I've been led to believe you'll have fewer headaches with a matrox card, if you can find one
06:49.20Vasisthaaredhel: random guess: 31/32 would be the limit
06:49.26Vasisthaaredhel: (desc_blocks)
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06:51.58dpkgHi, alleyoopster!
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06:52.35aredhelVasistha, no it's when you have to add a new desc_block and or change the block size, that you have to do the off-line resizing.  If I know how many block each desc_block referenced then I think that would tell me what I want to know.
06:53.01Vasisthajordanb: for those maintenance tasks, I usually recommend Timo's Rescue CD, and of course Tom's Root Boot
06:53.05*** part/#debian Zoo (
06:53.17alleyoopsteranyone know how to resume a pccard wireless network after a suspend, driver loads, just loose iwconfig settings
06:53.55Vasisthaaredhel: oh, well this now sounds more like a simple match problem.  You have 17 desc_blocks, and the fs blocks are 4k.  How big is the partition, in GB?
06:54.06Vasisthaalleyoopster: maybe pccardctl insert
06:54.17Vasisthaalleyoopster: oh, I'm sorry, wrong answer :P
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06:55.06alleyoopsterI am guessing it is a acpi setting, but I maybe way off
06:55.08Vasisthaalleyoopster: you may need to use a script in /etc/acpi or something (that's a guess, I use apm so those scripts go in /etc/apm/resume.d)
06:55.21DawnLightOMG i've been up all night i don't know how long trying to make my radeon 9800 work with multiple display
06:55.52alleyoopsterVasistha: ok, I sometimes wish this laptop had apm support, it would make life easier
06:56.00*** mode/#debian [+l 733] by debhelper
06:57.10Vasisthaalleyoopster: acpi should be able to do what you want.  I just don't have any experience with it :P  look for a directory inside /etc that holds scripts for resuming, perhaps in /etc/acpi or ... /etc/suspend or something like that.  Of course, I may way off :P
06:57.36*** join/#debian ubd (n=ubd@
06:58.53Vasisthaalleyoopster: ooh, man acpi may be your friend, too
06:58.57alleyoopsterVasistha: I think your on course there. there is an /etc/acpi/, but it does not seem to do much, also a resume.d folder with lots of specific scripts
06:59.17*** join/#debian Kronuz (i=kronuz@
06:59.19alleyoopsterubd: hi
06:59.20Vasisthaalleyoopster: well, you may need to add something to one of those script!
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07:00.22KronuzHey, I also wanted to ask ... if you wanted to show or capture all of the HTTP request and response of a site what would you use?
07:00.38siimohi is it a bad time to install debian sid? should i go with lenny instead? i wanna use xfce 4.4 desktops
07:00.39alleyoopsterVasistha: I tried doing a diff on the folders between a working ubuntu on a dual boot and there was not much, just a few changes which I made, guess I need to google a bit
07:00.44Kronuz(as to show the network traffic for a website that's being downloaded
07:01.08*** join/#debian tok2 (
07:01.18dpkgthe unstable version of Debian.  Commonly backronymed Still In Development.  It's actually named for the destructive neighbour kid in Toy Story.  Ask me about unstable.  Do not use sid unless you have the skill to find your way out of the mess that broken packages may put you in.   It will never be released.
07:01.28alleyoopstersiimo what wrong with 4.3.99
07:01.43siimo4.4.1 has some memory leak fixes alleyoopster
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07:02.09alleyoopstersiimo: really, oh ok, anything to worry about, I have had no problems so far
07:02.17xinguKronuz: wireshark or tcpdump
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07:02.46siimoalleyoopster: well im not sure but it improves responsiveness of xfwm4 the window manager a lot
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07:03.36aredhelVasistha, thanks.  It looks like with 4k blocks each desc_block can ref 16G of space.
07:03.40alleyoopstersiimo: ok, well I am using openbox as wm, not brave enough to go to sid yet
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07:04.17siimoalleyoopster: i used to use sid for a couple of yrs a while ago but then i switched to other distros and have used etch since last yr
07:04.56Kronuzxingu: I didn't know ethereal changed its name :P
07:05.47alleyoopstersiimo: I am fairly new to debian and have had the luxury of using a rolling release dist, but I wanted stability. I am happy with the current applications, de and wm in etch but I guess a time will come to go lenny or sid
07:06.25xinguKronuz: now you do. :)
07:06.27siimoalleyoopster: oh ok i used debian back in 2003 first i think.. it was great but back then i had to manually configure alsa and everything these days its built into kernel which is nice
07:06.37VasisthaKronuz: you are running the web site server, and you want to monitor the traffic on your own site?
07:06.49Kronuzxingu: still I found the Tamper Data add on for firefox
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07:07.01KronuzVaLouille: yep
07:07.07Vasisthatry again ;-)
07:07.32KronuzVasistha: stupid autocomplete
07:07.39VasisthaI wonder if apache has a module to do that
07:07.41alleyoopstersiimo: debian seems to do quite a bit for you, it also seems very snappy. I am liking it more than I thought I would
07:07.53markybobholy son of a bitch using git bisect to find a bad kernel patch takes forever :)
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07:08.34siimoyeah i like it as well alleyoopster but sometimes i get frustrated how everything becomes frozen for few months when we near a release and just then i want my favorite programs new versions so i have to compile ahhh
07:09.14xingumarkybob: only on underpowered iron ;)
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07:10.01markybobxingu: i've been working with it for 9hrs so far :)  with each reboot my soul dies a little bit more
07:10.03alleyoopstersiimo: now that's not the first time I have heard that and I guess that is where sid comes into play. Well I am going to hunt down some acpi scripts..
07:10.57siimoim off to watch simpsons later alleyoopster
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07:11.09alleyoopstersiimo: laters
07:11.25catis there any how that debian detect my X configuration automaticly?
07:11.26Vasisthaalleyoopster: whatever it is that you have to do manually to bring the interface back up -- just put that into a script that runs towards the end of your acpi resume scripts, perhaps even with a little "sleep" prepended
07:11.40Vasistha!tell cat -about drxx
07:11.55Vasisthacat: I *think* that can help you
07:12.03cati've done that before
07:12.08catbut my x isn't workign
07:12.23Vasisthacat: you could pastebin your Xorg.0.log
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07:12.50catthat's the video card that i have  nVidia Corporation NV34 [GeForce FX 5200]__
07:12.52alleyoopsterVasistha: ah ok, well that is easy just setting up essid and key, but that would be different depending on location I guess, I use this at 2 places, but that's another problem
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07:13.04xingumarkybob: you need to put / and /usr/src on a pair of those 32GB flash "hdd"'s :)
07:13.35markybobxingu: i knew i was doing something wrong! ;)
07:13.37Vasisthaalleyoopster: have you checked out NetworkManager ?  That might be a much better solution, and it also might play nice with acpi
07:14.02Kronuzhey, in the gnome keyboard layout indicator (the applet) is there a way to make it show flags instead of text?
07:14.17Kronuzor at least how would I change the text there
07:14.28VasisthaKronuz: it's a very good question for #gnome although you might get an answer here
07:14.56alleyoopsterVasistha: no I havent, I'll install that and see where it takes me
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07:15.18Kronuz('cause for the english layout it's showing USA and for the french layout it's showing Fra)
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07:15.35Kronuzat least it should show Eng and Fra (not USA)
07:15.36Vasisthaalleyoopster: nm is great; the idea is to have a windows-esque super-easy graphical setup that just works.
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07:15.56Vasisthaalleyoopster: heh, unfortunately I can't get it working on my box ;-)  but it's really great for a lot of people
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07:16.44alleyoopsterVasistha what is the front end for it?
07:16.50VasisthaKronuz: it may be that you've got the us keyboard layout selected, as opposed to a different english layout
07:17.02Vasisthaalleyoopster: there are a couple, there's a kde one, a gnome one, etc.
07:17.30KronuzVasistha: it's okay if it's the USA layout (that's what I'm used to) but it should say Eng, not USA
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07:18.16Kronuzwhere are the files for the kbd layouts?
07:18.36Kronuzmaybe the USA end Fra are somewhere inside those files
07:18.41alleyoopsterVasistha: ok, I am in openbox so I guess nm-tool
07:19.08VasisthaKronuz: probably so, but I'm going to guess that there's a better way!  Try #gnome and google, or ask again here in a half hour
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07:19.26KronuzI've googled it a lot :(
07:19.29Vasisthaalleyoopster: nm-tool is the text-based tool
07:19.41Stalwarthi there, does debian have selinux enabled by default?
07:19.44Kronuzand #gnome seems dead (almost always, compared to #debian)
07:19.46Stalwarti mean, etch 4.0
07:20.23VasisthaKronuz: well, sure -- lots of channels are like that.  You just open the channel window, ask your question, go out to lunch and see if someone's answered it when you come back ;-)
07:20.40xinguVasistha: a bit like the msft support line then eh?
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07:21.00KronuzVasistha: what about the S3 sleep mode?
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07:21.13Kronuzany ideas why it might not be working here (S3)
07:21.29VasisthaStalwart: I'm not exactly sure how to answer your question, but I can pastebin the selinux part of the default kernel config if you like
07:21.46Kronuzit's configured okay in the BIOS, it works in windows and it worked in ubuntu... but in debian it seems it doesn't and I can't figure out why
07:21.52xinguKronuz: the politically incorrect answer is "because even in linux-2.6-HEAD, power saving is a buggy piece of crap" :)
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07:22.21xinguKronuz: what, exactly, ain't working?
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07:22.27Kronuzthat explains why in ubuntu it worked, but only if I used it for a few minutes
07:22.55StalwartVasistha: i don't even know what selinux is, but customer needs it
07:23.03Kronuzif I left it all night for instance, in the morning it wouldn't turn back on
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07:23.19roland_i installed a icon set for xfce in ~/.icons but it doesnt show up in UI settings.. anyone ?
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07:24.16VasisthaStalwart: selinux related to security; that much I know.  And I believe it's built into the kernel.  I *think* stock debian kernels have it built-in, but I'm not 100% sure
07:24.29xinguKronuz: ok, you're into "buggy piece of crap" territory if the framework works (ie, you can suspend and resume at all, ever)
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07:24.58xinguKronuz: it's probably a driver of some description needs some careful modprobe -r/ modprobe love during resume
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07:25.09cpuobsessedi downloaded the alternate install of ubuntu feisty, how do i add the keys so I can install from it into etch
07:25.15xinguKronuz: or maybe even modprobe -r just before sleep and modprobe at resume
07:25.22sandmanCan Debian resize NTFS partitions?
07:25.28xinguKronuz: good luck hunting that down. :)
07:25.39Kronuzxingu: it's not working in debian anyway (it sort of worked in ubuntu)
07:25.48Vasisthasandman: I don't think so, look for parted on the web
07:26.07cpuobsessedsandman, no; i tried
07:26.08Kronuzif I just put the machine in S3 for a few minutes (or a couple hours) it would work just fine
07:26.15cpuobsessedit will do fat partitions
07:26.23Kronuzthe problem was with more than a couple hours, like 6 or 7
07:26.32Kronuzfor some weird reason...
07:26.42Kronuzbut anyway, I can't make the S3 work in debian, so...
07:26.46cpuobsessedtry looking into ntfs-3g
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07:27.23harksandman: it can
07:27.25qweqweqweheyas debian gurus, i was wondering about gui configuration tools for debian, any suggestions?
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07:27.53\amethystsandman: ntfsprogs has a program called ntfsresize
07:27.55roland_hey i changed permissions for /mnt/hdb where i mounted my ntfs partition to 744 but i cant cd there with my user account.. Permission denied ... and it has read acces.. whats wrong?
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07:28.01Vasisthaqweqweqwe: depends on your de;  if you're using kde, you'll want the kde tools, if gnome you'll want the gnome tools, etc.
07:28.12harkthe installer supports it as well, iirc
07:28.26Vasistharoland_: probably your mount options.  How did you mount it, what options did you use?
07:28.27xinguKronuz: in debian, make sure you're in the powerdev group; also, check that nothing you need to use is blacklisted - /etc/hibernate/blacklisted-modules
07:28.27\amethystroland_: A couple of reasons
07:28.46roland_Vasistha: nothing.. just simple  #mount /dev/hdb1 /mnt/hdb
07:28.47\amethystroland_:  First of all, 744 doesn't have other-execute or group-execute, meaning no one but the owner can traverse the directory
07:29.08xinguKronuz: if you get to the point where the system can invoke suspend and where the initramfs invokes resume - then you're back into kernel-side driver, or, hardware bugs.
07:29.10roland_\amethyst: i need execute permission for reading from a directory?
07:29.18Vasistharoland_: well, I believe the easiest way to give all users access is to add -o users to your command
07:29.26\amethystroland_: for accessing anything under the directory
07:29.40roland_so 744 only allows me to list contents
07:29.42roland_not cd or read
07:29.50Kronuzxingu: and to go to S3 I should just call suspend?
07:29.51roland_will be 755
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07:30.01\amethystroland_: second, there's no support for unix permissions on NTFS, so you can only chmod the root effectively
07:30.21xinguKronuz: depends which framework you're using; hibernate is a wrapper around all of them, and it's what gnome invokes (via hal)
07:30.31Kronuzxingu: 'cause I am in the powerdev group and there's no blacklist anywhere to be found in /etc
07:30.46valdynKronuz: see /etc/hibernate/
07:30.47\amethystroland_: if you want the files to be owned by a particular user or to have particular permissions, you need the uid=, gid=, and umask= options
07:30.54Kronuzvaldyn: nope, not there
07:31.02xinguKronuz: sounds like hibernate ain't installed.
07:31.09Vasistharoland_: re: your other question, you can always try #xfce
07:31.09Kronuzthat might be the problem then
07:31.17roland_\amethyst: yea whats with them..
07:31.23valdynKronuz: i dont know what hal uses
07:31.35\amethystroland_: for example, to make files 644 and directories 755, and everything owned by user roland, group roland:
07:31.46ubdVasistha: you were right. i shouldnt have uninstalled xfce. i didnt like kde. i think i have to go for enlightenment.
07:31.46valdynKronuz: iirc it will check and try to use several mechanisms, including hibernate
07:31.49Kronuzif I press the sleep button it "sleeps" the monitor
07:31.54\amethystroland_:  add -o umask=022,uid=roland,gid=roland
07:32.07kerouacyay, dns up and running
07:32.13Kronuzlet me install the hibernate
07:32.14\amethystroland_: the umask are the bits that *aren't* set
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07:32.24roland_\amethyst: add as -o to mount ?
07:32.31valdynKronuz: the sleep button will do whatever specifified in /etc/acpi/
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07:32.34Vasisthaubd: well, I *tried* to convince you not to uninstall before you got used to it!  I would also advise you to give kde a chance for a week.
07:32.39xinguvaldyn, Kronuz: see /usr/lib/hal/scripts/linux/hal-system-power-suspend-linux
07:32.46Vasistharoland_: yes, all mount options are done with -o and they are comma-separated
07:32.53kerouacRespect My Authoratah!
07:32.57\amethystroland_: yes.  If you're putting this in fstab, put it (without the -o) in the fourth column
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07:33.11roland_but no need
07:33.18roland_a+rx resolved it
07:33.45valdynxingu: so powersaved first if he has no apm support
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07:34.09valdynKronuz: check if powersave(d) is installed
07:34.12xinguvaldyn, Kronuz: and if it's installed; but for most folk it winds up matching on hibernate
07:34.29KronuzI'll try it nownope, not installed
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07:34.41Kronuzand hibernate is probably not S3
07:34.48xinguhibernate is just a wrapper
07:34.54valdynKronuz: the hibernate name is misleading, it can do anything
07:35.00xinguit invokes the framework-specific binaries directly
07:35.14robin_szhow do I get this boxen to generate another locale, it seems to have ch_FR installed but not en_GB????
07:35.20KronuzI wonder what ubuntu had installed by default
07:35.21xingulike s2{ram,disk}, pm-suspend, powersave, yadda
07:35.23valdynKronuz:  /usr/sbin/hibernate -F/etc/hibernate/ram.conf is what it calls
07:35.26xingumillions of layers of indirection
07:35.33valdynKronuz: -F specifieing the config file for suspend to ram
07:35.39xingusee comment ref "buggy piece of crap" :)
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07:36.15xinguthe matrix of what exactly /can/ get called when you hit your DE's "suspend" button is an n-way billion element monster
07:36.39valdynright, its such a mess
07:36.49alleyoopsterCan anyone explain with aptitude occasionally feels the need to remove what it believes to be unused applications when I install other apps? This case installing gnome-network-manager tried to uninstall zip, unzip kernel-package and others.
07:36.49Kronuzokay, let me try my sleep button again
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07:36.57xingumaybe we need to write a single unifying wrapper to sort it all out
07:37.19Kronuznothing... only the monitor slept... again
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07:37.37VasisthaKronuz: have you tried running the hibernate script rather than using the button?
07:37.41xinguKronuz: power button generates an acpi event; it's up to hal to catch that and throw it to hibernate
07:37.46valdynalleyoopster: run aptitude upgrade, see what it will remove, aptitude instal the packages of those you need
07:37.51alleyoopsterAhmadinej hi
07:37.52robin_szhow do I get this boxen to generate another locale, it seems to have ch_FR installed but not en_GB????
07:37.56AhmadinejIs it true that OpenBSD need less reboots than Debian?
07:38.03valdynAhmadinej: nope
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07:38.14streunerAhmadinej: troll somewhere else
07:38.22robin_szAhmadinej,  they both need 0, so yes and no
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07:38.42valdynAhmadinej: both need no reboots unless you need to switch to a different kernel
07:38.44alleyoopstervaldyn: tried it nothing installed nothing removed
07:39.10Kronuz"hibernate: Aborting suspend due to errors in ModulesUnloadBlacklist"
07:39.11VasisthaAhmadinej: the only reason you'll ever need to reboot debian is if you get a new kernel, or if you decide to change your hard drive partitions.  Hard to say if those things would happen more with debian or bsd
07:39.16valdynalleyoopster: well, then do the same with aptitude install gnome-network-manager
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07:39.43valdynalleyoopster: aptitude can remove packages that never got installed explicitely but only as depends automagicaly when no explicitely installed program depends on them
07:39.53valdynalleyoopster: no idea how to switch that feature off
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07:40.32alleyoopstervaldyn: erm when I did that I used the -R to leave out recommends and this is when it tried to remove, now network-manager is installed (with apt)
07:40.59EdwardElricwhere would i find the proper way to make debian packages?
07:41.01xinguoh my god
07:41.11Kronuzoh well
07:41.22xinguvaldyn: my /etc/acpi/events/powerbtn throws to a non existant script /etc/acpi/ (I have
07:41.30alleyoopstervaldyn: OK, maybe I'll use apt in the future as this happened another time, it took out volume control and a whole load of stuff, I had to copy the list and reinstall
07:41.32xingugreat, more bugs. :)
07:41.35EdwardElrici should type that?
07:41.39KronuzI just was used to simply press sleep and in the morning it would wake up faster than a whole boot
07:42.08valdynKronuz: you can fix that error or try removing hibernate and installing powersaved
07:42.11xinguKronuz: what does grep action /etc/acpi/events/powerbtn say?
07:42.17VasisthaEdwardElric: more like, man dpkg-buildpackage
07:42.23valdynKronuz: you can fix that error or try removing hibernate and installing powersaved
07:42.31Vasisthathere we go
07:42.35dpkgi guess dpkg-buildpackage is a program in the dpkg-dev package that builds .debs from source. to make a package without knowing what you're doing, install fakeroot and run 'dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc -rfakeroot' in the source directory.
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07:43.04EdwardElrici want to know what im doing ;D
07:43.22giupyin an old intel 440gx, can i put any hd ide, for example a new 320gb ide without problems ?
07:43.36valdynxingu: i have
07:43.42Kronuzvaldyn: installing it now
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07:43.55xinguvaldyn: whee, time for some confmiss fun I guess
07:44.02VasisthaEdwardElric: well, then you should probably follow those instructions, and you'll learn something and be that much closer to knowing what you're doing!
07:44.07giupyit supports ide hd alright...
07:44.08valdynxingu: both are in acpid i guess
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07:44.59EdwardElricyea, i just dont like how thats worded lol
07:45.20valdynEdwardElric: you need at least rudimentary knowledge in the build system used, in make, in the language the program you are trying to build is written
07:45.25obsethrylmorning Vasistha & company
07:45.35Vasisthaobsethryl: guh
07:45.50EdwardElrici see
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07:46.05obsethrylguh? :)
07:46.13EdwardElrici was trying to use 'checkinstall'
07:46.20EdwardElricbut it did something retarded
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07:46.42EdwardElricgood thing im only using vmware for testing ;D
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07:47.51Vasisthaobsethryl: it's 1am here, I'm not quite ready for greetings of good morning ;-)
07:47.57roland_i cant copy the files from my ntfs partition with my user account, i can only browse
07:47.58roland_what do i do
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07:48.08obsethryloh i see
07:48.23roland_need to remount with uid,gid, and umask ?
07:48.26alleyoopsterVasistha: 1am is morning :)
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07:49.04Vasisthaalleyoopster: well, depending how you define "morning", but in any case, it is certainly no time to be giving greetings of good morning ;-)
07:49.45harkroland_: copy to NTFS or copy from?
07:49.48Vasistharoland_: can you cat one?
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07:50.06ubdhow can i add sid to sources list
07:50.21harkubd: /msg dpkg iyhtays
07:50.23Vasisthaubd: I'm not sure that's a good idea
07:50.31roland_hark, Vasistha: im browsing the folders on my ntfs partition with my user account and i want to copy some .pdf files in my home/docs folder, but i cant
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07:50.38ubdi will install a package of sid
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07:51.12swasthello guys
07:51.16swastanyone spanish speeking there ?
07:51.24Vasisthaubd: it's not advisable to do that.  You ought to just wait for backports
07:51.48alleyoopsterswast: un picito
07:51.51xinguvaldyn: excellent, confmiss on acpid doesn't reinstall /etc/acpi/*
07:51.51ubdvasistha tell me a sid source list line please
07:51.57Vasistharoland_: what does ls -l show as the permissions?  Clearly you were able to cd into the directory
07:51.57harkubd: then /msg dpkg simple sid backport
07:52.16roland_Vasistha: ls -l in the top tree of the ntfs partition /
07:52.26Vasisthaubd: do you know how to use private messages in irc?
07:52.32ubdyes yes
07:52.34hark!tell ubd about simple sid backport
07:52.45KronuzI installed powersaved
07:52.53Vasisthaubd: oh, you probably just copied/pasted a leading whitespace :P
07:53.01Kronuzand powersave -u looks like it's going to do something but it doesn't
07:53.12roland_drwxr-xr-x 1 root root    0 2007-04-18 12:49 docs <- in the top tree of the NTFS partition , this is where i need to copy files from
07:53.16Kronuz(the network gets disconnected for a moment and then it's back on, and that's it)
07:53.30Vasisthacd roland_ okay, so cd docs, ls -l yourfile.pdf
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07:53.38roland_Vasistha ok hang on
07:53.49Vasistharoland_: no need to tell us to wait, we'll be here
07:53.57Kronuzvaldyn: powersave -U says the swap partition '' doesn't exist thus it can't suspend
07:54.02Kronuzand (that was for S4)
07:54.17Vasisthaubd: it's just like a deb line, but it starts with deb-src.  And you change etch to sid.
07:54.19Kronuzand as for powersave -m (standby) it says it's disabled by the admin or something
07:54.33harkubd: just change etch to sid... deb-src sid main
07:55.04ubdallright thanks! hark
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07:55.26roland_-rw------- 2 root root 29303743 2007-04-15 09:15 [Sybex] CCNA INTRO - Introduction to Cisco Networking Technologies - Study Guide (Exam 640-821) (2006) - BBL.pdf  <- one of the items in the directory , i cant copy it
07:55.26xinguvaldyn: aah, I think they've all moved into acpi-support now
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07:55.50ubdVasistha: what denvironment are you using?
07:55.56Vasistharoland_: alright, you should probably read a guide to file permission ;-)
07:56.00*** mode/#debian [+l 750] by debhelper
07:56.09roland_Vasistha: why should i ? whats missing
07:56.30ubdx is missing
07:56.33Vasistharoland_: at any rate, it sounds like you need to remount the partition.  (although I actually don't have any experience with ntfs)
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07:57.04roland_i know how to work with permissions fine, but the problem is i cant change permission on NTFS
07:57.10roland_i will need to remount yeah
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07:57.20dpkgadd a line similar to: /dev/hdd1 /mnt/hdd1 ntfs ro,user,auto,gid=24,uid=1001,fmask=0333,dmask=0222 to your fstab... change the hdxx and uid, and maybe the gid if you want.
07:57.38ubdntfs permissions cant be changed in linux afaik
07:57.41xinguvaldyn: and just adding insult to injury, sid acpi-support no longer has a power button event handler
07:57.47xinguvaldyn: "brillant!"
07:58.42xingubuggy. piece. of. crap. :)
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08:00.40dpkg<tcsetattr> build-essential contains all of the ... um ... essential stuff. For building.
08:00.43Vasistha!tell swast -about es
08:00.53peterSI love that tcsetattr quote
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08:01.01KronuzI give up... powersaved isn't working either :(
08:01.15Kronuzand there's nothing in the logs
08:01.22Kronuz(dmesg and /var/log/messages)
08:01.51roland_hark: that doesnt work for ntfs acces for me
08:01.53roland_i still cant copy
08:02.18Vasistharoland_: you unmounted it first, right?
08:02.31roland_and replaced those things up with my own device and mountpoint
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08:02.37roland_and then saved fstab and mount -a
08:02.38Vasistharoland_: and you adjusted the uid to that of your user?
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08:03.02roland_the uid not
08:03.10roland_but i want to make it for all users
08:03.15roland_not just for my user uid
08:03.29qweqweqweVasistha: so debian has nothing like suse's yast or redhat's system-config-...
08:03.32Vasistharoland_: oh, mount -a is not what you need;  you need to remount it.  try mount -o remount /mnt/hdb
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08:04.04Vasisthaqweqweqwe: I don't know what suse's yast or rh's system-config do, so I'm not in any position to answer your question
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08:04.48valdynqweqweqwe: debian has something like that, though very different too, what are you trying to configure?
08:04.58Vasistharoland_: ahh, then replace the uid and gid parts simply with the word 'users'
08:05.07roland_ok ok thanks
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08:05.16iveqyis there a guide how to set up two different X-sessions? Like I whant to switch from a session with fluxbox at ctrl+alt+f7 to an other with gnome at ctrl+alt+f8?
08:05.19Vasistharoland_: oh, and get rid of 'user' (singular)
08:06.00*** mode/#debian [+l 757] by debhelper
08:06.22valdyniveqy: log in as a new user 'gdmflexiserver' or your gnome / kde / whatever menu entry
08:06.55roland_roland@summer:/mnt/hdb/docs/networking$ cp Networking.for.Dummies.pdf ~
08:06.55roland_cp: cannot open `Networking.for.Dummies.pdf' for reading: Permission denied
08:06.58roland_still cant
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08:07.22Vasistharoland_: rather than attempting the cp command at all, just issue the ls -l command and see if you have read permission!
08:07.28roland_i dont
08:07.37roland_only root has
08:08.07Vasistharoland_: alright, just to make sure everything actually happened, umount /dev/hdb; mount /dev/hdb;
08:08.21valdyniveqy: yes?
08:08.30iveqyvaldyn: is gdmflexiserver a replacement for gdm? I never heard of it
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08:08.40Vasistharoland_: and then after that, type mount, with no parameters -- it will show you the options that the drive was mounted with
08:08.43giupyhow can i calculate a password with md5sum ?
08:08.46valdyniveqy: no, run gdm, run gdmflexiserver in a shell
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08:09.19Vasisthagiupy: maybe md5sum <<<"password"
08:09.21valdyniveqy: that program is invoked aswell with the gnome menu entry "New Login" or similar
08:09.23roland_/dev/hdb1 on /mnt/hdb type ntfs (rw)
08:09.31roland_i umounted/and mounted
08:09.42iveqyvaldyn: okej. Thanks, will try that.:)
08:09.45valdyniveqy: is gdm the *dm you are using?
08:09.46Vasistharoland_: alright, well as you can see, it's not actually getting any of those options we specified :P
08:09.51giupyVasistha: thanks :)
08:10.02roland_Vasistha: but the damn thing has them all in fstab
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08:10.07roland_i reaplced uid,gid with = uers
08:10.28valdyniveqy: mind, logging in twice as the same user is a little problematic
08:10.29Vasistharoland_: let's see your /etc/fstab line, and make sure there isn't a simple syntax error or something
08:10.41valdyniveqy: ( in X )
08:10.51roland_/dev/hdb1       /mnt/hdb ntfs ro,user,auto,gid=users,uid=users,fmask=0333,dmask=0222
08:11.07iveqyvaldyn: thanks. But that is not something I need to do. It's more like me and my girlfriend have different opinions about the window handler :)
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08:11.22iveqyvaldyn: yes, gdm is what I'm using.
08:11.26valdyniveqy: ok, gnome has neat applets and gui control for this
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08:11.58Vasistharoland_: ahha, that's totally wrong ;-)
08:12.02iveqyvaldyn: I guess I need to run gdmflexiserver as root in an non xterm?
08:12.18Vasistharoland_: make it like this:  ro,auto,users,fmask=0333,dmask=0222
08:12.26roland_lol ok
08:12.28valdyniveqy: nope
08:12.39iveqyvaldyn: or not. I've got errors...
08:12.42valdyniveqy: run gdmflexiserver from a random shell in your X
08:13.13iveqyvaldyn: so simple!
08:13.33iveqyvaldyn: but how do I switch between the different sessions?
08:13.47valdyniveqy: ctrl-alt-fx
08:13.52Vasisthaiveqy: alt+ctrl+f7/8 as you desired
08:13.53roland_summer:/home/roland# mount /dev/hdb1
08:13.53roland_mount: unknown filesystem type 'dmask=0222'
08:13.55valdyniveqy: or use the gnome applet
08:14.15Vasistharoland_: you didn't take out the 'ntfs' part, did you?
08:14.16roland_hmm forget it
08:14.18\amethystroland_: what's the fstab line?
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08:14.53\amethystiveqy: you can also get a gdmflexiserver instance in a window
08:15.06iveqythanks everybody. I works just the way I whanted it!
08:15.09roland_i forgot ntfs out , so np
08:15.17iveqy\amethyst: cool. How?
08:15.19\amethystgdmflexiserver --xnest
08:15.53roland_roland@summer:~$ cd /mnt/hdb/docs
08:15.53roland_bash: cd: /mnt/hdb/docs: Permission denied
08:15.56roland_now i cant even cd there
08:16.08\amethystroland_: what options did you use?
08:16.33roland_/dev/hdb1       /mnt/hdb        ntfs    ro,auto,users,fmask=0333,dmask=0222
08:16.47\amethystfmask and dmask are for fat not ntfs
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08:17.19dpkgadd a line similar to: /dev/hdd1 /mnt/hdd1 ntfs ro,user,auto,gid=24,uid=1001,fmask=0333,dmask=0222 to your fstab... change the hdxx and uid, and maybe the gid if you want.
08:17.24valdynor both!
08:17.49valdynroland_: you didn't specifiy gid or uid. Sure its owned by root now
08:18.02valdynroland_: you really want to learn about permissions
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08:18.54roland_whats the correct fstab line i should tpye in /etc/fstab ? my docs are there
08:19.17valdynroland_: i have no idea what the hell you are trying to achieve
08:19.18Vasisthahum, why does dpkg's factoid recommend using fmask and dmask, when the manpage says they're for vfat and not ntfs??  oh well.
08:19.19\amethystroland_:  You want the files to be owned by root, readable by everybody?
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08:19.47valdynVasistha: maybe that manpage is not up to date? i dont know
08:19.54roland_i only want to acces the partition with my user account to copy files -_-
08:20.12valdynroland_: so do what dpkg said
08:20.23roland_i did that and didnt work
08:20.24\amethystroland_:  ro,user,auto,gid=24,uid=1001,umask=0222
08:20.41Vasistharoland_: well, when you did that before, you didn't actually umount and mount it properly :P
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08:21.07Vasistharoland_: after mounting, I think it would be wise for you to type 'mount' without any options, and see that your specified options were actually obeyed
08:21.13valdynits very simple, but if you dont understand what you type, thats somewhat tricky
08:21.21roland_that i did and it showed with no options just rw
08:21.28Vasisthahow about now?
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08:21.35roland_just rw
08:21.57giupyhmm, md5sum <<< password , seems to not be right, password is always incorrect
08:22.24xinguhmm, interesting, the 945gm can deliver either ~1.5GB/s or ~3.2GB/s worth of memory read bandwidth depending on access pattern
08:22.27\amethystgiupy: correct compared to what?
08:22.30Vasisthagiupy: you know, that might put a linefeed at the end :P  I'm not sure
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08:22.51valdynxingu: dual channel effect?
08:22.59xinguvaldyn: I'm guessing, yeah
08:23.01giupy\amethyst: i'm trying to setup amule server
08:23.09Vasisthagiupy: try echo -n "password" | md5sum
08:23.15giupyi try
08:23.37xinguvaldyn: 945gm allows for symmetric mode too if you have both sockets populated with the same capacity ddr2 sodimm
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08:23.50xinguvaldyn: ... and I do.
08:24.05roland_/dev/hdb1 on /mnt/hdb type ntfs (ro,noexec,nosuid,nodev,uid=1001,gid=24,fmask=0333,dmask=0222)
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08:24.31Vasisthaparentheses bad
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08:24.42\amethystVasistha: WTF are you talking about?
08:24.52Vasistha\amethyst: roland's fstab line
08:25.05xinguvaldyn: curiously enough once you get outside caching artifacts but before you swamp the thing, you can deliver about 8GB/s worth of write bandwidth
08:25.07\amethystVasistha: looks like the output of mount, not the fstab line
08:25.08valdynnot an fstab line, just the output of 'mount' ?
08:25.10roland_copying works now fine
08:25.12roland_thanks for help
08:25.15Vasistha\amethyst: heh heh -- yeah!
08:25.16roland_i'll learn about permissions
08:25.17xinguvaldyn: swamped == 1.5GB/s
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08:25.44xinguvaldyn: still, this is seriously fast stuff by my way of thinking, roll on santa rosa.
08:25.56Vasistharoland_: just so you know -- I have pulled my hair out probably a dozen times over this stuff.  You'll get the hang of it eventually
08:25.57valdynroland_: probably too what a mask is in computers
08:26.00\amethystah, so dmask and fmask do work for ntfs?  perhaps the mount manpage should be updated
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08:26.36roland_Vasistha: ok , thanks for mentioning that
08:26.53roland_it was a pain in the ass (esp, when u dont know what u need to do )
08:27.08roland_but very simple when you know
08:27.12Vasisthawell, it's a pita exclusively when you don't know what you need to do ;-)
08:27.47roland_how do i mount ntfs partition under solaris 10 ?
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08:28.15Vasisthaprobably the same way?
08:28.23roland_no , the options are different
08:28.28Vasisthaor else ask #solaris ?
08:28.30xinguroland_: attach it to a windows box, fire up an nfsd on it... :)
08:28.53\amethystDoes Solaris provide a FUSE-compatible interface yet?
08:29.06roland_whats fuse
08:29.16dpkgfrom memory, fuse is at, is Filesystem in USEerspace, enables you to mount various exotic filesystems, like samba workgroups, tar files, ftp sites etc. Fuse is packaged in debian and already included in recent 2.6.x kernels.
08:29.36dpkgextra, extra, read all about it, ntfs-3g is a new driver for NTFS with write support, see for release status.  Read the FAQ at, also ask me about <ntfs>
08:29.46*** join/#debian Inf3rn0 ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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08:30.06valdynroland_: allows to write a filesystem driver w/o writing kernel code, making it alot easier ( but slower )
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08:31.46\amethystxingu: that (mount-ntfs) is an interesting approach to putting a filesystem driver in userspace
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08:32.48\amethystseems like it would add yet another layer of imprecisely-mapped semantics, though
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08:33.35GhostlyDeath!dpkg ipw3945
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08:35.24liablethere is a factoid for that
08:35.31liable!listkeys 3945
08:35.32dpkgFactoid search of '3945' by key (2): ipw3945-source ;; ipw3945.
08:35.34*** join/#debian baffle ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
08:36.32dpkgit has been said that ipw3945 is, or for etch and above (kernel >= 2.6.18) is needed, add contrib sources and 'apt-get install module-assistant ipw3945-source firmware-ipw3945 ipw3945d; m-a prepare; m-a a-i ipw3945-source'
08:36.32GhostlyDeathI allready private messaged
08:36.32liablewhy not do that to start with then...
08:36.51GhostlyDeathliable: To show off that I had an Intel PRO/Wireless 3945ABG
08:37.06kerouacwhat's the standard way to build sources obtained with aptitude? Is it as simple as untarring the source in /usr/src, and then doing the ./configure && make && make install dance, or is there a special debian step?
08:37.18liableyikes, i would hope that you were kidding :p
08:37.47DewiI want to hotswap-remove a disk containing LVM2 PVs... is setting the volume group "inactive" enough to safely pull the disk?
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08:39.34GhostlyDeathHow could you router!?
08:39.41valdynlvm supports hotswapping?
08:39.43liableDewi: depends on the controller afaik
08:39.45GhostlyDeathIt just stopped all my connections!
08:40.09liableDewi: what is it?
08:41.03valdynDewi: i dont get how you want to possibly hotswap an lvm disk, raid disks is what you could hotswap
08:41.46*** join/#debian JiBEsH (
08:41.56\amethystkerouac:  instead of doing ./configure make make install etc, just do  ./debian/rules binary
08:42.05\amethystkerouac:  that will take all the steps to build the binary
08:42.36valdynDewi: so.. what is this really about?
08:42.39Dewiliable: it's 1394
08:42.40\amethystkerouac:  first you should probably do  apt-get build-dep <packagename>   to make sure you have everything you need to compile it
08:42.53*** join/#debian brendonjt (n=brendon@
08:42.55Dewiliable: so yes... quite hotswappable
08:43.01kerouac\amethyst: ok, cool
08:43.07\amethystkerouac: the "binary" target for debian/rules  builds binary packages in ../
08:43.09Dewiliable: not sure if I'm meant to just... yank it out or what :P
08:43.21Dewivaldyn: see above :P
08:43.28\amethystkerouac: it's a little unintuitive that it puts them there, but...
08:43.34liableDewi: then i have misinterpreted your initial question, see valdyn :p
08:43.42valdynDewi: just a single disk that uses lvm for its partitioning?
08:43.46*** join/#debian Holborn (n=holborn@unaffiliated/holborn)
08:43.48kerouac\amethyst: how do you pass options to the configure script?
08:43.48\amethystkerouac:  actually, if you're not root, you should run that under fakeroot
08:43.52Dewivaldyn: yeah
08:44.03valdynDewi: unmount & yank
08:44.10kerouacoh that's right , i forgot i installed fakeroot
08:44.14Dewivaldyn: I've done unmount, vgchange -an
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08:44.30Dewivaldyn: so it should be pretty safe... I'm more worried the machine might get angry than the state being hurt at this point
08:45.21valdynDewi: you could remove the pv
08:45.24\amethystkerouac: you edit the debian/rules script (it's really a makefile), find the place it calls configure, and edit that
08:45.48valdynDewi: or deactivate.. nothing of that should be needed.
08:45.51Dewivaldyn: well... I'll be bringing the disk back again soon enough
08:45.59Dewivaldyn: I just need it for some... hard drive failage on a windows box
08:46.07*** join/#debian _JusSx_ (
08:46.09kerouacah- ha!
08:46.40valdynDewi: unmount and yank..
08:46.49\amethystkerouac:  remember the fakeroot when you build the package---otherwise it will likely error out towards the end
08:46.58Dewivaldyn: thanks
08:47.13kerouacthansk \amethyst , I'm doing that now
08:47.22valdynDewi: lvm is not really something else than dos partition tables, its just got more features and no bios support
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08:48.07\amethystkerouac: fakeroot loads a replacement for some system calls to trick programs into thinking they are root, can chown/chmod/etc
08:48.24kerouacit's like a wrapper for chroot?
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08:48.32Dewivaldyn: it seems to work nice and easy in debian... getting the mapper to work in other distros can be mildly irritating
08:48.35\amethystkerouac: the neat thing is, it remembers those fake changes for other programs in the same instance
08:48.45kerouacoh,  cool!
08:49.06\amethystkerouac:  useful for building tar files with arbitrary ownerships
08:49.46*** join/#debian fplus (n=f@unaffiliated/fplus)
08:49.50warwar: GPG error: testing Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG A70DAF536070D3A1 Debian Archive Automatic Signing Key (4.0/etch) <>
08:49.53warProper way to fix?
08:50.12liabletry another mirror
08:50.17dpkgextra, extra, read all about it, a70daf536070d3a1 is see, or see
08:50.53*** part/#debian fplus (n=f@unaffiliated/fplus)
08:51.12kerouac\amethyst: no ./debian/rules file in the tarball
08:51.32valdynso what
08:51.44\amethystkerouac:  how did you get the source?
08:51.59dpkgDebian New Maintainers' Guide, Debian Policy Manual and Debian Developer's Reference - if you are a deb-newbie read them in this order, found at
08:52.04kerouacaptitude install ap[ache2-sc
08:52.16kerouacaptitude install apache2-src
08:52.25Dewiif I download some source with 'apt-get source', and make some slight modification to suit my needs, what should I do to build a binary package and mark it somehow as my own customised version, so that dpkg doesn't think it's a standard official debian package?
08:52.27*** join/#debian giupy (
08:52.36valdyn!info apache2-src
08:52.38dpkgapache2-src: (Apache source code), section devel, is extra. Version: 2.2.3-4 (sid), Packaged size: 6513 kB, Installed size: 6600 kB
08:52.40\amethystkerouac: instead do   apt-get source apache2
08:53.01valdynkerouac: that's the source code of apache2, not the source code of the apache2 debian package
08:53.02giupyamule sever still download without a browser opened ?
08:53.02kerouacwhat's teh difference?
08:53.12\amethystkerouac: apache2-src is for building third-party apache modules, not for building apache itself
08:53.23kerouacok, gotcha
08:53.40\amethystkerouac: it doesn't have the debian infrastructure (though it does have the patches)
08:53.50valdynkerouac: debian packages are always built from upstream source + debian diff. That diff contains the debian/rules etc aswell
08:54.07kerouacok, i see
08:54.18*** join/#debian ma3x (n=ma3x@unaffiliated/ma3x)
08:54.20\amethystapache2-src is there because there's no way to depend on a source package, and it could put its source anywhere
08:54.21liablemeh, /. was taken over by wankers so i started reading reddit, now its full of shit. where can a person go to read tech news
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08:55.03ma3xI have the netinst CD of debian. can I somehow install directly sid? (not first etch and then upgrading to sid)
08:55.06Dewiliable: if you want to read wankers who think they are better than slashdotters because their tinfoil hats are shinier, why not read k5!
08:55.09\amethystkerouac: apt-get source <package>  will fetch a bunch of files into ., unpack the original tar.gz, and patch it
08:55.22kerouacok, sweet
08:55.29\amethystkerouac: aptitude does not have the "source" command, so it has to be apt-get
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08:55.48Dewima3x: I think if you start the installer in 'expert' mode it will ask you.
08:56.11Dewima3x: you will still start with *some* bits and pieces from the installer cd you are using, of course
08:56.11ma3xDewi: that's great, thanks!
08:56.27ma3xsure, I understand
08:56.30Dewima3x: so you'll have a few etch bits and pieces
08:57.05kerouacok, getting my build-deps in order
08:57.08ma3xI just found out that 64 bit system is hated
08:57.09Dewima3x: even the full etch install (with no extras) is reasonably minimal anyway, if you run into any problems leaping for sid straight off
08:57.19ma3xno people make flash player for it
08:57.49Dewima3x: yeah, unfortunately 64bit hasn't really taken off in a universal sense yet
08:57.56ma3xDewi: at the installation process it asks if I want to install the base system
08:57.59ma3xshould i select that?
08:58.06\amethystdpkg, .deb is also an ar archive containing control.tar.gz (debian stuff) and data.tar.gz (the files)
08:58.07dpkg\amethyst: okay
08:58.11Dewima3x: I think you will need it, yeah
08:58.20ma3xok Dewi thanks, see ya!
08:59.06liablegod help us
08:59.17valdyn64-bit systems work perfectly fine
09:00.25Dewiliable: hey, he asked directly for unstable. I sure don't endorse it.
09:00.40Dewiliable: pity he's gone now so he won't hear me say it
09:00.56valdynhe'll be back at some point, as usual
09:01.01liableDewi: i am not having a go at you directly, i just recall some of the things that he asks about.
09:02.00Dewiliable: don't worry, I'm very happy that we try to focus on supporting binaries and stable rather than crazy source and foreign packages and bullshit these days. I remember what it was like years ago... ugh
09:02.33jetscreamerreal men run experimental
09:03.05jetscreamerand put every untrusted source they can find on google
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09:03.44RichiHrichih@equinox ~ % grep -P foo bar
09:03.44RichiHgrep: The -P option is not supported
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09:04.30valdynits not in the manpage either, so?
09:04.35\amethystjetscreamer: real men get STDs
09:04.43jetscreamerthat too
09:05.03liable\amethyst: and remove the warts with sandpaper!
09:05.06jetscreameri remember that coming up before, the grep -P ... i dont remember the content though
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09:08.05\amethystRichiH: it was removed again in debian in the version after it was added
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09:08.44\amethystRichiH: Since grep is in /bin, it can't be linked against libpcre unless it's done statically
09:08.56\amethystand I guess the maintainer didn't want to statically link
09:09.25*** join/#debian lun_ (i=lun@
09:09.31rokstarHi guys, i need to install debian-sid on a PC, i would like to use the net-installer for sid, where can i found it? On the download iso image page of website the only net-installer is for Etch....
09:09.31\amethystRichiH: you could use pcregrep
09:10.08liable!install sid
09:10.08dpkgextra, extra, read all about it, install sid is install testing then upgrade to sid, or if you have to ask, you shouldn't.
09:10.08jetscreamerrokstar: use a nightly and when it asks, choose sid
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09:10.22jetscreamerbusnescard best
09:10.49liablemmm, boobs
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09:11.58rokstarjetscreamer: form this link?
09:12.09jetscreamersomething like that
09:12.10fplusI wonder why #hackers has been empty for a while!
09:12.27jetscreamerthey got hacked
09:12.32RichiH\amethyst: what was removed? the simple support or some library grep needs?
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09:12.36jetscreamerthey hacked each other to death
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09:12.39RichiH\amethyst: and why?
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09:13.12\amethystRichiH: support for Perl-compatible regular expressions (using the pcre library) was added recently, then removed
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09:13.53RichiH\amethyst: any idea why?
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09:14.23mikeQ are updates still filtering through for debian 4.0?
09:14.32fplusI wonder why #hackers has been empty for a while!
09:14.53\amethystRichiH:  two reasons, one formal and one practical.  grep is priority required while libpcre3 is priority standard.
09:15.16liablefplus: why are you asking us?
09:15.19\amethystRichiH: more importantly, libpcre3 is in /usr/lib, but grep is needed early in boot, before /usr is available on some machines
09:15.33spikebmike, security updates.
09:15.47mikeoh ok
09:15.51Dewiif I download some source with 'apt-get source', and make some slight modification to suit my needs, what should I do to build a binary package and mark it somehow as my own customised version, so that dpkg doesn't think it's a standard official debian package?
09:16.16liablemike: its just been released, no security updates yet, so thats why you dont get anything for upgrade
09:16.17valdynDewi: dpkg make no difference
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09:16.37valdynDewi: dpkg makes no difference between package sources
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09:16.42\amethystDewi:  add a changelog entry and set the version to something appropriate
09:16.45liableDewi: iirc its covered in the nmg
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09:17.11TonyStarkgood morning
09:17.27TonyStarkdoes anybody knows anything about the wii-remote and linux?
09:17.32fplusOMG! KEVIN MITNICK in #HACKERS !
09:17.36Dewiliable: nmg?
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09:17.44fplusliable, im doing some tests
09:17.46liableDewi: new maintainers guide
09:17.49enouf!spank fplus
09:17.51Dewiliable: thanks
09:17.59fplusbut no one is joining lol
09:18.05liablefplus: please stop spamming us about it
09:18.10*** join/#debian ferret_0567 (
09:18.18valdynfplus: maybe because what the media call hackers and hackers are totally different people?
09:18.19fplusliable, channel seems cursed
09:18.32ferret_0567Do you pure Debian users have svg-utils? I'm using Ubuntu
09:18.43\amethystDewi: then to build, it's  ./debian/rules binary
09:19.02RichiH\amethyst: hmm, that does make sense, i guess
09:19.15Dewi\amethyst: not dpkg-buildpackage?
09:19.21RichiH\amethyst: so what you are saying is that it will not change any time soon, either?
09:19.23enoufferret_0567: see for yourself
09:19.32enoufferret_0567: /msg dpkg search
09:20.06enoufwait --> '"I'm using Ubuntu" <-- go ask #ubuntu
09:20.20liableenouf: he asked if we had it
09:20.27Dewi\amethyst: I might just check out this 'new maintainer's guide'
09:20.31\amethystRichiH: unless the maintainer decides to link statically, or libpcre3 is moved to /lib
09:20.41Dewi\amethyst: I am following a very terse guide in the debian faq...
09:20.56spikebterse and debian tend to go hand in hand
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09:20.58enouf!tell ferret_0567 -about pdo
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09:21.08franzcaiis there sth like apt-spy in debian 4.0? bash tell me that cannot  find  apt-spy
09:21.38\amethystfranzcai: it's there
09:21.44enoufferret_0567: if you're not running debian, apt-file wouldn;t make sense , so see p.d.o
09:21.44dpkg*** NEWS FLASH! *** Your box does not come with every app, tool and utility known to debiankind installed already. If you find that the program you've been told to use isn't there, install it. Also ask me about <search>. if someone suggests an application to you, it's highly likely that it's available via apt-get
09:22.19ferret_0567You guys had a newer version of conky, that was not horribly broken and missing features, I used it back when I was using Edgy, it was a lot better than the n00buntu package
09:22.42ferret_0567Some packages the Ubuntu MOTU team just screws up on
09:23.05liablefplus: so install debian and shuddup already :P
09:23.08RichiH\amethyst: great, thanks
09:23.21fplusliable, OS is a big issue
09:23.28RichiH\amethyst: i will probably file a bug requesting that the maintainer changes the source to tell people about this
09:23.39RichiH\amethyst: or at least link against the bug number
09:23.42liablefplus: ??
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09:24.03fplusliable, I hate OS i want to run something else
09:24.05\amethystRichiH: 238237
09:24.14dpkgoperating system is, like, just that, a SYSTEM that lets you OPERATE with your machine. It's NOT a kernel. Linux is a kernel. GNU and GNU/Linux are Operating Systems..  OPENSTEP
09:24.33Dewifplus: yeah, I prefer talking directly to the BIOS and hardware manually.
09:24.50\amethystDewi: you can use  dpkg-buildpackage, but that will use the same version number as the sources you downloaded
09:24.51EnverexI've removed all the video drivers from Apt except for one, if I try and remove the last one it wants to remove the entire of XOrg (i assume because it thinks its no-longer needed). How do I tell it that I "want" XOrg? (so I can remove whatever last video driver is holding it in place)
09:24.51zoohello, is there a native american speaker here? My neighbour says, that in america the word "lite" is the same as the british "light". Is that true or not?
09:24.51liablefplus: i am not sure exactly what your after, but have you realised this channel is for debian help, not general chit chat?
09:25.09ferret_0567openstep...gah, I tried it, cough, cough, choking...<drops dead>
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09:25.25fplusDewi, BIOS is the mobo software?
09:25.34Enverexzoo, It is the same
09:25.36dpkgbios is probably [Basic Input Output System] The part of you system that is responsible for initilizing the various part of a computer  when it is booted.   Check out LinuxBIOS at
09:25.41liableEnverex: what good is xorg without a driver?
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09:25.44xinguEnverex: xserver-xorg-video-dummy ?
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09:25.51Enverexliable, I have a manually installed nVidia driver
09:25.51\amethystDewi: so first you add a changelog entry and increase the version number.  You might want it to be replaced when the next debian version comes out, or maybe not
09:26.00*** mode/#debian [+l 769] by debhelper
09:26.15Enverexxingu, That'd work. Isn't there any way to tell it to keep XOrg though, i.e. mark it as something I want installed?
09:26.35harkxorg is just a metapackage
09:26.35xinguEnverex: you could always install the debianised nvidia driver.
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09:26.46enoufwe dumbass americans don;t have a word "lite"
09:26.46Enverexxingu, It's old and broken, so I think I'll pass on that
09:26.53valdynEnverex: xorg is only a metapackage, its not 'an entire of things'
09:26.54xinguit is? news to me.
09:27.04zooEnverex: thanks
09:27.07liablewhy do people *want* to make life hard for themselves?
09:27.08enoufanymore than we do a word "ne1"
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09:27.13Enverexvaldyn, True, but it wants to remove all the input drivers too, heh
09:27.29valdynEnverex: so keep a video driver
09:27.31Enverexliable, I'm just cropping cruft. Knowing how to lock it in place would make life easier
09:27.32DewiEnverex: how do you expect to run Xorg without any video drivers?
09:27.37valdynEnverex: or remove it all, whatever
09:27.43EnverexDewi, I already answered that one
09:27.53valdynEnverex: xorg with no video drivers is useless so might aswell have no input drivers either
09:28.04*** join/#debian deriaN- (
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09:28.13DewiEnverex: yes, but you seem to want it both ways.
09:28.13EnverexDamn... I answered that. I have MANUALLY INSTALLED THE NVIDIA DRIVERS. Did you see it that time?
09:28.17liableEnverex: even if you hold it, then you dont get upgrades. trying to work around apt is unproductive and leads to much pain
09:28.21xinguso let me get this straight, you want to know how to persuade the debian packaging system to override its own list of dependancies so that you can install a video driver which is likely as not already packaged?
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09:28.31DewiEnverex: no, you have manually hacked them into place. If they were "installed" then dpkg would know about them
09:28.35valdynEnverex: your problem, that's not supported by debian.
09:28.39enoufjust put it on hold already if you can't deal with the switch to hte modluaroty of the pkgs
09:28.40DewiEnverex: the consequences of that are your own problem
09:28.45enoufer modularity
09:28.47*** join/#debian Schlumpf (
09:28.48valdynEnverex: easiest solution is the keep a video driver
09:28.54EnverexDewi, wow... so you never install anything by source, even when the ones in apt are old and broken
09:29.07Enverexliable, hrm, why not? Can't I say "I want XOrg installed" so it should keep it and update it as and when
09:29.08DewiEnverex: not without putting it in a .deb, no. Not if other packages rely on it
09:29.10ferret_0567I manually installed the NVIDIA driver too
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09:29.13ferret_0567It's not supported
09:29.24spikebEnverex, there is checkinstall for that.
09:29.25ferret_0567It works fine, though
09:29.27DewiEnverex: besides... do you have an actual problem here?
09:29.51DewiEnverex: or are you just wanting to remove "cruft" and somehow have debian know what that is, despite your deliberately misleading the package manager?
09:29.55EnverexDewi, Yes, but you've been trying so hard to keep telling me everything I'm doing is wrong and that everything isn't supported that you didn't notice
09:29.57xingu# apt-cache show nvidia-kernel- | grep Version
09:29.57liableEnverex: no, because apt says 'hrm, if you want xorg, you need this, if you remove 'this' its unhappy and thus make your life so'
09:29.57xinguVersion: 1.0.9746-2+20070414
09:30.02\amethystEnverex: what's wrong with having the vga driver as a fallback anyway?
09:30.03xinguhmm, old and broken, yes, must be.
09:30.08DewiEnverex: that I didn't notice what?
09:30.19Enverexxingu, Weird, the newest one showing for me is 8776
09:30.23valdynhes probably worried about the huge 14k space the vga driver takes
09:30.28spikebhmm checkinstall wouldnt work with the nvidia driver heh
09:30.29liableEnverex: dude, just leave one driver ffs
09:30.50xinguEnverex: as the dpkg hint says, there's uprev driver in expermental, and a howto page on how to go git it.
09:30.50\amethystEnverex: experimental
09:30.53RichiH\amethyst: thanks
09:31.01*** join/#debian JoKo (
09:31.04\amethystRichiH: np
09:31.05EnverexLook, for Christs sake. This isn't JUST about leaving one 10k driver in place. It's proof of concept so that I know what to do if something else has the same issue with other packages.
09:31.21valdynEnverex: there's even a clean solution to save those 14k, but in this case its wasted time
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09:31.31DewiEnverex: I don't think I missed anything. You are so massively worried about a few kilobytes of disk space taken up by your last correctly installed graphics driver, but for some reason you don't care that you have broken your package manager. Apart from that, you have no problem actually impacting your life.
09:31.37xinguEnverex: but the "issue" is only an "issue" because you've thwarted the dependancy management; xorg depends on a video driver, you need to have one installed to satisfy the dep.
09:31.40harkEnverex: equivs, but meh..
09:31.49\amethystRichiH: you could, btw, write a shell script that looks for -P and, depending on whether it is found, runs grep or pcregrep (stripping out the -P in the latter case)
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09:31.51xinguEnverex: any solution to that is codified breakage; the dep is there for a reason.
09:31.52dpkgit has been said that equivs is a package that enables you to create dummy packages that tell apt you really have installed (through some other means) the package. apt-get install equivs, and read /usr/share/doc/equivs/*, or see also "usrlocal"
09:31.57valdynEnverex: read ^^^
09:32.00EnverexDewi, Stop being stupid, I have not "broken my package manager" just because I installed one thing from source
09:32.10valdynEnverex: you DID
09:32.16valdynEnverex: but that's a seperate issue
09:32.17DewiEnverex: sure you have. The dependancies no longer match the system you are running
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09:32.33EnverexOk, I'm gone, this channel is no more a help channel than... ugh
09:32.34DewiEnverex: you can't expect the package manager to magically recover from that and behave in some random way you happen to think is logical
09:32.37*** part/#debian Enverex (
09:32.39valdynfixing that is fucking annoying, even when you know what you're doing
09:33.02valdyn( even though i probably did that 100 times... )
09:33.09Dewivaldyn: I'll tell you what's annoying. nVidia full stop.
09:33.25liablegotta love people that ask for advice and then doggely ignore it
09:33.25Dewivaldyn: I honestly have some difficulty even imaginging caring about 3d support in linux
09:33.37Dewivaldyn: and yet it's a really really hot issue here. One that we seem to have failed to solve :(
09:33.55\amethystDewi:  Intel :)
09:34.00*** join/#debian Kegar0 (n=Nickola@
09:34.03xinguvaldyn: almost annoying enough that the debian packages might do well to depend on a "nvidia-remove-b0rken-upstream-source-first-in-preinst" package :)
09:34.03Dewi\amethyst: intel's cards suck though
09:34.05liableDewi: only among gametards
09:34.15valdynxingu: yea!
09:34.23Dewi\amethyst: my brother has one on his laptop... has to run hack freeware stuff just to run guild wars (in windows)
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09:35.05ferret_0567ok, are you talking about Intel or NVIDIA?
09:35.10Dewiliable: thing is... if you care enough about games to fight with nvidia drivers that much, you'd think you would care enough to just buy a copy of winxp. I did....
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09:35.28liableDewi: ding ding ding
09:35.28Dewiliable: then again, I have had people tell me that by using XP instead of wine I am "giving the evil monopoly what it wants"
09:35.46xingusurvey data is bung; only folk with problems complain.
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09:35.51liableDewi: i have no idea why its such an issue, but some people *must* have it
09:36.00peterSDewi: intel has cards?
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09:36.10enouf"proprietary" hardware and binary blobs sucks ass
09:36.12\amethystpeterS: onboard
09:36.19ferret_0567They have little chips
09:36.24peterS\amethyst: that doesn't quite fit my definition of a "card"
09:36.24DewipeterS: intel has the only "serious" 3d cards with open drivers
09:36.26enoufer s/sucks/suck ;-)
09:36.27ferret_0567onboard junk
09:36.33liableohnos, dont get enouf started on intel again
09:36.35DewipeterS: oh. right :P
09:36.40peterSDewi: I thought they only made motherboard chips
09:36.55xingumotherboard chips that hammer your memory bus to buggery when they're lit.
09:36.58peterSthough I heard a rumor once that they might start making actual graphics cards
09:37.01liablepeterS: dict anal :P
09:37.10DewipeterS: you stand out as a pedant even in this channel, and that's really breathtaking :)
09:37.11enoufpeterS: i've been saying that for years to certain channel denizens, but deaf ears it falls upon <sigh>
09:37.18xinguwake me up when there's an intel engine with vram
09:37.19enoufwell .. not years ;-P
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09:37.41enoufliable: and you're one of thoise IIRC :-P
09:37.48peterSDewi, liable: it's an important distinction, actually.  there are quite a few of us who, because of Intel's excellent Linux support, would like to buy Intel graphics cards.  but we can't, except by buying Intel motherboards or laptops with Intel graphics integrated
09:37.55enoufOnboard !=Card
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09:38.03liablepeterS: ack
09:38.16DewipeterS: true. and then you're stuck with shitty BLOB based wifi
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09:38.19DewipeterS: so everybody loses
09:38.20liableenouf: one of what?
09:38.21peterSI try not to be that pedantic on issues where it doesn't matter, but on this one I think it does
09:38.33xingunow an intel mxm module with vram, that would give me wood
09:39.20enoufliable: thinks that intel makes video cards .. but maybe i'm mistaken
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09:39.31liableunfortunately, wifi is a issue where theres outside factors
09:39.38markybobthank goodness...a night without ubd....the gods must favor us tonight ;)
09:39.44liableenouf: erm, yes, your mistaken
09:39.56enoufok .. my bad then ;-)
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09:40.05peterSmarkybob: the night is young.  last time I banned him was like 22 or 23 hours ago, not a full 24 hours ago
09:40.08xinguenouf: they did once, there were i740's about the place in spades
09:40.13enouf!be xingu barbie
09:40.13dpkgxingu is hard!
09:40.21liableenouf: i was aware of peterS's comments re cards, thats why the anal comment :P
09:40.30peterSenouf: way TMI
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09:40.34markybobpeterS: ah...good thing i just took my ambien, then.  i'll be passed out shortly :)
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09:41.21peterSmarkybob: I should pass out too, actually.  if ubd does show up, tell him from me that he needs to stay on topic for once, where on topic doesn't count "masturbsd > debian"
09:41.22RichiH\amethyst: depending on the set up of $PATH, one could put a second grep into /usr/bin, too
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09:41.31enoufliable: there's a few locals here that think differently, and once you mentioned "ohnoes .. blah intel thing", i thought you were one of those bandwagoneers
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09:41.46markybobpeterS: will do
09:42.04spikebyeah wifi does seem to be an area with outside factors, mainly the law. sigh.
09:42.14triplcwhat is usb ram stick device in etch? please help. I check /dev/sda /dev/sdb but they do not exist
09:42.22liableenouf: no, that was in response to a rant i saw here quite a whils ago by you in regards to binary blobs
09:42.37\amethysttriplc: look in /dev/disk/by-id/
09:42.42triplcwhat is usb ram stick device in etch? please help. I check /dev/usbdev* does not work
09:42.42liableenouf: which has nothing to do with intel graphics
09:42.42peterSI don't buy that.  I think the wifi vendors are making excuses.  they could comply with the FCC without binary blobs if they really wanted
09:42.43enoufliable: my whole "older" intel argument, was entirely based upon the facct that others were using an unsustainable, and indefensible "Apples v Oranges" argument
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09:42.52\amethysttriplc: is there anything there that has "usb" in the name?
09:43.03enoufliable: get it?
09:43.06spikebit's not worth the effort for them to do so.
09:43.07enoufgot it?
09:43.29triplc\amethyst: yes, "ls /dev/" gives results a bundle of usb*
09:43.37\amethysttriplc: look in /dev/disk/by-id/
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09:44.47enoufVideo Cards == Apples , and Onboard Crap == Oranges  ..(or was it Orangutangs)
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09:44.51liablepeterS: you really think so? do you know the ins and outs of the whole fcc certification thing?
09:45.17triplc\amethyst: just check (using cfdisk) and i see that all things in /dev/disk/by-id is hard disk and it's partitions
09:45.32Dewiliable: do other vendors open source their wifi drivers?
09:45.36enouftriplc: dmesg | tail and lshal | grep block.device
09:45.46Dewiliable: I thought some did
09:45.50peterSliable: I do not.  but if you're thinking this is the same situation as the ISDN line drivers, it is not.  for ISDN you are required to use a certified driver.  notice how that is not true of the wifi drivers.
09:45.54Dewiliable: maybe they are not american companies of course
09:45.59spikebralink does.
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09:46.02spikebthey're not american though
09:46.25triplcthanks, i think i see it now
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09:46.40\amethystralink has an office in cupertino
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09:46.52\amethystthey're based overseas
09:46.53triplc/dev/disk/by-id/usb* <-- yes it has
09:47.25peterSliable: I don't see why it is Intel's responsibility to prevent hackers from tuning their wifi cards in violation of FCC regs.  they can't really prevent that anyway.  people will figure out what coefficients to tweak to get a stronger-than-legal signal even if they have to reverse-engineer hex blobs
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09:47.38liablepeterS: this is actually something that really interests me, and all i here is heresay on the issue, both from vendors and people here
09:47.53\amethysttriplc: that's a symlink to the real device, which might change from one instance to the next
09:48.00enoufwhat about theresay?
09:48.01spikebi have to agree with peterS on that, logically.
09:48.02liablepeterS: atheros is another example who has a huge user base
09:48.23jjj_ukHi folks - just uninstalled ispconfig and seem to have broken php
09:48.33jjj_ukwhen I go to a mediawiki site on the server
09:48.35peterSliable: if it's really Intel's responsibility to prevent people from tuning their cards out of spec, they need to manufacture chips that are not capable of transmitting out of spec.  a firmware file that tells the chip to please behave is a poor substitute
09:48.39jjj_ukI hust see loats of code
09:48.44enoufhuge user base ! = smart herd
09:48.56enoufhuge user base == sheeple
09:48.57Dewijjj_uk: ispconfig isn't part of debian, is it?
09:49.09jjj_ukthat's why i removed it
09:49.09Dewijjj_uk: difficult to predict what it might have done
09:49.10triplc\amethyst: thanks,
09:49.12liableenouf: shuddup
09:49.15jjj_uka2enmod php4
09:49.15jjj_ukThis module is already enabled!
09:49.18HardDisk_WPhi all
09:49.19Dewijjj_uk: do you have php installed?
09:49.24jjj_ukso surely..
09:49.28enouf!fruitsmite liable
09:49.32obsethryllol, enouf is an amazingly amusing character
09:49.37Dewijjj_uk: do you have more than one apache install somehow?
09:49.39HardDisk_WPdoes anyone know how to load a file into a hash variable in Perl?
09:49.44liablepeterS: once again, is this not part of new fcc regs?? do you know for sure?
09:49.48Dewijjj_uk: do you have an AddHandler line in your apache config?
09:49.49spikeberm. that's amusing?
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09:49.59jjj_ukbingo! no I don't
09:50.13jjj_ukwhat should the AddHandler line say?
09:50.27liablepeterS: i guess it comes down to cost in the end
09:50.32obsethrylspikeb: his jumping into conclusions and being dogmatic about things he shares a vague relation with...
09:50.38liableand blobs are cheap
09:50.41enoufand obsethryl is a lot of fun to toy with
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09:50.57spikebobsethryl, reminds me of poltiics. i spend enough time dealing with that :P
09:51.03Dewijjj_uk: sorry I meant addtype.
09:51.06*** part/#debian ferret_0567 (
09:51.09peterSliable: maybe it is and maybe it isn't.  however.  _if_ the FCC requires the vendor to prevent unauthorized transmitting, Intel isn't doing a very good job if all they do is provide a hard-to-reverse-engineer driver.  because someone will reverse engineer it anyway, at least enough to get a stronger signal, because people like that.  _if_ the FCC does not mandate this requirement, then Intel is just making excuses for ...
09:51.16peterS... why they can't open up their IP.  I believe the latter, but who knows.
09:51.19Dewijjj_uk: do you have a php4.conf in your /etc/apache2/mod-enabled ?
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09:51.53obsethrylspikeb: yesterday i was kind of angry at him, because he insisted of me being incapable of changing desktop bacgrounds to backgrounds i had not install, really amusing indeed.
09:51.57jjj_ukI don't Dewi
09:52.05jjj_ukbut I'm using apache
09:52.06Dewijjj_uk: what about in mods-available?
09:52.08obsethrylhow can you change something to somethign that does not exist lol
09:52.30jjj_ukboth empty
09:52.31peterSjjj_uk: you say apache but a2enmod applies to apache2.  make up your mind.
09:52.32liableobsethryl: you will meet lots of people here that annoy you, just ignore if they get you upset
09:52.32Dewijjj_uk: maybe for continued peace and harmony you should try reinstalling the php4 package
09:52.47jjj_ukI have reinstalled it
09:52.51jjj_uktwice now
09:52.55enoufobsethryl: no .. you chose to not learn how to build your own customized pkgs using source
09:52.56Dewijjj_uk: are you using apache or apache2?
09:52.57obsethrylliable: yeah i know, it is just that i am getting old I guess and i have low tollerance (Which is a paradox)
09:53.00peterSjjj_uk: and mod_php4 in apache2 requires apache2-mpm-prefork, in case you aren't using that
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09:53.12robin_szpeterS, a better solution would be to limit the maximum power in hardware, blowing some mask rom fuses before shiping to $countryOfDestination
09:53.20jjj_ukI didn't realise a3enmod was foe apache2
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09:53.26jjj_ukI am defo using apache1
09:53.32enoufand insinuated that the kde binaries from Debian were broken
09:53.38peterSrobin_sz: yes, quite.  if it's _really_ their responsibility to play nanny and prevent users from doing illegal things, then they should do it in hardware.
09:53.42obsethrylenouf: no comment, offtopic, simply wrong, and you will not get any other reply for me. Just think before you speak, and if you don't you will be getting your lesson from life anyway.
09:53.45Dewijjj_uk: I'm not sure how that is laid out on disk
09:53.58Dewijjj_uk: anyway, you will need some kind of addtype or addhandler for the php mime type
09:54.08Dewijjj_uk: I've been in apache2 for so long now
09:54.11jjj_ukdoes that do in httpd.conf?
09:54.13enouffor which i bitchslapped you around a bit with a trout
09:54.21Dewijjj_uk: yes, or whatever other config files are linked in to it
09:54.22obsethrylkde binaries were not broken, but i presume you lack understanding of the fact that kde packages do not include gnome wallpapers
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09:54.36Dewijjj_uk: in apache2 package the conf file is split across a lot of files
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09:54.55\amethystpeterS:  47 CFR §15.15b
09:55.02larslHm, the update notifier tells me that there is a new version of libgcrypt11 to install, but it doesn't recognise the signature. What's the procedure for installing new keys again? I don't want to install cryptography libraries without checking the signature.
09:55.02enoufand the fat you would think it did, show's you lack of intellect
09:55.06enoufer fact
09:55.07peterSdude, WAIS?  in 2007?
09:55.07larslI do have the "2006 key".
09:55.09obsethrylno, you did enouf
09:55.11jjj_ukI'll have a bit of a play - thanks Dewi.... (my apache1 is split up as well - I'll try the vhosts in cond.d first)
09:55.12robin_szpeterS, while I am sure you are a responsible person, there are other, selfish peope out there who don't care if they screw up their neighbours so long as THEIR wifi or wahtever works, so, its not being nanny, its just making it harder for the selfish ones.
09:55.13\amethystpeterS: is probably what they are citing, though I don't know whether that would really apply to software
09:55.15obsethrylyou constantly did and still do
09:55.18\amethystpeterS:  note the .gov :)
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09:55.34\amethystpeterS: that would explain the 1980s technology
09:55.39obsethrylso you are a fun person to watch, only reason why you are not on ignore right now, is that i need a good entertainer
09:55.41Dewijjj_uk: in apache2 package the addtype is in php4.conf under mods-available, and there is a symlink from mods-enabled to enable it
09:55.52estersNvidia driver problem :
09:56.09enoufobsethryl: i love toying with the mice .. and you are being good sport  .. thank you
09:56.44jjj_ukdo you recall the apache1 equivalent Dewi?
09:56.44peterSrobin_sz: if you're going to prevent the sale of wifi devices because they can be tuned out of spec, you should probably prevent the sale of general-purpose computers because they can be used for child porn
09:56.44obsethrylenouf: thank you for your ignorance, leaves us more place to be smart at
09:56.45Dewilarsl: there's a 2007 key and an etch release key. upgrade debian-archive-keyring
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09:57.01liablewont somebody think of the children!
09:57.10Dewijjj_uk: no, you'll have to investigate the structure you have. If there is a conf.d I guess it will be there it should go
09:57.12enoufobsethryl: and please do NOT interfere/interject into my discussions with other channel members in the future .. plz k thx
09:57.24Dewijjj_uk: it doesn't *really* matter where you put it - I'm just thinking of peace and harmony here :P
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09:57.33obsethrylenouf: no need to, you are making them laugh on your own allready since you are always wrong :)
09:57.35robin_szpeterS, I careth not what people do in their own homes, but out of spec wifi knows no boundaries
09:57.40peterSrobin_sz: it's the gun control argument all over again (:
09:57.40\amethystpeterS:  The difference is the wifi these days is in licensed spectrum
09:57.41larslDewi: "debian-archive-keyring is already the newest version."
09:57.50enoufobsethryl: and yet, you wear the egg ..
09:57.57larslDewi: I'm using Lenny, by the way.
09:58.11liableoi, you two! obsethryl and enouf stop it
09:58.14obsethrylenouf: thank you for being ignorant again, it leaves us much more free space to explor :)
09:58.16valdynesters: how did you install the nvidia driver?
09:58.22EnverexDewi, For the record, I'm using a self built driver rather than the slightly older one in Apt as I'm a tester for Wine and different nVidia drivers cause different issues with graphics so I need to know what they are and what causes them.
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09:58.29obsethrylenouf: oh, i guess you are used to putting things in your mouth ?
09:58.32peterSobsethryl.  enouf.  enough.
09:58.34Dewiobsethryl: please get on topic or at least stop being so pleased with yourself
09:58.41enouf%fist obsethryl
09:58.53Dewienouf: that's not helping
09:58.56enoufok peterS
09:59.12peterSespecially you, obsethryl, you seem obsessed with proving how amusing enouf is.  which got old about 10 minutes ago.
09:59.17robin_szohffs we need another fscking bot? someone kick ban that badgers thing please
09:59.32ravenbirdMany greetings, valdyn, most strange traveller, to this IRCdom of plenty.
09:59.33\amethystobsethryl, enouf:  are you two dating?
09:59.33peterSrobin_sz: badgers has been around for years, you just normally don't notice it
09:59.48peterS\amethyst: don't feed the energy beasts
09:59.54\amethystgood point
09:59.55robin_szI wish I noticed it less, wait, I'll /ignore it
09:59.56xand\amethyst: no theyre married ;)
10:00.05Dewilarsl: oh. damn. well... you might need to integrate the key manually using apt-key and gpg stuffs. ask the bot about 'no public key'
10:00.13obsethrylDewi: peterS: he is just a kid i guess and i am not tollerant of his behaviour, since nobody ever does anything about that kind of stuff in irc channels.
10:00.20*** mode/#debian [+o peterS] by ChanServ
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10:00.23peterSI said drop it already
10:00.38dpkgAnother happy customer leaves the building
10:00.43Dewilucky we're tolerant of terrible spelling
10:00.52valdynesters: nvidia's installer may put drivers into the wrong place, so i need to know how you installed it
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10:01.00liableotherwise i would have been kicked long ago
10:01.25Enverexvaldyn, I installed 9755 without issue
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10:02.08larslDewi: I did that, it only mentions the 2006 key which didn't help.
10:02.12DewiEnverex: there's nothing wrong with installing your own stuff. And when you do install your own stuff, it is possible to do it with the package manager's consent. And even if you don't do that, it's okay too, as long as you don't then expect the package manager to magically know what you're doing.
10:02.25valdynEnverex: it did put drivers in /usr/X11R6/lib/ here, which is wrong
10:02.46Dewilarsl: well, when apt complains it should be spitting out that hex string which identifies the 2007 key
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10:02.58Dewilarsl: other than that identifier the process should be similar
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10:03.27estersvaldyn: the first method
10:03.30EnverexDewi, Oh I never expected it to, I just thought it was weird that I can't say "Please keep XOrg installed" (without having to install something that depended on it to hold it in place). I remember on Gentoo if something was installed as a dep originally and you wanted to mark it as something you want to keep installed, you could.
10:03.37estersin the link
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10:03.42Enverexvaldyn, What versions is he/she using?
10:03.43valdynesters: first? what's 'first method' ?
10:04.02cachooI am working on a script which will be installing few packages using apt-get, but I don't want debconf to showup and irritate the user asking questions.
10:04.03larslDewi: apt-get doesn't say anything about the key.
10:04.06\amethystEnverex: that's not the dependency problem
10:04.12larslExcept that the packages can not be authenticated.
10:04.14DewiEnverex: there might be some way you could break the dependancy, but in general that seems like a worse breakage than just keeping one redundant vga driver installed.
10:04.16estersvaldyn: with module assistant / debian binary
10:04.23cachoowhat  config file should I edit to change the behavious of debconf
10:04.31Dewilarsl: does apt-get update throw any errors?
10:04.36valdynesters: ok, tell us what you did, guess you missed one step
10:04.37EnverexDewi, True. I guess I'm just anal about everything being neat and tidy.
10:04.40Dewilarsl: or warnings
10:04.44\amethystEnverex: the problem is xserver-xorg depends on xserver-xorg-video-1.0
10:05.01\amethystEnverex:  So the xserver-xorg package requires at least one video driver package be installed
10:05.02valdynEnverex: use equivs
10:05.10larslDewi: Nope.
10:05.15DewiEnverex: if you want to be really anal, learn how to package your nvidia driver so it will provide the dependancy :)
10:05.18Enverexso it's the opposite way around from what I thought it was
10:05.25larslDewi: Ah. After an apt-get update everything seems to work.
10:05.35Dewilarsl: np
10:05.50larslWhy doesn't the update notifier do that automatically though?
10:06.15estersvaldyn: i followed the instructions in this page "The Debian way with module-assistant"
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10:06.27Dewilarsl: you mean that graphical thing? I dunno, probably for speed reasons
10:06.35valdynesters: i'd rather see you type what commands you entered
10:06.38Dewilarsl: and control
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10:06.52valdynesters: rather than read that whole article and pull answers out of your nose
10:06.58valdynesters: lsmod | grep nvidia
10:07.06EnverexDewi, What you said suddenly makes sense. I thought Xorg was depended on by the video drivers when it's XOrg that depends on at least one video driver. Heh, figures.
10:07.11valdynesters: ls -l /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/
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10:07.42DewiEnverex: yeah. look into packaging your custom stuff, or investigate that "equivs" people recommended to you
10:07.49DewiEnverex: I don't build a lot of stuff so I don't know much about it
10:07.51estersvaldyn: ls: /usr/lib/xorg/modules/ No such file or directory
10:07.58esterslsmod | grep nvidia
10:07.58estersnvidia               4549908  0
10:07.59estersagpgart                29896  1 nvidia
10:07.59estersi2c_core               19680  2 nvidia,i2c_nforce2
10:07.59*** kick/#debian [esters!n=debhelpe@unaffiliated/debhelper] by debhelper (use the paster bot or #flood)
10:07.59valdynesters: apt-get install nvidia-glx
10:08.02\amethystEnverex: when I have dependency problems, I find that aptitude is a good program for browsing the dependency graph
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10:08.15valdynesters: apt-get install nvidia-glx
10:08.33estersii  nvidia-glx                       1.0.8776-4                      NVIDIA binary XFree86 4.x driver
10:08.40estershave it already
10:08.50Enverex\amethyst, I really can't figure Aptitude out at all, it's got the most bizarre interface ever...
10:08.57valdynesters: youre on which debian release?
10:09.04estersvaldyn: Sid aka unstable
10:09.12valdynesters: apt-get install --reinstall nvidia-glx
10:09.35estersvaldyn: brb
10:09.43Dewiall the stupid stuff I say here will be archived forever
10:09.48Dewiit makes me want to be sick
10:09.56valdynesters: i dont have this driver, so paste the output of 'dpkg -L nvidia-glx' on a paste site if above apt-get command does not fix your issue
10:09.59Andersanyone logging this channel would fill up their hdd's after some time
10:10.14DewiAnders: I've been logging it for a few years
10:10.15valdynAnders: not really
10:10.23Andersit was an exaggeration
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10:10.39Andersthey do get big though
10:10.56DewiAnders: 752M 2007-04-21 20:10 ./irc/current/freenode/#debian.log
10:11.06\amethystEnverex:  you could get the .9746 source package from experimental, replace the .run it contains with the .9755 one, and build binary packages from that
10:11.06esterssudo apt-get install --reinstall nvidia-glx didn't work
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10:11.17estersshows the same error
10:11.23Enverex\amethyst, True...
10:11.32\amethystEnverex: If it works (which depends on the extent of the changes between the two versions), it will make dpkg happy
10:11.35valdynesters: do what i said above then
10:11.43Enverex\amethyst, Although they are about to release 100.xx.xx now, heh
10:12.20quitte_Enverex: you could also try searching
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10:14.22giupyhow to share a folder under a router between two debian ?
10:15.20navaladihi friends, i m getting this error while running one software.."Warning: Cannot find callback list in XtAddCallback"
10:15.22estersvaldyn: what exacly ?
10:15.22valdyngiupy: for which purpose?
10:15.27\amethystgiupy: with a network filesystem.  CIFS (samba), NFS, and Coda are popular ones
10:15.32navaladiI thk it uses motif.
10:15.37valdynesters: the whole output of 'dpkg -L nvidia-glx'
10:15.40\amethystgiupy: if you don't need speed, sshfs is easy to set up
10:15.46navaladiwhat should i do to overcome.?pls
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10:15.50dpkg[paste] Do NOT paste into the channel. Use on FreeNode and on OFTC
10:16.00giupyfor share an amule folder an open/wite on it
10:16.08giupyi need speed
10:17.17\amethystgiupy:  CIFS (samba) is probably one of the easiest to set up, but NFS has a long history in the Unix world
10:17.34valdynesters: does not make sense that 'ls -l /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/nvidia_drv.o' does not show a file, try again
10:17.50giupyso what? :)
10:17.57navaladiI m using Debian 3.1
10:17.59estersvaldyn: now it shows
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10:18.06\amethystgiupy: Do you have Windows computers too?
10:18.08valdynesters: so restart X
10:18.25giupy\amethyst: no, 2 debian, one sid, one sarge
10:18.25navaladiWhile running that tool, i m getting that error..
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10:18.57valdynscanf: if you used the nvidia installer from, that's expected
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10:19.54\amethystgiupy:  I'd probably go with NFS myself
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10:20.36giupy\amethyst: hm, i need kernel support tight ?
10:20.46yos872I have question, I have intel Mainboard , when installing debian, i have error 'no partitional media were found' someone can help me?
10:20.54valdyngiupy: nope
10:21.15giupyvaldyn: oh well, i didn't want to recompile
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10:21.36valdynyos872: which debian release?
10:21.40estersvaldyn: does not work, shows the same error
10:21.51yos872valdyn: 3.1 r0t
10:21.52enoufyos872: what chipset and which controller(s) are your HDDs attached to (sata ? or pata?)
10:21.56valdynyos872: use etch
10:22.15\amethystgiupy:  debian has kernel support
10:22.23yos872enouf: seagate , sata harddisk 500 gb
10:22.30giupy\amethyst: but i use a recompiled kernel
10:22.32valdynesters: paste the log on  a paste site /var/log/Xorg.0.log
10:22.34enoufyos872: try etch as suggested
10:22.49\amethystgiupy:  Now you see why we recommend against that :)
10:22.50obsethrylthank you peterS
10:23.19yos872enouf: I'm download the netinst now, But where is the problem from? the hdd? or the main bard? or because sata? it works fine with windows
10:23.33enoufsata controller support likely
10:23.42enoufyos872: sata controller support likely
10:23.49valdynyos872: from that disk controller being newer than sarge, so sarge can hardly have a driver
10:23.54enouf!tell yos872 about nie
10:24.11enouf!tell yos872 about dbse
10:24.14giupy\amethyst: i use an old pc, that was the best solution
10:24.54valdynesters: funny, that log shows you using the VESA driver
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10:25.05yos872enouf, valdyn: I hope it to work with deb 4.0 because I assemble the new pc to run debian on it !!
10:25.13estersvaldyn: at the moment yes
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10:25.51enoufyos872: should work the charm ;-) .. read the articles dpkg pointed you too ..
10:25.51giupyi think i must use samba
10:26.09valdynesters: you claimed you had the SAME ERROR ( which it is not ), you claimed that you were using the nvidia driver ( which you are not )
10:26.10blazemongeri have this intel soundmax 4 i8x0 card and i can't get the synth device or the midi to work
10:26.34yos872enouf: I hope so, Thank you !
10:26.35blazemongerthe drivers  on their site are binary drivers but they are for redhat&suse
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10:27.05enoufyos872: if for some odd reason it doesn't we'll need hte exact Intel Chipset . and exactly which controller the Sata drive(s) are hooked into (ICH Intel, Sil, Jmicron, etc)
10:27.16enoufyos872: no prob ;-)
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10:27.51valdynesters: paste the log when using nvidia driver and your xorg.conf on that paste site. I'll look at those after i have eaten
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10:27.59uruclefhi all
10:28.41_|Nix|_Hi! I ran apt-get upgrade, and one of the packages failed to, well, go all the way, so now dpkg -l lists it in the "iFR" state. Unfortunately, all the other packages are now in the "iU" state, but I can't get them to complete installation, because of the one package. I can't remove the problematic package either, because it wants me to reinstall it first. How can I complete my upgrade ?
10:29.06yos872enouf: on the mainboard cd written Intel D945GCCR
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10:29.31enoufyos872: ok .. that's the motherboard/mainboard Model #
10:29.32yos872enouf: if it doesn't, you think I need to change the mainboard?
10:29.35blazemonger82801EB/ER (ICH5/ICH5R) AC97 Audio Controller97 Audio Controller
10:29.42Dewi_|Nix|_: solve the problem with the package
10:29.54enoufyos872: The psecifications are in the mainboard's manual or online
10:30.05enoufer specifications*
10:30.26enoufyos872: it doesn't what?
10:30.35blazemongerwhere an i get specification of my mobo's online
10:30.37enoufoh work? .. it will ;-)
10:30.41blazemongeri dont have  manual
10:30.52enoufgo online and grab it
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10:31.04blazemonger<-- wantz to have midi in linux so he can use rosegarden
10:31.17_|Nix|_Dewi: Well, the problem itself is kinda weird: It says incredible things like "grep: command not found" and "sed: command not found" when trying to run an init script. I have no idea where to even begin ... I mean, what if the replacement init script accidentally clears the PATH or something ?
10:31.27Dewiblazemonger: a software synth might sound at least as good as your cheap sound device would
10:31.28enoufgoogling for make/model and spoecifying PDF usually hits it quickly
10:31.29yos872enouf: i mean if i try deb 4 and still have the same problem, I wlll need to change the motherbaord?
10:31.34Gneablazemonger: try their website
10:31.41Dewiblazemonger: linux probably has software synths available somewhere
10:31.43enoufyos872: no .. you shouldn't need to at all ..
10:31.51enoufyos872: it'll work ;-)
10:31.51blazemongeri have
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10:32.00\amethyst_|Nix|_:  what does   echo $PATH  say
10:32.04enoufyos872: it just works[tm] ;-0
10:32.07_|Nix|_Dewi: Of course, grep and sed and Co. are just fine ...
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10:32.15blazemongerthe driver intel has for my audio card is this .sh file anddd it5 has all this binary stuff in it
10:32.23liablewhy cant electric stoves simmer
10:32.25blazemongerand  it won't install
10:32.27yos872enouf:; Thank you
10:32.31Enverexblazemonger, Probably want Timidity++ and JACK (JACK is needed for sound output in Rosegarden for some odd reason)
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10:32.32_|Nix|_\amethyst: Well, for my shell, it says: /scratchbox/devkits/cputransp/bin:/scratchbox/devkits/debian/bin:/scratchbox/devkits/perl/bin:/scratchbox/tools/bin:/targets/links/arch_tools/bin:/host_usr/bin:/scratchbox/compilers/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin
10:32.33Gneablazemonger: well that's not right, what kernel are you using?
10:32.39Dewiblazemonger: TiMidity++ might be able to be a good MIDI software device
10:33.06enoufyos872: again , you're welcome , and remember --> if for some odd reason it doesn't we'll need hte exact Intel Chipset . and exactly which controller the Sata drive(s) are hooked into (ICH Intel, Sil, Jmicron, etc)
10:33.09_|Nix|_\amethyst: and, of course, all the utils are there ..
10:33.09\amethyst_|Nix|_:  never mind, I think I misunderstood
10:33.09peterSyos87 is now yos872?
10:33.18\amethyst_|Nix|_: What is the package that broke?
10:33.19agikeHi, I'm getting "Could not create any TCP/IP sockets, fatal !" in /var/log/boot which I get around by activating eth0 in the 'networking' GUI in Etch. It should happen automatically. What am I missing here ? I've had no joy with Google.
10:33.21peterScareful, those digits will get out of hand soon if you aren't careful
10:33.27blazemongerim using lenny
10:33.29enoufno idea ;-p
10:33.35blazemongeri'm not really a newbie to debian
10:33.48Gneablazemonger: okay, i don't think you even read me: what *kernel*? not what branch..
10:33.49blazemongeri want swomething made for  middi   :) h
10:34.00blazemongeroh 2.6.18
10:34.09_|Nix|_\amethyst: alramd
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10:34.13Enverexblazemonger, Use Trackers, they're so much better :)
10:34.23_|Nix|_\amethyst: Check out for the full gory details
10:34.32Dewiblazemonger: as I keep saying timidity will probably do better midi in software than your soundmax would have done in hardware
10:34.40Gneablazemonger: oh ok, then you should know that installing a driver directly from intel's website for an audio controller that the kernel already supports in debian isn't supported here :)
10:34.44Dewiblazemonger: in fact for all I know, soundmax probably uses a software emulator itself
10:34.56Gneablazemonger: however, we CAN help you uninstall it and get it sounding right
10:34.56DewiGnea: he's trying to get midi
10:35.03DewiGnea: not wave out
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10:35.10GneaDewi: right.
10:35.14blazemongeroh  okay :)
10:35.17blazemongerid love that :)
10:35.24peterSDewi: more likely it does hardware synth but only after you load a sound font into it, which the windows driver includes but alsa doesn't
10:35.24Dewiblazemonger: so look into timidity++
10:35.35blazemongerhow hard is it to set up?
10:35.40\amethyst_|Nix|_: where did that package come from?
10:35.46Dewiblazemonger: dunno, haven't used it in about 10 years :P
10:35.48Enverexblazemonger,  Another thing would be to look into getting a cheap Audigy 1 or 2 sound card
10:35.57robin_szliable, electric stoves are crap, unless you have one with phase angle control of the elements
10:36.00*** mode/#debian [+l 785] by debhelper
10:36.01DewiEnverex: how's the linux midi support on that?
10:36.04Gneablazemonger: do you want to just playback .midi files or do you want to hook a midi-enabled audio device (like a keyboard or drum machine) up to it?
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10:36.09_|Nix|_\amethyst: bora/free Packages
10:36.15EnverexDewi, Afaik it's the best you're going to get, heh
10:36.27blazemongermidi enabled stuff i have a mpc-3000
10:36.27EnverexDewi, Plus it has true hardware synth
10:36.36Gneaok, so hardware midi
10:36.37blazemongerand i have a juno 106
10:36.44blazemongeryah hardware midi
10:36.49\amethyst_|Nix|_: is /etc/init.d/alarmd, or any of the shell scripts it sources, changing PATH?
10:36.50Dewiblazemonger: oh, okay. sorry. I assumed you just wanted playback
10:36.54Gneai do believe alsa supports that
10:36.57Dewiblazemonger: (which is what timidity does)
10:37.02EnverexGnea, With the added bonus of hardware OSS multi-channel mixing incase you ever need it, heh
10:37.14GneaEnverex: nothing wrong with that #)
10:37.25blazemongerthatz whatt i kn ow how to do i just got into computers so i could use them as a way to sequence all of my midi data
10:37.56Gneablazemonger: ok, first of all you want to make sure that you totally uninstall *all* of the files that that intel audio .sh file provided
10:38.11Gneablazemonger: once you have that taken care of, we can move onto the next step
10:38.15_|Nix|_\amethyst: I don't know. If I check /etc/init.d/alarmd am I looking at the same file as the one it attempts to run during the install ? If so, forget it. I'll just make it exit 0 and be done with it. I couldn't care less if alarmd is working properly inside scratchbox :o)
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10:38.19blazemongeri didn't run the intel audio .sh file
10:38.29Gneablazemonger: what .sh file did you run again?
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10:38.49blazemongeri've tried modprobe different midi sturf like modprobe v_midi or something like that
10:39.00_|Nix|_\amethyst: Yeah, actually - it sets the PATH right at the top ... *shake head*
10:39.32Gneablazemonger: okay, let's take a few steps back here... what is the output of this commmand: lspci | grep audio  ?
10:39.53yos872enouf:; Oh, It works !
10:39.56Gneablazemonger: also, who's the manufacturer of your motherboard?
10:40.10yos872enouf: deb 4 has graphic installation
10:40.10blazemongerit's aintel mobo i think
10:40.21\amethyst_|Nix|_: Yeah, exit 0 is fine, or fixing th path thing
10:40.27blazemongerit says intel wheen the system boots up..someone built it for me
10:40.33Gneablazemonger: okay, did you build this PC yourself or did you buy it pre-built from someplace?
10:40.34_|Nix|_\amethyst: Halleluya! I added "exit 0" to the top of the script, and all's well now. I don't understand why the misbehaviour of one package should completely trip up the installation of a host of completely unrelated (dependency-wise) packages ...
10:40.36Gneaoh ok
10:40.50Gneablazemonger: you should ask that person what make/model motherboard they used
10:40.56blazemonger0000:00:1f.5 Multimedia audio controller: Intel Corporation 82801EB/ER (ICH5/ICH5R) AC'97 Audio Controller (rev 02)
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10:41.09Gneablazemonger: hrm....
10:41.15EnverexWhat's the name of the package that gives Audacity the massive amount of audio plugins? (sound alteration ones). I thought it was ladspa but that's something else.
10:41.24blazemongeri built it myself using second hand  hardware
10:41.34yos872enouf: the ethernet card work as well
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10:42.01blazemongereven a net newbie..i just am scared of web pages since i hate spiders
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10:42.46Gneablazemonger: that's cool.. so let's check something
10:42.59_|Nix|_\amethyst, Dewi: Thanks for your help! back2hack :o)
10:43.02\amethystEnverex:  aptitude search ~Pladspa-plugin
10:43.20\amethystEnverex:  that will list every package that provides ladspa plugins
10:43.29Gneablazemonger: do you know if the motherboard has a midi connector on it?  it would look like a game controller, a bit bigger than the type of port that a computer monitor plugs into, and instead of having a blue connector, it would be yellow
10:43.34\amethystEnverex: or you could  aptitude install ~Pladspa-plugin   even
10:43.41Enverex\amethyst, Thanks :)
10:44.14yos872enouf: I've to go now, Thank you for help
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10:44.46blazemongeri  have usb midi
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10:45.09ManuPhi. i have a working wlan-card in my notebook, but i can not connect to a AP. other APs work fine.
10:45.22blazemongeri might have to get a creamware card
10:45.29blazemongeri wonder if creamware cards work with linux
10:45.44ChrisWblazemonger: sorry, don't think so
10:45.52Gneablazemonger: is the usb plugged into the port right now?
10:45.56ChrisWbest bet for that came from trying toi support macos x
10:46.19blazemongeryes it is
10:46.23ChrisWunfortunately, creamware looks like they've gone bust
10:46.27navaladii m getting this error while running one software.."Warning: Cannot find callback list in XtAddCallback" any fix?
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10:46.28ManuPAPs essid is FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7170. connecting with iwconfig essid "FRITZ!Bo...." dont work, because bash tries to exec !Fon
10:46.29Gneablazemonger: does it show up in lsusb?
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10:46.42ManuPso i wrote config in /etc/network/interfaces.
10:46.46GneaManuP: is that your AP?
10:46.48ManuPbut still dont work
10:46.51ChrisWhowever, their engineers look like they've formed a enw company called soniccore, and it might be worth poking them to see how the yfeel about linux...
10:46.53ManuPGnea yes.
10:46.59EnverexHere's an annoying this. When I went to install something it listed lots of packages including gnome-core and said they are "unused and will be installed". So I did apt-get install gnome-core which said it was already installed which is fair enough. But then it still says it's unused and wants to remove it... surely if I've told it to install then it's not "unused" because I want it installed...
10:47.03GneaManuP: turn off security keys
10:47.12felixelgatocan i use the dvd or cd isos downloaded to use them like CD REPOSITORIES in a debian based distro already installed in mi pc ?
10:47.16ManuPGnea, mac-filter is off, encrypton is on (wep)
10:47.30ChrisWEnverex: how come you're not using aptitude?
10:47.31GneaManuP: turn mac-filter on, turn wep off
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10:47.57EnverexChrisW, Force of habit, only found out a week ago or so that aptitude isn't just the ncurses interface
10:48.00blazemongeranyone know where  i can get a system that does nothing else but run as a sequencer for a good price
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10:48.08Gneablazemonger: are you sure?
10:48.12ChrisWdoes anyone know where I can find a simple set of instructions for upgrading sarge to etch?
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10:48.22blazemongerim sureee unless im hallucinating
10:48.23peterSChrisW: the etch release notes
10:48.27dpkgi guess sarge->etch is read the etch release notes: ; the recommended upgrade procedure for sarge->etch is no longer as simple as running "aptitude dist-upgrade", please follow the prodedure in the release notes.  also ask me about <security>
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10:48.29ManuPGnea, well, that wont work very well... i own the AP with some other people. thy dont want that it is changed. on other APs i can connect with wep. no problem.
10:48.47ChrisWEnverex: yeah, I've just been trying to make heads or tails of the upgrade docs, and I remember reading that apt-get may exhibit the behaviour you describe
10:48.49GneaManuP: you're the admin of it, right?
10:48.52x_linkDebian really rocks !! =)
10:49.05EnverexChrisW, Aptitude does exactly the same :P
10:49.06blazemongerdebian is great
10:49.22ManuPGnea, i have access to the AP, but i should not change the settings.
10:49.32ChrisWpeterS: I've been reading those for the past hour, and there doesn't seem to be any clear list of what to do... every section seems to reference both sections before and after it in a "oh, and make sure you've done this" kind of way...
10:49.33felixelgatocan i use the dvd or cd isos downloaded to use them like CD REPOSITORIES in a debian based distro already installed in mi pc ?
10:49.35*** part/#debian navaladi (n=navaladi@
10:49.36ManuPGnea, more people use the AP
10:49.41Gneablazemonger: heh, try reseating the usb connector and see if anything changes - does it have a light?
10:49.45ChrisWEnverex: sorry to hear that :-S
10:50.01GneaManuP: oh ok...
10:50.08DewiEnverex: apt-get does not know anything about 'used' and 'unused' packages
10:50.08EnverexSeems like I "have" to have all of Gnome installed if I want Gnome at all... grr
10:50.14DewiEnverex: this is extra information aptitude records
10:50.19dpkgi heard wep is the utterly useless level of encryption that 802.11b uses.  it claims to provide 'wired equivalent privacy', but it's as secure as rot13.
10:50.23blazemongerno  light
10:50.35dave132356hi, can anyone help me, i am trying to remove dokuwiki using "apt-get remove dokuwiki" but it fails.  i'll paste the output in the paster
10:50.35DewiEnverex: so if you said 'apt-get install foo' instead of 'aptitude install foo' then aptitude will *not* know that you really wanted it installed
10:50.49GneaManuP: well what wireless card is it?
10:50.51EnverexDewi, Is there any way of having Gnome installed without everything like Epiphany and Evolution?
10:50.59*** join/#debian Shirakawasuna (
10:51.04DewiEnverex: it's a good idea to always use aptitude if you are going to use it at all
10:51.06_|Nix|_Does anybody know if a replacement exists for dbus-viewer ? As of, 1.0.0, I think, it's no longer part of the D-Bus distro :o(
10:51.08dave132356Reading package lists... Done
10:51.08dave132356Building dependency tree
10:51.08dave132356Reading state information... Done
10:51.08dave132356The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:
10:51.08*** kick/#debian [dave132356!n=debhelpe@unaffiliated/debhelper] by debhelper (use the paster bot or #flood)
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10:51.18ManuPGnea, it is a broadcom bcm43xx.. 4321 i think
10:51.20DewiEnverex: sure... let me try to find the dpkg bot factoid
10:51.50DewiEnverex: there are several metapackages -
10:51.52kerouac\amethyst: you still here?
10:51.54Dewi!install gnome
10:51.54dpkgTo install gnome on sarge or later, install gnome to install everything, install gnome-desktop-environment to install slightly less stuff, or install gnome-core to install even less, you will need x installed to use gnome, ask me about <set up x>
10:51.55EnverexDewi, Basically the problem is if I remove Evolution then it removes the gnome metapackage, if it does that then the entire of Gnome becomes "unneeded" and gets removed, lol
10:51.58*** join/#debian clemyeats (
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10:52.08blazemongeri  <-- excited about using rosegarden..downloaind this distro called dyne:bolic and another one called musix
10:52.16*** join/#debian dave132356 (
10:52.29Enverexblazemonger, Erm, you don't need a new distro to use it...
10:52.30Gneablazemonger: that's really weird... it should show up as *something*... does the list of lsusb change when you unplug/plug the usb adapter in?
10:52.36*** join/#debian raz0 (n=user@
10:52.42GneaEnverex: yeah but he wants to use debian
10:52.57dave132356hi, can anyone help me, i am trying to remove dokuwiki using "apt-get remove dokuwiki" but it fails giving me the following output
10:53.02EnverexGnea, That's my point, what's wrong with just "Debian" lol
10:53.14*** join/#debian scanf (
10:53.22GneaEnverex: nothing :)
10:53.33blazemongernope it doesn't  :(
10:53.34*** join/#debian BudgetDedicated (
10:53.48althaserdo you guys know, where can I see packages transfers between testing and unstable ? please
10:53.52Gneablazemonger: does lsusb output anything at all?
10:54.23\amethystkerouac: yes
10:54.33EnverexDewi, Hrm, gnome-desktop-environment seems to be the same as "gnome". On the other hand gnome-core seems to be just the panel and nautilus, one extreme or the other :/
10:54.33blazemongernope nothing
10:54.36*** join/#debian majesty89 (n=sonmez@
10:54.40ma3xis there some crazy 3D test for kde?
10:54.53ma3xI don't like glxinfo glxgears
10:55.01ma3xis ther esomething more interesti?
10:55.02Gneablazemonger: no wonder... are you running lsusb as root or as a normal user?
10:55.03dave132356ma3x glxgears
10:55.14ma3xI just told you I don't like it
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10:55.16ma3xit's too slow
10:55.19ma3xand boring
10:55.20dave132356ma3x sorry u beat me to it there, i dont know any others
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10:55.43\amethystma3x: xscreensaver
10:55.47Gneama3x: quake3
10:56.15\amethystma3x: if you install xscreensaver-gl, it puts a bunch of saver commands under /usr/lib/xscreensavers
10:56.25Gneablazemonger: output of: lsmod | grep hcd  ?
10:56.31\amethystma3x: you can run them directly with -fps -delay 0  to see how fast they can go
10:56.36*** part/#debian felixelgato (n=felixelg@
10:56.36ManuPhow to set wep to 64-bit?
10:56.40*** join/#debian Havis (
10:56.42\amethystma3x: many of them take other arguments to increase the complexity etc
10:57.21EnverexDewi, Ah, most of them are libs, I can just manually install the 10 or so packages I want back in, thanks :)
10:57.41Uruclef_lunchhey guys
10:57.47blazemongerehci_hcd               34184  0
10:57.47blazemongeruhci_hcd               33808  0
10:57.47blazemongerusbcore               130820  4 usb_storage,ehci_hcd,uhci_hcd
10:57.52Uruclefcan someone give me a hand with tetex packages please?
10:57.53GneaManuP: have you read this?
10:57.55UruclefI have a problem
10:58.08GneaUruclef: not if you don't tell us what the problem is
10:58.22Uruclefhere it is:
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10:59.41Gneablazemonger: do me a favor, please... plug the usb card in, then run this command:  dmesg > dmesg.txt   then take the contents of dmesg.txt and paste them to a paster site
10:59.43*** join/#debian ||arifaX (n=||
10:59.45dpkgpaster is your friendly Debian pastebot. Visit to have paster paste your results. Ask me about <pastebin> if you want to use another site.
10:59.49dpkghmm... paste is Do NOT paste into the channel. Use on FreeNode and on OFTC
10:59.56ManuPGnea, this information is far too old, jul2006. no need of ndiswrapper any more
11:00.08blazemongerlemme check the midi cable
11:00.16*** join/#debian aldin (
11:00.17DewiEnverex: yep. Or a smaller metapackage. As I got the bot to mention, gnome has several "sizes" of metapackage
11:00.45*** join/#debian Ateo_ (n=Lithium@
11:01.27ma3x\amethyst, I just installed the package xscreensaver-gl
11:01.39ma3xnothing in /usr/lib/xscreensavers
11:02.00enouf about creamware/soniccore .. wonder how/if "ardour-gtk-i686" might be worth looking at for midi mixing
11:02.23\amethystma3x: sorry, /usr/lib/xscreensaver
11:03.08*** join/#debian Betzefer (
11:03.08blazemongerenouf: now that loooks sweeeett5t
11:03.26blazemongeri wonder if this d865perl mobo could handle the card
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11:04.04ma3x\amethyst, it gives ~520.00 fps - is that good, meaning 3d acceleration is working properly?
11:04.13*** part/#debian alleyoopster (
11:04.42Gneablazemonger: you mean this one?
11:04.57blazemongerthas what the mobo i haave
11:05.06*** join/#debian usn (
11:05.09blazemongeri built my first computer
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11:05.21EnverexI have to ask, why does Debian have a second, almost clone of the Gnome menu inside a menu named Debian?
11:05.29blazemongerall parts  handed down
11:05.29*** join/#debian abrotman (
11:05.42Gneai've built many systems that way
11:05.50Gneaor just flat out bought the parts
11:06.11xandEnverex: that menu is common to gnome, kde, xfce, etc
11:06.22Enverexxand, Ah
11:06.39blazemongeri have a nice video card too.a rage 128 pro all in wonder...32mb  memory ..on the system board i have 765mb of ddr memory which i gotr5  for free
11:06.41Enverexxand, It's just I've noticed things like OOLite appear in it, but not the Gnome menu :/
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11:06.54Enverexblazemonger, That's not a nice video card :P
11:07.01blazemongerwell it works :)
11:07.12Betzeferany 1 needs help ?
11:07.28Uruclefcan someone please help me with my tetex problem?
11:07.33Uruclefherre it is
11:07.51dave132356Betzefer i do
11:08.07abrotmantetex is gone
11:08.11alex_Lhello ppl I want to install nvidia drivers in the kernel that was automatically installed for me and I want to get the internet happening from this laptop to that desktop.  (my wireless card involves a kernel module that i will install when i have X back...)  I can ping my router from the desktop, but no internet  What do i do???
11:08.17abrotmansee the debian-devel-announce mailinsg list
11:08.30Urucleftetex is gone?? O_o
11:08.33Uruclefwhat do you mean?
11:08.35Gneablazemonger: a number of years ago, a friend of mine wanted to make a CD of his spins, so he setup his DJ equipment (pair of direct drive tables, etc) and we hooked it into the line-in on my system, and i was able to record (before the days of audacity) it and burn it to a CD... took a couple recordings to get it just right, but eventually filled up an 80 minute CD, minus about 2 seconds
11:08.51abrotmanUruclef: see the debian-devel-announce mailinsg list
11:08.54Gneablazemonger: and i was using debian
11:09.02alex_Lis it domething to do with DNS??
11:09.15abrotmanit's been superceded
11:09.17blazemongersweeeettt   Gnea
11:09.20blazemongerwhats he spin?
11:09.29*** join/#debian hron (
11:09.34Gneaman, it's been so many years now, and i just found the CD the other day
11:09.45Uruclefok I'll look
11:09.46Gneait's a mix of funk/progressive/techno
11:10.05blazemongeri  play lotz of techyhouse
11:10.06alex_Lso is anyone running lenny ??
11:10.16xandalex_L: no, no-one
11:10.22harkUruclef: apt-cache shoe tetex-bin
11:10.28blazemongerrecently i got to see John B. :)
11:10.41alex_Lso is lenny == sid ?
11:10.43dmilithi'll stay at etch ;}
11:10.46dmilithalex_L: no
11:10.48dpkgi heard branch is what version of Debian you're using; etch/stable, lenny/testing, sid/unstable
11:10.49blazemongerone tune he played  sounded like aciddrum&bass
11:10.55xandalex_L: your DNS or gateway isn't setup
11:11.07alex_Lhow do i setup DNS from command line?
11:11.14UruclefI can't find the page
11:11.15blazemongerthe party was called collission and before getting to the venue i almost haad a colllisioon
11:11.25xandalex_L: what is the error message from ping?
11:11.40alex_Lunknown host
11:11.57blazemongerwait.i think i know what half my problem is
11:12.03xandalex_L: if you're using DHCP, it should be setup automatically... dns servers go in /etc/resolv.conf
11:12.05alex_Li see so sid is always nasty kid eh??
11:12.12abrotmandave132356: what's the problem ?
11:12.14blazemongerit's this medicine that my dentist gave me
11:12.15alex_Li use static ip's and firestarter
11:12.22xandabrotman: go back to bed
11:12.29alex_Lhad prob with firestarter issueing dhcp
11:12.32abrotmanUruclef: moment
11:12.33blazemongeruntil  and after i get myu root canal monday
11:12.40xandalex_L: you'll need to specify "nameserver" in resolv.conf then
11:12.48enoufblazemonger: apologies .. a bit busy here .. also there's many diferent things to look at like ardour (rosegarden, lmms (replacement for fruity loops), dmix, Jack, etc etc), do a "/msg dpkg search" in your irc client (and "/msg dpkg apt howto"), and let dpkg tell you how to use (for ex; -->) apt-cache search lmms  and apt-cache show lmms
11:12.59dave132356abrotman it gives me the following error,
11:13.09blazemongerthe bottle sys "may cause drowsiness" and says oxycodone
11:13.14alex_Li cant do it with ifconfig
11:13.21blazemongerand it's in liquid form too
11:13.33xandalex_L: just edit that file
11:13.39alex_Lwhere is it
11:13.50abrotmanxand: it's 713!
11:13.56harkenouf: that'll take him a week!
11:13.56xandabrotman: yes, exactly.
11:14.05abrotmani've already been up a bit
11:14.21xanddpkg sux0r
11:14.21dpkgrumour has it, sux0r is MightyMark
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11:14.40enoufhark: better start now ;-p
11:14.41abrotmanxand: i'm old .. old people can't sleep in :)
11:14.46blazemongerthisss stuff the  dentist gave me is potent..i thought i was sssmokin a ciggaaaaarettee
11:14.49xandabrotman: I'm old
11:14.59*** join/#debian iveqy_ (
11:15.00alex_Lso just nameserver 220.233.0...
11:15.05alex_Lthats all?
11:15.07Uruclefabrotman: thank you!
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11:15.13abrotmandave132356: i think it's whining because apache isn't running ?
11:15.20abrotmanxand: you've got a bit to catch me :)
11:15.25xandalex_L: yes, unless you want any search domains too... man resolv.conf
11:15.33xandalex_L: but you can just put "nameserver ..." in there
11:15.35alex_Li read briefly
11:16.00*** mode/#debian [+l 779] by debhelper
11:16.01dave132356abrotman, um ok, how do i fix that?
11:16.13abrotmanstart apache before removing it?
11:16.22alex_Lyay,  thanks
11:16.38abrotmanor put a 'set -x' at the top of the postrm script to debug .. or put an 'exit 0
11:16.39*** join/#debian tls_81 (
11:16.39xandabrotman: are you normally up this early? :P
11:16.45blazemongerenouf:  u think i should wait til thyiss oxycodone wears offf?
11:16.50abrotmanor put a 'set -x' at the top of the postrm script to debug .. or put an 'exit 0' at the top of the postrm script to just ignore the whole script
11:17.18abrotmanxand: yesterday i woke up at like 5am :)
11:17.20alex_Li have also got vbox and other things which do stuff to kernel.. do i need to install these again to get my machine up to date??  (kernel auto updated)
11:17.21abrotmanbut usually 630-7 .. especially in the spring
11:17.26alex_Lif so... that sucks
11:17.56liableabrotman: your like an old man already
11:18.00tls_81good day all
11:18.05dave132356abrotman, that doesnt seem to help
11:18.09liablei still sleep till midday given the chance
11:18.12abrotmanliable: you're ?
11:18.17liableand i'm older
11:18.24abrotman*which* doesn't help ?
11:19.16liableabrotman: i like to tease you grammar nazis
11:19.29tls_81i have a question of reassurance with regards to somthing I have done thinking it was the onl way out and now am having doubts... (reeinstalling debian on server)
11:19.43dave132356abrotman, i tried "sudo apache" then "sudo apt-get remove dokuwiki" and i get the same error
11:19.56abrotmandave132356: see the part where it can't force-reload apache ?
11:20.06dave132356abrotman, yes
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11:20.24abrotmandave132356: is apache even working on the box ?
11:20.59dave132356abrotman, how do i find out, what is apache?
11:21.19*** join/#debian mike00 (
11:21.25abrotmanapache is a webserver
11:21.26xandabrotman: crazy man.
11:21.38abrotmanxand: i am :)
11:21.45althaseranyone can startx with xserver-xorg-core ?
11:21.47tls_81anyone can offer me advice on lilo
11:21.53dpkgPlease do not ask if anyone uses, knows, is good with, can help you with or is a guru/expert of <someprogram>. Instead, ask your real question. (If the real question _was_ "does anyone use <someprogram>?" ask me about <popcon> instead.) See <ask> <sicco> <ask-to-ask> <polls>
11:22.00*** join/#debian CaspeR-Bz (i=CaspeR-B@unaffiliated/casper-bz)
11:22.27dave132356abrotman, ok, thats what i thought it was, i'm not running a webserver so i dont see why it would be loaded?
11:22.42abrotmani would guess docuwiki uses it
11:22.43harkalthaser: what's the error?
11:22.54althaserhark no screens found :P
11:23.18althaserI already build module again but it doesn't work
11:23.33dave132356abrotman, should i try to install apache then, and then uninstall dokuwiki then uninstall apache?
11:23.37harkyes, but what's the real error ;)
11:24.00abrotmandave132356: just put an "exit 0" at the top of the /var/lib/dpkg/info/docuwiki.postrm
11:24.08dpkg[noscreensfound] probably dpkg-reconfigure  xserver-xorg and SAY NO to the framebuffer question. If that doesn't work, ask me about "troubleshooting x"  NOT A SODDING ERROR. read your xorg log to find the actual problem. There will be an earlier error (marked "(EE)") that is the actual problem.
11:24.31*** join/#debian artagnon (n=artagnon@
11:24.37tls_81dpkg: i have decided to reinstall my server because i got locked out of it by f***ing up lilo... was that the only thing to do? my problem was that the rescue mode did not allow me to run /sbin/lilo after modifying lilo.conf... since i had mounted filesyst unde /mnt.... can you think of anytheing else you would have tried?
11:25.37fengortls_81: afaik you need to chroot before running lilo
11:26.19*** join/#debian carlos (
11:26.19tls_81looking into chroot before running lilo
11:26.51dave132356abrotman, thx, that seems to have worked :)
11:26.57carlosMy mailscanner is continously dying whith this message: MailScanner: Process did not exit cleanly, returned 22 with signal 0
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11:27.29carlosany one knows what the code 22 is for?
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11:27.45tls_81fengor: do you mean by that, that i trick /sbin/lilo into thinking that /mnt is the new root?
11:27.48artagnonI tried reinstalling apache with an apt-get install --reinstall apache but I still don't get the apache initscript in /etc/init.d. What's the problem?
11:27.50carlosit dies just after this message: Spam Checks: Found 1 spam messages
11:28.00althaserhark failed to load module "nvidia" (module does not exist, 0) no drivers avaliable
11:28.07*** join/#debian sod (
11:28.09lexoplexI want lynx to display images using xzgv. I created ~/.mailcap and pointed PERSONAL_MAILCAP in .lynx.cfg to that file. But lynx still uses konqueror to display an image. What else can I try?
11:28.26althaserhark but I have nvidia module loaded
11:28.45tls_81dpkg: was that an ok question?
11:28.53DaveQBhow can I "make" a PCI device use a particular module ? Or should it work automatically ?
11:29.59*** part/#debian alrs_ (
11:30.47harkalthaser: yeah, that's it. upgraded the kernel?
11:30.50*** join/#debian row (
11:31.08rowdoes etch support >4gb (ext3) files out of the box?
11:31.23tls_81Ok server reeinstalled ...!! got to go...
11:31.30*** join/#debian Sativouf (n=Sativouf@
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11:31.37althaserhark nop I just upgrade xserver-xorg-core package
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11:31.39alex_Ldo chickens have lips?
11:31.54DaveQByeah thats what I thought
11:31.57alex_Li mean... do chickens not have lips
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11:32.07DaveQB3gb isnt that big a deal
11:32.16artagnondpkg -L apache lists /etc/init.d/apache but I don't have it in reality. I also tried apt-get install --reinstall apache but the file's still missing. What's wrong?
11:32.16dpkgii  apache lists /etc/init.d/apache but I don't have it in reality. I also tried apt-get install --reinstall apache but the file's still missing. What's wrong                 3.2-1           artagnon's private porn collection
11:32.25*** join/#debian abrotman_ (
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11:32.32harkalthaser: try the 'nv' driver
11:32.32*** join/#debian Bhaal (i=bhaal@freenode/staff/bhaal)
11:32.35alex_Lthanks for your help Xand
11:32.55DaveQBartagnon:  the bot called dpkg replied to you
11:33.05artagnonDaveQB: Yes, I see
11:33.25DaveQBartagnon: might need a purge first and then reinstall, but that could be a pain and not even do the trick
11:33.41artagnonDaveQB: I tried that too. Not working
11:33.43*** part/#debian alex_L (
11:33.46abrotman_purge what ?
11:33.47DaveQBgrab the package from /var/cache/apt/archive and dpkg -x and grab the file from it ?
11:34.21artagnonDaveQB: Oh, it worked :) Thanks
11:34.28luosmHmmm, The fonts on urxvt are too big, how can I change that?
11:34.30DaveQBartagnon:  what did ?
11:34.43luosmAnd the background/forground colors?
11:34.55artagnonDaveQB: purge + install
11:35.02DaveQBartagnon:  oh ok, cool.
11:35.12althaserhark nv module comes with what package ? xserver-xorg-video-nv ??
11:35.43craigohi all, trying to install etch and networking fails. how do I tell the installer to use my eepro100 driver instead of e100 when building the kernel?
11:35.57harkyes, you should already have it. just change nvidia to nv in your xorg.conf
11:36.15*** join/#debian Istink (n=doctus@
11:36.16althaserhark ah ok :)
11:36.32Istinkhey, hello
11:36.50*** join/#debian nipra (n=Nihil@
11:36.51DaveQBcraigo:  my question too!
11:36.57xozLoady: rxvt -fn font, use xlsfont to list it
11:37.00*** join/#debian yogurt2ungue (
11:37.01Istinkis it a toll to 'undelete' a file in a vfat from Linux?
11:37.05DaveQBdifferent network card and modules, but same problem
11:37.10*** part/#debian squitijax (i=Squitija@gateway/gpg-tor/key-0x3185316A)
11:37.10Istinkerr: tool
11:37.13xozluosm: rxvt -fn font, use xlsfont to list it
11:37.25althaserhark it works now :D
11:37.33*** join/#debian Noboru (n=Noboru@
11:37.36IstinkI really need a file there
11:37.44althaserhark thus the problem is my build ??
11:38.09*** join/#debian deriaN- (
11:38.09luosmxoz: There should be a file where I can edit it, correct?
11:38.12craigoDaveQB: dang, it's annoying me trying to find where the installer keeps track of things.
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11:38.31iOopshi all
11:38.36luosmto change font, colors etc....
11:38.38harkalthaser: the nvidia drivers.. maybe you need to do the one-liner again.. or it's the new xorg
11:38.54xozluosm: in /etc/X11/defaults or app-defaults
11:39.03DaveQBcraigo: oh,actually, its not the installer for me, just generally.  I just dist-upgraded and want to use module skge instead of r8169 for my nic
11:39.08xozluosm: cant remember
11:39.35luosmlet me check
11:39.41iOopsI have just finish etch i386 install howerer the boot was block on ""Synthesizing the initial hotplug event..."
11:39.42xozluosm: or just add an alias, alias rxvt=rxvt -fn blah
11:39.50*** part/#debian Istink (n=doctus@
11:40.21valdyncraigo: alt-f2 as soon as possible and adjust things
11:40.37luosmxoz: I've rxvt-unicode
11:40.52*** join/#debian mhall (
11:40.53luosmxoz: It would be nice if I can store my settings somewhere
11:41.04luosminstead of doing it manually everytime
11:41.13mhallI thought my last 20" Dell LCD was nice, but now I just got the new 24" Gateway and it is INSANE.
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11:41.21xozluosm: cd /etc/X11; find . -iname "*rxvt*"
11:41.28dpkgxdefaults is, like, xrdb -merge ~/.Xdefaults, or call it ~/.Xresources to have gdm merge it automatically
11:41.41valdynluosm: ^^^ and read the rxvt manpage..
11:41.45harkalthaser: did you have nvidia-glx installed?
11:42.11DaveQBso is it true then that if a device can use a certain module it will ?  There's no way of 'forcing' ?
11:42.15mhallI am playing with my HDTV card and I am wondering, if I have some channels mplayer can't load, how can I get it to print out the channel info so I can comment them out of the channels.conf?
11:42.52valdynmhall: channel.conf is trivial to read..
11:43.08abrotman_DaveQB: is there another module that can?
11:43.14abrotman_DaveQB: you can blacklist drivers
11:43.18abrotman_Daveman: HI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
11:43.20_fr33man_how can i use custom DNS servers with DHCP in debian, resolv.conf is getting overwritten
11:43.25luosmxoz: color0 == background?
11:43.35*** join/#debian aDDONiC (
11:43.38valdyn_fr33man_: by the resolvconf package
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11:43.51Lorvijahey, is there a way to deny loging completely from IP for x mins after x failed logins?
11:43.52valdyn_fr33man_: you could remove it
11:43.53luosmxoz: I can't figure out the font size though
11:44.01abrotman_or tell the dhcp client to stop doing it
11:44.02Lorvija(speaking about ssh/ftp..)
11:44.06DaveQBabrotman_: the problem is when I rmmod t8169 and then add skge, the NIC wont come up, no device error
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11:44.24dpkgit has been said that rmmod is a command that should not be used, use 'modprobe -r' instead
11:44.28abrotman_DaveQB: does skge drive it ?
11:44.38xozluosm: man rxvt or google :) or try 9x12
11:44.42DaveQBabrotman_: apparently....
11:44.52valdyn!which driver
11:44.52dpkgTry to find out which driver supports your device.
11:44.53luosmxoz: !URxvt.font: -misc-fixed-medium-r-semicondensed--13-120-75-75-c-60-iso10646-1
11:44.55abrotman_!which driver
11:44.58DaveQBabrotman_: I have read it supports F5D5005 which is what my card is
11:45.01dpkghmm... win is lose.
11:45.08DavemanMorning abrotman
11:45.22DaveQBabrotman_:  but often saying a Marvell card, mine is a Belkin
11:45.30xozluosm: use xlsfonts and look for fixed fonts
11:45.37valdynDaveQB: read what dpkg said
11:45.43enoufdescription:    SysKonnect Gigabit Ethernet driver
11:45.43luosmHrm, okie
11:45.44mhallvaldyn: that's not the problem
11:45.46abrotman_DaveQB: the modules.pcimap should tell you
11:45.54mhallvaldyn: i can't get it to print out which lines are the broken ones
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11:46.03DaveQBabrotman_:   oh ok, missed that
11:46.10mhallvaldyn: it prints the frequency number but the channels are multiplexed
11:46.22abrotman_DaveQB: do you have the device ID from lspci -n ?
11:46.24mhallvaldyn: so i don't know if it's that whole frequency or just some of the sub-program streams
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11:46.28DaveQBabrotman_:  nice site BTW
11:46.32DaveQBabrotman_:  getting it
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11:46.35valdynmhall: mplayer dvb://channelname ?
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11:47.00mhallvaldyn: couldn't get the channel names to work for me because i'm using unencrypted QAM on my analog cable
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11:47.26mhallvaldyn: i wanted to try 8vsb but i'm on the ground floor of an apartment block on the side which faces away from the towers
11:47.42mhallvaldyn: so i'm mostly screwed for UHF, it hates anything not line of sight
11:47.43*** part/#debian ChrisW (i=user@
11:47.44DaveQBabrotman_:  says r8169 which is what its using, but not giving me Gbit :(
11:47.53abrotman_miitool ?
11:47.55DaveQBI'll have to go with the funky driver on the CD that came with
11:48.00abrotman_could be a few reasons you're not getting Gb
11:48.09DaveQBabrotman_: means a bunch of compiling
11:48.10mhallvaldyn: i just wanna comment out the ones that don't work because they lock up mplayer and then you can surf channels after you hit those
11:48.11DaveQBabrotman_:  oh ?
11:48.24abrotman_cable ?
11:48.34abrotman_switch ?
11:48.40dave132356hi, i'm writing a program in java and it would be nice to have a skip track button in it which skips to the next track in a music player.  Can anyone tell me if this is possible, and if so which music player this would be easiest with, eg. xmms, noatun, juk, etc?
11:48.42DaveQBabrotman_:  just redid the whole house with Cat6 and bought a new Gbit switch
11:48.43abrotman_you can play with miitool and ethtool a bit
11:48.46mhallvaldyn: can't surf*
11:48.57abrotman_DaveQB: does Gb work on any other system ?
11:49.13DaveQBswitch detects my PC has Gbit
11:49.18DaveQBwhich it has
11:49.46DaveQBabrotman: lshw says this about the card though
11:49.51*** join/#debian Thms (
11:50.01DaveQBsize: 10MB/s
11:50.01DaveQBcapacity: 1GB/s
11:50.06abrotmanDaveQB: ethtool <interface> .. does it list Gb as supported ?
11:50.28valdynDaveQB: if kmutos site lists a driver for your card, then your card is explicitely supported by the linux kernel.
11:50.35valdynDaveQB: by just that driver
11:50.43abrotmanDaveQB: or look with mii-tool
11:50.49Trewasdave132356: xmms (and it's relatives) can be controlled with command line switches, for example xmms -f will jump to next track
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11:51.08dave132356Trewas, thanks :)
11:51.09abrotmanuse cplay ?
11:51.12valdynusing java to control xmms sounds like a real funny idea
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11:51.31dave132356abrotman, thanks :)
11:51.57liablexmms cant be run without x
11:52.00DaveQBvaldyn: cool.  The driver on the disk "F5D5005" works too, but is a pain and didnt get me Gbit at the time
11:52.12DavemanMORE DAVES!
11:52.17DaveQBabrotman: says Gigabit supported and advertised, also says:
11:52.33DaveQBabrotman:  Speed: 10Mb/s
11:52.33DaveQBDuplex: Half
11:52.37DaveQBDaveman:  lol
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11:54.19_fr33man_valdyn, i don't have the resolvconf package installed
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11:56.50dave132356:) got it working, wow that was easy.  linux 1, windows 0.
11:57.59valdyn_fr33man_: man dhclient.conf, see 'supersede'
11:58.32mhalldave132356: *which* working?
11:59.13scanfAny advice? I have abroken dependency, namely:
11:59.16scanf/usr/X11R6/lib/ undefined symbol: driDispatchRemapTable
11:59.45scanfdriDispatchRemapTable is "b" (unitialized) in
11:59.51valdynscanf: uname -r
11:59.52liableeh? wtf do you have in that dri for?
12:00.31dave132356mhall, got java to control xmms
12:00.33valdynscanf: and 'cat /etc/debian_version' ?
12:00.57scanfvaldyn: 3.1
12:01.13scanfnow, when I do the following:
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12:01.32scanfLD_PRELOAD=/usr/X11R6/lib/modules/dri/ <command>
12:01.38valdynscanf: 2.6.8 wouldnt be the output with  a debian kernel
12:01.39scanfI still get the linker error
12:01.49valdynscanf: using LD_PRELOAD for this is wrong
12:02.07scanfwell, that's what I read to do on xorg thread
12:02.14scanfbut they are multiüplatfom
12:02.14ChaosRhelp me, I've destroyed my screens setup, trying to make a dual-screen possible, I installed the official ATI drivers, and now the fonts are all messed up, how can I reset my config?
12:02.20valdynscanf: fucked up retarded thread?
12:02.29scanfwho knows
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12:03.10scanffirst question: would 1915_dri resolve this even when driDispatchRemapTable is unitialized in that shared lib?
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12:03.50scanfif so, whatis the correctway to *permanently* link it ot the shared lib /usr/X11R6/lib/
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12:04.10valdynscanf: no way at all
12:04.42scanfwell, what about a on-use basis
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12:04.51rowLFS (Large File Support) is enabled in default etch install right?
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12:05.03valdynscanf: this isnt a shared lib in that sense, its loaded by your X Server, not ld
12:05.22althaserhark ahmm ok :) thanks mate I think its about new xorg because that's the only modified I have nvidia-glx and nvidia-glx-dev installed
12:05.30dpkgxorg is, like, X.Org X11, the reference implementation of the X Window System, forked from XFree86 4.4RC2. The current release is X11R7.1. ask me about <get xorg>, or #xorg
12:05.36althaserhark I will wait for the new updates today :) thanks one more time
12:05.38scanfvaldyn: sorry, I didn't realize that location made such a big differenvce
12:05.51valdynscanf: its not a location issue
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12:06.04scanfit still listssymbols with nm
12:06.14valdynscanf: X modules are loaded by your X Server loading a 'plugin' or 'so' object or whatever you want to call it, explicitely
12:06.51scanfvaldyn: ok so they are more like module is elf format, not really OS shared libraries, I see your point
12:06.56valdynscanf: dynamically loaded libraries are loaded by ld automagically
12:07.05valdynscanf: yep
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12:07.21valdynscanf: i would rather know what you did to cause this
12:07.30ChaosRhow can I reset/reconfig Xorg?
12:08.01scanfthey have the xorg 6.9 that I needed to get hardware acceleration running for i915 chip.
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12:08.08scanfbut this is a known bug
12:08.08valdynscanf: apt-get update;apt-get dist-upgrade. tell errors or warnings
12:08.25scanfvaldyn: that willbreak a whole lot more
12:08.41valdynscanf: if that would break more, you have a broken system already
12:08.47stewscanf: are you still running sarge?
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12:09.07scanflook, I just want to fix a stupid symbol dependency
12:09.13scanfone dependency
12:09.19scanfnot upgrade the dist
12:09.24valdynscanf: run apt-get -s dist-upgrade instead and show us the output
12:09.47valdynscanf: if a dist-upgrade does not work, the solution is not to not run it, but to fix the issues, then run it successfully
12:10.28valdynscanf: i BET you're running a broken mix of packages that just cant work together
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12:10.56ChaosRsomeone, please help me
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12:11.06valdyn!drxx ChaosR
12:11.07dpkgChaosR: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86  [or xserver-xorg if you're using] (as root). If you have edited the X config file by hand, or used some other program like xf86config, ask me about <xmd5>
12:11.33scanfvaldyn: no. This is is a known xorg bug! (
12:11.51enoufso .. is there anyone else here (using sid), who's /var/lib/python-support/ dir is empty?
12:11.58abrotman_ChaosR: as root
12:12.27x3n0how do i migrate my current hardware profile when i update to a new kernel?
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12:12.48scanfthis *is* possibly fixed in xorg 7.1, but that hasn't been backported
12:13.03RichiHx3n0: do you use a self-compiled kernel?
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12:13.32RichiHenouf: i got python2.3  python2.4
12:14.09scanfso, can I use a 'unitialized' symbol from another module to resolve the driDispatchRemapTable symbol in /usr/X11R6/lib/
12:14.32scanfat all? even on a per-use basis somehow?
12:14.38x3n0RichiH, I want to, but this is more about using the 2.6.20 kernel image...
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12:15.10RichiHx3n0: then just upgrade
12:15.18scanf...everyone got real quiet...
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12:15.31enoufRichiH: I should to i thought as apt-listchanges (whenever I dpkg-reconfigure it) says; Launching dpkg-reconfigure for apt-listchanges. One moment... ||  Can't list /var/lib/python-support/python2.3 || Can't list /var/lib/python-support/python2.4
12:15.41enoufer s/to/too
12:15.52norcIs there any way to remove the 2-3 seconds you have to wait if you enter a wrong password in su, or what package is responsible for this delay?
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12:16.14enoufI've since upgraded my python-support pkgs .. to no avail
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12:16.42x3n0RichiH, I have the image installed but on boot it causses a kernel panic saying that there isn't a hardware profile available...
12:17.07enoufIn all fairness I have many things not upgraded, but i don;t play with a /preferences, nor apt.conf file either
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12:17.25stewabrotman_: did you get to see the game last night?
12:17.33stew(nice tail)
12:17.33ChaosR:(, didn't work
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12:17.52enoufIOW.. my repo list and sources.list is all in order (standard/ default), save for the multimedia repos
12:17.56abrotman_stew: NO!
12:18.02Betzeferany 1 needs help ?
12:18.03abrotman_stew: but i saw some postgame stuff
12:18.06ChaosRI guess I need to reinstall debian
12:18.08enoufstew: please .. don;t tell us!
12:18.21stewenouf: you saw it
12:18.28x3n0Betzefer, Loads required! :s
12:18.28enoufstew: I turned it Off .. wanna see just the end later on Encore perf. :-P
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12:18.54RichiHx3n0: never had that one..
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12:19.01abrotmanstew: i heard after rivera broke his arm .. it was all down hill
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12:19.19abrotmanstew: :)
12:19.20enoufstew: go ahead .. i'll jump over to another channel for 5 minutes ..
12:19.28x3n0RichiH, Thanks! I'll take a look...
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12:19.48juice`my system time is going too slow! what can i do? i really mean what i said. When i set it up with hwclock --hctosys it's synchronizing, but 30 sec after that my hwclock is ok and my system date is already late for like 5 seconds
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12:20.20ChaosRdoes anyone have some time to help me repairing this?
12:20.21juice`after few minutes it's 1 minute late and so on
12:20.37abrotmanstew: and i might not see today's game either
12:20.55juice`xoz: 2.6.21-rc6-mm1
12:20.56abrotmanstew: how was the fancy restaurant? :)
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12:21.21xozjuice`: check previous kernel if same problem.
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12:21.28stewabrotman: it was good, they moved the restaurant around to get us in front of the game
12:21.35stewabrotman: come up for a bbq and the game today
12:21.51abrotmanstew: can't .. i might be helping a co-worker move :(
12:21.57juice`xoz: i tried 2.6.21-rc3-mm2 and it was the same i think
12:21.58abrotmanstew: or else it sounds like a great idea :)
12:22.10x3n0juice, 2.6.21-rc6-mm1 ? WTF!
12:22.15abrotmanstew: nice day for a drive .. that's for sure
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12:22.30nelfping works, so does dig @ip-address-in-resolv.con, 'dig' times out?
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12:22.41juice`x3n0: yes, 2.6.21-rc6-mm1, because it has reiser4 support and i need reiser's transparent compression
12:22.41valdynjuice`: why are you running an mm kernel?
12:22.55juice`valdyn: like i said to x3n0
12:22.58valdynjuice`: can you debug kernel code?
12:23.02juice`would love to not use it.
12:23.04abrotmanalso a nice day for a ride :)
12:23.08juice`valdyn: sure, can you tell me how? :)
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12:23.39xozjuice`: most likey the regression is due to unstable kernel tree
12:23.40stewa nice day to move from apache to apache2 as well
12:24.00juice`xoz: thanks, that pretty answers my question. i will try to install 2.6.20 and see what happens
12:24.06x3n0my setup seems totally b0rkd
12:24.14juice`xoz: are there any other possibilities?
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12:24.27juice`xoz: my bios clock is going fine
12:24.36valdynjuice`: you're funny really, mm kernels aren't even compilable normally if you're not lucky, on top of that reiser4 is a not yet ready filesystem with transparent compression being an even less stable feature with PREDICTED incompatiblities in on disk format coming.
12:24.41x3n0its a real hack job!
12:24.42abrotmanstew: eh .. not so much :)
12:24.55valdynjuice`: good luck..
12:25.06lost-gonei have been perusing the debian mirrors and have seen a 4.0 kde iso is this a cd that will only install debian 4.0 with kde instead of the default gnome ?
12:25.43juice`valdyn: pretty much i think you are funny, because i use it all and have no other problems than this minor clock bug
12:26.03juice`anyways... thanks for help xoz
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12:28.28x3n0sata raid is a real piig to configure!
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12:29.10xozjuice`: file a bug report to mm tree
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12:29.38BetzeferWhat is the location of the directory of C header files that match your running
12:29.54valdynBetzefer: on which debian release?
12:30.16Betzeferi want to install vmware
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12:30.40juice`xoz: yes, but i'm trying to find a page where to file this bug
12:30.48valdynBetzefer: apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r); then your headers are at /lib/modules/(uname -r)/source/
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12:30.53abrotman!usb speedtouch
12:30.54liablei knew i shouldnt have restarted x after mesa and xorg upgrades
12:31.08juice`xoz: any idea? i will find it sooner or later, but maybe you know
12:32.04valdynjuice`: its documented in your kernel source tree
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12:32.19xozjuice`: no idea. many factors to consider.
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12:34.43pingouini made a mistake at the installation of Etch, with the time zone, how can i set it up back now ?
12:34.54dpkgtimezone is probably "ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/<timezone> /etc/localtime", or tzconfig
12:35.10pingouinok, thanks you very much valdyn
12:35.35ChaosRwhy does the font change when I connect 2 screens, and how do I enable dual-monitor?
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12:36.23pingouinChaosR: i dont really understand how font works with xorg...., but for the dual it's in the xorg.conf i guess
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12:38.18ChrisWwhen upgrading from sarge to etch, should I upgrade my servers' kernels?
12:38.18pingouinwelcome back Betzefer ;)
12:38.19Betzefercan u anwser my question ?
12:38.20pingouinsorry no, i even dont know what is vmware ;)
12:38.20Betzeferu dont use it ?
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12:38.28noorulwhat did you try to install?
12:38.40robin_szI keep hearing of vmware, but never actually seen it
12:38.50Betzeferso how do virualizde
12:38.58pingouinwhat is vmware ?
12:38.59*** join/#debian xitro (
12:39.30robin_szpingouin, a virtualisation platform,  run multiple os;s on same machien at same time
12:39.33pingouinand why this stupid bot never answer me ? :/
12:39.39robin_szeg Linux and wndows
12:39.43pingouinok robin_sz
12:39.51pingouinso sure i dont use it, dont need to
12:39.57robin_szthe windows machine can access the apache server on the linux machine ... etc
12:40.10robin_szhandy for web development
12:40.33jclhandy for *development
12:40.42jclsnapshot's ftw
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12:40.54robin_szx3n0, there is an alternative
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12:41.55robin_szx3n0, instead of testing in IE7 on the vmare windows, just use firefox and view it on linux .. then check it conforms to the W3C  standards
12:42.10robin_szif it doesnt work for windows users, fsck em
12:42.36*** join/#debian redguy (n=mati@unaffiliated/redguy)
12:42.37x3n0my code is ALWAYS standards compliant
12:42.40ChrisWrobin_sz: yes, I'm sure that approach works for all commercial web apps ;-)
12:43.04x3n0i don't bend over to get shafted by the borg
12:43.12robin_szx3n0, quite
12:44.46x3n0i tend to go for the standards also because ANYONE can view my work from any browser...
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12:45.38x3n0I'm sure we would all like to restrict our sites to *nix based system access
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12:45.50abrotmanpingouin: i think the bot died
12:46.12artagnonWhich software can give information like the mode of a DVD-RW (Restricted Overwrite or SAO mode)?
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12:46.23abrotmandmesg ?
12:46.33pingouinhi abrotman , ok, sad for him, hope the death was not to painfull ;)
12:46.59artagnonabrotman: Can it?
12:47.08abrotmanpingouin: his raison d'etre is .. gone
12:47.18abrotmanartagnon: look through it a bit
12:47.21abrotmandmesg | less
12:47.23pingouinbut when valdyn did : !timezone he got and answer, and me nothing
12:47.34dpkgTest Failed.
12:47.38dpkgi heard timezone is "ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/<timezone> /etc/localtime", or tzconfig
12:47.39artagnonabrotman: Ofcourse, I'll try
12:47.49abrotmanBOT DEAD
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12:47.55vchrizzit works
12:47.58abrotmandondelelcaro: dpkg is napping
12:47.58valdynpingouin: maybe you're not registered?
12:48.02abrotmandondelelcaro: nm
12:48.05vchrizz<dpkg> Someone already said that 3 seconds ago
12:48.22abrotmanwhy didn't he answer pingouin ?
12:48.34abrotmanoh well
12:49.03zamuroWell... we all know dpkg is temperamental.
12:49.17zamuroSo, maybe he just doens't like pingouin.
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12:49.25abrotmanor pingouin is on his ignore list :)
12:49.26pingouinnow i am, forget to /msg NickServ identify blahblah
12:49.42pingouinabrotman: why ?!
12:49.43artagnonabrotman: Nope. I can't find it. These are the two lines I got while mounting it: "ISO 9660 Extensions: Microsoft Joliet Level 3, ISO 9660 Extensions: RRIP_1991A"
12:49.53pingouinabrotman: because i'm black and jew ?
12:49.58pingouinabrotman: damn bot !
12:50.07abrotmanartagnon: for the drive .. not the disc .. right ?
12:50.13abrotmanpingouin: NFC
12:50.21artagnonabrotman: No! For the disc
12:50.40artagnonsorry, I wasn't clear enough
12:50.46abrotmanno need to get excited :)
12:52.29abrotmani don't see anything in my quick apt-cache searches
12:52.59artagnonabrotman: Neither do I :)
12:53.09artagnonjust the usual trash like gnome baker and k3b
12:53.34abrotmanmaybe ask ##linux
12:53.41artagnonI badly need a CLI frontend to burn
12:53.44artagnonabrotman: Ok
12:53.55abrotmanartagnon: gnomebaker can't burn ?
12:54.19artagnonabrotman: It can, but you don't know if the disc is multisessioned or not half the time
12:54.25artagnonyou have no data about the disk
12:54.26abrotmangraveman ?
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12:54.49abrotmancan cdrkit see it ? if not .. i'm not sure anything will be able to
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12:55.04artagnonabrotman: Haven't used it. I should try
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12:55.15abrotmanyour applications are front ends to it
12:55.37abrotman!info cdrkit-doc etch
12:55.40dpkgcdrkit-doc: (Documentation for the cdrkit package suite), section doc, is optional. Version: 9:1.1.2-1 (etch), Packaged size: 154 kB, Installed size: 416 kB
12:55.45abrotman!info wodim etch
12:55.52dpkgwodim: (command line CD/DVD writing tool), section otherosfs, is optional. Version: 9:1.1.2-1 (etch), Packaged size: 410 kB, Installed size: 816 kB
12:56.15abrotmanand i guess you'd have to read dvdrw-tools docs too
12:56.45ChrisWhmm, seems busier now so I'll try again: going from sarge to etch, I should be going from a 2.4 to 2.6 kernel, right?
12:56.46botoxive installed nvidia drivers for an 8800 gts, all works fine, but my monitor stays blank
12:56.55botoxive specified monitor type as crt
12:56.59ChrisWdo I do this before or after I've upgraded to etch? and how do I do it?
12:57.02botoxanyone else had this problem?
12:57.04abrotmanChrisW: ideally .. yes
12:57.12abrotmanChrisW: i'd personalyl do it before
12:57.18ChrisWokay, and how di I do it?
12:57.24abrotmanwhat's your CPU ?
12:57.27abrotmanand od you have sata ?
12:57.49ChrisWhmm, I only know for 1 of the machines...
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12:58.03abrotmanare they all PII or higher ?
12:58.04ChrisWwhich i'm pretty certain is sata, but how do I check on the other 7?
12:58.20ChrisWyes, pretty certain, although I think they're mostly amd
12:58.25nelfping works, so does dig @ip-address-in-resolv.con, 'dig' times out?
12:58.28jonaskoelker... I have a question
12:58.32abrotmanyou'll just have to be careful because the devices will probably get renamed and your bootloader might freak out
12:58.41abrotmanthe kernel is kernel-image-2.6-686
12:58.47ChrisWonly one of the 8 machines is local
12:58.49jonaskoelkerI have an intel mobo with onboard graphics (D865GLC, i810), and an nvidia nforce card
12:58.54ChrisWand even that has no monitor or keyboard...
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12:59.02abrotmanand'll just need to be prepared for working with bootloader to switch from hda to sda .. etc
12:59.08jonaskoelkerwhen I plug the nvidia card in, the intel board doesn't show up in lspci.  When I take the nvidia card out, it does show up
12:59.15ChrisWhow do I chekc what kernel I have?
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12:59.21abrotmanjonaskoelker: that's a bios function
12:59.25abrotmanChrisW: uname -a
12:59.26jonaskoelkerI want to use two monitors; my attempts fail; what can I do?
12:59.29ChrisWand how do I fiddle with a bootlaoder over ssh?!
12:59.43abrotmanChrisW: they have conf files .. especially grub
12:59.43amphijonaskoelker: use one monitor? ;)
12:59.45bintutanyone here uses a usb-->serial cable?
12:59.48ChrisWserver2 2.4.27-2-386
12:59.50jonaskoelkerabrotman: :(
12:59.55abrotmanbintut: google ?
13:00.03nelfI have this same dig issue across several etch machines
13:00.20abrotmanjonas3: check .. you might be able to stop that from happening .. though i suspect you'll actually need a PCI card instead of AGP
13:00.29nelfI'm using ipv4, have the lo interface set up correctly, and eth0
13:00.46liablewhy is my x broken?!?!
13:00.49bintutabrotman: yeah, i just did.. i tried 'apt-cache search usbserial' or anything related to usb serial but it's not in the repository
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13:00.57liablehelp me you fuxorz
13:01.09nelfI cannot use dig to query a nameserver unless I specify the dns server using the '@' command. The manual says it should take the value from my /etc/resolv.conf file
13:01.10jonaskoelker... so, I have to install a new bios?
13:01.15abrotmanbintut: aren't you asking about a cable ?
13:01.21abrotmanliable: karma
13:01.38liable!karma liable
13:01.38dpkgliable has karma of 4
13:01.40pingouinjonaskoelker: just check the options of the bios, about wich video is on/off , no ?
13:01.44liableabrotman: ??
13:01.44abrotmanjonaskoelker: check your bios ..
13:01.55bintutabrotman: yes. but you answered right away..
13:02.00abrotmanjonaskoelker: but i'd be willing to bet you'll need to get a PCI vid card instead of AGP
13:02.08abrotmanbintut: okay
13:02.13harkliable: evil ati drivers?
13:02.15abrotmanliable: we'd need details :)
13:02.22liablehark: of course :)
13:02.30jonaskoelkerabrotman: why would that be?
13:02.45abrotmanbecause it can only handle one AGP device at a time possibly ?
13:02.47artagnonWhy isn't bashburn on the Debian repos?
13:02.51bintutabrotman: i have here a usb-->serial cable but i don't know how to enable it using minicom.  i tried looking at google but someone discusses about usbserial which i can't find it in the etch repository
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13:03.13abrotmanbintut: ah .. i thought you were looking for a converter cable
13:03.15ma3xis there such a thing as unix as operative system?
13:03.16bintutabrotman: i want to access a box through serial
13:03.19ma3xas distro?
13:03.24ChrisWabrotman: most of them seem ot be on 2.6.12-1-686, which is bizarre, since I don't think I did that update and the uptime on all these machines is 80-300 days...
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13:03.27liablehark: but xgl on top to make it even more fucking annoying and hard to debug
13:03.31abrotmanma3x: this channel is for Debian support
13:03.39ChrisWhow long has 2.6.12-1-686 been around?
13:03.47ChrisWis it the latest stable kernel package?
13:03.50abrotmana while .. it's badly out of date
13:03.53ma3xabrotman, I know, I was just wondering if unix is os too
13:03.53bintutabrotman: no.  do you have any idea how to access a box through serial port but on your end it's a usb port?
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13:04.01liablehark: i was happy for 4 months while etch was in rc status, they didnt break xgl for the whole time
13:04.03abrotmanyou've got a bad mix of oldstable/stable
13:04.08abrotmanma3x: this channel is for Debian support
13:04.18ma3xabrotman, I told you I know that
13:04.26abrotmanso it's not for Unix questions
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13:04.34ChrisWokay, well, I also have one on 2.4.26 and one on 2.4.27-2-386, what should I do with those two?
13:04.35sceaddoes anyone know anything more about the nvidia module not being detected by
13:04.46Deimos__has anybody an idea on the purpose of the section call_gmon_start ?
13:04.47abrotmanChrisW: depends if they have sata
13:04.50ma3xabrotman, debian belongs to unix too, no?
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13:04.55abrotmanma3x: nope
13:04.55harkliable: heh, someone with nvidia earlier had trouble with it too
13:05.00abrotmanma3x: nope
13:05.04ma3xabrotman, it belongs to linux and linux is under unix
13:05.11ChrisWabrotman: I'm pretty certain the 2.4.27-2-386 one has sata
13:05.17abrotmanma3x: no
13:05.17sceadoh, so more people are having trouble with nvidia
13:05.22ChrisWbutthat, thankfully, if the machine I have physical access to
13:05.25sceadits not just me
13:05.26ma3xscead, get ATI
13:05.28liablehark: as soon as i saw mesa in the upgrade i knew i was in for trouble
13:05.34sceadNO U
13:05.36bintutabrotman: and based on this page ==> it says that i should be expecting a /dev/ttyUSB0 device here
13:05.42ChrisWthe 2.4.26 one is quite old, so I don't know if it has sata, how would I check?
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13:06.01abrotmanbintut: which makes sense .. but i bet you need to load a certain driver first
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13:06.52bintutabrotman: any idea what driver should i use here?  and, do you think it's in the default debian kernel?
13:07.06DawnLighti am about to die from lack of success in getting multiple displays to work with fglrx(ati proprietary)
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13:07.18abrotmanbintut: no yes :)
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13:07.49ma3xhey liable long time no see, what happened to ya/
13:08.45thneeall of a sudden this morning my screen with irssi had died, i rebooted, without checking errors cause i dont usually have a monitor on it, when i reboot it doesnt come up again, i plug in a monitor and see a kernel panic, some stacktrace about acpi, i reboot with acpi=off, it boots, i think all is well, then i realize i dont have network, i reboot, i get network, i start screen irssi, its on for a few minutes and then it dies, and thats what it does now, i
13:09.18thneethe computer has worked perfect for overa year, i had not touched anything cause i was sleeping
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13:09.36abrotmanhardware does die ...
13:09.39thneethis is a bad morning for me :(
13:09.52sceadwear and tear
13:09.55thneeyeah well.. is that the only reason these errors can occur?
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13:10.11abrotmanthnee: no .. but hardware does fail :)
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13:10.24MooiHello, what software could I use to mix some samples into a music track?
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13:10.36zamuroMooi: Audacity
13:10.49earthianhello, how do i revert an upgrade of a package to a previous version?
13:10.52zamuroIf you want a synth, use rosegarden instead.
13:10.58Mooizamuro: does it have multiple channels?
13:10.59thneeabrotman: so do you have any ideas what i can look for?
13:11.01ChrisWabrotman: okay, so how di  ifind out what the kernel package name I have is, based on the output of uname, and how do I update it?
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13:11.06zamuroMooi: Yup...
13:11.30abrotmanChrisW: i told you how to update it .. but you have to be careful when you have sata because the devices will get renamed when it reboots
13:11.41abrotmanif they're 2.4.x now
13:11.43ChrisWoh? I must have missed it...
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13:12.02abrotmanthnee: get a livecd and run a memtest for starters
13:12.14abrotmanor use the memtest bootdisc
13:12.20thneeabrotman: yeah i was thinking of that
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13:12.43thneejust thought id see if you guys had any other ideas first
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13:14.15Mooiokay, coolness
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13:15.16earthianhello, how do i revert an upgrade of a package to a previous version?
13:15.32artagnonIsn't lame on the repos? If so what is it called? I searched through the apt-cache search but I can't find it
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13:17.20Pobegaearthian: If the old version is still in /var/cache/apt/archives you can always "dpkg -i" it, and tell apt to keep it the same version using /etc/apt/preferences
13:17.29Lorvijahey. is there any way to make this work: i need my server to act as a proxy for my laptop... the idea is that when i'd go to web in (slow & insecure) wireless connections with my laptop i could connect to my server through ssh tunnel and the proxy would also compress the data to speed things up... this possible+
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13:17.55earthianPobega, thanks. And there will not be much conflicts with the newer version of the same package?
13:18.17Pobegaearthian: As long as you're not trying to force an outdated install of a library it should be fine.
13:18.29liableyay, xorg is quite broken if you use fglrx
13:18.34earthianno, its just wine stuff :) thanks.
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13:22.17stewnote to self: /quit is not /part
13:22.22perlmonkHi everyone :) Anyone might be able to tell me why on earth gnome depends on "ekiga softphone" ?
13:22.40valdynperlmonk: why shouldnt it?
13:22.46perlmonkWhy should it ?
13:22.52ChrisWhi all, how can I find out what processor a machine has in it from a bash prompt?
13:22.58perlmonkit's a softphone.... gnome is a desktop env....
13:22.59liablegnome is a huge metatard package
13:23.01Pobegaperlmonk: Ekiga is a GNOME-app, so gnome depends on it. But gnome-core doesn't (Shouldn't)
13:23.09valdynperlmonk: because the gnome package installs all gnome software
13:23.15perlmonkhum, ok
13:23.21perlmonkit's a meta package
13:23.27dmilithvaldyn: omit it
13:23.28earthianChrisW, cat /proc/cpuinfo
13:23.29stewperlmonk: ask the gnome-desktop-environment maintainer
13:23.46perlmonkstew, ok thanks
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13:24.21stewperlmonk: however, it is not suprising.  if you don't want everything gnome under then sun, don't use the big meta-packages
13:24.23liablewhats thunderbird called now?
13:24.34Pobegaliable: icedove?
13:24.42liableya, thanks
13:25.05ChrisWearthian: thanks!
13:25.13perlmonkstew, now If I recall right, trying to remove the meta package will want to remove all things it depends on, right ?
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13:25.43Pobegaperlmonk: Only if they were installed through the meta package and not manually, I believe. But that may be only with aptitude, not sure how apt handles things.
13:25.49harkperlmonk: heh, if you used aptitude
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13:26.22enoufstew: in fedora, /usr/bin/java -> /etc/alternatives/java -> /opt/jre1.6.0_01/bin/java. yuck
13:26.30perlmonkhark, apt-get / dpkg is as powerfull as aptitude, it's just to uninstall without removing deps
13:26.32enoufstew: form another there
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13:27.06Pobegaperlmonk: Which is exactly why he said it.
13:27.24enoufnaturally, you know /usr/bin/x-www-browser -> /etc/alternatives/x-www-browser .. so one then can set the alternatives
13:27.26liableperlmonk: the problem with aptitude is that it remembers auto installed packages, so, in the case of a metapackage, it will remove the rest
13:27.30perlmonkPobega, I don't think so
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13:27.40stewenouf: i really just needed to know about x-www-browser, i'm adding a patch for rosegarden to prefer that over konqueror (as it is now), and if x-www-browser was a more universal thing i would send the patch upstream.  if fedora doesn't have it, i'm not going to bother
13:28.02enoufstew: i see ..
13:28.07Pobegaliable: That's not a PROBLEM, some people (Me) perfer their package manager to act like that.
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13:28.48perlmonkWell, it's not a problem at all
13:29.04perlmonkI was simply making sure I remember well how the stuff works.
13:29.28perlmonkI only have one machine left running on debian, everything else run bsd now... that's why
13:29.39ma3xhi stew ! was that flashplayer nonfree available for x64?
13:29.41utrrrongeebI tried upgrading my sarge system to etch, but several problems appeared. The first: Where did boot-admin, of Gnome System Tools, go?
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13:30.25stewma3x: no
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13:30.48apkShould my ~/.Xauthority by chmod xx0 ?
13:31.06apkIs it bad for it to be chmod xx4 ?
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13:31.19HostilePenguinwhat does the capitol A next to the i in aptitude mean?
13:31.32stewHostilePenguin: automatically installed
13:31.44liablei wish the freedesktop people would update the wiki
13:31.46ChrisWright, trying to install the linux-image-2.6-686 on a machine, I got a warning from aptitude saying I shouldn't try and remove the running kernel image... okay, that makes sense, but how am I suppose to upgrade?
13:31.49stewHostilePenguin: it was installed to satisfy a dependency (youdidn't explicitly ask for it)
13:32.07PobegaChrisW: Boot into another kernel and do it.
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13:32.30harkutrrrongeeb: it's been removed iirc
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13:32.33NatNietHi folks pls advice where is the samba passwd file stored ?
13:32.41ChrisWPobega: this is nuts, I just want to upgrade to a 2.6 kernel, can I not persuade aptitude just to leave the old kernel alone?
13:32.42HostilePenguinkde is freaking me out so many errors
13:32.46valdynNatNiet: your choice
13:32.46ChrisW(until the reboot...)
13:33.00PobegaChrisW: Why doesn't it have a version number? 2.6.18-4-686, etc.
13:33.07utrrrongeebFollowing the upgrade, gdm displays text characters as little boxes, and the graphical greeter won't load. I can log in, but it's otherwise almost unusuable.
13:33.41PobegaChrisW: But yeah, I've done kernel upgrades without things breaking; But it CAN break stuff, Debian is the only distro I've seen that WARNS you about it though.
13:33.53ChrisWPobega: okay, you may not be the right person to be providing help then ;-) it's a kernel metapackage, it brings down the latest kernel...
13:34.17PobegaChrisW: I've just never used those packages myself ;D Let me go check it out.
13:34.28valdynNatNiet: nm, i guess /etc/samba/smbpasswd is the default
13:34.32utrrrongeebhark: Thanks, is there any graphical way to edit GRUB? I finally managed to edit menu.lst (the wait was because I've used LILO elsewhere, and I didn't know what to rerun), but is there a graphical way?
13:34.47liableChrisW: your upgrading from sarge?
13:35.11NatNietvaldyn: any default value ?
13:35.20ChrisWliable: correct
13:35.21PobegaChrisW: Yeah, just boot into an older kernel and do it; If you have one, that is (I never touched the 2.6-686 metapackage, I didn't even know about it)
13:35.37HostilePenguinand also why does it say lenny/sid when i shut down?
13:35.39ChrisWabrotman suggested upgrading the kernel first
13:35.41harkutrrrongeeb: not in Debian that i am aware of..
13:35.42HostilePenguinnot just lenny?
13:35.46Pobegautrrrongeeb: ...gedit?
13:35.47liableChrisW: your following the release notes?
13:35.59Pobegautrrrongeeb: I dn't think there is any graphical "suite" though, no.
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13:36.04ChrisW, section 4.6
13:36.13liableChrisW: good. I had the same problem
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13:36.26liableChrisW: did you try the unmark-auto shizzle?
13:36.47ChrisWthat didn't seem to be referring to kernel upgrades...
13:37.08ma3xstew, yesterday you suggested me to chroot to i386 and run iceweasel from there. is it also possible to install 32 bit iceweasel on 64 bit debian?
13:37.16liableChrisW: humour me and try it
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13:37.32liableChrisW: i dont think it will help, but i want to see if it does
13:37.51stewma3x: i don't know
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13:38.57qweqweqweis there a gui based system config utility for debian?
13:39.17valdynqweqweqwe: to configure what?
13:39.45qweqweqweservers, firewall, users etc
13:39.48utrrrongeebhark, Pobega: Thanks, good to know it was removed instead of disappeared... GDM is displaying text characters as little boxes. I can still log in, but it's almost unusable. It also won't use the graphical greeter. When I log in, characters display correctly.
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13:40.13valdyni doubt there's any decent firewall configuration gui ever on any system
13:40.30liablezonealarm ftw!
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13:40.38sceadno, norton lol!
13:40.41liableducks and runs
13:40.51qweqweqweok, but what about gui config programs for debian?
13:40.59valdynqweqweqwe: hundreds
13:41.11sceadqweqweqwe: webmin might be a good one for you
13:41.14valdynqweqweqwe: you need to tell what you want to do in which desktop environment
13:41.21perlmonkWhere can I get a clear explication of why firefox is now iceweasel and why all moz products have now been renamed ?
13:41.28valdynqweqweqwe: kde has its own user manager, as does gnome
13:41.31*** join/#debian ma3x (n=ma3x@unaffiliated/ma3x)
13:41.33dpkgit has been said that webmin is a lame web-based interface for unsafe system administration for Unix. Check it out at but, remember, dondelelcaro *hates* webmin. "i'd rather sit on the floor shoving table knives into live electrical outlets than run webmin on an exposed server." Obsoleted in debian:
13:41.34qweqweqwei need to do i? :-)
13:41.49perlmonkscead, Don't recommand webmin
13:41.51liableperlmonk: /msg dpkg why iceweasal
13:41.53qweqweqwei'm looking for the deb equiv of yast, or redhat-config....
13:41.58perlmonkliable, Thanks
13:42.00sceadwhy not?
13:42.15perlmonkscead, read what I just asked dpkg to write down
13:42.17liableits not in debian now for a start
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13:42.40valdynqweqweqwe: does not exist, but you already knew that from yesterday
13:42.49liableChrisW: ping
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13:42.58ChrisWliable: yes>
13:42.58perlmonk!tell scead about webmin
13:43.10qweqweqwevaldyn: no i knew someone said that yesterday
13:43.10sceadstop telling me.
13:43.13sceadi don't care.
13:43.13ChrisWI refuse to believe I'm the only person who's seen this problem, so am googling...
13:43.27artagnonIsn't lame on the repos? If so what is it called? I searched through the apt-cache search but I can't find it
13:43.29liableChrisW: dude, just try what i said
13:43.35ChrisWtry what?
13:43.44valdynscead: webmin is not even in debian anymore, i thought
13:43.49liableChrisW: i just want you to try it, then when it doesnt work, i'll tell you the fix :P
13:44.04Roninvaldyn: its not, iirc its been removed as of etch
13:44.11liableChrisW: the unmarkauto thing from the release notes
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13:44.29zinxChrisW: Just tell it to install it anyway.
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13:44.51utrrrongeebFollowing upgrading to Etch, GDM is displaying text characters as little boxes. I can still log in, but it's almost unusable. It also won't use the graphical greeter. When I log in, characters display correctly.
13:44.53liablezinx: no, aptitude wants to remove the running kernel, which is very fucking bad
13:45.02ChrisWliable: well, if you know what you're suggestion won't work, why don't you just tell me the fix in the first place?
13:45.09zinxliable: oh?  i thought it wanted to reinstall the running kernel :/
13:45.15Jonnyliable, I seem to get that on a regular basis at the moment
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13:45.21JonnyOn sarge machines using 'stable' in their apt sources
13:45.25ChrisWzinx: huh? did you actually read what my problem was?
13:45.26liableChrisW: because i want a second opinion on what happened to me..
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13:45.36valdynqweqweqwe: debian is a few times as big as the next distro, there's no tool anywhere to configure it all. There's seperate tools for many servers / desktop environments
13:45.45zinxChrisW: yeah, just not very well.  and it will complain when you install over the running kernel.
13:45.58ChrisWzinx: I'm trying to install a NEW kernel
13:46.01ChrisW2.4 -> 2.6
13:46.14ChrisWthe warning suggests it's trying to remove the 2.4 kernel before I've rebooted
13:46.16Jonnyapt-get install linux-image- ?
13:46.17ChrisWwhich yeah, is nuts
13:46.20JonnyErm, 20.4*
13:46.47ChrisWI'm suprised this isn't smoother and other people haven't complained enough for there to be more in google
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13:47.16qweqweqwevaldyn: gotcha ta.
13:47.22JonnyWorked for me :)
13:47.26valdynChrisW: 2.4 -> 2.6 is not trivial, there's many howtos / faqs. There's no tools to automate all issues
13:47.29ChrisWJonny: I'm trying to do aptitude install linux-image-2.6-686, and getting whined at because aptitude then tries to remove the 2.4 kernel...
13:47.41JonnyChrisW, on sarge?
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13:48.03zinxi thought sarge had 2.6
13:48.13zinx2.6.8 or something
13:48.14ChrisWJonny: correct, on sarge, and I have no itnerest in compiling my own kernel
13:48.15valdynChrisW: sounds to me like you might have upgraded to etch or later with a 2.4 kernel..
13:48.24earthianhmm... what is better than open source, community supported software? <--- a bugless bugfree etc opensource community supported software :P
13:48.33ChrisWvaldyn: how would I tell?
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13:48.35JonnyChrisW, if you're on sarge, check your sources.list
13:48.45valdynChrisW: /etc/apt/sources.list
13:48.48pingouinearthian: nice question ;)
13:48.50ChrisWmy sources.list likely says "stable"
13:48.51JonnyChange the "stable" keywords to "sarge", or dist-upgrade to etch
13:49.00valdynChrisW: that's etch
13:49.01MortuisAnyone know what package I need to install to get lsmod?
13:49.06utrrrongeebWhat can I do to make GDM behave? It's displaying text characters as little boxes following upgrading to Etch.
13:49.07JonnyOtherwise any package install could ask for a kernel uninstall
13:49.15JonnyIt happened to me across several sarge boxes
13:49.16valdynChrisW: etch does not support 2.4 kernels, you should have gone to 2.6 before moving to etch
13:49.35Jonnyvaldyn - It would be sarge
13:49.35liableMortuis: if you dont have lsmod, your box is incredibly broken
13:49.41ChrisWvaldyn: I; haven't gone to etch
13:49.48ChrisWanyway, I need to go, back later...
13:49.49JonnySarge uses the 'stable' keyword in sources.list by default
13:49.57valdynJonny: no
13:50.00liablejust fucking prurge and reinstall aptitude
13:50.04zinxJonny: but stable is now etch
13:50.08JonnyI know.
13:50.17valdynJonny: you're right, but he's on etch now
13:50.17JonnyThat is why he is getting problems :)
13:50.22valdynJonny: right.
13:50.29valdynJonny: that's a fuckup by debian
13:50.32JonnyNo, he's on sarge, but apt is wanting to get etch packages
13:50.33Mortuisliable: It's a new server
13:50.43JonnyYeah, it's messy
13:50.45JonnyAnyways, bbl
13:50.52MortuisDebian small, 3.1 I think
13:51.09valdynChrisW: change sources.list stable to sarge, then stay there or get rid of the 2.4 kernel, then upgrade to etch
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13:52.10ChrisWvaldyn: ffs, I';m tryingto upgade to a 2.6 kerenel so I can go to etch...
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13:52.11liableignorant fuck
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13:52.22dpkgsomebody said whine was saying "I want you to hold my hand while I install debian because I'm too lazy to read the docs!"
13:52.32torrrI have a socket number used by a process, and I want to know what is connected to it in its other end, how do I do that?
13:53.09utrrrongeebI'm using a Intel Winmodem. The driver worked with sarge, but after the upgrade to Etch the driver fails to compile.
13:53.23valdynutrrrongeeb: which winmodem, which driver
13:53.23liabletorrr: that socket file is in /var/run?
13:53.34ManuPi get no ip from dhcp... ap is connected, key on. but i get no ip
13:53.45valdynutrrrongeeb: oh nm
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13:54.07valdynutrrrongeeb: intel - that modem is supported by alsa. You can use the sl-modem-driver with that alsa driver
13:54.20valdynutrrrongeeb: ops, 'sl-modem-daemon'
13:54.28torrrliable, I found it number in /proc/pid/fd
13:54.42utrrrongeebvaldyn: Intel 537EP. Intel semi-closed source driver. Compiled as module for 2.6.8 in Sarge. Following Etch upgrade, would not recompile. What do you mean by 'ops, 'sl-modem-daemon''?
13:55.00valdynutrrrongeeb: just because i wrote 'sl-modem-driver' first
13:55.18pearlwhy is down?
13:55.21utrrrongeebWhat do you mean?
13:55.21pearlis it down?
13:55.54utrrrongeebvaldyn: Any advice on the modem?
13:56.02valdynutrrrongeeb: winmodems are soundcards, technically. To be used as modem they need a sound driver and an daemon
13:56.05torrrliable, there are a two  pipes there two maybe they are the problem... I want to know where they connected to
13:56.13brendonjtHi guys I have a blackberry 6230 how do i sync it with evolution
13:56.16valdynutrrrongeeb: alsa provides sound drivers, sl-modem-daemon the daemon
13:56.49utrrrongeebvaldyn: It had worked in Sarge using the Intel driver. The driver won't compile in Etch, though.
13:57.04valdynutrrrongeeb: sure, you said that
13:58.09utrrrongeebvaldyn: So is there something I should do to compile the driver in Etch, or should I do something else to drive the modem?
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13:58.18valdynutrrrongeeb: we cant really support intel proprietary software i guess, you could ask them for a new driver, or try what i said above
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13:59.25utrrrongeebvaldyn: Okay, so I need to tell ALSA to use it as a sound card, and this sl-modem-daemon can do the rest? For the Intel 537EP softmodem?
13:59.43ma3xFATAL: Error inserting fglrx (/lib/modules/2.6.18-4-amd64/misc/fglrx.ko): Operation not permitted
13:59.45ma3xwhy is that?
13:59.56liableif it worked in sarge it should work in etch
14:00.02valdynutrrrongeeb: maybe, 537EP means nothing to me, show the lspci and lspci -n output for that device
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14:00.12iturkhey friends i am trying to create a usb pen with 64MB to install etch. A friend told it's possible with a pen with 64MB to do it. So i google for an answer and i am following this -> But the boot.img file that is copied is 125MB so it doesnt fits in a 64 MB usb pen. So anyone knows any link that would resolv my problem ?
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14:00.45tarzeauRichiH: i don't use m-a, i use
14:00.58RichiHdid you bake that yourself?
14:01.02utrrrongeebvaldyn: I'm sorry, I'm in Windows (my Linux modem doesn't work at the moment). Does sl-modem-daemon come with Etch as a package?
14:01.13valdynutrrrongeeb: yes
14:01.13zinxiturk: the business card cd should be like 50mb or so.. maybe some modification of that
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14:02.15iturkzinx: can you give me a link to it ?
14:02.22valdynutrrrongeeb: everest is a program doing lspci and more
14:02.27valdynutrrrongeeb: yea
14:03.55utrrrongeebvaldyn: says it is non-free, and is the "SmartLink modem driver." It appears it only works with SmartLink softmodems.
14:04.06valdynutrrrongeeb: snd-intel8x0 is an alsa sound driver for intel chipsets, snd-intel8x0m drives some of their software modems
14:04.31valdynutrrrongeeb: no, it drives any modem you have an oss or alsa sound driver for
14:05.44utrrrongeebvaldyn: Okay, I'll look at it when I'm next running Debian. Thanks for your help!
14:05.53iturkzinx: any help to make it ?
14:05.57keith80403Debian Etch - Just got a new Attack 3 joystick - recognized by the system (/var/log/messages) how do I configure it?  Sabre (svgalib Flight Simulator) doesn't recognize it.
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14:06.23zinxiturk: sorry, none
14:06.54iturkzinx: what about the business card cd
14:07.12iturkzinx: i google it and i find many thinks about money and cd's
14:07.15zinxiturk: it's on
14:07.57zinxiturk: says it's 40MB, but it's a CD image not a USB flash drive image
14:08.25dpkgEtch 4.0r0 is now the "Stable" debian release (April 8, 2007) see for images. Sarge is still available at Developers page is ..  If you want to make custom install cds, start with d-i.  IRC: #debian-boot. Lenny is now  the new Testing!
14:09.42torrrhow can I find a process name from its pid?
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14:10.45liableps aux|grep xxxx
14:10.48thneeps aux|grep <pid>
14:11.40thneei lose :(
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14:13.03liablethnee: irc is not a competition ;)
14:13.18liablebut just to make sure
14:13.22swordliable: how about pidof?
14:13.28liable!lose thnee
14:13.28dpkgthnee: You Lose.
14:13.29dpkg[qotd137] <www> when i apt-get upgrade, my system wants to update a lot of packages <www> how to avoid that ?
14:14.09sworderr, other way around, nm
14:14.12liablesword: how about it? i havent ever used it. tell me about it
14:14.18hunshadHello everyone, somebody could say to me how partition his computer because I have linux and I want to put Windows to make play my game preferred while keeping linux. The problem is that I put Cd Windows and then returned in partition I have to try to make create a partition but nothing it is produced since the entire disc east took.
14:14.19dimsuzHi! I have several HD partitions listed in system:/media in konqueror. But I can't mount them on-click. The message is "hal-storage-fixed-mount refused uid 1000". How do I tell hald to allow mounts for this user? Or hal respects fstab setting?
14:14.42*** join/#debian chance2105 (
14:15.04xingutorrr: "ps -o args= -p ${pid}" is usually a better fit.
14:15.05swordliable: give a name, it'll fire back the pid.  But that's the other way from what torrr was asking, misread it.
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14:15.58valdyndimsuz: it does respect fstab. Allowing random mounts to a user you could just aswell give him the root password
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14:16.08chance2105How do you verify a burnt DVD image?  I used to verify burnt CD medium with a "diff /dev/<device> isoimage.iso" command .. I've either burnt to successive DVD coasters, or this doesn't work with DVDs
14:16.16liablesword: oh, nice, i usually use pkill anyway for things i am to lazy to search the pid for ;)
14:16.55xingusword: I prefer pgrep for that one. :)
14:17.15valdynchance2105: that should work fine, though 'cmp' is better suited for the job
14:17.30dimsuzvaldyn: the only user is me, so I know what I'm doing ;-)
14:17.38dimsuzvaldyn: thanks for info
14:17.40swordxingu, liable: I had never heard of that one before, tnx for the tip!
14:17.57zinxchance2105: i tend to go with md5sum
14:18.24dimsuzvaldyn: ok, it respects fstab, but is there a hal-specific way to allow such mounts? Or only fstab-way?
14:18.30dimsuzjust curious
14:18.50valdyndimsuz: there is for sure
14:19.01valdyndimsuz: you'd have to edit some script, i guess
14:19.12tarzeauthere's more than 93850 dpkg/apt-get/popularity-contest users...
14:19.15chance2105zinx: valdyn:  I'm finding articles ( stating a simple cat or whatever isn't the approach to take with DVDs
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14:19.25valdyndimsuz: by default only things like usb storage can be mounted by users
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14:19.52hunshadhow i can save my partition to create new partition for insert windows
14:19.55cain`hey all
14:19.59tarzeauhunshad: use ms-sys?
14:20.14hunshadI don't know
14:20.16cain`how cann i install a module for proftpd? didnt find anything on google
14:20.16cuscohunshad: resize your partition
14:20.23cuscothen create new one
14:20.28cuscouse gparted
14:20.36zinxchance2105: i've not had problems with md5sum foo.iso and md5sum /dev/cdrom
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14:20.54cuscohunshad: but you can't do it while the partition is mounted
14:21.07valdynzinx: that's fine too, just a waste of (cpu)time
14:21.15hunshadand i change the ext3 partion
14:21.33dimsuzvaldyn: ah... :)
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14:21.52zinxvaldyn: perhaps :)
14:22.31boltI need a guide on the easiest way (preferably using some sort of GUI) to connect to a wireless network on a freshly installed Debian Etch machine which does detect and load modules for the wireless card. Anyone?
14:22.54hunshadThus it is necessary that I save my partitions and that I to create new ones
14:23.11dimsuzoh, guys! i'm having problems with debian detecting my Canon A630 ptp camera... any faq about ptp cameras in debian? (for kde user)...
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14:23.30iturkhey friends i am in windows but i would like to put a boot loader on the usb stick. (Like LILO) can someone help me ?
14:23.38dimsuziirc it mounts but then bails out with an error...
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14:23.46cuscohunshad: resize your current partition allowing space for new ones. if you have free space you can resize it
14:23.48taliskerwhat's your favourite filesharing method/client?
14:24.30hunshadmy hard disk has 250G
14:24.52cuscohunshad: what bit of what I said didn't you understand
14:24.59tarzeaumine has 31 C
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14:25.27hunshadwhat is the program
14:25.46cuscoits a graphical interface to the comand line tool named parted
14:27.02hunshadis't my /home who take all the space
14:27.44cain`where is proftpd installed by depault with apt-get?
14:27.46hunshadi can't unmmount my partition
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14:30.08asgcain`: dpkg -L <pkg>
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14:31.15hunshadok but I is not any more open space because I have partitionner by taking all space
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14:31.45Ronin!tell root__ about root
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14:33.13jelly-homehunshad: if you only have one disk, you can't really run gparted from it.  I suggest using gparted livecd, the iso image can be downloaded somewhere at
14:33.23earthian!tell Arcad3 about root
14:33.24chance2105zinx: Hah.  Well.  md5sum's so don't match.  <tries burning again>
14:33.53hunshadbut can i save it
14:34.00hunshadbefore to do that
14:34.19hunshadok ciao
14:34.39MicroChip32what on earth is up with the debian archives, or apt-get, or something. I tried to install a package (perl module) last night and it decided it wanted to [re]install the same version of perl (sort of understandable, but shouldnt happen) AND wanted to [re]install the same version of the kernel as was currently in place (should never happen afaik)
14:35.24MicroChip32the kernel issue is also occuring during a raw install, between asking what archives to use and what packages to install, it wants to [re]install the same kernel over the current
14:35.49asgMicroChip32: probably a security update. What does 'apt-cache policy <pkg>' say about installed vs candidate?
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14:36.22cain`i want to install a module for proftpd but i cant find any description how
14:37.00asgcain`: install the proftpd-doc package. It will have information on what you need to do.
14:37.09MicroChip32asg : Package Files:
14:37.10*** kick/#debian [MicroChip32!n=debhelpe@unaffiliated/debhelper] by debhelper (use the paster bot or #flood)
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14:37.28MicroChip32go figure *sigh*
14:37.30asgMicroChip32: use a paster (/msg dpkg paster)
14:37.45MicroChip32did the paste come thru ?
14:37.51asgnot all of it.
14:38.43xitrodebhelper, is that a reason to kick someone out the channel because he didn't use pastebin?
14:38.48asgxitro: yes
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14:38.58gravityxitro: debhelper is a bot
14:38.58asgxitro: he pasted more than 4 lines
14:39.05xitrook sorry
14:39.09xitromy mistake :-)
14:39.14MicroChip32yea, most channels now days kick ya for more than 4 lines or somethng
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14:39.33asgMicroChip32: for the reason why, try holding a coherent conversation in #flood on a busy day
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14:39.54MicroChip32ash, yea i used to be an op on another network, well aware :)
14:40.20MicroChip32i just hate pastebin *mutter*
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14:40.43tarzeauis there a wings3d expert here?
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14:41.36asgMicroChip32: what command did you use to generate that output?
14:41.56MicroChip32"apt-cache policy"
14:42.16asgMicroChip32: run 'apt-cache policy <pkg>' where '<pkg>' is the one that keeps wanting to be upgraded
14:43.11asgMicroChip32: also, that output indicates that you don't have security sources which you most certainly want
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14:44.44ahlforsFor some reason, my texlive broke during a recent dist-upgrade.  The bbold font seems to be the problem.  Any idea what's happening?
14:45.00asgahlfors: what debian version are you running?
14:45.06harkliable: so got the ati drivers working again?
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14:45.33ahlforsunstable.  Yes, I know it's unstable.
14:45.37asgahlfors: /msg dpkg bts
14:46.17MicroChip32bah. the machine in question, the one that was freakin when i tried to install a new package (libgd for perl) last night, wont even get that far now, aparently the process last night broke it worse. previous pastebin edited
14:46.19ahlforsI couldn't find anything relevant on bts for any of my installed texlive packages
14:46.27MicroChip32the command shown is the same as originally used last night
14:46.34liablehark: no, i have a botched version of x working atm. downgraded xorg-core and libgl1-meas, but its all a bit too funky for me to ne bothered with tonight (too many beers)
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14:47.43harkyikes :\
14:47.51hajhousei have a problem with aptitude (and apt-get): it hangs at 'Building dependency tree... 50%'
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14:48.08tarzeauany #bub-n-bros players join
14:48.11hajhousethere's no error message (I have -vvvv on)
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14:49.15liablehark: ie, no real wm at all, i have a xterm when x fires up and thats it. no menus or barry things on the screen.. :/
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14:50.21cain`i installed proftpd already but i want to add a module. how is this done?
14:50.52asgMicroChip32: oh, it appears that you have etch sources but are still running a sarge system and haven't done a full dist-upgrade. Is this the case?
14:51.08asgcain`: install the proftpd-doc package and read
14:51.34cain`i did but there is nothing about modules
14:51.43asgcain`: what module are you trying to install?
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14:52.23MicroChip32for the machine from which the paste came, its a sarge install, from the sarge net install cd. installed about a month ago. ive done nothing myself to point to etch sources, unless the "apt-get update" command i did lastnight before trying to install the package changed something
14:52.29boltI need a guide on the easiest way (preferably using some sort of GUI) to connect to a wireless network on a freshly installed Debian Etch machine which does detect and load modules for the wireless card. Anyone?
14:52.31*** join/#debian vchrizz (n=wjohn@
14:52.56asgMicroChip32: if your sources say 'stable' and not 'sarge', then your sources now point to the new stable system.
14:53.15liablebolt: firstly, it all depends on your wireless chipset, whether its supported
14:53.28boltliable: it is
14:53.34MicroChip32ahhhhhhhh. so i need to go into the apt config and change em to sarge, and add the security links you mentioned too, right ?
14:53.37harkbolt: network-manager
14:53.49cain`i found the file where the modules are lsited, but i dont know where to put the modules.c
14:53.49liablebolt: if you want a gui, install network-manager
14:53.54asgMicroChip32: yes
14:54.03bolthark, liable: will do, thanks
14:54.03cain`mod_shaper.c i mean
14:54.12liablebolt: not using it is much better though
14:54.39harkheh, for some.. there's wifi-radar for a GUI way as well
14:54.39boltliable: it's for my gf's laptop. the console isn't really her thing yet, though i'm trying to preach about it as often as possible
14:54.53MicroChip32is that why a raw install from the sarge cd is freaking too, complaining about installing kernel over existing kernel, and then [eventually] puking wether i say yes or no ?
14:55.26liablebolt: if it works, then its great. but it make life difficult to debug if it doesnt. so go with it if it does
14:55.30asgMicroChip32: yes, that seems likely to be the case.
14:55.41boltliable: :)
14:55.51MicroChip32asg : ok where's the apt config file, ive edited before but dont rememeber where
14:56.10asgMicroChip32: /etc/apt/sources.list
14:56.19stickybit`!kill init
14:56.26bolthm... network-manager recommends "eject". I truly can't see what those two packages have in common.
14:56.42MicroChip32so just change "stable" to "sarge" ??
14:56.55liablekilling init isnt  smart thing to do
14:57.01asgMicroChip32: yep and then run apt-get update
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14:57.15MicroChip32what do i add for the security stuff ?
14:57.18stickybit`liable: but i don't know how to kill it
14:57.23asgMicroChip32: /msg dpkg security
14:57.27stickybit`liable: tried kill -9 1
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14:57.50stickybit`liable: but failed... how to kill init?
14:57.55liablestickybit`: if you kill init, your box instantly dies. init is the mother of all processes
14:58.11*** join/#debian Acu (
14:58.23stickybit`liable: i know that... but i am not trying it on my box
14:58.35harkbolt: hmm, it doesn't...
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14:58.47liablestickybit`: eh?
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14:59.04stickybit`liable: so please tell me if you know how to kill init?
14:59.12ma3xwhats wrong with my sound, after I start kde, it starts scratching
14:59.20liablestickybit`: why do you want to?
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14:59.27cain`asg: in the documentation it says that i should put the dynamic modules into the /licexec dir of my proftpd installation but there is no such dir
14:59.29ma3xand if I for ex play something, it plays just a bit and it laggs 2 mins
14:59.46malheurhello, has anyone managed to set up a chrooted scponly with etch?
15:00.09stickybit`liable: i want to see know how to kill init and what exactly happens after killing it
15:00.12malheuri'm stuck!
15:00.18bolthark: probably not, but it required something that did :)
15:00.26stickybit`r/see how/how
15:00.50AcuI want to install Cinelerra - I got cannot install because it dependes of libquicktimehv - what should I do ?
15:00.55liablestickybit`: i dont think you can
15:01.01liablestickybit`: i just tried
15:01.21stickybit`liable: oh
15:01.22MicroChip32asg : ok thats done successfully, still get essentially the same error when try to install, aparently something got fxd last night. oh well, that machine wasnt even fully configured yet
15:01.36stickybit`liable: try with -9 then
15:01.53liablestickybit`: i did, try 'telinit 1' then try
15:02.01MicroChip32asg : so what can i do about the raw install thing, i dont see any way to tell it to use 'sarge' instead of 'stable' etc ?
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15:02.31stickybit`liable: ok i will do it tomorrow in college pc
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15:02.48ma3x_why [AO OSS] audio_setup: Can't open audio device /dev/dsp: No such file or directory
15:03.25schultzconsultI have this computer with 2 nics, which all traffic i passing through and I want it to be the gateway for 2 different subnets...
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15:04.00ma3x_can anyone help me with this /dev/dsp?
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15:04.20asgMicroChip32: you may want to see if the 3.1r6 install discs default to sarge over stable. Also, any reason you aren't using etch?
15:04.21liablestickybit`: i bet you cant kill it. try it on your box!
15:04.41stickybit`liable: no way
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15:04.47K|NgGh0sTAnyone know how to move to Xorg 7.2?
15:04.52schultzconsultand I gave the computer 1 IP from each of these subnets and I'm able to ping it from the different subnets, but not get onto the internet through the gateway...
15:04.55liablestickybit`: it wont hurt
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15:05.46stickybit`liable: sorry friend...
15:05.58liablestickybit`: weak bastard!
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15:06.15plbis updated for etch or just sarge?
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15:06.31harkplb: for etch too afaik
15:06.34MicroChip32asg : not using etch - other than not having an etch install cd and not having the bandwidth to download one, no
15:06.35stickybit`liable: then why dont you try on your machine
15:06.48liablestickybit`: gimme 2 minutes
15:06.58stickybit`liable: sure
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15:07.13harkit had the newer kernels, last i checked
15:07.29asgMicroChip32: the 'expert' install option may allow you to edit sources before things get going. I can't remember off the top of my head though. Someone else may know a workaround otherwise.
15:07.31MicroChip32asg : how would i see if the install 3.10a (the ones i have) default to sarge/stable ?
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15:08.24RichiHMicroChip32: do you happen to have squid on your router?
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15:09.05RichiHMicroChip32: if you do, you can write a redirector to force all requests to the mirrors that go to .*stable.* to go to .*sarge.*
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15:09.52K|NgGh0sTIS there an easy way to goto Xorg 7.2?
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15:10.26utabI have problem in organizing bookmarks in iceweasel, did you exprience the same
15:10.27tarzeauK|NgGh0sT: yeah, just wait
15:10.37MicroChip32RichiH : i could give you a long answer about how convoluted my connection to the internet is, but a short answer is "doing that -might- be possible, however much easier said than done"
15:11.12MicroChip32RichiH : im like 4 routers and 3 nats from the outside world
15:11.31RichiHMicroChip32: heh
15:11.47RichiHMicroChip32: it would still work, provided that you have squid, though
15:11.56K|NgGh0sTtarzeau, I cant. I need X windows fixxed, and thats the only way to do it
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15:12.38MicroChip32afaik i dont have squid, the local routers are all home linksys stuff, the only linux box i could use is not in the routing chain.
15:13.16stickybit`liable: you are still there
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15:18.15RichiHMicroChip32: you can force anyone in the network to use a transparent proxy with iptables
15:18.35liablestickybit`: you cant kill it
15:18.37RichiHMicroChip32: but it is probably easier to dig for an expert option
15:18.45liablestickybit`: well, i couldnt anyway
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15:18.59stickybit`liable: ok
15:19.28MicroChip32RichiH : iptables i can use, and is how i would do it, but there's no linux box in the routing chain, or at least not any i have access too
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15:19.47stickybit`liable: are you accessing trying on some other machine or what?
15:19.48liablethough going to init 1 and back gave me some grief
15:20.06stickybit`liable: ok
15:20.17liablestickybit`: i have my irssi session running on my server with screen
15:20.46stickybit`liable: ok. thanks for the info...
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15:21.22Rprphttp:// <--- -O_
15:21.24RichiHMicroChip32: two NICs in the linux box?
15:21.25stickybit`liable: if i found any trick for killing init i will definitly tell you
15:22.02liablestickybit`: sure, do tell. its bound to end in tears though :P
15:22.04RichiHRprp: please do not spam
15:22.16stickybit`liable: :)
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15:22.38MicroChip32ha! i got it. fixed the problem the box was having, thanks to asg getting me linked to the right sources i was able to force [re]install of the package that aparently got screwed up last night, and it just now properly installed the pacakage that started the whole mess
15:23.22liableMicroChip32: cool! now tell me how to fix my x!
15:23.43MicroChip32liable : HA, if i knew id have x running myself, i work in terminal mode
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15:24.17MicroChip32last time i played with x about a month ago i had x11 and xorg fighting
15:24.25MicroChip32couldnt make either one work right
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15:24.43xandxorg is x11
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15:25.00liableat least i have toolbars back
15:25.02MicroChip32or actually, i guess -they- worked right, but some software insisted on having one, and some software insisted on the other
15:25.07liablei can live with that
15:25.09xinguliable: init u tells init to re-exec
15:25.10MicroChip32xand. tell the rest of linux that
15:25.23xandMicroChip32: what are you talking about? xorg is an implementation of x11
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15:25.27liablexingu: can you kill it from bash though?
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15:25.53MicroChip32xand : i know that. but when i installed xorg i had several programs (dont remember which) that complained that x11 wasnt installed
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15:26.00MicroChip32or something like that
15:26.02liablexingu: i dont want it to respawn if thats what you meant
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15:26.29Nyledoody is nasty
15:26.34xinguliable: sure; kill -9; but all processes are children of it, so things are going to get hairy at that point.
15:26.42liableonly if its in your pants
15:26.46Nylewhat are we talking about killing?
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15:26.58liablexingu: kill -9 doesnt work
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15:27.09xinguliable: some of the firewall-on-a-floppy distros have an init which is a shellscript which exits after initialising networking and firewall rules
15:27.13Nylekill -9 won't work on a Zombie
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15:27.23Nyleother than that it should work on all pids
15:27.31liableNyle: init?
15:27.35Nylekill it
15:27.45xinguliable: not even if you explicitly use /bin/kill as opposed to the bash builtin?
15:27.45Nyleif it is the ppid
15:27.46liableNyle: pid 1 ??
15:28.06liablexingu: let me try that
15:28.10Nyleliable what are you asking me?
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15:28.15NyleI'm confused
15:28.15MicroChip32cant you kill -hup to reset/restart initd ?
15:28.24xinguMicroChip32: init q is better form.
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15:28.39xinguMicroChip32: or init u if you really do need a re-exec
15:28.49xingubut liable is talking about a hard kill of the process
15:28.54Nylela la
15:29.03MicroChip32there's always the micro**** salute :)
15:29.40MicroChip32if its the local machine
15:30.36quitteMicroChip32: you know that that has to be enabled in inittab?
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15:31.29MicroChip32good point, but isnt it enabled by default ?
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15:31.42xinguon most distros yes
15:32.11darkapostropheDoes anyone have an idea why there are no Debian packages for Warsow? I mean, it _is_ free software...
15:32.27liablenah, init 1; /bin/kill -9 1 doeasnt work
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15:32.41MicroChip32sorta a severe method tho, falls just short of crawling behind your desk looking for the power strip :)
15:32.59xinguliable: does it produce any console message? "attempted to kill init!" or similar?
15:33.07liablexingu: nope
15:33.27xinguc-a-d just runs the ca: action
15:33.43liablexingu: funny cause i most folks manage to kill init with kernel compiles :)
15:34.13darkapostropheHello? :)
15:34.24xinguliable: unfortunately I don't have a test box/ instance to test any further on, but there's no real reason why pid=1 is magic apart from being the parent of all other processes
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15:34.49liablexingu: thats what i thought, but the fucker seems imposible to kill
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15:34.52xinguliable: strace -o /var/tmp/strace.out /bin/kill -9 1
15:34.59xinguliable: and pastebin the output
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15:35.27liablexingu: aww, everytime i do it i have to reboot cause it fucks ifconfig
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15:36.01xinguactually use strace -fo too
15:37.33tarzeauany crack-attack server/players?
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15:38.19Mikkel020Hello, I have a AMD 64bit processor. I want to install debian, but realize that using 64bit is going to complicate things for me a bit. I am not very good with linux, and am used to using 32bit binaries. Can I just install the debian i386 verion, or is this a bad idea?
15:38.22Nyleoh my fucknig god
15:38.25Nylebest buy sucks balls
15:38.38Nylethey don't know shit, that is if you get an english speaking person
15:38.43Nyleif you're lucky
15:38.47*** part/#debian aadil (
15:39.26Nyleback home i know where to go to buy computer parts, ny is fucked up man
15:39.31NyleI'm getting pissed off at this state
15:39.44harkMikkel020: yes you can, and no it's not
15:39.46K|NgGh0sTMikkel020, why will 64 bit complicate things?
15:40.15NyleK|NgGh0sT it doesn't have what he would proabably need
15:40.18MicroChip32nyle, just go to tigerdirect or one of the other online places. tiger get me my stuff in a couple days usually
15:40.18Mikkel020well installing software that has 32bit binaries only
15:40.28Nyleif he has to ask...
15:40.40NyleMicroChip32 I don't wanna wait a couple of days
15:40.50MicroChip32otherwise its about a 100 mile one way trip for me to find a decently stocked [and knowledgeable] computer store
15:40.53kspathtigerdirect and newegg usually beat anything bestbuy can do
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15:40.58obsethrylMikkel020: installing a 32bit version is not a bad idea since you are guaranteed that some commercial programs who might have issues with 64bit will work on your box. Other than that, and whatever you choose, you should find no problem in installing / configuring ecc, nor will you have driver issues, provided, that, if you use blobs they can work on 64bit
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15:41.17MicroChip32and techhelp at TD speaks english too, at least the ones ive talked to
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15:41.55kspathdepending on a store to have tech knowledge is not a good idea.
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15:42.17MicroChip32i get a laugh out of the idiots at BB, sheeesh
15:42.24blackesthi i've got a problem with nfs i have this entry in /etc/exports /media/hdb1/mythtv/recordings*(rw,async)
15:42.26obsethrylMikkel020: personally the only factor i consider in my linux boxes is whether there is closed source software / blob / whatever that would require a strict 32bit mode; some may have issues, others, thanks to the good engineering of modern 64bit distros should work. It all depends on that small factor, unleast for me and the given hardware I deploy
15:42.42xinguFootnote 3: The kernel will always panic if PID 1 exits; this is unrelated to initramfs. All of the signals that might kill init are blocked, even "kill -9" which will reliably kill any other process. But init can still call the exit() syscall itself, and the kernel panics if this happens in PID 1. Avoiding it here is mostly a cosmetic issue: we don't want the panic scrolling our "Hello World!" message off the top of the screen.
15:42.57blackestbut when i try to mount it the server says permission denied any idea why ?
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15:43.12xingudigging for a source cite now, but seems pretty likely
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15:43.25dpkgfrom memory, paste is Do NOT paste into the channel. Use on FreeNode and on OFTC
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15:44.41Mikkel020obsethryl: ok thank you for explaining, and the others to
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15:45.43liablei am on a mission to kill init!
15:45.47VirtualUserEn Channel?
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15:46.21VirtualUserNeed help with my Debian-Root-Server
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15:46.50Nyleliable just restart man
15:46.52xinguliable: ...src/linux/arch/i386/kernel/signal.c: Thus you cannot kill init even with a SIGKILL
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15:47.05harkmission impossible ;)
15:47.05Nyleliable don't kill your braincells over it
15:47.07Nylenot worth it
15:47.09xinguliable: so there you go, the kernel installs a special signal handler for pid==1
15:47.23liablexingu: from strace?
15:47.30schultzconsultany good guide to routing on debian?
15:47.32obsethrylMikkel020: have fun
15:47.35swastanyone speak spanish here ?
15:47.43xinguliable: nope, oddly enough it lies back to kill(1) - that returned success. :)
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15:48.25Brian_RGreetings.  I'm pulling my hair out on a sound issue I've been having.  I had originally got ALSA sound on my Debian Etch box, running kernel 2.6.18, working, but whatever was set to get sound working didn't survive a reboot.  My laptop is an HP Omnibook 900, model F1712WT.
15:49.04liablestickybit`: cant be done so says the kernel
15:49.19roger21how commes there is not loakeys on the last dfs livecd (1.0) and how do i change the keyboard then ?
15:49.24Brian_RAs of now I am able to eliminate sound-related error messages, but cannot get sound to play.  I have checked settings in the mixer related to volume nad muting.
15:49.28*** join/#debian beingm (
15:50.00liablehow dare he leave after i killed my box 6 times to see if his problem works
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15:50.37jelly-homeliable: easily!
15:51.01liableguess i'm just a sucker
15:51.14liableat least now i know you cant kill init
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15:51.28jelly-homeliable: maybe some fruit reset his connection
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15:51.49artagnonWhat the hell is the apache2 package? It's 37 Kb!
15:51.58iturkhey friends any source.list generator for debian etch ?
15:52.06liablejelly-home: yeah, i'll show him fruit, a pineapple up his ass! :)
15:52.26liableartagnon: metapackege
15:52.39Nylejelly-home goddamn peer
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15:52.48Nylekeeps fucking resetting connections
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15:53.03liableiturk: no
15:53.08NyleI tell ya man, if i find this peer, Ima kick him in da nuts
15:53.10Brian_RGreetings.  I'm pulling my hair out on a sound issue I've been having.  I had originally got ALSA sound on my Debian Etch box, running kernel 2.6.18, working, but whatever was set to get sound working didn't survive a reboot.  My laptop is an HP Omnibook 900, model F1712WT.  As of now I am able to eliminate sound-related error messages, but cannot get sound to play.  I have checked settings in the mixer related to volume nad
15:53.18artagnonliable: Ah, what are the packages it installs?
15:53.24liableiturk: apt-spy
15:53.40liableartagnon: apt-cahe show apache2
15:54.05Nylegonads and strife?
15:54.13artagnonliable: Right. Thanks
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15:54.52Nylethe router I want is 60$. too expensive
15:55.14NyleI would like a wrt54g version < 5.0 for about 20-30$
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15:55.37Nyleits offtopic, but if anyone can help me find on online i'd be greatful
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15:56.15iturkliable: is not show in my apt-cache search
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15:56.40liablexingu: interestingly, as i guess you read, man kill (1) has a kill -9 1 cmd..
15:56.41Nylepinktaco change your nickname please
15:56.46iturkliable: can you give me a link with a good sources list for etch by the way i am in portugal
15:57.02dpkgmethinks debian mirrors is use apt-setup if you are running sarge, or at or or to make a mirror, or ask me about <apt-spy>
15:57.05*** part/#debian roger21 (
15:57.08Nyleiturk use that info
15:57.20Nylethis is not ubuntu, there is no sources.list generator or what not
15:57.39RichiHNyle: apt-setup
15:57.41Nylefind a mirror in your country or closeby on
15:57.41iturkNyle: pretty handy
15:57.44liablethere used to be
15:57.50NyleRichiH well you know what I mean :)
15:58.00RichiHyes.. apt-setup :)
15:58.02liableRichiH: not in etch
15:58.17Nyleapt-spy exists in all 3
15:58.22Nyleapt-setup is limited to sarge
15:58.37RichiHhmm, true, it is not in sid any more, either
15:58.38RichiHthat is stupid
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15:58.53Nylequad3d thank you
15:59.11artagnonI don't have an /etc/apache2/httpd.conf after installing apache2. Is this an issue?
15:59.18iturkNyle: hey i just want a sources.list for etch i search the links i didnt find the word etch so how can i find it ?
15:59.21Nyleapache2 doesn't have an httpd.conf
15:59.50liableartagnon: not really, though you should have
15:59.51dmilithartagnon: you don't need it. apache2.conf
15:59.51dmilithis equivalent
15:59.51artagnon/etc/apache2/apache2.conf mentions it in line 189
15:59.51liableartagnon: did you do some fuck ups and delete conf files?
16:00.02artagnonliable: Yes, a lot
16:00.12dpkgthe reason you have to use dpkg --force-confmiss is because whenever your config files are gone, dpkg assumes you deleted them on purpose, and that you want them to stay deleted.  You can also reinstall them using the following apt-get line: apt-get -o DPkg::Options::="--force-confmiss" --reinstall install <packagename>
16:00.16artagnonliable: I purged the installation but I'm still having a lot of problems
16:00.19Nyleiturk you can use any mirror you want, doesn't have to be etch specific. you mention etch on the deb line
16:00.24liableartagnon: ^^^^
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16:00.55Nyleiturk 1 mirror holds all 3 debian flavors.  just specify the one you want like deb etch main
16:01.02liableartagnon: apache2-common is the package you want
16:01.34artagnonliable: It isn't even in my repos!
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16:01.38NyleI still run 1.3 and mysql 5.0 and php4
16:01.40artagnon[21:27]~: apt-cache search apache2-common
16:01.40liableit is..
16:01.41artagnonlibapache-mod-dav - A DAV module for Apache
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16:01.48Nyleno need to go to apache2 for me
16:01.48artagnonThat's the only one
16:02.03iturkNyle: ok i am looking for the sources.list for the first time so it's normal that i dont know it's syntax and in my i just have a deb cdrom now i want to add mirrors
16:02.07artagnonliable: Lenny here
16:02.15iturkNyle: so i can add all the one's that i want
16:02.20Brian_RGreetings.  I'm pulling my hair out on a sound issue I've been having.  I had originally got ALSA sound on my Debian Etch box, running kernel 2.6.18, working, but whatever was set to get sound working didn't survive a reboot.  My laptop is an HP Omnibook 900, model F1712WT.  As of now I am able to eliminate sound-related error messages, but cannot get sound to play.  I have checked settings in the mixer related to volume nad
16:02.20Nyleiturk /msg dpkg mirrors
16:02.37liableartagnon: if you have apache2, the you have apache2-common
16:02.56artagnonliable: un  apache2-common <none>         (no description available)
16:02.58artagnonI don't
16:02.59NyleBrian_R what did you do to make it not work
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16:03.03nslaterHow do you asign a computed value to a variable in a makefile?
16:03.04NyleBrian_R do you remember?
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16:03.08artagnonThat's dpkg telling me
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16:03.20artagnonSomething's seriously screwed
16:03.23NyleBrian_R try to run alsaconf again as root
16:03.31liableartagnon: dpkg -l |grep apache   to a psatebot
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16:03.52spyroboySat Apr 21 10:19:15 2007: Starting Music Player Daemon: mkdir: cannot create directory `~/.mpd': No such file or directory
16:04.04spyroboyIs it just me or is that error extremely oxymoronish?
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16:04.16Brian_RIt is extremely oxymoronish, Spyroboy.
16:04.21artagnonliable: Aha, it's apache2.2-common, sorry. My bad
16:04.23Nyleit depends
16:04.36liablespyroboy: no, sounds like you home pr=erms are screwed
16:04.39spyroboyNyle, depends if ~ exists?
16:04.55spyroboyliable, mmm pr=erms?
16:04.56Nylespyroboy no it means your music player doesn't have the right to create a dir
16:04.58g00seMy sources.list had stable as opposed to Sarge. Usual sudo apt-get update followed by sudo apt-get -u upgrade has now left me with masses of packages held back. Is this a BAD THING?
16:05.06liablespyroboy: perms
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16:05.14Brian_RNyle: Doing aggressive search for sb8 yielded nothing. Gonna reboot
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16:05.46Nyleg00se its usually good to use distro's by name in debian
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16:05.59iturkNyle: so lets say that i am in Austria so i will add to sources.list deb etch main is this correct ?
16:06.00*** mode/#debian [+l 813] by debhelper
16:06.08g00seNyle: yes. But what about now - after the fact?
16:06.08Brian_RWait. when I shutdown it complains about not being able to grab IRQ 65535
16:06.11Nyleiturk yessir
16:06.23artagnonliable: I did the confmiss thing and I still don't have the httpd.conf
16:06.42Nyleg00se just use aptitude and update && upgrade
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16:06.55Nyleg00se aptitude should resolve your package depends better
16:07.01ivxhey what would the command be if i wanted to check the permissions of a folder
16:07.10Nylels -l
16:07.15g00seYes - but does it behave well over ssl?
16:07.27Nyleg00se shouldn't be a problem at all
16:07.33g00seI mean ssh of course
16:07.34dpkgaptitude is a modern frontend to libapt. For the most part, you can use it as a drop in replacement for apt-get. Ask me about <why aptitude> <why not aptitude> <aptitude-fu> and install aptitude-doc-en (or the aptitude-doc-* package appropriate for your locale)
16:07.47Nyleif apt-get works, so should aptitude
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16:08.12g00seYou see i've had curses problem with things like dpkg-reconfigure
16:08.16dpkgfrom memory, synaptic is the Conectiva APT front-end, uses the WINGS toolkit for the GUI, see, or
16:08.23*** part/#debian nslater (
16:08.36Nylela de fucking da
16:09.00artagnonapache2: Syntax error on line 189 of /etc/apache2/apache2.conf: Could not open configuration file /etc/apache2/httpd.conf: No such file or directory
16:09.04artagnonWhat's my issue?
16:09.14stonedg00se why would ssh cuase youo a problem with curses
16:09.39g00seWeird characters get printed, cursor in wrong place etc.
16:09.44stonedg00se unless the box you ssh into doesn't have curses install, which is kinda strange
16:09.59Brian_RNyle: Trying aptitude again. Should I not be doing the aggressive search?
16:10.16psstg00se: perhaps your term definition is wrong in the ssh'd-into shell
16:10.19Brian_RNow that's a thinko if I've ever saw one.
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16:10.21stonedBrian_R it doessn't matter
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16:10.43stonedBrian_R im tryin to think of what to tell you
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16:10.55iturkNyle: it says Err etch/main Packages 404 Not Found. So it means that it's turn off ?
16:10.56g00sepsst: you may be onto something. I'm using Cygwin at this end
16:11.29iturkNyle: since it's mentioned in and it's the first one
16:11.32psstg00se: try this command: export TERM=vt100
16:11.43stonediturk IIRC deb etch main
16:11.51psstthen go back to your curses app
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16:12.14g00sepsst: excellent - i'll try it then do a dummy dpkg-reconf
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16:12.27stonediturk that should be the correct sytnax for sources list
16:12.39iturkstoned: ok it's working
16:13.14stonediturk just for the heck of it, append contrib and non-free too, if you need something outta that
16:13.14g00sepsst: Currently: TERM=cygwin
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16:13.43spyroboyI found the error in the init.d/mpd file
16:13.51psstg00se: I doubt that the server has a termcap for cygwin
16:13.55stonedmpd? multiple personality disorder
16:14.01stonedthat could cause problems :)
16:14.06spyroboyIt's trying to mkdir .mpd in /home/mpd/ rather than /home/spyroboy
16:14.17g00sepsst: OK - does your previous suggestion stand?
16:14.21spyroboyand /home/mpd obviously doesn't exist..
16:14.23stonedspyroboy congrats
16:14.29spyroboyyeah! :)
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16:15.26stonedi don't like these pants
16:15.30stonedthey're making my legs itch
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16:17.57itchiI did a checkout of my website   svn export svn+ssh://HostName/home/david/svn_files/shared_codes/website/~david    and that made a ~david  diretory. Not what i wanted, so i wanted to remove that ~david  directory and did  rm -rf ~david in ~/public_html  What think you that there have been happend? DO NOT TRY THIS OUT!!!!
16:18.28*** join/#debian eide (
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16:18.51liablewell, its not likely we all have a DAVID dir
16:19.00itchiAll my files are gone in ~david  gggrrr
16:19.09itchiin my ~ i mean
16:19.14itchiuser is david
16:19.50itchiheh, the dir ~david in is gona that's sure
16:20.10itchiBut i not thouht it was the /home/david/
16:20.19Brian_RWouldn't '~david' expand out to /home/daviddavid
16:20.37itchiBut tell me, how do i delete then a directory called ~david  (~username) ?
16:20.50itchiWithout delete the whole home dir of that user!
16:20.51*** join/#debian realniko (
16:21.21liableexplain again without the svn bit
16:21.22itchiAnyway, it was on the webserver, be happy :-)
16:21.38itchiJust some dupplicated 'web' stuff
16:21.43Brian_RI just tested it on a test user on my box.
16:21.46Brian_Rrm -rf \~test
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16:22.00itchiBrian_R: Yeah, i had need to escape it
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16:22.27itchiBut i find that it should not delete your home directory anyway. You only know about it when it happend
16:23.02liableyes, rm will delete whatever you tell it
16:23.14itchiliable: Yeah sure, just that stupid var
16:23.18spyroboyanyone know how to unset "readonly" on a file?
16:23.26itchiOr whatever it's called, that expand thingy
16:23.43stoned~ == /home/yourusernamehere .  ~/Blah == /home/yourusername/Blah .  ~Blah == /home/yourusernameBlah
16:23.56itchispyroboy: chmod
16:23.56liablespyroboy: man chmod
16:23.56stonedits fucking crazy man
16:23.56spyroboyokay thanks
16:23.56Brian_Rspyro: man chmod
16:24.02spyroboyyeah yeah got it
16:24.09stonedspyroboy no you don't.. man chmod
16:24.19stonedanyone else wanna chime in?
16:24.28itchistoned: Yeah sure, but it was the directoy called ~david in ~/public_html/  that i wanted to delete, not my whole mess :-)
16:24.32liableitchi: your engrish is bad so its hard to tell exactly what you did
16:24.47stoneditchi longo time no see man whats going on
16:24.57stoneditchi i see
16:25.10stonedi feel itchy right now
16:25.22stonedi bought these new pants and they made my legs all itchi
16:25.23abrotmanthey sell medicine for that
16:25.37stonedhello abrotman whats goin on
16:25.38liablestop the crack?
16:25.44xandyou don't wear pants on your legs
16:26.00*** mode/#debian [+l 799] by debhelper
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16:26.06stonedxand well im not about to wear pants on my head
16:26.08abrotmanstoned: sox won ? :)
16:26.09perlmonkI'm looking for a tool to document my servers and my networks, anyone ?
16:26.17*** join/#debian kop_ (
16:26.22xandperlmonk: what?
16:26.23xinguwho you calling a tool, punk
16:26.35liabledocument what?
16:26.45abrotmandocument hpow?
16:26.46perlmonkservers structure and networks
16:26.47stonedabrotman not interested.  However the Cricket world cup is going on these days..  I don't much care for baseball.  I played it in highschool, it was fun, but thats about it
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16:26.53perlmonkWhat's unclear in this ?
16:27.03xandperlmonk: your question makes no sense
16:27.04stonedI like watching it sometimes
16:27.15abrotmanperlmonk: you want to catalogue machines? or routes or what ?
16:27.16itchiliable: I did cd ~/public_html/   svn export svn+ssh:// .  But that not work, cause there are already .svn files there. So i did  svn export svn+ssh://  and that have made a dir ~david  in the ~/public_html/  Again not good, i wanted to remove the direcoty ~david (and i was still in ~/public_html/ ). So i did  rm -rf ~david  and ...
16:27.17perlmonkxand, Or you simply didn't read it well ?
16:27.17xandperlmonk: the answer is... vim
16:27.18amortvigilhello how can i install firefox?? i followed the tut at but it wont work
16:27.18liablestoned: you should get into the rugby too
16:27.21stonedbut i don't keep up with the teams or anything
16:27.22itchi... all my file where gone
16:27.25perlmonkabrotman, Yes, somewhat
16:27.26xandperlmonk: no, you didn't phrase it well
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16:27.38abrotmanthat was an or
16:27.39stonedliable I don't care much for american football either.. rugby is the shiznit
16:27.39ivxcould someone give me an example command to chmod a folder to 775?
16:27.54psstperlmonk: yeah - vim is really god for documenting.
16:27.54xandivx: chmod 775 something
16:27.57perlmonkI want to list all softwares installed, ports it binds to, functions intented of the server...
16:28.01xandivx: and it's directory not folder
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16:28.18stonedivx do you want stuff in the folder to be recursively get those 775 too?
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16:28.25stonedivx use the -R switch for that
16:28.34stonedmy grammar is horrible
16:28.38ivxstoned, no just that directory
16:28.47psststoned: did she beat you?
16:28.53liableitchi: i dont use svn so i dont quite understand, but if you backed up from svn, then deleted, cant you just backup again?
16:28.53xandivx: it's really very difficult
16:28.56itchiAnyway, i gona have some export work right now :-p
16:28.57psstyour gramma
16:29.02artagnonWhy isn't websitebaker on the repos?
16:29.09liablemust be bed time
16:29.20itchiliable: Yeah, no worry to much, i have the stuff in svn ;-) Sleep very well
16:29.25stonedartagnon is that even a debian pacakge?
16:29.28perlmonkWell, guess I'll have to stick with dia
16:29.29abrotmanartagnon: wth is it ?
16:29.31stoned!info websitebaker
16:29.40itchiJust that the rm -rf ~david is somethings very sad to do, happy escape
16:29.45stoned<dpkg> Package 'websitebaker' does not exist.
16:29.57artagnonstoned && abrotman: It's a content management system. It's not a package
16:30.02xandperlmonk: you mean you wanted something to make network diagrams? well asked.
16:30.13stonedartagnon anything in debian is a package
16:30.15perlmonkxand, No, not only network diagrams
16:30.18abrotmanartagnon: oh .. dunno .. never used it
16:30.24amortvigilwhat is the difference between firefox and iceweasel?
16:30.28abrotmanstoned: he's saying it's not a package .. but it is a content management system
16:30.31stonedartagnon like you "package" the software, software could be binary or text code cms
16:30.34lexoplexCan anyone recommend a free flash plugin for Iceweasel that will work with y**tube?
16:30.36abrotmanamortvigil: the logo :)
16:30.36artagnonstoned: Well, it's not in debian
16:30.38xandperlmonk: anyway, really well asked.
16:30.41Acuis any video editor which can add text overlay (cinelerra is imposible to be installed - so anyother sugestion will be great - unless u know how to make cinelerra be installed in Debian etch)
16:30.43dpkgrumour has it, rfp is a Request For Package; see, or a wishlist bug filed against "wnpp" with a title beginning "RFP: "
16:30.44liableartagnon: ice and fire
16:30.52Brian_RLeox: I do'nt know any free flash plugins whatsoever
16:30.53stonedartagnon I know
16:30.55artagnonliable: Pardon?
16:30.55amortvigilabrotman is that the only difference?
16:31.03xandyou're all insane!
16:31.07stonedBrian_R there a many
16:31.09perlmonkI want something that have the network diagram functionality, yes, but not only, I want something that also does the server's internals doc
16:31.13stonedBrian_R apt-cache search flash :)
16:31.21Brian_RStoned: libre, not gratis.
16:31.27stonedcome again?
16:31.30liableartagnon: nicktab borkage
16:31.31dpkgi guess flash is
16:31.31stonedi don't speak latin
16:31.36dpkgi guess gnash is a GNU project to create a free software player for movies in Shockwave Flash format. Its developers plan on writing a stand-alone player and a plugin for Firefox. Plugins for other browsers may also be written afterwards. Writing a free software Flash-player has been a priority of the GNU project for some time. Before the launch of Gnash, the GNU project asked for people to assist the GPLFlash project.
16:31.39perlmonkxand, Yes, well, what else my question could have pointed ? heh....
16:31.50Brian_RWell. ther'es one.
16:31.58stonedBrian_R you said.. freedom, not granted?
16:32.00stonedor something
16:32.06stonedi is lost
16:32.11abrotmanstoned: free vs Free
16:32.18abrotmanbeer vs speech
16:32.21stonedabrotman difference being
16:32.23xandfree vs three
16:32.23liablesmoke another d00b man
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16:32.32abrotmanstoned: free source vs free program
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16:32.34stonedliable i haven't toked in like months
16:32.40stonedabrotman ahhh
16:32.44stonedoss vs freeware
16:32.46stonedi got ya
16:32.47*** join/#debian [BurcU] (n=iMam@
16:32.51lexoplexabrotman: Thanks.
16:32.54Acuso no video editor which can add text?
16:33.03stonedacu maybe kino?
16:33.14artagnonWhy does apt want to install apache2-utils when I try to install apache?
16:33.23stonedartagnon it just does.. let it
16:33.31xandartagnon: because that package has a silly name... it's not just for apache2
16:33.34stonedartagnon why are you installing apache 1.3 anyway
16:33.43Acustoned: no, kino does not have such a "luxury" - at least I do not see it there
16:33.44stonedjust stick with apache2
16:33.47abrotmannot everything works with apache1
16:33.50abrotmanerm .. apache2
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16:34.01stonedabrotman true, which is why I still run 1.3
16:34.02artagnonstoned: I can't get apache2 working
16:34.04liableupgrade from sarrge..
16:34.05streuner1.3 is stable and reliable
16:34.09artagnonxand: I see
16:34.10stonedstreuner how true
16:34.23stonedhey rahul
16:34.25rahullast night was crazy
16:34.29artagnonstoned: Have you got it working? I can't even start the bloody server
16:34.30rahulI have a date at 3
16:34.36artagnonSome config files missing problem
16:36.21rahulthis is unrelated to last night
16:36.21abrotmanrahul: SPCA ?
16:36.21stonedrahul man I thought we were gonna hang out today
16:36.21abrotmanstoned: let me explain boobs to you ...
16:36.21stonedabrotman yeh lol
16:36.22stonedi get it
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16:36.22rahulI'm more of an ass man, myself, actually
16:36.22stonedTMI dude
16:36.22rahulbut a good set of boobs helps. immensely.
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16:36.23abrotmansame deal .. different body part
16:36.24rahulwell I could have said nose, and you'd all be like, wtf
16:36.24stonedrahul hey to each thier own... crazy fetishes
16:36.24stonednose? sicko
16:36.31rahulheh, but that's eliza
16:36.38rahulshe likes my nose
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16:36.56stonedyou probably brown nose a lot eh
16:37.05markithi, iroN_Man is giving me a porn address in private chat
16:37.07rahulheh, with her... hrm
16:37.12markitin any case, I'm here for ask help
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16:37.42abrotman!ops iroN_Man reported to be spamming bad stuff
16:37.42dpkgHydroxide, bob2, caphuso, dondelelcaro, doogie, eeyore-, ElectricElf, ):, helix, ljlane, LoRez, RichiH, mentor, Netsnipe, TML, walters, xk, gravity, azeem, Maulkin, stew, peterS, Alife, Myon, Ganneff, Maulkin, weasel, zobel: abrotman complains about: iroN_Man reported to be spamming bad stuff
16:37.42streunermarkit: !ops some dude are spamming me (IP)
16:37.44markitI'm installing debian sid 64bit and KDE, but can't install KDE because, aptitude says, some packages are BROKEN... how is that?
16:38.01abrotman!install kde
16:38.01dpkgwell, install kde is In sarge/etch/lenny, the metapackage 'kde' installs tons of stuff, 'kde-core' slightly less, and 'kdebase' even less.
16:38.04abrotmanstart smaller
16:38.04stonedmarkit it is sid
16:38.10dpkg"This release is currently considered ``unstable''. That means that things *will* break if you run it." (quote from old page, or see ben break, or
16:38.10liablemarkit: thats perfectly normal
16:38.12stoned!sid faq
16:38.12dpkgrumour has it, sid faq is
16:38.17stonedread the sid faq
16:38.34markitstoned: I've 3 more PC with debian sid 32 bit, and KDE without problems...
16:38.46stonedmarkit then you should know better...
16:38.50rahulmarkit: you're clearly better at debian than us, so why are you asking for help?
16:38.51artagnonI'm trying to use a content management system with my apache. Let's say I get content management system "foo" and put that directory in my /var/www. When I try to access http://localhost/foo, I get an option to save a PHTML file. What am I doing wrong?
16:38.51abrotmanokay .. anyone in NE/MA should now be outside! (or planning)
16:38.52stonedmaybe you should consult the bts
16:38.59stonedor not be running sid
16:39.03rahulabrotman: why? because of the weather?
16:39.09stonedsid isn't even officially supported here is it?
16:39.11rahulI can smell the sunshine
16:39.11stonedor what
16:39.12markitwell, seems not very friendly channel, isn't it?
16:39.13abrotmanrahul: no.. it's naked day
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16:39.21abrotmanmarkit: /msg dpkg install kde .. start smaller
16:39.23tarzeaustoned: it's supported in #debian-sid
16:39.31aabbccgo sox
16:39.31stonedtarzeau i thought as much
16:39.40liabletarzeau: eh?
16:39.43abrotmanwhat masochist would sit in #debian-sid ?
16:39.50stonedrahul well i was gonna chug some beers with ya today and toke up
16:39.51tarzeauabrotman: me
16:39.56stonedbut you completely just went for the boobs
16:39.56rahulwhy were the sox wearing green last night?
16:40.02abrotmantarzeau: i don't want support from you
16:40.10abrotmanrahul: celtics .. auerbach or whatever his name was
16:40.12rahulstoned: well, afterwards, I'm down to hang out
16:40.28rahulabrotman: ah, someone at the bar said it's 4/20, DUH
16:40.28abrotmanodd .. stoned just said he hasn't toked in months ...
16:40.34stonedrahul i got nothing to do tomorrow, i could come over later tonight and maybe crash there
16:40.39*** mode/#debian [+o stew] by ChanServ
16:40.41*** mode/#debian [+b *!*@] by stew
16:40.41*** part/#debian iroN_Man (n=iMam@
16:40.41*** mode/#debian [-o stew] by stew
16:40.47stonedstew's da man
16:40.53rahulassuming my parents don't come to hang...
16:40.56abrotmanrahul: today is arbor day in some states .. and federal arbor day
16:41.02*** join/#debian obnauticus (
16:41.12rahuloh, earth day
16:41.18stewi actually worked on killing a tree today
16:41.27rahulhome depot is giving out fluorescent lamps
16:41.28abrotmanbad stew!
16:41.30abrotman!punish stew
16:41.34*** join/#debian repyskichboarder (n=useless@unaffiliated/repyskichboarder)
16:41.37abrotmanrahul: CFL ?
16:41.39*** join/#debian chemaja1 (
16:41.43rahulmmm thinly-sliced ball
16:41.45rahulabrotman: yeah
16:41.54stonedrahul you know they eat goat nuts in pakistan
16:41.57stonedcall them kapooray
16:42.05stoneddisgusting if ya ask me
16:42.06troubledrahul: nub'cakes!
16:42.08rahulstoned: speaking of TMI
16:42.13abrotmani like CFL .. but i *really* wish they'd make it a lot more apparent they need to be recycled and not just tossed in the trash
16:42.18rahultroubled: you are troubled
16:42.23repyskichboarder somebody can help me? this error occourr when I try to open the windows's partition
16:42.28rahul!penixstrike troubled
16:42.29dpkgA towering Penix descends from the heavens, knocking troubled to the ground and leaving a large wet spot.
16:42.30rahulright there
16:42.35repyskichboarderhello abrotman
16:42.40rahulabrotman: hrm, true
16:42.44abrotmanhi repyskichboarder
16:42.48stonedrepyskichboarder you want #debian-es
16:42.51stonedis this spanish?
16:42.59repyskichboarderNO ITALIAN :P
16:43.01abrotmanor to LANG=C <command>
16:43.05repyskichboarderops sorry for the caps
16:43.06stonedthen debian-it
16:43.40stonedhere or on
16:43.48stonedor net
16:43.51stonedfuck i can't remember
16:43.51zinxabrotman: i really wish i know *how* to recycle them
16:43.54zinxerh, knew
16:43.55rahulI hope my place doesn't smell of greenery
16:44.02troubledstoned: rough mornin? :)
16:44.02stonedsave some for me man
16:44.05stonedat least a doober
16:44.07rahulI hope it's outside that smells of spring :)
16:44.10*** part/#debian perlmonk (n=pierre@
16:44.12rahulstoned: I got shitloads
16:44.16stonedword man
16:44.19abrotmanzinx: take them back where you got them
16:44.21zinxabrotman: nearly impossible to recycle anything but paper here, and even that's hard
16:44.23rahuleven the bad stuff smells fresh
16:44.23stonedrahul what time you gonna be back home tonight?
16:44.30rahulstoned: dunno, I guess 5 or 6
16:44.32zinxabrotman: i suspect the store would throw them in the trash
16:44.34*** part/#debian sword (
16:44.36abrotmanzinx: from what i understand .. walmart etc will take them
16:44.38stonedoh ok, i'll swing by around 6 or 7
16:44.42abrotmanzinx: that's on them .. you did your part
16:44.47rahulstoned: call me before.
16:44.54zinxabrotman: interesting, i wouldn't know who to take it to in a walmart, though
16:44.54rahulstoned: or come hang with my parents if you want
16:44.59stonedfuck that
16:45.12abrotmanzinx: i'm pretty sure .. let's ask google! :)
16:45.14*** join/#debian nOp (n=xxxx@
16:45.16rahulyeah, dunno what their plans are
16:45.18*** join/#debian blackelf_ (
16:45.18stonedunless your mom is gonna cook indian food
16:45.27rahuloh, she's gonna bring some
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16:45.50rahulrajma or chole probably
16:46.02stonedim gonna go eat some gobhi gosht
16:46.10zinxabrotman: hehe
16:46.18rahulmmm fried ghost.
16:46.36*** join/#debian capiira (
16:46.41abrotmanzinx: wikipedia says take them back where you got them
16:46.43king_crimsondoes anybody know why my etch install's clock keeps changing itself to 5 hours behind?
16:46.45phoggrahul: ghosts don't drop corpses.
16:46.48king_crimsonunder KDE
16:46.54zinxabrotman: hmmm, do they require a receipt? :P
16:46.56stewking_crimson: are you dual booting with windows?
16:47.03stonedphogg they drop ectoplasm
16:47.05abrotmanking_crimson: does 'date' return the right time ?
16:47.05rahulphogg: in north india they do :P
16:47.11stewking_crimson: toggle the utc setting in /etc/default/rcS
16:47.12rahulheh, yeah, that too
16:47.13abrotmanzinx: why? .. doubt it
16:47.16king_crimsonit doesnt
16:47.23zinxabrotman: 'cause some stores are really silly
16:47.30king_crimsonthanks stew i'll try that
16:47.41*** join/#debian arraista (n=thiagoar@
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16:47.58king_crimsonits already set to "no"
16:48.02abrotmanzinx: hopefully someone just starts making bins at the grocer or something
16:48.03king_crimsonshould it be yes?
16:48.15stewking_crimson: is your timezone 5 hours off from UTC?
16:48.18arraistait seems like etch won't detect my old network card, but sarge did... *sigh*
16:48.27king_crimsoni'm central
16:48.29*** join/#debian wolffc (
16:48.34king_crimsonwhich i set during install
16:48.38abrotmani'm a bit off to the right :)
16:48.39dpkgi guess xconfig is for kernels in the 2.4 series and earlier, apt-get install tk8.3, or for 2.6 and newer kernels, apt-get install libqt-dev (woody) or libqt3-mt-dev (sarge or sid), or for GNOME-heads, see gconfig
16:49.07dpkgTo reconfigure your X server, run dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg as root. If you're not using Xorg (sarge or earlier), dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86, and ask me about xmd5sum if you've changed XF86Config-4 yourself.
16:49.07phoggabrotman: eastern? conservative?
16:49.21abrotmaneastern :)
16:49.35phoggah, the One True Timezone.
16:49.51Brian_RThe One True Timezone -- GMT :)
16:50.34rahulone timezone to rule them all
16:51.26*** join/#debian Zvpun (
16:51.51Zvpunhow can I check the root filesystem without shutting it down, fsck says I should not check it because its mounted.
16:51.51*** join/#debian xingu (
16:52.12abrotmanyou can't ?
16:52.35*** join/#debian CharminTheMoose (
16:52.59Zvpunit doesnt even seem to have a check-readonly option
16:53.23phoggZvpun: you can remount the filesystem as readonly, but even that probably wont let you fsck it
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16:58.07torrrwhat are the numbers next to sockets in /proc/<pid>/fd ?
16:58.11torrrfor instance:
16:58.30torrrlrwx------ 1 root root 64 2007-04-21 19:43 3 -> socket:[75114]
16:58.44torrrthe 75114
16:59.12markit! sources
16:59.12dpkgsources is probably /etc/apt/sources.list is the file which stores a list of repositories that apt-get/aptitude use for downloading packags.  "man sources.list" for a description of its format.  If you are using sarge/stable you can use apt-setup to alter this file, also ask me about <mirrors>, <apt-setup>, <apt-spy>
16:59.29markit! mirrors
16:59.29dpkgfrom memory, debian mirrors is use apt-setup if you are running sarge, or at or or to make a mirror, or ask me about <apt-spy>
17:00.49dpkgi guess apt-spy is a secret!  Shh!, or like 'mirror, mirror, on the wall... who is the fastest of them all?' :: apt-get install apt-spy; apt-spy update; apt-spy -d [stable,testing,unstable] -a [Africa,Asia,Europe,North-America,Oceania,South-America] :: when this finishes it will automatically write to your sources.list so if you have other mirrors there you'll have to "cp /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.mybak" and fix your sources.list
17:01.45Dark_ApostropheIs it possible for a package licensed under Creative Commons to enter Debian's official repos?
17:02.07*** join/#debian alphatauri (
17:02.08rahulI should start charging bands to become my friend on myspace
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17:02.34phoggrahul: that'll learn 'em.
17:02.38rahulwould be a great way to finance going to shows, heh
17:02.55rahulyeah, those dirty riffing mofos
17:02.56*** part/#debian william (
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17:03.10rahulwow, this pagan's mind stuff is crazy
17:03.35rahulmy birthday is going to be ridiculous
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17:05.03ozymandiasdoes etch with a stock kernel use an initrd? I am looking to install suspend2 and am a bit lost
17:05.16rahulozymandias: yes
17:05.29ozymandiasalright, thanks
17:05.38*** join/#debian Wlados22 (
17:09.28torrrwhat are the numbers next to sockets in /proc/<pid>/fd like in  socket:[75147] what is the 75147? is it a port and inode a...?
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17:13.03PingFloydI've got a bit of conundrum, I'm doing a dpkg-buildpackage of qmail ( dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -uc -b ).  During the build process I get errors like "chown: changing ownership of `debian/tmp-src': Operation not permitted".  I'm guessing that's because I'm building as a user instead of as root.  However, I would like to avoid running this as root as it would leave the door open for disaster if there were any mistakes mad
17:13.03PingFloyde somewhere (keep it isolated ).
17:13.06*** join/#debian pifpaf (
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17:15.00xozPingFloyd: grep for chown command and read what it does.
17:15.09dazjorz#debian was full a second ago
17:15.12dazjorzand you need to be invited to #debian-overflow
17:15.28*** part/#debian pifpaf (
17:15.30xoz746 is full
17:15.41dazjorzATM, 799 is full
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17:16.49bzedPingFloyd: dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot << use that
17:16.55rahulthis date is gonna suck
17:17.03bzedPingFloyd: and install fakeroto if you don't have it yeat
17:17.05PingFloydxoz: this is the command causing it all "chown -R root.root debian/tmp-src"
17:17.12rahulI'm all bleh from last night
17:17.17PingFloydbzed: I was using that
17:17.36rahulhrm, and I should find something decent to wear
17:17.46bzedPingFloyd: try fakeroot dpkg-buildpackage instead
17:17.55PingFloydbzed: invoked the whole process with "dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -uc -"
17:18.08PingFloydbzed: ok, brb
17:18.10bzed!beer rahul
17:18.12*** join/#debian teknostatik (
17:18.27rahulI had a beer last night
17:18.31xozPingFloyd: fakeroot?
17:18.36rahulgod the lines in that place were DIRTY
17:18.46troubledrahul: hung over from "a beer"?
17:18.49rahulthe killians tasted like gunk.
17:18.59rahultroubled: I also had 6 or 7 mixed drinks
17:19.10xozPingFloyd: /msg dpkg fakeroot
17:19.13PingFloydbzed: right on.  It worked
17:19.15cwheelerwhy not bail if it's gonna suck rahul ?
17:19.15rahulhrm, maybe 6 and 3 shots
17:19.22cwheelerget a "headache"
17:19.25rahulcwheeler: she;s coming in from CT
17:19.36PingFloydin case anyone else runs into the same problem "fakeroot dpkg-buildpackage -uc -b" worked
17:19.37dazjorzAnyhow I'm having problems with Postfix
17:19.42*** part/#debian dsquared (
17:19.57dazjorz#postfix told me it's probably a Debian-specific problem, that's why I'm asking here
17:20.07PingFloydas apposed to dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -uc -b
17:20.15dazjorzSMTP keeps failing with these error messages in the logs:
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17:20.49PingFloydthanks for the xoz and bzed
17:20.55PingFloydthanks for help the xoz and bzed
17:20.58K|NgGh0sTIs there an easy way to go to Xorg 7.2?
17:21.00*** join/#debian ewanm89_ (
17:21.13bzedPingFloyd: the better way to go would be not to use qmail imho ;)
17:21.23PingFloydbzed: how come?
17:21.31pdfIs an OP here in this channel
17:21.56*** join/#debian jareth_ (
17:22.20troubledpdf: try flooding and swearing a bit. should grab someones attn :)
17:22.30PingFloydbzed: I was using exim4 before
17:22.31*** join/#debian JiBEsH (
17:22.35pdflol troubled
17:22.42troubled!listkeys ops
17:22.44dpkgFactoid search of 'ops' by key (15 of 46): #debian ops ;; #debian-bots ops ;; #debian-ops excessive punctuation ;; CMD: tops (.*?) ;; _default i want ops ;; cheops ;; dselect oopsie ;; hack ircops ;; i want ops ;; laptops ;; linux-laptops ;; ops ;; poopsticks ;; tops-10 ;; ~lopster.
17:22.50PingFloydbzed: figured I would check out qmail
17:22.57dpkgextra, extra, read all about it, tops-10 is DEC's proprietary OS for the fabled PDP-10 machines, long a favorite of hackers but now effectively extinct. A fountain of hacker folklore; see Appendix A. See also ITS, TOPS-20, TWENEX, VMS, operating system. TOPS-10 was sometimes called BOTS-10 (from `bottoms-ten') as a comment on the inappropriateness of describing it as the top of anything.
17:23.02troubledone of those lists the ops
17:23.28*** part/#debian artagnon (n=artagnon@
17:23.35ozymandiasdpkg i want ops
17:23.35dpkgHeh, fuck off and beg to someone who cares
17:23.36*** part/#debian ZeR0x (n=freak@nelug/developer/zer0x)
17:23.39ozymandiasLaughs Out Loud
17:23.59bzedPingFloyd: qmail is pain in the ass because you don;t have support at all from debian
17:24.09bzedPingFloyd: I'd recommend postfix
17:24.31*** join/#debian Rprp (
17:24.31rahul!ops pdf has a question for you
17:24.32dpkgHydroxide, bob2, caphuso, dondelelcaro, doogie, eeyore-, ElectricElf, ):, helix, ljlane, LoRez, RichiH, mentor, Netsnipe, TML, walters, xk, gravity, azeem, Maulkin, stew, peterS, Alife, Myon, Ganneff, Maulkin, weasel, zobel: rahul complains about: pdf has a question for you
17:24.43*** join/#debian kdog (
17:24.44PingFloydbzed: thanks, I give that one a shot if this ends up being a PITA for me
17:24.54troubledthats the one, ty rahul :)
17:25.21troubledpeterS: pssst, see pdf
17:25.40bzedPingFloyd: as far as I remember was well written
17:25.44*** join/#debian Rprp (
17:26.15streunerpdf: what kind of question do you have, maybe a non-OP can you help as well?
17:26.15troubledElectricElf: damn ee, you still around? :)
17:26.24*** join/#debian MicroChip32 (
17:26.28rahulstoned: don't you have to take a piss test?
17:27.19MicroChip32why in he** does apt-get want to install exim along with mysql ?? "apt-get install mysql-common mysql-server mysql-client"
17:27.42troubledMicroChip32: mysql needs MTA i would imagine
17:27.42pdfstreuner: I was wondering if you register a channel, how the ops, dont have ops. if that makes sense. I dont see one @ in here
17:27.55Uruclefhey guys, I have a problem with lyx
17:27.59Uruclefcan someone help me please? :)
17:28.05*** join/#debian MetalWolf (
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17:28.10troubledpdf: /msg chanserv help
17:28.15MicroChip32troubled : why in f*** would mysql need a mail agent ?
17:28.15xozpdf: for security
17:28.17streunerpdf: you could any time get OPS-Status via chanserv
17:28.21RichiHpdf: what's up?
17:28.25*** join/#debian Rusty1_64 (
17:28.35streuner<pdf> streuner: I was wondering if you register a channel, how the ops, dont have ops. if that makes sense. I dont see one @ in here
17:28.43simonrvnMicroChip32: to email the admin
17:29.08RichiHpdf: when you register a channel, you can do /msg chanserv op #channel foo
17:29.10troubledpdf: you want to know why they dont idle with ops?
17:29.18MicroChip32simonrvn : hrm, almost makes sense. if i install sendmail will it still try to install exim crap ?
17:29.20MetalWolfhi, is there an easy way to copy the partition table from one disk to another?  I am trying to set up a disk identical to my old one to create a raid set up but I have been forced to guess at the mb size of the partition created during the installer
17:29.24rahul <- OMG, it's my hero!
17:29.29simonrvnMicroChip32: no
17:29.39MicroChip32simonrvn : ok, cool. thanks
17:29.52troubledMicroChip32: apot-=cache show <pkg> and see what the depends are set to. if it says MTA then no, if it says specifically exim then yes
17:29.54simonrvnonly one mta gets installed
17:29.58RichiHpdf: freenode philosophy is that it is better for the channel atmosphere when ops do not wear +o all the time
17:29.58pdfRichiH, ive just registered a channel, how can i make it like this one.. without all the users (no offense)
17:30.11*** join/#debian Rprp (
17:30.19RichiHpdf: what do you mean, 'like this one'?
17:30.20pdfRichiH oooh ok
17:30.36pdfRichiH  ops do not wear +o all the time
17:30.40RichiHpdf: if you want, you can join #tapthru
17:30.46Rusty1_64MetalWolf, maybe gpart could help or sfdisk
17:30.55RichiHpdf: that is the place to get help with those questions
17:31.03RichiHpdf: we can talk in here as well, though
17:31.04troubledpdf: you can make ChanServ join your channel if you set guard mode on though if that makesyou feel better
17:31.05pdfRichiH ok thanks
17:31.07MetalWolfthanks Rusty1_64 I'll have a look at those
17:31.10*** join/#debian aubade (
17:31.18xozMetalWolf: parted or gparted
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17:32.22MicroChip32mysql-server says it req's mailx, thats the only thing i see
17:32.23tarzeauabrotman: tried the mana world yet?
17:32.43*** part/#debian Bhaal (i=bhaal@freenode/staff/bhaal)
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17:33.03MetalWolfok I will have a look at parted (no x)
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17:35.56colher_de_paupor favorr...alguem percebe como programar uma calculadora em shell bash?!
17:36.39colher_de_paucan anyone help me programming a bash calculator?
17:36.39*** join/#debian Kinyla (
17:36.40dpkgHispanohablantes: Por favor usen #debian-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.  Spanish Speakers: Please use #debian-es, there you will get much more help.
17:36.51colher_de_pauportuguese?! ;)
17:37.02dpkgextra, extra, read all about it, po is Piss Off or Post Office
17:37.07dpkgEsse canal e apenas em ingles. Por favor, use #debian-br (/j #debian-br) para ajuda em portugues.
17:37.12*** join/#debian clownfish (n=clownfis@
17:37.16xozcolher_de_pau: more info. explain.
17:37.19colher_de_pauok ok...
17:37.33*** part/#debian clownfish (n=clownfis@
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17:37.45simonrvncolher_de_pau: #bash
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17:45.57lexoplexWhen I type 'ls -lh /usr/bin/vim.[tab]', bash completes it to '.../vim.tiny/', i.e. it appends a slash. How could that be?
17:46.22*** join/#debian AngusRF (
17:46.34simonrvnit's a dir? or just an error in the completion?
17:47.10lexoplexsimonrvn: Not a dir; when I hit Enter I get an error about it not being a dir...
17:47.27*** join/#debian othp (
17:47.43lexoplexHow do I verify that programmable completion is off?
17:48.48*** join/#debian Lorvija_ (
17:48.58simonrvnthat it didn't load bash_completion from somewhere... other than checking what functions are available, i can't think of anything (and that might be only a zsh thing)
17:49.04othphello, i'm running pppd to set up a pptp vpn connection; i'm in group dip, but i get a "Couldn't get channel number: Input/output error" when I don't run as root.  Anyone know why?
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17:50.55lexoplexsimonrvn: /etc/bash.bashrc has the completion stuff commented out.
17:51.25perlmonkeyHWaddr == mac address?
17:51.46itomhi all; I use testing and I try to install 2.6.20 (with headers) of sid; so dependecies want to remove this packet: "initrd-tools tzdata util-linux"; it's ok?
17:51.59xozlexoplex: type complete and check
17:52.00*** join/#debian ciao (
17:52.00lexoplexHuh, it doesn't happen in a fresh terminal? Weird.
17:52.12*** join/#debian mrfan_ (n=mrfan@
17:52.12itomperlmonkey, yes
17:52.22perlmonkeyitom: many thanks
17:52.36xozlexoplex: ps axf and check the parent of term
17:52.57mcgregis skype any good (for linux)?
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17:53.47perlmonkeyitom: I'm trying to enter my mac addr into my wifi router but it doesnt seem to allow that many digits, any ideas?
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17:54.50jetscreamerppl seem to like it, mcgreg
17:55.04jetscreamer!tell mcgreg -about popcon
17:55.17pdfonce i put a file in /usr/bin/ ..what do i do chmod it too so every user can access the program/script
17:55.22*** join/#debian useless_ (
17:55.40jetscreamermaybe +s also
17:55.42pdfchmod +x /usr/bin/thefilehere ?
17:55.49itomperlmonkey, with ifconfig you see mac address of your "intefaces"; I made the same with my wireless router (try to insert the mac address and reboot it)
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17:56.16bilstahi, is " 17:13:21 up 145 days, 21:07, 0 users, load average: 5.32, 3.65, 2.81 " a bad load average ?
17:56.25perlmonkeyitom: but it wont let me enter the full mac address in wifi router
17:56.42itomperlmonkey, try without ":"
17:56.48xingubilsta: not if you've got 6 cpu cores. :)
17:56.56perlmonkeyoh ok
17:57.03perlmonkeythanks, sorry for being dumb
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17:57.19bilstalol, xingu: i gues a better question would be, how can i tell what is using all that spu ?
17:57.33xingubilsta: vmstat, top
17:58.01ArmEaglehi.. i'm trying to configure a wrt54g router trough an ssh connection.. tried lynx (doesn't show the save changes button) links (doesn't seem to understand the http auth), and w3m (doesn't do javascript).. what other good textbased browser are there?
17:58.11mcgregwhioch of both "emulator" is better, wine or cedega?
17:58.17xingubilsta: loadav == number or runnable processes in any given scheduling quantum.
17:59.01xingubilsta: tasks can be ready to run and yet also blocked from running for any number of reasons - only one of which is that all cpu cores are already allocated in that quantum
17:59.08Doatmcgreg: price-quality-wise, wine, otherwise cedega might be slightly better
17:59.09xoz!tell ArmEagle about search
17:59.35mcgregDoat: cedega costs money?
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17:59.54K|NgGh0sTHow bad would it be if I used the nvidia installer
17:59.57ArmEaglexoz well true.. :)
18:00.21Doatmcgreg: yes afaik. although you can build cedega for free but it's hard
18:03.08perlmonkeywill doing "access control by mac address" secure my open wifi enough until I can setup VPN?
18:03.09Doatmcgreg: after a bit of googling i can say that pre-packaged binaries, copy protections and support is what costs. Everything else is free if you manage to compile it
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18:04.03Talluperlmonkey: no
18:04.12mcgregDoat: well, I am now amd x86-64 since 2 days :) I dont think I am do anything like that :) let's say, mI like wine very much ;)
18:04.37xinguperlmonkey: secure it from what? the possibility of a runaway 18-wheeler turning it and you into a pancake while you sleep?
18:04.47mcgregDoat: I have been ppc-user before
18:04.54perlmonkeyi dont want to get hackers
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18:06.00|chiz|perlmonkey: I can hack that no problem
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18:06.12ArmEaglehmm.. anyone know whether w3m can do html/http authentication?
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18:06.25perlmonkey|chiz| you talk too much bollox
18:06.31xinguperlmonkey: it raises the bar; the outer header of all free to air/ wireless comms are suspect - tap and intercept are limited only by budgetry constraint.
18:06.58perlmonkeyxingu: what does raises the bar mean
18:07.36|chiz|perlmonkey: seriously though
18:07.48perlmonkeyhow can sum1 enter a mac addr into my wifi admin eh, they cant so they wont be able to access my wlan
18:07.53Talluperlmonkey: anyone can see you connected to it, drop you off and take your mac and connect to it. wep isnt much better either, takes around 3 minutes to crack nowadays
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18:08.02xinguperlmonkey: constraining to ethernet address forms a shared secret between your edge nodes and the accesspoint; if you also use closed mode then wep or wpa hash on top of that will make it non-trivial; but sufficient time and budget will still leave it prone to tap and intercept.
18:08.14TalluAnyways, I have to run, bye!
18:09.11perlmonkeyhow can someone see/get my mac addr from me, when they can't access my wlan?
18:09.32xinguperlmonkey: they can decode your radio broadcasts.
18:09.35asgperlmonkey: it's trivial to sniff that
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18:09.52|chiz|perlmonkey: you can sang a mac address out of the air, clone it on your own machine and bam they are on your network
18:09.56asgperlmonkey: and it's also trivial to reconfigure your interface to use any MAC
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18:10.31perlmonkeyi better get started on VPN then
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18:10.54|chiz|perlmonkey: I use mac filtering on my wireless too I just figure that there is no one in my neighbourhood that is smart enough to steal internet from me
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18:11.06xingunot that your average wireline plant is any safer
18:11.07jetscreameruse tkip
18:11.08xingubut hey
18:11.19perlmonkeyif I run web browser in ssh shell it will be secure over insecure wlan?
18:11.34bubazooin Debian Etch, I have to setup ndiswrapper to get my BCM4318 wifi card to work, but how do I connect to WPA pre-shared key in runlevel 3?  without using the network manager applet I mean?
18:11.43perlmonkey|chiz| I think the same, at least its better than nothing eh
18:11.51asgperlmonkey: a vpn will secure your traffic, which is good, but it won't prevent others from using the wireless for their own purposes.
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18:12.10perlmonkeyasg: how can we prevent that?
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18:12.28|chiz|perlmonkey: exactly
18:12.30stonedstreuner is da man
18:12.38perlmonkeyI cannot use WPA
18:12.39stonedOzric Tentacles pwn
18:12.44asgperlmonkey: the best way is to dump all wireless traffic on to a guest vlan that goes nowhere until they authenticate by some other means.
18:12.46xinguyou can't really; an attack on the medium itself is always going to succeed given time and budget
18:12.46jetscreamer!worship streuner
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18:13.15perlmonkeydrop all packets to the wifi unless the user is authenticated to the VPN?
18:13.39perlmonkeyI think I know a way to do that
18:13.54asgperlmonkey: pretty much. There are a number of scenarios depending on your requirements
18:14.22perlmonkeyI've got another wlan showing on my scanner here, its also insecure
18:14.24Vasisthamornin' all!  I have a partition mounted, which contains a net install iso, which is loopback mounted.  I can mount and unmount both partition and iso from the command line. But when I shut down or reboot, the partition is not being cleanly unmounted!  Any ideas how to make this work properly?
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18:15.17asgVasistha: put an entry in /etc/fstab
18:15.19perlmonkeyaccessing someones wlan in my town gets you into jail
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18:15.42asgperlmonkey: it does in most other places; most people, though, have no idea that others are accessing their open wifi.
18:15.48Vasisthaasg: alright, I'll try that again.  Is the order that the entries appear significant?
18:15.55iturkcan someone tell me how to format a usb pen in linux in fat16 filesystem ?
18:15.57asgVasistha: no
18:16.00*** mode/#debian [+l 813] by debhelper
18:16.08asgiturk: man mkfs.vfat
18:16.18jetscreameramend /etc/init.d/umountfs
18:16.20Vasisthaiturk: the mtools package might be helpful
18:16.21perlmonkeyasg: how can we check in linux?
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18:16.24jetscreamerVasistha: just a guess
18:16.41asgperlmonkey: check what?
18:16.44bubazooin Debian Etch, I have to setup ndiswrapper to get my BCM4318 wifi card to work, but how do I connect to WPA pre-shared key in runlevel 3?  without using the network manager applet I mean?
18:16.50perlmonkeyif someone is accessing our wifi
18:16.51Vasisthajetscreamer: ah, thanks for that suggestion as well, I'll check it out
18:17.09asgperlmonkey: you'll have to look at your wireless router's logs (hopefully it has some)
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18:17.59d0dgeAny way to read .ini files with nano or something like it
18:18.16jetscreamertry nano blah.init
18:18.18bubazooin most routers, you have to enable logs, their disabled by default normally
18:18.19jetscreamererr ini
18:18.20turffyi would like to install libqt3-mt-dev and mkinitramfs using apt-get, but my source.list only have deb sarge main. what else should i added?
18:18.21turffy,deb-src etch/updates main contrib
18:18.24perlmonkeyI just set a username/pw for my router, thats wise eh
18:18.29amortvigiljust installed phpmyadmin im wondering how i can login normaly its user = root and pass = shell pass isnt it?
18:18.36*** join/#debian Fox_1_ (n=plague@
18:18.40dpkg<Guerin> JVaughn: it's probably bourbon. bourbon and whisky are different like knoppix and debian.
18:19.01jetscreamerscotch & bourbon are 2 different whiskeys
18:19.40Vasisthaturffy: make a line just like your line, but with deb-src at the beginning
18:19.55yangis there any content system management package joomla or such for etch?
18:20.01Vasisthaturffy: oh, and why do you have both sarge and etch sources?  Are you running sarge or etch?
18:20.01jetscreamer  <-example
18:20.07jetscreamersynaptic ?
18:20.22iturkasg: i am doing mkfs.vfat /dev/sda -I but stil there is files inside after i mount
18:20.26jetscreamerlike xen
18:20.30Vasisthayang: there are several, you can find them on p.d.o in the web section.  I'm pretty sure both drupal and wordpress are there
18:20.38jetscreameriturk: you do it to sda1 not sda
18:20.41jetscreameror sda2
18:20.43yangVasistha: thanks
18:21.08iturkjetscreamer: i dont have sda1 or sda2 in /dev/
18:21.14*** part/#debian turffy (n=acp@
18:21.26yangVasistha: drupal isn't in etch...
18:21.43jetscreameriturk: that's nice. still, you mkfs the partition, not the hd
18:22.13jetscreameriturk: fdisk -l
18:22.14iturkjetcreamer: that is not helping me
18:22.17Vasisthayang: I beg to differ
18:22.21jetscreameriturk: yes it did
18:22.28jetscreamerjsut not as much as you might like
18:22.41Vasisthayang: oh, excuse me!  the lists have not been updated :P
18:22.44iturkjetscreamer: there is a /dev/sda
18:22.46yangVasistha: I am looking with apt-cache and I don't find any cms
18:22.56perlmonkeyif I use VPN tunneling will that also secure me in WinXP?
18:22.56jetscreameriturk: is it partitioned?
18:23.11yangVasistha: drupal was in sarge i think
18:23.15iturkit says 129 MB, and cilinder and sectors
18:23.25jetscreameriturk: did you partition it
18:23.26iturkit's my usb pen stuf
18:23.27Fox_1_anyone can write etch repository?
18:23.44jetscreameriturk: try fdisk -l /dev/sda
18:24.10Vasisthayang: I was looking here:  but unfortunately that is still listing sarge, rather than etch :P
18:24.13iturkjetscreamer: it only shows my usb pen
18:24.23perlmonkeyheh. i locked myself out of my router
18:24.29jetscreamerFox_1_: to edit sources.list you need to be root or use sudo or something
18:24.36iturkjetscreamer: did you ussually partioned usb sticks ?
18:24.42jetscreameriturk: if it didn't show any partitons you need to partiton it
18:24.46harkFox_1_: /msg dpkg sources.list
18:24.46Vasisthaperlmonkey: well, that's what the reset button is for!
18:24.49jetscreamertreat it as an hd
18:25.01iturkjetscreamer: it shows Disk /dev/sda
18:25.02Fox_1_jetscreamer: i know, i just need url
18:25.03perlmonkeyVasistha: I will go check
18:25.08ArmEaglehmm links2 also manages to mess up the form submit somehow.. well bad luck then
18:25.17jetscreameriturk: then it's not partitioned
18:25.30iturkjetcreamer: ok what i need for it ?
18:26.00*** mode/#debian [+l 804] by debhelper
18:26.05jetscreamerfdisk can do is, i think cfdisk should work,
18:26.31iturkjetscreamer: cfdisk /dev/sda its enough ?
18:26.40Fox_1_deb etch/main contrib non-free     is it ok?
18:26.45jetscreameriturk: should be
18:27.30iturkjetscreamer: ok i have a menu now which option: new print quit units or write ?
18:28.01jetscreameriturk: new... iturk you also want type 0c (that's hex) vfat/fat32 lba
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18:28.02iturkjetcreamer: the partion should be primary of logical ?
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18:28.24harkFox_1_: no, see what dpkg said again...
18:28.46jetscreamer  <-example
18:28.51Fox_1_hark: and what to ask?????????????????????
18:28.58jetscreamer  <-example
18:29.07rpchello dudes
18:29.15hark!tell Fox_1_ -about sources.list
18:29.29harkor look in /usr/share/doc/apt/examples/sources.list
18:29.56rpci screwed up big time and didn't dpkg-reconfigure after apt-get upgrade.. my box won't boot anymore.. what is my first step now?
18:29.57stonedim on the phone with worstbuy
18:30.07stonedget my router today and finally get my linux box online
18:30.12stonedI can't wait!
18:30.20stonedalmost 2 months and no debian
18:30.26perlmonkeyheh. i just broke the reset button my router
18:30.28jetscreameroh hey stoned i obtained yet another router i don't need yesterday...
18:30.29stonedI was going crazy on winblows man
18:30.34Fox_1_ok, thanks it's work
18:30.38stonedjetscreamer i can pay shipping
18:30.42rpcanyone able to help?
18:30.43iturkjetscreamer: thanks
18:30.44stonedyou wanna send itover
18:30.45perlmonkeyfuk why am i so dumb
18:31.12jetscreamershipping would probably be half the price of a new one
18:31.24stonedI actually was looking for a WRT54G
18:31.29jetscreamerand no someday i might have my own datacenter so i need the hardware....
18:31.36jetscreamer(now that's funny)
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18:31.59jetscreameryou can usually get them for about 50 bucks.. the wrt's
18:32.14stonedon the phone with them, on hold right no
18:32.17jetscreameri had a bad one and exchanged it.. after i bought a new one
18:32.25stonedsee if they have it in stock at the store i know how to get to
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18:32.37jetscreamergot a refund i mean
18:32.39stonedits 49.99+tax
18:32.52rpcanyone able to help me out? box won't boot anymore and i'm not sure what to do first, it's a remote server
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18:32.59rpci really need your help guys
18:33.10jetscreamerwe shouldn't have to tell you about ask
18:33.15rpci can access it over a recovery console though
18:33.15concept10stoned: hows it going buddy
18:33.16jetscreamer!tell rpc -about ask
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18:33.26rpcand i got access to all the files too, just not sure how to fix it
18:33.31perlmonkeywill setting a username/pw on router admin serve any useful security purpose from the point of view of outside interference on an insecure wlan?
18:33.59iturkjetcreamer: should i mount /dev/sda or /dev/sda1 now ?
18:34.06Wyzardperlmonkey: yes, absolutely
18:34.17concept10im using irssi with the split windows functionality and im confused as crap
18:34.20jetscreameriturk: you want to mkfs the sda1, then after that you mount sda1
18:34.32jetscreameriturk: note the msg when you exited cfdisk
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18:34.46Wyzardperlmonkey: If strangers can connect to your wlan, and there's no password on the router configuration, they can reconfigure it to their liking, possibly even locking you out of it (until you hard-reset the router)
18:34.49jetscreamerthe kernel may be using the old partition table (not that there was one)
18:34.50stonedI'm off to best buy
18:35.05concept10jetscreamer: you say you picked up a wrt for around $50?
18:35.10Wyzardperlmonkey: While you're in the router config, though, why not enable WPA?
18:35.23jetscreamerconcept10: yeah, and stoned just said it's 49.95 at best buy
18:35.59concept10that sucker ignored me, im going to get him
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18:36.51rpcdoes it make sense to apt-get install another kernel and hope that it will overwrite whatever settings are wrong so the box will boot again?
18:37.08rpcanyone here ever used recovery console at all?
18:37.09Wyzardrpc: How can you run apt-get if the box won't boot?
18:37.18rpcWyzard i'm in recovery console
18:37.22rpcand i got networking
18:37.31WyzardYou mean the single-user shell?
18:37.31rpci also mounted all the partitions so far
18:37.35WyzardIn that case there's nothing wrong with your kernel
18:37.37Vasistharpc: so the box boots, you just can't run X
18:37.39rpci'm not local
18:37.44rpcVasistha no
18:37.56rpcWyzard if you don't understand just tell me
18:38.13rpcbox won't boot.. i'm using a special recovery console at the colo
18:38.18jetscreamernobody understands rpc, you didn't explain
18:38.26Wyzardrpc: I don't understand what "recovery console" you mean, if it's not the single-user root shell that you get when (for example) fsck finds problems
18:38.28Vasistharpc: well, you can have more than one kernel installed and choose which one to boot ... with your menu.lst default, if needed
18:38.38rpcok people let me try again:
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18:38.57rpci tried apt-get upgrade and there was some initrd error that i ignored.. i reboot after and now the box won't boot
18:39.00jetscreamerrather, didn't explain well
18:39.05rpcwhat would be the first step to fix it?
18:39.11rpcjetscreamer it is HARD to explain
18:39.16jetscreamercheck /boot/grub/menu.lst
18:39.23rpcjetscreamer hm
18:39.28jetscreamerlook for the initrd directive on the kernel stanza
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18:39.34rpcjetscreamer there is no /boot/grub
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18:39.48jetscreamerdoh vps
18:39.50Wyzardrpc: Maybe your /boot is on a separate partition that isn't mounted?
18:39.52jetscreamerno idea
18:39.53rpcthere should be one.. wondering wtf
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18:39.59jetscreamervps or colo
18:40.00rpcjetscreamer it's  NOT damn vps mate
18:40.10Vasistharpc: are you using lilo?
18:40.15rpcWyzard i have just mounted that separate partition
18:40.23Wyzardrpc: then you should see /boot/grub now
18:40.27rpci see initrd stuff, vmlinuz etc but no grub
18:40.31jetscreamercheck fstab and see
18:40.38jetscreamercheck for /etc/lilo.conf
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18:40.54concept10maybe his grub is misconfigured for what partition to find /boot
18:41.05jetscreameri mean check fstab, and also see if /etc/lilo.conf exists
18:41.10Wyzardconcept10: That wouldn't have been changed by an "apt-get upgrade", and presumably the box booted before
18:41.14jetscreamerlocate menu.lst
18:41.34jetscreamerwhat kernel did yo try to upgrade to
18:41.44jetscreamerif you say 2.6.20 i get to laugh
18:41.46rpcit is strange - i see no grub nor lilo stuff at all
18:42.03concept10rpc: you see none when you use locate ?
18:42.11rpcWyzard it's a colo's tool.. it's called recovery console
18:42.17rpcconcept10 trying
18:42.38jetscreamerman, poptarts don't taste as good as they used to
18:42.47rpcconcept10 well /sbin/grub is here
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18:42.57concept10jetscreamer: thats because your tastebuds are old
18:42.58Wyzardjetscreamer: blueberry is the best kind
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18:43.03rpcand grub.list is in /var/lib/dpkg/info/grub.list
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18:43.14jetscreamerrpc: the grub directory 'can' be elsewhere... usually isn't, but can be
18:43.24rpcjetscreamer hm
18:43.25jetscreamerupdatedb && locate menu.lst
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18:43.30Wyzardrpc: no, that's not the one, that's just part of dpkg's metadata about what packages are installed
18:43.39concept10yeah, thats what i was going to say: updatedb
18:43.44jetscreamerthat's Lst not 1st
18:44.03rpc# find / -name menu.lst
18:44.03rpcfind: ./.. changed during execution of find
18:44.08rpcnow i don't get it..
18:45.01concept10rpc: just ditch grub and re-write all of the init scripts and you should get it boot by next week :)
18:45.10*** join/#debian kromagg (
18:45.15jetscreamerinstall gentoo!
18:45.19rpcwhat do you think if i just tried reinstalling Etch? can i simply overwrite files without wiping the whole system?
18:45.27dpkgreinstall is, like, COLUMNS=200 dpkg -l | awk '/^[hi]i/{print $2}' | xargs apt-get -y --reinstall install, or dpkg --get-selections > my_packages.txt , then later, dpkg --set-selections < my_packages.txt && apt-get install
18:45.31jetscreameryes you can
18:45.54jetscreameryou shouldn't have to though
18:45.54Wyzardrpc: You could do that, but it's almost certainly unnecessary, and I wouldn't recommend it
18:45.58concept10I would try to fix the problem before reinstall
18:46.03jetscreamerwhat Wyzard said
18:46.05rpcwell i am trying
18:46.06jetscreamerand concept10
18:46.14jetscreamerwell quit giving up so quick
18:46.15rpcand yes, i don't want to reinstall
18:46.16concept10that way you get an understanding of the problem
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18:46.24Wyzardrpc: That'll leave you with leftover files from packages that the system no longer knows are installed, etc.
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18:46.31rpci'm not giving up, just wondering what to do, never had such a problem
18:46.40rpcWyzard right..
18:46.47*** join/#debian Aubustou_ (
18:46.56jetscreamerfigure out how the box boots should probably be step one... grub or lilo
18:46.57Wyzardrpc: Can you remember any more about the problem than "some initrd error" ?
18:47.03concept10I found that reinstalling is for "Windoze Power Users(TM)"
18:47.03rpcsomehow the initrd got screwed up while doing apt-upgrade.. that's how it all started
18:47.09jetscreamerstep 2, find the config files for the bootloader
18:47.19*** join/#debian Pobega (
18:47.21rpcjetscreamer it was grub, i'm sure
18:47.27jetscreamerit's not 2.6.20 is it
18:47.32rpcit is
18:47.38jetscreamerthat is why
18:47.38concept10maybe you could update the initramfs again
18:47.45rpcjetscreamer you serious?
18:47.55Wyzardrpc: Why did you upgrade to unstable's kernel on a stable server?
18:47.55*** join/#debian Thms_ (
18:47.57jetscreamerit's borked on this box also
18:48.10rpcconcept10 i would love to, but how? can i edit something or mv files or whatever like that? i can see whole /boot content
18:48.10jetscreamermy handrolled 2.6.20 works fine however
18:48.17h3sp4wnyou need a newer initramfs-tools probably
18:48.21jetscreamerthere is some new ata driver in the kernel
18:48.25rpcWyzard well i was trying to solve another prob
18:48.28*** join/#debian orangey (
18:48.31orangeyhey all!
18:48.41rpcBUT i have a few other kernels handy too
18:48.47orangeyI'm about to upgrade from sarge to etch.
18:48.48rpcjust not sure how to make it switch now
18:48.50Wyzardrpc: 2.6.20 isn't even the default in unstable yet
18:48.53jetscreamerboot the 2.6.18 stock
18:49.00rpcjetscreamer how do i switch?
18:49.01jetscreamerit works
18:49.05orangeyany advice or known problems?
18:49.08jetscreamerin grub when you boot
18:49.16jetscreameredit menu.lst ....
18:49.17Vasisthaorangey: did you read the upgrade guide!
18:49.18Pobegaorangey: Just read the release notes, that's your best bet.
18:49.18concept10so he cant locate the /boot directory at all?
18:49.24dpkghmm... sarge->etch is read the etch release notes: ; the recommended upgrade procedure for sarge->etch is no longer as simple as running "aptitude dist-upgrade", please follow the prodedure in the release notes.  also ask me about <security>
18:49.25orangeyPobega: I have.
18:49.27rpcjetscreamer can you understand thew situation that i'm having? it's a colo box
18:49.31jetscreamercan't locate /boot/grub afaik
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18:49.37rpcjetscreamer i don't see the boot menu when doing remote reset
18:49.40orangeyPobega: Just making sure there isn't anything outside of the docs that I should know about.
18:49.48jetscreamerrpc: amend the bootloader is what you need to do
18:49.53jetscreamer2.6.20 is broken
18:50.06rpcok i will boot 2.6.18 but HOW do i fix it?
18:50.13Pobegaorangey: Everything should be mentioned in there, so you should be safe to go ahead and upgrade now :) Although that isn't to say breakage is a totally impossibility.
18:50.16jetscreamerrpc: edit menu.lst
18:50.19jetscreamerfor grub
18:50.21rpcit's not there
18:50.36Wyzardrpc: You've mounted /boot and you see kernels in there, but no "grub" subdirectory?
18:50.45rpcWyzard exactly!
18:50.51jetscreamerrpc: then your colo has some weird boot schema and you need to talk to them to figure out how to fix it... imo
18:50.55Wyzardrpc: Did you check whether you have an /etc/lilo.conf?
18:51.00rpci got 5 kernels in there and initrd stuff but not grub dir
18:51.06concept10reinstall grub?
18:51.11pumpkin0rpc: do you know for sure which bootloader is used ?
18:51.17rpcjetscreamer it booted off dhcp... tmpfs
18:51.29rpcpumpkin0 yes, that's grub, 100%
18:51.30iturkhey guys i am doing this: inserting my usb pen then - cfdisk /dev/sda to partion then - mkfs.vfat /dev/sda1 to format it then - mount -t vfat /dev/sda1 then - i copy some files to inside then - i unmount it - then when i mount it again i get: VFS: cant find a valid FAT filesystem on dev sda1.
18:51.36Wyzardrpc: If you have kernels in /boot, you're not net-booting
18:51.42rpcWyzard i have no /etc/lilo.conf
18:52.24rpcWyzard i do have them because i manually mounted that partition
18:52.24Wyzardrpc: or at least, if installing a kernel in /boot caused the system to try to boot that kernel, it isn't net-booting
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18:52.24pumpkin0rpc: then you are not looking at the right partition. how many does cfdisk show ?
18:52.24concept10Wyzard: that doesnt define whether you are net-booting or not
18:52.25rpcpumpkin0 i got 4 partitions on /dev/sda
18:52.25Wyzardconcept10: yeah, that's why I amended my statement  :-)
18:52.29rpcpumpkin0 swap, boot, root and all the rest
18:52.38pumpkin0rpc: does any of these contain a grub-config ?
18:52.42xoziturk: did you create sda1 in cfdisk?
18:52.43rpcconcept10 it WAS a netboot, 100%
18:52.50iturkxoz: yes
18:53.09Wyzardrpc: You're saying that the system loads its kernel over the network from another machine, and not from its local /boot?
18:53.09rpcpumpkin0 should it be on any other than boot one?
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18:53.09stonedfuck nyc
18:53.11jetscreamerrpc: but normally it's not a netboot, the netboot is just a function of this 'recovery console' eh
18:53.13xoziturk: try parted
18:53.14rpcWyzard yes, looks like it
18:53.24rpcjetscreamer yes
18:53.25Wyzardrpc: For normal boots, not for the recovery console, I mean
18:53.27iturkxoz: what is parted ?
18:53.28yetifootsorry if this is just spam, but thanks anyone who helped on etch, its truly been a better experience than sarge
18:53.36stonedparted is awesome
18:53.36xoziturk: similar to cfdisk
18:53.39stonedits a disk partitioning tool
18:53.57xoziturk: or gparted if you have X
18:54.01concept10I dont understand the recovery console.. How is this hooked into his box (curious)
18:54.04rpcWyzard: # uname -ar
18:54.04rpcLinux rescue #4 SMP Fri Dec 29 11:39:27 CET 2006 i686 GNU/Linux
18:54.04pumpkin0rpc: grub and netboot ... is that box preconfigured by the colo-center ?
18:54.07rpcsee now?
18:54.13rpcit's not "my" kernel
18:54.17Wyzardrpc: Not the recovery console, the *normal* boot process that you're trying to fix
18:54.19jetscreamersomething about colocation at a remote host/datacenter
18:54.22iturkxoz: no X just console mode
18:54.32stonedjetscreamer i still have not used that thing you made for me
18:54.33Wyzardrpc: When the machine is working properly, does it load its kernel over the network, or from /boot?
18:54.40stonedjetscreamer hdfs something
18:54.51rpcWyzard no, it would go from /boot then
18:54.53jetscreamerah yeah
18:54.57stonedjetscreamer soon
18:54.58jetscreamerit's stil there
18:55.13jetscreamerhey i should pay the bill come to think of it
18:55.16xoziturk: then use parted
18:55.21Wyzardrpc: OK, so you're using either GRUB or (less likely) LILO
18:55.21stonedjetscreamer dude?
18:55.22jetscreamerrather, have that client pay his bill
18:55.30rpcWyzard it's just a specific manual action i took now and that's so called recovery console when i get access to my box in this strange way when it netboots
18:55.35Wyzardrpc: You don't seem to be using LILO, but a normal GRUB installation would have a /boot/grub/menu.lst file
18:55.50jetscreamerstoned: the joys of being a reseller
18:55.50rpcWyzard why is it missing at all then? on my own hard drive
18:56.01stonedjetscreamer profitable?
18:56.03rpcWyzard it disappeared while doing apt-get upgrade or what? :)
18:56.03pumpkin0rpc are you sure it's a real PC and not a virtual something ?
18:56.04Wyzardrpc: If that doesn't exist on your system, you should ask your colo's tech support about how they have the system configured to boot
18:56.10rpcpumpkin0 yes
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18:56.14jetscreamerstoned: it probably might be if i wasn't so lazy
18:56.16Wyzardrpc: Nothing in an upgrade would delete all of /boot/grub
18:56.18xozrpc: are you sure you have only one linux installed. it may be from another linux in your system.
18:56.28concept10rpc: what datacenter/host is this?  I would like to read about the recovery console
18:56.28stonedlee nooks
18:56.39rpcxoz i recognize my stuff in /boot that i prepared and played with before
18:56.52stonedyes, hi.  I'm Nooks.  Lee Nooks.
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18:56.58stonedahaha pfft
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18:57.11rpcxoz it's just that my grub dir is gone
18:57.16jetscreamerleo nucks
18:57.29jetscreamerrpc: or was never there in the first place
18:57.38rpci can also reinstall the whole system that way, remotely that is
18:57.40Wyzardrpc: Your operating system was installed by the colo facility, right?  Not by you personally?
18:57.48jetscreameryou sure that's not running on xen or something?
18:57.48xozrpc: which means that you need to reinstall grub. just install it and check.
18:57.49rpcjetscreamer it WAS there... i rememeber i was editing menu.lst in the past
18:57.57rpcWyzard no..
18:58.04rpcWyzard i can install whatever i want myself
18:58.13jetscreamerrpc: did you check fstab ?
18:58.15rpcjetscreamer i tell you man it's a REAL box there
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18:58.30rpcjetscreamer yes it's empty, just 1 entry from the netboot there now
18:58.34tolaI just upgraded my server to etch, misunderstood a message during installation and have disabled challenge-response authentication for OpenSSH. How can I turn it back on?
18:58.37rpci wonder where is the damn real file :)
18:58.47jetscreamerrpc: have the colo restore from a good backup
18:59.03rpcjetscreamer it's not a managed server
18:59.04Vasisthatola: probably a config file in /etc/ssh
18:59.10iturkxoz: i am doing inside parted: mkpartfs primary fat16 0 124 and i am getting -> Error: Unable to open /dev/sda - unrecognised disk label
18:59.18Wyzardrpc: /etc/fstab will be the one from the recovery thing...  you want the one on your local hard drive that you've mounted
18:59.26Wyzardrpc: /mnt/whatever/etc/fstab, something like that
18:59.35xoziturk: what debian are you using?
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18:59.42rpcWyzard well i do have access to WHOLE drive or even two of them... every single file
18:59.43iturkxoz: etch
19:00.05xoziturk: what does dmesg say when you plug usbdisk
19:00.07rpcWyzard it is a bit confusing though
19:00.23Wyzardrpc: In this recovery console, where did you mount the partition that contains your Debian installation?
19:00.27rpcWyzard as it's running on some alien kernel now and some files are also kind of replaced
19:00.39rpcWyzard i tried using real locations
19:00.44OctopusAnyone might know what causes that I can't start x11vnc remotely through ssh connection, but I CAN when starting in terminal being physically behind the box?
19:00.47OctopusXlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server
19:00.51rpcWyzard same as it was on the real boot
19:00.51Octopus21/04/2007 20:48:18 *** XOpenDisplay failed (:0)
19:00.59Wyzardrpc: It's not files that are "replaced"...  you're running from an entirely different, separate Debian installation
19:01.04rpcWyzard so e.g. my /dev/sda2 became /boot
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19:01.22rpcWyzard hm then how come i recognize my own files in /boot now?
19:01.35rpcthey come from my real partition named /dev/sda2
19:01.35Wyzardrpc: because you mounted your "real" boot partition on /boot
19:01.43iturkxoz: now it's using sdb instead of sda and it's saying: sdb: unknows partition table
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19:01.47rpcright but still grub dir is not there
19:01.49WyzardYou did "mount /dev/sda2 /boot"
19:02.00FuzzyBdoes anyone have a sane answer as to why debian doesn't have a php5-rrdtool? Decent work around that doesn't require recompiling all of php?
19:02.12Wyzardbut where did  you mount the partition that contains Debian itself?
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19:02.15xoziturk: dmesg says that?
19:02.17Wyzardi.e. your main OS partition
19:02.22iturkxoz: really
19:02.29rpcWyzard you mean / ?
19:02.29cat_Wyzard: in you're hd perhaps
19:02.35Wyzardrpc: yes, your / partition
19:02.46rpcWyzard i did: mount /dev/sda4 /
19:02.56x_linkIs there anyway I can see how fast my RAM works right now?
19:02.56rpcas that's the main one
19:02.59xoziturk: it seems you removed the usbdisk without properly unmounting it. so it created another sdb because sda is taken.
19:03.07Wyzardrpc: hehe, ok
19:03.10iturkxoz: ok
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19:03.18x_linkopps. wrong channel
19:03.21rpcWyzard from my /boot: lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root      22 Mar  3 21:09 initrd.img -> initrd.img-2.6.20-1-k7
19:03.25Wyzardrpc: That's not a good way to do it
19:03.34rpcso how should i do it?
19:03.39iturkxoz: can i still partioned with parted ?
19:03.44rpcbtw: -rw-r--r--   1 root root 4745158 Feb  2 18:52 initrd.img-2.6.18-3-xen-vserver-686.dpkg-bak
19:03.48Wyzardrpc: because what that does is causes your "real" installation to "hide" the recovery installation
19:03.50rpcerr wrong one
19:03.53xoziturk: try reboot first.
19:04.05rpc-rw-r--r--   1 root root 5126924 Apr 18 12:29 initrd.img-2.6.20-1-k7.dpkg-bak
19:04.09Wyzardrpc: Unmount that, first of all -- "umoun /" should work since it's only unmounting your sda4 and not the original mount of /
19:04.12rpcwhy is it dpkg-bak?
19:04.14xoziturk: then check dmesg when you plug usbdisk.
19:04.16Wyzardrpc: oops, "umount /"
19:04.22Wyzardrpc: umount /boot too
19:04.24iturkxoz: that's out of debian policy
19:04.27rpcWyzard well hm
19:04.35Wyzardrpc: then make a subdirectory in /mnt, say /mnt/debian
19:04.42Wyzardrpc: mount /dev/sda4 /mnt/debian
19:04.47Wyzardrpc: mount /dev/sda2 /mnt/debian/boot
19:04.51xoziturk: even better, plug it already while rebooting.
19:04.59xoziturk: or try parted first
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19:05.14rpcWyzard ok i will do that but still... what is the difference? i won't be able to install/fix anything that way too
19:05.21rpcor am i wrong?
19:05.28Wyzardrpc: Then you're not breaking your recovery system by mounting another Debian installation on top of it, but you can still access your real installation
19:05.34Wyzardrpc: You can chroot into it, for example
19:05.35AcuI want to install cinelerra video editing (or any other tool which allows me to add text to video) can anyone help me ?
19:05.38rpci tohught i would emulate a real installation with what i just did
19:05.50rpcWyzard oh chroot hmm...
19:05.58iturkxoz: ok it's rebooting now
19:06.00Wyzardrpc: Your goal isn't to emulate your real installation, it's to fix your real installation so you can boot it
19:06.25rpcWyzard but still... fixing will take editing the menu.lst... and it's gone
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19:06.28Wyzardrpc: The recovery system is a completely different Debian installation from the real one
19:06.37xoziturk: make sure dmesg or /var/log recognizes your usbdisk correctly.
19:06.46rpchm right.. it's residing in the memory right?
19:06.46Wyzardrpc: Now you can look at your real fstab though -- it's /mnt/debian/etc/fstab
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19:07.12Wyzardrpc: It's probably an NFS mount or something, actually
19:07.14rpcWyzard please give me 2 mins... i might need to reboot and run console from scratch as i can't umount / now
19:07.23Wyzardrpc: OK, do that
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19:07.28iturkxoz: it still says sda: unknown partition table
19:07.30rpcumount: /: device is busy
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19:07.51Wyzardrpc: I'm not surprised
19:07.54xoziturk: then, your usbdisk is not recognized... the driver is not loaded.
19:08.05rpcWyzard right :)
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19:08.12rpcok booting into console again in 1 min.
19:08.21xoziturk: just try parted and check if it can work.
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19:09.00xoziturk: parted /dev/sda
19:09.09smacnayHi, I am using x-chat in gnome.  Are there any other recommended gui irc clients?
19:09.22danielss89Hi, im triyng to install a mail system on my server.. ive installed exim and mysql and courier and other stuff.. and ive copied a exim config file.. bu it get this error: Exim configuration error in line 145 of /etc/exim4/exim4.conf:main option "mysql_servers" unknown
19:09.29rpcWyzard i'm in and all fresh
19:09.32danielss89bu it = but i
19:09.43Wyzardrpc: OK, now create your  /mnt/debian directory and mount your stuff in it
19:09.45rpcWyzard all i can see now is: tmpfs                1011M     0 1011M   0% /dev/shm
19:09.52iturkxoz: i am trying this: i have partioned with cfdisk now and i am rebooting now
19:10.00rpcWyzard so like /mnt/debian becomes / right?
19:10.18Wyzardrpc: I'm not sure what you mean about "becoming" /
19:10.29Wyzardrpc: You want to mount /dev/sda4, which is ordinarily "/", on "/mnt/debian" this time
19:10.32rpcWyzard i'm about to create a directory tree in there
19:10.35iturkxoz: ok now it recognize
19:10.39danielss89am i missing any packages or what is wrong?
19:10.40xoziturk: yeah. sometimes, rebooting after partitioning is better.
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19:10.44Wyzardrpc: because it's *not* the root filesystem of the recovery system you're running now
19:10.45rpcWyzard i have /boot /root and / on my system
19:11.04rpcWyzard should i create /mnt/debian/boot and /mnt/debian/root too?
19:11.13rpcand mount those 3 partitions there?
19:11.16rpcor just / ?
19:11.18xoziturk: partition, reboot, then format
19:11.27Wyzardrpc: Once you mount sda4 on /mnt/debian, you'll have the boot and root subdirectories there
19:11.36xoziturk: i think this is cfdisk issue
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19:11.39Wyzardrpc: Then you mount the other filesystems on them
19:11.46rpcWyzard hm my /root and /boot are REAL partitions, not dirs
19:11.51h3sp4wnor just chroot and run mount -a
19:12.01rpcroot is /dev/sda2 and boot is /dev/sda3
19:12.04Wyzardrpc: I understand that, but filesystems (i.e. partitions) get mounted on directories
19:12.06xoziturk: use parted for formatting.
19:12.29Wyzardrpc: Your root filesystem, on sda4, contains empty directories called "boot" and "root" upon which those other partitions are normally mounted
19:12.31rpcWyzard so i just did: # mount /dev/sda4 /mnt/debian
19:12.32xoziturk: or even redo the partitioning and formatting using parted.
19:12.39rpcoh right...
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19:12.45Wyzardrpc: Now look in /mnt/debian and you'll see everything on your system
19:12.57Wyzardrpc: including the empty /boot and /root, which you can now mount the other partitions on
19:12.58fooEh, any ideas with that? I'm not too sure what's wrong, other than some dep problems
19:13.06rpcWyzard yes, i see e.g. boot in there but that dir is empty now
19:13.13rpcso i should mount them now?
19:13.17Wyzardrpc: yes
19:13.43Wyzardrpc: and then you should see your kernels in /mnt/debian/boot, etc.
19:13.45rpcall mounted
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19:13.52ma3xwhen I launch ppracer , I get this open /dev/sequencer: No such file or directory
19:13.54rpcWyzard i'm going to /mnt/debian/boot now
19:13.55ma3xwhat should I install?
19:13.56Wyzardrpc: if you're going to chroot, you should also "mount --bind /proc /mnt/debian/proc"
19:14.04xozfoo: touch /etc/init.d/inetd
19:14.07rpcWyzard should i chroot now?
19:14.15FuzzyBma3x: man mknod
19:14.16rpcand expect that i get "my" system in full then?
19:14.19Wyzardrpc: If you want
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19:14.32xozfoo: as root.
19:14.34fooxoz: How can I touch a file? Is that a joke or something?
19:14.35rpci want to feel "at home", will that work in such way? :)
19:14.36Wyzardrpc: You'll probably want to do it eventually, but at this point we're just looking at files
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19:14.42fooxoz: That's like touching something in the matrix
19:14.43Wyzardrpc: ok, go ahead then
19:14.45xozfoo: type in command line
19:14.51mhallWhat's the keyboard shortcuts to change TV channels in xine?
19:15.02rpcWyzard i just want to forget about the netboot and think that it's my real system there now
19:15.06Wyzardrpc: The chroot will make your /mnt/debian appear as /, so you'll effectively be "at home"
19:15.22fooxoz: hehe, just kidding :)
19:15.23rpcWyzard right
19:15.23rpcbut first mount --bind /proc /mnt/debian/proc, yes?
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19:15.44xozfoo: the script expects  that file before it can proceed.
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19:15.47Wyzardrpc: right, so you have /proc in your chrooted system
19:15.52xozfoo: are you using sid?
19:16.01fooxoz: etch
19:16.02Wyzardrpc: You might also want to bind-mount /sys, but that probably isn't necessary for recovery work
19:16.03perlmonkeyif i run ssh to connect to my laptop from a console on my laptop and run start a browser from ssh, is that a secure connection for browser then if the wifi is insecure?
19:16.14fooxoz: Hm, I did what you said... the touch is at the top, hm
19:16.29rpcWyzard and would you mind telling me how to chroot properly? so i don't screw up something again
19:16.35Wyzardrpc: chroot /mnt/debian
19:16.37rpci'm really confused and nervous now
19:16.40rpcoh ok :)
19:16.48FuzzyBchroot <path> <path to shell?
19:16.54FuzzyBchroot <path> <path to shell>
19:17.16Wyzardrpc: It'll start a new shell; when you exit it (with "exit" or ctrl-D or whatever) you'll be back in the netboot system, outside the chroot
19:17.17rpcWyzard, FuzzyB thank you, i just chrooted
19:17.30rpcWyzard very cool, indeed
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19:17.42xozfoo: edit /var/lib/dpkg/info/netkit-inetd.prerm and maybe comment the removal of the inetd... or just comment all so that you can proceed.
19:17.43fooxoz: See what I'm saying? Hm, but yeah, this is etch - I upgraded the other day (from sarge)
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19:17.53Wyzardrpc: Take a  look in /boot now and see if you have a "grub" subdirectory -- you should see the same files you did before, but it's worth checking anyway
19:17.57rpcWyzard in fact, when i did df -h it looks exactly as my real system now...
19:17.58perlmonkeylike:  laptop with insecure wifi (open kconsole) -->start ssh--->run firefox from ssh = secure browser?
19:18.05Wyzardrpc: and also check whether you have an /etc/lilo.conf now
19:18.16concept10jetscreamer: you say you have the wrt right?
19:18.17rpcWyzard ok checking both
19:18.24fooxoz: ok, thanks, that worked. What is a .prerm file?
19:18.31xozfoo: have you read the releasenotes before upgrading? /msg dpkg etch
19:18.41fooxoz: yes, I have
19:18.45rpcWyzard: /boot/grub is not there
19:18.47xozfoo: pre-removal script
19:18.52fooxoz: Did I miss something? I did everything it said
19:18.56BUMBACL0Tis there any way to hide a file another than adding a dot in front of it?
19:18.58fooxoz: ah, I see
19:19.00danielss89How can i install exim4 with mysql support?
19:19.04rpcWyzard BUT /etc/lilo.conf is in place
19:19.07FuzzyBBUMBACL0T: no
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19:19.12FuzzyBbecause .* still matches
19:19.18xozfoo: apparently, inetd was deleted by another inetd package
19:19.19Wyzardrpc: OK, so your system does boot with lilo
19:19.27fooxoz: hm, strange
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19:19.36perlmonkeylaptop with insecure wifi (open kconsole) -->start ssh--->run firefox from ssh = secure browser?
19:19.41rpcWyzard hm in fact it says root=/dev/sda4....
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19:19.46rpcand that's correct...
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19:20.06xozfoo: it is just a minor bug maybe in the prerm script...
19:20.08rpcWyzard i thought i was using grub but it was some vmware box i believe...
19:20.10Wyzardrpc: IIRC, it should also say that the kernel is /vmlinuz and the initrd is /initrd.img
19:20.18pumpkin0perlmonkey: your network is still exposed. But the transfers made for/by FF are OK.
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19:20.36perlmonkeypumpkin0: cool
19:20.36rpcWyzard definetly my bootloader is grub as i can also see this: append="nmi_watchdog=0" <--i added that lately, i remember
19:20.55Wyzardrpc: your bootloader is lilo, not grub
19:21.02rpcWyzard it says image=/boot/vmlinuz
19:21.10BUMBACL0TFuzzyB, is there any attribute like windows's "hidden" ?
19:21.12fooxoz: ah, I see. So that prerm script is called when it's trying to be removed, I need to remember that
19:21.17rpcerr yes it's lilo, sorry.. so nervous now
19:21.26rpci meant lilo and mistyped that
19:21.41perlmonkeypumpkin0: but wouldnt you need a ssh connection to the gateway server on wlan? i mean, if i just do ssh connection from my laptop, to my laptop, the traffic from browser will still be insecure over wlan?
19:21.42iturkxoz: sometimes when i mount the pen it comes full of garbage. why is this happening ?
19:21.44Wyzardrpc: ok, sometimes it's in / and sometimes it's in /boot...  but the "/boot/vmlinuz" and "/boot/initrd.img" are the important part here
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19:21.56rpcWyzard so it says image=/boot/vmlinuz and initrd=/boot/initrd.img
19:22.02FuzzyBBUMBACL0T: not that i'm aware of, other than normal file permissions
19:22.03mmlj4is there a GUI tool to adjust X settings?
19:22.06xozfoo: /var/lib/dpkg/info/ contains those script from pre-removal to post-removal... if any of these fails, you will have deps problem because it will stop installing that package.
19:22.09Wyzardrpc: Those are symlinks to actual kernels -- close your lilo.conf and do "ls -l /boot" and you'll see them
19:22.18Wyzardrpc: and you'll see that they point to your 2.6.20 kernel
19:22.21rpcWyzard right
19:22.23perlmonkeypumpkin0: hope you see what i mean, hard to explain :-/
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19:22.40pumpkin0perlmonkey: why would you ssh from your bos to your box ? That does not make sense.
19:22.41Wyzardrpc: You want to change those symlinks so they point to your 2.6.18 kernel instead
19:22.47rpcWyzard there is a strange thing though in there
19:22.51perlmonkeypumpkin0: basically I mean, instead of running FF from konsole, use a ssh window on laptop
19:23.02rpchm so you suggest getting rid of 2.6.20 boot at all?
19:23.07rpcand go back to 2.6.18?
19:23.08perlmonkeypumpkin0: i guess im being dumb eh
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19:23.17fooxoz: ah, I see, thanks!
19:23.17Wyzardrpc: Well, your goal is to make your system go back to 2.6.18, right?
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19:23.20rpci just want the BEST 32-bit kernel there is, is that 2.6.18 now?
19:23.25Wyzardrpc: People were telling you that 2.6.20 has problems
19:23.39rpcso i will take this chance and go back to 2.6.18 i believe...
19:23.40pumpkin0perlmonkey: that only generates a bit of CPU-load for the useless encrypting. You ssh into another PC on the other side of the WLAN.
19:23.49Wyzardrpc: 2.6.18 is the kernel in Debian stable
19:23.57xoziturk: try using parted from partitioning to formatting and check if the garbage still persist. either you have a cheap usbdisk or maybe you need a better kernel
19:23.59rpcWyzard i have this one in there waiting: -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1259920 Feb  2 18:50 vmlinuz-2.6.18-3-686
19:24.01Wyzardrpc: 2.6.20 is available in Debian unstable, but it's not the default yet, even there
19:24.02rpcis that ok?
19:24.04perlmonkeypumpkin0: but how can you run a local app like FF in that ssh tunnel?
19:24.14Wyzardrpc: 2.6.18-3?
19:24.14rpcWyzard right.. i quit the 2.6.20 idea...
19:24.27Wyzardrpc: etch's kernel is 2.6.18-4
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19:24.39Wyzardrpc: You must not have updated that in a few months...
19:24.40rpcwell i installed etch a while ago, before it went stable
19:24.48rpcthen i was using 2.6.20
19:24.49pumpkin0perlmonkey: ssh can tunnel network and X11. You can run FF on a PC on the other side of the planet and have the display on your local PC.
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19:25.05Wyzardrpc: OK, well, switch back to 2.6.18-3 for now, and once the box is running properly, do an etch upgrade
19:25.08rpcWyzard how about i just tried to apt-get install 2.6.18-4 now? will it work?
19:25.15xoziturk: i have experienced buggy cfdisk. but also, your hardware usbdisk may be buggy.
19:25.15Wyzardrpc: How did you install 2.6.20, btw?
19:25.27rpcWyzard i DID upgrade before.. that's how i screwed the box...
19:25.30perlmonkeypumpkin0: woah how?
19:25.34rpcit never boot up after reboot
19:25.51rpcWyzard hm i got it from some source tru apt-get
19:25.58rpcWyzard let me give you the address
19:26.08Wyzardrpc: IIRC you said you installed 2.6.20 with apt-get...  does that mean you have "unstable" sources in your sources.list?
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19:26.20rpcWyzard: deb
19:26.27pumpkin0perlmonkey: running a program on one PC does not limit it's output to that PC (this is X, not so lame windows GUI). If the server is configured for that "ssh -X <IP-of-server>" works.
19:26.36rpcWyzard i used that source for 2.6.20-3
19:26.39rpca while ago..
19:26.58rpcWyzard: deb sid main to be exact
19:26.59Wyzardrpc: umm...  the 2.6.20 in Debian unstable is 2.6.20-1
19:27.09Wyzardrpc: That's someone's third-party unofficial kernel package
19:27.16Wyzardrpc: Take that out
19:27.18perlmonkeyso maybe I dont need to get all complicated and VPN afterall? ssh can provide the secure tunnelling for specific apps eh
19:27.23rpcright.. looks like it was a debianized kernel
19:27.40tolaUpgraded to etc, mod_php is broken. Whenever I load a web page which is generated by php it now returns a file of MIME type application/x-httpd-php instead of text/html - any idea what's broken?
19:27.56rpcWyzard that source looked reliable and i was having DEEP probs with my nic on that time so i needed to see 2.6.20 to estimate if it helps with the problem
19:27.57Wyzardrpc: and remove that 2.6.20 package you installed
19:28.09Wyzardrpc: what kind of NIC?
19:28.10rpcWyzard ok so once i boot to 2.6.18 i get rid of that at all
19:28.16h3sp4wnWyzard: That is not really third party - its the debian kernel teams repository
19:28.34pumpkin0perlmonkey: ssh works for any apps without 3D. But you rnetwork stays open. everyone can join and use your internetconnection.
19:28.46rpcWyzard it was realtek 8169... you might remember my moans here that lasted for weeks... i finally got it replaced with quality intel nic though
19:28.47perlmonkeywhat about transfering files over NFS and so forth across wlan?
19:28.49Wyzardh3sp4wn: Why would it have a 2.6.20-3 when there's not even a 2.6.20-2 yet?
19:29.11rpcWyzard isn't there 2.6.20-4 now?
19:29.21Wyzardrpc: rtl8139 has worked fine for years...  you do not need to upgrade 2.6.18 to 2.6.20 to use an rtl8139
19:29.24Wyzardrpc: no, that's 2.6.18-4
19:29.28perlmonkeypumpkin0: transferring files and doing basic system commands would be vunerable to eavesdropping?
19:29.31rpcanyway i don't trust/need that anymore... just want the box up and running 2.6.18-3/4 :)
19:29.49perlmonkeypumpkin: unless it was done in ssh eh
19:29.58rpcWyzard to be honest... there was a diff between 8169 PCI and mobo one...
19:30.08rpcand mobo one gives deep problems to many people
19:30.11pumpkin0perlmonkey: over ssh ? no. right. Use telnet or ftp and you are toast.
19:30.15h3sp4wnWyzard: No idea - (that is their repository though)
19:30.31Wyzardrpc: oh, 8169, not 8139 -- sorry, I misread
19:30.34rpcWyzard i managed to replace it and my nic related probs are gone now
19:30.36perlmonkeyssh-->ftp = secure?
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19:30.52xozperlmonkey: sftp
19:30.54Wyzardrpc: Anyway, I'm using an onboard 8169 right now in this box, and another of my boxes has a PCI-card 8169, and both work fine in 2.6.18
19:30.54pumpkin0perlmonkey: if you are 100% sure the tunneling worked: yes.
19:31.06Wyzardrpc: I also have a box with an Intel gigabit NIC and that works fine in 2.6.18 too
19:31.08rpcWyzard yes but not with amd dual core probably?
19:31.26rpcWyzard 8169 onboard on AMD X2... that's the prob, confirmed officially
19:31.28Wyzardrpc: Intel dual-core, but I doubt the processor manufacturer has any effect on how the NIC works
19:31.35perlmonkeyI think maybe theres some apps I can secure or use in ssh tunnel, like mythtv
19:31.37rpcthere IS a prob, trust me
19:31.41Wyzardrpc: weird  :-/
19:31.41perlmonkeyi need a VPN still I think
19:31.46rpcWyzard yes
19:31.48perlmonkey*can = cant
19:31.50Wyzardrpc: Anyway, you replaced it with an Intel one, right?
19:31.58rpcWyzard it's a bug in kernel and there is no workaround so far
19:31.59pumpkin0perlmonkey: no 3D or accelerated stuff like videos...
19:32.11rpcyes, i managed to replace it as i gave them a proof that the problem isn't fixable
19:32.27perlmonkeypumpkin0: what can be done for that?
19:32.30rpcand they confirmed it wasn't the first time someone asked for that.
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19:32.56HoxzerVirtual Private Network
19:33.02Wyzardrpc: so 2.6.18 should be workable now -- I know that Intel NIC is supported in 2.6.18 because my router uses one, and presumably there's no bug involving Intel NICs and X2 processors
19:33.04rpcWyzard once the box is back to life i will happily tell you more of this story he he
19:33.14h3sp4wnWyzard: only 20-3~snapshot exists (not surprising its not working)
19:33.28perlmonkeyVPN->3D/video transferring over wlan = secure?
19:33.30rpcWyzard yes, intel will work very well with 2.6.18 for sure, i don't really need 2.6.20 anymore
19:33.34pumpkin0perlmonkey: video over network only works if the player is running localy. transfering the uncompressed video over networks is ... not so good. You need several GB/s for fullscreen.
19:33.41Wyzardperlmonkey: Why not just enable WPA?
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19:33.56rpcWyzard the exact problem is the dual core stuff - it needs different programming for onboard 8169
19:33.57pumpkin0perlmonkey: 3D over network => dead prog.
19:33.58perlmonkeyI can't use WPA my card's driver/firmware does not support it :-/
19:34.08Wyzardrpc: OK, so change those vmlinuz and initrd.img symlinks to point to your 2.6.18
19:34.08rpcand that's screwed up for now, no workaround yet
19:34.19rpcWyzard i'm going to /boot now
19:34.34pumpkin0perlmonkey: there is a software WPA that works with a LOT of drivers. Are you sure ? did you really test wpasupplicant ?
19:34.35Wyzardrpc: (There should be ".old" backup symlinks, so you can just do "mv vmlinuz.old vmlinuz" and "mv initrd.img.old initrd.img")
19:35.04rpcWyzard hm i see no .old symlinks in there
19:35.09perlmonkeypumpkin0: aye, I tried wpasupplicant for like 8 hrs without success, tried every driver option and all kinds of stuff but it would not work
19:35.15rpcso i assume i will just wipe the existing ones and add new ones?
19:35.15Wyzardrpc: The way it works is that when you install a new kernel, the existing vmlinuz and initrd.img symlinks get renamed with the ".old" suffix, and then a new pair of symlinks are created, pointing to the new kernel
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19:35.26Wyzardrpc: ok, yeah, just delete them and recreate then
19:35.26rpci read you
19:35.31pumpkin0perlmonkey: which WLAN-driver do you use ?
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19:35.46Wyzardrpc: When you upgrade to 2.6.18-4, you should end up with ".old" symlinks pointing to 2.6.18-3
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19:35.59ma3xFuzzyB, mknod: missing operand after `/dev/sequencer'
19:36.06rpcWyzard i will happily try it as soon as possible
19:36.14rpcWyzard but once again, can't i just apt-get install 2.6.18-4 now?
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19:36.25FuzzyBma3x: try harder
19:36.29Wyzardrpc: yeah, you probably can
19:36.40rpcWyzard i will see if i can find them in apt-cache
19:37.12Wyzardrpc: apt-get install linux-image-2.6-686
19:37.28Wyzardrpc: That's a metapackage that always depends on the latest kernel, in this case 2.6.18-4
19:37.35ma3xFuzzyB, what kind of type?
19:37.36rpcWyzard oh hm
19:37.45FuzzyBma3x: what does google tell you
19:37.59ma3xI want to start nexuiz but it segfaults
19:37.59vicentecarroI'm testing Debian Live for PS3 and i can not guess the root password
19:37.59ma3xwhat is wrong?
19:38.04rpcThe following extra packages will be installed:
19:38.05rpcwow :)
19:38.24Wyzardrpc: Actually, since you're using an AMD processor, you might want to use -k7 instead of -686
19:38.27ma3xFuzzyB, google for what?
19:38.30Wyzardrpc: though it probably doesn't make much difference
19:38.30rpcWyzard: it's downloaded now and it is running depmod
19:38.54rpcWyzard hm... that's the most confusing part.. some people say that k7 isn't this good for X2
19:39.06rpchonestly i would love 64-bit debian instead..
19:39.14rpcBUT vmware-server won't work with that
19:39.19FuzzyBma3x: are you that dense? You ask me a question but you can't ask google?
19:39.20rpcand i need it to work he he
19:39.45rpcWyzard a problem here: Error running the boot loader in test mode.
19:39.58mmlj4i'm stuck at 640x480, xrandr shows only that size... is there another driver for me to try? is there a GUI X config / driver config tool?
19:39.59Wyzardrpc: VMware Server does run on 64-bit Debian
19:40.14rpcWyzard are you sure it does? no probs compiling the module?
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19:40.41pumpkin0mmirko: what gfx-card do you have ?
19:40.45Wyzardrpc: I've used it successfully in 64-bit Debian using 2.6.18-4
19:40.57pumpkin0mmlj4: what gfx-card do you have ?
19:41.01rpcWyzard hmm...
19:41.24rpcWyzard then i could use a special 64-bit kernel for my X2
19:41.39rpcbut still... first i need to boot up the damn box
19:41.42Wyzardrpc: Well, a 64-bit kernel does not make a 64-bit OS
19:41.49Wyzardrpc: You'd have to reinstall your whole system to go 64-bit
19:41.58rpcright and that i can't do for now
19:42.08Wyzardwhich is fine; 32-bit is fine
19:42.11tolaphp is completely broken after upgrading to etch, does anyone know how to fix it?
19:42.16Wyzardunless you need to run 64-bit VMs for some reason
19:42.28mmlj4pumpkin0: intel extreme
19:42.37Wyzardrpc: Regarding that error message, what happens if you run "lilo" manually?
19:42.54Wyzardrpc: and are your vmlinuz and initrd.img symlinks correct now?
19:42.56rpcWyzard it says about raid related prob while i have no raid in there
19:43.03rpcyes, those 2 are OK
19:43.03Wyzardrpc: (They should've been created when installing the package)
19:43.13Wyzardrpc: What's the exact error message?
19:43.17rpcWyzard i will try lilo -v and paste, is this ok?
19:43.28Wyzardsure, but use pastebin if it's more than 3 lines
19:43.29rpcbtw i see .old stuff now there too which is cool
19:43.40rpcWarning: LBA32 addressing assumed
19:43.40rpcFatal: raid_setup: stat("/dev/sda")
19:43.55rpci never installed a raid in there... /dev/sda is just my primary drive
19:44.03rpcsata one
19:44.21Wyzardrpc: I have no idea what that means...  it's been years since I've used LILO (I use GRUB now) and I've never seen that message before
19:44.25danielss89is etch still testing?
19:44.35Wyzarddanielss89: No, it was released a few weeks ago
19:44.35rpcdanielss89 topic..
19:44.46mmlj4danielss89: nope
19:44.49rpcWyzard i assume i could just skip that error message
19:45.00wols!tell tola about errors
19:45.09Wyzardrpc: well, "fatal" sounds like lilo aborted and didn't actually update the bootloader
19:45.11rpcWyzard the /etc/lilo.conf looks good imho
19:45.12danielss89so what should my sources.list look like now?? when its not testing anymore?
19:45.18rpcWyzard hrhm.. damn it.
19:45.22Wyzarddanielss89: "etch"
19:45.37pumpkin0danielss89: change all "testing" strings into "etch".
19:45.45Wyzarddanielss89: If you do an update while your sources.list says "testing" you'll end up running newer-than-stable
19:45.47pumpkin0danielss89: (or stable)
19:45.59tolawols: The error isn't very helpful. It's mediawiki and it says
19:45.59tolaFatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /home/tola/public_html/w/includes/ObjectCache.php on line 409
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19:46.01Wyzarddanielss89: either "etch" or "stable" -- the difference being what happens when lenny is released
19:46.05rpcWyzard can it be related to some raid module running or something?
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19:46.16wolstola: what is this "objectcache"?
19:46.50danielss89hmm i get this error: root@danielss89:/usr/src# apt-get source postfix
19:46.50danielss89Reading package lists... Done
19:46.50danielss89Building dependency tree... Done
19:46.50danielss89E: You must put some 'source' URIs in your sources.list
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19:47.06Wyzardrpc: Evidently lilo doesn't work within a chroot
19:47.07wolstola: reinstall mediawiki (but reuse your databasde)
19:47.08tolawols:  it's part of mediawiki
19:47.12wolsbest make a backup beforehand
19:47.26asgdanielss89: /msg dpkg deb-src
19:47.35rpcWyzard oh.
19:47.49rpcWyzard so in this case i could just try to boot
19:47.53rpcas symlinks seem fine
19:47.56asgdanielss89: change 'stable' to 'sarge' or 'etch' or whatever it is you are running.
19:47.57wolstola: and make sure you only use etch php packages. did you install backports?
19:47.59Wyzardrpc: no, you need to run lilo
19:48.04rpcWyzard hm
19:48.04Wyzardrpc: but you'll need to do it from outside the chroot
19:48.05tolawols: it's not just mediawiki that's broken. Other applications which use php are broken too. They mainly return a file of MIME type application/x-httpd-php instead of text/html
19:48.21tola(when loaded in the browser)
19:48.22rpcso exit now?
19:48.31Wyzardrpc: Exit the chroot and "cp /mnt/debian/etc/lilo.conf /etc"
19:48.31wolstola: then you apache config is wrong. what are your php vresions that you have installed?
19:49.06vicentecarroIn what channel can i get support of debian-live for PS3?
19:49.06rpcWyzard hm... very nice :) let me try
19:49.10wolstola: again: backports?
19:49.10tolawols: PHP 4.4.4-8+etch1
19:49.11wolsvicentecarro: where did you get that distro?
19:49.11Wyzardrpc: Edit /etc/lilo.conf (this is now the one in the recovery system, not on your hard drive) so that all the files it refers to are the ones in /mnt/debian
19:49.11wolsit's certainly not real debian
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19:49.19Wyzardrpc: /mnt/debian/boot/vmlinuz, etc.
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19:49.31tolawols: backports?
19:49.33sergio_ot: does someone practice diving?
19:49.33rpcWyzard now i have a new problem...
19:49.46wolstola: and your mod-php vresion?
19:49.47Wyzardrpc: then run lilo (or, if the recovery console doesn't have lilo installed, /mnt/debian/sbin/lilo)
19:49.51wols!find php4 etch
19:49.52vicentecarrowols, here: But there is no irc channel about
19:49.52rpcWyzard ok i will do what you just said, i didn't
19:49.57pumpkin0wols: it's a live-CD recompiled for PS3 plus some configs copied from fedora.
19:50.11wolsvicentecarro: well, it's not debian. it's only based on debian
19:50.26wolspumpkin0: where has debian a livecd?
19:50.29marchi, is it possible to install just the xserver core witout all the device drivers (xserver-xorg-video* packages)?
19:50.40vicentecarrook wols
19:50.42tolawols:  I don't know how to find that out but i've just installed mod_php from fresh because the etch upgrade process removed it!
19:50.48wolsmarc: no. why would you want to do it?
19:51.02wolstola: dpkg -l
19:51.03tolawols: (fresh from etch)
19:51.05pumpkin0wols: (the more-or-less offical one)
19:51.06rpc# lilo
19:51.06rpcFatal: Trying to map files from unnamed device 0x0010 (NFS/RAID mirror down ?)
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19:51.21rpcWyzard it tried to alter a partition on /dev/sdb
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19:51.27rpcWyzard not sure why
19:51.41xoztola: read Readme of mod_php?
19:51.45tolawols: 4.4.4-8+etch1
19:51.49Wyzardrpc: no idea, sorry
19:51.50rpcWyzard: Reference:  disk "/dev/sdb"  (8,16)  0810
19:51.52vicentecarropumpkin0, in the "official" live, is there a root password?
19:52.02Wyzardrpc: Does your lilo.conf mention sdb anywhere?
19:52.04pumpkin0vicentecarro: no idea. Ask them irc:// ?
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19:52.10vicentecarrook, thanks
19:52.11rpcWyzard not at all
19:52.12marci try to install just a minimal system.
19:52.27rpcWyzard lilo assumes that i run a raid... and i DONT...
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19:52.37wolstola: apache1 or apache2?
19:52.49tolawols: apache2
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19:53.14rpcWyzard it was same stuff when i was apt-get upgrading... it said some error about mdm
19:53.19Wyzardrpc: I don't see why lilo would assume you use raid
19:53.24xoztola: apache does not recognize it because mod_php is not configured properly
19:53.24jetscreamerconcept10: yes i have one
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19:53.51wolsmarc: tola pastebin the output of grep -r php /etc/apache2/
19:53.52rpcWyzard it really is weird
19:53.58xoztola: check README.Debian for last minute instruction
19:54.08rpcWyzard i might be a single step from fixing that box and i don't know what to do now
19:54.35jetscreamer2.6.20 detects my pata as scsi and assigns sda instead of hda, and so / is never found
19:54.47wolsjetscreamer: which is normal
19:54.48jetscreamerthe stock image
19:54.57xoz!info etch php
19:55.01rpcReading boot sector from /dev/sda
19:55.01rpcFatal: Trying to map files from unnamed device 0x0010 (NFS/RAID mirror down ?)
19:55.01jetscreamerbut, therefore the box doesn't boot
19:55.09wolswhat "stock image"ß considering 2.6.20 is not in debian?
19:55.14Wyzardrpc: Find someone who knows more about lilo, I guess, or consider switching to grub
19:55.18jetscreameri apt-get installed it
19:55.19xoz!info php etch
19:55.24rpcWyzard do you think that i could install grub now?
19:55.28wolsjetscreamer: yes, but you're a good little boy and still have the old kernel?
19:55.35xoz!info php4 etch
19:55.39rpcWyzard just remove lilo and install grub in there
19:55.42dpkgphp4: (server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (meta-package)), section web, is optional. Version: 6:4.4.4-8+etch1 (etch), Packaged size: 1 kB, Installed size: 24 kB
19:55.46concept10jetscreamer, hay, I was wondering if you ever heard someone installing linux on the older wired versions (i.e. the BEFSR41) .. i just busted it open and it has a ARM processor so im looking for info
19:55.49jetscreamerwols: it's in sid
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19:55.57Wyzardrpc: yeah, you could, though you'll need to configure it too
19:56.02wolsconcept10: can't work
19:56.03rpcWyzard i assume that lilo is screwed on that box probably anyway
19:56.11jetscreamerconcept10: no idea i haven't even done the openwrt firmare thing yet
19:56.14wolsconcept10: you can't fit debian in 4MB flash...
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19:56.30rpcWyzard will configuring take just editing the config file or using grub's shell?
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19:56.44concept10wols, sure you can
19:57.04rpcWyzard apt-get remove lilo... wise or crazy?
19:57.05wolsthen tell me how
19:57.14wolsjust fyi: a debian kernel is usually >4 MB...
19:57.14jetscreamer!info linux-image-2.6.20-1-k7
19:57.20dpkglinux-image-2.6.20-1-k7: (Linux 2.6.20 image on AMD K7), section admin, is optional. Version: 2.6.20-2 (sid), Packaged size: 17297 kB, Installed size: 53016 kB
19:57.25rpcWyzard or will i screw the box forever that way?
19:57.33wolsrpc: crazy. apt-get install grub <- wise
19:57.34jetscreamerso it's my fault that kernel is borked eh
19:57.45wolsjetscreamer: yes it is. you run sid
19:57.55wolsthose are the breaks: when it breaks, it's ALWAYS your fault
19:57.56rpcwols so can i just apt-get install grub if lilo is still there?
19:58.01Wyzardrpc: Install grub first, and once you've successfully configured it and installed its bootloader, then remove lilo
19:58.01wolsrpc: yes
19:58.01jetscreamerwols: so it's my fault the kernel maintainer fucked up?
19:58.08jetscreameri'm sorry
19:58.13Vasisthajetscreamer: thanks for your recommendation.  I had to put an explicit umount /mnt/iso at the beginning of do_stop ... nothing else I tried worked!  Perhaps it just needs a second after umounting the loopback device in order to be able to umount the partition?  Weird :P
19:58.13jetscreameri'm not worthy
19:58.16wolsjetscreamer: you run sid. you are the fuckup. period
19:58.17rpcWyzard, wols: ok, trying
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19:58.27wolsbtw: i run sid too. but I don't whine when it breaks to #debian
19:58.28jetscreamerwols: wtf dude
19:58.33rpcWyzard it installed fine... took 5 seconds...
19:58.42jetscreameri missed the whining part...
19:58.48jetscreameri stated a fact.
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19:58.53wolsjetscreamer: everybody inhere tells you: you run sid, you exepect breakage. so don#t whine about it, deal with it
19:58.54jetscreameryou're mistaken
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19:58.59Wyzardjetscreamer: I don't think that's a kernel-maintainer issue...  as I understand it, IDE drivers are being ported to use libata because it's newer and more powerful than the legacy IDE subsystem, and libata goes through the SCSI subsystem
19:58.59rpcWyzard: Setting up grub (0.95+cvs20040624-17sarge1) ...
19:59.17Wyzardjetscreamer: Your PATA drive shows up as SCSI now for much the same reason that most SATA drives do
19:59.18concept10wols, you may install linux, busybox and x in 2MB
19:59.22rpcWyzard can i just chroot back to my debian now and config grub and hopew it will be fine after?
19:59.29wolsconcept10: debian != linux
19:59.36Wyzardrpc: oh, lol...  you're installing grub in the recovery system
19:59.38coldstealhow do i make a debian pkg that has all the dependcies
19:59.43jetscreamerWyzard: my compile of it works, 2.6.18 debian image works, i was just mentioning that the linux-image-2.6.20 is/was borked
19:59.45wolsor rather. debian != linux+busybox+x
19:59.46Wyzardrpc: chroot before you install it  :-)
19:59.47rpcWyzard lol
19:59.50wolsand I doubt you can fit x in 2MB
20:00.17concept10wols, i disagree
20:00.25markybobjetscreamer: report the bug on debian's bts.  i'm still the only one with a bug for that package so far :)
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20:00.32Wyzardjetscreamer: My guess would be, the old IDE-based driver for your hardware is still around, and there's also a new libata-based driver in 2.6.20
20:00.33rpcWyzard i just did.. still not /boot/grub dir
20:00.37concept10wols, quick question, where did busybox originate?
20:00.41Wyzardjetscreamer: and your custom kernel probably omitted the libata-based driver
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20:00.50jetscreameryes it's some ata driver thing, i saw it in menuconfig
20:00.58rpcstill no*
20:01.04wolsconcept10: debian is more than a mini kernel, a busybox and x (which you CANNOT fit in 2MB flash, period)
20:01.09Wyzardjetscreamer: My recommendation would be to use the libata-based driver and just switch to the new drive names
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20:01.15coldstealhow do i make a debian pkg that has all the dependcies
20:01.32Wyzardrpc: yeah, that doesn't get created automatically, but that's OK
20:01.43rpcWyzard huh... sounds good..
20:01.43concept10wolffc, answer question
20:01.45wolsrpc: update-grub
20:01.46wolstry it
20:01.52concept10sorry wolffc
20:01.56jetscreamerWyzard: so just change fstab, basically, eh?
20:02.03concept10wols, answer my question?
20:02.05Wyzardwols: Will that work without a menu.lst existing yet?
20:02.08rpcWyzard it told me no dir found and to try grub-install
20:02.13Wyzardjetscreamer: fstab and GRUB configuration, yeah
20:02.19wolsconcept10: I don#t care if it originated with debian or not. it stills doens#t make a kernel image and busybox debian. it never will be perido
20:02.31rpcWyzard i created the /boot/grub too
20:02.37jetscreamerrpc: easiest way might be from grubshell
20:02.41wolsso NO, it's never ever possible to install debian in 2MB flash.
20:02.52Wyzardrpc: cp /usr/share/doc/grub/examples/menu.lst /boot/grub
20:02.56wolsrpc: mkdir it
20:03.04Wyzardrpc: actually, no, nevermind that
20:03.05rpcwols just did
20:03.19rpcWyzard is it fine to try: grub-install /dev/sda ?
20:03.20concept10wols, why are you arguing what debian consists of anyway?
20:03.25rpcor wols, same question :)
20:03.31WyzardDoes anyone know offhand how to generate Debian's GRUB menu.lst, which the special comment stuff for update-grub, on a system that didn't use grub initially?
20:03.36rpcor shell option as jetscreamer suggested?
20:03.36wolsconcept10: because debian has defined relases
20:03.38xozwols: check
20:03.38drwahlwait.... is stable? i thoguht 20 was testing
20:03.45wols!tell concept10 about based on debian
20:03.49jetscreameryou know why i don't file a lot of bugs? .reportbug.conf :/
20:03.52Wyzardrpc: Give it a try, but I'm not sure if it'll work without a menu.lst config file
20:03.55jetscreameror whateverit is
20:04.06wolsif it were what you say, all those based on debian distros would be debian too. but they aren't
20:04.10Wyzarddrwahl: It's stable upstream, at
20:04.12concept10wols, how do you know what i am running?
20:04.18rpchm /dev/sda: Not found or not a block device.
20:04.32drwahlWyzard: that is what i am noticing... i guess that one slipped by me :)
20:04.37rpcor does it want a boot partition there?
20:04.41wolsconcept10: I don't give a fuck what you run. but I do know you don't run debian on that router unless your nfsmount /. And if you do that you're atupid
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20:04.49markybobdrwahl: depends what you mean by stable.  there's been some regression on MCP51
20:04.52jetscreameri wonder if it's related to the other ide borkage
20:04.59Wyzardrpc: hmm, that could explain your lilo problem, but it also doesn't make much sense
20:05.10Wyzardrpc: In your chroot, does /dev/sda actually exist?
20:05.14coldstealhello can someone help me
20:05.32rpcWyzard yes, all of them... sda2,3,4
20:05.40coldstealhow can i make a debian pkg that has all the dependencies
20:05.43Wyzardrpc: including "sda" itself?
20:05.46wolsconcept10: your best bet is to check if openwrt or similar runs on your BEFR consumer crap. my guess is no. cause afaik the smallest openwrt one uses 4MB flash
20:05.46drwahlmarkybob: i only understood about half of that :) what is MCP51?
20:05.52wolsand that is even a "tiny" version
20:05.53concept10wols, You made my point yourself.  You dont give a fuck what I am running, dont know what im running, and it shouldnt concern you what im running so why bother me telling me what the fuck is debian?
20:05.58drwahlwhat kernle does lenny ship with?
20:06.09rpcWyzard nope, /dev/sda is the physical device, not a partition
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20:06.23wolsconcept10: cause debian has a definition. which means you can't run it on the POS. which is what you asked
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20:06.29rpcWyzard perhaps grub wants the partition instead?
20:06.38Sebbohwols: I heard about something called dd-wrt.. that might run on smaller flash sizes.  But I haven't looked into it yet.
20:06.44jetscreamerHEY!  with both this new 2.6.20 bork, and also the 'Disk devices may change on reboot' bork, a self-compiled kernel fixes both. so...
20:06.44coldstealdrwahl: 2.6.18-4-686
20:06.45wolsso if you don't want answers to your public questions: STFU in the first place :)
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20:07.12concept10wols, thanks for the entertainment/info :)
20:07.19Wyzardrpc: I believe grub-install wants the raw device where you want the bootloader to go -- it looks at where /boot is mounted to figure out the sda1 part
20:07.19jetscreamerudev does the hw detection or what? there is the culprit?
20:07.23wolsSebboh: 4MB. the tiny version yes. the original WRT54g had 8MB flash iirc. then halved it and then all dd-wrt ones stoped workuing until the tiny version came along
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20:07.31rpcWyzard hm...
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20:07.42borgyhow can i add my user to multiple groups at once?
20:07.48Wyzardrpc: but /dev/sda being "not found or not a block device" makes no sense regardless, because sda definitely is a block device, and ought to exist
20:07.49xozjetscreamer: udev does the hw detection
20:07.57wolsSebboh: I was mistaken. it runs in 2MB
20:08.06rpcWyzard hrhm...
20:08.07jetscreamerso my antipathy to udev may be justified
20:08.09wolsstill: it doesn't run on the old BEFR series. but only WRT54
20:08.15orangeyhey all!
20:08.20orangeyI just upgraded from sarge to etch.
20:08.23wolsjetscreamer: it si. great ide, crap execution :)
20:08.24Wyzardrpc: You said that /dev/sda does exist, right?  Not just the partitions like /dev/sda1, but /dev/sda itself, exists in your /dev directory in your chroot?
20:08.25rpci'm really confused now
20:08.28Sebbohwols, neat.  I've got a 2mb POS right here.. But, I just bought it, so, I might just return it.
20:08.30orangeyhowever, there seems to be a problem with my libapache2-mod-php5
20:08.32wolsmaybe it matures tho. there is still hope
20:08.35orangeywhen i try to reinstall it, I get:
20:08.36markybobjetscreamer: if you really wanna know what's causing things, you could use git bisect to find out exactly which kernel commit changed things to not work on your system
20:09.00rpcWyzard i just checked /dev... sda is not there
20:09.21rpcWyzard but /dev/sda2 is mounted...
20:09.27rpcwtf damn it :)
20:09.35jetscreamerblacklist the scsi maybe
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20:09.38wolsorangey: is any packaging program still running? dpkg, or apt-get or aptitude?
20:09.52tolasorry but I'm still having problems with PHP and I can't fix it. I've never had to configure php before other than a couple of settings in php.ini - I've spent the whole day upgrading to etch and I'm pissed off that it's broken PHP for me. What can I do next?
20:09.55wolsjetscreamer: it is no scsi
20:09.56pumpkin0rpc: check /proc/mounts
20:10.00rpcWyzard perhaps i should reboot the box.. something is wrong as i could fdisk -l before and now i can't do that
20:10.01Wyzardrpc: cd /dev; ./MAKEDEV sda
20:10.09rpcWyzard is it safe to create that node?
20:10.13wolstola: I told you waht to do. do it please
20:10.16Wyzardrpc: yes, it's fine
20:10.24jetscreameryeah i know... but here on my box, it's usuing the scsi / sg / sda
20:10.30Wyzardrpc: Device nodes are just special files; creating and removing them doesn't affect the data on the disk itself
20:10.38orangeywols: nope.
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20:10.46wolsjetscreamer: just cause it's named sda doesn't mean it's really using the full scsi subtree of drivers.
20:10.47rpc./# ./MAKEDEV sda
20:10.47rpc.udevdb or .udev presence implies active udev.  Aborting MAKEDEV invocation.
20:10.48jetscreamerwhen i scroll up, shift+pgup, while it's waiting on root fs
20:10.50tolawols: what pastebin are you talking about because I've in #pastebin and you're not there
20:11.07xandpastebin isn't a channel
20:11.10rpcWyzard i read you and learned something again but still i got that error this time
20:11.10jetscreamerand i see that new ata module/driver thing also
20:11.12xandit's a website
20:11.15wolsjetscreamer: and since sooner or later pata will go away in favour of integration into libata, I'd say take the plunge and convert your fstab
20:11.19pumpkin0rpc check /proc/mounts. Im serious.
20:11.26wols!tell tola about paster
20:11.33xozorangey: are you root during install?
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20:11.33rpcpumpkin0 hm
20:11.39wolsxoz: he is.
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20:11.57tolathank you wols
20:12.00rpcpumpkin0 hrhm...
20:12.01xjkxhow can i open gnome in the other place? like on f7 i have flux and gnome on f8, like --display 2 but isnt working !
20:12.03Wyzardok, that's a little surprising since udev shouldn't be running in the chroot, but whatever
20:12.11xozorangey: try dpkg -i
20:12.19Wyzardrpc: Exit the chroot and check whether /dev/sda exists there
20:12.25pumpkin0jetscreamer: newer boards do not have any bootable pata-devices anymore. the pata-ports are connected via USB-pata converters.
20:12.45jetscreamerpumpkin0: that puts it into perspective then i think
20:12.47rpcWyzard, pumpkin0 i see some stuff in /proc/mounts... e.g. nfs mount
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20:12.51Wyzardpumpkin0: Who would put a PATA controller on USB?
20:13.00pumpkin0Wyzard: msi, asus,...
20:13.06jetscreameri think he means on the motherboard
20:13.13tdnHow do I get a second monitor to work on my IBM Thinkpad? It is a projector. How do I enable it? Please help!
20:13.15wolsWyzard: the jmicron shite everyone uses
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20:13.34pumpkin0Wyzard: the new intel-chipset does not have PATA, period. the easy way out is USB.
20:13.35rpcWyzard and yes, sda exists outside chroot
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20:13.42orangeyxoz: Yes, I am root during install. dpkg -i works as expected.
20:13.43Wyzardwols: Why would someone use a USB PATA controller as opposed to a plain PCI one?
20:13.50Wyzardrpc: ok, mount --bind /dev /mnt/debian/dev
20:13.54Wyzardrpc: then chroot again
20:13.58orangeyxoz: Wait.. you mean dpkg -i <package>?
20:13.58hobophobeI had a problem with xserver-xorg-core update that caused a dependency problem on my driver (it wants xorg 7.1 but detects xorg 1.3) is there a new versioning going on?
20:13.58rpcdoing that...
20:13.59mmlj4tdn: at the same time? dunno. but most laptops have a special key to toggle LCD and an external monitor
20:13.59pumpkin0tdn: there are about 40 different thinkpad models.
20:14.14jetscreamerWyzard: integrated in the mb
20:14.16Wyzardrpc: You're making your chroot environment see the recovery console's /dev instead of its own
20:14.18xozorangey: yes
20:14.34rpcWyzard hm right.. makes alot of sense in fact
20:14.35xozorangey: in /var/cache/apt/archives/
20:14.46pumpkin0Wyzard: it's all about money. usb-pata costs less.
20:14.56wolsWyzard: it's cheaper probably
20:14.58rpcWyzard got sda in /dev/ now (chroot)
20:15.03wolstola: check if /usr/lib/apache2/modules/ exists
20:15.10Wyzardjetscreamer: I don't mean a PCI card in a slot, I mean a PCI device built into the motherboard, just like integrated SATA controllers and NICs and USB controllers and just about everything else
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20:15.24Wyzardrpc: OK, try grub-install again
20:15.30wolsWyzard: and, it doesn't use up a precious pci line while boards have tons of USB ports
20:15.35pumpkin0tdn: and all models are documented at most of them with configs for dualhead.
20:15.41rpc# grub-install /dev/sda
20:15.41rpc/dev/sda does not have any corresponding BIOS drive.
20:15.41tdnpumpkin0, this is a T42. But why should this be important? Isn't there a generic method for enabling a second display?
20:15.45orangeyxoz: The file is not there.
20:15.51Wyzardwols: I guess...  but that'd be a huge bottleneck
20:15.53tolawols: it does
20:16.06xozorangey: then use aptitude install or apt-get instal
20:16.09Wyzardwols: Even USB2 isn't all that fast, due to overhead
20:16.12pumpkin0tdn: thre are about 60 different gfx-cards... and everyone may have a different way.
20:16.13jetscreamer*most* users don't have >1 hd
20:16.27wolstola: then I don't know. purge apache and php, make sure /etc/apache2/ is empty then reinstall it
20:16.32wolssave your virtual hsots of course first
20:16.34rpcWyzard oh wow! i tried lilo -v.... it WORKED now...
20:16.35xozorangey: apt-get install --reinstall <package>
20:16.40wolsthat's the only thing I can think of
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20:16.49Wyzardrpc: oh, ok
20:16.50rpcWyzard just thought i could try it once we had mounted the /dev stuff
20:16.52pumpkin0wols: don't miss the confmiss-option...
20:17.01orangeyxoz: OK, it looks like the problem had to do with me having used the php5 packages from dotdeb in the past
20:17.02wolspumpkin0: after purge, no need :)
20:17.03rpcWyzardMapping RAM disk /boot/initrd.img -> initrd.img-2.6.18-4-686
20:17.03rpcAdded Standardkernel *
20:17.05tolawols: ok thanks for the help. I don't know how to do that but I'm going to have a break, I've been doing this all day and I'm getting irritable.
20:17.12orangeyxoz: I apologize for not picking up on that earlier.
20:17.17Wyzardrpc: I thought about suggesting that, but didn't think it'd make a difference since you tried lilo outside the chroot and it didn't work there either
20:17.21tolaI'm never ever ever ever doing a dist-upgrade in debian again
20:17.30Wyzardrpc: remove grub and try booting, I guess  :-)
20:17.33xozorangey: ok
20:17.33rpcWyzard for some crazy reason lilo worked now
20:17.38wolsorangey: the locking business shouldn't have anything to do with it
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20:18.02rpcWyzard it said it wrote the bootsector too... just worked fine this time
20:18.02xoztola: it's fun
20:18.05orangeywols: Well, the locking business resolved after I did "aptitude remove libapache2-mod-php5"
20:18.08Wyzardrpc: cool
20:18.09wolstola: what did you run before dist.upgrading? any backports?
20:18.09orangeyI did nothing else.
20:18.17tolawols: nah
20:18.19rpcWyzard do you think i'm ready to boot?
20:18.23tolawols: just sarge packages
20:18.29Wyzardrpc: most likely, yes
20:18.35wolstola: then it shouldn't matter
20:18.37rpcWyzard oh wow...
20:18.49rpcWyzard i'm checking /boot and /etc/lilo.conf once again to be sure it's ok
20:18.49wolsand fyi: debian is about the OS OS/distro in existence for upgrades
20:18.58xoztola: and you read the release notes of etch?
20:19.01wolsthink of the rbigt side: you could have upgraded XP to Vista :)
20:19.05tolaxoz: word by wor
20:19.09tola*word by word
20:19.20wolsxoz: apache+php is so bread and butter it shouldn't break...
20:19.24tdnmmlj4, I have tried pressing Fn+F7. It does nothing.
20:19.27rpcWyzard it looks very good.. are we really DONE?
20:19.43wolsrpc: I'd say yes
20:19.45tdnpumpkin0, isnt there some tool that can autodetect some of it?
20:19.55Wyzardjetscreamer: btw, I use LVM for everything these days, so changes of device names don't break things -- at worst /boot might fail to mount at startup, but that's harmless and easily fixed
20:19.59Wyzardrpc: yep, looks like it
20:20.00rpcwols, Wyzard: trying reboot... i'm scared.
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20:20.08tolaonce I'd done the upgrade the php4 module wasn't even enabled and the package had been removed
20:20.10xoztola: tried pasting the error in google?
20:20.21tolaxoz: which error?
20:20.26wolstola: if it has, then I doN#t think it was sarge imho
20:20.30tolaxoz: I don't have a useful error
20:20.35wolstola: if I were you I'd try php5 anyways
20:20.38xoztola: whatever is the output when you view it
20:20.41pumpkin0tdn: if you don't even know your own hardware, how should i guess it ? Did you look at ?
20:20.47wolsespecially now with your problems. remove php5 and install php5
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20:21.00tolawols: it's not as simple as just turning on php5, I have a lot of applications which run on php4
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20:21.11rpcgot the ping reply...
20:21.21rpcWyzard i owe you big time...
20:21.22wolsah, remote :)
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20:21.29rpcwols exactly..
20:21.43Wyzardrpc: Now you know not to install unsupported kernels anymore, and especially not to ignore error messages when installing new kernels  :-)
20:21.45rpcwols i screwed a remote box big time today and Wyzard helped me alot
20:21.53rpci would NEVER do this myself
20:22.03rpcWyzard oh wait
20:22.08pumpkin0tdn: => 3 different cards and 2 possible drivers.
20:22.15tdnpumpkin0, I did look at thinkwiki. I know my hardware. What do you want to know? I have ATI graphichs card.
20:22.20rpcWyzard what i had was kernel 2.6.20-3 and i did apt-get upgrade.. that's exactly what broke my box
20:22.22Wyzardrpc: and you know how to correctly mount a system from a recovery boot, too
20:22.24wolstdn: lspci -v
20:22.28tdnpumpkin0, 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RV350 [Mobility Radeon 9600 M10]
20:22.32tdnwols, 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RV350 [Mobility Radeon 9600 M10]
20:22.34rpcWyzard i learned TONS today
20:22.41rpcWyzard i'm even happy that all this shit happened
20:22.43pumpkin0tdn: OK, fglrx driver or ati driver ?
20:22.47wolstdn: ati or fglrx. or if you must: vesa
20:22.48Wyzardrpc: You removed that unofficial line from your sources.list, right?
20:22.52tdnpumpkin0, flglrx!
20:23.02rpcWyzard but still.. if i didn't meet you here it would never work... i do owe you
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20:23.12rpcWyzard i will kill that line in a sec
20:23.18Wyzardrpc: Since you hadn't updated etch in a while, now would be a good time to do a dist-upgrade to upgrade to the final stable versions of everything
20:23.20tolawols: there is one thing that could have caused the problem. In sources.list I had main instead of sarge. I did an apt-get upgrade which got a load of etch packages, then I realised what it was doing and followed the etch release notes properly
20:23.30Wyzardrpc: after checking that there's nothing in your sources.list except official stable stuff
20:23.37rpcLinux mindstorm 2.6.18-4-686 #1 SMP Mon Mar 26 17:17:36 UTC 2007 i686
20:23.42rpcjust got in... WORKS SWEET :)
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20:23.47rpcwe did the impossible lol
20:23.54rpcfixed a non-booting remote box lol
20:23.54pumpkin0tdn connect the 2. monitor/projector and run "aticonfig --query-monitor".
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20:24.07Wyzardrpc: nah, not impossible...  I've done more complex stuff than that  :-)
20:24.14orangeysweet lord.
20:24.25rpcWyzard it was the first time i was using a recovery console...
20:24.49*** part/#debian maddash (n=maddash@unaffiliated/maddash)
20:24.49Wyzardand it's stuff like this that helps you become an expert
20:24.50rpcand i'm not sure that anyone tried this before in the way we did it... it is meant to be used for just reinstalling the system lol
20:25.01tdnpumpkin0, trying.
20:25.16orangeyI'm getting errors on everything PHP in the site..
20:25.18rpcWyzard now i feel really proud.. i don't need to worry about breaking stuff anymore and shake when i recompile kernel etc.
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20:25.18WyzardIf it were a local system I'd have told you to use a liveCD (such as Ubuntu's) for the same purpose, to mount your hard drive and fix stuff
20:25.23orangeywhat does it mean when a package is "c"?
20:25.27orangeyi.e., c   php5-apc                        - apc module for php5
20:25.27tdnpumpkin0, it says: Connected monitors: crt1, lvds; Enabled monitors: lvds
20:25.32tdnpumpkin0, then what?
20:25.33rpcWyzard hm yes
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20:25.48tdnpumpkin0, still nothing on the screen.
20:25.50pumpkin0tdn: aticonfig --enable-monitor=lvds,crt1
20:25.54rpcWyzard in fact whole thing seems simple now but you need to know about this /dev mount etc... really hard to figure out
20:26.08rpcWyzard remember the wicked error in lilo before? about raid
20:26.18rpcwho would figure it was because of the missing /dev ?
20:26.21Wyzardrpc: yeah, I dunno why lilo was doing that
20:26.28rpccrazyness :)
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20:26.39rpcargh it really is up, i'm so happy
20:26.51Wyzardrpc: You still have the issue of your static /dev not having an "sda" node, and you  might want to fix that at some point, but it shouldn't cause problems in normal usage
20:26.57rpcWyzard trust me, if i had enough money i would just paypal a sum for you now
20:27.01rpcone day i might :)
20:27.03Wyzardrpc: since you're using udev and /dev is dynamic, based on hardware detection
20:27.05tolaI think I have two separate problems. One is that apache is returning application/x-httpd-php files instead of text/html and mysql and php aren't working together
20:27.06tdnpumpkin0, now theres a picture! But the resolution does not match. I think the projektor shows 800x600 and my monitor is 1400x1050.
20:27.14AcuI am trying to install CINELERRA in debian etch - so far nothing worked - I tried to compile the cinelerra cvs and I get can't create i686/soundtest.0: no such file or directory - anyone can help ?
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20:27.21tdnpumpkin0, do projectors only have *one* resolution like TFTs?
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20:27.28rpcWyzard let me look at the /dev now
20:27.29pumpkin0tdn: yes.
20:27.35karimwhat is the runelevel of the single mode ?
20:27.36Wyzardrpc: and your static /dev (which lacks "sda") is on /dev/.static/dev
20:27.43rpcoh lol nice..
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20:27.52tdnpumpkin0, ok.
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20:28.02wolsAcu: paste the output from the beginning
20:28.06xozkarim: 1
20:28.17tdnpumpkin0, thanks a lot. I am åplaying with this. :)
20:28.20xozkarim: or init S
20:28.24pumpkin0tdn: so set the laptop to 800x600 for presentions.
20:28.30karimxoz, you sure ?
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20:28.33xLoaderhi, I have some problem with wireless connection at debian linux, how can I solve this problem
20:28.41tolaaha, when I try to start mysql I get "error: 'Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)'"
20:28.46Wyzardrpc: Check that /dev/.static/dev is missing "sda", and mknod /dev/.static/dev/sda b 8 0
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20:28.55\amethystAcu:  Have you tried the (unofficial) debian packages:
20:28.59xozkarim: oh im just thinking random thoughts
20:29.02pumpkin0tdn: and read thinkwiki (i don't know shit about fglrx, i was just reading this: )
20:29.04Wyzardrpc: chmod it to 660 and chown it to root:disk
20:29.06rpcWyzard that's beyond my imagination.. i can only blindly follow you now..
20:29.09maddashxLoader: "problem"?
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20:29.25Wyzardrpc: Do you know what udev does?
20:29.29chafewhy do i get stuck here every time when doing apt-get update --fix-missing
20:29.30chafe99% [Sources gzip 0]
20:29.35karimxoz, I want to log and do a backup from remote with ssh, but I think runlevel 1 cuts the ssh connection
20:29.36xLoaderthe debian could not see the interface
20:29.42karimI need to remount read only
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20:29.44rpcWyzard in fact there is no sda...
20:29.50xozkarim: yes. it should
20:29.57tolait looks like the etch upgrade removed mysql as well as php!
20:30.07rpcWyzard and you sure it won't make things worse if i follow your guide?
20:30.10xLoadermaddash: the debian could not see the interface
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20:30.24sudo_maddashtar xzf *
20:30.26rpcWyzard i don't get it at all, i trust you though
20:30.30karimxoz, it should what ?
20:30.38Wyzardrpc: It shouldn't make any difference at all, really -- the stuff in /dev/.static/dev doesn't get used
20:30.38EnverexIs there any way to get a system-beep in Gnome WITHOUT using ESD? (I mean through the soundcard, not PC speaker, it's driving me mad)
20:31.54xozkarim: single means not network. only terminal
20:31.54maddashsudo_maddash: bug off
20:31.54Wyzardrpc: but it'd help if you found yourself in a recovery situation again
20:31.54rpcWyzard would you mind telling me what exactly are we fixing that way?
20:31.54rpci'm too excited to use the brain anymore today
20:31.54sudo_maddashxloader: grep -i [name of your interface] /etc/network/interfaces
20:31.55Wyzardrpc: On your hard drive there's a /dev which is supposed to contain a full complement of device files for everything under the sun, including lots of hardware you don't have
20:31.55rpci really thought i would never get that box to boot anymore..
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20:31.56karimxoz, can I remount / as readonly other than in single user ?
20:31.56rpcWyzard hm yes that i understand but why on earth is the sda missing if that's the vital part of my system?
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20:32.14Wyzardrpc: On a system using udev -- which is any current Debian system -- udev creates its own /dev as a tmpfs in memory, and populates it with device nodes for just the hardware you actually have, based on hardware detection
20:32.18xozkarim: try mount -o remount,rw /
20:32.19\amethystEnverex: any program capable of playing sounds should do it.  If your sound card supports only a single channel of output, then you'll need some kind of mixer (ESD or alsa dmix)
20:32.26Wyzardrpc: and udev moves the static /dev, the one on your hard drive, to /dev/.static/dev
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20:32.35xozkarim: s/rw/ro
20:32.43Wyzardrpc: so you'll find that /dev/sda does exist now, because udev created it
20:32.54rpcWyzard hmm... to tell you something.. when i was doing apt-get upgrade.. there was an udev problem of some kind, i remember now... the whole thing involved was udev and raid stuff
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20:33.10Enverex\amethyst, In the Gnome sound options ESD is turned off, so any app that does a "system beep" does so through the PC speaker.
20:33.26maddashxLoader: what does that command return?
20:33.29Wyzardrpc: but /dev/.static/dev/sda doesn't exist for some reason, though it should -- but it's harmless for normal operation because nothing's looking for that file anyway; everything's using the udev-managed stuff in /dev
20:33.36sceadhi guys... has anyone figured out the problem with nvidia not being detected by yet?
20:33.49rpcWyzard but then it might matter in recovery situation
20:33.55\amethystEnverex: oh, hm.  I'm looking at gnome-sound-properties now and it seems you're right
20:34.24Wyzardrpc: exactly -- as you saw, when you're booted from a recovery system and chrooted in, udev isn't running and you see your static /dev, not the udev-managed hardware-detected /dev
20:34.24rpcWyzard perhaps i wouldn't need to mount that recovery /dev if it existed in "my" system that we chrooted into, right?
20:34.30xLoaderno /dev/network/interfaces directory :)
20:34.38Enverex\amethyst, Back in like... 2.14 they said they are moving away from ESD... but Gnome is incapable of sound without it which is retarded
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20:34.47maddashxLoader: maybe you should reread my msg more carefully
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20:34.56Wyzardrpc: Does /dev/.static/dev/.udev exist, btw?
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20:35.07rpcWyzard checking
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20:35.38rpcWyzard yes it does
20:35.51Wyzardrpc: OK, that's the cause of the error message you got from MAKEDEV
20:35.51sceadso that's a no on the nvidia problem?
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20:35.57karimxoz, it says / busy
20:36.00rpcWyzard oh.
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20:36.18Wyzardrpc: The .udev directory is only supposed to exist in udev's dynamic /dev, not the static /dev on your hard drive
20:36.33xozkarim: you can add ssh into init 1 if you want.
20:36.33Wyzardrpc: MAKEDEV saw that and thought it was looking at a udev-managed /dev rather than a static one
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20:36.50Wyzardrpc: Remove /dev/.static/dev/.udev, and /dev/.static/dev/.static if that exists
20:36.51karimxoz, ok
20:37.11rpcthat's absolutely fantastic explanation that will also take me a few mins to get tru lol
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20:37.18rpcbut i will do :)
20:37.48rpcWyzard both exist
20:37.51Wyzardrpc: basically, the existence of /dev/.udev is supposed to be a sign that udev is active, so having it existing in the non-udev-managed directory on your hard drive is wrong
20:37.55ooookanyone interested in discussing primary partitions....
20:38.06Wyzardrpc: dunno how they got there, but they shouldn't be there, so remove them
20:38.26rpchm very interesting in fact
20:38.37xoz!tell ooook about ask
20:38.39rpcperhaps it will fix my other probs, like strangly working drives..
20:38.44Wyzardrpc: Then, "cd /dev; ./MAKEDEV sda"
20:38.51rpcok doing this now
20:38.56Wyzardrpc: You'll get a message that udev is active so it's creating the device in /dev/.static/dev
20:39.03Wyzardrpc: and after that, /dev/.static/dev/sda should exist
20:39.05orangeyOK, so it seems that my dotdeb packages are being suppressed, even though I want to go back to them..
20:39.06rpclet me try now
20:39.11ooookand the tools available to manipulate them (besides testdisk,fdisk,cfdisk)
20:39.16orangeyWhere could I "unsuppress" them?
20:39.16Wyzardrpc: and you won't run into that missing /dev/sda in a recovery situation in the future
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20:39.57ooookxoz: I don't know enough to  structure the question correctly
20:40.02tolawols: you'll be relieved to know I've fixed my problem now. Sorry for being irritable, I've just had a bad experience upgrading. Turns out the problem was that I needed to completely re-install php, mysql and dav_svn and now it's working. No idea why
20:40.27rpcWyzard:# ./MAKEDEV sda
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20:40.28rpcudev active, devices will be created in /dev/.static/dev/
20:40.30Wyzardooook: What sort of "manipulation" do you want to do on a partition, aside from creating or removing it with fdisk?
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20:40.34Fly-man-Evening all :)
20:40.42Acuis anyone of you guys have installed Cinelerra (or any program which could add a title to a video and burn it to a DVD)
20:40.44Wyzardrpc: yep, that's the right thing for it to do
20:40.58rpcWyzard it is exactly as you said... it worked and now i see sda* in /dev... how do you know it all so well?
20:41.09ooookwell EVMS destroyed my partiiton table....
20:41.13Fly-man-can anybody direct me to a manual how to install Apache 2 with different sets of php ?
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20:41.18rpcWyzard it wasn't a typic chit-chat.. you must have a really good knowledge on this stuff..
20:41.38Wyzardrpc: mostly just experience...  I've been running Debian unstable as my main desktop OS for about six years, so I've run into a lot of little issues and learned a lot in the process of resolving them  :-)
20:41.42rpcWyzard i can hardly imagine all this dir structure even.. while you understand how it works :)
20:42.17danielss89hmm ive just installed a mailsystem... postfix with mysqlsupport courier imap pop3... i can recieve email, but when im trying to send with php i get this error: status=deferred (mail trnasport unavailable)
20:42.27Fly-man-or better, a good way so I can keep my php 4 based sites seperated from my php5
20:42.27rpcWyzard you sure that a typical or even experienced debian user would ever get in touch with these things? :)
20:42.28ooooktestdisk has found the partition(s)... and I write them to the partition table... but on reboot the structure is gone
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20:42.51ooookgparted and qtparted and fdisk don't recognize the change
20:43.11Wyzardrpc: Most experienced Debian administrators would know this stuff
20:43.13rpcWyzard the next task for today is apt-get update/upgrade i believe.. and hopefully this time with no errors..
20:43.13ooookso I think EVMS skewed all sectors on the disk by +1
20:43.24rpcWyzard hm yes.. only most experienced ones..
20:43.33tolaRight, I'm going for a beer. Bye all!
20:43.39tolathanks for the help
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20:43.51obsethrylFly-man-: are you familiar of the <ifdefine> statement in apache?
20:43.58danielss89hmm ive just installed a mailsystem... postfix with mysqlsupport courier imap pop3... i can recieve email, but when im trying to send with php i get this error: status=deferred (mail trnasport unavailable)
20:44.16Enverex\amethyst, So any ideas then?
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20:44.56ooookwould someone be kind enough to recommend a chat that focuses on storage issues....
20:44.57xLoadermaddash: I could find right path for interface
20:45.04rpcWyzard: my apt-get upgrade finished quite early..
20:45.05rpcThe following packages have been kept back:
20:45.07rpcthat's all lol
20:45.17Wyzardrpc: Were you using vserver?
20:45.21rpcso looks like my previous upgrade was successful
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20:45.24rpcwell i tried to
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20:45.31rpcnever worked for me
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20:45.43rpcWyzard i believe i can just remove that package now
20:45.53bonez39someone sent me a document form, in .mdi would I go about opening and reading and printing such a document in linux
20:45.53danielss89how do i make it available :P
20:45.59xozrpc: what about apt-get distupgrade
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20:46.07rpcWyzard so i assume that my system is pretty up to date now... plus running stable and all nice 2.6.18-4
20:46.08Wyzardrpc: and you had linux-image-2.6-k7 already, whereas I told you earlier to install linux-image-2.6-686
20:46.20rpcWyzard oh that one i had installed way before
20:46.22Wyzardrpc: you should decide whether you want to use -686 or -k7 kernels, and then remove the "other" ones that you don't need
20:46.31rpci am using 686 now as you told me
20:46.40rpcand i will wipe k7 now
20:46.58Wyzard686 should work fine, but I do think -k7 is probably more ideal for an AMD64
20:47.06bonez39how do I ask dpkg?
20:47.08Wyzardbut either will work, and I doubt there's much of a difference
20:47.11rpchm still wondering.. perhaps you are right
20:47.26rpci think the same, and i just don't want to break it again
20:47.31Wyzardrpc: As for those other packages that are held-back, you'd do a dist-upgrade at this point
20:47.41rpci might move to 64-bit debian some day and then i will just use AMD64 kernel
20:47.42xozbonez39: /msg dpkg help
20:47.49rpcWyzard hm
20:48.28Wyzardrpc: yeah, I'm running 64-bit and my kernel is 2.6.18-4-amd64 (even though I'm using an Intel processor)
20:48.40rpcWyzard: Fetched 33.9MB in 7s (4808kB/s)
20:48.44rpcworked very well
20:48.45bonez39xoz, odd, no help on this question, re .mdi file type
20:48.57Wyzardwell, the -em64t kernels are deprecated -- now they just pull in -amd64
20:48.59rpcWyzard are you running amd64 kernel on intel? hm
20:49.11abrotman!tell bonez39 about midi
20:49.17Enverexrpc, amd64 is just the friendly name for x86_64
20:49.24Wyzardrpc: "amd64" in this case covers both AMD's and Intel's implementation -- they're compatible
20:49.37rpcWyzard but to tell you something.. if vmware-server compiles fine on 64bit.. i will swap someday soon
20:49.52rpcand about amd64 had no idea.. thought it was AMD ONLY kernel
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20:50.04abrotmanmostly :)
20:50.25Wyzardrpc: VMware does work...  but keep in mind 64-bit Debian is a completely separate OS, not an upgrade -- you'll need to do a full reinstall if you want to switch
20:50.52rpcWyzard i think we have a new problem: vmlinuz -> vmlinuz-2.6.18-4-vserver-k7 <---it happened after dist-upgrade..
20:51.08rpcand yes, i understand about the switch
20:51.10Wyzardthat's OK, you can fix that manually
20:51.21WyzardIt won't break your booting
20:51.22rpci will probably apt-get remove that shit first :)
20:51.34rpcyou sure? just diff symlinks needed?
20:51.34xozremoving it will basically fix it
20:51.35WyzardDo that, but removing the package won't put the symlink back
20:51.40WyzardYou'll end up with a dangling symlink
20:51.42rpcxoz lol nice
20:51.47Wyzardor maybe it'll delete the symlink, I dunno
20:51.49rpchow about .old?
20:51.54rpclet's try :)
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20:52.09rpci'm not scared anymore after what we did with recovery console today rofl
20:52.14Wyzardhmm...  actually, when you installed that kernel, it probably ran lilo for you, so that's actually the current kernel
20:52.19bonez39abrotman, , no.... NOT MIDI,......mdi ... report format used with MS Office 2003.....
20:52.24Wyzardso after you put the symlinks back, you'll need to run lilo again
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20:52.39bonez39not midi
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20:53.13dezenti got etch installed on my sun ultra 10 with latest OBP, i use ide-hd and the disk is hda. i get an error after install when i try to boot my new system "the file just loaded does not appear to be executeable".. does anybody have an idea?
20:53.22rpc# lilo
20:53.22rpcFatal: open /boot/vmlinuz: No such file or directory
20:53.27rpcdamn i broke it
20:53.40rpci will just reinstall 686 one
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20:53.44rpcit should fix it, right?
20:53.57abrotmanbonez39: oh .. ask MS ? :)
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20:54.10abrotmanor you could just fix lilo
20:54.18xozjust ln -s /boot/<kernel> /vmlinuz
20:54.58Wyzardrpc: I'm not sure if reinstalling a kernel package causes it to update the symlinks
20:55.06rpcit won't even reinstall now
20:55.16Wyzardrpc: You could remove it and install it again, or just recreate the symlinks manually
20:55.20rpci don't want to end up in recovery again on next boot.. let's fix it lol
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20:55.31xozrpc: stupid lilo. grub should have fixed it.
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20:56.10xozrpc: the postremoval script should have called grub/lilo script to fix it.
20:56.13Wyzardgrub wouldn't have that issue in the first place, because it doesn't use those symlinks
20:56.26Wyzardxoz: grub/lilo don't maintain those symlinks
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20:56.39botoxive just got hold of a geforce 8800, installed drivers debian way, it is all detected fine, but when  start x, i get a blank screen, with on signal for monitor
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20:56.52botoxive tried to specify monitor in the x config file, but to no avail
20:56.54WyzardThe kernel package itself updates them when a new kernel is installed, I believe, but I don't think anything automatically "reverts" them when you remove a kernel
20:56.55botoxits a crt monitor
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20:57.05drwahlwhen i do 'ls -l' i get "drwxrwxrwx  5 root   users" i know that 'users' own the dir, but what is 'root'?
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20:57.17dezentis debian on sprc dead ?
20:57.18xozWyzard: there's a grub-something that updates the menu.lst based on the kernels available... update-grub or i forget
20:57.21Enverex... did he just ask what root was?
20:57.26enycbotox: havy you tried reconfiguring the xserver for the right freq. etc?
20:57.35botoxi have
20:57.35drwahli know what root is, but what does it mean there?
20:57.36rpcWyzard do you think that all i'm missing now is those symlinks?
20:57.42Aasgarddrwahl: user/group
20:57.45rpcand that reboot will be succesful?
20:57.47Enverexdrwahl, Owned by the user "root"
20:57.56enycbotox: hrrm not sure myself... sorry..
20:58.06\amethystdrwahl: it means that the file is owned by root.  "users" is the group that owns it
20:58.07xozrpc: fix symlink. run lilo. if no complain, ok.
20:58.07Wyzardxoz: yeah, but it doesn't use the symlinks, it just looks for the real vmlinuz files
20:58.19drwahlok... so when i did chmod :users it only changed the grou.... that makes sense...
20:58.23rpcxoz hm
20:58.25xozWyzard: stand corrected
20:58.29\amethystdrwahl: that's what the colon means
20:58.36\amethystdrwahl:  chmod user:group file
20:58.43drwahl\amethyst: thanks
20:59.46rpcdo i really need /vmlinuz or is /boot/vmlinuz fine?
21:00.02rpcassuming that my lilo.conf got /boot/vmlinuz set
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21:00.05Wyzardrpc: use /boot/vmlinuz
21:00.10rpcor is /vmlinuz needed for something else too?
21:00.18xozrpc: /boot/<real kernel version>
21:00.28rpcso i will just wipe that /vmlinuz one
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21:00.52Wyzardrpc: /etc/kernel-img.conf configures whether the symlinks go in / or /boot, but IIRC the default is / so I'm kinda surprised yours are in /boot
21:00.54rpcand now same stuff with initrd i believe
21:01.02Wyzardrpc: but whatever...  it's configured for /boot so that's where they go
21:01.33EdwinDebian 4.0 brings patch for pptpd into kernel?
21:01.44rpcWyzard there is nothing about location of those in kernel-mg.conf
21:01.51rpcjust says about relativity of them
21:01.58xozrpc: /boot/<initrd.kernelversion> , just ls /boot to see available initrd
21:02.11rpcxoz hm ok trying that
21:02.25Wyzardrpc: then the default applies...  which I thought was /, not /boot, but I could be wrong
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21:02.48xozrpc: btw, why lilo? grub is way better.
21:03.03Wyzardrpc: Anyway, you've seen them get automatically updated in /boot, and you know lilo is looking in /boot
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21:03.09Wyzardand IMO /boot is the more appropriate place for them anyway
21:03.34rpcright, i would agree
21:04.12rpcboth symlinks created.. i will reboot for the fun of it
21:04.37Wyzardrun lilo first
21:04.38abrotmanfor fun ?
21:04.42xozrpc: have you executed lilo at command line? don't forget.
21:04.46WyzardThe symlinks themselves don't control anything
21:04.47rpcdidn't run lilo...
21:04.51WyzardThey just tell lilo where to look
21:04.59xozrpc: GOOD LUCK.
21:05.00rpcback to recovery console lol.....
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21:05.03rpche he
21:05.07WyzardThat's OK, it might still work
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21:05.17xozrpc: grub should have no problem about it.
21:05.28rpchm lilo.conf was fine
21:05.33WyzardYou removed that -k7 kernel but if those disk sectors haven't been overwritten yet, it may actually successfully load and boot the -k7 kernel
21:05.35rpcpointing to the proper stuff
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21:05.53rpcWyzard i believe they were never overwritten yet
21:05.57rpclet's see, worth the try
21:06.15Wyzardthough the kernel won't be able to load any modules beyond the ones on the initrd
21:06.27rpcwell box is dead again
21:06.31drwahlany suggestions for file sharing packages?
21:06.42rpcbut that's OK - i will master the recovery console...
21:06.48chafealright so I have a package installed but apt-get does not find the package
21:06.55rpcand Wyzard is around for sometime today too :)
21:06.57chafeand if i want to uninstall it i kinda need for apt-get to know that it is there
21:06.57Aasgarddrwahl: share how ?
21:07.03Wyzardrpc: mount, chroot, rerun lilo
21:07.09rpcthank you xoz and g'nite
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21:07.13drwahlAasgard: similar to Limewire/etc
21:07.17rpcWyzard hm trying
21:07.18chafewhy isnt apt-get finding this package that i installed with apt-get?
21:07.18danielss89how do i send the mails in my mailq
21:07.27Aasgarddrwahl: bittorrent
21:08.15Aasgarddrwahl: theres a new dc++ gui for linux id try if ire you..
21:08.32rpcWyzard i'm a bit nervous again but this time i at least know that it will work..
21:08.36drwahlAasgard: thanks
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21:08.44chafeim using rtorretn but i really hate the learning curve on some of these terminal gui apps
21:08.47rpcAasgard i would try torrent instead..
21:08.54rpcif you really need to use p2p..
21:09.04chafenicotine+ is really good
21:09.06chafefor p2p
21:09.10chafewell, if you want music
21:09.15chafesoul seek client
21:09.17abrotmangift ?
21:09.21abrotmangtk-gnutella ?
21:09.25drwahlrpc, i dont NEED p2p, but torrents are not always realiable
21:09.28chafeits not gnutella
21:09.40chafeits a slsk client
21:09.53chafemusic, rare music that you dont normally find on other p2p networks
21:09.56abrotmani wasn't saying what it was .. i was offering other suggestions
21:09.56chafegrouped by albums
21:10.07rpcWyzard console is up ;)
21:10.36orangeyhey all!
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21:11.10someothermarcusHello, I've got a problem while attempting to mount a samba share from my debian server to my workstation (which also is running debian). I manage to mount the remote share using a line in fstab. The share is filled with symbolic links to other directories on the server. When trying to cd into such a directory (link to directory) it tells me "No such file or direcrory." I figured that my workstation thinks of the links as if they
21:11.10someothermarcuswhere links to directories on his system. Is there anyway to make those links still function as links to what they where intended to point at? :)
21:11.27orangeyDoes anybody have a suggested place to get a PHP5 APC package for etch?
21:11.29Aasgard is down ?
21:11.49abrotmansomeothermarcus: IIRC .. CIFS doesn't support symlinks
21:12.24rpcWyzard please tell me that you are still here..
21:12.27ozymandiasi just booted and need to scroll up to see a boot message not recoreded in dmesg. I am on the command line -- is this possible to scroll back?
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21:12.48abrotmanrpc: there are others who might be able to help
21:12.50jelly-homesomeothermarcus: symlinks don't work that way on eg. nfs either
21:12.59abrotmanozymandias: there are a few logs in /var/log/
21:13.01rpcabrotman right
21:13.08Aasgardsomeothermarcus: mount --bind /srcdir /destdir
21:13.25rpcabrotman it's just that this problem is very specific and Wyzard was really kind to learn my situation well and he would know at once what to do
21:13.27mhallWhat's the keyboard shortcuts to change TV channels in xine?
21:13.33abrotmanWyzard: if you've left me again .. i'll .. i'll .. i just don't know what i'll do .. please come back .. tell me you still want to share a channel!!!!
21:13.44jelly-homeAasgard: bind mounts work over samba?
21:13.52Wyzardrpc: I'm around, though not entirely paying attention to IRC
21:14.17Wyzardrpc: All you need to do is make that /mnt/debian mountpoint, mount your stuff in it, chroot, and run lilo
21:14.18Aasgardjelly-home, they act as real mounts so they most likely do (95% sure)
21:14.20abrotmanWyzard: come on ... it was kind of funny :)
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21:14.22rpcWyzard i just fixed it...
21:14.37rpcWyzard so proud to do it all by myself this time ;)
21:14.39someothermarcusAasgard: how do I add this in the fstab line?
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21:14.48rpcWyzard i needed to bind /dev and /proc
21:14.48Aasgardadd it in rc.local
21:14.56rpcWyzard or lilo wouldn't work again
21:15.12rpcWyzard weird but perhaps makes sense after all
21:15.12Wyzardrpc: I'm surprised if you needed to bind /dev this time, now that you fixed the sda problem
21:15.16Aasgardsomeothermarcus: after testing that the cmd works ok
21:15.19rpcWyzard yes
21:15.20Wyzardrpc: /proc is no surprise
21:15.37rpc# lilo
21:15.37rpc/proc/devices: fopen failed: No such file or directory
21:15.44rpcthat's what happened without /dev
21:15.57rpcdevice-mapper: version ioctl failed: Invalid argument
21:15.57rpcIncompatible libdevmapper 1.02.08 (2006-07-17)(compat) and kernel driver
21:16.01rpclots of crap
21:16.01markybobabrotman: you got a sympathy laugh from me.  that's better than nothing from anyone ;)
21:16.07rpci hate lilo so far...
21:16.20abrotmanWyzard apparently didn't appreciate my humor
21:16.20rpcperhaps i will switch to grub?
21:16.27jelly-homeAasgard: eh, apparently they do, just tried.
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21:16.47Aasgardjelly-home: nice!
21:17.00Wyzardabrotman: nah, I'm just distracted -- converting my laptop from JFS to ext3 by doing a network backup and restore using a liveCD
21:17.21rpcWyzard just tried to reboot.. let's hope...
21:17.36abrotmanWyzard: don't like JFS anymore ?
21:17.59rpcjfs.. was giving it a thought lately...
21:18.13Wyzardabrotman: It's supposed to support online growing, but I did that on my desktop a few weeks ago and it ended up getting the driver into a confused state where I had to unmount and remount /home
21:18.29Wyzardabrotman: fsck didn't find any errors so it's not really a big deal, but that's a bit worrisome nonetheless
21:18.33jelly-homeWyzard: ext3 also has online resize these days
21:18.50Wyzardabrotman: also, ext3 supports shrinking, which jfs doesn't
21:18.51someothermarcusbtw, instead of running samba, is there any other protocol which is recommended? I stream a lot of music and video.
21:18.57Aasgardjelly-home: gsambad for gui is pretty neat if you like guis
21:19.01Wyzardjelly-home: I know...  I was using JFS out of a desire for better performance
21:19.10abrotmanWyzard: and ext3 is just better!
21:19.11rpc0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
21:19.16rpcit's back.. and it's cool :)
21:19.18Wyzardjelly-home: now I'm trying ext3 with data=writeback, noatime, and dir_index
21:19.19jelly-homeabrotman: s/better/stable/
21:19.37abrotmandoesn't that make it better ?
21:19.37rpcWyzard thank you a million once again for all your time and patience today
21:19.43abrotmanwho cares about speed if your data isn't there :)
21:19.44Wyzardrpc: You're welcome
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21:19.52rpcnot many people were willing or able to help
21:20.03jelly-homeabrotman: I my book, yes, but some folks don't care about that that much
21:20.05rpcmany were kidding instead which is sad
21:20.23Aasgardrpc: "not many people were willing or able to help" for what ?
21:20.31Wyzardrpc: Others were helping at first, but your problem turned out to be fairly complicated
21:20.36rpcit was a serious problem and i really needed swomeone to guide me tru or i would die tonight probably
21:20.48rpcAasgard i killed my remote box
21:20.53Wyzardrpc: fortunately I happen to not have much else to do today  :-)
21:21.02Aasgardrpc: miles away from it or what ?
21:21.05rpcWyzard i was truly lukcly then
21:21.15rpcAasgard hm 2000km or so
21:21.29rpcwhich is 1000 miles i believe :)
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21:21.37WyzardAasgard: he had a net-booted recovery system that he could access, so he needed to mount and chroot his hard drive and fix a kernel snafu
21:21.40daeosis it possible to change what driver is used for a piece of hardware, such as.. lsmod says usbcore  119044  4 ndiswrapper,uhci_hcd , how can i remove the ndiswrapper, and change it to use either madwifi_g or hostap or even prism ?
21:21.49rpcWyzard i couldn't have told that better...
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21:21.55Aasgardrpc: aww, rebooted it and it wont boot (i did that in 2000, pure evil:)
21:21.58Wyzarddaeos: rmmod ndiswrapper; modprobe madwifi_g
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21:22.03rpcAasgard he he
21:22.06abrotmanmodprobe -r!
21:22.25rpcAasgard btw i have learned tons today.. like that recovery console can do more than just choose a distro for you to install over nfs mount :)
21:22.34jelly-homeabrotman: when it works.  Ya think windows drivers like to be unloaded? :-)
21:22.36Aasgardrpc: also after updating sshd.. dont just kill sshd and try starting it :P
21:22.43rpcAasgard yesterday i would say that my box and system was gone forever
21:22.44Aasgardremotely that is
21:22.53rpcAasgard lol
21:23.09rpcAasgard want more fun? try to setup an eth0 bridge on a remote box ;)
21:23.14abrotmanjelly-home: windows drivers just don't like
21:23.15rpci went tru that too before
21:23.23rpcWyzard ;)
21:23.34Wyzardrpc: What was the bridge for?
21:23.41Wyzardrpc: vserver?
21:23.42rpcit took 10 seconds for my connection to return.. longest ones in my life
21:23.46rpcWyzard yes
21:23.48jelly-homeAasgard: thankfully sshd is one of the services that doesn't kill off all the connected clients whenm restarted
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21:24.03rpcbut now i have to say a bridge is a piece of cake ;)
21:24.14Wyzardrpc: If it's any help to know, Xen has a startup script that sets up the bridge automatically at boot time
21:24.33rpcWyzard hm that i didn't know, i was using vbox on that time
21:24.44Wyzardthough xen works rather differently than vserver
21:25.10rpcvserver isn't a hardware virtualization level afaik
21:25.42WyzardXen isn't "hardware-level" either
21:26.12Wyzardbut Xen gives each virtual machine its own kernel, independent from any others that may be running
21:26.12rpcvery confusing.. i ended up with vmware after all
21:26.25Wyzardvserver gives you virtual machines that all share a single kernel
21:26.27rpcWyzard hm yes that's the difference
21:26.46WyzardDebian actually has -xen-vserver kernels, for running multiple vservers within a single Xen domain
21:26.46rpcthat's why i said vserver wasn't hw virt. one
21:27.01Aasgardjelly-home: still, if you go killall -9 itll sever the connection and the car has to pull out from the garage maybe :)
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21:27.11rpcit's same as virtuozzo... it can only "multiply" same kernel, not create a full env. for the machine
21:27.19Wyzardwell, "hardware virtualization" would be something like emulating hardware, which Xen doesn't
21:27.39WyzardA Xen guest's kernel understands that it's running in Xen, and it has drivers (network, video, etc.) for talking to the Xen hypervisor rather than talking to real hardware
21:27.40rpchm if it doesn't.. you sure it can run many kernels at the same time?
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21:28.20Wyzardkinda like the "VMware SVGA" graphics driver that you're probably familiar with
21:28.33WyzardVMware initially emulates a real piece of video hardware, but that's inefficient
21:29.03WyzardOnce you install VMware Tools, you're using a different video driver that talks to VMware directly rather than talking to emulated hardware
21:29.24rpcmhm that's correct
21:29.35WyzardXen does that for *everything*, not just a certain few drivers, and it does it right from the start, rather than installing the special drivers later
21:29.45WyzardThat's why it needs special Xen-aware kernels
21:29.59AasgardHows kvm btw ?
21:30.47WyzardAasgard: I built kvm-source on my Conroe box under 2.6.18-4-amd64, but when I loaded the module it hard-locked the system
21:34.22WyzardAasgard: That could concievably have been some sort of buggy interaction with vmmon, though, since I have VMware on here too -- but that's just a guess
21:34.22WyzardI'll try it again with 2.6.20
21:34.23dpkg"Linux doesn't exist. Everyone knows Linux is an unlicensed version of Unix." -;97798672;fp;2;fpid;1
21:34.23AasgardWyzard: yeah, could be
21:34.24rpcaargh i have a hot, fresh problem
21:34.24rpcThe path "/usr/src/linux/include" is not an existing directory.
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21:34.57rpccan't compile the module for vmware anymore after the kernel switching...
21:34.58Wyzardrpc: you're using 2.6.18-4-686, right?
21:35.00Wyzardrpc: apt-get install linux-headers-2.6.18-4-686
21:35.01rpcand i remember that i had to patch something before..
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21:35.03nn-laptoplots of people
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21:35.09rpcWyzard hm
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21:35.13Wyzardrpc: actually, no, install linux-headers-2.6-686 (which will pull in the other one as a dependency, like linux-image-2.6-686 did)
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21:35.16Wyzardrpc: then run vmware-config again
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21:35.18edjumplayer will play .rm but not .ram.  Paste is at  Important part, I think, is "invalid chunk size"  Does it with any .ram file.  Suggestions?
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21:35.20Wyzardrpc: Once you install that package, you'll notice that you have a symlink, /lib/modules/2.6.18-4-686/build, which points to a directory with the headers for that kernel
21:35.20AasgardWyzard: vmware and those things are pretty neat, load up a live cd/iso and run it or run from hd
21:35.20rpcWyzard: The module loads perfectly in the running kernel..... kudos again :)
21:35.22Wyzardrpc: That symlink is the standard way to find build headers for a kernel, and vmware-config will use it if it exists...  it falls back to looking in /usr/src/linux/include if the build symlink doesn't exist
21:35.22Wyzardrpc: Every "linux-image" package in Debian has a corresponding "linux-headers" package
21:35.23rpci have learned something important once again
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21:35.25rpci'm really lucky that you haven't got much to do today, Wyzard :)
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21:37.13ozymandiashow can I unpack initrd? I want to see if a line has been added to my init correctly
21:37.25tarzeauozymandias: etch?
21:37.30xqGreetings, is there a good guide anywhere on installation/configuration of Compiz with the newest release of Debian Etch?
21:38.12tarzeauozymandias: zcat initrd.gz | cpio -idvm
21:38.18ozymandiasThank You
21:38.25tarzeauhere's how you put it togehter again: find stuff/ | cpio -o -H crc | gzip > initrd.gz
21:38.56Aasgardor just make it a .tar.gz
21:39.03tarzeauuseful if the LOL kernel is not good enough and you need a ROFL one
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21:39.10tarzeauAasgard: that'll work?
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21:40.07Aasgardwonder why they use cpio...
21:40.34tarzeauAasgard: stuff can be cat-added to it?
21:40.44WyzardMy guess would be that it's simpler to implement in the kernel than tar
21:40.45tarzeauanyone else got this with tmw: tmw: symbol lookup error: tmw: undefined symbol: _ZN3gcn6Widget19removeDeathListenerEPNS_13DeathListenerE
21:40.52Wyzardthough I don't really know anything about cpio's archive format
21:41.05Aasgardtarzeau: man tar :)
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21:41.30Wyzardtarzeau: Well, it's a mangled C++ symbol, gcn::Widget::removeDeathListener(gcn::DeathListener*), but I have no idea what that is
21:41.31h3sp4wnI have always used newc not crc (and it has worked fine)
21:41.33tarzeauAasgard: it can do so as well?
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21:41.53Aasgardtarzeau: pack files and directories together, why yeeas :)
21:41.53tarzeauWyzard: i'll stick to nethack i guess
21:42.07Wyzardtarzeau: If you're looking for a roguelike, try ToME  :-)
21:42.18tarzeauWyzard: i like nethack...
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21:45.27clarsI been installing dokuwiki by debs, and can browse localhost/dokuwiki but frome outside I get: "You don't have permission to access /dokuwiki/ on this server." whats there to do?
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21:46.28AasgardI noticed that Debian And Fedora doesnt add localhost.localdomain localhost in /etc/hosts, please do that :)
21:47.01tarzeauAasgard: that's so wrong
21:47.01WyzardThere was a big discussion on debian-devel at some point as to whether that's actually a good idea
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21:47.22Wyzardafaik, "localhost" isn't really in a domain
21:47.24sobersabrehi guys. there's someone with no direct access to the web.
21:47.31Aasgardusing ::1 for doesnt map to ipv4
21:47.38sobersabreand he would like to keep his system uptodate as much as he can
21:48.00sobersabrehe has access on remote windows machine to his debian.
21:48.01Wyzardsobersabre: That's tricky...  the "apt-zip" package may help, but I've never used it so I can't say how well it works
21:48.07AasgardNot adding that is very crazy :)
21:48.09asgsobersabre: no direct access to the web != no direct access to the Internet. Which is it?
21:48.14tarzeauWyzard: telnet 27015
21:48.24Wyzardtarzeau: why?
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21:48.27threwhi all !
21:48.37tarzeauWyzard: /me in nethack, dlvl:34
21:48.39sobersabreonce in 2 weeks he can access a machine with internet connection.
21:48.41Nemodersobersabre: can he run a proxy on the windows machines?
21:48.50sobersabreasg, s/web/internet/
21:48.58sobersabreNemoder, NO.
21:49.01Wyzardtarzeau: interesting...  I didn't know nethack could do that
21:49.10sobersabrehe's a restricted user there.
21:49.17sobersabreIS there a package to:
21:49.18dpkgit has been said that pastebin is a place to paste all your conf/debugs/logs for other people in the channel to view without flooding the channel. We suggest or, or if you want to upload an entire file, you can use, or or pipe your output to curl -i# -F 'code2=<-' -F poster=`whoami` -F paste=Send | grep '^Loc'
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21:49.36sobersabre1. get diff between the repo of specified date to another date ?
21:49.39asgsobersabre: if your friend is using Debian stable, just keep an eye on any security updates and, when they come out, put them on a usb stick or cd-rw, and install them: voila!
21:49.43tarzeauWyzard: that's not nethack, that's see nethackd :)
21:49.58Nemodersobersabre: if the machine doesn't have internet access I'm not sure why he would need security updates
21:49.59sobersabreasg, NO way to automate this ?
21:50.04Aasgardtarzeau: firefox localhost wont work wo that line, and so wont any server connection...
21:50.26asgsobersabre: for you? yes. For the person without net connectivity, no.
21:50.30Aasgardso whoever said that is waaay off the protos :)
21:50.42sobersabreNemoder, if one runs a wifi network disconnected from the internet, he may be attacked by someone.
21:51.25sobersabreNemoder, it doesn't have to be wifi.
21:51.57sobersabreIf you have some sort of sec. policy, but want to make sure if there is unauthorized access, you still don't get a bummer via some old hole...
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21:52.24sobersabreasg, is there no windows tool for keeping a debian system up to date offline ?
21:52.34threwi have a problem with apt-get and my debian (unstable): i've got this error when i do an apt-get -f install: . i have got the problem from since 1 month. the only stuff that may help me is this: it seems that the problem has been solved . but i dont understant how :( may anyone help me please ?
21:52.45Wyzardsobersabre: I did suggest apt-zip
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21:52.53sobersabreWyzard, moment... thanks.
21:53.18ahrhi , can i ask a question about aptitude here?
21:53.23Wyzardsobersabre: I think it needs the "online" machine to be running Linux though
21:53.26AasgardPardon me, have you any grey poupon :)
21:53.39rpclet me say it once again - Wyzard did the fantastic job today and helped me TONS with really serious problem
21:53.47sobersabrethis is quite frustrating...
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21:54.40Nemodersobersabre: I don't know of any software to automate that but you can manually fetch the package list and any new .deb files and store them on disk
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21:54.44threwanyone may help me please ?
21:54.48sobersabrehmmm...  it is  possible to parse a mailbox and create a file list out of it ..with procmail...
21:54.57ahrcan anyone give me advice on getting the aptitude tui to work right ?  on the machine's console its fine, but over ssh in an xterm on another box the UI is fairly garbled
21:54.58Aasgardthrew: whats up ?
21:55.20threwwel, as i said before:
21:55.23threw<threw> i have a problem with apt-get and my debian (unstable): i've got this error when i do an apt-get -f install: . i have got the problem from since 1 month. the only stuff that may help me is this: it seems that the problem has been solved . but i dont understant how :( may anyone help me please ?
21:55.28sobersabreso... one needs to have an access to SOME unix machine with procmail, and create the list.
21:56.05sobersabrequite problematic...
21:56.09Aasgardthrew: thats some python shit..
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21:56.47threwAasgard, yes :(
21:56.51AasgardINFO: using old version '/usr/bin/python2.3'
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21:56.59Aasgardupgrade i guess
21:57.25Aasgardmaybe apt-get update && apt-get install python
21:57.26drwahli am trying to play some music that i just downloaded (and stored on my file server, and shared via samba), but I am not able to.  I am able to play all the songs that were there already though.  it looks like the permissions are right however. any suggestions?
21:58.12Aasgarddrwahl: which program are you using ?
21:58.33Aasgardnever heard of it, rhythmbox is really neat though
21:58.56Wyzardjuk is a KDE thing
21:59.02Wyzardrhythmbox is primarily for GNOME
21:59.02drwahli dont like xmms because it doesnt have a very comperihensive playlist editor.... i will give rythmbox a shot
21:59.03Aasgardeww, ok :)
21:59.27threwAasgard, i cant even use apt-get 'cause of this error
21:59.29Aasgardrhythmbox is the leader for me
21:59.33Nemodersobersabre: not sure why you need procmail, you can just look at the repo and check the changelog i think (or your local mirror)
22:00.20Aasgardthrew: then that python shit has done something evil.. maybe aliased the apt-get command in /etc/profile or so
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22:00.35drwahlodd... it seesm that rhythm box is able to play it...
22:01.05Aasgardyou need gstreamer-plugins-good gstreamer-plugins-bad and ugly
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22:01.13Matteo_Mhi there
22:01.23AasgardHola compadre!
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22:01.38Matteo_MI have problem with x11
22:01.50Matteo_Mhablas espanol?
22:02.03AasgardNaah, just cool
22:02.12threwAasgard, stargate fan, python is evil, but its not magic. it's like the orii but in less powerfull
22:02.19dpkgHispanohablantes: Por favor usen #debian-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.  Spanish Speakers: Please use #debian-es, there you will get much more help.
22:02.42Matteo_MI have installed debian 4.0 using the xfce cd 1
22:02.45Ankmancan i somehow list the number of files dpgk knows of?
22:02.56Aasgardthrew: Ancient greek, gowds and mythology, python blows :)
22:03.02Matteo_Mnow I can boot the pc and enter in xfce
22:03.06alleyoopsterno hablo espaniol, es moy dificil
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22:03.17VasisthaAnkman: maybe you want dpkg -l '*' or dpkg --get-selections
22:03.21dunkerthrew: isnt there a python2.4 on your system ?
22:03.26Matteo_Mbut I can't switch to an higher resolution
22:03.53threwDunker, yes. and python2.5 too :(
22:03.59Matteo_MI've already checked xorg.conf, and seams that higher resolution are available
22:04.11xqSorry for the second time asking, anyone know of a good guide for Compiz configuration on Gnome Etch? I have it downloaded (along with all other dependency files and setup). Just not sure where to configure/add it to work with Xorg. (.bashrc?)
22:04.11dunkerthen change the python symlink
22:04.12Matteo_Mhow can I try to switch it?
22:04.23threwAasgard, indeed !
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22:04.30Nemodersobersabre: er sorry, I guess security updates are seperate
22:04.34Aasgardthrew: Thank you! :)
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22:05.08threwAasgard, but in the late stargate episode, Aasgard race is dying :(
22:05.49Matteo_Mcan you help me?
22:05.57AnkmanVasistha: no, not telling just the number of files, like dpkg does when (de)installing stuff
22:06.10Aasgardthrew: they air the stargate episodes 21:00 on fridays here (who watches those at that evil time! :)
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22:06.51Aasgardthrew: the series/eps they air at 02:00 or so (nice if youre working/lol)
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22:08.21daeosWyzard: thanks, i removed ndiswrapper, and instead of madwifi_g i am trying to use linux-wlan-ng and after installing the module, modprobe tells me that its not found (the module)
22:08.45threwAasgard, well i dont know at all: im french and stargate episode season 10 are not yet broadcasted here. so im downloading them over bittorrent :(
22:08.52Aasgardthrew: seen this before.. what do you think about it ?
22:09.06daeosWyzard: yet its in the /etc/modutils/linux-wlan-ng location
22:09.09Aasgardthrew: then youre better off
22:09.53Wyzarddaeos: /etc/modutils doesn't contain modules, only configuration
22:10.33daeosWyzard: oh ok, thats why then... and im not even certain that linux-wlan-ng is the modulei want to use... im still trying to find that out
22:10.40Wyzarddaeos: linux-wlan-ng is an out-of-tree kernel module that needs to be compiled
22:10.53Wyzarddaeos: The package itself is linux-wlan-ng-source, and module-assistant is a convenient way to build it
22:11.23Wyzarddaeos: As for whether it's the one you want, I can't help with that -- I use ipw2200
22:11.46daeosWyzard: thanks.. i'll try to find what i need... its for a netgear wg111
22:12.01threwAasgard, well what raport between stargate/bt and thos software ?!
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22:12.34Aasgardthrew: dont get 'raport'..
22:13.22doudouHi, i read something about bind, wanted dig, tried aptitude install dig but this is not correct, how do i know what i nead?
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22:13.46threwAasgard, i meant report (im bad at english oO)
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22:14.01markybobdoudou: dnsutils
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22:15.00MetalWolfHi, I have been following instructions on how to make my debian installation work on a raid array, however I have hit a problem.  It says to edit /etc/mkinitrd/mkinitrd.conf .  How would I get this?  closest I found was yaird...
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22:15.13Tobsncan anyone help me with this:
22:15.15doudoumarkybob, thanks
22:15.17TobsnThe following packages have unmet dependencies:
22:15.21Tobsnphp5-gd: Depends: php5-common (= 5.2.0-8+etch1~bpo.1) but 5.2.0-8~bpo.2 is to be installed
22:15.24Aasgardthrew: doesnt matter if youre good or bad at english... can you write that question in a different way ?
22:15.39GneaTobsn: remove backports from your sources.list
22:15.54threwAasgard, well why did you give me the link ? oO
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22:16.23Aasgardthrew: wanted your opinion on the software on that site..
22:16.33threwah ok
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22:16.47TobsnGnea, but without backports i dont have a php5-gd...
22:17.01biopytehi. i'd like to record a talk via microphone -> mp3, ogg, whatever. what package is suitable for this? easy of use and configuration is more important than many features.
22:17.07TobsnPackage php5-gd has no installation candidate
22:17.17threwAasgard, well i think the non gui way is always the better way so ....
22:18.04GneaTobsn: i just told you how you can fix it, if you're not willing to even try it, then that's not my problem.
22:18.07Aasgardthrew: although the gui way can be better (automatically adds more layers of security) ..
22:18.20Tobsni removed backports from the your list
22:18.25doudoumarkybob, where should i go to know answers to such questions, google is too many answers for this kind
22:18.25Aasgarddrawback is you have to have xorg
22:18.29Tobsnbut it doesnt works
22:18.32Aasgardor X11RX
22:18.34Tobsn"Package php5-gd has no installation candidate"
22:18.40Gneadid you run apt-get update?
22:18.56Tobsnits not shown in the list
22:18.58Gneaand the results of apt-cache search php5 gd  are?
22:19.00markybobdoudou: apt-cache search helps.  and /msg dpkg find
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22:19.06Tobsni just have now php5 and php5-mysql
22:19.21Tobsn# apt-cache search php5 gd | wc -l
22:19.27Gneathen perhaps the backport is broken.
22:19.33Tobsni removed the backports
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22:20.00markybobTobsn: that's why the install guide tells you to remove backported packages before upgrading to etch.  mixing stuff isnt good
22:20.11Gneawhich means that there's a dependancy issue, you could put backports back in and then check the requirements of the 3 packages
22:20.21Tobsnthats a fresh installation from the provider...
22:20.58Tobsnhow can i see what version im running?
22:21.13threwAasgard, why the gui way add more layers of security ?!
22:21.15sobersabreall thanks.
22:21.16mloweTobsn, uname
22:21.17Gneacat /etc/debian_version
22:21.39simonrvnthat's sarge...
22:22.09Aasgardthrew: because users dont add security if they dont have to and because it can be complicated
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22:22.34doudoudpkg, find dig
22:22.35dpkgDebian Package Listing of 'dig' (15 of 27): aprsdigi ;; digikam ;; digikam-doc ;; digikamimageplugins ;; digikamimageplugins-doc ;; digitaldj ;; digitemp ;; digitools ;; engauge-digitizer ;; engauge-digitizer-doc ;; fldigi ;; happydigger ;; htdig ;; htdig-doc ;; libcommons-digester-java.
22:22.46markybobTobsn: why dont you just upgrade to stable instead of messing with backported packages and such?
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22:23.11simonrvndoudou: /msg dpkg, second that just finds package names
22:23.13doudoumarkybob, hit again, thanks again
22:23.18Tobsntell me how...
22:23.20drwahli am trying to install Adobe Flash player (per's request) for firefox, and i get an error that my archicture \'x86_64\', is not supported by the installer
22:23.24drwahlany suggestions?
22:23.24GneaTobsn: do yourself a favor and just do a proper upgrade :)
22:23.29dpkgit has been said that sarge->etch is read the etch release notes: ; the recommended upgrade procedure for sarge->etch is no longer as simple as running "aptitude dist-upgrade", please follow the prodedure in the release notes.  also ask me about <security>
22:23.34Guerindrwahl: complain to macdobedia
22:23.41dpkgPut "deb stable/updates main contrib non-free" in your /etc/apt/sources.list file to keep up-to-date on security updates in stable. Run "aptitude update" and "aptitude upgrade". If you're still running woody, consider "deb stable non-US/contrib non-US/main non-US/non-free" for non-us security, or ask me about testing security or unstable security
22:23.52markybobTobsn: make sure you get rid of those backported packages first, though.  then upgrade, then install php5 normally
22:23.59Aasgardthrew: compare that to mac address binding in wifi / not many do that and hardly anyone uses passwords beyond admin/admin :)
22:24.22drwahlGuerin: already doing that, but i was hoping for some workaround
22:24.25Tobsnk thx
22:24.29troubledsimonrvn :þ
22:24.30GneaTobsn: dpkg -l | grep bpo | grep ^ii
22:24.43daeosWyzard: so linux-wlan-ng i have to build it also? i thought it gets installed when i used APT-Get
22:24.45simonrvntroubled: whatever man :P
22:24.54threwAasgard, yes. but for me: security is not something that i care about and if i would care about it i would read a book on configuring/securising a network on linux. if you use gui, you lost most of the advantage of linux: the customizing (see gnome nazi ;)
22:24.55Aasgardadmin/password(or no password) is also popular :)
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22:24.59simonrvntroubled: hey :)
22:25.05troubledsimonrvn: heh (0254)
22:25.06GuerinAasgard: the answer is not `make security easy', the answer is `make things secure by default'
22:25.20Wyzarddaeos: linux-wlan-ng-source contains source code for a kernel module, which needs to be compiled for the kernel you're running
22:25.26Wyzarddaeos: use module-assistant for that
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22:25.36Aasgardthrew: you also have full control via an editor..
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22:25.39GuerinAasgard: because `make security easy' is snake-oil which often has the effect of making things LESS secure - if it's easy to turn on, it's easy to turn off
22:26.16AasgardGuerin: Youre right
22:26.20troubledholy clones batman
22:26.29daeosWyzard: so linux-wlan-ng-source - linux-wlan-ng driver , is just source code then?
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22:26.33daeosWyzard: ok...
22:26.33AasgardGuerin: users choise..
22:26.42GuerinAasgard: no. Admin's choice.
22:26.56AasgardGuerin: ah, but the admin is this case is the user
22:27.01Wyzarddaeos: yes, source code for a kernel module
22:27.19yetifootdrwahl, last time i checked there was no flash plugin for 64bit, there seem to be a few options, install a 32 bit browser, install swfdec, or worst (but most reliable and usable i found) use windows firefox under WINE
22:27.19Wyzarddaeos: The linux-wlan-ng contains userspace utilities for working with the driver, but the driver itself is the kernel module
22:27.31drwahlthe best thing i can find for installing flash on 64 bit linux is, but it doesnt seem that folder exists. any one know where i should put the file? (
22:27.36troubledsimonrvn: still gettin yer butt kicked by your systems huh?
22:27.50daeosWyzard: so i would need not the "tools" package, but the source package, build it and then i can use the driver itself then?
22:27.55threwAasgard, which editor ?
22:27.56GuerinAasgard: the distinction is all the more important in that case - users need to get the point that when they type the root password, they're an admin, and should adhere to stricter standards. Fundamentally the issue is about education.
22:28.16Wyzarddaeos: You need both
22:28.34threwpoll: do you think that i should remove util-linux from my system ?
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22:29.00Guerinthrew: sure, why not?
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22:29.21threwwell it says it's an essential package
22:29.51HostilePenguindo you have to edit sources.list to have things like flashplayer updated?
22:30.04Guerinthrew: then don't
22:30.16GuerinHostilePenguin: flashplayer isn't in debian
22:30.21yetifootdrwahl, I tried that webpages instructions myself, and it didn't work for me on debian, i had to look at the other options
22:30.25streunerbut flash is non-free...
22:30.25threwGuerin, too late
22:30.30Guerinthrew: hooray!
22:30.45streunerHostilePenguin: there are some packages in Debian
22:30.48drwahlyetifoot: ok, thanks
22:30.51AasgardGuerin: Admin learns (hong-kong kung-fu;)  -- threw: <Yodah>in the gui full control ye shall have </Yodah> :)
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22:31.10daeosWyzard: i installed both, but not sure where the source code would be installed... should i just 'locate' it and then do a ./make cofig on it?
22:31.31_THE_MAXX_hello, i am having trouble with beryl under etch/lenny does anyone have this running?
22:31.42Wyzarddaeos: No, you use module-assistant
22:31.49yetifootdrwahl, the first thing i got working, was installing a 32bit browser, i found that info on the ubuntu forums, but it was equally valid for debian, but it did end up in a nasty libc brokenness, so now i use WINE
22:31.57_THE_MAXX_i am using a radeon x800 with the r300 DRI driver (open source)
22:32.00drwahlwhen webpages offer "debian" packages, but only have them catagorized by ubuntu relases, how does that relate to 'regular' (for lack of a better word) debian realeses (sarge/etch/lenny)?
22:32.15Guerin\dyou don't
22:32.26Guerindrwahl: you more or less have to just guess and hope
22:32.28HostilePenguinjust having problems getting flash to run with konqueror throws xsession errors works fine with ice ape
22:32.30_THE_MAXX_all the effects work but the window borders do not appear, any ideas?
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22:32.36Guerindrwahl: and not complain about it in herer
22:32.36doudouhow do i obtain dnscommon from dig without asking here?
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22:32.50sceadanyone having trouble with nvidia drivers and at the moment?
22:32.58Guerin!wayttd doudou
22:32.58dpkgWhat Are You Trying To Do, doudou?
22:33.16yetifootscead, my other box uses that, its been working fine, that box is in etch stable, up to date
22:33.16AasgardHostilePenguin: lol, you want flash ?
22:33.18troubledGuerin: thats just lazy man
22:33.28drwahlGuerin: ok, so its not like ubuntu has a release that coincides with debians? example dapper=sarge
22:33.31HostilePenguini just dont want the errors
22:33.39sceadyetifoot: ah okay :)
22:33.45AasgardHostilePenguin: erroras ?
22:33.51Guerindrwahl: nope, they broke binary compatibility ages ago.
22:33.54sceadanyone with unstable and having problems with nvidia and lol
22:33.55yetifootflash = youtube, lots of people want youtube, so i've had to deal with a lot of people who upgraded to 64bit
22:34.06Guerintroubled: i'm lazy. Laziness is a virtue.
22:34.27chewycan i use a package manager better than aptitude?..hard to read, i try apt-get install synaptic and it doesnt work
22:34.28daeosWyzard: " sudo module-assistant prepare " ?
22:34.32doudoui try to understand how i can find packages to install hen i see a program in some google doc
22:34.34Guerinyetifoot: the point being that 64-bit isn't ready for primetime
22:34.41HostilePenguinAdobe FlashPlayer: gtk_clipboard_get(GDK_SELECTION_PRIMARY); failed. Trying to call gtk_init(0,0);
22:34.43AasgardGuerin: yep, code for some days then just relax :)
22:34.45Dark_ApostropheI normally loathe sudo, and prefer su, but due to a script I need insisting on using sudo, I need to set it up to be able to log me in
22:34.49Guerindrwahl: oh. /msg dpkg search
22:34.53HostilePenguinthat error
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22:34.58Guerindoudou: oh. /msg dpkg search
22:34.59Wyzarddaeos: It's easier to use its interactive mode...  just run module-assistant (as root)
22:35.04Dark_ApostropheNo matter what I type into sudo now, it refuses to log me in
22:35.13Dark_ApostropheCan anyone please give me a hand?
22:35.14doudoudpkg search dig
22:35.23streunerHostilePenguin: well, its OT here, we don't support other stuff which aren't in Debian
22:35.27AasgardDark_Apostrophe: 'su -'
22:35.31Guerin!tell doudou about search
22:35.37Dark_ApostropheAasgard: I know, and I like su!
22:35.45Dark_ApostropheAasgard: But it's this bitchy script that insists on sudo
22:36.02Dark_ApostropheAasgard: So I need to figure out how to make bloody sudo work.
22:36.11GuerinDark_Apostrophe: man sudoers ;)
22:36.23AasgardDark_Apostrophe: ah ^:)
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22:36.49chewywhat package manager do you guys use? aptitude? is it only console mode?
22:36.59Wyzardchewy: aptitude is best IMO
22:37.01streunerchewy: apt-get and dpkg ;-)
22:37.02Dark_ApostropheGuerin: I see. Got a short version for making it log me in as root? :P
22:37.02yetifootGuerin, yeah, 64 bit is not quite ready, but these people are impatient, and the windows offering for 64 bit doesn't seem to work for any of their hardware, and most of the software only works in 32bit mode
22:37.06Guerinchewy: yes, and yes.
22:37.15Wyzardchewy: largely for its "auto" flags and interactive dependency browsing
22:37.17Dark_ApostropheGuerin: This EBNF stuff seems complex
22:37.26GuerinDark_Apostrophe: why the fuck would you want to log in as root using sudo?
22:37.41Dark_ApostropheThis bitchy script that insists on it :P
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22:37.53GuerinDark_Apostrophe: why would you want to use a script which is so stupid?
22:37.54Dark_ApostropheIt won't let me use su
22:38.03Dark_ApostropheCause it saves me a few hours of work
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22:38.17Aasgardpaste the script somewhere
22:38.27doudouguerin, how do i search?
22:38.51AasgardCTRL+F in gtk+ apps
22:38.54Dark_ApostropheAasgard: You just gave me an idea.
22:38.56drwahlok, wine is asking for libc6 2.4, and i have libc6 2.3, and apt says its up to date. is this correct?
22:39.10streunerdrwahl: yes
22:39.10AasgardDark_Apostrophe, im liking it already :)
22:39.17Guerindoudou: read what dpkg fucking told you
22:39.21Dark_Apostrophesu - does the same as sudo, right?
22:39.27GuerinDark_Apostrophe: it's not saving anything right now.
22:39.27streunerdrwahl: where did you get this version of wine?
22:39.31doudoudpkg search
22:39.31dpkgrumour has it, search is try 'apt-cache search <regex>', if you want to know what package owns a file use dpkg -S /bin/foo.  To find a package based on what files it includes use 'apt-get install apt-file;apt-file update;apt-file search foo'. Use if you're not on a debian system. /msg <bot> find <thing> if you're already here. /msg <bot> listkeys <thing> to find factoids containing <thing>. see
22:39.32GuerinDark_Apostrophe: no.
22:39.38streunerdrwahl: What does 'dpkg -l libc6 | tail -1' say?
22:39.39Dark_ApostropheWhat does?
22:39.45GuerinDark_Apostrophe: nothing does.
22:39.51GuerinDark_Apostrophe: what does this script do?
22:39.54Dark_ApostropheI mean, log in and run a single command
22:40.00drwahlstreuner: i got wine from the first one under "Edgy"
22:40.02markybobdoudou: /msg the bot if it's just information for yourself
22:40.04ggeeckois there a way i can have gmail to show in terminal on the desktop
22:40.04GuerinDark_Apostrophe: su -c does that
22:40.11Dark_ApostropheCompiles a whole bunch of stuff in a whole bunch of directories, and installs it
22:40.14Dark_ApostropheGuerin: Ah, thanks
22:40.32drwahlstreuner: and dpkg says: ii  libc6          2.3.6.ds1-13   GNU C Library: Shared librari
22:40.35doudoudpkg listkeys dig
22:40.37dpkgFactoid search of 'dig' by key (15 of 19): #debian audigy ;; #debian dig ;; _default audigy ;; _default indigo ;; audigy ;; dig ;; digging deeper ;; digital control ;; digital fortress ;; digital powerline ;; digitalis ;; digitalnation ;; indigoid ;; paradigm ;; prodigy.
22:40.46markybobdoudou: /msg the bot, damnit
22:40.47Guerindoudou: message the fucking bot
22:40.54streunerdrwahl: well, don't mix packages from different branches and/or from different distros
22:40.54xinguyetifoot: 64bit systems tend to have the disk space to accommodate a 32bit chroot as well as the dram to take the hit of running 2x the footprint of the various shared libraries; most of the drivel I've seen to date about 64bit being "hard" seems to be belched up by the sort of folk that find using google to search for prior art hard.
22:41.02Guerinanyone would think your nick is what's in your head
22:41.18rpchm do you happen to know what is going on in here?
22:41.18RichiHGuerin: temper temper ;)
22:41.18dpkgRemember Lorena Bobbitt?  Remember what she did to her husband's woody?  Well, when you install binary packages from different branches onto your woody, you get the same result. Same goes for Sarge, Etch, and any other debian system.
22:41.19rpcApr 22 00:06:31 mindstorm kernel: NETDEV WATCHDOG: eth0: transmit timed out
22:41.21rpcApr 22 00:06:31 mindstorm kernel: e100: eth0: e100_watchdog: link up, 100Mbps, full-duplex
22:41.39drwahlstreuner: then how do you suggest i get a copy of wine on my machine? build from source? or is there a package for debian (other than ubuntu)?
22:41.44doudouguerin, how i know who is the bot
22:41.49Dark_ApostropheIt seems to be running... Let's see what happens when it gets to the installation part (the part that required sudo)
22:41.52Guerindoudou: dpkg is the bot
22:42.33doudoudpkg dig
22:42.33dpkgextra, extra, read all about it, dig is part of dnsutils, or use host(1) (in the same package) for less detail, or (informally) ack == ok == right == your beneficent and gracious presence and contributions to this universe are hereby recognized by sundry and all.
22:42.33streunerdpkg, what are you?
22:42.33dpkgI am a blootbot. For more info see <blootbot>
22:42.34yetifootxingu, yeah, i haven't found anything to be to difficult when i worked on some 64 bit machines, nothing 30 mins and google couldn't solve
22:42.43doudoudpkg gimmer
22:42.45markybobdoudou: STOP
22:43.45yetifootxingu, by not ready, i mean that there are still bugs to iron out in some of the software, due to silly programmers making 32bit assumptions
22:45.01threwAasgard, i found the radical way to remove the python threat: rm -r /
22:45.12xinguyetifoot: my own mix hasn't exposed any to date I must confess
22:45.19vnthrew: you forgot the f
22:45.21Aasgardyetifoot: its a c=3<<0xff?0xc3:0x45 issue ?
22:46.00Aasgardthrew: haha, you shouldnt have installed it in the first place, thats the trick :)
22:46.00*** mode/#debian [+l 769] by debhelper
22:46.02threwvn, oops yes thanks Revolutionary colleague  of the python diktat
22:46.09yetifootAasgard, xingu, I haven't investigated it deeply, I'm kind of assuming thats the problem, as the same software works flawlessly on the 32bit build
22:46.14threwAasgard, :(
22:46.19chewyshould i dl nvidia drivers from nvidia site or get a package?
22:46.22Wyzardyetifoot: I'm running 64-bit Debian and it seems fine to me
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22:46.28Wyzardchewy: Use the packages
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22:46.52Aasgardyetifoot: yeah, its clearly a case of hex
22:46.58chewywhere? apt-get nvidia-glx isnt working
22:46.58clarshow do i list users and group on the system?
22:47.09Wyzardchewy: "isn't working" in what way?
22:47.15Wyzardchewy: You also need nvidia-kernel, btw
22:47.16yetifootWyzard, I'm not trying to knock it really, 64bit debian is really good, but some of the software is still in unstable, and crashes, but mostly its great
22:47.22tarzeauabrotman: i'm in dlvl:41 , telnet 27015 :)
22:47.24chewysays it cant find the package
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22:47.32Wyzardchewy: It's in non-free
22:47.45vntarzeau: cs or cs:s?
22:48.22tarzeauvn: nethack :)
22:49.16vnoh well lets go out, nothing to do here
22:49.21vneven with that sprained ankle..
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22:51.29Wyzardtarzeau: Out of curiosity, why aren't you picking up gold that's on the floor?
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22:51.51AasgardGould's! :)
22:51.53tarzeauWyzard: i've bought all natural AC, the rest of the money is only burden
22:52.01Wyzardah, ok
22:52.02tarzeauWyzard: it's good for dying (or pointes, on the way back :)
22:52.11vngoa'uld? where?
22:52.24Aasgardon the floor i heard :P
22:52.37vnthose are dead
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22:52.44vngoa'ulds live in bodies
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22:52.57AasgardAww, i wanted to poke one :)
22:53.03yetifooti both love and hate that game, i've been playing it for years now and still haven't acsended
22:53.09NickinizI want to ask a question?
22:53.10vnwell pokes tarzeau then
22:53.22NickinizI've just installed
22:53.27Nickinizdebian etch
22:53.27chewymaybe i need to change to universe/multiverse packages? i do not see non free
22:53.31daeosWyzard: i got a header error
22:53.39yetifootNickiniz, don't ask to ask, just ask :)
22:53.39vnNickiniz: great
22:53.50Aasgardadd in all the verses i say!
22:53.51Nickinizand cannot mount my partitions
22:53.58Wyzarddaeos: oh, you need to install the headers package for your kernel
22:54.07Nickinizhow can i do?
22:54.11vnI have a question : I got a sprained ankle, what should I do and not do?
22:54.12yetifootNickiniz, are you new to linux in general?
22:54.14NickinizI have 3 dvd
22:54.31yetifootdo you know about fstab?
22:54.36Wyzardvn: do call a doctor, don't walk on it  :-)
22:54.40Aasgardvn: dont saw it off for bad behaviour :=)
22:54.42NickinizI've heard but don't know
22:54.53vnthanks for the advices
22:54.55*** join/#debian reiser2 (n=Nayaki@
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22:55.14daeosWyzard: Bad luck, the kernel headers for the target kernel version could not be found and you did not specify other valid kernel headers to use.
22:55.16vnyetifoot: chances are he's not sure how to setup partitions in the install
22:55.35daeosWyzard: told me to install kernel-headers-2.6.8-3-686
22:55.39dpkghmm... debootstrap is <caphuso> get the debootstrap source from, compile it, read the man page, install debian with it </caphuso>  Useful for installing in a chroot., or see, or key to Installing Debian GNU/Linux from a Unix/Linux System.  See to the release specific Debian GNU/Linux Installation Guide for more details.
22:55.39Wyzarddaeos: What kernel are you running?
22:55.41Aasgardvn: get all Married with children eps and watch then, by the time youve watched them all youll be well again
22:56.03vneps being what?
22:56.13Wyzarddaeos: Are you running sarge or etch?
22:56.18vnoh k
22:56.26vnwell I'm actually on Farscape
22:56.32vnI have 11 series in my queue
22:56.36daeosWyzard: etch'd take a while
22:56.39obsethrylpeterS: are you around, or sleeping?
22:56.53NickinizWyzard: What do you mean? I know enough to do it if you want to help me
22:56.56Wyzarddaeos: etch's kernel is 2.6.18-4...  2.6.8-3 is sarge's kernel
22:56.58vnpeterS has been idle 12hrs 8mins 30secs, signed on Sat Apr 21 03:39:20
22:57.18AasgardIm have bundy series 1-11 .. funny shit
22:57.19obsethryli guess he is sleeping then, thanks vn
22:57.23Wyzarddaeos: so packages for 2.6.8 are not available in etch
22:57.25daeosWyzard: well i installed etch
22:57.32Wyzarddaeos: Update your kernel
22:57.33NickinizI cannot mount even my other ext3 partition
22:57.34vnWyzard: if I do a dist-upgrade from sarge to etch, will I have the same kernel at the reboot?
22:57.47Wyzardvn: I'm not sure whether it installs the new kernel automatically
22:57.53daeosWyzard: i actually did that already
22:58.03yetifootNickiniz, theres a file /etc/fstab that is probably what you want to look at, to see if the partitions are known
22:58.08Wyzarddaeos: apt-get install linux-image-2.6-686 linux-headers-2.6-686
22:58.12vnk, cuz I did a dist-upgrade but didn't reboot
22:58.19tarzeauWyzard: you know about the vibrating square?
22:58.21Wyzardvn: then you can check what kernel is installed
22:58.33Wyzardtarzeau: no, I've never heard of any vibrating square
22:58.37vnstill my ol' 2.6.8
22:58.48daeosWyzard: doing that now
22:58.51Wyzardvn: That's the only kernel in /boot?
22:58.56Aasgardupgrade, its got icmp issues
22:59.09tarzeauWyzard: You feel a strange vibration under your feet.
22:59.20Wyzardvn: "uname -r" tells you what kernel you're currently running, not what kernels are installed
22:59.22Wyzardtarzeau: ah, nope
22:59.30AasgardIt is I, thunderseat! :)
22:59.31tarzeauWyzard: that's the place you need to find, in the deepest deepness of the dark deep dungeon
22:59.49tarzeauWyzard: where you need the seven candles attached to the candelabrum and the book of dead
23:00.03Wyzardtarzeau: It's been a long time since I've played nethack, btw
23:00.06tarzeauWyzard: SI TEH VERY MYSTICAL!!11
23:00.08vnvn@sys6x:~$ ls /boot
23:00.08vnconfig-2.6.8-2-386  initrd.img-2.6.8-2-386  vmlinuz-2.6.8-2-386 grub
23:00.10Wyzardtarzeau: I mostly play tome
23:00.27drwahli want to install wine on my 64bit lenny. if there is a .deb i can use, i can handle most of the installtion (i.e. install it in 32bit). if i have to install it from source, i would need some assistance.
23:00.36AasgardTorcs is great
23:00.46Aasgardalso check netpanzer
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23:00.56Wyzardvn: ok, so when you reboot it'll use your old kernel, but you'll probably want to install the newer one
23:00.56Aasgardand racer etc
23:01.02vnsounds like I'll have no kernel upgrade
23:01.09tarzeauAasgard: tried brutalchess, mazeofgalious or supertransball2 yet?
23:01.11vnWyzard: why?
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23:01.21vnppl told me on this channel 2 weeks ago that I'm fine
23:01.23yetifootDrwahl, i found WINE in unstable on etch, which i guess is kind of the same thing as lenny
23:01.34Wyzardvn: I don't think the current udev supports 2.6.8
23:01.41Aasgardtarzeau: like battlechess on the Amiga ?
23:01.42vnudev being?
23:01.55drwahlyetifoot: did you get that from wines archives on ?
23:01.56Aasgardtarzeau: that was cool
23:02.04Wyzardvn: dynamic /dev manager, involved in hotplugging
23:02.17vndon't rly need that then
23:02.21tarzeauAasgard: yep
23:02.22vnold hardware, server
23:02.30yetifootDrwahl, no it was in the debian amd64 etch unstable packages, maybe it was in contrib/non-free ?
23:02.37vnit's located on the other half of Earth
23:02.44Aasgardtarzeau: where can i find that battlechess game ?
23:02.48Wyzardvn: ok, but nonetheless, why *not* run the kernel that's supported in etch?
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23:03.05Wyzardvn: It's the one that'll be getting security updates, for one thing
23:03.09vnWyzard: uh...cuz I'm afraid of kernel upgrades?
23:03.11daeosWyzard: do i need to do an updatedb now after i did this?
23:03.34mugwuffinhi all, I just upgraded from 3 to 4 and have screwed up my sendmail install. How do i recreate my spool, mail and mqueue directories?
23:03.42Wyzarddaeos: updatedb has nothing to do with nvidia working
23:03.54Wyzardvn: It's not that difficult...  apt-get install linux-image-2.6-686
23:03.54tarzeauAasgard: apt-get install brutalchess :)
23:04.07Wyzardvn: and assuming you're using GRUB, you'll still have your 2.6.8 available in case something goes wrong
23:04.11daeosWyzard: im not doing anything with Nvidia
23:04.28Wyzardoops, I'm mixing up who's asking about what  :-)
23:04.30daeosWyzard: i can see you are confused, im doing the header upgrade
23:04.31vnWyzard: sounds like I have grub but I'm not using it rly cuz linux's the only OS on the server
23:04.33Aasgardtarzeau: im expecting a new monitor for my Etch box any day now :) .. got an url ?
23:04.56Wyzarddaeos: It has nothing to do with linux-wlan-ng either
23:05.03vnWyzard: will I keep the same kernel configuration?
23:05.19vnWyzard: and is it sure I won't get a kernel panic?
23:05.41Wyzardvn: You'll be using a stock Debian "support everything" kernel configuration, just like you were previously with sarge's kernel
23:05.42drwahlyetifoot: ok, this is where i get a little confused. if a package is on, is there a way to get them via apt-get?
23:06.18vnWyzard: I'm not even sure mine is stock
23:06.23Aasgarddrwahl: you can click on any .deb file and most likely have it installed
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23:06.44Wyzardvn: If it's 2.6.8-3, it's stock -- the "-3" suffix is specific to the Debian package
23:07.04Wyzardvn: Unless you compiled a custom kernel with make-kpkg and specifically configured it to use a suffix of "-3", but you'd remember if you did that
23:07.06vnLinux sys6x 2.6.8-2-386 #1 Tue Aug 16 12:46:35 UTC 2005 i686 GNU/Linux
23:07.07yetifootDrwahl, sure, you just need to add unstable to your /etc/apt/sources.list
23:07.13Wyzardor -2, whatever
23:07.57Aasgardyetifoot: wheres a list of repos to add ?
23:07.58Wyzardvn: Using GRUB's boot menu, you can boot any kernel that's present in /boot, even if it's not the default
23:08.01AasgardWyzard: - is so microsoft :)
23:08.09Wyzardvn: so if 2.6.18 doesn't work for some reason, you can still boot your 2.6.8
23:08.20vnUsing mkinitramfs-kpkg to build the ramdisk.  <=== why a ramdisk?
23:08.29drwahlyetifoot: arg... i thought "unstable" was already in there :) thanks again
23:08.29yetifootAasgard, for what?  when i did it, i just copied the lines in sources.list that refered to etch, and changed them to 'unstable' instead of etch
23:08.34vnWyzard: the thing is, I don't have physical access to the machine
23:08.48vnFound kernel: /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.18-4-686
23:08.48vnFound kernel: /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.8-2-386
23:08.50Wyzardvn: That's needed for booting, because the IDE/SCSI drivers are modules
23:08.51daeosWyzard: when i do any update.... or install new packages. .. i find it a habit to do a updatedb
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23:09.14Aasgardyetifoot: i didnt get an ip when i installed etch so i didnt get an internet repo :(
23:09.15Wyzardvn: If it's a colocated server and you need to boot 2.6.8 you might need to call and get a technician to use the arrow keys while the machine reboots
23:09.30vnWyzard: ok but if I do a reboot...will it run in the standard runlevel?  or some ramdisk based setup?
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23:09.43daeosWyzard: my headers still say 2.6.8-3-686
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23:10.31vnI don't want to call there, my persian is so rusty now :\
23:10.35Wyzardvn: It's an initrd, for booting the system...  you were using one with 2.6.8 too
23:10.45yetifootAasgard, ah, thats a pain, i forget the ones for amd64 now, i think they were different, i'm on a 32bit machine now
23:10.47drwahlyetifoot: "deb lenny main unstable"     and apt-get update returns 404 not found, did i add unstable in the wrong place?
23:10.49rpccan someone please explain to me what quirk is? like in this quote: "quirks are sometimes required in
23:10.50rpcIO-APIC mode
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23:11.07yetifootDrwahl, change 'lenny' to 'unstable'
23:11.17Wyzardvn: It's basically just a way for the kernel to have access to IDE/SCSI drivers before the root filesystem is mounted (since mounting the root filesystem requires having those drivers already loaded)
23:11.25TopuzogluI cannot mount my partitions
23:11.31Aasgardyetifoot: that should be labeled "Extremely urgent - i cant update my system" kinda urgent
23:11.34rpcand if "quirk" has to do with: NETDEV WATCHDOG: eth0: transmit timed out ?
23:11.37vnI'll wait monday to reboot, thanks
23:11.42Wyzarddaeos: You're running sarge's kernel too...  you need to update to etch's 2.6.18-4
23:11.48Topuzoglucould you help me?
23:11.49Wyzarddaeos: etch does not have packages for 2.6.8
23:12.17daeosWyzard: i did the commands you told me, and i was under the impression that  it would update my headers...
23:12.28concept10may LVM partitions be resized?
23:12.28vnudev requires a kernel >= 2.6.15, not started.
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23:12.36vnlike that
23:12.37daeosWyzard: how can i stop the sarge kernal from running and run only etch?
23:12.43Wyzarddaeos: You're referring to module-assistant, right?
23:12.48daeosWyzard: yes
23:12.59yetifootAasgard, this is what i have if it helps deb etch main contrib non-free
23:13.09Wyzarddaeos: module-assistant requires headers for the kernel you are running, and you are running 2.6.8, for which no headers package is available anymore
23:13.33yetifootAasgard, and also deb etch/updates main contrib non-free
23:13.34Aasgarddevs: make a new install ALWAYS have an internet repo! (VIP)
23:13.35mugwuffinhi, I'm having problems setting up postfix on etch, i get the message "fatal: /etc/postfix/postfix-script: No such file or directory" - how cna i set that up? I'm not finding much of use on google
23:13.38Wyzarddaeos: apt-get install linux-image-2.6-686 linux-headers-2.6-686
23:13.45Aasgardyetifoot: yeah
23:13.51Wyzarddaeos: then reboot, so you're actually running the new kernel you installed
23:14.04daeosWyzard: ok
23:14.14Aasgardyetifoot: my etch just installs from the dvd.. never internet
23:14.46daeosWyzard: i'll be back after i reboot
23:14.48Wyzarddaeos: Then run module-assistant again
23:14.58yetifootAasgard, i agree, i think last time i did that, it included a commented updates line, but not the main repo
23:15.25Aasgardyetifoot: i dont have any commented repos.. :(
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23:15.50yetifootAasgard, demand your money back!
23:15.57AasgardHaha :)
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23:16.11Samus_Arandoes "apt-cache pkgnames" display a list of installed packages, or available packages ?  the man page is unclear on this: "This command prints the name of each package in the system."
23:16.46yetifootAasgard, at least you can get online, i once had a terrible problem, where i didn't have a modem driver, and couldn't get online to get one without one
23:16.53Aasgardnope, its an easy fix... problem is, what evil didnt put it there in the first place :)
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23:17.13Aasgardyetifoot: yes, the evil daze :)
23:17.29brendonjtgood mrning all
23:17.35brendonjtopps mrning
23:17.42Aasgard2 or more modems though.. and no problem :)
23:17.45yetifootAasgard, i'm still in the evil daze, until my broadband gets installed on the 1st, i've been using 14.4 for an age
23:18.00Aasgardwow, thats phat dude
23:18.38AasgardTheres an NMT widerange 1mbit or so coming for those places though
23:18.47yetifootAasgard, yeah, i only tend to use a couple of forums, and IRC so i don't really notice, but its always nice to have the choice to play online games/watch videos etc
23:19.00Aasgardintarweps fur alle my ass :)
23:19.14drwahlhmm... i think i just did a bad thing.... after changing the sources to "unstable" it tried to install wine, and it said there were some errors and do apt-get -f install, so i did, and it said "blah, blah, blah: this could be bad, type: Yes, do as I say!" so i did...
23:19.15BUMBACL0Thow do you uncompress bzip2/bz2?
23:19.17Aasgardyetifoot: indeed
23:19.23yetifootbroadband has been available for ages here, i've just been cheap, and waited until its free
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23:19.34chewyi never selected a mirror during install, thought id be ok... i try apt-get install netselect but the package isnt found...i do not see non-free in my repositoy, is it bcs i havent enabled non-free packages?
23:19.35mugwuffincan anyone help me set up my MTA? I cant receive any mail, getting collect: Cannot write ./dfl3LNIHfv003898 (bfcommit, uid=0, gid=102): Permission denied and cant work out why
23:19.38AasgardBUMBACL0T: tar -xfj
23:19.51yetifootlol, bumbaclot = bum cloth?
23:20.29BUMBACL0Ttar: j: Cannot open: No such file or directory
23:20.29BUMBACL0Ttar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
23:20.38yetifooti just use man tar everytime i use it, remembering command lines is not a strong point
23:21.18brendonjthow do I use my Blackberry with debian
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23:22.48rpcfolks, can someone please explain to me what watchdog is?
23:22.56rpcin the sense of networking
23:23.28rpci'm trying to understand this: kernel: NETDEV WATCHDOG: eth0: transmit timed out
23:23.38rpcwhat exactly is going on?
23:23.50azeemkspath: ?
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23:24.18rpckspath if you are horny just try another chan
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23:24.22Aasgardraasclat: im gonna try a weird 3cl vodka-kiwi bottle that i have housed in my fridge for 3 months, should my head fall onto the keyboard.. call the coroners office :P
23:24.35kspathjust wondering
23:24.38azeemkspath: please stay on topic
23:24.59raasclatAasgard, i will, but unfortunatly, i don't know where to send them, so you will rot until the neighbours kick the door in due to the smell
23:25.23kspathazeem: sorry I was idle and a buddy walked up to my iBook and started messing around
23:25.33Aasgardraasclat: it tastes neat! :)
23:25.38colher_de_pauwhat is the brazilian #debian?!
23:25.41colher_de_pauanyone knows?
23:25.45dpkgEsse canal e apenas em ingles. Por favor, use #debian-br (/j #debian-br) para ajuda em portugues.
23:25.48ma3xhow do I run 'iceweasel' when I chroot to a i386 partition? (hence it says (firefox-bin:4630): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:)
23:26.03*** part/#debian chewy (
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23:26.14alamarhi - I just tried to compile a cpp program ("#include <iostream> \n int main(){return 0;}") and got this error:"/usr/include/c++/3.3/cstdlib:114: error: `system' not declared" in line 114(135 with 4.1) of this file "using ::system;" commenting this out everything works fine - I had this problem with g++-3.3 and 4.1 running etch - the file belongs to the libstdc++6-4.1-dev pkg - is this a known issue or do I just do something wrong?
23:26.23xinguma3x: DISPLAY=:0.0 iceweasel &
23:26.28*** part/#debian colher_de_pau (n=pedrofer@
23:26.49Aasgardma3x: annoying isnt it..
23:27.06azeemalamar: you're probably doing something wrong
23:27.09AasgardAgain.. users choise
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23:27.15xinguAasgard: manageable, if you set up schroot.
23:27.17alamarazeem: I can't imagine what though
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23:27.27azeemalamar: how do you compile the program?
23:27.29ma3xxingu, still won't run
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23:27.39Aasgardxingu: annoying feature, yeah
23:27.51alamarand /usr/bin/g++-3.3
23:28.53ma3xxingu, let me explain: I run 64 bit deb and i have 2nd partition (386 deb). what should I do to run iceweasel from the i386? I chroot and then?
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23:33.43xinguma3x: you need to copy your shadow, passwd, group, gshadow files into the chroot and also bind mount tmp and home
23:34.00xinguma3x: then su to your user account within the chroot, set DISPLAY, and away you go.
23:34.08ma3xxingu, sounds complicated ...
23:34.15xingusacre bleu
23:34.26xinguyou're right, it's probably better to give up and go shopping
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23:35.30Aasgardma3x: compile ice weasel for 64bit pewny platform :)
23:35.42ma3xAasgard, I already got 64 bit iceweasel
23:35.50Aasgardi have 1024 bit
23:35.52ma3xI ride it every day :p
23:35.56ma3xyou got nothing!
23:36.09*** part/#debian markit (
23:36.12Aasgardpwn you i do :)
23:36.20xinguma3x: <-- is the one I was thinking of, but it's essentially the same.
23:37.05*** part/#debian erraen (
23:37.07ma3xwhat if I already got the i386 installed? I skip the debootstrap part?
23:37.18acuI want to create a web interface to a postgresql. I have apache and php5 - any hint of some automatic php generator  - I guess that there are no ready made forms which you could download and customize ?
23:38.03kennethdI'm following this guide to set up a degraded RAID1 array on an etch system, and have gotten to the point where all of my sdaX data is copied over to the new mdX devices, and the next step is to edit lilo.conf to set root=md1 -- however, I do not use lilo or grub, so is there something I have to do to re-write the mbr?
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23:38.20tdnPumpkinPie, ok. Thanks.
23:38.46Wyzardkennethd: How do you boot the system if you don't use lilo or grub?
23:39.36Wyzardkennethd: btw, etch's installer supports creating RAID arrays during installation
23:39.42kennethdWyzard: I think the debian-installer just wrote something to the mbr?  I don't know, until just now I always assumed grub had been installed
23:39.59Wyzardkennethd: If you installed Debian from CD, you're most likely using GRUB, or possibly LILO
23:40.28Wyzardkennethd: If you're booting from a hard drive, rather than netbooting or running in Xen or something, you're definitely using a bootloader of some sort
23:40.53Aasgardthe crypto formatting took so long time i had to abort (200gb drive) /note
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23:41.25WyzardAasgard: crypto "formatting" doesn't take any time at all...  it just writes some metadata at the beginning of the device
23:41.38kennethdWyzard: I installed from cd, but neither package is installed.  It boots fine from the sda1 partition, but now I want to change it to md1
23:41.43WyzardAasgard: I'm using crypto on a 1.5TB RAID-5 array
23:41.59AasgardNow i shall try a "3cl Vodka-Curacao".. its like a mystery prize :)
23:42.09Wyzardkennethd: If "grub" is not installed then you must've removed it at some point...  does /boot/grub/menu.lst exist?
23:42.32AasgardWyzard: it did take an awesome amount of time.. and im really patient
23:42.58Aasgardanyone else seen that ?
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23:43.41kennethdWyzard: ah, yes, that file exists.  I was looking in /etc for it.  the package is marked as purged for some reason, I will re-install it
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23:44.36Wyzardkennethd: Find the "kopt=root=" line in /boot/grub/menu.lst, and change that to your md1
23:44.41Wyzardkennethd: then run update-grub
23:44.48Wyzardkennethd: (btw, wouldn't it be md0?)
23:45.16Aasgardyou dont have to update after editing the grub menu (menu.lst)
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23:46.25WyzardAasgard: update-grub regenerates the actual boot stanzas from the special comment lines
23:47.40WyzardAasgard: He needs to edit the special comment line so that the change doesn't vanish next time he updates the kernel, and he could also update the stanzas directly, but it's simpler to just run update-grub
23:47.40AasgardWyzard: what does it alter.. should never be required to run anything after editing menu.lst/grub.conf
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23:48.46WyzardAasgard: man update-grub
23:49.03OnurHi. I am ban a ip from iptables. But can i ban a ip range from iptables?
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23:49.10WyzardAasgard: It's a tool that looks in /boot, finds whatever kernels are there, and generates stanzas for them in menu.lst
23:49.41AasgardWyzard: aha, but editing the conf correctly also does the trick
23:49.51WyzardAasgard: It's not necessary to reinstall GRUB to the MBR, but the config file does have to reflect what kernel you want to boot
23:50.02WyzardAasgard: yes, like I said, he could just edit the kernel stanza directly
23:50.17WyzardAasgard: but it's simpler to just edit the one line that update-grub will look at, and then run update-grub
23:50.47Aasgardgrub only resides in the mbr and from there reads menu.lst on the drive its started from (the boot drive)
23:51.19AasgardWyzard, yeah.. people can misconfigure so the update thingy can be neat i guess
23:51.27Aasgardbut, not required
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23:52.25Zancathi, I need to know what I should put for a mount point for /dev/hdb1 in /etc/fstab
23:52.40WyzardZancat: What does that partition contain?
23:52.53Zancatfiles, folders, etc
23:53.06Zancatits formated FAT32
23:53.07vnwhat kind
23:53.17AasgardZancat: filesystem.. pr0n warez :)
23:53.23WyzardZancat: OK, so it's not part of the OS or your home directory or anything, just personal file storage
23:53.35WyzardZancat: I'd make a subdirectory of /mnt
23:53.38lupine_85/dev/hdb1       <mount point>    vfat defaults,uid=1000,gid=1000 1 2 (probably)
23:53.52ZancatI use it to share files between my guest PCs and my Mac
23:53.52Wyzard/mnt/mystuff or whatever
23:54.31vnuhm...maple smoked salmon salad or salmon with veggies rice and fries? or bagel bagel with fries?
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23:55.19dezentbagel with fries ?
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23:55.47AasgardBeagle blows :)
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23:55.59dezentsounds american.. :)
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23:56.23raasclatbeagle and fries sounds tasty
23:56.33AasgardLakeTittiekaka? :)
23:56.57azeemAasgard: please keep it on topic
23:57.07Aasgardoh, sorry.. i will
23:57.10*** part/#debian Onur (n=ono@unaffiliated/siyahport)
23:57.39Zancatugh, gedit won't let me save fstab
23:57.47ZancatI'm not root :(
23:58.07azeemZancat: then try run it with sudo
23:58.08Aasgard'su -'
23:58.08dezentZancat: try as user root !
23:58.17Aasgardgedit /etc/fstab
23:58.33Zancatuh, how do I use sudo in gnome?
23:58.39dezentin xterm
23:58.42dezentor gterm
23:59.08dezentnever use X11
23:59.17AasgardIts teh neat
23:59.37dezenti use osx for desktop
23:59.52Aasgard'mc-edit /etc/fstab' is also nice

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