irclog2html for #debian on 20060101

00:00.16thingfishdoes sarge even use its udev?  I mean it's there, but I can't tell that it's doing anything.
00:00.31abrotmanthingfish: it can
00:00.37blondiewow, it's 2006
00:00.40solomonnudev, idev, we all dev for udev
00:00.51abrotmanthingfish: her ?
00:00.56peterSHappy 2006 UTC, everybody
00:01.10thingfishnope, a male!  yay!
00:01.15bsimsbenjamindees: hrm could work but never mind was just a random thought
00:01.16abrotmanmaybe it was mwilson that was a her
00:01.19solomonni guess thingfish is a girl
00:01.27sdakotaHappy newyear everyone!
00:01.31peterS"eww"?  so thingfish is like 11
00:01.32thingfishmale, male, male, and gay, gay, gay.
00:01.37asuffielda guy called 'blondie' is obviously gay
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00:01.52thingfishgays for Debian!
00:01.54peterSa guy called 'blondie' might just be a fan of old heavy metal
00:02.02asuffieldpeterS: is there a difference?
00:02.05dpkgIt's OK to fantasize about men and to enjoy anal stimulation. It doesn't mean you're "gay". So stop projecting your insecurities onto others. Using this term as a derogatory adjective is very offensive, so do not use it as such. If you continue acting like a child, expect to be devoiced.
00:02.07abrotmanblondie was not heavy metal
00:02.19blondieoh, cool:
00:02.20thingfishsifi-x: that's fine, except when the person talking is gay.
00:02.25sdakotaGays for Debian! Debian for gays! ^_^
00:02.38sifi-xthingfish, that would be you
00:02.40thingfishplus sifi-x, you cannot devoice anyone.
00:02.41blondieSat Dec 31 23:59:58 GMT 2005
00:02.47blondieSat Dec 31 23:59:59 GMT 2005
00:02.47blondieSun Jan  1 00:00:00 GMT 2006
00:02.48thingfishsifi-x: well duh.
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00:02.57bsimsleap second duh
00:02.58peterSDebian GAY/Linux
00:02.59thingfishspanky spanky
00:03.01*** mode/#debian [+l 667] by debhelper
00:03.13sdakotaIs anyone here an op?
00:03.18abrotmansdakota: why ?
00:03.22sdakotacould someone change the topic into what peterS said? ^_^
00:03.29sdakotaDebian GAY/Linux
00:03.30thingfishoh you
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00:03.42bsims!lart sdakota
00:03.43programmoO Gay / Linux
00:03.48blondiebsims: yes dear
00:03.53blondiegay linux :D
00:03.58abrotmanenough ?
00:04.01GregorR-LWhat's with the GNU-bashing?
00:04.06blondiegay is good though :p
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00:04.09sdakota!hit bsims
00:04.13sdakota!kick bsims
00:04.14bsimsabrotman: It's the birth of a meme
00:04.22sdakota!bitch bsims
00:04.24sdakota!kill bsims
00:04.30sdakota!hit bsims
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00:04.33sdakota!kick bsims
00:04.36dvsHappy New Year?
00:04.37HobartClock: inserting leap second 23:59:60 UTC
00:04.38thingfishsilly, you need an axe to chop a head off.
00:04.39GregorR-LHow do you chop a head off with a pipe?
00:04.40peterSwell, we already had
00:04.43sdakotai just wanted to hit him back (A)
00:04.45HobartOh wait, Debian doesn't have that.
00:04.49abrotmanGregorR-L: swing very fast :)
00:04.57bsimsGregorR-L: you have to swing damned hard
00:05.05ambroseLcan we stop the violence please?
00:05.10bsimsambroseL: sure
00:05.13sdakota!kick ambroseL
00:05.18abrotmansdakota: stop
00:05.20thingfishwe eschew violence in this channel.  we're all civilized homo sapiens, in here.
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00:05.34dvsambrose: Yeah!  it's the English new year, not American!
00:05.37bsimsthingfish: yeah we use tools to do our violence
00:05.45ambroseLdvs, lol
00:05.46jonas3new year in .uk now
00:05.48sdakotathingfish, the current kind of human likes to call himself homo sapiens sapiens instead of just one sapiens, i heard.
00:06.35bsimssdakota: Speak for yourself I style myself homo sapiens veritas aka Truely wise man
00:06.39abrotmanthingfish: don't step in the data stream!
00:06.49peterSabrotman: some thingfish, of course
00:06.56thingfishI'm so sick of frying chickens.  there has got to be something else to do with a chicken, besides frying it.
00:07.06abrotmanthingfish: m80s ?
00:07.16bsimsthingfish: bad idea to try to input something in a output
00:07.18thingfishbut I need something edible to be left over.
00:07.24ambroseLchicken:  chicken soup
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00:07.32abrotmanthingfish: you can bake chicken .. deep fry .. cut up and use in sauces
00:07.33thingfishtoo liquidy.
00:07.33peterSbsims: interesting euphemism there
00:07.39bsimspeterS: thanks
00:07.43thingfishi want something chinese to do with it.
00:07.56jbroomehave it give you the flu?
00:07.59abrotmanbread it .. deep fry it .. make S&S chicken
00:08.00thingfishor maybe thai...curry + basil, yes, maybe that's the ticket...
00:08.08sdakotathingfish, hack its head off with a chinese samurai trick.
00:08.19sdakotathingfish, or cut it off ...
00:08.33thingfishit ain't got no head, you fool.
00:08.34sdakotathingfish, darn dutch to english translations sometimes come out strange after you pressed enter.
00:08.46abrotmanthingfish: just cut the damn stuff up .. mix it with some sauce/spice .. serve with rice :)
00:08.47bsimscut into strips, saute with peppers and onions, add worchestershire sauce and soy sauce and a pinch of hot pepper..
00:08.56thingfishoh yes, that's right, you're dutch, not from south dakota.
00:09.06sdakotathingfish: Ofcourse a chicken has a head! But in the stupid ... ah, wherever you live - they don't have any chicken!
00:09.07thingfishooh yes, bsims.
00:09.18abrotmandamni t .. i said that!
00:09.24bsimshrm maybe some garlic
00:09.35bsimsabrotman: sorry you hit enter right before me
00:09.39thingfishALWAYS some garlic.
00:10.12thingfishgarlic enables me to live my heavily decadent and self-destructive lifestyle.
00:10.27sdakotathingfish, you never see real chicken! Ofcourse they have heads! And ofcourse you can cut those off with a samurai trick! They will keep walking though. For a few seconds. Try it out... chickens keep walking for a few seconds when you cut their heads off.
00:10.33thingfishtsk bsims.  there are so many more out there.
00:10.37bsimsdvs: think roman emperor
00:10.42abrotmanbsims: there are other similar
00:10.43dvsoh, I see
00:10.53bsimswhat other styles are simular
00:10.59thingfishsdakota: I've heard that, but I find it not appealing to think about at the present moment.
00:11.12SimonRavenkernel: Clock: inserting leap second 23:59:60 UTC
00:11.27benjamindeesbsims, excellent choice
00:11.30sdakotathingfish, with blood coming out of the neck...
00:11.32thingfishbecause really, I wish I were a vegetarian.  I don't want to hurt animals.
00:11.38dvsHow the heck does the kernel know what years to insert a leap second?
00:11.53benjamindeesbsims, cabernet/merlot blend is similar
00:11.59SimonRavensome file i suppose
00:12.03thingfishdvs: the programmers.  they put it in there.  with their magix.
00:12.08bsimsbenjamindees: but for some reason I don't like it
00:12.11*** join/#debian EdLin (
00:12.18thingfishbourbon, boy, learn to spell it right.
00:12.20dvsthingfish: They must be very smart! ;-)
00:12.34bsimsthingfish: after all I drank I am lucky to type thank you very much
00:12.42dvsWhat's so funny?
00:12.46peterSdvs: I wondered the same thing.  looking at the source code, it appears that an agent like ntpd tips it off
00:12.47abrotmanbsims: you like shiraz .. but not cabernet ?
00:12.53bsimsabrotman: yeah go figure
00:12.54thingfishI know!
00:13.09thingfishwhat about merlot?  I mean everybody likes a soft merlot.
00:13.15abrotmanbsims: maybe it's just the ones you've tried
00:13.24bsimsabrotman: that is likely
00:13.35thingfishyou have to spend money to get good wine, unless it comes from bulgaria or romania.
00:13.50peterStjcoder: dude those aren't numbers
00:13.50bsimshowever I like my flavors to reach out and smack me... I drink islay scotch for example
00:13.59abrotmanbsims: try more cabernets and merlots .. it could be regional flavors .. ie .. you like australian merlot .. but not californian
00:14.04thingfishooh yummy, islay scotch.  $$$
00:14.23thingfishI'd drink nothing but small batch bourbon, if I could afford it.
00:14.30tjcoderpeterS, sure they are.... well, that's all the hard drive knows about them anyways lol
00:14.33bsimsthingfish: I can pick up a bottle of Laphroiag 10yr for about $45USD here
00:14.36dondelelcarosdakota: it was changed 14:35 ago.
00:14.48sdakotadondelelcaro, yea, that's what I meant.
00:15.00thingfishI've had it; Laphroaig is heavenly.
00:15.04dondelelcaro(and techincally, not changed... an extra second was inserted into 2005 UTC.)
00:15.07bsimsthingfish: small batch bourbon like Maker's Mark runs about $22...
00:15.19bsimsthingfish: ever have Bowmore's?
00:15.21thingfishbut I really prefer american bourbons, being from the USA.
00:15.26sdakotaFor UTC+1 and later, 2006 is one second longer; UTC and before, 2005 is one second longer.
00:15.38SimonRavenfor reference, Dec 31 23:59:59 was the time i got that message.
00:15.38thingfishbsims: yes, at a tasting once, but it didn't stand out iirc.
00:15.43bsimsBowmore is a saltier islay
00:15.49SimonRaventhe machine runs on UTC, so
00:15.56kneecapsSimonRaven: I got two 23:59:59's too
00:15.57dondelelcaro details it if anyone cares...
00:16.02kneecapsSimonRaven: i expected at 60 :D
00:16.05sdakotaI do
00:16.29thingfishif it's got alcohol in it, it can't be all bad. :)
00:16.58dvsdondelelcaro: Oh?  So basically the leap second happened 16 mins ago?
00:17.28sdakotadvs: 17.
00:17.32thingfishbah, don't you go believing in all this "extra second" crap.  It's against the Bible.
00:17.37laurens_greetings everyone
00:17.48jonas3sdakota.. You live in s.dakota ?
00:17.49sdakotaso for one second it was neither 0:00 nor 1:00 ^_^
00:17.55sdakotajonas3: Nope ;)
00:18.00sdakotajonas3, I'm a real dutchie.
00:18.03bsimsI weigh 175lbs and one of those means that I can't drive legaly for three hours
00:18.05thingfishooh yummy, bsims
00:18.10jonas3Im .se
00:18.14blondiesdakota: you mean 23:59 nor 00:00
00:18.25ambroseLthingfish, you're just saying it's agains the Bible because leap seconds are an evolution of the original calendar
00:18.32bsimsthingfish: it is yummy, it tastes like pineapple/orange juice with an iced tea aftertaste
00:18.33thingfishooh, if I'm in amsterdam, I know to which "bars" I'm headed.
00:18.33sdakotajonas3: Nah, south of the country. Amsterdam is north.
00:18.35jonas3Yeah, why drink and drive when you can smoke and fly.. Im going to Amsterdam in 3 weeks =) !!
00:18.45peterSdondelelcaro: fascinating stuff.  I didn't know there was an "International Earth Rotation Service".  I wonder what happens if they ever go on strike
00:18.46dvsDec 31 18:59:59 taz kernel: Clock: inserting leap second 23:59:60 UTC
00:18.50thingfishbsims: sounds like it'll fuck you up.
00:18.57jonas3Om going to Amsterdam and The Hauge
00:19.00SimonRavendondelelcaro: i do! i do! ;)
00:19.02sdakotablondie: Ehh yea, that's what I meant. Was thinking about it was nor 23h nor 0h and thought about the dutch times, they were from 0h to 1h.
00:19.15sdakotablondie: in the netherlands its 01:19 right now
00:19.20jonas3Same in .se
00:19.26thingfishI'm going to go rob an amsterdam coffee house and stay there and smoke up all their buds.
00:19.38jonas3hehe.. Dutch Passion weed
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00:19.47bsimsthingfish: yeah you only want one of those
00:19.59sdakotajonas3: Lol, you're gonna try that out? ;)
00:20.11sdakotathingfish, Do so ;)
00:20.17jonas3Amsterdam is lovly, specially during spring... april, may...
00:20.28bsimsWhat the hell *is* the LD50 for THC?
00:20.38thingfishjonas3: I'm sure.  But then, where is it not lovely in the springtime?
00:20.49jonas3sdakota: hehe you never know
00:21.13thingfishyou know what I like about europeans: they like house music more than americans.
00:21.19jonas3thingfish, many places. Specially Asia where is hell hot !
00:21.23sdakotaMy sis just told me she wanted to go play violin. And style dancing. From one to the other second, she just decided.
00:21.28jonas3during euro spring :-)
00:21.32thingfishplus they have governments without so many idiots.
00:21.43peterSsdakota: leap seconds have odd effects on some people
00:21.53bsimsno theirs are just less vocal about their idiocy
00:22.03thingfishsdakota: sounds like she has just discovered raves and exctasy.
00:22.04jonas3I like, house, trance and euro techno
00:22.08sdakotapeterS: Yea, that's what I said: "So you decided, in the leap second, ..."
00:22.13sdakotathingfish: Lol yeah
00:22.25thingfishI listen to progressive/underground.
00:22.32jonas3Holland has great clubs and rave parties
00:22.47sdakotathingfish, though she asked my parents, and they would've surely punished her when they only SMELL...
00:22.49thingfishhehe yay! for bsim's way of thinking.
00:23.08sdakotathingfish, I mean, she asked my parents to go on violin lessons and style dancing lessons.
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00:23.25sdakotathingfish, She didn't ask them if she had smoked weed ^_^
00:23.45sdakotaother question - how to install the perl PAR tools, like pp and parl?
00:23.55sdakotaon either windows or linux
00:24.07bsimsthingfish: I did the math once, for about $4000 you can buy enough rope to hang the entire at once... Of course using a differnt rope for each one is the kind of thinking that got us in this mess to start with
00:24.50benjamindeesall the bureaucrats too?
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00:25.58bsimsbenjamindees: top level ones
00:26.06linuxgeekery!seen benj
00:26.07dpkgbenj <~burnproof@> was last seen on IRC in channel #debian, 251d 4h 8m 32s ago, saying: 'has anyone from you know how to use sch_teql for me it doesnt' work as it should be :)'.
00:26.19*** part/#debian linuxgeekery (n=panther@
00:26.37sdakota!seen sdakota
00:26.38dpkgsdakota is currently on #debian (5h 32m 46s).  Has said a total of 146 messages.  Is idling for 0s
00:26.49sdakotaI've said 150 messages
00:26.56sdakota!seen abrotman
00:26.56dpkgabrotman is currently on #debian (11h 35m 8s).  Has said a total of 396 messages.  Is idling for 12m 57s
00:27.02sdakotaonly 400 messages?
00:27.03*** join/#debian Skrotto (
00:27.09sdakotathought he'd done a lot more
00:27.11dvssdakota: He's drunk!
00:27.23abrotmansdakota: it got reset
00:27.28dvs2 more!
00:27.31sdakotasee, he's drunk
00:27.33sdakota!seen abrotman
00:27.34dpkgabrotman is currently on #debian (11h 35m 46s).  Has said a total of 398 messages.  Is idling for 10s
00:27.37peterSsdakota: if you really care, ask
00:27.50abrotmansdakota: after the year is over ... check that URL .. it will have a year long total
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00:28.04peterSabrotman: dude the year is over (:
00:28.06sdakotaRANDOM QUOTE TODAY
00:28.07sdakota"EleckttrusS: what is your primary language?"
00:28.11sdakotaby abrotman ;-D
00:28.33abrotmanpeterS: i think sussudio_ resets it around midnight EST
00:28.45sdakota22 FourierSeries10564029844512991251.55 days ago"hm. It prompts me to "Become root""
00:28.46ke6isfHey, I'm on that site. =^^=
00:28.55benjamindeesbest quote I've seen today:  "Government prepares for next big disaster" on Yahoo
00:29.02sdakota25 [1]sdakota10286978399482946752.0today"peterS, abrotman, yea, it was a question for confirmation"
00:29.05sdakotame too
00:29.10abrotmanhuh ?
00:29.18abrotmani never get on that site
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00:29.41sdakota47 EdLin65419721296149641855.32 days ago"!tell aidehua -about ubuntu"
00:29.47peterSoh do you know the abrotman, the abrotman, etc.
00:29.53blondiesdakota: stopthatatonce
00:29.55peterSsdakota: we get the point
00:29.56thingfishbenjamindees: the distaster has already happened.  GB got re-elected.
00:30.01sdakota"PhoneGuy: you're fucked. Give up now."
00:30.04abrotman!sing peters
00:30.08sdakotasorry, i'll stop
00:30.12abrotmanpeterS: why don't you have a song ?
00:30.22ke6isfpeterS: How does one add their userpic to the site?
00:30.25EdLinI'm not drunk. Unfortunately
00:30.26peterSabrotman: nobody ever sings a song for me.  what can I say
00:30.32thingfishsdakota, are you on ubuntu, you bitch?
00:30.36peterSke6isf: get sussudio_'s attention some time so he can think of something unflattering for you
00:30.42dvspeterS: Apparently dpkg doesn't either.
00:30.44sdakota~.~ I'm nnn..not dddrunk! Nnnott dddrunk! ~.~
00:30.47abrotman!sing resiak
00:30.47dpkgHe's a resiak, resiak on the floor, And he's IRCing like he's never IRCed before.
00:30.49peterSke6isf: you have no direct control, it's whatever he thinks is appropriate for you
00:30.50sdakotathingfish, no...
00:31.00sdakotathingfish, neither using ubuntu os nor being on #ubuntu
00:31.13ke6isfpeterS: Ah, indeed <pics
00:31.28thingfishwell I'm in #ubuntu just 'cause I'm looking for someone to flirt with.
00:31.45thingfishooh, ELP
00:31.51abrotmanthingfish: why? .. you like stupid people?
00:31.54thingfishexcellent group
00:32.07thingfishyeah, I like 'em dumb...
00:32.08*** join/#debian SIDEREAL-KNIGHT (
00:32.26sdakotacan I paste one mor time?...
00:32.26ke6isfthingfish: Ah, looking for converts from the I-wanna-be-Debian-too distro? =^_^=
00:32.30sdakotanah, i wont
00:32.34thingfishhehe ke6isf
00:32.39sdakotajust that guerin and abrotman were both beaten 2 times
00:32.39dvsthingfish: Until they start asking questions
00:32.43SIDEREAL-KNIGHTHello everybody and I wish you happy new year
00:32.46thingfishhahaha dvs
00:32.47ke6isfsdakota: you can paste, justot in here, please.
00:33.00thingfishyes, dvs, then you bring out the duct tape.
00:33.07sdakotablondie: blondie was tight-lipped, too, averaging 25.9 characters.
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00:33.14ke6isfsdakota: oops.... s/justot/just not/
00:33.14abrotmansdakota: beaten at what
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00:33.38peterSsdakota: dude.  we.  get.  the.  point.   we can also read the site itself
00:33.41*** join/#debian Greatred (n=greatred@
00:33.54abrotmansdakota: i was beaten twice ... with what ?
00:34.13abrotmanoh .. nm
00:34.17SIDEREAL-KNIGHTSome woman... is she here? :)
00:34.25pacesheya SIDEREAL-KNIGHT
00:34.26abrotmanSIDEREAL-KNIGHT: wrong channel
00:34.32abrotmanthingfish: there's your flirt :)
00:34.34sdakotaabrotman: no idea
00:34.43sdakotapeterS: i know - but you're not, are you
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00:34.52SIDEREAL-KNIGHTabrotman: I'm just kidding....
00:34.55thingfishSIDEREAL-KNIGHT: hey babe, I'm whatever you need me to be.
00:35.07sdakotahow to install the perl PAR tools, like pp and parl? with apt?
00:35.17SIDEREAL-KNIGHTBut women use Debian :)
00:35.24dvsThey do?
00:35.25thingfishsure they do.
00:35.33thingfishwomen have good taste.
00:35.35xeon_do i have to restart x to see mouse changes?
00:35.41dvsthingfish: Ok.  You got a point!
00:35.42ke6isfsdakota: Sure, go ahead.
00:35.44thingfishthey know quality when they see it.
00:35.49SIDEREAL-KNIGHTthingfish: Why you think it? :)
00:35.58sdakotake6isf: ..?
00:36.19thingfishSIDEREAL-KNIGHT: are you wanting the bio-neuro-chemical reasons why I think that?
00:36.20abrotmanthingfish: and you are a woman!
00:36.27ke6isfsdakota: Go ahead and install it with apt.  Oh, you want to know the package name. =^_^=
00:36.30thingfishthat's just tacky
00:36.42sdakotake6isf: Ehh - Yes
00:36.46*** part/#debian Hobart (
00:36.51thingfishno, I definitely have male stuff.
00:37.08Pepei've got a question
00:37.08dvsthingfish: hangover?
00:37.09paceswhy women use linux? :)
00:37.20thingfishdvs makes the funny
00:37.21ke6isfpaces: Because it's superior. =^^=
00:37.25sdakotaI know only one girl who uses linu
00:37.26ke6isfPepe: Just ask away.
00:37.34SIDEREAL-KNIGHTthingfish: No, thanks... I wanna too see someone on the channell :-D
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00:37.44sdakotabut then comes - i know not even óne male who does.
00:37.50ke6isfsdakota: Don't mind me, I'm feeling slightly sarcastic.  What version of Debian are you running?
00:37.52thingfishthat was pretty much incomprehensible...
00:37.54paceske6isf: yeah :)
00:38.00sdakotake6isf: Euh. Sarge.
00:38.12sdakotake6isf: Stable.
00:38.14Pepei've got ubuntu, all my 3d games go very slow, like in a 386, i'm newbie
00:38.16ke6isfsdakota: OK, lemme see if I can dig it up.
00:38.22sdakotake6isf: Thanks :)
00:38.25ke6isfPepe: Ask in #ubuntu, please.  See the /topic
00:38.37Pepeok, thanks
00:38.39thingfishPepe: go to #ubuntu.  They use ubuntu.  We don't.
00:38.53ambroseLso... I compiled a linux- kernel from using make-kpkg, but I forgot the --initrd switch.  Is there a quick way to make the initrd or do I have to start the whole build over?
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00:39.06sdakotaI once asked a ubuntu question here - and that was only because i thought debian was still installed on my server. I really forgot I reinstalled debian - it was just so fast and I could see almost no difference
00:39.23sdakotabut I really ask myself - how do people who never used debian end up here when they ask an ubuntu question?!
00:39.33*** join/#debian Fleck (n=NoThing@
00:39.33sdakotaor when they have it, i mean
00:39.38dvs!debian based
00:39.38dpkgKnoppix, Libranet, Corel/Xandros, Stormix, Progeny, Linspire, DamnSmallLinux, Xebian, Ubuntu, Mepis, and so on are *not* Debian. Just because something's "based on" Debian doesn't mean we can support it. We're supporting Debian, let your distro's support network support it. Ask me about "d-i".
00:39.44thingfishWho knows.  It's an anomaly.
00:39.49*** join/#debian Pepe (
00:39.55ke6isfsdakota: Because they think that Debian based == Debian.  QED, it ain't.
00:40.10thingfishwannabees, all of 'em, bastards.
00:40.19sdakotake6isf: Ah.
00:40.23*** part/#debian Epakai (
00:40.36benjamindeesambroseL, I think make-kpkg uses ccache
00:40.39SIDEREAL-KNIGHTOh, I'm little drunk...
00:40.44SIDEREAL-KNIGHTNo, I'm drunk...
00:40.50thingfishthey don't realize real Debian is way less fucked up than their chosen derivative distros.
00:40.51ke6isfdvs: Not quite what I was thinking of. =^^=
00:41.01SIDEREAL-KNIGHTthingfish: LOL
00:41.06thingfishSIDEREAL-KNIGHT: I am in the process of drinking.
00:41.12sdakotaYup, he's really drunk.
00:41.21abrotmanyou're all drunks .. i would never touch alcohol of any kind
00:41.24ambroseLthanks benjamindees , googling for what ccache is now...
00:41.26ke6isfSIDEREAL-KNIGHT: Just don't do math right now and you'll be fine.
00:41.29dvs!beer abrotman
00:41.30sdakotaSIDEREAL-KNIGHT, at least you can see what you're typing, apparantly
00:41.34thingfishoh right, sr. mary abrotman.
00:41.38abrotmandvs: damn you .. and a yuengling too!
00:41.44dvstee hee hee
00:42.06abrotmanke6isf: i like yuengling
00:42.07SIDEREAL-KNIGHTthingfish: I'm complementing my surface :-D
00:42.32paceswhat is Yuengling Lager? :D
00:42.32thingfishSIDEREAL-KNIGHT: sounds good to me, buddy.
00:42.32thingfishI mean, carry on.
00:42.38*** join/#debian dundy (
00:42.39ke6isfsdakota: You know, I'm searching around using apt-file now, and I can't find parl.  =O.
00:42.46sdakotake6isf: and pp?
00:42.51*** join/#debian kalium (
00:42.54ke6isfsdakota: Hunting down pp right now.
00:43.01kaliumHost/Kernel/OS  "KanotixBox" running Linux 2.6.14-kanotix-5 i686 [ KANOTIX 2005-04 LITE ]
00:43.02kaliumCPU Info        AMD Sempron 2200+ clocked at [ 1499.715 MHz ]
00:43.02kaliumVideocard       ATI Radeon RV200 QW [Radeon 7500]  X.Org 6.8.2  [ 1024x768 @75hz ]
00:43.02kaliumProcesses 92 | Uptime 3:01 | Memory 245.461/248.945MB | HDD Size 280GB (73%used) | Client Konversation 0.19 | Infobash v2.50rc7
00:43.02*** part/#debian kalium (
00:43.02SIDEREAL-KNIGHTsdakota: I don't understand....
00:43.09*** join/#debian kalium (
00:43.16ke6isfkalium: Ask in #kanotix, please.
00:43.19thingfishthey come in here, they paste, they get kicked...
00:43.25ke6isfkalium: And next time, don't flood.
00:43.30thingfishwill they never learn!!
00:43.31sdakotaSIDEREAL-KNIGHT, is that because you're drunk or not english?
00:43.31benjamindeescircle of life...
00:43.32dvsthingfish: It's sooooooooo much fun!
00:43.51ke6isfsdakota: You might have to locate the tarball or install through CPAN.
00:44.04SIDEREAL-KNIGHTsdakota: At both... I think :-D
00:44.22sdakotaSIDEREAL-KNIGHT, You can see what you are typing. :P
00:44.26*** join/#debian JViz (
00:44.44kaliumthingfish: i have nothing ask just joined
00:44.45abrotmanke6isf: and if that was an attempt at a brag about his box ... that's not much to brag about :)
00:44.53thetallcooloneis there a way to have the num-lock enabled at boot up or is it a no-no in the Linux world?
00:44.55abrotmankalium: then why the fuck would you flood the channel ?
00:45.18thingfishkalium: now you realize that made absolutely no sense, right?
00:45.23kaliumthingfish: just mistake
00:45.33abrotmanor stupidity
00:45.37dpkgIt's considered impolite to paste many lines of text on IRC. Please don't do it. Pasting one line is fine. Pasting two lines you can usually get away with. Pasting three lines will get you insulted. Pasting four or more lines will get you kicked. If you want to paste, use #flood or
00:45.38SIDEREAL-KNIGHTsdakota: I think yeah :-D
00:45.39thingfishkalium: what's your native language?
00:45.47bbrazilthingfish: xsetleds and setleds iirc
00:45.49kaliumthingfish: german
00:45.52bbrazilthetallcoolone: ^^
00:46.07thingfishah.  kalium, there's a #debian-de, if you feel inclined.
00:46.12sdakotaI gtg.
00:46.15sdakotaSee yeh.
00:46.20sdakotaHappy new year all.
00:46.23pacesgerman :-D
00:46.27thingfishsdakota: mommy calling you to bathtime?
00:46.35thingfishyou too, sdakota
00:46.40thetallcoolonebbrazil: ?
00:46.48ke6isfsdakota: before you go...
00:46.52SIDEREAL-KNIGHTpaces: Hey... I spoted you :-D
00:46.56abrotmani mean .. why wouldyou walk into a channel .. and announce your system .. that's like walking into a bar and dropping your pants
00:46.59ke6isfsdakota: Can't find pp either.  Try pulling the tarball in when you get time.
00:47.02sdakotathingfish, Yea, like that. It's 1:46 now. And i'm really tired though (that's one of the biggest reasons though, unlike my mom wanting it.)
00:47.04pacesSIDEREAL-KNIGHT: hey wassup? :)
00:47.10bbrazilthetallcoolone: setleds
00:47.20sdakotake6isf: Ok, thanks for looking anyway :)
00:47.22thingfishabrotman: well, I mean, in some places, that'd get your attention pretty quickly.  Would mine.
00:47.25sdakotake6isf: Seeyou :)
00:47.26ke6isfsdakota: No problem.  Happy new year.
00:47.40SIDEREAL-KNIGHTpaces: Nothing... I'm really outside :-D
00:47.41kaliumthingfish: thanks for chat link :-)
00:47.52pacesSIDEREAL-KNIGHT: youre drunk man? :)
00:48.02SIDEREAL-KNIGHTpaces: Yeah :-D
00:48.05thingfishI'm evidently doing things I don't realize.
00:48.09pacesSIDEREAL-KNIGHT: i must also go for my wine :-)
00:48.12*** join/#debian micahf (
00:48.19micahfhey where does thunderbird keep mail?
00:48.21thingfishwine?  pfft.
00:48.24micahfwhere are mbox's stored?
00:48.27SIDEREAL-KNIGHTpaces: Yeah... Do it :)
00:48.37micahfcause I want to import and mbox inbox
00:48.38thetallcoolonebbrazil: not sure I understand. I'm learning here. You mean setleds will let me enable the num-lock at boot up? and if so, where do I set it?
00:48.39pacesthingfish: you dont like wine? :)
00:48.42thingfishreal men drink strawberry daiquiris.
00:48.44nkuttlermicahf: try ~/.thunderbird
00:48.45SIDEREAL-KNIGHTmicahf: What do you mean?
00:48.55thingfishpaces: just kidding.  I love good wine.
00:48.56nkuttlermicahf: or use the export thing in the menu
00:49.01pacesthingfish: yeah :-)
00:49.18thingfishgood wine = art
00:49.20bbrazilthetallcoolone: create a boot script - it'll only work on the console though
00:49.28ke6isf!literal beer
00:49.29dpkg"#debian beer" is "liquid gold mate"
00:49.53ke6isfHow do I list the contents of the 'beer' factoid?
00:49.59SIDEREAL-KNIGHTdpkg  .... LOL
00:50.08ke6isfSIDEREAL-KNIGHT:, dpkg is a bot.
00:50.10bbrazilke6isf: beer (.*?)
00:50.14abrotman!tell ke6isf about literal cmd: beer (.*?)
00:50.20c_cinqi have a quick question about connecting two computers: one running debian and the other running knoppix.  I don't know where to begin.
00:50.21ke6isfabrotman: Grazie. =^^=
00:50.22dvsdpkg shut up
00:50.23dpkgKiss my shiny metal ass!
00:50.34dvsNot a bot to me!
00:50.36thingfishyou go, girl.
00:50.40SIDEREAL-KNIGHTke6isf: I thinked it... and that's a funny
00:50.44abrotmanc_cinq: well .. start somewhere
00:50.46nkuttlerdpkg: what are you?
00:50.47dpkgI am a blootbot. For more info see <blootbot>
00:50.47pacesSIDEREAL-KNIGHT: thought :-)
00:51.01ke6isfSIDEREAL-KNIGHT: Ah huh.
00:51.03thingfishdpkg is fierce.  dpkg turns it out, baby!
00:51.04c_cinqabrotman: thanks
00:51.10thetallcoolonebbrazil: one more thing to learn, boot script. I'll investigate that. thanks
00:51.13SIDEREAL-KNIGHTAPT has skills God's cow.... I don't know....
00:51.30abrotmanthetallcoolone: /etc/init.d/README
00:51.44abrotmanthis could be worse than a sunday
00:51.57bbrazilit is a sunday
00:52.06abrotmannot yet
00:52.11thetallcooloneabrotman: thanks for the info.
00:52.13bbrazilit is for me
00:52.18SIDEREAL-KNIGHTpaces: Thanks... I didn't remember
00:52.20ke6isfbbrazil: Ah, but I'm in US PST.
00:52.32pacesSIDEREAL-KNIGHT: i know, youre drunk XD
00:52.37abrotmanke6isf: he is not
00:52.41SIDEREAL-KNIGHTpaces: And you? :-D
00:52.42dvske6isf: You got one heck of a wait
00:52.47pacesSIDEREAL-KNIGHT: im not yet :)
00:52.54dpkgfierce is, like, I'm *beyond* fierce, baby, I turn it *out*.
00:52.55ke6isfdvs: Time passes.  I'm patient.
00:53.01SIDEREAL-KNIGHTpaces: And why? :-D
00:53.09abrotmanSIDEREAL-KNIGHT: paces: are you guys bored ?
00:53.21pacesabrotman: why bored?
00:53.41thingfishbecause it's new year's eve and we have no hot flesh at our disposal.
00:54.00thingfishwell, not until 10:30
00:54.07pacesSIDEREAL-KNIGHT: 'cause excalator :-)
00:54.22SIDEREAL-KNIGHTpaces: exhavior :-D
00:54.38thingfishexhavior is not a word.  please re-define.
00:54.47SIDEREAL-KNIGHTpaces: excavator
00:55.06ke6isfSIDEREAL-KNIGHT, paces: OK, you guys have had enough.  Time to call a taxi.
00:55.34dvsWhere's the bouncer?
00:55.38paceske6isf: lol
00:55.55thingfishthe bouncer is in the back, eating prime rib.
00:55.56paceske6isf: i didnt drink yet :)
00:55.58SIDEREAL-KNIGHTthingfish: I'm sorry :-/
00:56.02c_cinqI know smb connects windows and linux.  how about two linux machines?
00:56.07abrotmanSIDEREAL-KNIGHT: paces: /msg each other ..
00:56.08pacesbut SIDEREAL-KNIGHT is drunk :)
00:56.20pacesabrotman: im not registered :-/
00:56.31abrotmani find it too ironic that two idiots from .cz join .. and they're both drunk
00:56.32dvsHappy New Year's everybody.  I'm out!
00:56.36nkuttlerc_cinq: try smbclient
00:56.42thingfishHNY, dvs.
00:57.05abrotmanpaces: and neither is he
00:57.11thingfishwow, still 5 hours to go...I can't keep drinking at this pace.
00:57.13abrotmanpaces: and you two can make your own channel
00:57.18abrotmanthingfish: wussie
00:57.27abrotmanthingfish: /nick wussiefish
00:57.31thingfishplus I gotta cook something.
00:57.53bbrazilc_cinq: or smbmount (smbfs package)
00:57.54thingfishhehe wussiefish
00:58.15c_cinqwill smb4k do?
00:59.06*** join/#debian demonjester (
00:59.14*** part/#debian demonjester (
00:59.38SIDEREAL-KNIGHTabrotman: You're not tolerant... You're arogant... too more
00:59.48*** join/#debian demonjester (
01:00.05thingfishit's OK to be bitchy.
01:00.16abrotmanSIDEREAL-KNIGHT: cry .. go ahead
01:00.41SIDEREAL-KNIGHTabrotman: :-D
01:00.43abrotmani've never seen either of you here .. you both join .. seconds apart .. and then turn into tards
01:00.47thingfishand, it's 'arrogant'/
01:00.59c_cinqok smbclient is installed via synaptic
01:01.48pacesabrotman: don't you like czech 'tourists' ? :)
01:01.59thingfishooh, I like czechs.
01:02.01abrotmani don't like idiots
01:02.13pacesabrotman: why you think we are idiots?
01:02.22thingfishczechs have a cool language.
01:02.26thingfishall consonant.
01:02.27*** part/#debian ke6isf (
01:02.28pacesthingfish: i love you too
01:02.30*** join/#debian ke6isf (
01:02.36abrotmanfor starters .. you can't spell arrogant ?
01:02.56thingfishwell, that's to be excused, if he's a non-native speaker, to be fair.
01:03.01*** mode/#debian [+l 658] by debhelper
01:03.02thingfishnow now
01:03.18ke6isfhny thingfish
01:03.23SIDEREAL-KNIGHTpaces: ProstÄ› a jednoduÅ¡e... když nÄ›kdo neumí anglicky, tak je podle nich idiot... no a co když on neumí Äesky? :-D
01:03.30thingfish(I'm being nice because czech men are said to be beautiful!)
01:03.31ke6isfOh, for pity's sake...
01:03.34pacesSIDEREAL-KNIGHT: lol you should speak english :)
01:03.38dpkgasg for ops!
01:03.44ke6isf!ops SIDEREAL-KNIGHT and paces
01:03.45dpkgHydroxide, bob2, caphuso, dondelelcaro, doogie, eeyore-, ElectricElf, ):, helix, ljlane, LoRez, RichiH, mentor, Netsnipe, TML, walters, xk, gravity, azeem: SIDEREAL-KNIGHT and paces
01:03.51thingfishooh, I'm swooning!
01:03.57SIDEREAL-KNIGHTpaces: hehe
01:04.09thingfishah, you czech lovelies, take me!
01:04.19pacesthingfish: :-)
01:04.25micahfany ideas why thunderbird can't read my mbox files?
01:04.27nkuttlerthingfish: there are beautiful people everywhere in europe
01:04.28micahfI copied them to the ~/.mozilla-thunderbird/...
01:04.30micahfappropriate user directory
01:04.36micahfit's weird
01:04.49ke6isf!tell micahf -about enter
01:04.50abrotmanwrong location? wrong perimssions? wrong ownership ?
01:04.53thingfishnkuttler: and I am only willing to explore.
01:04.55pacesthingfish: what country are you from?
01:05.12SIDEREAL-KNIGHTI've ~/.thunderbird only....
01:05.13demonjesterI would bet on ownership
01:05.21*** join/#debian Omega11 (
01:05.22*** join/#debian VPR5703 (
01:05.24*** join/#debian samuel (
01:05.25Omega11debian linux sucks
01:05.27abrotmanSIDEREAL-KNIGHT: dpkg -l libc6 | tail -1
01:05.30thingfishpaces: I am from the middle of the U.S.A.  Please come rescue me; I plead political asylum.
01:05.33SIDEREAL-KNIGHTOmega11: You too
01:05.36ke6isfOmega11: Then go away.
01:05.37pacesthingfish: lol
01:05.37VPR5703me again
01:05.46pacesthingfish: i'm too young to go to USA :)
01:05.55nkuttlerOmega11: it's GNU/Linux
01:05.56samuelsup all
01:06.06thingfishI'm serious.  I need european environment in which to thrive.
01:06.13SIDEREAL-KNIGHTabrotman: And theeeen? :)
01:06.16Omega11well anyways all lnux sux
01:06.19Omega11it has bad kernel
01:06.21VPR5703OK, Im trying to install Sarge onto my computer here at my house. And it sticks at "loding module for IDE detection"
01:06.22thingfishthese bible beaters are really getting me down.
01:06.23samuelanyone know what KDE uses for detecting and automounting drives?
01:06.24abrotmanOmega11: is that all ?
01:06.32nkuttlerOmega11: nice troll. too bad i have to go
01:06.36*** join/#debian darkcmd (
01:06.37abrotmanOmega11: what's a good kernel?
01:06.42Omega11windows xp kernel
01:06.43ke6isfOmega11: Indeed.  What would you suggest? Perhaps OS/2?
01:06.44abrotmanand why?
01:06.45Omega11is good kernel
01:06.49abrotmanOmega11: why is it a good kernel ?
01:06.51benjamindees!ops Omega11
01:06.51dpkgHydroxide, bob2, caphuso, dondelelcaro, doogie, eeyore-, ElectricElf, ):, helix, ljlane, LoRez, RichiH, mentor, Netsnipe, TML, walters, xk, gravity, azeem: Omega11
01:06.57ke6isfbenjamindees: Doh, not yet!
01:06.59SIDEREAL-KNIGHTsamuel: I know... but only in Czech :) I'm sorry :)
01:07.03thingfishnkuttler: why do you have to go?  Some hot party to attend?
01:07.05ke6isfbenjamindees: I wanna play with this character?
01:07.11nkuttlerthingfish: yup
01:07.12Omega11cause it is professionaly designed by microsoft
01:07.14Omega11makes it good kernel
01:07.25abrotmanOmega11: but people are paid to professionally work on linux kernel
01:07.28thingfishnkuttler: ooh!  I hope you manage to get naked sometime tonight!
01:07.30benjamindeesalright, alright...
01:07.31pacesOmega11: 'professionaly'? lol!
01:07.34ke6isfOmega11: But, can you offer any technical superiority other than that "Microsoft makes it"?
01:07.35zOapHappy new year!
01:07.41nkuttlerthingfish: i always sleep naked...
01:07.48paceszOap: same to you
01:07.50thingfishhehe I mean WITH someone silly
01:08.01zOapnkuttler, to much information.
01:08.06thingfishno it's NOT
01:08.10Omega11it has something to do with monolitich vs microkernel
01:08.11thingfishit's kinda hot...
01:08.12Omega11or something
01:08.13abrotmanbah .. fuck . i cut up my hand
01:08.22abrotmanOmega11: they're both monolithic
01:08.25thingfishooh, abrotman - emergency room?
01:08.35abrotmanthingfish: no .. not like that .. like sandpaper
01:08.37ke6isfOmega11: So just because of buzzwords, it's superior?
01:08.42SIDEREAL-KNIGHTabrotman: That's life
01:08.43ke6isfabrotman: Ouch.  Superglue.
01:08.46VPR5703So any anwsers?
01:08.52abrotmanke6isf: XP and linux are both monolithic
01:09.03ke6isfabrotman: I know.
01:09.04Omega11well there have been professioal studies done that tco for windows xp is better
01:09.06Omega11so im convinced
01:09.12ke6isfOmega11: That means absolutely nothing.
01:09.13abrotmanOmega11: but it's not even a server release
01:09.17thingfishit is to laugh
01:09.23ke6isfOmega11: There can be professional studies that cyanide won't kill you.
01:09.32thingfishtroll, troll, troll, troll, troll...
01:09.38bbrazilOmega11: do you have a question relating to debian?
01:09.39abrotmanke6isf: no .. it's from my guitar .. i think one of the frets slid out
01:09.45Omega11well yea
01:09.48abrotmanbbrazil: oh come on ..
01:09.50Omega11i just want to know why debain sucks
01:09.52pacesOmega11: professional studies? no. thay had only too much money :-)
01:09.55abrotmanOmega11: have you used it ?
01:09.58ke6isfOmega11: There is a ever circulating petition that calls for the FDA to ban water because the inhalation of it can kill you.
01:09.59swardoooh, I do like a good troll... ... ... ... ... not
01:10.00pacesOmega11: *they
01:10.01samuelthere are 3 types of lies... lies, damned lies, and microsoft!
01:10.02Omega11i mean even among linuxes debian is worst distro compared to mandrake
01:10.09thingfishOmega11: your daddy is hot.
01:10.11abrotmanmandrake doesn't exist tard
01:10.18abrotmanOmega11: have you tried debian?
01:10.22ke6isfOmega11: Well, that's *your* opinion
01:10.31Omega11yea that apt-get shit sux
01:10.31ambroseLOmega11, who paid for those studies that say Windows XP is the best?
01:10.42*** join/#debian aaaa (n=aaaa@
01:10.44abrotmanOmega11: really .. why is that ? .. did you file a bug?
01:10.47thingfishyou guys, man, ignore the goof.
01:10.49Omega11don't matter who pay for it study says it
01:10.52ke6isfOmega11: Well, that's a very interesting opinion, but why does it suck?
01:11.01VPR5703you seem to be of a steady mind
01:11.04SIDEREAL-KNIGHTOh God.. Linuxes... that's too bad word...
01:11.05ke6isf!ops Omega11 trolling
01:11.05dpkgHydroxide, bob2, caphuso, dondelelcaro, doogie, eeyore-, ElectricElf, ):, helix, ljlane, LoRez, RichiH, mentor, Netsnipe, TML, walters, xk, gravity, azeem: Omega11 trolling
01:11.06VPR5703can you help me?
01:11.09Omega11well sometimes it don't work properly
01:11.14Omega11it fux0red my puter
01:11.20thingfishsteady mind? hahaha
01:11.21ke6isfOmega11: How so?
01:11.25VPR5703OK seven so
01:11.27thingfishthat's a laugh.
01:11.27abrotmanOmega11: PEBKAC
01:11.30aaaahappy new year
01:11.33VPR5703can you help me out a bit
01:11.37Omega11and the rm command is bad
01:11.38*** join/#debian owh (
01:11.39demonjestersounds like a ID10T error
01:11.40ke6isfOmega11: And more important, what version of Debian?
01:11.42Omega11one tim i did rm -rf /
01:11.46dpkgIf you have a question, just ask! For Example: "I have a problem with ___; I'm running Debian version ___. when I try to do ___ I get the following output ___. I expected it to do ___." Don't ask if you can ask, or if anyone uses it, or pick one person to ask (ask the whole channel!). We're all volunteers; make it easy for us to help you. If you don't get an answer, ask later or ask
01:11.49Omega11and the computer wouldn't start
01:11.51thingfishI have medication bills that testify to my *not* having a steady mind.
01:11.52abrotmanOmega11: PEBKAC
01:11.55DuelistOmega11: APT beats the crap out of other package management or lack thereof
01:11.56*** join/#debian dvsdude (
01:11.57lekvarOmega11: You probably don't like the nuthatch either...
01:12.00VPR5703Ok thats alright
01:12.05VPR5703bbrazil, I did ask.
01:12.06ke6isfOmega11: In that case, that was your error.  You do understand what 'rm -rf /' does, right?
01:12.06swardOmega11: fux0red? You're not one of *them*, are you?
01:12.07DuelistOmega11: and if you're stupid enough to rm -rf / then you deserve what to get
01:12.08ambroseLhahahaha, Omega11 - the rm command is bad???   so are nuclear reactors and other technology
01:12.10VPR5703you nonoe answered
01:12.11Duelistwhat you get I mean
01:12.24SIDEREAL-KNIGHTDebian Sid (without udev from Sid) RULEZz :-D
01:12.31Omega11i mean in windows it warns u before whole system is earases
01:12.32Duelistand you can format C: on Windows, too
01:12.39thingfishsarge is the only rule thing.
01:12.40Omega11yea but at least it wrnas u
01:12.41VPR5703so can I ask again?
01:12.42abrotman!tell Omega11 about u
01:12.42lekvarSIDEREAL-KNIGHT: with no udev or with a different udev?
01:12.45dvsdudehey all im running unstable and having problems with qt when trying to compile kde app any help appriciated
01:12.51bbrazilVPR5703: try linux26
01:12.52ambroseLOmega11, except for the Blue Screen of Death, and freezes, and stuff
01:12.59ke6isfOmega11: 'rm -rf /' is analogous to 'deltree -y c:
01:13.10VPR5703Even though my question relates to Sarge?
01:13.13thingfishit mentions the dos stuff.
01:13.22Omega11what the fuck is wrong with typing u
01:13.25ke6isfOmega11: With 'rm', the -f tells it to not ask.  Just like /y in 'del' and 'deltree'.
01:13.26Omega11it saves bandwidth
01:13.26abrotman!tell Omega11 about u
01:13.28kspathany tty fanatics use   svgatextmode (1.9-12) enable higher resolution text modes    ?
01:13.32ke6isfOmega11: Dont' do it.  Trust me.
01:13.38ke6isfOmega11: Yes, two bytes.
01:13.41thingfishtsk piss off, Omega11.  we *just* don't like you.
01:13.44swardSIDEREAL-KNIGHT: udev from sid is fine so far, what problems should I expect?  They certainly weren't listed in apt-listchanges/bugs
01:13.57bbrazilVPR5703: well, its worth a try
01:14.00owhHappy new year. I'm trying to do: apt-get install alsa-oss. This results in a notification that the following will be REMOVED: bcm5700-module-2.6.11-1-686 initrd-tools kernel-image-2.6.11-1-686 kernel-image-2.6.5-1-686 - except that AFAIK that's my current kernel. Can someone hit me with a clue-bat and help me figure out what is going on?
01:14.05Omega11yea but those two bytes actually have bandwidth value
01:14.08zOapOmega11, are you being stupid? if you deslike deb that much why don't you find yourself another place to be
01:14.13Omega11so its better to type u
01:14.17abrotmanowh: alsa is in 2.6 already
01:14.18abrotman!tell Omega11 about u
01:14.19VPR5703Ok no one is there.
01:14.19zOapOmega11, are you 11 year old?
01:14.20Omega11and for your are type u r
01:14.23ke6isfOmega11: By that extension, by doing 'rm -rf /' without fully understanding the consequences, that classifies you as a "stupid fucking idiot", and you deserve to lose..
01:14.24abrotman!tell Omega11 about r
01:14.28SIDEREAL-KNIGHTsward: After update my udev laired :)
01:14.31thingfishzOap: you're just feeding it.
01:14.40SIDEREAL-KNIGHTsward: *upgrade
01:14.43lekvarsward: SIDEREAL-KNIGHT: I've had plenty of "fun" trying to upgrade a laptop above 2.6.8 & udev (sid except for kernel)...
01:15.08*** join/#debian wdondek (n=wdondek@
01:15.14thingfishzOap: probably some appalachian inbred lump of quivering protoplasm.  Leave it alone.
01:15.22VPR5703Does Linux not like nVidia chipsets?
01:15.28swardSIDEREAL-KNIGHT, lekvar: new udev requires at least kernel 2.6.12, if I recall correctly
01:15.30kspathabrotman: were you the one that was going to get the plasma for TTYs use?
01:15.30Omega11read article on msnbc how short type saves letters on text messaging dumb ass
01:15.33abrotmanno .. nvidia doesn't like its users
01:15.34Omega11don't make big deal out of it
01:15.35ke6isf!tell VPR5703 -about nvidia
01:15.37owhabrotman: How do I get the compatibility wrapper: aoss which it appears I need to be able to get sound running with VMware which doesn't talk to ALSA?
01:15.49SIDEREAL-KNIGHTsward: I have 2.6.14 :)
01:15.50ke6isfVPR5703: I just had dpkg send you the information on nvidia.  Read and be enlightened.
01:15.55abrotman!find aoss sarge
01:16.02dvsdudehey all im running unstable and having problems with qt when trying to compile kde app any help appriciated
01:16.09abrotmandvsdude: that's vague
01:16.11dpkgDebian Search of 'aoss' (2): (/usr/bin/aoss, /usr/lib/{libaoss.a|||...}) in sound/alsa-oss ;; (/usr/share/doc/aegis-doc/{aoss4.dvi.gz||aoss4.txt.gz}) in doc/aegis-doc.
01:16.14Omega11dvsdude: switch to windows
01:16.25VPR5703OK didnt help much
01:16.31dvsdudeOmega11, fuk off
01:16.39lekvarSIDEREAL-KNIGHT: yea I tried 2.6.14 and wound up with bunches of "eth0: Interrupt(s) dropped!" errors that were never there before...
01:16.44benjamindeesdvsdude, don't mind him, he's a troll
01:16.45ke6isfdvsdude: He's a troll, just ignore nim.
01:16.45dvsdudeabrotman, when running configure it looks for qt >=2.2.2 header and libraries but not found
01:16.46VPR5703It is sticking on the "loading IDE detection moduke for.." part.
01:16.47Omega11its fuck not fuk spell it out they make me dumb ass
01:16.54abrotmandvsdude: did you install the -dev packages
01:17.00*** join/#debian gaasfet (n=Lxxxn@tor/session/x-465e62a618328d8f)
01:17.04ambroseLOmega11, if you're just here to troll, please go away
01:17.10ke6isfVPR5703: You need to read the factoid, and then read the other factoids that it refers you to.
01:17.15SIDEREAL-KNIGHTlekvar: Errors? Which errors?
01:17.16swarddvsdude: switch to win.. err, yeah, what exactly is your problem?  Any error messages that could help us?
01:17.16ke6isfambrose: dude, /ignore
01:17.17VPR5703oh OK
01:17.21abrotmanowh: it should
01:17.25Omega11no im not fishing im here to piss people off and make them mad not troll
01:17.32Omega11i don't like to troll for fish
01:17.34lekvarSIDEREAL-KNIGHT: It would seem right thing to do is install pcmciautils > pcmcia-cs && purge hotplug... but then other stuff breaks worse
01:17.35abrotmanthat is trolling you fucking moron
01:17.53Omega11no trolling is a form of fishing u fucking dumb ass
01:17.59VPR5703Ok o do I get it to send me other factoids?
01:18.00abrotman!tell Omega11 about u
01:18.03VPR5703Sorry for being new.
01:18.07SIDEREAL-KNIGHTlekvar: Oh... you have notebook... isn't it?
01:18.09ke6isf*sigh* When the ops are /away, the dumbshits are at play.
01:18.10ambroseLke6isf, I just wanted to ask it to leave in a new way besides some of the less polite forms
01:18.17lekvarSIDEREAL-KNIGHT: Correct!
01:18.19bbrazilVPR5703: /msg dpkg factoid
01:18.20pacesSIDEREAL-KNIGHT: he said that :-)
01:18.23VPR5703ok thnaks
01:18.25ambroseLit has no excuse for not understanding now
01:18.27dvsdudeabrotman, have qt3-dev-tools
01:18.27beardy!troll Omega11
01:18.37ke6isfambroseL: Not sure it understands "polite" though.
01:18.39abrotmandvsdude: do you have qt3-dev ?
01:18.41thingfishwhy are there never any ops in here.  dereliction of duty, if you ask me.
01:18.49SIDEREAL-KNIGHTpaces: I don't know...
01:18.50abrotmanthingfish: complain to the powers that be
01:18.51Duelistanyway, I once hosed a perfectly good Windows 2000 Professional install just uninstalling software, the registry ate itself
01:18.58ambroseLke6isf, it doesn't understand anything else, so I tried polite
01:18.58dpkgantgel for ops!
01:19.01ambroseLI knew it was a long shot
01:19.09thingfishdondelelcaro: there are never enough ops in here!
01:19.20Duelistat least when the Debian equivalent of a registry eats itself the system is still nominally usable
01:19.26dpkgantgel for ops!
01:19.27lekvarSIDEREAL-KNIGHT: I think I know the solution to all tihs... namely, discard current notebook computer and replace with one featuring inbuilt ethernet...
01:19.34SIDEREAL-KNIGHTlekvar: I'm sorry... I haven't NB... I've it on PC
01:19.35thingfishOverfiend: optify some folks!
01:19.42swardthingfish: Then shout "op me, op me!"
01:19.49peterSthingfish: rabblerousing won't get new ops appointed
01:19.51zOapstupid ass mf kills my new year joy. Omega11 , I'm gonna search down your comp and destroy it. Oh, wait, you are running winblows, it will take care of it by itself
01:19.53Omega11type rm -rf /etc
01:19.53beardyabrotman for ops!
01:19.54thingfishno way, I don't want to be an op.
01:19.56Omega11erase the registey
01:19.59Omega11rm -rf /etc
01:20.02Omega11then it won't work
01:20.02thingfishpeterS: I know.
01:20.08SIDEREAL-KNIGHTlekvar: I don't think so.... but NB's are diferent...
01:20.09abrotmanOmega11: shut the hell up
01:20.14swardthingfish: More likely to get you kicked
01:20.24thingfishooh, we don't want that.
01:20.28ke6isfRabble Rabble Rabble! Rouse Rouse Rouse!
01:20.30thingfishme likey #debian.
01:20.31VPR5703It's haning at the initial installation, I cant even get into the kernel yet
01:20.33peterSsward: he likes it rough, though
01:20.37*** join/#debian ndondek (n=ndondek@
01:20.46swardI bet
01:20.52Omega11my psp is better then debian
01:20.53*** join/#debian spoopin (
01:21.03bbrazilVPR5703: there should be an option to disable probing ide - ide=noprobe maybe. try googling
01:21.12kspathWhy is it they allow those in special hospitals to have access to internet resources when they are off their meds
01:21.22VPR5703ok Ill see what I can dop
01:21.25swardOmega11: my psp would have Debian on it, if I had a psd
01:21.30thetallcooloneIt is fun watching things evolving 'round here. ;-)
01:21.35Omega11this play station portable os is better then debian
01:21.41Omega11more user friendly
01:21.43SIDEREAL-KNIGHTthingfish: Hey... that's czech phrase... or word :)
01:21.48owhabrotman: Is it possible that I've not configured oss compatibility properly and that I need to do some RTFM-ing?
01:21.51abrotmanOmega11: and what OS does the PSP use?
01:21.53Omega11no ur psp wouldn't have debian in it
01:21.55pacesOmega11: you are not user friendly :)
01:21.56dvsdudeabrotman, i have apt-cache search qt3 and libqt installed all packages that apt will allow just installed qt3-dev-tools and qt3-dev-tools-compat now app complains about libraries
01:21.57abrotman!tell Omega11 about ur
01:21.59EdLin!ops Omega11 is trolling, rather stupidly, but trolling
01:22.00dpkgHydroxide, bob2, caphuso, dondelelcaro, doogie, eeyore-, ElectricElf, ):, helix, ljlane, LoRez, RichiH, mentor, Netsnipe, TML, walters, xk, gravity, azeem: Omega11 is trolling, rather stupidly, but trolling
01:22.00Omega11they haven't built a working psp kernel yet
01:22.05thingfishSIDEREAL-KNIGHT: tsk is a word?
01:22.09Omega11!tell abrotman about ur
01:22.09Omega11!tell abrotman about ur
01:22.10Omega11!tell abrotman about ur
01:22.11abrotmandvsdude: you need qt3-dev
01:22.14abrotmanOmega11: do it faster
01:22.24pacesSIDEREAL-KNIGHT: :p
01:22.31thingfishhere's the only czech phrase I know: strc prst skrz krk
01:22.39*** join/#debian solomonn (
01:22.41abrotmanOmega11: if you say it really quickly five times in a row .. dpkg gives you a speical url
01:22.42beardyOmega11: That's enough, lay off or go away.
01:22.54Omega11!tell abrotman about ur
01:22.55Omega11!tell abrotman about ur
01:22.57ambroseLabrotman, heh
01:23.02abrotmanOmega11: five times
01:23.10SIDEREAL-KNIGHTthingfish: I don't know... It's interjection... 'Mean "hehe" :)
01:23.20paceske6isf: :-)
01:23.21thingfishtoo crazy, going to have to leave the insanity and go cook.
01:23.22beardyke6isf: Then stay all day.
01:23.26solomonnhum, i just upgraded sid amd64's xorg and now ctrl+alt+foo stuff doesn't work, like switching to console and switching modes
01:23.29beardyHappy tardsday.
01:23.31Omega11i think i'll goto #gentoo now ur getting boraing
01:23.34ke6isfbeardy: Yes, I know, that's what Sunday's for. =^_^=
01:23.35thingfishhehe beardy
01:23.36abrotmanOmega11: are you scared?
01:23.37kspathit is funny in some ways but the scrolling got annoying a bit
01:23.38ke6isf!always sunday
01:23.38dpkgJust as it's always September, somewhere, out on the internet, it's always Sunday here in #debian.
01:23.39VPR5703ok no help
01:23.41abrotman!tell Omega11 about ur
01:23.42beardyke6isf: mm
01:23.50lekvarOkay if a new kernel brings in new pcmcia card services stuff which bring in udev, which kills devfs, and thus makes the old kernel unbootable, how do you do a rollback if there are problems?
01:23.54peterSI can feel my IQ dropping.  maybe I need to get out of here
01:23.59cse2In general, what happens if you have a crontab set to execute every minute and it takes longer than a minute to execute? Will it just run both at the same time?
01:24.06peterScse2: yes
01:24.07dvsdudeabrotman, cannot find qt3-dev via apt-cache search how else can i get
01:24.08abrotmanowh: yes .. you do need to load a module for oss/alsa stuff
01:24.16ke6isfpeterS: Have a beer, you'll feel better.
01:24.17abrotmandvsdude: why is the compile failing ?
01:24.19beardypeterS: Run!
01:24.22cse2peterS, thanks
01:24.22abrotmanpeterS: you love us!
01:24.26peterScse2: if that's a distinct possibility, it's best to arrange somehow to generate a lockfile and check it before running
01:24.28thingfishpeterS: really, it's not always this bad, you know...I mean, what do you expect, it's new years!
01:24.38*** join/#debian TheBlueWizard (
01:24.40peterSthingfish: dude, I've been around here for two years, I know what it's usually like
01:24.51abrotmanpeterS: can we make you an op?
01:24.54beardy_and_ Sunday, must be the worse it can get..
01:24.58thingfishhehe I know peterS, you're an old timer.
01:25.08peterSabrotman: if this were a democracy ... but it's not, so.
01:25.21abrotmanpeterS: i'd vote for you!
01:25.21Omega11happy new year everyone
01:25.23Omega11its almost 2006
01:25.26SIDEREAL-KNIGHTthingfish: Where do you live?
01:25.29peterSabrotman: I think if they decided they needed more ops, you'd get a nomination before I would
01:25.32Omega11june 6 will be the end of the world
01:25.33VPR5703icant find the commans to disable IDE probing
01:25.35ke6isfpeters is the new Number 6?
01:25.37pacesSIDEREAL-KNIGHT: she lives in USA :)
01:25.41abrotmanpeterS: doubtful
01:25.43thingfishSIDEREAL-KNIGHT: kansas city, missouri, usa.
01:25.44sward`I think I'd vote too..
01:25.56swardnot that I've been here long
01:26.01ke6isfWow, so Omega11 is not only a troll, he's a false prophet as well.
01:26.03dvsdudeabrotman, see flood
01:26.04pacesthingfish: yeah, she :)
01:26.05bbrazilVPR5703: this is really not my area, I'd suggest restating the problem
01:26.06beardyOmega11: And you will go down first.
01:26.08ambroseLwhat's wrong with being female, anyway?
01:26.10peterSke6isf: it.  not he.
01:26.11thingfishtsk paces.
01:26.18VPR5703It is as simple as that though
01:26.22ke6isfpeters: Yes, you're right, silly me.  It.
01:26.25thingfishnothing, as long as you are one, ambrose.
01:26.28pacesthingfish: you have red colour in my client, so i can say 'she' :D
01:26.29Omega11that very skary
01:26.30VPR5703When it probes the IDE ports, it freezes and hangs.
01:26.31zOapthe geek did go the #gentoo, but they was to ban him
01:26.35peterSOmega11: that's not very y2k compliant
01:26.37thingfishI mean ambroseL
01:26.47beardyambroseL: Nothing.
01:26.50*** join/#debian simone (n=simone@
01:26.52abrotmanpeterS: i'm tempted to ask #fn to ops someone for the night
01:27.04thingfishpaces: OK, sweetie, whatever.
01:27.10pacesthingfish: :)
01:27.12simonetem algum brasileiro por aqui
01:27.13beardyabrotman: Best of luck. :)
01:27.14ke6isfabrotman: I say go for it.
01:27.15peterSabrotman: go out and party.  drink 'til you forget the trolls
01:27.22dpkgEsse canal e apenas em ingles. Por favor, use #debian-br (/j #debian-br) para ajuda em portugues.
01:27.27peterSabrotman: just don't drink and op.  that would be, I dunno, bad
01:27.29thingfishall the damn ops are out getting drunk, the slackers.
01:27.30abrotmanpeterS: but i would never drink beer :)
01:27.32SIDEREAL-KNIGHTthingfish: That's definate.... I like geography... :) Only kansas city is enough :)
01:27.42*** join/#debian meff (
01:27.47*** join/#debian mrwill (n=nnSnak@
01:27.52swardabrotman: Stout!
01:27.53*** join/#debian findme (
01:28.05*** part/#debian Omega11 (
01:28.09peterSabrotman: oh yeah, you have to wear your umbrella hat to the party
01:28.15bbrazil!beer debhelper
01:28.16*** join/#debian Omega11 (
01:28.21abrotmanOmega11: do it again!
01:28.27Omega11this is boaring im going back to my new years celebration
01:28.32abrotmanboring ..
01:28.42*** join/#debian Technel (
01:28.46Omega11gonna put down a few more shots
01:28.49Omega11then i'll be back
01:28.51peterSboaring would mean you're acting like a pig?
01:28.52zOap!hurray debhelper
01:28.55paceswhat is 'celebration'? :D
01:28.55abrotmanwhat amazes me most .. these kids live in the states .. and can't spell anything
01:28.55thingfishif your new years celebration were so hot, you wouldn't have /joined here.
01:28.57SIDEREAL-KNIGHTthingfish: Only my EN's not well :D
01:29.06VPR5703Hey I live in the states.
01:29.11abrotmanthingfish: party for one!
01:29.18abrotmanVPR5703: so do i .. that's not my point
01:29.20beardyabrotman: Does it really amaze you?
01:29.22SIDEREAL-KNIGHTpaces: Představení ne?
01:29.23ke6isfMay his computer self destruct.
01:29.28thingfishabrotman: they are releasing totally uneducated shitheads from high school these days.
01:29.36abrotmanVPR5703: <Omega11> this is boaring .. how do you spell that word ?
01:29.41pacesSIDEREAL-KNIGHT: i know what does it mean, but im kidding :) i never celebrate anything :)
01:29.41SIDEREAL-KNIGHTpaces: Black Celebration... DEPECHE MODE ;)
01:29.43*** join/#debian zorba64 (
01:29.48VPR5703^ what he said
01:29.52pacesSIDEREAL-KNIGHT: anything
01:29.54*** part/#debian samuel (
01:30.01thingfishdepeche mode?  don't give me group names, give me DJs.
01:30.02ke6isfMay he puke his spleen out
01:30.05SIDEREAL-KNIGHTpaces: Oh, I'm sorry :-D
01:30.20ke6isfsimone: Just ask your question, please.  In english, if you don't mind.
01:30.22peterSthere is no helpppppppppppppppp for ppp
01:30.25SIDEREAL-KNIGHTthingfish: PAUL VAN DYK :-D
01:30.32pacesPVD rules
01:30.33thingfish!win SIDEREAL-KNIGHT
01:30.33dpkgCongratulations, SIDEREAL-KNIGHT! You have won a one way ticket to Fire Island!
01:30.40ke6isfsimone: And the bronx cheer at the end of 'help' is bad form. =-)
01:30.42simonei brazilian
01:30.44thingfishooh fire island, send me there!
01:30.45pacesthingfish: Tiësto :)
01:30.49peterSke6isf: right, that too
01:30.54thingfishpaces: yes!!!
01:30.56ke6isfsimone: Then you might ask in #debian-br, like dpkg said earlier.
01:30.57pacesthingfish: :-)
01:31.01VPR5703so am I to give up on installing Sarge?
01:31.02simonei don speak englisn
01:31.12abrotmansimone: espanol?
01:31.14ke6isf!tell simone -about br
01:31.22abrotmanoh . nm
01:31.25zOapsimone, #debian-br
01:31.26bbrazilsimone: Tente entrar em #debian-br
01:31.29lekvarthingfish: AFAICT if the public schools are releasing uneducated shitheads they're doing what they are designed (not advertised) to do...
01:31.31SIDEREAL-KNIGHTthingfish: What does it mean?
01:31.36simonehow used
01:31.46peterS/join #debian-br
01:31.47bbrazilsimone: /join #debian-br
01:31.54thingfishSIDEREAL-KNIGHT: John Digweed.  The king of progressive/underground house.
01:32.18pacesthingfish: you like house?
01:32.19*** join/#debian acid-trip (
01:32.27thingfishpaces: very very much.
01:32.28*** join/#debian BlackEntity (
01:32.30acid-trip!dpkg wine
01:32.30dpkgwine is probably at or #winehq. It stands for Wine Is Not an Emulator or alternative win32 API. very buggy, will be a major part of the death of M$. The sources.list lines are: deb wine main, deb-src wine main. apt-get install shiraz, or a tasty alcoholic beverage.
01:32.35BlackEntityDebian r0ck0rz
01:32.40kspathI had a college reading and vocabulary  proven by required tests in 7th grade   I actually degraded in High School
01:32.50SupaplexBlackEntity: well yeaw :p
01:32.54ke6isfkspath: Welcome to the club. =O.o=
01:33.00*** mode/#debian [+l 665] by debhelper
01:33.05mrwillgents, got a silly idea.  supposing I set up a dns server, and then added it to my /etc/resolv.conf, and it gave different results than 'real' nameservers, what would happen?  let's suppose further there are no collisions in the two namespaces... the union of the two sets is empty.  so, only my nameserver can respond to certain queries, normal ones can't.  what happens?  does it mess everything up?
01:33.06BlackEntityI had a 6th grade readinmg level in kindergarden
01:33.17pacesthingfish: sometimes i listen to :)
01:33.17piplinemrwill: Nope.
01:33.25piplinemrwill: It should work fine.
01:33.30mrwillpipline: really?  holy shit!
01:33.30peterSmrwill: it'd be slow though
01:33.33SIDEREAL-KNIGHTthingfish: I don't know him.... My music is largely METAL....speed, heavy, trash, death, black, post-black etc.
01:33.38thingfishpaces: I only listen to when is offline.
01:33.46pacesthingfish: :-)
01:33.51BlackEntitydebian is the universal operating system used in space ships
01:33.52piplinemrwill: You should, however, configure your DNS to answer first for its own things, and pass everything else up
01:33.53thingfishSIDEREAL-KNIGHT: right, that's fine, just not my style.
01:33.53pacesthingfish: i dont know :)
01:33.58peterSmrwill: what would be faster would be to install bind9 locally and configure it to forward certain domains to the alternative DNS server, and everything else to the standard ones
01:33.59owhabrotman: All the reading I've done so-far indicate that ALSA exists inside 2.6.x kernels, but that I need to install alsa-oss as a compatibility library for OSS-only applications. Am I understanding correctly that you are telling me that this is not true?
01:33.59piplinemrwill: Rather than leaving it to the client :P
01:34.02*** join/#debian Frankablu (
01:34.04Supaplexthingfish: I only listen to online radio when my ripped streams aren't with me :)
01:34.12thingfishpaces: check them out.  Very good underground/progressive house.
01:34.18*** join/#debian Shadowcat (
01:34.21*** join/#debian npx (
01:34.25pacesthingfish: i dont listen so much to these styles :)
01:34.28beardyBlackEntity: If that were true, we would have come much further by now..
01:34.29npxapt, chuck norris is not hung like a horse... horses are hung like Chuck Norris and currently suing NBC, claiming Law and Order are trademarked names for his left and right legs.
01:34.33aptokay, npx
01:34.34peterSowh: true except that it's not a "library" but a kernel module, named snd-pcm-oss
01:34.35mrwillpeterS: right, because it might try all the normal nameservers first and wait for them to time out.
01:34.38SIDEREAL-KNIGHTthingfish: But I like PROGRESSIVE... like a PAUL VAN DYK - Not But You
01:34.41peterSowh: that too is already in your 2.6 kernel
01:34.42thingfishpaces: lately they've had shows by chris fortier, lee burridge, danny howells...
01:34.45BlackEntityIn debian I have to load snd-pcm-oss and mixer snd-mixer-oss or something on a standard install
01:34.50peterSmrwill: right, or vice versa for the other names
01:34.51abrotmanowh: i thought you only had to load a module
01:34.54SIDEREAL-KNIGHTthingfish: Nothing
01:34.55xsdgnpx: rofl
01:35.11*** join/#debian jdhutchin1 (
01:35.19peterSmrwill: also it might not work at all since if it gets back a definite "name not found" response from one name server it might not check the next
01:35.27peterSmrwill: (as opposed to just a timeout from the first)
01:35.28BlackEntityBut then I ask myself, what is a standard install?
01:35.34*** join/#debian HiveDrone (
01:35.53thingfishwell, a standard install is, what $(I) do.
01:35.55mrwillpeterS: right... I like your local nameserver idea, that would probably work a lot better.
01:36.12BlackEntitySop what you're saying is Debian isn't used  in spaceships huh
01:36.13npxthingfish, it sez I command not found plz assist
01:36.14Supaplexdo you want a caching name server or something?
01:36.21peterSthingfish: I: command not found
01:36.27npxhhahaha piss on you peter
01:36.28*** join/#debian Tarantulafudge (
01:36.29thingfishyou nuts
01:36.37BlackEntityInvalid command or filename.
01:36.43npxI hate you all
01:36.45simonemy e-mail is
01:36.48mrwillSupaplex: nah, I prefixed this with 'silly' idea, I want to make a vpn, and have my own TLD's inside it.  nuts, eh?
01:36.49abrotmanowh: i have alsa compat .. buti don't have aoss installed .. there are modules for OSS emulation
01:36.49npxmay chuck norris defecate on your chests
01:36.52*** part/#debian npx (
01:36.52TarantulafudgeAnyone got any security tips besides cracklib? (i did that already), all the guides are sorta old
01:36.54owhHmm, those modules are all loaded. The documentation I have suggests that I need to launch VMware like this: aoss vmware to make vmware work properly. The aoss script appears to consist of exec "$@", but doesn't exist on my system.
01:37.00thingfishooh chuck norris, he's hot.
01:37.10thingfishbut too hairy.  Next!
01:37.18simonei wnat to speak with brazilian
01:37.29swardI'm not too hairy...
01:37.32ke6isfsimone: /join #debian-br
01:37.38thingfishsimone: entao entre no #debian-br
01:37.43swardsimone: #debian-br
01:37.48BlackEntityWho is logging this?
01:37.55peterSowh: so libaoss is the 'oss compatibility layer' thing.  you may or may not need it at all - snd-pcm-oss might do what you want already.  if you do need it (snd-pcm-oss is not convincing enough for vmware), you'll have to find libaoss somewhere after all
01:37.56*** join/#debian jdhutchin1 (
01:38.04darkcmddoes anyone know how I can setup the qt theme and color scheme without using KDE
01:38.10swardme, somewhere, oh, yeah, under ~/irclogs
01:38.16ke6isf!tell Tarantulafudge -about anyone
01:38.17tjcoderthingfish you *gotta* check this out...
01:38.17peterSBlackEntity: besides the FBI, the NSA and the Dept of Homeland Security?  lots of us are
01:38.18kspathBlackEntity: EVERYONE!
01:38.24tjcoderthingfish chuck norris facts
01:38.41_rene_darkcmd: there's a package for that. qt-setup or something like that. use apt-cache
01:38.45Tarantulafudgeke6isf: or someone could answer my question :P
01:38.51owhpeterS: Yeah, vmware isn't convinced. (Well, actually, it's not complaining at all, just not making any noise - other than the POST beep.)
01:38.58ke6isf!tell Tarantulafudge -about ask
01:39.00zOapsimone, we told you allready, join #debian-br !!
01:39.03TarantulafudgeI did
01:39.10ke6isfTarantulafudge: You ddin't read the 'ask' factoid.
01:39.10thingfishtjcoder: those factoids are scaring me, now I won't be able to sleep tonight.
01:39.11Tarantulafudgeok lemme rephrase it
01:39.22BlackEntityThis is the time `FBI' enters, says We were already log you" then leaves
01:39.32peterSowh: 'apt-cache search libaoss' will tell you much
01:39.35abrotmanwhere is thc ?
01:39.44BlackEntityA drug
01:39.55BlackEntityOr some important part in one
01:39.56thingfishabrotman: off being disgruntled somewhere, no doubt.
01:39.56ke6isfabrotman: In marijuana.
01:39.59TarantulafudgeI need some security tips for running a full blooded webserver, I've already done the cracklib thing, so what else is there left to check? (the guides are pretty old)
01:40.00tjcoderthingfish yeah.... isn't that horrible?
01:40.11*** join/#debian dn[css]Senti (n=gkbnight@
01:40.14*** join/#debian ParoXsitiC (
01:40.37zOapBlackEntity, What is your question? Is it related to debian?
01:40.38abrotman!securing debian
01:40.39dpkghmm... securing debian is at
01:40.39owhpeterS, hmm, that brings me back to my original question which was: "Happy new year. I'm trying to do: apt-get install alsa-oss. This results in a notification that the following will be REMOVED: bcm5700-module-2.6.11-1-686 initrd-tools kernel-image-2.6.11-1-686 kernel-image-2.6.5-1-686 - except that AFAIK that's my current kernel. Can someone hit me with a clue-bat and help me figure out what is going on?"
01:40.42dn[css]SentiI was wondering if someone could point me in the right direction to fix video configuration
01:40.50thingfishoh you don't NEED no damn plugins
01:40.53dpkgIf you have a question, just ask! For Example: "I have a problem with ___; I'm running Debian version ___. when I try to do ___ I get the following output ___. I expected it to do ___." Don't ask if you can ask, or if anyone uses it, or pick one person to ask (ask the whole channel!). We're all volunteers; make it easy for us to help you. If you don't get an answer, ask later or ask
01:40.55dvsdudeabrotman, the apps a mame frontend will try a gtk or ncurses one thants for your help HAPPY NEW YEAR
01:40.58ke6isfdn[css]Senti: If you tell us what the problems are, sure.
01:40.59kspathRemember the old days when  FBI had NO clue about computing or anything but law enforcement and some elements of the law?
01:41.13abrotmandvsdude: ah ok
01:41.16kspathoh  secret service might be logging as well
01:41.23ke6isfkspath: They still have no idea about computing, if what the media says is any indication.
01:41.34ParoXsitiCI am trying to find all files ending with .cache and then renaming them to without the .cache extenstion; I have this so far... find /home/admin/ -name '*.cache' -exec mv {} echo -n {} |  sed 's/.cache//g' \;
01:41.35BlackEntityNow playing: Right Hand - Gripping my penis (and moving up and down (2001)) @ 192 strokes per second.
01:41.35dn[css]SentiI just installed debian and configured my video card incorrectly so x will not start
01:41.36darkcmdonly 3 hours and 19 minutes left
01:41.36thingfishkspath: yes, and now, undoubtedly, you're on their "list".
01:41.37kspathSS was great with Steve Jackson Games
01:41.39ke6isfkspath: Of course, the media...well, I could start on them.
01:41.41peterSowh: interesting, I didn't see that original question.  I wonder why it would decide to remove stuff.  use 'aptitude install' instead of 'apt-get install' and then, at least, you'll get better reasons
01:41.47kspaththe list
01:41.56blondieBlackEntity: I log all of IRC
01:42.01blondieevery channel
01:42.05blondieevery network
01:42.20dn[css]Sentiversion of debian is ebian-31r0a
01:42.21swarddarkcmd: 3 hours and 19 minutes?  Use UTC!
01:42.26zOapblondie, #snuff too?:D
01:42.30SamTheEagleStop Being Unamerican!
01:42.35*** part/#debian SamTheEagle (
01:42.37*** join/#debian SamTheEagle (
01:42.43ParoXsitiCI am trying to find all files ending with .cache and then renaming them to without the .cache extenstion; I have this so far... find /home/admin/ -name '*.cache' -exec mv {} echo -n {} |  sed 's/.cache//g' \;
01:42.43kspathI never did anything wrong but there is no way to avoid getting on lists anyway      paranoid people exist    they are scared of anyone that knows more than they do about anything almost  except maybe knitting scarves
01:42.58darkcmdI'mg GMT -5
01:42.58dn[css]SentiI am just wondering where the config file is for the video driver
01:43.07thingfishkspath is obviously guilty of something.
01:43.09SIDEREAL-KNIGHTthingfish: LOL.... USA.... which nation? :)
01:43.13owhpeterS: I wish: aptitude reports" The following packages will be automatically REMOVED: bcm5700-module-2.6.11-1-686 initrd-tools kernel-image-2.6.11-1-686 kernel-image-2.6.5-1-686"
01:43.18peterSdn[css]Senti: generally /etc/X11/XF86Config-4
01:43.38ke6isfdn[css]Senti: Yes, but what is the problem?
01:43.43thingfishSIDEREAL-KNIGHT: please put away the pernod, take an aspirin, and go to bed.
01:43.51peterSowh: oh, I guess it's just the etch/sid version of aptitude that gives more information.  anyway you can run 'aptitude' interactively, that's usually a bit more satisfying
01:43.56ke6isf!tell dn[css]Senti -about drxx
01:44.07swarddarkcmd: UTC == a time everyone can relate to, very good for use on the intarweb
01:44.11dn[css]SentiPeter it isn't loading GUI for debian
01:44.16dn[css]Sentijust drops me to term
01:44.17bbrazilParoXsitiC: rename 's/.cache$//' *.cache
01:44.32ParoXsitiCthank you
01:44.39ke6isfdn[css]Senti: Thank you.  Follow the instruction that dpkg just sent you, courtesy of yours truly.
01:44.45owhpeterS: But fundamentally, there must be something else going on that is causing this, don't you think?
01:44.46bbrazilParoXsitiC: If you need subdirs, use find+xargs
01:44.49SIDEREAL-KNIGHTthingfish: Good idea...
01:44.55pacesthingfish: lool
01:45.12thingfishwhatever happened to nice nicks, like fluffybunny or littleangel...
01:45.12peterSowh: something is conflicting with something.  or aptitude might be confused by a complicated dependency web.
01:45.19*** join/#debian xtr (
01:45.26ke6isfthingfish: Welcome to freenode.
01:45.34owhpeterS: But the stuff that it wants to remove is my current kernel AFAIK.
01:45.38dn[css]SentiThank you I will play around with it
01:45.47peterSowh: I'm actually thinking this is unlikely to have anything to do with alsa-oss itself - probably just something apt / aptitude decided it needed to do anyway, in order to resolve some unresolved issue already present
01:45.55thingfishke6isf: it can be such a shock to the system, I'll swear.
01:46.14owhpeterS: apt-get -f install tells me there is nothing to do.
01:46.21thingfishooh, sward, I got my eye on you...
01:46.22peterSthingfish: I think nontechnical networks are more likely to sport such nicks.  maybe AIM
01:46.27ke6isfI should take a break from this.  It's interrupting my ability to learn Perl.
01:46.51peterSowh: I'm confused then, alsa-oss doesn't have much in the way of Depends and Conflicts, and I don't see anything that would cause a problem
01:47.02owhpeterS: You and me both :)
01:47.13*** join/#debian Ozzy (
01:47.15peterSowh: like I said, interactive aptitude will probably solve the mystery, if you know how to use it
01:47.31owhpeterS: Never have, but I'll take it under advice :-)
01:48.11peterSowh: it's got a menu bar for if you don't already know the keystrokes for stuff.  good luck.
01:48.29thingfishhow's this sound: first we brown the chicken in hot oil.  then we add some tomato paste, and shortly after, some curry paste.  then we add chicken broth, let it simmer for a couple hours, then add some chopped garlic and basil.  serve over rice.
01:48.32SIDEREAL-KNIGHTapt-get remove SIDEREAL-KNIGHT && apt-get update && apt-get install thick_head && echo bye
01:48.55swardthingfish: That sounds like food
01:48.59peterSowh: (basically type "/alsa-oss<enter>" to search for it, then "+" to select it, then "g" to confirm selections and "g" again to install)
01:49.02swardAny food is welcome
01:49.15thingfishsward: good, 'cause that's what I'm going to fix.
01:49.32peterSthingfish: did you drain the oil at any point?
01:49.40Tarantulafudgeke6isf: *still hasn't received an answeR*
01:49.46*** join/#debian LilAero`[iDLe]^R (n=LilAero`
01:49.47beardythingfish: Opened a food place yet?
01:49.51abrotmanyou know .. if the US FCC would allow porn on primetime tv .. we wouldn't have all these senseless reality TV crap shows
01:49.54thingfishpeterS: ooh yes, I'll need to do that, won't I.
01:50.02swardGah, drain oil!?  What happened to decent greasy food?
01:50.05thingfishbeardy: heh no, not quite yet.
01:50.10dn[css]SentiWhat is the Generic Driver for an Intel Based Vid Card in Deb
01:50.10abrotmanright .. random thoughts from abrotman ..
01:50.12dn[css]SentiWhat is the Generic Driver for an Intel Based Vid Card in Deb?
01:50.22thingfishI'd love to have a small bar/restaurant.
01:50.23peterSthingfish: also did you dice the chicken or leave it in whole breasts or what?
01:50.33dn[css]Sentiso I can edit it to i810 in the Driver section?
01:50.47peterSdn[css]Senti: better idea is 'dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86' and don't touch the file directly at all
01:50.51*** join/#debian Eulex (
01:50.57abrotman!drxx dn[css]Senti
01:50.58dpkgdn[css]Senti: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86  [or xserver-xorg if you're using] (as root). If you have edited the X config file by hand, or used some other program like xf86config, ask me about <xmd5>
01:50.59*** join/#debian Pygi (
01:51.04thingfishpeterS: it's going to be taken off the bone, left in larger than dice chunks.
01:51.06LilAero`[iDLe]^RI'm trying to turn a FAT32  partition on my Linux drive into an ext3, I've been having problems with the distro before (mepis) and the bootup crashed and screwed up the partition, how could I go about getting the files off of the hard drive?
01:51.21peterSthingfish: *nod*.  could've gone either way, so I had to know
01:51.24thingfishI hate to do it, but I'm leaving the skin in there because I love chicken skin so much.
01:51.47*** join/#debian gnomefreak (
01:51.52beardyLilAero`[iDLe]^R: Could you please chop half your nick off?
01:51.57darkcmdchickenskin tastes great
01:51.57peterSwhy do you hate to leave the skin?  I love chicken skin too
01:51.59thingfishhehe beardy
01:52.11thingfishpeterS: well they say it's so bad for you.
01:52.15dn[css]SentiThank you
01:52.17peterSoh?  I hadn't heard that
01:52.29darkcmdoh well
01:52.33beardyLilAero`[iDLe]^R: You can't convert a fat32/vfat filesystem to an ext3 filesystem, you have to copy/move the files to somewhere else, create the ext3 fs and move the files back.
01:52.35darkcmdI'm not going to let a bunch of guys tell me what to eat
01:52.38thingfishof course! It's loaded with cholesterol.
01:52.44gnomefreaki cant seem to get /usr/bin/local/linux_logo < /etc/motd not work :(
01:52.44swardhmmmm, chicken skin
01:52.45abrotmanpeterS: cause you live in the country .. where you live .. only eating the feathers is considered unhealthy :)
01:52.47darkcmdunless they said "here, eat this nugget of plutonium."
01:52.50darkcmdthen i'd say no
01:52.52*** join/#debian predius_ (
01:52.53thingfishthink of how much red wine you have to drink to heal yourself of the damage.
01:52.59gbwhy isit always they?
01:53.07peterSabrotman: now now.  I live at $(host -t loc, TYVM
01:53.18gbrather then specifying who they is
01:53.23peterSabrotman: punch that into google maps and you can stalk me
01:53.31swardthe best "skin" has to be pork crackling
01:53.32*** join/#debian predius_ (
01:53.38*** part/#debian lekvar (
01:53.41thingfishooh pork cracklings, yummy
01:53.43*** join/#debian Frosted (
01:53.55abrotmanpeterS: stalk your server you mean? :)
01:54.03thingfishI'm from hicksville, USA, don't tell me about pork cracklings.
01:54.07peterSabrotman: well, my server lives about 3 feet away from me, so either way
01:54.13beardyAnd he called himself idler.. heh.
01:54.29gnomefreakok lets try this why is my /usr/local/bin empty?
01:54.45abrotmanpeterS: holy poo .. you're like center of the city
01:54.53*** join/#debian predius__ (
01:54.54gbgnomefreak: is this a trick question?
01:55.03*** join/#debian sleepsleep (i=opera@
01:55.05Pygigb: no, it's not :P
01:55.07peterSabrotman: not quite a country boy
01:55.08thingfishgood night, paces.  Happy New Year!
01:55.08gnomefreakgb no it isnt :(
01:55.16sleepsleephi sorry,
01:55.20abrotmanpeterS: you live in a funny state!
01:55.21*** join/#debian predius_ (
01:55.24paceshappy new year 11111010110 ;)
01:55.25gnomefreaki cant get this damn thing to work to save my life every command i use is wrong
01:55.27beardythingfish: Goodnight.
01:55.29thingfishcountry boys are way fun.
01:55.30sleepsleepis that possible for me to seek a help here?
01:55.37gbabrotman: intoxicated?
01:55.38peterSabrotman: downtown is 2-3 miles away, but it's hard to say where the actual center of the city is, what with housing developments kind of stretching out in all directions
01:55.44abrotmangb: i would NEVER!
01:55.48beardysleepsleep: If it's realated to Debian, just ask.
01:55.51pacesthingfish: thanks, same to you ;) maybe we'll see each other again :)
01:56.01thingfishpaces: I'm in here, always.
01:56.02abrotmanpeterS: ah ok
01:56.06sleepsleepomg, it is related to bit torrent, i wonder if that is possible.
01:56.08pacesthingfish: okay ;) bye
01:56.15thingfishgood night, paces!
01:56.17pacesgn to all
01:56.29beardysleepsleep: Do you run Debian on the system you are going to ask about?
01:56.30*** part/#debian paces (
01:56.31gbabrotman: heard that was a funny state too be in
01:56.36gnomefreakok im trying to set up linuxlogo and i cant get started its just not working
01:56.43sleepsleepsorry, i am using sinking ship. xp
01:56.45thingfishthere is nothing funny about pennsylvania.
01:56.52abrotmanthingfish: actually .. there is
01:56.54peterSgnomefreak: step one, apt-get install linuxlogo.  step two, type 'linux_logo'
01:57.02sleepsleepi want to change system to linux or bsd.. but somehow i am poison
01:57.06beardysleepsleep: Then this is not the place to ask, try ##windows (?)
01:57.07abrotmanthingfish: for instance .. the giant clothespin .. and a town named intercourse in the center of amish country
01:57.09gb!not working
01:57.10dpkgLook buddy, doesn't work is an ambiguous statement.  Does it sit on the couch all day?  Does it want more money?  Does it waste its time on IRC all day long?  Please be specific!  Define 'it' and what it isn't doing.
01:57.13gnomefreakwell damn
01:57.16sleepsleepk, thanks beardy
01:57.18thingfishabrotman: well maybe a little, but you have to admit, pennsylvania is not near as funny as new jersey.
01:57.22sleepsleepsee ya beardy
01:57.24*** join/#debian andrew_ (
01:57.30*** join/#debian nayyres (n=Nayyar@
01:57.31abrotmanthingfish: there's nothing funny about NJ .. it's just sad :)
01:57.31gnomefreaki tried linuxlogo and everyother way to do it :(
01:57.36gnomefreakty peterrooney
01:57.50gnomefreakty peterS
01:57.51peterSgnomefreak: note, 'dpkg -L linuxlogo | grep bin/' is a good way to see how to run stuff you've installed
01:58.01*** part/#debian sleepsleep (i=opera@
01:58.07beardysleepsleep: Browse to if you want to try Debian
01:58.10*** part/#debian TheBlueWizard (
01:58.20*** part/#debian c_cinq (
01:58.31gnomefreakty so much :)
01:58.50abrotmanpeterS: how many airports are there ?
01:59.11peterSabrotman: one commercial, ICT, which is at the SW corner of town
01:59.21abrotmanthere are like 10 around the city
01:59.27peterSabrotman: McConnell AFB is in the SE corner, and Jabara Airport is in the NE corner but is just for noncommercial stuff
01:59.30thingfishI could tell you if I started up fs2004
01:59.38peterSabrotman: oh yeah, Cessna has one too and I think Boeing does
01:59.44*** join/#debian g0th (
01:59.59beardythingfish: Do you run it natively, or in wine, if wine, does it work well?
02:00.01g0thI can't use my "alt gr" keys anymore after a debian update
02:00.16g0thso I can't write mails, can't write scripts etc
02:00.16_rene_sid? welcome there.
02:00.32thingfishbeardy: <sigh> no, I run it in windows.  I don't think either wine or cedega handle it yet.
02:00.34_rene_try a dist-upgrade again. maybe you got hit by the xlibs/xlibs-data upgrade problem
02:00.35*** join/#debian predius_ (
02:00.43*** join/#debian casterman (i=1000@
02:00.46beardythingfish: ok
02:00.56g0th._rene_: me?
02:00.57castermanai cambada c num bebe nao
02:01.04*** join/#debian mjs22 (
02:01.05swardg0th: Obviously you can do some things, like replace 'o' with '0'...
02:01.08castermano loco
02:01.09thingfishcasterman: #debian-br
02:01.13_rene_no. santa. who has X problems?
02:01.16castermantoma umas cana ai
02:01.23*** join/#debian TTC1 (n=yves@
02:01.36castermanthingfish, c e br
02:01.37dpkgHispanohablantes: Por favor usen #debian-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.  Spanish Speakers: Please use #debian-es, there you will get much more help.
02:01.40thingfishque loucura
02:01.43castermano vei vai chapa
02:01.52castermaneu tro maio mamado
02:01.54g0thsward: yeah, but no "at", "comment",e tc
02:02.16dpkgEsse canal e apenas em ingles. Por favor, use #debian-br (/j #debian-br) para ajuda em portugues.
02:02.28swardg0th: *ahem* I apologise, but I have no problem.  What keymap do you use?
02:02.39castermanbbrazil, isa ai pessoal br debian mo gente boa
02:02.52g0thI suppose sg-latin1
02:02.54castermanbr very nice
02:02.58*** join/#debian LilAero (
02:02.58bbrazil200 and 201.x.x.x are usually brazil imo
02:03.02g0thI selected swiss german
02:03.10g0thdonno what keymap debian selected
02:03.15_rene_did you try a second dist-upgrade?
02:03.16Christians4GNT2happy new year
02:03.21beardyg0th: Which country are you from, or which keymap does your keyboard have?
02:03.23castermanbbrazil, yes
02:03.31bbrazilcasterman: Eu não falo português. Tente entrar em #debian-br
02:03.37g0thso I suppose sg-latin1
02:03.43castermanGokee2, loco maluco
02:03.54castermanbbrazil, so robo
02:03.55dpkgTo change your console keymap, run "dpkg-reconfigure console-data".  To change your X keymap, read "man xmodmap" or ask me about "set up x". if you have X check into xkeycaps and xev, or also ask me about drxx
02:04.03_rene_*shrugs*, ok, if you don't want help...
02:04.19castermanfeliz natal
02:04.23g0ththat was a nice summary :))
02:04.28_rene_that alt-gr problem is one of the symptoms of the xlibs/xlibs-data file conflict but if you donÄt want to answer...
02:04.46g0thI tried a dist-upgrade
02:04.47castermanany date
02:04.53castermananyone date
02:05.15castermanhere 23:9
02:05.17g0th_rene_: what didn't I answer from your questions?
02:05.20owhpeterS, abrotman, the problem was this: initrd-tools conflicted with the version of libc6 that was being installed, that cause the rest to also be removed. Upgrading initrd-tools, then installing alsa-oss made the problem go away :-)
02:05.21castermanhere 23:59
02:05.30casterman2005 here
02:05.32*** join/#debian labnick (
02:05.34peterSowh: ha, that'd do it
02:05.38beardycasterman: /join
02:05.49peterScasterman: you need to fix your clock, you're about 6 minutes behind
02:05.51castermanbeardy, i like here
02:05.53owhpeterS: What I don't get is why apt couldn't figure that out :)
02:05.54peterScasterman: in other words, happy 2006 already
02:05.58castermanhere is good
02:06.05*** join/#debian predius_ (
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02:06.17g0th_rene_ the update inclduded a switch from 6.8.? to 6.9.0
02:06.18castermannatal is googd
02:06.18owhcasterman: It's morning already, been 2006 for 12 hours and 36 minutes already :-)
02:06.20peterSowh: it found a valid solution to the conflicts, just not the *best* solution
02:06.29casterman206 now
02:06.30owhpeterS: ROTFL
02:06.46castermani donkey
02:07.00beardycasterman: The language used here is english, and the channels main purpose is for people to ask questions, as good questions as they can, and for other people to answer them. So please behave. Happy new year.
02:07.08swardYep, casterman is a donkey, did you all see him just admit it?
02:07.31castermanflows to all
02:07.32peterSo/~  should auld acquaintance be forgot and never brought to mind?  poor casterman was kicked for flood, he's in a sorry bind   o/`
02:07.43_rene_g0th: tell news...
02:07.55abrotmanpeterS: no AMA award for you :)
02:08.03peterSabrotman: I wasn't really hoping for one
02:08.04*** part/#debian owh (
02:08.05g0th_rene_: is this the problem you mentioned?
02:08.08*** part/#debian casterman (i=1000@
02:08.20g0th_rene_: if yes, is there an easy solution to it?
02:08.25peterSabrotman: one has to think on one's feet and someones one doesn't produce the quality one would like
02:08.57abrotmanpeterS: yeah .. i think that happens to me sometimes!
02:09.00_rene_g0th: if a second dist-upgrade (and of course X restart) doesn't fix it, then no, that isn't that problem
02:09.24abrotmanisn't this in the X Faq ?
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02:09.57g0thI try it again, but a dist-upgrade just showed one package upgrade and that was about ndiswrapper
02:11.40*** join/#debian Diazepam (
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02:12.59g0thI tried to restart x, no change. But it seems that it works in the consoles...
02:13.01*** mode/#debian [+l 658] by debhelper
02:13.11g0thjust not in x, it seems...
02:13.12thingfishDiazepam.  Now isn't that a nice nick?
02:13.14dpkg[xsf] the X Strike Force, home of Debian's XFree86 packages, at or
02:13.14_rene_ok, as said, then it's not that problem
02:13.22dpkgTo change your console keymap, run "dpkg-reconfigure console-data".  To change your X keymap, read "man xmodmap" or ask me about "set up x". if you have X check into xkeycaps and xev, or also ask me about drxx
02:13.38abrotmang0th: this?
02:13.54beardyg0th: /msg dpkg something
02:15.05_rene_but you really should think whether sid is right for you...
02:15.17g0thyeah it is
02:15.23g0thI used it for a loong time
02:15.23*** join/#debian jdhutchin1 (
02:15.28g0thnever had problems with that
02:15.32g0thjust after the last upgrade
02:15.47dpkgfrom memory, java is Sun's cross-platform OO language. Sun's Java licensing is extremely restrictive. Consider using free-java-sdk for applications such as Eclipse. Ask me about <java licensing> and <install java>.
02:15.56g0thsthg is f****d up
02:16.08abrotmang0th: URL didn't help ?
02:16.09g0thabrotman: no, not that
02:16.36erc!install java
02:16.37dpkgFirst, read <java licensing>.  Still here? Install the java-package package (needs a contrib source), then ask me about java-package.
02:16.43_rene_not necessarily. maybe only Xs behaviour changes. or your config is fucked up and just happens to work, or there really is a bug
02:16.47*** join/#debian factor (
02:17.06_rene_that you ran sid without problems some time doesn't say anything about whether you should run it
02:17.06dpkgit has been said that java-package is a package in contrib that builds a .deb from a manually downloaded Java distribution (JRE or JDK). details how to install Sun's JRE or JDK. To install: apt-get install java-package; get a JRE or JDK from (the Linux (self-extracting file) NOT the RPM) ; fakeroot make-jpkg jre-*-linux-i586.bin; dpkg -i *.deb;
02:17.06factorhow do I use dpkg -i to purge a package if it wont purge?
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02:17.20abrotmanerc: /msg dpkg java
02:17.29_rene_because stuff like that happens in sid all the time - or at least can and will happen. that's why sid is "unstable"
02:17.35factorI need to totaly remove exim4 from my system andstart over.
02:17.41_rene_just to mention that...
02:18.13jaybarhow do i get rid of adjtime... read the wrong file now im getting screwed superblock probs cause my time is muffed
02:19.05*** join/#debian stouse1 (
02:19.09factorwhy would not a dpkg --purge exim4 remove the files totaly from my system?
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02:20.15g0thhmm, I don't find my exact keyboard on xkeycaps, it's a laptop
02:20.18_rene_factor: because the exim4 config files are not in exim4?
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02:20.37_rene_s/config files/conffiles/
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02:20.54beardyg0th: Take the closest one, or try them all.
02:20.55factor_rene_ well the exim4 binary is still in the file system as well
02:20.56thingfishthe stoneder you are, the longer it takes chicken to brown.
02:21.08factor_rene_ nothing wasremoved.
02:21.09aeronadixI am having trouble playing real files in mozilla, its strange cause it used to play just fine, and now all of suddence it doesn't, what can I do?
02:21.21_rene_then you didn't remove/purge anything
02:21.27*** part/#debian Pygi (
02:21.38stousetAnyone know why might wireless card seems to be very adamant about assigning itself to an essid of "et", when no such AP exists (according to iwlist scanning), and I manually set it to another essid?
02:21.41_rene_you of course need to specify avery package in the exim4* dependency chain you want to have removed
02:21.49factor_rene_ but if I do a a-get remove or dpkg --purge it says not installed
02:22.02stousetWithin 10-20 seconds of me assigning it an essid manually, it always goes back.
02:22.09g0thbeardy: what do I need to save to restore my original settings?
02:22.26factor_rene_ well how can I reconfigure the exim4 package so I can get it to do only local mail
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02:22.57micahfhey any hints on getting my modem recognized?
02:23.02swardfactor: dpkg-reconfigure exim4-config
02:23.20factorthat s it thanks
02:23.32kspathsysteminstaller (1.04-2) Creates Linux distribution images from a set of packages      I can use this to create my own custom ISOs ?
02:23.33beardyg0th: I don't know. Does it say which one is used now? Write the name down if it does.
02:24.12abrotmanmicahf: assuming it's nto a real modem
02:24.43g0thit doesn't tell anything and just assumes a global standard (ie. 101)
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02:25.38g0thin my xorg.conf I selected model 105 layout de_CH
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02:26.25g0thbut it's not in the list of xkeycaps
02:26.36dpkgTo change your console keymap, run "dpkg-reconfigure console-data".  To change your X keymap, read "man xmodmap" or ask me about "set up x". if you have X check into xkeycaps and xev, or also ask me about drxx
02:26.37beardyg0th: And you config hasn't changed? When upgrading (shouldn't have, but take a look anyway)
02:26.49g0thno I don't think so
02:26.58g0thwell it never asked, so it didn't
02:27.25beardyg0th: Send a private msg to dpkg and ask the factoid instead, /msg dpkg keymap, if it's only for yourself.
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02:28.26g0thif I want to change my X keymap, don't I have to change xorg.conf?
02:28.48g0thit tells me to use xmodmap, but shouldn't one change the xorg.conf file?
02:29.37beardyg0th: It says 'ask me about "set up x"' first, so
02:29.41swardUse xmodmap to test.  I believe you can even have a ~/xorg.conf to test, when running X from the same user
02:29.42beardy!drxx g0th
02:29.42dpkgg0th: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86  [or xserver-xorg if you're using] (as root). If you have edited the X config file by hand, or used some other program like xf86config, ask me about <xmd5>
02:30.03micahfI think it is
02:30.07micahfI mean, I'm guessing it is, it's a PCI card with quite a bit of stuff on it
02:30.45g0thbeardy: yeah, well that's basically the same as dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86
02:31.26abrotmanliable: don't you ever sleep ?
02:31.40beardyg0th: Didn't you run xorg?
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02:32.09balcanyone here install a lexmark printer onto a debian box before?
02:32.24g0thI'm running xorg
02:32.27abrotmanbalc: probably. . are you having a problem?
02:32.28beardybalc: Perhaps. Ask the question instead.
02:32.30g0thbeardy: for a while
02:32.43beardyg0th: Then read what dpkg said and try again.
02:33.19g0th"For etch or sid, use xserver-xorg. Sometimes just dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg works. JUST SAY NO to the frame buffer." <- tried that ?
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02:34.00balcok so i follow the faqs on the net, download the drivers from lexmarks site convert them to debian packages with alien and go through all the motions.  the gnome printer setup can see the printer on the first USB port, but when i try to print a testpage... nothing.
02:34.26balci know thats kind of vague
02:34.32jaybari need someone who knows about the debian clock and adjustime comand ...mine is borked!
02:34.41balci used ldconfig and everything
02:34.44stousetjaybar: aptitude install ntpdate?
02:35.04beardy!set the time
02:35.05dpkgTo set the time in debian, use date --set. The truly enlightened user, however, will install ntpdate and ntp-simple to have their clock set automatically on reboot, and slewed to match time servers, respectively. You may also need to run tzconfig and make sure you have the right UTC setting in /etc/default/rcS first.
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02:35.41jaybarstouset: beardy :  thx guys i will look into them..
02:36.04balcafter ldconfig i type"/usr/lib/cups/backend/z600"
02:36.19balcand should see something like "direct z600:/dev/usb/lp0 "Lexmark Lexmark 510 Series" "Lexmark Printer"
02:36.23jaybarwill ntp get rid of this darn adjtime file in my /etc dir.
02:36.30balcbut i get no response in console
02:36.39abrotmanbalc: where does the page go ?
02:37.04balcit doesnt even show up in the printer queue
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02:37.15g0thbeardy: well anyway, I did so many changes to xorg.conf manually that I don't want to run this over dpkg-reconfigure, it worked well until now, do you really think that it's because of the xserver-xorg configuration?? As the xorg.conf file didn't change, so....
02:37.18*** part/#debian mrwill (n=nnSnak@
02:38.12g0thhmm, xmd5
02:38.22abrotmanbalc: and you checked the logs ?
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02:39.22balc"tail -f /var/log/cups/*log" ?
02:39.36abrotmanwell .. it could be another log .. check the time stamps
02:39.39beardyg0th: Copy your current config file to a safe place and have dpkg-reconfigure make you a new one and see if that makes a difference?
02:39.50g0thyeah, trying now
02:40.02g0ththen if it works I can apply the old changes one by one
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02:40.14balcbackup which config file?
02:40.28balcnm wasnt directed at me
02:40.31beardyjaybar: /msg dpkg adjtime, not sure if that is your problem though
02:40.36liableabrotman: its lunch time :)
02:41.01abrotmanliable: did you throw the farm animals out? :P)
02:41.19liableheh, bastard..:P
02:41.29abrotmanliable: don't feel bad .. i bailed on two parties ..
02:41.42kspathI guess I am wierd but auditing the package list is showing me all kinds of cool stuff
02:41.43jaybarbeardy: thx
02:41.45abrotmanand actually .. almost had to go to work .. damn T
02:41.46liableis it new years there yet?
02:42.01abrotmanliable: in .. 2.25 hours
02:42.34liableman you guys are behind the times :)
02:42.50abrotmanyeah yeah
02:42.54g0thohh shit
02:43.10g0thbeardy: da ist fast alles falsch, ich _muss_ die fast von hand editieren
02:43.27*** join/#debian dino4k_ (
02:43.36g0theg. meine display aufloesung ist nicht drin, etliche grafikkarten spezifische dinge sind nicht drin, etc
02:44.04_rene_g0th: falsche Sprache...
02:44.11balcthis has nothing to do with problem, but how do i get debian to detect my printer hardware after its loaded?
02:44.27balci was using usb for something else and replugged it
02:44.36abrotmanwhy are there so many germans?
02:44.47abrotmani mean . not that i mind them .. but it's .. like what .. 3am there ?
02:44.55relicgermans? where?
02:44.56_rene_abrotman: 3:44
02:45.07abrotmanrelic: poland!
02:45.12abrotman_rene_: see!
02:45.38kspathCo to moovesh?
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02:46.20g0th_rene_: ohh right, I mean: I really don't want to do it using dpkg-reconfigure as 90% of my file is hand written...
02:46.21ansongyay! i fixed the problem i came to get help for... i'd forgotten how much spelunking unstable required...
02:47.12_rene_g0th: then you also need to correct it per hand. or hope that it's a bug and will be fixed soon. or both. or something different ;-)
02:47.27abrotmanansong: next you can be a DD ...
02:47.41abrotmananyone can do it!
02:48.04ansongabrotman, should i ask what a DD is?
02:48.20g0th_rene_: ouff, I can try to do it automatically but I'm almost sure that it won't even start up as I need some special options to let it start with my binary drivers
02:48.26dpkgrumour has it, dd is man dd or dd if=/foo/vmlinuz of=/dev/fd0 to produce a bootable floppy, or a Debian Developer, or dd if=/dev/hdc of=image.iso to make an image of a cd/dvd
02:48.39kspathI LOVE the repository except one thing
02:48.58abrotmanwhihc respository ?
02:49.16abrotmanwhat's that one thing ?
02:49.18_rene_g0th: haha. binary-drivers. your problem. most of them probably aren't even ported to 6.9. like the ati/nvidia crap
02:49.39kspaththe list of all does not tell clearly which are GUI and which are  text
02:49.42ansongabrotman, i'm the worst cs grad you'll ever not meet. btw, is there a particular reason i had to rerun alsaconf after an apt-get update and a reboot?
02:49.52darkcmdmvidia drivers don't go past 2.6.9 ?
02:50.04kspathsome are indirectly labelled   ncurses and such but many others are not
02:50.08abrotmanansong: no .. that'd be me :)
02:50.10_rene_darkcmd: 2.6.9 != 6.9
02:50.28ansongabrotman, i thought you were a maintainer
02:50.31_rene_darkcmd: and kernel != X
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02:50.37abrotmanansong: alsa is this little blackbox .. bits go in .. sound comes out ..
02:50.45abrotmanansong: they think i smell!
02:51.25dliabrotman, I got /dev/dsp busy, but couldn't find a process using it in fuser or lsof
02:51.33abrotmandli: something is using it!
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02:51.40ansongabrotman, that seems to describe alsa to a T
02:51.42abrotmandli: is esd or arts running ?
02:51.53dliabrotman, I have to restart /etc/init.d/alsasound
02:52.00dliabrotman, yes, I have esd
02:52.04abrotmankill it
02:52.07darkcmd_rene_: I thought you made a typo
02:52.18dliabrotman, I can restart alsa and it works again
02:52.29abrotmanesd is the devil!
02:52.31dliabrotman, skype couldn't use alsa :(
02:52.42abrotmanskype is poo!
02:52.56darkcmdabrotman: what do you use then?
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02:53.20dliabrotman, you still need esd for mixing :( alsa still doesn't support hardware mixing
02:53.28abrotmandarkcmd: i don't .. but gizmo is also free
02:53.36abrotmandli: depends on the card
02:53.43*** join/#debian Adwanoc (
02:54.00riotThe Resisty just celebrates its one year Anniversary! Long live teh RESiSTY.
02:54.01dliabrotman, what about intel8x0, I think it doesn't support
02:54.10darkcmdoh gizmo looks good
02:54.14kspatha number of packages are obvious to me like things that use  QT and Gnome and KDE and GTK GTK+ and ....  but   might be a good long term goal to label everything  GUI or text/term/console  whatever   just an idea
02:54.15abrotmandli: define mixing
02:54.34abrotmandli: i moved to alsa because OSS couldn't do duplex :)
02:54.39michaelbleigießen sucks, heh...
02:54.57riotmichael: got bad fortune?
02:54.58dliabrotman, I mean like esd, shared sound by more than one program
02:55.07g0th_rene_: well they work well :)
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02:55.17g0th_rene_: and there are no open source drivers that work
02:55.19michaelriot: well, it's always the same figures... boooring
02:55.22abrotmandli: i think my machine beeps while xmms is running .. i don't really like sounds .. so they're disabled in most apps :)
02:55.34g0th_rene_: I simply have no choice but to use nvidia's drivers
02:55.44abrotmanwhy? .. if you're not playing games .. it doesn't matter
02:55.46darkcmdabrotman: what de or wm do you use?
02:55.51_rene_g0th: I doubt that, sorry. vesa should work, shouldn't it?
02:55.54abrotmandarkcmd: gnome/sawfish
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02:56.08darkcmdnv and vesa work... but they do not provide 3d acceleration
02:56.11abrotmanjjazz: where'd you go ?
02:56.12riotmichael: donate them to the RESiSTY. We will make nice artwork out of it :)
02:56.16darkcmdnv = free nvidia driver (non accelerated)
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02:56.19dliabrotman, I don't like beeping, but I want skype to run, not just showing an error /dev/dsp busy
02:56.23_rene_I know..
02:56.24darkcmdabrotman: current gnome?
02:56.29abrotmandarkcmd: wahtever is in etch
02:56.37abrotmandli: why doesn't it run ?
02:56.38thetallcooloneare there drivers or app I can get to make full use of the TV and video capture of my ATI AIW 128 card?
02:56.39balcok i get this error in cups managment when i look at previous jobs and try to restart them  "client-error-not-possible"
02:56.45darkcmdsawfish is what gnome used back in the 1.x days right?
02:56.48_rene_on my "old" Toshiba with nvidia card I used vesa
02:56.54ootputdarkcmd: yeah
02:56.55dlidarkcmd, my nv has the fuzzy fullscreen video bug
02:56.57g0th_rene_: bah, I _very_ much doubt that
02:57.01jcurryI get when I start eclipse...what is wrong?
02:57.07dliabrotman, because /dev/dsp is busy :(
02:57.17_rene_g0th: what? that vesa will work?
02:57.20qwertyI did an update on testing that included abotu 7 months worth of updates, non-us is gone, and now I cant get k3b back.  What sources do I want for k3b on testing?
02:57.21g0th_rene_: you sincerily think that I can play doom3, etc with vesa?
02:57.23abrotmandli: can't skype go trhough esd ?
02:57.24dlidarkcmd, gnome uses metacity nowadays
02:57.31g0thwithout binary drivers?
02:57.32_rene_g0th: no. but you don't need to do that...
02:57.40darkcmdi know gnome uses metacity
02:57.40ansongqwerty, you're not going to like this
02:57.47abrotmanjcurry: #java ? #eclipse ?
02:57.49dliabrotman, I think it uses /dev/dsp by default, let me see whether I can config it
02:57.49g0thwell I simply want high performance
02:57.52AdwanocHi. Sorry to bother anybody. I'm kind of new to linux and Im having a problem installing the newest version of devian from cd. Does anybody think they can help?
02:57.58g0th_rene_: eg. for my opengl app
02:58.01darkcmdwas k3b cut from debian
02:58.03kspathyou can replace metacity with others  like openbox or sawfish ....
02:58.07jcurryabrotman, i tried, they have no idea, said it might be a debian problem :)
02:58.20abrotmanit's a debian problem .. because .. it's java ?
02:58.21g0th_rene_: besides I need it for video playback
02:58.25_rene_darkcmd: from testing, yes, because it is/was buggy
02:58.27g0th_rene_: ie. xv
02:58.36jcurryabrotman, and since there is no #debian-eclipse...
02:58.37abrotmanjcurry: how did you install java ?
02:58.41dliabrotman, no, skype uses /dev/dsp[1-4]
02:58.46abrotmanthere is however .. a #debian-java
02:58.47jcurryabrotman, make-jpkg
02:58.59jcurryoooh, i'll gop try there
02:59.21ansongqwerty, due to a disturbance in the force k3b (and other cool kde apps, like amarok) are not yet in testing. some programming thingy got updated and so those thingies won't work with the new thingies until later.
02:59.38jcurrythat sounds accurate
02:59.40abrotmanjcurry: dunno . i mean .. it looks like eclipse is barfing
02:59.45factorsward:thanks a bunch I am all good now :)
02:59.50*** part/#debian jaybar (
02:59.52g0th_rene_: ok, a different question: if I see some things that need to be changed in the xorg.conf file? what do I do? rerun dpkg-reconfigure? what if the things can't be changed with that methde?
02:59.59_rene_g0th: not true, too. video playback even works with vesa. as said, I did that for years :). and actually do it now with unacellerated radeon on my iBook. X 6.9 should fix that but I am waiting for the ppc binaries...
03:00.00jcurryabrotman, yep... :)
03:00.04*** part/#debian factor (
03:00.11darkcmdqwerty" they'll be back in.. but thats what hapens when you track testing
03:00.11_rene_g0th: just edit it and restart X
03:00.14abrotmandli: if you kill esd .. does it work ?
03:00.18qwertyAny suggestions for burning mp3s since k3b's gone?
03:00.22g0th_rene_: yeah, but "works" != "optimal solution"
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03:00.29abrotmanarson ? gnomebaker? graveman ?
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03:00.44qwertyabrotman arson, forgot all about that one thanks!
03:01.08g0th_rene_: hmm, but then dpkg-recongigure won't work or will it?
03:01.35_rene_it won't. because you changed it once
03:01.46ansongwouldn't it just be easier to set up every app in unstable to be started by gdb? i mean it might save some time...
03:01.52_rene_it will do stuff but never write a new file
03:02.03dliabrotman, I will try :) but I usually just restart alsa
03:02.30ansongqwerty, that was self-mockery btw. i just don't remember the details
03:02.42qwertyansong n/p.
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03:03.09thetallcoolonetrying again: are there drivers or app I can get to make full use of the TV and video capture of my ATI AIW 128 card?
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03:03.59beardyAdwanoc: What is the problem, more specifically?
03:04.16AdwanocI've been trying to install debian from cd and the installer keeps saying "problem reading data from cd rom". I've redownloaded and burned the CD's 3 times already and i'm wondering if im doing something wrong.
03:04.17g0thwhat about this md5sum methode, maybe it works when create a md5sum and copy it
03:04.32AdwanocIt stops when it says "Retreving base installer"
03:04.40_rene_if you restore that ability, yes..
03:04.44abrotmanthetallcoolone: ask #ati
03:04.51_rene_anyway, 4am now, I need sleep...
03:04.56abrotmanAdwanoc: what speed are you burning at ?
03:05.00abrotman_rene_: sleep well!
03:05.04thetallcooloneabrotman: thanks
03:05.05beardyAdwanoc: Which cd have you downloaded? The full url please?
03:05.15Adwanoci have a 52 x burner and im burning at 40 just to be safe
03:05.21_rene_abrotman: thanks
03:05.22abrotmanwho is ned? :)
03:05.30_rene_abrotman: a typo :)
03:05.34abrotmanAdwanoc: way way too fast
03:05.43kspathdoes neds wife know?  ;-)
03:05.44beardyAdwanoc: Well, to be safe, why not 10x or less.
03:05.45Adwanocheres where i got them from
03:05.54abrotmanAdwanoc: speeds over 16x use screwy compression to do it .. burn at 8x
03:06.02abrotman!d-i Adwanoc
03:06.02dpkgAdwanoc, you want to go to - for your own good, and everyone else's.
03:06.11Adwanocill try burning slower. THanks you guys!!!!!!!!
03:06.13abrotmanAdwanoc: get the 110MB image .. burn at 8x .. try it
03:06.38dliAdwanoc, add data verification
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03:07.02beardyHe'll be back asking about how to configure his sources.list.. :)
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03:07.15dliabrotman, indeed I choose 4x usually, it takes half an hour
03:07.23darkcmdhow do you add data verification?
03:07.28abrotmandli: working is better than fast :)
03:07.35dlidarkcmd, k3b have one option
03:07.40kspathaham abrotman
03:07.47abrotmankspath: amen ?
03:08.11kspathabrotman: thanks  I am getting tired also   but in my case I am just weak
03:08.31dliabrotman, that's why usb stick is better than CDs
03:08.51abrotmandli: if your system boots off usb
03:09.10*** part/#debian jcurry (
03:11.02dpkgmooooooo! I am cow, hear me moo, I weigh twice as much as you. I'm a cow, eating grass, methane gas comes out my ass. I'm a cow, you are too; join us all! type apt-get moo.
03:11.39*** join/#debian g0th (
03:11.41kspathcompleted another?
03:12.18kspathmy machines are SLOW   takes me forever to do  folding@home and dnetc stuffs
03:12.33abrotmankspath: get a job!
03:12.39*** join/#debian debian12yrold (
03:12.45g0thI reconfigured my xserver and I still can't use my alt gr key
03:12.46abrotmanoh .. this will be promising
03:13.00*** mode/#debian [+l 651] by debhelper
03:13.01abrotmanliable: are you against killing your own countrymen ?
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03:13.55*** join/#debian curt (
03:14.02debian12yrolddoes anyone know how to get XDMCP to play nicely?
03:14.49curtwhat do you do when a program won't open, I am trying to run mysql-query-browser (it was running a while ago) now it just won't open.
03:15.14*** join/#debian robin_sz (
03:15.37abrotmancurt: would you like my standard lecture on mysql? :)
03:15.44curtabrotman, yes
03:15.53robin_szso, come on then, did anyone bother to watch what their computer clock did at midnight?
03:15.57abrotmancurt: it's short
03:15.59curtabrotman, please lecture
03:16.01nayyresi want to run MSFrontpage using wine on linux box while my linux box is dual boot with windows xp 2005, but my windows c: drive is NTFS, how can i access and run MSFrontpage ?
03:16.02abrotmancurt: mysql sucks .. don't use it
03:16.11curtabrotman, o
03:16.12dpkgA fast and simple relational database implementing a limited subset of SQL. Can do replication; no views, stored procedures, triggers; transaction support not consistent. Packaged as 'mysql-server' and 'mysql-client'. Also see and #mysql., or mysql is great for your grandmother's blog but if you want a real and free db you should look at postgresql, or <mysql gotchas>
03:16.21*** join/#debian deuce868 (
03:16.35kspathcdb ?
03:17.04curtabrotman, i see
03:17.22abrotmannayyres: isn't that a #winehq question ?
03:17.44abrotmannayyres: i mean .. you can mount ntfs .. but it's not really safe to write to ntfs
03:17.55debian12yroldhow do you get XDCMP to play nicely?
03:17.55abrotmancurt: why doesn't the app run ?
03:18.00nayyresabrotman, yeah, but i get quick reply on #debian :)
03:18.09*** join/#debian caphuso_ (
03:18.10curtabrotman, my question exactly
03:18.12dpkgadd a line similar to: /dev/hdd1 /mnt/hdd1 ntfs ro,user,auto,gid=24,uid=1001,fmask=0333,dmask=0222 to your fstab... change the hdxx and uid, and maybe the gid if you want.
03:18.20abrotmancurt: i meant .. error message s?
03:18.30curtabrotman, non that i see
03:18.36abrotmanstrace ?
03:19.03dpkgi guess strace is a system call tracing utility. Run it like so: 'strace -f -o LOGFILE EXEC'..  A good way to diagnose problems
03:19.22curtabrotman, let me check
03:19.29tjcoderhey so... i want to have a file server to store mainly ripped dvds to play either on that computer, or my roommates computer, or my laptop. i've got it set up with Samba right now, but that's kindof a pain. is there a better way?
03:19.54abrotmanthat's a pain ?
03:19.57nayyresabrotman, is there any way to convert ntfs to win32, without loss of data?
03:20.06abrotmanyou mean fat32?
03:20.08abrotmannot that i know of
03:20.18debian12yroldtjcoder: have you tried using a p2p streaming app? (VLC?)
03:21.03tjcoderdebian12yrold i'll look into that... i'm just kinda trying to get some ideas. the problem is that the server isn't fast enough to actually play them, i don't think
03:21.16nayyresabrotman, ?
03:21.35De_Monisn't there a windows program that does ntfs -> fat32?
03:21.36g0thStill no idea how to get this "alt gr" key working?
03:21.45abrotmannayyres: i said i don't think so .. that's a #windows question
03:21.49abrotmang0th: push it!
03:21.51g0thI can't work at all without it (no mail, no programming, etc)
03:21.52De_Monthe same one that upgrades from fat32 -> ntfs
03:21.56debian12yroldnayyres: what about making an fat32 partition then copying the data
03:22.19abrotmantjcoder: your network should be more than fast enough
03:22.24curtabrotman, there is 2200 lines n the output from strace that last of which are sigsegv seg faults and kill
03:22.31beardyg0th: Use the US keymap for now then.
03:22.37abrotmancurt: nice ...
03:22.39g0ththat doesn't work neither
03:22.40nayyresdebian12yrold, in fact i want to run MSfrontpage using wine, and it is installed on ntfs drive :(
03:22.42abrotmancurt: did you checkt eh bts ?
03:22.48g0thin all cases it doesn't work
03:23.02curtabrotman, can I purge the package and re apt it
03:23.09sussudio_in soviet russia, bugs report you
03:23.15debian12yroldnayyres: oh, what about not using MSfrontpage? :-)
03:23.24*** join/#debian jouno (
03:23.27curtabrotman, dpkg purge something something
03:23.32abrotmancurt: bts ?
03:23.33De_Monnayyres convert E: /fs:fat32 on windows will do it
03:23.43dpkgbts is the Bug Tracking System for Debian packages, or to go directly to the bug page for a particular package/bug, try or apt-get install reportbug, and check out querybts too. Unstable users are required to check the BTS, useful for sid: apt-get install apt-listbugs, or apt-get install apt-listchanges, or
03:23.45abrotmanyou can't convert ntfs to fat32
03:23.48jounor u guys in your new year yet?
03:23.51*** join/#debian MelkorD (
03:23.53abrotman!tell jouno about u
03:23.55abrotman!tell jouno about r
03:24.01dpkgHappy New Year!
03:24.03curtabrotman, but the thing is it was working just fine for months
03:24.04nayyresdebian12yrold, hehe, but i am unable to find MSFrontpage exact replace :)
03:24.12abrotmancurt: are you running testing or unstable ?
03:24.17curtabrotman, testing
03:24.26abrotmancurt: yeah .. check the bts ..
03:24.33abrotmancurt: let me guess .. it's also a Qt app ?
03:24.37nayyresDe_Mon, i hope it will do all, without data loss??
03:24.44beardynayyres: What have you tried this far?
03:24.46liablemeh firefox likes to crash lately.
03:24.52debian12yroldnayyres: have you tried installing it on a non NTFS partition?
03:24.53beardynayyres: as replacement
03:25.03abrotmanyou can't convert ntfs to fat32
03:25.06curtabrotman, I do believe
03:25.20nayyresbeardy, bluefish
03:25.22abrotmancurt: yeah .. that's C++ stuff that's all screwed up in testing
03:25.28jounoabrotman: don't be so picky. it is only the first day of the year.
03:25.39abrotmanjouno: not for me . .it's still the last
03:25.40beardynayyres: Install it under your users ~/
03:25.45De_Monnayyres after more reading you'll have to use partition magic or do what abrotman says
03:25.46curtabrotman, I can use webmin(or not)
03:25.51beardynayyres: quanta, is one IIRC
03:25.51abrotmanjouno: and that's no excuse
03:25.57nayyresdebian12yrold, this is the final step i will do, if unable to convert ntfs to fat32 :)
03:26.00*** join/#debian mkhl (
03:26.01abrotmancurt: Nooooooooooooooooo!!!!
03:26.18debian12yroldDoes anyone know how to setup XDMCP?
03:26.20beardyDe_Mon: That can't do it either AFAIK.
03:26.38curtabrotman, I know.  I can use mysql from the terminal but
03:26.40jounoabrotman: don't u want to reduce the time and effort in data entry?
03:26.59curtabrotman, mysql-query-browser is so much easier
03:27.00abrotman!tell jouno about u
03:27.09*** join/#debian snowgoose (
03:27.10jounohave u heard of efficiency?
03:27.12abrotman!tell jouno about u
03:27.19De_Monbeardy google says it can
03:27.30snowgoosehow i set up web cam
03:27.41jounoif v can communicate with a single letter, y use more?
03:27.44dpkg[sshx] Enable X11Forwarding **on the server** (/etc/ssh/sshd_config) and install xauth (in xbase-clients) on both the client and the server. Then you can use ssh -X on the client side. Ssh will run xauth and set the DISPLAY variable automatically. Neither xhost, nor X tcp support are necessary. Hint: ssh -X root@localhost, or
03:27.56abrotmanjouno: do you realize you look like a moron when you speak like that?
03:27.57beardyDe_Mon: Do you always trust blindly?
03:28.03debian12yroldsnowgoose: what do you want to use it for?
03:28.18g0thouff, anyway I go to bed now, it's 04:30 here, but I need to fix this "Alt Gr Bug/whatever" otherwise I can't work at all :((
03:28.20g0thn8 all
03:28.25snowgoosefor msn
03:28.28beardydebian12yrold: sshx was for you
03:28.35snowgooseand show people her my face
03:28.36jounoabrotman: don't start a verbal battle. mind your words.
03:28.59debian12yroldbeardy: thx will try that
03:29.04*** join/#debian jgould_ (
03:29.30beardydebian12yrold: /msg dpkg xdmcp if you have to, but use ssh instead.
03:29.36snowgoosehow do i set up web camara?
03:29.54stousetabrotman: Yeah. Only start physical battles.
03:29.54beardyjouno: Mind your own instead.
03:30.05abrotmanstouset: ?
03:30.07debian12yroldsnowgoose: what sort of webcam?
03:30.09De_Monbeardy ? if you mean do I trust you, no I don't
03:30.14curtabrotman, quote"could be due to some external library all those versions are using"
03:30.21abrotmanoh .. i forgot i plonked him :)
03:30.22curtabrotman, that don't sound good
03:30.27beardyDe_Mon: That's nice.
03:30.28nayyresdo any body ever used reactOS, i want to get an opinion from #debian guys :)
03:30.29snowgoosedlinkdsb  c110
03:30.31abrotmancurt: yeah .. you might have to wait a few days
03:30.44curtmaybe i'll brush up on my mysql from the terminal
03:30.47snowgoosedlink brand model c11o
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03:31.41jounonayyres: give NVU a look.
03:32.10abrotmanjouno: wtf does nvu have to do with reactos ?
03:32.24snowgooseno idea how to set it up
03:32.32ansongnayyres was asking about frontpage replacement?
03:32.44beardy!tell snowgoose about enter
03:32.53abrotmani'm not sure nvu is a replacement
03:32.55jounonayyres: u mfsob, he was talking about MSFrontpage earlier on.
03:33.09*** join/#debian jdhutchins1 (
03:33.15abrotmanjdhutchin1: your ISP sucks :)
03:33.19*** join/#debian zeljko (
03:33.38beardysnowgoose: /msg dpkg ask
03:33.49ansongif so, then i ditto nvu. only it's not really a replacement. if it cats a few hundred kb from /dev/urandom into your html file, then it'd be a frontpage replacement
03:33.55jounonayyres: sorry, that was meant for abrotman.
03:33.56relichow to download the source of NVU?
03:34.01*** join/#debian newbiextrem (
03:34.02abrotmani knew it was :)
03:34.10abrotmanrelic: wget ?
03:34.12jounorelic: visit the website.
03:34.15timgoh0relic: Why do you need the source?
03:34.21abrotmantimgoh0: it's not packaged in sarge
03:34.26*** join/#debian molinero (n=molinero@
03:34.27curtabrotman, he didn't even get to speak yet
03:34.28timgoh0abrotman: Ah.
03:34.32abrotmancurt: ?
03:34.39timgoh0abrotman: Pinning or even just grab the .deb?
03:34.41zeljkocan someone tell me where i am?
03:34.45molineroHappy New Years for all and Ubuntu lives!
03:34.48abrotmantimgoh0: or simple sid backport ?
03:34.49curtabrotman, jdhutchin1
03:34.59timgoh0abrotman: Dunno.
03:35.04ansongzeljko, welcome to planet earth
03:35.06dpkgit has been said that backport is a package from a newer Debian branch, compiled from source for an older branch to avoid dependency and ABI complications. or or or ask me about <simple sid backport>
03:35.26zeljkoi am the master
03:35.35zeljkoof the ubuntu
03:35.38*** join/#debian Daedric (
03:35.46abrotmanzeljko: could you be the master in #ubuntu ?
03:35.58abrotmancurt: he's been bouncing a while i think
03:35.58zeljkono thanks
03:36.02zeljkoi am bussy
03:36.05stousetabrotman: I am the master of telling Ubuntu people about !ubuntu
03:36.10relicdpkg, you polish my eyes o.o+
03:36.11*** join/#debian newbiextrem (
03:36.23abrotmanstouset: too bad you can't show them the door
03:36.34stousetabrotman: I can show them the door. It's too bad I can't push them through.
03:36.39timgoh0stouset: Or apply large LARTs.
03:36.53De_Moni was looking at the newest version of frontpage yesterday, it had a tool called 'clean up html'
03:36.55zeljkoi am trying to spread Ubuntu spirit in Serbia, but the people here are stupid
03:36.56*** join/#debian zh (n=up3000@
03:37.24zeljkothey do not know what linux is
03:37.32ansongDe_Mon, like clean up code it had written? or frontpage-ify already working html?
03:37.32relicha ha
03:37.41dpkgsomebody said ubuntu was not Debian. See IRC channel is #ubuntu (not here!) | | Ask me about <Based on Debian>, or | Even Mark Shuttleworth says this is not Debian.
03:37.43zeljkothey think it is some kind of chocollate
03:38.13*** join/#debian cse2 (
03:38.23relicor evil
03:38.24zeljkoUbuntu is an debian distribution
03:38.26curti didn't even know how to spell it
03:38.47*** join/#debian newbiextrem (
03:38.49curt!Based on Debian
03:38.50dpkgKnoppix, Libranet, Corel/Xandros, Stormix, Progeny, Linspire, DamnSmallLinux, Ubuntu, Kurumin, Agnula, Xebian, and so on are *not* Debian.  Just because something's "based on" Debian doesn't mean we can support it.  You'll maybe get a Debian answer, and if it doesn't work, you're out of luck.  Your best option is to join the channel for your distro.
03:38.54beardyzeljko: Ubuntu is Ubuntu, the channel is #ubuntu.
03:38.57*** part/#debian newbiextrem (
03:39.38zeljkook, you can say that ubuntu is not linux then...
03:39.39jounoubuntu sounds like an African tribe.
03:39.53*** join/#debian Nurbs (
03:39.59Eulexzeljko, linux is the kernel.
03:40.00ansongzeljko, linux is the kernel.
03:40.05relichehe, it's time to fork a 'wogaga' linux
03:40.07ansongmy bad
03:40.19SimonRavendamn, there's an echo in here
03:40.41SimonRavenjouno: it's a swahili word
03:41.04jounoSimonRaven: and what does it mean?
03:41.07dpkgsomebody said debian was  See
03:41.07ansongmeans humanity or brotherhood or something else
03:41.32ansongall i remember was the naked people on the wallpaper
03:41.34beardyansong: How specific :)
03:41.37*** join/#debian minimec (
03:41.38SimonRavenhumanity, IIRC
03:41.44zeljkowhat is kernel then?
03:42.01dpkgLinux kernel versions, stable:, prepatch: 2.6.15-rc7, snapshot: 2.6.15-rc7-git5, 2.4: 2.4.32, prepatch: 2.4.33-pre1, 2.2: 2.2.26, prepatch: 2.2.27-rc2, 2.0: 2.0.40, -ac patch: 2.6.11-ac7, -mm patch: 2.6.15-rc5-mm3
03:42.11SimonRavenzeljko: it doesn't have XML support, if that's what you're asking
03:42.13ansongbeardy, it's new years eve. i'm not going to dip into #ubuntu just to ask them :)
03:42.14relicthe name... linux is a kernel, bsd is not
03:42.17Eulexyep, not wanted effect
03:42.18fawwikipedia kernel
03:42.20jounoi think people should do something about naming of Debian variants. there are more Debian users that anybody knows.
03:42.29SimonRavensome old timers will remember *that* one
03:42.54abrotmansimone: i'm probably the oldest here other than you .. and i don't remember :)
03:43.16abrotmanSimonRaven: ^^
03:43.17Eulexjouno, well, debian doesn't control what name a debian derivative chooses
03:43.19beardyansong: :)
03:43.25SimonRavenyou weren't here, you went to sleep. this was like daytime .au time
03:43.49abrotmanSimonRaven: i thought you meant .. like years ago
03:43.53beardyjouno: Why?
03:44.14SimonRavensome troll 'walked' in asking about xml support in the kernel. went on for like 20 minutes or so
03:44.21*** join/#debian karl__ (
03:44.24SimonRavennah, couple years ago
03:44.32SimonRaven1.5 year
03:44.38timgoh0SimonRaven: WTF. IIRC, there should be some kernel code that may parse XML.
03:44.59jounoEulex: it is not about controlling, but about a naming convention. Y? Look at Windows. -XP, -NT, etc, but always prefix with Windows. it is about branding.
03:45.08*** join/#debian jbmigel (
03:45.19beardyjouno: You don't have a clue, do you?
03:45.23timgoh0jouno: Do you see a large company controling release names?
03:45.31abrotmanSimonRaven: i was probably around .. but i don't remember it
03:45.50SimonRavenjouno: this isn't #windows. go away now, and don't get run over by the big bad windows SUV
03:45.52jounoit is about competition with MS. It has one brand name.
03:45.53Eulexjouno, debian doesn't control any naming convention either.
03:46.09abrotmantimgoh0: can you walk over to his house and kill jouno ?
03:46.16timgoh0abrotman: Not too sure.
03:46.21timgoh0The orbital railgun has splash.
03:46.28relicMS? Mobile Suit?
03:46.29curtim pro anti-microsoft
03:46.39jounodon't u guys want to see Linux or Debian being more popular than Windows?
03:46.45abrotman!tell jouno about u
03:46.46*** join/#debian Skrotto (
03:46.47SimonRavenjouno: microshit thinks it has to compete with others because it's a corporation. free software isn't interested, it has its own thing
03:47.01curt!tell curt about u
03:47.19ansongjuono, this isn't really a pissing^H^H^H^H^H^Hopularity contest
03:47.27beardy!tell curt -about botmsg
03:47.37relicSimonRaven, in fact, m$ owns you
03:47.38molineroUbuntu forerever!
03:47.40jounoSimonRaven: we want 'free' to win, don't we?
03:47.44SimonRavenjouno: clue: open source code. clue #2: GPL, clue #3 freedom. now go read the GPL
03:47.54*** join/#debian GooZ (
03:47.55timgoh0OMFG! TWINK! GET HIM!
03:48.12abrotman!tell molinero about ubuntu
03:48.13timgoh0Sorry, had a bad session yesterday.
03:48.21jounoNot just Freedom, but Victory to Freedom.
03:48.41SimonRavenjouno: who's talking about winning? if anything, free *nix has already won. now we just have to help M$ topple over ;)
03:48.58SimonRaven</2 cents>
03:49.23beardyjouno: It does little good whining about it here, to the (great majority of) already convinced people. Start coding, write documentation or do something other useful and stop bitching here.
03:49.29jounoSimonRaven: either u win or u lose. with a defeatist like u, in the end, MS will win over everybody.
03:49.33abrotman!tell jouno about u
03:50.05ansongjouno, if microsoft can make people stop coding in their spare time, then we've all got bigger problems
03:50.07Eulexjouno, sure, trolling here will actually change the future
03:50.16jounobeardy: get the big picture right, before u work on the detail.
03:50.18abrotman!tell jouno about u
03:50.36beardyjouno: You neither know the big picture or any details.
03:50.55SimonRaventimgoh0: re: XML reading in the linux kernel. hoonestly i have no idea, AFAIK it doesn't, and IMO it shouldn't. it's not a very efficient format. takes a lot to parse that stuff
03:50.57jounobeardy: u don't know what u r talking about;
03:51.01abrotmani mean .. i'd call ops .. if anyone would be around
03:51.02abrotman!tell jouno about u
03:51.07beardy!tell jouno about r
03:51.17abrotman!tell jouno about wud
03:51.25SimonRavenmay i suggest /ignore ?
03:51.26timgoh0jouno: I think debian publicity  would be REALLY intersted in your strategy about naming conventions
03:51.27jounobeardy: u know nothing, big or small or detailed.
03:51.34abrotman!tell jouno about u
03:51.34timgoh0jouno: Try
03:51.35*** part/#debian GooZ (
03:51.38timgoh0instead of here.
03:51.40beardyjouno: I fart in your general direction.
03:51.51abrotmanjouno: your parents must be very upset about you
03:51.53timgoh0beardy: It's now possible to direct a fart?
03:52.00ansongok, i can figure out the u and the r bit. but whats the 'wud'?
03:52.09SimonRavenyeh, aim your butt in a certain direction
03:52.10beardytimgoh0: You did it yesterday IIRC ;)
03:52.11abrotmanansong: general tardedness
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03:52.25jounoabrotman:  beardy: u r a mfsob.
03:52.32SimonRaventhen let the air currents carry it
03:52.39timgoh0beardy: I can only get it down to a 180 degree 'arc', but with very little range
03:52.47abrotmanjouno: that would hurt .. if could speak whatever retarded language you speak
03:52.57jounobeardy: that is y i say u know nothing.
03:53.04beardytimgoh0: I said "general", that is a very broad direction.
03:53.18timgoh0jouno: The majority has spoken. You have been voted off the channel.
03:53.27beardy!tell jouno -about y
03:53.28beardy!tell jouno -about u
03:53.30beardy!tell jouno -about r
03:53.43SimonRaven!tell jouno -about sftu
03:53.55timgoh0beardy: Ah. Right.
03:54.02SimonRaven!tell jouno -about stfu
03:54.03ansongbeardy, formed by a concatenation of the acronyms 'mf' and 'sob', 'mfsob' is an epithet practically guaranteed to get you noticed by the IRC 'lite
03:54.25adam234anyone know how i can see what libraries a .so will link to when loaded?
03:54.32beardyansong: and mf, and sob?, or well, sob I can get, if itäs not an acronym
03:54.40adam234is there some switch to ld, or some other inspect command?
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03:54.53SimonRavenadam234: ldd, others, nm -B, that sort of thing
03:54.55Eulexansong, dpkg doesn't know about mf. he does now about sob, though.
03:55.05adam234SimonRaven: thanks
03:55.11abrotmanMinchul: hi
03:55.27dpkg[sob] an acronym for Son Of a Bitch, or the sound of microsoft programmers realizing what they've done
03:56.00beardyjouno: If the case may be that people will not get the meaning of what you are saying, spell it out you fucking son of a bitch.
03:56.25Eulexumh, urbandictionary suggests mf is mother fucking
03:56.26*** part/#debian vigilante (i=anser@unaffiliated/vigilante)
03:56.35Eulexdpkg, mf is mother fucking
03:56.36dpkgEulex: okay
03:56.41ansongbeardy, yes! well almost, you forgot the 'mother' prefix, but you almost mfsob'd correctly
03:56.43SimonRavenyeh, makes sense
03:56.48dpkgextra, extra, read all about it, stfu is Shut The Fuck Up, or see also
03:56.55Eulexdpkg, mfsob is mother fucking son of a bitch
03:56.56dpkgokay, Eulex
03:56.59abrotmanmm . the motto
03:57.04jounocome on, mfsob is simply, 'my friend, silly old boy'. u guys r a filthy bunch. your mind is nothing but filthy stuff.
03:57.05*** join/#debian Dave123 (
03:57.14dpkgDamnit Jim! It's YOU. Y-O-U. Not *U*. U is a letter. YOU is a word. See ne1, or wud.  Dutch for 'you' (formal singular). See
03:57.16dpkg[r] a powerful language based on S, primarily used for statistics. It is well suited for dealing with large sets of numbers in matrices and/or vectors. apt-get install r-base r-recommended r-base-html.  AND IT'S "ARE", YOU MORONS!
03:57.17beardyansong: I wasn't trying to actually, I wrote as I thought..
03:57.22abrotmanEdLin: tell him .. not us
03:57.27liable!kingsleysmite jouno
03:57.28dpkgCitizen Volunteer jouno: Your Productivity* Rating has fallen below 0.435220545196113! This is unacceptable. Please report to for immediate termination!
03:57.37beardyansong: What I wanted to say, I mean.
03:57.40EdLin!tell jouno -about u
03:57.43EdLin!tell jouno -about r
03:57.56EdLinabrotman: there
03:58.07jounobeardy: u owe me an apology.
03:58.27*** join/#debian [aC] (n=newtype1@
03:58.36ravenbirdLeaving. (courtesy of simonraven).
03:58.36*** part/#debian ravenbird (i=ravenbir@unaffiliated/simonrvn/bot/ravenbird)
03:58.39phillywhitetrashi need a cheesesteak
03:58.46timgoh0jouno: You owe us multiple kloos.
03:58.49*** part/#debian [aC] (n=newtype1@
03:59.07tjcoderso, i guess my problem with SMB is how crappy it works with OS X
03:59.10jounobeardy: no apology from you?
03:59.15abrotman!cheesesteak phillywhitetrash
03:59.17*** join/#debian [aC] (n=newtype1@
03:59.29phillywhitetrashthank you
03:59.34beardyjouno: You don't act like you do and expect an apology.
03:59.37Minchulhow to FTP Install in my server?
03:59.48abrotmanMinchul: use scp unless you have a good reason
03:59.57kspathalka seltzer also might be needed with the philly
04:00.01abrotmanno way!
04:00.02Minchulabortman // oh... thanks
04:00.11abrotmanwhy is my nick so hard ?
04:00.14*** join/#debian paces (
04:00.25EdLin!tell Minchul about tab completion
04:00.35jounobeardy: i don't act like i do? that is very subjective. and for that u foulmouth me?
04:00.43kspathabtitmon: I think it is easy to remember and typo    no problems...
04:00.52phillywhitetrashneed some wizfrys wit that too
04:00.56EdLin!tell jouno -about u
04:00.59abrotmanjouno: do your parents care that you're so stupid ?
04:01.05timgoh0jouno: I'm not really pleased at your behaviour either. I think this not to be a coincidence.
04:01.11abrotman!tell phillywhitetrash about poutine
04:01.26abrotmanphillywhitetrash: read the article :)
04:01.51liablepoutine actually sounds discustingly tasty :)
04:01.58abrotmanliable: ask SimonRaven
04:02.09ansongtimgoh0, i'm reading yours and abrotman's statements to jouno to mean that you are his parent?
04:02.12Minchulwhere is the network install floopy image?
04:02.17jounobeardy: abrotman: you two mother-fucking sons-of-a-bitch. hope you two get fucked throughout the new year. bye.
04:02.20abrotmanansong: what ?
04:02.24liable!sarge floppies
04:02.25dpkgwell, sarge floppies is or substitue your arch for i386
04:02.31timgoh0ansong: I pray to $DEITY that this is not the case.
04:02.32abrotmanbeardy: let's sit down and have a good cry! :)
04:02.42Minchulliable: Thanks :)
04:02.43SimonRavenliable: i have to admit it is. has to be made just right.
04:03.07*** join/#debian simpletron (n=simpletr@
04:03.15liableSimonRaven: chip soggyness factors come into play? or the gravy?
04:03.20liableMinchul: np
04:03.40ansongabrotman, you said "do your parents care you're so stupid" and then timgoh0 said "i'm not pleased with you either. i think this not to be a coincidence" and i just put two and two together...
04:03.58SimonRaventhe whole thing. cheese curds you can't really fuck up, except if you don't have them melt
04:03.58abrotmanansong: huh ?
04:04.15abrotmanansong: perhaps timgoh0 knows jouno ?
04:04.17timgoh0ansong: It's just the multiverse toying with us again. I REALLY hope that I'm not his parent.
04:04.33timgoh0ansong: timgoh0 may know jouno.
04:04.43timgoh0jouno is in .sg, timgoh0 is in .sg
04:04.51ansongnothing, nevermind, forget it. repetition has killed the witticism.
04:05.16ansongtimgoh0, where the heck, if i may ask, is .sg?
04:05.32kspathfresh cheese curds
04:05.47phillywhitetrashswat runs on port 901 rite?
04:05.49timgoh0ansong: .sg is the ISO country code for Singapore.
04:05.59dpkgsg is Singapore -- don't tell me you didn't know that!
04:06.13curtdpkg knows everything
04:06.13dpkgYes, I do, curt.
04:06.28kspathI do not like the "Mild" Cheddar in most of US    it is actually sharp cheddar
04:06.31abrotmanphillywhitetrash: right
04:06.36*** part/#debian flypiper (
04:06.53phillywhitetrashthanks, cant get mine up
04:07.03abrotmanphillywhitetrash: viagra
04:07.06kspathrephrase   PLE
04:07.15SimonRavenyou fucking read my mind
04:07.19ansongkspath, if the mild cheddar i buy is really sharp, what's the sharp cheddar i get? ... rancid?
04:07.34kspathansong: maybe
04:07.42curtabrotman, what's the short and sweet on scp
04:07.43abrotmanthere is extra sharp
04:07.54abrotmancurt: encrypted file transfer ?
04:08.01kspathansong: depends a lot on where/how it is made and packaged or not
04:08.03SimonRaven'aged' - means it's been lying around for a while
04:08.15SimonRavenscp == secure cp
04:08.21dpkgfrom memory, scp is Secure Copy, part of the ssh suite, and a very handy program. ssh + cpio.  EXAMPLE: scp *.mp3 me@myotherbox:/var/tmp
04:08.54ansongtimgoh0, are you from there?
04:08.58curtabrotman, would a person then need to be connect via ssh to use it
04:09.02timgoh0ansong: I'm still here.
04:09.05SimonRavenit'll r0x0r y00r s0x0rs if you have a key to go along with that
04:09.10beardyI hope he learnt his lesson and don't use acronyms with more than one meaning when one is more offensive and he doesn't (seemed) to know about the more offensive one.
04:09.15*** join/#debian di||itante (n=MMH@
04:09.24abrotmancurt: you use scp
04:09.29*** join/#debian Agrajag- (
04:09.29abrotmancurt: just liek the bot said
04:09.49ansongtimgoh0, sorry, i mean: are you from singapore? i hear things are very strict there.
04:09.52timgoh0curt: You just need sshd running on the other end. Default config should let you in.
04:10.06timgoh0ansong: Yes I'm from .sg and I'm afraid the rumors are mostly true.
04:10.21timgoh0ansong: And yes, a majority of us have a stick up our asses.
04:10.24abrotmantimgoh0: maybe he'll be arrested for the things he said :)
04:10.52timgoh0abrotman: Don't count on i....Gaaaa! Not room 101. Anything but the room!
04:11.17*** join/#debian EleckttrusS (
04:11.19ansongtimgoh0, hmm. i had a friend who moved to singapore. he was a skater, potsmoker, partier, etc. and i haven't heard from him in years... any chance they've beheaded him or something?
04:11.21*** join/#debian HermanDE (
04:11.47timgoh0ansong: Drug possession and or trafficking is a very serious offence here.
04:12.21dpkgHappy New Year!
04:12.24dpkgHispanohablantes: Por favor usen #debian-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.  Spanish Speakers: Please use #debian-es, there you will get much more help.
04:12.36ansongtimgoh0, like a capital offense?
04:12.49timgoh0ansong: Punishiable by death, yes.
04:12.54*** join/#debian Daedric (
04:12.56abrotmanEleckttrusS: we heard you the first time
04:12.57kspathwas it .sg where the taggers caught CANED in public?
04:13.05abrotmanEleckttrusS: and where you are .. it's still not the new year
04:13.07ansongtimgoh0, holy shit
04:13.10timgoh0kspath: 199x i think. But not in public
04:13.27EleckttrusSabrotman: in florida yes!
04:13.54kspaththat was hilarious   US wont spank them properly    they finally got their butts bruised for very bad behavior
04:13.55EdLinit's not new year in Florida (EST), it's only 11:13PM here
04:13.57ansongtimgoh0, oh, well that's all right then ;)
04:14.02EleckttrusSabrotman: ok ok happy new year - 45min!
04:14.21kspath<< almost hates taggers
04:14.37ansongtimgoh0, what do they do if you spit in public?
04:14.39abrotman!fix timgoh0
04:14.43EdLinkspath: taggers eventually grow out of it, become ricers, and run Gentoo.
04:14.44HermanDENew year....  How many so called new years will it be before it is finally an old year?
04:14.45kspaththe buses in Chicago   you could not see out of the windows
04:14.57timgoh0abrotman: I think there's a fine.
04:14.57kspathEdlin: lol
04:15.15abrotmantimgoh0: for tagging ?
04:15.30ansongi think that was for me...
04:15.41timgoh0abrotman: No, for spitting.
04:16.06kspathwe have some laws here in the US but they are almost never enforced
04:16.09EdLinkspath: NYC subways used to have graffiti everywhere, now they make them with special material and guard them very carefully, so it's very rare that you see any subway vandalism here.
04:16.15ansongtimgoh0, can you smoke cigarettes?
04:16.25timgoh0ansong: Yes we can.
04:16.40ansongtimgoh0, that's surprising
04:16.41timgoh0ansong: Suprisingly. And then again, they're about $6-$8 a pack.
04:16.45abrotmankspath: not those laws anyways :)
04:16.46timgoh0ansong: Tax and all.
04:16.48kspathEdLin: finally   I was sick of seeing punks   screw things up
04:16.51liablewhere on earth is smoking cigarettes illegal?
04:17.00timgoh0liable: In air conditioned places.
04:17.04timgoh0That's a fine here.
04:17.08kspathabrotman: oh do not get me started on selective enforcment of laws
04:17.12abrotmanliable: MA .. it's against the law to smoke in a bar in MA
04:17.13liabletimgoh0: no, i meant country :)
04:17.21timgoh0liable: Heh.
04:17.29EdLinliable: they have laws against smoking in government buildings and in bars here, among other places.
04:17.48ansongtimgoh0, they're around $4 a pack here
04:17.50kspathI am a Liberal Conservative or a Conservative Liberal  not sure yet
04:18.01EdLinabrotman: we have that law here in NY too, in fact in most of the US. I think it's probably still legal in NC though.
04:18.09ansongkspath, don't they call those Moderates?
04:18.11abrotmanEdLin: not in philly!
04:18.16timgoh0They should just simplify the political scale to a number.
04:18.25*** join/#debian freespace (
04:18.29timgoh0Or coordinates.
04:18.30*** join/#debian Hellsashes (
04:18.35EdLinabrotman: it's probably illegal to do *healthy* things in philly. ;-)
04:18.39kspathansong: in my case  I think   so   I am labelled by both groups
04:18.41abrotmanEdLin: close
04:18.46ansongkspath, most people i know fall into the 'fiscally conservative' and 'socially liberal' camp
04:19.06dpkgmethinks politics is Yerp. Everyone has their own opinion. Please discuss them elsewhere. This is #debian, not #politics. [If you wanna discuss politics, that's cool, just do it elsewhere.]
04:19.08kspathansong: I am a mix
04:19.12abrotmanEdLin: the way i see  it .. the really smokey bars are usually full of binge drinkers .. if you're a binge drinker .. you obviuously don't care about your health
04:19.22timgoh0sussudio_: Oops.
04:19.29ansongkspath, sucks to be the lone voice of reason doesn't it? sussudio_ ok. ok.
04:19.29abrotmansussudio_: make more posters!
04:19.38sussudio_abrotman: mreh.
04:19.44abrotmando eet!
04:19.55EdLinabrotman: alcahol increases nicotine metabolism or something, so the more you drink the more you smoke.
04:19.56kspathyou can do eet!
04:20.05abrotmanEdLin: don't i know it :)
04:20.11stousetSo, out of curiosity, is there a reliable way of blacklisting modules in sid yet? I've tried the new /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist method, and it simply doesn't work. The pcspkr module still gets loaded. Is there a better solution than "mv pcspkr.ko pcspkr.ko.pissoff"?
04:20.18abrotmanEdLin: i can not smoke .. except when i drink ..
04:20.28kspathPany Mayu PaRuski?
04:20.29EdLinabrotman: I used to smoke and it happened to me. (Though I've never been a binge drinker)
04:20.30*** join/#debian undefined (
04:20.45abrotmanEdLin: after about .. 2 beers .. i'll kill your mother for a smoke :)
04:20.52stousetEdLin: I find that drinking good, expensive beers tends to limit the amount of binge drinking one does.
04:21.14ansongstouset, 'cause after a couple, you can't afford a pack of smokes...
04:21.16EdLinstouset: I like fancy beers too, cheaper than fancy wine.
04:21.17abrotmanstouset: you poor slob :)
04:21.30stousetEdLin: It's just not practical to binge drink Three Philosophers.
04:21.34stousetabrotman: What? :(
04:21.36timgoh0Where's asg when you need him?
04:21.41stousetNot that TP is all that expensive...
04:21.48abrotmanstouset: you'd be surprised what you can binge drink
04:21.52EdLinstouset: I've never had that one. Better even than Pilsner Urquell?
04:22.23abrotmanthree philsophers is very good
04:22.28abrotmaneven if i can't spell it :)
04:22.39stousetabrotman: Haha. My friend brought home a bottle of Three Philosophers for dinner one night. 9.8% (not all that much, but to someone who drinks light beer...) ABV. His mom doesn't realize this, and pours herself a pint-sized glass, then another. And another. Hilarity ensued.
04:22.47HermanDEI live within 10 miles of 78 brew pubs...
04:22.53HermanDEEach with it's own flavor.....
04:22.57stousetEdLin: Different class of beer. This is a quadruppel. Comes in something reminiscent of a wine bottle.
04:23.03stousetHermanDE: Germany?
04:23.18HermanDEI'm swimming in the excelence of hops......
04:23.25stousetHermanDE: Lucky bastard.
04:23.28HermanDEBinge drinking is almost non-existant....
04:23.31EdLinstouset: interesting.
04:23.41*** join/#debian darkcmd (
04:23.46stousetkspath: Bah, only Budweiser brags about it's Bavarian hops.
04:23.59HermanDEPBR and HAMMS is always offered...  But never touched....
04:24.08stousetHermanDE: Believe me, you'd probably be driven to binge drink if the most popular beers were Bud Lite, Coors Lite, and Miller Lite. And Michelob Ultra.
04:24.12*** part/#debian timgoh0 (n=timgoh0@unaffiliated/timgoh0)
04:24.15kspathI am not a bier nut    Stella Artois is my high end bier
04:24.31stousetkspath: Stella is not bad. Overrated, but not bad.
04:24.50*** join/#debian predius_ (
04:24.51stousetI'm actually growing rather fond of the Warsteiner Dunkel. Nice, dark lager. It's also a really good beer to introduce to people who normally drink cheap stuff.
04:24.56curtscp seems pretty useful.  pretty much negates the use of ftp and it can copy between two remote hosts...that's cool.
04:25.04EdLinI like local microbrewed beer because any beer tastes better when its fresh.
04:25.07HermanDEstouset: I'd suggest a move to the upper left corner of the us map....
04:25.12stousetcurt: sftp is more like an ftp shell, if you want.
04:25.13abrotmanEdLin: you want Yuengling!
04:25.19*** join/#debian Keegan_Witt (
04:25.27MinchulI want to buy a new floopy
04:25.38stousetEdLin: Nah. Some beers need to be casked/cellared. It all depends on your perception of "fresh".
04:25.41EdLinabrotman: yeah, Yuengling is good. Our local beer is New Amsterdam
04:25.42curtstouset, scp seems like the ticket to me
04:25.44HermanDEMinchul: Good luck......
04:25.47kspathI do not even really like bier much  I sometimes drink 1 - 2 per day   they are good for your     Martial Artists  and Body Builders can even drink 1-2 biers per diem
04:25.55abrotmanEdLin: i don't think we get that down here
04:26.15HermanDEGreat Beer is like Cheese...  It has to age a bit.....
04:26.23stousetHermanDE: Amen.
04:26.24abrotmanEdLin: we get nasty new castle crap
04:26.27Keegan_WittHi, I am trying to install debian, and it gives the error that it cannot start xwindows, it may be configured incorrectly. wat can I do?
04:26.33liablekspath: beer is good for you're martial artists?
04:26.34EdLinstouset: I think you've had one too many getting ready for Jan 1st
04:26.37abrotman!drxx Keegan_Witt
04:26.38dpkgKeegan_Witt: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86  [or xserver-xorg if you're using] (as root). If you have edited the X config file by hand, or used some other program like xf86config, ask me about <xmd5>
04:26.38stousetabrotman: Hey, Newcastle Brown ain't that bad.
04:26.42HermanDEThat's why I like the beer commercials....  The Freshest Beer...  ;)
04:26.46abrotmanstouset: too much nutmeg for me
04:26.47curtooo newbie
04:26.51stousetliable: Of course. One doesn't truly understand Aikido until one's done it inebriated.
04:26.56abrotmansamne with Magic Hat
04:27.07stousetabrotman: I'll give, it's not my favorite, but it's a good one to have on occasion.
04:27.09kspathliable: anyone  but they are an example of  often fit/weight concious atheletes
04:27.20HermanDEBeer is simply a fruit drink...  With a touch better flavor....
04:27.21stousetabrotman: Gotta find yourself a place with Old Rasputin on draught. Amazing stuff.
04:27.33abrotmanstouset: i found a place .. The Drafting Room in Exton
04:27.36Minchulboot.img -> root.img -> net_drivers.img
04:27.41stousetabrotman: Try any?
04:27.42abrotmanstouset: i showed you the menu!
04:27.45HermanDEIt has been compared to drinking orange juice or tomato stuff....
04:27.48abrotmanstouset: i've not been there yet
04:27.50stousetkspath: Guinness is actually pretty good in that regard. For a dark beer, it's surprisingly low carb and low calorie.
04:28.12stousetabrotman: Oh, right. Duh. Well go there, lest I kick your scrawny, high-brau ass.
04:28.23abrotmanstouset: i will beat you with an umbrella hat!
04:28.36*** join/#debian tyndz (n=tyndz@2001:da8:b000:621b:2a1:b0ff:fe00:2fe4)
04:29.03HermanDEKeegan_Witt:  Are you tring to install sarge or etch?
04:29.06*** part/#debian tyndz (n=tyndz@2001:da8:b000:621b:2a1:b0ff:fe00:2fe4)
04:29.35Keegan_WittI am trying to install sarge
04:29.37Keegan_Wittnet install
04:29.38EdLinKeegan_Witt: maybe you need to "apt-get install x-window-system-core" plus your choice of window manager and xterm
04:29.49abrotmanand probably a DM
04:29.56kspathopenbox and aterm ?
04:30.12*** part/#debian curt (
04:30.13Keegan_WittI cannot sign in as root
04:30.21Keegan_Wittisn't the command sudo -s
04:30.39HermanDEKeegan_Witt: Are you trying to login to graphic login with root?
04:30.44EdLinKeegan_Witt: that's for Ubuntu, which has sudo installed by default. Use su and your root password.
04:30.46Keegan_Wittno, text
04:31.00HermanDEKeegan_Witt: Did you set a root password?
04:31.16HermanDEKeegan_Witt: What is the error?
04:31.16Minchuloh shit
04:31.25MinchulCRC error
04:31.34EdLin!tell Minchul -about enter
04:31.35kspathusernames and passwords are case-sensitive
04:31.41dpkgThe enter key or carriage return key is not a substitute for punctuation. Use a period '.', comma ',', colon ':', semi-colon ';' emdash '---', or  ellipsis '...' instead.  Please don't just hit enter after every three words: it's really annoying, because it scrolls everyone's screens, and makes it harder to help you out (since we have to piece together what you're saying).
04:31.41HermanDEMinchul: Good sign the floppy drive or disk is dead...  :)
04:31.42Keegan_Wittyes, I know
04:31.44Keegan_Wittit should work
04:32.03HermanDEKeegan_Witt: Might want to try a USB flash.....
04:32.10predius_Guys, what do I tell a guy who thinks programming in BASIC is hardcore?
04:32.18Keegan_WittHermanDE, to do what?
04:32.35stousetpredius_: He'll make a great crappy manager some day?
04:32.36Keegan_Wittok, ok, I got into root now
04:32.44HermanDELet's try again...  Minchul :  Time for a usb drive....
04:32.53kspathpredius: just walk away from him slowly  then  run like the wind
04:33.00*** mode/#debian [+l 645] by debhelper
04:33.06EdLinpredius_: I know somebody like that. He also thinks all other languages other than COBOL are unecessary too.
04:33.19HermanDEpredius_: For thoes of us who programmed in basic + assembly for non basic commands..  Time for you get a history lesson on languages......
04:33.27stousetpredius_: Let me rephrase. Some day, he'll become the perfect kind of crappy manager, whom his technically-minded employees think of as a complete imbecile.
04:33.28darkcmdwill this echo "Happy New Year!" at new year
04:33.29darkcmd00 24 1 1 * zachary echo "Happy New Year!"
04:33.33darkcmdin my crontab
04:33.34Keegan_Wittok, I have xwindows
04:33.35kspathEdLin:  maybe for his purposes they are   :-)
04:33.48abrotmanpredius_: BASIC or vb ?
04:33.49predius_k, enough.
04:33.53predius_I'm going to sleep now.
04:34.08Keegan_Wittnow what is package name for gnome and xterm?
04:34.09abrotmanMinchul: try another floppy disk
04:34.09stousetdarkcmd: It will echo it. But in space, nobody can hear you scream.
04:34.14EdLinkspath: I've seen him struggle with gotos, they aren't, except he thinks it is.
04:34.23abrotmanKeegan_Witt: apt-get install gdm gnome xterm x-window-system
04:34.26stousetdarkcmd: (i.e., there's no shell attached for it to echo to)
04:34.31Minchuli have only 1 floopy disk
04:34.50darkcmdstouset: so what do I do?
04:34.59HermanDEstouset: Some of us were paid to program in Basic..  I'm talking v1.0...  Not vb..
04:35.10Keegan_Witthad gnome and xwindows, but not xterm
04:35.13Keegan_WittI am getting that now
04:35.32abrotmanKeegan_Witt: and gdm ?
04:35.38stousetdarkcmd: echo "Blah" | wall
04:35.51stousetdarkcmd: It would be better to use at than cron, though.
04:35.51Keegan_Wittabrotman, yea, I have gnome already
04:35.57stousetdarkcmd: at is suited for running things once.
04:36.12kspathI started to right a text based adventure game in basic on Apple][+   based on D&D and Paladium and GURPS and various things combined finished the char generator part
04:36.30Keegan_Wittits just sitting at 0 percent
04:36.49abrotmanKeegan_Witt: erm .. ok
04:36.53Keegan_Wittswitch mirrors?
04:36.55darkcmdstouset: 00 24 1 1 * darkcmd echo "Happy New Year!" | wall
04:36.58darkcmdis that correct?
04:37.02abrotmanKeegan_Witt: hit ctrl-c .. and try again
04:37.08kspathI think that was 25 years ago  hmmm
04:37.10Minchulin korea
04:37.13Minchulpm 1:37
04:37.28dpkgextra, extra, read all about it, qotd158 is <paulswm> They don't make 2.25 ton mass storage drives any more :(
04:37.31Keegan_Wittsay error stable/main lbxproxy 4
04:37.33stousetdarkcmd: Dunno. Don't use cron all that often. As I said, though, at would be better for the job.
04:37.42HermanDEkspath: Yep...  I was selling code in 1979...  In BASIC...  With assembly additions.....
04:37.49ansongtime for bed. nice chatting with you all
04:38.00EdLinHermanDE: I still miss 6502 assembler
04:38.01stousetSo, out of curiosity, is there a reliable way of blacklisting modules in sid yet? I've tried the new /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist method, and it simply doesn't work. The pcspkr module still gets loaded. Is there a better solution than "mv pcspkr.ko pcspkr.ko.pissoff"?
04:38.07Keegan_Wittcould not connect to data socket, connection timed out
04:38.12kspathI started to learn asm a few times    6502 proc?
04:38.13stousetEdLin: I miss flipping switches on the front of my cray :\
04:38.13abrotmanstouset: not /msg dpkg blacklist ?
04:38.19HermanDEEdLin: It still exists....
04:38.26stousetabrotman: Only tells me to add to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.
04:38.27abrotmanstouset: and make sure it's not in /etc/modules
04:38.29Keegan_Wittits at 3% of proxymngr
04:38.36kspathmaybe you were 8080 or Z80
04:38.44kspathor 8088 or later
04:38.49HermanDEEdLin: If you remember 6502 assembly, then then powerpc assemby is a piece o cake....
04:38.59abrotmanstouset: right ? .. not in /etc/modules ?
04:39.10EdLinkspath: no, 6502 - MOStek's clone of the Motorolla 6800
04:39.14stousetabrotman: Aye.
04:39.23abrotmanstouset: are you using udev ?
04:39.27stousetabrotman: Aye.
04:39.41abrotmanstouset: what module ?
04:39.43EdLinHermanDE: well, PowerPC is meant to have been easy to transision from 68K, which was 6800 (and thus 6502)'s big brother.
04:39.43liablewhat about discover blacklist?
04:39.46*** join/#debian ratm_ (
04:39.57stousetabrotman: pcspkr.
04:40.03abrotmanstouset: are you serious?
04:40.06stousetabrotman: Yes.
04:40.13abrotmanstouset: just disable it in the bios ? :)
04:40.17HermanDEEdLin: Yep...  And I've written a few toys on the mac..  Pretty cool stuff....
04:40.20stousetabrotman: Can't. Crappy-ass BIOS.
04:40.28stousetabrotman: Can't even unhook the damn thing. Laptop.
04:40.32Keegan_Witthow many packages will it need to get for xterm?
04:40.33kspathall I member now is  registers  accumulator  and various things like that   I shoudl study  asm  for x86
04:40.46EdLinHermanDE: I've thought of getting a Mac. Of course, in another couple of years they will be on x86 too. :-(
04:41.12stousetabrotman: I *hate* annoying noises. It pisses me off when I cram the backspace key too many times and the thing beeps. Or I boot it, and as network devices come on it beeps.
04:41.12*** join/#debian bucky (i=foobar@pdpc/supporter/active/bucky)
04:41.12abrotmanstouset: toshiba!
04:41.35stousetabrotman: Dell.
04:41.35abrotmaneww ..even worse!
04:41.35HermanDEEdLin: And I think that is perfect.  PPC is going into smaller things....  Intel into the large toys....
04:41.35stousetabrotman: I want to physically kill people who leave sounds enabled in AIM/gaim, or online poker games, etc.
04:41.36dpkgwell, bell is "xset b off" in X, or "setterm -blength 0" in console .  For some reason, bash beeps excessively when in emacs (default) mode.  "set -o vi" puts it in vi editing mode, which doesn't beep on partial completions.  See also <shell beep>.  or "set bell-style none" in ~/.inputrc
04:41.45*** join/#debian Ayang (n=Ayang@
04:41.55EdLinHermanDE: what do you think of cell?
04:41.57Keegan_Wittok, I am supposed to pick a default display manger
04:42.03abrotmanpick gdm
04:42.05Keegan_Wittmy choices are gmd and xdm
04:42.06kspathgotta love ^G
04:42.12Keegan_WittI want gdm, right?
04:42.19abrotmanpick gdm
04:42.22stousetabrotman: Hey, they've been nice to me. They've basically replaced every component in my entire laptop for free. Hard drive, memory, cpu, screen, the bottom part of the case, the bezel around my LCD...
04:42.22HermanDEEdLin: I'll tell you in about 4 years....  When I get one I can hack at.....
04:42.55abrotmanstouset: the point is .. you sohuldn't have to replace every part .. i haven't replaced a single part in my laptop .. and it's about 2 years old
04:42.59stousetabrotman: Bleh, I'd prefer to remove the problem at the source. And it still doesn't solve the fact that something is ignoring the blacklist :P
04:43.00*** part/#debian ramy (n=ramy@
04:43.10Keegan_WittI am at command line again, restart?
04:43.20abrotmanstouset: if you look int he logs .. does it tell you what's loading it ?
04:43.21*** join/#debian Omega11 (
04:43.22abrotmanKeegan_Witt: yes
04:43.27stousetabrotman: Someone dropped it off a table.
04:43.33Keegan_Wittand do u use command line to do that? or just button?
04:43.35abrotmanstouset: someone ?
04:43.36Omega11this is wishing 2006 is the year linux goes the ways of the dinosaurs
04:43.38stousetabrotman: At least, that's what I had to tell them.
04:43.44abrotmanKeegan_Witt: type reboot
04:43.58abrotman!ops Omega11 has returned and started trolling *again*
04:43.59dpkgHydroxide, bob2, caphuso, dondelelcaro, doogie, eeyore-, ElectricElf, ):, helix, ljlane, LoRez, RichiH, mentor, Netsnipe, TML, walters, xk, gravity, azeem: Omega11 has returned and started trolling *again*
04:44.07Omega11i am toasting that linux goes bye bye
04:44.11darkcmdmy crontab is complete
04:44.18HermanDEOmega11: You mean...  Found everywhere...  Bits and pieces scattered around the globe...  Part of every structure.....
04:44.25darkcmdOmega11: why are you toasting that linux goes bye bye?
04:44.29HermanDEOmega11: In every fuel tank.....
04:44.32dpkgrumour has it, troll is, or "one who is gaming the social dynamics of the list in order to warm his miniscule soul at the flames, not one who believes himself to be debating a point of significance (however ham-handedly)." (Michael K. Edwards)
04:44.44buckybecause he's too stupid to know how to use it
04:44.45darkcmdsomeone boot Omega11
04:44.52HermanDEOmega11: As part of the collective global history and possible future?
04:44.55kspathlol I still have Omega11 on ignore    YIPPIE!  I win
04:45.13abrotmanOmega11: your party must really suck . 15 minutes til midnight .. and you're trolling us ...
04:45.30HermanDEkspath: It's ok....  He actually said a good thing about linux....
04:45.37stousetabrotman: Well, no. What happened was that it was booting funny. I think it was an overheating problem. I didn't really care, and then my dog jumped onto the keyboard and broke a key. So I called them over that. They replaced the keyboard, and asked if there were any other problems, so I mentioned the booting thing. So they replaced my mem/cpu/mobo. There was also a small crack on the bezel, so they offered to replace that. A few days l
04:45.39Omega11no its a good partyu
04:45.43Omega11i put down 8 shots
04:45.59Supaplex!moon Omega11
04:46.00I4NIwoo an alcoholic too
04:46.03Keegan_Wittdamn, does debian always take this long to load? or is it because this is 1st boot?
04:46.11stousetabrotman: Then the Dell guy broke one of the screw posts in the bottom half of my case. So they replaced that. Finally, someone knocked it off a table, and the hard drive started going wonky. So that got replaced too.
04:46.12abrotmanstouset: hehe .. that's crazy
04:46.14stousetabrotman: :)
04:46.30stousetabrotman: Anyways, I hate noises. Why, do you leave pcspkr loaded? Crazy bastard.
04:46.41abrotmanstouset: dunno .. should i look ?
04:46.51I4NIpc speaker
04:46.57stousetdarkcmd: The, get this, pc speaker.
04:46.57kspathKeegan_Witt: depends partially on what you load/setup and your hardware and kernel .....
04:46.57abrotmanmine is loaded .. but not used
04:46.57HermanDEOmega11: It's such a good party that you are spending your time typing on a keyboard?
04:47.05stousetdarkcmd: Crazy what they name modules these days.
04:47.17stousetabrotman: How's that? If it's there, bash et al will generate fun beeps.
04:47.18Keegan_Wittsays still cannot start the x server :(
04:47.27HermanDEKeegan_Witt: Any reasons?
04:47.28Omega11i am using viavoice to type
04:47.30Omega11dunmb ass
04:47.36abrotmanstouset: mine doesn't beep!
04:47.36stousetabrotman: Oh. In what log would it mention the speaker getting loaded?
04:47.42abrotmanoh wait .. yes it does
04:47.45stousetOmega11: dunmb is in their speech->text dictionary?
04:47.49HermanDEKeegan_Witt: Do you have a usb or ps/2 mouse?
04:47.55Keegan_WittHermanDE, not that I can see
04:48.05Keegan_WittHermanDE, I use a touchpad, its a laptop
04:48.05Omega11stouset: yes
04:48.10HermanDEKeegan_Witt: Do you have a mouse?
04:48.15EdLinstouset: don't feed the trolls
04:48.25stousetEdLin: Can I poke them with sharp objects?
04:48.27Keegan_WittHermanDE, I can get 1, yes
04:48.31Omega11maybe my news years resolution should be3 not to troll
04:48.33EdLinstouset: heh
04:48.34Omega11what do you thinki
04:48.37HermanDEKeegan_Witt: You need a mouse with X....
04:48.45I4NII think your drunk
04:48.47abrotmanstouset: bah . i can't find it
04:48.48stousetOmega11: You might also consider holding your liquor better. You've only had 8 shots.
04:48.49Keegan_WittHermanDE, no touch pad?
04:48.53abrotmanstouset: you could just rename the damn module :)
04:48.58liableKeegan_Witt: grep EE /var/log/XFree86.log.0
04:49.04Keegan_WittHermanDE, I have done it in ubuntu and FC4
04:49.09HermanDEKeegan_Witt: It depends on how it is connected......
04:49.15Omega1112 minutes till the new year
04:49.16stousetabrotman: That was what I initially said. "mv pcspkr.ko pcspkr.ko.pissoff" :)
04:49.17HermanDEKeegan_Witt: Sure.....
04:49.22Omega11im gonna try to stop masturbating
04:49.23abrotmanvia voice doesn't misspell like that
04:49.35HermanDEOmega11: I hope I don't spend my time at a party typing on a keyboard....
04:49.54abrotmanOmega11: any chance you'll celebrate outside and get stuck in a snow drift ?
04:50.00Omega11we are all here lauging at you tards
04:50.13abrotmanwe who?
04:50.32HermanDEOmega11: When you say we...  Do you include Rosie and her four wonderful girlfriends?
04:50.34stousetOmega11: You aren't the only ones laughing at you tards :)
04:50.43I4NII think Omega11 is really sitting in his room alone, jerkin it
04:51.26stousetI think Omega11 is really Dick Clark.
04:51.44Keegan_Wittliable, nothing happens when I type that
04:51.46Supaplexnews flash, nobody gives a flying fsck about Omega11
04:51.53kspathDo they keep Dick Clark in cold storage when not in use?
04:52.10stousetkspath: Yeah. Stasis does wonders for his complexion.
04:52.14*** join/#debian freespace (
04:52.15SimonRavenstouset: yeh, and when next time depmod gets run, it'll show up in lsmod
04:52.16Keegan_WittHermanDE, no, I did, I swear it
04:52.24*** join/#debian __sushi_ (
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04:52.36SimonRavennews flash, why haven't we /ignored him/her/it yet
04:52.47liableKeegan_Witt: did you get the log name right?
04:52.51I4NII think hes gone
04:52.53HermanDEKeegan_Witt: Different distros have different configs...  A mouse would solve a few potential probs.....
04:53.07stousetSupaplex: Hm, there's a thought. e2fsck -y /dev/omega11.
04:53.15Keegan_Wittthis is what I type in root: grep EE /var/log/XFree86.log.0
04:53.20Omega11my file system is fucked
04:53.23abrotmanSimonRaven: i tried to op you .. it didn't work
04:53.35stousetSimonRaven: Won't load as it'd have a different extension though, no? depmod ignores anything not ko.
04:53.42SimonRavenno, you have to get chanserv to do it
04:53.52abrotmanSimonRaven: oh  .. come on :)
04:54.10HermanDEOmega11: Have you tried "rm -rf /"?
04:54.12SimonRavenas in /msg chanserv op $nick
04:54.19stousetSimonRaven: We have ignored him. Doesn't stop us from making fun of him.
04:54.20abrotmanSimonRaven: i know how to use it :)
04:54.48SimonRavenstouset: mm, i've seen modules get loaded anyway, don't remember the file name it had though :/
04:54.51stousetabrotman: Make sure to set $nick = stouset first.
04:54.58SimonRavenstouset: hehe, true
04:55.01*** join/#debian roue (
04:55.06rouehola debianistas
04:55.15TarantulafudgeI have a full blown debian server, are there any steps I can take to make sure I don't get hacked? (I did the cracklib) but the guides are pretty old
04:55.16stousetroue: Bienvenido!
04:55.28SimonRavenroue: tansi
04:55.38abrotman!securing debian
04:55.38dpkg[securing debian] at
04:55.46rouehola is actually the only non-english word I know :)
04:55.51stousetTarantulafudge: Read the Securing Debian Howto.
04:55.54SimonRavenTarantulafudge: competent admin, good security policy and ^^^
04:56.02*** join/#debian SJr|Tecra (
04:56.14HermanDETarantulafudge: Read the F*** pubs.....
04:56.23HermanDETarantulafudge: Use Google....
04:56.36HermanDETarantulafudge: Join the Debian Security mail list.....
04:56.44HermanDETarantulafudge: Be proactive......
04:56.50SimonRaventansi is a shortened form of some really long cree word that means 'hello at you'
04:56.57stousetTarantulafudge: Other than that, just follow some common sense ideas. Use something like logcheck to monitor logs, a filesystem checker like samhain/tripwire/aide to make sure files don't change, run daemons chrooted, firewall off incoming/outgoing traffic that's not critical to the function of the server, don't log in as root (only issue root commands through sudo, which gets logged) etc...
04:56.58HermanDETarantulafudge: Remember it really is fun......
04:57.09stousetBack in 4 minutes.
04:57.17roueah. sanks.
04:57.32stousetApparently there's some sort of tradition in my household of watching a large ball plummet from the top of a tall building, into a screaming mass of people below.
04:57.38Keegan_WittI plugged in a mouse, it still will not boot
04:57.41rouegood luck.
04:57.45stousetWith any luck, a few people will be crushed this year. Last year was a disappointment.
04:57.48SimonRavendo they get crushed? that would suck
04:57.50abrotmanstouset: Armageddon ?
04:57.51rouethe mouse is supposed to boot?
04:58.02stousetroue: Of course, you fool. It's running WinCE.
04:58.05stousetBack in 3. :P
04:58.09HermanDEKeegan_Witt: try more /var/log/XFree86.log.0
04:58.09Omega112 minutes
04:58.10roueer. wha?
04:58.14Omega11lets all countdown
04:58.21SimonRavenlet's not
04:58.24rouestill got an hour to go here in MN.
04:58.26HermanDEKeegan_Witt: Look towards the bottom for the last errors.....
04:58.33I4NItwo hours to go here
04:58.38Omega111 minute 30 seconds
04:58.44abrotmancount faster
04:58.45*** join/#debian jcwong (n=catalyst@unaffiliated/jcwong)
04:58.49roueI think we're all gonna die. this 2006 thing is a scam.
04:58.50HermanDEOmega11: Are "WE" counting down?..
04:59.00HermanDEOmega11: You don't have that many fingers......
04:59.04Supaplexdon't forget the leap second
04:59.07Omega111 minhute
04:59.18Omega11the leap second occured at 7pm
04:59.26HermanDEOmega11: There goes that via voice again....
04:59.43HermanDEOmega11: Must change the oil in the mike...  Might make it work better.....
04:59.49Keegan_WittI don't see any errors, it say bash: /var/log/XFree86.log.0: No such file or directory
04:59.50liablehe's drunk :)
05:00.02abrotmanand a bad liar .. and a troll
05:00.05*** join/#debian simone (n=simone@
05:00.07HermanDEKeegan_Witt: Try issuing the command startx
05:00.09AciDhappy new year debianers !
05:00.34HermanDEabrotman: He is a very...very lonly person in a very quiet room...  What do you expect?
05:00.36I4NIHappy New Years to you, I still got 2 hours to go
05:00.37deuce868happy new year from EST
05:00.52Keegan_Wittfatal IO error 104 (connection reset by peer) on X server
05:01.03Keegan_Wittfatal server error: no screens found
05:01.09Omega11woot its 2006
05:01.10HermanDEKeegan_Witt: Is there anything else above that?
05:01.21Keegan_Wittseveral lines saying no symbols found
05:01.22beardy!drxx Keegan_Witt
05:01.22HermanDEOmega11: There goes that via voice again....
05:01.22dpkgKeegan_Witt: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86  [or xserver-xorg if you're using] (as root). If you have edited the X config file by hand, or used some other program like xf86config, ask me about <xmd5>
05:01.23Omega11everyone lets have a toast woot
05:01.38dpkgextra, extra, read all about it, toast is a foreign substance entered through one of the bodys many holes that can be used as an energy source. A man once said that toast is great with marmite - but you either love it or you hate it, personally i prefer cheese on my toast, red leicester cheese...... my mouth be watering.......
05:01.49beardy!no screens found
05:01.50dpkgno screens found is NOT a useful message - it means XFree86 has a problem SOMEWHERE with SOMETHING. Read your /var/log/XFree86.0.log more closely, and look for the REAL error, which probably begins with (EE), or - ask me about "troubleshooting x".
05:02.20HermanDEKeegan_Witt: Sounds like you may be missing some libraries....
05:02.45dpkgwell, marmite is The One True *Mite.
05:02.46Omega11you know what the sad part is
05:02.48Keegan_WittI typed teh reconfigure thing, I am at whre I pick x server driver
05:03.01Omega11we have to wait another 365 days for another new years eve celebration
05:03.03Omega11sad huh
05:03.04I4NIwhat that your still here Omega11 ?
05:03.08beardyhmm, I thought that contained more..
05:03.22Keegan_Wittdpkg, do I pick vga?
05:03.32SimonRaveni don't get it. people getting all excited about adding a year to the gregorian calendar. yet another excuse to get drunk
05:03.37HermanDEOmega11: That is only 364 more days to wait for the next party with Rosie....
05:03.49*** part/#debian zh (n=up3000@
05:03.51SimonRavenrosie palm?
05:03.55HermanDESimonRaven: excuses are great....
05:04.23darkcmdit officially is a new year
05:04.24HermanDESimonRaven: They can cover everything from the reason a server melted to an unexpected child.....
05:04.33Omega11just about 1995 years and we can celbrate the turn of the milenium
05:04.39abrotmanHermanDE: and both with the same excuse!
05:04.41beardydpkg: what are you
05:04.42dpkgI am a blootbot. For more info see <blootbot>
05:04.53dpkgthanks, beardy
05:04.54abrotmandpkg: why is the sky blue ?
05:04.57dpkgabrotman: what are you talking about?
05:04.58Keegan_Wittdpkg, I must now enter vidio card's bus identifier
05:05.03Keegan_Wittwhat is that?
05:05.03abrotmanKeegan_Witt: leave it blank
05:05.13abrotmanKeegan_Witt: dpkg is a bot ...
05:05.16JustinKeegan_Witt: vga bad. no vga.
05:05.22SimonRavenoh don't let me get you down, i just don't get it (anymore)
05:05.23*** join/#debian jonathaN (
05:05.25Keegan_Wittnow it ask for amout of memory for card
05:05.38beardyKeegan_Witt: blank
05:05.44*** join/#debian debian-san (
05:06.10JustinKeegan_Witt: no. reconfigure. vesa. no vga.
05:06.11Supaplexnow count every bit
05:06.12EdLinKeegan_Witt: you shouldn't have picked "vga"
05:06.20HermanDEKeegan_Witt: Debian was *at one time* considered the distribution that a chicken could install...  Just go with the defaults....
05:06.35abrotmanHermanDE: yeah .. last week :)
05:06.42Keegan_Wittwat is default then, if not vga?
05:06.51beardyKeegan_Witt: vesa
05:06.59*** join/#debian DarKnesS_WolF (n=wolf@
05:07.12HermanDEabrotman: I just did 2 sarge installs...  My first in quite some time...  I actually had to type things into the installer....  Geeze.....
05:07.19EdLinKeegan_Witt: you really should pick what your video card is for decent performance, but if you really don't know what is your video card, pick vesa.
05:07.25abrotmanHermanDE: heh
05:07.29Keegan_Wittit is radeon
05:07.37Keegan_WittI pick ati last time
05:07.37HermanDEKeegan_Witt: then select radeon.....
05:07.39Omega11so why you guys saying im not having a good party
05:07.46Keegan_Wittthere is no radeon to select
05:07.47Omega11your all in here typing on new years eve :)
05:07.53EdLinKeegan_Witt: are you running an ATI Raedon chipset card? If so, yes
05:07.56abrotmanOmega11: so are you
05:08.03I4NIIm going somewhere at 11
05:08.04SimonRavenOmega11: because you're here bitching about it
05:08.29HermanDEOmega11: Yep...  And we admit that you are really needy....
05:08.30Keegan_Wittit is radeon, but the ati I already had and it wont boot
05:08.51EdLinKeegan_Witt: then run vesa until you can figure out what card you have with lspci
05:09.00I4NIWOOT hes gone
05:09.26SimonRavendoh! he/she/it got a clue
05:09.41HermanDEWow...  I wonder if we struck some sort of nerve...  Must capture for future reference....
05:09.46beardyHe bit himself in the tail.
05:10.06GregorR-LNot New Years here yet
05:10.11I4NIhere either
05:10.15*** join/#debian newbiextrem (
05:10.20GregorR-LThree hours
05:10.29GregorR-LBut they're celebrating on the east oaost.
05:10.34GregorR-LCoast even
05:10.42HermanDEWell folks....   Time for me to embib in the current excuse to drink.....
05:10.43I4NIMy friend's band is playing tonight to bring in the new year
05:10.54*** part/#debian newbiextrem (
05:11.00*** join/#debian lekvar (
05:11.41Keegan_Wittwat port do I pick for mouse for touchpad?
05:11.57Gneahappy new years%*^#)@$(
05:12.03Gnea!beer #debian
05:12.56Keegan_Wittwhich mouse port should I use?
05:13.05Gneathe one that fits
05:13.27GneaKeegan_Witt: that on a laptop?
05:13.34Keegan_Wittgnea, yes
05:14.02GneaKeegan_Witt: it's probably ps/2 or usb - test it: cat /dev/psaux  and move your finger over the touchpad - do you see crap fill the terminal?
05:16.32I4NIall right, time to hit up the bars, adios
05:16.42Keegan_Wittcat/dev/psaux says no such file or directory
05:17.14Justin/dev/psaux no more in 2.6, /dev/input/mice for all mice
05:17.38Keegan_Wittsays permission denied
05:17.39I4NIbah Supaplex
05:17.40GneaJustin: you are wrong.
05:17.44GneaKeegan_Witt: try it as root
05:17.50Keegan_WittI am root
05:17.55JustinGnea: not uh
05:18.07GneaJustin: i'm running 2.6 and /dev/psaux works just fine.
05:18.20GneaKeegan_Witt: ls -l /dev/psaux  <-- what's that say?
05:18.24dlihow to query dpkg? it's disabled by default
05:18.32dpkgNo, supaplex, you're not online any more.
05:18.39*** join/#debian stouset (
05:19.23dliSupaplex, some stupid channel op banned me for doing ! with dpkg
05:19.25Keegan_Wittls: invalid option --/
05:19.27JustinGnea: sure it does :-P
05:19.41Supaplexdli: then msg it
05:19.50stousetDamn. No luck this year either.
05:20.14dliSupaplex, it won't open the tab, I think because of set mode
05:20.25stousetI mean, how do you miss? There's throngs of crowds down there in the streets of New York. You drop a giant, 30-foot ball off a building, and *how the hell do you miss*?
05:20.37dliSupaplex, I got no reply from /msg dpkg
05:20.38stousetThey need better planning.
05:20.53Keegan_Wittls -l says total 0
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05:21.25JustinKeegan_Witt: load psmouse, use /dev/input/mice
05:22.03Keegan_Wittuse: command not found
05:22.05GneaKeegan_Witt: oh, it doesn't exist? try Justin's suggestion then
05:22.27GneaLinux version 2.6.12-sid (root@teletrantwo) (gcc version 3.4.5 20050821 (prerelease) (Debian 3.4.4-8)) #3 Sat Sep 3 02:13:08 MST 2005
05:22.32Gneacrw-rw---- 1 root root 10, 1 2005-12-15 05:09 /dev/psaux
05:22.48Keegan_Wittbash: /dev/input/mice: permission denied
05:22.49Gneasure enough, if i cat it and move this usb mouse around, i get crap in the terminal
05:23.01*** mode/#debian [+l 639] by debhelper
05:23.05adrakoaHAPPY NEW YEAR :)
05:23.07GneaKeegan_Witt: you have to use the 'su' command first
05:23.12pacesadrakoa: same to you
05:23.13Keegan_WittI am root
05:23.15Gnea!beer adrakoa
05:23.18*** join/#debian Ayang (n=Ayang@
05:23.26GneaKeegan_Witt: what kernel?
05:23.36stousetKeegan_Witt: Um, use isn't a command.
05:23.44Gneacat /proc/version
05:23.48dpkgfrom memory, newbie-guide is you've decided to do away with windows or are pondering it and want to use Linux.. good for you!  But this isn't windows, you can't just install it and be up and running unless it's a livecd, that isn't even finished yet.. you need to RTFM (Read The Fine Manual) which are located at and, also see and chances are they know the answer!
05:23.49Keegan_WittI just used net install of sarge
05:23.54*** join/#debian dli (
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05:24.02stousetKeegan_Witt: I think he meant, load the psmouse module, and the mouse device should be /dev/input/mice
05:24.08Justinhow do you managet to get the mouse to not work? really?
05:24.14Justinif you hit enter a lot sarge works
05:24.14dpkg[newbie-guide] you've decided to do away with windows or are pondering it and want to use Linux.. good for you!  But this isn't windows, you can't just install it and be up and running unless it's a livecd, that isn't even finished yet.. you need to RTFM (Read The Fine Manual) which are located at and, also see and chances are they know the answer!
05:24.17*** join/#debian clara (n=clara@
05:24.26dli! XlibConf.h
05:24.50adrakoaman -k <- is a good option
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05:25.02Keegan_Witti typed su /dev/input/mice it say unknown id
05:25.05liable!tell dli about search
05:25.07Minchulhow can i change ip setting?
05:25.14GneaKeegan_Witt: type su on it's own
05:25.15Supaplexman 5 interfaces
05:25.19GneaKeegan_Witt: no arguments
05:25.23dpkgYour network configuration in potato and later is done in the file /etc/network/interfaces. "man 5 interfaces" for docs, (zless /usr/share/doc/ifupdown/examples/network-interfaces.gz for an example). start and stop your networking with ifup -a and ifdown -a respectively.  See also "dhcp client". for laptops, use /etc/pcmcia/network.opts instead or see "man resolv.conf" for DNS or ask me about "static route"
05:25.34Keegan_Wittoh, I already did that earlier, I am in root now
05:25.51SimonRavenKeegan_Witt: um
05:26.00GneaKeegan_Witt: that can't be... type this: id
05:26.08JustinSimonRaven: he has been typing /dev/input/mice, not cat /dev/input/mice
05:26.23SimonRaveni know. and hi Justin :)
05:26.28Gneayeah, taking things too literally
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05:26.41Keegan_Wittuid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)
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05:26.54Gneawelp, that confirms that
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05:27.05Gneaclara: yes, did you want something?
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05:27.58Keegan_Wittcat /dev/input/mice
05:28.02GneaKeegan_Witt: ok, now: cat /proc/version
05:28.03Keegan_Wittjust sits there
05:28.14liableKeegan_Witt: move the mouse
05:28.17Gneanow move the mouse around while it sits there
05:28.27Keegan_Wittnuthin happens
05:28.47dpkgAll there is worth knowing about linux and laptops can be found at and  or also ask me about 'acpi' and 'suspend', or see the debian-laptop mailing list at
05:29.09GneaKeegan_Witt: check that first url out - find your laptop make and model there and follow the instructions that someone prepared for it
05:29.20Minchulcompaq armada m300
05:29.32liableKeegan_Witt: what did you choose for mouse when you configured x?
05:29.39GneaMinchul: what?
05:29.41Minchulsetup compleate(3.1)
05:29.45Keegan_Wittuhh psa2 I think
05:30.06Keegan_Wittthe page on the touchpad for my model is TODO
05:30.49Keegan_Witton another page it say use xorg
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05:31.07GneaKeegan_Witt: is it a compaq armada m300?
05:31.17Keegan_Wittno, dell 6000
05:31.32Gneadell *what* 6000?
05:31.52Keegan_Wittoh insipiron
05:31.55chino2happy new years
05:32.01Gnea!beer chino2
05:32.14chino2!weel Gnea
05:32.16adrakoachino2 happy for you too :)
05:32.31deadcatdont know why you guys are so into holidays. its JUST a day.
05:32.39Supaplex^l^d^ in bash. =)
05:32.43Gneadeadcat: YOUR MOM.
05:32.56Supaplexnot deadcat! it's my moms turn *g*
05:32.56deadcatGnea: fuck you asswhole
05:32.59liabledeadcat: its an excuse to have some fun?
05:33.10deadcatliable: (=
05:33.12Gneastupid college kids :P
05:33.18deadcatliable: i do that everyday hehe
05:33.20Keegan_Wittlooks like some people had to manually configure the xorg.conf
05:33.56close_to_debianwithout amending code
05:34.11adrakoaKeegan_Witt man xorg, dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg.
05:34.15Gneaclose_to_debian: spit in your hands and count to three.
05:34.27*** part/#debian deuce868 (
05:34.29close_to_debianGnea: Any ideas
05:34.43Gneaclose_to_debian: clap them fast and hard.
05:34.58close_to_debianGnea: hahaha
05:35.33Keegan_Wittwhat is command to install xorg? maybe I don't have it
05:35.38dpkgi heard xorg is X.Org X11, the reference implementation of the X Window System, forked from XFree86 4.4RC2. The current release is X11R6.8.2. ask me about <get xorg>, or #xorg
05:35.44stousetGnea: Actually, according to his statement, he hasn't figured it out.
05:35.46adrakoaalcohol is GOOD :)!!!!! make vodka, insmod drunk :)
05:35.48Minchulwhat is the inetd?
05:35.56liableKeegan_Witt: you dont, its not in the debian repo's for sarge
05:36.03Justinadrakoa: vodka indeed good
05:36.31adrakoaMinchul inetd is the sense of server
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05:36.34Gneaclose_to_debian: sorry, that's such a generic question - we don't do vagueness here
05:36.48Minchuladrakoa: thanks :)
05:37.05EdLinGnea: the current releases of xorg are 6.9 and 7.0
05:37.13*** join/#debian Bogaurd (
05:37.40adrakoaMinchul thx nothing, vi /etc/inittab, ls /etc/init.d/
05:37.54GneaEdLin: naked penguins.
05:38.05Supaplex0 is my favorite default run level! yay!
05:38.06*** join/#debian subir (n=subir@
05:38.26Minchulvery thanks adrakoa :)
05:38.30EdLinGnea: check out if you don't believe me, it's on the top of the page.
05:39.08GneaEdLin: right.
05:39.31EdLinGnea: so someone needs to change dpkg's factoid
05:40.02GneaEdLin: in debian it's 6.9 or 7.0?
05:40.08Supaplexwell then what are you waiting for *g*
05:40.22EdLinGnea: 6.9 is already on the way to sid.
05:40.29EdLinGnea: or was that 7.0?
05:40.34*** part/#debian lekvar (
05:40.38GneaEdLin: oh, so it's not *actually* in sid yet?
05:40.55EdLinGnea: it will be in a few weeks assuming nothing goes wrong.
05:41.02GneaEdLin: which would make the current release 6.8 still, right?
05:41.26EdLinGnea: stable doesn't change - but stable doesn't have xorg.
05:41.33Gnea!xorg stable
05:41.39Gnea!xorg sarge
05:41.40dpkg[xorg sarge] now available at
05:41.44SimonRaven6.9 is in sid; 6.99whatever is in experimental
05:41.48GneaEdLin: it doesn't?
05:42.19EdLinGnea: well, I assume backports will change accordingly. It's third party, you can get any kind of xorg that way soon I assume.
05:42.33dpkgfrom memory, assume is the mother of all mistakes and (ASS - U - ME): makes an ass of you and makes an ass of me
05:42.48SimonRavenmore DDs are getting involved with
05:43.00Gneawow, 6.9 *is* the latest. rock on. i hadn't done an update in a few days
05:43.05EdLinGnea: there will be enough people that want to run 6.9 that it will be backported via *some* third party repository promptly.
05:43.11SimonRaven(not implying anything here, just a statement)
05:43.11relicxfree86 long life!
05:43.26GneaEdLin: your case is secure.
05:43.42Supaplexa pc w/no power is pretty secure :)
05:43.50SimonRavenbasket case? :P
05:44.11EdLinGnea: my cases are always secure. ;-)
05:44.19bamanybody know a cmd line tool available in debian for extracting iso and/or bin files?
05:44.30adrakoai'm happy with a lot of options.... live free software
05:44.47dpkgrumour has it, xorg is X.Org X11, the reference implementation of the X Window System, forked from XFree86 4.4RC2. The current release is X11R6.9. ask me about <get xorg>, or #xorg
05:44.57Gnea!beer EdLin
05:45.31EdLinSimonRaven: we're all basket cases here, welcoming in the New Year on IRC
05:45.40adrakoadpkg knows ...
05:45.56EdLinGnea: there you go. :-)
05:45.59SimonRavendpkg knows all
05:46.00dpkgBob knows what he's talking about! Listen to Bob!
05:46.12GneaSimonRaven: but will it stop a tidal wave in mid-air? ;)
05:46.33SimonRavenno, just a buncha electrons, silly ;)
05:46.44undefinedbam: readcd
05:46.44*** join/#debian bucky (i=foobar@pdpc/supporter/active/bucky)
05:46.47Gneayou forgot the silicon*^%#@$
05:46.56Supaplexand the copper
05:46.57Gneaand the wafer boards
05:47.10SimonRavensillycon what?
05:47.22Supaplexdid we mention capacitors?
05:47.23undefinedbam: i presume you mean creating an iso from a physical cd(-r/rw)
05:47.48Gneasocket levers
05:47.48EdLinSupaplex: I resist-or making a further component suggeston.
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05:48.14bamundefined, no, actually i'm looking to take and iso or bin file and extract the contents, as if it were any kind of archived file
05:48.26undefinedbam: ah
05:48.37EdLinbam: mount it as a loop device
05:48.42liablebam: mount it
05:48.45undefinedbam: you want a user-land isofs implementation
05:48.49undefinedbam: ?
05:49.18bamgonna try to mount it, never thought of that
05:49.21EdLinbam: mount my.iso -r -t iso9660 -o loop /mnt
05:50.07*** join/#debian prajol (n=prajol@
05:50.31SupaplexEdLin: hehe nice =)
05:51.37EdLinFar-aday it be from me to continue this thread
05:51.52bambeautiful.  many thanks for the mounting idea.  i feel silly for not thinking of it :)
05:52.16EdLinbam: np
05:52.32Supaplexbe carefull what you mount. you might end up with children.
05:52.53Supaplexold pesky filesystems are know for that ;)
05:53.47*** part/#debian tjcoder (
05:54.11undefineddoes anybody know when the debian bittorrent tracker ( will be back online?
05:54.29dliany reason why gdm depends on libsmbclient ?
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05:57.26stousetundefined: Didn't know there was one.
05:57.32stousetdli: Directly? Or through gnomevfs?
05:58.06buckysomeone should unban mwilson
05:58.07dlistouset, If I do "apt-get install gdm", it will install libsmbclient
05:58.07Supaplexthere's a linux mirror that provides bt downloads
05:58.25dlistouset, quiet silly, I don't have samba at all
05:58.30stousetdli: gdm depends on gnomevfs, which depends on libsmbclient.
05:58.53dlistouset, kdm doesn't support auto-login user
05:59.14stousetdli: What's the problem, anyways?
05:59.48dlistouset, I want gdm, but don't want so many dependencies :(
06:00.26Supaplexroll your own package =-)
06:00.39dlistouset, anything lighter with Menu for sessions and supports auto-login ?
06:01.03stousetdli: xdm. Why don't you want so many dependencies?
06:01.14*** join/#debian thompsbm (
06:01.16thompsbmError Loading extension section server
06:01.16thompsbm<thompsbm> ./build-key-server server
06:01.22dlistouset, does xdm has any menu support?
06:01.31dlistouset, if so, I will try it
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06:02.06thompsbmany ideas what might be cuasing this when i try to generate CA
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06:02.42SimonRavenif you want simple xdm is it
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06:03.13dliSimonRaven, I want a session menu and auto-login
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06:03.22PascatHellos... I need some help with a bug o.o none of my xine applications want to work anymore o.o
06:03.32SimonRaventhen you don't want that
06:04.22dortois there a way in which apt-get install will display the web links from where it is getting different files while installing a package?
06:04.33*** join/#debian ximi (
06:04.56SimonRavenapt-cache policy <package name>; man apt-cache; man apt
06:05.16SupaplexIf anyone has insights on how to confront a deadlocked process issue, please advise.  xsane hasn't returned from a block read while enumerating the scsi bus (as far as I can tell)
06:05.34thompsbmany ideas what might be cuasing this when i try to generate CA
06:05.39*** join/#debian happybunny (
06:06.32dortoSimonRaven: if you have used gentoo, is it similar to emerge -fp ?
06:06.33ximiHow do I check what process is using my cdrom ?
06:06.46happybunnyps -ef|grep cdrom?
06:06.48ximiBecause I can't umount it
06:06.52happybunnyumount -l
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06:07.00happybunnythat will unmount it
06:07.04kspathximi: are you in its path?
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06:07.17ximikspath, no no, I had everything closed
06:07.17kspathximi: cd ~  then try again
06:07.34OvrLrd-Qis there a guide to what exactly the colors mean when you use colors for ls, cuz I got some directories with green backgrounds and some without and I can't figure out what's the difference between them
06:08.15undefinedximi: lsof | grep /dev/cdrom
06:08.53undefinedximi: assuming a user-land process is using it
06:09.15ximiusing umount -l it unmounted then as root it "eject"ed
06:09.22ximiSo thanks you guys.
06:09.31SimonRavendorto: i don't know
06:09.46SimonRavengo read
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06:10.02ximiundefined, that's exactly what I wanted . thanks.
06:11.04ximiundefined, unfortunetly it seems that lsof can't stat ext3 filesystems.
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06:14.40dortohow can we see the packages on which another package(say xmms) depends?
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06:14.43_Junior_happy new year ! :)
06:14.46dliwhich package for error: XML::Parser perl module is required for intltool
06:14.52undefinedximi: are you talking about the warning at the top of lsof output?
06:15.09undefinedximi: or did you read it somewhere else
06:15.13ximiundefined, yeah. That's a valid warning right?
06:15.30undefinedximi: mine is pretty specific: "lsof: WARNING: can't stat() ext3 file system /dev/.static/dev"
06:16.04undefinedximi: so it only applies to /dev/.static/dev which is due to udev (i believe)
06:16.11PascatAny of you able to help me fix a crashing issue on any Xine applications? o.o
06:16.13ximiundefined, hmm. yeah mine too. I guess you make a good point. Not _all_ ext3s are unstatable
06:17.29ximiPascat, dunno. Start by posting an error or something.
06:17.32undefinedximi: fyi, all my file systems are ext3 and lsof has never failed me
06:17.55ximiundefined, that's good news.
06:18.10Pascatgxine/ Erreur de segmentation(Segment Error)
06:18.15ximibecause all of my fs-es are ext3 too.
06:18.31ximiPascat, lol. that's like French, eh?
06:18.41Pascatyes, French
06:18.53ximiPascat, that however doesn't say much at all. It could be due to so many things.
06:19.02PascatYes, I know o.o
06:19.10ximiPascat, run it from terminal it might give you more details
06:19.23PascatI'm running it from terminal o.o
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06:19.36PascatIt doesn't even start
06:19.42ximiPascat, sorry, not much I can do.
06:19.44PascatSplash screen starts, then it crashes right away
06:20.02PascatI've a core file too if it helps...
06:20.07ximiPascat, are you using a file as argument or just plain "gxine"?
06:20.15Pascatjust plain gxine
06:20.18ximiPascat, that might help.
06:20.30ximiPaste it in a bin somewhere.
06:20.45PascatAny bins I can paste it in?
06:20.59ximiPascat, dunno, just google one.
06:21.13undefinedpascat: google "nopaste"
06:21.14jadewolfHello, I was wondering if you think debian would be a good returning linux as I've been ... playing mostly windows games for 9 months and kinda became... retarded when it comes to linux, I just tried to install gentoo about 5 times and can't do it so I know debian used to be good, is it still a very well maintained OS?
06:21.27Pascat... Its a binary thing o.o
06:21.41Pascatthere's nothing to read without a program to decode it I guess...
06:22.29undefinedpascat: i usually try strace before resorting to core dumps
06:22.39ximiPascat, never mind. Don't know nothing about binary. Or memory or whatever.
06:22.55*** part/#debian freespace (
06:22.56Pascatstrace? ... how do I work that?
06:23.35undefinedpascat: i usually do "strace -Ff -o ~/tmp/strace.log <command> <arg1> <arg2> ..."
06:23.55Pascatcommand being gxine in that case?
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06:24.46undefinedpascat: if you are only executing "gxine" with no arguments, then "strace -Ff -o ~/tmp/strace.log gxine"
06:25.33ootputshould he consider forks?
06:26.05undefinedpascat: strace won't help you find suttle programming errors (null pointers), but it's quick and easy and finds some more obvious problems
06:26.53PascatI got it there:
06:27.01undefinedootput: if you are talking about strace, i consider forks by default, out of habit
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06:30.24PascatWhat's that forks thing? .....
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06:31.11undefinedpascat: the last file it opened was a shared library ("") so the problematic code could be there, but nothing obvious jumps out at me
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06:32.11undefinedpascat: -f have strace trace forks; -F have strace trace vforks
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06:33.50eric_I need some help, the mplayer plug-in is not working in firefox,
06:34.14Pascatthere'sa mplayer plugin for firefox?
06:34.18Gneawell that sucks
06:34.52eric_yeah at least I thought there was
06:34.58darkcmdhmm I wonder if there is a general configuration file for apps that are openmotif, and lesstif
06:35.13Gneai kind of noticed that the flashplugin doesn't work with firefox either anymore
06:35.31darkcmdGnea: what branch of debian?
06:35.34eric_when I use the epiphany browser it works fine
06:35.43Gneadarkcmd: sid
06:35.46Pascat... Flash works fine on mine, Java as well...
06:35.58GneaPascat: that's nice.
06:36.11Pascatlet me
06:36.46Pascat... Flash doesn't work anymore!
06:37.07PascatUh, no it works... lol.. I'm on the wrong page n.n
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06:37.36Pascatanyways, thanks for trying to help me...folks
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06:39.06Gneai get audio but no video
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06:55.20darkcmdhi airwalk
06:55.55Capkirkneed suggestion for firewall dist based on debian
06:56.23EdLin!greetings airwalk
06:56.40darkcmdCapkirk: remaster knoppix
06:56.47EdLin!greatings airwalk
06:57.00EdLinno, that's not bad spelling at first.. phoey.
06:57.12darkcmdEdLin: you scared him away :D
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06:57.32EdLin!greet darkcmd
06:57.33dpkgWelcome, darkcmd
06:57.39EdLinwell, that one works. :-)
06:57.45darkcmdwhy thank you dpkg :D
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06:58.17EdLin!beer darkcmd
06:59.30Capkirkdarkcmd: not understood? maybe my question wasn't clear enough? need something like smoothwall but based on debian
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06:59.48EdLinCapkirk: apt-get install smoothwall
07:00.02dpkgHappy New Year!
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07:00.14darkcmdyou want to make your own firewall that's like smoothwall?
07:00.21EdLinCapkirk: forget that advice, maybe "ipmasq" is what you're looking for.
07:01.06codergeek42You could try fireHOL..that's a bash-based script to configure it with relatively straightforward command syntax ("server http allow", etc.)
07:01.07darkcmd!zippy OMG
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07:01.08dpkgI just forgot my whole philosophy of life!!!
07:03.23CapkirkEdLin: i could build a firewall dist based on debian myself but i would rather save myself from the trouble using something ready to go
07:03.55EdLinCapkirk: I kind of like ipkungfu, but it's not in stable I think.
07:04.33EdLinCapkirk: ipmasq is very simple but is configured by debconf so it's probably the only "Debian firewall" out there.
07:05.32*** join/#debian hooya (
07:06.33darkcmdI want to make a linux distro that boots from cd, but has no x just cli tools
07:07.57EdLindarkcmd: some live CD projects provide the scripts they used to create their CDs
07:08.00hooyadarkcmd: check out 'toms root boot' and several others
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07:09.10BlackJudasHow does one check for dupes again?
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07:12.03phyberoptixif i booted into recovery mode in debian how do i list what i had in my /home dir
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07:13.11stousetAre there any browsers that let me store session cookies?
07:13.16stouseti.e., write them to a file?
07:13.49EdLinphyberoptix: mount /home ; ls /home
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07:14.15phyberoptixmount: can't find /home in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab
07:14.40EdLinphyberoptix: ls /home then should work, assuming your /etc/fstab is correct.
07:15.14phyberoptixsee there isnt anything in my /home dir
07:15.20*** join/#debian johnx (n=johnx@
07:15.29phyberoptixin recovery mode
07:15.46codergeek42phyberoptix: is it on a separate partition? if so, did you mount that?
07:15.57*** part/#debian stouset (
07:16.04phyberoptixwell how do i list mountable drives
07:16.11*** join/#debian labnick (
07:16.18Supaplexcat /proc/partitions
07:16.24codergeek42you can check if it's in your /etc/fstab too
07:16.55johnxhow do i reconfigure the video card for a different resolution
07:18.02phyberoptixok how do i mount hda1
07:18.08phyberoptixcause i think i am doing it wrong
07:18.13EdLin!drxx johnx
07:18.13dpkgjohnx: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86  [or xserver-xorg if you're using] (as root). If you have edited the X config file by hand, or used some other program like xf86config, ask me about <xmd5>
07:19.33*** join/#debian novakreo (
07:19.36EdLinphyberoptix: man mount
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07:21.29phyberoptixi can man mount
07:21.34*** join/#debian bucky (n=bucky@pdpc/supporter/active/bucky)
07:21.36phyberoptixwell yeah i can on this box
07:21.43bucky!seen grendal_prime
07:21.43dpkggrendal_prime <> was last seen on IRC in channel #debian, 3d 7h 6m 51s ago, saying: 'i just cant tell you WHEN'.
07:22.13nertoaI noticed that rc1 have been released for sarge, does that mean that I in order to use that I need to change my cdrom entries to an ftp entry in sources.list, and have no use for my cdroms anymore?
07:22.47EdLinnertoa: no, the only differences are in the security repository.
07:22.54Supaplexcdrom's are usualy only good for non networked machines, and inital install.
07:22.54hammerabithat's not always true
07:23.05hammerabiand if you're on dialup
07:23.28Supaplexand dialup
07:23.44nertoaso, If I use the security repository I don't need to add the new rc1 thing?
07:23.49EdLinand ISDN :-)
07:24.02Supaplexno, isdn is fine. ;)
07:24.33EdLinI use dial-up actually, but I'm a bit crazy to run sid on it.
07:24.43relicis ISDN still alive?
07:24.46hammerabinertoa: you can add it, below the cd, and apt will use both
07:25.16EdLinrelic: it's present in some rual locations (no DSL) for ehorborant(sp) rates.
07:25.22*** join/#debian chino2 (
07:25.28EdLinor something like that.
07:25.29Supaplexrip off
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07:25.53nertoahammerabi: thats what I have been using until now, in order to get the lastest security patches.
07:25.55undefinedcapkirk: i currently don't have a dedicated firewall box and just use fwbuilder to create my firewall script
07:25.57*** join/#debian nemontemi (n=nemontem@unaffiliated/nemontemi)
07:26.00Christians4GNT2HAPPY NEW YEAR
07:26.06Supaplexzzzz: what city you in?
07:26.09dpkgHappy New Year!
07:26.09nertoaand that whould give the same result as getting rc1 ?
07:26.12*** join/#debian jbmigel_ (
07:26.16EdLinSupaplex: well, you can have decent dial-up prices, but broadband is limited to slow ISDN or bad-latency satallite internet.
07:26.30*** join/#debian Faithful (
07:26.51undefinedcapkirk: is (was?) based on debian , but only has a proprietary version now
07:27.12Capkirkundefined: i need vpn and all sort of other stuff
07:27.27undefinedcapkirk: i'm going to look into pfsense as i've heard good things about it
07:27.38hammerabinertoa: it's not rc1
07:27.47zzzzslc utah
07:27.53chino2anyone install trac on debian ?
07:28.05dpkgPlease do not ask if anyone uses <someprogram>. Instead, ask your real question. (If the real question was if anyone used <someprogram> ask me about <popcon> instead.) See <ask> <sicco> <ask-to-ask> <polls>
07:28.13*** part/#debian chino2 (
07:28.39dpkgPopcon is the Debian Popularity contest. See results at or install popularity-contest to participate. do the dpkg-reconfigure popularity-contest right after you answered all debconf stuff
07:28.39EdLinanother satisfied customer
07:28.47undefinedcapkirk: pfsense is freebsd based, but if it has all the features i need (no tinkering required) like a good "appliance" should, i don't care what it's based on
07:28.47Capkirkundefined: yes ive just installed it on a soekris 4801 and if i cant find a debian based firewall dist i will problery end up with pfsense
07:28.55nertoahammerabi: not, but would I get the same packages as rc1? or what would the difference be?
07:29.00Supaplexzzzz: I work in slc =)  your hostmask gave away the ut part
07:29.45Capkirkundefined: nah but im looking into applying alot of systems so i would like it to be debian based since im use to administrating debian servers
07:29.58*** join/#debian FinkN (
07:30.28hammerabinertoa: please stop saying rc1 if you mean r1
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07:30.35hammerabithey are differen thing
07:31.15EdLinnertoa: you should install both the ftp/http servers, the security repository, and the cd source. apt-get will choose the latest in stable for you.
07:31.38nertoaoh, i mixed them up. I meant r1 all the time
07:33.09*** join/#debian mushrooomprince (
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07:34.10mushrooomprincehello #debian
07:35.04mushrooomprinceheh. edlin, I don't think 600 people are at their machines right now.
07:35.24Supaplexhi mushrooomprince
07:35.32liableno, we are mostly bots :)
07:35.37Supaplex!say hi mushrooomprince
07:35.37dpkghi mushrooomprince
07:35.45EdLin!greet mushrooomprince
07:35.45dpkgHi there, mushrooomprince
07:36.05nemontemioi mushrooomprince (in portuguese)
07:36.25EdLinoi vey (in Yiddish)
07:36.30*** join/#debian shzuke (
07:36.54SupaplexI thought oi vey was similar to good grief
07:37.04EdLinSupaplex: it is
07:37.29mushrooomprinceI'm wagering people in #debian are awesome
07:37.38dpkgrumour has it, bet is Spike bet NIMH that potato would not be released with zero release critical bugs before March 2000. (December 14, 1999) The winner wins. The loser loses., or double or nothing it'll be released with zero critical release bugs before May 2000 .... (NIMH), or Spike offers to extend his offer of double or nothing to June 15th, 2000. (May 1, 2000)
07:37.43Supaplexoi, I found my season episodes of 24!
07:38.00mushrooomprinceI've been using mepis for the past few months as my first linux distro that I've kept with.  I'm considering stop being a panzy and switching to debian
07:38.12bungholehappy new year
07:38.39nemontemiwhat do you think to be new here?
07:38.48nemontemiand happy?
07:38.49Supaplex*sniff* I miss the old year already.
07:39.00nemontemiI don't see nothing here new, even more happy.
07:39.05bungholenemontemi, you probably lead a disturbed life...
07:39.22nemontemido you think you "lead" your life?
07:39.46bungholewhat do you think?
07:39.51shzukeI have "Mounting local filesystems...failed" during boot-up. System works fine after boot completed. Where is the problem?
07:39.56bungholewho leads your life?
07:40.13nemontemiif you don't see, you don't see.
07:40.14bungholeif you mean lead as in 'leader' or 'leading' then english must not be your first language
07:40.26EdLinmushrooomprince: a wise choice. It seems that most people who run Debian are people that outgrew unflexable "easy" distros.
07:40.31nemontemino, english is not my main language
07:40.37bungholethen stfu
07:41.06nemontemienglish rules the world, if I dont know it, I shut my fuck out!
07:41.13nemontemiup, i mean.
07:41.29bungholei don't know if your parents ever taught you this, 'if you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything'.  let me tell if they havent
07:41.36EdLinnemontemi: that makes even less sense
07:41.52bunghole'if you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything'.
07:42.06shzukecan we get back to linux?
07:42.12nemontemibunghole my parents don't have anything do to with it.
07:42.15shzukedebian, i mean.
07:42.21*** join/#debian JohnLenin (
07:42.26bungholei said happy new year, you started off with some gay rude shit, fucking let it go dude, get over it
07:42.34bungholeend of discussion, fuck!
07:42.42nemontemidon't be ignorant.
07:42.48nemontemigays can be happy too.
07:43.06bungholelol, is this cat for real?
07:43.07liableoh jesus, take it elsewhere will you's
07:43.13nemontemii hate this american shit people that act like this.
07:43.17JohnLeninhave i joined otw by mistake?
07:43.45shzukeliable: I have "Mounting local filesystems...failed" during boot-up. System works fine after boot completed. Where is the problem?
07:43.59bungholenemontemi, i try not to hate things, it takes the fun out of life.  maybe you should think happy thoughts instead of bad thoughts, and probabyl spouting off negative shit to get attention, especially in a support channel, its fucked up
07:44.05bungholegrow up dog
07:44.13bungholenow fucking stop arguing with me please
07:44.13EdLinJohnLenin: it's usually not this bad. I guess we're getting the year off to a good start.
07:44.16*** join/#debian VivekVC (n=user@unaffiliated/VivekVC)
07:44.19nemontemigo watch MTV man, it's your destiny.
07:44.32JohnLeninEdLin: start as you mean to go on I guess :)
07:44.36nemontemibeing happy and new, and boring and stupid.
07:45.00bungholedude whatever the fuck i am, thats what i am, what is it to you, stop this nonsense
07:45.02EdLinJohnLenin: more or less. :-)
07:45.06liableshzuke: check you're logs i guess.. (i cant remember if a samba mount gives that error.. not samba?)
07:45.10JohnLeninamarok is autosuggesting a song called Autosuggestion :\
07:45.36mushrooomprincebunghole, I guess I just missed something
07:45.44mushrooomprinceI have a question though for anyone who might be in the know.
07:46.10nemontemimy gorvernment makes me dummy, so I act like this.
07:46.15shzukemushrooomprince: just ask.
07:46.16mushrooomprinceI was looking for some literature that might go through things about the linux file heirarchy ? I guess you would call it.  I would really appreciate it if someone could point me in the direction of that.
07:46.25*** part/#debian Rakko (
07:46.45EdLinmushrooomprince: man hier
07:47.04mushrooomprinceI'm in windos right now :/
07:47.04liablenemontemi: how about being quiet if you dont have anything usefull to contribute?
07:47.13bungholemushrooomprince, google for keywords such as, 'learn unix file system' linux file system, 'linux directory tree' etc
07:47.40nemontemiliable, it depends in what you define "usefull", have you stopped to ask it to yourself?
07:47.44bungholemushrooomprince, there are tons of documents that tell newbs how the filesystem is structured in directory heirarchies and how its organized
07:47.49nemontemii doubt.
07:47.56shzukebunghole: say 'search the web', not 'google'.
07:48.16bungholeshzuke, what does google do?
07:48.17mushrooomprinceyeah thats fine.  Usually if i ask questions like that its because I don't know what to google for anyways
07:48.28mushrooomprinceyeah its not like I would use anything BUT google.
07:48.32mushrooomprinceAnd I'm not being sarcastic
07:48.33EdLinnemontemi: could you leave your "doubting" and trolling to somewhere where it's more on-topic than #debian? Thanks.
07:49.16*** join/#debian Rakko (
07:49.28shzukebunghole: google is not the only search engine in the world.
07:49.37EdLinmushrooomprince: most of the time you don't need to know it anyway because the $PATH in the environment and the auto-generated menu entries in Linux take care of those details
07:49.42bungholeshzuke, you have not answered my question
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07:49.48phyberoptixhow do i upload a entire dir to a ftp server with the text ftp client?
07:50.02EdLinmushrooomprince: and when you will need to know it "man hier" will be available hopefully too. :-)
07:50.24nemontemiEdLin, as you like, my lord.
07:50.33bungholelol, what with this kid
07:50.42shzukebunghole: you don't get the point. do you want google to be the only search engine in this world? just like MS want to be the only OS?
07:50.54EdLin!ops nemontemi is yet another new year's troll
07:50.54dpkgHydroxide, bob2, caphuso, dondelelcaro, doogie, eeyore-, ElectricElf, ):, helix, ljlane, LoRez, RichiH, mentor, Netsnipe, TML, walters, xk, gravity, azeem: nemontemi is yet another new year's troll
07:51.02bungholeshzuke, answer my fucking question or stfu kthx
07:51.19*** join/#debian jadewolf (
07:51.24nemontemibe a good guy to my eyes or "stfu", thanx
07:51.29bungholeshzuke, i try not to worry about the semantics, its pointless shit
07:51.38I4NIso people say I shouldnt log in as root, is this because root terminals can get hijacked or something?
07:51.38nemontemiyou are really good on making this.
07:51.53mushrooomprinceshzuke I think he gets the point, the only problem is that the last time I checked google was a really damn good search engine. And even if it wasn't he has a right to tell me to use google specifically if he is also going to share information with me that might only come up on certain engines that HE might personally use
07:51.59jadewolfGreetings fellow debian users, anyone know a site about ATI Radeon setup in debian? I just did a fresh install with the netinstall ISO(100M version)
07:52.08bungholeshzuke, the point is, he understood what I meant
07:52.39EdLinmushrooomprince: is an even better search engine. :-)
07:52.47bungholeshzuke, i like google, and I am going to use it, and i will recomend it to people, you should learn to deal with it
07:53.05shzukebunghole: you better stop those vulgarities. i have been following your chat since I log in.
07:53.12mushrooomprinceedlin,  -neet-
07:53.31shzukebunghole: you can't reason, only foul-mouth.
07:53.45EdLinmushrooomprince: it is in a sense a different search engine, it prioritiezes Linux mailing lists etc.
07:54.01*** join/#debian paces (
07:54.09EdLinmushrooomprince: there's one for bsd too, and one for (bleah) windows even.
07:54.31bungholeshzuke, I am trying to reason with you, but you are trying to be insufferable know it all.  what is wrong with google?  what is so harmful that I shouldn't tell people about google?  isn't google now synonymous with websearching, and if one doesn't find anyting on gogle, they turn to the other engines
07:54.32*** join/#debian pe-de-moleque (n=mds@
07:54.37bungholewhat is your problem man, chill out
07:54.50theNewYearTrolli am drunk, sorry.
07:55.08theNewYearTrollforgive this poor revolutionary spirit that lies on me.
07:55.14jadewolfIs the channel moderated for certain people? I don't seem to be getting an responses to my query
07:55.21shzukebunghole: you may be doing it for your own you own shares in google?
07:55.36bungholeshzuke, merely because I use obscenities extensively in my speech, it doesn't mean that I cannot reason or I am a foul mouthed trashy person
07:55.38mushrooomprinceI wish i owned shares in google :/
07:55.43liablejadewolf: what question? maybe no one here knows the answer..
07:56.15EdLinliable: people with legitimate questions are being drowned out by trolls I guess.
07:56.26bungholethis is a pointless argument
07:56.27pe-de-molequeHappy new year, people. Is there any "SDK" in debian for creating games for PS[2] ?
07:56.31Vladjadewolf: I don't think querying people here works.. but Im not sure
07:56.44shzukethere is nothing wrong with google. people want other choices too, just like in OS. so just say 'google'. we may end up with just that.
07:56.49liableEdLin: seems that way at the moment, i dunno what happened.
07:56.49nemontemipe-de-moleque new? happy?
07:56.56*** join/#debian DimmuR (
07:57.00bungholeshzuke, once again, semantics, get over it
07:57.01EdLinprivate messages are allowed only for registered users.
07:57.19liableshzuke: ok, you made your point, now you are being boring and bordering on a troll.
07:57.21jadewolfOkay, let me start with basics, what kernel should I be using?
07:57.31EdLinliable: maybe because at 00:00 it became both Sunday and a new year at once.
07:57.40liablewhatever supports your hardware
07:57.41nemontemipour que l'amour me quitte?
07:57.49bungholewhy are people coming up with stupid shit to argue tonight
07:57.53jadewolfWhat is the most recent kernel?
07:57.54liableEdLin: bad combo it seems :)
07:57.55bungholethis is the second person in the past half hour
07:58.06shzukeliable: i made my poin to you. this thick headed bunghole just don't get it.
07:58.07liablejadewolf: for stable?
07:58.08bungholefirst it was that dude witht he english thing, now its this cat
07:58.13Vladshzuke: Google is quite nice, however you must know what you are looking for in order to search it. If you have a technical problem and you don't know exactely the correct terms then you won't find anything in google... for you, with your extensive knowledge on *nix it's easy to say go to google and search for this but does an average user know all this terminology?
07:58.15mushrooomprincebunghole I don't know.  Everytime I feel like argueing about stupid shit I just masturbate instead.
07:58.22jadewolfLiable: yes please, I'm not good with experimental stuff
07:58.23bungholemushrooomprince, lol
07:58.29Vladups, that was meant to bunghole ^^ my mistake
07:58.33liableshzuke: ok, just drop it.
07:58.43liablejadewolf: 2.6.8-2 for sarge
07:58.47JohnLeninmushrooomprince: if everyone on the internet did that then nothing would get done. everyone would just be wanking.
07:58.47nemontemipe-de-moleque are you happy?
07:59.06jadewolfokay so I just apt-get install kernel-2.6.8-2(or something similar)?
07:59.18jadewolfor should I d/l the source and compile it manually?
07:59.20pe-de-molequeWhat exactly you mean??
07:59.21mushrooomprinceJohnlenin, you miss the point. wanking conserves bandwidth
07:59.34liablejadewolf: yes, apt-cache search kernel-image and pick one
07:59.43pe-de-molequeDebian makes me happy
07:59.45JohnLeninmushrooomprince: yeah, but everyone would be so sore :(
07:59.45nemontemimushrooomprince exactly, the bandwidth of our brains!
07:59.53darkcmdpe-de-moleque: yeah?
08:00.16nemontemipe-de-moleque you don't even use debian, herege!
08:00.32*** join/#debian doubleukay (n=doubleuk@
08:00.55Vladnemontemi: why must he use debian in order to have it make him happy? ^^
08:01.07pe-de-molequeI'm missing the point here today..
08:01.12nemontemiVlad good point.
08:01.13jadewolfLiable: thank you, it is now downloading
08:01.37Vladdamn already this philosophical in the new year... where will I end
08:02.10jadewolfBeing Philosophical already just shows you have a vast intellect Vlad :)
08:02.22nemontemiVlad going philosophically is going to be out of the linux point, going out of the linux point, in this channel, you get called troll, I'm telling you!
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08:02.56ke6isfHappy new year from PST.
08:03.07liableyes because this is a support channel not fucking #philosiphy
08:03.15nemontemilol liable
08:03.17Vladyou're right there nemontemi ^^
08:03.23nemontemiyou're funny!
08:03.38jadewolfhmm seems to have completed already interesting
08:03.41shzukebunghole: mushroomprince: you two are a mother-fucking sons-of-a-bitch. both of you should go fuck your mothers, wives, sisters, nieces, etc.
08:03.53VladI'm just in here to learn :)
08:04.19nemontemiwtf shsuke have today?
08:04.29nemontemiit's a "happy", and i swear!, "new" year!
08:04.37JohnLeninhe had a lot of bad grammar and crack by the looks of it
08:04.39ke6isfnemontemi: Doesn't matter.  Just some id10t.
08:05.52ke6isfAnd now, bed.
08:06.22buckyshzuke (
08:06.28buckyhe was funny!
08:06.30Vladpretty calm for 624 people in here ^^
08:06.31nemontemithat's what waits me.
08:06.42*** join/#debian lekvar (
08:06.54nemontemiVlad except for the me trolling it!
08:07.14Vladat least anyone tries to not just idle
08:07.29nemontemiVlad yeah, that was the point.
08:07.29lekvarOkay... I got my laptop booting my own 2.6.14... got pcmciautils... purged hotplug... got acpi sort of working...  Should I purge pcmcia-cs?
08:07.33Vladoh, keywords logs... I have to look at my mail logs
08:07.48nemontemithis is "happy" "new" year, let's make a break !
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08:10.59nemontemisorry, i am sorry.
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08:13.11Vladimplementing all those restrictions on postfix was really worth spending time yesterday :)
08:16.43*** join/#debian EsX (n=ircap@
08:17.39EdLin!ops sleeping over a hangover I assume? ;-)
08:17.39dpkgHydroxide, bob2, caphuso, dondelelcaro, doogie, eeyore-, ElectricElf, ):, helix, ljlane, LoRez, RichiH, mentor, Netsnipe, TML, walters, xk, gravity, azeem: sleeping over a hangover I assume? ;-)
08:18.02buckyhead hit the keyboard.. hahaha!
08:18.23EdLinit could have been a cat
08:18.33buckyhe'll wake up with key prints on his forehead
08:18.41JohnLeninEdLin: if there's a cat that can join #debian, i'd like to see it
08:19.00liabletheres actually a couple :)
08:19.04EdLinJohnLenin: hmm, OK
08:19.04VladI rather assume like this "bird" like in that simpsons episode where homer was too fat to work anymore at the nuclear power plant
08:19.10buckyno it's the head rock back and forth.. asf f sdf f
08:19.22liableEdLin: why bother? all ops are hungover :)
08:19.59Vladthis is a debian support channel right? ^^ How do I close all my security holes ^^
08:20.13nemontemiVlad shutdown -h now
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08:20.19JohnLeninVlad: unplug the computer
08:20.21JohnLeninfrom everything
08:20.24buckyVlad, unplug the ethernet cable
08:20.27liableVlad: um, what security holes?
08:20.39EdLinVlad: assuming your /etc/apt/sources.list is correct, "apt-get update && apt-get upgrade" should catch a lot of them.
08:20.42buckyand stick some chewing gum in that hole
08:20.45Vladwell, the security holes will still be there even if I unplug the box
08:20.48nemontemilet's sing in french, this makes our lifes better.
08:20.49JohnLeninoh yeah
08:20.52pe-de-molequeThere is no security hole in debian :)
08:20.53JohnLeninVlad: polyfilla
08:20.57*** part/#debian lekvar (
08:21.00JohnLeninpe-de-moleque: wishful thinking
08:21.11jadewolfpardon me for coming back so soon but what are the items I put in my /etc/apt/sources.list to access non-free and testing stuff? I forgot the actual commands after stable main <somthing here>
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08:21.28Vladthe only thing that was update the last time I did a dist-upgrade was gzip
08:21.30*** join/#debian chino2 (
08:21.42EdLinjadewolf: "contrib" and "non-free" is what you're after. Don't mix testing and stable...
08:21.47nemontemijadewolf for the testing stuff, substitute "stable" to "testing"
08:21.50liablejadewolf: you dont want testing but add contrib and non-free
08:22.02mushrooomprincehow stable is testing compared to stable ?
08:22.04dpkgmethinks etch is the codename for the Debian release to follow sarge, currently testing. see . Installation CDs, other media, and everything else you'll need are available from our web site,
08:22.16jadewolfThank you gentlemen
08:22.18liablemushrooomprince: its not
08:22.35EdLinmushrooomprince: testing is even worse than sid at present
08:22.50mushrooomprinceisn't mepis built off of debian unstable or something ?
08:22.55Vladwhat is actually the contrib?
08:22.56nemontemitesting isn't stable, just it.
08:23.10*** part/#debian chino2 (
08:23.16jadewolfAnyone here ever setup debian with an ATI Radeon 9800 Pro (128M Memory) PCI 8x video card?
08:23.21I4NIso people say I shouldnt log in as root, is this because root terminals can get hijacked or something?
08:23.22liablemushrooomprince: most of em are.
08:23.25jadewolfer AGP sorry
08:23.28nemontemione thing is one thing, another thing is another thing!
08:23.34mushrooomprincejadewolf, I've used a 9800pro on a mepis install if that counts :/
08:23.55nemontemiI4NI something like that.
08:24.13jadewolfmushroomprince: I am attempting to set it up so that I have decent video and the only site I find with decent info is really vague and not very 'user friendly'
08:24.32*** part/#debian Rakko (
08:24.38mushrooomprincejadewolf, you wouldn't happen to be a girl would you ?
08:24.39nemontemirunning applications, the browser for example, as root, and if it have a security hole, a hacker can get root on your computer exploiting that hole.
08:24.48liablejadewolf: /j #ati (they might have some info for you)
08:25.08jadewolfLiable: thank you
08:25.16I4NIwell, I certainly dont run KDE as root
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08:25.45VladI'm sure there are people out there that run kde as root
08:25.53pe-de-molequejadewolf, wait for xorg 7
08:25.55nemontemiVlad for sure.
08:25.56mushrooomprincedoes windows have an equivlant to "root" user ? that actually works near the same way
08:26.00jadewolfxorg 7?
08:26.12I4NIbut I do keep root terminals open, maybe I shouldnt do that?  KDE locks on screensaver when I am away, so I thought that wouldnt be a problem
08:26.20liablepe-de-moleque: he's using sarge.
08:26.23nemontemimushrooomprince the "Administrator"
08:26.35buckymushrooomprince, su
08:26.36relicxorg 7? (deleting more sources?)
08:26.41jadewolfIs there something wrong with sarge?
08:26.55Vladwhat should be wrong with sarge?
08:26.57nemontemiI4NI terminals i dunno, but regular applications yes
08:27.02EdLinmushrooomprince: Windows runs at root by default, and many programs don't work as anything other than administrator privledges, rendering what little security the platform offers useless
08:27.29liablejadewolf: no its fine, its the stable release of debian, but it doesnt have xorg.
08:27.33EdLinjadewolf: Sarge is nice and is not so out of date yet, so it's an excellent choice.
08:27.59jadewolfI just wanted to avoid downloading 4gigs just to install linux.
08:28.09takatumijadewolf: don't
08:28.09I4NII was just wondering because someone said I should sudo everything instead of logging in as root
08:28.15EdLinjadewolf: you don't need to download all of the CDs to install Debian
08:28.16Vladis there actually any free linux sdk for delphi?
08:28.18jadewolfDon't avoid it? or don't do it?
08:28.21nemontemimy upgrade didn't took 4gigs, it took 700mb, jadewolf
08:28.24EdLin!d-i jadewolf
08:28.24dpkgjadewolf, you want to go to - for your own good, and everyone else's.
08:28.26buckyjadewolf, that's what the netinstall iso is for 100M
08:28.37mushrooomprincedpkg, neat
08:28.38dpkgi guess neat is just another word for "Nothing left to lose"
08:28.38EdLinjadewolf: the above is the URL for the netinstaller.
08:28.45liablehe has it already.
08:28.45nemontemiI4NI it's more secure to sudo instead logging as root...
08:28.45jadewolfedlin I have it installed already from the netinstaller
08:28.48takatumijadewolf: get the netinstall or CD1 at the most, not 4 Gigs
08:28.57pe-de-molequeThere is no good reason to install ati drivers in debian, since they do just 3d aceleration
08:28.58jadewolfI downloaded the 100M iso and made it
08:29.03mushrooomprincedamnit I have to take a monster shit
08:29.13jadewolfpe-de-moleque I want more then 800x600
08:29.15buckywash your hands
08:29.20JohnLeninpe-de-moleque: unless, of course, you want 3d acceleration
08:29.34I4NIthx nemontemi
08:29.39pe-de-molequeExactly, JohnLenin
08:29.41Vladjadewolf have you install nvidia drivers?
08:29.51jadewolfVlad I don't have an nvidia card
08:29.58liable? he has an ati?
08:30.05I4NIdont you just select "nv" as your display driver Vlad ?
08:30.37nemontemijadewolf has an ATI
08:30.53takatuminemontemi: which ATI?
08:31.03takatumijadewolf: ^^
08:31.46Vladjust selecting nv didn't work for me to get more than 800x600
08:31.47jadewolfI have 9800 Pro Radeon (128 MB) AGP 8x Video Card
08:31.49pe-de-molequejadewolf, you can be setting up wrong monitor scan frequencies, and using the right open source drivers
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08:32.08jadewolfpe-de: I'd like the 3D acceleration for graphics
08:32.13jadewolfTux runs really slow :)
08:32.15nemontemiVlad I installed the official drivers from nvidia site, and worked fine
08:32.30takatumijadewolf: either get the ati fglrx debs or try xorg's native DRI
08:32.38liablejadewolf: there are closed source drivers on their site..
08:32.44jadewolfon ATI site?
08:32.49pe-de-molequeHumn, Tux Racer is really cool
08:32.53takatumijadewolf: /msg dpkg ati debs
08:32.57Vladyes they work fine, that's what I did then also I think... but in the debian installer there is already nv drivers installed but they don't do good...
08:33.00I4NII selected the "nv" option and it works great, even with my ancient TNT2
08:33.03Vladit's a long time ago since I made that
08:33.07rvallesjadewolf: I recommend going with the free option, btw
08:33.54Vladso, I have to do now some research on EU case law :) --> afk
08:34.02nemontemiVlad yeah, the deb defaults isn't so good.
08:34.47jadewolfeverything sends me to but I can't do the apt-get install of all the fglfrx stuff cause apt-get can't find it
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08:37.27liableoh, fuck that.
08:37.27pe-de-molequeI ran ati setup once, that is on ati site somewhere
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08:38.05rvallesjadewolf: that's for the propietary ones
08:38.16rvallesjadewolf: I won't touch the propietary ones unless I tried the free ones without success
08:38.32jadewolfrvalles: I don't see where I can get free ones, unelss you mean the ones from ati website
08:38.36rvallesjadewolf: you should just get a recent Xorg release, like 6.9 or 7.0
08:38.55jadewolfapg-get xorg-7? :)
08:38.58rvallesjadewolf: they come with free ati drivers
08:39.04mushrooomprincervalles, I never really understood what xorg was in the first place
08:39.08mushrooomprince*feels much better*
08:39.10rvallesno idea about the status in debian...
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08:39.25liable!xorg sarge
08:39.26dpkgsomebody said xorg sarge was now available at
08:39.26I4NIxorg was forked from xfree86
08:39.43rvallesmushrooomprince: you just uploaded something into the sewage network, didn't you?
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08:39.58liablejadewolf: try the backport of xorg for sarge, go to that url ^^
08:40.15mushrooomprincervalles, we have a septic tank.
08:40.53rvallesjadewolf: I use xorg 6.8 in my debian box, 7.0 on my gentoo box
08:40.54rvallesjadewolf: debian box runs unstable, so... there probably aren't packages yet for the 6.9/7.0 release
08:40.59pe-de-moleque"ati setup debian" in google
08:41.02rvallesjadewolf: maybe there are unofficial ones somewhere.
08:41.27rvallespe-de-moleque: why so much insistance in the propietary drivers?
08:41.49rvallespe-de-moleque: Xorg 6.9/7.0 is supposed to support up to r400 (!), with 3d.
08:41.57jadewolfI found a site on getting xorg I think in debian via apt-get
08:42.07mushrooomprinceI didn't know debian had a installer
08:42.12I4NIcharging for drivers is rubbish imo
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08:43.19pe-de-molequervalles, it is easier to jadewolf install ati proprietary drivers than find xorg 7 debian packages already done
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08:43.21liablejadewolf: get it from
08:44.59MandrigIs there a way to change my screen resolution? I'm only getting 800x600 and 640x480.
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08:46.19jadewolfLiable: I am at that site, am I looking for ATI or xorg?
08:46.21liable!drxx Mandrig
08:46.21dpkgMandrig: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86  [or xserver-xorg if you're using] (as root). If you have edited the X config file by hand, or used some other program like xf86config, ask me about <xmd5>
08:46.24rvallespe-de-moleque: ah! if stallman heard you...
08:46.36liablejadewolf: xorg, its not far down the page
08:46.40basantaroom, kingston flash drive doesn't automount in my debian
08:46.41jbmigel_jadewolf the xoomer site that you said everyone has sent you too has all the information you need to get it installed, just start at the top of page and read it all through
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08:47.30aaronlinHi; I have a DDR dance pad hooked up to my computer on an LPT port.  I used apt-get to install pydance.  However, I don't think the device is being picked up.  How do I check/configure it?
08:48.54I4NIdo I need exim4-daemon-heavy in order to get tls working?
08:49.01pe-de-molequervalles, i cannot start instruct users to use ddcprobe and edit monitor scan frequencies
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08:49.53aaronlinwould it help if I unplugged my keyboard?
08:50.02aaronlin(although I don't know how I'd be able to start my computer...)
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08:53.06rvallespe-de-moleque: neither of those are needed
08:53.19liableMandrig: dont irc as root
08:53.37rvallespe-de-moleque: it's a trivial issue of upgrading to 6.9 or 7.0, and setting the driver to "ati"
08:53.41jadewolfxorg 6.9 come with ATI drivers ?
08:54.12rvallespe-de-moleque: as opposed to getting and installing by hand some complicated, privative, freedom-restricting drivers
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08:54.44rvallesjadewolf: Xorg 6.9 comes with a free as in freedom implementation of ati drivers
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08:55.12rvallesjadewolf: enough to get 3d accel with most cards, including recent ones (up to r400, I believe)
08:55.21pe-de-molequervalles, when i tried to install xorg here, i got too many problems
08:55.42jbmigel_rvalles do you know if free drivers are derived from gatos project? will it support tv in aswell on r350?
08:55.42rvallespe-de-moleque: my unstable debian runs 6.8, no problems
08:55.46aaronlinHi; I have a dance dance revolution dance pad hooked up to my computer on an LPT port.  I used apt-get to install pydance.  However, I don't think the device is being picked up.  How do I check/configure it?
08:56.09rvallespe-de-moleque: my gentoo runs 7.0, one little problem building a component, but fixed in seconds
08:56.16pe-de-molequemy testing not, and jadewolf is using sarge
08:56.23rvallesjbmigel_: I believe they have merged code from gatos more than once
08:56.35rvallesjbmigel_: look at the 7.0 release notes
08:56.44rvalleswhich can be found...
08:56.53mandrigI can't seem to edit XF86Config-4. How do I edit protected files like that?
08:57.14I4NImandrig: sudo
08:57.19liablemandrig: erm, didnt dpkg tell you how to do that?
08:57.27liable!drxx mandrig
08:57.27dpkgmandrig: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86  [or xserver-xorg if you're using] (as root). If you have edited the X config file by hand, or used some other program like xf86config, ask me about <xmd5>
08:57.29pe-de-molequervalles, you are missing the point
08:57.53pe-de-molequehe is not a power user
08:58.08liableand he's running sarge ffs
08:58.30pe-de-molequehe will not succed in installing xorg 7
08:58.37rvallespe-de-moleque: there's why it's easier for him to rely on stable, free, packaged xorg stuff
08:58.55nemontemidpkg, ffs
08:58.55dpkghmm... ffs is for fuck's sake, or for fine's sake.  UCB's Fast File System, or for fearl's sake, or forgetfearl syndrome, or for Fooz' sake
08:58.56rvallespe-de-moleque: than on install-by-hand-from-some-website privative drivers
08:59.37pe-de-molequeThen ati is not microsoft
08:59.47*** join/#debian man-hands (
08:59.54rvallespe-de-moleque: who cares, privative -> freedom restricting -> evil
09:00.04mushrooomprinceati > ms
09:00.08pe-de-molequeAnd you will not change the world at once
09:00.40Gneahey look, it's throw-your-opinion-around-and-wait-for-a-fact-to-pop-it hour
09:00.53rvallesI will at least not point people to propietary privative freedom restricting stuff, pe-de-moleque
09:00.59Gneape-de-moleque: the world changes all the time, where've you been?
09:01.16pe-de-molequeWith a "happy new year" ?
09:01.17rvallesbut to the freedom-endorsing option, while it is possible.
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09:01.57Gneac'mon what
09:02.13nemontemihe wants you.
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09:02.23pe-de-molequeIn  practice, jadewolf will be frustated in a hour not figuring out how to install xorg 7 on sarge, and will think "that fucking open source!"
09:02.29nemontemidpkg, egads
09:02.51Gneape-de-moleque: what's it to you?
09:02.54relicpe-de-moleque, hehe
09:03.10jbmigel_i think pe-de-moleque has a point... the guy just wants to play tux, not optimize his graphics pipeline
09:03.16*** join/#debian jadewolf (
09:03.24Gneawell find out
09:03.27jadewolfokay I'm in xorg got an error on start up though
09:03.29jadewolfError activating XKB configuration.
09:03.29jadewolfProbably internal X server problem.
09:03.34mushrooomprinceI'm cold.
09:03.47buckythere's a backport for xorg 6.9
09:03.50nemontemiI'm sleepy.
09:03.53Gneathis is what blankets are for
09:04.15pe-de-molequeInstalling ati, and he would do it right, would leave him to now use a closed source driver in a free system: and when he would upgrade to debian 3.2, he would now be using xorg 7
09:04.27rvallesjadewolf: which version of Xorg?
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09:04.38relicxorg shows it's fox tail...
09:04.42rvalleslet's look at your config file
09:04.53pe-de-molequervalles, config file?
09:05.06pe-de-molequeThat's not human
09:05.13rvallesjadewolf: Section "InputDevice"
09:05.16Gneape-de-moleque: much you have to learn about debian, young grasshopper.
09:05.21rvallesjadewolf: Identifier  "Keyboard1"
09:05.33rvallesjadewolf: that part
09:05.40rvallesjadewolf: supposedly, /etc/X11/xorg.conf
09:05.49nemontemiGnea its always the same answer. "You don't know debian."
09:06.19jadewolfokay found it and am at that section
09:06.19pe-de-molequervalles, that's a half decade suporting X config file
09:06.40rvallesjadewolf: ok, paste it to me, privatelly :)
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09:07.05pe-de-moleque"I can see the masses editing they X config file, when The Day comes"
09:07.05takatumijadewolf: Experimental DRI support for Radeon 9500 and above
09:07.42buckype-de-moleque, why not.. if you can't do that you shouldn't be using it
09:07.56Gneadamn, where do you guys get your drugs
09:08.14nemontemiGnea I don't like drugs, be the drugs likes me...
09:08.23Gneai see.
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09:08.45pe-de-molequebucky, and Gnome and Kde projects should not be included in debian, so
09:08.56buckyyou mean they're not?
09:09.05anapivirtua_Happy new year all :)
09:09.10Gneanemontemi: you were saying?
09:09.19Gnea!beer anapivirtua_
09:09.22pe-de-molequeBy your point, bucky , they should not
09:09.25relicpe-de-moleque, ?
09:09.27Gneape-de-moleque: are you a developer?
09:09.46Gneathen wtf are you
09:09.46nemontemiGnea I was just reading.
09:09.53Gneaoh ok
09:09.59buckype-de-moleque, not my point... my point was if you can't edit a configuration file in linux you shouldn't be using it
09:10.00nemontemi"You don't know debian"
09:10.09nemontemi"Are you a developer? Then stfu."
09:10.22Gneanow you're putting words in my mouth.
09:10.30pe-de-molequeWhy a debian user, that knows edit config file, should use gnome or kde?
09:10.30Gneai didn't say "then stfu."
09:10.39mushrooomprincestfu > all
09:10.39nemontemi<Gnea> then wtf are you
09:10.40Gneayou mis-interpretted.
09:10.43nemontemiwhat this means?
09:11.01Gneaif you're not a developer then you are a <____>?
09:11.12buckype-de-moleque, oh ic you logic.. then don't use grub or lilo
09:11.16buckyor apache
09:11.26tuvpe-de-moleque: to facilitate usability. knowing to edit files does not restrict you from using other pleasent usable accessible software
09:12.07*** join/#debian Garda (
09:12.14jbmigel_rvalles, according to the release notes you pointed me too there is only 2d support for the 9800 card that jasewolf is using
09:12.24nemontemipe-de-moleque vê o que eu digo? usuários de software livre são uns retardados.
09:12.42pe-de-molequenemontemi, ??
09:12.43nemontemipe-de-moleque nem a filosofia desse movimento consegue tirar esses caras da merda.
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09:12.58Gardawant to open pdf file in KGhostView. but it is password protected. it says cannot open file before letting me enter the password. how to fix
09:13.10Gneanemontemi: this is an english-speaking channel.
09:13.15pe-de-molequetuv, but the people that not knows to edit config files?
09:13.17rvallesjbmigel_: I believe that is for the firegl one
09:13.22streunerGarda: get the passwort?
09:13.32mushrooomprincequestion, where can I download a good version of debian with a graphical installer ?
09:13.34rvallesjbmigel_: and the 9800 is fine
09:13.38nemontemiGnea sure.
09:13.46Gneape-de-moleque: and you'll jame it down their throat with what?
09:13.50pe-de-molequeThat people will never user Open software?
09:13.57Gardastreuner: yea i have it but it just says can't open, there's no window that comes up to let me type it in
09:14.00tuvpe-de-moleque: what about them?
09:14.06rvallespe-de-moleque: I don't give a damn about open source.
09:14.07buckype-de-moleque, what about the people who don't know how to read docs or use google?
09:14.13rvallespe-de-moleque: it's all about freedom, and free software.
09:14.29GardaGNOME pdf viewer works, but i don't like it
09:14.32buckyand the freedom to be as stupid as you want to be
09:14.37streunerGarda: hm, did you try xpdf or acroread?
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09:14.43nemontemiI agree rvalles, but the business don't see like that
09:14.51tuvi found a nice software for sony vaio laptops "sonykeyd" that works with sonypi kernel module. very nice and flexible but unfortunately not available in debian..
09:14.54nemontemiand what is this world if not business
09:14.58mandrigWhat is and how do I find my video cards bus identifier?
09:15.02Gnearvalles: apparantly not everyone understands the difference between free beer and free otherwise
09:15.03pe-de-molequeBut for people that just want to use computers?
09:15.12liablenemontemi: c'mon dude, you started being a troll, then you chilled, now you are trolling again.
09:15.27liablegod i hate the whole fucking free beer analogy
09:15.37nemontemiliable go to the fucking hell, man. go call your mother a troll and don't be boring.
09:15.41buckype-de-moleque, there's always windows
09:15.47Gnea!troll nemontemi
09:15.52pe-de-molequeThey want the time to live life while just some on this time is to use open source software
09:16.09nemontemii hate this shitty people that says "troll" for everyfuckingthing they don't like.
09:16.20Gnea!ops nemontemi is being abusive
09:16.21dpkgHydroxide, bob2, caphuso, dondelelcaro, doogie, eeyore-, ElectricElf, ):, helix, ljlane, LoRez, RichiH, mentor, Netsnipe, TML, walters, xk, gravity, azeem: nemontemi is being abusive
09:16.21buckyfree as in free speech.. not in free hand holding
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09:16.40liablenemontemi: then /part and make everyone happy
09:16.41jadewolfI got same error again on keyboard
09:16.49nemontemiliable go sleep and make everyone happy.
09:17.23takatumi/live and let live
09:17.37jbmigel_rvalles the description elaborates: "hardware 3D acceleration (except R300 and R400 series cards)"
09:17.54takatumijbmigel_: Full 3D support for r3xx/r4xx series, and PCI-Express
09:17.55*** part/#debian Hackel (
09:18.05rvallesjbmigel_: are you looking at 6.8 ?
09:18.14pe-de-molequethat's an automatic install
09:18.17Gardastreuner: installed xpdf. it works ok. thanks
09:18.20rvallesjbmigel_: r300/r400 is new @ 6.9
09:18.26jadewolfpe-de-moleque I've udpated to xorg 6.9 already
09:18.48jbmigel_maybe they forgot to update the radeon page
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09:18.55rvallesjbmigel_: Radeon driver updates:
09:18.58nemontemigives the man power and quests his ethic.
09:19.00rvallesjbmigel_: Full 3D support for r3xx/r4xx series, and PCI-Express
09:19.28jbmigel_I stand corrected... if you believe their release notes over their release notes
09:20.37rvallesjbmigel_: of course I do ;)
09:21.10Vladthe problem about *nix is that you have too many choices ^^
09:21.40*** part/#debian nemontemi (n=nemontem@unaffiliated/nemontemi)
09:23.25Vladanyone runs icq?
09:25.18relicis icq still alive?
09:25.18liableVlad: not a meaningful question..
09:26.15Vladwell, I'm just surprised that none of my contacts is online ^^
09:26.16liablewhy are our ops always asleep when we need em most..
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09:26.27Vladwhen were ops needed?
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09:27.13Vladwb nemontemi
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09:27.41nemontemiVlad don't talk to me, I am a troll.
09:27.55Gneanemontemi: then why did you come back?
09:28.13Vladnemontemi is not a troll ^^
09:28.24nemontemiGnea cause I like you.
09:28.34Gneathis isn't a social channel.
09:28.55nemontemithis is first january, we can be social today.
09:29.09Vladwell, it's not a support channel either as long as no one requests support
09:29.11pe-de-molequeThat's new year day
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09:29.37mahanguanyone know how to install the ipw2200 driver for debian?
09:29.55nemonteminow it's support chan.
09:30.18dpkgipw2200 is a wireless driver for intel wireless cards, to install: m-a prepare && m-a a-i ieee80211 ipw2200.  you will need module-assistant, build-essential and kernel-headers-$(uname -r) packages installed, and you will need contrib sources, ask me about <contrib>.  Download and install firmware as you are told during the install., or for help go to #ipw2200, or ipw2200-source will only compile on a 2.6 kernel
09:30.32Gneanemontemi: are you a scenester or a linux user?
09:30.45dpkghmm... contrib is debian packages that are free, but depend on non-free software To get packages in contrib, lines like deb http://yourmirror/debian/ [testing|stable] main in your /etc/apt/sources.list need 'non-free contrib' on the end.
09:30.52Vladnow whatis a scenester?
09:31.07pe-de-molequeThe point we were discussing, was the machine works for the human kind, not the contrary, human kind as an eternal human-machine worker
09:31.50Vladdoes the human work to live... or does the human live to work?
09:31.52nemontemipe-de-moleque this is too much Matrix-thing!
09:31.57nemontemiGnea debian user
09:32.24ootputVlad: work to live, duh?
09:33.00*** mode/#debian [+l 632] by debhelper
09:33.19nemontemithe beauty is in seeing the oposite, ootput...
09:33.46relicdoes someone remember the date of the last time that debian been hacked?
09:33.47ootputnemontemi: but if you choose the opposite, there's no point in living
09:34.04VladGnea: Due to that definition of scenester it is mandatory to live that lifestyle... so being a scenester requires being a linux user also :)
09:34.08nemontemiootput that's the conclusion in seeing the opposite.
09:34.23Vladrelic: yesterday ^^
09:34.23*** join/#debian war92 (
09:34.41Vlador what do you mean by been hacked?
09:34.44relicI mean... the servers
09:34.53Vladthere's so many debian machines out there... with so much different configurations...
09:34.56ootputmoments before your death you look back at your life: you'll forget the 1/3 of it that was work, and you'll cherish the 1/3 of it that was memories
09:35.08GneaVlad:  this one's a bit more specific
09:35.12Vladthere's definitively one being hacked yesterday
09:35.13ootputwork was repetitive
09:35.24ootputeverything else was a unique experience
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09:36.19ootputbut it doesn't hurt to have be a humanitarian in your job description
09:36.20Vladwell, Gnea... then it still is mandatory to be linux user to be scenester in this context
09:36.24pe-de-molequeCertainly s/he will not remember the time lost in editing X config files
09:36.36*** part/#debian mahangu (n=mahangu@unaffiliated/mahangu)
09:36.45nemontemipe-de-moleque lol
09:37.17nemontemiVlad I didn't got what you said.
09:37.40Vladnemontemi: don't worry :)
09:37.53nemontemididn't get*
09:38.51Vladcould we actually help mahangu?
09:39.38nemontemiVlad the bots can't answer that...
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09:40.55Vladwb jade
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09:41.18jadewolfHowdy Vlad
09:41.28pe-de-molequeThat is, i do not see any freedom in the need to waste time editing X config files
09:41.29ootputelo wolf
09:41.35jadewolfwhats a good FPS from glxgears?
09:41.44ootput> 0
09:41.45pe-de-molequeIf i am just a user
09:41.46Vladwhy should x config files be edited?
09:41.59ootputrefreshrate, modes
09:42.08ootputfor newer displays
09:42.11jbmigel_pe-de-moleque what of the freedom to bork your config file and live life at the cli?
09:42.36pe-de-molequeThat signs to me the need to rework in a job done
09:42.47Gneape-de-moleque: so if you shouldn't have to edit X config files, then no one else should?
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09:43.09nemontemithe freedom is in the choiche of editing or not.
09:43.17Goshawkhi, when i upload a package with dupload is there a way to say to dupload to do not send the announce by mail message?
09:43.18pe-de-molequeSpecialists should, but not user level people
09:43.36jbmigel_jasewolf i get around 2800 on a 9600pro with prop drivers... how does xorg perform on your 9800?
09:44.05Vladfor the average user this shold all be done automatically...
09:44.20nemontemiI dunno "dupload"
09:44.46Goshawknemontemi, is there a better way to accomplish this?
09:44.52ootputdoes debian require grub if the bootloader files (grub) are in a different distro's /boot?
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09:45.12Gneape-de-moleque: so we should just let that be the policy without concensus just because *you* think so?
09:45.26vskorichi, can somebody give me links of some debian sites, interested in software for debian, place where I can see which packages are most used and alike info, thanks
09:45.34dutchfishwhat is the best way to set up a secure sftp chrooted only server
09:45.40dpkgPopcon is the Debian Popularity contest. See results at or install popularity-contest to participate. do the dpkg-reconfigure popularity-contest right after you answered all debconf stuff
09:45.49Gneape-de-moleque: but as a matter of *fact*, it's better to let dpkg handle X configuration than editting the X config file in the first place
09:46.11nemontemiGoshawk I don't know what are you trying to do, this was what I mean
09:46.33Vladon a webserver, do you recommend installing an AV?
09:46.35liableootput: no
09:46.43vskoricthanks liable
09:46.44dutchfishshould i go by rssh?
09:46.48pe-de-molequeNon specialist people just want to use Free Software
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09:46.49Goshawknemontemi, ah sorry i didn't understand
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09:47.03pe-de-molequeNot edit config files by hand
09:47.04nemontemiGoshawk np =)
09:47.14Gneanemontemi: if you don't know then don't say anything
09:47.21dpkgmethinks rules is 1) Don't ask to ask. Just state your problem, 2) Don't repeat until 15 mins after, 3) Read and re-read the docs first, then admit it if you REALLY don't understand. You're wasting your time and ours if you haven't at least tried. 4) If your problem ain't solved, come back in 12 hrs or 24 hrs later. We're very international. 5) Be polite and patient.
09:47.25pe-de-molequeNon specialist people want to do their job, not the computer job
09:47.38liablepe-de-moleque: then use ubuntu or mandriva or someshit
09:47.45jadewolfback, and in irssi...
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09:47.48nemontemiGnea I don't see this in the rules.
09:47.50Gneape-de-moleque: then use a debian-BASED distro
09:47.58nemontemiI just wanted to be more human to him/her.
09:48.15jadewolfbrb I gotta start xchat I can't see half stuff from color
09:48.20nemontemiI think "polite" can justify my action.
09:48.20pe-de-molequeFree Software will never be widspread being non automatic
09:48.20GoshawkGnea, nemontemi :D
09:48.38dpkg[rules] 1) Don't ask to ask. Just state your problem, 2) Don't repeat until 15 mins after, 3) Read and re-read the docs first, then admit it if you REALLY don't understand. You're wasting your time and ours if you haven't at least tried. 4) If your problem ain't solved, come back in 12 hrs or 24 hrs later. We're very international. 5) Be polite and patient.
09:48.41liablepe-de-moleque: so use another distr
09:48.42pe-de-molequeliable, Gnea and bucky , so why debian needs udev or hotplug?
09:49.00Gneape-de-moleque: why not?
09:49.02pe-de-molequeThat's is not ok with your view of debian
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09:49.18jadewolfah better now I can see more
09:49.23buckype-de-moleque, you're right!
09:49.27jbmigel_jadewolf: "glxinfo | grep direct" ??
09:49.29buckydpkg -r
09:49.30Vladinteresting rules, it doesn't say one is not allowed to be philosophical ^^
09:49.48nemontemiVlad lol
09:49.56Gneajust don't need the hostlity
09:50.06liablewhy do i get the feeling that Vlad is nemontemi ??
09:50.20Vladyou are mistaken @ liable ^^
09:50.29jadewolfjbmigel: ?
09:50.32nemontemi__[07:52] [] NickServ set your hostname to ""
09:50.39nemontemiI am not Vlad.
09:51.00pe-de-molequenemontemi, are you brazillian? sorry for you
09:51.01Vladnemontemi is from Brazil
09:51.09jbmigel_jadewolf what is your fps in glxgears since upgrading xorg?
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09:51.23VladVlad is * Morden
09:51.24nemontemipe-de-moleque Eu tô falando com você no icq também.
09:51.32Vladfalando ne?
09:51.48snoopydoes any1 here use a wacom tablet
09:51.53Vladig cha ou schwyzerdüütsch rede wenn ig wott
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09:52.15jadewolf1587 frames in 5.0 seconds = 317.207 FPS
09:52.17rvallesjadewolf: so, things are fine now?
09:52.32rvallesjadewolf: (on startup time)
09:52.34streunerVlad: english please
09:52.41jbmigel_jadewolf i dont believe you have 3d accel
09:52.43jadewolfrvalles: just getting that keyboard error on start up but everything else seem up to par
09:52.47nemontemiVlad where are you from?
09:52.49rvallesjadewolf: ok
09:52.53VladSwitzerland ^^
09:52.55rvallesjadewolf: only the DRI/DRM part left
09:53.04rvallesjadewolf: (which decent 3d accel relies on)
09:53.06jadewolfyeah I commented that out
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09:53.25jadewolfBut I need to learn how to compile that in to kernel as you said before
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09:53.31rvallesjadewolf: that's a temporal solution, you should really get the DRM part (kernel side) working and reenable it :)
09:53.55rvallesjadewolf: now, come to #xorg, because I don't have a newer ati and really have no idea on a detail
09:54.11rvallesjadewolf: which is... if the latest kernel comes with that, or if it must be patched.
09:54.28jadewolfI'm there now
09:54.41nemontemiif I remember, the lastest kernel has it...
09:54.48snoopyor would anyone know how i can get it to install properly? the two files that the packager list for it is not enough it is seen as a generic mouse so i dont get pressure sensitivity and x and y tilt
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09:54.53pe-de-molequejadewolf, just in case you can't get things to work,
09:55.44dutchfishwhat is the best way to set up a secure sftp chrooted only server? or should i go by rssh? a good link to a howto would be welcome too
09:56.07jbmigel_im curious about the performance of the free drivers compared to ati's... would be funny if the free ones were faster
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09:57.05dutchfishVlad, thx
09:57.20Vladwell dunno if it helps ^^
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09:57.54streunerjbmigel_: well, that should be interesting, because those are based of ATI itself, only pack by those..., IIRC
09:58.56Metzado I always  need to know the current version of what ever package i want to install?
09:59.01jbmigel_streuner, you mean to say ati opened its driver code for xorg to release? I find that amazing!
09:59.16Vladhow do you mean that Metza
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09:59.34MetzaI mean, apt-get install openssh
09:59.36streunerjbmigel_: no
09:59.39Metzafor instance
10:00.02streunerjbmigel_: those people just packaged the debs...
10:00.09dutchfishVlad, i went through this:,_without_shell) but it wont work on Debian, got even kernel trapps...doh
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10:00.35Vladmetza: it will install the most current version
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10:01.28Vladdutchfish... well, what about the one I pointed out to you?
10:01.51dutchfishVlad, i will try in a jiffy when i reinstalled Srage
10:02.03jbmigel_streuner, I was referring to the difference between ati's proprietary drivers and the free drivers created by dri project and incorporated into xorg 7. I dont think they are the same
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10:03.26dutchfishVlad, i am stuck on building the chrooted envirenment? pobably because of weird missing dependicies
10:03.59Goshawkis there here someone that used debpool?
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10:04.43dutchfishVlad, thats my solution, chapeax!
10:05.03VladI didn't do anything... google did
10:06.46AncientDeveloperDebian rulez! 8-)
10:06.54dutchfishVlad, i wasnt aware that on Debian sshd needed a patch for sftp-server... thx again
10:06.55Vladwhat does debian rule?
10:07.14VladI hope it'll work
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10:07.30AncientDeveloperSubsystem   sftp    /usr/lib/sftp-server
10:07.33dutchfishVlad, yup its working now :)
10:08.51dutchfishVlad, Debian rules (in my humble opinion) because of stability
10:09.29VladI have no clue regarding debian or linux ^^
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10:09.37relicdo we need any kind of ftp now?
10:09.50AncientDeveloperi love debian so much that i've been converting cent-os in friends' offices to sarge
10:10.14Vladfor me windoze is still a lot more confortable
10:10.23Vladhowever my server runs on debian
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10:10.39relicis it safe?
10:10.41Vladand I wonder if I should install an antivirus on it
10:11.03dutchfishVlad, i installed clamav because of the windoze clients
10:11.26VladI mean for windoze it's mandatory to have any antivirus programm but what about linux servers? do they need one?
10:11.59dutchfishVlad, if properly configured, i my opnion only mailservers should have one
10:12.20Vladwell, I enforced restrictions on postfix yesterday :)
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10:12.32Vladmy spam just got reduced from 70 overnight to 1 that slip through
10:13.11Vladoh well, the server only runs apache, teamspeak, dod and soon hopefully a diablo 1.09 server
10:13.29VladI guess an antiviurs won't use too much ressources
10:13.57Vlad1 user,  load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.00
10:13.58dutchfishVlad, depends on what you want to do with it
10:14.34Vladis clamav easy to integrate into postfix?
10:14.50dutchfishVlad, not too hard yes
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10:15.04nemontemiVlad diablo 1?
10:15.04Vladwell, I don't know much about linux ^^
10:15.14Vladdiablo 2 1.09 patch
10:15.22Snoopytrying to install my wacom tablet but for that i need kernel-headers-2.6.11-1-686 and searched for the package but still cant find it anyone with any suggestions?
10:15.25Vladdiablo 1 can still be played over bnet
10:15.37VladI wonder if WoW could be setup on a private server
10:15.42Vladthen you could avoid the monthly fees
10:15.47nemontemiwhy not diablo 2 patch 1.11?
10:16.04liableSnoopy: (or install the source if you have to and buils em)
10:16.04VladI don't like the 1.1x versions that much anymore
10:16.12VladI loved 1.09d... my amazon was so great
10:16.18Vladand javazone
10:16.20Vladand novasorc
10:16.42Vladalthough I heard in 1.11 the amazon got quite strong again
10:16.42nemontemiI am using a cold sorceress now
10:16.46Vladin 1.10 she sucked
10:16.47Snoopyk thanks
10:17.04nemontemiI don't know about the earlier patches, I started playing in .11
10:17.16VladI was beta tester for D2 ^^
10:17.26VladI played it from beta version to 1.10
10:17.27liableSnoopy: -1 prolly has patches, you might like to check for upgrades to it..
10:17.37nemontemiI thought the changes were only in the runes, and things like that
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10:17.48VladI guess D2 is the game I played the longest in my life
10:18.02Vladwell I don't know what changed to 1.11
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10:18.07Vladyou have 2 new super uniques
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10:18.29Vladand runes changed making other items better and I heard due to this the amazon got a lot stronger again
10:18.29nemontemiStarcraft for sure was the game I played the longest
10:18.56nemontemibefore 1.11 runes were only to make rune words?
10:19.04Vladand now in 1.11?
10:19.07nemontemiwere there*
10:19.25Vladbefore 1.10 there were only a few very good runewords
10:19.33Vladso you added runes to uniques to empower them
10:19.42nemontemi1.11 runewords sucks...
10:19.48Vladdunno ^^
10:21.33*** part/#debian ati_83 (n=ati@
10:22.50smharis there a way to play starcraft online without just as quake
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10:23.52olczykHey. What are the commands to edit the system crontab files?
10:23.55smharstartcraft, warcraft and master of orion were the cause of many sleepless night for me :-)
10:24.04nemontemismhar I've known some "pirate" servers, but don't know if they exists now
10:24.13Vladit seems that bnted is available at sourceforge
10:24.15relicstarcraft +1
10:24.16smharolczyk, any texteditor
10:24.17nemontemithe bnetd server works. =)
10:24.21Vladmy buddy tried to install it
10:24.24Vladand the bnet interface worked
10:24.34Vladbut somehow he could not create a realm for diablo 2
10:25.09Vladand he needed a gateway editor to connect to our server
10:25.34nemontemiyes, to add the server to the game
10:25.47Vladyeah... he has the gateway editor
10:25.52Vladbut don't know if it's only for diablo
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10:26.14olczyksmhar, I'm asking what commands will launch the editor to edit specific cron job files. Barring that at least the files that should be editted.
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10:26.28nemontemiThere is a gateway editor for Warcraft and Starcraft too
10:26.39nemontemiI think they work the same way
10:26.48Vladhere's the diablo gatewa editor:
10:27.04Vladbut as said, don't know if it works for warcraft and other blizz games
10:27.52*** join/#debian HugLeo (
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10:28.52nemontemiVlad that program you said is multi-game gateway editor, says it works to the three games
10:29.11HugLeoWith install debain in partition of the HD. No driver de CD and floop
10:29.14Vladoh well, I haven't had a look at it
10:29.33nemontemiHugLeo? is just about diablo 2 ^^
10:30.50kombi_installed alsa for the first time, how do I check the soundcard on console only box?
10:31.12nemontemisox? mpg123?
10:31.15streunerkombi_: mpg321?
10:31.20HugLeonemontemi: Iso of the debian is in the HD
10:31.30kombi_ahm.. what is that..?
10:31.41streuner!info mpg321
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10:32.10nemontemiHugLeo what's the problem?
10:32.24streunermpg321 - A Free command-line mp3 player, compatible with mpg123
10:33.08dpkgmpg321: (A Free command-line mp3 player, compatible with mpg123), section sound, is optional. Version: (sid), Packaged size: 34 kB, Installed size: 128 kB
10:33.15kombi_streuner: thanks! I'll install that for testing..
10:34.12HugLeonemontemi_: I no have driver of CD and like of install
10:35.10HugLeonemontemi_: I take look something about the program loadlin
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10:35.58nemontemi_HugLeo is trying to install Debian without the CD media, with the ISO on the harddisk, any ideas?
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10:38.37kombi_my first debian box with sound.. how do i make alsa find the soundcard?
10:39.21streunerrun 'alsaconf'
10:39.42streunerkombi_: what does 'cat /proc/version' say?
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10:41.45kombi_streuner: or the whole string?
10:42.04kombi_oh wait, alsaconf first..
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10:45.50molineroHappy New Year!
10:46.04radenwhats a good ftp server for linux ?
10:46.05kombi_streuner: ;)
10:46.10peterSraden: vsftpd
10:47.48radenpeterS, Thanks
10:48.45*** part/#debian relic (
10:49.19HugLeoIs possible with XOSL?
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11:02.13kombi_is there a way to play windows media streams? Which package would one need?
11:02.37Vladwindows media player ^^
11:03.01kombi_Vlad: I know, only I hate windows so much..
11:03.36Vladwhy do you hate it?
11:03.50kombi_I believe mplayer can do it somehow, just can't find the right package though
11:04.06kombi_Vlad: Because it has a gui..
11:04.18Vladso, that's no reason for such hard feelings I think ^^
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11:04.27Vladmaybe dislikingit but hate?
11:04.48kombi_Vlad: point taken, I admit I use it in other places
11:05.17Vladwindows ist just end-user friendly ^^
11:05.41Vladcan't you run windows media palyer through wine?
11:05.59molineroDebian Sarge lives!
11:06.12kombi_Vlad: I think it can be done with mplayer from console, just researching how
11:06.25Vladgood luck :)
11:06.33Vladotherwise try wine :)
11:06.37chealkombi_: it most likely depends on which kind of stream
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11:07.18kombi_cheal: If only I could find an mplayer package for stable to begin with..
11:07.38kombi_Vlad: will do, thx!
11:07.48chealkombi_: there are no official mplayer packages
11:08.15kombi_I noticed, only plugins there
11:08.51kombi_that was for cheal
11:09.19kombi_I'll roll my own then
11:09.28cheal!tell kombi_ about marillat
11:11.38olczykThere are no official mplayer packages, but there are unofficial ones.
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11:13.15kombi_thanks cheal!
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11:17.17Snoopyhow do i reconfigure xserver again?
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11:17.54cheal!drxx Snoopy
11:17.54dpkgSnoopy: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86  [or xserver-xorg if you're using] (as root). If you have edited the X config file by hand, or used some other program like xf86config, ask me about <xmd5>
11:17.55landonwhi guys, i was wondering how to get 'apt-get install' to retrieve all suggested+recommended packages as well
11:18.16radenis there a simpel ftp server ?
11:18.28landonwvsftp, raden
11:18.46radenlandonw, cant get it to work whatsoever
11:18.55Snoopythats odd xserver-xfree86 doesnt seem to work
11:19.52kombi_cheal: can't apt-get update with marillat because of 'too many connections' from my ip, is there some secret?
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11:20.27chealSnoopy: which release do you use?
11:20.48chealkombi_: I don't know, I don't use Marillat's repository myself
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11:21.11kombi_cheal: oh, there we are, never mind
11:21.42chealSnoopy: what do you mean by "doesnt seem to work"?
11:21.57Snoopyit says file doesnt exist
11:23.19landonwah, wajig is super handy
11:23.55chealSnoopy: please paste your shell input and output
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11:24.50landonwdoes anybody know nvidia's bus identifier?
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11:25.14landonwi'm at the point of configuring xserver-xorg via the ncurses interface
11:25.23g0thjust hit enter
11:25.27g0thif you only have one video card
11:25.32Snoopyactually it says not installed
11:25.59Snoopy/home/glen# dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86
11:26.00SnoopyPackage `xserver-xfree86' is not installed and no info is available.
11:26.00SnoopyUse dpkg --info (= dpkg-deb --info) to examine archive files,
11:26.00Snoopyand dpkg --contents (= dpkg-deb --contents) to list their contents.
11:26.00Snoopy/usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure: xserver-xfree86 is not installed
11:26.00*** part/#debian Snoopy (
11:26.05g0thI have problems with my "Alt Gr" key, it doesn't work anymore
11:26.09landonwg0th: oh
11:26.17*** join/#debian G2 (
11:26.21g0thSnoopy: maybe you use xorg?
11:26.27g0thSnoopy: xserver-xorg
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11:26.57g0thI tried xkeycaps and selected all kinds of keyboards, but the altgr key _never_ works
11:27.08g0thIt worked before my debian update
11:27.17g0ththe x version was 6.8.? to 6.9
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11:27.36g0thand no, I didn't change anything, my system is debian sid
11:27.39Snoopythis is what i get
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11:27.59Robi-has anyone had postfix/procmail go haywire with the recent upgrades?
11:28.01Snoopy/home/glen# dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86
11:28.01SnoopyPackage `xserver-xfree86' is not installed and no info is available.
11:28.01SnoopyUse dpkg --info (= dpkg-deb --info) to examine archive files,
11:28.01Snoopyand dpkg --contents (= dpkg-deb --contents) to list their contents.
11:28.01Snoopy/usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure: xserver-xfree86 is not installed
11:28.01*** part/#debian Snoopy (
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11:28.41g0thyou already pasted that part...
11:28.54g0thSnoopy: did you try xserver-xorg?
11:29.10g0thdpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg I mean
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11:29.54moshiidoes anyone here use anthy?
11:29.58Snoopytried it
11:30.13g0thhmm anyway, we eat, I'll come back later then, this "Alt Gr" problem is very baad, I can't email, I can't program, I basically can't write anything usefull as a lot of keys I need use "alt gr" modifier
11:30.18Snoopybut think i made an error
11:30.21Snoopyhold on
11:30.36g0theating, I'm afk...
11:30.53Robi-have postfix to procmail and postfix errors out in the log with status=bounced (can't create user output file. Command output: procmail: Error while writing to "/var/mail/robi" )
11:31.31Snoopygot it you guys
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11:32.18gocciasg0th: pc104 or pc105 keys ?
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11:34.18Robi-i also noticed some of the spamassassin args changed which broke spamc -a in procmail
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11:36.09landonwafter getting xserver-xorg (with suggested+recommended,) why doesn't startx exist?
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11:38.00Guerinlandonw: install x-window-system
11:38.17Guerinlandonw: yes; startx is in xbase-clients
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11:41.09ootputwould x-window-system conflict with xorg?
11:41.20ootputis that xfree86?
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11:47.24HendikinsJust a quick question. I'm the SOP in #firefox on the Mozilla IRC server. I've been told that it is standard practice to blanket redirect people who are having problems with Debian's Firefox packages to us. Is there any particular reason for this?
11:47.56SlayerXPHendikins: probably the same reason we redirect non-debian users to other channels.
11:48.16HendikinsThe problem is that we don't support Debian's Firefox packages either.
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11:49.31HendikinsOur standard practice is to request that users see if they have problems with the official binaries, and to contact their distribution's support channels if they're having problems with packages supplied with/by their distribution.
11:50.13chealHendikins: most likely just wrong information
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11:50.50HendikinsWell, it seems to be happening fairly regularly, which is why I thought I'd ask you guys what was up with that
11:51.43VladHmmm, I would go to both channels... so I have all the brainpower together instead of keep switching one and the other
11:52.14Vladactually just cancel the "would" in my previous post
11:52.20HendikinsWell, the problem stems from the fact the debian packages aren't unmodified, which just results in a heap of buck passing.
11:52.23chealHendikins: it has to seem that way with the number of firefox users. it's not surprising neither that helpers here first point to #firefox even if they aren't sure about the problem
11:53.37VladHendikins: Why does this actually pose a problem to you?
11:53.59HendikinsVlad: It is an annoyance more than a problem, per se.
11:54.18Vladwhy is it considered as an annoyance?
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11:54.28HendikinsCertainly it isn't entirely reasonable to expect us to support things involving downstream modifications
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11:54.41chealVlad: did you ever see Ubuntu users here?
11:54.52Vladyes ^^
11:54.56Vladthere was one yesterday
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11:55.01Vlador was it today?
11:55.02chealVlad: I hope you get the idea
11:55.11Vladnot really
11:55.14chealI'm sure it happened today
11:55.34chealVlad: then try staying here for a week
11:55.55Hendikinscheal: I just wish there was a little bit of triage before the users got to us, to be honest. We're happy to support users having problems that are our fault.
11:56.00VladI can idle here for a week but not stay as tomorrow I need to work again and doing researches for university ^^
11:56.27chealHendikins: yes. in my previous message I really meant s/that helpers/if helpers/
11:56.49VladHendikins: Those who refer them to your channel they do not mean any harm or so... I'm sure they just think that is probably a better place to start with
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11:57.10HendikinsVlad: I'm sure, but the problem is that users get redirected back here
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11:57.32Robi-any clue on the procmail error?
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11:57.49beggshey, how can i steer fan speeds? (like cpu...)
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11:58.42VladHendikins: If someone comes here and says he's got some troubles regarding firefox
11:59.00HendikinsI'm not in here to stir up people, I'm just here because of the same reason I'm in #firefox - I want to ensure that people get the best and most prompt support possible, with a minimum of fuss.
11:59.08Vladthen the first thing you think of is directing them to the firefox channel before even inquiring what the exact problem is
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11:59.32Vladat least that's what I would do ^^
11:59.51HendikinsVlad: I can see what you're saying, however a little bit of triage would be immensely helpful to both us and the users.
12:00.39chealHendikins: in any case, it's unlikely worth it to come here discuss about that considering the number of helpers potentially involved. most predominant helpers here have good support skills. and just to reassure you, Vlad isn't a regular :)
12:00.45VladI'm a linux illiterate... I have no real clue about it... so for me it is hard to triage where the problem possibly lays... so I think if someone got problems with ff then it would be best to start over there as they know more about it
12:01.02Hendikinscheal: It shows (-:
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12:01.14KarlosIIunfortunately debian modifies ff code significantly
12:01.31HendikinsVlad: We do know more about Firefox, but we don't know about the changes that Debian makes to it. That's the point.
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12:01.50Hendikins(changes for this purpose includes the packaging of it)
12:02.28Robi-Hendikins: i don't know for sure but it appears someone started sendingpeople your way for whatever reason, and the rest bandwagoned ;-/
12:02.37Vladsee, for you it might be very easy to just figure out "oh, it's a debian thing go there" or "oh, it's a ff thing stay here"
12:03.01tengulreHI,ALL !! HAPPY NEW YEAR!
12:03.11Vladnot that I really know anything about it anyway ^^
12:03.34HendikinsVlad: But on the other hand, if somebody asked what the problem was here, you could say "oh, that's a packaging thing" or "that's a problem with Firefox itself, ask the guys in #firefox on moznet"
12:04.10HendikinsNeither way is perfect, but at least asking what the problem is here can potentially result in one less instance of running around.
12:04.41Guerinas far as upstream/downstream bug reporting issues go, there's a fairly clear methodology: file a bug with your downstream provider, who will forward it to upstream if appropriate
12:04.42Vladwell, that implies I would know debian good enough to give such a statement but what I have observerd here is that there are 600+ users but only a few actually help
12:05.11Robi-or unhelp as the case may be
12:05.11Guerinthat's stated debian policy for every package
12:05.13Vladand if those few aren't here and someone needs help so what to tell those people than that seek help?
12:05.14HendikinsGuerin: This isn't about bugs. It is about Joe Enduser having a question with Firefox.
12:05.34Hendikinsaka "how do I do x?" or "is y a bug?"
12:05.35*** join/#debian joey__ (i=joey@
12:05.48joey__I have question to ask :)
12:05.52KarlosIIimho if debian modifies ff then debian shoudl support it
12:06.02GuerinHendikins: yes, I see that.
12:06.25Robi-joey__, don't ask to ask. ask.
12:06.27joey__tty0 perm. are crw------ root tty. I can't read/write to it as root
12:06.36Vladhe didn't ask to ask
12:06.43Vladhe just stated he has a question ^^
12:07.10HendikinsRobi-: I usually use "I'm afraid we haven't implemented mind reading support yet, so you'll have to ask a question"
12:07.37Robi-Hendikins: you're better with the niceness
12:07.56gocciasHendikins: i'm a normal firefox-debian user : i never ask in here . i just use sarge firefox, sid firefox, backports firefox , i never had problems : firerfox is popular and debian too , windows users coming to debian or coming to firefox most of the time arer just confused ,it is hard to understand if theyr problem is a debian problem or a firefox problem
12:08.07Guerintelepathy over tcp/ip - the only thing potentially more useful than electrocution over tcp/ip
12:08.07Robi-frakin procmail
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12:08.37Robi-Guerin , right on
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12:08.58Vladeach individual his assigned IP ^^
12:09.01Guerinwhat I advise people to do if they have trouble with debian firefox is to use the official static binaries, and if they experience the same issues, to ask #firefox, and/or file a bug
12:09.15Robi-... status=bounced (can't create user output file. Command output: procmail: Error while writing to "/var/mail/robi" )
12:09.22Hendikinsgoccias: I understand that too, but I've been given the impression that there's no checking in here before it gets to us. *That* is what I'm getting at
12:09.49HendikinsGuerin: We usually start with suggesting using the official binaries and a clean profile, or asking #debian
12:09.51Robi-can send mail just not receive, q gets cleaned right away and bounces right away..
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12:10.19HendikinsWith a disclaimer that we can't provide support for the debian packages.
12:10.26joey__I set it to 0777 and finaly I can rw to this dev
12:10.32joey__even though it's a bnad practice setting perm to 0777
12:10.33Hendikins(Don't worry, we do the same thing to people using gentoo ebuilds...)
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12:11.05Guerintelepathy over tcp/ip would be great in conjunction with electrocution - you could figure out whether a person needs electrocuting before they even do the thing that would earn them electrocution!
12:11.11GuerinHendikins: yeah, that's sane.
12:11.41HendikinsAll packaging/installation issues are blanket redirected to distribution support channels regardless.
12:11.43*** part/#debian feetlover__ (
12:11.43GuerinHendikins: the big issues seem to revolve around extensions, most of which aren't packaged in debian -
12:11.45*** join/#debian uff (
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12:12.10HendikinsHow much surgery does debian do to the extensions system these days?
12:12.32Guerinand which are mostly untested with debian packaged firefox - so are an unknown quantity
12:12.35GuerinHendikins: dunno
12:12.43Robi-plenty of space, still refuses to write to the spool
12:13.02HendikinsGuerin: If it is non-zero, that likely means big headaches
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12:13.38Guerinhrm, is kitame still the maint?
12:13.44Guerin!maint mozilla-firefox
12:13.49dpkgmozilla-firefox: Eric Dorland <>
12:13.53KarlosIIah eric
12:13.54HendikinsBesides, we've got internal support for global theme/extension installation, so hacking the extensions system shouldn't even be needed
12:14.29HendikinsAll you'd need is an installation/removal script in the package that utilises it
12:14.39gocciasHendikins: debian do support firefox : do you remember frame-injection bug ? right , at that time i jumped on sid firefox (i'm runing sarge) , i had it in 48 hours, i remember people crying in here : they just don't understand what debian give 'em and how to get what they nedd : ting is : they just complain about firefox so why they should not directed to you ?
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12:15.49Hendikinsgoccias: missing the point. If it is a valid upstream complaint, throw it at us. It is the not checking first that is the crux of it
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12:16.16gocciasHendikins: i dont send people to you : i'm a user :)
12:16.32Hendikinsgoccias: I'm just saying.
12:16.33MetzaSo basicly why 'apt-get install some-package' just didnt work cause of I did not update ther packagelist? (installing from minideb iso)? :)
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12:16.45gocciasjeph: ok :)
12:16.52kevinvWas Adobe more towards *NIX then Macromedia? just a question
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12:17.03Guerinkevinv: haha
12:17.04VladMetza: apt-get update
12:17.27HendikinsI'd rather be finishing putting up my NYE firworks photos, but this is of more value.
12:17.41Metzavery well then, thanks
12:17.54Guerini'd rather be fishing, but i'm still too hung over
12:18.35Guerinbut I have kheema pulau, so all is not lost
12:18.39HendikinsSo... now that we've worked out what the issue is, where do we go from here?
12:18.41kevinvGuerin: I'm asking because what will happen to the flash player, or will we finally have a damn shockwave player lol. Maybe even a Flash Studio for Linux that actually works, it will for one attract more people to the Linux world.
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12:18.52Guerinkevinv: who cares?
12:19.07Guerinkevinv: let people who're dependent on shite like that use windows
12:20.03Guerini don't have a problem with windows being popular
12:20.59beggswindows rules!
12:21.01chealHendikins: nothing. helpers here are only trained by the channel's culture. there are no channel-specific helper rules or guidelines
12:21.04KarlosIII do, it's called all the parents in the world kids having to support the bloody thing for their parents....
12:21.33GuerinKarlosII: are you drunk, or are you normally this incoherent?
12:21.39Hendikinscheal: So... basically we're stuck with sending all debian users back here, to get sent back to us, repeat ad nauseum?
12:21.41nkuttlercheal: hm, /msg dpkg rules|guidelines?
12:22.12kevinvGuerin: well I have a problem why people love using an OS that has as many bugs and security holes that it has. Who cares if their too dumb to relize that GNU/Linux is just programmed better. :P
12:22.19KarlosIIGuerin, Oh I thought u were smart enough to understand that
12:22.20chealnkuttler: those are user rules/guidelines
12:22.44KarlosIIkevinv, parents who never grew up with don't know any better
12:22.46Guerinkevinv: people like crap stuff which is shiny, not good stuff which isn't
12:22.53Vladkevinv: the average user doesn't want to spend years on learning how to use a OS but he wants to install it and have it run
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12:24.07KarlosIISo to make our lives manageable I do care about shockwave and flashplayer
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12:24.32GuerinKarlosII: flash makes the web UNmanageable
12:24.45HendikinsNot this holy war...
12:24.48settdoes anyone use windowmaker?
12:24.52Guerinit's offtopic
12:24.56Guerinsett: tarzeau does
12:25.07chealHendikins: until the erroneous redirections reach 1/2, that kind of loop can't happen. if #debian ever redirects to #firefox with over 1:1 downstream:upstream ratio, come back to discuss it
12:25.08HendikinsI'd throw this holy war out of #firefox too
12:25.09KarlosIIGuerin u gotta ween the baby from the milk before u can give it the more tastier stuff
12:25.09Guerinsett: otherwise /msg dpkg anyone use windowmaker
12:25.13Robi-o man aptitude has diff thoughts on pkg mgt
12:25.21GuerinKarlosII: no, you don't.
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12:25.43kevinvGreat answers! But GNU/Linux can also be very shiny as well, mainly on speedy systems. There are tons of apps I use that my friends can't have :P
12:25.50Hendikinscheal: So basically, we should have to support problems we don't create, because of arrogence in this IRC channel?
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12:26.08GuerinHendikins: is anyone actually saying that?
12:26.11setti've just got an icon from kde app and can't open it up
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12:26.19kevinvXscreensaver is one big one, he wants it sooo badly, after visiting the website, he saw any Unix-based system. lol
12:26.20settresize or whatever
12:26.25settsick of it
12:26.31KarlosIIkevinv, yup I love linux but I have hard time weaning parents to use linux and get waway from crap ms stuff
12:26.34Vladhendikins: I thought you're more thoughtful than to utter such a thing
12:27.06HendikinsVlad: I can only be sickeningly polite for so long.
12:27.29Guerinmy limit is about three minutes
12:27.30Robi-Hendikins , probably a good time to go now..
12:27.30vskoriccome on people, what is the matter with you, it is not about you, it is about user needing help, how would you feel when someone drives you around, if you dont want to help keep quiet, if you dont know keep silent, you dont need to redirect person anywhere she will redirect herself elsewhere for help, as she came here,she ll go there , you so boring, any way you are redirecting her to microsoft
12:27.32Vladwhen was anyone in this channel not polite towards you?
12:27.39chealHendikins: no. as helpers you have to accept to get questions that shouldn't be directed to you. you don't have to answer those
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12:28.05KarlosIIcheal IF debian modifies code then debian supports it
12:28.14Hendikinscheal: Of course. But when we get told "but the guys in #debian told us to ask here", /then/ we get annoyed.
12:28.17Guerinman, people are fucked up today
12:28.27KarlosIIthats common sense
12:28.50kevinvI dis-like M$ for one huge reason.... YOU CAN'T CUSTOMIZE THEIR DAMN SHIT AS MUCH AS YOU CAN WITH A TUX MACHINE. And damn, when I use a computer, I need full control on what I do.
12:28.52GuerinHendikins: so now at least a few #debian regs know more clearly which questions should and should not be redirected to #firefox
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12:29.07nkuttlerHendikins: people get sent to the wrong channels all the time. how often do people come to you from this channel?
12:29.36Hendikinsnkuttler: near daily basis, although a. it fluctuates, and b. I'm not awake 24/7
12:29.43KarlosIInkuttler, ummm do u have a couple days to add up the numbers
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12:29.53Vladkevinv: for most people a computer where they can't do a thing is the best since otherwise they'll just fuck up the system
12:30.01GuerinHendikins: most of the issues regarding bizarre crashes/memory leakage?
12:30.07GuerinHendikins: just out of interest
12:30.08chealHendikins: of course, but there's really no economical way to avoid that
12:30.09HendikinsGuerin: No.
12:30.18GuerinHendikins: what sorts of things, then?
12:30.19HendikinsGuerin: Just for $random_firefox_issue
12:30.36Hendikinsincluding things that are related to debian's packaging
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12:30.56Vladhow does one know if it is related to debian's packaging?
12:31.12KarlosIIdebian has he responsibility to determine the issue nad if it warrants to be sent to firefox
12:31.22kevinvBut that's the fun of it all, I love to f*ck up my system and learn howto troubleshoot the problems myself.
12:31.22HendikinsVlad: if it involves questions that have "apt" in them, that's a pretty sure bet
12:31.23chealVlad: one knows firefox and/or firefox debian packaging
12:31.43nkuttlernone of the regulars here would send somebody with a packaging issue to a different channel
12:31.46Vladwell, you say pretty sure bet but not 100%
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12:32.03Hendikinsnkuttler: I'm under the impression that people aren't even asking what the question is.
12:32.04chealHendikins: as nkuttler said
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12:32.27Hendikins"I'm having a problem with Firefox" "Ask #firefox"
12:32.31takatumiHendikins: not true
12:32.33gocciasHendikins: i think is firefox fault : if you see what opera does . i mean instruction how to set up java flash and so on . you'll get the point : not experienced users get problems because they can't get good docs-instructions on what to do
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12:32.53Hendikinsgoccias: In another life I also maintain
12:33.01KarlosIIa problem with apt get for firefox failing to install and remove flashplayer properly for ff 1.5 is a install issue with apt get
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12:33.41Hendikinsgoccias: and those should be handled here if .deb builds are involved, because those items are installable through the debian packaging system.
12:33.50Guerinyeah, i'd tend to send questions about functionality ("is this behavior normal?" etc) to upstream, but not all sorts of problems.
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12:34.06nkuttlerKarlosII: do you use debian? do you know the bts?
12:34.23gocciasHendikins: i disagree : docs on specific linux distributions should be hanlded by firefox , opera does it :)
12:34.39GuerinKarlosII: ff1.5 is only in unstable. If you can't fix broken shit like that, you shouldn't be using unstable.
12:34.44chealKarlosII: it's not the way it works. free software projects do not offer free support
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12:34.49KarlosIInot a macromedia or firefox issue :) But noone in here would take the time to look at the issue the other day when i said I have a problem with after the install of my flashs images screwing up they immediaetly assumed it was sum1 elses issue
12:34.59Hendikinsgoccias: If I didn't disagree with your argument, I'd take that as a personal shot, given I maintain those docs on the firefox end.
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12:35.28Hendikinsand until I have a nice fat pipe and some testing hardware, I simply can't do that.
12:35.31gocciasHendikins: most of the questions are about flash and java : i 'm trying to be collaborative with you : i use firefox :)
12:35.32KarlosIIthe point is  issue was resolved with apt-get remove --purge flashplugin-nonfree
12:35.47KarlosIIand rm -rf .mozilla/plugins/
12:35.57GuerinKarlosII: did you file a bug requesting that the postinst script be altered?
12:36.06Hendikinsgoccias: I don't. cue irony.
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12:36.12KarlosIInkuttler, yes I do and thats on my list to do
12:36.15GuerinKarlosII: if you did, good on you. If you didn't, stop whining.
12:36.26VoltronRexhi! what package do I install to get base kde development headers etc? everythign I have tried has attempted to install kde4, and I'm still on 3 afaik
12:36.30nkuttlerKarlosII: don't make lists. _do_ stuff
12:36.31KarlosIIguerin, thats on my list of todo now that I just fixed it 5 mins ago
12:36.45HendikinsGuerin: That's actually an example of something I don't think should've made it to upstream.
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12:36.58GuerinHendikins: what ... the flash issue?
12:37.02GuerinHendikins: absolutely.
12:37.05kimoby any chance, is someone using Toshiba M45 laptop ?
12:37.16Guerin!anyone use Toshiba M45 laptop
12:37.16dpkgNo, no one uses Toshiba M45 laptop, not even the people who use it.
12:37.25chealVoltronRex: kde4??
12:37.44*** join/#debian victorm (
12:37.48gocciasHendikins: debian should be "hilighted" on mozilla site : debian is very veryu popular as firefox is , instructions steps by steps for new users will help to solve the problem you are talking about
12:38.07Gueringoccias: wtf ... why?
12:38.14*** part/#debian KarlosII (
12:38.35Gueringoccias: distributors should document their own distributions.
12:38.36VoltronRexcheal: yep, what it wants to install is kdelibs4-dev
12:38.36Hendikinsgoccias: I don't maintain stuff on *.m.o. That, and we don't provide instructions for any vendor supplied packages, so why should Debian be different?
12:38.49chealVoltronRex: that's kdelibs4, not kde4
12:38.52gocciasopera does it
12:38.58gocciasgo and see :)
12:38.59HendikinsWe're not Opera.
12:39.02Gueringoccias: bully for them.
12:39.15Hendikinsand I do believe that Opera actually spins their own .debs
12:39.22cuscohello! good mornign!
12:39.25cuscohappy 2006!
12:39.29Gueringoccias: opera is also proprietary, so distributors CANNOT properly document it.
12:39.31Hendikins(Could be wrong, but it seems that way)
12:39.31VoltronRexcheal: that's not kde4? what's the 4 for then?
12:39.34jephcusco: good afternoon
12:39.34*** part/#debian victorm (
12:39.36Guerinyes, they do
12:39.47cuscooh yeas.. good afternoon hehe
12:39.51HendikinsRight. Entirely different matter documenting something you also QA.
12:39.54*** part/#debian kimo (
12:40.37HendikinsWe don't supply or QA the Firefox debs, so it is a tad unreasonable to expect us to document them. That's the job of downstream.
12:40.54SkrottoVoltronRex: kde 4.0 won't be out for a year or so :)
12:41.09gocciasHendikins: debian is not a vendor
12:41.13*** join/#debian MicroChip32 (
12:41.20VoltronRexnaming conventions, blech
12:41.20Gueringoccias: yes, debian most certainly IS a vendor.
12:41.21gocciasis quite different
12:41.22SkrottoVoltronRex: But trust me, when it's out you'll know :p
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12:41.27Gueringoccias: you're wrong.
12:41.36Hendikinsgoccias: Then by your logic, who is the vendor? It isn't us, we're upstream.
12:41.58gocciasGuerin: ok i'm wrong , i accept it : but i still feel my way :)
12:42.00cuscohow do I know which ftpd is best to have on my system? there are so many to choose from...
12:42.12MicroChip32how do i tell an interface to completely forget its current dhcp address, so next time it will request a totally new address ?
12:42.14Gueringoccias: you're free to feel what you like.
12:42.19pureonecusco by testing them :)
12:42.27GuerinMicroChip32: change its MAC address.
12:42.28jephcusco: vsftpd is my choice
12:42.35*** part/#debian VoltronRex (
12:42.37cuscohow do I know the diference between them?
12:42.41gocciasHendikins: debian for many many new users is like a dream come true : ask around
12:42.44cuscodo you mind if I ask why jeph ?
12:42.45GuerinMicroChip32: you can use ifconfig or perhaps mii-tool to do it
12:42.53jephcusco: apt-cache show <package_name>
12:42.54kevinvAnother problem for Windows users comming to Linux, to many choices. lol
12:42.58Hendikinsgoccias: As for your thoughts on flash, java and debian Firefox, if the relevant Debian person wants to assist me with providing docs, I'm all ears
12:43.01Guerinthe 'vs' in vsftpd stands for very secure
12:43.08gocciasthey know about debian as a hard to set up distro and they are happy to install it
12:43.11jephcusco: because its easy to configure, stable and secure
12:43.19*** join/#debian ArtVandalae (
12:43.21Guerinand it is - it's also simple, and has few moving parts ... unlike, say, proftpd
12:43.34Hendikinsgoccias: I'm not here to listen to advocacy/zealotry. I already use another distribution, I'm happy with it, and I'm not here asking about the distribution itself.
12:43.41kevinvcusco,I perfer proftpd, but it all depends on what the purpose of the FTP server will be.
12:43.51MicroChip32Guerin : mac change ? ACK! isnt there a dhclient or similar command, like renew or something ?
12:43.57GuerinHendikins: which distro, out of interest?
12:43.58MicroChip32er, release
12:44.10HendikinsGuerin: Well, it was SuSE 9.3 when I installed it.
12:44.17ArtVandalaeHello I have a fileserver running samba. I want Window users to be able to view/play the files but not delete them. I turn off read with chmod, but they can delete this read only file. How can I stop them from deleting it?
12:44.36gocciasHendikins: i'm not a zelot too : i use debian cause it improves the quality of my life . debian give me lot of spare time :)
12:44.45GuerinMicroChip32: that would be a dhcp client issue; you'd want to read the docs. DHCP servers assign addresses by MAC address, so changing it will certainly result in a new address.
12:44.53GuerinHendikins: heh.
12:44.56kevinvArtVandalae, make the share read-only
12:44.57jephArtVandalae: in the shares config in /etc/samba/smb.conf, set "read only = yes"
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12:45.14ArtVandalaeCan they still add files with read-only on?
12:45.15Hendikinsgoccias: I'm not here to ask or hear about that though. Quite franky, I don't even care about that. I'm just here to discuss the upstream/downstream relations with Firefox support.
12:45.43MicroChip32Guerin : yea, that i know, but want to avoid that =/ (mac addr) i'll look into dhclient
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12:46.54kevinvArtVandalae, Change the ownerships of the files you want read-only to 'root'.
12:46.56Hendikinsgoccias: and I don't even use Firefox, for that matter (I use the suite, have done so since 1999)
12:47.08gocciasHendikins: as a user i see no problems isntalling firefox*.deb : maybe flash and java ...
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12:47.37kevinvBecause the guest user isn't a 'root' user they may not delete those files.
12:47.43Gueringoccias: the horse is dead.
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12:48.04gocciasHendikins: if they ask you about different things , well they are badgers :)
12:48.05HendikinsThat particular horse wasn't alive in the first place.
12:48.10Guerinkevinv: um, whether a file can be deleted or not is governed by the containing directory's permissions
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12:48.19Guerinkevinv: uin unix, at least
12:48.34GuerinHendikins: was it even a horse?
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12:49.09HendikinsWe'll assume so for this purpose.
12:49.18HendikinsMatis: Please don't shout. It is considered rude.
12:49.25GuerinMatis: please buy a keyboard with a functional capslock
12:49.26kevinvI know, reason changing the owner of the entire folder to 'root' and creating an 'incoming' folder.
12:50.18Guerinso ...anyone got any idea what NWS is?
12:50.19kevinvI stumbled upon this when creating a samba share and forgetting to change the permissions of the directory and attempting to write to it.
12:50.33Matisdoes someone got some bash excercies URL?
12:50.45Guerinyou think nws == newbs?
12:50.45Vladat least thats what I think
12:50.53Vladvery likely
12:50.55dpkgYou have recieved this message because you have shown yourself to be ignorant of some of the fundamentals of *nix and/or Debian. Read the "Unix and Internet Fundamentals" howto at Then, read the Debian Reference at This may help you to attain what others sometimes refer to as "a Clue".
12:51.08kevinvAnother way would also be to set in smb.conf the options for seperate passwds for write and read permissions.
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12:53.13HendikinsGuerin: Just for sheer curiousity value, who runs #debian?
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12:56.10kevinvThat sounds so cute: "Hendikins doesn't plan on harassing them, after all, he still uses freenode for other stuff"
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12:56.33kevinvJust the way it was emoted.
12:56.49Hendikinskevinv: I'm assuming they'd be about as appreciative as I'd be.
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13:06.56cello_raspwhich is the best java vm installation for debian? the debian package, the blackdown one or the sun one?
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13:08.08coslekcello_rasp: try the sun one, from source.
13:08.32Vladanyone knows why responds so slowly? Serverload is very little
13:08.39Hendikinssounds like death by 1000 cuts...
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13:09.48coslekVlad: how do you find out about a server's load?
13:10.03bbrazilcoslek: uptime
13:10.23Vlada tracert gives me an error
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13:13.15dramboattest again...
13:13.34cosleki don't get it. top is a command that monitors the local machine. uptime is a parameter. how to get at it?
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13:14.27Vladyou asked for server load
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13:15.35dreamboatfirst time for me connecting with debian not win :)
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13:16.02gocciasdreamboat: how do you feeel ? :)
13:16.04yangi got trouble using webmin - i wonder where the deny IP goes to?
13:16.27dreamboatfeel like i am treading water... head still up tho
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13:17.11dreamboatfirst real run with linux too, so a whole new world
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13:17.39coslekdreamboat: what is your set-up?
13:17.39gocciasdreamboat: out of curiousity : are you running firefox ?
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13:18.11dreamboatold pc,  633Mhz, 96 RAM
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13:18.42dreamboatwill get up to 256 ram soon, but considering splashing out a few hundred on a p4 to try
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13:18.48smhar_hi all
13:18.53dreamboatnot running firefox
13:18.55kevinvMines older :P -- Intel Celeron 400Mhz, 384MB RAM
13:19.04dreamboatmoxilla not working for me
13:19.08eleftheriosI am on a PIII 933Mhz
13:19.09coslekdreamboat: debian stable, testing...kernel version, xfree or xorg?
13:19.11dreamboatneither is apt
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13:19.22dreamboatkernel 2.6
13:19.46dpkgSunday is the day all freaks swarm to #debian, avoid at all cost to remain sane.
13:19.49dreamboatkonqueror works, and gets me to the outside world
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13:19.49Hendikinskevinv: I've got a PIII450 with 128 RAM at my feet, next to a PIII1000 with 256. Do those count? (My main box is a dual AthlonMP 2600+ w/1024)
13:20.08dreamboatat your feet as in footrest ?
13:20.27HendikinsNo. IBM servers in tower cases are a wee bit big for that.
13:20.30kevinvbesides the ram, Tux seems to love it when I feel him RAM, sadly when I feed him harings, I bring him to the tech shop and they sadly say I killed him, what did I do wrong? I thought Penguins loved harings.
13:20.51smhar_whenever i go to console I see strange kernel messages about eth0. the card is working ok and I can connect to the net through it.. but those messages just consume the screen
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13:21.25valdynsmhar_: and we are supposed to guess that message?
13:21.53coslekdreamboat: which chat client is yours?
13:22.11kevinvReason I never use my Debian box directly. :P connecting via XDMCP is a dream, wait... I'm not sleeping, Linux is real?!?!? Wow, what a great OS.
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13:22.18smhar_valdyn: how to sent a text file here so you can see it.. I am using irssi
13:22.20dreamboatany thoughts as to why konqueror works, but I cannot connect apt to ftp ?
13:22.27dpkgDo not paste into the channel. Use #flood or visit or try "/msg paster help".
13:22.50dpkgDo not paste into the channel. Use #flood or visit or try "/msg paster help".
13:22.56dreamboatcoslek: I am using ksirc
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13:23.06bizkitwell.. ;)
13:23.07smhar_I am on console and I can not copy paste
13:23.07HendikinsWe don't use pastebin here? Interesting.
13:23.12coslekdreamboat: have you got your sources.list set up correctly?
13:23.19bizkitdreamboat: you have to specify your problem
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13:23.23valdynVlad: i dont find it particularily slow
13:23.27jephsmhar_: pen and paper ;-)
13:23.30ootputhi guys, is it ok to use an unstable repo with testing?
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13:23.43dreamboatcoslek: tried apt-setup, timed out on connection to servers
13:23.47valdynVlad: part that took relatively long is only the dns looku from here
13:23.55radenwhats the diffrence from init.d and xinit.d ?
13:23.57smhar_jeph: ok you asked for it :-)
13:24.01dvsdudesmhar_, go to another console ctrl+alt+F2 say and see if kernel messages there too
13:24.14Vladit's strange
13:24.31Vladvaldyn: howlong until this image is loaded?
13:24.53bizkitraden: there's only inetd and xinetd, which are both daemons to start apps on demand
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13:25.28smhar_dvsdude: I can get the kernel messages to text file but the screen is just irratating.. the messages just fill the screen and I can even see what I am typing
13:25.47jephbizkit: or /etc/init.d, which also starts apps in a way...
13:25.48smhar_I have to /clear every now and then to get a clean screen here
13:25.49coslekdreamboat: apt-set, i did it only once when i set up my machine. can't remember much about it. it would still need a proper sources.list. ithimk.
13:25.56radenbizkit, whats the diffrence between the 2 and why cant i start or stop xinitd ? or start anything as root ?
13:26.02dvsdudesmhar_, i think it firewall iptables related
13:26.17ootputhi guys, is it ok to use an unstable repo with testing?
13:26.17valdynVlad: 27 seconds..slow
13:26.33dvsdudeswith to other console ie ctrl+alt+F2
13:26.45dreamboatcoslek: when I installed, I used the cd's only, and had no connection to the net at that time
13:26.49Vladvaldyn: server load is ok: top - 14:26:45 up 19:49,  1 user,  load average: 0.20, 0.16, 0.11
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13:26.57jephsmhar_: the messages are almost certainly in /var/log/messages, which you could open with a X11 editor, and paste into the pastesite from mozilla...
13:27.05bizkitthere is no xinit.d, it's xinetd. and init.d is something different, jeph. inetd and xinetd are networking tools, init.d is part of the sysvinit to enter a certain runlevel on boot
13:27.23dvsdudejeph, think he's console only no x11
13:27.31VladI'll restart the server
13:27.32dreamboatthen when I tried to connect, gnome was my gui, which brought up mozilla as browser, which didn't work
13:27.41smhar_it keeps saying something like ABORTED IN=eth0 OUT= MAC=00:c0:26:59::8a:0b:00:90:d0:dc and so on
13:27.51dreamboatthree days later I tried Konqueror which worked immediately
13:27.59valdynVlad: loading only takes <6 seconds though
13:28.11coslekdreamboat: which CD do u have?
13:28.23dreamboatI am connecting to a modem which is also connected to win XP
13:28.29dreamboathave 1, 2, 3
13:28.43dreamboatfirst stable release of sarge from a few mobnths ago
13:29.35dreamboatwhich is why I  am keen to update everything
13:29.37bizkitdreamboat: why did mozilla not work? where was the problem? specify
13:29.41valdynsmhar_: edit /etc/sysctl.conf to avoid this spam on console
13:29.47bizkitdreamboat: do you use a proxy?
13:29.56dreamboatwould not connect
13:29.58madroachhi, where am I supposed to specify the options to use for modules being loaded? I need to force the kernel lockd to use a specific port.
13:30.08dreamboatlet me fire it up, and i'll give you the message
13:30.35dvsdudesmhar_, switch to other console ie ctrl+alt+F2 if u can
13:30.51dreamboatbizkit: ummm,,,,  dunno - sorry
13:31.02dreamboattoo technical speak for me
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13:31.34madroachIn many howtos it says one should place option lines in /etc/modules.conf now how do I do this for debian?
13:31.35valdynVlad: is still ~5 sec, that jpg is still 27 seconds, quite strange
13:31.46bizkitmadroach: use update-modules
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13:32.01valdynmadroach: for 2.6 kernels?
13:32.07g0thmy situation is: I can't use my "Alt Gr" key anymore after an upgrade of my debian sid (including xorg 6.8.? to xorg 6.9), I tried: A lot of possible xkeycap settings (none worked), reconfiguring my xserver-xorg (although I didn't change anything and it worked before)
13:32.21dreamboatI have mozilla now "Connecting to"
13:32.43g0thI have a swiss german keyboard and my machine is a laptop
13:32.59madroachyes, for 2.6
13:33.00*** mode/#debian [+l 669] by debhelper
13:33.04Vladvaldyn: I did reboot the server now it seems is also slow
13:33.04nkuttlerg0th: does the key show up in xev?
13:33.17bizkitmadroach: then see modprobe.conf
13:33.18valdynmadroach: dont use update-modules, make a file of your choice in /etc/modprobe.d/
13:33.35valdynmadroach: there's examples in there too
13:33.44g0thnkuttler: yes
13:33.52g0thnkuttler: and it seems to work in the console
13:33.59nkuttlerg0th: check the bts and /msg dpkg keymap
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13:34.14g0thI checked /msg dpkg keymap
13:35.21g0thI tried to check bts, what is the address again? I went to or sthg like that and entered alt gr, but obviously it didn't find anything
13:35.21gocciasg0th: kde ?
13:35.21valdynVlad: ~5 sec for me, nothing changed
13:35.21abrotmang0th: still?
13:35.22nkuttlerg0th: you can probably fix it with xmodmap
13:35.26g0thgoccias: no, gnome, but it has nothing to do with that
13:35.38Vladvaldyn: sure it's not cached for you?
13:35.49g0thnkuttler: so packagename=xmodmap or what?
13:35.50valdynVlad: well, i cant be sure, not possible )
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13:36.18valdynVlad: as i cant tell if my isp does transparent proxying, but since that jpb remaims at constant 27 seconds its quite unlikely there's a cache
13:36.19bizkitdreamboat: so you use a direct connection in mozilla, what about konqueror? did you specify a proxy there? if you don't have a nat gateway you use a proxy
13:36.25nkuttlerg0th: xserver-xorg or whatever you want... why aren't you running stable?
13:36.43g0thI mean it worked nicely before, there must be a reason it doesn't anymore, and xmodmap sounds more like a hack and xkeycaps didn't work, so I'm not sure it will work with xmodmap as it's a frontend to it
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13:37.03g0thnkuttler: heh, because stable is not old but older than old ;)
13:37.18dreamboatbizkit: i did not fiddle with any setting in either konqueror or mozilla
13:37.19g0thand unstable is more stable than what some other distros call "stable"
13:37.20valdynVlad: ping time is exceptionally good though for me
13:37.21Vladvaldyn: the might be cached ^^
13:37.39valdynVlad: yea, well, you can watch me grab it to verify
13:37.52madroachvaldyn: I don't see any examples in /etc/modprobe.d. Is this modprobe.{d,conf} thing documented somewhere?
13:37.53yangi got trouble using webmin - i wonder how to disable the denied IP address?
13:37.54nkuttlerg0th: look... you can use xmodmap, downgrade the package, or run stable
13:37.55Vladvaldyn: how?
13:37.56valdynVlad: read your log
13:38.12valdynmadroach: there's no files in /etc/modprobe.d/ for you?
13:38.48bizkitdreamboat: what does 'set | grep proxy' give you?
13:38.55dreamboatbizkit: can i check any settings which will tell you something?
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13:39.19strk^^^ post-processin errors (trying to get stable)
13:39.32valdynmadroach: the syntax is exmplained in 'man modprobe.conf'.
13:39.35abrotmang0th: did you try asking #freedesktop about it ? ... maybe a bug in 6.9 ?
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13:39.48valdynVlad: tail -f /var/log/apache2/access.log
13:39.51smharhi all
13:39.54strkundefined symbol: g_assert_warning <-- mainly due to this
13:40.03strkany help on how to fix ?
13:40.03madroachvaldyn: perfect, thanks
13:40.24g0thabrotman: I'll try
13:40.31cuscoI have an old mouse that connects on the mouse port on the back of the computer
13:40.37cuscowould that be /dev/input/mice ?
13:40.42bizkitwhat is the mouse port?
13:40.50valdyncusco: any mouse would be /dev/input/mice
13:40.50cuscoor what should I use in xorg instead?
13:40.50dreamboatbizkit: I can't get the | symbol in tty...
13:40.52blondieyou mean a PS/2 mouse?
13:41.10cuscoIm not sure blondie
13:41.14bizkitdreamboat: echo $http_proxy
13:41.18nkuttlerstrk: hm, what command did you just use?
13:41.19smharI am having a problem with my debian pc which for a long time I didn't know the reson.. but now I really suspect the memory.. how to test the memory.. I remember a program call metest or something .. anyone
13:41.21Vladvaldyn: hmmm....
13:41.21cuscoI meant the mouse socket bizkit
13:41.29blondieor a serial mouse :o
13:41.35valdyncusco: say, you had 10 mice, all would have their data pumped thru /dev/input/mice
13:41.36bizkitcusco: ps/2, serial?
13:41.47cuscoblondie: probablie a serial I don't really know
13:41.48nkuttlersmhar: apt-cache search memtest
13:41.55blondiea serial? I doubt it
13:42.01blondieif the plug is round it's PS/2
13:42.03cuscooh well then a ps/2
13:42.09cahootsmhar: memtest86+
13:42.19dreamboatbizkit: a blank line then another command prompt
13:42.21cuscoyes it is
13:42.22smharnkuttler, the problem is that the pc loads debian and this just stuck
13:42.31smharcahoot, yas.. thank you
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13:42.58valdynVlad: now its at ~44 seconds in 2 tries
13:43.12abrotmanhey .. i didn't get banned!
13:43.17blondieserial mice haven't been used in over 10 years ;o
13:43.22valdynVlad: and still at ~5
13:43.30Vladwhy is that?
13:43.32strknkuttler: apt-get install libgnome2-common
13:43.57nkuttlerstrk: try apt-get -f install
13:44.25strkno changes
13:44.33*** part/#debian smhar (n=knight@
13:44.49valdynVlad: how many files are in that dwl directory? many?
13:44.51bluechildhello, i built the kernel yesterday, but i have a hard time booting ... It mounts the local drives but the the booting process stall. It gives a "Call Trace" message
13:45.01abrotmanso use the old kernel
13:45.13abrotman!kernel of instability
13:45.14dpkgLinux 2.6.  "Andrew's vision, as expressed at the summit, is that the mainline kernel will be the fastest and most feature-rich kernel around, but not, necessarily, the most stable.  Final stabilization is to be done by distributors (as happens now, really)..." <>, or (new 2.6 numbering scheme - proposal)
13:45.14valdynbluechild: what's wrong the debian's precompiled kernel?
13:45.16bluechildand then "<c0147f99> .... <c014...) ..
13:45.23Vladvaldyn: 13 files
13:45.31valdynVlad: so that's not it..
13:45.35strk^^^ this is dpkg -l | grep -v ^ii
13:45.51bluechildvaldyn, i don't have sound support ..
13:45.57valdynVlad: i'd try narrowing this down, try different files, run a different webserver, etc
13:46.01abrotmanstrk: paste your sources
13:46.03abrotmanbluechild: why not ?
13:46.16Vladvaldyn: there is a lot of access of dynamically generated images... but that was also before the case
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13:46.34valdynVlad: ..and that should not affect that jpg
13:46.40bluechildabrotman, i got an audiophile 24/96 sound card
13:46.57Vladwanna have a look at the machine @valdyn?
13:47.00abrotmanbluechild: and which kernel has support ?
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13:47.17linuxnewbie101kismet is no longer working after my apt-get dist-upgrade i installed package maintainers kismet.conf i can paste error msg in flood if someone could help me out briefly
13:47.36valdynVlad: nah, i dont think i can fix this directly, you want to narrow this down first as i said
13:47.42basixis md5 checksum calculation a lot less taxing on the CPU than the sha1?
13:47.52Vladvaldyn: How? I have no clue
13:47.52bluechildabrotman, alsa supports my card but i needed to specify the exact module for it ..
13:47.56valdynVlad: like by starting a new webserver on a different port
13:48.06abrotmanbluechild: and 2.6.8 doesnt' have htat module ?
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13:48.16Vladvaldyn: How do you mean that?
13:48.20valdynVlad: or by just using scp to copy files
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13:48.58bluechildabrotman, i guess, but i wanted to do it myself. That's the point of it after all :)
13:49.32gocciasabrotman : alsa unload my modules and after that it cant' find the card : i've tried everything, 2.6.14 backports included
13:49.34Vladvaldyn: logged in by ftp (was quick) and downloaded the file (was also quick)
13:50.08valdynVlad: so it looks like your issue is either bound to that specific port ( 80 ), or apache2 is to blame
13:50.22abrotmanno .. that's not the point
13:50.22abrotmanFFS ...
13:50.40bluechildabrotman, i also wanted to change my rescheduling options cause the system has been responding a bit slow ..
13:50.41VladI deinstall clamav right now
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13:50.53valdyn!be a scheduling barbie
13:50.53dpkgAww, scheduling is HARD! Let's go shopping, valdyn
13:50.54abrotmanbluechild: that is not the point
13:50.54Vladthat's the only thing I have changed before the problems started
13:51.12valdynVlad: ah i see
13:51.20valdynVlad: read apache2's error log file
13:51.38abrotman!custom kernel
13:51.39dpkgread  and read "Debian" when it has "OpenBSD", or see <debian kernel image>
13:51.46valdynVlad: /var/log/apache2/error.log
13:51.51zinosatI can't type accented letters whan using emacs as default editor for mutt. If I use vi it works
13:52.08bluechildabrotman, i don't get where you're getting at ..
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13:52.50Vladvaldyn: only favicon is missing in some other folder
13:53.00abrotmanbluechild: if the kernel you're supplied with has the support .. don't muck around compiling your own
13:53.23bluechildabrotman, and what do i do about the rescheduling then ? :/
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13:53.52valdynbluechild: you dont mess with scheduling
13:53.53yangAnyone using webmin?
13:53.53abrotmanrescheduling what ?
13:53.59dpkgwebmin is a lame web-based interface for unsafe system administration for Unix. Using any browser that supports tables and forms, you can setup user accounts, internet services, DNS, file sharing and so on.  Check it out at but, remember, dondelelcaro *hates* webmin. don't use it!, or "i'd rather sit on the floor shoving table knives into live electrical outlets than run webmin on an exposed server."
13:54.15bluechildabrotman, i want to optimize for desktop use ..
13:54.24abrotmanbluechild: really .. and how will you do that ?
13:54.25ThePiratemasterdo the numbers in rc1.d and rc2.d and so on correcpond to init.d runlevels?
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13:54.53abrotmanThePiratemaster: to init run levels .. yes
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13:55.19dpkgHappy New Year!
13:55.41abrotmanthe only thing i've seen that used to make desktops run better was pre-empt .. and i don't think it even helps anymore
13:56.03bluechildabrotman, sorry, i've been talking about preemption :)
13:56.14valdynhard to notice it subjectively if you're not doing realtime audio stuff or somesuch
13:56.46abrotmanbluechild: yeah .. afaik .. if you add preempt to 2.6 .. you will SLOW your machine down
13:56.55abrotmanor later 2.6s anyways
13:57.33bluechildabrotman, then why does qconf say otherwise ? :/
13:57.43ThePiratemasterin wich one of them should i put a masquerading script for iptables (default run level? wich is that?)
13:58.08valdynbluechild: 'responsiveness' is your subjective impression about things that do not even have to have anything at all to do with your scheduler
13:58.09takatumiabrotman: eh?
13:58.33dreamboatbizkit: anything else you want me to check?
13:58.34nanokThePiratemaster: grep -i default /etc/inittab
13:58.34valdynbluechild: for example, if you are waiting for things to be swapped in or out then that has nothing at all to do with the scheduler
13:58.41Vladvaldyn: did now remove clamav and rebooting the server
13:58.55ThePiratemastertnx nanok
13:59.06abrotmanbluechild: so this really has nothing to do with your sound ?
13:59.28bluechildvaldyn, yes i know, i've been using the wrong word :)
13:59.32nanokThePiratemaster: man update-rc.d
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13:59.45valdynbluechild: uh, it also has nothing to do with preempt then
13:59.46ThePiratemasternanok, i was reading it :)
13:59.50slashdotReading Package Lists... Error!
13:59.52slashdotE: Unable to parse package file /var/lib/dpkg/status (1)
13:59.53slashdotE: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.
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14:00.00bluechildabrotman, partly with it and partly with the other thing
14:00.11ThePiratemasterrc2.d is theo ne, happy new year all, tnx
14:00.12slashdot/var/lib/dpkg/status is there. Is there any way I can force dpkg to rebuild package db?
14:00.12abrotmanbluechild: sorry .. my connectivity to freenode SUCKS today
14:00.14valdynbluechild: preempt affects things in the x0-x00 microsecond range
14:00.31abrotmanbluechild: you should avoid preempt
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14:01.28valdynbluechild: sound getting affected by moving  a window, that's a scheduler / preempt thing
14:01.33war92I am running Debian Etch-- how do I make a .deb of FireFox 1.5 from
14:01.36bluechildvaldyn, of course it has to do with preempt ... It's about priority of processes isn't it ?
14:01.48blondieslashdot you DoSer
14:02.11abrotmanyes .. but adding preempt to later 2.6s is actually a decrease in what you're trying to improve
14:02.35bluechildvaldyn, yes, that's what i want to do :)
14:02.53nkuttlerwar92: /msg dpkg newmaint
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14:02.57abrotmanvaldyn: no .. that's a screwed up system :)
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14:03.32valdynabrotman: yea i guess its not really problematic with recent kernels
14:04.03valdyn( with or without preempt )
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14:05.08abrotmanand on top of that .. the kernel is not in debian .. not a #debian issue .. if you dn't have the ability to build your kernel .. don't
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14:06.16blondiebuilding your kernel? sounds like a gentoo idea c.c
14:07.28bluechildabrotman, i guess you're right and that's why i didn't expect anything but free will. But if i don't have the ability to build my own kernel how do you expect me to get it if i don't try it ? By a miracle ? No need to be bitter ..
14:07.50abrotmanbluechild: also .. it could be a hardware issue .. such as irq sharing
14:07.50bizkitwell i like the 2.6 preempt model with 1000Hz. it's fun to use a vanilla kernel that's faster than patched 2.4 preempt models, or is there anything i've missed?
14:07.56slashdotbluechild: I think kernelnewbies has a bit about it
14:08.38bluechildslashdot, i'll check it out :)
14:08.52abrotman#kernelnewbies .. i think he menas
14:08.54slashdotbluechild: also, feel free to ask at #linuxhelp if you need help.
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14:08.59slashdotabrotman: and the website .org?
14:09.18slashdotabrotman: .org
14:09.21gocciasi have a different problem : trying a 2.6.14 :alsaconf unload snd modules and after that it can't find the card
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14:10.43abrotmanslashdot: i don't need to know ... bluechild does :)
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14:11.01slashdotwell, I suppose he can read even if your nick is in front of it ;)
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14:11.48pacesSIDEREAL-KNIGHT: hi :)
14:11.56SIDEREAL-KNIGHTpaces: Hehe
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14:12.01SIDEREAL-KNIGHTHello world :)
14:12.16abrotmanslashdot: if we're lucky
14:12.17bizkitHELLO WORLD
14:12.25pacesSIDEREAL-KNIGHT: are you still drunk? :)
14:12.30Vladvaldyn: it seems that clamav caused the trouble
14:12.36g0thhmm, is there a good documentation about xmodmap aroundß
14:12.43abrotmanoh come on guys .. can't you two take it elsewhere ?
14:12.45ThePiratemastershould it matter in wich order a script is ran in init or shouldnt it really matter what i fill in as "NN"
14:12.48SIDEREAL-KNIGHTpaces: No.... why do you ask me?
14:12.57g0thhow do i reload everything
14:13.06slashdotThePiratemaster: apache obviously depends on network to know what to bind to...
14:13.09pacesSIDEREAL-KNIGHT: 'cause abrotman hates us :)
14:13.46SIDEREAL-KNIGHTpaces: I haven't more alcohol :(
14:13.52blondiela la
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14:15.06ThePiratemasterslashdot, i know absolutely nothing of init and al that besides the tsuff im readign right now in the manuals. and im talking about a masquerading script for iptables. so what does apache got to do with it?
14:15.25slashdotafter network
14:15.45slashdotThePiratemaster: it has to start after the network connections it should masquerade
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14:17.55ThePiratemastermasquerading as in rerouting to another box behind the masquerading box right?
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14:18.18coslek_"Mounting local filesystems...failed" during boot-up. What is the likely cause?
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14:20.17war92With Debian, how do I see what parameters a .deb was built with?
14:20.25war92(that I have installed)
14:20.48abrotmanyou have to get the source package
14:21.08war92ok thx.
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14:21.53_rene_and then look in debian/rules. That's the package building makefile
14:22.04ThePiratemasterslashdot, should i just take the highest number i can pick?
14:22.18slashdotThePiratemaster: no, one after network should be sufficient
14:23.00abrotman_rene_: yeah .. i guess i left out the important part :)
14:23.34ThePiratemasteris there a config file a osomething where i can see the network services?
14:23.58abrotman!tell ThePiratemaster about interfaces
14:24.00abrotmanthat ?
14:24.10abrotmanThePiratemaster: /etc/inetd.conf ?
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14:25.22bizkitis there a superior syslog daemon than syslogd?
14:25.25ThePiratemasterisnt inEt.d something different then inIt.d?
14:25.47bizkitThePiratemaster: inet.d is for network services, init.d for sysvinit scripts
14:26.00paulswmdpkg: sing happy birthday asg
14:26.04Dewiinit = initialisation
14:26.06Dewiinet = internet
14:26.21abrotmanThePiratemaster: you asked about network services
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14:27.44kspathbizkit: depends on what you mean by superior
14:27.45asgbizkit: syslog-ng
14:27.47ThePiratemasterabrotman, yea, i want my server to become a router between me modem and 2 other servers
14:27.51asgbizkit: fsvo superior
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14:28.20abrotmanThePiratemaster: and .. go read
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14:28.36ThePiratemasterim reading
14:28.37g0thI'm trying to get my keyboard working properly, is there some nice documentation about this somewhere? I have a qwertz swiss german keyboard (to be exact hp pavilion zd7000 laptop), for a start I'd like to get the mod1 keys to work correctly (ie, iirc, "at", "comment", "pipe", etc)
14:28.50kspathasg:bizkit: syslog-ng is very powerful but if you are pushing resources to the limit  syslogd  can perform better   at least that is what I saw real world
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14:29.18asgkspath: agreed, it doesn't handle load well
14:29.28g0thbefore I selected pc105, de_CH in xorg.conf, is there a list with possible values somewhere?
14:29.38kspathasg: but the features in syslog-ng are VERY cool
14:29.39bizkitespecially using * filtering based on message content? :-)
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14:30.03asgkspath: yes, being able to tunnel tcp over ssl is quite attractive.
14:30.03kspathasg: basic syslogd on fbsd has some cool options  but syslog-ng trumps that
14:30.04bizkithowever, i've no problems with load here.. thanks kspath, asg
14:30.13abrotmang0th: dpkg-reconfigure locales ?
14:30.13SimonRavensyslog-ng with some tuning can do well
14:30.19dreamboatbye all
14:30.19g0th(I'm using debian sid, xorg. 6.9, the settings worked for years before the last upgrade (from xorg 6.8.?))
14:30.30g0thabrotman: what does it have to do with locales?
14:31.05abrotmang0th: which list do you want .. keymaps .. or locales ?
14:31.07kspathSimonRaven:  YourMileageMayVary
14:31.20g0thI don't know how the whole mechanism works
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14:31.29SimonRavenkspath: yes
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14:31.51g0thactually I'm rather confused, I found _no_ good documentation about how this whole thing works...
14:32.00kspathtry all the syslogd alts and syslogd     see which one have what features     try them
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14:32.08g0thso I suppose I'm looking for a keymaps list
14:32.26linuxnewbieishcould someone help me with kismet i dont know why my senao that is less powerful works better than my orinoco gold card???
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14:32.29g0thand I don't see why I need to specify locale settings to get correct keys?
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14:32.45g0thI mean locales just has to do with languages, not keys, or has it?
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14:32.58sussudio_linuxnewbieish: go to #knoppix for your knoppix problems.
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14:33.48g0thand do I need to specify de_CH.UTF8 or de_CH ?
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14:40.51dianaWHen I get a file from a http daemon....and my download is it possible to resume downloading, instead of starting from the beginnign?
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14:41.03SimonRavenmeh, g0th left
14:41.18SimonRavendiana: you can with wget
14:41.20kspathabrotman:  kspath is still a jobless luser     I love how they do not even call me or email me    :-)
14:41.21troymediana try wget add -c
14:41.41abrotmankspath: at least they don't call you to ask "Did you mean to apply for this job?" :)
14:41.59kspathabrotman: yah     GOOD point
14:42.09abrotmankspath: how long?
14:42.20kspathabrotman: over 7 months
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14:42.25abrotmankspath: oh jeez ...
14:42.34ludovicushey a guys, there was a nvidia onliner that i was given by abrotman i think ;), i saved it at another pc at a farway location
14:42.56abrotmanludovicus: you blame me?
14:43.02ludovicusno man
14:43.02abrotman!tell ludovicus about nvidia one-liner
14:43.07abrotmanludovicus: that ?
14:43.08ludovicusit was awesome
14:43.25ludovicusthe onliner apt-get install -t sid oneliner
14:43.32g0thiirc, to select the correct keyboard I have to set the following options in xorg.conf:
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14:43.48g0thwtf? 3 lines is flood?
14:43.49abrotmang0th: you can't flood here :)
14:43.55abrotmang0th: no .. 4 is
14:43.59dpkgDo not paste into the channel. Use #flood or visit or try "/msg paster help".
14:44.02g0ththat was 3 lines ;)(
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14:44.09dianaThat was 4 lines.
14:44.17abrotmang0th: it was 4 .. you typed a line before it
14:44.23SimonRaveng0th: 1) don't paste here 2) might as well use the UTF-8 one, and set up your system for utf-8. not only useful but loads of fun too
14:44.32pa_li have been banned from ubuntu, why dont they remove the ban? its been like this for a week now
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14:44.48abrotmanthere is some option for X .. where you can set the KB to use the console model
14:44.58abrotmang0th: wait .. does the stupid key work at the console ?
14:44.59g0thSimonRaven: well I always thought pastes of 4 or less lines were ok, and the paste was only 3 lines
14:45.04g0thanyway, sorry
14:45.08abrotmang0th: it was 4!!!!!!!!!!!
14:45.19asgpa_l: you can air your concerns in #freenode
14:45.22abrotmang0th: you typed a line .. then pasted .. for a total of 4lines!
14:45.37g0thOption      "XkbRules"  "xorg", Option      "XkbModel"  "pc105", Option      "XkbLayout" "de_CH" <- those are 3?
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14:45.49abrotmanpa_l: and take fearl with you :)
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14:45.53g0thsorry again
14:45.54diana09:43 < g0th> iirc, to select the correct keyboard I have to set the following options in xorg.conf:
14:45.57diana09:43 < g0th>     Option      "XkbRules"  "xorg"
14:46.00diana09:43 < g0th>     Option      "XkbModel"  "pc105"
14:46.02abrotmang0th: would you like me to explain it?
14:46.02diana09:43 < g0th>     Option      "XkbLayout" "de_CH"
14:46.04diana4 lines.
14:46.06g0thyeah, but the paste was only 3
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14:46.11dianadoesn't matter
14:46.13abrotmang0th: it was FOUR!
14:46.17g0thnot the paste
14:46.18dianaYou gave 4 lines in x amount of time.
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14:46.28abrotmang0th: four consecutive lines .. too quickly .. gets you kicked .. stop whining!
14:46.31g0thor do I get kicked if I write 5 lines? ;)
14:46.37kspathI need my own soundtrack and a starbucks can of coffee   maybe I will get an interview  then      I loved that commercial     I do not know why
14:46.43asgg0th: if you do so very quickly, yes
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14:47.14g0thanyway, the keys work in the console, only in x not
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14:47.45g0thand I'd really like to avoid creating a xmodmap file for my whole keyboard (ie. each single key)
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14:48.24nkuttlerg0th: you don't need to. you can change only one key.
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14:48.40abrotmang0th: iirc .. there's an option you can put in the X config file to have it use the console keymap
14:48.43g0thnkuttler: well, all my altgr keys don't work anymore, so I would need to change all
14:48.57nkuttlerg0th: how many altgr keys do you have?
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14:49.06g0thnkuttler: lots of
14:49.09abrotmanOption "CoreKeyboard" .. maybe
14:49.10g0thlike 20 or so?
14:49.21h3xisdoes anyone know if the creative zen neeon is compatible with gnomad2 testing?
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14:49.56g0thI mean it can't be that I can't select a keyboard that supports my altgr keys, sthg seems to be wrong, so is there any tool besides xkeycaps to test this?
14:50.23abrotmanoh wait .. that wasn't the option
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14:51.02g0thas xkeycaps just behaves strange, it tells me that the "keyboard type" was not specified and that the vendor id string "The X.Org Foundation" is not recognized and then just takes a default one
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14:51.38g0ththe thing is: I don't even find all entries there, eg. If I select pc105 I don't find any swiss german choice
14:51.40g0thonly german
14:52.11ootputhi guys, what's the equivalent of /etc/modules/alsa (in 2.4) today?
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14:52.49kspathI am kinda neutral on the whole keyboard thing  :-)   /me runs away
14:53.21Myong0th: uh, I guess I need to "port" it to
14:53.31gocciasg0th: right now i found a old log : 14:18 < goccia> abrotman: keyboard layout in that f* control center : xorg works !! and more : 13:43 < stew> goccia: if you are using xorg from sarge on unstable and the worst thing that broke i
14:53.50gocciasg0th: i solved in kde control center!
14:53.59gocciasi know you said gnome
14:54.00g0thI use gnome
14:54.00abrotmanhe's using gnome :)
14:54.13abrotmangoccias: that must be .. like 6 months old :)
14:54.14gocciasi know
14:54.19g0thmaybe there's sthg similar in gnome
14:54.21g0thI'll check
14:54.22gocciasabrotman: exactly :)
14:54.30gocciasit was stew and you
14:54.44abrotmanthere is a keyboard applet for gnome
14:54.58dpkgone warez list being sent to
14:55.05gocciassame problem but solved
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14:55.12SimonRavenhehe, nice
14:55.15abrotmang0th: under Prefernces .. some freak Keyboard applet .. tons of options
14:55.20SimonRaven!factinfo list
14:55.20dpkglist -- created by za <~za@> at Wed Aug 14 22:34:06 2002 (1235 days); it has been requested 342 times, last by M00nD0g at Thu Dec  1 06:51:40 2005.
14:55.44SimonRavenmeh, doesn't have the mod date
14:56.04WasFGreetings everybody
14:56.34g0thabrotman: yeah, it's basically the same as the entry in xorg.conf
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14:56.46ootputhi guys, where do you set up aliases for your sound devices with alsa?
14:56.47abrotmang0th: yes .. but many many options
14:57.07SimonRavenootput: /etc/modprobe.d
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14:57.15SimonRavenootput: for 2.6 right?
14:57.37ootputit appears this si what alsaconf generated
14:57.40g0thabrotman: hmm, nothing usefull
14:58.02g0thall I need is a layout that supports my (like 20) keys of AltGr modifier
14:58.11SimonRavenoh, hmm. well 2.6 uses that ^^
14:58.25g0thbut it seems there is no such layout
14:58.26WasFDoes somebody here know about a way to regenerate a valid boot sector for a Debien partition ?
14:58.37ootputSimonRaven: you _are_ refereing to /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base, right?
14:58.41g0thI just can't believe I have to write my whole keymappings manually from scratch :(((
14:58.45badbloodyhow can i make that a colored output passed with a pipe to a pager mantain the colours?
14:58.49g0thas it worked before very nicely
14:59.02ootputbadbloody: it'd depend on the pager
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14:59.14badbloodywhat pager mantain colours?
14:59.32gocciasabrotman: --- Log opened Sat Jul 30 13:35:36 2005
14:59.44abrotmanbadblody: most of them .. it's an optoin
14:59.54abrotmanoh .. wrong type of page .. ignore me
14:59.56SimonRaveng0th: i don't know exactly what you want, but wouldn't it just be like e.g., altgr-'-e and get é? oh, that's compose, never mind
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15:00.25badbloodygrep --color=auto foo * | less <= i execute this and the output is without colours
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15:01.30SimonRaveni didn't even grep had a --color option...
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15:01.49g0thok, I gave it up, what I need now is a list of keysums, so I can assign each keysum to the corresponding keycode...
15:02.13badbloodyman grep
15:02.40SimonRavenno kidding ;)
15:02.42badbloodyit colours the part of the text that matchs with the regexp
15:02.48nkuttlerg0th: try something like xmodmap -e "keycode xxx = AltGr
15:02.56gocciasof course it is a differen xorg version : back then it was altgr and some kde stuff
15:03.07g0thnkuttler: that's fine
15:03.14gocciassid xorg in sarge
15:03.15SimonRavenoh yes, now a i remember... IIRC it was in red the highlighted part
15:03.23g0thnkuttler: the problem is that the all my keycodes look like that:
15:03.37g0thkeycode ?? = 3 asterics
15:03.41g0thie. no 3rd entry
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15:03.50nkuttlerah, i see
15:03.55g0ththe 3rd entry should be #
15:04.01SimonRavenyeh, red
15:04.03g0thdonno the name for that
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15:04.20WasFDoes sanyone here know about a way to regenerate a valid boot sector for a Debien partition ?
15:04.23Jazonhi all.  i can't figure out how to add to the path. I try cleaning my print heads (epson -- escputil) and it says to make sure it is in my path...
15:04.34nkuttlerg0th: tilde
15:04.43mangux_WasF did you lose the partition table?
15:05.00g0thisn't that sthg else
15:05.07g0th(I can't write it, damn ;)
15:05.11nkuttlerg0th: ~?
15:05.13gocciastry gpart and good luck
15:05.20the_mulei recently installed a web server on my box, and it works ok, i get the default page if i use the loopback interface. shouldn't i be able to access the default page from my laptop, which has the same wan ip as my debian box, by trying to load http://[myip]/?
15:05.23SimonRavenoh yay, he used 'lose' correctly
15:05.50gocciasWasF: i know only gpart to get back partition table
15:06.11mangux_goccias yea. nice program
15:06.26gocciasmangux_: gnu rulez :)
15:06.29WasFI didn't loose my partition table but got the boot sector corrupted
15:06.44mangux_reinstall boot loader
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15:07.06WasFhow ?
15:07.09nkuttlerg0th: hm, the /usr/share/keymaps/... does not contain the keys?
15:07.14Jazonhow do i even VIEW the path? i can't find this info??? :s
15:07.21mangux_do you use lilo or grub?
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15:07.54g0thnkuttler: yeah
15:08.11g0ththat looks ok
15:08.17SimonRavenlilo: how do you put up with getting highlighted every time someone mentions the bootloader? (i think i've asked you this before, too, a while back)
15:08.37g0thwhy doesn't it load that on?
15:08.42g0thor how do I load that one?
15:08.46Boohbahare you just trolling for lilo, or is he here?
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15:09.15nkuttlerg0th: hm? the keys are there?
15:09.18g0thorafu: what does it load when I write:
15:09.23g0thnkuttler: yes
15:09.33kimoI am looking for a complete open VideoConference solution based on Linux. Don't care much about interoperating with Windows. Any cliner/server recommendations?
15:09.49g0ththis setting doesn't seem to load that file, so what does it load?
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15:10.41mangux_WasF hope this article to be helful
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15:13.08gocciasi cant' believe gnome is less then kde : kde controlcenter > accessibility>xkb options > tons ... _ i do not mean peripherals > keyboard but accessibility or what is called in gnome
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15:13.26WasFThanks mangux, but that article does not explain how to regenerate a valid boot sector !
15:13.37pa_lhi is there a .wma player for linux?
15:13.59kimopa_l, mplayer plays anything
15:14.03asgpa_l: /msg dpkg mplayer
15:14.09netman1Jazon: /etc/login.defs
15:14.24Jazonnetman1: thx
15:14.29pa_lmplayer plays the song but its jumping to far and lagging like hell
15:14.40netman1Jazon: echo $PATH
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15:15.19jdhutchin1pa_l, your computer may not be fast enough
15:15.34WasFmangux_ : I know how to configure lilo, problem is : I don't have CD player, but I can still boot to W$, is there a way to repair from there ?
15:15.39pa_lmy computer is fast enough to play a song.
15:16.05g0thhow do I load the keymap file in /usr/share/keymaps/i386/... under x?
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15:16.07nkuttlerWasF: google for a grub floppy?
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15:16.23jdhutchin1pa_l, video requires a lot more processor power than songs do
15:16.27pa_li just say mplayer Track10.wma on the console and the player plays to fast
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15:16.36jdhutchin1does mplayer give you any messages?
15:16.57xoredi have pop3running on my server. Where are the "accounts" or the
15:16.58pa_ljdhutchin1 dont enlighten me i have more than 100 movies on my computer and they play fine
15:17.00WasFnkuttler:euh.. no floppy neither !!
15:17.11xoredi have pop3-server running on my server. Where are the "accounts" or the emails saved to ?
15:17.31g0thpa_l: did you try -ao oss?
15:17.42pa_lboth with vlc, gxine, mplayer, i have played everything from .avi, mpeg, mpg,
15:17.49abrotmanpa_l: aren't you using knoppix ?
15:18.09netman1Hi All. Who considers himself an expert on ssh?
15:18.10g0thor -nosound for a start
15:18.27abrotmanpa_l: you're asking us Ubuntu questions ?
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15:18.37pa_lg0th what is -ao oss?
15:18.48g0than option for mplayer
15:18.52g0thmplayer -ao oss file.wmv
15:18.57abrotmanpa_l: you're asking us Ubuntu questions ?
15:18.58mangux_pa_l audio ouput oss
15:19.06pa_lno iam asking general linux question, mplayer is not just for ubuntu or what
15:19.17abrotmanpa_l: then please to go to ##linux
15:19.21g0thI get that kind of error as well
15:19.22abrotmanmplayer is not in debian
15:19.24gocciasssh ? ahhh forgot my main question : cannot escape typing ~. but pasting "~." : why ?
15:19.26g0thIt works with -ao oss for me
15:19.41g0thhmm, do you get any messages when it is jerky?
15:19.48netman1goccias: Can I use the ~/.ssh/config \ ProxyCommand to ssh -t firewallhost ssh client?
15:19.51g0thaudio messages to be specific
15:20.05g0thpa_l: ask in mplayer
15:20.33netman1goccias: it's the ssh's escape character, definable in ~/.ssh/config
15:20.48gocciasnetman1: i connect fine but this mornig (2006?) i cannot escape but pastin it
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15:21.16g0thso I'm really a bit desperate here, is there a way to put all keymap settings inside an xmodmap such that no matter what I add in the xorg.conf file it will load the correct stuff if I run xmodmap .xmodmaprc?
15:21.24netman1goccias: correct, it's built in behaviour.
15:21.25gocciasif i type ~. i get stuck , if i paste ~. i close my connection
15:21.36valdyng0th: are you using a particular desktop environment?
15:21.40g0thTo solve my problem I decided to write the xmodmap from scratch, ie. write each key manually
15:21.46g0thvaldyn: gnome
15:21.49gocciastyping give me : -bash: ~.: command not found
15:21.56gocciaswtf :(
15:22.01valdyng0th: ok, why not use gnome's keymap tool?
15:22.08g0thhow is it called?
15:22.17valdyng0th: its an applet for your panel
15:22.19netman1goccias: Change your ~/.ssh/config EscapeChar
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15:22.35gocciasNo such file or directory
15:22.52gocciasas i said pasting straight from the help is ok
15:23.02netman1goccias: then system defaults rule : /etc/ssh/ssh_config
15:23.05dianaWhen I do "export PATH=$PATH:~/bin" it works...If I "echo $PATH" it shows ~/bin...but when I close the terminal I typed this command in... $PATH goes back to the way it was.
15:23.09SimonRaventam: why fuck up a good thing?
15:23.11dianaHow can I permanently change $PATH?
15:23.28netman1diana : /etc/login.defs
15:23.30valdyn!wikifaq diana DotFiles
15:23.30dpkgdiana: check out or if that doesn't work, try
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15:23.48gocciasnetman1: is : #   EscapeChar ~
15:23.58tamSimonRaven: huh? i don't wanna update anything i just want to update with security updates. so i was asking if i removed all the repos apart from security.d.o would that be fine
15:24.05g0thvaldyn: hmm, that didn't help at all
15:24.25valdyng0th: it 'works' but does not fix your altgr?
15:24.26g0thfirst: if I select a different layout than pc105 (which is the xorg.conf setting) I get an error message
15:24.32gocciasit is wierd : damn
15:24.33netman1goccias: It's built in. If you want to change it, remove the # and change the ~ to something else.
15:24.35g0thit doesn't work at all
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15:24.42g0thI still have the altgr issue
15:25.04SimonRaventam: it won't bother anything to have your stable sources in there
15:25.04Laerti_elhello   can someone help me how to install the debian 3.1 on my computer
15:25.05g0thvaldyn: 2nd, I could as well change the settings in xorg.conf, that way it will be used in gnome as well and is more "general"
15:25.14gocciasnetman1: i don't want to change it : i can close the connection only by pasting thenm two chars
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15:25.17tamSimonRaven: (i'm running SID)
15:25.24Laerti_elhello   can someone help me how to install the debian 3.1 on my computer
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15:25.39g0th3rd: I don't have all entries in the gnome configuration, in xorg.conf I can type in anything and therefore probably also more options
15:25.39mangux_Laerti_el there are lot of documentaion on
15:25.44mangux_about installing debian
15:25.50SimonRaventam: oh, then yeh
15:25.53tamSimonRaven: its been perfect since i got it up and running and its not a dev box nor a server of any sort. the use is a media box + ssh for work and just general desktop
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15:26.00gocciasnetman1: could be a keyboard issue , i'm sure i could do it before
15:26.11SimonRaventam: remove security since sid doesn't get them. they go in right away
15:26.12netman1goccias: Then you have problem: you want to save the crop and the goat ;-)
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15:26.21tamSimonRaven: hence the reason why i was asking would s.d.o be fine just to have in /etc/apt/sources.list
15:26.30tamSimonRaven: ahhh, right, cheers buddy
15:26.43gocciasnetman1: i do it as lamer do : i paste :)
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15:27.02SimonRaven!eat paste
15:27.04Laerti_elmangux sorry but i dont have time to read that things i need to do this work today  ive installed the debian 3.1 but i cant see the desktop and the icons
15:27.19g0thso, does anyone know how I can specify the keymap manually ( doesn't seem to offer any usefull keymap ???? :() and where I can get a list of keysyms?
15:27.22Laerti_elmangux i can see only text
15:27.53gocciasSimonRaven: my three nutcrackers sai hny to ravenbird
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15:28.37sussudio_!sw abrotman
15:28.37dpkgabrotman: you stats whore!
15:28.42abrotmansussudio_: ?
15:28.45SimonRaven@say #debian happy new year to goccias' nutcrackers
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15:28.55SimonRavenoh, duh
15:29.00ootputanybody know how i can address the NO_PUBKEY for marillat's repo?
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15:29.04ravenbirdOkay, I'm here. (courtesy of simonraven)
15:29.06Laerti_elhello   can someone help me how to install the debian 3.1 on my computer
15:29.15abrotmanwas it sussudio_ or SimonRaven on about when i passed 100,000 lines ?
15:29.18SimonRaven@say #debian happy new year to goccias' nutcrackers
15:29.20ravenbirdhappy new year to goccias' nutcrackers
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15:29.29gocciasravenbird: :)
15:29.29ravenbirdwell, ) is the smile part of a face.
15:29.36kspathdeja vu all over again
15:29.54abrotmanSimonRaven: it was you ?
15:30.00ootputanybody here using mplayer?
15:30.03sussudio_oh yeah, i'm not going to bloody merge nicks again. it takes 45 minutes to run stats for a year.
15:30.09d4rk_boxi use the mplayer
15:30.18abrotmansussudio_: maybe i should talk less :)
15:30.30ootputd4rk_box: how did you go about retrieving it?
15:30.39gocciasootput: only for medical purposes
15:30.47abrotmansussudio_: you know what's sad .. is greycat left .. what .. in september? .. and he still had that many lines :)
15:30.53SimonRavenabrotman: what are you talking about?
15:31.05ootputgoccias: oh, nurses and latex?
15:31.08SimonRavenoh, that
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15:31.12Guerin!gothsmite g0th
15:31.14gocciasootput: pr0n ?
15:31.18abrotmanSimonRaven: i can't remember if it was your or sussudio_ that was counting to when i would speak 100,000 lines
15:31.39abrotmanSimonRaven: anywys .. i guess don reset the numbers :)
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15:32.14asgGuerin: make it sing "Friday I'm in Love" :p
15:32.26mangux_asg cool song
15:32.27ootputgoccias: how did you install it?
15:32.32Guerinasg: don't want to break it, come on.
15:32.39SimonRavenabrotman: sussudio_
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15:32.50gocciaseasy : i told apt to rob marillat
15:32.57abrotmansussudio_: ok .. fine .. SimonRaven says it was you .. i guess don reset all the line counting in dpkg
15:32.58gocciasvery easy
15:33.00*** mode/#debian [+l 693] by debhelper
15:33.16asgGuerin: then make apt or ravenbird do it :)
15:33.35ootputgoccias: and you don't get any errors when updating apt-get with marillat in your sources.lst?
15:33.41gocciasootput: there was some upgrade lately , i think yesterday or thge day before
15:33.56Guerinasg: no ... I mean ... making the bot sing crap songs might cause it to bust a spring or something
15:34.05gocciasootput: no errors : i run sarge and i have a nice life :)
15:34.14asgGuerin: I'm sure don would love that
15:34.16SimonRavenabrotman: oh, maybe i did and i don't remember
15:34.25abrotmanSimonRaven: make up my mind!
15:35.01kspathtoo funny
15:35.30d4rk_boxootput: sorry for the delay,  I googled it and downloaded the source, then compiled it.
15:35.37SimonRavenabrotman: make: target 'mind' not found. stop.
15:37.06xoredIam using pop3 to get emails. Somehow today i cannot login anymore. This is only the fact for some users, not for all. They all can send mails but cannot recieve. What could be the error and which logs to check ?
15:37.18SimonRavenabrotman: don't feel sore
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15:38.07gocciasabrotman: wear your umbrella-hat and be horny :)
15:38.12g0thouff, I tried to solve that issue for 2 days now and also found similar problems on the net, but each time without a solution, heh :(
15:38.39abrotmangoccias: i have to be horny ?
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15:38.59gocciasabrotman: this year YES!
15:39.04abrotmanoh ok
15:39.16gocciasends with sex ...
15:39.17bizkitis there a suggested howto on switching debian to use UTF-8?
15:39.30nmsaQ: how can I startup auto pppoe ? adsl doens't come up unless I login and pon dsl-provider
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15:39.36Guerinbizkit: dpkg-reconfigure locales; done
15:39.44nmsaI also want to run some iptables scripts @ boot ?! how can I do that ?
15:39.57abrotmannmsa: read /usr/share/doc/iptables/*
15:39.59SimonRavenbizkit: utf-8 howto
15:40.02Guerinnmsa: put it in an 'up' statement in interfaces
15:40.07SlayerXPnmsa: use /etc/init.d/
15:40.08Guerinnmsa: man interfaces for details
15:40.17bizkitGuerin: well i just want to switch to UTF-8 for my accountm not system-wide
15:40.21bizkitSimonRaven: thank you
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15:41.12odlatarzeau: b-n-b?
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15:42.38tarzeauodla: i'm on holidays...
15:42.46tarzeauodla: when it's packaged, i'll play it
15:44.53odlatarzeau: sounds good
15:46.54fakeni want to install xorg is there any backport for it because deb sarge main
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15:46.58fakenis unavailable
15:47.20ootputd4rk_box: manually building it via gives me an error
15:47.40ootputapparently my gcc verrsion is detected to be 4.0.3
15:47.45d4rk_boxi assume you is the running the debian?
15:48.01d4rk_boxwell... apt-get install mplayer SHOULD work
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15:48.16fdeutscheGood Afternoon
15:48.26kspathor morning  morgan
15:48.38kspathor night
15:48.44fdeutscheHow I install winmodem lucent v.90 in the debian sarge using kernel 2.6.8-2
15:48.58ootputd4rk_box: it isn't available, but is referred to by another package
15:49.07bpowellfaken: have you tried
15:49.23g0thcan someone at least tell me where I find a keysym table?  /usr/include/X11/keysymdef.h has some names but not the corresponding symbols
15:49.25fdeutschekspath heh, Where I am is in the afternoon hehe (I am in the Brasil)
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15:49.39fakenthx bpowell for your help but i found a solution for this problem
15:49.39gocciasootput: it is called  mplayer-586
15:49.40paulswmootput: I use mplayer from marillat because all the codecs are there also...
15:49.44dpkgi heard marillat is an unofficial repository containing packages not in Debian for patent-related reasons, <mplayer> being the most popular. See for details on how to add, or if you are using apt  greater than 0.6 ask me about <marillat key>
15:49.50kspathwinmodem~=evil ?
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15:50.05ootput!marillat key
15:50.05dpkgIf you are using apt > 0.6, and it's complaining about missing marillat's key, ask me about <apt-key 1F41B907>.
15:50.19ootput!apt-key 1F41B907
15:50.19dpkggpg --keyserver --recv-keys 1F41B907 ; gpg --export 1F41B907 | sudo apt-key add -;
15:50.19gocciasis removing libpostproc0
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15:50.40odlaootput: please pm dpkg
15:50.49ootputfantastic, thanks paulswm. i've been googling all over for his pubkey
15:50.51fdeutschekspath yes, more I dont other modem
15:51.02paulswmootput: :)
15:51.05d4rk_boxootput:  you can try sid and seeing if there is a package there that works, otherwise, you need to get the compiling happy
15:51.22ootputd4rk_box: compiling was a last resort :)
15:51.29ootputabsolute last
15:51.43paulswmootput: makes it easy, just adding marillat to the sources
15:51.55macuserondopeHappy new year all to gether !
15:52.13d4rk_boxwell ootput, i think you need to have fun getting gcc and make happy
15:52.15paulswmAnyway, happy new year, you bunch on non-MS-using reprobates and l33t5 :P
15:52.26*** part/#debian paulswm (
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15:53.07g0thcommon, I'm already on this problem for about 30 hours, can nobody help me here?
15:53.09SimonRavenwinmodem + linux == not workie most of the time. it's software only, and winblows, so yes, evil
15:53.27SimonRavensame goes for the "modems" on ibooks and powerbooks
15:53.38*** join/#debian faw (n=felipe@
15:53.51d4rk_boxthe reality is, that most modern unix systems dont like modems
15:53.55g0thIt's ok for me to use xmodmap and write the my whole keyboard keycode table manually, but for that I need to know the keysym names (and their symbol)
15:54.01*** join/#debian keta (n=luca@pdpc/supporter/basic/keta)
15:54.25asgg0th: use xev
15:54.43g0thasg: once I start xev, I can't stop it anymore
15:54.49g0thand I need to restart x
15:55.01ootput^C in the terminal window
15:55.02nkuttlerg0th: start it from a terminal, ctrl-c it
15:55.05asgg0th: what? start it in a terminal. Click terminal window, ^C
15:55.08g0thdoesn't work
15:55.16g0thit just hits enter
15:55.19g0thafter I start it
15:55.27*** join/#debian paulswm (
15:55.30asgg0th: then open another terminal and kill it or run xkill and kill the window
15:55.32g0thif I eg. open another console it will always "echo new lines"
15:55.39g0thhow can I kill it? ;)
15:55.42ootputg0th: asg+
15:55.49asgg0th: try xkill
15:55.52g0thif I can't enter "kill"
15:55.56g0thhmm ok I try again
15:56.05g0thbut I'm pretty sure I need to restart x
15:56.12Eclipsernah you don't :p
15:56.22ootputyou need to figure out why ^C doesn't work
15:56.30g0thnah, this time it worked :)))
15:56.35g0thdonno why though
15:56.56*** part/#debian paulswm (
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15:57.15g0thbut that didn't help
15:57.20g0ththat just gives me the keycodes
15:57.23g0thI want the names
15:57.30g0thso I can create my own keyboard table
15:57.42Eclipserthere's keysym too?
15:57.57g0this that a package?
15:58.00*** join/#debian lewnidas_ (
15:58.05ootputmarillate doesn't offer a k7 build? would k6 be closest in optimization?
15:58.07ootputor 586?
15:58.31g0thwell it isn't ;9
15:58.35Eclipserootput, I thnk they're all metapackages linked to -386 :)
15:58.40g0thwhat do you mean by "keysym"?
15:58.47ootputEclipser: ..
15:59.31tuomas_Hi. I have a problem, how to exit x server completely? I need to install nvidia drivers and i cant do it when x server is running.
16:00.00Eclipsertuomas_, ctrl+alt+F1 to go to console and kill gdm, kdm or xdm or whatever you're running
16:00.01gocciasg0th: xev will give you keycodes and names : state 0x90, keycode 113 (keysym 0xfe03, ISO_Level3_Shift)
16:00.06g0theg. what's the name for "#" ?
16:00.08ootputtuomas_: 3 finger salute
16:00.10Eulextuomas_, kill it. or if you're using a display manager, kill the display manager.
16:00.17*** join/#debian anapivirtua_ (
16:00.19ootputtuomas_: with backspace in place of delete
16:00.27nmsaGuerin: I have three lines for pppoe in interfaces: autodsl-privider; iface dsl-provider inet ppp and provider dsl-providerr, where should I put up statement ? on the third ine ?
16:00.39g0thyeah, but the names are wrong
16:00.49*** join/#debian victorm (
16:00.51g0ththat's why I want to change it to begin with ;))
16:01.24g0the.g. I'd like to create my own keymap as doesn't have any key layout I can use
16:01.33gocciasg0th: you should find a german keyboard applet
16:01.38*** join/#debian Astinus (i=alex@freenode/staff/gentoo.astinus)
16:01.38tuomas_Still compalins about x server
16:01.47g0thI have that
16:01.53g0thbut it's wrong
16:01.57g0thI can't use my altGr key
16:02.09*** join/#debian veriz (
16:02.14Eclipsertuomas_, ps -e and kill the apps which are x server related :)
16:02.19g0thI tested all possible layouts
16:02.22g0thnone worked
16:02.25gocciasg0th: pressing both alt and gr ?
16:02.31g0thdoesn't work
16:02.37g0thit's simple:
16:02.40gocciasso it is really f*
16:02.50*** join/#debian setog3 (
16:02.55g0thxmodmap -pke shows: keycode  12 = 3 asterisk
16:02.59g0thI need there:
16:03.00*** mode/#debian [+l 700] by debhelper
16:03.14g0thkeycode 12 = 3 asterisk "name for #"
16:03.27g0thand this for all keys
16:03.33g0thit's about 60 keys that are incomplete
16:03.44gocciasi have an ibm 142 usa keyboard next door : @ is on Q key
16:04.17*** join/#debian pawdro (
16:04.20g0thnow what I need are the names to the corresponding symbols
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16:04.43g0the.g. the name for "#" so that I can enter it in my xmodmap
16:04.56*** join/#debian typo (
16:05.05gocciasg0th: a knoppix cd should tell you for sure , german iirc is default
16:05.14typothis rule: "RewriteRule "(.*)\.php$" "$1" [L,R]" seems to cause infinite recursion, anyone know why?
16:05.33*** join/#debian pwned (n=pwned@
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16:05.55typoI'm trying to redirect every URL ending with .php to one that doesn't end with .php. "/foo.php"->"/foo"
16:06.09g0thgerman is wrong
16:06.12g0thI need swiss german
16:06.23g0thbut anyway, I might try
16:06.33*** join/#debian sdakota (
16:06.36dpkgIIRC, "IIRC" is an acronym for "If I Recall Correctly", or "If I remember correctly"
16:06.41sdakotathanks, dpkg
16:06.41pwnedI have a globespanvirata chipset adsl usb modem, where do I learn things like when this thing is going to work out of the box with debian?
16:06.42g0thanother problem is that I use hotkeys for some multimedia keys and when I use xmodmap they don't work anymore
16:07.02g0thso basically my whole system is f****d with this
16:07.07gocciashahah you remind me of a fellow which brouth me a useless french-canadian keyboard . i asked for a usa :)
16:07.47pawdrodoes anyone know how to speed up Xorg 6.9 with riva tnt2 card, 'cause gnome now is slower than using xfree86
16:08.14pawdrowhats the matter?
16:08.27typoah, it's MultiViews doing it's thing
16:08.48*** join/#debian doubletwist (
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16:08.54gocciasg0th: swiss ? did you ask tarzeau ?
16:09.00en1gmahi all and happy new year
16:09.02typoanyone know a rewrite rule to convert /foo into /foo.php if /foo doesn't exist and /foo.php does?
16:09.06pawdrotypo: u talking to me?
16:09.16typopawdro: no
16:09.37en1gmai got a couple questions about debian-amd64 if you all dont mind (but my Qs are geared more towards just "debian")
16:09.52*** join/#debian tuomas_ (
16:10.23g0thcy_: trying right now...
16:10.38ootputdoes anybody else get a lot of garbage during bootup?
16:10.46AciDen1gma > don't ask to ask
16:11.02*** join/#debian Lorvija (
16:11.06ootputi'd like to sanitize it, but i don't know where to start. I can't find logfiles of the messges (such as module loading, service starts etc.)
16:11.18yangen1gma: /j debian-amd64
16:12.14*** join/#debian micahf (
16:12.41micahfhey so does anyone have an idea as to why when I try to run shell scripts with sudo it just says "command not found" ?
16:12.56en1gmai just dloaded the debian-amd64 dvd iso. now im gonna copy the dvd iso (files) to a spot on my 2nd physical hd = hdc1. now i want to rsync to (current) but i dont think its called current it might be called "unstable" but i cant figure out the path i would copy my debian-amd64 dvd iso files too (the location for my local repository that im gonna update to "unstable") AND the location (path) to the unstable files that i would setup rsync for
16:13.02en1gmacan someone help
16:13.13en1gmaand im already in debian-amd64 its just a bit slow in there
16:13.15abrotmanen1gma: if you have to ask .. you shouldn't
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16:13.30g0thit didn't work
16:13.36g0thstill no altgr key
16:14.05bbrazilmicahf: probably a PATH problem
16:14.06micahfman, what the heck is "command not found" supposed to mean!?
16:14.12micahfa path problem?
16:14.12en1gmabasiacally what im asking is how would i setup the path on my hdc1 for rsync to update my files
16:14.18micahfbbrazil, how so?
16:14.35en1gmaand the path to an ftp for unstable files would be?
16:14.40abrotmanen1gma: if you have to ask .. you shouldn't
16:14.43nkuttlerg0th: hm, why don't you downgrade x?
16:14.51en1gmais abortman a bot?
16:14.51bbrazilmicahf: if its something in your ~/bin that you're trying to run as root without a full path, it won't work
16:15.01abrotmanen1gma: what's my name?
16:15.01micahfbbrazil, but it's not
16:15.13g0thnkuttler: hmm, ok
16:15.16micahfbbrazil, it's on my desktop and I'm running with the full path
16:15.18abrotmanen1gma: what's my name?
16:15.20g0thnkuttler: how do I do that btw?
16:15.21*** join/#debian tuomas_ (
16:15.27micahfbbrazil, and I'm CD'd to the path
16:15.28nkuttlerg0th: /msg dpkg snapshot
16:15.31en1gmau sure know how to use ur up arrow
16:15.40tuomas_That kill thing doesnt work
16:15.45abrotman!tell en1gma about u
16:15.51nkuttlerg0th: might involve some dpkg -i --force-foo
16:15.56en1gma!tell abortman about u
16:16.00g0thand this for all packages?
16:16.11en1gma!tell abrotman about u
16:16.16bbrazilmicahf: put 'set -x' at the start of the script (assumes bash)
16:16.41micahfset -x?
16:16.44micahfok, cool
16:16.58bbrazilmicahf: enables tracing.
16:16.59*** join/#debian signius (
16:17.00en1gmai just trying to get debian installed figure you all could give me a couple pointers on it
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16:17.20abrotmanen1gma: if you need to ask how to use unstable you shouldn't be using it
16:17.21nkuttleren1gma: read the install guide?
16:17.31yangen1gma: why don't you read installation manual, there are some good hints, you might want to know
16:17.39en1gmai been using slackware current for 5 years
16:17.45en1gmai just dont know how debian system works
16:17.53jbroomeso you're a masochist?
16:18.03micahfaw man, it says the encoding can't be found
16:18.11en1gmai just want the paths i not asking you to install it
16:18.19en1gmacant even get a path in here
16:18.25abrotman!sid upgrade
16:18.25dpkgRepeat after me: Sid is NOT AN UPGRADE! Sid is meant for developers and testers, so stay away from it if you're neither. Use stable or testing instead.
16:18.41tarzeauthey shouldn't use testing either
16:18.43*** join/#debian thiago_ (
16:18.44en1gma!unstable upgrade
16:18.48*** join/#debian DimmuR (
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16:19.27doubletwistSo uh, what happened with Xorg? I did an update [ustable] upon my return from vacation and now my scroll and side buttons don't work anymore.
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16:20.10morganehi, i just upgraded my x server i had to tweak the configuration for my media keyboard, and now i have no more uppercase letters, i have the following message in my xorg log :
16:20.18morgane(EE) Couldn't load XKB keymap, falling back to pre-XKB keymap
16:20.18doubletwistI change ZAxisMapping back to "4 5" and the scroll works but no side buttons.
16:20.26*** join/#debian Thanatermesis (n=Elive@unaffiliated/thanatermesis)
16:20.51ThanatermesisIs posible to this are a frequent question but... how to set the composite options (real transparencies and shadows) on the xorg of debian ? (etch)
16:21.17*** join/#debian HugLeo (
16:21.35doubletwistDid xorg decide to start ignoring imwheel or what?
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16:21.50yangI requested a login for the translation of the debian websites, but nobody has answered me, does anyone know who reads those emails?
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16:22.03en1gmadoubletwist do you have it set to imps/2
16:22.34HugLeoalguem daqui tambem esta no debian-br?
16:22.36yangdoubletwist: nope
16:22.43pa_li give up
16:22.45doubletwisten1gma No I had to use the Ubuntu instructions and set it to ExplorerPS/2 to get it to use the side buttons [before this update]
16:23.01*** mode/#debian [+l 709] by debhelper
16:23.01gocciasthe fifth horseman of the apocalypse arrived : b0rked_keyboard !
16:23.09en1gmadoubletwist ExplorerPS/2 is prob most correct but i would try imps/2
16:23.12abrotmanpa_l: you're not even using debian
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16:23.35en1gmaset it to /dev/input/mice also
16:23.40en1gmanot /dev/mouse
16:23.42morganegoccias: yes, i want to shout my despair but i cannot
16:23.51morganei cannot shout anymore
16:24.21gocciasmorgane: tell me you are from Vienna and i'll get my hand cuffs out :)
16:24.26pa_lwrong channel
16:25.33morganegoccias: well if you think i am a girl, i have to tell you the awful truth i am logged with my girlfriend account, as my password contains uppercase letters
16:26.27*** join/#debian dimir (n=dimir@
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16:26.59nkuttlermorgane: ctrl-alt-f1, change password
16:27.08*** join/#debian krikke (
16:27.25krikkei'm running debian on a old P1 233mhz, 32mb memory
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16:27.39krikkewhen trying to run Xorg, the display crashes
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16:27.45krikkeeven on 640*480
16:27.47gocciasmorgane: what about the "Vienna" part ? wrong ?
16:27.53krikkecan this be caused by the memory?
16:27.54morganenkuttler: ctrl-alt-f1 does not work anymore !
16:28.05abrotmankrikke: i bet it does :)
16:28.10*** join/#debian Unity (
16:28.22krikkewhy does it :(
16:28.27krikkecan't it just run on swap?
16:28.27*** join/#debian ubik` (
16:28.29nkuttlermorgane: i guess you could still boot with init=/bin/bash
16:28.36morganeor with init 3
16:28.37benjamindeeskrikke, how are you running xorg?  gnome?
16:28.46krikkeapt-get install xserver-xorg
16:28.48nayyaresi am trying to configure wine on a dual boot linux/windows system, but the C: drive of windows is NTFS, is there any way i can convert NTFS to FAT32?
16:28.48kspathwow, so many commands I formerly had to install by hand are in base/minimal install     very cool
16:28.49krikkeand then Xorg :)
16:28.50morganeanywat for now i need to fix that first
16:29.12morganegoccias: wrong, paris
16:29.13benjamindeeskrikke, try startx
16:29.17krikkeok sex
16:29.21krikkesec :P
16:29.44*** join/#debian fahljse (
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16:30.10gocciasmorgane: does'n matter : happy new year to you :)
16:30.39krikkethe display goes on, off, on off
16:30.41bkHow to auto mount /dev/hda3 to /media/windows at startup? I added line in /etc/fstab but still there is no auto mount?
16:30.43krikkefreaks like hell :S
16:30.43*** part/#debian pwned (n=pwned@
16:31.01doubletwistNope setting it to IMPS/2 did nothing [and it has always been set to /dev/input/mice]
16:31.21benjamindeeskrikke, dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg
16:31.21*** join/#debian haze` (
16:31.24krikkeok sec
16:31.58Unitydoes lp or lpr support prtintitg pdf's? if not, how can i print pdf's on the command line while boing able to specify a lot of options like toner saver and dpi, and toner density?
16:32.06*** join/#debian Kane32 (
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16:32.10bkHow to auto mount /dev/hda3 to /media/windows at startup? I added line in /etc/fstab but still there is no auto mount?
16:32.33bobbensbk: you using auto as one of the options?
16:32.39*** join/#debian Fritanga (
16:32.47bkbobbens, no
16:32.49nayyaresbk, paste that line here?
16:32.53blondiepa_l: you're surprised you got banned from #ubuntu?
16:32.55bknayyares, k
16:33.07fakenis down ?
16:33.12bobbensbk: i think if you use defaults, it uses auto, otherwise specify auto
16:33.22bknayyares, /dev/hda3       /media/windows ntfs noauto,users,ro,noatime,umask=0222 0 0
16:33.34valdyn!lose bk
16:33.34dpkgbk: You Lose.
16:33.51*** join/#debian Sepero (
16:33.52bkvaldyn, you can help too :P
16:33.56nkuttlerbk: did you ever _read_ that line?
16:33.56bobbensbk: you notice there is an option called noauto, and you should be using auto?
16:33.58ootputwhat do you guys use to change your gtk2 themes?
16:33.59benjamindeesyang,  try posting to
16:34.21nkuttlerootput: iirc there is gtk-theme-switch or something similar
16:34.23valdynootput: gnome-theme-manager
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16:34.37bknkuttler, i thought there must be turned on in kernel to have auto in fstab line?
16:34.45lemstohi there :D
16:34.47ootputwhat if gnome isn't in the picture?
16:34.54ootputnkuttler: that's gtk1 only, it seems :(
16:34.57valdynbk: change noauto to auto
16:34.59valdynootput: no
16:35.00gocciasqt somusuch gtk2
16:35.02*** join/#debian faked (
16:35.06bkvaldyn, i did ... tnx ...brb reboot
16:35.40nkuttlerootput: apt-cache show gtk-theme-switch
16:35.42valdynootput: gtk-theme-switch ( the package ) contains gtk-theme-switch2 or somesuch
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16:36.09lemstoi'd like to know if there's a way to switch from etch/x86 to etch/amd64 with a dist-upgrade, or am i obliged to reinstall?
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16:36.18valdynlemsto: reinstall
16:36.27krikkexorg doesn't want to run :(
16:36.30krikkedisplay goes off
16:36.30valdynkrikke: so be nice to it
16:36.45krikkebut ehm
16:36.48ThanatermesisIs posible to this are a frequent question but... how to set the composite options (real transparencies and shadows) on the xorg of debian ? (etch)
16:36.52ootputhow about fontsizes in those gtk2 themes?
16:36.54valdyn!drxx krikke
16:36.54dpkgkrikke: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86  [or xserver-xorg if you're using] (as root). If you have edited the X config file by hand, or used some other program like xf86config, ask me about <xmd5>
16:36.56ootputvaldyn: thanks mate
16:36.57lemstovaldyn, in wich conf file the archi is stored?
16:37.05krikkeyeah I know
16:37.08valdynkrikke: ^^^ . and try using conservative values for your display
16:37.08krikkedidn't solve
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16:37.31krikke800*600 is alright I think
16:37.33valdynlemsto: no idea
16:37.34krikke@60 hz
16:37.46krikkethe system just freaks like hell when I run xorg
16:37.54valdynlemsto: probably nowhere
16:37.58krikkecan't it be the problem of 32mb ram memory
16:38.13Thanatermesisheh, no any person has tried to use composite ?
16:38.20valdynkrikke: which driver are you using on which gfx card?
16:38.28lemstovaldyn, k thx
16:38.29krikkeI have a S3
16:38.32valdynThanatermesis: there's many howtos around
16:38.36krikkegive you the number in a few seconds, wait
16:38.44kspathmrxvt is very cool
16:38.53valdynkrikke: s3 is enough
16:39.01krikkes3 inc. 86c775/86c785
16:39.06valdynkrikke: try the vesa driver, i dont know details about s3
16:39.13krikkexorgconfig then
16:39.26asgvaldyn: iirc, some s3 chipsets that were supported by X v.3 are no longer supported in X v.4
16:39.30krikkecan't I change a setting without running through all the settings again
16:39.35valdynasg: yea, think so
16:39.46*** part/#debian Sepero (
16:39.50valdynkrikke: why'd you use xorgconfig at all?
16:39.53valdyn!drxx krikke
16:39.53dpkgkrikke: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86  [or xserver-xorg if you're using] (as root). If you have edited the X config file by hand, or used some other program like xf86config, ask me about <xmd5>
16:40.02Thanatermesisvaldyn yes... but i remember to have need to install the "xtransset" or similar package before to xorg are in debian, now, in debian, i don't have this package, i don't know if is posible to use now... or i need to download and compile a part of xorg ?
16:40.15benjamindeesxorgconfig counts as "by hand" btw
16:40.51valdynThanatermesis: its not part of xorg, just compile it yourself or try the package from experimental
16:41.15krikkewhen It asks about the multiple video cards option
16:41.20gocciasootput: gtk2 fontsizes ? i use a ~/.gtkrc-2.0 file with two lines sticked on it : gtk-theme-name="Simple" and gtk-font-name="Sans 12" , must be something better tho
16:41.25krikkeplease enter the video card's bus identifier
16:41.27Thanatermesisoh, not is a part of xorg ? hum.. good, i search about it then, thx :)
16:41.27krikkewhat to enter?
16:41.36krikke(I have only 1 video card)
16:41.42valdynkrikke: leave it empty
16:41.47krikkeok sec
16:41.50*** join/#debian RinzeWind (n=chema@
16:41.52Thanatermesiswho is the maintainer of dpkg ?  dondelelcaro ?
16:41.52*** join/#debian erc (
16:42.04valdyn!who owns you
16:42.04dpkgdondelelcaro does
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16:42.31strk!who owes you
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16:42.44SimonRavenno one
16:42.45asg!who pwns you
16:43.00*** mode/#debian [+l 717] by debhelper
16:43.07doubletwistSo I'm the only one who suddenly has a problem with the extra buttons on his intellimouse? :(
16:43.10SimonRaven!who owes you is <reply>everyone does
16:43.11dpkgokay, SimonRaven
16:43.21krikke24bits should work?
16:43.27*** part/#debian lemsto (
16:43.34valdynkrikke: id go for 16 with vesa
16:43.34yanghmmm down?
16:43.44ootputgoccias: ok
16:43.45valdynkrikke: though anything should work
16:44.28*** join/#debian D13GU___ (
16:44.35strkwhere is g_assert_warning defined ?
16:44.35krikkeworks :D
16:44.46SimonRaven!who cuddles you is <reply>apt does
16:44.47strkI'm getting undefined refs from debian binay packages (deps broken ?)
16:44.47dpkgSimonRaven: okay
16:44.49krikkewhat graphical things can I run on this machine
16:44.53krikke32 ram
16:44.58doubletwistyang I can't get to either.
16:45.08SimonRaven!no who cuddles you is <reply>$randnick does
16:45.09dpkgSimonRaven: okay
16:45.14valdynkrikke: oh, 32 mb ram total?
16:45.38valdynguess dillo already is huge for that
16:46.12*** join/#debian qip|Virusmaster (
16:46.33D13GU___the xorg is default in debian now?
16:46.43krikkekde/gnome are to heavy ofcourse
16:46.54benjamindeesD13GU___, in unstable/testing
16:46.55D13GU___cusco on testing?
16:47.08krikkewhat will run then?
16:47.19nkuttlerkrikke: do you know links2? does graphics in framebuffer
16:47.28krikkenope don't know that
16:47.34krikkebut my idea is to run a browser and a chat prog
16:47.42benjamindeesabiword maybe ?
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16:47.51D13GU___the xorg is perfect
16:47.54cuscokrikke: try xfce or fluxbox or blackbox
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16:48.04nkuttlerkrikke: ratpoison
16:48.09D13GU___in ubuntu for exemple... perfect, no problems...
16:48.13odlakrikke: icewm
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16:48.19cuscoD13GU___: in testing as well
16:48.21krikkewhen I enter fluxbox, It says there's no xserver running
16:48.25odlaD13GU___: or with backports
16:48.50*** join/#debian ruied (n=ruied@
16:48.59zinosatI have pbs with utf-8 in gnome-terminal (sarge). can't set utf-8
16:49.07odla6.9 is at
16:49.11odlaso you can run it on sarge
16:49.16bizkitis there a way to start just rxvt-unicode with utf-8? my system is running with latin1
16:49.28D13GU___i have problems with xserver
16:49.40bizkitfine, specify your problems
16:49.53D13GU___video card detection
16:50.15krikkefluxbox opens
16:50.18krikkei'll brb
16:50.23*** join/#debian g0th (
16:50.38bizkitLC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8 urxvt doesn't seem to work, any ideas?
16:50.57g0thI can now confirm that the upgrade of from 6.8.2 to 6.9 causes the strange behaviour with the AltGr key
16:51.02*** join/#debian kombi (
16:51.07g0thso for the time beeing I'll use the old version
16:51.18nkuttlerg0th: cheers
16:51.22g0thbut it would be nice to be able to upgrade the x version as well ;)
16:51.28kombiis there a console mixer for alsa?
16:51.42g0thbut I'm happy again now I can at least work :)))
16:51.59yangdoubletwist: maybe lists catch a 2005 bug
16:52.12cahootkombi: or amix if you're handy
16:52.12D13GU___how to use transparency on fluxbox?
16:52.14nkuttlerg0th: just wait and skip the version that doesn't work. put the packages on hold
16:52.14g0this it wise to upgrade only parts of the x packages or should everything come together?
16:52.24D13GU___and set font type
16:52.27kombicahoot: those do not require a gui?
16:52.38g0thI'll try again on the next version
16:52.39cahootkombi: err - amixer
16:52.48valdyng0th: works usually, its 'luck'
16:52.59cahootkombi: alsamixer is some sort of curses thing
16:53.02bizkitcahoot: theres also an alsamixer
16:53.12D13GU___perfect!! >
16:53.16doubletwistg0th It apparrently doesn't agree with imwheel and an intellimouse either.
16:54.00kombicahoot: thanks!
16:54.00g0thbtw, isn't 7.0 out already? ;)
16:54.18valdyng0th: it's not packaged yet
16:54.37valdyng0th: and its feature identical to 6.9.0
16:54.40g0thok, but I can expect it to be included soon
16:54.45g0ththat is in a few months maybe
16:54.59bobbensg0th: don't worry, when it's ready it'll come
16:55.02odlag0th: talk to gravity
16:55.04g0thkk :)
16:55.13valdyng0th: 7.0 is a new build system, not new features or bugfixes
16:55.24g0thwhat build system?
16:55.49robin_szmmmm .. x
16:55.58g0thwhat package is responsible for keyboard settings?
16:56.10g0thI might try to downgrade only this one
16:56.14robin_szshe was only the electronic engineers daughter ...
16:56.27robin_szbut none of the lads could resistor
16:56.51thingfishtee hee
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16:58.43blondiewhat package is "groupadd" in?
16:59.04valdyn!tell blondie -about search
16:59.10streuner!find groupadd
16:59.24blondieoh weird
16:59.37blondieI know how to use apt-cache search thanks :P
16:59.47DimmuRHi I've some trouble with upgrading debconf. I get message: "subprocess post-installation script returned error code 1" Are there any ways to get more informations about errors in scripts? (dpkg -Dxx doesn't help much)
16:59.49robin_szthat wont find it
16:59.55blondieand apt-file
17:00.02g0thThanks for all the time and help guys! :)
17:00.28robin_szblondie: its some weird incantation with dpkg to search for what-provides stuff
17:00.31xoredcan someone help me with my pop3, getting that error for all web2*, others work : -ERR [SYS/TEMP] Failed to create /var/mail/.web2p2.pop with uid 640, gid 0.  Change permissions. [pop_dropcopy.c:1495]
17:00.32bizkitwhat's the suggested way to set locales per user?
17:00.40streunerpasswd: /usr/sbin/groupadd
17:01.22robin_szxored: which pop package are youo using?
17:01.32*** join/#debian bibe (n=bibe@
17:01.40xoredrobin_: what do you mean exatly ?
17:01.43valdynbizkit: ~/.profile or apt-cache show language-env
17:01.47xoredqpopper ?
17:01.57robin_szthats what I meant ...
17:02.06xoredrobin_: 4.0.5
17:02.09*** part/#debian d4rk_box (
17:02.27bibehi all, and happy 2006
17:02.27xoredrobin_: Version: 4.0.5-171
17:02.33*** join/#debian pawdro (
17:02.34dpkgDebian Search of 'groupadd' (3): (/usr/sbin/lgroupadd) in admin/libuser ;; (/usr/sbin/smbldap-groupadd) in admin/smbldap-tools ;; (/usr/sbin/groupadd, /etc/pam.d/groupadd) in admin/passwd.
17:02.40sdakotahow to reinstall a CPan module?
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17:03.00*** mode/#debian [+l 709] by debhelper
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17:03.29xoredrobin_sz: : Version: 4.0.5-171
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17:03.53doubletwistWell in case anyone else runs into the intellimouse problem with the new xorg, I found the problem:
17:04.25sdakotahow to reinstall a CPAN module? I want to reinstall, or uninstall then install...
17:04.26doubletwistoops wrong one
17:04.39doubletwistThat's the xorg/mouse wheel bug
17:04.42robin_szxored: 'k .. reading the docs ...
17:04.46bibeI have just found a kernel oops, what's the right way to handle it (what logs should I back up)? Most of all, how can I unfreeze the two 'sync' commands I have running?
17:05.01xoredrobin_sz: thank you very much, iam on it to..
17:05.21blondiehmm, why would bash ignore ENV_SUPATH in /etc/login.defs when I "su -"?
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17:05.31sdakotahow to reinstall a CPAN module? I want to reinstall, or uninstall then install...
17:05.56sdakotaother question - how to remove a perl cpan module?
17:05.59blondieit gives me a normal user PATH :(
17:06.08nkuttlersdakota: how did you install it?
17:06.09bibesdakota : google for 'perl cpan shell'
17:06.11blondiesdakota: "how to" does not a question make ;)
17:06.30*** join/#debian Wyzard (n=mike@
17:06.39sdakotankuttler: perl -MCPAN -e 'install Curses::Widgets'
17:06.52sdakotabibe: I know how to give cpan commands ¬.¬
17:06.58sdakotablondie: ?
17:07.01bizkitvaldyn: just input is important for me, so i set export LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8 into my ~/.profile, is that enough?
17:07.11blondiesdakota: putting "how to" in front of something doesn't make it a question :\
17:07.13nkuttlersdakota: ask #perl?
17:07.19bibesdakota : seems to have all answers to your questions
17:07.22sdakotablondie: yes, it does :P
17:07.25blondieno it doesn't
17:07.32blondieyou should put "how do I" or "how do you"
17:07.35*** join/#debian ufoalien (n=ufoalien@
17:07.37sdakotankuttler: already done
17:07.49xoredrobin_sz: seems can be a quato problem, or ?
17:08.12sdakotablondie: lol, nah, if you use "how to" then it's still a question, but you have to put an infinitive behind it, for example "how to sleep" or "how to sit" etc
17:08.43micahfI don't have a /proc/pci
17:08.49micahfthis might be bad
17:08.50blondiesdakota: no, it's very bad grammar
17:08.59*** join/#debian b6a (n=irc@tor/session/x-d44299774b1775f1)
17:09.06sdakotablondie: ok
17:09.07cahootmicahf: use lspci instead
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17:09.27micahfI am running a perl script to install a modem driver
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17:09.37micahfand it uses /proc/pci
17:09.49micahfand I don't know how to change it
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17:09.59cahootmicahf: IIRC debian kernels don't enable /proc/pci anyore
17:10.01benjamindeessdakota, "how to sleep" is not a sentence, it's a phrase...
17:10.27micahfcahoot, ohhh boy
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17:11.34cahootbenjamindees: to be or not to be - not a question anymore?
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17:12.07xoredrobin_sz: i found it, it was the quota
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17:13.03SimonRaven/proc/pci is an option along the lines of CONFIG_PCI_LEGACY_PROC=y
17:13.43kombican alsamixer route a signal to a certain output?
17:14.07cahootkombi: no
17:14.13SkaagI type init q on a box that was 0wned, and get this: RK_Init: idt=0xc0335000, FUCK: Can't find sys_call_table[]
17:14.14*** part/#debian Thanatermesis (n=Elive@unaffiliated/thanatermesis)
17:14.21Skaaghow do I trace this?
17:14.23kombicahoot: how's that done?
17:14.34xoredsomeone a tip, on which to set the po3 quota as maximum ?
17:14.52pawdrocan anyone help me to solve the problem with Xorg?
17:15.37cahootkombi: if it's more complicatec than choosing outputdevice for a sound app I'd suggest #lasa
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17:15.52cahootkombi: err - #alsa
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17:16.44DimmuRwhat to do if dpkg-reconfigure debconf says "debconf is not installed or not fully installed" ?
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17:17.14h3xisi just changed my sources.list to testing instead of stable. after running apt-get update i ran apt-get upgrade and it downloaded the updates to etch but it won't install them. it'll just sit there now and say "0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 408 not upgraded." how do i fix this?
17:18.02nkuttlerh3xis: man sources.list
17:18.08*** part/#debian GooZ (
17:18.13nkuttlerh3xis: err, apt-get i mean
17:18.22h3xiswell i ran apt-get -f install
17:18.25h3xisbut that didnt do anything
17:18.57benjamindeesh3xis, what do you have in /etc/apt/apt.conf?
17:18.57abrotmandist-upgrade ?
17:18.57*** join/#debian JerJer (n=jj@pdpc/supporter/bronze/jerjer)
17:19.03h3xisi'll try
17:19.13*** join/#debian opqdonut (
17:19.15benjamindeeser, yeah what abrotman said
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17:19.30bizkiti'm using rxvt-unicode with LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8. all my input works fine, e.g. german umlauts. now i ssh into a remote machine, which has bash 2.05b-26 (should support unicode, is debian sarge). the sshd there has UseLogin yes, and my ~/.profile on the remote account has export LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8 in it. however, my input is b0rked there, i can't type german umlauts nor the euro sign or such stuff. any ideas?
17:19.32h3xisthank you much that was it
17:20.37bizkitthe en_US.UTF-8 locale exists on the remote machine
17:20.45bibeI have two processes (sync and umount), both running from a console, hanging. I see a kernel oops in the 'dmesg' output. What can I do not to lose data?
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17:21.38benjamindeesmagic sysreq keys?
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17:22.06bibeSimonRaven : I'll try... crossing my fingers
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17:22.40SimonRavenyeh, magic sysrq if nothing works
17:22.52SerajewelKSi've added a todo in kpilot.  I sync, and the todo does not show up on the palm.  wtf?
17:22.55SimonRaventhat has saved my ass more than a couple times
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17:23.28micahfso can I install a .deb file?
17:23.37seraghitI have a problem
17:23.37SerajewelKSmicahf: dpkg -i
17:23.50micahfI was trying to use apt-get :D
17:23.58SerajewelKS!tell seraghit ahout ask
17:24.03seraghitI have an error in make xconfig,there isn't qt
17:24.06*** join/#debian haller (
17:24.08seraghitbut it is false
17:24.24SerajewelKSseraghit: what makes you think it's false
17:24.34Eulexseraghit, you need the -dev packages
17:24.45seraghitapt-get install libqt3-headers qt3-apps-dev
17:25.02seraghitbut isn't sufficnet
17:25.36seraghitI have this error: /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lqt
17:25.40*** join/#debian airox (
17:25.48Eulexseraghit, install libqt3-dev, maybe?
17:25.54SimonRavenyou probably don't have libqt3-mt-dev or such. why bother with xconfig, just use menuconfig
17:26.14abrotmanseraghit: so install it
17:26.20*** join/#debian wetlettuce (
17:26.29benjamindeescahoot, I conclude that the phrase "to be, or not to be," which is a correct sentence, implies the verb and subject "is it," and is a proper question.
17:26.31mlotsIs packages.d.o really slow for anyone else? Last night and thismorning I get "http 1.1 200 OK" or alike from lynx, and then it just sits Established (nestat -nt) for a long time.
17:26.39seraghiti have libqt3-mt-dev
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17:27.19cahootbenjamindees: WS did to
17:27.45seraghitI wont resolv this problem!
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17:28.40benjamindeescahoot, "how to sleep," however, has no possible correct interpretation
17:29.03benjamindeesas a question, at least
17:30.00seraghityes, I have libqt3-mt and also libqt3-mt-dev installed
17:30.00cahootbenjamindees: I'm quite sure it has for a lot of poets
17:31.11abrotmanseraghit: what are you compiling ?
17:31.29seraghitSame days ago this work, but after a dist-upgrade not work
17:31.43seraghiti wont compile the kernel!!
17:31.56Eulex!wayc seraghit
17:31.56dpkgseraghit: Why are you compiling instead of using apt-get?
17:32.06abrotmanseraghit: and you're using unstable ?
17:32.11seraghitbut I have do same check whit anather version!
17:32.24seraghityes unstabel
17:32.29micahffricking conexant
17:32.39micahfI can't afford to pay $20 for a modem driver
17:32.40*** part/#debian WasF (
17:32.42abrotmanseraghit: and what are you compiling ?
17:32.44micahffor linux!
17:32.58abrotmani thought they had a free version too
17:33.12micahfyea but it's limited to 14.4 kbps
17:33.19benjamindeeslinux is free, why can't you afford it?
17:33.31micahfbecause I'm broke and in college and this is for my grandparents
17:33.44benjamindeesit's below the market rate for an OS with a modem driver...
17:33.56micahfyea it's true
17:34.04micahfbut I just paid $50 for ram for them
17:34.06seraghitI would like use xconfig!!
17:34.12micahfbecause they only have 128 mb
17:34.32abrotmanseraghit: you're whining because you can't use qconfig  with your kernel ?
17:35.05abrotmanseraghit: use menuconfig like a sane person
17:35.18seraghitI can, but I would like understand this problem!
17:35.29*** join/#debian nkuttler_ (
17:36.03abrotmanseraghit: Qt sucks .. unstable is for people who know how to fix thier own problems ?
17:36.06*** join/#debian VPR5703 (
17:36.41VPR5703Ive got Debian Lionux installed, but how do I boto into a graphical shell instead of Bash or SH?
17:36.54abrotmanVPR5703: install a DM
17:37.08VPR5703apt-get ??
17:37.10abrotmanVPR5703: which desktop do you use ?
17:37.20VPR5703right now its dos-like
17:37.21ShadurVPR5703: For instance, yes. Or aptitude.
17:37.23sphenxeswhy should I create an image "iso" file before copying backup data ".tar" to my DVD or CD. I use K3B and everything is fine. All books say I should create iso image. what I am missing?
17:37.30*** join/#debian bibe (n=bibe@
17:37.32abrotmanVPR5703: kde? gnome? xfce? blackbox? .. what ?
17:37.37VPR5703I dont know
17:37.40programmEnlightenment :)
17:37.46VPR5703it wont boot into anything but a text based shell
17:37.49abrotmanVPR5703: do you prefer kde or gnome or something else?
17:37.55VPR5703Ive used both
17:37.58abrotmanVPR5703: look at and .. do you like either of those ?
17:38.00VPR5703But not extensivle
17:38.00abrotmanwell pick one!
17:38.06VPR5703Ill look.
17:38.08odlaor both ;)
17:38.10VPR5703HOld on, thanks for the help
17:38.15VPR5703lets try both.
17:38.21*** join/#debian TGoC (
17:38.30odlaapt-get install gnome kde
17:38.32abrotmanlet's try one
17:38.33VPR5703how do I instal and boot into one?
17:38.36VPR5703OK thanks
17:38.38abrotmanVPR5703: pick ONE
17:38.45VPR5703random. LOL
17:38.51abrotmanodla: and that didn't fix his problem
17:38.54*** join/#debian shox (n=_@
17:38.54abrotmanVPR5703: PICK ONE
17:39.01odlaapt-get install gdm
17:39.02gocciasknome ?
17:39.04abrotmanfucking asshole
17:39.10blondieabrotman: calm :\
17:39.10gocciasi wanted it
17:39.10*** part/#debian strk (
17:39.16abrotmanapt-get install gnome gdm
17:39.17TGoCHow can i backup mysql into a file called mysql_backup_dbname_unixtimestamps.sql every 12 hours?
17:39.19benjamindeesisn't there some kind of setup program...
17:39.19abrotmanhave a nice day
17:39.22*** join/#debian refa33s (
17:39.27VPR5703Cool man thanks!
17:39.30abrotmanoh .. and i forgot x-window-system
17:39.37odlaapt-get install gnome kde gdm(or kdm)
17:39.46odlaor xdm
17:39.52abrotmanstop confusing shit
17:39.59VPR5703Whats the command for X-window-system?
17:40.00abrotmanapt-get install gnome gdm x-window-system
17:40.09VPR5703ah Ok
17:40.12VPR5703Ill write that own
17:40.21*** join/#debian angusMac (
17:40.51VPR5703will it boot into that by default?
17:40.57abrotmanit's supposed to
17:41.02VPR5703Ok thanks
17:41.24refa33sanyone else have no log created by 6.9?
17:41.35abrotmanno log no log!
17:41.37VPR5703Ill be back if I have any questuons, thanks abrotman
17:41.59VPR5703Oh one more
17:42.17VPR5703how od I mount my CD-ROM if it is on my PCI-IDE controller?
17:42.18programmVPR5703 Whats the command for X-window-system? << it's aptitude install x-window-system-core
17:42.22benjamindeesah, base-config
17:42.28VPR5703ok programm thanks
17:42.35programmVPR5703, ;)
17:42.36bibeTGoC : 0 0-12 * * * /usr/bin/mysqldump --opt <dbname> > /path/to/ mysql_backup_<dbname>_$(date +%s).sql
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17:42.38abrotmanprogramm: i already gave it to him .. please don't confuse him
17:42.42abrotmanVPR5703: use the one i gave you
17:42.43blondieVPR5703: look in dmesg for the model number and something like hdc
17:42.53TGoCinto .. ?
17:42.54blondie(type dmesg)
17:43.01programmabrotman, sorry
17:43.04TGoCbibe i assume that is a cronjob right?
17:43.06bibeTGoC : into your user's crontab
17:43.11TGoCok thx
17:43.12VPR5703OK thanks guys.
17:43.20VPR5703Im REALLY new to this. obviously
17:43.31programmabrotman, but, x-window-system-core isn't better?
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17:43.33benjamindeeshave fun with gnome, come back and ask for kde if it sucks :)
17:43.34bibeTGoC : yes. be sure to pass authentication params, if needed
17:43.41VPR5703I will
17:43.45VPR5703Im going to try X-Win
17:43.46*** join/#debian CalJohn (n=cal[]
17:43.52VPR5703Ive tried both KDE and gnome
17:43.56abrotmanprogramm: let's just say .. we threw in the kitchen sink :)
17:44.04blondieVPR5703: erm no
17:44.04VPR5703thnaks guys
17:44.08VPR5703Ill talk to you in a bit
17:44.12blondieboth gnome and kde use X
17:44.12VPR5703What why?
17:44.16VPR5703oh. LOl
17:44.20*** join/#debian etzel (
17:44.22VPR5703Well than Ill stick with gnome
17:44.24*** join/#debian Revelation (i=Revelato@
17:44.31abrotmanVPR5703: just go try it .. come back if you have problems
17:45.04odlaabrotman: how long have you been using debian?
17:45.13TGoCbibe is it safe to backup with root access?
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17:45.24abrotmanodla: i don't remember ... at least .. 6 .. wait .. maybe 7 .. years :)
17:45.38blondieabrotman you must be old :(
17:45.41abrotmani remember it was cold outside
17:45.47abrotmanblondie: how old do you think i am?
17:46.02abrotmannot even close
17:46.03TGoCabrotman 40?
17:46.11refa33sanyone have mouse button problems in 6.9
17:46.19abrotmannot even 30 yet
17:46.28odla!win odla
17:46.28dpkgCongratulations, odla! You have won second prize in a beauty contest!
17:46.29*** join/#debian Jonk_ (n=de@tor/session/x-ab3360fd8cb7e9b7)
17:46.29streunerrefa33s: no - just ask
17:46.29TGoCok 28 then
17:46.29kbrookstest. anyone see this?
17:46.29blondie25 then
17:46.36kbrooks!win kbrooks
17:46.36dpkgCongratulations, kbrooks! You have won second prize in a beauty contest!
17:46.43refa33sstreuner: thanks, i did ask
17:46.50Revelation!win Revelation
17:46.50dpkgCongratulations, Revelation! You have won second prize in a beauty contest!
17:46.53kbrooksso someone finally unsilenced me
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17:47.03abrotmanbut i will be 30 this year
17:47.03TGoCbibe is it safe to execute that cronjob under root?
17:47.10abrotmankbrooks: there was a good reason IIRC
17:47.10TGoCso your 29
17:47.16blondieabrotman: 29 is close to 35!
17:47.19TGoCyes sir abrotman
17:47.20*** join/#debian RIVANVX (
17:47.38odlacloser to 25 ;)
17:47.45kbrooksabrotman: what is the reason i was unsilenced, if I may ask?
17:48.04blondiewow, I used linux for the first time, 7 years ago to the day
17:48.05abrotmanno . that you were silienced
17:48.09benjamindeesviolent overthrow of #debian
17:48.23abrotmanblondie: it's closer to 25 :)
17:48.24kbrooksblondie, wow?
17:48.31abrotmanblondie: and damn it .. i'm not that old :)
17:48.32blondieyes wow :P
17:48.32*** join/#debian Skrotto (
17:48.44kbrooksmy first distributio was #debian oddly enough
17:48.50kbrookser, s/#//
17:48.51blondiean IRC channel?
17:48.56abrotmanit was either Hamm or Slink i used first
17:48.57blondieI used RedHat :\
17:49.11blondiefor a while, then mandrake
17:49.14kbrookssarge testing ...
17:49.14blondiethen debian :o
17:49.22*** join/#debian evermuse (
17:49.37kbrooksabrotman, when did you start using debian?
17:49.46abrotmankbrooks: it was either hamm or slink :)
17:49.54abrotmankbrooks: i was drinking a lot in those days :)
17:50.10abrotmani was still in college .. so it was before 2000 ..
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17:50.18kbrooksabrotman, i wanted the relative date ... but ok. i started using linux in ...
17:50.28kbrooksabrotman, november 2004
17:51.06odlagoccias: hippy?
17:51.13odlaoops -ie
17:51.19blondieoh, a pic of abrotman
17:51.21abrotmanmaybe goccias is hippy
17:51.34abrotman!sing abrotman
17:51.34dpkgOh, do you know abrotman, abrotman, abrotman. Oh, do you know abrotman, he lives on Drury Lane...
17:51.43blondieI'm a hippy :\
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17:52.17gocciasodla: sometimes i think WE LOST A NICE PLANET :)
17:52.39abrotmanblondie: didn't you see the umbrella hat ?
17:52.50blondieum nope
17:53.08abrotmanblondie: moment
17:53.40abrotmanblondie: oh wait .. the image isn't coming up
17:54.01abrotmanhrm .. blondie sorry .. must be dead
17:54.16*** part/#debian bpowell (
17:54.31odlaabrotman: you should have a bot called abotman
17:54.39abrotmanodla: they said that the other day
17:54.49odlaabrotman: i started that ;)
17:55.06odlaabrotman: both you and dpkg were awol
17:55.20odla#debian was fucked without you two
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17:55.48abrotmanodla: it happens
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17:56.01odlait does
17:56.20gocciasabrotman: i think trucking and gnu are similar and you shoul play guitar as Jerry Garciain "Standing on the moon " : am ia hippy ?
17:56.28vostikeyboard layout map is changed in xorg 6.8.99, unstable? after update some keys dosn't work...
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17:56.54odlaubuntu_: we can't help you
17:57.03gocciasCaptain Tripping
17:57.04abrotmangoccias: is Linus like St Stephen ?
17:57.18odlarichard stallman?
17:57.22gocciashe said some bullshit about gnome
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17:58.20gocciasabrotman: Standing on the moon is a masterpiece word included . that "backporch" is chilling
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18:02.44huhmzHey guys. How can I switch num lock on at boot?
18:03.34sdakotashould be a setting in your bios
18:03.45kspathpress numlock   /me runs for the hills
18:04.25huhmzwell it's for an embedded app so it's kind of so so with having a keyboard with an actual num lock key
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18:05.53benjamindeesapt-get install numlockx
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18:06.57VPR5703No luck
18:07.15VPR5703Sorry to be a bother..
18:07.17odlaVPR5703: what's the problem?
18:07.32kbrooksVPR5703, be more detailed
18:07.33VPR5703I cant mount my optical drive
18:07.39*** part/#debian vosti (
18:07.41kbrooksVPR5703, no?
18:07.44VPR5703It is attatched to my PCI-IDE controller
18:07.50VPR5703I used dmesg
18:07.57kbrooksVPR5703, dmesg | grep hda
18:08.00kbrooksVPR5703, dmesg | grep hdb
18:08.18kbrooksand so on until you find the device
18:08.19VPR5703what will that do?
18:08.26kbrookstry it
18:08.31VPR5703I know where to device is
18:08.38VPR5703its hde
18:08.39*** join/#debian BioNik (
18:08.52kbrooksVPR5703, you don't mount the device itself
18:08.52VPR5703but I cant figure out how to mount it
18:08.54blondieVPR5703: how are you trying to mount it?
18:08.59kbrooksyou mount the partitions
18:09.08blondiekbrooks: no
18:09.12blondieyou mount hde itself
18:09.18BioNikHello. I have tried to look for a command-line webcam software. Which is the best? It should support automatic exposure
18:09.21blondieVPR5703: mount /dev/hde /mnt/cdrom
18:09.26blondieor /media/cdrom
18:09.26VPR5703Right but how? I know how to do it when it is attatched to my IDE controller on the board
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18:09.29kbrooksblondie, in general
18:09.38blondiekbrooks: it's an optical drive...
18:09.57kspaththere must be valid media in it with a fs to mount it
18:10.00kbrooksblondie, which means ... (what is a optical drive) ?
18:10.01VPR5703there was
18:10.11VPR5703the Sarge DVD-R
18:10.24blondiekbrooks: CD or DVD
18:10.33VPR5703Both blondie
18:10.38kbrooksblondie, ok
18:10.43kbrooksVPR5703, not to you
18:10.54VPR5703its a CD-RW/DVD+/-RW
18:11.10robyHas anyone gotten a compiler error with the latest (8.20.8) fglrx drivers? The log mentions error in re-declaration of 'errno' ?
18:11.11blondieVPR5703: "or" includes "both"
18:11.19VPR5703oh sorry
18:11.39VPR5703mount /dev/hde /mnt/cdrom
18:11.45VPR5703So use that and it will mount the DVD?
18:11.52kspathVPR5703  please add this to your /etc/fstab :  /dev/hdd        /media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 user,noauto     0       0
18:12.01*** join/#debian Kbyte (
18:12.01kspathchange hdd to hde
18:12.12VPR5703Add that to where?
18:12.28kspathmake sure there is a /media/cdrom0 first of course
18:12.34VPR5703There was
18:12.39VPR5703I dunno
18:12.46VPR5703Im on Windpws right now
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18:13.01VPR5703cause Im still stuck at a text shell in Debian
18:13.14kbrooksVPR5703, um
18:13.28kbrooksVPR5703, you apparently fail to get debian
18:13.40VPR5703I installed it off of the Sarge DVD
18:13.42kbrooksVPR5703, there is a irc client you can install
18:13.42EulexVPR5703, it's quite hard to help you if you haven't got debian booted...
18:13.46_rene_#/gw 17
18:13.46gocciasmust not be sarge then
18:13.54VPR5703Want me to erase the EXT3 partition?
18:13.57gocciasno way to get it wrong
18:13.59VPR5703and reinstall it?
18:14.01benjamindeesVPR5703, run base-config as root
18:14.16benjamindeesVPR5703, and reboot
18:14.26kbrooksVPR5703, listen
18:14.27VPR5703be back ina few mins
18:14.37kbrooksdebian is not windows
18:14.41VPR5703I know that.
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18:14.48VPR5703I want to get OUT of windows
18:14.51kbrooksyou don't reinstall for every single occurence
18:14.54gocciasit takes 35 seconfds to get base-system and maybe i say maybe 10 minutes to get a desktop up and running
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18:15.19kspathI got out of windows a long time ago and did not look back   much    of course I do not play games
18:15.28benjamindeesgoccias, not everyone makes it that far, unfortunately...
18:15.28VPR5703Im leaving windows on my system for games
18:15.39*** part/#debian huhmz (
18:15.41linshitknoppix rulz
18:15.41ddanielsI've got my DWL-g132 loaded with ndiswrapper, but iwconfig doesn't see it. Where'd it go or is it really there?
18:15.48dpkgKnoppix is _not_ Debian. Seek knoppix help in #knoppix. For those of you who don't know, knoppix is a livecd distro based on debian. It's useful as a rescue cd, to test hardware, and for situations where you have access to a computer but it doesn't run debian.  Please go to #knoppix, or knoppix is no more debian than mandriva is redhat.
18:15.55*** join/#debian dotrig (
18:16.11linshitknoppix is so much more then that
18:16.14dotrigwgu get i nv_sata: missed *****
18:16.18BioNiklong time ago in a galaxy far far away
18:16.22dotrigin start ?
18:16.25benjamindeesif the installer doesn't reboot, base-config never runs and you get a text shell and confusion...
18:16.25VPR5703All I need to do is load a graphical interface. but to do that, I need to find a way to mount my DVD inside of -bash or sh. But therein lies the problem
18:16.28linshitu cant break it mwhaha unless u scratch the cd
18:16.33gocciasbenjamindees: i'm not blaming people but saying sarge rocks , after this you can take your time and get satisfaction :)
18:16.38KyoFedora Core 4  alquem aki ja uso ele?
18:16.43kbrooksodla; offtopic
18:16.49kbrookskyo: english
18:16.57dpkgEsse canal e apenas em ingles. Por favor, use #debian-br (/j #debian-br) para ajuda em portugues.
18:16.58*** join/#debian Pedro420 (
18:17.00dpkgfedora is probably Red Hat-derived distribution of Linux, modelled after other community projects such as Debian and Gentoo.  It is not directly supported by Red Hat itself.  See or #Fedora for more information
18:17.01benjamindeesgoccias, yeah well sometimes the installer still sucks, for instance if you're dual-booting...
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18:18.04VPR5703Im sorry guys...
18:18.09VPR5703Im just a tad confused
18:18.09odlakbrooks: what?  offtopic?
18:18.24ddanielsSo is the device there? I also did ndiswrapper -m...
18:18.26Pedro420nvz: man you got time so i could ask you a question about this computer
18:18.27VPR5703odla, knoppix refuses to work on my hardware.
18:18.36odlasome dude said something about knoppix
18:18.45nkuttlerVPR5703: does the debian system have network?
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18:18.52nvzPedro420: yeah I am feeling better now.. I have recovered from last night
18:18.55VPR5703I have a wireless card, but it wontwork.
18:19.06EulexVPR5703, chipset?
18:19.07yangi am trying to do the backup of the broken disk...Seems some files got damaged becouse of inproper usage of fsck. But now if I boot the machine with lifiimage and mount it, I cannot access it, becouse there is no system installed Con it, how could I solve this?
18:19.07kspathodla: let it go     explaining sometimes confuses people more
18:19.08VPR5703I need to get ndiswrapper
18:19.09odlaVPR5703: knoppix questions try #knoppix
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18:19.14linshitvpr try the cheatcodes framebuffer etc for laptops
18:19.21ddanielsVPR5703: ditto, what's your card's make?
18:19.24VPR5703its already installed
18:19.24VPR5703Just no shell
18:19.26EulexVPR5703, and any way to temporarily get a wired net connection to the box?
18:19.27odlakspath: that makes no sense
18:19.30VPR5703well, no GUI
18:19.40VPR5703Not realyl Eules
18:19.41linshitvpr init 5?
18:20.05VPR5703Like I said, all I need to do is mount my DVD to get at the APT pacjages
18:20.16nkuttlerVPR5703: things will be much easier with a wire
18:20.19benjamindeesVPR5703, really, stop messing around and run base-config, it will do all that
18:20.22kspathodla: I know      when I am told I am offtopic  even if I am   I just let it go   because if I try to explain  some think I might be trolling    people can have short fuses with too much caffiene and little sleep
18:20.23Pedro420nvz: how do i hook up that transmitter to the computer cause i dont know if some songs work and some dont.
18:20.27ddanielsndiswrapper -l show hardware present and driver loaded?
18:20.30VPR5703ddaniiels I have a Silicon Image 0680
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18:20.40Harley^Happy New Year
18:20.43odlakspath: well read before you type offtopic then ;)
18:20.50Eulexbenjamindees, base-config will not make unsupported network cards work.
18:21.02kspathodla: I didnt   other one did    see what I mean
18:21.09kspathodla: lol
18:21.14VPR5703i can get the card to work if I can get the damned DVD to work.
18:21.15nvzPedro420: they have programs to test songs you know.. that work way better than listening to the whole thing
18:21.17benjamindeesEulex, but it will let him install necessary packages from the DVD without learning all of the linux command line...
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18:21.28nvzPedro420: they check it for bad frames and such
18:21.30Eulexbenjamindees, yes
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18:21.42nvzPedro420: in any case all it needs is 12V dc
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18:21.47VPR5703So base-config then?
18:21.48clojsterI have upgraded debian unstable now using dselect and now my X wont start. Anyone here had this problem? How to solve it...
18:21.53nvzPedro420: yellow wires are 12v black are ground
18:21.54Pedro420nvz: and?
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18:22.07nvzPedro420: you need one yellow wire, one black.. you can take it from anything thats not in use
18:22.10ddanielsEulex: Can it make an ndiswrapper loaded card work?
18:22.10*** part/#debian linshit (n=dfg@
18:22.15nkuttlerclojster: seems everybody is have problems with x today
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18:22.49gocciasabrotman: box of rain !! can you play it ?
18:22.52nvzPedro420: I was trying to find you a cheap set of speakers.. but I wanted cheap money wise.. I didnt want just any junky speakers..
18:22.54clojsternkuttler: really? and is there anything to do to make it run?
18:22.55VPR5703ok Im oging to try base-config
18:22.58VPR5703Ill be back, no doubt
18:23.04kspathodla: you never know if someone has a script watching for keywords    it should ignore dpkg  but it might see someone telling dpkg something    I tend to hate automated crap myself
18:23.10Eulexddaniels, I don't think so. you'll have to configure ndiswrapper manually.
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18:23.22nvzPedro420: most places I went didnt have their display models hooked up.. and I am not going to buy little speakers that are 3inches or less without hearing them to see how they sound
18:23.34abrotmangoccias: on guitar?
18:23.43Harley^When I attempted to apt-get install several different packages,for example; apt-get install libgimp2.0-dev  I get the following warning;The following packages will be REMOVED:
18:23.47Pedro420nvz: do they have speakers at radio shack?
18:23.51ddanielsEulex: ndiswrapper is done afaict, but iwconfig doesn't see the device.
18:23.52gocciasabrotman: sure i know you own some
18:23.54_chou-chouanyone know how i can get direct connection via aim to work when its behind a debian firewall/gateway with iptables, and ive attempted reaim, used to always worked and just recently it stopped working, no settings were changed, and correct ports are opened :/
18:24.06usnhappy new year
18:24.06abrotmangoccias: i used to be able to
18:24.12nvzPedro420: they had these ones at Fye in morgantown that looked like a little tube they looked good and ran on battery or ac.. but they didnt have em hooked up so I could hear em
18:24.17abrotmangoccias: i probably could if i looked the music
18:24.29nvzPedro420: yeah they got a small selection and its probably overpriced
18:24.40kspathodla: example  if I mention knoppix   who knows if  some script/bot will auto reply to me     even if I am on topic
18:24.42gocciasabrotman: great great music
18:24.52nvzPedro420: speakers would be all around easier.. and then I can go back to using my transmitter for things it was intended for
18:24.57abrotmankspath: #knoppix!
18:25.10Pedro420nvz: well seeing as the only car i have tend to be my feet.i dont have much choice
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18:25.18kspathadtitmon:  is a bot?
18:25.31nkuttlerthe bot should kick anybody who mentions knoppix or ubuntu ;)
18:25.40abrotmandpkg: kick nkuttler
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18:25.51OncerMy root partition (/) is damaged, but /var, /usr and /home are alright. Is there any way to recover the system without reinstalling everything?
18:26.18nvzPedro420: I want to get myself a surround sound system I think. I was looking at some 5-piece sets on
18:26.23nkuttlerOncer: yes, use your backups
18:26.40Oncernkuttler: No backups, I'm afraid
18:26.44kspathOncer: mount it and copy a valid / from a machine set up EXACTLY the same way ?
18:26.51zeljkohy people
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18:26.57nkuttlerOncer: then define 'the system'
18:27.10OncerDebian unstable
18:27.12Harley^Why would apt-get install require the REMOVAL of my kernel and initrd for the install of something as innocuous as libgimp0 ?
18:27.23ddanielsAnywhere I can get ndiswrapper/wireless_tools help?
18:27.25nkuttlerOncer: it's probably easier to reinstall
18:27.28zeljkowindows xp rules
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18:27.38nvzPedro420: I am still a little nausiated.. I need to lay down some more before I have to go to this funeral
18:27.42sphenxesI try to excute at command. I get error "no atd running". how can I run atd?
18:27.47kspathOncer: you are likely best off  backing up the other  directories and doing a new install
18:28.13SimonRavendon't need to pray, just do it
18:28.33gocciasusn: keep on trucking and follow the stream
18:28.39usnhehe, we will see. testng was ennerving for production
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18:29.44Pedro420nvz: what funeral?
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18:29.59nvzPedro420: Sue died on friday.
18:30.15Pedro420nvz: will any speakers work on my computer
18:30.15VPR5703_base-config didnt help
18:30.28meribolherkese slm
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18:30.35poe-te2fsprogs: PreDepends: e2fslibs (= 1.38+1.39-WIP-2005.12.10-1) but 1.38+1.39-WIP-2005.12.10-2 is installed
18:30.43VPR5703_Thats wierd.
18:30.43poe-tis very wrong, right? ;-)
18:30.44benjamindeesVPR5703_, still text shell?
18:30.51nvzPedro420: I really dont want to be at a funeral home, in ambridge no less on new years.. but its only going to be a viewing one day, and I have to go for Matt he's probably going to have another nervous breakdown.
18:30.53VPR5703_I cant acess the CD driv
18:31.20benjamindeesVPR5703_, base-config couldn't access it?
18:31.21Pedro420nvz: whats going to happen to matt?
18:31.26nvzPedro420: you just need an 1/8" Phono Jack to plug into the sound card.. and you want APLIFICATION because the sound card is not well amped
18:31.28poe-tanyone had problems after upgrading Sid today?
18:31.33kspathVPR5703: must be that virus   called  MS OS
18:31.37nvzPedro420: he's been living at his grandmothers for a long time now
18:31.41VPR5703yeah ive heard of that...
18:31.54VPR5703Ruins computers....generally makes life a living hell.
18:32.06poe-tVPR5703, did you have problems with e2fsprogs dependancies?
18:32.12nvzPedro420: I dont know what his plans are, and I am sure he's years off from knowing either.. they boy led a sheltered life, and that shelter has burned to the ground
18:32.14mlotsVPR5703: What's the device node for your cdrom?
18:32.15nvzhe's lost
18:32.22Pedro420nvz: will he stay there/
18:32.26VPR5703Im a new guy here.
18:32.31kspathVPR5703: I heard that 95% of the machines in the world are infected with MS OS
18:32.36VPR5703yeah same here.
18:32.49poe-tno windows around me
18:32.54nvzPedro420: its either stay there, goto Dallas, or live in the woods with Carl
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18:33.09VPR5703Im runnig XP Pro cause thats the only thing I can get runnig right now. haha
18:33.10kspathpoe-t: same here
18:33.14nvzPedro420: I dont know what his thoughts are, but thats the essential reality of the situation
18:33.28clojstereven no X around here :/
18:33.31poe-tkspath, hello there, fellow heaven dweller! ;-)
18:33.36mlotsVPR5703: /dev/hdb, /dev/sg0, /dev/scd0, /dev/scsi/0/lun0...?
18:33.37streunerVPR5703: look at the /topic , dude
18:33.59Harley^Does it seem odd to anyone other than myself for an apt-get install of something like quicktime-utils to reply with; The following packages will be REMOVED:
18:34.01streunerVPR5703: we prefer debian, its not that hard to learn
18:34.15nkuttlerVPR5703: you could try apt-cdrom
18:34.20Pedro420nvz: what was wrong with her?
18:34.23VPR5703have you been following my problem struenr?
18:34.24benjamindeesstreuner, he's installing debian...
18:34.25nvzPedro420: as Stevie Nicks said, there's trouble in shangri-la, or as Joni Mitchell said, they've paved paradise and put up a parkng lot
18:34.36gocciasHarley^: backports ?
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18:34.55Harley^goccias What do you mean backports ?
18:35.00kspathmlots: he said earlier that his dvd drive was /dev/hde  not sure if that is still true
18:35.01poe-tHarley^, clean your /etc/apt/soutrces.list I'd say you got too many 3rd party repositories there
18:35.06VPR5703it is
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18:35.15VPR5703Thats what it reported
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18:35.21VPR5703I wrote down stuff from dmesg
18:35.27mlotsVPR5703: Have scsi emulation on?
18:35.33VPR5703yeah for my USB
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18:35.40abrotmanHarley^: are you using testing?
18:35.44clojsterplease help me with current X in unstable... I cant get it to run. It starts, but there is only black screen and I cant switch to another tty to see the log
18:35.45nvzPedro420: seems like she had cancer maybe lukemia.. and from what I understand treatment was successful in killing the cancer, but it also significantly kills and reduces white blood cells, which cripples your ammune system.. and I guess she never got her white blood cell count up before infection set in..
18:35.50kspathmlots: I think he said his DVD was on IDE
18:35.57Harley^abrotman, On the other machine, yes.
18:36.02nkuttlerclojster: downgrade to the version that worked
18:36.03VPR5703It is on a PCi-IDE controller
18:36.08bluefox83when i type "ifconfig" as root, what is the "Bcast" ip for?
18:36.18clojsternkuttler: but where can I get tha package?
18:36.20VPR5703Silicom Image 0680 IDE/133 controller
18:36.26nkuttlerclojster: /msg dpkg snapshot
18:36.29Harley^On another it still has an older edition  of Debian Sarge
18:36.33bluefox83so if i want to send outgoing packets, i need to open ports for that ip?
18:36.36streunerVPR5703: well, i saw /lastlog nick, i would suggest that one guy help you...
18:36.54Pedro420nvz: how old is matt now?
18:36.58abrotmanstreuner: i nominate you!
18:37.06streunerthere is german speak, many cooks fucks the meal
18:37.23streunerabrotman: do it!
18:37.29clojsternkuttler: and do I have to reinstall all packages in x-window-system, or which?
18:37.34abrotmanstreuner: i'm .. playing games :)
18:37.36kspath<< does not have any    PCI  scsi usb firewire or ata atapi ide  boards      I doubt I can help
18:37.41Harley^abrotman, AH ! That IS it !
18:37.43nvzPedro420: 20 I guess. when pat was living up here with maryanne her older daughter was a year older than me, and the younger one was a year younger, and matt was a year younger than her.
18:37.48abrotmanHarley^: ?
18:37.58VPR5703here is what dmesg says about my controller and drive
18:38.00nkuttlerclojster: i guess so. haven't done something like that in years.
18:38.03Harley^abrotman, in the sources was a "testing' reference
18:38.15streunerVPR5703: Don't flood
18:38.19mlotsVPR5703: what's the error you get from mount or apt?
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18:38.27abrotmanHarley^: got it all sorted out ?
18:38.28streunerVPR5703: /msg dpkg paster
18:38.38VPR5703I cant use mount because I dont know where my stupid DVD drive is at.
18:38.41Harley^Maybe rerunning an update
18:38.59Pedro420nvz: thats really tragic
18:39.12benjamindeesVPR5703, would this also be the drive you initially installed Debian from?
18:39.15Harley^that fixed it. Danke
18:39.42VPR5703I installed debian from it by putting the drive on my regular IDE channels
18:39.49nvzPedro420: he's a long way from understanding anything about the world.. but he will be comming to grips real soon.. he just needs people around to navigate him in the right direction since he's never sailed on his own before. With all this wind in his sail, who knows where he could end up without people around.
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18:40.19VPR5703But I need it on the controller because I dotn want to keep switching it from channel to channel evertime I boto into Debian
18:40.25benjamindeesyou got Debian half-installed on a system with an unsupported ide controller and no network card?
18:40.35Pedro420nvz: but he not real close to your family
18:40.42VPR5703it is fuoly installed just no grahpical display
18:41.00abrotmanwhat kind of video card?
18:41.13mlotsbenjamidees: How could it be an unsuppored controler when it's installed?
18:41.16nvzPedro420: and naturally this mission falls into my hands.. regaurdless if I want it or not.
18:41.34VPR5703the system recongizes the card fine
18:41.39VPR5703it knows the DVD drive is on it
18:41.41Harley^I'm astonished I could still read that on the smaller monitor over on the other machine. The new Etch install on the big monitor machine is fantastic. I can read  everything and the audio cues are working like a champ.
18:41.45VPR5703The problem is with me
18:41.52benjamindeeshe said he moved it, pay attention guys...
18:41.55nvzPedro420: people are just going to have to be more pushy with him.. you cant leave him alone.. he wasnt stable to begin with
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18:42.01jjazzabrotman, where'd I go last night?
18:42.13VPR5703system knows the card is there, and knows the drive is on the card.
18:42.24nvzhe's younger than me and already had a nervous breakdown.. and thats not going to be the last
18:42.25VPR5703Hell, it even got the model number and manufacturer of the DVD drive
18:42.43Pedro420nvz: you cant really push him to much
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18:42.48Harley^abrotman and goccias - thanks again.
18:42.51abrotmanjjazz: are you guys gonna fix your starting rotation? :)
18:42.56nvzI'm honestly not prepaired to deal with it myself.
18:43.22benjamindees*younger than I*
18:43.29jjazzabrotman, Sometime after you find a SS and a CF
18:43.33nvzPedro420: yeah well you understand why you cant let him just be alone anymore I am sure.
18:43.34mlotsVPR5703: "dmesg|grep ATA" of any help?
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18:43.43abrotmanjjazz: damn it .. we have 42 infielders .. but no SS :)
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18:43.45VPR5703I dont know that command
18:43.53VPR5703Im new to Linux
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18:44.20jjazzabrotman: Shoulda kept OCab
18:44.25abrotmanhell no
18:44.32Pedro420nvz: i understand that but if he doesn't want what you have to give you cant make him take it.
18:44.36jjazzHe was better than Rentawreck.
18:44.37gocciasHarley^: abrotman ain't done anything for you : why you tank him ? :)
18:44.37kspathfantasy baseball?
18:44.38mlotsVPR5703: dmesg shows a log, grep searches for lines containing the text.
18:44.41nvzPedro420: normal people have a healthy greiving period and they get over it.. this isnt a healthy person mentally
18:44.54jjazzkspath, yeah, the fantasy is that the Sox will do better than 3rd in the AL East next year.
18:44.59streunerVPR5703: throw out the controller and buy another one which is supported
18:45.00VPR5703I found where the drive and controller information is at
18:45.01rdancerhi, why does dhcp3-server say No subnet declaration for eth0 ( -- i have this in /etc/dhcpd.conf: subnet netmask { range; }
18:45.05Pedro420nvzhe's fragile and to push might not be a good thing
18:45.08VPR5703It is supported
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18:45.09abrotmanjjazz: better ... defensively .. but not offensively  .. at this point .. i'd have taken you over renteria .. 30 damn errors
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18:45.10nvzhe has absolutly nothing to drive him in any direction.. so the first crazy thought he gets he will act upon
18:45.15mlotsVPR5703: dmesg|less will let you view the entire log a page at a time. Use the forward slash key to search...
18:45.21streunerVPR5703: How do you know?
18:45.28cmdKeenin case package list is deleted (/var/lib/dpkg/status ?) is there some way to recover packages installed ?
18:45.34VPR5703The problem is ME
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18:45.45VPR5703I dont know the command to mount the DVD from a PCI card.
18:45.49benjamindeesVPR5703, you added the ide card after installing?
18:45.59VPR5703it was there
18:46.05VPR5703The drive was not attatched to it
18:46.09rdancercmdKeen: look in /var/backups
18:46.19jjazzabrotman, It's going to be a crazy year.  Tight division, assuming the O's don't become the new Jays.
18:46.20streunercmdKeen: /msg dpkg status-recovery
18:46.38benjamindeesVPR5703, just reinstall, the ide controller should be supported...
18:46.45abrotmanjjazz: i can't wait to see the Jays get lambasted for spending 110 million on those two piles of crap
18:46.45VPR5703IT IS!
18:46.57VPR5703That not my goddamned problem
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18:47.23benjamindeesVPR5703, yeah I know your goddamn problem is you want somebody to explain how to move hardware around and reconfigure it
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18:47.30jjazzabrotman, they have to overspend-- no other way to attract talent.
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18:47.40benjamindeeswhich is a waste of time because you're a noob, just reinstall...
18:47.53nvzPedro420: the only thing he really ever had to look forward to was spening time taknig trips with his mother and going and doing things with her all the time.. if someone doesn't pickup where she left off to give him some direction and the will to carry on, he's either going to end up dead or institutionalized
18:47.54abrotmanjjazz: they didn't exactly sign any talent .. the best thing i saw they got was glaus
18:47.56bitfleshhi, I have strange connection problems: I have a debian gateway that does NAT for a small subnet, I can perfectly access at full bandwith all websites and stuff from the gateway, but trying from the LAN results in strage behaviours: certain sites function properly, other ones are fscking slow or not answering at all... any idea about what could it be?
18:48.10yangi am trying to do the backup of the broken disk...Seems some files got damaged becouse of inproper usage of fsck. But now if I boot the machine with lifiimage and mount it, I cannot access it, becouse there is no system installed on it, how could I solve this?
18:48.28benjamindeesVPR5703, not to mention you're rebooting to get to the system at all...
18:48.40mlotsVPR5703: /msg me the results of typing "dmesg|grep ATA"
18:48.47nvzpersonally I need this stress like I need another fucking hole in my head.. I had one hell of a year myself and this is just one shitty way to end it
18:48.53cmdKeenstreuner, thanks
18:49.00VPR5703Well, if I could get someone to listen to me...maybe this wuldnt be such an issue
18:49.13VPR5703mlots im on Windows right now
18:49.23jjazzabrotman, I like Glaus.  He'll be good for them and they now have a surfeit of 3Bs to trade
18:49.25streunerVPR5703: i told you already...
18:49.26mlotsVPR5703: Ugg, sorry.
18:49.27benjamindeesyeah, well nobody's going to listen to you for an hour at a time...
18:49.41abrotmanjjazz: now the last question is .. where will tejada go? :)
18:49.50VPR5703Ill get to that when I finish typing up the report of what dmesg says about the controller card oK?
18:50.01Pedro420nvz: you can help him but dealing with death is a personal struggle inside yourself. so he may except or refuse you being there for him
18:50.44jjazzabrotman, not to Boston.  I think he's staying.
18:51.01abrotmanjjazz: dunno .. i think it'd be a funny swap... tejada for rameriz :)
18:51.06abrotmanerr ramirez :)
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18:51.17nvzPedro420: I know, and the space that grew between us as he sat around doing nothing and I carried on with my life doesnt make this any easier
18:51.19VPR5703pasted the information
18:51.22blondiewhy would root get a normal-user path instead of an SU one (from login.defs)? either when logging in as root or su-ing to root
18:51.31jjazzabrotman, great deal for the Sox, but I don't think they'll get it.  They'd have to throw in $, Papelbon and who knows what else.
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18:51.42Pedro420nvz: no it doesnt
18:51.52abrotmanjjazz: maybe just clement .. and one of the 2342 other infielders they have :)
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18:52.20petezhi, i have a line "22222   stream  tcp     nowait  bitlbee /usr/sbin/tcpd  /usr/sbin/bitlbee" in my inetd.conf, is there a way to reject everyone except localhost to connect to this port? or a way to only bind this port on localhost?
18:52.21VPR5703mlots Im going to send you the information in a /msg if thats OK?
18:52.32abrotmanhosts.deny .. hosts.allow
18:52.39nvzPedro420: his father's "fuck the kids" attidute as he once said to me while I was down there arguing with him one day.. doesnt help either.
18:52.49benjamindeesis this fucking Dr. Phil now or what?  If it is, you're going to get some straight talk in a minute if you don't take it elsewhere...
18:52.51jjazzabrotman, Clement+Manny = Tejada?  Doubtful.  Plus the O's will want a premium to keep Tejada in the division.  I think both teams will tell their disgruntled stars "Sorry, we couldn't find a match."
18:53.01mlotsVPR5703: sure
18:53.16abrotmanjjazz: dunno .. it's a good deal for the O's .. they get manny .. and a decent pitcher
18:53.20mlotsVPR5703: "ndiswrapper -l" too
18:53.31nvzPedro420: I was drunk last night and shocked, so its not even hit me yet.. I'm going to me highly emotionally unstable myself once it sets in
18:53.56Pedro420nvz: no shit
18:53.56VPR5703nevermind, I cant do it
18:53.59VPR5703use that instead.
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18:54.11klockHOORAH FOR NEW YEARS!
18:54.12VPR5703ndiswrapper is not installed
18:54.22dephiis anyone having trouble with fonts using flashplugin-nonfree, I can't see any text
18:54.29jjazzabrotman, Manny is more expensive and has no D
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18:54.43blondieklock: eh?
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18:55.03abrotmanjjazz: he's not more expensive .. per year he is . but not life of contract .. and he's good enough .. he's an outfielder FFS ..
18:55.09klockblondie: whats your resolution
18:55.15kspathanyone ever use mouseemu to fool Xwin?
18:55.32blondieklock: 1280x1024
18:55.33jjazzabrotman, per year is the number that counts.  Life of contract isn't the issue.  It's how much per year vs. what you get for those years.
18:55.35klockblondie: mines 1280x1024 dang that was hilarious
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18:56.03nvzPedro420: I'm trying to get worked up about it now so I can try and control myself later
18:56.05abrotmanjjazz: it's still money out .. doesn't matter .. manny can veto it anyways
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18:56.29mlotsVPR5703: So "mkdir /mnt/cdrom;mount /dev/hde /mnt/cdrom" doesn't work? (sorry if I'm asking something you answered)
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18:56.29jjazzabrotman, would he?  Who knows.
18:56.31abrotmanjjazz: and you guys overpaid for damon :)
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18:56.38VPR5703I never tried it
18:56.42gocciasdephi: talking firefox ? i see no problem using Shockwave Flash 7.0 r61
18:56.43VPR5703Let me write that down
18:56.44abrotmanjjazz: though .. i do understand why
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18:57.26abrotmanjjazz: i don't think manny would want to continue playing for AL East
18:57.32jjazzabrotman, agreed.  But I think we had too.  I would have preferred fewer years.  He isn't worth 13mm/yr, but I can deal with spending an extra few mm over the life of the contract.
18:57.33dephigoccias: yeah, stupid question...needed gsfonts
18:57.39kspathI am dumb      thought mouseemu was to avoid having a mouse       /me slaps self
18:57.47abrotmanjjazz: few extra? 13 million extra :)
18:57.50mlotsVPR5703: Does apt-cdrom or dselect's select a cdrom etc help? I think aptitude has something for setting up the /etc/apt/sources.list
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18:58.10jjazzabrotman, we couldn't have had Damon just by matching Boston's offer.
18:58.15VPR5703Ill try those also
18:58.29mlotsAnyone know where I can get some ndiswrapper support?
18:58.31abrotmanjjazz: nope .. but 13 mil is a lot
18:58.35abrotmanmlots: for debian ?
18:58.41VPR5703OK thanks mlots
18:58.50mlotsabrotman: Sure.
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18:58.58abrotmanmlots: i'm serious .. is it for debian?
18:58.58VPR5703Ill be back after I try those. Ill report my results to you.
18:59.10abrotmanmlots: there is #ndiswrapper .. or here
18:59.16abrotman!tell mlots about ndis one-liner
18:59.23Pedro420nvz: well i'm gonna take a walk to radio shack and look around
18:59.26abrotman!tell mlots about ndiswrapper one-liner
18:59.46ArtemI have a problem with Debian Sarge 3.1(stable/testing) - when i updated libpango1.0-0 and libglib2 from testing my x-server crashes when i close kde session. I need help
18:59.46*** join/#debian palandir` (
18:59.54nvzPedro420: the problem is I normally dont get emotional until afterwords.. but since its been so long since I've seen them its going to be harder to adjust to seeing them again under these circumstances
18:59.55doleybHey, I just upgraded sid firefox, and now it uses gtk file-save dialogs.  How can I fix that?
18:59.55mlotsabrotman: I can't use sarge or even sid. I have to compile my own package. so maybe it's debian.
19:00.05*** join/#debian Dave_SC (
19:00.11jjazzabrotman, Sure, but the overpay wasn't 13mm.  It was closer to half that.  He wouldn't have come for $13mm less.  The magic number was probably $12mm.  But when you make a final offer, you have to really make it final..
19:00.21abrotmanmlots: huh ?
19:00.22jjazzaw shit... cat just puked... gotta jey
19:00.33abrotmanjjazz: hehe
19:00.50gocciascats are in love atm
19:00.56Dave_SCCan you tell me how to install a program on MEPIS?
19:01.02abrotmanDave_SC: #mepis
19:01.12benjamindeesArtem, downgrade
19:01.15gocciasmine she's really fat and pretty :)
19:01.31mlotsabrotman: that wouldn't help. I need to use version 1.6 (but preferably 1.7) of ndiswrapper. afaict sid only has 1.5
19:01.37Dave_SCMEPIS LINIUX is Debain base
19:01.47abrotman!info ndiswrapper-source sid
19:01.48streunerdpkg, debian based
19:01.48dpkgKnoppix, Libranet, Corel/Xandros, Stormix, Progeny, Linspire, DamnSmallLinux, Xebian, Ubuntu, Mepis, and so on are *not* Debian. Just because something's "based on" Debian doesn't mean we can support it. We're supporting Debian, let your distro's support network support it. Ask me about "d-i".
19:01.51nvzDave_SC: dpkg -i
19:01.53abrotmanDave_SC: ASK #mepis
19:01.55dpkgndiswrapper-source: (Source for the ndiswrapper linux kernel module), section misc, is optional. Version: 1.5-1 (sid), Packaged size: 126 kB, Installed size: 180 kB
19:02.10abrotman!info ndiswrapper-source experimental
19:02.11benjamindeesArtem, go away then, and don't upgrade important system libraries without knowing the consequences...
19:02.13dephianother question, when the sysstat cronjob runs for several hours it spawns cron processes that never die and prevents users from logging in, any suggestions?
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19:02.27nvzDave_SC: if its not a debian package then you should look at the install docs and talk to the upstream authors of the program
19:02.29mlotsabrotman: I've already got the modules loaded, and the driver loaded.
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19:02.37nvzDave_SC: deb's are installed using dpkg -i
19:02.44mlotsabrotman: ndiswrapper -l shows the driver loaded, and the hardware loaded.
19:02.45abrotmanmlots: then you're going to have to ask #ndiswrapper
19:02.51abrotmanmlots: i've never used it
19:02.53ArtemBut i need to work with some programs from testing!
19:03.00*** mode/#debian [+l 717] by debhelper
19:03.03donmok..... there is a new xserver-xorg
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19:03.20nvzman I am gonna be a nervous fucking wreck I can see it now
19:03.28kspathI avoid wireless like a plague    except my 5.2Ghz phones
19:03.41Dave_SCI am, as you can tell , new at this, but want to change everything from MS to Linux, thanks
19:03.45kspatherr 5.8Ghz
19:03.52abrotmanDave_SC: please ask #mepis
19:03.52donmhow the hell i will install the Ati driver package because it requers the old versiion of xserver-xorg
19:04.19nvzDave_SC: you should use debian if you want the support of the largest growing distro
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19:05.08Dave_SCso I have been told, just need a good "Crossover" OS till I figure it all out
19:05.08kspathDave_SC: hint: make a backup of all your good/fun/useful data/files onto CDRs and/or DVDRs  then  go to #mepis
19:05.18abrotmanso ask #mepis
19:05.26nvzDave_SC: our distro is heavily based on policies and those policies in turn control what goes into our system and how its implemented.. when someone installs debian with the intention to make a live-disto they could make any number of changes against debian policy.
19:05.34kspathDave_SC: Xandros until you are ready for the real Debian
19:05.50abrotmangod .. just fucking install debian .. it's not hard
19:05.54nvzDave_SC: so you need to talk to the people who actually package and use your software, or you need to try debian
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19:06.46ArtemNo. I have installed ATI drivers :)
19:07.00Dave_SCok thanks, I am using a KDE box now, Debian based
19:07.11Dave_SCJust installed it last night
19:07.15odlaand a bucket
19:07.15benjamindeesArtem, good luck then...
19:07.27gocciasodla: hell in a bucket i guess :)
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19:07.56dvsHappy new Year!
19:08.01kspathDave_SC: great you are set     debian-based |= to debian   see your distribution irc channel
19:08.30donmit is hard for me ... to move from fuckin windows
19:08.37kspathjjazz: bloody mary isnt breakfast?
19:08.49Dave_SCI know the feeling
19:08.58valdyndonm: why are you not using debian/stable?
19:09.10De_Moni love that tactful 'debian based' answer
19:09.13Eulexdonm, umh, you are running unstable when switching away from windows? unstable is unsupported
19:09.15jjazzkspath, my stomach is growling for it's new year's meal
19:09.21donmbecause i am stupid
19:09.36donmwhat can i do
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19:09.39De_Mondonm it's not because you're a cutting edge kinda guy?
19:09.48valdyndonm: reinstall and stick to stable
19:09.49dvsor risky
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19:10.30VPR5703the midir command returned "invalid folder" error
19:10.56EulexVPR5703, where, how and when?
19:11.01De_Moni aliased aptitude='aptitude -t stable' and install a few packages from testing
19:11.07abrotmanand what was the name of the folder ?
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19:11.24jjazzIs there any way to tell cron not to bother mailing me unless the process returns an error?
19:11.26VPR5703the whole command is mkdir /mnt/cdrom;mount/dev/hde /mnt/cdrom
19:11.42valdynVPR5703: LC_ALL=C <command> for the english error, mkdir does not 'talk' about 'folder'
19:11.42VPR5703the folder error was at mount/dev/hde
19:11.46Dave_SCLater, I'm out
19:11.49donmi have more questions is there a problem to ask them because google really dont know many answers
19:11.56De_Monjjazz command > /dev/null i believe
19:12.03gocciasjjazz: > /dev/null 2>&1
19:12.07VPR5703kspath ignore me
19:12.11abrotmanjjazz: set MAILTO=nobody
19:12.12valdyndonm: just ask, and just dont ask metaquestions
19:12.14jjazzDe_Mon, goccias thanks
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19:12.17De_Monisn't 2> errors?
19:12.20jjazzabrotman, But I want mail if there's an error
19:12.23blondiehmm, why would /etc/profile be different on one sarge install to another, when I haven't changed either?
19:12.27abrotmanjjazz: oh sure .. fine .. be that way
19:12.28gocciasjjazz: np
19:12.44valdynblondie: it would not
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19:13.20blondievaldyn: well it is
19:13.34blondieone of them doesn't contain su stuff
19:13.44gocciasblondie: you are making me looking all over my beloved sarge scared up like a child :)
19:13.58Fred21my isp only has pop3 to check mails but i don't want to send my password in plain to the remote server, help me
19:14.02jjazzblondie, what kind of su stuff does into profile?
19:14.10mlotsVPR5703: you forgot a space after mount
19:14.18De_MonFred21 uh, what?
19:14.19valdynFred21: we cant fix your isp
19:14.24VPR5703Sorry about that
19:14.30Fred21is it possible to connect to ssh session then enter the remote server adress to send password crypted?
19:14.35VPR5703Im typing the results of dmesg|grep ATA
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19:14.45VPR5703Ill paste the link in here when Im doen
19:14.55blondiejjazz: the path
19:14.56EulexFred21, not if their server doesn't support it.
19:15.00benjamindeesFred21, nope
19:15.05valdynFred21: you have a ssh login to their server?
19:15.16Fred21valdyn: no
19:15.21jjazzblondie, ah, yes
19:15.34donmi have a tv tuner, and i didnt find any  driver for it...  i 've red in the forums that there are drivers in the kernel but... i dont know how to use them tv tuner packages did not recognize the hardware
19:15.41mlotsVPR5703: mkdir /mnt/cdrom creates a directory. ; says there's another command. mount /dev/hde /mnt/cdrom says make the cdrom accessible under the /mnt/cdrom directory.
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19:15.56De_Monhe red the forums ;]
19:16.05Fred21valdyn: i've two computer at home, if i connect to the second pc via ssh and i check mails via mutt, is the password will be sent in crypted?
19:16.10VPR5703so I put a spce between dev/hde and mnt/cdrom
19:16.14valdynblondie: because you installed a new kernel?
19:16.15De_Mondonm each tuner is different you will have to be, you know, SPECIFIC
19:16.17jjazzFred21, yes it will
19:16.20VPR5703*do I
19:16.21benjamindeesdonm, oh boy, do you know the hardware and/or chipset?
19:16.22blondievaldyn: no I haven't changed anything
19:16.27donmmy tuner is Pixelview playtv pro ultra Conexant
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19:16.47Fred21jjazz: is it the only solution when the isp doesn't use ssl?
19:16.58De_Mondonm and what drivers did the forumn say to use?
19:16.59jjazzFred21, AFAIK, yes
19:17.03mlotsVPR5703: yes. It's "mount <device node> <directory>" where there's spaces between each part...
19:17.07valdynFred21: this is a weird idea really
19:17.11Eulexdonm, you will have to know the chipset. lspci or lsusb will maybe be able to find out.
19:17.13blondiethis is all very impossible
19:17.19VPR5703whats the whole command and Ill try it again.
19:17.32valdynFred21: just because you run mutt in an ssh shell, that does not affect the way mutt grabs mail
19:17.36mlotsof course <device node> is /dev/hde in your case and <director> is the new one I asked you to create.
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19:18.08EulexFred21, yes, the password will be sent encrypted to your other computer. no, it will still be sent unencrypted to your isp.
19:18.08Fred21many isp the world only have pop3 or not pop3s, smtps
19:18.09donmi know that the chip is conexant 304 or something...
19:18.11jjazzvaldyn, yes, but the password you send to Mutt will go through the ssh connex.  Then mutt just reads the local spool, so no pop password is sent.
19:18.18donmi dont know exactly
19:18.24EulexFred21, you're SOL
19:18.38benjamindeesit would be nice to have an updated list of tv tuners compatible with Linux
19:18.58Fred21Eulex: the best way is used account as gmail?
19:19.08*** part/#debian poe-t (
19:19.11donmok i got progress
19:19.13donm0000:00:0a.0 Multimedia video controller: Conexant CX23880/1/2/3 PCI Video and A udio Decoder (rev 05)
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19:19.22EulexFred21, umh, what? gmail has ssl support, yes.
19:19.26Fred21gmail and altern purpose pop3s, do you know another services with pop3s
19:19.28VPR5703ok mlots Im going to try it again.
19:19.36VPR5703Thatks again for the patience and help
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19:19.48Fred21Eulex: i've a gmail account, gmail and altern
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19:19.53EulexFred21, sorry, no.
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19:20.18physishi all
19:20.24donmso ... how can i make it work
19:20.31Fred21Eulex: why isp only purpose pop3? is it expensive to enable pop3s?
19:20.38EulexFred21, don't ask me.
19:21.14Fred21freenode does'nt have ssl :-(
19:21.19Fred21it's a big problem
19:21.29Fred21i don't want to send my password in plain
19:21.31physisGuys, when I try up tun0 device I have "tun0: ERROR while getting interface flags:".  net/tun.ko module it's loaded, but I can't use a tunnel. Anyone know what happen ? I'm using Ubuntu.
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19:21.41_rene_physis: wrong channel.
19:22.00kspathFred21:  ignorance and  lack of standards and available common pop3 clients and    customer demand
19:22.02jjazzFred21, email is really insecure regardless.  If you want security in email, use GPG
19:22.06physis_rene_, hummm.. why ? Isn't a debian litter problem? :P
19:22.10Fred21when i'm at school, i connect me to my house via ssh and i check my mail with mutt
19:22.15Eulexdonm, "Note that the cx88 driver also is included in the 2.6.x kernels." -- just modprobe it if you use a 2.6 kernel
19:22.19_rene_physis: because this is no ubuntu channel and you use ubuntu
19:22.45physis_rene_, I think Ubuntu it's a debian too. But, thank's.
19:22.47jjazzphysis, #ubuntu will be able to help you
19:22.48donmi am using exatly that kernel
19:22.48mlotsWhat's the term setting for 80x25? I think xterm would work, but I'd rather use a console one as that's what I'm trying to set (linux-console or alike).
19:22.54_rene_physis: no, it's not
19:23.00*** mode/#debian [+l 707] by debhelper
19:23.03_rene_physis: it's *based* on it, it's not debian
19:23.20physisjjazz, I do this before go here :-(
19:23.26physis_rene_, ok. Thank's.
19:23.29_rene_physis: so you are wrong here with ubuntu-questions. go to a ubuntu channel
19:23.29Fred21jjazz: with gpg, if i send my mail via smtp, the mail will be encrypted?
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19:23.42benjamindeesdonm, modprobe cx88xx
19:23.49jjazzphysis, Well, if they can't help you, your best bet is google.  The Ubuntu forums have a lot of info for most problems.
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19:24.20kspathFred21:  main issue is the recipient must have enough clue to use  PGP
19:24.32physisjjazz, I found this problem in forums, but no the answer. Thank you
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19:24.53Fred21what's the best way? use smtps or pgp?
19:24.54donmok Thank you :)
19:24.56jjazzFred21, you encrypt the mail on your box (in mutt), then it goes in encrypted form via smtp to the recipient.  They unencrypted.  Everybody in the middle would have a hard time reading the message.
19:25.03jjazzFred21, use GPG
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19:25.45jjazzFred21, mutt has pretty good gpg support.  Actually, I would say it's very good.
19:26.33jjazzFred21, the only obstacle is getting everybody else to use GPG.
19:26.39Fred21when i want to check mails, i use mutt... is it better my with .muttrc file or by fetchmail?
19:26.42dvsjjazz: Agreed
19:26.55donmsays module not found, is there a way to see the exact name of the modules that respond to the "modprobe" command
19:27.08jjazzFred21, I use fetchmail
19:27.13kspathFred21: just remember if you send email to your non-computer literate friends/family they will not know what to do with PGP encrypted emails unless you tell them in extreme detail
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19:27.14Fred21jjazz: if i send a mail to my friend, he must to have my key to read the mail,
19:27.31Fred21jjazz: to use fetchmail, is it the port 25 open
19:27.32jjazzFred21, upload your key to a public keyserver, like the MIT server
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19:27.50benjamindeesdonm, they're in /lib/modules/2.6.8-2*/kernel/drivers
19:27.57jjazzFred21, fetchmail knows what port to open
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19:27.59VPR5703no luck there either
19:28.06jjazzFred21, if you want to change it, man fetchmail
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19:28.14VPR5703but it knows its there because eject hde works fine
19:28.18benjamindeesdon_inlab, what does 'uname -r' say?
19:28.23cahootFreak: I thought the idea was you encrypt with recipients pub key
19:28.27benjamindeesdonm, what does 'uname -r' say?
19:28.31jjazzcahoot, yes
19:28.31gocciasFred21: you can attach an encripted file . think zip or similar
19:28.34Fred21my isp filter the port 25 in out and in
19:28.54jjazzFred21, you need a new ISP.  Who is your ISP?
19:29.20HugLeogood new year
19:29.29nkuttlerVPR5703: what did you do?
19:29.49benjamindeesFred21, mine too, but you can get them to open it
19:29.51dvsHugLeo: How do you know? ;-)
19:29.59VPR5703mkdir /mnt/cdrom;mount /dev/hde/mnt/cdrom
19:30.02VPR5703I got two errors
19:30.10donmcuting edge... type...
19:30.12VPR5703One: /mnt/cdrom already exists
19:30.20benjamindeesdonm, okay so you compiled it yourself?  if so, you may not have built the module...
19:30.20nkuttlerVPR5703: that doesn't matter
19:30.28Fred21jjazz:  belgacom in belgium
19:30.35VPR5703and two: mount: cant find /dev/hde/mnt/cdrom in /ect..
19:30.41VPR5703I forgot what exactly it wasy
19:30.42Fred21many isp in belgium filter the port25
19:30.44nkuttlerVPR5703: and of course you forgot to put a space between /dev/hde and /mnt/cdrom
19:30.55kspathFred21: some ISPs have MTAs running on other ports but use  SASL for authsmtp to get around that restriction
19:30.55jjazzFred21, well, pop3 is port 110, fetchmail shouldn't need port 25 except on localhost, which your ISP can't do anything about.
19:31.05benjamindeesdonm, it's in the default 2.6.8 kernel in Sarge
19:31.06HugLeodvs: What know?
19:31.11nkuttlerVPR5703: try not to use the enter key so often, it's irritating
19:31.13VPR5703What would happen if I just tried mount /dev/hde and nothing else?
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19:31.16donmthere is a black notepad beside me helpin'
19:31.18dvsHugLeo: It's a good year.
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19:31.20jjazzFred21, but I don't even use port 25 locally.  I use fetchmail to grab the mail and then pass it to a perl script to deliver to mboxes in my userdir.
19:31.20donmso i am fuckes
19:31.32donmso i am fucked
19:31.35nkuttlerVPR5703: nothing. man fstab to fix that. type "mount /dev/hde/ /mnt/cdrom"
19:31.52nkuttlerVPR5703: erm, /dev/hde without slash
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19:31.54HugLeodvs: My last year have go sad
19:31.59kspathFred21: fetchmail and procmail are both awesome  as is mutt  check them out
19:32.03donmand i have to reinstall the debian
19:32.08VPR5703so jus type mount /dev/hde /mnt/cdrom?
19:32.10benjamindeesjjazz, surely you send mail...
19:32.11gocciaswhy not procmail ?
19:32.13Fred21help me ;-)
19:32.20clojsterstupid X :/
19:32.23Fred21i make a file .fethcmailrcisp1?
19:32.30HugLeodvs: It year should better!
19:32.33nkuttlerVPR5703: yes. man mount if in doubt
19:32.35Fred21i chmod it to 600
19:32.41HugLeodvs: I hope!
19:32.51jjazzbenjamindees, right.  I send mail on port 25, but presumably he can do that since he's already using mutt on his box at home.  It's checking mail that's the problem.
19:32.53donmis that the only way
19:33.13Fred21i go to test it, i'll be back
19:33.14benjamindeesjjazz, I thought he wanted encryption...
19:33.19Fred21thank for you help
19:33.20clojsterand debian snapshots too... I cant choose another vesion to install when I add apropriate line in apt sources for snapshots :(
19:33.22Fred21se you
19:33.30gocciaschecking mail is 110
19:33.40jjazzbenjamindees, I think he just wants some semblance of secure mail
19:33.52benjamindeesjjazz, ah I see gpg...
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19:34.25kspathjjazz: some ISPs are finally blocking port25  I think Earthlink does still due to the large number of machines infected with the MS OS virii that makes them zombies spraying spam and crap everywhere
19:34.30michael__I'm using ndiswrapper to enable my wireless device. I use $modprobe ndiswrapper, configure the settings, then activate it. How can I do this on startup? I want to make a startup script but don't know what the startup folder is, or what to put in the bash file.
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19:34.33gocciasther is no securemail . gpg make your peer sure you send it
19:34.57benjamindeeslazy worthless ISPs blocking outgoing SMTP...
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19:35.19jjazzkspath, a better solution would be to ban win boxes from the net
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19:36.02benjamindeesmy ISP blocks about twelve ports, 10 of which are Windows specific or Windows trojans...
19:36.16HugLeojjazz: :]
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19:36.52jjazzbenjamindees, well, I shouldn't talk.  My ISP blocks incoming port 80.  Stupid Verizon.
19:36.56bloomwhy does aptitude want to remove base-config when dist-upgrading sid? is base-config being removed or replaced, or is this a bug?
19:37.01benjamindeesincoming port 80 and 25 just because they're dicks, and outgoing port 25 because they're complete dipshits
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19:37.34kspathjjazz: I agree completely
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19:37.57kspathI was a mail admin for years  for a 300,000 subscriber ISP
19:38.00gocciasbenjamindees: so what happen if you telnet to read your mail ?
19:38.10kspathnow I am an unemployed luser
19:38.15jjazzkspath, that sounds like a world of pain
19:38.25yangi am trying to do the backup of the broken disk...Seems some files got damaged becouse of inproper usage of fsck. But now if I boot the machine with lifiimage and mount it, I cannot access it, becouse there is no system installed on it, how could I solve this?
19:38.51benjamindeesgoccias, no dice, not on port 25 at least
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19:39.52gocciasyang: google for Sleuth forensics
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19:40.32Molatovu r up the sticky end yang
19:41.00TGoCMy debianutils is f*cked it tells me to remove it but if i do it i lose apache etc
19:41.04donmif i copy the files from the old kernel wl that work
19:41.05TGoCAnyone have an fix?
19:41.23HugLeoI trying install debian whitout CD media and Floopy, any idea?
19:41.23gocciasbenjamindees: this is bad, very bad : they are incompetent idiots
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19:42.21madradroneanyone know if/which vnc server works with xorg?
19:42.21donmi am asking you because i found  'cx8xx.ko' and 'cx800.ko'
19:42.33jjazzHugLeo, can you boot from a usb drive?
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19:42.45benjamindeesdonm, no they are kernel specific
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19:43.35HugLeojjazz: No, in the HD
19:43.41D13GU___hi all!! how to set font on cosole?
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19:43.54benjamindeesdonm, sorry I wasn't paying attention, you don't have to reinstall Debian, just install the debian kernel or build the modules for the kernel you have
19:44.08HugLeojjazz: I have a iso
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19:44.33donmi dont know how to build either modules or deb packages
19:44.54benjamindeesdonm, where did you get that kernel?
19:45.04dpkg[kp] To compile a kernel The Debian Way (tm) "apt-get install kernel-package build-essential" and follow the instructions in /usr/share/doc/kernel-package/README.gz or when it bitches, rm -rf stamp-* debian before you run it again, or ask me about 'make-kpkg' and 'kp mantra', or, or (read Rationale.gz in the doc directory too)
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19:46.14frobnitzQuestion about 6.9: when I turn on EmulateWheel for button 2, scrolling works properly but a single click doesn't send a normal button event.  EmulateWheelTimeout is recognized, so it seems like it should work.  Any ideas?
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19:46.29TGoCdpkg: error processing debianutils (--configure):
19:46.40TGoCwhat can i do?
19:46.47donmyou mean the source list?
19:46.47nkuttlerTGoC: what it says?
19:46.51nkuttlerMolatov: what?
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19:47.01dvsMolatov: If you have nothing to say....
19:47.05aimtrainerHi! Can anyone tell me if there are mods for amule like for emule? I would ask in #amule but I'm banned though I never been there ...
19:47.09TGoCnkuttler it said debianutils is in a very bad incosistent state
19:47.19nkuttlerTGoC: yes, i read that
19:47.22benjamindeesdonm, you got it from a 3rd party repository?
19:47.24TGoCand then i should reinstall it but if i do that i can practicly reinstall everything
19:47.41nkuttlerTGoC: dpkg -i foo.deb or apt-get --reinstall
19:47.57dvsbenjamindees: It looks like testing at least
19:48.02decoy5657just installed latest debian.... what's the best way to get openoffice2 installed?
19:48.03TGoCdpkg: error processing foo.deb (--install):
19:48.17nkuttlerTGoC: of course not
19:48.19dpkgwell, foo is the first metasyntactic variable, it's a placeholder for some other term. See <> and <bar>
19:48.27whitehorse1Does anyone know the differences between the (testing) packages 'discover' and 'discover1' please? Function-wise do they examine the BIOS & determine installed hardware from there? In particular, do they do the same job - e.g. perhaps one is a fork to supersede the other?
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19:48.38nkuttlerTGoC: /var/cache/apt/archives/foo.deb
19:48.53benjamindeesdvs, ah, duh...
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19:49.39benjamindeesdonm, are you on testing/stable/unstable?
19:49.40nkuttlerdecoy5657: on stable?
19:49.53whitehorse1Does anyone know [and is able/willing to tell me - please do ;)] the differences between the (etch~testing) packages 'discover' and 'discover1' please? Function-wise do they examine the BIOS & determine installed hardware from there? In particular, do they do the same job - e.g. perhaps one is a fork to supersede the other?
19:49.54decoy5657not sure.
19:50.02nkuttlerdecoy5657: cat /etc/debian_version
19:50.05whitehorse1decoy5657: uname -r
19:50.09donmi think it is unstable
19:50.11HugLeojjazz: I have a iso in the partition fat32. Distribution with knoppix is possible boot by the HD using the program loadlin
19:50.19whitehorse1nkuttler yep that'd be better :)
19:50.21decoy5657yes. i have 3.1
19:50.33donmbecause one or more of the source lista ... reads unstable
19:50.35HugLeojjazz: Is possible too in debian?
19:50.44whitehorse1decoy5657: ah that's Sarge then aka Stable. :)
19:50.52_rene_whitehorse1: uh, look at the version and you'll see...
19:50.52nkuttlerdecoy5657: google openoffice backports... try
19:51.12donmit is unstable...
19:51.22TGoCnkuttler foo does not exist?
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19:51.27donmcan i stableize it :P
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19:51.31decoy5657awesome. thanks.
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19:51.35_rene_whitehorse1: it's so completely obvious...
19:51.53whitehorse1_rene_ er did you mean to reply to me with that? I was asking about the etch packages discover and discover1, having not been able to determine specifics from the package page
19:51.59nkuttlerTGoC: hm, is that a philosophical question?
19:52.01whitehorse1_rene_ Perhaps. Not to me though :p
19:52.16_rene_whitehorse1: look at the version numbers
19:52.21donmwihout a hammer
19:52.23whitehorse1_rene_ Ok, brb :)
19:52.24TGoCuh it's just a normal question? :p
19:52.27_rene_"discover" is 2.0.7-2.1
19:52.28nkuttlerTGoC: try apt-get --reinstall install whateverpackageyouwanttoreinstall
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19:52.34_rene_discover 1.7.17
19:52.36_rene_(in sid)
19:52.43_rene_get the idea?
19:52.56_fredhi. I have a font question. I use mainly 3 languages English, French and Chinese and sometimes Thai as well. Coming from windows all characters (even non-letters ones - like smileys or so) were being displayed correctly in all applications. What font should I use to achieve that under KDE?
19:53.00whitehorse1I'd only looked @ etch, going to have a look again now anyhow. back in a tick
19:53.06_rene_whitehorse1: same there
19:53.07TGoCthx nkuttler :D
19:53.10TGoCyour the best!
19:53.14_rene_whitehorse1: same also in sarge.
19:53.25donmi dont know what to do
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19:53.42_rene_whitehorse1: it's so completely abvious that talking about that is a complete waste of time.
19:54.04benjamindeesdonm, so, you need either a newer kernel, or the 2.6.8 kernel from sarge with the backported driver
19:54.26D13GU___where i see link sources list?
19:54.29Shadowcatis anyone having a problem with the latest nvidia-kernel-source in unstable?
19:54.37TGoCif i do apt-get upgrade now i get: E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg exited unexpectedly
19:54.40nkuttlerD13GU___: man sources.list?
19:54.45nkuttlerTGoC: why?
19:54.52HermanDEAnybody have a good story about implementing mDNS with Macs?
19:55.01D13GU___nkuttler yes
19:55.16TGoCdon't know nkuttler
19:55.25Andrew_PDid anyone has success with installing Sun Studio 11 on Sarge? It seems to use rpm utility during install, and Debian argues to use alien instead...
19:55.36donmi will reinstall the Debian ... but how to make it stable
19:55.37nkuttlerTGoC: paste the output in #flood
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19:56.13D13GU___nkuttler ?
19:56.25HugLeoAnybody help -me ?
19:56.34nkuttlerD13GU___: yes?
19:57.05donmi'll never get back to the money hungry winboz
19:57.15D13GU___nkuttler url to sources.list
19:57.17benjamindeesdonm, the 2.6.14-2 kernel in unstable has the correct driver
19:57.28whitehorse1_rene_ So you're saying that on the basis 'discover1+'discover1 data' are version 1.7x and 1.2x (respectively) in Testing and discover+discoverdata are versions 2.07/2.2 (respectively) again in Testing, that the 'discover1' package is deprecated and accordingly superseded by 'discover'? In other words, if I was to report a bug via BTS possibly in both then 'discover' would be the more important one really? I appreciate it's so obv
19:57.43nkuttlerD13GU___: run apt-setup
19:58.00_rene_whitehorse1: yes. no, d-i uses discover1 for whatever reason, still iirc, so..
19:58.11whitehorse1er no, meant discover1 deprecated by discover
19:58.16donmok i wil get it
19:58.20_rene_yes. I understood that
19:58.27_rene_discover1 is an older version
19:58.30Andrew_PSo nobody tried Sun Studio?
19:58.35_rene_but since discover1 is used by the installer....
19:58.50donmwhere can i find more full source list to type in my settings
19:58.53dvsAndrew_P: On Linux?
19:59.10*** join/#debian bosts (n=ipcom@
19:59.19Andrew_PYeas, on Debian, I've asked about that a minute ago...
19:59.24kspathlol gentoo    :    that is MUCH closer to hardcore
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20:00.18kspathif you want my debian, you will have to pry it from my cold dead hands
20:00.27whitehorse1_rene_ thank you I do appreciate you clearing me up on this. so in summary: best for me to stay with discover and report bug on *that* (if present) and forget about discover1 (plus silently hate on installer because it still uses discover1, of course). 99% clear but just wanna double-check to make sure I understood
20:00.28benjamindeesAndrew_P, alien doesn't work?
20:01.12Andrew_PI'll try converting all those rpm's now, though it's not recommended. Studio has it's own graphical installed and it calls rpm :(
20:01.31Andrew_P*graphical installer
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20:02.39_rene_whitehorse1: imho not. just stick what the installer uses except you have a compelling reason to not do so. there might be a reason discover1 is used
20:03.00*** mode/#debian [+l 707] by debhelper
20:03.07_rene_whitehorse1: like 2 having some bugs. or not that complete device-list because of restructuring, or doesn't know about old hw anymore, or whatever
20:03.18_rene_whitehorse1: if you really want to know, ask the d-i developers
20:03.23benjamindeesAndrew_P, it has an installer, to install the rpm?
20:03.36whitehorse1_rene_  *nod* makes sense
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20:03.41micahfso if I'm using PAP or CHAP, can the secret be random?
20:03.53Andrew_PYes, the installer calls rpm utility itself - somewhat ugly installer :)
20:04.06micahfor must it be the password for my ISP?
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20:05.14colkwhere would a add on ultra ata card be in dev
20:05.15Andrew_PAnd alien fails to convert some rpm's :(
20:05.47Andrew_Pdpkg-shlibdeps fails to be exact...
20:05.52dvscolk: Are there drives on the new card?
20:06.14colkits a silicon image card
20:06.15Andrew_PSo will try installing Sun Studio on Solaris or whenever else...
20:06.17dvscolk: I'd try fdisk -l
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20:06.28colkhmm weird
20:06.34colkits listing the drives
20:06.41colknot listing the drives
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20:07.08dvscolk: That is a lowercase "L" by the way.
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20:07.22signiusis it poss to search for another room on this irc with part of what you think might be the rooms name ?
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20:08.30donmi have a trick question... :) what is better  : Gnome or KDE or...
20:08.34ILF_wtf, my dma doesn't work. did this:
20:08.42HugLeosignius: #flood
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20:09.03kyncani!tell donm about better
20:09.06ILF_donm: that's a stupid flamewar-question
20:09.09benjamindees!start a de war
20:09.16benjamindees!start a DE war
20:09.26dvs!start a gui war
20:09.34donmi know.
20:09.37benjamindees!start a desktop war
20:09.37dpkgGNOME is better then KDE, period.
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20:09.40kspathtty uber alles
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20:09.45dvs!beer benjamindees
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20:12.07VPR5703now ive got a problem with X-Window
20:12.23berenhow do I apply the patches from kernel-tree package before compiling a kernel?
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20:13.10VPR5703when I reboot, it goes throgh the normal process, and the screen blinks three times, and returns me to the text shell with the login prompt
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20:13.31dvsVPR5703: Look in /var/log/XFree86.log for (EE)
20:13.35dvsthe last occurance
20:13.45nkuttlerVPR5703: do you have network?
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20:13.57kspathroue: dpkg --reconfigure-exim4 ?
20:14.00VPR5703Not a good one.
20:14.06VPR5703I cant wire my computer
20:14.10rouekspath - thanks I'll try that
20:14.12boldstrikecan anyone tell me how to adjust screen resolution? somehow i can't increase the resolution above 800X600
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20:14.27ILF_anyone know how to make dma work on my asus a7n8x? doesn't work. did this:
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20:14.44dvsboldstrike: The most important thing is to make sure you have the right frequencies for your monitor
20:14.46SimonRavenroue: dpkg-reconfigure exim4-config
20:14.50kspaththe GUI is dumbing down the linux base
20:14.59bobbensILF_: i found that adding NOAPIC NOLAPIC to the grub command line fixes it.  I had the same problem
20:14.59*** part/#debian paule (
20:15.02boldstrikedvs: how do i check that?
20:15.14ILF_bobbens: or disabling apic in bios?
20:15.16kspaththanks SimonRaven    I am dumb and tired    bad combo
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20:15.21VPR5703Im just going to format the EXT3 partition and redo the install.
20:15.28bobbensILF_: havent tried that, i just disabled it in grub and it works fine, no complaints
20:15.32SimonRavenkspath: more like less technically adept people getting involved
20:15.37ILF_bobbens: will try, thx
20:15.42dvsboldstrike: I'd look in the /etc/X11/XF86Config file for the Monitor section
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20:16.17Mandrigboldstrike, did you get my messages?
20:16.25kspathSimonRaven: the GUI is reducing their exposure and slowing/retarding their learning
20:16.30rouehmm. dpkg doesn't appear to have a --reconfigure or --reconfigure-exim4 flag, and I don't seem to have a dpkg-reconfigure command.
20:16.38VPR5703not when you cant get into it! LOL
20:16.45*** join/#debian jet (n=jet_li@
20:16.56kspathroue: read what SimonRaven said to you
20:16.57boldstrikeMandrig: yes
20:16.57HugLeobay bay, friends
20:17.10dvslake, lake
20:17.17kspathSimonRaven> roue: dpkg-reconfigure exim4-config
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20:17.58kspathroue: are you using Debian?
20:17.59roueah, thanks. that's odd.
20:17.59benjamindees!ops jet spam
20:18.00dpkgHydroxide, bob2, caphuso, dondelelcaro, doogie, eeyore-, ElectricElf, ):, helix, ljlane, LoRez, RichiH, mentor, Netsnipe, TML, walters, xk, gravity, azeem: jet spam
20:18.21roueI looked for the dpkg-reconfigure in my path and didn't find it. but it ran anyway. :)
20:18.36*** join/#debian nanok_ (n=nanok@
20:18.38kspathjet: that is what we are to report to SEC and BBB and FBI and freenode?
20:18.57TGoCPreparing to replace openssl 0.9.7e-2 (using .../openssl_0.9.7e-3_i386.deb) ...
20:18.57TGoCE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg exited unexpectedly
20:19.11TGoCdpkg: error processing openssl (--configure):
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20:20.10ludiMy debian box fails to boot.  It goes into maintenance mode and says "Press CTRL+D" and some other stuff.
20:20.36ludiI ran fsck several times but it still fails.
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20:20.43dvsludi: Your file system is corrupt
20:21.10berenhis file system accepts bribes?
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20:21.20dvs!smack beren
20:21.26mdshortI just replaced old crunky FC2 with debian and alternative components... I can't believe how much memory there is to spare now...
20:21.30TGoCMy openssl is crashing during upgrade, apt-get --reinstall install openssl is also not working, what can i do?
20:21.33Deepa!smack dpkg
20:21.54ludiSo do I have to format and reinstall?
20:21.56bobbensTGoC: maybe try removing or purging it and reinstalling it
20:21.59SimonRaven@ops jet is spamming URIs
20:22.00ravenbirdHydroxide, azeem, bob2, caphuso, dondelelcaro, doogie, eeyore-, ElectricElf, greycat, helix, ljlane, LoRez, mentor, Netsnipe, TML, walters, xk, gravity: jet is spamming URIs
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20:22.17SimonRavenyeh, leave you coward
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20:22.19TGoCbobbens removing is out of the question cause if i remove it alot of packages will be removed along
20:22.51mdshortI have vhcs2 installed on my debian system, does anyone have any tips on optimizing apache2, mysql, and php? Also, for some reason, the session folder cannot be written to. Any clues?
20:22.54ludiIs there a way to fix the corrupt filesystem?
20:23.10mdshortludi fsck
20:23.20dvsludi: Get a CD distro and try and fix it from there.
20:23.23ILF_bobbens: nope, neither disabling it in bios nor adding NOAPIC NOLAPIC to grub worked :(
20:23.46ludimdshort: I ran fsck several times but the problem still occurs
20:24.18bobbensILF_: mmm i use the A7N8X-X basic motherboard and i just had to add that (well i installed it as "exper26 noapic nolapic") and i fixed the DMA error
20:24.31bobbensILF_: my friend with the deluxe version also got it working like that
20:24.57MandrigThis is going to sound very stupid, but I can't see or there aren't any items on my desktop, and there were before I rebooted
20:24.58ILF_i got the same board
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20:25.35bobbensILF_: thats strange...  i also had to use 2.6 kernels, had trouble with 2.4 might be that
20:25.44ILF_got 2.6.14-2
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20:27.00bobbensILF_: wierd... i'm using the latest 2.6.14, noapic nolapic on grub and it works fine.  But it's worked fine with 2.6.4 and above
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20:29.00Neihi, is there an easy way to instruct apt-get/aptitude to install all the according -dev packages to the packages I select?
20:29.03berenis there a way to get a list of available meta packages?
20:30.02cheal!wayttd Nei
20:30.02dpkgWhat Are You Trying To Do, Nei?
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20:31.38ILF_bobbens: what modules do you load? amd74xx and #ide-disk commented out?
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20:32.09Jinkgunsis it a good idea to make /etc a seperate partition for backup purposes?
20:32.32kyncanifor backup purposes -> not needed
20:32.38NeiI'd just like to have all the headers and config programs ready when I want to compile things on my own instead of then having to look up all the things I'm missing
20:32.52*** join/#debian sL`on|Gee (
20:33.20ludiHow do I fix filesystem corruption?  I have ran fsck many times but my system still fails to boot up
20:33.53chealberen: if searching descriptions for meta isn't reliable, no
20:33.53bobbensILF_: i actually do load ide_disk and amd74xx
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20:35.18bobbensILF_: i'm pretty much using a standard testing sarge installation from last year, only major changes are noapic nolapic
20:35.52chealNei: having the -dev packages associated to the packages you have installed doesn't mean that you won't need to install headers if you want to recompile something
20:36.28Mandrighow do i log in as root?
20:36.32benjamindeesI seem to remember noapic didn't work for me on the kernel line either; had to rebuild the kernel
20:36.32clojsteroh no... how can I downgrade x-window-system when I have correct line in sources.list from
20:36.33Neicheal, I don't quite understand :/
20:36.40dvsMandrig: Into X?
20:36.49Mandrigno, into debian
20:37.23kyncani!tell Nei about apt-build
20:37.32Mandrigsorry, im quite new at this
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20:37.53benjamindeesfor username, type 'root', then enter the root password
20:38.18Mandrigit then says that the system admin cannot login at that form
20:38.20micahfhey, what dialer does gnome use
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20:38.32JinkgunsUhh, I've never noticed before, is lilo the default bootmanger after a disk installation?
20:38.44ILF_Jinkguns: no. grub iirc
20:38.46benjamindeesMandrig, that would be X then...
20:38.50micahfbecause wvdial detects a different modem than the network control panel
20:38.57Neikyncani, thanks for the info but I really like mixing traditional way to install software with the benefits of debian binary packages without looking too much at some strange software that overcomplicates things for the quick shot
20:39.07JinkgunsThen why did Lilo install.
20:39.13JinkgunsIs it because I used XFS
20:39.15ILF_Jinkguns: maybe you chose it?
20:39.20*** join/#debian mentor (n=matthew@
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20:39.39kyncaniNei: traditional way to install software with debian is apt-get
20:39.46JinkgunsI NEVER saw a option for boot manager.
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20:40.20sL`on|Geehi, i want to install debian on my IBM T23, but I can't get the installation Packages from the ftp, I can't also ping my T23 from my (this) windows machine, but I typed the right gateway,dns-server ans subnetmask
20:40.22Neikyncani, I'm not talking about DEBIAN traditional but rather ./configure&&make and
20:40.33clojsterok, another try: whats the problem with newest Xorg (6.9.0) in unstable and nvidia? (Log file of seems allright, but when I start X the display is black and nothing happens... I cant switch to another tty. Three-finger-salute is the only way out of it :/ )
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20:40.59NeiI don't feel like making debian packages out of every crap and researching the dependencies and all that trouble
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20:41.33benjamindeesNei, you're in the minority;  there's no support for that
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20:42.54Neibenjamindees, see, you could have just answered "debian cant do it" right from the start. thanks
20:43.16chealclojster: what's the last thing is the log?
20:43.38benjamindeesNei, yeah but messing with you is more fun :p
20:44.19*** join/#debian Frosted (
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20:44.36bbrazilNei: you are free to use /usr/local for whatever you want
20:46.31benjamindeesauto-apt works too, but being fussy and quitting means you don't get to find that out :(
20:46.32ILF_clojster: no problem for me with xorg 6.9 and nvidia-module
20:48.07ILF_bobbens: you do have apic on in bios?
20:49.02chealnei: I mean that the only way to have all headers ready for compiling anything would be to install all the possible headers (assuming they're all packaged for Debian)
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20:52.13odlatarzeau: ocp is pretty sweet
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20:52.46tarzeauodla: yap indeed
20:53.00*** mode/#debian [+l 699] by debhelper
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20:55.06micahfhey does anyone use dialup?
20:55.25ILF_you do know it's 2006, right?
20:55.25blondiemicahf: dialup? what's that?
20:55.36nkuttler!does anyone use dialup?
20:55.51micahfwell this is annoying because i can connect to earthlink but not is the free one with the windows software?
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20:56.31micahfsupposedly people have it working on linux
20:56.32odlatarzeau: how do i select multiple songs?
20:56.43tarzeauodla: dunno, #ocp
20:56.49micahfthey don't officially support windows but it's supposed to work
20:57.15micahfit works with the mac os x dialer
20:57.21micahfso shouldn't it work with linux?
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20:59.42benjamindeesI would totally try to hack one of the free ones before trying to use one that's $10/mo and doesn't support Linux...
20:59.52bobbensILF_: yes last time i checked i remember still having APIC set on bios
21:00.06*** join/#debian nanok (n=nanok@
21:00.20micahfbenjamindees, well you can hack the free ones but they always change your username and password to something random
21:00.29blondiedial up networking is OS-dependent? what are you using, AOL?
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21:00.53micahfI'm using
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21:01.14micahflook, it works with mac os x, so why can't wvdial do it?
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21:01.28blondienever used dial up on linux o.o
21:01.38micahfthis is frustrating
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21:03.05blondiemicahf: dial up is that way even when it works :S
21:03.18micahfwell thanks
21:03.22micahfit's for my grandparents
21:03.28micahfthey can't get cable
21:03.36benjamindeesoh, the conexant modem :(
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21:04.03micahfthe conexant modem
21:04.05benjamindeesno dialtone?
21:04.11micahfI have a dialtone
21:04.16micahfit dials
21:04.23micahfit connects fine with earthlink
21:04.32*** part/#debian bronaugh (
21:04.33micahfbut it hangs up with exit code 16 for
21:04.39vmlinuzSIDEREAL-KNIGHT: :-)
21:04.39*** join/#debian ekix (
21:04.48micahfplus I can't get PAP to work with gnome-ppp
21:04.58JinkgunsDuring installation, how do I select more then one source?
21:05.02SIDEREAL-KNIGHTvmlinuz: Hey.... Where's paces? :-D
21:05.05micahfit doesn't have permission to edit the files
21:05.13vmlinuzSIDEREAL-KNIGHT: he's lost :)
21:05.15blondieJinkguns: it asks "do you want to add another source?"
21:05.23JinkgunsNo. It dosen.t
21:05.27*** join/#debian mdshort (
21:05.31blondieJinkguns: does
21:05.34JinkgunsIt asked it one time, but when I reinstall, never asked again.
21:05.37blondiedoes for me anyway
21:05.39SIDEREAL-KNIGHTvmlinuz: You killed him...
21:05.40JinkgunsI've done 15 installations.
21:05.41vmlinuzSIDEREAL-KNIGHT: his connection has broken down :-)
21:05.49blondieJinkguns: just add them to sources.list then
21:05.50ILF_bobbens: well i have tried it on and off in bios, with ide-disk in and out of mudules, with noapic nolapic and pci=noacpi. nothing works :(
21:05.59SIDEREAL-KNIGHTvmlinuz: And yours? :-D
21:06.17vmlinuzSIDEREAL-KNIGHT: mine is ok :)
21:06.32odlatarzeau: i love ocp
21:06.35odlait's very nice
21:06.43mdshorti love debian
21:06.45mdshortfor servers
21:07.07odlait's amazing what you can do with #, =, and _ to make a nice gui mixer
21:07.18blondieSIDEREAL-KNIGHT and vmlinuz take your private messages... to PM
21:07.20vmlinuzme too
21:07.24benjamindeesILF_, you might try rmmod'ding the sound card and/or usb controller
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21:07.46bizkit!gentoosmite mdshort
21:07.48vmlinuzblondie: :-*
21:08.14JinkgunsOut of these 15 installations, it has asked me twice to if I wanted to add another choice.
21:08.19ILF_benjamindees: i haven't read anything about that..
21:08.20tarzeauodla: i love it too, the spectrum analyzer is mesmerizing ;)
21:08.21JinkgunsGrub dosen't play nice with XFS. ghey.
21:08.27ILF_what list should i write my experiences to?
21:08.30tarzeauodla: try xterm with 1024x100 and the unreadable font
21:08.43*** join/#debian Jmax (
21:08.53Jmaxis there anyway to have numlock turned on on boot?
21:09.11odlatarzeau: is there a way to navigate around the spectrum?
21:09.13Frostedwell, where else than the bios to find out?
21:09.17tarzeauodla: yep
21:09.25tarzeauodla: try a, A, A, tab, pgup/down
21:09.27bipolarI'm trying to exclude directory's in a tar backup with no luck. Can anyone give me any tips on the --exclude option?
21:09.28SIDEREAL-KNIGHTJmax: After start X?
21:09.42bizkithey tarzeau, odla .. sounds interesting, what are you talking about?
21:09.44JmaxSIDEREAL-KNIGHT, sure
21:09.59tarzeaubizkit: apt-get install opencubicplayer
21:10.00SIDEREAL-KNIGHTJmax: Which WM?
21:10.02odlatarzeau: cool!
21:10.08JmaxSIDEREAL-KNIGHT, xfce
21:10.10tarzeauodla: try altgr-\ and then f9 to f12
21:10.16tarzeauodla: it can control pitch and speed of music!
21:10.24tarzeauodla: that is so TEH killer fun!
21:10.29Blissexbipolar: not much to say about it, and note the difference between excluding the directory, and excluding it and everything under it. Try 'info tar' for the user manual
21:10.31tarzeauodla: make slow music slower, and fast music faster...
21:10.41kalebvad är det för troligt fel om jag bara kan se tjänster i nmap från localhost?
21:10.52bizkittarzeau: is there a way to crossfade between songs?
21:10.52SIDEREAL-KNIGHTJmax: Oh... so write it in xorg.config
21:10.57odlatarzeau: altgr?
21:11.01tarzeaubizkit: ask for it in #ocp
21:11.02JmaxSIDEREAL-KNIGHT, k, will google
21:11.07tarzeauodla: alt (on the right side?)
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21:11.30Frostedkaleb, english please? and either it's only listening on localhost or there's a firewall
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21:12.40kalebFrosted: Its the imap, and I cannot see any options in the conffiles for only listening to localhost, firewall I have none on the server
21:12.40bipolarBlissex: thanks. the info page has a lot more data then the man page.
21:12.42*** join/#debian Nurbs (
21:13.19Frostedkaleb, what does netstat -a show? if it sayes something like localhost:port it's only listening on localhost.
21:13.21odlasee ya'll later!
21:13.35kalebFrosted: one sec ill check
21:13.54bobbensILF_: i'm sorry to hear that, doesn't look like debian likes your mobo
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21:14.20ILF_bobbens: dude, it's exactly the same as yours
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21:14.38kalebFrosted: it says listening on debian:imap2
21:14.39*** join/#debian foampeace (
21:14.55bobbensILF_: what debian are you trying to isntall
21:14.59kalebFrosted: is my router connection my two computers the culprit?
21:15.12foampeacedoes the netinst iso have pppoe?
21:15.31ILF_bobbens: unstable. and it's been running for a year. just switched mobos a few weeks back
21:15.33benjamindeesfoampeace, I would hope so
21:15.33*** join/#debian kartel (n=Miranda@
21:15.35Frostedkaleb, hm, if you havn't configured it to route the port, then it won't :)
21:15.57Frostedkaleb, unless your on the dmz
21:16.26*** join/#debian Shadowcat (
21:16.32kalebFrosted: hmm, im not, I thought my router forwarded every port within the switch
21:16.55Blissexbipolar: yes, for GNU programs most 'man' pages are only skeletons, all the real docs are in the 'info' page.
21:17.26bobbensILF_: mmmm this is very strange, it could have to do with the differences in the new installers, but i dont know.  I haven't tried any newer CD's then my ancient sarge testing netinst, which has worked like a charm...  After installing i upgrade to unstable, but i never have any problems.
21:17.31benjamindeesfoamspace,  -- question #26
21:18.29Frostedkaleb, if it's just two computers on a switch, then there shouldn't be a problem
21:18.53Frostedkaleb, does ssh work?
21:18.58kalebFrosted: yes
21:20.11SIDEREAL-KNIGHTdpkg: sing happy birthday vmlinuz
21:20.36vmlinuzmy birthday is on 2th march, not today :)
21:20.49SIDEREAL-KNIGHTvmlinuz: LOL
21:21.04Frostedkaleb, what does debian resolve to?
21:21.07*** part/#debian syuusuke (
21:21.16kalebFrosted: how do I check that?
21:21.22Frostedkaleb, ping debian
21:21.38kalebFrosted: localhost
21:21.47Frostedkaleb, ok, so that's the problem then
21:21.56kalebFrosted: why?
21:22.10*** join/#debian nanok_ (n=nanok@
21:22.13Frostedkaleb, it will only accept connections from localhost
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21:22.25kalebFrosted: do you have any hint how to change that?
21:22.41ke6isf!tell SIDEREAL-KNIGHT -about msg the bot
21:22.56Frostedkaleb, sorry, someone else might know, maybe if you tell us what imap service it is.
21:23.15vmlinuz!tell ke6isf i love you
21:23.17kalebFrosted: I have checked /etc/courier/* for anything about accepting from others but to no avail
21:23.19SIDEREAL-KNIGHTke6isf: ;)
21:23.37micahfdoes anyone know how to authenticate manually with dialup?
21:23.38kalebFrosted: thanks a million anyway
21:24.03*** join/#debian ludi (
21:24.08ludihow do I fix my filesystem?
21:24.23ke6isfludi: Well, what's wrong with it?
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21:24.38ke6isfludi: What fs, what flavor of Debian?
21:24.48ludike6isf: when my linux box boots up, it goes to "maintenance" mode
21:24.53ludidebian "etch"
21:25.05ludiIt says I can login as root or press CTRL+D
21:25.20ke6isfludi: OK, what's causing that to happen?
21:25.38ludiI have no idea
21:25.54ke6isfludi: What error message comes up before it prompts you to enter a password?
21:26.11ludiit says something like "failed routine check of root filesystem"
21:26.19ludidon't remember the exact words
21:26.23kalebFrosted: I solved it, you were right, /etc/courier/imap had listen to which needed to be set to 0 instead of localhost, thanks again
21:26.27ke6isfludi: Are you on that system?
21:26.32clojstercheal: last thing in the log is that Xorg successfully loaded wacom intuos... there is no error in the log...
21:27.04ke6isfludi: What partition is having trouble?
21:27.29ludi/dev/hda1 I believe
21:27.39ke6isfludi: Oh boy.  What filesystem are you using?
21:27.50chealclojster: which kernel/driver are you using?
21:28.07*** join/#debian dimir (n=dimir@
21:28.08ke6isfludi: OK, that's not so bad.  fsck the file system.
21:28.14en1gmai just burnt the "sarge debian-amd64" dvdiso to dvd . now i want to put those files off the dvd onto a hdc1 THEN i want to update those files to "unstable" THEN i want to put the "sarge debian-amd64 dvd" into my dvdrom and reboot the computer. NOW when the installer comes on i want to pick hdc1 (unstable debian-amd64) version to install from. is there a tut or a howto that can explain this to me
21:28.28clojstercheal: kernel, driver nvidia original
21:28.39ludike6isf: I did fsck the filesystem, many times, but my system still fails to boot up
21:28.59*** join/#debian marculix (
21:29.05chealclojster: what do you mean by original?
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21:29.33clojstercheal: downloaded from and installed via their installer
21:29.37ke6isfludi: There is a reason that the file system is not working beyond that.  Get the exact errors, and report them in a pastebin.
21:29.57cheal!tell clojster about nvidia-installer
21:30.11ludike6isf:  how do I get the errors?  should I just run fsck /dev/hda1
21:30.26ke6isfludi: Well, couldn't hurt to see what that does.
21:31.19ludike6isf:  I'll post it in #flood ok?
21:31.40*** join/#debian cindy (
21:31.54clojstercheal: but it worked allright... and even no error in the log now
21:32.30chealclojster: anyway, you won't get support for non-free software here unless you at least use Debian packages
21:32.35clojstercheal: so do you think that installing debian nvidia drivers should correct the problem:
21:32.44ke6isfludi: If you have a knoppix CD, boot it and fsck the filesystem from that.  DO NOT FSCK YOUR FILESYSTEM YET.
21:32.45chealclojster: I'd certainly try it
21:33.03ludiI don't have a knoppix CD
21:33.05*** join/#debian the_g0d (i=the_g0d@unaffiliated/theg0d)
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21:33.28clojstercheal: can you pls tell me how to install those debian drivers?
21:33.42ludike6isf: when my system boots up, it goes into maintenance mode and the root filesystem is mounted RO.  I have tried doing fsck many times like that, and it doesn't work.
21:33.48jan2Hi, the new logwatch package ruind my logwatch configs: they are renamed: ignore.conf.dpkg-bak  logwatch.conf.dpkg-bak  logwatch.conf.dpkg-dist
21:33.50clojstercheal: Im using compiled kernel by myself btw
21:34.07chealclojster: hum, do you have headers?
21:34.23clojstercheal: yep
21:34.37*** join/#debian dreamboat (n=rob@
21:34.38ke6isfludi: Then fsck the partition by booting from a Knoppix CD or smoething.
21:34.40clojstercheal: /usr/src/linux
21:34.41cheal!tell clojster about nvidia-howto
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21:35.01Revelation!tell clojster about ati-howto
21:35.04Revelationsorry ;P
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21:35.49ludike6isf: don't have any live CDs
21:35.58ke6isfludi: Um, burn one?
21:36.09ludike6isf: Don't have any blank CDs
21:36.42ludike6isf: but isn't it the same thing to do the fsck in "maintenance" mode anyway?
21:37.03cindyi need help with permissions
21:37.17stew!wikifaq cindy Permissions
21:37.17dpkgcindy: check out or if that doesn't work, try
21:37.31dreamboatmy apt-setup gives this message [Connecting to (] which never connects
21:37.33stewludi: cdrecord dev=/dev/cdrw blank=fast
21:37.34cindythank you
21:37.41ke6isfludi: Wouldn't be able to help you at this point.  Sorry.
21:37.47dreamboatis the part the reason it doesn't work?
21:37.56ludistew: What does that command do?
21:38.02*** join/#debian th0re (n=thore@
21:38.43JinkgunsIf is the IP, no way in hell that's correct.
21:38.46stewludi: it was hopefully going to make you realize you had a cdrw you could rewrite if you don't have any completely blank ones
21:38.48JinkgunsDNS is screwing up.
21:38.50dreamboatkonqueror is working tho
21:38.56dreamboatright now in fact
21:39.07ludistew: will it work on a CD-R?
21:39.09dreamboatmozilla won't go either
21:39.16stewludi: definately not
21:39.24Jinkguns1.0.0.0 is the ip of what it thinks is the, not your system, correct?
21:39.35stewdreamboat: what does "host" return as an address?
21:39.36ludistew:  I only have some CD-R.  Don't have any CD-RW
21:39.51en1gmawhen you first install debian (does the installer give you a choice to install from a local hard drive instead of the cd)?
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21:41.27joo-uanhullo, i have an atheros wifi card. what is the best version of debian to get it running?
21:41.36joo-uanis it possible in etch or sarge or both?
21:41.39en1gmadoes the debian installer let you choose a hard drive install path
21:41.43*** part/#debian ricochet ( has an address of
21:42.15noahslaterWhen I type "mail" at the command line it says "No mail for #222222" - but this isn't my user name. Does anyone know why this might be happening?
21:42.18*** join/#debian Althaser (
21:42.21Jinkgunsen1gma of course.
21:42.24stewdreamboat: then you aren't having a dns problem
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21:42.51dreamboatok, what is it trying to do? and why?
21:42.55bbrazilnoahslater: whats the output of 'id'?
21:43.04JinkgunsWait, no, sorry en1gma, it dosen't.
21:43.04*** join/#debian Moeen (i=moeen@
21:43.04resiaken1gma: Not directly, as I recall.. You'd have to ask it to let you write your own sources.list and point it at your local apt repository.
21:43.38stewen1gma: what exactly do you mean?  you want to install / chrooted?
21:43.56Frostednoahslater, you can try mail -u username
21:43.57Moeenhow can I add other languages for Gnome ? (I want to change my language from GDM)
21:44.03en1gmaheres what i want to do
21:44.07*** join/#debian auk (
21:44.10noahslaterbbrazil: uid=1000(noah) gid=1000(noah) groups=20(dialout),24(cdrom),25(floppy),29(audio),44(video),46(plugdev),1000(noah)
21:44.14BubbaStJoejust install kernel-source-2.6.8 and was trying "make menuconfig" It fails with scripts/kconfig/mconf.c:91: error: static declaration of 'current_menu' follows non-static declaration.  What do I need to do?
21:44.18*** part/#debian matt3 (
21:44.39noahslaterFrosted: but there is an underlying problem... mail is not the only app to get confused about my uname like this. bitchx does it too. :(
21:44.51*** join/#debian Isumi (n=Isumi@unaffiliated/isumi)
21:44.56abrotmanBubbaStJoe: did you install build-essential ?
21:44.59bbrazilnoahslater: are the values for LOGNAME and USER correct?
21:45.09*** join/#debian astronut (
21:45.17noahslaterbbrazil: sorry?
21:45.19en1gmai just burnt debian to dvd now (im running slackware currently dont forget) so i want to copy the dvd files to my hdc then i want to rsync to testing then i want to put debian dvd in dvdrom and boot up and hopefully installer will let me select my rsynced testing debian release on hdc
21:45.35bbrazilnoahslater: type 'env' and look through the output
21:45.50MoeenHow can I change the Gnome language ?
21:45.51noahslaterbbrazil: ok... looking now
21:45.55en1gmato install from. i dont want to actually install from debian dvd
21:46.10*** join/#debian FeetloveR (
21:46.16noahslaterbbrazil: just spotted this line: USER: #222222
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21:46.33noahslaterbbrazil: LOGNAME however is correct
21:46.37bbrazilnoahslater: that would be the problem
21:46.44noahslaterbbrazil: what on earth could be setting this then? how strange!
21:46.47en1gmaresiak i think you might understand what im trying to do
21:46.48bbrazilnoahslater: I've no idea how that could happen
21:47.04noahslaterbbrazil: what usual setts up the env vars?
21:47.06ludiis there any way to fsck my system (aside from booting from live CD)
21:47.32DragonDwhere could i find a compatible wireless network card list for debian?
21:47.52bbrazilnoahslater: I'm not sure what sets USER, probably PAM
21:48.18kspathlintian is still used by you all?
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21:48.26hans_kraushi folks
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21:48.30resiaken1gma: Why not just ... install from the DVD ... and then upgrade?
21:48.48bbrazilnoahslater: how are you logging in to the system?
21:49.14en1gmaresiak its way faster to install from hd to hd
21:49.16kspathabtitmon: do you use lintian ?
21:49.17noahslaterbbrazil: just found it... in my ~/.bashrc file there is a section that sets up colors for my xtermcontrole - there is aline that assigns "USER=#222222" so that normal user term backgrounds will be a dark grey - this is what must be messing things up
21:49.17*** join/#debian n0cturn0 (n=n0cturn0@
21:49.35resiaken1gma: ...but ... but... you have to download the packages at some point
21:49.50hans_kraussince the last dist-upgrade my keyboard layout under x seems corrupted, i can't use neither the german umlauts nor the pipe nor the 'at' char. does anybody know what the reason for this could be? im using debian sid with xorg and xfce4.2
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21:49.56bbrazilnoahslater: that sounds like it, quite odd
21:50.00noahslaterbbrazil: odd though - i would have thought you would need to "export" a variable for it to have such an effect - oh well... ill just rename it
21:50.03en1gmayep i dload the packages once in a while to keep upto "testing" but i install many many many times
21:50.12noahslaterbbrazil: thanks for helping me though!
21:50.14radencan someone point me to a good howto on vsftpd ?
21:50.16bbrazilnoahslater: its in the bashrc, so its essentially sourced
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21:50.39noahslaterbbrazil: ah... i see
21:50.42balcI get this error in cups when i try to print "Unable to connect to IPP host: Success"  any clue as to what I can do about it?
21:50.51clojstercheal: that debian driver didnt work too :/
21:50.56resiaken1gma: Why do you "install many many many times"?
21:51.06en1gmaplease dont go there. i just do
21:51.12balccups just queus the print job and processes it and then does nothing
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21:51.42balcits a usb printer and I used /dev/usb/lp0 as the address
21:51.44en1gmaif i dont feel i got my system just right i can format and have it all installed (current for slackware) in about 10mins
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21:52.40en1gmaits nice not having to install 2x from a format
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21:52.56en1gmaor stable install then upgrade
21:53.00*** mode/#debian [+l 707] by debhelper
21:53.06en1gmawhy not just install the upgrade in the first place
21:53.09*** join/#debian mentor (n=matthew@unaffiliated/mentor)
21:53.09chealclojster: what's the problem?
21:53.46DragonDok i have to have ndiswrapper for my netcard. is there a was to get it on the minimal install cd so i can use it to do a web install?
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21:54.07resiaken1gma: So set up a local apt mirror ... there's really no straightforward way to do what you want. There's also really no need, since why would you reinstall in that situation?!
21:54.27goronHow can I play .mid files?
21:54.55clojstercheal: well - when I startx, everything seems to went smooth but when its supposed to switch to X desktop, display stays black and on the top left of the screen there is cursor that stopped blinking (cursor like in console)
21:55.05dpkgi heard midi is MUSICAL INSTRUMENT DIGITAL INTERFACE, or timidity to play.  smurf to edit, or
21:55.18clojstercheal: and I cant switch back to another tty
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21:55.54chealclojster: it worked well until you upgraded to 6.9? did you uninstall NVIDIA's "official" driver?
21:55.56clojstercheal: well... I think it switches between ttys but dont show anything but black screen
21:56.10chealcan you ssh to it?
21:56.11clojstercheal: yep, that worked well
21:56.34clojstercheal: I probably could ssh to it, but I dont have other pc
21:56.44chealdid you check if that seemed to work well with debsums?
21:56.49clojstercheal: i did not uninstall the official drivers
21:56.59en1gmaresiak i fool around with so many settings within a a few days time that sometimes its just best to format and start fresh
21:57.00*** join/#debian RvGaTe (
21:57.02chealclojster: oh, I think that would be a good idea
21:57.08clojstercheal: :)
21:57.12en1gmathen i learn by putting in all my commands again and again
21:57.21robyMy SB Live does not seem to work, mpg321, xmms and any player report that they can't find a suitable output driver. During debian install, i told it not to load several of the modules it detected, i guess one was for soundcard support, how would i check if i'm missing kernel module for sound support?
21:57.25*** join/#debian EvilSporkMan (
21:58.01chealroby: which kernel do you use?
21:58.08kombiroby: dpkg -l | grep alsa
21:58.23BubbaStJoehow can I force make to use gcc 3.3 insteadof 4.0? Dpkg -l shows both as installed, and removing 4.0 requires removing moany other apps
21:58.23robycheal: 2.6.12-1-386
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21:58.41robykombi: ii  alsamixergui
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21:59.15chealroby: do you use ALSA?
22:00.03stewBubbaStJoe: edit the HOSTCC or CC variables in the environment or in the Makefile or
22:00.04robycheal: first i had xmms try oss, it said make sure correct driver is used, soundcard not in use, etc... then i told it to use alsa. the xmms iis playing the ogg/mp3 files now but i hear no sound
22:00.16BlissexBubbaStJoe: 'make CC=....' for example
22:00.17resiaken1gma: I'm not going to help you to waste your own time =)
22:00.18chealroby: if you want to use alsa, you should install it
22:00.42en1gmaresiak belive me it saves me time
22:00.51robycheal: will mpg321, mplayer, etc automatically know that alsa should be used?
22:00.59en1gmai format and reinstall at least 3x a week and sometimes 3x a nite
22:01.03BubbaStJoethnks guys
22:01.53*** part/#debian ph (
22:01.55goroncheal: I already tried kmid, but I got no sound. Do you know of a program that Just Works?
22:01.56*** part/#debian vb_coder (
22:02.28Slackwavewhat is this ubuntu thing I keep hearing about
22:02.32Slackwavesounds like bumper cars
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22:03.59resiaken1gma: You're on crack. ...
22:04.08robycheal: oh, alsa is kernel built in yes? so i would have to recompile kernel or something?
22:04.12en1gmaput that in your pipe and smoke it
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22:05.17chealroby: ALSA is included in stock 2.6 kernels. you only need to install a few userspace packages
22:05.25di||itanteok, how can I find out what repo a package came from?
22:05.49Dr_Alexäîáðîãî âðåìåíè ñóòîê
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22:06.14radenhow do i fix xinitd its gone :(
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22:06.56dondelelcarodi||itante: in general, you can't. apt-cache policy foopkg; may give you an idea.
22:07.04dpkgit has been said that by is Belarus
22:07.26SimonRavenprobably using koi-r or something
22:07.56chealroby: I don't know any of those packages. I wouldn't try them before some sound test works.
22:08.10di||itantedodnel: thanks
22:08.24joo-uanhullo, i have an atheros wifi card. what is the best version of debian to get it running?
22:08.26joo-uanis it possible in etch or sarge or both?
22:08.53robycheal: sound doesn't work at all, xmms never complained before with oss output, only now after i re-installed debian (and excluded all these ide chipsets it listed)
22:09.12robycheal: would me excluding the installing of ide chipsets have something to do with this?
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22:09.33goroncheal: playmidi: No playback device found. I use OSS, and I have onboard sound on an nforce2 board, which should be supported according to the link for OSS on that website you gave.
22:09.38dondelelcaroroby: no, it shouldn't have anything to do with it. Which soundcard are you using? Which kernel? Have either the oss or alsa modules for that soundcard loaded?
22:10.02clojstercheal: so now I have uninstalled official drivers and installed the debian drivers but there is no difference... its the same
22:10.17*** join/#debian GPLGeek (n=GPLGeek@pdpc/supporter/student/GPLGeek)
22:10.36goronOr do I need some special kernel drivers to get midi?
22:11.02dondelelcarogoron: no, you just need to load the appropriate module if you have a hardware midi device. If you don't, you'll need timidity or similar.
22:11.06clojstercheal: I have enabled logo to show on start of X now, but this only makes it to display white screen under the black stripe witht that console cursor...
22:11.17*** join/#debian DragonD (i=DragonDA@
22:11.31robydondelelcaro: Soundblaster live 5.1, 2.6.12-1-386... lsmod | grep oss or grep alsa lists nothing
22:11.44gorondondelelcaro: How would I know what module to load? I know the hardware I have.
22:11.59dondelelcarogoron: what hardware?
22:12.17gorondondelelcaro: nforce2 with the drivers of nvidia.
22:12.24DragonDis there a way to edit the minimal install cd to have ndiswrapper on it?
22:12.27dondelelcarogoron: that card isn't a hardware midi device.
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22:13.10gorondondelelcaro: Ok, I got the extended deluxe version, or something like that. Makes no difference?
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22:13.12chealroby: I doubt it
22:13.15robydondelelcaro: but i do have emu10k1 module loaded
22:13.24dondelelcaroroby: snd-emu10k1 I presume?
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22:13.48robydondelelcaro: yeah, snd_emu10k1
22:14.04dondelelcaroroby: ok, then check dmesg and make sure it saw your card.
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22:14.39dondelelcarogoron: generally not. It's been a long time since soundcards have actually stuck hardware midi devices on them. They're almost always software nowadays.
22:15.38dondelelcaro(primarily since the few people who actually care about that sort of thing use real hardware midi devices, and wouldn
22:15.45dondelelcarowouldn't use the soundcard anyway)
22:15.56dreamboatanyone have any suggestions for my [Connecting to (] problem?
22:16.17dreamboatjust checked with a couple of other ftp's and all say
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22:16.41nanok_dreamboat: dns problem? host says...?
22:17.00dreamboatchecked that on someone elses advice.....
22:17.03chealclojster: I don't know. I'd go to #nvidia after making sure that uninstalling using nvidia-installer doesn't solve the problem and no framebuffer is in use.
22:17.19dreamboatsaid something about being an alias for
22:17.19robydondelelcaro: dmesg has a line that reads: Creative EMU10K1 PCI Audio Driver, version 0.20a, 12:47:04 Sep 27 2005
22:17.33robydondelelcaro: and also mention of a gameport, but nothing else
22:17.37nanok_dreamboat: more preciselly..
22:17.49dreamboathangon... let me scroll up
22:17.52nanok_dreamboat: what was the final ip it outputed
22:18.08dreamboatoff the page
22:18.19dreamboatlet me run it again
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22:19.36mhallWhat can I do to diagnose an infinite loop in my X server?
22:19.50nanok_and 85
22:19.54dreamboatnanok: has an address of
22:20.18usnpeople, this is strange: after typing first letters in KDM, in whole system no keyboard entries are possible any more. System work fine otherwise (network, ssh etc.) Mouse works fine too. But wtf...?
22:20.25nanok_try to ftp using
22:20.34nanok_i.e. lftp
22:20.40nanok_see what happens..
22:20.49goronI get this error when I start timidity on a file: /etc/timidity/freepats.cfg: No such file or directorytimidity: Can't read any configuration file.
22:20.49dreamboatnanok: ok, hang on
22:20.52goronPlease check /etc/timidity/timidity.cfg
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22:23.11dreamboatnanok: not sure if that is an "L" or "i" but both say command not found
22:23.27SimonRavenusn: BTS say anything about that?
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22:23.38nanok_whatever, use your ftp client of choice
22:24.08goronI don't understand why I need to edit a configuration file and learn the syntax just to play a midi file. Even on Windows 95 this worked.
22:24.13dreamboatnewbie here... sorry
22:24.19nanok_(it's an lowercase L, what kind of fonts are you using for heavens sake ..)
22:24.36abrotmanFunction: noun: Trying to get a computer illiterate person whose IE is broken and won't start to download Firefox
22:24.40usnSimonRaven, all I treid: nothing
22:24.42abrotmanbah .. Fun Fun Fun@!
22:24.45abrotmanstupid tab complete@!
22:24.52Wyzard|TPI'm looking for a scalable (TrueType or Type1) font for X which provides glyphs for the roman-numeral characters
22:24.53dreamboatI hav lowercase L and uppercase i looking the same
22:24.54mhallwhat is the find CLI option to ignore stuff like dev and proc
22:25.17nanok_abrotman: been there, done that, i was bloody thundering.. :)
22:25.21dreamboatwhat other ftp clients am I likely to have?  from a disc install?
22:25.23abrotmanmhall: --prune or something like that
22:25.29nanok_abrotman: just have a lot of cigarettes..
22:25.35abrotmannanok_: or a gun :)
22:25.40SimonRavensucky font or need a new prescription :P
22:25.45Wyzard|TPI have two Debian systems which have that character available, but on this one (a new computer, just installed a few days ago) I have no roman-numeral glyphs, and I'm not sure how to determine which package on the other systems is providing the font that has them
22:25.46abrotmanoh yeah .. file transfer via AIM! ..
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22:26.06nanok_abrotman: oooh, oooh, dont tell me about the gun.. you reached _that_ state..
22:26.13dreamboatI can ping the site
22:26.34goronNever mind, I helped myself.
22:26.41abrotmannanok_: and it's only been 10 minutes
22:26.41nanok_abrotman: i was so fucking mad i booted knoppix and downloaded that way, afair.. only to realise it was all ntfs
22:27.17nanok_abrotman: finally, i think i gave up and used my pendrive/mp3player to do it :)
22:27.38goronThe dependencies are not correct.
22:27.57goronIt needs freepats, otherwise it won't start with the Debian configuration.
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22:28.08goronNot that I say that Debian changed it.
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22:28.49ThePiratemasterthe exteriour interface is the network device that is connected to the modem, correct?
22:28.57nanok_abrotman: in my case, the i-e would download happily, only it would get the file fucked u and useles in the process. every time
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22:29.39abrotmannanok_: it's hard to believe that windows has no way to download anytihng other than a webbrowser or thier shitty ftp client :)
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22:30.06nanok_abrotman: exactlly, that was the most frustrating part of it all.
22:30.31goronEven my brother is convinced that Windows had its time ;)
22:30.36dreamboatping is running constantly... oops.... can i stop it?
22:30.43nanok_abrotman: btw, if you manage to find a way, have it fetch firemonger. really nice, saves you a lot of headaches
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22:30.49gorondreamboat: How about Control-C?
22:30.50nanok_dreamboat: ctrl + c
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22:31.03jadewolfhow do I mount an NTFS drive that is on a system on my LAN? smbmount?
22:31.16nanok_jadewolf: y
22:31.26ThePiratemasterif you would attach the same pricetag as windows to any given big-linux distro you'd still have better price/quality i think
22:31.28nanok_jadewolf: if it is shared via samba
22:31.29goronAlternatively you could rip the CPU out.
22:31.44Eulexgoron, so you think that timidity would need to depend on freepats?
22:31.48nanok_ThePiratemaster: try a tenfold pricetag
22:31.57jadewolfits shared via windows sharing
22:32.04goronEulex: yes, otherwise it doesn't work here without zero configuration.
22:32.22mhallThePiratemaster: the thing you have to look at is the cost with support
22:32.27nanok_jadewolf: than , yes, smbmount or plane mount (it will figure it out, mount is smart)
22:32.34goronEulex: I expect to be able to do timidity <file> after I installed it.
22:32.39mhallThePiratemaster: at the support contract level linux does not fare as well as one might wish
22:32.51Robi-... status=bounced (can't create user output file. Command output: procmail: Error while writing to "/var/mail/robi" )
22:32.59ThePiratemasteragainst no support at all?
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22:33.09mhallThePiratemaster: while this is not an issue for the 1337 and h4x0r among us, it causes problems for companies
22:33.09nanok_jadewolf: use smbclient -L netbiosname_of_crappy_windows_machine first
22:33.10goronEulex: timidity sources a configuration file for freepats.
22:33.10Robi-postfix mail.log
22:33.14robydondelelcaro: cheal: OK, going to re-install debian, enable all modules that the installer finds, and then see if sound works
22:33.17Eulexgoron, the problem is that timidity works very well if you give it some other patches than freepats. and so timidity works very well even if freepats ain't installed. that's why they didn't make it depend on freepats.
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22:33.38Robi-has anyone come across that error? no mail gets delivered ;[
22:33.38mhallThePiratemaster: what i mean is, look at the cost of fully supported MS + licenses versus fully supported RHEL or SuSE Enterprise
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22:33.48goronEulex: I don't even know what a patch is (in this context).
22:33.54mhallThePiratemaster: then Linux isn't nearly as cheap as you might expect
22:33.56blondiekittens from space!
22:34.04mhallThePiratemaster: SuSE and RHEL support cost quite a bit
22:34.05nanok_mhall: you can buy support for linux for the price of a windows license that's a hell of a lot better than what you get "free" from Ms
22:34.17nanok_but that's totaly oftopic, no point in flaming here..
22:34.20mhallnanok_: I'm not talking about MS's free support.
22:34.26abrotmanbah .. and the bastard just logged off
22:34.28Eulexgoron, it's basically a instrument sound
22:34.30ThePiratemasterMS isnt build by progtrammers with a good piece of software but by marketers with an exellent marketing plan
22:34.31goronEulex: But you probably do. What is it? I assume it's not a diff.
22:34.32mhallnanok_: But yeah you are probably right about OT.
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22:35.00mhallThePiratemaster: That doesn't matter if you are just trying to run a company and get your work done.
22:35.02jadewolfokay thanks got that working
22:35.12ThePiratemasterthey may do just as well selling choockies or washing cars
22:35.15micahfdoes anyone on here use
22:35.23mhallThePiratemaster: Companies aren't going to use our shit unless we can prove it's better, cheaper, and easier.
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22:35.24Eulexgoron, apt-cache show freepats if you don't believe me in that they're called patches
22:35.36goronThe funny thing about MS is that they have a great research department, but still can't produce a great OS.
22:35.43ThePiratemasterbut we are programers, not marketers
22:35.43scarynetworkguyThePiratemaster: Basically a suit has a hierarchy of needs. These include food, shelter, and writing large checks to people who don't work for them. Support for OSS meets this last need for them.
22:35.48jadewolfcan you do flash work in linux? like making flash movies, I been thinking of learning flash
22:35.54mhallgoron: Well there are a lot of constraints.
22:35.59ThePiratemasterand a better product is not how marketing works unfortunately
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22:36.20mhallThePiratemaster: No MS has tapped into the fact that people like upgrades like addicts like crack.
22:36.28scarynetworkguymhall: Actually... The cheaper bits more often than not hurts. As counterintuitive as that is.
22:36.37mhallThePiratemaster: That's how marketing helps.
22:36.43mhallscarynetworkguy: You have to present it right.
22:36.59ThePiratemasterits about presentation, yes
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22:37.07mhallscarynetworkguy: Because the way most people present it makes it sound like nobody is accountable.
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22:37.09ThePiratemasterhow is linux presented?
22:37.27mhallscarynetworkguy: And if you are a suit running a large IT outfit and not esp. technical, that's bad for you.
22:37.38micahfas difficult to use
22:37.38ThePiratemasterby microsoft as a "communist" operating system
22:37.40mhallscarynetworkguy: Because you're taking on a lot of risk without formal backing.
22:37.49micahfit's not difficult to use
22:38.02scarynetworkguymhall: Correct on both counts. But have you ever noticed how somebody tryng to sell a very expensive product never has to justify that it costs so much.
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22:38.10goronEulex: Oh, but I believe you, but I don't think "an instrument sound" is not formal enough. Is it a formal description of how a certain note must sound for a certain device?
22:38.23mhallscarynetworkguy: Yeah they do just not overtly.
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22:38.34scarynetworkguymhall: I run a corporate VPN system with over 300 nodes on OpenBSD. Been ther, done that, got the t-shirt. Buddy.
22:38.36SimonRavenscarynetworkguy: the assumption that $$$$ == good quality. which is too often *not* the case
22:38.40ThePiratemasterist al about typography
22:38.46scarynetworkguySimonRaven: That is correct and my point. Yes.
22:38.50ThePiratemasterwe need to make prettie interfaces
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22:38.59ThePiratemasterfor n00bs
22:39.00scarynetworkguyThePiratemaster: Wrong...
22:39.05mhallscarynetworkguy: I don't know if I agree all the way on that.
22:39.16micahfxfce is a good one
22:39.17scarynetworkguymhall: With what?
22:39.19mhallscarynetworkguy: The things that are expensive didn't start as expensive.
22:39.27ThePiratemasterif we want to draw new users i mean
22:39.29SimonRavenwhat's prettier than a nice prompt, or a nice theme for $insert_favourite_wm ?
22:39.36ThePiratemasterthe marketshare "n00bs" is very big
22:39.38mhallscarynetworkguy: They build a reputation that lets them overcharge for their latest schlock.
22:39.49ThePiratemasterand all the "n00bs" r on microsoft
22:39.51scarynetworkguymhall: Clearly it's a long involved process that I'm simplyfing for the sake of making a point. Yes.
22:39.56robin_szblimey .. its going to be fscking cold in the UK on friday ...
22:39.58goronSomeone had a Word document of >50 pages with a lot of stuff in it. At some point it couldn't be loaded/saved/I don't remember. They called MS, and they didn't do anything about it. They said:"better not create such large documents".
22:40.01robin_szfscking cold!
22:40.03nanok_SimonRaven: something that works.. ok, call me insensitive..
22:40.18D13GU___where a see a VPN tutorial?
22:40.21mhallgoron: But that doesn't matter. MS sold it and profited by then.
22:40.24ThePiratemasterfile system checking cold?
22:40.30scarynetworkguymhall: The point being that of all the reasons to use OSS and all the ways to sell it to a suit that IME price is likely not where you want to go.
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22:40.38goronMy brother remarked that maybe Office suites are too complex to do correctly.
22:40.40robin_szpress the > button to trun the animation ...
22:40.43ThePiratemasterCold FS
22:40.54goronThat's one reason for using Latex.
22:40.58mhallscarynetworkguy: Then why does MS spread so much FUD about their supposedly lower TCO?
22:41.04SimonRavennanok_: Works For Me
22:41.05goronNot that I think Latex is perfect.
22:41.21ThePiratemasterfudge on tacos?
22:41.22mhallscarynetworkguy: BTW FWIW I agree price is not the best argument, I'm just trying to understand the whole situation.
22:41.22Eulexgoron, no, it's not. it's an example of how an instrument can sound. and often it's not just one sound, but many sounds for different pitches. also, it often also contains 'looping' info, that is, info about what will happen if the actual sound you want to play is longer than the one you have recorded. and what will happen when it's shorter than the one recorded. etc etc
22:41.24ThePiratemasterbad i dea
22:41.36scarynetworkguymhall: Ever sat in a meeting with a MS sales rep and a suit?
22:41.56mhallscarynetworkguy: No I only ever worked in UNIX shops with Sun and Cisco people.
22:42.01nanok_goron: compared to something as utterly useless as office suites, it safe to say that it is well on the way.. :)
22:42.10SimonRavenso what is the 'best argument'? and why isn't price the best one to shove at a suit?
22:42.13mhallgoron: OOO 2.x.x is pretty sweet.
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22:42.27mhallSimonRaven: that's what i'm moving toward with scarynetworkguy ...
22:42.39mhallSimonRaven: hopefully we can get a decent answer
22:42.44scarynetworkguymhall: They *never* talk about TCO. That's just the web stuff they put up on pseudo-techinal sites.
22:42.59mhallscarynetworkguy: hmm, so tco is meant for geeks or...
22:43.04kuraiatxilitxuta si possible
22:43.08scarynetworkguymhall: IME yes.
22:43.11kuraiawhat the hell?
22:43.18micahfis there a dial up terminal for linux?
22:43.31mhallscarynetworkguy: then i guess the next question is ... what do they use
22:43.36Blissexmicahf: yes. several.
22:43.37mhallmicahf: minicom
22:43.42micahfk thanks
22:43.49nanok_kuraia: que veut dire txil... 2. on parle anglais ici.. desole
22:43.51mhallmicahf: one of the canonical apps, there are more
22:43.55mhall!tell micahf about pdo
22:44.18mhallmicahf: also apt-cache search modem or something such might be good
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22:44.31scarynetworkguySimonRaven: The best argument. Or at least the one that works best for me. Is performance, security, and features. Also it helps if your suits know that you are good and that you both can *and* will be there to fix shit when it goes south. Suits are, again IME, very concerned about support and are more than willing to pay through the nose for what they see as good support.
22:44.32ThePiratemasterthe exterior interface is the networking device that is connected to the modem right?
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22:44.42micahfmhall, thanks
22:44.49scarynetworkguymhall: Oddly enough IME they babble on about support. See the above.
22:44.49D13GU___where a see a VPN tutorial? please
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22:44.58mhallscarynetworkguy: makes sense that they would
22:45.00goronmhall: It's pretty sweet, but buggy.
22:45.07mhallscarynetworkguy: where i worked we really needed it
22:45.12robin_szD13GU___: VPN or OpenVPN?
22:45.19mhallgoron: apparently they have been doing a lot of refactoring
22:45.25mhallgoron: so this could get better
22:45.42SimonRavenscarynetworkguy: that's true, even non-suits care about that. my experience is with non-profits, so price is an issue, but support seems to be more important
22:45.45D13GU___robin_ a free VPN :)
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22:46.03scarynetworkguymhall: Indeed it does. Only ironic if you understand that they can/t/don't do it.
22:46.12SimonRavenD13GU___: can't get any freer than that
22:46.22goronnanok_: I agree, but commercial software is never "done", since it would stop cash flow. (Unless there's some other licensing scheme).
22:46.24D13GU___SimonRaven ?
22:46.31dreamboattest I l
22:46.35dreamboatsucky font
22:46.38SimonRavenlocalhost, silly
22:46.49ThePiratemasterthe exterior interface is the networking device that is connected to the modem right?
22:46.57joo-uanis there a program that wil automaticly connect to open ap's?
22:47.00goronmhall: Sure, I believe OO will become better.
22:47.03joo-uanlike in windows?
22:47.09dreamboatone shows slightly longer than the other
22:47.10abrotmanyou mean .. help you steal bandwidth ?
22:47.15joo-uanso i can drive and have uninteruppted internet?
22:47.18mhallscarynetworkguy: so how do you convince people your support is good when it's not
22:47.23ke6isfWhat is an open ap?
22:47.29abrotmanke6isf: free wifi
22:47.30joo-uanacess point
22:47.34mhallscarynetworkguy: esp if it's somebody renewing a contract who knows what it is really like
22:47.38joo-uan73 ham brother
22:47.42abrotmanke6isf: you know .. you can steal your neighbor's bandwidth
22:47.56joo-uani want something to do that automatically
22:48.00abrotmanif it's open .. you don't need anything
22:48.01joo-uanwhen driving around
22:48.08joo-uanthat autoconnects
22:48.20nanok_goron: that is usually the case, and the main difference between oss and comercial. (unless you pay a hell of a lot of money, but that's in a different league)
22:48.22blondiemy wireless is purposely open
22:48.22goronAnd then you can haxor the world...
22:48.22ke6isfI would think that the wireless routers seek out the wireless points by default.
22:48.22mhalljoo-uan: yeah it's called windows XP base edition
22:48.26mhalljoo-uan: enjoy
22:48.27abrotmanjoo-uan: what distro are you using ?
22:48.30Eulexjoo-uan, try waproamd
22:48.36ThePiratemasterwich is better, the linux kernel or partition magic
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22:48.49blondieThePiratemaster: what kind of question is that?
22:48.55joo-uanmhall! yes! but i'd rather not use doze
22:48.57ThePiratemasterfor burning CD's i mean
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22:49.03ke6isfThePiratemaster: That's like asking what the better is between Perl and ginger beer.
22:49.04SimonRavenThePiratemaster: uh, what?
22:49.04scarynetworkguymhall: You are assuming that the suits ever think that deeply about it. Or that they, typically, listen to their techs. I happen to be in a good spot where I'm listened to but far too often some smoke and mirrors and otherwise rather smart people's ability to think shuts right down.
22:49.07mhalljoo-uan: joke ;-)
22:49.09blondieThePiratemaster: partition magic doesn't burn CDs
22:49.10joo-uanJOOUAN does it fat, it linux, yadadadmean
22:49.10goronnanok_: But generally it takes a few years to get that point. (Especially if nobody told you about other than Windows OS's)
22:49.20abrotmanjoo-uan: what distro ?
22:49.22ThePiratemasteryou'd think..?
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22:49.23SimonRavenme SEGVs trying to parse that
22:49.35blondiehi foampeace!
22:49.36Eulexjoo-uan, waproamd does what you want
22:49.44mhallscarynetworkguy: so people in general are not good at dealing with sales BS
22:49.44ThePiratemasternow that io have your attention: the exterior interface is the networking device that is connected to the modem right?
22:49.50niguereHello guys
22:49.50scarynetworkguySimonRaven: Yeah that makes sense. Actually it is. It's just that I trust myself to support a OSS product more than I trust almost any vendor. And, lucky for me, my suits listen to and trust me. But I'm lucky.
22:49.53mhallscarynetworkguy: particularly of the technical variety
22:49.54niguereis this the ethnic cleansing channel?
22:50.04nanok_goron: the funnyest thing is how much money it takes. and most never get the point anyway.. sort of sad in the end
22:50.04abrotmanniguere: no
22:50.07niguereI have some zyklonb to share
22:50.09niguereto gas jews
22:50.20abrotmansome what?
22:50.24blondieniguere: no, now fuck off
22:50.24ke6isf!ops niguere
22:50.24dpkgHydroxide, bob2, caphuso, dondelelcaro, doogie, eeyore-, ElectricElf, ):, helix, ljlane, LoRez, RichiH, mentor, Netsnipe, TML, walters, xk, gravity, azeem: niguere
22:50.28mhallniguere: dude that's not cool
22:50.30foampeacewhat repo is the best to use
22:50.31scarynetworkguymhall: IME people of the techinical variety are *very* good at dealing with it. It would be the suits who are the problem in most cases.
22:50.31ThePiratemasteri always get stains on my suits
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22:50.38ke6isffoampeace: apt-setup.  Pick one.
22:50.41SimonRavenniguere: STFU asshole
22:50.43ThePiratemasteri let binutils wash it out
22:50.55everett_How do I download a debian 2.4 kernel source using aptget?
22:51.01nigueremhall: lol it is
22:51.16ThePiratemasterbtw whats better for washing tyour suite: binutils or IVtv
22:51.19SimonRavenniguere: no it isn't dumbass
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22:51.37ke6isf!troll niguere
22:51.37mhallscarynetworkguy: one problem is, sometimes suits at real large enterprises tend to pick whomever gives them the best blowjob / perk instead of who is good for the company
22:51.39ThePiratemasterGOGGOGO SIMON
22:51.43ThePiratemasterTELL THE B-TCH
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22:51.50nanok_niguere: it is not even funny in the sick sense of funny. disapear. please
22:51.50foampeacewhich repo has the latest firefox and works the best
22:51.54joo-uancould you get some of the zyklon b for those clowns in fallujah?
22:51.55nanok_or else..
22:51.58joo-uanJOOUAN FAT
22:52.00mhallscarynetworkguy: hence how we got stuck with a real bad core application for doing our billing
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22:52.02ke6isffoampeace: apt-setup, pick a repo.
22:52.07goronEulex: I get a Segfault when I run timidity...
22:52.10joo-uanjoouan out!
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22:52.15asuffieldoddly enough, support is precisely the reason that my company uses free software wherever possible. the management has been expensively screwed over by proprietary 'support' one too many times, and all business-critical applications must now be at least *possible* to be supported in house if necessary
22:52.22dreamboatmhall: the best blowjob??  is there such a thing as a bad blowjob?
22:52.24foampeaceke6isf: do i see firefox 1.0.4 in stable?
22:52.30SimonRavenof course the bone head is abusing tor
22:52.30kbrooksWhy doesn't installing the `subversion' package install a init script?
22:52.31abrotmandreamboat: teeth
22:52.32mhallasuffield: but how long did it take for that to happen
22:52.43Eulexgoron, stable/testing/unstable?
22:52.50goronEulex: unstable
22:52.52mhalldreamboat: when you are a suit in control of multi-millions you get the pick of the litter
22:52.53asuffieldmhall: ever pay to have a building recabled? you don't do that very often before you learn
22:52.58foampeacegoron should i use unstable?
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22:53.00ke6isffoampeace: It's really a slightly later version, that has been placed in security.  If you want 1.5, you have to install it by hand.
22:53.08goronEulex: (I couldn't resist kde 3.4.3 that I used on FreeBSD)
22:53.08ke6isf!iyhtays foampeace
22:53.09dpkgfoampeace: If You Have To Ask, You Shouldn't.
22:53.09Eulexgoron, well, there's your problem. file a bug.
22:53.12mhalldreamboat: rank has its privileges
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22:53.39dreamboatmhall: can't see me finding that out firsthand
22:53.40goronfoampeace: That depends.
22:53.41everett_How do I download a debian 2.4 kernel source using aptget?
22:53.50kbrooksWhy doesn't installing the `subversion' package install a init script?
22:53.50*** mode/#debian [+b *!*@tor/session/x-e29785c07cdb229b] by mentor
22:53.51*** kick/#debian [niguere!n=matthew@unaffiliated/mentor] by mentor (mentor)
22:53.54mhalldreamboat: nor me
22:53.55chealeverett_: you install the 2.4 kernel source package
22:53.55*** join/#debian BearPerson (i=karsten@sourcemage/wizard/pdpc.sustaining.BearPerson)
22:54.01ThePiratemasterdreamboat, wich ofcource brings us to the question of: wich i better for a blowjob, the hurd kernel or CUPS0.1
22:54.01*** join/#debian serfurj (
22:54.07SimonRaventhanks mentor
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22:54.16mhallThePiratemaster: blowjob, most def.
22:54.17*** join/#debian orchid (n=bzgirl@unaffiliated/orchid)
22:54.17Eulexfoampeace, you shouldn't use unstable if you don't know a lot about how the debian package system works.
22:54.19abrotmanthat was a tor node .. he can just grab another
22:54.19mentorleast I could do
22:54.20goronfoampeace: If you like (thinkering with stuff/run new software) you should.
22:54.27scarynetworkguymhall: *nod*
22:54.30mhallabrotman: tittybiscuits
22:54.34ThePiratemasteryes but who can do it best
22:54.35Frostedeverett_, apt-cache search kernel | grep 2.4 | grep source
22:54.36*** join/#debian LiGhTeNiN (
22:54.37ke6isfabrotman: What's a tor node?
22:54.38ThePiratemasterhurd or cups?
22:54.49foampeaceEulex: i know how it works...i havent used debian in a while
22:54.49goronfoampeace: otherwise, you shouldn't.
22:54.50dpkgfrom memory, tore is sexy
22:54.51dpkgmethinks tor is a system of proxies to maintain anonymity, see or not allowed on #debian, see
22:54.54mhallscarynetworkguy: nod to which, i lost context in major scrollfest
22:54.56mentorke6isf: tor is an anonymisation routing system
22:55.02foampeacegoron: i know how debian works i havent used it in a while...
22:55.03Eulexgoron, no. don't encourage people to run unstable.
22:55.05abrotmanke6isf: onion routing ..
22:55.06dpkgA really mean troggle
22:55.06asuffieldke6isf: it's a system of open proxies for spamming and worm distribution and shit like that
22:55.07mentorke6isf: Bounces messages around the internet just like the movies.
22:55.15goronEulex: I am not encouraging.
22:55.19*** join/#debian VC (n=VC@
22:55.21*** part/#debian BearPerson (i=karsten@sourcemage/wizard/pdpc.sustaining.BearPerson)
22:55.21goronEulex: I said Otherwise you don't.
22:55.24scarynetworkguymhall: Heh. The bit about how you ended up with a really bad billing app.
22:55.28mhallThePiratemaster: stop abusing the bot
22:55.28ke6isf!tell ThePiratemaster -about msg the bot
22:55.29jadewolfAnyone know a linux program to do flash or SWF movies for web design?
22:55.32Eulexfoampeace, notice that I didn't say if you know how it works. I said if you know *a lot* about it.
22:55.32mentorasuffield's balanced and objective review wins again.
22:55.33*** part/#debian gloin (i=me@pdpc/supporter/student/gloin)
22:55.34mhallscarynetworkguy: ah yes, precisely
22:55.35ThePiratemasteryea i know
22:55.38abrotmanke6isf: good idea for some stuff .. abused like hell on irc
22:55.41mhallscarynetworkguy: that's what happened to me
22:55.46asuffieldmentor: 'objective' being the key word here :P
22:55.47ke6isfabrotman, asuffield, mentor Wow, thanks. =^^=
22:55.49kspathwhy are there so many unsupervised mental cases without medication and why do they all have computers and troll #debian ?
22:55.51everett_sound I use kernel-source or kernel-tree ?
22:55.54mhallscarynetworkguy: so we used C, C++, AWK, and PHP to kludge it
22:55.57*** join/#debian niguere (n=guy@tor/session/x-165463b46a298628)
22:55.58everett_to build a new kernel
22:56.00*** join/#debian frezr4ze (
22:56.09*** mode/#debian [+o asuffield] by ChanServ
22:56.09Eulexgoron, sorry
22:56.09mhallscarynetworkguy: and essentially wrote our own separate billing app when possible
22:56.14*** mode/#debian [+b *!*@tor/*] by asuffield
22:56.15kbrooksI have an actual QUESTION. Why won't anyone answer it?
22:56.15foampeaceEulex: but then you have to define "a lot"
22:56.20*** mode/#debian [-o asuffield] by ChanServ
22:56.21mhallasuffield: :-D
22:56.23staosWHAT THE HELL!
22:56.28kbrooksWhy doesn't installing the `subversion' package install a init script?
22:56.29goronEulex: I learned my lesson the last time I did recommend it.
22:56.29ke6isfniguere: Now stfu.
22:56.37staosSimonRaven just msged me child porn!
22:56.40Eulexfoampeace, you know what to do if stuff starts breaking.
22:56.43staosWHAT THE HELL!
22:56.44foampeaceEulex: why wouldnt I is the question
22:56.45everett_frosted should I use kernel-tree or kernel-source?
22:56.49resiakkbrooks: Why _would_ itS/
22:56.54mhallniguere: Thanks for ruining a public service for everyone, asshole.
22:56.55popeyestaos: he's doing it to everyone
22:56.56popeyejust ignore him
22:56.59asuffieldstaos: well then, I suggest you report him to your branch of the PTA
22:57.02dpkg[reference] The Debian Reference. Will answer most of your questions about Debian. Latest version at, or Read it after installing Debian, and before asking for support, as it is the closest thing Debian has to a manual.
22:57.04Eulexfoampeace, because stuff *does* break in unstable sooner or later.
22:57.07ThePiratemasterwho is niguire?
22:57.07SimonRavenw00t asuffield
22:57.10kspathniguere: why are there so many unsupervised mental cases without medication and why do they all have computers and troll #debian ?   you would be the one to ask, right?
22:57.11goroneverett_: that one was for you
22:57.12ThePiratemasteri never see his messeges
22:57.12dreamboatjust connecting to my first .pdf webpage in Konqueror - got 99% done and stopped, nothing displayed
22:57.17*** part/#debian VC (n=VC@
22:57.18foampeaceEulex: how bout testing?
22:57.22ThePiratemasternut someone is talking to him
22:57.28goroneverett_: it contains all the answers you need.
22:57.29kbrooksresiak, What does the subversion package have?
22:57.31mhallkspath: kind of like asking the number of licks to the center
22:57.38mentorstaos: Report him to freenode staff if he's doing something out of line with network policy
22:57.39mhallkspath: the world will never know
22:57.43Opaza@simonraven_ Why the F*CK are u sending me GAY-PORN???ßßß
22:57.43ravenbirdokay, Opaza
22:58.00popeyeOpaza, PUT HIM ON IGNORE
22:58.05mhallSimonRaven: are you really sending people pr0n?
22:58.06resiakkbrooks: dpkg -L subversion
22:58.09ke6isf!tell Opaza -about spambots
22:58.12goronmhall: most likely not
22:58.13foampeaceEulex: can i be specific. just came from using ubuntu breezy
22:58.13abrotmanmhall: get serious
22:58.18SimonRaven@forget simonraven_ Why the F*CK
22:58.18ravenbirdSimonRaven: i forgot simonraven_ why the f*ck
22:58.22ThePiratemasterSimon, tnx for the pic of the 7 year old penis, greeting, ThePiratemaster
22:58.29Eulexfoampeace, testing should be ok if you just have used debian for a while. but watch out, stuff does also break in testing occasionally. currently kde is broken, so I don't recommend running testing if you want kde.
22:58.31bluefox83doesn't this network have any policies about getting rid of people who are dealing in porn or child porn?
22:58.40dpkgspambots are annoying.  If you want to prevent the messages from coming at you incessantly, go to and read up.
22:58.41mhallSimonRaven: then is this a great big huge trollfest or what
22:58.43serfurjhi, i followed the guide here to set up hotplugging with libusb:, but the permissions still aren't being set.  any idea why?
22:58.47foampeaceEulex: ubuntu breezy was fine for me
22:58.51abrotmanmhall: it's continued from last night
22:58.57SimonRavenmhall: yup
22:58.58mhallabrotman: i missed it
22:59.05abrotmanmhall: oh .. it was fantastic
22:59.05Eulexfoampeace, I dunno how stable breezy is/was.
22:59.06ke6isfbluefox83: They're spambots.  They change nicks/proxies/IPs/etc so fast it's hard to pin them down and knock them off.
22:59.09mhallSimonRaven: any idea why they piced you in particular
22:59.14SimonRavenok, someone give me ops, please
22:59.19bluefox83ke6isf, ah, i see
22:59.24foampeacewhich repo is comparable to ubuntu breezy
22:59.29kbrooksSimonRaven, who are you?
22:59.30abrotmanSimonRaven: i tried :)
22:59.35abrotmankbrooks: who are you?
22:59.36SimonRavenprobably because i called them on them being boneheads
22:59.37ke6isffoampeace: Ask in #ubuntu.
22:59.38Opaza@all: thanks for the help, now ignoring this "user"
22:59.45mhallSimonRaven: that figures
22:59.50ThePiratemasteri already asked this like 6 times nowm can anyone awnser me? the exterior interface is the networking device that is connected to the modem right?
22:59.53SimonRavenOpaza: go fuck yourself
22:59.54resiakOpaza: Don't prefix stuff with @
22:59.59*** part/#debian popeye (n=popeye@
23:00.00SimonRavenThePiratemaster: yes
23:00.09ravenbirdLeaving. (courtesy of simonraven).
23:00.09*** part/#debian ravenbird (i=ravenbir@unaffiliated/simonrvn/bot/ravenbird)
23:00.10asuffieldit's probably just the old spambot that concocts random variations on existing nicks
23:00.11ke6isf!tell ThePiratemaster -about ask
23:00.20abrotmanOpaza: i love you
23:00.26*** part/#debian jadewolf (
23:00.27kbrooksresiak, OK, so none of those 2 packages have a init script. What do I do?
23:00.47resiakkbrooks: Why do you need an init script?
23:00.48mentorOpaza: Spambots already. SimonRaven: Don't be abusive
23:00.56ThePiratemasteri already 'just asked" 7 times, can u "just read"
23:00.57*** join/#debian spermicide (n=popeye@
23:01.00spermicideSo I was just taking a shit, right, when I realize I'm massively constipated from the three Taco Bell burritos I had last night. There was no way that massive log was going to ease its way out of my o-ring without shredding it to bits. It felt like the shit was coming out sideways. I was petrified, scared to move as the shit eased its way half out of my stressed sphincter. Then, the unimaginable happened: it got stuck.
23:01.00spermicideI slowly moved of the toilet to the cabinent to get a tube of KY-Jelly out of it; a rather strange sight with a giant brown pickle hanging out of my ass. I quicly applied some lube to my fingers and circled the hard turd with a blob of it, hoping that the lubrication may loosen the strain. Slowly, the turd began to give way, and I used my already lubed hand to slightly tug the shit out of my ass. My fingers slowly dug into the concrete-like turd, and wi
23:01.04spermicideth a loud pop and a sharp pain, the 'thing' was finally defecated. I plopped it into the toilet and unfortunately realized there was more on the way. I stuck my lubed finger up my anus to probe, and I felt yet another hard peice of shit. Not thinking about the pain, I stuck another two fingers up my sphincter and grabbed hold of the feces. I pulled it out much like the last one. Yet another turd formed in line in my anus, and I inserted my entire fist i
23:01.04*** mode/#debian [+o asuffield] by ChanServ
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23:01.07*** mode/#debian [+m] by asuffield
23:01.09*** mode/#debian [+b *!*@] by mentor
23:01.10*** kick/#debian [spermicide!n=matthew@unaffiliated/mentor] by mentor (mentor)
23:01.11*** join/#debian m0r3 (
23:01.13*** mode/#debian [-m] by asuffield
23:01.17zinxso, i guess it's sunday.
23:01.18Opazasimonraven: why are you sending me porn and then "fuck yourself". you are really rude!
23:01.28ke6isfThePiratemaster: You ddin't read the entire factoid.  Please read the ENTIRE factoid, aight?
23:01.28m0r3hi all
23:01.29mentorOpaza: Enough now
23:01.32resiakkbrooks: svnserve is launched through inetd.
23:01.32ThePiratemastersimon send me more porn
23:01.38SimonRavenalright fuckers, if you have a problem with me, you start telling me why, and stop with the stupid name calling. you're acting like a bunch of fucking cowards
23:01.38abrotmantake Opaza too!
23:01.40asuffieldOpaza: really not interested in hearing it. do it in private or not at all
23:01.55SimonRavenOpaza: you have a problem, state it. else, STFU
23:01.58ke6isfOpaza: SimonRaven is not sending you porn.  Now STFU.
23:02.01m0r3i have aproblem
23:02.05mhallso... this spambotting of the channel. is it for fun or for profit?
23:02.08*** mode/#debian [+b %SimonRaven!*@*] by mentor
23:02.10goronSimonRaven: it might be a bot...
23:02.14*** mode/#debian [+bb %Opaza!*@* %ThePiratemaster!*@*] by mentor
23:02.24mhallseems like it'd be a real tough thing to profit from
23:02.27asuffieldmhall: mostly 'profit'
23:02.28ke6isf!always sunday
23:02.28dpkgJust as it's always September, somewhere, out on the internet, it's always Sunday here in #debian.
23:02.34kbrooksI need some help here
23:02.42m0r3does someone got hp scanjet 4670 running under debian?
23:02.42mhallasuffield: oof, how horrifying
23:02.44robin_szmhall: think yourself lucky .. you got pr0n, I got god botherers!
23:02.44asuffieldmhall: they send people nonsense that just happens to contain links to those pesky ad-farming porn sites
23:02.52asuffieldmhall: and they get money for everybody who looks at the ads
23:02.53mhallrobin_sz: god botherers?
23:02.53abrotmanthis is lovely
23:02.54foampeacewhats testing nickname
23:03.00*** mode/#debian [+l 702] by debhelper
23:03.04*** join/#debian phyberoptix (
23:03.08mentor!tell foampeace about releases
23:03.09kbrooksfirst things first
23:03.14robin_szmhall: some spambots promoting a magic sky-pixie
23:03.15mhallrobin_sz: and i never actually got any, i was confused because i missed the context that appeared the past few days
23:03.21mhallrobin_sz: i was on holiday
23:03.24kbrooksthis is not my system
23:03.29*** join/#debian goron (
23:03.30*** part/#debian SimonRaven (i=simon@unaffiliated/simonrvn)
23:03.38ke6isfrobin_sz: A magic sky-pixie?... =O.o=
23:03.44mhallasuffield: yeah you'd think advertisers would wise up
23:03.44*** mode/#debian [-o asuffield] by ChanServ
23:03.46kbrookswhat is the simplest way to startup SVN?
23:03.47nanok_this is chaos..
23:03.52mhallasuffield: but they don't unfortunately
23:04.04ke6isfnanok_: You're new to IRC, aren't you? =^^=
23:04.06asuffieldmhall: have you ever met a marketdroid who had any apparent connection to reality?
23:04.12*** join/#debian magnetic (n=magnetic@
23:04.14mhallasuffield: hmm that's a good point you make
23:04.16foampeacementor: i have no http yet
23:04.21nanok_ke6isf: no, i just haven't spent many sundays on #debian
23:04.22foampeacementor: web browser
23:04.25asuffieldmhall: you just have to remember who is, ultimately, paying for this stuff
23:04.29ke6isfnanok_: Next best thing.
23:04.30mentorfoampeace: apt-get install lynx :)
23:04.31resiakkbrooks: Read the svn book for really, really well-written docs.
23:04.41robin_szmhall: apparently, there are groups of people who believe that the world was created by some magic sky-pixie or something, I didn;t quite follow the rest of it .. but it was pretty weird.
23:04.45mhallrobin_sz: oof
23:04.47goronasuffield: the sun?
23:04.49foampeacementor: unstable will break yes or no?
23:04.54mentorfoampeace: yes
23:04.55mhallrobin_sz: like a scientology type deal
23:04.57ke6isffoampeace: Yes.
23:04.58nanok_i guess it goes to show that humans generally suck.
23:05.02foampeacetesting will break yes or no?
23:05.04micahfhey how do you dial in minicom
23:05.07asuffieldgoron: good heavens no, the economy hasn't been based on tangible good in years :P
23:05.09mhallrobin_sz: now... are you getting it as irc spam or are they spamming your house
23:05.10micahffor the life of me I can't figure it out
23:05.11resiakfoampeace: yes, yes.
23:05.12mentorfoampeace: In fact the reason it isn't stable is that it is broken. always
23:05.17micahfI looked on google and everything
23:05.18robin_szmhall: something like that .. this lot were "christians" or something ... I didnt pay much attention
23:05.20ke6isffoampeace: Before you ask more, anything will break if enough force is applied.
23:05.23*** mode/#debian [-b %SimonRaven!*@*] by mentor
23:05.33Eulexfoampeace, unstable: eventually, yes. testing: just minor breakages sometimes
23:05.35mhallmicahf: it's got some menus and whatnot
23:05.41m0r3i think unstable not break all time.... depends how deep you are
23:05.44mhallmicahf: i think escape brings em up
23:05.46ke6isfrobin_sz: Oy gevalt, my faith has resorted to spamming....
23:05.48foampeaceis testing called woody?
23:05.54nanok_foampeace: everything will break, eventually. wellcome to our universe
23:05.55mhallrobin_sz: craptacular
23:05.55goronfoampeace: no
23:05.56micahfcontrol-a then z does
23:05.57Eulexfoampeace, no, etch
23:05.57abrotmanfoampeace: no .. you were already told .. pay attention
23:05.58*** mode/#debian [-o mentor] by ChanServ
23:06.01m0r3emails? web surfing? bah
23:06.08m0r3not crash
23:06.10micahfmhall, I got the menu, I just can't figure out where to enter my number
23:06.11mhallke6isf: oy gevalt? that's yiddish eh?
23:06.11Eulexfoampeace, woody is the old stable
23:06.16kbrooksresiak, I know how to startup SVN, but the server I want to startup SVN is not owned by me, and I'm concerned about what happens if this server reboots
23:06.19ke6isfmhall: Yep.
23:06.22mhallmicahf: yeah haven't used it since i got broadband
23:06.24*** part/#debian Opaza (
23:06.24micahfmhall, there is a directory but I can't change anything
23:06.30mhallmicahf: you can do it with modem commands
23:06.41mhallmicahf: ATDT 555-1212
23:06.41resiakkbrooks: svnserve doesn't run all the time in the background ... why would rebooting it make any difference?
23:06.50mhallmicahf: assuming you got touchtone
23:06.51*** join/#debian FeetloveR (
23:07.00mhallmicahf: otherwise perhaps ATDP for pulse
23:07.03m0r3again i need some help
23:07.05kbrooksresiak, i want it to start up automatically on boot
23:07.10mhallmicahf: just look up the hayes command set
23:07.13resiakkbrooks: It DOESN'T WORK LIKE THAT
23:07.16micahfok thanks
23:07.19resiakkbrooks: It gets launched on demand from inetd.
23:07.23m0r3someone has hp scanjet 4670 running under debian?
23:07.27mhallmicahf: that will tell you everything you can tweak and configure using the modem commands
23:07.27ke6isf!tell m0r3 -about ask
23:07.27*** join/#debian almost-ctr (
23:07.27resiakkbrooks: Read the SVN book.
23:07.40ke6isf!tell m0r3 -about repeat
23:08.04m0r3new scanner at home and no drivers this is HP scanjet 4670
23:08.12*** join/#debian FeetloveR (
23:08.13*** join/#debian Fran_Mnt (
23:08.14micahfit isn't even letting me type mhall
23:08.20kbrooksresiak, I don't OWN THE SERVER!
23:08.37ke6isfkbrooks: Do you have root access?
23:08.39resiakkbrooks: I'm failing to see how this makes any difference at all
23:08.46mentorarg...too much shouting
23:08.47kbrookske6isf, sudo access, yes
23:08.55goronm0r3: look whether there exist drivers for that scanner. Follow instructions. Done (or fail).
23:08.56*** join/#debian iturk (n=duro@
23:08.59ke6isfkbrooks: Can you sudo for all functions?
23:09.03mhallmicahf: hmm, it might be you need to enable local echo
23:09.07kbrookske6isf, yes I can
23:09.10*** part/#debian _deltron (
23:09.14mhallmicahf: or maybe you have not got the serial port settings right yet
23:09.20almost-ctrCan anyone help me ? I have installed the debian pgsql packages, how do I create a database ?
23:09.22iturkhi there guys Happy New Year !!
23:09.43mhallmicahf: i think there is some way to start it into some configuration mode where you can set up the defaults
23:09.46iturkis there any player capable to run wma for linux ??
23:09.51mhallmicahf: i think the manual page says how
23:09.58resiak!tell iturk -about w32codecs
23:09.59ke6isfalmost-ctr: You might check the postgres tutorial online.
23:10.00nanok_iturk: mplayer
23:10.01Eulexiturk, yes, get mplayer from marillat
23:10.04*** join/#debian cortez_ (
23:10.04m0r3uh??? is there some one?
23:10.05mhalliturk: yes there are some but why do you want to do it
23:10.18nanok_mhall: good point
23:10.28*** join/#debian lc_ (
23:10.28goronm0r3: you have this thing between your ears... use it.
23:10.30mhallnanok_: wma is such a hideous crapheap
23:10.39mhallgoron: don't count on that
23:10.44nanok_mhall: the question should be : "how do i transcode wma to ogg?"
23:10.49abrotmanalmost-ctr: become root .. become postgres user .. create your own DB user .. then create your database
23:10.51micahfmhall, thanks
23:11.00mhallmicahf: yeah sorry about the weirdness of it
23:11.02micahfmhall, now I can't get out of minicom :D
23:11.03*** join/#debian FinkN (
23:11.11mhallmicahf: modem programs are all kind of a pain in the ass sometimes hehe
23:11.23dpkgwell, transcode is a linux text-console utility for video stream processing., or xk gives it a stamp of approval
23:11.25mhallmicahf: control A X maybe
23:11.37mhallmicahf: control A H is help i think
23:11.47goronHmm, I wanted that entry with saying that transcoding was bad, and all.
23:11.52iturkmhall: sometimes some music that we get cames in other formats
23:11.57micahfgot it
23:12.03asuffieldESC Z is the minicom menu
23:12.07*** join/#debian konsumer (
23:12.16m0r3goron: many many thank you but where is this one driver you saw?
23:12.24mhallasuffield: thanks, my memory of it was sorta poor
23:12.27*** join/#debian eidan (
23:12.28micahfwait esc and control-z are the same huh
23:12.37mhalliturk: reconsider purchasing it
23:12.37asuffieldthey aren't
23:12.40goronm0r3: You behave as a bot.
23:12.44asuffieldminicom just works like that
23:12.51mhalliturk: it'll never get better if people keep buying proprietary schlock
23:13.16*** join/#debian VPR5703 (
23:13.21almost-ctrabrotman: thanks :)
23:13.30abrotmanalmost-ctr: make sense ?
23:13.30dreamboatbye all
23:13.32VPR5703now I have another problem..
23:13.39VPR5703see ay dreamboat
23:13.44mhallVPR5703: mental or physical?
23:13.44asuffieldmhall: I don't think I've ever *bought* a wma, mostly you only find them on edonkey or something :P
23:13.50VPR5703Im not sure now.
23:13.55asuffieldapes, those suck too
23:14.06mhallasuffield: lots of proprietary stuff is wma with DRM
23:14.13VPR5703ive been sitting htrying to install bebian for five hours now.
23:14.16asuffieldyeah but who wants to listen to that?
23:14.17VPR5703Im ready to give up.
23:14.19nanok_mhall: oh, no, dont say DRM..
23:14.22mhallasuffield: that's my point
23:14.24*** join/#debian DragonD (i=DragonDA@
23:14.25mhallnanok_: sry
23:14.29ke6isfVPR5703: Well, what seems to be the problem?
23:14.30*** join/#debian pawdro (
23:14.36VPR5703Right now?
23:14.39mhallasuffield: wma is a hilariously bad format
23:14.44VPR5703still cant get into the graphical interface
23:14.45asuffieldwma is at least four different bad formats
23:14.46ke6isfVPR5703: Well, yeah, right now?
23:14.58mhallasuffield: well, technicalities aside ;-)
23:15.03ke6isfVPR5703: You have that Nvidia card, right?
23:15.13VPR5703GeForce 6200 yea
23:15.16everett_what packages are required for make xconfig?
23:15.24mhallasuffield: if microsoft's comfortable lumping all of their worthless crap into one pile than so am i
23:15.26nanok_mhall: shamefull sony minidisc purchaser here. i hate that shit so much i can't get myself in the state to sell it (i.e. i can;t find someone i hate enough to even think about convincing him to buy it)
23:15.33VPR5703it says "error no screens" when I attempt to run GDM
23:15.37mhalleverett_: just use menuconfig; libncurses5-dev
23:15.42iturkmhall: i agree with you proprietary stuff should have less support from the open source comunity
23:15.47resiak!no screens foun
23:15.50DragonDok i have a problem. all i have is the min install cd. it doesn't have the make command or c/c++ compiler packages on it and i can't download them cause i need ndiswrapper to get my netcard working. any ideas?
23:15.57goronmhall: I don't think proprietary programs are bad, as long as there are no prop. formats/protocols, etc. But in practice I think it would be rather hard to document a format. E.g. I wonder whether people will be able to understand the OASIS spec.
23:15.59ke6isf!no screens found
23:16.00dpkgno screens found is NOT a useful message - it means XFree86 has a problem SOMEWHERE with SOMETHING. Read your /var/log/XFree86.0.log more closely, and look for the REAL error, which probably begins with (EE), or - ask me about "troubleshooting x".
23:16.02mhallnanok_: just put it on craigslist and let the the free market reign supreme
23:16.04VPR5703Im with you resaik
23:16.11asuffieldmhall: it's a deliberate marketing strategy. by pretending that each new version is still wma, they deflect people's worries about using something 'new'
23:16.12Wyzard|TPDragonD: Use a different network card for the installation
23:16.16Moeenanybody know how can I move my windows out of Desktop boundries ? The Title of Windows can't go upper or downer than Panels in Gnome:(
23:17.02*** join/#debian apt (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
23:17.02*** topic/#debian is GETTING DEBIAN? /msg dpkg install debian | RELEASED: 3.1r1 | FAQ: | BORKED: yaird/kernels (#343042/#343048) | /msg dpkg bts | /msg dpkg testing security | sid, etch and /msg dpkg xorg sarge | NO FLOOD: USE #flood or /msg dpkg paster | /msg bots NOT people | /msg dpkg java | /msg dpkg kde3.4 | /msg dpkg apt secure | Please note: this is not #ubuntu.
23:17.02VPR5703I dont have a gefocre 4
23:17.02ke6isfVPR5703: Have you tried the nvidia one-liner yet?
23:17.02VPR5703but Ok
23:17.04asuffieldmhall: also reliability, performance, and inconvinience
23:17.13abrotmanapt: wb
23:17.15VPR5703No, I have to keep booting into Windows to get support
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23:17.15goronmhall: OASIS has a reference implementation. So, that doesn't really count.
23:17.17m0r3goron: whats happening here??? a polite closer club???? sory bud i thought you really could help.... but not you cant... and of course THERE IS NOT A DRIVER for that scanner
23:17.20abrotmanor not
23:17.20mhallgoron: not true
23:17.22nanok_mhall: i am so happy now with my cheapish junkish flash memory mp3player, i can't believe i was so bloody stupid to buy sony
23:17.25m0r3tkx all
23:17.32mhallgoron: those were independently implemented code bases
23:17.36nanok_but at least that taught me a lesson, i guess
23:17.36ke6isfVPR5703: OK, then what you can do when you boot back into Linux is install irssi.
23:17.37Moeenresiak, how can I get out of this feature ?!
23:18.02*** join/#debian apt (
23:18.02*** topic/#debian is GETTING DEBIAN? /msg dpkg install debian | RELEASED: 3.1r1 | FAQ: | BORKED: yaird/kernels (#343042/#343048) | /msg dpkg bts | /msg dpkg testing security | sid, etch and /msg dpkg xorg sarge | NO FLOOD: USE #flood or /msg dpkg paster | /msg bots NOT people | /msg dpkg java | /msg dpkg kde3.4 | /msg dpkg apt secure | Please note: this is not #ubuntu.
23:18.02DragonDWyzard|TP: could i download the ndiswrapper package?
23:18.02VPR5703irssi whats that do?
23:18.02nanok_diana: try instead
23:18.12DragonDWyzard|TP: is that 3com wireless?
23:18.14asuffielddiana: given the time of day, the mirror's probably updating right now
23:18.17asuffielddiana: or it could just be broken
23:18.18ke6isfVPR5703: It's a console based IRC client.
23:18.19nanok_diana: see if it's any better
23:18.19mhallgoron: koffice and ooo 2.x.x were rather deliberately so such that they could meet the common 2 implementation requiement for further approval beyond OASIS
23:18.21abrotmanWyzard|TP: please don't IRC from the can :)
23:18.21Wyzard|TPDragonD: No, wired
23:18.25VPR5703cant do taht
23:18.27radenanyone ever hit the tab key trying to complete sentences ?
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23:18.39ke6isfVPR5703: Why not?
23:18.40Wyzard|TPabrotman: This is my shiny new ThinkPad...  just arrived a few days ago  :-)
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23:18.44nanok_raden: ofc, all the time
23:18.46abrotmanWyzard|TP: T or X ?
23:18.49Moeenresiak, of course it's not my answer !
23:18.50VPR5703I cant on the internet because my 802.11 card needs ndiswrapper to work right
23:18.52Wyzard|TPabrotman: Z60m
23:18.52goronmhall: You are saying that the Corel guys never looked at the OpenOffice code to check whether the code was consistent?
23:18.55nanok_raden: you;ll get used to it..
23:18.57mhallnanok_: the only Sony shit i buy is headphones
23:18.58SerajewelKSif i have the .tar.gz and .dsc files for a source package, what is the proper way to unpack them?
23:18.58abrotmanWyzard|TP: oh .. the new line ...
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23:19.03mhallnanok_: which they can't encumber
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23:19.09mhallnanok_: otherwise they can go fuck themselves
23:19.13radennanok_, i need a cat5 to my brain for autocomplete drives me nutz
23:19.27nanok_mhall: mhh, yes, they are good (mainlly because they cant put any drm shit in there...yet)
23:19.28ke6isfVPR5703:  I'm a little clueless about wireless networking, admittedly, but what's stopping you from installing the ndiswrapper?
23:19.29Wyzard|TPDragonD: Altertnatively, you could use another Debian system to build the ndiswrapper kernel module package (or maybe there's a precompiled one for that kernel) and put it on a USB stick or something so you can load it from the installer
23:19.31mhallgoron: perhaps they will but it doesn't matter much
23:19.38VPR5703I dont knoe actually
23:19.43VPR5703Ive never tried it I guess.
23:19.47mhallgoron: the standard has enough wide support to sort itself out
23:19.50asuffieldsony headphones suck. mine are from grado
23:19.53nanok_raden: cool off, we've all done it. it grows on you, after a while.. :)
23:19.56staossam: are you here?
23:19.56Wyzard|TPDragonD: I don't know much about the procedure for loading additional drivers during installation, though, because I've never needed to do it myself
23:20.14mhallnanok_: i wonder when they start using HDCP in their phones
23:20.19resiakMoeen: I don't think you can disable that "feature" of metacity.
23:20.26goronmhall: ok, well I don't know the internals of the spec, but my point was that a non-trivial spec is ambiguous.
23:20.29Wyzard|TPDragonD: Personally I'd just obtain (buy or borrow) an inexpensive non-wireless card that doesn't need ndiswrapper, and use that for the installation
23:20.36ke6isf!tell VPR5703 -about ndiswrapper
23:20.36nanok_i actually once used ayttm, btw, and was shocked to see it was actually learning, and would soon be able to complete words for me. that was briliant..
23:20.37mhallgoron: that's not a fair statement
23:20.47radennanok_, lol just drives me nutz i hit the tab key like 3 times before i relize oh yeah im not typing commands
23:20.53goronmhall: why?
23:20.57DragonDWyzard|TP: i've installed the bas system now. all i need is to get my network card working then i can use apt-get to do the rest.
23:21.01mhallgoron: besides the whole idea of multiple implementations is to force the ambiguities to be ironed out if there are any
23:21.09ke6isfVPR5703: Just sent instructions for ndiswrapper from dpkg.  Follow the other instructions I gave you, and if you have to, print them out.
23:21.12VPR5703can I get ndiswrapper from the Sarge DVD?
23:21.16mhallgoron: my point is that the accuracy and precision of a spec are not related to the scope
23:21.25MoeenVPR5703, yes
23:21.29mhallgoron: unless you are saying that there is a fixed deadline to make the spec
23:21.31goronmhall: depends on the spec language.
23:21.41VPR5703And about all those &'s
23:21.44nanok_raden: ah, cool off, young warryor. you will soon find yourself typing incomplete words, and having to correct them after, cause you hit tab so fast..
23:21.50mhallgoron: in which case there is a limitation of how much quality vs scope vs etc can be achieved
23:21.55Wyzard|TPDragonD: You could download the debs manually from and transfer them onto the new system with a USB stick or CD-R
23:21.58VPR5703do I enter that entire command as shown or is there some way to separate it?
23:22.01goronmhall: If there's no deadline, then by definition you are right.
23:22.01nanok_there's a lot yet you have to come to terms with..
23:22.07mhallgoron: but seeing as how they plodded through it carefully for a number of years i don't see it as a problem
23:22.23mhallgoron: they did leave out a few weird cases like spreadsheet formulas though
23:22.47mhallgoron: because they thought that the spreadsheet people needed to decide more issues first
23:23.00pawdrohow to update to the latest gnome in sarge?
23:23.05DragonDWyzard|TP: that's what i'm working on...
23:23.14mhall!tell pawdro about backports
23:23.36ke6isfVPR5703: The && in the one liners means "proceed with the command after this if the command preceding was successful; otherwise, stop."
23:23.45VPR5703ok thanks
23:23.55goronmhall: It would be interesting to hear the experiences of the Corel developers(well at least for me).
23:24.08ke6isfVPR5703: You *can* separate them at the &&s (and accordingly omit the &&), if you'll be typing by hand off of hard copy.
23:24.11mhallgoron: yeah i suppose they will get interviewed at some point
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23:24.20mhallgoron: apparently they have started to work on the support
23:24.27ke6isfVPR5703: No problem.  Good luck.
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23:24.38mhallgoron: you could also probably talk with the kde people; they implemented before ooo ironically
23:24.47VPR5703Im going to get the windows driver for my card and a few other things and burn then to CD so I can transfer it
23:25.02DragonDWyzard|TP: it's hard to trace all the dependicys
23:25.18TGoChow can i change root pass of shell?
23:25.35goronmhall: You are saying that KOffice has completely implemented the OASIS spec? That's impressive.
23:25.43bizkitTGoC: of shell?
23:25.44ke6isfVPR5703: What kind of card do you have?
23:25.45mhallgoron: apparently they did yeah
23:26.02VPR5703Belkin 802.11G based on the Broadcom 34xx chipset
23:26.02mhallgoron: ooo and koffice still have some missing stuff when you exchange documents
23:26.20TGoCbizkit when you log into shell/console w/e you specify a pass. i want to change that one of root
23:26.21mhallgoron: but for documents without ole-like linked stuff they seem to exchange ok for me
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23:26.29VPR5703I have a third-party driver for it thats native to linux, but how do I install it?
23:26.31bizkitTGoC: as root type 'passwd'
23:26.37TGoCk thx
23:26.46mhallgoron: i didn't have good luck when i tried to exchange a doc with an inline spreadsheet though
23:26.52ke6isfVPR5703: That I don't know.
23:27.01mhallgoron: it was a whitepaper i wrote in ooo2 on a stats project
23:27.02VPR5703Ill read up on it see if I can find any info
23:27.05ke6isfVPR5703: What kind of file did the driver come in?
23:27.25goronmhall: stats==statistics?
23:27.35nanok_diana: did that help?..
23:27.38mhallVPR5703: 2.6.xx kernel already supports bcm 34
23:27.49VPR5703its not detecting my card though
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23:27.55mhallVPR5703: ?
23:27.56ke6isfmhall: He has to modprobe, I'm guessing?
23:28.02mhallke6isf: yeah probably
23:28.10mhallgoron: yes, statistics
23:28.29VPR5703When it goes though the install to configure networking, all that comes up are my two wired and my FireWire connection
23:28.29mhallgoron: so it had to have some inlined result tables and data tables
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23:28.49mhallgoron: it probably would have worked if i used word proc tables instead of the inline ods files
23:28.50*** part/#debian Ben2 (
23:28.53ke6isfVPR5703: It's infinitely easier to help with this if you're actually in Debian.  You have the Sarge DVD, right?
23:28.59mhallgoron: but i was tired lazy and burnt out at the time
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23:29.23DragonDhow do i install the deps after i get them on the debian system?
23:29.23mhallVPR5703: but bcm 34xx is the broadcom ethernet chip isn't it?
23:29.24ke6isfVPR5703: Then install irssi from the DVD.  For now, if you have a functional wire connection out, rely on that until the wireless can get operational.
23:29.34VPR5703The 34xx chip is the wireless chip
23:29.35mhallVPR5703: the wireless chipset is not supported
23:29.44VPR5703I know
23:29.45*** part/#debian jpourrez (n=jpierre@
23:29.47usnhi there, I've got a strange issue: When I press any lock key (num lock, caps lock, scroll lock) no keyboard input is accepted any more. Before this, everything works fine. I have been looking up and down in google, but without results. Has sb. any idea?
23:29.51mhallVPR5703: how did you score a driver
23:29.51ke6isfmhall: He noted a 3rd party.
23:29.52VPR5703thats why Im trying to do this.
23:29.59mhallVPR5703: and where can i get it
23:30.08VPR5703I can send you the file if you want
23:30.12VPR5703I cant do anything with it
23:30.13ke6isfVPR5703: Do 'tar -jxvf filename.tar.gz' on the driver file, and look for a readme file.
23:30.18mhallVPR5703: haha sweet
23:30.23VPR5703Im reading the readme
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23:30.30mhallVPR5703: send send send
23:30.36VPR5703ok hold on here
23:30.37goronmhall: I am willing to send you a driver to0 :D
23:30.37mhallVPR5703: i could really use it for my laptop
23:30.41*** part/#debian xlobeznox (
23:30.44ke6isfmhall: Tag. =^^=
23:30.45mhallgoron: which one?
23:30.49goronmhall: I just love kernel space.
23:30.53mhallke6isf: i'm it?
23:30.53VPR5703mhall you have any IM client?
23:31.05ke6isfmhall: Yep. You'll probably be able to figure this one out easier.
23:31.19mhallVPR5703: yeah i do
23:31.21ke6isfmhall: That wireless bit alone.
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23:31.26goronmhall: I am saying that you shouldn't accept random driver from anyone.
23:31.29nanok_mhall: wireless chipset/card producers are probably the scond shittyest bloody idiots since sony.. :(
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23:31.37mhallgoron: it's just a pos laptop
23:31.37frezr4ze"tar -j" is for bz2 is that not "tar -z"
23:31.44mhallgoron: and i'll back it up first anyways
23:31.46VPR5703This is from a few guys who reverse engineere the win32 drivers for it
23:31.48*** join/#debian Yo (
23:31.51mhallnanok_: no kidding
23:31.52goronmhall: not on Linux, you could on Minix.
23:31.57mhallVPR5703: lol that's awesome
23:32.07ke6isffrezr4ze: Since he has a .tar.bz2 file, -j is correct.  And no, -z is for .gz
23:32.13mhallgoron: what on minix
23:32.26goronmhall: run drivers from Joe Random.
23:32.33goronmhall: they run in user space.
23:32.43goronmhall: (all of them)
23:32.44mhallgoron: but they can still delete stuff etc
23:32.47frezr4zeke6isf: just read that: VPR5703: Do 'tar -jxvf filename.tar.gz' on the driver file,
23:32.47VPR5703For all who are interested, that is thier webspace
23:32.50mhallgoron: they are root after all
23:32.55goronmhall: no
23:32.58nanok_VPR5703: that IS nice. it is also sad, the fucking idiots who made the chipset should have done it or at least comissioned it to them, and get some more market share
23:33.19VPR5703if I can figure out how the HELL to get it installed id run the text IRC client
23:33.28ke6isffrezr4ze: Oh, crud.  Typo on my part.  But yeah, -z is correct for a .gz, which I'm used to. =^^=
23:33.34VPR5703but I think it requires a desktop, shich I cant get into
23:33.39nanok_this goes to show again that humans are generally genuinly stupid, and that "suits" sometimes don't even get "thinking only about the money" right
23:33.44kbrooksVPR5703, it doesnt
23:33.48frezr4zeke6isf, no problem :)
23:33.52kbrooksVPR5703, su -i
23:33.56VPR5703Im reading the readme, and Im lost. haha
23:34.34kbrooksVPR5703, don't use linux if you dont even understand zero of it
23:34.41VPR5703I was hoping to get into it
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23:34.55mhallkbrooks: give him a break
23:35.13goronBest way to learn Linux is to use it.
23:35.14mhallkbrooks: people didn't shit on you when you were learning
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23:35.24kbrooksmhall, true
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23:35.42DragonDhow do i install deb file manualy?
23:35.42abrotmanfeetlover is broken!
23:35.47abrotmanDragonD: man dpkg
23:35.52nanok_kbrooks: how can one understand anything if one will not start somewhere.. i didnt even understand shit about computers when i started. had i not taken on linux , i probably would be just as iliterate today
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23:35.55mhallVPR5703: i'm going to screw with this driver for a while
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23:35.56nanok_no flame intended
23:36.05VPR5703OK. if ya get it working, let me know!
23:36.10goronI don't think anyone completely knows linux.
23:36.10kbrooksnanok_, that isnt flaing
23:36.11abrotmannanok_: you are still illiterate :)
23:36.15g3brownI'm going to use an APC UPS on a Sarge fileserver.  I see a few UPS apps in apt-cache.  Which is best/popular?  genpower? apcd?
23:36.18DragonDabrotman: i'm not in linux right now
23:36.30abrotmanDragonD: then when you get there .. man dpkg :)
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23:36.38mhallVPR5703: did you get that?
23:36.38nanok_abrotman: yes, that is one of the first things you realise once you get to understand some things..
23:36.40VPR5703how can I register on this network?
23:36.45VPR5703but I cant reply.
23:36.49DragonDabrotman: truct me i will
23:36.52abrotmanVPR5703: /msg nickserv help
23:36.59VPR5703ok thanks
23:37.05TGoCVPR5703 /msg nickserv help register
23:37.14nanok_abrotman: if you're not conscious of it, than you havent gotten to understanding anything yet, i guess :)
23:37.17*** join/#debian whatever (
23:37.29nanok_abrotman: and yes, my spelling does suck :P
23:37.32abrotmannanok_: dunno .. i still feel pretty dumb some days
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23:38.04whateveryo yo.....     hm, does anyone know of a good article that talks about the overhead of using different types of md software raids?
23:38.23*** part/#debian nativee (
23:38.46nanok_whatever: hm, what exactly do you mean by overhead?..
23:39.01whatevernanok_: resource/cpu usage
23:39.06abrotmanthe cpu usage of using software raid .. and say .. raid1 vs raid5
23:39.14*** join/#debian bobesponja (
23:39.19bobesponjahey all
23:39.26nanok_whatever: for one, you can rest assured: you can't get hardware raid for under about 300usd or so, the one built into mobo's is _shit_
23:39.29whateverabrotman: and possibly comparing it to hardware
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23:39.48abrotmannanok_: you can get a hw raid controller for about $300
23:39.50bobesponjawhen I get a "Errors were encountered while processing:" where can I get the error log?
23:39.58bobesponja(with dpkg)
23:39.59Boerthello..i have installed debian as a router for some windows clients in my lan..all works nice, http etc, now i need port 113 idendt at my win clients for ftp idendt, i nned a iptables rule for the router now, anyone can help me plz, i a debian newcomer
23:40.01nanok_whatever: and sometimes even relatively cheap hw raid is outperformed by linux sw raid, afaik
23:40.13ke6isfbobesponja: Should be right there on the monitor.
23:40.17whatevernanok_: yes, but thats hardware raid you're talking about.  I just asked for documentation about software raids. lol
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23:40.26nanok_abrotman: that's what i said..more or less :)
23:40.31Acidic32how do i open multiple ports
23:40.33Acidic32in one go?
23:40.34abrotmannanok_: you said can't
23:40.41bobesponjake6isf: but the only thing I get is the name of the package
23:40.43abrotmanwhatever: did you check the sw raid howto ?
23:40.52abrotmanwhatever: also .. query ##linux
23:41.02whateverabrotman: that dosen't give overhead differences, just how-to set them up. ^_^
23:41.05nanok_whatever: i was asking what is your concern, really (sw raid5 vs sw raid 1, etc.. what is the question..)
23:41.17abrotmanwhatever: maybe ask #gentoo .. they do lots of silly stuff like that :)
23:41.17nanok_whatever: couse ymmv depending what you plan to do
23:41.20*** part/#debian bava (n=knoppix@
23:41.20ke6isfbobesponja: Can you give us a bit more context as to what you're trying to do?
23:41.37whateverabrotman: lol, yeah, but arn't gentoo kinda crazy?
23:41.46nanok_whatever: and "hw" raid on cheap mobo's is usually really (junkish) sw raid
23:41.53abrotmanwhatever: go ask them .. i think it's crazy to use sw raid at all
23:42.05Eulexbobbens, could you pastebin the full output of whatever you're doing?
23:42.21bobesponjake6isf: well not really cause this is happening on my ubuntu laptop next to me so I wouldn't like to abuse this channel :)
23:42.41ke6isfbobesponja: If it's on Ubuntu, then you need to ask in #ubuntu.
23:42.56whateverabrotman: trust me, I trust software raid over hw raid.   but I'm trying to figure out of the overhead difference between the two is even worth it.   if the cpu load is too great at higher load I might just DO hardware.
23:43.00*** mode/#debian [+l 693] by debhelper
23:43.04bobesponjake6isf: yes I know but that was just a dpkg general question
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23:43.13abrotmanwhatever: well .. that's you .. i don't trust it ..
23:43.13nanok_abrotman: i did, but it is a matter of les or equal versus equal. not so much of a difference
23:43.16ke6isfbobesponja: And you need to ask this question in #ubuntu.
23:43.17nanok_nevermind anyway
23:43.18abrotmanwhatever: and it's not my data :)
23:43.25bobesponjake6isf: and nobody answered me on #ubuntu
23:43.40Eulexbobesponja, no, I don't think it keeps any log of what went wrong. now go to #ubuntu.
23:43.48Eulex!they don't know
23:43.48dpkgJust because the people in some OTHER channel don't know the answer to your non-Debian question, it does NOT give you the right to hassle US with your problems.  Go try Google.
23:43.52whateverabrotman: lol, I've used simple sw raids for clients for some time now. ;)  imho, much easier to work with
23:43.53ke6isfbobesponja: I hate to sound hostile, but you're getting the general answer here.
23:44.03abrotmanwhatever: no way .. hw raid rules!
23:44.13Eulexbobesponja, pastebin the full output of what you're doing and give them that.
23:44.16abrotmanmy life would be complete if LVM and grub got along better :)
23:44.26whateverabrotman: its limited! :P  ;)
23:44.26nanok_whatever: usually, when you plan to use raid, you have some serious cpu under the hood (for doing serious stuff), so it shouldnt be a problem..
23:44.33abrotmanwhatever: limited?
23:44.34blondieabrotman: sad
23:44.37nanok_but this is a whole story in itself
23:44.46whateverbondie: hey blondie
23:44.46nanok_i guess you should just google a bit, first
23:44.51abrotmanblondie: oh .. and going to london!
23:45.00blondiewhatever: hi
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23:45.19[sr]hi ppl
23:45.21*** join/#debian ElPenguin (n=ElPengui@
23:45.53ElPenguindoes a debian network install by default include highly protective iptables rules?
23:45.57blondielondon hmm
23:45.57[sr]does the 64bit hardware runs with the 32bit software without problems? it just dont take the advantage of 64 bit tight?
23:46.08bobesponjake6isf: oh yeah sure I'm not asking you for more your answer was good enough don't worry :)
23:46.13whateverabrotman: you're limited with what you can do with your hw raid based on what the chip will allow you to do.  and the more you want to do, the more it costs you....and if it breaks..... all hell breaks lose.   with sw raid, you don't have to worry about any hw controllers breaking, you can span multiple disk types, and different arrays....   just to name a few things off the top
23:46.21[sr]blondie, yes for me+?:P
23:46.28abrotman[sr]: iirc .. you can use a 64bit kernel with 32bit software on 64bit hardware :)
23:46.30whatevermu ha ha
23:46.37Acidic32how do i open multiple ports
23:46.38ke6isfbobesponja: Glad to help.
23:46.41Acidic32in iptables?
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23:46.50abrotmanwhatever: just some idiot with a vi program destroying your data :)
23:46.56[sr]that works for windows or linux or other OS right?
23:46.58whatever[sr]: are you talking about the 64 bit build of debian?
23:47.13[sr]well thats a doubt in general
23:47.14abrotman[sr]: this isn't #windows ... ask #debian-amd64 for more info
23:47.17[sr]linux or windows
23:47.17whateverabrotman: ....?
23:47.23nanok_whatever: not really, w sw raid, if the controller (on the cheap junkish mobo) brakes (the ods of that, uh?), you will be in quite a lot of trouble
23:47.33[sr]whatever the OS is
23:47.36*** join/#debian FeetloveR (
23:47.43abrotmanwhatever: a bug in the swraid code
23:47.49abrotmanFeetloveR: fix your damn client
23:48.15[sr]im confused about a p4 4.6 and a amd64
23:48.24[sr]p4 3.6 sorry
23:48.28VPR5703Thats opinion sometimes
23:48.35kspathif you register your nick with NickServ  consider registering  nick_ and nick__ to prevent asses from using those most obvious methods
23:48.39whatever[sr]: the opteron/a64 chip was designed to process both 64 bit and 32 bit code, and it depeonds on the OS.  personally I think windows x64 executes 32 bit code faster than debian x64 right now.   but hell, I'll take stability over speed for now
23:48.39*** join/#debian eva__ (n=bakpao@yeo2.kullen.RWTH-Aachen.DE)
23:48.57Acidic32iptables -A OUTPUT -p 1500,4999 -s <IP2> -j ACCEPT
23:49.03Acidic32wiil that open that port range?
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23:49.15Acidic32iptables -A INPUT -p 1500,4999 -s <IP2> -j ACCEPT
23:49.22abrotmanAcidic32: #iptables
23:49.24nanok_whatever: there are sides of the storry, i've used sw raid to, but i will not state that hw raid controllers are shit and have no use.. i think it's just a totally different storry
23:49.27whateverabrotman: true, but anything can happen. -=shrug=-
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23:49.36abrotmanwhatever: yep ...
23:49.39blondieabrotman: are you american?
23:49.53abrotmanwhatever: and i used to deal with a lot of older/slower systems .. where using sw raid actually had an impact
23:50.02nanok_whatever: also known as "Things just happen. What the hell."
23:50.06abrotmanblondie: of course .. don't i use words like color and humor :)
23:50.11[sr]whatever, hum.. well im going to compare the price difference
23:50.12Eno_How can I control my alsa volume settings through X keybindings? I'm running fluxbox.
23:50.16[sr]about the p4 and amd64
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23:50.25blondieabrotman: well I say "color" too o.O
23:50.26whatever[sr]: as far as I know... I don't know much about intel stuff, but amd is the only thing thats true 64 bit that handles x86 code natively.
23:50.29EulexEno_, xbindkeys
23:50.30abrotmanblondie: oh .. sorry
23:50.35Eno_Eulex: Thank you.
23:50.41whatever[sr]: amd is still worth it in the long run
23:50.45blondieabrotman: no need to apologise
23:50.46kspathI love scsi <-> ext hardware RAID in ext enclosure with its own admin interface(s) that includes  serial/tty
23:50.49EulexEno_, or if it's multimedia keys you talk about, lineakd will work well
23:50.55abrotmanblondie: why do you ask?
23:51.04[sr]whatever,  well till now i only had amd CPUs
23:51.12whateverabrotman: yeah, on slower systems I can -totally- see cpu speed causing performance issues.  but this would be on a dual opteron. :P
23:51.31VPR5703no issues there
23:51.32nanok_whatever: tyan. i should think?
23:51.46whatevernanok_: s2882, yes
23:51.47[sr]whatever, my problem is also about beeing developing software on a 64bit processor and the behabier on the 32bit
23:51.55abrotmanwhatever: i've also done work on systems where they use a combo of both :)
23:51.59blondieabrotman: cos I'm nosey
23:52.00Eno_Eulex: Just regular keys. I don't have multimedia keys.
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23:52.06abrotmanblondie: i'm from near philly
23:52.12EulexEno_, then use xbindkeys.
23:52.14abrotmanholy shit .. someone kill FeetloveR
23:52.15whatever[sr]: the code is the same.  its the compiler that matters for that
23:52.30ke6isfabrotman: Why?
23:52.38blondieabrotman: where the cheese spread comes from? :)
23:52.45[sr]i think i just will stay with amd, always been sinse i use computers
23:53.01abrotmanblondie: that's called cream cheese .. and yes .. Kraft makes a Philadelphia Cream Cheese
23:53.10abrotmanke6isf: do a /lastlog
23:53.16whatever[sr]: try to get at least an A46 chip, don't settle for a sempron.
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23:53.24whatever[sr]: *A64
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23:53.32resiakwhatever: ITYM AMD64
23:53.33blondieabrotman: I would say it was cheese spread...
23:53.35ke6isfabrotman: Holy jeez...
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23:53.41abrotmanke6isf: see :)
23:53.53[sr]whatever, ya, no semprons.... i hate that! outch
23:53.56whateverresiak: yep
23:53.58abrotmanblondie: is that what you call the cheese for your bagel in .uk ?
23:54.10resiakabrotman: No! It's cream cheese!
23:54.20bsimsok this is pissing me off I was using dvd shrink under wine... well it died on me, no problem I kill it clean up and notice that my disk is full of something to the tune of multiple gigs but I can't see what it could be any ideas? It almost seems like it left a temp file floating around but I can't see anything with filelight...
23:54.28abrotmanresiak: just wondering
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23:54.36blondieabrotman: yes
23:54.38resiakbsims: Got any wineserver s kicking around+
23:54.42whateverbsims: check your /tmp   directory ?
23:54.54kspathbsims: check /var as well
23:54.55[sr]well.. going to decide between a MSI or gigabyte board
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23:55.07abrotman[sr]: ask #hardware
23:55.24abrotmanblondie: i was thinking about making a visit over there in the spring/summer . we'll see
23:55.29[sr]lets see there opinion
23:55.33[sr]i like both
23:55.44whatever[sr]: I've never dealt with SMI, gigabyte has decent customer service, I hate asus with a passion, and a-bit owns my heart. <3
23:55.50bsimsbut the odd thing is the space that is used is on a seperate hd where I was telling it to put the iso
23:56.00whatevergosh! my typing is going to hell!
23:56.47whateverbsims: yeah, thats why its a temporary file.  its not the final product, so it gets put in a temp area
23:56.52[sr]ya... asus its not my favotite also
23:57.01[sr]even having a debian server with one
23:57.04kspathI love ASUS but I do not overclock
23:57.10[sr]but the board wasnt my choice
23:57.10kspathI love TYAN also
23:57.18ke6isfWoo, rain!
23:57.25whateverkspath: they make a great product, but they will secretly hide information from the customer, and forget support from them.....
23:57.32whateverah tyan. <3
23:57.55whateverI was looking at getting the s2895
23:58.06nanok_kspath: i used to also. now i am in to minds about it: can i love asus and dispise theyr engineers at the same time?..
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23:58.23kspathnanok_: lol  good point
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23:58.47kspathnanok_: I wait for a long time before picking a TYAN or ASUS
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23:59.05Gravelinganyone here familiar with getting cinelerra to compile? I'm having issues with the firewire stuff
23:59.08kspathI let others try and wait for good/stable firmware and I do not overclock
23:59.19[sr]come on people
23:59.19bsimswhatever: no such joy
23:59.27nanok_my last experience was with a mobo that came with a 3cm dimaeter (i think) fan on the southbridge, revolving at about 9k rpm..guess what happens to those..
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23:59.31[sr]lets not start a motherboard war because of me :P
23:59.47whateverkspath: you can never go wrong with Tyan.  The s2882 that I picked up 3 years ago is still being supported by them.  I mean, I don't know of anyone who really sticks by a product past a year or two at most
23:59.48nanok_indeed, i was offtopic again

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