irclog2html for #debian on 20060818

00:00.01*** part/#debian Bushmills (
00:00.14NoPlanjlaw: I tried with and without CONFIG_FONTS.
00:00.26NoPlanjlaw: Both with the exact same result.
00:00.38dvsNoPlan: you have both the vesa and nvidia framebuffer devices selected too
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00:01.31NoPlandvs: Yes. I first tried just with the nvidia fb device, but I thought maybe VESA works?
00:01.38jlawNoPlan, dvs: i've just seen it. never select the nvidia fram buffer support it just causes problems
00:01.51dvsNoPlan: but not both at the same time
00:02.11NoPlanjlaw: I'll disable the NVIDIA one AND compile more fonts :)
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00:02.37tuvi'm pretty confused in matters of framebuffers. i installed splashy and used vga=0x317. now splashy works although the display flashes when it tries to fade. no fb modules loaded at all. nvidia display adapter
00:02.54izzybcould someone help  me find a document that explains how to install squashfs on a debian sarge machine?
00:02.56tuvhow does it work with no framebuffers?
00:03.06jlawNoPlan, just select the vesa. i've selected 8x8 and 8x16, nothing else. and keep CONFIG_FRAMEBUFFER_CONSOLE=y !-)
00:03.06izzybI found the kernel patch in  apt-get
00:03.11izzybbut don't know what to do with it
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00:03.29lmoshersometimes the ubuntu folks are not very informative. Can someone help me resolve this?
00:03.32lmosherThe following packages have unmet dependencies:
00:03.40Presently42Guess not. Cheers.
00:03.40NoPlanjlaw: Sir, yes Sir :)
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00:04.19jlawNoPlan, decorous !-)
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00:05.20tuvlmosher, looks like an old gnome-terminal package. BTW, it's a dangerous business asking about ubuntu in #debian. you've been warned
00:05.42jlawlmosher, i once encountered similar problems when installing kde in etch, try to install the unmet dependencies by hand (ie "apt-get install gnome-terminal-data") ... it worked fine for me
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00:06.12NoPlanWell, I'll reboot ... brb
00:06.14lmosherBasically what I'm looking for is an equivalent to yum's --nodeps option :)
00:06.24lmosherI want to just force install gnome-terminal
00:06.38jlawlmosher, this option is not really a good solution
00:06.41tuvlmosher, man apt-get and look for --forece-* options
00:07.12epsilonanyone with experience in SYSCP or VHCS? Any recommendation which one I should take on a sarge box?
00:07.12lmoshertuv, I did :/ --force-yet is just the same thing as yum -y
00:07.20lmosherit just answers 'yes' to questions.
00:07.22jlawlmosher ... you may also try --fix-missing
00:07.38tuvlmosher, hmm.. i guess --forece-* is a dpkg option and not apt-get
00:07.51lmoshertuv, yeah, I suppose I coudl always download the .deb manually :P
00:08.02lmosherahh I can use --ignore-missing
00:08.04lmosherthere we go
00:08.10lmosherI'll try --fix first
00:08.42tuvi'm pretty confused in matters of framebuffers. i installed splashy and used vga=0x317. now splashy works although the display flashes when it tries to fade. no fb modules loaded at all. nvidia display adapter. how does it work with no framebuffer modules loaded?
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00:09.07jlawlmosher, believe me, ignoring dependencies is not a good idea, try to install the mentioned packages first and then try again to install the base-package
00:09.30evilgeekignoring dependencies is *usually* not a good idea.  there are times when it's necessary.
00:09.42lmosherjlaw, the (Weird) issue is that gnome-terminal-data is installed but is actually a version ABOVE what gnome-terminal itself says it needs. stupid 64-bit repos
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00:10.09jlawlmosher, that -indeed- is weird^^
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00:10.41NoPlanjlaw: Of course that kernel setting did not change anything, because the grub menu comes *before* the kernel loads ...
00:10.49tuvlmosher, if gnome-terminal-data was upgraded very recently you may want to wait for a while until the corresponding gnome-terminal is available
00:10.58lmosherjlaw, it's happened before, i think the repo is just broken
00:11.14lmoshertuv, yeah I'm sure that's true, but I really hate the terminal bell in xterm :P
00:11.14NoPlanjlaw: So, when the kernel loads and sets up the console font, *then* it starts working.
00:11.32tuvlmosher, unload the pcspkr module
00:11.41lmoshertuv, hehe ty :)
00:11.46jlawNoPlan ... where exactly did you apply the vga= option?
00:12.17NoPlanjlaw: In the grub menu.lst
00:12.28dvsNoPlan: where in the menu.lst?
00:12.32NoPlanbefore the kernel menu stanzas.
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00:12.41jlawNoPlan, k ... you#re description bewildered me ... sooo, what exactly is your problem?
00:12.50dvsNoPlan: which line exactly?
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00:13.29jlaw*your, nor you#re
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00:13.43dvsjlaw: looks like you#re to me!
00:13.53ArmEaglehmm the official debian channel is not here on freenode anymore?
00:13.53dvs(the octothorpe)
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00:13.59NoPlanjlaw: Well, I boot up with vga=795 (1280x1024@24bit) and all I get is garbled crap. I then press "enter" to boot into the first menu item and when the kernel reaches "Setting up console font ..." it gets readable.
00:14.06dvsArmEagle: nope
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00:14.31ArmEaglehmm just read somewhere that debian moved to
00:14.44ArmEagleor.. not really so..
00:14.49dvsArmEagle: will take you to
00:14.54ArmEagleah :)
00:14.56jlawNoPlan ... i think you mixed up some entries ... the vgq= option should not change anything to grub itself
00:15.07ArmEagleanyway. i'm happy here..
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00:16.21m1ke_lcan anyone tell me why debian wont install a this mobo?
00:16.40NoPlanjlaw: I thought so ... since it sits before even the first bit of kernel is booted, it can only use some BIOS supported video mode but the vga=... should be passed on to the kernel, right?
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00:17.15jlawNoPlan .. if you really want to start grup with the higher res than vga standard you should try the grub embedded testing option when booting ... just can't remember how to start it
00:17.43tuvis vesafb compiled into debian kenrels or is it a module?
00:17.49jlawNoPlan, right the vga= option should be in the kernel line
00:18.00NoPlanjlaw: I don't want to start up grub in a higher res, I just want my boot messages to be readable and in vga=795 (aka 1280x1024) mode with a cute penguin on the top left :)
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00:18.13Mitarany suggestion for big file editor for console?
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00:18.46NoPlanMitar: How big is big?
00:18.49tuvMitar, what's wrong with nano or emacs?
00:18.50jlawNoPlan, for example "kernel/vmlinuz-2.6.15-1-486 root=/dev/hdd3 ro vga=791"
00:18.51dvstuv: grep CONFIG_FB_VESA /boot/config-$(uname -r)
00:18.52Mitar1 GB
00:19.03tuvdvs, just found out it's y :)
00:19.09Mitari do not use none of them
00:19.13Mitari am trying vim ...
00:19.19Mitarbut it is taken long ..
00:19.28NoPlanjlaw: the vga= ... option can be placed in the top to be "global", I believe.
00:19.37Mitarahh ... it trayed to color the whole file :-)
00:19.48NoPlanjlaw: But I will try and set it on the kernel line ...
00:20.01jlawNoPlan .. well you see how i do it and how it works fine for me !-)
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00:20.55userdefinedhola. i'd like to configure postfix such that it deposits all outbound mail to a file, and considers it 'sent' at that point
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00:21.03userdefinedmy theory is that setting default_transport appropriately would do it, but i can't seem to find what i should set it to to get the desired behavior...
00:21.13userdefined(i asked on #postfix but they're sleeping i guess, and since i'm running debian, not totally off topic here i hope?)
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00:22.53NoPlanok, booted my second pc, so I won't have to log in and out all the time :)
00:23.06jlawNoPlan ... your machine seems to be pretty fast
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00:23.17jlawNoPlan, lol, ahh ok
00:23.36dvsjlaw: it's a Cray!
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00:24.01NoPlanjlaw: ok, I got rid of the stupid splash screen and set the vga= in the kernel line. Works fine now :)
00:24.15NoPlanI think it was the splash screen that upset the menu
00:24.25jlawdvs, rofl ... i think a cray would take some hours in case you even get a current debian running on it !-)
00:25.02jlawNoPlan, i told you you mixed up the lines !-)
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00:25.29NoPlanjlaw, Oh great, now I get a "kernel panic -- not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0) ... grrr
00:26.17dvsNoPlan: Either the IDE controller or the file system is not compiled into the kernl
00:26.32jlawNoPlan ... that means there is a problem with the boot device ... forget something in the kernelconfig when compiling or altered the kernel line in the menu.list?
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00:27.29NoPlandvs: Hmm ... it was a bit complicated when I did the last kernel (stupid NVidia SATA driver)
00:27.32userdefinednutshell42: not sure for outbound mail, i'll look at that. thanks
00:28.12jlawNoPlan, there you got the point, i love my asus nforce4
00:28.31nutshell42hi, is samba in unstable currently fscked? I suddenly get an "ERRnosuchshare (You specified an invalid share name)" when I try to mount a share; konqueror smb:/ and windows explorer both show the share but give an error (doesn't exist, invalid, something like that) when I try to access it
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00:28.59dvsjlaw: hours?  don't you mean seconds?
00:29.24NoPlanjlaw: Well, I have the a8n sli without the 32 ... and it also suffers from the NVidia nforce4
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00:29.44jlawNoPlan, yeah it's chipsets are nice shit^^
00:30.21jlawgrrr ... its, not it's
00:30.28jlawi have to sleep
00:30.36NoPlanjlaw: I just wish NVidia would finally just open source their drivers.
00:30.38dvsjlaw: get them before they become ATI chipsets
00:30.46dpkgmethinks sleep is For wimpy organic beings. Or, sleep is probably a poor substitute for coffee or for mortals or for the weak or the glory of the cowards and the un-caffeinateds. :-) or the activity of choice for the intelligent person or time which could be spent hacking the planet.. or .. whatever .. ZZzzzz ... fsck: warning: /dev/brain has gone countless hours without being checked.  Check forced. zZZzzzz... *zonk*
00:31.05NoPlandvs: ATI is no more :)
00:31.27jlawi think i just got wimpy, gdn8 ... especially to NoPlan and dvs !-)
00:31.37dvsNoPlan: And you think Nvidia is going to continue to make chipsets for AMD?
00:31.40NoPlanjlaw, night.
00:32.05NoPlandvs: I think so, yes.
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00:33.35NoPlandvs: and I hope ATI drivers will be open sourced once AMD gets their butts in gear after the takeover.
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00:36.34Mitarso, any suggestions?
00:36.46Mitardoes vim handle big files?
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00:37.19karstenMitar: In general, yes.  How big, specifically?
00:37.20tuvMitar, i usually use nano or emacs. i find them more user friendly than vim
00:37.33tuvMitar, have no experience with BIG files though
00:37.55waitingtuv: so your statement was a little unrelated to the question, don't you think?
00:38.12jvmhi; i use debian etch and want to configure a not natively supported wlan-device; i installed ndiswrapper, it works if if rmmod prism54, but if not, prism54 conflicts with ndiswrapper when i insert the card; how can i configure that prism54 should NEVER be loaded?
00:38.17karstenMitar: vim works with a buffer, in general it's only got a part of a file actually loaded up at a time, IIRC.
00:38.50tuvwaiting, that's because the question leaves too much room for unrelated statements. if i consider 1kB+ files big i'm in
00:39.07waitingtuv: in what? :)
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00:39.25karstenMitar: If you're trying to make edits to select bits of a file, I'd suggest a stream editor (eg:  sed, awk, perl), and chunk the changes back in
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00:39.38karstenMitar:  s,and,and/or,
00:39.44tuvwaiting, in the set of related statements to the question ;)
00:39.50waitingtuv: ;) okok
00:39.58karstenMitar: So the question becomes, as usual:  what are you trying to do, how big is the file, what sort of edits?
00:40.03tuvwaiting, i can go on you know
00:41.30Mitar1 GB big file
00:41.43karstenMitar: Yeah, I saw that.  What sort of file?
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00:42.00Mitarmbox file
00:42.06karstenMitar: English text, delimited fields, etc....
00:42.08Mitari would liek to search and replace
00:42.11karstenMitar: Ah, I see.
00:42.21karstenMitar: Use sed.
00:42.24tuvMitar, how about mutt then?
00:42.37Mitarthe problem is, that it is a broken mbox file
00:42.38NoPlanmitar: sed is your friend then.
00:42.43Mitarso i have to repair it a little
00:42.44karstenMitar: sed -e 's/original/replacement/g' < inbox > outbox >
00:43.05karstenMitar: has the benefit of preserving the original.
00:43.06karstenNuke that last '>'
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00:43.31karstenMitar: You can write a more complex sed script and run that if you want as well.
00:44.16karstenMitar: Nice thing is that you can try a fix, see if it takes, if it doesn't change the fix, re-run it, until you've got it right.  Very difficult to do that interactively with an editor.
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00:44.30karstenMitar: It's one of the key reasons a lot of us old farts are so keen on scripting solutions to stuff.
00:44.52Mitari use perl a lot :-)))
00:45.03Mitarso i never used shell scripting ...
00:45.08karstenMitar: Same difference.
00:45.09tuvscripting: learning curve vs. power
00:45.28Mitarbut it is strange that i have not though about perl when searching for solution ..
00:45.30karstentuv: Steep learning curve, high payoff function.
00:45.47Mitarprobably because i was first looking around what exactly is a problem with the mbox
00:45.51karstenMitar: It's a way of looking at problems.
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00:46.05Mitarand when found a problem wanted to make a fast search and replace to correct it
00:46.31karstenMitar: Usually 'less' or head -1000 < file > foo  to look at some sample problems, then try a fix, see if you've got it, etc.
00:46.36karstenMitar: rinse, wash, repeat.
00:47.00karstenMitar: Applied that one time to scrub some HTML files from a forum which had gotten badly trashed.
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00:47.10tuvkarsten, are you setting in a laundry room?
00:47.34karstenMitar: Managed to fix ~125000 files in a few hours using an iterated scripting approach.
00:47.37Roninkarsten: if so i have some that need cleaning as well
00:47.43karstentuv: No, a den of iniquity.
00:47.47dvskarsten: only? ;-)
00:47.49karstenRonin: Do tell.
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00:48.40karstenRonin: My approach was to run tidy on a set of files, look for errors (just outputting errors, no actual fixed HTML), find the most commonn problems, figure ut a fix, run that, re-run tidy, look for th enext problem ...
00:49.06karstenRonin: Since the damange was mostly programattically generated in the first place, getting the fixes in was for the most part also.
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00:51.16newbcoderhow do I get chinese to work in firefox under devian?
00:51.26newbcoderI've installed the mozilla-firefox-ch-cn, tw pacakges
00:51.39newbcoderI've installed xfonts-intl-chinese
00:51.48newbcoderyet when I visit chinese pages; I still get little squares with 4 chars in them
00:51.57tuvnewbcoder, do you have some sort of truetype chinese fonts installed?
00:51.57newbcoderoh, and I've restarted X as well
00:52.06dvsnewbcoder: That could be a locale problem
00:52.19newbcoderxfonts-intl-chinese doesn't count?
00:52.25newbcoderhow do I resolve locale problems
00:52.37dvsnewbcoder: dpkg-reconfigure locales
00:52.50tuvnewbcoder, i don't think it's a locale problem. you should be able to see text of another language than your locale
00:53.37tuvnewbcoder, in the browser at least. in the console it might be locale-related
00:54.27tuvnewbcoder, do "apt-cache search chinese truetype font" and install what you find best
00:54.32newbcoderrenegerating locales is slow
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00:55.03newbcodererr, it's a bunch of stuff for TeX
00:55.11tuvnewbcoder, i'd recommend the ones starting with ttf-*
00:55.26bws42so, I'm having problems getting my DSL connection to start on boot, anyone here use pppoe that could look at their configuration and tell me what's supposed to happen?
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00:55.45tuvnewbcoder, some of them only. the ones starting with ttf- are not TeX-related
00:56.01structany of you guys got dsl?
00:56.14dvsstruct: yup, but I use a router
00:56.14structhow do you make the dsl connect on boot up?
00:56.22tuvbws42, add "auto <iface-name>" to your /etc/network/interfaces file
00:56.26structdvs: like linksys or some such?
00:56.34dvsstruct: yup
00:56.44tuvstruct, , add "auto <iface-name>" to your /etc/network/interfaces file
00:56.55structtuv: yes I was asking for bws42 actually
00:56.56bws42tuv there's no definition for the iface in the file
00:57.12structbws42: you can make one if you have to
00:57.20structbws42: was that the way it was done before?
00:57.26structbws42: or do you not remember?
00:57.30tuvbws42, that's probably your problem
00:57.36bws42struct unfortunately I don't remember
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00:57.54bws42I set it up 2 years ago and wouldn't have touched it if the harddrive hadn't died
00:58.02tuvbws42, did you use pppoeconf to set up your connection?
00:58.08bws42tuv yes
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00:58.28tuvbws42, i think it does create an entry in interfaces.. !
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00:58.56tuvbws42, did you use pppoeconf after the harddrive died?
00:59.09bws42hmm, well looking at my interfaces file there's nothing in there except my eth0, eth1, and lo
00:59.16bws42tuv yes I reinstalled debian from scratch
00:59.47tuvbws42, and how do you connect now?
01:00.02bws42someone has to log on as root and do `pon dsl-provider`
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01:00.22structbws42: which sucks
01:00.26structbws42: as you know
01:00.42bws42struct: especially since no one there knows shit about linux and I'm 300 miles away :)
01:03.19tuvbws42, it's been a while since i last used pppoeconf myself. i'm using a router now (linksys). but you might find this page useful:
01:03.22bws42I can't believe there's not just some document somewhere that tells you to put X in your interfaces file and you'll be set :P
01:03.43structbws42: you got it?
01:04.00YeTr2does anyone know of any work in debian on iptables extensions and how to install them properly?
01:04.06tuvbws42, or better yet, man interfaces and look for the ppp method
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01:04.11structbws42: maybe there are docs in /usr/share/doc/pppoeconf or something?
01:04.16newbcoderokay; firefox displays ehinse now
01:04.19newbcoderwhere can I learn chinese online?
01:04.22structbws42: yeah or man interfaces and look for ppp
01:04.29bws42tuv, never thought of looking at the interfaces man page, I'll take a look
01:04.30tuvbws42, yes.. i think that's it. the ppp method in /etc/network/interfaces
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01:04.54tuvnewbcoder, which fonts package did you use?
01:05.00NoPlanI need a little help with a custom vanilla kernel
01:05.08structNoPlan: what help?
01:05.17NoPlanmy system hangs during bootup when entering runlevel 2
01:05.26structNoPlan: why?
01:05.36bws42tuv yeah it looks like it, okay now to see what I can come up with :)
01:05.37NoPlanstruct: That is a good question.
01:05.45structNoPlan: you must find the answer
01:05.53structNoPlan: errors? logs?
01:05.56structNoPlan: dmesg?
01:06.05NoPlanstruct: At first it did hang at the mysqld startup. So I disabled mysqld (removing from the rc.2
01:06.06structNoPlan: all those things might help answer the question of why
01:06.27structNoPlan: where does it hang at?
01:06.31NoPlanstruct: Now it hangs when starting the hardware abstraction layer (hald).
01:06.32tuvNoPlan, try disabling services started at runlevel 2 one by one to find out which is responsible
01:06.39structNoPlan: oh
01:06.47NoPlantuv: Well, I cannot disable them all, can I?
01:07.07newbcodertuv, err, I just installed all the ttf one's
01:07.08structNoPlan: use update-rc.d to remove things
01:07.10tuvNoPlan, i didn't say that. you would be in runlevel 1 if you do. i said one by one
01:07.25structNoPlan: like update-rc.d -f mysql remove
01:07.29structI think
01:07.49structNoPlan: the fact that you are entering runlevel 2 is good
01:07.56NoPlanstruct: I thought so :)
01:08.03tuvNoPlan, i had a similar problem once and by disabling the runlevel 2 services one by one i found out that dbus was conflicting with the network adapter driver
01:08.05structNoPlan: it might not be a kernel problem but rather some daemon or something
01:08.48NoPlanstruct: it should not be a daemon problem, since the exact same runlevel setup works fine with 2.6.16 ...
01:09.13NoPlanbut I will comply and remove services ... :)
01:09.16tuvNoPlan, but the kernel modules might be different and one could conflict with some daemon
01:09.29tuvNoPlan, you don't have to remove them. just disable them
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01:10.22NoPlantuv: could be, yes. And of course I "disable" them by reomving the script from the rc.2 directory, not from the "runlevel" dir, right?
01:10.51tuvNoPlan, right.. and as struct said, you could use update-rc.d's help
01:11.11structNoPlan: did you use the 2.6.16 config with your 2.6.17 build?
01:12.07NoPlanstruct: Nope, I did a new config.
01:12.19structNoPlan: try using old config from 2.6.16.x
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01:12.37structNoPlan: in your 2.6.17.x do 'make mrproper'
01:12.51structNoPlan: then copy 2.6.16.x config to 2.6.17.x/.config
01:12.57structNoPlan: then 'make oldconfig'
01:13.03NoPlanstruct: I rather disable services one by one :)
01:13.05blackelfhow do I print something via USB printer?
01:13.09blackelflike an PDF
01:13.11NoPlanstruct: Which service starts the hald?
01:13.23structNoPlan: dont know
01:13.53structNoPlan: if you compiled your kernel with all support for your hardware I dont see why it would have a problem
01:14.12blackelfI have USB printer, and cups (but I am not shure is cups working actually, either cups or kde print manager is broken) how to print somthing
01:14.28zimm2blackelf, what printer ?
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01:14.37blackelfwhat tool can I use to checkis CUPS server is working at all?
01:14.41structblackelf: there is some evil bug for kde printing service and cups
01:14.44NoPlanstruct: see? Neither could I. But I want to disable it anyhow. I'll disable all services it hangs. And then I'll see what it was.
01:14.50blackelfzimm2: not important - the KDE print manager cn not connect to local CUPS server
01:14.50structblackelf: I dont think it is fixed yet
01:14.58blackelfstruct: damn!
01:15.00structblackelf: I have not been able to print for some time now
01:15.00*** mode/#debian [+l 605] by debhelper
01:15.04structblackelf: yes sucks eggs
01:15.08zimm2struct, works for me .. .. ?? ..
01:15.17structzimm2: using which?
01:15.23structzimm2: sarge, etch, sid?
01:15.23blackelfstruct: can I install stable's cps or something? is it a bug in cups? how to work around?
01:15.36structblackelf: dont know of a work around
01:15.40zimm2struct, etch, usb printer (epson) cups, kde ..
01:15.53structblackelf: I tried some things others said to try but it has not worked for me
01:15.55blackelfdamn, how they could messed up suc h important thing in testing
01:15.57structmaybe there is some fix now?
01:16.10blackelfin testing... it is not like unstable or experimental
01:16.11structblackelf: I think its broken in sid as well
01:16.21structblackelf: but maybe its fixed now?
01:16.26structblackelf: I have not tried in some time to print
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01:16.39blackelfI  downloaded newest cups hour ago, still not working
01:16.40structzimm2: it works for you?
01:16.45tuvblackelf, cups conf. file's format has changed a few weeks ago with an upgrade. you may want to revise your cups.conf
01:16.46structblackelf: its not cups problem
01:16.49blackelfso.. now most Debian users can not print? wow, awesome
01:16.54blackelfstruct: so who is to blame?
01:16.57structblackelf: its some bug in how kdeprint talks with cups
01:17.06zimm2struct, yup, i did an update, then printed to check about an hour ago when blackelf  came on asking about it ..
01:17.18blackelfzimm2: it works? in testing or stable?
01:17.31blackelfzimm2: can you use KDE print manager?
01:17.53structzimm2: you did updates today and it works now for you when it did not work before?
01:17.54blackelfso...why it wrks for zimm2 box, but not for mine two boxes nor struct's box
01:17.55NoPlanI'll be darned. No start file in my init.d includes the phrase "hardware abstraction layer" or "hald".
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01:18.04zimm2sorry as i said before i cant be much help beyond confirming that it "should" work,
01:18.07tuvblackelf, to make sure cups is working print a test page from cups web interface: http://localhost:631/
01:18.14NoPlanso how can it hang at "starting hardware abstraction layer (hald)"??
01:18.29tuvNoPlan, i think it's dbus
01:18.33blackelftuv wooo nice page
01:18.35structblackelf: maybe this helps?
01:18.47zimm2struct, no its worked all week, since i bought the printer.. i did an update to see if it had broken with recent updates to try and help blackelf ..
01:19.00structzimm2: some people have all the luck?
01:19.21blackelftuv: where exacly is trhe option to print test page
01:19.30tuvblackelf, in the printer's page
01:19.31structzimm2: share some of the luck please
01:20.02*** join/#debian Rug (
01:20.06structhope the luck works
01:20.34tuvblackelf, hit "Printers" link
01:21.03RugIs it possible to convert an old redHat v7 system over to woody?
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01:21.23tuvNoPlan, does hald still start if you disable dbus?
01:22.09*** join/#debian horatio (
01:22.37dvsRug: ??? No way
01:22.46tuv!tell Rug about debtakeover
01:22.46Rugdvs: bummer..
01:23.28*** join/#debian kasper (
01:23.32karstenRug: chroot install.
01:23.58karstenRug: You can preserver your user space (/home, etc.), but package selection, etc., is a seperate story.
01:24.01Rugno joke?
01:24.16karstenRug: No joke.  Install manual, appendix C4.
01:24.21karstenRug: I'm the original author.
01:24.30amphiRug: or give debtakeover a try ;)
01:24.58Rugi don't care about anything on the original system, I just want debian on there so I can use it again.
01:24.59karstenamphi: Woah, debtakeover's for real ;-)
01:25.17structdebian ownz all
01:25.22amphikarsten: yeah - I've never come across anyone that tried it...
01:25.23dvsRug: So why are you worried about converting it?
01:25.37structI ran debtakeover on my car the other day
01:25.42structit runs much better now
01:26.03karstenstruct:  Just make sure that's DebTakeover and *not* DebtTakeover
01:26.17RugThis old computer that I have:  floppy controller doesn't work.  BIOS won't boot from CD, and won't take booting from NIC.
01:26.25karstenstruct: And under absolutely *no* circumstances should you ever look in the trunk.
01:26.33horatioSorry to interupt your conversation. I need to learn Debian Linux ASAP. Any ideas on a decent course in Montreal?
01:26.39karstenRug: Interesting.
01:26.47structkarsten: how am I to get out my diving gear?
01:26.53amphiRug: sbm might boot the cd
01:27.06karstenstruct: Easy.
01:27.08Rugit was my old firewall, and I want to still use it.
01:27.14karstenstruct: get somebody *else* to look in the trunk
01:27.15Rugamphi: sbm?
01:27.30structkarsten: :) ah I see
01:27.33amphiRug: oh, wait, no floppy :(
01:27.43karstenRug: USB?
01:27.48Rugno usb either
01:28.03amphiRug: stick the hd in another machine and install ;)
01:28.06karstenRug: Another alternative is to swap drives with another system, do the install there, then swap back.
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01:28.19Rug=) great minds think alike?
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01:29.07Rugyeah that is a good idea.
01:29.09karstenRug: Yeah, but how does thta explain us?
01:29.43RugI'll try the debtakeover first though
01:30.11structkarsten: I have seen it before for not in a long time
01:30.26karstenstruct: Yeah, I think it's been a couple of decades here...
01:30.53Rugany of you guys/gals devs for Debian?
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01:31.14Rugcode monkeys
01:31.25karstendvs: Remember, in Linux, *everything* is a file.
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01:31.54karstenRug: More likely to find devs  in #debian-devel, possibly on oftc.
01:32.03amphiexcept for some things which aren't ;)
01:32.10karstenamphi: Name two.
01:32.16amphinetwork interfaces
01:32.18karstenamphi: Processes are files ;-)
01:32.19Rugahh, not a big deal.
01:32.26karstenamphi: phhhbt!
01:32.27Rugcat /proc/cpu
01:32.48karstenamphi: sockets are a blight unto Unix.
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01:33.26amphikarsten: plan 9?
01:33.28bws42tuv thanks for the suggestion, I'm pretty sure that's how it must have worked before
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01:33.42karstenamphi: y'know, I really don't know how it does networking.
01:33.57amphikarsten: network interfaces are files there
01:34.06karstenamphi: OK.
01:34.22karstenamphi: With a sufficiently bastardized bash, they are on Linux too.
01:34.34karstenamphi: /dev/tcp/port/hostspec
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01:34.38structRug: you dont have to be a developer
01:34.39karstenI think.
01:34.51structRug: lots of people contribute to debian and are not developers
01:35.04karstenamphi: /dev/tcp/host/port or /dev/udp/host/port.
01:35.12karstenamphi: ... though Debian's hacked that out of bash.
01:35.17karstenamphi: man bash for details.
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01:35.43amphizsh here...
01:35.44Rugstruct: yes, debian is awesome.
01:35.55Rugso are all the people who help
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01:36.37karstenI'd still love to see a debtakeover which targeted Windows.
01:37.09Rugkarsten: first line:   fdisk /dev/hda          ?
01:37.23Xenguynow yer half there
01:37.40structkarsten: there is debtakeover for windows
01:37.48karstenRug: Seriously, what it would take is getting a bootloader and a ramdisk image on the box.
01:37.51karstenstruct: There is?
01:37.56structkarsten: yes
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01:38.04structkarsten: netinstall cd
01:38.09Xenguyumm krazy
01:38.10karstenRug: ... once your'e there, reboot, and wam, bam, thank'ye ma'am.
01:38.21karstenstruct: ??
01:38.29Rugkarsten: thanks again
01:38.34structkarsten: debian install cd
01:38.46karstenstruct: That's not _quite_ what I had in mind.  More something like a distributable worm.
01:39.04Xenguythe debian virus
01:39.09karstenstruct: It would be pretty damned funny if half the world woke up one morning and was running Debian.
01:39.13structkarsten: I know I was being funny
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01:39.21structkarsten: yes
01:39.38karstenstruct: ... and I think that's a scenario that's becoming likelier by the day.
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01:39.53Xenguypure *nix kaos
01:40.26jpintohmm.. hi, does anyone know how can i check the current FSB speed?
01:40.35cooner750Wanting to install debian, have a big NTFS partition housing Windows XP, a 6GB FAT32 Partition with the HP Recovery Software on it, I booted with the Gparted LiveCD to attempt to resize the NTFS partition, but I just get an error?
01:40.36Xenguydvs: I used to, but now I work where they are timid
01:40.44karstenjpinto: BIOS?  Should report it, no?
01:40.49dvsXenguy: or bullied?
01:40.50Hoxzer_ I have crossover cable connected to the linuxbox and network cable goes from linuxbox to ADSL router should I be able to share this internet connection between linuxbox and PC which is connected to it?
01:40.57karstencooner750: What sort of error?
01:40.58Xenguydvs: yeh, both
01:41.03jpintokarsten: well... that kind of needs for me to reboot?
01:41.17cooner750karsten: GParted just says "The operation could not be appled."
01:41.22karstenjpinto: Indeed.  'dmidecode' *might* give that to you.
01:41.29jpintokarsten: thanks
01:41.34cooner750I've used it to resize NTFS before and it worked
01:41.49karstencooner750: Clean shutdown of XP?  If you don't umount NTFS properly nothing's going to touch it.
01:42.26structhey braindmg wrote debtakeover
01:42.31karstenHoxzer_: What're you trying to do?
01:42.34structso it has to be good
01:42.48karstenstruct: Who's braindmg?
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01:42.57cooner750karsten: XP crashed on shutdown and I had to hold the power button. Should I attempt to reboot XP and shut it down properly? Does that matter?
01:43.08karstencooner750: Yes, it matters.
01:43.27*** join/#debian five0` (n=five0@tor/regular/five0)
01:43.27syntaxxi misconfigured my lilo and now when i boot it says kernel panic is there a way i could bypass lilo and edit my lilo.conf?
01:43.28structkarsten: one of the debian developers
01:43.28karstencooner750: FYI, Partition Magic would be giving you a similar error.
01:43.47karstencooner750: NTFS *really* doesn't like being messed with if it's in an inconsistent state.
01:43.58structkarsten: /whois braindmg for more info
01:43.58karstenstruct: Yeah.  Boot with grub ;-)
01:44.03karstensyntaxx: ^^
01:44.05karstenstruct: NM.
01:44.18cooner750I'll go reboot the machine into Windows XP and try to shut it down properly and see what happens, brb
01:44.28karstensyntaxx: Barring that, boot a rescue disk.  I recommend GRUB over LILO largely as grub lets you recover form situations like this proprely.
01:44.33jpintokarsten: hmm.. dmidecode gives me "External Clock: 133 MHz", do you think this is correct? what do you have on yours?
01:44.42karstenjpinto: Sec.
01:44.49syntaxxkarsten, where can i get a rescue disk?
01:45.09amphisyntaxx: has a useful iso that fits on an 80mm disk
01:45.19amphisyntaxx: er,
01:45.39amphisyntaxx: no X, just zsh and many useful implements
01:45.55karstensyntaxx: knoppix, lnx-bbc, DSL, etc.
01:46.09karstensyntaxx: Any bootable Linux distro.  I'd recommend Knoppix or Damned Small Linux.
01:46.31karstenjpinto: I'm not finding FSB info...
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01:46.42karstenjpinto: dmidecode's verbose but not always usefull.
01:46.45jpintokarsten: grep -i clock
01:47.22karstenjpinto: External Clock 100 MHz on a ThinkPad T21 here.
01:47.24syntaxxamphi, ok
01:47.28karstenSounds about right.
01:47.43jpintohm..  karsten, read this one
01:47.47syntaxxkarsten, i have a ubuntu live cd and im using it right now this is only a bootable cd i have is it ok?
01:48.00karstenjpinto: I think that's it.
01:48.14karstensyntaxx: That'll be fine.
01:48.44jpintokarsten: ok
01:48.48jpintothanks :-)
01:49.04syntaxxkarsten, ok so what do i need to do? im trying to mount my linux but it wont let me it says wrong fs type mount -t ext3 /dev/hda2 /win
01:49.09karstenjpinto: BIOS or manufacturer's spec is your surest bet.
01:49.34jpintoi should get something like 533 i thinkg
01:49.41karstenjpinto: Yep, that's my read.
01:49.52jpintook then, thanks karsten
01:49.52karstensyntaxx: does /win exist?
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01:50.00syntaxxkarsten, yes
01:50.15karstensyntaxx: ... and what's your filesystem type?  Try '-t ext2' which should work for both ext2 & 3.
01:50.56syntaxxkarsten, i did tried that also but it says wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hda2, missing codepage or other error
01:51.31karstensyntaxx: cat /proc/partitions
01:51.41karstensyntaxx: What partitions do you actually have there?
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01:52.07syntaxxkarsten, i have 6 partitions
01:52.19karstensyntaxx: Do they have names or do you just say "hey you!"?
01:52.37syntaxxkarsten, err sorry hda1 to hda6
01:52.45karsten!tell syntaxx about paster.
01:52.47karstensyntaxx: Thanks.
01:53.04dvs!nickometer five0`
01:53.05dpkg'five0`' is 28.000% lame, dvs
01:53.16karstensyntaxx: Is anything else mounted at /win?  Otherwise, try mounting one of the other partitions.
01:53.19Dewi!nickometer Dewi
01:53.20dpkg'Dewi' is 0.000% lame, dewi
01:53.39jairhello guys, I am using debian sarge 3.2 r2, kernel 2.6.8-3-686 and centrino wireless PRO/Wireless 2200BG (rev 05). but I can not get the wireless work yet, I has been trying drivers and firmware version and also the ieee80211-1.0.3.tgz and nothing :( what I am doing wrong? it is any specific firmware and driver version I should use with that model of centrino? 2200BG?
01:53.48five0`if you're after a book, get 'Debian System: Concepts and Techniques' by Kraft
01:53.53five0`it's a tremendously useful resource
01:53.59karstenfive0`: Second that.
01:54.29syntaxxkarsten, i can mount it with my ntfs partition
01:54.49amphijair: I'm using an old version, 1.0.4 IIRC, and it works well - I'm running a home-made vanilla kernel though
01:54.52karstensyntaxx: ??
01:55.11karstensyntaxx: hda2 is an extended partition I believe.  'fdisk -l /dev/hda'
01:55.14amphijair: I didn't try building the driver against the debian kernel
01:55.28karstensyntaxx: ... or whatever it is is 1 block long.
01:55.41*** join/#debian slotprocessor (n=Java_Cli@
01:55.43sitridoes anyone know where I can download Engage? I've looked at the project website ( but can't find anything about how to download
01:55.58jairamphi: what do you mean 1.0.4 IIRC?
01:56.10amphijair: 'if I recall correctly'
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01:56.28karstensitri: You might write Mr. Williams.
01:56.34syntaxxkarsten, ok thanks i thought it was hda2 i try my boot cd boot: linux root=/dev/hda2 to hda4 but it wont let me
01:56.36jairamphi: I have the kernel 2.6.8-3-686
01:57.07amphijair: yes, you said - I didn't try to build the driver against that kernel
01:57.10karstensyntaxx: I'd suggest generating some mount points, mounting partitions, seeing what's in them, and running 'fdisk -l' to show you what the partitions actually are.
01:57.30jairohhh ok
01:57.40jairI want to make it work with the kernel of debian
01:57.55karstensyntaxx: mkdir /mnt/hda{1,2,3,4,5,6}; for i in $( seq 6 ); do mount -t auto /dev/hda${i} /mnt/hda${i}; done
01:58.02amphijair: what error do you get, and when?
01:58.10*** join/#debian Thanatermesis (n=Elive@unaffiliated/thanatermesis)
02:00.32syntaxxkarsten, ok here's my lilo image=/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.15-26-386 label="linux" initrd=/boot/initrd.img-2.6.15-26-386 read-only and my root=/dev/hda3 hmm how come im getting kernel panic
02:00.51syntaxxkarsten, /dev/hda3 is my linux native
02:00.54jairamphi: I found a tutorial I will be following let me check ok
02:00.58karstensitri: AFAICT there's no DL link there, within the files section, or at the E17 site.  Ping Mr. Williams.
02:00.59*** join/#debian Hoxzer___ (
02:01.10zimm2laters all ..
02:01.23karstensyntaxx: What's the KP about?
02:01.48amphijair: good luck - you have to be a bit careful matching fw and module versions, but if you have multiple fw versions it's no problem, the module will figure it out
02:01.48jairamphi: basically after I install all the tgz files make and everything the wireless adapter did not work, so I think I have to do some internal configuration.
02:01.49syntaxxkarsten, it says cannot mount vfs i think
02:01.50karstensyntaxx: Note that you won't get a KP if you can't find your kernel.  So maybe something's wrong with your initrd or root filesystem.
02:02.04amphijair: you tried modprobing the module?
02:02.04jairamphi: ohh ok
02:02.07karstensyntaxx: Sounds like a possible initrd issue.  Before or after mounting initrd?
02:02.14jairamphi: actually nope?
02:02.18jairamphi: how?
02:02.38amphijair: modprobe ipw2200 - it should pull in the ieee stuff
02:02.47syntaxxkarsten, i think before
02:02.56karstensyntaxx: Helps to know, not to think.
02:03.02amphijair: tailing /var/log/syslog when you modprobe it can be helpful
02:03.05karstensyntaxx: You'll see messages about initrd starting up.
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02:03.28syntaxxkarsten, ill be right back ill check it i forgot i just woke up :D
02:03.31bws42does anyone know the status of net_snmpd? it's terribly borked over here
02:03.38karstensyntaxx: wait.
02:03.48karstensyntaxx: See paster for one sec (let me paste first.
02:04.13amphijair: dumping the log to a spare VT is always a good idea IMHO; append '*.* /dev/tty12' or whatever to /etc/syslog.conf and restart syslogd if you want that
02:04.34amphijair: then you can just switch to VT12 whenever you want to see kernel blather
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02:04.59m1ke_lanyone have a link to a debian hcl?
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02:05.38karstensyntaxx: Note that initrd image comes immediately after "Checking 'hlt' instruction" early in boot.
02:06.20syntaxxhmm.. ok ill check it
02:06.22syntaxxcant remember
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02:14.04syntaxxkarsten, its before
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02:14.30syntaxxkarsten, it just having 5 lines and i get the kernel panic
02:14.35mhalldpkg marillat
02:14.35dpkgi guess marillat is a repository of unofficial Debian packages, not in Debian for patent-related reasons, maintained by Christian Marillat. For instructions to add an APT source, ask me about <marillat.sarge> or <marillat.etch>. if you already used it, it moved to (from  Edit sources.list and change to the new location.
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02:18.10Marupabesides Audacity, are there any really simple .wav editors?  I'm looking for something that can just volume cut.
02:18.26mhallWhat the fuck happened to marillat? I keep getting Failed to fetch  404 Not Found
02:18.58karstensyntaxx: OK.
02:19.05karstensyntaxx: What are you seeing?
02:19.40EmimlMarupa: "really simple" is what gnome people do. Maybe thay have some sound editor ?
02:19.50syntaxxkarsten, cannot mount change 'root=' boot option
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02:20.05Marupauh...thanks, Emiml.
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02:20.30karstensyntaxx: Confirm that the partition is correct and properly specified.  I'd also re-run lilo from the rescue disk to ensure that your changes are current.
02:20.32bwlanganybody know if it's possible to tell google to give directions "via" a certain location  - ie directions from portland ,me to newport ri VIA route 128 , or via worchester (to force it to take a ring road for example)
02:21.02karstenbwlang: Best I can think of is to plot your waypoints as independent routes.
02:21.24EmimlMarupa: this gnosie  seems to be simple
02:21.24karstenbwlang: ... and sum them.
02:21.25mhallbwlang: yeah mapquest *USED* to allow that
02:21.25syntaxxkarsten, yeah it is correct in lilo.conf root=/dev/hda3 but i cant seem to re-run lilo
02:21.27mhallbwlang: but then they don't. afaict google's never allowed it.
02:21.34mhallbwlang: best i found is rand mcnally
02:21.39karstensyntaxx: There's a syntax for doing it to specify a given mountpoint.
02:21.40mhallbwlang: their trip planner has a road trip mode
02:21.41bwlanghmm - seems like such an obvious feature...
02:21.42woarowhich program can do faxing via 56K modem? right now, in my kde menu there is only KFax which is only a viewer.
02:21.47mhallbwlang: yes, it's totally obvious
02:21.49karstensyntaxx: ... or you can chroot into your root filesystem and run lilo normally.
02:21.58karstenwoaro: efax
02:21.58newbcoderdoes valgrind not run on 64bit machines?
02:22.00mhallbwlang: my dad used to swear by it and was very pissed when it got cut from mapquest
02:22.12karstenwoaro: ... or hylafax but everytime I've looked at that my head exploded.
02:22.12syntaxxkarsten, ok ill boot again to ubuntu live cd
02:22.13bwlangeasy to do too - just concatenate two route
02:22.29mhallbwlang: unfortunately the modern computer usability school of thought is, delete it if it's not 100% immediately useful and intelligible; fuck power users
02:22.37bwlangkarsten - sorry to hear about your head ;)
02:22.39mhallbwlang: this is what Gnome does, and why Linux hates it
02:22.43mhallkarsten: head?
02:22.47karstenbwlang: Actually, I'm doing much better since.
02:22.51karstenmhall: ^^ hylafax.
02:22.53mhallnewbcoder: no. not even. valgrind is kind of an emu.
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02:23.02mhallnewbcoder: so some of it's asm.
02:23.05karstenmhall: And how're you doing you hunka hunka burnin?
02:23.07woarokarsten: thks. is there no email or wordpro program which supports faxing?
02:23.18mhallkarsten: better before you got all homoerotic ;-)
02:23.26bwlangwoaro: i use faxitnice - pretty cheap
02:23.30karstenwoaro: efax essentially becomes a printer, I think, soyou can "print" to it.  Or I may be confused.
02:23.37karstenmhall:  ;-)
02:23.56mhallHas anybody found a Linux substitute for dvdshrink yet?
02:23.58karstenmhall: How's stockton these days?
02:24.10woarobwlang: faxitnice is not free?
02:24.14five0`ah, i was hunting arond for an alternative these past couple of weeks
02:24.30five0`no hits on dvdshrink for linux, besides the dvdshrink _for_ linux
02:24.39mhallkarsten: I graduated and moved to Roseville. I work for HP.
02:24.45mhallfive0`: just found some shit btw
02:24.49karstenmhall: Sweet.
02:24.52karstenmhall: Doing what?
02:24.53bwlangwoaro: it's a service you pay for on a per use basis... for low volume i think it's a good value (
02:24.59mhallfive0`: deb unstable main
02:25.05five0`mhall: i found a lot of forum posts on why dvdshrink should be made open
02:25.08mhallfive0`: apt-cache search dvd shrink afterward
02:25.09woarobwlang: i see.
02:25.21mhallfive0`: problem is if they did it could cause a flareup with the copyright police
02:25.27mhallfive0`: aka the thought gestapo
02:25.47mhallkarsten: I am a security solutions engineer.
02:26.36tuvfive0, check out lxdvdrip
02:26.40five0`is that fancier than it sounds? :)
02:26.52five0`tuv: yeah, i have
02:27.11five0`tuv: it's just that dvdshrink is such a great (free) product
02:27.12tuvfive0, doesn't it do what dvdshrink does?
02:27.19five0`tuv: not quite
02:27.26tuvfive0, what does it lack?
02:27.58*** join/#debian kminor (
02:27.59five0`tuv: it just works
02:28.12five0`tuv: i never had the time and patience to fiddle around with lx
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02:28.37tuvfive0, so how can you tell it does not do what dvdshrink does?
02:28.42mhallfive0`: there are several other choices at deb unstable main
02:28.49tuvfive0, by dvdshrink for linux, did you mean xdvdshrink
02:28.50kminorhey guys I installed a bunch of software I dont need and would like to start all over, is there any way to uninstall all the software updates made by the apt or whatever graphical interface?
02:29.14kminorer get back to the basic install without reinstalling all of debian and having to delete grub from the mbr
02:29.22mhalltuv: what he said was, he wanted point and click, if it is not point and click and only does what dvdshrink does by manual adjustment, then it does not do what dvdshrink does
02:29.28MustangMattSo etch is sounding exciting eh?
02:29.31mhallkminor: ok. this is pretty easy.
02:29.38MustangMattI'm curious what the performance hit is on those encrypted partitions.
02:29.43mhallkminor: first what did you install?
02:29.53dendritekminor: What flavor of Debian?
02:29.58tuvmhall, i see
02:29.59mhallMustangMatt: which encryption code base (dmcrypt or loop-aes) and which cipher
02:30.14tuvmhall, thanks for saving the conversation from growing into *^$#
02:30.28MustangMattmhall: Whichever the install defaults.
02:30.29five0`ah, it wasn't really headed there
02:30.39mhalltuv: i'm sorry if i came off rude, was just trying to make the best summary i could
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02:30.48five0`tuv: but yeah, as mhall mentioned, i prefer the simplicity of dvdshrink
02:30.52tuvmhall, it's perfectly fine
02:31.01kminormhall:  like a mysql server and all sorts of stuff
02:31.06terminal|gigaanyone have an nforce 2 socket A motherboard or a pci-express socket 939 motherboard they'd like to sell me?
02:31.15mhallMustangMatt: hmm. i'm not sure which it uses, but on my last setup of loop-aes with aes128 i got about 5% penalty on a celeron 2.5
02:31.26MustangMattmhall: wow that's not bad at all.
02:31.31*** join/#debian erichapkido (
02:31.49mhallMustangMatt: now on my dual opteron box i'm using plain raid 5 instead and it seems to take more opteron time than partition encryption did on the celeron
02:31.50erichapkidoHi, does anyone know what permissions a svn repository needs to have/
02:31.53tuvfive0`, i know some names only and haven't used any (prefer to rip to 700MB avi), but did you try xdvdshrink? or is it what you referred to as dvdshrink for linux?
02:31.54five0`terminal|giga: i've several dfi lanparties
02:31.57PumpkinPiehow do I use   "wall" without specifying a file?
02:32.06MustangMattmhall: I assume the boot partition is unencrypted.
02:32.09mhallMustangMatt: so my summary of it would be that, encryption doesn't seem that bad from my experience
02:32.17terminal|gigafive0, price?
02:32.24mhallMustangMatt: well you see unencrypted boot partitions cause some scary security issues
02:32.30five0`terminal|giga: 80AU ?
02:32.37kminordendrite: the newest wekly testing hang on let me uname it
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02:32.41mhallMustangMatt: the issue is, what happens when somebody trojans your crypto utilities
02:32.43terminal|gigawhats that in USD?
02:32.50mhalltuv: maybe 60
02:32.52MustangMattmhall: Ah I see.
02:32.53kminorim on a non debian box right now gotta go in the other room
02:32.58mhallterminal|giga: maybe 60
02:33.00five0`terminal|giga: bout 75%
02:33.02mhalltuv: wrong dude sorry
02:33.05Hoxzer___is somebody here using shorewall?
02:33.16dendritekminor: The command to remove packages completely is apt-get remove --purge <package>
02:33.22mhallMustangMatt: so, if you want it to work like it's supposed to, you're supposed to use initrd
02:33.31terminal|gigafive0, email me?
02:33.35mhallMustangMatt: sadly debian install crypto is so now i don't know if that's what it does
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02:33.47mhallMustangMatt: i will note to you that, on my box, i never did patch that hole
02:33.51terminal|gigaI'll prolly end up getting it me thinks shoudl shipping not be too expensive to the stats
02:33.51dendritekminor: And your install history is logged, in /var/log/<name of package management tool>
02:33.58mhallMustangMatt: because at the time it all had to be done by hand
02:34.04five0`terminal|giga: heh, i shall. bear in mind that I'm considering going diskless with a couple of them :)
02:34.12mhallMustangMatt: and was very difficult work, and i was very busy at university just then
02:34.15*** join/#debian Darklock (
02:34.23MustangMattmhall: Gotcha
02:34.27terminal|gigafive0, that's fine.
02:34.35mhallMustangMatt: i will say, most things in debian seem to use initrd all around
02:34.36dendritekminor: So it just becomes a matter of looking at the logs and removing what you don't want.
02:34.37kminordendrite: yeah kos it installed like 2.6.16-2-vserver and all that and i have a bunch of diff. kernel options after one update heh ;)
02:34.42mhallMustangMatt: so chances are good that it works
02:35.13MustangMattmhall: I need to setup a test machine and start playing around with it.
02:35.23kminordendrite: kool thanks, anything in particular diff. for uninstalling kernels from the grub.conf
02:35.26five0`tuv: sorry, it's dvdshrink under wine
02:35.34dendritekminor: So it's just a matter of working backward using that log.
02:35.42dendritekminor: How were the kernel images installed?
02:35.56dendritekminor: With the package manager?
02:35.59kminordendrite: via gnome bs
02:36.22dendritekminor: Then you can remove them the same way.  Just don't remove the one you use to boot...  =)
02:36.29kminordendrite: should i just unselect them from package manager?
02:36.41kminordendrite: haha thanks, sorry for the idiocy
02:36.48kminordendrite: haha ya
02:36.56mhallMustangMatt: vmware gsx server version is free now
02:36.58dendritekminor: I don't use a GUI package manager, so I can't tell you the details.  Try one or two, and see.
02:37.02mhallMustangMatt: that could be a good choice
02:37.34dendritekminor: Note that some removes will also remove dependencies -- packages that depend on the one being removed.
02:38.08*** join/#debian master_of_master (
02:38.33MustangMattmhall: I'm scared of the eula a bit. I guess I need to read it and see how much evil it contains.
02:38.35dendritekminor: There is a program called deborphan that may come in handy to track down any libs not needed after remove.  However, I understand that the new GUI package managers are smarter about removing libs that were installed only for the package being explictly removed.  If that makes sense...
02:39.21mhallMustangMatt: hmm. not a bad point. could be a bit... scary.
02:40.28*** join/#debian holycow (
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02:41.41kminordendrite: indeed, i usually use commandline, from now on I will, that way the files go where i want them ;)
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02:42.14dendritekminor: So, what prompted this package installation frenzy?
02:42.24karstenmhall: What does that entail (SSE)?
02:44.23mhallkarsten: well, i work to design good network architectures which lead to secure networks
02:44.42*** join/#debian five0` (n=five0@tor/regular/five0)
02:44.53mhallkarsten: for example right now i am using snmp security events to automate the network's response to threats
02:45.15karstenmhall: Ah...
02:45.25karstenmhall: *Intelligent* DoS response ;-)
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02:48.09kminordendrite: me leaving the console for a week hah
02:48.27mhallkarsten: well we engineer very flexible architectures and want to make it so essentially anything could be defined as a threat
02:48.35dendritekminor: HA HA.  =)
02:48.44dendritekminor: Like a kid in a candy store?
02:48.47mhallkarsten: although of course we have some heuristics and sensible defaults for what we think's most important
02:49.01karstenmhall: Dig.  Seriously, sounds interesting.
02:49.08*** join/#debian unix_infidel (
02:49.09kminordendrite: I put fedora on my laptop and debian on my server and went on vacation, i have to say im becoming more and more partial to debian for SURE
02:49.20kminori guess they have their own ups and downs
02:49.27karstenmhall: Might want to take a look at that, identifying problem areas using BPG routing data.
02:49.34dendritekminor: I bailed from the RedHat clan at 7.3.  :-)
02:49.50*** join/#debian dev2137 (i=________@
02:49.53karstenmhall: Eg:  once you've identified threat-profile behavior, see if it's coming from any particular sources with greater prevalence tan others.
02:50.02karstendendrite: 5.2 ;-)
02:50.17karstendendrite: I was on for one major rev.
02:50.30dendritekarsten: Yeah yeah, I was late to the party.  I worked at places that used it...
02:50.37karstendendrite: OK, *maybe* 6.0, don't recall.
02:50.54dendritekarsten: So that means you would have jumped ship from slak to rh?  =)
02:50.55karstendendrite: Oh, I've been _paid_ to "service" it, but mind ...
02:50.57*** part/#debian dev2137 (i=________@
02:51.01karstendendrite: ... I'm a whore, not a slut.
02:51.15karstendendrite: No, started w/ RH at 4.2, switched to Debian in 1999.
02:51.37dendritekarsten: Ah.  Nice.
02:52.12karstendendrite: RH 6.0 came out April, 1999, so I may have deployed, it, recollection is I didn't.
02:52.31*** join/#debian shuveb|home (n=shuveb@
02:52.41shuveb|homeis there a full iso of etch available?
02:53.07tuvyes. CDs and DVDs
02:53.20tuvDVDs via jigdo only i guess
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02:54.26kminordendrite: thanks again, i'll be back aftah my night class bleg (im sure anyway :) )
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02:55.53woarokarsten: in efax, the 'Send to Fax' box is only one line. Yet it is supposed to be used for direct entry of texts to be sent. Is that right?
02:56.20karstenwoaro: Sorry?  I haven't used it in a while.  CLI or GUI?
02:56.30woarokarsten: i m talking about efax-gtk
02:56.38karstenwoaro: Never used it.
02:57.00karstenwoaro: I used the CLI, IIRC it was just 'efax  <option> <phonenumber>
02:57.06karstenwoaro: .. and the file to send.
02:57.11*** join/#debian k-man (n=jason@unaffiliated/k-man)
02:57.33woarothks, i'll figure it out myself.
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02:59.24shuveb|homeis it safe to use etch on a home system  - i just do some coding/browsing, not mission critical like a server
03:01.04bws42shuveb|home totally
03:01.21bws42I use it for routers that are very stable (at least until their hd dies)
03:01.28shuveb|homeso etch is the best way to have latest s/w on debian and you guys tell me etch is pretty stable for regular use....
03:01.41karstenshuveb|home: Sure.
03:02.37karstenshuveb|home: You might think twice about it on servers.  Debian's testing/unstable tends to be higher quality than _most_ distro's "stable" release.  Debian's "stable" refers to the fact that the packages themselves do *not* change or update, except for security / bugfixes, backported if at all possible.
03:03.32karstenshuveb|home: ... which is very appropriate for a production server environment but less critical for desktops where a bit of system slop can be tolerated.  Ubuntu tends to shave this even better for desktop use with a somewhat tighter mix of currency and stability.
03:03.44*** join/#debian TasteOfDeath (
03:04.12shuveb|homeDapper Drake is very flaky :( - i used the first release
03:04.41karstenshuveb|home: OK.  I don't run Ubuntu principally myself, though I've tried it out a few times.  What's current/  Warty?
03:04.56shuveb|homeDapper Drake
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03:05.01karstenshuveb|home: OK.
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03:05.39shuveb|homekarsten, the installer needs to be started from a GNOME live CD and its slow
03:06.12karstenshuveb|home: Yeah, I've used the installer
03:06.19shuveb|homekarsten, hmm
03:06.33shuveb|homeis the binary-1 CD of Etch bootable?
03:06.47karstenshuveb|home: #ubuntu
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03:11.53YeTr2does anyone know of any work in debian on iptables extensions and how to install them properly?
03:12.23bws42YeTr2 did you have a particular extension in mind?
03:12.31YeTr2bws42: ipt_time
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03:14.19bws42isn't that in the kernel?
03:14.24YeTr2bws42: no
03:15.32bws42hmm, sorry I must have been thinking of something else then
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03:18.17YeTr2so, nothing on iptables extensions?
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03:22.41Hoxzer___Somebody here using shorewall?
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03:29.29slaqanyone running linux (deb?) on a macbook?
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03:31.31sid!tell slaq about ppc
03:32.04slaqmacbook is not ppc :)
03:32.10sidWhat is it?
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03:32.36sidnever heard of that
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03:32.42slaqi'm getting mine tomorrow.. just curious what kinda trouble i have to expect
03:32.46slaqsid, goto
03:32.51bws42yeah I believe they just came out
03:33.08sidslaq: If you're using an intel processor why do you are you asking if anyone is on a macbook
03:33.11sid!tell slaq about anyone
03:33.29dpkgi guess macbook is now known to work under bootcamp, details still sparse.
03:34.07slaqsid, im just curious about personal expirience.. i know linux runs on it and everything is supposed to work except the camera
03:34.19slaqi wonder about heat, fan noise etc
03:34.29slaqwhether acpi works properly
03:34.40slaqah nice
03:34.57sidI searched google with this # macbook
03:35.30slaqwell, im on my old laptop right now, no X ;)
03:35.49slaqbut will look that up later
03:36.44woaroi am having "tcgetattr on fd=3 failed i/o error" and "fax device write i/o error" when i put efax on'Sstandby'. can anyone help?
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03:37.54tryggjetscreamer: I think its working now. :D
03:38.06tryggThat script is a keeper! :)
03:38.59bws42anyone know how to get cron to log into a file other than syslog?
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03:39.30woarothe errors occur for 'Answer Call" and Take over call' too.
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03:41.58sidIs etch going to support suspend2 out of the box? so people are able to hibernate/sleep?
03:42.18karstenslaq: macbook pro is intell.  macbook is ppc.
03:42.45karstenbws42: man logger
03:43.16sidslaq: ahh, you see. You're getting powerpc chip
03:44.31karstenbws42: logger -f <file> "log message"
03:44.47tuvbws42, i have /var/log/cron.log
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03:45.12sidkarsten: wikipedia says it's intel
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03:45.39bws42tuv did you set up anything special? mine goes to syslog and I don't have that file
03:45.44tuvbws42, no
03:46.00bws42karsten that seems to add more stuff to the log, not send cron to a different file
03:46.03tuvbws42, syslog is a catch-all log file. things can go to multiple log files
03:46.24tuvbws42, check your /etc/syslog.conf
03:46.42tuvbws42, i have "cron.*                          /var/log/cron.log" there
03:46.49bws42ahh I see that, thanks
03:46.52karstenbws42: Well, write your cronjob to log whatever info you want it to log, to the file you want to log it to.  YOU can also pipe output:  <command> | logger -f <file>
03:46.58bws42it's easy once you know where to look :P
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03:54.11reums9183I am new to installing debian and am having troble with booting up debian
03:55.40dendritereums9183: Remember, people on IRC can't see what you're seeing, so you have to be descriptive, and ask very specific questions.
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03:56.30reums9183sorry, I'm not seening anything rightnow, I am in Knoppix.
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03:57.14reums9183I am having troble all the same, the boot goes to a DHCP error screen when starting the computer
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03:59.14BarryAllenhi all
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03:59.39dan2asg, yo dude
04:00.11reums9183I have installled debian but I can't get it to boot, what is wrong? I am using a jfs system.
04:03.04reums9183I"ll be back soon and send the error sover the IRC chat.
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04:05.26alpacadoes anyone have any experience installing the nvidia drivers for laptops?
04:07.07g333kalpaca, in the same way doing in a desktop
04:07.16g333kalpaca, is*
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04:18.20remushayo this is remus9183
04:19.12remusI wrote the error info from boot
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04:19.39remusto let you know it never gets to the OS at all
04:19.56RonsonolzIm using iptables -A FORWARD -m state --state NEW -j ACCEPT to try to iptables to auto open ports
04:20.00Ronsonolzis this the wrong thing to do?
04:21.16remusthe error is: CLIANT MAC ADDR: 00 50 70 56 AB 0B
04:21.27*** join/#debian taylor (
04:21.49dendriteremus: Do you have a working DHCP server on your network?
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04:22.11remusPXE-E53: No boot filename recived
04:22.12taylorWhich font package or packages are required by firefox to display
04:22.36dendriteremus: Looks like you've set your machine to boot from the network...?
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04:23.10remusPXE-M0F: Exiting NVIDIA Boot Agent
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04:24.03remusthat is my error
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04:24.31remusdendrite: network?
04:25.21remuswe are trying to make the system a Personal Desktop, dendrite
04:25.31dendriteLooks like the installer didn't get the OS loader into your boot partition.  Or, do you have your machine set up to "network boot" ?
04:25.37phorce1remus: so you either have a bad hard drive or you didn't allow the install to put grub onto the boot sector or you are set up in bios to boot only from network or from the wrong drive
04:26.55remusit did have a error that the installer had broblems wiht installing GRUB, so, I thaught it could just put LILO on insted
04:27.14dendriteremus: Does your BIOS have any anti-virus type settings turned on?
04:27.26phorce1will a Debian install of perl freak out in any way if cpan is used for all the modules I need to install? (Sarge -- The program that uses perl frequently wants the latest version of the modules)
04:28.26tryggApt's fastness is almost unreal! :D
04:28.27dendritephorce1: I'd guess that as long as you consistently use CPAN, and don't turn around and use apt to install Perl modules, you should be OK.
04:28.46phorce1remus: yes, check for a setting in BIOS that prevents the boot sector from being written and turn that off. Then re-do the install. You may be able to break of the install at the drive partitioning point and have it install grub then reboot
04:28.48dendritephorce1: Or at least don't use apt to install the *same* modules.
04:29.03*** part/#debian Ronsonolz (
04:29.54phorce1dendrite: I hate having to figure oput the Debian package names for the modules anyway. And once this system works the install won't be touched.
04:29.54dendritephorce1: I'm not sure if checkinstall can build packages from CPAN installs...
04:29.57remuswhere is cmos do I look, I am really new to installing debian
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04:30.11dendritephorce1: Sounds like you're making a strong case for using CPAN.
04:30.14remus*in cmos
04:31.13dendriteremus: Your BIOS has nothing directly to do with Debian, it's the stuff in your computer _before_ any operating system boots.  Look for security settings, or anti-virus...
04:31.27*** join/#debian i3dmaster (
04:31.29phorce1dendrite: Freeside ISP billing system. Our legacy billing system bit us in the a$$ so it's now become a "priority project". I just wish I knew perl because support is spotty. Small community of users
04:31.37dendriteremus: And also turn off network booting while you're at it.
04:32.41phorce1remus: in most BIOS screens it is on the "second" screen (usually labeled "Advanced BIOS settings")
04:35.37phorce1dendrite: sure would have been nice if the author had written a bundle for the 43 modules the system wants installed. I tried to write one but it just barfed when I tried to use it. I must have gotten some of the syntax wrong somewhere.
04:35.49*** join/#debian trey (
04:35.58remusThank you.  I'll try these things!
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04:36.25phorce1he develops on a Sarge system but won't maintain a package for the program <sigh>
04:36.35dendritephorce1: That would make it too easy.
04:38.35phorce1OK, /me is gone back to my ssh session to finish setting up PostgreSQL. Need to have this done by Monday.
04:39.35treyh0what do i need to configure so the fonts in the gui aren't fuzzy?  the rest of my gnome desktop is using subpixel anti-aliasing, but wants to blind me with fuzzies
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04:44.57dragonflyhi all, i have two debian boxes and on one of them when I go to add a printer I have a huge list of available brands and models under each....on the other box there are only a few brands and not all the models of each under can i determine what package i installed or what I did to get the rest of the options to my other box
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04:49.30Bitzhi, is there a netinstall cd for amd64?
04:50.22Bitzi see ia64 but no amd64
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04:50.33dragonflyhi all, i have two debian boxes and on one of them when I go to add a printer I have a huge list of available brands and models under each....on the other box there are only a few brands and not all the models of each under can i determine what package i installed or what I did to get the rest of the options to my other box
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04:53.35Bitzi guess amd64 is not availible yet.
04:54.54pstickneit's not?
04:55.21dragonflybitz, what u tryin' to do?
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04:55.31dragonflylast i heard 64 is available in etch
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04:55.44dragonflyi do have sarge running quite well on an amd64
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04:56.47Bitzinstall debian on amd opteron 64
04:56.50sidamd64 has been available for a long time. Now it's just official. Or at least that's how I understand it.
04:56.50*** part/#debian silverton (
04:57.52Bitzyou mean it has been ported to amd64
04:58.20dragonflyi've got debian running on an amd64 with SATA hard drive
04:58.34dan2asg, yo dude
04:58.36dragonflyi could try to remember what I did and help you through it if you'd like
04:58.37Bitzwhere can i download it? i see only ai64 on debian site
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04:59.03dragonflyi got the install image from an other than debian site, i'll see if i can find it and/or where i got it from
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04:59.04dragonflyone moment
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05:00.20dragonflytry i blieve is where i got the installer from
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05:01.27dragonflyglad to help....i finally know enough (i think) to start giving back to this community from which i've taken so much
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05:01.58codynotesI see on my fresh install of etch here that there is a system user named 'backup'. I can't seem to find any information about why it's there. Would that be an appropriate user to run automated rsync backups under, or is the user for some special system purpose?
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05:04.42dragonflycodynotes, never heard of that before....but then again, i haven't played with etch yet
05:04.54enouftreyh0: try KDE or GNOME Control Center and disable, the REenable antialiasing
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05:32.42idioternadoes anyone know where can i get locale packages?
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05:32.54idioternawhat goes in /usr/share/locale ?
05:33.28idioternai'm missing the utf-8 set of locales
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05:34.22simonrvnlocales package, dpkg-reconfigure locales
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05:34.56idioternagreat, thank you
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05:45.48sid!greet Celi
05:45.48dpkgGr33tz, Celi
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05:46.41CeliI've got an offtopic question:  Is there a french person here who could answer me a question about the Futur I in french please?
05:47.26sidCeli: /join #debianfr
05:47.35sidLes personnes qui parlent francais mais peu ou pas anglais et qui ont besoin d'aide avec Debian peuvent demander sur #debian-fr dans ou #debianfr dans
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05:48.28sid#debian-fr has more people go there
05:48.43Celithank you sid
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05:52.39tonsofpcspossible reasons for kernel panic on boot after memory upgrade (64 MB to 320 MB) ?
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05:52.48Coweaterbad memory
05:53.33tonsofpcsthat's what I was afraid of
05:53.43tonsofpcsI guess i'll push memtest on it in the morning and figure out which stick it is
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05:56.41Sonic^WorkHi all!
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05:56.48Sonic^WorkI've got a question.
05:57.11simonrvnI've got an answer.
05:57.12streunerfine, just ask
05:57.13Sonic^WorkI need to compress captured video in a format suitable for writing to the DVD disc. What software should i use?
05:57.24Sonic^WorkI've tried mencoder but it outputs only MPEG4.
05:57.35tonsofpcsit doesn't matter, just output MPEG2
05:57.41g333kA nice front end for iptables?
05:57.44tonsofpcsvlc or ffmpeg should work
05:57.50tonsofpcsg333k - bash :)
05:58.18streuner!info shorewall
05:58.26dpkgshorewall: (Shoreline Firewall (Shorewall), a high-level tool for configuring Netfilter), section net, is optional. Version: 3.0.7-1 (sid), Packaged size: 232 kB, Installed size: 1096 kB
05:58.37Sonic^Worktonsofpcs, BTW, is there any DVD authoring software (menu editor/creator etc)?
05:58.52karstenSonic^Work: kino?
05:58.53simonrvn!tell Sonic^Work about search
05:58.53EmimlSonic^Work: what happens If you drop video file to dvd project in k3b ? It should encode into dvd-format I think
05:59.24g333kstreuner, I think shorewall is not like a front end, is like a tool that uses iptables right?
05:59.29karstenEmiml: I don't think that's what he's looking for, more the DVD meus and such you'd see on a commercial release or with some Windows stuff.
05:59.44sidSonic^Work: I've used dvdstyler before. It seems to work well.
05:59.49g333kstreuner, doest it have a gui?
06:00.01Sonic^Worksimonrvn, Just don't answer if yoy don't want to. Of course i know about Google, but i'm at work and have a little time to surf. And in my practice asking someone usually speeds things up (of course if that someone knows the answer)
06:00.13*** join/#debian Juzzy (
06:00.32sidSonic^Work: I believe it's the best dvd authoring/menu creating software out there. The only other software that comes close is qdvdauthor
06:00.54Sonic^Worksid, Thanks
06:00.54simonrvnum, read the factoid.
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06:01.27wahjavahi channel
06:01.44wahjavacan anybody tell me what privileges do I grant to 'debian-sys-maint' user in my mysql database
06:01.56wahjavawhich I copied from another computer
06:01.57streunerg333k: apt-cache show shorewall
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06:02.05Guerinwahjava: the documentation can
06:02.25wahjavaGuerin: is it mentioned documentation ?
06:02.27Guerinwahjava: but you shouldn't fuck with this; the install script should do it all for you
06:02.33Guerinwahjava: yes.
06:02.54wahjavaGuerin: I removed the default /var/lib/mysql and restored my /var/lib/mysql
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06:03.07wahjavaGuerin: copied from another box
06:03.10Guerinyou get to keep the pieces
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06:05.37Sonic^WorkAnd one more question: during video encoding i want to see what i'm encoding. Can i do this? I can't launch for example Zapping and mencoder, second program fails to open video4linux device.
06:05.44tlotzeI wonder where to find the packages for the AMD64 testing release?
06:05.44wahjavatlotze: hi
06:06.07tlotze seems to list only mirrors of AMD64 stable/unstable archives
06:06.13streuner!tell tlotze about amd64
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06:07.58Wood1How do I install the latest kernel in Debian Etch ?
06:07.58jontecI have a question, but it has mistaches associated with it.
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06:08.45Mportnoyanyone from costa rica?
06:09.00simonrvnpeople from costa rica are
06:09.18jontecI'm a Kubuntu user trying to install ubuntu 5.10 on one of my old laptops. I used the debian directions to get all of the things setup for a usb boot. I have the boot floopy that appears to work and my usb I used an image.
06:09.29*** part/#debian tlotze (
06:09.40simonrvnand you should ask #ubuntu
06:09.44jontecI got an error in the installation, but I'm not sure on which end the problem occured.
06:10.36jontecthe installation talked about a mismatch in the kernals used between the installation and the .iso image on my usb disk. Can anyone help me figure out what is going on
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06:10.48jontecor should I ask in an ubuntu channel?
06:10.56Guerinjontec: duh.
06:11.11jontecokay, then.
06:11.14streunerjontec: why do you ask in #debian?
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06:11.42jontecthat was where the installation insturctions came from.
06:11.52jontecfor a boot from floopy disk to boot from usb disk
06:11.58streuner!drxx jontec
06:11.58dpkgjontec: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86  [or xserver-xorg if you're using] (as root). If you have edited the X config file by hand, or used some other program like xf86config, ask me about <xmd5>
06:12.06streuner!tell jontec about ig
06:12.20streunerjust install debian
06:12.34jontecI'm on dial-up. My cds here are my only options
06:13.08streunerin which country are you?
06:13.11*** join/#debian vega-_ (
06:13.16jontecUnited States
06:13.25Wood1hello all
06:13.40Wood1I need some help to install the latest kernel in Debian Etch ?
06:13.51Wood1anybody out there can help me with that ?
06:14.36streunerjontec: look at the vendor list of, you can buy DVD's or CD's there
06:15.14jontecI'm a cheapo, I'll ask it in ubuntu
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06:15.29sid!tell jontec about ubuntu
06:15.37streunerthat all depends how expensive dial-up is for you
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06:15.48sidjontec: You're in the wrong place. Debian is not Ubuntu. Ubuntu is completely different. /join #ubuntu
06:15.53sidjontec: yes
06:16.04streunersid: we already spoke about this
06:16.10ph00wood1 I installed 2.6.16 by apt-get
06:16.18ph00apt-get install linux-image-2.6-<your cpu>
06:16.28ph00probly because ubuntu is debian-based. most ppl don't even try #ubuntu
06:16.29*** join/#debian Juzzy- (
06:16.34ph00no wait, the installation howto *must* come from ubuntu, not debian
06:16.40dpkgi heard x md5sum is If you hand-edit your X configuration file, "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86" will no longer work.  Run "md5sum /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 | diff -sq /var/lib/xfree86/XF86Config-4.md5sum -" - if the files differ, then it won't work. To fix this, "md5sum /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 > /var/lib/xfree86/XF86Config-4.md5sum" as root, then "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86", losing any manual changes you've made. Ask me about <xorgmd5> if you are ...
06:16.42jontecI know this. I think you guys are missing my point. The instructions for boot using floppy for usb boot were in your installation manual. I want to adopt them for ANY .iso image.
06:16.48sid!tell Wood1 about anybody
06:16.48ph00what was his name Mark "something", who said>: "Ubuntu: an ancient African word meaning "can't install Debian"
06:16.49jontecI wanted to know if it was possible.
06:16.56ph00wood1 I answered you bout kernel: did you try apt-get? worked for me?
06:16.58karstenph00: Mark Pilgrim.
06:16.58ph00worked for me
06:17.03ph00apt-get install linux-image-2.6-<your cpu>
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06:17.30Tallu2.6.17 isn't available in sarge it seems, but the recent security advisory suggested that it be upgraded. How should I go about doing this, just manually downloading and installing it, or..?
06:17.40simonrvnrather obnoxious thing to say ....
06:17.48*** join/#debian lavixu (n=lavi@
06:18.12sid!tell Wood1 about apt-cache
06:18.20Wood1ph00, did you face any problems with: apt-get install linux-image-2.6.1602-686
06:18.23simonrvnTallu:  /msg dpkg kp + recent kernel source from the usual place (
06:18.31sidWood1: apt-cache search linux-image; apt-get install
06:18.36Tallusimonrvn: thanks!
06:18.48Wood1Will I have any problems with apt-get install linux-image
06:19.13fireba11hm .. loads of updates in etch/amd64 lately .. ^^
06:19.15elqicWood1, the answer is no. go try and let us know if you encounter problem.
06:19.44Wood1What about install the new kernel by sources ?
06:20.04ph00karsten. yes Pilgrim. he was right. it took me 6 month of ubuntu before I could properly install sarge, and 4 or 5 failed upgrade to etch before I could get it to work
06:20.05*** join/#debian Stevie-O (
06:20.39simonrvntook me about 2-3 hours of fiddling with aptitude and switching my sources.list to debian sources
06:21.02simonrvnand a fuck of a lot of patience...
06:21.08fireba11ph00: hm .. upgrading to etch is easy .. just a few minor glitches to fix manually, at least without desktop now
06:21.17ph00wood1 I idi apt-get install linux-image-2.6.k7 (I have an AMD Duron) and it went smoothly. I guess you shoud do apt-get install linux-image-2.6-686
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06:21.25karstenph00: Experiences vary widely.  Ubuntu's installer is/was based pretty much on Debian's just managed to get the stuff in testing/unstable polished ahead of release.
06:21.56ph00fireball you have to do things in the right sequence, it took me some tries to figure that out. than yes,it is easy
06:22.20*** join/#debian Juzzy- (
06:22.27simonrvnthey consist of following the instructions on-screen
06:22.44fireba11ph00: it's just replace stabl or sarge in sources with etch, aptget-update; apt-get dist-upgrade ... and i needed to install gnupg manually
06:23.14Wood1I am also having a problem installing the Zabbix package
06:23.22tryggwhat does 'alsa-play: xrun of at least 0.019 msecs. resetting stream' means when playing songs in mplayer? Its not just mplayer, happens with every player
06:23.31Wood1does any body here use Zabbix ?
06:23.47ph00karsten the dapper installer is actually very user friendly: loads a live system and then you only need to click a install icon on the desktop, you can even use the box while it copies stuff. the ubuntu 5.10 installer is very similar to debian's one but it asks less questions (good for n00bs)
06:24.51*** join/#debian Juzzy (
06:25.00karstenph00: OK.  Chroot install.  Hrm.  I think I've heard of that somewhere...
06:25.48jontecOkay, I'm doing this on my own using debian instructions. If I get an install of ubuntu. I'm going to laugh in your faces :P
06:26.16sid!confuse jontec
06:26.16dpkgNo, what was my gouda tomorrow, jontec? pants of the people's republic of tahiti with extra anchovies
06:26.45ph00karsten the funny thin is that the first time I installed ubuntu 6.06 it had the live cd-installing thing, but on reinstalling from the same cd after a while I got the regular blue-screen debian-like installer (like on U5.10)
06:27.05*** join/#debian unix_infidel (
06:27.15dpkgfrom memory, whatever is the last word spoken by the loser of an argument
06:27.27karstenph00: I seem to recall textmode or GUI installers but not live, last install was kubuntu this winter, prior to that, ubuntu in 2005 or so.
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06:28.14predderI just plugged a second drive into a working debian system, installed mdadm, made the second drive a raid device, rsynced the data from the first drive and took all the required steps to make the new drive bootable
06:28.15ph00karsten that was a live cd with an install icon on desktop, the very first stable dapper (6.06)
06:28.19*** part/#debian tsumae (
06:28.39ph00came out one month or 6 weeks ago
06:28.45predderhowever, when I try to boot it comes up with "invalid uuid on superblock" and kernel panics
06:29.09sidkarsten: Ubuntu recommends you install via live cd. Then double click on the installer and it installs while the live cd is running.
06:29.16jontec:D 6.06 was relased first of june.
06:29.17liablepredder: eww
06:29.35Wood1I need help regarding my IPTABLES log mesages
06:29.40ph00kubuntu/ubuntu 5.10 have a text installer very similar to debian's the live based one is 6.06 dapper drake (one thing is good about ubuntu: cool names)
06:29.49Wood1They get logged on the console itself
06:29.54predderliable, i've tried messing around with the mdadm.conf to no avail. Any idea where it's getting the uuid for the drives from?
06:30.02Wood1It doesn't not let me type anything on the console ?
06:30.08predderIf i boot back into the other hdd the raid comes up fine
06:30.09Wood1Any ideas how to avoid it ?
06:30.23liablepredder: check this page, see if it covers anything you didnt..
06:30.24ph00woah, have already 2 - 3 months gone? where does time go?
06:30.30*** join/#debian Gumby (n=gumby@unaffiliated/gumby)
06:30.32sidkarsten: The next release, is going to grab windows stuff like ie favorites, or win-firefox shortcuts and import them into firefox. Grab outlook stuff and import to thunderbird. And copy over My Documents stuff and things like this. which seems interesting.
06:30.41sidAlso it might use SMART on top of apt. which would be great
06:30.54liablepredder: never heard of uuid bits for drives.
06:31.02*** join/#debian Juzzy (
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06:31.56dpkgIf you hand-edit your X configuration file, "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" will no longer work, To see if this is the case 'md5sum -c /var/lib/x11/xorg.conf.md5sum' - if this files differ, then dpkg-reconfigure will not overwrite your existing xorg.conf.  To fix this, "md5sum /etc/X11/xorg.conf > /var/lib/x11/xorg.conf.md5sum" as root, then "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg", losing any manual changes you've made
06:32.05liablepredder: i think the cfdisk thing might be what you missed..
06:32.12liableerr.. sfdisk
06:32.52karstensid: Quite.
06:33.01karstensid ... and quite
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06:35.18karstenWhat's ServerMode?
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06:35.52karstensid: ... and what's SMART?  I know of the HD test stuff of the same name.
06:36.16predderliable, it says sfdisk is for copying partition information from one drive to the next? My disks have completely different partition information, I cfdisk'd & mkfs'd the new drive before rsyncing the data from the old one
06:36.36sidkarsten: It's the future(tm)
06:37.30predderi can mount the md devices and chroot into it no problems, it's just getting the superblock uuid from somewhere when I boot which is incorrect somehow :(
06:37.44*** join/#debian OliverKlozoff (
06:37.55Guerinfucking telecommunications in this country are so goddamn evil
06:38.04liablepredder: you need the same size partitions for raid 1, and when you sync the drives, it makes the fs for you.
06:38.19karstenGuerin: Not only that, but everyone sounds funny on the phone.
06:38.27karstenGuerin: ... wait a minute...
06:38.37*** join/#debian mariust (
06:38.38karstenGuerin: ... they sound funny IRL too ;-)
06:38.39liablekarsten: they sound like that in real life too!
06:38.43Guerinhilarious, yeah
06:38.44liable!lose me
06:38.45dpkgliable: You Lose.
06:38.46karstenliable: Beat you ;-)_
06:38.54*** join/#debian Juzzy (
06:39.10karstenGuerin: What's teh suck this time?
06:39.21karstenGuerin: ... and does NZ suffer from Telstra as well/
06:39.21mariustim using rdiff-backup and have told it to keep my backups for 28 days, what that means is that i can rebuild the folder backed up to look like it did any one of those 28 days ago?
06:39.30*** join/#debian liran_ (
06:39.33Guerinit's going to take 3 fucking weeks to get fast internet on
06:39.44Guerinkarsten: yes. In NZ telstra are the GOOD guys
06:39.57karsten!comfort Guerin
06:39.57dpkgThere, there, Guerin.  It's OK.  I'm here for you.
06:40.03ph00what country?
06:40.03karstenGuerin: Who're the bad guys?
06:40.09karstenph00: NZ.
06:40.13simonrvnph00:  he said it, NZ
06:40.16karstenph00: A/k/a Middle Earth.
06:40.18Guerinkarsten: telecom, the formerly-government-owned monopoly
06:40.28predderliable, i'm bringing one drive up first, then the other later. After reading more I think the problem is with my initrd that I made, i'll re-create that inside the chroot environment
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06:40.38simonrvnGuerin:  eew, privatised
06:40.40karstenGuerin: So, the AU government monopoly is better than the homebrew?
06:40.54Guerinwho sell services to other telecomms at the same rates they sell to the public, thereby making competition untenable
06:41.08liablepredder: ok
06:41.16Guerinkarsten: they somehow manage to provide a better service for marginally less money
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06:42.49ph00I guess it's like that when there's not enough competition: we have ONE company that has somethin (somewhat) faster than adsl and we have to take their prices and conditions (Italy)
06:43.12simonrvni hear it's bad in .it too
06:45.02Sonic^WorkIs there any GUI for ffmpeg in Debian Sarge distribution? "apt-cache search ffmpeg gui" gives nothing
06:45.49ph00the *best* you get here is is a lousy 10Mb/sec fiber for 67 euros a month including *mandatory* telphone land line, and the connection is  behind NAT (and thy charge extra to let you get incoming connections: 4 fkg euros a DAY!)
06:45.57Wood1What's the difference between apt-get upgrade and apt-get dist-upgrade ?
06:46.04Guerinph00: cry me a fucking river.
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06:46.46fireba11Wood1: dist-upgrade may upgrade major versions and thus could break your config
06:47.01ph00very bad
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06:47.30sepWood1, dist-upgrade will also pull inn additional dependencies, if needed.
06:47.45Wood1So which should I use then ?
06:47.54Wood1apt-get upgrade or apt-get dist-upgrade ?
06:48.01g333kHi, whats the differente between the kernels 386 and 686 ?
06:48.12ph00no competition on cables, ONE company makes all the prices and the conditions, just like the mob. it's somewhat better if you take adsl, but for me fiber is slow, adsl would be like crawling
06:48.36*** join/#debian hjubal (
06:48.39eggzeckSonic^Work: I'm not sure if there's a GUI, but when using 'apt-cache search', searching for 'ffmpeg gui' (as a pattern) is incorrect. Try: apt-cache search ffmpeg.*(gui)?
06:48.42karstensimonrvn: Not sure how the business competition is, but both Tiscali and TIN are absolutely notorious spamhavens.
06:48.54karsteng333k: 300.
06:48.58ph00apt-get upgrade won't *really* upgrade
06:49.08g333kkarsten, :p
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06:49.34karsteng333k: One is optimized for bog-standard i386 architecture (not even Pentium optimizations), the other has PPro/PII/PIII optimizations.
06:49.40g333kIf I'm planning to do a firewall using a P1 133Mhz 32M RAM, what kernel do you recommend me? 2.6 or 2.4 ?
06:49.55Wood1Also what's the difference in 386, 486 and 686 ?
06:49.55karsteng333k: You'll see improved performance for some high-cpu stuff, notably SSL cod.e
06:50.13karsteng333k: 2.6 586 optimized.
06:50.19sepg333k, if you need any of the 2.6 features use 2.6 if you don't need any of the 2.6 features use 2.4
06:50.47*** join/#debian unstable (n=eth3@tor/regular/sid)
06:50.50g333ksep, I will use it just as a firewall and web server
06:50.51karstensep: Why avoid 2.6 (other than the bog flakey releases and trying to sort out what kernels are solid or not)?
06:51.09*** part/#debian Wood1 (n=tek@
06:51.22karsteng333k: For low loads you're not likely to see any differences.  In a heavy production envrionment ... I'd probably upgrade the HW ;-)
06:51.44karsteng333k: That said, apparently Cornel University runs its mail on 50 MHz Sun Sparcstations.
06:51.47g333kkarsten, so?
06:52.03karsteng333k: It Probably Doesn't Matter[tm].
06:52.11karsteng333k: That said:  I'd go with what I told you.
06:52.25unstableMy mouse doesn't work. And X won't start. I did a dist-upgrade a few hours ago. And I believe it's udev. I can modprobe psmouse fine with no errors.(I'm using a trackpad with my laptop) The trackpad worked fine a few hours ago. AFter a reboot it doesn't work anymore.
06:52.27g333kkarsten, I mean, finally I must use the 2.6 kernel?
06:52.47karsteng333k: Did I say "you must use a 2.6 kernel"?
06:52.50sepkarsten,  there are more upgrades to 2.6 then 2.4, and 2.4 is more predictable (since i have longer experience with it)
06:52.51unstableWhen I do /etc/init.d/gpm restart; it says /dev/input/mice no such device
06:52.59karstensep: I'm with you there.
06:53.01unstableAnd X doesn't start either, probably because /dev/input/mice no such device
06:53.07karstensep: How much has iptables changed since 2.4?
06:53.16g333kkarsten, You said many things but not what I asked
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06:53.29karsteng333k: Either will run.
06:53.34karsteng333k: 2.6 may run faster.
06:53.41karsteng333k: 2.6 may offer additional features.
06:53.44ph00guerin I guess it's more or less the same shit on both sides of the world (you should be the farest I can get from here)
06:53.50ph00I did dist-upgrade and it wored... at the third try
06:53.51karsteng333k: It probably REALLY DOESN'T MATTER.
06:54.07g333kkarsten, 2.6 may run faster but the hardware matters?
06:54.14ph00386 is compatible with virtually *anything* including ancient P1
06:54.22unstableShould I just grab an older udev from ? I don't really know much about udev. There might be a way to manually make psmouse work properly. not sure. But no errors when I load the module into the kernel.
06:54.22ph00the competition problem is about high speed stuff, fiber and over= one company. there is enough competition on adls and dial-up
06:54.33ph002.4 will do fine IMO
06:55.21sepunstable, modprobe mousedev, it should create /dev/input/mice
06:55.25liableunstable: modprobe mousedev?
06:55.37unstable!lose liable
06:55.37dpkgliable: You Lose.
06:55.37jontec:P So far so good, if nothing else I got ubuntu to begin installation. It still refuses to stop failing the detect hardware step, however.
06:55.41liablei am on a losing streak!
06:55.45sepunstable, and put mousedev in /etc/modules if you dont get it on boot.
06:56.16liablekarsten: i need *all* the help i can get
06:56.23karstenliable: Get in line ;-)
06:56.26unstablesep: yea I did it once I saw mousedev worked.
06:56.47unstablesep: Should I file a bug with the bts about mousedev not loading?
06:56.51g333kIs avaiable a small X windows manager to install in my old P1? which one do you recommend me?
06:56.57unstableX didn't start so I haven't checked the bts to see if such a bug existed already
06:57.12unstableBut when I did apt-get dist-upgrade a few hours ago, apt-listbugs showed a dosen+ bugs for udev
06:57.22sepkarsten, im not sure if iptable have changed much, but conntrack + helpers and other matching targets probably have brand new and shining features in 2.6 if you need those.. use 2.6
06:57.23unstableg333k: Use damn small linux.
06:57.26unstable!tell g333k about dsl
06:57.29sepi dont so i use 2.4 :)
06:57.36g333kunstable, I know it
06:57.37unstableg333k: dsl + dillo and you're set.
06:57.39deadcatdigital subscriber line
06:57.57unstableg333k: That machine will run like a monster with dsl + dillo
06:58.20g333kunstable, I have sarge installed now.. I just want to add a x manager
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06:58.27liablei never tire of 'mash' for some inexplicable reason.
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06:58.55g333kunstable see: !dsl
06:59.00dpkgextra, extra, read all about it, dsl is Digital Subscriber Line, the wonder technology the telcos will nevertheless find a way to turn into a con, or better than cable. or Damn Small Linux,
06:59.13unstableg333k: yes.
06:59.20g333kdigital susbriber line?
06:59.30unstableg333k: apt-get install x-window-system-core xserver-xfree86 fluxbox ?
06:59.37karstensep: Well, it wasn't my question ... and question ... and question ... and question...
06:59.47fireba11how can i feed the list deborphan outputs to apt-get remove ?
06:59.49g333kflukbox, let me see it, I hace 1G of hdd
06:59.56sepg333k, i perfer over damnsmall.
07:00.16karstenfireba11: Might want to run awk over that to grab the right column.
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07:00.42g333ksep, I did a benchmark of many lightweight linux distros, so I know some of them
07:00.47liabledoesnt deborphan have an option for that?
07:00.58fireba11karsten: mind providing an example ? i'm not that used to pipe yet
07:00.59sepg333k, what was your conclusion
07:01.11fireba11liable: didn't find one
07:01.14*** join/#debian Siddharta (
07:01.21sepdsl is 50MB i use 16MB flash card on my firewalls
07:01.34Siddhartahello evrybody
07:01.35dpkgit has been said that popcon is the Debian Popularity contest. See results at or install popularity-contest to participate. do the dpkg-reconfigure -plow popularity-contest right after you answered all debconf stuff
07:01.35g333ksep, Puppy Linux is the best if you have enough RAM (128M) to load the system to RAM and not mess you CD rom drive
07:01.36liablefireba11: i must be mistaken, been a while
07:01.37karstenfireba11:  Actually, something like : aptitude remove $( deborphan | awk '{print $<columnnumber>}' )
07:01.41unstable!greet Siddharta
07:01.41dpkgHello, Siddharta
07:01.58karstenfireba11: Could you past a few lines of deborphan output, I don't have it installed.  NOT IN CHANNEL.
07:02.03karsten!tell fireba11 about paster
07:02.16sepg333k, what makes puppy forward/filter packets better then the other tiny distros ?
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07:02.38unstableg333k: bigger network buffers in /etc/sysctl.conf?
07:02.44Guerinanswer: puppies like to fetch and carry
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07:02.53unstableer sep rather
07:03.02fireba11karsten: never mind, got it already :-)
07:03.11g333ksep, You can personalize your own Puppy adding/removing the pkgs that you want... besides has a good performance
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07:03.46unstablesep: ahh g333k is talking about pretty gui friendly lightweight GNU/Linux distros
07:03.56sepwasnt we takling about firewalls? :)
07:04.13g333kunstable, yep
07:04.18unstableI thought he had a shitty machine(which he does?) and he wanted a good distro to run it.
07:04.19g333ksep, I was
07:04.30unstableI still say Damn Small Linux + dillo web browser is the best way to go
07:04.32itchiHey, crazy guys, just discovered that 'qemu-launcher', coooool He thanks crazy guys :-p
07:04.40sepout of my ~30 machines only this workstation have X
07:04.44unstableAlthough DSL has a modified firefox. But that might be too slow
07:04.59g333kunstable, I have the "shitty machine" and sarge installed, now I want a lightweight X windows manager
07:05.00*** mode/#debian [+l 590] by debhelper
07:05.10unstableYou can buy an emachine with 2.8 celeron processor headless box for like $150 now a days
07:05.16karstenfireba11: OK.
07:05.17itchiIt's not long time that it's available in the Etch branch i think, someone know how long time that exist?
07:05.26unstableg333k: apt-get install x-window-system-core xserver-xfree86 fluxbox
07:05.35karstenitchi: Wozzat?
07:05.42liableitchi: check the changelog
07:05.59itchikarsten: Yeah, it's my first cup of coffee, i hope you understand ;-)
07:06.04fireba11karsten: apt-get remove $(deborphan) was enough
07:06.10karstenitchi: Eew!  Who'd want to put a gui in front of a perfectly good commandline.
07:06.12itchikarsten: What's wozzat?
07:06.25g333kunstable, what about icewm, flwm ?
07:06.44karstenfireba11: OK, Wasn't sure if it just listed package names.  awk is good at stripping a single (or subset of) column(s) from multi-column output.
07:06.51karstenitchi: wozzat == what's that
07:06.56itchikarsten: Bwa, just that i discover that right now ;-) Yeah i love the cli :-) But i can sugest now that GUI and tell there are an GUI :-)
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07:08.18itchiOeg, sinds 11 Nov 2005 11:29:00, but never saw that before, oeps
07:08.52unstablejava is going to be open sourced in october
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07:10.56karstenunstable: Sun's got interesting ideas as to what open source means.
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07:11.38unstablekarsten: You think java will not be in debian main in the next few years?
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07:13.27bonez39how do i find out the name of printer SHARES on my  box?
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07:13.46itchiCool you see the command line options when you start that, will be nice for next 'future' users
07:14.50itchiolij: Also on the first cup of coffee?
07:14.58olijGoogle for "best operating system" and Volià!
07:15.01*** mode/#debian [+l 597] by debhelper
07:15.07karstenunstable: nI'm not holding my breath.
07:15.16olijitchi: Yes~
07:15.25catolij: ??
07:15.45olijDebian is first hit for "best operating system"! I just noticed,,,,.
07:16.44itchiit's normal :-p im already convicend :-)
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07:19.16Dwonisolij: what site shows up?
07:19.28Dwonisolij: I get
07:20.07karstenDwonis: Here too.
07:20.18itchiYeah, google not show the same result here, Debian is not as first :-/ But Google need to sleep a bit :-)
07:20.41unstableMaybe he's using or some other one
07:21.28unstableI bet that is an easy page rank to steal.
07:21.35itchihey, still the same result, oerg, need already to get my second cup??
07:22.53Dwonisitchi: You sure you didn't just unconsciously type "Debian" instead?
07:22.55unstableJust make a good debian article on and title it "Best Operating System" and say "Best Operating System" a few times in the article. Post it to digg, if it's popular you're set. You'll have #1 page rank I bet
07:23.10unstablelol Dwonis
07:23.12itchiwait screenshot in proggres
07:23.59unstablebest operating system
07:24.07unstableThat search gives you -->
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07:25.22donopananyone in here use thp-0.4.6 ? (Tiny Honey Pot)
07:25.31karstenunstable: Schwing!
07:25.40itchiHere we go
07:26.03itchiHave you the same search results?
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07:26.30rowanyone here use mysql workbench on a debian system?
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07:28.26itchi... and?  I'm a bit confused of not to have the same search results
07:28.31Dwonisitchi: for the top 4 results, it looks the same, then it deviates (the "What is the best operating system and why" comes before "Operating Systems - Network World" for me)
07:28.49*** join/#debian null (
07:29.01itchiDwonis: Strange not?
07:29.45itchiarg, the second cup is here faster that i was expected ;-)
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07:30.29Dwonisitchi: it doesn't surprise me that Google's results change.  If I were Google, I'd probably have a large worldwide cluster of search machines, and replicate the results to them eventually.
07:30.41Dwonisitchi: So subtle differences are bound to happen
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07:31.24itchiDwonis: Yup, need to update the stuff there, like it's becaume realy big these days
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07:32.09itchibwa, gona retry that search in an day or 2. if i not forget. Then make an screenshot of it for the archieves :-)
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07:33.21DwonisI wonder if olij was just trolling... Does anybody here know him?
07:33.24g333kwaaaaaaaaa I need a faster cpu, my 133mhz are taking too much just to install fluxbox :p
07:34.11itchig333k: hehe
07:34.29itchig333k: Upgrade to an 166?? Is many faster :-p
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07:34.42RalleAbdoes any of your guys know anything about powernowd? when I say: sudo powernowd -l  10           It thinks that I am saying powernowd -h     So I cant set anything
07:34.43Dwonisg333k: oh, I remember that.  dpkg ate up a joyous amount of memory on a P133, back around the time of slink.  I can't imagine how long it would take on sarge or etch
07:35.12Wood1My debian server keeps rebooting every 10 minutes
07:35.13Dwonisg333k: You can gain a little performance, I think, by running "dpkg --clear-avail" before running apt.
07:35.19Wood1Can somebody tell me what's going on ?
07:35.29DwonisWood1: Does it reboot sooner if you run cpuburn?
07:35.49Wood1I don't have cpubrun
07:36.21DwonisWood1: cpuburn is designed specifically to head up your processor, so if it's an overheating issue, it'll make a difference.
07:36.40DwonisWood1: Or does it go through the shutdown process and everything?
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07:36.52g333kDwonis, thanks
07:36.57liableRalleAb: unless you have a real need for powernowd, i would just use one of the governors that dont need a daemon
07:37.15Wood1It's goes the shutdown process
07:37.23g333kDwonis, I installed woody ones in a 486 66Mhz, it took like 11hours just to install vim
07:37.31RalleAbliable: its because my idle cpu use is at 600 mhz I want to put it down at around half of that
07:37.33Dwonisg333k: I believe it
07:37.42liableRalleAb: ok
07:38.01*** part/#debian schimana_net (
07:38.02RalleAbbut I heard so much good about powernowd
07:38.06Dwonisg333k: To be fair, a P133 with 80 MiB of RAM is MUCH quicker than with, say, 16-24 MiB.
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07:38.41Dwonisg333k: The problem is that dpkg loads the entire list---of all the packages you have installed on your system---into RAM before doing anything.
07:38.46itchig333k: Hey, my 133 with 32MB RAM have realy not take an crazy time to install flux
07:39.08Dwonisg333k: If you purge a bunch of packages, I think it'll also get faster, though I'm not sure if you'd want to do that.
07:39.31g333kitchi, I think it is taking 45minutes.... it is about to finish
07:39.44itchig333k: oela :-/
07:39.49Dwonisg333k: Personally, I'd stick the hard drive in a faster machine, install all the stuff I want to install, and then put it back... but that requires faster machines to do that with.
07:39.52g333kDwonis, The option that you gave me does that?
07:40.15*** join/#debian trygg (
07:40.17Wood1Sorry I notice that the debian server reboots automtically
07:40.29SpeedyGit does?
07:40.29Wood1without going through the shutdown process
07:40.36RalleAbso liable what do I do?
07:40.40Dwonisg333k: I clears /var/lib/dpkg/available (which can be regenerated, and I think it's used by dselect).  I'm not sure whether aptitude uses it.
07:40.46itchig333k: I did an base install, and bit by bit installed what i had need, maybe that?
07:40.54Dwonisg333k: It's just a trick I remember reading about somewhere, back when I had a similarly slow computer.
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07:40.58itchig333k: I'm realy not an expert, just an Debian lover
07:41.13J-_how can i reference upon building a printer driver for my lexmark x2330 all in one?
07:41.51predderliable, fixed the mdadm "invalid uuid on superblock" problem. My initial ramdisk didn't have all the required md modules. Thanks for your help.
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07:42.21liablepredder: sweet
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07:42.58PPPWhere i can set up routes and keep them after reboot?
07:43.22DwonisPPP: /etc/network/interfaces, probably.  Read "man 5 interfaces"
07:43.39liablephew, i almost lost again!
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07:43.49Dwonisheh.  ramdisks are fun to get right when you're not using d-i
07:43.54RalleAbhow should I decrease the lower CPU limit from 600 mhz to less?
07:44.25DwonisRalleAb: Trade with g333k
07:44.29J-_how can i reference upon building a printer driver for my lexmark x2330 all in one?
07:44.34RalleAbg33k lets trade
07:45.00*** mode/#debian [+l 605] by debhelper
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07:45.27PPPDwonis, I can not find useful info here... I think interfaces just for ethernet configuation, and it"s not for routes
07:45.40PPPohhh sorry
07:45.47DwonisPPP: But you can put arbitrary commands into interfaces
07:45.54DwonisPPP: like "up ip -4 route add ..."
07:45.57J-_is there a driver for a x2330 lexmark all in one printer that i can use?
07:46.11PPPDwonis, thx I am goint to try
07:46.15liableJ-_: is your friend
07:46.41g333kWhat option should I choose to pick a Serial Mouse? /dev/input/mice?
07:46.48J-_liable: been there, done that, they offer the 2030 driver, and it doesn't work.
07:46.50DwonisDebian's interfaces(5) beats Fedora's networking scripts hands-down.
07:46.51streunerJ-_: usually most of them are in debian, but use to find out
07:47.15liableJ-_: then you may be out of luck :(
07:47.27streuner!doesn't work
07:47.27dpkgLook buddy, "doesn't work" is an ambiguous statement.  Does it sit on the couch all day long?  Does it procrastinate doing the dishes?  Does it beg on the street for change?  Please be specific!  Define 'it' and what it isn't doing.  Give us more details so we can help you without needing to ask basic questions like "what's the error message".
07:47.31Dwonisg333k: ugh, I feel your pain.  I'm not sure if there's a kernel driver to map a serial mouse to /dev/input/mice.  You might just have to use /dev/ttyS0 or whatever
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07:47.55Dwonisg333k: I stand corrected
07:47.58Dwonisg333k: modprobe sermouse
07:48.03Dwonisg333k: so yeah
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07:48.27RalleAbg33k I am the 2nd in the line
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07:48.30streunerJ-_: what kind of printer is that?
07:48.32Dwonisg333k: you can always spend a day doing dpkg-reconfigure, if you already entered the wrong thing ;)
07:48.41J-_x2330 lexmark all in one
07:49.18streunerthose all-in-one are nasty :-)
07:49.34itchihey crazy guys, my MicroShit doesn't work anymore :-) Time to get that partition back :-)
07:49.41liablebrothers at least have drivers
07:49.48g333kDwonis, yep
07:49.54Dwonisstreuner: H.P.'s LaserJet 3015 (which is an all-in-one) seem work work well, at least as a printer and a scanner.
07:50.05Dwonisstreuner: s/work work/to work/
07:50.27itchiarg, to tell after have get there Yet Another Virus, it will not more boot :-)
07:50.31streunerDwonis: yes, not in general, but some works ;-)
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07:50.46J-_could i potentially use a "hp" driver for my lexmark printer? lol
07:50.58Dwonisstreuner: true.  I didn't mean to correct you so much as I meant to add to what you were saying
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07:52.10itchiI have an dualboot on this computer, i no more use that other crap, so i can easy format that NTFS partition without that my MBR are affected?
07:52.15DwonisJ-_: sure, if you want to write an HP<->Lexmark protocol translator
07:52.28liableJ-_: learn the mantra, 'google for linux drivers before you buy any hardware' :)
07:52.30g333kYep I have a HP 2175 All-in-one, working perfectly, it prints and scans... also I can see the panel on My PC,, there are HP tools too
07:52.44Dwonisitchi: "that other crap"... FreeBSD?
07:52.57itchiDwonis: Eeuhm Microsoft XP :-/
07:53.11*** join/#debian KlemenS (
07:53.15itchiDwonis: Attention, it's the Pro edition, is not the same ;-)
07:53.36KlemenShi, can somebody tell me how does yum work on debian? yum is for .rpm packets but debian use .deb?
07:54.15J-_HEH, you could conver the rpm to deb, good luck =\
07:54.16Dwonisitchi: AFAIK, Microsoft's bootloader expects there to be a filesystem there (to read boot.ini or whatever it's called), so you might need a new MBR as well
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07:54.35g333kDwonis, modprobe sermouse, doesnt exists
07:54.59Dwonisg333k: It might be a new thing.  I'm running 2.6.17-1-686
07:55.03phorce1itchi: yes, you can format it without messing up your boot if you were using grub or lilo for booting. If you were using the NTLoader I have no idea.
07:55.17g333kDwonis, so pick the tty0 I think
07:55.27*** part/#debian PPP (
07:55.32Dwonisitchi: Have a rescue disc on hand :)
07:55.36TiMiDo/bin/sh: ./jre-1_5_0_08-linux-i586.bin: Permission denied how can i give permission isn't it chmod a=x /bin/sh: ./jre-1_5_0_08-linux-i586.bin
07:55.51Dwonisg333k: yes, but ttyS0, not tty0.  They both exist, but they're different things
07:56.02liableTiMiDo: /msg dpkg install java
07:56.07J-_KlemenS:  alien -d <filename> to convert rpm to deb, it's a rough go though, as i've heard.
07:56.08itchiphorce1: I have the grub loader, and a when i selected the Crap os in the list, he then run that NTLoader thing.
07:56.10TiMiDoi ready did
07:56.28dpkgit has been said that dsl is Digital Subscriber Line, the wonder technology the telcos will nevertheless find a way to turn into a con, or better than cable. or Damn Small Linux,
07:56.38phorce1itchi: If you were using NTLoader make a rescue CD and then install grub in the mbr -- use rescue cd if you "oops"
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07:56.52KlemenSJ-_: than if u use yum u need to make from rpm to deb?
07:56.53liableph00: stop pimping dsl
07:57.05phorce1itchi: you should be fine to format then
07:57.08liableKlemenS: why do you want to use yum?
07:57.14Wood1Does anybody here use pppoe
07:57.24TiMiDodeb-src contrib non-free unstable main
07:57.26itchiEuhm just choose of my rescue cd, so many choice :-)
07:57.26TiMiDois this right
07:57.28g333kDwonis, trryin
07:57.30DwonisTiMiDo: If you're trying to execute jre-1_5_0_08-linux-i586.bin, read the factoid again.  You don't use the Sun installer on Debian.
07:57.30KlemenSliable: i just want to test something :)
07:57.32TiMiDobecause when i update it it gives me error
07:58.00Wood1Has anybody here setup a Debian PPPoE Server ever ?
07:58.09phorce1itchi: use fdisk to change the partition type from NTFS to linux then reboot and format with ext3 (or whatever)
07:58.11itchi... and need to read a bit more about Grub, like i had never need to reinstall that.
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07:58.23liableTiMiDo: paste the errors to a psatebot
07:58.24g333kDwonis, bad luck :(
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07:58.48phorce1itchi: shouldn't need to reinstall grub if it's already in the MBR and is the first thing that comes up now
07:59.09Wood1So can Debian be made a PPPoE server too ?
07:59.19itchiphorce1: So just need to format it then
07:59.31liableTiMiDo: paste the errors to a psatebot
07:59.44TiMiDoliable: i just want some non-free mirrors
08:00.08DwonisWood1: probably, since ppp isn't client-server, but I don't know how simple it is to configure.
08:00.23liableTiMiDo: um, you need to put 'contrib non-free' after main, not before unstable...
08:00.24*** part/#debian da9000 (
08:00.37phorce1itchi: yes. And edit /boot/grub/menu.lst to remove the section that shows the Windows boot stuff
08:00.43DwonisWood1: If you have a choice, don't use PPPoE.  It breaks things.
08:00.52rvalles_configure: WARNING: You don\'t have S/Key libraries
08:00.56rvalles_where do I get those?
08:00.59itchiphorce1: No gona point it to an blue screen picture :-)
08:01.08phorce1itchi: (always good to have a rescue CD anyway though <grin>
08:01.23itchiphorce1: Yeah, i have an buch here of it :-)
08:01.39Dwonisrvalles_: S/Key support for *what*?
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08:02.13itchiphorce1: I have never find so many nice stuff as in this world man, and gooood stuff and that for free, in the spirit :-0
08:02.38Dwonisrvalles_: If you run "apt-cache search one time password", you'll get a bunch of packages with OTP support, and IIRC some of them (notably, OPIE) are backward-compatible with S/Key
08:02.46itchiGuys are  gona to put my on the suck list :-p Does not matters ;-)
08:03.25rvalles_Dwonis: I need the devel libs so that I can compile stuff with SKEY support
08:03.37phorce1hey, is a full set of Etch binaries available with bittorrent like the Sarge CDs? I'd like to build a local mirror but I hate downloading that much stuff from one upsource machine at a time. I can average over 500Kb/sec using bittorrent.
08:03.38rvalles_Dwonis: not just packages with S/KEY support.
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08:04.01liableph00: dont believe so, yet
08:04.05Dwonisrvalles_: s/key is a protocol (and probably a trademark), not a library, as far as I know
08:04.06liablephorce1: ^^
08:04.33liablephorce1: maybe from one of those linuxcd sites?
08:04.42itchiThanks guys for your great help here ;-)
08:05.19KlemenSwhen im using aptget upgrade and i have packets that i dont want to upgrade, how to i keep them back ?
08:05.38liableKlemenS: /msg dpkg hold
08:05.45phorce1liable: OK. For Sarge I used BT to grab the CD set then dumped all the .debs into an apt cache directory and used apt-move to build the mirror. Only problem so far is it didn't link the distro name (Sarge), I have to hit it using "stable" and I don't like doing that.
08:05.54TiMiDoliable: i've installed java from non-free but i cannot play the pool game in yahoo
08:05.57liableKlemenS: using aptitude is much simpler
08:05.57rvalles_Dwonis: skey.h is what I am missing.
08:06.05*** part/#debian RalleAb (n=ralle@
08:07.04Dwonisrvalles_: According to, the only package that has an "skey.h" is postgresql-dev, but that's almost certainly *not* what you're looking for
08:07.14liableTiMiDo: you use firefox? check 'about:plugins' and make sure java plugins are enabled (should be if you did everything right)
08:07.15Dwonisrvalles_: It looks like whatever library you're looking for isn't packaged.
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08:07.32TiMiDoim using mozilla
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08:07.53DwonisTiMiDo: mozilla has an about:plugins
08:08.05rvalles_Dwonis: yup, was just looking at that :/
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08:08.37liableTiMiDo: type it in the url bar
08:09.34phorce1I'm all over the place with questions tonight. If there is a package that is a .deb only built for i386 and the source as a separate tarball what do I need to do to create a .deb for AMD64? Would it be easier to just compile and install the binary by hand into /usr/local/...?
08:10.06TiMiDowhat do i type
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08:11.09liablephorce1: making a deb isnt so hard, /msg dpkg nmg
08:11.43liableTiMiDo: about:plugins...
08:11.50liablewithout the ...'s
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08:12.55TiMiDoliable: i cannot play the pool in yahoo
08:12.59TiMiDoit says i need the plugin
08:13.01TiMiDoi wonder why
08:15.01*** mode/#debian [+l 598] by debhelper
08:15.44phorce1liable: and, apparently, weekly builds of an Etch DVD were available via BitTorrent but they're down right now while they are getting ready for a freeze and playing with the d-i
08:15.51g333kI'm trying to boot my P1 133Mhz with the 2.6.8-3-686 kernel, and The PC just resets after 5 seconds when is trying to boot, why?
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08:16.24TiMiDoliable: it says i need Java Runtime Environment
08:16.29TiMiDoany ideas on how i can download it?
08:16.47liableTiMiDo: apt-cache search java
08:16.48TiMiDois there any packages for debian
08:16.51KlemenSliable: yes i was using it by aptitud but, if i make cron for my server.. i need to some hold packets
08:16.55TiMiDoyuck there is a lot of packages
08:16.56liableSpeedyG: its in etch/sid
08:17.12*** part/#debian Sonic^Work (
08:17.16liableKlemenS: huh? that made no sense to me
08:17.19SpeedyGliable: oh :)
08:17.31SpeedyGsid is unstable right?
08:17.43SpeedyGi'm always confused by those names
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08:19.21phorce1KlemenS: once you "hold" a package it doesn't "un-hold" automatically. You can upgrade as many times as you want and will never upgrade until you remove the hold manually.
08:19.51ph00download, do ./<package name> then follow the isntrucions on the java site (very detailed)
08:19.52oolyg333k: 686 kernels don't work with P1's.
08:20.06phorce1KlemenS: so if you use dpkg to "hold" some packages you can set up a cron to apt-get upgrade
08:20.07ph00sid=unstable etch=testing
08:20.17liableph00: its in the repos...
08:20.45liableph00: and thats not the best way to install the java package anyway
08:20.48phorce1KlemenS: though why anyone would apt-get upgrade without being physically present is beyond me
08:21.06g333kooly, Ohh thanks
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08:23.43KlemenSyes thats true, im just asking, and testing on some server :)
08:23.45SpeedyGph00: and stable?
08:24.44phorce1SpeedyG: stable currently=Sarge
08:24.47SpeedyGoh ok :)
08:25.15TiMiDohow can u share files with another linux pc?
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08:26.06SpeedyGnfs or samba
08:26.15SpeedyGtho i'd rather use nfs than samba
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08:26.49phorce1SpeedyG: I prefer using the actual distro names rather than stable/testing/unstable -- especially as a release gets near and they add "frozen". I don't want any mission critical machines to suddenly be apt-get updating from the wrong pool.
08:28.41phorce1Etch is pretty freaking cool with the new toys it has. Samba was painless for accessing the shares on my Winblows machines (so I could get the 30+Gig of MP3 files over here). And there's even a Remote-Desktop client that lets me connect to my Winblows-XP machines here and at work.
08:30.24ph00btw what are the "right" repo sources to use? (etch) I copied the first three or four  that google found for me and it is working
08:30.37ph00but I may be using wrong packages here and there
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08:33.01TiMiDo[Press RETURN to try again, 'no' + RETURN to abort] no
08:33.01TiMiDoAbort installation of J2SDK documentation
08:33.01TiMiDodpkg: error processing sun-java5-doc (--configure): subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1
08:33.04TiMiDoErrors were encountered while processing: sun-java5-doc
08:33.04TiMiDoany ideas why?
08:33.07TiMiDoE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)
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08:34.19apfelDoes there exists some hardware/software combination such that I can do some kind of "webcam-chat" (where the other host uses windows)?
08:34.43TiMiDohow can i fixed this
08:35.02ph00how do I restore grub after reinstalling windoze? would grub-install (hd0) work like on ubuntu?
08:35.46liableph00: with the sarge installer? no
08:36.32TiMiDoliable: how can i fixed that error
08:36.34liableph00: the etch installer has a rescue option, and yes
08:36.37liableTiMiDo: no idea
08:37.21ph00apfel I have the same problem: voice conversations on msn messenger. I couldn't find any solution but insatlling a striped-to-the-bone version of windoze for voice chatting only
08:38.01ph00liable can I use the ubuntu CD? would that work? (I don't have any etch installer CD, only the first 2 sarge dvds)
08:38.02liableTiMiDo: the first thing you should check is the bts
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08:38.33HoxzerYEAH, I finally got my shorewall work on my debian/HTPC
08:38.34liableph00: yes
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08:39.29ph00liable and what if it doesn't work? where 's the official howto for restoring grub?
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08:39.58ph00OK I guess I can google that up, never mind...
08:40.19liableph00: for sarge disk,
08:40.35ph00I'm on etch
08:41.02ph00but OK I'll taake a look @ that thx
08:41.41debi_newbhi guys, ineed help dual booting debian and windows on an "nv sata raid array" someone know of an easy howt????
08:43.32ph00debi_nwd the trick is the right sequence: install windoze first and (any) linux last, that works almost every time @ the first try
08:44.00ph00I don't know squat about sata raid arrays
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08:45.32itchiI search for an 'lightscribe' application to burn an picture on an CD. Is there already an app for that? Not yet find it
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08:46.00dpkgi guess amor is love
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08:47.02ph00amor Amusing Misuse Of Resorces (but it *is* amor in Latin, and in Spanish)
08:47.25ph00it is Love in latin & spanish I mean
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08:53.24itchiIt does not realy matters, i have get that option as bonus, and like we never know in the /good/ world. ;-)
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09:02.10g333kWhat option should I choose to pick a Serial Mouse? /dev/input/mice?
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09:13.04liablemmm, steak
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09:23.04SlackRa1hmn, finally got sarge running on the laptop....if i update OOffice to the lastest, will it bork anything important? :P
09:24.36Gneaooffice :)
09:24.44Gneanot likely
09:25.28SlackRa1heh, seems to get bigger and more complicated with each release....last distro i upgraded it on, i had to finally completely remove the old one andstart again....cant live without OO tho...
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09:25.54Gneathe helpfiles take up a bit of room too
09:26.07Gneai guess that's why they're optional ;)
09:26.09SlackRa1i just apt get remove it, then and get the latest deb release for it
09:26.37Gneawell as long as it's backported, it shouldn't be an issue
09:26.53*** join/#debian Lounis (
09:27.28SlackRa1cool, thanks
09:28.29SlackRa1hmn, brb
09:28.38Lounishi, Eterm was removed from debian testing because a problem of license : there is a "cannot be sold for profit" in some source file. is it possible to include Eterm in non-free?
09:29.02catLounis: i have eterrm
09:29.14Lounisin testing?
09:29.53catin unstable
09:29.58Lounisthe problem is here :
09:30.26LounisEterm is in unstable but not in testing, Eterm will not be in Etech
09:30.48Ronineterm wont be in etch? ohoh
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09:31.22Lounissorry for my bad english
09:32.28*** join/#debian somegeek (i=levin@tor/regular/somegeek)
09:32.35Roninwell unless that gets sorted out guess i wont be doing any updates for a long time when etch goes stable
09:32.42liablelooks like the mainatiner is awol
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09:33.02dpkgextra, extra, read all about it, eterm is at or better than wterm or bloated as hell.  A guide to customizing Eterm can be found at (shameless plug). evil term, or not going to be in Etch, due to compounded licensing issues, and
09:33.42Roningood grief
09:33.50Gneathat blows, i love eterm
09:33.55RoninGnea: indeed
09:34.13majorsmy too i love you
09:34.14Gneai'm gonna have to bitch at kainx now :P
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09:34.37Lounisso is it possible to include Eterml in non-free with a "cannot be sold for profit"
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09:34.51GneaLounis: ask the legal department
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09:36.02majorshi for all pleope
09:36.16Gneawhat's a pleope?
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09:36.42majorsmy and u
09:36.50Gneayour what?
09:37.06Gneamajors: i'm guessing that english is not your first language
09:37.33Gneait should be "me and you"
09:38.00Gnea'my' is possessive, ie. "my debian system rocks!!"
09:38.06mepplguten morgen
09:38.43majorssim madanne i speak portugues
09:39.36majorsu speak portugues
09:40.05dpkgEsse canal e apenas em ingles. Por favor, use #debian-br (/j #debian-br) para ajuda em portugues.
09:40.22majorswhere from
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09:41.15majorsmy im from mozambique
09:41.53Gneaoh wow, you're on the edge of the conflict
09:42.12majorspk eh k eu posso falar em portugues meu?
09:42.28Gneamajors: /join #debian-br
09:42.36Gneawe only speak english in this channel
09:42.46Lounisis there a channel for the legal department?
09:43.01GneaLounis: not sure... there's definately a mailing list
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09:43.56majorshow old u gnea?
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09:44.30Roninmajors: do you have a debian related question?
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09:46.04kwa29hy all
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09:46.22kwa29i have a problem to install oo2 on debian sarge
09:46.31kwa29anyone can help me ?
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09:46.42Gneanot if you don't explain the problem in detail
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09:46.52streunerkwa29: did you read instructions at bpo?
09:47.06Fear_MothI'm trying to install Kubuntu Dapper, Ubuntu Dapper and/or Yellow Dog on my iMac g3, and when I boot from the cd with "live" or "liveppc" it runs through loading up with the kubuntu logo, and then after a while it stops with "restarting system logger       [fail]" or something along those lines and freezes.. anyone know why it does this?
09:47.07kwa29and the oo package on blackport have a bug
09:47.23streunerFear_Moth: #(k)ubuntu
09:47.27kwa29if i take the testing package
09:47.32catFear_Moth: this is debian
09:47.46kwa29i don't crash my server
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09:48.04kwa29a mixin testing and stable
09:48.07Fear_Mothstreuner/cat: I know, but it's happening with whatever distro I try so I figured maybe someone in one of these channels would know.
09:48.16Fear_Mothexpected that response though
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09:48.35SlammerXPFear_Moth: is "get a real computer" an expected response also? :)
09:48.36RoninFear_Moth: well seeing your not installing debian what do you think we'd say?
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09:48.50Fear_Mothhmm... cocksuckers use debian?
09:49.07Gneahow to get yourself banned in 3 easy steps.
09:49.12Roninahh trolling season i see
09:49.12Fear_Mothoh, and debian has given me that response too
09:49.48streunerif you want get help, insulting people wasn't a clever way...
09:49.49Fear_Mothjust wondering if anyone has had the same problem.. guess not ?
09:49.56pinkyWhere is the file that has the log of all the lines of text at boot?
09:49.56Fear_Mothstreuner: :)
09:49.58GneaFear_Moth: i have the answer you're looking for, but unfortunately you obviously don't need it.
09:50.00RoninFear_Moth: no, we're running debian it works great
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09:50.11Fear_MothRonin: on ppc?
09:51.35Fear_Mothwell guess nobody can help me.. anyone want to talk about cats?
09:52.01streunergo away
09:52.09Gneagetting colder...
09:52.19Fear_Moththanks for the help guys!
09:52.46dpkgmethinks imac is a... err...err *puh* i just know that there exists a Vibrator called iMac, or the name of hair removal cream in .uk, or
09:53.34*** join/#debian fresch (
09:54.17itchiHey, how can i do an search on the irc with that /list command? I try '/list #*debian*' but that does not work, im in irssi
09:54.31Fear_Mothall i was wondering if anyone else has had this problem with any distros and ppc, or if it might be a memory or other hardware problem that's causing hte error
09:54.39itchiI want debian related channels
09:55.55*** join/#debian Kinks__ (
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09:56.34itchiThat /squery is an unknow command here. Or maybe know you the right place for these questions?
09:56.40TalluFear_Moth: you could try ##linux if you want a distro-free opinion.. not ask about ubuntu on other distro channels
09:56.53JovAniehi , i have hostname how to make alias for NTP server to be
09:57.32*** join/#debian DarkCow (
09:57.35TalluJovAnie: do you have access to the dns records for the or just
09:57.36Fear_MothTallu: is ubuntu based on debian?
09:57.44Tallu!based on debian
09:57.44dpkgYou're not running Debian, but a distribution that uses the same package management system, but not the same packages.  You can't use packages from Debian with Ubuntu, or packages from Mepis with Knoppix. That is why we cannot help you, you will need to visit the IRC channels of the respective distributions. See <Ubuntu> <Knoppix> <Kanotix> <Mepis>
09:57.56Roninalthough you may want to hold off on insulting folks if you actually want help
09:58.14*** join/#debian SlackRa1 (n=mephisto@
09:58.43JovAnieTallu i have root on server
09:58.48JovAnieso i have accesss to dns config
09:59.38JovAnieand :)
10:00.19TalluJovAnie: so you own Then add a cname for ntp
10:00.48Fear_Mothwell, I get the response "get a real computer" .. from slammerXP wasn't too kind..  it's just a $20 computer i'm trying to set up. I also tried the debian net install cd and got the same error, does that validate my question in here?
10:01.47TalluFear_Moth: no, since you're not trying to install debian anymore. atleast, not from my point of view. why dont you just bug the people in ubuntu
10:01.56Fear_Mothjesus christ
10:02.13TalluFear_Moth: you have no idea how many people come here with different distros saying they also failed at installing debian so we should help them
10:02.29Fear_MothI'm sorry
10:02.35SlammerXPdear friends, let us pray for the soul of Fear_Moth who shall shortly be departing this happy channel to lands beyond the +b
10:02.44Roninand im sure you put off the rest by insulting them
10:03.08Fear_Mothwell, got a few new people to hunt down for my people to kill list
10:03.19*** join/#debian mkl1525_ (
10:03.28Fear_Mothpeople aren't too jolly here in #debian at 3am
10:03.38petemcits 11am
10:03.47Fear_Moth3am here..
10:03.51Coweaterits 5am!
10:03.53TalluFear_Moth: people to kill? for not helping you? Wow..
10:04.06Fear_Mothi'm a depressed man
10:04.55*** join/#debian efftee (
10:05.15quad3datwork2oh nos! my stock of ramens is depleted!
10:05.33Fear_Mothsee, everyone in here is depressed!
10:05.59cydorkFear_Moth, install debian again and then comeback, we might be able to help you then :)
10:06.07PumpkinPiehow do I send CRL+C ? or how to I tpye that to a program instead of typing it?
10:06.39SlammerXPPumpkinPie: use "kill" to send it a signal.  -HUP for example.
10:08.09*** join/#debian absyrtus (n=absyrtus@
10:08.10cydorkPumpkinPie, man signal
10:08.12Fear_Mothcydork: well thanks for the kindest response i've had in here so far, I keep trying, and I keep getting the "exception in kernel mode, sig: 5" error. not just with debian, with everything. it won't even get past installing it. so it's not a debian specific question, but i just figured maybe someone in here might know what that error might be leaning towards so I can figure it out.
10:09.32*** part/#debian SlackRa1 (n=mephisto@
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10:12.11liableFear_Moth: ask on the debian-ppc mailing list, but give actuall errors from the debian installer. once you work it out, you should be able to port the fix to others
10:12.25cydorkFear_Moth, like i said we cant help unless you have debian on that machine and  give more details of the problem.
10:13.47*** join/#debian eleftherios (n=elefther@unaffiliated/eleftherios)
10:14.21TalluFear_Moth: and also if you decide to try again with debian you might want to check out #debianppc on or here. I dont know, just saw a reference to it, maybe someone else has had the similar problems. :)
10:15.02PumpkinPiecydork: I dont know how to use it
10:16.38*** join/#debian Kurtism (
10:16.53PumpkinPiehow do I send a command to wget to quit?
10:17.15itchiwterm is that lighter than xterm? btw how can i check that x is lighter than y?
10:18.55*** join/#debian Blackhold (
10:19.20BlackholdI know that I need to use screen to access to a console that is using an other user
10:19.35Blackholdbut I only want to see what is doing the other user
10:19.44cydorkPumpkinPie, man pkill
10:19.47Blackholdhow I can use screen?
10:20.06itchiBlackhold: screen -x ?
10:20.22Blackholdand how I indicate what tty I want to enter
10:20.29Blackholdthe user is entering remotely
10:20.48itchiBlackhold: xwatch who whowatch?
10:20.56Fear_Mothcydork, Tallu: thanks
10:21.06liableBlackhold: screen -r will tell you currently attached screen sessions
10:21.35liableBlackhold: as long as there isnt a detached one, then it will stick you in that one :)
10:21.39cydorkBlackhold, you cant do that with screen.
10:21.44Fear_Mothoh and liable thanks too :)
10:21.46BlackholdI'm pts/1 and would like to see what is pts/0 doing
10:21.51Blackholdbut only see
10:22.05itchiBlackhold: oeps misunderstand, i had understand how can i see tty ...
10:22.06Blackholdso with what?
10:22.08TalluFear_Moth: you're welcome. sorry about not being too polite.. it's just that i for one have never even installed ubuntu and thus it annoys to see people try to come here for help thinking that we'll automatically know. hope to see you install debian later though. :)
10:22.19itchiThese fonts are to less, need to read that wterm doc
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10:22.41itchiBut wterm is that lighter than xterm?
10:23.02cydorkBlackhold, it's possible with ttysnoop. but it requires some more configration in inittab AFAIK
10:23.24PumpkinPiecydork: im not trying to kill the process like that.. just exit like pressing crl + c
10:23.25raaviHello, Problem in getting sound on Acer Aspire 1640z?
10:24.07itchiBut wterm looks usefuller with that left scrollbar in an screen session, so that is already an good point. I not think is an huge thing that wterm. It's for on my old laptop with 128MB RAM
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10:24.40raaviDoes anyone had success in getting sound on Acer Aspire 1640z?
10:25.21*** join/#debian Codemaster_ (
10:25.32liable!tell raavi about laptop
10:25.41cydorkPumpkinPie, you can send sigint with kill or pkill
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10:25.45liableraavi: visit those sites dpkg just gave you
10:26.18itchihhhmm, but that scrollbar give also some little troubles in an screen session
10:26.18raaviIts Acer Aspire 1640z, and what are all those sites...
10:26.42*** join/#debian DarkCow (
10:26.58raavilsmod, lspci shows everything alright...
10:27.28liableraavi: check your ircv client for a query from dpkg
10:28.09cydork!tell raavi about alsa one-liner
10:28.27vorsprun1hi, I have a probably off topic question.  I want a linux distro that will start and boot from a CD and which includes tools for network analysis
10:28.32itchiMaybe im in the ignore list of everyone here right now?
10:28.37cydorkraavi, try what dpkg messaged you.
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10:29.19cydorkvorsprung, ever heard about knoppix?
10:29.33BladeRunner05Hallo, I'm behind a proxy and I need to use wget, what I have to configure ?
10:30.10vorsprungcydork, yes- does it contain suitable tools like tcpdump though?  I guess I need to ask on #knoppix :)
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10:30.23cydorkvorsprung, AFAIK it does.
10:30.51cydorkBladeRunner05, /msg dpkg http_proxy
10:31.10vorsprungcydork, thanks :)
10:31.46*** join/#debian Kinks (
10:31.59raavicydork, I have tried, but no use.
10:32.19raavialsamixer, could not find the pcm and master volume levels.
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10:32.55cydorkraavi, and what does alsaconf say?
10:32.59javiolois there any site or email to report spam ?
10:33.08JovAniehow to make alias on my domain for example i have and want to be alias on
10:33.23raavialsaconf, told that all modules were loaded, and that is confirmed from lsmod
10:33.54itchijaviolo: In the header of the email normally there is an section with the abuse informations
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10:34.24itchijaviolo: Or to your ISP provider
10:34.49raavicydork, I have seen this problem in some of the mailing list, but no solution provided...
10:34.57raaviI am running etch...
10:35.11JovAnieahhh :)
10:35.11cydorkraavi, which soundcard?
10:35.36raaviIts from RealTek
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10:36.26javioloitchi I don?t see the abuse email
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10:38.19JovAnientp     14400   IN      CNAME
10:38.23itchijaviolo: Yup, im also looking to it, with that of the Usenet mails, there it's been noted. Most time it's to an abuse@isp of the sender
10:38.24JovAnieis this correct sintay
10:38.46JovAniei wnt alias ntp for
10:38.56cydorkraavi, does `cat /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp` work for root?
10:39.00JovAnientp     14400   IN      CNAME
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10:40.27javioloitchi heres what I see
10:40.29raavicydork, nope, cat: write error: Invalid argument
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10:41.26cydorkraavi, invalid?? check the command you typed..
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10:42.47itchijaviolo: Problem with most spammers is that these use complete false informations, like there, but not all header informations are visibile in the pastebin. But many changes that you not get the rights informations if it are smart spammers
10:43.09raavicydork, what should I expect from that..
10:43.38PumpkinPiewhat else is there to use besides wget or curl ?
10:43.43Mitarwhy this does not work: sed -e 's/\([^\n]\)\nFrom/\1\n\nFrom/g' < brokenmbox
10:43.55peterrusi have installed the complete debian base system and some other stuff, now i just need some help, i hace already installed x-windows-system-core and fluxbox, now i want to have a graphical display manager, i installed wdm, but when i do : wdm, i get the login screen, i login and then i get the login screen again, and again etc... what to do?
10:44.12peterrusPumpkinPie, not much i think
10:44.13cydorkraavi, if the card has been configured you should hear some strange noises.
10:45.01*** mode/#debian [+l 594] by debhelper
10:45.04itchijaviolo: In your case i think the best solution is to report the trouble to your ISP, many changes that these are gona trash it, but give it an try we never know
10:45.29liablepeterrus: try xdm, see if it does the same thing
10:45.44peterrusliable, is xdm avaiable in etch? because i cant find it...
10:45.47raavicydork, the problem is I dont see pcm or master volume in alsamixer...
10:46.05liablepeterrus: should be
10:46.07peterrusraavi, soundcard not right configured or detected
10:46.15peterrusliable, apt-get xdm gives and error
10:46.18liable!+info xdm etch
10:46.19dpkgUpdating debian files... please wait.
10:46.26dpkgxdm: (X display manager), section x11, is optional. Version: 1:1.0.5-1 (etch), Packaged size: 162 kB, Installed size: 760 kB
10:46.31itchipeterrus: Is installed and actually make use of
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10:46.41raavipeterrus, everything is perfect according to lsmod and lspci
10:46.53peterrusitchi, i didnt have x installed, i did that manually
10:47.05peterrusraavi, well i dont know :/ it was a suggestion just in case :)
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10:47.34liablepeterrus: what error? (dont paste here)
10:47.37JovAniecan someone lok at this gld script for errors ?
10:47.41peterruswait a min
10:48.15JovAnieits simply wont starrt with deb.
10:48.44peterrusliable, xdm is not available but is reffered to by another package. ... bla ... or is only available from another source
10:48.54cydorkraavi, that's why i am interested the output of last command..
10:49.11raavicydork, I dont get anything...
10:49.20JovAniecone someone look :)
10:49.24liablepeterrus: run apt-get update and try again
10:49.31peterrusliable, i did
10:49.43*** join/#debian Boter (
10:49.54Boterkernel panic: Attempted to kill init!
10:50.01Boterwhen i try to compile new kernel
10:50.04peterrusliable, my sources list contains the two binary cds and (1 and 2) and a src-deb and a deb repostiry, which was standard
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10:50.23liablepeterrus: is the deb repository uncommented?
10:50.25peterrusBoter, make sure to compile the filesystem you use
10:50.28peterrusliable, nope
10:50.31fireba11wtf ? i'm trying to run a file ... and bash tells me it's not existing ..
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10:50.43Boterpeterrus i have ext2 everywhere
10:50.46peterrusits just two lines, and two other lines for the two cds
10:50.56liablepeterrus: so its commented? or not?
10:51.09peterrusBoter, and that is compiled, marked with a * and not compiled as modules?
10:51.13peterrusliable, no
10:51.21fireba11please someone take a look at what i pasted in #flood.. how the hell can that happen ?
10:51.31jvmhi; i use ndiswrapper, but it's VERY unstable. my wlan-card isn't natively supported; is there some workaround? is it always unstable? is there something i could've done wrong?
10:51.41peterrusliable, not commented just okay
10:51.50Boterneed to check
10:52.25liablepeterrus: it should be available to you. pick another mirror
10:52.53peterrusliable, i use :S
10:53.07liablepeterrus: thats not a normal mirror
10:53.14peterrusliable, oh, wait :)
10:53.32peterrusso what could be a valid line? i want a nl mirror (holland
10:53.34cydorkpeterrus, that is a mirror for security packages only.
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10:53.55peterruscydork, i see  (should work)
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10:54.08peterrusnothing else?
10:54.15dpkghmm... debian mirrors is use apt-setup if you are running sarge, or at or, or to make a mirror, or ask me about <apt-spy>
10:54.34Boterpeterrus hmm where is that?
10:55.04peterruswhen you did make menuconfig it should be somewhere :p i dont know but it is there
10:56.05itchiwterm not support for example the 'midnight blue' color?
10:56.10Boteri checked .config
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10:56.24Boterand there is not anything about filesistem and ext2
10:57.05liableBoter: you need your fs support compiled in, also your chipset modules for your drive controller. if you are going to compile a kernel, read *every* help option for each kernel module
10:57.08peterrusliable, think i got it
10:57.12itchiYeah, sorry, it's my 'strange questions' day :-)
10:57.33Boterbut I CANT FIND fs menu or any fs config
10:57.45Boterthat's the problem
10:57.45peterrusBoter, then you better do make menuconfig?
10:57.45liableBoter: then dont compile kernels
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10:57.57Boterpeterrus i do
10:58.09peterruswell it is there so its your fault then
10:58.22Boteri compile 2.4
10:58.29Boterand there is no such menu
10:58.36peterrusyes there is
10:58.58peterrusin the folder where you extracted the kernel source: make menuconfig
10:59.10Boteri'm not stupid
10:59.16Boteri recompiled kernel severeal times
10:59.20Boterbut newer had this error
10:59.20peterrusi see
10:59.31itchiNice the wterm man page: In most cases, -option turns the option on, +option will turn it off. This may seem a little illogical,  but such is life.   :-)
10:59.34peterruswell then i can not help you
10:59.39liableread the damn help taxts in menuconfig
10:59.57Boterliable can i tell you again that I AM NOT STUPID
11:00.01Boteri know what i'm working
11:00.13Boterjust there is no such thing you're trying to say there is
11:00.54*** part/#debian sanxiyn (n=tinuviel@
11:01.27peterrusliable, its happening again, i think something is wrong with my script that starts fluxbox, well in fact i dont even have any
11:01.45peterrusBoter, please refrain from using capslock
11:01.47liableBoter: i didnt call you stupid, i was telling you to read the help texts, because they tell you about the important drivers when they need to be compiled in
11:02.06liablepeterrus: xdm does it to eh?
11:02.16peterrusliable, yepzorz
11:02.26Boterfine but it wont help
11:02.32Boteri used same config in older kernels and worked fine
11:02.38liablepeterrus: you shouldnt need a start script if you use a dm
11:03.27liableBoter: this is still a 2.4 kernel you say?
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11:03.54Boterso anyway i dont bealive there is a problem with config
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11:07.06liablepeterrus: what if you just run startx startfluxbox
11:07.17peterruswait a min rebooting and then we will see
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11:10.35peterrusliable, its happening agian, soi think i need to give each user a .xinitrc file in his home dir, right?
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11:11.53liablepeterrus: switch to vt1 and kill xdm
11:11.59liablethen try startx
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11:12.41peterrusliable, thats starting fluxbox, because i just made a .xinitrc file in my home dir
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11:12.57mynullvoidhi all
11:13.32liablepeterrus: i dunno why xdm didnt start it, check /usr/share/xsessions/ and see if theres a entry for flux
11:14.37peterrusliable, there is a file kalled fluxbox.desktop which contains some stuff to start fluxbox
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11:15.02peterrusliable, but to me this looks like a desktop icon :/
11:15.10liablepeterrus: hrm, xdm should have started it then..
11:15.37liablepeterrus: that file is for dm's
11:15.45peterrus/var/log/xdm.log reports nothing
11:16.37liablepeterrus: check auth.log
11:16.53Boterthanks for all the help here
11:16.58peterrusno problem
11:17.11peterrusliable, session open for user root
11:17.17peterrussession closed for user root
11:17.29peterruswith a interval of just onesecond
11:17.44peterrussame with user peterrus
11:17.59liablepeterrus: hrm, dunno
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11:18.29murrayfosstype failure into a google search hit enter
11:18.37peterrusmurrayfoss, :D
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11:18.52murrayfossseriously, do it
11:18.58dendritepeterrus: Why did you install X "manually" ?
11:19.04peterrusmurrayfoss, LOOL
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11:20.04cydorkmurrayfoss, it's old news :)
11:20.43liabledendrite: he means as opposed to using the installer, ala tasksel
11:20.45peterrusdendrite, because i didnt want gnome, this is what i did: i installed the base system from binary cd 1 then i booted my system and installed the x-window-system-core package then fluxbox and then xdm, but i have no idea if that is correct. oen of you guys said i couldnt just install debian without gnome and with fluxbox
11:21.22peterrusmurrayfoss, ive stopped using slackware.  its wasnt really what i was looking for. so now i am a debianist :p
11:22.14cydorkpetemc, you can use debian without gnome with fluxbox.
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11:24.36zanpakutohello i have a mount point owned by a use, what should be the option in fstab so that when I mount the partition attributes are retained?
11:24.47peterruscydork, but how do i install it this way? i have binary cd one and two. so if you can tell me how i should install debian with fluxbox and without gnome i would be very happy
11:24.54blondiezanpakuto: what kind of attributes?
11:25.21liablepeterrus: the way you installed it, is the way you should have..
11:25.24zanpakutoblondie, rwx stuff.
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11:25.39peterrusliable, but then i have gnome, which doesnt fit on my disk at all
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11:25.56liablepeterrus: i am saying that you did it the right way...
11:26.00blondiezanpakuto: change them when it is mounted
11:26.03peterrusliable, i see
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11:26.30raaviI am having problem in getting sound from my laptop, Acer Aspire 1640z
11:26.40peterrusis there a tutorial or howto available on doing it this way, so i can do it the very right way instead of doing it with my li ited debian knowledge
11:26.43zanpakutoblondie, ok ill try that
11:26.44miroon1hi im new here who can help me using the PuttY ?
11:26.45cydorkpeterrus, what is the problem you are facing now?
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11:27.30miroon1how can i open onther window weill chating here ?
11:27.45dendritemiroon1: You're running windows?
11:27.53blondiemiroon1: another irc window?
11:28.36peterruscydork, i would like to know if it is possible to install debian with fluxbox and not gnome right from the install cd.
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11:29.12miroon1blondie yes  and also to control my
11:29.15dendrite07:28 <miroon1> i have windows and im using putty to log on to my dabian os
11:29.29dendritemiroon1: Please don't msg me, the info is best kept in channel.
11:29.30liablepeterrus: there is nothing more to do. you have x-window-system and flux, thats all you needed to install. i dont know why flux isnt starting viam the dm, maybe check the flux docs (/usr/share/doc/fluxbox) or more likely theres a bug in pam or something
11:29.46*** join/#debian NiCeBoY (i=StaFF@
11:29.52liablepeterrus: check wdm/xdm bugs (
11:29.55peterrusliable, :( blegh
11:29.57peterrusliable, okay
11:30.01blondiemiroon1: click the putty menu (top left) and click duplicate session
11:30.26cydorkpeterrus, so the problem is that fluxbox is not starting??
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11:30.47liablepeterrus: its most likely not in pam seeing as you can log in to console, but its somewhere in the auth bit
11:30.52dendritemiroon1: Or, run 'screen' before you run irc in your login shell.  Screen gives you multiple virtual screens.
11:30.56blondiemiroon1: no
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11:30.57peterruscydork, no, it does start, but when i use xdm or wdm i cant start fluxbox
11:31.12peterrusliable, can i check this somehow?
11:31.20zanpakutoblondie, thanks a lot! mount with user ownership worked!
11:31.20NiCeBoYanyone can tell me which apt-get install i should do to install open ssl library plz?
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11:31.28miroon1tnx all
11:31.28liablepeterrus: you just did, it starts with startx :)
11:31.29blondiezanpakuto: good
11:31.30dendritepeterrus: Is Fluxbox listed as an option in the dm menu?
11:31.39ph00I need to set up an encrypted partition with LUKS, I'm running etch and don't know squat about encryption: what should I start with?
11:31.42fireba11how is it possible that i can see a file with ls and so on, it's amrked executable and still bash tells me "no such file or directory" ?
11:31.55fireba11when i try to run it fo course
11:31.58peterrusliable, but i want graphical login by default with a display manager to preven unautohorized use
11:32.18liablepeterrus: yes, check the bts for xdm
11:32.24peterrusliable, how?
11:32.30dendritefireba11: Is the file in your PATH?  If not, try running it with /path/to/file .
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11:32.31liablefireba11: even with full path supplied?
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11:32.42liablepeterrus: go to
11:32.46fireba11dendrite liable yes, with full path
11:32.50userdefinedfireba11: check the first line in the file to make sure the #!/bin/bash (or whatever) is correct
11:32.55peterrusliable, what to search for
11:32.58dendritefireba11: What type of file are you trying to execute?
11:33.06liablepeterrus: just put xdm in the search box
11:33.07cydork!tell peterrus about xsession
11:33.08CaptainNussgreetings. i'm running the testing distribution of debian on my new dell inspiron 9400 notebook. i'm having trouble getting the nvidia geforce go 7900 gs to run
11:33.25dpkgwell, thx is a convenient internet abbreviation for the general-purpose politeness word "thanks", to be used with caution around defenders of the sanctity of the English language. THX is also a certification programme for sound reproduction associated with George Lucas.
11:33.40zaheranyone succedeed in installing ati fglrx drivers in etch?
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11:33.51dpkgPlease do not ask if anyone uses <someprogram>. Instead, ask your real question. (If the real question _was_ "does anyone use <someprogram>?" ask me about <popcon> instead.) See <ask> <sicco> <ask-to-ask> <polls>
11:33.54zaherwhat is the exact procedure?
11:33.59RichiHdpkg: no, thx is <reply> THX (C) is the next generation surround sound, developed by a George Lucas company. (mplayer is not certified)
11:33.59dpkgokay, RichiH
11:34.03dpkgTHX (C) is the next generation surround sound, developed by a George Lucas company. (mplayer is not certified)
11:34.19fireba11dendrite: it's a binary
11:34.31peterruslol i think i got it, wait a min
11:34.43CaptainNussi've tried following method three of this tutorial:
11:34.47dendritefireba11: Can you paste the exact error?  One line?
11:34.59CaptainNussit's for ubuntu, but the nvidia-glx package is available in the unstable dist
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11:35.21fireba11dendrite bash: /usr/bin/vmware-ping: No such file or directory
11:35.29cydork!nvidia one-liner
11:35.29dpkgit has been said that nvidia one-liner is update-pciids ; apt-get install module-assistant && m-a prepare && m-a a-i nvidia && apt-get install nvidia-glx nvidia-settings && modprobe nvidia && echo nvidia >> /etc/modules && dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86 (or xserver-xorg on testing and unstable). Contrib and non-free sources needed. See <non-free sources>  If you are using etch ask me about <etch nvidia>.
11:35.31CaptainNussstill, with the nvidia-kernel-source and nvidia-glx package of the unstable distribution, the x server init stops when trying to load the gl extensions
11:35.44cydorkCaptainNuss, check what dpkg said ^^
11:36.00zaheranyone succeded in installing fglrx in etch?
11:36.06peterrusnot ... :(
11:36.08CaptainNusscydork: thanks
11:36.23dendritefireba11: And this is not a shell script?
11:36.27dpkgfglrx is probably add 'contrib non-free' to the end of a sources.list line; aptitude install fglrx-driver fglrx-control fglrx-kernel-src module-assistant; then use module-assistant to create a binary drm module (fglrx-kernel-xyz)
11:36.33cydorkzaher, ^^
11:36.58fireba11dendrite: definitely not .. i can even look into taht file with mc
11:37.29DimmuRI've two cards in server on debian stable. Is it possible to configure them for 1 ip to make network load smaller ? If it's possible any1 can give me hints on that?
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11:37.46dendritefireba11: OK, run this:  strace -eopen /usr/bin/vmware-ping
11:38.03dendritefireba11: And look for the line where it complains about a missing file.
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11:39.01fireba11dendrite strace: exec: No such file or directory ^^
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11:39.27Sandwichi am doing a study, and its mainly because a lot of debian users i have met have been grumpy, however some of my best friends use debian. Because of this im doin g survey on the popular distributions, of who has the most grumpiest people and why.
11:39.31peterruswell no bugs for pam that look somewhat like my error
11:39.37dendritefireba11: Are you using tab completion to type that program in?
11:39.41Sandwichoh and my best friends aren't grumpy.
11:39.55fireba11dendrite: yes ^^
11:39.56crazy_penguinGood afternoon everyone!
11:39.58Sandwichany grumpy people here?
11:40.13peterrusso you say there is no way to install debian with fluxbox and without gnome from cd?
11:40.13dendriteSandwich: Do you have a proplerly calibrated Grump-o-meter?
11:40.19Sandwichyeah i do
11:40.27peterrusSandwich, please go to #slackware for some reaaaly grumpy people
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11:40.32CoweaterSandwich: give me a few hours, i won't have slept enough and i'll be pretty grumpy
11:40.38Sandwichi see
11:40.39dendriteSandwich: Nooooo, nooo, no grumpy people heeeere....
11:40.45Sandwichive never met any slackware users
11:40.52Sandwichlol they are far and few between
11:41.03Sandwichmust have all died from heart attacks
11:41.08dendriteSandwich: There are a few ex-slackers here... :-)
11:41.09Coweaterit's probably the lack of package management
11:41.12peterruslike me
11:41.29Sandwicha friend of mine who uses gentoo believes debian users are grumpy because they have old packages in their repository
11:41.36dendriteSandwich: Why not expand your research to include all seven dwarves?
11:41.39peterrusgentoo stinks
11:41.41Sandwichwhich kind of supports coweater's opinion
11:41.55peterrusi hate waiting six days until compiling is complete
11:42.04Sandwichnothing takes that long
11:42.09peterrusCoweater, is right
11:42.19cydork!gentoosmite Sandwich
11:42.23peterrusSandwich, yes it does, openoffice and stuff
11:42.23Coweaterold packages that work isn't bad compared to dealing with dependencies and unofficial packages that slackware often requires for a full desktop
11:42.28fireba11dendrite any ideas ?
11:42.33peterrusdpkg, WTF
11:42.42Sandwichcydork, i dont use gentoo
11:43.01dendritefireba11: Not off hand.  Oh, what is the output of ls -l /usr/bin/vmware-ping ?
11:43.14cydorkSandwich, i know :) i just felt like using that factoid :P
11:43.17peterrus!gentoosmite gnome-coffee-machine
11:43.21fireba11dendrite: -r-sr-xr-x 1 root root 10852 2006-08-18 12:42 /usr/bin/vmware-ping
11:43.27peterrusbetter than nothing
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11:43.42Sandwichi must admit i havn't met any grumpy gentoo users
11:43.45Sandwichexcept for one
11:43.52Sandwichbut he uses lfs mainly.
11:44.05dendritefireba11: and 'file /usr/bin/vmware-ping' ?
11:44.06peterrusand if i use this debian expert install does that give me the posibilty to install debian without gnome but with fluxbox and X ?
11:44.22cydorkSandwich, guys who can wait that long for installing pakages must have managed to reach zen :)
11:44.38Sandwichmost are instant actually.
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11:45.00dendritepeterrus: I generally just install absolute minimum, then after the install is sane, and I'm sure all the basics work, I go in and install just what I want...
11:45.03Sandwichas ive used gentoo before, the only things that take ages are, glibc, gcc, qt, gtk, gnome-desktop, and all of kde
11:45.13fireba11dendrite /usr/bin/vmware-ping: setuid ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), for GNU/Linux 2.0.0, dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.0.0, stripped
11:45.15Sandwichwhich don't come out with new versions anyway frequently.
11:45.20peterrusdendrite, then how do you install X and fluxbox and xdm if you would?
11:45.30userdefinedpeterrus: i think there's an option to do custom package selection when you get to the 'tasksel' portion of the install
11:45.45peterrususerdefined, where is that? in expert
11:45.45userdefinedthat may be an option which would allow you to do what you're looking to
11:45.45cydorkpeterrus, apt-get install xserver-xorg fluxbox xdm :)
11:45.54userdefinedno, just during normal install.
11:45.59dendritepeterrus: I'd expect installing fluxbox and xdm to pull in X.
11:46.10userdefinedthough, i typically only use netinst images, may be different with other installation methods
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11:47.14dendritefireba11: And what about 'which vmware-ping' ?
11:47.44fireba11dendrite: just gives filename with full path
11:48.07dendritefireba11: I'm pretty sure that vmware-ping is calling another program that can't be found.
11:48.15fireba11dendrite: sounds likely
11:48.20Sandwichi made DKPG say that they like gentoo
11:48.24Sandwichdpkg rather
11:48.31dendritefireba11: And a little quality time with strace should have it sorted.
11:48.41Sandwichdpkg gentoo is cool isn't it?
11:48.42dpkg...but gentoo is already something else...
11:48.50Sandwichdamn it didn't do that before.
11:48.51multi_iodselect makes me cry
11:49.16CaptainNussdpkg: etch nvidia
11:49.17dpkgAs of 2006-04-18, nvidia-graphics-drivers was removed from testing. Try getting the necessary files from Use something less than the -3 version of the 8756 driver to not have the dependency on Xorg 7.
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11:51.28multi_ioI set eclipse to "install" in dselect's selection screen, hit Enter to get back to the main screen, then "Install". Then eclipse is listed among the packages that will be REMOVED. Is there some deeper sense in this that I'm just too stupid to understand?
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11:54.05fireba11dendrite: aww crap .. looks like i forgot to install 32-bit libaries on that box
11:54.21dendritefireba11: Details, details...
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11:54.51dendritefireba11: What was the clue that tipped you off?
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11:55.24fireba11just looked inside that file and found a lib referenced that didn't exist
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11:57.13kintaro0ehi to disable a port? like in the /etc/networks, then comment out those ports, does this will do?for example i want to disable a port in ssh, then i'll just put # on the port for ssh, is this right?
11:57.26fireba11dendrite so i remembered VMware requiring some 32-bit libs on amd64 to be installed manually
11:58.09infernixstrange. I apt-get upgraded my etch last night, and now I am having funky terminal emulation problems, like page up/down not working as before in remote shells.
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11:59.50fireba11dendrite: everything working now, thanks a lot for your help
12:00.06CruX|hi i have this in /etc/exports
12:00.06CruX|i am mounting this drive with mount -t nfs -o rw,exec,nolock,rsize=8192,wsize=8192 1
12:00.09CruX|and when i try to create file i get permission denied, i am root on both machines, any idea ?
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12:00.22userdefinedkintaro0e: do you mean /etc/services ?
12:00.23infernixlike, i can start Eterm, vi some file, and whereas pushing Insert twice would change the mode to Replace, now pushing Insert twice gives an error
12:00.47userdefinedkintaro0e: what are you looking to accomplish ?
12:00.52infernixCruX|: you need (rw,no_root_squash)
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12:01.15kintaro0euserdefined: i just want to make a static port for my program
12:01.24kintaro0euserdefined: is it posible
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12:01.54userdefinedare you trying to force a port on outbound connections ?
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12:02.14jlawgood morning
12:02.23CaptainNusscydork: i did what dpkg said, but it still doesn't work. the screen is repeatedly switched on and off, then i get an error message that the xserver couldn't be started. the last log message is 'initializing extension GLX', so that's where it halts
12:02.44multi_ioother dselect problem:
12:02.52CaptainNussin the log, i noticed the line 'Loading extension NV-GLX'. does that conflict with GLX?
12:03.08multi_iowhy doesn't it display the correct available version ( 0) ?
12:03.48azeemmulti_io: did you run dselect update?
12:03.55multi_ioazeem: yes
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12:04.11userdefinedkintaro0e: if you're trying to set which port ssh listens to for incoming connections, that's in /etc/ssh/sshd_config
12:04.15multi_io(umm. I chose "Update" in dselect)
12:04.33azeemmulti_io: no idea then
12:04.36kintaro0euserdefined: ah..i see
12:04.41kintaro0ethanks for the advice
12:04.49userdefinedkintaro0e: if you're trying to set which port ssh connects to on outbound connections, that can be done in /etc/ssh/ssh_config, even to a per host level
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12:05.05CruX|infernix: thx, it worx
12:05.09petemci dont it in ~/.ssh/config
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12:11.18OPU|Leviathancan some one help me please? i want a small debian install then icewm. should i just get the 1st cd image?
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12:12.02SlammerXP!d-i OPU|Leviathan
12:12.02dpkgOPU|Leviathan, you want to go to - for your own good, and everyone else's.
12:13.40kasperOPU|Leviathan: i'd get the netinstall cd, from the url above. and then install a base system. and 'apt-get intsall x-window-system-core icewm'
12:14.07kasperthat way your just installing what you need
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12:16.40mr_claus_if i copy a 80mb directory on the local system it takes 2 seconds, if i copy it accross a 1gbit fiber nfs it takes 80 seconds, is that normal?
12:17.12CaptainNussha! i got it to work! the problem was that the nvidia-glx-legacy stuff obviously wasn't uninstalled properly, so it was still being started on bootup along with the newer nvidia-glx
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12:18.28multi_ioazeem: I solved it. update complained that one of my sources wasn't available anymore. After I removed it from apt.sources and re-ran update, everything works
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12:19.05multi_io(I didn't think the unavailability of a source would trigger such behaviour in dselect :) )
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12:19.59rowmr_claus_: if coping to same drive on local system why can it not take the same amount of time?
12:20.17rowconstant read and write if using nfs, read/write/read/write with local.
12:20.37row80 secs tho for 80mb seems a lot.
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12:21.20nomedhi all
12:21.24mr_claus_row: i tested now the difference between read and write access, read the 80mb from nfs takes 9 seconds
12:21.37mr_claus_row: write the same data to nfs takes 94 seconds
12:21.59mr_claus_row: copy the files on the nfs server directly without using nfs takes 2 seconds
12:22.12*** part/#debian CaptainNuss (
12:22.12waitingmr_claus_: did you make sure that the read data was not cached?
12:22.16mr_claus_row: the disks are fast but the nfs write performance seems to be slow
12:22.31mr_claus_waiting: no, how i can be sure?
12:23.53sepmr_claus_, sync or async nfs ? check logs for nfs timeouts
12:24.41waitingmr_claus_: use data that never was read before
12:24.44waitingmr_claus_: ^^
12:24.58sepmr_claus_, read some data that have not been touched since last reboot, or last mount
12:25.32mr_claus_sep: rsize=4096,wsize=4096,retrans=10,bg,soft,intr
12:25.40mr_claus_sep: that are my mount parameters
12:26.19rowit will be set in /etc/exports mr_claus_
12:26.23sep  read about sync and async. especialy if you have nfs v2 anywhere
12:26.39mr_claus_row: it's sync
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12:27.14sepmr_claus_, try async then
12:27.23syntaxxhow can i go back to grub when i installed lilo?
12:27.35sepmr_claus_, but read that url so you know what that means
12:28.00dpkgSorry, sep, I didn't get your test.
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12:28.28mr_claus_sep: it seems that async send a ok before all the data were written
12:28.43sepis dpkg@freenode !=dpkg@oftc ?
12:28.50sepmr_claus_, exactly.
12:29.17sepor rather sends ok when data is recived on nfs server. sync say ok when data is commited to disk
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12:29.53azeemsep: they use the same database
12:29.54mr_claus_sep: ok, so the sync is the better choice but 80mb and 94 seconds are very poor, perhaps something is wrong configured, is the nfs protocol really so slow?
12:30.25sepsyntaxx, <dpkg> aptitude install grub; aptitude purge lilo; edit /etc/kernel-img.conf, so both postinst_hook and postrm_hook are equal to /sbin/update-grub - then run update-grub and install-grub /dev/harddiskdevice to be sure.
12:30.57sepmr_claus_, sync is not the better option. sync is the safe option, async the fast one. what's better depends on your needs
12:30.57syntaxxok thanks
12:31.01syntaxxil try to reboot now
12:31.39mr_claus_sep: i know, but if i think that the performance problem ist not due the disks or the cpu of the nfs server
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12:31.55mr_claus_sep: if the data are on the nfs server the commit would not need so much time
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12:34.21sepmr_claus_, perhaps you write to a journaled fs, and nfs dont consider the data commited to disk until the fs have actualy commited the journal to.
12:34.28septhat's why you should test with async to see
12:34.56mr_claus_sep: ok, i would test it but at the moment it's not possible because it's a production system
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12:35.11mr_claus_sep: the nfs-server use a ext3 journaling fs with acl's
12:35.14sepbesides you do have ups on your nfs server dont you ? and a raid controller with batterybackup
12:35.35mr_claus_sep: yes there is a raid controller with backup
12:36.31ph00I have one small problem here but I can't ask in the "right" channel because I already had some arguments with ppl therein: problem is, java -verion says I'm using 1.4.2 gij, I have installed sun's 1.5.0_06 and it works in the browser, but if I try to java -jar a jar file it still uses gij, I added the java directoy  to PATH but it didn't work. how do I fix that?
12:37.22sepph00, call suns java executable with a full path ?
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12:38.18ph00sep yes that should work, but I want the system to use the "right" java by default
12:38.36ph00maybe I've got it
12:38.48seppurge gij ? or make sure sun java is earlier in path then gij java
12:38.52ph00update-alternatives --config java should work, let's see...
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12:40.20mr_claus_sep: if i add an export to my exportlist and reload the nfs-server will the connections going down?
12:40.34thelostbutlerhello folks, is there is a guide on how to remaster a debian installation disk to run the latest kernel ?
12:41.38liran_does anyone have an idea if it's possible to get the result of 'lsof -n -i' from /proc?
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12:42.17dpkgwell, popcon is the Debian Popularity contest. See results at or install popularity-contest to participate. do the dpkg-reconfigure -plow popularity-contest right after you answered all debconf stuff
12:42.27septhelostbutler, why not use one of the allready backported installers ?
12:43.02thelostbutlersep: aah okay,  i didn't know about that
12:44.13thelostbutlersep: while i can use, those cd's , to rtfm, do you know of a guide ?
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12:44.45thelostbutlersep: thanks for pointing to the link. appreciate it
12:46.16mr_claus_sep: with async it's 25 seconds, to slow with 1gbit fiber
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12:51.30jharrisonwknvz: fine
12:51.32jharrisonwknvz: you?
12:51.52nvzI finally got internet the other day.. I should be happy as a technophile in a computer store with a credit line
12:52.04amphinvz: ;)
12:52.05jharrisonwkyou should be?
12:52.08jharrisonwkor you are?
12:52.31nvzbut my downstream signal is -19dB, my upstream is 8dBmV and my signal to noise ratio is 17dB
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12:52.42nvzI cant get connected too much damn line noise
12:52.54nvzpisses me off.
12:52.59jharrisonwknvz: ah so you are not happy as a technophile in a computer store with a credit line?
12:53.12nvzgotta wait for a tech to come out and figure out where the noise is comming from
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12:53.33jharrisonwknvz: dsl?
12:53.37nvzI went out an picked up a self-install kit and a modem and came home and weaped when it didnt work
12:53.40nvzno, cable
12:53.50jharrisonwkthat sucks
12:54.02nvzI need like about 35dB and I am only getting 19
12:54.14nvzbecause of all the damn noise
12:55.22nvzI told the tech support all this crap, so hopefully they put it all on the work ticket.. cause if a tech comes out and wants to start playing around in my house and messing with my computer asking questions about where my "start menu" is and shit I am gonna stab him
12:55.43nvzI already diagnosed the problem 100% I just need them to fix it :P
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12:55.54jharrisonwkstart menu?
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12:56.09peterSnvz: just get out your guitar and show them the Strat menu
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12:56.17jharrisonwknvz: you mean tty1?
12:56.23kasperwhats a start menu?
12:56.24jbrimblehow do i set up my wireless card in debian?
12:56.25nvzyeah you know how ISP's and cable/phone techs are.. they only understand microsoft windows
12:56.36jharrisonwkdont I know it
12:56.49kasperjbrimble: iwconfig - 'apt-get install wireless-tools'
12:56.52jharrisonwkI work in the ISP facility here
12:57.12jharrisonwkwe use about 98% linux in our office and data centre
12:57.22jharrisonwkbut they use windows
12:57.22nvzpeterS: the guitar I have right now, that my friend gave me is an "Indian" whatever the hell that is
12:57.32jharrisonwkand they know just about nothing about what they are doing
12:57.36*** join/#debian b_52Free_ (
12:57.41jharrisonwkI guess windows is not easy enough for them
12:57.42zamuronvz: The all around question ISPs make is: "Which Windows version are you using, sir?"
12:57.52*** join/#debian MetaPhaze (
12:58.02nvzpeterS: my Takamine G-Series acoustic-electric is stranded in texas if my uncle hasnt pawned it
12:58.04jharrisonwkI tell them I use linux and they are like hhmmm whats a linux?
12:58.48Tallu'Just go to your control panel and doubleclick system and you will see the windows version..."
12:58.53nvzzamuro: thats when I say sawfish 1.3+cvs20050222-1
12:59.03Althaserhow can I stop the sysklogd loggin ? please
12:59.17nvzzamuro: and they give me a funny look
12:59.24zamurojharrisonwk: LOL... I Said "I'm using freebsd 6 through ssh via Debian Etch on a Kernel 2.6.16"
12:59.25azeemAlthaser: please do not cross post immediately
12:59.37zamuronvz: Same here..
12:59.56*** join/#debian NoPlan (
13:00.03zamuroWhen I said that, there was a uncomfortable 10s silence on the phone rofl
13:00.08jharrisonwkwhats a cross post?
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13:00.39zamuroSome kind of bad traslation, I guess...
13:00.42nvzI dont tell them anything.. I just translate.. they explain the long click-map through the graphical shell to some control panel into some network properties dialog, and I just hit the tab key a few times and end up in my editor looking at /etc/network/interfaces
13:00.56sepjharrisonwk, a post on debian@oftc at the same time as on debian@freenode ? :)
13:01.08*** join/#debian zinx (n=zinx@unaffiliated/zinx)
13:01.12jharrisonwksep: are you kidding me?
13:01.28peterSjharrisonwk: it's true, that's what azeem meant
13:01.40Althaserazeem sorry
13:01.41jharrisonwkcan debian@oftc see what we say here?
13:01.44*** join/#debian DustyDingo (
13:01.47jharrisonwkand vice versa?
13:01.54peterSjharrisonwk: no.  two different channels.
13:01.57mr_claus_sep: scp takes the same time like nfs, so the performanceproblem comes from the network or the server?
13:01.57kasperhow can i get 'tail' to print the output directly to the desktop (transparently) like in this pic?
13:01.59Tallunvz: haha the best one i got was when i reported a problem with the isps dhcp server (which was at fault, they admitted later on) and they told me to start doing them windows commands and i told them i run linux "oh, why are you calling us then.. shouldnt you like fix it yourself?"
13:02.07peterSjharrisonwk: but Althaser posed the same question on both, without waiting for an answer on the first
13:02.12*** join/#debian |manpreet| (n=manpreet@
13:02.14jharrisonwkso what the deal with someone saying something in one network and then again on another network?
13:02.29nvzin this case I dont expect them to worry about anything inside my walls other than their modem. and right now the damn thing wont connect cause there is too much noise in my line. I'll take care of the rest past the modem's transparent bridge device
13:02.35jharrisonwkpeterS: yeah so? I dont understand what the problem is
13:02.43Althaserjharrisonwk my bad :P
13:02.45peterSjharrisonwk: it wastes the window real estate of those of us who follow both
13:03.22jharrisonwkisnt that a little nit picky?
13:03.27Tallukasper: wow that looks nice.. sort of makes me want to have a gui :P
13:03.39*** join/#debian msn (i=manpreet@unaffiliated/msn)
13:03.40peterSjharrisonwk: in fact it wasted the support resources of those who don't follow both, too - he didn't wait to see if he got an answer on the one channel before bothering everyone on the other.  he set up the distinct possibility of getting simultaneous answers both places from people who didn't know the other channel had already done the work to answer
13:03.59nvzI should be at home right now getting drunk and chatting with you guys.. but my tech isnt scheduled to come out until tomorrow.. so I've been just sitting there watching my modem lights flash
13:04.04azeemwhich is more relevant, IMHO
13:04.33jharrisonwkpeterS: yes I realize that but still to tell someone what they can do or not do on two different networks is out of line if you ask me
13:04.38jharrisonwkbut thats just my opinion
13:04.42kasperTallu: heh. i've got a few "toys" that are console only (i.e oldskool panisonic toughbook 25 (military issue)) running obsd in console :)
13:04.42sepmr_claus_, seams like it,. try scp testfile remote:/dev/null to see if that's faster
13:04.45azeemjharrisonwk: eh, I said "please"
13:04.47DustyDingoi am searching /etc/modprobe.conf or the  /etc/modules.d/ dir, but ca't find  them on debian, what are the equivalent files?
13:04.52azeemjharrisonwk: you made a issue out of it
13:05.01*** join/#debian mentor (n=matthew@unaffiliated/mentor)
13:05.02kasperTallu: and check this one.
13:05.03jharrisonwkazeem: I did not make an issue outo f anything
13:05.07jharrisonwkI just questioned it is all
13:05.14jharrisonwkis there a problem with that?
13:05.16peterSjharrisonwk: yeah, well, #debian on both networks are more or less officially supported - by most of the same people
13:05.27sepjharrisonwk, becouse many of those helping out on debian is on both networks
13:05.27jharrisonwkpeterS: yes I know
13:05.29azeemjharrisonwk: you got your answer
13:05.30*** part/#debian CruX| (
13:05.34DustyDingoi must load a module on startup but can't find those files where i normaly set it
13:05.37jharrisonwkazeem: yes I did
13:05.40NoPlanAnyone with experience in localization of debian online? I have a very strange accented char problem I need to resolve.
13:06.06Tallukasper: now i know the enxt thing i'll be setting up then.. :P
13:06.07NoPlanAll characters look fine on screen, but when I print, the accents disappear!
13:06.11nvzoh well I thought I'd drop in since I was over here near a working internet connection... I am gonna walk up the hill and watch my cousin hang some gutter.. I already got off work this morning, so I figure I'll go watch someone else work
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13:07.16kasperTallu: the system monitors in that last pic are from this prog a just found:
13:07.48Tallukasper: thanks!
13:08.18*** join/#debian d0rt (n=ni@
13:08.25mr_claus_sep: 80mb file takes 2 seconds with nfs and scp, perhaps the amount of files is the performanceproblem
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13:08.49shingouznvz: work is veyr entertaining, i can watch it for hours
13:09.23nvzyeah, hanging gutter is simple.. but that doesnt mean I am going to participate
13:09.50*** join/#debian AM|R-- (
13:10.22shingouznvz: yeah, you sit there with your laptop and irc while you watch, probably giving us a running commentary. 'looks like the gutter is... oops! no, the cousin just fell off the ladder..'
13:10.27nvzI am a condiment technician now, I cant be bothered with labor work.. I am Colonel Ketchup, or Major Mustard.. Private Pickles.. or something of the sort
13:11.00ph00I can get the st00pid PC to use sun's jvm instead of gij
13:11.03OPU|Leviathanwhat folder should i put icewm-1.2.x.tar.gz into to extract?
13:11.14azeemOPU|Leviathan: up to you
13:11.15sepOPU|Leviathan, ~
13:11.16jharrisonwkph00: java sucks
13:11.33ph00I know that
13:11.44sepOPU|Leviathan, why dont you just apt-get ice ?
13:11.49kasperOPU|Leviathan: if you running debian just apt-get it
13:11.52ph00But I need to have sun's java up to run some stuff
13:12.04jharrisonwkph00: that sucks
13:12.30jharrisonwkph00: if you follow the documentation you should not have a problem
13:12.38*** join/#debian gungnir (
13:13.02nvzoh well I am hungry too.. I'll be around more once I get that line noise problem sorted out and can get my network at home online.
13:13.18amphiph00: you've installed the sun jre?
13:13.25nvzI'll probably upgrade my boxes to etch once I get online :)
13:13.30shingouznvz: have fun sorting out the noise :)
13:13.58TalluThere. Just set up 3rd monitor so I can run gnome. :P
13:14.16shingouzgeek :p
13:14.16nvzif I could sort out the noise I would have done it already.. I'd get arrested for climbing the telephone poles.. thats why I am waiting for the damn cable tech
13:14.32*** part/#debian jharrisonwk (
13:14.36Tallushingouz: I know! :p
13:14.47nvzI am not sure if its something in the area, or in my house.. may just need a seperate line ran for the modem *shrug*
13:14.51ph00I followe the instructions I found on the java website, and it does work as long as it's about running java stuff while browsing the net, but when I try to run some .jar file it always runs gij, I tried adding the path to sun's java to PATH but that didn't help, symlinking the java directory to the gij dir didn't work either
13:15.00*** join/#debian MrNaz (
13:15.12OPU|Leviathanwhere should i install icevm to?
13:15.34ph00amphi I followed all the steps as explained in the website
13:15.34sepOPU|Leviathan, /usr/local
13:15.57amphiph00: try updating /etc/alternatives/java to point at the correct jvm - did you use make-jpkg?
13:16.15sepOPU|Leviathan, you _should_ install the package using apt-get, but since you insist on shootin yourself in the foot, better make it the left one, (/usr/local/) :)
13:16.26nvzfollowing instructions from sun and using make-jpkg are kind of mutually exclusive I would imagine
13:16.49nvzanyhow I am leaving before I sit here all day unproductivly :P
13:16.56ph00amphi, gonna try that thx
13:17.12shingouzme too, need to raid the refrig
13:17.28ph00apmphi what's the exact line plz?
13:17.53amphiph00: there is an article about how to do this on IIRC - don't listen to sun ;)
13:18.20*** part/#debian Steven` (
13:19.09ph00amphi gonna check that out, thx
13:19.16*** join/#debian gilianima (
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13:20.14AndroidDataIt's a Goa'uld! Run!
13:20.28azeemAndroidData: do you have a Debian question?
13:20.55AndroidDataI know the group NAMES, now I want to get the GIDs for them. Is there a command to retrieve the GIDs of groups?
13:21.18*** join/#debian absentage (n=doni@
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13:22.22Codemaster_Heu .... ls -n to get the gid
13:22.23absentageHeu .... ls -n to get the gid
13:22.51OPU|Leviathanon apt-get install x-windows-system i get E: Couldn't find package x-windows-system
13:22.51absentageon apt-get install x-windows-system i get E: Couldn't find package x-windows-system
13:23.14AndroidDataok. thanks!
13:23.15absentageok. thanks!
13:23.15shingouzwtf? we have an echo here?
13:23.16absentagewtf? we have an echo here?
13:23.25AndroidDataNo Comment.
13:23.26absentageNo Comment.
13:23.29*** mode/#debian [+o azeem] by ChanServ
13:23.30*** mode/#debian [+b *!*@] by azeem
13:23.30*** mode/#debian [-o azeem] by azeem
13:23.36shingouzthank you :)
13:23.37OPU|Leviathanany ideas?
13:23.50OPU|Leviathani installed debian but need X
13:24.16shingouzOPU|Leviathan: x-window-system perhaps?
13:24.56OPU|Leviathansom1 wrote it wrong
13:25.13Codemaster_AndroiData ... it was not what you asked for ?
13:25.36*** join/#debian syntaxx (n=syntaxx@
13:25.46syntaxxis it possible to mount .iso file?
13:25.59shingouzsyntaxx: yes it is. -o loop
13:26.40evilgeekazeem: a stupid question perhaps, but what's the purpose of a ban without a kick?
13:26.55azeemevilgeek: it quiets the nick
13:27.01ph00mount -t iso9660 -o loop /path/to/iso.iso /path/to/mountpoint (I'm not 100% sure but it must be something like that)
13:27.08evilgeek(i've seen people ban <funny-character>*!*@stuff to shut people up, but yeah.)
13:27.19*** join/#debian pusha1 (
13:27.36peterSevilgeek: when you see that, it's a +q flag, which I believe is only supported on a few networks like freenode
13:27.56peterSevilgeek: it's like a ban except that it doesn't actually prevent the person from re-joining if they get disconnected.  just keeps them from talking.
13:28.08*** join/#debian BrEaKeR_uk (
13:29.09dan2hey peterS
13:29.26peterSdan2: whoa ... where'd you come from?  I haven't seen you in like ... many months
13:30.24*** join/#debian Andy123 (i=Anirudhs@wikipedia/Anirudhsbh)
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13:32.11ph00I'm still trying to get the damn java to use the right jre/jvm or whatever it is...
13:32.51*** join/#debian w0ls0n (
13:32.54w0ls0nhi all.
13:33.24ph00I hate having to ask something in the #java channel
13:33.25w0ls0nI am helping someone with their Debian box and I am a FreeBSD user.
13:33.36w0ls0nHow do I find out if perl with suid is installed?
13:33.42w0ls0nor even if perl is installed?
13:33.57ph00try running something that requires it?
13:34.07Pryonls -l `which perl`
13:34.09realistw0ls0n: dpkg -l |grep perl
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13:34.42w0ls0nokay next question, how can I install perl with suid
13:35.03*** join/#debian oKtosiTe-server (
13:35.09Pryonapt-cache search perl | grep suid
13:35.33peterSPryon: simpler and does pretty much the same thing:  apt-cache search suid perl
13:35.35*** join/#debian mrcoyote (
13:35.56realistapt-get install perl-suid
13:36.16realistw0ls0n: you're welcome
13:36.21PryonInteresting.   Both return perl-suid and one other package, but the other package is different in each case.
13:36.25realistNice to see another BSD user here by the way ;-) is a new site im working on
13:37.53realistI use all of openbsd/freebsd/debian/ubuntu for work
13:38.08*** join/#debian MannieX (
13:38.16realistHave to say, much love for dpkg + apt
13:38.35w0ls0nI only use freebsd on my production boxes here. I just got vmware installed and im trying debain out to install something proprietary
13:38.37realistHas made me so lazy, I've almost forgotten how to manually compile from source ;p
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13:39.17realistWe use openbsd for network ops, freebsd file/application servers
13:39.30realistA few purpose built debain servers
13:39.40realistA few Ubuntu desktops
13:39.58realistSome in-house propriatry products running on linux too
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13:41.33robyI have apache2 installed, how do I turn this service off without removing it?
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13:43.02realistaccidently typed /quit
13:43.04CaptainNussdpkg: nvidia
13:43.04dpkgDO NOT use's installer. Ask me about "nvidia installer". Instead, read "nvidia-graphics-drivers" for instructions, or "nvidia one-liner" for a reminder if you've done it before. "Off to break the nvidia driver by changing the kernel interfaces again, this is becoming a fun hobby..."  - Greg Kroah-Hartman, Linux kernel hacker, on linux-elitists
13:43.15CaptainNussdpkg: nvidia one-liner
13:43.16dpkgi heard nvidia one-liner is update-pciids ; apt-get install module-assistant && m-a prepare && m-a a-i nvidia && apt-get install nvidia-glx nvidia-settings && modprobe nvidia && echo nvidia >> /etc/modules && dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86 (or xserver-xorg on testing and unstable). Contrib and non-free sources needed. See <non-free sources>  If you are using etch ask me about <etch nvidia>.
13:43.36realistCaptainNuss: what was the IRC network #debian migrated to?
13:43.42azeemCaptainNuss: please /msg dpkg
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13:44.27CaptainNussazeem: right. sorry :)
13:44.37CaptainNussrealist: i'm not sure i understand
13:44.42realistsep, oh of course :-)
13:44.46*** join/#debian fireba11 (
13:44.57realistForgot that was a CNAME
13:45.00*** mode/#debian [+l 617] by debhelper
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13:46.28OPU|Leviathanconfigure: error: X Window System or development libraries not found. Make sure you have headers and libraries installed!
13:46.35OPU|Leviathani just installed X
13:47.07*** join/#debian Dantix (n=Dante@
13:47.18azeemOPU|Leviathan: you need the development packages
13:47.56OPU|Leviathanso that i can use icevm?
13:48.02OPU|Leviathanu know the apt-get cmd for it ??
13:48.10azeemOPU|Leviathan: apt-get install icewm
13:48.17Dantixcan anyone point me to a "how to" implement a pppoe server on debian?
13:48.20OPU|Leviathanno i have icevm
13:48.25OPU|Leviathani get that error on config
13:48.35OPU|Leviathanof it
13:48.35azeemOPU|Leviathan: so why do you need to build from source?
13:48.44*** join/#debian syntaxx (n=syntaxx@
13:49.41OPU|Leviathanjust though i had to
13:50.05*** join/#debian Condector (
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13:50.38sepOPU|Leviathan, just       apt-get install icewm     like all other software in debian
13:50.45Condectorhey, a few time ago, a user tell me about one Debian with suport to SATA system...
13:50.48OPU|Leviathanok ty
13:51.10*** part/#debian sebastien (
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13:51.29Condectoranyone can help me?
13:51.31sepOPU|Leviathan, if there is a pice of software you want search for it with apt-cache search  icewm    then you see if something matches
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13:53.36ph00how do I manually add a path those that update-alternatives --config java looks at?
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13:55.44erfHey, how do I solve: FATAL: Module ipv6 not found.
13:56.25erfmodprobe ipv6
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13:57.21azeemwhat problem are you trying to solve with `modprobe ipv6'?
13:57.35erfSeeing if I have IPv6
13:57.38*** join/#debian Althaser (
13:57.41erfTrying to setup an IPv6 tunnel
13:57.50azeemerf: did you compile your kernel yourself?
13:58.08erfNo, It was compiled from my VPS provider
13:58.13erfIt's a xen vps.
13:58.26azeemso tell them to build the ipv6 module as well
13:58.59*** join/#debian Alex_78 (
13:59.00ph00what a bunch of assholes
13:59.10ph00not you guys
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13:59.19ph00I mean ppl on #java
13:59.35loumzhey, anyone have experience setting up svnserve to run on startup using an init script?
13:59.37azeemph00: so keep it there
13:59.47*** join/#debian xammu (
14:00.08ph00where? what?
14:00.15*** join/#debian b_52Free_ (
14:00.24erftest -f /proc/net/if_inet6 && echo "Running kernel is IPv6 ready" returns that it exists.
14:01.04azeemerf: so they probably compiled it in
14:01.07ph00I tried to get some help about the stupid java but all they could do was talking about  how debian sucks
14:02.07syntaxxis there a virtual cd rom drive on linux? ^^
14:02.29_gmakok i am at a 60% - 40% dilemma to choose debian over ubuntu
14:02.34erfazeem, and how do I solve my original problem of modprobe -a returning "FATAL: Module ipv6 not found."
14:02.42_gmakthe idea is to use testing though
14:02.56_gmakstable is too outdated for my liking on some things
14:03.04azeemerf: it is not a problem, running modprobe seems to be a solution to a problem which does not exist
14:03.07roby_gmak: then you'd have to choose debian... ubuntu is basted on unstable i believe
14:03.20azeemroby: that's a non-sequitur
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14:03.42_gmaki cannot find the testing isos roby
14:03.56ph00anyways,problem is this: when I try to run java -jar the system keeps using java 1.4 gij but I need sun's 1.5, which I have installed, but I can't configure the system to use it, it works only fro running java stuff in the browser. I did update-alternatives --config java but I didn't get the option to select my install. anyone can help with this?
14:03.56_gmaksequitur is latin :P
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14:04.17signutsAny folk familiar w/ mdadm and software raid5 on debian here?
14:04.34ph00non-sequitur is kinda on sense in Latin, two things that don't match
14:04.55peterSthe latin term does not have a hyphen: "non sequitur"
14:05.09ph00some day I'll learn to keep my mouth (fingers) shut...
14:05.10_gmakyes peterS that is correct
14:05.11ph00pters yes
14:05.19ph00no hyphens in latin
14:05.29ph00I spelled it wrong, sorry
14:05.29_gmakveritas filia temporis
14:05.35peterSI only remember this so clearly because I'm usually such a pedant but someone caught me saying 'non-sequitur' once
14:06.18ph00that must be someone who caught you "typing" thet (how do you pronounce a hyphen?)
14:06.27ph00now, who's pedant?
14:06.28peterSph00: of course it was typing.  you think I talk to people in _real life_?
14:07.01*** join/#debian adlpaf (n=adlpaf@
14:07.04ph00anyone can help me with that java thing?
14:07.09_gmakso where do i find isos for the testing debian branch please
14:07.15_gmakthe packages there are up to date
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14:08.30sengunwho generates /etc/kernel-img.conf ?
14:08.57_gmakpeterS: which one of the testing isos? weekly or the first one
14:09.03robywell, i don't see how my response was non sequitur :)
14:09.05peterS_gmak: read the page
14:09.18peterSit should give you enough information to decide which snapshot you want
14:09.45_gmakwell for production i know that you guys would not reccomend a testing branch
14:09.52_gmakbut thing is the stable branch is butt - old
14:10.07_gmaki would have to recompile all my favourite apps :s
14:10.09peterSyou define a year and a half as butt-old?
14:10.13ph00[way off topic] is Easter Island part of Chile?
14:10.17peterSph00: yes
14:10.32_gmakpeterS: when it gets stuck on majorly used apps yeah
14:10.38peterSph00: it's also known as Rapa Nui
14:10.45_gmakgnome is still in 2.8 for exampl
14:10.55ph00it was before the europeans got there
14:11.08ph00that's as far from chile as mexico...
14:11.25peterS_gmak: did linux work well for you 2 years ago?  if so, at what point did it suddenly stop working?
14:12.00_gmakpeterS: linux has always worked for me
14:12.04_gmakand freebsd too
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14:12.21_gmaki am only looking for having some shoe polish too mate for the desktop that is all
14:12.29peterS_gmak: does your software expire?  does it stop working?  I am having trouble understanding what it is about debian sarge which worked 2 years ago but doesn't work now
14:12.48*** part/#debian erf (
14:12.57_gmakpeterS: well, why not use gnome 2.14 for example in the stable branch as an upgrade
14:13.01_gmakthat is what i am talking
14:13.05*** join/#debian Noboru (n=Noboru@
14:13.06peterS_gmak: because that will break people's working systems
14:13.07_gmakit is not available in the backports
14:13.24_gmakand here is the catch
14:13.29peterS_gmak: I know red hat and gentoo and suse are all about breaking your working system from time to time, but debian tries very hard to avoid that
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14:13.52_gmaki know, and many people are thankful for debian's presence
14:13.59robypeterS: do you know if sarge is still using oss for sound, where as latest testings use alsa?
14:14.03_gmakgentoo is not what I would use in any case
14:14.08peterSroby: you can use either one in sarge
14:14.17_gmakpeterS: how is multimedia support in debian btw
14:14.31robypeterS: is the default oss?how does one switch between the two in sarge?
14:14.36peterS_gmak: what do you mean by 'multimedia'?  I can see pictures and hear sound.  what does multimedia mean to you?
14:14.49_gmakdvd playback, HE-
14:14.55ph00what repos sources shoud I use to *always* get the "right" packages?
14:15.00_gmakHE-AAC VBR  / DTS
14:15.09_gmakthat sort of stuff
14:15.10peterSroby: the default depends on the kernel you chose to install.  if you chose linux 2.4.27, I don't think the alsa drivers are installed by default
14:15.16amphi_gmak: mplayer works perfectly here, but there are no official debian packages
14:15.18_gmakand thank you for your time
14:15.29robyI need to go back to sarge, cus sound workd perefecly there... and alsa is blowing up on me in testing
14:15.37_gmakamphi: you have libdts?
14:15.52robythanks for your help peterS
14:16.07TalluHmm I've been using sarge for some time now.. I think it's time for me to try testing out.. I can always roll back if it doesnt work out for me. :) So if I change all my sources to etch now it'll become stable in december?
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14:16.50peterS_gmak: yes, libdts is in stable
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14:19.13MatiasHi, I'm new to debian. I've installed debian from the netinst cd and it's booted in the very stripped installation. I've figured out how to use aptitude, but it suddenly asks for a cdrom which i dont have any more.. can I somehow deactivate this and force it to use the network?
14:19.31BaughnMatias: Yes; edit /etc/apt/sources.list
14:19.37BaughnMatias: Then rerun apt-get update
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14:21.57azeemdpkg: xgl is also
14:21.58dpkgthat's too long, azeem
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14:22.46MatiasBaughn: thanks, I've found the entry, so I'll see if it'll work :)
14:22.50stewazeem: the videos are on the wiki page anyway
14:24.07GoAuLdwiki moki loki
14:24.46*** join/#debian five0` (n=five0@tor/regular/five0)
14:25.31ph00hey! the thing is "not recognizing" file formats in .so
14:25.34robyHey, I'm remotely connect to my box by ssh... is it possible to somehow install sarge remotely at thsi point?
14:25.39ph00what do I need to install?
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14:28.17Tallu548 upgraded, 276 newly installed, 35 to remove and 2 not upgraded.
14:28.17TalluNeed to get 474MB of archives.
14:28.27Talluoh wow.. :( this is going to take a while on 256/256
14:28.38ericP_am kinda working around the wireless (on an uncomfortably short teather) but have no idesa what device name now handles the synaptics driver
14:29.03mr_claus_is it possible to increase the nfs performance while copying a lot of small files?
14:29.08five0`Tallu: utilise someone elses bandwidth and implement apt-move :)
14:29.15mr_claus_i tested the performance with on big 300mb file now
14:29.22mr_claus_2 sec to read and 4 sec to write
14:29.29BaughnIs there a 2.6.18-based bootcd somewhere I could use to install with? I've got a jmicron PATA controller, so nothing older will work.. and yes, I know it's not officially out yet.
14:29.36_gmakpeterS: i will give a go for stable
14:29.40ericP_also, i plugged in a usbmouse, installed the module, saw friendly looking messages, but still none of /dev/input/{mice,mouse{0,1,2,3}} connect to devices
14:30.20_gmakafter all, all i want is a functional desktop, i will go on compiling what I do not have or want to have :s
14:30.27five0`ericP_: you could use evdev if you're using xorg
14:30.29Tallufive0`: hehe nah.. i'll just leave the house for 10 hours and come back and hope they've downloaded :P this is supposed to be 8/1 mbit connection but the isp messed something up pretty bad hehe
14:30.47ericP_(am now working from a text console with the unlikely irc prompt "Are you sure you want to quit (Y/N)?" -- things aren't going well)
14:30.54BaughnTallu: You have, of course, read them the riot act?
14:31.43ericP_five0, looking fro a module or a device in /dev called "evdev"...
14:31.49TalluBaughn: well, I've been fighting with them for 1,5 months with no luck.. I'm having the line changed to another isp by the end of the month though
14:32.35BaughnTallu: You should be able to get your money back too. You have not, after all, gotten what you paid for.
14:33.23TalluBaughn: heh well. I'm not paying anything for this connection.. even they agreed on it. But they just can't fix it because they accidentally deleted all my records or something
14:33.44BaughnTallu: Well, that's pretty ridiculous
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14:33.57BaughnTallu: If you're not paying for it, perhaps you should keep it and just add another one. ;)
14:34.31TalluBaughn: yeah it is ridiculous. well that'd mean i'd have to pull another copper line here, and I really don't want to do that
14:34.33ericP_five0, rmmod'ing and modprobing evdev didn't manifest in /var/log/{dmesg,syslog} or a change in /proc/devices -- what should i be looking for?
14:34.55TalluBaughn: next wires i'll be pulling here will be optic fibre, someday, somehow ;)
14:35.02BaughnTallu: Fii foo fum. Around here, we're about ready to start dragging fiber home.
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14:35.52cahootericP_: nothing in /dev/input?
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14:36.01TalluBaughn: they're not offering that too openly here yet.. because they're getting such good prices from dsl they have no reason to offer anything better. like they can charge a company 250 euros for a 2,5mbit shdsl...
14:36.06BaughnTallu: I'm quite looking forward to having a 12/12 network line. :P
14:36.36BaughnTallu: What, no competition?
14:36.51TalluBaughn: I sure could use one right about now. Heh, even a 8/3 dsl would be just fine. Anything would be fine compared to what I have now
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14:37.24BaughnTallu: Any company in the city could get 12/12 for ~130 euros a month. Not including the 1K required to drag the fiber inside, but still..
14:37.27TalluBaughn: not enough.. they just started bringing down the prices on dsl a year or two ago, because a new isp started offering it cheaper as they had just brought new dslams..
14:37.35_gmakpeterS: debian stops at gcc 3.4.3 versions in stable,  correct?
14:37.43TalluBaughn: just 1k? I think it's around 8 here.. hehe
14:37.54peterS_gmak: I can't remember for sure.  that sounds about right.
14:38.06BaughnTallu: No, it's 500. I hadn't checked in a while.
14:38.15_gmakhmm i wanted some 4.x stuff lol no problem though
14:38.18ericP_cahoot, /dev/input/event1 is tied to my synaptics, but is gpm or X supposed to drink directly from that?
14:38.21peterS_gmak: yeah, 3.4.3-13, and 4.x is not available.
14:38.22TalluBaughn: that sounds nice. Where's there? I'm ordering plane tickets. ;)
14:38.35BaughnTallu: Tromsø, the supposed back end of Norway. :P
14:38.57_gmakpeterS: your opinion about testing?
14:38.57TalluBaughn: ahh nice, never been to norway but met some great fellows from there :)
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14:39.31peterS_gmak: works great most of the time.  breaks sometimes.  I use unstable.
14:39.42ericP_cahoot, any idea what kind of protocol (or, more directly, what type to specify to gpm) if i read from /dev/input/event1 ?
14:39.43BaughnIs there a 2.6.18 bootcd somewhere I could use to install with?
14:39.54peterSericP_: gpm doesn't support evdev yet
14:40.08_gmakpeterS: define a major situtation you had with testing and/or unstable
14:40.10peterSericP_: which means it can't read directly from /dev/input/event*
14:40.20ericP_cahoot, note, all the mouse* and /dev/mice devices give me a "no such device"
14:40.31ericP_peterS, can i get X to read from it?
14:40.44ericP_or is it just supported by cat...
14:40.55azeemdo you have mousedev loaded?
14:41.02peterS_gmak: I don't have problems with testing or unstable because I know how to fix systems, and I don't tend to run desktop bloatware.  the problems people report about newish debian snapshots tend to be related to xorg and gnome and kde and such
14:41.31ericP_azeem, that was it. tx!
14:41.34mtomczakSo I just constructed a machine from discarded scrap this week. It's mostly working, but I think my NIC might be hosed strangely... Does anyone know of a network utility or web service that will route some data to your machine and then have you feed it back to verify that the round-trip is stable?
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14:41.49peterSericP_: the xserver-xorg-input-evdev package supports it, if you're using unstable
14:41.50Baughnmtomczak: ping. :P
14:42.14peterSericP_: but azeem's suggestion to use /dev/input/mice instead is probably simpler, both for gpm and for X
14:42.25mtomczakBughn: That's the weird part... ping works!
14:42.40_gmakpeterS: i only need a regular SLIM gnome or kde desktop; no fancy stuff; mostly interested in Java/C#/C++ working environments without problems because of missing libraries in the "developer tools" section of the distro
14:42.52_gmaki know how to fix things too, but i do not want to have to do it mate, that is all
14:42.55mtomczakBut when I go to a website, text comes in fine but images are corrupted. I think my NIC might be corrupting a tiny percentage of bits at the post-verify stage.
14:42.59_gmakdo not always have the time for that
14:43.03ph00how do I keep firefox to switch focus to the google search box if goole's page finishes loading while I'm typing in the address box ?
14:43.11ericP_peterS, yeah, chasing that down. got the mouse-all-over-the-page effect in X which, iirc, is a problem when using gpmdata incorrectly
14:43.20_gmakso if you are using a particular flavour of testing / unstable that is relatively ok, i would be glad to take on that bandwagon
14:43.21ph00you didn't understand much did you?
14:43.27mtomczak(I should have been clearer: when I say "discarded scrap" I mean "Someone slam-dunked this case into a municipal garbage bin") ;)
14:43.29Baughnmtomczak: That doesn't sound quite right - your OS verifies CRCs on all tcp packets at least
14:43.31madclickerhow do i mark a message unread in mutt?
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14:43.35ericP_peterS, though now (post mousedev) i have gpm support on the console
14:43.36ph00I'll try to say that again, and in English
14:43.37peterSmadclicker: N
14:43.50madclickerpeterS, Thanks
14:43.52Baughnmtomczak: Have you run memtest86+ on it?
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14:44.10Baughnmtomczak: For that matter, can it compile Linux successfully?
14:44.21peterSericP_: yeah if you're using kernel 2.6 there is little reason to use /dev/gpmdata at all.  may as well tell gpm _not_ to use the repeater, and tell X to use /dev/input/mice directly.
14:44.50ericP_peterS, tx for the advice. taking same...
14:45.00*** mode/#debian [+l 625] by debhelper
14:45.08mtomczakBaughn: It installed alright from CD, but I did a binary-install from a complete-enough distro. During the install, it did fail to connect to the repository to pull updates.
14:45.15peterSericP_: in case you missed it, the protocol names in gpm and X are "exps2" and "ExplorerPS/2"
14:45.23madclickerpeterS, I have a message marked with "D" i need to unmark it but if I go to it the curser skips to the next message?
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14:45.33ph00I launch firefox, start typing something in the addres field, but in the meanttime loads (it's my home page) so it finishes loading while I'm still typing, it switches the focus to the google search box and I finish end up typing half the address in the address files and the other half in the google searchbox. ho do I keep it from doing that focus switch thing?
14:45.37Baughnmtomczak: Binary install are notorious for working even on slightly-broken MBs or CPUs.
14:45.41peterSmadclicker: J K for moving up and down without skipping deleted messages
14:45.50Baughnmtomczak: I suspect that's what's happened, to be honest
14:46.00peterSmadclicker: j k (lowercase) are the same as up / down arrows
14:46.14peterSmadclicker: or you can go directly to a message by typing its number and hitting Enter
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14:46.52madclickerpeterS, last one, ..removing the "D"
14:46.58peterSmadclicker: u
14:47.24madclickerpeterS, thank you for your input
14:47.56mtomczakBuaghn: Thanks :) I'll give that a look.
14:48.06five0`are any of you familiar with the following error? (this is a fresh installation of sarge on lvm2/raid1 : no noticeable problems) devfs_mk_dir: invalid argument.<4>devfs_mk_dev: could not append to parent for /disc
14:48.24mtomczakmemtest86+ I've never tried... will I need to pull that in, or should it be in my install?
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14:49.18Baughnmtomczak: It'll be a separate boot cd/disk. Google.
14:50.29syntaxxim trying to install a 4 cd software using wine but when the first cd installed it search for cd2 how can i do that?
14:51.06Baughnsyntaxx: Um, insert cd 2?
14:51.13five0`is it possible to mirror both a release and it's corresponding security-branch with apt-move?
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14:51.50syntaxxBaughn: it says cannot find installer
14:52.14Baughnsyntaxx: Then I wouldn't know. You're not installing it with apt-get, are you?
14:52.37syntaxxBaughn: i just said im installing it with wine :D
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14:52.59mtomczakSounds good. Thank you!
14:53.01Baughnsyntaxx: Rihgt. I'm no expert in malfunctioning windows programs, I'm happy to say.
14:53.08Baughnsyntaxx: Check the wine database.
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14:53.55gniretar_workhi all
14:54.11gniretar_workwhat is the correct way to add an entry to /etc/ using a deb?
14:54.37gniretar_workshould i just write some perl to check for the entry and if its not there then add it?
14:54.47gniretar_workis that considered safe?
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14:55.55ericP_ahh, now working in a reasonable sized console under irssi -- ready to attack my ipw2200 (preseumed) firmware problems. tx peterS, cahoots, and someone else
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14:59.55YeTr2does anyone know of any work in debian on iptables extensions and how to install them properly?
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15:01.07ppHi folks, anyone here use maconlinux?
15:01.19gniretar_worknope, i want to try it out tho
15:01.28realistpp, yes I have.
15:01.43ppits pretty cool
15:01.56realistOn a G4 Mac running Ubuntu, incidently
15:01.59ppAnyone know how I can start it up in windowed mode instead of full screen mode?
15:02.30ppI just re-installed it and now it defaults to full screen mode
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15:03.29pprealist did you compile the modules?
15:03.44shingouzpp: is this debian?
15:03.48realistpp: I didn't actually set it up.
15:03.57TalluHeh. Now upgrading from sarge to etch.. bit nervous. Will have to see how it goes. :P
15:03.57shingouzpp: #ubuntu
15:04.05realistpp: you're probably better asking in #ubuntu
15:04.15realistOr reading the maconlinux docs
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15:05.09ppyeah the problem is that my keyboard hasn't been mapped properly, just the default
15:05.15berzerkawhat do i have to put into fstab to make an ext2 partition user-mountable and in also writable for that user? i always get root:root as owner, and i dont see any ext2-options like uid=, gid= in man mount.
15:05.36ppbut there must be a way of starting it up in windowed mode
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15:06.15shingouzpp: really. you run ubuntu, ask in #ubuntu. ubunbtu and debian are not the same
15:06.31ppalmost the same
15:06.39zinxpp: #ubuntu
15:06.51ppyou guys crack me up
15:06.51Tallu!tell pp about based on debian
15:07.04shingouzpp: yeah... and if you buy yourself a ford you probably go have it serviced at the local gm 'because they both have four wheels'
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15:07.28Roninpp: how about go to #redhat and ask about mandriva
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15:07.37azeempp: you're free to ask questions in here, but please do not expect answers
15:07.53azeemmost people in here chose to support people running Debian, not Ubuntu
15:07.55pplisten guys no need to take the piss mol on ubuntu is the same as mol on debian
15:08.01epsI want to know what the sed command cut off the first five chars (inc whitespace) of around 1000 files is if any one feels nice and wants to construct it for me :D
15:08.04TalluOr we could have debian forward to ##windows and ask our questions there.. after all, they both run on a pc!
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15:08.19Roninpp: no its not the same as debian, thats our point
15:08.27epsTallu windows runs? since when? :P
15:08.37dendritepp: Put another way, the vast majority of issues we see are configuration based.  And, configuration is the MAJOR difference between one Linux and the next, including Debian derivitives.
15:08.39Tallueps: haha :P
15:08.54azeempp: what does dpkg -l mol say?
15:09.06ph00how do I rout *all* connections thru tor? I aldready used the net proxy configuration tool in the menu/preferences but I'm afraid that not everything is going thru tor. how do I check that?
15:09.44pp| Status=Not/Installed/Config-files/Unpacked/Failed-config/Half-installed
15:09.45pp|/ Err?=(none)/Hold/Reinst-required/X=both-problems (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)
15:09.45pp||/ Name           Version        Description
15:09.45*** kick/#debian [pp!n=debhelpe@unaffiliated/debhelper] by debhelper (use the paster bot or #flood)
15:09.55peterSoh, one of the _intelligent_ ubuntu users
15:10.03Ronineveryone raise your hands if you didnt see that coming
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15:10.20epspeterS hey I'm one of those! ...which is why I use debian :)
15:10.22shingouzi love debhelper
15:10.24waylandbillshingouz: if you've got cash I bet the gm dealer would be more than happy to work on your ford. ;-)
15:10.29realistRonin: apparently it was inevitable :-)
15:10.54shingouzwaylandbill: doesnt change the fact that it is still a ford :p
15:11.26waylandbillfor sure
15:11.31epsgm dealers happily service fords in many cases, there is nothing in the service contracts about it...though I recommend not doing it cause all their data is for gm cars
15:11.58*** part/#debian Apophis (
15:12.03five0`are any of you familiar with the following error? (this is a fresh installation of sarge on lvm2/raid1 with no noticeable problems) "devfs_mk_dir: invalid argument.<4>devfs_mk_dev: could not append to parent for /disc"
15:12.05peterSeps: it's not, however, a very good idea to ask the GM dealer whether they will honor the Ford warranty and do your work for free
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15:12.38epspeterS yes it is, to see if they will laugh at you or to see if they will laugh at you and ring the nice men in the white coats to take you awar
15:12.40ericP_allright, that wasn't too convincing looking on my irc client
15:13.04peterS"they're made of meta!"
15:13.10epskk so I think I have the right sed command to get rid of the first five chars in a file how do I get it to run through all files in a dir?
15:13.24peterSeps: rename 's/.....//' *
15:13.24shingouzit's full of meta? :p
15:13.38peterSeps: the 'rename' command is great.  it's perl, not sed, but it's still great.
15:13.40epsmmm rename? *mans*
15:14.00epsah nice, it's not sed but it does what I want :D
15:15.05kth``Hello, is there a cpu underclocking tool under linux? I've a ECS k7som with a soldered in ~800mhz cpu that's overclocked to 1ghz that heats up to 80C in minutes and does random panics/bsods if I don't use cpucool(over/underclocking tool for windows) to underclock it, is there a similar tool that runs under linux?
15:15.06cahootpeterS: what happends to the file with an 5 char name?
15:15.11epsperfect! :D *hugs his now rightly named files*
15:15.32peterScahoot: try it and see.  I'm guessing that file will be untouched because the kernel will return an error
15:15.33epskth`` underclock it in bios?
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15:16.21PepperBobhi all
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15:17.18kth``eps; I've no options for anything cpu related in bios... Though... You remind me that I should probably look for a bios upgrade, may be they made one in the later updates, thanks
15:17.22PepperBobi know this question isn't a debian one.. but when i have a RAID. are the harddrives connected to it seen as one single device?
15:17.51stewPepperBob: yes, each raid array appears as a single partitionable drive
15:17.52peterSPepperBob: depends on what sort of RAID it is
15:18.08stewPepperBob: (yeah that is assuming it is real RAID and not fakeraid)
15:18.35PepperBobpeterS: yes real raid over a real raid controller. no software raid or stuff like that... it's a raid 1
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15:18.56peterSPepperBob: then most likely your raid controller will present the OS with a single emulated SCSI disk, /dev/sda or whatever.
15:19.02shingouzPepperBob: each array looks like a drive to the system then
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15:19.17PepperBobah okay. thank you! that was helpful.
15:19.20toscohi all
15:19.30ppubuntu is too easy to install so the folks over at #ubuntu aren't as helpful :-)
15:19.49azeempp: please do not paste in here more than 1 or 2 lines
15:19.49peterSpp: the one doesn't follow from the other.  there could be many reasons they aren't as helpful
15:19.58azeempp: we all know the first three lines of dpkg -l output
15:19.59blondiepp: don't come here for ubuntu help ;)
15:20.06shingouztempting... very tempting.. the /ignore...
15:20.47toscoi need to configure my apache for libapache-asp-perl, it's installed but i can't load my asp files, have another configuration?
15:21.04Nosf3ratuIs there a definite method of changing between wireless identities? e.g. taking your debian laptop from your home to a coffee shop and easily flipping between the two networks?
15:21.53ppNosf3ratu: System --> Administration --> Networking
15:21.57peterSNosf3ratu: apt-cache search laptop network config
15:22.01ppset up locations
15:22.08peterSNosf3ratu: there's like 600 implementations of that concept in debian
15:22.13peterStake your pick
15:22.17Nosf3ratupp, please don't give me some GUI stuff.
15:22.21Nosf3ratuThanks peterS.
15:22.22realistpp: debian isn't ubuntu
15:22.36epsubuntu users aren't as helpful as they aren't as knowledgeable about their distro ... if you aim some thing at newbs that is who you will get in your support community, though it is nice to see that the ubuntu community has a decent mixture - they just can't help with anything really advanced
15:23.10*** join/#debian Frankablu (
15:23.16mr_claus_is there any way to increase the performance of nfsv3 to handle a lot of small files or do i have to upgrade to nfsv4 or any other remote filesystem?
15:23.20ppeps: totally
15:23.23steweps: please keep it on topic
15:23.46epsstew I'm just pointing out the blatant to pp as he seemed to miss it
15:24.25steweps: and i'm asking you not to
15:24.29ppeps i said the same as you but the debian nazis disagreed
15:24.38YeTr2kth``: you could consider seeing if you can throttle down the cpu, or see if there is a jumper configuration to lower the multipier or bus speed
15:24.42azeempp: look, please keep it down, ok?
15:24.51epsstew and I'm noticing you're asking me not to say anything, want to state it again?
15:25.05azeempp: you have failed to provide detailed version information of your mol package up till now
15:25.09Nosf3ratupeterS, have you personally used any of these?  There _are_ quite a few...
15:25.18peterSNosf3ratu: I don't have a laptop, so no
15:25.31Nosf3ratuAlright :)
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15:25.53ppazeem Mac-on-Linux 0.9.70
15:26.11steweps: huh? i'm asking you to keep your comments on topic.  i'm not sure why you would want me to repeat that.
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15:26.14jellyIs there something like google desktop, but for Linux?
15:26.23waylandbillNosf3ratu: you'll just have to up the number of strikes higher than 3 and try em all.
15:26.27azeempp: the package version, not the upstream version
15:26.31toscoi need to configure my apache for libapache-asp-perl, it's installed but i can't load my asp files, have another configuration?
15:26.35epsstew thanks
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15:28.11ppazeem: what's the difference? to packages come it different configurations hence different versions?
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15:28.34peterSpp: if you don't want to supply any information, fine.  you're not making it easy for anyone to have any desire to help you, though.
15:28.37azeempp: Debian and Ubuntu modify packages, you know
15:28.39epspp work it out for yourself...try and use ndiswrapper from ubuntu on debian or debians on ubuntu and quit your complaining
15:29.02azeempp: if the version information contains `ubuntu', you should check what they changed, we won't be able to tell you
15:29.41ppall I want to know is how would you do it on debian
15:29.44zinxpp: yes, packages come in different configurations, with different patches, etc
15:30.00azeempp: we would have to read the documentation to find out as well
15:30.18ppfair point azeem
15:30.19azeempp: as you have that package installed already, I suggest you research it yourself
15:30.20ph00how do I grant a regular user permission to write to a LUKS encrypted partition? (the right-click thing isn't working)
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15:30.38kth``YeTr2; This is a very cheap board with a soldered in cpu, I see only about 3 jumper pins on the board, none of which are related to cpu according to the motherboard handbook
15:30.44azeempp: if somebody just knew, they would have told you already
15:31.20ppCan someone suggest a good terminal logger for compiling kernels and the like (on debian)
15:31.32zinxterminal logger? o_O
15:31.36azeemjust redirect the output to a file
15:31.55zinxon debian i'd use make-kpkg, and not bother with logging the output, because unless there's an error, i don't need to.
15:31.56stewpp: script
15:32.11ppstew cheers
15:32.25YeTr2kth``: consider putting a heatsink on it?
15:32.31zinxif you really want to log it, you can use 'tee', or just redirect it if you don't care about seeing it
15:32.36epsmmm if I had two folders full of files and I wanted to check for dupes across the two folders (see if folder a has some thing from folder b) how would I do it...noting that folder a has 13k files and folder b has 8k files
15:32.45epsk = thousand
15:32.59zinxbut might i suggest gentoo may be better for you if you like watching lines of useless information fly by
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15:33.13ppzinx :-)
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15:33.52ppokay folks I'm going to leave you thanks for you help
15:33.52waylandbillmy computer tells me k = 1024. ;-)
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15:34.15the_muganyone here uses Evolution and has had problems with the OWA url being https ??
15:34.22zinxk = *1000, kB = 1024 bytes
15:34.33zinxit's Magic
15:34.36epswaylandbill odd that your computer is wrong...I've always assumed having a thousand files ment you only had 1000 (or 999 - which ever you consider is correct :P)
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15:34.48epsthe_mug indeed
15:35.06the_mugeps: any workarounds?
15:35.21kth``YeTr2; Don't want to waste any money on this pc as I'm not going to use it for long I think, since it works fine if I underclock it, I'll keep that in mind as a last resort
15:35.30epsthe_mug I assume you have the latest evolution? else iirc the solution is in the ms kb
15:35.53epswe had to work through it at work so I assure you there is a solution...though I did it about a year ago now so I can't think of it off hand
15:36.26the_mugeps: what would I search for on the Microshaft KB ?
15:36.30YeTr2kth``: 1Ghz and no heat sink?!   dude!
15:36.50epsthe_mug because it's a weird problem that doesn't only effect evolution ...
15:37.15kth``YeTr2 Oops... I thought you mean better heatsink, there is one, but it's tiny with an improvised fan
15:37.18epsthus there is a kb post where it effects some other microsoft partnered programs that also have troubles, to which there is a solution some where
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15:38.01reggy2Hey guys does anyone in here use ADSL with PPPOA (PPP over ATM) and the USB ADSL Alcatel Speedtouch modem revision 4 (silver model) in debian unstable?
15:38.11quitte_wow. you know you shouldn't have left your laptop in the sun when its screen looses hsync
15:38.14reggy2I mean, have they managed successfully to install it?
15:38.29YeTr2kth``: ohh.. I'd still consider getting a real heatsink, and some thermal epoxy to attach it with
15:38.59shingouzreggy2: polling 'does anyone' usually does not help a lot. what is the problem you have with the alcatel?
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15:39.35epsreggy2 used it for about a year at my fathers under ubuntu...the install method is the same I believe
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15:41.00Firestarteris it possible and safe to allow normal users permission to enable and configure network connections
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15:41.24shingouzFirestarter: possible yes, safe no
15:41.33blondieFirestarter: no
15:41.55quittenot even possible without letting them run ifconfig as root somehow
15:42.03shingouzpersonally i would *never* let a user configure a network, they usually screw something up
15:42.20epssudo with the ability to only use ifconfig :P
15:42.22blondieeven on a desktop machine
15:42.27quitteFirestarter: ifplugd might help there?
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15:42.31blondieeps: bad.
15:42.57epsblondie of course it's bad; though I'm answering his question, not grilling him for asking it
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15:43.12blondieeps: except you didn't answer it :P
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15:43.28epsblondie I pointed out a simple solution
15:43.28quitteFirestarter: why do you want that?
15:44.37blondieeps: that's not what he asked
15:44.46epsmmm what makes up load averages?
15:45.00*** mode/#debian [+l 638] by debhelper
15:45.12NwallinsI need a program like tcpdump, except instead of dumping packet headers, it dumps packet payloads to STDOUT.  I have been using tcpflow, but it inserts newlines (supposedly to delimit messages, but I am seeing them within a binary message now)
15:45.29epsI always assumed it was an average of the main stats of a system...though I'm only using the hdd now (no ram or cpu) and it's maxed
15:45.37kth``YeTr2 I don't believe I'll need this pc that much -- I don't expect to be at home much in the next few years or so... I'd prefer to underclock this pc and put it as a file server/jukebox or some such... Anyhow, need put a floppy drive in here for bios patching, who uses floppies nowadays anyway? >_> Good evening to all
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15:48.18chableanyone have a minute to spare ?
15:48.33epsmmm does the following perl statement work 's//name name -/' * where working is adding name name -* ?
15:48.36epschable no
15:48.40azeemchable: just ask your question to the channel
15:48.40chablesee ya
15:48.52azeemeps: please do not give confusing answers
15:49.01FirestarterI was just thinking about making a script to enable and make it so I can switch to and from wireless/wired internet.
15:49.01Firestarteron my notebook
15:49.02FirestarterI didn't think it was safe
15:49.03epsazeem what confusing answer?
15:49.04chablewell azeem , can u tell me how do i change icons size , on debian 3.1
15:49.18FirestarterThanks all for the help
15:49.19azeemchable: don't ask individuals, ask the channel
15:49.22quitteFirestarter: use ifplugd
15:49.28azeemchable: because I don't know
15:49.35chablesomeone can tell me how do i change icons size , on debian 3.1
15:49.58epswhat window manager?
15:50.00quitteFirestarter: just add a simple command to bring down wireless if wired is available
15:50.06epsno idea
15:50.22chablethey are kinda big
15:50.31chableand the font size also
15:50.39chablei just installed debian , its my first time
15:50.40epsthere will be an option in the control centre
15:50.47shingouzchable: doesnt it have some kind of configuration thingie in there? i have no idea where to look because i do not use KDE though
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15:50.55chablei see
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15:51.11chableshingouz ive looked everywhere , but i got lost :)
15:51.18chablethis i why i came here for help
15:51.18epsyay my perl statement worked :)
15:51.39shingouzchable: it has to be somewhere there, a control center or something as eps said
15:51.55toscoi need to configure my apache for libapache-asp-perl, it's installed but i can't load my asp files, have another configuration?
15:51.57shingouzchable: something point and click...
15:51.59epsI think most people in here use gnome or similar (xfce) or more hardcore window managers
15:52.01chableok its sorted
15:52.06epschable where was it?
15:52.08chablein the control center
15:52.27chablenever used *nix , as desk
15:52.28epsit's okay, for awhile you get to say 'I'm new' :P
15:52.32chableonly remote
15:52.38ph00how do I grant a regular user permission to write to a partition?
15:52.39chablei can be dumb too
15:52.42epsjust explore for a touch first before looking for help
15:52.44realistchable: what window manager are you using?
15:52.47chablei dont care too much :)
15:52.50stewph00: what filesystem is on the partition?
15:52.52chablerealist im using kde
15:52.58shingouzchable: come here on a sunday and you see what 'dumb' really means ;)
15:52.59ph00linux as desktop/laptop is great
15:53.14epswhy sundays?
15:53.18epsph00 agreed!
15:53.31ph00stew it's an ext2
15:53.32shingouzeps: never been here on a sunday i think?
15:53.33blondielinux on a laptop isn't so great
15:53.48ph00linux, it's grrRRReat!
15:53.50shingouzblondie: i beg to differ
15:53.55epsit took 30 minutes to print a word document at uni today...most of that was logging into the windows system...I just sat their laughing considering I'd written the assignment in 30 mins at the debian labs :|
15:53.57cydorkblondie, this is from laptop debian powered ... :)
15:54.01stewph00: then change ownership / permissions as you would any other file / directory: /msg dpkg Permissions
15:54.09blondiedepends if your hardware is fully supported
15:54.12epsshingouz I normally help during the week, bounce around on friday nights (now) and ignore weekends :P
15:54.42dpkgSunday is the day all trolls swarm to #debian, avoid at all cost to remain sane.
15:54.48ph00stew I tried with the right click thing but it doesn't work
15:55.28stewph00: read the link in "/msg dpkg permissions" ; man chmod ; man chown
15:55.28epswhy sundays thought? people get bored then?
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15:55.50shingouzeps: msg dpkg sing sunday
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15:56.01chableok , thank you for your help guys
15:56.02epsjust a note to who ever pointed out rename earlier tonight...much <3 for you! you have no idea how much time you are saving me on this renaming project :D
15:56.07chableim out
15:56.10ph00also I tried changing ownership with chown -R <user> <path> but that didn't work either
15:56.12epslater ChanServ
15:56.26epsph00 chown -R user:group /path
15:56.30stewph00: be more specific than "didn't work"
15:56.31epsyou may need to be root
15:56.38stewyou definately need to be root
15:56.41epswait....that isn't advised depending on the path :P
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15:57.12icyfire0573I'm having a rather odd problem. KDE isn't working on my computer. I installed Etch about a month ago and whenever I'm running KDE I get kernel faults and have to reboot the machine. I don't know what the issue is but this dosen't happen when I run Gnome. Has anyone encountered something like this?
15:57.12epsI got flamed in here for doing it to whole partitions in /mnt :|
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15:59.40ethnahi , someone knows which is the package to get sasl support in postfix _?
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16:00.30Ryengothethna: postfix-tls?
16:00.49ethnaRyengoth: i dont have sasl utilitys :S
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16:01.02ethnaand this packages give me tls
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16:01.12ethnabut i need sasl for smtp auth
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16:01.22Ryengothethna: what debian version?
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16:01.39ethnasarge testing
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16:01.45five0`are any of you familiar with the following error? (this is a fresh installation of sarge on lvm2/raid1 with no noticeable problems) "devfs_mk_dir: invalid argument.<4>devfs_mk_dev: could not append to parent for /disc"
16:02.00stewethna: postfix-tls
16:02.16ethnai have installed stew
16:02.23jbalcombDoes anyone know how to set up loggin bash commands to syslog in Debian? In Gentoo you just specify USE flag bashlogger.
16:02.23Maliuta_tls is good 'mkay?
16:02.24ethnabut dont have sasl utilitys
16:02.32abrocadabrois it possible to boot my debian Live CD from another computer across the network onto my laptop? my laptop doesn't have a cdrom
16:02.39epsinteresting that gnome nautilus only allows you to be doing 13 operations at once :|
16:02.47ethnaand i repeat that this packages gives postfix tls but not sasl
16:02.52jbalcombabrocadabro: does you laptop have a usb port
16:03.08abrocadabrojbalcomb: yes it does
16:03.09stewethna: postfix-tls depends on libsasl2 which is what you need to do sasl with postfix
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16:03.31jbalcombabrocadabro: how about just booting off a usb drive of the cd image?
16:03.31ethnastew: let me check some things
16:04.06shingouzabrocadabro: boot off a usb stick, usb cdrom should work. boot off a floppy... many ways to boot so that you can install
16:04.07stewethna: and you definatly need the postfix-tls package to do sasl, you can't just add the sasl packages and not the -tls package and expect sasl to be working
16:04.09ethnafor example saslpasswd2 sasldblistusers2
16:04.21ethnai dont know what packages give me this tools
16:04.41ethnastew: i have isntalled postfix-tls
16:04.56abrocadabrojbalcom: how do I boot from a usb disk? do I just copy everything on the CD to a usb disk?
16:04.56stewethna: /msg dpkg apt-file ; /msg dpkg search
16:05.21ethnastew: thx, ^^
16:05.22stewethna: iirc that is the sasl-bin package (or something similarly named)
16:05.54jbalcombabrocadabro; i'm not versed on the specfifics but i know it can be done. you'll need to do something to make the usb drive bootable.
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16:06.25jbalcombabrocadabro: try search for booting or installing linux from a usb drive
16:06.51ethnadpkg dont say me nothing :S
16:06.56stewjbalcomb: "/msg dpkg usb-install"  (even if you aren't trying to install, this page will give you some insights on making usb media bootable)
16:07.09stewdpkg: tell ethna about apt-file
16:07.15stewdpkg: tell ethna about search
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16:08.38abrocadabrojbalcomb: found it at
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16:09.32Ryengothstew: sasl2-bin
16:09.34jbalcombabrocadabro: nice work. good luck!
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16:09.57jbalcombHow do I log my bash command line to syslog in Debian?
16:10.05five0`is there a frontend to mdadm operations (much like the one offered in the sarge installation cd?)
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16:12.13Talnakhhey guys does anyone know how to convert tinyurl into a proper long URL?
16:12.34zinxTalnakh: go to it
16:13.17Talnakhwell, i need a simple script which would do it automatically using any language
16:13.19five0`Talnakh: there's no algorithm
16:13.59zinxTalnakh: write a script that hits it, and extracts the destination
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16:14.37zinxafaik that's the only way the tinyurl database is accessable
16:14.50Talnakhi guess so.
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16:15.19Ryengothwrite your own tinyurl DB, if you need pass short urls around
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16:19.31ethnastew: thx so much ^^, just learned how util is apt-file :)
16:19.49ethnaand found the package :)
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16:21.51sepski!msg if he didnt quit but heraled my ped might have worked
16:23.24elkidis somebody ever had a usb2.0 pen and it never write over 10 mb/s?
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16:26.21Siddhartaexcuse me i'm running sid on a laptop, and since myupgrade of linux-image-2.6.17-2-686 (from 2.6.15) my usb keyboard was not recognized anymore , so i wrote a bug report, and a person told me to install udev, so what i found strange is that udev is nt installed on my system, and the usb keyboard always worked with hotplug , furthermore the latest version of udev is really not stable !!
16:26.52gordIs there a guide for how to install debian from within another linux distro - live? I know someone who did it regularily using debootstrap and some careful planning
16:26.56azeemSiddharta: when did you last upgrade before?
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16:27.24Specheya....I have two kernels that I've compiled myself, one's a 2.4 and one's a 2.6. When I run python on the 2.4 kernel it threads correctly, however, when I run python on the 2.6 kernel, it doesn't thread at all....what could be in the kernel that won't allow python to thread?
16:27.25Siddhartayou mean i changed the kernel ?
16:27.34Siddhartaor i dist-upgraded
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16:27.53azeemSiddharta: the latter
16:28.58Siddhartai 'aptitude update && aptitude dist-upgrade && aptitude autoclean && updatedb' almost everyday
16:29.07shingouz!tell gord about chroot install
16:29.16shingouz!tell gord about debootstrap
16:29.56SiddhartaSpec: i had the same pb with a fbsd kernel
16:30.05Siddhartait was what you described
16:30.11Spechave you fixed it? :p
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16:31.21Siddhartayeah in fill in the box 'support python thread r something like that
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16:31.32Siddhartain the kernel config
16:31.42azeemgord: there is debtakeover, but it has not been updated for sarge yet
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16:32.35LinuxHelploll, my mouse just dissapeared
16:32.35Siddhartaazeem: if i install udev with sid i will getthe latest version of it and i'm not in trust with it
16:32.48azeemSiddharta: well, it's unstabel
16:33.17LinuxHelpstraight out of x
16:33.17Siddhartabut udev is to much unstable i think
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16:33.45LinuxHelpbut gpm still works
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16:35.04dos000is there a way to restart a network interface via ssh whithout getting yourself locked out ? i just tried it on a remote server and i had to get it rebooted
16:35.42die_zHi! I'm trying to set up X11 forwarding through ssh and can't find the right info using google, are there any detailed (nearly-idiot-proof) howtos out there?
16:35.56azeemdos000: why do you need to restart the network interfaces in the first place?
16:36.02Siddhartados000: well i would say yes if it's not the same interface
16:36.10azeem!x11 forwarding
16:36.26Siddhartayou're connectin'
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16:36.49dpkgextra, extra, read all about it, sshx is Enable X11Forwarding **on the remote server** (/etc/ssh/sshd_config) and install xauth (in xbase-clients) on both the client and the server. Then you can use ssh -X on the client side. Ssh will run xauth and set the DISPLAY variable automatically. Neither xhost, nor X tcp support are necessary. Hint: ssh -X root@localhost, or
16:36.53dos000Siddharta, would creen work ?
16:37.53die_zthx, I was exactly stuck on automatically setting DISPLAY
16:37.59azeemdos000: screen will make sure you can take over your terminal session again after you relogin
16:38.15azeembut as you said you had to get it rebooted, I assume sshd did not work afterwards?
16:38.33Siddhartaazeem: what do you think about installiing udev?
16:38.49azeemSiddharta: I don't have an opinion on it
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16:39.06azeemapparently you can still circumvent installing it, but it is getting more difficult every day
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16:39.08Siddhartawhy does hotplug not recognize my usb keybord anymore
16:39.12dos000azeem, the problem i think is that maybe the init.d script dies before completing the restart . it does a stop first right ?
16:39.19azeemit certainly does not make sene to run unstable and not use udev IMHO
16:39.28bart416What was the last debian distro that allowed floppy install ?
16:39.29azeemdos000: which init script?
16:39.32bart416i mean full floppy install :|
16:39.50dos000azeem, i did /etc/init.d/networking restart
16:39.55azeemdos000: why?
16:40.00SpecSiddharta: that option was for a free bsd kernel right? not a linux kernel?
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16:40.16dos000azeem, i did not know any other way .. ergo my question :-)
16:40.18Siddhartayes that is what i said
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16:40.58rbchello ... any idea on how to tell yaird to pass some parameters to a module, when loading it?
16:40.59azeemdos000: what are you trying to achieve?
16:41.11dos000azeem, how would you restart a network interface via ssh otherwise ?
16:41.12rbcsomething like: MODULE foo bar=1
16:41.18azeemdos000: look
16:41.18shingouzbart416: /msg dpkg chroot install ; / msg dpkg debootstrap
16:41.29azeemdos000: please explain why you need to restart your network interfaces
16:41.31die_zthx again guys, it was just xauth missing on my ssh server (why does all those tutorials I read skip this?) it all works now!
16:41.34bart416shingouz, I only have a floppy drive on this thing :|
16:41.40azeemdos000: this sounds totally broken to me if you do that on a server
16:41.44bart416And the network card is pcmcia
16:42.04shingouzbart416: yes i know and that does not matter. just boot it on *any* linux and install whatever debian version manually
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16:42.20dos000azeem, the machine has virtual servers (vservers) running in it .. and changing the ips of the guest requires the host to restart the network interface. it works fine in the local lan btw
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16:42.51bart416shingouz, how can i bootstrap a network install if i can't even load a network driver
16:43.01azeemdos000: I don't know about vservers
16:43.02bart416its supported by pcmcia-cs
16:43.05dos000azeem, so far this is how i was able to fix these problem
16:43.06shingouzbart416: did you actually msg dpkg already?
16:43.17shingouzbart416: then do so and read
16:43.19bart416I'm not downloading anything before i'm a bit sure it can work
16:43.20dos000azeem, the original question was not about vsers
16:43.28Eulexwhat window managers are there that have got a composite manager built-in? (excluding xfwm4 and compiz)
16:43.34shingouz!tell bart416 about debootstrap
16:43.37azeemdos000: I'd just do ifdown eth0; ifup eth0 in one line
16:43.43shingouz!tell bart416 about chroot install
16:43.47azeemdos000: or just run dhclient, for that matter
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16:44.03bart416oh great, this sucks
16:44.05bart416'really usefull'
16:44.15shingouzbart416: and why does it suck?
16:44.19bart416i can barrely partition something in text mode :|
16:44.29rbchey, anyone here passing parameters to yaird initrd?
16:44.31azeembart416: then buy a better computer
16:44.37azeembart416: or just try it
16:44.52shingouzbart416: well, if you need something with pretty pictures and you only have a computer with a floppy, i think you are pretty much stuck
16:45.17dos000azeem, hmm .. when i do if down will the shell execute the rest of the command ?
16:45.41azeemdos000: try somewhere where you can reboot easily :)
16:45.42shingouzbart416: personally i have not bothered using the fancy installers in ages, a hell of a lot easier and faster to install with a chroot
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16:45.53azeemI say yes, but this is not legal advise
16:46.10bart416shingouz, for you it might be, but my last linux experience wasn't all that great
16:46.13dos000azeem, restarting the interface works locally
16:46.14bart416mainly cause of driver issue's
16:46.26bart416each time i tried modprobe the whole system crashed and needed to chroot to fix it
16:46.32dos000azeem, then it breaks when i do remote :-(
16:46.36bart416Tried it for like 10 hours in a row on several methods
16:46.50azeemdos000: what do you mean, locally
16:46.59shingouzbart416: tried what exactly? installing?
16:47.05beardybart416: You didn't find the right way, or performed it wrong, then.
16:47.08dos000azeem, on the machine next to me .. same software !
16:47.13bart416ndiswrapper :|
16:47.33bart416try it with a SiS 163U chipset and laugh at how funny it crashes each single time :|
16:47.35beardybart416: What computer are you going to install on?
16:47.36shingouzbart416: get another wlan card, something that is actually running with a native driver
16:47.38azeemdos000: via ssh?
16:47.44bart416beardy, IBM Thinkpad 760 EL
16:47.56bart416but its somewhat upgraded
16:47.58dos000azeem, yes same commands .. exactly same script
16:47.59shingouzbart416: you do not need ndiswrapper for a tp760
16:48.01bart416(more ram and bigger hd)
16:48.05bart416no shingouz
16:48.16bart416And i don't need ndiswrapper anymore for my desktop
16:48.16azeemdos000: so find out why it doesn't work on your server
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16:48.23azeempreferably through serial console
16:48.23bart416Cause tomorrow were rewiring the house
16:48.28bart416so i can put a lancable to my room :|
16:48.31shingouzbart416: i run a few tp755's here. on custom 2.6'es
16:48.40azeemdos000: or check the logs from the last time you tried
16:48.55shingouzbart416: do you have a cdrom for the thing?
16:48.57bart416shingouz, the problem is i'm not sure if the 2.6 kernel branche supports my pcmcia network card
16:49.01bart416lost it
16:49.05dos000azeem, thanx
16:49.07shingouzbart416: and what card is it?
16:49.08beardybart416: Sounds nice, inside-the-wall cables, or nailed on the walls?
16:49.20bart416inside :|
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16:49.34bart416beardy, i can't see a drill anymore :|
16:49.58bart416oh well, any sugestions for a good linux floppy :|
16:50.10shingouzbart416: what wlan card you have there?
16:50.19bart416shingouz, i don't need the wlan anymore :|
16:50.25bart416and the laptop has a regular lan card
16:50.31beardybart416: A Debian installer floppy?
16:50.39shingouzbart416: then just boot with the debian installer floppies
16:50.56beardybart416: Or what kind of floppy?
16:51.17five0`urgh, how do i reduce the size of mozilla-firefox' interface fonts? I've made the appropriate changes in userChrome, but that was fruitless
16:51.18bart416a linux floppy
16:51.22shingouzbart416: boot with the install floppies, configure pcmcia, configure networking, install packages. in this order or you wil not get the network up
16:51.37Siddhartaazeem: do you think i could install  udev (0.093-1) which is released on etch , on a sid ?
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16:51.52Siddhartainstead of the sid version
16:52.05azeemSiddharta: I don't care
16:52.20azeemSiddharta: you use unstable, you should know and/or figure it out for yourself, sorry
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16:52.59bart416huh, the debian site doesn't link to any network install floppy :|
16:53.03bart416oh gosh, this is lame :|
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16:53.07Roninbart416: sure it does
16:53.08bart416they claim they have it but they don't link to it :|
16:53.17bart416atleast not on a place you can find
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16:53.24bart416or its cause i'm using the dutch version of the site
16:53.41beardybart416: Might be, where are you looking, where are they mentioned?
16:54.31beardy!sarge bf
16:54.31dpkgit has been said that sarge floppies is or substitute your arch for i386  If you etch/testing chage "stable" to "etch".
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16:54.41beardybart416: ^^^
16:54.51bart416oh great Ronin that are cd's & dvd's
16:55.02Roninbart416: keep reading
16:55.34bart416oh well, i still have the win nt 4.0 setup flopies here somewhere if something goes wrong :|
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16:56.08shingouzbart416: just read the docs. installing on a tp760 is a piece of cake if you have a network
16:56.21TalluAnother 2,5 hours before distupgrade from sarge->etch has finished downloading :p
16:56.37shingouz!chroot install
16:56.37dpkgi guess chroot install is, or, or ask me about <debootstrap>
16:56.45dpkgrumour has it, debootstrap is <caphuso> get the debootstrap source from, compile it, read the man page, install debian with it </caphuso>  Useful for installing in a chroot., or see
16:57.24bart416I'm downloading the images shingouz :|
16:57.33shingouzbart416: excellent
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16:57.50bart416shingouz, i concluded i still have the NT 4.0 setup flopies incase it goes totaly wrong :|
16:58.33shingouzbart416: jsut be smart and install only a command line system first. for X you do *NOT* want gnome of kde on that laptop. fluxbox or xfce3 is pretty snappy
16:58.57bart416i don't like gnome & kde :|
16:59.12Roninbart416: then dont run them
16:59.19shingouzbart416: and on a p1-133 (or so) you would hate them)
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16:59.26Roninshingouz: no kidding :)
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16:59.28bart416maybe the first gnome release would work
16:59.49Roninim thinking anything bigger then fluxbox will be painful
17:00.06beardyYou don't have to install X at all.
17:00.12shingouzbart416: Ronin xfce3 is decent too
17:00.26Roninbeardy: iirc they need x?
17:00.34bart416uhm i will install x on this thing :|
17:00.37beardyRonin: they? and for what?
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17:00.45five0`urgh, what's the deal with Fx' interface fonts? I can't seem to adjust the settings via userChrome
17:00.52Roninbeardy: bart416 i belive needs x, new to linux perhaps?
17:00.57shingouzbart416: just do a commandline first, instll the X later
17:01.05bart416i was planning to
17:01.22bart416but Ronin, that laptop isn't going to lay in a dusty corner
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17:01.30bart416so uhm having x on it is usefull
17:01.37bart416not sure if i'll let it start automaticly tough
17:01.38shingouzand ffs do not install gnome or kde on the poor p1 or the laptop is going to melt :p
17:01.44beardyRonin: I believe it is then you need to only have access to a shell the most, to learn.
17:01.51Roninbart416: so? useful doesnt mean having x but shingouz is right pick a smaller one
17:02.08bart416shingouz, unless i overclock it and have liquid cooling in it
17:02.26shingouzbart416: the tp is going china syndrome on you
17:02.28Roninbart416: i think you'd need to strap a rocket to that laptop for it to run kde
17:02.53bart416shingouz, the fact is i'm not used to non graphical stuff anymore :|
17:03.03shingouzRonin: just a nuclear powerplant from Nukes-R-Us
17:03.03bart416Blame it on Amiga Workbench :P
17:03.23beardy!amiga shell
17:03.28zaheranyone succeeded in installing fglkrx drivers in etch?
17:03.31beardyhmm, there is one..
17:03.58dpkgi heard amigashell is
17:04.20bart416oh noes, amiga
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17:04.52bart416i guess workbench never was that bad
17:04.56beardyThere's also some workbench-like windowmanager, and/or themes for some, to make it look like it
17:04.59bart416atleast it was stable compared to windows me
17:05.05bart416but yeah, anything is stable compared to that :|
17:05.11Roninbart416: everything is,never mind
17:05.19shingouzbart416: *anything* is stable compared to that
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17:06.59bart416yay, lagzor
17:07.01bart416flopies in win xp
17:07.45bart416Its funny how win xp tends to get locked up when you try to delete a file from a floppy
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17:08.25shingouzxp is not fun at all... :p
17:08.41RyengothI wouldn't comment on Windows here. People get ticked off.
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17:09.36shingouzRyengoth: you mean me?
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17:09.47bart416atleast it still has BSOD's :|
17:09.58bart416Oh well, shower & food time :|
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17:11.14SpecSiddharta: i found out the problem and the solution
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17:11.38SpecSiddharta: kernel 2.6 uses NPTL(?) threading, where as python2.2.3 wants to use linuxthreads, the fix is: LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.4.1 python
17:12.11SiddhartaSpec: great
17:12.59Siddhartawell i'm wondering to upgrade from sid to etch , as etch is freezing now...
17:13.37shingouzSiddharta: there will be a new testing when etch releases, dont worry
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17:13.57GoAuLdetch freezing ?
17:14.09TalluGoAuLd: it'll become the new stable in december
17:14.46GoAuLdso fast? there was only 9 or 12 months of the last stable release
17:14.47dendriteSiddharta: While many would agree that going from sid to etch is an upgrade, did you mean from *sarge* to etch?
17:14.57Siddhartashingouz: well but if i dist-upgrade  now , the transition to stable will be more easier , no, and it would be the first time i run a stable release onmy  laptop
17:14.59GoAuLdwasnt that slower in the past?
17:15.14RoninGoAuLd: yes, thankfully theyve picked it up a bit
17:15.18shingouzSiddharta: huh? what do you run now?
17:15.41Siddhartasid is always sid and wll always be
17:15.46shingouzSiddharta: and you are planning on doing what? going from unstable to testing?
17:16.01dendriteSiddharta: Via a reinstall, yes?
17:16.09shingouzSiddharta: reinstall time
17:16.20MalagmyrHow can I get the network setup mage from the install to pop up again?
17:16.23dendriteSiddharta: If you succeed, be sure to document how you did it.
17:16.43jellySiddharta: you can't dist-upgrade to etch from sid.  you'll have to install all the packages which get downgraded by hand
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17:16.51shingouzSiddharta: and if you do not succeed, take another aspirin/tylenol and reinstall
17:17.13Siddhartafor those who can read french
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17:17.22dendriteI imagine a little hackery with dpkg --get-selections might go a long way with such a downgrade...
17:17.48designdreamis there a way to alias something like du -h $1 | grep $1 ?
17:17.50shingouz...and a *lot* of caffeine...
17:18.09designdreamor do i just make a 1 line shell script
17:18.11Siddhartain you bashrc file
17:18.12jellydesigndream: a shell function.
17:18.34designdreamSiddharta: is this an 'alias' thing? or make /usr/bin/smallscript
17:18.34jellydesigndream: stuff() { du -h "$1| | grep "$1" }; stuff foo
17:19.32Siddhartaexcuse me i didn't understood
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17:20.17jellydesigndream: hmm, there's a typo in there.     du -h "$1" | grep "$1"
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17:25.12blondielibapache-auth-ldap package doesn't support LDAPS :(
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17:25.29simonrvnyou have to rebuild it
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17:25.56simonrvnbecause unlike what the package docs say, OL *does* support SSL/TLS
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17:26.23designdreamjelly: do i just drop the function into bashrc?
17:26.44designdreamjelly: typing it into shell does nothing other than make me recognize further ignorance
17:27.11jellydesigndream: hm.
17:27.12designdreami have always just made files headed with #!/usr/bin   and not actually made functions
17:27.27AciDdesigndream > type it without the ending ;
17:27.37AciDin you .bashrc
17:27.44zaheranyone succeeded in installing fglkrx drivers in etch?
17:27.55jellydesigndream: whatever works for you. a shell function is a shortcut much like an alias.
17:27.56designdreambash: syntax error near unexpected token `|'
17:28.11jellydesigndream: I made a typo in that first version...
17:28.23designdreamjelly i corrected it and still received an error
17:29.16cydorkdesigndream, why do you want to write a shell script, you can easily add that as alias...
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17:29.30designdreamcydork: thats what i wanted to do...
17:29.43designdreamcydork: i dont know how to pass input to the alias
17:29.59jellydesigndream: hm, putt a newline after {   and the rest in the second line
17:30.08cydorkdesigndream, alias xxx='command 1|command 2'
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17:30.32blondiesimonrvn: OL?
17:30.39jellydesigndream: this works:   stuff() { du -h "$1| | grep "$1"; }
17:30.56jellydesigndream:   stuff() { du -h "$1" | grep "$1"; }
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17:31.05cydorkjelly, but why when you can do that in alias??
17:31.14jellycydork: how?
17:31.36cydorkjelly, check my reply to designdream ^^
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17:32.02orcdestroyerhello... how can I config my keyboard ?
17:32.10blondieconfigure it for what?
17:32.18orcdestroyerfor characters
17:32.21jellycydork: how do you pass an argument to both commands in an alias?
17:32.27designdreamthats what i am wondering
17:32.31designdream1 2 doesnt do it
17:32.39steworcdestroyer: maybe you want /msg dpkg keymap
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17:33.16cydorkdesigndream, oh you want arguments.. hrm..
17:33.42cydorkdesigndream, then i guess alias is of no use.
17:33.56orcdestroyerst00pid yes, but I know that you can be more directly
17:34.05orcdestroyerstew yes, but I know that you can be more directly
17:34.10orcdestroyerI don't know what to do about it
17:34.31steworcdestroyer: i don't understand what you are trying to say
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17:34.47orcdestroyerstew what I raelly need to do is config my keyboard
17:34.49orcdestroyeryou know?
17:34.58Led_Zeppelinanyone here use Bittorrent? How do you cap your upload speed on the client?
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17:35.02stewdpkg: tell orcdestroyer about keymap
17:35.04designdreamjelly:  you rock! =D
17:35.30stewwhat is the case where the output of "du -h $1" differs from the output of "du -h $1 | grep $1" ?
17:35.46jellydesigndream: and yes, you can just put it into bashrc. I prefer a separate file and sourcing it from the main one.
17:36.17cydorkdesigndream, you can use $1 in the alias also..
17:36.30jellydesigndream: so I have "source $HOME/.zfunct" in my .zshrc and all the nifty functions in .zfunct
17:36.51blondiesimonrvn: lame - the docs in the source package tell you the ldap_ssl.h file is provided elsewhere... how helpful
17:37.03jellycydork: have you tried it?
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17:39.05designdreamits not working for me.. as alias...     as function i have  dud() { du -h "$1" | grep "$1"$; }         so dud folder tells me its size
17:39.59jellydesigndream: if you just want that, du has an -s option
17:40.47jellydesigndream: du -hs foo
17:41.10designdreamjelly: yup...
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17:41.16cydorkjelly, i was just gonna say that.
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17:43.01designdreamit was not the functionality i was going after, it was the ability to pass arguments to multiple commands and whether it was possible with alias
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17:44.52orcdestroyeranyone knows some program or software to mount ISO for linux?
17:45.08liran_no need for a 'software'
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17:45.10simonrvnjust loop mount it
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17:45.19moshiiorcdestroyer: mount -o loop
17:45.22liran_mount -t iso9660 source dst -o loop
17:45.28simonrvnblondie:  OL == openldap
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17:45.49jharrisonwkOLD == openldap
17:45.54designdreamhow about listing all files older than todays date?
17:46.06Roninoh someone kline him already :)
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17:46.07cydorkdesigndream, yes you can pass arguments i have tried  for example try alias xxx='ll|grep $1'
17:46.10jellydesigndream: nope, my understanding is that alias does simple string expansion in the command line and appends rest of the line
17:46.14simonrvn@ops utricul (n=username@ spamming
17:46.21jharrisonwkkline who?
17:46.25simonrvn!ops utricul (n=username@ spamming
17:46.25jharrisonwkah nevermind
17:46.25dpkgHydroxide, bob2, caphuso, dondelelcaro, doogie, eeyore-, ElectricElf, ):, helix, ljlane, LoRez, RichiH, mentor, Netsnipe, TML, walters, xk, gravity, azeem, Maulkin, stew, peterS, Alife, Myon, Ganneff, Maulkin, weasel: simonrvn complains about: utricul (n=username@ spamming
17:46.36jharrisonwkjust tell lilo about it
17:46.41stewsimonrvn: there is no such person in this channel
17:46.47cydorkdesigndream, that you can do with find, man find.
17:46.49jharrisonwkor someone in #freenode
17:46.55Roninstew: i think he's looking for an oper not an @
17:47.02simonrvnpicky picky ;p
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17:47.10azeemRonin: you mean a staff member?
17:47.14Roninazeem: correct
17:47.34jellycydork: try alias invert='echo "$2" "$1"'; invert a b --> doesn't work.
17:47.37simonrvnstaff, IRCop, oper, whatever. different words, same people ;p
17:47.50azeemsimonrvn: no
17:47.55azeemthe ops in here cannot kline people
17:48.00simonrvnyes they are
17:48.05simonrvnoper is irc op
17:48.12azeemuhm, semantics
17:48.21azeemsimonrvn: so don't abuse !ops then
17:48.26simonrvnlong-standing one :)
17:48.28Ryengothoper = channel op
17:48.34Ryengothircop = server operator
17:48.51RoninRyengoth: backwards isnt it? not that it matters much
17:48.58orcdestroyermoshii well
17:49.02Ryengothnot from the 14 years I've had on IRC
17:49.08orcdestroyerand If is for mount .img e .ccd
17:49.11RoninRyengoth: fair enough
17:49.12orcdestroyerwhat should I do?
17:49.14orcdestroyerhow to mount?
17:49.19jharrisonwkand dont say 'howdy' in #debian freenode and #debian oftc at the same time
17:49.21simonrvnazeem:  and i used it once. hardly abusing it. i was slow on triggering it
17:49.59azeemsimonrvn: I'm just saying, don't use !ops if you really mean ircops
17:50.07azeemsimonrvn: but no big issue anyway
17:50.22orcdestroyerhow to mount .img and .ccd ??
17:50.36simonrvnwell, i did mean chanops, but the spammer left, so *shrug*
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17:50.52jharrisonwksimonrvn: I remember a time when this would not have even been mentioned
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17:51.15jharrisonwkalas times have changed
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17:51.17goodshitCan someone help me with a script. shell or bash or perl whatever is ez for you. I got a .txt file with the following in it. 250-101   (8/4/2006) i got alot of that each line by line. what i need to do is write a script ot get rid of that (8/4/2006) all the date after that filename. Can someone write ma  ez scrip to do that thanks.
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17:51.37jharrisonwkgoodshit: depends how good it is
17:51.44goodshitwhat do you mean how good it is?
17:51.47orcdestroyerthere is somebody to help me how mount .img and .ccd
17:51.50jharrisonwkgoodshit: the shit
17:51.50Roninjharrisonwk: heh
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17:51.55goodshitjust basic script man
17:51.59goodshitcan you help me sir
17:51.59jharrisonwkgoodshit: if it is really good then we can help
17:52.07goodshityes its goodshit :)
17:52.08jharrisonwkgoodshit: but it its not so good then maybe not
17:52.21goodshitlook at my name..
17:52.22MalagmyrAre there any neat howto's for seting all my machines to send their mail to the one at my desk using Exim 4?
17:52.29anapivirtua_Hi all.
17:52.33MalagmyrHi you.
17:52.48jharrisonwkgoodshit: yes thats why I mentioned it
17:53.05jellygoodshit: is the (d/a/te) always at the end of the line?
17:53.16goodshityes jelly
17:53.23goodshitthe name (date)
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17:53.25jharrisonwkgoodshit: can you paste the file so we can have a look at it?
17:53.27RyengothMalagmyr: postfix is more fleixble, IMHO
17:53.28jellygoodshit: can a filename have a ( in it?
17:53.38goodshitjahrrisohnwk ok i paste the file now..
17:53.40*** part/#debian mxFonseca (n=irc@
17:53.41jharrisonwkgoodshit: dont paste here
17:53.46goodshiti know
17:53.47jharrisonwkgoodshit: wait
17:53.50jharrisonwkgoodshit: yes
17:53.52jharrisonwkgoodshit: very good
17:54.19RyengothMalagmyr: besides, I've played "chaotic mail router" using postfix between several boxen
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17:55.54goodshit[astebom s;pw
17:55.55jellydesigndream: you might want parameter checking, like ... also, there are knowledgeable folks in #bash for more complex stuff.
17:55.58goodshitpastebine slow why??
17:56.06jharrisonwkgoodshit: here use this one
17:56.08Roningoodshit: try
17:56.45designdreamjelly: it isnt pulling it up =(
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17:56.53NetcadI searched for a way to make sshd ignore an ip/host after 3 failed attempts to prevent dictionary attacks, but I couldn't find the option in sshd_config nor ssh_config files. google has something about a script to add the ip/host to hosts.deny or something (which I didn't understand clearly). Do you know of any such way ?
17:57.09goodshitther you goes guys..
17:57.15goodshithow do i get rid of the ( date )
17:57.41stewgoodshit: cut -f1 < file > newfile
17:57.54goodshitwhat is -f1 mean?
17:57.59stewfield one
17:57.59simonrvnman cut
17:58.06goodshitarg :) you genous :)
17:58.07goodshitlet me try
17:58.11jellyNetcad: there are a number of ways to do that, some scripts look at the logs and add to hosts.deny, some use custom iptables rules.
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17:58.34stewNetcad: try the fail2ban package
17:58.48jharrisonwkNetcad: you get a lot of logs about people trying to login using all sorts of usernames for sshd?
17:58.53Roninstew: thank you, that was the package i was trying to remember for Netcad
17:58.54goodshitdidn't work stew
17:59.05jellyNetcad: take a look at eg.
17:59.17goodshitanyone can help me
17:59.28simonrvni use several ;).
17:59.39stewgoodshit: add a -d" "
17:59.53NetcadOh thanks good guys
17:59.56simonrvnjharrisonwk:  some of them are funny
18:00.04*** join/#debian j_erny (
18:00.09stewgoodshit: or use "awk '{print $1}'" insteada of cut
18:00.09jharrisonwksimonrvn: some of what?
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18:00.21simonrvnthe user names on sshd dictionary attacks
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18:00.39kujaWhat do I do when I want to remove packages, but errors pertaining to them keep preventing me from installing or removing?
18:00.48jharrisonwksimonrvn: ah yes they are funny
18:00.52goodshitsed 's/(.*)//' filename
18:00.55goodshitmuch ezier
18:01.00jharrisonwkgoodshit: so you got it?
18:01.08sepskikuja, first of you you give detailed error descriptions
18:01.21kujadpkg: error while cleaning up:
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18:01.40AndroidDataI'm using thttpd because apache is already being used per "its cool" given to be by someone else here. I have a file called cpanel.dmb but I don't know how to define a DirectoryIndex. Any way of doing it?
18:01.48simonrvnlike, 'recruit'? not so funny as strange
18:02.05designdreamgoodshit: get rid of date? do you mean
18:02.27kujasepski: I guess a sure way would modify the script to stop exiting 1 and exit 0, but what's the forceful way?
18:02.32designdreamgoodshit: ah! just read your thing and it worked
18:02.45designdreamgoodshit: i mean i didnt see that you had gotten it working
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18:03.55simonrvnride the wave
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18:04.03jellyexpecting the join in 10, 9 ...
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18:04.19enoufit's worlwide man ...ouch
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18:05.12simonrvnhaven't seen one like that in a while
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18:06.37simonrvnthey're slow in coming back
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18:10.23jharrisonwkwhat happened?
18:10.25Malagmyrsu su sussudio
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18:10.39simonrvnnet split dude
18:10.40Malagmyr!sing sussudio
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18:10.58jellyMalagmyr: that's incorrect syntax for su.
18:11.03jharrisonwksimonrvn: I just lost my connection.  never saw it coming
18:11.06Malagmyrtell that to dpkg
18:11.09jharrisonwkand now I cannot connect
18:11.09*** join/#debian Darklock (n=jonas@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
18:11.15jharrisonwkwellf rom the office that is
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18:11.21jharrisonwkgoodshit: did you get it?
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18:12.25simonrvnjharrisonwk:  :/
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18:13.06blondiesimonrvn: for what reason is the SSL support not enabled in that module in debian?
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18:14.12rkviraniHey guys
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18:14.42simonrvnblondie:  i haven't bothered to ask. i have no idea why TBH. i think it's a dumb idea not to
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18:14.59rkviraniI thought I downloaded debian testing but it doesnt have the latest stuff, I have sarge (the iso said testing).  How do I upgrade to the latest stuff?  I want to give Gnome 2.16 a shot and get the latest XFCE stuff.
18:15.03blondiesimonrvn: oh, the package has now been removed due to lack of maintenence
18:15.15simonrvnnot surprised :)
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18:15.53simonrvnthe apache2 version is part of the main distribution now anyway. they still didn't enable it there, either.
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18:17.54simonrvnrkvirani:  gnome 2.16 isn't in sid even
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18:19.05stewgnome 2.16 hasn't even been released yet, has it?
18:19.12extremewhat should I do?
18:19.15simonrvnlatest i see is 2.15.x in experimental
18:19.20*** mode/#debian [+o debhelper] by ChanServ
18:19.24simonrvnfor gnome-about for instance
18:19.31jellyextreme: fix ServerRoot? :-)
18:19.49jellyextreme: btw, that is _not_ a debian issue. ;-)
18:19.52simonrvnextreme:  the error message are usually very self-explanatory
18:19.58rkviranisimonrvn: I just read a review on it
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18:20.12simonrvnyeh, but it doesn't mean it's been packaged
18:20.14rkviraniIts in testing...
18:20.22rkviraniuhh the dood said it was available on debian
18:20.26simonrvnno it's not
18:20.31simonrvn2.14 yes
18:20.37rkviranianyway how do I upgrade to sid -- if thats the latest bleeding edge
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18:20.57azeemrkvirani: sid is not supported by us
18:20.57stewrkvirani: the current "development series" on is 2.15, the current released version is 2.14, 2.16 doesn't exist yet
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18:21.09rkviraniok so how do I get 2.15?
18:21.18stewrkvirani: go to
18:21.22azeemrkvirani: compile from source
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18:27.20five0`are any of you using lvm2 on raid on Sarge with the standard 2.6.8 kernel?
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18:27.43five0`at boot, i get many 'devfs_mk_dir: invalid argument.<4>devfs_mk_dev: could not append to parent for /disc' error messages
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18:28.03five0`while the system functions ok, i'd still like to know why this is so
18:28.19rkviraniHow do I get sid
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18:29.14five0`hm, it appears to be a devfs problem
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18:31.33bart416Okay, that floppy setup seems to work at this time
18:31.38bart416Its loading components
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18:33.03peterrusi have a problem :S
18:33.28peterrusi just installed the full debian base system to my laptop, so thats without X
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18:34.17peterrusand then i did this: apt-get install xserver-xorg xwm fluxbox and related packages
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18:35.39peterrusthen when i start X this happends: the screen flashes black, then waits a few seconds and does this again, for three times, and then nothing happends anymore, looks like the system is halted or something
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18:35.58peterrusis there something i did wrong, i did it this way because i didnt want gnome
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18:37.45azeempeterrus: check the log file, /var/log/X*.log
18:38.02azeempeterrus: for occurances of errors (EE)
18:38.03YeTr2Does anyone know of any work in debian on iptables extensions and how to install them properly?
18:38.08peterrusazeem, booting to single use mode now
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18:40.56Malagmyr"configure: error: You must have the XTest library to build synergy" How can I know what to install to get this?
18:41.12azeemMalagmyr: check config.log for the real error
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18:41.32azeemMalagmyr: then, install the corresponsing libfoo-dev library
18:41.33peterrusazeem, /var/log/Xorg.0.log.old, last lines are: Fatal server error: could not open default font 'fixed'
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18:41.44azeempeterrus: which version of Debian are you running?
18:41.53peterrusazeem, etch
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18:42.31azeempeterrus: see on how to handle those issues
18:42.53peterrusokzorz :D
18:43.01azeempeterrus: did you upgrade from sarge?
18:43.13peterrusazeem, nope did a fresh install
18:43.18azeemhrm, ok
18:43.42azeempeterrus: actually
18:43.49azeempeterrus: install x-window-system-core
18:43.54azeemif it isn't installed already
18:44.02peterruslets try
18:44.43peterrusazeem, great, i think this is fixing it :) i see the fonts being installed
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18:48.33peterrusazeem, it started, now i am gonna check if i dont have that error i had earlier today
18:48.39peterrustnx already :)
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18:50.00rkviraniSo how do I upgrade to SID?
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18:50.13peterrusthere must be something about that on google
18:50.22peterrusi think, something with dist-updrage i thought
18:50.24azeemrkvirani: you cannot downgrade afterwards, and sid is not supported in here, so you will be on your own
18:50.50*** join/#debian mrcoyote (
18:51.07peterrusazeem, YAY i fixed the error i had earlier tday, and have X working, now debian can begin on my laptop :D tnx so much dude :D
18:51.18rkviraniI know
18:51.26rkviraniSo let me at it :D
18:51.29TalluI'm upgrading to etch to get a taste what it's like before it becomes the new stable :)
18:51.35rkviraniIm good with linux
18:51.39rkviranijust a little rusty with debian
18:51.49rkviraniI have to do an apt-get dist-upgrade right?
18:52.01rkviraniafter I edit my sources.list and ... apt-get update right?
18:52.13bart416anybody knows a good dns server?
18:52.14ericP_rkvirani, my naive impression is that one upgrades to sid by changing yrou /etc/apt/sources.list to say "unstable", ala "deb unstable main contrib non-free"
18:52.15peterrusrkvirani, yes, and need to add some stuff to your sources.list and some other stuff i dont know exactly
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18:52.23rkviraniSo where do I get the sources.list file for sid?
18:52.40azeemrkvirani: just replace whatever you have now (sarge/stable/testing/etch) with unstable
18:52.56rkviraniso etch eh
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18:53.16ericP_rkvirani, that you, you want to replace the word after the url with "unstable"
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18:54.02peterrusetch != unstable is it?
18:54.03rkviranilike that
18:54.21Roninpeterrus: etch = testing
18:54.26ericP_rkvirani, typically, you will have to do this for lines starting with ^deb and ^deb-src , and maybe more if you have added some non-debian package sources
18:54.35peterrusetch is testing, sid is unstable and sarge = stable right?
18:54.42dpkg[releases] See for an explanation of releases.  see <release history> for prior releases.
18:54.43Roninpeterrus: correct
18:54.47peterrusokay :D
18:54.50ericP_rkvirani, "unstable" works for me. i guess "sid" would work as well
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18:55.23rkviranik so .. not unstable but 'testing'
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18:55.29peterruswhat happened?
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18:55.33DaBladepeterrus: Netsplit
18:55.33Roninpeterrus: net spilt
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18:55.42peterruswhat is that netsplint?
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18:55.52DaBladeWhen Freenode is breaking apart. :)
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18:56.00peterruswhy does that happen?
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18:56.08DaBladea server, or several servers have an error and disconnect from the network
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18:56.14peterrusi see
18:56.20ericP_anyone here have any idea why, after a kernel upgrade from 2.6.17-1-686 to 2.6.17-2-686, i can no longer load my ipw2200 module?
18:56.32ericP_it appears that it's no longer finding the firmware
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18:56.57rkviranietch worked for me, I think it .. has to do with the dir names on the mirror
18:56.57dondelelcaroericP_: check dmesg to see where it's looking for the firmware
18:56.58ericP_nothing mysterious has removde /lib/firmware/ipw2200-fw-3.0/
18:57.03rkviraniericP_: because you need to compile it
18:57.31cmathesonquick question... i need to customize a knoppix cd for a friend here at work.  i thought i could just mount the iso as loop-back and edit the file-system, but the knoppix remastering-howto does all kinds of stuff.  will mounting as loopback not work in this case?
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18:58.12signutsWhy did #debian kick me to #debian-overflow !?
18:58.19Roninsignuts: netsplit
18:58.37signutsRonin, what's that mean? #debian is too big?
18:58.49dpkgit has been said that netsplit is A deliberate disconnection between (at least) two servers on one IRC network. Usually occurs when the output-queue for the link has filled up too much to make a timely (re)sync likely, so it's preferred to maintain sanity (and lag-freeness) for both parts of the network. Occurs anywhere where links between IRC-servers have too little bandwidth (available/allocated).
18:58.53ericP_dondelelcaro, i was persuing the firmware angle 'cause i see "ipw2200: probe of 0000:02:02.0 failed with error -5" is messages and syslog
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18:59.17signutsahh, gotcha
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18:59.35ericP_rkvirani, ipw2200 is included in 2.6.16+
18:59.35signutsthx ApEtc
19:00.00doublehpapt-get is getting daily updates since ... june ! taking ages; how to boost that as "before" ?
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19:02.43ericP_i guess the next thing i can try is to re-install 2.6.17-1-686 and see if replacing the module makes my ipw probs go away
19:02.53dpkgi heard coffee is the reason the net exists, or the drug of choice for a GNU generation, or, or /usr/share/doc/HOWTO/en-html/mini/Coffee.html, or geiseri's favorite beverage, or smells better than it tastes
19:02.59peterrusLOOL hahaha
19:03.03ericP_though both use the same version of the ipw code (1.1.1)
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19:03.31bbelt16agallright i need somebody to look at my .bashrc pls
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19:03.40bbelt16agmy aliases are not working right
19:03.54doublehppeterrus: about to dev a USB coffee machine ... serial port is getting old
19:04.58peterrusdoublehp, the protocol used in usb devices is somewhat difficult compared to the serial port. which is really easy, by using a microcontroller chip (which i can program) you can easily control things with your computer over a serial port, so thats why
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19:05.34Flash_sounds like a job for a usb serial emulator
19:05.51kmlhi, where can i find sarge amd64  source lists?
19:06.02dpkg[amd64] See and the #debian-amd64 IRC channel, or, now official, will be a supported arch on Etch, or a generic name. it also supports xeon etc, see  Consider using debian/i386 if you do not have a good reason to use debian/amd64
19:06.08*** join/#debian Belboz99 (
19:06.24peterrusFlash_, could be, but that makes no sense, you can just connect the thing to your serial port, it does not boost speed and just converts everything, only usefull if you have no serial port
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19:06.45mrec_is there any easy way to create a vcd in linux?
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19:07.20peterrusargh, help i just removed my ~/.fluxbox folder, how can i get a fresh one?
19:07.43De_Monhow do I tell the inode size and other paramters of a partition?
19:08.12Belboz99hey all, I need help getting xserver running.  dpgk-reconfigure xserver-xfree86 won't detect my APG card, lspci ug it's 0000:02:00.0 and I'm having trouble converting that to hex.
19:08.12Belboz99is there an easier way?  It doesn't seem right that Debian won't automatically detect my 6800GT AGP.  Thanks
19:08.16*** join/#debian cat (
19:08.33peterrusBelboz99, nvidia?
19:08.44Belboz99peterrus: yes
19:08.52peterrusBelboz99, what about the nvidia drivers?
19:09.00*** join/#debian bart416_ (n=SolidRav@unaffiliated/solidraven)
19:09.06dpkgDO NOT use's installer. Ask me about "nvidia installer". Instead, read "nvidia-graphics-drivers" for instructions, or "nvidia one-liner" for a reminder if you've done it before. "Off to break the nvidia driver by changing the kernel interfaces again, this is becoming a fun hobby..."  - Greg Kroah-Hartman, Linux kernel hacker, on linux-elitists
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19:09.51Belboz99peterrus: right now I'm just trying to get nv to run
19:10.15peterrusBelboz99, yes, but it could help, i am not an x expert so i dont think i can help you :/
19:10.19Belboz99peterrus: I can't even get vesa to run at the moment
19:10.52Belboz99the problem is that the xserver configuration tool won't automatically detect the address of my APG card
19:11.09peterrusagp isnt it
19:11.11Belboz99and lspci lists it in decimal, and xserver needs hex
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19:11.28Belboz99yeah, I know, it's a PCI address
19:11.29peterrusBelboz99, it isnt that hard to convert them, read up about it
19:11.41Belboz99peterrus, got a link?
19:11.45peterruslets see
19:12.05peterrustype !hex and see :)
19:12.38peterrusthere are many hits on google for a ascii to hex converter
19:12.44Belboz99peterrus: but would that work to convert decimal to hex?
19:12.53peterrusgoogle is your friend
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19:13.37cmathesoncan someone recommend a livecd that isn't on a compressed filesystem?
19:13.46bbelt16ag need help with .bashrc  aliases are not working for some reason help
19:13.46bart416_damn small linux
19:14.04bart416_cmatheson, if i don't mistake dsl is based of debian
19:14.17bart416_Somebody happens to have a dns server that i can use?
19:14.30Roninbart416_: your isps?
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19:14.32peterrusdamn, can somebody please tell me how to get fresh ~/.fluxbox files, i just deleted them and i need new ones :(
19:14.33cmathesonbart416_: sweet, i'll check that out (i didn't know they had a livecd)
19:14.48peterrusbart416, indeed
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19:15.37bart416_Ronin, I don't know the ip of my isp's
19:15.41bart416_i have one
19:15.45bart416_but i'm not sure if its still in use
19:15.46Tallubart416_: what do you mean by use.. connect for queries or host your own records?
19:15.50Roninbart416_: then ask them
19:15.54bart416_connect for queries :|
19:15.58bart416_They will never tell it :|
19:16.10bart416_They even hide the real adres of their proxy server :|
19:16.33Tallubart416_: whats your isps domain?
19:17.26bart416_think i got it
19:17.30bart416_It didn't give an error this time
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19:17.53Belboz99does anyone know why my 6800GT is listed as an "unknown" device in lspci?
19:18.28De_MonI need to know the inode size of an ext3 partition.. what should I use?
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19:18.58peterrusDe_Mon, why, if you used the default its 4096
19:19.30GneaBelboz99: update-pciids
19:19.41Belboz99thanks Gnea!
19:19.41De_Monpeterrus I transered some files over and it took 1.5x as much space, and I'd prefer to know rather than guestimate
19:19.57peterrusokay, well i have no idea then
19:20.04alexandreHi, booting I got: EXT3-fs: hdd1: orphan cleanup on readonly fs then nothing. What can I do ?
19:20.20Gneaalexandre: wait
19:20.47alexandreGnea: It has been more than 8 hours :(
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19:21.33GneaDe_Mon: tune2fs -l /dev/hda1
19:21.46bart416_okay, failed anyway
19:21.50Gneaalexandre: erk
19:21.53bart416_Ronin, how do i find out what the DHCP server of my isp is?
19:22.02De_Monwtf I tried that
19:22.06alexandreGnea: I tried to use knoppix but it get stucked too
19:22.26Gneaalexandre: hope you've got a backup
19:22.49De_MonGnea: thanks! I was in the right place just.. off
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19:24.11alexandreGnea: I do. for some reason the immutable attribute is on on hdd, I think it is why it get stuck.
19:24.38alexandreGnea: how can I chattr -i ?
19:24.50Ryengothbart416: DHCP is normally a broadcast service. The point of using it is auto-discovery. If you are connected via PPPoE, then the PPP tunnel establishes your IP, DNS, and route - not a DHCP server.
19:24.58zirikilihi guys. I always get an error with apache-1.3.34 when use any apt-get. "E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)"... how do I fix it?
19:25.16alexandreGnea: yes, using chattr +i
19:25.26bbelt16agis there a  easy way to just set my screen resolution with out changing anything else like video card and mouse?
19:25.27Gneaalexandre: why would you do that?
19:25.34peterrusbbelt16ag, yes
19:25.42bbelt16agi just want to take it down a  few notches so my wallpaer  fits on the screen
19:25.43alexandreGnea: not sure but I think the pb come from it
19:25.52Gneaalexandre: pb?
19:25.54peterruschange the modes section in /etc/X11/xorg.conf
19:26.07zinxbbelt16ag: why not just scale the wallpaper?
19:26.17bbelt16agi am using fluxbox
19:26.21zinx... and?
19:26.26alexandreGnea: it seemed a good idea .
19:26.28bbelt16aghow do i do it in fluxbox?
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19:26.34Gneaalexandre: what is pb?
19:26.41zinxi would probably use 'display' to draw the background, personally
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19:27.08alexandreGnea: same, stuck on: EXT3-fs: hdd1:orphan ...
19:27.16zinxalex: you can use debugfs to remove the immutable bit
19:27.30Gneaalexandre: ok, well, i don't know what 'pb' is and so i can't help you anymore.
19:27.35zinxalexandre: i don't believe the kernel filesystem support can do that (sort of the point of immutable..)
19:27.36alexandrezinx: how do I get a shell?
19:28.08peterrushow can i restart all networking in debian, like /etc/rc.d/rc.inet1 restart in bsd
19:28.13alexandreGnea: pb==problem
19:28.23Gneaalexandre: then say problem next time
19:28.30bbelt16agnot working
19:28.32zirikiliapt-get can not to install or remove apache package anymore. how do I remove it manually?
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19:28.42zinxalexandre: if you can't get a shell, then you probably shouldn't be messing with debugfs.
19:28.50zinxalexandre: or chattr +i for that matter :/
19:29.19Gneaalexandre: just boot into single user mode and turn immutable off
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19:29.26bbelt16agi had to set tiled to get it to cover eveything
19:29.34bbelt16aglooks ok, but not what i wanted
19:29.56msnpetemc: try /etc/init.d/networking restart
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19:30.10zinxbbelt16ag: you can scale it with the gimp if you can't figure out how to get the other tools to do it :/
19:30.39bbelt16agi think i will keep it the way it is
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19:34.11Belboz99hey, how do I clear the values for dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg?  It keeps on using the last-used values, I need to start over
19:34.13alexandreGnea: maybe it is not a attribute problem. Booting with 2.6.15 kernel, it stopped a bit then dump a stacktrace
19:35.16bart416_OH great, wtf is my network gateway :|
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19:35.24alexandreGnea: with 2.6.17-2 it get stuck forever
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19:37.10Belboz99update-pciids worked, lspci now lists my APG card as a 6800GT, however, xserver-xorg still won't accept the bus address I'm using
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19:37.27Led_Zeppelinanyone here know how to sync a filesystem with rsync?
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19:37.38ph00the question is how do I make gnupg generate a couple of keys? and where are they stored?
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19:39.05peterrusph00, ~/.gnupg
19:39.06stewph00: create keys with gpg --gen-key, unless you tell it otherwise they go into the keyrings in ~/.gnupg
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19:40.17Belboz99anyone want to help me get my xserver running?
19:40.46bart416_Grrrr, i just can't find my network gateway
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19:41.09bart416_And i don't want to walk downstairs to plug it directly into the router
19:41.16bart416_cause my parents will whine again
19:41.31peterrusbart416_, parents, sigh they never understand the genius inside you
19:41.43Ryengothbart416: doesn't that router have a web configurator?
19:41.50bart416_Ryengoth, yeah
19:42.06peterrusif it was up to me i already had six linux mirrors running in my room
19:42.08stewbart416_: you just don't know the address of your gateway? or what?
19:42.12bart416_Just don't have a clue what port its on :|
19:42.12peterrusand was my own isp
19:42.12Ryengothbart416: lynx <ip.address of router>
19:42.13ph00stew peteruus thx.
19:42.24bart416_stew no i don't know the address of my gateway :|
19:42.27peterrusph00, np, and be paranoid
19:42.40peterrusbart416_, or might do it
19:42.43bart416_windows says: for my wireless :|
19:42.57peterrusthen go there with any browser
19:43.12alexandreI can't even boot failsafe with knoppix. :(
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19:43.29ph00peteruus ...I hear those black helicopter coming...
19:43.36peterrusalexandre, so it is clearly your file system that is powned?
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19:43.46peterrusph00, wonderful :)
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19:44.27alexandrepeterrus: what can I do?
19:44.41peterrusalexandre, what about formatting your disk?
19:44.41Belboz99guys, I don't have all day, I just need to get xserver to detect the proper PCI bus for my 6800GT, anyone?
19:44.56peterrusBelboz99, sorry man, i dont know nothing about x :(
19:44.56bart416_nope, network configuration error peterrus
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19:45.00RyengothBelboz99:  try another slot
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19:45.11peterrusbart416_, if you go there with your browser?
19:45.13Belboz99Ryengoth: it's AGP
19:45.33RyengothBelboz99:  got on-board video?
19:45.42stewbart416_: if all you are trying to do is figure out the ip address of your gateway, "ping -b broadcastaddress" might return some possiblilities,  your broadcast is likely either or, ifconfig shoudl tell you for sure what it is
19:45.56Belboz99Ryengoth: no, it's AGP, as in an APG card in an AGP slot
19:45.58bart416_okay, looks like is my router
19:46.05alexandreshouldn't I be able to boot from knoppix without using any hdd?
19:46.13Belboz996800GT, doesn't anyone here know what that is?
19:46.22peterrusalexandre, i guess so, what about just taking the drive out of ur oc?
19:46.23RyengothBelboz99:  I understand that. I'm asking if your MB happens to have a PCI chip  that you disabled to use the AGP slot
19:46.35ph00hilarious! prompt: real name (I enter a 4 letter name) prompt: name must be at least 5 letters
19:46.39peterrusBelboz99, you might report that is is an nvida you know
19:46.45Belboz99Ryengoth: no, I don't have onboard video
19:46.50ph00it asked my frwaking real name! what if it's joe?
19:46.54peterrusph00, haha :p discrimination xD
19:46.59bart416_lol guessed right :|
19:47.04peterrusbart416_, then you are lucky
19:47.18alexandrepeterrus: probably the easiest thing to do :-)
19:47.25peterrusph00, then call yourself gerbraldus the sixt
19:47.27Belboz99Ryengoth: sorry if I'm a bit testy, I've been having Linux issues all day
19:47.33ph00bart then someone else could guess...
19:47.37peterrusalexandre, is there important data on that disk?
19:48.02ph00i'lbe ph000
19:48.12ph00not as cool as phoo, but what the hell
19:48.15peterrusph00, i am peterrus
19:48.23peterruswell Peter Rus
19:48.36ph00pleased to meet you
19:48.44peterrusjust wondering how i can revocate a key so it isnt displayed on a keyserver anymore :/
19:48.58RyengothBelboz99: I've been having server issues for two weeks. Regardless of that, which X-server did you install?
19:49.07alexandrepeterrus: I got backup anyway
19:49.10bbelt16aganybody ever figure out what is wrong with  my .bashrc?
19:49.12ph00I never use anything even close to my real name when it comes to computer usernames
19:49.14Belboz99this is the first time I've ever installed a linux distro and have it not detect my PCI bus, I've used Debian Woody, Slackware 10.0, Ubuntu, Gentoo, Kororaa, Knoppix, all of them have always detected my PCI bus, I don't understand why Debian Sarge won't
19:49.23peterrusalexandre, than you are smart :)
19:49.27*** join/#debian JarJarBinks (
19:49.35peterrusph00, do you really think that is my real name?
19:49.40peterrusi do
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19:49.54Belboz99Ryengoth: I've got xserver-xfree86 installed
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19:50.07peterrusBelboz99, dude, xserver-xorg
19:50.20RyengothBelboz99: which device server, though
19:50.33Belboz99peterrus, I know, I don't know why Debian installed xfree86
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19:50.42peterrusBelboz99, well better try it
19:50.45stewpeterrus: dude, xorg isn't in sarge
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19:50.59Belboz99Ryengoth: device server?
19:51.04peterrusstew, i am sorry, being a debian newbie
19:51.06JarJarBinksI'm trying to report a bug found in nomencl (a latex package) but apt-cache only show glosstex, how can I find the package that installed nomencl originally (I'm pretty sure it is not glosstex)
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19:51.24RyengothBelboz99: like
19:51.35Ryengothgah.. that didn't work as planned
19:51.39ph00no, you said you are peterrus as in peter rus and that sounds like a name, but I can't know how real it is, of course
19:51.43stewBelboz99: what makes you say it isnt' detecting your pcibus?
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19:52.00Belboz99stew: (EE) device not found
19:52.08peterrusph00, indeed, maybe it is, maybe not, but that way you can easily fool people, which is great
19:52.21stewBelboz99: what driver are you using?
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19:52.31Belboz99stew, nv at the moment
19:52.39ph00yeah. cool
19:52.44grapsusI have just installed debian testing on a new computer and I have some problems with udev :(
19:53.05stewBelboz99: generally that means that the driver didn't find a card that it supports.  did you specify a busid (in general you shouldn't)
19:53.08grapsusdoes someone here know hot to write udev rules?
19:53.13bart416_Tired, of it
19:53.18bart416_going to connect it dirrectly to the router
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19:53.26stewgrapsus: just ask your actual question
19:53.36Belboz99stew, the busid was not detected automatically
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19:53.47jlawlol ... wtf, i come back and just see kicked, kicked, kicked, kicked ...
19:54.02peterrusnetslit gizmo
19:54.11stewjlaw: you were kicked from #debian-overflow, not from here
19:54.16Belboz99stew, lspci listed my APG card as an "unknown" device
19:54.25stewBelboz99: have you run update-pciids?
19:54.27Belboz99stew: I then ran update-pciids
19:54.29jlawstew, ah ok
19:54.39stewBelboz99: can you post your /var/log/XFree86.0.log to a pastebin?
19:54.45mrec_is there any easy way to create vcds in linux?
19:54.47jayeHi Everyone,  does anyone know if I need to do anything so that my cable modem can work with ipsec?
19:55.05stewBelboz99: and your /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 while you are at it
19:55.15Belboz99stew: but I had already tried entering the busid manually, and that entry was reloaded as the default afterwards
19:55.24peterrusmrec_, wondering the same thing
19:55.41peterruswow, i liked ubuntu, then i adored slackware and now i love debian
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19:55.54grapsushere it is: I have a logithech wireless mouse and keyboard, keyboard works well, but udev doesn't create /dev/input/mice neither /dev/input/mouseX, no the X server can't start, and if I plug a PS2 mouse both the usb and ps2 mouses are working!
19:55.56quittejaye: no. modem has nothing to do with it.
19:55.59stewBelboz99: you shouldn't be speicifying a busid unless you are on a mac or have more than one card
19:56.03Belboz99stew: I'm using my father's laptop to chat, I have no idea how to post logs without a GUI
19:56.11stewgrapsus: modprobe mousedev
19:56.26Belboz99stew, as I said it was not detected automatically
19:56.28peterrusgrapsus, or use a usb to ps2 converter thingy (cheap)
19:56.31stewBelboz99: use w3m or lynx or elinks or link2 to upload it to
19:56.49stewgrapsus: if that works, add mousedev to /etc/modules
19:56.52grapsusstew, do I need to add mousedev to /etc/modules ??
19:57.02kmlhow can tell grub to reboot into a specify OS on dual boot system without changing grub.conf file?
19:57.21grapsuspeterus, no it the same usb reciever for the mouse and the keyboard
19:57.53grapsusstew, thak you I'll try this and reboot
19:57.54stewkml: you can try "grub-reboot number"
19:57.58peterrusgrapsus, throw it away :D
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19:58.40bart416_Doesn't work either :|
19:58.54peterrusbart416_, just use dhcp for networking?
19:59.13bart416_i plugged it dirrectly in the router with a regular lan cable :|
19:59.29peterrusbart416_, in debian
19:59.33bart416_And selected Auto-configure network with DHCP
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19:59.40bart416_peterrus, net setup :|
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19:59.45bart416_on an IBM Thinkpad 760 EL
19:59.51peterrusTHINKPAD <3
20:00.10bart416_network: 3com 3CXFEM656C
20:00.17bart416_[pcmcia-cs driver: 3c575_cb] [x86]
20:00.17bart416_[2.4+ kernel driver: 3c59x]
20:00.17bart416_[ ethernet only: the modem is a WinModem! ]
20:00.17bart416_3Com 3CCFEM656B, 3CXFEM656C
20:00.18*** kick/#debian [bart416_!n=debhelpe@unaffiliated/debhelper] by debhelper (use the paster bot or #flood)
20:00.24peterrusi see
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20:01.35shingouzbart416_: ifdown eth0 ; ifup eth0 ; ping
20:01.46bart416_shingouz, uhm, SETUP ...
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20:02.10stew!tell bart416_ about flood
20:02.20shingouzbart416_: yes? don't get an IP from the router?
20:02.47bart416_shingouz, no
20:02.48grapsusstew, it worked!!! thanks I thought I had to add an udev rule :s
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20:02.51bart416_i didn't get one
20:02.55bart416_eventough it should give one
20:02.59bart416_It gives a ip to my desktop
20:03.07bart416_so i don't see why it wouldn't give one to my laptop :|
20:03.14bart416_Plugged it directly onto the router
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20:03.23shingouzbart416_: do an ifconfig -a and see if you have the card there
20:03.28stew!tell bart416_ about enter
20:03.43stewbart416_: do you already have a default gatweay on another interface?
20:03.46Belboz99stew:  you can get my XFree86 log now
20:03.49bart416_now i connected it on the ethernet port of my desktop
20:03.56bart416_stew yes
20:03.59grapsusstew: everything works now!
20:04.03stewgrapsus: cool
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20:04.31yanqiis debian etch cool ?
20:04.31stewbart416_: oh i misread, i thought you had an ip but not a gateway
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20:04.40yanqidoes it have cool things ?
20:04.44grapsusyanqui, it depends
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20:04.53grapsusall the software is recent
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20:05.01yanqigrapsus, yeah ?
20:05.11grapsusbut you can have some little problems more often that on stable
20:05.20yanqioh yeah
20:05.25eguzkiahello someone know wine?
20:05.35dpkgIf you have a question, just ask! For Example: "I have a problem with ___; I'm running Debian version ___. when I try to do ___ I get the following output ___. I expected it to do ___." Don't ask if you can ask, or if anyone uses it, or pick one person to ask (ask the whole channel!). We're all volunteers; make it easy for us to help you. If you don't get an answer, ask later or ask
20:05.37grapsusyes I use wine
20:05.37bart416_Your network is propably not using the DHCP protoco. Alternatively, the DHCP server may be slow or some network hardware is not working properly
20:05.40bart416_thats i what ig et first
20:05.46bart416_now next
20:05.50stewBelboz99: it looks like your device is too new for the nv driver in sarge.  do you know what chipset it is?
20:05.56Eulexeguzkia, yes, it's red or transparent and makes you dizzy
20:05.58Juzzy-(offtopic) does anyone know other servers similiar to the toshiba magma sg20? a small application linux based server
20:05.58grapsusyanqui, its advised to have some skill in dpkg and apt
20:06.03grapsusif you want to use etch
20:06.25Belboz99stew: too new? that's a new one!  It's an Nforce2 Chipset
20:06.26yanqii use netbsd right now, but i'd like to move to linux (for the recent hardware stuff). i'm considering debian
20:06.30ph00OK I did run gpg --gen-keys and I've got omse out put: now my public key is the one called "Key fingerprint" in the output, right?
20:06.52shingouztoo much like sunday, might go install some sleep
20:06.54Belboz99stew: you can also get my config file too
20:06.56grapsusyanqui, in this case, for the recent drivers testing is what you need
20:06.57ph00and how do I see my private key?
20:07.03stewBelboz99: it still says "Unknown" in lspci even after running update-pciids?
20:07.17shingouzgrapsus: /msg dpkg nicktab
20:07.18Juzzy-yanqi: I used to be anti-debian b/c i knew too many debian zealots raving and putting down * else, until i tried debian, it's pretty nice and stable :)
20:07.20Belboz99stew, no, after running update-pciids it detects it just fine
20:07.22bart416_my router says its totaly fine stew :|
20:07.34grapsusyanqi, don't forget to install in expert mode, otherwise it will install stable without asking
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20:07.56myrenanyone have suggestions for a simple command line tool that'll let me do simple trig functions?
20:08.01yanqiJuzzy-, i quite feel like you but i didn't want to offend anyone on this forum
20:08.10bart416_Okay, hopeless try
20:08.11myrenbasically a command line calc w/ trig
20:08.14bart416_enter router ip as dhcp server
20:08.15yanqiok for debizan then
20:08.25bart416_fck this
20:08.30grapsusshingouz, what's this?
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20:08.46mrec_peterrus: want to know how to create vcds?
20:08.50shingouzgrapsus: some help for you, you do not have to type the whole nick
20:09.02grapsusshingouz, I see that's cool!!!
20:09.05peterrusmrec_, i would like to
20:09.05stewBelboz99: it looks like you have the wrong busid in your XF86Config-4, your card is 2:0:0 but you have 0:2:0.  you shouldn't be specifying a busid
20:09.15mrec_peterrus: ntsc/pal?
20:09.37grapsusshingouz, I thought dpkg had only "lobotomy" command ^^
20:09.43peterrusehm well i want to put a divx movie on a cd so i can play it in my divx dvd player
20:09.44Juzzy-yanqi: they have a very mature feeling package system, although you need to visit to get more current packages
20:09.53shingouzgrapsus: dpkg has a crapload of stuff
20:10.01yanqiis ubuntu bloated ?
20:10.16yanqiJuzzy-, thansk
20:10.34Belboz99stew, I realize that, but since it wouldn't auto detect, and I didn't know about update-pciis I followed the directions and did an lspci, lspci said:  0000:02:00.0 which  took to mean 0:2:0
20:10.36De_Monuh.. I just tried an aptitude update from sid and the terminal froze, and I can't kill it
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20:10.45grapsusyanqi, lol don't speak about ubuntu here, it a bit dangerous
20:10.56mrec_peterrus: (bookmark this link :)
20:11.03yanqigrapsus, ok
20:11.07mrec_afterwards you can record it with k3b
20:11.07peterrusmrec_, tnx man :)
20:11.09grapsusyanqi, some users here love flamewars ^^
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20:11.46sidHow many discs will Debian etch have when it's released? Sarge had 14 iirc. Will Etch have 20+ discs?
20:11.49De_Monhow do I kill a process when kill -9 doesn't work?
20:11.49peterruscool :)
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20:12.14yanqithks all
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20:12.36stewsid: currently 19:
20:12.40grapsussid, I don't see the use of having all the packages on CDs if you have a fast connection
20:12.48Belboz99stew, what should I do now?
20:12.50peterrusah look: when starting X i get this error: /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi does not exist, and i need those fonts, how to install them?
20:13.10sidgrapsus: Not everyone has a fast connection though.
20:13.13netfrogDe_Mon, reboot. if kill -9 fails it means process is "sleep"ing somewhere in kernel (a bug)
20:13.28sidstew: Will there be an official DVD releaes with etch do you know?
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20:13.37De_Monnetfrog status is 'D'
20:13.38grapsussid, yeah, and they became quickly outdated
20:13.46recon0Would anybody happen to know the dependencies of "cube"?
20:13.47stewsid: yes
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20:13.53stewgrapsus: why would it become quickly outdated?
20:13.54doublehppeterrus: if you are to use a uC any way, where is the problem ? There are plenty of USB capable uCs ... your point does not justifie stucking to serial.
20:13.57stewBelboz99: try without a busid?
20:14.14grapsusstew, because some packages have security updates
20:14.20sidDoes Ubuntu have 10+ discs? I've never used Ubuntu. But I'm curious.
20:14.24stewsid: currently 3:
20:14.25peterrusdoublehp, ah, you know something about it :) well they are harder to program than a serial one
20:14.33stewsid: ask #ubuntu
20:14.33netfrogDe_Mon, tried to kill the parent process? it might help in this case...
20:14.40peterrusdoublehp, and i am not yet really expierienced on that
20:14.49Belboz99stew, I commented out the busid line, and still no go :(
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20:15.10De_Monnetfrog yeah, no luck. rebooting sounds like the right choice
20:15.26eguzkiai have many dos games that i'd like run on my linux....what can i do?
20:15.32De_Monerr the status was +Ds
20:15.58stewBelboz99: what does "lspci | grep VGA" output?
20:15.59grapsusor you can use Qemu and boot a real DOS!
20:15.59RingerE  vote for molly, the cockerspaniel... if she gets enuogh votes i win crap ;o)
20:16.00netfrogDe_Mon, ye. It's usually a bug in a driver (hd / nfs or alike) ...
20:16.08doublehppeterrus: sorry; programming a 68HC908JB8 takes me about 2h soft dev, then 3 mn to compile & transfert; serial uCs and pics require 9V supply, usually a maxim, of very complex charge pumps for RS232 compliance ; THAT is heavy, and very bulky on the final board
20:16.39eguzkiagrapsus: ok thank you
20:16.59jellyRingerE: hey, are you spamming? :->
20:17.01Belboz99stew: it comes back with the listing of my 6800GT on 0000:02:00.0
20:17.19peterrusdoublehp, omg you pown me, i still use 16f628s
20:17.26grapsuseguzkia, I could send you a ready dos image for qemu
20:17.27doublehppeterrus: a USB chip is self powered, no decoder no demux, no line encoder; "only" the chip, an Xtal, and your LEDs; see before complaining any more; have a look at the prommer, and the final dev
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20:17.42peterrusdoublehp, thats true :)
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20:17.49stewBelboz99: oh, 6800 isn't in the list of supported cards at the end of that log, you'll have to either use a backported xorg package (/msg dpkg xorg sarge) or use a non-free driver
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20:18.11eguzkiagrapsus: what is qemu?
20:18.23doublehppeterrus: here if my realisation of this device: ; can any one do any thing smaller in this world ? USBIrBoy is a Lirc IR receiver.
20:18.39stewBelboz99: do you know if that is a NV40 or NV44 or what?
20:18.48grapsuseguzkia, It an i386 computer emulator like Vmware, it emulates a computer on your computer ^^
20:19.03Belboz99stew: NV40
20:19.10peterrusdoublehp, wow, nicely done :) but does it contain a uC?
20:19.11grapsuseguzkia, you have virtual hard disk as .img files
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20:19.26eguzkiagrapsus: ok thank you
20:19.27stewBelboz99: that should be supported by the free drivers in xorg then (at least according to the nv manpage)
20:20.03grapsuseguzkia, google for "qemu" or "bochs" you'll see some screenshots it's the best explanation
20:20.39Belboz99using "nvidia" returns screens found, but no nvidia kernel module
20:20.39doublehppeterrus: YES ! how can any one decode USB without uC ? this device got: uC, Xtal, R, 2 C, and IR sensor; I have drastically rediced the original prototype from the original site. This device (which I only soldered, and not deved) got driver *only for linux* :D
20:21.03Belboz99problem is, all the nvidia-kernel packages are for 2.4.x, and I'm running 2.6.x
20:21.11doublehppeterrus: see the 2 other pics
20:21.13eguzkiagrapsus: i have bochs
20:21.45peterrusdoublehp, oh wait i see you didnt use serial port ofcourse, wow :) thats a really great project, got schematics?
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20:22.39crazy_penguinGood night to all! Sleep well!
20:22.41grapsuseguzkia, ok qemu is the same thing but faster, cause you can download a kernel module "qemu" that working like vmware, it runs emulated programms directly on your cpu without emulation layer
20:22.52shuveb_hi, the etch kernel does not have support for cramfs or squashfs, i tried to locate packages but all i got were these kernel patches, how do i go about creating squashfs modules? patch and recompile?
20:22.53doublehppeterrus: official site is ; we use serial for programming only; I am not part of IrBoy team, but I used the same chip for other projects:
20:22.57grapsuseguzkia, so it's really faster
20:23.04*** join/#debian Tneo (n=psipg@
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20:23.10mrec_doublehp: what's irboy?
20:23.11quittegrapsus the module is kqemu or qvm86
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20:23.27grapsuseguzkia, kqemu
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20:23.27peterrusnot again :p
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20:23.37Davemanride the wave :p
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20:23.47grapsusit was the same thing few days ago
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20:23.52doublehppeterrus: so, my question was: can you use in the final board less components than us ? Id rather say that your final serial applications are same size than our prommer.
20:23.59Belboz99stew: any idea what I should do to get nvidia driver working?
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20:24.15stewBelboz99: i don't help with non-free drivers
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20:24.28Belboz99stew: the nvidia driver detects the screens, but it needs a kernel module
20:24.28doublehpmrec_ mrec__ its the only Linux only full custom IR receiver for LIRC
20:24.30*** join/#debian Juzzy- ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
20:24.43grapsusstew, are you a purist lol?
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20:26.10Marupahi, how can I tell which input device to use?  I have two soundcards, but only really use can I tell which soundcard is right?  /dev/dsp1?
20:26.11peterrusdoublehp, i wont even start trying, as i am not that advanced yet :) i am just beginning with pics. so, no
20:27.01grapsusMarticus, you can blacklist the module used by one of cards
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20:27.12stewgrapsus: i guess
20:27.15bart416_The suckage level of this setup problems is infinite
20:27.16grapsusMarupa,  you can blacklist the module used by one of cards
20:27.31peterrusdoublehp, and dont think i am a serialport freak, i like them both, but the serial port is easier to use, you cant denie that
20:27.31Marupathis is darkice, that I'm trying to set up.
20:27.39Marupait needs /dev/(somedevice here)
20:28.11doublehppeterrus: first problem of "traditionnal" serial ports is the use or RS232, that requires strange voltages; this implies a MAX232 nearly every where , plus a hhigh current 5V or 9V source (for the MAX), whereas USB chips are powered by the bus, and have internal voltage converters for the line decoder. Saves wires, current, power, and room.
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20:28.35doublehppeterrus: I do deny that.
20:29.27peterrusdoublehp, yes thats is very right, but still it is easier for beginners i say, because programming a 16f628 in basic or assembly is easier than a "exotic" motoraly uC, for beginners that is
20:29.36peterrusand the max232 just works
20:29.50peterrusdoublehp, of course usb is a much more elegant solution
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20:30.57doublehppeterrus: using the JB8 is as much easy as any other PIC; the chip does line and packet decoding, the same way your pics does frame decoding; the user point of view is the same: write a routine, and ask the interrupt manager to call it !
20:30.58bbelt16aghey were are the " sounds" or wave file folders so i can use a sound for a buddy pounce pls
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20:31.46doublehppeterrus: USB got a small advantage: the chip manages begin of frames, whereas on serial port, you need to manage your self the begin and end of protocol.
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20:31.54peterrusdoublehp, okay, but it still is harder for me, as i dont got these uCs and i dont know how to program them.. yet!
20:32.03Belboz99hey, anyone know why when I attempt to install nvidia-kernel-2.6-486... 78 packages are listed for removal???
20:32.08peterrusdoublehp, thats true
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20:32.30blondieFOR FUCKS SAKE
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20:32.57Ryengothdoublehp: that "flaw" is why so many people still prefer RS232 over USB for low-level interfacing
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20:33.57blondiepeterrus: fucking freenode's crappy servers
20:34.03peterrusah isee
20:34.07peterruswell they are free
20:34.08blondiewas this channel +R?
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20:34.10doublehppeterrus: I get all pics the same way: sample on web sites; then , I have a compiler, a source code, and a development board. Problem is that old people fear to have to learn new technologies. I am 26, and I think I am old since I was 16.
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20:34.17stewblondie: no
20:34.19yddand they are nodes?
20:34.27*** part/#debian bashman (n=bashman@unaffiliated/bashman)
20:34.28myrenunfortuantely serial port is +- 12v
20:34.34myrenthe level conversion is a constant pain
20:34.47myrenand now with USB we see all this logic level "rs232" stuff
20:34.55peterrusdoublehp, i am not afraid to learn new things, i am hacker you know. but i first want to master the pic, thats a personal goal
20:34.57blondiestew: then why didn't I rejoin?
20:35.00*** mode/#debian [+l 364] by debhelper
20:35.12blondieI got redirected to a lame please register channel
20:35.13doublehpRyengoth: there is no flaw; USB has several channels, and 3 modes. There is a mode that can be used exactly like serial port; I hate it; the chip I use does not suport it, thus can not emulate pure serial port; I dont mind.
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20:35.20blondiestew: +r then
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20:35.31jellyhow can I check if I have installed packages/versions that are not available in stable?
20:35.46blondiedebhelper: you should be banned!
20:35.55doublehppeterrus: I have been working on USB in 2003; I am now coming back to RS485, and thats hell difficult for me.
20:36.06raf256debhelper: hi
20:36.07stewblondie: it was +J 8,3 when the split happened, i took the mode off for a few minutes, when nobody joined for a few minutes i put it back
20:36.34blondiestew: well it wouldn't let me join, and diverted me to ##please_register
20:36.43infernixI'm looking for a graphical file manager. I like mc alot but its console. I'm scooping the apt-cache list already, but does someone have a solid suggestion? I use ion so no gnomish or kdeish stuff please:)
20:37.03peterrusinfernix, emelfm for sure
20:37.05peterrusor rox
20:37.09Ryengothdoublehp: I didn't say USB had a flaw. You implied that RS232 lacks frame handling, which is why people still integrate commercial equipment with it.
20:37.14borisgentoo is a file manager
20:37.23borisapt-cache search gentoo
20:37.38stewblondie: i dont' know.  the only modes that have been changed on this channel as far back as my scrollback goes are J and l
20:37.40alexandreI runned fsck.ext3 on hdc instead of hdcX . Is it bad?
20:37.58doublehpRyengoth: I think this mode is called "bulk", and I hate it very much; I only use only interrupted; it s *really slower*, but it is synchronised.
20:38.03stewblondie: are you sure you werent sent to #debian-overflow?
20:38.15peterruswhen i start X i get this error that it cant find the 75dpi fonts in /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi. now i find a folder called /etc/X11R7 which does have a folder called this way, is this right and stuff, because i need these fonts or else i will have the standard font, which is BIG ass
20:38.20blondiestew: maybe...
20:38.23jellyalexandre: maybe.  Did it find a filesystem?
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20:38.31blondiemaybe i went to both
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20:38.57alexandrejelly: it has been running for 20minutes
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20:39.13Belboz99does anyone know why when I attempt to install nvidia-kernel-2.6-486 it wants to REMOVE 78 packages???
20:39.27jellyalexandre: it could be bad if it found and changed anything.
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20:39.53alexandrejelly: a bit late now anyway :(
20:39.58boriseasiest to just build using the * Belboz99
20:39.59jellyalexandre: if not, just ctrl-c it
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20:40.55jellyalexandre: it is strange that it found a superblock anyway.
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20:45.09alexandrejelly: i'll what happens. I've never seen fsck run for so long
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20:45.58peterruscan someone tell me whats wrong? i installed x manually with the xserver-xorg package and x-window-system-core
20:46.03Belboz99hey, the Nvidia intaller can't find my nvidia-kernel-source, even though it is installed, any ideas?
20:46.16jellyalexandre: if I were you I'd ctrl-c it right away and do fsck the correct partition.
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20:48.08jellyalexandre: hope you have backups ;-)
20:48.11debi_newbwhat repositories do i need to get all that non free stuff msttcorefonts mplayer vlc and so on .. someone???
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20:48.23alexandrejelly: yes
20:48.29peterrusdebi_newb, non free
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20:48.36peterrusdebi_newb, non-free  *
20:48.38Belboz99bah! it was never untarred! :-P
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20:48.59Belboz99anyone want to give me the proper command to untar a tar.gz?
20:49.07debi_newbpetemc: codecs and proprietary stuff.. i dont have the mplayer or vlc in my repos to start
20:49.07jellydebi_newb: vlc is free.  msttcorefonts is in non-free. mplayer is /msg dpkg marillat
20:49.07peterrustar xvzf file
20:49.14stewBelboz99: /msg dpkg tar
20:49.17Belboz99thanks peterrus!
20:49.24infernixeep. gentoo segfaults upon execution on my etch box, right after installation.
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20:50.08stewinfernix: checked the bts?
20:50.37infernixno, im only trying out various file managers here.
20:50.58debi_newbjelly: do there is no need to get any extra repositories to get support for wma and mp3 in xine or gstreamer??
20:51.07stewinfernix: it really shouldn't segfault regardless.  if other things are segfaulting, you might consider running memtest86+
20:51.15peterruscrap, why arent my fonts working :(
20:51.21infernixstew: my memory isnt broken, for sure:)
20:51.27peterrus75dpi fonts, where are they and why dont they work
20:51.33peterrusi did a fc-cache and stuff
20:51.34jellydebi_newb: btw, there's vlc in stable and unstable, but currently not in testing. Are you running etch?
20:51.46infernixstew: but my qemu session might be breaking stuff. or perhaps its due to ion. ill briefly strace it
20:51.47jellydebi_newb: mp3 works.
20:51.54debi_newbjelly: yes
20:52.14stewinfernix: strace is not often helpful with segfaults
20:52.18debi_newbjelly: so if im using etch can i still get my hands on those
20:52.28jellydebi_newb: not sure about wma, but if those apps use ffmpeg's free codecs at least some of wma files should works.
20:52.30infernixstew: i see that. gdb then.
20:52.48stewinfernix: which version of gentoo?
20:53.08jellydebi_newb: for mplayer and "w32codecs" package check out marillat's repository.
20:53.15infernixstew: whichever's in etch atm.. 0.11.55-1
20:53.32stewinfernix: works fine here fwiw
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20:53.56debi_newbjelly: ok thanks ... what if i add stable and unstable repositories would that work??
20:54.25jellydebi_newb: I'd be very careful with that.
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20:54.42debi_newbjelly: i c
20:55.09infernixstew: the plot thickens. it doesnt happen as root.
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20:55.58jellydebi_newb: I'll get flamed for suggesting this, but maybe, just maybe, you can add unstable, install vlc, then remove unstable sources.  Make notice of what other package versions from unstable were installed, and hope thy get added to testing soon. ;-)
20:56.25*** join/#debian MetaPhaze (
20:56.45jelly!why isn't vlc in testing
20:57.10jelly!why is vlc not in testing
20:57.10dpkgvlc is not in testing for the reasons listed in
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21:02.17debi_newbjelly: that is one big maybe :)
21:03.40infernixfor vlc you could add unstable sources to your testing install, then apt-get build-dep vlc and apt-get -b source vlc. will take a while but thats the safest route
21:03.57infernixunstable sources meaning a deb-src line.
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21:04.34stewjelly: "/msg dpkg quick etch/sid mix" is a better way of accomplishing the same
21:04.37infernixyou'd have to install w32codecs from and change the debian/rules file in the vlc source tree to add support for those
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21:05.25myrenhow do i dump a man page to screen, instead of paging it?
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21:05.59stewmyren: "PAGER=cat man foo"
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21:06.20myrenis there any way to single shot it?
21:06.33myrenjust this once page with cat
21:06.43stewmyren: that is a single shot, it's setting the PAGER variable just for that command
21:06.54myrenooohhhh i see
21:07.11myrenstill not sure how it works, but at least that command is starting to make sense
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21:07.36tryggHow do i mount a .bin? The bin2iso is unsupported at the official site.
21:08.13stewmyren: "var=value command" just sets var for that command's environnment, it doesn't set it for this shell like "var=value ; command" does
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21:08.49stewtrygg: what does "file /path/to/.bin" say it is?
21:10.44myrenany idea when taht syntax sugar got added to shells?
21:10.50myrenwas it tcsh or bash
21:10.59myrenor actually long standing convention
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21:11.53stewmyren: long standing afaik,  it's posix compliant
21:12.54tryggstew: heh, how does that help me? :)
21:13.32stewtrygg: it doesn't.  if it had said "ISO9660 filesytem" or some such it would have helped you
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21:13.44dan2where's asg?
21:13.45tryggSo, theres really no way to do it?
21:13.50dan2where's abrotman?
21:13.53dpkgpubtime is, like, time for asg to go .. 3pm!, or
21:13.54dan2peterS, yo
21:14.06dan2stew, heh I forgot
21:14.09infernixalright, now the big question. emelf, bsc, or the explorer style xfe. hmmm
21:14.32Ryengothtygg: create an empty partition and use dd?
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21:15.24bart416_just wondering, is it possible to get a working image of a debian base system ?
21:15.30stewtrygg: what do you know about it?  how did you make it? what does it contain?
21:15.46stewbart416_: what do you mean?
21:15.51stewbart416_: debootstrap?
21:15.55bart416_stew, a minimal base system :|
21:16.04bart416_I think i have an idea to bypass the net install
21:16.18bart416_If i can get the hd out of this laptop i might be able to attach it to my desktop
21:16.23bart416_then i can just write the image to the HD :|
21:16.25stewbart416_: /msg dpkg debootstrap
21:16.30bart416_Thats childplay :|
21:16.42bart416_stew, i need an image of the debian base system to do it
21:16.44tryggstew: its a game cd, its quake 3 (and no worries, i have 2 legitimate copies at home but the cds are borked)
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21:16.51emlHi! I just installed debian testing, it's _VERY_ nice, I like it a lot. But I've noticed one thing, and I've got a question about it; Why isn't there any Eterm-package in the repositories? If there's a separate channel for debian testing, please guide me to that channel.
21:16.53tryggstew: bin2iso isnt supported any more either.
21:17.32*** part/#debian raf256 (n=raf256@unaffiliated/raf256)
21:17.50emlI would *very* much like to use Eterm instead of the borked terminal emulators available in the reps :P
21:18.06*** part/#debian Cybodog (
21:18.12bart416_uhm trygg try cd /mnt/cdrom/
21:18.16steweml: packages get removed from testing from time to time to allow for larger transition from unstable to happen, "/msg dpkg why is eterm not in testing"
21:18.24bart416_Then a regular ./ should work :|
21:18.37tryggbart416_: heh, i need to mount it first.
21:18.38bart416_quake 3 isn't that hard to install assuming you have the correct servers
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21:18.53bart416_trygg, mount it :P
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21:19.03tryggbart416_: i dont know how to mount .bin
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21:19.17bart416_your trying to use an image
21:19.32emlMmh ok stew, any tips on where I can install it anyways? A 3rd party repository maybe
21:19.43Ryengothtygg: is it a bin/cue image?
21:19.53tryggRyengoth: yeh.
21:20.00infernixtrygg: apt-get install bchunk
21:20.06Ryengothuse bchunk
21:20.09tryggI this second found it in a thread. :D
21:20.11Ryengothtoo late!
21:20.28infernixthen mount -o loop blabla.iso /some/where
21:20.34bart416_then it should be something along the lines of: mount -o loop -t iso9660 foobar.iso /mnt/image
21:20.39steweml: you can download the unstable version from and dpkg -i /path/to/.deb ; you'll likely have to run "apt-get -f install" afterwards
21:20.40bart416_oh well what infernix said
21:20.57emlstew, Ok, thanks
21:21.06tryggThanks guys! :)
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21:21.15bart416_then go to the mount point
21:21.23bart416_and execute
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21:21.50bart416_Quake 3 is propably the first thing i'll try to run when i get that stupid lan cable here to my comp :|
21:21.56bart416_I have it on cd so it shouldn't be hard i guess
21:22.10tryggTrue. I love the TC-mod Urban Terror. :D
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21:22.19bart416_trygg, and if it doesn't work just get a cd writing program and write it to a cd rw :|
21:22.35bart416_noob method ftw
21:22.42tryggI dont even have a cdrom :)
21:22.52Ryengothgah.. I must be old. I remember when Wolfenstein 3D came out and it was da bomb.
21:23.01bart416_Ryengoth, yeah your old :|
21:23.10bart416_I still remember that i seriously wanted dukenukem 3d
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21:23.27bart416_OMG, the Build engine has insane realistic mirror effects :|
21:23.40bart416_that run perfectly on your ATI Rage or 3dfx VooDoo 2
21:23.55bart416_oh wait, is this the thing we run at 600 fps with onboards these days?
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21:24.19BlissexRyengoth: Wolfenstein was not that exciting. But I remember being totally impressed with Doom. Despite lack of elevation and the ardboard characters
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21:25.29infernixsudo reboot
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21:25.38infernixuhh. right. brb:P
21:25.50RyengothBlissex: Doom is what put ID on the map, but Wolf3D was the first real release of their 3D engine.
21:26.01LinuxYelpwhat is.. the most reliable file system?
21:26.05infernixwolf3d for life
21:26.17infernixLinuxYelp: CDs. no really, ext3.
21:26.20BlissexRyengoth: the Wolfenstein engine was a lot more limited than Doom. Not as impressive.
21:26.30RyengothBlissex: definately better than cartridge games on the C64
21:26.31BlissexLinuxYelp: define ''reliable''... It is not easy.
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21:27.19BlissexRyengoth: ah yes, but I was coming from expensive graphics workstations like the id guys... Not many remember that Doom was designed and released on a NeXT cube.
21:27.21LinuxYelpBlissex, reliable as in (almost) impossible to corrupt through: 1. power cuts 2. normal use
21:27.51RyengothLinuxYelp: when you find one, let me know so I can migrate out corporate servers
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21:28.06BlissexLinuxYelp: I would say that your aims are a bit misguided.
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21:28.37MalagmyrI'm trying to use cpufreqd on my laptop. It has a P3mobile CPU and runs the stock kernel-image-2.6.8-3-686. CpuFreq complains that I don't have a CpuFreq interface in my kernel. Anything quick I can do about this? Module assistant?
21:28.46BlissexLinuxYelp:  perhaps, but perhaps, the more forgiving of misuse is 'ext3' with 'data=journal' and a very short 'commit=2' say.
21:29.24RyengothLinuxYelp: run a RAID card that has battery backup if you are concerned with data loss
21:29.41dos000anyone explain to me why rsync {options} -e ssh timeouts when i have firewall on the target machine? yes i can ssh into the box and removing the rules makes rsync work again.
21:29.43infernixlinuxyelp: ultimately, reliability lies in disk mirroring (RAID) and external backups (be it on other disks or tape, as long as its external)
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21:30.48infernixdos000: i bet it's cause of your firewall. iptraf, tcpdump and tethereal are your friends.
21:30.56LinuxYelpSo anyway, how does jffs compare to ext3 on a desktop system?
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21:31.28infernixLinuxYelp: has file system comparison pages.
21:31.44LinuxYelpinfernix, thx, link?
21:31.49dos000infernix, i know its the furewall . but can you explain what happens to rsync when you pass -e ssh  ? is it not supposed to do the rsync protocol via ssh tunnels ?
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21:32.40infernixdos000: im not 100% sure, but my guess is that it'll talk on port 22 to set up a tunnel on a static or random port which is probably blocked. hence the need for you to run those friends (iptraf/tcpdump/tethereal) and see whats going on
21:32.55LinuxYelpnm, got it
21:33.01infernixLinuxYelp: if you look up XFS or JFS it should point to the comparison page
21:34.26infernixmalagmyr: upgrade the kernel, i am not sure if cpufreq is modularized and i never run stock kernels. you can try find /lib/modules -name \*freq* to see if there's any modules in your current image
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21:43.49tuvMalagmyr, modconf can list all cpufreq modules for you so that you install the appropriate one for your cpu
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21:48.55mmiikkee12i have a lfs system (base system+a few extra apps) that i'd rather not reformat, can i install apt and dpkg and install a sid system over it without a reinstall?
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21:50.04cydorkmmiikkee12, there is script called as debtakeover but it is for woody AFAIK
21:50.05tuvmmiikkee12, i'm not sure, but maybe debootstrap is what you're looking for
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21:50.29mmiikkee12tuv: isn't that that ancient installer before debian-installer?
21:51.05cydorkmmiikkee12, nope
21:51.06tuvmmiikkee12, don't know, but it could be. it basically creates a debian system
21:51.12dpkgi guess debootstrap is <caphuso> get the debootstrap source from, compile it, read the man page, install debian with it </caphuso>  Useful for installing in a chroot., or see
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21:52.04infernixmmiikkee12: why not migrate just the data, you'll be replacing all binaries anyway?
21:52.34mmiikkee12infernix: hmm. maybe
21:52.41mmiikkee12how long does a sid install take?
21:52.49evilgeekthat's dbootstrap.
21:52.52mmiikkee12i'd like to be able to irc while it's going
21:52.53infernix15-30mins on a fast line
21:53.00mmiikkee12infernix: 1.5mbps cable
21:53.03evilgeekdebootstrap is the thing that turns an arbitrary linux system into a debian system.
21:53.08infernix20mins. 30 maybe.
21:53.21LinuxYelpBlissex, I'm doing a mkfs.ext3, just wondering if you might supply the exact parameters?
21:53.38infernixmmiikkee12: here's an url you could use:
21:53.43BlissexLinuxYelp: for what? There are zillions. The defaults should be OK.
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21:54.12mmiikkee12infernix: i only have one computer, thanks for the suggestion though
21:54.21LinuxYelpBlissex, 'ext3' with 'data=journal' and a very short 'commit=2' say.
21:54.28infernixmmiikkee12: pen and paper do wonders
21:54.30cydorkevilgeek, nope deboostrap installs a debian system in any directory
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21:54.42mmiikkee12infernix: doesn't count as a remote system
21:54.44BlissexLinuxYelp: ahhh, those are _mount_ options.
21:54.49tuvmmiikkee12, debootstrap is a program you run and do whatever you want in another tty
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21:55.08evilgeekcydork: you mean debootstrap.  and i don't see how that's inconsistent with my description.
21:55.08infernixmmiikkee12: mainly the url will show how to use debootstrap
21:55.08LinuxYelpBlissex, I can do that then, np
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21:55.39mmiikkee12infernix: i'm looking for a sid cd too. if i could do that instead of just upgrading from testing/stable that'd be good enough
21:55.45cydorkevilgeek, it doesn't turn any linux system into debian..
21:55.56infernixmmiikkee12: there's no such thing as sid cds afaik.
21:56.00mmiikkee12i think installing debian and then installing debian is a bit redundant :P
21:56.07mmiikkee12infernix: that's what i heard too
21:56.12infernixmmiikkee12: sid = still in development. use etch cds
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21:56.31mmiikkee12infernix: sid was the kid in toy story that broke all the toys. :)
21:56.38infernixmmiikkee12: that too
21:56.42evilgeekcydork: can it not be used for that purpose, by running "debootstrap" while outside any chroot environment?
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21:56.48BlissexLinuxYelp: for maximum safety you might want to disable write caching on the hard drive with 'hdparm -W0 /dev/....' but that makes writing a _lot_ slower. Also 'sync' as a mount option.
21:57.22evilgeekcydork: i've used it for this purpose twice in my recollection, though perhaps not exactly as i described.  thus, i believe my description was accurate.
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21:58.07infernixbah. emelf nor bsc are half the speed that mc is.
21:58.32bws42tuv just wanted to let you know that the ppp method in interfaces fixed my DSL problem, thanks
21:58.34cydorkevilgeek, ya but still you will be installing it in a subdirectory of already installed system.. it will not turn the original linux into debian. only debtakeover can do that..
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21:58.56tuvbws42, great.. thanks for letting me know
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21:59.55ry1tuv: were you the one I was talking to about wpa_supplicant last week or so?
22:00.04evilgeekcydork: oh, maybe i did use chroot from an initrd or something.  regardless, chroot+debootstrap gives precisely this functionality.  further, i believe that this is the most common use case for debootstrap.
22:00.33dondelelcaroyou're in #debian
22:00.34HeartsbaneHow did I get there
22:00.38tuvry1, hmm.. i remember talking to you some time recently but can't remember if it was wpa_supplicant. i can help with wpa_supplicant though
22:00.38epsilonwhere can I find synckookie option in
22:00.39HeartsbaneO I C
22:00.47mmiikkee12Heartsbane: too many people here at once
22:01.14stewHeartsbane: we limit how fast we let people join the channel in order to protect us from bots, if you ever end up in #debian-overflow just wait a minute and retry #debian
22:01.17mmiikkee12!tell mmiikkee12 about unstable faq
22:01.27ry1tuv: awsome. I am running etch, and my question is, where does wpa_supplicant put it's config info in it's newest release? it doesn't seem to be /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf anymore
22:01.28mmiikkee12!tell mmiikkee12 about sid faq
22:01.43mmiikkee12oh yeah. you can /msg it too :P
22:01.44cydorkmmiikkee12, use /msg dpkg
22:01.48infernixry1: dpkg -L wpasupplicant
22:01.54mmiikkee12cydork: sorry, just thought of that
22:02.05tuvry1, you don't have to use wpa_supplicant.conf file anymore. you can put wpa options into /etc/network/interfaces directly
22:02.18MannieXhi, anyone use amule please ?
22:02.32ry1tuv: really? do they look the same sas those that would go into a conf file in the passed?
22:02.39MannieXi have some problem with browser and i can't open the server list
22:02.45LinuxYelpBlissex, hows this for fstab: /dev/hda2        /           ext3    defaults,sync,data=journal,commit=2        0       0
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22:02.59MannieXplease someone can say the edonkey ip and port please ?
22:03.09ry1tuv: heh, sorry, don't know why I messed that up, what I meant is, can I still use the howtos google gave me on how to make .conf files and just put the same stuff into interfaces?
22:03.17MannieXor any server
22:03.28bbelt16aghas anybody ever setup icecast
22:03.38dpkgPlease do not ask if anyone uses <someprogram>. Instead, ask your real question. (If the real question _was_ "does anyone use <someprogram>?" ask me about <popcon> instead.) See <ask> <sicco> <ask-to-ask> <polls>
22:03.39tuvry1, zless /usr/share/doc/wpasupplicant/README.modes.gz
22:03.44BlissexLinuxYelp: looks good, note that 'sync' also has performance reduction. 'data=journal,commit=2' also slow down things, but not a lot.
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22:04.34dpkg[icecast] a GPL'd live mp3 streamer,
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22:05.38LinuxYelpBlissex, thing is, I don't really see a point in commit=2, because it doesnt really stop me from loosing data..
22:05.59tuvry1, /etc/network/interfaces can take care of all your networking needs (TM) ;)
22:05.59BlissexLinuxYelp: naive comment...
22:06.04LinuxYelpif commit, is the seconds it takes to commit?
22:07.03ry1tuv: thanks, checking that out now :)
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22:09.49mmiikkee12does a netboot installer boot by itself and do a netinstall or boot from another machine on the network?
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22:11.24cydorkmmiikkee12, it boots by itself and for more info /msg dpkg ig
22:13.28mmiikkee12so there IS a sid netinstall
22:13.33ry1tuv: so if I am using an atheros card, my stanza would look like "iface ath0 inet dhcp \wpa-driver madwifi \ wpa-ssid MySSid \ wpa-key-mgmt WPA-PSK (but I could change this to WEP right?) \ wpa-psk my password"?
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22:15.23tuvry1, looks ok. note that wpa-psk expects the hex key while wpa-passphrase expects the ascii passphrase
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22:15.56SevenIsPrimeDoes anyone know how to replace "gs-esp" with "gs-gpl" without braking the CUPS system dependencies?
22:15.57tuvry1, moreover, i found out that i need "pre-up ifconfig ath0 up" when using madwifi
22:16.38SevenIsPrimeerrm, debian SID/unstable btw. There is a rather nasty bug in the gs-esp package concerning accented characters.
22:16.44ry1tuv: are you using something like ifplugd or laptop-net?
22:16.45*** join/#debian jade (n=Bob@unaffiliated/dogmeat)
22:16.46tuvry1, also, i use "wpa-proto RSN" in  addition to what you wrote
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22:16.57tuvry1, i do use ifplugd
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22:17.39tuvry1, make sure you remove the "auto" for your wired ethernet interface from the interfaces file if you're using ifplugd. and don't use ifplugd for your wireless interface
22:18.09ry1tuv: but my wireless is a PCMCIA card that isn't in all the time, I need to hotplug it somehow
22:18.27ry1I have both eth0 and ath0 set to allow_hotplug
22:18.33ry1both are PCMCIA cards
22:18.35tuvry1, oh.. then your case is different than mine.
22:18.51tuvry1, i don't use ifplugd for my wireless interface, if that was your question
22:19.01mmiikkee12hmm. can i re-erase a cd-rw and make the system think it's a dvd? :)
22:19.09uglyAfter loading the modules specified by 'sensors-detect,' I receive an error that 'sensors' "Can't access procfs/sysfs file," even though both /proc and /sys are mounted.  This is occurring on 2 computers, each of which are using 2.6.x-686 kernel images.  What could be causing this error?  (both use eeprom module, in addition to another one)
22:19.15ry1tuv: so since I do, do I need ifconfig pre-up?
22:20.11tuvry1, you can try without it and if it doesn't work then try with it. i think you'll still need it. depends on your pcmcia scripts
22:20.46tuvry1, i want my ath0 up on boot and it's not pcmica (built-in)
22:21.10*** part/#debian NLoRD (n=mikeg@
22:21.23tuvry1, note that ifplugd respects what's in interfaces file
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22:22.37ry1tuv: here we go, let's see if this works
22:24.30ry1tuv: it works, but I did have to use dhclient to get an IP though
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22:24.52ry1and, what did you do to make it support roaming? or do you have to put every ap you use into interfaces?
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22:25.15tuvry1, hmm.. i have a single ap.. sorry
22:25.39ry1tuv: okay, another question I had was: do you have your madwifi patched for packet injection?
22:25.41tuvry1, shouldn't all the ap's use the same essid?
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22:25.54ry1tuv: no, I meant different locations
22:26.06tuvry1, i'm using debian's madwifi-source compiled with module-assistant
22:26.12nuxieni would like to know the differences between testing and unstable
22:26.27ry1tuv: ah, so you don't use aircrack or anything like that?
22:26.30tuvry1, oh. for different locations i have different entries in the interfaces file
22:26.37ry1tuv: okay, thanks :)
22:26.56tuvry1, i use a mapping script to select which entry in the interfaces file to use
22:27.03tuvry1, man interfaces for detail
22:27.03infernixheh. turns out i like xfe best. freekin windows explorer style file manager :)
22:27.17ry1tuv: thanks
22:27.20tuvry1, sure
22:27.57tuvry1, i tried aircrack once on an ipw2200 machine, not the madwifi one, but didn't try packet injection
22:28.45*** part/#debian nuxien (n=nuxien@
22:28.53ry1tuv: okay, because I know packet injection .patch files exist for madwifi, but I have no idea how they work :)
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22:29.50tuvry1, probably using the "patch" program
22:30.12ry1tuv: maybe, it seemed to hang up for me
22:30.34tuvry1, make sure you have the exact source version for which the patch was made
22:30.56ry1tuv: do you also put your wep protected wlans in interfaces? and I do, maybe it's a problem with the patch itself
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22:32.35tuvry1, for wep lans you don't need wpa_supplicant. man wireless to see how to fit wep lans into the interfaces file
22:33.14ry1tuv: thanks
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22:33.49tuvry1, or better yet: less /usr/share/doc/wireless-tools/README.Debian
22:36.29blackelfwhan in the fucks name!
22:36.43blackelfI want to print a page, and the damn CUPS tells me that I reached a quote limit! I never set no limit
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22:37.26ph00maybe you didn't pay your printing license
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22:38.40blackelfah, fixed it.
22:38.49ph00mount as in mounting filesystems I hope...
22:38.49blackelfthe allowed users where borked
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22:39.08blackelfbut the error message was missleading. GOod thing I read /var/logs
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22:43.19ry1tuv: the interfaces manpage didn't have much on mapping scripts, but it did say I could find one in the /examples dir, where is that? :)
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22:43.57tuvry1, /usr/share/doc/ifupdown iirc
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22:44.25ry1tuv: thanks
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22:45.11drantinis there a way to make a chroot utilize an Xsession running on its host?
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22:46.37ry1tuv: whatever iirc is, it doesn't exist within the ifupdown folder
22:46.51dondelelcarodrantin: yes
22:47.05dondelelcarodrantin: you either have to have the server listening on localhost, or bind mount the socket into the chroot
22:47.09ry1tuv: never mind, I took you too literally
22:47.13tuvry1, iirc: if i remember correctly
22:47.26tuvry1, and yes i remembered correctly
22:47.27ry1tuv: sorry about that, you did remember correctly :)
22:48.39drantindondelelcaro: thanks, looking into bind mounting
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22:51.33ry1tuv: are you sure there isn't an easier way than mapping scripts?
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22:53.36VasisthaIs it advisable to copy /boot/config-2.6.8-whatever to /usr/src/kernel-source-2.6.8/  before doing a make menuconfig ?
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22:54.33emlHmm, I need to find out how to add debian-nonfree to my sources, where can I find information about it?
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22:54.47emlPerhaps not debian-nonfree, but something nonfree at least, to get unrar
22:54.57Vasisthaeml: man sources.list
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22:55.17tuvry1, oh it's very easy and effective. i can paste you my script if you like
22:55.31emlWell actually Vasistha, I need to know the lines to add :)
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22:56.09Vasisthaeml: well it's much easier if I actually know what your sources.list actually looks like, but you can usually just add non-free after main
22:56.19emlOkay, thanks
22:56.45__honkyVasistha: be sure to have an make oldconfig before the make menuconfig
22:56.46emlYup, worked. Thanks a lot Vasistha
22:56.49CHodappOkay, so a C source file has #include "radeon_screen.h". radeon_screen.h is in the same directory as the C source. Why is makedepend bitching that it can't find it?
22:57.09Vasistha__honky: ...regardless of whether I copy it over from /boot ?
22:57.29Vasisthaeml: you're welcome ... you may also want to add it to your security updates line
22:57.47Vasisthaeml: and additionally you might want to add 'contrib'
22:58.02__honkyVasistha: depends on what defaults you want to start with, can't hurt anyway
22:58.35Vasistha__honky:  I'd just as soon start with debian's sanctioned defaults, and I would assume those would appear in /boot as opposed to somewhere else, is that right?
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22:58.40tuvry1, and then i have "mapping wlan0
22:59.38__honkyVasistha: yes
22:59.58Vasistha__honky: ahh, excellent, thanks.  Well, if all goes well, I may actually run a 2.6 kernel for the first time today
23:00.00ezuwhen installing debian on a older laptop with a PCMCIA network card, is it possible to use the network installer with this card or would it be best to download one of the cd's?
23:00.02ry1tuv: thanks
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23:00.15ry1ezu: it is possible
23:00.24ry1it should work as normal, how old is the laptop?
23:00.30Vasisthaezu:  depends whether your network card is supported with drivers, but there's like a 99% chance that it is.
23:00.32__honkyVasistha: The linux-image-2.6* .deb puts it there
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23:01.12Vasistha__honky: I kinda figured it did.  Although since it doesn't actually work, I guess I'd just as well remove linux-image-2.6 after grabbing the sample config
23:01.14ezury1, its a old dell laptop.. umm im guessing at least 5 years old. i can not find much information on its release date or processor specs
23:01.26Marupahi, does anyone know of a good 3d modelling tool for linux that's easy to pick up and learn?
23:01.27ry1ezu: a latitude 600 something?
23:01.35ezuinspiron 3500
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23:01.43ry1ezu: and what kind of nic card?
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23:02.00ry1ezu: I am using a 4 or so year old panasonic toughbook cf-47 with a dlink nic
23:02.56ry1tuv: how do I disconnect from my ssid without bringing down the whole iface?
23:03.22tuvry1, iwconfig essid <new-essid>, as root
23:03.41ezuone sec
23:03.53tuvry1, oops. iwconfig <if-name> essid <new-essid>
23:04.29ry1tuv: I don't want to switch, I want to be able to put my card in monitor mode, so I don't want to be on any iface
23:04.45tuvry1, iwconfig <if-name> mode monitor
23:05.55ry1tuv: it gives me an invalid argument
23:06.19tuvry1, then it depends on the driver. read madwifi docs.
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23:06.29ry1tuv: k, thanks
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23:07.21ezury1, you know what, im not sure. i poped out what i thought was the nic card but its apparently a winmodem.. 3com megahertz 3cxm356.. i just got this laptop from my brother so im still learning about what it can do
23:07.43ry1ezu: you might want to go buy a dlink PCMCIA nic or something :)
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23:10.32ezuwell i have a dlink wireless nic for it as well, i have another nic that I think I can use for this also.. the weird thing is, in the case is the gear (including the jack in to the nic) to plug in for rj45 for ethernet
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23:10.55ry1ezu: one of those anal dongles from 3com?
23:11.12Malagmyrwhat package is "play" in?
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23:13.06Marupahi, I'm trying to figure out how to enable my joysticks  (one's USB, the other's game-port)  And I have no idea what I'm doing  Could someone help?
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23:13.16ry1ezu: oh god, get a new nic
23:14.24ezuim trying to find my old nic that i use to have.. that thing was great
23:14.31ezugood solid 10baseT :)
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23:17.44Marupacould someone please help me?  I don't know what I'm doing.
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23:18.13Malagmyr!search /usr/bin/play
23:19.02EmimlMarupa: usb joysticks should work automaticly
23:19.13Marupait read it the heck do I use it?
23:19.56Marupareads it, as in, dmesg sees it.
23:19.59VasisthaMarupa: btw, I have no experience, but have you checked out blender for 3d graphics?
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23:20.08Marupayes, I have, Vasistha.
23:21.19Emimldpkg: !apt-file
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23:21.41emlSängen! God natt.
23:21.47emlOh, sorry, wrong channel.
23:21.59EmimlMarupa: ant to find in wich package is /usr/bin/play you should use apt-file
23:22.18jelly-home!find bin/play sarge
23:22.33dpkgDebian Search of 'bin/play' (8 of 10): (/usr/bin/play) in sound/sox ;; (/usr/bin/ in gnome/pimppa ;; (/usr/bin/playmidi) in sound/playmidi ;; (/usr/bin/playbucket) in sound/nas-bin ;; (/usr/bin/playdv) in graphics/libdv-bin ;; (/usr/bin/playmp3list) in sound/playmp3list ;; (/usr/bin/playsound) in libs/libsdl-sound1.2 ;; (/usr/bin/play-sample) in sound/sound-recorder.
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23:25.04threeHi! Short question: Is kernel 2.4 fine for unstable or is 2.6 recommended? Or should one even upgrade from 2.4 to 2.6 after upgrading from current stable to unstable?
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23:26.19ezukernel does not really change a whole lot.. if 2.4 is working for you though I would stick with it unles you see a need to upgrade
23:26.34ry1oh come on, everyone knows 2.6 is better :)
23:27.02ry1three: you don't need to upgrade to unstable to run 2.6
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23:27.18jelly-homery1: 2.6 is in constant flux too.
23:27.24ry1ezu: a new PCMCIA nic will cost about 30 bucks US from most stores
23:27.58ezury1, ehhe i just know 2.6 offers more drivers and a few better choices in some areas. it has been about 3 years since i used linux last so my kernel information is fairly out of date..
23:28.22ezui am a very poor college student :) 30$ is a lot right now
23:28.26ry1ezu: but I would advise getting one that takes the cable directly without the use of a dongle because in my experience, the dongle breaks and you can't use the card anymore. only problem is that the non dongle nics will take up your other PCMCIA slot if you have two of them.
23:28.29ezuif i can find my old one i will be happen
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23:28.40threery1: Just wanted to know the other way around, whether 2.6 is needed for unstable :) Thx..
23:28.45Mitaris there any package which would give me some diff tool for big files (1 GB big)
23:28.53Mitarnormal diff does not handle it
23:29.14ry1three: I wouldn't advise upgrading to unstable without upgrading kernel, though I have done it, only problem is that some packages may require 2.6
23:29.37ezustable is running 2.6 isnt it?
23:29.46ry1ezu: sarge? not usually
23:30.16ezuah i think i am thinking etch is stable right now
23:30.18jelly-homeezu: you can find pcmcia network cards on ebay for less, since most laptops today already have a nic.
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23:31.19jelly-homeezu: also, if that card you took of the dell was a mini-pci, there's a possibility that it can be replaced with one that has both modem and a nic on it.
23:31.21ezui have so many nic's for my PC's sitting around.. is it possible to do network install over wireless? I wouldnt suggest it normally but it might be my best bet
23:32.08ry1ezu: I don't believe so
23:32.15ezujelly, as far as i can tell this one is winmodem only
23:32.31ry1ezu: there's too much config involved, though that might be a feature in the debian install for the future
23:33.00ry1assuming you could compile all known wifi drivers into the install kernel :)
23:33.47threery1: So I guess I'll upgrade the kernel after upgrading Debian.. Thanks!
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23:34.12ry1three: if you do it through apt, it should do it automatically
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23:35.45jaeStupid overflow crap
23:35.56threery1: I always compile the kernel myself.
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23:36.00ezueheh i found it.. new media live wire 10 nic :)
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23:36.12eugmanwhat is a dsc file?
23:36.21LinuxYelpplease help, apt-get update gives me: Failed to fetch  MD5Sum mismatch
23:36.22ry1three: as do I
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23:38.01threery1: Hell, if I don't compile everything myself, I want to compile that kernel at least. :P
23:38.59eugmanWhere can I dowload the .deb for gtypist?
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23:39.30five0`which dev mechanism does sarge-release use?
23:39.41five0`2.6.8 is still devfs, isn't it?
23:39.56dondelelcarofive0`: it can use devfs or udev.
23:39.59dondelelcaro(or makedev)
23:40.58five0`dondelelcaro: ok, thanks. My fstab appears to be in a udev format, but neither the udev package is installed, nor is there a etc/udev rules directory
23:41.12SerajewelKSis there some way to request that all, say, outgoing IPv6 connections happen from one interface?
23:41.23SerajewelKSnot the one "closest" to the destination?
23:41.24five0`dondelelcaro: installing udev doesn't produce anything different
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23:41.30dondelelcarofive0`: you don't add a udev entry to your fstab; it just does it when it boots
23:41.39bws42SerajewelKS default route out that iface?
23:41.44orchideugman: click on the download arch you want
23:41.54five0`dondelelcaro: no, i mean the nomenclature of fstab
23:42.04SerajewelKSbws42: not out the interface, but having the source address of that interface
23:42.20orchideugman: choose unstable, testing if your not on sarge of course
23:42.26dondelelcarofive0`: eh? there's no fstab entry needed for udev
23:42.36bws42SerajewelKS for a specific program?
23:42.55SerajewelKSbws42: e.g. i have a tunnel interface, and eth0 has a routeable v6 address on my v6 subnet.  i want the source address to be eth0's, not the tunnel endpoint.
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23:43.08SerajewelKSbws42: at the moment yes, but maybe not later
23:43.26eugmanActually i'm converting it for a personal dsl cd but I think I understand the different versions.
23:43.31RAZVRATNIKhi doys and girls
23:43.38jelly-homefive0`: udev didn't tamper with fstab here.
23:43.56*** mode/#debian [+o dondelelcaro] by ChanServ
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23:44.30bws42I honestly don't know how it decides which IP to use
23:44.36bws42mine uses the tunnel IP as well
23:44.39SerajewelKSbws42: as far as i am concerned, the eth0 address is the address of this box.  the tunnel address is just the endpoint; i don't want connections to look like it's coming from there.
23:44.57jelly-homedondelelcaro: the banned users' nick meant "pervert" in croatian, btw
23:45.00bws42why? technically that's an IP of that box as well
23:45.20SerajewelKSbws42: not the address it's assigned with DNS
23:45.31De_Moncan I create a raid0 logicalvolumn using lvm?
23:45.37bws42okay true, they don't usually give you reverse dns for that IP
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23:45.49SerajewelKSbws42: *nod*
23:45.57bws42SerajewelKS sixxs?
23:46.01SerajewelKSbws42: yes
23:46.16mmiikkee12\o/ i have unstable installed
23:46.19SerajewelKSbws42: reverse is working (dig -x 2001:4830:152e:1::1)
23:46.35mmiikkee12but it's at an annoyingly low refresh rate and high resolution
23:46.40SerajewelKSmmiikkee12: let the breakage begin!
23:46.46eugmanIch kann deb2dsl nicht finde. Hilfe!
23:46.47bws42SerajewelKS right
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23:46.55eugmanIt doesn't seem to be on the livecd
23:46.57mmiikkee12SerajewelKS, you're not helping.
23:47.05SerajewelKSbws42: so i want things to come from that address
23:47.20SerajewelKSmmiikkee12: nope, just trying to joke around a bit
23:47.20dpkgde is probably Deutschsprachige Hilfe bekommt ihr in (auf und - German speaking users please go to (on and freenode)
23:47.24eugmanwrong channel
23:47.35jelly-homeeugman: hmm, you won't get help for damn small linux here
23:47.42karsteneugman: Keine Problem
23:47.49*** part/#debian eugman (
23:48.08bws42SerajewelKS I'm not really sure how to do that, but it is an interesting question
23:48.19SerajewelKSbws42: likely it's picking the address of the interface closest to the destination, which in this case is the address on the default route's interface
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23:49.50bws42SerajewelKS what program?
23:49.52SerajewelKSalso, how can i statically assign a v6 address in the interfaces file on an interface that also is configured with v4 by DHCP?
23:50.05SerajewelKSbws42: irssi.  i can't find a source option in /help connect
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23:51.14bws42SerajewelKS for the other interface add another interface declaration, i.e. if the first was interface eth0 inet dhcp, then create another like interface eth0 inet6 static
23:51.19bws42and then put the proper info
23:51.24ry1guys: I am using madwifi with an atheros card. Now, I can download from the net just fine, but is there a reason I can't upload or ssh into that box?
23:51.25bws42just learned that yesterday :)
23:51.38SerajewelKSbws42: interesting
23:51.52bws42SerajewelKS works like a charm on my router
23:52.34SerajewelKSbws42: i'll do that when i'm back home; the box is remote and i'm not messing with eth0 remotely =)
23:52.49bws42heh, why not? it's so much fun :P
23:53.09SerajewelKSa 15 hour drive to fix it wouldn't be fun
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23:53.52bws42yeah I know what that's like, my router's HD died and I had some people who don't know much about linux reinstall it, then once it was back on the internet I fixed the rest
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23:56.17ry1bws42: what do you use as a router? IPCop?
23:56.56bws42SerajewelKS I'm not sure if there's a way to do what you want to be honest, at least not an easy way that I can think of
23:57.52SerajewelKSbws42: hmm thanks anyway
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23:58.23SerajewelKSmaybe #ipv6 will know
23:58.29bws42ry1: it's just a normal debian box..., not sure what
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23:58.49ry1bws: ah
23:58.55bws42ry1: with a firewall script I wrote, a dns server, dhcp, squid, and some stats stuff
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23:59.06ry1bws: awsome
23:59.32bws42ry1 read a whole lot of HOWTOs and lartc at least 10 times
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23:59.50mmiikkee12any idea how to get the nvidia driver on unstable kernel 2.6.16-2?
23:59.53*** join/#debian Alex_78 (

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