irclog2html for #debian on 20060430

00:00.14zx8_i am trying to setup a dwl-650 wireless card in debian
00:00.21zx8_its a pcmcia card also
00:00.37beardy_k-god: ?
00:00.43k-godzx8_: There's a limited set of WiFi PCMCIA card supported under Linux.  It's a real PITA.
00:00.51k-godbeardy_: Don't !tell me stuff on channel.  /msg the bots.
00:01.28beardy_k-god: Please read your backscroll.
00:01.36alexk_so to install a new kernel.. just aptitude install kernel-name and reboot?
00:02.01JordiGHalexk_: Pretty much. apt-get install, I think you mean, though.
00:02.13k-godbeardy_: Stop wasting my time.
00:02.22beardy_k-god: What the fuck is your problem?
00:02.30alexk_Is apt-get preferred to aptitude for kernel upgrades?
00:02.50k-godalexk_: I prefer aptitude in general.  /msg dpkg aptitude and read the mailing list post.
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00:03.05JordiGHalexk_: It's preferred by me because I like using clis sometimes.
00:03.15beardy_Damn he's stupid..
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00:03.26alexk_JordiGH: i only use the cli... aptitude works fine in it
00:03.37JordiGHaptitude has a cli? I didn't know that.
00:03.47k-godJordiGH: Both apt-get and aptitude are CLI.  aptitude is largely argument compatible with apt-get.
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00:03.50JordiGHI thought it had an ncurses interface.
00:03.54zx8_it uses a prism2 chipset dudes
00:03.56k-godJordiGH: It has both.
00:04.00TeamCanada|Silenhow do I remount everything in fstab? (not mount -a)
00:04.01JordiGHAh, nice.
00:04.09ggeeckois cacti easy to configure
00:04.09pdbogenIs there a reason I might want to use aptitude instead of apt-get?
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00:04.53tabris|awayuhhh. if you like interfaces instead of commandline
00:05.09Nodenodesometimes, it's so easy, most others are so hard
00:05.16k-godpdbogen: /msg dpkg aptitude.  Read the referenced mailing list post.  At least 9 reasons.
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00:06.51k-godTeamCanada|Silen: No specific method.  Easy enough at the shell.
00:07.09JordiGHWhile we're on the topic of Your Software Sucks, Use Mine Instead, how does synaptic compare with aptitude?
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00:07.42k-godJordiGH: Dunno. I generally dislike GUIs.
00:07.58pdbogenk-god : #2 in that seems like the best reason.
00:08.03k-godJordiGH: I find aptitude's search and display features very slick. Can run it in a screen session, access it as needed.
00:08.36k-godpdbogen: Logging's saved my ass more than once.  If you know what got installed/removed, it's easy enough to remove/reinstall it.
00:09.01JordiGHWow. Ok. I think I'm being converted.
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00:09.31k-godpdbogen: I'd pay good money for 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, and 9.
00:10.17beardy_!say k-god: You should really read your /lastlog beardy_
00:10.18dpkgk-god: You should really read your /lastlog beardy_
00:10.37k-godbeardy_: Stop abusing bots.
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00:11.12JordiGHk-god, uh, I do believe there was a misunderstanding here. beardy_ was telling *ME* not to use !tell me commands with the bot.
00:11.26beardy_JordiGH: Thankyou.
00:11.38k-godJordiGH: In which case he's aware of what I was telling him and making a federal case of it is a waste of time.
00:11.41JordiGHk-god: But it looks like you thought beardy_ was using the bot for that purpose.
00:11.48Tiberiobye bye
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00:12.10k-godJordiGH: ... and if he's aware we both know this he's wasting time and bandwidth.  End discussion.
00:12.26JordiGHEr, I don't get it. But suit yourself.
00:12.29beardy_JordiGH: But perhaps he is what I thought at first anyway, it seems, well..
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00:12.39beardy_JordiGH: Thanks anyway.
00:12.50k-godJordiGH: It's an attitude thing.
00:13.11k-godbeardy_: A "you got the wrong guy" "Oh, sorry" would have been more than sufficient.
00:13.42beardy_k-god: Are you saying I should have said "Oh, sorry"?
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00:13.55stonedim saying you both shut up and chil
00:13.57k-godbeardy_: No, you idiot, *I* should have.
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00:14.06k-godstoned: That was my initial response.
00:14.29k-godbeardy_: I fucked up.  Sorry.  Enough already.
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00:15.16beardy_k-god: Or you could have scrolled back and read it over, as I suggested.
00:15.21beardy_k-god: Fine, yes enough.
00:15.44k-godbeardy_: This terminal doesn't scroll.  Anyhow, I'm done.  I'd ignored you because I didn't want to discuss this.  Which obviously *still* isn't working.
00:15.57stoneddpkg m4a3mp3 is to convert m4a files to mp3 files
00:15.57dpkgstoned: okay
00:16.13k-godbeardy_: ... and if you need to ask, OS X.
00:16.23iceeeyif I want to dual boot debian and windows, which should I install first?
00:16.29JordiGHiceey: Windows.
00:16.38stonedm4a3mp3 screweed up
00:16.43JordiGHiceeey: Because Windows is impolite and overwrites the MBR without asking first.
00:16.44beardy_k-god: Doesn't it have nicer irc-clients, which can scroll?
00:16.47stonedhow do you fix a typo
00:16.52pdbogendpkg forget m4a3mp3
00:16.53dpkgi forgot m4a3mp3, pdbogen
00:16.58k-godbeardy_: None nicer than irssi.  And it's that fucks up.
00:17.02beardy_stoned: dpkg, no, factoid is something else
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00:17.09beardy_k-god: I see.
00:17.11scarynetworkguyk-god: does scroll. :)
00:17.12k-godbeardy_: ... better display than my thinkpad.
00:17.15stoneddpkg m4a2mp3 is to convert m4a files to mp3 files
00:17.15dpkgstoned: okay
00:17.20pdbogenBitchX does scroll.
00:17.21k-godscarynetworkguy: It steals scroll from apps within it.
00:17.48beardy_k-god: But if you run irssi, it should scroll fine, irssi itself I mean.
00:17.49TeamCanada|Silenis there linux for palm pilots/pdas?
00:17.52scarynetworkguyk-god: Yes. But it *can* scroll. And it looks pretty much the same. :)
00:18.03stonedTeamCanada|Silen, yes
00:18.06k-godbeardy_: Can we just quit with the tired arguments right now.
00:18.14pdbogenTeamCanada|Silen : Sometimes, but they're highly specialized.
00:18.16dvsstoned: that was helpful. ;-)
00:18.27k-godbeardy_: Trust me.  It doesn't scroll.  I can switch to rooted X session but then I have no GUI browsers.
00:18.34stoneddvs, m4a? or TeamCanada|Silen response
00:18.50k-godscarynetworkguy: above goes for you too.
00:20.10belkinfakeroot make-jpkg jre-1_5_0_06-linux-i586.bin  tell me " which will allow no damage to be done to your system files and still permit the Java distribution to successfully extract. " anyi deea ?
00:20.10stonedTeamCanada|Silen, use google to find out which linux is avialable for palm . here is one,
00:20.25beardy_k-god: You have an attitude that makes it difficult to talk to you, and that can easily upset people, and it's not an insult, only a hint, but I'll be quiet now.
00:20.32JordiGHThat reminds me. I want the penguin on my iPod.
00:20.37k-godbeardy_: Thanks for your input.
00:20.54dvsstoned: I would have recommended jpilot but that'll do.
00:21.00belkinJordiGH what package are you using to manage your ipod ?
00:21.02solemnwarningI don't get why people buy palms, ect
00:21.15nimaif i get a cert for *, it doesnt work with just, anyone know a way around this?
00:21.20solemnwarningthey dont really have fast enough processors to do anything big
00:21.25scarynetworkguyk-god: So when I hit shift-page up and it scrolls. I've just been dreaming this all this time? # And note that I'm honestly confused and curious about what you are on about here but you know me well enough to know it'll come with a large order of snark. :P
00:21.26pdbogennima: Get a cert for
00:21.27JordiGHbelkin: I have no idea how to do it. But I know I can install some distro on the iPod. There's a wiki somewhere...
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00:21.35dvssolemnwarning: because they're too broke to buy BlackBerries
00:21.36pdbogennima : Or get a cert for *.bar, ha ha ha.
00:21.36k-godscarynetworkguy: Not here.
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00:21.47stonedsolemnwarning, i don't either.  they are hard to use, shitty, crappy, I'd rather just carry a light laptop around.  thsse days the good ones can be really really light, less than 5 lbs
00:21.49TeamCanada|Silenor laptops
00:21.50scarynetworkguyk-god: *book?
00:21.55k-godscarynetworkguy: Actually, rxvt under a rootless X11 server.
00:22.00k-godscarynetworkguy: MacBook Pro.
00:22.06TeamCanada|Silennever mac
00:22.22nimapdbogen, then it wont work with
00:22.28scarynetworkguyk-god: Ahh. So not :)
00:22.31stonedI've got deb/ppc running on powerbook 3400c laptop, works fantastically
00:22.33nima*.bar would, though :-)
00:22.41stonedits actually been running sarge since its testing phase
00:22.43k-godscarynetworkguy: Same behavior, different shit.
00:22.46pdbogennima : The first one was a suggestion that you get * AND
00:23.00pdbogennima : I believe that's the only correct solution. I doubt you can get a proper certy for *.com issued. :P
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00:23.09belkinJordiGH i asked what package do you use to manage your songs for your ipod under debian :)
00:23.16k-godscarynetworkguy: Just to prove my point....
00:23.21richartconthello, i installed etch, but when i try login and typed my user and pass in the gdm, it show unknown characters, what can i do?
00:23.22stonedbelkin, have you tried Amarok?
00:23.39k-godscarynetworkguy: Shift-scrollup scrolls the message line (screen, just fired up terminal app).
00:24.01belkinstoned does it work ? i tryed gtkipod and bushee or whatever the name is :)
00:24.05JordiGHbelkin: I know you did. But I don't do that yet. I'll bet it be easier once I have Linux on the iPod. :)
00:24.06k-godscarynetworkguy: Dittos command-up, or shift, alt, ctrl modifiers on both.
00:24.09k-godscarynetworkguy: Satisfied.?
00:24.16streunerrichartcont: read BTS?
00:24.35belkinJordiGH you dont get me man :))
00:24.47k-godscarynetworkguy: Yes, it pisses me off.  No, I don't care to be told that I'm not seeing what I'm seeing.
00:24.48nimapdbogen, thanks
00:25.15stonedbelkin, there is only one bug with easytab, amarok, xmms, other stuff in linux, and some progs in windows, that will not TAG the GENRE/label in m4a files. nothing fatal, no crashes, just dont' change genre or tag the mp3 in linux, then play in ipod, or it will be corrupt, expected behaviour.  you can use amarok with ipod otherwise, and it work slike a frucking charm
00:25.26scarynetworkguyk-god: *sigh* Stop being a defensive twat. :P It took me a while to figure out how to make it scroll myself thus my honest curiousty. :)
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00:25.58k-godscarynetworkguy: I've spent more than a little time trying to fix it.  If you've got a known good fix, great.
00:25.59belkinstoned i will try it out then .. thanks
00:26.20k-godscarynetworkguy: Meantime, the original issue was that dealing with scrollback right now more or less exactly sucks.  Which was my original point.
00:26.43JordiGHTo wit, it's not my iPod. It's my girlfriend's iPod. I have no idea how she uses it, but I want to install Linux on it, just to see if I can.
00:27.16dvsJordiGH: She'll REALLy appreciate that. ;-)
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00:27.41htrphello. i have 2 harddrives connected to my computer. but how come its not detecting it? do i have to mount it or something?
00:27.46scarynetworkguyk-god: For me it was a matter of figuring out what modifier I had set in Terminal Inspector. But I've only done it in with the standard GUI. I've not played with x11 at all.
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00:27.54htrpback in ubuntu, it was already mounted
00:27.54k-godscarynetworkguy: Anyhow, I'm a mac user, not a mac lover.  Happens to have a nicer display and longer battery life than the alternative.
00:27.56dvshtrp: Intel 9xx chipset?
00:28.11k-godscarynetworkguy: OK.  WTF's terminal inspector?
00:28.16htrpdvs: what you mean? chipset otf what?
00:28.23dvshtrp: your computer
00:28.34htrpits intel
00:28.49cshamanDespite Sun's Java licensing scheme, is it possible to install JDK1.5 on a Debian system?
00:28.55FirstLiteWhen burning cds (under unstable) with cdrecord, are we supposed to be using ATAPI or ide-scsi nowadays?  cdrecord says that the ATA kernel code is unmaintained and "slow" (no DMA)
00:29.00JordiGHdvs: She already uses KDE, OO.o, and Firefox without really noticing much of a change. It's possible!
00:29.02htrpwhen i do: df -l , i don't see any drive but my default one and /tmp
00:29.07dvshtrp: lspci | grep Host
00:29.15k-godFirstLite: I've generally used ide-scsi.
00:29.18streunerFirstLite: ATAPI
00:29.21JordiGHFirstLite: Can you use xcdroast instead?
00:29.23k-godFirstLite: IIRC the atapi code is slower.
00:29.23htrp0000:00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corp. 82810E DC-133 GMCH [Graphics Memory Controller Hub] (rev 03)
00:29.23htrp0000:01:0a.0 RAID bus controller: Silicon Image, Inc. (formerly CMD Technology Inc) PCI0680 Ultra ATA-133 Host Controller (rev 02)
00:29.30JordiGH!info xcdroast
00:29.37dpkgxcdroast: (X based CD-writer software), section otherosfs, is extra. Version: 0.98+0alpha15-4 (sid), Packaged size: 1831 kB, Installed size: 4660 kB
00:29.48streunerFirstLite: maintainer of cdrecord recommends in 2.6.x kernels ATAPI and NOT ide-scsi
00:29.51FirstLiteJordiGH: I could, but doesn't that just call cdrecord?
00:30.04k-godFirstLite: streuner may be more current than me.
00:30.06JordiGHFirstLite: It does, but it asks you fewer questions. :)
00:30.11htrpdvs: what would be the problem of this?
00:30.33dvshtrp: I'd try the linux26 boot option
00:30.34FirstLiteOK, thanks all
00:30.36streunerFirstLite: what kernel do you use?
00:30.44streunerFirstLite: cat /proc/version
00:30.56htrpdvs: should i just install 2.6.* kernel? right now im using 2.4.27
00:31.02FirstLitestreuner: I'm using 2.6.16-1-k7 right now
00:31.13dvshtrp: you have it installed already?
00:31.20htrpdvs: yes
00:31.22streunerFirstLite: well, ATAPI then
00:31.29Azar;) 2.6.17 beta out
00:31.31scarynetworkguyk-god: From go to Termianl in your menu bar, then Window Settings. I'm trying to recall where I found the scrolling stuff in there.... Cause, like I said it was fairly counter-intiutive.
00:31.38dvshtrp: Then which hard drive is it not detecting?
00:31.49streunerFirstLite: if you want the right parameters for cdrecord just run k3b and take a look in top or via ps aux...
00:32.14FirstLitestreuner: OK, thanks, I guess I'll just ignore cdrecord's complaints then :)
00:32.32k-godscarynetworkguy: Disable buffer?
00:32.35streunerFirstLite: there is BTS ;-)
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00:32.52streunerFirstLite: file a bug if you want
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00:33.00htrpdvs:  my other two, the other one is connected to that raid card
00:33.10dvshtrp: Ok. I'd try the 2.6 kernel
00:33.13k-godscarynetworkguy: Thing is that both t.a and rvxt exhibit the same behavior under Aqua.  *And* there's no true pageup key on the MBP, just a command-key combo with up-arrow.
00:33.17k-godscarynetworkguy: Both of which suck.
00:33.21htrpdvs: ic
00:33.42k-godscarynetworkguy: The key takeaway I'm getting is that truly good textmode app development is actually really hard to do right.
00:33.44FirstLitestreuner: I might, if there isn't one already.  But I wanted to make sure it wasn't just me :)
00:34.04k-godscarynetworkguy: And neither Apple nor MSFT either 1). have a clue or 2). have any interest in getting it right.
00:34.07scarynetworkguyk-god: Oh yeah. I'm not arguing that it's not hackish and ugly and pretty much sucks. :) Just noting that it can be dome if you poke around enough. :) And no I have my buffer set to 10000 lines.
00:34.16streunerFirstLite: bugreports doesn't hurd (TM)...
00:34.41scarynetworkguyk-god: And I would to a large degree agree with both of your last statements. :)
00:34.46k-godscarynetworkguy: The combination of either console *or* one of the xterm-type apps (I exclude Gnome and KDE terms as unusable), plus a shell, plus screen, is amazingly useful and flexible.
00:34.50k-godscarynetworkguy: Thanks.
00:34.57scarynetworkguyk-god: Fair enough.
00:35.24scarynetworkguyk-god: Now. Wanna have some old-skool fun? Granted this is for shits and giggles only but it's fairly amusing.
00:35.33k-godscarynetworkguy: I'm just 1. frustrated with the situation and 2. not particularly interested in debates over phenomonology of being.  Useful fixes are appreciated.
00:35.36k-godscarynetworkguy: Shoot.
00:36.04scarynetworkguyk-god: I was trying for as close to a semi-useful fix as I had found. :)
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00:36.41k-godscarynetworkguy: So what's this shiggs and gittles bit?
00:37.08scarynetworkguyk-god: Had to find linkaage. You should get a chuckle out of that. :)
00:37.12abrotmanstreuner: i have no recollection of ever changing that :)
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00:37.57ltordsengnufan, are you there?
00:38.13gnufanltordsen: no
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00:38.17k-godscarynetworkguy: Oh dear sweet ghod...
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00:38.34ltordseni'm the guy who has some stuff for gnu chess soon
00:38.38k-godscarynetworkguy: Mind, I had a very similar effect with my old Thinkpad 486 running at about 60 MHz.
00:38.41scarynetworkguyk-god: Hehehe. Reminds me of the days of my misspent youth. :)
00:38.52scarynetworkguyk-god: Hehehe.
00:38.55abrotman486 didn't run at 60Mhz
00:39.06k-godabrotman: It was slow.
00:39.08dvs!beer abrotman
00:39.15k-godabrotman: That's what I recall.  Maybe 88 or 66?
00:39.16roderykCan someone suggest a network storage applicance thats relatively cheap? I'm looking for a 1TB system, so I can do a Raid 1 500GB and hopefully would be running on linux (or something I can convert to linux). The idea is that the appliance should be cheaper than building it from scratch. If this is a misconception, please let me know. : )
00:39.18abrotmandvs: ultimate frisbee is weird!
00:39.34dvsk-god: It's 50 or 100
00:39.37k-godscarynetworkguy: This thing emulated 1200 baud dialup ...
00:39.41gnufanltordsen: I realised -- do you want to msg me... save the poor debian folk being abused
00:39.42k-godscarynetworkguy: ... at console ;-)
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00:40.06k-goddvs: I had a 486 DX-80 or so at my first real job.
00:40.11k-goddvs: 8 MB RAM IIRC.
00:40.14scarynetworkguyk-god: Hehehe. Yeah, it's fun. I put on some Femmes and use it to pretend that I'm in High School again. :)
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00:40.23k-godscarynetworkguy: Heh.
00:40.48jmd_How can I get around the current brokenness of emacs, and install it on etch?
00:40.51dvsI remember a DX-50 DX4-100 but not a DX-80
00:41.10k-goddvs: I'm not swearing it's a _correct_ memory, but it _is_ a memory.
00:41.30gnufanroderyk: there is a 50 GBP NAS solution now -- you plug USB disks in. Although not sure how they compare price wise -- what you trying to do with it?
00:41.53DragonDi'm tring to setup dovecot with tls. i've eabled ssl but still can't use tls, any help?
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00:42.09scarynetworkguydvs: And there comes a point where you don't care if your memories are correct or not cause it's just too fucking depressing to try to sort it all out. :)
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00:42.26dvsHow try
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00:44.08menyhey can someone please help me ive istalled the ati driver and i see the screen double with a horizontal lines all over
00:44.25roderykgnufan: I just want to have a shared Raid space for media files and file backups. google brings up some usb solutions (like the linksys one, which has 'unslung' linux conversion) but its limited to 2 usb drives. What's the maximum usb harddrive size right now?
00:44.52roderykI feel so out of date with the modern hardware ; )
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00:45.22blazemongerDebian isn't that bad of a distro
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00:45.36streuner!start a distro war
00:45.37dpkgRock rocks!
00:45.38dvsIt's the best!
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00:45.57blazemongeri dont like distro wars..all distros are good..
00:46.01romulohi, does fsck do bad block checking?
00:46.10solemnwarningALL distros?
00:46.12blazemongeri have a hard time deciding between debian, ubuntu and slackware
00:46.22roderykgnufan: except for having to sacrifice an old motherboard and buy an HBA for newer HDs, the reason I was looking for an appliance was that I assumed they're fanless (noise is pretty high on my priority list)
00:46.23blazemongersohmestra, just depends on what your needs are
00:46.43streunerblazemonger: why do you tell us that at this time?
00:46.52gnufanroderyk: you can get cheap VIA motherboard which is fanless.
00:46.54avtobiffi am not able to install debian on my new machine... installer does not find any kernels (because it says that it cannot find Packages.gz on the CD)... i have installed from this cd earlier. also i was not able to run ubuntu live 5.04...
00:47.16avtobiffmy machine is a amd64 but should it not be able to run i386 kernels?
00:47.27dvsavtobiff: it should
00:47.53menyhey can someone please help me ive istalled the ati driver and i see the screen double with a horizontal lines all over
00:47.55dvsavtobiff: It sounds like a bad CD
00:47.59avtobiffit is really strange that it does the entire install up to installing the kernel without any problems...
00:48.06avtobiffdvs, but i have installed from it earlier.
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00:48.14roderykgnufan: that was my question, pretty much: I'm having trouble finding price difference of mobo + cpu + ram to buying an integrated appliance
00:48.16beardy_avtobiff: Using the same cd-drive?
00:48.20avtobiffperhaps it broke :-/
00:48.23shogunxmeny  your vertical sync is incorrect.
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00:48.42avtobiffbeardy_, no... this is a new dvd-rw-thingamajig... earlier it was a laptop cd somthing.
00:48.49menywhat should i do?
00:49.09dvsmeny: Find the right frequencies for your monitor.
00:49.37menybut it worked before ive installed the driver
00:49.48shogunxto prevent the monitor from exploding.
00:49.54avtobiffbeardy_, you think it could be somthing with the dvd drive?
00:50.50beardy_avtobiff: Could be. If you have an extra empty cd, burn it again, and burn it slow, 4x, to be sure.
00:50.52abrotmanmeny: use the unbroken driver?
00:51.00menydoes that mean that there is a problem with the ati driver?
00:51.20*** join/#debian ndondek (n=ndondek@
00:51.29menyis there a solution?
00:51.34abrotmanmeny: yes .. it's binary only .. ask #ati
00:51.35*** join/#debian root_ (n=zero@
00:51.58root_tem algum brasileiro aqui?
00:52.01dpkgEsse canal e apenas em ingles. Por favor, use #debian-br (/j #debian-br) para ajuda em portugues.
00:52.05menyive asked but there is no answer
00:52.11*** join/#debian lenovo (n=Owner@
00:52.15abrotmanright .. but it's thier problem ..
00:52.28gnufanroderyk: Not sure I have an answer -- I suspect build it yourself may work better with GNU/Linux. There are some dedicated NAS like distros as well if you think Debian is too much like hard work for it.
00:52.40abrotmanmeny: go back to the old working driver .. still have the issue?
00:53.08menyill try that im pretty sure it will work
00:55.11menyi guess after all that work this driver is sucks
00:55.12belkinstoned thanks man amarok really works
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00:56.45VespertoRethorics: is 7.0 apt-get-able yet? Predictions?
00:56.48stonedamaroK:  The Streets - The Hardest Way To Make an Easy Living - When You Wasn't Famous - genre:rating  Hip-Hop:71/0
00:56.50stonedyes it is
00:56.55roderykgnufan: thanks for your responses. Time to go see just how little I can set this up for : )
00:57.38mineraleHow can I get something similar to ubuntu's mozilla-mplayer in debian? (something that will let me play quictime movies directly from firefox)
00:57.47gnufanVesperto: predictions -- it'll hurt still
00:58.01*** mode/#debian [+l 795] by debhelper
00:58.24Vespertognufan: :-) oh well, i'll try building from the modular...
00:58.54gnufanVesperto: nah -- try the packages someone has to debug it before I try again
00:59.25gnufanVesperto: some ppl have working upgrades, so the upgrade glitches are down to specifics of the installation I suspect
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01:00.01shao_locan anyone help me with a dchroot problem?
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01:00.17Vespertognufan: is 7.0 on stable or testing only? My apt is updating but i tend to use only the stables.
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01:00.47gnufanVesperto: Xorg 7 is in unstable, and is distinctly unstable -- as per the topic
01:01.33*** join/#debian skiphoppy (
01:01.40Vespertognufan: recommendable?
01:02.05gnufanVesperto: if you like helping debug Debian -- definitely -- otherwise run stable or testing and wait.
01:02.32*** part/#debian shao_lo (
01:02.32abrotmanVesperto: what is your video card?
01:03.17Vespertognufan: not that good at C yet, guess i'll stick with the oldies. An NVidia apparently, i hven't figured out which one to install (pieces scattered)
01:03.28*** join/#debian starscalling (n=starscal@unaffiliated/starscalling)
01:03.28StereoSkitdudes, which procedures should i follow to mount a usb dvd writer?
01:03.39*** join/#debian jack_ca (n=random@
01:03.40abrotmanyeah .. i wouldn't go to X7 with nvidia .. but hey .. people do dumb things every day :)
01:03.46*** join/#debian starscalling (n=starscal@unaffiliated/starscalling)
01:03.49abrotmanStereoSkit: i object to that!
01:03.50*** part/#debian jack_ca (n=random@
01:03.59StereoSkitabrotman: eh what why?
01:04.03abrotmani'm a bot!
01:04.15StereoSkitomfg, you are not plz, dpkg is xD
01:04.31abrotmanStereoSkit: i don't know, is it larger than a breadbox?
01:04.40beardy_abrotman: plz
01:04.44VespertoIt's a regular video card, nothing fancy; i do have an S3Virg laying around.
01:04.48StereoSkitdpkg: usb dvd
01:04.53dvs%tell StereoSkit about bot
01:04.56abrotmanStereoSkit: it's a usb storage device
01:05.13abrotmanwe have a %bot too?
01:05.18abrotmanor not
01:05.20abrotmanStereoSkit: STOP
01:05.36skiphoppyI've got a Debian sarge install CD that, for some reason, can't mount itself after it boots.  That's okay, because I want to tell it to do a network install instead, but how do I do that?  That was much easier under the woody installer, IIRC.
01:05.37abrotmanStereoSkit: load sd_mod .. see if it sees it in dmesg
01:05.41*** join/#debian IceTox (n=IceTox@unaffiliated/icetox)
01:05.44gnufanI always thought abrotman was a bot, but now he is admitting it.
01:05.46Speederwhy my debian that I just installed do a beep and shut down the screen?
01:05.54abrotmangnufan: bugger all, dunno
01:05.55beardy_!d-i skiphoppy
01:05.55dpkgskiphoppy, you want to go to - for your own good, and everyone else's.
01:06.21skiphoppyThanks dpkg (bot?), but I've done quit a bit of poking through those docs.
01:06.21dpkgskiphoppy: bitte
01:06.22abrotmanSpeeder: your battery died?
01:06.31skiphoppyIf you'll give me a specific place to look, that'd be great.
01:06.37Speederit is a desktop machine
01:06.42SpeederI just intalled debian
01:06.54beardy_skiphoppy: Choose the netinstall image.
01:06.56VespertoOh, USB... how the hell do i mount my Sony Cybershot? It detects it if i plug it in, but i can't get to it.
01:06.59abrotmanSpeeder: wait .. is the system still running?
01:07.08SpeederHe load everything, and instead of showing me somethign to allow me to log in, he do a beep and shut down only the screen
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01:07.23skiphoppyTried that, beardy, but there seems to be some bug in it: I get an infinite loop that consists of (choose hostname, successful DHCP config, choose hostname, ...)
01:07.24abrotmanscarynetworkguy: don't touch me there!
01:07.25StereoSkitabrotman: nice! thanks
01:07.32*** join/#debian FinnTux (
01:07.33scarynetworkguyabrotman: You know you like it.
01:07.35abrotmanStereoSkit: got a start ?
01:07.39beardy_skiphoppy: /msg dpkg netinstall
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01:07.43Speederwhen I type CONTROL + ALT + BACKSPACE he turn on and turn off the screen again really fast
01:07.51abrotmanscarynetworkguy: i have no interest in having your fleshy bits touch my bot bits!
01:07.56StereoSkitabrotman: usb-storage: device found at 3
01:08.07abrotmanStereoSkit: good .. have fun
01:08.09skiphoppybready_, thanks, but I already know about (and have) that image, and it doesn't work
01:08.15scarynetworkguyabrotman: Fine! Be that way!
01:08.18abrotmanSpeeder: you installed X and chose a bad config
01:08.22beardy_Speeder: "He" restarts himself, "he" is your display manager.
01:08.25*** join/#debian AcuraX (
01:08.25abrotmanoh crap .. i forgot .. gotta check for ticks
01:08.25skiphoppyi'll use any available method; is there a way to fix that screwed up part of the netinstall?
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01:08.35AcuraXHow do i setup my webcam it's detected by lsusb
01:08.35SpeederI see... I imaginated that
01:08.40VespertoStereoSkit: Yeah, it does that. I've tried -t usbfs and different /dev but all i get is the same folder: it has the 001 directory and two empty files.
01:08.40SpeederHow I can shut down X?
01:08.45StereoSkitill burn pr0n after this
01:09.02beardy_skiphoppy: Please tell us exactly what is happening, or not, any error messages, or other symptoms?
01:09.04skiphoppyI've been fighting a sarge netinstall, sarge disk 1, and woody disk 1 all day long to make this work.  I run into obstacles at every turn.
01:09.11abrotmanSpeeder: type ctrl-alt-f1 .. have a prompt ?
01:09.13RazaMetaLSpeeder, ctrl + alt + backspace
01:09.24dpkgDon't reboot. Just restart X. Ctrl-Alt-Backspace if you are logged in. '/etc/init.d/?dm restart' if not, as root. (where ?dm can be xdm, kdm, gdm, wdm, other display manager)
01:09.24abrotmanRazaMetaL: pay attention
01:09.26Speedercontrol + alt + backspace restat it
01:09.36RazaMetaLabrotman, ok
01:09.39gnufanskiphoppy: does the CD image chksum okay?
01:09.43abrotmanSpeeder: ctrl-alt-f1 .. do you get a login prompt ?
01:09.43punsadskiphoppy: why are you using woody?  that is the old release
01:09.53abrotmanctrl-alt-bksp is not a restart .. it's a crash
01:10.07VespertoBut Woody says Yeeha if you pull the cord!
01:10.10beardy_abrotman: Yes, and a restart.
01:10.18Speedercontrol + alt + F1 turn the screen on!
01:10.23abrotmanbeardy_: but it's not a clean shut down
01:10.26*** join/#debian dbxt (n=foxgen74@
01:10.27abrotmanSpeeder: now .. login
01:10.29abrotman!drxx Speeder
01:10.30SpeederAnd the screen is only a bunch of red and pink lines and some mess!
01:10.31dpkgSpeeder: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86  [or xserver-xorg if you're using] (as root). If you have edited the X config file by hand, or used some other program like xf86config, ask me about <xmd5>
01:10.32abrotmanpick one that owrks
01:10.47SpeederHow I can shut down X?
01:10.49beardy_abrotman: No, it's not. But is /etc/init.d/?dm restart/stop, if you are logged in?
01:10.58silvioalmeidaanyone using speedtouch 330  with ibook g3 800 debian 2.6.16?
01:11.02beardy_Speeder: /etc/init.d/?dm stop
01:11.10SpeederI cannot type...
01:11.11abrotmanbeardy_: it's a crash ..
01:11.15SpeederI am not logged in
01:11.23SpeederI am stuck in a X screen that I cannot see
01:11.29Speeder( the login screen)
01:11.35beardy_Speeder: Do as I say. Ctrl-Alt-F1, what happens?
01:11.37dvsSpeeder: Ctrl-Alt-F1
01:11.45punsadSpeeder: do 'ps ax | grep X'... take note of the job id and do 'kill -9 jobID'
01:11.48silvioalmeidaspeedtouch anyone?
01:11.59k-godsilvioalmeida: ??
01:12.00beardy_punsad: No, preferebly no.
01:12.07Speederjust got it
01:12.13*** join/#debian blazemonger (
01:12.18Speederafter typing alt + ctrl + f1 three times he shut down the X
01:12.23silvioalmeidak-god ?
01:12.28RazaMetaLSpeeder, ctrl + alt + f1, login and make an update-rc.d xserver-xorg -f remove
01:12.30punsadbeardy_: I know it's brute force but it seems to always work... what's a better way?
01:12.35Speederis possible to download the nVIDIA drivers using apt-get?
01:12.53blazemongeri got this demo from and it won't compile
01:12.54k-godabrotman: ssh in the backdor also helps.  Note too that if X is crashed, console may not display though it _is_ logged in.
01:13.00*** join/#debian okaratas (n=ozgur@unaffiliated/okaratas)
01:13.00beardy_punsad: /etc/init.d/daemon stop
01:13.01k-godsilvioalmeida: Whats speedtouch?
01:13.02okaratashi all
01:13.18silvioalmeidak-god alcatel modem usb..
01:13.18_pinkyI'm trying to update the kdeadmins package but apt wants to uninstall gnome and gnome-system-tools in order to do it.  Is there any way to *not* uninstall GNOME and update this package?
01:13.29k-godsilvioalmeida: Ah. NFC, sorry.
01:13.39silvioalmeidaa real annoyance...
01:13.44abrotmansussudio: meep!
01:14.08beardy_punsad: '/etc/init.d/xdm stop' in this case. Since the start/stop scripts do the things cleaner, removing pid-files and such things.
01:14.09VespertoAnyone, i'd like some answers on minimal sarge net-installs, mounting USB devices (a Sony CyberShot), the recommended X server for a 32MB NVidia (or an S3Virge) and the answer to life, the universe and everything.
01:14.27k-godVesperto: Questions?
01:14.43*** join/#debian Wyzard (n=mike@
01:14.47Vespertok-god: can i do a net install almost on a per-package basis?
01:14.49k-godVesperto: /msg dpkg nvidia.  There's 'nvidia one  liner' for general config, no experience.
01:14.52abrotmanscarynetworkguy: that's my spleen!
01:15.02cshamanHow can I set PATH variables for all users on my system?
01:15.09k-godVesperto: yes.  Any debian install, really.  Just bail on task-based package installation.
01:15.10scarynetworkguyabrotman: Oh sorry. My bad. :)
01:15.15k-godcshaman: /etc/environment IIRC.
01:15.18punsad<cshaman> How can I set PATH variables for all users on my system?
01:15.32dvspunsad: don't mock him! ;-)
01:15.50Vespertok-god no task-based... noted. How do i mount my digicam? It does get detected, but i can't seem to mount it properly.
01:16.01punsadcshaman: /etc/profile....?
01:16.42k-godVesperto: Worry abou tthe install first.  Most USB devices show as disks, I prefer mounting them as same.  There are a number of packages aimed at photo devices which intergrate w/ desktop.
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01:17.29Vespertok-god: i'll use either windowmaker or icewm, i'm interested in mounting from the shell.
01:17.37punsadk-god: I remember mine showing up as sg* for some wierd reason... it worked fine, though
01:17.52*** join/#debian v|p3r (
01:17.55k-godVesperto: OK.  Not my area of expertise, but as I said:  they should show up as USB devices, likely SCSI labeling.
01:17.56Vespertok-god: plus i'm running debian now, i just wanna install it on another computer, fresh start and all that :)
01:18.14k-godVesperto: VFAT filesystem, several directories with images and thumbs in 'em.
01:18.19*** join/#debian mishael (n=mishael@
01:18.20k-godVesperto: OK.
01:18.50k-godVesperto: Netinst is just a different way of bootstrapping the install.  Bail on package selection, complete, boot into new system, install aptitude, and fire away.
01:19.03*** join/#debian idealm (n=ideal@
01:19.08VespertoYeah i've been told; the driver emulates scsi... i've tried mounting it both as usbfs and as vfat... hmm... i'll google around, thanks anyway.
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01:19.37Vespertok-god: yeah, that would do, i guess.
01:19.41kreg_workwhat is the trick to keeping ifup and ifdown working?   usuailly i get "device not configured" even tho it is
01:19.47kreg_workor NO SUCH DEVICE even tho i'm using it.
01:20.02kreg_workusualy i have to do a ifconfig eth0 down by hand just to get the handy ifup or ifdown script to "sync" up
01:20.16Vespertok-god: is the tmpfs 15MB partition a by-product of the install?
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01:21.06gnufankreg_work: whats the exact error -- as it may be routing stuff that gives an odd error message.
01:21.13punsadkreg_work: strange.... what does your /etc/network/interfaces have?
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01:21.54Vespertotmpfs                  15M     0   15M   0% /dev/shm
01:22.30kreg_workgnufan, ifdown eth1 after a fresh reboot says "deice not configured"   even tho it is via /etc/network/interfaces with auto eth1 and a config
01:22.47kreg_workpunsad, i have two devices configured in /etc/network/interfaces.  it's a router
01:23.03blazemongerim having trouble compiling something that i got off
01:23.47kreg_workgnufan, regarding routing, i have sysctl for ip_forward switched to 1
01:23.58punsadkreg_work: does show any clues?
01:24.06punsadkreg_work: does dmesg show any clues?
01:24.15kreg_workgnufan, and two networks configured in /etc/network/interfaces.   eth0 only differs as it has a gatway config line and eth1 (internal) does nt.
01:24.32*** join/#debian adario (
01:25.07kreg_workpunsad, "dmesg | grep eth" displayes nothing
01:25.12VespertoNo one has give me the answer to life, the universe and everything yet. i'm disappointed.
01:25.21abrotman!what is the meaning of life?
01:25.22dpkgI think you lost me on that one, abrotman
01:25.28abrotman!what is the meaning to life?
01:25.30dpkgabrotman: I think you lost me on that one
01:25.32kreg_workpunsad, could the module be being loaded after the config is in place?
01:25.32dvsuh oh
01:25.34abrotmandpkg: idiot
01:25.35dpkgI know you are, but what am I?, or someone who tries to use a Ubuntu package on Debian and calls it a dpkg issue when dependencies dont resolve
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01:26.18scarynetworkguyabrotman: Do all my backups and upgrades for me and I'll stop probing you! PLSKTHX.
01:26.43Vesperto42 of course :-) Meh... guess i'll go and dd that netinst diskette. See you around, thanks for the help and all the fish.
01:26.43abrotmanscarynetworkguy: you need to apply the LT method of backup
01:26.49abrotman!meaning of life
01:26.50dpkgTHE ANSWER LIES IN THE PUDDING, abrotman, or 42
01:27.04dvsI'll take the pudding
01:27.13VespertoGood pick.
01:27.23dvsyou again
01:27.39k-godzbowling: Don't do that.
01:27.49zbowlingslept on my keyboard
01:27.50beeredwhen is overriding idebus safe? Isn't 33MHz a bit too slow for a new system?
01:27.55lambydvs: but you can force abrotman to make you more puddings :)
01:27.58lambyzbowling: wtf?
01:28.07punsadkreg_work: i don't really know... sorry.. do you suspect that the module is not being loaded correctly? or just not at the right time?
01:28.20dvsbeered: 33mhz is perfect for a PCI buss
01:28.22dvsbeered: 33mhz is perfect for a PCI bus
01:28.30zbowlingmy pillow was touching my space button on my laptop today
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01:29.08abrotmanzbowling: shtu down .. go to bed
01:29.20beereddvs: that realy doesn't answer my question.
01:29.36scarynetworkguyabrotman: Hehe.
01:29.38dvsbeered: The PCI bus is suppose to run at 33MHz
01:29.53dvsbeered: why run it out of spec?
01:29.56cshamanHow could I configure my window manager so that different applications show up in different workspaces?
01:30.01beereddvs: even on a new computer?
01:30.01mineraleOk... I'm trying to do something as simple as openening up video from ... dauntingly difficult task.. anyone know how?
01:30.06dvsbeered: yes
01:30.13k-godcshaman: Depends on the WM.
01:30.27punsadminerale: is it a .mov file?
01:30.30k-godminerale: Um.  You need all the proprietary pluginythingies from Apple.
01:30.36beereddvs: how can I find the bus speed on my computer?
01:30.42blazemongeris it possible to run vmware on freebsd?
01:30.44*** join/#debian diogo86 (n=larariii@
01:30.50dvsbeered: I don't know
01:30.50mineralepunsad: yep, .mov files... I alredy have mplayer installed
01:30.53abrotmanblazemonger: wrong channel
01:31.53mineralek-god: apple does not provide linux support for quicktime
01:31.53diogo86hi! i have a web directory with some deb package files. how do i make it a apt source?
01:31.53k-god!tell minerale about marillat
01:31.53beereddvs: I think bus speed for my thinkpad is 400Mhz.
01:31.53k-godminerale: You can get quicktime support in xine/mplayer
01:32.30blazemongerwhat youmean wrong #
01:32.41blazemongeri meant is it possible to run vmware on debian
01:32.43abrotmanblazemonger: what channel are you in?
01:32.45blazemonger(i'm half drunk
01:32.51abrotmanblazemonger: still wrong channel .. ask #vmware
01:33.07punsadbeered: check out lshw
01:33.10kreg_workpunsad, i suspect i'm not sure how to handle modules in 2.4 vs 2.6 in debian.  i'm kinda lost what was intened from the change in kernel versions and user space debian configs.
01:33.23mineralek-god: ugh, I do already have mplayer installed, but is setup in such a way you can't manually download the files, you must watch them, they use a double tiered .mov (where one loads the other)
01:33.24k-godblazemonger: Yes, you can run VMWare on Debian.  You'll need specific kernel modules,  IIRC Ubuntu is a listed system, quite similar.
01:33.26beeredpunsad: lshs?
01:33.37k-godminerale: I know.  How to get around that I'm not sure.
01:33.49punsadbeered: lshw... it is a debian package
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01:33.54k-godminerale: Though you could bitch to webmaster@site FWIW.
01:33.54kreg_workafter a fresh reboot,  "ifdown eth1"   reports "device not configued"   but it IS
01:33.57kreg_workand working
01:34.04punsadbeered: ooops... only for unstable
01:34.04lambyk-god: re. cshaman's question re. workspaces: how would you do that in gnome?
01:34.07kreg_workthis is seriously interfering with my trouble shooting
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01:34.11beeredpunsad: what does it do?
01:34.15mineralek-god: well, ubuntu has this package called mplayer-mozilla that does the trick
01:34.16k-godkreg_work: ifupdown maintains state independently of the actual device confiuration state.
01:34.19punsadgotta go....
01:34.24k-godlamby: NFC.  I don't use GNOME.
01:34.29kreg_workk-god, it is exec'd at boot time
01:34.35k-godminerale: Might want to check what's in it.
01:34.48*** join/#debian simonrvn (i=simon@unaffiliated/simonrvn)
01:34.51beeredpunsad: lshw is in testing too... anyways, I know the bus speed of this laptop. It's 400Mhz fsb.
01:34.55k-godkreg_work: There are semaphore / status files stored somewhere.  They're not getting properly cleared.
01:34.56punsadbeered: looks like it does give CPU version and speed and bus speed...
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01:35.17k-godkreg_work: I find that:  ifdown $INTERFACE; ifconfig $INTERFACE down; ifup $INTERFACE
01:35.21punsadbeered: what info are you looking for?
01:35.22k-godkreg_work: ... usually gets things sorted.
01:35.40kreg_workk-god, but isn't this the job of the distrobution and not the user?
01:35.58k-godkreg_work: <shrug>   It's the workaround that works.
01:35.59beeredpunsad: I'm trying to understand why idebus speed in dmesg is 'assumed 33Mhz' and how safe is to make idebus=66.
01:36.05k-godkreg_work: If you're not happy, file a bug.
01:36.10k-godsimonrvn: Point.
01:36.41simonrvnand it isn't even my primary language ;)
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01:39.32beeredhwls: bus info clock 400Mhz, width: 32 bits, size 600Mhz, bus info cpu@0
01:40.13beeredwould idebus=66 be safe with those specs?
01:40.51DragonDanyone know about xgl?
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01:41.50trentWhat is the name of the Xorg dev file
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01:43.32htrpwhere's the tmp dir located?
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01:43.41abrotmanDragonD: xgl is not in debian
01:43.46k-godhtrp: Nowhere for long ;-)
01:43.49dvshtrp: /tmp
01:43.53k-godhtrp: However you might mean /tmp
01:43.57dvsk-god: ;-)
01:44.19Speederhow I stop a X server from the console?
01:44.31abrotman/etc/init.d/?dm stop
01:44.38k-godSpeeder: What abrotman said.
01:44.51dvsWhat the bot said
01:45.28k-godabrotman: How's it feel to be a bot?
01:45.45abrotmank-god: constipated
01:46.01abrotmanpeople keep feeding me shit . no way to purge
01:46.03dvsAlways stuffin' bits into ya eh?
01:47.40abrotmanthough .. i guess my data resides in mysql .. so i'll just forget everything sooner or later
01:48.09dvsa transaction?
01:48.47abrotmank-god: eww .. mysql is not ACID compliant .. call the doctor ..
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01:49.22k-godabrotman: The doctor doesn't handle stored procedures.
01:50.16k-godzero rows returned.
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01:54.58dpkgmooooooo! I am cow, hear me moo, I weigh twice as much as you. I'm a cow, eating grass, methane gas comes out my ass. I'm a cow, you are too; join us all! type apt-get moo.
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01:55.52firethunderhow do I change thunderbird to start up firefox instead of mozilla?
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01:56.02abrotmanin what?
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01:56.25romulohi, since fsck touched my disk im being asked to enter initlevel on boot time, cause it says theres not inittab, how i solve htat?
01:56.26firethunderin thunderbird mail reader
01:56.29k-godfirethunder: What's your system preferred browser setting?
01:56.43firethunderhow do I determine "system preferred browser setting"
01:56.48k-godfirethunder: Under /etc/alternatives
01:56.55abrotmanFirestarter: gnome? kde?
01:57.03k-godfirethunder: "sensible-web-broweser" or something like that.
01:57.12firethunderx-www-browser -> /usr/bin/mozilla ???
01:57.23abrotmanin gnome .. change the "Preferred Application" .. i think
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01:57.34k-godromulo: Um.  What filesystem?  Is there anything under lost+found for that partition?
01:57.35abrotmaniirc .. alternatives doesn't do jack for thunderbird
01:57.43k-godfirethunder: update-alternatives may also help.
01:58.01firethunderah, there is also /etc/alternatives/www-browser
01:58.13abrotmanthat's not for X
01:58.17firethunderok, thanks, I'll try update-alternatives
01:58.18k-godromulo: Could be a bad drive.  If you start losing files, it's generally time to back up and replace the drive.
01:58.29k-godfirethunder: What abrotman said as well.  Not sure which will take.
01:58.48abrotmani think in Gnome you use the Preferred Applicatoins
01:59.07abrotmananyways .. if you google "Change Thunderbird browser" .. you should get about 10,000 hits
01:59.07firethunderah, I'm KDE -- so maybe I should check out KDE Control Center
01:59.17k-godabrotman: Well, GNOME isn't my preferred application ;-)
01:59.25abrotmank-god: don't ask
01:59.37k-godabrotman: don't ask what?
01:59.45firethunderabrotman: ah, I was googling thunderbird with browser but none of the hits were good
01:59.55abrotmank-god: damn you ... why do you always ask?!
02:00.05abrotman!google thunderbird change browser
02:00.05k-godabrotman: It's in my inquisitive nature?
02:00.13abrotman!karstensmite k-god
02:00.15dpkgGoogle says thunderbird change browser is at or or or or
02:00.48abrotmanbah .. stupid google!
02:03.39*** join/#debian freeone3000 (
02:05.57dpkg<orangey_> has *nobody* here tried to dock a KDE icon into gnome?     <orangey_> man. This is totally a karma thing. I didn't help somebody the other day when I knew the answer just because I wanted to watch a simpsons episode instead.     <orangey_> I thought buddha would understand.
02:06.04gozzdoes fglrx work in 2.6.8-3-686?
02:07.14gozzi had it working great in 2.4 but it dosent want to work on this for some reason
02:07.15dpkg<Guerin> JVaughn: it's probably bourbon. bourbon and whisky are different like knoppix and debian.
02:07.17___chou-cany idea on this.  I just installed a new netinstall of debian, that kernel boots up fine and dandy, i compile a new kernel and when booting it just hangs after hda: host protected area => 1.  Any idea what kernel param might be causing that?
02:07.22dpkg<scarynetworkguy> yea any book that has the phrase 'Pig-fisting' in it is gonna be good
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02:07.59gozzseems like when its installed the gl is slower
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02:08.39gozzjunk a$$ ati
02:09.29abrotmangozz: it should work ..
02:09.35dpkghmm... fglrx is see firegl, or see ati drivers, or usually not worth the effort
02:09.39dpkghmm... ai is stupid
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02:12.09___chou-chmm odd, if i go into bios and switch the ide to legacy mode instead of enhanced mode then itll boot with new kernel.
02:12.17gozzthey should change that to Dont! UseAti :)
02:12.23*** join/#debian eps (
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02:13.49abrotmanati really isn't any worse than any other binary-only driver
02:14.21epsyes they are; ethically no, but practical use yes
02:14.29blazemongeri'mh aving trouble compiling some demos
02:14.53blazemongeri'd thing that most everyting would compile in debian ifi t has the proper libraries
02:15.02ggellerI haven't been able to get the ati driver working with my amd64.
02:15.18*** join/#debian comex (
02:15.29epsI'm interested as to who is maintaining xcompmgr/transset (experimental) in general if any one knows as google shows a splay of people working on xgl and I can't work out which one is which
02:15.31abrotmaneps: i mean ethically .. i could care less if you buy hardware tthat is only given binary only drivers and you get crappy performance
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02:15.46abrotmaneps: apt-cache show <pkg> | grep Maint
02:15.50epsthen I agree
02:15.52epsthanks :)
02:16.54Speederwhen I install the kernel source, where he is installed?
02:16.57epsrealistically nvidia should at least release older drivers (pre 7676) so that the nv project can have some thing more workable in the 3d department for fresh setups...the whole hoarding drivers is just stupid and should die along with windows
02:17.14*** join/#debian LunarC (
02:17.24epswait up...
02:17.29abrotmaneps: still has too many googies that ati might steal for thier incompatible hardware!
02:17.41abrotmanSpeeder: probably /usr/src/
02:17.59epsah no that was the right place...damn it, far to many ssh windows to to many different computers :| *sits confused*
02:18.39epsabrotman oh noes! the world would be over! ati copying nvidia and nvidia copying ati! ...
02:18.44LunarCwhat does an error message like "*** glibc detected *** double free or corruption (fasttop): 0x080fc1f0 ***" mean?
02:18.54LunarCxchat sometimes gives me that when I try to pick fonts
02:19.03abrotmaneps: you're whinig to the wrong person .. they should both have open drivers
02:19.06LunarCis it glibc giving that error?
02:19.21epsabrotman I thought that was witty sarcasm at how pathetic they both are...
02:19.59abrotmaneps: your wit failed
02:20.07epsabrotman I can see from the point of view that they don't want thousands of driver sets popping up all over the place but that is their _only_ leg to stand on
02:21.55epsI've been showing off xcompmgr to windows friends the last few's great fun: "linux has it, mac has it...oh that's right, your os doesn't and when it gets it it will be badly implimented (if the vista boxes we are testing at work are anything to go off)"
02:22.05epsexcept it keeps crashing :|
02:22.42abrotmanprobably your binary only drivers ...
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02:23.07TeamCanada|Silencmd for file size?
02:23.14epsls -la
02:23.18abrotmanman ls
02:23.24abrotman!tell TeamCanada|Silen about grounding
02:23.36epsI wandered in this morning and alt tabbed and my cpu shot up to 100% and didn't come down :P
02:23.44Speederhow I decompress a .bz2 file?
02:23.54epsman tar
02:24.01zebalin4how you doin'?
02:24.02epstar -xvf file  iirc though
02:24.03abrotmanSpeeder: bunzip2
02:24.04bbrazilSpeeder: bunzip2
02:24.09abrotmaneps: wrong
02:24.17bbrazileps: j for tar
02:24.18abrotmannot even close actually
02:24.26epsah! I always forget the j
02:24.31epsyeah and you can't have v
02:24.39bbrazileps: no, v is fine
02:24.45abrotmanv is for verbose
02:24.48epsv never works for me
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02:24.57abrotmani'm shocked
02:24.59epsso I usually remove it
02:25.09epsso was I..and the local linux guru
02:25.28bbrazileps: bz2 is fine, although its blocking makes it slower than gzip
02:25.39abrotmanuse 7z!
02:25.53zebalin4Any php coders here? What do you like: eclipse, zend, or netbeans as an IDE (if you use one)?
02:25.54eps7z is nice, and straight .tar
02:25.56Siegfriedanyone has news about the support of mod_security?
02:26.07Siegfriedthey erased all the bug reports :[
02:26.08epseclipse but thats only a personal choice
02:26.21abrotmanzebalin4: i don't think zend is free .. don't forget bluefishand anjuta
02:26.28zebalin4eps: does eclipse need the full java sdk 1.5 or just a jre?
02:26.30abrotmanzebalin4: or vi
02:26.37abrotmanneeds a jre
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02:26.49epsjre iirc...I only use it under mac
02:26.53zebalin4vi, yeah right!!! :-) Lets start a vi vs. emacs war!!!
02:27.01epsunder lin I use jedit
02:27.15epsthere is no point arguing over vi vs emacs... vi won :)
02:27.22abrotmanzebalin4: last i checked .. there were two plugins for php for eclipse .. i don't think zend is free .. dunno about netbeans
02:27.35zebalin4I worte 200,000 lines of with nedit... but next time I want something a bit more 'robust' if possible.
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02:27.52epszebalin4 really you have to check the others out to find the one that feels nice
02:28.13zebalin4eps: yeah, I know. Was just wondering what others used.
02:28.26epsah okay
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02:28.38abrotmanzebalin4: might be better to ask #php
02:28.43zebalin4I could not find a php package for eclipse on sid.
02:28.59pilgrimzebalin4, you can download it .
02:29.00zebalin4abrotman: I was afraid I'd start a war there!
02:29.07pilgrimzebalin4, it's easiers
02:29.08epsgrr the debian 2.14 maintainer doesn't mention why he's still using nautilus 2.12 with gnome which is now almost all's causing my system to be uber unstable (yes yes...I should expect that using sid but still)
02:29.16abrotmanzebalin4: there won't be a package .. you'll have to install it
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02:29.39abrotmaneps: file a bug .. quit whining
02:29.52abrotmannowi know why you get kicked all the time
02:29.54zebalin4pilgrim: thanks. I tried this new thing called 'easyeclipse" but it is buggy as hell.
02:29.57pilgrimzebalin4, listen to aborman or else he'll just go "your aborted" (much like trump)
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02:30.16epsabrotman heh
02:30.26epsme kicked? I've never been kicked
02:30.36abrotmanuhm .. ok
02:30.38zebalin4abrotman: oh, ok. I see there is an 'eclipse' package in the sid repos. I just didn't see any plugs for it.
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02:30.52abrotmanzebalin4: the plugins easily install
02:30.56epszebalin4 there is an inbuild plugin manager
02:31.26Speedersomeone here
02:31.38Speederknow how I can install the DAMN nvidia driver on linux?
02:31.54epsit isn't hard
02:31.57abrotman!nvidia one-liner
02:31.57dpkgfrom memory, nvidia one-liner is update-pciids ; apt-get install module-assistant && m-a prepare && m-a a-i nvidia && apt-get install nvidia-glx nvidia-settings && modprobe nvidia && echo nvidia >> /etc/modules && dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86 (or xserver-xorg on testing and unstable). Contrib and non-free sources needed. See <non-free sources>
02:32.00pilgrimzebalin4, download phpeclipse from here
02:32.01zebalin4eps: thanks for the info. I'll install the debian package. the Easy Eclipse does not seem to work too well.
02:32.09pilgrimzebalin4, and then unpack it.
02:32.31epsSpeeder though if you are using xorg7 you will need to add an extra command when you are installing the latest nvidia drivers as the xorg location changed
02:32.43pilgrimzebalin4, (in order to install phpeclipse in you need eclipse first) , you that right?
02:32.55pilgrimyou got*
02:32.58Speedereps well... he want the kernel source
02:33.04SpeederI downloaded the kernel source
02:33.07SpeederI unpacked it
02:33.14epsSpeeder why do you use he in place of it all the time?
02:33.18Speederand hoe he ask for a file that does not exist in the kernel source...
02:33.19zebalin4pilgrim: ok. So I install the debian eclipse package and then the phpeclipse from the link above.
02:33.28epsSpeeder it doesn't want the source, it wants the headers
02:33.29pilgrimzebalin4, yeah.
02:33.32epsaptitude install kernel-headers
02:33.40epsand get the ones for your kernel
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02:33.58pilgrimzebalin4, except you have to unzip phpeclipse and then take the content of those folders and place them in (let me find out)...
02:34.31zebalin4pilgrim: i understand. That's how you install a lot of java stuff. unzip and copy.
02:34.48pilgrimzebalin4, oh , ok! JAVA freak!
02:34.52darrh00pilgrim:is there any eclipse package in java?
02:35.01darrh00what does freak mean?
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02:35.15darrh00pilgrim:is there any eclipse package in debian?
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02:35.23pilgrimdarrh00, should be.
02:35.34Speederhow I know what kernel I am using?
02:35.46darrh00Speeder:uname -a
02:35.47zebalin4Speeder: uptime -a
02:35.53epssome one should really note in dpkg for those moving over to xorg7 that they need to add --x-module-path=/usr/lib/xorg/modules/ to the sh nvidia-binary-version line else it will all stuff up when they recompile/install the drivers
02:35.54zebalin4opps I mean uname
02:36.08abrotmaneps: use the wiki from /topic
02:36.33epsabrotman thanks
02:36.43pilgrimzebalin4, is there an eclipse package in debian? (I'm using ubuntu and there is)
02:36.59zebalin4pilgrim: last time I looked in sid there was one.
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02:37.07pilgrimzebalin4, oh, sid!
02:37.15pilgrimzebalin4, thanks.
02:37.15zebalin4pilgrim: (a whole bunch of them, but I think all you need is the meta package.
02:37.28pilgrimzebalin4, oh, ok.
02:37.33zebalin4pilgrim: yes. I run both sid and etch..... mostly sid.
02:37.54zebalin4pilgrim: but don't listen to me. I've not installed it yet!
02:37.57pilgrimzebalin4, I'm only doing sarge for a server. my desktop is ubuntu
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02:38.01darrh00pilgrim: is eclipse in ubuntu natively compiled like what fc  does?
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02:38.23pilgrimdarrh00, natively...don't know what you mean.
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02:39.00zebalin4darrh00: it's java. It would be compiled to p-code or whatever java is.
02:39.43pilgrimzebalin4, one HUGE downside to eclipse is that it's so slow.
02:40.02zebalin4pilgrim: I have a pretty fast machine with 1 gb of ram.
02:40.15pilgrimzebalin4, so do I. I've got 3.4ghz
02:40.27zebalin4pilgrim: wow.... and it's still slow?
02:40.28pilgrimand 1 gb ram
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02:40.51zebalin4pilgrim: well Java as always been a slow moving beast.
02:41.09zebalin4pilgrim: I've heard good things about sun's free Netbeans IDE.
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02:41.24pilgrimzebalin4, yeah, that's why I kind of hate it and don't really want to develop in it (java).
02:41.25zebalin4pilgrim: but I don't seem to be able to find a debian pkg.
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02:42.00trentI am installing xorg on an IBM laptop with a touchpoint mouse.  Xorg seems to be installed but on boot of X, there is failure with a log error message about the synaptic mouse not finding nodes.  Is there an issue with xorg and ibm thinkpads?
02:42.00pilgrimzebalin4, been doing java for a long time?
02:42.06zebalin4pilgrim: I've never written much java. For desktop use I like python with qt.
02:42.15pilgrimzebalin4, nice.
02:42.39zebalin4I'll probably get flamed for this but as a software developer I think Java's boat has sailed.
02:42.44evilgeeki was under the impression that, as the JVM compiled more stuff to native code, eclipse got faster.
02:43.01pilgrimzebalin4, no you won't.
02:43.03*** join/#debian Rounin (
02:43.20abrotmantrent:  mine works fine .. use /dev/input/mice .. and make sure mousedev module is loaded
02:43.30zebalin4I'm starting to think that ruby (which I don't have much experience with) is what java should have morphed into.
02:43.48evilgeekruby is pure-OO, like smalltalk, right?
02:43.53RouninHi... I was wondering, apt-get is now refusing to resolve dependencies after I installed Opera, because it thinks a dependency is unresolved. Is it possible to fool it into thinking the package it wants is installed or just ignore it?
02:43.58darrh00trent:I am using debian etch , and I am using Thinkpad T23 ,no problem.
02:44.03zebalin4evilgeek: pretty much.
02:44.29quitte_trent: i'm just using PS/2 mouse for it here and never had problems
02:44.37zebalin4Problem for me with java is that the object hiarchy has just grown too unwieldy. There must be some 10,000 objects now.
02:44.47evilgeekRounin: yes.  you'll hate me for saying this, but apt-get install equivs.
02:45.07pilgrimAnyone know how I would generate a certificate for courier-imap-ssl?
02:45.08zebalin4darrh00: I'm trying to find a good T23. Is it fast enough with KDE?
02:45.08trentI will try another reconfigure and see if I can set to /dev/input/mice
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02:45.22evilgeek(ie/ download it then dpkg --force -i equivs*.deb or whatever.)
02:45.26abrotmanRounin: what dependency?
02:45.38RouninThe dependency is met by a couple of other libs
02:45.45abrotmanapt-get -f install
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02:45.56RouninThanks, evilgeek... The irony of it all is it won't install it, because it won't resolve dependencies :)
02:46.03Rouninabrotman: That removes Opera... I want it to work :P
02:46.07quitte_zebalin4: i wasn'T complaining about kde speed even on this 600X when i used it. T23 should be absolutely fine
02:46.23evilgeekRounin: this is why you download it then install it "manually".
02:46.29abrotmanRounin: why? .. i use the static package .. works fine
02:46.45nimais there any way to use differant certs for differant domains, without having a seperate virtualhost?
02:46.48darrh00zebalin4:I think no problem using kde if you don'se sluggy java.I use gnome and it is not slow.I think kde is faster than gnome :)
02:46.53nimausing apache2
02:46.53trentabrotman: mousedev module is in the xorg.conf file?  It is not appearing in reconfigure of xserver.  How/where do I specify /dev/input/mice?
02:46.54zebalin4quitte_: I have a 600E and it's pretty darn slow. Adaquate, but still slow. I thought I could find a good T23 as a ton of those beasts are starting to show up coming off of corp lease.
02:47.00Rouninabrotman: Static package?
02:47.06abrotmanRounin: the static one works pretty darn well .. it just needs lesstif
02:47.10RouninI just use the package from Opera's site...
02:47.12abrotmanRounin: from ?
02:47.39zebalin4quitte_: the 600e is much better with a small footprint wm like Ice or openbook (something like that).
02:47.46evilgeekRounin: the package opera-static.
02:47.46abrotmantrent: mousedev is a kernel module .. put it in /etc/modules .. dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg to specify mouse device
02:48.05RouninWell, thanks, both of you
02:48.10zebalin4quitte_: Damn Small runs well on it too but DSL is limited in its package selection.
02:48.12RouninIf more Linux programs were static, we'd all have happier lives
02:48.42*** part/#debian ipso (
02:48.52quitte_zebalin4: how much ram have you in it?
02:48.57zebalin4Rounin: how are you defining 'static'?
02:49.05zebalin4quitte_: 256
02:49.06RouninCan't use "Happy tree widget": Missing - needed by
02:49.17RouninHow do you define it, zebalin4? :)
02:49.30abrotmanfuzzy noise!
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02:49.37zebalin4quitte_: I think it maxs out at that by design.
02:49.57fandohow do I change firefox 1.5.0's browser identity to Mozilla 1.7.5? I can't access my wells fargo online backing after upgrading from FF 1.0
02:50.15quitte_zebalin4: no. it can take two 256M modules and even has a few MB onboard
02:50.23zebalin4Rounin: well, I thought you might mean something like how pc-bsd installs.... where each application goes into it's own dir with ALL of it's libs. No dependencies.
02:50.32zinxfando: the user-agent switcher extension
02:50.36zebalin4quitte_: the 600?
02:51.01quitte_zebalin4: yes. bx board with two sockets. with bx each socket can have 256 max
02:51.03trentabrotman: module is loaded as we speak... dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg did not present me with the option to change mouse (only from ImPS/2 or ExplorerPS/2).
02:51.15RouninWell, you've got to hand it to them for being clean, zebalin4... Doesn't GoboLinux do that as well
02:51.26fandook thanks
02:51.30abrotmantrent: try dpkg-reconfigure -plow xserver-xorg
02:52.19zebalin4quitte_: I read the specs on the IBM docs and I thought it maxed at 256 or 326 ?
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02:52.35quitte_zebalin4: sure the 256 wasn'T per module?
02:53.10StereoSkitdudes, which module shoukd i add for my old laptop to recognize my pcmcia ethernet card?
02:53.14zebalin4Rounin: not sure about gobo. Problem with self-contained packages is that they waste a ton of space and if there is a security hole in one lib it's a mess to replace all your pkgs that use it!
02:53.53trentabrotman: tried but no luck - I can always edit the xorg.conf file... I guess
02:53.58zebalin4quitte_: you could be right. I don't remember. I'm going to sell the 600e anyway and get something faster.... perhaps at T23. I just need it for travel.
02:54.01RouninSure... I'm more worried about Linux's package systems and the widespread use of libraries if anything
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02:54.13abrotmantrent: you can
02:54.16Rabobiehi all
02:54.22abrotmanStereoSkit: wtf
02:54.32quitte_zebalin4: the battery life is my main reason why i want to have a different laptop. im happy with the speed
02:54.36StereoSkitheh just kidding
02:54.58zebalin4quitte_: problem with all the laps is that the internal modems never work. I don't need a modem too often since most places have broadband... but on occasion I need one.
02:55.05Rabobiehow do i find the files in a package? (like "rpm -qa | grep <something>")
02:55.21zebalin4quitte_: my 600e doesn't even have a battery. They cost about $80 if you can beleive that.
02:55.37quitte_zebalin4: 600, 600E and 600X modems can be made working. for 600 and 600E it's the mwave package
02:56.00abrotmanzebalin4: sounds cheap to me
02:56.01zebalin4quitte_: I got mwave to work with mepis. it was a major PITA.
02:56.01quitte_zebalin4: yes i can. i paid less for my 600X ;)
02:56.40quitte_zebalin4: i guess the problem was ibm bios configuration? i always keep a win98 partition just for that - and hibernation.
02:57.01zebalin4abrotman:  I don't even know if the 600e is worth $80 :-) (actually they go for about $250 on ebay... overpriced if you ask me.)
02:57.19abrotmanzebalin4: a battery is a battery
02:57.38quitte_abrotman: not in case of the 600 series. they are known to kill batteries in no time
02:57.44zebalin4quitte_: I just pack up a small old usr robotics and haul it with me in the car.
02:58.00*** mode/#debian [+l 770] by debhelper
02:58.05abrotmanquitte_: tha'ts not the point
02:58.42quitte_abrotman: what is it then?
02:58.52abrotmanit's a new battery
02:58.59abrotmanit still costs money to make
02:59.01zebalin4quitte_: do you know if the modem in the T23 is supported by modern kernels? Linux-mobil site says it is but I never believe what I see there.
02:59.08abrotmandon't like it .. don't buy laptops
02:59.22abrotman(though i kind of wish they sold blanks for battery bays)
02:59.23quitte_abrotman: oh he said $80 for the battery :D i paid less for the laptop.
02:59.35abrotmanquitte_: but you're canadian
02:59.52quitte_abrotman: nah. german. what makes you think im canadian?
03:00.13abrotmanyou act canuck-ish :)
03:00.56quitte_i don't know what that is supposed to mean. i guess some friendly insult.
03:01.51zebalin4quitte_: are you aware of the ps.exe program that will set IRQs and other hardware on the 600e/x?
03:02.01stonedquitte_, blame canada
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03:02.23quitte_zebalin4: i am. it doesn't work in a lot of cases
03:02.35quitte_zebalin4: oh the dos thing. right.
03:02.57quitte_zebalin4: there's also the linux thing that attempts to do that. that doesn'T work
03:03.02zebalin4quitte_: worked good for me. Seems that the damn serial port was disabled and you can fix it with the bios. You have to have this ps.exe CD.
03:03.22zebalin4quitte_: yes, it runs under dos.
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03:03.55quitte_zebalin4: unfortunately it cannot be installed in freedos. thats the other reason i have win98 on it now
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03:05.16zebalin4quitte_: install? No, you burn a bootable CD with the ps.exe program on it. I downloaded the iso from somehwere. I forget.
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03:05.28trent_abrotman: no luck... at a loss here - thanks for the suggestions.
03:05.29zebalin4quitte_: must be on google. I'll look.
03:06.02quitte_zebalin4: no need to. im happy with it the way it is.
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03:06.19dpkgAll there is worth knowing about linux and laptops can be found at and , and also ask me about 'acpi' and 'suspend', or see the debian-laptop mailing list at
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03:09.04cornernote_i am trying to get dual monitors working on ubuntu... it works at the moment 99% of the way i want it
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03:09.23bbrazilcornernote_: #ubuntu
03:09.35cornernote_ok... :)  thanks
03:09.54cornernote_but its all pretty much debian... its just a minor xorg.conf issue at the moment
03:10.13cornernote_my problem now is that i want to have Firefox go to fullscreen across both screens
03:10.30eibwenI've been doing some reading on whether to run an SMP kernel on a box with a SINGLE ht cpu.  Any advice?
03:10.38deadcatkidding me!!!. just as i am about to upgrade xorg to 7.0 the debian mirror is not responding...
03:10.43dpkgi heard ht is Haiti.  HyperThreading, a technology from intel included in processors from the P4 3.05 GHz, that emulates two processors in a single cpu machine  You must enable CONFIG_ACPI_HT, CONFIG_SMP  and CONFIG_CPU_LOBOTOMY in your kernel to use it.
03:10.51bbrazileibwen: if you want ht, then yes
03:10.53mineraleafter mounting certain volumes they appear on the desktop, but how can I change their name?
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03:11.12thingfishsending someone to #ubuntu is like consigning the damned to hell.
03:11.25thingfishnot undeserved, entirely.
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03:12.18thingfishooh equus
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03:12.36thingfishrichard burton was good in that.
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03:12.42quitte_zebalin4: thanks
03:12.51{G}E{L}I am trying to install linux for the first time. In my POST 2 IDE HDD's are detected, however when i am in the Debian setup i am unable to detect any HDD's? what am i missing?
03:13.03*** join/#debian Roots (
03:13.39bbrazil{G}E{L}: are the HDDs on a raid card of some form?
03:13.50bbrazileven an onboard raid?
03:13.58tc_hi, some body would tell me why i can not see any other comput at LAN from network/nautilus?
03:13.58{G}E{L}onboard raid is disabled
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03:14.13k-goddeadcat: Welcome to your keyboard.
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03:14.22bbrazil{G}E{L}: it could be that whatever chipset it uses isn't supported
03:14.53{G}E{L}so that means i cant use Linux on my ssytem?
03:15.07bbrazilmaybe, you could try a newer installer
03:15.14*** part/#debian Rounin (
03:15.37{G}E{L}i am using Debian 3.1 r0a
03:15.56{G}E{L}what other installer would you reccommend?
03:15.57bbrazil!sarge 2.6.16
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03:16.10thingfishsarge 2.6.16 hah
03:16.21thingfishyou wish
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03:16.42{G}E{L}thanx... also how do i enable SATA support?
03:16.55{G}E{L}is there a way without messign around with the kernel?
03:17.03bbrazilthingfish: there's a factoid for sarge 2.6.14, tought I may as well go for the latest
03:17.05{G}E{L}and forming PATA?
03:17.08thingfishyou know but I don't care about new versions all that much because email is still email, streaming music is still streaming music, surfing the web is still surfing the web...
03:17.39bbrazilhardware support sometimes requires it though
03:17.44thingfishoh for sure
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03:18.03thingfishthat's totally understandable, in those circumstances
03:18.16thingfishbut since my hardware is a year old...
03:18.53bbrazil{G}E{L}: there are sarge installers with newer kernels, but I don't know any of the links
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03:19.44{G}E{L}hmm k
03:20.02{G}E{L}do u have a link to a mirror hosting a slightly older version of sarge i can use?
03:20.18bbrazilwhy would you want an older version of sarge?
03:20.40{G}E{L}well i mean the latest link u have
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03:20.59dpkgDamnit Jim! It's YOU. Y-O-U. Not *U*. U is a letter. YOU is a word. See ne1, or wud.  Dutch for 'you' (formal singular). See
03:21.02thingfish!sarge 2.6.15
03:21.02{G}E{L}link to the latest version you have
03:21.02dpkgrumour has it, sarge 2.6.15 is or for amd64/em64t
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03:21.16{G}E{L}:) cheers
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03:22.32{G}E{L}only 137mb?
03:22.38roderykI just messed up one of my debian boxes, and could use some help. It has two Raid1 partitions, and I was messing with grub, etc. To make a long story short: grub won't boot. Furthermore, when I boot knoppix (to mount the harddrive), I can't because the filesystem type is "autodetect raid". At the very minimum, how can I mount the partition so I can get at my data? (the original md0, 1 are reiserfs)
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03:23.14eibwenDid some more SMP/HT reading, confused about actual HT/scheduler implementation.  Does SMP effectively turn a single ht cpu into 2 running at 50%, or does the scheduler provide for running non-threaded programs at 100% of cpu?
03:24.29blujayroderyk: I don't know much about RAID, but...I assume you know how to use mount/umount?
03:25.06thingfishHT schedules a single core cpu into handling threads like two separate cpus.
03:25.19thingfishit doesn't run two at 50%
03:25.22k-godblujay: RAID gives you a device which is mountable normally.
03:25.33roderykblujay: well, I tried mounting it (hoping it would detect it) and mounting it with passing -t fs type
03:25.39blujayk-god: well, yeah, I know that much :)  I guess I should have said that I don't have any personal experience with it
03:25.43k-godblujay: Frequently either a SCSI device (/dev/sd[a-g]) or IIRC md.
03:25.52thingfisheibwen: it simply uses idle time more efficiently, as if it were two cpus.
03:25.56blujayroderyk: are you using software RAID or what?
03:26.03k-godblujay: mount/umount/fsck is same as for any other filesystem.
03:26.19roderykblujay: correct, it was setup for linux software raid
03:26.25k-godblujay: raid management (creating / breaking / adding to / restoring) is different.
03:26.35blujayroderyk: did you set up the array yourself, or what?
03:26.50thingfisheibwen: if you have a choice, buy a dual core system. ;)
03:26.51roderykk-god: so, mount -t reiserfs /dev/hda2 /mnt should work?
03:26.57k-godroderyk: Right.
03:27.05roderykblujay: during the original debian install
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03:27.17thingfisheibwen: not that 64bit is going to do you much good these days.
03:27.27blujayroderyk: k-god: don't you/doesn't he need to use the mdadm tools to set up the array before mounting it?
03:27.44k-godblujay: Assuming that's already done.
03:27.52blujayk-god: doesn't sound like it :)  but I'm not sure
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03:28.02pinky_Why is it that the DVDs I have burned with file >2GB cannot be read?  I get the error:  "mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hda"
03:28.18shogunxthingfish  my 64-bit alphas do ok.
03:28.26pinky_How do I read these data DVDs with larger files on them??
03:28.41blujaypinky_: what did you burn them with?
03:28.44thingfishshogunx: and I'm sure you need all that 64-bit power ;)
03:28.48roderykk-god: to make it clear: I can't boot the debian system, so I tried booting from knoppix. So I'm not interested in setting up a raid, just taking one harddrive (the other one was corrupted) and mounting it so I can copy the data over
03:28.50shogunxpinky_, are you sure your cdrom is /dev/hda?
03:28.54pinky_blujay: Nero 6 under Windows
03:29.15blujaypinky_: what burning software do you have installed in Debian?
03:29.20pinky_chogunx: Yes it is /dev/hda   other discs work, only ones with large files don't work
03:29.22deadcatfuck. X is broken like hell in ppc. )=
03:29.28roderykk-god: but the HD is not set to 83 type (ie. linux) but to "autodetect raid"
03:29.33shogunxthingfish  people who use the xterminals connected to the alpha seem tolike it;)
03:29.49blujayroderyk: I'm thinking you may need to "man mdadm" or something like that :)
03:29.52pinky_blujay: I don't know, I only installed Debian recently and haven't yet burned a CD/DVD
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03:30.07blujaypinky_: I recommend you install k3b and try to read the disc with that, just to see if you can do that much
03:30.12thingfishshogunx: I'm just jealous.
03:30.21thingfishI admit it.
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03:30.24pinky_blujay: Okay I'll do that
03:30.32roderykblujay: : )  Possibly, but as you can imagine.. sort of in a bad mood at the moment. Guess I'll go find something to do for a while to calm down.
03:30.34shogunxthingfish  don't be.  i got them cheap.
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03:30.42blujayroderyk: ok.  I imagine your data is fine.
03:30.42thingfishcheap is good! :)
03:30.52blujaypinky_: are you on sarge, testing, sid...?
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03:31.16thingfishyeah man some place near here has a dual core intel 2.6 with asrock mb and 512mb ddr400 for $299.
03:31.24pinky_blujay: sarge but updated from
03:31.34shogunxthats cheap.
03:32.04thingfishyeah well the kicker is the asrock mbd which don't get rave reviews.
03:32.09blujaypinky_: well, I'd think that would work, might google for something like "debian dvd ("large file" OR 2gb)"
03:32.25mineraleafter mounting certain volumes they appear on the desktop, but how can I change their name?
03:32.45blujayminerale: right-click?
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03:32.54lutraminerale: yeah right-click properties
03:32.55ceplmaDell Inspiron 2200 and trying 2.6.17-rc3 with bcm43xx driver (BCM4318 wifi here) -- did anybody managed to make it work?
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03:33.32structis this #debian or #windows
03:33.34mineraleblujay, lutra: eh? I can't... greyed out,, one is ntfs the other is xfs
03:33.51mineraleblujay, lutra: I only have read permissions
03:33.52blujayminerale: are you on GNOME or KDE or what?
03:34.03mineraleblujay: gnome
03:34.23blujayminerale: there's your first problem :)  hehe, j/k...though I do prefer KDE.  Anyway...are you wanting to just change the name displayed on the desktop?
03:34.49pinky_blujay: k3b is unable to read the DVDs that Konqueror can't read
03:34.51mineraleyeah, the name on the desktop defaults to the volume name
03:35.07blujaypinky_: I'm not entirely sure about that
03:35.43blujayminerale: maybe it's not (easily) possible in GNOME.  I'm pretty sure that KDE makes it quite easy.  You might give it a shot.  But I don't use GNOME anymore, so I can't really help you there, sorry.
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03:37.25structwho needs a GUI anyways
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03:37.50structtty1-6 are fine
03:38.18jnccurses has your number
03:38.20thingfishyay TV Funhouse on SNL tonight
03:38.50concept10ceplma, they have a channel for that driver, but I got it to work, somehow
03:39.39concept10anyone know right off hand were firefox stores icons for the themes?
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03:40.30cornernote_hello, i have an xorg.conf question... i have got my ATI card working with dual spanned screens.  I can move windows from one screen to the other, however when i maximize a window it locks only to 1 screen.  I want to get firefox (or all windows) to span across both in fullscreen mode. Can anyone help me with some suggestions to change in xorg.conf so that X Windows thinks that its 1 big monitor and not 2 joined monitors?  My current xorg.conf is bas
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03:41.32loxley_concept10: maybe locate firefox.png will give you something useful
03:41.55jnccornernote_: want to write an essay or a question?
03:42.13jncit cut you off after "xorg.conf is bas...."
03:42.16cornernote_its hard to explain in 1 sentence
03:42.25blujayconcept10: if it's a theme you downloaded, look in ~/.mozilla/firefox/, if it's a default theme, probably /usr/share/firefox or /usr/lib/firefox
03:42.28cornernote_My current xorg.conf is based on this:
03:42.34cornernote_thats all there was
03:44.29concept10so many folders, so little paitence
03:44.44blujayconcept10: do you have Konqueror?
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03:44.55concept10blujay, yep
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03:45.23blujayconcept10: then it's easy.  use Konqueror's Find File to look for PNGs in those folders, and turn on thumbnail previews, and scan visually until you find the icon you want, then you can do whatever
03:46.09concept10yeah, I will use Konq, because Nautilus search functions _sucks_
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03:46.56concept10I wish they would replace nautilus with konq and just implement it in GTK
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03:47.32blujayconcept10: I used to be like you, using Konq in GNOME.  Then one day I switched to KDE, and I've never looked back.  :)
03:48.03lutrawhat do i need install to have spell check in evolution?
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03:48.56blujaylutra: $ apt-cache show evolution; check the recommended and suggested packages for ideas
03:49.12lutrablujay: that's a good idea :)
03:49.22concept10blujay, I dont know what the hell is going on with gnome, but they work on the wrong stuff imo, they work on stripping applications of features
03:49.59blujayconcept10: yep, exactly.  KDE is the opposite, it becomes more powerful with each new release, yet it also becomes faster and leaner inside.  It's so much better than GNOME.  :/
03:50.00*** join/#debian nias (
03:50.06concept10I like gnome because it is closer to functionality to OS X
03:50.17blujayconcept10: that's true, although...I should show you my KDE desktop :)
03:50.35blujayconcept10: ok, one sec
03:50.40lutrablujay: thanks
03:50.44settkyxfce is the best
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03:51.27lutraxfce 4.4beta isn't in debian yet is it?
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03:54.37lutraoh cool there are xfce4.4beta packages available as os-cillation
03:56.27jonas21lutra, oh?
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03:57.56jonas21dank u
03:58.10lutrajonas21: it should have xfce4.4beta packages
03:58.17lutracheck out first :)
03:58.20jonas21it includes the newest thunar i'd imagine :)
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03:58.54jonas21i am a lazy man so i'd rather just add something to sources.list :)
03:59.08lutrathat's what apt is all about :)
03:59.23jonas21unfortuantely, though, i have patched my xfdesktop to allow for a certain feature; i wonder if they have incorperated this feature yet :)
04:00.54jonas21thank you lutra though, i've been wanting to try it out :)
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04:01.10lutranp...if you try it out let me know
04:01.14jonas21since i'm updating to the xorg 7.0 stuff now on this machine i might as well dive all the way in
04:01.19lutrai'd be interested in possibly installing it myself
04:01.29lutra7.0...good luck
04:01.47jonas21it took a few days to iron out some things but i have it working fine on a machine from work
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04:02.01jonas21and the bug that prevented mouse cursor themes from working seems to have been fixed
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04:06.03sanxiynArgh fixed xserver-xorg 1:7.0.15 preinst failure by hand. That was annoying.
04:06.55obcpi have tried route add default gw iprouter and didnt work for internet any idea?
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04:12.43jonas21lutra, it doesn't seem that 4.4 beta packages are in that repos
04:13.03lutrajonas21: ah that stinks
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04:14.22jonas21i'm itching for it now so i'm going to check out the repo listed there :)
04:14.47pinky_Why is it that the DVD+Rs I have burned with a file that is >2GB cannot be read?  I get the error:  "mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hda"
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04:17.10lutrajonas21: oh you're going to try those repos on that blog?  the soleup ones
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04:21.18[bono]Question: is there any way to get firefox' quicktime plugin to work under linux w/o the crossover office commercial stuff?
04:21.49lutra[bono]: doesn't the mplayer-plugin support quicktime?
04:21.55zinx[bono]: bug apple
04:22.09lutraand/or the the totem mozilla plugin?
04:24.15ceplmaconcept10: thanks
04:25.00[bono]lutra: ill give mplayer-plugin a try. thx.
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04:29.45trent_What is needed to have gdm send me into gnome on login?  I have a ~/.xinitrc file with "exec /usr/bin/gnome-session" set up.
04:30.27zinxremove the .xinitrc
04:30.42zinxput that exec gnome-session in ~/.xsession instead
04:30.47zinxand chmod +x .xsession
04:32.10trent_thanks - will try this
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04:33.53trent_zinx: hmm, didn't work - I am still booting with openbox as the wm
04:34.11zinxgnome is a desktop environment
04:34.22zinxit doesn't force you to use a particular wm
04:34.49trent_zinx: hmm, I made a mistake... let me retry.
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04:35.26bananewhat makes a usb disk unrecognizeable ?I have two ,but the system just can recognize only one of them
04:35.43zinxbanane: proprietary protocol, generally
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04:38.04{G}E{L}just installed Sarge 2.6 15. And when i am in GRUB screen, and select Debian boot i get "error 17: cannot mount selected partition" (Filesystem type unknown, Partition type 0x7, Kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.15-1-686 root=/dev/hdf1 ro
04:38.10{G}E{L}can anyone help?
04:38.27shogunxRed_Cloud, dmesg > any_file_you_like.
04:39.23chealer9{G}E{L}: what's Sarge 2.6 15?
04:40.17bananeeven i use root role,I can't find the disk too,if I use 'fidisk -l' ,I can't find the terrible one
04:40.56bananebut I can use another one easily
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04:41.20shogunx{G}E{L}  you have 6 disks on that system?
04:41.48{G}E{L}umm yeah
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04:42.39shogunx{G}E{L} when you get to the grub menu, hit the e key.
04:42.53{G}E{L}yup now ?
04:43.21{G}E{L}i have a menu of : root, kernel, initrd, save default, boot
04:43.27{G}E{L}which 1 should i use?
04:43.27shogunxthere should be a {hd5,0} or simila in there somewhere, right?
04:43.51{G}E{L}under root
04:44.22shogunxtry changing the 1 in (hd1,0) to 5 and hit b for boot
04:44.59{G}E{L}disk does not exist, when i do that
04:45.36*** join/#debian beered (
04:46.18shogunx{G}E{L}  hd5 in grub speak = hdf in linux speak.
04:47.04shogunxi surmised (hd5,0) from the root=/dev/hdf1 option you are passing to the kernel.
04:47.30shogunxgrub does not see all 6 disks in your system.  perhaps the bios does not either.
04:48.00*** mode/#debian [+l 767] by debhelper
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04:49.55{G}E{L}hmmm my bios recognises the disks though
04:50.04{G}E{L}it shows them all in POST
04:51.13shogunx{G}E{L} did you make a seperate /boot partition?
04:51.31{G}E{L}actually i only got 5 disks in my computer, 4HDD 1 CD-Drive
04:52.01{G}E{L}not sure
04:52.23{G}E{L}sorry, yes, its on a complete different HDD form other OS
04:52.42shogunx{G}E{L}  which of the 4 disks has the linux install, and which ide interface is it on?
04:53.36{G}E{L}IDE1 Master = CD   IDE1 Sec.= LINUX
04:53.49*** join/#debian ascii__ (
04:54.00shogunx{G}E{L}  IDE0 has disks on it also?
04:54.55pinky_Why is it that the DVD+Rs I have burned with a file that is >2GB cannot be read?  I get the error:  "mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hda"
04:55.02{G}E{L}on the MOBO it says IDE1, which would relate to IDE0 in bios
04:55.05pinky_Other discs work fine...
04:55.34*** join/#debian turiddu (
04:55.38turidduhow can i add ips to my box ?
04:56.10*** join/#debian killown (
04:56.30shogunxtry (hd1,1) then  (hd1,2) and see what happens.
04:57.21*** join/#debian killown (n=darklee@unaffiliated/killown)
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04:58.08turiddudolox:/etc/network# ifconfig add
04:58.08turidduSIOCSIFADDR: No such device
04:58.08turidduadd: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device
04:58.08*** part/#debian turiddu (
04:58.36shogunxturiddu ifconfig eth0 add
04:59.02*** join/#debian randey (n=randey@
04:59.26shogunx{G}E{L}  try (hd1,1) then  (hd1,2) and see what happens.
04:59.29{G}E{L}IDE0 Sec = Linux HDD.......   (hd1,1) & (hd1,2) = Error 22 No such Partition
05:00.22shogunx{G}E{L} you have only one partition on the linux drive?
05:00.41*** part/#debian banane (
05:01.09{G}E{L}yes..... i did the default partition in the installation.
05:01.22{G}E{L}and selected all files on 1 partition
05:01.25shogunx{G}E{L}  and no swap partition?
05:01.44{G}E{L}oh there was a small 430mb swap partition created
05:02.04shogunx{G}E{L}  and what disk was it made on?
05:02.24{G}E{L}IDE0 Sec. same disk as the linux OS
05:02.50*** join/#debian kristalino (
05:02.50shogunx{G}E{L}  methinks you should install again, and pay particular attention to the partitioning.
05:03.06{G}E{L}will do
05:03.10shogunx{G}E{L}  since there is only 1 partition on that disk.
05:03.11{G}E{L}thanx for your help
05:03.33{G}E{L}could u explain the syntax for the (hd1,0)
05:04.55shogunx{G}E{L} sure  hd = harddisk (obviously) the first # is disk number, starting from 0.  the second is partition #, also starting from 0.
05:05.42wobbler{G}E{L}, maybe its on disk 2 or 3 if you have a live cd you can lookor use the install cd to check it and be sure where its at
05:06.05shogunx{G}E{L}  by the way, why is your cdrom primary master?
05:06.12shogunxthats a bit odd.
05:06.58*** part/#debian killown (n=darklee@unaffiliated/killown)
05:06.58{G}E{L}becuase i got SATA on my mobo
05:07.04{G}E{L}n all my Hd's used to be SATA
05:07.30{G}E{L}n den i had to fuck around to get debain GNU working so fucked around with ide.... n yeah
05:07.31*** join/#debian TeamCanada|Silen (
05:07.32shogunxi stick by my scsi.
05:07.54TeamCanada|Silenwhat's the cmd to output a user's info (gid, uid etc.)
05:08.42*** join/#debian jetscreamer (
05:09.10{G}E{L}shogunx, up for a chat in pm?
05:09.12*** join/#debian gdub (
05:09.17stoned!define unction
05:09.26shogunx{G}E{L}  go ahead
05:09.29stonedi'll open up a browser goddamit
05:10.13loumzTeamCanada|Silen: try "id"
05:10.51shogunx{G}E{L}  you might need to register your nic first.
05:11.15stonedsaturday night
05:11.19stonedwhere I am
05:11.20*** join/#debian Moppet (
05:13.36stonedIm gonna make a run to the border
05:13.45stonedI got a hunger only tacos can stop
05:13.55shogunxstoned  bring me back some mexi-schwag, eh?
05:14.08stonedim singing a southpark song
05:14.19stonedI am not going to mexico, even though they have legalized budd
05:14.33shogunxthey legalized personals, essentially.
05:14.38stonedshogunx, why do you want mexican shwag, that shit is NASTY
05:14.46stonedyou should go for some american dro
05:14.49shogunxbetter than the nothing i currently have.
05:14.56*** join/#debian dookie (
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05:15.10stonedif there is a will, there is a joint
05:15.16stonedthats all I gotta say
05:15.26shogunxi might have a gnarley resin ball somewhere.
05:15.33buckyif you can't do it stoned.. don't do it
05:15.38stonedthere is no place on earch where people don't smoke weed
05:15.49*** join/#debian alienbrain (i=alienbra@
05:15.52stonedor some form of cannabii
05:16.02buckythere's no place like earth.. wish you were here
05:16.19stonedbucky, what are you on about?
05:16.41buckyi'm smoking a big spliff
05:17.00stonedfinally got my system back up
05:17.06stonedthat last dist-upgrade kicked my ass
05:17.40buckymy sid is hosed
05:18.15buckyfunction keys don't work
05:18.23buckyno tty consoles
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05:20.50icebithi all :)
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05:23.31shogunxbucky  serial console?  ssh in?
05:24.02buckyhaven't tried to ssh in
05:24.48buckyssh: connect to host localhost port 22: Connection refused
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05:28.15buckyi think it's my keymap.. how do i reconfigure my keymap?
05:29.33*** join/#debian xinud (
05:30.02buckyi only have boottime.kmap.gz in /etc/console - is that normal?
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05:33.49*** join/#debian beetlepun_ (
05:34.00beetlepun_is there an xorg doc package anyone?
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05:36.58beetlepun_wondering what i can use for draglockkeys.. ?
05:37.25*** join/#debian inc|freaky (
05:37.32inc|freakyhi all, i get the following error:
05:37.33inc|freakydpkg: error processing gallery2 (--remove):
05:37.33inc|freakyPackage is in a very bad inconsistent state - you should
05:37.33inc|freakyreinstall it before attempting a removal.
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05:38.23inc|freakysorry - umm, i cant reinstall the package because im allready using a downloaded version of gallery2 on that DB and reinstalling would overwrite my data i guess. how can i force removing that package?
05:41.58*** join/#debian Maliuta (
05:41.58pilgrimAnyone using GSSAPI SMTP AUTH with postfix?
05:42.16pilgrimOr anything (other than PLAIN and LOGIN)?
05:42.16*** join/#debian deuce868 (
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05:42.36TeamCanada|Silen!tell TeamCanada|Silen about grounding
05:43.55cafuegopilgrim: I use digest-md5
05:44.16pilgrimcafuego, if it's not a trade  secret, mind telling me how you did it?
05:44.38cafuegopilgrim: There's a complete howto on my system :-)
05:44.50*** join/#debian ojack (
05:44.53cafuegopilgrim: For md5 the trick is that you need to store a plaintext password on the server.
05:44.56pilgrimcafuego, awesome. Do go on though.
05:45.13cafuegopilgrim: I'll find you the howto
05:45.26pilgrimcafuego, yeah do that, please.
05:45.27*** join/#debian liran_ (
05:49.00pilgrimthe saslauthd daemon only startup on deman dright?
05:49.19pilgrimcafuego, thanks for that.
05:49.21*** join/#debian Maliuta_ (
05:49.47cafuegopilgrim: It might be slight overkill for a few users, but for a slightly larger multi-domain setup it's great,
05:50.27pilgrimcafuego, yeah, I don't even have a 100 users. Hell I don't have 10 users :)
05:50.36cafuegopilgrim: <heh>
05:50.44*** join/#debian lx01 (
05:51.08cafuegopilgrim: Maybe just add sasl to postfix then. You need to add users and passwords into sasldb, to be able to use md5 auth.
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05:58.00pinky_What is the name of a program that is similar in functionality to Alcohol %120, or at least one that is able to mount various types of CD/DVD images on a virtual drive?
06:00.22*** join/#debian mina_linux_Tux (n=mina@
06:01.22mina_linux_Tuxi'm running debian sarge and want to know to which USB port my Palm is connected how to do so ?
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06:04.30mina_linux_Tuxi'm running debian sarge and want to know to which USB port my Palm is connected how to do so ?
06:04.50ekkikristshut it
06:05.05concept10mina_linux_Tux, try lsusb
06:05.09k-godpinky_: Um.  Loopback mount will handle CD/DVD images.
06:05.17k-godpinky_: Just plain old mount.
06:05.23pilgrimmina_linux_Tux, what he means is that he doesn't know. he being ekkikrist
06:05.24fGxNPOVaddct: You asked earlier about my /dev/null (getting set to 0644). It's a device, major 1 minor 3
06:05.41ekkikristNo, I mean don't repeat.
06:06.08pilgrimekkikrist, be a little nicer about it.
06:06.14mina_linux_Tuxconcept10: this is the output Bus 001 Device 001: ID 0000:0000
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06:06.41mina_linux_Tuxconcept10: how to know the name like tty0 or ttys0
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06:07.08k-godmina_linux_Tux: Usually trial and error and/or triumph.
06:07.28k-godmina_linux_Tux: ... at least in my experience.
06:07.34*** join/#debian anjo (
06:07.44k-godmina_linux_Tux: and it's generally /dev/ttyS[01] FYI.  Case matters.
06:07.49pilgrimSpeaking of /dev. How do I print something to this screen using /dev/tty?
06:08.05k-godpilgrim: Sorry?
06:08.11k-godpilgrim: Define "this screen"
06:08.30pilgrimk-god, sorry, I mean to "the" screen. Meaning my own cosole.
06:08.54k-godpilgrim: Um.  "echo foo > /dev/tty<n>" should generally work.
06:08.56*** join/#debian Huahua (n=hua_@
06:09.05pilgrimk-god, kcool.
06:09.13k-godpilgrim: You're going to have to be, at your discretion, more specific or less vague.
06:09.37pilgrimk-god, sorry. Next time.
06:09.53*** join/#debian gary_ (
06:09.57k-godpilgrim: Assumes, BTW, write access to the tty.  For pseudoterms (eg:  xterm or equiv) you're going to be dealing with the appropriate pseudotty.
06:10.14*** join/#debian mendred (n=mendred@
06:10.46pilgrimk-god, I though tty<n> was only for a terminal window. Why is there so many?
06:11.00k-godpilgrim: *Every* terminal gets its own tty.
06:11.24pilgrimk-god, k. I guess I should ask, what's a terminal?
06:11.25k-godpilgrim: Generally /dev/tty is the *current* tty that a shell is on (sort of like /dev/stdin in that regard).
06:11.29gary_As of 2006-04-18, nvidia-graphics-drivers was removed from testing. This page needs to be updated to reflect how testing users should get the drivers. ok how can i get the drivers pl ?
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06:11.50k-godpilgrim: /dev/tty0-6 are generally associated with the console (textmode) virtual terminals.
06:12.02pilgrimk-god, k.
06:12.03concept10dammit, why does linux/unix apps have so many compile time switches and options
06:12.06k-godgary_: What are you quoting?
06:12.17k-godconcept10: To soothe your soul.
06:12.40gawaineI'm having a problem installing debian sid on my notebook. I can't install xserver-xorg. apt-get tells that the package returns the error 10 on the preconfigure script. How can I solve this problem ?
06:12.55gary_how can i get the nvidia driver for etch?
06:13.05k-god!tell gary_ about nvidia one liner
06:13.15k-godgary_: Don't ask me, I don't know.  Bot has info.
06:13.31k-godgawaine: You can try running the preconfigure script manually and looking for its errors.
06:13.42k-godgawaine: scripts are under /var/lib/dpkg/info/<packagename>
06:14.04gawainek-god: ok, thanks :)
06:14.25k-godgawaine: 'bash -x <script>' will expand the commands as they're   run.
06:14.36k-godgawaine: /msg dpkg paster if you get stuck.
06:15.26pilgrimk-god, why won't it allow me to "echo foo > /dev/tty0" even though I'm using sudo command.
06:15.44gary_k-god: the nvidia driver is not in the contrib non-free so how can i get it for etch?
06:15.44*** join/#debian fierman (n=syukri@
06:15.54mina_linux_Tuxis it the  answer that i get
06:16.18k-godgary_: There's a wrapper for the install, I think, and I told you not to ask me.  I really don't know.
06:16.41gawainek-god: uhm, there isn't any file for the package xserver-xorg. There are only xserver-xorg-core, xserver-xorg-video etc.
06:16.43k-godpilgrim: What's perms on /dev/tty0?  Should be root tty crw.  Root should be able to write to it.
06:16.44Kyleyhey can the dpkg bot do a package search?
06:16.58gary_k-god :ok t/u
06:17.09liable!tell Kyley about search
06:17.33k-godgawaine: Sounds like a possible packaging problem.  Do you have full sources specified?  Etch?
06:18.06pilgrimk-god, yeah, root has RW permission. However, I'm in ubuntu and there is not root enabled. And sudo doesn't even ask for a password.
06:18.24Kyleyokay, "no" :)
06:18.26k-godpilgrim: sudo should ask for your password.  'sudo -i' should get you a root shell.
06:18.28gawainek-god: sid, and I haven't specified any deb-src in the sources.list
06:18.35k-godKyley: Yes.  'search foo'.
06:18.41liablek-god: err, yes it can
06:18.58k-godliable: Kyley?
06:18.59pilgrimk-god, I'm totaly shocked. Thanks for that (sudo -i)
06:19.04k-godpilgrim: NP.
06:19.06liableyeah, sorry
06:19.15k-godpilgrim: 'sudo su -' or 'sudo bash' are pretty much equiv.
06:19.37k-godpilgrim: Some people will tell you that that's the root of all evil, but I find it convenient.
06:19.41netman1Kyley: Yes it can: dselect update ; dpkg -l '*package*'
06:19.50*** join/#debian user_ (
06:19.53pilgrimk-god, interesting.
06:20.27*** join/#debian Paras (n=Paras@
06:20.27k-godFeh.  I need to fix a console keymap.  Parallels virtual machine under OSX.
06:20.28pilgrimk-god, on which tty does GUI usually start in?
06:20.32k-godpilgrim: 7
06:20.36user_help please,i can't startx...
06:20.46k-goduser_: From where as who?
06:20.55liablesome errors would generally help
06:20.59k-goduser_: Generally has to be root (anywhere) or user (at console)
06:20.59user_after running apt-get update,apt-get upgrade
06:21.00pilgrimk-god, so 0 should be accessable through alt + f1 + ctrl , right?
06:21.04k-god!tell user_ about smart questions.
06:21.25k-godpilgrim: Usually expressed as ctrl-alt-f1, but yeah.
06:21.33k-goduser_: /msg bots please.  Don't !tell yourself.
06:22.15k-god!tell user_ about set up x
06:22.43pilgrimk-god, in my case ctrl-alt-f1 is tty1. What gives?
06:23.02k-godpilgrim: Um.  Someone can't agree on an ordinal numbering base?
06:23.17gawainek-god: can I solve this problem using apt-build ? or what other can I do ?
06:23.20*** join/#debian ozux (i=ozux@
06:23.23pilgrimk-god, agrr. my fun is ruined :)
06:23.32k-godgawaine: Um.  What's the problem?
06:23.55*** join/#debian alexk_ (n=alexkrom@
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06:24.21gawainek-god: that the xserver-xorg package returns an error 10 in the preconfigure script, and in /var/lib/dpkg/info there aren't any script for xserver-xorg
06:24.21k-godgawaine: You should be able to install xserver-xorg or something close to that.
06:25.03k-godgawaine: /var/lib/dpkg/info/xserver-xorg.preinst?
06:25.31k-godgawaine: Not handy atm.  Use the shell, luke.
06:26.51gawainek-god: k-god: nothing, there isn't xserver-xorg.preinst
06:27.22k-godgawaine: Try reinstalling.  Should be there.
06:27.23*** join/#debian cahoot (n=radix@pdpc/supporter/active/cahoot)
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06:28.02pilgrimk-god, so at tty1 there is a login prompt. Now, with "echo 'root' > /dev/tty1" and if somehow I could echo the <ENTER> keypress, I should be prompted for the password in /dev/tty1 , right? If so, how can I echo <ENTER>
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06:28.53kerneldpilgrim: maybe printf "\r" >  /dev/tty1
06:28.54k-godpilgrim: echo -e 'foo\
06:29.00k-godpilgrim: echo -e 'foo\n'
06:29.05gawainek-god: I have alredy tried to delete /var/cache/apt/archive/xserver-xorg_*.deb and to do an"apt-get install xserver-xorg" but nothing :/
06:29.06*** join/#debian `UD (
06:29.16k-godgawaine: install --reinstall
06:29.19k-godgawaine: Try that.
06:29.25kerneldk-god: echo automaticall appends a \n unless you do echo -n anyway
06:29.26*** join/#debian ugly (
06:29.30k-godgawaine: ... or maybe '--reinstall install'
06:29.35k-godkerneld: Point.
06:29.40gawainek-god: same error :/
06:29.41*** join/#debian randomwords (
06:30.03k-godgawaine: apt-get update; apt-get --reinstall install xserver-xorg
06:30.23*** part/#debian ugly (
06:30.40kerneldif you have the terminal in raw mode somehow, and you hit enter, you can see ^M on the screen which is \r isn't it. Just thinking aloud
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06:31.03k-godkerneld: \n == linefeed \r == carriage return
06:31.08pilgrimk-god, kerneld cool. I messed up my tty1. Now all the prompts and everything I type with the keyboard is ALL CAPITAL no matter if I have my cap locks on.
06:31.11k-godkerneld: Not sure which '<enter>' is.
06:31.19gawainek-god: same error :/
06:31.23k-godpilgrim: Heh.  exit.
06:31.31caucohello, what program is good for watch tv
06:31.33k-godpilgrim: ... then turn off capslock and log in again.
06:31.39k-godcauco: 24.
06:31.42*** part/#debian randomwords (
06:31.52pilgrimk-god, went back to normal after 60secs on timout
06:31.56k-godpilgrim: That's a *very* old teletype compatibility relic.
06:32.04caucotunnig tv in linux
06:32.10kerneldpilgrim: The login program does that to support some archaic terminals which only send caps
06:32.29k-godpilgrim: Right, it does that.  Basically, login says "hrm, bozo at the prompt can't give me anything but uppercase, I'll assume they're stuck on a CAPS ONLY terminal.
06:32.35kerneldit folds the case to lowere case if you enter the username in all caps I think
06:32.40caucowatch tv in my computer
06:32.47k-god!tell cauco about repeat
06:32.52k-god!tell cauco about search
06:33.05k-god!tell cauco about es
06:33.31pilgrimk-god, :) ubuntu is so smart. Urrr I mean, so is debian :P
06:33.37*** join/#debian wtyler (n=wtyler@
06:33.39k-godpilgrim: ??
06:33.47*** join/#debian chealer9 (
06:34.14pilgrimk-god, nm, just a stupid joke about the intellegence of the login daemon.
06:34.36k-godpilgrim: whoosh.
06:34.40kerneldpilgrim: Its just a work aroud
06:34.48pilgrimkerneld, I see.
06:34.51k-godpilgrim: That's like a 30 year old hack.
06:35.20kerneldpeople should have upper case letters in the username even though it will probably work, so it shouldn't pose an issue
06:35.24pilgrimk-god, kerneld , ok but anyway, that echo -e 'root\n' > /dev/tty1  doesn't "press" <ENTER>. Any other ideas?
06:36.01k-godpilgrim: I'm not sure what login's waiting for or listening to.  What are you trying to do?  Automatically start a shell on that terminal?
06:36.14pilgrimk-god, yeah :)
06:36.23kerneldmaybe pilgrim wants to look at innittab
06:36.34pilgrimhmm. k
06:36.42kerneldyou can spawn any app you want on a tty all its own
06:36.57k-godpilgrim: inittab's definitely one way to do that.  There are others, I'm not too clear on a general solution.
06:36.57kerneldby default it spawns getty
06:37.17kerneldalso, the open comman, opens a new tty and runs the app in it
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06:37.35pilgrimk-god, there is no "problem" I'm just playing around. So, no worries.
06:37.56k-godpilgrim: Right.
06:38.03tc_hi, some body would tell me why i can not see others computers in LAN from network/nautilus??? please
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06:38.28tc_i just install debian, apt testing packages ...
06:38.31kerneldpilgrim: did you try  printf "username\r" > /dev/tty1 ?
06:38.43k-godtc_: /join #gnome
06:38.44pilgrimkerneld, no I didn't. one sec :)
06:38.51k-godtc_: Presumably you're looking for SMB shares?
06:39.02tc_k-god, yes
06:39.15nrdbHi, does anyone here know how to delete all items from a GTK+ GtkComboBox that was created by the gtk_combo_box_new_text() function?
06:39.24pilgrimkerneld, nope .
06:39.43pilgrimkerneld, behaves deferently that with echo though.
06:40.17kerneldpilgrim: maybe try  \r\n
06:40.19pilgrimcafugo, no yet in?
06:40.25Red_CloudWill miracles never cease?!  I now have snort communicating with MySQL!!  My problem was that MySQL did not want my complete hostname but only the name before the extension.  Gentlemen, THAT took two weeks.  Beers all 'round!
06:40.28pilgrimkerneld, oh that's intersting. one sec.
06:41.29pilgrimkerneld, visually it "hit" enter (meaning it went to the new line and at the beginning of it). But password prompt didn't come up.
06:43.19pilgrimI'm always affraid that I got logged off when the chatter stops.
06:43.25pilgrimDid I get logged of?
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06:43.29pilgrim(don't say yes)
06:43.33pilgrimoh !
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06:43.41TeamCanada|Silenis it possible to have 2 different drives mounted as one? (say, I want to have /home/me/shares/ and /hdb/ appear as /share/
06:43.42k-godpilgrim: /msg dpkg test
06:43.56pilgrimk-god, great. :)
06:44.27kerneldNot sure what you are trying to achive, but I think the login program does some dirty rotten unix tricks to check that its reading from the controlling terminal or something
06:44.42SebTeamCanada|Silen: like unionfs ?
06:44.58SebTeamCanada|Silen: unionfs
06:45.05TeamCanada|SilenI don't know what unionfs is
06:45.11SebTeamCanada|Silen: you can google it up
06:45.21kerneldso that its more difficult for someone that has write access to the tty dev to spoof a login screen and capture the password
06:45.26chealer9Seb: google?
06:45.33Sebchealer9: some search engine I think
06:45.42Sebchealer9: not sure, just recently heard about it :>
06:45.56pilgrimkerneld, hmm..don't know about that,  but seems that printf-ing to a tty doesn't do much at all. I opened vi in tty1 and went into insert mode. then from another terminal I did an echo messaage , saved the vi file, and then cat -ed it. Nothing.
06:46.12chealer9Seb: oh. anything better than MSN?
06:46.33Sebchealer9: i don't think there is anything better than MSN.
06:46.46Sebchealer9: maybe it's just me
06:46.50chealer9Seb: right...thanks anyway
06:47.02*** join/#debian punsad (
06:47.06pilgrimkerneld, well, what's stopping anyone that has access to a shell from writing a program that "looks" like login and just capture the pass.
06:47.15kerneldpilgrim: You are just outputting to the terminal, like a process writing to stdout
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06:47.41Sebchealer9: you're most welcome, heh
06:47.44pilgrimkerneld, why is actual typing different?
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06:47.58pilgrimkerneld, or how is it different?
06:48.01*** mode/#debian [+l 777] by debhelper
06:48.37pilgrimkerneld, oh! A lightbulb just went off kbd is a device right? Can I pipe stuff into it and then pipe it to tty1?
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06:48.51plasmoduckis it okay to run PSYBNC as root?
06:48.59plasmoduckor is that a security risk?
06:49.22k-godpilgrim: /proc/<pid>/fd/ shows device open filedescriptors.
06:49.34kerneldpilgrim: You might like to play with expect if you want to interact with a program via a ptty
06:49.37Mordenhiya, I have a problem with my server, I cannot ping a certain www-address on it. However if I ping the IP it works. Strange is that on my computer at home I can ping thise www-address
06:49.37k-godpilgrim: You might be able to write directly to login's input through that.
06:49.49*** join/#debian empty_mind (n=orion@
06:49.50k-godkerneld: Problem is he's not running login via expect.
06:49.58*** join/#debian Trent (
06:50.05pilgrimk-god, what's expect?
06:50.09k-godpilgrim: So, if you could just launch bash on a console, would that solve your problem?
06:50.19k-godpilgrim: A solution to a problem similar but subtly different to yours.
06:50.34pilgrimk-god, look. I don't have a problem. Maybe I do: too much time.
06:50.35k-godpilgrim: Basically:  how to interact with programs that expect to be interactive, noninteractively.
06:50.37kerneldk-god: And if he needs to interact with login, then he should edit inittab and have it fork his expect wrapper
06:50.43k-godpilgrim: Modem connect scripts are typical.
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06:50.50plasmoduckis it okay to run PSYBNC as root?
06:50.51k-godkerneld: Hell, he should launch bash directly.
06:50.58k-god!tell plasmoduck about repeat.
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06:51.26plasmoduck!tell k-god about answering his question
06:51.35kerneldk-god: Or write an sh script :P
06:51.37empty_mindwhere can i paste error messge before asking for help ?
06:51.53dpkgextra, extra, read all about it, pastebin is a place to paste all your conf/debugs/logs for other people in the channel to view without flooding the channel. We suggest, or
06:51.57k-godkerneld: Um.  Sure.  A bash script to launch bash...
06:52.12k-godkerneld: I think that might win a useless use of bash award.
06:52.26kerneldit would help if we knew what pilgrim was aiming to achieve
06:52.31pilgrimk-god, hey ,I've won useless awards before.
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06:52.58kerneldits at least a useless as self printing c programs
06:53.02pilgrimkerneld, login at tty1 without typing directly at the prompt.
06:53.02k-godkerneld: What's bothering me about this whole discussion is that I'm *sure* there's a way to launch a process on a given tty (at least as root) but I can't think of one.
06:53.08pilgrimkerneld, that's my goal.
06:53.16k-godpilgrim: inittab.
06:53.36k-godpilgrim: If you're going to automate login, simply dispense with the authentication and start a shell directly.
06:53.37pilgrimk-god, hmm...
06:53.45k-godpilgrim: Seriously, that's your answer.
06:53.48kerneldpilgrim: Change the getty for one of the ttys in inittab to bash
06:54.04pilgrimkerneld, cool.
06:54.05k-godpilgrim: login's job is to:  1:  authenticate the user and 2:  start the user's specified shell.
06:54.14kerneldk-god: and there is the open command
06:54.19pilgrimk-god, I see.
06:54.20empty_mindiam trying to compile driver for intel 3945 wireless card. Compilation returns following errors . What could be wrong
06:54.22k-godpilgrim: You want the shell.  Get login out of the way.
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06:54.25k-godkerneld: Hrm...
06:54.49k-godkerneld: Ah. Cool, that would do it.
06:54.56k-godpilgrim: 'open -c 9 bash'
06:55.13k-godpilgrim: See if that launches bash on VC #9 (ctrl-alt-f9).
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06:55.39pilgrimNO FREAKING WAY!
06:55.41empty_mindvaldyn, u there
06:55.46pilgrimthat's awesome.
06:55.49deadcatanyone using the useragent plugin for firefox? it keeps resetting when i restart firefox.
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06:55.52kerneldpilgrim: Heh
06:55.57k-godpilgrim: ;-)
06:55.59TeamCanada|SilenI hit ctrl+z, how do I resume the task in the background?
06:56.04k-god!beer kerneld
06:56.07pilgrimkerneld, no I'm not limited to 6 consoles :)
06:56.20kerneldpilgrim: It hels to say what you want to get to, you might very well be making things too difficult
06:56.39bhonywho's up for werking wid css..?
06:56.40PhatedTeamCanada|Silen: fg
06:56.50pilgrimkerneld, sometimes, that's where the fun is and you learn unexpected things.
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06:57.16pilgrimkerneld, k-god, nice discussion. Thanks alot :)
06:57.22k-godpilgrim: NP.
06:57.28deadcatPhated: have you seen the latest openbox themes?
06:57.36TeamCanada|Silenphated, fg brings it back to the foreground, how do I get it in the background?
06:57.39bhonyhave you guys ever visited the debian forums..?
06:57.41Phateddeadcat: Can't say I have, what are they like?
06:57.48deadcatPhated: split gradient (=
06:57.53kerneldpilgrim: np.
06:57.58punsadquestion.. I've got a 400MHz box with 256MB of RAM and firefox is really.  Is there anything I can do to speed it up?  Actually - I can barely watch a dvd with it.  Seems like I should be able to do this even though it is a pretty old box
06:58.00PhatedTeamCanada|Silen: Start the task with 'command &', it'll run in the background.
06:58.02*** join/#debian Kane32 (
06:58.06Phateddeadcat: Cool.
06:58.12TeamCanada|SilenI can't restart it, it's an mv
06:58.14punsadfirefox is really slow that is
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06:58.30deadcatPhated: and the next one.
06:58.35k-godpunsad: More memory wouldn't hurt.  What are you running for a windowmanager?
06:58.36PhatedTeamCanada|Silen: Ctrl-C? Or just open a new terminal to do another task, sheesh :)
06:58.47punsadk-god: icewm
06:58.47TeamCanada|Silenim in putty, ssh
06:59.02PhatedHeh, learn to use screen(1) :)
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06:59.14TeamCanada|Silenah, got it, sorry
06:59.19k-godpunsad: 400 MHz is slowish by contemporary standards, but not painfully.  icewm's nice and light.  Check your disk params with hdparm.
06:59.19deadcatscreen(1) is a MUST...
06:59.31Phateddeadcat: Nice.
06:59.42deadcati rank screen number 1 as best software ever
06:59.47k-goddeadcat: If someone didn't invent screen already I'd have to kill them for forgetting.
06:59.59punsadscreen+ btdownloadcurses = match made in heaven
07:00.04*** part/#debian tkaine_away (
07:00.14deadcatpunsad: + a php script i wrote for downloading tv torrent (=
07:00.16k-goddeadcat: screen, vim, bash, mutt.  It's tough competition.
07:00.21deadcatk-god: same here
07:00.21Phatedscreen + btlaunchmanycurses = heaven itself :)
07:00.40k-godPhated: *I'm* not heaven itself, darling?
07:00.41TeamCanada|Silenwhat is the minimum processing power required for avi decoding @ 1024x1280 32-bit colout
07:00.54Phatedk-god: I've known better heavens than you, baby.
07:01.02johnsu01Phated: except that btlaunchmanycurses errors out whenever I resize the screen (like with C-a S).
07:01.04k-godPhated: Keep in mind ...
07:01.08k-godPhated: ... we've never met.
07:01.08deadcatPhated: then you must check this:
07:01.11Phatedjohnsu01: Never happened to me.
07:01.21Phatedk-god: Your point?
07:01.27deadcatPhated: i never have to serach for tv torrent anymore
07:01.30k-godPhated: Long and pleasing.
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07:01.43k-god<sniff>  JK Galbraith is dead.
07:01.45johnsu01Phated: but I agree with the sentiment anyway :)
07:01.49Phatedk-god: It doesn't mean anything unless you've proven it.
07:02.03Phateddeadcat: Nice.
07:02.28k-godPhated: It takes me a while to get to everyone, but rarely fail to please.
07:02.48Phatedk-god: Again, until you've pleased, you haven't proven your ability to please.
07:03.15k-godPhated: Um.  I have.  _Your_ point?
07:03.20*** part/#debian Morden (
07:03.31Phatedk-god: Until you've pleased -me-, you won't get me to agree that you can please.
07:03.36deadcatPhated: if you want the openbox with the split gradient patch and the gtk2 theme i use in those screenshot: deb unstable/
07:03.46Phateddeadcat: Cool, but nah :)
07:03.48k-godPhated: OK.  Shall we set a date then?
07:04.14punsadanyone got a good idea for a project?  Seems like I miss the days when I was setting my server up
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07:04.27Phatedk-god: You buy the plane tickets, dinner, condoms, and lube. I'll bring my nympho self.
07:04.52deadcati am baking up my stuff on the ibook since X is broken so i will send it back to apple to get the hd replaced
07:04.57k-godFrench Laundry or Spagos?
07:05.11PhatedEither way.
07:06.34k-godOr Chez Panisse.  Hrm.  You vegi or omni?
07:06.47PhatedOmni, darlin', I like the meat :)
07:06.50*** join/#debian nestriafg (
07:06.51punsaddeadcat: did you install linux on an ibook?
07:06.57TeamCanada|SilenI'm just gonna leave now
07:07.10cahootwhy don't you take the cooing somewhere else?
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07:07.12deadcatpunsad: yes.. much better
07:07.38punsaddeadcat: wow.. you actually like it much better than osx?
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07:08.09Phatedk-god: -ot, if you must.
07:08.23k-godPhated: Sure.
07:08.28deadcatpunsad: osx suck cocks
07:08.50punsaddeadcat: what sort of windowmanager do you use?
07:08.54deadcatpunsad: well actually i only clicked around few times
07:08.58deadcatpunsad: openbox
07:09.19deadcatmy openbox theme rocks. (=
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07:10.02punsaddeadcat: how well is all the hardware supported? e.g. battery power management, wireless, etc..
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07:10.46pilgrimorafu, did i talk to you earlier?
07:10.55deadcatpunsad: everything works for me. since this is a g3 and i dont even hvae the airport card. thats just orinoco, but the new ones use broadcom and the driver is working for some people already
07:11.03pinky__What is the name of a program that is similar in functionality to Alcohol %120, or at least one that is able to mount various types of CD/DVD images on a virtual drive?
07:11.25pilgrimorafu, Are you Christoph Haas?
07:11.34deadcatpunsad: when i want the machine to sleep. i either close the lid or press the button
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07:12.48punsaddeadcat: you run debian on it?
07:13.04TeamCanada|Silenis there a way to get cpu temp reports in linux?
07:13.24deadcatpunsad: yes
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07:14.01pilgrimkerneld, k-god, will doing linux from scratch teach me all that stuff (all that stuff = what happens when things get started, how MBR works, how login startups and  such?)
07:14.22TraceGreenwhat is snd-pcm-oss?
07:14.30TraceGreenalsa? oss?
07:14.34TTThi, as I undestand, 3D support is broken in X11R7 in sid, isn't it?
07:14.41cahootTraceGreen: alsas oss emulation - you want it
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07:15.54Ninhi there!
07:16.17TraceGreencahoot, I got "Could not open sound device /dev/dsp -Check permissions or full duplex capability"
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07:16.53TeamCanada|Silenpunsad, can I apt-get that?
07:16.54TraceGreencahoot, This is ohpone about listening.
07:17.02cahootTraceGreen: did you check permissions? user is member of audio group?
07:17.22TraceGreencahoot, i am in root.
07:17.39punsadTeamCanada|Silen: I think so... for your future reference... just 'apt-cache search packagename' to see if it's a debian package
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07:18.22cahootTraceGreen: can you cat /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp?
07:19.19unix_infidellol, was that a question of possibility or will?
07:19.30TeamCanada|Silenwhat type of processor do I have i386? (AMD K-6)
07:19.45unix_infidelmost likely an 686
07:20.04k-godTeamCanada|Silen: cat /proc/cpuinfo
07:20.06Charleshow do i get debian to ifup so i can share files from my laptop
07:20.25TraceGreencahoot, yeah!
07:20.28punsadTeamCanada|Silen: if your asking so you know what kernel paackage to install, there is a k6 package for the kernel
07:20.56cahootTraceGreen: ok so sound basically works but some app has problems?
07:21.24TraceGreencahoot, thanks! I think it may be the problem pwlib/ h323 to alsa sound card? i check it.
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07:21.54punsadCharles: are you sharing to other linux boxes?
07:22.05cahootTraceGreen: is this app not alsa aware?
07:22.13Charlesi just cant get debian to work out
07:22.22Charlesi got ubuntu to activate
07:22.54TraceGreencahoot, I don't konw, I load snd-intel8x0, does it mean i use alsa?
07:22.56punsadCharles:  I think you need samba
07:23.03cahootTraceGreen: yes
07:23.23TraceGreencahoot, i think ohphone could use alsa, but i don't know why it doesn't work now.
07:23.28TraceGreencahoot, thanks
07:23.30pilgrimWhich device is my mouse in /dev?
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07:24.00TeamCanada|SilenI'm using kernel 2.4.27-2-386, can I run k6 packages?
07:24.01bhonytry that.. it might work..
07:24.27Charlesdownloading now
07:24.55pilgrimbhony, you joking? (if not there is not dev mousey)
07:25.32punsadTeamCanada|Silen: what do you mean 'k6' packages?  My advice is to just stick with what you got
07:25.34Charlesi got samba
07:26.18punsadCharles: did you just install it? or you got it running?
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07:26.46Charlesonly installed
07:26.53Charlesdont know how to get it running
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07:27.10trollboyis there something up with the unstable pool right now?
07:27.20trollboyI got a box at work I updated at work off unstable
07:27.23trollboyno problems
07:27.31trollboyI do the same to this box, and X dies
07:27.36punsadCharles: first see if it's running.. ps ax | grep smb
07:27.41punsadCharles: is it?
07:28.44trollboyand then there's the topic
07:28.50Charleshow di it ell
07:29.04CharlesHow do i tell
07:29.16punsadCharles:  did you issue the command: 'ps ax | grep smb' ?
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07:29.56punsadCharles: what did you see after issuing that command?
07:30.17punsadCharles: okay.. that means its running
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07:31.08punsadCharles: now... you need to configure /etc/samba/smb.conf
07:31.18TeamCanada|Silenswat it
07:31.36TeamCanada|Silenapt-get install swat
07:31.44punsadCharles: yeah... if you've got swat installed, that makes it pretty easy.
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07:32.30punsadCharles: if you have swat, you can just point your browser to http://localhost:901 and there is a nice web interface
07:32.38Charlesi dont got swat
07:32.43Charlesok lemme get it
07:33.59kerneldpilgrim: Sorry, was on another channel.  If you can get a look at the w-richard-stevens books,  UNPv1&2 and APUX they show you alot
07:34.17TeamCanada|Silenpunsad, I installed lm sensors, what command do I use?
07:34.41Charlespunsad, its connecting to that site
07:34.47kerneldpilgrim: and man init - follow the trail from there
07:34.52pilgrimkerneld, huh? That's the _title_ of the book? I'm already intimidated
07:35.03punsadTeamCanada|Silen: dunno... I've never used it
07:35.06pilgrimkerneld, what /dev is my mouse?
07:35.19dorel_autofs doesnt seem to work and so does ivman for debian unstable. is there any other alternative i can try for automounting usb drivers? (usb key)
07:35.25punsadCharles: does it seem to work?
07:35.26Charleshow do i get swat to load
07:35.36Charlesit hasnt loaded yet
07:35.45pilgrimkerneld, I wanted to try and freak it out by piping urandom to the mouse and see what it'll do :)
07:35.53Charlesthe machine is ubuntu right now
07:36.11kerneldpilgrim: APUX == Advanced Programming in the Unix Environment I think. Its actually kind of dated now I guess, but it gives some insight to lots of the unix interface
07:36.27streunerCharles: Why do you ask here?
07:36.29pilgrimkerneld, oh, That I got. (Just haven't read it :)
07:36.30punsadTeamCanada|Silen: check out TeamCanada|Silen
07:36.38punsadTeamCanada|Silen: check out
07:36.43pilgrimkerneld, there was a new release just recently.
07:36.52kerneldpilgrim: mouse is a character device. I think its read only
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07:37.03pilgrimkerneld, oh, damn.
07:37.25xeviouswhat is dirmngr?
07:37.35TTThm, got opengl working with X11R7, but quake3 is dog slow, though ppracer runs quite fine :-\
07:37.48TTT(q3 wasnt dog slow on x11r6.9)
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07:38.22kerneldpilgrim: Just because you can read from the device does nopt imply if you write to it, that emulates artificial input
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07:39.46xeviouswhat are CRLs and why do i have dirmngr doing stuff with them?
07:40.00punsadCharles: you need to edit /etc/inetd.conf to allow swat, then restart the inetd daemon
07:40.02TeamCanada|Silenbash: sensors-detect: command not found
07:41.21kerneldpilgrim: Reminds me of a secutiy flaw in some sun servers a while back.  The speaker device was installed with lax permisions, and you could open the speaker device for reading and it acted as a microphone so a user could record an audio file of conversations going on in the server room
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07:41.28trollboyis there something in synaptic that allows you to undo your last "apply"?
07:41.40bhonykerneld.. uh huh..
07:41.43kernelda long while back. Not sure if its an urban legend
07:42.11pilgrimkerneld, cool. Good old days with the bugs.
07:42.12xeviousdon't use that
07:42.21xeviousno dirmngr necessary
07:42.35bhonygot it..
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07:42.57TeamCanada|Silenhow do I uninstall a package?
07:43.03punsadCharles: unless you get swat working, you may want to read up on
07:43.23punsadCharles: smb.conf... try man smb.conf
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07:43.29streunerpunsad: #ubuntu
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07:43.51punsadstreuner: is that a reccomendation to me?
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07:44.09Broxgood morning every1
07:44.13streunerpunsad: isn't it better to help there with ubuntu problems?
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07:44.23byktehow come you cant file name complete if the folder or file contains a "(" in it? this a bug or is there a workaround?
07:44.26pilgrimkerneld, #gentoo showed me this "cat  /dev/psaux" and then moving the mouse prints junk
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07:45.04kerneldpilgrim: Yeah, of course
07:45.14xeviousif i have a properly configured kernel, then 'discover' isn't really necessary, is it?
07:45.35kerneldbut that does not imply cat /dev/urandom >  /dev/psaux simulates mouse input
07:45.47*** join/#debian jan_ (
07:45.59kerneldxevious: It can be a nuisance even
07:46.13TeamCanada|Silenhow do I uninstall a package?
07:46.18xeviousdiscover gives me a bunch of errors
07:46.27punsadI don't even like ubuntu... i just stick with "plain" old debian
07:46.30streunerTeamCanada|Silen: apt-get remove package, man apt-get
07:46.30Broxwhat is the difference between VAR="/foo" and export VAR=/foo? Why can i put export VAR=/foo in ~/.bash_profile and then do source ~/.bash_profile and then the VAR isn't set - but when i do the same with ~/.bashrc it is? I find that weird
07:46.50pilgrimkerneld, is the keyboard device readable?
07:47.06pilgrimkerneld, if so, how hard would it be to make a keylogger?
07:47.19kerneldpilgrim: There atre programs to snoop ttys
07:47.27gary_apt-get remove --purge  package
07:48.04kerneldpilgrim: eg, investigate ttysnoop
07:48.07streunerpunsad: <Charles> the machine is ubuntu right now
07:48.10pilgrimkerneld, yeah but where's the fun in _using_ one?!
07:48.41punsadstreuner: i don't even know what happened to him
07:48.58pilgrimkerneld, how appropriate, ttysnoop site has pop-ups!
07:49.09*** part/#debian gary_ (
07:49.12streunerpunsad: he left, after we asked him "why do you ask here"
07:49.23*** join/#debian encKe|laptop (n=encKe`
07:50.06TeamCanada|Silenwell, I'm afraid I'm done linux for tonight
07:50.12TeamCanada|SilenZzZz, later all
07:50.19xeviouscan i remove xfs?
07:50.39streuner!info xfs
07:50.47dpkgxfs: (X font server), section x11, is optional. Version: 1:1.0.1-4 (sid), Packaged size: 55 kB, Installed size: 200 kB
07:51.07kerneldsnooze time
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07:51.38pinky__How do I unmount a CD image I mounted with the "mount -o loop" option?
07:51.44punsadxevious: in cases like that, I just go ahead and do apt-get remove xfs (for example) and see what else has to get removed
07:52.07punsadpinky__: umount doesn't work?
07:52.31pinky__punsad: I tried that, it said command not found??
07:52.57*** join/#debian teledyn_ (
07:53.01punsadpinky__: you need to be root
07:53.06pinky__I am.
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07:53.48punsadpinky__: you tried 'umount name_of_mountpoint' and it said 'command not found'....?
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07:54.18binarybeatswhere can I find docs on how to migrate from software RAID1 to software RAID0
07:54.31punsadpinky__: a lot of times, I'll accidentally type unmount
07:55.07xeviouswhy would i have dbus installed if nothing relies on it?
07:55.13punsadpinky__: that'll do it
07:55.24pinky__Haha okay yeah umount works... except now it's saying that the device is busy...
07:55.42xeviousnothing needs dbus, but they need libdbus
07:55.50xeviousi'll stop wasting space
07:55.57DimmuRbinarybeats: i think the best solution is to backup data, remove raid1 and make new raid0 or depend on your raid controller check it's documentation
07:56.10punsadpinky__: hah!  try lsof to get the pid of the offending job and try to kill it
07:56.33binarybeatsI was hoping there was a way to do it without removing the container
07:57.02*** join/#debian chewy (
07:57.29DimmuRbinarybeats: some time ago i was searching for migration from raid5 to raid1 (with removing 2 hdd's) - and i got info from intel that this is the only way
07:57.51chewyhow do i transfer files from debian to ubuntu
07:57.57binarybeatswith software RAID?
07:58.03punsadso anyone have a good suggestion for fun linux project?
07:58.17punsadnot coding that is...
07:58.25DimmuRbinarybeats: no it was hardware raid
07:58.51*** part/#debian rE`` (
07:58.52punsadchewy: which files?
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08:00.34trollboyso does debian have anything to walk you through x setup?
08:00.45valdyn!drxx trollboy
08:00.45dpkgtrollboy: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86  [or xserver-xorg if you're using] (as root). If you have edited the X config file by hand, or used some other program like xf86config, ask me about <xmd5>
08:00.46punsadchewy: save them to a partition that doesn't get whackked
08:00.59chewyim kinda a newb
08:01.00pinky__punsad: How do I tell using lsof?
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08:01.08valdynchewy: with scp
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08:01.26valdynchewy: scp localfile remotehost:
08:01.28punsadpinky__: the second column over is the PID, i think
08:01.39frederickHow can I get Region four DVD's to play on Mandriva
08:01.43xeviousso what does the dbus-1 init script start, exactly?
08:01.48valdynchewy: or scp localfile remoteuser@remotehost:
08:01.49punsadfrederick: vlc
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08:02.02chewyits going from computer to another
08:02.08frederickpunsad: thanks
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08:02.20valdynchewy: sure yes
08:02.35punsadfrederick: dunno if it'll work for sure, but I've had good luck with it
08:02.40dpkgextra, extra, read all about it, scp is Secure Copy, part of the ssh suite, and a very handy program. ssh + cpio.  EXAMPLE: scp *.mp3 me@myotherbox:/var/tmp
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08:03.47chewycp: cannont stat localfile no such directory
08:03.55pinky__punsad: Yes but how do I tell if it's using the /mnt/iso/ up?
08:04.09valdynchewy: its scp, not cp, and localfile is a placeholser for your mp3 file
08:04.20Phatedchewy: Er... "localfile" means you should substitute the actual name of the local file? :)
08:04.27frederickpunsad: i'v tried Mplayer and Xine. Either they can't encode region four dvd's or I didn't configure them properly. There is a patent issue apparantly with the Library.
08:04.52*** join/#debian Kupal[]_ (n=Kupal[|]
08:05.06punsadpinky__: perhaps 'lsof | grep iso'
08:05.09chewyits on my desktop and its called completed
08:05.10valdynfrederick: you are trying to _Create_ region coded dvds?
08:05.12Kupal[]_how can i boot lilo not to reboot on kernel failure?
08:05.31valdynfrederick: if you are not, did you mean 'decode' ?
08:06.25frederickvaldyn: I meant decode sorry
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08:06.37valdynfrederick: libdvdcss is on marillat
08:06.39dpkgfrom memory, marillat is an unofficial repository containing packages not in Debian for patent-related reasons, <mplayer>  being the most popular. See for details on how to add.  If you are using apt greater than 0.6 ask me about <marillat key>.  For specific sources.list lines, ask me about <marillat.etch> <marillat.sid> <marillat.sarge>
08:06.50*** join/#debian Goa (
08:07.05valdynfrederick: those 'patent issues' are U.S only
08:07.19punsadchewy: I'm not understanding if you are talk about two different boxes - a debian one and an ubuntu one... or is this an ubuntu  box that was converted from a debian box... or what
08:07.49chewyok the mp3s are one one box thats debian
08:08.05chewyi got a laptop that i want some tunes on thats ubuntu
08:08.07Kupal[]_my lilo just reboots!?
08:08.10punsadchewy: and all you are trying to do is copy them to another box?
08:08.23frederickvaldyn: i'll look into it more, for some reason the dvd's aren't playing.
08:08.40valdynfrederick: do you have libdvdcss installed?
08:08.44chewydebian box isnt hooked to the net
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08:08.56chewybut i got all the cables to hook them together
08:09.03Goamay i ask a question?
08:09.05valdynfrederick: package name should be libdvdcss2
08:09.20streunerGoa: /msg dpkg ask
08:09.21Kupal[]_new kernel, and no output except the linux.gz ( it says something about seeing the bios, then resets.. any help)?
08:09.31Goai did it
08:09.33Kupal[]_how can i get enough debugging to see what im missing?
08:09.39valdynchewy: maybe you should hook them together before asking about copying stuff
08:09.41punsadchewy: if the box with the mp3s isn't on the net - how do you plan on moving them to the laptop?
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08:10.00streunerGoa: and you unterstood it? why you waiting for? you already asked ;-)
08:10.01chewya crossover cable
08:10.15chewyi just need to configure on the inside
08:10.35punsadchewy: is burning to dvd/cd an option?
08:10.35frederickvaldyn: i just checked, It isn't installed, can I get that from the Mplayer website?
08:10.43valdynfrederick: no
08:10.43*** join/#debian ootput (
08:10.45dpkgwell, marillat is an unofficial repository containing packages not in Debian for patent-related reasons, <mplayer>  being the most popular. See for details on how to add.  If you are using apt greater than 0.6 ask me about <marillat key>.  For specific sources.list lines, ask me about <marillat.etch> <marillat.sid> <marillat.sarge>
08:10.48*** join/#debian encKe|laptop (n=encKe`
08:10.57valdynfrederick: read what dpkg said
08:11.10chewypunsad, dont know much about linux so
08:11.15Goai already install the os by netinst boot cd,i downloaded the packages and configured everything,i'd like to know how to start kde
08:11.30streunerGoa: apt-get install kde
08:11.41chewyDoes swat only work on debian?
08:11.42ootputhi guys, how would a user be able to change his user details in passwd?
08:11.43punsadchewy: I don't even know how to dirctly connect boxes like that... there typically needs to be a server
08:11.46ootputlike, for instance, his First and last name
08:11.53streunerGoa: Have you X installed yet?
08:12.00chewypunsad, ok
08:12.01punsadchewy: no...but all boxes obviously need to be on a net
08:12.20Goastreuner i dont think so,it automatically downloaded some packages
08:12.29chewypunsad, my laptops got wifi my home comp dont
08:12.39Goaso i dont even now
08:12.39streunerGoa: well, apt-get install x-window-system(-core) then
08:12.57punsadchewy: do you have a wireless router that accepts ethernet cables?
08:12.57Goai just have to write that comand?
08:13.11streunerGoa: apt-get install x-window-system kde
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08:13.18valdynchewy: you can just connect those 2 boxes directly with your crossover cable
08:13.24streunerGoa: as root, yes
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08:13.32frederickvaldyn: ok i'm not using Debian, i'm using Maldiva so i didn't understand the message from dpkg
08:13.32Goamanty thanks bro
08:13.35chewywell i dont know how to config it to act as a access point
08:13.43TTThi, are there debian packages for x composition manager, xcompmgr?
08:13.43punsadchewy: plug the ethernet cable from the debian box into that router and you are golden
08:13.47chewyvaldyn, i got a crossover
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08:13.51TTTapt-cache search finds nothing
08:13.59valdynfrederick: we dont support maldiva ( whatever that is )
08:14.12valdynfrederick: ask in their channel / forum / support line / whatever
08:14.26streunerGoa: you need kdm in order to start KDE, or you edit ~/.xsession with 'exec startkde' (/msg dpkg .xsession)
08:14.42dpkgSunday is the day all trolls swarm to #debian, avoid at all cost to remain sane.
08:14.57streunerGoa: just use kdm for the first time
08:15.17Goatell me what i have to do to use kdm
08:15.28valdynGoa: you install it
08:15.40streunerapt-get install kdm
08:15.46Goaand to run it?
08:16.31streunerGoa: just start, it explains many thing when doing...
08:16.41Goamany thanks
08:16.44Goai'll be back
08:16.51Goacauz i have too boot with debian now
08:16.58Goai haveo nly 2 machine
08:17.03Goaonly 1
08:17.07chewyhow do i get my debians ip address
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08:17.30POVaddctchewy: /sbin/ifconfig
08:18.21punsadchewy: i thought you said it's not on the net
08:18.38chewyits not im trying the crossover cable
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08:19.47chewywhy is this so hard?
08:20.03chewygotta have a degree to transfer files
08:20.19POVaddctchewy: bullshit
08:20.26*** join/#debian filleokus (
08:20.47chewyi cant figure it out
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08:21.00POVaddctchewy: which protocol do you want to use to transfer files?
08:21.08punsadchewy: I don't understand why you don't plug the ethernet cable from the debian box into the wireless router.. don't you want that box on the net at least to get updates?
08:21.09chewywhat ever works
08:21.11POVaddctchewy: which OSs are the two machines?
08:21.32TTTum, how do I find out which packages depend on package X?
08:21.37filleokusare they any guide about how you make a debian server wlan ap and dhcp server and nat and so on?
08:21.46punsadPOVaddct: he's got a debian desktop and an ubuntu laptop
08:21.56chewyok for the wireless router it wont pick up the wifi that i get from the window.
08:22.05chewyi am using wifi to connect right now
08:22.18chewyso how do send wifi to the router
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08:22.56chewydebian and ubuntu
08:23.02punsadchewy: what do you mean "send wifi" to the router.  I thought it's a wireless router.
08:23.09POVaddctchewy: so the wifi connection in the debian machine is not working at the moment?
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08:23.48chewyi have a pci card reader but i need to config it
08:23.59chewythe laptops got the card
08:24.29chewyi got a netgear wireless router but it dont do everything the airlink does
08:24.42POVaddctchewy: pci card reader?! you probably mean a pci cardbus bridge
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08:24.52chewyi guess
08:24.58chewythats in the home comp
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08:25.18chewyi was trying to plug the wifi card into it
08:25.20{G}E{L}hey i am just booting Debian Sarge for the first time
08:25.33{G}E{L}but i require login and password???
08:26.06punsad{G}E{L}: the dialogue during installation should have had you enter the username and password for a user
08:26.15chewywhere should i go from the laptop to router. in the uplink or in a port
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08:26.26chewycrossover or regular cable
08:26.36{G}E{L}it didnt?
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08:26.46punsadchewy: "port"
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08:26.58TTTchewy: port probably. Some switches/routers are smart, they work with both crossover and normal cables
08:27.00{G}E{L}i used this image
08:27.11POVaddctchewy: port. and most of the routers can handle both cable types.
08:27.12punsadchewy: regular
08:27.23*** join/#debian fplus (n=fplus@unaffiliated/fplus)
08:27.26fplushi. does uptime give the cpu usage?
08:27.37streuner!nickometer {G}E{L}
08:27.39dpkg'{G}E{L}' is 66.000% lame, streuner
08:27.39chewyok done
08:27.55punsad{G}E{L}: well... you can always login as root... surely you have that password
08:28.00*** mode/#debian [+l 792] by debhelper
08:28.07POVaddctchewy: does the router have a builtin dhcp server?
08:28.28*** join/#debian streuner_ (
08:28.33chewyi dont know sorry
08:28.39streuner_{G}E{L}: if not, just reinstall
08:28.57chewyits a netgear so its not fancy
08:29.07punsadchewy: do you know how to interact with the router (i.e. get to the control panel)... ?
08:29.17POVaddctchewy: did you set an ip adress on the ubuntu machine manually, or does it get the address automatic?
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08:29.38punsadchewy: a lot of times, you point your browser to or something like that
08:29.39TTTyay, xcompmgr works!
08:30.04chewyi tried that and its loading
08:30.20chewyfor some reason its taking longer this time to access the control for the router
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08:31.27punsad(G)E(L): do you have the root passwd?
08:31.36chewythis is my router
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08:33.24{G}E{L}thast wut im asking for
08:33.27{G}E{L}wut is the root password
08:33.50{G}E{L}i didnt create any other accounts, wasnt prompted to
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08:34.08POVaddctchewy: type in this on both the ubuntu and the debian machine and look at the ip address: /sbin/ifconfig eth0
08:34.33punsad{G}E{L}: lemme ask... is this sarge?  also - did you get through installing the base packages and setting up the network and reboot?
08:35.08*** join/#debian encKe|laptop (n=encKe`
08:35.30TTT{G}E{L}: you should have been prompted for password during install. If you weren't, and you use lilo, you can hack your box by booting linux with lilo options init=/bin/bash
08:36.40punsadI think you don't get asked for passwd for root or anything until AFTER the first reboot, or am I remembering it wrong?
08:37.13*** join/#debian lordlamer (
08:37.34{G}E{L}yes it is sarge
08:37.36fplushow to print the current cpu usage?
08:37.42punsadchewy: are you there?  I wonder if he lost connection when he plugged his ethernet cable
08:37.46{G}E{L}i think my install didnt complete successfully so im reinstalling now.
08:37.58liablefplus: cat /proc/cpuinfo
08:38.01*** mode/#debian [+l 799] by debhelper
08:38.02punsadfplus: w
08:38.24POVaddctfplus: top
08:38.31xeviousif i set the timeout in grub.conf to 0, is there a key i can hold at startup to force the menu to show?
08:39.31simonrvnpunsad: still works that way
08:40.00punsadsimonrvn: what are you referring to?
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08:40.18punsadsimonrvn: oh.. the install
08:40.23fplusPOVaddct, i want to print it on the terminal...
08:40.24simonrvn<punsad> I think you don't get asked for passwd for root or anything until AFTER the first reboot, or am I remembering it wrong?
08:40.35fplusliable, cpuinfo doesn't have current cpu sage
08:40.42POVaddctfplus: yeah, try top
08:41.13punsadsimonrvn: I hope they never change it :)
08:41.13*** join/#debian Zeit|away (
08:41.37fplusPOVaddct, how?
08:41.45Kupal[]_<Kupal[]_> i have a bad kernel, the system just reboots, i cannot diagnoise.  how can i get it to stop rebooting?
08:41.50POVaddctfplus: type in:   top <RETURN>
08:42.08simonrvnrather useful
08:42.15fplusPOVaddct, i don't want to monitor the procs.. etc.. i only want to get teh cpu usage on the terminal:s
08:42.35fplusi want top to display the current cpu usage that's all
08:43.01POVaddctfplus: top displays the cpu usage in the first lines
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08:43.54stumbleshas there been any talk of gnome login problems after updating Testing?
08:43.55punsadKupal[]_: do you have an old boot floppy?
08:44.09POVaddctfplus: like this: Cpu(s):   1.7% user,   0.7% system,   0.0% nice,  97.7% idle,   0.0% IO-wait
08:44.41punsadhey... anybody else try icewm with the WinClassic theme? it's eiree
08:46.08*** join/#debian narma (
08:46.19punsadanyone else here try using NX server?  I'm thinking about it
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08:46.52punsadI always though vnc was slow..  nx is supposed to be fast
08:47.28fplusPOVaddct, im trying to get top to display user+system cpu usage only
08:48.01narmahello, I use debian etch with gnome, Whan I plugin usb devices there are not automacally mounted and nor the /dev/sdbX node is created. I only can mount my device with "mount /dev/.static/dev/sdbX /my/mount/dir/". Is there something to do ? thanks :)
08:48.08POVaddctfplus: top | grep Cpu
08:48.16netsurferhi ppl, I have a very hungry cpu process running on my sarge box, sendmail-msp - I've uninstalled sendmail due to a lot of errors on startup.. besides I dont use the mail facility on the box.. how do I get rid of sendmail-msp ?
08:48.23fplusPOVaddct, that would hang forever
08:48.50fplusPOVaddct, you don't seem to understand what i need ...
08:48.50xeviousif i have grub's timeout set to 0, is there a key i can hold to force the menu to come up?
08:49.08fplusPOVaddct, im making a program executing some commands to get the current cpu usage..
08:49.31fplusPOVaddct, so the program needs to get it in 1 command...
08:49.33liablexevious: why set it to 0 if you want to choose?
08:49.38xeviousi dont
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08:49.45xeviousbut i may need to at some point
08:49.52liableso set it to 1
08:49.53POVaddctfplus: top -n 1 | grep Cpu
08:50.12POVaddctfplus: see the -n option in the top manpage
08:50.15fplusthat'd better help
08:50.34xeviousliable: i'll just try setting it to zero and holding shift or something
08:50.39xeviousi'll let you know what happens
08:50.44fplustop -n 1 | grep Cpu | cut -d' ' -f2
08:50.55liablexevious: if you hold the down arrow or e it mat work.
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08:52.56fplusPOVaddct, do i need to add the users+system cpu usage to get total cpu usage?
08:52.59bengrubbjust a quick question, if you were to use a control panel which one would it be?
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08:53.07bengrubbfor web hosting
08:53.20POVaddctfplus: yes
08:53.41Inflictedbengrubb: VHCS - - It works great on Debian
08:53.58bengrubbyer i'm having problems with it though :( webmail and ftp dont work
08:54.04Inflictedbengrubb: It's free too!!
08:54.22bengrubbyes i like it alot but it just giving me the *beeps*
08:54.52Inflictedbengrubb: What do you mean? You have problems with it? Like what?
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08:55.24bengrubbInflicted: I can't do webmail / mail in and i cant use ftp
08:55.40bengrubbInflicted: I think it is a little buggy
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08:55.49bengrubbInflicted: I'd love it to be working though
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08:56.15Inflictedbengrubb: No, it's not that buggy. I am using it for a production server with FTP and webmail - no problems!!
08:56.21fplusPOVaddct, what you think of echo `top -n 1 | grep Cpu | cut -d' ' -f2 | cut -d'%' -f1` + `top -n 1 | grep Cpu | cut -d' ' -f5 | cut -d'%' -f1` | bc
08:56.22mutantehmm, i am still not used to web applications now also being available as debian packages, was that a general decision some time ago,to also package things like mediawiki,wordpress etc..and would you really recommend using apt-get install (and update) on those kinds of things over manual install?
08:56.43bengrubbInflicted: What version are you using?
08:57.19{G}E{L}what does this mean ? /bin/sh can't access tty; job control turned off
08:57.23POVaddctfplus: should work
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08:57.40narmaWhy are the mechanisms which autmount usb devices into debian etch/gnome ?
08:57.52fplusPOVaddct, isn't it a big long? can it be done with a shorter command?
08:58.39mutantefplus: make it a short alias
08:58.48liablenarma: gnome-volume-manager/hal
08:59.01Inflictedbengrubb: v2.4.7.1 - the latest version
08:59.08POVaddctfplus: i'd try to use bash (not cut) to separate the fields
08:59.17Inflictedbengrubb: u get my private message?
08:59.45narmaliable, is that gnome-volume-manager which create node into /dev ? (kernel 2.6.15-1-486)
08:59.46bengrubb<Inflicted> hi there
08:59.47bengrubb<Inflicted> download this script...
08:59.55bengrubb: ok yer i'm talking in you window
09:00.05*** join/#debian brizben (
09:00.40bengrubbInflicted: pm
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09:01.03*** join/#debian DJ-Marcuzz (
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09:01.12liablenarma: i think i would look at udev if its not even being assigned a device. check bts
09:01.22bengrubbInflicted: I got your pm
09:01.29bengrubbInflicted: ty very much
09:01.29Inflictedbengrubb: ok, cool
09:01.30Goawell i installed kdm,kde and server X
09:01.33xeviousliable: shift didn't work
09:01.42xeviousbyebye folks
09:01.44Goai wrote startx, but it crashed
09:01.50*** join/#debian sH4 (i=sH4@
09:01.56brizbenWhen I (accidentally) type the following command cd' my bash prompt changes to a ">"and I have trouble getting out of it. What is happening?
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09:02.23liablebrizben: just hit ^c
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09:02.31jeffriniam not getting /proc/acpi
09:02.36{G}E{L}what does this mean ? /bin/sh can't access tty; job control turned off
09:03.24jeffriniam not getting /proc/acpi
09:03.39brizbenliable thankyou it just worked ... so what is going on? what program did I start?
09:03.45liable{G}E{L}: could you possibly lose the leading { or at least change it to a charater that doesnt require use of the shift key?
09:04.07liablebrizben: bash is waiting for more input.
09:04.29*** join/#debian benderz0r (
09:04.46fplushow to get the mem usage in %?
09:04.55mutantefplus: top
09:05.12fplusmutante, top doesn't display them in %
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09:05.39mutanteups,sorry, that was CPU usage
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09:06.18Goaguys i installed kdm,kde and also x-window-system but i think i badly configured it because when i tpye "startx" it crashes
09:06.23mutantecat /proc/meminfo and calculate it from MemTotal and MemFree
09:06.51wols!tell Goa about drxx
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09:06.59mutanteyou could probably use cut or grep and then pipe it to bc to calculate
09:07.02liableGoa: define crashes. did you install x-window-system??
09:07.04streuner_Goa: what videocard do you have?
09:07.17Goai have
09:07.27Goaa readone 9800 pro
09:07.30*** join/#debian encKe|laptop (n=encKe`
09:07.35wolsGoa: what videocard? chipmaker and number?
09:07.43wolsdamn. need to type faster
09:07.50Goaradeon 9800 pro saphire
09:07.50*** join/#debian Halitherses (
09:08.43Goaare u there?
09:08.50streuner_you need the driver or look if xorg 6.9 (backports) support it
09:08.57liableGoa: whats the actuall error?
09:09.10Goaliable x-server crashes
09:09.15Goafatal error
09:09.23Goai'd like to reconfigure it
09:09.39liableGoa: the log and give us the exact error
09:09.45liable!drxx Goa
09:09.45dpkgGoa: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86  [or xserver-xorg if you're using] (as root). If you have edited the X config file by hand, or used some other program like xf86config, ask me about <xmd5>
09:10.04Goai'll try that
09:10.06wolsGoa: go into /var/log. there's log directory for X in there. use "less" to view the newest log
09:10.17wolsin there is a message starting with "EE". that's the error
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09:11.04liableduh, i forget the 'grep' word in that last message :)
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09:14.20punsadhey... I just installed a neat package ... thought I'd pass it on: libapache-gallery-perl
09:14.41punsadits great for generating on the fly galleries from directories on your drive
09:15.33punsadnot much for conversation here I see
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09:16.03bengrubbInflicted: Are you there
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09:17.52drupanHi there is currently an error in the config script (Bug #365353) of the xserver-xorg_1%3a7.0.15_all.deb package. How do I override/replace the packaged config script with my own version when running dpkg -i ?
09:17.54*** join/#debian rE` (
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09:18.45Inflictedbengrubb: yes, im here
09:19.23Inflictedbengrubb: u can talk to me in private, so that we dont flood the channel
09:19.27bengrubbInflicted: hi i have a pm for you
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09:21.10Space_AceMay I ask for help in this chan?
09:21.19bengrubbdont ask that
09:21.24bengrubbeveryone will yell at you
09:21.30bengrubbjust ask the question
09:21.43liabledrupan: either just run the script or unpack the .deb and fix it then repack it.
09:22.10bengrubbInflicted: I am trying to send you a jpg
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09:23.08liable!tell Space_Ace abot faq
09:23.10Space_AceRight - I reinstalled sarge, and I saved the contents of /home; how could I recover the mail messages from Mozilla?up my deb
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09:24.33krnl`-i've to build a high performance webserver (apache + FastCGI) with a not too strong machine. What kernel settings you recommend? Are there any documents about tuning kernel? Its a machine with AMD processor.
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09:24.56liableSpace_Ace: you will have a dir thats random numbers(in .mozilla), copy it over.
09:25.33Space_AceOk how about the permissions?
09:27.28*** join/#debian pinky_ (
09:28.02Space_Ace2nd question (more like an opinion): I am about to purchase a new pc; is it worth trying an AMD64?
09:28.04liableSpace_Ace: well, they should be ok if its the same user. if not, man chown
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09:28.33Space_AceThanks a lot
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09:28.46Space_AceThey should indeed be the same
09:30.22*** part/#debian dukebody (
09:30.44pinky_Hey, it seems I cannot read DVDs I have burned that contain files >2GB (all CDs and other DVDs work fine)... I get the error: "mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hda, missing codepage or other error"
09:31.15drupanliable: thanks, I'll look into repacking the package
09:31.26myxieI'm using make-kpkg and linux-source-2.6.16 but I want to integrate in the latest ALSA source which has fixes for my hardware. Is there an easy diff or some recipe?
09:31.28wolsSpace_Ace: yes. cause in the lifetime of that PC debian for x86-64 will be ready. in fact, it would be stupid to not buy a 64 bit ready PC now. and there is no good intel desktop chip at all
09:32.10cahootmyxie: I simply copiled and installed alsa-driver from
09:32.11wolsmyxie: patch the kernel then make munconfig as normal and then make-kpkg it
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09:32.43myxieI'm missing the patch. is not so helpful
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09:33.19Space_AceAnybody managed to set up a debian on it (the AMD64)? 'cause I'm just a home user - partially computer literate
09:33.30myxiecahoot: overwriting the normal debian alsa modules?
09:33.55cahootmyxie: yes
09:33.55wolsmyxie: cause for 2.6 ALSA is always in the kernel now. so there should be no patches or anything required unless you use a really bleeding edge alsa cvs thing or such
09:34.14*** join/#debian encKe|laptop (n=encKe`
09:34.22myxieyes, I really need the bleeding edge (or a new linux-source pkg with the bleeding edge)
09:34.32wolsSpace_Ace: there is a debian project for it. but if you don't know your way around I wouldn't use it yet. too many problems for normal users
09:34.45cahootmyxie: you need the kernel src (or maybe just headers)
09:35.06myxieI have the source (linux-source-2.6.16-10....deb)
09:35.33wolsmyxie: you need the headers
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09:36.49bengrubbInflicted: as i am not registered i dont think you see my pm's
09:36.49myxieI also need custom patches for my SATA driver, so I need the source. :-) Downloading alsa-driver tarball now.
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09:37.06Space_AceIndeed I've read about it, but it looks cumbersome - it is "unstable" after all; since my machine is really outdated, my other option is to buy a 2nd hand PIV, and wait until the x86-64 becomes stable...
09:37.29DJ-Marcuzzfor an server i wnat to make the partitions: / /boot /backup and /var, but what file system should i drop on it? /boot will be ext2 but what should the rest be? reiserfs?
09:37.33Inflictedbengrubb: type this: /query Inflicted
09:38.19wolsInflicted: unless you set some mode to allow msgs from unidentified users this won't work
09:38.34Inflictedwols: everything is working fine now, thanks
09:38.35wolsDJ-Marcuzz: why ext2?
09:38.43bengrubbinflicted join #bengrubb
09:39.04wolsDJ-Marcuzz: and the choice of FS is mainly personal choice. you won't notice any difference
09:39.09Space_AceReiserfs is very fast
09:39.17DJ-Marcuzzwols, becaus ive read that someone and since then i used it on my gentoo maschines
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09:39.27goahi all guys
09:39.35goawell finally i startx
09:39.43wolsDJ-Marcuzz: what did you read? were there any reasons given?
09:39.50DJ-Marcuzzi see a lot of maschines that have ext2 on their /boot
09:40.16goacan anyone tell me how to have a higher resulution than 800x600 ?
09:40.27wolsthat's the "eat shit! 10 billion flies can't be wrong" argument
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09:40.34DJ-Marcuzzwols, no, but if i ask in an chanel and 75% sais ext2 on /boot that may be an good idea
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09:40.50wolsunless they give you a reason why, it's a shitty idea
09:41.03DJ-Marcuzzbut wols, when its wrong tell me why ;)
09:41.03wolsjust because someone says so is a very very lousy reason
09:41.14*** part/#debian Space_Ace (
09:41.19wolsI don't even have a separate /boot partition, so I wouldn't know
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09:41.48mutantewhy not make it ext3?
09:41.49wolsas I said: FS rarely makes any difference, so go ahead
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09:41.52DJ-Marcuzzwhere you go, i have an /boot :P,
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09:42.06tombshi all
09:42.28wols!tell goa about drxx
09:42.32cahootmutante: waste of space for no useful purpose
09:42.46zamaliphewhat is this error
09:42.48zamaliphefound `diversion of /usr/bin/kdesktop_lock to /usr/bin/kdesktop_lock.o
09:42.49goai already
09:43.00goareconfgured xserver
09:43.04wolsgoa: when you do it, you can change resolutions
09:43.08DJ-Marcuzzmutante, in the time i was in #gentoo i heard from multiple peps that ext3 wasn't verry robust, i don't have an ups so the power could drop of the system once a year, and it crashes sometimes
09:43.17goadoesnt change
09:43.19goaat all
09:43.24goait remain 800x600
09:43.25wolsDJ-Marcuzz: now that is the stupidest reason ever
09:43.28dorel_how can i make a regular user to mount /dev/sdb1?
09:43.38wolsif I have flaky power I'd use ext3 any day over ext2
09:43.55mutantedorel_: add "user" or even "users" as an option in /etc/fstab
09:43.56DJ-Marcuzzwols, whats wrong with user experiances?
09:44.03wolsdorel_: set the option "user" in /etc/fstab for sdb1
09:44.54wolsDJ-Marcuzz: if they use a non journaled filesystem to prevent data loss with power outages over a jorunaled filesystems those users are not users but morons
09:44.56dorel_i have it set
09:44.59zamalipheany one have any idea about this errror
09:45.02zamaliphefound `diversion of /usr/bin/kdesktop_lock to /usr/bin/kdesktop_lock.o
09:45.12dorel_like this: /dev/sdb1       /media/usb      vfat    rw,user        0       0
09:45.26dorel_im getting "must be superuser to use mount"
09:45.32ootputhi guys, i'm experiencing some pecularities while sshing to another machine: every so often, while i'm working in a shell (ssh'd) i'd see xset:  unable to open display ":0"
09:45.35dorel_i added my user to /usr/mount group
09:45.35cahootdorel_: try /msg dpkg vfatrw
09:45.40ootputbesides entries in my remote dir's .xinitrc, there's no mention of it elsewhere
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09:45.46ootputlikewise on my local machine, xset doesn't appear anywhere besides my .xinitrc
09:46.12DJ-Marcuzzwols, yes but for some reason all the gentoo manuals ive read all did /boot on ext2 :S, btw is reiserfs and journaling file system then?
09:46.23wolsyes it is
09:46.32wolsDJ-Marcuzz: I didn't say ext2 was bad. I just asked about it
09:46.37goai mean i cant select a higher resolution on the monitor pannel control under
09:47.06goait remains 80x600 even if i reconfugred xserver
09:47.10zamaliphepleasses help me
09:47.12DJ-Marcuzzgreat, so its ok to use the reiserfs, but there was some reason to use ext2 over ext3 on /boot, and ill find it :P
09:47.16mutantedorel_: so its not the mount command itself giving you errors, but something else tells you you are not allowed to use the mount command?
09:47.23wolsgoa: which x driver do you use?
09:47.26zamaliphe#flood Removing kdebluetooth ...
09:47.27zamaliphedpkg-divert: mismatch on divert-to
09:47.27*** part/#debian zamaliphe (n=zam@
09:47.40wolsDJ-Marcuzz: cahoot already answered why
09:47.55DJ-Marcuzzill read back, moment
09:48.46*** join/#debian zamaliphe (n=zam@
09:48.54zamaliphepleasses help me
09:49.04mutantehe said "waste of space", DJ-Marcuzz
09:49.40dpkgi guess popcon is the Debian Popularity contest. See results at or install popularity-contest to participate. do the dpkg-reconfigure -plow popularity-contest right after you answered all debconf stuff
09:49.41POVaddctzamaliphe: you installed knoppix. knoppix is NOT debian, so ask in #knoppix.
09:49.51DJ-Marcuzzwell then ere trough ;)
09:49.52goawols:  i dont know what u mean by X driver
09:50.03goai just downloaed s-wiondow-system
09:50.13DJ-Marcuzzwols: Flewellyn ] DJ-Marcuzz: /boot does not change very often. Journalling would be silly.
09:50.17goait is the latest version
09:50.18wolsgoa: you had to set a x driver for your radeon card
09:50.40goai told it "ati"
09:50.56wolsah. and how much vram did you say you have?
09:50.56goato set a driver?
09:51.13*** join/#debian DraGon (i=SHE_24_@
09:51.14goahow to set a x driveer for my card?
09:51.19mutantewhenever i join any linux related channel,there seems to be somebody having trouble with ATI drivers
09:51.25goai leave it empty
09:51.57zamaliphePOVaddct, but i use dibian unstable and i was traying to install xorg 7 so any help
09:52.03wolsyou need to set it to ati. and later maybe even install the closed source driver from ati
09:52.36goai already set it to "ATI"
09:52.38wolsmutante: he has trouble with VESA/plain VGA. not ati :)
09:52.48wolsgoa: that's fine then
09:52.51POVaddctzamaliphe: no. according to the messages you pasted here, you use an installed knoppix. and that is NOT debian unstable.
09:52.57goai want a resolution of 1024
09:53.02goanot 800
09:53.07goahow to change it?
09:53.18goai told u,that i already reconfigure serverx
09:53.41goai configured it with a resolution of 1024
09:53.44wolsand how much vram did you say you have?
09:53.56wolsand did you remove the star inside the 800x600?
09:53.56goabut then on the pannel controll
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09:54.07goahow to remove it?
09:54.18zamaliphePOVaddct,  so no help evin if i use apt-get
09:54.19POVaddctwols: maybe the vesa bios is shitty, so it reserves only 1024kb for the card
09:54.40goahow to remove that star?
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09:54.49mutantespace ?
09:54.50wolszamaliphe: with knoppix problems, ask #knoppix
09:55.10goalet me reconfigure xserver
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09:55.25mutanteor edit the file with a texteditor, goa
09:55.33goawhich file?
09:55.38goai am a noob
09:55.46goai never used linux before
09:55.49mutanteconfig file of the X server
09:56.00goawhere is it located?
09:56.02mutantedont ask me for the exact path depends
09:56.13goamutante:  italiano?
09:56.30goai thought because of ur name
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09:56.43POVaddctgoa: /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 or /etc/X11/xorg.conf    it depends.
09:56.43D_Ulook what i get:
09:56.44mutantei am used to it, normally they think spanish;)
09:56.46D_Udimitar@debian:~$ su
09:56.46D_UNo shell
09:57.14*** join/#debian ejk (n=ejk@unaffiliated/ejk)
09:57.24mutantegoa:  on of these
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09:58.20goathank mutante
09:58.21mutanteD_U: check /etc/passwd and see what root has defined as shell
09:58.23goaby the way
09:58.30goai just installed mozilla-firefox
09:58.34goalook what it says
09:58.34goaost64-246:/home/goa# mozilla-firefox
09:58.34goaXlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server
09:58.35goaXlib: Invalid MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 key
09:58.35*** part/#debian goa (
09:58.54mutantegoodtod: you are not the same user that logged into the X session
09:58.59POVaddct.oO(deppen online...)
09:59.03mutanteoops, goa:
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09:59.43jesperjI am using testing and I just tried superkaramba. All widgets have a black background where I guess it should be transparent
09:59.48mutantegoa: login to the X sessions as regular user and also start firefox as regular user, dont be root
10:00.01DJ-Marcuzzcan i place the / on an logical parition?`
10:00.16mutantegoa: its because you were not the same user that logged in when starting it
10:00.21POVaddctDJ-Marcuzz: yes
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10:00.46POVaddctDJ-Marcuzz: i fact, a linux system doesn't need primary partitions at all
10:01.22DJ-MarcuzzPOVaddct, you shure? last time i did that my system wouldn't boot, it hung at loading file system or so
10:01.37jesperjanyone know the reason/sollution?
10:02.28POVaddctDJ-Marcuzz: i am sure. maybe you tried booting files off the 1024 cylinder limit on an old machine.
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10:02.49goamutante:  yes it works i was logged with root passowrd
10:02.55goathats why it didnt work
10:03.46mutantealways login to X as non-root, if you need it to install things open another xterm and "su" there
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10:04.04D_Umutante, 10x here it is: root:x:0:0:root:/root:ls
10:04.10Kyleyhmmm if I run PPPd and assign a incoming call an IP address on my LAN segment, do I need any gatewaying or other fancy stuff?
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10:04.33D_Uwhat should i add to /etc/passwd
10:04.48goayeah yeah i was in shell with SU
10:04.51zamaliphePOVaddct,  how to force apt to remove that pakeg any way
10:04.52mutanteD_U: you probably want /bin/bash where it says "ls" now
10:05.08tarzeauchangelog entries of the future suck+
10:05.18goai want a resokution of 1024!!!!!!!!!!!!
10:05.23goadamn it
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10:05.35D_Uso how do I get into singleuser mode in debian?
10:05.43tarzeauD_U: linux?
10:05.56D_Uwhat about it?
10:06.08tarzeauD_U: debian gnu/linux?
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10:06.33D_Ui need to get to init 1 so I can edit that file
10:06.43tarzeauD_U: which file?
10:07.13DJ-Marcuzzhhmm, how big is your /var? (with all the logs and stuff)
10:08.01*** mode/#debian [+l 805] by debhelper
10:08.16D_Uin fedora i just changed init=5 into init 1 in grub
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10:12.39POVaddctzamaliphe: you must use dpkg for that. but be warned, dpkg --force-all --remove ...   is a bad idea
10:12.51mutanteD_U: you can type "init 1" or "init S" on the shell, i think
10:13.40POVaddctomg it's sunday...
10:14.27POVaddctramiro: /quit
10:14.28D_Uin which shell?
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10:15.08D_Umutante, so it will work if i enter this in my non root shell in a virtual console?
10:15.13dpkgSunday is the day all trolls swarm to #debian, avoid at all cost to remain sane.
10:15.17mutanteD_U: i think so
10:15.19ramirothanks, sorry.
10:15.31D_Uthanks, ill try that.
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10:15.57mutanteD_U: or the same way you did it on Fedora, i dont see why it would be different for init 1, afaik Debian just handles 3 and 5 different
10:16.36Braindeadfrom 2 to 5 they're all equal
10:17.05Braindeadanyway "single" as a boot parameter should do the job. or just pop in your preferred live cd,mount the partition,edit whatever you need
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10:18.13jesperjI am using testing and I just tried superkaramba. All widgets have a black background where I guess it should be transparent. any ideas?
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10:19.26mutanteD_U: or you can also try "telinit 1"
10:20.16mutantenotice "cannot be done when other users are logged on"
10:20.44exthello. Anyone knows any installer makers? I want to make one (next->next->finish style) for my app.
10:21.32Braindeaddo a .deb.
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10:24.44D_Ubash: init: command not found
10:24.52D_Uthis is what i get :-)
10:24.56*** join/#debian DimmuR|away (
10:25.01POVaddctD_U: try /sbin/init instead
10:25.03krnl`-i've got many threads, if in one trade i say sleep(X); all the threads sleeps. what can i do?
10:25.11krnl`-i need only that thread to pause
10:25.13*** join/#debian oldman_ (
10:25.51D_Ui need to be superuser..
10:26.17D_Uso how do i start the system into single-user mode?
10:26.50shakaD_U: add "single" as a kernel parameter
10:27.07D_Uand how do you that in debian?
10:27.18D_Upress "e" and type that?
10:28.06*** join/#debian cafuego (
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10:28.29filleokusHi! Can my wlan card be a wlan ap?
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10:28.52filleokusany wlan pros here? :D
10:29.03POVaddctfilleokus: depends on the card
10:29.57wolsfilleokus: for a question like this, google is your best bet
10:30.00filleokusprobably not then it is a old card
10:30.07*** join/#debian alienbrain (i=alienbra@
10:30.08wols"apmode" maybe
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10:30.20wolsold prism card have the bestest chance for ap mode
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10:30.27wolsand those are really old cards
10:30.40POVaddctfilleokus: atheros chipsets can do that (with the madwifi driver)
10:31.02filleokusi use the acx100 driver
10:31.08filleokusit is a Dlink 520+
10:31.23*** join/#debian hugyup (i=rewtqwn@
10:31.26POVaddctfilleokus: ah, the shitty texas instruments chip. cannot do ap.
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10:33.46Goazhi guys
10:33.53Goazfinally i solved the problem
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10:34.07POVaddctGoaz: so what was the problem?
10:34.08Goaznow i have a resultion of 1024x768
10:34.22Goazi have another to installa the soundcard?
10:34.27Goazi have an audify player
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10:36.10dpkgalsa-checklist is, like, 1) run alsaconf 2) add your user to the audio group 3) use alsamixer and make sure levels are up and it is unmuted 4) arts or esound stopped? 5) OSS modules unloaded? 6) speakers on? 7) does `cat /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp` work for root?
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10:43.51|radium|hi guys, did you have install openoffice for amd64 but not with chroot 32 ? and if yes, how ? with which tutorial ?
10:45.15*** join/#debian msoos (n=msoos@
10:46.03dorel_i have the following in fstab but i still cant u/mount it as a regular user: /dev/sdb1       /media/usb      vfat    defaults,uid=1000,gid=1000,umask=002 0 0
10:46.32POVaddctdorel_: add "users" to the options
10:46.47POVaddctdorel_: add "user" to the options
10:46.49msoosWooooow guys! I installed testing on an IBM R40 and it works *perfectly*. It does everything from mounting DVD when inserted up until cpu throttling, suspending, hibernating, touchpad(+red IBM button) control, everything! Woooow
10:47.02POVaddctdorel_: "user" without the s
10:47.13msoosI had to compile a 2.6.16 for it, but still!!
10:47.58*** join/#debian pinky_ (
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10:49.15pinky_Everytime I restart my sound is all the way down, and I have to rerun alsamixer to turn it back up (along with my center and left/right surround channels).
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10:49.37pinky_How do I make the volume settings stay the same even if I restart?
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10:49.59cahootpinky_: install alsa-utils
10:50.01msoospinky_, use "man alsactl
10:50.17msoosyeah, and install alsa-utils
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10:51.02pinky_Hmm, it says if I install alsa-utils I also have to *uninstall* "gnome-desktop-environment" and "gnome-volume-manager"
10:51.18pinky_"hal" and "udev" will also be removed...
10:51.43pinky_Is that, umm... I'd rather not uninstall GNOME
10:51.45*** join/#debian Lacsi (
10:51.46cahootpinky_: you run sid or what?
10:52.04pinky_cahoot: No, I have sarge updated from
10:52.31Lacsione of my drives is failing with "kernel: hda: DMA timeout error". how could i disconnect it from debian? (phisically removing the drive is not an option atm). hdparm -U /dev/driveId seems to do nothing :/
10:53.02msoospinky_, well that is strange, since I have alsa-tools installed, and I have udev, etc...
10:53.11msoospinky_, do an "apt-get update"
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10:56.26wolsLacsi: unmount it. run very extensive smartmontools tests on it
10:56.48Lacsiwols: it's unmounted, but my systems freezes wthen it tries to look it up
10:56.55Lacsithe whole system hangs
10:57.03wolswhy does it look it up in the first place?
10:57.11Lacsiso i want to tell debian not even try to do anything with it
10:57.18wolsbut yes, hdparm can do it. dunno the proper command tho
10:57.36msoosLacsi, lehet, hogy le kéne kapcsolnod a DMA-t a cuccon
10:57.57*** join/#debian BearMan (i=karsten@freenode/staff/sourcemage.wizard.BearPerson)
10:58.00*** mode/#debian [+l 804] by debhelper
10:58.29Lacsimsoos: gondolod segitene? az a gond hogy ha eszebe jut debiannak es ranez (ami elofordulhat mert bar raidben ez egy faulty disc, de errol bootolt a rendszer..)
10:58.50wolsit's a great language you two are speaking but the wrong one for #debian
10:58.51*** join/#debian Noboru (i=Noboru@
10:58.52Lacsiszal akkor az egesz elszall
10:58.56msooswols, sorry
10:58.58Lacsiwols: right. im sorry
10:59.11wolsno prob. create debian-hu :)
10:59.25Lacsiso we tried to discuss if simply turning off DMA could help..
10:59.27Noborui was read linux book this afternoon, nice
11:00.05pinky_msoos: I think I've found the problem.  My "alsa-base" is at 1.0.10, but the only version of alsa-utils APT can find is 1.0.8
11:00.05Lacsiwols: -U seems to be the 'proper command' it just doesn't do anything ;)
11:00.09*** join/#debian jdhutchin1 (
11:00.17wolsyou can turn it off with hdparm too
11:00.33dorel_has anyone ever done motion detection with a webcam?
11:00.33Lacsiwols: hdparm -U i meant :)
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11:00.49wolstry hdparm -b
11:00.51msoospinky_, then do this: apt get remove alsa-base , then apt-get installl alsa-base and then apt-get install alsa-utils
11:01.01*** join/#debian DimmuR|off (
11:01.04pinky_So keep them both at 1.0.8?
11:01.04*** join/#debian liable (n=liable@pdpc/supporter/active/liable)
11:01.09msoospinky_, it probaby has something to do with messing up of testing & unstable
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11:01.35msoospinky_, also, beware that UNSTABE is frequently  broken. At the moment xserver-xorg is totally broken in it, for example
11:01.39buckI wish I hadn't lost my chicken
11:01.41buckit's such a bore
11:01.42Lacsiwols: :/ HDIO_SET_BUSSTATE failed: Operation not supported
11:01.44pinky_msoos: I think what happened was I got 1.0.10 of alsa-base from without ever installing alsa-utils
11:01.53liablemsoos: totally broken?
11:02.02pinky_msoos: I'm not using unstable, I'm on sarge...
11:02.19cornernote_hello, can anyone tell me how to setup ubuntu with a hostname that my windows PCs can see ?
11:02.20msoosliable, yes. Try to install it on a new install. It fails. It is actually in the buglist - a critical bug
11:02.23cornernote_its setup on DHCP
11:02.38msoospinky_, then edit your sources.list and then apt-get update, and then do what I said. It will work
11:02.51NoboruI have a question about linux which is maybe offence but i have to ask anyway
11:02.58msooscornernote_, edit /etc/host
11:03.01pinky_It's okay that "linux-sound-base" is going to be removed?
11:03.06msoosor hostname
11:03.11liablemsoos: yes i have had it break, but i wouldnt say its totally broken. and yes, i read the bts
11:03.23cornernote_msoos - you mean edit that on all my computers on the network ?
11:03.36cornernote_then when i remoot change it on all the computers ?
11:04.02wolscornernote_: ask #ubuntu. this is #debian
11:04.06*** join/#debian bizbou (
11:04.17cornernote_oh - sorry.. wrong channel
11:04.18liablecornernote_: erm, how about reading the topic and asking in #ubuntu
11:04.29liablemeh, lose me!
11:04.33liable!lose me
11:04.34dpkgliable: You Lose.
11:04.36cornernote_u guys act like theres a world of difference
11:04.38msooscornernote_, no. Edit the file at /etc/hostname ad then restart. Then the hostname will be correct
11:04.50cornernote_its just a linux question
11:05.32*** join/#debian Holborn (
11:05.50liablecornernote_: well, when you ask, and we give the correct debian answer that works with debian packages, and it doesnt work with ubuntu, and someone wastes an hour and then abuses you because you didnt say so, then you may understand
11:05.52cornernote_msoos: /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts are set
11:05.58cornernote_and it stikk doesnt work
11:06.02wolscornernote_: don't go there please. just stop talking here and go to ubuntu
11:06.10dpkguse hostname <hostname> to set the hostname, $EDITOR /etc/hostname to set it for the next boot, and $EDITOR /etc/hosts to set the FQDN, or create /etc/hostname if it doesn't exist, or 'man 1 hostname'
11:06.17msoosohh... well, one sec
11:06.24*** join/#debian POVaddct_ (
11:06.31cornernote_liable: sure - please give me the debian answer...
11:06.46wolscornernote_: you don't run debian so the debian answer is useless to you
11:06.47liablecornernote_: sure, you install debian, and i will
11:06.53*** join/#debian concept10 (
11:07.54cornernote_ok - i have a debian box with the same issue
11:08.07cornernote_i just happened to want to solve it on my ubuntu box
11:08.19msooscornernote_, you need local hostname resolution on your LAN
11:08.25wols!badgersmite cornernote_
11:08.39wolsmsoos: he needs to stop lying first
11:08.43cornernote_ok - so i need a dns
11:09.00liableyour boxes on the lan cant find it by hostname??
11:09.21liableput it in there hosts file..
11:09.22msooscome on, no distro wars. Ubuntu is not so far from debian after all...
11:09.29liablemsoos: no
11:09.48pngwnmsoos, it's off topioc in #debian
11:09.52cornernote_but with my windows box i dont need dns and they can see each other by hostname... all i do is set a hostname
11:09.56pngwntopic too
11:09.58msoosliable, OK, then if it is far, how far is Windows?
11:10.01*** join/#debian slon (n=slon@3ffe:80ee:2e23:0:0:0:0:2)
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11:10.18pngwnmsoos, windows is off topic too
11:10.19msooscornernote_, have a look at "named"
11:10.22liablecornernote_: put the box's hostname in its hosts file
11:10.30cornernote_i dont want a local dns server
11:10.36*** part/#debian menko (
11:10.38liablemsoos: irrelevent
11:10.56liablejust put it in the damn host files on the boxes in the lan~!
11:10.59*** join/#debian encKe|laptop (n=encKe`
11:11.04cornernote_liable: the /etc/hosts and /etc/hostname has the boxes name
11:11.08cornernote_it can see itself
11:11.13cornernote_other boxes cannot see it
11:11.13liableand yes, win boxen have a host file
11:11.15wolscornernote_: windows has a stupid SMB to DNS translation service which is why
11:11.39cornernote_ok - great - how do i get a stupid SMB to DNS on linux
11:11.44liablecornernote_: the *other* boxes....
11:11.45wolscornernote_:  go away to ubuntu please
11:12.02msoosit works :)
11:12.20*** join/#debian eleckttruss_ (
11:12.22liablemsoos: you use ubuntu too?
11:12.29cornernote_wols: you are so helpful.. its a wonder more people dont start using linux with great people like yourself
11:12.44POVaddct_cornernote_: no smb. edit c:\windows\system32\hosts (or whereever the file resides)
11:12.53msoosliable, I use debian, don't worry. I have been using for 7 years now. Debian is here to stay :D
11:12.53wolscornernote_: if it's all people who are too dumb to choose the proper chanel, then good riddance to them
11:12.57wolsbut then it's sunday
11:12.59dpkgSunday is the day all trolls swarm to #debian, avoid at all cost to remain sane.
11:13.01liablecornernote_: ffs, you dont use debian, dont start giving shit to people that tell you shouldnt be here in the first place
11:13.08cornernote_the linux box is on DHCP.. i dont want to give it a static
11:13.22*** join/#debian pinucset (
11:13.28wolscornernote_: I give you a hint since I feel helpful: dnsmasq
11:13.29msoos!start a distro war
11:13.29dpkgXandros rox0rz!
11:13.31cornernote_why cant i be here ?  i DO use debian, just not on this box
11:13.38wolsno you don't
11:13.44cornernote_but its the same issue on any linux
11:13.46wolsand you have an ubuntu problem
11:14.09wolsand we have 5 trolls per day who suddenly say "I use debian" after they are told we don't solve ubuntu problems
11:14.10*** join/#debian xerophyte (
11:14.14liablecornernote_: why are yopu here? go to #ubuntu. we dont care if you supposedly use debian. #ubuntu is where you get help for ubuntu
11:14.29wolsthen go to #linux. we only solve debian problems
11:14.34*** join/#debian priscila (n=priscila@unaffiliated/prinewgirl)
11:14.35cornernote_i want help with linux
11:14.41cornernote_debian is still linux right ?
11:14.45wolsthen go to #linux
11:14.49msooswols, well, I personally support ubuntu. It's for the newbies, and that is an important segment
11:14.55wolswe help people with debian problems
11:14.57cafuegocornernote_: Set up dhcp to hand out the same IP to each MAC address all the time.
11:15.06*** join/#debian gnufan (
11:15.10xerophyteIf i understood correctly if i wanna setup small business envoriment with file server + printer server i need samba on the linux server .. is there any other way to setup ??
11:15.11*** join/#debian c459s (i=zapy2k@
11:15.11wolsmsoos: then you are in the wrong place. go to #ubuntu too
11:15.13*** part/#debian jeanbenoit_ (
11:15.27cornernote_cafeugo: the box will be deployed where i dont have any control over the network
11:15.35wolsxerophyte: you can use nfs and IPP. but believe me, samba is the easier way
11:15.44cornernote_but i do appriciate suggestions... thanks :)
11:16.05msooscornernote_, we already gave you instructions. Now please leave. You seem to be upsetting people.
11:16.49cornernote_ok.. so theres is no way to do it without a DNS or editing the hosts files or configuring the router
11:17.00cornernote_thankyou for the suggestions
11:17.05cornernote_i didnt mean to upset anyone
11:17.33liablexerophyte: you can serve the printer with cups and have nfs  but samba may be easier
11:18.06xerophyteliable, thx
11:18.39liablecafuego: but it all honesty, why should we have to ignore people that shouldnt be asking here anyway
11:19.20*** join/#debian abrotman (n=abrotman@
11:19.23cafuegoliable: Seems more effective than flaming them.
11:20.07pngwnwtf is wrong with following the rules and staying on topic?
11:20.16liablecafuego: well, whats so hard about asking in the actuall channel for your distro? if i went to #gentoo and asked about debian, how long do you think i would last?
11:20.17*** join/#debian markos_ (
11:20.21wolscafuego: I hate ignore. you only get half of the conversation
11:20.26*** join/#debian cascan (
11:20.34wolsand then I wonder why you suddenly speak about dhcp and things like that
11:21.30*** join/#debian floe (
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11:22.25abrotmani blame the kangaroos!
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11:22.42gnufanCUPS -- printer use to work -- says not accepting jobs since Jan 01 00:00.... in Unstable...  Can I "enable" it like the old lp commands?
11:22.53cornernote_i dont see why i cant ask something that there is obviously no difference between debian and ubuntu in here... if i didnt mention a distro then you probably would have helped
11:22.58cafuegolike a cook that doesn't have to do dishes
11:23.04*** join/#debian bizbou (
11:23.15abrotmancornernote_: we told you last night .. go to #ubuntu
11:23.22*** join/#debian nias (
11:23.23cafuegocornernote_: Take that second half as advice for next time ;-)
11:23.26abrotmanso you obviuosly knew it was wrong
11:23.27wolsa reapeat offender then
11:23.40abrotmanyes .. he came in here last night .. i think it was a dual screen problem
11:23.50abrotmanand he apparently did actually go to #ubuntu, because he left here
11:23.58cornernote_last night i didnt know there was an ubuntu
11:24.08cornernote_today i accidently clicked the wrong channel
11:24.12*** join/#debian blakkino (
11:24.14cornernote_i never lied
11:24.15*** join/#debian abrocadabro (
11:24.39cornernote_i just dont see why you have to be such tight arses about helping
11:24.49oldman_(is "go to #ubuntu" debianian for "go to hell"? [wink])
11:24.58liableabrotman: the kangaroos didnt have anything to do with it!
11:25.00*** join/#debian cahoot (n=radix@pdpc/supporter/active/cahoot)
11:25.05dpkgit has been said that fable is
11:25.10abrotmancornernote_: because Ubuntu is NOT Debian ... would you ask #Suse for help with Mandriva?
11:25.12wolscafuego: you aren't asking questions. you answer them :P
11:25.26cafuegowols: yeah, but on the wrong channel! ;-)
11:25.33*** part/#debian abrocadabro (
11:25.47wolsheck I use windows, and I'm still here
11:25.51cornernote_no - but a simple SMB or hosts issue or something is not really specific to distros
11:26.04abrotmancornernote_: so you could ask #samba then ...
11:26.11wolsreminds me: why does my windows want to install some pnp stuff and fails everytime I boot? :P
11:26.12abrotmanassuming SMB is samba
11:26.15liablehow do you know ubuntu doesnt do some sort of samba magic?
11:26.22cornernote_well i could, if i knew that was the solution
11:26.49abrotmanit's better than asking the people that have NOT packaged your samba package and weren't the ones who possibly applied distro specific patches
11:26.50liablecause i know it doeant work out of the box with dbian..
11:26.59cornernote_samba isnt even installed
11:27.16cornernote_i dont even know if thats the soloution because you guys would rather flame me than help me
11:27.28cafuegowols: design flaw
11:27.30abrotmanthen go somewhere you'll get help .. like #ubuntu
11:27.48wolscafuego: you have a point there...
11:27.50abrotmanah ... if only it were funny
11:27.53liablecornernote_: so, take the hint, and ask in ubuntu, cafuego is there, and i'm sure he'll be glad to help :)
11:28.04cornernote_like i said... its a wonder why more people dont start using linux
11:28.15cornernote_i dont care any more
11:28.17*** join/#debian Guard][an (
11:28.26cornernote_i'd rather just stay here until i get ignored
11:28.30cornernote_or booted
11:28.31abrotmanor banned
11:28.38cornernote_yeah - something
11:29.01liablethats a great attitude
11:29.02abrotmancornernote_: so you're going to stay here and ask ubuntu questions until you get banned?
11:29.05cornernote_banned for being in #debian when i have an ubuntu distro in my posession
11:29.23liablecornernote_: read the topic dude.
11:29.33Guard][ani'm developping an application, i would like to use gconf and populate default settings as part of the installation process instead of hardcoding. could please someone explain me how to achieve that,so that the debian package i'll provide contains default settings for my application ???
11:29.46abrotmancornernote_: did i get that right? .. you'd rather ask us ubuntu questions than ask #ubuntu, even though you risk getting banned?
11:29.59cornernote_omg - if i want to use debian i will, if i want to use ubuntu i will... this problem happens on either
11:30.20*** join/#debian bronze (
11:30.26cornernote_so you want me to setup a debian box, so then you will help me fix it, then i can apply the same fix to my ubuntu box
11:30.37abrotmanthat's fine .. lurk here all you want .. but don't ask Ubuntu questions in #debian
11:30.43liableno, we just want you to go away
11:30.45cornernote_i didnt
11:30.51cornernote_i asked a linux question
11:31.01abrotmancornernote_: THAT'S THE ENTIRE POINT ... a fix for your debian box might not work in ubuntu .. don't you get it?
11:31.09streuner_cornernote_: you are in #debian *NOT* #linux
11:31.15cornernote_i just specified the name of my distro, because i thought i was in #ubuntu cos i clicked the wrong channel
11:31.24liablecornernote_: why the hell dont you ask in #ubuntu? why cant you get that into your head?
11:31.25cornernote_so debian isnt linux ?
11:31.36abrotmanDebian is also BSD and Hurd and Linux
11:31.48streuner_Linux is a kernel, debian is a distro
11:31.50abrotman(and some noise about being Solaris .. if that ever happens)
11:32.02*** join/#debian encKe|laptop (n=encKe`
11:32.13abrotmancafuego: ever had a hurtz donut?
11:32.17cornernote_its ALSO.. which means it is linux... and some other stuff
11:32.20cafuegoabrotman: please don't use the H word in polite company ;-)
11:32.26*** join/#debian TCrow (
11:32.30azeemcornernote_: linux is just a Unix-like kernel
11:32.32abrotmancafuego: hurtz or hurd?
11:32.49asgabrotman: those words summon tarzeau you know
11:32.50cornernote_great.. and i dont have kernal problems
11:32.57azeemcornernote_: so if you have specific kernel programming questions, they are independent of the distribution probably
11:32.57cornernote_so i should be here
11:33.00asgyou have spelling problems
11:33.13streuner_cornernote_: that makes the probleme even more more complicate
11:33.13cornernote_yes - i am aware of my spelling issues
11:33.15liableasg: can you please quiten him?
11:33.16abrotmancornernote_: no .. your distro is Ubuntu .. please ask #ubuntu
11:33.21tarzeauyou have called for me?
11:33.29liableazeem: ^^ quiten
11:33.30asgliable: what question did he ask?
11:33.34abrotmantarzeau: no .. noone wants you
11:33.36wolsasg: openstep summons him I think
11:33.36azeemcornernote_: everything else might be widely different between the various distributions, and methods which work on Debian might not work on Ubuntu or RedHat
11:33.40cornernote_ok - and if i install denian and have the same issue ?
11:33.40asgwols: and Hurd
11:33.46cornernote_do you mind if i ask here ?
11:33.46tarzeauand gnu/kfreebsd
11:33.48azeemliable: quiten?
11:33.57liableasg: bad nicktab, sorry
11:33.57wolsopenstep on hurd?
11:33.58*** join/#debian egoX_ (
11:34.01asgliable: no worries
11:34.02abrotmancornernote_: of course not, but if you lie to us .. it will be death for you!
11:34.03azeemcornernote_: no, then please ask
11:34.07*** join/#debian DimmuR|away (
11:34.12liableazeem: yeah i cant spell... make him shut up :)
11:34.17abrotmancornernote_: but right now .. you're running ubuntu .. so go to #ubuntu
11:34.35azeemliable: we're currently doing that :)
11:35.04cornernote_ok - i dont want help on this right now from you... but can you see that this issue would be exactly the same on either ?
11:35.15azeemcornernote_: the people in here do end-user support in their free time, for nothing.  So they prefer to help Debian users rather than speculate on how things are done on Ubuntu, while there is #ubuntu to help those
11:35.28abrotmancornernote_: it may or may not ... we don't know . you're not running debian
11:35.45cornernote_ok azeem - i appriciate that.. sorry to be a pain
11:35.59abrotman!prize azeem
11:36.04abrotmanNOT FAIR!
11:36.08dpkgi guess qotd161 is * asg sings the 'My Little Pony' song
11:37.39abrotmanmaybe that should have a URL to a recording of asg actually singing
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11:37.47asgabrotman: that would be horrid
11:37.54abrotmanbut funny
11:38.43abrotmanor a video ... with strobe lights .. and pyrotechnics!
11:38.55wolsabrotman scares me
11:39.20sussudio!scare abrotman
11:39.24wolsexplains why you're such a nutcase: panical fear
11:39.45noidhow do i get my debian to ask me if i want to set the hardware clock local time or GMT?
11:39.47abrotmanwols: i'm not a nutcase .. i'm just crazy
11:39.47wolsno sussudio, you can't write a factoid now
11:39.51sussudio!bear wols
11:39.55abrotmannoid: base-config
11:39.58azeemnoid: edit /etc/default/rcS
11:40.02abrotmanor that
11:40.07noidok thanks
11:40.12wolsmaybe I can find a warden who will shoot that grizzly
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11:40.25abrotman!shoot bear
11:40.41wolsyou're no warden. unless the inmate runs the asylum now :)
11:40.48wolsbut then it's sunday, so I guess yes
11:40.48azeemhrm /me read Germand Lager
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11:41.53asgazeem: some German lagers can be potent
11:42.01Octaviancan someone tell me the status of the libhowl packages?  I cant find them anymore...
11:42.12azeemOctavian: they got removed, AFAIK
11:42.18*** join/#debian bronze (
11:42.20azeemOctavian: use the avahi stuff instead
11:42.23Octavianazeem: is there a licensing issue?
11:42.29azeemOctavian: yes
11:42.39azeemplus avahi rocks harder
11:43.05xerophytewith apt-cache search how can i only search apple not applet ??
11:43.09nomadichello, I'm trying to install xserver-xorg, but I'm getting "package failed to preconfigure" exit status 10. Does anyone know what the problem is and how I can fix it?
11:43.20abrotmanazeem: is there a list of removed packages somewhere?
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11:43.32streuner_asg: heh?
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11:43.48azeemabrotman: I think so
11:43.56azeembut I don't know the exact location
11:44.02azeemsome ftp-master log or so
11:44.05azeemjvw: ?
11:44.07*** part/#debian Octavian (i=daemon@
11:44.23asgstreuner_: sto?
11:44.43azeemjvw: nevermind
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11:45.23abrotmanazeem: is that what you were thinking of?
11:45.42antirezHello all, I've a debian box with pretty decent cpu and 1GB of memory. When I run a program needed to upgrade a big web site, that performs a lot of I/O the box becomes not usale for inteeractive users
11:45.49abrotmaneven worse ..
11:45.51dpkgfrom memory, removed is at
11:46.36antirezI'm running 2.6.11 kernel, is it worth to try to upgrade?
11:46.46Eclipser!kernel policy
11:47.03Eclipsernothing? :o
11:47.04wolsantirez: depends on your hardware imho
11:47.07azeemabrotman: yeah
11:47.21streuner_asg: use a whole sentence, my chrystal-thing is in low state ;-)
11:47.25Eclipseruhm uhm
11:47.30antirezthe hardware is very fast
11:47.36asgstreuner_: nevermind, I was commenting on beer
11:47.47antirezalso with top I can see that th eapplication si not doing such a big usage of CPU, it just writes files
11:47.57antirezmay it be related to the legendary linux VM?
11:47.59kroddnantirez: sounds like ab problem i had some days ago
11:48.00*** mode/#debian [+l 810] by debhelper
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11:48.32kroddnlook at the modules that are loaded for hd-controller
11:48.37antirezyeah, BSD kernels tend to odn't have this problems
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11:48.51wolsantirez: is your harddisk using BM-DMA?
11:49.25kroddnapt-get install hdparm; hdparm /dev/xxx
11:49.32antirezyep I know ;)
11:49.52wolscheck with dmesg
11:49.54kroddnon my system some f**** installer put the ide-generic driver in the /etc/modules
11:50.04wolsit should say "BM-DMA" in there
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11:50.21wolsfor the harddisk(s) btw
11:50.24Gneadon't be afraid to say 'fucking' here
11:50.33Eclipserhow do I remove _all_ of X? :)
11:50.34Gneaor 'fucking here' :)
11:50.38kroddni ment foolish :)
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11:50.53antirezok DMA enabled
11:50.57liablekroddn: and the problem is?
11:51.06antirezbtw the application creating this problem is 'nget'
11:51.08kroddni dont have a problem any more
11:51.15bhonyguess what..
11:51.16antirezgets newsgroups via NTP and put it into a MBOX file
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11:51.29Gneaantirez: so your box is choking on pr0n?
11:51.31bhonyi flunked gmat..
11:51.36antirezGnea, not really ;)
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11:52.10Gneaantirez: so it's using more CPU than mem?
11:52.46Eclipseris there a quick way to remove all X stuff? :o
11:52.56Gneaantirez: renice it to a lower priority - man nice
11:53.06antirezGnea, no it's using very little CPU and memory
11:53.10Gnea!tell Eclipser about repeat
11:53.11antirezjust does a lot of I/O
11:53.11liableEclipser: what are you actually wanting to do?
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11:53.29antirezthis is why I think it's somewhat related to virutal memory
11:53.30kroddnmaybe your ircq's are causing a problem?
11:53.38Gneaantirez: what's wrong with that? did you expect it to use a low amount of i/o? it's a usenet application ffs
11:53.56antirezGnea, it's ok, I just expect to be able to use firefox while it's downloading news
11:54.00Eclipserliable, remove all crap and reinstall, also I'd like to get my opengl code to link correctly..
11:54.06antirezkroddn, yep this also may be an issue
11:54.09sparklinki'm trying to install sarge on my pc but i've this problem: in this pc the optical drive is not connected in the seconday master of tha main boad but is connected to a controller ide pci (silicon image chipset is natively supported by kernel), i set as first boot device in bios SCSI then i reboot...but after reboot i obtain an error like ISOLINUX FAILED you know how i can install ubuntu with my optical drive also if is not connected
11:54.09Gneaantirez: you have how much mem?
11:54.16kroddnon my media-nox i can't copy files from network to usb-stick. the machine is hanging than a lot.
11:54.17antirezGnea, 1GB
11:54.18EclipserGnea, I rephrased my question :<
11:54.23tarzeauabrotman: any new software to package?
11:54.25Gneaantirez: expect the unexpected
11:54.35GneaEclipser: it's the same question.
11:54.44tarzeauabrotman: and why don't you package something? apply for nm! you don't have a webserver?
11:54.53liableEclipser: what crap? why bother re-installing the whole lot?
11:54.53EclipserGnea, not :>
11:54.57GneaEclipser: how stupid do you think we are?
11:55.09abrotmantarzeau: numerous webservers
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11:55.15antirezok I'll try to upgrade the kernel and join here again to report what the result is :)
11:55.15tarzeauabrotman: what's the urls?
11:55.18antirezthank you very much for your help
11:55.27abrotmantarzeau: they've been plastered all over planet.d.n
11:55.34kroddnlook if the ide-generic is loaded
11:55.36GneaEclipser: are you running sarge or etch or sid?
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11:55.56Gneaantirez: what kernel are you running, btw?
11:55.58antirezkroddn, not loaded, what is loaded is the driver specific for my controller
11:55.58abrotmantarzeau: i have to find something that isn't so complicated :)
11:56.01GneaEclipser: so... xorg?
11:56.02antirezGnea, *very* old
11:56.06EclipserGnea, yes
11:56.28kroddnthats bronze-age :)
11:56.39Eclipserliable, well, if you can tell me why my opengl apps don't link correctly (compilation and linkage actually "work" fine (no errors/warnings)) but when I run the app it just gives me blank screen
11:56.42antirezyes :)
11:56.44Gneaantirez: your sarcasm is causing chasms to open in the earth.  that on sid or etch?
11:57.02antirezbut I compile kernels myself
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11:57.09Gneaman... all you testing wh0res... :)
11:57.12liableEclipser: well, no of course i cant..
11:57.28antirezhehe should I switch to unstable?
11:57.28Eclipserit's making my hair drop (and that's a loss :>)
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11:57.43Gneaantirez: that's cool... yeah, my experience with anything usenet-related has been memory intensive
11:57.52abrotmanGnea: maybe if the software you used was actually in debian ...
11:58.00*** mode/#debian [+l 816] by debhelper
11:58.12wolsEclipser: what does glinfo say?
11:58.13antirezI must admit I don't spend many time to tune/upgrade my system
11:58.30antirezmaybe that's why I love debian, it does almost everything for me without help :)
11:58.37GneaEclipser: my suggestion would be to apt-cache show xserver-xorg | grep Depends and apt-get remove xserver-xorg and everything in that list... you may need to dig a bit deeper for all the libs
11:58.40Eclipserwols, you mean glxinfo
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11:58.52wolsoops. yes
11:59.02wolsor is it only with your self compiled stuff?
11:59.11Eclipseronly with my self compiled stuff
11:59.20Eclipsereverything else works fine, like stepmania and neverwinter nights
11:59.29Gneai compile kernels every couple revisions, or if there's a major patch
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12:02.16asg!tell antirez about away
12:02.39wolsEclipser: sorry. since precompiled stuff works it must be something else than the opengl install
12:02.51wolsEclipser: I was wrong with my ASSumptions
12:03.08dorel_i've installed the driver for my logitech quickcam express but i think that it cant bind to /dev/video* because i already have /dev/video0, video24 and video32 taken by my tv card.... any ideas?
12:03.23Eclipserwols, it's driving me mad! :p
12:03.44EclipserI should probably reinstall all of etch (and windows (which is borked anyway so it needs reinstall)) just for the fun of it
12:04.14wolsdorel_: how about /dev/video1 ?
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12:04.38dorel_wols: nop, nothing.
12:04.38wolsxerophyte: I doubt it would slove your problem
12:04.41Eclipser"As of 2006-04-18, nvidia-graphics-drivers was removed from testing. This page needs to be updated to reflect how testing users should get the drivers."
12:05.15dorel_wols: im seeing on some webpages log files like kernel: usbvideo.c: ibmcam on /dev/video1: canvas=352x240 but i dont have this sort of logs. only more minimized information
12:05.15bronzekroddn: FYI bronze age started in 1956.
12:05.19r_marvinEclipser: yes, that prompted me to upgrade to sid yesterday
12:05.43dorel_wols: like "kernel: quickcam [ 4.034004]: struct quickcam size: 6352 kernel: usbcore: registered new driver quickcam"
12:05.59Eclipserr_marvin,  mh
12:06.15Eclipserr_marvin, but last time I used sid I managed to break everything :>
12:06.22r_marvinyes, so don't
12:06.43Eclipsereven topic warns about sid
12:06.57Gneasid will own you
12:07.01POVaddct_is accessible?
12:07.01asg!sid faq
12:07.01dpkgsid faq is probably
12:07.05r_marvininstead, add unstable with lower prio and pin whatever nvidia wants from unstable
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12:07.13tarzeauPOVaddct_: yes, thttpd
12:07.20POVaddct_tarzeau: thanks
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12:07.41Gneatarzeau: how's the fable comin' along?
12:07.49Eclipserr_marvin, last time I tried it was when potato was stable though :>
12:07.52r_marvinor screw it, go ahead with the nvidia-installer and redo it when testing is sane again
12:07.56tarzeauGnea: what fable?
12:08.00Gneatarzeau: you ever gonna get to robin hood? :P
12:08.05POVaddct_tarzeau: i am testing htb class based traffic
12:08.10tarzeauGnea: me a robin hood?
12:08.17tarzeauGnea: you wanna bust some bank with me?
12:08.28tarzeauGnea: greycats fable, it's nice :)
12:08.35Gneaoh ok :)
12:08.42priscilashall i delete the dell partition (with dell utility fs)  in my dell laptop when i try to install debian on it? where can i install lilo or grub? at the mbr or in the root ?
12:08.49Gneatarzeau: no, i'm robin hood, bitch, gimme all yer money! :D
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12:09.02r_marvinEclipser: there are some nice howtos available on apt-pinning , sorry, i've only been around since right after woody released
12:09.12tarzeauGnea: haha
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12:09.58nuixdorel_: the chipset of my tv card is Trident  Tvmaster TM6000. Who make it work in linux box?
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12:11.18liablepriscila: you normally put grub in the mbr unless you have some other boot loader
12:11.24Gneapriscila: hrm... i'd leave the partition there...
12:11.27liable!tell priscila about laptop
12:11.43Gneapriscila: and be sure to backup your mbr before installing grub
12:11.45DJ-Marcuzzdamn, im getting frustrated, that debootsrap fails compleetly :@
12:11.47liablepriscila: go there and see what others have done withe the recovery bit
12:11.55dorel_nuix: i got a pvr 150 hauppauge. its fully supported.
12:12.16liablepriscila: i know for eg. that with stinkpads you can back up the windows shits to cd, then delete it.
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12:12.47Gneaffs... shapes.h comes in a new dev package now
12:12.57netfrog!tell netfrog about laptop
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12:13.29nuixdorel_: I wonder whether there are compatible drivers for  Trident  Tvmaster TM6000 .
12:14.00r_marvinnetfrog: you could just /msg dpkg laptop , it's more quiet ;)
12:14.06Gneapriscila: if it's not a large partition, you may want to back that up too
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12:16.21plasmoduckhow can I setup dialup access on my box?
12:16.30plasmoduckso people can dialup to me for the internet?
12:16.31efaistosis there some backports packages of GNOME 2.12 or 2.14 for sarge  ?
12:16.36liableto your box or from it?
12:16.56plasmoduckI want to make dialup accounts on my box
12:17.02jeff_hannplasmoduck:server or client?
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12:17.03plasmoduckso say you could dialup to me
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12:17.14plasmoduckI want to be a dialup server
12:17.33plasmoduckis it hard?
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12:18.15jeff_hannhave you tried ?
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12:18.46plasmoduckThe requested URL /docs was not found on this server.
12:20.01jeff_hannit covers mostly all important aspects
12:20.02kroddnbronze: huch, did i hilight you? ^^
12:20.30jeff_hannyou want a DHCP server,i guess
12:20.33dearassis there any stuff that displays RSS news on desktop ?and with background transparency ?
12:20.39kroddnI'm glad that my nick is not part of any word :-)
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12:21.15voltagexI'm having problems getting my printer shared over smb in debian
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12:22.14liablevoltagex: cant you just run it with ipp?
12:22.23voltagexmy printer works in debian, and appears in Windows correctly, but I get a Permission Denied error while trying to get it to work
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12:22.38voltagexliable: yeah, which manpage tells me how to set that up?
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12:22.56dearasscome on!
12:23.00jeff_hannvoltagex:check the permissions on the printer
12:23.17voltagexjeff_hann: where, /dev/lp0?
12:23.38jeff_hannyou run any display manager?
12:23.58robert83a1hello, I've succesfully built the 2.6.5 kernel on debian woody , it boots no problem, the thing is if I supply vga=788 for kernel line I get blank screen, this worked for original 2.4.x kernel, what did I forgot to compile in ?
12:24.09voltagexjeff_hann: headless box that the printer is connected to
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12:24.21bengrubbAnyyone Know VHCS here ?
12:24.34voltagexjeff_hann: the next question I have is X forwarding :)
12:24.50voltagexjeff_hann: no screen, I'm chatting to you via ssh into it
12:25.03jeff_hannman chmod
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12:25.11jeff_hannand yes,/dev/lp0
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12:25.29jeff_hannif it's the first/only printer on the box
12:25.38abrotmanbengrubb: just ask
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12:25.46abrotmandearass: gnoem or kde?
12:25.48liablevoltagex: its just a few lines in cups.conf and then print to network printer with postscript. was easy for my box, though its debian to debian, but windows should be able to find it.
12:25.51voltagexjeff_hann: yep
12:26.00Xamuskdoes anyone know of a usable program to use voice commands?
12:26.06voltagexjeff_hann, liable, I gtg, thanks for the ideas
12:26.25voltagexor one more thing, what should I chmod it to?
12:26.35voltagex/dev/lp0 that is
12:27.01jeff_hannthat depends
12:27.27jeff_hannon who you want to have access to it
12:27.32voltagexjeff_hann: the box is networked, only has a few ports out to the interweb
12:27.39voltagexjeff_hann: anyone from windows on the LAN
12:27.40liablei wouldnt go changing /dev perms, usually noy needed.
12:27.59voltagexliable: yeah, I think I'll go the IPP route
12:28.12jeff_hannlynx http://localhost:631
12:28.31voltagex^^ that's the tut I'm using
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12:29.54voltagexuhh. what do I enter as the device URI in the cups admin?
12:30.41bengrubbabrotman: I did
12:30.55abrotmanbenderz0r: you asked if anyone knew vchs or whatever it was
12:31.01bengrubbi said does anyone know VHCS here
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12:31.22abrotmanbenderz0r: that is not asking ...
12:31.24dpkgIf you have a question, just ask! For Example: "I have a problem with ___; I'm running Debian version ___. when I try to do ___ I get the following output ___. I expected it to do ___." Don't ask if you can ask, or if anyone uses it, or pick one person to ask (ask the whole channel!). We're all volunteers; make it easy for us to help you. If you don't get an answer, ask later or ask
12:31.37voltagexjeff_hann: thanks again, now I must gi
12:31.43bengrubbi thouhgt i was straight forward there :(
12:31.44jeff_hannn p
12:31.46dpkgPlease do not ask if anyone uses <someprogram>. Instead, ask your real question. (If the real question _was_ "does anyone use <someprogram>?" ask me about <popcon> instead.) See <ask> <sicco> <ask-to-ask> <polls>
12:31.47ILF :(( any idea?
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12:32.12bengrubbI am having a problem with VHCS it wont add mail account in the GUI
12:32.29abrotmanand #vhcs has no answer?
12:32.40bengrubbno one is hardlty ever on there
12:32.47*** join/#debian encKe|laptop (n=encKe`
12:32.48abrotmanbut vhcs isn't even in debian
12:33.05abrotmanbengrubb: any errors?
12:33.05bengrubbit can be installed as a debian package
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12:33.19abrotmannot on my debian/testing box .. apt-cache vhcs returns nothing
12:33.50bengrubbin the GUI it says unknown status
12:33.59bengrubbyer they made the packages for debian
12:34.05bengrubbdoesnt come with it
12:34.28bengrubbi think "they" stuffed the code abit
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12:37.17abrotmanbengrubb: i meant a real log .. nto from the application itself
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12:38.34robert83a1forgot the following line I think CONFIG_FB_VESA=y
12:38.40robert83a1that is why vga=788 got me blank screen
12:38.51robert83a1config_fb=y that is set...but probably need vesa
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12:40.48Malagmyr"Please sit back and relax while Windows 98 installs on your computer."
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12:41.23ericPhow do a play a .au file (freebox voicemail)?
12:41.46ericPxmms appears to not work. aplay as well
12:41.52asgericP: try sox
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12:44.26plasmoduck_I want to make dialup accounts on my box, like a dialup server, what do I do?
12:45.31jeff_hannplasmoduck:have you read the docs?
12:45.32abrotmandocs at
12:45.32plasmoduck_The requested URL /docs was not found on this server.
12:45.32plasmoduck_thats for
12:45.32jeff_hanni copied the link from it works
12:46.02jeff_hannjust tried it
12:46.17abrotman .. while for redhat .. should give you somewhere to start
12:46.22ericPasg, thanks, sox worky. had to (apt-get, ) transcode to wav so xmms (and apparently not aplay) could play it
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12:47.17jeff_hannsearch in google for 'DHCP server'
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12:48.30gentgeen__Can I make changes to my .Xdefault file apply without logging out?
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12:49.10plasmoduck_looks hard
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12:50.21stevietoolifup eth* wireless failure: message: ipw2200: failed to send wep_key command
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12:51.14asgericP: cool, you're welcome
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12:54.03bengrubbwindows 98.... mmmmm
12:54.15bengrubbhow bout 386
12:54.19bengrubbdid you ever park it?
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12:56.56evadedHi guys, on a computer some informations are redirected to all the consoles. How can i do to redirect it only to one console or where i need to look?
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12:57.44EmleyMoorWhen I run fetchmail, I get smtp error 451 Please try again later - why? Is there something I could change to improve it?
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12:57.59asgevaded: man syslog.conf
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12:58.13evadedasg: Thanks, go to it :-)
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13:01.04james___hey how do i change my machine name?
13:01.10asgjames___: /msg dpkg hostname
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13:02.13interalia_hey does anyone know, when closing a bug in the BTS, should the Version: pseudo-header be the version that fixes it, or the one before that?
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13:05.35cahootgentgeen__: try xrbd -merge .Xdefaults
13:06.15cahootgentgeen__: err xrdb
13:06.23james___asg: thanks
13:06.28asgjames___: you're welcome
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13:07.10bizkiti just connected to an ssh account that puts me into jail leaving me a bash shell and some restricted fileutils commands. i need a umask of 077 for this account, how can i set that for default after i've connected / started the bash? i tried echo 'chmod 077' > ~/.bashrc and giving it chmod u+x, but it doesn't help. any ideas?
13:07.17*** join/#debian Frankablu (
13:07.30gentgeen__cahoot, thanks :-)
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13:08.11Eclipserr_marvin, well, I installed sid and now my opengl apps link correctly :>
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13:08.48r_marvinyou should've listened my pinning advice
13:08.48POVaddctbizkit: you need to put "umask 077" into .bashrc, not "chmod 077"
13:08.55ootputhmm, emacs in sid in some flux?
13:09.07r_marvinyou might live to regret the sid upgrade
13:09.31bizkitPOVaddct: sorry this was a mistake here on irc, i typed umask 077
13:10.01hikenboothello all --- I am running a VM which i am almost positive is debian i am getting INIT: ID "4" respawning too fast: diable for 5 minutes where the ID is 1-6 I see nothing in the inittab to be causing the problem although I am by no means an expert..any ideas?
13:10.20bronzekroddn: yup. :)
13:10.56*** part/#debian interalia_ (
13:11.27POVaddctbizkit: .bashrc is not executed when you log in, only .bash_profile to turn off/disconnect a drive from debian if not with hdparm -b0 or -U? (those r not workin)
13:12.13*** join/#debian strider (n=Hark@
13:12.24ootputah, nvm, nothing wrong with emacs-snapshot in sid\
13:12.33bizkitPOVaddct: thanks, that was the trick
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13:15.49antirezHello again
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13:16.13antirezI'm back just to inform interested guys that upgrading to the latest stable kernel compiled with HZ=1000 fixed the issue
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13:16.51antirezthe system is ways more responsive even without any background job running btw
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13:17.45ootputDo any of you run Opera 9.0b? the most recent one dated 20060411?
13:18.01evadedOn a computer some informations are redirected to all the consoles. Like some unknow keys of an keyboard. How can i do to redirect it only to one console and not to all the consoles? I have read the man syslog, but not understand many of it and have change an commented para in the /etc/syslog.conf The info are been outputed to tty3 but also to the others tty :-/
13:18.31*** join/#debian MrBond82 (
13:18.38POVaddctantirez: i experienced very slow boot with sata controller and HZ=250 on a 2.6.12 kernel (patched the params.h file)
13:18.43MrBond82what command would I use to search for a string in a file in the entire filesystem?
13:19.23dvsMrBond82: find | grep
13:19.23wolsgrep -r "foo" /*
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13:20.25mirakcan grub boot on a /boot partition which is in fat32 ?
13:20.37hikenbootanyone able to help with my inittab problem
13:21.16abrotmanmirak: i would think so .. but haven't tried it
13:21.23wolsmirak: yes there is a fat stage 1.5
13:21.28mirakI want to put that on a usbkey
13:21.43abrotmanhikenboot: ask google .. i've seen the answer but it is eluding me
13:21.45antirezPOVaddct, my problem was that under big I/O the system was almost not usable for interactive tasks. Now it seems fixed
13:21.51antirezbut I had an ooold kernel :)
13:21.53mirakI don't want to format it in ext2
13:22.20hikenbootah i have more of a clue its got to do with getty  ..I have seen a lot of articles about getty but its solution eludes me too
13:22.32hikenboot1:2345:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty1
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13:23.56evadedhikenboot: It's to my you talk?
13:23.59shaiH :) when I boot my pc with knoppix, it recognizes the harddrive as sda and while i boot it using debian with kernel 2.6.14, it recognizes the harddrive as hde. is that wrong? does it mean that the kernel is using the wrong driver for my board?
13:24.16wolsa different one at least
13:24.19wolswhat ide controller?
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13:24.27shaiit is a via board
13:24.32wolsand what kernel does knoppix use?
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13:24.40hikenbootactually it was to brotman ..sorry evaded
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13:24.50shai2.6.x (knoppix 4.0.2 ...)
13:25.08wols2.6.x says me nothing.and I'm no knoppix user
13:25.11abrotmanhikenboot: full nicktab helps :)
13:25.26abrotman2.6 should be sda .. 2.4 will be hde
13:25.27evadedhikenboot: It's look like what i look for i think :-/. I go yo look a bit to that 'getty' :-p
13:25.32hikenbootah sorry abrotman
13:25.37abrotmanwhich debian installer has a 2.6.14 ?
13:26.41abrotman!cookie asg
13:26.50dpkgHey abrotman, ksirc is a script for sirc, but I may be wrong, or asg> ni: have you asked in #debian-kde? ni> yeah ni> they told me ksirc is ugly and sucks balls asg> hahaha
13:27.07asgabrotman: hehe, haven't seen that one in a while
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13:30.09shaiwols, knoppix uses 2.6.12
13:31.21abrotmanshai: are you sure you booted a 2.6 for debian?
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13:35.04asggerardomt: /join #foo
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13:36.05endrihow can i add diskspace to linux
13:36.22wolsby putting in more harddisks?
13:36.25mophi guys, how can I have avantgarde font on sarge for use it with gimp ?
13:36.38*** join/#debian paddy2706 (
13:36.59endrii mean i would like to remove some unused space from windows how can i move it to linux
13:38.11paddy2706question: how can i build a deb from a changed source? executing dpkg-buildpackage results in a problem.
13:38.11wolsendri: format it with a linux filesystem, add it to /etc/fstab. man fstab
13:38.11wolspaddy2706: what problem?
13:38.42endriwols : i can resize by ntfsresize but i dont know how to move it to my home partition for eg
13:39.05wolsendri: qtparted
13:39.09wolsor just parted
13:39.17ootputhi guys, i'm experiencing some pecularities while sshing to another machine: every so often, while i'm working in a shell (ssh'd) i'd see xset:  unable to open display ":0"
13:39.20ootputbesides entries in my remote dir's .xinitrc, there's no mention of it elsewhere
13:39.23ootputlikewise on my local machine, xset doesn't appear anywhere besides my .xinitrc
13:39.47paddy2706wols: i have to compile php4 different to normal debian pkg and since i have multiple servers i want to build a deb-package. after running ./configure the way i need it i tried to execute dpkg-buildpackage and it'd interrupt
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13:40.17ifvoidootput: and ps aux doesn't show any process that could be fireing off the xset?
13:40.27ootputifvoid: right
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13:40.46ootputi'm not even attempting the port forward
13:40.52ootputI just want to work in a shell
13:40.55ifvoidootput: does it happen in regular intervals?
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13:41.02ootputifvoid: yes
13:41.10ootputeven during editor sessions
13:41.23ifvoidand there's no sleep running or so?
13:41.28ootputi'm not sure if it's related to screen
13:41.31ootputno running
13:41.34paddy2706wols, error is "dpkg-source: unrepresentable changes to source"
13:41.49asgootput: if you use ssh -x me@foo, do you still see it?
13:41.51ifvoidpaddy2706: that means you've changes binary files
13:42.10ifvoidasg: as the message is about display :0, that's unlike to be the problem
13:42.20ootputasg: yes
13:42.26wolspaddy2706: and you should edit your /debian subdir to change the ./configure string
13:42.29ootputasg: i've set that up in my .ssh/config
13:42.42franquien me ayuda en una cosita con guadalinex
13:42.53paddy2706wols, okay ill try
13:43.03paddy2706ifvoid, thanks ill try wols suggestion
13:43.06asg!tell fran about es
13:43.13ifvoidpaddy2706: uh well
13:43.21ifvoidpaddy2706: that'll probably not help
13:43.32franok :)
13:43.36ifvoidas you changes some other file, too, which diff can't handle
13:43.39paddy2706ifvoid, why?
13:44.00wolspaddy2706: you need to unpack the sources again
13:44.00ifvoidthe error should say which file is the problem
13:44.39ifvoidootput: could you put the output of ps aux on
13:44.39*** part/#debian fran (
13:44.47paddy2706wols, sure ill do that - and then change which file in /debian? there are like 20~30 of them, I cant change every single one
13:44.54ootputifvoid: on the local end, or the remote end?
13:45.02*** join/#debian sH4 (i=sH4@
13:45.05ifvoidpaddy2706: debian/rules is the build script
13:45.16ifvoidootput: hmm, remote I guess
13:45.23paddy2706ifvoid, thanks.
13:45.49wolspaddy2706: grep configure *
13:46.34th1is it possible in ext3, to change the root directory to another one?
13:46.40th1like if I have /new and I want to make that into /
13:46.42ootputifvoid: it's huge
13:46.47ootputifvoid:  this is a uni shell account
13:46.51ootputifvoid: what are you after?
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13:47.00ootputgrep for xset?
13:47.18ifvoidootput: I was wondering if there maybe could be some program running on the background that would fire off these xsets periodically
13:47.36savels.msg dpkg guidelines
13:48.06ootputifvoid:  i understand
13:48.50ifvoidso maybe you could check what stuff is running on the same pty
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13:50.14ootputifvoid: no idea how to do that (=
13:50.29ootputps t, then ps aux -t # ?
13:51.23POVaddctootput: it must be one of the start scripts for the login shell
13:52.01ootputhmm, that may be true
13:52.12ootputmy account has to source a uni global source
13:52.22*** part/#debian peoro (
13:52.22ootputi'd forgotten to grep that
13:52.32POVaddctootput: check /etc/profile, /etc/bashrc, /etc/bash.profile, ...
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13:52.55ootputPOVaddct: my .zshrc is the only one, besides the practically empty /etc/zshrc
13:53.21POVaddctootput: oh, zsh. i don't know that one.
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13:56.12thorondri xorg-module doesn't seem to be working with ATI Radeon 9250 on unstable.
13:56.19ootputokay, guess i'll have to bear with it
13:56.26ootputthanks anyway
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13:57.24abrotmanthoron: tried the url in /topic ?
13:58.03thoronabrotman: yes, it seems that problem is same as with i915 I guess.
13:58.32abrotmanit may very well be .. welcome to unstable
13:58.54thoronbeen here for years. ;)
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14:00.50robert83a1hello what is the debian equivalent of /etc/rc.d/rc.local ? (red hat)
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14:01.08dpkgextra, extra, read all about it, rc.local is the boot script for BSD/slackware/redhat systems but is considered to be a hack for lazy people.  Use the sysvinit method via update-rc.d or read /etc/init.d/README or "man update-rc.d", "apt-get install rcconf", or try "sysvconfig", or /etc/rc.boot/ directory, /etc/init.d/ file and /etc/init.d/skeleton template. If you don't like SysV, consider file-rc.
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14:02.20Gneathat's an inaccurate factoid
14:02.27Gnearedhat uses sysv too
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14:02.46abrotmanhas it always?
14:02.55abrotmani can't remember ..
14:03.03Gneano, i think they switched over from rc in the 4.x series
14:03.08Gneaor maybe it was 5.x
14:03.24abrotmanor 6.x
14:03.42Gneaback when it *really* sucked ass :)
14:04.07abrotmanhas it ever .. not sucked ass ?
14:04.34*** join/#debian term1n5tor (n=term1n5t@
14:04.52Gneaapparantly, it sucks less ass today then it did then... either it learned how to take breaks now and then or it perfected its technique
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14:05.59Gnealibtool: link: `/usr/lib/' is not a valid libtool archive
14:06.00abrotmanyou lie!
14:06.12Gneain bed
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14:06.19abrotmaneat more oreos
14:06.41Gneai have enough puss to squirt at newbies, thanks
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14:07.18Gneaabrotman: seriously, the more chocolate i eat, the more i break out
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14:08.10Gneabeer, check.
14:08.13Gneachocolate, negative.
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14:08.48MrBond82wols when you mean grep -r "foo" /*   is the string I'm searching for inside the "quoteS" , ie, do I need to have the quotes in the command?
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14:10.33thoronGnash is a GNU Flash movie player.
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14:10.43thoronThere is no Debian package still.
14:11.19abrotmanGnea: ermm .. ew?
14:11.32abrotmanthoron: i don't think it works yet
14:11.49robert83a1hello, I succesfully built my custom 2.6.5 kernel, I did a make menuconfig and configured to have my realtek card compiled in... then by hand I edited .config file and did the following config_fb=y config_fb_vesa=y , and now I reboot , kernel works but I cannot use vga=788 for example I get blank screen... what is wrong ?
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14:12.23lpb-oberonrobert83a1: nothing
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14:12.51robert83a1hmmm... then why is it working ok with kernel 2.4.x ?
14:12.53lpb-oberonprobably you forgot to enable the console framebuffer
14:13.01*** part/#debian wDoc (
14:13.08robert83a1lpb-oberon : that is config_ ???
14:14.27robert83a1# config_framebuffer_console is not set
14:14.36websdaleHi,after a recent apt-get update of my etch system, when I start Gnome, X restarts & there's a glibc double free error - any ideas?
14:14.56*** join/#debian GutterPunk (
14:15.22abrotmanwebsdale: multiple bugs filed on that ... try the url in the topic
14:15.38Gneathoron: man, shit like that makes me proud to be an american ;)
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14:16.25GutterPunkTonight there appears to have been a power surge. And one disk appears to have been corrupted. I hope to be able to fix this now. When I try cfdisk /dev/hdg I get the error "Unknown partition table type. Do you wish to start with a zero table"
14:16.44GutterPunkAnd during boot I get the error that the superblock has been corrupted and is not recoverable
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14:17.20wols_pray you have backups
14:17.23GneaGutterPunk: does the system have some sort of cdrom device capable of booting?
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14:17.41GutterPunkWell the system boots. The drive is a second hard drive, containing all the data
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14:17.51GutterPunkThe system files are on the other device
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14:18.06GneaGutterPunk: and is it running Debian or Ubuntu?
14:18.13thoronGnea: Well, atleast your gas price is low, take google to look what it costs here: 1.30 euros per litre to dollars per gallon
14:18.14GutterPunkGnea, Debian
14:18.17bkudriadoes anyone here use dnsmasq?  i'm having trouble with the dhcp part:  clients request an address, dnsmasq replies with an offer, but the clients never see it and time out...tcpdump confirms: i don't see the offer.  what could be wrong?
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14:18.43ifvoidbkudria: a firewalling problem?
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14:19.10bkudriaifvoid: i thought so too, so i shut down firehol and it still didn't work
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14:19.31ifvoidand if you run tcpdump on the sending side?
14:19.32macho_hello any on hlp me
14:19.44dpkgIf you have a question, just ask! For Example: "I have a problem with ___; I'm running Debian version ___. when I try to do ___ I get the following output ___. I expected it to do ___." Don't ask if you can ask, or if anyone uses it, or pick one person to ask (ask the whole channel!). We're all volunteers; make it easy for us to help you. If you don't get an answer, ask later or ask
14:19.45macho_i using 64 bit linux
14:19.50endrii have some free space on my hd. How can i move it to a share partition
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14:20.14ifvoidendri: what do you mena by a shre partition?
14:20.20deejoeendri: what does your partition table look like?
14:20.21bkudriaifvoid: i did run tcp dump on the server dies, i see 4 counts of "IP > BOOTP/DHCP, Request from 00:05:5d:fa:4a:47 (oui Unknown), length: 548"
14:20.23macho_help dpkg can u help me
14:20.40endrii mean i resized by ntfsresize
14:20.41Roninmacho_: just state the problem/question
14:20.45bkudriaifvoid: and dnsmasq logs have 4 "request recieved" and immediatly after "offer sent"
14:21.00macho_i need to configure my ethernet card its sis191/190
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14:21.04endriand i want to put the free space to the fat partition
14:21.05ifvoidbkudria: but you don't even see the sent offer in the tcpdump on the sending machine?
14:21.07Gneathoron: negative. that works out to 1 litre == 1.26 gallon. at that rate, with's current conversion table, you pay just over USD$2.00/gallon, while we're paying damn just over $3.00/gallon
14:21.10*** part/#debian websdale (
14:21.14macho_can any one hlp me in that
14:21.17bkudriaifvoid: right...
14:21.21ifvoidendri: to an existing fat partition?
14:21.23*** part/#debian buf (
14:21.25ifvoidbkudria: that's pretty weird
14:21.32dpkgHispanohablantes: Por favor usen #debian-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.  Spanish Speakers: Please use #debian-es, there you will get much more help.
14:21.35GneaGutterPunk: do you have backups?
14:21.41deejoemacho_: you are making statements.  ask a question.
14:21.49bkudriaifvoid: there are, however, 3 lines of "arp who-has tell kant.home" right after each request line
14:21.51ifvoidbkudria: maybe you coudl stracte dnsmasq to see what it is actually sending, where where is is being sent?
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14:22.01Gneathoron: unless i did my math wrong...
14:22.08thoronGnea: I bet you did.
14:22.12bkudriaifvoid: kant is the server name, is the ip it's trying to hand out
14:22.13ifvoidendri: that's not easily possible
14:22.20Gneathoron: please, enlighten me.
14:22.21macho_how to configure ppoe in linux
14:22.37bkudriaifvoid: i could try, but i have zero experience with strace
14:22.39ifvoidendri: you'll probably need to mave the existing data elsewhere, remove the old partition , create a new, large one, make a new fs, and move everything back
14:22.39dpkgpppoe is, like, ppp over ethernet, apt-get install pppoe pppoeconf and read /usr/share/doc/pppoe/README.Debian  This is rp-pppoe, but with the scripts rewritten.  For PPPOE support in 2.4 kernels enable EXPERIMENTAL Features and go to Network Device Support
14:22.45wols_macho_: pppoeconf
14:22.46GutterPunkGnea, I dont... It's way too much data
14:22.56abrotmandpkg: convert 1 gallon to litre
14:22.57bkudriamacho_: such open-ended questions will not get answered it
14:22.57dpkg1 gallon is approximately 3.78541 litre
14:23.04GutterPunkWell, for me at least... 250 GB. Backing this up would also be a nightmare
14:23.06abrotmanGnea: feel better? :)
14:23.10ifvoidbkudria: well, strace -vv -f -s 512 -p <pid> shoudl show you all the syscalls the process is making
14:23.21ifvoidbkudria: as well as the messages it is sending out
14:23.30bkudriaok, i'll try it
14:23.35macho_as iam using 64 bit none got driver for it
14:23.42endribut some times ago i added a fat partiton to the extended by partiton magic
14:23.42bkudriaifvoid: although i have no idea how to interpret it
14:23.45macho_i tried a lot
14:24.15ifvoidendri: ah yes, partition magic can probably do it
14:24.15wols_endri: I told you you need to use parted. if that can't do it, there is no linux software that can
14:24.27ifvoidendri: but that's hardly ontipic here, is it?
14:24.41ifvoidwols_: parted can;t resize vfat afaik
14:24.43GneaGutterPunk: "too much data" is not a justifiable answer.
14:24.53macho_can any one hlp me
14:25.03Gnea!tell macho_ about ask
14:25.07abrotmanGnea: he did
14:25.10dpkgHispanohablantes: Por favor usen #debian-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.  Spanish Speakers: Please use #debian-es, there you will get much more help.
14:25.17ifvoidwols_: hmm, the man page seems to suggest it actually can
14:25.31dpkghmm... amd64 is See and the #debian-amd64 IRC channel, or, now official, will be a supported arch on Etch, or a generic name. it also supports xeon etc, see  Consider using debian/i386 if you do not have a good reason to use debian/amd64
14:26.01GutterPunkGnea, well I guess you are right, but it's not like it is business critical or anything. But it's stuff I never wanted to loose. I didn't have the means to back all that up either.
14:26.03GneaGutterPunk: i'm guessing this is a personal system of yours?
14:26.08bkudriaifvoid: yeah, i have no idea what to do with it...can i DCC send you the output?
14:26.20ifvoidbkudria: just put it on
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14:26.25GneaGutterPunk: then why did you get a 250G drive in the first place? :)
14:26.28ifvoidthat way, everyone can take a look
14:26.32GutterPunkIt's my file / vnc / ldap server
14:26.51GutterPunkfor file serving purposes :)
14:27.04Gneas/file serving/headache/g
14:27.23ifvoidGutterPunk: well, either you don't want to lose the data, so you need to backup, or the data is expendable, and you don't
14:27.45bkudriaifvoid: oh,'s a bit long
14:27.54GneaGutterPunk: my suggestion is to gank a copy of kanotix and boot that use sfdisk to attempt to reinitialize your partition table - how many partitions did you have it split into?
14:27.58macho_in configuring pppoe
14:28.01GutterPunkBut there's nothing around to try and restore the partition table? Well I just bumped in to "gpart" and I'm running it now
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14:28.04ifvoidbkudria: allows you to upload a file, iirc
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14:28.18ifvoidGutterPunk: what happened, exactly?
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14:28.48GneaGutterPunk: gparted may be flakey - hopefully you didn't split it up too much
14:28.57GutterPunkGnea, do I have to use the live cd? I mean, I can boot... I just logged in via vnc
14:29.02Gneaifvoid: he had a power surge that took out his MBR
14:29.09GutterPunkGnea, I'm lucky there :) It's one huge partition :)
14:29.27GneaGutterPunk: you're damn right you're lucky :)
14:29.38ifvoidGnea: well, he just has to hope then that it's only the MBR that was damages
14:29.50Gneaifvoid: exactly
14:29.50GutterPunkThe system boots fine, it's just the second hard drive that's fscked (or can be fscked is maybe a better way to put it) :)
14:30.00wols_macho_: we can't do handholding. if you have a specific problem just ask
14:30.15GneaGutterPunk: what's the manufacturer?
14:30.21wols_Gnea: sis obviously
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14:30.29GutterPunkI don't think I have something in the MBR on that drive
14:30.34Gneawols_: sis makes hard drives?
14:30.40GutterPunkGnea, Maxtor
14:30.44wols_oops. sorry. misread
14:30.46wols_no they don't
14:31.04abrotmanGnea: aren't you in bed still ?
14:31.16Gneaabrotman: no, i'm still getting drunk #)
14:31.21abrotmanoh ok
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14:31.26wols_abrotman: what has that to do if he's on irc or not?
14:31.34abrotmanwols_: he fell over
14:31.59Gneai'm sorry, i find this to be extremely amusing
14:32.03thoronGnea: 1.30e/l (while 1e = $1.2559, 1 litre = 0.264172051 US gallon) = 1.63267 dollar / 0.2641 US gallon =  $6.18/gallon
14:32.44abrotmanthere should be a penalty for gas in the burbs .. or people who drive more than .. like 10 miles to work
14:32.49Gneathoron: but does your government give or take taxes from you in one lump sum once per year?
14:33.22Gneaabrotman: there already is
14:33.29abrotmanGnea: no there isn't
14:33.40Gneaabrotman: it's called distance ;)
14:33.48abrotmanGnea: that's selfimposed
14:33.58Gneabut it's true
14:34.05thoronGnea: we pay taxes in advance in with each month pay and then a year they calculated if advance taxes match actual tax that you should pay. What does that have to do with this?
14:34.34asgabrotman: actually, the burbs usually only have single gas stations instead of multiples in single locations so the lack of localized competition often results in higher prices.
14:34.36abrotmanif you got penalized for driving >10miles to work .. i bet a) less urban sprawl b) fewer SUVs c) less traffic d) happier abrotman
14:34.37Gneathoron: the point is that we have 2 entirely different systems.
14:34.44bkudriaifvoid: does that have any helpful nuggets in it?
14:34.48DJ-Marcuzzarg, im going crazy, i like debian for my servers, but i need an install with lots of control, i noticed that the standart debian installers use very old software so lvm and raid things are limited, i need the controlll to make the arrays and such just in an terminal with up2date apps, and then debootstrap it or so, but i cnat find a single decent manual about it :S
14:34.53ifvoidbkudria: it does seem to send out a hdcp reply
14:34.58ifvoidon line 61
14:35.01Gneathoron: i don't make the rules and neither do you. shut your hole and fill 'er up ;)
14:35.18ifvoidoh hold on, it's receiving that
14:35.21thoronGnea: Yes, and your SUV:n eat all gas and you dare to complain about expensive gas.
14:35.30bkudriaifvoid: the log says so too, but tcpdump doesn't see that
14:35.35Gneathoron: i don't own an SUV.  never have, never will.
14:35.46abrotmanthoron: i don't drive an SUV .. and noone else should either
14:36.11ifvoiduh, line 57
14:36.25bkudriaifvoid: yeah, the 2.4 arm machine is a zaurus client :)
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14:36.46ifvoidand is the correct ip?
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14:37.13thoronGnea: very good, wouldn't expect such thing from Debian user. ;-)
14:37.16GneaGutterPunk: sfdisk should be able to reconstruct that mbr.  it's not easy to use, but then recovering an mbr wasn't made to be easy. :)
14:37.23Gneathoron: hahaha
14:37.27bkudriaifvoid: it's in the range i specified, if that's what you mean
14:37.39ifvoidbkudria: but is it also on you localnet?
14:37.42GutterPunkPfff :(
14:37.44ifvoidand is is routed correctly?
14:37.58bkudriaifvoid: i also found ... except it didn't work for me with firehol you wanna see my firehol.conf?
14:38.05bkudriaifvoid: yes...
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14:38.20ifvoidno idea then
14:38.24Gneathoron: in fact, i'm trying to find the time to get over to my dealer to see what hybrids they have in stock so i can trade my pickup in next month.
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14:38.34bkudriaifvoid: routing? i think so...
14:38.51ifvoidand are you sure your firewall is empty?  iptables -n -L doesn't show anything?  Hwo about the nat table?
14:38.53DonJohnnyHow can i get some intel libraries ? to fix the following error:
14:38.53DonJohnny/usr/local/mysql/lib/libz.a(inflate.o)(.text+0x1fba): In function `updatewindow':
14:38.53DonJohnny: undefined reference to `_intel_fast_memcpy'
14:39.02GutterPunkGnea, I didn't mention this: fsck.ext3: Bad magic number in super-block while trying to open /dev/hdg
14:39.15ifvoidDonJohnny: uh, why not just use debian's own mysql packages?
14:39.16bkudriaifvoid: hold on, let me try again
14:39.26GneaGutterPunk: again, your MBR is hosed - you need sfdisk to put it back together
14:39.31DonJohnnyifvoid: because i needed a newer version of mysql
14:39.41ifvoidthen, why not use a backport?
14:39.47GutterPunkGnea, thanks
14:40.01ifvoidDonJohnny: it seems you are using a version that was compiled with intel's compiler or so
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14:40.10ifvoidso you ened intel's libs to go with it, I guess
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14:40.30bkudriaifvoid: it is empty, and it still doesn't do i check my nat table?
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14:40.59plbis nvidia working with xorg 7.0 in unstable?
14:41.11bkudriaplb: works over here
14:41.30plbbkudria: installing the debian way? or pkg off nvidia site?
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14:41.33bkudriaplb: since 7.0 is supposed to be the same thing as 6.9, just repackaged
14:41.33DonJohnnyifvoid: lrwxrwxrwx 1 root staff 44 2006-04-06 14:00 mysql -> mysql-standard-5.0.19-linux-i686-icc-glibc23
14:41.46DonJohnnyifvoid: that seems gcc to me, not intel
14:42.08bkudriaplb: i had to compile the module myself with 'm-a a-i nvidia', since it is not packaged correctly now (bug), but it works
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14:42.42plbok thanks
14:42.50ifvoidDonJohnny: icc==inte compiler
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14:42.58ifvoidDonJohnny: but as i said, just use a backport
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14:43.05GneaDonJohnny: icc
14:43.19DonJohnnygod damnit
14:43.24GneaDonJohnny: type this: file mysql-standard-5.0.19-linux-i686-icc-glibc23
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14:43.55ifvoidbkudria: iptables -t nat
14:44.13DonJohnnyGnea: what will that do ?
14:44.43DonJohnnyGnea: its a directory doh
14:44.45bkudriaifvoid: iptables v1.3.3: no command specified
14:44.46Kraiganybody had problems trying to install xserver-xorg_1%3a7.0.15_all ?
14:44.47GneaDonJohnny: do you honestly think i would tell you to do something that would cause harm to your system?
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14:44.55ifvoidbkudria: add -L
14:45.02ifvoidKraig: define problems
14:45.23GneaDonJohnny: find the main mysql daemon binary in that directory, and run file on it
14:45.29bkudriaifvoid: also empty...
14:45.29settkycould anyone help me? I am running etch and after recent apt-get upgrade I get "Waiting for root file system" and it hangs
14:45.57settkyduring boot, this is really frustrating
14:46.03DonJohnnyGnea: mysqld: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), for GNU/Linux 2.2.5, dynamically linked (uses shared libs), stripped
14:46.15ifvoidDonJohnny: and ldd?
14:46.19settkythen it sais ALERT! /dev/hda2 does not exist. Dropping to shell
14:46.30settkyis there some way to fix it from shell?
14:46.31ifvoidsettky: ah, sounds like an udev problem
14:46.37ifvoidsettky: which kernel do you haven?
14:46.53marco13185why does firefox lag a lot in Debian Unstable?
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14:47.22Gneamarco13185: it doesn't lag a lot with other os's?
14:47.31bkudriaifvoid: so you are stumped, huh?
14:47.37settkywhat should I do ifvoid?
14:47.52marco13185Gnea, nowhere near as much.  Here in debian it takes almost a whole second to switch tabs
14:48.01*** mode/#debian [+l 831] by debhelper
14:48.12Gneamarco13185: how many tabs do you have open?
14:48.19marco13185like 3
14:48.26ifvoidbkudria: pretty much, yeah
14:48.30marco13185Gnea, 3
14:48.31Gneamarco13185: and you had how many open before it became 3? :)
14:48.37ifvoidbkudria: maybe you could try another dhcpd?
14:48.38marco13185maybe a total of 5
14:48.47Gneaand you have how much ram?
14:49.00ifvoidsettky: try udgrading udev to the latest version
14:49.02Gnearunning what window manager?
14:49.11marco13185Gnea, whatever the default for KDE is
14:49.18Gneaheh, ok
14:49.19settkyifvoid how? why didn't it upgrade after apt-get update, + upgrade?
14:49.25marco13185Gnea, does that explain something?
14:49.31Gneamarco13185: have you ever used fluxbox?
14:49.32ifvoidudev has a lot of bugs, lately
14:49.38bkudriaifvoid: not really, i like dnsmasq....i had it working, before, long ago...i'm emailing the author, now
14:49.42Gneamarco13185: not entirely
14:49.42marco13185Gnea, in windows
14:49.48bkudriaifvoid: but thanks for the help!
14:49.53ifvoidbkudria: yw
14:49.58Gneamarco13185: .... who gives a flying fuck about windows?
14:50.03settkywhat a hell
14:50.04marco13185Gnea, I have it installed here in Debian too
14:50.10marco13185Gnea, just haven't used it yet ;)
14:50.13ifvoidsettky: well, it's testing
14:50.19ifvoidsettky: stuff like that can happen
14:50.22marco13185Gnea, does it get along well with KDE?
14:50.33dorel_seems like i cant send mail outside, how can i enable that in exim4? i tried dpkg-reconfigure exim4 cause i remember there's a dialog on every install that asks you for configuration but it doesnt popup anything...
14:50.46ifvoidsettky: the way to go, I guess, is to boot from a boot cd, mount your partitions, and restore your devices
14:51.00asgdorel_: dpkg-reconfigure exim4-config
14:51.07ifvoiddorel_: you need the exim4-config package
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14:51.30hikenboothello all---one more question I would like to replace getty with mgetty in my /etc/inittab when i do the login prompt never appears ...I found somthing that indicated i could use update-alternatives --config getty ...when i execute it it tells me there is no alternatives for getty this is after installing the mgetty package...any ideas?
14:51.37Gneamarco13185: i think KDE grows a set of cylindrical tubes that extend to end with points a few nanometers across
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14:51.59ifvoidDonJohnny: again, why don;t you just use a nice ready-made debian package to install mysql?
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14:52.51GneaDonJohnny: and you installed that version of mysql instead of the one via apt because...?
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14:53.08munzirHi, this command doesn't ask me for the password and fail with
14:53.09munzir$ sudo echo 'Listen 443' >> /etc/apache2/ports.conf
14:53.09munzir-bash: /etc/apache2/ports.conf: Permission denied
14:53.17munzirwhat's wrong please
14:53.17ifvoidmunzir: yes
14:53.27ifvoidmunzir: the redirect takes places outside th sudo
14:53.30asgmunzir: the redirect is not done with rootly permissions
14:53.34ifvoidmunzir: try sudo -s
14:53.39ifvoidmunzir: and then enter the command
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14:53.56settkyifvoid how do I restore devices?
14:53.59Gneamunzir: you'll need to throw that into a shell script and have sudo execute the script
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14:54.03ifvoidsettky: mknod
14:54.17ifvoidsettky: or just copy them over from whatever environment you're booting into
14:54.45DonJohnnyGnea: because i needed the latest
14:54.59GneaDonJohnny: why?
14:55.00ifvoidDonJohnny: yeah, so install a newer debian package
14:55.08ifvoidDonJohnny: I already told you about 3 times
14:55.14ifvoidDonJohnny: get it at
14:55.16GneaDonJohnny: are you running sarge?
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14:55.41DonJohnnyGnea: ye
14:56.00GneaDonJohnny: ah, that's why - yeah, listen to ifvoid
14:56.22munzirifvoid, asg, thx but can't I do it in one command?
14:56.24settkythat's why I hate linux sometimes
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14:56.45g0dspeeddoes anyone know how to add/enable directoryIterator class functionality within php? i am receiving the following error info: Class 'DirectoryIterator' not found in"
14:56.59Gneasettky: because it really does kick ass? ;)
14:57.08marco13185Gnea, meh, I like XFCE more than flux so I'm using that
14:57.12asgmunzir: wrap it in a shell script that is called from sudo as Gnea said
14:57.18Gneamarco13185: very well :)
14:57.29ifvoidsettky: if you want a stable system, you shouldn't be using testing
14:57.54ifvoidmunzir: or use tee
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14:58.08marco13185Gnea, and yes, it feals much more responsive
14:58.08settkyifvoid there is a criteria for stability
14:58.20Gneamarco13185: you're welcome
14:58.38Gneasettky: stable, testing, unstable. think about it...
14:58.54ifvoidsettky: have you files about about your problem already?
14:59.01asgg0dspeed: try #php
14:59.33DonJohnnyGnea: hmm kk
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14:59.42DonJohnnyill just get the gcc version
14:59.58g0dspeedk ascii__
15:00.04g0dspeedasg :)
15:00.25nethensonWhen i click on the 'devices' in my konqueror sidebar, i get at devices protocol unsupported? Do i have to intall a kioslaves package  or something?
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15:01.20zamaliphehow to config the network using the command line
15:01.24settkydamn it
15:01.29ifvoidzamaliphe: ifup eth0
15:01.29munzirifvoid, asg, Gnea: thx all
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15:02.13nethensonzamaliphe: ifconfig eth0 netmask up ; (where is your IP and is your netmask)
15:03.01nethensonzamaliphe: and then  route add default gw eth0  (where is your gateway)
15:03.49asgifvoid: I often get called that in here
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15:05.19cahootnethenson: right click - hit the url tab and change from devices to media
15:06.11zamaliphenethenson:  thanks a lot
15:06.16nethensonthanks cahoot
15:06.23nethensonyw zamaliphe
15:07.11nethensoncahoot: i have also the same problem with kdebluetooth and  bluetooth: // and sdp: // , any idea?
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15:07.47cahootnethenson: no more than google ;)
15:08.29ifvoidasg: as a typo, you mean?
15:09.40pgimenohi, I'm experiencing problems with xclipboard and want to know if there's a simple solution: characters above the ASCII range don't get pasted at all
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15:10.44Kraighmm... i'm getting "xserver-xorg postinst warning: not updating /etc/X11/X; file has been customized" in the last dist-upgrade
15:11.51pgimenoall I've found by googling is this simple patch, is it likely to help?
15:12.38benderz0rmaybe some one can explain this for me... installing gnome isn't enough dep wise to install an xserver? stupid is that?
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15:12.55nethensoncahoot: it may sound stupid, but.. how can i search bluetooth:/  in google google? it ignores the :/
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15:13.27DarkCowshould do it
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15:13.51DarkCowbut, evidently now
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15:14.49pgimenoafaik google doesn't search for symbols, just words
15:15.15nethensonso I cant search for "bluetooth:/"? wo
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15:16.30ifvoidbenderz0r: why is that stupid?
15:16.45ifvoidbenderz0r: it could make perfect sense to install gnome without an X server
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15:17.14benderz0rbecause it is horrible to poor users who didn't think of that and for the past half hour were looking to solve another problem being caused by it
15:17.42ifvoidthese users should probably try a distro that thinks for them
15:17.51benderz0rI saw a bunch of xserver packages when I lookeda tht e install list and assumed that was the xserver, I only just noticed then that install xorg wanted to install more :|
15:18.06pgimenonethenson: maybe using a different search engine, not sure
15:18.13benderz0rifvoid: maybe they should try a distro that isn't so snide?
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15:19.02ifvoidbenderz0r: debian installs just the dependencies you need to run that apps
15:19.08POVaddctbenderz0r: ever heard of remote X? obviously not.
15:19.18ifvoidbenderz0r: I'm sorry if that isn't what you expected, but that's how it is
15:19.21daraknori just did a dist-upgrade that broke my path with xdm and X (/usr/bin/X) and as a normal user I'm having problems with /usr/lib/X11/fonts/Speedo
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15:19.38benderz0rPOVaddct yes I have, and I'm using it now...that was the reason I went to double check xorg was fully installed in the first place
15:19.42efaistosis there some backports packages of GNOME 2.12 or 2.14 for sarge  ?
15:19.51benderz0rifvoid: well dont be such a prick about it?
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15:20.06ifvoidbenderz0r: uh, you're the one complaining
15:20.09Mordenany bind pros in here?
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15:20.34benderz0rifvoid: please quote where I complained?
15:20.48POVaddctbenderz0r: you called it stupid
15:20.50ifvoid17:12 <benderz0r> maybe some one can explain this for me... installing gnome
15:20.58daraknori just did a dist-upgrade that broke my path with xdm and X (/usr/bin/X) and as a normal user I'm having problems with /usr/lib/X11/fonts/Speedo. Is there a quick command to fix the Xfont path? I have not edited Xfonts before.
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15:21.25benderz0rI asked the logic in installing a vm without an xserver assuming that gnome would be used remotely...why choose that over a local usage...and that is the point I called stupid
15:21.26ifvoiddaraknor: the paths changes in the last upgrade
15:21.39benderz0rif I wanted to complain Id save my typing and switch to gentoo
15:21.44asgifvoid: sometimes a typo, sometimes based on what say ;)
15:22.25daraknorifvoid: most of my paths were updated automatically, I think that the path for normal user was not updated, but the path for root was updated. Startx works for root, fails for user based on Speedo font issue.
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15:22.27asgs/say/I say/
15:22.34Kraigi have x11-common 7.0.15, i try installing xserver-comon and it tells me it Depends on x11-common(>= 6.8.1) any ideas?
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15:23.00streunerKraig: what version of debian?
15:23.05ifvoidbenderz0r: there's no choosing involved
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15:23.24ifvoidgnome doesn't need an X server and therefore the packages don't depend on that
15:23.30ifvoidnothing stupid about that
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15:23.41streunerKraig: rc  xserver-common 6.9.0.dfsg.1-6 files and utilities common to all X servers
15:23.50tarzeauKraig: with sid and x7 you don't need x11-common anymore
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15:23.56benderz0rof course there isn't; I'm only saying it is anti-intuative
15:23.58ifvoiddaraknor: there's wiki page that explains common problems
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15:24.17Kraigwhy is it a dependency then?
15:24.29tarzeauKraig: it is?
15:24.32streunerKraig: for what?
15:24.37tarzeauKraig: it's just some leftover that there's no conflicts for
15:24.37boguhwhy dont i get colors with this prompt: PS1='\[^[[34m\]\u@\h \w \$\[^[[39m\] '  ?
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15:24.50tarzeauboguh: man console_codes
15:25.14daraknorI'm using 6.9.0 under testing, after recent apt-get dist-upgrade.
15:25.14websdaleabrotman:I had a problem with gnome restarting X - you directed me to the solution to this(downgrading libxkblavier10) Thank you very much :)- it was testing my sanity
15:25.18ifvoidboguh: you need real escapes, not ^[
15:25.33Kraigok, let's see, i did an apt-get remove x11-common, it deinstalled almost everything, but i don't care, is a new computer, now i try apt-get install xserver-common xserver-common: Depends: x11-common (>= 6.8.1)
15:25.38abrotmanwebsdale: erm .. ok .. enjoy :)
15:25.40pipelineSo, I want to listen to my home music while I'm at work.  How can I use DAAP over the open internet? (Both systems are debian)
15:25.50Kraig(AFTER of course trying with x11-common 7.0.15
15:26.06abrotmanicecast over ssh!
15:26.29belai am using sarge, I want to create a boot disk from my distro, I tried mboot, but it seems running with lilo and not grub
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15:26.40pipelineabrotman: So how can I control icecast transparently? I don't want to run a radio station, here, I just want to play music on the fly, like itunes does on a LAN :P
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15:26.52abrotmanpipeline: i was joking .. but i did see something
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15:26.56hackeronAfter an apt-get upgrade, postfix fails to authenticate against saslauthd saying cannot connect to saslauthd server: Permission denied - any ideas?
15:27.01DonJohnnyifvoid: solution was easy....just use the default libmysqlclient instead of the one provided in the package
15:27.05abrotmanpipeline: mpd ?
15:27.13asgmpd rocks
15:27.21*** part/#debian boguh (
15:27.30abrotmansee .. brits agree!
15:27.37pipelineabrotman: I thought mpd was intended to be used to control the /remote/ system's sound system.
15:27.41pipelineabrotman: not the client...
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15:28.04dorel_even though i got this on fstab the user still cant mount the drive: /dev/sdb1       /media/usb      vfat    defaults,uid=1000,gid=1000,umask=002 0 0
15:28.24pipelineabrotman: mpd's *clients* play the music? I thought mpd, the daemon, was the thing playing music :P
15:28.27abrotmanpipeline: i'm pretty sure it's used to control the play list
15:28.37abrotman!info mpd sarge
15:28.45dpkgmpd: (Music Player Daemon, the name says it all), section sound, is optional. Version: 0.11.5-3 (sarge), Packaged size: 97 kB, Installed size: 332 kB
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15:28.59tarzeauhow can i match a string with grep thats    one charachter not a letter    some letters    one charachter not a letter ?
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15:29.17belanetwork: there is no network configuring program, like netcardconfig
15:29.36abrotmanpipeline: oh .. damn you .. stop complicating things
15:29.45pipelineabrotman: What? How am I complicating things? ;_;
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15:29.55abrotmanjust use it and be happy!
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15:30.04abrotmaneven if it doesn't do what you want!
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15:30.45POVaddctpipeline: if you don't want to use mpd, use mp3blaster and run it in screen
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15:31.08Led_Zeppelinanyone here using VLC? and how do you invoke the gui for it?
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15:31.30daraknortarzeau:  [a-z] matches letters ![a-z] matches nonletters
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15:31.39dpkgHispanohablantes: Por favor usen #debian-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.  Spanish Speakers: Please use #debian-es, there you will get much more help.
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15:32.34nethensoncahoot: i solved the bluetooth thing.. just upgrading to the sid version of kdebluetooth :)
15:32.40d4d0anybody please?
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15:32.50pipelinePOVaddct: Heh.  That also doesn't do what I want.  I want to play music *at work*.  The music is on my home machine.  Making my home machine play music for the enjoyment of my furniture while I am at work will not do me much good. :P
15:32.58tarzeaudaraknor: thanks
15:33.03pipelineabrotman: Heh, it looks like bleeding edge versions of mpd can control icecast.
15:33.22abrotmansee .. abrotman knows!
15:33.45asgpipeline: ssh me@home cat /path/to/foo.ogg | ogg123 -
15:33.46POVaddctpipeline: aha. so mount the mp3 of your home machine via sshfs or something.
15:34.36*** part/#debian woakas (
15:34.36pipelinePOVaddct: You must be kidding.  sshfs is far too slow :P
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15:34.47pipelineasg: now that's using your brain :)
15:34.50daraknor"waiting for X server to shut down FreeFontPath: FPE "unix/:7100" refcount is 2, should be 1, fixing"
15:34.51daraknorThat is the last line from X crashing as a normal user. Doesn't crash as root, and i ctrl alt backspace out
15:35.00tarzeaudaraknor: but something like grep "![a-z]word![a-z]" filewithword   didn't work
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15:35.03asgpipeline: works in a pinch though the features are minimal
15:35.03POVaddctpipeline: for mp3 data? no, its not too slow
15:35.16pipelinePOVaddct: I've already been there and tried that.  It is, indeed, far, far too slow.
15:35.27pgimenodaraknor: I get that every time without the X server crashing at all, just giving that warning
15:35.34pipelinePOVaddct: I have a 384 kbit connection.  That's 64 kb of room for overhead, including overhead required by jitter
15:35.36POVaddctpipeline: how is your home machine connected?
15:35.39daraknortarzeau: regex is all about the quotes.
15:35.48POVaddctpipeline: okay
15:35.52tarzeaudaraknor: how's the quote right?
15:36.02pipelinePOVaddct: I'm going to do the bleeding-edge barely-works icecast+mpd thing :P
15:36.06daraknorpgimeno: well then i have no idea why X keeps crashing :(
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15:36.17daraknortarzeau: " ' and ` all do different things
15:36.36tarzeaudaraknor: i know
15:36.44tarzeaudaraknor: but in my case, how's it right?
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15:37.53feistelI have a problem with USB and udevd
15:38.00feistelI have 2 keyboards and 2 mouse (2 PS/2 and 2 USB)
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15:38.20abrotmanwow .. evince is bad
15:38.39feistelany ideas?
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15:39.01mirakI want to install a system with lvm? so I just need /boot partition plus LVM, so I am wondering if there is any interest I create an extended partition
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15:40.58zf/GUI SHOW
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15:43.02abrotmanyay dialup
15:43.17xoredmysql: Character set 'utf8' is not a compiled character set and is not specified in the 'utf8/Index' file
15:43.37xoredi get this message when i try to import a mysql dump with utf8. why ?
15:44.44oboyhow can i put a process in the background using bg? i can't figure it out which is the jop_id of the process
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15:45.50nethensonoboy: isn't it easier to use control-z?
15:45.55d4t2ilL4does building deb pkg for kernel takes more than 20 minutes?
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15:46.11d4t2ilL4or is it because i only have 256 ram?
15:46.27oboyisn't that for stopping a process?
15:46.50d4t2ilL4ctrl + c
15:47.28diego_amd64i have problems with xorg 7.0 :(, any patch to the package??????
15:47.30d4t2ilL4oboy, put a command into background? sh eggdrop&
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15:49.31hedpeI use ReiserFS, i accidently just deleted a file, i've changed nothing on the file system since, is there any way to recover it?
15:49.42diego_amd64xserver-xorg 7.0.15 seems to be uninstallable. :(
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15:50.12zinxdiego_amd64: welcome to sid
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15:50.49oboy#sh eggdrop& xterm  => xterm execute in the foreground
15:51.03diego_amd64zinx: :)
15:51.19pgimenocan someone please help me confirm whether my problem with xclipboard is just on my side or is a bug?
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15:51.43pgimenoit doesn't paste non-ASCII (20h-7Eh) characters
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15:51.53Kraigerror opiening security policy file /etc/X11/SecurityPolicy, cool...
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15:52.23pgimenooboy: "&" is a suffix; it runs in the background whatever is BEFORE the &
15:53.00dpkgbts is the Bug Tracking System for Debian packages, or to go directly to the bug page for a particular package/bug, try or apt-get install reportbug, and check out querybts too. Unstable users are required to check the BTS, useful for sid: apt-get install apt-listbugs, or apt-get install apt-listchanges, or
15:53.32POVaddctoboy: if you want something more flexible than the shell's "&", you might want to try screen
15:53.42abrotmanwhat is this .. "bts"
15:54.09zinxabrotman: bow to sid
15:54.09splattnikabrotman: bts is the Bug Tracking System for Debian packages
15:54.20abrotmansplattnik: there are bugs in Debian?
15:54.22*** part/#debian piyush_patel (n=piyush_p@
15:54.22dorel_mount: must be superuser to use mount
15:54.23oboyok that works, but for a process that is already in the foreground, how can i put it in the bg?
15:54.29dorel_how can i mount as a regular user then?
15:54.39r_marvinoboy: ctrl-Z
15:54.45initechdorel_: man fstab, use the "user" option
15:54.46r_marvinthen 'bg'
15:54.48abrotmansplattnik: like .. real bugs?
15:54.54dorel_initech: i have the user option
15:55.00abrotmansplattnik: why didn't they fix them all?
15:55.00oboynop that dosnt work for me
15:55.10POVaddctoboy: which process is it?
15:55.20dorel_initech: /dev/sdb1       /media/usb      vfat    rw,user,uid=1000,gid=1000,umask=002 0 0
15:55.24splattnikabrotman: yes.. type init 6 to get a list of all current bugs
15:55.48abrotmansplattnik: you can't fool me .. that will install gentoo
15:55.56splattnikabrotman: =)
15:56.09abrotmansplattnik: for real ? .. i should do that?
15:56.12thingfishhehe you guys
15:57.03abrotmando i have to stop playing now?
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15:57.18thingfishoh no, continue please!
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15:57.32abrotmansplattnik: can't i use init 7 instead?
15:57.37oboyfor example i want t put amule in the bg, ctrl-z dosnt do the job, how can i do that?
15:57.46initechdorel_: what are the permissions on /media/usb ?
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15:58.10splattnikabrotman: nope.. try 0
15:58.30POVaddctoboy: just tried wget with ctrl-z and bg. it works.
15:58.50abrotmansplattnik: what's wrong with 7 .. you don't like prime numbers?
15:58.54POVaddctoboy: of course the wget output will be visible even if running in background
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15:59.17splattnikabrotman: man init
15:59.19thingfishI think runlevel 7 is just for gurus.
15:59.29initechabrotman: i always use init 6. for everything.
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15:59.43abrotmansplattnik: man?
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15:59.51abrotmani thought you just said to init 6
15:59.54abrotmanthis is confusing
15:59.57splattnikabrotman: :)
15:59.59oboyok, i do ctrl-z to amule, then i open a console i do jobs, and there is no entry
16:00.00thingfishyou know, like "hey man".  gosh.
16:00.05abrotmanodla: hey
16:00.10odlaabrotman: hello
16:00.11abrotmanodla: how's the frozen north?
16:00.12initechabrotman: never "man" anything - it will install viruses
16:00.19odlanot too bad
16:00.23POVaddctoboy: thats why i suggested running wget in screen. you can detach the whole thing so it runs invisible in background and reattach later.
16:00.23thingfishhehe initech
16:00.30odlait's no united states :)
16:00.44abrotmaninitech: i want to man the machine gun!
16:00.55*** join/#debian Pulim (
16:01.04oboyok thx
16:01.14initechabrotman: try "man mount" first
16:01.26Pulimsomeone can tell me what is SPLASH SCREEN?
16:01.36abrotmaninitech: can you make a command called 'hole' ?
16:01.49weaselPulim: annoying?
16:01.49abrotmanPulim: with respect to what?
16:01.53POVaddctPulim: a screen that appears during the start phase of a program
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16:01.56abrotmanweasel: besides that!
16:02.24initechabrotman: you know you want to unzip && man mount. quit joking around.
16:02.25odlaabrotman: have you gotten roped into going to debconf?
16:02.37abrotmanodla: they rejected my demands
16:02.47abrotmaninitech: go to the jazzfest
16:02.51odlaabrotman: what kind of demands did you make ;)
16:02.54Kraigdarn, it's only me having problems trying to install xserver-xorg 7.0.15 ? it says subprocess pre-installation script returned error exit status 10
16:03.15weaselKraig: welcome to unstable.
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16:03.21abrotmanodla: they they had to be nice to me ... :)
16:03.34abrotmanthat they
16:03.35initechodla: first, that debian would declare war on Texas.
16:04.01odlawow that's a pretty heavy demand
16:04.20initechodla: a noble one nonetheless
16:04.35abrotmaninitech: maybe war with canada would be better...
16:04.42abrotmanoh .. i know .. we could conquer hawaii!
16:04.46initechno i like canada!
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16:04.57odlaabrotman: alberta does have the second largest oil reserve in the world
16:05.10abrotmanodla: and? ... it's probably frozen oil ...
16:05.11POVaddctPulim: i cannot send you private messages
16:05.15initechodla: yes! we could dip debian dvd's in it!
16:05.20POVaddctPulim: don't msg me
16:05.30diego_amd64Kraig: i have the same problem :(
16:05.34dpkg(1) Use private messages to the bots to reduce channel spam, but don't message people on #debian without asking permission first.  Most questions should be asked on channel, so that others can benefit from the question and the answers received.  (2) Always feel free to message freenode network staff.  They're the people with hostnames ending in 'staff.freenode'.  (3) Monosodium glutamate, a food additive (see
16:05.48odlaabrotman: oh no they are pumping like almost 2 million barrels a day
16:05.50Pulim[POVaddct]: is that screen that appears when Linux is loading? i can change that?
16:05.58abrotmanodla: frozen oil!
16:05.59odlaabrotman: google oilsands alberta
16:06.06odlaabrotman: sandy oil
16:06.12abrotmani know what they are
16:06.15POVaddctPulim: you mean the penguin in the upper left corner?
16:06.29abrotmanbut splattnik told me about init 6 .. which looks fun
16:06.34odlaalberta is what keeps canada afloat
16:07.08initechodla: naw, they could just legalize pot entirely and grow it as a cash crop
16:07.16odlahe eh
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16:10.44dpkgmooooooo! I am cow, hear me moo, I weigh twice as much as you. I'm a cow, eating grass, methane gas comes out my ass. I'm a cow, you are too; join us all! type apt-get moo.
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16:11.46loxley_that always cheers me up :)
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16:14.51dpkgIt has been said that root is the administrative account - only use it when root power is needed. So no reading mail, compiling programs, or running applications as root. And don't even think about irc'ing as root, it increases the danger from exploits and trojans (such as bliss), or see, for example, the security advisory on BitchX
16:15.43*** join/#debian VincentMX (
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16:18.31Kraigdiego_amd64: i did something, created /etc/X11/xserver directory and scp'ed SecurityPolicy from another machine, and now i have X beeing root, i don't think is a good idea, but just testing
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16:21.12diego_amd64Kraig: im going to wait for the patch, but is a good option for testing
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16:27.09Nowakmhm, any way to format badsectored disk with current deb ? there used to be an option in 3.0 installer but i cant find it in 3.1
16:27.40LunarCI've just dist-upgraded from sarge to etch, and updated kernels from 2.6.8 to 2.6.15, and all my fonts are suddenly much larger than they were previously
16:27.48LunarChow can I fix this?
16:29.58wols_Nowak: run smartmontools. do not format it with badblocks
16:30.33wols_Nowak: tho, if a hdd develops bad blocks, it's finished. better look for a new one
16:31.12Nowakwols_: its not, and thats not the answer to my question ...
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16:32.39Kraigok, getting better, now, how about FreeFontPath: FPE "/usr/share/fonts/X11/misc" refcount is 2, should be 1; fixing. ?
16:33.01wols_Nowak: I just told you a good solution, your choice if you choose to ignore it
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16:36.21Nowakwols_: no, what you told is not a solution, neither smart will fix my disk nor getting new hdd, i wouldnt be here then would i ?
16:37.00wols_why won't smartmontools fix it?
16:37.13wols_and: if a (modern) disk develops bad sectors, it's done, finished
16:37.27wols_with small disks you have a chance tho, but not for long either
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16:38.56Nowakwols_: its a 1.2GB disk that has badsectors since i remember ...
16:39.57wols_just preformat the disk and tell debian not to format it
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16:42.06nitalauthi everyone
16:42.09_zap_hi. does anyone "accidentally" know how to disable essid broadcast on ones wlan interface (ad hoc mode)? iwconfig does not seem to support it.
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16:42.55jengelhWhen running `alien` it says "Must run as root to convert to deb format (or you may use fakeroot)." but there's no indication on how to fakeroot with alien.
16:43.00jengelhin the manual, that is.
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16:44.06nitalautstrange thing has happened--i cannot find console php on my debian system...all packages related to php are installed but there is no says "bash: php: command not found"
16:44.18jengelhnitalaut: called 'php5' (or php4) maybe?
16:44.21wols_Nowak: php4-cli
16:44.28Kraigyeah, or -cli
16:44.31nitalautalso tried php4
16:44.44nitalautactuall i type php
16:44.52nitalautand then hit TAB few times
16:45.08nitalautand there is np suggestions from system...
16:45.15Kraigis php4-cli installed?
16:45.22*** join/#debian redmonkey (
16:45.25nitalauti'll check now
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16:46.01nitalautit's not installed...
16:46.06nitalautinstalling now...
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16:46.49nitalautthanks guys =))
16:47.18nitalautit works now
16:47.30nitalautdoes someone know where to report bugs in debian testing...
16:47.35nitalauti think i found one...
16:47.48dpkgbts is the Bug Tracking System for Debian packages, or to go directly to the bug page for a particular package/bug, try or apt-get install reportbug, and check out querybts too. Unstable users are required to check the BTS, useful for sid: apt-get install apt-listbugs, or apt-get install apt-listchanges, or
16:48.00*** mode/#debian [+l 835] by debhelper
16:48.22dpkgi guess reportbug is used to submit bugs to the Debian BTS. install reportbug, then run reportbug.
16:48.33Nowakwols_: i dont realy see how without downloading something like knoppix ...
16:48.38nitalautyes that waht i'll do
16:48.57wols_Nowak: ctrl+alt+f2 in the installer
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16:50.47Nowakwols_: there is no badblocks proggie in debian installer ...
16:50.55Nowakwols_: it was in 3.0, no longer in 3.1
16:51.14Nowakbut hey, didnt i say exactly this in my question ? ...
16:51.29*** join/#debian stjepan (n=stjepan@
16:51.35stjepancan I limit download rate for apt-get?
16:51.38wols_if you already knew, why were you asking? wasting our time?
16:51.41dpkgSunday is the day all trolls swarm to #debian, avoid at all cost to remain sane.
16:52.03Nowakno, waiting for some replacement / link to download 3.0 installer ...
16:52.04dpkgLooks like someone is having a case of the mondays!, or see tuesday
16:52.12dpkgLooks like someone is having a case of the mondays!, or see tuesday
16:52.23dpkgfrom memory, tuesday is soylent green day
16:52.25*** join/#debian mythica (
16:52.25dpkgwell, saturday is Tardsday Eve
16:52.29mythicahi guys
16:52.32*** join/#debian BlackDragon42 (
16:52.34mythicaI am trying to install a moduke
16:52.39nitalautnice channel
16:52.44mythicabut i get weird errors when running make, make install
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16:52.53mythicamake: *** [default] Error 2
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16:53.32wols_mythica: what gcc version?
16:53.39wols_maybe use a different one (usually an older)
16:53.43mythicanot sure
16:53.50mythicahow would i check ?
16:53.54wols_gcc -v
16:54.10mythicagcc version 4.0.2 20050808
16:54.15wols_use 3.3
16:54.17mythicau think i maybe need to make install using 3.4 ?
16:54.22mythicaok cool
16:54.30mythicahow do you do that again?
16:54.48*** part/#debian CMonkey (
16:54.49POVaddctmythica: you must you the gcc version that was used to compile the kernel
16:54.58*** join/#debian lesmond74 (
16:55.03POVaddctmythica: check gcc -v against cat /proc/version
16:55.18mythicagcc version 3.4.5 20050809
16:55.28mythicaPOVaddct: You the man
16:55.31schippesa samba directory exported from a debian box can be used on the local network *only* if i remove the default route on the server machine. how can i fix this?
16:55.40mythicahow do i specify to use that version in the command though ?
16:55.52*** part/#debian BlackDragon42 (
16:55.58wols_schippes: are both of the machines in the same subnet?
16:56.09schippesyes, a std net
16:56.17POVaddctmythica: apt-get install gcc-3.4  ?
16:56.20*** join/#debian SonnyBurnett (n=gonzalo@
16:56.51wols_schippes: add the local network into the route table. it's not in ther right now?
16:56.58*** join/#debian Noboru (i=Noboru@
16:57.05mythicai remember seeing somewhere that you could actually specify which gcc version u want to use in the command though
16:57.14mythicaAm I mistaken ?
16:57.26cahootmythica: CC=gcc-3.4 make?
16:57.29SonnyBurnetthi, I just update azureus and now I see strange characters in the menus... , can you tell me what happened?
16:57.33schippesthe server machine has this line : localnet   *   U   .... eth0
16:57.42schippesgiven the route cmd...
16:57.55wols_"localnet" is what exactly?
16:58.14schippeslocalnet  ( in /etc/networks)
16:58.22mythicaHmm, i just ran "CC=gcc-3.4 make"
16:58.25*** join/#debian |dennis| (i=dennis@
16:58.26mythicabut I got the same error
16:58.41DragonDWhy does php4 install apache-common?
16:58.53*** join/#debian TheBlueWizard (
16:58.53DragonDi allready have apache2 installed
16:58.55wols_mythica: do it dirty. edit the makefile
16:59.09POVaddctmythica: maybe the Makefile is braindead and does not honour the CC variable
16:59.16*** join/#debian tc_ (
16:59.18mythicawols_, ok, but what would i need to edit  exactly?
16:59.25cahootmythica: you did make clean?
16:59.31mythicaill try that now
16:59.31mythicathanks guys
16:59.45mythicamake clean didnt work
16:59.58mythicagonna try edit the makefile, but what do i need to alter/
17:00.08wols_wherver it defines the C compiler
17:00.18wols_right now it probably says "gcc"
17:00.29POVaddctmythica: remove the build directory and untar the module sources again. then edit the makefile.
17:00.31mythicai dont see any "gcc" in it
17:00.37schippeslocalnet also given in /etc/resolv after the 'domain' keyword
17:00.42wols_paste the file somewhere
17:00.43mythicaPOVaddct, kk
17:01.14*** join/#debian gusto (
17:01.18schippesi can ssh the server machine from the local net, only samba not working, but works perfectly if i remove the default route to the adsl modem on the server px
17:01.20*** join/#debian HondaVTEC (
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17:02.19mythicahere is the makefile:
17:03.15stjepanis it possible to limit download rate for apt-get?
17:03.23*** join/#debian morteoh (
17:03.29POVaddctmythica: you want to build the driver for pcmcia?
17:03.30*** join/#debian clars (n=clars@
17:03.34SonnyBurnettHello, how do I remove a pkg totally, including conf files?
17:03.54mythicabasically ye
17:04.01mythicaits a customised module i believe though
17:04.03odlaSonnyBurnett: apt-get remove --purge <package>
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17:04.18mythicaLinux driver for iBurst user terminal modem
17:04.21*** join/#debian Dj-Neo (
17:04.39wols_mythica: try "export CC=gcc-3.4
17:04.39abrotmanSonnyBurnett: man dpkg
17:04.58Dj-NeoAnyone can help me please
17:04.59POVaddctmythica: insert a line "CC := gcc-3.4" above the "MDIR :=..." line
17:05.26*** part/#debian stjepan (n=stjepan@
17:05.53*** part/#debian Morden (
17:05.56mythicacool, I'll try that now
17:06.02Dj-NeoI've deleted libssl and ssh, pro-ftpd, wget, gzip are removed ... I tru to lunch apt-get install but it doesn't work
17:06.11Dj-NeoI receiv ethis error when i try apt-get update
17:06.25Dj-NeoGet:4 stable/updates/contrib Release [113B]
17:06.26Dj-NeoErr stable/updates/main Packages
17:06.27POVaddctmythica: and maybe you need the full kernel sources installed, not only the kernel headers
17:06.32mythicahmm same error
17:06.36mythicawait let me try make clean
17:06.41*** part/#debian daraknor (
17:07.04POVaddctmythica: isn't the modem working with the standard serial_cs module?
17:07.04mythicahmmm, same error
17:07.10mythicadont think it will no
17:07.23*** join/#debian zam-aliphe (n=zam@
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17:08.46wols_Dj-Neo: that repository is fucked. try another one
17:09.14NoboruI have a question please,has anyone ever tried to bind more than one dsl at home on debian to increase bandwidth ?
17:09.44Noborui mean,how is the actual performance ?
17:09.46mythicaHow do i make absolute sure that its using gcc 3.4 ?
17:10.12wols_Noboru: it will not work
17:10.33Noboruwols_,why not ? i mean with a certian of router
17:10.39wols_only way you can do it is routing one part of the net (a block of IPs) through interface 1 and the other through interface 2
17:10.41*** join/#debian coll45040 (
17:11.02wols_Noboru: cause no ISP for consumers will bundle your 2 DSL connections again at the other end
17:11.08POVaddctmythica: you could temporary change the symlink /usr/bin/gcc to point to gcc-3.4
17:11.20*** join/#debian AzianFlu (
17:11.31POVaddctmythica: after compiling the module, set it back to gcc-4.0
17:11.37mythicaok lemme give that a shot
17:11.44Noboruwols_,really ? i haven't called my isp about that
17:11.54wols_mythica: man update-alternatives
17:12.07simonrvngcc isn't under alternatives
17:12.14*** join/#debian yure (
17:12.17wols_Noboru: yes really. no one will. business customers maybe, but not for consumers
17:12.30POVaddctsimonrvn: i know. the symlink has to be changed in /usr/bin
17:12.31wols_simonrvn: doh. why not?
17:12.37*** join/#debian Speeder (
17:12.45simonrvnalso as for the symlink, you have to edit all of them, not just gcc
17:13.08simonrvnwols_: because
17:13.10*** join/#debian DarkCow (
17:13.15mythicahmm, how do i make sure that i have gcc3.4 installed firstly though
17:13.30Speederwhy here are written THIS IS NOT #UBUNTU?
17:13.30mythicau can have both installed at the same time obviously though hey?
17:13.32POVaddctmythica: try:  gcc-3.4 -v
17:13.34wols_mythica: dpkg -l gcc
17:13.41simonrvnSpeeder: because it isn't
17:13.44*** part/#debian pgimeno (
17:13.57wols_Speeder: cause many ubuntu users come here to ask questions
17:14.05mythicaye it is working
17:14.07mythicagcc version 3.4.5 20050809 (prerelease)
17:14.16wols_not wird. stupid
17:14.31Speederwell... not too stupid
17:14.37Speedersince Ubuntu is made from Debian
17:14.51SpeederThe only Debian based distro that I like is Debian itself...
17:14.53wols_!like debian
17:15.09*** join/#debian amrmostafa (i=alienbra@
17:15.13simonrvnbecause the other deb based distros don't bother editing the default channel in their irc clients can debian be a debian based distro?
17:15.47Kraigsounds a bit recursive
17:16.00POVaddctSpeeder: wrong. ubuntu has its own repositories. different repositories.
17:16.04mythicawould it be bad t just get rid of gcc4 and use gcc3.4 ?
17:16.10simonrvnif it's recursive, we have to do 'DEBIAN' then ;p
17:16.13bbrazilKraig: the correct term is "reflexivity"
17:16.15mythicathis isnt the first time ive had a problems similiar to this
17:16.49Kraigthanks for the correction bbrazil
17:17.15*** join/#debian ootput (
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17:18.00*** mode/#debian [+l 843] by debhelper
17:18.01*** join/#debian xfan (i=xfan@ can you make a rep active if you apt update and it still doesnt take it .. ?
17:18.19odlawhere's the irc channel for debian gnome located and what's it called?
17:18.25SpeederUbuntu have its own repositories
17:18.29SpeederBut looks like Debian...
17:18.34sinisterranyone ever use ircd-hybrid with hybserv serveces i get this when asking chanserv for help  >chanserv< help
17:18.34sinisterr-ChanServ- Unable to open help file < the help files are on the system any ideas
17:18.36mythicais it not recommended to get rid of gcc4 altogether and just stick with gcc3.4?
17:18.37SpeederLike Fedora and Mandriva
17:18.45SpeederThey are not the same, but they look like one...
17:18.55thingfishSpeeder: but then you don't go into #fedora looking for help with mandriva.
17:19.58schippesi can not access the samba directories exported from my debian box until i remove the default route to the adsl modem on this machine.... any hints ? i need the default route on this box.
17:20.11strider!#gnome odla
17:20.32schippesall networking *X, ssh, ping ) works perfectly between the machines
17:20.38simonrvn#debian-gnome iirc
17:20.47POVaddctmythica: some of the external drivers are not very well mantained. the readme of the ibut driver says it was developed for kernel 2.4
17:20.51schippesonly samba has problems
17:20.51strideryup, can you make a rep active if you apt update and it still doesnt take it .. ?
17:20.59*** join/#debian cli (
17:21.03gary_As of 2006-04-18, nvidia-graphics-drivers was removed from testing. This page needs to be updated to reflect how testing users should get the drivers.  ok so when it going to get updated so etch user's can install nvidia driver?
17:21.08odlano one's home
17:21.15striderodla: #gnome-debian
17:21.35marco13185gary_, have you done an apt-get update?
17:22.01marco13185you COULD borrow them from stable or unstable can you make a rep active if you apt update and it still doesnt take it .. ?
17:22.36gary_is it in contrib non-free right now?
17:22.42*** join/#debian leira (n=leira@
17:22.45mythicaPOVaddct, hmm thanks for that - odd though i am sure i dl'ed the drivers for 2.6
17:22.47wols_rem__: more details please
17:22.54*** join/#debian pilgrim (
17:23.10mythica"No, the driver is meant for as many 2.6 kernels as possible. However, it was developed and tested on Fedora Core 3."
17:23.37rem__ok say i have 2 pc's they both have Unstable rep, the update foes ok for both, but then when i look for a package it sees it on one pc and not the other ..
17:23.54rem__apparently, it updates the rep, but it doesnt look into it when i apt search or install ..
17:23.55marco13185hey, is anyone else (on sid) having a problem updating xorg? I get this error: xserver-xorg failed to preconfigure, with exit status 10   As well as this later on: dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/xserver-xorg_1%3a7.0.15_all.deb ( --unpack):
17:23.55marco13185xserver-xorg postinst warning: not updating /etc/X11/X; file has been
17:23.56*** part/#debian marco13185 (
17:23.58wols_rem__: does it see it under "apt-cache policy packagename"?
17:24.02*** join/#debian marco13185 (
17:24.03Speedercan I ask a question? Why the damn nVidia driver do not install with Sarge?
17:24.04*** join/#debian nse (n=leo@
17:24.17marco13185sorry about that, didn't think it would spread out on different lines
17:24.22SpeederI never got problems installing nVidia driver but with Sarge and Kurumin...
17:24.23wols_Speeder: cause it's unfree software. debian can't put it in main
17:24.23jetscreameryou didnt do it right
17:24.36thingfishSpeeder: installs fine.  /msg dpkg nvidia one-liner
17:24.40rem__one pc yes the other not ..
17:24.42*** join/#debian L33TrDaNu (
17:24.43jetscreamer/join #nvidia
17:24.55*** join/#debian bucky (i=foobar@pdpc/supporter/active/bucky)
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17:25.04rem__but i see the rep updating in apt update .. !
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17:25.48rem__btw thanx ure the first one answering , many channels ..
17:25.53GutterPunkGnea, sorry to bother you again with this. I really have no idea where to start with sfdisk
17:25.56*** part/#debian MrBond82 (
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17:26.24GutterPunkAnd gpart thinks after running it that there are no partitions defined, even though the drive is full of data
17:26.30marco13185It's probably a stupid question, but what's the difference between upgrade and dist-upgrade (I'm assuming upgrade upgrades a single package?)
17:26.35*** part/#debian bela (n=bela@
17:27.39mythicacool i got it working guys :)
17:27.42streunermarco13185: man apt-get would tell you about
17:27.42mythicajust removed everything
17:27.43thingfishmarco13185: dist-upgrade is better at handling changes in dependencies.  man apt-get.
17:27.48POVaddctmythica: how?
17:27.51mythicathe re untarred
17:27.56mythicathen added the gcc line
17:28.02mythicathe ran it
17:28.20mythicasomething boggy must have been floating around
17:28.26mythicathanks for the help guys
17:29.00POVaddctmythica: though it seems to be an obscure device. a "user terminal wireless modem". what's that?
17:29.04thingfishmarco13185: dist-upgrade is also used when moving to upstream Debian versions, like sarge->etch
17:29.49*** join/#debian mcm_ (
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17:29.52L33TrDaNuhey all. I hit the 32000 ext3 fs limit for how many files can exist in a directory
17:29.58L33TrDaNuI hit this on a RHEL4 machine
17:30.02L33TrDaNuhowever, on a Ubuntu machine I have, I have 88,000+ files in a single directory
17:30.06L33TrDaNuand both filesystems are ext3
17:30.10L33TrDaNuwould Ubuntu had to have modified the ext3 source before compiling it into kernel to support more files ? or am i going crazy?
17:30.12*** join/#debian gerardomt_ (n=gerardom@
17:30.25buckyL33TrDaNu: do you have a debian question?
17:30.30smrwhy my network interface has ip and it still works?
17:30.37*** join/#debian quitte (n=quitte@
17:30.42smrI'm using network
17:31.03L33TrDaNubucky: ubuntu is derived from debian. =) It is more a general linux question I believe, but #linux isn't on freenode or says says my irssi
17:31.08wols_smr: your dhco is broken
17:31.14bucky!based on debian
17:31.15dpkgYou're not running Debian, but a distribution that uses the same package management system, but not the same packages.  You can't use packages from Debian with Ubuntu, or packages from Mepis with Knoppix. That is why we cannot help you, you will need to visit the IRC channels of the respective distributions.  See <Ubuntu> <Knoppix> <Kanotix> <Mepis>
17:31.17xfanext3 are the same on debian or anywhere
17:31.29*** join/#debian me_here (
17:31.38wols_L33TrDaNu: try ##linux
17:31.38*** join/#debian mejo (n=jonas@debian/developer/mejo)
17:32.00smrwols_, other versions work (stable, windows)
17:32.02L33TrDaNubucky, that is a horrible answer. My question isn't specific to a distribution, it revolves around how can someone have more then X numbers of files on an ext3 partition
17:32.05L33TrDaNuthx wols_
17:32.19smrand like I said, 169... ip works also
17:32.21*** join/#debian patterson (
17:32.24L33TrDaNui see no #ext3 channel either, should I wait until one exists and ask there
17:32.24*** join/#debian unity (
17:32.25wols_smr: a 169... IP is when dhcp doesn't get a proper IP from the dhcp server
17:32.30buckyL33TrDaNu: you're not running debian... try #redhat
17:32.36buckyor #ubuntu
17:32.51smrwols_, I'm IRCing using that 169... ip now
17:32.55yertmanCan I get some help with configuring Windowmaker here?
17:32.59*** part/#debian patterson (
17:32.59smrI know it is reseved for that use
17:33.01thingfishor even #rhel
17:33.02L33TrDaNubucky, actually, i am running debian 3.1 on the box to my left. my workstation is ubuntu, and my server to the right is rhel4
17:33.22*** join/#debian b0dkin (
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17:33.31kspathL33TrDaNu: You are also forgeting all the resources for linux at websites, mailing lists, mailing list archives and wikis...
17:33.39cahootL33TrDaNu: might be a wild/wrong guess - google for file-max
17:33.41xfanon #rhel all are dump
17:33.41buckyL33TrDaNu: so how many files can you put in a directory on your debian 3.1 box?
17:34.12*** join/#debian ootput (
17:34.26L33TrDaNubucky: i dont know. I am running reiserfs on that box =(
17:34.37Niklas_Ecan you get xorg though apt-get?
17:34.48tarzeauabrotman: i'm so cool
17:35.00kspathL33TrDaNu: In that case. Why are you here?
17:35.02abrotmantarzeau: you live in switzerland
17:35.10*** join/#debian Jozhu (
17:35.16tarzeauabrotman: hm.. yes. so?
17:35.19kspathabrotman: I live in a state of denial.
17:35.21Niklas_EI mean xorg-6.9
17:35.27L33TrDaNukspath: because this channel usually has some of the smartest folks i know, like abrotman
17:35.27abrotmankspath: it's nice there ..
17:35.50wols_L33TrDaNu: we can tell that you aren't
17:35.55Jozhui did it by <this, but i can't get it to boot from hdC. So it's a raid1, booting from hdaA works, but not from hdC (e.g.if hda is broken). any idea?
17:36.14Jozhuit freezes at "verifying DMI pool data.." and nothing else appear..
17:37.26L33TrDaNuwols_: that i *aren't*  what ?
17:37.26L33TrDaNuwols_: lol
17:37.27L33TrDaNuwols_: that must be it
17:37.27kspathL33TrDaNu: Does linux have sysctl?
17:37.27tarzeaukspath: of course
17:37.27wols_if you were, you knew by now that this is not channel for anyone running ubuntu or rh and who has problems with them
17:37.37*** join/#debian SonnyBurnett (n=gonzalo@
17:37.40L33TrDaNuwols_: wols_ ... again pointing out, my question is about ext3
17:38.17dpkgSunday is the day all trolls swarm to #debian, avoid at all cost to remain sane.
17:38.39kspathL33TrDaNu: It is not a question about running ext3 with a Debian system. Ubuntu is not debian. Redhat is not debian. There are a lot of resources that can lead you to the truth about file systems if you choose to use them.
17:38.42wols_L33TrDaNu: it doesn't matter what your question is about. you are not running debian so it's the wrong place to ask, period
17:38.48xfani think is a right question, ext3 are always the same
17:38.54tarzeauabrotman: do you notice something about ?
17:39.25abrotmantarzeau: i'm not on it ?
17:39.25bucky!seen abrotman
17:39.25dpkgabrotman is currently on #debian (6h 20m 5s).  Has said a total of 145 messages.  Is idling for 0s
17:39.29*** join/#debian AzianFlu (
17:39.33abrotmanbucky: they're reset daily now
17:39.35*** join/#debian jvw (
17:39.59buckyabrotman: L33TrDaNu was looking for you because you're one of the smartest people he knows
17:40.11L33TrDaNukspath: wols_ . well thanks for your suggestions. I apologize for thinking that some of smarter folks I knew were in this channel. apparently they must take sundays off, and let the benchwarmers try to answer questions in a hostile manner
17:40.21abrotmanbucky: i don't remember him .. bu toh well
17:40.24*** part/#debian L33TrDaNu (
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17:40.49buckyanother 30 minutes explaining why debian is not ubuntu or redhat
17:40.51kspathhehehe  hostile
17:41.10Speedernvidia driver ask for the header
17:41.11kspathPeople do not know what hostile is.
17:41.14Speederthen it ask for a file...
17:41.18abrotmantarzeau: what am i supposed to notice?
17:41.18Speederand it still do not work
17:41.32abrotmanhrm .. nvidia sucks . imagine that
17:41.40buckythese people take over networks and give microsoft a good name
17:41.49jetscreamerapt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r`
17:41.59tarzeauabrotman: the latest upload field?
17:42.15abrotmantarzeau: there's nothing there
17:42.32jetscreamerthen supply --kernel-include-path=/usr/src/linux-headers-`uname -r`/include
17:42.32zinxSpeeder: Why not just use the debian packages?
17:42.38tarzeauabrotman: you're blind
17:42.45clarscan I copy more than one fil at the time with 2scp"
17:42.52clarscan I copy more than one fil at the time with "scp"
17:42.56jetscreamerSpeeder: /join #nvidia, no help for here
17:42.56abrotmantarzeau: the columns don't line up
17:43.02kspathclars: Yes.
17:43.05POVaddctclars: scp file1 file2 user@host:
17:43.09thingfishSpeeder: did you read the factoid dpkg showed you, the nvidia one-liner one?
17:43.09tarzeauabrotman: screenshot and mark it with red in ms-paint
17:43.17redmonkeyhow often would you recommend to upgrade a debian testing system?
17:43.39*** join/#debian robert83a1 (
17:43.40clarsokay but I wanna copy the hole dir and all the many files in it
17:43.41jetscreamerredmonkey: apt-get install cron-apt
17:43.56jetscreamerand apt-listbugs
17:43.56POVaddctclars: if you need to browse the remote hosts directories, use sftp user@host instead
17:44.02kspathclars: I should answer that as, scp is capable of it and I would like to assume you are capable of using scp.
17:44.14POVaddctclars: scp -r ...    man scp
17:44.15robert83a1hello,I've installed apache on debian sarge , what do I need to install in order to get php in it ? (like rh's httpd httpd-php)
17:44.17redmonkeyjetscreamer, thank you
17:44.24*** part/#debian gerardomt_ (n=gerardom@
17:44.29abrotmantarzeau: just make the last column <td style="text-align:right">-36</td>
17:44.29robert83a1also does apt-get has a provides or search, like yum provides wget ?
17:44.33*** join/#debian SEcki (
17:44.42Speederthingfish I do not tested the one line yet
17:44.44jetscreamerapt-cache search something
17:44.44wols_robert83a1: apt-cache
17:44.57robert83a1and about php? for apache?
17:45.02thingfishSpeeder: it's the proper Debian way to do it.
17:45.03tarzeauabrotman: i'll add goatse pictrues for future changelog entries
17:45.03*** join/#debian Dave321 (
17:45.29jetscreamernote they don't mention that glx seems borked with the debian flavor of nvidia-glx
17:45.40jetscreameror was 2 weeks ago
17:45.40abrotmantarzeau: in opera .. no gridlines
17:45.46abrotmantarzeau: in FF .. gridlines
17:45.51thingfishSpeeder: do /msg dpkg xmd5 if you've edited /etc/X11/XF86Config-4
17:45.56tarzeauabrotman: opera is broken?
17:46.05abrotmantarzeau: or your CSS is
17:46.29tarzeauabrotman: send me a patch
17:46.30abrotmantarzeau: it's your html :)
17:46.50robert83a1oh, libapache-mod-php4
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17:47.53andrea_b_hi guys
17:47.59andrea_b_got some problem with Mesa/OpenGL
17:48.14buckyrobert83a1: you do know that libapache-mod-php4 is for apache 1.3
17:48.17abrotmantarzeau: not really a big deal .. just took a second to realize what was going on
17:48.26buckylibapache2-mod-php4 is for apache2
17:50.33*** join/#debian Vader (
17:50.38Vadergeia sas paidia..?
17:50.52dpkgrumour has it, gr is for help in greek try or #debian-el ; gia voitheia sta ellinika dokimaste to & to #debian-el
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17:51.06Vadero k
17:51.07gnufanBah - cups on unstable -- it stopped working -- can't send any jobs to printer. Printer was disabled. Jobs listed as nothing since Jan01 00 00. I purged cupsys, reinstalled, and now it no longer shows me the HP PSC 1400 as an available printer in the GNOME printer admin panel. Where as before purging it showed me two HP PSC 1400 entries. I just want the one. Or should I reboot, or reload USB and see if this helps?
17:51.10VaderHello to all
17:51.11Vaderof u ..
17:51.26dpkgDamnit Jim! It's YOU. Y-O-U. Not *U*. U is a letter. YOU is a word. See ne1, or wud.  Dutch for 'you' (formal singular). See
17:51.34Vaderdo i need to have install X Windows on a windows 200 PC
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17:51.46Vaderin order to use X forwarding..?
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17:52.40DataTheAndroidhi. I have all ports forwarded to my Debian PC. I have a Windows PC on my local network. I want to host something (temporarily, really) with the Windows PC but I don't want to have to change the router around just to do it. Is it possible to setup the firewall of my Debian in a way so it'll forward any packages on port 5000 to my local IP?
17:52.43abrotmantarzeau: are you serious .. you have a DD that hasn't uploaded in 2371 days?
17:52.53abrotmandude .. that's like .. slink
17:53.06gnufanDataTheAndroid: Yes that is possible -- called "port forwarding"
17:53.11*** join/#debian jvw (
17:53.35DataTheAndroidI'm using Webmin 1.180 on my server. Would it be possible to do it with that? I have Linux Firewall control using it
17:53.49tarzeauabrotman: yes
17:53.55tarzeauabrotman: iceconf is the package
17:54.09abrotmantarzeau: 6+ years?
17:54.28DataTheAndroidI have "Do nothing", "Accept", "Drop", "Reject", "Userspace", "Exit chain", "Log packet" and "Run chain". Will any of those do?
17:54.41tarzeauabrotman: yes
17:54.47tarzeauabrotman: fun eh?
17:55.29abrotmantarzeau: does he .. do anything anymore .. email or anything?
17:55.36gnufanDataTheAndroid: never used webmin in anger -- maybe -- you'll find plenty of example on the net, mostly people forwarding port 80 on to an internal web server. Hmm port 5000 -- not a chess server is it ;)
17:55.58abrotmantarzeau: there's over 250 maintainers that haven't uploaded ... *anything* in over a year
17:56.24gnufanHey uploading is only one of the ways to help...
17:56.24tarzeauabrotman: i don't know. feel free to ask him?
17:56.44tarzeaugnufan: yeah maybe they translated a big chunk of stuff ;)
17:56.47abrotmangnufan: i'm well aware of that
17:56.57abrotmangnufan: they also have open bugs on thier packages -- anything in that?
17:57.14abrotmanthough .. tarzeau's page doesn't differentiate between a minor bug and an RC bug
17:57.55tarzeauabrotman: yeps, not so easy
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17:58.49gnufanDataTheAndroid: try that DNAT section... but sometimes think the GUIs get in the way for this sort of thing.
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17:59.43robert83a1hmm,I did the following apt-get install apahce2 libapache2-mod-php4 php4 what else do I need because the php page is still not displayed correctly... ?
18:00.06gnufanUSB device number...  is that suppose to change everytime I switch my USB printer off and on?
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18:01.54wols_robert83a1: what is displayed?
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18:02.14robert83a1do you want to save file ?
18:02.18robert83a1that is displayed :)
18:02.26abrotmandid you restart apache?
18:02.36robert83a1I think I'll be better of to try this
18:02.53robert83a1atleast I can reuse the apache php part... will try that if I really-really fail will come back
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18:03.43wols_robert83a1: that's the mime type then
18:04.18DragonDhow do i make apache2 use ssl?
18:04.25DragonDfor https
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18:04.46sepskiDragonD, look at the ssl example site in /usr/share/doc/apache2/
18:05.06pipelineDragonD: Read the apache2 documentation.  Seriously.  (The easiest way, incidentally, is to set up a virtualhost that answers all requests on port 443...)
18:05.38Jozhuheh. when i enter 'lilo' it powers off hda. and hda: DMA timeout follows. i also have the same dma problem occuring randomly when the system is up and the system freezes some secs after this. WDF!?
18:05.39abrotmantarzeau: you have non-utf8 data .. i can't even validate it
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18:06.08tarzeauabrotman: it's not my fault
18:06.33abrotmanthat's what they all say
18:06.51DragonDpipeline: the virtual host is exatly what i'm going to do
18:06.53tarzeauabrotman: can you tell me where?
18:06.57abrotmanline 1217
18:06.58buckyrobert83a1: did you uncomment AddType application/x-httpd-php .php  in  /etc/apache2/apache2.conf  and restart apache?
18:07.14tarzeauabrotman: can you tell me the email name?
18:07.15DragonDhoe so i view a .gz file with less?
18:07.23abrotman<tr bgcolor="#fde3ea"><td>1161</td><td><a href="">Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez []</a> (vigu) <a href=""><img src="arrow.gif" border=0></a>   </td><td>1</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0.05</td><td>0</td><td>-</td><td>1.0</td><td>-</td></tr>
18:07.42abrotmanbucky: a2enmod
18:07.43sepskiDragonD, zless
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18:08.30buckyabrotman: it should do that when you apt-get libapache2-mod-php4 unless you tell it not to
18:09.04abrotmanbucky: hey .. dont' ask me .. i'm just telling you that oyu can use a2enmod
18:09.21StereoSkitdudes, i have and old laptop with a pcmcia ehternet card, now that i upgraded to testing the card is not working anymore, any idea on how to fix this? like so? because it's not working
18:09.51buckyabrotman: that just makes the soft link from mods-available to mods-enabled
18:10.07abrotmanbucky: and it should have a conf file in there
18:10.31buckyabrotman: do you have libapache2-mod-php4 installed?
18:10.41abrotmanbucky: not on this machine
18:10.58*** join/#debian IsaacHaze (
18:10.58buckyabrotman: what does /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/php4.load say?
18:11.34abrotmanbucky: are you going to make me use ssh ?
18:11.36buckyor /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/php4.conf
18:11.46gnufanDataTheAndroid: why not just use the command line? I think you want example 5.6
18:11.56*** join/#debian Fox-on (
18:12.24abrotmanbucky: what are you trying to say?
18:12.25gnufanI think I'm going for a reboot... crude -- but hey it works sometimes -- BRB
18:12.27abrotman!tell Fox-on about root
18:12.31*** part/#debian gnufan (
18:12.45buckyabrotman: where is the mime type for php defined?
18:12.45StereoSkitdudes, eth0 has dissapear since i upgraded from stable to testing in an old laptop with a pcmcia eth card, any idea on how to correct this?
18:12.54*** part/#debian TheBlueWizard (
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18:13.03abrotmanbucky:   AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .phtml .php3
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18:13.06abrotmannot good enough ?
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18:13.19buckyabrotman: in /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/php4.conf or /etc/apache2/apache2.conf ?
18:13.26abrotmanbucky: in php4.conf
18:13.36abrotmanwhich should be getting included after you run a2enmod
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18:13.43krnl`-my deb box has a host fot two weeks, but hosts ttl is 1 hour. how can i empty dns cache on client side?
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18:14.01buckyabrotman: then why isn't robert83a1's not working?
18:14.11abrotmanbucky: it's sunday? :)
18:14.12*** join/#debian plasmoduck (
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18:14.30plasmoduckhow do I make phpsysinfo load in apache? it keeps trying to save it
18:14.44goronI "upgraded" X. When I started a 3d application its performance was very bad. glxgears has good performance though. Any ideas?
18:14.49buckyrobert83a1: you can only run pages out of /var/www with php in debian unless you change the config
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18:14.52abrotmanhi welcome to #php .. we'll fix all of your non-debian problems
18:15.37StereoSkitdamn, noone will help /o\
18:15.38gnufanplasmoduck: save it -- do you mean via your browser -- just enabled PHP on your webserver -- or did I miss something
18:15.49*** join/#debian Spliffster (n=spliffy@
18:15.54abrotmanbucky: he should also clear cache and restart browsers
18:15.58pipelinegoron: Reboot.  You probably have an old kernel driver and a new X11 driver loaded.
18:16.10Spliffsterdoes any one know how to run an xconsole in a gnome panel ?
18:16.17abrotmanxterm ?
18:16.19buckyrobert83a1: put <?php phpinfo(); ?>  in a file called /var/www/phpinfo.php and navigate your browser to http://localhost/phpinfo.php
18:16.23abrotmanin the panel? or from the panel?
18:16.31Spliffsterin the panel
18:16.47robert83a1got it thank you
18:16.50abrotmanSpliffster: isnt' the panel kind of small ?
18:17.00buckyabrotman: he skips the redirect by defining the file
18:17.10abrotmangood enough for me!
18:17.14abrotmanstupid redirect
18:17.14*** part/#debian gnufan (
18:17.14Spliffsterrobert83a1: i want to use a 200px panel at the bottom
18:17.18DataTheAndroidit didn't work.
18:17.38abrotmanSpliffster: ask #gnome on .. but i don't think you can
18:17.44DataTheAndroidI did "iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 5000 -j DNAT --to-destination
18:17.46Spliffsterok ty
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18:17.50DataTheAndroid". But it didn't work
18:17.51buckyrobert83a1: you're welcome.. do i get a star now?
18:17.53dpkgfrom memory, iptables is the user-space process used to administer iptables kernel parts on top of netfilter, somewhat like ipchains was in 2.2..  NOT a virgin, see ipchains, or ask me about <netfilter docs>, or at or it out because iptables (2.4.x) has some security holes)  See also: masq, or try #iptables for help
18:18.26buckyrobert83a1: tell abrotman to handle all apache2 and php4 questions from now on
18:18.37abrotmanbucky: eh ?
18:18.45abrotmanbucky: what did i do?
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18:18.58abrotmanbucky: i don't think i helped at all
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18:20.38bucky!seen mwilson
18:20.39dpkgmwilson <> was last seen on IRC in channel #debian, 194d 21h 14m 16s ago, saying: 'liam: Why use nvagp over the kernel AGP driver?'.
18:20.57abrotmanbucky: i'm not mwilson!
18:21.07*** join/#debian Zarla (
18:21.22|ryan|anyone know how to scroll up in BitchX?
18:21.27abrotmanpgup ?
18:21.42ZarlaHello All
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18:21.48abrotmanuse irrsi? :)
18:21.52POVaddct|ryan|: switch to irssi anyway :)
18:22.27ZarlaIs somebody knows where the device-mapper store the LVM config ?
18:22.35ZarlaI received this error message at boot
18:22.37Zarladevice-mapper: 4.1.0-ioctl (2003-12-10) initialised:
18:22.57ZarlaAnd the vg grpvol0 has been deleted.
18:23.08MikePerhello. is the debian disk 1 sufficient to create a T-DSL connection over PPPoE?
18:23.11abrotmanbe a good reason not to be able to find it
18:23.35|ryan|what is T-DSL?
18:23.41MikePersorry, it's the german ADSL version
18:23.53|ryan|I would expect it to.
18:24.00POVaddctMikePer: i think it is
18:24.08abrotmanthe netinst is enough
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18:25.58MikePerI need to upgrade my router to debian, so there is no internet connection possible till I installed the pppoe. is there something I might be missing with only disk1?
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18:28.58MikePerwell, will try it, thanks
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18:34.49marco13185any good apps for windows media player videos?
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18:35.28abrotman!tell marco13185 about mplayer
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18:36.24marco13185abrotman, so they don't package mplayer because it's politically incorrect? That's nice
18:37.09dpkgfrom memory, dfsg is the Debian Free Software Guidelines, which can be found at, or
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18:41.56plasmoduckWhen I try to connect to my cgiirc I get: *** Access Denied: No connections allowed
18:42.02plasmoduckhow do I fix that/
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18:43.21chealmarco13185: rm?
18:43.46ne0futurplasmoduck: perhaps you IP reached the max number of connections allowed to freenode
18:44.08ne0futurI had to negociate cith freenode to have more than 10 irssi and cgiirc to freenode on my server
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18:47.09plasmoduckne0futur no no no
18:47.15plasmoduckit's a different server
18:47.20plasmoduckit does that for every server
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18:47.48Broxi know i'm a wuss for saying so - but i'm really having huge trouble printing from a windows machine onto a printer connected to a debian machine... I did everything according to but no matter how much i mess about - the printer just wont print... ;(
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18:48.18plasmoduckdid you install CUPSD?
18:48.45Broxyou mean cupsys?
18:49.25abrotmanyes he does
18:49.31ne0futurplasmoduck: perhaps you firewall ?
18:49.37Broxthats not the problem - i can successfully print on the debian machine. Just printing on a laptop connected to the network is impossible for me...
18:49.39ne0futuroutgoing irc ?
18:50.03Broxne0futur, what port does printing use?
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18:50.43Broxsomehow i don't think thats the problem
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18:51.22Broxanyway as a firewall i'm using iptables
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18:51.31Tomzeportmap... would it be stupid to disable it ?
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18:52.23bbrazilTomze: depends. Are you using NFS or KDE? it's probably best to make sure it's just firewalled off
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18:53.37Tomzebbrazil: i use KDE - so why should i keep it running if you dont min to explain
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18:54.04bbrazilTomze: parts of KDE depend on it, it's to do with file moniroting
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18:54.59mythicawhere do i find the modules configuration file?
18:55.05mythicaon fedora i know its /etc/modprobe.conf
18:55.44bbrazilmythica: /etc/modprobe.d, add a 'local' file and run update-modules
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18:55.54Tomzebbrazil: okay... funny cause i never had problems when i disabled it... but today i wanted to know instead og guessing
18:56.06mythicabbrazil, how do you mean add a local file
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18:56.22bbrazilTomze: it'll slow kde down, but shouldn't cause problem aiui
18:56.29bbrazilmythica: a file called 'local'
18:56.43Tomzeokay... thanks
18:58.18mythicabbrazil, Thanks. I am following an install guide, they want me to add a whole lot of stuff to the modprobe file, so i just pop it straight into modprobe.d? Its emtpy at the moment (this is a new install so is that right) ?
18:58.23zea_hi all. I'm mounting an ntfs drive read-only, as root. how do I make the mount point readable to normal users? the perms get changed to dr-x------ as soon as I mount.
18:58.32bbrazilmythica: assuming sarge, yes
18:58.41dpkgWrite support for ntfs is not really available. Ask me about read-ntfs so you can read data on ntfs partitions. see <ro-ntfs>
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18:58.47dpkg[ntfs] Microsoft's attempt to create a Unix-like filesystem. is a good source of information. you need umask=022,gid=xxx to access the partition as non-root.  See also, or ask me about captiventfs
18:58.58bbrazilzea_: ^^
18:59.03*** join/#debian LuckyJD (
18:59.29zea_bbrazil: that was not my question
18:59.43dpkgadd a line similar to: /dev/hdd1 /mnt/hdd1 ntfs ro,user,auto,gid=24,uid=1001,fmask=0333,dmask=0222 to your fstab... change the hdxx and uid, and maybe the gid if you want.
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19:00.48abrotmanbbrazil: ask about captiventfs!
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19:01.34bbrazilabrotman: I just got my factiods mixd up
19:01.46abrotmanbbrazil: it will be fun!
19:02.57zea_bbrazil: thanks
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19:03.23abrotmanbbrazil: not brave enough?
19:04.00mythicabbrazil, i am running ubuntu
19:04.07mythicadoes the same still apply?
19:04.17mythica(and yes i already asked in the Ubuntu channel - they clueless)
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19:05.07BucSleepany rdtool users in chan?
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19:07.09BucWheaterr rrdtool
19:08.35bbrazilmythica: probably
19:08.45bbrazilabrotman: no ntfs partitions
19:08.59mythicacool thanks :)
19:09.08abrotmanbbrazil: you were supposed to ask the bot about captiventfs :)
19:09.22bbrazilIf I must...
19:09.26dpkgwell, captive is The first kind of free if you squint NTFS read/write filesystem for GNU/Linux., or <abrotman> livingtm: well .. captive-ntfs is another ball of wax .. it's like wine for your filesystem .. and given how well wine works .. i avoid it like naked pictures of my mom, or <pipeline> abrotman: What would it take to get that captive factoid replaced with just "DON'T USE CAPTIVE, DAMNIT"
19:09.46bbrazil!factinfo captiventfs
19:09.46dpkgcaptiventfs -- last modified at Tue Mar  8 02:01:25 2005 by chealer!chealer@chealer.student.supporter.pdpc; it has been requested 39 times, last by abrotman at Thu Nov 24 19:29:56 2005.
19:09.56abrotmani was not the last!
19:10.01abrotmanoh well
19:10.29abrotman!factinfo #debian captiventfs
19:10.29dpkgthere's no such factoid as #debian captiventfs; deleted because we don't have factoid_value!, abrotman
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19:11.24mythicahow do you list all interfaces? eth0 / ath0 etc.. ?
19:11.34bbrazilmythica: ifconfig -a
19:11.34r_marvinifconfig -a
19:11.58mythicahmm, whats a sit01 ?
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19:12.34bbrazilmythica: 6in4 tunnel
19:12.50mythicawhat is that?
19:12.50*** part/#debian DataTheAndroid (
19:13.17mythicawrong window
19:13.24mythicalol argh sos
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19:15.43r_marvinbbrazil: by the way, how do i get rid of sit0?
19:16.00bbrazilr_marvin: I assume you'd have to recompile the kernel
19:16.14bbrazilit doesn't do anu harm, so it's easier to leave it there
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19:16.24r_marvinoh, there's no easy, /etc/modules.conf , way to do it?
19:16.45mythicahow do you get to task manager in gnome ?
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19:17.40blazedbongwhere can i find deb src files?
19:17.55blazedbongi'm a slackware user trying to compile spiralsynth with the latest gcc
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19:18.50blazedbongthanks man..
19:19.49*** join/#debian Phroziac (n=steph@unaffiliated/phroziac)
19:20.16Phroziachey, what would it take to set my debian machine up to print to a network printer with samba?
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19:20.51rohanthe xserver-xorg not upgradable bug in sid still exists ? or is it my pc ?
19:20.53bbrazilPhroziac: you don't need samba at all. Cups can handle that
19:21.13kingsleyPhroziac: Have you seen
19:21.42Phroziacbbrazil: even though the printer is hooked up to a windows machine?
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19:21.49Phroziackingsley: no. i'll look.
19:22.16bbrazilPhroziac: yes, CUPS uspports that the last time I checked. There's certainly no need to run samba as a server
19:22.33Phroziacbbrazil: well, i'm not planning on running it as a server for that. :)
19:22.36bbrazilPhroziac: you'll probably need libs and what not, but they'll be pulled in automatically
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19:23.02cahootPhroziac: this might also be useful:
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19:27.08tc_hi, somebody would tell me why i can not see any smb shares from network/nautilus??? please
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19:28.32nono31is X broken today?
19:28.34Phroziachmm, the printing tutorial seems to be about ethernet connected printers and local printers.
19:28.37Tomzetc_: fiewall ?
19:28.48Phroziac(mine's a usb printer connected to a windows machine, and shared)
19:29.06*** part/#debian |newbie| (
19:29.14Tomzenono31: unstable and xorg 7 ? - there is some info at
19:29.39nono31Tomze: sweet, startx just doesnt work
19:29.48nono31xorg package is not installable
19:30.20Tomzenono31: i guess its xorg 7 that is the problem... its not bad - check the wiki :)
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19:30.36bbrazilPhroziac: goto http://localhost:631 manage printer, add printer
19:30.41nono31has "xorg" package been replaced by "xserver-xorg" one? or it is just 2 different package
19:30.51Tomzenono31: i guess its xorg 7 that is the problem... its not bad - check the wiki :)
19:30.51bbrazilPhroziac: when ask the printer type, SMB is the last option
19:31.05Tomzenono31: w-window-system is now called xorg
19:31.35bkudriaifvoid: fy, the the dnsmasq is either a bug in the program, or a kernel bug, and the authoer and i are trying to figure it out...i still appreciate your help, though!
19:31.36bboett_hello! offtopic i presume but i don't know anymore where to ask:  i am having a pcmcia saa7134 card that doesn't issue sound...
19:31.56ifvoidbkudria: ok
19:32.00nono31so I can't install x-window-system anymore. I need to install "xorg" package? (that can't be installed due to broken dependencies)
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19:32.21ifvoidnono31: i think it's obsolete
19:32.21pingouinprinting is really painfull under linux :/
19:32.24bkudriadoes anyone know what the plans on XGL are, now that xorg 7.0 *is* in?
19:32.26Tomzenono31: yes... put as i said before - read the wiki
19:32.33*** join/#debian WhatTheDeuce (
19:32.48nono31bbrazil: SMB means samba?
19:33.09VelteI installed debian again on a new harddisk, the old is still left as hd2 and slave, how to access it?
19:33.12streunerdpkg, smb
19:33.12dpkgi heard smb is Server Message Block or how Microsoft pulls off its networking sharing magic, or see CIFS, or Super Mario Brothers
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19:33.18bbrazilnono31: kinda
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19:33.23tc_Tomze, i just install debian with testing packages ... so i dont know, but i can see with smbclient
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19:33.46ifvoidVelte: your new harddisk should be /dev/hdb
19:34.10ifvoid(depending on whether it is master or slave, on which IDE interface it it on, and whether it is SATA or PATA)
19:34.10Tomzetc_: is firestarter or guarddog installed then try to look at some settings in those
19:34.21pingouinVelte: you have to check /etc/fstab and had you're drive in, as a mount point (man mount/ fstab)
19:34.34pingouinVelte: s/had/add
19:34.42pingouinmy poor english :/
19:34.50nono31apt-get -u install xorg
19:34.59nono31xorg: Depends: xfonts-base (>= 1:1.0.0-1) but it is not going to be installed
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19:35.32Veltesame IDE as master disc, PATA
19:35.43nono31bbrazil: I tried to make a HP LJ 1020 at work this way, but the only result I had was printing blank pages... :-(
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19:36.37vin`tarzeau: bubbles!
19:36.43tc_Tomze, but i can see smb shares throught console with command smbclient
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19:37.00Veltedosn't look like its listed in fstab
19:37.04tarzeauvin`: hehe :) not now
19:37.05tc_Tomze, so you thinks it's the problem of the firewall?
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19:37.42vin`tarzeau: ok. ;)
19:38.53Tomzetc_: i just remeber haveing problems with windows shares when useing firestarter or guarddog..
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19:39.30Tomzetc_: try to disable to see... if it works you need to change some settings
19:39.54gnufanRats -- getting there with my printer problems -- can't share a printer. Seems that cupsys is listening for TCP on and UDP on on port 631... How do I configure cupsd.conf to get it to listen on tcp 631 on or did I miss something? All my attempts just get me a socket already in use error?!
19:40.02*** part/#debian blazedbong (
19:40.32tc_but i dont have firestarter or gaurddog installed ...
19:40.48tc_i just install x-window-system-core and gnome-core
19:40.49bbrazilgnufan: I'm guessing you aren't restarting cups properly
19:41.01gnufanbbrazil: properly being .....??
19:41.07vin`tarzeau: btw, I'm all armed now, DRI gives fps like never before and got 640Kb downstream, so watch out. :P
19:41.15bbrazilgnufan: /etc/init.d/cupsys restart
19:41.21Veltejust add line to fstab with: "/dev/hdb1    /media/olddisc   ext3     defaults    0    1"?
19:41.28gnufanbbrazil: can I have another guess ;)
19:41.34pingouinVelte: you have to ADD it in your fstab by hand, creating an rep /mnt/my_drive_whatever give the good rights to access
19:41.41Tomzetc_: then i dont know... hmm :)
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19:42.00tc_Tomze, it's ok. thanks.
19:42.01gnufanbbrazil: it doesn't like my "lIsten" syntax I suspect
19:42.06bbrazilgnufan: there's cupsys hanging around. kill it
19:42.11ifvoidVelte: yes, that shoudl work
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19:42.14pingouinVelte: then, make the /dev/hdxxx point /mnt/my_drive_whatever in the fstab
19:42.26tarzeauvin`: hahaa :) be in #bub-n-bros
19:42.33tarzeauvin`: tomorrow you've got time?
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19:42.54vin`tarzeau: will make time.
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19:43.24Veltehow to reload whats in fstab?
19:43.35tarzeauVelte: mount -a
19:43.37vin`Velte: mount -a
19:44.03Veltemount point /mnt/olddisc does not exist it said
19:44.12ifvoidVelte: mkdir -m0 /mnt/olddisk
19:44.18ifvoidand then try again
19:45.03Veltesweet, it worked... thanks guys! :)
19:45.30ifvoidyou're welcom
19:45.51gnufanbbrazil: hmm it just worked third time I tried -- maybe a typo.... I'm still slightly unclear how the client magically picks up the printers from the server. I understand it is a broadcast packet from the server. But what has to listen to the broadcast, just "cupsys-client" or something else. I want it presented to a user in GNOME, so they can just print to my printer
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19:46.25ifvoidgnufan: I think that happend by default if you install cupsys on the client
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19:46.39spanglesontoastI'm not bashing debian but why does vi not function the same way it works in other distros?
19:46.40ifvoidgnufan: it'll pick up all broadcasts automatically
19:46.45nono31bbrazil: why aren't you in #debian-br ?
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19:46.49ifvoidspanglesontoast: how does it differ?
19:46.58wmhtetcan anyone tell me a linux audio application (like Adobe Audition) for linux
19:46.59gnufanifvoid: will it add them to the GNOME printer list?
19:47.14ifvoidgnufan: the gnome thing is just a frontend for cups
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19:47.18wmhtetI have installed Ardour GTK
19:47.27ifvoidcupsd picks up the broadcast and adds it to its list
19:47.30spanglesontoastwell I can't see it
19:47.32ifvoidand gnome just uses that
19:47.32spanglesontoastfor starters
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19:47.53ifvoidspanglesontoast: you can't see what?
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19:48.00spanglesontoastany of the text
19:48.10ifvoidthat's wierd
19:48.27arabiani have read this
19:48.31ifvoidso you do "vi /etc/fstab" and vi doesn't show anything?
19:49.00spanglesontoastwell I can see faint green text
19:49.04spanglesontoastbut I am sshed in
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19:49.14gnufanifvoid do I need to persuade the client to listen on something other than  as well?
19:49.18vin`xen3 ain't in sid yet? dpkg still says 2.0.6-1
19:49.23wmhtetcahoot: thx
19:49.27POVaddctspanglesontoast: <ESC>  :syntax off
19:49.28arabianbut is thats meen that i have to install x11-common first or xorg ? help
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19:49.53ifvoidgnufan: I guess so, but afaik, it does that automaticcaly on a fresh install
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19:50.21ifvoidspanglesontoast: seems you have vim rather than a "normal" vi
19:50.33ifvoidspanglesontoast: :set bg=dark could also help
19:50.50ifvoidor install nvi, if you like just plain old vi
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19:51.39runa_how can i create dvd image
19:51.54rikvaHi all. I am running a Debian Sarge server, and I noticed that, since a while, the networkspeed of upload/downloading files doesn't get above the 3Mb/ps. This is over all protocols (sftp, samba). What could cause this limit? The network is 10base100.
19:51.54vin`did anyone else have the Ctrl-Alt-Function keys not working with a keyboard variant set as mentioned on the wiki or is it just me? if not, I'm gonna get rid of it.
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19:51.57ifvoidruna_: growisofs, iirc
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19:52.17ifvoidruna_: or use a nice frontend like gnomebaker or k3b
19:52.25vin`for xorg7 that is.
19:52.41ifvoidvin`: are you sure your alt is really and alt, and not super or meta or mod4?
19:52.44bbrazilnono31: becasue I don't speak portugese
19:52.48ifvoidvin`: xev can show you
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19:53.10vin`ifvoid: I had it on a pastebin, lemme see.
19:53.18chealvin`: xen 3 is in sid
19:53.28vin`!info xen
19:53.35dpkgxen: (a Virtual Machine Monitor like VMWare or plex86.), section misc, is extra. Version: 2.0.6-1 (sid), Packaged size: 449 kB, Installed size: 1500 kB
19:53.46runa_can u tell me  how growisofs can create image files
19:53.48vin`isn't that the package?
19:53.52runa_i couldnt find
19:54.11mythicahow would i check the results of update-modules
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19:54.15cheal!tell vin` about info xen-utils-3.0
19:54.28DragonDIs there an eisier way to manage bind?
19:54.46pollywoganyone know how I can get f-spot installed on Debian testing?
19:54.53ifvoidruna_: man growisofs
19:54.53pollywogmaybe it is not possible
19:55.09ifvoidruna_: the examples are really pretty clear
19:55.17clarsmin nslu2 box wiht debian is running "passwd" everytime I connect to box by SSH - how do I stop it?
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19:55.35ifvoidclars: probably a pam modules
19:55.49skrewzruna_: You'll want to use mkisofs?
19:55.52ifvoidclars: check out /etc/pam.d/ssh and /etc/security/
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19:56.56clarsifvoid, oki
19:56.59spanglesontoastthat's the issue I have when I just type anything
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19:58.25gnufanifvoid: hmm I see zilch port 631 network traffic. I think I have no broadcasts.... hmm back to editing the cupsd.conf file I fear
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19:59.10spanglesontoastit kinda overwrites most things
19:59.12vin`cheal: but that's just the admin tools ain't it?
19:59.17spanglesontoaston the vi I used I could press
19:59.24spanglesontoastthe i key
19:59.27spanglesontoastand then type stuff in
19:59.40ifvoidspanglesontoast: works the same way in vim
19:59.51vin`!vi basics
19:59.51dpkgvi is a modal editor: it has insert, replace and command modes.  You start in command mode.  Press "i" to enter insert mode, and ESC to go back to command mode.  "dd" deletes a line, and "x" deletes a character.  Save-and-exit with "ZZ".
20:00.10chealvin`: I have no clue about xen
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20:00.38spanglesontoasttheres only the package vim not vi weird
20:00.43rikvaHow can I measure my network (speed) performance?
20:00.48tarzeaurikva: iptraf
20:00.53vin`cheal: then why are you making the bot tell me cruft? :)
20:01.07rikvatarzeau: thanks!
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20:02.27runa_skrewz: how can i use mkisofs to write a dvd image
20:02.28chealvin`: cruft? this package is new from this week
20:03.00fusQuantoanyone here run unstable + gallery2?  i upgraded and stuff broke :(
20:03.03vin`cheal: yes sirr!
20:03.10runa_skrewz: because the file system doesnt let me because the file image is too big
20:03.48vin`rikva: try jnettop as well.
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20:04.31rikvavin`: thanks. They are both pretty handy apps
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20:05.36gnufanifvoid: Ah finally -- I needed to manually set the BrowseAddress "@LOCAL" didn't hack it.
20:05.42pollywoganyone know how I can get f-spot installed on Debian testing?
20:05.56staggerhow can change terminal buffor? i would like to be able to scroll more text using shit+pageUP
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20:07.09Broxit works!!!
20:08.11Broxeveryone remember: if you want to make your printing over network between linux and windows servers work us this:
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20:09.03cahootfusQuanto: sid or testing?
20:09.10DragonDis there a way to make point to an A recored? with out adding an A record for ever subdomian?
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20:10.36clarsifvoid, What is Im looking for inn /etc/pam.d/ssh ?
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20:12.04ifvoidclars: some setting of pam_unix as password authenticator, I think
20:12.27zea_anyone been able to install flash on 64bit firefox?
20:12.32usualis there a way to install sid from the start? without a dist-upgrade?
20:12.36fusQuantocahoot:  sid
20:12.41usualjusta  minimal net install or something
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20:12.58ifvoidusual: debootstrap
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20:13.10ifvoidusual: but that'll put it in a chroot
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20:13.17r_marvinor netinstall images
20:13.19cahootfusQuanto: running gallery2.1.1 on testing here so the problem isn't with gallery per se I'd say
20:13.23ifvoidzea_: flash doesn;t exists for 64 bit
20:13.29r_marvinor cd's from
20:13.34usualwill net install allow me to change sources.list
20:13.45fusQuantocahoot:  did you have issues with mysql and passwords?  did you have to run gallery setup again?
20:13.49fusQuantoafter the pupgrade
20:13.53r_marvinthere were nightly builds for sid, iirc
20:14.02cahootfusQuanto: glitchless upgrade
20:14.29fusQuantoim jealous :(
20:14.53clarsifvoid, I got this line:  Standard Un*x password updating.
20:14.53clars@include common-password
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20:15.52roleris there a program like tidy that formats standard code like php?
20:15.57ifvoidclars: yeah, that's what's forcing you to change your password
20:16.04ifvoidyou probably set it to expire
20:16.09pipelineroler: emacs
20:16.21rolereww. :)
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20:16.41kristalinohow can i switch from an ext2 partition to an ext3 partition without loosing data ?
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20:18.31cahootkristalino: man tune2fs on how to add a journal
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20:18.41kristalinocahoot, thanks
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20:19.24pehi. I'm (pretty) sure there's a command-line tool in debian to transcode a video then stream it over a network in udp with no need of vlc. Am I wrong ?
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20:19.26kristalinocahoot, how can i test if a file system is already ext2 or ext3 ?
20:20.01r_marvinis there a way to conveniently track and seed some files with bittorrent as a daemon?
20:20.11cahootkristalino: mount it (and check mount)
20:20.12pipeliner_marvin: No.
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20:20.26pipeliner_marvin: Most trackers homebrew their daemons and don't exactly give the code away.
20:20.27loxley_kristalino: if mounted, just df -T
20:20.36r_marvinright now i use screen and manually run btdownloadheadless and bttrack
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20:20.56r_marvinbut a /etc/torrents.d/ would be nice ;)
20:21.02kristalinocahoot,l loxley_  these methods aren't reliable
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20:21.50kristalinodmesg |grep ext : EXT2-fs warning (device hda1): ext2_fill_super: mounting ext3 filesystem as ext2; VFS: Mounted root (ext2 filesystem).
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20:22.16xerophyteis there any replacement for the atalk on linux to share the file with mac os boxes ??
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20:24.54rolerany othe rcommand line code formatting tools?
20:24.54pexerophyte : If desperate, try installing an ftp server. If not yet, well, good luck
20:25.01ifvoidpe: memcoder, probably
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20:25.40vin`roler: ie. something like vim or emacs?
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20:25.46cahootkristalino: man dumpe2fs?
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20:26.19rolervin`, ; how do I do it in vim?
20:26.27r_marvinkristalino: debugfs /dev/ice  , and use the command "feature" at the prompt. if it says has_journal, it's ext3
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20:26.36xerophytepe does samba replace it
20:26.37xerophytejust wondering
20:26.57vin`roler: what are you trying to do?
20:26.58kristalinor_marvin, ok. Can i use it on a mounted FS ?
20:27.05striderroler: indent
20:27.07Kyleythis is offtopic but how many pennys in a UK pound?
20:27.12peifvoid : funnily, the people on #mplayer told me I had to use vlc, which I won't cause vlc is a port of windows software, therefore it makes a heavy use of ram. Plus the mencoder doc only refers to recording a stream. Thanks anyway...
20:27.12r_marvinyes, just don't try any funny stuff :)
20:27.22kristalinook :)
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20:27.46peKyley : wikipedia should give you this vital information
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20:28.22r_marvinkristalino: man && help thoroughly before trying anything you don't fully know on filesystems
20:28.38ifvoidpe: ok, no idea then
20:28.52kristalinor_marvin, "Filesystem features: has_journal filetype sparse_super large_file"
20:29.01r_marvinext3, then
20:29.26vin`Kyley: in firefox, type 'g pennies to pounds' and hit enter. ;)
20:29.29kristalinoany explanation, why my dmesg isn't happy ?
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20:30.11r_marvinyou probably have "ext2" instead of "ext3" in fstab
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20:30.37pipelinexerophyte: Why not just use netatalk? It'll do appletalk over TCP, which works pretty goddamn well.
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20:31.02rolerindent may work
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20:31.37peKyley : I only know it used to be a non-standard currency, in the sense that the greedy algorithm does not give an minimal amount of coins when you want to pay an exact amount of money
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20:35.02Kyleyyea ifound the wikipedia after i asked
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20:35.15juliomamHow can I send stdout to multiple volumes (1GiB per volume)?
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20:35.36fooI tried to mount a device ... it froze... can't kill the pid. kill -9 does not work. Anything else I can do or must I restart?
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20:37.18pefoo : you mean your system is completely frozen, or just the process ?
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20:38.47foope: Just the mount process. But because of it, I can't mount anything else, I don't think.
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20:39.35pefoo : I don't know exactly how mount is made, but I won't reboot or try to kill it unless I'm ready to screw my disk up
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20:40.28pebut I think you can just let it run, and mounting something else in the same time is (in my opinion) possible
20:41.08fooI don't think so... I just tried to mount something, and mount just froze.
20:41.17fooI'd have to kill the xterm to get it to go away.
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20:41.31fooIt's a usb hard drive or something ... no hda|b|c|d
20:42.06r_marvinfoo: check dmesg
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20:42.35pefoo : even so, it's possible to damage it.
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20:43.14RodrigoRJalguem do brazil aqui?
20:43.18r_marvinthe device has probably gone to sleep, and the process is in D state
20:43.21dpkgEsse canal e apenas em ingles. Por favor, use #debian-br (/j #debian-br) para ajuda em portugues.
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20:44.34plbhas anyone got nvidia to work on xorg 7? I keep getting unknown module type, 6 when trying to use nvidia
20:44.40WillyWortelWhat's a good way to backup al multi-user system?
20:45.06*** join/#debian SilverWolf_ (n=SilverWo@
20:45.12foor_marvin, pe: Damage what? And lsusb froze too.
20:45.17r_marvinplb: i just did yesterday, with the one-liner method
20:45.20fooDmesg shows nothing.
20:45.38gogjuliomam, split
20:47.07*** join/#debian liable__ (
20:47.36plbafter it sets up nvidia it says nvidia.ko is not an elf object
20:47.36juliomamgog:Thanks! That's what I want.
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20:49.19plbI got all these nvidia files that say they are not an ELF file
20:49.28Spudchathi, im having a problem with proftpd, when i installed it there wasnt a /etc/init.d/proftpd made, and it seems impossible to remove it now
20:50.23*** part/#debian juliomam (
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20:51.23fooWhat's the older keyboard jack called again? Not ps/2, but the older one. I think it was for AT boards.
20:51.26ifvoidSpudchat: I don;t understand.  dpkg -P proftpd shoudl just remove it
20:51.33ifvoidfoo: DIN?
20:51.41ifvoidnot sure what the offical name is though
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20:53.32ifvoidDIN is some german technical naming authority, iirc
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20:54.01Spudchatifvoid: can you look in #flood for a minute?
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21:01.08arabian_shold i use deb unstable main or deb unstable main contrib
21:01.36mentorarabian_: That depends on whether you want software from the contrib section or not.
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21:02.13WillyWortelDebian Etch show every time another loginsceen everytime, how to choose on by myself?
21:02.13arabian_menko,  i need xorg7
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21:02.57zea_hi. I'm going to add an entry on grub config so I can boot winxp (with ntfs partition) with only the commands rootnoverify (...), chainloader +1 and boot. do I need to worry about ntfs being changed to ntfs hidden?
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21:04.51chealWillyWortel: what do you mean by "choose on"?
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21:05.53avonejWhat program should I use to mount a BIN/CUE image file?
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21:06.06mentoravonej: mount?
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21:06.24zea_avonej: mount -t type image_file /directory -o loop=/dev/loop0
21:06.24avonejHmm, mount was only working for ISO files and not this CUE
21:06.24staggerhow can i remove xserver-xorg? i have done something wrong during update from xorg 6.9 to 7.0 and now i'm unable to uninstall it even with --force-all.
21:06.25mentorWille88: Which display maanger are you using?
21:06.32*** join/#debian arabian__ (n=arabian@
21:06.39mentoravonej: a .cue is a text file.
21:06.44mentoravonej: the .bin is data
21:06.59avonejYes but how would it read mult-track discs
21:07.10mentorstagger: What error message? You will probably have to fix the pre-rm/post-rm scripts.
21:07.13avonejI have a mixed mode BIN/CUE... first track is data and the other tracks are audio
21:07.18*** join/#debian ajonat_ (n=ajonat@
21:07.27avonejSo it needs the information in the CUE to work properly
21:07.40staggermentor yeah, your'e right, there are some errors from preconfiguration scrpits
21:07.42mentoravonej: hum. dunno. You probably need to use another utility to split out one track
21:07.56mentoravonej: The kernel doesn't know about CD strucutre in files.
21:08.04avonejBIN/CUEs use iso9660 still though, right?
21:08.10mentoravonej: Yes.
21:08.20mentoravonej: You just need to get the right data section.
21:08.42mentoravonej: Well, actually they use whatever data fromat the CD uses, which is is09660
21:09.12staggerit says: erorr when prepering new xorg configuration file in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.dpkg-new; not attempting to update existiong configuration
21:09.34mentorstagger: That shouldn't be a fatal error.
21:09.38staggeri have tried to remove that conf, to create new using instrucitons on debian wiki, but it doesn't help
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21:09.53avonejmentor: You say use another utility to split the data... what data splitting are you referring to?
21:09.58mentorstagger: what command are you running
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21:10.35avonejmentor: It's the Quake CD, which is mixed mode and has game data on track one and audio tracks on the rest (ie tracks 2-11 are playable in a CD audio player).
21:10.38staggeri have tried manually by dpkg --force-all -purge, also aptitude, synaptic
21:11.08avonejmentor: While the data is stored in the BIN file, the information about where each track starts and ends is in the CUE file...
21:11.51avonejSo to get it working properly I imagine I would need a utility to read the CUE file, which I think is beyond the capabilities of mount...
21:11.55*** join/#debian Romz (
21:12.19mentoravonej: yes. You need another utility to extract the tracks.
21:12.57avonejmentor: Okay, well I don't necessarily want to extract the tracks though, just mount it an a sort of "virtual drive" so i can read all tracks
21:13.02mentorstagger: Paste the output in #flood
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21:13.36Kupal[]_ is so vague
21:13.41Kupal[]_which bootsplash?
21:13.54staggereee.... i know i should know this when i'm using sid... but..... how can i paste output?
21:14.04staggernevermind.... i will type it by hadn ;)
21:14.18mentorstagger: er.
21:14.26mentorstagger: Command line or X?
21:14.32staggercommand line
21:14.43mentoravonej: ...
21:14.54mentorstagger: Do you have gpm installed?
21:15.08staggerno, no mouse
21:15.21mentorstagger: not especially easy then
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21:15.35staggerok, there isn't much of that ;)
21:15.46avonejmentor: Just imagine it the sme as if I wanted to do a "mount -o loop *ISO FILE* /mnt/iso/" except it's a BIN/CUE file with multiple tracks which mount cannot handle.
21:15.54avonejIs there a program to do this?
21:15.56nono31anyone using xfce here?
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21:16.34mentoravonej: You need another utility to extract the tracks.
21:16.36jindavonej, convert the cue file to iso with bchunk
21:16.53jindPossibly, not definately
21:17.15avonejjind: I don't think the ISO format can support images with multiple tracks.
21:17.21mentorstagger: Did you output it already.
21:17.33mentoravonej: INTO SEPERATE FILES.
21:17.41jindMaybe you can outout to several isos' ?
21:17.48avonejmentor: I'm sorry, I seem to be confused... why are you telling me to extract data? I only want to mount it?
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21:18.16mentoravonej: Because mount can't handle files with multiple CD tracks.
21:18.30striderstagger: you could use irssi or something to cat the log to #flood
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21:18.33fooeh. Why do I always have problems using mirrors for a net install.
21:18.34avonejThere *must* be a utlity that can mount BIN/CUE files without going through the hassle of splitting up each track first and mounting them one by one
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21:18.55staggerunderprocess preremoval scirpt has returned error code1 \n xserver-xorg config-warning: migraging xserver-xfree86 debconf values to xserver-x \  /var/lib/dpkg/info/xserver-xorg.postinst: line 1652: dexconf: command not found
21:18.58k-godarabian_: Get an answer to your quiestion yet?
21:19.00staggerand there more:
21:19.04avonejmentor: Exactly, I don't plan on using mount, I'm wondering if another utlility exists that *can* mount multi-track images
21:19.11mentorstagger: debconf not found?
21:19.18k-godstagger: /msg dpkg paster
21:19.25k-godstagger: ... and running as normal user or root?
21:19.49k-godstagger: Also check your path, ensure /sbin and /usr/sbin are on it.
21:19.54mentoravonej: Look for one. I don't think one exists which is why I'm telling you to do it this way.
21:20.01fooI run lsusb and it hangs. ps shows 2 mount's ... I think something is up. I plug in my digital camera and get nothing in the logs, like I used to. Any ideas? Do I need to reboot?
21:20.03k-godavonej: What mentor said.
21:20.03vin`foo: do other mirrors work?
21:20.11mentoravonej: The problem being with the linux kernel loop interface.
21:20.12k-godavonej: mount or losetup in general.
21:20.14mythicahow would i find the chipset type of my pci > pcmcia card?
21:20.22k-godmythica: lspci or dmidecode
21:20.41k-godmythica: Also sometimes 'cardmgr info' IIRC, RTFM.
21:21.01*** join/#debian tc_ (
21:21.01mentorfoo: strace lsusb to see where it hangs
21:21.02foovin`: It's weird. works .. but after it grabs the hdlist.gz, and then tries to install a package, it just hangs. hmm
21:21.04vin`avonej: are you trying to play that file? mplayer can play .bin iirc.
21:21.15mentorfoo: HAve you run out of disk space or something?
21:21.19foovin`: Looks like it either worked, or didn't work.
21:21.38k-godfoo: Then use another mirror.
21:21.48foomentor: nioctl(4, USBDEVFS_CONNECTINFO
21:21.53foomentor: hangs there.
21:22.07vin`foo: is this a fresh install?
21:22.21staggerthat are all errors
21:22.35foovin`: yes
21:22.36k-godstagger: Have you modified your xorg.conf by hand?  If so, read the instructions at the top of the file.
21:22.42avonejvin`: It's the Quake CD, so it's mixed mode.  The first track is the game data and the other tracks are CD Audio.
21:22.48foovin`: I've had this issue on several occasions. Debian 3.1ra IIRC
21:22.54staggeri have modified it, many times, and nvidia installer has also
21:22.57k-godstagger: There's a system in place for preventing overriding of manually configured conffiles.
21:23.11k-godstagger: Then read the file and follow instructions.
21:23.25k-godstagger: Essentially it's got an md5sum stashed somewhere under /var.
21:23.29mentorfoo: Looks like it's having IO problems to your device. check kern.log?
21:23.48staggeri have used md5sum as it was explained in debian wiki
21:23.51*** join/#debian ajonat (n=ajonat@
21:24.03k-godmentor: Also have him look at dmesg and /var/log/messages FWIW.
21:24.16foomentor: kern.log is empty.
21:24.22foomentor: already checked
21:24.30mentorfoo: compltetly?
21:24.41mentorstagger: is debconf installed?
21:24.53avonejmentor:  Oohh, I think I found something; fyi:
21:25.25mentorstagger: Is it in $PATH?
21:25.27staggerso the only thing i have to do is get default xorg.conf file? right?
21:25.31azeemstagger: is this pure Debian or some derivative?
21:25.38staggerit's pure debian
21:25.39k-godstagger: Read the damned conffile.
21:26.05k-godstagger: I'm not on a Debian box w/ on it ATM so I can't tell you what it says.  I can tell you to read it.
21:26.10azeem/usr/bin/dexconf   x11/x11-common,x11/xserver-common
21:26.13staggeri have tried all my best making xorg.conf look like before, but it doesn't help
21:26.16vin`stagger: probably nvidia fuckage.
21:26.25MatBoyis there still a quake-version for linux ? quake4 ?
21:27.10mentorstagger: apt-get install xserver-common ata a guess
21:27.17vin`mentor: been peddling it here since a year. dexconf is nice.
21:27.34k-godmentor: His problem is that he's got a modified conffile and dpkg-reconfigure won't touch it, *AND* he won't follow directions to fix that.
21:27.56staggerno, it doesn't work, depenicies
21:28.01*** mode/#debian [+l 822] by debhelper
21:28.02foomentor: 0       /var/log/kern.log - yup
21:28.14staggeri just want to remove one package :/
21:28.16mentork-god: A modified conffile shouldn't be a fatal error. Not finding dexconf miught be
21:28.20vin`foo: nothing in /var/log/messages too?
21:28.27mentorfoo: Are you sure you have some free space on your drive?
21:28.46mentorstagger: Which dependencies?
21:28.48k-godmentor: dpkg claims dexconf is obsolete.  Either dpkg is wrong or he may be trying the wrong thing.
21:28.52vin`foo: maybe try a reboot, udev might need one. unsure.
21:28.53*** part/#debian IsaacHaze (
21:28.56foovin`: Apr 30 13:58:39 localhost -- MARK -- - several of these with different timestamps.
21:29.04mentordpkg dexconf
21:29.04dpkgextra, extra, read all about it, dexconf is obsolete, just like dexter.  Ask me about "troubleshooting x".
21:29.10k-godmentor: I give up.  /msg dpkg clues for the clueful
21:29.14streuner!tell foo about mark
21:29.15vin`why is it obsolete?
21:29.19k-god!troubleshooting x
21:29.19dpkgTo troubleshoot a problem with X, first look in /var/log/XFree86.0.log and find out what the problem is - look for the first lines starting with (EE). Then use "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86" to fix it. Ask me about "x md5sum"
21:29.20staggermany of them, as i said i have done worng upgrade from 6.9 to 7
21:29.48foostreuner: thanks
21:29.56foomentor: - yup
21:29.57k-godWhat's the :0 logfile?
21:30.16k-godThe troubleshooting x factoid's incomplete.
21:30.19ifvoidk-god: Xorg.0.log
21:30.23ifvoidor somehting like that
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21:31.06mentorstagger: What does dpkg say? non-zero error returned from script?
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21:31.35abrotman!troubleshooting x =~ s/"dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86"/"dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86" or "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"/
21:31.35dpkgabrotman: OK
21:31.53*** part/#debian torp (n=douglas@
21:31.56k-godifvoid: "something like that" isn't good enough for a factoid ;-)
21:32.01k-god!troubleshooting x
21:32.01dpkgTo troubleshoot a problem with X, first look in /var/log/XFree86.0.log and find out what the problem is - look for the first lines starting with (EE). Then use "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86" or "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" to fix it. Ask me about "x md5sum"
21:32.07abrotman!troubleshooting x =~ s#/var/log/XFree86.0.log#/var/log/XFree86.0.log or /var/log/Xorg.0.log#
21:32.07dpkgabrotman: OK
21:32.12k-godabrotman: Thanks ;-)
21:32.14k-god!beer abrotman
21:32.30*** join/#debian lamby (
21:32.32dpkgrumour has it, abrotman is someone we want to win the calendar poll on is also abrotman is, or obsessed with useless factoids, or "<abrotman> sgeigerbot: are you still sore at me?"
21:32.41abrotmanthat wasn't useless!
21:32.49mentorOh bugger
21:32.58dpkg[foo] the first metasyntactic variable, it's a placeholder for some other term. See <> and <bar>
21:32.59mentorGNOME has stopped doing what I say
21:33.02staggerok, i'm just desperate... i have run dpkg -force isntall :/
21:33.02ifvoidk-god: Xorg.0.log
21:33.11k-godifvoid: scrollback ;-)
21:33.14vin`mentor: xfce
21:34.18*** join/#debian k-man_ (n=jason@unaffiliated/k-man)
21:34.18mentorvin`: ugh
21:34.18vin`mentor: ion
21:34.18mentorvin`: GNOME is the closest thing to what I want.
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21:34.20vin`mentor: I somehow can't get used to gnome, anything but gnome, even kde.
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21:35.11k-godvin`: gnome is f*cked seven ways from sunday ;-)
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21:35.28abrotmanat least it's not kde!
21:35.38mentorOK, so fair enough, the problem is because GNOME is getting conflicting information and doesn't know what to do. The correct response is to ask me.
21:35.50k-godabrotman: It dreams of wishing contemplating _hoping_ it might be KDE.
21:36.08abrotmank-god: no freaking way .. noone wants to be that fat and bloated .. not even you with your bra
21:36.15Alam_Linuxwho do I reload GNOME's menu?
21:36.40k-godAlam_Linux: exit/restart I think.
21:36.51k-godabrotman: KDE is vastly more sane IME.
21:37.04mentorAlam_Linux: In what way?
21:37.13*** join/#debian ninjak (
21:37.14abrotmank-god: but you're insane :)
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21:37.26tim_flatusmentor, what are you actually trying to do? (Before I suggest openbox, which is not what you asked for ;)
21:37.27abrotmank-god: is this your rant again ?
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21:37.32k-godabrotman: Hey, it keeps me from going crazy.
21:37.37k-godabrotman: Damned straight it is.
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21:37.56abrotmank-god: you had me read it last year :)
21:38.00*** join/#debian `Belial (n=joe@
21:38.09k-godabrotman: It obviously didn't stick.  Read it again.
21:38.10RichiHwhat is a good word for 'synopsis and documentation about the project i did'?
21:38.16k-godabrotman: ... and again, and again, and again....
21:38.20k-godRichiH: "Postmortem"
21:38.26`Belial do i need to download both of those isos?
21:38.30SonnyBurnettOT, do you know is there a channel about "Bios/Upgrades" ? I need boot from CD-Rom support to install debian in a old 486
21:38.31`Belialor is the first one all i need?
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21:38.43RichiHk-god: i like that, yah
21:38.52mentortim_flatus: Oh, open a file. The detected contect type from data and from the file extension do not match, so GNOME pops up a text box with a huge message and only allows me to cancel.
21:38.55abrotmanRichiH: management summary
21:39.05Alam_LinuxI added in the package diasce, but it doesn't show in the menu, and the GNOME menu editor see it
21:39.28rdzhi all. how can i free a certain bind address? i always get; 'Address already in use'
21:39.30mentortim_flatus: I've already opened the file, I'm jsut annoyed that GNOME thinks it knows better than me.
21:39.47k-god`Belial: RTFID:  you only _need_ one ISO to perform a basic Debian install, and if you've got reliable networking, a netinst is recommended.
21:39.49buckySonnyBurnett: there's still a floppy install for sarge... three floppies
21:39.57tim_flatusmentor, OK. Understood.
21:40.07k-god`Belial: Additional ISOs include additional software, in order of popularity as determined by POPCON.
21:40.13k-god`Belial: /msg dpkg popcon
21:40.27k-godrdz: Kill whatever's bound to it.
21:40.40mythicais this my unknown pic-pcmia card
21:40.42k-godrdz: netstat -lpv or lsof are your friends.
21:40.44mythica0000:02:03.0 CardBus bridge: Ricoh Co Ltd RL5c475 (rev 81)
21:40.52rdzk-god, i already kiled all processes
21:40.58mythicaCardbus bridge sounds about right
21:41.21*** join/#debian Heartsbane (n=ne1469@
21:41.26SonnyBurnettbucky, yep I have not enpugh ram fgor sarge, and with woody I got "kernel panic", also floppies fail a lot.. I gave up... I want to try flashing my bios
21:41.32rdzk-god, thnx
21:41.54buckySonnyBurnett: there's still docs about the low mem install for woody
21:41.55k-god`Belial: The only case you want all (or even any) ISOs is when you're not going to  have _any_ network access at the time of installation.  If you want to speed up multiple local installs look at apt-proxy rather than d/l'd ISOs.
21:42.06*** part/#debian paddy2706 (
21:42.58k-god`Belial: as an added bonus special feature, some of the etch beta isos actually require networking to d/l a base packages set, which pretty much provides a pessimal solution.
21:42.59`Belialk-god: ah, i'm nearly finished with the iso actually. i started it sometime ago.
21:43.23k-god`Belial: ... as you've just d/l'd a bunch of crap you don't need, and you still can't use it on a non-networked system.
21:43.41k-god`Belial: Finish it and use it for your install.  Know that that wasn't strictly necessary.
21:44.45k-god`Belial: The full current iso set is something in excess of 15 CDs.  17k - 20k+ packages in all of Debian, depending on how you count.
21:45.09*** join/#debian sciron (
21:45.23scironanyone decent with evms? i'm only asking because #evms is rather unresponsive
21:45.35k-godsciron: WTF is evms?
21:45.47scironenterprise volume management system
21:45.51scironit's akin to LVM2
21:46.03liran_has anyone given a shot at x10 home automation and linux? im curious to know
21:46.07prh_it's an envelope for lvm lvm2 dm md...
21:46.12k-godsciron: I'm guessing you can take the staggering silence as something of a "no".
21:46.14*** join/#debian alec (
21:46.17k-godliran_: Larry Wall has.
21:46.23`Belialit's been sometime since i've used linux. i went from gentoo, to slack, now i want to use debian because i liked how gentoo worked but the compile times were ridiculous. is sid the choice for most desktop users?
21:46.34`Belialit's not going to be a server.
21:46.40k-god`Belial: testing/unstable, pinned to testing, in my case
21:46.41scironlol, not surprised.  though that looks like it may be a semi-positive response (staggering silences can't be determined in less than 5 minutes on IRC)
21:46.48k-god!tell `Belial about pinning.
21:46.52rdzhow can i free a bind socket, if it the process is not listed in 'netstat -lpv''
21:47.17rdzcan root do that? how?
21:47.19liran_k-god, but i doubt larry wall hangs in #debian :)
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21:47.27k-godliran_: No, but he's documented the process.
21:47.53liran_k-god, ahh cool. thanks for the info ill look it up
21:48.13*** join/#debian setog3 (
21:48.22vin``Belial: sid works fine on my laptop, fwiw.
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21:49.09scironprh_>  is that from simple awareness or actual knowledge of evms?
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21:50.13Tomze`Belial, both etch and sid works fine on my laptop !... make sure the package acpid is installed
21:50.36vin``Belial: install apt-listbugs and apt-listchanges read before you upgrade for critical bugs.
21:51.07`Belialthank you
21:51.08Tomzevin`: bahh.. listbugs makes me worry to much ;)
21:51.36`Beliali'm gonna give this a shot
21:51.36vin`Tomze: take a calculated gamble at times. ;)
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21:51.49Tomzeevery day :)
21:51.51jindWhat's the name of the package which supplies the gnome registry editor?
21:51.56vin`another one bites the dust!
21:52.14vin`k-god: ^^
21:52.37jindYou know, the gnome program which can adjust parameters in most gnome programs?
21:52.51jindLike the windows registry, only for gnome software?
21:53.12Tomzegconf - GNOME configuration database system. (daemon and tools) ?
21:53.26jindThanks, that's the one!
21:53.51Phroziachmm, odd. Errors were encountered while processing: /cdrom//pool/main/c/cupsys/cupsys_1.1.23-10_i386.deb
21:54.17Jhairjind: gconf-editor
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21:54.34abrotmanPhroziac: what's the actual error ?
21:55.02jindJhair, I found it but thanks anyway :)
21:55.24Phroziacabrotman: oops. it's dpkg-deb (subprocess): error in buffer_read(stream): failed to write to pipe in copy: Input/output error
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21:55.59Phroziaci tried cleaning the disc, lets see if that could work.
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21:56.57RichiHis it 'a considerable amount' or 'an considerable amount'?
21:57.23RichiHthought so, thanks
21:57.32abrotmanRichiH: first
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21:57.52abrotmanRichiH: rough rule .. if the word following begins with a vowel .. use an 'an' :)
21:58.07abrotmani said rough rule!
21:58.24RichiHabrotman: i know that
21:58.29dvsan hour
21:58.30pet__hi there, what program can I use to monitor my wireless net?
21:58.31RichiHi am not sure about adjectives, though
21:58.38plbarghh wth everytime I try to startx with nvidia driver I get a blank screen
21:58.45punsadpet__: wavemon
21:58.50Phroziacnope, it's the same thing now.
21:58.53blondiewell, if the word after sounds like it begins with a vowel?
21:59.08buckyplb: did you install a window manager yet?
21:59.08plbno one else have issues with xorg 7 and nvidia??
21:59.09abrotmanRichiH: no .. it's pretty much the next word .. no matter what type of word it is .. the general rule i described above is true .. for most cases
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21:59.17pet__punsad, thx! where can I get it?
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21:59.54punsadpet__: apt-get install wavemon... do some googling to make sure that's what you want...
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22:00.02plbbucky: yet
22:01.14RichiHabrotman: hmmk
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22:01.48pet__punsad: thx, another question, how can I change the settings of my keyboard spanish/english and english/spanish?
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22:02.32punsadnot sure... I think this is done when installing debian... also theres a program called kbdconfig
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22:03.39abrotmanpet__: dpkg-reconfigure locales
22:04.08vin`pet__: xorg?
22:04.28pet__thx, how do I know what architecture of debian I have for the downloads?
22:04.32punsadanyone know a good program to do some speed benchmarking?
22:04.43abrotmanbenchmarks are worthless
22:04.48mfrischwhats the default umask for users???
22:04.51dvspet__: What cpu to you use?
22:05.14Saafiroszsomeone know a chanel for network security
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22:06.47pet__cpu? labtop, dell, inspiron 4000, 800MHz, 256mb ram, 40 gb hd,
22:06.57dvspet__: i386
22:06.58belkini just share my music folder so i can access it from windows ... but it doesnt let me listen to all the music files , only some of them it says " write protected " or to check that the disk is not full
22:07.21belkinchange the permissions of the directory myself ... or will samba do it for me by setting it writable = yes ?
22:07.23azeempet__: that's a 585
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22:07.34dvsdo I hear 7?
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22:07.54punsadone thing I'm sure of is that its not 386
22:08.14vin`or a 585
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22:08.39vin`could it be a celery?
22:08.47abrotmanit's still a 686
22:09.37pet__I've no idea of what you're talking about
22:09.44dpkgIn a kernel version string, -686 refers to the Intel Pentium Pro, Pentium II, Celeron, Pentium III, Pentium IV, Pentium M (as in the chip used in the "Centrino" brand). not correct for EM64T Xeon/Pentium4's, which should use a -em64t-p4 kernel, or if you want to take advantage of hyperthreading support, you should install a -smp kernel.
22:09.51dvspet__: just pick 386 for the Debian disk
22:09.56abrotmanbut his arch if he's downloading pacakges is still i386
22:10.23punsadaccording to dpkg info, 686 is for Pentium Pro and up
22:10.32abrotmanwhich is an 800Mhz
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22:10.56kehermanIs it possible to install a DEB file only for the local user -- without root accesS?
22:11.01punsadpet__: I think its 686
22:11.03abrotmanor rather .. an 800Mhz .. is a 686 class CPU
22:11.19dpkgfrom memory, 486 is an ancient type of CPU. Nevertheless, it's good enough to have a 486 box as a router with ipmasquerading (and probably a cdr) :P
22:11.21abrotmanbut if he is downloading ISOs etc .. it's an i386
22:11.54pet__i've chosen the i386 arch, i hope it works if not i'll try another
22:12.03dvspet__: It'll work
22:12.05Saafiroszhow to register my nickname
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22:12.10Saafiroszsomeone knows?
22:12.15abrotman/msg nickserv help
22:12.22vin`Saafirosz: /msg nickserver help register
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22:12.32punsadkeherman: i dunno too much about it, but could you consider installing from tarball and specify the directories writable by that user for the install directories?
22:13.13kehermani guess i wasn't sure if there was a recommended procedure
22:13.16Saafiroszhmm no such nick/channel
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22:13.30vin`Saafirosz: sorry, nickserv
22:13.37abrotmani said that!
22:14.03vin`abrotman: I enhanced it and fucked up at the same time.
22:14.08abrotmanvin`: good job!
22:14.11abrotmankeep it simple!
22:14.27vin`abrotman: no, that is the right way though. :P
22:14.28punsadkeherman:  how bout installing it like normal and then change the permisions of the executable to limit who can run it?
22:14.39abrotmanvin`: which is?
22:14.43abrotmanmine or yours?
22:15.02abrotmanscarynetworkguy: i'm not cooking on your stupid grill anymore!
22:15.26scarynetworkguyabrotman: HA! Shows what you know. I haven't even bought it yet!!
22:15.57scarynetworkguyYeah, I'm sick.... I deserve to slack a bit.
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22:16.18pet__thank you all, it works fine, bye!
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22:16.59abrotmanscarynetworkguy: you've been sick for a week
22:17.25vin`he needs to retire. -ot?
22:17.26scarynetworkguyabrotman: Well. Since Wed. yeah....
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22:18.07abrotmanhe does?
22:18.19abrotmanvin`: you want to join #-ot ?
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22:19.01punsadsorry if this is off topic (it is) but would you rather part with a thinkpad with 500MHz+320 MB RAM or one with 400MHz+428MB.  I'm trying to decide which laptop to get rid of.
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22:19.20abrotmanyou can probably put more ram in the 500Mhz
22:19.28peterSpunsad: the slower one probably gets more battery life, yes?  I'd keep that
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22:19.53punsadabrotman: I actually can't... it's got 64 MB built in and can only take in one more stick up to 256MB
22:20.04abrotmanpunsad: for a max total of?
22:20.16peterSpunsad: send them both to me, I'll test them for you for a couple weeks and decide which you should keep.  then I'll keep the other.
22:20.21punsadpeterS: thank YOU!  That's what I thought!  I thought I was crazy.  I'm leaning toward keeping it
22:20.23abrotmani'd take the faster one
22:20.28tim_flatuspunsad, steal the memory from the slower one then get rid of it ;~)
22:20.29punsadpeterS: ha!
22:20.38abrotmanthe battery life difference will probably be like 5 minutes
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22:20.49vin`abrotman: see, that place is always quiet.
22:21.01Saafirosz? ?? ??? ?? ??????? ???? ???? ????
22:21.11punsadabrotman: it's a much bigger difference... probably also due to difference in the battery
22:21.15dvs! !!! !!! !!!!!!! !!!
22:21.18peterShis mouth is moving but all I hear is ??? ???? ????
22:21.37punsadthe tech node of the 500MHz is .18um and that of the 400Mhz is .25um
22:21.38tim_flatuspeterS cpu not engaged?
22:21.58abrotmanpunsad: do you actually use it unplugged?
22:21.58peterStim_flatus: it was engaged but then they broke it off
22:22.16peterScaught its boyfriend sleeping around, dontcha know
22:22.16tim_flatuspeterS, lol
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22:22.19punsadabrotman: not often.. but sometimes... like now
22:22.32abrotmanthat's roughly a 25% increase in speed
22:22.43abrotmanwell .. whatever .. i'll keep my laptop .. thanks anyways :)
22:23.38punsadabrotman: that's a good point.. another thing is that the 500MHz one has a flaky hinge and the 400Mhz one is rock solid
22:24.05abrotmanpunsad: sell them both .. get a 1Ghz? :)
22:24.17punsadabrotman: that's not a bad idea
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22:24.29belkinneed help with samba please
22:24.36tim_flatusabrotman, clarity at last!-)
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22:24.56peterSbelkin: _most_ samba questions aren't debian-specific, so #samba will be able to help you.  feel free to ask here though
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22:25.22punsadI do love my thinkpads...  I hear they "ain't what they used to be" since going to Lenovo
22:25.25belkinpeterS i did ... but it looks like there ar all sleeping ;)
22:25.39belkinplease tell me whats the right permission for a shared directory in samba ... i just want to be able to listen or copy the shared directory .. no write permission... ?
22:25.59abrotmani'm pretty sure the samba manual covers this .. quite well
22:26.11peterSbelkin: if you don't want write permission, 'read only = yes' in smb.conf will do nicely
22:26.15belkinabrotman yeah thanks a lot
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22:26.46belkinpeterS i did that but still doesnt let me to copy all the music files .. only some of them
22:26.52peterSbelkin: as for local file permissions, the usual unix defaults of mode 755 for directories and 644 for files is usually ok
22:27.05punsadbelkin: the problem doesn't seem to be samba then
22:27.32peterSbelkin: oh.  I wonder if you're running into a problem with filenames.  Windows is picky about legal filename characters.  one common character you see in music titles which isn't allowed on Windows systems is ":"
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22:28.18peterSbut that wouldn't show itself as permission denied, the file in question simply wouldn't be visible on the windows box at all
22:28.23belkinpeterS well i can see all the shared directory on windows (the shared one are on debian ) but its just that i cannot copy all of them ...
22:28.36punsadbelkin: if those files are open, you may not be able to access them... so if you are playing those mp3s for example
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22:28.52belkinpeterS it is visible .. i just cannot copy it or listen to it
22:29.13oboyhi, how can make ls list only directories instead of dirs and files?
22:29.19belkinpunsad i know ... they are not open
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22:29.30peterSbelkin: well, check file permissions on the server, I guess - 'chmod -R a+rX /your/share/dir' ought to do it
22:29.37belkinpunsad i might have to set the right permission for ech directory in debian isnt it ?
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22:30.27peterSbelkin: in day-to-day life in unix, you normally create directories and files with reasonable permissions anyway.  but there are situations where you might not, like if you save from an email message (email programs often expect that your email contents are privacy-sensitive and manage permissions accordingly)
22:30.35punsadbelkin: are all mp3s in the same directory?
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22:31.05belkinpunsad no
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22:31.37punsadbelkin: is this 'not being able to copy them' specific to the directory?
22:31.59belkinpunsad i have them nice sorted out every artist has it own directory
22:32.08nono31I have nvidia chip based video card. and since almost 2 weeks now, I can't build nvidia-kernel-source package using dpkg-buildpackage. Anyone having the same problem?
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22:32.49belkinpunsad well trying to copy some albums ... it says " to check the i have write permission or to check that the disk is not full or to make sure nothing is accesing the file
22:33.10peterSbelkin: 'disk is not full' - I suppose you've checked that?
22:33.17Kupal[]_anyone runnign bootsplash with sarge, i have 2 broken conf files, it would save me a patch headach if someone could share...
22:33.20punsadbelkin: have you tried 'lsof | grep mp3' to make sure they are not in use?
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22:33.29belkinpeterS no is not :)
22:33.39peterSpunsad: oh it doesn't matter server-side.  it only matters if *clients* are accessing the file
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22:33.51belkinpunsad xmms aint running ... mplayer not even
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22:34.51punsadbelkin: I just find it very strange that within a directory, you can copy some files - but others - you cant
22:34.58belkini realy dont understand ... EX: i have to directorys with the same permission one can be copyed one not ...
22:35.11belkinpunsad yeah
22:35.23SonnyBurnettHi, Have somebody installed woody from floppies?
22:35.46abrotmanlots of people
22:35.48belkinpunsad it might be because the directory are not on the main hard disk ... they are mounted from a secound hard disk ... but it shouldnt be a problem
22:36.01punsadSonnyBurnett: I'm sorry
22:36.08enycI think I have started woody install from fdd disks
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22:36.30punsadSonnyBurnett: I remember doing that for potato
22:36.57belkinpunsad 755 chmod should do the trick isnt it ?
22:37.33punsadbelkin: yeah... are you doing that on all the files and directories?
22:37.35SonnyBurnettCause I generated 4 floppies, but I couldnt continue the install it failed at mounting fs, I got "kernel panic" error, can somebody tell me where can I download the correct floppies set, to install woody in a 486 ?
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22:38.04abrotman!woody bf
22:38.08dpkgwoody boot floppies are at
22:38.14dvsSonnyBurnett: I'd try using another floppy.  They are so tempermental.
22:38.20StereoSkitdudes, i've read the pcmcia_cs tulip_cb driver is what i need to make my pcmcia work, but it is not in /lib/modules/.../pcmcia/, any pointer on how to get this driver?
22:38.23punsaddvs: very true
22:38.33belkinpunsad is there anyway i can set chmod 755 for everyfile into that directory ?
22:39.00belkinpunsad everyfile and sub-directory....
22:39.03punsadbelkin: i think you can do 'chmod -R 755 dirname'
22:39.14punsadbelkin: -R for recursive
22:39.20peterSbelkin: did you try the command I gave you like 10 minutes ago?
22:39.21abrotmanbelkin: man chmod
22:39.36peterSbelkin: you know, chmod -R a+rX /path/to/the/share ?
22:39.53abrotman!be a listening to peterS barbie
22:39.53dpkgAww, listening to peterS is HARD! Let's go shopping, abrotman
22:39.58belkinpeterS yeah that set the directory to 755
22:40.07SonnyBurnettabrotman, thanks I'll try one more time
22:40.24abrotmanthat deserves karma!
22:40.38peterSbelkin: the problem with having 755 on regular files is that it indicates that they are executable files, and many user interfaces will show this, which is distracting.  so I prefer to avoid that
22:40.58peterSbelkin: other than that, it doesn't really hurt, though
22:41.31belkinpeterS yeah
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22:42.29belkinpeterS , punsad thanks a lot
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22:43.13bonez39I am running 2.6.6...what advantages would I gain by upgrading to the newest kernel? anything earth-shattering?
22:43.17punsadbelkin: good luck!
22:43.22buckySonnyBurnett: and you might want to read this
22:43.28dvsbonez39: More bug fixes?
22:43.48SonnyBurnettbucky, did you try those floppies?
22:44.06bonez39dvs, hmmm ok...would Not being able to run on firefox but being ABLE to on Konqueror, anything with the kernel, or just with myspace and firefox?
22:44.10buckySonnyBurnett: mem=nopentium
22:44.23punsadwho asked about doing 'ls' to show directories only?
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22:44.27buckySonnyBurnett: i've done a ton of floppy installs
22:44.37SonnyBurnettbucky, Oh! this a boot parameter right?
22:44.58punsadthe best I could come up with was 'ls * | grep :'
22:45.01buckySonnyBurnett: how are you making your floppies?  with dd or with rawrite?
22:45.04beardy_bonez39: Not anything with the kernel.
22:45.05punsadpretty cheesy I know
22:45.11dvsbonez39: No, that's more likely software packages
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22:45.17peterSpunsad: echo */
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22:45.28peterSpunsad: or ls -d */
22:45.32SonnyBurnettbucky, dd
22:45.40punsadpeterS: nice
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22:45.49peterSpunsad: either way, the trailing slash constrains the wildcard to directories (and symlinks to directories)
22:46.06*** join/#debian Belial (n=joe@
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22:46.33Belialalright, i gave it  a shot and it failed to load the kernel modules upon installation
22:46.40StereoSkitpeterS: the fact is, my eth pcmcia card was working in sarge and since i upgrade to testing it stop working
22:46.43Belialwhy exactly is it doing that?
22:47.11staggernvida-installer has changed my xorg.conf file. how can i have it back? i can't run dexconf cause my xorg installation is not finished. I can't finish xorg installation because it needs config.... what should i do?
22:47.29dvsStereoSkit: Did you upgrade the kernel?
22:47.54StereoSkitdvs: no, apt-get dist-upgrade didnt ask me to
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22:48.16dvsStereoSkit: That's the first thing I would do
22:48.34SonnyBurnettbucky, wich one should I use? vanilla, compact, idepci, bf2.4 ?
22:48.42Belialanyone know why that would happen? i'm trying to install sid and getting a "fail to load kernel modules" message.
22:48.52dvsSonnyBurnett: None of those
22:49.32dvsoh. we're talking woody here, eh?
22:49.39StereoSkiti know, yet, how could that be done since my eth0 is not working (and im in testing and only have stable cds)
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22:50.03SonnyBurnettdvd, yep
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22:50.18SonnyBurnettdvs, yep
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22:53.25SonnyBurnettbucky, how did you make the floppies? dd or rawrite?
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22:54.21peterSbah, I make my floppies with cp
22:54.32dvsI use vim!
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22:56.43peterShmm, interestingly, vim would work for writing a floppy image to disk, whereas emacs would not - by default
22:56.49peterSbecause of vim's unsafe save policy
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22:57.18staggerwhich package contains dexconf
22:57.32peterSstagger: don't use dexconf, use 'dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86'
22:57.52peterS(or xserver-xorg, if you are using unstable)
22:58.05BelialpeteS: do you use unstable?
22:58.11beardy_or running xorg anyway
22:58.12vin`peterS: why not dexconf? it worked fine for me the few times I tried it.
22:58.27BelialpeterS: would you know why it's failing to load kernel modules in the install?
22:58.46peterSvin`: it will eventually go away.  I'm not sure if it has yet.  dpkg-reconfigure xserver-whatever will call whatever is currently supported for that sort of thing
22:59.02peterSBelial: I didn't install unstable, I installed stable
22:59.27Belialso is it a better idea to install stable and then upgrade to unstable?
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22:59.46vin`Belial: add the modules that aren't automatically loaded to /etc/modules
23:00.06vin`Belial: or are you still in the installer?
23:00.21Belialwell, it happened when i was in the install process
23:00.25Belialit didn't get very far
23:00.39vin`Belial: which iso are you trying?
23:00.41peterSBelial: the main reason to use unstable at all is to help test new stuff.  testing newer snapshots of the installer is valuable too.
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23:00.46staggerok, i have asked that question, but maybe i will try again ;)
23:00.56peterSBelial: so if you're using unstable, obviously you are prepared to run into problems, so sure, use the installer for that too
23:01.01SonnyBurnettdvs, how did you do using vim?
23:01.11vin`Belial: try the latest snapshot of the installer, if you ask me.
23:02.13Belialvin`: i only burned the first iso
23:02.26Belialat the time it was only showing 2 isos
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23:02.41staggeri wan't to uninstall xserver-xorg, but it's preconfiguration script complains about /etc/x11/xorg.conf file. It was probably modyfied by nvidia installer and now it doesn't allow me for updated of xorg. How can i have my old xorg.conf?
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23:03.57vin`Belial: what kind of network do you have?
23:03.58staggerunistall == update ;)
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23:04.39dpkgIf you hand-edit your X configuration file, "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86" will no longer work, which is bad. To see if this is the case, "md5sum /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 | diff -sq /var/lib/xfree86/XF86Config-4.md5sum -" - if the files differ, then it won't work. To fix this, "md5sum /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 > /var/lib/xfree86/XF86Config-4.md5sum" as root, then "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86", losing any manual changes you've made.
23:04.49vin`stagger: try that. ^^
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23:10.35ali4728Newbie  needs help !! How do I apply md5 to a newly downloaded iso files to verify they are correnct ?
23:10.57abrotmanmd5sum <file>
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23:11.09PaPyRene0101how to block bittorrent upload from a pc in my network, with iptables on my linux-firewall?
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23:11.15ali4728thanks abrotman
23:11.24mortal__PaPyRene0101: by rtfm
23:11.39dpkgsomebody said iptables was the user-space process used to administer iptables kernel parts on top of netfilter, somewhat like ipchains was in 2.2..  NOT a virgin, see ipchains, or ask me about <netfilter docs>, or at or it out because iptables (2.4.x) has some security holes)  See also: masq, or try #iptables for help
23:11.58PaPyRene0101mortal__: thanks, see you in a year of so ;-)
23:12.22*** part/#debian DarKnesS_WolF (n=wolf@
23:12.32manasi did a base install of sarge. dist-upgrade to sid. xserver-xorg refuses to install. preinstall exit status is 10. i am using the US ftp mirror. can someone give me any pointers ?
23:12.43*** join/#debian gerardomt (n=gerardom@
23:13.14Tomzemanas: - look for xorg 7.0
23:13.53manasTomze sorry, cannot view the wiki from console. can you give me a pointer ?
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23:14.05Tomzemanas: yes.. 2sec
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23:14.27gerardomtCan you tell me the better way for run a windows aplication under linux?
23:14.29Tomzemanas: links
23:15.18abrotmangerardomt: than what?
23:15.21*** join/#debian stagger_ (
23:15.22manasTomze fetching elinks ... thank you.
23:15.30Tomzemanas: anytime :)
23:15.38Aim_Heregerardomt, tried wine?
23:15.51Aim_Heregerardomt, if you're using x86 that is
23:15.58stagger_i tried md5sum but it didn't returned me my old config file
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23:16.34stagger_what can i do? is there any other way to uninstall/upgrade xorg?
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23:18.31SonnyBurnettOk I got a new box of floppies, whch is the best method to make the install floppies? dd or rawrite?
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23:19.01stagger_xserver-xorg postinst warning: not updating /etc/x11/xorg.conf; file has been customised"
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23:19.32jncgerardomt: who are you talking to
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23:22.14nethensonSonnyBurnett: under linux/unix: dd ; under windows: rawrite
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23:23.21manasanyone here knows how similar 9wm is to 8 1/2 ?
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23:25.31manasTomze xserver-xorg refuses to install. any ideas ?
23:25.59salah^just a small question: which kernel version does debian-31r2-i386-netinst have?
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23:27.15gerardomtSotty, i want here
23:27.29Tomzemanas: the package changed name.. its in the wiki
23:28.13Tomzesalah^: 2.4.x and 2.6.8.x - good enogh ? :)
23:29.00*** join/#debian FliesLikeABrick (n=Ryan@about/rpi/rawdor)
23:29.02salah^Tomze,thank you :)
23:29.31manasTomze are you running X11R7 ?
23:29.33gerardomtI tied to install AMDAS Interactive Anatoy and Netter: Clinical atlas
23:29.34gerardomtADAMS Interactive Anatomy*
23:29.40gerardomtIt's a Pentium 1.7with 256 RAM
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23:29.54salah^any debian version which is running kernel version 2.6.14 or higher?
23:30.22Althasersalah^ testing
23:30.26abrotmanGnea: the car is going backwards!
23:30.35manasTomze I have x11-common installed. however xserver-xorg refuses to install. pre-install script has an error code of 10.
23:30.39peritussalah^: use a backported kernel to stable, otherwise testing or unstable
23:31.01salah^should I install a testing, or is it to buggy?
23:31.26Tomzemanas: im not sure hwat i did but i got it working...he
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23:31.53Tomzesalah^: its not buggy
23:31.59peritussalah^: that depends. testing is not supported by the debian security team
23:32.09evilgeekit is buggy.  it's just not very buggy.
23:32.38salah^ok, im just using it for basic stuff anyway :)
23:32.56salah^im just not to experience enaugh to install a kernel by my self
23:34.30beardy_salah^: If you can't install a kernel, don't run anything else than stable.
23:35.08Tomzebeardy_: did you hit your head ? ;)
23:35.11*** join/#debian mne (
23:35.21nono31I have a problem with my chroot since I upgrade debian sid... I successfully chroot, but then when I try to "su" to another user it does not want. su myuser says: Cannot execute /bin/zsh: Permission denied ; If I su - myuser it says: Unable to cd to "/home/myuser"
23:35.51Tomze/bin/zsh ?
23:35.54beardy_Tomze: I'm not sure..
23:36.15salah^well, my problem is that I can't get the drivers for my wireless network card installed, so I am using kernel 2.6.14 > because drivers for the card is installed automaticly
23:36.28mnehikenboot, I've just configured autofs. It works, but I'm not sure how /etc/fstab should look like. currently there's an entry that would mount the CD-ROM at /cdrom. autofs mounts the cdrom at /vol/cdrom. How should I change /etc/fstab accordingly ?
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23:36.58nono31Tomze: I'm using zsh shell
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23:37.22Tomzesalah^: the weekly build og testing comes with 2.6.15 i think..
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23:39.14marco13185hmm, why is xserver-xorg not installing in unstable.  I get an error when it tries to preconfigure and another when it processes the deb file and another postinst warning
23:39.43Kinksmarco13185: because it's unstable.
23:39.58marco13185Kinks, ya, but there aren't any bug reports
23:40.35stagger_marco13185 i have the same problem
23:40.41evilgeekmarco13185: i'm not particularly bothered by it.
23:41.12Tomzeread topic or look at
23:41.29*** join/#debian omry (
23:41.31stagger_i have read it, but it desn't helped
23:41.52marco13185Tomze, I installed debian after that update
23:42.07stagger_i tried to get xorg.conf by using md5sum it hasn't returne'd anything
23:42.14Tomzewell.. i guess im just lucky then
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23:44.00unix_infidelhmm, gnome-panel with fluxbox, interesting.
23:44.03marco13185well, at least I know it's a problem with unstable and not my computer
23:45.33bernd_kelleri am looking for an howto for exim and spamassasin that describes the usage of exim the debian way - with the usage of update-exim4.conf.conf - after reading the standard howtos and parts of the readme of exim 4.5
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23:49.40astronutwhat's the gnome tool that replaces info?
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23:56.22pilgrimHow do I get "mmencode" in what packge is it?
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23:57.44pilgrimKLD, what's going on, I though geeks were not religious. Everyone went to church or what?
23:58.00kerneldastronut: emacs21 cvs with gtk widgets :P
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23:59.00DimmuR|awayHi i've some problem with postgresql and proftpd on debian sarte. I've standard sources.list and after upgrade i still get error " LOG: unexpected EOF on client connection" - before upgrade all was ok
23:59.05petemcpilgrim: /msg dpkg marillat
23:59.20pilgrimHow do I redefine a key's function in the keyboard. (My backspace key is not functioning. I'd like to make right CTRL perform <Backspace> function.
23:59.44kerneldDimmuR|away: Are you usong pgsql to auth upir ftp?

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