irclog2html for #debian on 20061208

00:00.24thelostbutlermadriss: nah, just run base-config as streuner recommened and it will take care of downloading on the the packages that need to be downloaded
00:00.24streunerapt-get install kde wouldn't install x-window-system-(core)...
00:00.25rahulstreuner: because it doesn't need that
00:00.26madrissoki but i already downloaded them
00:00.26madrissthen reboot it during install lol
00:00.38itchiDavidProck1982: You need to show him about  /msg dpkg install kde  ;-)
00:00.38rahulstreuner: does firefox install apache?
00:00.43streunerrahul: nah, you don't need X in order to run KDE? :-P
00:00.57streunerrahul: KDE doesn't install X
00:00.58rahulstreuner: you need an X _server_ for it to connect to
00:01.00thelostbutlermadriss: yes and apt-get will recognize that the files are already downloaded and automatically use them
00:01.07rahulstreuner: firefox doesn't install apache
00:01.08madrissok great hope so!
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00:01.17rahulstreuner: what's your point?
00:01.21streunerrahul: ok, we agree on that one :-)
00:01.31DavidProck1982humm well ive dont the detup with out doing the desktop enviroment gause i did not want gnome so at the prompt i did aptitude install kde then i ren kdm
00:01.31madrissalso every time i reboot i have to set the resolv.conf back to annoying
00:01.38rahulwhy should installing a client install the server, too?
00:01.54itchiDavidProck1982: No, it's just about the 3 diff metapackages about kde
00:01.59DavidProck1982sorry for all the typo's
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00:02.19itchiDavidProck1982: Maybe he not like tons of apps installed
00:02.38DavidProck1982itchi here is what i eas going to ask
00:02.45DavidProck1982well i use that fglrx-driver, The game i play it makes the graphics show the way thier supposed to, But i get zero FPS and i was reading that if u dont compile the driver with the same version of ((what ever it was talking about)) that your kernel was compiled in, that the driver will work, And that you will have No 3D Support, And i was reading that it best to recompile your kerrnel to get it to work, So im asking does any one
00:03.29itchiDavidProck1982: I have not understand
00:03.29rahul!tell DavidProck1982 about module-assistant
00:04.18DavidProck1982rahul i know all about module assistant listen....
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00:04.33rahul!tell DavidProck1982 about make-kpkg
00:04.43streuner!tell rahul about stfu
00:04.46rahulok, fine, recompile your kernel. it's fun anyway
00:04.53itchiDavidProck1982: You not need to recompile the kernel
00:04.56madrissah whats that edit file command again? begins with an n lol
00:05.04itchiDavidProck1982: Sorry, my English is not yet right, and i mostly fail if i need to decode some English typo's
00:05.10DavidProck1982the kernel was aaaahhh fuckit i dont know how to explane what im going to say
00:05.10madrissthats it cheers :$
00:05.22streunermadriss: do you want fool us?
00:05.41bintuthow can i install xgl from etch?
00:05.48streuneryou can't
00:05.53streunerxgl isn't in etch
00:05.54itchibintut: Wait
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00:06.00DavidProck1982ok then just for fun i want the latest kernel got would i set the hole thing up
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00:06.14streuneritchi: for eastern and white christmas?
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00:06.42itchistreuner: hehe, eeuhm, i dunno, i have patience :-)
00:06.58streuneryeah, its all up about 'xgl' itself
00:07.17rahulDavidProck1982: the bot told you what you need to do
00:07.30madrissits installing it again now thanks for ur help :)
00:07.34DavidProck1982been ther done that still 0 FPS
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00:07.49streunerbintut: /msg dpkg beryl
00:08.25madrissok i chose to set up desktop environment, then it came up general type of mail configuration. i chose local delivery only. then it said restarting MTA: exim4. now i got command prompt again
00:08.26itchihhhmm, need to try it
00:08.43bintutstreuner: i have beryl installed.. i need an xserver-xgl package because aiglx doesn't work with fglrx driver
00:08.48streunerbintut: you'll find there an URL where you get some debs, just follow the instructions and pray ;-)
00:09.29itchiWork beryl (and related) stuff only with ATI?
00:09.48streuneraccording to bintut?
00:09.48krazykititchi, no, it barely works with ati
00:10.04enoufitchi: no .. the fglxr stuff
00:10.23plugwashmadriss what does dpkg -l xdm kdm gdm say?
00:10.25itchihhhm, arg, need to move then, for later then :-p
00:10.59madrissit's ok i think i found what i did wrong now :) sorry about that im new to all this
00:11.24bintutstreuner: what do you mean?
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00:11.46streunerbintut: it rarely work for ATI?
00:11.53moparisthebestI have a webserver running debian stable, and I log into ssh and run a java program, but when I close the shell the java program exits
00:12.01moparisthebestis there a way to make it keep running somehow?
00:12.19streunerbintut: iam too lame to use nvidia-glx to find out if beryl works here...
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00:12.50bintutstreuner: aiglx doesn't support fglrx driver.. xgl does
00:13.14streunerbintut: well, xgl isn't in debian
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00:14.40bintutstreuner: yeah.. i don't know why.. :(
00:14.43thelostbutlermoparisthebest: run screen , run java program, exit screen.
00:15.03streunerbintut: because 'gravity' thinks xgl is too beta
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00:15.07moparisthebestthats what I did thelostbutler but the program exits after I exit the screen
00:15.43itchimoparisthebest: You need to detach the screen session   ctrl+a d
00:16.30itchimoparisthebest: But if you press that X (close) button on the right top corner of an vt, it still runs in background
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00:17.07moparisthebestI am supposed to detach the screen after I start the program?
00:17.07plugwashitchi before telling someone to use screen it might be an idea to explain what screen is
00:17.40itchiplugwash: He can look what it is, i not need to fish for him
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00:17.52thelostbutlermoparisthebest: yes. then there is nohup prograname & which should also workd
00:18.31itchimoparisthebest: Maybe can this help you
00:18.32enoufthrows some flounders about randomly
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00:19.07itchienouf: :-p
00:19.30cld2when I go to install xserver-xorg from backports with apt-get it talks about these suggested and recommended packages, is there a way to have those isntalled also?
00:19.35karstenenouf: I'm going to a Founders' Banquet tonight...
00:20.00enoufsounds yummy karsten
00:20.08karstenenouf: Um.  Wups.
00:20.09plugwashusing --with-reccomends on the command line will install reccomended packages as well as depended on ones
00:20.11karstenenouf: I lied.
00:20.24enouf!troutsmite karsten
00:20.25moparisthebestI think I see what you mean now itchi , trying it now
00:20.26cld2plugwash: thanks. same thing for suggested?
00:20.42plugwashdunno but suggested packages should generally be viewed with more caution anyway
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00:20.56cld2ok, thanks.
00:21.00PaSurfkrazykit: how would I look at the debian file system from a live cd?
00:21.10itchimoparisthebest: It's realy easy to use, just maybe a bit confussing in begin, and man page is a bit big :-)
00:21.13multi_ioafter having compiled the debian kernel a few days ago, I've now changed some config options and I'm re-running fakeroot make-kpkg --us --uc buildpackage. It finishes without doing anything, i.e. it creates no new debian packages. Why is this?
00:21.18karstenplugwash: I say throw caution to the winds.
00:21.27karstenplugwash: ... but remember, throw cautions _downwind_.
00:21.39enoufPaSurf: mkdir /mnt/whatever then chroot into it
00:21.48itchimoparisthebest: man screen   And read it completely  :-)  :-)
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00:22.08moparisthebestyep, I will, thanks :)
00:22.29thelostbutlerPaSurf: fdisk -l shows you the partitions.  then mount the  required partition on /mnt
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00:22.37Guerinmulti_io: follow the instructions in kp mantra
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00:22.56PaSurfK, I am just having trouble locating the drives on the system from the livecd
00:23.08enoufmoparisthebest: you can alsi relegate an app directly to the background using 'command &' .. man bash IIRC
00:23.21thelostbutlerPaSurf: fdisk -l /dev/sda or fdisk -l /dev/hda should work
00:24.12plugwashthe simplest soloution that i've found actually works for leaving stuff running is to use & in bash and then make sure you use exit to leave the ssh session
00:24.53itchiplugwash: You need to learn about  screen  ;-)
00:25.27plugwashitchi i might sometime, though start-stop-daemon seems equally clean and simpler
00:25.39Guerinexcept screen is far more useful
00:25.39itchiplugwash: Simply than that could be not:  screen irssi  for example
00:26.14dpkgTo compile a kernel The Debian Way(tm) "apt-get install kernel-package build-essential libncurses5-dev" and follow the instructions in /usr/share/doc/kernel-package/README.gz; You should also ask me about 'make-kpkg' and 'kp mantra'
00:26.31multi_io!kp mantra
00:26.32dpkgThe kernel compilation mantra is make-kpkg clean && make-kpkg --revision=$(date +'%Y%m%d') --append-to-version=-$(hostname) --rootcmd fakeroot clean && make-kpkg --revision=$(date +'%Y%m%d') --append-to-version=-$(hostname) --rootcmd fakeroot kernel_image modules_image . Add --initrd before kernel_image if you need an initrd. Add MAKEFLAGS="HOSTCC=gcc-3.3 CC=gcc-3.3" before each command if you're building an older kernel
00:26.34itchi!tell multi_io -about selftell
00:26.35plugwashimo using screen is only worthwhile if you actually wan't to run a program that was meant to be interactive all the time
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00:27.27plugwashmy favorite method for stuff that is meant to run in the background though is to fork and drop the controling tty within the app itself
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00:27.33plugwashso the user doesn't have to do anything
00:28.17sphenxesi have downloaded Suse.10.2 iso using metalink. How can I add the iso to ktorrent in order that other users can uploaded from my ktorrent?
00:28.35multi_ioso I'm supposed to clean everything before re-compiling the kernel?
00:28.48PaSurfthelostbutler:  The disks where in a swraid.  When I do the fdisk -l  /dev/md2 or md2 I get nothing.
00:30.09thelostbutlerPaSurf: you do not do /dev/md2. you do paritition listing for the disk only . what cat /proc/mdstat tell you
00:30.23itchimulti_io: yes, make-kpkg clean
00:30.25thelostbutlerPaSurf: you do not do fdisk -l  /dev/md2. you do paritition listing for the disk only . what cat /proc/mdstat tell you
00:30.40PaSurfthelostbutler:  no such file or directory
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00:31.11enoufPaSurf: check dmesg for clues ,ayve
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00:33.59thelostbutlerfolks, i have a dvd of which I need to make a backup of and burn it later. would dd if=/dev/dvd of=/tmp/dvd.iso work ?
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00:34.23Guerinthelostbutler: yes, but it'll be slow
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00:34.39Guerinthelostbutler: try specifying BS=100M or something
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00:35.09plugwashGuerin thats probablly overdoing it on the blocksize
00:35.25thelostbutlerGuerin: aah okay
00:35.30Guerinplugwash: yeah, just a randomly large number
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00:36.07Guerinplugwash: what are the collateral effects of a big blocksize?
00:36.14plugwashit probablly depends on the drive but i'd say about 128K or so is reasonable, more will just waste ram for little or no perfomance gain
00:36.24Guerinhm, ok
00:36.48PaSurfenouf: I think that is only showing the ubuntu messages right?
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00:37.33PaSurfSo, basically what I think happened is I ran tar on the drive and possibly tar the boot partition...????  Is that possible?
00:38.01enoufdmesg is the system boot messages and sometimes event messages (like hotplugging devices/etc)
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00:38.46enoufPaSurf: is /boot on it's own partition?
00:38.49PaSurfenouf:  I am using the live CD
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00:39.33PaSurfenouf:  when I created the arrays I had / on one array, /boot on another, and /swap on the last
00:39.35enoufPaSurf: ok .. and .. i guess you mean the ubuntu livecd .. and?
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00:40.18PaSurfenouf:  would I get error messages from trying to access the underlying os from the messages in the live cd?
00:41.16PaSurfor in the messages?  So if there where errors trying to read the local harddrives would the livecd report them in the messages?
00:41.36PaSurfat this time I can't even see the harddrives..
00:41.48enoufPaSurf: don't know .. try it and see .. what does 'mount' and cat /etc/mtab tell you .. likely not much ..
00:42.14enoufPaSurf: ahh .yeah .. depending on hoe you set them up .. also using LVM?
00:42.47verbosein /etc/apt/sources.list is there any difference between putting "etch" or "testing" or do they both point to the same thing?
00:43.19PaSurfenouf:  no LVM, but cat etc/mtab are showing different directories (/sys, devpts, udev, varrun, )
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00:43.24dvsverbose: they point to the same thing right now, but they wont a month from now
00:43.31enoufPaSurf: see if the HDDs are initialized in dmesg .. grep for sda .. hda
00:43.36verbosedvs: ok
00:44.30enoufPaSurf: right .. those are normal .. perhaps try mounting /proc ..
00:44.48PaSurfenouf:  it is showing the attached drives as sd scsi generic
00:44.55bintutanyone cares to check this link ==>
00:45.01pppoe_dudeis setting up ipw2200 too tricky on testing? i remember i had to do it a while ago on 3.1 and it wasn't the least tricky
00:45.13pppoe_dudebut there was a good guide somewhere... although i lost the link
00:45.25cydorkpppoe_dude: nope it's tricky at all.
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00:45.38streunerbintut: just ask in #debian-amd64
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00:46.01PaSurfenouf:  when try to mount /proc "mount: can't find mnt/proc in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab
00:46.04cydorkpppoe_dude: /msg dpkg ipw2200
00:46.10DavidProck1982im back
00:46.10pppoe_dudecydork, thnx
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00:46.17cydorkpppoe_dude: so you just have to get the firmware. :)
00:46.19DavidProck1982did i miss any thing
00:46.30DavidProck1982directed tword me
00:47.55DavidProck1982how do i get ans setup the latest kernel
00:48.17dvs!tell DavidProck1982 about kp
00:48.40dvsstoned: bye!
00:49.01dpkgrumour has it, popcon is the Debian Popularity contest. See results at or install popularity-contest to participate. do the dpkg-reconfigure popularity-contest right after you answered all debconf stuff
00:49.31IronM!tell IronM about kp
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00:50.15cydork!tell IronM -about msg the bot
00:50.50enoufPaSurf: hrm .. don't want to steer you wrong .. so I'll refrain .. I'm just not sure
00:51.01IronMthanks cydork ! .. I am new here
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00:52.38a1ola :)
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00:52.55IronMhola al *g*
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00:53.35enoufPaSurf: I haven't had to mount softraid arrays from a livecd .. but if you manage to make a correct mkdir /mnt/point for /  .. you can then chroot into it .. may need device mapper? .. or mdadm? .. dunno ofr sure
00:53.45Decepticonwhere can i check out the packages repository that will out for etch?
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00:54.15enoufDecepticon: ..
00:55.05Decepticonhow do i distinguish between sarge packages and other packages?
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00:56.36enoufThere's a cd repo listing IIRC somewhere (if you want to see all 15,000 some odd pkgs) .. but you choose 'testing' in the search options
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00:57.24enoufor is it 'jigdo' that does that ..hmm
00:57.41madrissim downloading desktop environment, it has been fine but now its takin ages then saying Data socket timed out. anything i can do?
00:58.04enoufheh ..
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00:58.44DavidProck1982madriss mine has done that before
00:58.56madrissdoes it sort itself out then?
00:59.06madrisswhoops sorry
00:59.15DavidProck1982no i just Ctrl+C and redo it
00:59.30madrissah ok
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00:59.35madrissit wont re-download ones its done will it
00:59.44DavidProck1982it is odd , one moment it will not connect and the next it will
00:59.52madrisssame with this
01:00.09DavidProck1982it will see that it allready has certin files, i think
01:00.19madrissthanks :)
01:00.45DavidProck1982it is a different pc from the one that u r on ?
01:00.53madrissyeah it is lol
01:01.15DavidProck1982is any of the pc,s on the network doing file shareing
01:01.41madrissiv only got MSN, mirc and firefox open, and im not even using msn or firefox
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01:02.25DavidProck1982cause i notice if u upload a lot it will choack out the other pc
01:02.32madrissoh right
01:02.37madrissnope not uploading
01:02.45madrissi restarted and it wudnt connect atall
01:02.47madrissil try another mirror
01:02.57DavidProck1982k, good idea lol
01:03.14madrissoh i know
01:03.24madrissit keeps resetting the thing in resolv.config
01:03.28madrissandi  hav to change it back to
01:04.00*** part/#debian pppoe_dude (n=pppoe_du@unaffiliated/blimpdude)
01:04.07grndslmanybody used or using one of these laptops with debian (or any other linux distro for that matter)??  PortableOneSX (AKA:  ASUS Z35F), Toshiba Satellite U205, Dell D420, or Lenovo/IBM Thinkpad T60??
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01:04.56madrissyep changed to and its working again
01:04.57madrissweird that
01:05.25itchigrndslm: Ask that on an mailing list, debian-laptop or so
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01:05.34g333kHi, I'm receiving this message: "localhost kernel: CPU1: Running in modulated clock mode" gkrellm tells me that my CPU zone is at 75°C is that ok?
01:05.48vickHello, how do i know the default mod in apache installed using apt-get , etc.. ?
01:06.10*** part/#debian al3xanr0 (
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01:06.19itchigrndslm: And tuxmobile too
01:06.23vickLike which mod are there by default when i install apache using apt-get , is there some place i could look into that ?
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01:09.03DavidProck1982well im going to go jump off a bridge now, lator
01:09.12madrisscya thanks for ur help :0
01:10.00*** mode/#debian [+l 666] by debhelper
01:11.20dotCOMmiehas anyone encountered bug #310637 recently?
01:11.56dotCOMmiekde 'freezes' on start up when home on nfs
01:12.28dondelelcarodotCOMmie: if someone was, they should have reopened the bug
01:12.40dotCOMmieI should d:
01:12.57dotCOMmieI should run some more diagnostics though
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01:14.16dondelelcarodotCOMmie: it will hang if /home isn't accessible, or if the server has gone away and not come back
01:14.20dondelelcarodotCOMmie: so I'd check that first.
01:14.22dendritedotCOMmie: There is a #debian-kde
01:15.16dendritedotCOMmie: You running 3.5?
01:15.34dotCOMmiedondelelcaro: I noticed that if I purge all the .* (I'm assuming .qt .kde .config are most important) reboot it works
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01:15.56dotCOMmiedendrite: I think so testing, up to date
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01:16.10dotCOMmiethis is on my work box so I dont have access ATM
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01:16.42vickwhat's the apache 2 package name for debian ?
01:16.44enoufvick: well you can dpkg -L <pkgname> to view the contents of pkgname ..  or you can also $ grep -ir modprobe /etc/init.d/ (try /etc/rc?.d/ as well)
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01:17.09enoufvick: apt-cache search apache2
01:17.29vickenouf: I dont have Debian installed, i'm researching through
01:17.30geo-rgeI did a dist upgrade yesterday, everything seems to be working fine but I hav a feeling it didn't install all the packages I downloaded... so: how can I get a list of the packages (those .debs in /var/cache/apt/archives) that it did not install?
01:17.38vickenouf: .org rather
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01:17.59vickenouf: Seems default apache is version 1.x still
01:18.05geo-rgevick: there should be a lot of packages there :)
01:18.16enoufvick: /msg dpkg apache2
01:18.44dendritegeo-rge: You downloaded the packages manually?  Or did you use apt-get or aptitude to do the download??
01:18.58geo-rgeif you don't like what's there, there are several options, including building them yourself (it's not for nothing debian's build of the compilers are probably the most stable of all the dists)
01:19.09geo-rgeI used apt-get
01:19.12DavidProck1982:-D what is xen like
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01:19.27geo-rgexen is like a wreath of pretty flowers...
01:19.30enoufvick: also /msg dpkg info apache2 sarge
01:19.36geo-rge..that smell bad...
01:19.41dendritegeo-rge: Then you're probably OK...
01:19.51geo-rgeso how can I get that list? :)
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01:20.59DavidProck1982xen is to load another os in side a window on the one you are running , correct ?
01:21.35geo-rgeI'm assuming it's not the empty list; I had to apt-get install kde and it got it from the downloaded packages; I did apt-get clean before doing the actual dist-upgrade at the point I was still using sarge)
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01:22.09dendritegeo-rge: My first inclination would be to loop through the files and use dpkg to see if the installed version matches.
01:22.53geo-rgeok, let's break this down... to get the list of not-installed packages, I have to get the list of packages in the dir and the list of installed packages, sort both lists and do sortof a reverse merge
01:23.00geo-rgethat sound right to you?
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01:23.54geo-rge{list of packages} - {list of installed packages}
01:23.55dendritegeo-rge: Your original question just said to see what of the files is not installed.  If you also want to see what is installed but not in /var/cache/apt/archives/ then you'd need to do your two step "reverse merge" sort of thing.
01:24.01barielhello, if i want to set up only a webserver and no other service, do you guys see any necessity using a firewall?
01:24.23geo-rgearen't those both the same?
01:24.37dendritegeo-rge: But it might be faster to just get a list of installed packages in any case...
01:24.39itchiDavidProck1982: Yes, qemu also
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01:24.53itchiDavidProck1982: qemu will be many more easy
01:24.53dendritegeo-rge: Not the same, but I'm a bit picky in the analysis department, so don't worry about it.
01:25.26plugwashbariel, its not essential but it may have advantages
01:25.38xamgeo-rge: dpkg --get-selections "*" |egrep "(purge)|(deinstall)"
01:25.49barielplugwash, like?
01:25.53itchiDavidProck1982: Im not realy experienced with xen. I use qemu
01:26.27plugwashmainly if a script running on your website gets hacked you can limit the trouble they can cause on the network/internet (unless they find a way to get root ofc)
01:26.30dendritexam: That won't give version numbers of installed packages...
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01:26.45geo-rgeoic, the whole list of packages known to my installation that have non-installed status
01:27.26xamdendrite: well, feed the output to a while loop with dpkg -l ...
01:27.26plugwashe.g. if none of your legit scripts should be sending mail or using irc you can make sure nothing that runs on your box does (or if you wan't to get really clever use iptables user matching to make sure just the web scripts can't)
01:27.30geo-rgethat list would be different, and I guess so would the entire list of packages in the universe of available debian packages that are not installed on my system
01:27.32dendritexam: Or just parse output of dpkg -l...  :-)
01:28.08geo-rgebut I want to assume that the universe is the packages in .../archives
01:28.34RenfieldHow do I configure my laptop to not enable eth0 when entering run level 2, and enable it when entering run level 3?
01:28.43geo-rgebecause after that, I want to install all those on that list
01:28.53bokeyitchi, i am about to upgrade to etch from sarge. what are the procedure ? just apt-get linux-kernel-386 ?
01:29.09plugwashbokey read the release notes
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01:29.19itchibokey: Look to  /msg dpkg sarge->etch
01:29.21xamdendrite: yeah. but do you really need the exact version number? just make sure you have an updated system and you should be okay ... depending on a certain version is not very safe either, especially if you run testing or unstable, then version numbers change often ...
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01:29.50geo-rgewell, more often than "never" :)
01:29.51yassinehi im trying to install the linux source that map my kernel trying this : apt-get install linux-source-`uname -r` but i get an error :E: Couldn't find package linux-source-2.6.8-3-386 am i doing somthing wrong or there is no such package at all ?
01:29.52bokeyplugwash, yup.
01:29.53dendritexam: Well, it's geo-rge That has the strange needs.  I'm just enjoying the puzzle.  :-)
01:29.57bokeyitchi, thanks.
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01:30.07itchibokey: That's the stable release note
01:30.17cydorkyassine: kernel-source
01:30.30yassinecydork, thanks let me try
01:30.50itchibokey: Look to the Etch release note ;-)
01:30.50bokeyitchi, so sarge = stable, whereas etch = unstable ?
01:30.50RenfieldIt appears that the boot messages that are printed to console are not also saved anywhere. I clearly saw some text printed to console during boot that was not in /var/log/messages nor in dmesg. Is this correct?
01:30.51geo-rgeI figure I can dpkg -i {all those packages} and I don't really want to install all of them because that would just waste time and cause wear and tear
01:30.53plugwash <-- those are the ones you wan't
01:30.58bokeyitchi, yeah right ?
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01:31.54bokeyplugwash, yup. thanks
01:31.55geo-rge(specifically the packages I don't want to install are the ones already installed)
01:31.55plugwashbokey currently sarge is stable and etch is testing
01:31.55itchibokey: See /msg dpkg release history
01:31.55bokeyplugwash, but etch is almost ready now ?
01:32.04geo-rgehere's to hoping
01:32.08plugwashwhen etch releases sarge will become oldstable, etch will become stable and a new testing will be created called lenny
01:32.27bokeyitchi, yup reading now.
01:32.30itchibokey: Debian have 3 releases, you know?
01:32.36itchibokey: okay
01:32.36geo-rgeHeadline: Etch Releases Sarge! Pictures at Eleven!
01:32.51yassinecydork, even that one seen to do not exist :E: Couldn't find package kernel-source-2.6.8-3-386
01:33.09bokeyitchi, what are the 3 releases ?
01:33.12geo-rgewho the hell is lenny??
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01:33.24plugwashthe toy binoculars
01:33.29bokeygeo-rge, lenny is the character from toy story movie. =)
01:33.37bokeypixar rocks!
01:33.58geo-rgebokey: actually... "release" is a word applied to the stable dists...
01:34.12gravityI can't wait until people start regularly asking for "etchy" or "edgy" when they mean "etch"
01:34.13RenfieldPixar sucks. They killed BMRT.
01:34.16bokeygeo-rge, right.
01:34.19gravityThat'll be sweet
01:34.32bokeygravity, edgy is ubuntu
01:34.36bokeygravity, =)
01:34.37enoufRenfield: edit /etc/default/bootlogd to read Yes .. instead of no ...
01:34.44itchigeo-rge: ug
01:34.47dpkg/etc/default/bootlogd now defaults to "no".  Edit that to get your /var/log/boot file back.  For more info, see, or not a command (opposed to dmesg)
01:34.49gravitybokey: I know. But people ask for it.
01:34.53geo-rgeso the releases are sarge, woody, slink, bo, potato, some others I'm not remembering
01:34.56bokeygravity, ahh.. right.
01:35.10geo-rgebecause they all went stable at one time or another...
01:35.14Renfieldenouf: Thanks!
01:35.20cydorkyassine: kernel-source-2.6.8
01:35.21bokeygravity, i use edgy on my laptop. it's fine distro for me.
01:35.22plugwashat any time there is a previous official release (oldstable, currently woody), a current release (stable, currently sarge) and a release in development (testing, currently etch)
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01:35.41itchigeo-rge:  See /msg dpkg release history  ;-)
01:35.44geo-rgehaving said that... even though etch is not released, it is available anytime in its prerelease state
01:35.52yassinecydork, thanks
01:35.55gravityI don't think woody is oldstable any more. I think that only qualifies if it's still supported.
01:35.58gravityI could be wrong though
01:36.10plugwashthere is also unstable (always sid) which will never be released and acts as a source of packages for testing
01:36.14bokeyyey!! SELinux for etch =) hurrray!!!
01:36.17plugwashgravity hmm, lemme check
01:36.31gravityplugwash: Let me know... I'd like to know if I'm totally wrong there :-)
01:37.01geo-rgeisn't Selinux that singer chick who got killed by her mgr?
01:37.08enoufgeo-rge: try dpkg -l | grep ^.i .. or.. dpkg -l | grep ^.i | less  .. or COLUMNS=200 dpkg -l | grep ^.i | less
01:37.11dpkgmethinks releases is See for an explanation of releases.  see <release history> for prior releases.
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01:37.15plugwashgravity well the symlink still seems to be there on
01:37.21gravityplugwash: Ok, cool. Thank you.
01:37.22itchigeo-rge: Look to the first link ;-)
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01:37.26bokeygeo-rge, :)
01:37.26plugwashand still knows about it
01:37.46gravityI'm sort of surprised that the symlink doesn't get removed
01:37.58itchi... Debian always has at least three releases in active maintenance: “stable”, “testing” and “unstable” . ...
01:38.02geo-rgeitchi: I may have installed all on that list at one time or another... including a nonreleased 0.94.something
01:38.03plugwashthough i'm sure there did stop being an oldstable sometime in potatos life
01:38.23djarinI just gotta question about mount smbfs. Has anyone Experience with that?
01:38.32plugwashsorry i mean sometime when woody was the current release and potato the previous one
01:38.48itchiWithout talking about the experimental release
01:38.53enoufgeo-rge: but If I underdstand correctly .. you can just apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade again .. as long as you didn't alter your sources.lsit
01:39.17djarinCan u plz msg me
01:39.37itchidjarin: _NO_
01:39.42bokeyitchi, what's the etch's kernel version ?  i poked dpkg but couldn't get answer.
01:39.53djarinOk ty itchi
01:40.00itchibokey: Default or availables ones?
01:40.04geo-rgeenouf: I think among all the things I had to do, it got confused about the list of packages to update (and this was after the (correct) list of packages were downloaded)
01:40.06bokeyitchi, default
01:40.24itchi!tell djarin -about ask
01:40.27plugwashitchi true, but iirc experimental isn't even a complete distribution
01:40.29enoufgeo-rge: have you rebooted since you upgraded? .. I ask because if you're at that transition bew\tween xfree86/xorg and udev/hotplug .. reboot (and other things like purging hotplug are in order)
01:40.30itchibokey: .16
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01:40.31geo-rgedjarin: /msg dpkg sicco
01:40.38bokeyitchi, ahh.. fine.
01:40.38plugwashlast i checked it wasn't even on the main mirrors
01:40.41gravityplugwash: Yeah, that's what I thought
01:41.01geo-rgeenouf: yeah, did the reboot
01:41.18enoufgeo-rge: if the list is "correct" .. it wouldn't have changed much since yestereday :-)
01:41.25cydorkitchi: rc1 has .17
01:41.28dondelelcarobokey: it's currently 2.6.17, actually... but it will most likely be .18 eventually.
01:41.42itchidjarin: Just talk here about your Debian related trouble, we not like to talk in PM. Others that only read here will not benefit of the informations
01:41.50geo-rgebut beforehand, I built my own 2.6.18 from debian source and debian .config; also I went to xorg
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01:42.00bokeydondelelcaro, thanks. so will I be getting 2.6.17 as a stock kernel version for etch ?
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01:42.07dererk[work]I need a huge hand
01:42.15enoufgeo-rge: IOW redoing what I said about update and dist-upgrade will only ad anything missing .. not rteinstall evertything .. use -s with apt to simulate
01:42.16geo-rgeso my transition to udev was a little weird
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01:42.26djarinitchi: i got no real debian problem. I just don`t know who else i can ask
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01:42.30dererk[work]I need to get right now a .deb package for 2.4.18 bigmem
01:42.30geo-rgedererk[work]: my  hands are normal sized
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01:42.45geo-rgedjarin: ask your question
01:42.57djarinI need to mount (with knoppix) the smb of my mac
01:43.14dondelelcarobokey: it's what is installed currently if you havea linux-image-2.6-2686 iunstalled.
01:43.26djarinmount -t smbfs -o username="",password= \\ip/
01:43.29itchidjarin: Debian and smbfs?? or try #samba??
01:43.34djarinerverything is korrekt
01:43.41djarinitchi: k ty
01:43.41plugwashdererk[work] any particular reason?
01:43.58dererk[work]Because if I don't find it in the next hours
01:44.04dererk[work]I'm gonna loose my job
01:44.10cydorkitchi: smbfs is fused based interface for samba...
01:44.11plugwashall i can suggest is going through and seeing what you can find but i dunno if their archives go back far enough
01:44.19itchidondelelcaro: Yeah, i was talking about the version i got with the Etch installer
01:44.20dererk[work]s/next hours/next hour/
01:44.51bokeydondelelcaro, so I have changed every line in /etc/apt/sources.list from "stable" to "testing". now I am gonna do update =)
01:44.53dererk[work]and because I've a woody running which has 2 gb of ram
01:44.55geo-rgedererk[work]: why? (technical reason, NOT job reason)
01:44.59DerJamsterdererk[work]: grab the 2.4.18 source package and compile it into a new one with it enabled?
01:45.26enoufgeo-rge: you know whenever I do a large upgrade .. I usually telinit 1 then run apt .. just so that most services not necessary are halted :-) but I'm sure there's some heat coming my way for saying that (dons flame-retardant suit)
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01:45.39RenfieldThere seems to be a bit of magic going on to start up networking. I try to shut it down as the first script in rc2.d, but by the time the computer is fully started eth0 is up again. How does this work?
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01:46.02DerJamsterdererk[work]: apt-get kernel-package, the 2.4.18 source package, slap in your kernel conf from /boot as '.config', enable bigmem, make-kpkg kernel_image
01:46.07DerJamsterthen dpkg -i that new .deb
01:46.17djarinGreat in #samba all are afk
01:46.23enouf!tell Renfield about update-rc.d
01:46.36geo-rgeenouf: yeah it went thru that "I have to restart these services: ,.,. ... ... .. since you're upgrading libc" thing with no problem
01:46.37itchi!tell root -about root
01:46.45looksausI'm looking for an easy way to spider the news site of our national public television channel for video
01:46.59itchi!tell root___ -about root
01:47.12geo-rgeyou need spiders!
01:47.22enoufRenfield: also /msg dpkg rcconf for a TUI util .. sysv-rc-conf is a more comprehensible rcconf
01:47.23looksausthey embed it in such crap javascript stuff that it's impossible for free software users to play the video
01:47.42looksausany idea what would be a good way to do so?
01:47.48enoufgeo-rge: cool
01:48.16looksausexisting tools that might be suited for the job?
01:48.28looksausor easily adapted
01:48.29geo-rgewget? I dunno
01:48.42looksausI guess wget will be an important part of it, yes...
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01:49.56Renfieldenouf: If I understand correctly, these links describe utilities for managing one's rc scripts?
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01:50.01enouflooksaus: besides wget , curl et al .. may wanna look at some combining that with xml2 utilities
01:50.11enoufRenfield: correct
01:50.25looksausenouf, thx for the suggestions
01:50.26enoufRenfield: /msg dpkg services as well
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01:50.50enoufRenfield: /msg dpkg runlevel too :-)
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01:51.04itchiroot___: You can not talk here probably :-p
01:51.25michael117What command can I use to monitor incoming and outgoing traffic on a particular computer over ssh?
01:51.31madrissare there more apps for kde than gnome or does it not matter which you have?
01:51.38Renfieldenouf: Well that is not my problem. I understand init and rc scripts very well. My very specific knowledge hole is how eth0 is started on a Debian system.
01:52.11michael117More specifically, how much is being transferred in and out
01:52.12enoufmadriss: it's GNU/Linux and linux is the kernel :-)
01:52.28madrissso everything will work on both?
01:52.37itchimadriss: Gnome use GTK and KDE use QT as library. You can use /KDE/ stuff inside Gnome and virse versa. Just a bit slower and more load
01:52.51madrissah ok thanks
01:52.53geo-rgeif you're writing a web application (which this sorta is), you might check out and look for internet application workbook
01:52.53madrisswhich wud u recommend
01:52.57michael117such as "In- 10kBps | Out-0kBps" or something of the like
01:53.02dpkgDamnit Jim! It's YOU. Y-O-U. Not *U*. U is a letter. YOU is a word. See ne1, or wud.  Dutch for 'you' (formal singular). See
01:53.08itchimadriss: Not KDE at least
01:53.14xamitchi: 'bit slower and more load' ???
01:53.21dpkgnun uv us wull unswer yu uf yu ask luke u murun.
01:53.29itchixam: Yeah, you load both libs
01:53.30dererk[work]I need to limit the use of ram of my BIND (8) do you know how could I?
01:53.31madrissok i shud go with gnome then
01:53.42RenfieldI clearly see that in rcS.d there is an Sxxnetworking script. I also see messages that appear to start netowrking. After these messages are the messages from my script that shut networking back off. Despite this after completing boot up eth0 is back up again.
01:53.43enoufRenfield: er... read /etc/init.d/README  .. eth0is an interface .. and I suppose if you kill /networking and /inetd from starting maybe you'll kill the interface too .. or modprobe -r the modules responsible :_P
01:53.44magyarhi, just updated my saslauth on etch and the mail server is broke, i keep getting "warning: SASL authentication failure: Password verification failed" and "SASL PLAIN authentication failed: authentication failure"
01:53.50xamitchi: how does it make the application slower and causes more load?
01:53.53DerJamsterDammit, there is no !shud is there? :)
01:53.56Wazmyou tell me
01:53.57dererk[work]It doesn't appear nothing at all on official doc
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01:54.07madrissi just got a think.. choose desired x video card driver
01:54.12madrissthers a big list but its already on 'vesa'
01:54.16madrissis that the one i shud choose?
01:54.43gravitymadriss: What video card do you have?
01:54.47itchixam: Because Gnome apps are optimized to run in Gnome, like it use the /gnome/ libs, and virse versa
01:54.48madrissi dont know lol
01:54.50geo-rgeyue shud larn toe pall
01:54.53gravitymadriss: Yeah, go with vesa
01:54.58madrissok thanks
01:55.01enoufRenfield: i guess you're script ain't working too well :-)
01:55.14DerJamstergeo-rge: wud r u taklin abut?
01:55.15madrissoh der
01:55.26madrissplease enter the video card's bus identifier :|
01:55.31madrisswhere do i get that
01:55.32gravitymadriss: Leave it blank
01:55.35enoufRenfield: that's not meant to be anything demeaning
01:55.40gravityChrist, I need to kill that thing
01:55.47Guerinmagyar: saslauthd is evil. Read the logs, it'll tell you what's going wrong.
01:55.48itchixam: Is that clear? I'm a bit sad with English
01:55.52Renfieldenouf: My script works fine. I have confirmed that eth0 is down by running the command ifconfig; sleep 2. All that is displayed is lo: . At some point the system brings eth0 back up!
01:56.09Guerinmagyar: most of the time it's not looking up the credentials or passing them properly
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01:56.19plugwashRenfield i suspect when your script runs its not yet been brought up at all
01:56.28magyarGuerin: the thing was working for the past 4 month, than comes the update breaks the whole shit donw
01:56.37madrissany idea how i know if its 60hz 50hz or 75hz monitor?
01:56.45madriss60, 70 or 75*
01:56.50magyarGuerin: i left all the conf files the same
01:56.58xamitchi: ermm, what do you mean with optimised? It just uses gnome-libs, granted ... it has to load them if you're not already running a gnome app, but that is just a initial delay. there is no additional 'load' or the app is slower. You might miss some functionality if you run a gnome app in a KDE environment (and vice versa), but that's all
01:57.09bokeydoes it matter if I upgrade the kernel or userland software first??
01:57.14Guerinmagyar: update to what?
01:57.15geo-rgemadriss: sometimes the manufacturer;s website has the timing info
01:57.22magyarGuerin: all the update did is change the daemond, is there a way to place back the old daemond
01:57.24Renfieldplugwash: That would make sense, but there is text prior to my script that says "Setting up networking... and Configuring network interfaces... done", and those messages are not repeated after my script runs.
01:57.25madrissok i'll have a look there
01:57.31madrissif i cant find it is it safest to go with 60?
01:57.36magyarGuerin: sasauthd
01:57.41bokey4.1.3 @ is a FIXME. :/
01:57.44plugwashRenfield hmm, it seems you are right
01:57.48geo-rgehopefully you can do 75 hz... any slower really hurts your eyes
01:57.53Guerinmagyar: oh, i remember this problem. They broke it in some version or other, so instead of passing user@host, it would pass user
01:57.59itchixam: Made for that
01:57.59plugwashhave you tried just removing the auto eth0 from /etc/network/interfaces?
01:58.05madrissits a laptop screen r they normally 75
01:58.13plugwashif you do that then it shouldn't come up unless you explicitly tell it to
01:58.15enoufRenfield: coulld be any of a numbeer of scripts or services that are bringing it back up .. webservers, browsers, NFS, Samba shares .. whatever .. look into killing inetd or somesuch
01:58.18bokeyitchi, does it matter whether i upgrade kernel or userland software first ?
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01:58.22Guerinmagyar: i think that was an upgrade from .17 to .19 fixed it
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01:58.31itchibokey: I dunno
01:58.44doki_penwhy doesn't debian upgrade all my packages?
01:58.45xambokey: usually it is advisable to update the kernel first
01:58.47geo-rgemadriss: hmm, laptop? it may not matter if the card connects via dvi
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01:58.57enoufRenfield: sysv-rc-conf will give you the view of each runlevel and script doing what at each
01:59.01bokeyitchi, section 1.2.3 @ is a FIXME
01:59.06magyarGuerin: the issue is the saslauthd is looking to authenticate against sasldb2, but i use /etc/passwd
01:59.06bokeyxam, right
01:59.23madrissok, can't see anything on their website, i'll try 75hz nd hope for the best lol, thanks
01:59.26Guerinmagyar: oh, ok. No idea about that, then.
01:59.53Renfieldenouf: Ok, this is my thought also. Is this how debian works? Other distributions put network setup in it's own script, but it appears that in Debian certain scripts can do more than their intended purpose.
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02:00.12enoufGuerin: embrace the change :-)
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02:00.15itchibokey: Yeah, looks missing in the Etch release. To be honnest i dunno what userland software is
02:00.29enoufRenfield: not how i see it
02:00.31bokeyitchi, userland software like xine, vlc etc..
02:00.53geo-rgeuserland software is anything but kernel and modules
02:01.02itchibokey: Yeah, the kernel then (if i'm right, but not yet sure)
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02:02.47enoufRenfield: for shits and giggles .. grep -ir inetd /etc/rc?.d/S* (use incantations of that to suit your taste .. drop the S* to also see all the K* as well)
02:03.06bokeyitchi, i change every line saying sarge -> etch and stable -> testing. is this the correct way to proceed ? now I hav eabout 875mb to download. after doing apt-get update and apt-get dist-upgrade
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02:03.45enoufRenfield: er maybe just 'inet' instead of inetd
02:04.36geo-rgeReinfeld: the networking setup for debian has a fairly general setup... there's a file where you describe your network interfaces and what the routing will be for each... once you do that you can "ifup <nameOfInterface" (or same with ifdown)
02:04.36xamGuerin: did it twice in the last two weeks. Only problem is udev with might mess up your network interface numbering, if you have several network cards. At least it did it with both of my machines
02:04.37itchibokey: hhhmm, maybe set it to testing? To be sure you always have the testing (actually the Etch) release. If you put etch now and etch become stable. You have again stable and no more the testing release
02:04.55Guerinxam: otherwise smooth, then?
02:05.06Renfieldgeo-rge: I have networking configured. I just want it to come up when I boot into run level 3, and not come up when I boot into run level 2.
02:05.16xamGuerin: yes. even xfree86 -> xorg was not a problem ...
02:05.24bokeyitchi, so change every occurence of stable to testing and also every occurence of sarge to testing as well ?
02:05.25plugwashbokey use etch if you wan't to follow etch into stable, using testing if you wan't to continue on the testing treadmill after etch release
02:05.38geo-rgeit doesnt't come up in either of those runlevels
02:05.39xamGuerin: just make sure you update the kernel first, and then do the rest
02:05.42plugwasheither way change all instances of both sarge and stable
02:05.49itchibokey: See  /msg dpkg sarge->etch
02:05.52geo-rgeit comes up when going thru single user startup
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02:05.54Renfieldgeo-rge: It always comes up for me now.
02:06.00*** join/#debian mikespook (i=mikespoo@
02:06.01CaelumI have two machines (A and B), and I want connections to port 4831 on A to go through B to another server to port 8535, can I do that with ssh?
02:06.01Renfieldgeo-rge: Oh, right.
02:06.24geo-rgemaan, that's a lot of beer
02:06.36*** join/#debian lastnode__ (n=lastnode@unaffiliated/mahangu)
02:06.37Renfieldgeo-rge: That APPEARS to be the case. However if that is true, then I should be able to bring it down via a script in rc2.d. I did that, however it comes back up!
02:07.17itchibokey: Got it? ;-)
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02:07.48madrissoh no errors
02:07.49itchibokey: btw  /msg dpkg search  will be useful too :-) I love dpkg haha
02:07.53xamGuerin: oh yes, it might complain about the new apt signing keys, just install the new keys in advance and you don't see any warnings
02:08.03Guerinkeys schmeez
02:08.03geo-rgehmm, what exactly are you doing to bring it down? (note!! certain services need networking... so you might have to completely rework the startup order to make your system work properly, for example not starting things that need networking)
02:08.10madrissbeen doin this for ages now i got I/P error, dev 03:01 (hda) sector 25314424
02:08.19Guerin!i/o error
02:08.19dpkgwell, i/o error is if you get i/o errors chances are your medium is bad. Replace your drives or disks, preferably before they eat all your data.  Check seating of cables on drives and controllers as well.
02:08.20madrissloads of these hda sector stuff
02:08.20Renfieldgeo-rge: ifconfig eth0 down.
02:08.30Guerinmadriss: you lose.
02:08.33geo-rgeoh, try ifdown eth0
02:08.35bokeyitchi, yeah. please have a look at and tell me if it's correct for upgradint to etch. :/ thanks so much.
02:09.17*** join/#debian Renfield (
02:09.27geo-rge(that is, let the network/interfaces script be involved here)
02:09.30itchibokey: I dunno about these local mirrors, but looks right
02:09.32*** join/#debian lastnode__ (n=lastnode@unaffiliated/mahangu)
02:09.35xammadriss: sounds like your hard disk is about to die ... install smartmontools and do a check
02:09.40bokeyitchi, thanks. =)
02:09.50madrissthanks but no idea how
02:09.50bokeyitchi, it's aussie mirrors. =)
02:09.56madrissgreast timing to die when i finally almost installed linux
02:10.07geo-rgeis it -damaging- for eth0 to be up at all?
02:10.13itchibokey: If you want .be  give a sign :-)
02:10.21madrisshm seems to b carrying on now
02:10.27madrissmayb itll live :| lol
02:10.35xamgeo-rge: damaging for the hardware? nope
02:10.43itchibokey: You have been another computer that have internet access? In case of you have some troubles
02:10.57faust__geo-rge: it's just a lot cleaner to only have active hardware running.
02:11.00geo-rgeI know that part :) but damaging to his application (which I have no idea of)
02:11.05bokeyitchi, yeah i have .
02:11.15madrissnope hda timeout stuff now
02:11.22itchibokey: Okay, an live cd lesser to download then
02:11.29geo-rgeoooh, I feel dirty then :)
02:11.31Renfieldgeo-rge: Well having it up means that it also sets up a route, so then when I want to connect to the internet via ppp I have to unset the default route. I prefer to have eth0 down.
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02:11.36bokeyitchi, =)
02:11.47xamgeo-rge: well, if you just have the interface up, and there is no (default) route going through that interface, nothing bad will happen
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02:11.51geo-rgewhy ppp?
02:11.52faust__I'm only a bit unkempt.
02:12.04Renfieldgeo-rge: That's all I have here.
02:12.08geo-rgeI'm downright messy!
02:12.15faust__Should really disable the onboard raid I'm not using, but I can't be bothered to open the case and locate the jumper.
02:12.16oscioh man i'm fed up
02:12.22geo-rgewait... I don't understand
02:12.31geo-rgenothing is connected to your eth0?
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02:12.41Renfieldgeo-rge: Not at home. At work it is.
02:12.56geo-rgeok, I see
02:12.59zog-vslis there an 80211g card that works out of the box (no NDISwrapper) with Etch?
02:13.19zog-vsl80211g PCMCIA (or PCI)
02:13.22geo-rgeyou -could- take "auto eth0" out of /etc/network/interfaces
02:14.07faust__zog-vsl: ipw2200 should be fairly good for that.
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02:14.15xammadriss: it could also be that it is a faulty driver, e.g. missing interrupts or DMA is not working properly. In this cause you can also get 'bad sectors'. However in most cases it is really the fault of a broken hard disk. Linux is more sensible to faulty equipment and will complain where windows will just be silently fail
02:14.35faust__zog-vsl:  though I suspect you're looking for a PCI card?
02:14.48faust__er.. forget I said anything..
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02:15.12faust__the 2200 requires a firmware package, so it's not _quite_ out-of-the-box
02:15.18Renfieldgeo-rge: At boot time? And also put it back at boot time? At this point I have two entries in grub that mention a work configuration and a home configuration. The only difference is that one boots to runlevel 2 and the other to run level 3.
02:15.38geo-rgeactually I'm vaguely looking for a prism2 or prism54 pci card
02:16.05zog-vsl<faust__> well my friend who is asking wants PCMCIA for lappy, but I am interested in PCI as well
02:16.08geo-rgeRenfield: you can start ppp in one of them and do "ifup eth0" in the other
02:16.11faust__prism2? Isn't that fairly old?
02:16.17bokeyitchi, first i am going to upgrade my kernel. right now it's 2.6.8-3-386. i did apt-get linux-image-2.6.17-2-686 and it's dependent packages will be installed. is that right ?
02:16.19geo-rgeI dunno :)
02:16.22xamgeo-rge: have both here. prism54 just requires you to have a firmware file in /usr/lib/hotplug/firmware ... that's all
02:16.39Renfieldgeo-rge: I don't want to start ppp just because I've turned on my computer. That's started via a button in gkrellm.
02:16.42itchibokey: Yes
02:16.50bokeyitchi, good. sounds cool. =)
02:16.52xamgeo-rge: prism2 is .11b only, but very stable
02:16.54geo-rgecan that firmware file allow wap functionality?
02:16.54zog-vsljust the chipsets I know work seem fairly old, and most current cards I read up on seem to need lots of messing about, would rather one that I plug in, and it works
02:16.55RenfieldWell, I'll keep looking. Shouldn't be so hard.
02:17.05enoufRenfield: maybe able to do some udev trickery  $ cat /etc/udev/rules.d/z25_persistent-net.rules
02:17.10geo-rge11b is the real slow one?
02:17.11madrisshm i hit my laptop and it works now lol
02:17.18itchibokey: Or if you not directly upgrade the kernel now, during the migration, it will fail and he will tell you that you should install the appropriate kernel
02:17.20solid_liqis there an nvidia binary drivers package I can install with apt?
02:17.21faust__I have a pcmcia card, about 4-5 years old, with a PrismIII chipset. Worked out-of-the-box with orinoco drivers.
02:17.39bokeyitchi, so now is better I guess ?
02:17.41itchibokey: I have never install the right kernel before :-)
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02:17.47geo-rgeRenfield: then you have less to do :)
02:17.48bokeyitchi, hehe.. =)
02:17.50solid_liqdpkg never listens to me...
02:17.57geo-rgedpkg: listen!
02:17.57itchibokey: Yeah, but i like to play, i need to tell ;-)
02:18.17*** part/#debian dnm48091 (n=dnm48091@
02:18.19RenfieldOk, let me ask this. Does anyone know what this network connection manager is or the Avahi mDNS daemon?
02:18.20zog-vslfaust_: yes I have 5 year old 80211b orinoco cards that work fine, but curious about what is off-the-shelf current
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02:18.29solid_liqcould someone do !nvidia for me please?
02:18.31magyarGuerin: looks like am not the only one
02:18.32itchimagyar: Nice tinyurl :-)
02:18.43xamgeo-rge: I'm using IPsec, no WEP/WPA so I don't know. Last time I checked prism54 was about to get support for WPA, there was prelimilary support in cvs
02:18.50geo-rgeRenfield: me? neither.
02:18.53bokeyitchi, it's removing and installing gnome again. that means I need to shut down and go to X. :/
02:19.07magyarcant figure out why the dev guys push out updates that brake the server?
02:19.08RenfieldHow about the networkManagerDispatcher?
02:19.21xamgeo-rge: that was over 6 months ago, so I get it should support WPA by now. prism2 supports WPA(2)
02:19.26dpkgmethinks nvidia is DO NOT use's installer. Ask me about "nvidia installer". Instead, read "nvidia-graphics-drivers" for instructions, or "nvidia one-liner" for a reminder if you've done it before. "Off to break the nvidia driver by changing the kernel interfaces again, this is becoming a fun hobby..."  - Greg Kroah-Hartman, Linux kernel hacker, on linux-elitists  Intell now provides spec'd accelerated GPUs.
02:19.27itchibokey: Or it gona fail and he tell you that you should need to do ... Ow, looks like i'm near Sid haha
02:19.30RenfieldThese things are started right after dbus, but I don't see anything in the rc scripts about them.
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02:19.36faust__zog-vsl, I think the Cnet CWP-854 might be something for you.
02:19.48spyro_boycan someone do me a favour?
02:19.52faust__pci-based G card, cheap, supposedly works out-of-the-box at least on ubuntu.
02:19.56bokeyitchi, hehe.. =)
02:19.57lunaphytehow can i umount an smb share that thinks it's "busy"?
02:20.04bokeyitchi, i'll brb.
02:20.08zog-vslfaust_: aha, cool thanks
02:20.11*** join/#debian cougar` (
02:20.12bokeyitchi, going to X now.
02:20.13geo-rgespyro_boy: sorry, I'm not qualified... don't have doctorate in psychology..
02:20.16solid_liqbokey: thanks
02:20.25itchibokey: I have a bit experiment, to see what's happend when ... Really cool and good this stuff here
02:20.29bokeysolid_liq, no probs.
02:20.29spyro_boygeo-rge: hehe.
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02:20.39solid_liqok, so !nvidia-graphics-drivers
02:20.42itchibokey: wait
02:20.43*** join/#debian lastnode_ (n=lastnode@unaffiliated/mahangu)
02:20.47bokeyitchi, ?
02:20.51itchibokey: Use irssi, without X
02:20.58itchibokey: An irc client
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02:21.04bokeyitchi, i'll fire my edgy in my laptop.
02:21.11itchibokey: okay
02:21.19bokeyitchi, ubuntu stuff.
02:21.38itchibokey: Ba, not for long anymore haha
02:21.54bokeysolid_liq, what about /msg dpkg nvidia ?
02:21.57solid_liqcould anyone do   !nvidia-graphics-drivers
02:22.06solid_liqbokey: doesn't listen that way either :(
02:22.08magyarwhen i run "testsaslauthd" i get "connect() : Connection refused"
02:22.18itchisolid_liq: See  /msg dpkg search   /msg dpkg selftell
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02:22.31solid_liqin fact, dpkg has never listened to me in any way
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02:22.44geo-rgeRenfield: so... if you take "auto eth0" out of /etc/network/interfaces, the only difference is (at that point) eth0 will never be started... if you then put "ifup eth0" in the runlevel where you want it in, that should do everything you want
02:22.49solid_liqitchi: no response at all
02:22.55itchisolid_liq: Maybe, never have use it right??
02:23.04itchisolid_liq: Wait
02:23.07solid_liqitchi: exactly what you typed
02:23.11itchisolid_liq: Have you registred your nick ?
02:23.20geo-rge(maybe it should be the first thing run)
02:23.21solid_liqitchi: yeah, I talk on ##linux all the time
02:23.24Renfieldgeo-rge: I suppose so. But it kind of seems like a hack.
02:23.37geo-rgeI'd see it as the cleanest way
02:23.44itchisolid_liq: hhhm your been identified
02:24.04Renfieldgeo-rge: I also suppose I could but something as S99ifdown in rc2.d and it'll take eth0 down after all other scripts have run.
02:24.05geo-rgebecause then, networking is never started on eth0 at your home
02:24.08itchisolid_liq: I dunno then, ask dondelelcaro about it
02:24.52looksausI want to go through a directory with a _lot_ of files and cat only the ones that have a very specific name, based on today's date 061207
02:25.00solid_liqitchi: k, I sent him a message
02:25.02geo-rgesure... but then you'll have services that (mistakenly) assume they can get out over the net (which I have no idea what the consequences are)
02:25.03madrisswell this installer is still going so im gona come back later to it. thanks very much to every1 who helped me, looks like i might finally be able to use linux soon. cya!
02:25.04looksaushow do I do that in an elegant and speedy way?
02:25.16Renfieldgeo-rge: Yea, I
02:25.25Renfieldgeo-rge: Yea, I'm shutting those off at this point.
02:25.31geo-rgelooksaus: get a gown at bloomingdales and a v8 truck
02:25.42geo-rgethen you'll be speeding elegantly!
02:26.02looksausgeo-rge, I'm not sure how to easily strip the directory names from my list
02:26.04itchimadriss: GNU/Linux ;-)
02:26.18looksausok, that is stupid, but hey, I'm learning
02:26.19madrisscheers, cya!
02:26.19geo-rgelooksaus: man basename
02:26.25looksausgeo-rge, thx!
02:26.40geo-rge(and while you're at it, man dirname too)
02:26.45itchimadriss: Your Welcome ;-)
02:26.53simonrvnohnoz, man pagez
02:26.53*** join/#debian Rubin (
02:27.06looksausgeo-rge, interesting, but not quite what I wanted
02:27.38*** join/#debian |splat| (
02:27.38geo-rgedon't  you want to strip the dir name off the fully qualified path name?
02:27.43itchilooksaus: man find
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02:28.05looksausthx scratchy ... errr... I mean itchy
02:28.17xamlooksaus: find /usr/bin/ -name 061207\* | while read -r file; do cat $file; done
02:28.22itchilooksaus: itchi! ;-)
02:28.26geo-rge$ basename /a/b/c/d
02:28.43geo-rgethat's not what you want?
02:28.51xamlooksaus: sorry ... forget the /usr/bin, replace it with the directory
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02:29.10looksausxam, I must be sleeping
02:29.31geo-rgemy bathroom's seeping
02:30.04xammy cat's weeping
02:30.16geo-rgethat stalkier's creeping...
02:30.20geo-rge... me out...
02:30.27simonrvnmy cat's drooling on my hands
02:30.30solid_liqlooksaus: are you looking for this?  for f in  `ls -l | grep 061207 | grep -v ^d | awk '{ print $8 }'` ; do whatever; done
02:30.49geo-rgemy feet are burning on the sands
02:31.04looksaussolid_liq, thx, but I'm fiddling on
02:31.15solid_liqlooksaus: is that what you wanted?
02:31.16itchilooksaus: hhhm, i have misunderstood you
02:31.23solid_liqlooksaus: or what exactly did you want?
02:31.26looksauson a small script to liberate the video of our national public tv news:)
02:31.33xamsolid_liq: that's neither elegant nor speedy ;)
02:31.42itchilooksaus: It's not bassed on the timestamp?
02:31.44solid_liqxam: it's speedy, and it works
02:31.56looksausitchi, np, I'm just a bit sleepy, I get what you want to say by little hints
02:31.59looksausso thx
02:32.12itchilooksaus: Listen to solid_liq ;-)
02:32.24xamsolid_liq: I don't think it will work with a LOT of files very quickly (or at all)
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02:32.31geo-rgehe needs a good listening to...
02:32.40solid_liqxam: it will unless your computer is really sloooow
02:32.55looksaussolid_liq, thx
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02:33.02solid_liqlooksaus: np
02:33.25geo-rgenow that I;m runnign etch... would that mean I have to be root to burn cds?
02:33.41simonrvnuse sudo
02:33.52raf256btw is there a GUI program to quickly edit a video (.mov) like copy/paste some frames, and then save it?
02:33.54geo-rgeso "yes"?
02:34.04kitchegeo-rge: depends I put my user inside a burning group
02:34.16simonrvnyeh, you can do that
02:34.19geo-rgeoh man! I hope the group is ok!
02:34.20xamsolid_liq: nope, that is not the point. You can only have a limited amouts of arguments to 'for'
02:34.31simonrvni'd recommend that in fact
02:34.34dvsgeo-rge: you don't have to be root to burn CDs
02:34.37itchigeo-rge: no, unless with k3b that have/had an bug
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02:35.53geo-rgexam: you mean like "for i in {this list has to be limited}?
02:36.42*** part/#debian Damo (
02:36.45solid_liqxam: obviously you missed the backticks
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02:36.56xamgeo-rge: yes. it is a large number, but it has limits ... and looksaus specifically said he has a lot of files. Furthermore the (this list) has to be evaluated first, and can take up quite some memory
02:37.08enoufgeo-rge: 'group' says what
02:37.14bokeyitchi: downloading packages. =)
02:37.32xamsolid_liq: obviously you are still missing the point ;)
02:37.35magyarwhere in debian pool whould i be able to find sasl packages?
02:37.37geo-rgeenouf: no
02:37.47itchibokey: Wait and take some coffee :-p
02:37.57geo-rgegroup says: bash: group: command not found
02:38.03enoufbzzzt! wrong
02:38.07bokeyitchi: heheh.. =)
02:38.11|splat|does any script in /etc/init.d automatically run at boot?
02:38.18bokeyitchi: and also using irssi as you said. =)
02:38.26enouftry groups
02:38.30solid_liqxam: it works, try it in a shell.  I've been scripting in bash for 6+ years, and programming for over 20.  Learn by doing, not arguing.
02:38.33geo-rge|splat|: some do
02:38.34itchibokey: See also to the irssi-scripts ;-)
02:38.37kitche|splat|: only if it's chmod +x or executable
02:38.44geo-rge|splat|: and in a specified orde
02:38.53enoufhehe .. yeah .. it's groups geo-rge ,y bad
02:39.03enoufmy bad even
02:39.03itchibokey: Once you get it how irssi works, you never want somethings others, realy usefull/powerful
02:39.11|splat|what do you mean by specified order
02:39.22magyarwhere in debian pool whould i be able to find sasl packages?
02:39.24dvsitchi: and know how to use screen. ;-)
02:39.31bokeyitchi: i've made my gnome-terminal transparent and it looks awesome! =)
02:39.38xamsoliq_liq: same here, but programming professionally. It seems you've never handled a lot of data, just scripting around some small stuff
02:39.39itchidvs: Oh, have i not tell about that?? ;-)
02:39.40enoufdialout cdrom floppy audio video plugdev
02:40.17geo-rgecdrom audio games web
02:40.22*** join/#debian mazzanet (n=mazzanet@unaffiliated/mazzanet)
02:40.33itchibokey: Next challenge, getting and playing with 'screen'. See
02:40.39*** join/#debian thingfish (
02:40.53geo-rgeyou must like screen alot :)
02:41.00itchibokey: You _NEED_ screen  :-)
02:41.04enoufgeo-rge: having trouble burning as non-root?
02:41.04xamsolid_liq: I don't want to insult you, but if you say you have >6 years of bash scripting experience, then I say you still have a bit to learn :-/
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02:41.32geo-rgelet me try this time (never tried under this kernel
02:41.42Guerin!thomas_adam's theorem
02:41.42dpkgfrom memory, thomas_adam's theorem is a debian user's uselessness is directly proportional to the probability that s/he will mention "I've been using debian for X years, but I still can't..."
02:41.46enoufgeo-rge: cat /proc/version
02:41.47solid_liqxam: oh yeah, then why did everyone agree with me?  Obviously you have a little something to learn if you don't know the function of backticks.  man bash and learn
02:42.18geo-rgeLinux version 2.6.18 (root@dual) (gcc version 3.3.5 (Debian 1:3.3.5-13)) #1 SMP Thu Nov 30 05:01:29 PST 2006
02:42.28enouf$(command) instead
02:42.41geo-rgeso I built it just before switching to etch
02:42.48solid_liqyeah well, I'm also tired and have been sick for three days
02:42.51bokeyitchi: reading about screen. =)
02:42.52geo-rgecause I have gcc4.something now
02:43.03enoufgeo-rge: ahh .. a builder eh?
02:43.06geo-rgegcc (GCC) 4.1.2 20061028 (prerelease) (Debian 4.1.1-19)
02:43.13solid_liqenouf: that or backticks, they both work fine in that context
02:43.19itchibokey: It's looks a bit weird in the begin, but you gona see ;-)
02:43.34xamsolid_liq: most people here SEEK help or are just regular debian users, that doesn't mean that they are experts in debian maintainance or unix scripting, but that they only know how to solve a particular problem
02:43.41bokeyitchi: right.
02:43.50*** join/#debian damosu (n=damosu@unaffiliated/damosu)
02:44.02solid_liqxam: and you're here to argue with the people helping them out?
02:44.10solid_liqxam: over non-points at that?
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02:44.40solid_liqxam: he understood it, everyone else understood it, so what's the prob?
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02:44.50itchimom's got some compile troubles :-)
02:45.00xamsolid_liq: I just made the point that your solution might not work in his situation, as he has A LOT OF FILES and your approach doesn't account for that fact
02:45.03geo-rgewow, TMI :)
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02:45.32geo-rgein fact, wwwWWWWWWWTMI
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02:45.36jenna|laptopimagine being overpowered by a 350 pound homosexual and having
02:45.36jenna|laptopyour clothes forcably removed from your body. He destroys your
02:45.36jenna|laptopresistance by bashing your head against a wall repeatedly. He
02:45.36jenna|laptopdislocates your arm from its shoulder socket as he rips your shirt
02:45.36*** kick/#debian [jenna|laptop!n=debhelpe@unaffiliated/debhelper] by debhelper (use the paster bot or #flood)
02:45.36*** join/#debian jenna|laptop (
02:45.49dvsthanks debhelper
02:45.50enoufnice one :-)
02:45.50jenna|laptopoff.The rape hasn't started yet. Once he is on top of you, he takes your
02:45.50jenna|laptopdick in his hands and pulls a pen out of his pocket. He places the pen
02:45.50jenna|laptopat the tip of your urethra (the shaft at the tip of the penis through
02:45.50spenderThe rape hasn't started yet. Once he is on top of you, he takes your
02:45.50spenderdick in his hands and pulls a pen out of his pocket. He places the pen
02:45.50spenderat the tip of your urethra (the shaft at the tip of the penis through
02:45.50spenderwhich your urine and sperm leave your body) and he pushes it in, all
02:45.50spenderthe way. As it resists, he pushes harder, until it bleeds all over
02:45.50*** kick/#debian [spender!n=debhelpe@unaffiliated/debhelper] by debhelper (use the paster bot or #flood)
02:45.51jenna|laptopwhich your urine and sperm leave your body)
02:45.54solid_liqxam: and it takes them one at a time
02:45.56jenna|laptopleeds all over
02:45.56jenna|laptopyou. He continues to push the pen down until it punctures your
02:45.57*** join/#debian spender (
02:46.01jenna|laptopbladder. With the pen still there, he turns you over, grabs your
02:46.01jenna|laptoptesticles in his hand, and squeezes and pulls with all his might. He
02:46.01jenna|laptopforces his thing into your anus and pushes as hard as he can, in and
02:46.03*** join/#debian Ramraid (
02:46.03itchi!ops jenna|laptop and spender
02:46.03dpkgHydroxide, bob2, caphuso, dondelelcaro, doogie, eeyore-, ElectricElf, ):, helix, ljlane, LoRez, RichiH, mentor, Netsnipe, TML, walters, xk, gravity, azeem, Maulkin, stew, peterS, Alife, Myon, Ganneff, Maulkin, weasel: itchi complains about: jenna|laptop and spender
02:46.06jenna|laptopout, causing skin tearing and infections. Then, after he pumps his
02:46.06jenna|laptopdisgusting load into your helpless body, he kicks you, calls you a
02:46.07jenna|laptopdisgusting name and then leaves you to bleed.
02:46.13*** join/#debian hell00 (
02:46.18geo-rge!ops jenna|laptop spender (maybe need kline)
02:46.18dpkgHydroxide, bob2, caphuso, dondelelcaro, doogie, eeyore-, ElectricElf, ):, helix, ljlane, LoRez, RichiH, mentor, Netsnipe, TML, walters, xk, gravity, azeem, Maulkin, stew, peterS, Alife, Myon, Ganneff, Maulkin, weasel: geo-rge complains about: jenna|laptop spender (maybe need kline)
02:46.24*** join/#debian eternal_drake (
02:46.26*** part/#debian quebee (
02:46.30*** part/#debian jenna|laptop (
02:46.33solid_liqthat's really annoying
02:46.36*** part/#debian spender (
02:46.36Guerinsurely they can do better than that
02:46.38*** join/#debian spender (
02:46.46solid_liqxam: and it takes them one at a time
02:46.47*** join/#debian ramon (
02:46.48itchimentor: Want beer?
02:47.04hell00what is the command to start an application with a particular file, if the command line for that application does not accept arguments?
02:47.05dpkgi heard beer is liquid gold mate
02:47.12itchifor everyone! :-)
02:47.33mentor!wayttd hell00
02:47.33dpkgWhat Are You Trying To Do, hell00?
02:47.34solid_liqanyone know of a source for nvidia binary drivers for etchy?
02:47.38*** mode/#debian [+o mentor] by ChanServ
02:47.43geo-rgehell00: you may have to supply the file to the command using a pipe
02:48.00*** part/#debian ramon (
02:48.02hell00geo-rge what about the < and >
02:48.16Guerin!nvidia etch
02:48.21*** mode/#debian [+b *!*] by mentor
02:48.23Guerin!etch nvidia
02:48.23dpkgAs of 2006-04-18, nvidia-graphics-drivers was removed from testing. Try getting the necessary files from Use something less than the -3 version of the 8756 driver to not have the dependency on Xorg 7.
02:48.23*** join/#debian damosu (n=damosu@unaffiliated/damosu)
02:48.28geo-rgehell00: that would have the same effect. what command?
02:48.44*** mode/#debian [+b *!*] by mentor
02:48.45solid_liqhell00: probably    echo filename | command
02:48.48itchiramon looks suspect too
02:48.55kriticalDoes anyone know how to setup in /etc/fstab the permissions for when a file is created by the user? I'm mounting a network drive and the default permissions for newly created files appear to be read-only for users
02:49.09*** part/#debian Ramraid (
02:49.09itchisad invaders
02:49.09hell00dpkg: run a non-debian app. x server flashes on "open" dialog
02:49.34geo-rgewasn't there a video game called "sad invaders"?
02:49.44*** join/#debian huhlig (
02:49.51mentorand quebee
02:49.54itchigeo-rge: Hope's there people are not in that game hoho
02:49.57*** part/#debian spender (
02:50.56itchimentor: Recharge the gun :-)
02:51.15geo-rgepump up the compressed air!
02:51.19enoufstands beside mentor for awhile .. for no particular reason
02:51.22Guerinpre-emptive strike
02:51.35geo-rgepre-emptive puff
02:51.41solid_liqkritical: just make the fourth column     defaults
02:52.07*** join/#debian lastnode_ (n=lastnode@unaffiliated/mahangu)
02:52.20itchiYeah, now we are all a bit lost here
02:52.25*** mode/#debian [-o mentor] by ChanServ
02:52.30enoufwalks away from mentor
02:52.36geo-rgehell00: so, that command you're trying is?
02:52.44mentorPeople only like me for my power
02:52.52Guerinhow can you fight terr0r if you give up like that?
02:52.58itchimentor: hehe, no i like you for the beer :-p
02:53.02enoufah ... just realized too .. heh
02:53.03Guerinthey're coming to eat our babies!
02:53.06mentormmm. beer.
02:53.18hell00geo-rge: treepadlite. I tried echo and it didn't work
02:53.22Gueringeo-rge: the baby-eaters.
02:53.41hell00geo-rge: treepadlite. when I start it from the context menu of a file manager, it runs fine
02:53.43mentoritchi: Do you do FOSDEM?
02:54.00magyarwhere can i get older packages for etch?
02:54.28itchimentor: Not yet, hhhmm, that will be
02:54.34geo-rgecoming to take me away haha theyre comming to take me a way hoho heehee haha to the happy home with trees and flowers and chirping birds and basket weavers who sit and smile and twiddle their thumbs and toes
02:54.40mentormagyar: snapshot?
02:54.41magyari need to revert to a older version of sasl 2.1.19
02:54.51hell00solid-liq: when I right click on the file in (GUI) xfe, "open with" and the app, it runs with the file loaded
02:54.52*** join/#debian lastnode__ (n=lastnode@unaffiliated/mahangu)
02:54.56Guerinmagyar: s.d.n
02:55.13magyarmentor: Guerin thanks
02:55.45mentorhell00: You have looked at the man page for said command?
02:55.55*** join/#debian sipingal (
02:56.07itchimentor: Go you go to it?
02:56.20*** join/#debian drbair (
02:56.24mentoritchi: On occasion.
02:56.31*** join/#debian nunu (
02:56.40mentorSorry, my mind was wandering around the concept of beer.
02:56.52drbairis a fedora directory server deb available?
02:56.54itchimentor: Maybe it go my first
02:57.15hell00I'll figure it out
02:57.18kitchedrbair: isn't that a seperate distro?
02:57.25*** part/#debian hell00 (
02:57.29*** join/#debian Damo (
02:57.53itchimentor: Does matters if i need to go alone to FOSDEM, at least i go to see how it is
02:58.03drbairkitche: no, its a directory service for linux
02:58.04itchi!beer mentor
02:58.07*** join/#debian lastnode (n=lastnode@unaffiliated/mahangu)
02:58.08Damoapt-get install subversion  says no package found,  is subversion no part of debian packages anymore?
02:58.27geo-rge!info svn
02:58.29kitchedrbair: I know that but didn't know they actually released packages for it sicne I knew you had to download it as a distro
02:58.51itchiDamo: First  apt-cache search foo
02:58.55mentoritchi: Well, hopefully they will put out abstracts for the talks this year, so it can be seen whether they are worth going to.
02:59.04geo-rgeBookem, Damo
02:59.24*** join/#debian dRo_oPy (n=droopy@
02:59.29geo-rge!info subversion
02:59.32*** join/#debian abrotman (
02:59.38dpkgsubversion: (Advanced version control system), section devel, is optional. Version: 1.4.2dfsg1-2 (sid), Packaged size: 1002 kB, Installed size: 3300 kB
02:59.56Damoitchi, foo?
03:00.33dpkgfoo is, like, the first metasyntactic variable, it's a placeholder for some other term. See <> and <bar>
03:00.36*** join/#debian msscott (
03:00.59itchimentor: Added in the calendar ;-)
03:01.16*** join/#debian foka (n=foka@
03:02.10bokeyitchi: i see what screen does now!... nice =)
03:02.18*** join/#debian Sememmon (
03:02.18bokeydetaching and attaching. =)
03:02.38bokeyitchi: =)
03:02.49itchibokey: Yeah, realy nice stuff :-)
03:03.04bokeythanks dude.
03:03.13itchibokey: Also look for that -x and so ;-)
03:03.22itchibokey: hehe, dude :-p
03:03.30bokeyitchi: so is it possible for you to view my screen session ?
03:03.39itchibokey: With -x
03:03.55itchibokey: If i have an shell access to you, yes
03:03.58looksausitchi, things are going really smooth here... I'll have an archive of public tv news online in about a quarter
03:04.02looksausreally pleased with it
03:04.20itchilooksaus: How so?
03:04.37looksausitchi, that was what you were helping with
03:04.42bokeyitchi: ahh..right.
03:04.56looksauspublic tv webmasters are being a bit naughty
03:05.13*** join/#debian GodFather (
03:05.14itchilooksaus: hhhm
03:05.18looksaushiding urls for the video in a way that is not accessible for any free software system
03:05.37magyarhi, i need to force remove a package ignoring dependencies
03:05.59*** part/#debian msscott (
03:06.01looksausafter repeated demands to do so, they had improved things a bit, but that was only by accident
03:06.15looksausnow it's gone down the gutter completely, so...
03:06.41mentormagnus: man dpkg
03:06.42abrotmanmagyar: don't do that
03:07.28itchiabrotman: Come you also to FOSDEM?? :-p
03:07.42geo-rgemagyar: dpkg --help
03:07.44magyarabrotman: i need to
03:07.45abrotmanuhm ... where ?
03:07.54itchiabrotman: In Belgium haha
03:07.57abrotmanmagnus: you don't want to .. you can .. but you don't want to
03:08.01magyarabrotman: sasl update fucked my system
03:08.03abrotmanitchi: i'm not allowed
03:08.12looksausitchi, you night owl
03:08.13itchiabrotman: A bit far :-/
03:08.21geo-rgeit's -illegal- to force packages there!
03:08.32itchiowyeah, i have lost it
03:08.33abrotmanno .. if i leave and go to belgium .. they'll bomb belgium
03:08.53itchiabrotman: haha
03:09.23mentorit's alright. they just inflate it over Milton Keynes for the weekend anyway
03:09.29itchibokey: Many things
03:09.46dvsSomething's illegal in Belguim?  Oops!  That's Amsterdam. ;-)
03:10.01itchidvs: hehe, thinking to the same thing
03:10.28bokeyitchi: hehe..
03:10.44bokeyitchi: don't tell me Debian is illegal in Belgium.
03:10.50*** join/#debian Teejay__ (
03:10.53itchibokey: No no
03:11.17itchiBut there's still alternatives to Amsterdam, see /msg dpkg shit   oeps
03:11.27looksaustsss.... :)
03:11.34*** join/#debian welta (
03:11.57bokeyitchi: so you mean scratching your own ass is illegal in Belgium ?
03:12.21itchibokey: no no, just an alternative to Amsterdam (Nederland)
03:12.24*** join/#debian jowblack (n=jowblack@
03:12.31*** part/#debian jowblack (n=jowblack@
03:12.31bokeyitchi: ahh.. :)
03:12.50itchibokey: Have you try it? It been work
03:12.57itchiokay, gona stop OT maybe
03:13.03bokeyitchi: =)
03:13.14bokeyitchi: i scratch my balls all the time if that helps.
03:13.29itchihaha, i like jokes :-)
03:15.28*** join/#debian _AciD_ (n=gni@
03:15.32magyarthat sucked ass, thank godnes for s.d.n, the maintainers should be hit on the head
03:15.41magyaralmost got a heart attack
03:16.18*** join/#debian Ilovemypuppy (
03:16.19itchiow, us should need to pay attention to the language
03:16.55bokeyitchi: right
03:17.17geo-rgeok what group do I need to be in here...
03:17.25*** join/#debian `ns` (
03:17.57itchigeo-rge: For that cd burning?
03:18.09*** join/#debian master_o1_master (
03:18.31*** join/#debian Tote (n=Nacho@
03:18.37*** part/#debian Tote (n=Nacho@
03:19.16kriticalDoes anyone know how to setup in /etc/fstab the permissions for when a file is created by the user? I'm mounting a network drive and the default permissions for newly created files appear to be read-only for users
03:19.26bokeyitchi: i have a running image at the moment. so debconf is telling me it's dangerous to remove existing running kernel image. ??
03:19.31*** join/#debian damosu (n=damosu@unaffiliated/damosu)
03:19.34*** join/#debian jsdy (n=jsdy6@
03:19.42dvsbokey: true.
03:19.44gcbirzankritical: umask?
03:19.46geo-rgeto burn the cds... and/or do I have to change udev config to do this as plain usr
03:19.52*** join/#debian dRo_oPy (n=droopy@
03:19.52bokeydvs: what's the solution then ?
03:20.05dvsgeo-rge: no, add yourself to the cdrom group, log out and back in again
03:20.05bokeydvs: should I go ahead and reject it ?
03:20.12kriticalgcbirzan, that doesn't do it
03:20.18geo-rgeI'm in that group
03:20.18dvsbokey: yes, don't remove the kernel
03:20.23kriticalgcbirzan, I have umask=0000
03:20.30bokeydvs: you mean the running kernel right ?
03:20.33dvsgeo-rge: did you log out and back in again?
03:20.34gcbirzankritical: Then the 'network drive' supports permissions itself.
03:20.45dvsbokey: yes, don't remove the running kernel
03:20.51*** part/#debian jsdy (n=jsdy6@
03:20.53bokeydvs: right. =)
03:20.56gcbirzankritical: Which means it's a problem with the user's umask.
03:20.56geo-rgedvs: No. do I have to? I was in that group already, before even booting
03:21.06dvsgeo-rge: Oh, then it's OK.
03:21.20geo-rgeok,,, will keep exploring, thanks
03:21.42geo-rgefor now, get changed, go to playing session, play, come home :)
03:22.28kriticalgcbirzan, so you're saying it's possible that our winblowz domain admin setup the permissions wrong on his end?... and that umask=0000 applies for created files as well?
03:22.28bokeydvs: so now I have said "don't install new kernel", how do I go about installing one ?
03:22.53gcbirzangeo-rge: There was some some Linux capabilities thingy a while back...
03:23.01dvsbokey: just don't install the new one.
03:23.06Caelumhow do you do an ssh reverse port forward without opening a shell, with ssh running in the background?
03:23.13gcbirzankritical: Is this a SMB share/
03:23.30dvsbokey: sorry, don't uninstall the old one.  (It's late)
03:23.40geo-rgekritical: so you know... each different filesystem type (ext2, nfs, xfs, ...) has its own (different) set of options... you would supply options to it in mount command or in fstab
03:23.45bokeydvs: that's ok. i didn't uninstall the old one.
03:24.00dvsbokey: and you only have one kernel installed?
03:24.13*** join/#debian guk_ (
03:24.26dondelelcarokritical: there's no options to do that for a random filesystem; users determine what permissions they create files with with their umask.
03:24.27geo-rgethat's certainly not enough for a bowl of popcorn!!
03:24.30bokeydvs: now when I do apt-get install linux-image-2.6.17-2.686, it gives me again that it has to download so much stuff
03:24.50bokeydvs: yes I have kernel 2.6.8-383 ATM
03:24.51dvsbokey: like udev?
03:25.21geo-rgebokey: your kernel won't work right without it, especially if you have any modules you have to load
03:25.29bokeydvs: it has to install like coreutils, debhelper, dpkg so many more...
03:25.33geo-rgeok, shower up time
03:25.41gcbirzaninitramfs broke my initrd!
03:25.53itchibokey: Yeah, install it
03:25.53krazykiti'm trying to do a one-liner shell script to remove a bit of text from the names of several files, but it isn't working.  assuming "for i in *; do blahblah;done", how would I do my mv command?  if my filename were "filename.ext", and i wanted "file.ext"
03:26.17dondelelcarokritical: rename 's/foo//g' list o files;
03:26.39gcbirzankrazykit: a) use rename, b) mv "${i}" "${i/name/}"
03:27.17krazykitguess my method of using sed wasn't the best >_>
03:27.18bokeythere are many more libe libcairo, python 2.4 and so many that are installed *new*
03:27.42gcbirzanEh, no. At least the one I suggested doesn't spawn an extra shell.
03:27.43*** join/#debian Cabal (
03:28.02kriticaldondelelcaro, what will that do?
03:28.06gcbirzan(It still runs a mv for each file, as opposed to one rename)
03:28.31gcbirzan(One rename for all the files :-P)
03:28.31dondelelcarokritical: that should have been for krazykit, not you.
03:28.53dondelelcaroyeah; find . -type f -print0|xargs -0 rename ...; is also a powerful invocation
03:29.03dondelelcaro(for when you have *way* too many files)
03:29.18gcbirzanHeh. Yeah. xargs is nice like that.
03:29.27gcbirzanI wish it had a way of specifying a last argument...
03:29.35dondelelcarogcbirzan: most of the time you don't need it...
03:29.55gcbirzanLike, find -type f -print0 | xargs -0 mv destinatiDondirectory
03:30.01dondelelcarogcbirzan: you want mv --to-dest-dir
03:30.04gcbirzanWell, you get the idea :-)
03:30.10gcbirzandondelelcaro: :-P
03:30.32*** join/#debian peerless (
03:30.53gcbirzandondelelcaro: Okay. Problem solved, haha... :-P
03:31.22gcbirzandondelelcaro: But it still would've been nice. :-)
03:31.51*** join/#debian macTijn (
03:32.08macTijnhi, any package builders here who are willing to help ?
03:32.13dondelelcarogcbirzan: yeah, sometimes I find myself wishing for it too... when I get really insane for it, I write perl code that uses system instead of xargs
03:32.16gcbirzanYou can try.
03:32.18dondelelcaromacTijn: just ask your question
03:32.51macTijnI am working on a modified version of libpri1.2, called libpri-bristuff1.2
03:33.07macTijnchanged the control file so it provides libpri1.2
03:33.28macTijnbut still I get this:
03:33.28dondelelcaromacTijn: that won't work, because almost every library has a versioned dependency
03:33.34itchibokey: Goes it the right way?
03:33.41macTijn>= 1.2
03:33.54bokeyitchi: asks for upgrade glibc now [Y/n] ???
03:33.56dondelelcaromacTijn: Provides: do not satisfy versioned dependencies...
03:34.09macTijndondelelcaro: ah, that explains...
03:34.19macTijndondelelcaro: no workaround or so ?
03:34.27itchibokey: Tell he that you need to stop some services too?
03:34.35macTijn(except for rebuilding all dependencies)
03:35.16bokeyitchi: yeah but it didn't detect any installed services which need to be stopped.
03:35.57bokeyitchi: so if I upgrade glibc now nothing might break. it will report if something breaks. right ?
03:36.28itchibokey: Have you got that newer kernel already? I scroll a bit up, missed a bit, like i was a bit away
03:36.28*** join/#debian paolo (
03:36.35paolohello guys
03:36.55bokeyitchi: yeah i apted linux-image-2.6.17-2-686
03:37.16paoloany info about gnu/hurd or better gnu/mach (microkernel) ?
03:37.18bokeyitchi: I am just gonna upgrade glibc
03:37.20itchibokey: Okay, install it then
03:37.29dondelelcaromacTijn: the workaround is to call your library libpri1.2
03:37.32abrotmanpaolo: info about what ?
03:37.45*** join/#debian karrotx_ (
03:37.50abrotmanwhat about it ?
03:37.58macTijndondelelcaro: that's quite bad :(
03:38.06*** join/#debian adrenaline (
03:38.07paologeneric info
03:38.27abrotmanthere's a website .. and there is/used to be a #hurd
03:38.37dondelelcaromacTijn: not really; if you're making any sort of change to the library that's going to affect the API or ABI, you're going to have to rebuild all of the dependencies anyway.
03:38.51bokeythere's some warning with Perl: setting locale failed.
03:39.06dondelelcarobokey: that just means that you haven't (yet) built the locale that you're using
03:39.21bokeydondelelcaro: right.
03:39.26macTijndondelelcaro: well, it's semi-compatible I believe.
03:39.29bokeydondelelcaro: thanks.
03:39.43macTijndondelelcaro: it's quite a mess imho anyway :)
03:39.47dondelelcaromacTijn: it's either compatible or it's not; the latter leads to segfaualts.
03:40.54itchibokey: Maybe later, look to these FOSDEM movies?? :-) i download these and watch a bit :-) Jus got the first movie already
03:40.57macTijndondelelcaro: I still didn't figure out how that works with libpri, it's quite weird if you ask me
03:41.31*** join/#debian quebee (
03:41.35macTijndondelelcaro: debian/rules does 2 builds as far as I can see, 1 with $patch, 1 without, and then still 1 package comes out
03:41.36itchibokey: And the debconf movies, not to forget, that was funny too
03:41.38*** part/#debian quebee (
03:41.52bokeyitchi: =)
03:42.16bokeyitchi: we have foss-nepal too you know. =)
03:42.27itchibokey: Not yet :-p
03:43.01*** join/#debian h3xis (
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03:45.03bokeyitchi: i just apted linux-image-2.6.16-2.686 and it updated the grub , everything else. should I reboot now ?
03:45.06*** join/#debian epsilon (
03:45.38itchibokey: Euhm, is it done?
03:45.59bokeyitchi: now I'll dist-upgrade
03:46.13bokey415megs to download.. :/
03:46.21bokeyitchi: where's fossdem movies ?
03:46.22*** join/#debian hugyup (n=unk@
03:46.30itchibokey: hhhm, whas that not yet done?
03:46.42itchibokey: About the dist-upgrade
03:46.58bokeyitchi: mostly i saw xfce stuff
03:46.59*** join/#debian comfrey (n=comfrey@
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03:47.57dererk[work]does somebody know how could I know how much memory is using an application like apache, that creates a lot of childs, but as a whole ?
03:48.04bokeyitchi: =)
03:48.26bokeyitchi: Alan Cox, the kernel guy isn't he ?
03:48.31huhliganyone here played with bugzilla before
03:48.34huhligbokey, yes
03:48.52bokeyhuhlig: right.
03:49.03kitchedererk[work]: depends on how many people connect to the apache server
03:49.37bokeyhow come there's no talk about trechorous computing by RMS ?
03:49.48itchibokey: Euhm, i dunno
03:50.14bokeyitchi: at
03:50.20itchibokey: Look also for the debconf movies
03:50.58itchibokey: Alan Cox speak about the linux kernel it's looks, but dunno who he is
03:50.59abrotmanhuhlig: we need a better question
03:51.36bokeyitchi: Alan Cox I think is a kernel hacker. ?
03:51.53huhligabrotman, im trying to fix a problem with a premature end of script and the logs are less then help ful
03:52.00abrotmanitchi: Alan cox is a kernel developer, and did/still does work for RH, was the 2.4 maintainer
03:52.11huhlig[Thu Dec 07 19:53:30 2006] [error] [client] Premature end of script headers: index.cgi
03:52.12bokeyabrotman: ahh.. right.
03:52.33abrotmanhuhlig: i don't know anyhting about it .. but it's generally better to ask a more specific question
03:52.33itchiabrotman: hhmm
03:53.09dererk[work]kitche, huh?
03:53.11abrotmanoh .. he was 2.2 apparently
03:55.15bokeygee.. wouldn't mind a job at RH. =)
03:55.29*** join/#debian fflush (
03:55.30abrotmanhuhlig: is that the debian package ?
03:55.39WonderShowzenis etch stable yet?
03:55.41bokeyCox uses Joe text editor.
03:55.51bokeywhy wouldn't he use vi or emacs ?
03:55.53kitchedererk[work]: if it's sitting idle the apache server it will use very little memory
03:56.18itchibokey: Ba, everyone use the tool he like :-)
03:56.18dpkgEtch will release WIR; SIYH. Ask me about <etch pool>, <wir>, <siyh>. Join in and help out, or see the release team's latest timeline at and, or
03:56.34bokeyitchi: yeah it's a choice. =)
03:56.41dererk[work]kitche, Oh, well, that's why I said to know the resources it takes
03:56.56WonderShowzenabrotman:  do either of those links list a particular date ?
03:56.57bokeyitchi: just messing. =).. little bored as lots to download still.
03:57.24itchibokey: I have paused the movie, reading alan right now
03:57.30abrotmanWonderShowzen: there is no set date .. it will be ready when the RC bug count is low enough and it is deemed ready for release
03:58.00abrotmanWonderShowzen: those URLs give goals, etc .. but no definitive date
03:58.03bokeyitchi: look at his beard. hehe.. geez.. it'll soon overtake RMS's beard. hehe
03:58.28abrotmanthis is the way software release should work :)
03:58.30itchibokey: hehe
03:58.53abrotmanWonderShowzen: you can help get it out sooner by filing/fixing bugs
03:59.07bokeyabrotman: Alan Cox's win soon win over RMS's looking at his 2005 photo at wikipedia
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03:59.45WonderShowzenhmm i am a C programmer.  would these bugs exist in the kernel abrotman?
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04:00.10bokeyabrotman: Alan Cox will soon win over RMS's beared. just looked at his 2005 photo. If he hasn't shaved till today, he probably has won over RMS. =)
04:00.49abrotmanWonderShowzen: there are bugs in many applications .. and
04:00.50WonderShowzeni currently run sarge,  this will be my first update.  does the process involve updating apt.sources ?  or is that not relevent
04:01.02abrotman!tell WonderShowzen about sarge->etch
04:01.07WonderShowzencool thanx.
04:01.10abrotmanbokey: oh .. gotcha
04:01.10dondelelcaroWonderShowzen: you should also read the release notes.
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04:01.57itchi_AciD_: Sleep troubles?
04:02.02bokeyitchi: who's Fyodor ?
04:02.38itchibokey: hehe, euhm, i dunno again haha
04:03.00itchibokey: I not yet know all these great people, still learning too ;-)
04:03.10bokeyitchi: =)
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04:03.19bokeyitchi: neither does dpkg.
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04:05.17itchiGona again kick my download limit with these movies, i feel it. At night there's happy download. (1/2)
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04:10.18bokeyitchi: still downloading. :/
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04:10.49bokeyitchi: are still reading Alan Cox ? hehe..
04:11.02itchibokey: It take time it's looks there, i have an too fast download. To easy to reach the monthly download limit
04:11.13*** part/#debian zog-vsl (
04:11.26macTijndondelelcaro: thanks anyway, I'm rebuilding a completely new version of Asterisk and libs now ;)
04:11.30*** part/#debian macTijn (
04:11.30itchibokey: No no, that's already done, i'm not so slow as that hehe
04:11.30bokeyitchi: it's not much. only 512 k
04:11.41bokeyitchi: hehe..
04:11.55bokeyitchi: i was just playing with dpkg
04:12.34bokeyitchi: dpkg doesn't like RMS or users aren't allowed to add factoids. :/
04:13.10itchibokey: Here i have an 10Mbps down and 256Kbps up. 10GB download and 2GB upload. These are realy crazy and lie about the real speed
04:13.22bokeyitchi: haha..
04:13.34itchibokey: That limit is ways to low
04:13.37bokeyitchi: that's a bit too much 10mbps.
04:13.47bokeyitchi: what do you do with so much speed dude ?
04:13.50itchibokey: Yeah never got it, need to tell, big lies
04:14.16bokeyitchi: hehe..
04:14.36itchibokey: Just the upload speed are true, yeah, how can it go slower
04:15.04bokeyitchi: yeah.
04:15.20itchibokey: I not realy care about the speed, more the month limit
04:15.43bokeyitchi: so 1 terabyte would be cool. isn't it ? =)
04:16.16bokeyitchi: i got like 100 gb download but slow speed. :/
04:16.20itchibokey: That's a bit many, baaa the double of what i have and say, set down my download limit and i'm goes ok with it
04:16.48itchibokey: I have 1/10
04:16.55bokeyitchi: =)
04:17.08itchibokey: Speed are not so important, to be honnest, it's not nice when you have an download limit
04:17.34bokeyitchi: why don't you change your plan ?
04:17.37itchihuhlig: I try to maintain the channel, in awaiting of someone ask somethings ;-)
04:18.08itchibokey: No choice :-/ or at least nothings better
04:18.20bokeyitchi: are you locked in a contract or something ?
04:18.22huhligitchi, care to help with bugzilla?
04:18.35itchihuhlig: I have never use it, sorry :-/
04:19.08itchibokey: No, i can go for another one, but same things, i still look for an alternative ;-)
04:19.10huhligdidnt think so
04:19.48itchihuhlig: You have asked already about that trouble, but i can not help :-/
04:19.52bokeyitchi: atleast you can go for another one where you get more download limit ?
04:19.53huhligI know
04:20.00*** mode/#debian [+l 657] by debhelper
04:20.11bokeyhuhlig: isn't there a #bugzilla channel ?
04:20.20huhligyes, im on it
04:20.30itchibokey: There's not here :-(
04:20.31huhligthey are, being elusive
04:20.44huhligits on
04:20.46bokeyhuhlig: if no one answers there, go to oftc, undernet, dalnet.. try others
04:20.55huhligbokey, I know
04:21.02*** join/#debian anddreaz (
04:21.07bokeyhuhlig: :/
04:21.38bokeyitchi: so you can't switch to another rate plan for your internet ? that's bad.
04:22.05*** join/#debian wubrgame1 (
04:22.06wubrgame1hey guys
04:22.12wubrgame1i have a question
04:22.27wubrgame1how do i configure apt to use a proxy server ?
04:22.36abrotmanman apt.conf
04:23.09wubrgame1apt.conf !
04:23.10wubrgame1thank you
04:23.15wubrgame1i manned apt-conf
04:23.30wubrgame1silly me thank you !
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04:24.19itchiwooa, that was a fast guy :-)
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04:26.19bokeyitchi: i am reading abt Bugzilla too.
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04:26.27Kobazanyone have any experience with the xbrand laptop stand? it's basically a docking station replacement that converts everything to usb... does it work with linux?
04:27.01huhligsome parts do
04:27.12huhligbelkin makes a similer product
04:27.25Kobazsome as in which parts?
04:28.45bokeyitchi: try
04:29.03Kobazit has ethernet inputs and a usb uplink basically... i'm thinking of getting something like that for work but it would be worthless without linux support... i would assume ethernet and audio would be the potentially problematic parts
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04:30.04huhligsudio tends to work
04:30.08huhligethernet is iffy
04:30.17huhligget the belkin, I think the drivers now work
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04:31.48Kobazthe belkin is also 100 more
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04:35.34huhligbelkin is like 59 bucks
04:36.15itchihhhhmm, that bugzilla install is a bit weird, we not can give the password of the root user to make the database
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04:37.17itchibokey: Yeah ;-)
04:38.20itchiOnce i log in my buzilla, he redirect to  http://localhost/cgi-bin/bugzilla/cgi-bin/bugzilla/index.cgi  and that not yet exist
04:39.01magyarcan anyone tell me how is this bug got closed?
04:39.10bokeyitchi: perhaps you have to start bugzilla first ?
04:39.19bokeyitchi: in daemon mode or something ?
04:39.29itchibokey: http://localhost/cgi-bin/bugzilla/index.cgi  works, so i guess it is been started
04:39.54bokeyitchi: ah.. right
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04:40.00itchibokey: I dunno how it have start, not yet know that stuff :-) Need to read too
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04:40.44bokeyitchi: brb
04:41.08JFlashI'm looking at postfix's  why 'myorigin' points to etc/mailname in debian/ubuntu?  how to work with this sort of config?
04:41.36itchihuhlig: Have you look to #398469 ?
04:43.37Kobazhuhlig: which one is 59 bucks?
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04:44.49transgressokay i'm planning on doing a clean install but saving my home directory... so i want to clear out my config files.  is there an easier way than rm -rf .??* to remove all the configs and avoiding the .. file?
04:45.11sneexuse find
04:45.13transgresstat was the only way i could think of to do it
04:46.12*** join/#debian goodshit (
04:46.14goodshitanyone know of any opensource php monitoring software? that can monitor website. anyone know of any opensource php software that monitor website? when my website is down it'll send me a email or sms anyone know of any software that does that beside cacti and nagios.
04:46.22itchitransgress: If you have your /home  on an separeted partition, just format these you want to clean and reinstall
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04:46.40transgressitchi: i want the config files gone though because i'm not installing the same version stuff
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04:47.14sneexfind ~ -type f -iname "*" -exec grep -i 'Some*file?pattern' {} /dev/null \;
04:47.23itchitransgress: Have you an separeted /home?
04:47.29sneexonly use an rm there instead of grep
04:48.11transgressitchi: yes i have.  but my config files in my user directory won't be formatted away
04:48.57itchitransgress: hhhm, these config files in you /home not in /etc/
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04:49.25transgressitchi: the same ones you have if you run gaim, irssi, gnome, kde, links2, etc...
04:49.43transgressthanks sneex
04:49.49sneexbeen there
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04:50.56sneexsee goodshit
04:52.16goodshitok thx
04:52.43eoqqqok... so dpkg tells me that ipw2200 is built into kernels >2.6.15... im on debian testing and have kernel 2.6.17... does that mean i have ipw2200 drivers/firmware installed or just drivers?
04:53.24sneexuse modprobe
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04:53.56eoqqqnetwork-manager doesnt show wireless...
04:54.01transgressfind ~ -type f -iname "*" -exec rm '.*' {} /dev/null \; seem like what i want?
04:54.03eoqqqlsmod shows ipw2200 loaded
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04:54.28sneextransgress: be carefu
04:54.36sneexgd tun0 died on me
04:54.38itchieoqqq: And what tell  ifconfig -a ?
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04:55.29itchieoqqq: Got my question?
04:55.44eoqqqitchi, eth1 is unconfigured on ifconfig
04:55.55itchieoqqq: Is that your wireless card?
04:55.57eoqqqand eth1 should (was on ubuntu) be the wireless interface
04:56.11bokeyitchi: back.
04:56.17itchieoqqq: okay, so just need to giva an ip and so
04:56.31itchieoqqq: Then 'up' it
04:56.38eoqqqitchi, network-manager used to handle wireless automatically... coz i use wpa
04:56.52bokeyeoqqq: try network-admin
04:56.58bokeyeoqqq: gnome ?
04:57.00eoqqqitchi, but maybe ill try that... thing is, iwlist scanning shows no interfaces that support
04:57.01itchieoqqq: Try  ifconfig eth1 up  and see if you see hem there in the network-manager
04:57.23eoqqqso i was worried that it might not be loaded or setup correctly
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04:57.27eoqqqill try that
04:57.42itchieoqqq: It's looks just not configured right now
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04:57.59eoqqqitchi, also, network-admin doesnt show any wireless options
04:58.10eoqqqitchi, usually it does, but eth1 appears to be a wired interface on network-admin
04:58.33niruMy screen gets locked for every 2 mins and I need to logout and in every two mins for this
04:58.34itchieoqqq: I not see him here unless the card is up with ifconfig
04:58.36niruWhat I need to do
04:58.50eoqqqitchi, ok im gonna try something i might d/c but thnx
04:58.53niruDo I need to modify somewhere in the scripts or confguration file
04:58.54itchiniru: 'screen' the app?
04:59.09niruitchi:I did not get you
04:59.15bokeyhow's that ?
04:59.20bokeyitchi: ?
04:59.22itchiniru: Okay, then it's not that screen app,
04:59.27niruitchi:A blank screen appears every 2mins my system is ideal
04:59.44itchiniru: Look to the xorg log file maybe
04:59.46niruI want to change that to 3 hours
04:59.57Guerinniru: powersaved
05:00.19itchiGuerin: Wooaaa, have you understand it?
05:00.21peterSdan2: so I'm curious - I don't speak Latin but I'm wondering why you needed a Latin speaker a couple hours ago
05:00.39niruwhere is the xorg file
05:00.41Guerinitchi: powersaved isn't THAT hard
05:01.01itchiGuerin: Nope, but with what he had tell, i had not image that powersaved is the trouble
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05:01.26Guerinitchi: powersaved can override a bunch of stuff
05:02.30niruGurein:Which file I need to edit for increasing the time of the screen saver(blank screen)
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05:03.14wiredddis there some sort of server that I can sync all of my contacts and todo lists and everything from kontact with?
05:03.43bokeyitchi: =)
05:04.05itchibokey: And upgraded?
05:04.17bokeyitchi: still going. =)
05:04.26*** join/#debian Gumby (
05:04.26bokeyitchi: 2 hours more left
05:04.33itchibokey: ow
05:04.41bokeyitchi: heheh.. thanks dude. =)
05:04.48niruGurein:Which file I need to edit for increasing the time of the screen saver(blank screen)
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05:05.35bokeyitchi: =)
05:06.12bokeyitchi: you know master yoda right ?
05:06.13itchibokey: Maybe, junior of the junior :-)
05:06.21bokeyitchi: hehe..
05:06.54bokeyitchi: he speaks like you
05:07.07itchibokey: Not my fault he like me :-)
05:07.42bokeyitchi: well, uhhm... you speak like master yoda. hehe...
05:07.42*** join/#debian grendal_prime (
05:07.49grendal_primewow..this is actually kinda cool
05:07.51bokeyit's 4 here ATM boiling hot
05:08.08itchibokey: You have never heard me realy speaking right now, it's many more crazy in real haha
05:08.24bokeyitchi: right.
05:08.24grendal_primehey ummm...ive been running etch for about 4 days now on this pretty damn impressed
05:08.38bokeygrendal_prime: doing that right now myself. =)
05:08.50magyardoes anyone know if postfix-2.3.4-3 is released to etch ?
05:08.52bokeygrendal_prime: 1 hrs 53 left.
05:09.02itchi!info postfix etch
05:09.14dpkgpostfix: (A high-performance mail transport agent), section mail, is extra. Version: 2.3.4-2 (etch), Packaged size: 1053 kB, Installed size: 2440 kB
05:09.42grendal_primethis may sound sort bs..but running this on a compaq 800 with rambas ram, this thing out performs my xp machine at work, its 2wice the speed of this thing easy.
05:09.59grendal_primehardware wise..
05:09.59magyaritchi: odd.
05:10.26grendal_primenow..i have an ati, rage 128 in here..
05:11.09magyaritchi: i cant figure out how package dependencies get released to etch, if one package that depends on another is braking the server can it be released?
05:11.33itchimagyar: Normally, no
05:11.53itchimagyar: Or the dev eject it
05:12.02*** join/#debian khaleel5000 (n=khaleel@
05:12.11khaleel5000hi everyone........I had this problem that I couldnot run X as a non root user when I installed debian etch (via DVD) [did just base system then installed additional packages,] well That problem is now solved...I installed KDM (k display manager) then rebooted , got GUI login menu asking for username and passwd , entered and woooh i can now login as non root user in X
05:12.33magyaritchi: the bug exsits since november 6, the dev knows it brakes the service but it gets released
05:12.36eoqqqthis is weird... everywhere i'm reading it says it's supposed to be straight forward...
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05:12.50itchimagyar: I dunno, im not an DD
05:13.11magyarscarry staff
05:13.20grendal_primeCould not find kernel includes in /lib/modules or /usr/src/linux - cannot build the kqemu module
05:13.29itchimagyar: Etch == testing  btw
05:13.38khaleel5000now a new broblem is that Now when I run synaptic as non root , it asks for my root password, (which is apache) when i enter it , it says incorrect passowrd !
05:13.42grendal_primei have the kernel source installed.
05:14.31grendal_primei would check your capslock, and i would not tell people your root password
05:14.42grendal_primeespecially on a chat channell.
05:14.56magyaritchi: it better be -_-
05:14.57eoqqqah... i might've figured it out.. need reboot
05:15.25khaleel5000how do i sun synaptic as non root
05:15.46khaleel5000it asks for admn passowrd (my root password is apache ) i type tht and it denies me access saying passsword icnorrect
05:16.09itchikhaleel5000: gksu synaptic  for example
05:16.32grendal_primedid you try running aptitude?
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05:16.53khaleel5000itchi: yeah its what it sshowss but then asks for passowrd and i type passowrd apache but incorrect password!
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05:17.17khaleel5000grendal_prime: yeah i tried but sometimes i need synaptic
05:17.50itchikhaleel5000: Looks weird, but change your passwd btw _NOW_
05:17.58debulapeterS: hi. are you there?
05:18.04peterSdebula: maybe
05:18.07khaleel5000itchi: okiez trying htat
05:18.17debulapeterS: ok, only one question.
05:18.44itchikhaleel5000: He, never tell us your password ;-)
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05:18.56debulapeterS: I need to read one whole file and send it over the socket. correct? and i must make sure that the file is sent "complete and with no error
05:19.01khaleel5000itchi: nope same problem
05:19.22itchikhaleel5000: And if you  su  ?
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05:19.33debulapeterS: so, do you recommend that I use ANSI C FILE thing, or that use open and read system calls?
05:19.39peterSdebula: well, you can't "make sure" of any such thing.  if there's an error, you probably can't recover from it.  best you can do is log the error and shrug
05:19.46khaleel5000itchi: never tell....well its simple passowrd just till I master this distro so after that it will be changed to some alphanumeric one with caps n stuff
05:20.17khaleel5000itchi: what if. you su.......same problem .....Authentication failure
05:20.20itchikhaleel5000: If you switch to the root user, that passwd been work??
05:20.33itchikhaleel5000: Then it's not the right passwd
05:20.38peterSdebula: anyway, hmmm - buffered or unbuffered I/O - good question.  it's probably more convenient to deal with unbuffered (read/write) I/O especially as you move into using select/poll type stuff, which works with file descriptors rather than FILE*
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05:20.39debulapeterS: ok. is there any common method that programmers usually follow for such thing? i mean to send a file over internet.
05:20.41khaleel5000itchi: yeah that works (earlier login passwd was apache, now its khaleel )
05:20.52itchikhaleel5000: Crazy guy
05:21.30itchikhaleel5000: Change your passwd again! And no more tell us it! ;-)
05:21.40khaleel5000itchi: dude its temperory , i just changed root passowrd to come here and discuss will even change it back to someting simple but of my native language
05:21.50debulapeterS: I could figure out where to use 'select' but still have no idea about 'poll'.! any tip?
05:21.56niruitchi:any solution
05:22.12itchikhaleel5000: Yeah, maybe have someone already change that passwd for you haha. Maybe that the reason it no more work
05:22.13peterSdebula: select and poll do pretty much the same thing, in different ways.  pick one or the other, you don't need both.
05:22.21khaleel5000itchi: before coming here i specifically changeed root passowrd to discuss , after I logout (when i can su ) i will change it to anyother one agian [apache was also temp root paswd]
05:22.33khaleel5000itchi: ok re-rechanign passwd adn re-re trying su
05:22.34itchiniru: For that bugzilla  no :-/
05:22.38debulapeterS: I see. thank you so much.
05:23.37nirupeterS:Which file I need to edit for increasing the time of the screen saver(blank screen)
05:23.39magyarinstead if shooting the breeze, three hours gone by fixing a broken service
05:23.51khaleel5000itchi: ok paswd re-rechanged , but same problem :(
05:23.54peterSniru: Linux console, or in an X server?
05:23.55*** part/#debian KhanFused (
05:24.24itchikhaleel5000: With su, work it now?
05:24.26nirupeterS:whenever I leave my system ideal for 2mins a blank screen comes
05:24.36peterSniru: Linux console, or in an X server?
05:24.44khaleel5000itchi: not with su , nor synaptic (gksu )
05:24.48nirupeterS:And until and unless I logout  it is not gone
05:25.00itchikhaleel5000: Weird
05:25.08nirupeterS:I manually modify it through preferences
05:25.18peterSI'm not going to try to answer your question until you stop and answer mine
05:25.29nirupeterS:But I wan to edit it somewhere in a file
05:25.50nirupeterS:I have answered X server
05:26.34itchikhaleel5000: Sure no one have take control of your box?
05:26.46peterSok so there are various possibilities for what is even doing the screen blanking.  The X server will do that on its own, or you may be running xscreensaver, or something else entirely
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05:28.16peterSniru: do you know whether you're running xscreensaver or anything like it, or not?
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05:28.48khaleel5000itchi: I have dialup .....someone trying to hack my box after knowing my passwd will need like ....eternity ? besides i can change my root passwd that means its under my control (yet?)
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05:29.25itchikhaleel5000: 50%, you can reset it, but still not work
05:29.32nirupeterS:xscreensaver is not running
05:29.52nirupeterS:I did ps -A and found no xscreensaver running
05:30.08khaleel5000itchi: thankgot my other partitions are not mounted :D
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05:30.28itchikhaleel5000: That's easy to mount :-)
05:30.41khaleel5000itchi: which groups shuold a user be in in order to be able to su?
05:30.51itchikhaleel5000: Shoot that computer of the net, eximine it before put it again online
05:30.55peterSniru: it may be the built-in screen saver of your X server, then.  you can control that from a command line using 'xset s ......' where ...... represents a pretty wide range of parameters - see 'man xset' for details
05:31.02khaleel5000itchi: examine how?
05:31.19peterSniru: as for where to _store_ this setting, the appropriate place would depend on your X session type, i.e., are you running GNOME or what
05:31.23itchikhaleel5000: rootkits or whatever
05:31.59nirupeterS:How can I make that default for future.I mean next time whenever I install my os it should be disabled by default
05:32.06khaleel5000itchi: rootkits .....duh , well ok disconnecting......gonna be back soon (hopefully)
05:32.50itchikhaleel5000: That's on your main computer?
05:32.52itchikhaleel5000: Have you another one that can be are online to do some researches?
05:33.09khaleel5000itchi: yeah if you call it MAIN (me the only user everything in it backed up , no info abt credit card etc [hey i am 17]
05:33.19khaleel5000itchi: yeah i have anotehr pc ...... will reboot from linux there
05:33.22peterSniru: well, you can run the xset program in your Xsession file, which may exist as ~/.xsession for each user or, if not, /etc/X11/Xsession and the files in /etc/X11/Xsession.d
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05:34.08peterSniru: alternatively, the X server has some command-line parameters that control its builtin screen saver in various ways - again, read 'man Xserver' for details.  whatever happens to start the X server on your system - for example, xdm - you have to tell it to pass the appropriate parameters
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05:44.03sid`mount -t gmailfs none /path/of/mount/point -o username=gmailuser,password=gmailpass,fsname=zOlRRa`; What would that mount command look like in /etc/fstab? And will fstab mount that fs before I have an internet connection?
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05:47.27nsxis there an easy way to back up a package selection list?
05:47.45sidnsx: dpkg -al &> package.list
05:48.15nsxi don't find that as useful as dpkg --get-selection
05:48.52mahernsx: what's wrong with dpkg --get-selection
05:49.11nsxi think what i'm asking is.. is there an easier way to restore that than to break it up into args to feed to apt-get?
05:49.22nsxmaher, nothing at all
05:49.27maherdpkg --set-selection < foo
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05:49.48nsxhrm and then apt-get -f install or something?
05:49.52nsxand it'll take care of everything?
05:50.18peterSyou mean --get-selections and --set-selections
05:50.38liablesid: mountall is normally called before networking, so it would take a bit of start no changing (i had a similar problem with samba)
05:51.15peterSliable: just a matter of making sure the mountall script knows which filesystem types to skip (it has a hardcoded list, maybe gmailfs isn't on it)
05:51.26mahernsx: yes
05:51.31maherpeterS: yes
05:52.02maherhow can paypal be so rubbish?
05:52.23liablepeterS: didnt know about that, then how do you automagically do it after mountall?
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05:52.55maherwhy does reportbug think that tetex-bin 3.0-25 is in testing?
05:54.37liablesid: mebbe a post-up cmd in interfaces?
05:55.42sidactually, maybe I can just run mount.gmailfs as non-root once gnome starts.
05:56.12sidI just want my .liferea and .mozilla to sync, because I waste time organizing them when I switch from my laptop to desktop. since all my preferences are different, ie open tabs and marked read/unread rss feeds
05:56.14peterSliable: it's a bit confusing - all network filesystems are skipped by but then mounted by - despite its name, it isn't just for nfs
05:58.15liablepeterS: ah, havent looked at that one before.. i guess it didnt work for my samba because i removed the nfs stuff?
05:58.55peterSliable: nah, is shipped in the same package as ('initscripts' in etch, I think 'sysvinit' in sarge)
05:58.57maherliable: sid: you can always just write some extra init scipt sthat mount stuff after the network scripts have run
06:00.04liablepeterS: hrm, so it is, might have failed for me due to wireless and wpa taking a while to start properly..
06:00.27liablethe post-up should work though, no?
06:01.23sidI want each user to be able to do this though.
06:01.49sidSo my mrs can use her gmail for her preferences, and I can use mine for mine. But not have two gmail connections at the same time.
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06:01.56liableput it in the gnome autostart thingo
06:02.34sid$ mount.gmailfs none /home/john/.gmailfs/ -o username=gmailuser,password=gmailpass,fsname=zOlRRa
06:02.38sidfuse: failed to exec fusermount: Permission denied
06:02.40sidfuse: reading device: Bad file descriptor
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06:06.28maherdoes the firefox "shrink to fit page width" actually work for anyone or is it just a bizarre joke on mozilla's part?
06:06.40sidhmm, I wonder if it's bad for security if regular users can run fusermount.
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06:07.44rahulmaher: I have a feeling there's more than one bizarre joke on mozilla's part
06:07.59rahulsuch as the use of refcounting to create that little extra bit of swapping
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06:08.47sjr_Can anyone recommend a good Dell system that's fine to run linux on ?
06:10.04rahuldell systems have random hardware
06:10.20rahulyou buy something, you get something else, yet another thing is on the invoice.
06:10.39cicqHow to change GTK  fonts size under ELIGHTENMENT, I changed size to 12px , some program looks good .but some GTK program fonts looks small .
06:10.40rahuldon't think you can say anything clear about it given that :)
06:11.21SJr|nxAlright lets go from the start, Intel Core Duo or AMD Turion 64x2?
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06:11.49DewiDoes anyone know of TV Tuner software that can rebroadcast to other machines on the LAN?
06:11.53maherrahul: dell are the macdonalds of hardware
06:11.55Dewican mythtv do it?
06:12.30niruitchi:I have installed whole kde packages but still I am not getting the desktop
06:12.37rahulSJr|nx: compatibility? CPU doesn't matter much. chipset is much more important.
06:12.45niruitchi:I have the xsrver packages also installed
06:12.51nirupeterS:I have installed whole kde packages but still I am not getting the desktop
06:13.02nirupeterS:I have the xsrver packages also installed
06:13.04itchiniru: Maybe see  /msg dpkg install x
06:13.11maherniru: try /etc/init.d/kdm start
06:13.28nirumather:I tried /etc/ini.d/kdm restart
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06:13.40nirumather:it stops and then starts and no result
06:13.54SJr|nxokay so how about the core duo 2?
06:14.17maherniru: what does it say exactly?
06:14.36maherSJr|nx: i have one in my mac mini - it seems to add up numbers just fine
06:14.45liableniru: grep EE /var/log/Xorg.0.log
06:14.47SJr|nxhmmmm and for linux compatibility?
06:14.51niruIt says stopping kdm next line starting kdm
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06:15.21maherSJr|nx: installing linux on a mac mini is a pita and i've had to keep osx around for firmware upgrades and boot changes
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06:16.04niruliable:I am reinstalling
06:16.22maherniru: i x running?
06:16.23itchibokey: Get another faster ISP ;-)
06:16.47niruno mather
06:16.50bokeyitchi: yeah i should probably. but it's working OK for me now.
06:17.07bokeyitchi: how's your bugzilla going ?
06:17.09itchibokey: Sure, and like you have no download limit ;-)
06:17.13wiredddis there some kind of server I can use to sync kontact between multiple computers?
06:17.18bokeyitchi: hehe..
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06:17.51maherniru: what version of debian?
06:18.04itchibokey: I have give that up, like for my there are some troubles with the deb. So at first place, i need to look a bit more what's going with it, and gona give it an try when i'm fresh
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06:19.06SJr|nxwhats pita?
06:19.08bokeyitchi: yeah.. give it a go when you are fresh. =)
06:19.12dpkgit has been said that pita is pain in the ass or whats usually for supper :)
06:19.13SJr|nxah I see
06:19.15itchibokey: At least, it's not normal that we can not give the mysql admin's password during the install so that he could build the needed database and tables
06:19.51bokeyitchi: mysql -u root -p ?
06:20.05itchibokey: The password of the mysql admin user need to be are blank, i can not believe that
06:20.07maherniru: try dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg
06:20.24itchibokey: Yup yup, i know about it ;-)
06:20.30bokeyitchi: =)
06:20.52maherniru: what happens when you ytpe startx
06:21.06nirumather:even did dpkg-reconfigure kdm
06:21.15bokeyitchi: ahh.. right.
06:21.18niruI didnot see startx mather
06:21.30itchibokey: Just wonder why i could not give that pass there, i had need to do it my way, but that's not ideal
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06:21.37maherniru: type startx - see what happens
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06:22.02bokeyitchi: :/
06:22.55itchibokey: I have looked there for bugs, not yet somethings related. So first i need to look to the package
06:23.11jairhey, guys there is a gnu tool on Debian to work with .rar files?
06:23.31bokeyitchi: right.
06:23.50bokeyjair: unrar
06:23.58bokey!unrar | jair
06:23.58jairbokey: let me try that
06:24.18itchibokey: hehe
06:24.28sidbleh, gmailfs is annoying. I'm just using sftp heh.
06:24.37bokeyitchi: =)
06:24.38niruok maher
06:24.42sidI should be giving less of my personal information to google.
06:24.45jairbokey: :) found it
06:24.50jairI am installing it
06:24.54bokeysid: why ? it's better than counting on ms
06:24.55itchibokey: Maybe you wanted to do somethings like  !tell jair -about unrar  ??
06:25.07bokeyjair: go ahead.
06:25.19bokeyitchi: haha
06:25.27bokey!unrar | bokey
06:25.31xulahelp, I can't install Debian on my new notebook. The install program simply tell me it can't find any hard disk, This notebook is LENOVO.
06:25.31maherbokey: cutting off one leg is better than cutting off both legs
06:25.33bokey!unrar > bokey
06:25.53Guerinxula: /msg dpkg sarge 2.6.18
06:25.53maherxula: what model
06:25.53bokey!tell bokey -about unrar
06:25.54itchixula: SATA?
06:25.57bokeyitchi: hehe.. =)
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06:26.07bokeyitchi: that was in #ubuntu with ubotu
06:26.14itchixula: Is it an new laptop?
06:26.21itchibokey: I dunno, i use Debian :-p
06:26.24sidbokey: I just prefer to store my data on my own servers.
06:26.35bokeyitchi: I use deb too in my workhorse. =)hehe..
06:27.19xulaIt's mode is Zhao Yang E660P
06:27.36bokeysid: you should. just play around with gfs abit. I haven't tried that tho.
06:27.38itchixula: ?
06:28.15bokeysid: so you sftp ?
06:28.20xulaii's not a SATA, i am using windows right now
06:28.29sidbokey: no, I can't sftp to gmail, I'm going to sftp to an sshd
06:28.38sidbokey: You can only http or https to gmail.
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06:28.53bokeysid: they use kind of different fs called gfs.
06:29.09DavidProck1982where would the  xorg.conf be located
06:29.10itchixula: If it's an new laptop, probably the kernel provided with Sarge will not reconise the stuff of your laptop.
06:29.19sidDavidProck1982: locate xorg.conf
06:29.21itchiDavidProck1982: /etc/X11/xorg.conf
06:29.21bokeysid: and i don't think google will open sftp ports either.
06:29.26TGPODaveman, /etc/X11/xorg.conf
06:29.30rahulgfs is not a reliable filesystem
06:29.31sidbokey: huh?
06:29.39rahulgfs is just for search indexes
06:29.40bokeysid: so the alternative is to file system mounted over http/https
06:29.42itchiDavidProck1982: Yeah, better to know the tool how to find
06:29.58bokeyrahul: have you tried it ?
06:30.03rahulbokey: you can't
06:30.05xulaOh. can I use other method to make the kernel know my hard disk?
06:30.08rahulit's not available
06:30.10DavidProck1982oh wow i did not know about the locate command, that is cool, thanks
06:30.19itchi!sarge 2.6.18
06:30.19dpkgi heard sarge 2.6.18 is if you want to run a 2.6.18 kernel on debian sarge, first follow the instructions on then "aptitude update ; apt-get -t sarge-backports install grub udev initramfs-tools linux-image-2.6.18-1-$arch" where $arch is one of 486 686 k7. also ask me about <bpo> or for a sarge install which uses a 2.6.18 kernel, see or d-i-2618-amd64.htm
06:30.20rahulit requires special software to use anyway.
06:30.34rahulit doesn't work the same way as a unix fs
06:30.35itchixula: See ^
06:31.00rahulit's distributed, replicated, unreliable, but perfect for indexing and caching web pages
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06:31.58itchiDavidProck1982: The problem with locate is that the 'data' is stored in an database. So say, you install foo right now, locate should not find anything about foo. You need to update the database
06:32.10bokeyrahul: but I thought that's what one of the perl/python module was for. check out for yourself.
06:32.39xulaOK. Let me try. And is there a way to use the Intel wireless network card to install debian through "net install"
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06:32.58TGPOxula no
06:33.14itchiDavidProck1982: An alternative slower way is to use  find  or update the database with  updatedb  but take some time
06:33.27bokeyrahul: got something. hehe.. =)
06:33.30xulaThanks. I'll try it now. Bye
06:33.30rahulbokey: that's different
06:33.40bokeyrahul: that's not different my friend.
06:33.43rahulbokey: that's not what google calls gfs
06:34.04bokeyrahul: that's exactly what we were talking about. mounting a file system over http/https using FUSE
06:34.19rahulok... but that's different from what google calls gfs
06:34.33bokeyrahul: i know it's not gfs but its a glueing library to use gfs (our gmail account) as a mountable space
06:34.45bokeyin linux
06:34.49rahulit has nothing to do with what google calls gfs
06:34.54bokeyrahul: so I ask again, have you tried it ?
06:34.55rahulyou can call it whatever you want.
06:35.02rahulthis one? no
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06:35.37bokeyrahul: ok. just wanted some advice from people who *have* actually used it.
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06:36.05rahulthere seemed to be some confusion there, talking about people outside google using gfs
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06:38.58bokeyrahul: Google's paying you enough dough my friend ? =)
06:39.19rahulgoogle never paid me a penny, thankyouverymuch
06:39.22bokeyrahul: ahh..
06:39.34rahulthey wrote a paper about gfs
06:39.35bokeyrahul: hahh..
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06:39.44bokeyrahul: ok
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06:42.54sidI can use loopback encryption on a remote file system right?
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06:44.15Kerr_ugh.. my  stable install didn't shut down problem, then when booting gives crap like being unable to execute getty, and things going too fast :/ i installed a fresh copy on another hdd, but; what on earth happened for things to break so bad :( ?
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06:44.26peterSsid: sorta ... depends on the remote filesystem and what sort of arrangement you have in mind
06:44.31sidTo do it locally, cryptsetup(do the keys etc), then /dev/mapper/hda2 will exist, as opposed to /dev/hda2; so you make the file system and the mapper automatically encrypts and decrypts on the fly. so as far as you can's a normal fs.
06:44.41sidpeterS: Well i have an sshfs.
06:45.06sidSo my .mozilla and .liferea are written there, but I prefer to have it encrypted if possible.
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06:45.47sidBut I don't want to deal with decrypting and encrypting scripts, a nice loopback method where the application just sees a normal fs, and something like a mapper does all the work underneath
06:45.50peterSI don't think you can do that, then, unless you can set up an opaque file on your remote machine and use _that_ as your filesystem, loopback mounting _that_ after you've mounted the sshfs
06:46.03pmv_sup all
06:46.10sid!greet pmv_
06:46.11dpkgGr33tz, pmv_
06:46.27pmv_heh, love your nick
06:47.29sideh, I guess I'll just deal with decrypting and encrypting scripts. heh
06:48.15pmv_so, let's try this again. anyone here use yaird? :-)
06:48.54sid!tell pmv_ about anyone
06:49.53pmv_okay, for some time now I've been trying to get yaird to work with software suspend
06:50.02peterSpmv_: seriously, you don't care if anyone uses yaird.  if we tell you that people use it, or people don't use it, that won't change anything.  you really intend to ask some _other_ question about yaird.  so just ask
06:50.20pmv_or the traditional initramfs with cryptdisk
06:50.25DavidProck1982ok im tring to go by this web site to install Beryl and where it say to update the xorg.conf file, im not sure where to insert what it wants me to uptade, who would know
06:50.27pmv_tsk, touchy today aren't we
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06:51.11sidDavidProck1982: What branch of Debian GNU/Linux are you running?
06:51.34peterSpmv_: listen or don't listen, it's no difference to me.  I'm telling you how to get answers in this channel.  trying to ping everyone who _might_ know the answer to your question, before they actually hear your question, isn't going to do anything useful
06:51.57sidDavidProck1982: I believe it's setup to work out of the box on etch's xorg.conf defaults.(gravity said iirc)
06:52.02pmv_peterS: it might be, so I know whether to spam everyone with my question, or just save it for someone who can actually help
06:52.25itchi!tell pmv_ -about ask
06:52.44peterSpmv_: we have no idea whether we can help until you actually spit out your question.  and neither will you know.  everyone who uses yaird isn't going to jump up and say "me, me", this channel just doesn't work that way
06:52.46sidDavidProck1982: What lines are you wanting to add? The composite enable line? check the bottom of your xorg.conf file.
06:52.46pmv_and I think I know how to get help
06:53.03pmv_yes, you are indeed quite helpful
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06:53.30pmv_but thanks, peterS
06:53.36DavidProck1982i mean there is different sections like , Section "Module" , Section "InputDevice", im wanting to add ,  Option "AddARGBGLXVisuals" "True" , and ,  Option "DisableGLXRootClipping" "True"
06:53.54peterSpmv_: it would have been just as easy to open with "does anyone have experience with yaird and software suspend?  I can't get it to work..." - at least then we'd know immediately whether we could be of any help.  (I can't, btw, I don't use software suspend)
06:54.00sidpmv_: This channel is designed to help people fast and effeciently. Having each person say they use an application when someone asks a question like that isn't very effecient at all.
06:54.13pmv_yeah, and all this meta-help is certainly efficient
06:54.15sidpmv_: We get 30 persons that ask these questions a day.
06:54.33pmv_in any case, yes, I get the idea
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06:54.38sidpmv_: Well now it's just principle. We're hoping you'll understand the reasoning.
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06:55.00pmv_sid: hai, hai, methinks I get it
06:55.06itchiDavidProck1982: Edit your xorg.conf and add in the section screen
06:55.12sidDavidProck1982: no, you don't need to do that. xorg.conf is ready to go.
06:55.17peterSit is efficient in that the time spent enforcing the channel guidelines pays off in the amount of time saved by not having to enforce the guidelines since most people now understand them
06:55.19itchiDavidProck1982: 'section screen'
06:55.32sidDavidProck1982: All you need to do is make sure 3d accel is working(glxinfo|grep direct) and then beryl --replace & or something I guess.
06:55.34bokeyitchi: 8 minutes to go
06:55.39bokeyitchi: =)
06:55.45sidDavidProck1982: And when you get sick of beryl, metacity --replace & to go back.
06:56.16peterSwhat, you think the novelty of teh wobbly windows will actually wear off in 10 minutes or so?  yes, me too, but for people with 1982 in their nicks, maybe not
06:56.16itchibokey: How long time have it take for the whole download?
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06:56.37DavidProck1982now where at with in that section
06:56.37pmv_must be the wrong time of day
06:56.38bokeyitchi: 3 hrs
06:56.46itchipeterS: I'm a year older, if you want to know :-/
06:57.03liablei like the wobblies!
06:57.12pmv_lol peterS
06:57.35peterSpmv_: it is indeed, this is the low point in channel participation, probably 6:00 - 9:00 UTC
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07:00.55itchiDavidProck1982: Does not realy matters, put it on the bottom, logically
07:01.10DavidProck1982can i post my xorg.cong and someone show me where to insert these lines   Option "AddARGBGLXVisuals" "True"    Option "DisableGLXRootClipping" "True"
07:01.34peterSthose sound like things that would be in the video device section
07:01.59DavidProck1982does it have to be inside one of the Section "" that is all ready there
07:02.02itchiDavidProck1982: Section "Screen"
07:02.08DavidProck1982or inside one at all
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07:02.23itchiDavidProck1982: I follow on  it's been noted there
07:02.26DavidProck1982now where with in thet Section
07:03.01DavidProck1982that is the same one im going by
07:03.02peterSDavidProck1982: 'man xorg.conf' - learn about the file format
07:03.46DavidProck1982can u just tell me where at with in the Section "Screen", Just under that line?
07:04.06itchiDavidProck1982: Open your eyes ;-)
07:04.15DavidProck1982above Identifier"Default Screen" ?
07:04.24itchiDavidProck1982: arg, edit it with vim  and  /Section "Screen"   press enter
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07:04.53itchiDavidProck1982: You readed that man page super fast :-p
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07:05.30peterSitchi: read is an irregular verb - read / read / read
07:05.40peterS(pronounced reed / red / red)
07:05.46rahulthink / thank / thunk
07:05.54itchipeterS: hhhm, that looks weird so. Yeah, i'm lack a bit
07:06.02DavidProck1982ok im reading the man xorg.conf now
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07:06.59itchipeterS: He, thanks to point it out man ;-)
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07:12.59ThomasPorterI am about to install my server so it goes directly from the modem instead of going from a router. Before running pppoeconf do I need to remove my old settings from when I had a router?
07:13.44itchibokey: He is been installing right now?
07:13.49peterSThomasPorter: what 'old settings' do you have?  probably just 'iface eth0 inet dhcp' in /etc/network/interfaces, yes?  yeah, remove that
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07:15.31DavidProck1982i did not quite get what i wanted to know out of that man page
07:15.32ThomasPorterpeterS: Yep
07:15.51ThomasPorterpeterS: Also in /etc/resolv.conf I have my nameservers.. whats the default for that?\
07:16.03DavidProck1982so if i add those 2 lines under   DefaultDepth    24    would that be ok
07:16.04peterSDavidProck1982: the imporatant bit is that within a given section (like the "Screen" section) it doesn't matter much what order the options come
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07:16.31DavidProck1982peterS: so if i add those 2 lines under   DefaultDepth    24    would that be ok
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07:16.47itchiDavidProck1982: Try to analyse that xorg.conf file. Look maybe to the  Section "InputDevice"  to see how you need to add that  Option??
07:16.48peterSit might.  how should I know?  I've never used whatever setup you're trying to achieve.
07:17.41ThomasPorterpeterS: Should I also remove this line: auto eth0
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07:18.03peterSThomasPorter: I think you'll want that eventually anyway so go ahead and leave it in
07:18.10DavidProck1982itchi: so at the end of the last EndSubSection
07:18.15itchiDavidProck1982: Just below the last  SubSection "Display"  in the  Section "Screen"
07:18.44DavidProck1982just under the last EndSubSection ?
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07:18.50ThomasPorterpeterS: Cheers ;)
07:19.05itchiDavidProck1982:  Section "Screen"   And here goes many stuff and a subsection    EndSection
07:19.18peterSThomasPorter: hmmm, or maybe not.  I notice in my own DSL setup I don't bring up that ethernet interface via 'auto', but rather by using a line 'pre-up /sbin/ifconfig eth0 up' for the ppp interface
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07:20.05peterSThomasPorter: for reference, - you can ignore the bit about eth1, that's my other ethernet card (for the internal network)
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07:20.30DavidProck1982well i think i got it
07:20.34ThomasPorterpeterS: I was planning to install it using pppoeconf so it should all be done automatically
07:20.36LoneShadowanyone running debian on a usb flash drive ?
07:21.01dondelelcaroLoneShadow: there are quite a few people who do
07:21.02DavidProck1982wouldnt a usb flash drive ? be slow
07:21.05ThomasPorterpeterS: that helps thank
07:21.15itchiDavidProck1982: Define 'slow'
07:21.35LoneShadowits not the question speed, its for storing secure information
07:21.41DavidProck1982read and wrights and notice a longer load time
07:21.46rahulsecure? hah
07:21.55LoneShadowencrypted fs :D
07:22.01LoneShadowsecure enough for me :)
07:22.02peterSThomasPorter: I can't remember whether pppoeconf by itself gave me a working setup or if I had to tweak anything - it's been so terribly long since I set it up.  so keep my interfaces file handy in case, for example, it complains about eth0 not being up so ppp can't use it.  the 'pre-up' line prevents that problem.
07:22.05DavidProck1982read ant wright times*
07:22.08rahulif you say so
07:22.32LoneShadowyou dont trust encrypted filesystems ?
07:22.42rahulnot much
07:23.00LoneShadowwhy not ?
07:23.02rahulhow protected is the key?
07:23.02sidI do.
07:23.23sidrahul: It's around my neck 24/7
07:23.33dondelelcarothey're better than nothing, but they're not absolute security.
07:23.35rahulno, the key
07:23.39dondelelcaro(but then again, no form of encryption is)
07:23.45rahulencryption key
07:23.50*** part/#debian DavidProck1982 (
07:23.55sidrahul: yes, it's around my neck 24/7
07:24.00peterSby 24/7 I suppose you mean you shower with it on.  which is interesting, most devices that can be used as keys for encrypted filesystems aren't waterproof
07:24.02dondelelcarorahul: he could very well be wearing the hashed key
07:24.08rahulsid: that's very insecure...
07:24.13sidrahul: I guess.
07:24.15dondelelcaropeterS: it's not like it would be that difficult to make one
07:24.29rahulsomeone could read it and be able to get the info off your drive
07:24.33peterSdondelelcaro: or maybe the key is actually written, as a tattoo, literally around his neck
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07:24.36sidrahul: Someone could steal it, but they could also just put a gun to my head and I would just give them the data and anything else they wanted.
07:24.40peterSwhich _really_ isn't secure (:
07:24.48dondelelcaropeterS: wouldn't that make him like "bullet proof monk"?
07:24.50LoneShadowwould you rather have a unsecured system to hold on your important information vs encrypted fs ?
07:25.12rahulsid: they don't even need to get close physical access to you to get the key this way
07:25.16rahuljust read it with a camera
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07:25.32rahuland I hope you don't use it on other peoples' computers
07:25.45LoneShadowI am sure for every security, there will be a newer threat today or tomm. But thats not stopping people from inventing and using security features
07:25.59sidrahul: It's digital information, on flash memory around my neck.
07:26.08karstendondelelcaro: I've heard a few stories of USB drives surviving quite the dunking.
07:26.10sidrahul: I don't keep sheets of paper around my neck.
07:26.12rahulsid: the key is on the drive?
07:26.15peterSno system is secure unless it authenticates you by asking your name, your quest, and your favorite color
07:26.29LoneShadowthey make these new usb drives
07:26.29rahulno no
07:26.31sidrahul: yes
07:26.31karstenpeterS: Kings have to know these things.
07:26.42rahulit has to show you a picture and ask you to confirm its caption
07:26.43karstenpeterS: What is your name?
07:26.47LoneShadowsupposed to be some sort of "titatinum" enclosure
07:26.52peterSarthur, king of the britons
07:26.55rahulsid: ... so it's not secure at all
07:26.59karstenpeterS: What is your quest?
07:27.03peterSI seek the holy grail
07:27.26rahulsid: that's like leaving the key to your car in the door
07:27.26karstenpeterS: What is the airspeed of an unladen swallow?
07:27.26peterSafrican or european?
07:27.27karstenI don't know.
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07:27.49peterSkarsten: I was close to completing the joke by literally kicking you, but I didn't
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07:28.03sidok, I have sshfs all setup so .liferea and .mozilla are synced..but it seems to run a little slowly on boot.
07:28.05karstenI was about to /quit, but I've got too many channels open ATM.
07:28.10karstenpeterS: Heh.
07:28.23sidI wonder how much data is sent on boot. .liferea is 7 megs, and .mozilla is 24 megs.
07:28.24peterS/kick karsten Aaaaaaaaaah
07:28.42karstenYeah, yeah...
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07:28.58LoneShadowsid: are you using squashfs ?
07:29.06sidThis would be better if I gziped on the fly I bet.
07:29.23sidLoneShadow: I don't know what squashfs is, I'm using sshfs I believe.
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07:30.02peterSsid: you should combine the two and call it squasshfs
07:30.10peterSoh noes, another DavidProck
07:30.23itchipeterS: :-p
07:30.25LoneShadowits a compressed fs used for LiveCDs
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07:30.48sidLoneShadow: ahh. my friend from my lug maintains unionfs
07:30.54sidI've never heard of squashfs
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07:32.00LoneShadowI take it that you did debootstrap install into your usb drive
07:32.11sidBut squashfs is a real fs, sshfs just lays on top of the existing fs. I don't even need to be root to run sshfs.
07:32.41sidLoneShadow: no, I'm talking about having liferea and firefox synced when I move from my desktop at home, to my laptop at school etc.
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07:33.16sidBecause I'll always have a tab open in firefox on my desktop, and it won't be open when I go to school and pop open the laptop.(but now it will)
07:33.32sidOr I'll have read 20 rss feeds in lifera at school, come back home..and all those rss feeds are marked as unread on my desktop machine.
07:33.47sidBut now everything is synced and more efficient.
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07:34.42LoneShadowIs there a live cd for debian ?
07:34.43sidBut .mozilla is 24 megs, and .liferea is 7 megs, so I need to do some gzipping on the fly to lower the bw load when the applications first start and read the preferences data and crap.
07:34.54sidLoneShadow: And official one you mean?
07:35.10LoneShadowyes official one
07:35.23schmeWhat's wrong with google browser sync?
07:35.27itchiLoneShadow: See  /msg dpkg live-cd
07:35.33cast_grml is a really good debian based live cd btw :)
07:36.06sidschme: Google has too much data. I don't want them having my cookies!
07:36.08cast_[easy to remaster and aptiude install whatever you want on it]
07:36.25sidschme: And google doesn't do lifera. and I disklike gmailfs
07:36.25schmesid: :)
07:36.35schmesid: good points!
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07:41.31sidsquashfs wouldn't help, since the data when read would just decompress on the fly and send. so same amount of bytes.
07:42.07sidI need to find someone who is really cheap with their disk space, and wrote hacks for programs like firefox and liferea, so they zcat the preferences data to save a few bytes. heh
07:42.33unfohi all, any ops around? please ban DoGan, who is running a script that advertises to everyone who joins the channel.
07:42.41*** part/#debian sid (n=unstable@tor/regular/sid)
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07:42.57sidunfo: no ads here
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07:43.26unfoi got it again in a PM.
07:43.40faust__I didn't..
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07:44.42faust__Spam-bots might be a bit dodgy on who they hit though, to make consistent spotting harder.
07:44.51itchi!ops looks like DoGan play, according to unfo
07:44.51dpkgHydroxide, bob2, caphuso, dondelelcaro, doogie, eeyore-, ElectricElf, ):, helix, ljlane, LoRez, RichiH, mentor, Netsnipe, TML, walters, xk, gravity, azeem, Maulkin, stew, peterS, Alife, Myon, Ganneff, Maulkin, weasel: itchi complains about: looks like DoGan play, according to unfo
07:45.02sidThey could script it so it doesn't pm people who speak. since they might be likely to rat them out.
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07:45.40unfosid: what do you mean by "who speak"?
07:45.53*** mode/#debian [+o peterS] by ChanServ
07:45.53*** mode/#debian [+b *!*@] by peterS
07:45.54*** kick/#debian [DoGan!i=~m|ptrS|] by peterS (go away)
07:45.56*** mode/#debian [-o peterS] by peterS
07:46.11sids/speak/type in here/
07:46.12itchigoaaal, 1-0
07:46.19unfoitchi: :-)
07:46.30bokeyitchi: who scored ?
07:46.33unfopeterS: thanks. Is there a way to get the guy banned from freenode?
07:46.34sidunfo: So persons like us, it would be silly to spam us..we'd just snitch them out and be gone with them.
07:46.40itchipeterS: That was an beautifull kick man
07:47.01peterSunfo: if RichiH is paying attention he will k-line the IP address.  otherwise you can "/stats p" to figure out who is on duty and /msg that person
07:47.01sidunfo: But someone else, might not like typing in here, or be uncomfortable. So they're better targets.
07:47.05itchibokey: aaha, peterS ;-)
07:47.20sid0 staff members on duty
07:47.26bokeyitchi: well i thought there was a soccer match. :/ i love soccer
07:47.35faust__Used to have a spam problem on undernet, but then I got ops. Seems they don't bother opped people so much.
07:47.43*** part/#debian RichiH (i=richih@freenode/staff/richih)
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07:47.49peterSsid: oh well... you'd think they would have a 'report abuse' IRC channel, but AFAIK, they don't
07:47.50faust__Because that'd be downright suicidal :)
07:47.51RichiHPDani: he is
07:47.54unfoRichiH: try #asterisk
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07:48.02faust__Problem there though is in-channel spotter bots and the spam coming from outside.
07:48.42sidAnd changing aliases every 25 seconds.
07:49.05sidIf you throw in tor/i2p and a few thousand open proxies. can be a nightmare
07:49.06unfoRichiH: thanks for checking :)
07:49.28peterSsid: good thing we don't allow anonymous tor in #debian (:  that helps some
07:49.28unfowhy does freenode allow ppl to connect thru tor?
07:49.50sidI dunno, but I love it.
07:49.51bokeyunfo: because freenode supports tor
07:49.56sidtor is awesome. I use it 24/7
07:50.15unfobokey: that is true. Tor has many advantages too.
07:50.21sidI'm on some random shell right now, and I `torify ssh shell`;
07:50.24unfoI just hate the disadvantages. :)
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07:50.37faust__unfo, should be one client per ip, mandatory registration, limited port, restr... oh wait. That sounds like a microsoft product.
07:50.43peterSfor IRC, tor doesn't seem all that useful - if you need to hide your source IP, you get a usercloak
07:51.10unfodo ad bots get usercloaks?
07:51.10Guerinunfo: not for long
07:51.10sidWhat if you want to hide it from the persons with o-lines in the ircd.conf?
07:51.17RichiHunfo: np, tanks for reporting :)
07:51.36bokeyunfo: yeah. you would have to count the disadvantages.. but I heard there are ways to catch tor abusers.
07:51.36peterSsid: then I'd have to ask why
07:51.36unfoRichiH: thanks for k-lining :)
07:51.38peterSsid: if you don't trust the ircops you find another irc network
07:51.39sidOr if you're afraid said ircd will be breached, or they will have to give up logs from a subpeona.
07:51.49Guerinsid: the principle of private ownership applies to irc
07:52.05peterSsid: also, in #debian we don't worry so much about such things as we don't do anything illegal in here like trade warez
07:52.05faust__peterS: The feds, man, they're watching us, man, with their like mind control rays. Scary stuff, dude. Like, wow, man.
07:52.07Guerinie: you're on my turf, you have no rights except those I grant you
07:52.27sideh, seems like a good idea to exercise anonymity sometimes. Especially for public networks, even if you trust the admins.
07:52.28unfoDo you trust web search engines to keep your search history private?
07:52.31sid(which I do)
07:52.32faust__My reason to hide stuff: Because I can.
07:52.41faust__I don't bother on IRC though.
07:52.43unfoDo you trust the Internet operators not to sniff all your email?
07:52.48Guerini don't bother with anything except ssh
07:52.53unfoThere are tons of privacy issues on IRC.
07:52.58unfo*on the Internet
07:53.04faust__unfo: I trust the internet operators ok, I just don't trust Echelon :)
07:53.07Guerinunfo: yeah, but I don't care about any of them.
07:53.09unfonor do I :)
07:53.15sidGuerin: Well torify is great, you can wrap it around basically anything. So just `torify ssh blah` is what I do.
07:53.20unfoechelon sucks.
07:53.21bokeythe point in running tor is to prevent oneself from being a victim of traffic analysis. it's not to be used to abuse freenode
07:53.25peterSfaust__: well, anonymity is great and all but it makes a pretty poor basis for communication - which is what IRC is all about.  communication.  if nobody knows whom they're talking to, what's the point at all
07:53.26Guerinsid: yeah, I know about tor.
07:53.37faust__peterS, exactly.
07:53.40Guerinat my work, everyone has plausible deniability
07:53.49unfoGuerin: how?
07:54.04Guerineveryone's login is firstinitialsurname: lguerin
07:54.16Guerineveryone's password is surnamefirstinitial
07:54.35Guerinand if you change it, people get pissy
07:54.40faust__Sounds like a structural security issue :)
07:55.02Guerinbut in reality, it seems to work very well
07:55.04faust__Might as well make all the passwords "god", "love" and "sex" :)
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07:55.21Guerinfaust__: it's be harder that way because you'd have to figure out which of the three to use
07:55.37faust__Yeah, but three attempts is the usual limit, so.. :)
07:56.21faust__Hmm.. I just had a puzzling thought.
07:56.35faust__I hang around in this channel mostly so I can get quick answers to any debian-related problems I might have.
07:56.43faust__But yesterday I ditched my last debian-based box.
07:56.59bokeyfaust__: why ?
07:56.59Guerinfaust__: begone, infidel!
07:57.01faust__Problem is, this channel is much more fun than the other distros.
07:57.15faust__bokey: Had to reinstall, couldn't find Debian media, store closed.
07:57.18faust__Out of cdr..
07:57.22sidIs this freenode or oftc?
07:57.26faust__So, Centos. Try it for size.
07:57.27peterSsid: yes
07:57.33faust__It's already annoying the hell out of me though.
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07:57.38peterSfaust__: even #gentoo-otw?  that is said to be fun if you're 12 or under
07:57.50itchipeterS: hehe
07:57.52Guerini recommend #politics
07:58.00Guerinfor all your holocaust-denial needs
07:58.01bokeyfaust__: debian's so cool dude.
07:58.09sidI guess the move will take a long time.
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07:58.23faust__gentoo is for people who like reinventing the wheel, #politics is a minefield in any network.
07:58.30sid!start a distro war
07:58.30dpkgMandriva 0wnz!
07:58.39*** join/#debian GodAnubis (
07:58.43peterSsid: the move might never happen.  There are #debian channels on all major networks, or so I hear, so it doesn't have much to do with where points
07:58.44ap0cqhello everyone. um i can't seem to mount a usb flash drive,..
07:58.50SubStack!start an editor war
07:58.50dpkgjoe sucks
07:58.52faust__and for every service I add to my "new" server, I hate SElinux more....
07:58.52Guerinthe only way to be truly extreme in #politics is to be a moderate
07:58.56pmv_emacs r0xx
07:59.02bokey!start a bot war
07:59.02dpkg@start a bot war
07:59.04Guerinthat way you piss *everyone* off
07:59.14pmv_lol Guerin
07:59.16dpkgRAPE! RAPE!! Don't ever come near me again!
07:59.18Guerinand so much more if you actually know a little bit about what you're talking about
07:59.18faust__Dammit! If I can't get this working in the next few hours, the server is getting a nice, warm serving of Debian Stable again.
07:59.19SubStackemacs for the lose
07:59.23SubStackeveryone should use ed
07:59.31pmv_ap0cq: make sure you have the scsi disk modules loaded
07:59.43peterSSubStack: but ... ed doesn't have an irc client built in
07:59.47peterSSubStack: how will I irc?
08:00.03bokeySubStack: joe
08:00.05SubStackpeterS: who needs a client?
08:00.14peterSSubStack: I do, I'm not willing to use telnet for irc
08:00.17faust__wait a sec... emacs has an integrated irc client?
08:00.22GuerinpeterS: n00b
08:00.25peterSfaust__: emacs has about 3 integrated irc clients.
08:00.27Guerinfaust__: of course!
08:00.27faust__Isn't that at the very top of the stupid feature list for a text editor?
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08:00.38Guerinfaust__: there are stupider features.
08:00.40faust__Granted, you don't have to do a text input box...
08:00.41peterSfaust__: as it happens, I don't use any of them, but I happen to know that there are people in this channel who do
08:00.45esteel<peterS> faust__: emacs has about 3 integrated irc clients.
08:00.49esteelpeterS: i think its 2 ;)
08:00.56Guerinhappily, emacs is quite modular
08:00.58esteelerc and that simpler one..
08:01.02ap0cq<pmv>do these mods come with the minimal installation?
08:01.11peterSesteel: depends on what you mean by 'integrated'.  some are available externally, but still run from inside emacs
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08:01.17faust__esteel: Guerin has mpd. To him, the regular text editor is IRC too :)
08:01.18pmv_ap0cq: what version?
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08:01.33Guerinfaust__: he does not!
08:01.44pmv_esteel: well, you can run eshell or ansi-term in emacs, so it can pretty much run anything ;-)
08:01.53Adonaiim having issues with apt- I cannot connect to but links sees it just fine
08:02.01esteelpeterS: well i mean emacs-snapshot (cvs) is shipping with 2 irc clients
08:02.04faust__so, you run an editor from a shell, and uses it to do shell tasks...
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08:02.16ap0cqthe downloadable iso file....31r4
08:02.20pmv_hee hee
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08:02.23esteelfaust__: 8-)
08:02.33Adonaiits on and off
08:02.38pmv_ap0cq: sure
08:02.42esteelfaust__: ssh, screen, emacs.. yeah baby :)
08:02.47peterSesteel: there's erc and zenirc, plus some I haven't really heard of (liece, riece).  and that's without looking at emacs-snapshot itself to see what is included there
08:03.04pmv_glenstorm:~$ lsmod | grep scsi
08:03.04pmv_scsi_mod              123080  3 libata,sd_mod,usb_storage
08:03.11faust__Every time I hear about emacs features, I am more and more sure I did the right thing when I chose vim as my preferred fuck-up-the-configs-tool.
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08:03.15Guerinnot quite init=/usr/bin-emacs-snapshot
08:03.19Guerinbut there you go
08:03.42faust__That's all I really do with editors. Break stuff.
08:03.43peterSfaust__: you think excess features is a good reason to avoid a product?  it's not like the emacs irc clients jump out at you as you're trying to edit your .bashrc file
08:03.55Guerini'd use vim if only it didn't constantly go into stupid ha-ha-i-can-stop-you-doing-anything mode
08:04.11*** join/#debian liable (n=liable@pdpc/supporter/active/liable)
08:04.11faust__peterS, only a question of time before someone does a viral Clippy extension, like Pitr's evil plan for VI in UF.
08:04.11pmv_Guerin: you mean when you go 'q'
08:04.35Guerinpmv_: it happens whenever i hit a key than's not [a-z0-9]
08:04.39peterSfaust__: like vigor?
08:04.45esteelfaust__: you know someone DID vigor? that is implement pitrs idea..
08:04.56faust__Ok, I need to stop talking to you people.
08:04.58peterSand yes, it's in debian
08:05.08esteelit is? OMG
08:05.10faust__I'm almost headed back to Wintendo by now. The devil you know...
08:05.22*** join/#debian Benton (
08:05.30peterSfaust__: rest assured, vigor isn't implemented in _vim_, but in nvi.  so you are still safe.  for now.
08:05.47*** join/#debian xtr-II (
08:05.48faust__Ironically, I'm on wintendo now, because I fucked up my linux install on this laptop while playing around with encrypted partitions. Didn't fly too well with SElinux :)
08:06.18faust__But since windows's default state is broken, there's nothing I can do to purposely fuck it up, so it gives me IRC.
08:06.49peterSI disagree.  its default state is "barely usable", but going from there to broken seems to be pretty easy.
08:07.03*** join/#debian Inkvisitor (
08:07.08faust__Hmm. You're right.
08:07.35faust__It goes from barely usable to good-looking but barely usable with the addition of the Tango shell conversion and Clearlooks though :)
08:08.34Guerinhow do you manage to fuck debian up?
08:08.43Guerini've been trying in vain for years
08:08.43ap0cq<pmv_> ls mod: i get no such file or directory.....
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08:08.47faust__I didn't. It was leaving it alone that fucked it up.
08:09.07faust__unpatched sshd and a kernel overflow issue allowed some script kiddie total access.
08:09.08itchifaust__: You was drunken that day
08:09.18peterSap0cq: lsmod does not have a space in it
08:09.53InkvisitorI have a problem with ddclient. my eth0 is set to x.x.x.196 and my dyndns resolvs to x.x.x.192 (it needs to be updated) When I run ddclient manually it tells me "SUCCESS: skipped: IP address already set to x.x.x.196". How can I make sure ddclient actually tries to resolve the DNS ?
08:09.57sidap0cq: Run it as root.
08:10.00*** mode/#debian [+l 663] by debhelper
08:10.06ap0cqoh my bad
08:10.33faust__itchi: I was drunk when I set up the cron job that was supposed to keep the security patches coming in, so yes.
08:10.43faust__Bushmills is to blame!
08:10.50faust__If I was american, I'd sue someone.
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08:12.17faust__anyway. Hearing good things about Etch. Viable for a laptop without a hundred kernel recompiles to get ipw2200 and cpufreq working?
08:13.16itchifaust__: For that, you should not need to recompile it
08:13.53faust__not even the fedora default kernel lets this baby run cpufreq.
08:13.56*** join/#debian Teejay_wp (
08:14.15Teejay_wpwhat is the command using the terminal to move one file from one directory into another directory?
08:14.28itchifaust__: FC is crap, if you want my point of view
08:14.29faust__which is strange, since they seem to have included every kernel patch known to man in the default kernel.
08:15.22faust__itchi, it's like a japanese consumer car. Lacks a bit in power and acceleration, but it's comfy enough and gets you where you're going.
08:15.52peterSTeejay_wp: mv
08:15.55faust__in addition to being easier than ubuntu without being ubuntu.
08:16.04itchifaust__: Yeah, and pay many for the pieces, whe somethings is broken
08:16.24itchifaust__: It's looks many cheaper, but it's not
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08:16.35Inkvisitorok I answer my own question. ddclient in stable is broken.
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08:18.41bokeyInkvisitor: if it was your answer to question, it wouldn't an answer; it would an assumption. no ? ;)
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08:19.36ThomasPorterHey, I have my server configured to use the net on a network.. I want to do pppoeconfig, do I need to remove the resolv.conf stuff?
08:19.36ThomasPorter<ThomasPorter> and the /etc/network/interfaces stuff?
08:19.38itchiInkvisitor: I wonder that it's broken
08:20.08itchiThomasPorter: Maybe try an mailing list too ;-)
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08:20.33ThomasPorteritchi: Yeah, while i've got it handy in my cache ;)
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08:20.46ThomasPorterAbit 'paste happy'
08:21.08Inkvisitorit's a debian bug.
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08:21.10InkvisitorBug#217041: marked as done (ddclient: does not update when host settings changed)
08:21.25itchiThomasPorter: I just say it to you, like you asked that question the whole night
08:21.41madman215is there a gnome alarm clock that works like kalarm, so it will stay in the system tray, so i KNOW it will wake me up for work?
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08:22.57faust__madman215: something wrong with the XMMS alarm clock?
08:23.07Inkvisitorthe funny thing is that I always end up getting x.x.x.192 first even though it was last set to 196 and even though I'm getting 196 from DHCP
08:23.27madman215faust__, xmms has an alarm clock?!?
08:24.03madman215faust__, how do i get to it? is it a plugin?
08:24.20Inkvisitorso ddclient is updating incorrectly first time or something.. because it wouldn't really need to change it
08:24.27faust__madman215: for the gnome stuff.
08:24.29rumplmadman215, use crontab :)
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08:24.36faust__And xmms alarm clock is a plugin, yes.
08:24.47ThomasPorteritchi: Yeah, oh I have been.
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08:27.31itchiInkvisitor: Look to this
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08:28.47faust__Ah, well. Time to go do something useless with my day.
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08:30.12ThomasPorterfaust_: Try windows.
08:30.24ThomasPorter(sorry my last message was pointless spam)
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08:32.19faultehlots of people don't like me
08:33.01SpeedyGwhy not? :)
08:33.05faultehthis kernel build process doesn't like me
08:33.16faultehnobody likes me every1 hates me think i'll go eat worms
08:33.36SpeedyGhave a nice one ;)
08:33.47cast_are you sure you want to do that? i mean then the worms won't like you, too
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08:35.24faultehyeah, don't want them to sick Earthworm Jim on to me
08:36.36cast_or for them to greatly increase the void ratio underneath your house such that the soil undergoes excessive settlement
08:37.06itchibokey: And is the install now done?
08:37.26faultehi was wondering where those cracks came from.. i better send in my best diplomat
08:38.29bokeyitchi: showing error at pppconfig
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08:39.04shishihello all
08:39.11shishisomeone use adesklets ?
08:39.23itchibokey: Wich one exactly?
08:40.34Guerin!anyone use adesklets?
08:40.34dpkgNo, no one uses adesklets, not even the people who use it.
08:42.13bokeyitchi:gives me the dpkg: error processing pppconfig (--configure): subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1
08:42.41itchibokey: hhhm, try  dpkg --configure pppconfig
08:42.50bokeyitchi: did that.
08:43.06itchibokey: Can you give the rest of the error?
08:43.16dpkgrumour has it, paste is Do NOT paste into the channel. Use
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08:44.02itchibokey: Maybe, use you pppconfig at all?
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08:45.43itchibokey: hehe
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08:46.00itchibokey: Look ^^
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08:46.16bokeyitchi: =)
08:46.25Krux0how can i re-download every package that was installed on my system, trying to take my cache dir to a remote, non-networked pc
08:47.01Krux0This is the best i can come up with at the time: dpkg --get-selections | grep install|awk -F" " '{ print $1 }' | apt-get -y -d --reinstall
08:47.13itchibokey: The important part is  update-rc.d: /etc/init.d/dns-clean: file does not exist
08:48.02bokeyitchi: all good. =)
08:48.05bokeyitchi: thanks. =)
08:48.12bokeyitchi: rebooting now!
08:48.15bokeyitchi: =)
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08:48.39itchibokey: hhmm, weird, i have just install it, and not got it here, same version number
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08:49.20itchibokey: hold on
08:49.22bokeyitchi: just thought, i really didn't need pppconfig! heheh.. got rid of it.
08:49.23SnackMduring installation of debian i did not configure the mail server, is there a command or something that i can run to run this configuration?
08:49.42itchiSnackM: dpkg-reconfigure foo
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08:49.54itchibokey: yeah, remove it
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08:49.59SnackMwhats the name of it
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08:50.17GuerinSnackM: exim4-config
08:50.24itchibokey: Otherwise there was an need to hack that  post-installation script  so that he not try to remove that file
08:50.35bokeyitchi: right.
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08:51.27itchibokey: I need to go out, brb in an hour or 2
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08:52.47DavidProck1981hay when i ran beryl-manager i got these  messages   XGL Absent, checking for NVIDIA      Nvidia Absent, assuming AIGLX     beryl: No composite extension    ,what would that mean, oh and the blue bar that you click and drag to move windows around with , all of them went away
08:54.16cast_it means you get to keep both pieces!
08:54.42DavidProck1981huh, u talking to me cast ?
08:55.50GuerinDavidProck1981: you don't need beryl
08:55.54*** part/#debian Inkvisitor (
08:56.13GuerinDavidProck1981: you need to learn the basics before you go using experimental stuff
08:56.18Guerinwalk, don't run
08:56.55DavidProck1981i heard one person say that thier ati card did not work correctly and when they install bertl it worked correctly
08:57.01peterSGuerin: good thing you weren't here earlier when he was asking us where in xorg.conf to insert the options the howto told him he needed
08:57.19diskusI atleast will wait a year or two before trying this 3d cube thing
08:57.29GuerinDavidProck1981: They were Making Shit Up
08:57.33Guerinor just stupid
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08:58.27diskusDavidProck1981: ati has bad support in Linux and sometimes it's very hard to get it working as intentended
08:58.28DavidProck1981what is xgl , could that be why my games dont display correctly?
08:58.52diskusif you use xgl then you can forget games which use 3d graphics
08:59.14lastnodeDavidProck1981, xgl and glx are different things
08:59.18DavidProck1981it say XGL Absent
08:59.56Guerinsomebody make him stop
09:00.29diskusDavidProck1981: try doing this, glxinfo | grep rendering and tell us what it says
09:00.45diskusDavidProck1981: "glxinfo | grep rendering"
09:02.16diskusDavidProck1981: anyway I suggest that you install Ubuntu Desktop and go to #ubuntu-xgl if you want that stuff working
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09:04.32geo-rgediskus: if you'd like to help him with that (and, good! if so), join him on that #ubuntu*... doing so avoids people getting annoyed and whatever would come of that
09:05.28diskuswell I think it's easier to setup xgl in ubuntu
09:05.46Guerinhe started out on ubuntu and tried to claim that he wass on debian
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09:05.58Guerinnow he demonstrably *is* using debian
09:06.20SnackMwould someone recomend me something to do to setup my debian mail shit to work with 1and1's mail server
09:06.21diskusheh :P
09:06.21Guerinif you help him install ubuntu, he'll be back here in a flash claiming he wasn't asked for a root password
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09:06.40GuerinSnackM: dpkg-reconfigure exim4-config
09:06.44DavidProck1981holy hell brb
09:06.45GuerinSnackM: choose 'smarthost'
09:06.47*** part/#debian DavidProck1981 (
09:06.57Guerinquick, ban him while he's out
09:07.10Guerinat least for long enough to get a clue about what he's doing
09:07.26SnackMthere are 2 smarthost's
09:07.32GuerinSnackM: pick one
09:07.34diskusGuerin: just ignore him :P
09:07.39SnackMahh i see nvm
09:08.01Guerindiskus: that doesn't solve the problem, which is that he fucks things up, but doesn't believe it's his fault
09:08.02*** join/#debian plutonas (
09:08.10geo-rgeso join him there if you can help him do that, and if he has ubuntu installed... if not and you -really- think you can more easily get him to where he wants, have him install it (but explain that once he does that, #debian won't be answering his questions
09:08.14Guerinand then expects everyone to help him, endlessly
09:08.16diskusGuerin: well, it makes your life easier
09:09.02diskuswell it's not the first time I hear about people like that
09:09.04Guerindiskus: i'm more interested in finding a permanent solution, which would be for him to learn the basics and move slowly to the more complex stuff.
09:09.12geo-rgeGuerin would probably be happy if he went to ubuntu... but he sees the possibility that he'll be coming here asking questions that at that point will be inappropriate
09:09.13Guerinthis one really is an edge case
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09:09.43SnackMthe machine handling the outgoing mail would be the smtp server of 1and1 right?
09:09.49GuerinSnackM: yes.
09:09.55diskushe seems to be born in 1981 so he's like 25-26 already
09:09.55geo-rgebut there is one problem... "the basics" are all off-topic here
09:10.04diskusshould have brains already
09:10.20Gueringeo-rge: the basics aren't for an irc channel, they're for reading from a book or weeb page.
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09:10.29Guerindiskus: you'd think so, eh.
09:10.40geo-rgedweeb page??
09:11.24geo-rgehow close is he to deciding to do that?
09:11.26diskusit's so much easier to access documentation / reading material for Linux today than it was ~9 years ago
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09:11.59geo-rgediskus: I wouldn't say that (since I was around then)... it was pretty easy then too
09:12.20diskusno it wasn't, I was just starting then, there were less material then than now
09:12.34geo-rgethere, we agree....
09:12.36diskusand ofcourse Linux and Distributions were different...
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09:12.51geo-rgebut more material doesn't necessarily make things easier :)
09:13.10diskuswell if you can read and can concentrate on it, then it makes :P
09:13.13Guerinwhat? you mean more developers doesn't mean the project will get done faster?
09:13.18diskusbut there are people who don't want to read
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09:13.30geo-rgeI never said anything about developers :P
09:13.43Gueringeo-rge: EMISSINGANALOGY
09:13.57geo-rgeGuerin: agreed :)
09:14.12Guerinargh, my brain is mush
09:14.17SlayerXP"Adding more programmer to a late project makes it later"
09:14.23Guerinmiddle east politics ... it hurts
09:15.00geo-rgethe exact right fit will make things easier
09:16.14peterSman, remind me never to get an idea like "the mkisofs manpage could use a bit of cleanup" ever again.  "a bit" turns out to be "a great deal" once one looks at the actual nroff.  this is taking forever.
09:16.38*** join/#debian iuso (
09:16.44diskusrewrite :P
09:16.49geo-rgepeterS: the gcc man page could use a bit of cleanup :)
09:16.56iusodoes anyone know where iceweasel stores the plugins that are installed via the browser?
09:16.57peterSdiskus: have you read the manpage?  do you think a rewrite would not take some time?
09:17.11iusoi can't seem to get rid of flash... i've removed flashplugin-nonfree
09:17.18peterSdiskus: believe it or not, I'm still leaving more original text in there than I'm changing.  so a rewrite would take longer
09:17.41geo-rgeiuso: you still running old copies of the browser?
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09:18.56Guerinyou won't be saying that after the first hour
09:19.00geo-rgenow THAT is bazaar...
09:19.17peterStear down the cathedral!  tear down the cathedral!
09:19.35GuerinWaiting for the worms to come ...
09:19.48geo-rgeall in all it's just paul who looks small against the wall
09:20.14geo-rgebut the worms don't come you get a tan from standing in the english rain
09:20.14peterSthere is no pain, you are receding
09:20.24iusogeo-rge: nope
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09:21.20iusogeo-rge: i've the latest bells and whistles from unstable
09:21.23peterShey you, don't tell me there's no hope at all!
09:21.41geo-rgeiuso: sure about that? :) no windows brought up from a browser window? no download mgr?
09:22.18iusogeo-rge: well, i do have the download manager and whatnot in iceweasel... i installed flashplugin originally via iceweasel
09:22.24iusogeo-rge: and that seems to be a prob?
09:22.36geo-rgeoh, yeah, we're discussing PF's -disco- record...
09:22.52geo-rgeiuso: the download mgr is on your screen now?
09:22.56iusoThe Wall, mmmmh
09:22.59iusogeo-rge: no.
09:23.32iusogeo-rge: i've restarted the browser already
09:23.32geo-rgewhat else did you restart?
09:23.32iusoactually, i'm restarting it again
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09:24.01geo-rgeGuerin: yep :) you don't hear the disco influences?
09:24.04fxI'm looking for a syslog log analyser
09:24.10iusoiceweasel is the browser i've restarted. still flash runs
09:24.36peterSgeo-rge: I don't
09:24.42Gueringeo-rge: disco influences aren't the same as disco.
09:24.52iusoother apps that i have and have had open are konsole and synaptic. nothing else
09:24.56Guerini mean
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09:25.07geo-rgemaan, even the guitar parts of some tunes are directly influenced
09:25.15iusogeo-rge: do you happen to know what the plugin's filename is? i'll hunt it down manually
09:25.18Guerinthe lack of three-minute tracks, syncopated rhythm sections, wah-pedal and people going 'ow!'
09:25.28geo-rgeand it's not r&b in geteral either :)
09:25.50geo-rgegeneral even
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09:27.39geo-rgeiuso: no, sure don't... but you might want to restart your session
09:28.06geo-rgeI suspect something's still there from your last session
09:28.19geo-rgemaybe it's a quick-launch thing
09:28.48iusogeo-rge: i'll try that
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09:37.59geo-rgeiuso: well?
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09:39.43RvGaTegood morning debian
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09:44.08itchiRvGaTe: Hello ;-)
09:44.21RvGaTeitchi, how you doin?
09:45.02itchiRvGaTe: Good good, and you?
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09:45.28RvGaTeitchi, very good aswell... had a great day yesterday on the way back to home
09:45.44itchiRvGaTe: Broke an window?
09:46.03mrynithow do i find out what version of GCC i have?
09:46.10RvGaTeitchi,  the left one ;)
09:46.11SnackMgrrr forgot my stupid fucking mail password
09:46.28RvGaTeitchi, i met her yesterday
09:46.41itchiRvGaTe: The left one, i hope ;-)
09:46.50RvGaTeitchi, thats what i said
09:47.10itchiRvGaTe: hehe, can i install it too?
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09:47.22RvGaTeitchi, apt-get install life
09:47.22itchiRvGaTe: Or should i first try to finger it?
09:47.40itchiRvGaTe: sshhhuuutt, my wife gona kill me :-p
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09:47.59RvGaTeitchi, install life first, then touch the config files... if that doesn't turn it on, try to finger it :P
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09:49.40ThomasPorter:o... SnackM swore.. i'm telling...
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09:52.17itchibokey: Sleep not to long he
09:52.39bokeyitchi: don't finger RvGaTe's wife. =)
09:52.47RvGaTebokey, lol
09:52.53bokeyRvGaTe: =)
09:53.06itchibokey: Maybe you want to finger me?
09:53.15Gueringet a room
09:53.19itchibokey: I talk about the app hehe
09:53.21bokeyitchi: we'll get into that discussion later. =)
09:53.33RvGaTeomg, lets get back on topic guys, haha
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09:54.07dpkgfinger is probably a insecure service that lets people find valid accounts to crack.  SUPPOSED TO DO THAT, remove it immediatly
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10:01.29niruAdrian:hi how are you
10:01.48RvGaTe!seen mc_
10:01.49dpkgmc_ <n=mc@> was last seen on IRC in channel #debian, 10d 19h 36m 8s ago, saying: 'RvGaTe,  yes fine. how will you enable me. do you want an email addr?'.
10:02.00RvGaTepfff, this guy never gets his ass online
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10:02.59itchiRvGaTe: Probably he got an busy life now
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10:06.25ThomasPorterI just installed a modem onto my server.. it use to be on a network with the ip, is there some way to still use this ip as now apache's vhosts are wrong... (and theres too many to simply change..) and if thats not possable.. is there a way to make vi 'replace all' like in notepad on windos.
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10:09.39GuerinThomasPorter: apache vhosts don't need an ip specified
10:09.55GuerinThomasPorter: and yes, of course it's possible to 'replace all'
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10:12.40ThomasPorterGuerin: Currently i'm using: <VirtualHost> should I change it to: <VirtualHost *:80>
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10:13.19ThomasPorterGuerin: Also.. hows do I do this magic replace all ;)
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10:19.03electricguitarshi there, i have a problem with imagemagick on debian sarge testing. it doesn?t scale transparent gifs properly.. the same works fine on other distrubutions i?ve tested gif scaling on. any ideas how to work around that?
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10:20.40geo-rgewhat's a debian sarge testing?
10:21.22electricguitarshey.. that was helpful... i?m sorry if my wording was incorrect..
10:21.27geo-rge(it's actually been awhile since sarge was testing...
10:21.45electricguitarswell.. sarge switched to testing... is what i mean.. i?m sorry
10:22.30geo-rgeok, if that's the case you might upgrade your sarge... you'll find it's stable (not testing)
10:22.49RvGaTeelectricguitars, could you pastebin your sources ?
10:22.58geo-rgethat as much as anything could help here, no guarantee
10:23.03*** join/#debian rhalff (
10:23.09acusticguitarsI should learn to spell..
10:23.16RvGaTegeo-rge, i think he is already using sarge
10:23.46geo-rgeI think so to... but if he thinks it's testing, it could be that he hasn't upgraded to stable sarge
10:23.48electricguitarsyes.. i?m using sarge. and i installed most packages with -t testing
10:24.09electricguitarsand i?m not thinking it?s testing... i just wanted to point out that i installed most packages with -t testing
10:24.21geo-rgewhen did you install sarge initially?
10:24.23electricguitarscouple of days ago
10:24.30RvGaTemust be sarge
10:24.40RvGaTewhy did you install with -t testing ?
10:24.41geo-rgeok, that's -not- a good thing... you have a mixed sarge/etch
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10:24.51dpkgi guess mix is Donald Knuths fictional computer from his "The Art of Computer Programming" books, or 1009
10:25.01geo-rge!listkeys mix
10:25.02dpkgFactoid search of 'mix' by key (15 of 56): #debian mixing distros ;; /dev/mixer ;; _default amixer ;; _default asmixer ;; _default mix ;; _default mixed system ;; _default mixing distributions ;; _default mixing stable and unstable ;; amixer ;; dmix ;; gmix ;; mixer ;; mixing distros ;; mixing stable and unstable ;; stormix.
10:25.18electricguitarsi used -t testing for stuff like ruby and imagemagick
10:25.24geo-rge!mixing distros
10:25.24dpkgmethinks mixing distros is a bad idea. Running Ubuntu packages on Debian systems (or vice-versa) causes problems with package naming and versioning. Don't expect anybody to help you with your system if you do this.
10:25.42geo-rgeno, that's not the right one
10:26.17geo-rge!mixing stable and unstable
10:26.17dpkghmm... mixing stable and unstable is discussed at - talks about pinning etc
10:26.39electricguitarsah. i?ll check that out. thanks
10:27.13geo-rgeelectricguitars: but mixing the way you're doing IS NOT a good idea. it quite probably -explains- why you're having problems
10:27.29kollahm.. the other day someone made dpkg (the bot here) tell me where to find kernel-2.6.18 for sarge.. what is the command for asking for such?
10:27.54geo-rge!lustkeys 2.6.18
10:28.03geo-rge!listkeys 2.6.18
10:28.05dpkgFactoid search of '2.6.18' by key (2): sarge 2.6.18 ;; stable 2.6.18.
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10:28.29geo-rgekolla: /msg dpkg sarge 2.6.18
10:28.45kollayes :)
10:29.00iusois there a good doc for installing xen on debian etch?
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10:29.26petemciuso: theres some guides on debian-administration, and theres a debian xen wiki
10:29.28electricguitarsgeo-rge: i doubt it though.. because everything works just except scaling of gifs... no problems with pngs for example.. so i think it?s probably more about the lib that debian uses to render gifs.. but i?ll give a fresh sarge install a shot. thanks
10:29.52*** join/#debian edy` (i=edy@
10:29.57petemciuso: if you use the 2.6.17 debian xen kernel, it will panic when yoi start the 3rd domU, do use somethign else
10:30.30edy`how can i configure my services? ; where can i find the configuration files for the firewall?
10:30.35dondelelcaroelectricguitars: you mean imagemagick on sarge? or imagemagick on etch or sid?
10:30.44iusopetemc: domU?
10:30.53iusopetemc: what do you suggest?
10:30.58geo-rgeelectricguitars: as long as you're doing a fresh install, try the etch installer in the topic
10:31.00petemciuso: 2.6.18
10:31.19iusook, so unstable it is
10:31.20electricguitarsdondelelcaro: imagemagick ist from etch. rest is sarge
10:32.05dondelelcaroelectricguitars: if it's happening on etch or sid, file a bug against imagemagick if there isn't one already, preferably with an attached gif that shows the problem. [Resizing in imagemagick is always done with its own libraries, libmagick; but it sometimes uses other libraries to read and write the image files.]
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10:32.25dondelelcaroelectricguitars: I'd test it in a etch chroot if I were you just to make sure you don't have an old version of the library being used.
10:32.37dondelelcaro(or on a new etch install, or an upgrade to etch)
10:32.52dondelelcarojust make sure you file a bug if it ends up being buggy in etch.
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10:33.04dondelelcaroedy`: depends how you want to configure the firewall.
10:33.36dondelelcaroedy`: firewall configuration can be done in a whole bunch of different ways, from custom scripts to things like shorewall.
10:33.38electricguitarsdondelelcaro: o.k. i will do that. and i think you are right, that imagemagick uses it?s own lib for gif rendering.. just did an ldd.. thank you
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10:33.47edy`i know how to configure with iptables
10:34.03dondelelcaroelectricguitars: yeah; generally want happens is it reads in the file into its own internal format, then does whatever it wants, then writes them out.
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10:34.55edy`but I was thinking it`s not good to mess with the scripts, especially that i want to update frequently
10:35.36dondelelcaroedy`: well, there are a whole bunch of methods. I personally write my own scripts, but you can look at the available packages and see which one works for you.
10:36.06*** part/#debian vook (
10:36.41edy`ok, now how can i configure what services to run at startup?
10:37.01geo-rgelook at these dirs and files...
10:37.42edy`i get it, i`ll make links to that level
10:39.10geo-rgealso, man update-rc.d
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10:44.55ThomasPorterHow can I make vi 'replace all'
10:45.10LookTJwould debian install on a vm that has vmware on wireless computer and have internet?
10:45.43LookTJbtw the computer is on ubuntu
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10:46.31Guerinjae: suck it and see
10:46.38GuerinLookTJ: suck it and see
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10:46.52GuerinLookTJ: vmware isn't supportable, though
10:47.07enzo_45i don't understand something... i've upgraded in mysql5.0.30, but my debian is in testing !! this package is only in unstable normally...
10:47.09SnackMgrr, i hate this. cant get exim4 to work with 1and1's mail servers
10:47.22*** join/#debian buggarage (
10:47.26Guerinenzo_45: testing periodically gets packages from unstable
10:47.37enzo_45 <= Guerin
10:47.55geo-rgeSnackM: talk to landl
10:47.56enzo_45mysql 5.0.30 has not yet been migrated to testing...
10:48.01Guerinenzo_45: apt-cache policy mysql will tell you where it comes from
10:48.01diilbertI was wondering if there is away to access the extended ascii table when typing similar to Windows, which you just Hold ALT than type the ascii code for it to display on the screen... Any ideas ?
10:48.04E-bolaAfter upgrading my debian kernel to the stock 2.6.18-3-686, exim4 keeps spwaning processes, and the mailque wont disapear
10:48.07E-bolaanybody know what mgiht be wrong?
10:48.12geo-rgeenzo_45: bts
10:48.12SnackMwell i see problems with people setting it up for gmail to
10:48.19geo-rgego -look-
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10:49.08enzo_45t testing/main Packages <= i get this, but this package shouldn't be in testing
10:49.26SnackManyone else here having problems installing packages?
10:49.37SnackMfor the past couple of hours i keep getting hung up on
10:49.52enzo_45well nevermind, you know how i can downgrade to mysql5.0.27 ? (of course, i've launched yesterday apt-get clean ... so i don't have the .deb for mysql 5.0.27)
10:50.19geo-rgeenzo_45: debian doesn't do downgrades...
10:50.25liableSnackM: try another mirror..
10:50.26geo-rgenot guaranteed ones
10:50.27enzo_45by the way, what do you mean by bts geo-rge ?
10:50.36dpkg[bts] the Bug Tracking System for Debian packages, or to go directly to the bug page for a particular package/bug, try or apt-get install reportbug, and check out querybts too. Unstable users are required to check the BTS, useful for sid: apt-get install apt-listbugs, or apt-get install apt-listchanges
10:50.38SnackMhow do i do it? im using apt-get
10:50.46geo-rgeother questions?
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10:51.06DimmuRfor new release there should be Total number of release-critical bugs: = 0 or Number concerning the next release =0?
10:51.23SnackMnvm it finally went threw after like 10 minutes
10:51.24enzo_45yes geo-rge , but i can try to downgrade ? in fact mysql 5.0.30 as a critical bug i can't cope with
10:51.26RvGaTeWhat is the best way to do "remote desktop" in linux.. my first thought was VPN... but does it support dual screens?
10:51.41RvGaTelol, VNC
10:52.25liableSnackM: /etc/apt/sources.list
10:52.35geo-rgeenzo_45: pleasae NOTE... you should back up any existing databases you have before trying any of this
10:52.49enzo_45i know geo-rge
10:52.53geo-rgeif you have a database you like and you fail to do this...
10:52.57Guerinenzo_45: there is no never mind, there is either the fact that it's in etch, or not. If it *is* then that's tough., If it's actually in sid and you've gotten it by mixing sources, you got what you deserved.
10:53.04geo-rgecould be, you'll lose it
10:53.16Guerinenzo_45: You can *try* to downgrade by simply reinstalling the old packages from /var/cache/apt/archives/ or from
10:53.21enzo_45Guerin: i have only testing as a source
10:53.42enzo_45ok, i go on snapshot
10:53.50Guerinenzo_45: then if it has a critical bug, it wouldn't have propagated to testing
10:54.03diilbertI guess no one knows ;)
10:54.10Guerinenzo_45: so at the least I suggest you file one
10:54.14enzo_45the bug is in mysql5.0.30, not 5.0.27
10:54.44enzo_45i've already filed 3 verified bugs for mysql, their implementation of views is completely crapy...
10:55.13Gueringeneric mysql-is-crap bug?
10:55.21Guerinnot specific to the package?
10:55.52enzo_45the bug i'm talking about is mysql software, not debian package
10:56.04Guerintime to migrate to pgsql
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10:56.30geo-rgeenzo_45: you know for sure that's the case?
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10:57.06geo-rgethen you've placed this problem squarely off topic :)
10:57.07montoyadpkg-reconfigure xfonts-100dpi
10:57.23montoyaI have for this 2 warnings
10:57.35geo-rge!pastebin montoya
10:57.57Guerinwell, not really
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10:58.13Guerinif he needs to know how to revert to an earlier version, that's a debian issue
10:58.24geo-rgeGuerin: ok, sure
10:58.31montoyawarning: /usr/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi does not exist or is not a directory
10:58.41dpkgYerp, lots of software outputs warnings. Kernel module warnings on boot, mplayer warnings, GTK warnings, X11 warnings, build warnings, gpg warnings. Don't be scared - informative output is a GOOD THING. Consider yourself warned, and if the program works as expected, be happy.
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10:59.06geo-rgedon't worry
10:59.39geo-rgemissing information before "?"
10:59.50geo-rge(that's not a warning :)
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11:00.20montoyabut I have the fonts not good :(
11:00.41geo-rgedid you install them from a debian package?
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11:01.07SnackManyone using right this second, stop. cause i need to download this :)
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11:01.28SnackMsays to many users
11:01.30|montoya|I'm in X now
11:01.49RoninSnackM: heh
11:01.53itchi|montoya|: Problems with anti-aliasing there?
11:02.04geo-rgeI heard it I heard it I heard it on the x
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11:02.40itchi|montoya|: Yeah, i remember, have you been set it to full there in that kcontrol?
11:02.57indraveniis there any irc channel where I can get help about debian apahce2
11:03.07itchi|montoya|: logged out back in, sinds?
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11:03.18|montoya|I have reinstall debian this morning :(
11:03.23Guerinindraveni: this one, but most of what you need to know is on
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11:03.38itchiindraveni:  /msg chanserv list *apache*
11:04.27itchi|montoya|: Not try to escape the trouble, but try to solve it ;-)
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11:04.57indraveniGuerin, I am in debian etch and here I am not able to configure ssl certificate for my apache2
11:04.59turican anyone help me with an apache issue im having?
11:05.11turiInvalid command 'php_flag', perhaps mis-spelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration
11:05.23indraveniusually there will be apache2-ssl-certificate command, but in etch its not available
11:05.25turiwhen i try to start apache
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11:05.57Guerinindraveni: nothing to do with debian
11:06.01indravenituri, do you have php5 installed/
11:06.07itchi|montoya|: Can you paste your /etc/X11/xorg.conf to an paster?
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11:06.19Guerinindraveni: see
11:06.30Guerinindraveni: i think that's for apache1, but the principles mostly hold
11:06.36indraveniGuerin, debian etch started using new procedure of using command called make-ssl-cert for this
11:06.53Guerinindraveni: so use that?
11:07.13indraveniGuerin, but I am not knowing how to use it
11:07.34itchiindraveni: Read the docs of it??
11:07.34indraveniI created and apache2.pem file using it and placed in .etc/apache/ssl/
11:07.38Guerinindraveni: that's where your ability to read comes in.
11:07.50indravenibut when I restart apache the following is the erro
11:07.56Guerinindraveni: don't paste
11:08.20|montoya|itchi: I'm died?
11:08.31itchi|montoya|: Not yet
11:08.51wols_but sooner or later you will
11:08.53indravenituri, Do you have php4 or php5 installed on your system
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11:09.15indraveniGuerin, itchi here is the error
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11:09.47wols_indraveni: something already runs on port 443. check what it is
11:09.48itchiindraveni: Is it not clear?
11:10.00SnackMhehe, i installed netselect-apt
11:10.00*** mode/#debian [+l 680] by debhelper
11:10.06SnackMhopefully this will help me get a good mirror
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11:10.28indraveniwols_, but nothing is runing on 443, so only i am tring to run ssl on it
11:10.34itchi|montoya|: Maybe you killed the paster??
11:10.35indraveniwols_, still the error persists
11:10.42Guerinindraveni: you're wrong.
11:10.46wols_indraveni: then you aren't starting apache2 as root
11:11.12itchi|montoya|: Scroll up, please
11:11.13wols_that "unable to open logs" is also a strong hint to that
11:11.18edy`how can i restrict remote logins only to a few accounts?
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11:11.37wols_edy`: set shell to /bin/false for the accounts without logins
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11:12.03edy`but then vsftpd won`t work for that account
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11:12.15|montoya|his problem is also with gnome!
11:12.20|montoya|this problem is also with gnome!
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11:12.31wols_now why would a ftp session need a shell?
11:12.32itchi|montoya|: Where is the paste?
11:12.39SnackMset the shell to /bin/login
11:12.54wols_or /bin/true
11:13.32|montoya|this is my "font" package
11:13.44itchi|montoya|: man, not that haha, but your /etc/X11/xorg.conf
11:14.04SnackMthat is just sad, i aint even going to say what i just did
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11:14.13itchi|montoya|: I have tell you to scroll up ;-)
11:14.13edy`tried with /bin/true
11:14.18edy`doesn`t work
11:14.25wols_!doesn't work
11:14.25dpkgLook buddy, "doesn't work" is an ambiguous statement.  Does it sit on the couch all day long?  Does it procrastinate doing the dishes?  Does it beg on the street for change?  Please be specific!  Define 'it' and what it isn't doing.  Give us more details so we can help you without needing to ask basic questions like "what's the error message".
11:14.26SnackMtry /bin/login
11:14.31itchiwols_: You was to fast
11:14.59itchiwols_: I was near to push the enter key ;-)
11:15.13edy`:P it fails ftp login
11:15.25rhalffhow do sysadmins normally solve the uploaded by web-user and need to modify through ftp problem ? like files uploaded are www-data, ftp user is some_user.. ?
11:15.30turiindraveni i have both
11:15.32rhalffmake them a member of www-data ?
11:15.35turii just installed php5
11:15.43turiand it screwed something up so my page wasnt viewable
11:15.48turinow i can't load apache at all
11:15.57indravenituri, in which OS are you
11:16.08turiDebian 3.1
11:16.13rhalffor writable by all ?
11:16.16indravenituri, do u have libapache2-mod-php5 installed
11:16.33itchi|montoya|: Okay, that looks right
11:16.57|montoya|and now?
11:17.04indravenido u have php5-pear package installed?
11:17.19indravenituri, do u have php5-pear package installed?
11:17.50itchi|montoya|: Wait a bit, have patience, i'm already slow
11:18.06|montoya|excuse me :(
11:18.13E-bolaHave this bug been addressed?
11:18.39wols_!tell e.-
11:18.40turiindraveni yes i do
11:18.44wols_!tell E-bola about bts
11:19.57geo-rgewho shall we address the bug to? and what is its shipping weight?
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11:20.22turiany idea?
11:20.31turii have php-pear installed
11:20.34turiim not sure its php5-pear
11:20.35wols_!any idea
11:20.35dpkgYeah, I have an idea!  But I'll need a sack full of string, a little sauerkraut, and 5 or 6 sex-crazed platypuses.  And keep the FBI off my back for the next few hours!
11:20.46indravenituri, can you past the output of dkkg -l  php* in pastebin
11:20.56goki____I'm running an embedded debian system, can anyone point me to where I should go to remove modules I don't want loading on boot? I also need to disable the framebuffer, and stop its module being loaded
11:21.04indravenituri, even I faced this error one's and someone from this list helped me
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11:21.16wols_goki____: depends a bit. one good place is /etc/modutils/
11:21.19wols_goki____: depends a bit. one good place is /etc/modules
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11:21.41itchi|montoya|: I google a bit for your trouble, like i not have that trouble on one of the computers here
11:21.48turiNo packages found matching php5-common_5.2.0-7_i386.deb. No packages found matching php5-mcrypt_5.2.0-7_i386.deb.
11:22.00turiindraveni that's what it says
11:22.01|montoya|god x!
11:22.02itchi|montoya|: Looks like there is not yet an know trouble about it
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11:22.44goki____wols_: Doesn't seem to be in there
11:23.09liableturi: you dont use apt to search for the whole name.. just php5-common
11:24.09turiphp5-common is installed
11:24.17turiim not using apt to search, what are you talkng about ?
11:24.43turiwhen i run the command dpkg -l php* i get.... 06:21:58 <turi> No packages found matching php5-common_5.2.0-7_i386.deb. No packages found matching php5-mcrypt_5.2.0-7_i386.deb.
11:24.43turi06:22:09 <turi> indraveni that's what it says
11:25.04itchi|montoya|: Can you paste the output of  xdpyinfo
11:25.24dpkghmm... debian is  See
11:25.47vorpal:( that wasn't funny
11:26.17turiindraveni any thoughts?
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11:28.14itchi|montoya|: Also it will be interesting that you try  dpkg-reconfigure fontconfig-config
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11:29.10turican anyone help me
11:29.25itchi|montoya|: hhhmm, for paste stuff i use  xclip    ie:  xdpyinfo | xclip
11:29.28geo-rgethe old worn and tattered trick...
11:29.47|montoya|one moment
11:30.04vookI wish.  I can get about 15 minutes out of it if I throw it in the freezer for a while.
11:30.36*** join/#debian tralala (n=joro@unaffiliated/tralala)
11:30.41Guerina freezer should actually reduce the life of a battery
11:30.50dpkgyes, ubuntu is based on debian. Still, it has its own packages which are different and they have their own bugs and different ways of working that are unique to ubuntu. If we give you advice here, we could break your system more than it already is. So please, ask #ubuntu . Thanks :)
11:30.53*** join/#debian coldtek__ (
11:31.03Guerinto get more timne out of it (while shortening its overall lifespan) you'd want to heat it up
11:31.48|montoya|the output of "xdpyinfo | xclip" is null
11:31.50liablefor storage, a fridge is apperently the go
11:32.08turican anyone help w/ my apache/php issue?
11:32.08Guerinliable: yes, if you want your battery to remain in good condition
11:32.11itchiliable: With many beer inside :-)
11:32.35Guerinbut it's essentially a chemical reaction, and they tend to work better at warmer temperatures
11:32.39petemcliable: i heard a cool place rather than a cold place
11:32.48geo-rgewhen in doubt... try alcohol!
11:32.52petemcand at a 40% charge
11:32.59vookGuerin, well the thing gives me nothing at room temp.  As in, if I remove power, it's lights out.  If I put it in the freezer, and for a few hours, presumably the molecules slow.  Then, after returning it to the laptop, it charges back up.
11:32.59*** join/#debian ThomasPorter (
11:33.03Guerinpetemc: we must have read the same doc
11:33.04ThomasPorterHow can I 'replace all' in vi?
11:33.17Guerinvook: interesting
11:33.19liablepetemc: yah, same, i think a fridge is ok, and yep, 40%, but i am certainly no expert
11:33.22vookgives me about 15 minutes at least.
11:33.35vookIt's three years old, so...
11:33.44liablethinkwiki has a good link about it
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11:34.03GuerinThomasPorter: #vi
11:34.23tralalaThomasPorter, :he subst
11:34.38GuerinThomasPorter: or use sed -i 's/whatyouwanttoreplace/whatyouwanttoreplaceitwith/g' file
11:35.11tralalaactually :he :s
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11:35.18vookinteresting.  I'll have to give the fridge a try.  My dad used to have a stockpile of mercury batteries that he kept in the fridge.
11:35.48Guerinpossibly the warming-up process gives it a bit of a kick?
11:36.01Guerinhm, also, doesn't electricity conduct better at low temperatures?
11:36.14Guerinthat being the point of superconductor coils being chilled?
11:36.41tralalayes, only it's not the electricity that conducts
11:37.20Guerinyes, but you know what i mean
11:37.35Guerinthe little men with the electron packets run faster over cold wires
11:37.59liableisnt it resistence?
11:38.05tralalathey do this in order to keep their feet from freezing
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11:38.52Guerinwhoever said the laws of physics are complicated?
11:39.06tralalabut this gives me an idea for trouble causing rechargable batteries of mine
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11:40.34wols_Guerin: accumulators don't work as good at low temps
11:41.31tralalabecause the chemical reactions needed for the power output are delayed by the cold
11:41.42vookwho knows.  General Motors used to give their employee's some crazy stuff to bring home.  I remember a friend who's father brought home a jar of about 1000 grams of pure mercury.  He brought it to school, where it was confiscated by our science teacher.
11:42.26goki____this is driving me nuts
11:42.40goki____something somewhere is loading a module "open_eth" but I can't find it :(
11:42.42geo-rgedid he also file a hazardous waste rpt against GM?
11:43.07sepgoki____, are you sure it's not in your initrd ?
11:43.07geo-rgeno, it's one thing somewhere :)
11:43.07vookhe wasn't too bright.
11:43.19vookhe should've
11:43.35vookOh the teacher, I have no idea.
11:43.43goki____sep: let me check
11:43.45geo-rgeGM wasn't too bright either :)
11:43.51goki____sep: I'm sure I checked already...
11:43.57goki____just gotta wait for boot
11:44.22vookI think the science teacher was actually excited to get her hands on some pure mercury actually :)
11:44.37goki____the hardware I'm running on is somewhat bizarre, there are multiple devices implemented in an FPGA, which no longer exist when I reprogram the FPGA, but the stupid modules are still trying to talk to the nonexistent hardware
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11:45.30goki____my /initrd/ is empty
11:45.44RvGaTeWhenever i log in as root on a server i manage,i get a fortune.... this is what i got today:  Old geeks never die.  We just unsubscribe ...
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11:46.20tralalathanks for sharing
11:48.09vookRvGaTe, actually, yes thanks.  I forgot all about the goodness of fortune.  I knew there was something I was missing.
11:49.38tralalaI always find it funny when people lost all their data due to lack of backups.
11:49.48tralalalose, nevertheless
11:49.54freespaceand then one day it happens to you
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11:50.02rookmoothi there !
11:50.14RvGaTeHi rookmoot ! :P
11:50.23rookmootis there a prob related to the update of libc in unstable ?
11:50.37rookmooti got error from libc compiling today
11:50.57tralalait has happend to me on plenty of occasions at home because I'm too lazy to keep my backups up to date there. At work I do have a backup of everything valueable.
11:50.58rookmootusing gcc ;)
11:51.20vookwhat's so silly is that I used to have backups all over the place.  Little by little, I've just gotten rid of them.  I still have an NS40 tape that probably at least has /var/www on it, so...
11:52.08rookmootthe trace from gcc
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11:53.51rookmootis there a mailing list where i could see the lastest update of debian/unstable and see if something is wrong ?
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11:56.42liablei need to exercise more, one game of squash and i can hardly walk.
11:56.50vookany suggestions as to a replacement for midnight-commander?  mc seems to be gucking up file copies.
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11:56.59liablerookmoot: iirc
11:57.09geo-rgevook: bash
11:57.13tralalaliable, squash is great, I'm so sorry I don't have a partner to play with anymore
11:57.15rookmootliable, thx
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11:57.28rookmootliable, seams down
11:57.47liabletralala: yeah, i love it, but am seriously out of shape, havent played in years
11:57.48geo-rgehe means
11:57.58rookmoothooo sry
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11:58.11vookgeo-rge : cp has been giving me trouble recently too.  I'm having better luck copying files using cat file > newfile.
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11:58.16rookmooti'm a bit tired :p
11:58.22atk_Hi. I'm suspecting that nvidiafb module is the reason why I can't install my nvidia drivers. I can't rmmod it since i2c_algo_bit i2c_core depend on it. Forcing the remove will crash computer (obviously). Should I replace nvidiafb somehow or what should I do? (I'm fairly technical and familiar with linux although I don't about framebuffers)
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11:58.47geo-rgevook: cp trouble? could explain why mc is having trouble copying files
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11:59.05geo-rge(what else would mc use? :)
11:59.08ThomasPorterHow can I replace a file.. eg I have backup.orig and want to make it backup
11:59.19geo-rgeman mv
11:59.39liablethat wiki has grown since i last looked, or its the wrong one..
11:59.58liableohno, the staus page is there
12:00.22geo-rgemaybe it's
12:01.55liableatk_: i dont do nvidia, but i cant say i have heard of the fb module causing the drivers to fail to install.
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12:03.43liabletralala: no social nights at the local centre?
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12:05.39PerfDaveHmm, do you just use "apt-get source linux-image-foo" in >sarge rather than "apt-get install linux-source-foo"?
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12:06.17liablelinux-source for kernel source iirc
12:06.59PerfDaveYeah, got it now, I was being silly
12:07.35atk_liable: the reason I believe it to be the case is because read that somebody managed to remove nvidiafb module and got it working. Also the nvidia installer suggests that if rivafb/nvidiafb is present it might prevent the nvidia kernel module from obtaining ownership of the nvidia graphics device
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12:09.37ThomasPorterin vi... I want to replace a star sign.. but it wont let me..
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12:10.02PhatedEscape it?
12:10.11ThomasPorterPhated: How do I do that?
12:10.25PerfDaveThomasPorter: \*
12:10.25tralalaliable, I'm not really socialized yet being an expat and not speaking the local language
12:10.29PhatedThomasPorter: :s/\*/whatever/
12:10.59ThomasPorterOh I see, thanks
12:11.01Phatedtralala: Aren't there expat bars etc?
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12:12.08indravenituri, there?
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12:12.23liableatk_: okie
12:12.24liabletralala: oh, makes it hard i guess.
12:12.38liablelol 219.92 sec lag :(
12:12.49liablesilly wireless network
12:12.51ThomasPorterHow can I find out what the local ip address my box is using?
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12:13.01tralalaPhated, I'd think so but I'm rather hesitant to visit.
12:13.03petemcThomasPorter: ifconfog
12:13.04PerfDaveThomasPorter: It's :)
12:13.20ThomasPorterPerfDave: 192.168.1.*
12:13.32tralalaliable, yeah, sort of...
12:13.53Phatedtralala: Ah. Where are you?
12:14.06tralalaPhated, Greece
12:14.13Phatedtralala: Awesome.
12:14.14ThomasPorterHey guys, is there someway to make point to the same box?
12:14.27tralalaPhated, really?
12:14.30ThomasPorterCurrently i'm not on a network, I just need to work
12:14.34Phatedtralala: Better than here :)
12:14.37PerfDaveThomasPorter: What do you mean, "make it point to the same box"? What are you trying to achieve?
12:15.11tralalaPhated, heh, it's better than plenty of places I'm sure (my own country included).
12:15.29ThomasPorterPerfDave: I use to be on a network, but now i'm no longer on a network.. but all my settings (alot) point to 192.168.200 (my old ip address) and it doens't work anymore because i'm no longer on the network
12:15.33Phatedtralala: Thus 'awesome'.
12:15.58tralalaPhated, yep, got it now.
12:16.11Phatedtralala: Quite :)
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12:17.03PerfDaveThomasPorter: Which settings?
12:17.13tralalathough 'awesome' would seem a bit exaggregated (to me at least)
12:17.16PerfDaveThomasPorter: And what do you mean, "it doesn't work anymore"?
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12:17.57Phatedtralala: Comparatively to here, really awesome.
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12:18.17PhatedThomasPorter: Mmr, should have used hostnames and /etc/hosts :)
12:18.23tralalaPhated, okay, you really made me curious now. Where's "here"?
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12:20.13ThomasPorterPhated: Yeah I had a look there, what would my entry look like?
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12:20.46PhatedThomasPorter: It doesn't help you, since your settings are in IP address, not hostname. You'd still have to change your hostname. Essentially, etc/hosts resolves hostnames to IP adddresses.
12:21.01SekoI`m havind dozens of these process frozen in my qmail server: "/usr/bin/perl -T /dev/fd/3//var/qmail/bin/" can someone tell me why this ?
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12:21.28ThomasPorterPhated: Ah I see
12:21.53ThomasPorterPhated: Is what I want to do possable?
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12:22.18PhatedThomasPorter: Not sure.
12:22.44ThomasPorterPhated: Maybe something in /etc/network/interfaces
12:23.04PerfDaveDownloading kernel source is the only time I really wish I had faster bandwidth
12:23.08PhatedThomasPorter: Chuck a loopback adaptor in your ethernet port and set your IP address to whatever you want - I believe that your ethernet card has to detect -some- connection for what you want to work.
12:23.43Phatedtralala: singapore.
12:24.11ThomasPorterPhated: sorry.. whats a lookback adaptor?
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12:26.52PhatedThomasPorter: eh, google.
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12:27.33ThomasPorterPhated: Found the microsoft lookback adaptor :p
12:28.03PerfDaveThomasPorter: I doubt that'll be helpful on your Debian system
12:28.14tralalaPhated, woow this surely is a small place for the amount of people living there.
12:28.24ThomasPorterPerfDave: I was thinking the same thing ;)
12:30.22PhatedThomasPorter: A -hardware- one.
12:30.41goki____where are kernel modules? I can never remember
12:30.46Phatedtralala: It's pretty shit.
12:31.27cyziegoki____, /usr/src/kernel ?
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12:32.01PhatedThomasPorter: Don't buy it from thinkgeek, but it gives you an idea.
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12:32.07PerfDavegoki____: /lib/modules/
12:32.11goki____cyzie: doesn't seem to be
12:32.30PhatedThomasPorter: Or to make one:
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12:32.55PhatedThomasPorter: Just cross the cables into an rj-45 plug, voila.
12:32.59cyziegoki____, /lib/modules
12:33.21cyziegoki____, /lib/modules/`uname -r`
12:33.59tralalaPhated, you local there?
12:34.17cyziegoki____, why do u want the kernel modules for ?
12:34.39Phatedtralala: Unfortunately.
12:35.03goki____ah yes
12:35.09goki____the modules are there :)
12:35.21goki____Well I reckon, if I can't find where they are being loaded, I will just move them
12:35.25goki____let it try to load them THEN!
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12:36.38goki____might even help me find them, if I get an error message on boot about missing modules
12:36.50PerfDavegoki____: It sounds like you are doing somethin scary and wrong
12:36.56cyziePerfDave, agree
12:37.08goki____you know, the "friendlier" systems get, the more of a pain int he ass it is to use them
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12:37.39goki____low level access to hardware has been easy, talking to linux from the fpga is harder, and working out where the hell anything at all is under linux is a nightmare
12:37.40cyziegoki____, which OS is th friendlier ?
12:37.43iturkhi there is it possible to set environment variables in linux but not only for console ?? this is because i would like to run a application using an icon and i would like it to recognise some environment variables !!
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12:38.00goki____I like linux, I just think some of the organisation is a little complex ;)
12:38.14goki____it... still loaded the modules
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12:38.15tralalaPhated, you have my sympathies, I know how it feels to not like your country.
12:38.28ThomasPorterHow does one set the hostip?
12:38.50*** part/#debian GeroldKa (n=Gerold@fedora/geroldka)
12:39.02cyzieiturk, what application is that ?
12:39.20PerfDaveiturk: I *think* that /etc/profile should be read by all login managers, but I'm not sure.
12:39.23iturkcyzie: eclipse
12:39.33cyzieThomasPorter, in /etc/network/interfaces
12:39.53PhatedThomasPorter: Without your ethernet interface at least APPEARING to be up, it would seem to be a moot ppoint, since if it doesn't think the interface is up, you can send to that IP till you're blue in the face.
12:39.54cyziemmm.. u r developing application using eclipse ?
12:40.25goki____How can it load modules I just moved to another directory?
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12:40.35ThomasPortercyzie: I'm not on a network - what line should I add?
12:40.41PerfDavegoki____: It sounds like you are doing somethin scary and wrong
12:40.43iturkcyzie: i want to set the java environment variable for all system !! so if i put it in /etc/profiles i will not receive no more the message asking me for it ??
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12:41.06xsquaredhi, how can i choose where i can download my packages, again? dpkg-reconfigure apt something?
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12:41.50goki____PerfDave: I can't find the friendly and right way to do it
12:41.57goki____PerfDave: so I'm trying other options
12:42.08iturkcyzie: i have an icon putting to eclipse just that
12:42.21goki____can lsmod list modules that are loaded from somewhere else than lib/modules, or that are built into the kernel or something?
12:42.42b0ri0guys , am stuck with a 800x600 awful desktop here in my fresh debian , i dont know whats wrong
12:42.49b0ri0i have been googling for weeks
12:42.55b0ri0i tried lots of stuff
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12:43.02cyzieiturk, for system wide, u can put in environment in /etc/profile, for a particular user, in /home/user/.bashrc
12:43.04b0ri0and still i cant configure that xfree86
12:43.11b0ri0any advices ?
12:43.17tralalab0ri0, why don't you start by pasting your X log in
12:43.31b0ri0okay tralala
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12:43.36PerfDavegoki____: Why don't you clearly state what you're trying to do, rather than randomly moving files that you don't understand?
12:43.39iturkiturk: i press it and i get the message : where the well is your java virtual machine !! you see the problem
12:43.57cyzieThomasPorter, what are u trying to do  actually ?
12:43.59PerfDaveb0ri0: Which version of Debian have you installed?
12:44.03mcnaftHi, I want to watch xvid and divx movies, what player do you recommend?
12:44.13PerfDavemcnaft: I use xine
12:44.26goki____PerfDave: I did earlier, but I'll repeat: I have a framebuffer module, and I don't need or want it loading, but I can't find where or how it is loaded
12:44.28PerfDavemcnaft: I think what you mean to ask is about codecs, not players
12:44.30cyziemcnaft, wxvlc
12:44.38t1^anyone know where I can from php5-mcrypt ?
12:44.45goki____PerfDave: there are some other modules as well, e.g. for NIC and some serial ports
12:44.49cyziet1^, apt-cache search php5-mcrypt
12:44.55t1^i think the version im getting on is conflicting
12:44.57PerfDavegoki____: So why are you moving files around in /lib/modules?
12:45.13goki____PerfDave: so that the module can't be found or loaded
12:45.15tralalamcnaft, mplayer
12:45.22goki____PerfDave: I'd love to know another way to do it :)
12:45.41cyzieiturk, do u mean u want to run the eclipse in your system ?
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12:46.21itchi!tell cyzie -about u
12:46.37PerfDavegoki____: /msg dpkg blacklist
12:46.42cyzie!tell itchi about u
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12:46.52iturkcyzie: i can run it in a console because i have the java_home set but if i create an icon in my desktop i get an error message asking me for it !! DID YOU UNDERSTAND THE PROBLEM ??
12:46.55itchicyzie: STOP IT and also the u !
12:46.58cyziet1^, the package is in apt repo
12:47.20b0ri0the refresh rate is getting me a headache :(
12:47.30tralalab0ri0, what's your video card? Why are you using the vesa driver?
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12:47.43b0ri0my video card in an intel GMT
12:47.47b0ri0how can i fix that
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12:48.07PerfDaveb0ri0: "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86", assuming you haven't hand-edited you X config
12:48.10cyzieitchi, hehehe
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12:48.16b0ri0i did that PerfDave
12:48.23cyzieitchi, did you get the wireless working? 3945d
12:48.23b0ri0but didnt fix it
12:48.38b0ri0and i dont see my vga's driver in those lists
12:48.38itchicyzie: That's 4 weeks back, yes
12:48.38PerfDaveb0ri0: /msg dpkg x md5sum
12:48.40tralalab0ri0, have you changed your X config by hand?
12:48.47b0ri0yeah i tried that
12:48.56b0ri0i edited the XFree86config ..
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12:49.08cyzieiturk, in your source file, point to your java home ?
12:49.13PerfDaveb0ri0: If you edited the config, then dpkg-reconfigure will no longer work. /msg dpkg x md5sum
12:49.16tralalab0ri0, okay, do what PerfDave told you
12:49.24cyzieitchi, if i want to wardriving, what package i need ?
12:49.34iturkcyzie: i want to avoid that
12:49.59b0ri0okay i will redo the dpkg-reconfigure ..
12:50.00tralalacyzie, kismet
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12:50.08b0ri0but i dont know what to choose as a vga driver
12:50.20cyzietralala, ok, but all AP has those encryption on >:)
12:50.24b0ri0a friend told me to choose i810
12:50.28b0ri0but it didnt work fine
12:50.29tralalacyzie, be sure to avoid illigal activities or you might end up behind the bars
12:50.31itchitralala: Do not tell him that, if he can not ask about that in an proffesional way
12:50.31PerfDaveb0ri0: Google
12:50.40b0ri0Google for my vga driver
12:50.42PerfDaveb0ri0: Do you have a laptop or something?
12:50.48b0ri0yeah it is a laptop
12:50.53cyzieiturk, then from your java code, get the system environment ?
12:50.57b0ri0an acer aspire laptop
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12:51.10cyzietralala, just wanna test my office wifi security level
12:51.11b0ri0but months ago it worked fine with a ubuntu
12:51.14PerfDavebokey|out: /msg dpkg laptop
12:51.20PerfDaveb0ri0: /msg dpkg laptop
12:51.33itchicyzie: The way you told it looks like an sad script kiddie
12:51.40PerfDaveThat should help you find out which driver you need.
12:51.43tralalacyzie, good. Does your boss know that you'll be testing it?
12:51.53b0ri0PerfDave, thanks a lot for you help
12:51.56cyzieitchi, ?
12:51.59b0ri0i will try again :)
12:52.01iturkcyzie: i have add it to /etc/profiles i still get the same error message from the icon !! what can i do ??
12:52.03b0ri0thanks tralala too
12:52.05cyzietralala, yes, we just bought 2 units for expansion
12:52.18PerfDaveiturk: Have you logged out of X and back in since editing /etc/profile ?
12:52.32iturkPerfDave: no i will do it now
12:52.46cyzieiturk, System.getProperty("") maybe, not sure, but soemthing liek that ?
12:53.28tralalacyzie, excellent. Kismet doesn't care about security but it doesn't support all the wifi chipsets out there. It captures raw data.
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12:54.16cyziemm.. okay then, let's apt-get install tralala and test it :D
12:54.26cyzieapt-get install kismet sorry :P
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12:54.53cyziePerfDave, just curiosu, do we need to logout after we change the profile? cant we just source it ?
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12:55.44PerfDavecyzie: How would you source it into your X session?
12:56.24cyziePerfDave, . /etc/profile ?
12:57.02tralalacyzie, you can also install a clone of me if debian distributes them
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12:57.44tralalacyzie, this will work for the X terminal only
12:57.47cyzietralala, typo there sorry. heeh
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12:58.21cyzietralala, PerfDave , ok, i didnt know that, but for his case, iturk, maybe it work w/o log out ?
12:58.25tralalaif you want the changes to affect the whole X session you have to restart it
12:58.57cyzieok, noted.
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13:01.09cyzieiturk, how is it ?
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13:02.13ThomasPorterSee yas..i'm off... thanks again for assistance
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13:06.35cahootany reasonable idea why I have to postpone networking start until xorg is loaded, else the system just hangs when attempting to start x, no x log written
13:07.25PerfDavecahoot: Is there anything interesting in your xorg log when it *does* load? Are you using any NFS mounts, or XDMCP?
13:07.32Guerincahoot: that's stupid. it does do some lookups and such, though, I once had problems with my hostname being wrong and X taking $timeout seconds to start.
13:07.35PerfDavecahoot: And does it hang, or merely take ages?
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13:08.40cahootPerfDave: hmm - I've actually tiredafter a minute or so waitng - I'll do more patient try later. (no nfs or xdmcp)
13:08.49tralalaGuerin, how can a hostname be wrong?
13:10.00*** part/#debian Yunhual (n=Yunhual@
13:10.51itchitralala: ^Mu#hostn@me??
13:11.14itchitralala: with one ? included
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13:12.48Guerintralala: mmm... it was a mismatch between some config file and the entry in /etc/hostname, iirc
13:13.02Guerini forget which, but X was trying to resolve it
13:13.30goki____PerfDave: blacklist didn't do anything
13:13.31tralalaI see
13:14.44t1^cyzie apt repo ?
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13:15.51tralalagoki____, your framebuffer module is likely loaded by the initrd image. You can pass a kernel parameter iirc to avoid having a framebuffer
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13:17.17simonrvnwhat's that site with all the mobo diagrams called again? i keep forgetting it...
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13:18.30*** topic/#debian is /msg dpkg 3.1r4 | etch release? /msg dpkg wwer | PUBLIC KEY NOT AVAILABLE? /msg dpkg no public key | THIS IS NOT #ubuntu | FAQ: | /msg dpkg bts | /msg dpkg testing security | /msg dpkg xorg sarge | NO FLOOD: USE #flood or /msg dpkg paster | /msg bots NOT people | /msg dpkg java | FEELING ADVENTUROUS? test the etch rc1 installer, report bugs!
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13:19.02castfdisk -l /dev/hda
13:19.19tralalaLejban, LVM?
13:19.21casteh, oh. wait. different question. nvm
13:19.44goki____tralala: ah interesting
13:19.47tralalavgscan, lvscan
13:21.10goki____where can I find these options (sorry for the stupid questions :)
13:21.22Lejbantralala: before that
13:21.35LejbanI don't have the /dev/sdb7
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13:21.47Lejbani just created it with fdisk
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13:22.21tralalaLejban, would you mind giving a bit more of the context?
13:22.43mark^^who wants to teach me in english? :)
13:22.48tralalagoki____, in the linux docs
13:22.53LejbanI created a logical partition on the free space of my hd
13:22.59goki____tralala: there are docs?! ;)
13:23.00Lejbanbut it wont show in /dev
13:23.20tralalagoki____, amazing isn't it?
13:23.26Lejbanprob udev's fault?
13:23.42tralalaLejban, did you reboot?
13:23.58goki____tralala: Have you got an url?
13:24.20Lejbantralala: I dont wanna reboot ;) that's the thing
13:24.40tralalagoki____, what do you run? stable?
13:25.14tralalaLejban, well, fdisk usually says you need to reboot for the partition table to be reloaded (as in seen) by the kernel.
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13:25.32Lejbanok, that sucks
13:25.56tralalalife sometimes does suck
13:26.51goki____tralala: I need to work that out... it's some crazy embedded system :(
13:26.55itchitralala: What about an USB key for example?
13:26.56itchitralala: A mass storage stuff or external USB hdd
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13:27.18goki____tralala: this isn't booting from lilo or grub, either, it's redboot I think
13:27.28Lejbantralala: thanks anyway
13:28.27goki____Is there some command to check debian version?
13:28.40dpkgKernel: uname -r.  Debian: cat /etc/debian_version. and: dpkg -l libc6 | tail -1.  Package: dpkg -l _pkgname_.  Miscellaneous: try --version on the command. check /etc/apt/sources.list; run apt-cache policy <packagename>
13:28.46tralalagoki____, I'm afraid I can't help in that case - in debian the kernel docs are found in the kernel-stuff-docs package
13:29.20goki____ah it is stable, so sarge?
13:29.21tralalaaptitude search kernel.*doc
13:30.01tralalaitchi, what about it?
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13:30.48mostyhow does modprobe know where to look for modules?
13:30.58tralalaoh, yes - I'm assuming a sata hard disk
13:31.03itchimosty: modprobe -l foo
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13:31.42itchimosty: He just look in the kernel tree of the running kernel  uname -r
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13:31.52tralalamosty, it's smart
13:32.01mostyitchi: the problem is that i have a module in there, but modprobe can't find it
13:32.12mostytralala: not smart enough ;)
13:32.28itchimosty: Probably it's not in the right place
13:32.49mostyitchi: that's what i'm asking, how does modprobe know what the right place is?
13:32.59itchimosty: I told you :-)
13:33.05cahootmosty: depmod at work?
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13:33.59Danielss89hi, how do i search on debian via ssh?
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13:34.08Danielss89what is the command, i want to find the file
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13:34.17Cokenon-debian, I guess, but how the heck does one ignore incoming auth requests in Psi?
13:34.17itchiDanielss89: Look to what 'ssh' mean
13:34.34Danielss89itchi im logged on via ssh, via putty
13:34.36mostyoh, actually i see the problem, this modules deb installed into /lib/modules/misc and not in the dir for my kernel
13:34.52sepDanielss89, man find
13:34.58Danielss89mad find
13:35.04Danielss89man find
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13:37.27possiei've got a tar archive which i created via,   tar zcpvf foo.tar.gz foo/    this directory foo contains files, now i would like to extra the files in the foo directory, directly under a new directory called   bar/    how can i do this? i tried    tar zxpvf foo.tar.gz -C bar/     but this will just create a subdirectory called foo into  bar/foo/
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13:39.26tralalapossie, tar zxf foo.tar.gz; mv foo bar
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13:39.27infernixpossie: i don't think you can, really. perhaps tar zxpvf foo.tar.gz -C bar/ foo/*
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13:39.28possieah thanks
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13:39.41Danielss89hmm Sep i dont get it, how can i search in subfolders also, so when im in root ill search for and it searches the whole disk
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13:40.05tralalaDanielss89, you're not reading carefully
13:40.51unlinkby default modprobe/insmod look in /lib/modules/`uname -r`/modules.* for module information
13:40.58Danielss89yes but im not good at all these machine language.. is it follow symlinks i need?
13:41.08infernixDanielss89: you can run 'updatedb' and then 'locate', or you can use find / -name find does recursion by default, yes.
13:41.51itchiunlink: Yeah, that's many more clear
13:41.57enoufunlink: itchi cahoot .. someone yesterday eluded to this question of modprobe .. turns out they wanted to mix 64bit with 32bit .. took many tit-4-tats to get that info outta them
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13:42.21itchienouf: Thanks to point it ;-)
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13:44.06enoufI haven;t fired up modconf in some time now .. seems pointless with modprobe -l | grep <name> and lsmod available
13:44.14Danielss89thanks infernix
13:44.23enoufeven modinfo too
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13:46.46itchivook: Are you logged in as root user?
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13:47.00Kerrugh.. my  stable install didn't shut down problem, then when booting gives crap like being unable to execute getty, and things going too fast :/ i installed a fresh copy on another hdd, but; what on earth happened for things to break so bad :( ?
13:47.02itchiLooks like
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13:47.11Kerrshut down properly^^
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13:47.47itchivook: Looks better ;-)
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13:47.59vookitchi: thank you.  I know better than that.
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13:48.12itchivook: ?
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13:49.43tralalaKerr, debian sarge? arch?
13:49.57itchiKerr: Have you move the drives of place on the cables?
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13:53.43Guerinlokuciej: fold
13:55.20lokuciejGuerin: what format does "fold" expect? plain text?
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14:00.14Kerrsarge, k7, it was working, i shut it down to put in a new nic and it hung on something like 'init:nothing on this runlevel' .. after that it wouldn't boot
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14:01.29iusoanyone familiar with setting up xen + software raid? xen-kernel won't boot because it can't find root device /dev/md0
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14:01.58psycodad_hi, i have built a bootable cd with bootcd on etch, now everything works when booting from cdrom, except the network: the if shows not up and dhclient is not started, however if login then as root and issue "dhclient eth0" it works. Anybody got any hints what could be wrong ?
14:02.59wols_set up your /etc/network/interfaces
14:03.24psycodad_wols, looks perfectly fine, 1-1 like a real debian host, seems not to be the problem
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14:04.21Danielss89which mail server do you recommend? Qmail, Postfix and Sendmail
14:04.32PerfDaveDanielss89: exim
14:04.41psycodad_Danielss89: the one you're happy with and know the ins and outs
14:04.56PerfDaveDanielss89: exim is installed by default on Debian, if you don't have a good reason to switch from it, don't.
14:04.57Danielss89exim4 :D
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14:05.58RealBorgDanielss89, postfix
14:06.00psycodad_i was wondering where in the boot process dhclient should/is started and what it depens on, i suspect hotplug does not configure the if as up and therefor dhclient never gets invoked due to that reason
14:06.02sepDanielss89, not qmail and sendmail atltest
14:06.12MatBoyWhat is the best solution to use as VPS servers, Xen or Vmware. Xen should be using less resources comparing to Vmware, but the support on Vmware is much much better than from Xen.
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14:06.36Danielss89hmm but does exim4 work as an mailserver which i can recieve and set up mails from my domains also?
14:07.01mostydaniels: yes
14:07.03sepDanielss89, exim4 is a fully featured mailserver.
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14:07.36PerfDavepsycodad_: I don't think that Etch uses hotplug, I think it uses udev crap instead
14:07.37psycodad_MatBoy: the best solution always depends on your specific needs
14:07.49tabularasaIs there way to setup inherited permissions on a directory?  I didnt see the command in the setfacl man.
14:08.01PerfDavetabularasa: What permissions do you want to inherit?
14:08.08MatBoypsycodad_, yes, that is true. But what should be your opinion  ? I think Vmware is a very good a solid product
14:08.09tabularasathe root level folder
14:08.33PerfDaveI found Vmware to be too bloaty and annoying for me. Xen's much more streamlined.
14:08.35tabularasaPerfDave: IE, if im root and i copy stuff into joe-blows folder, i want Joe-Blow to have access to it
14:08.42Kerrskype wants to install gcc-3.3-base (i'm using etch, pretty fresh/default install at the moment) will installing that break anything? dpkg -l |grep gcc shows i have 3.4 and 4.1
14:08.43psycodad_MatBoy: i run production sites within vmware server, so i am happy with it ;-)
14:08.57MatBoypsycodad_, kewl !
14:09.14psycodad_PerfDave: everything is different after running bootcdwrite ;-) i think at least then it uses hotplug
14:09.29PerfDavetabularasa: I think you just need to chown it afterwards
14:09.36MatBoyPerfDave, I can understand that. Installing Xen is easy, but installing a guestOS from a ISo... that is not possible anymore from 3.0.3 I have understood
14:09.42PerfDavetabularasa: You could investigate setting the folder as SGID
14:09.57tabularasaPerfDave: Yeah, thats what i have been doing, but im trying to make it stupidproof for the people who have to support it
14:10.10PerfDavetabularasa: Write a script which chowns for them? :)
14:10.10tabularasaPerfDave: thanks, i will look into that
14:10.15MatBoypsycodad_, you don't see much used resources used by vmware only ?
14:10.17PerfDaveMatBoy: I was just reading documentation about installing Windows from an ISO as a Xen guest
14:10.37tabularasaPerfDave: Its a failed project from the beginning.  ITs a samba/ldap server for Windows users
14:10.40MatBoyPerfDave, if you would like, please give me some of those howto's
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14:10.41h3sp4wnMatBoy: Just install the guest os in qemu (dunno why you would not just use xen-tools though
14:10.41Kerrtabularasa: are you looking for 'chown jo-blows:jo-blows /home/jo-blows/stuff'  or trying to make it automatic?
14:10.58tabularasaKerr: automatic
14:10.59MatBoyI can;t figure out if I need to use the same kernel from the dom0 for a domu for every Distro
14:11.16psycodad_MatBoy: I currently have a box running our master Mailscanner, a MySQL dbsrv and the site im developing and testing my bootcdroms with, it normally runs at 0.15 load average
14:11.17tabularasaThe problem lies in the fact that the admins are using Windows to copy stuff from the old server to the new samba/ldap server
14:11.19PerfDaveMatBoy: They're on the Xen website
14:11.20MatBoyh3sp4wn, xentools is maybe a very good idea :)
14:11.28Kerrskype wants to install gcc-3.3-base as a dependancy (i'm using etch, pretty fresh/default install at the moment) will installing that break anything? dpkg -l |grep gcc shows i have 3.4 and 4.1
14:11.34MatBoyPerfDave, I have read there a lot... let me check bak
14:11.47tabularasathey are logged in as their user in the admins group.  When the copy the users crap into their home directory, it overwrites the permissions
14:11.52PerfDaveMatBoy: You don't need to use the same kernel for a dom0 and domU. I believe that you can have multiple domU kernels too
14:11.56h3sp4wnMatBoy: man xen-create-image
14:11.56MatBoypsycodad_, on what kind of system if I may ask ?
14:11.58abrotmanKerr: ask #skype if they hve packages fro etch
14:12.11Kerrabrotman: empty channel
14:12.14MatBoyh3sp4wn, thanks
14:12.20MatBoyPerfDave, OK !
14:12.25Kerrabrotman: will installing it break things?
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14:12.42psycodad_MatBoy: Fujitsu Simens Rx220, its a dual opteron 246 with 3GB Ram (im still waiting for the 4th gig)
14:12.49Kerrabrotman: or can i have both 3.3 and 3.4 at the same time?
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14:13.03MatBoypsycodad_, ok, my testbox is a quad Xeon 500 with 4GB
14:13.06h3sp4wnMatBoy: Unless you want a fedora 6 domU (xen-tools supports most other os's quite easily)
14:13.17psycodad_however i have alse excellent performance on a 3.2GHz Intel with 2GB....
14:13.22abrotmanKerr: i suppose so .. try it and see what happens
14:13.23MatBoyh3sp4wn, nah, no FC at all :)
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14:13.39psycodad_i'd say you lose sth around 15% compared running natively
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14:14.42tabularasasetgid looks to be what i need, thanks
14:15.10charzeroWhat happened to apache2-ssl-certificate in testing/apache2.2 ?
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14:16.51solemnwarningAre there any apps to convert flac to MP3?
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14:17.18CharminTheMoosehow do i make my vfat partition readwrite for a normal user?
14:17.18solemnwarningI tried lame, but I just got crackling noise for the entire output file
14:17.28abrotmancheck freshmeat
14:17.40infernixsolemnwarning: convert to wav first?
14:17.48solemnwarningUsing what?
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14:18.08psycodad_still: anybody got a hint on which startup script is responsible to set ethX to status UP ?
14:18.18h3sp4wnMatBoy: I only did it to see whether it was possible really (and to mess with ifolder)
14:18.37jareth_solemnwarning: cdparanoia
14:18.50psycodad_or what could be the reason for an interface to not get status UP after boot (despite not having it connected)
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14:19.03petemcpsycodad_: auto etho
14:19.10petemcpsycodad_: in the interfaces file
14:19.34psycodad_petemc: i have iface eth0 inet dhcp
14:19.55petemcpsycodad_: so you need to add "auto eth0" , like i just said
14:19.56psycodad_in interfaces, and also a line above: allow-hotplug eth0
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14:20.39psycodad_petemc:'re right, funny this is from disk, and it works when booting from disk, but let me try your suggestions
14:20.49m0dYhow to grep any integer more than a certain value ?
14:21.04*** part/#debian tabularasa (n=spamgohe@
14:21.25PerfDavem0dY: perl or sed?
14:21.46m0dYPerfDave, may be sed :)
14:22.00m0dYanything nice to use in a command line in my shell
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14:24.22psycodad_petemc: it looks like i need to remove the hotplug line that ethc added compared to sarge
14:25.15_someboyhow can i install a local deb package ? what is the command for that?
14:25.17petemcpsycodad_: why? adding the auto line isnt sufficient?
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14:25.34m0dYPerfDave, anything :)
14:26.12PerfDavem0dY: Perl, or sed
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14:27.05psycodad_well i first removed the hotplug line and added auto and it still boots from disk, nxt ill try with hotplug and auto and then im gonna shoot another iso to test it in vmware
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14:29.26stew_someboy: use the dpkg command
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14:30.49Danielss89hmm can i test if exim 4 works?
14:30.58mostysend email
14:31.17stewDanielss89: echo "test" | mail -s "subject"
14:31.48petemcexim4 -bt address would work too
14:32.13Kerrwhy would my (now old i guess) sarge install suddenly stop working, ala hanging on shutdown with the likes of 'init: nothing left in this runlevel' and being unable to execute getty, and things going too fast, after reboot?
14:32.29Danielss89hmm i get no email stew....
14:32.35Kerri already had etch downloaded and was planning a fresh install, but 5am is a cruel time to die
14:32.38mostydaniel: look in the logs
14:32.40Danielss89but no error neither
14:32.58stewDanielss89: watch /var/log/exim4/mainlog
14:33.08stewDanielss89: check "mailq" to see if its stuck in the outbound queue
14:33.17stewDanielss89: run "mail" to see if it bounced
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14:33.36stewabchirk: who is it this time?
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14:33.42tralalaKerr, perhaps your getty or some libs got somehow deleted
14:33.50abchirkstew nobody at this moment :D
14:33.54Danielss89Stew i get: "No mail for root"
14:33.56abchirkonly checked..
14:34.11Kerrtralala: wouldn't that have broken things straight away?
14:34.28tijnjust fell into a conversation, but isnt mail for root handled by the postmaster?
14:34.30stewabchirk: i'm wondering how long it will be before you decide to give up your esteemed spot at the top of the alphabetical order :)
14:34.48Danielss89and this when i run mailq stew:
14:34.51abchirkstew strange is that abrotman never gets spam..
14:35.06abrotmani'm id'ed to nickserv?
14:35.23tralalaKerr, not necessarily
14:35.26*** part/#debian abrotman (n=abrotman@pdpc/supporter/active/abrotman)
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14:35.29dpkgone warez list being sent to stew
14:35.34abrotmanoh .. abchirk spammed me!
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14:36.03abrotmanabchirk: /mode abchirk .. what's your mode ?
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14:36.18stewDanielss89: yeah, so those mails are sitting in the outbound queue instead of being delivered for some reason.  /var/log/exim4/mainlog should show you why
14:36.26abchirk* +e6
14:36.46abrotmani'm only +e
14:36.53abchirkhm what means th 6?
14:36.56szachistawhere can i get some package that was in unstable 2 weeks ago?
14:36.58abrotman!fn modes
14:36.58dpkgumodes is, like,
14:37.15abrotmandunno .. don't see it
14:37.16tralalaszachista: /msg dpkg sdn
14:37.16szachistais it possible anyway?
14:37.18*** part/#debian MarcusSt (
14:37.41dpkgextra, extra, read all about it, sdn is go to to get older packages. Almost every single package since somewhere in 2002 is here. year 2004 is laregly lost because of harddisk problems.
14:37.44abrotmanszachista: ^^
14:37.46abchirkhm cannot find it tehre
14:37.46Kerrtralala: any idea how i could fix it?
14:37.52tralalaabchirk, too late, I won
14:37.57abrotman!beer abchirk
14:38.05pseubodotwrong ab
14:38.11szachistatralala: thx :)
14:38.21tralalaszachista: you're welcome
14:38.50petemca jpg, thats handy
14:39.06psycodad_eases cutnpaste :)
14:39.14jareth_how can I make enable soundpreview in nautilus? feels like I'm missing a package to get previews on my mp3's
14:39.22stewthinkpad warranty service still rocks.  called them about my power receptacle getting loose on wednesday 22:00, just got my machine with a replaced system board friday 9:30
14:39.39Danielss89it looks like the permission is denied, can i change exim to use root user so everything i allowes stew?
14:39.40tijnthats fast!
14:39.48petemcconversely, apple support sucks balls
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14:39.58stewoh, hmm i guess it was tuesday 22:00
14:40.07abrotmanDanielss89: ls -l /dev/null
14:40.13psycodad_petemc: they have support ???
14:40.16tralalait should be forbidden for two people to have nicks with the same initial two caracters. Makes tab complition HARD!
14:40.26petemcpsycodad_: i bought applecarfe
14:40.31jareth_I'm used to just get it to work when I install mpg123 and enable preview for sound..
14:40.40Danielss89abrotman crw-r--r-- 1 root root 1, 3 Nov  5 15:22 /dev/null
14:40.57stewDanielss89: chmod 666 /dev/null
14:40.58abrotmanthat's nto right
14:41.06stewthe mode of the beast
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14:41.24psycodad_psycodad_: i worked for a large mac disti ages ago and was always amused about that "only a certified apple tekkie may replace that screw"-attitude
14:41.27Danielss89so now it should be able to send emails?
14:41.40abrotmanpsycodad_: you're talking to yourself
14:41.43psycodad_i mean petemc ...
14:41.45petemcDanielss89: root should be aliased to a normal user in /etc/aliases
14:41.57stewDanielss89: yeah, now you can ask someone who knows exim4 better than I how to rerun the queue
14:42.01psycodad_lol...command completion once eased my life...that was times ago...
14:42.03stewrunq? exim -M or something?
14:42.03petemcexim -qff
14:42.17stewpetemc: -qff will unthaw too?
14:42.23petemcit'll force everything
14:42.49petemcexim -M needs a message id
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14:43.34Danielss89perfect, it looks like it is sending them now
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14:48.43JoelRanyone knows why SIOCADDRT: Network is unreachable appears?
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14:49.07Danielss89thx everyone
14:49.55mostyjoelr: because you tries to add a route to something which is unreachable?
14:50.10JoelRit's not unreachable since i can ping it
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14:50.44mostywhy do you need to add a route to it if you can ping it already?
14:52.23abrotmanto make it the default route maybe ?
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14:53.11stewJoelR: what command are you running that gives you that output?
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14:53.54JoelRbecause i don't know why when i try to access via ssh to a debian server i have in an address i can't, and the "firewall" of the dmz is i can't ssh to it either!
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14:54.09JoelRthe network is like this: ---> router ----> FW -----> server.
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14:54.21JoelRfrom internet, i only can reach "router"
14:54.38JoelRbut not firewall.. and now it has no iptables rule that block any packet
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14:55.34stewJoelR: run "ip a ; ip r; whatevercommand" where whatever command is the one that gives you SIOCADDRT, and put the whole thing into a pastebin
14:56.22JoelRip a? ip r?
14:56.47stewJoelR: or substitude "ifconfig ; route -n" for "ip a; ip r"
14:57.00stewi wish iproute was default already...
14:57.29jellyI wish ifupdown used it.
14:57.39JoelR? ip a? ip r?
14:57.52stewJoelR: can you ask a more specific question?
14:58.01stewjelly: when you get your wish is when i'll get mine, probably
14:58.02jellyJoelR: iproute package
14:58.18JoelRstew: i don't what you mean by "ip a" and "ip r"..
14:58.20stewJoelR: forget it, just run "ifconfig ; route -n; whatevercommand"
14:58.36tarzeauabrotman: LOL
14:59.23abrotmanthat's .. bad
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15:00.33hackelAnyone know of a way to do a recursive search and replace on symlinks? (e.g. moving from one server to another where the (unfortunately) absolute path changes)
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15:01.30dooglushackel: using wdired in Emacs it's pretty easy
15:01.52Roeyabrotman:  contains profanity and sexual innuendo but otherwise a solid short film
15:02.00hackeldooglus: Hmm, and if this server doesn't have Emacs installed? :)
15:02.11dooglushackel: then "sudo apt-get install emacs21"...
15:02.13abrotmanRoey: i'm at work ...
15:02.16jellyhackel: then you write a script?
15:02.19Roeyabrotman:  ok then, nm
15:02.36abrotmanRoey: remind me tonight or over the weekend
15:02.38stewhackel: find /path -type f -print0 | xargs sed -i "s/oneurl/otherurl/g"
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15:03.00stewhackel: but please test firse or use sed -i.bak or something
15:03.12Roeyabrotman, aye
15:03.20dooglusstew: he's trying to replace symlinks.  sed won't do that.
15:03.22stewand actually ...sed -i "s,oneurl,otherurl,g" is probably going to be easier...
15:03.29dooglusstew: and find -type f won't find them either
15:03.39stewdooglus: huh?
15:03.53stewdooglus: what will need to be found that "find type -f " wouldn't find?
15:04.01dooglusstew: symlinks
15:04.06petemcisnt there -lname
15:04.17stewfor somereason i was reading hyperlihnks
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15:04.46stewhackel: find -type l | rename 's,onepath,otherpath,'
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15:05.05stewhackel: nevermind me
15:05.06dooglusstew: he doesn't want to rename the links, he wants to change the targets of the links
15:05.19jellyhackel: anyway DON'T do what stew wrote with sed
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15:05.25darnellhas anyone had success trying to play m4p files from the itunes store on their box?
15:05.33hackeljelly: hehe, no
15:05.34petemcfind / -lname "*foo*" -printf '%p links to %l\n'
15:05.43petemcdoesnt help much
15:05.43hackelBut I could do something with find -lname and awk, perhaps?
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15:06.19JoelRstew: did you see the pastebin?
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15:07.09RodneyMcKayhi guys i've got a question about packaging
15:07.17stewhackel: maybe: find -lname "something" | while read a ; do newlink=$(readlink $a | sed 's,old,new,') ; rm $a ; ln -s $newlink $a ; done
15:07.19RodneyMcKayi'm not using debian myself but i'm upstream maintainer of a package in Debian
15:07.22stewJoelR: looking now
15:07.32RodneyMcKayand i need to know what the difference between a package's Depends and Recommends is?
15:07.37hackelWait, it looks like find -lname actually searches the contents of the file linked to.
15:07.40RodneyMcKayRecommends are not hard dependencies for the package right?
15:07.45abrotmana depends is something the package needs to run
15:07.49dpkgA simple packaging walkthrough can be found by (as root) "apt-get install maint-guide" and then (as user) lynx /usr/share/doc/maint-guide/maint-guide.en.html/index.html" (or maint-guide.en.html in sarge/sid). 'Mg' is also the chemical symbol for magnesium, or the shorthand for Madagascar, or the maintainers guide can be found at
15:07.56dooglushackel: something like this will do it: find . -type l | while read x; do target=$(ls -l "$x" | sed 's/.* -> \(.*\)/\1/' | sed 's!/old/path!/new/path!'); ln -sf "$target" "$x"; done
15:08.11JoelRstew: excuse me, this is the right log:
15:09.14stewdooglus: use readlink instead of ls -l
15:09.28dooglusstew: ok.  hadn't heard of readlink
15:09.44stewJoelR: wait, so there is no SIOCADDRT anymore?
15:09.59hackeldooglus: that looks promising, thank you.
15:10.06stewJoelR: show me the exact commands that give you errors
15:10.19JoelRstew: of course there is.. it shows me SIOCADDRT when i execute the command i wrote down the pastebin
15:10.24JoelRroute add..
15:10.25gnudoi am trying to install 2.6.18-3  backport kernel with apt-get install but it fails with "dpkg: error processing linux-image-2.6.18-3-486 (--configure):"
15:10.30gnudowhat can i do??
15:11.35stewJoelR: why are you trying to add a route to ? you already have a route there
15:11.41dooglushackel: better: find . -type l -lname '/old/path/*' | while read x; do target=$(readlink "$x" | sed 's/.* -> \(.*\)/\1/' | sed 's!/old/path!/new/path!'); ln -sf "$target" "$x"; done
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15:12.06dooglushackel: using -lname to only work on links with the old path in their target, and using readlink instead of ls -l as stew suggested
15:12.09stewJoelR: the first route in "route -n" is a route to there, so there is no point in adding one
15:12.12gnudoi am running sarge btw
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15:12.33stewgnudo: did you install grub / initramfs-tool / udev from backports also?
15:12.42stewgnudo: its probably not finding an initrd creator
15:12.56dooglushackel: try it with "echo ln" instead of "ln" first, so it just prints what commands it would run, without running them
15:13.08JoelRstew: Umm.. the problem is that i can't reach FW from internet, and there isn't any iptables's rule blocking it
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15:13.15gnudostew: i do not know. how can i go about it?
15:13.18JoelRso i suspect there is something wrong with routing..
15:13.25stewgnudo: /msg dpkg sarge 2.6.18
15:13.33stewgnudo: if you don't know, then you didn't install them
15:13.48stewJoelR: if that is the problem, show me a command and the output which demonstrates the problem
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15:14.22hackeldooglus: Right, hopefully this will work, thanks a lot!
15:14.29JoelRstew: what problem do you refer to? for example, if i ping from outside my network to my FW, it doesn't answer
15:14.45stewJoelR: what is the ip of the router, the firewall, and the server
15:14.56stewJoelR: the problem i refer to is "if i ping from outside my network to my FW, it doesn't answer"
15:15.04stewshow at least tell me what ip you are trying to ping
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15:16.59FahrenheitHello everybody, do you know an rsync client for KDE ?
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15:17.55dooglushackel: I suggest trying it on a small test directory tree first, and being careful with it.  I've done very little testing on it.
15:18.17hackeldooglus: Yeah, don't worry only working on copies until I'm sure. :)
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15:18.23dpkgmethinks rmmod is a command that should not be used, use 'modprobe -r' instead
15:19.16JoelRstew: did u read the notice? :)
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15:21.11psycodad_can i source/include another file in /etc/X11/xorg.conf ?
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15:21.25psycodad_petemc: your suggestion works, i have now dhcp from cd, thx!
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15:22.14abrotmanpsycodad_: ask #xorg
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15:23.20rolerjWhat does a 2.6.xx kernel use? Ipchains? ip tables? ipfwadm? I always get them confused!
15:23.22doogluspsycodad_: there doesn't seem to be anything about doing so in "man xorg.conf"
15:23.30dooglusroler: iptables
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15:25.12rolerdooglus, ; well what needs to be enabled in the kernel? WHen I do "iptables -I INPUT -s -j DROP" to block an ip that is abusing my server, it says "FATAL: Module ip_tables not found."
15:26.02dooglusroler: you need to load the ip_tables module?
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15:26.24dooglus"modprobe ip_tables" I guess, but I've never had to do that - it seems to be automatically loaded for me
15:26.26petemcroler: you could use iproute , ip route add prohibit ipaddr
15:27.38dooglusI blocked all incoming connections to all inferfaces using iptables a few days ago.  left the machine running overnight, only to find in the morning that fetchmail had downloaded and thrown away all my mail, because it couldn't connect to exim to deliver it.
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15:27.59petemcpeople still use fetchmail?
15:28.09Falkonpetemc: hahaha
15:28.14doogluspetemc: what do you suggest instead?
15:28.15psycodad_dooglus: yeah, thats why i asked ;-) im trying some poormans sort of graphic card autodetection with discover and i wondered if i could just redirect the output (for the server driver) into a file and include it in the xorg.conf
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15:28.38psycodad_i fear to deal with sed and rewrite the whole config for the xdriver only
15:28.49roleri have no ip_tables module to load...
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15:29.09petemcdooglus: dont know names ottomh , ive been lead to believe replacements have been written tho
15:29.24dooglusroler: I'm running sid, and have /lib/modules/2.6.18-3-686/kernel/net/ipv4/netfilter/ip_tables.ko .
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15:29.57JoelRstew: did u read the notice? :)
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15:30.16doogluspetemc: getmail4 tells me "getmail is intended as a simple replacement for fetchmail."
15:30.24gnudostew: thanks
15:30.47gnudostew: i will reboot in a minute and test the new kernel
15:30.54gnudostew: thanks very much
15:31.28roleri have a custom compiled kernel,  So I need to know what option under networking to do it
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15:34.22stewJoelR: no
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15:36.05RIsaI want to install a plain Debian and have a fast internet connection
15:36.12stewJoelR: you are tryping to add a route to but the server you are trying to ping is not on that network
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15:36.29RIsado I only need CD1?
15:36.38RIsaor all the other 13 too?
15:36.40stewJoelR: so when you ping that server, its going to try to get it over you default route on eth3
15:36.53rolerok I think I got it
15:36.54JoelRstew: ehh pv plz
15:36.56rolerthanks :)
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15:38.00stewJoelR: please don't msg me
15:38.24JoelRstew; ok, thank you for your "help".
15:38.41stewJoelR: its hard to help if you can't show me what is wrong
15:39.00JoelRstew: i gave you what was wrong like 20 minutes ago
15:39.22stewJoelR: yeah.  so your problem is a) you are trying to add a route that already exists
15:40.01stewJoelR: b) you are trying to ping a server on which you are expecting to go over eth0, but is on a different subnet, so its going over eth3 which doesn't know how to get to the server's subnet
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15:40.13JoelRforget it..
15:40.33stewJoelR: if you can't get me accurate info, i have no idea how i'm supposed to guess what the problem is
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15:40.52petemcstew: you're too nice
15:40.55RvGaTeIn windows i could use right alt + e to generate the é, or left alt + 130 (numpad).... i noticed these kind of things aren't working within debian etch... how would i do this ?
15:40.58JoelRstew: if you read the pastebin i put, you could read twhat he problem is
15:41.04stewJoelR: yes. i did
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15:41.13stewJoelR: you are trying to add a route which already exists
15:41.31JoelRstew: ok, but then why can't i reach my FW from internet?
15:41.50stewJoelR:  i don't know,  what is the ip address of the FW?
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15:42.10stewJoelR: what are you trying to do to reach it?
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15:42.29JoelRstew: ping, ssh, or whatever
15:42.49stewJoelR: what is the ip address.  what happens when you try to ping it?  have you tried traceroute?
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15:44.09RIsaso do I only need CD1 if I want to install debian and use a mirror for packages/
15:44.26stewRIsa: yes, as long as your machine can be networked with a stock debian kernel
15:44.30JoelRstew:, if i ping it from outside it doesn't answer, and traceroute packets die much before to reach it.. althought, i can reach servers BEHIND it, do i don't understand why i can't get on the FW
15:44.36stewRIsa: in which case you could use a netinst, /msg dpkg netinst
15:44.43RIsastew: I could always recompile the kernel
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15:45.05RIsathing is, when I want to install the base system offline, I only need CD1?
15:45.11RIsaor is part ofthe installer on CD2 too?
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15:45.33stewRIsa: no, everything you need for a base system is on the netinst (which is a 110 - 150mb subset of CD1)
15:45.41RoninRIsa: disk 1 will do it, assuming you dont install anything extra/odd
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15:45.56RIsano, anything extra comes from a package mirror
15:46.06stewJoelR: is the firewall convigured to drop pings from the untrusted interface?  that would not be suprising or uncommon
15:46.11RIsaok, just wanted to have that assurance
15:46.12CrazednDazedI got the debian netinstall, the basic.  after I got the right apt-get list everything worked great.  Just recently, I've been getting unmet dependency errors.  Anyone successfully downloaded skype with apt-get?
15:46.43JoelRstew: no it isn't.
15:47.05CrazednDazedor maybe know of a popular mainstream apt-get list
15:47.16CrazednDazedwith skype and other common packages (also can't get amarok or mplayer)
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15:48.06abrotmanstew: do you know if burton hangs out in #-devel ?
15:48.13stewJoelR: is a routing firewall or a bridging firewall?
15:48.20JoelRstew: routing one
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15:48.35wols_CrazednDazed: skype is not in debian. it cannot be
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15:49.00wols_we don't care. it's not in debian, period
15:49.03CrazednDazedI tried that too but it said unmet dependencies, and nothing will telll me what they are.
15:49.05jellyCrazednDazed: amarok is in Debian, mplayer should be in unstable too.
15:49.12stewJoelR: and is the next hop for .5?
15:49.14aronofskyhi guys, i try to config my postfix in order to DISCARD mail adress to certain recipient , so i creat a file containing 'user@domain DISCARD', i use postmap to convert it, then in my i use the following : smtpd_recipient_restrictions =
15:49.14*** kick/#debian [aronofsky!n=debhelpe@unaffiliated/debhelper] by debhelper (use the paster bot or #flood)
15:49.23stewabrotman: checking
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15:49.26goki____so... I really do need to get rid of this framebuffer thing, I think
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15:49.28JoelRstew: no
15:49.36schmejelly: I don't believe mplayer is in unstable
15:49.38CrazednDazedjelly:  know of an apt-get list anywhere that definitely has those?
15:49.44cjarihi, is there anything like dos2unix?
15:49.51goki____goki____: if it was a standard debian system, how would I get it to be text-only, as in only serial terminals?
15:49.56JoelRcjari, vim :)
15:49.59schmejelly: Oh you are right, it is!
15:50.00wols_schme: believe what you will. you're still wrong
15:50.08goki____hm, why am I talking to my own nick? :)
15:50.08schmewols_: That's what I said!
15:50.19cjarijoelR haha
15:50.24jellyCrazednDazed: what release are you using?
15:50.25abrotmanstew: i just remember a long time ago when the gizmo project came out .. they said it'd be open source (i think his blog stated this) .. and i've seen nothing since
15:50.28stewJoelR: yeah, it must be, or there must be a bridge in between
15:50.49stewabrotman: i don't see him
15:50.54CrazednDazedLinux debian 2.6.17-2-486 it was the netinst cd, from the site
15:50.55JoelRstew: i don't know.. i don't manage that addresses
15:50.56stewabrotman: did you check db.d.o for an ircname?
15:51.00JoelRcjari, ?
15:51.00CrazednDazedvery basic, you just apt-get what you want.
15:51.21CrazednDazeddidn't come with a gui or anything
15:51.23abrotmanirc Nickname: ross
15:51.24rgsteeleCrazednDazed: What does your /etc/apt/sources.list contain
15:51.36stewJoelR: well since .4 and .6 return pings with as the last hop, but .5 doesn't, then either is configured to drop the pings or the firewall itself is, i'd guess the firewall itself
15:51.36rgsteeleCrazednDazed: E.g., unstable, stable, etc
15:51.43jellyCrazednDazed: I mean, what Debian release, stable, testing...?
15:51.45cjariJoelR I don't know for sure why you said vim, I thought it was a code editor?
15:51.55wols_CrazednDazed: for mplayer
15:52.05CrazednDazedjelly:  I think it is stable
15:52.13JoelRcjari: you have a doc in dos format which wants to convert to UNIX format?
15:52.19wols_jelly: since there can't be a 2.6.17 sarge installer and there is no sid installer, this only leaves testing, other things, and then // testing main contrib non-free
15:52.33CrazednDazedmaybe 4 of those site
15:52.41JoelRstew: before FW is router than is
15:52.41rgsteelewols_: has one, and it could've been hand-rolled
15:52.42CrazednDazedit's worked fine for everything from gnome to kaffeine
15:52.43jellyCrazednDazed: testing it is.
15:52.54CrazednDazedbut lately I can't seem to get anything at all installed
15:52.58goki____So is there no standard way of getting debian to start up with only serial terminals?
15:53.05wols_rgsteele: look how much CrazednDazed knows about debian, or rather doesn't know. then think again
15:53.18rgsteelewols_: I was just playing the devil's advocate ;)
15:53.38enoufthrows a fat minion on top of the devil
15:53.39wols_goki____: edit /etc/inittab
15:53.45CrazednDazedall I know, apt-get stopped goin'
15:53.48goki____wols_: ah thanks I'll try that
15:53.53jellywols_: You're right, however I think I saw installers with newer kernels.
15:54.14wols_jelly: well yes, but not really from and they're of course unofficial
15:54.40wols_CrazednDazed: you get error messages. which ones?
15:54.51jellywols_: of course
15:54.55stewJoelR: which direction is before?  the internet side or the trusted side?
15:55.02CrazednDazedUnmet Dependencies
15:55.03cjariJoelR yes, a few files, perhaps a pattern full of files I am not sure because I dont know how dos2unix works
15:55.23JoelRstew: trusted site
15:55.39CrazednDazedI"m going with apt-get update right now, haven't done it in a while.
15:55.44jellyCrazednDazed: paste the whole output from apt-get, aptitude or wahtever you're using into a pastebin.  While you're at it, paste your sources.list too.
15:55.59enouftrident submarine? that'd be a neat trick
15:56.00CrazednDazedpastebin ey?
15:56.08stewJoelR: and what is the problem that we are trying to diagnose?
15:56.08JoelRcjari: well you can change it with vim, one option that is "ff" if i'm not wrong..
15:56.15CrazednDazedjelly:  not familiar with one of those
15:56.24CrazednDazedyou want a  .txt or a private window or somethin'?
15:56.33JoelRstew: that WHY isn't accesible from internet
15:56.36wols_!tell CrazednDazed about paster
15:56.36cjariJoelR ok thanks, it's just that I dont know all the files to change...
15:56.37jellyCrazednDazed: /msg dpkg paster
15:57.15jellyCrazednDazed: but I suspect apt-get update will be enough to get amarok & mplayer installed.
15:57.21stewJoelR: well that has nothing to do with anything on the trusted side.  as i already told you, either is dropping the ping packets or is
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15:57.44jellyStill, mplayer packages from debian are a bit broken... I think Marillat's are still better.
15:58.00CrazednDazedwow, too bad, that stuff looks fancy
15:58.05CrazednDazedapt-get update did the trick though.
15:58.24stewJoelR: can you show us "iptables -L -n" from the firewall?
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15:58.49JoelRstew: yes, it has all chains empty
15:59.03jelly!tell CrazednDazed about marillat
15:59.06JoelRstew: (input, output and forward)
15:59.09stewJoelR: what are the default policies?
15:59.17JoelRstew: accept
15:59.19goki____wols_: nothing in /etc/inittab that I can see
15:59.25stewJoelR: uhh, doesn't sound like much of a firewall
15:59.35goki____something somewhere must cause a framebuffer to start, with a console on it
15:59.39JoelRstew: i know hehe, i'm building it from scratch :)
15:59.48goki____I really need to find that and stop it, but no one seems to know where it is :(
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15:59.56JoelRstew: i flushed all rules to diagnose why i can't reach it..
16:00.01jellyCrazednDazed: also, skype beta packages are more usable than the release (which works only with OSS drivers or OSS compat.layer)
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16:01.22stewJoelR: what does "cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/icmp_echo_ignore_all" say?
16:01.46JoelRstew: 0
16:02.13stewJoelR: are there rules in "iptables -t nat -L -n"?
16:02.32CrazednDazeddebian is better than fedora, though
16:02.33JoelRstew: yes, masquerading my LAN to inet
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16:02.57CrazednDazedalthough gnome gets laggy and the autohide menus stop autohiding after about 11 days.
16:03.24stewJoelR: who setup the rules?  you, by hand? or some script from some firewall package?
16:03.27CrazednDazedThat's probably a ram issue, right?
16:03.37JoelRstew: my by hand
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16:03.41stewCrazednDazed: /msg dpkg am i swapping
16:03.47GathondCrazednDazed: ram issue?
16:03.50jellyCrazednDazed: that's a buggy software issue
16:04.11stewJoelR: can you tcpdump the public if then ping from the outside and see if you see the ping coming in?
16:04.14CrazednDazeddoesn't usually do that
16:04.15GathondCrazednDazed: I would say buggy software as well, is it 11 days of constant running, or just 11 days?
16:04.23CrazednDazed11 dayts of uptime
16:04.25CrazednDazedwith gnome up as well
16:04.34stewCrazednDazed: is it happening now?
16:04.35CrazednDazedand the menus will stop hiding, but everything still works great.
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16:05.11stewCrazednDazed: what does "free | sed -n 3p" say?
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16:05.36CrazednDazed-/+ buffers/cache:     394592     641244
16:05.49stewCrazednDazed: its not ram then
16:05.51CrazednDazedIt's a purty nice machine
16:06.16CrazednDazedand I'm pretty sure I'm swapping
16:06.23CrazednDazedmust be a gnome-debian clash
16:07.14stewCrazednDazed: you sholdn't be, you have tons of free ram, run "vmstat 1" ignore the first line, tell me if you see anything other than 0 in the si and so columns
16:07.25stewCrazednDazed: actually don't ignore the first line
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16:07.47CrazednDazed0's so far
16:07.53stewCrazednDazed: then you aren't swapping
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16:08.13stewCrazednDazed: (and since you have 600mb of free ram, we woulnd't expect you to be swapping)
16:08.27CrazednDazedmakes sense as well
16:08.33CrazednDazedWeird how it does that.
16:08.39rgsteeleHm, ok...I think I'm missing something simple here.  I'm mounting a system via NFS on two boxes.  On the first box, I can mount the NFS partition fine.  However, on the second box, I keep getting "mount: RPC: Remote system error - No route to host".  They're both on the same subnet, and the nfs-kernel-server running on the box that is sharing its partition is exporting that filesystem to the...
16:08.40rgsteele...whole subnet.  All three boxes are behind the same firewall, and I can confirm that's not the issue.
16:08.46Flimzy_CrazednDazed: Is there a problem w/ your swap or something?
16:08.47JoelRstew: since i'm inside the network, could you ping it please?
16:08.59stewJoelR: the .5?
16:09.09JoelRstew: yes please
16:09.14stewJoelR: has anything changed?
16:09.16Flimzy_rgsteele: can you ping the nfs server from the client that's broken?
16:09.23CrazednDazedFlimzy_: after about 11 days of uptime, with gnome & debian both constantly running, the gnome autohide menus stop auto hiding
16:09.27rgsteeleFlimzy_: Yeah
16:09.28JoelRstew: uh? no, why?
16:09.37Flimzy_rgsteele: Is RPC running on the broken client?
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16:09.55Flimzy_CrazednDazed: Weird. doesn't sound like a swap/memory issue, tho
16:10.11CrazednDazedyeh, I dunno.
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16:10.26Flimzy_CrazednDazed: Sounds more like a gnome bug.  Perhaps a memory leak
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16:10.27stewJoelR: it looks the same as last time.  the last host i reach is
16:10.39JoelRstew: are you still pinging it?
16:10.48leftihi, can i use something like dpkg -S but for search in not-installed packages?
16:10.49CrazednDazedshould I report it somewhere?
16:10.53stewJoelR: yes
16:10.58stewJoelR: oh you are tracerouting
16:11.04JoelRstew: ok, please stop it to see something..
16:11.04stewerr tcpdumping
16:11.06Flimzy_CrazednDazed: I would check first to see if someone else has already reported it.  If not, then file a bug report.
16:11.10jellylefti: apt-file
16:11.11stewJoelR: stopped
16:11.14JoelRstew: well, in fact with iptraf
16:11.32rgsteeleFlimzy_: Doublechecking, sec
16:11.37JoelRstew: ok, there there are your icmp packets..
16:11.43jelly!tell lefti -about search
16:11.44Flimzy_CrazednDazed: Worst that could happen is that they would determine it's not a bug in gnome (or whatever specific application) and cancel the bug report
16:11.58CrazednDazedyeh, could just be I need a restart
16:12.04stewJoelR: can you ping out from the firewall?
16:12.13CrazednDazedCan't say I haven't made Any system changes in the last 2 weeks that would affect this.
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16:12.26Flimzy_CrazednDazed: If you need to restart to fix a problem like that, it's a bug.
16:12.41Flimzy_CrazednDazed: Contrary to what Microsoft would have you believe.
16:12.42CrazednDazedFlimzy_:  It might be if it starts after 11 days again
16:12.48leftithank you
16:12.57GathondCrazednDazed: that it even happens is a bug
16:13.00Flimzy_CrazednDazed: If it's just a one-time thing, then it's anybody's guess.
16:13.05JoelRstew: yes
16:13.21Flimzy_CrazednDazed: Could be anything from a broken upgrade to an intermetent hardware problem
16:13.25CrazednDazedYeh, it could be a one time thing, that's what I mean.  I haven't restarted Yet.
16:13.26GathondCrazednDazed: although probably not a very important one if its rare and random
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16:13.43rgsteeleFlimzy_: Yup
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16:13.53Flimzy_rgsteele: Can you ping the nfs server by IP *and* hostname?
16:14.35rgsteeleAh, weird.   I can ping it by, but not by host...even though the resolv.conf is set to search
16:14.53Flimzy_rgsteele: check your hosts file.
16:15.10Flimzy_rgsteele: and check that DNS works.
16:15.12rgsteeleFlimzy_: There we go
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16:15.18rgsteeleThe entry in the hosts file is incorrect
16:15.20rgsteeleThanks a bunch!
16:15.22Flimzy_rgsteele: :)
16:15.26rgsteeleSo glad it's Friday
16:15.31Flimzy_yeah, I hear ya
16:15.34Flimzy_can't wait to go home for 2 days
16:16.00rgsteeleYup, Saturday morning + hot apple cider + fire in the fireplace = bliss.
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16:18.04pantalaimon_how can i discover the sound card driver name?
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16:18.25rgsteeleFlimzy_: Hm, do I have to do anything after editing the hosts file to get it to pick up the new values?
16:18.33rgsteeleI didn't think I would, but...
16:18.43JoelRstew: what do u think? :(
16:19.29jelly!which driver for 0400
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16:20.04jellypantalaimon_: try the last url in /msg dpkg hcl
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16:20.33enigmaaHi, i know this is a very basic question, but.. how do i open a port on my server?
16:20.44ofer0enigmaa, in iptables?
16:20.45petemcenigmaa: run a service on it
16:20.48karstenenigmaa: Run a service on it.
16:21.04stewJoelR: well we know it is reachable with icmp (you see my pings).  we know it can send icmp out (it can ping) and receive icmp (it can receive replies to ping), the only thing we don't know is why someone pinging it doesn't receive icmp replies.  can you tcpdump while i ping and see if you see  a reply going out?
16:21.07enigmaawell, the service is running, but the port is being blocked.
16:21.13enigmaaI gotta take a look at iptables.
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16:21.18enigmaaBut im kinda rusty.
16:21.23enigmaaDont quite remember how to.
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16:22.13petemcenigmaa: if you didnt configure iptables to block it, it shouldnt be, how did you confirm the service is listening?
16:22.16jharrisonwkanyone using pci-express x1 network cards?
16:22.40JoelRstew: i see them coming.. but there's no output for them
16:22.41enigmaapetemc Well, its an eggdrop. And when i try to DCC to it, it wont work. It worked before but not anymore
16:22.47rgsteelejharrisonwk: You're probably better off just stating your real question
16:22.49dpkgIf you have a question, just ask! For Example: "I have a problem with ___; I'm running Debian version ___. when I try to do ___ I get the following output ___. I expected it to do ___." Don't ask if you can ask, or if anyone uses it, or pick one person to ask (ask the whole channel!). We're all volunteers; make it easy for us to help you. If you don't get an answer, ask later or ask
16:22.50JoelRthey are not leaving, that's why ping are not responding..
16:22.51enigmaasomething is blocking it
16:23.22petemcenigmaa: can you telnet to 6667 or whatever port its running on?
16:23.36stewJoelR: so your machine is ignoring them
16:23.42rgsteeleFlimzy_: I got it to work...was broken on the machine exporting the filesystem as well.
16:23.43enigmaapetemc let me try that.
16:23.49JoelRstew: yes..
16:23.51PaSurfhow do I specify certain modules(?) to be loaded in the kernel on a fresh stock debian sarge install.
16:24.12JoelRstew: Umm.. couldn't it be that some special table of iptables be blocking them?
16:24.25jharrisonwkrgsteele: thanks I have never used IRC before or been in this channel before
16:24.37rgsteelejharrisonwk: Sure thing :)
16:24.58rgsteele!beer jharrisonwk
16:25.02stewJoelR: the 4 tables are filter, nat, mangle, raw ; check all 4
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16:25.15rgsteeleThere there, it'll be okay
16:25.40stewJoelR: but i'd only expect to see the problem in filter (the default table), otherwise i'd suspect some /proc/sys setting, so i'd check /etc/sysctl.conf, /etc/network/options
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16:26.15jharrisonwkI guess I deserve it for not being in #debian as much as I used to be
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16:27.22bathatdoes anyone here know what could be causing the error 'bad gzip magic numbers' during boot?
16:27.33bathatright after the kernel is decompressed
16:28.19PaSurfhow do I specify certain modules(?) to be loaded in the kernel on a fresh stock debian sarge install.
16:28.19pickcoderbathat: bad kernel image?
16:28.32bathatit's kernel 2.6.19 custom
16:28.43bathatthe debian kernel works great
16:29.13PaSurfbathat:  I heard there might still be issues with 19.  Might want to check #kernel though
16:29.19jharrisonwkbathat: something about your kernel image is corrupted
16:29.28bathathmm, really
16:29.32bathatok thanks
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16:29.40PaSurfbathat:  I am actually having trouble with 18.5 now....
16:29.45bathatif i use all the config default, it's unable to mount my hdd
16:30.04jharrisonwkbathat: how did you compile it?
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16:30.17pickcoderbathat: that could be an initrd problem or a gzip compression problem
16:30.28bathatthat's what i was thinking
16:30.28PloujI have just installed debian 3.1 with a 2.4 kernel
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16:30.44Ploujhow can I install a stable 2.6 kernel?
16:30.47fsanchohi all
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16:30.54rgsteelePlouj: boot with the option "linux26"
16:30.57bathatunpacking initramfs... <0> kernel panic - not syncing: bad gzip magic numbers
16:30.59jellybathat: where's your root device, a PATA disk on an Intel controller?  It might have changed to sdX
16:31.07fsanchoi'm having problems with zd1211rw and linux-image-2.6.18-3-k7
16:31.22pickcoderbathat: try uncompressing a copy of the kernel image
16:31.24bathati'd like to use the config file i've fine-tuned
16:31.25fsanchoi am unable to load zd1211rw with echi
16:31.31rgsteelePlouj: If you've just installed, and you're not familiar with Debian, I'd suggest just reinstalling with the linux26 boot option
16:31.33jharrisonwkPlouj: what hardware?
16:31.34Ploujrgsteele: I don't even see any 2.6 kernels in the /boot dir
16:31.42bathati don't have a kernel image of it
16:31.48fsanchobut if i unload ehci and load ohci, zd1211rw loads ok, but only with usb 1.1
16:31.51JoelRstew: ok all those tables are empty.. my /etc/sysctl.conf only have: net/ipv4/ip_forward=1 (for doing NAT) and my /etc/network/options file has: ip_forward_=yes spoofprotect=yes and syncookies=no
16:31.52bathatshould i try using make-kpkg?
16:31.57Ploujjharrisonwk: 386
16:32.02jharrisonwkyou guys are really going to make him re-isntall?
16:32.08fsanchoanyone using zd1211rw here?
16:32.09Ploujrgsteele: where do I select to install a 2.6 kernel in the installer?
16:32.11rgsteelePlouj: Because you didn't specify it to use a 2.6 kernel
16:32.13jharrisonwkPlouj: what cpu?
16:32.22jharrisonwkPlouj: 686?
16:32.28PloujIntel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 1.80GHz
16:32.37rgsteelePlouj: If you're installing from cd, type in "linux26"
16:32.45rgsteeleWhen it asks for boot options
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16:32.51jharrisonwkPlouj: aptitude install kernel-image-2.6-686 should do it
16:33.01pickcoderPlouj: apt-cache search kernel-image-2.6
16:33.06jharrisonwkPlouj: or re-install
16:33.08Ploujtht's better
16:33.09jharrisonwkPlouj: your choice
16:33.13PloujI don't want to re-install
16:33.14pickcoderfind a kernel that fits your CPU best
16:33.23jharrisonwkPlouj: then thanks be for apt-get
16:33.28PaSurfHow do you add additional modules to the stock kernel (I need to add support for my external raid array)
16:33.33bathatalright, i'm trying make-kpkg kernel_image
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16:33.46jharrisonwkbathat: ah
16:33.57bathati've never had much success with custom kernels
16:33.59rgsteelePaSurf: Get the latest kernel source, then copy your existing boot image to that directory (name it .config)
16:34.00jharrisonwkbathat: on sarge or etch or sid?
16:34.10bathatthe only way i got to work is by using the config file for the debian kernel
16:34.15jharrisonwkbathat: you just needt o learn how to compile
16:34.17rgsteelePaSurf: Then do a "make oldconfig" followed by a "make menufconfig"
16:34.19jharrisonwkbathat: hang on
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16:34.37bathati know how to compile
16:34.41PaSurfrgsteele:  I am having alot of problems with the newer kernels.  I have both machines running 18.5 and now they both will not load
16:34.49bathatmake-kpkg failed with make: *** [sanity_check] Error 2
16:34.55rgsteele18.5?  That is not a kernel version.
16:35.02jellyrgsteele: is
16:35.06pickcoderPaSurf: first, look in the packages listing and see if there's a module source already there
16:35.10PaSurfshort hand
16:35.25jharrisonwkbathat: could be a kernel-package bug
16:35.31jharrisonwkbathat: im checking bug reports now
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16:35.38bathatalright, thanks
16:35.56bathatit's worked with previous kernels
16:36.21PaSurffor the current kernel I was having trouble with not loading in time.  I think I talked to petemc(?) about compiling the kernel.  but I just want to add a small module to the stock one.
16:36.27rgsteelePaSurf: pickcoder is probably right...I was thinking you wanted it built into the kernel, instead of just as a module.
16:36.28jharrisonwkbathat: I run 2.6.19 as well but dont use kernel-package
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16:36.45bathatyeah, i was going to try kernel-package a shot
16:36.49bathatbut i dobut it would help
16:37.01jharrisonwkbathat: didnt you say you used make-kpkg?
16:37.02bathatwhere is the initramfs option?
16:37.04rgsteelePaSurf: Find out what the module is called and if you already have it available, just do a modprobe <modulename>
16:37.14jharrisonwkbathat: thats kernel-package
16:37.16pickcoderPaSurf: if there isn't, then make sure that you have the latest kernel headers
16:37.16dpkgcdrecord is probably a CD writing tool (renamed cdrtools) for .iso (the file system) and .cdr (cd audio). Available at Use -pad for .wav files when burning audio. Use -swab if your CDR uses little endian or the .cdr is in big endian -- basically if the audio on cd is static, use -swab. now from version 2.0 up it supports atapi cd burners with an option like -dev=AT
16:37.18PaSurfrgsteele:  I do need it built into the kernel.  If not it gets passed by and does not mount my externel scsi device
16:37.22bathatyeah, a part of it
16:37.39rgsteelePaSurf: Then, you need to get the latest kernel source from
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16:37.41PaSurfhow do I check for the latest kernel headers?
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16:37.45jharrisonwkbathat: what error was it again?
16:37.48jellyanyone knows what should be there as dev= in that cdrecord factiod?
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16:37.59bathatunpacking initramfs... <0> kernel panic - not syncing: bad gzip magic numbers
16:38.11bathatshould be under file systems but i don't see it
16:38.18pickcoderPaSurf: initrd can load it as a module
16:38.25PaSurfso I cant add other modules to the latest Debian build or to the existing kernel off the module?
16:38.25bathatthe ramdisk option
16:38.28jharrisonwkbathat: do you use initramfs?
16:38.34rgsteelepickcoder: I thought he said he wanted it built into the kernel?
16:38.45pickcoderrgsteele: then it will be a custom kernel
16:38.45rgsteeleNot loaded as a module
16:38.46bathatnot sure, i may have answered N to it accidentally
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16:38.54pickcoderrgsteele: and no one here will help later
16:38.54rgsteelepickcoder: aye
16:39.17bathati've tried grepping for ram in .config but it turned up nothing
16:39.18rgsteeleYeah, I guess then he'd just want the headers to build the module from.
16:39.19PaSurfTalking to petemc we discovered it was not loading in time and it was recommeded that it be compiled in the kernel to avoid any other problems
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16:39.43rgsteelePaSurf: Well, then you're talking about rolling your own kernel.  Which isn't a bad skill to have.
16:39.49PaSurfProblem is with the latest kernel I am having troubles.  Two systems not not booting
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16:40.05jharrisonwkbathat: I hate initrd
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16:40.15bathatis there another way?
16:40.15rgsteelePaSurf: Do you have an existing kernel to build off of, or are you going from scratch?
16:40.23jharrisonwkbathat: yeah dont use initrd
16:40.23PaSurfI like rolling the kernel :)  but... Well I guess I can get the kernell off
16:40.24bathatit doesn't work without an initrd specified
16:40.37abrotmanPaSurf: ask #kernel
16:40.42pickcoderPaSurf: you _did_ copy the current boot config to your kernel source .config , right?
16:40.43bathathow would i do that?
16:40.54PaSurfI have the latest Debian Sarge disk.  And am going to install
16:41.11PaSurfoldconfig...  then menuconfig
16:41.21rgsteelePaSurf: yup
16:41.32rgsteelethen you'll need to do a make-kpkg kernel_image
16:41.44jharrisonwkbathat: compile all support into your kernel
16:41.49pickcoder+ --initrd if you're current setup uses initrd
16:41.59bathatoh, so no modules???
16:42.00jharrisonwkbathat: you have to configure your kernel to have the important stuff compiled in rather the modules
16:42.03PaSurfI have one dell and one HP and the dell went yesterday with the 18.5 and the HP last night with the same
16:42.04jharrisonwkbathat: yes
16:42.11PaSurfmaybe its me.................
16:42.13rgsteelePaSurf: Also, probably want to add an --append-to-version=-custom
16:42.14bathatnot sure i want to do that
16:42.19jharrisonwkbathat: like partition, ide, sata controlers etc... compiled in rather then modules
16:42.22jharrisonwkbathat: why not?
16:42.27bathatoh i see
16:42.29rgsteelePaSurf: So you know it's not the stock kernel
16:42.36bathatwould make the kernel much larger
16:42.40bathatthat's a good idea
16:42.45jharrisonwkbathat: I compile kernels with only support for the machine hardware
16:43.15jharrisonwkbathat: my kernels end up being about 1 to 2 mb usually but they can boot on their own with no initrd
16:43.29jharrisonwkwell hate is a strong word
16:43.29rgsteelebathat: jharrisonwk's advice is can really speed up boot times and such, as well as having other advantages.
16:43.58jharrisonwkbathat: if you have things that you may want support for you can make them modules
16:44.05bathatwell, my boot time is extremely fast now anyway... a new system
16:44.15abrotmanget off your fat ass and go get it
16:44.16jharrisonwkbathat: I tend to take things I dont use very often but I may want to use them from time to time and compile them as modules
16:44.23bathatso mainly just the device drivers?
16:44.27rgsteeleabrotman: Somebody else already got off their fat ass to go get it :)
16:44.38jharrisonwkabrotman: hows the weather?
16:44.43pickcoderwe're leaving here shortly to have a lunch xmas party
16:44.45jharrisonwkabrotman: are you frozen yet?
16:44.57rgsteelepickcoder: Isn't it a bit early for that? :)
16:45.12bathati'm checking to see how the debian config file looks for hdd support
16:45.17rgsteeleIt's only December 8th
16:45.23*** join/#debian junix|work (
16:45.31pickcoderit was going to be the Firday before Xmas and everyone was on travel
16:45.42pickcoderso they moved it to the only date/time available
16:45.56PaSurfright.  I would like to just use the stock kernel.  Seems reasonable.  would using the module-assistant help?
16:45.56rgsteelepickcoder: Off-site party?
16:46.03pickcoderI don't mind leaving for lunch and then going home
16:46.06pickcoderrgsteele: yah
16:46.10bathatwell, thanks for the help
16:46.14pickcoderriver-front rest.
16:46.15bathati'm thinking this will work better
16:46.18rgsteelepickcoder: Sweet
16:46.30bathatwill probably just ask here again if it doesn't
16:46.55bathatone last thing, while i'm thinking about it
16:47.06bathatif i try make xconfig, i just get: Unable to find the QT installation.
16:47.10rgsteelePaSurf: Well, if the stock kernel doesn't have support for what you want, and adding it as a kernel module isn't working, you'll have to customize it and build the support right in.
16:47.13pickcoderI don't think there'll be beer and wine, though.. too early
16:47.17jharrisonwkbathat: you can make-kpkg just the same as before
16:47.31bathatmake menuconfig is just as good but xconfig used to work
16:47.32jharrisonwkbathat: likely you are missing libs for xconfig
16:47.42rgsteelepickcoder: It's still a for-all-intents-and-purposes half day of work :)
16:47.57junix|workanyone used autofs ???
16:48.09jharrisonwkbathat: I dont use xconfig so I am not sure which libs you would need
16:48.22jharrisonwkbathat: from what you said though looks like you need some  qt packages
16:48.27rgsteelejunix|work: Nope.  All reiserfs and ext3
16:48.49bathatok, thanks
16:48.53bathatthat gives me some direction
16:49.05jharrisonwkbathat: you probably might need a -dev package to by the way
16:49.11junix|worki am trying to follow a howtoforge document that tells me how to setup autofs for windows share accessiblity, but don't understand the mountopt option that i have to have, the website is
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16:49.19jharrisonwkbathat: for example for make menuconfig to work you need libncurses5-dev
16:49.29bathatoh yeah, i see
16:49.33jharrisonwkbathat: you may have the qt libs you need installed but not the -dev package
16:49.41dpkgit has been said that xconfig is for kernels in the 2.4 series and earlier, apt-get install tk8.3, or for 2.6 and newer kernels, apt-get install libqt-dev (woody) or libqt3-mt-dev (sarge or sid), or for GNOME-heads, see gconfig
16:49.54jharrisonwkcydork: figures
16:50.06jharrisonwkbathat: as dpkg points out you need libqt-dev
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16:50.16jharrisonwkbathat: sorry libqt3-mt-dev it seems
16:50.24bathatyeah, i saw, thanks jharrisonwk and cydork
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16:50.41jharrisonwkbathat: no problem
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16:51.34PaSurfrgsteele:  Ok sounds reasonable to me...  I'm off to
16:51.42PaSurfThanks all the for help!!
16:51.57rgsteelePaSurf: Sure thing
16:52.00jharrisonwkPaSurf: dont forget how initrd sucks
16:52.07bathatah, most excellent, that did it
16:52.15PaSurfI'll try not to let it get me down... :)
16:52.23bathati probably won't even use xconfig but it's still nice to have
16:52.34PaSurfseeing how the day is just begining...
16:52.35jharrisonwkbathat: nice to have options
16:52.38bathatand is easier to navigate
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16:53.00jharrisonwkbathat: make menuconfig is nice if you have no gui
16:53.06jharrisonwkbathat: mostly I never have a gui
16:53.18bathatand is also faster
16:53.19jharrisonwkexcept for ncurses that is
16:53.36bathatbut i've read the difference is speed is small with 2.6 compared to 2.4
16:53.49bathatthere's always something nice about ncurses
16:53.58jharrisonwk2.6 has all the nice new features though
16:54.08jharrisonwksata is a big reason for 2.6
16:54.15bathati was confined to 2.4 for a long time
16:54.17jellycurses is not a gui
16:54.23bathatno hardware acceleration
16:54.27jellyto be pedantic
16:54.28jharrisonwkproably the biggest reason that drives people to use 2.6 instead of 2.4
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16:54.36pickcoder2.6.18 will have the VIA chipset drive in it, which will fix a lot of install issues for newer boards
16:54.39bathatbut now i've finally got 2.6 working as of a few months ago
16:54.42jharrisonwkjelly: to me it is
16:54.53apt[driver] A driver is software that works to communicate between an operating system and a peripheral. Think of it as a translator. If you use a crappy driver, your OS won't understand your video card and may become unstable and crash. Hardware manufacturers constantly update drivers to make them faster and more stable.
16:54.53jharrisonwkjelly: but technically no
16:55.06jellyjharrisonwk: gotta have graphics for a graphic user interface
16:55.16jharrisonwkjelly: whateva
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16:55.37jharrisonwkjelly: ascii graphics are nice
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16:56.04pickcoderGUI.. the mouse only slows down productive work
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16:56.28jharrisonwkpickcoder: there is gdm or something
16:56.40jharrisonwkthats it
16:56.44pickcoderwhat is gpm?
16:56.48jharrisonwkgdm is gnome display manager
16:56.52jharrisonwkpickcoder: mouse in console
16:56.55wols_pickcoder: apt-cache knows
16:57.06wols_and we're too lazy to tell you
16:57.13jharrisonwkpickcoder: apt-cache show gpm
16:57.43pickcoderI've been looking for that for a while
16:57.59jharrisonwkfrom the network cards I see that are pci express I would not buy them
16:58.11jharrisonwkdont like dlink and dont like intel or any of the others
16:58.13jharrisonwkah well
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16:58.31pickcoderjharrisonwk: looking for a specific feature?
16:59.05jharrisonwkpickcoder: buying am2 motherboard which has more x1 pci express slots then pci so figured it might be time to migrate
16:59.12Ploujyay for 2.6 kernel!
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16:59.15jharrisonwkpickcoder: pci express is suppose to be faster too
16:59.44bathatthat should do the trick... hopefully
17:00.04jharrisonwkI need at least 3 network cards in the machine
17:00.16maxxle_I want to 'wget' all files in*. I tried the -r option. But then I get everything from the domain.
17:00.28bathatit actually says, too, that if your / fs is on such and such a drive, compile it into the kernel
17:00.33pickcoderjharrisonwk: you can easily saturate a 100MB link with a decent 64-bit sata controller
17:00.46bathatwhich took me a long time to notice the first time around and i must have forgotten about it
17:00.46pickcoderjharrisonwk: PCI-E isn't going to help with bandwidth unless you go 1GB
17:00.53jharrisonwkmaxxle_: you have to tell wget to chop off the part
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17:01.19jharrisonwkpickcoder: I have gigabit network
17:01.31maxxle_jharrisonwk: How can I tell this my wget?
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17:01.44jharrisonwkmaxxle_: hang on let me look at my mirroring script
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17:02.20whaqhello. how do you find out the chipset information from console? (Intel 915G, 855GME, etc)
17:02.32moshiiwhaq: lspci
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17:02.42cydorkwhaq: /msg dpkg whats my hardware
17:03.00whaqmoshii, thanks
17:03.03whaqcydork thanks
17:03.23jharrisonwkmaxxle_: are you mirroing the site?
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17:03.36jharrisonwkmaxxle_: is that what you want to do?
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17:05.41jharrisonwkmaxxle_: ?
17:06.36maxxle_jharrisonwk: No i won't mirror it - sorry
17:06.58maxxle_I only want to get all files in the direktory 'test' from
17:08.12moshiimaxxle_: wget -m url isn't it?
17:08.55bathatoh no, the debian kernel also has scsi disk support compiled as a module and it works
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17:09.20maxxle_If i do '-m' or '-r'  i get the files from the root too. But i only want to download the files in one directory
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17:10.11dylixhow can i start things simutaneously and route the output to /dev/null? [[[ su -l -c "startx -- :0" dylix &>/dev/null ]]] doesnt launch into the background
17:10.19jharrisonwkmaxxle_: you want the --cut-dirs=number I think
17:10.33maxxle_jharrisonwk: I will have a try.
17:11.19jharrisonwkmaxxle_: maybe -nH as well
17:11.38dylixhow's the &1 make a difference?
17:11.41jharrisonwkmaxxle_: man wget for more information
17:11.45dylixive seen &2 before i think
17:11.51pickcoder1 is file handle 1 or stdout
17:11.54pickcoder2 is file handle 2 or stderr
17:12.00dylixah, cool
17:12.11maxxle_hm... i will look in the manpage....
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17:13.15Iotixhi guys how can i get with apt-get the public keys^?
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17:14.40Iotixehm well yes but i don't remember
17:14.46bathati know i need support for sata_nv now
17:14.48Iotixthe apt command
17:15.00maxxle_I thought it is a common problem
17:15.01bathatwhich is under sata, as opposed to scsi, support
17:15.25jharrisonwkDoppleGanger: howdy
17:15.57jharrisonwkbathat: in 2.6.19 it changed
17:15.58jamonationanyone running mailman on etch having trouble with the check_perms script?
17:16.04bathatoh really
17:16.05jharrisonwkbathat: there is now sata section on its own
17:16.10bathatsata used to say deprecated
17:16.14bathatwow, neat
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17:16.20jharrisonwkbathat: yes before 2.6.19 it was under low level scsi section
17:16.29bathatthat's likely my problem
17:16.31Gnea!tell Iotix about 2006 key
17:16.34jharrisonwkbathat: you have nvidia chipset?
17:16.38bathati see
17:16.45bathati do now
17:16.49jharrisonwkbathat: how does it work?
17:16.54jharrisonwkbathat: what motherboard?
17:17.04bathatdfi lanparty ut nf4 sli-d :D
17:17.12jharrisonwkoh sweet
17:17.18jharrisonwkbathat: am2 ?
17:17.19bathatit most certainly is
17:17.24bathatnope, amd 3200+
17:17.30bathatplenty fast enough for my purposes
17:17.34jharrisonwkbathat: althlon 64?
17:17.45jharrisonwkbathat: 939 socket?
17:17.56jharrisonwkbathat: sure?
17:17.59*** join/#debian JohnRobert (n=syrus@
17:18.04bathatyeah, it sure is ;)
17:18.07jharrisonwkah ok
17:18.08JohnRoberthow do I find out what version of debian I'm using?
17:18.17bathati made it sound like i didn't know
17:18.46jharrisonwkJohnRobert: cat /etc/debian-version
17:18.46JohnRobertjohn@halbox:~$ cat /etc/debian-version
17:18.46JohnRobertcat: /etc/debian-version: No such file or directory
17:18.46jharrisonwkbathat: no problems with nvidia chipset?
17:18.47jharrisonwkbathat: network card built in works etc...?
17:18.47bathatnot with the debian kernel anyway
17:18.54jharrisonwkJohnRobert: sorry
17:18.58bathatno problems
17:18.59craigevilJohnRobert: try cat /etc/debian_version
17:19.01jharrisonwkJohnRobert: cat /etc/debian_version
17:19.06JohnRobert3.1 - is that sarge?
17:19.09jharrisonwkJohnRobert: yep
17:19.13jharrisonwkbathat: sweet
17:19.28bathati was stuck with a celeron a 733mhz for so long
17:19.28jharrisonwkbathat: im looking at am2
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17:19.40jharrisonwkbathat: I want to use SVM
17:19.40bathatthis is sooo much better, obviously
17:19.43bathatnight and day
17:19.54jharrisonwkbathat: secure virtual machine
17:20.03jharrisonwkbathat: run multiple OSs at machine speed
17:20.08jharrisonwkbathat: at the same time
17:20.14jharrisonwkjamonation: right
17:20.14bathathmm, not sure about that
17:20.23bathatit's like xen?
17:20.30jharrisonwkbathat: no xen uses SVM
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17:20.43jharrisonwkbathat: SVM is amd am2 built into the cpu
17:20.44jamonationuml is SVM too right?
17:20.45JohnRobertI'm using an svm from bytemark
17:20.48bathati only have one hdd, which has one distro on it
17:20.59JohnRobertthey use uml atm, but moving to xen. V good company btw
17:21.08jamonationI like quantact
17:21.09bathatwell, that sounds very nice and convenient
17:21.10jharrisonwkbathat: I will install debian and xen kernel on am2 and then install whatever other OSs I want
17:21.13JohnRobertcheap as chips vm's on a decent conn
17:21.17jamonationthey use both, you can pick which you want
17:21.19jharrisonwkbathat: then I will run them from the xen
17:21.24JohnRobertxen is elite
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17:21.40bathatif i still had windows, i could do that
17:21.51jharrisonwkbathat: so instead of having to reboot into freebsd for example I jsut run freebsd from within linux dom0
17:21.53bathatalthough dual-core would definitely be advantageous then
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17:22.05bathatyeah, very cool
17:22.17jamonationram is more an issue than cpu with xen I find
17:22.54jharrisonwkbathat: or I could have debian devleopment virtual machine running at the same time to test compiling a program without rebooting or messing up my main system etc...
17:22.54jharrisonwkjamonation: yes
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17:22.54jharrisonwkjamonation: need lots of ram
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17:22.54jharrisonwkmore the better
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17:22.54bathat1GB sufficient?
17:23.02jharrisonwkbathat: for 1 or 2 VM probably would be fine
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17:23.14jharrisonwkbathat: I would say at least 2GB is better though
17:23.15bathatyeah, that's all i'd need
17:23.18jamonationbathat: how many instances do you want? you can get xen virtual servers with 96mb of ram
17:23.38bathatdebian and windows, i guess
17:24.37bathatwhich copy of xen would i download... beta xenenterprise 3.1?
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17:25.08jamonationstart with apt-cache search xen
17:25.15JohnRobertstart with google
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17:26.07bdc34How can I find out how much swapping happend in the last 5min on a system?
17:26.12jharrisonwkdont kwo if I want to use debian built in xen
17:26.16jharrisonwkprobably will patch myself
17:26.23jharrisonwkxen wont work with 2.6.19 though
17:26.36bathati see the tarball on their site, alright
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17:26.43bathathad to scroll down
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17:27.53bathatnow all i need is a reason to install it
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17:28.26bathathmm, there's a 64-bit smp but no non-smp
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17:29.06bathatjharrisonwk: yeah, will only work on 2.6.16 it seems
17:29.14jharrisonwkbathat: not exactly
17:29.20jharrisonwkbathat: works with 2.6.18 I think
17:29.31jharrisonwkbathat: debian has 2.6.18 xen packages anyways
17:29.58jharrisonwkor maybe only 2.6.17
17:30.04jharrisonwkI think 2.6.18 xen images are in sid though
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17:30.22bathatoh yeah, i see... xen-linux-system-2.6.17-2-xen-amd64
17:30.26bathatthat's cool
17:30.35bathatso it would run on my current kernel
17:30.45h3sp4wnMy experience is the 2.6.18 packages from sid work alot better than the 2.6.17 ones in etch
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17:31.17h3sp4wn(I use etch with just the kernels from sid - reason being most of the patches are done by fedora and they released 2.6.18 with fedora 6)
17:31.25h3sp4wnhad strange issues with 2.6.17
17:31.28phr0st_eJust installed xorg on Etch, can't figure out what to change so that xwindows starts on boot
17:31.29phr0st_eI tried changing the line in /etc/inittab from id:2:initdefault: to id:5:initdefault:
17:31.29phr0st_ebut it didn't work, but running startx as root brings it up just fine.  and I'm using fluxbox as my wm...any ideas?
17:32.04jharrisonwkphr0st_e: dont mess with inittab
17:32.17jharrisonwkphr0st_e: you need xdm or some other display manager
17:32.30jharrisonwkphr0st_e: it will start in runlevel 2 and give you the gui
17:32.54bathatFATAL: Module sd_mod not found.
17:32.54bathatWARNING: This failure MAY indicate that your kernel will not boot!
17:32.54bathatbut it can also be triggered by needed modules being compiled into
17:32.54bathatthe kernel.
17:32.54*** kick/#debian [bathat!n=debhelpe@unaffiliated/debhelper] by debhelper (use the paster bot or #flood)
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17:33.04bathatoops sorry
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17:33.19phr0st_eok...found xdm (not installed) that the better option for a display manager?
17:33.28jharrisonwkbathat: any fatal module such and such not found is normal if they are built into the kernel
17:33.34*** part/#debian MarcusSt (
17:33.36cuscoits the most simple one
17:33.37jharrisonwkphr0st_e: you using gnome or kde?
17:33.39bathatalright, thx
17:33.50phr0st_eit's pretty light
17:33.51cuscouse xdm then
17:33.57bathataren't i supposed to use a pastebot or something?
17:33.59jharrisonwkphr0st_e: you probably want a prettier display manager
17:34.02phr0st_eok...will do...thanks!
17:34.06jharrisonwkphr0st_e: but xdm does the job
17:34.10phr0st_eehh...fluxbox does what I need
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17:34.20jamonationdisplay manager... eeew
17:34.23cusco!start a wm war
17:34.23dpkgfvwm95 blows goats!
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17:34.30epsreal men use cli!
17:34.42dclarkehello .. is there a way to boot the debian installer such that it runs in console/text only mode ?  On ttya/serial console for example ?
17:34.59epsisnt that default?
17:35.05rpchmm what should i enter when anonymous CVS asks me for a password on login?
17:35.15rgsteelecusco: Do I know you from somewhere?  I used to have a guild member back when I played WoW named Cusco.
17:35.20dclarkeit seems to want graphics
17:35.22jharrisonwkreal men use ncurses gui
17:35.39jamonationdclarke: is this the beta etch installer?
17:35.51dclarkejamonation: yes Sir
17:35.55cuscorgsteele: Im not sure what WoW is but I heard about it. Im pretty sure I never played it tho :/
17:35.56*** part/#debian Nedrik (
17:36.08jamonationit should start in text mode unless you specify installgui
17:36.11rgsteelecusco: Ah, okay.  Probably not the same person then :)
17:36.16jharrisonwkjabber == sweetness
17:36.18dclarkejamonation: I was just about to netboot the installed but wondered if there were options on the command line
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17:36.51phr0st_ehey...installing xdm worked like a champ...thanks again
17:37.00dclarkejamonation: I will remove the ATI graphics card here and then run with ttya/serial console only and see what happens
17:38.13Web-Kanotix606HI , Which command can get the public keys with apt-get
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17:38.37jharrisonwkphr0st_e: no problemo
17:38.45bathatnope, still getting the same error
17:39.01jharrisonwkbathat: try not using make-kpkg
17:39.07bathatwell, i would
17:39.14bathatbut i've already tried and it doesn't work
17:39.27rgsteeleWeb-Kanotix606: Um, you generate public keys with ssh-keygen
17:40.25jharrisonwkbathat: something isnt right
17:40.35bathati'll say
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17:40.45jharrisonwkbathat: when you did not use make-kpkg what commands did you use to build the kernel?
17:41.08bathatmake, make modules_install, make install, mkinitrd...
17:41.34*** join/#debian tamlin (n=tamlin@reactos/developer/tamlin)
17:41.37jharrisonwkbathat: make all; make modules_install; cp /boot/; cp arch/x86_64/boot/bzImage /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.19?
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17:42.02bathatalright, that's what i always used to do
17:42.10jharrisonwkbathat: you have module-init-tools installed?
17:42.10bathatthe manual copying
17:42.15brandinican anyone tell me how to get the configs that debian uses to build it's 2.6 smp kernels?
17:42.15tamlinIs Debian in deep problems, or have I encountered a stale page?
17:42.25h3sp4wnbathat: are you trying to use the new libata pata drivers ?
17:42.30jharrisonwkbrandini: it would be in /boot
17:42.38brandinijharrisonwk: thanks
17:42.41jharrisonwkbrandini: /boot/config-xxx
17:42.41bathatnot sure, i don't think so
17:43.01bathatthe sata/pata?
17:43.18jamonationpata is a pita
17:43.19brandinijharrisonwk: and how do I get configs for kernels newer than my 3.1 install?
17:43.27dclarkeokay .. I have no idea if this is booting or not
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17:43.37brandiniI only have the 2.6.8-2-386 and I'm looking for smp stuff
17:43.38tamlinPlease have a look at where it states "Server Recovery in Progress"... since 2006-11-20.
17:43.45bathatthe current kernel has libata and sava_nv loaded
17:43.58jamonationdclarke: i've never done a headless install
17:44.26DavidProck1981ok this is messed up, i wake up this morning and go to play a vidio and it lags like hell and when i close it, It is like Ctrl+Alt+BackSpace wass pressed and im back to the display manager, and since then it has done it  times and i was not messing with the video then, would any one know what is going on
17:44.59DavidProck19812 times*
17:45.05h3sp4wnbathat: I had to explicitly add the modules I needed into /etc/initramfs-tools/modules (pata_amd and libata in my case)
17:45.08jharrisonwkbrandini: from the package I guess
17:45.34brandiniapt-get install ???
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17:46.05jamonationanyone here with mailman foo?
17:46.12bathath3sp4wn: i will have to try that
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17:47.18h3sp4wnbathat: I used make-kpkg --initrd (and had the files in the initrd as it seemed to work better than having it all static) with everything statically in I had about a 15 second delay which I couldn't find out why
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17:47.49wiredddhow do I make ntp sync right now?
17:48.23bathatmake-kpkg doesn't work me this time
17:48.26bathatit has in the past
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17:49.00h3sp4wnbathat: It uses initramfs-tools (that still needs to be correct either way)
17:50.09bathatwhat do i specify as my existing initramfs when i do a update-initramfs?
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17:50.25DavidProck1981does any one know a good site to show how to setup the latest kernel for etch
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17:50.39nephiis anyone here familiar with the install of debian on an nslu2?
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17:51.35CaelumDavidProck1981: use kernel-package...
17:52.06maashaanyone know how to configure a wacom tablet to use absolute position instead of relateive position ? (xorg and etch)
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17:52.37h3sp4wnbathat: update-initramfs -u -k all (or substitute kernel version for all)
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17:53.07Ploujhow can I update my bash to version 3?
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17:53.14bathat/boot/initrd.img-2.6.19 has been altered.  Cannot update.
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17:53.26DavidProck1981Caelum: Now what?
17:53.36DavidProck1981just installed
17:53.50h3sp4wnbathat: Does that still exist ?
17:54.17wiredddhah, my clock was so far off that starting it made booth my monitors go into power save mode instantly
17:54.43CaelumDavidProck1981: get the kernel sources, unpack; cd to dir; cp /boot/config-`uname -r` .config; make menuconfig; make-kpkg --initrd kernel_image
17:54.58*** part/#debian limpio (n=xzgv@
17:55.00bathati accidentally forgot the k flag and now it won't update
17:55.36jamonationbathat: why not compile stuff statically and forget aobut initrd?
17:55.39DavidProck1981let me figure that one out lol
17:55.57stewDavidProck1981: what do you mean by "lastest kernel"?
17:56.11bathatwell, that's what i was trying to do by compiling disk device drivers directly into the kernel
17:56.12DavidProck1981i think it is 2.6.19
17:56.13h3sp4wnbathat: update-initramfs -d -k all then  update-initramfs -c -k `uname -r`
17:56.22CaelumDavidProck1981: you can also get the kernel tree from debian, apt-get install linux-source-2.6.18 # for example
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17:56.47h3sp4wnbathat: You can check whether the initramfs is right by extracting it (its a cpio archive - check it has all the modules you need in it)
17:57.06nephihas anyone here ever installed debian on an nslu2 before?
17:57.09bathatsorry, how do i do that?
17:57.16bathatthat seems to have worked
17:57.18*** part/#debian joshin (n=joshin@unaffiliated/joshin)
17:57.41CaelumDavidProck1981: yeah,
17:57.45h3sp4wnbathat: If you are not running that particular kernel you need to put the kernel name into uname -r
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17:57.48bathatit still doesn't work when i specify a version though
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17:58.48bathati'm not sure if it's working
17:59.10bathati'm trying to update the initrd for kernel 2.6.19
17:59.20bathatwhich i'm not running
17:59.41DavidProck1981Caelum: what would the patch be for, would i need it
18:00.28CaelumDavidProck1981: patches are the latest changes in the main tree, you can also get the latest snapshot from git
18:00.54CaelumDavidProck1981: but if you're just starting out, it's a good idea to use the released version of the kernel
18:01.21jcbhey, ive just experienced something really weird. i have 8x320gb partitions and i created a raid5 array of them and got a 42gb array instead of 7x320gb. If i create a 7x320gb array its equal to N-1 (6x320gb), so i really dont understand whats going on. Its the exactly same disk model all of them and they all work. Have one of you ever experienced this?
18:01.44bathatand if i try to remove with a kernel version specified, i just get ''Cannot delete version 2.6.19: Not created by this utility.'
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18:01.59rahuljcb: maybe you overflowed some value somewhere in the system
18:02.14rahuljcb: what exactly is saying it's 42gb?
18:02.32rahuljcb: the raid controller? linux? the filesystem?
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18:02.58jcbrahul: "mdadm -D /dev/md0" and fdisk
18:03.11rahuljcb: SOFTWARE raid 5?
18:03.18jcbrahul: yea
18:03.35jcbrahul: the raid5 module from the kernel
18:03.38rahulmaybe there's an int somewhere in the code.
18:03.39rpetredoes anyone package google earth for debian? i tend to avoid installing *.bin stuff
18:03.43rahulgrovel it :P
18:04.11rahuljcb: good luck getting decent performance...
18:04.12h3sp4wnbathat: mkinitramfs -o /boot/initrd.img-2.6.19 2.6.19
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18:04.23jcbrahul: it does smell of overflow
18:04.37jcbrahul: i cant afford a decent hardware controller
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18:04.38Caelumrpetre: I see googleearth-package
18:04.40rahulyes. the sewer is overflowing... I mean
18:05.02rahuljcb: 3ware is too expensive?
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18:05.03jcbrahul: at the moment, yes
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18:05.16rahulshould have bought one fewer disk
18:05.25rpetreCaelum: heh, thanks
18:05.27rahulthen you wouldn't have had this problem anyway :P
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18:05.48jcbrahul: hehe nah 3ware cost more than 1 disk, say 5
18:06.00jcbrahul: but i get your point :)
18:06.05Caelumjcb: what if you make a 7x array then add the 8th drive? or use one as a boot drive and for other stuff?
18:06.16rahulwhat Caelum said
18:06.24pznusing debian testing, kernel 2.6.18; when I plug usb HD or memory-card, they are detected as /dev/sda. (not both at the same time). where should I configure if I want HD as 0600 root/root and memory-card as 0666 (chmod). can the kernel/app detected which one I plugged and configure automatically the permissions? (without mount)
18:06.42rahulpzn: you don't want to do that
18:06.49rahulpzn: man 5 fstab
18:07.00rahulpzn: there is a user flag on the entries you can add
18:07.19pznrahul, the memory card is a compact-flash that is used in an equipment. It does not have partitions... I need to use it "raw"
18:07.38jcbCaelum: i already have a 2x80 as raid1 for root and if i grow from 7 disk raid5 to 8 disk raid5, it stall at 98.1% and the kernel log says "compute_blocknr: map not correct"
18:07.56rahulpzn: are you using devfs or something?
18:08.06pznrahul, if memory card is detected, I'd like it to automatically do 0666. yes, it is devfs
18:08.23Caelumjcb: latest kernel tree and raid tools?
18:08.30jcbCaelum: yea
18:08.56rahulpzn: add an entry in the perms config that's like REGISTER /scsi/hostX/.... PERMISSIONS root.disk 0666
18:09.13rahulpzn: figure out what host usb comes under
18:09.15jcbCaelum: kernel-2.6.19 and mdadm-2.5.2
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18:09.40bathatphew, i almost lost control of my only good kernel
18:09.51bathatthank goodness i had a backup of initrd
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18:10.09maashaanyone tried xsnow on xorg ?
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18:10.39sandmanIs there a way for a window manager to automatically set the priority of windows under the current one to a lower priority?
18:10.48DavidProck1981speaking od partitions, i have a one hard drive that is split into 2 partitions, is there any way i can merg them back into one with out any data loss
18:10.56rahulwhat's the priority of a window? to what?
18:11.28maashasandman: i should say that is configurable with fvwm
18:11.32raf256I have a wifi in my laptop, how to use it to connect to inet?  ifconfig -a doesnt see it
18:11.36sandmanSuch that my system may be more responsive? I tried Pre-emptive kerneling, but that didn't entirely do what I wanted... it would do things like this: I've a Firefox window up with some flash animations on the page. wine World of Warcraft.exe would be above the firefox windows, and every 3 seconds or so (whenever the flash animations would change on the firefox window behind it), the game would freeze up for a couple seconds
18:11.40bkwI have installed nvidia-kernel-legacy-2.6-686 successfully. recommends to install nvidia-glx also. But I can't find that package. Is that a old howto?
18:11.42maasharaf256: WPA ?
18:11.53raf256maasha: not shure, I think so
18:12.02rahulsandman: I don't think that's easy to contorl
18:12.04sandmanIt wouldn't behave this way with pre-emptive kerneling off
18:12.08rahulsandman: it could be coming from any computer
18:12.11maasharaf256: then you are in for some work ... google for a WPA debian guide
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18:12.26sandmanrahul: I'd rather much like whatever window I have up to have the highest priority
18:12.31rahulsandman: the X server or WM can't control scheduling on remote machines
18:12.45sandmanrahul: I think pre-emptive kerneling + dynamic priority control would work.
18:12.45rahulsandman: windows don't have priority
18:12.57sandmanrahul: Perhaps, but couldn't they determine what's running them?
18:13.01rahulsandman: windows are data structures that are established over a socket
18:13.02sandmanrunning on them, that is
18:13.11sandmanSo what you're saying is that it's impossible.
18:13.19rahulsandman: that would be like changing the priority of the web server thread servicing you
18:13.26sandmanI wish there was a way to somehow control how flash is brought up, so I could lower the priority of it.
18:13.30rahulsandman: it might be possible in some special cases
18:13.34rahulyeah hmm
18:13.42sandmanIt seems flash is the only program that does this.
18:13.43rahulKILL FLASH
18:13.47rahulit's shit.
18:14.27rahulmozilla should come up with a way to control flash better
18:14.33rahulit's too much of a problem.
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18:14.44rahulunfortunately, pandora uses flash, so I need it
18:14.48jamonationrahul: adobe and mozilla are working on that
18:14.55rahuljamonation: sweet!
18:15.04rahuljamonation: is there a page that documents it?
18:15.10rahuljamonation: or something in bugzilla?
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18:16.00rahulfuck, I'll contribute, too
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18:16.23nyoroHi, I have a pc with a intel q965 chipsets... Ive been trying to install from an usb stick no luck. What are my options?
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18:16.57kingsleyWhich file contains commands that are executed when X based destops like gnome start?
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18:17.41l3mris it possible to install debian without having to format the disk, given that a swap partition is already existent?
18:18.19rahuljamonation: well, they're not going to really fix the issue of the apps hogging cpu for no good reason, at least they don't say they will... but once it's in the moz codebase, I can file bugs into bugzilla and contribute
18:18.42rahulkingsley: that's specific to the desktop
18:19.01rahulkingsley: or, man xsession and read about some of the more generic startup stuff in debian
18:19.12jamonationrahul: i think hogging is more an issue with setinterval and actionscript 2.0
18:19.18nyoroI've been trying to install from an usb flash memory stick. I zcat'ed a boot.img.gz to it and copied for instance a netinst iso to it, but it cant find the iso after booting. I have fast network so i dont mind as much as possible getting installed over network.
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18:19.40rahuljamonation: shrug. all I know is I get huge memory leaks and cpu hogging. especially in myspace :P
18:20.10jamonationyeah, i switched to 64bit so i don't have flash :)
18:20.20jamonationcombine that with adblock plus
18:20.32jamonationtake back the web++
18:20.34rahulwell, some stuff is actual apps in flash
18:20.57raf256how to check name of my wireless card? PCMCIA
18:21.09esteellspci ?
18:21.22sandmanIf I apt-get source linux-image-2.6.17-2-k7 && su -c apt-get build-dep linux-image-2.6.17-2-k7 && cd linux-2.6-2.6.17 && make menuconfig (set options and such) && fakeroot make-kpkg --initrd kernel_image, will this read my .config file?
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18:21.42sandmanWould the same hold true if I had apt-get source -b linux-image-2.6.17-2-k7?
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18:21.51sandmaninstead of make-kpkg, that is
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18:22.08jorgpwhere can I find a list of debian environment variables I can set, like DEBEMAIL
18:22.30nyoroim having trouble with getting started installing debian from an usb stick.. can anyone help?
18:22.32raf256esteel:  gcbirzan: not lspcmcia?
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18:22.57pipelinejamonation: privoxy beats adblock any day of the week :P
18:22.59raf256lspcmi do not recognize it - no driver. it means I have to recompile kernel?
18:23.04raf256I build kernels by hand
18:23.12jamonationpipeline: i've got it installed with tor
18:23.32h3sp4wnraf256: Try update-pciids first
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18:23.56l3mrgcbirzan: how would i do that?
18:24.03jamonationnyoro: can you install grub to the usb stick?
18:24.21raf256h3sp4wn: trying
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18:24.49pipelinejamonation: despite privoxy's name, I just use it as an ad filter.  Which is wonderful.
18:24.50nyorojamonation: havent tried that approach, just tried the approach in the documentation which writes a boot.img to the stick and then copies an iso file to it
18:24.53kingsleyrahul: Thanks for the tip on man Xsession.
18:24.58raf256h3sp4wn: after update-pciids and reinsergting card, it still is unknown
18:25.04raf256it means I have to rebuild kernel?
18:25.14becks`hi, what's the official way to remove services? go in all rcx.d-folders and delete the symlinks?!
18:25.32l3mrgcbirzan: thanks!
18:25.36gcbirzanbecks`: update-rc.d
18:25.39h3sp4wnraf256: No you would still get the name is lspci
18:25.48becks`ok thanks gcbirzan
18:25.48rahulbecks`: uninstall the packages
18:25.51h3sp4wnraf256: It may be there is no linux driver for it
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18:25.57rahulbecks`: why keepthem around if you don't want them?
18:26.07stewraf256: what is the output of "lspci -n" for that unkonwn card?
18:26.09becks`ok thanks, that's even better :)
18:26.10h3sp4wnraf256: In which case you would need to use ndiswrapper
18:26.28raf256I dont see the name in lspci
18:26.44stewraf256: is it a pci card or a pcmcia card?
18:26.47jamonationraf256: take a look at
18:27.00stewraf256: pcmcia cards don't show up in lcpci
18:27.06stewraf256: what chipset does the card have?
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18:27.12raf256it is in lspcmcia but it is unknown
18:27.22raf256well lspcmcia dont show the name so I dont know
18:27.38stewraf256: who is the manufacturer
18:27.42raf256the card says "orinoco"
18:27.44enoufraf256: got pcmciautils installed?
18:27.48stewraf256: modprobe orinoco_cs
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18:28.02raf256module not found
18:28.09stewraf256: what does "uname -r" say?
18:28.11jamonationyou've checked iwconfig too right raf256 ?
18:28.12raf256I build kernels by hand
18:28.25stewraf256: well you need to rebuild it with orinoco support then
18:28.29raf256stew: what might be .config option for it
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18:29.15raf256jamonation: yes, the card is not at all visible (not in ifconfig -a)
18:29.19raf256I will rebuild the kernel then
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18:30.27stewraf256: i dunno off the top of my head
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18:33.32AzverkanQuestion about packaging up css stylesheets in the /usr/shar/<proj> directory.  The file from the package has the permissions 0755, I assume I need to change this to 0644 before packaging it up, is it recommended to change the permissions in the source tree before the dh_install step, or change the permissions in the install tree after the dh_install step?
18:33.50stewAzverkan: in the install tree
18:33.52pznrahul, both devices (HD and compact-flash) are connected to the same USB plug. is there any way of it using different permissions for each device?
18:34.09rahulpzn: not likely.
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18:34.18rahulnot easily for sure
18:34.19stewAzverkan: like debian/tmp
18:35.02gnudoi finally managed to installed backport kernel 2.6.18-3 on my sarge laptop and then i proceeded to install the madwifi driver for my atheros card which works fine with 2.6.16. the compilation and installation of the madwifi driver on my laptop running *2.6.18-3* was sucessful but less than a minute after getting an internet connection it locks the machine solid! what gives??
18:35.52jamonationanything in your syslog?
18:35.55pznrahul, ok. I'll search for more docs... what I'm trying is a little unusual... thanks!
18:36.54*** part/#debian mikespook (i=mikespoo@
18:37.12enoufraf256: here's the ouput of ~$ grep -i pcmcia /boot/config-$(uname -r) for a 2.6.16 Debian kernel-image http://pastebin.CA/272083 ... though I do recall Sarge requiring the yenta_socket module(?)
18:37.43enoufraf256: and 2 others .. likely pcmcia_cs and on other
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18:37.45raf256enouf: thanks I will be turning all most options I find concenrning that
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18:40.58enoufraf256: welcome .. here's the orinoco modules for the same kernel http://pastebin.CA/index.php
18:41.25enoufraf256: bah .. here http://pastebin.CA/272086
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18:41.55raf256thanks, lets get compilin' \o/
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18:42.32raf256on other box - dual core AM2 with very new mainboard (nvidia, newer then  nforce4) I fail to use both DMA for ATA hd and build in network, wtf
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18:44.46enoufraf256: that's an installer issue .. try loading libata.enabled=1 on VT2 just after initial boot (or similar) .. but i'm really not clear on that .. try #debian-boot and mailing list .. it's a known issue .. even perhaps
18:44.59*** join/#debian lastnode (n=lastnode@unaffiliated/mahangu)
18:45.05raf256enouf: its amd64 debian btw
18:45.18raf256also, hand builded kernel 2.6.18 fails to boot there, wtf
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18:45.30enoufraf256: then maybe #debian-amd64 even :-)
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18:46.05enoufraf256: dunno . but newer hardware is always an issue .. you should know that by now
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18:46.31parsonsdi run gnome (it's default) and use knotes (if there's a gnome version, I don't know it) and have a palm that neatly syncs with kpilot.  now, knotes has a feature to hide notes, but you can bring them back by clicking on the icon in the systm tray -- but it never shows up in the gnome tray.  anyone know a way to get the hidden notes to reappear?
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18:47.15parsonsdor, hehe, should i see if i can find a kde channel?
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18:49.26enoufparsonsd: #debian-kde, #debian-gnome .. or just the channels without the debian prefix .. ok off to find tonight's babydoll :-)
18:49.46parsonsdthnks enouf
18:49.50Roninbring a patch kit enouf ;)
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18:51.40gnudoi installed backport kernel 2.6.18-3 on my debian sarge laptop and udev was installed. hotplu was removed but a dir called /etc/hotplug is still there. is it safe to remove it?
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18:52.59PerfDavegnudo: I just trashed my Sarge system by installing a backported udev :/
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18:53.21SmallR2002guys, any advice on setting up a groupware solution?
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18:54.32Epilogwhat is the best way to stop the port scanners'
18:54.47PerfDaveSmallR2002: Don't do it.
18:55.02PerfDaveSmallR2002: Just run seperate services, groupware stuff is all crap
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18:55.22SmallR2002i want synchronisation for multiple pcs/devices
18:55.25SmallR2002and mail
18:55.44st_ironi have installed the latest Nvidia driver and worked fine till the reboot
18:55.48SmallR2002a central document editor would be pretty sweet too
18:55.48gnudoPerfDave: but udev is installed whether you like it or not if you install backport kernel 2.6.18-3
18:55.58st_ironand the machine forget load the nvidia driver
18:56.01PerfDaveSmallR2002: cfengine for Debian package synchronisation, rsync for files, IMAP for e-mail.
18:56.22st_ironi try the 'dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86' but don't see the nvidia driver
18:56.28st_ironwhat is the problem? :(
18:56.30dooglus!info cfengine
18:56.38st_iron(sorry for my english)
18:56.38SmallR2002ok, now if i add a couple of windows mobile (sorry, no nix ports for them yet) devices to the mix?
18:57.16st_ironcould anyone help me?
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18:59.16jamonationst_iron: you want the nv or nvidia driver?
18:59.31disposablei want to install glx|aiglx and beryl. however, dpkg(bot) has no useful info. only some outdated wiki, and packages i'd have to download manually (no sources) is there some other recommended way?
18:59.36jamonationdidi you edit your xorg.conf?
18:59.44st_ironI have downloaded the latest nvidia driver
18:59.47SmallR2002i want email syncing (ok, IMAP should handle that), todo/notes syncing - with a web interface to edit them, an online document editor would be nice too, contacts syncing
19:00.00*** mode/#debian [+l 716] by debhelper
19:00.02SmallR2002and i want that for both nix and pocketpc devices
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19:00.10st_ironand I use the 'dpkg-reconfigure...' command
19:00.20SmallR2002do you still say i can do that w/o groupware PerfDave?
19:00.26st_ironit edited the xorg.conf, isn't it
19:00.31blondiewtf is groupware?
19:00.35jamonationst_iron: you need to execute the file you downloaded from a shell as root
19:00.45st_ironthat is ok
19:00.46blondieoh that management rubbish :\
19:00.49l3mri'm trying to install debian on a running system using i seem to fail. step c4.4.4 always returns to console immediately with "Terminated." Any ideas on how to solve this?
19:00.55st_ironI installed succesfully
19:01.02st_ironand it worked
19:01.09st_irontill the reboot...
19:01.09*** join/#debian Jemt|Mac (
19:01.18jamonationyou restarted xserver and it worked or it said that it had installed
19:01.20Jemt|MacGreetz. How do I determine which version of Debian I
19:01.33jamonationst_iron: did you get the nvidia spalsh screen?
19:01.42st_ironjamonation>> yes
19:01.45craigevilJemt|Mac: cat /etc/debian_version
19:01.56st_ironI restarted the Xserver and it worked correctly
19:01.57jamonationso what's in /var/log/Xorg.0.log?
19:02.18Jemt|MacGreetz. How do I determine which version of Debian I'm using? I'm installing from the minimal CD, and performed a dist-upgrade with testing repository
19:02.25Jemt|Maccraigevil: oh, thanks :)
19:03.03l3mrWhen i call /usr/sbin/base-config new, it immediately returns to the shell, without asking me anything. how can i solve this?
19:03.08*** join/#debian jag (n=jag@
19:03.08Jemt|MacDebian 3.1 == Sarge ?
19:03.17Jemt|MacWoops, sorry
19:03.31st_ironJemt|Mac>> yes :)
19:03.40Jemt|MacGreat, thanks mate :)
19:04.20st_ironjamonation>> Xfree86 ;)
19:04.21*** join/#debian lordlamer (
19:04.25st_ironDebian Sarge
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19:05.25st_ironjamonation>> the Xfree86.0.log said: "Fatal server error: Caught signal 11. Server aborting"
19:05.26jamonationright, no clue then...
19:05.59st_ironthere is not (EE) line
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19:09.55[zebra]hello guys
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19:10.24[zebra]which fllesystem to prefer ? which is better and probably why ?
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19:11.23pipeline[zebra]: Just use ext3.   XFS could conceivably be useful in a few very special cases, but ext3 is never a bad choice.
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19:12.05[zebra]i heard that is slow ...
19:12.10RealBorgI found ext3 to be a very bad choice - performance just sucks
19:13.04[zebra]i previously used ext2 it was dead slow especially during search (traversal)
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19:13.26jamonationRealBorg: performance compared to what?
19:13.36sidI believe most GNU/Linux users use ext3.
19:14.01sidProbably like 90%+ I imagine. since all the distros pick it by default. so there must be something good about ext3
19:14.02jamonationand with the beloved leader of the namesys team in the click indefinitely...
19:14.10RealBorgjamonation, our server almost hangs when doing I/O intensive tasks like svnadmin dump or pg_dump
19:14.16[zebra]ok but ext3 does not journalling
19:14.24stewRealBorg: depends on what you want from your filesystem.  we get way more people in here with filesystem corruption using reiserfs than all other filesystems combined
19:14.36stewRealBorg: how did you compare the performance of the two filesystems?
19:14.55jamonationsounds like a matter or "It just works"
19:15.43RealBorgstew, I had fs corruption only one back with reiserfs 3.4
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19:16.41RealBorgwhen they introduced the unpack_tail ioctl
19:16.45jamonationdid 4 make it into the kernel before hans got arrested?
19:16.56pipeline[zebra]: ext3 uses the same on-disk format as ext2, but it's a newer driver.
19:17.02pipeline[zebra]: Same filesystem, newer, faster driver.
19:17.40pipelineRealBorg, jamonation : ReiserFS, even version 4, still lacks a goddamned fsck tool.  Grepping the block device for things that look like valid filesystem chunks does not a fsck make
19:18.03pipelineRealBorg, jamonation : Even XFS, insane, complicated beast that it is, has xfs_db/xfs_repair
19:18.09*** join/#debian schmidtsmike1 (
19:18.17jamonationi use ext3, lost data with reiserfs on gentoo a year ago
19:18.31jamonationjust tried it out, died within a week
19:18.41pipelineRealBorg: By the way, ext3 performance pretty consistently fails to suck.  ext3 took a lot of the wind out of the sails of alternative filesystems, because there was so little motive to work on them.
19:18.49RealBorgif you loose data with reiserfs, it's almost always faulty hardware to blame
19:19.06sidI've been using ext3 for 6 years, never lost one bit.
19:19.10jamonationwell that same hardware has been running ever since with ext3...
19:19.36abrotmanreiser implodes on its own
19:19.39sidI don't see what people are talking about with filesystem problems, ext3 seems to work great..I don't even notice it. It just performs it's job.
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19:20.13jamonation[zebra]: ext3 is journaled
19:20.17raf256each time you use ext3, raiser kidnaps one byte
19:20.21pipelineRealBorg: That's Hans' most hilarious lie.
19:20.36pipelineRealBorg: He also used to claim that ReiserFS used "different gates" in the processor, causing failures when no other software could :D
19:20.58raf256pipeline: lol? for real? url?
19:21.03pipelineRealBorg: I am told by aquaintances that Hans Reiser really was a pretty bright guy, just a bit of an egomaniac.  i.e. not nearly so stupid as he appears in his many mailing list posts.
19:21.17abrotmanabout as bad as DJB :)
19:21.19raf256wtf is egomanica
19:21.39abrotman!dict egomaniac
19:21.41dpkgDictionary 'egomaniac' an abnormally egotistical person
19:21.47abrotmandpkg: you suck
19:21.47dpkgDream on, abrotman.  These lips will never touch your flesh.
19:21.54RealBorgI use reiserfs since about the time the lilo ioctl was introduced
19:22.08*** part/#debian tam (
19:22.13RealBorgthe only thing I lost was my lilo.conf at that time
19:22.56RealBorg(with lilo still working however)
19:22.56jamonationwell, whatever floats your boat
19:22.57CharminTheMoosequestion:how can I make my vfat partition readwriteable for a normal user?
19:22.57jamonationon a desktop though, I doubt I/O is a problem for most users
19:22.57abrotmanlilo can run without a conf file
19:23.04abrotmanbecause of the way lilo works
19:23.31craigevilsilly question, gkrellm show temps as 32c and 48c are those high temps?
19:24.04jamonationwhat kind of system? they seem normal
19:24.16RealBorgreiserfs' efficency did really put a great load upon processor, bridge and memory
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19:24.41craigevilits a crappy duron 1.8, its running fine i just have no idea what normal temps are
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19:24.53jamonationcraigevil: that's nice for a duron
19:24.54abrotmancheck with #hardware or
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19:25.01pipelinecraigevil: Motherboards lie.  The temperature is practically meaningless.
19:25.02abrotman!fs comparison
19:25.02dpkg[filesystem comparison] or or
19:25.18pipelinecraigevil: The only reason that the temperature monitor is there at all is so that you can monitor for outlying (unusual) values.  The value in itself means jack shit.
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19:25.44craigevilah ok, just another pretty sensor on gkrellm then
19:25.56pipelinecraigevil: e.g. if it normally reads "90", you want to know the day it reads "200" instead.  "90" and "200" don't mean a goddamned thing in relation to zero.
19:27.25*** part/#debian [zebra] (
19:27.44jamonationwhere does gkrellm get its values? proc/acpi/blah?
19:28.20CharminTheMoosehow very ambigous
19:30.00*** mode/#debian [+l 708] by debhelper
19:30.02jamonationCharminTheMoose: s/blah/tab completion :)
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19:31.48RvGaTeAnyone here running Debian Etch and has a working Counterstrike Source with wine?
19:32.08jamonationcedega count?
19:32.16RvGaTejamonation, if its free
19:32.49abrotmanthat's not free
19:33.20wols_abrotman: it is. as long as you evade capture
19:34.29sidno it isn't.
19:34.48sidIt's non-free.
19:35.16jamonationit's free, not Free
19:35.19sidcedega is just a lame company that is cheating the wine community and not submitting changes upstream
19:35.32sidIt's no cost, or free/gratis. It is not free/libre.
19:35.51jamonationactually, I think wine doing better at the dx9 api than cedega now
19:36.25CharminTheMoosesid,does the gpl say that you have to submit changes upstream?
19:36.41pipelinemericans already know that the measurement of miles will be discarded in favor of kilometers - a systme of measurement based on the unit of tens and already in use in most of the world. Few people, however, know about the new metric alphabet: the "Decibet"; "deci" from the Greek "ten", and "bet" from our own "alphabet". Let's take a look, shall we? [ holds up large poster of the Decibet ] Now, isn't that simple? Only ten letters. Twn
19:36.47pipeline[ holds flip cards ]
19:36.48abrotmanAFAIK .. you're supposed to register for cedega
19:36.50wols_CharminTheMoose: non issue. WINE is not under GPL
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19:36.57sidCharminTheMoose: yes it does.
19:37.02pipelinewhat the heck was that paste
19:37.19wols_sid: wrong
19:37.24sidCharminTheMoose: They aren't doing anything against the law. But they've obviously cheated the spirit of our community.
19:37.26pipelineabrotman: Cedega source isn't available anymore.
19:37.39sidCharminTheMoose: You have to show source when distributing with the GPL
19:37.54wols_abrotman: after there were things like gentoo ebuilds and the like, cedega removed cvs access
19:37.55pipelinesid, CharminTheMoose : It's all moot now.  The Cedega people were such assholes for such a long time that WineHQ changed the license on Wine.  Cedega is based on a version that's really, really old.
19:38.42CharminTheMooseaye but cedega is supporting a load of gamez
19:39.15phr0st_ewhen tunneling X11 apps over ssh, is there a way to forward the entire display, and not just the individual X11 apps?
19:39.15phr0st_enot including using NX or VNC, but just like you would tunnel any other X11 app?
19:39.29blondiephr0st_e: what display?
19:39.55phr0st_eusing fluxbox w/ xdm
19:39.55jamonationcan you do xdmcp over ssh?
19:39.55blondieyou could try running your WM maybe
19:40.08blondiewhat happens if you run fluxbox over it?
19:40.10CharminTheMoosequestion:how can I make my vfat partition readwriteable for a normal user?
19:40.14phr0st_enot sure what xdmcp is...
19:40.24dpkghmm... xdmcp is if using a recent xdm .deb, comment last line in /etc/X11/xdm/xdm-config to enable xdmcp at all! also edit /etc/X11/xdm/Xaccess to specify which clients are allowed to use XDMCP - a single line of "*" means "anyone in the world"
19:40.33blondiebut I don't think it tunnels
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19:41.57jamonationnever tried it, works well on a lan though
19:42.39phr0st_eam looking into xdmcp...thanks for the start
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19:45.03jamonationdunno if it works over ssh like blondie said
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19:45.32lolbanner lol
19:45.35lolits a new banner
19:45.47lolajaa you are a gay
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19:46.01rdzhi all. how can i pipe stderr to the next command? with 2|?
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19:46.40heloif i have a binary-only kernel driver, how can i get make-kpkg to pull it into the deb when it builds?
19:46.57phr0st_ehr...doesn't look like xdmcp doesn't like to work over ssh...I'll just implement VNC if I really need to see the whole desktop, and tunnel that through SSH
19:47.05phr0st_ethanks all
19:47.46CharminTheMoosehmm,is it just me or is make install a bit stupid if there's no make uninstall in the sources Makefile?
19:48.13helonot at all... otherwise you'd have to manually copy files everywhere to install
19:48.36jamonationcheckinstall is a good tool for basic .deb creation from sources
19:49.04*** join/#debian waggy (
19:49.13CharminTheMoosehelo what do you mean?
19:49.34heloCharminTheMoose: make install is nice, even without make uninstall, because it saves you a lot of work
19:49.34CharminTheMoosei'm talking about uninstalling 'make install'ed software
19:49.35*** join/#debian waggy` (
19:49.51rdzis there a way to redirect stderr to sdtout?
19:50.03heloCharminTheMoose: make uninstall would be kinda nice, but it doesn't devalue make install
19:50.36rgsteeleEh, anyone know the ha-linux channel?
19:50.52jamonationCharminTheMoose: use checkinstall to install stuff
19:50.52CharminTheMoosehelo yeah i suppose.
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19:51.32CharminTheMoosejamonation:what does checkinstall do?
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19:52.27stewCharminTheMoose: apt-cache show checkinstall
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19:54.30WorldBFreeis there an iceweasel channel?
19:55.04jamonationit creates a .deb out of your make install
19:55.26CharminTheMoosethat's pretty cool
19:55.33rahulor just make a package of it
19:55.42rahulit's kinda trivial
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19:56.14vanisheris testing stable enough for production shared webhosting?
19:56.23rahulvanisher: could be.
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19:56.26rahulvanisher: you never know
19:56.27stewvanisher: no, it doesn't get timely security updates
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19:56.38rahulwell, it could be _right now_
19:57.33Detox_awayhello   am wanting to isntall etch on a dell power edge 1950 server but it does not like the raid controller,  do I need to adjsut something on booting for isntall?  or compile to add raid support?
19:58.05vanisherstew: are there any recent packages for php etc available for stable?
19:58.25stewvanisher: has them /msg dpkg bpo
19:59.15jamonationstable && recent php == joke
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19:59.25tarmsiehow do I make apt-get only get the one package I want, and not try to damage a whole bunch of other stuff up at the same time?
19:59.31l3mri am running debootstrap and it fails when trying to install base-files and base-passwd, but the files are in /var/cache/apt/...
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19:59.36Varangehi all
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20:00.00vanisherthx stew! time to try some real linux distro :)
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20:00.33CharminTheMoosequestion:how can I make my vfat partition readwriteable for a normal user?
20:00.34vanisherapt-get install <packagename> ?
20:00.46Detox_awayhello   am wanting to isntall etch on a dell power edge 1950 server but it does not like the raid controller,  do I need to adjsut something on booting for isntall?  or compile to add raid support?
20:00.53stewCharminTheMoose: /msg dpkg vfatrw
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20:01.01tarmsiestew, any idea man?
20:01.20bkwIs speedstep support something that is supported in the official debian kernel packages, I'm running testing?
20:01.23VarangeI've inherited this old Debian box, and need to fix up the iptables setup. So first off, a few generic questions. I see that iptables are handled by ipmasq. Is this still the current preferred way of doing it?
20:01.31Varangehi stew
20:01.40vanishertarmsie: apt-get install <package name>
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20:02.23tarmsieapt-get seems to be seriously broken.  it's trying to remove 142mb of stuff, including X, when all I want to do is install libgtkglext1-dev
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20:03.10helorest assured, apt is not broken!
20:03.17LoevborgIs there a way to watch file grow on the command line? (short of while true; clear; ls -lh file; done)
20:03.26tarmsiewhy is it doing so then?
20:03.47Varangetarmsie, it might be trying to uninstall old stuff so it can install new stuff that your package needs
20:03.48heloi bet it explains itself if you read the output carefully
20:04.07Loevborg(background I'm using "dd" to copy a partition, but it has no nice and verbose output)
20:04.18stewtarmsie: /msg dpkg bat
20:04.48Varangewho knows in detail how Debian loads the iptables commands?
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20:05.06Varangeis ipmasq still current?
20:05.33Varangehelo, will you give me a hand with this?
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20:08.06Varangestew, some help with iptables?
20:09.08raf256I write a shell script that calls a serie of iptables commands, it that a good approach?
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20:09.28stewVarange: afiak, ipmasq is still valid, but i've never tried it.  debian doesn't have a standard way to load iptables rules.
20:09.29Varangeraf256, dunno
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20:09.39Varangestew, ahh, I see
20:09.44raf256stew: perhaps there should be one?
20:10.02aboyousifhello, can i run gnome 2.16 on 128 ram ?
20:10.02karstenraf256: That's the standard approach.
20:10.06MegafArcherabchirk_, maybe
20:10.07stewVarange: one recommended way (of other possible ways) is to write a script, put it somewhere like /usr/local/sbin ; the call the script from a "pre-up" line in /etc/network/interfaces
20:10.11karstenaboyousif: You might walk it slowly.
20:10.14stewVarange: read /usr/share/doc/iptables/README.Debian
20:10.18raf256like a script in /etc/network/ that reads some /etc/network/current/ config variables
20:10.22Varangestew, thanks!
20:10.23stewVarange: (or the same for ipmasq)
20:10.30karstenWhere's the website / procedure for requesting a package for Debian?
20:10.33raf256"/usr/share/doc/iptables/README.Debian" [New File]
20:10.40aboyousifkarsten, thanks
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20:10.58karstenNM:  wnpp
20:11.04stewbah, where did that file go
20:11.21bkwI have loaded the speedstep_centrino module, but still /proc/cpuinfo show's the max clock freq. I'm not having any load atm
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20:12.21raf256bkw: cpufreq-set
20:12.26jamonationbkw: i think you need something like powernowd or cpufreqd
20:12.45bkwraf256: what is that?
20:12.57raf256bkw: a program to controll the cpu speed, apt-get install it
20:13.00bkwI thought the kernel would set the freq automaticlly
20:13.02raf256then call it with ondemand
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20:13.10raf256yes, but you need to tell kernel to do that
20:13.22raf256cpufreq-set -g ondemand  should do that, or simmilar, read man
20:13.33raf256and then add it to /etc/init.d/ to have it auto-start
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20:13.59stewraf256: /usr/share/doc/iptables/README.Debian.gz seems to exist in sarge but not etch
20:14.07CharminTheMoosegoddamn it
20:14.15CharminTheMoosei've lost the abilty to untar from the cli
20:14.16heloadding it to /etc/rc.local would probably be the best way to do it
20:14.23CharminTheMoosecan someone help me out here?
20:14.25bkwraf256: is the packagename cpufreqd, -set does not exist.
20:14.45CharminTheMooseoh wait
20:14.47CharminTheMoosethere we go
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20:15.06blondiemy iptables script lives in /etc/network/if-up.d/
20:15.15blondieso it gets run when the network comes up
20:15.50stewblondie: pre-up is probably better than up, but that is splitting hairs
20:16.16stewblondie: well depending on if the script has everything it needs before the network is up
20:16.22CharminTheMoosegeo-rge:what's wrong with untarring from the cli?
20:16.30tarmsieI don't want to do any of that...  I just want to install one package!
20:16.31geo-rgeactually it's good...
20:16.43tarmsiehow do I make apt-get only do what I want it to do?  :)
20:16.53static_x_could someone please tell me how i can find out which driver my current debian install is using for my graphics card. As for some reason i cannot change the resolution, it seems to only go to 640 x 480 (screen size)?
20:16.54geo-rgeif you can untarcli you should also be able to catcli and do other clilike things...
20:17.13CharminTheMoosecatcli?cat from the command line?
20:17.27geo-rgeheyy! you guessed it!
20:17.28stewtarmsie: what version of debian are you running?
20:17.47stewtarmsie: it must be either a system that only halfway upgraded from stable to testing, or a very out of date testing/unstable
20:18.02blondiestew: not sure if ppp0 exists beforehand
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20:18.37geo-rgeof course, you could also #!/bin/cat on scripts... (and btw, what exactly would that do?)
20:18.58tarmsiestew:  only slightly out-of-date testing
20:19.15CharminTheMoosegeo-rge:What would that do??
20:19.35geo-rgehmm :) the suspense is killing me!
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20:19.40stewtarmsie: well what it is doing looks correct
20:19.49CharminTheMoosei don't know what it'd do
20:20.12geo-rgeok... what would #!/usr/bin/perl do?
20:20.16stewtarmsie: can you show the output of "apt-cache policy" ?
20:20.21geo-rgewhat does that -specify-?
20:20.34geo-rgewhat does that -mean-?
20:20.36CharminTheMooseerm,run the script through /usr/bin/perl?
20:20.39tarmsiestew: but I don't want it to do any of that.  I just want ONE package, and any of its dependencies, installed.
20:20.54geo-rgeso perl would _______ the script
20:20.58stewblondie: you don't need it to exist to run (for example) iptable -A INPUT -i ppp0 -j DENY... but if you need the actual ip address then you need to do it in post-up
20:21.04stewtarmsie: then you are doing the right thing
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20:21.11CharminTheMooseinterpret it??
20:21.37CharminTheMooseah so #!/bin/cat would run the script through /bin/cat
20:21.43geo-rgehmmm.... if that's the case, what would it mean for cat to "interpret" a script in the same way
20:21.44CharminTheMoosewhat's the point in doing that?
20:21.45stewtarmsie: it looks like that is exactly what is happening
20:21.57blondiestew: oh
20:22.08CharminTheMooseto print the entire script onto the screen?
20:22.14geo-rgetry it and see :) one thing I can tell you is it's harmless; doesn't change anything
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20:23.01geo-rgeso, it would seem that #!/bin/cat may end up being kinda useless... but... what if you did #!/usr/bin/less
20:23.03stewtarmsie: the package you are fetching is causing an x upgrade which is why you are seeing so many things added and removed
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20:23.36stewgeo-rge: #!/bin/cat isn't strictly useless. it just makes it so that running the "script" just outputs its contents
20:23.36tarmsiestew: it says it'll have 142mb more free space when it's done.  that means it's deleting things it's not installing replacements for.  this is rather unacceptable...
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20:24.02CharminTheMoosegeo-rge it'd pass the script through less.
20:24.14stewtarmsie: if you want to try to keep any of the things it wants to remove then list them on the "aptitude install" line to be installed, or use the aptitude frontend to resolve the dependencies
20:24.14geo-rgeand the effect would be?
20:24.38bkwcpufreqd-set dynamic
20:24.38bkwNo cpufreqd socket found
20:24.43CharminTheMoosei think it'd pause the output a screen at a time?
20:24.44geo-rgewhat did miles davis say?
20:24.50tarmsiestew: not a damn chance I'm upgrading X.  I FINALLY have it gotten to the point where it's both stable and fast, and seeing as that's a half-impossible goal, not touching it while it works...
20:24.53bkwstrange when the cpufreqd is running
20:25.01geo-rgebtw, Miles said: less is more
20:25.03tarmsiestew: aptitude is evil.  dselect++  :)
20:25.42rahul!penixstrike tarmsie
20:25.43dpkgA towering Penix descends from the heavens, knocking tarmsie to the ground and leaving a large wet spot.
20:26.06CharminTheMoosegeo-rge,how very informative
20:26.11streunerthere are two kind of people, those who unterstand and are familar with dselect and the other group who just hate dselect :-)
20:26.28streunerand 99 percent just don't like that bullshit
20:26.28geo-rge(what does more do?)
20:26.38rahulstreuner: I'm in both groups
20:26.47rahulI never had a problem with dselect. aptitude just does more.
20:26.51wols_streuner: and membership in the first group deosn't prevent one from being in the second
20:26.59streunersound rather like a masochist :-)
20:26.59geo-rgeI'm a serious dselect hater... it's because the interface sucks
20:27.20CharminTheMoosegeo-rge it does the exact same as less except it's less?
20:27.20stewtarmsie: aptitude isn't evil, and its the best tool out there for resolving these types of complex dependency situations
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20:27.21rahulwhat stew said
20:27.21geo-rgesorta :)
20:27.30geo-rgeit pages the content of the "script"
20:27.48geo-rgeCharminTheMoose: would you ever do a README file that way?
20:27.55rahuldselect was fine for normal stuff, but aptitude provides a much better interface when you have multiple versions available and complex dependencies... and apt.preferences doesn't affect dselect :)
20:28.01streunerwols_: you sounds like someone who unterstand dselect?
20:28.10CharminTheMoosegeo-rge course
20:28.23wols_streuner: I sound someone who've seen apt and never looked back
20:28.47streunerwell, that sounds a lot better :-)
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20:29.12rahulaptitude doesn't reduce the number of packages....
20:29.25CharminTheMoosewould you geo-rge?
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20:29.52kkokkrahul: what do you mean?
20:30.11rahulkkokk: what I say
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20:31.02streunerafter all, many newbies just don't choosed  debian because of dselect...
20:31.19geo-rgesure :) they can then feed it to less, cat it (just like before) or exectue it
20:31.20streuners/don't choosed/didn't choose/
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20:31.49kkokkrahul: I am sorry, hmm, something wrong with apt?
20:31.55rahulkkokk: where?
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20:32.07kkokkrahul: sorry aptitude
20:32.12rahulkkokk: what about it?
20:33.00kkokkYou spoke about package number reduction, dselect have different behaviour?
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20:33.28Jemt|MacGreetz. I have just reinstalled Debian 4.0, and now it suddently dosn't find my soundcard or mouse pointer. Can someone help me? X fails with the following message:  "No core pointer. Failed to initialize core pointer".  My pointer section in xorg.conf contains an option with the value of "CorePointer" - should I remove it ? Any help is appriciated :)
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20:34.01sidJemt|Mac: Debian 4.0 doesn't exist yet, you're using testing which someday might be Debian GNU/Linux 4.0
20:34.16kkokkJemt|Mac: maybe you could past Xorg.0.log
20:34.26becks`all those linux problems are making me sick. blame those that say linux is a desktop for everyone :P
20:34.27sid!tell Jemt|Mac about paste
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20:34.38sidJemt|Mac: Like kkokk said, put your /var/log/Xorg.0.log on a paste site.
20:34.43Jemt|Macsid: You know what I mean - yes, it's testing
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20:35.38rahulkkokk: no, someone claimed that it was difficult to go through all the packages in dselect. that's no different in aptitude.
20:35.51kkokksid: paste site is flood?
20:36.02kkokkrahul: ah, ok, thanks for explanation
20:36.30sidkkokk: /msg dpkg paste
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20:38.43kkokksid: Nice, and ... where will this appear to others? I mean I see just link to the paste site.
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20:39.25shwagWhere is the cronjob that launches the mysql debian-sys-maint job ?
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20:39.44main2is there a way, to automaticly find out in what format .dat file is?
20:39.53vanisheris debian a good desktop OS out of the box or do you have to do a lot of customizing?
20:39.56main2i got a file, but 'file' only tells me that its 'data' :(
20:40.25RvGaTemain2, what are the contents of the file?
20:40.51main2hiya RvGaTe, the content is text
20:41.04main2massive ammounts of text, but the content -> as how it looks to me
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20:41.41Jemt|Macsid && kkokk :  -
20:41.44Jemt|MacThere :)
20:41.57kkokkThanks :)
20:42.42ErikRoseA question about pulling in 1 package from unstable on an otherwise testing box, if I might:
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20:43.06ErikRoseI threw unstable in my sources.list and did an update and installed the package I needed.
20:43.36ErikRoseAnd I've deleted unstable from my sources.list, but I can't get apt to forget about the rest of the unstable packages it's learned about.
20:43.47ErikRoseIt wants to upgrade adduser to 3.100 (the unstable version), for example.
20:43.50Jemt|MacHm, things have really changed in the most recent testing repository. Both my soundcard, mouse device and wireless dosn't work anymore :-/
20:43.52ErikRoseHow do I give it amnesia?
20:44.06DerJamsterJemt|Mac: ...ow? What mouse, soundcard?
20:44.19kkokkJemt|Mac: try ls -l /dev/psaux
20:44.25DerJamsterJemt|Mac: I think it's really weird that the mouse is acting up.
20:44.26CharminTheMooseErikRose: apt-get update?
20:44.35ErikRoseI did `aptitude update`, yes.
20:44.37DerJamsterJemt|Mac: have X use /dev/input/mice instead of /dev/psaux
20:44.43Jemt|MacMouse: IBM Trackpoint   Wifi: Cisco (airo module)   Soundcard:  Intel 810
20:44.53DerJamsterIt will catch all mice, no matter the connector type
20:45.01Jemt|MacDerJamster: I AM using /mice :)
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20:45.08itchiErikRose: Crazy guy
20:45.14DerJamsterwhat happens if you do cat /dev/input/mice as root and move it?
20:45.28helois there some way that debian probes ide devices that might be different from other distros such as suse? i'm having a problem with dma timeout errors on a drive, which occur in debian but not suse
20:45.46DerJamsterhelo: grab hdparm and check its settings.
20:46.14raf256DerJamster: it outputs some data
20:46.25raf256might fuck up the terminal, I reccomend hexdump instead
20:46.41DerJamsterraf256: I know what it does. I wanna know what it does in -his- case :)
20:46.46DerJamsterand 'reset' will fix the terminal
20:47.03raf256didnt followed conversation
20:47.08DerJamsterhelo: hdparm -d1 -c1 might fix the problem
20:47.12DerJamsterraf256: no prob :> Happens.
20:47.44ErikRoseSo `aptitude update` is supposed to make apt forget the Unstable stuff, huh?
20:48.02heloDerJamster: the errors only occur at boot, and then the drive works fine... it sits there for a couple minutes while the DMA timeout errors occur a few times
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20:48.20heloDerJamster: then finishes booting and everything works great
20:48.40heloso hdparm will only change things after the errors have already occurred
20:48.55heloi'll check out hdparm info in suse and debian... that might help
20:50.26vanisherhi folks, is debian out of the box a nice desktop system without to much customization needed?
20:50.53mrcheeksvanisher:you see the screenshots of kde and gnome , it is all the same
20:51.05raf256vanisher: install and use KDE, add apt source for debian multimedia and install win32 codecs, kaffeine, mplayer and so on
20:51.11mrcheekssome distros has custom look and feel for the desktop to reflate their brand
20:51.24heloDerJamster: the drive in question is an on-board compact flash drive, represented as ide to the system
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20:51.58vanisheri must admit that i'm not really aware of the differences between kde and gnome.. it will be used as an office system including webdevelopment
20:52.09itchiErikRose: Forget it
20:52.09kkokkvanisher: Try mandriv and see if you want nice distro with no customzation
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20:52.32raf256gnome sucks, kde doesn't
20:52.48itchiraf256: Are you drunken?
20:52.49vanisherraf: lol, i'll guess that's your personal opinion ;)
20:52.59raf256vanisher: even Linus seconds it
20:53.02kkokkraf256: what do you mean?
20:53.12ErikRoseAnybody powerful know debian-faq-wiki is out of disk space?
20:53.23raf256kde have more options and is faster, gnome have less options and is slower
20:53.41itchiErikRose: Ug, what mean you?
20:53.47plutonasraf256: gnome is faster...
20:53.52ErikRoseitchi: Go to Enjoy the error.
20:53.58plutonasbut for the rest i agree
20:54.01raf256plutonas: its slower on my box
20:54.02itchiErikRose: Ask tarzeau about it
20:54.16itchitarzeau: Are you aware of the trouble?
20:54.18plutonasraf256: not on mine, but i do not use neither of them anyway
20:54.23ErikRosetarzeau: The log volume for is full.
20:54.36helothat's kinda incorrect... gnome has fewer options by design
20:54.47kkokkraf256: well, depends what version you compare
20:55.14plutonaswell gnome developers say, that gnome is for the adult inside you!
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20:55.28plutonasi think that says everything...
20:55.44vanisherplutonas: can you explain that 'adult inside you!'
20:55.52plutonason the other hand kde is a lot more "windows like", maybe a better start
20:55.54heloi don't want anyone inside me
20:55.57raf256it comes with GNU licensed hookers?
20:55.59itchiraf256: Weird, Gnome should be faster, lighter (yeah, maybe, lesser options)
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20:56.05plutonasvanisher: its more "serious"
20:56.15odlaitchi, i think gnome is slower than kde too
20:56.19plutonashelo: thats not the way i meant
20:56.58odlagnome is for folks that don't like to customize and can't handle that
20:57.07raf256also gnome is more insecure, AFAIK it was triggering the remote arbitrary code execution bug in nvidia driver
20:57.13itchiba, i had been see what was faster on my old 300MHz laptop with 128MB RAM.
20:57.20kkokkWell, KDE is eyecandy, well integrated, but faseter?
20:57.26plutonasits more serious, has less "things to play with", that means (to not get misunderstood again) that you set the desktop background, chose a theme, and there is not a lot more to set
20:57.30raf256kkokk: yes
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20:57.44kkokkraf256: have you compared last version?
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20:57.50itchiStrange guys tonight
20:57.54odlagnome can be eye candy too
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20:57.56raf256kkokk: no
20:57.57kkokkraf256: I mean 2.16
20:57.57plutonasafter you set background and them, you start working :)
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20:58.00itchiTrolltech guys or so??
20:58.11gan|y|medit's been a long time since i did set up grub last time. how is the video option for changing the number of lines during boot-up (the one with the tux image)?
20:58.19asdxhi, i'm using gentoo atm but i don't really like it, i was a LFS user and i still love LFS and i'm planning to switch back to LFS, but i want to try debian before. how is debian compared?
20:58.22vanisherplutonas: no need for a 'from windows start' my proffesion is a lot CLI related ;) like netapp, vmware and cisco
20:58.33kkokkraf256: should be different, but I am not sure when it will be in deb
20:58.33outlaw84does anyone of you know what needs to be done with unstable inorder to be able to recieve incomming bluetooth scans?
20:58.45plutonasvanisher: i see! :)
20:59.01itchigan|y|med:  Just add  vga=xxx
20:59.32plutonasitchi: where xxx is what?
20:59.45gan|y|medokay, just need the code. i'll google for it. i am really not into this right now
20:59.48gan|y|medthx a lot
20:59.52itchiplutonas: I use 791 == 1024
20:59.53plutonasi have tried that with vga=a number that i dont remember
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21:00.09plutonaswhich i found on the net, but it didnt work
21:00.12vanisheri'll guess i just have to try them both
21:00.31itchiplutonas: Yeah, your card need to support it, looks like he can not
21:00.48outlaw84plutonas: is it the magic boot vga codes you are looking for?
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21:01.12gan|y|medyou can also use hex numbers, i think
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21:01.28plutonasitchi: outlaw84 , i found the code from a tutorial to install debian on a laptop exactly as mine
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21:01.32plutonasand on the guys one it worked
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21:01.43abrotmangan|y|med: yes .. like 771 etc
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21:02.22outlaw84is anyone of you in here using bluetooth with debian?
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21:02.41itchiplutonas: On my old 300MHz laptop, it worked too
21:02.46gan|y|medthx a lot. not having inet for 3 month at home is hell for the brain :)
21:02.59plutonasoutlaw84: on the link you gave me, whath is the left of the table?
21:03.06plutonas256 etc...?
21:03.21aebonyneI'm using unstable and I just upgraded Eclipse from v3.1 to v3.2 and now it is running the Java version instead of the native even though I installed the eclipse-gcj package. Any ideas?
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21:04.03itchiplutonas: The depth of the colors, the numbers of colors to use
21:04.08abrotmangcj is java
21:04.13maashai need a photo to exemplify enormous disk storage - what should i search for? (i searched for blue gene to find enourmous computing power)
21:04.41aebonyneabrotman, yeah, but it's supposed to be native compiled
21:04.44abrotmanLibrary of Congress ? :)
21:05.08abrotmanmaasha: EMC stuff maybe?
21:05.13maashaemc ?
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21:05.17maashawhat is an emc
21:05.18outlaw84maasha look for storage solutions on
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21:05.29wols_maasha: a company that builds storage systems
21:05.29gan|y|medif i wanna use edonkey, do i have to allow inbound services on all the ports of the servers i connect to or just port 6881?
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21:05.52maashai need a photo of disk towers, i guess
21:06.07Jemt|MacFor some reason, /dev/input/mice dosn't seem to work - it's like it is not associated with any hardware. Can someone help me ?
21:06.10itchimaasha: Google images??
21:06.12wols_gan|y|med: iirc 6881 is the bittorrent poirt
21:06.35maashaitchi: sure - but i need search keywords
21:06.47gan|y|medseems they both use the same
21:07.01abrotmanmaasha: in reality .. storage towers look like server racks
21:07.13wols_gan|y|med: no they don't
21:07.19abrotmanor ask #hardware
21:07.27itchimaasha: You already got the key ;-)
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21:07.46gan|y|medsorry: port 4665
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21:08.00gan|y|medand 4661/4662
21:08.06maashaabrotman: well, i guess so - they have not been really good at designing these things - they all look ugly to non-geeks
21:08.20gan|y|medbut the question still remains...
21:08.22wols_gan|y|med: tbh you can use any port you want
21:08.41wols_usually it needs one tcp and one udp port only
21:08.47gan|y|medso it just hast to allow inbound tcp/upd
21:08.49itchigan|y|med: Are there no docs with that monkey package?
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21:09.44gan|y|medi have found a standard answer. i was just looking for more reliable expertise
21:10.20maashai need a photo of google data storage farm :o/
21:10.40maashaor yahoo's - or nsa's
21:11.08outlaw84maasha: have you asked them?
21:11.37maashaoutlaw84: heheheheheheh
21:11.39ErikRoseWell, that's funny. I restored my staging VM to an earlier disk image, redid the grab-a-package-from-unstable, did the remove-unstable-from-the-apt-sources dance, did an update, and it _did_ unlearn about the unstable packages like it's supposed to.
21:12.09outlaw84wonder if you computer gets hacked just by entering that site :)
21:12.10ErikRoseMaybe it's because I did a simple `aptitude install thepackage` instead of `aptitude -t unstable install the package`.
21:12.18ErikRose(The latter is what worked.)
21:12.19CharminTheMoosecould i have a problem if i get a kick out of watching things compile and that i enjoy compiling kernels?
21:12.26maashaoutlaw84: of cause nsa's data storage farm include both google's and yahoo's
21:12.38ErikRoseCharminTheMoose: I have that problem, too. It makes me feel productive without working. :-)
21:13.11outlaw84maasha: yea just think of how much redundant information there is stored!
21:13.29outlaw84if we all could just share!
21:14.07vanisherdoes anyone has experience with eclipse compared to zend?
21:15.19gan|y|medok, mldonkey is searching like crazy but cannot find any file i would like to download... normal?
21:16.14maashahm - actually i should get a photo from star trek instead ...
21:16.14maashaor a 2001 monolith
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21:16.15maashathey all look the same
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21:20.41ErikRoseCrap! No, I have not solved my distribution-leakage problem.
21:20.47RvGaTeCan i safely resize my ext3 partition without breaking the system? (i want it to be larger)
21:20.48ErikRoseadduser 3.100 still installs.
21:22.02odlaRvGaTe, probably...use gparted
21:22.16ErikRoseHow on earth can I use one unstable package without dist-upgrade moving me all the way to unstable next time I run it??
21:22.43odlaErikRose, pinning, preferences, or apt-get install package
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21:23.17ErikRoseI specified APT::Default-Release "testing";, but it didn't seem to have any effect.
21:23.32ErikRoseAre there any other prefs I should look at?
21:23.51odlaErikRose, and you add sid to /etc/apt/sources.list?
21:24.03ErikRoseYes, and then after I had the package I wanted, I removed it again.
21:24.03odlaErikRose, you should be able to apt-get -t sid install foo
21:24.10ErikRoseThat's exactly what I did.
21:24.27odlaor apt-get install foo-versionnumber
21:24.27ErikRoseThen I removed sid from sources.list, did an update, but then dist-upgrade moved me all the way to unstable.
21:24.37*** join/#debian haveaniceday (n=angel@ still have sid there
21:24.53ErikRoseWhere is it?
21:25.12odlamust have been in your source.list
21:25.21odlabut i have to go
21:25.23ErikRoseThe only 2 uncommented lines in sources.list say "testing" and "testing/updates" on them. :-P
21:25.28ErikRoseThanks for trying.
21:25.44odlaask abrotman
21:25.58odlahe is all knowing
21:26.42karstenodla: s/knowing/carp/
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21:26.42karstenodla: s/ar/ra/
21:26.42odlacarp?  like the fish?
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21:26.50odlaabrotman is a carp!
21:27.22rahulno, he's made of bread
21:27.25ErikRoseabrotman: Might I bother you? You come recommended. :-)
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21:29.02seb-how install one unstable package on etch?
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21:29.17ErikRoseseb-: That's what I'm trying to figure out. I know how it _should_ work. :-)
21:29.26wols_!tell seb- about simple sid backport
21:29.35sidErikRose: What program did you install?
21:29.53odla!tell Erikrose seb- about mixed system
21:30.03odla!tell Erikrose about mixed system
21:30.10odla!tell seb- about mixed system
21:30.14ErikRoseI read section 3.8 of the manual.
21:30.21ErikRoseI did that. It screwed up my box.
21:30.22sidErikRose: next time...only add deb-src unstable line, and # apt-get build-dep libapache2-mod-fastcgi; apt-get source libapache2-mod-fastcgi;
21:30.23odlait should be noted that dpkg was very mouthy to me about that first command
21:30.26sidErikRose: And compile from source.
21:30.34odla<dpkg> No, odla, I won't
21:30.37odlaha ha
21:30.51ErikRosesid: From source, huh? Whyzat?
21:31.06wols_ErikRose: dependencies, that's why
21:31.07sidErikRose: So you don't fuck up your system.
21:31.33ErikRoseActually mod-fastcgi doesn't have any (unsatisfied on my box) dependencies.
21:31.41sidErikRose: mixing unstable deb lines(in sources.list) and testing deb lines can be very dangerous.
21:32.05ErikRoseOhhhh, do you think when I did that dist-upgrade, it upgraded all that crap because it thought they were dependencies of mod-fastcgi?
21:32.12*** join/#debian FerchoLP2 (i=BartXUID@
21:32.31ErikRoseNote: it did not screw up my box on `aptitude -t unstable install mod-fastcgi`--only on the later dist-upgrade.
21:32.52ErikRoseIn other words, the install installed only mod-fastcgi and no other packages.
21:33.25seb-odla: danku betty much
21:33.29CharminTheMoosequestion:is it possible to load a program like loadlin using dosemu?
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21:34.50madrisshi :)
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21:35.21marcin_ale ludu
21:35.37madrisswhen i edit resolv.conf using nano /etc/resolv.conf, it forgets the changes after i reboot. how can i save it permanently?
21:35.51Linux_Joneshow do change my kernel from 386 to 686?
21:36.12odlaLinux_Jones, apt-get install linux-image-686 or what ever it's called...then reboot
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21:37.21madrissi use nano, then make changes, then ctrl + X, then y, then enter. and it forgets it after i reboot
21:38.06rahulmadriss: your using dhcp or ppp?
21:38.09Linux_Jonesolda is there a way to find out whatever its called?
21:38.16dpkgA towering Penix descends from the heavens, knocking rahul to the ground and leaving a large wet spot.
21:38.20madrissnot 100% sure but i think dhcp
21:38.27madrissits a broadband connection through a router
21:38.29jattmadriss: do you have resolvconf installed?
21:38.34rahulmadriss: dhcp can send down a nameserver in the response
21:38.47madrissi nano /etc/resolv.conf and change the nameserver to
21:38.54madrissthen apt-get works if i do that
21:39.00madrissit just forgets the changes once i reboot
21:40.09odlaLinux_Jones, yes...apt-cache search linux-image or use synaptic
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21:42.26rahul!info sbcl
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21:42.43rahul!penixstrike dpkg
21:42.43dpkgA towering Penix descends from the heavens, knocking dpkg to the ground and leaving a large wet spot.
21:42.44dpkgsbcl: (A Common Lisp compiler and development system), section devel, is optional. Version: 1: (sid), Packaged size: 8411 kB, Installed size: 28440 kB
21:42.44FerchoLP2instale el debian con el primer cd, pero ahora estoy bajando el dvd. Para que el apt reconozca todo lo del dvd solo tengo que poner el dvd y hacer apt-update?
21:42.53Linux_Jonesok, how do i set up sudo so i can run synaptic
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21:44.39phr0st_equestion...I'm installing vmware server on etch...first thing it asks for is "where is killall" far as I can tell, only pkill exists
21:45.01phr0st_ecan I just symlink killall to pkill?
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21:47.13h3sp4wnphr0st_e: psmisc: /usr/bin/killall
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21:47.31h3sp4wnphr0st_e: (don't know why you don't have it my etch certainly does)
21:47.32marcin_hi @ all
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21:47.43marcin_SIEMSS ?????!!!!!????!!??!!!!
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21:47.50r3xanyone help me outhere
21:47.54marcin_GI @ ALL !!!???????!!!!?????????????!!11111111
21:47.56phr0st_eI don't have it in there
21:47.57r3xcanvasItem.h:21:21: error: qcanvas.h: No such file or directory
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21:47.59r3xcanvasItem.h:22:25: error: qpointarray.h: No such file or directory
21:48.01r3xcanvasItem.cpp:65:8: warning: "/*" within comment
21:48.02r3xcanvasItem.h:29: error: expected class-name before ‘{’ token
21:48.05marcin_HI @ ALL !!!!!!!!!!!!????!!!!????????!!!
21:48.16marcin_--OMEGA .......ON ?¿?
21:48.22marcin_HI @ ALL
21:48.23r3xmake[1]: *** [canvasItem.o] Error 1
21:48.25r3xmake[1]: Leaving directory `/tmp/f4l-0.2.1/src'
21:48.26r3xmake: *** [sub-src-make_default] Error 2
21:48.31marcin_HI @ ALL
21:48.34marcin_hi @ all
21:48.35r3xfrom f4L
21:48.38marcin_$siema!!!111oneeleven I wonder how to get it back onto my system (however it got taken off)
21:48.45r3xflash editor
21:48.51marcin_COLOR ::)
21:48.51Blasturhey! Is it possible to access another subnet on my LAN without changing my IP? Like, I'm on the network 192.168.0.* and want to access a certain other computer, I heard that you could possibly add a route to it manually, is this possible in debian?
21:49.00r3xF L A S H E D I T O R
21:49.17marcin_co powiecie?
21:49.23r3xif somene caught for now
21:49.24marcin_i use dau
21:49.30r3xcaught it
21:49.35marcin_i thing it's good
21:50.16*** join/#debian SEcki_ (
21:50.31yoshi1r3x: "apt-file search qpointarray.h" says that file is in 'libqt3-headers', so install that
21:51.03marcin_i love U B U N T U
21:51.13dpkgyes, ubuntu is based on debian. Still, it has its own packages which are different and they have their own bugs and different ways of working that are unique to ubuntu. If we give you advice here, we could break your system more than it already is. So please, ask #ubuntu . Thanks :)
21:52.17marcin_i'm on ubuntu
21:52.27wols_poor you
21:52.29dpkgyes, ubuntu is based on debian. Still, it has its own packages which are different and they have their own bugs and different ways of working that are unique to ubuntu. If we give you advice here, we could break your system more than it already is. So please, ask #ubuntu . Thanks :)
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21:53.00marcin_is he bot?
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21:53.10stewmarcin_: please keep it on topic
21:53.20stewmarcin_: do you have any debian related questions?
21:54.26abrotmanthat's not a question
21:54.27*** join/#debian FluxAR (n=gsalvini@
21:54.46blondiegentoo is making me angry ;.;
21:54.49blondieit fucking sucks
21:55.11schmeHow about that Debian, huh?
21:55.15phr0st_ebleh...manually copied over killall from another machine...that was annoying that it wasn't there
21:55.20darethFor Gentoo to suck, it must first stop compiling....
21:55.28stewstop, gentoo is off-topic as well
21:55.29blondieI used a liveCD
21:55.36*** join/#debian Linux_Jones_ (
21:55.39blondiethere isn't a debian live CD is there?
21:55.45h3sp4wnphr0st_e: Why did you not just install psmisc ?
21:55.49darethI guess Knoppix offtopic too eh?
21:55.53itchiblondie: There is
21:55.53schmephr0st_e: apt-get install psmisc
21:55.57stewblondie: yes, not yet official,
21:56.00blondieitchi: orly.
21:56.05darethCan we discuss Woody, or that too old too?
21:56.07schmephr0st_e: or what h3sp4wn said :D
21:56.25blondieknoppix is an icky kde thing, and not debian
21:56.32blondieim cross.
21:56.32stewand also off-topic
21:56.39darethI'm running KDE on Debian right now...
21:57.15blondieif I installed debian on a USB drive, how do you get it to work like a live CD so that it uses the right video/network/etc drivers for the PC it's plugged into?
21:57.25blondieinstead of having to change the config files every time
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21:58.22Linux_Joneswhat file do i put ndiswrapper in so i dont have to modprobe it everytime?
21:58.57schmeWon't the boot process autodetect most network cards and what not and load the appropriate modules?  And use vesa for X, and you are all set.. ?
21:59.24itchiLinux_Jones: /etc/modules
22:00.05blondieschme: that's not how this livecd does it
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22:00.15solid_liqblondie: try putting an image of Knoppix on it
22:00.17blondieit has the right driver in xorg.conf (radeon)
22:00.25Linux_Jonesnow how can i fix it so i dont have to do ifup wlan0 and iwconfig wlan0 key blah blah blah essid blah blah
22:00.28blondieknoppix is too big and I dont like kde
22:00.33schmeblondie: Ok. How does your liveD do it?
22:00.36*** part/#debian pumpkin0 (
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22:00.59itchiLinux_Jones: Configure /etc/network/interfaces
22:01.06solid_liqblondie: you can make your own custom version of Knoppix.  Also, learn to like KDE ;)  j/k
22:01.10schmeblondie: Well that is just a matter of matching some strings from the startup and changing the xorg.conf. put it in on of the rcS scripts
22:01.13abrotmansolid_liq: stop already
22:01.23bkwI've cpufreqd running, but when I do cpufreqd-set dynamic           I get No cpufreqd socket found.
22:01.26blondieschme: I don't know
22:01.27solid_liqabrotman: what?  Knoppix is a debian distro
22:01.31abrotmanNO IT IS NOT
22:01.31stewsolid_liq: please keep it on topic
22:01.39stewsolid_liq: its not, and its off-topic
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22:01.54schmeblondie: It seems very easy :)
22:01.54blondiei dont want to use fucking knoppix, i want to use debian ffs
22:02.13blondieanyway X is only one problem.
22:02.21schmeblondie: just write a sh script that greps the bootmessages and changes the xorg.conf accordingly.
22:02.28peterSwtf, what is marcin_ smoking?
22:02.30solid_liqblondie: anyway, you need to modify your init scripts to autoload all the kernel modules and setup the hardware correctly.  May take quite a bit of scripting to get it all right
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22:02.54itchiblondie: Go #debian-livecd
22:02.54abrotmanpeterS: bricks?
22:02.59abrotmanon OFTC
22:03.05solid_liqblondie: as schme said, the most important part will probably be the xorg.conf selection
22:03.13blondieim not going on oftc tyvm
22:03.45itchiblondie: Look how i did  /msg chanserv list *debian*live*
22:03.47solid_liqblondie: modprobing all the modules early in the init process should help garuantee that all the hardware is detected as intended
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22:05.08h08817i was wondering how much space you must have on ur hd to install debian
22:05.16h3sp4wnthe kernel automodule loader can take care of that
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22:05.43peterSh08817: depends on what you want, I think if you're careful you can get a useful install in 200 MB or so.  if you aren't so careful you might need 500 MB
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22:07.05peterSone wonders why lawl wastes the bandwidth
22:07.11blondiehow very fucking funny that way
22:07.34abrotmanit's a bot?
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22:08.05streunerpinging a bot would tell you about...
22:08.08peterSabrotman: oh, could be, in which case I wonder who would have so much free time that it's worth wasting that much writing a bot that is that useless
22:08.19streunerbots usually don't reply version (CCTP)
22:08.21Linux_Jonesis there a way to make pump -i wlan0 work at boot instead of dhclient?
22:08.34h08817peterS, o wow thats extremely small thats what i need
22:08.45mhallI am wondering if anybody knows a C-based scripting language which can handle low-level stuff like unsigned stuff from packets.
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22:08.50dondelelcaroLinux_Jones: you're really better off using dhclient; but ifupdown will use pump if dhclient isn't installed.
22:09.11peterSh08817: oh a "default" install with GUI apps and stuff will probably come in a lot higher than 500 MB.  I don't know exactly how high, offhand.
22:09.17seb-mhall: perl and python?
22:09.25Linux_Jonesdhclient is installed but dosent seem to work for me
22:09.40h08817peterS, you said if im careful well how am i supposed to do that? are there certain packages to eliminate during the install or are there installs that are generally small?
22:09.49dondelelcaroLinux_Jones: in what way? In general, if dhclient isn't working, pump won't work either.
22:09.52solid_liqmhall: well, PHP is rather C-like
22:09.55mhallseb-: i think i explained badly, i mean one of those ones that uses C syntax but with an interpreter and some friendliness extensions / a library
22:09.58dondelelcaro(indeed, the opposite is often the case)
22:10.28peterSh08817: well, the idea is you install just the base system, and then when it pulls up the 'task selection' thing, don't select anything.  then you run aptitude and remove stuff you don't want, before installing other stuff you do want
22:10.32mhallseb-: the trick is, in the long run i need to talk to Java, and the only way to do that is C/C++
22:10.33solid_liqmhall: PHP is probably the closest, at least that I can think of
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22:10.46dondelelcarophp is hardly C like...
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22:10.47roe_does anyone know if libdvdcss2 works with disney DVDs?
22:10.51mhallseb-: but i don't want to get bogged down by the C ugliness when doing the development at first
22:11.00streunerroe_: heh
22:11.00bkwhm, nobody who has the speedstep scaling working with the default debian kernel?
22:11.00solid_liqdondelelcaro: it's a lot more C like than Python or Perl
22:11.01seb-mhall: um, python can talk to java....see jython
22:11.11peterSh08817: don't take my numbers as absolute truth, though, I haven't tried to do a small install since probably 2001 or so
22:11.12mhallseb-: ah sweet, i didn't hear of that before
22:11.12bkwI wonder if cpufreqd is a must?
22:11.19roe_streuner: should I be discouraged by that response? :)
22:11.21Linux_Jonesso do i hve to put all the network ips and all that stuff in /etc/network/interfaces if im using dhcp?
22:11.22robin_szWow .. I just had an idea to save money this Christmas .... instwad of buying cards, I'll use SCO share certificates. Theyre cheaper/
22:11.40streunerroe_: you should ask yourself about 'smart' questions :-)
22:11.45blondierobin_sz: no
22:11.51mhallrobin_sz: nice
22:11.52peterSsolid_liq: wtf, no it isn't, it's more perl like than anything.  but without many of perl's useful features
22:11.52blondieinstead of buying cards, just dont buy anything
22:12.02blondiexmas cards are a waste of money and paper
22:12.12solid_liqmhall: I think you'll like Python a lot though if you can get used to the syntax.  You can make your C and C++ programs scriptable with python rather easily too, which is a nice bonux
22:12.19blondiewell so is xmas in geneeral
22:12.23roe_streuner: I guess
22:12.28blondiewaste of money, time, resources
22:12.40robin_szbut I enjoy wasting stuff
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22:12.55roe_streuner: I guess I thought it was only a "stupid" question if your asking from the US
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22:13.03mhallsolid_liq: ya that's what i was trying to avoid, is an ugly low-level approach, i wanna use something nice and new and clean
22:13.15mhallsolid_liq: we have 200K+ lines of absolute crap C++ i'd like to replace
22:13.18solid_liqpeterS: syntactically it's more like C than either of those two.  It was intentionally DESIGNED to be C-like.  rtfm
22:13.23Linux_Jonesso do i hve to put all the network ips and all that stuff in /etc/network/interfaces if im using dhcp?
22:13.38blondiesnap your disney DVDs in half!
22:13.49streunerroe_: those restrictions are gone, IIRC
22:13.52mhallblondie: luckily i have none, blecch
22:13.59FluxARHello! I have a problem with dpkg. I tried to install k3d and something was broken in dpkg database. Now I get an error when I try to use apt-get and dpkg ( pasted in : ) ... Could someone help me to restore or rebuild dpkg database please? Thank you!
22:14.06pihhanLinux_Jones, no, just set interface eth0 inet dhcp
22:14.11streunerroe_: /msg dpkg non-us
22:14.14peterSsolid_liq: what is C-like about auto-expanding arrays?  what is C-like about hashes?  what is C-like about dynamic typing and lack of variable declaration?
22:14.23solid_liqmhall: hmmm, too bad the D language isn't ready for production use yet.  That's probably what you're wishing for.  It's being created by Walter Bright.  Google should tell you about it
22:14.27mhallpeterS: AWK does those things and it's pretty C-like
22:14.39Linux_Jonesperhaps wlan0 inet dhcp?
22:14.50mhallsolid_liq: i saw one D language made by the creator of digital mars' compilers, it was good but no source for the compiler
22:14.57peterSsolid_liq: and what is C-like about using $ in front of all your variables?
22:14.57Linux_Jonesthen how do i set up the wep key and ssid?
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22:15.09mhallsolid_liq: current codebase is locked into a huge amount of *gasp* windows 32-bit dlls and it's hurting BADLY
22:15.10pihhanpeterS, all that is possible in C, if you write good functions for it :)
22:15.26peterSsolid_liq: only if you don't know perl could you say php is more C-like than Perl-like
22:15.41mhallsolid_liq: so i'm trying to go for a highly open-source approach, which has to be shoehorned to windows, rather than a highly windows approach that has to be shoehorned to opensource
22:15.49peterSmhall: count your blessings, it could be 16-bit DLLs
22:15.55thelostbutlerFluxAR: #unbuntu please :)
22:16.00mhallpeterS: don't get me started on a friday :-D
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22:16.32solid_liqmhall: yeah, it won't be ready for probably 3-5 years or more
22:16.32pihhanwhich language is not perl-like?
22:16.32solid_liqpeterS: you know that is how things are done in AWK, right?  You also know that AWK was created by the same guys who created C, and that they wanted to keep the syntax similar, right???
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22:16.46kupesoftis there a way to format a drive with nfts with debian?
22:16.52peterSsolid_liq: yes.  and that has zero to do with my point
22:16.58streunerkupesoft: no
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22:17.15pihhankupesoft, there is not formatting, there we call it making file system
22:17.23peterSsolid_liq: except awk doesn't use $ in front of variable names, either.  that is something from perl (and somewhat from bourne shell).
22:17.26solid_liqmhall: well, adding layers of abstraction is always the easy solution in cs problems like that
22:17.26streunerkupesoft: but look at (nfts) website, maybe iam wrong :-)
22:17.32pihhankupesoft, there is not reliable ntfs filesystem making utility yet
22:17.34dondelelcarokupesoft: ntfsutils has an mkntfs; but I don't know how well it works.
22:17.47mhallkupesoft: there is one, it works, it makes an older version of NTFS
22:17.51solid_liqpeterS: cat file | awk '{ print $1 }'
22:17.53mhallkupesoft: now here is the trick
22:18.01streunerkupesoft: but its dangerous
22:18.05peterSsolid_liq: I'm not talking about $1, I'm talking about arbitrary variables
22:18.20mhallkupesoft: when windows boots, it does a conversion of the ntfs to a newer revision, with NO chance to back it out
22:18.29dondelelcaroand perl only uses them when you want a scalar...
22:18.32mhallkupesoft: the conversion will not harm the data however, according to my tests
22:18.33peterSsolid_liq: and the lack of parentheses used in the print function kind of demonstrates my point, too.  that's not C-like at all.
22:18.42kupesoftSo I should just format a drive under windows?
22:19.02mhallkupesoft: you can do it in linux, just think it through, google, make sure it will work the way you want
22:19.03kupesoftokay, thanks
22:19.13*** join/#debian Kinks (
22:19.15kupesoftI was wondering if there was a quick, stable way
22:19.19mhallpeterS: printf, however, *requires* them in awk ;-)
22:19.30kupesoftI'm just formatted a blank drive for an external hard drive for someone who's a windows user.
22:19.36kupesoftI'll format it with their computer,
22:19.46mhallkupesoft: well, generally no, it's a proprietary unspecified FS
22:19.46peterSmhall: great, magic operators that don't require the usual syntax rules.  sounds much more like perl than like C.  (:
22:19.52solid_liqmhall: so you're restarting this project of 200k sloc from scratch or what?
22:20.03mhallsolid_liq: well, it's *HIDEOUS*
22:20.16mhallsolid_liq: littered with windows api, depends upon 32-bit DLLs with no source
22:20.30mhallsolid_liq: tons of pointless registry calls for stupid static magic secret values
22:20.41mhallsolid_liq: too many layers of abstraction for such an IO-bound codebase
22:20.42Linux_Jonesauto wlan0
22:20.42Linux_Jonesiface wlan0 inet dhcp is that right? and then a new line "wireless-essid blah blah" "mode-managed" "keymode-restricted" "key-blah blah" "defaultkey 1"    does that look right for /etc/network/interfaces?
22:20.45solid_liqmhall: have you considered using a C++ library like qt?  It's cross platform and abstracts everything for you, plus it's easier to get a CFO to sign off on it because it's backed by a company
22:20.51mhallsolid_liq: tons of useless historical cruft
22:21.07mhallsolid_liq: luckily this code is an implementation detail of a much larger product
22:21.13Mazingaroplease I'd like to know if there are PC keyboards with no windows keys
22:21.21solid_liqmhall: yeah I know the drill with windows code.  spent too much time working on it myself
22:21.25mhallsolid_liq: so as long as the license is LGPL / BSD it should be fine
22:21.29peterSMazingaro: what?  of course there are, did you think there were no PC keyboards before Windows 95 came out?
22:21.33parsonsdMazingaro : sure.  i use one.
22:21.34mhallsolid_liq: sorry, it was friday and i needed to RANT
22:21.42streunermhall: some cool music :-)
22:21.51mhallMazingaro: you can get, for example (since i work there) an HP USB unix workstation keyboard
22:21.57peterSMazingaro: if you go to any used computer parts store you'll find lots of them, probably in a big box labeled "Keyboards, $5 each"
22:22.03solid_liqmhall: it's GPL/trolltech public license, which means you need to pay like two grand or so per developer seat for commercial use
22:22.07mhallMazingaro: they have the key, with the scancode you can use the same, but another logo
22:22.20mhallMazingaro: somebody makes a kbd with a penguin key that's the same idea
22:22.26streunermhall: old 60er and 70er music with hippie-songs :-)
22:22.28solid_liqmhall: unless you release the code as open source, that is
22:22.47mhallsolid_liq: yeah thing is, we don't need most of Qt's features for this
22:22.53MazingaroHP USB unix workstation keyboard
22:22.54peterSsolid_liq: you assume his company releases the product at all, as opposed to just using it internally
22:23.11mhallpeterS: it's part of commercial sw :-/
22:23.15solid_liqmhall: it has no GUI?
22:23.19peterSmhall: ahh
22:23.19mhallsolid_liq: not this module
22:23.31Mazingaromhall: where I can buy them?
22:23.32mhallsolid_liq: this module is a decoder, the GUI's already baked and working
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22:23.43mhallMazingaro: try googling linux penguin keyboard
22:23.48mhallMazingaro: it comes with Penguin keys
22:23.52solid_liqmhall: they do have a version of qt that's just for backend code, and is cheaper than the full qt library
22:24.02solid_liqmhall: it's like half the price
22:24.17itchiMazingaro: Look to 'HHKB'
22:24.26mhallMazingaro: btw fwiw the cherry brand of KBs are real nice KBs
22:24.32mhallMazingaro: they use topgrade microswitches
22:24.41mhallMazingaro: like in video game controllers
22:24.52solid_liqmhall: key selling point to your boss:  it'll cut development time in half.  That alone will more than pay for the cost of the license
22:25.00Mazingaromhall: good
22:25.09mhallsolid_liq: well i don't think this has to be so complicated really
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22:25.37solid_liqmhall: what nonstandard libraries will it depend upon?  networking, ...?
22:25.40mhallsolid_liq: we have good hackers to work on this project, i think what we need is just getting away from C, and the rest is a nobrainer
22:25.46solid_liqmhall: configuration?
22:26.07mhallsolid_liq: really, it takes packet samples in on UDP, then decodes them and makes statistics, as well as passing out subsections of the data to people who want it
22:26.21mhallsolid_liq: that's why the current design is so stupid
22:26.28mhallsolid_liq: this job does not need 200,000 lines
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22:26.53solid_liqmhall: so it's just a network centric app, and the code otherwise can be just ISO/IEEE C++97?
22:27.08mhallsolid_liq: it should really be doing the processing, placing data into a DB, and the other people should come get the little bit of data they want with triggers and stored procedures, etc.
22:27.31solid_liqmhall: ok, so network and db
22:27.37mhallsolid_liq: we already got a DB which is OK, it's just, the current code writing to the DB is ugly, it doesn't use indexes and good normalization and it's too proprietary
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22:27.53mhallsolid_liq: you could probably even do it without a DB using a good properly conceived observer pattern
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22:28.05solid_liqmhall: I'm sure you could
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22:28.41solid_liqmhall: I've practically never had to use a DB.  Mostly I've developed multimedia and emedded systems code, but still, it's usually avoidable
22:28.44mhallsolid_liq: the db's a nice approach though, because you can let the producers and consumers do things the way that's convenient, and the DB makes it safe and friendly
22:28.59mhallsolid_liq: trick is though, like you said, DBs are kinda pokey
22:29.08solid_liqmhall: no kidding
22:29.15asdxwhat xorg version does debian uses?
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22:29.27mhall!tell asdx about pdo
22:29.29streunerasdx: which version of debian?
22:29.35solid_liqmhall: we'll, it's a balance.  No db==faster app, db==faster development cycle
22:29.40mhallsolid_liq: right
22:29.52asdxstreuner: i don't know
22:29.54solid_liqmhall: what's more important to your project?
22:29.54asdxstreuner: latest
22:30.08mhallsolid_liq: my thinking is maybe compromise, and stick with the DB, but clean up the approach and make some library code
22:30.18streunerasdx: show us in paster bot (/msg dpkg paste) your sources.list
22:30.19peterSsolid_liq: heh, with sqlite you get both, but only if you don't need a lot of scalability (:
22:30.25sidasdx: There are three branches of Debian GNU/Linux sarge(stable) uses XFree86, testing(etch) uses xorg 7.1, and unstable(sid) uses xorg 7.1
22:30.27mhallsolid_liq: make it so, you call some observerish methods, that run some triggers / procedures for you
22:30.28solid_liqmhall: abstract the db code as much as possible?
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22:30.42solid_liqmhall: 'zactly :D
22:30.44mhallsolid_liq: right, that way later if you reimplement the object model a little, everybody will be cool
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22:31.09solid_liqmhall: I'm a huge fan of abstraction personally
22:31.11mhallsolid_liq: and if they broke the rules a little cause they needed performance, well, patch it later on the friendly way
22:31.18confreyhi everybody
22:31.24solid_liqmhall: right
22:31.26sid!greet confrey
22:31.26dpkgSalutations, confrey
22:31.28mhallsolid_liq: @deprecate the methods they called, then remove them when you're not near a release
22:31.40solid_liqmhall: good strategy
22:31.47mhallsolid_liq: it's just, i'm real new so this is kind of a tough subject to figure out
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22:32.18solid_liqmhall: well, I'd start with abstracting the network code and the db code, twice each
22:32.21confreyis there e sw to speak on internet by IP to IP, like Roger Wilco does in windows?
22:32.38solid_liqmhall: if you want it crossplatform, you need to create two thin layers rather than one thick layer for each
22:32.39pihhanconfrey, linphone for example
22:32.46blondieconfrey: what?!
22:33.02solid_liqmhall: then you use an #ifdef to bring in the lower-level thin layer pertinent to each os
22:33.03mhallsolid_liq: yeah, i'm figuring on maybe starting out very trivial, decode the date to the console
22:33.16pihhanconfrey, if you want team chat, try teamspeak linux client
22:33.17mhallsolid_liq: then use test instruments to send random packets
22:33.24mhallsolid_liq: and make sure i don't crash or screw up
22:33.26solid_liqmhall: in the higher level abstraction, you do real the real work
22:33.49mhallsolid_liq: then, after i get the decodes working i'll make the object model
22:33.51solid_liqmhall: random packets can be good, but you really want lots of real world data thrown at it too
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22:33.57mhallsolid_liq: yeah of course
22:34.01confreypihhan, I only want to speak with my son, who is using roger wilco in windows, at first floor....
22:34.12mhallsolid_liq: but real data is kinda random anyways, these are sampled packets
22:34.25solid_liqmhall: you also want targeted data, meaning throw values at it that are out of range but should be properly handled by your bounds checking
22:34.34pihhanconfrey, dont know what roger wilco is using, linphone is SIP compliant VoIP
22:34.35mhallsolid_liq: right
22:34.42solid_liqmhall: make sure you can't crash it if you try
22:34.55pihhanconfrey, propriletary programs dont always have linux equivalents.
22:35.05mhallsolid_liq: one thing that will be nice is, if i use a non-C language, i might get bad data but at least i won't corrupt or cause security problems
22:35.12solid_liqmhall: and leave it running all weekend long, and all night long on a daily basis, to see if some error accumulates through some counter or something
22:35.17mhallsolid_liq: that's why i'm trying to move to something more dynamic
22:35.17pihhanconfrey, you can try running windows program with wine, but not always succesfull
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22:35.31mhallsolid_liq: and also of course make sure i'm not hanging onto references and causing leaks
22:35.49mhallsolid_liq: this is a thing where some serious xUnit coding is in order
22:35.55solid_liqmhall: but, that can also hide problems until you have enough code that it becomes extremely difficult to drill down to the source of the problems
22:36.11mhallsolid_liq: yeah true
22:36.23mhallsolid_liq: i'm not too worried about it though, we have some good hackers
22:36.23solid_liqmhall: the nice thing with languages like C and C++ is that the problems tend to come to the surface much sooner
22:36.40mhallsolid_liq: people with 25-30 years experience, they have coded before i was alive even
22:36.43tralalawhy would I get some of the greek letters missing in my browsers (konqueror, firefox) while the others are displayed correctly? I have sarge and I do have greek fonts installed.
22:36.46solid_liqmhall: the longer it takes for them to surface, the more likely your project will fail
22:37.11mhallsolid_liq: i'm not so worried about that, we always have the old code
22:37.17mhallsolid_liq: and it pretty much works
22:37.19pihhantralala, try deinstalling bitstream vera font
22:37.27mhallsolid_liq: if i had no code at all, then it'd be more of a concern
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22:37.51pihhantralala, as it does not contain most of special characters, and many programs is using it as default, because the font is nice
22:38.29solid_liqmhall: I've been coding for over 20 years myself, and one thing I've learned is that it's nearly impossible to replace C or C++ with a scripting language if you don't want your project to fail
22:38.29solid_liqmhall: scripting languages baby you too much, and that makes them great for small projects, but can cause you nightmares in anything larger
22:38.34tralalapihhan, on my way
22:38.51confreypihhan, thanks everybody, I'll try to install roger wilco in windows and then to emulate it
22:39.11mhallsolid_liq: what other choices are there? i have to talk to the java UI code.
22:39.17pihhandont you know someone
22:39.18mhallsolid_liq: it makes like a little bit weird
22:39.18streunermhall: there two kind of people, 1) those who like you or 2) they don't
22:39.19stewsomehow my larger projects aren't failing
22:39.27mhallstreuner: ...
22:39.46mhallsolid_liq: java can't do unsigned math
22:39.47streunerand you can give a damn about those others :-)
22:39.54solid_liqmhall: the irc server I'm on appears to be very laggy, sorry
22:39.54pihhanwhy is my KDE control panels in lost and found menu after sarge to etch upgrade?
22:39.57mhallsolid_liq: so that's not gonna work
22:40.01*** mode/#debian [+l 700] by debhelper
22:40.03mhallsolid_liq: d'oh
22:40.04solid_liqmhall: I hate java
22:40.06tralalapihhan, thank you so much! :)
22:40.12solid_liqmhall: ok, maybe it's better now
22:40.41solid_liqmhall: I really think you're best off sticking with C++, and just carefully coding your classes
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22:41.11mhallsolid_liq: that's gonna be some hardcore work
22:41.14solid_liqmhall: you can blend in elements of the linux/unix philosophy of one small tool for each task, that does only one task and does it well
22:41.21mhallsolid_liq: but at least there are a lot of libraries
22:41.30tralalapihhan, do you actually have anything in the kcontrol? Somebody using etch was complaining here that kcontrol was empty.
22:41.45mhallsolid_liq: yeah, i'm thinking of using pipes and/or message queues, so if a module blows up it can restart and avoid lossage
22:41.46solid_liqmhall: and you can focus on one piece at a time using the philosophy I just mentioned
22:41.50pihhantralala, no, it is completely empty
22:42.03mhallsolid_liq: that way you are only dependent on the one module which select()s the datagrams off the wire
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22:42.13mhallsolid_liq: and i'd make that one, say, <500 lines
22:42.16solid_liqmhall: not to mention, changing something in one area won't break something unrelated that way
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22:42.18mhallsolid_liq: so it's unlikely to blow up
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22:43.01solid_liqmhall: that's the other advantage to that technique
22:43.23tralalapihhan, I can see now why it's still not released :)
22:43.27solid_liqmhall: but you don't want to get yourself all tangled up in that either
22:43.55mhallsolid_liq: i think using it in maybe 2-3 key places would be all that is needed
22:43.56solid_liqmhall: or become too dependant on it
22:44.06asdxi think i don't like portage much, how is apt/dpkg compared to it?
22:44.19solid_liqmhall: small solid modules is the key
22:44.19nikosapiHi, I'm using fluxbox and the only way to get my display resolution to 800x600 is to use xrandr -s 800x600, if I set 800x600 first in XF86Config-4 I get the 800x600 resolution but fluxbox remains at 1024x768. How can I make the xrandr fix permanent?
22:44.26mhallasdx: #1) don't have to set stupid options and compile dumb crap
22:44.27streuner!gentoosmite asdx
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22:44.58tralala9%... that's extreme
22:44.59solid_liqmhall: if you can make one that's just dedicated to networking, then it may be reused by something else later as well, with the interface being an external comm. interface
22:45.05streuner!drxx nikosapi
22:45.05dpkgnikosapi: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86  [or xserver-xorg if you're using] (as root). If you have edited the X config file by hand, or used some other program like xf86config, ask me about <xmd5>
22:45.05mhallasdx: imagine everything in the gentoosmite, *not* having to happen
22:45.12mhallsolid_liq: hmm true
22:45.14solid_liqmhall: using shared memory perhaps
22:45.16schmetralala: gentoo is all about extreme (;
22:45.52nikosapiOK I'll give it a shot
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22:45.59solid_liqmhall: but having one module dedicated to just networking can be very difficult
22:46.03SmerdyakovHow do I find out which package is responsible for a particular filename?
22:46.04mhallsolid_liq: shmem, MQ, and mmap are some choices
22:46.12asdxi don't like portage because the code is a mess
22:46.13raf256Smerdyakov: apt-file
22:46.15solid_liqmhall: yep
22:46.17tralalaschme, I just thought that factoid was always giving something between 0 and 1% :)
22:46.18mhallsolid_liq: luckily, our module only has to go one way
22:46.20solid_liqmhall: and dbus
22:46.26mhallsolid_liq: which makes it a lot simpler
22:46.35dpkgGentoo Linux causes global warming! Needlessly recompiling everything uses power. Fossil fuels are used to generate that power. Hug a tree, use Debian!
22:46.36solid_liqmhall: most definitely
22:46.49solid_liqmhall: that makes it almost simple actually
22:46.50mhallsolid_liq: if we had to *send* stuff, that'd be unpleasant
22:46.51asdxmhall: i personally like source based distros, like LFS, but not gentoo.
22:47.06raf256it is ridiculus
22:47.11solid_liqmhall: you could very easily implement one module dedicated to networking then
22:47.21solid_liqmhall: have it just hand off data
22:47.32mhallsolid_liq: but really, it's pretty abstract once the samples are crunched, fluffy Java takes over and takes care of the more nebulous process of responding to the things we read in
22:47.33solid_liqmhall: and it becomes much easier to make sure it's secure
22:47.41raf256gentoo recompilations are probably responsible for 0.001% of computer power == 0.000001 of power needs
22:47.52Smerdyakovraf256, thanks
22:48.00mhallsolid_liq: yeah it's a no brainer to get 100% coverage of 500 lines of code
22:48.04tralalapihhan, thanks again for the font tip
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22:48.15solid_liqmhall: uh, not always actually
22:48.19tuvraf256, but it's still funny
22:48.25mhallsolid_liq: especially cause we have some guys who coded vxworks embedded code on high volume products (~100000) a month
22:48.31solid_liqmhall: don't ever underestimate code, for that will lead to problems
22:48.37mhallsolid_liq: they had to have at least 96% coverage to ship
22:48.45mhallsolid_liq: and got 100% on purpose for some modules
22:49.02raf256!gnu --> Don't use GNU! Help us to stop stallman, hug a goat, use windows
22:49.07solid_liqmhall: perfect, that's the approach you need for the important parts
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22:49.28solid_liqraf256: you mean hump a goat? ;)
22:49.30asdxhow are binaries in debian? i mean, do they have everything what you need? sometimes there are things that aren't in binaries and you need to compile it for enable a feature that you want.
22:49.30raf256!drugs --> Don't use HURD! Help Linus to report the drug abusers to Authorities
22:49.35mhallraf256: er, doesn't using GNU generate *more* goats
22:49.50mhallraf256: so if you like em, you'd use GNU
22:50.07asdxlike, php-gd, php-mysql, php-postgresql, php-foo
22:50.30raf256asdx: indeed, for example debian's audacity is fucked up: some genius compiled it without ALSA support!
22:50.37raf256but you can always apt-get source and rebuild
22:50.49solid_liqmhall: it might be interesting to experiment with dbus for your IPC needs
22:50.51mhallasdx: beware of premature compliation
22:50.54asdxraf256: lol
22:50.58mhallsolid_liq: yeah i'll take a look
22:51.01tuvraf256, is alsa support available in audacity upstream? it wasn't a while ago
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22:51.06mhallraf256: ooh that's a nice one
22:51.07streunerraf256: what did you smoke today?
22:51.11raf256tuv: it is.  --with-alsa or something
22:51.14raf256streuner: nothing
22:51.31tuvraf256, then it must be new
22:51.32streunerhm, could be a reason too (for some people...)
22:51.37JabbaaaHow do I boot into single user mode is there is no "linux single" on the LILO boot menu?
22:51.48mhalllol streuner i think you accusing people of smoking something is the pot calling the kettle black most of the time hahaha
22:51.49raf256to make audacity useless for guys with alsa-only system
22:51.54tuvJabbaaa, append 'single' to the kernel line
22:51.58sidJabbaaa: edit the lilo menu?
22:52.37Jabbaaatuv how so?  :|
22:52.37stewraf256: this has been covered already, please just drop it
22:52.37Jabbaaasid not an option... I'm locked out
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22:52.37tarmsiecan reverse DNS be done with webmin?
22:52.37tuvJabbaaa, if you're using grub, you can do that on the fly when booting. hit 'e' and edit the kernel line you want
22:52.37nikosapiOk, I ran  dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86 but where does the config file go?
22:52.38raf256stew: it was in connection with given topics
22:52.38sidJabbaaa: When lilo pops up, hit e(for edit)
22:52.40streunertarmsie: webmin isn't in debian
22:52.45Jabbaaatuv no GRUB.. it's an old woody install
22:53.07sidJabbaaa: upgrade to sarge!
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22:53.19raf256upgrade to dapper!
22:53.25Jabbaaasid nooooo I need to just get something off this old machine,  :)
22:53.31Jabbaaabut don't recall the login
22:53.42sidJabbaaa: livecd?
22:53.46raf256Jabbaaa: hm? put in the livecd or get out hdd
22:54.03Jabbaaasid was hoping to jsut get into single user mode.
22:54.04sidOr just edit the lilo menu(probably the fastest method)
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22:55.28Jabbaaasid... when you say hit 'e' at the lilo prompt, you mean boot: ?
22:55.28itchistreuner: It's no more in Etch, but still in Sarge
22:55.55streunergod, that was a fine decision
22:56.31itchistreuner: I goes gone i guess when Etch become stable. I not use webmin :-)
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22:57.01dpkg[webmin] a lame web-based interface for unsafe system administration for Unix. Check it out at but, remember, dondelelcaro *hates* webmin. "i'd rather sit on the floor shoving table knives into live electrical outlets than run webmin on an exposed server." Obsoleted in debian:
22:57.12itchistreuner: Personally i find that the idea was near great for new click and run admins
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22:57.25tuvhmm.. audacity's alsa support in debian:
22:57.38streuner"real" admins never click and hope something works....
22:57.59itchistreuner: Yeah, sure, it's unsafe stuff, maybe, there's need to work to get it many more secure
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22:58.47onofriowho wanna try with me h323: ? thanks
22:59.16bokeyitchi, =)
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22:59.20itchistreuner: He; i never use webmin too, just try it in the begin, but not have realy like it.
22:59.35itchibokey: Hello ;-)
22:59.38streuner!wb(rude) abrotman ;-)
22:59.47bokeyitchi, how are you today ?
23:00.04itchibokey: It's pill 00:00
23:00.04abrotmannot funny ...
23:00.07bokeyitchi, all good. using 2.6.17 =)
23:00.10itchibokey: So night
23:00.11bokeyabrotman, hello.
23:00.17bokeyitchi, ahh..
23:00.20bokeyitchi, i hate to see dispute between debian people and mozilla people. result ? icedove
23:00.23itchi!beer abrotman
23:00.34abrotmanyeah .. as i sit here watching a drive rebuild!
23:00.41streunerabrotman: you don't find that funny even if you created yourself that?
23:00.48bokey!more beer
23:00.48dpkggoto /usr/local/pub
23:00.52bokey!beer more
23:00.58abrotmani didn't add dogfishhead
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23:01.23streunerabrotman: well, somebody could kick your ass :-)
23:01.28abrotmanthey could?
23:01.28bokeyitchi, seriously, icedove was not needed you know.
23:01.28vanisherhow do i install vmware-tools within debian>?
23:01.35abrotmanask #vmware
23:01.39streunerthey could, but they don't
23:01.48itchibokey: Ba, i not realy care of the name or whatever at this stage
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23:01.55bokeyitchi, hehe.. =)
23:01.59abrotmanbokey: yes it was
23:02.06quhanarch/i386/Kconfig:978: can't open file "arch/i386/kernel/cpu/cpufreq/Kconfig". what should i do?
23:02.13quhanhi, i decomplier linux-image, but I always got error:
23:02.29abrotmanquhan: from Debian packaged sources ?
23:02.41solid_liqvanisher: vmware-package - utility for building Vmware related Debian packages
23:02.41bokeyabrotman, well, really it just creates another partition in FOSS community. =(
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23:02.52abrotmanbokey: do you understand why it happened ?
23:02.56abrotmanquhan: ask #kernel
23:03.14streunerquhan: or just use an official package
23:03.22bokeyabrotman, because of logo trademark usage of firefox and mozilla in debian. :/
23:03.29abrotmanthat's only part of it
23:03.36bokeyabrotman, really ?
23:03.39dpkgrumour has it, icedove is due to trademark restrictions, debian is not able to distribute thunderbird with the thunderbird name, instead a fork has replace it, called icedove. Ask me about iceweasel.
23:03.43abrotmanerm ..
23:03.46dpkgit has been said that iceweasel is the name of debian's fork of firefox.  It is currently different from the browser with the same name from gnu ( although it is possible that the two projects will join forces in the future.  iceweasel in debian is currently only available for unstable, ask me: <why is iceweasel not in testing>, or ask me about <why iceweasel>
23:03.50vanishersolid_liq: is that just an apt-get?
23:03.56abrotman!tell bokey  about why iceweasel
23:04.03solid_liqvanisher: yeah, apt-cache search for it
23:04.23bokeyabrotman, right.. reading now
23:04.32abrotman!info vmware-package sid
23:04.47abrotman!+info vmware-package sid
23:04.48itchibokey: Your running Etch?
23:04.49dpkgPackage 'vmware-package' does not exist.
23:04.56vanishersolid_liq: quess i need an apt source extra ;)
23:04.59bokeyitchi, yup.
23:05.09abrotmanvanisher: ask #vmware
23:05.13quhanbut a linux-source also has this problem
23:05.19itchibokey: It's still not yet there then
23:05.36solid_liqvanisher: I'm going to guess it's this one:          deb experimental main contrib non-free
23:05.38pihhananyone here had issues with kcontrol and menus?
23:05.39quhani mean the linux-source package from debian source
23:05.46bokeyitchi, yeah it's called iceweasel for firefox and icedove for thunderbird
23:06.26abrotmanand i think gnuzilla for mozilla suite
23:06.28itchibokey: Was a bit wondering why you was hurry about it, like you not yet have it
23:06.53solid_liqpihhan: such as?
23:07.11bokeyitchi, not in hurry but bit worried about the stifle between deb and mozilla people. it hurts for foss community as a total.
23:07.23pihhansolid_liq, such as nothing is there
23:07.29abrotmanbokey: don't whine to us
23:07.37solid_liqpihhan: no, haven't had that
23:07.49pihhansolid_liq, KDE control panels are completely empty, and all is in lost and found folder in menu
23:07.52bokeyabrotman, right. will stfu. =)
23:08.16solid_liqpihhan: hmmm
23:08.16itchibokey: Just adapt you ;-)
23:08.17abrotmanbokey: read the bug .. see why it happened
23:08.21vanishersolid_liq: thank you!! that was it
23:08.22pihhanhappened after sarge to etch dist-upgrade
23:08.23bokeyabrotman, reading dude.
23:08.26solid_liqpihhan: np
23:08.34*** join/#debian liable (n=liable@pdpc/supporter/active/liable)
23:08.49streuner!wb(rude) liable
23:09.25*** join/#debian svizzero (
23:09.32streunerabrotman: can you give us the wb(rude) factoid? :-)
23:09.52abrotmani have it ?
23:09.52pihhanon they advice creating symlink
23:10.00*** mode/#debian [+l 691] by debhelper
23:10.07streunersure, you are the one who created it :-)
23:10.11pihhanbut both directories contain the same even without symlink.
23:10.18abrotmanstreuner: the one from raseac ?
23:10.52liablestreuner: howdy
23:11.02abrotmanstreuner: but it's not nice ...
23:11.03streunerliable: hi
23:11.15streunerabrotman: we aren't care :-)
23:11.51abrotmanstreuner: <reply>HAHA .. Look .. That loser, $1, couldn't stay off IRC.
23:11.54liablebah, this net connection blows
23:12.14streunerliable: you didn't pay your ISP enough ? :-)
23:14.03streunerliable: so you have any idea *WHY* this happens?
23:15.30*** join/#debian PupenoR (n=pupeno@
23:15.57abrotmanthat is a bad connection :)
23:16.04streunersure :-)
23:16.44anapivirtuaBye world.
23:16.47*** join/#debian gasbag (
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23:18.22dpkgmooooooo! I am cow, hear me moo, I weigh twice as much as you. I'm a cow, eating grass, methane gas comes out my ass. I'm a cow, you are too; join us all! type apt-get moo.
23:18.55unlinkgrr, apt-get isn't installed on my, uh, freebsd box.
23:19.03unlinklsmod didn't work either :(
23:19.20*** join/#debian mikefoo (n=mikefoo@
23:19.34abrotmancan't right now .. no X
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23:19.52mikefoofind . -name *.mp3 -exec id3info '{}' \; | grep -Hi string - The filename is "standard input" I think im missing an option in the exec, how can I get the filename also. Anyone know?
23:19.53streunerabrotman: mpg123 URL
23:19.55abrotmanstreuner: remind me in a bit when i'm actually home instead of watching drives rebuild :)
23:20.03abrotmanstreuner: there's no sound on servers :)
23:20.39rahuluse the pc speaker!
23:20.58abrotmanthe one i'm attached to probably doesn't have one
23:21.26abrotmanlspci contains four items on this box
23:21.40odlatarzeau, ping..
23:22.57odlai presume no one else here uses GNUstep ...
23:23.00*** join/#debian liable (n=liable@pdpc/supporter/active/liable)
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23:23.05abrotmanwhy would they?
23:23.08odlaha ha
23:23.24streunerodla: /j #gnustep
23:23.24odlaabrotman, cause it's the next revolution in gnu/linux
23:23.35odlastreuner, yeah i know about it
23:23.44streunersurely not
23:23.44abrotmansure it is
23:23.49liablesheesh my net sucks atm
23:24.04odlastreuner, really?  i thought i was in that channel at the moment too
23:24.29liablethis is weird, this network i am on, gives me two dns servers, both belonging to different companies, and when they are queried, i get a response from a third, also from a different company, and it doesnt fucking work..
23:24.57*** join/#debian orc_emac (n=orc_emac@centos/admin/orc-orc)
23:25.13streunerliable: you need always a *reliable* DNS-Server in order to use internet
23:25.18infernixyou said that earlier. it's quite amazing
23:26.08abrotmanor go by IPs everywhere!
23:26.09infernixshow me a tcpdump of that:)
23:26.09*** join/#debian ruggerio (
23:26.09|zetetic|I have 3 disk drives on my pc. On one of them I will install debian etch, with the following 4 partitions: /boot, /, /home and swap. Do I need to activate the bootflag on one of those partitions?
23:26.09*** part/#debian tarmsie (n=tramsie@
23:26.10infernix|zetetic|: just /, really
23:26.11streunerliable: but that's NOT a DNS issue
23:26.11abrotmani didn't think you needed a bootflag at all anymore
23:26.11*** part/#debian Jabbaaa (
23:26.12abrotmanfor linux anyways
23:26.14infernixnot for linux no
23:26.17*** part/#debian seb- (
23:26.55|zetetic|I must activate de bootflag just on / ? shuldn't I activate it on /boot instead of / ?
23:29.39MatBoyWill Iceweasel 3 be in Unstable or going directly into Etch ?
23:29.44|zetetic|I mean... the kernel image will be on /boot, not on /
23:29.44*** join/#debian colby (
23:29.58abrotmanMatBoy: it's already in unstable .. things pass from unstable to testing normally
23:30.26MatBoyabrotman, yep, know that... I thought that unstable was maybe doing a pre-beta-thing already
23:30.29MatBoynice to hear !
23:30.38MatBoy|zetetic|, with a new install ?
23:30.43liablestreuner: i'm not at home now, and on a wireless network in a big camp, and it seems to have a few problems
23:30.58abrotmanMatBoy: the idea is to have iceweasel2 in etch for release
23:31.08MatBoy|zetetic|, bootflag is set automaticly in the right place
23:31.23|zetetic|I have 3 disk drives on my computer. on one of them I will make a clean install of debian, and I will create de following 4 partitions: /boot / /home and swap
23:31.25MatBoyabrotman, yeah, good idea. Not that much new things in 3
23:31.36|zetetic|and I'm creating those partions manually
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23:31.53MatBoy|zetetic|, all done automaticly
23:31.55|zetetic|so I woul like to know if I have to activate de bootflag on one of those partions or not
23:32.03pihhanis there anyone using KDE on etch/testing?
23:32.23abrotmanask your real question
23:32.23MatBoyjust make the partitions, set the paths and your filesystem
23:32.31MatBoyabrotman, I thin that was his question :P
23:32.33|zetetic|strange, because I just created the 4 partitions and none of them has de bootflag activated
23:32.44apokryphoswhat options do I need with rsync to continue a download?
23:32.58MatBoy|zetetic|, have you already tried to finish a install ?
23:33.24|zetetic|no, I just finish created the partitions but I haven't write any changes to disk yet
23:33.35pihhanapokryphos, i would think you dont need any, just be in correct directory
23:33.43MatBoy|zetetic|, do it, set no bootflag and make the install
23:33.47MatBoytakes 15 min at max
23:33.54pihhanis this bug fixed in testing?
23:34.08MatBoyit will set it I think when it installs grub, never had to set it before manually
23:34.09|zetetic|but after installation I want to be able to boot from each of 2 different disk drives
23:34.12abrotman!dbugs 267359
23:34.16dpkgDONE:#267359:G[nvidia-kernel-source] nvidia-kernel-source: X Windows hard locks (requires hard restart); Sun, 22 Aug 2004 06:03:01 UTC
23:34.25abrotmanmarked DONE
23:34.29apokryphospihhan: I'm using -IvzP and the download restarts
23:34.48|zetetic|ok, I will not set any bootflag, but after installation I will be able to boot from each of the tho hard drives?
23:34.51MatBoypihhan, I have had that too.. you can set a kernel-option to solve it for now
23:34.52mikefoofind . -name *.mp3 -exec id3info '{}' \; | grep -Hi string - The filename is "standard input" I think im missing an option in the exec, how can I get the filename also. Anyone know?
23:35.24liablestreuner: know much about dns?
23:35.25|zetetic|two hard drives, I mean
23:35.28pihhanMatBoy, kernel-option? it does not have anything related to kernel
23:35.41*** join/#debian ChompWzrd (
23:35.42streunerliable: you don't need much to know about
23:35.44MatBoypihhan, It was solving the problem here
23:35.49MatBoycheck the nvidia-fourm about it
23:35.57MatBoyI thought it was a sticky there
23:36.21streunerliable: you *NEED* ONE reliable DNS server, that is
23:36.33pihhanit is nvidia driver bug?
23:37.02streunerliable: *AFTER* you connected to Internet, it wouldn't be a DNS issue...
23:37.09MatBoypihhan, no not directly... something with HT or such thing... don't know anymore... it has been some time ago
23:37.11liablestreuner: well, it is.
23:37.24pihhanHT does not matter, i have duron CPU
23:37.35jellyliable: you could try asking the one server that appears to be responding.  They might have a case of bad NAT though.
23:37.37streunerliable: you loosed the connection...
23:37.39MatBoypihhan, there were a several options for specific systems.... 3 options I thought
23:37.46MatBoycheck the nvidia-forum about it
23:38.14liablejelly: thats what i have done in the end, if i use the two supplied by the dhcpd, it fails, as the third server is the only one that responds
23:38.18*** join/#debian StanSka (
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23:39.07abrotmanStanSka: are you ban evading
23:39.13pihhanbut there is another problem
23:39.16pihhani am missing file
23:39.17RvGaTeIf there is anyone from poland, would you be so kind to translate this for me?  "najlepsza klubowa muzyka w sieci"
23:39.30jellyliable: so you already know how to fix it
23:39.34pihhanis not my system
23:39.46pihhani reinstalled kdebase-data just now
23:39.52pihhanbut such file is not there
23:40.01*** mode/#debian [+l 682] by debhelper
23:40.11liablejelly: yes, but i want to understand wtf its set up like that, apperently some of the windows boxen on the network dont have problems
23:40.14itchiRvGaTe: 'I need to buy beer', it mean
23:40.27jellyRvGaTe: I don't know Polish, but it looks vaguely like "best club music in January", does that make any sense?
23:40.36*** join/#debian ZeRoBaTu (n=ircap8@
23:40.37streunerliable: wireless?
23:40.42liablestreuner: yes
23:40.47RvGaTejelly, only January doesn't make sense
23:40.50streunercheck out the driver then
23:40.53*** part/#debian ZeRoBaTu (n=ircap8@
23:40.57jellyRvGaTe: ok, that part is wrong ;-)
23:41.01RvGaTejelly, its a quote of a radio station i listen to all the time
23:41.17RvGaTejelly, or slogan...
23:41.23RvGaTejelly, whatever you wanna call it
23:41.30jellyRvGaTe: a jingle?
23:41.38streunerliable: did you upgrade the kernel (driver) in the past?
23:41.44RvGaTejelly, nah....
23:41.56pihhanwhat can cause
23:41.59jellyRvGaTe: could be "in the world"
23:42.11RvGaTejelly, i think thats it
23:42.15pihhanthat i dont have one file listed in dpkg -L kdebase-data
23:42.24pihhanand dpkg is not complaining about anything?
23:42.39jellyRvGaTe: also s/best/greatest/ is probably more correct
23:43.12liablestreuner: why would the driver make my nameservers in resolv.conf be incorrect? (but in response to your question, i had this problem, and i did recompile madwifi before i started packet sniffing to see what the fuck was happening)
23:44.25*** join/#debian rfrank (
23:44.57pihhanstreuner, order of servers is usually not important
23:45.51*** join/#debian rob (i=RobertSt@freenode/staff/rob)
23:46.15RvGaTeanyway, thx jelly :P
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23:46.50streunerliable: you are able to connect to IRC, so DNS resolved the entry fine
23:46.52MatBoyis it possible to compile a kernel on multiple processors instead of one ?
23:47.00unlinkMatBoy: yup
23:47.11MatBoyunlink, with all distro's ?
23:47.24*** join/#debian Thaiger (
23:47.41MatBoyunlink, tell me how :) I'ts now done on one :(
23:47.47streunerliable: What happens when you are using the 'OLD' working kernel (driver)?
23:48.03liablestreuner: *after* I fixed the nameserver, i had to watch the response from the nameserver with tcpdump to get freenodes ip...
23:48.07RvGaTeitchi, im sorry
23:48.08unlinkMatBoy: man make
23:48.08reZoHey, I'm having problems with network card detection in the net installer (sarge). I'm using an Nvidia CK804 card, does anyone know how I can find out the IRQ in Ubuntu Linux for this? And if the network card is supported in Sarge?
23:48.18MatBoyunlink, ok
23:48.23*** join/#debian rosen37_ (n=christor@
23:48.32liablestreuner: its not the driver
23:48.36streunerliable: using 'host' is enough
23:48.37pihhanreZo, lspci -v
23:48.49buzz_l_eclairhi everybody
23:48.59streunerliable: that would prove, is DNS working or not
23:49.01reZopihhan, thank you very much. That's what I needed :)
23:49.06RvGaTehi buuuuzzzz
23:49.10pihhanreZo, find which modules it does use in ubuntu
23:49.16abrotman!tell reZo about sarge 2.6.18
23:49.31abrotman!which driver
23:49.31dpkgTry to find out which driver supports your device.
23:49.42rpccan someone please paste me the contents of /usr/sbin/update-rc.d? it seems to be missing on the box i'm fixing now (sarge)
23:49.48MatBoyunlink, not there
23:49.51rpcanyway no clue why would it be missing
23:50.08*** join/#debian chicken_Fire (
23:50.26abrotman!find update-rc.d sarge
23:50.36dpkgDebian Search of 'update-rc.d' (4): (/usr/share/sysvinit/update-rc.d) in admin/sysvinit ;; (/usr/sbin/update-rc.d) in admin/file-rc,admin/sysv-rc ;; (/usr/share/zsh/4.2.5/functions/Completion/Debian/_update-rc.d) in shells/zsh ;; (/usr/share/zsh-beta/4.3.0-dev-1/functions/Completion/Debian/_update-rc.d) in shells/zsh-beta.
23:51.00abrotmanrpc: you could reinstlal sysv-rc ?
23:51.05unlinkis it safe to remove sysvinit if you're using file-rc?
23:51.44rpcabrotman i tried.. it wants rc too
23:51.51rpcthanks so much :)
23:52.18abrotmanyou could manually download the package and extract it
23:52.35rpci did download but didn't try to extract in search for that file
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23:54.13rpcin fact it's there :) thanks very much abrotman
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23:54.32rpcbtw do you know why would be the sarge default install missing that file?
23:54.48abrotmaneh .. nope
23:55.00rpcpriority for it is: required
23:55.09abrotmanyeah .. should be there i'd think
23:56.29pihhanis that normal, that ifup in etch
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23:56.49pihhansets when set to DHCP?
23:56.59abrotmanthat means it can't find your DHCP server
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23:57.10pihhanit can and does
23:57.18abrotmanit's not
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23:57.38pihhan2: eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast qlen 1000
23:57.39*** kick/#debian [pihhan!n=debhelpe@unaffiliated/debhelper] by debhelper (use the paster bot or #flood)
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23:57.57abrotmanwe don't like pasters!
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23:58.18pihhanfour lines, only four lines...
23:58.22pihhanbut you see
23:58.28pihhansecond address is from DHCP
23:58.30abrotmanone only kid one only kid
23:59.20*** join/#debian Althaser (

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.