irclog2html for #debian on 20070131

00:00.10eldowanReiser_X: and PC A is
00:00.35Reiser_XPC A
00:00.44Reiser_XPC B
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00:01.20eldowanReiser_X: did you run `exportfs -a` on PC B?
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00:01.30eldowanReiser_X: do that
00:02.03eldowanReiser_X: then try mount /mnt/home on PC A
00:02.17norcIs there any difference in DivX encoded videos and XviD encoded videos for decoding?
00:02.28whadaris there any tool that query popcon data?
00:03.13twisted`norc: yep, DivX is a commercial encoding, while XviD is a "free" implentation of it
00:03.13eldowannorc: I'm not sure I understand what you are asking.
00:03.43Reiser_Xmount: RPC: No registered program
00:03.44eldowannorc: xvid should decode divx files fine, or at least that used to be the case.
00:03.46twisted`norc: actually DivX was derived from the same code as XviD only from 3.2 it went commercial and a new release was made...
00:04.09twisted`so I dunno what ur planning to do but if u plan to decode DivX with XviD it should work
00:04.25norctwisted`: so for decoding it does *NOT* matter if it was ENcoded with DivX or XviD?
00:04.32eldowannorc: that is correct.
00:04.41norcgood, thanks for the confirmation. :)
00:04.45eldowannorc: :D
00:05.40Reiser_Xeldowan: nothing
00:06.46eldowanReiser_X: do you have nfs-common installed on PC A? use aptitude or apt-get
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00:07.18Reiser_Xis already installed
00:07.24eldowanReiser_X is having a problem with nfs. on PC B he has nfs-kernel-server installed, and has updated the /etc/exports file, and run exportfs -a. On PC A he has nfs-common installed, but when he tries to mound he gets the message "mount: RPC: No registered program" when run as root.
00:08.13pablo_hi, i have a via unichrome as video card, will the drivers xserver-xorg-video-via from debian testing work?
00:08.19Eclipserwhich terminal would be good? konsole, gnome-terminal, urxvt, uxterm suck - eterm is nice but doesn't support wtf-8 :(
00:08.21eldowanReiser_X: sorry, I have limited nfs experience, I just set up my first share when I was trying to help you. I haven't the skills to help you now, but hopefully someone else here will
00:08.31abrotmanpablo_: check the man page for the driver
00:08.47eldowanEclipser: I like konsole, but thats just a personal preference.
00:09.02Eclipsereldowan, I just tried it a while ago and didn't like it at all :)
00:09.15SaintNI like gnome-terminal
00:09.21pablo_abrotman: man xserver-xorg-video-via?
00:09.24abrotmanEclipser: try them all!
00:09.30eldowanEclipser: gnome=terminal would be my next step
00:09.34abrotmanpablo_: man 4 via
00:09.39SaintNcoz I love gnome :)
00:09.41Eclipsereldowan, I'
00:09.50Eclipsereldowan, I've used that many times at school and I never liked it
00:09.55pablo_abrotman: where is that man?
00:10.00PlantainI'm trying to follow this guide here; but all I ever get is "tun0: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device"
00:10.00abrotmanpablo_: i just told you
00:10.13pablo_abrotman: ahh thanks
00:10.18eldowanReiser_X: on PC B, try `/etc/init.d/nfs-kernel-server start`
00:10.32PlantainCan someone tell me what I'm doing wrong?
00:10.37eldowanEclipser: nfs?
00:10.59EclipserI don't need tabs, menus or scrollbars or any of that crap, just a regular terminal with wtf-8 support :)
00:11.05seb-Plantain: what ru trying to install?
00:11.11Eclipsereterm would otherwise be near perfect but no wtf-8 :(
00:11.16Plantainseb-: NSTX
00:11.28seb-Plantain: never heard of it ...sorry
00:11.31PlantainBut it refuses to launch
00:11.45PlantainIt's an application that tunnels data oveer DNS
00:11.45Reiser_Xready man
00:12.03abrotmanPlantain: eh .. are you serious ?
00:12.08eldowanReiser_X: works?
00:12.11Reiser_Xthanks eldowan
00:12.18Plantainabrotman: Yes....
00:12.19twisted`I have a gazillion files in a dir, but a lot have things in common (the 4 first digits), I'd like to make a script that creates a dir based on those numbers and then move them inside, how do I do this?
00:12.25eldowanReiser_X: remember to exportfs -a if you update /etc/exports
00:12.46seb-Plantain: first of all,,,DNS isn't a peer to peer protocol
00:12.55abrotmantwisted`: a for loop and awk
00:13.01twisted`abrotman: hmm k
00:13.07Reiser_Xone question, if we need to share the resource with 2000 PCs, i have to put all IPs in exports ?
00:13.11abrotmantwisted`: might be better to ask #bash
00:13.12eldowanabrotman: what about cut?
00:13.22abrotmaneldowan: that's another method
00:13.22eldowanReiser_X: you can share to a subnetmask IIRC
00:13.24seb-Plantain: you receive info from DNS not push info
00:13.41pablo_abrotman: is the same one as the xserver-xorg-video-via from ubuntu?
00:13.43twisted`abrotman: hmm... k
00:13.48abrotmanpablo_: NFC
00:13.55Plantainseb-: It's a clever hack to get past firewalls and the like
00:14.13abrotmantwisted`: cut might even be easier than awk ...
00:14.13eldowanReiser_X: take this and modify: /mnt/cdrom
00:14.16pablo_abrotman: nfc?
00:14.19dpkgextra, extra, read all about it, nfc is No Fucking Clue.  National Football Conference
00:14.42wgbHey, I have followed the alsa manual that dpkg gives me, but I can't get it to work. I installed alsa-base utils and libesd-alsa0 . I ran alsaconf but then when I try to do alsamixer I get alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such device
00:14.48SaintNPlantain, never heard of this...... sounds interesting
00:14.49eldowanReiser_X: that would go in your /etc/exports file, of course.
00:15.10wgbIts a brand new dell . .
00:15.44eldowanwgb: does lcpci show a soundcard?
00:16.00eldowanwgb: or I should say, is a soundcard detected on your system?
00:16.32wgbeldowan, yes and my module is loaded snd_hda_intel
00:17.11eldowanwgb: hmmm. I guess that might rule out your chipset not being supported... Sorry, I got nothing
00:17.33PlantainFor the unbeleivers,
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00:18.59abrotmanfor tun0 you need to load the correct driver .. and possibly make the device
00:19.14abrotman!tell wgb about which driver
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00:19.46justinwgb: try
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00:20.28eldowanjustin: is there a factoid that points to that url?
00:20.39wgbyeah abrotman just sent me that
00:20.51abrotmaneldowan: /msg dpkg which driver
00:20.51wgband abrotman / justin I have snd-hda-intel loaded
00:21.04eldowanI guess that does it then. :D
00:21.08abrotmananything useful in dmesg ?
00:21.16wgbthat is the id
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00:21.43wgbTons and tons of hda_codec: num_steps = 0 for NID=0x17
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00:22.02justindpkg: listkeys hcl
00:22.04dpkgFactoid search of 'hcl' by key (6): _default dhclient ;; #debian hcl ;; _default hcl ;; dhclient ;; CMD: deathclock (.*?) ;; hcl.
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00:22.34abrotmanit's in the hcl factoid too
00:22.46eldowanPlantain: dns tunneling sounds fierce.
00:23.47wgbabrotman, any ideas?
00:23.54abrotmanstop buying dell
00:23.57abrotmanoh wait ..
00:24.12eldowan!prize abrotman
00:24.13abrotmanwgb: lsmod .. see any 'snd' modules ?
00:24.49justinsnd_intel8x0 may be the right module....
00:24.55justinthat's what my dell uses :)
00:25.15wgbHmm that link you sent me said snd-hda-intel
00:25.32abrotmansnd-hda-intel        0x00008086 0x0000284b 0xffffffff 0xffffffff 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x0
00:26.05justinwgb: are you using etch or sarge?
00:26.16wgband I am on 2.6.18
00:29.35Dual-MAnhello everyone, i have windows 2003 server with active directory and folder redirection. Is it possible to replace the server the a linux box that will have similat capabilities
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00:30.12Dual-MAnlike used database stored on a central server and documents redirected to a central server
00:30.21eldowanjust setup nfs on my fileserver in tandem with smb. nfs transfers about 3x faster on the p3-450 machine. 3M vs 11M!! :D
00:30.54eldowanDual-MAn: look into an ldap server would be my first guess.
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00:31.32MiescoAnyone know what the main server for jabber is?
00:31.54abrotmanlike or ?
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00:32.33MiescoI'll jst use jabber.lorg
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00:33.52dpkgTest Failed.
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00:34.16eldowann3kl: flunks, and is doomed to repeat the 4th grade.
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00:34.38apvHi I'm duel booting and need to bless my system with holy penguin pee, so debian boot first. If any one knows command I'd be really grateful. ps its ppc thanks
00:34.40danf_1979Is there anyway that aptitude search command shows the versions of the packages found?
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00:35.22MiescoWhat is jabber :/
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00:36.04Reiser_Xeldowan: know you how to configure WIFI in laptops?
00:36.07n3klAnyone know anything about setting up xen on etch?
00:36.11abrotmandanf_1979: apt-cache policy
00:36.21abrotmanMiesco: should explain it
00:36.21eldowanReiser_X: I have 3, and I haven't been able to do it yet. :D sorry.
00:36.25abrotmann3kl: it has docs
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00:36.31n3klReiser_X: kwlan
00:36.45Miescoabrotman: Yea I get what it is, but like can I add people to my friends list?
00:36.59MiescoAnd do they have to be from or what
00:37.20danf_1979thanks abrotman
00:37.36PlantainHow can I create /dev/net/tun ?
00:37.44rares000how do I make virtualmin change the ips for sites?
00:37.57abrotmanMiesco: you need to read a lot of jabber docs .. you can have a account and talk to people using google talk
00:38.30Miescoabrotman: I think I get it, I looked at
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00:38.52MiescoBut I guess you cant talk to people with MSN or anything like that
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00:39.24efhuttonI have a wireless xp pro laptop...a wired xp pro desktop..and a wired linux my main linux home...the main box has port 22 would I forward other available ports to the other three machines?
00:39.59abrotmanMiesco: with transports
00:40.39thinkmassiveokay, I fixed almost all of my xfree86 problems by downgrading, but it still can't start because "xf86OpenSerial: Cannot open device /dev/psaux \n No such device."
00:40.49Miescoabrotman: Do you use jabber?
00:40.49stewthinkmassive: what does "uname -r" say?
00:40.57abrotmanMiesco: yes
00:41.04Miescoabrotman: How do I add you
00:41.09thinkmassivestew: 2.6.8
00:41.18stewthinkmassive: "modprobe psmouse" add psmouse to /etc/modules
00:41.23Reiser_Xeldowan: are you there
00:41.25thinkmassiveI have that
00:41.33abrotmanMiesco: you ask me for my jabberid and request authorization
00:41.40Reiser_Xi can create files in the shared resource
00:41.44Reiser_Xfrom PC A
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00:42.08Miesco_abrotman: Sorry I think I got d/c or something, how do I add you?
00:42.10Plantainwhat's wrong with "mknod /dev/net/tun c 10 200:?
00:42.14abrotmanMiesco: you ask me for my jabberid and request authorization
00:42.28Miesco_abrotman: Whats your jabberid?
00:42.30efhuttondoes anyone use jabber? I have added it to gaim....and yet...can''t ever find any discussions to join.....
00:42.35thinkmassivestew: since I have that line, what else could it be?
00:42.38abrotmanMiesco_: why would i give it to you?
00:42.45stewthinkmassive: do you use udev?
00:42.45Miesco_abrotman: Just to test
00:42.48thinkmassivegoogle-chat uses jabber, doesn't it?
00:42.51abrotmanmy mom doesn't even have it
00:42.53abrotmanthinkmassive: yes
00:42.58thinkmassivestew: I don't want to, maybe I need to remove it
00:43.17Miesco_abrotman: How come it says protocol: jabber, and
00:43.19Miesco_I dont get that
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00:43.28abrotmanon what?
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00:43.42Malfthinkmassive: Does something like /dev/input/mice work instead?
00:44.13Miesco_abrotman: Why doesn't everyone from MSN go to jabber?
00:44.47abrotmanbecause .. people are stupid ?
00:45.23eldowanReiser_X: yes
00:45.30Malfbecause once someone is able to barely get one chat client working they don't feel it's worth it to get another one going
00:45.31eldowanReiser_X: what are you trying to do?
00:45.42abrotmanMalf: gaim solves that :)
00:45.47MalfI agree
00:45.48thinkmassiveudev is not installed
00:45.56Malfmost people don't know of gaim
00:46.01thinkmassiveMalf: I'll try changing the xconfig
00:46.06PlantainScrew it, I'll try gentoo :<
00:46.18abrotmanerm .. wrong url
00:46.21Malfheh :)
00:46.26Miesco_Can you voice talk with google talk?
00:46.26norcIm asking for some suggestions.. Im looking for a lightweigth music player with a database backend for the music library with graphical frontend that supports streaming to (audioscrobbler) somehow (native, plugin, hack, doesnt matter)
00:46.28Miesco_in linux?
00:46.37abrotmanMiesco_: unsure .. check the gtalk docs
00:46.38Malfyeah I certainly promote it all day long when I can
00:47.26wgbHow can I see what version of alsa I have
00:47.30concept10norc, exailoe is one
00:47.40eldowannorc: I prefer amarok, but that might not be lighweight enough...
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00:47.56abrotmanthe multimedia section of opencd needs a serious update
00:48.02efhuttonHow would I create forwarded ports to these three machines??? > wireless xp pro laptop...a wired xp pro desktop..and a wired linux my main linux home...the main box has port 22 forwarded..
00:48.23abrotmannorc: streaming to .. or feeding your data to ?
00:48.35Miesco_abrotman: May I ask what jabber client you use (Im currently using Gajim
00:48.46abrotmanMiesco_: gaim on linux, and exodus on win32
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00:48.55dendriteefhutton: the same way you did 22?
00:48.58Miesco_abrotman: You can use gaim?
00:49.16efhuttondendrite, ok, how then do I determine which ports are available?
00:49.22abrotmangaim supports quite a large number of protocols
00:49.24stewthinkmassive: cd /dev ; MAKEDEV input
00:49.39dendriteefhutton: netstat
00:49.51stewthinkmassive: and MAKEDEV busmice
00:50.01Miesco_abrotman: And what server do you use jabber?
00:50.13abrotmanMiesco_: i use three
00:50.19abrotmandon't ask why ...
00:50.57RoeyMr. Brotman
00:51.02RoeyGood evening
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00:52.11thinkmassivestew: thanks, I tried that an no go
00:52.39Miesco_abrotman: Oh, how come?
00:52.42stewthinkmassive: the file /dev/psaux exists?  and the psmouse kernel module is loaded?
00:52.46abrotmani just said not to ask!
00:52.54stewthinkmassive: how is your mouse connected?  through a ps2 port?
00:53.18thinkmassiveit's a synaptics trackpad on a ps2 bus
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00:53.46Miesco_abrotman: Okay, what 3 do you use?
00:53.49thinkmassivestew: SynPS/2 according to dmesg
00:53.52abrotmansome private
00:54.31Miesco_abrotman: Okay so it does not really matter what server you use?
00:54.45Miesco_abrotman: I see, so I could make my own server
00:54.50thinkmassivecan I rm /dev/psaux and try MAKEDEV ?
00:54.52abrotmanMiesco_: yes .. you can
00:55.01thinkmassivestew: yes, the file exists and the kernel is loaded at boot
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00:56.00stewthinkmassive: how is the mouse physically connected to your machine?
00:56.06stewthinkmassive: is the psmouse module loaded?
00:56.17norcabrotman: sorry, what do you mean?
00:56.24stewoh, nm i see you say ps2
00:56.26norc01:47 < concept10> norc, exailoe is one
00:56.40thinkmassivestew: yeah, it's a laptop, and the psmouse module is loaded
00:56.49Miesco_abrotman: A server just stores people's accounts and stuff?
00:56.51thinkmassiveI just rm'ed psaux
00:57.02thinkmassivehow do I recreate it?
00:57.06norceldowan: yeah, amarok pulls in kde, its not what I want..
00:57.07concept10norc, exaile is a music app that does what you asked for
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00:57.30norcconcept10: ah.. exaile.. exailoe didnt give any match, thanks ;)
00:57.34stewthinkmassive: cd /dev ; /sbin/MAKEDEV busmice
00:57.41concept10norc, sorry about that
00:57.50Reiser_Xeldowan: i need some more config to write in the shared resource?
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00:58.09norcand thanks concept10, it seems to be exactly what I was looking for
00:58.22concept10norc, np
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00:58.25thinkmassivedamn, still no progress
00:58.27ZarephathHi all...I am needing to learn how to search the repo packages for the package that contains jpeglib.h Anyone help?
00:58.28stewactually for the synaptics driver i don't think you even need to supply a device name
00:58.33eldowanReiser_X: it takes the permissions of PC B you need to allow the uid of the php user to write in PC B
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00:58.43stewthinkmassive: "modprobe mousedev" and try /dev/input/mice instead
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00:58.46karstenexim 4 config tool is ... ?
00:58.49MalfZarephath: apt-file
00:58.54abrotmanMiesco_: and messages
00:58.58abrotmannorc: ?
00:59.02ZarephathMalf: Thanks
00:59.10norcconcept10: but it seems to be based on python.. id prefer something written in c/c++ :/
00:59.20abrotmannorc: there are a few gnome apps that do it .. quod libet is a decent one
00:59.57eldowanReiser_X: what is your php user's uid on PC A?
00:59.58norcabrotman: meh.. also python =/
00:59.59concept10norc, ??? many gnome apps are written in python
01:00.20abrotmannorc: apt-cache search audioscrobbler
01:00.20thinkmassivestew: you da man
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01:00.37concept10norc, are you a programmer?
01:00.37norcabrotman: mhm.. :/
01:00.43thinkmassivenow I wonder if I can get the synaptics driver working heh
01:00.53dpkgwell, synaptics is a driver for the touchpad on many laptops for synaptics support in x install xfree86-driver-synaptics or xserver-xorg-input-synaptics and "man synaptics" for the driver options, if its not working try "modprobe -r psmouse ; modprobe psmouse".  also see
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01:01.56docelicHey folks, what's the convenient way to extract debconf settings for a package, in a format suitable for loading on another machine ?
01:02.08ejbdoes debian use alsa thats included in the kernel or does it use the external stnadalone driver
01:02.16norcconcept10: why?
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01:03.09concept10norc, im wondering why you are biased against a python music app?
01:03.17abrotmandocelic: debconf-copydb .. maybe
01:03.35norcconcept10: python is bloated and slow
01:03.38abrotmanor debconf-get/set-selections
01:03.47eldowanReiser_X: you have php set to run as root?
01:03.55jelly-homenorc: they told that about java too.
01:04.15concept10norc, thanks for the laugh
01:04.25rahulC is bloated and slow.
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01:04.38Reiser_Xactually i am testing from console
01:04.39eldowanReiser_X: I'm sorry, can root write to the share?
01:04.50Gnurduxfunnily enough, i like python and C but not java
01:04.50jelly-homerahul: assembler is bloated and slow. wires ftw
01:05.00concept10norc, you still didnt answer the question
01:05.04Reiser_Xhave i to define hosts.allow ?
01:05.08rahulFPGA is bloated and slow
01:05.11Reiser_Xin PC B ?
01:05.18norcconcept10: there is no relevance, is it?
01:05.42eldowanReiser_X: forget apache and php for right now. as root you can mount the share, yes? can you write to the share as root?
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01:05.55concept10norc, damn, im not asking you the root passwd of your box
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01:06.33concept10norc, I was just curious into the insight on why you believe python is slow
01:06.34eldowanReiser_X: you mounted to /home? as ls -l /home
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01:06.43concept10for GUI apps on gnome
01:06.47rahulconcept10: it doesn't have good data structures
01:06.56rahuleverything is a hash and a lookup
01:07.04jelly-homeconcept10: ...which are bloated and slow anyway? :-)
01:07.06norcconcept10: first of all python is an interpreted language..
01:07.13ejbdebian alsa is part of the kernel?
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01:07.38dvsYay!  Debian Vista was released today!
01:07.41rahulnorc: CLPython probably compiles to native code.
01:07.50concept10norc, i know what python is, but you have to understand the pros and cons of using a so-called interpreted language...
01:07.56Reiser_X-rw-r--r--  1 root root    6 2007-01-30 20:58 a
01:07.56Reiser_Xdrwxr-xr-x  2 x    x    4096 2006-12-24 22:52 Desktop
01:07.57eldowandvs: I can't believe it didn't make the room topic
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01:08.14dvseldowan: yeah, tell me about it. ;-)
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01:08.19rahulconcept10: there are no benefits, really, to an "interpreted language"
01:08.21concept10Did you guys see Bill Gates on the Daily SHow?
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01:08.27Reiser_Xi used      ls -l /mnt/home
01:08.30concept10rahul, are you kidding me?
01:08.32hobzdamn, I miss cable
01:08.33rahulconcept10: nope.
01:08.39eldowanReiser_X: root doesn't have write access. try this. chmod 700 /mnt/home/a
01:08.40linux_user400354hello, im using gnome-screensaver now instead of xscreensaver, but it is having an extra problem. the screensaver comes on while in a full screen game. ive tried scripts to pause it and they were not working, but it should be able to work the same as xscreensaver and see that i am using the computer to play a full screen game.
01:08.44eldowanReiser_X: then ls -l /mnt/home again
01:08.47jelly-homedvs: I see they cut out DebianFS
01:08.49concept10rahul, you have lost your mind
01:08.53rahulconcept10: you just save a little time recompiling a function when you redefine it
01:09.03rahulconcept10: on the order of a fraction of a second
01:09.25concept10rahul, a little time?  thats it? hehahahaa!
01:09.27rahul(much shorter than the time it took to EDIT that function)
01:09.45rahulconcept10: a typical function should take something like half a second to compile.
01:09.48rahulat most/.
01:09.57concept10rahul, what about web programming?
01:10.11rahulconcept10: what does that have to do with anything?
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01:10.19eldowanReiser_X: let me know how that turned out.
01:10.20rahuland what is this gibberish term you use?
01:10.32jelly-homerahul: ever heard of "fast prototyping" or "proof of concept" concepts? :-)
01:10.33rahul"web programming" is dumping text to a socket.
01:10.37darthxaherhas anyone lately been able 2 run compiz in sid? im having some problems.
01:10.40rahuljelly-home: I compile when I do that
01:10.41Reiser_Xi use 700 in PC B
01:10.54Reiser_Xin genny directory
01:10.56rahuljelly-home: mostly because the keystrokes are easier :P
01:11.02concept10rahul, well, I disagree my friend, I have been working on python and ruby apps (web) and its so great to be able to make a change and reload
01:11.08rahuljelly-home: it takes as long to compile the function as it does to kit the key
01:11.09eldowanReiser_X: I don't understand
01:11.16Supaplexcompiz was designed to annoy all the newhotness wannabes
01:11.18rahulconcept10: I do that by compiling.
01:11.36Reiser_Xin PC B, i use chmod 700 in /home directory
01:11.47concept10rahul, well, you go ahead, sir.. I do that by pressing refresh
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01:11.52rahulconcept10: I recompile a function I want to change while I'm in the debugger.
01:11.54jelly-homerahul: your module dependencies setup are only to be applauded
01:12.03sorl_i ussued halt to my server in a data center, now its halted :)
01:12.07rahuljelly-home: module deps?
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01:12.18rahuljelly-home: I don't need to rely on those to redefine a function. it's just a function.
01:12.26jelly-homerahul: which language?
01:12.28rahuljelly-home: I only need to worry about deps when I redefine a language
01:12.31rahuljelly-home: lisp
01:12.37concept10rahul, this argument is silly anyway, because im not a experienced c/c++ programmer
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01:12.58rahulconcept10: I don't see what c/c++ has to do with this
01:13.04jelly-homerahul: ah, there's the rub
01:13.12concept10rahul, my first point was that python is good enough for gui apps
01:13.16ZarephathWell that worked..heheh
01:13.29norcconcept10: im just trying to avoid python where ever I can..
01:13.33abrotmansorl_: and?
01:13.44concept10norc, forget that, avoid Mono
01:13.49rahulconcept10: shrug, I get more data types and more speed with a compiler for free.
01:13.56jelly-homerahul: most other languages don't compile that easily
01:14.03rahuljelly-home: that's their problem
01:14.09rahulnewfangled crap...
01:14.11*** join/#debian vick (n=ccoder@
01:14.15lindenleCan someone tell me how to use ppp on my cell phone
01:14.18concept10rahul, how many data types do you need?
01:14.20stewcan someone just mention sml or ocaml so we can invoke a godwin corollary
01:14.27rahulconcept10: as many as my target problem has
01:14.41rahulstew: CharminTheMoose
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01:14.47rahuloh wait, that's "a" camel.
01:15.12sorl_abrotman, :) well i thought it would be possible to start it from the web panel...
01:15.23linux_user400354why does gnome-screensaver-command -i not give me my prompt back. then what is it useful for?
01:15.30abrotmansorl_: it's off
01:15.37concept10rahul, and another point is productivity with interpreted languages, and readability of the code
01:15.48rahulconcept10: B.S.
01:16.00concept10rahul, there are so many great things about python and ruby
01:16.03eldowanReiser_X: you did the chmod? now ls -l /mnt/home
01:16.08rahulconcept10: the immaturity of the implementation does not increase productivity or readability.
01:16.21jelly-homeconcept10: dude, he's using lisp.  ruby has 60-80% of the features.
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01:16.38sorl_abrotman, is that custom behavior on a remote dedicated server?
01:16.39Reiser_X-rw-r--r--  1 root root    6 2007-01-30 20:58 a
01:16.39Reiser_Xdrwxr-xr-x  2 x    x    4096 2006-12-24 22:52 Desktop
01:16.44rahulpython and ruby just took a small subset of the features of lisp and removed the compiler and customizability.
01:16.46concept10jelly-home, and 80 percent more ))))))))))))))
01:16.54jelly-home... at least that's what I read somewhere in a flame.
01:17.22abrotmansorl_: just hvae someone jog down there and hit the power button
01:17.25concept10okay, do you guys remember the jabber conversation earlier?
01:17.25rahuland there's a lisp library to compile python
01:17.34eldowanReiser_X: as root on PC A, chmod 744 /mnt/home/a; ls -lh /mnt/home/a
01:17.57jelly-homerahul: so, would you use lisp to create a music app for Gnome?
01:18.01norc02:15 < concept10> rahul, and another point is productivity with interpreted languages, and readability of the code      < Wasn't perl one of the best languages to write obfuscated code? *shrugs*
01:18.08rahuljelly-home: I would never use gnome.
01:18.08Reiser_XRead only file system
01:18.12rahuljelly-home: or gtk
01:18.16Reiser_Xcan change permission
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01:18.31rahuljelly-home: gtk is too limiting. demented gtk_init()
01:18.31eldowanisn't lisp a language that was created *long* ago before the machines at the time could handle it?
01:18.35jelly-homerahul: then this conv. isn't really relevant to the original question anyway
01:18.37rahuleldowan: sure.
01:18.42concept10norc, now perl is a different beast
01:18.44linux_user400354why does gnome-screensaver-command -i not give me my prompt back. then what is it useful for?
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01:18.55rahuljelly-home: but you could do better in lisp than in most other languages.
01:19.08w0rd55is there an option for grub to do a "1 time boot" of a kernel for a remote kernel recompile?
01:19.14abrotmanlinux_user400354: stop repeating please
01:19.18rahuljelly-home: if anyone cared to create bindings that actually worked instead of getting fed up of the limitations of gtk :P
01:19.19eldowanReiser_X: look in /etc/exports on PC B, and do you have (ro) or (rw)? don't just answer, actually look.
01:19.19steww0rd55: man grub-reboot
01:19.31w0rd55in case it fails boot the 1st time I'd like it to default to the previous kern
01:19.39concept10jabber.subscription_requests do |friend, presence|
01:19.42jelly-homerahul: there's something to be said about reusing code that's already there
01:19.48concept10who cant read that?
01:19.56rahuljelly-home: tell that to the gtk people
01:20.00*** mode/#debian [+l 710] by debhelper
01:20.18eldowanReiser_X: can root write to /home/x on PC B?
01:20.20abrotmanconcept10: it's oooogly
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01:20.31rahulwhat the hell is |friend, presence|?
01:20.32steww0rd55: i don't know that it works 100% though
01:20.34concept10try that in c/c++
01:20.49rahuland what is #{?
01:20.50Reiser_Xroot in PC B can write
01:21.02Reiser_Xbut root in PC A can write in PC B
01:21.06jelly-homelooks like uglified python to me (cause I don't know ruby;)
01:21.09stewlinux_user400354: what does "apt-cache policy gnome-screensaver" say for Installed: ?
01:21.10Reiser_Xbut root in PC A can't write in PC B
01:21.21eldowanrahul: I would guess the hash, and a curly bracket. :D
01:21.23rahulis || a destructuring operaotr?
01:21.28rahulcurly hash?
01:21.42eldowanrahul: :D
01:21.59eldowanReiser_X: what command on PC A did you use to mount the nfs share?
01:22.23stewlinux_user400354: debian doesn't have 2.16, and wouldn't put debian1 in the revision string
01:22.33concept10That code is saying, for every subscription request, print Recieved update from this friend and show presence
01:22.35stewlinux_user400354: are you sure it doesn't say 2.16.1-0ubuntu1 ?
01:22.36rahul(loop for (friend presence) in (jabber-subscription-requests) do (format t "Received presence update from ~a: ~a" friend presence"))
01:22.45abrotmani don't even have a gnome-screensaver  package ..
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01:22.59stew(seeing that 2.16.1-0ubuntu1 is the current edgy version)
01:23.04Reiser_Xmount /mnt/home
01:23.13concept10rahul, dont spam the channel with that horrendous code :)
01:23.16stewlinux_user400354: as i've told you several times before, you should be in #ubuntu for questions with ubuntu
01:23.31abrotmanit's not even that fversion in experimental
01:23.35rahulconcept10: right...
01:23.48concept10what in the crap is ~a:
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01:23.57rahulconcept10: ~a means to format aesthetically.
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01:24.06rahulconcept10: same thing as your #{}
01:24.16rahulI assume, because it's just gibberish to me
01:24.22concept10rahul, you need to run ~a: on the entire code block
01:24.22eldowanReiser_X: umount /mnt/home. then mount it again, does the terminal output anything?
01:24.29rahulconcept10: wtf does that mean?
01:25.06eldowanReiser_X: now try writing again.
01:25.12concept10rahul, bring some aesthetics to that ugly code :)
01:25.21eldowanrahul: colorize it!
01:25.22Reiser_XDenied Permission
01:25.23rahulconcept10: right.. and #{} is so aesthetic
01:25.34rahulconcept10: I'm just guessing as to what your random syntax does
01:25.36concept10rahul, its not so bad
01:25.40norcIs there a way to install also the suggested packages automatically?
01:25.44rahulconcept10: for all I know, it's lisp code :)
01:25.57rahulnorc: it's an apt preference
01:25.58eldowannorc: --recommends?
01:26.15karstenwhere are a package's conffiles noted?
01:26.20abrotmaneldowan: recommends != suggests
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01:26.28stewkarsten: /var/lib/dpkg/info/packagename.conffiles
01:26.44rahulconcept10: honestly, that code is very strange.
01:26.46norcrahul: mhm, thanks
01:26.48concept10rahul, I want to learn lisp myself, I have been watching these MIT and Univ of California (berkley) videos
01:26.50eldowanabrotman: got you
01:27.08rahulconcept10: oh, they won't teach you lisp. they'll teach you scheme, which is a very limited language.
01:27.14eldowanReiser_X: I don't think I can provide any more assistance. restate your problem for the channel, and hopefully someone else will be able3 to help you more.
01:27.30jelly-home( hate (i lisp_syntax) )
01:27.34rahulconcept10: some of the things they talk about will be helpful, but some will just be boring, confusing crap
01:27.39Reiser_Xlet me do some test
01:27.44rahuljelly-home: I just change syntax when I don't like it
01:27.46Azarhahahaha Define #AESTETHICS on the header
01:27.51karstenstew: Yeah, that's what I thought.  Just installd libnss-ldap, it asked some conf questions, but there are no conffiles listed.  Trying to track down where they went.
01:27.52concept10rahul, I agree, they are boring
01:28.10speyerdoes exim4 has mysql support build in ?
01:28.20concept10rahul, then I moved on to some Java lectures (hate em)
01:28.22PlantainWhere's the configuration file for iptables?
01:28.29stewPlantain: there isn't one
01:28.37norcPlantain: you define your rules wherever you want
01:28.44stewkarsten: check the .postinst then
01:29.06rahulnorc: actually, you should be using aptitude instead of apt-get, and then you can set the pref in the prefs screen
01:29.11concept10rahul, thanks man
01:29.20stewReiser_X: "man exports" search for "squash"
01:29.26rahulapt-get is not really intended for real use. it was just a temporary hack.
01:29.29PlantainD: I'm meant to be editing /var/lib/iptables/active, does that no longer exist or something?
01:29.31rahul(like Xt)
01:29.32Azarrahul how you let him say your code is ugly?
01:29.33norcrahul: ah.. that could be a good idea.. tried avoiding aptitude until now, heh :-)
01:29.51rahulAzar: I couldn't get over there fast enough to break his keyboard. sorry.
01:29.51stewPlantain: that no longer exists
01:29.59karstenstew: /etc/pam_ldap.conf
01:30.03eldowanReiser_X: what does ok mean?
01:30.28Plantainstew: so, how would I add something too it, like ":PREROUTING ACCEPT [6:1596]"?
01:30.39lindenleDoes anyone know how to get ppp to work to ISP over a cell phone? I can get it to dial but i always get busy signal, if I do it by hand no busy signal.
01:30.47*** part/#debian Echo090 (
01:31.13stewPlantain: create a script that runs iptables directly to set it up the way you want, the list that script in a "pre-up" line in /etc/network/interfaces (man interfaces)
01:31.22jelly-homePlantain: the init script was removed because people complained, but you can put it back if you wish
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01:31.57Reiser_Xno_root_squash is used to: root in the client machine will have the same level of access to the files on the system as root on the server
01:32.12jelly-homePlantain: take a look in /usr/share/doc/iptables/examples/
01:32.17Plantainjelly-home: so just create another one?
01:32.21mfrischI love my ISP Fetched 833MB in 6h50m18s (33.8kB/s) its like no time went by
01:32.22concept10I guess its just me, I can read code better than I can write it, but when I come across something that is nasty, I cringe and look for something better.  I really like python and ruby because of this.  They are easy to read
01:32.46eldowanmfrisch: thats pretty quick.
01:32.52dvsmfrisch: get a new modem. ;-)
01:32.55Azarconcept10: you should have read that article link I put it earler in here
01:32.57jelly-homePlantain: what stew suggests is probably more correct (running iptables on ifup)
01:33.29rahulconcept10: there should be some newlines in that code I wrote to increase readability
01:33.29mfrischdvs this is CABLE
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01:33.33Plantainjelly-home: I don't know how to do that :P
01:33.39mfrischyes oh
01:33.45eldowanmfrisch: everyone knows that cables are out of date, you need internet-by-wire
01:33.52concept10Azar, i dont see it
01:33.56karstenstew: ... along with a few other spots.
01:33.57dvsmfrisch: get new cables. ;-)
01:34.06rahul(loop for (friend presence) in (jabber-subscription-requests)
01:34.12norcMhm.. meh... I shouldn't use xterm anymore.. whats the smallest terminal emulator around?
01:34.14rahulbleh, missed a space
01:34.26jelly-homePlantain: well, I took the old init script, put it back in /etc/init.d/iptables and added some rc.d links.
01:34.28karstenmfrisch: Its all tubes!  Senator Stevens was sending an email!
01:34.30rahulah, there's an extra #\" in there, too
01:34.34mfrischdvs I gonna get dsl or something
01:34.38karstennorc: nc
01:34.47concept10There should be a feature in IRC that allows you to filter the persons name and just see the posts they made
01:34.48rahulwe go all the way / do we need the pain / waking up in a black tomorrow
01:34.57rahulI've been there before / was it just wasted time?
01:34.59karstennorc: ... rxvt / nvt likely.  Actually, nc isn't a term emulo but might be a remote shell.
01:35.02jelly-homeconcept10: like /lastlog in xchat?
01:35.13rahulconcept10: /last <string>
01:35.21raf256I hate games that fuck up entire X session
01:35.24*** mode/#debian [+o stew] by ChanServ
01:35.24*** mode/#debian [+b %*!*] by stew
01:35.24*** mode/#debian [-o stew] by stew
01:35.25karstenconcept10: /lastlog -file foo <nick>
01:35.29Azarconcept10: How To Become a Better Programmer by Not Programming
01:35.30norckarsten: mhm.. nvt isnt in the debian repos?
01:36.01Plantainjelly-home: this is what I've been told to add to that file(, is there any other way to add it? I don't understand IP tables
01:36.28concept10so someone thought of that already
01:36.32concept10thanks guys
01:36.34jelly-homebanned, not kicked
01:36.40jelly-homeshaken, ...
01:36.44concept10I guess im not the only genius in here
01:36.47karsten... not stirred.
01:36.48Azarraf256: might be that you are using a bloated desktop and apps in X?
01:36.54rahulbashing at the keyboard is no way to write good software, yes :)
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01:37.04rahulsee also: guru mediatation
01:37.08karstennorc: Might be dead.  I remember it a long, long time ago.
01:37.15karstenrahul: error.
01:37.21*** join/#debian x-spec-t (n=nwheeler@ubuntu/member/spec)
01:37.30karstenrahul: Hola Amiga!
01:37.35dpkgI am not your damn csh prompt!
01:37.52rahuldpkg: you'll be my csh prompt when I give you that dress!
01:37.52Azaryou know, I thing the guy in the article is right: there are forever good coders who got the skill, and coders who .. code but will never improve
01:37.54rahulI mean...
01:37.58norckarsten: mhm thanks anyway..
01:38.12rahulAzar: most definitely
01:38.13*** join/#debian GNP_ (
01:38.22norcmaybe I should write my own small terminal emulator.. I dont a big xterm with thousands of features im never going to use
01:38.31norcs/dont/dont want/
01:38.41rahulnorc: someone had that idea already
01:38.49norcrahul: and wrote exactly what?
01:38.58rahulnorc: there's no one exact result
01:38.58Azarlike me, I tried until I realized I am learning stuff but I will never be able to build something on my learnings
01:39.09norcRonin: oh well, maybe you can give me some suggestions? :)
01:39.11rahulrxvt, nxterm, aterm, Eterm, etc
01:39.35norcmkay.. thanks :)
01:39.38GNP_can debian be run through a gui interface or does it all have to be done through command line?
01:39.39rahulapt-cache showpkg x-terminal-emulator
01:39.39concept10Azar, nice article.
01:39.44rahulthere are literally dozens
01:39.55rahulGNP_: you can run commands in a gui
01:39.57Azarconcept10: yep it answered some of my hidden questions
01:39.59mike-erahul likes m-term, it's the terminal metallica uses.
01:40.00*** mode/#debian [+l 704] by debhelper
01:40.09eldowanAzar: a nice article indeed
01:40.38concept10Azar, im not really passionate about coding.  Im passionate about the possibilities of the Linux platform.   This leads me to coding.
01:40.46Azarback like four years ago I was burning with the desire to learn C and build stuff, now I realized I am not having what it takes
01:40.59rahulAzar: C is not an easy language to learn
01:41.08rahulAzar: few people have what it takes to write C code
01:41.24Azarrahul: I found it pleasant and at the beginning as hard as learning to use Debian Woody :)
01:41.33concept10I have just started to read the C books Ive had in my closet sine 1994
01:41.36GNP_will it boot to gui or do I have to start gui from command line after logging in?
01:41.51norcGNP_: dependes on how you set up your machine..
01:41.52rahulAzar: eh, comparatively, I'd say it's many times harder than debian potato
01:42.01Azarrahul: I would rather differ, if someone really wants to learn C will find it (through hard learning work) that is really pleasant
01:42.14rahulAzar: not if they're trying to build large programs in it
01:42.20GNP_well then I guess I set it up wrong hehe
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01:42.51concept10Azar, but as I was saying, im passionate about Linux/Unix platforms, but it amazes me how many parts there are to it.  Its a big world.
01:42.56Azarrahul: I would dare to compare C vs C++ as Debian Sarge and Debian Sid
01:42.57rahulAzar: and I can usually get more speed out of Lisp than C.
01:43.07rahulAzar: C++ is ubuntu
01:43.17Azarspeed who cares? elegance and stability
01:43.27Azarhaha yes
01:43.30rahulAzar: oh, I get more elegance and stability out of lisp, too
01:43.41*** join/#debian cjns3274 (
01:43.46rahula HELL of a lot more stability in less time.
01:43.56rahulAzar: lisp is about making it work, then making it fast.
01:44.02rahulAzar: C is about making it fast, then making it work.
01:44.13concept10rahul, you like smalltalk?
01:44.15stonedthat sounds like its something from dumb and dumber'er
01:44.19Azarrahul: stability depends on the coder. Sloppy coder will always create clowns
01:44.22rahulAzar: but I can give you a program that gives an incorrect answer faster than it can get the input
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01:44.34stonedconcept10: whats up man
01:44.42rahulAzar: sure, but not all coders like to waste time making something stable instead of just having it work
01:44.52concept10stoned, hows it going?
01:44.57Azarrahul: you speak like a gentoobie :)
01:44.58rahulconcept10: eh, it doesn't provide much
01:45.03concept10stoned, I was looking for you yesterday
01:45.06stonedits going man, its going.  I'm trying to go with it
01:45.06rahulAzar: C is like gentoo
01:45.18rahulAzar: debian is like lisp :)
01:45.21AzarC is a classic symphony
01:45.34stonedAzar: some symphonies sucked man
01:45.44eldowanstoned: feeling better?
01:45.49concept10stoned, I have VSTs running with gstreamer
01:45.52rahulAzar: C is a classic symphony that is created by typing the .wav file by hand.
01:45.53Azarheh how many heard of lisp? huh?
01:45.53stonedeldowan: hey bro! much better
01:46.00eldowanstoned: when's the moving date?
01:46.05stonedI dunno man
01:46.09stoned10th is my last day here
01:46.23Azarstoned is moving in with me
01:46.33stonedI put in my 1 month move out notice on the jan 10
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01:46.36rahulwow, that relationship progressed fast
01:46.37Plantainjelly-home: this is what I've been told to add to add this ( to /var/lib/iptables/active, which is obselete, so is there any other way to add it to iptables? I don't understand iptables at all :<
01:46.37stonedminus the
01:46.38eldowanAzar: I didn't know you lived around here :D
01:46.53Azareldowan: no, he is coming down here in L.A.
01:47.00dvsstoned: don't do it! ;-)
01:47.02stonedAzar: unless you have giant jugs, tiny waise and a long legs.. and not a penis.. then I'm in
01:47.03rahulAzar: who is buying who the ring?
01:47.04GuerinAzar: loooong time
01:47.06Plantainhow'd I mess that up :<
01:47.08rahulwhen it gets to that time
01:47.15*** join/#debian bismark (n=bismark@
01:47.18Azarhi Guerin! :)
01:47.25eldowanI jut want to know who wears the pants...
01:47.25concept10ahh, a connection in debian, nice!
01:47.26TimeXI cannot start x as common user
01:47.36TimeXhark: are you there?
01:47.37Azarah so stoned is looking for a bride
01:47.43stonedAzar: got one
01:47.44GneaTimeX: why not?
01:47.46stewTimeX: you can start as root but not user?
01:47.48stonedGnea: !
01:47.54Caelumwhy the heck does samba make everything +x
01:47.54Gneastoned: !!
01:47.59stonedwhas up man dude homie bro
01:48.04TimeXuser haven't authorized
01:48.10GneaCaelum: because that's what it does unless you tell it to do otherwise
01:48.11TimeXstew: exactly
01:48.12Azardamn you made it sound like Gnea is your bride
01:48.19Gneauh, no
01:48.20stewTimeX: dpkg-reconfigure x11-common
01:48.24norcIm really starting to love debian.. everything works fine.. /me spews on Gentoo ...
01:48.33Gneastoned: chillin'
01:48.33TimeXstew: on the way
01:48.40Azarso the lisp coders say when they move to C
01:49.11GNP_well Im a total n00b at linux and debian I ran the netinstall and thought I told it to download all the extras but its still booting into comand line interface how can I tell if I even have the gui package installed?
01:49.27rahulGNP_: there is no one gui program
01:49.29TimeXI was wondering if the order is OK: install fvwm before x-window-system-core
01:49.30CaelumGnea: how do you change that?
01:49.30dvs!install kde
01:49.30dpkgrumour has it, install kde is In sarge, the metapackage 'kde' installs tons of stuff, 'kde-core' slightly less, and 'kdebase' even less.
01:49.36abrotmanGNP_: not by default .. what do you want to install ?
01:49.41GneaCaelum: what are you using to configure samba with?
01:49.41rahulTimeX: doesn't make a difference
01:49.42stonedGNP_: install Xorg
01:49.45stoned!install xorg
01:49.48stoned!install x
01:49.48dpkgwell, install xf4 is apt-get install read-edid mdetect discover; apt-get install x-window-system-core (plus whatever window manager you like, etc.), or ask me about <set up x> or <drxx> or <xorg>
01:49.56rahulTimeX: order of installing packages making a diff is a bug.
01:50.06abrotmanGNP_: which desktop would you like to install ?
01:50.07*** join/#debian Cacciari (n=root@
01:50.19abrotman!tell Cacciari about root
01:50.23CaelumGnea: ehh...vim smb.con . Should I be using swat?
01:50.25GNP_I want a home server to host a site for me to learn/play with but want to be able to run it through a gui system
01:50.28stonedGNP_: then after X is installed you can chose kde, or gnome, or xfce, or just a window manager
01:50.34TimeXstew: I don't install x11-common
01:50.36GneaCaelum: yeah, swat's awesome
01:50.37rahulswat... eeeevol
01:50.40dpkgi guess swat is Special Weapons And Tactics or A Web based administrative tool for SAMBA or what needs; right upside the head with a clue-by-four. a device for killing flies with, or apt-get install swat, enable it in /etc/inetd.conf if necessary, '/etc/init.d/inetd reload', then point your web browser to http://localhost:901/
01:50.41dvsGNP_: a web site?
01:50.46abrotmanGNP_: go look at .. choose one and tell us which you'd like to use
01:50.58stonedGNP_: I would just type apt-get install x-window-system-core and then apt-get install kde
01:51.01CaelumGnea: I'll try that thanks
01:51.03stonedI recommend kde or xfce
01:51.06stonedgnome is horrible imo
01:51.07GNP_dvs yes I want it to host a website
01:51.14stewTimeX: look at /etc/X11/Xwrapper.config then
01:51.15TimeXbut I tried dpkg-reconfigure xserver-common and set the console user to startx, but yesterday is OK, today something goes wrong
01:51.18rahulI recommend neither
01:51.22TimeXstew: OK
01:51.28stonedrahul: go eat ratpoison
01:51.48rahulstoned: that's sick.
01:51.52stonedno it isn't
01:51.58stewTimeX: oh, ok xserver-common was what you wanted instead of x11-common, console users is what I would recommend
01:51.58rahulusing ratpoison, I mean
01:51.58stonedratpoison is a good software
01:52.02rahuleating it isn't bad.
01:52.16stewTimeX: are you actually on console? or are you trying to start X via ssh or something?
01:52.20rahul!penixstrike stoned
01:52.21dpkgA towering Penix descends from the heavens, knocking stoned to the ground and leaving a large wet spot.
01:52.26*** join/#debian ice63 (
01:52.27stoneddude.. no!
01:52.33TimeXstew: right, but I cannot startx as a common user
01:52.37rahulwhat? you're not in the mood?
01:52.42stonedgo away.
01:52.43stewTimeX: on console? not ssh?
01:52.53TimeXstew: sure
01:52.56rahulshit I better go. you're right
01:53.04GNP_Ive used kde on linux boot discs playing around a bit
01:53.06AzarTimeX: but you can start X as root?
01:53.16stewTimeX: what is the error you get?  "user not authorized..."? or something else?
01:53.21TimeXstew: even if I startx as root, I can only get a gray background with a big X
01:53.31TimeXAzar: I think I can
01:53.36Azar:) but ofcourse you get a gray bg
01:53.38norcTimeX: time to (re)write your .xinitrc ;)
01:53.49TimeXstew: right, user not authorized and error number
01:54.01Azaryou install and use "feh" then get an image of your like and use feh to put the bg
01:54.03stewhmm, that certainly sounds like Xwrapper.config
01:54.11stonedGNP_: I use kde and its beautiful and featureful and for a midrange system its not bloatware
01:54.16TimeXnorc: wut do you mean by .xinitrc
01:54.25stewTimeX: you don't need to touch .xinitrc
01:54.33TimeXstew: but the configuration file is OK
01:54.33dpkghmm... wut is a lamer way of saying what
01:54.35norcoh >_>
01:54.54stonedwut in hindi means curve
01:54.59*** join/#debian Piet (i=pietor@gateway/gpg-tor/key-0xC5C71DCE)
01:55.04stonedor roll
01:55.05TimeXstew: right, I don't think it has anything to do with .xinitrc, because yesterday I did as you told me just now, everything is OK
01:55.17TimeXstew: all I did yesterday is reboot the system
01:55.32*** join/#debian Cacciari (n=root@
01:56.00TimeXI startx as root
01:56.09Azarnot good
01:56.28TimeXstew: are you still there?
01:56.30Azarit should be backwards: blocked X in root and granted X access to user
01:57.15TimeXAzar: are you talking to me?
01:57.25*** join/#debian pablo_ (
01:57.50AzarTimeX: yes
01:57.56pablo_hi, my via unichrome card works with vesa but not with via driver, is that normal?
01:58.19TimeXAzar: but I cannot startx as user although I know it is no good to start it as root
01:58.21stewTimeX: just for fun, try setting "anybody" in there instead of 'console'
01:58.37GNP_hmmm when I ran netinstall it asked me to set up a user  but it says that user  is not root? what is the sysadmins user name by default?
01:58.48TimeXstew: just for fun?
01:58.56AzarGNP_: root is sysadmin
01:59.09GneaGNP_: root is default, you need to name it something else
01:59.18abrotmanstoned: are you biased ?
01:59.21dvsGNP_: but don't use root on a day to day basis
01:59.22*** join/#debian NLoRD (n=nlord@
01:59.38stonedabrotman: of course.. Who isn't?
01:59.44TimeXOK, can anybody tell the right order if I want a desktop
02:00.07stewTimeX: just try it
02:00.10abrotmanstoned: jesus!
02:00.19stonedabrotman: yes my child?
02:00.25abrotmanyou are not even close
02:00.32stonedwtf are you on about man?
02:01.40*** join/#debian Zarephath (
02:01.47*** part/#debian Sched (n=sched@
02:01.49dvsstoned: a bot, man.
02:01.55dvsthat's what he's on
02:01.56*** join/#debian grout__ (
02:02.01stonedyou forgot r
02:02.04abrotmandvs: gonads and strive
02:02.04stoneda brot man
02:02.09TimeXstew: oK
02:02.10abrotmanstoned: no .. he didn't
02:02.13speyerits  repo save to be used ?
02:02.15dvsahhhhh!  no more! ahhhhhhhhh!
02:02.20stonedI'm confused
02:02.24stonedabrotman: go away
02:02.31abrotmanbecause you can't keep up ?
02:02.35ZarephathI get the following error when trying to autogen e17(I have already compiled the libs) ./ line 9: autopoint: command not found
02:02.39dvsstoned: you, out of all people, don't know what a bot is?
02:02.48*** join/#debian craigevil (
02:02.49abrotman!find autopoint sarge
02:02.51stonedabrotman is NOT a fucking bot!
02:02.58abrotmanI'm a bot!
02:02.59stonedwha tthe fuck is wrong with you
02:03.01stonedno you're not
02:03.07stonedshut up :(
02:03.20dpkgDebian Search of 'autopoint' (2): (/usr/bin/autopoint) in devel/gettext ;; (/usr/share/doc/gettext-doc/autopoint.1.html) in doc/gettext-doc.
02:03.31abrotmanZarephath: ^^
02:03.38Zarephathabrotman: Thank you...
02:04.05*** join/#debian nkuttler (
02:04.06*** join/#debian ice_cream (
02:04.16krazykitif abrotman, the nick would be abotman
02:04.29krazykituh, "were a bot" should be before that comma.
02:05.44stonedwell what do I know right
02:06.05stonedI can't play music, my wife to be doesnt love me, I know nothing about computers and I'm very clueless.. and I'm dumb cuz I smoek pot
02:06.10ice63abrotman: what should i install xfce or fluxbox ?
02:06.13stonedabrotman: why do you even chose to address me?
02:06.21stonedgo about your own life mate
02:06.24abrotmanice63: that's up to you
02:06.29abrotmanstoned: what the hell is wrong with you ?
02:06.44abrotmanice63: have you tried them both ?
02:06.53GNP_HEY!!! smoking pot makes you smarter
02:07.01ice63abrotman: yes i have
02:07.03Gnurduxby killing brain cells?
02:07.04stonedwe're not discussing pot in here
02:07.10abrotmanice63: then it's obviously up to you
02:07.10*** join/#debian jrf (
02:07.19stonedback to #debian support topic
02:07.21w0rd55I did "apt-get install pot" and it tells me package not found
02:07.31dvsw0rd55: find a dealer
02:07.37*** join/#debian Eclipser (i=jms@xmms2/developer/Eclipser)
02:07.38*** join/#debian darkapostrophe (
02:07.40abrotmantry 'apt-get install kde' .. same effect
02:07.42w0rd55dvs: I added dealer to sources.list
02:07.46dpkgsomebody said ot was Off topic conversation belongs in #debian-offtopic please. We don't want the channel to get cluttered with off topic discussion so people who need help are not seen.
02:07.47Zarephathdvs: A repo dealer?
02:08.00dvsZambezi: exactly.
02:08.07w0rd55k, I'm done being off easy to get banned here
02:08.29dvsw0rd55: but azeem isn't here. ;-)
02:08.48w0rd55dvs: neither is ahkbar
02:09.14ZarephathOk so with my limited experience searching packages and libraries I can't find X headers and libraries..apt-cache gave me a load of possibilities...running etch/xorg
02:09.39karstenZarephath: apt-cache search x.*-client
02:09.45stewZarephath: what are you trying to compile?
02:09.47Zarephathkarsten: Thanks
02:09.53karstenZarephath: bbiam.
02:09.56Zarephathstew: e17
02:09.57stonedactually wouldnt he be looking for -dev packages?
02:10.00*** mode/#debian [+l 697] by debhelper
02:10.02GNP_auto detect didnt find a video driver for x server if I have an nvidia  video card do I select nv?
02:10.16stonedGNP_: for nv is good with stuff
02:10.19ZarephathGNP_: Yep
02:10.23stonedGNP_: if you want twinview or 3d, use nvidia
02:10.27dpkgFor a guide to NVIDIA graphics cards drivers, see or ask me about <nvidia one-liner> for a reminder if you've done it before. DO NOT use's installer (ask me about <nvidia-installer>).
02:10.40streuner_wOrd: you don't have obviosly not to much experience with other channels.
02:10.43abrotmanGNP_: which nvidia card ?
02:10.48*** join/#debian darkapostrophe (
02:11.06kriticalDoes anyone know.. when using dialog.. is it possible to have a progress bar?
02:11.27abrotmanlike with wget ?
02:11.51GNP_g-force mx 4000
02:11.58abrotmannv should work
02:12.01*** join/#debian xbaez_ (n=xbaez@
02:12.43AzarGNP_: I use the same one
02:13.51*** join/#debian darthxaher (n=zaher@
02:14.53stoneddouble off
02:15.04stonedGNP_: Azar get with the times
02:15.14abrotmanwe can't all be rich kids
02:15.18AzarI have a song with of offf
02:15.23stonedabrotman: shut the FUCK up
02:15.30*** join/#debian aTypical (i=aTypical@pdpc/supporter/active/aTypical)
02:15.33aTypicalHello all.
02:15.35Azarstoned: I like antiques, makes me feel rich
02:15.43graytronstoned: how do you know she doesn't love you?
02:15.45stonedAzar: hehe im ust playing man
02:15.51GNP_this is just a junker laying around collecting dust
02:16.05GNP_got through the x server config now getting kde
02:16.07*** join/#debian drako (n=ljd@unaffiliated/luisjose)
02:16.16stonedgraytron: oh she loves me fine.  abrotman brought me to #debian-offtopic to tell me those things..
02:16.27aTypicalI'm trying to make a deb out of Sun's java.  When I do I get a message "No matching plugin was found"
02:16.29stonedgraytron: I am just wondering what hes doing wasting time talking to a dumb stoner
02:16.31aTypicalwhat causes that?
02:16.32Azardamn the gossips channel
02:16.35graytronstoned: i see
02:16.49abrotmanaTypical: which version of debian ?
02:16.56abrotmanstoned: you're a sad little man :)
02:16.57aTypicalabrotman, testing
02:17.08stonedabrotman: what ever you say buddy
02:17.11abrotmanaTypical: java5 is already available to you in non-free
02:17.24w0rd55abrotman: please no's disrespectful
02:17.27abrotmanaTypical: do you have non-free sources ?
02:17.36aTypicalI'm not sure.
02:17.41Guerinw0rd55: WTF
02:17.45abrotmanw0rd55: are you partying with stoned?
02:17.48*** join/#debian rares000 (
02:17.52curtThere's a #debian-offtopic ????
02:17.53Roninsweet jebus its cold out there tonight
02:17.57abrotmancurt: yes
02:18.01Azarabrotman do you remember the guy who came here to ask for "suppositories"? I don't have the logs I wanted to show it to liable :)
02:18.01aTypicalabrotman, no.
02:18.01stonedRonin: here too
02:18.02streuner_Guerin: hell, you spoke what i thought :-)
02:18.04graytronnon-free as in
02:18.04*** join/#debian spyroboy (
02:18.06dvsRonin: not here
02:18.06*** join/#debian tonyb2006 (
02:18.12abrotmanaTypical: do you know how to add them ?
02:18.14aTypicalabrotman, I didn't get a url for that one.
02:18.18abrotmangraytron: /msg dpkg non-free
02:18.24w0rd55abrotman: uhm....k, plz just stop the jewish doesn't help the channel....nor free society
02:18.26aTypicalabrotman, I've manually edited sources.list
02:18.26abrotmanaTypical:  /msg dpkg non-free
02:18.32Guerinw0rd55: what jewish hate?
02:18.36abrotmanw0rd55: shut up already
02:18.39Guerinw0rd55: and this is funnier than you know ...
02:18.43*** join/#debian dewey (
02:18.48streuner_Guerin: use /lastlog ...
02:18.48GNP_looks like kde will take a while to install
02:18.53abrotmanw0rd55: please show me where i did such a thing ...
02:19.04streuner_he talking only crap
02:19.05*** join/#debian Asc (
02:19.05Azarhehe we got ourselves a troll...
02:19.05stonedw0rd55: what in the gods name are you going on about
02:19.06*** join/#debian Cacciari (n=oaao@
02:19.15*** join/#debian craigevil (
02:19.19Roninstreuner_: so basically ssdd then heh
02:19.23AzarCacciari: you made it :)
02:19.26stonedafaik abrotman might be a penis but he is not a racist
02:19.28abrotmanseems typical for w0rd55  .. come in .. get a question answered .. then troll awhile
02:19.43w0rd55abrotman: negativity *tsk* *tsk*
02:19.44streuner_Ronin: heh?
02:19.50graytronw0rd55: does your gf love you?
02:19.53Guerinw0rd55: negativity == anti-semitism?
02:19.55Ronini thought you meant abrotman was talking heh
02:19.56*** join/#debian Rodney6 (
02:20.05stewplease everybody get back on topic
02:20.12abrotmanpot .. kettle
02:20.14w0rd55gaytron: I'm not sure that's an issue here.... :( please stay on topic
02:20.18*** join/#debian devicenull (
02:20.26Guerinw0rd55: no homophobia, plz
02:20.30stonedhow do you pronouce debian
02:20.34w0rd55Guerin: typo, sorry about that
02:20.36stoneddeebian or deb ian
02:20.40Guerinw0rd55: it's not good for civil society
02:20.41devicenullhow can I configure an arbitraty process to be started when the system starts, and ideally restarted if it crashes
02:20.48Guerinstreuner_: the latter
02:20.53Guerinstoned: the latter
02:20.54stewstoned: deh bee uhn
02:21.04w0rd55Guerin: plz, take any more concerns/questions over to #debian-offtopic, I'm more than happy to discuss there
02:21.07stonedI've heard it pronouned like deep with a deebian
02:21.14stonednow were on topic again
02:21.23stewstoned: ian's wife's name is deb
02:21.23abrotmanstoned: no .. Deb and Ian Murdock
02:21.25Guerinw0rd55: don't try to pull that shit with me
02:21.32stonedabrotman: yes I kow
02:21.33stewGuerin: w0rd55: please give it a rest
02:21.34Guerinw0rd55: you're a troll, you got called, now take your lumps
02:21.36graytrondoes Deb still love Ian?
02:21.37devicenullI figure I can write an init.d script to start it, but I'm not sure if thats the right way
02:21.39stonedbut people pronouce it weird
02:21.44curtabrotman, we all really do appriciate your help .. just thought you should know.
02:21.56abrotmancurt: it's okay .. noone loves me ...
02:21.58*** join/#debian Eclipser (i=jms@xmms2/developer/Eclipser)
02:22.03Roninabrotman: ahh poor baby
02:22.04stonedabrotman: thats not true
02:22.06stonedI love you
02:22.17aTypicalabrotman, should this get me java5 - deb testing main contrib non-free
02:22.29Guerinabrotman: it's because you're a jew!
02:22.37stonedGuerin: dude
02:22.42streuner_heh, abrotman is jewish?
02:22.46devicenullok, i'm going to assume theres no way to do this
02:22.46Guerinstoned: :)
02:22.46abrotmanaTypical: yep .. apt-cache search sun-java
02:23.06stonedim gonna sit back and watch stew kick ya'll in the patoot
02:23.11abrotmanstreuner_: part
02:23.32Azarwho cares? abrotman is a bon-bon
02:23.40abrotmaneh booboo ?
02:23.56Azarbon-bon = candy
02:24.01streuner_Azar: i had hard times with him, and i didn't know why...
02:24.04stonedbon bon == good good
02:24.07stonedlearn some french
02:24.19Gneayou know, wikipedia and rock
02:24.30graytronhow does that relate to debian
02:24.34*** part/#debian w0rd55 (n=w0rd@
02:24.38stoneddebian users eat bon bons
02:24.42stonedits related
02:24.43stonedtrust me
02:24.49Gneagraytron: and you are who?
02:24.52hobzis that a french joke?
02:24.53eldowangraytron: wikipedia and dictionary help users. :D
02:25.05abrotmanstreuner_: but what would that have to do with it ?
02:25.13graytronGnea: lets stick to the topic
02:25.22Gneagraytron: yes, and you are who?
02:25.25dvsaw.  it's a repeat
02:25.28*** join/#debian Eclipser (i=jms@xmms2/developer/Eclipser)
02:25.35stonedpop the popcorn!
02:25.55streuner_abrotman: for me? nothing. Its not important to me which religion somebody has.
02:25.56Gneaok, he wants to remain anonymous
02:25.57stonedvista is out... is etch!
02:26.04*** join/#debian a-atwood_home (
02:26.04abrotmanstreuner_: really .. i'm none
02:26.19Gneastoned: did you know vista has tab-completion?
02:26.21eldowanstoned: you missed it earlier. Azar brought it up iirc
02:26.31abrotmanGnea: you can have that in 2k/xp
02:26.32stonedgoddamn Azar
02:26.33eldowanGnea: XP has tab completion
02:26.36stonedI'm gonna kick his ass
02:26.41Gneaeldowan: by default?
02:26.45eldowanGnea: yes
02:26.46*** join/#debian k-man (n=jason@unaffiliated/k-man)
02:26.50Gneaeldowan: uh, no.
02:27.04eldowanGnea: uh, yes.
02:27.06abrotmaneldowan: uhm .. yes
02:27.09abrotmanerm .. Gnea
02:27.21dvsstoned: "Go and kick him in the nuts!"
02:27.31abrotmanGnea: command and cmd do different things
02:27.32eldowanI have such a great personality, everyone mistakes everyone me for everyone else .:D :D
02:27.32stonednut != ass
02:27.39stonedleave me alone
02:27.51*** join/#debian stmz (
02:27.52eldowanGnea: it is rudimentry and sucks, but it is there
02:28.33*** join/#debian Gnurdux (
02:29.04stonedanyone use sid?
02:29.14eldowanI've never touched acid myself
02:29.17stonedyes that is my real question
02:29.28lunaphytewhat are vserver kernel packages?
02:29.37lunaphyteand xen?
02:29.42stonedwell rephrase: who here uses sid? and why?
02:29.56*** join/#debian Xorm (
02:30.31abrotmanlunaphyte: for running with xen .. obviously ;)
02:30.39Gneaeldowan: hrm nope, and cmd both do not have tab completion turned on by default in windows XP
02:30.57stewGnea: eldowan: please take it to a more appropriate channel
02:30.58Gneastoned: i do, because it's the most stable for me
02:30.58eldowanGnea: on ALL of my default loads, it works
02:30.59abrotmanGnea: cd <tab><tab>
02:31.02Reiser_Xi am using NFS
02:31.05stewstoned: please don't poll
02:31.06stonedis there a way to find out the ratio of stable users to testing to unstable
02:31.12stonedstew: oh
02:31.14stewstoned: no
02:31.18Reiser_Xbut i can't write in the shared folder
02:31.30abrotmanstoned: popcon might have some stats .. but i doubt it
02:31.31stonedstew: may I ask why?
02:31.53lunaphyteabrotman: xen ~= vmware ?
02:31.53stonedI fully comply, but I'm curious by nature
02:31.56dpkgxen is, like, an open source virtual machine monitor, developed by the University of Cambridge. It is intended to run up to 100 full featured OSs on a single computer. Operating systems must be explicitly modified ("ported") to run on Xen (although compatibility is maintained for user applications). This enables Xen to achieve high performance virtualization without special hardware support. try #debian-xen on
02:32.29dpkg"Does anyone have X or use Y?" is taking a poll, not asking a valid question. Don't do it or sussudio's army of militant badgers will hurt you. Also see <ask> and <bad polls>
02:32.36Gneaeldowan, abrotman: i'm sorry, but you're both wrong, it is simply not turned on by default. you may have your own scripts to enable it to do so, but it is most certainly not a default XP option.
02:32.44abrotmanGnea: yes .. it is
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02:32.45stewstoned: becuase nobody has any idea how many of the users i have chained to non-networked terminals in my basement are running stable vs. testing
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02:33.07stonedstew: I get it
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02:33.28graytronhow do i get debian to work like XP
02:33.41stonedgraytron: like you mean the window manager?
02:33.44dvsgraytron: remove the kernel
02:33.44stewgraytron: you'd have to ask a more specific question
02:33.47abrotmanGnea: it works in XP .. i use it
02:33.48stonedthere is one that looks like XP
02:33.52dpkgxpde is probably a desktop environment attempting to make it easier for the newbie. stands for "XP Desktop Environment.", or at for more info.
02:33.55Ascgraytron: hit control-alt-backspace every so often....
02:34.12graytronthanks for your answers
02:34.23Reiser_Xi am using NFS but i can't write in the shared folder
02:34.33stonedReiser_X: did you mount as rw?
02:34.43Reiser_Xstoned: yes
02:34.43abrotmanGnea: so yes .. it's there
02:34.45stonedgo to /etc/exports and export it as (rw)
02:34.54stonedthen mount it regularly
02:34.54Reiser_XGnea: Hi
02:35.06stonedReiser_X: check if user has  proper perms on the mounted share
02:35.07stewReiser_X: what are the permissions/ownership of the folder
02:35.10eldowanstoned: he did, but can't write to it as root
02:35.43Reiser_Xi am root in the client pc
02:36.01GuerinReiser_X: don't be
02:36.02stewReiser_X: who owns the folder on the server?
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02:36.08GuerinReiser_X: root breaks NFS
02:36.19abrotmaneverything breaks nfs :)
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02:36.26Guerinunless you unsquash it, which is insanely bad practice
02:36.42stonedand specify the soft option
02:36.46stewReiser_X: when you try to do stuff on the client as root via nfs, it uses the "nobody" account on the server, which probably doesn't have write permission on the folder (rightfully so)
02:36.53stonedotherwise if the connection breaks it might hang your apps if youre in that dir
02:37.17Reiser_Xso, i have to chown the folder?
02:37.53Reiser_Xcreate a user?
02:38.02stonedI would think so
02:38.38stonedyou have not answered some questions
02:38.48stonedon the server, the folder is owned by root?
02:39.01stonedthen just create a user
02:39.28Reiser_Xhow can i change the user logged from a console?
02:39.43Reiser_Xi mean, x@pc
02:39.56Reiser_Xi want to change ge@pc
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02:40.19stonedsu username
02:40.23stonedthen enter users pw
02:40.30stonedor logout and then login
02:40.40aTypicalThank you, abrotman.  I'm all set now.
02:41.00Reiser_Xi created the user
02:41.06Reiser_Xbut Permission Denied
02:41.10Reiser_Xwhen i want write
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02:41.31stonedso I have laptops /home exported on nfs yeah
02:41.41stonedI acess it with desktop
02:41.41abrotmanaTypical: enjoy
02:42.01stonedlaptop /home or /xyz needs to have permissions to be able to get written
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02:43.18karstenWhere is the default location of new users' home directories defined?  Eg:  I'm NFS mounting /home but want a localhome defined, so HOME should = /localhome/$USER for a given user.  Thoughts?
02:43.58Reiser_Xi have this: /home/gen
02:44.00abrotmanadduser.conf maybe ?
02:44.12dvskarsten: I thought it was /etc/passwd
02:44.14Reiser_Xi mount /home/gen  /mnt/home
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02:44.27abrotmandvs: he means when you create them
02:44.36karstenstew: Can you access your console after starting X w/ your dual head config?  My console is blank.
02:44.42karsten!win abrotman
02:44.42dpkgCongratulations, abrotman! You have won a lifetime supply of spam!
02:44.42dvsabrotman: oh.
02:44.46karstenabrotman: You got it.
02:44.56abrotman!prize me
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02:45.30Reiser_Xstoned: any idea?
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02:46.23karstenabrotman: Interesting, that also defines UIDs and GIDs, as well as system uid/gid values.
02:46.36abrotmankarsten: messy stuff in there :)
02:46.38stonedReiser_X: you have to check yoru permissions
02:46.50karstenabrotman: No such thing as messy.
02:46.59eldowanReiser_X: what is the uid of gen on PC B?
02:46.59abrotmankarsten: could be if you change those values :)
02:47.01karstenabrotman: Just a temporary shortage of blood sponges.
02:47.15abrotmani like LETTERHOMES :)
02:47.20stewkarsten: i can't recall trying
02:47.28karstenabrotman: I swim at an outdoor pool, temps have been in the 30s and 40s of late.
02:47.43abrotmankarsten: that's not messy .. that's crazy
02:47.45dvskarsten: F?
02:47.50abrotmandvs: yes
02:47.51karstenabrotman: Saying is:  there's no such thing as cold.  There's only very, very slow shampoo (sits in my swim bag on deck).
02:48.05karstendvs: yeah.
02:48.10Reiser_Xeldowan: how can i see it
02:48.35eldowanReiser_X: not sure
02:48.39stonedReiser_X: cat /etc/passwd |grep username
02:48.39karstendvs: With flip-flops to insulate your feet, you hardly notice.  A bit bracing when you first walk out of the locker room.  Problem I usually have is that the water's too warm.
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02:49.09eldowanReiser_X: once you get it, create a user with the same uid on PC A. Then login with PC A and see if you can write
02:49.20karstenabrotman: lettergroups.  Reminds me of scool days.
02:49.21eldowanReiser_X: ^^
02:49.30karstenschool, even.
02:49.38abrotmankarsten: exactly
02:49.46eldowanhey if for horses...
02:49.52stonedReiser_X: who owns /mnt/home
02:49.55karsteneldowan: two if by sea?
02:49.58abrotmaneldowan: is for horses
02:50.16eldowankarsten: yes, I see too
02:50.19stonedReiser_X: chown/grp /mnt/home and give it 755 or something for user gen or 1000 or whatever
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02:50.25stonedI believe that will fix your problem
02:50.38stonedI could be wrong but its happened to me
02:50.47eldowanstoned: I'm hoping that's what it is
02:50.53eldowanstoned: what was that about using soft for nfs?
02:51.02stonedeldowan: read manpage
02:51.07stonedi kinda forget exactly
02:51.18karsteneldowan: Don't, don't, don't, don't.
02:51.21stonedbut it doesn't keep trying over and over on a broken connection
02:51.35eldowankarsten: Now I have double double vision
02:51.37stonedif soft isn't speficied, it will keep trying over and over after a timeout
02:51.50karsteneldowan: hard,intr,rsize=8192,wsize=8192
02:52.03eldowankarsten: why that?
02:52.10karstenstoned: ... and you risk data corruption.
02:52.18stonedkarsten: not at all
02:52.23karsteneldowan: 'intr' allow the access to be interrupted.
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02:52.39GNPok I installed x server and kde now how do I launch or start kde? or even better how do I set it up so it boots into kde?
02:52.39eldowankarsten: ahh, a persistant hard connection? cool
02:52.41stonedkarsten: it is useful when your connection isn't reliable
02:52.51dvsGNP: startx
02:53.11dvsGNP: oops.  Install kdm
02:53.14karstenstoned: Um, who're you going to suggest we believe, some IRC stoner, or the Linux NFS HOWTO, Netapp's tuning recommendations, and the O'Reilly NFS & NIS docs?
02:53.22karstenstoned: Your data, your choice.
02:53.28stonedi did say IIRC
02:53.30karstenstoned: Hence:  intr.
02:53.34stonedI must not have remembered correctly
02:53.36eldowandocs are for wimps!
02:53.42karstenstoned: munchies!
02:53.52stonedkarsten: thanks for the attack on me
02:53.54stonedI appreciate it
02:53.57karstenstoned: No problems.
02:53.58eldowanthats low karsten
02:54.03Guerinyes, intr and sync are vital to NFS
02:54.11streuner_!be a man page barbie
02:54.11dpkgAww, man page is HARD! Let's go shopping, streuner_
02:54.27eldowan:D love it!
02:54.47eldowanso would  hard,intr,rsize=8192,wsize=8192,sync be prefferable?
02:55.12stonedkarsten: its been a while since I messed with NFS, a long while.  Yes I am a stoner and yes I'm on IRC.  You got a problem?
02:55.12streuner_well, i want actually use 'be a reading barbie' - that was a mistake :-)
02:55.12Guerini have found hard,intr to not work
02:55.12GNPwhen I do install kdm it says install: to few arguments
02:55.25Guerini heard it's misimplemented in linux nfs
02:55.37abrotmanGNP: aptitude install kdm
02:55.38karstenstoned: Just keep your facts straight.  I cited my sources.
02:55.50stonedkarsten: yeh, thanks
02:56.05eldowankarsten: he did say iirc, and told me to read the man page before he tried to remember.
02:56.07stonedyour penis of knowledge is much larger than mine
02:56.18karsteneldowan: I'd also specify TCP protocol.  Checking other options.
02:56.32karstenstoned: Ain't disagreein'.
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02:56.45stonedkarsten: whaever helps you sleep at night man
02:56.51justinyeah, nfs is a PITA, I can't get secure nfs to work on linux or solaris.. linux gets krb errors, solaris panics and reboots
02:57.04GNPIm getting the feeling I should have dl'd and burned all this stuff to cd so when I screw it up and have to start over dont have to dl it again via apt-get :P
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02:57.11abrotmanjustin: you should try irix!
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02:57.34dvsGNP: Debian isn't Windows.  Chances are most things can be fixed.
02:57.35justinabrotman: so far solaris is the least stable OS i've ever used :-)
02:57.49dvsjustin: and I use it daily!
02:58.06GNPok install kdm is finished, whats next
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02:58.17dvsGNP: restart
02:58.30abrotmanjustin: it's not that bad .. i've used worse
02:58.34karsteneldowan: nosuid, vers=3 (or 4 if you like), 'bg' for non-critical (eg:  not necessary at boot-time) mounts, a sane retry= value (100 or so?).
02:58.37dvsGNP: or /etc/init.d/kdm start
02:58.50karsteneldowan: The Linux NSF HOWTO summarizes 'em pretty well.
02:58.56GNPtoo late already restarted
02:59.02justinabrotman: the other day I managed to panic the kernel by doing 'route add somehost whateverthesyntaxis'
02:59.02dvsthat's OK
02:59.08speyerdoes courier-authlib has authvchkpw support build in ?
02:59.15eldowankarsten: thanks for the tips, I'm sure my data will appreciate it. :D
02:59.22abrotmanjustin: wow .. i only ever got it to crash with hardware failure
02:59.29abrotmanmaybe that's your problem :)
02:59.45Reiser_Xstoned: i did
02:59.55stonedReiser_X: I dunno what I'm talking about
03:00.04justinabrotman: doubt it, it's repeatable
03:00.05speyeranyone ?
03:00.07eldowanReiser_X: it worked?
03:00.15abrotmanjustin: same bad hardware!
03:00.16GNPok do I log back in as root or as the user I created when I set it up
03:00.17hagbardjustin: word.
03:00.20karsteneldowan: The rsize/wsize are performance tuning values.  Most vendors suggest ~8192, though I've heard one suggest 32768, for local (non-bridged/non-routed) data only.  Most routers will fragment those packets though.
03:00.22abrotmanjustin: is this Sol10 ?
03:00.27hagbardjustin: I work at the lab that does nfsv4 for linux. Can I help?
03:00.33Reiser_Xeldowan: yes
03:00.33dvsGNP: X won't allow you to log in as root
03:00.42Reiser_Xi test from my php app
03:00.46Reiser_Xand work fine
03:00.56stonedwell whaddya know
03:00.58eldowanReiser_X: I'm glad we were able to help you get going. :D
03:01.01stonedsome irc stoner kows what hes talking about
03:01.03justinhagbard: cool! what does 'WARNING: Failed to create krb5 context' mean
03:01.06stonedhow the fuck did that happen
03:01.07hagbardkarsten: if you're using ethernet without gigabit, the ip frames will be most certainly fragmented.
03:01.14justinabrotman: SunOS pip 5.11 NexentaOS_20070105 i86pc
03:01.16hagbardjustin: Where are you seeing that?
03:01.24abrotmanjustin: last time i used solaris a bunch was 8
03:01.26justinhagbard: rpc.gssd
03:01.37GNPok Im logged in as the user do I do startx now?
03:01.46justinhagbard: I even deleted the whole krb5 setup and redid everything with des-crc-cbc keys, still no go
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03:01.58dvsGNP: X didn't come up when you rebooted?
03:02.07hagbardjustin: you have a key on each host for principle "host/nfs"?
03:02.20hagbardjustin: do you have the krb5 secrpc module loaded?
03:02.26Reiser_Xbut i have to use chmod 777 in folder i shared
03:02.27dvsGNP: If you installed kdm it should bring up X when you rebooted
03:02.28hagbardjustin: err, rpcsec
03:02.39karstenhagbard: 10g/20g here.
03:02.54justinhagbard: yep, rpcsec_gss_krb5
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03:03.30justinhagbard: klist -c /tmp/krb5cc_machine_* shows the nfs/fqdn key being pulled in
03:03.39karsteneldowan: ... is Netapp's whitepaper on the topic, pretty good.
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03:03.51GNPfirst I did apt-get install x-window-system-core and then apt-get install kde then did aptitude install kdm and rebooted
03:03.52gookhitsCan someone help me with a simple routing questions. I got a pix 515e, and a server using the LAN ip, but the external ip is publish on the pix and it forward it to the LAN ip. So my qeustions is outside can type in the WAN IP and get in, but inside LAN i type in the WAN IP it doesn't resolve anyone know how to make it resolve. what do i need? thanks..
03:03.55eldowankarsten: I'll try to read that before long.
03:04.15justinhagbard: oooh! you are one of the citi people, cool :-)
03:04.16dvs!install kde
03:04.16GNPdid I miss a step?
03:04.16dpkghmm... install kde is In sarge, the metapackage 'kde' installs tons of stuff, 'kde-core' slightly less, and 'kdebase' even less.
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03:04.55hagbardjustin: I'm a student as well, though. I've been focussing more on classes lately.
03:05.03hagbardjustin: Oh, are you trying to use krb5p?
03:05.16justinhagbard: for now, just sec=krb5, with nfs4 or 3
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03:05.53karsteneldowan: It mostly boils down to a few short examples (and negative examples) of what you should specify.
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03:06.12gluserany 3D destop for debian?
03:06.25hagbardjustin: which nfs-utils are you runnning?
03:07.03abrotmanmildly OT .. anyone know where spamhaus went ?
03:07.09Gueringluser: make some goggles with red in one eye and blue in the other
03:07.09gluser3D desktop
03:07.14justin1.0.9 from ubuntu on one machine, got the same results with 1.0.10 on etch
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03:07.34hagbardjustin: can you cut and paste your krb5.conf somewhere? if it has private details in it, feel free to privmsg me the url
03:07.36gluserGuerin: what about the green?
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03:07.45Gueringluser: i only have two eyes
03:07.55uoehI have a very old exim setup from like 2004 that I basically used the exim-config package to use.
03:07.56uoehto setup
03:08.21GNPI ran aptitude install kde and rebooted and it still boots to command prompt wanting me to login
03:08.22SJrMy question is what is: /var/spool/exim/msglog
03:08.27justinhagbard: it's pretty much stock, the only thing I tried adding was default_tkt_enctypes = des-cbc-crc and default_tgs_enctypes = des-cbc-crc
03:08.56hagbardjustin: and you defined your domain?
03:09.05glusermy search brought up Beryl, will it be available for Debian?
03:09.11hagbardjustin: Specifically, domain_realm entries?
03:09.27justinhagbard: yep, that all seems to be working, I can login over ssh with no password using gssapi auth
03:09.27dvsGNP: login and try "startx"
03:09.43GNPlogin as root or as user
03:10.25hagbardjustin: that's the only syslog message you get? nothing about failed upcalls?
03:10.34GNPcame back with errors
03:10.35justinhagbard: lemme enable debugging and re-run it
03:10.46glusermore pressing matter. how to make a script be executed automatically during shutdown?
03:10.47dvsthat's what I thought.  X isn't set up.
03:10.50hagbardjustin: -vvvvf
03:11.22GNPfailed to initialize core devices and X10 fatel IO error 104
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03:11.49justinhagbard: yep, I'm quite familiar with those options :(
03:11.51stewGNP: modprobe mousedev
03:12.03dvsGNP: post /var/log/xorg.0.log in paster
03:12.16dvsuh... listen to stew
03:12.35stewGNP: if that fixes it, add "mousedev" to /etc/modules
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03:12.48stewi really need a irssi macro that says that
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03:13.02gluserhow to make a script be executed automatically during shutdown?
03:13.28GNPmodprobe command not found
03:13.32abrotmangluser: put a script in /etc/init.d/ and link it in /etc/rc0.d/
03:13.41stewGNP: as root
03:13.42abrotmangluser: and please don't repeat
03:13.44dvsGNP: you have to do that as root
03:13.51GNPoh ok 1 sec
03:14.29gluserabrotman: is it update-rc or rc-update? no man for either?
03:14.44GNPps/2 mouse device common for all mice
03:14.47justinhagbard: that is from running mount.. if I mount using version3 with sec=krb5, it works, but I get similar errors when trying to access the mountpoint, but instead of uid 0 it is my uid
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03:14.59gluserabrotman: thks.
03:15.12wes!tell wes about nvidia
03:15.16hagbardjustin: and in the syslog/message/debug?
03:15.46dpkgit has been said that dpkgbot is Please visit to learn how to effectively search the factoids database for FAQ, and not flood in the channel with !tell <who> about <what>. Also see <msg the bot>. We ask that you learn to search for yourself first, unless it is a specific problem.  Many questions are asked repeatedly, and the factoid database can be of great help to you.
03:15.50justinhagbard: nothing, just that
03:15.51stonedwes ^^
03:16.08wesshut up stoned  :D
03:16.18stonedI'm only trying to help :(
03:16.37hagbardjustin: gonna be around for a few? Lemme ask some others.
03:16.38eldowandamn, it must be bash stoned night
03:16.48stonedits always bash stoned night
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03:17.09justinhagbard: sure :-)  I fought with this for a whole day and then gave up, but it's not like me to give up :-)
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03:17.11dvsstoned getting stoned, in the bad way!
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03:17.23Reiser_Xthanks stoned
03:17.27abrotmanstoned: maybe if you didn't jump on everyone else ...
03:17.38stonedyou are welcome
03:17.46stonedabrotman: projection isn't good
03:17.49Reiser_Xsee you tomorrow
03:17.56stonedReiser_X: have a good one
03:17.58justinI think the only thing I didn't try yet was running the kdc on linux
03:18.03abrotmanstoned: depends what you're watching
03:18.12stonedabrotman: you're dumb.
03:18.18abrotmansee what i mean ...
03:18.23Reiser_Xwith some more questions
03:18.23eldowanlets play nice, huh?
03:18.26stonedyou completely missed wtf projection was about
03:18.28stonedso nevermind
03:18.31abrotmanno .. i didn't
03:19.22nilesi was playing a dvd with xine.  then it froze do to a bad spot on the disk.  kill wont kill it
03:19.29nilesand now the cd tray wont open
03:19.30stonedkill -9?
03:19.31gluserstoned: abrotman is dumber than dumb. don't waste time on him.
03:19.48justinniles: paperclip should fix it
03:19.49stonedhes smart with certain things
03:19.56dvsjustin: hahahahahah
03:20.01stonedfor example he knows debian
03:20.03justindvs: it wasn't a joke :)
03:20.09abrotmanoh ..that's why .. the .sg troll!
03:20.17Wyzardniles: Try "cdreset"...  if that doesn't work, the drive is confused and needs to be power-cycled, which probably means rebooting the whole computer because that's the only safe way to power-cycle most internal drives
03:20.23dvsjustin: oh?  you were serious?  I just thought about Clippy.
03:20.26justincdroms really get stuck sometimes, they don't seem to just fail like hds
03:20.32GNPok kde is up and running but my mouse dont work
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03:20.38nilesok thanx guys
03:20.59justinon earlier 2.6 kernels in my other machine, the drive would go nuts on IO errors, eventually cause the ide-bus to reset over and over again and eventually panic
03:21.18dvsGNP: you did add mousedev to /etc/modules, right?
03:21.33GNPno I missed that
03:22.05GNPI did modprobe mousedev and then startx
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03:22.48karstenjustin: Have you considered it's a bad drive?
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03:23.00thugneed help getting rid of one package
03:23.18thugE: amavisd-new: subprocess post-removal script returned error exit status 1
03:23.18GNPcan I go to start/run command and do it or do I have to start over in command prompt mode?
03:23.24thugkarsten :)
03:23.38justinkarsten: possibly, it was a oem HP cdrw.. 4x!
03:23.46thugkarsten because of the package i canot install or remove anyother
03:23.57karstenthug: bash -x /var/lib/dpkg/info/amavisd-new.postrm
03:24.00enoufniles: sudo eject /dev/cdrom does nothing?
03:24.23karstenthug: ... see where it's puking.  If you can fix it, do, otherwise add 'exit 0' to the top of the script and fake it.
03:24.52weshow do I remove x and nvidia so I can start fresh?
03:24.52thugkarsten postrm called with unknown argument
03:24.54karstenthug: If you can, file a bug report.
03:25.05karstenwes: man aptitude
03:25.14*** join/#debian bucky (n=bucky@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/bucky)
03:25.36thugkarsten help me getting read of it please
03:25.39stewthug: edit the .postrm script, add "set -x" as the second line, then try removing it again
03:25.39karstenthug: Look for anything referencing $1 in the script and see if you can suss the args it's expecting.  Or maybe someone here knows.
03:25.51*** join/#debian dimm0k (
03:25.53dvsGNP: huh?
03:25.57karstenstew: I already had him run 'bash -x' which is the same thing.
03:26.06karstenthug: Gotta split, you're in good hands here.
03:26.39GNPhow do I add mousedev to /etc/modules, right
03:26.41stewkarsten: well tell him how to get dpkg to run it with "bash -x" instead.  or tell him what arguments to pass
03:26.50dvsGNP: with an editor.
03:26.53stewGNP: echo mousedev >> /etc/modules
03:26.58dvsGNP: that too
03:27.01dvs(as root)
03:28.04thugstew thanks
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03:30.08Miesco_It says that gabber has no process, but why is it minimized and wont close
03:30.49MiescoMaybe its gnome?
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03:33.42karstenstew: Um, dunno how to make dpkg run it w/ bash -x.  Point taken WRT adding 'set -x' then.
03:33.53GNPI restarted system, logged in as root, typed modprobe mousedev then typed echo mousedev >> /etc/modules and then typed startx
03:34.28GNPbut mouse still didnt work
03:34.28justinGNP: no startx as root
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03:36.10parsonsdare there any manuals for artsd?
03:36.45stewparsonsd: /usr/share/doc/arts ?
03:37.31rpcguys, can someone please tell what basic steps does it take to run my own name server so others can use it for their ns queries?
03:37.31stonedconcept10: you there
03:37.31parsonsdcome to think of it -- the whole question is: my sound system seems to have gone haywire and i get no sound -- everything returns "/dev/dsp busy" -- lsof doesn't say anything about /dev/dsp being used, so where else can i go?
03:37.31rpcany special setup besides the daemon needed?
03:37.36*** join/#debian bpowell (
03:37.37parsonsdstew - thanks.  that's got some opened files, so i'll start looking into it
03:37.39stonedconcept10: I'm trying to configure audacity.. trying to find out how to not get clipping when I record.  I turned my amp way down.
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03:37.55GNPIm not the brightest apple in the barrel but this is harder than I thought it would be
03:38.13*** join/#debian eide (n=eide@
03:38.13concept10stoned, let me install audacity and see
03:38.16GNPnow it boots into kde and wont let me log in as root
03:38.17wesuser not authorized to run the x server  how do allow a user to be able to startx ?
03:38.19stonedoh thank go
03:38.24*** join/#debian yoshio (
03:38.24stewparsonsd: try fuser /dev/dsp /dev/snd/*
03:38.26dvsGNP: That's normal
03:38.35stewwes: which version of debian are you running?
03:38.40*** join/#debian DemonJester (
03:38.40GNPbut my mouse still dont work
03:38.41stonedconcept10: thank you.. I'm abou ready to start recording.. just need a bit of help with tweaking the knobs and settings
03:38.49stonedconcept10: lets go to ##recording
03:38.51wesetch I just installed 2.6.19
03:38.51stewGNP: how is your mouse attached?
03:39.02stewwes: dpkg-reconfigure x11-common
03:39.12abrotmanstoned: have you looked at rosegarden ?
03:39.13stewGNP: modprobe psmouse ; add psmouse to /etc/modules
03:39.18stewabrotman: i have
03:39.21stonedabrotman: no
03:39.24abrotmanstew: i know you have ;)
03:39.47GNPbut I need to do that logged in as root correct?
03:39.56abrotmanstoned: you might like it ..give it a whirl .. i use audacity .. but my needs are simple
03:40.17parsonsdstew - ok.  that gave me some output on the console
03:40.26parsonsdnot sure what it means....
03:40.41stewparsonsd: its a list of process ids of processes using your sound card
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03:40.53stewGNP: yes, you can use "su" to switch to root, and "exit" to then return to your account
03:40.56wesstew: I did that , and selected anyone to start x, but it still gives me that error. . do I have to do anything after that?
03:40.58parsonsdstew -ahhh.  i just got the manpage up.
03:42.39harkwes: what does /etc/X11/Xwrapper.config say?
03:42.39stewwes: you shoulnd't have to.  how are you trying to start x?
03:42.58wesnvm got it, thanks
03:43.51parsonsdstew - it looks like (from the site) that juk will simply restart arts if i kill it.
03:43.56*** join/#debian grew (
03:44.19dthomasbecause i'm ignorant i used apt pinning to install a kernel, samba, and their dependencies from unstable on a sarge box.  now i want to do something like "apt-get build-dep pkg-with-lots-of-deps" but it fails when it selects (for example) libgcrypt-dev from stable because libgcrypt from unstable is installed.  is there some way to tell apt, "install what you can from stable, but install packages from unstable if required to mee
03:44.20dthomast dependencies"?
03:45.43stewdthomas: yes, but its not a recommended way of handling things.  you can try upgrading your whole box to testing, or you can reinstall stable
03:45.46GNPmodprobe cant locate module psmouse
03:45.59stewGNP: oh, a 2.4 kernel, i guess?
03:46.12GNPI heard setting up a nix box was easy I must be an idiot
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03:46.55karstenGNP: Sometimes it is, sometimes it isn't.
03:47.00karstenGNP: patience.
03:47.02GNPdont know nothing about a 2.4 kernal
03:47.21dvsGNP: Did you install Debian 3.1 with no boot: options?
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03:48.05dthomasstew: i'm feeling somewhat masochistic.  can you give me some hint of how i'd accomplish what i described with apt?
03:48.11GNPI used netinstall, not sure if I set up any boot options or not Ive answered a lot of questions throught the install and cant remember them all
03:48.46stewdthomas: /msg dpkg pinning
03:48.46bkudriatexlive-base-bin postinst fails with: "fmtutil: config file `fmtutil.cnf' not found.".  what could be wrong?
03:48.56GNPthis is my first go at installing
03:50.20parsonsdstew : thanks for pointing 'fuser'
03:50.40eldowanwhere can I find the information on the kernel naming scheme for debian?
03:51.16parsonsdjuk stalled on opening so i am using xmms.... are there any options to make xmms is big enough to see the controls?  any skins?
03:51.45karstenparsonsd: There's a doublesize option.
03:52.01parsonsdkarsten : on start or in a menu?
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03:52.20karstenparsonsd: Default skin, it's the 'D' on the left side, next to the waveform displah.
03:52.21parsonsdkarsten : nevermind.
03:52.23parsonsdjust found
03:52.37parsonsdkarsten : also [CTRL] + [D]
03:52.42parsonsdkarsten, thanks
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03:53.10parsonsdkarsten, yeh, i'd have never seen the D on the side of the equalizer
03:53.14Kobazis there a way to control brightness at the software level with the fglrx driver
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03:53.39karstenKobaz: No, intelligence is a genetic attribute ;-)
03:53.41scudwhat is the package name for install mkfs.xfs ?
03:53.51pipelinescud: xfsprogs
03:53.53pipelinescud: apt-cache search
03:53.54Kobazkarsten: heh
03:53.55dpkghmm... search is try 'apt-cache search <regex>', if you want to know what package owns a file use dpkg -S /bin/foo.  To find a package based on what files it includes use 'apt-get install apt-file;apt-file update;apt-file search foo'. Use if you're not on a debian system. /msg <bot> find <thing> if you're already here. /msg <bot> listkeys <thing> to find factoids containing <thing>.
03:54.21*** join/#debian maddash (n=maddash@unaffiliated/maddash)
03:54.26Kobazi may just buy an nvidia card so i can control the brightness, my lcd is pretty bright at it's lowest settings
03:55.12scudpipeline: i did a apt-cache search xfs and saw xfsprogs - Utilities for managing the XFS filesystem    but i thought it was something like mkfsreiserprogs  not the module to use xfs
03:55.15scudbut thank you
03:55.34hagbardjustin: the best guy to ask isn't responding - if you'd like, privmsg me tomorrow - preferrably during business hours
03:56.41justinhagbard: will try and remember :)
03:58.52*** join/#debian maddash (n=maddash@unaffiliated/maddash)
03:59.19GNPIm  guessing at this point I should maybe start over
03:59.25maddashI think my opera browser just got hijacked by some program I installed through wine, because all of a sudden, nonsensical urls return a search page from . anyone have ideas?
04:00.09stewwhat is the name of 'psmouse' in a 2.4 kernel?  anyone?
04:00.19maddashalso, I'm pretty sure that I didn't `sudo win`
04:00.44abrotmanstew: psmouse .. i think ?
04:00.45dthomasstew: it seems to me all the apt pinning examples there work fine if i want to install all dependencies from one distribution or another.  however, i want to install dependencies from unstable only when the version in stable conflicts with package(s) already installed from unstable.
04:00.52*** join/#debian het (
04:01.30dthomasstew: for example, libfoo-dev-1.0 from stable can be installed because libfoo-1.0 (from stable) is installed, but libbar-dev-1.0 from stable can't be installed because libbar-2.0 from unstable is already installed; so choose libbar-dev-2.0 from unstable instead.
04:02.16hetHi, I just upgraded apache2 (running etch) and I can't seem to get it to treat perl scripts as CGI scripts
04:02.34hetdoes that ring a bell with anyone?
04:02.47yunhualhi,  the ksoftirqd eat 100% CPU on my machine.
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04:03.31hetI updated /etc/apache2/apache2.conf on the upgrade, but even adding an AddHandler cgi-script .pl line doesn't work
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04:03.50Kobazyunhual: is dma enabled on your hdds
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04:04.13yunhualkobaz, yes
04:04.13Kobazhmm i forgot what causes that
04:04.41Kobazanything else running?
04:04.43stewabrotman: its not
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04:04.46yunhualkobz, my promble seems like this
04:04.54stew!find psmouse.o sarge
04:05.20Kobazheh, next time use tinyurl
04:05.52abrotmanstew: there's a mousedev in 2.4
04:06.00stewabrotman: yes, but no psmouse
04:06.01Kobazyunhual: you have that nic?
04:06.08abrotmanbuiltin ?
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04:06.47yunhuali have e100 nic
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04:06.57dthomas2.4.28 drivers/char/pc_keyb.c says it handles both ps/2 keyboard and mouse?
04:07.51Kobazyunhual: do you get the same result when the minumum is running.. ie kill -9 -1  (don't do that now)
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04:09.24stew!find keyb.o sarge
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04:09.48stewmust be built in
04:09.55abrotmanstew: yes .. builtin
04:09.58Kobazyunhual: the problem is, it could be any number of things
04:09.59abrotman!kernel config
04:09.59dpkgwell, kernel configs is found in /boot/config-* for installed kernels, and a collection of (hopefully currently) available kernel configs can be found at
04:10.05*** join/#debian flashnet (
04:10.08dpkgDebian Package/File/Desc Search of 'keyb.o' returned no results.
04:10.20hellopCan someone help me install my USB disk on etch?  My prob is that I have no serial devices like /dev/sda
04:10.22Kobazyunhual: latest kernel?
04:10.22abrotman$ grep PSMOUSE /boot/config-2.4.27-3-586tsc
04:10.26dthomasstew: yeah, drivers/char/ lists CONFIG_PSMOUSE as bool not tristate.
04:10.27*** join/#debian Mevbob (n=Mevbob@
04:10.30Mevbobhi all
04:10.34MevbobFREE MEMBERSHIP ::::::::: ADULT FORUM FOR YOU ::::::::::
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04:10.37abrotmanstew: see
04:10.39hellopAlthough, when etc boots up with the drive plugged in, it mentiones /dev/sda
04:10.41abrotmanbesides that :)
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04:10.56*** mode/#debian [+o stew] by ChanServ
04:10.59hellopHow do I get /sda to show up in /dev?
04:11.10*** mode/#debian [+b *!*@] by stew
04:11.21stewhellop: do you have the udev package installed?
04:11.31*** mode/#debian [-o stew] by stew
04:11.39hellopstew, I'll check.. I have hotplug installed
04:12.08hellopthat was supposed to read when etch boots up
04:12.22n0madhi. im looking for a foss xml schema editor ala oxygen. any suggestions ? (no eclipse crap please)
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04:12.59yunhualkobaz, my kernel is 2.4.20
04:13.51hellopI get this stuff on bootup:  sda: Write Protect is off, sda:sda1, attached scsi disk sda
04:14.16stewhellop: you are running etch?
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04:14.23hellopstew, udev not installed.  yes etch
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04:14.41daf_Can anyone give me a hand? I get this error when I try mount /cdrom  mount: special device /dev/scd0 does not exist
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04:14.57stewhellop: cd /dev ;/sbin/MAKEDEV generic
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04:18.05hellopplease purge the hotplug package?
04:18.13hellopso...  I can't have hotplug with udev?
04:18.22Malfyeah they're exclusive of each other
04:18.35Malfthey both do the same thing in some respects
04:18.36stewhellop: no, you cannot
04:18.41enoufhellop: I wou;dn't know how to do it using hotplug instead of udev (esecially on a 2.6.17+ kernel), but maybe also see (nice older docs)
04:18.54stewhow to do what?
04:18.59enoufhellop: udev and hotplug conflict
04:19.05GNPshould I just wipe the drive and start over with a bit of install help so everything is set up correctly?
04:19.20hellopenouf,  hmm my touchscreen instructions say to use hotplug..
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04:19.39enoufhellop: USB disk and touchscreen?
04:20.23hellopenouf, CF disk and touchscreen...   I'm actually doing an NTFS data recovery on an IDE drive to the USB drive.
04:20.52hellopWindows My Computer and disk admin locks up with the drive installed, Ubuntu Live gets kernel panic..  But, etch sees it!
04:21.00MalfGNP: I must admit I had to try installing at least twice before I got things basically working and ended up reinstalling once more a few months later after I had more of a firm grasp on things. With that said your issues should be resolveable, the hard part is really finding out what the underlying issue is.
04:21.24MalfGNP: I haven't been paying much attention to the channel so I'm not sure if your situation would merit a reinstall or not really
04:21.42hellopenouf, installed udev, purged hotplug, reboot, now have /dev/sda
04:21.43GNPbasicly my mouse dont work
04:21.54enouf<hellop> Can someone help me install my USB disk on etch?  My prob is that I have no serial devices like /dev/sda <-- hrmm .. besides I don't know about CF disks, nor XPoop much, se the url I gave ya
04:21.59GNPother than that kde seems to be running fine
04:22.02hellopthanks for the help
04:22.04stewGNP: "cat /dev/psaux" then move the mouse, does junk get printed?
04:22.38Malfyeah a mouse should in theory be easy enough to fix
04:23.26magyarhi, where can i set mime-types in apache on etch?
04:24.07GNPwhere do I type that?
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04:24.42MalfGNP: In a terminal, probably need to do it as root
04:24.54GNPand I dont have a printer hooked to the machine yet
04:25.03Malfit'll print on the screen
04:25.29*** part/#debian vilkatla (
04:25.38GNPhow do I switch from user to root in the terminal window
04:25.54Malfthen enter your root password
04:26.02Malfwhen it prompts for it
04:26.06*** join/#debian haggz (
04:26.12MatBoyis it normal that when you do a  "route add -net nblabalbalbal" and you restart the network, that this route is gone ?
04:26.34hellopLinux always saves my ass when it comes to data recovery.  It doesn't choke and lockup like windows
04:26.54stewMatBoy: yes, routes are deleted when the interface goes down
04:26.55MalfI've had to use linux to save data off of so many broken windows drives
04:26.55GNPcat/dev/psaux: no such file or directory
04:26.56MatBoyhellop, damn, you must have a nice ass by now than :P
04:27.02*** join/#debian garotosopa (n=garotoso@
04:27.09stewGNP: "cat /dev/psaux"
04:27.10MatBoystew, is it possible to "let them live" ?
04:27.10Malfyou need a space between cat and the /dev/psaux
04:27.30garotosopais it normal that X uses 41% of 906MB of memory? considering some windows opened on kde with transparencies
04:27.49stewMatBoy: no, but ou can have them automatically added when you bring the interface up by adding the command to add them to an up line in /etc/network/interfaces
04:27.51GNPok... yes junk gets printed on the screen
04:28.12stewGNP: that means your mouse is working
04:28.19stewGNP: hit ctrl-c to quit that
04:28.33stewGNP: what device did you choose when you configured x? /dev/psaux? /dev/input/mice?
04:28.38MatBoystew, ok, so on the bottom of every ethX file, it's no problem
04:29.00GNPyes I think so
04:29.58*** join/#debian maher (
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04:30.29iainIs it possible to use zenity to display a folder selection dialog instead of a file selection dialog?
04:30.32stewGNP: put your /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 and /var/log/XFree86.0.log into a pastebin
04:31.26*** join/#debian Jostein (n=kjonigse@
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04:32.16hellop<----  everytime green led flashes on USB drive I make a dollar
04:32.22GNPhow would I do that?
04:32.46stewGNP: use w3m to upload to
04:32.46GNPIm chatting on one pc while trying to set up nix on the other
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04:36.44MalfGNP: Are you able to get to that site to upload a file without a mouse on that box? or not so much
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04:37.17maherstupid question - is there an easy way to do ssl authentication against /etc/passwd / pam? how about via ldap from another machine?
04:37.58*** part/#debian n0mad (
04:38.05GNPtrying to figure out a way now
04:38.22GNPIm very new to nix
04:38.29enouf!tell GNP -about pastebin
04:38.56GNPI can probably get to the site on that machine but 1 not sure where those files are and 2 not sure how to get them to upload
04:39.18GNPI know what pastebin is
04:39.30enoufthe factoid tells you "how"
04:39.52Malfthe files are going to be under /etc/X11/
04:40.10*** join/#debian whaq_ (n=whaq@
04:40.24Malfthe config is
04:40.38Malfstew wrote out the path to both earlier
04:40.44*** join/#debian bokey (n=bokey@unaffiliated/bokey)
04:40.45concept10I read about an package somewhere that makes kde widgets look like gnome in gnome.. anyone know of this?
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04:40.53tuvwxisn't xfig going to get gtk'ed some day?
04:41.38enoufI know what an F-22 raptor is, but don't know how to fly it :-p
04:41.40tuvwxits combined ps/latex export is absolutely perfect
04:42.19mahertuvwx: yah - when someone wants to strip out the custom written in c widgets...
04:42.47tuvwxmaher, ?
04:43.26*** part/#debian iain (
04:43.42mahertuvwx: afaik xfig uses a bunch of its own widget code which would need to ported to gtk somehow
04:45.32tuvwxdondelelcaro, any particular advantages? if it takes multiple packages to do what xfig does alone, then it's got an advantage
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04:47.00FaithfulIs dual head possible/easy for 945GM integrated Intel® Graphics?
04:47.57*** join/#debian jetscreamer (n=jetscrea@unaffiliated/jetscreamer)
04:49.07hellopeveryone know they found a cure for cancer
04:49.23Malfvista cures cancer!?
04:49.34hellopand its a cheap un-patented chemical
04:50.49*** join/#debian roue (
04:51.18tuvwxhellop, are you serious? reference?
04:51.28roueanyone know why ssh keeps creating files in my home directory whenever I ssh from an etch box?
04:51.40*** join/#debian peerless_ (
04:52.18rpcMalf no, not really - vista causes cancer ;)
04:52.36MalfI always get those two mixed up... cures and curses
04:53.06helloptuvwx, fark, slashdot
04:53.11hellopyes serious
04:53.28hellopCure for Cancer thread:
04:53.34rpchellop jokes about cancer aren't really this good
04:53.37GNPok Im at I saved a file in  my personal files (home)
04:54.10GNPbut without a mouse can not access the browse button on the web page
04:54.28Malfyou should be able to tab to it
04:54.33Malfit'll take a lot of tabbing but
04:54.35*** join/#debian CAiRO- (
04:54.49helloprpc  aparently it is no joke,  Univ of Alberta link on cancer cure:
04:54.49XormYou could use a textmode browser. =\
04:54.54GNPno it tabs from the file text box to the upload button skipping over the browse button
04:55.00rpchellop hm
04:56.15Malfyou could try typing the path to the file directly into that box and uploading
04:56.18rpchellop please note they are talking about tumor regression in human cancers growing in animals...
04:56.25ice63i installed mplayer and iceweasel what plugin do i install ?
04:56.28Malfnot sure why tab is skipping over the browse
04:56.37rpchellop so your information is slightly misleading as no one tested that on human beings yet
04:56.50stewGNP: use the arrow keys to move the cursor to browse and hit enter
04:56.54helloprpc, ok, they found a cure for animal cancer
04:57.03rpchellop wrong again
04:57.11stewhellop: rpc: please take it to a more appropriate channel
04:57.13rpchellop it's a human cancer they grow in animals
04:57.19rpcstew true, ok.
04:57.28GNPIve been trying arrow keys, tab, etc can not get the browse button to highlight
04:58.06stewGNP: try links2
04:58.19rpcw3m is better
04:58.22rpcmuch better :)
04:58.42rpcyou will certainly manage it with w3m, i use it often and been there many times
04:58.43stewrpc: well if he can't get it to move to a button using the arrow keys in w3m...
04:59.01rpchm how come
04:59.02stewor install gpm and use "links2 -g" and you can even use your mouse! (to get help on making your mouse work) :)
04:59.20rpci used to "click" and move around with keyb in w3m
04:59.31jetscreamermy kids dog died.. i got to move the body ohboy
04:59.43rpcjetscreamer sorry to hear that
04:59.52GNPIm just gonna start over tomorrow
04:59.58rpcpoor kid, poor dog :/ and poor father too
05:00.00*** mode/#debian [+l 691] by debhelper
05:00.03GNPyou guys have been a big help
05:00.11GNPand Im not being a smart ass I mean it
05:00.24MalfGNP: You can type the file path
05:00.25jetscreamerpoor kid poor dog... poor dad is used to it :(
05:00.27Malfinto that field
05:00.29Malfand submit it
05:00.30rpcok, is there anything but BIND that i should consider when attempting to setup my own dns?
05:00.32GNPyou have a lot of patients with a n00b
05:00.34Malfso you could just put in
05:00.44GNPI have no idea what the file path would be
05:00.50rpcjetscreamer doh
05:00.53*** join/#debian teledyn (
05:01.09jetscreamerhe was a good boy
05:01.12Malfand then submit
05:01.40Malfthen you'll have to tab again down to submit post
05:02.36MalfI suppose it is getting late. Not a big deal if you want to try again tomorrow instead.
05:02.36Rusty1rpc perhaps dnsmasq
05:02.50rpcRusty1 is it worth trying or should i stick to BIND instead? just making sure i learn the right stuff
05:03.00stewP_Kable: please turn that off in here
05:03.21GNPsorry but the file you sent is more than 10% binary char in it guessing its a binary file and will be ignored
05:03.53*** join/#debian pokharel (n=pokharel@
05:04.26Rusty1rpc take a look
05:04.33enoufGNP: dude .. just reconfigure X using /dev/input/mice .. maybe .. make sure lsmod shows psmouse and mosuedev are loaded
05:04.46enoufer  mousedev
05:04.55dondelelcarotuvwx: the main advantages of inkscape is that it produces svg, which almost everything nowadays can deal with; tikz/pgf is actually rather specialized, as it's a latex/tex drawing environment... but if you do a lot of work in latex, it's quite useful
05:05.19*** join/#debian rw_fenrir (
05:05.25GNPI think Ill just redo it all tomorrow, my head hurts lol
05:05.59GNPI appreciate all the help you guys are great, its not your fault Im such a n00b at nix
05:06.16MalfGNP: Meh. Configuring X can be a bitch sometimes
05:06.20Malfespecially when you're just starting
05:06.22Malfdon't worry about it
05:06.31GNPbe assured a donation will be sent to debian when its all said and done
05:06.44enoufGNP: don't feel bad .. and atleast you're sincerely trying .. there's a lot to learn indeed
05:07.03enouf!tell GNP -anout reference
05:07.08enouf!tell GNP -about reference
05:07.39dondelelcarotuvwx: yeah, I personally find it really useful for doing diagrams in presentations, since it interleaves really nicely with latex beamer
05:08.10GNPya it is a lot, I  just figured out how to run my shoutcast server via ssh and stream live video
05:08.35GNPother than that html and windows is all Ive messed with
05:08.35tuvwxdondelelcaro, you won't have any problems with xfig for beamer. it's just that sometimes i need something programmable for things like state machine diagrams
05:08.57enoufmaybe you can make a video about "how to configure your mouse" and broadcast it all over the world .. lol
05:09.17rpcRusty1 thanks very much!
05:09.23dondelelcarotuvwx: it'll show bits, but it's nice to be able to show and hide parts of the drawing on different slides
05:10.00GNPI have a usb wireless mouse what are the chances of hooking it up and it working off the bat?
05:10.16tuvwxdondelelcaro, ever tried xfig's combined pdf/latex export?
05:10.23Malfmine did
05:10.28dondelelcarotuvwx: not recently, no
05:11.11tuvwxdondelelcaro, well true you won't be able to show parts of the drawings (only the text)
05:11.14Malfwith udev, and I'm using /dev/input/mice as my mouse driver
05:11.18Malfrather than /dev/psaux
05:11.25dansushihow do i install a different locale withour installing debian from scratch like said here:
05:11.27dondelelcaroMalf: that's normal
05:11.29dansushii'd like to install ja_JP.EUC-JP EUC-JP
05:11.29dansushija_JP.UTF-8 UTF-8
05:11.40dondelelcaroMalf: /dev/input/mice also has the output from /dev/psaux
05:11.44GNPIll be a sum bitch :(
05:11.46Malfdondelelcaro: Yeah I know. Just pointing it out for GNP
05:11.58dondelelcaroMalf: ah; carry on then. ;-)
05:12.05GNPdont know why I didnt think up getting out my laptop mouse
05:12.09Malfwhich is why I have that and my ps2 mouse plugged in and working
05:12.13*** join/#debian Raging_Hog (
05:12.59GNPwell at least now I have a mouse so tomorrow will be easier getting the ps2 mouse working
05:14.00tuvwxdondelelcaro, i used to use jpicedt (or something like that) for changing pictures over slides, but that required pstricks afair
05:15.09*** join/#debian smimp (
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05:15.38dondelelcarotuvwx: has a simple example of playing with pgf
05:16.21*** join/#debian Diamond (
05:16.46tuvwxdondelelcaro, server not found
05:16.53Diamondi'v got a problem i can't login as root by command su
05:17.10Diamondbut i can login with as single user root
05:17.11*** join/#debian Kvant- (i=hh@unaffiliated/kvant)
05:17.17Diamondsomeone knows this problem?
05:18.10*** join/#debian guccio (n=guccio@
05:18.14AzarI got a burning question: right now I am very happy with sarge, I don't care if others say now or will say six months from now sarge is old, obsoleted etc. The main reason I am not attracted to etch is the "nvidia" issue which, sarge solved with the nvidia one-liner installation, and the change from xfree86 to xorg. Is there any light in the future that the nvidia installation for etch will be solved?
05:18.20*** join/#debian duo_ (
05:18.43duo_anyone know if there is a way that i can use kde icons theme in gnome?
05:20.01Azarso I take it I will have to wait and hope for an open video hardware to move up on etch?
05:20.04craigeviltakes 2 minutes to install nvidia in etch using module-assistant
05:20.33Azarcraigevil: same in sarge but I take it nvidia was taken out from etch
05:20.53craigevilno i just installed it friday with the 8776 driver
05:20.57Azar!etch nvidia
05:20.57dpkgAs of 2006-04-18, nvidia-graphics-drivers was removed from testing. Try getting the necessary files from
05:21.11craigevilthats old
05:21.15GNPnow to find that other file you guys wanted uploaded
05:21.19Azarah? wow cool
05:21.51Azarooookk then it will be fun and interesting
05:23.05*** join/#debian minerale (n=minerale@about/cooking/alfredo/Minerale)
05:23.36MalfI had some problems with my nvidia drivers once I updated my kernel and haven't had a chance to give it another go yet
05:24.26craigevilthe steps here are very clear and simple
05:25.27MalfI'll have to run through that this weekend
05:25.40GNPthere are the pastebins of both those files
05:25.42Malfbut for now, bed
05:26.55GNPmight just be easier to buy another usb mouse lol
05:27.43MalfI think i had to have two config lines to get my ps2 mouse going in XFree86
05:28.36*** join/#debian NetEcho (i=NetEcho@
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05:28.40Malfanyway I'm out. I don't have the energy left for more X config fun tonight
05:28.49Azarmy only reason I would upgrade to etch: more games :)
05:31.12*** join/#debian FallenHi1okiri (
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05:32.56Azarwell, craigevil, I used to install nvidia that way back when I was using Woody
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05:33.23Azarwhich asks me to have my gcc same as my kernel source version and stuff
05:33.33Diamondanyone knows why the command su doesn't work
05:33.57Azarsecondly the wiki should update their stuff and advise people to use "aptitude" instead...
05:34.10*** join/#debian wawowe (
05:35.27wawowei'm trying to set up a router and other computers on the network can ping it but no internet access
05:36.39wawowei have ip forword enabled
05:37.31wawowei'm just don't know how to route my eth1 to eth2
05:37.58dendritewawowe: Use iptables, either MASQ (dynamic ip) or snat.
05:38.07*** join/#debian bariel (
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05:38.30voltrancif i use "write" command  to another user. how another user will answer me?
05:38.35barielhello, how can i reinstall php with fribidi functionality?
05:38.56dendritewawowe: The idea is you catch packets coming in from the lan, rewrite their source address to be the external IP, and off they go.
05:39.04nvzhow the hell do I remove a plugin I installed using firefox's plugin finder thing? I see no way to bring that up like I can for extensions.
05:39.23danf_1979Hi, where may I find out what type of protocol a given service uses? I'm trying my first time at iptables, so I dont really know if, for example, ssh uses udp or tcp only, etc...
05:39.36bwlangdanf_1979: look in /etc/services
05:39.39wawowedendrite: thanks
05:39.58nvzdanf_1979: netstat might help too, see the manpage
05:40.09*** join/#debian freebse (
05:40.11danf_1979aah bwlang, I had completely forgotten about that... and thanks also nvz
05:40.17dendritedanf_1979: It's not always obvious.  As bwlang suggests, /etc/services can help suss that.  ssh uses tcp.
05:40.45Azarchecking my /etc/modules I do not see any "nvidia" module there but I see agpgart, is agpgart module keeping the nvidia module place?
05:40.58danf_1979Ok, got it... I'll check that now
05:41.37bwlangAzar: you might be using hotplug... to see what's loaded used lsmod.  /etc/modules is only the list of forced modules if hotplug is in play
05:41.51*** join/#debian positrix (
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05:42.51Azarbwlang: thanks
05:43.46barieli tried to install phpize, but apt cant find it, how can i install it?
05:44.11dondelelcarotuvwx:, actually.
05:44.31*** part/#debian efhutton (
05:45.04Azarwoohoohoo!!! ipv6 running
05:45.21weswhere can I download startx?
05:45.30wessomehow x tweakedout and deleted it
05:45.34Azarwes: startx is a command
05:45.37wesI know
05:45.54Azarwell then you need X
05:45.58*** join/#debian meff (
05:46.01harkit's a part of xbase-clients
05:46.14wesI still have X I think
05:46.19wessomehow startx got deleted
05:46.33harkhow did you install X?
05:46.37wesit was weird, the graphics like zoomed in really close
05:46.50wesand I am new so I hit ctrl alt delete rather than backspace
05:46.54wesand when I rebooted, bam startx was gone
05:47.01positrixwes: apt-get install x-window-system-core ?
05:47.06bwlangwes: uh... that shoudl not have deleted anything.
05:47.13harkbariel: php4-dev or php5-dev
05:47.28bwlangwes: ctrl-alt-delete causes an orderly shutdown in debian
05:47.33wesHey I dont have all the answers
05:47.38Azarmaybe he moved to a cli terminal using an Fn key :)
05:47.41wesI dont know how it happened
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05:47.49bwlangwes: try locate startx
05:48.02wespositrix: I think that did the trick
05:48.05wesI am back in fluxbox
05:48.10bwlangsudo if you don't find it then follow the other's directions
05:48.12westhank you. .
05:48.51tuvwxdondelelcaro, nice
05:49.09tuvwxdondelelcaro, except for the first few images..
05:49.35parsonsdwes -- maybe a statement in PATH go lost so you cann't find startx
05:49.59wesparsonsd: I thought of that, but then I looked in /usr/bin and startx wasnt there anymore
05:50.16positrixI reinstalled last night, and now my keyboard is a bit messed up. I have a wierd L here I should have a hash, and " and @ got swapped. I assume this is becuase it thinks I have a european keyboard. How do I tell it otherwise?
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05:51.16tronyxquestion about rm, can it remove any file on the system that isnt write protected or just any file that the user owns?
05:51.46LeFallentronyx: Only if you are root, can you remove files that you DON'T have write permission to.
05:51.49*** join/#debian d0uglas (
05:52.23d0uglasHey now ppl. Looking to enable root logins in kdm, not seeing anything in the kontrol panel or whatever in kde.. is there a conf file somewhere i can edit?
05:52.46d0uglaskdm_config says it cannot be run manually
05:52.48LeFallentronyx: You can howveer, remove a file that doesn't "belong" to you, if other has write or group has write and you're a member of the group owning the file.
05:53.25*** join/#debian baller (i=root@unaffiliated/perry753)
05:53.36positrixd0uglas: You're not supposed to lok in a root. It is considered naughty.
05:53.49*** part/#debian GNP (
05:53.57bwlangd0uglas: it's a bad idea... really.  learn to use sudo
05:54.55*** join/#debian poncha (
05:55.02d0uglasyeah i know i know but please i'm curious
05:55.15d0uglasnot actually gonna do anything as root obviously
05:55.34d0uglasbesides why would i want to log in as root when gtk-gnutella must be run as nonroot :)
05:55.38*** part/#debian baller (i=root@unaffiliated/perry753)
05:55.45Diamondanyone knows why the command su doesn't work
05:55.53Diamondi can login as root by single user
05:56.13Diamondbut dot with su
05:56.24d0uglaswait a sec does kubuntu even use kdm?
05:56.26Diamondpassword is incorrect
05:56.27d0uglaslooks funny
05:56.46bwlangDiamond: have a look at /var/log/auth.log maybe you'll see something interesting
05:56.48LeFallenDiamond: I asssume you have execute permissions for su.
05:57.14Diamonddebian says password incorrect of su
05:57.20Diamondsu : root right ?
05:57.46*** join/#debian alindeman (i=adml@freenode/staff/alindeman)
05:58.19bwlangDiamond: are you entering your password or root's password?
05:58.31Diamondi enter roots password when i type su
05:58.34hellopis there a smart copy tool that can recover from errors?
05:58.38zenwrylyI'm trying to write a regexp something like '\(local\)\!.\?group' which will match "foo group" but not "local group".  '\(local\)!.\?group' doesn't work.  Any suggestions?
05:58.48bwlangDiamond: should work... what does /var/log/auth.log say?
05:59.03DiamondJan 30 22:09:01 DebianServer CRON[2538]: (pam_unix) session opened for user root by (uid=0)
05:59.03DiamondJan 30 22:09:01 DebianServer CRON[2539]: (pam_unix) session opened for user root by (uid=0)
05:59.03DiamondJan 30 22:09:01 DebianServer CRON[2538]: (pam_unix) session closed for user root
05:59.03DiamondJan 30 22:09:01 DebianServer CRON[2539]: (pam_unix) session closed for user root
05:59.03DiamondJan 30 22:17:01 DebianServer CRON[2555]: (pam_unix) session opened for user root by (uid=0)
05:59.20Diamondone sec
05:59.23bwlangDiamond: don't paste lots of lines here.
05:59.39bwlangDiamond: put in in a pastebin like
06:00.18LeFallenDoes samba have/support/understand a "log on as service" flag?
06:00.25hellopSay you try to copy a large dir but one file chokes.  You'd like to copy the rest of the files, but you don't know which dirs where copied.
06:00.39hellopSo you have to manually look through them and check sizes..
06:00.42parsonsdarg! iceweasel is holding my window hostage waiting to display a javascript dialog!
06:00.43*** join/#debian PupenoR (n=pupeno@
06:01.47hellopIs there a better way?
06:02.06*** kick/#debian [Diamond!n=debhelpe@unaffiliated/debhelper] by debhelper (use the paster bot or #flood)
06:02.07*** join/#debian Diamond (
06:02.11Diamondthat is what is sayinh
06:02.25positrixaha. dpkg-reconfigure console-data allowed me to select the proper keyboard layout.
06:03.45Diamondbwlang : that what it say when i use su command
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06:06.24bwlangDiamond: sorry - i don't see anything wrong... try this: ssh -l root localhost
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06:07.14Diamondbwlang thats working
06:07.28dpkgDebian Package/File/Desc Search of 'psmouse.o' returned no results.
06:07.36bwlangDiamond: i'm stumped.  gotta sack out.  best wishes
06:07.51*** join/#debian Lord_Devi (
06:08.09parsonsdoh wack.  iceweasel won't accept any mouse input, but ctrl+t brings up more tabs (that I can't use)
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06:08.42Lord_DeviI have a question about Xinerama. I am trying to get Dual Head working for the first time. 1 card, 2 monitors. I have it working I believe, however i can't drag from monitor to monitor
06:09.15Lord_DeviAnd each monitor has it's own 4 seperate virtual desktops, making me think maybe they are seperate instances, altho I only see one X in my process list.
06:09.22*** part/#debian d0uglas (
06:09.24Lord_DeviI was wondering if anyone might have some insight?
06:10.12dondelelcaroLord_Devi: do you have an Option "Xinerama" "true" in your /etc/X11/xorg.conf?
06:10.37*** join/#debian KickstartUF (
06:10.47dondelelcaro(dual head doesn't necessarily imply xinerama, although you've got to have multihead to have xinerama)
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06:13.08hellopshould a bad hard drive, that is a non-system disk, make linux have kernel panic?
06:14.13predderwas it mounted?
06:14.26Lord_Devidond: No I don't have that xinerama true line..
06:14.36helloppredder, yes copying files
06:15.11Lord_DeviHrm I must have missed that in the faq/howto
06:17.57Lord_DeviThanks dond
06:18.45rpchellop yes
06:19.08rpchellop try to disable DMA, might help sometimes
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06:19.49Lord_DeviWorks perfectly now, woohoo
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06:21.49Dark_ApostropheDoes anyone know of any graphical apps with which one can write keyboard layouts, instead of editing .kmap files?
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06:23.55cahootwasn't xkeycaps something in that line?
06:24.38*** part/#debian Mahon (
06:24.38hellopwhats the command to list just directories not files?
06:24.46Dark_Apostrophecahoot: No idea...
06:25.09helloplike dir *.
06:25.17stewhellop: find -type d -maxdepth 1
06:25.23stewDark_Apostrophe: yes, xkeycaps
06:25.31Dark_Apostrophecahoot: But not just for Xorg, I also need it for the CLI
06:25.34Dark_Apostrophestew: ^
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06:26.48stewDark_Apostrophe: i don't know of any, i doubt one exists
06:27.02Dark_ApostropheWell, thanks anyway
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06:36.13sciboyAnyone familiar with the BadRam kernel patch?
06:39.03Ascno, but it sure sounds like something I could use
06:39.04*** join/#debian keram (
06:39.12keramis this mirror down or wut?*
06:41.31Ascit gives me a directory index
06:42.09keramsince that one is down which can i use in its place?
06:42.17Ascso either it's now down, or it is down and a band of hackers has put up a seemingly-identical repository of compromised files
06:43.04Aschm, badram page says it's included in Debian by default
06:43.29Ascmaybe is time for me to try putting that fried stick back in the laptop.
06:43.40*** join/#debian lavi (n=lavi@
06:43.56sciboyWell how do i apply the kernel patch? I've never done this under debian before.
06:43.57keramthats odd
06:44.33keramwell i know gives me a directory listings
06:44.54keramerr i mean gives me a listing
06:44.56LoneWlfanyone have any hot tips for getting compiz to work under debian? I have a new installation, done off of and its really starting to piss me off that it doesn't work ... *sighs*
06:44.58LoneWlfif I could get an error message I'd be a bit happier ;0)
06:45.02kerambut doesnt :/
06:45.06LoneWlfand by it doesn't work, I mean that I get to the part in the Wiki where you type 'compiz --replace' and the screen looses its windows decorations and then locks up...
06:45.56keramis anyone having the same problem??
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06:47.52d0uglasto get wifi going after a boot or a dropped signal i have to do dhclient eth1... got ifplugd, waproamd (configged it to eth1).. nothing
06:48.02Asckeram: try going to instead of
06:48.07Asccould be a nameserver problem
06:48.10*** join/#debian jooopyme (
06:48.24Ascbecause it sure works just fine for me
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06:50.08*** part/#debian Asc (
06:50.19d0uglasasc: talking to me?
06:50.23danf_1979This would be wrong for SMTP? => iptables -A OUTPUT -p tcp --sport smtp -m state --state ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT  <= It need to be NEW,ESTABLISHED for it to be able to send email?
06:50.25*** join/#debian Xormic (
06:50.35d0uglasnameservers are there from previous dhclient run before reboot in resolv.conf
06:50.46d0uglas... eth1 is off though unless i do dhclient
06:52.02keramyeah thats probably it kuz its trying to go to not that one that yours is going to
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06:56.52voltranci'll run a command but it sometimes take very much time to completed. how can i stop that command after 5 seconds if it doesn't complete the proccess?
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06:58.05incorrectwhat is the best ditributed compile system?
06:58.28Xormicit's the only one I know of. =p
06:59.00incorrecticecream is better than distcc, there is also teambuilder from trolltec
06:59.08LeFallenWhat a cool idea, I've got heaps of computers just lying around, I should compile X or something.
06:59.28*** join/#debian mdo_ (
06:59.33incorrecti need to setup a compile farm for my developers
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07:03.07denyeverythinghi, is any debian cd coming with 2.6.18+?
07:03.42sussudiodenyeverything: no.
07:04.11parsonsddenyeverything - no, but if you wanted it, you'd get apt to get it for you
07:04.51denyeverythingparsonsd my problem is I'm using nvidia 430, and i think < 18 won't detect eth
07:06.23harkthe etch dailies (atleast netinst') have 2.6.18, iirc or try sarge with 2.6.18
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07:08.19denyeverythinghark thanks a lot.
07:08.33dpkgnull's not
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07:09.05TbbWfinds what? tell me!
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07:11.13Raging_HogI've got problems with non-ascii chars. In some programs they show up as question marks even tho keymap is good and I can insert them and after that they're ok. Is that the programs' fault?
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07:12.42dondelelcaroRaging_Hog: are you using the right löcálȩ?
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07:14.43insmodRaging_Hog: sounds like suse lol
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07:15.31Raging_Hoglöcálê seems good. Where can I check it?
07:16.02dondelelcaroRaging_Hog: that's the typical reason why you'll have issues like that; you're editing files that are in a different character encoding than your current locale, or similar.
07:16.37dondelelcaroRaging_Hog: however, if you're able to see what I just wrote, and enter it back in, you're probably ok. More details on exactly what information is showing up as question marks or boxes would be useful. [Not all fonts have every glyph, so that could be part of the problem too.]
07:16.52Raging_Hogwell whattaya know, my lócäle isn't ok
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07:17.37Raging_HogI'll try reconfiguring
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07:20.02Raging_Hoghmmm should I only have one locale?
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07:20.31insmodas many lang you will encounter
07:20.35Raging_HogI added my own countrys locale next to the en_US but it doesn't seem to help
07:21.29dondelelcaroRaging_Hog: nah, you can have as many locales as you want. You'll just only be able to use one at a time per program.
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07:23.04Raging_Hogfi_FI.UTF-8... done Generation complete. perl: warning: Setting locale failed. perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings: LANGUAGE = (unset), LC_ALL = (unset), LANG = "en_US.UTF-8"
07:23.15Raging_Hogtried to use only fi_FI locale and it gave me that
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07:33.03Raging_Hogeclipse seems to be ok now, but I'm having rock-hard time with samba mounting
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07:35.04dragaI've a question, perhaps a FAQ but I can't find any info around: when will 2.6.19 be included in sid?
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07:35.08sciboyBugger can't get it to compile. =(
07:35.23incorrectwhere is a good step by step guide to creating a .deb?
07:35.33incorrecti just found one that dated by to 1997
07:36.04harkdraga: probably after etch releases
07:37.36dragahark: ok, thank you. I thought it was because of some problems with that revision.
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07:42.37Supaplexewps, i tripped on the cord :(
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07:43.00hark!blame Supaplex
07:43.06hellopUncompressing Linux...   invalid compressed format (err=1)  -- System halted... is this bad?
07:43.43nvzhellop: is bad still the oppisite of good?
07:43.56sciboymm/page_alloc.c:2533: error: ‘mem_map’ undeclared (first use in this function)
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07:45.25hellophuh...  it went further this time... maybe I have a hardware error
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07:47.35hellopso, I guess I have to reinstall
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07:48.06hellopit happened when I was copying from a bad HD to another drive..   now the system wont boot..
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07:48.20hellopI wonder if a bad HD could fry a MB.. like draw too much power or something.
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07:49.02`ns`I had a bad HD which would lock up motherboards ....
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07:50.56hellopdestroy them, or just temporary?
07:51.29parsonsdmust have been one of those failures.....
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07:52.16`ns`they would just lock up solid. Would work fine when the drive was removed
07:52.28eisen_it may have not been the hd going bad but the controller on the mobo
07:52.52eisen_it's very unlikely that a hd could fry a board imho
07:52.55`ns`that was an interesting experience .... I tried to run ntpdate and it killed X
07:53.21`ns`think I'll try again  :)
07:53.37parsonsd`ns` : bye.  :)
07:53.43shingouzhellop: did you install the boot sector on the new hd? just copying the files over does not make the new drive bootable
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07:54.04`ns`parsonsd, it worked fine that time ..... wierd
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07:54.39Guerin # this is the state of the internet in New Zealand
07:54.54Guerinand, yes, xtra is the formerly-government-owned monopoly
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07:55.29LogansanHello World! ;)
07:55.40parsonsdGuerin : yikes!
07:56.09Guerinparsonsd: formerly govt-owned - now the most profitable company in NZ
07:56.09shingouzGuerin: they bill the transferred data too? jfc!
07:56.14Guerinyeah, privatisation is a GREAT idea
07:56.18shingouzmost profitable.. no wonder...
07:56.24Logansani'm first-timer here! :)
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07:57.17hellopshingouz, no  my system drive is a CF memory card..  I was copying between 2 other drives, hen I got kernel panic.
07:57.43`ns`Guerin, nasty ! Provider I am with here in Canada charges $1/gig for excess
07:57.46Supaplexcf cards don't play well with bus resets :(
07:57.50GuerinLogansan: /quit, and next time that won't be true.
07:57.54hellopSystem drive would then not boot like 10 times, but it's working now after reseating.
07:58.22Guerin`ns`: yeah, mine charges NZ$3/G for overage, but my cap is 20G to begin with
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07:59.26shingouzluckily i do not have a cap at all. caps suck
07:59.53`ns`Guerin, not a bad cap, depending on what you are doing online. Won't cover heavy usenet, etc
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08:00.11Guerin`ns`: i normally burn about 3/4 of it in the first week of any given month
08:00.19Guerinyes, caps do suck
08:00.32Guerinhowever NZ is the third world as far as telecommunications are concerned
08:00.48Guerinmostly because of the fucking monopoly, which is only this year being regulated
08:01.12parsonsdGuerin : perhaps you should consider getting into telecom there.
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08:01.20parsonsdGuerin : sounds rather lucrative
08:01.20Guerinparsonsd: ?
08:01.21shingouzmonopolies do have the tendency to screw up things
08:01.25`ns`NZ is just too far from anywhere else ..... expensive running lines to anywhere
08:01.36Guerinparsonsd: yeah, me and everyone else wants in on that pie
08:01.46harkGuerin: just one ISP?
08:01.50Guerintelstra, the australian monopoly, is the least-worst option
08:02.44Guerinhark: no, there are a ton of isps - but where cable hasn't yet been laid (95% of the country), all the other ISPs have to wholesale DSL bandwidth off xtra - at marginally lower rates than we get it as consumers
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08:02.55MaliutaGuerin: it's not an ISP monopoly
08:02.58Guerini am fortunate enough to live within reach of the cables
08:03.02Maliutathey just own 99.9% of the copper
08:03.06GuerinMaliuta: no, it's a telecommunications monopoly.
08:03.12GuerinMaliuta: yes.
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08:03.44Maliutathat soooo should have been kept away from them in the privatisation
08:03.56Maliutaprivatise the service provision all you want
08:03.56Guerinbut it was the 80s
08:04.11MaliutaHoward did helstra
08:04.16Maliutanot us
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08:04.27Maliutawe did CommBank
08:04.42Guerinbleached spiky hair, blue shirts with white collars, and evil deregulation
08:05.01Maliutasounds like the libs to me
08:05.14Guerinonly two good things came out of the 1980s: sonic youth, and the pixies
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08:05.29Guerinoh, and nick cave, I suppose
08:05.30MaliutaThe Smiths
08:05.36Guerinthough i think he got going in the 70s\
08:05.40Guerinnah, fuck the smiths
08:05.41MaliutaSisters of Mercy, Bauhaus
08:05.48Guerinwhinging motherfuckers
08:05.54Guerinno time for goth music either
08:06.10`ns`Dayglo Abortions , DOA, Dead Kennedys ?
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08:06.15MaliutaI have no time for mainstream wank
08:06.33Guerinyeah, DK had their moments, mostly when Jello wasn't orating
08:06.57Guerinall punk is mainstream
08:07.06Guerinsome just has the decency to not pretend otherwise
08:07.11Guerinsorry, I should say all 80s punk
08:07.30`ns`Attila The Stockbroker  :)
08:08.08*** join/#debian Arafangion (
08:08.31ArafangionHow do I reconfigure the urxvt menu entry to NOT use Xft, because that looks exceptionally blurry.
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08:09.04GuerinArafangion: which urxvt menu entry?
08:09.29ArafangionGuerin: The one that, coincidently, specifies Xft ;)
08:09.39starzhow is the support for ndiswrapper + prism2 chipset wireless cards?
08:09.42GuerinArafangion: solution: don't use it
08:09.51Guerinstarz: ndiswrapper=shit
08:09.53Supaplexstarz: why? prism2 is native
08:09.54ArafangionGuerin: Ok, let me rephrase.
08:10.00Gueringet a real card, like a ralink
08:10.09starzmigrating from ubuntu on this particular box
08:10.12ArafangionGuerin: How do I configure a menu item so that it starts urxvt with the colours I like? :)
08:10.45starzdlink air dwl-520 card sux over there w/o ndiswrapper ... also had to use the alternate install cd.. hoping that the normal install cd will work over here..
08:10.50Arafangionstarz: Use whatever works, if it works keep it to yourself.
08:11.06Arafangionstarz: On the other hand, if you need advise, then get something that actually supports Linux.
08:11.08starzArafangion use what works and if it works tell those who wanna know ~_~
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08:11.37GuerinArafangion: ah, a much more sensible question. I don't know how to configure the menu item, probably in /usr/share/menu/ or something; the way to make urxvt Just So is to put your preferred config in .xresources and call xrdb -merge ~/.xresources in .xsession
08:11.40starzArafangion as its the card that came with the computer and its not my personal computer i find myself asking if the chipset is supported which supposedly it is?
08:12.24Guerinstarz: my response was an oblique way of saying `i don't use ndiswrapper because it's shit, sorry'
08:12.38Arafangionstarz: People confuse "support" with "Somehow works despite major hack jobs and crap drivers"
08:12.38Guerinso i'd suggest ...
08:12.56Guerindpkg: hello?
08:13.09starzwhich i understood fine.. and if it WORKS natively thats all i need to know..
08:13.15starzbut the more i listen the less i know
08:13.16Maliutastarz: I managed to get one of thoser working
08:13.20apthello, hark
08:13.26ArafangionGuerin: So, where can I read about that?  I do not have xrdp installed.
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08:13.34starzMaliuta did you get it working via the built in stuff?
08:13.41Maliutastarz: I used it for about 3 months, then got a better chipset :)
08:13.59Maliutastarz: no, external driver ... I _think_ it was madwifi
08:14.05GuerinArafangion: xrdb is in xbase-clients. If you google urxvt xresources you'll see some samples.
08:14.13Maliutastarz: no ndiswrapper
08:14.29starzyeah exactly what i had to do on the other setup
08:14.33ArafangionGuerin: I would've just liked to be able to change "urxvt foo" to "urxvt betterFoo" system wide.
08:14.34Maliutaot was the the oddball chip???
08:14.37starzand for the record i agree this card is a pos
08:14.51incorrecthow can i list the packages that are installed?
08:14.52Maliutayeah it was crappy
08:15.00Arafangionstarz: dpkg -l
08:15.00Maliutaincorrect: dpkg -l
08:15.21Arafangionincorrect: Or dpkg --get-selections
08:15.31Maliutastarz: is the the rtXXXX chipset?
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08:15.39starzone second Malagmyr
08:15.43starzMaliuta rather
08:16.27MaliutaI have that card in the next room, it hasn't had power to it for about 2 years though ... I refuse to stick it in a machine
08:16.28harkArafangion: try /usr/share/menu/ and edit rxvt-unicode
08:16.35incorrectthanks :)
08:17.15Arafangionhark: Perfect :)  Thanks.
08:17.22starz0000:00:0b.0 Network controller: Intersil Corporation Prism 2.5 Wavelan chipset (rev 01)
08:17.22starzSubsystem: D-Link System Inc DWL-520 Wireless PCI Adapter, Rev E1
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08:17.39GuerinArafangion: you can specify any such thing in the file
08:17.43Guerinoh, as hark said
08:17.44Maliutaprism should "just work(tm)"
08:18.00starzMaliuta so sayeth the ppl
08:18.02Maliutaas in if you compile it in or as a module from stock source
08:18.04starzso sayeth we all
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08:18.19Maliutapretty sure my netgrear is a prism54
08:18.23Steven_Mhi all
08:18.27ArafangionIronically, OpenBSD's wifi support is supposed to be one of the best of the OSS OS's.
08:18.42Maliutastarz: have are you using it as a module?
08:18.45starzMaliuta ive got no exprience with making wireless work in debian: gonna do a server + icewm + x-window-system-core isntall
08:18.49starzwhat else do i need?
08:18.54MaliutaArafangion: support for what?
08:19.15Maliutastarz: you need to read the iwconfig man page
08:19.18harkstarz: a dm?
08:19.41ArafangionMaliuta: Wifi devices, using completely free drivers.
08:19.46Maliutastarz: iwconfig <eth-dev> essid <ssid> ....
08:19.49starzMaliuta i know how to get the card itself working i mean what package
08:20.05starzso no extra packages its in there on the server install??
08:20.17Maliutastarz: just the iwconfig one
08:20.35Maliutaotherwise it's treated just like etherner
08:20.37starzi also have the windows driver on the box as its a windows dual boot box if needed
08:20.47starzbut ok i'll add iwconfig to that then
08:20.59markybobdoes anyone have any real advice on creating registration numbers?  for the life of me i cant seem to figure out how to deploy a method that cant be cracked and a keygen written for.
08:21.03starzcause its not gonna get anything from apt till i get that card working XD
08:21.18Arafangionmarkybob: Such a method does not exist.
08:21.40Maliutamarkybob: go do some large number theory
08:21.40markybobArafangion, so what is there left to do?
08:21.42Arafangionmarkybob: But the most difficult method to crack is to use an encrypted dongle.
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08:22.10Arafangionmarkybob: Then learn that Vista *already* has been cracked, and the security features bypassed.
08:22.41d0uglaswhatever is in /etc/init.d must be in a script form, not just a text file of, say, /usr/sbin/dhclient?
08:22.51d0uglaswhat's the autoexec.bat of linux
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08:23.13Arafangiond0uglas: init
08:23.19Arafangiond0uglas: Which is a program.
08:24.03Arafangiond0uglas: Different distros sometimes use different init's, so it's impossible to say what is *the* autoexec.bat of linux, especially since there is no relation or comparison.
08:25.19d0uglasnot much of a man page for init.. all i want is dhclient to run on boot, any way to do that?
08:25.29markybobd0uglas, man update-rc.d
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08:25.48Supaplexd0uglas: that's unless you reall should be editing /etc/network/interfaces
08:25.54Supaplexd0uglas: man 5 interfaces
08:26.00blondieif you set your interface to use dhcp, dhclient should run on boot anyway
08:26.09Supaplexexactly =)
08:27.20Steven_Mdoes anyone know where I can get an iso for a usb boot cd, for computers that don't support usb booting?
08:28.01markybobSteven_M, huh.  now that's interesting. i never would've thought of that.  why dont you just use a boot cd instead, since you'll be using a boot cd to begin with?
08:28.23Arafangionmarkybob: How would he boot it then, doesn't he need a usb key to do that?
08:28.38SupaplexSteven_M: the debian-installer can do that.
08:28.39d0uglasokay cool
08:28.41d0uglasthanks fellas
08:29.11SupaplexSteven_M: well, does booting cd work?
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08:31.05d0uglasblondie: lot of lines on interfaces, the top two are auto eth1, inet eth1 inet dhcp (followed by a bunch of other lines)... is that correct or should i go ahead and man the thing
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08:32.00d0uglaswell actually eth1 was futher down the list originally, i tried moving it up to the top to see if that would get the wireless working
08:32.14d0uglassimply running dhclient as root without even specifying eth1 does the trick
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08:33.28Steven_MSupaplex: how do i get the debian installer to do a usb boot
08:33.34d0uglas<--- manning
08:33.53d0uglashmm, allow hotplug
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08:38.33d0uglasall right gonna try this out
08:38.33d0uglasthanks again
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08:43.16BassFoolhello all, I just compiled in the 2.6.19 version of debian and I get a atckb.c Spurious message. I have seen the info on the net but no solutions that I could find. Can anyone help?
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08:45.00Supaplexyea, regress to a stable kernel. or, try a backport.
08:45.23BassFoolso go with sarge instead of testing?
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08:45.46Supaplexno, not sarge. something else that works. *g*
08:46.06njktHi, i'm trying to get ndiswrapper working on my Etch system but i'm getting compile errors.. I was following the instructions on the Wiki webpage, its on an amd64 and uses the 2.6.20rc6 kernel'
08:46.09harkBassFool: ask #kernel
08:46.19BassFoolok I will sure...
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08:46.59SupaplexBassFool: generally when the latest and greatest don't work, you scale back. when you isolate it, (see linux docs, Documentation/BUG-HUNTING), you make progress.
08:47.06harkdid you mean atkbd.c?
08:47.17BassFoolyes atkbd.c
08:47.33hark~typosmite BassFool
08:47.44BassFoolsorry hehe
08:47.48tuvwxwhy doesn't debian's gnuplot support the pdf terminal?
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08:49.46keeganXDoes anyone know about gslist
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08:50.02cydorknjkt: why 2.6.20?? what happens with etch kernel?
08:50.38njktwith my laptop it doesn't work very well
08:50.56njktthe only kernel that's remained "stable" is the 2.6.20 release
08:51.37BassFoolAhh where is the 2.6.20. The latest one I saw on the kernel page was 2.6.19...?
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08:52.11Supaplexthen 2.6.20 is hype. murder the rumor mill.
08:52.27njktBassFool: on the kernel website /pub/2.6/testing/
08:52.42tarzeautuvwx: or readline tab completion
08:52.49BassFoolhm how long cause I got 2.6.19 earlier tonight
08:52.53BassFoollet me check again
08:52.58tarzeauBassFool: i also have that atckb.c problem
08:53.04njktlocation is liberal.. i forgot the exact path heh
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08:53.29cydorknjkt: i dont know about 2.6.20 but try googling :P
08:53.40tarzeaucydork: it's not released yet, still rc6
08:54.03cydorktarzeau: yep i meant the rc6
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08:54.29BassFoolok I found the 2.6.20, so is the stable one -rc6?
08:54.55njktits not stable yet, still a release candidate
08:54.58harkheh, no it's not stable yet ;)
08:55.01Supaplexrc = reelase candidate
08:55.03tarzeauBassFool: no
08:55.12BassFooloh ok rc is release candidate ahh ok..
08:55.54*** join/#debian desti (
08:56.09BassFoolman, so is there anything out there that doesn't have the atkbd.c error... any of you using a 2.6.20 release?
08:56.25tarzeauBassFool: 2.6.18
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08:56.31tarzeauor 2.6.17 even
08:56.38BassFoolok 2.6.18 it is..
08:56.46tarzeauBassFool: haven't tried the 2.6.20-rc yet, waiting for the stable release of it to try
08:56.51cydorktuvwx: check the source package if it was configured with --with-pdf, i dont think so.
08:57.13*** join/#debian SlayerXP (
08:57.18cableroyhow do i make gcc compile 64bit?
08:57.31tuvwxcydork, that's the actual question, why so?
08:58.25cydorktuvwx: ask the maintainer :P
08:58.47harktuvwx: /usr/share/doc/ mention anything?
08:58.48BassFoolalso, what are the .sign extensions for?
08:59.23tuvwxhark, looked pretty fast there.. couldn't find anything obvious
09:00.01harkhmm, or you could file a bug report/wishlist
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09:02.00d0uglasmy runit stuff is all messed up, something to do with /etc/inittab .. can't reinstall/reconfig it, any ideas?
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09:03.40BassFooltarzeau: .sign extension?
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09:04.31tarzeauBassFool: no idea about it. what says file on it? or your brain when you look at it in an editor?
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09:05.11BassFoolI just downloaded the one without the .sign extension.. doing a wget on it now. I assume all the patches are already in this correct?
09:06.14d0uglasI can't do anything because runit is broken, no /etc/inittab.. help
09:08.15azeemd0uglas: why did you install runit?
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09:08.39d0uglasazeem: dont remember doing that, did install xinit i think
09:08.48d0uglasazeem: am i completey broked here?
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09:09.11d0uglascan i touch an /etc/inittab?
09:09.40AlverHello... can someone point me to an (archived) woody mirror? I have to install an extra package on an old beast that I'm not allowed to update.
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09:10.15d0uglasazeem: huh.. touched inittab and it's done. :)
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09:11.03yunhualhi, after run aclocal, i got a file named aclocal.m4. relly not know what is role of this file ?
09:12.24azeemyunhual: why did you run aclocal?
09:12.53yunhuali am study gnu automake
09:12.59yunhualand autoconf utilitys
09:13.28azeemit should be described in the manual
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09:14.24yunhualyes, i try to find some info through google, but after read it, i am fell some question.
09:14.31yunhualsorry for my english.
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09:15.17azeemyunhual: try to read the autobook, apt-get install autobook
09:16.12yunhualazeem, thank you
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09:17.25AlverAh, found one.
09:17.27*** part/#debian Alver (n=alver@guifications/developer/alver)
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09:20.16detectivebobhow do I run rsyncd as a service?
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09:25.17cableroyHow do i upgrade from i386 to 64bit? i can't find the apt source
09:25.33Theoryanyone else having issues with xorg in sid?
09:25.45karstencableroy: Um.  In hardware?
09:25.54*** join/#debian Kvant (i=hh@unaffiliated/kvant)
09:25.54karstenTheory: Just ask.  Like what?
09:26.06cableroykarsten, the packages
09:26.37cableroythe system...
09:26.47karstencableroy: Install a 64 bit kernel.  IIUC your architecture should dectect and present itself to apt as 64 bit.
09:26.59cableroyi do run xen kernel
09:27.12cableroythats why i need to upgrade system so i can get 64bit xen
09:27.24Theorykarsten: kdm works fine, however attempting to login, or attempting to startx as user results in X stopping
09:27.33Theoryno log messages I can find
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09:27.51latelyCan anyone recommend a few DNS servers with LDAP backend?
09:27.58karstenTheory: ~/.xsession-errors or /var/log/Xorg.0.log ?
09:28.33Theorykarsten: former is empty, latter shows nothing unusual
09:28.46karstenTheory: Probably something in your startup.  Try a "safe-mode" X session (just an xterm, no windowmanager).
09:28.56Theorykarsten: does exactly the same
09:29.18karstenTheory: Create a new user (just for testing) and try logging in as same.
09:29.35cableroyHow do i a arch upgrade with debian?
09:29.41Theoryyeah, just tried that, and it works
09:29.53karstenTheory: OK, then it's not your system, it's you ;-)
09:29.54Theoryso, time to figure out what is broken in my profile
09:30.03karstenTheory: Right.
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09:30.22karstenTheory: Got an ~/.xsession, ~/.xinitrc, or ~/.Xsession file (or anything similar)?
09:30.24TRTinti have installed debian 3.1
09:30.29karsten!win TRTint
09:30.48karstenFeh, dumb bot....
09:31.14TRTinti want use the Debian server as Print/file share, PDC
09:31.29karstenTRTint: OK, that's Samba.
09:32.01karstenTRTint: There's an excellent set of Samba docs that pretty much walks you through that.  aptitude install samba-doc
09:32.45karstenTheory: If it's something affecting even a failsafe, I'd also look at Xresources and similar.  Can you startx from console OK?
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09:33.53karstenTheory: It's way past bedtime here, I'm out.  Good luck.
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09:36.23Theorykarsten: cheers, sorted now
09:36.42Theorywas .xinitrc being  "interesting"
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09:38.18Theorywell, that was part of the problem anyway...
09:38.34capiirahrrrr still no etch stable
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09:40.14TRTinti have installed Debian with http-install, my screenmode is now 640x480 73Hz , i cant change the resolution, what can be the problem
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09:40.53capiiramaybe a fixed resolution writen in xorg?
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09:41.11cahootTRTint: try dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg (or xfree86) -plow
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09:41.47Theoryhrm, if you said "no space left in /home" then you are winner
09:41.49davi__Is it possible disable the SASL check to the slapd LDAP server?
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09:42.23latelydavi__ Try ldapsearch -x ?
09:42.34davi__thanks lately
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09:45.18LLcoolMdoes any use for mtrr other than by graphic cards?
09:45.30LLcoolMor can nics be also speeded up?
09:45.55ArafangionLLcoolM: Why not ask on the mailing lists?
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09:46.27LLcoolMbecause i compile the kernel now, if i ask now, i will recieve an answer when it is already too late
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09:46.51ArafangionLLcoolM: That doesn't make sense.
09:46.56ArafangionLLcoolM: What's your native language?
09:47.24LLcoolMArafangion: doesnt matter :) i probably skipped a "there"
09:47.37petemcmade sense to me..
09:47.49*** join/#debian MoDaX (n=nth@2002:54f0:1683:0:0:0:0:1)
09:48.06ArafangionPerhaps "will i" should be "i will"?
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09:48.52LLcoolMArafangion: because i compile the kernel now, if i ask there now, i will recieve an answer when it is already too late
09:49.17LLcoolMsyntax: check, grammar: check, contents: check
09:49.23Nemoder_Is it possible to dualboot between i386 and amd64 without using separate partitions?
09:49.31ArafangionLLcoolM: All checks pass :)
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09:50.22dubisWhat is the name of the channel of DEbain in French
09:50.33LLcoolMNemoder_: difficult, however many linux distributions can run 32 and 64 bit binaries at the same time where the cpu supports it
09:50.45*** join/#debian Thuryn (
09:51.11LLcoolMdubis: debian not debain
09:51.18LLcoolMat least last time i checked :)
09:51.52Nemoder_LLcoolM: well I currently have i386 running on an amd64 cpu system, i'd like to install the amd64 base programs without wiping the current install
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09:52.29MindCrdubis, #debian-fr
09:52.34LLcoolMNemoder_: hm, are you sure you want that?
09:52.49LLcoolM64bit only makes sense in case you have a lot of ram (>2GB)
09:52.55Nemoder_LLcoolM: I used debootstrap to download the files to a seperate dir but I'm not sure how to boot to it
09:53.01hannes__has the apache-ssl package anything todo with apache2? or does is the apache-ssl package part of the old apache package?
09:53.37Nemoder_LLcoolM: I just want to play with it (which is why I want to keep 32bit the way it is)
09:53.50*** part/#debian Theory (i=tjs57@about/csharp/regular/Theory)
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09:54.14LLcoolMNemoder_: then don't it is as simple as that. It is slower and has virtually no advantages other than some additional quirks
09:54.42Nemoder_LLcoolM: :(
09:55.00LLcoolMnever touch a running system (without a good reason)
09:55.09LLcoolMand this reason is no good
09:55.33Nemoder_the reason is to learn how it works..
09:56.16LLcoolMNemoder_: a lot of drivers make problems with 64-bit, you cannot run 32-bit windows binaries with a 64bit wine, some software doesnt even compile - just to name a few of the problems you are going to have if you try
09:56.31Nemoder_yeah I know about some of the issues
09:56.37*** join/#debian raz0 (n=user@
09:56.49LLcoolMNemoder_: it doesnt work any different from the application perspective
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09:57.06Nemoder_that's why I wanted to dualboot instead of changing the whole system
09:57.54Nemoder_I suppose I could just repartition the existing drive but that always makes me nervous
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09:57.56LLcoolMNemoder_: you need another partition I'm afraid - at least for debian
09:58.21LLcoolMNemoder_: another suggestion: get an additional drive
09:58.40Nemoder_might do that too
09:59.26LLcoolMbut as i said, i've been through all this and i was disappointed. I thought it would at least boost disc cryptography - in fact it slowed it down :(
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10:00.20ArafangionLLcoolM: Yes, why would it speed it up?
10:00.35ArafangionLLcoolM: Current algorithms are very highly tuned to 32-bit operation.
10:00.50ArafangionLLcoolM: And using 64-bit simply *doubles* the size of pointers, as a minimum.
10:01.01LLcoolMArafangion: well, both x86 and x86_64 versions were assembly optimized
10:01.28ArafangionI'm talking *algorithms* here.
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10:01.55gebruiker_I want to add a init script to my system
10:02.01gebruiker_but it only has to start when it boots
10:02.04gebruiker_how do I do that?
10:02.14*** part/#debian capiira (
10:02.24LLcoolMthing is: a lot of xor operations occur in those algorithms and if you need to do an xor in 256bit size you need 4x64bit or 8x32-bit.
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10:02.44LLcoolMgebruiker_: consider adding it to rc.local
10:02.51gebruiker_LLcoolM, how?
10:03.01LLcoolMvi /etc/rc.local  and then paste
10:03.06LLcoolMthe file is already there
10:03.30gebruiker_ok then I just enter the name of the initscript?
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10:03.47LLcoolManother method: you just have update-rc.d create a symlink for launch in rc.[2345]
10:04.07LLcoolMgebruiker_: no you write the script inside rc.local (only for small scripts)
10:04.19LLcoolMfor bigger ones handle them as i said
10:04.19*** part/#debian lately (
10:04.23gebruikeri prefer the other method
10:04.32LLcoolMupdate-rc.d -h
10:04.35gebruikerso what get's launched at boot?
10:04.42gebruikerwhich runlevels?
10:04.49LLcoolMlook at what i said
10:05.10PingFloydgebruiker: that's based on what it's rc.n n being the runlevel
10:05.23PingFloyd*what's in
10:05.37gebruikerPingFloyd, let me ask you differently
10:05.54gebruikerwhat runlevels does linux enters when it reboots?
10:05.56gebruikerjuist 0?
10:06.11LLcoolMgebruiker_: 2345
10:06.21LLcoolMi am not gonna say it again, you want 2345
10:06.21PingFloydgebruiker: I think it's 6 iirc
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10:07.43gebruikerLLcoolM, thnx
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10:07.53gebruikerhowever  update-rc.d memtester  defaults  2 3 4 5 doesn't work
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10:10.37mcnaftHi, I thought devfs was removed in kernel 2.6.19? but I get kernel panic concerning devfs..
10:10.39ctp_hm, i try to chroot into a debootstrap env. executing "chroot /deb" results in "chroot: cannot run command '/bin/bash': No such file or directory". but there exist /bin/bash and /deb/bin/bash. anyone here has a hint whats going wrong?
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10:16.33zOaphow to I clear bash cache? "clear" only clears the screen but the history is still there...
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10:18.07tomekkDebian Sarge autodetect HT ??
10:18.22tomekkI must compile Kernel ??
10:18.42GutterPunktomekk, you just need to install the smp version of the kernel
10:18.51GutterPunkoh no woops sorry
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10:19.20GutterPunkno, still, you need to install that one :)
10:19.29tomekksmp kernel versions is in repo ??
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10:20.04GutterPunke.g. kernel-image-2.6-686-smp
10:20.37tomekkI thougt that I must to compile a kernel ....
10:21.42tomekkand I have next guestions ...
10:21.57tomekkbecause I want to install KDE
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10:22.16tomekkDebian has Gnome as default enviropment
10:22.59tomekkmay I install this KDE during installtion but after installtion ??
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10:26.51cydorktomekk: if you are not installing it on a server go for etch, it also has dedicated install cd for kde.
10:27.20cydorktomekk: of i you want to install kde in sarge dont select anything in the begining and check /msg dpkg install kde
10:28.32tomekkI want to change a distro
10:28.46*** part/#debian hannes__ (
10:28.48tomekkI used Ubuntu actulty
10:29.20cydorktomekk: go for etch :)
10:29.28sparri need a KDE app with a funky shaped window.  a round clock would be ok, funkier is better.  help?
10:29.38tomekkbut Ubuntu used many RAM !!!
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10:30.19tomekkvery thakns
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10:30.39tomekketch supports KDE ??
10:30.49Ronintomekk: yes and what do you mean by used many ram?
10:30.53tomekkbut sarge supports Gnome ??
10:31.29Eclipsertomekk, err what?
10:31.48Ronintomekk: no i think the default is gnome but they had to pick one, you can install kde if you like
10:32.06Eclipserdebian has no preference over any of those
10:32.20_FeelFree_eisen_ ?
10:32.23tomekkwhen I used a 2 - 3 application Ubuntu used 90 ...% RAM
10:32.26cydorktomekk: no sarge and etch both support kde and gnome,
10:32.56Ronintomekk: but was the system slow? linux looks at unused ram as wasted
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10:33.42Eclipserlinux caches a lot to "unused" ram :)
10:34.13norccached ram?
10:34.30Eclipserno, *to*
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10:34.45Eclipserit caches filesystem stuff and such into ram
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10:34.54norcEclipser: that dependes on the filesystem itself..
10:35.00tomekkMemory ...sory not RAm
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10:37.10E-bolaDo anybody have experience with uninstalling the debian packed version of exim and using a tarball instaid?
10:37.20E-bolaI would imagine there would be a lot of dependency problems...
10:38.41Eclipserfor a while I thought this conversation was weird but then I noticed this was #debian and not #vim... stupid irssi messed up my window order
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10:39.19utabwhen I highlight some lines of text and paste that text in the insert mode in vi, I get a strange ladder like format. why is this so?
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10:41.15Jachini need help, i have installed debian, but i cant edit my screen resolution, and the webbrowser arent opening anymore
10:42.16azeemJachin: which version of Debian, which graphics card?
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10:46.58Knight_LordIs there any log that tells me the computers that request information from the NIS server?
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10:54.01Jachini have debian stable version 3.1
10:54.12azeemand which graphics card?
10:54.23Jachinvesa , i dont know the exact model
10:54.38azeemvesa only reliably works in 800x600
10:54.46azeemI guess you have that resolution now?
10:54.55Jachinit worked with other resolutions in Fedora
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10:55.17azeemJachin: what does "lspci | grep VGA" say?
10:55.19Jachini made an http install, without selecting packages
10:55.45Jachini think thats the problem, and now my webbrowser has crashed, i cant search on the net
10:55.45ZarephathHi I am running etch....should I not be able to just add unstable to my sources.list and run apt-get update?
10:56.07azeemZarephath: you should be able, but why would you want that?
10:56.11azeemunstable is not supported
10:56.22Jachin0000:00:01.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corp. 82810 DC-100 CGC [Chipset Graphics Controller] (rev 02)
10:56.54ZarephathI know...I wanted to try a couple of simple packages that are on debian news mailing list
10:56.56azeemJachin: that looks like a i810?
10:57.05azeemZarephath: and they are not in etch?
10:57.49Zarephathazeem: Apparently they are listed as being in unstable, and just for grins I tried to install them from the regular repos..
10:57.59Jachindo i need to install xfree86 ?
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10:58.11azeemsussudio: down
10:58.15sussudioi see.
10:58.26azeemJachin: if you have 800x600 graphics, you already have xfree86
10:58.52azeemJachin: try to run "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86", hit enter on all questions except for the driver selection, select "i810" instead of "vesa" there
10:59.07clemHi there, I'm maintaining a repository but my packages are not signed. Could someone help me with GPG/PGP signing them?
10:59.45Jachinxserver-xfree86 or -dbg ?
10:59.50azeemJachin: the former
10:59.58clemdo I have to sign each package, or can I just "sign" the repository itself ?
11:00.01azeemclem: you mean your Release file isn't signed?
11:00.13azeemclem: the latter is the usual way
11:00.16clemazeem: I don't have any Release files.. it's a trivial repo.
11:00.41azeemit's the Release file you need to sign, try to find documentation on how to create a Release file and then sign it
11:00.47azeemI've never done it myself
11:00.48clemazeem: ok
11:01.04clemazeem: do I generate my own GPG key myself ?
11:02.00clemazeem: ok I'll have a look at that. Thanks a lot.
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11:02.37Jachinazeem: it is still 640x480 , i cant change
11:02.41clemazeem: I'm glad I can do it through the repo.. I was afraid I would have to sign packages individually...
11:03.16compDoWhen I execute "ulimit -c 1024" as normal user, I get "-bash: ulimit: core file size: cannot modify limit: Operation not permitted". As root, this is working. Where can I enable changing of the core size for all users?
11:04.10azeemJachin: and maybe your monitor settings aren't good
11:04.27azeemJachin: what happens if you press ctrl+alt+<numpad +>
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11:05.36Jachinwhen i type mozilla in terminal it says segmentation fault
11:05.49azeemJachin: alternatively, check /var/log/X*log
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11:15.24Jachinmy webbrowsers arent working anymore after installation of Debian
11:15.38JachinMozilla isnt opening, and epiphemy is crashing each time i open it
11:16.07blondieyour question doesn't make sense
11:16.17blondiehow would they be working when debian wasn't installed?
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11:16.17badgersOkay, I'm here. (courtesy of sussudio)
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11:16.23badgersTest Failed.
11:16.34blondie15 badgers in your trousers
11:17.04Jachinblondie, after installation mozilla worked 1 time, and after that it isnt opening anymore, i tried to reboot
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11:20.32Jachini think it is a gtk2 problem, how can i change to KDE
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11:21.05azeemJachin: KDE is a desktop environment, GTk2 is a toolkit
11:21.17azeemwhen you switch to KDE, mozilla will still use GTK+
11:21.35JachinJachin: there are probs with gtk2 at the moment. i have random crashiness in thunderbird & firefox just now
11:21.42Jachinhow can i resolve this problem then
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11:22.20ShadurFitzgerald ran a hand through his silver hair. "Okay, Harry, we'll table this issue for the moment. I'd like for you to come by my office at a later date, however, because in spite of what you may think there are a number of options available to you which you should know about."
11:22.33krylHi, bind 9.2.4 under sarge distribution crash every two day this week ... I don't understand why , I think it can be a ram problem but I want to test the processor, My question is : how to monitor temperature on two processor with lm-sensor or other tools please ?
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11:22.39Shadur... Okay, I starting to severely hate this keyboard. One moment.
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11:24.36krylmy Mother board is : A7M266-D
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11:25.38sussudiokryl: That motherboard doesn't have a CPU temperature sensor as far as i know.
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11:26.20sussudio%tell kryl about memtest86
11:26.36krylYes but I can't restart the server at this time :-(
11:26.39murd3r2is there anyone here that knows a little delphi?
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11:26.50kryllibsensors return temperature informations for ONE processor
11:28.04sussudiokryl: 9 out of 10 times the powersupply is the problem, by the way.
11:28.45kryland ...
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11:29.08krylI have a problem with the keyboard too !! I can't use the keyboard now on the MB !
11:29.17krylit's curious ...
11:29.26tomekkI want Kanotix installed on ma disk
11:29.28krylthe server use a battery system
11:29.45tomekkits compile under i586
11:30.04tomekkbut after installtion Kanotix used debian's repo
11:30.14tomekkdebian is i386
11:30.26sussudiotomekk: this isn't #kanotix. go away.
11:30.28badgersit has been said that kanotix is not Debian, and we can't help you. Go /join #kanotix, or such a big fan of debian, it has sources for woody, sarge AND sid in sources.list (sid default)  See <Based On Debian>, or go to #kanotix
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11:30.56tomekkmaybe somebody used Kanotix ??
11:31.02sussudiogo away.
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11:46.41Eclipserutab, did you solve your problem yet?
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11:49.33bloodknightIf I want to switch from connecting to the internet via dhcp (a router) to direct (pppoe), what package should I reconfigure?
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12:01.57utabEclipser: sorry for the late reply, I ewnt to luch
12:02.08Eclipserno problem
12:02.16Eclipsersolved it yet then?
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12:02.35utabEclipser: no still the paste problem
12:02.54fluppetHi I'm trying to install Dillo as a local user (I don't have root access), can anyone help me?
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12:03.25Eclipserutab, :he paste  (this is not in Vi and I think you *are* actually using vim :)
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12:04.43utabEclipser: right, if I select some code or text from a web browser and paste that, then I get this problem I thought that I am not the 1st to confront with this and searched google but no use and then dropped here
12:05.21christopherlsomeone know how to change the color of the hostname in Gnome terminal?
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12:05.34Eclipserutab, :set paste     (paste your stuff in insert mode) <ESC> :set nopaste
12:05.53E-bolais there anyway to tell debian to "apply the permissions of THISFILE on THATFILE" ?
12:05.55utabEclipser: hmmm, thanks
12:06.04E-bolaso it changes owner,group and perms to the same as another file has?
12:06.16Eclipserutab, there's also #vim :)
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12:07.03utabEclipser: yep,thx
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12:07.42nevynEclipser: yeah
12:07.51Eclipsernevyn, missed
12:08.11nevynE-bola: chmod --reference=thisfile thatfile
12:08.20E-bolanevyn: cool
12:08.21nevynE-bola: I think it exists for chown as well
12:08.24Diamondhow can i change standard network card in linux
12:08.36nevynE-bola: it may be a two pass thing...
12:08.45nevynyou might need to chmod and chow
12:08.47E-bolawould be nice if u could do both user grp and perms in 1
12:08.48Diamondi'v got two network cards in my computer
12:08.49nevynchown even
12:09.18Diamondand i changed the cable how can i change default network card
12:09.35Diamondbtw : my problem whas i can not update from apt-get databases
12:10.13Diamonddon't know why when i ping some adres it can reach it
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12:10.31Diamondbut apt databases are unreachable
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12:10.45Diamondsomeone that can help me here?
12:12.05DiamondHi analeptic
12:13.12Diamondanaleptic : i can't update my debian
12:13.18Diamondapt databases unreachable
12:13.36Diamondon sec i give you there error
12:14.15*** part/#debian compDo (
12:15.05Diamondhe can not reach the sites
12:15.24Diamondis not reachable
12:15.48fireba11!tell diamond about enter
12:16.03Diamondi know fireba11 :) sorry for that
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12:19.28fluppetOkay, since noone replied to my previous message, I'll just tell you about my problem installing Dillo without root access: I downloaded the .tar.bz2 and extracted it. I ran configuration, it seemed to go okay. I then ran make, which took about a minute and although it was going too fast for me to read, it seemed to be giving quite a few errors, then I tried running install-dpi-local which executed without giving any messages, but dillo doesn't seem to
12:19.28fluppet'dillo' executable anyway... any ideas? Thanks
12:20.08analepticany error message?
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12:22.41fluppeterror messages when running make, but nothing when I ran install-dpi-local
12:22.57fluppetjust went back to command prompt again
12:23.15*** join/#debian Moarc (
12:23.23MoarcGood morning! :)
12:24.25fluppetis there a more appropriate channel for my question? There doesn't seem to be a dillo channel...
12:27.37rowsasl2 in etch supports courier authdaemon for authentication does it not?
12:27.58tarzeauwhere and how is defined as which priority number some init.d script from debian/ is installed?
12:28.16liablehrm, openoffice has suddenly started playing sounds from .pps files for me
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12:28.48tuvwxdondelelcaro, damn.. this pgf is incredible indeed
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12:37.22infesterhi! can someone help me giving me a hint of how my partition table should look like when i want to make a dualboot installation of linux+macos10?
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12:50.18asulaohello. is it possible to do connection timings in a ssh connection (much like ping does)?
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12:58.13mostyis it possible to get make-kpkg on sarge to build an initramfs initrd image?
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12:59.54larslHow do I get Iceweasel to antialias all fonts?
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13:01.09fluppetIs it in any way possible to install a package (locally) without root access?
13:01.45janttsuhow could i check ide disk for corruptions? my 80gb drive seems to have some problem. gparted tell's that total size is only 30 gb....
13:02.13fireba11janttsu: run fdisk after mounting read-only or at next boot
13:02.18fireba11er . .fsck
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13:02.43petemcsome disks have jumpers to set them to 32gig
13:03.44rowI am getting issues of authdaemon refusing my connection from sasl, how can I find out why its being refused?
13:03.58rowpostfix is chroot'ed and I hardlinked the socket file into the chroot.
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13:06.19frafraI've downloaded skype for linux. It looks dirty and bad, so I've used qt3-config for set a better theme. Skype still use the default, old, dirty qt theme. How to fix it? I'm on sid for amd64
13:06.44janttsupetemc: good thought.. jumpers were wrong :D
13:06.49Tenkawafrafra: what does that have to do with debian?
13:07.50frafraTenkawa, I want to use skype with another qt theme under gnome... The default theme is dirty... I've set another theme qith qt3-config, but nothing happens in skype
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13:08.17Braindeadfrafra: so it's a Skype problem.
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13:09.37frafraBraindead, if this is a skype problem, skype will looks ugly in every linux desktop, with the motif default theme...
13:10.03zamaliphewhat is the last kernel in sid ?
13:10.18Braindeadzamaliphe: 2.6.18-9
13:10.29*** join/#debian Sero (
13:10.36cahoothopefully not the last though
13:10.43Serowhat's the best torrent client for debian?
13:10.50BraindeadSero: rtorrent
13:11.26Seroand I should trust braindeaD?
13:11.32zamaliphewhen the kernel 2.6.20 relase ?
13:11.37larslktorrent is OK, I haven't really tried that many though.
13:11.58lncastSero: rtorrent is also ok
13:12.14Braindeadzamaliphe: what's the point? upstream vanilla kernel still is in RC state
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13:12.49frafradpkg (the bot in this channel) seems dead :D
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13:13.06larslzamaliphe: It's pretty easy to build your own 2.6.20 packages if you want to install it.
13:13.46zamaliphelarsl: i do
13:13.53larslzamaliphe: Download code from, copy .config from the latest linux-headers package, make oldconfig, make-dpkg
13:14.36cahootzamaliphe: waiting for something special?
13:15.36zamaliphecahoot: no i just want to test whats new in 2.6.20
13:16.06Braindeadread the changelog.
13:16.08cahootzamaliphe: as already pointed out there is no 2.6.20 yet anyways
13:16.46Trewaszamaliphe: 2.6.20-rc6 is supposed to be the last -rc before the final release, so it should be quite safe to test and the final should be ready in few weeks
13:16.46zamaliphecahoot: ok
13:17.40zamalipheTrewas: will that is good news
13:17.45larslzamaliphe: Sorry - when you said "i do", did you mean that you already build your own kernel packages or that you do want to install 2.6.20?
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13:19.09zamaliphelarsl: meant want to install 2.6.20
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13:19.53zamaliphelarsl: i haven't compill any kernel before
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13:20.36drakoAnyone can recommend me a good SIP client?
13:21.02larslzamaliphe: Get the 2.6.19 package and the latest RC patch to 2.6.20 from, apply the patch, install the latest version of the Debian package linux-headers, copy /usr/src/linux/.config to the new kernel source, run 'make oldconfig' and answer the questions, then run 'make-kpgk --root fakeroot --initrd binary' in the source directory and it should create Debian kernel packages for you.
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13:21.09Braindeadzamaliphe: can't you resist the compelling urge of rolling your own kernel? is it some sort of initiatic experience ?
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13:21.58drakolarsl, does that command make modules aswell? what the binary is for?
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13:22.15cahootBraindead: you never compiled a kernel?
13:22.54Braindeadcahoot: sure. but not because "I want" or "i just want to test whats new in FOOVERSION"
13:23.14larsldrako: Yes, all modules that are configured to be built will be part of the linux-image package.
13:23.20cahootBraindead: isn't it really a quite harmless itch to scratch?
13:23.34larsldrako: That command actually build source, header and manual packages as well.
13:23.41Braindeadand by the way pure vanilla kernels aren't exactly destined to final user,he'd better be sticking to Debian sources
13:23.48*** join/#debian Thms (
13:23.56zamaliphelarsl: thanks alot i'm gona try it now
13:24.11drakolarsl, i do make-kpkg --initrd kernel_image modules
13:24.15larslzamaliphe: You'll probably need to install some packages first.
13:24.49Braindeadand add the fact that 2.6 developement really is "on the edge",so why bothering trying RC releases of an anyway "unpolished" kernel ?
13:24.49drakowhen I did without 'modules' in the end i was getting panic
13:24.58larsldrako: Maybe 'binary' adds it automatically.
13:24.59Braindeadsee the recent mmap/MMSYNC bug,for example
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13:25.23zamalipheBraindead: will compill the kernel make you feel you have your one system for real :D
13:25.24larslBraindead: I'm doing it to get the latest RT preemption patch.
13:25.32drakolarsl, good hint
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13:26.11Braindeadlarsl: adding a patch you need is a thing. compiling a RC vanilla kernel "to become a real man" seems a bit out of time
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13:27.25berkescan anyone point me to a standard debian solution to sync a second remotely hosted bind9 nameserver?
13:27.54berkesthat is, I want 'the other server' to reflect any changes I make to the first server.
13:28.10rowIs there anyway to run postfix's smtpd chrooted while using sasl+courier authdaemon?
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13:28.36rowI tried hardlinking the socket for authdaemon but I get connection refused when I do.
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13:30.03Shadurrow: postfix already chroots everything it can safely do so on and runs without privileges on everything that doesn't need them.
13:30.03nm_re *
13:30.20nm_i got streamer source package from  responstive
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13:30.37nm_how do i build this source for an arm arch ?
13:30.48Serois rtorrent text-based? I don't have any desktop systems installed
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13:31.19rowShadur: yeah but I can only get it to work when not chrooted, when smtpd is chrooted I need to symlink the socket file and get connection refused when doing so.
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13:31.39dustyrHey guys I am trying to get my USB  adsl modem working in debian, however i need to install hotplug when i do it conflicts with usbdev (now im going to need that) i tried -f install and it still complains, any ideas?
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13:32.29Kitufrance 2, envoyé spécial, sarkozy (auto promo france 2 pour l'émission, vers environs 13h30): "/say c'est un match qui se joue en V sets" :D, ( [11h53m17s] * Vous-vous appelez maintenant Kituu|sarkozy_V ).
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13:32.55BraindeadSero: at least look for the package description,it isn't that hard
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13:34.46SeroBd: i've done that, but haven't tested the client yet. But; is it possible to limit the number of ports opened by the client + is it possible to set the max upload rate? I can only find switches for file limits
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13:35.38BraindeadSero: yes,it's a very flexible and configurable client
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13:39.37Serohow on earth do I quit the clien? :))
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13:40.05BraindeadSero: by reading the fine manual
13:40.14Seromy shell is locked!
13:40.51Braindeadit's the FIRST key they explain how to use.
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13:43.06Jachinwhen i type this : [root@hostname root]# chown root.admins /home/netlogon , it gives error , chown: `root.admins': unknown group
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13:43.37Jachini made a group admins, and a dir mkdir -m 0775 /home/netlogon
13:44.14Thmsanyone knows a thing like gkrell ?
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13:44.26justinJachin: try root:admins ? is . supposed to work?
13:44.43justinJachin: ah yeah, apparently . works too... check /etc/group
13:44.54Jachinsame error
13:45.50Jachingroup -g 200 admins , isnt working on debian is this normal
13:46.49Jachinok i added admins with kde users and groups, but i didnt press ok, now it works
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13:48.26cahootJachin: skip the s - admin
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13:52.56Thmsanyones knows a good system monitor which is showed on the wallpaper ?
13:53.34*** join/#debian mx-zoom (
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13:54.07cydorkThms: conky or superkaramba for kde or gdesklets for gnome
13:54.12*** join/#debian Firestarter- (
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13:55.16erchachethis error can be solved upgrading kernel?
13:55.18erchacheattempt to access beyond end of device
13:55.18erchachesda1: rw=1, want=11133931640, limit=142110927
13:55.44Thmsthanks a lot cydork
13:56.26*** join/#debian b0xt (
13:56.52LeFallenThms: There's also adesklets which IMHO are better than gdesklets
13:58.29*** part/#debian bkudria (n=bkudria@
13:59.10christopherlhow do I copy the contents from a folder to another folder?
13:59.14*** part/#debian omsoft (n=oleg@
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13:59.56Atomyhi how to change that syslog is sending me every hour an mail?
14:00.49Pollekechristopherl, cp -r /path/to/dir/* /other/dir/.
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14:03.42thm09830does anybody as experience with the --root option of the dpkg tool ?
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14:06.18thm09830dpkg -i --root=/loctmp/test lacheck_1.26-7_i386.deb gives me an errormsg
14:06.57thm09830(dpkg: kann auf den Statusbereich von dpkg nicht zugreifen: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden)
14:07.25Thmscydork: do you know any other please ?
14:07.32*** join/#debian jebs (
14:08.20thm09830translation: dpkg: cant access the status of dpkg: cannot find file or directory
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14:09.47wwallacesussudio you still alive?
14:10.12erchacheattempt to access beyond end of device
14:10.12erchachesda1: rw=1, want=11133931640, limit=142110927
14:10.12erchacheThis can be solved upgrading kernel?
14:10.19azeemwwallace: people go away from time to time, better to address the whole channel, not individuals
14:10.23erchacheor is a hardware error disk?
14:10.58*** join/#debian streuner (
14:11.13cydorkThms: as LeFallen mentioned there is adesklets too! i dont know any other..
14:11.22*** join/#debian terran (
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14:15.49larslThms: There is gkrellm that displays monitors in its own window and kima which displays it in the KDE panel. Not on the desktop though.
14:16.15*** join/#debian sulo (
14:16.28Thmslarsl: I know grkellm and I use gnome
14:18.32*** join/#debian fireba11 (n=Miranda@
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14:20.00*** mode/#debian [+l 748] by debhelper
14:20.05junix|workwhat si the debian pastebin?
14:20.33cydorkjunix|work: use
14:20.34Eulexdpkg apperas to be dead
14:20.36*** join/#debian Miesco (
14:21.31streunerapt, pastebin
14:21.33aptit has been said that pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or, or
14:21.55junix|workcould someone look at this for me?
14:22.14*** join/#debian corp-mule (
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14:22.37streuneruh, that looks ugly!
14:22.44Jachinhow can i see in which dir smb is ?
14:23.06*** join/#debian zamaliphe (n=zam@
14:23.06petemcdpkg -L package
14:23.25streunerjunix|work: show us your sources.list
14:24.00*** join/#debian FernandoMM (
14:25.04streunerapt, tell junix|work about sid faq
14:25.31junix|worki know about sid
14:25.44junix|worki want to know how to force the install so i can continue...
14:25.59streunerread the FAQ first, before asking questions here.
14:26.25streunerread also 'man sources.list' and USE ONLY official mirrors.
14:27.16streuner1) line 14 - comment that line.
14:27.20junix|workam i not?
14:27.35*** join/#debian derfreak00 (
14:27.46junix|workoh i'm not worried about that source, it was for a specific package
14:27.55streuner2) line 6 + 10, comment that too, and use an official mirror
14:28.21*** part/#debian sam_uk (n=user@
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14:28.51cydorkjunix|work: what does apt-cache policy apache2-common say?
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14:32.01nachoxi'm fighting a bit with debian and ldap authentication, i've configured libnss-ldap, set up nsswitch.conf and modified the pam files and still no go, is there any way to check things are ok in the ldap database?
14:32.05cydorkjunix|work: no candidate for that.. did you just upgrade from stable to sid?
14:32.54*** part/#debian Raging_Hog (
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14:34.29junix|workcydork: ??
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14:34.49cydorkjunix|work: well there is no apache2-common in unstable there is apache2.2-common though.
14:35.11streunerjunix|work: Did you read Sid FAQ yet?
14:35.12*** join/#debian abchirk (
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14:35.18Jachindomain admin group = @admins root; line in smb.conf gives error, Unknown parameter encountered: "domain admin group"
14:35.53junix|workstreuner: yes i did, all i want to do is force apache to load or remove it completely and continue on
14:36.23streunerjunix|work: so scroll up and follow those steps we told you before.
14:36.47streunerjunix|work: What does 'dpkg -l libc6 | tail -1' say?
14:37.13*** join/#debian clem (
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14:37.18junix|workwhy does the mirror make a difference, the official debian mirrors take forever to download update from.  which is why i moved to anl
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14:37.40junix|workstreuner: MEGATRON:~# dpkg -l libc6| tail -1
14:37.40junix|workii  libc6          2.3.6.ds1-10   GNU C Library: Shared libraries
14:37.52mostyi'm looking for a small, fast filtering web proxy (i think squid would be overkill). i want to deny access to all sites except my list of about 10 websites
14:37.57*** join/#debian madclicker (n=madclick@
14:38.01mostycan anyone suggest anything like that?
14:38.02streuneronly official gurantee the right packages and the rigth structure, you are on the safe site then.
14:38.05*** join/#debian jebs (
14:38.26junix|workanl is not an official mirror?
14:38.50Stardusthi, does anybody know some application to solve equations?
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14:39.17larslStardust: YACAS
14:39.35junix|workstreuner: did the output help at all?
14:39.38larslStardust: I haven't used it much though, but the name "Yet Another Computer Algebra System" seems promising.
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14:40.33cydorkStardust: there is maxima too..
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14:41.23Stardustlarsl: thanx, i will try them
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14:43.22giupydid you noticed that procmeter3 crahes with 2 cpus info? is that a bug or it's my problem ?
14:44.00abrotmangiupy: look at .. see if there's a bug arleady filed
14:44.01Apparentits dpkg down ?
14:44.09giupyabrotman: ok
14:44.12*** join/#debian Galga (
14:44.13streunerapt, no mirrors is <reply> Official Debian archive mirrors get an address of the form ftp.<country> These are the best advertised and most used sites; the face of Debian for most people. Official Debian archive mirrors get an address of the form ftp.<country> These are the best advertised and most used sites; the face of Debian for most people. A list is avaiable at
14:44.14aptstreuner: okay
14:44.21streunerjunix|work: no.
14:44.27abrotmanbot is broken
14:44.30junix|workstreuner: :-(
14:44.36streunerabrotman: yeah
14:44.37Apparentwtf ? dpkg does not respond ;)
14:44.44streuneruse apt instead
14:44.46abrotmanstreuner: i already noticed
14:44.53abrotmanbadgers: apt key
14:44.54badgersabrotman: parse error: dunno what the heck you're talking about
14:44.56Apparentabrotman need to get the apt-get install sourcekey or something .. what was that ?
14:44.59abrotmanbadgers: key
14:45.00badgersFor the new apt key, download it with "gpg --recv-keys 6070d3a1", then verify in whatever way you normally do that it is signed by the Debian ftpmasters.  you can then use "apt-key" to install it.
14:45.08abrotmanApparent: apt-get install debian-archive-keyring
14:45.13abrotmanbadgers: yay!
14:45.18streuneror aptitude, stew: where is your bot?
14:45.20*** join/#debian benje (
14:45.29Apparentabrotman thanks
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14:48.21streunerjunix|work: also, shouldn't be an offical mirror as well, according to the defination of A list is avaiable at
14:48.33*** part/#debian oggis5i (
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14:50.11pablo_hi, how do i highlight synthax in vim? what is the debian.vim?
14:51.34junix|workstreuner: would always take soooo long to download from
14:52.31Thmshow can I configure conky for my SMP cpu ?
14:52.36*** join/#debian v1per (
14:53.13streunerjunix|work: apt-get install apt-spy
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14:54.00junix|workif i could i would....
14:54.17streunerok, fix your sources.list first
14:55.53*** join/#debian mijndert_ (
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14:59.25junix|workstreuner: fixing
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15:00.14Knight_Lordypcat -k auto.master works and i have nis in nsswitch.conf for automount but automount doesn't seem to work
15:00.17Knight_LordWhat could be the problem?
15:00.23junix|workstreuner: is taking forever on a apt-get update
15:00.27junix|workthis is what i'm talking about
15:01.00*** part/#debian pablo_ (
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15:01.12andrunkohi all, i have a package that used to contain a lot of plugins, and now i splitted the package in separate plugins packages + the central package, but when i try to install the new plugins packages i got " trying to overwrite `/usr/lib/canola-1.0/', which is also in package libcanola-plugins-base1.0-0"
15:01.16valdynpablo_: ':syntax on' or 'syntax on' in your .vimrc
15:01.26andrunkodoes anyone know how can i fix that?
15:01.45andrunkowithout using --force-overwrite
15:01.57*** join/#debian pitillo (
15:02.12azeemandrunko: you need versioned conflicts/depends
15:02.42andrunkoall plugins conflicts with old libcanola-plugins-base1.0-0 version
15:02.56andrunkoazeem: and all plugins depends on the new one
15:03.33azeemandrunko: then you might need Replaces: as well
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15:04.07junix|workstreuner: take a look at this
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15:04.46ThmsI have some segfault with apt-spy, why ?
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15:05.06chris_goewhy not? (SCNR)
15:05.17cr3for some reason, I changed my window manager from gnome to ratpoison and now my audio is not working. what might be wrong?
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15:05.44Knight_Lordcr3 maybe you were relying on esd
15:05.47andrunkoazeem: could you please take a look at it's my debian/control file
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15:05.51venganzai have tried make raid 1 software in a debian running system but it cant boot :/
15:05.56Knight_Lordcr3 try running "esd &" and see if your sound starts to work
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15:05.57venganzathose was my steps
15:05.59andrunkoit already uses Replaces
15:06.06venganzai have used Rainer Jochem howto
15:06.09cr3Knight_Lord: interesting idea! one sec...
15:06.20Apparentabrotman does courier package have authmodule (authvchkpw) support build in in etch rc1 ?
15:06.23venganzaanyone could check that please?
15:06.28venganzai suspect something is wrong :P
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15:06.35azeemandrunko: sorry, I'm busy right now
15:06.47andrunkoazeem: np
15:06.49azeemandrunko: you can ask in #debian-mentors on I think
15:06.51abrotman~find authvchkpw etch
15:07.00andrunkoazeem: hmm great, tnx
15:07.08cr3Knight_Lord: nope, still doesn't work :(
15:07.10Apparentabrotman ?
15:07.38abrotmanbadgers: find autvchkpw etch
15:07.39ralph_spencerhello, i have a problem with a cross-compilation , somebody can me help?
15:08.07*** part/#debian larsl (n=larsl@qgis/developer/larsl)
15:08.18harkThms: apt-spy does segfault for many people, you can try netselect-apt instead.
15:08.50*** part/#debian garo (
15:08.53badgersDebian Package/File/Desc Search of 'autvchkpw' returned no results.
15:09.00Thmshark: netselect-apt is unknow command
15:09.02abrotmanbadgers: find authvchkpw etch
15:09.03streunerjunix|work: use a different mirror like tempo instead.
15:09.09*** join/#debian jebs (
15:09.10badgersDebian Package/File/Desc Search of 'authvchkpw' returned no results.
15:09.13Knight_Lordcr3 check alsamixer, maybe volume is low
15:09.14Apparentabrotman so not is it ?
15:09.19*** join/#debian FaithX (
15:09.24abrotmanApparent: guess not .. try for more info
15:09.34Apparentabrotman thanks
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15:09.46cr3Knight_Lord: I tried and changing alsamixer settings didn't change anything and, this is a laptop, so I also tried the audio up and down buttons
15:09.52x_linkhrmmm. I can't install apt-get install flashplayer-plugin-nonfree or what it's called
15:10.00harkThms: well, you do have to install it first ;)
15:10.07x_linkI need the latest version of flash, could somebody help me out with this one?
15:10.09*** join/#debian priscila (
15:10.13Thmshark: it is not in apt too
15:10.22atmosif run dpkg --get-selections on one box and i want another box to have the same pkgs
15:10.28harkThms: etch?
15:10.28atmosi can use --set-selections i see
15:10.34Thmshark: yeah
15:10.38atmosbut how do i tell it to install those files from the set-selections ?
15:10.54*** join/#debian riffen (
15:11.20ThmsW: Impossible de localiser la liste des paquets sources etch/main Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/ - stat (2 Aucun fichier ou répertoire de ce type)
15:11.20ThmsW: Impossible de localiser la liste des paquets sources etch/contrib Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/ - stat (2 Aucun fichier ou répertoire de ce type)
15:11.20ThmsW: Impossible de localiser la liste des paquets sources etch/non-free Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/ - stat (2 Aucun fichier ou répertoire de ce type)
15:11.23ThmsW: Impossible de localiser la liste des paquets sources etch/main Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/ - stat (2 Aucun fichier ou répertoire de ce type)
15:11.23*** kick/#debian [Thms!n=debhelpe@unaffiliated/debhelper] by debhelper (use the paster bot or #flood)
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15:11.59Darth_DrAk0I need a good Soft Phone for VoIP
15:12.15Thmshark: my sources.list was fucked up by apt-spy, I try now netselect thanks a lot
15:12.44x_linkShouldn't apt-get instlal flashplugin-nonfree install the latest flash player?
15:13.02Apparentabrotman please get dpkg to work
15:13.19abrotmanApparent: the bot ?
15:13.23abrotmanit's not my bot
15:13.33*** join/#debian Galga (
15:13.44abrotmani'm sure dondelelcaro has been notified
15:14.14harkx_link: if you have the right sources
15:14.15x_linkhark: the right repo you mean?
15:15.02*** join/#debian ChompWzrd (
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15:16.12hark~tell x_link about contrib
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15:17.45x_linkhark: Ahh... so I should take away "contrib non-free" from the first two lines that I have?
15:18.11honschuHow to simulate a mouse-press in X?
15:18.28hark~find flashplugin-nonfree etch
15:18.45*** join/#debian fireba11 (n=Miranda@
15:19.08x_linkhark: Is that something I need to do?
15:19.56harkx_link: huh.. that's the package you need for Flashplayer
15:20.10*** join/#debian p4tux (n=p4tux@
15:20.20x_linkahh ok
15:20.28x_linkapt-get install flashplugin-nonfree etch
15:20.38x_linkhark: Thanks alot! I really appreciate it man.
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15:28.46baroniHi all. Does anybody knows how to link the middle-button-mouse-paste-resource to some shortcut?
15:29.28x_linkflashplugin-nonfree etch didn't work.
15:29.33*** part/#debian E-bola (
15:30.11harketch is not a package!
15:30.25whadarhow can i make unattended installs? those blue screens are driving me crazy....
15:30.49*** join/#debian CharminTheMoose (n=Count_fu@
15:30.55cydorkwhadar: preseed or fai
15:31.15x_linkhark: I did apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree as well. Doesn't install it.
15:31.40*** part/#debian dorel__ (
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15:31.52harkx_link: paste your sources.list
15:32.02*** join/#debian Thomaschaaf (
15:32.07x_linkAhh wait
15:32.23x_linkapt-get install flashplugin-nonfree worked this time.
15:32.28x_linkThis was the fith time I tried it.
15:32.36ThomaschaafI want to fetch mail with php5 but the mail server is on a nother Server what do I do?
15:32.38*** join/#debian kingsley (
15:32.58x_linkhark: Sorry for my stupid questions, I'm new with this.
15:33.07x_linkI really appreciate that you helped me, thanks alot man!
15:33.22*** part/#debian Bhaal (i=bhaal@freenode/staff/bhaal)
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15:34.22junix|workstreuner: ok cahgned my sources
15:34.32x_linkSo from now on when I do apt-get update, apt-get upgrade and apt-get dist-upgrade. Will that upgrade my flash version as well when new versions are out?
15:34.34Thomaschaafplease help..
15:34.46*** part/#debian frankie (n=frankie@lugbari/people/frankie)
15:35.37whadarfai clones existing machines via pxe?
15:36.28abrotmanThomaschaaf: ask ##php ?
15:36.32harkx_link: it should
15:36.34*** join/#debian vneozeros (n=neozero@
15:36.48x_linkhark: Alright =)
15:36.53*** part/#debian Decepticon (
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15:39.03*** part/#debian cr3 (n=marc@pdpc/supporter/bronze/cr3)
15:39.38efaistossince i upgraded to iceweasel flash didnt work anymore ...
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15:40.49abrotmantried reinstalling flash ?
15:41.39efaistosi installed the .gz and some pkg but maybe not the right one ...
15:42.16streunerjunix|work: what does 'apt-get -f install' say now?
15:42.30*** part/#debian Braindead (
15:42.38junix|work1 zsec
15:42.40*** join/#debian rob (i=rob@freenode/staff/rob)
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15:46.52edcwhich version of debian is STABLE ?
15:46.53edc3.1 ?
15:46.55edcor 4.0 ?
15:47.03edcok, thnx
15:47.12*** part/#debian edc (
15:47.47abrotmanefaistos: probably should go in /usr/lib/iceweasel/plugins/ or similar
15:48.36*** join/#debian jumpship (
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15:49.31jumpshipI cant express enough the wonderful job by the Debian GIS developers/users who all made the GIS software work so well on debian with the apt repo.  A sincerest thanks from a grateful GIS user!  keep up the great work! =D
15:49.32Ramattackhi everybody
15:49.41*** join/#debian limpio (n=xzgv@
15:50.25Ramattackwhy is happenning that when I go to 2 terminal for example (ctrl+alt+f2) the / doesn't work? and on graphical environment or by ssh is working???
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15:52.19tammost likely a stupid question but is there a way to decode those image login screens with a text browser?
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15:53.27Ramattacktam could you know the answer please?
15:53.31efaistosabrotman: its okay
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15:53.56tamRamattack: sorry, don't know about that.
15:54.11Ramattackok then... thanks
15:54.19AzarRamattack: did not understand your question
15:54.41Ramattackhi Azar
15:54.48abrotmanefaistos: try about:plugins .. make sure flash is there
15:55.01Azaryou try to go remote?
15:55.30Ramattackwell I use european keyboard I'm spanish and when I go to second or third or non graphical environment the / doesn't work... but it works on ssh or in graphical environment
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15:55.38Ramattackwhy is that?
15:55.43Ramattackhow could I resolve it?
15:55.49Azaron the same PC or from another PC?
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15:56.14thughmm my apache doesnt start Forcing reload of web server (apache2)...httpd (no pid file) not running
15:56.24Ramattacknope graphical from same pc and ctrl+alt+f2 fron same pc
15:56.28Ramattackbut ssh from another one
15:56.28AzarI would guess you go for a cli interface as user.. right?
15:56.33thugeven /etc/init.d/apache2 start  wont start it
15:56.40Azar.. not as root
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15:56.52RamattackAzar yep truly as root too...
15:57.01Ramattacknormally I use those screens for stating some services
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15:57.21Ramattackand for that purpose I use root and later cd /etc/init.d and ./..... start
15:57.31AzarRamattack: did you tried another F keys?
15:57.45RamattackF keys?
15:57.58Ramattacksorry don't understand you
15:58.09Ramattackif I use behing 8 key it sets /
15:58.16Azaras I vaguely remember F1 through F5 are for one and F6 through F12 for the other interface
15:58.36thughttpd (no pid file) not running
15:58.40thugcan anyone please help
15:58.45thugwhy no pid ?
15:59.01RamattackIt doesn't happen in another debian servers I have
15:59.13Ramattackonly in this one...
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15:59.30Ramattackand today in the morning I've tried to restore an image of it for testing that
15:59.35Ramattackand the same happens in another pc
15:59.36AzarRamattack: you say you do not get root on a cli terminal?
15:59.56RamattackI login as root on ctrl+añt+f2
16:00.14Azarand you get no access to / ?
16:00.23Ramattackthat's it
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16:00.32Diamonddoes anyone know a easy way to configure ftp server
16:00.33RamattackI have to use behing 8 key
16:00.50Diamondfor non anonymous
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16:00.58Diamondfor debian?
16:01.02Ramattackis there any place in wich to modify keyboard language?
16:01.14Ramattackfor those consoles? could be that?
16:01.35Azarnot sure might be locales..
16:01.50RamattackI've done it....
16:02.06Ramattackdpkg-reconfigure locales
16:02.29Ramattackwell the server is working properly so it doesn't worry lots to me...
16:02.48Ramattackbut its curious
16:03.00Ramattackand its debian sarge stable
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16:04.11Azarhmmmm sorry I never had an issue with a keyboard, it seems your keyboard works, the access to / does not
16:04.41AzarRamattack: try using su while in user on a xterm
16:07.40GNPgood morning folks... Im back ;)
16:07.44*** join/#debian alterego (
16:08.12alteregoIs etch deemed stable enough for production server usage?
16:08.36karstenalterego: That's your decision to make.
16:08.40Ramattackok thanks a lot then
16:09.02karstenalterego: In practice:  it's frozen, shouldn't change much before release, and is being used by a lot of folks now.
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16:09.15smimpDiamond: i think they swear by vsftpd here.  havent set it up before, but it looks like its simple enough to get what you need... just change 3 settings in the config file
16:09.17alteregokarsten, yeah I use it at home.
16:09.17Azarunbelievably delicious! We get a second set of news on Debian !!!
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16:09.34nixboxhi all
16:09.41karstenalterego: The release updates page should list major bugs / issues pending release.  In past releases, the installer was a major roadbump, not sure now.
16:09.52karstenAzar: ?
16:09.53nixboxi have an old machine without a monitor and i want to install debian on it, how should i go about that?
16:09.57alteregokarsten, I think I'll stick with compiling other packages from source until it gets released.
16:10.02karstennixbox: Read the installation manual
16:10.17karstenWhere's dpkg?
16:10.47karstennixbox: Serial install is possible.  Or rig a monitor on it for the install.
16:10.50nixboxkarsten, i just want to know if i can somehow move the display to my laptop?
16:10.58nixboxkarsten, the rest i know
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16:11.21nixboxkarsten, i can access the machine over the network...
16:11.21karstennixbox: Serial install.  Or remote chroot install if it's already running a 'nix.  Eg:  debootstrap.
16:11.24karstennixbox: debootstrap then.
16:11.32Azarkarsten: lately Debian News publishes only once /month. Now we got a second one
16:11.47karstenAzar: Ah.
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16:13.05metaperlThe debian installer guessed that my domain name was utekcorp.local not ...
16:13.54karstenmetaperl: only the hostname is assigned locally.  Rig up the rest in DNS.
16:15.03*** join/#debian Tchaka (
16:15.50Roninmetaperl: so change it
16:16.11Diamonddoes anyone knows a good ftp server non anonymous ?
16:16.15Diamondfor debian r4
16:16.23keith80403Anyone know what screen grab tool is used to create .png or .gif graphics of text mode screens, like those here: ?
16:16.26karstenDiamond: oxymoron.
16:16.29Diamondeasy to config
16:16.31metaperlRonin - i did. I was just wondering why that happened. I suppose because our network here is windows-based and this machine did DHCP or something to a windows box
16:16.36SpeedyGDiamond: I use pure-ftpd
16:16.40SpeedyGworks like a charm :)
16:16.48streunerapt, find
16:16.48karstenDiamond: authenticating ftp is so 1980.
16:17.15DiamondSpeedyG : can you help me installing and configuring pure-ftpd ?
16:17.21Diamondi am not that good with linux
16:17.24Azarkeith80403: I use the gkrellm screen shot in combination with imagemagick
16:17.27Diamondso i need some help
16:17.37Diamondhave some time to help me ?
16:17.38karstenkeith80403: Probably any of the standard screencapture utilities + vmware or qemu.
16:17.42RoninDiamond: apt-get install pure-ftpd and read teh docs and thier website
16:17.55keith80403Azar, karsten, I'll check out gkrellm - thanks.
16:18.03SpeedyGDiamond: what Ronin says
16:18.04streunerjunix|work: isn't in debian...
16:18.05karstenDiamond: Friends don't let friends send passwords in plaintext over the IntarWeb any more.
16:18.26Azarkeith80403: karsten knows better the tools he propose might fit your needs better
16:18.40karstenkeith80403: ... or you could ask Mr. Falko.
16:18.45GNPOK  for those who dont remember me I am very new to debian/nix... I want to turn the box into a home server that will house a domain/website. I want to end up with it being just like my regular hosting accounts with cpanel and the works. Should I start with something like xampp or install apache, php and all seperatly??
16:19.05streunerjunix|work: what does that mean for you, well just remove any *apache* package installed on your box.
16:19.16jumpshipvuts the main diff between apt-get update and apt-get upgrade.  the man page seems to indicate that update syncronizes the list, while upgrade actually upgrades the packages?
16:19.43Azarjumpship: exactly
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16:20.08jumpshipazar: so update doesnt really "update packages" it updates the list ?
16:20.29Azarjumpship: yes, and it is needed as a preparation for the actual upgrade
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16:20.40jumpshipazar: ok cool.  thanks so much
16:21.22streunerjunix|work: *Those* packages MUST go away of your system, no matter what happens.
16:21.25*** part/#debian giupy-euei (
16:21.31jumpshipgnp:  maybe install all that stuff on the initial install of Debian
16:22.00CrippsFXwhen I do apt-get upgrade, apt holds back firefox, xchat, and kernel upgrades. What do I have to edit to allow some of these updates through, and/or prevent others from coming through?
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16:22.29GNPwell Ive got debian installed now along with x and kde
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16:23.16Azarthat for is aptitude, it removes, reinstalls and brings the dependent packages with what you need. If you got a mess , "aptitude" fixes it
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16:23.43CrippsFXAzar, was that directed at me?
16:24.06AzarCrippsFX: yes
16:24.17Azarapt-get = works, aptitude = works better
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16:25.07Azarjumpship: is same thing, only aptitude installs/uninstalls all friends and relatives of a package
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16:25.34jumpshipazar: where apt just maybe finds friends and no relatives?
16:25.38Azardependents... damn I have to do the taxes too
16:25.52Azarjumpship: something like that
16:26.50Azarwith apt-get sometimes say you install a package. You will see a list of "recommends" for others that will not get installed. I used to write all them down then do apt-get again to install those
16:27.35Azaraptitude goes in and installs all of them. Ofcourse sometimes you might not want them so that when you use apt-get
16:27.39karstenjumpship: It's long past time.  OTOH, it's a drop-in replacement for apt-get on the commandline (very nearly entirely).
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16:27.46|ac3|What is the best way to call amavisd-new? =>
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16:28.29jumpshipgreat. thanks
16:28.57Azarjumpship: aptitude is great when doing something major like say installing a new kernel or doing a dist-upgrade to jump to the next Debian
16:29.12abrotmanAzar: that's a setting you can change
16:29.17jumpshipoh cool.  cause i had some kernel issues with sarge to etch
16:29.32Azarabrotman: on aptitude? to select what you want ?
16:29.52abrotmanAzar: for recommends .. and to uninstall them automagically
16:30.13Azarabrotman..... :) cool, which setting?
16:30.20abrotmanpoke around
16:30.28Azarok , thanks for the tip
16:30.56GNPhow do I get a list of packages to download that Ill need to set up a server with apt-get
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16:31.38GNPor how do I get just a basic list of packages available to dl
16:31.38jumpshipI'm really stoked about Debian.  I been using RH/FC since 2000 which i learned on, and while there is some learning curve to Debian, all in all it has been nothing short of awesome.  the package management is definatly a hot feature for users who just want software installed and need to spend more time on applications/development, rather than system/application/package configuration
16:31.38AzarGNP use apt-cache search <packagename>
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16:33.16AzarGNP: or here:
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16:33.58harkGNP: tasksel can give you the list of default applications for a specific 'task', say dns-server
16:34.03jumpshipGNP:  what features are you looking to have installed?  I've found that if you identify main ones like "apache2" or "php", all the other dependencies/details are taken care of for you
16:34.48AzarGNP maybe is not in the Stable repositories, might use backports to get a higher version
16:34.49RoninGNP: because php5 isn't in sarge
16:34.49jumpshiphark: o nice. that tasksel sounds like sweet feature!
16:35.04GNPIm wanting to turn the box into a server
16:35.23RoninGNP: yes we know :)
16:35.25abrotmanstreuner: i saw quite some time ago
16:35.34harkGNP: if you're on sarge yes. Unless you use backports
16:35.36abrotmanstreuner: notice the date on the article
16:35.42streunerabrotman: well, they (HP) give telephon support...
16:35.54abrotmanyeah .. i saw
16:36.07harkjumpship: you probably have noticed it when you installed Debian. man tasksel
16:36.14streunerabrotman: sure, but HP use Debian since a few days for more servers now...
16:36.35Diamondhmm pure-ftpd i way to complex for me
16:36.39Azaryep HP is on same train for long now
16:36.44Diamondi want to setup a'n easy ftp server for linux
16:36.56harktry vsftpd
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16:37.30Azaryou know, I have this feeling that because Debian community don't bow under media pressure to release earlier, draws respect from interested parties
16:37.45Azarand confidence on the upcoming OS
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16:39.53jumpshipharK: actually i missed it...
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16:40.58abrotmanstreuner: yeah ..  i know
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16:42.02streunerabrotman: thats pretty new, in german
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16:44.14nixboxi am installing using debootstrap, when i do /usr/sbin/base-config new i get a "Terminated" message
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16:49.15GNPwhen I apt-cache search cpanel I get back A config tool for chinese desktop inviornment
16:49.26GNPI assume thats not the cpanel I want
16:49.32petemccpanel isnt free
16:49.33jorgeuhi, why dpkg doesn't respond to my messages?
16:49.47Azarjorgeu: lunch break?
16:50.01jorgeuAzar, isn't a bot?
16:50.20Azarjorgeu: yep but sometimes it gets offline for grooming, feeding..
16:50.39jorgeuAzar, yeah, right
16:50.39smimpjorgeu: Azar is dpkg's alter ego
16:51.04Azaryep he is already out
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16:51.39jorgeui just wanted to know the status of the etch release
16:51.43Roninjorgeu: its a union thing for dpkg
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16:52.05Azarjorgeu: etch will not be released soon, no date of release
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16:53.05jorgeui'm tired to compile everthing in slackware for several years, so i'm looking for another distro
16:53.16jorgeudebian etch looks good for me
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16:54.02Azarjorgeu: get Sarge then dist-upgrade to Etch when it gonna come out
16:54.06jorgeusome friends told me that "testing" should work for me now
16:54.09cwheelerlikewise jorgeu
16:54.14cwheeleri'm using etch
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16:54.46jorgeucwheeler, any know fatal bug?
16:54.59cwheelerno, i've had no problems
16:55.11cwheelerjust learning to do things the debian way
16:55.15jorgeucwheeler, what about gnome?
16:55.30Roninwhat about it?
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16:55.47cwheelerI had to learn how to get it to work the way i want
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16:55.51cwheelerit works fine
16:55.58jorgeusimple, good, 2.14, 2.16, any comments?
16:56.03Azarjorgeu: by now many use etch in "testing" and mostly are happy with it
16:56.08metaperlsomeone pinged me?
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16:57.18metaperlI dont think my IRC client supports that petemc
16:57.20jorgeuwell, maybe i will try etch "testing" soon
16:57.29jorgeuthanks for the attention
16:57.37metaperlso my options for a guI pkg mgr for Debian/testing are Synaptic and Aptitude?
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16:57.45Ramattackhi everybody
16:57.52charzeroThere is a GUI package manager?!
16:58.13charzeroNext you'll tell me that Etch is going to have a graphical installer.
16:58.20Ramattackfrom the seven consoles debian has... only seventh console (the x console) deals correctly with keyboard simbols... how could I repair this?
16:59.32cwheelercharzero synaptic
16:59.49metaperlcwheeler - what about aptitude?
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17:00.26cwheelerI haven't tried aptitude
17:00.43metaperlcwheeler - do you like synaptic? I like the Fink Commander when using Fink
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17:00.45bonyi have a via board is it possible to get beryl working on it?
17:00.50fs-ahi, how can i in X swap the 'x' key with 'r' in a simple way?
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17:01.09metaperlfs-a - xmodmap?
17:01.14Roninfs-a: you want to type in jumbles?
17:01.22HumanoidWhy do many programs now keep saying: "Gdk-WARNING **: locale not supported by Xlib"?  It used to work perfectly a long time ago.  Even if I use LC_ALL="C" or LC_ALL="POSIX" it still gives me the same error.
17:01.28fs-aRonin: i dont want it for those two specifically
17:01.33cwheelersynaptic usually works fine, i've had to use apt-get a couple times
17:01.35fs-ametaperl: do you know the line that would do it?
17:01.45metaperlfs-a - i do not
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17:02.25HumanoidAt what version did xlib suddenly stop supporting all locales?  I think back when we used xfree it was working fine.
17:03.02GNPis there a free version of something like cpanel?
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17:03.18metaperlGnP - webmin?
17:03.28metaperlwait, what is cpanel?
17:03.45GNPa web hosting admin tool
17:03.59metaperlGnP  - yeah I tought so. webmin does things like that
17:04.12metaperlGNP - we use domtool at
17:04.22metaperlbut domtool is command line... we like it though
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17:04.56GNPIm to new to the game to go command line only lol
17:05.36dusty-stsHey guys, I keep having to do mknod /dev/pppp c 108 0 when i reboot my system because /dev/ppp disappears, is there anyway to make it stay there?
17:06.09Azarnice, a log colorizer tool : ccze
17:06.25metaperldusty-sts - if nothing else, an @reboot command in cron might work
17:06.39metaperli need to ge tout of this channe. I will waste all mornin typing :)
17:07.00dusty-stsmetaperl, what do you mean an @reboot command?
17:07.19Humanoiddusty-sts: your /dev directory is probably a tmpfs check "/proc/mounts", in that case, either write a bootscript the creates it.  Or if you're using the udev package you can set its config files to do that on every reboot.
17:07.25metaperldusty-sts - man crontab(5)
17:08.02dusty-stsHumanoid, I am using udev, how would i do it that way?
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17:09.08wathekhello all
17:09.16metaperlwathek - hi
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17:09.32Humanoiddusty-sts: Take a look at /etc/init.d/udev, which is run at every reboot, and see which scripts it calls.  Or maybe read "man udev"
17:09.41watheksome one could help me to configure a QoS ?
17:10.28Humanoiddusty-sts: I think it's in /etc/udev/links.conf
17:11.00HumanoidMy links.conf already contains the line: "M ppp c 108 0"
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17:11.40christopherlhow can I change colors in GNU bash?
17:12.14Humanoiddusty-sts: /etc/init.d/udev reads the /etc/udev/links.conf file.
17:12.45GNPwill tasksel install web server work for setting up the box with everything needed to run a webserver?
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17:13.41GathondGNP: probably depends on your definition of everything needed
17:14.04sepskiGNP ofcourse not since the needs of one person is wildly different from another.
17:14.09Nokyi think that slackware is most better than debian
17:14.11Nokydebian suck
17:14.13Nokyis my opinion
17:14.21GathondGNP: it will probably install anything required to display webpages yes, but it might not include database servers/scripting language or choice etc.etc.
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17:14.38GathondNoky: great, but why bother comming here to tell us this? bored?
17:15.00GNPok, so at least its a good place to start since Im not sure what all is needed anyway
17:15.18NokyGathond: i like to think the same way that u
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17:16.07GathondGNP: probably is
17:16.36charzerochristopherl: Do you mean the colors of your prompt?
17:17.35unix_infidelanyone happen to know of a file format that handles account settings for pop and imap clients like evolution, outlook, entourage, thunderbird, etc etc.
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17:18.10PupenoRA client unplugged a server from the power which seems to have broken the FS. I managed to fsck it and mount it and now it's working, but I've got these errors: ext3_readdir: directory #1141442 contains a hole at offset <various offsets>, and eventually EXT3-fs error (device md0) in start_transaction: Readonly filesystem. Any ideas what's wrong and/or how to fix it?
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17:18.25watheksome one could help me to configure a QoS ?
17:19.18Azarwathek: I saw your question. Personally I have no idea about QoS, maybe others but others might be at lunch, dinner.. shower
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17:19.29HumanoidDoes anybody know why I keep getting warnings like: "locale not supported by Xlib" by so many programs?
17:19.30watheklol ok
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17:21.31AzarHumanoid: looking at your question: "so many programs" might run on certain xlibs that you are missing, try maybe reinstalling the xserver-xorg or xserver-xfree86 using "aptitude" command ... just a thought
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17:22.26JordiGHIf you enlarge fonts in Firefox, it takes longer to render a page, correct?
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17:22.51mc__JordiGH: yes
17:23.18JordiGHI'll need to figure out another way to enlarge X fonts, then. Mess around with dpi and whatnot.
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17:23.32AzarJordiGH: get a pair of prescription glasses?
17:23.37PWizardWhy would it slow down rendering?
17:23.45JordiGHAzar, heh. :-)
17:24.27RoninJordiGH: stop using such an insanely high resolution on the monitor then
17:24.28Azarmaybe he uses the fancy resolution on his display that why the text become minuscule
17:24.51Azaryea use the normal resolution man
17:25.08PWizardjordigh: use the gnome/kde font preferences to crank up the dpi
17:25.21JordiGHMy resolution is 1024x768. I think that's reasonable.
17:25.33Azarhmm ype that's the normal
17:25.44JordiGHThat's what I'm going to try to follow now.
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17:28.38christopherlcharzero: yes
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17:29.06christopherlcharzero: Do you know how to customize the colors?
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17:30.00charzerochristopherl: I did once, give me a sec...
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17:30.25cyziechristopherl, ls color ?
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17:30.56christopherlcyzie: the promt color in Bash
17:31.38charzerochristopherl: See man bash, the PROMPTING section
17:31.38cyziecheck in .bashrc or .bash_profile
17:31.47cahootchristopherl: you might be interested in the bash prompt howto
17:31.51ralph_spencerhello, i have a problem with cross compile, problem with coreutils (pc with compiler 5.97 and pc destination 5.2)
17:31.57christopherlok thanks
17:32.26ralph_spencerthis is error:
17:32.37charzerocharzero: \[ gets you into the terminal control sequences, which can be used to control colour.
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17:33.21JordiGHIf I want bigger fornts, I need to use more DPI, right_
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17:33.37ralph_spencer1st system is with debian etch 2.6.18-686; 2nd (destination) debian sarge 2.6.15-486
17:33.47charzerochristopherl: google search for "terminal control sequence color" should find you a listing of the colors.
17:33.53cahootJordiGH: the reverse I'd say
17:34.10*** join/#debian GuL (n=_Baby23_@
17:34.23JordiGHHm. X already says it's at 75 DPI.
17:34.29charzerochristopherl: example:
17:35.34*** join/#debian Piet (i=pietor@gateway/gpg-tor/key-0xC5C71DCE)
17:35.35JordiGHIn fact, KDE apps show good fonts.
17:35.50JordiGHThere was this thing somewhere to make GTK apps be controlled by KDE...
17:36.27cahootJordiGH: tried change your .gktrc?
17:37.00JordiGHThere is no .gtkrc
17:37.12charzerochristopherl: refresh that page, there was a mistake
17:37.12*** join/#debian christopher_l (
17:37.24JordiGHI think gtk-qt-engine is what I like.
17:37.30JordiGHwhat I want...
17:38.10*** part/#debian vstranger (
17:38.22thugwhats the " cpan " channel ?
17:38.28thugdoes anyone know ?
17:38.32justinthug: #perl
17:38.44JordiGHcomprehensive perl archive network.
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17:40.15ralph_spencerhello, i have a problem with cross compile, problem with coreutils (pc with compiler 5.97 and pc destination 5.2)
17:40.18ralph_spencerthis is error:
17:40.20christopherlcharzero: so you know which file I need configure?
17:40.21ralph_spencer1st system is with debian etch 2.6.18-686; 2nd (destination) debian sarge 2.6.15-486
17:40.48charzerochristopherl: I have that file in /etc/prompt, and my .bashrc does "source /etc/prompt"
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17:48.45Zap-Wdoes stage1 file also contain the partition table?
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17:52.24mindframewhere should my kernel header files be located? (vmware is looking for version.h)
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17:52.49mindframei found version.h in /usr/include/linux - is this the correct spot?
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17:53.27justinmindframe: no
17:53.37justinmindframe: apt-cache search `uname -r` headers
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17:54.32CokeHi! I'm having problems with the 2.6.18 kernel (testing source package) and my on-board Ethernet (nvidia MCP51 rev a1). The driver loads and my eth0 interface is up, but no communication gets through. When I look at the LED's of the NIC and DSL modem slots they flash. My Realtek NIC on the same box works without problems. A 2.6.18 bug?
17:54.34mindframeshould go to /usr/src/linux*/include now right?
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17:56.19abrotmanstreuner: it's also in german
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17:57.39abrotmandpkg: hi
17:57.43abrotmanstill dead
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18:00.10jetscreamermindframe: usually /usr/src/linux-heades-`uname -r`
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18:15.57^Timo^someone alive out here?
18:16.14Ronin^Timo^: nope we're all dead
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18:16.25DemonJesterincluding dpkg :)
18:16.35Roninespecially dpkg
18:16.36^Timo^i have question how do i copy all files from a dir to another dir ?
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18:16.56Cabezzamv -r
18:16.58pumpkin0[gnome, etch] is it possible to use a script as screensaver ? I want to dim the TFT on my laptop after 3min... (echo "1" > proc/acpi/ibm/...)
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18:17.15charzero^Timo^: cp -r
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18:17.58Roninnice url rahul :)
18:18.10zOapis there a linux shortcut program that can read values from Showkeys?
18:18.21rahulshortcut program? showkeys?
18:18.47Cabezzawhat are the showkeys?
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18:19.19zOaprahul, a global keyboard shortcut daemon, which can read values from Showkeys. Showkeys is a program that shows hex values of key presses
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18:19.31rahulwhat on earth
18:19.37rahul!wayttd zOap
18:19.46rahul!penixstrike dpkg
18:19.52zOaprahul, wayttd?
18:19.53gnp_nixcool, got irc working :)
18:20.03rahulno, waYttd?
18:20.05^Timo^uhzm... cp -r does not work
18:20.12rahul^Timo^: man pc
18:20.16rahul^Timo^: man cp
18:20.25zOaprahul,  could you say that in real words?
18:20.29cahootman pc would be a start
18:20.45rahulzOap: well... could you say what you want in real words? heh
18:21.14x-andNo manual entry for pc
18:21.15rahulis it sunday again?
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18:21.33x-andrahul: yes
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18:22.01zOaprahul, I told you. I am asking if anyone knows of a program/dameon that works like a global keyboard shortcut app. That daemon needs to accept values from the program Showkeys, which shows you hex values when you do a key press... what could be more clear than that?
18:22.03rahulhey look, it's a camel
18:22.18rahulzOap: and what the hell is a global shortcut keyboard app?
18:22.41rahulwhere is this showkeys program found?
18:22.49zOaprahul, you don't know? both Gnome, Xfce, KDE and the like has one.
18:23.03zOaprahul,  just apt-get install showkeys
18:23.08rahulzOap: how can anything in that be global?
18:23.23zOaprahul, just about anything
18:23.31rahulwhat does that mean?
18:23.48rahulthose things run in X. they can't be global.
18:23.57zOaprahul, that it works all over, not just in one specific program...
18:24.04rahulW: Unable to locate package showkeys
18:24.14rahul"all over" is not in X only.
18:24.17rahulwhat do you want?
18:24.19zOaprahul, pretty weird. try sudo showkeys
18:24.30zOapoffcourse I mean in x
18:24.41rahulzOap: the only showkeys I have is for latex
18:24.53rahulof course X is not global. or anything CLOSE to global
18:25.00rahulsay what you mean. mean what you say. thanks.
18:25.43*** join/#debian Greyscale (
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18:25.58GreyscaleCan someone help me with dovecot? I don't get  any error launching it, and it doesn't repond when I telnet to it
18:26.14GreyscaleSee for yourself: telnet 110
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18:26.20ShredZyeey, got beryl working accelerated with nvidia on etch :)
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18:26.56frafranoveau 3d open accellerated driver for nvidia card in debian?
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18:27.08^Timo^how can i check rights stats of some dir?
18:27.17sepskiShredZ, frafra either open, or 3 accelerated, you have to pick one,
18:27.20abrotmanGreyscale: waht's the error ?
18:27.26Greyscaleno error at all.
18:27.29abrotmanfrafra: i don't think so
18:27.31justinfrafra: you mean the pre pre pre pre pre alpha one that doesn't actually work?
18:27.32GreyscaleIt just fails silently
18:27.38abrotmanGreyscale: you mean the daemon doesn't start ?
18:27.40Greyscaleand when you telnet to it, it seems dead
18:27.43Greyscaleno, it does start
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18:27.58ShredZsepski: using the 96xx drivers on my geforce3
18:27.58frafrajustin, yes... will enter in experimental?
18:27.59Greyscaleit just won't do anything when you telnet to it on port 110
18:28.04sepskifrafra, it's the open driver called nv, or the propritary accelerated driver called nvidia
18:28.11^Timo^ls -??? /dir/ ?
18:28.32rahul^Timo^: have you considered going to the URL I directed you to?
18:28.35abrotman!open ports
18:28.44Greyscalenot a ports problem either
18:28.45abrotmanGreyscale: netstat -plunt .. is it listening ?
18:28.58rahulnetstat -tupl
18:29.24*** join/#debian zly (
18:29.25Greyscaletcp        0      0 *:pop3                  *:*                     LISTEN     22927/dovecot
18:29.25Greyscaletcp        0      0 *:imap2                 *:*                     LISTEN     22927/dovecot
18:29.26jjazzplunt is  more pronouncable than tupl
18:29.39Greyscalejjazz, yes :)
18:29.40abrotmannot for a DBA :)
18:29.41justinand the n shows numeric ports
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18:29.56rahulfine then, netstat -tuple
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18:30.28^Timo^rahul : i must check what the rights rwxx.. of that dir that i am in ??
18:30.36^Timo^its something like ls -??
18:30.36Greyscaletcp        0      0 *:pop3                  *:*                     LISTEN     root       582137     22927/dovecot
18:30.37Greyscaletcp        0      0 *:imap2                 *:*                     LISTEN     root       582136     22927/dovecot
18:30.37*** join/#debian _FeelFree_ (i=Freedom@
18:30.44rahul^Timo^: READ THE PAGE
18:30.53Greyscalecan someone tell me what to do next to diagnose the problem?
18:31.00rahul^Timo^: LEARN, then use.
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18:32.53streunerabrotman: i know
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18:33.14streunerabrotman: --> babelfish
18:33.20curt_Greyscale, i just logged in .. isn't dovecot usually setup to listen on specific ports?
18:33.21abrotmanno way!
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18:33.33Greyscalecurt_, :( what?
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18:34.10curt_Greyscale, I just got here so I don't really know what your problem is ... but
18:34.10wwallaceenouf, you hiding here?
18:34.27curt_Greyscale, I have tcp        0      0   *               LISTEN     16156/dovecot
18:34.34g_o_o-dI am having pentium 3 - 933 MHz machine and having serial D shaped connector for mice.. I am getting error in startx ..  the device file is not opening.. tried all the options /dev/psaux with this option it says no and /dev/ttyS0 with this it hangs to the graphical screen with vertical static lines .
18:34.39Greyscalehehe,  dovecot isn't working, doesn't give any errors, and doesn't give any ouput when I telnet to it on port 110
18:34.42qwehncehi, i just installed sarge and i am trying to move to etch, after changing the source.list and trying to apt the kernel headers, its telling me depends cannot/havenot been met?
18:34.44Greyscaleit connects though
18:35.16Greyscaleg_o_o-d, Easy method: Get a USB mouse
18:35.25justing_o_o-d: /dev/psaux is for ps/2 mice.
18:35.30curt_Greyscale, there is reference in the config notes that if you want to define specific ports you need to do so in a special way
18:35.45GreyscaleI just want it  to run on the standard ports
18:35.52*** join/#debian yang (
18:36.06yanghas anyone ever tried dns tunneling using ozyman ?
18:36.16curt_Greyscale, from netstat it doesn't look like you have it setup that way (ie the *:* for port)
18:36.26wwallacenot but i try a tunnel to sneak in the us :P
18:36.35Greyscalecurt_, do you know how to do that with dovecot?
18:36.35g_o_o-dany method to know the device file for mouse
18:36.47Greyscale/dev/serial I think
18:36.48rahulknow where it's plugged in.
18:36.52Greyscaleprobably wrong though
18:37.33abrotmanuse mousedev .. use /dev/input/mice .. put mousedev in /etc/modules
18:37.46curt_Greyscale, dovecot almost completely works 'out of the box' on Debian .. I would purge and reinstall then just uncomment the listen directive in the config
18:38.09*** join/#debian SEcki (
18:38.12g_o_o-dabrotman : i have also tried to use /dev/input/mice. i am having logitech serial mouse
18:38.12Greyscalecurt_, did that, didn''t work
18:38.17GreyscaleI will, however, try again
18:38.58*** join/#debian teledyn_ (
18:39.12g_o_o-dwhere i find mousedev ?
18:40.00*** mode/#debian [+l 757] by debhelper
18:40.24frafradoes exist a graphical tool for edit xorg.conf?
18:40.58Greyscalefrafra, dpkg-reconfigure xorg-xserver
18:41.00wwallacefind mousedev
18:41.24frafrayes, but is not graphical :)
18:41.55*** join/#debian slept (
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18:42.21Greyscaleabrotman, same error
18:42.30janttsucan't get rid of this:
18:42.32janttsuWarning: invalid flag 0x0000 of partition table 4 will be corrected by w(rite)
18:43.32janttsuwhen using fdisk
18:43.33slepthello, I somehow managed it by using compiz and switching abck and forth  between kde and gnome to make all my windows in gnome to not have the maximize, minimize and close buttons ? how is this setting called and where can I change it (back) ?
18:43.57justinslept: sounds like your window manager is not running
18:44.47*** join/#debian Ramattack (
18:44.50Ramattackhi everybody
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18:45.17sleptok, that would be metacity for gnome default ? but I replace it by compiz anyway , don t I  ?
18:45.24RamattackMy keyboard doesn't not work well on a to 6 console and yes in senventh console (X console) and via ssh what could I do?
18:45.36*** part/#debian Passenger (
18:45.58sleptRamattack, what do you mean by well ? wrong keymap ?
18:46.01*** part/#debian Cabezza (
18:46.46Ramattackslept for example from one to six I do the key beside caps lock and 7 and should appear /
18:46.51Ramattackin x and ssh works
18:46.56Greyscaleabrotman, you still there? :P
18:46.58Ramattackbut in consoles one to six it doesn't
18:47.03*** join/#debian bvk (
18:47.09Ramattackthe simbols are changed
18:47.13curt_Greyscale, still not working?
18:47.22Greyscalepurged and reinstalled
18:47.27Ramattackfor example a 8 instead of ( it's an *
18:47.27Greyscalesame issue
18:47.44Greyscaleicedove reports: Connection timeout to
18:47.49sleptRamattack, you need to change your keymap  - y and z might be changed aswell ...
18:47.58*** join/#debian acid_x_ (
18:48.16Ramattacknot sure... but / this one yep
18:48.22rahulRamattack: you've become french!
18:48.25rahulor perl
18:48.31Ramattackand can't find it on letters keyboard
18:48.41Ramattackcan only use / on numerical keyboard
18:48.52Ramattackbut on gnome works well and via ssh too...
18:49.12rahulyou console keymap is set to the french one, probably
18:49.19Ramattackand how could I repair it?
18:49.20rahulazerty, I think
18:49.30Greyscalecurt_, any idea what the hell is causing this for me?
18:49.36Ramattackalthough in gnome works well?
18:49.38curt_Greyscale, did you setup the auth parts?
18:49.53curt_Greyscale, I have a passusrdb in /etc/dovecot
18:49.58Greyscaleno.. hmm
18:50.01*** mode/#debian [+l 751] by debhelper
18:50.14Greyscalecurt_, what do I need to add to the stock conf?
18:50.45rahuldpkg-reconfigure console-data
18:50.45rahulRamattack: dpkg-reconfigure console-data
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18:50.57curt_Greyscale, there are a couple of examples in /usr/share/doc/dovecot-common
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18:51.05Greyscalethanks :)
18:51.24ThmsI will reinstall windows, for reinstall grub can I insert a disk of debian etch and go to the step grub installation ?
18:51.37Greyscalecurt_, which one am  I looking for?
18:52.03Ramattackrahul and could be so posible... to work bad on console (control+alt+f1-6) but fine on gnome or ssh?
18:52.07curt_Greyscale, you need select your auth method (login) and then add you users to a password database
18:52.16*** join/#debian bvk (
18:52.23rahulRamattack: they handle the keyboard separately
18:52.24Greyscaleokay :)
18:52.31*** join/#debian Petrov_ (
18:52.43rahulRamattack: X goes directly to the keyboard. remote connections aren't even relevant. they're not on the same computer.
18:53.15sleptwhere is dpkg ?
18:53.18curt_Greyscale, there are other ways of doing it but that is how I did it.
18:53.21Ramattackok then guys thanks a lot and how could I become french? quite strange don't you think ?
18:53.30Ramattackwow... really weird
18:53.32Greyscalecurt_, so which line is it?
18:54.13Ramattackonly curiously....
18:54.21Ramattackit's a job server that makes this
18:54.28RamattackI'll try it tomorrow
18:54.44Ramattackonly that question how could I become french folks?
18:55.20curt_Greyscale, see /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf and search for the auth default section and passdb passwd-file
18:56.33robin_szRamattack, well, I guess you would have to live there for a few years, learn the language and then apply for nationality.
18:56.50Ramattacklol robin_sz .....
18:57.05Ramattackrahul, slept installing some wrong package?
18:57.08curt_Greyscale, explains hoe to setup the passwdFile
18:57.18curt_hehe s/hoe/how/
18:57.27Greyscalecurt_, the issue raelly isn't logging in
18:57.34Greyscaleit just doesn't even get to that bit
18:57.52Greyscaletry connecting to it with telnetosee what Imean
18:58.00rahulRamattack: I doubt that's what would do it
18:58.02Greyscalestupid space bar is on its way out
18:58.12Greyscaletelnet 110 :P
18:58.17sleptRamattack, when you do the dpkg-reconfigure console-data you select the keymap its the awert or somthing like that the line under the numbers
18:58.25curt_Greyscale, well if you have the base packages installed you only have to uncomment a few things at the top of the conf and setup the auth part to get it working afiak
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18:59.11RamattackI don't think never have done dpkg-reconfigure console-data.. but perhaps after installing any package... done a reconfiguration... don't know
18:59.29Ramattackwell anyway thanks a lot again folks
18:59.34*** join/#debian pumpkin0 (
18:59.47sleptRamattack, no you have to do it to make it work
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19:00.22Ramattackand how could it be make work... installing some package perhaps?
19:00.41sleptno just type the line , thats it nothing else
19:00.55Ramattackok ok folks
19:00.58gnp_nixis it possible to use remote desktop and kde to have someone take control of my box and set it up to be a home server?
19:01.04Ramattackthanks a lot as said again
19:01.19Ramattackgood night!!
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19:02.08cernuiHi! I have to launch a process, wich aftrer I logoff has to be alive. How can I?
19:02.27JordiGH_Correct me if I'm wrong and I'll eat a bug, but is the testing version number of maint-guide higher than the unstable version number?
19:02.50zinx!info maint-guide testing
19:03.02Greyscalearrgh curt_, can you look at my conf and tell me where I am totally screwing up?
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19:03.41JordiGH_Where did dpkg go? :-(
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19:03.49gnp_nixopps sorry
19:03.51curt_dpkg where are you?
19:03.51zinx~info maint-guide testing
19:04.00gnp_nixwrong keyboard
19:04.33ice63hello can i get some help on installing ati driver in Debian pl
19:05.17zinx~info maint-guide unstable
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19:05.54zinxJordi: eat a bug blz
19:05.59JordiGH_I guess my apt list is wrong, then. Wtf. I thought I just apt-got updated.
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19:09.40curt_Greyscale, mine is here
19:09.53abrotmanGreyscale: error ?
19:10.14Greyscaleeep, lots  of people talking at me
19:10.35curt_abrotman, dpkg seems to have gone away...
19:10.45abrotmancurt_: been gone all day :)
19:10.57abrotmandpkg: stop being lazy!
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19:11.03estersyeah dpkg
19:11.11abrotmanbadgers: eat curt_
19:11.42curt_abrotman, to bad my wifes not a bot .. heh
19:12.23abrotmancurt_: you want her to use her teet ?
19:12.23sleptwhat is the name of the compiz option that makes the windows loose their borders and all the buttons close etc.
19:12.41abrotmanman compiz ?
19:13.11justinslept: are you paying attention?
19:13.15sleptabrotman, no, thats one of the worst man pages ... no information
19:13.17justin13:43 < justin> slept: sounds like your window manager is not running
19:13.35justincompiz == window manager. no compiz -> no window manager
19:13.58sleptjustin, it is running
19:14.26justinslept: sure about that?
19:14.36sleptit makes all the other fancy things it just lacks those buttons and the possibility to move windows without pressing ALT
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19:15.34justinslept: oooh
19:15.40justinslept: you need to run the separate window-border program
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19:16.03sleptjustin, do you know its name ?
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19:16.20justinslept: apt-cache search compiz
19:16.30sleptjustin, no
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19:16.51sleptjustin, it was working i am not missing software , the configuration is bad
19:17.10slepti am just searchin for the name of an option, but thanks
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19:17.52justinslept: it's not an option
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19:18.18sleptwell than its a bug ...
19:18.25justinslept: no, pay attention
19:18.29justin14:15 < justin> slept: you need to run the separate window-border program
19:18.53karstenSystem accounts such as saned, ntp, vde-net, haldaemon, which have home directories specified:  should said directories really exist (they don't) and if so with what perms?
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19:20.58gnp_nixdo I need to install some kinda sw to get a better res for my desktop in kde? highest it goes now is 800x600
19:21.21libbengnp_nix: do u have correct drivers?
19:21.30Thug-N-Megnp_nix install the right video driver
19:21.57libbenand have u changed your horizontals,verticals scan lines so they match ur monitors?
19:22.06gnp_nixcan I just install from video card cd or do I need to find them with apt-get
19:22.28libbengnp_nix: what graphics card do u have?
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19:22.42libbenplease say nvidia =)
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19:22.47gnp_nixnvidia g-force mx 4000
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19:23.21nvzlibben: you were right the first time. Hsync, Vrefresh
19:23.32nvzgnp_nix: its more important what monitor you have
19:23.33libbenthen typ this in terminal less /etc/X11/xorg.conf
19:23.47libbennvz: yeah... but making him update his drivers is a good thing also =)
19:23.52libbenim pretty sure his on nv
19:24.06gnp_nixkds 17" flatscreen
19:24.17karstenhaldaemon:  nope, saned, nope, vde2-net nope.  All have postinst scripts w/ --no-create-home arg to adduser.
19:24.17nvzlibben: yeah well that doesnt address the issue at hand if you want to work harder go ahead :P
19:24.27karstenQuestion becomes:  why specify a home dir at all.
19:24.35libbennvz: well i will make him change scanlines
19:24.43libbenits allways scanlines that mess the res up
19:24.57sussudio%eat abrotman
19:25.03karstenDamn!  Missing again.
19:25.18abrotmanbadgers: love sussudio
19:25.18nvzsussudio: why the change in trigger?
19:25.35karstennvz: Different bot.
19:25.41karstennvz: dpkg is dead.
19:25.45nvzkarsten: yeah, so?
19:25.46abrotmannvz: badgers has always been %
19:25.46gnp_nix/etc/X11/xorg.conf no such file or directory
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19:25.53libbengnp_nix: wich brand do u have on ur monitor ? browse to its exactly specs =)
19:25.54karstendondelelcaro: Ping WRT dpkg
19:26.19nvzabrotman: umm, don't call me crazy.. heh.. I clearly remember him filling in for dpkg and using the same trigger
19:26.19badgersUr is the ancient Sumerian city that dominated Mesopotamia from 6000 BC to 600 BC.  If you mean "you are" or "your", just say so. Also swedish for clock, and a swedish word meaning "from within". a german prefix for refering to something very old  Urdu, a language based on the arabic script spoken like hindi. For debian support in urdu/hindi join #debian-ur.  ...
19:27.14abrotmannvz: you're nuts!
19:27.33libbengnp_nix: type: less /etc/X11/xorg.conf in terminal
19:27.37nvzabrotman: oh well, I'm in love.. same thing right?
19:27.53abrotmannvz: does her name end with a vowel ?
19:27.55metaperlI had the Debian/testing installer write over the MBR but when I reboot I get "disk boot failure, insert system disk and continue"
19:28.05nvzabrotman: heh. Yep
19:28.11abrotmanyou're fucked
19:28.26abrotmanmetaperl: is there anything in any drive ?
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19:28.48gnp_nixwhen I type that in terminal it returns /etc/X11/xorg.conf: No such file or directory
19:28.59metaperlI checked. I dont think so
19:29.17nvzgnp_nix: are you using sarge?
19:29.33nvzgnp_nix: /etc/X11/XF86Config-4
19:29.38norcI'm having a very weird problem with my DVD writer, when I try `dd if=/dev/hdc':
19:29.57norcI had this problem once, and im 100% sure none of the hardware (even not the dvd itself) is damaged.
19:30.08norcBut that was back in times when I had Gentoo
19:30.11gnp_nixPermission denied
19:30.34gnp_nixand yes Im logged in as root
19:30.37norcDoes anyone have a clue how to fix this thing? I think its somehow (?) connected to scsi..
19:30.57metaperlapparently my boot problem can be handled like this : ... let's hope so
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19:32.31gnp_nixwhy would I get Prem Denied if Im logged in as root?
19:32.33charzeronorc: do you usually use ide-scsi?
19:32.56norccharzero: no..
19:33.06norccharzero: Im totally confused with this whole problem..
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19:33.09CharminTheMoosethis is my umsdos mini distro. that i'm trying to put into a zip file
19:33.11nvzgnp_nix: only way root can be denied is if its trying to do something that isnt possible.. i.e. execute a file without an executable bit.
19:33.20norcSomehow nobody is able to figure out what the cause of this problem is..
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19:33.35norcBack then I solved it by updating udev in Gentoo, but currently Im even using a newer version..
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19:33.49nvzgnp_nix: thats irrelevant anyhow I think he was just havin you check what driver you were using. you need to find the make/model of your monitor and program in the right settings
19:34.01nvzgnp_nix: is this an LCD or a CRT?
19:34.12smacnayis there a correct Debian way to use latex packages not in the Debian repository?
19:34.36nvzgnp_nix: did you tell the system you had an LCD when prompted?
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19:35.16nvzgnp_nix: do you know offhand the resolution and refresh rate for that thing?
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19:35.54gnp_nixwhat its set to now or what its max is?
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19:36.25nvzgnp_nix: well usually LCDs only have one.. but your's is probably a variable. so yeah what the max is
19:36.55gnp_nixmax res is 1280x1024
19:37.00nvzgnp_nix: you need to reconfigure xfree86 and choose the right settings for your display
19:37.05gnp_nixnot sure what max refresh rate is
19:37.40gnp_nixso would I nano /etc/X11/XF86Config-4
19:37.40nvzgnp_nix: you could try simple config choosing that res and different refresh rates until you get one that lets you go above 800x600
19:37.55nvzgnp_nix: not unless you know what the exact values are
19:38.07nvzgnp_nix: otherwise you need to use simple config and trial-and-error
19:38.08metaperlI dont understand why having GRUB take over the MBR failed... instead of booting up, I get: "disk boot failure, insert system disk and continue"
19:38.23nvzgnp_nix: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86
19:38.45rahulmetaperl: have the BIOS use that drive to boot up
19:38.46nvzgnp_nix: if you edit the file manually without updating the checksum dpkg-reconfigure (debconf) wont touch it anymore
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19:39.14metaperlrahul - well, it tries CD, then floppy, and then HD by default
19:39.22nvzhey what?
19:39.23gnp_nixdriver would be nv correct?
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19:39.25ma3xhow can I detect if I get dossed?
19:39.28ma3xI got router
19:39.31ma3xbut the router doesnt log shit
19:39.41nvzgnp_nix: that will give you non-accelerated 2d support for your card, yes
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19:40.01Roninma3x: easy your network connection will die :)
19:40.08karstenma3x: Then you'll have to log elsewhere.  Monitoring your inbound traffic / outbound latency would be a good test.
19:40.08gnp_nixis there a better choice?
19:40.14nvzgnp_nix: you would need to install kernel modules for nvidia to get the most out of your card. but that has nothing to do with your resolution problem right now
19:40.36ma3xkarsten: I have bandwidth metter, but I just arrived, and it just happened 5 minutes ago
19:40.40danf_1979I need to repartition my disks, remotely. I want to make /var bigger... any good howto about this?
19:40.40metaperlrahul - oh I see, the BIOS has HDD-0 as the 3rd boot device after cdr and floppy... I also have options for hdd-1, hdd-2 and hdd-3 ... which o those would it be to boot?
19:40.43nvzgnp_nix: not in debian you need to install nvidia's drivers to get the "nvidia" driver which offeres 3d accelleration
19:41.41karstenma3x: What just happened?
19:41.42ma3xkarsten: connection not available
19:41.42gnp_nixbus identifier?
19:41.51karstenma3x: Run a standard network diagnostic.  Climb the OSI model, start at physical.
19:41.53nvzgnp_nix: you can leave that blank if you only have one video card
19:42.28karstenma3x: physical, device, interface configuration, routing, DNS, connectivity.
19:42.29nvzgnp_nix: its mostly just used to tell the difference between multiple cards
19:42.30ma3xkarsten: that's too complicated, I don't understand much of an OSI model
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19:42.57karstenma3x: The gist isn't to understand so much as it is to start with the basics and find out where things break.
19:43.02karstenma3x: See above.
19:43.02ma3xkarsten: I got ADSL router, I don't run my dns and stuff
19:43.15karstenma3x: I didn't say *run* them, I said *test* them.
19:43.26karstenma3x: Workee.  Have fun.
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19:44.02ma3xkarsten: I tried pinging but it didn't work, and for 1 minute all the traffic was blocked
19:44.11ma3xhow can I test it now when it's working
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19:45.09gnp_nixmouseport? I have a ps/2
19:45.14nvzgnp_nix: choosing medium config  1280x1024@72 or something might help, if that doesnt work you might want to try @60 or whatever until you figure out something that works. also make sure you choose multiple resolutions in that screen. Otherwise you need to check online for the exact hsync and vrefresh rates for your screen you need the make and model number
19:45.37nvzgnp_nix: the mouse would usually be /dev/psaux or /dev/input/mice depending on what drivers you have loaded
19:45.47gnp_nixhad trouble with this yesterday my ps/2 mouse never worked
19:46.04gnp_nixmy usb mose worked
19:46.08h3sp4wnOr you can just write 1280x1024_60 in xorg.conf (you don't need modelines anymore)
19:46.12nvzgnp_nix: /dev/psaux is the legacy ps/2 device.. now they just use an input driver to link all input devices to teh /dev/input/ layer
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19:46.41rahulmetaperl: I would guess 0 is primary master, 1 primary slave, etc
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19:46.59metaperlwell, for some reason, it is not booting
19:47.01nvzgnp_nix: you probably had it configured /dev/input/mice but didnt have the driver loaded to make /dev/input/mice common for all mice i.e. to link the ps2 mouse driver to the input layer
19:47.18Surferdudedumb question: how do i select an item from the list in a debconf prompt?
19:47.22nvzgnp_nix: the usb mouse drivers automatically link to the input layer
19:47.48Surferdudei.e: result of apt-get localepurge
19:48.00nvzSurferdude: is it a single selection list or a multiple selection list?
19:48.10nvzSurferdude: usually spacebar
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19:48.29garoWhere does debian keep it's iptables config ?
19:48.33Surferdudethats it, thanks
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19:48.44gnp_nixconfigurating the monitor do I want medium or advanced?
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19:49.22nvzgnp_nix: medium. advanced will ask you for the hsync and vrefresh which would be the end-all solution if you knew the values
19:49.47ma3xhey karsten there is some log on the router which displays this:
19:49.51Shadow_milI need help... I just installed debian and the package xorg does not exist, its installing XF86
19:49.55Shadow_milor something like that
19:50.00yanghas anyone ever tried dns tunneling using ozyman ?
19:50.04ice63can i install ati driver jest like nvidia drivers
19:50.05Shadow_miland its not working
19:50.07ma3xkarsten: do you think some of the technicians restarted the modem, or it have restarted itself?
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19:50.25jjazzShadow_mil: xorg isn't in stable, if that's what you installed.
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19:50.37blinxwhy my firefox32 doesn't work after update to iceweasel 2.0?
19:50.43blinxI removed and reinstalled it
19:51.02nvzice63: you cant install the nvidia driver just like the ati driver no more than you could eat a watermellon the same way you eat and orange
19:51.04blinxit doesn't load url
19:51.11gnp_nixdo I need to reboot the machine for the new config to load and get a 1024x768 option?
19:51.21Shadow_miljjazz: it was stable on my last distro
19:51.24blinxServer not found
19:51.34blinxis there anywhere an option changed?
19:51.35jjazzShadow_mil: I'm not sure how that's relevant.
19:51.39sepskignp_nix, the only reason you reboot a linux box is to change the kernel.
19:51.42nvzgnp_nix: no, just restart the xserver are you using gdm login?
19:51.46Azargnp_nix: no just exit X and restart it
19:51.48x-andShadow_mil: xorg isn't in stable.
19:52.06Shadow_milxorg has been around, for like a year!?!
19:52.07jjazzShadow_mil: If you're installing stable, you can look into the backport of xorg or you can go with XF86.
19:52.09Shadow_milor mroe
19:52.12nvzgnp_nix: /etc/init.d/gdm restart
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19:52.15ice63nvz: ok is there a how to ?
19:52.20x-andShadow_mil: and stable has been round longer
19:52.21RoninShadow_mil: doesnt mean it is in stable
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19:52.37Shadow_milwhat is the stable version?
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19:52.47nvzice63: I am not the person to ask about ATI I never had any luck with it.. I'm an nvidia kinda guy
19:52.51badgerswant to use a newer ATI videocard in sarge? for etch/testing and sid/unstable, just install fglrx-driver and fglrx-kernel-src and read /usr/share/doc/fglrx-kernel-src/README.Debian.gz  Try to avoid using ati's stuff directy unless you have to.
19:52.58Shadow_milbecause xorg 7.X has worked fine for me, for like 8 months
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19:53.06gnp_nixbash: /etc/init.d/gdm: No such file or directory
19:53.12x-andit'll be in the new stable (etch)... soon
19:53.13Shadow_miland XFree86 is not working at all
19:53.17jjazzShadow_mil: You can complain or you can look into the solutions.  Your choice.
19:53.29nvzgnp_nix: then you obviously dont use gdm.. do you use a graphical login manager? kdm maybe? or what
19:53.44AzarShadow_mil: if you use Debian 3.1 - stable - aka Sarge xorg does not work on it
19:53.54gnp_nixyes I installed x, kde and kdm
19:54.04Shadow_milI don't even know what version of Debian I am using, I did a net install
19:54.07nvzgnp_nix: then use /etc/init.d/kdm restart
19:54.08ma3xcan I somehow hack my router? :p
19:54.15barielhello, is there any quick way to know how many lines of code all do php files in a (sub) folder have?
19:54.23AzarShadow_mil: then expect more weird things to happen
19:54.30jjazzbariel: man wc
19:54.44barieljjazz, i know, but i must do it with ls
19:54.47gnp_nixStopping K Display Manager: kdm not running/etc/init.d/kdm: line 104: kill: (1327) - Operation not permitted
19:54.54jjazzbariel: it counts lines, though if you want to exclude comments, you'll have to write a filter.
19:54.58barieljjazz, i am thinking about ls -R *.php | wc -l or something like that
19:55.22barielbut somehow ls -R *.php wont work
19:55.23Shadow_milAzar: I have never used XFree86, and I don't know how to configure it to work, how can I get a backport to xorg?
19:55.28ice63nvz: i like nvidia to but i have a compaq i need to install Debian on and it has a ati video card
19:55.29jjazzbariel: Why not just wc *.php?
19:55.49AzarShadow_mil: then I assume you are using some "derivative" Debian distro like Ubuntu
19:55.58barieljjazz, ahh, can i do it with subdir?
19:56.02Shadow_milAzar: I have been using ubuntu
19:56.07nvzice63: well see what badgers said or /msg badgers ati
19:56.09RoninShadow_mil: maybe #ubuntu then
19:56.17AzarShadow_mil: well see? that is the reason
19:56.18amphiice63: is it supported by the xorg driver?
19:56.19Shadow_milRonin: I am using debian right now
19:56.21jjazzbariel: Ah, you want recursion.  Hrm...
19:56.33nvzice63: or just ask someone else.. heh .. I've installed ATI cards but never really got it working so I dont feel comfortable telling someone how to do it
19:56.41AzarShadow_mil: tell then us what version of Debian and what kernel
19:56.44andrew_pwhat options are there to listen to .ape audio files in debian etch? i see none... nothing in main repository, nothing in and nothing in :(
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19:56.54jjazzbariel: Maybe xargs
19:56.56barieljjazz, ofcours i can copy all php files into one folder, but i think there must be a way to do it
19:57.05harkgnp_nix: as root!
19:57.32Shadow_milLinux debian 2.4.27-3-386 #1 Thu Sep 14 08:44:58 UTC 2006 i686 GNU/Linux
19:57.39AzarShadow_mil: the version NUMBER of Debian
19:57.49RoninShadow_mil: cat /etc/debian_version
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19:58.02barieljjazz, this will work find . -iname '*.php' | xargs wc -l
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19:58.22Roninsarge it is
19:58.32AzarShadow_mil: ok you are using Debian 3.1 Sarge with a 2.4.27 kernel. Xorg does not work on that
19:58.33jjazzbariel: It should.  Try it.
19:59.08AzarShadow_mil: did you tried and installed xorg on it?
19:59.15Shadow_milAzar: all the packages seem old, like python is only like 2.3
19:59.19Surferdudeis there such a package as kernel-image-2.6.16-1-686?
19:59.24Shadow_milAzar: no, its not in the package manager
19:59.44AzarShadow_mil: yes because the stable version never upgrades packages versions, it only upgrades the security patches
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20:00.07harkSurferdude: why?
20:00.12Azar..that why it is stable :)
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20:00.51Shadow_milwell I am a python dev, and I know python 2.5 is out, and its also has PHP4, and PHP5 stable has been out for a long time
20:00.57Surferdudetrying to install debian to a flash drive via debootstrap
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20:01.12Surferdudei need to download a kernel image i believe
20:01.19AzarShadow_mil: well, install the "testing" 4.0 version of Debian then : Etch
20:01.24jjazzShadow_mil: I think you might want to consider upgrading to a newer version of Debian.  It sounds like you want a bunch of newer packages.
20:01.36harkSurferdude: linux-image-*
20:01.36Roninor possibly look into backports as well
20:01.55gnp_nixwell not sure what I did wrong but still only have 800x600 as max res
20:01.55AzarRonin: he would have to upgrade the kernel first, is using a 2.4.27
20:01.55Surferdudehark: huh?
20:02.19norcDo I understand that correctly that if I send a mail to I should also receive a copy of this mail?
20:02.19AzarI guess the faster and more direct way is to install Etch directly
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20:03.40AzarShadow_mil: if you can't do a net install for Debian 4.0, then first you have to upgrade your exitent kernel to at least 2.6.8 then try to dist-upgrade to Debian 4.0 Etch
20:03.47Surferdudehmmm, maybe my sources.list is screwed up
20:04.07Surferdudei put in a 2nd repository though and it still doesnt work
20:04.50Shadow_milAzar: how?
20:05.14AzarShadow_mil: what is your cpu ?
20:05.25Shadow_milits a i686
20:05.39Shadow_mil2.2GHz, Celeron D
20:05.43Shadow_milI believe
20:06.02harkSurferdude: it's linux-image-* instead of kernel-image-*
20:06.04AzarShadow_mil: ok do     apt-cache search kernel-image     gonna give you a long list, look for "2.6.8" on a 686 and note down the entire line
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20:06.36AzarShadow_mil: then    aptitude install kernel-image-xxxxx-xxxxxx-xxxxxxx << that line you noted down
20:06.50Azarhark no, thats on etch
20:07.04AzarSarge still uses "kernel-image"
20:07.12AzarShadow_mil: do you use lilo or grub?
20:07.20*** join/#debian gnp_nix (
20:07.23Surferdudeboth dont work... apt-get install linux-image-2.6.16-1-686
20:07.28harkSurferdude: sarge or etch?
20:08.00AzarShadow_mil: ok do that but use "aptitude" rather than apt-get
20:08.05gnp_nixwell my ps/2 mouse works now :) but still stuck with 800x600
20:08.11harkSurferdude: linux-image-2.6-686
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20:08.28Azarhark see my comment up ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
20:08.31harkSurferdude: then, that kernel is not available
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20:08.45Shadow_milAzar: ok its downloading
20:08.49AzarSurferdude: use aptitude install kernel-image-xxxxx-xxxxx
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20:09.13harkAzar: yes, he was looking for 2.6.16. assumed etch
20:09.29harkSurferdude: then kernel-image-2.6-686
20:09.32Azaraaaaaahhh  zoooooooooooo, use backports for higher kernel
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20:09.49Shadow_milis anyone else here excited about KDE 4.0!?!
20:09.59AzarShadow_mil: nope
20:10.01Shadow_milits due to come out late this year
20:10.41libbenanyone trigger fstab for me i want to permanent mount my ntds drive so i can read from it
20:11.04Surferdudei think that did it
20:11.16Shadow_milAzar: KDE is not bloated, what, you a gnome guy?
20:11.22*** part/#debian Ariel_Calzada (n=aricalso@
20:11.29AzarShadow_mil: naked X with a bg image here
20:11.37Azarand openbox
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20:12.08Azaryes and looks nicer than anyone else's desktop
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20:12.32Shadow_milAzar: bg images take up so much memory, use just a soild color
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20:12.40schwepphi, how can i apt-get a bittorrent client?
20:12.57Azarhehe I don't think so a simple bg image will take more than kde or gnome
20:12.58ofer0schwepp, use azureus. you can't apt-get it right now
20:13.04ofer0wait a sec.
20:13.09schweppi only have a console! :)
20:13.23ofer0so wait 2 seconds please.
20:13.27schweppok ;)
20:13.35Shadow_milAzar: what do you think about fluxbox or jwm?
20:13.41Shadow_milor window maker
20:13.47Azarschwepp: that good too, I sat 3 years on cli using irssi for irc , links for surfing and nethack for gaming
20:13.55Shadow_milAzar: ok its done
20:13.57Shadow_milinit 6?
20:14.06AzarShadow_mil: never used them , I fell inlove with openbox from the first sight
20:14.27AzarShadow_mil: ok now do uname -r see what you got, err reboot first
20:14.34ofer0schwepp, use "bittorrent", and run /usr/bin/bittorrent-curses
20:17.12*** join/#debian shadow_mil (n=chuck@SilentFlame/Member/
20:17.16shadow_milok rebooted
20:17.56shadow_milapt-get dist-upgrade?
20:17.58Azarok now shadow_mil it is imperative you read main points before you upgrade to etch, some things will change, some packages might be removed, so you MUST read this
20:18.09*** join/#debian crazy_penguin (n=Unknown@unaffiliated/crazypenguin/x-000001)
20:18.38Azarif you not read it is on your own if you will have an unsuccessful upgrade
20:19.19shadow_milreading the site might be a bit hard
20:19.27Azarhmm no X ?
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20:19.39shadow_milwhy do you think I am using irssi
20:19.43amphishadow_mil: use w3m
20:19.53cydorkshadow_mil: coz it rocks :P
20:20.00amphishadow_mil: console browser
20:20.02Azaryou could use "links" if you installed it
20:20.02harkwell, basically install aptitude first and then use it to dist-upgrade
20:20.14DemonJestercydork: I agree!
20:20.33amphishadow_mil: it spawns an editor for filling in multiline web form fields
20:20.44Azarshadow_mil: question number 1: do you have any non-debian packages installed now?
20:20.44junix|workstreuner: ???
20:20.50cydorkdamn dpkg is still dead.
20:20.51shadow_milAzar: nope
20:20.56shadow_milAzar: I blew out my system
20:21.03shadow_milother then my /home
20:21.22Azarshadow_mil: question # 2 are your /etc/apt/sources.list ok?
20:21.48Azarany pointing at other distro ( / testing ) than / stable?
20:21.52shadow_milI believe so... I think the packages are old, but I hear thats normal
20:21.58shadow_millet me check
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20:22.30shadow_milAzar: they are all porint at stable
20:22.55streunerjunix|work: hm?
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20:23.20sid 168 etch rc bugs
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20:23.42blinxwhy my firefox32 doesn't load the urls
20:23.53blinxand the other normal firefox loads them
20:23.57Roninwhats firefox32
20:24.03blinxfor 64bit
20:24.05shadow_milAzar: and they are only debian sources
20:24.05Azarshadow_mil: ok edit the file so that ALL sources will show / etch   instead of  / stable (or / sarge) and all end with : non-free contrib
20:24.13blinxbecause of amd64
20:24.16blinxand flash
20:24.22blinxis only on i386
20:24.22Azarif you got any "cdrom" source , #comment it out
20:24.25blinxjava, too
20:24.26zinxblink: that's not a standard debian package
20:24.41streunerjunix|work: #dpkg: apache2-common: dependency problems, but removing anyway as you request:# apache2-mpm-prefork depends on apache2-common (= 2.0.55-4.2); however:#  Package apache2-common is to be removed.
20:24.45zinxand java does amd64 just fine
20:24.50streunerjunix|work: you have to fix this
20:25.03Azarshadow_mil: example: deb etch main non-free contrib
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20:25.13streunerjunix|work: so just remove those packages
20:25.17junix|workstreuner: ok
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20:25.36streunerapt, unix lessons
20:25.37aptwell, unix lessons is (1) Don't change the permissions, (2) back up your data, (3) keep it simple, stupid, (4) read the fscking manual, (5) don't fsck with package management, (6) don't type anything you don't understand, (7) always have a boot floppy or CD, (8) read your log files, (9) the FIRST error is the one that counts, (10) don't leave your root shell until ...
20:25.38blinxno one has an actual deb of iceweasel32?
20:25.56streunerjunix|work: #9 here...
20:25.57Azarguys which is the most stable kernel for Etch?
20:26.08*** join/#debian mz_work (i=glenn@nat/hp/x-e6ef414aee73c51f)
20:26.12sidAzar: the one that ships with etch
20:26.23shadow_milAzar: I am sending you a pm
20:26.25Azarsid, right now 2.6.18 is uploaded but not ready
20:26.26zinxblinx: there's no standard debian package for that - if the one you have isn't working, it's because it's broken, and there's not really a whole lot we can do to help you with it since it's unofficial
20:26.29streunerjunix|work: the same goes with any apt problem, the first counts
20:26.42blinxzinx: but how I can use flash?!
20:26.45junix|workso remove all those packages?
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20:26.59zinxblinx: bitch at adobe until they port it
20:27.12streunerjunix|work: any packages which is related to *apache*
20:27.22libbenflashplayer would work wouldent it?
20:27.25junix|workwould i have to force remove it?
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20:27.47streunerjunix|work: well, try first apt-get, if that doesn't work use dpkg
20:28.25streunerjunix|work: and if those doesn't work you have to manipulate dpkg's db
20:28.29*** part/#debian esters (n=once@
20:29.09Azarshadow_mil: aptitude update    and    aptitude upgrade
20:29.18shadow_milok :D
20:29.35Azarshadow_mil: aptitude install aptitude
20:30.18Azarshadow_mil: after that upgrade your kernel again, same way only you need now 2.6.16
20:30.37TbbW <- haha :D
20:30.55junix|workstreuner: k
20:30.55Azarreboot then now you can run:   aptitude dist-upgrade
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20:31.44shadow_milAzar: k
20:31.46Azarstreuner is it ok to upgrade the kernel before dist-upgrade to etch?
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20:31.56shadow_milits still upgrading
20:32.27streunerAzar: i don't any sense to install a new kernel before
20:32.30Azarwell its been six month but I vaguely remember I did upgrade the kernel before going to etch
20:32.31shadow_milsays it will take about 10 min, be right back in like 10-15
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20:33.14shadow_milhow old is sarge anyways?
20:33.14Azarstreuner: back then I was reading some howto prep for etch and I think it was saying is better to have a higher than 2.6.8 kernel when you go to etch
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20:33.25Azarshadow_mil: is younger than win xp
20:33.37Azarone and half year
20:33.42streunerAzar: well, the release notes should know more about...
20:33.46shadow_milAzar: my grandmom is younger then XP
20:34.12shadow_milAzar: yeah, one and a half years is a long time in the Linux world
20:34.16Azarstreuner: I think was not something official just a quick workaround to some hardware support
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20:34.41Azarshadow_mil: for me an "old" Debian has to be at least four years
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20:35.05shadow_milAzar: for me, old anything has to be about 6 weeks
20:35.29Azarshadow_mil: well get used to Debian or if impatient pick a quickie distro
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20:36.23shadow_milAzar: Well one thing, I have always thought that that ubuntu packages were fliter down from debian
20:36.43Azarso to summarize: shadow_mil you can do both ways now: 1. upgrade the kernel to 2.6.16 or... go directly aptitude dist-upgrade and upgrade the kernel immediately after.
20:36.44shadow_milI thought that debian team tested them and all before they get ported to ubuntu
20:37.25Azarshadow_mil: with all respect, ubuntu is a quickie who satisfies the impatient users' needs. if you like it quick stay with ubuntu
20:37.29wwallaceim trying to start proftpd but i have the following error can nyon ehlp please? roFTPd warning: cannot start neither in standalone nor in inetd/xinetd mode. Check your configuration.
20:37.46Azarshadow_mil: please remember ubuntu is ANOTHER Operating System
20:37.50Azaris not Debian
20:38.09streuner!start a distro war
20:38.10shadow_milplease, ubuntu is aferica for "I don't understand debian"
20:38.17streunerapt, start a distro war
20:38.18aptMandrake owns!
20:38.19giupyhow can put my pc-desktop in standby mode like a notebook, making it like power off and resuming without passing trough the bios ?
20:38.52Azarshadow_mil: I like ubuntu for the fact that satisfied those not satisfied with Debian, and this is a big thing
20:39.03shadow_milapt, Mandrake is old, its Mandriva now
20:39.04apt...but mandrake is already something else...
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20:39.07Azarthis way everyone on Debian is happy
20:39.24streunerapt, literal start a distro war
20:39.26apt"start a distro war" is "<reply> (SuSE|RedHat|Mandrake|Progeny|Slackware|Gentoo|Rock) (rocks|owns|0wnz|r0x0z|is (lame|stupid))!"
20:39.45Azarlemme see that gentoobie thing again, streuner :)
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20:40.12wwallaceim trying to start proftpd but i have the following error can nyon ehlp please? roFTPd warning: cannot start neither in standalone nor in inetd/xinetd mode. Check your configuration.
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20:40.41streunerapt, start a distro war =~ s/Mandrake/Mandriva/
20:40.41aptOK, streuner
20:41.02Azardpkg is on day off? hello apt!
20:41.23shadow_milAzar: but ubuntu, while I do like it, it just does not seem to be consider, a gaint.  ubuntu is more or less for people who don't have a idea how to use Linux
20:41.23*** join/#debian Daveman (
20:41.49asgAzar: there's also badgers
20:41.49shadow_milI have been using a mix of redhat, Fedora, DSL, Suse, ubuntu, for years now
20:42.04rahul~badger asg
20:42.06Azarshadow_mil: I beg to differ, I think ubuntu is a nice distro, no need to snub..
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20:42.32hannes__is there a pear package for php5 for debian?
20:42.39dav_i just installed a debian yesterday, but there is something strange
20:42.40shadow_milAzar: I think ubuntu is a great distro, but I wanna see what else there is
20:42.42Azarshadow_mil: and if you think you really are a leet one, you can do same things with ubuntu like you try learn here
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20:42.58streunerapt, tell hannes__ about search
20:42.59dav_when i do a nmap it said me i have a smtp server opened
20:43.02hannes__i just found a pear package for php4
20:43.07hannes__streuner heheh
20:43.08dav_that is true but i can't find it
20:43.10rahuldav_: uh...
20:43.21rahuldav_: why are you using nmap to see what you have locally running?
20:43.24dav_even with a ps -auwwx or on inetd or with netstat
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20:43.35Azarok I am away, I hope now you know what to do shadow_mil
20:43.36curt_I got lucky, i wanted to try linux and started with Debian, I see no reason to use anything else.
20:43.45hannes__streuner does it at least exist?
20:43.46rahuldav_: netstat -tuple
20:43.51dav_rahul, just to be sure of what services are running on it
20:44.00rahulthen look at what's RUNNING
20:44.02shadow_milAzar: cya, thanks for the help
20:44.25dav_rahul, thank you very much
20:44.37dav_the name is exim4
20:44.42streunerhannes__: i can only see via apt-cache search in unstable php4-pear...
20:45.02hannes__streuner yes, and i do need it for php5 unfortunately
20:45.29rahuldav_: you need an MTA. you might be able to get away with having it not listen on port 25, but as long as it's not listening on an external port 25, you can't get remote connections
20:45.38streunerapt, info pear
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20:46.10hannes__would there be a conflict if i would use pear from the source, can this be done?
20:46.16dav_rahul, what is MTA (Mail Transport Agent ? perhaps ?" because i tryied to send a mail with the mail command and it came back to me with error
20:46.33hannes__apt, info php5
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20:46.37dav_rahul, but no way to find any logs in /var/log i m not used to debian
20:46.46HardDisk_WPdisconnecting...good night
20:46.47wwallaceStarting ftp server: proftpd - IPv6 getaddrinfo 'MP3J' error: No address associated with hostname
20:46.50wwallacehelp please?
20:46.57rahuldav_: consider having your mta use your ISP's mail relay as a smarthost
20:47.00rahuldpkg-reconfigure exim4
20:47.03hannes__apt, info pear
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20:47.26streunerapt, info php-pear
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20:48.13DemonJesterhannes__: what about php-pear? that is for php5 in etch
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20:48.17streunerhannes__: ^^^
20:48.17hannes__omgs yes, thats what i'm looking for
20:48.39hannes__DemonJester ahhhh, the php-pear is for php5 i didn't know. how can i find this out for the future?
20:48.58streunerhannes__: apt-cache show <package>
20:49.13DemonJesterwhat he said :)
20:49.28hannes__yes, cool, thank you all very much
20:49.33dav_rahul: thks very much for your help
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20:50.32hannes__but now i would need pear-log and this is just for php4
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20:51.02rahuldav_: np
20:51.28*** join/#debian csy- (n=csy@
20:51.55streunerhannes__: did you read the factoid yet?
20:52.25DemonJesterhannes__: you mean php-log?
20:52.26hannes__streuner factoid? no, what is it?
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20:52.49hannes__DemonJester no, it is this Pear::Log needs to be installed for egroupware
20:52.52streunerapt, factoid
20:53.03hannes__apt, factoid
20:53.09streunerbadger, factoid
20:53.35streunerwell, it exists in 'dpkg'
20:54.00hannes__streuner what? and how can i find it?
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20:54.33streunerhannes__: /msg (message) dpkg, apt (bot) foo (factoid)
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20:54.59streunerhannes__: in this case i told apt to tell you about search (factoid)
20:55.04jelly-home... when dpkg works.
20:55.12streunerapt> told hannes__ about search (i guess search is try 'apt-cache search <regex>', if you want to know what package owns a file use dpkg -S /bin/foo.  To find a package based on what files it includes use 'apt-get install apt-file;apt-file update;apt-file search foo'. Use if you're not on a debian system. /msg apt find <thing> if you're already here.)
20:55.13aptstreuner: that's too long
20:55.25badgersasg: aw, gee
20:55.35asgstreuner: badgers should be more up to date
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20:56.42jelly-home<burek-baja> factoid might be something resembling a fact or unverified (often invented) information that is given credibility because it appeared in print or a brief (usually one sentence and usually trivial) news item, or often-repeated info, stored to keep people from having to repeatedly explain something  This thing you're reading right now is called a "factoid".
20:56.43streunerasg: no idea, look at this
20:56.56streunerasg: strange
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20:57.07metaperlI chose and it is taking forever to download... how can I abort this and choose a different place to d/l things?
20:57.39ofer0metaperl, etch?
20:57.49asgstreuner: hmmm, dunno
20:57.55metaperlofer0 - yes Debian/testing
20:58.11streunerasg: both bots should 'factoid' in there db
20:58.39ofer0metaperl, use netselect-apt
20:58.42pinkshow do I force a 2nd hdd to mount when it is brand new and unformatted?
20:59.00ofer0pinks, force?
20:59.05jelly-homepinks: you'll have to partition and format it.
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20:59.26ofer0pinks, mk2efs
20:59.30streunerasg: well, at least that's funny:Creation Date  Wed Dec 31 18:00:00 CST 1969 ;-)
20:59.35pinkshow can I format it if it isn't mounted?
20:59.45asgstreuner: :)
20:59.46ofer0pinks, man mke2fs
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21:00.04pinksofer0: ta  ...
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21:00.53ofer0DnD, HELLO.
21:00.56DnDgot some question : i need to install a .deb package
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21:01.05ofer0DnD, dpkg -i blah.deb
21:01.18ofer0DnD, you're welcome
21:01.38pinksofer0: I want part of this HDD as NTFS -- so I need to partition frist -- no?
21:01.45ofer0pinks, use gparted.
21:02.01ofer0pinks, it may be easier for you :)
21:02.17*** part/#debian EnsignRedshirt (
21:02.34pinksofer0: gparted isn't on my system....
21:02.39ofer0pinks, install it.
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21:02.52pinksno -- I'm all out of space - hence the new hdd
21:02.59dav_is swap needed in debian installation becaus ei have defined a swap partition of 1go but doesn't appear on mount
21:03.01RvGaTeIn debian Etch, what are CTRL+ALT+F8 to F12 normally used for ?
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21:03.22krazykitdav_, highly recommended.  you can add it to your fstab if it isn't already in there
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21:04.03pinkswhat's the standard partition tool in Sarge?
21:04.26dav_krazykit, 1 go is enough ?
21:04.29libbendo i need to restart/reload anything when i change something in samba?
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21:04.42xandlibben: /etc/init.d/samba restart
21:05.14krazykitdav_, dunno how much physical memory you have, but most likely yes, it's plenty
21:05.19RvGaTelibben, thats a yes :P
21:05.34dav_krazykit, ok thks
21:05.42streunerasg: german justice looking for some CIA agents
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21:06.22streunerasg: they think, they live in NC ;-)
21:06.47asgstreuner: I'm not a CIA agent though ;)
21:06.48dav_rahul, i have tried to configure exim4 what i have done ok aparently, but now i have sent an email in exim log it is said completed after relaying with mysmtp isp but i don't receive anything on my account
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21:07.22streunerasg: well, maybe a neighbor :-)
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21:07.40rahuldav_: hmm dunno
21:07.46asgstreuner: possible, the guy that married mrs. asg and I used to work for the CIA
21:08.07dav_rahul: do i need to make my exim server seen out of the firewall ?
21:08.08rahuldav_: that's strange.
21:08.17libbenif i wanna be able to share something with samba.. i just change user to share in smb.conf?
21:08.22rahuldav_: no, you should be using pop or imap to access your mailbox from the isp
21:08.39pinksok -- I've done the cfdisk thing - now what do I do to get the filesystems in place for a bootable Debian in one aprtition and ntfs in the other?
21:09.04dav_rahul: i hvae a unix shell on rootshell and i tried to send on my account the log said thatt the mail is completed but nothing append in my console
21:09.26streunerhell, playing with partitions isn't a good thing, without knowing what to do :-)
21:09.36rahuldav_: do they give you a mailbox there?
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21:09.49dav_rahul: yes
21:10.00*** mode/#debian [+l 766] by debhelper
21:10.15dav_rahul: is it possible that my isp doesn't accept to transport mail coming from a mail server
21:10.15rahulI don't know what to say, really... maybe put the relevant log lines in a pastebin?
21:10.23rahulit wouldn't know
21:10.33rahulit's connecting using the same protocol anything else would connect to it with
21:11.10*** join/#debian anibal (n=anibal@debian/developer/anibal)
21:11.12pinksstreuner: ta....
21:11.17dav_rahul, ho no
21:11.22dav_rahul, realy slow but it works
21:11.25dav_rahul, :)
21:11.32rahulsuch is life.
21:11.37dav_rahul, thks anyway
21:13.04dav_rahul, just to know how to manage service that are running on boot with debian ?
21:13.41*** join/#debian Tenkawa (n=Tenkawa@unaffiliated/tenkawa)
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21:15.10rahuldav_: update-rc.d
21:15.23rahuldav_: or just uninstall them if you don't want them
21:16.27*** join/#debian Bulldog (
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21:16.43dav_rahul, tes by example to remove portmap on startup update-rc.d portmap remove
21:17.36streunerasg: heh
21:18.07rahuldav_: you should just remove it if you don't need it
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21:20.08mu36s321khi channel
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21:22.10MjolnirHoTIs there an mplayer for Debian, will it play x-mplayer2 format and, if so, where can I get it?
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21:22.47ofer0MjolnirHoT, mplayer-686
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21:23.06MjolnirHoTand if it won't play x-mplayer2, what will and where do I get that?
21:23.29EulexMjolnirHoT, for sarge?
21:24.06Eulexapt, marillat
21:24.07apt[marillat] an unofficial repository containing packages not in Debian for patent-related reasons, <mplayer> being the most popular. See for details on how to add this repository to your sources.list, or
21:24.20MjolnirHoTokay..I will try...thanks
21:24.24Eulexhmm, that isn't up to date
21:24.42Eulexthe correct link is
21:24.48*** join/#debian adker (
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21:25.38wes__how do i get sshd to start pon boot?
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21:25.57sepskiwes__, install it, it's the default
21:26.10wes__then how do I change it so it doesn't?
21:26.19mu36s321khi can someone help a newbie ?
21:26.51mu36s321kneed to install  irda what packages do  i need ????
21:26.58sepskiwes__, edit the boot symlinks or use a tool to edit them, eg like update-rc.d
21:28.07norcwhere is the config file for my kernel located?
21:28.51norcthanks streuner
21:28.55*** join/#debian bvk (
21:29.07streunernorc: why?
21:29.35norcstreuner: because im going to use a newer kernel..
21:29.48streunernorc: What does 'dpkg -l libc6 | tail -1' say?
21:29.57norcii  libc6          2.3.6.ds1-8    GNU C Library: Shared libraries
21:30.43DemonJestermu36s321k:I believe you are looking for irda-utils
21:31.21libbeni want to be able to share my folder with samba... this is my smb.conf eth0 is the card that is connected for sharing.... what is wrong.. when im on xbox it tells me... no workgroup found
21:31.24norcstreuner: the problem is that im experiencing a problem noone has been able to explain or solve for some reasons
21:31.31norcand I assume that changing the kernel might help
21:32.23*** join/#debian dusty_ (n=dusty@
21:32.37RugIs there anyway to change the default term that opens on Konq from konsole to xterm?
21:32.42dusty_Hey guys, i'm trying to run a command: update-rc.d iptables default <-- but it doesn't seem to work, what am I doing wrong?
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21:34.04sepskidusty_, check that your /etc/init.d/iptables script is present and working
21:34.15dusty_it is
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21:34.36sepskiand the error it gives is ?
21:34.36dusty_-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 2080 2007-01-31 21:26 /etc/init.d/iptables
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21:34.47dusty_It just returns the command syntax, as if I got it wrong..
21:34.49dusty_lemme pastebin.
21:35.28lepine_hgreetings all, i just got a machine formatted at the planet with debian stable ... i've never used debian, would someone have a collection of links on how to get acquainted ... especially with APT
21:36.03*** join/#debian ctp (
21:36.09karstenIs there a way to cache known good certs for fetchmail to avoid it puking about untrusted certs?  Msg: fetchmail: Server certificate verification error: unable to get local issuer
21:36.11dusty_lepine_h, man apt-get also iirc and google has LOADS of tutorials/howtos on debian.
21:36.23Anarkalepine_h see if it helps :)
21:36.45sepskidusty_, defaults            (+s)
21:36.54ctphi folks. how to list all files a .deb file will install?
21:36.57sepskidusty_, iow you did get it wrong :)
21:37.27dusty_i've been sat there looking at that for ages!
21:37.38karstenctp: dpkg -L <packagefile> I think.'
21:37.48ctpkarsten: thx
21:38.25*** part/#debian ^Complex^ (
21:38.30sepskidusty_, no problem, know the feeling :)
21:38.37Anarka-L is only for installed packages... i think
21:38.47karstenctp: That's not quite right.  You can view the deb interactively in mc.
21:38.49dusty_hehe ;)
21:38.49*** join/#debian nospam (
21:38.50Anarkadpkg -c fjkgf.deb shows the contents of the deb
21:39.22*** join/#debian garotosopa (n=garotoso@
21:39.53garotosopais it usual that ACPI leads to total crash after some hours of normal usage? or it usually crashes during boot/shutdown?
21:39.59karsten!win Anarka
21:40.11karstengarotosopa: Unfortunately, yes.
21:40.40badgersit has been said that acpi is Advanced Configuration and Power Interface -- a power management interface that gives more control to the BIOS, or horribly horribly broken. for suspend software check , or "run this arbitrary code in ring 0", or
21:40.57h3sp4wngarotosopa: newer kernels are often better if you have very new hardware
21:41.03karstengarotosopa: ISTR that it gets better on newer kernels.
21:41.16ctpkarsten: i didnt mean the .deb structure, but the files it installs into the file system. what you mean is to 'ar -x foo.deb' with mc?
21:41.46karstenctp: No, you can read the internal CONTENTS file.
21:41.59ctpkarsten: ah, ok. thx
21:42.14dusty_sepski, to remove it i just add remove right?
21:42.24dusty_update-rc.d iptables defaults remove
21:42.25karstenctp: Um.  Sorta.
21:42.32*** join/#debian zamuro (n=manuel@
21:42.36dusty_some reason that aint working either
21:42.39dusty_damn this aint my night :|
21:42.42karstenctp: Anarka's answer is much better than mine.
21:42.58*** join/#debian MelkorD (
21:43.10garotosopaactually I'm on 2.6.18 and my computer was totally crashing (not user land) for days. I disabled acpi and could experience more than 12 hours ok. enabled it again and it crashed after about 4 hours. does it make sense or it was just coincidence?
21:43.14mu36s321kcan someone tell me packages i need to  use infra red port ? (im newbie) to  linux
21:43.36ctpkarsten: i see i have to read more dpkg man pages ;-)
21:43.37*** join/#debian crazy_penguin (n=Unknown@unaffiliated/crazypenguin/x-000001)
21:43.42karstenmu36s321k: apt-cache search irda
21:43.45DemonJestermu36s321k:I believe you are looking for irda-utils
21:43.48dusty_fixed it ;)
21:43.54karstenmu36s321k: irda module and IIRC irda-tools or similar.
21:44.08mu36s321kcool that you ...
21:44.12DemonJesterdepends if it is sarge or etch
21:44.15karstenctp: dpkg isn't quite like RPM in that you can tell it to act on a file _or_ the packagename.
21:44.19mu36s321kme ?
21:44.30mu36s321ketch i believe
21:44.41DemonJesterirda-utils is what you need
21:44.47karstenmu36s321k: irda-utils
21:44.53mu36s321kcool ...
21:45.47ctpkarsten: i'm switching some boxes from openbsd to debian, so no experiences with ugly rpms ;-)
21:45.47mu36s321kis there any sites you could  point some to thats a total beginner as far as  *nix / debain is comcerned ?????
21:46.06*** join/#debian utab (
21:46.30mu36s321kjust to do basic things
21:46.39badgersThe Debian Reference will answer most of your questions about Debian. Latest version at, or . Read it after installing Debian, and before asking for support, as it is the closest thing Debian has to a manual. You can install it too, the packagename is "debian-reference", 'apt-get install ...
21:46.59mu36s321kty ...
21:47.25karstenctp: Emerge from darkness!
21:47.52*** join/#debian x_link (
21:48.00ctpkarsten: we have to switch some of the boxes cause of RoR development
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21:48.52ctpkarsten: ruby on rails
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21:48.53utabI know that this is not a "vim" channel but I will ask : when I put "set paste" in vimrc then "cindent" is not active anymore. why is this so??
21:49.12karstenutab: paste disables indent rules.
21:49.18*** join/#debian Frozen_ (
21:49.31karstenutab: My workaround: r ! cat
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21:49.47karstenutab: ... followed by xpaste, followed by ^D.
21:50.06karstenutab: ... pastes w/o vim trying to do anything smart, and w/o having to unset paste options.
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21:50.27utabkarsten : hmmm
21:50.42*** part/#debian DemonJester (n=DemonJes@
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21:51.31Frozen_Heya, Im looking for a lil' tool to listen on a port and forward all traffic on this port to another WAN IP on a different port
21:51.36Frozen_so to a static ip/port
21:51.43Frozen_in that way not a usual proxy
21:51.54utabkarsten: what is r ! cat for
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21:52.05Frozen_any ideas?
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21:52.54alephantHi all
21:53.01alephantadded disks and broke md RAID
21:53.07karstenutab: 'r' == read into current buffer.  '!' == shell command.  'cat' == command you're going to run.
21:53.26utabkarsten : I see now
21:53.31karstenutab: So, from edit mode:  <esc>:r!cat <paste buffer>^D<enter>
21:53.32alephantnow /boot is md1 and / is md2...
21:53.36alephantso fstab is broken
21:54.14alephantSeriously though, any clues how to remedy this?
21:54.20*** join/#debian Celelibi (i=celelibi@2001:688:c33:0:0:0:0:1)
21:55.08karstenutab: NP
21:55.28dav_i d like to know if now that i have installed Debian it is possible to install Windows because i ask my self what to do when the grub mdr will be deleted , will it be possibleto take a live CD like Knoppix to setup a good grub with the two boot option Linux and Win ?
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21:56.13karstendav_: You'll probably have to reinstall GRUB after doing Windows.  Not a biggie.  Helps to have a Knoppix disk around.
21:56.44karstendav_: ... generally you install Windows first, then Linux.  Win98 and earleir in particular don't paly well when there are existing OSs on disk.
21:56.48lindenleHi I am having a kernel dump with my nvidia card...I know it is a proprietery drier but is there an IRC channel or something to discuss this problem?
21:56.59dav_karsten, but my new mbr will work even if it is a Debian on the box
21:56.59badgersFor a guide to NVIDIA graphics cards drivers, see or ask me about <nvidia one-liner> for a reminder if you've done it before. DO NOT use's installer (ask me about <nvidia-installer>).
21:57.13karstendav_: Yes.
21:57.23karstendav_: See the Dual Boot HOWTO.
21:57.25dav_karsten, ok thanks for your infos
21:58.05*** join/#debian limpio (n=macondo@
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21:58.17seb__hi everybody
21:58.48seb__i have a server which don't give any respond at ? do you access it ?
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21:59.34limpiooKtosiTe, the numlock light stays on in my kbd after shutdown, i can turn it off by pressing the numlock key, the shut down is done manually, can it be done to shutdown automatically?
22:00.02lindenlebadgers: I know how to install works for a while then core dumps the kernel.
22:00.03badgersYou are moron #1, lindenle
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22:00.29limpiosorry oKtosite, my mistake with auto complete
22:00.30karstenlindenle: badgers is a bot
22:00.36lindenlebadgers: Oh ok
22:00.36badgerslindenle: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox?
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22:00.43lindenlemakes sense
22:00.54lindenle!query badgers
22:00.57cydorkbadbugs: shudda up
22:01.08JoachimIs there some debian package which manages auto updates of debian
22:01.17karstenJoachim: cron-apt
22:01.29Joachimthanks karsten
22:01.31*** join/#debian rickardg (
22:01.37karstenJoachim: Be careful what you ask for.
22:01.52Joachimdoes this brake debian often ?
22:02.05LabThugis dpkg down, it doesn't seem to be answering PMs
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22:02.19karstenJoachim: Only when used as directed.
22:02.30karstenLabThug: We know.  Use badgers.  Attention string '%'
22:02.33cydorkLabThug: yep use badgers or apt
22:02.43JoachimIn huh
22:02.47LabThugthanky thanky
22:03.05karstenWhat's apt's attention string?
22:03.08Joachimkarsten: what is this supposed to mean ?
22:03.16justinkarsten: ~ ?
22:03.28karstenJoachim: Be careful what you ask for.
22:03.41karstenJoachim: Unattended updates are inherently dangerous.
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22:04.09justinapticron good
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22:04.51smacnayis there a correct Debian way to use latex packages not in the Debian repository?
22:05.04karstensmacnay: Yes.
22:05.07karstensmacnay: Correctly.
22:05.28karstensmacnay: Remember:  *you* own /usr/local/.  Use as you wish.
22:05.34qwehncegentoo user trying etch, how do i obtain the latest kernel without have to configure it?
22:05.36GreyscaleAny postfix people here?
22:05.39cydorkapticron or cron-apt is good to just download the required debs to upgrade but can cause trouble if used for unattended upgrade.
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22:06.09cydorkqwehnce: which kernel do you have now?
22:06.11chopssmacnay: I've found GNU stow to work well for ad hoc "package management" outside of dpkg
22:06.17karstenGreyscale: No.  They're fixing the post.
22:06.22karstenGreyscale: Just ask.
22:06.31smacnaykarsten: thanks - I was wondering if there was some Debian-specific process to add components.
22:06.32qwehncecydork, 2.6.8-3
22:06.34smacnaychops: thanks
22:06.46qwehncecydork, just performed a net install
22:06.47h3sp4wnthere is no debian kernels for <2.6.18
22:06.49cydorkqwehnce: you sure it's etch??
22:06.55karstensmacnay: You could always package them yourself, should be pretty basic.
22:07.02*** join/#debian fireba11_grr (
22:07.05cydorkh3sp4wn: nope. not yet!
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22:07.49cydorkqwehnce: run dpkg -l libc6 |tail -1
22:07.50qwehncecydork, performed a net install with sarge, changed source.list to etch, upgraded.
22:08.14dav_hum,  i need the kernel-headers to use vmware
22:08.22dav_but i cn't find them for my kernel
22:08.23h3sp4wncydork: Its not overly important really important to me other than the apic / acpi stuff for this (too new) board is getting better with the newer ones
22:08.39*** join/#debian geekbr (
22:08.41dav_Linux debian 2.6.18-3-486 #1
22:08.43Greyscalekarsten, I got help  now :)
22:08.45dav_what should i take ?
22:08.50cydorkqwehnce: oh ok, then install linux-image-686/486
22:08.55qwehncecydork, 2.3.2 ie not 2.4
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22:10.37qwehncecydork, and after it completes and warns me of removing the kernel i am currently using?
22:11.14junix|workis there a propsed relase for 4.0?
22:11.17cydorkqwehnce: ahh install linux-image-2.6.18-3-686/486 then.
22:11.22junix|worka timeframe maybe?
22:11.46*** join/#debian helloyo (
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22:12.23helloyoi am running debian amd64 and trying to setup skype, but i cannot run "skype" from the untarred folder i downloaded for no apparent reason
22:12.37GreyscaleWhere is the cyrus-sasl package?
22:12.39badgersskype is probably a non-free (beer) voip application that is cross platform.  See, or based on proprietary, closed-source protocols, or debs for skype are available with and without a static qt library from, or for official debs, add "deb stable non-free" to sources.list.
22:13.06cydorkhelloyo: ^^ the last one
22:13.17*** join/#debian helo (
22:13.29helloyocydork: thanks, i did find that, but it doesn't seem to be up, or at least not work with amd64
22:13.48helohow do i install flash 9?
22:14.00cydorkhelloyo:  ahh dont know about amd64 :P
22:14.08Far^Sidedoes anyone know how did the Iceweasel about artwork/logo wich is kinda Web 2.0? I really just wondered how the artist made the reflection, and what program(s) he used
22:14.13helofollowing the install instructions didn't do it... still using v 7
22:14.28helloyocydork: haha, no problem, thanks anyway
22:14.33h3sp4wnhelo: remove flashplugin-nonfree (if installed) - put it in
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22:14.41helloyocan anyone help me setup SKYPE on AMD64?
22:14.42h3sp4wnhelo: ~/mozilla/plugins
22:15.46dav_how to install gcc on debian becaus ei don't know why it hasn't been installed by default
22:15.56chopshelloyo: You might also try running it in a 32bit chroot
22:16.21helloyochops: i haven't looked into that, but have heard its a hassle to setup?
22:16.30chopsIt is :-(
22:16.51helloyochops: dang...
22:17.31norcIs there a way to remove udev without removing all packages that depend on it (that I can manually install another udev package)
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22:18.38Xenguydav_: just install gcc IIRC
22:18.45rahulwhy would anything depend on udev?
22:19.01dav_Xenguy, how
22:19.15norcrahul: well, what about hal, initramfs-tools, the kernel images..
22:19.19Xenguydav_: be root, then:  apt-get install gcc
22:19.20zaphandsHello. I'm trying to install a wacom tablet on my pc. When X loads it says the following: (EE) No Input driver matching `wacom' does anyone know how to solve this?
22:19.37dav_Xenguy, it doesn't work
22:19.48Xenguydav_: define doesn't work
22:19.52rahulnorc: that makes no sense...
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22:20.00*** mode/#debian [+l 760] by debhelper
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22:20.13dav_Xenguy, it seems to need several dependencies and under dependencies
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22:20.17rahulor maybe it does, since they're debian-speicifc things
22:20.27rahulthey're built to use udev.
22:20.29Xenguy!info gcc
22:20.45norcasterix norc # apt-get remove udev    [...]   The following packages will be REMOVED:  hal initramfs-tools linux-image-2.6-486 linux-image-2.6-686 linux-image-2.6.18-3-486 linux-image-2.6.18-3-686  [...]
22:20.48sparrwhere can i find a program that can take data like (a-b, a-c, b-c, c-a) and turn it into a picture like this:
22:20.50norcAnd I dont want them to be removed
22:20.55norc^- rahul
22:21.20rahulnorc: so don't remove udev
22:21.28rahulnorc: if you want a different version, install that
22:21.38Xenguydav_: I dunno - dependencies should automagically be resolved as usual
22:21.41vulturesparr: 'dot'
22:21.58g333k_workwhat are the files inside /etc/X11/Xsession.d for?
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22:22.23sparrvulture: thanks
22:22.32norcrahul: how do I install udev-069 then? :/
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22:23.39kaffieni cannot seem to install libical properly
22:23.45norcrahul: because I dont think its in the repos anywhere..
22:23.50h3sp4wnnorc: are you using the above on sarge ?
22:24.08kaffienscalix still says that libical .24 is not installed yet i built it from scratch installed it and verified the library locations
22:24.15norch3sp4wn: etch
22:24.21eleckttrusswho use kde with beryl=
22:24.50h3sp4wnnorc: Why such an old version of udev you need ?
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22:25.24lontraanyone in here had success using 2.1 from experimental?
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22:25.51norch3sp4wn: Because I have good reason to believe that any newer version fscks up with the device node for my dvd drive
22:26.28h3sp4wnnorc: check there was one point where any lower version will not work though (around 2.6.16 or so maybe)
22:26.54h3sp4wnnorc: Does it work right with a static /dev ?
22:26.56abrotmannorc: more than likely it won't help to use an older version
22:27.00*** part/#debian Tenkawa (n=Tenkawa@unaffiliated/tenkawa)
22:27.23norcabrotman: Im just trying to reproduce a solution for a problem nobody could help me so far
22:27.37abrotmanudev rules don't help ?
22:27.59norcabrotman: since I dont know whats wrong I cant say
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22:28.12norcabrotman: I dont know where or what causes the problem :/
22:28.28zamaliphedpkg is out !!!!!!
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22:29.02stonedzamaliphe: yeh, dpkg was released from its botty prison
22:29.19stonedhow dpkg roams the lands free looking for packages to install etc.
22:29.48norc23:26 < h3sp4wn> norc: check there was one point where any lower version will not work though (around 2.6.16 or so maybe)
22:29.52norcthanks btw.
22:29.58stonedfor factoids when bot is not available
22:30.01stonedthere are backup bots here too
22:30.05stonedapt: hi
22:30.20apthello, stoned
22:30.20stonedbadgers: hi
22:30.20*** join/#debian dpkg (n=dpkg@unaffiliated/dpkg)
22:30.31dpkgthanks, cydork.  It's good to be back.
22:30.31stoneddifferent trigger
22:30.52dav_for gcc uninstalled:
22:30.57dav_aptitude install build-essencial
22:31.02dav_apt-get install gcc
22:31.06dav_and it worked
22:31.16stonedsicne I need these things anyway
22:31.24stonedI just install module-assistant and let it prepare
22:31.34dav_i have a FUCKING problem :)
22:31.35stonedit gets build essential, plus kernel sources, and whatever else
22:31.55dav_whn i browse the web with mozilla , nw when i click on a link nothing append
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22:32.49lepine_hnmap localhost gives tell me that auth (identd) is running ... update-inetd --disable auth doesnt seem to fail
22:33.04lepine_hbut another portmap tells me it's still running
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22:33.26lepine_hthe man page says that disabling services will kill the process, is that activated by default?
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22:35.11lepine_hnever mind, the process kill was an invention on my part ... killing and restarting inetd manually did the trick
22:35.28stonedheh :)
22:35.30BullWeivelim use to doing cat filename | mail   what is the  name of the package for mail ??  I can't find it when i apt-cache search ???
22:35.54lepine_hstoned, indeed, fabrication does sound better :)
22:36.20stonedlepine_h: yup, 65nm fabrication process.. quit it
22:36.33abrotmanBullWeivel: all the SMTP servers should provide that for you
22:37.03BullWeivelabrotman:  well i use to use that mail command...   im running postfix.  so im not sure where the mail command comes from.
22:37.18BullWeiveli know its a program, but dont see it installed after installing postfix
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22:38.05lepine_hhow can i tell at which run levels such and such service will run?
22:38.24lepine_hreading the update-rc.d man page ... seems to only take care of linking and unlinking
22:38.40BullWeivelinteresting...they are calling it nail instead of mail.
22:39.22Irrumatorlepine_h: read it closely - it explains exactly what you asked.
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22:39.53h3sp4wnlepine_h: maybe try sysv-rc-conf (easy to look at it then or just ls /etc/rc[0-6].d
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22:40.53Thug-N-Meis there any gui php html editor ?
22:41.21lepine_hThug-N-Me: zend studio, eclipse, macromedia dreamweaver ...
22:41.42lepine_hpico can work as well (regex syntax highlighting)
22:41.45Thug-N-Melepine_h dreamweaver on debian? without wine ?
22:41.50abrotmanBullWeivel: dpkg -S
22:42.03lepine_hzend studio then, runs on java
22:42.10abrotmanThug-N-Me: bluefish
22:42.19alephantAnybody able to help with this LVM problem?
22:42.24alephantI have a missing PV
22:42.38Thug-N-Meabrotman thanks
22:42.40alephanthow can I remove the LVs that use that PV so that I can activate the rest of the LVs in the VG?
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22:46.44compDoWhen I try to change the size of the core dump with "ulimit -c 1024" I get the error message "-bash: ulimit: core file size: cannot modify limit: Operation not permitted". Any ideas what's wrong?
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22:47.33stonedI bought a stick of 512 ddr2-800mhz ram.. I just got to 500FSB on a E6300 cpu!!!
22:47.45stonedthats like a 90% overclock!
22:47.56lunaphytewhy would /var/lib/dpkg/info/linux-image-2.6.15-1-686.postrm return exit 0 but dpkg -P linux-image-2.6.15-1-686 says "subprocess post-removal script returned error exit status 128?
22:48.11*** part/#debian brothers (
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22:49.32zamalipheW: GPG error: etch Release: Unknown error executing gpgv
22:49.35dondelelcarolunaphyte: because you're not calling the postrm with the proper options
22:50.01*** part/#debian alephant (n=cmd@
22:50.01*** mode/#debian [+l 748] by debhelper
22:50.06norcwow, dpkg even warns me if I try to remove my current kernel
22:50.22zamaliphegpgv: keyblock resource `/root/.gnupg/trustedkeys.gpg': general error
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22:50.29karstendondelelcaro: dpkg is back, yays!
22:50.37stoneddondelelcaro: the backup bots are not synced with dpkg.  I don't know who to tell this to.. you're around so I'm telling you.
22:50.52stoneddondelelcaro: do you know the botmasters?
22:51.04dpkgTest Failed.
22:51.05zamaliphehow to fix that ?
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22:51.31h3sp4wnlunaphyte: I would say its a bug in kernel-package (happens for me if I build an image with -rc? anywhere in the name - but only then)
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22:52.22norcwhat does depend on what
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22:53.00lunaphytedondelelcaro: how can i determine what options it needs to be passed?
22:53.46garoiptables/netfilter question: Do packets from localhost to localhost pass trough PREROUTING ?
22:54.57zamaliphehow can i add this repository
22:54.57pinksI have partitioned and made a filesystem on my new HDD, but it refuses to mount -- any ideas?
22:55.50amphipinks: what command are you using, and what error do you get?
22:57.02pinksamphi: just fixed it thanks -- I was asking for mount -a -t ext2fs and it didn't like that
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22:57.58pinksamphi: but it seems happy with just mount -a
22:58.03Thug-N-Mewhat could this pid be ? >>> /usr/lib/bonobo-activation/bonobo-activation-server --ac-activate --ior-out
22:58.22dondelelcarolunaphyte: it's easier to modify the postrm with set -x, actually, and then run it again
22:58.58dondelelcarolunaphyte: but the arguments are described in policy
23:00.00*** join/#debian killown (
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23:00.11dondelelcarostoned: apt is TimRiker, and I don't think it's going to keep sync; the other backup was ravenbird, but I haven't seen it recently
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23:00.57stonedyeh Rikers been gone a while
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23:02.26Thug-N-Mewine its eating my cpu :)
23:02.38agenthow is it that by using only the free repo (default), a fresh desktop install (via netinstall task) has mp3 playback support? i always thought that mp3 support was non-free
23:03.01Thug-N-Meagent debian world made easy :)
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23:03.43stonedagent: thats why I never liked redhat9
23:03.57Thug-N-Meinstalling macromedia dreamweaver with wine doesnt go any fowrd then 30 % :)
23:04.23stonedThug-N-Me: try vmware and a copy of windows or get a windows box
23:04.25Thug-N-Mestoned its not only redhat who hasnt mp3 support by default
23:04.30stonedThug-N-Me: try a 299$ dell
23:04.33stonedit works for that at least
23:04.59Thug-N-Mestoned no need vmware i only want dreamweaver
23:05.13stonedwell if wine isan't running it then its kinda useless no
23:05.14agentThug-N-Me , stoned: thank you for your responses, but my question was what allows mp3 support in free repo? i would look into it myself but I do not have the computer in front of me
23:05.20Thug-N-Mestoned it worked last time :)
23:05.23lepine_hnmap -sT -sU -p 1-65535 tells me there a UDP thing going on. netstat -nlp nor fuser -n udp 37835 ( the actual port has changed at reboots )
23:05.28stonedohh ok. well good luck then bro
23:05.30lepine_hany idea what that could be?
23:05.36zoddananyone in here running a Linksys WRT54G(L) with DD-WRT?
23:05.53krazykitzoddan, yep
23:05.59agentThug-N-Me, stoned: or to go further: _why_ is it in free and non-free?
23:06.00stonedlepine_h: my I suggest a manpage of nmap plus nmapfe to make life a bit easier
23:06.19Thug-N-Meagent you`re going to far now ;)
23:06.20stonedagent: I don't know.  It is.. Accept it as a gift.
23:06.24agentThug-N-Me:, stoned: that should say "in free and not in non-free"
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23:06.48stonedI don't mess around with should or shouldn't
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23:07.09zoddankrazykit: i have some wierd problems with mine, when i have entered a port forward ip,port and so on and pressing apply settings, everything i have entered disapers and all the fields is blank!, do you know anything about this problem?
23:07.10stonedthere are people much smarter than you or I that work on debian
23:07.15agentstoned: being decieving is not a gift.... i would expect Debian to have everything that is non-free in non-free no questions asked (ok, binary blobs not being counted)
23:07.37stonedagent: I honestly don't know.  Don' single me out.
23:07.53agentstoned: ok, i am just asking tis all :)
23:07.59jelly-homeThug-N-Me: apparently, Crossover Office supports Dreamweaver MX --
23:08.08zoddankrazykit: ?
23:08.18krazykitzoddan, apply?  i only have "save settings"  also learn patience :-P
23:08.31zoddankrazykit: ok save settings then
23:08.38krazykitzoddan, don't think it should matter, but is javascript turned off?
23:08.39zoddankrazykit: how do i solve this?
23:08.46zoddankrazykit: yes java is on
23:08.52krazykitzoddan, javascript.
23:08.54fas3ra router is on the first layer ( physic ) in the OSI models ?
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23:09.06zoddankrazykit: tested with IE7,FF,Opera same problem
23:09.09krazykitzoddan, anyway, it's not related to debian, so go to ddwrt's support channel
23:09.17zoddankrazykit: and with 2 different versions of DD-WRT
23:09.31zoddankrazykit: whats the channel-name?
23:09.47*** join/#debian nitro4ce (
23:09.54stonedddwrt is awesome
23:10.00stonedmore awesome than any other firmware i'ive used
23:10.02nitro4cehow do u own a directory? (not a file)
23:10.05stonedthumbs up
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23:10.13zoddanyou can just say #dd-wrt
23:10.15stonedman chown
23:10.19stonedor chown -R
23:10.27krazykitzoddan, it's not as fun as pointing out that it's in the docs, easily accessible
23:10.50nitro4cestoned: chown lucas /usr/share/java doesnt work
23:10.58nitro4cethe owner is root
23:10.59stonedof coruse it doesn't
23:11.03stoneddo it as root
23:11.18nitro4cestoned: yes i did it as root
23:11.45stonedyou only want the dir to be or everything under it?
23:11.48jelly-homeagent: well, at least for xmms, the decoder they use is free.
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23:12.02nitro4cestoned: only the dir
23:12.16zoddankrazykit: nice, the channel is completly dead :/
23:12.24nitro4cestoned: not the files under it
23:12.28zamaliphehow can i add this repository
23:12.35Thug-N-Mejelly-home wine should to .. thanks i give it a try
23:12.38krazykitzoddan, not my problem, really.
23:12.38stonednitro4ce: just sudo chown user:group file
23:12.43stonedjust read the manpage man
23:12.44karstenzamaliphe: man sources.list
23:12.57zoddankrazykit: .... thanks for..... hum nothing i guess
23:13.01nitro4cestoned: no i dont want to own any files
23:13.06krazykitzoddan, no problem.
23:13.09nitro4cestoned: just the directory
23:13.34stonedis the same
23:14.02nitro4cestoned: hmm. it doesnt work
23:14.04jstevensWhy am I able to configure gnome-terminal t use fonts that don't even show up in xfontsel??
23:14.05nitro4cestoned: :(
23:14.07agentjelly-home: i see... but i thought mp3 playback, no matter whether or not the software is free, requires a non-free license
23:14.12jelly-homeThug-N-Me: well, Crossover can and does sometimes implement dirtyish hacks to make certain apps work but which wine doesn't want to use.
23:14.42zamaliphekarsten:  i know how to add repository  to sources.list files just how to split it case i need to install the nvidia-glx_1.0.9631-1_i386.deb pkg
23:14.42jelly-homeagent: reference?
23:14.43jstevensDo gnome apps have access to fonts that are separate from the X font system?
23:14.59*** join/#debian Pazzo_ (
23:15.01karstenzamaliphe: Sorry, I don't follow.
23:15.37stonedzamaliphe: deb ./
23:15.49agentstoned: no, that is wrong
23:16.01stonedwell that sucks
23:16.05agentstoned: that is the directory of the file :)
23:16.07nitro4cejstevens: yes
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23:16.22abrotmanstoned: did you try rosegarden ?
23:16.30jstevensnitro4ce: Mmm.. Ok.  Thanks.
23:16.32stonedabrotman: nah man.. my input signal is too hot
23:16.40agentzamaliphe: i do not know for sure, but try deb <dist> <other>
23:16.40stonedabrotman: I must find a compresser box
23:16.51stonedeverything clips out
23:16.53stonedI mean everything
23:16.59nitro4ceabrotman: how do u own a directory? (not a file)
23:17.01stonedrecording souns horrible
23:17.09agentzamaliphe: that debian/ dir has pool and dist which is required in a root folder for apt/aptitude to work normally
23:17.31jelly-homestoned: what is your source?
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23:18.13abrotmanstoned: erm .. ok
23:18.17abrotmannitro4ce: chown
23:18.36fas3ra router is on the first layer ( physic ) in the OSI models ?
23:18.45jelly-homefas3r: no, third
23:18.57zamalipheagent: thanks I'm trying that now
23:19.16eldowanI see that provides security advisories via RSS, does also provide news via RSS? if so, i couln't fine it.
23:19.21fas3roki thank jelly-home
23:19.23jelly-homefas3r: it's not really a Debian question is it
23:19.24agentzamaliphe: just replace <dist> <other> with whatever you need for you system
23:19.35stonedeldowan: sup
23:19.51stonedabrotman: you ever been in a rosegarden?
23:19.55agent!repository | zamaliphe
23:19.59stonedisn't it fantastic
23:20.00*** mode/#debian [+l 732] by debhelper
23:20.06dpkgit has been said that debian repository is a set of Debian packages organized into a predefined structure for fetching with apt-get.  A howto is available at
23:20.14fas3rjelly-home, yes i know ... ;) thank a lot
23:20.24stonedthe smell of moist soil and plants and roses' fragrance..
23:20.29*** join/#debian Firestarter- (
23:20.35stonedand then you bring your debian laptop there
23:20.41stonedand is like whoah! awesome
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23:20.52eldowanstoned: big howdy from down south
23:20.53agentzamaliphe: you can always browse the dist folder to see what is available for the <dist> <other> fields
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23:21.05zamalipheagent: i use etch normally but I'm ready to install that nvidia driver even form hill
23:21.26abrotmanstoned: yes .. but time to go home!
23:21.32stonedsee ya
23:21.36stoneddrive carefully
23:21.50agentzamaliphe: yes, but etch is a name for the stable distro that is not yet stable: right now etch can be etch testing, unstable or experimental :)
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23:24.00zamalipheagent: that is what i need new version every day
23:24.24eldowanheh, looks like we have magic mushrooms in the channel
23:24.36eldowanoops, no more magic
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23:26.12Roeyhi, how do I get packages without isntalling them, with apt-get?
23:26.20RoeyI'm trying to follow
23:26.21jelly-homeRoey: -d
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23:26.34Roeyjelly-home:  ah, and this will download it even if it's already installed?
23:26.38jelly-homeRoey: or even, apt-get -d install some-foo
23:26.41RoeyI ran apt-get clean so I don't have it in my cache
23:26.50Roeybut Ineed the lib to install flash
23:26.55jelly-homeRoey: might need to add --reinstall
23:27.04kaffienso i fixed this libical problem
23:27.09kaffiennow apache wont install YAY
23:27.20Roeyjelly-home:  that's what I thought of doing, yes.
23:27.27kaffieni thought apt-get understood dependancies
23:27.52mfrischkaffien: aptitude is better
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23:29.11kaffieninteresting ill try that
23:29.19kaffiensame result
23:29.54mfrischkaffien: but you may have not selected one of the builds of apache
23:30.01*** mode/#debian [+l 725] by debhelper
23:30.23kaffienperhaps not lets let  -f fix things first
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23:30.35mfrischkaffien: whats your line?
23:31.08kaffienaptitude install apachae2.2
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23:31.39benja22Hello,   putting debian on a laptop for first time.  No X.   Is there a modprobe line that can get basic gui up.  It's an ati radeon on a ze5300.  Thanks.
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23:31.56mfrischkaffien: dont think thats a debian version of apache
23:31.57amphi!tell benja22 about laptop
23:32.02Guerinbenja22: /msg dpkg set up x
23:32.27benja22thanks much guys
23:33.15kaffienwell aptitude -t stable install apache2  got me apache 2.0.54 whichi cant use lol
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23:34.23Thug-N-Mejelly-home crossover 1000 times better then wine , got my application installed in seconds
23:34.47jelly-homeThug-N-Me: that's what you pay for.  But wine's getting better every day.
23:35.03GuerinThug-N-Me: that's only because they make wine purposefully shit so there's amarket for crossover.
23:35.18Guerinjelly-home: yeah, and it'll never be `good enough'
23:35.39jelly-homeGuerin: I don't care, it's a good product and they trickle back their changes.
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23:35.54Guerinjelly-home: it would be good if it were free.
23:36.05Guerinas it is, it's just more untrustable code
23:36.07jelly-homeGuerin: no, it's good even for $40
23:36.48jelly-homeseeing as I'm running effin m$ office inside it, I don't really care about an extra untrusted layer
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23:36.57Guerin!pity jelly-home
23:36.58dpkgI pity da fool jelly-home!
23:37.45hannesois anyone using syncml and could point meto a howto
23:38.13jelly-homeGuerin: frankly, it would be a bit nicer if it was free, and I'd still buy it.
23:38.58kaffienif i wants to update apache with say ..  apt-get -t sarge-backports install apacah2    how do i make it so that  aptget or aptitude automagically resolves the dependancies?
23:40.48*** join/#debian yetifoot (n=knoppix@unaffiliated/yetifoot)
23:40.48yetifootHi, i have a folder full of deb files i've downloaded, and want to make a packages.tar.gz in order to use this folder in aptitude, what program should i use? thanks
23:41.34eldowanyetifoot: why not dpkg -i *.deb?
23:42.13peterSkaffien: that does not already work?  it should.
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23:42.40jelly-homeyetifoot: in that directory, dpkg-scanpackage . /dev/null | gzip -9c > Packages.gz
23:43.19yetibotthanks jelly-home, i'll look that up
23:43.21peterSjelly-home: heh, -c is implied if you don't give a filename
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23:43.26jelly-homeyetifoot: then you can add deb file:/some/where ./ to sources.list
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23:44.09jelly-homepeterS: didn't know.  Well, that's one letter off the incantation.
23:44.41peterSjelly-home: and my .bashrc ensures that I have GZIP='-9 --rsyncable' so for me that's 2 more chars off the incantation
23:44.57zamalipheThe following packages have unmet dependencies:
23:45.35jelly-homepeterS: I actually have a script that updates the repo too, but still
23:45.39peterSjelly-home: (btw 'rsyncable' really means 'deltas of this file can be stored efficiently in svn', among other things)
23:46.13jelly-homepetemc: hmm, interesting idea putting binaries in svn
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23:47.17peterSjelly-home: I don't put a lot of binaries in svn but there is the occasional use for it.  I'm just disappointed that after several years, gzip --rsyncable is still a debian-specific patch, so I can't tell other people to use it for generating tar.gz files and such
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23:48.37jelly-homeupstream no like?
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23:49.06lindenleWould it be considered a bug if SMP is enabled in the 2.6-k7 linux image package?
23:49.21Guerinlindenle: no, why would it?
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23:49.40lindenleGuerin: Well there is a package 2.6-k7-smp too
23:50.03helolindenle: i brought up the same point... no answer to be found :)
23:50.06eldowanlindenle: I believe >= 2.6.18 have smp in the binary by default.
23:50.16lindenleGuerin:  And I just realized the reason my NVIDIA card is oopsing the kernel  is the SMP and I did not know until I looked at config
23:50.17Guerinlindenle: smp support means the kernel image is marginally larger, but doesn't affect the performance of single-cpu machines
23:50.26Guerinoh, it is?
23:50.30helolindenle: if you want a non-smp system, you have to compile yourself
23:50.34kaffienmy god  ... apache 2.2 is being picky as hell
23:50.41Guerinthat would be an nvidia bug
23:50.44lindenleThat is fine i just found it cryptic
23:50.45Guerincomplain to them
23:51.17lindenleGuerin: i know that but I need to get it working and i found the same error i was getting for SMP kernels but ignored it b/c i am not running one...or  so i thought
23:51.40kaffiencan i specify what version for aptitude to grab?
23:51.40mfrischnvidia graphics cards is spitting kern oops
23:52.00Guerinkaffien: be our guest.
23:52.05lindenlemfrisch: Yep and X zombies and no display ..:)
23:52.08eldowankaffien: we wont mind
23:52.09lindenlefun fun
23:52.12kaffienlike aptittude install  sqlite3.3.3.3
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23:52.34Guerinkaffien: man aptitude
23:52.47lindenleKind of a bummer that i will always have to build kernels now
23:52.59kaffieni know theres a man page but reading the whole damned thing for one command or answer is annoying
23:53.25*** join/#debian chris_goe (i=chris_go@nat/sun/x-8cc1042550bef4a5)
23:54.08karstenHow do I make tcpspy sane?
23:54.19karsten... other than removing it?  It's logging every single web access.
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23:54.45mfrischkarsten: thats what it does ;=)
23:55.17karstenmfrisch: I took a quick gander at the config file manpage.  No !@#$%^&*() examples.
23:55.53yetibotthanks jelly-home, I got my packages folder all set up
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23:56.31jelly-homeyetibot: you're a bot!
23:56.44kaffiena packare requires 3.7.7  but 3.5.0 is all i can find with either  ports, stable, unstable or testing
23:56.45karstenjelly-home: With big feet and white fur.
23:56.52kaffienand i did an apt-get update
23:57.03jelly-homekarsten: that's the best kind!
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23:57.30yetibotjelly-home, lol, my other connection died, and i was too lazy to ghost
23:57.45antlarris there any way to make the equivalent of dpkg -S /path/to/file but also for uninstalled packages?
23:57.58lncastantlarr: apt-file
23:58.22antlarrlncast: great, thanks!
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23:59.01kerneloopsinteresting... Does anyone around have/tried Cruzer Profile Fingerprint scanner ?
23:59.47mfrischkerneloops: does it work with luks

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