irclog2html for #debian on 20051016

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00:00.19Howitzerbut the first cd of the 18 will give me everything the net-install does?
00:00.32l3mjosh2224: hmm dunno :/ .. alternativly try licq
00:00.36OnePatchMrSarge : that's good... so, we're just missing the old data now... sweet
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00:01.23chumpHelp, need to install libqt3-dev but get the errors  Depends: libfreetype6-dev but it is not going to be installed and  Depends: libxft-dev but it is not going to be installed
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00:01.24nvznhello, i am having this error in Xine, when i right click  *** glibc detected *** free(): invalid pointer: 0x08126c89 ***
00:01.28MrSargeOnePatch:  yeah!
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00:01.35nvznit crashes out as a result
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00:02.20Silent1i just upgraded the kernel thru apt-get and when i boot the new kernel i get "VFS: cannot open root device "hda1" or unknown-block(0,0). hda1 is the linux partition, i've tried adding append="root=/dev/hda1" and it still gives me that error. Using lilo, thanks in advance.
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00:02.47chealchump: which libfreetype6-dev do you have?
00:02.50mrpickles444Hello room.  What audio player do you guys prefer ?
00:02.56MrSargeOnePatch:  ok phpmyadmin is now installed.
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00:03.09stewSilent1: you need to tell lilo about the initrd
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00:04.01chumpCheal: my I have libfreetype6 2.1.10-1 but only have access to -dev 2.1.7-2.4
00:04.14MrSargeOnePatch:  as phpmyadmin is installing its asking me if I want apache apache-ssl and apache-pearl. what shall I chose?  all of them?
00:04.15Silent1stew: thanks i'll try that
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00:04.48chumpCheal: I ran update but it seems the libfreetype6 and its dev don't match, so it won't let me install the dev
00:05.35nvzMrSarge: that really all depends on what kind of audio you are playing. mpg321, madplay, music123, ogg123, sox...
00:05.43chumpcheal: soory I had your name wrong above
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00:05.51MrSargenvz:  ok
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00:06.15humbolthow can I create a deb from a source package most easily?
00:06.15MrSargenvz:  I didnt knpw it had anything to do with audio :P
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00:06.29MrSargeOnePatch:  you still around? :)
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00:06.46chealchump: which release do you run?
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00:06.51norskfjordanyone know what that irc channel stats app is called that uploads info about your channel like peek times, qoutes and most said words ect ect?
00:06.58chumpcheal: sarge testing
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00:07.12chealchump: sarge testing? a mix of both?
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00:07.41chumpcheal: it might be a mix, Im new to debian
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00:08.02chealnorskfjord: pisg, apparently
00:08.19peterSfreenode should auto-kline people with too many vowels in a row
00:08.34peterSmight throw a few false positives, but, y'know
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00:09.06chealchump: if you're really new, stick with sarge. if you can't, you really need to know what you run, particularly with a mix
00:09.13Silent1stew: that worked perfectly, thanks a billon.
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00:09.26nvzpeterS: new service bot, QuizServ if you cant correctly answer a common knowledge question you are disconnected :P
00:09.33peterSnvz: heh
00:09.34chumpcheal: right
00:09.38OnePatchMrSarge : um...
00:09.45MrSargepetemc:  I have images in my /images folder, but firefox claims it cant find them when I load my website locally! any ideas?
00:09.50MrSargeOnePatch:  you back?
00:09.52OnePatchMrSarge : actually I have to admit to bad advice yet again...  having gone through it...
00:09.54MrSargeOnePatch:  as phpmyadmin is installing its asking me if I want apache apache-ssl and apache-pearl. what shall I chose?  all of them?
00:09.55peterSnvz: unfortunately that would be inconvenient for netsplits and client disconnects where a client reconnects automatically while the user is actually away from keyboard for an extended time
00:10.10MrSargeOnePatch:  thats ok, we tried our best
00:10.21OnePatchMrSarge : well...
00:10.23MrSargeOnePatch:  what now?
00:10.25OnePatchit's not dead yet
00:10.34peterSMrSarge: dude, you don't know whether you need SSL or not?
00:10.38MrSargeOnePatch:  and I have images in my /images folder, but firefox claims it cant find them when I load my website locally! any ideas?
00:10.41OnePatchMrSarge : don't install phpmyadmin, 2 reasons, first I don't like it, 2nd, we don't need it
00:11.01MrSargeOnePatch:  ok, but its installed already now :P
00:11.10peterSMrSarge: locally as in file:///?  that won't map the images folder correctly, indeed
00:11.17OnePatchMrSarge : well, we'll have to take a look at the broken links and see if they are making absolute calls to the images... as in, are they pointing back to the old hosting company also...
00:11.23*** part/#debian chump (
00:11.36OnePatchpeterS: you may have a point there
00:11.38nvzpeterS: so lets say as long as you've answered the question you're recognized by QuizServ for a reasonable grace period after disconnect :)
00:11.49MrSargeOnePatch:  no, it says.. for example,, http://localhost/images/f1.gif
00:12.05nvzpeterS: netsplits don't often last long
00:12.06peterSnvz: well, actually it wouldn't affect me anyway, because presumably "is able to log into nickserv" is a pretty good question to answer
00:12.07OnePatchMrSarge : and does that return a gif a forbidden or a file not found?
00:12.10MrSargeand there is indeed a /images/f1.gif file!  yet it claims it doesnt exist
00:12.22OnePatchMrSarge : so, it returns a 404...
00:12.30MrSargeOnePatch:  just blank page, only all the text
00:12.39peterSMrSarge: /images is an absolute location.  firefox with file:/// has no way of knowing where the "root" of your website is
00:12.46MrSargeOnePatch:  but if I chose save image, it says not found
00:13.00MrSargepeterS:  well it finds everything else
00:13.05nvzpeterS: my client does that automatically. I am sure these spambots could to it just as easily.
00:13.07OnePatchMrSarge : and when you surf out to it, as you suggested that you did?
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00:13.16MrSargepeterS:  http://localhost/ loads all the php text etc
00:13.17peterSnvz: yeah but by and large they don't register with nickserv
00:13.23*** part/#debian XoeMuHw (n=cyeoiuoo@
00:13.33MrSargeOnePatch:  how do we now add the database?
00:13.43peterSMrSarge: yes, when you use http, you are going through a web server, and the web server knows where the root of your site is.  when you use file:///, you are not going through a web server
00:13.50OnePatchMrSarge : well... I'm going to go back to mysql-admin
00:14.00OnePatchMrSarge : type that in on the command line and tell me what happens...
00:14.06MrSargepeterS:  if I chose save image where there is a blank, it sa\ys. Not Found
00:14.06MrSargeThe requested URL /images/f1.gif was not found on this server.
00:14.19MrSargeOnePatch:  type mysql-admin?
00:14.24OnePatchMrSarge : aye.
00:14.26FliesLikeABricksome users on a box can ssh in and others cant... what is causing some not to be able to?  i looked in /etc/ssh/sshd_config and only 2 users are in the DenyUsers directive
00:14.34peterSMrSarge: time to look in /var/log/apache/error.log and see what it is doing wrong
00:14.46MrSargeOnePatch:  ok loaded
00:14.55peterSMrSarge: wait ... I'm guessing it's the bogosity whereby /etc/apache/httpd.conf maps /images to /usr/share/images or something like that, by default
00:15.14MrSargepeterS:  so what can I do?
00:15.23nvzpeterS: if they were quized on Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy knowledge we wouldn't see them at all. We all know trolls version of that movie is Gay Niggers From Outer Space.
00:15.23peterSMrSarge: fix httpd.conf not to do that
00:15.30MrSargeOnePatch:  mysq-admin is now loaded
00:15.32peterSMrSarge: or use a directory name other than /images for your images
00:15.36OnePatchFliesLikeABrick : now that's hardly enough information. do you have it restricted by ip address? where is everyone coming from/going to? what error are they getting when they attempt to connect? what authorization type does everyone use, what shells do those that connect have vs those that don't
00:15.45OnePatchFliesLikeABrick : all of these things could affect the outcome
00:16.01OnePatchMrSarge : pretty screen and everything?
00:16.01MrSargepeterS:  ok
00:16.01FliesLikeABrickOnePatch,  i'm trying to connect from the same place/ip with multiple accounts but can only get in as root and one other
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00:16.09FliesLikeABrickOnePatch, everything else is held constant
00:16.33peterSMrSarge: the default is useful for httpd auto-indexing, so it can stick icons next to files / dirs, but it's not very useful if you don't use that, so you might as well remove it
00:16.48OnePatchFliesLikeABrick : do root and this other account have a different shell than everyone else? or is root using the same shell as everyone on the system?
00:16.57MrSargeOnePatch:  yes :)
00:16.58FliesLikeABricksame shell OnePatch
00:17.15MrSargepeterS:  so how do i tell it to use /var/www ?
00:17.29MrSargepeterS:  I meant, so how do i tell it to use /var/www/images ?
00:17.30peterSMrSarge: it already uses /var/www.  you just have to remove the special case for /images to go somewhere else
00:17.32carretthi all. i just installed a self-made kernel and i'm getting a kernel panic: "Cannot open root device "hda5" on unknown-block(0,0)" and there are more errors...i have the proper filesystem driver for /dev/hda5 compiled in, and the boot options are the same as those for a kernel that boots up fine..anyone have a clue as to why this might be happening?
00:17.36OnePatchFliesLikeABrick : if you do a ssh -D -p 8022 and then attempt to connect on 8022 from the other place, does that illucidate anything?
00:17.48MrSargepeterS:  special case? What you mean?
00:17.56OnePatchMrSarge : excellent, for the host type in localhost, then use root with no password and click connect
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00:17.58peterSMrSarge: look in httpd.conf and you will see what I mean
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00:18.27FliesLikeABrickOnePatch i fixed it.... for some reason having DenyUsers X Y cause users A...E not to be able to connect
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00:18.52MrSargepeterS:  httpd.conf says.  Alias /images/ /usr/share/images/   <Directory /usr/share/images>
00:19.05MrSargeOnePatch:  ok
00:19.41MrSargeOnePatch:  as Server hostname i wrote localhost
00:19.46MrSargeOnePatch:  where do I type root?
00:20.06peterSMrSarge: I leave it to your imagination how to remove the alias
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00:20.53MrSargepeterS: so Ias change it to /images/   <Directory /usr/share/images> ?
00:20.58MrSargeOnePatch:  ok loaded
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00:21.24peterSMrSarge: the whole <Directory /usr/share/images> ... </Directory> can go away
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00:21.28peterSMrSarge: and so can the Alias
00:21.40MrSargepeterS:  ok ty
00:21.46beaufilsanyone with SMART on SCSI expertise ?
00:21.53rafxfyi found lighttpd 1.4.6 debian package -
00:21.53happybanyone know where my usb mouse might show up?
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00:22.04MrSargeOnePatch:  its loaded
00:22.09peterShappyb: /dev/input/mice after you have loaded 3 kernel modules related to it
00:22.25beaufilshappyb, /dev/input/mice ?
00:22.30peterShappyb: those modules are "usbhid", "mousedev" and the module for your USB motherboard chip
00:22.40MrSargepeterS:  i removed it, and still doesnt show images in webpage
00:22.40happybthats where it was...not there now...ill check those mod's...thanks
00:23.15OnePatchMrSarge : now all you have to do is click on the restore button and then the open backup file button browse to your file and recover it
00:23.20norskfjordpisg is being a bitch
00:23.25norskfjordwith the logfile
00:23.36OnePatchMrSarge : you may have to massage the data a little bit, but that's hit and miss anyways...
00:23.37peterSMrSarge: reloaded the web server config?  "/etc/init.d/apache force-reload"
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00:24.25norskfjordhey what service is MTA?
00:24.31peterSnorskfjord: mail transfer agent
00:24.36OnePatchnorskfjord : mail transfer agent
00:24.38peterSnorskfjord: exim4 is the debian default
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00:24.40norskfjordmy system always takes ages to start it
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00:24.44OnePatchnorskfjord : defaulted to exim on debian
00:24.46norskfjordcan I turn it off?
00:24.52OnePatchnorskfjord : but I always make mine sendmail
00:24.59OnePatchnorskfjord : so it depends on what you have...
00:25.03OnePatchnorskfjord : I wouldn't...
00:25.18MrSargepeterS:  when I copied all images into /usr/share, the website works!
00:25.19peterSnorskfjord: if you don't need an email server, you should do 'aptitude install nullmailer exim4-'
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00:25.21norskfjordI just use mozilla thunderbird with my isp email
00:25.29MrSargeOnePatch:  which button?
00:25.31OnePatchnorskfjord : i'd just config it not to listen on outside ips... you need to have local mail delivery... ALOT of stuff will freak out if you don't...
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00:25.40peterSMrSarge: yes, you need to force apache to reload its configuration before anything will take effect
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00:25.42nemoomry: Just to let you know, everything you had me do worked perfectly. So once again thanks for your help. Now I can cry a sigh of satisfaction
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00:25.57MrSargeOnePatch:  when I click in Rstore backup, its empty and ghosted
00:26.07OnePatchMrSarge : on the left you should have restore... and then once there, there should be like a button on the bottom right
00:26.12OnePatchMrSarge : that isn't ghosted
00:26.55norskfjordit takes like 4 minutes on MTA
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00:27.19MrSargepeterS:  reload said Syntax error on line 573 of /etc/apache/httpd.conf:
00:27.23norskfjordIm installing Net BSD on my toaster
00:27.39MrSargeOnePatch:  yes but the button is ghosted
00:27.39OnePatchMrSarge : vi /etc/apache/httpd.conf
00:27.43peterSMrSarge: probably when you were deleting lines you deleted too many or not enough
00:27.51OnePatchMrSarge : what he said
00:27.54MrSargeOnePatch:  wont allow me to do anything therre, all ghosted
00:28.00OnePatchMrSarge : hrm...
00:28.04peterSMrSarge: I told you the whole <Directory>......</Directory> could disappear.  maybe you forgot to remove </Directory>
00:28.05MrSargepeterS:  ok ill play with it
00:28.09OnePatchMrSarge : let me look at my debian version.
00:28.14MrSargeOnePatch:  is that weird being ghosted?
00:28.17MrSargeOnePatch:  ok
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00:28.45norskfjordLinux 2.6.8-2-686 #1 Thu May 19 17:53:30 JST 2005 i686 GNU/Linux
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00:29.17OnePatchMrSarge : bottom left hand corner, 'change path'
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00:29.59MrSargeOnePatch:  yes
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00:30.55OnePatchMrSarge : browse to where database dump.txt lives
00:31.06gpmhi all. i just installed a self-made kernel and i'm getting a kernel panic: "Cannot open root device "hda5" on unknown-block(0,0)" and there are more errors...i have the proper filesystem driver for /dev/hda5 compiled in, and the boot options are the same as those for a kernel that boots up fine..anyone have a clue as to why this might be happening?
00:31.08OnePatchMrSarge : you'll have to change the name of that file to end in .sql
00:31.14MrSargeOnePatch:  when I find the database text file, its ghosted and wont allow me to chose it
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00:31.25MrSargeOnePatch:  ah ok ill rename it
00:31.25OnePatchMrSarge : something like... 'mv Database\ Dump.txt Database\ Dump.txt.sql'
00:31.26peterSgpm: I'm guessing you skipped the IDE driver
00:31.33peterSgpm: that's the usual reason for these things
00:31.44gpmpeterS: do i need cramfs? that's what google's telling me...
00:32.00peterSgpm: ah, you might, but only if you require and build an initrd, which you probably don't
00:32.11peterSgpm: just compile in the driver for your IDE chipset
00:32.16Snuckersany one know a place to get dock apps for xfce?
00:32.16gpmpeterS: nope. ok. i'll double check my ide stuff
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00:32.20peterSgpm: what chipset is that, btw?  "lspci | grep IDE" will tell
00:32.26MrSargeOnePatch:  i renamed it to databse.sql but its also ghosted
00:32.26cddesjardo you guys think more people use ubuntu or debian?
00:32.33peterScddesjar: yes
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00:32.37OnePatchMrSarge : it won't let you select it from there
00:32.38SnuckersI use ubuntu
00:32.41OnePatchMrSarge : just hit ok
00:32.45cddesjarthat's a terrific answer peterS!
00:32.51peterScddesjar: it was a terrific question, too
00:33.00MrSargeOnePatch: got it
00:33.02OnePatchMrSarge : it should show up above that 'change path' button as just the first part of the file name after you're in the dir
00:33.04cddesjari am just curios...obviously it's subjective
00:33.05MrSargei selected it
00:33.09OnePatchMrSarge ; sweet
00:33.19MrSargeOnePatch:  its selected :)  but now asking me some other questions
00:33.20peterScddesjar: not really subjective, just impossible to know.  there *is* a correct answer, we just have no way of knowing it
00:33.22OnePatchMrSarge : you may have to tell it to ignore errors or message that data...
00:33.28OnePatchMrSarge : anywho... I gotta scoot
00:33.34OnePatchMrSarge : good night... and good luck
00:33.36MrSargeOnePatch:  shall I seleclt auto detect?
00:33.41Coweatercddesjar: they attract different audiences, how many use them doesn't matter
00:33.41gpmpeterS: ich4? intel...
00:33.44OnePatchMrSarge : no, just hit ok
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00:33.58peterSgpm: yeah, the intel driver - it'll be listed as "PIIX"
00:34.00MrSargeOnePatch:  said error reading file
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00:34.13OnePatchMrSarge : is it possible that it is corrupt and you need a new file?
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00:34.23MrSargeOnePatch: :(
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00:34.25gpmpeterS: yeah, i had that as a module...but no initrd. d'oh.
00:34.28OnePatchMrSarge : did you click on auto-detect? cause it complained when I did that
00:34.31*** part/#debian diiiiiZ (n=oaqifia@
00:34.36MrSargeOnePatch:  how can a text file be corrupted?
00:34.38peterSgpm: right, compile it in and there'll be no need for initrd or cramfs support
00:34.44gpmpeterS: cool.
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00:35.15OnePatchMrSarge : excellent question... the other diff... was I took the space out of the file name...
00:35.28OnePatchMrSarge : I was selected on utf8, and didn't do an auto-detect
00:35.32MrSargeOnePatch:  what space?
00:35.34OnePatchMrSarge : you may have to do an auto detect
00:35.45MrSargeOnePatch:  i tried auto detect too
00:35.45j4cboi'm trying to set up my old laptop as an a router, the connections are working but no packet forwarding is happening
00:35.45OnePatchMrSarge : the space in the file name "Database Dump.txt"
00:35.51j4cboi set /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward, but still no luck
00:36.05OnePatchMrSarge : try renaming it to just 'db.sql'
00:36.11MrSargeOnePatch:  yes i renamed it database.sql
00:36.24OnePatchMrSarge : well... I'm out of brillian idea here...
00:36.31OnePatchMrSarge : did you edit it at all?
00:36.36OnePatchMrSarge : do you have another copy?
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00:37.10MrSargeOnePatch: saud could not detect encoding of file
00:37.39OnePatchMrSarge : I'm out of ideas and out of time... if you wanna hit me up later... email is
00:37.44OnePatchpeace for now...
00:37.48OnePatch*waves to all*
00:37.49kl0ckhey, i have a Ensoniq ES1371, and I have the module loaded, but it refuses to work. Any Ideas?
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00:38.02peterSkl0ck: which module?  (there are two possibilities)
00:38.07OnePatchl8rs all
00:38.09kl0cklet me lsmod it
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00:38.26peterSkl0ck: and by "refuses to work", what is it doing?  I guess sound does not play, but do applications throw an error when they try?
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00:38.49kl0ckpeterS: no, it produces no sound, sorry for not making that very distinct
00:38.50gpmwhoa, the naim developer was in the army!? and that's why there hasn't been a release for so long (until relatively recently)...gotta respek that.
00:39.03j4cbokl0ck: stupid question, is the volume up?
00:39.07peterSkl0ck: so do applications give an error when you try to play, or not?
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00:39.13j4cbolast i knew, alsa set it to 0 by default
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00:39.18peterSright, I think it still does
00:39.25nvzthere are no stupid questions, just stupid people
00:39.32kl0ckpeterS: no there is no error when I run applications
00:39.39kl0ckand the volume is up
00:39.39ben_dercould get the dhcp configuration... i'm just too newbie for debian still...
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00:39.53peterSkl0ck: make sure the volume is also not *muted*.  which is almost but not quite the same thing
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00:39.58dpkgDon't bother telling us you're a "newb" or a "n00b".  We can tell.
00:40.11kl0ckyeah, its not muted
00:40.15peterSkl0ck: 'alsamixer' will show the channel in state "[M]" if it is muted, I think.  check both the master volume and the PCM volume
00:40.28kl0ckyeah, there is no double MM
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00:40.34peterSkl0ck: also, does 'alsamixer' show you the ens1371 by name?  it should
00:41.03kl0ckPeterS: yeah it does
00:41.19dpkgSorry, twistedemotions, I didn't get your test.
00:41.24ben_deredit /etc/network/interfaces ... a message comes up access denied
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00:41.37peterSkl0ck: then it really should work.  there are not that many things that can go wrong.  I'd check hardware - make sure the speakers are plugged into the right hole, etc.
00:41.56kl0ckhmm, let me take a look right quicklike
00:41.56ben_deris there a way to make the dhcp connection "graphically" ?
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00:42.29secherI don't know if anyone here's in the position to do something like this, but is it possible to get the splitfire script moved up to stable?
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00:42.42secherit's currently in oldstable
00:42.46kl0ckpeterS: yeah they are
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00:43.03kl0ckits sort of frustrating
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00:43.26nvzben_der: yeah right click the network icon in "Network Connections" and goto "repair" (note you will need windows)
00:43.26compguy949using debian with 16gb ram, debian only sees 9gb of it, using grub to boot, how to i fix this?
00:43.34peterSkl0ck: *nod*.  ok, check the output of the 'dmesg' command, see if loading the ens_1371 module caused any warnings to be emitted to the kernel log
00:43.35gpmpeterS: thanks for the help.
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00:43.59we2bywhere is the xorg config file located on Debian?
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00:44.01Guerincompguy949: rebuild your kernel with the correct HIGHMEM option
00:44.13we2byI am having weird problems with xorg
00:44.14Guerincompguy949: stock debian kernels should only see 4G
00:44.29Guerincompguy949: and it has exactly nothing to do with grub
00:44.35we2byI set it to load fglrx driver for the radeon card and it still loads the radeon driver
00:44.38*** join/#debian Thanatermesis (n=Elive@unaffiliated/thanatermesis)
00:44.47Thanatermesishow to install a package from experimetnal ?
00:45.17compguy949is there an easy way to rebuild the kernel with highmem using apt-get?
00:45.17Guerin!iyhtays Thanatermesis
00:45.20dpkgThanatermesis: If You Have To Ask, You Shouldn't.
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00:46.16Guerincompguy949: apt-get install build-essential kernel-package libncurses5-dev bzip2 kernel-source-you-want
00:46.21manthismy cdrom gets recognized as scd0 I can mount any data CDs just fine but I do not get sound out of Audio CDs (mp3 playback is fine) how can I troubleshoot?
00:46.23kl0ckpeterS: im going to try to do something. ill tell you if it works after i reboot
00:46.26kl0ckand thanks
00:46.32peterS!bless kl0ck
00:46.33dpkgO $DEITY, bless your child kl0ck, who is about to do something stupid and needs all the help you can give.  Amen.
00:46.35nvzGuerin: you left out fakeroot :P
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00:46.41kreknolaHola. What program should I use to diskimage my hard drive? (I need to format the harddrive) . I'm using sarge.
00:46.46Guerinnvz: oh, yeah
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00:46.50compguy949how do i know the name of the kernel you want?
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00:46.55Guerincompguy949: untar the kernel source, run make menuconfig, change the options you want; and do the KP mantra
00:47.05Guerin!tell compguy949 about search
00:47.13Guerin!tell compguy949 about kp mantra
00:47.30nvzI do --rootcmd=fakeroot --config=menuconfig
00:47.50kreknolayou know, clone an harddrive
00:47.52secherThanatermesis: it'll be the long way arouind assuming there are dependencies, but uou can ftp the package, and then do a dpkg -i on it.  I know there's a apt command to check the dependencies of a package, and you can read up on the apt-get and apt-cache commands to figure it out, and then make sure you have the packages installed, then go to town.
00:47.54FixionI just installed a net install of debian.  I can ping google, but apt-get refuses to get anything form any source.  It just gives me 404 errors.  I've checked and rechecked my sources, and they seem correct.  what could be wrong?
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00:48.05Guerinkreknola: dd works
00:48.20Guerinkreknola: do you really need to clone it, or just save the files?
00:48.31bendmaister"/msg dpkg guidelines
00:48.33peterSkreknola: you can use 'dd' or 'cp', but I'd just create a reasonable partition table on the second drive, create filesystems on the partitions, mount them, and use 'cp -ax' to copy individual directory trees over
00:48.47sechercan you dd a dvd?
00:48.51peterSkreknola: if you have two hard drives of exactly the same size, 'cp /dev/hda /dev/hdc' or whatever actually does work, though
00:48.57kreknolaGuerin, peterS : I need to format the harddrive.. so i want to burn all the system & files to DVD's
00:48.58bendmaister"/msg dpkg guidelines"
00:48.59peterSsecher: depends on what the DVD contains
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00:49.02GuerinFixion: ping, and note the ip address
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00:49.25sylvisjWill the i386 version of Debian run on an AMD64 cpu?
00:49.34j4cbosylvisj: yes
00:49.35kdskreknola: I usually dd dvd iso images to DVDs when I want to write them.
00:49.36FixionGuerin: ah.. thanks, its being blocked
00:49.37peterSsecher: in general, you could.  you'll get an iso9660 or udf filesystem.  you will not get the encryption keys in the case of a CSS-encrypted video DVD
00:49.38GuerinFixion: now ping, and note the ip address
00:49.56sylvisjAlright, gonna download it. I'm getting sick of errors on AMD64.
00:50.00GuerinFixion: yeah. Your isp is evil. Change your nameservers to something real.
00:50.05Eyaw_NayrHey, I just put in a soundblaster sound card and it does play back noise from my mic, and is detected by KMix, but I can't get sound to come from any sources like xmms.  What can I do?
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00:50.21GuerinEyaw_Nayr: tell xmms to use the arts output
00:50.21manthisany possible reason why I can't be getting sound out of a scsi cdrom?
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00:50.35GuerinEyaw_Nayr: or stop arts from monopolising your sound system
00:50.38j4cbomanthis: did you connect the cable? :)
00:50.39FixionGuerin: all traffic from my nic was being blocked since its not registered... I hate the system
00:50.41sechermanthis: is your sound cable hooked up?
00:50.42kreknolaso how can i make an image file of all the drive?
00:50.46brian__can somebody help me?  im creating a bash do I take a file that has two colums and swap them?
00:50.51FixionGuerin: thats why pings where the only thing returning
00:50.51GuerinFixion: registered?
00:50.52Eyaw_NayrGuerin: I was just using xmms as an example, it doesn't even work if I go into kcontrol and do the "test sound" button
00:50.59*** part/#debian iiueeeobh (n=ihhoegyl@
00:51.00peterSkreknola: cp /dev/drivename /tmp/image_file
00:51.02dpkgi heard xine is a video/media player at or #xine. Several user interfaces are available : xine-ui for "generic" X11, gxine for GTK, kaffeine for KDE, totem-xine for Gnome.
00:51.06FixionGuerin: retarded school network, we have to register mac addresses
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00:51.07peterSkreknola: assuming /tmp is large enough to contain the image in question
00:51.16kl0ckpeterS; works like a charm
00:51.18GuerinEyaw_Nayr: is the volume turned up in the mixer?
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00:51.19Coweaterif i have an old system with woody is it safe to jump to etch or should i go to sarge first?
00:51.23peterSkl0ck: ok so what did you do?
00:51.25Eyaw_NayrGuerin: yes
00:51.29manthiscable is connected if I but under ubuntu I would get audio cds to play
00:51.29peterSCoweater: go to sarge first
00:51.39kl0ckpeterS: well it turned out to be an irq misconfig
00:51.39GuerinCoweater: either could work. sarge will be safer
00:51.52peterSCoweater: you could get lucky, but debian only officially supports upgrades to the next release
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00:52.22j4cboanyone have suggestions for troubleshooting packet forwarding / routing?
00:52.23kreknolapeterS: and how to restore it?
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00:52.48j4cbotwo interfaces on the one system, ip_forward turned on, can access the router box from each one
00:52.52j4cbobut it doesn't route
00:52.52peterSkreknola: same.  cp can take a whole drive device as either source or destination
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00:53.10peterSkl0ck: aha.  so you diddled with the bios settings a bit and now you're good?
00:53.17netcrashHello, how can I install Sarge into a sata disk using the CD ? does it have support from CD ?
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00:53.21kl0ckpeterS: yeah
00:53.23manthisj4cbo do u have a routing table?
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00:53.35j4cbomanthis: yep, hold on
00:53.39kreknolapeterS: arrg.. it's not a good way... since i'll have after parations problems...
00:53.40kl0ckpeterS; looks like the first thing i should have checked was the problem
00:53.41peterSnetcrash: yes.  might work better if you boot with the 2.6 kernel rather than the 2.4 kernel.  hit <F3> at the Boot: prompt to learn how.
00:53.42brian__can somebody help me?  im creating a bash do I take a file that has two colums and swap them?
00:53.53netcrashpeterS: thank you
00:53.59peterSkl0ck: heh.  we always feel that way though
00:54.00secherHeeHeeHee... in about a week I'll be getting my 10Mbps down, 3Mbps up and static IP addy. WOOT.
00:54.08peterSsecher: w00t
00:54.12sechersorry, OT.
00:54.19peterSsecher: never mind the speed, the static IP is the nice part
00:54.20j4cbomanthis: look good?
00:54.28secherpeterS: I know.  <grin>
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00:55.00j4cboeth0 is ethernet, eth1 is an orinoco card acting as an access point with hermesap
00:55.06peterSsecher: my previous dsl plan of 1500 down, 256 up was *plenty* fast enough for me.  (current plan is faster but I only switched because a promotion made it cheaper.)  but a static IP would have been nice.
00:56.04secherpeterS:  what I have now is fine as well, I switched because of the static IP.
00:56.14peterSsecher: right
00:56.25peterSsecher: so how much will this cost you?
00:56.26kreknolaIsn't there a program that clones a paration?
00:56.32jmgj4cbo: hermesap?
00:56.59secherpeterS: a grand total of 55 bucks / mo cause I got it in a package with telco.
00:57.01peterSkreknola: you can clone any partition using 'cp' on the raw device, or 'cp -ax' within the filesystem.  so a separate tool for this seems unnecessary.  however, I think 'parted' might be able to do it.
00:57.05j4cboi can get to the router system from both the wired and wireless connections
00:57.19peterSsecher: not bad, not bad.  more than I'd want to pay, but considering the speed and the static, a good deal
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00:57.37kreknolapeterS: Ok.. thanks.. I'll check it out..
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00:58.48secherYeah, and I don't have to deal with verizon anymore either.  These folks knew what I meant when I said I run Linux as my OS.  I started to explain, and the sales chickie cut me off with "We support Linux sir."  <GLEE>
00:59.02peterSsecher: ha
00:59.06gpmhey guys. sorry to be annoying, but for normal, non-usb keyboards, what kernel option do we need to compile in? my keyboard doesn't work right now...
00:59.41peterSgpm: shouldn't need any particular option, those get compiled in already by default.  but look under 'Device drivers' -> 'input devices' to be sure the basic input subsystem is compiled in
01:00.03kreknolahmm.. parted doesn't seem to help much.. I need something like Norton's Ghost..
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01:00.49secherkreknola: did you google for ghost drive linux?  ghosting is a general term, not merely the name of a software package.
01:00.53aeronadixI am having trouble compiling mplaying for linux.  I can't seem to find the error message
01:00.57peterSkreknola: we don't have anything comparable to ghost, sorry.  there are some things that can distribute an OS install to clients in one way or another, but they require a bit of fiddling to configure them
01:01.00error403I have a strange 'locate' problem... I have a deleted file, but when i do updatebd && locate <file-name>, it still comes up in the results, even though it isnt there when i go to that location...
01:01.07gpmpeterS: looks like i disabled yet another important driver.
01:01.18peterSgpm: easy enough to do when you're compiling your own.  live 'n' learn
01:01.22gpmi should read the help options more thoroughly.
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01:01.30peterSwhich is, I'm sure, the point of the exercise to begin with
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01:02.22secherit's been a while since I compiled my own.  Hrm. perhaps a task for a quiet evening this week.  Thanks gpm!
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01:02.49gpmsecher: np. i usually save my .config's but i lost mine somehow
01:03.00gpmand now i have to actually go in and read instead of just make oldconfig
01:03.09RydekullIm curious, novell has their system where they can 'push out packages' to computers in the network, is there any similiar system for debian and .deb? :)
01:03.21peterSgpm: on 2.6 kernels there is an option for /proc/config.gz - always enable it, then it's easy to see what you last used (:
01:03.37GuerinRydekull: you're going to have to explain what you mean
01:03.47gpmpeterS: cool. thanks.
01:03.55toko123with sata can debian run this without alot of cussing or prayer
01:04.02lakcajMy external dvd burner has decided to spontaneously stop working.  I'm using k3b, and everytime I try to burn a dvd iso I get an OPC Input/Output error and it quits.  I've googled and even checked the Ubuntu forums, but I'm not sure what to do.
01:04.13Guerintoko123: depends on the sata controller. Generally, yes.
01:04.18dasuntIs there a nfsd that can be configured to listen on a specific interface?
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01:04.45toko123is anyone on the running athlon 64
01:04.46secherRydekull: you're talking about a network push install, yes?
01:04.56j4cbotoko123: yes
01:05.15peterStoko123: for information
01:05.17Rydekullsecher: aye
01:05.35RydekullGuerin: packages on one place, you say "I want this there" it makes it so
01:05.38peterStoko123: it's not an official debian port because of some infrastructure problems that caused it to miss the deadline for the sarge release.  but it's fully supported even so
01:05.43kreknolaHmm.. ok, I'll try this dd command to image.. but.. how can i write it to the dvd?.. the "of" parameter seems to be only harddrive...
01:05.52GuerinRydekull: easily automated with sh and ssh and aptitude
01:05.58j4cbodon't use the amd64 port...
01:06.06dasuntLooks like dragonflyBSD has the option for NFSd to listen on a specific interface.
01:06.09RydekullGuerin: yes, true, but it aint what im searching for :)
01:06.17GuerinRydekull: or even nfs or samba and cron
01:06.19j4cbo32-bit userland and maybe a 64-bit kernel, although that complicates things
01:06.28RydekullGuerin: still not the same thing
01:06.35toko123I'm concerned about video support spec ati card
01:06.38GuerinRydekull: sounds like the makin's of a soft and squishy network to me
01:06.39toko123on system
01:06.44buckyj4cbo, i got a computer with amd64 sid
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01:06.53j4cbobucky: is it worthwhile?
01:06.56manthisj4cbo: so pretty much when u try to access from any host on 28.0 u don't get anything?
01:07.03buckyi like it
01:07.27buckyi wouldn't run a 32bit operating system on it
01:07.28j4cbomanthis: when i try to access 192.168.27.anything from 192.168.28.anything, nothing happens
01:07.29*** join/#debian compguy949 (
01:07.33meffj4cbo: you'll need more ram, and you'll have to setup a chroot for most ia32 apps.
01:07.41toko123I have an app which would be entirely men resident with a 2 gig system
01:08.08j4cbois there any advantage to using a 64-bit userland over a 64-bit kernel and 32-bit userland?
01:08.15compguy949can someone help, problem with server, 16gb ram , debian only sees 9gb
01:08.27j4cbo'cause as it is i can run both 32- and 64-bit apps, no chroots
01:08.32Guerincompguy949: i already told you how to fix this, why are you not doing it?
01:08.33toko123the attraction with athlon is addressable space and 4 gig mb
01:08.35meffj4cbo:  #debian-amd64 read links in topic
01:08.36buckyj4cbo, if you want flash or some crap in mozilla you'll have to run a 32bit mozilla but i don't miss flash
01:08.39secherGuerin: you may want 5 installs of Y on 5 puters, and 2 installs of Z on 10 puters, and a N package on all puters.  it's a hassle to build scripts for something like that, it's more of an application level tool.
01:08.54compguy949because its too broad of an answer
01:09.01compguy949ide need a step by step
01:09.03Guerinsecher: the hassle would be managing all the ssh logins automatically.
01:09.09compguy949its a little critical on thies
01:09.19Guerinsecher: the rest of it wouldn't be hard at all.
01:09.20RydekullGuerin: still a hassle
01:09.24buckycompguy949, did you upgrade your install kernel?
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01:09.42Guerincompguy949: hire someone to build you a highmem kernel
01:09.57Guerincompguy949: and i DID tell you step-by-step
01:10.06secherin any case, does Debian or the GNU/Linux world have a tool like that?  Talk about handy.
01:10.22Guerinit sounds like a mammoth security risk to me
01:10.31RydekullGuerin: there is tools like this in for example a thinclient solution with elux ng, very nice, set up different 'packetsets' put the 'computer' in that 'group' and woah, it gets all the packages needed :)
01:10.46secherGnea's done, pour the coffee.
01:10.58GuerinRydekull: oh, i talked at some length with a guy about this a few weeks ago.
01:10.58RydekullGuerin: wouldnt be more unsafe then your handknacked scripts :)
01:11.07Gneasugar, please
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01:11.17compguy949no, i didnt install the upgraded kernel, i was lost with you command
01:11.22*** part/#debian j4cbo (
01:11.30Gneacompguy949: do you need a custom kernel?
01:11.31GuerinRydekull: he was going to design profiles, and on login, the machine would et what it needed from the central server.
01:11.32secherGnea: and half and half?
01:11.39Gneasecher: hold that
01:11.46compguy949i just need a kernel that will see 16gb of ram
01:11.52GuerinRydekull: right, definitely no less secure than automating root ssh access to every computer on a network.
01:11.57Gneacompguy949: then you need a custom kernel.
01:12.01*** join/#debian setnf (
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01:12.20Gneacompguy949: sorry, i'm walking in on the convo here - what kernel are you using?
01:12.32compguy949i sec
01:12.35setnfHi, in what section of debian's site i can find boot-floopies for the installation of sarge?
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01:12.50compguy949Linux debian 2.4.27-2-386
01:12.50Gneasetnf: the ftp section
01:12.57Guerincompguy949: apt-get install build-essential kernel-package libncurses5-dev bzip2 kernel-source-you-want fakeroot
01:12.58*** part/#debian voided (
01:13.01Guerincompguy949: run make menuconfig, change the options you want; and do the KP mantra
01:13.07Guerin!tell compguy949 about kp mantra
01:13.09Gneacompguy949: have you tried 2.6.8?
01:13.15compguy949ok, you are saying the same thing
01:13.20Guerincompguy949: it really, truly, does not get any more simple than that
01:13.37compguy949never done a kernel upgrade
01:13.38compguy949thats why
01:13.39RydekullGuerin: it would be kinda like cfengine but for packages :)
01:13.40Guerincompguy949: you are just going to have to learn. What bit are you stucck on?
01:13.42secher!kp mantra
01:13.43dpkgThe kernel compilation mantra is export MAKEFLAGS="CC=gcc-3.4 HOSTCC=gcc-3.4"; make-kpkg clean; make-kpkg --revision $(date +'%Y%m%d') --append-to-version=-$(hostname) --rootcmd fakeroot clean; make-kpkg --revision $(date +'%Y%m%d') --append-to-version=-$(hostname) --rootcmd fakeroot kernel_image modules_image;
01:13.52dpkgi heard 2.6 is /msg dpkg kp or or or apt-get install module-init-tools in order to load modules on 2.6 or for 2.4 to 2.6 differences long summary
01:13.55compguy949ok, to upgrade a kernel
01:14.09Gneato upgrade a kernel, is very simple
01:14.10*** join/#debian ivanneto (
01:14.13compguy949kernel-source-you-want fakeroot
01:14.15Gneayou install a kernel image
01:14.19RydekullGuerin: now, one could use cfengine for that, and tell it to issue a command or script, but I'd rather have it 'specially' for packages :)
01:14.22Gneaand then you reboot
01:14.23compguy949how do i know the name of the kernel?
01:14.25Guerincompguy949: ok. what branch of debian?
01:14.25mittiI've broken X11 and need some assistance getting it back. I've read about 4 different problems that are causing the same error on google with no luck so far.. :(    I'm getting this: Fatal server error: could not open default font 'fixed';
01:14.31Gneacompguy949: apt-cache search kernel-image
01:14.32Guerincompguy949: you search, as I told you to do.
01:14.40GuerinRydekull: i don't know about this cfengine.
01:14.42compguy949thankyou Gnea
01:14.57RydekullGuerin: comes in handy when you run big clusters :)
01:15.02GuerinGnea: are there 16G highmem debian kernels?
01:15.06GneaGuerin: he obviously doesn't know the apt commands very well
01:15.10Henry_Beanhi people, i'm having a trouble compiling gnomebaker... i download tarball, diff and dsc from the pool, made dpkg-source -x whatithastobe.dsc, into the created folder, i made fakeroot dpkg-buildpackage -d, and after check a few things tell me that it hasn't a Makefile (which is true :S) any idea what i have to do? (i don't want to apt-get it, coz i'm having a segfault with this version)
01:15.12GneaGuerin: i don't know for sure
01:15.21GuerinGnea: I do. There aren't.
01:15.21setnfGnea: sorry, can't find.
01:15.28compguy949Gnea, it found about 50 of them
01:15.32buckywon't a kernel in the repos support 16G of ram?
01:15.34Guerinso he DOES NEED to build his own kernel.
01:15.40*** join/#debian aaiiGi (n=eieooh@
01:15.56Guerinlast i checked, all debian kernel images were HIGHMEM 4G
01:15.59mittimm.. 16gb of ram..
01:16.00*** part/#debian aaiiGi (n=eieooh@
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01:16.11Gneacompguy949: cool, see what the highest order of 2.6 kernel you can get for your arch (check uname -a)
01:16.39Gneaactually, uname -m
01:16.42compguy949just to tellyou
01:17.01Gneathis is important
01:17.06compguy949its a dual optron with 16gb ram and 2 400gb hdd's with raid1
01:17.13*** part/#debian setnf (
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01:17.15Gneahardware raid
01:17.30Guerincompguy949: so how did you get to be in posession of this machine without the faintest clue how to administer it?
01:17.52*** join/#debian Justin (
01:17.53Gneaok, apt-cache search kernel-image 2.6 i686
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01:18.06a514Hey There, I need a Business Card Appilcation
01:18.27Henry_Beanhi people, i'm having a trouble compiling gnomebaker... i download tarball, diff and dsc from the pool, made dpkg-source -x whatithastobe.dsc, into the created folder, i made fakeroot dpkg-buildpackage -d, and after check a few things tell me that it hasn't a Makefile (which is true :S) any idea what i have to do? (i don't want to apt-get it, coz i'm having a segfault with this version)
01:18.31Gneacompguy949: sorry, apt-cache search kernel-image 2.6 686  - omit the 'i'
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01:18.41compguy949thought so
01:18.46*** part/#debian Thanatermesis (n=Elive@unaffiliated/thanatermesis)
01:18.50Gneaand it's dual, so go for the smp
01:18.51Guerin!wayc Henry_Bean
01:18.52dpkgHenry_Bean: Why are you compiling instead of using apt-get?
01:18.54a514I found GLabel :)
01:19.17compguy949Gnea, found about 15 of them
01:19.18GuerinHenry_Bean: why would the same version built on your machine not segfault when the packaged version does?
01:19.20Henry_Beandpkg, because i'm having a segmentation fault problem when i tried to burn a dvd
01:19.29mittiAnyone ever heard of my X11 problem? "could not open default font 'fixed'"
01:19.38GuerinHenry_Bean: check the BTS and consider using another dvd burning program
01:19.45Henry_BeanGuerin, i'm trying to compile an older version
01:19.45dpkgif you have a problem XFree86 it not finding 'fixed' font, see fonts.alias, or /usr/share/doc/xfree86-common/FAQ.gz, or make sure xfonts-base is installed, or purge and reinstall it, or see fontfix
01:19.58compguy949but they all say for intel systems
01:20.01Gneacompguy949: i just realized something - opteron is a k8, right?
01:20.02Henry_BeanGuerin, what is the BTS?
01:20.02compguy949this is a amd system
01:20.10compguy949it is...
01:20.12dpkgbts is the Bug Tracking System for Debian packages, or to go directly to the bug page for a particular package/bug, try or apt-get install reportbug, and check out querybts too. Unstable users are required to check the BTS, useful for sid: apt-get install apt-listbugs, or apt-get install apt-listchanges, or
01:20.39meffGnea: iirc its k8 yes
01:20.54GuerinHenry_Bean: oh. you can build a .deb from a source tree by running fakeroot debian/rules binary in the source dir
01:21.02Gneakernel-image-2.6.8-11-amd64-k8-smp  <-- that's what you want
01:21.02*** join/#debian picole (n=picole@
01:21.23brian__can somebody help me?  im creating a bash do I take a file that has two colums and swap them?
01:21.28compguy949the system is a TYAN B2881 Transport GX28
01:21.30GuerinGnea: and it probably won't have highmem support up to 16G
01:21.33*** join/#debian Vyrus001 (
01:21.39meffGnea: will he even be able to allocate all 16gb in ia32 mode? it'd be much more beneficial for him to use debian-amd64
01:21.40GneaGuerin: we'll see
01:21.44Gneaooooo tyan
01:21.47Henry_BeanGuerin, yeah, it's what i'm trying... i did everything that i usually do to make a deb... but in this case it tell me that there is no Makefile... :S
01:21.47Guerin!tell brian__ about awk cheats
01:21.49compguy949with dual 2400 mhz procesors
01:21.57GuerinHenry_Bean: there's no debian/rules file?
01:22.02Gneameff: it's possible...
01:22.12compguy949and 8 sticks of pc2700 2gb each
01:22.21Henry_BeanGuerin, oh, yeah, sorry, i'll try that instead fakeroot dpkg-buildpackage -d
01:22.34meffGnea: yeah but in ia32 mode, he can only allocate 4gb per program.. i'd really suggest he uses the amd64 port.
01:22.52*** join/#debian PassionLim (n=Gookeun@
01:22.56Guerinmeff: baby steps
01:23.02Gneameff: right, then the ia32 can use whatever it sets aside - good idea
01:23.17compguy949Gnea, whats next?
01:23.49Gneacompguy949: well before we continue, what's the purpose of this system gonna be? some kinda database monster?
01:23.55meffGuerin: true.. but highmem on ia32 isnt very efficient w/ 16gb ram :x
01:24.03Henry_BeanGuerin, how could run debian/rules? fakeroot ./debian/rules?
01:24.24GneaGuerin: i agree with meff, efficiency is probably going to be a major factor
01:24.36GuerinHenry_Bean: if you're in the root of the source tree, fakeroot debian/rules binary
01:24.37*** join/#debian Zoolook (n=ki@
01:24.39peterSHenry_Bean: 'dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot' is the usual method
01:24.43compguy949cant really say
01:24.53meffalot of that ram will be just wasted in ia32
01:24.57compguy949there are 4 of them so it has to be cloned to all the others
01:25.13GuerinGnea: oh, so do I. It's just that the guy barely knows which way is up for now, let alone being capable of reinstalling everything.
01:25.18MrSargeI have an admin section of my website, yet it wont accept my password!  how can I fix?
01:25.19Gneacompguy949: ok well it doesn't matter - if you want the system to use all of that ram, then installing a proper 64-bit enabled system from the ground-up is going to be your best bet
01:25.24compguy949i just need it to see all the memory and i can get out of this cold garage
01:25.28Guerin!htfswk MrSarge
01:25.29dpkgMrSarge: How The Fuck Should We Know?
01:25.47meffGuerin: however a amd64 kernel should support his ram outofbox w/out a recompile :)
01:25.47Gneacompguy949: but if you want to learn and have the time to do a few reinstalls, then go for this kernel
01:25.55MrSargehow can you clear the password of a mysql admin section?
01:25.58Guerinmeff: point.
01:26.09compguy949ide say the easiest way at this point
01:26.13compguy949which i would say a reinstall
01:26.23meffthe easiest way MAY be the amd64 port.
01:26.24compguy949or if it dosent take long, a kernel upgrade
01:26.31GuerinMrSarge: get a shell and run connect to your mysql server with 'mysql'
01:26.37*** part/#debian yzrider088 (
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01:26.39GuerinMrSarge: if you don't know how, ask in #mysql
01:26.40*** join/#debian newbie_at_linux (
01:26.41compguy949and the amd64port will see 16gb of ram?
01:26.42Henry_BeanGuerin, peterS , it tell me the same message, that there is no Makefile (it's true)
01:26.48meffi'd suggest you talk to the #debian-amd64 people, compguy949
01:26.52GuerinHenry_Bean: is there a debian/ dir?
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01:27.10*** mode/#debian [+b-b *!* %*!*] by debhelper
01:27.10*** mode/#debian [-b %*!*] by debhelper
01:27.12*** kick/#debian [yzrider088!n=debhelpe@unaffiliated/debhelper] by debhelper (Banned: join flood)
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01:27.17Henry_BeanGuerin, yes
01:27.20Gneacompguy949: the reason for the reinstall is that, at this point, a kernel upgrade will activate the 64-bit portions of the CPU's, but the system itself won't be able to take advantage of it - it's kinda like taking a 8cyl engine and putting it in a pinto
01:27.23Guerincompguy949: i suggest you hire a competent admin to set this all up for you
01:27.29*** join/#debian owehOAoI (n=pfoeore@
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01:27.33GuerinHenry_Bean: in that dir, is there a file called 'rules'?
01:27.35Henry_BeanGuerin, i downloaded .dsc, .diff, and tarball from the official mirror
01:27.39*** part/#debian owehOAoI (n=pfoeore@
01:27.43MrSargeif I forgot my own password for my mysql admin, is there a way I can still get in?
01:27.44meffGuerin: good idea.
01:27.48Henry_BeanGuerin, yes, it's there
01:27.57GuerinMrSarge: ask #mysql
01:28.04GuerinHenry_Bean: that is the makefile
01:28.06*** join/#debian johnsu01 (n=user@fsf/staff/johnsu01)
01:28.10Gneacompguy949: OTOH, the stock debian kernels may not see all of the ram and you may need a custom kernel to be built
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01:28.23meffcompguy949: either check out #debian-amd64 or do as guerin says, seek someone competant to install those systems. you'd be ruining them running ia32 on them.
01:28.39*** part/#debian oFwaU (n=pfoeore@
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01:28.46Henry_BeanGuerin,  No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop. :(
01:28.58GuerinHenry_Bean: have a look at it
01:29.19meffbut i am pretty sure 16gb is supported outofbox w/ a kernel from the amd64 port.
01:29.21GuerinHenry_Bean: are there any targets? should be at least clean and binary ... i forget the others
01:29.49johnsu01After recent security upgrades on my debian stable server, I've been having a few weird problems. I get mail from this server via fetchmail, ssl, courier-imap. Currently it's taking an absurd amount of time to download a message. I don't see errors anywhere.
01:29.57Gneacompguy949: amd64 is easy - they have a netinstall iso that's under 200meg
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01:30.36meffcompguy949: you'd literally be wasting gigs of ram just do be able to address that much ram..
01:30.46*** part/#debian rEztfh (n=kuauaind@
01:31.33Henry_BeanGuerin, rules file don't have many things...
01:31.47GuerinHenry_Bean: you applied the diff, right?
01:31.51*** join/#debian icdiGu (n=pfoeore@
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01:32.06Guerinoh, dpkg-source should have done that
01:32.07johnsu01looking at fetchmail -v output, it looks to be hung on SELECT "INBOX". It will eventually get past this, but it takes a few minutes.
01:32.15Henry_BeanGuerin, mmmm... i think... i only did dpkg-source -x gnomebaker-version.dsc
01:32.30*** part/#debian kieioe (n=kuauaind@
01:32.30Henry_BeanGuerin, i doesn't apply the diff, right? :S
01:32.38lakcajso no ideas on the OPC error?  Burning in k3b still gives me a "OPC failed, try burning at write speed 1x" error, but it didn't used to.
01:32.39*** part/#debian Rpfzoouiou (n=pfoeore@
01:32.56mefflakcaj: heh. what drive and what kinda media?
01:33.01GuerinHenry_Bean: dpkg-source ought to have. I have no further ideas, except that you might try s.d.n for an older version
01:33.04dpkgwell, sdn is go to to get older packages. Almost every single package since somewhere in 2002 is here. year 2004 is laregly lost because of harddisk problem.
01:33.23Henry_BeanGuerin, oh, ok, thanks anyway :)
01:33.24Guerini'm off anyway, need breakkfast
01:33.26lakcajmeff: external benq dvd writer, with fuji dvd-r discs that have worked great until just recently.
01:33.35lakcajusb external
01:33.44mefflakcaj: i smell a dying drive. benq dvd writers fail ALOT.
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01:34.10mefflakcaj: to make sure, put it internal and see if the same thing happens
01:34.10peterSlakcaj: makes me wonder if it's genuine hardware problems.  that's what OPC timeouts usually are
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01:34.31meffpeterS: benq dvd writers have horrendous track records :/
01:34.40peterSmeff: I believe you, I have zero experience with any dvd writers
01:34.56peterSmeff: but my combo DVDROM / CDRW stopped reading DVDs at some point
01:35.01peterS(not benq, but still)
01:35.09Genghisanyone knows why in resolv.conf only the first nameserv is used?
01:35.16*** join/#debian GaLiEjaei (n=cgueyiui@
01:35.17Genghiscause the first one is down, the second is up, but my box aint using the second one...
01:35.17*** part/#debian GaLiEjaei (n=cgueyiui@
01:35.24lakcajI'll never buy benq again.  This thing was on sale, and I could tell it was a piece of shit as soon as I took it out of the box.
01:35.31GuerinGenghis: because it returns a legitimate response?
01:35.34mefflakcaj: lol
01:35.39peterSmeff: I have no idea when it failed because I almost never used it for DVDs (:  just one day it didn't work
01:35.54GuerinGenghis: when you look up a known name, like say, using the first, what response do you get?
01:36.01*** join/#debian ooaxonapeu (n=cgueyiui@
01:36.12mefflakcaj: if you want proof about their reliability, check out the benq forums on ...
01:36.14*** part/#debian ooaxonapeu (n=cgueyiui@
01:36.15mefflakcaj: :)
01:36.24Genghis;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached
01:36.25lakcajmeff: what brand would you recommend?
01:36.42mefflakcaj: i like lite-on and NEC personally
01:36.44GuerinGenghis: and if you look it up using the second?
01:36.49lakcajok, thanks
01:37.07mefflakcaj: with a 1693s lite-on and some good quality media (fuji is a-ok) you'll be set
01:37.18*** join/#debian concept10 (
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01:37.29Genghisthen it works
01:37.32*** part/#debian ieerRVK (n=cgueyiui@
01:37.36Genghisi'll spare you the pasting LOL
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01:37.41mefflakcaj: i use a 1693s w/ Taiyo Yuden T02 media :)
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01:38.08mefflakcaj: once again, check out and read up
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01:38.38lakcajmeff: I'm going to email myself that site so I have it handy when I buy a replacement for this paperweight
01:38.41*** join/#debian JoHankae (
01:38.55GuerinGenghis: hrm, beats me. It should fail over to the next if the first one fails.
01:39.00concept10what is the safe way to resize a ext3 partition on a dual boot config?
01:39.09mefflakcaj: good .. that site is very nice, they have tons of drive info and disk scans of mostly any blank media..
01:39.10GuerinGenghis: suggest you use as your first nameserver
01:39.16JoHankaei nkow everything.. shoot
01:39.29GuerinJoHankae: start writing
01:39.30*** join/#debian niojKohR (n=cgueyiui@
01:39.43GenghisGuerin: what would that do?
01:39.53Genghisyou mean changing the ip of the first one into that ip?
01:39.59JoHankaeGuerin: you do not witx
01:40.04GuerinGenghis: is a known-reliable nameserver
01:40.12Genghisow okay
01:40.20GuerinJoHankae: you're right ... I do not ... witx. WHatever that is.
01:40.20Genghisthanks ;)
01:40.21JoHankaethe monkix
01:40.22meffGuerin: albeit slow.. :)
01:40.26*** part/#debian niojKohR (n=cgueyiui@
01:40.41Guerinmeff: it's not slow for me.
01:40.48concept10does gparted or qtparted safely resize partitions?
01:40.57JoHankaeGuerin: im your father Luke
01:41.01*** part/#debian johnsu01 (n=user@fsf/staff/johnsu01)
01:41.03Guerinmeff: faster than nameservers i know here in korea
01:41.14GuerinJoHankae: my father's name was not luke
01:41.20meffGuerin: true.. too many hops from where i am in the US
01:41.38Guerinconcept10: not safely enough to eschew backups
01:41.39concept10damn am I muted?
01:41.41JoHankaeGuerin: ae you sure because i feel strongly on that point
01:41.44Guerinconcept10: yes
01:41.57GuerinJoHankae: what does Strongly think about this?
01:42.01JoHankaeconcept10: yah, rasta man
01:42.21JoHankaeGuerin: you wanna bot-net ?
01:42.34GuerinJoHankae: already got one.
01:42.35JoHankaeGuerin:then shut the bot up
01:42.50MrSargecan anyone help. if I forgot my own password for my mysql admin, is there a way I can still get in?
01:43.00GuerinJoHankae: my bots do my bitting, and currently they are silent.
01:43.07Guerinmeff: ask #mysql, ffs.
01:43.14GuerinMrSarge: ask #mysql, ffs.
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01:43.41JoHankaeGuerin: feck off mr spockiix ;)
01:43.42a514Hi, I searched for business card & got In FF the image properties Alternate text: contains errors ? Try it. Fix ? Thanks 2005.
01:44.04GuerinJoHankae: hey, you were the one who called my father Luke and said you were giving Strongly a bit of a feel
01:44.12WhitmanI've run 'adduser alex www-data', but running 'groups' doesn't show the www-data group and the user is unable to write to directories owned by the www-data group. Is there something else I have to do to update the group info?
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01:44.28GuerinWhitman: newgrp data;
01:44.41Deviant17mhey.. I got a problem with KDE
01:44.41JoHankaeGuerin: all your strong dick is just gonna convince us youre extremely gay
01:44.48GuerinWhitman: group membership isn't updated until next login or until you run newgrp
01:44.51chealDeviant17m: ask #debian-kde
01:44.58Deviant17mthere's a problem with my KDE, the program will not work
01:45.02GuerinJoHankae: not that there's anything wrong with that
01:45.05WhitmanAhh, I see, thanks.
01:45.07JoHankaeGuerin: go away we say, jump the hay
01:45.35JoHankaeGuerin: gay is wrong, are ya wrong ?
01:45.38*** join/#debian ifyoucan (n=kmbdfgd@
01:45.41GuerinJoHankae: if you're not a random spambot, reply with the name of a vegetable
01:45.43ifyoucanWe need contributors for developing our website, More information: #mundolinux
01:45.44JoHankaebr0ken mind
01:46.00Deviant17mim missing libc6... apt will not work getting it
01:46.02GuerinDarkWish: ifyoucan: fuck off, you twats
01:46.13JoHankaefaggots are stupid and icky
01:46.20GuerinDeviant17m: reinstall. broken libc6 is broken OS.
01:46.35Guerin!ops JoHankae is a homophobe tard and DarkWish and ifyoucan are spaming
01:46.36dpkgHydroxide, bob2, caphuso, dondelelcaro, doogie, eeyore-, ElectricElf, greycat, helix, ljlane, LoRez, RichiH, mentor, Netsnipe, TML, walters, xk, gravity: JoHankae is a homophobe tard and DarkWish and ifyoucan are spaming
01:46.37chealDeviant17m: hah. what does dpkg -l libc6|grep ii; return?
01:46.47*** part/#debian DarkWish (n=~energy@unaffiliated/darkwish)
01:46.49Deviant17mbut the program doesn't work!!!
01:46.53*** part/#debian Rez (i=lorez@freenode/staff/lorez)
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01:46.55JoHankaei like to try putting their heads thru brick walls but i never suceed
01:46.57GuerinDeviant17m: just reinstall
01:47.09*** part/#debian JoHankae (
01:47.21Deviant17mit will not work!!
01:47.25*** join/#debian elodeon (
01:47.33peterSthanks, Rez
01:47.40Rezuh, huh
01:48.13*** join/#debian shad0w1e (
01:48.20elodeonthey are like cantalopez on the brick wallz
01:48.26shad0w1equestion: How do I open up the sound mixer from console?
01:48.37antgelGuerin: can he not boot from a live cd and download the .deb, mount the filesystem, and unpack the .deb into it?
01:48.44*** join/#debian paolob (n=donpaolo@
01:48.44dlishad0w1e, alsamixer
01:49.03shad0w1ebash: alsamixer: command not found
01:49.07shad0w1eany other ideas?
01:49.17*** join/#debian ben_der (n=bendmais@
01:49.21MrSargei cant even get into my OWN mysql admin :P  it wont accept my password!  Any way to resest it?
01:49.32dlishad0w1e, do you have alsa? if not, try aumix
01:49.36elodeonwhat op killed my drone ? / i have all night... Har HAr
01:49.40*** part/#debian paolob (n=donpaolo@
01:49.55shad0w1ebash: aumix: command not found
01:49.59shad0w1eany other ideas?!
01:50.46kittenbotshad0w1e: kmix ? apt-get install aumix ?
01:50.54elodeonBatter Up Alindeman
01:50.59*** part/#debian a514 (
01:51.01*** join/#debian eXa_bOy (
01:51.22*** join/#debian BreezyInCalif (
01:51.24shad0w1ekittenbot I'm afraid that sound was never set up on this box
01:51.27shad0w1ehow can I check that
01:51.29eXa_bOywhats teh command to view info about your eth0... i cant work out which one its using as eth0.
01:51.41Guerinantgel: feel free to talk him through it
01:51.45shad0w1eI mean, I'm ssh'ing in
01:51.52peterSifconfig eth0
01:52.06peterSit'll tell you your MAC address, from which you can derive the brand name of your chip
01:52.19antgelGuerin: nah, going to bed now. was just wondering if the concept would work or if libc was somehow special in that respect
01:52.34Guerinantgel: would work, but tricky to pull off.
01:52.40peterS(the mapping between MAC and brand name is in /usr/share/ethereal/manuf if you have ethereal-common installed)
01:53.10peterSeXa_bOy: really?  that lists as Cameo Communications, Inc.  not a vendor I've heard of
01:53.19kittenbotshad0w1e: If you've got the right kernel modules loaded to drive your hardware, then aumix will do the volume stuff for you if you install it.
01:53.28*** join/#debian Faust (
01:53.33eXa_bOyits an EPIA ML
01:53.40elodeoni hate to be op on all these networks... i just have to because im awesomely handsome and fair
01:53.43*** join/#debian mombof (
01:53.45peterSeXa_bOy: well, you can 'ifconfig eth1' and see what that vendor is
01:53.49eXa_bOyrhine i believe... but ive got an realteck in there too
01:53.55peterSI'm assuming you have multiple nics here
01:54.02BreezyInCalifhi room - good (morning|afternoon|evening) all
01:54.15BreezyInCalifI've got a question about /etc/rcS.d filenames and runlevels
01:54.19*** join/#debian nemo (
01:54.19elodeonfeck, nighty then :)
01:54.24eXa_bOyifconfig only shows eth0
01:54.24eXa_bOyand lo
01:54.33peterSeXa_bOy: what about 'ifconfig -a'?
01:54.38antgelBreezyInCalif: are you running breezy?
01:54.49BreezyInCalifYeppers antgel
01:54.52BreezyInCalifLike it :)
01:55.02shad0w1eaumix:  error opening mixer
01:55.07shad0w1ewhat does that mean?
01:55.09*** part/#debian jades (
01:55.10eXa_bOynice, thats showing eth1 as 00:40:63:c9...
01:55.13wickedpuppyBreezyInCalif, why nto ask in #ubuntu ?
01:55.19peterSeXa_bOy: Via Technologies
01:55.22antgelBreezyInCalif: it's good, but this is #debian. we don't support ubuntu here
01:55.25peterSeXa_bOy: the people who made your motherboard
01:55.26nemoHas anyone ever had this problem? when I try to apt-get update I get the following.............GPG error: hoary Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 40976EAF437D05B5
01:55.29elodeonBreezyInCalif: its: hi room - good {morning,afternoon,evening, night} room :)
01:55.38BreezyInCalifWell - it's a generic debian runlevel question - I can see that there's significance to which rc?.d directory (where "?" = a number 0-6 or "S") a script lives in, and that there is signficance to the numbers with which a script begins. Is there some *established* significance to, for example, 47, as in "/etc/rcS.d/" ? What I want to do is "modprobe fuse" on each boot, and also to Not Screw Up
01:55.53BreezyInCalifelodeon - superchill :)
01:55.55wickedpuppynemo, that is #ubuntu question ... pls ask there
01:55.56eXa_bOyok thanks might have cable in the right nick then... interesting.
01:55.59BreezyInCalifI'll use that ya know
01:56.16kittenbotshad0w1e: It probably means that either (1) /dev/mixer is missing (this is unlikely), or (2) You haven't got the right kernel modules loaded.
01:56.17peterSeXa_bOy: yeah I have no idea who that first vendor is, that's kind of weird if that's a realtek card
01:56.20GuerinBreezyInCalif: they're run in order of number. S means start, K means kill
01:56.28elodeonBreezyInCalif: im the g0wdbong.. i dont have to ya knowz teh :)
01:56.36shad0w1ekittenbot so my sound card isn't set up right, yes ??
01:56.43*** part/#debian nemo (
01:56.43GuerinBreezyInCalif: you should just do echo 'fuse' >> /etc/modules; in this case
01:56.44eXa_bOyif i take that nic out, will debian crack the shits?
01:56.46antgelBreezyInCalif: 1.add the module name to /etc/modules. 2. take it to #ubuntu
01:56.49minimecnemo: you have an inofficial source in your sources.list. You may ignore that message
01:57.07GuerinBreezyInCalif: but yeah, #ubuntu can answer this
01:57.12BreezyInCalifGuerin, ty
01:57.16GuerinBreezyInCalif: nything more specific is beyond us
01:57.31kittenbotshad0w1e: Use lsmod to list the kernel modules you have... look in /lib/modules for an appropriate looking module... then type modprobe name-of-module (leave off the .o or .ko file extension)
01:57.31BreezyInCalifantgel - what if I just /nick DebbyAnn ...
01:57.37elodeonBreezyInCalif: sighup is not in the number<10 (z)
01:57.46GuerinBreezyInCalif: then we'll know
01:57.47*** join/#debian weasel (
01:57.50antgelBreezyInCalif: too late, we know your face :)
01:57.57shad0w1ekittenbot I don't know what sound card is in the box, and lspci didn't bring it up
01:58.04*** mode/#debian [-b *!*] by debhelper
01:58.04shad0w1eits integrated actually
01:58.07antgelBreezyInCalif: i remembered you from #ubuntu earlier today :)
01:58.21BreezyInCalifDamn my reputation for dim humor has preceded me
01:58.48antgelshad0w1e: if it's integrated, it's pci-like and will come up in lspci. is it on in the bios?
01:58.51elodeonBruce Dickinson - Abduction (can it get any better!!!)
01:59.05antgelelodeon: has he been abducted?
01:59.05BreezyInCalifOr was that just generally-dim-Breezy ...
01:59.09kittenbotshad0w1e: Oh.
01:59.10shad0w1eit has not come up in lspci, I'll have to check bios, but again, I only have ssh access right now
01:59.24BreezyInCalifOK - onward and #ubuntu-ward, and thanks, folks. Be good to one another :)
01:59.34*** join/#debian _l3m (
01:59.36elodeonantgel: im testy, tdo you feel lucky ;)
01:59.37antgelBreezyInCalif: come back when you install debian :)
01:59.44*** part/#debian BreezyInCalif (
02:00.01*** join/#debian goedson (
02:00.27antgelelodeon: i'm a late maiden convert but i only like a few albums. piece of mind to seventh son inclusive :)
02:00.42*** join/#debian MeTaLLiCa (i=amor_F_@
02:01.05imcodeantgel: im liking them all.. one or 2 songs arent cool but all the breast are
02:01.36*** join/#debian atula (
02:01.37Guerinmeh, i gave up listening to maiden shortly after I was able to grow whiskers
02:02.06Guerinwhich, in fairness, you guys might not be able to just yet :)
02:02.07antgelwhat is it about people who like a good OS that make them like good music? e.g. i can say that i'm goign to see dream theater next week and i bet i get at least one bite :)
02:02.24shad0w1eIron Maiden teh rox0rz teh big ONE111
02:02.45imcodeantgel: ops like to kick me.. i was an op before and id like to kick me because i know everything and i ask for the impossible ;) / so you know
02:03.37Guerinaww, ain't the little met'lers cute?
02:03.56antgelGuerin: be more patronising. p.s. i'm 28
02:04.12imcodethrow you into a brick wall Guerin :)
02:04.12*** part/#debian atula (
02:04.13Guerinantgel: i have no comment
02:04.23*** join/#debian dogmeat (
02:04.35*** part/#debian goedson (
02:04.39imcodeHeadbangin was hard :)
02:04.44*** part/#debian kittenbot (
02:05.24dogmeative been modifying my /etc/X11/XFree86, and now my screen says 'Cannot Display This Video Mode', what is the key combination to switch to a lower video resolution? Ctrl-+ ?
02:05.24secherGuerin: 35 last week.
02:05.38imcodeAmazes me, we make the softwarez U use but ops kick us at random :P
02:06.05secherimcode: what app do you maintain?
02:06.09imcodegoogle they should!½
02:06.11Guerinwhat I wonder is why computer geeks like met'l so much
02:06.25Guerinpraps they think it makes them 'ard
02:06.28imcodesecher: i make them
02:06.30sechersupressed sexual desire.
02:06.33antgelGuerin: a lot of us like prog as well. probably the technical aspect
02:06.35peterSdogmeat: ctrl-alt-+ with the + on the numeric keypad
02:06.40*** join/#debian Tallia1-KubuntU (
02:06.47imcodesecher: all gui admin apps used worldwide, largescale
02:06.51Guerinech, prog
02:07.08imcodesecher: why y ask ?
02:07.22Guerinimcode: step away from the crack pipe
02:07.27*** join/#debian pi-meson (n=pi-meson@CONVOLUTION.MIT.EDU)
02:07.28*** join/#debian darkcmd (
02:07.37secherimcode: ahah, I see, and can you name me one piece of software in which I could find your name credited?
02:07.41imcodekill he drone monkeh ? .. ok sir
02:07.43antgelam i very tired or is imcode talking weird shit?
02:07.43*** join/#debian akusarujin (n=jeff@
02:07.51Guerinantgel: probably both
02:08.03antgelindeed. 'night all.
02:08.11eXa_bOypeterS i took that nick out and its all good now :) crappy card
02:08.17secherimcode: well?
02:08.20darkcmdsomeone said graphical installation tools are coming for debian
02:08.24concept10I want to know who primarily contributes to the linux community by making the drivers for different hardware.  Any insight on this?  I know many people.
02:08.26darkcmdmay be 3rd party though
02:08.26*** join/#debian Col_Kernel (
02:08.26akusarujinwhere can i set my alsa config options specifically for my sound card? i.e. i have a via8237 and /usr/share/alsa/cards/ has a sample config to get surround working on it, where can i copy that to to get some results?
02:08.27darkcmdis this true
02:08.28imcodesecher: gdhcpd, gproftpd, gbindns, pkgspider etc etc, i have many unreleased
02:08.34pi-mesonI created a RAID-1 root partition using the sarge installer; now I'm trying to create another and I've noted that I can't find a raidtab; does the installer not create one?
02:08.40peterSeXa_bOy: ahh.  so the PROM on the card is probably screwed up and it was giving the wrong mac address anyway
02:08.47imcodesecher: go goole tool
02:08.54eXa_bOymost likely...
02:08.56imcodei hate kidz
02:08.58peterSpi-meson: raidtab is a concept from 'raidtools2', which debian no longer uses
02:09.03peterSpi-meson: it uses /etc/mdadm/ instead
02:09.11peterSpi-meson: with the mdadm package
02:09.41darkcmdeXa_bOy, is that to me?
02:09.41imcodehalf of what i made arent out because i hate sco and winblowz
02:09.54eXa_bOyno mate
02:09.56imcodethey arent gonna utilize my shit
02:10.00*** join/#debian Zeit|awy (
02:10.15secherimcode: so you're Magnus-swe?
02:10.36eXa_bOydoes apt-get update get security updates?
02:10.51imcodesecher: antgel: be sure to cmp the addy G00d.. does it add up ENO yes ?
02:10.52peterSeXa_bOy: no, it just gets an index that includes security updates.  you still have to 'apt-get upgrade' to get them
02:10.54susp3cthi guys, what is the package name for a log analyser that emails the summary to you?
02:10.55darkcmdyes if security is in your sources list, and you're running stable
02:11.04pi-mesonoh, okay, I'm totally looking at the wrong docs then. Thanks!
02:11.06eXa_bOybeauty i just did that :)
02:11.10darkcmdsusp3ct, logwatch
02:11.14*** part/#debian Horde (
02:11.16imcodesecher: im gonna say no to that on a count i hate loggin
02:11.23susp3ctdarkcmd, ahhh thanks mate
02:11.28*** join/#debian Eyaw_Nayr (
02:11.36darkcmdsusp3ct, you're welcome
02:11.43darkcmdsusp3ct, btw which branch of debian are you using?
02:12.06imcodesecher: you know that nick though ?
02:12.54Eyaw_NayrFor some reason my SoundBlaster card isn't working.  The card works in Windows and slackware, and KMix picks it up & I can adjust volumes, but no sound comes out and the "Test Sound" button in KControl doesnt work as well, it gives me an error.  Any ideas?
02:12.56eXa_bOywhats the best way to install php?
02:13.00susp3ctdarkcmd, sarge
02:13.03akusarujinanyone familiar with surround sound in alsa at all.....?
02:13.10darkcmdsusp3ct, is this on your desktop machine
02:13.13imcodesecher: years of coding on all of those and just making sure my intended audience is what id like it to be
02:13.21susp3cton server machines and desktop
02:13.29eXa_bOyive heard someone mention a package that has php and something else in it.
02:13.49imcodeopen == good, not open == doom
02:14.02susp3ctdarkcmd, why do you ask?
02:14.16*** join/#debian danl_B (
02:14.17darkcmdjust curious
02:14.44ihateirkenblogsamen Cairo
02:14.54secherimcode: what
02:14.56ihateirkenblogsglitz pwn ;)
02:15.01secherimcode: what's your last name?
02:15.10ihateirkenblogsamen ?
02:15.37*** join/#debian helpme (n=yasser@
02:15.53kdsdselect wants to remove hotplug. Anyone noticed that in the last few days. I have an unstable box.
02:16.01secher!nickometer helpme
02:16.01dpkg'helpme' is 0.000% lame, secher
02:16.21mombofany yoots using blackbox if so what desktop icon manager do you use
02:16.22Eyaw_Nayr!nickometer Eyaw_Nayr
02:16.24secherimcode: you still with us?
02:16.37danl_Bhow do you force dpkg to ignore deps and overwrite a lower version of the same package
02:16.43ihateirkenblogssecher; gimmeh your phone number.. ill call you, i promize :)
02:16.53secherimcode: how about the first 2 letters of your last name?
02:17.00*** join/#debian fxgc (n=gdfs@
02:17.05Eyaw_NayrFor some reason my SoundBlaster card isn't working.  The card works in Windows and slackware, and KMix picks it up & I can adjust volumes, but no sound comes out and the "Test Sound" button in KControl doesnt work as well, it gives me an error.  Any ideas?
02:17.08*** part/#debian Xi-Phazor (n=Xi-Phazo@pdpc/supporter/student/XI-Phazor)
02:17.26ihateirkenblogshow about you give your phone number so my wardialler can reach you ? :)
02:17.32eXa_bOyhow do i install php5? no packages have it :(
02:17.40ihateirkenblogsotherwise shut the fuck up kid
02:18.01mombofEyaw_Nayr, type lsmod and see if there is module called emu10k is loaded
02:18.07kdseXa_bOy: did you try to find php5 by apt-cache search php5 ?
02:18.10secherihateirkenblogs: nah, this dope's posing as a developer, and I got the last name of the developer he's saying he is, so I'm trying to put him on the spot...
02:18.23eXa_bOyno im searching on
02:18.45Eyaw_Nayrmombof: snd_emu10k1 is listed under lsmod
02:18.48kdsuse apt-cache search php5 instead.
02:18.52*** join/#debian JoeC (
02:18.53eXa_bOydoing now :)
02:18.57ihateirkenblogssecher: i think he might need something.. if continuate :)
02:19.14secherihateirkenblogs: what?
02:19.25kdseXa_bOy: wierd. Ok, try dpkg -l php5*
02:19.40ihateirkenblogsa seringe thru mind hehe
02:19.45mombofEyaw_Nayr, run alsamixer the volume may be turnd all the way down it happens on some distros
02:19.56ihateirkenblogsIt Br0ken
02:20.08eXa_bOykds its returned 7 results
02:20.19kdseXa_bOy: did you get what you want?
02:20.34eXa_bOywell no cause version and description are empty
02:20.43*** join/#debian dave69 (n=david@
02:20.56eXa_bOyun php5 <none> <none>
02:20.56peterSeXa_bOy: php5 is available in experimental only, last I checked.  'dpkg -l php5*' shows other packages that have various relationships with php5, mainly things like 'Depends: php4 | php5'
02:21.00kdseXa_bOy: cuz you don't have it installed
02:21.05ihateirkenblogsBruce Dickinson - River Of no retval
02:21.10peterSeXa_bOy: that's why it shows up in dpkg -l, I mean
02:21.16eXa_bOyoooh ok
02:21.24eXa_bOyphp5 is stable though
02:21.27ihateirkenblogsOOh OOo
02:21.28kdseXa_bOy: it gives you names of packages
02:21.54mombofEyaw_Nayr, make that alsamixergui
02:21.56eXa_bOyalrighty so to install it i use dpkg
02:22.06ihateirkenblogscaphuso, cairo: greetingz
02:22.08kdseXa_bOy: apt-cache show <packagename> show give you full description for the package
02:22.31ihateirkenblogsPower OF the Sun
02:22.35kdseXa_bOy: use apt to install it, or which ever packaging tool you normally use.
02:22.38Eyaw_Nayrmombof: I did, it was allready turned up all the way
02:23.06eXa_bOykds, php5 wont show up using apt-cache
02:23.07kdsEyaw_Nayr: everything is unmuted?
02:23.12nvzcaphuso: /lastlog elodeon, imcode, ihateirkenblogs
02:23.20eXa_bOyill install 4 and try adn upgrade
02:23.26*** join/#debian Bossem (
02:23.28kdseXa_bOy: do apt-get update first
02:23.35Eyaw_Nayrkds: yes, I dont think it is a problem in that category, since when i try to test it through KControl it gives me an error
02:23.38peterSkds: no, this is a situation you are not considering: it's listed by dpkg because other packages have dependency relationships that mention it, but it does not actually exist in his distribution
02:24.07mombofEyaw_Nayr, i am sry then i don't know
02:24.12eXa_bOyi dont have any form of php installed at the moment :)
02:24.22slickzcairo: look at devel gproftpd... you cant set object twice ?..
02:24.33kdspeterS: well, yes that is possible too. I was assuming he  has unstable too!
02:24.38*** part/#debian dave69 (n=david@
02:24.40Guerineew, gproftpd hello
02:24.54peterSkds: oh, php5 made it into unstable.  last I checked it was only in experimental
02:24.57slickzGuerin: hello
02:25.22slickzGuerin: dont like it ?
02:25.41*** join/#debian mntnpngn (
02:25.44slickzGuerin: because its not for windows or SCO ?
02:25.51eXa_bOyok well ill just stick with 4... then
02:25.58slickzGuerin: :)
02:26.08Guerinslickz: don't like guis for things which should be configured by config file
02:26.13mntnpngnanyone know if breezy 5.10 DVD torrent is available?
02:26.13Guerindon't trust 'em
02:26.16slickzGuerin: met EB2K and we pwn you
02:26.21kdseXa_bOy: 4 should be fine untill you want to use something from 5 specifically
02:26.21nvzGuerin: you are being trolled :P
02:26.26Guerinespecially with a config as complicated as proftpd
02:26.27slickzGuerin: rofl
02:26.31mntnpngnopps..  wrong room
02:26.33peterSmntnpngn: surely they would know in #ubuntu
02:26.38slickzGuerin: you know nothing then
02:26.41eXa_bOyi do need something from 5 specifically
02:26.41mntnpngnpeterS: sorry..
02:26.46Guerinslickz: proof
02:26.57slickzGuerin: go away kid
02:27.13peterSslickz: you're not fooling anyone, you know.  Guerin has a lot of cred around here, you ... don't
02:27.19Guerinslickz: haha
02:27.26Guerinslickz: wow, that's some strong proof
02:27.48Guerinspreadem: i'd love to see what you could come up with if we REALLY pushed
02:27.57spreademok, i give up masters :)
02:28.19spreademGuerin: why arent you kicked yet ?
02:28.25nvz!ops is a nick changing troll elodeon aka imcode aka ihateirkenblogs aka see aka enoblog aka slickz aka spreadem
02:28.26peterSspreadem: I told you why
02:28.27spreademyoure tagged
02:28.28dpkgHydroxide, bob2, caphuso, dondelelcaro, doogie, eeyore-, ElectricElf, greycat, helix, ljlane, LoRez, RichiH, mentor, Netsnipe, TML, walters, xk, gravity: is a nick changing troll elodeon aka imcode aka ihateirkenblogs aka see aka enoblog aka slickz aka spreadem
02:28.36Guerinspreadem: because i'm not a sunday trolltard
02:28.44*** part/#debian mntnpngn (
02:28.49*** part/#debian spreadem (
02:28.49Guerinoh, he's johankae
02:28.53Guerini see
02:28.55peterSGuerin: ahh, it *is* Sunday in most of the world, isn't it?  I totally missed that
02:29.03*** join/#debian TwistedEmotions (
02:29.06GuerinRez: just ban him. That's the third time, isn't it?
02:29.21secheryou guys were right, crazies are out on sundays.
02:29.24eXa_bOyits sunday here... 12:30 ;)
02:29.28*** mode/#debian [+b *!*] by Rez
02:29.41GuerinpeterS: heh. Still saturday night there? I guess that means all the americans are all still drunk and high.
02:29.45Guerin!beer Rez
02:29.48*** join/#debian mcury (
02:29.50kdspeterS: Yes, it is as it is in Asia, which == most ;)
02:30.02peterSGuerin: yes, eastern US gets Sunday in another 90 minutes, I get it in another 150 minutes
02:30.02TwistedEmotionsI just got a Blue Cross membership card in the mail... I didnt sign up
02:30.05eXa_bOyim in AUS ;)
02:30.12*** part/#debian Bossem (
02:30.15secherpeterS: where are you?
02:30.20peterSsecher: central US
02:30.27peterSor, put another way, -0500
02:30.32kdsEDT here.
02:30.38Guerinit's iced tea time in korea
02:30.43Guerinthat being 1130
02:30.47secherOH, I'm an idiot, I was thinking backwards.. nm.
02:30.50*** join/#debian Elly (
02:30.50peterSsecher: if you need a more precise location, 'host -t loc'
02:30.56kdsWho was asking for DVD torrent for breezy.......yes they do have it.
02:31.16GuerinpeterS: wow, that's cool
02:31.53secherI got an undefined symbol.
02:31.57nvzkds: he left, went to #ubuntu. since its off-topic here
02:32.01peterSGuerin: it was funny.  one evening I googled up some detailed maps of my part of town and interpolated as best I could where my long/lat was by measuring the screen, measuring my street (by pacing it off), etc.
02:32.19eXa_bOypeterS ... thatts sad
02:32.21peterSGuerin: I was so proud of myself.  then later it occurred to me that any fool with a gps could have gotten the same accuracy with zero effort
02:32.22kdsnvz: Ok
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02:33.13peterSmoral of the story, I need more geek friends IRL.  could've borrowed a GPS from one, if I had any
02:33.34newbie_at_linuxCan someone help me use Linphone. It is sip software, and I have already registered a sip account.
02:33.35eXa_bOyhumans are going to fry themselves with all the waves goign around :P
02:33.41nvzpeterS: you have no friends?
02:34.02peterSnvz: none of my friends have gps units, to my knowledge.  i.e., I don't have enough geeky ones
02:34.08kdsnvz: now thats real extrapolation ;)
02:34.18nvzI know plenty of geeks and none of them have gps
02:34.19eXa_bOyi think peterS is a nice bloke, although i wouldnt concider him a friend :)
02:34.27nvzwtf do you need a gps for.
02:34.40kdsnvz: he said "no geek friends" and you labelled him a loner
02:34.43peterSnvz: what do you need *any* modern gadgets for.  and yet people buy them
02:34.45GuerinpeterS: did your calculations match the gps?
02:34.48nvzthats for like military use when you are in the middle of BFE
02:34.59eXa_bOyso he can pinpoint exactly the long/lat of his server
02:35.03Guerini'm considering buying a gps for my trip
02:35.11dpkg[bfe] B F-ing Egypt...or like nowhere
02:35.20Guerinbut i've decided it'll just be another worthless hunk of electronica to cart around
02:35.36*** join/#debian egon_spengler (n=egon@
02:35.47peterShmmmm ... several hours of salsa dancing, $10.  that's kind of steep, I'm trying to decide whether to go
02:35.51peterSI like the $3 venue Thursday nights, that's more my kind of price
02:36.30nvzI've never seen salsa dance. but it goes pretty well with tortilla chips
02:36.34eXa_bOyhow can i see how much space i have on my disk?
02:36.39peterSGuerin: haven't checked with a GPS.  however, when someone checked 'host -t loc' and looked it up on some map service (might have been I was given one of those 5-line urls, and it came up with pretty much my exact location
02:36.53GuerinpeterS: nice.
02:36.54peterSGuerin: so yeah, I was right
02:36.58*** join/#debian ivan (
02:37.37secherdamn, host -t loc is returning a undefined symbol: isc_net_pton  grrr..
02:37.56peterSGuerin: in other words, you can hire some stalking service in my city to harrass me and they won't even hardly have to look my name up in the phone book to figure out where I live
02:38.17kdsguys......deselect wants to remove hotplug for me. Any comments? Or should I just go ahead with it.
02:38.40nvzdselect even?
02:38.52eXa_bOyoooh dear : /devhdb1 -1474808486 1 0 5%
02:38.54kdsdselect only ;)
02:39.01eXa_bOydoes that mean i only have 5% left?
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02:39.47kdseXa_bOy: check with ~$ df -h
02:39.50peterSthe location shown on that map is pretty unambiguous, there are only about 4 or 5 addresses in my apartment complex that could be mine
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02:42.31sechercan't make up his mind.
02:42.45chealhi all, good sunday
02:43.17*** join/#debian wireddd (
02:43.42chealI have a problem with my ubuntu machine. it doesn't work anymore. a friend told me this is because I removed /sbin/init (I wanted to clean up stuff). is it OK to remove that file?
02:43.49eXa_bOykds : /devhdb1 -1510203890149 1.0k 0.0k 5%
02:43.56eXa_bOykds : /devhdb1 -1510203890149 1.0k 0.0k 5% /
02:44.24sechercheal: you're in #debian
02:44.40*** join/#debian ieovo (n=wuxapsec@
02:44.41EdLin!tell cheal about ubuntu
02:44.41chealsecher: I know, but ubuntu is based on debian
02:44.48EdLin!based on Debian
02:44.52*** part/#debian ieovo (n=wuxapsec@
02:44.59dpkgKnoppix, Libranet, Corel/Xandros, Stormix, Progeny, Linspire, DamnSmallLinux, Ubuntu, Kurumin, Agnula, Xebian, and so on are *not* Debian.  Just because something's "based on" Debian doesn't mean we can support it.  You'll get a Debian answer, and if it doesn't work, you're out of luck.  Your best option is to join the channel for your distro.
02:44.59kdseXa_bOy: on the brink.....delete stuff or performance will suffer
02:45.05eXa_bOythen if ive only used 5% why is mysql saying its out of room?
02:45.12sechercheal: but it's not debian, and I'd venture to say that, no, removing init was not too keen an idea.
02:45.24*** join/#debian oOPILnKe (n=ocoagiuq@
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02:46.28eXa_bOywhen installing mysql-server : ERROR: There's not enough space in /var/lib/mysql
02:46.37kdseXa_bOy: I thought the other way around .......its only 5% used. It shouldn't complain though
02:46.42sechermail it back to them..  or call thenm and ask them how to install it under linux, like I did with an AOL cd.  5 minutes of pure hilarity.
02:46.54chealsecher: thanks
02:46.56*** join/#debian mFRoio (n=ocoagiuq@
02:47.01sechercheal: np.
02:47.12kdseXa_bOy: do you have separate partition for /var
02:47.16*** part/#debian eXoeuLao (n=ocoagiuq@
02:47.18eXa_bOyits all on /
02:47.26sechercheal: sorry if I was overly terse, I"m tired
02:47.29eXa_bOymind you the disk is only 6Gig
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02:48.08chealsecher: hehehe, I was just making a joke to see if people would react :)
02:48.13*** join/#debian choti (n=choti@
02:48.26chealsecher: I thought it would be a more explosive reaction :)
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02:48.50EdLincheal: it isn't like #ubuntu is an empty channel
02:48.53sechercheal: oh.  well, I reacted, I guess I'm the dunce.  Nah, all of the crazies apparently come out on SUnday.
02:49.02*** part/#debian UGPWeTomP (n=wuxapsec@
02:49.25chealyeah, I'm just making sure we're ready :)
02:49.43*** join/#debian seF (n=KuaLa@
02:49.51secherlivin on reds, vitamin C and cocaine.... all a friend can say is aint it a shame.
02:49.54eXa_bOyanyone think of a reason mysql server would be whinging about disk space when df says only 5% used?
02:50.09chealeXa_bOy: what kind of whining?
02:50.12newbie_at_linuxWhich alsa packages do I need for my mic to work?
02:50.21eXa_bOywhen installing mysql-server : ERROR: There's not enough space in /var/lib/mysql
02:50.53peterSnewbie_at_linux: just alsa-utils, but you'll also need some luck as not all sound drivers are equal as far as mic support goes
02:50.56steweXa_bOy: maybe the permissions on /var/lib/mysql are wrong and it can't create files?
02:51.09eXa_bOyer... im in as root
02:51.27peterSyeah but I hope mysqld isn't running as root
02:51.28steweXa_bOy: mysql doens't run as root though, it drops privileges
02:51.31peterSthat would, y'know, be bad
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02:52.11eXa_bOyaaag the directory is owned by mysql
02:52.23newbie_at_linuxpeter :I had this mic working before in Skype. I just looked in Synaptic and I have alsa-utils installed.
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02:53.00stewnewbie_at_linux: run alsamixer and make sure the mic is unmuted
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02:53.09peterSnewbie_at_linux: then it's just a matter of having the right alsa driver loaded, the one for your sound chip
02:53.16chealeXa_bOy: what does $ df /var/lib/mysql/; return?
02:53.24eXa_bOyive chowned mysql/ and its the same error
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02:54.06eXa_bOywhats the $ for?
02:54.15peterSeXa_bOy: ignore it
02:54.27eXa_bOyit returns same as earlier...
02:54.28chealeXa_bOy: I'm just indicating it's to be put in peterS sais
02:54.28peterSit represents your shell prompt
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02:54.35eXa_bOykds : /devhdb1 -1510203890149 1.0k 0.0k 5% /
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02:55.03peterSeXa_bOy: I'm guessing mysqld is confused for the same reason df is confused.  most probably your kernel filesystem drivers are confused
02:55.12*** part/#debian uueDpiC (n=wuxapsec@
02:55.16peterSeXa_bOy: unmount and fsck -f, if possible, you may need it
02:55.19*** join/#debian otOeepj (n=pheeh@
02:55.22chealwhether this is a bad paste or something's wrong
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02:55.40peterScheal: not a bad paste, he pasted something equally improbable earlier
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02:56.05newbie_at_linuxstew : I have alsamixer running in a terminal. What are the keyboard commands for what I need to do? I found Mic and the volume was all the way down. I pushed right key to get to it, and on there it says Mic: off, so how can I turn it on?
02:56.15stewnewbie_at_linux: m
02:56.26chealpeterS: yeah I just checked the log
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02:57.03xoznewbie_at_linux: just use arrow keys
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02:57.33chealshouldn't there still be a "/" after "dev" :?
02:59.10*** join/#debian JSiMEiG (n=pheeh@
02:59.10eXa_bOypeterS : how do i do this unmount and fsck -f ?
02:59.26*** part/#debian JSiMEiG (n=pheeh@
02:59.50peterSeXa_bOy: since your entire system is on a single filesystem you'll probably have to reboot from other media like a live CD
03:00.05eXa_bOyooh dear
03:00.36*** join/#debian uouToNuee (n=pheeh@
03:00.44secherI love it.. whenever I play chess, my CPU fan kicks into high gear.
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03:01.25sechercould someone please block
03:01.34ke6isfOK, I just bought a new disk, as to replace the existing disk in my server that is running sarge, all current, on a reiserfs partition.  While I'm down, I can do this two ways - either just do a fresh netinst on the new disk and apt-get all the packages that were current on the server, and restore my stuff from a backup, or partition the new disk and copy the whole mess over after installing grub on the new disk.  What would be more appropriate/e
03:02.17secherI'd just do a clean install to get rid of cruft.
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03:03.33ke6isfsecher: Good point, and I have backups of /etc and /home - what else would I have to restore from backup?
03:04.18mwilson"Block" it from...?
03:04.43ke6isfmwilson: I think he means +b the mask.
03:04.57eXa_bOyi might rebuild the machine from scratch
03:05.46Gumbydoes anyone know if it is possible to increate the keyboards key repeat rate on the command line?
03:06.04ke6isfGumby: I think that's done in BIOS, actually.
03:06.30Gumbyke6isf: I dont think so.  As the key repeat rate has never been this slow before.  Only since I installed this distro
03:06.32eXa_bOyshould i mount /var on a different partition?
03:06.48mwilsonGumby: xset in X, setterm in console, I imagine.
03:07.07beaufilsapt-get update ; apt-cache search doc-rfc -> not found (I have non-free in sources.list). Any idea why ?
03:07.07Gumbymwilson: will have a look thx
03:07.18ke6isf!iyhtays eXa_bOy
03:07.20dpkgeXa_bOy: If You Have To Ask, You Shouldn't.
03:07.56*** part/#debian darkcmd (
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03:08.08Gumbymwilson: dont see any option for key repeat time there
03:08.10*** part/#debian xiuaia (n=pheeh@
03:08.24eXa_bOyke6isf.. do you know why im asking that>
03:08.27mwilsonGumby: "there" being...?
03:08.35Gumbyman setterm
03:08.47*** join/#debian ifup (
03:09.24ke6isf!ops starscalling spamming
03:09.25dpkgHydroxide, bob2, caphuso, dondelelcaro, doogie, eeyore-, ElectricElf, greycat, helix, ljlane, LoRez, RichiH, mentor, Netsnipe, TML, walters, xk, gravity: starscalling spamming
03:09.32ultraviolet16when apt has suggested packages and recommended packages, what is the difference?
03:09.49ifuphello I got a question about the sources.list for apt. Can I add non-free on the same line as main?
03:09.55ke6isfifup: Yes.
03:10.07ke6isfifup: Add 'contrib' if you do.
03:10.07ifupke6isf, Thanks
03:10.12*** join/#debian jonas-x (
03:10.16mwilsonultraviolet16: Just as the documentation says.
03:10.48ultraviolet16mwilson: the doc for apt
03:10.50ifupI man'd it but was not sure Thanks again.
03:11.34ke6isfeXa_bOy: Near as I can tell, it's owing to that you are rebuilding a box.  If you're just going to put /var on a new partition, just go for it, there's no point in waffling about it.
03:12.45*** join/#debian LiX|BG4CRF (n=Adman@
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03:14.00mwilsoneXa_bOy: If you need to be given a reason to put /var on its own partition, then you have no reason to do it.
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03:14.19mwilsoneXa_bOy: If it needed to be done, you would know why and wouldn't need to ask.
03:14.34[bman]how can I swap caps and control for the terminal rather then just one program?
03:14.43beaufilshow can I install a package from sid on a sarge box ?
03:15.06mwilsonbeaufils: You don't.
03:15.06cheal!tell beaufils about ssm
03:15.26Silent1if i only put my ps2 mouse in after my computer booted, will debian see the mouse or must i reboot? I forgot to plug the ps2 mouse in and now xfree86 won't start, "failed to initialize core devices".
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03:16.18mwilsonSilent1: Depends on the motherboard.  Sometimes that works, sometimes you just blow up the motherboard.
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03:16.53Silent1mwilson: this is an old ass 266mhz machine. I'm guessing i'm going to have to reboot.
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03:17.20mwilsonI have no idea what the age of the machine would have to do with it.
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03:17.53ranjeeth_what is the chipset used by intel 195GAV motherboard for dpms configuration
03:17.55brian___can somebody help me?  Im writing a bash script.  How do I take a file that has two colums and swap them?
03:18.27mwilsonranjeeth_: None, of course.
03:19.50plutogood question
03:20.48mwilsonbrian___: Homeqork assignment, or a test?
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03:24.26brian___can you help me?
03:24.38mwilsonNot I... I never do people's homework for them.
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03:25.37brian___ummm, im not asking you to do it, im asking you for help
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03:31.32chealWarning : networking newbie. does inetd have some way to log? I'm under the impression that swat's line in my /etc/inetd.conf is ignored, since nmap-ing myself won't mention port 901 (after restarting inetd). I'm trying to get access to swat on etch.
03:32.22*** join/#debian bucky (n=bucky@pdpc/supporter/active/bucky)
03:32.28chealarg...wait a minute :/
03:34.13chealoh yeah it's working
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03:35.19mick_homeany sourceforge devs in here?
03:35.37chealmick_home: most likely
03:35.48mick_homewhen i login over ssh, i see all my projects when i do "groups"
03:35.53mick_homeexcept for one
03:35.58mick_homehow can that be?
03:36.53mick_homei need to change something on the site for the project but, I'm not in the group (oddly enough)
03:37.08mick_homeeven though i'm listed as a developer :-/
03:37.25newbie_at_linuxI just installed Opera. Now I can't run it. It isn't in the menu. CHRIS:/tmp# opera
03:37.25newbie_at_linuxopera: cannot connect to X server
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03:39.54stewnewbie_at_linux: don't run opera as root
03:40.09SimonRavenoh gawds no
03:40.18SimonRavenbad idea
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03:41.49SimonRavenone thing newbies don't seem to realise is that: yes, root has a lot of power, and a lot of responsibility, but also you should limit contact of root (sometimes to the point of none at all) to what a normal user can do
03:42.07SimonRavenhopefully they will
03:42.14SimonRaven(most do ;)
03:42.16Ellyor you could just set a random root password to remove temptation :)
03:42.52[bman]I figured out how to swap my control and caps-lock keys. if your interested.. check out /etc/console-tools/remap. I added `s/keycode 97 = Control/keycode 97 = Caps_Lock/;` and `s/keycode 29 = Control/keycode 29 = Caps_Lock/;` now of to play with emacs with style :)
03:43.00SimonRavenno, it's up to the person to regulate themselves, not have some external thing do it for them. i.e., personal responsibility
03:43.16EllySimonRaven, setting a random root password is self-regulation :D
03:43.38Ellyimagine running Opera as root
03:43.45Ellyand having a buffer overflow hit you
03:44.04SimonRavenhmm, i see your point, but that would be a part of it, not the only means
03:44.10peterSnow that would be the Sturm und Drang form of Opera
03:44.39kevogodI have never had a buffer overflow with Opera.
03:44.54wickedpuppywhich is the version after sarge ? etch ?
03:45.00peterSkevogod: yeah you did, when you visited my site.  I covered my tracks so you wouldn't realise I'm root on your box
03:45.07SimonRavenElly: not saying that's what you were saying, to just trying to make our point
03:45.12peterSwickedpuppy: etch isn't released yet
03:45.15Gumbymwilson: FYI its kbdrate to change key repeat rate etc.
03:45.17kevogodpeterS, I have root disabled. Sorry!
03:45.42Gumbyroot disabled?
03:45.43Ellyif he installed a rootkit
03:45.48Ellyyou could 'disable' root all you liked
03:45.52peterSkevogod: it's ok, running opera as root would have made my life easier, but there are always local exploits one can try for once one has a login on your box
03:46.38kevogodpeterS, Oh yea? Show me a local exploit then.
03:46.38peterSheh, less -S +F is even better
03:46.46peterS(-S meaning chop long lines so you only see one line on your screen)
03:46.48SimonRavenexactly like tail -f, but you can search and scroll
03:47.02kevogodpeterS, I will give you 30 minutes to hack me.
03:47.12SimonRavenoh, i wouldn't want that for what i use it for
03:47.18peterSkevogod: and if I don't, that'll really prove you've got a secure box, won't it?
03:47.27stewwickedpuppy: yes
03:47.34stewdamn lag
03:47.36kevogodpeterS, Yup, pretty much.
03:47.42Ellyno, kevogod
03:47.57kevogodYup, if peterS can't hack my box, then it is the most secure.
03:47.57peterSkevogod: just like if an airplane flies without crashing, the FAA should certify it without any further tests?
03:48.02*** part/#debian mick_home (
03:48.03Ellyit'll prove that in thirty minutes, a not-very-dedicated adversary can't get in
03:48.09wickedpuppystew, after etch is sid ... which is the unstable version right ?
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03:48.13SimonRavenoh goddie, now that the libs are fixed, TLS is working. i have it so that if TLS fails, nothing happens
03:48.24Ellythe NSA doesn't certify crypto systems by having their top guy look at them for a few minutes
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03:48.39SimonRavenElly: exactly
03:48.49peterSElly: though in some cases that's all it takes to decide *not* to certify something (:
03:49.07Ellyyou can tell if something's NOT secure easily
03:49.18peterSwell, sometimes.  when the coders are true morons
03:49.19kevogodSo unless you are certified secure, you are not actually secure?
03:49.20newbie_at_linuxcan someone give me help     opera encountered a problem during plug in setup. plugins will not work properly. check your installation. could not start plug in executable 'operamotifwrapper'. /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/operamotifwrapper-3 please install Motif. plugin path (path can be modified in preferences dialog)
03:49.24*** join/#debian welson (
03:49.24Ellyif he does get in, your box is insecure; if not, it's not necessarily secure
03:49.25welsonanyone knows how i can tell what charset my filesystem (Ext3) may be using -- my language is set to en_US
03:49.29Ellythere's no such thing as 'certified secure'
03:49.34Ellyall code has bugs
03:49.39SimonRaveni've had attempts at GETting /etc/passwd and shadow through apache, and shit like that. so far i've been successful
03:49.47chealnewbie_at_linux: this is not an opera support channel
03:49.50kevogodSure, you just said the NSA certifies crypto algorithms.
03:49.52EllySimonRaven, that's just noise
03:50.01Ellykevogod, an algorithm ne a system
03:50.13kevogodYes, but the crypto is the basis of security.
03:50.18SimonRavenuh, no
03:50.19Ellyand when they certify them, they say: "There are no obvious bugs that we see here, so it's okay to use."
03:50.28peterSwelson: the filesystem doesn't care, it just records filenames as strings of bytes
03:50.28welsonElly, it can, depending on context
03:50.31Ellythey DON'T say "This is unbreakable."
03:50.40newbie_at_linuxtheres not an opera channel
03:50.46kevogodOpera is not open source.
03:50.49peterSwelson: so how the filenames are encoded depends on what application wrote them and what *it* thought it was encoding
03:50.49Ellykevogod, crypto is notthe be-all and end-all of security.
03:50.50SimonRavenkevogod: the ?weakest link? is the admin(s). the basis of security is the people involved in implementing it
03:51.06welsonpeterS, I need this for samba... i apparently have accent-egus (french) letters in filenames that aren't showing up properly in the smb clients
03:51.10kevogodI am just provoking you guys.
03:51.18Ellywelson: use '?' for them
03:51.21peterSwelson: it'll either be iso-8859-1 or iso-8859-15 or utf-8, you decide
03:51.22Ellykevogod, we know, but it's funny
03:51.29welsonpeterrooney, ok
03:51.35welsonpeterS, ok
03:51.49peterSwelson: samba supports all of those, just try them and see which is correct.  note that iso-8859-1 and iso-8859-15 are very nearly identical, if one works the other will also work
03:52.00*** mode/#debian [+l 342] by debhelper
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03:52.06peterSwelson: except that iso-8859-15 includes a few more useful characters such as the euro sign and the oe / OE ligatures
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03:53.13SimonRavenElly: (re: apache and passwd/shadow) yeh you're probably right.
03:53.18welsonkevogod, they've gone free, but they're still closed .. just the ad-free, youpii
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03:53.47kevogodwelson, And is this contrary to what I said?
03:54.03peterSwelson: depends on how you define 'free'.  if that includes the freedom to modify the code (for example, to remove the ad displays), opera will probably never be free
03:54.06welsonkevogod, no, but he's probably confusing free being open-source..
03:54.19dabaRHi. I would like to know how to add a bash script to boot time. I think I should add it to the /etc/init.d directory. Is there anything else, or something different I should do?
03:54.25peterSwelson: what freedom do I have, if not the freedom to modify the code?  that's pretty fundamental
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03:54.39welsonpeterS, heh heh, of course :)
03:54.41Ellyit's probably automated
03:54.50kevogodThey should coin the term "Freedomware"
03:55.14peterSkevogod: would that be the US euphemism for software produced in France, like CATIA?
03:57.18newbie_at_linuxive never seen more errors in my life untill i ran linux
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03:57.41dabaRerrors help you learn.
03:57.58nvznewbie_at_linux: you just never knew what one looked like until now
03:58.04peterSnewbie_at_linux: right, you don't get to *see* error logs in some other OSes
03:58.14nvzcommercial software is in the business of masking problems
03:58.19peterSunless you run applets like "Event Viewer"
03:58.29nvzwhich is useless
03:58.36*** join/#debian carles (i=carles@
03:58.46nvzevent viewer doesnt really show much of anything worth readin
03:58.57simewhats a simple chm viewer in debian (possibly gtk based)
03:59.06peterSnvz: yeah, windows programs don't typically have very useful error log entries
03:59.23peterSsime: use 'apt-cache search' - I believe there is one available somewhere but I misremember what it might be
03:59.57peterShmm, 'apt-cache search chm viewer' turns up 4 likely results
04:00.06peterSand a couple of false positives
04:00.28nvzpeterS: thats because the user and techs are too dumb to know what they mean, and even if they did they couldnt do anything about it. Windows programs arent designed to be configured or to work. they are desined to be hard-configured to suck more than the competition
04:00.37dabaRsime: xchm is the only one I know of.
04:01.08simesucking gnochm down now
04:02.04peterSthe name 'gnochm' sure looks like it needs more vowels.  it would be perfectly pronounceable in Italian with vowels at the beginning and end and one after the h
04:03.21peterSnvz: the construction of the beak makes it unlikely that penguins are able to suck very well at all
04:03.26peterSnvz: in other words they probably suck at sucking
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04:04.03nvzpeterS: thats why linus choose the penguin. its incapable of sucking. windows on the other hand suck in air naturally
04:04.11Gardaguys, how do you mount a container that you want to use as a swap file
04:04.30peterSGarda: you don't, you just 'mkswap' the device and then 'swapon' it
04:04.37nvzGarda: you dont mount swap
04:04.50Gardai want to use a swap file, not a partition
04:04.53peterSGarda: or, instead of 'swapon /dev/whatever', you just put "/dev/whatever none swap defaults 0 0" in /etc/fstab
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04:05.12peterSGarda: oh - create the swap file of the right size however you want, then 'mkswap' it just as though it were a partition
04:05.41peterSGarda: as for 'of the right size', the easiest way to do that is 'dd </dev/zero >your_file bs=1M size=number_of_megs'
04:05.46Gardathen do i just go swapon /var/swapfile ?
04:05.54chealhow come only 327 lurkers on the channel?
04:06.23zinxcheal: because of some network issues a day or two ago
04:06.25peterScheal: server problems kicked everyone off the other day, some people haven't looked at their idling irc clients since then and noticed they weren't in #debian
04:07.03peterSGarda: yes, swapon as usual.  or put a line in /etc/fstab as usual
04:07.30peterSGarda: in other words there's no special trick to it, the swap system treats files exactly like devices, as far as the user interface is concerned
04:07.34chealhehe, I was making sure that there were really that many inactive people usually
04:07.42peterS(that is, the files must already exist and be the appropriate size)
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04:07.52chealwhat would it be without the spambots
04:08.07peterScheal: about N-5.  there aren't a lot of spambots at a time
04:08.08ke6isfcheal: Pleasantly quiet. =^_^=
04:08.49chealpeterS: oh, yeah, I guess their joins and quits just overrepresent them
04:08.59*** join/#debian Jay (
04:09.01peterScheal: yeah.  they join, get a list of users, then part, then start /msging people
04:09.13SimonRavenor try to ;)
04:09.25peterScheal: that's an adaptation since last year.  last year they stayed connected to the channel, but that made it easy to track and kill them
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04:09.37peterSthey evolve, freenode evolves
04:09.54Guerinmouse / mousetrap
04:10.01peterScheal: sooner or later either the spambots or freenode will evolve to self-awareness
04:10.05SimonRavenlike harmful bacteria and white blood cells
04:10.15Guerinor idiots and computer systems
04:10.26Guerinjust to bring this back on topic :)
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04:10.37ke6isfGuerin: Not really, because computer systems kinda *create* idiots.
04:10.45Diesel_Fuelhey guys, gotta quesiton
04:10.46peterSke6isf: and vice versa (:
04:10.47Diesel_Fuelcan anyone help me out?
04:10.53Guerinke6isf: ah, now you're talking about chicken and egg
04:10.59ke6isfDiesel_Fuel: No, because you have yet to ask the question.
04:11.15Diesel_FuelI have an ATI radeon 9200, and am having problems getting the drivers installed
04:11.16Guerinso it's mouseicken and eggtrap?
04:11.27Diesel_Fuelshould it natively work with debian or do i really need those drivers
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04:12.07peterSDiesel_Fuel: it'll run.  it may or may not have any 3D acceleration
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04:12.24susp3ctDiesel_Fuel, all you need to know how to install the drivers. If you already havent been to this site -->
04:12.37Diesel_Fuelyeah i've looked at that
04:12.44Diesel_Fuelbut i've been having some trouble getting it installed
04:12.55susp3ctDiesel_Fuel, that site is the bomb, and has never failed for me
04:12.58Diesel_Fuelshould i do that after i get my base system going, or before
04:13.12dakishigreetings good people, i am having problems getting xorg, i tried google but i dont see a package for debian anyone could help me get this package, thank you
04:13.26chealdakishi: which release do you run?
04:13.31dpkgxorg is probably X.Org X11, the reference implementation of the X Window System, forked from XFree86 4.4RC2. The current release is X11R6.8.2. ask me about <get xorg>
04:13.35peterSDiesel_Fuel: fyi, debian testing (etch) includes 6.8.2, so you can check the web site to see what their radeon 3D support status might have been at that point
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04:13.41dakishicheal: debian sarge 3.1
04:13.49Diesel_Fuelthakns guys, i'll keep working at it
04:13.51Diesel_Fuelcya later
04:13.53chealdakishi: is not in sarge
04:13.55grendal_primewhats a good console command to get processor speed?
04:14.00peterSDiesel_Fuel: also, there's no need to get drivers all installed before the base system is up and running.  you can *always* do it later
04:14.11chealgrendal_prime: /proc/cpuinfo
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04:14.13grendal_primei just what to know the name of the know pent2 or amd
04:14.23dakishicheal, but a debian books recommend xorg cause it is a little way more advance than xfree and i wish to ge tit
04:14.34peterSgrendal_prime: cat /proc/cpuinfo
04:14.39Whitmangrendal_prime cat /proc/cpuinfo
04:14.51chealdakishi: a debian book recommends that :?
04:15.09grendal_primecool thanks guys
04:15.10EdLindakishi: xorg is at present almost identical to xfree, with the exception of new drivers
04:15.19chealpeterS: what do you mean by "self-awareness"?
04:15.34dakishicheal: well it was some hand maded by a mate, and he knows a lot about linux =)
04:15.39peterScheal: nobody really knows what self-awareness is.  but basically the ability to think
04:15.46grendal_primeis there something similar for memory installed?
04:15.47EdLindakishi: I find that hard to believe that a book on Debian says that considering that the latest stable release has xfree86.
04:15.50dakishiEdLin: thats why i want to get xorg
04:15.52peterScheal: to "know that you exist"
04:16.11chealpeterS: ah, OK :) so spamming creates intelligence? :)
04:16.16EdLindakishi: a lot of xorg drivers were backported to Debian's xfree86
04:16.22dakishiEdLin: it said that debian is concidering changing to xorg cause some reasons i didnt read
04:16.38peterScheal: I'm just saying, freenode and the spambots will continue to evolve.  if they continue long enough, one or the other will become an AI
04:16.47chealdakishi: debian already changed to
04:17.13EdLindakishi: well, that will be the case when etch is released - which is in December '06
04:17.14dakishioh i see..., so i do own this pacjage already_
04:17.24grendal_primexorg works fine..
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04:17.45grendal_primeits faster too...not by bucketloads but it works fine
04:17.52peterS!etch pool
04:17.53dpkgfrom memory, etch pool is Come and bet on when Etch will be released. Ask me about "listkeys etch pool" to find all of the bets, and "etch bet" to find out how to bet.
04:18.10chealpeterS: wow. or you on drugs, or do you just consider current computer micro-AI-s? :)
04:18.34peterScheal: nah, nobody is there yet.  but spambots and the freenode network will eventually reach it
04:18.54grendal_primecheal,  is there some sort of console command to get hardware memory installed as well?
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04:18.59EdLinpeterS: according to debian-devel-announce the schedule is Dec. '06, which means probably that it definitely won't be released early - because that would be ahead of schedule and it's pretty safe to say that won't happen. :-)
04:19.06chealpeterS: hum
04:19.19peterScheal: also, you might be taking one throwaway comment a *little* more seriously than it was intended
04:19.19chealgrendal_prime: /proc/meminfo :)
04:19.27EdLins/scheduled/scheduled release date/
04:19.31grendal_primewow...thats cool
04:19.34dakishii am sorry if i am going to make a not important request but can how can i get the message of "It wont work", i fount it really funny and wanna show it to my Comates =)
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04:19.41peterSgrendal_prime: yeah, lots of interesting things in /proc
04:19.41chealgrendal_prime: maybe $ free; will be useful too
04:19.43grendal_primei think i see a pattern here
04:20.04EdLindakishi: /msg dpkg doesn't work
04:20.15peterSgrendal_prime: though if you want to see a list of PCI devices, it's easier and more reliable to say 'lspci' than 'cat /proc/pci'
04:20.31dakishisigh oh well thanks for =) trying EdLin
04:20.39grendal_primethanks guys..i got these machines...there cashregisters and i have some new antiquated equipment im thinking about replacing them with..but neede to see if it was even worth it
04:20.57grendal_primei couldnt remember what they were to begin with hehehe and i didnt want to drive down there
04:21.03chealpeterS: OK. I ask because I'm not natively English-speaking and supposing that a statement is humor from start may be insulting :)
04:21.19chealpeterS: thanks for answering to all my questions ;)
04:21.37peterScheal: well, yeah, it was humor (:
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04:24.46simyhow do you get an old laptop with debian (i did an install and couldnt regonize the driver, the pcmcia card works with the 8139too or 8139cp driver... but this other laptop didnt see it during boot, and when i selected it, it didnt do anything eigther,.... any ideas?
04:26.17grendal_primesimy what the hell are you talking about?
04:26.34grendal_primei dont think you compleated a single thought there
04:26.45simyyeah, sorry
04:26.48nvzE: EOL reached while searching for ')'
04:26.53*** join/#debian RuioVdfQu (n=bgsreiiu@
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04:26.59nvznot to mention the other errors thrown
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04:27.09dabaRya, never compiles.
04:27.11chealI'm still parsing that blurb too
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04:27.32dabaRsomething about how to get those drivers on debian to work...
04:27.52grendal_primei thought my coff surip was stronger than it was supposed to be..hehehehe seriously
04:27.57nvzdpkg, any ideas?
04:27.58dpkgYeah, I have an idea!  But I'll need a sack full of condoms, a little vegemite, and a handful of three-legged oxen.  And keep the FBI off my back for the next few hours!
04:27.59*** part/#debian RuioVdfQu (n=bgsreiiu@
04:28.12simyuhm, i got distracted and tryed to recover.... i did a debian install on this laptop (440CDX) and it didnt detect the pcmcia 10/100 network card. Its now a very basic base system, how can i get it to try to use the pcmcia card, i know that this card uses the 8139cp or 8139too driver ( i havnt noticed a diffrence using one over the other on any other computers...) any ideas?
04:28.31nvzhmm I hope he isnt going to screw three-legged oxen full of vegemite
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04:28.40grendal_primedude...i have bronchitus...and i have this codine coffsurip im taking i just took some and when i saw that post i read it twice thinking..."man this shit is strong for coff syrip"
04:29.17*** part/#debian oqaoUS (n=bgsreiiu@
04:29.18peterSsimy: one has to wonder if your "old laptop" has 32-bit PCMCIA support at all.  at the hardware level I mean.
04:30.01simyi saw somthing 16bit or pcic or somthing like that (so 16 bit i guess, ill google it, i didnt know it matters, this card has just usually worked for me out of the box so to speak....
04:30.03peterSsimy: and if so, whether your cardbus (32-bit pcmcia) driver is loaded.  should be called 'yenta' or similar
04:30.06grendal_primesorry nvz im loaded i cant help myself
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04:30.23peterSsimy: does 'lspci' show your realtek network card?  does it show your cardbus bridge?
04:30.43newbie_at_linuxHow come when I call someones sip number, there sip software is not ringing and I just get that person's voice mail?
04:31.13grendal_primenewbie_at_linux, they dont like you and are not answering?
04:31.16peterSsimy: 32-bit pcmcia is also known as 'cardbus'.  for use in your googling
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04:31.28simypeterS : just got done rebooting... (was looking in bios for an on off option)
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04:31.43newbie_at_linuxgrendal_prime: no, its not ringing on her computer
04:31.58simyyeah it was off.... i feel like an idiot, but who the heck adds an off option for pcmcia's in their bios?
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04:32.21peterSsimy: hahaha.  hope it works now
04:32.28grendal_primeya...thats the first thing i tell those pesky chics that keep calling me to..." is just not must have the wrong number"
04:32.35nvzreminds me of that stupid joke... There is this funeral and they are carrying the deceased out to the hurse to be taken to the graveyard and the first guy trips and causes them to drop the casket and it goes sliding down the steps and into the drugstore across the street and it hits the counter and the casket pops open and the stiff sits up .. yeah its stupid :P
04:32.36simypeterS ill know in a few, this laptop is too slow for me, lol
04:33.10simyits for a buddy he just wants to be able to use gaim, mozilla and hopefully gtk-gnutella
04:33.15nvzgot anything to stop this coffin? heh
04:33.16simymostly gaim tho
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04:33.27peterSnvz: ha
04:33.41casehello #debian!
04:33.45simyon to the next topic, where can i find an in depth tutorial of all the kernel options? or what would be a good search term?
04:34.01simyi think most of my problem is i dont understand or know most of the terms:(
04:34.21*** join/#debian HllywdW (
04:34.24nvzsimy: the kernel source comes with Documentation/ go figure
04:34.25peterSsimy: what, for compiling your own?  that's quite an undertaking, and should not really be necessary
04:34.38caseHi - I'm still having problems with my apt-get
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04:34.49grendal_primehey leave the geek to his dreams damn it
04:35.06HllywdWdoes anyone know if kde 3.4 is available for debian?
04:35.14nvzthese fucking electric heaters scare the shit out of me
04:35.15chealHllywdW: yes
04:35.18grendal_primeI think its a wonderfull idea. compiling
04:35.20peterSHllywdW: 'apt-cache search kdelibs4'
04:35.22simypeterS : my dell needs support for the fan, cpu thermal... etc... (it overheats, i found a site that says you should modprobe fan etc... and if that dosnt work (and i couldnt get that to work) you need to rebuild your kernel
04:35.23cheal!tell HllywdW about kde3.4
04:35.25casei used netselect-apt to find the fastest mirror and it wrote it's sources.list
04:35.40peterSHllywdW: I mean 'apt-cache show kdelibs4', or go to
04:36.07freazerI recently bought new hardware. I have Windows XP freshly installed on hda1. I have a Debian Linux installation from the old hardware on hdb1. My MBR was apparently on hda1 and I wiped it. I've booted into KNOPPIX Live to try to reinstate LILO, and I read the man pages and came up with a lilo.conf that might work, but I'm getting a read-only boot record error. I'm assuming that's because of the boot cd. So I tried to chroot, but
04:36.10caseI'm just not sure how to copy it over to /etc/apt/
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04:36.36peterScase: same way you copy any file to any location.  the cp command.
04:36.56casesorry cp command is new to me
04:37.10peterScp /your/source/file/sources.list /etc/apt/
04:37.12freazerI'm currently in WinXP using NTLDR to boot. I've tried the dd if=/dev/hdb1 to pull the boot record from the Linux partition, but I just got gibberish. I'm assuming my Linux was never configured to be bootable without LILO on hda1
04:37.36casewould I need to su cp /your etc?
04:37.51peterScase: /etc/apt/sources.list can only be changed by root, so yes
04:37.59casethank you guys
04:38.00HllywdWhave you guys heard of the yakuake theme for debian?
04:38.35peterSapparently it's not *in* debian
04:39.25freazerSo after replacing motherboard&CPU, should I just do a fresh install of debian and wipe my existing, or should I try to recover and recompile?
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04:39.48peterSfreazer: recompile?  recompile what?  just boot a Debian kernel
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04:40.15peterSfreazer: if you compiled your own kernel and didn't leave any debian kernels on your system ... now you know why you should have (:
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04:40.32AM|Rhi.. my ibook installed with debian PPC.. but only with one cd.. how can i installed kde , xwindows with apt?.. what is the sutaible package fot me to apt-get? need help
04:40.34nvzfreazer: your mbr for lilo is probably still where it always was. sounds to me like you took hda out of one machine and put it as hdb into another
04:40.39HllywdWI hate the way my kde looks and I'm so lost when going through
04:41.03nvzfreazer: tell your BIOS do boot D drive and it will probably work
04:41.07peterSAM|R: there exist packages named 'x-window-system-core' and 'kde' which are probably what you're looking for
04:41.30chealHllywdW: ask #debian-kde
04:41.43HllywdWthanks cheal
04:41.49peterSthat, or drop kde entirely (:
04:42.02AM|RpeterS: just apt the package rite?
04:42.12xoz!dict rite
04:42.14dpkgDictionary 'rite' (1 of 2): He looked with indifference on rites, names, and forms of ecclesiastical polity.                --Macaulay..
04:42.21peterSAM|R: those two packages, 'x-window-system-core' and 'kde'
04:42.38peterSAM|R: they don't contain anything on their own, but they will pull in as dependencies all the stuff you probably need
04:42.46HllywdWdo you guys know how to make a ghost image of your current debian system?
04:42.51AM|Rok i see that
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04:43.26peterSHllywdW: ghost is not free software so most of us don't know how to use it
04:43.44nvzHllywdW: with norton?
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04:45.36freazerMy MBR was on my hda1=WinXP partition, and I formatted it thinking I could re-LILO easily. My hdb1 hasn't moved. I tried to dd if=/dev/hdb1 of=/tmp/debian.img and setup NTLDR's boot.ini to boot to debian.img. Text of junk. Does that indicate the second HD won't boot from bios?
04:45.43dakishihello smart people, i wish i could be as smart as you guys but i am not -_-, can you guys help me splves this as i can see i am missing some library or i am not sure but could you guys help me resolve this Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server
04:45.43dakishiXlib: No protocol specified
04:46.14peterSfreazer: I think you're a little confused on the concepts involved here
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04:46.41freazerAnd sorry to mislead you nvz, I moved from a 32bit to a 64bit processor and a friend of mine seemed to indicate all I would have to do is "recompile." And yes I am confused
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04:46.43peterSfreazer: your MBR is not /dev/hda1 but /dev/hda, and it occupies somewhat less than 512 bytes total, so if you do 'dd' without specifying limits, you'll get a pretty huge file (the whole disk in fact)
04:46.51*** part/#debian JPQuiceno (
04:47.31dabaRdakishi: you should give context, what you are trying to do, and what command gave you that error.
04:47.34peterSfreazer: oh, if you moved from i386 to amd64, you have two options.  one, you can install just a 64-bit kernel and let the rest of your system stay the same, or two, you can reinstall the whole system as a 64-bit system
04:47.47peterSfreazer: the second option will give you a faster system but I don't know if you'll actually notice the difference
04:47.55peterSfreazer: and the first option is a great deal simpler
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04:48.57freazerAh, so that little typo may have caused me to copy part of the HD and not the bootable area.
04:48.59caseseesh why is apt-get still refusing to connect to
04:49.18casewhoops I mean it's still trying to connect to
04:49.23peterSfreazer: well there are multiple possibilities for "bootable area" here
04:49.40dakishioh okey sorry for my mistake, look i recently installed debian on my box and the first thing i tried to do by apt is apt-get install xchat, the package just finished and installed, and when i tried to invoke it by it name xchat this error message appears
04:50.08caseI took a SS of what my source.file looks like
04:50.10dakishiXlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server
04:50.10dakishiXlib: No protocol specified
04:50.11dakishi(xchat:2736): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:
04:50.52xozdakishi: running through su? are you in X?
04:51.00caseall I get is 403 forbidden or connection timed out
04:52.13dakishixoz: yes i am su, and yes i am in x, xfree86
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04:52.38xozdakishi: run xchat as ordinary user
04:53.05casealso when my cd binary1 is selected as apt source it still will not find the packages
04:53.07dakishixoz, ohh sorry for the silly questions guys just didnt realized that you couldnt run program as root -_-
04:53.16freazerpeterS: can you recommend any books or resources to acquire a closer level to your knowledge, or is it all just tinkering experience?
04:53.16xozsu to root has no access to your display
04:53.17peterSfreazer: your BIOS loads the first 512 bytes of /dev/hda, which then execute.  that's your MBR.  it normally contains either LILO, or code to boot the first 512 bytes of /dev/hda1, /dev/hda2, or whatever
04:53.29caseI updated to the latest apt-get package and it still errors
04:53.32xozdakishi: you can... you have to allow root access to your display
04:53.49peterSfreazer: the MS-DOS standard boot loader, for example, sits in /dev/hda and loads the first 512 bytes of whichever partition is marked 'bootable' in the partition table - then hands control over to that
04:53.56dakishixoz, well they say it is not recommended to use root as a normal user =)
04:54.05concept10How do I configure my server to run lightppd and apache2 at the same time.  I know I need to specify different ports, whats next?
04:54.12peterSfreazer: so if you have the msdos bootloader in /dev/hda and lilo in /dev/hda1, your *real* boot code will be in /dev/hda1 - or in both, if you choose to look at it that way
04:54.13dakishiso ill play clean and stay with rules =)
04:54.37caseplease can someone help out I've been struggling with this for days
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04:54.54peterSfreazer: likewise, NTLDR lives on the partition corresponding to drive C of your Windows install - /dev/hda chain-boots that.
04:55.10caseI have to download individual packages and dpkg -i all of them
04:55.12dakishican anyone recommend me a good instant messanger program, beside kopete and amsn_
04:55.22xozdakishi: gnomemeeting
04:55.23freazerI see. In reviewing the doc I wrote myself to run that command, I definately copied the wrong device. I'll try a couple of things, including telling the BIOS to boot to the second drive as you suggested.
04:55.24casemy dependencies are all knackered
04:55.29chealdakishi: for which protocols?
04:55.30peterSfreazer: then the boot sector portion of NTLDR reads the filesystem and executes NTLDR.COM from that.
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04:56.04peterS...which reads C:\BOOT.INI and decides what to do from there
04:56.43dakishicheal: i a dont understand well for protocols, but i think ehhh hotmail__
04:56.54freazerYou're right, it doesn't make sense for Linux to have written LILO to my NTFS partition
04:57.13chealdakishi: hotmail isn't a protocol. MSN would be one. Jabber would be another, and IRC yet another.
04:57.19xozdakishi: or gaim
04:57.49dakishicheal, oh Okey, sorry for my noobiesh =(, MSN would be
04:58.21xozdakishi: gaim supports several protocols including yahoo, lycos, ...
04:58.25dakishixoz: i dont like anything related to gnome, got kde all i want must be kde to evade errors or incompatibilities =)
04:58.32chealdakishi: so you're looking for a client that can only support MSN to run in KDE?
04:58.41freazerThank you peterS for your patience and all the information! Have a great evening everyone.
04:58.45xozdakishi: apt-cache search messenger
04:59.05dakishicheal, well i want a complete one dont really care the protocol, only that kinda like MSN of windows =)
04:59.05peterSfreazer: did you get the idea here?  btw, lilo installs the 512 bytes of its boot code to wherever you specify with 'boot=' in /etc/lilo.conf
04:59.13dakishiit got multiples functions
04:59.24peterSfreazer: so that's normally 'boot=/dev/hda' but it could be 'boot=/dev/hda1' or even, I think, 'boot=/outputfile'
04:59.26chealdakishi: MSN Messenger only supports MSN
04:59.57dakishicheal, yeah but it got webcam, nudge, mmm, the F2 thingie button, it is really user friendly
05:00.00cheal!msn client
05:00.00dpkgrumour has it, msn client is a program to access the MSN instant messaging network. Examples for Linux include Gaim, Kmerlin, ccmsn and everybuddy.
05:00.01peterSfreazer: and yeah, it's a bad idea to tell lilo to overwrite the beginning of a FAT or NTFS partition.  Linux partitions are designed for this, FAT / NTFS ones are not
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05:00.18freazerI understand it a lot better now, peterS. I've got plenty of ammunition to try now to recover my install. Thanks again!
05:00.24peterShave fun, dude
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05:00.28dakishithx dpkg ill try Gaim =)
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05:00.36Exposuredoesn't the debian install files include a text editor?
05:00.39nvzwell since I managed to leave my TI-83 Plus at this girls house when I moved out I am in need of a new progammable portable computer preferably cheap, and with a RTC would be nice /me goes online shopping
05:00.43chealdakishi: it's only friendly to Windows users. it's hard to support proprietary protocols in free software
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05:01.40nvzpeterS: if you decide against it you can always dcc me some. though it probably wouldnt make it through the firewall
05:02.18casesince we are talking about IM software which xchat binary do I want from there sit
05:02.23peterSnvz: yeah, I'm not sure, depends what netfilter modules you've got loaded.  ip_cheese and ip_crust are needed, at minimum
05:02.32nvzI am guessing I need another calculator.. since I probably cant find any real handhelds that do what I need cheaper than one of those.
05:02.44nvzpeterS: :P
05:02.53peterScase: just the debian 'xchat' package ought to work
05:03.14casethats the thing I can't find a .deb package
05:03.38peterScase: shows it
05:03.55casesorry I was going through the xchat site
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05:06.18nvzI wonder if the Palm PCs are easily programmable. I had a Palm III I think it was someone threw away but it died on me.. which is probably why they threw it out. It didnt have any onboard Development tools but I am guessing you could program software on a PC
05:07.17nvzI would prefer something with devtools on it so I can program it and modify the programs on the fly. ability to compile things externally for better performance is always nice too
05:08.43nvzthes palms are way cheaper even than the TI-83 I had :P which did have built in BASIC development as well as ability to upload ASM code the problem being not much memory and not Timer or RTC
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05:14.03chealdpkg: no, msn client is an IM client that supports the .NET Messenger Service. try amsn (Tk, limited to MSN), Gaim (GTK, multi-protocol) or Kopete (KDE, multi-protocol). All Jabber clients can communicate with .NET Messenger Service using an MSN transport.
05:14.03dpkgokay, cheal
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05:14.52Dakishigreat program (Gaim) it is so aswsome =)
05:15.48casecan anyone help with my apt-get problem?
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05:16.00RoundQubehello all
05:16.30RoundQubei have a kernel image installed as my kernel and im looking for resoures on how to get vpn setup for my work on here, can anyone point me to any resources?
05:16.43peterSDakishi: apparently the code is a royal mess though, multiple projects have sprung up over the years seeking to replace it
05:16.45RoundQubethe resources i've come across have patches for kernels etc.. but my kernel isn't built from source
05:17.11caseeven with a working network and a good source.file
05:17.12peterSDakishi: the up-and-coming one is called telepathy, which is kind of a funny name, I wonder if they'll have serious code
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05:17.35chealRoundQube: what the hell is that kernel?
05:17.44cheal!msn messenger
05:17.44dpkgrumour has it, msn messenger is ask me about messenging for more info on messenger clients
05:17.45DakishipeterS, lol =)
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05:17.50RoundQubecheal: kernel 2.6.12
05:17.56nvzhmm I should have never went to now i am wondering if I should continue with my idea to spend around $100 on getting something to just meet my current needs or get something more advanced and spend a lot more money
05:17.57peterScase: please describe your apt problem.  I thought you solved the last one
05:18.14peterSnvz: that's always the question, isn't it?
05:18.26Dakishiwhere file do i have to modify so i can add more URL for downloading package from apt-get??
05:18.33rafxdo I really need to install pentium-builder if all i want to do is build a single package for i686 using dpkg-buildpackage?
05:18.33Dakishiwhere = what*
05:18.35peterSDakishi: /etc/apt/sources.list
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05:18.44Dakishithanks peterS
05:18.47chealdpkg: no, msn messenger is an official client for .NET Messenger Service. Comes with several features, usually including spam, but unfortunately only available on Windoze.
05:18.47dpkgcheal: okay
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05:18.59peterSDakishi: but what packages do you need that debian does not already provide?  whoever provides these pacakges should explain about sources.list
05:19.40chealrafx: pentium-builder is only an optimizer
05:19.45DakishipeterS, trying to get xorg wich i asked dpkg how to get it and it sent me to a page wich i obtained the URL to get it by apt =)
05:19.50newbie_at_linuxchris@ubuntu:~/install/source tarballs/warzone2100-0.2.2.tar.bz2_FILES/warzone2100-0.2.2$ auto-apt run ./configure
05:19.51newbie_at_linuxEntering auto-apt mode: ./configure
05:19.51newbie_at_linuxExit the command to leave auto-apt mode.
05:19.53newbie_at_linuxconfigure: error:
05:19.53*** kick/#debian [newbie_at_linux!n=debhelpe@unaffiliated/debhelper] by debhelper (flood)
05:20.05nvzpeterS: yeah. I just want to make a schedule program to monitor production at work and make my job way easier than it already is. I need a programmable device. and I dont want to rely on the Win2kPro machines at work. I also dont want to try coding a windows app. last time I programmed MS crap MicrosoftQuickbasic was still a popular development tool :P
05:20.38nvzpeterS: looking at the lastes T|X handheld with Wifi, Office-To-Go and web capabilities got me drooling
05:20.50RoundQubecheal the vpn server needs MPPE support in the kernel and i've only seen patches for the kernel to support it. How do I go about getting it setup for my kernel image? or am I left with compiling a custom kernel for this need?
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05:22.15SimonRaven!msn messenger =~ s/unfortunately/fortunately/
05:22.15dpkgOK, SimonRaven
05:22.24rafxcheal: basically, i downloaded Lighttpd which conveniently has a /debian directory and using dpkg-buildpackage worked great for i386 package.  all i want to do is build one for i686 so I can run benchmarks later and have had no luck other than finding pentium-builder. surely there must be a less kludgy way to specify i686
05:22.47nvzits _only_ $299 which is about $199 more than I want to spend and $249 more than I probaly need to spend to accomplish my task
05:22.49chealRoundQube: ah, I thought you wanted a VPN client
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05:23.15SimonRaventhought i should correct the 'typo'
05:23.26RoundQubecheal: i do need a vpn client as well, but i first require that my kernel has MPPE support in the kernel
05:23.28chealSimonRaven: it was a sarcastic typo :)
05:23.29nvzif it had a built in IRC client I would have it in the mail already :P
05:23.34peterSalso, who can tell me what "neslēgtais gredzens" means?
05:23.54chealRoundQube: I can't figure out how a kernel wouldn't be built from source
05:23.55nvzmy client ate up the chars so I cant even see what that says
05:24.07mlakshow cant if it safe to do an apt-get dist-upgrade on sid?
05:24.19peterSnvz: the non-ascii character was a macron that goes over the e
05:24.29Dakishiopps, sorry my bad
05:24.29SimonRavencheal: was clear enough ;)
05:24.33RoundQubecheal: doesn't the kernel-image-* packages just have the binary kernel image's downloaded and put in proper directories?
05:24.36SimonRavencheal: wasn't*
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05:24.46chealrafx: I don't know
05:24.51chealSimonRaven: allright :)
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05:25.59chealRoundQube: yes...that doesn't mean they're less built from sources
05:26.17pacmanwill querybts ever get fixed?
05:26.18chealmlaks: your question's syntax looks wrong
05:26.31RoundQubecheal: so you are confident i have MPPE support in my kernel that i apt-get installed?
05:26.38SimonRavenpacman: works ok here. didn't for a while, but got fixed
05:26.50mlaksi guess i mean apt-get dist-upgrade
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05:27.09chealRoundQube: not at all
05:27.28SimonRavenon 2 arches, too
05:27.48RoundQubecheal: so im left with compiling from source again?
05:28.48mlaksi  guess i would like to check if sid is relatively "stable" in terms of libc upgrades and etc
05:28.55chealRoundQube: if your kernel is missing something and want to make a new kernel that has it, you have to compile it...make kernel=compile kernel
05:29.13Guerinmlaks: it's not, at all.
05:29.18chealmlaks: are you using sid?
05:29.42mlaksfor about a year but havent upgraded since sarge-etch
05:30.37Guerinmlaks: new major libc upgrade a month or so ago, gcc4 transition, which means all-new c++ packages, new X server ... lots og major changes.
05:30.46mlaksi  am somewhat proficient (i support 15 debian systems) but have been reluctatnt to upgrade untill the dust settles
05:31.11Guerinmlaks: the dust never settles on sid
05:31.27Guerinmlaks: now is probably as good a time as any, just be prepared to fix shit.
05:31.42mlaksi am spoiled as things were very smooth as we got ready for sarge
05:31.56Guerinmlaks: yes. After sarge it all went to hell in a handbasket
05:32.09mlaksok i have not yet done the xorg transititon yet
05:32.16Guerinand it's still more or less there
05:32.38mlaksi moved over to kde3.4 on two machines
05:32.41peterSGuerin: the dust did settle on sid shortly before sarge came out.  we couldn't make really *big* changes to sid because of the possibility of having to still migrate stuff into sarge
05:33.04TwistedPBookbahh... on the UP side... sid is NEVER dusty ;)
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05:33.36mlaksi am trying to get marillat packages on my laptop so that motivates my upgrade
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05:33.53peterSTwistedPBook: well, bits of it are.  I can think of one package I'm partially responsible for which is quite out of date in sid
05:34.24peterSTwistedPBook: we ship 1.19.6, whereas 1.20.1 exists.  I'll let you guess the package.  the code hasn't changed all *that* much but OTOH, 1.20 came out years ago
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05:35.29TwistedPBookpeterS: I don't have the SLIGHTEST idea what package that is... ;) apt upgrade is in charge of all that
05:35.49peterSTwistedPBook: if you have it on your system you can figure it out with 'dpkg -l | grep 1.19.6' probably
05:36.17peterSTwistedPBook: and you do have it on your system, at least one of the binary packages that is built from this thing
05:37.10TwistedPBookI got beat ;P
05:37.16peterSTwistedPBook: which is built from the source package gpm.  yeah, that's us.
05:37.18tyranixyay what do I win?
05:37.27peterShmmm.  let's ask dpkg.
05:37.30peterS!win tyranix
05:37.31dpkgCongratulations, tyranix! You have won the time-life collection of vintage AOL CDs, a set of 120!
05:37.42tyranixWhat I always wanted!
05:37.45TwistedPBookWeeeee! I tyranix can I borrow one?
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05:38.05peterSTwistedPBook: run it on your twisted pbook
05:38.10TwistedPBookpeterS: you your the reason my mouse didnt WORK :P
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05:38.30peterSTwistedPBook: yes.  can I help you?
05:38.47TwistedPBookpeterS: nothing... kidding.. I lub you ;)
05:39.41TwistedPBookpeterS: wait... does that control trackpad thingy too? like for PowerBook mouses?
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05:40.15peterSTwistedPBook: I don't know how trackpads are wired on powerbooks.  but probably.
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05:40.23nvzdoesnt seem like the palm is what I want. no development software that I can see runs on it, and I cant find any info about how to program software for them externally either
05:40.24peterSTwistedPBook: I assume they use either ADB or USB?
05:40.49peterSTwistedPBook: if so, it's just a matter of loading the correct kernel modules and pointing gpm to /dev/input/mice
05:41.14TwistedPBookpeterS: well it's been fixed... just took hella days... hahaha
05:41.35TwistedPBookpeterS: deadcat was the one who fixed it finally.. I dont even remember the problem.
05:41.41nvzwell they have a pook Programming Visual Basic for Palm OS eew
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05:41.57nvzI dont want anything I need windows for, thats for sure
05:41.58peterSTwistedPBook: ah, too bad I didn't see your question right away - as you can imagine I've become pretty good at debian mouse problems (:
05:42.01TwistedPBooknvz: they probably have a book too.
05:42.16nvzTwistedPBook: :P
05:42.25TwistedPBookpeterS: hahaha.. took us like a week to figure it out....
05:42.53peterSmaybe they have a pooka
05:43.04peterSas in a traditional irish animal spirit
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05:43.25peterSmade famous by the play "Harvey"
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05:44.24TwistedPBookI dont think nvz is happy  with us..
05:44.29Dakishisorry, but could you tell me again what was the file to modify the apt source URL, i wrong wrote it down and now i am needing please help =)
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05:44.44TwistedPBookDakishi: /etc/apt/sources.list
05:44.50Dakishithank you
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05:45.02TwistedPBook;) I't took me like 30 times to get it..
05:45.29Dakishilol =)
05:45.38nvzpoint me in the right direction for a cheap PDA/Calculator whatever that has built in development BASIC, anything. just want to be able to code custom solutions to problems on the fly wherever I go :P
05:45.43Dakishii hope it diesnt take that much to me =)
05:45.45nvzI will be happy then
05:46.02TwistedPBooknvz: Ti-83 is good..
05:46.36TwistedPBook!tell caphuso about away
05:46.43nvzTwistedPBook: thats what I had. and it works, but for one thing I left it at Cara's when I moved out.. and for another it doesnt have a timer or RTC and my current project would really prefer one.
05:47.14nvzThey are $100 or more new, and if I am buying new, I might as well get something with more memory and a RTC
05:47.42TwistedPBooknvz: true... errr... brand and all that doesnt matter right?
05:48.00TwistedPBooknvz: there are 100's of generic brands out there... pick up some cheap one..
05:48.06Dakishii already got the src page and the apt-get files modified, to the one i got from <dpkg> xorg sarge, already ran apt-get update, and how do i install xorg now??
05:48.23nvzTwistedPBook: nope I just dont want to spend $299 for a toy. the Palm T|X had me drooling with its big color screen and WIFI and everything.. but it does everything BUT what I need
05:48.51TwistedPBookDakishi: apt-get install xorg-common...
05:48.56Dakishii made command apt-get install (xorg,, x, org) and it seems to do not do the trick
05:49.03TwistedPBookwhat else is need?
05:49.08samuelsup all
05:49.21TwistedPBookDakishi: apt-cache search xorg (or whatever your looking for)
05:49.26DakishiTwistedPBook,  you are a God messenger =)
05:49.27nvzthere several Palm models m105, m125..etc that are easily found around that price or even less than $50 refurbished. they just dont have what I am looking for
05:49.33samuelanyone know if divx 5 is supported with the libdivxdecore library?
05:49.43Dakishithe xorg program =) like xfree86 but i want xorg
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05:50.09EdLinDakishi: apt-get install x-window-system-core mywm myxterm
05:50.18deadcatTwistedPBook: what up baby (=
05:50.22TwistedPBookDakishi: ^^^^ his command is better
05:50.41EdLinDakishi: assuming that you've got the backport repositories that replace xfree with xorg
05:50.42TwistedPBookdeadcat: What up !~~~~
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05:50.49nvzIf I had to I can deal with programming on a PC. I just dont want to have to use Windows and windows programming languages to do so. I would rather have a shitty subset of BASIC like the TI I had then that.
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05:51.08peterSTwistedPBook: reminds me of a halloween costume I saw advertised the other day.  you wear this big box that looks like a wrapped gift, and it has this tag that says To: women, From: God
05:51.09samueli installed the libdivxdecore library, is there anything i need to do to get totem-xine to use it?
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05:51.17DakishiEdLin, eeh =( i dont know if i got back repositories i dont think so
05:51.22EdLinnvz: bwbasic
05:51.25n3xAnyone here know mucg about IRCD-Hybrid
05:51.29TwistedPBookpeterS: hahahaha
05:51.36nvzEdLin: whats a bwbasic?
05:51.39EdLinnvz: don't tell anyone that I recommended BASIC
05:51.48poonjhey guys...I was wondering how I can get my eject button on my cdrom to work after I insert a CD.  right now, the CD is automounted, but when I push the eject button, nothing comes out.  It only ejects when I umount the drive in gnome
05:51.51deadcatoh man. the usc vs nd game was good (=
05:51.51EdLinnvz: apt-cache show bwbasic would answer that
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05:51.53peterSnvz: 'bywater basic' is in Debian
05:51.57poonjis it possible to get my cdrom eject button to work again?
05:51.59TwistedPBooknvz: dude... just get a retarded ass laptop and then just format with debian and go ;)
05:52.15TwistedPBookpoonj: eject
05:52.15*** part/#debian cheal (n=chealer@pdpc/supporter/student/chealer)
05:52.26TwistedPBookpoonj: you scare me... you run gwfund?
05:52.28peterSTwistedPBook: that would require a really big shirt pocket
05:52.31*** join/#debian cheal (n=chealer@pdpc/supporter/student/chealer)
05:52.35nvzI am not looking for a BASIC interpreter I am looking for hardware :P
05:52.38EdLinDakishi: did you add aditional repositories in order to get xorg? If so, they are repositories of xorg backported from etch or sid.
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05:52.41deadcatTwistedPBook: you see him in school? (=
05:52.46nvzTwistedPBook: I despise laptops
05:52.55poonjTwistedPBook:  not anymore
05:52.59TwistedPBookdeadcat: see who in school?
05:53.04*** join/#debian Shorty` (
05:53.07TwistedPBookhim who?
05:53.09nvzTwistedPBook: I've owned many of them and destroyed them all in less than a year its a waste
05:53.21deadcatTwistedPBook: poonj, isnt he at the same school?
05:53.34nvzmy first laptop was a Mac with like a 30mb hd. and I kept it wrapped in bath towels inside its carrying case
05:53.47TwistedPBookpoonj: ;P Just kidding... just funny you setup server and dont know 'eject' command ;)
05:54.02nvzIt lasted long enough for me to sell it for twice what I payed for it
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05:54.03DakishiEdLin, i asked dpkg how to get xorg, and it told me a web page from i got 2 src URL to add in apt, so i added it up and runned apt-get install xserver-xorg, thats all i did
05:54.03TwistedPBookdeadcat: ohh no ;) too big of a school.. you never see people you know.
05:54.07deadcatTwistedPBook: hahah
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05:54.16TwistedPBookpoonj: How are classes?
05:54.31deadcatTwistedPBook: haha. can setup iptables and shit but can eject the cdrom hehe
05:54.35TwistedPBookdeadcat: seriously... I mean not on accident anywaays... unless your the same major.
05:54.37EdLinDakishi: well, then the answer to my question is "yes"
05:54.55TwistedPBookdeadcat: you have to admit that the iptables files was impressive
05:54.57deadcatTwistedPBook: true. and sometimes you pump into people you dont want to see
05:55.04DakishiEdLin, well i really didnt knew what you were asking sorry for my noobish i will try to not do it again
05:55.20EdLinDakishi: you need to install more than the server though if you're not running a thin client. Try installing x-window-system-core and the xterm and window manager of your choice.
05:55.33n3xAnyone here know much about IRCD-Hybrid
05:55.33chealsamuel: what do you expect xine to do with that?
05:56.08cheal!tell n3x about anyone
05:56.09deadcatTwistedPBook: did you install fink on your osx?
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05:56.18DakishiEdLin, already got x system core, ill download xterm or i think i already got the package, command to know if i already got xterm? or the other one?
05:56.26*** part/#debian bEqeea (n=aiifejuk@
05:56.28samuelcheal, play video?
05:56.32TwistedPBookdeadcat: wtf is fink..
05:56.38TwistedPBookdeadcat: fink you buddy
05:56.45chealsamuel: totem doesn't need that package to play video
05:56.51n3xHavign issue with Hybrid IRCD, it doesnt start, it doesnt leave any log either (have read README, INSTALL and README.FIRST)
05:56.59peterSTwistedPBook: fink is a package manager for OS X derived from Debian's apt
05:57.17EdLinDakishi: x-window-system-core doesn't include an x terminal emulator or a window manager, you need to install those too - or just plain KDE or GNOME which have both along with a lot of other things.
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05:57.35TwistedPBookpeterS: ohhhh...
05:57.42peterSTwistedPBook: of course, as you might expect, people confuse the package manager with the site containing all the free software compiled for *use* with the package manager, so 'fink' also has come to mean 'everything you can download via fink'
05:57.45*** part/#debian aquafuego (i=ricardo@
05:58.06DakishiEdLin, i got KDE 3.3.2 installed with KDM, so you think it will be enough with that or should i download more package_
05:58.16TwistedPBookdude... screw osx.. only use it when I want to do something hella quick... at home.. like now... if I am on lappy I run debian :)
05:58.19EdLinDakishi: that should be fine
05:58.32samuelcheal, i checked with the file command an episode of red dwarf i downloaded and it told me divx 5 video, but i cant play it in either totem, mplayer, or vlc... so im not sure how to play it...
05:58.41peterSTwistedPBook: heh
05:58.51poonjits not the eject command
05:58.57poonjthe eject button is disabled
05:58.58DakishiEdLin, thank for sharing your time by helping with my problems i reallyt appreciate it =)
05:59.01TwistedPBookIt's preety.. but that's the ONLY good thing about it..
05:59.05poonjI have to enter something in /etc/sysctl.conf
05:59.06EdLinDakishi: yw
05:59.41TwistedPBookpoonj: sudo eject  or umount cdrom then eject... should work...
06:00.02poonjI mean when I push the button on the cdrom
06:00.06peterSpoonj: the eject button can be enabled or disabled from software, but normally it is only disabled when you've got a filesystem mounted from the CD
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06:00.20chealsamuel: AFAIK totem-xine should be able to play it
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06:00.27TwistedPBookpoonj: paper clip?
06:00.32poonjpeterS, when you say software.../etc/sysctl.conf?
06:00.33peterSpoonj: if you run software such as gnome-volume-manager which automatically mounts any CD you put in, then the eject button will be disabled any time you have a data CD in, I suppose
06:00.46RoundQubeif i apt-get install a kernel image (say 2.6.12), where is the source/config kept?
06:00.47samuelcheal, thx anyways
06:00.58poonjpeterS, I gotta get rid of automount?
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06:01.13peterSpoonj: something like that.  I'm unclear on the details of gnome-volume-manager and its ilk, since I don't run any of them
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06:02.11chealRoundQube: Debian kernel-image-* packages don't include kernel source
06:02.21chealconfig is kept in /boot
06:02.24RoundQubecheal: sorry, i found the config in /boot/
06:02.55RoundQubecheal: i patched the 2.6.13 kernel using /usr/src/kernel-patches/all/apply/mppe and it succeeded, now im going to try to build a deb package with make-kpkg
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06:03.12casehello again I'm still need some assistance with my apt-get problem
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06:03.31peterScase: last time you said that you still didn't describe your apt problem
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06:03.41TwistedPBook!tell case about justask
06:03.48TwistedPBook!tell case about ask
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06:04.07TwistedPBookI though it was justask ;P
06:04.21chealRoundQube: that looks ok if you can't use 2.6.12
06:04.40TwistedPBookcase: all good ;) just explain
06:04.43peterScase: basically we aren't mind-readers so we don't already know what your problem is.  and we aren't going to tease it out of you, it's up to you to ask the question
06:05.07caseI set up my sources.list from netselect-apt and even though I can ping the servers I'm trying to update from apt-get I still can't connect
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06:05.28TwistedPBookpeterS: funny.. becausse I do remember you like teasing things out of me ;)
06:05.34Drakh_when you type apt-get install package what error do you get
06:05.37RoundQubecheal: i can't and now the patch looked successful when manually running it, i did a make menuconfig to add MPPE support as [M] but now when i run make-kpkg --added-patches mppe --append-to-version -mppe kernel_image, it spits out that mppe failed
06:05.53peterSTwistedPBook: I wouldn't have done so if you hadn't started with enough information to give me some idea what your question was, though
06:06.19TwistedPBookpeterS: that was a sex joke..
06:06.33casehang on I have to email my self the outpu because of the limited connectivity
06:06.37peterScase: what do you mean "can't connect"?  what errors does 'apt-get update' give?
06:06.48chealRoundQube: no idea
06:06.49TwistedPBookread what I wrote again.. ^^^^
06:06.59n3xHavign issue with Hybrid IRCD, it doesnt start, it doesnt leave any log either (have read README, INSTALL and README.FIRST)
06:07.09n3xANy help?
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06:07.34dakishihow can i cancel, an active apt-get download?
06:07.44Drakh_ctrl-c ?
06:07.46RoundQubedakishi: ctrl-C
06:07.50TwistedPBookcase: explain in detail what the problem with the apt is... and what connectivity problems you seem to be having
06:07.52dakishithank you
06:07.53peterSn3x: I can't help you, probably, but you can start by saying *which* hybrid package you're using
06:08.25n3xpeterS: IRCH Hybrid 7.1.3
06:08.40peterSn3x: there are two versions of hybrid in debian, ircd-hybrid and oftc-hybrid, see
06:08.53n3xpeterS using the source
06:09.00TwistedPBookn3x: any terminal output when you run it?
06:09.10peterSn3x: oh, if you aren't using debian packages, I'm pretty sure nobody here can help you
06:09.12n3xSTarted and the PID
06:09.23n3xbut its not actually started
06:09.34TwistedPBookn3x: why dont you just use package?
06:09.44peterSn3x: clearly you had some reason the debian packages aren't similar enough to the source code you wanted, so therefore it follows they probably aren't similar enough for us to be able to help you either
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06:09.46Shorty`fuck I hate samba
06:09.58caseBasically when I apt-get update it resolves the IP to
06:09.59n3xTwistedPBook i prefer do do things by hand, i only use packages for system things
06:09.59Drakh_Shorty` samba does not hate you
06:10.09n3xShorty` hey fag
06:10.11Shorty`it just randomly stops working :/
06:10.15Shorty`stupid peice of shit
06:10.22Drakh_the debian system works better if you use the stable packages
06:10.23peterScase: do other apps do the same thing?  you said ping works...?
06:10.26casewhen I cp the exact name and ping it it resolves fine
06:10.36caseand pings it fine
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06:10.44Shorty`n3x, where'd you see those job things?
06:10.45casemozilla works fine
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06:10.54sambaI hate you all
06:10.55casexchat doesn't connect
06:10.58Drakh_Shorty` are you using a newer buggy version
06:11.00n3xin Desktop support
06:11.03Drakh_maybe you can try an older samba release
06:11.11Shorty`whatever is in breezy
06:11.13caseI'm using stable release of sarge
06:11.18Drakh_it was stable in my exp, about 2 years ago
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06:11.30TwistedPBookI guess I only found that funny.
06:11.41Shorty`eh, wrong channel huh :P
06:11.45Drakh_don't you know
06:11.46RoundQubecheal: its entirely possible that after i manually applied the patch, it tried to patch again which caused it to error. I've [enter]'d through it and see what the results show
06:11.51Drakh_linux users do not have a sense of humour
06:11.52peterSn3x: you can do things by hand all you want, and you can get your support from people who ship the stuff you are using, too
06:11.59peterSn3x: in this case that would be somebody other than #debian
06:12.00*** mode/#debian [+l 349] by debhelper
06:12.04Fluteni installed debian on my laptop, which also had windows xp installed
06:12.08Drakh_linux users are mostly vulcans
06:12.10chealRoundQube: oh, yeah, that sounds possible
06:12.14Fluteni overwrote the mbr with lilo, and i can't seem to get it to dual boot
06:12.16peterSn3x: it's the price you pay for not using our system
06:12.36Flutenat the end of my lilo conf file, i put:
06:12.42TwistedPBookDrakh_: sure we do.. why do you think we send people to #gentoo for their gentoo problems... you KNOW there are like 6 people in there and none of them know anythin.g
06:13.03casepeterS: anything to add?
06:13.04TwistedPBooksee ^ hehe
06:13.06peterSn3x: though come to think of it, hybrid developers would be more helpful than we even if you were using debian packages, probably.  very few of us are likely to have experience with it, other than the maintainer, who isn't on this channel
06:13.10Drakh_i was kiddin TwistedPBook ;p
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06:13.20Fluten!gentoosmite portage
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06:13.28Drakh_although, it is possible about the vulcans part
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06:13.50Drakh_I don't get why people use gentoo
06:13.55Drakh_meh... preference i guess
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06:14.04peterScase: I don't know why apt is doing that.  try 'aptitude update' instead, see if it resolves better
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06:14.06TwistedPBookDrakh_: It's l33t.
06:14.07Drakh_if you want gentoo to work better use bsd :p
06:14.22Drakh_what about debian :p
06:14.40peterSdebian is not leet.  the people who used to think debian was leet moved to gentoo
06:14.41Drakh_debian != l33t
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06:14.51TwistedPBookDrakh_: debian
06:14.54TwistedPBookis sexy
06:15.01SimonRavendebian works. better than being 'leet'
06:15.01peterSand the ones who were left (that is, the ones not smart enough to get through the gentoo installer) moved to ubuntu
06:15.01TwistedPBooknot l33t.
06:15.05Drakh_debian == a useful/reliable/easy to manage/portable OS ?
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06:15.23Drakh_haha peter
06:15.28TwistedPBookwait.. it's portable?
06:15.32Drakh_I tried gentoo... I just read the install manual and it was fine
06:15.41Drakh_by that I mean it runs on many platforms
06:15.47Drakh_did I get my terminology mixed up?
06:15.54SimonRavenTwistedPBook: debian has 12 arches in sid, and has a bsd port, as well as gnu/hurd
06:15.57deadcatDrakh_: ya. some people cant follow that
06:16.09Drakh_I am a debian noob
06:16.24Drakh_I am reading madducks book though
06:16.25SimonRavennow show me any other distro that can manage that, and still function
06:16.27Drakh_looks good so far :D
06:16.29TwistedPBookSimonRaven: what the hell does any of that mean?
06:16.30deadcatDrakh_: i am a computer noob. just found out this internet thing few months ago
06:16.38SimonRavendo some reading
06:16.41caseplease can someone help me
06:16.41peterSDrakh_: debian is predicated on the theory that you might have other things to do in life than install and upgrade your OS
06:16.49deadcatDrakh_: ya. look good so far. i found porn in this internet
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06:16.59caseI have some output but it's too large to cp here
06:17.03streunerdeadcat: really?
06:17.04SimonRavenpeterS: like have a life fixing other machines ;)
06:17.09*** part/#debian eimaoTae (n=pvoduoie@
06:17.16TwistedPBookdeadcat: move to AOL.. ;) I DID AND IM HAPPY.
06:17.28caseweb 2.0 :P
06:17.31deadcatTwistedPBook: (=
06:17.36*** join/#debian AM|R (i=gomo@
06:17.46Drakh_yea im too busy patching and fixing windows boxes at work to worry about fixing debian/nix boxes ;p
06:17.51peterSTwistedPBook: where do I get the fink package for aol plskthx
06:17.54deadcatTwistedPBook: still having touch the macmini? )=
06:18.00n3xpeterS: event he debian package doesnt work
06:18.09AM|RHi i got problem with xwindows the x doest no appear.. im install debian on imac ppc.. any can helps?
06:18.13TwistedPBookInstead of porn I have to deal with republican propaganda.
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06:18.23streunerDrakh_: gentoo is OT here, you might ask #gentoo why they use it, they have surely better answers than we do...
06:18.32deadcatAM|R: did you install the x window packages?
06:18.33peterSTwistedPBook: does it include ann coulter porn?
06:18.36SimonRavenAM|R: just ask
06:18.37Drakh_AM|R what happens when you type startx ?
06:18.41AM|Rdeadcat yes
06:18.48AM|Rthe screen black
06:18.54AM|Rnothing apper on the screen
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06:19.00deadcatAM|R: what package did you install?
06:19.06Drakh_did you use the debianconfigurator..
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06:19.09Drakh_err whatever it is called :/
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06:19.15Drakh_I just used it for the first time today
06:19.19Drakh_but it worked well
06:19.24TwistedPBookdeadcat: No ;( too tired to set it up  now
06:19.40deadcatTwistedPBook: not setup. stare and admire the mofo (=
06:19.44AM|Rdeadcat :debianconfigurator? nop.. what is the command?
06:19.44deadcatdrool over it
06:19.54Drakh_just a sec
06:19.55TwistedPBookdeadcat: I've looked at it ;)
06:19.56SimonRaven!drxx AM|R
06:19.57dpkgAM|R: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86  [or xserver-xorg if you're using]   (as root) || if you have edited the X config file by hand,used some other program like xf86config, ask me about <xmd5>
06:19.58deadcatAM|R: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86
06:19.59AM|Ryes xfree86
06:20.03TwistedPBookdeadcat: it's preeeeety ;)
06:20.04peterSAM|R: maybe 'configure-debian'?  that's the closest match for that name I can think of
06:20.10deadcatTwistedPBook: damn (=
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06:20.38Drakh_apt-get install xdebconfigurator hwinfo mdetect read-edid
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06:20.45peterSah, that one
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06:20.54Drakh_apt-get install x-window-system-core
06:20.59Drakh_that should get your xwindows going nicely
06:21.03Drakh_then type startx and it should work
06:21.12Drakh_don't forget to install a desktop system though
06:21.17AM|RDrakh_ already installed
06:21.19case^^this worked for me
06:21.26dpkgfrom memory, xwindows is NOT the name of it. It's simply called X, X11, The X Window System, X11R6, etc. Do a "man X" for more. < Zxcvb> X + KDE/Gnome + Codeweavers Wine == X-windows, or ask me about x windows trap
06:21.32Drakh_ok, try out xdebconfigurator then?
06:21.50deadcatAM|R: which imac you have? the color one or the white one?
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06:22.16SimonRavenpeterS: is this normal? i'm to FSes that store meta-data in the fs itself: /dev/sdb3          /var/backups2     5786.9    128.2   5369.3   7%  ext3
06:22.20Drakh_AM|R run this: apt-get install xdebconfigurator hwinfo mdetect read-edid
06:22.24happybcan i use apt-get to upgrade a single package to unstable?
06:22.25SimonRavenpeterS: "i'm used to"
06:22.49SimonRavenpeterS: that's di output, values in MB
06:22.50Drakh_it will attempt to auto detect your optimal screen resolution and refresh rate, and put that in an X config file
06:22.54deadcathappyb: ya. add a unstable to your sources.list update it, apt-get install -t unstable blah
06:22.56AM|Rthanks i will try
06:22.57peterSSimonRaven: for an empty filesystem?  it is probably counting the metadata and the journal.  the journal takes significant space
06:23.04Drakh_after you run that
06:23.09Drakh_you need to actually run the command:
06:23.11happybbut app is already installed
06:23.13AM|Rdeadcat: the color one
06:23.20SimonRavenpeterS: yeh, empty
06:23.22happybi just want to upgrade 1 package to unstalbe, not all
06:23.26Drakh_then you should be able to start X
06:23.32happybxcfe4 to be exact
06:23.38peterSSimonRaven: doesn't look too abnormal to me, but I can't tell you for sure
06:23.41deadcatAM|R: oh.. must be video card problem
06:23.47peterSit does seem a *little* high
06:23.57SimonRavenpeterS: eh, i chose ext3 so that it'd be recoverable with woody b-f floppy disks, if needed
06:24.00dakishihow can i install plugins, specific one (mooding)??
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06:24.17SimonRavenpeterS: but that's a lot of space for a 5.7 GB partition
06:24.17Jacobo221where can I select CONFIG_PCI_MSI from within "make menuconfig"?
06:24.20peterSSimonRaven: yeah, choice of that or reiserfs, and that's no choice at all (:
06:24.29TwistedPBookhappyb: the run apt-get update... and apt-get install <package> ... then remove the source... update again... UPDATE updates the list of available programs... doesnt actually UPGRADE them :)
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06:25.04peterSSimonRaven: you can use 'dumpe2fs' and 'tune2fs' to examine the size of the journal and make it smaller, if you think that's what you want
06:25.04SimonRavenpeterS: i can set the journal smaller, but then i don't want to risk corruption or something
06:25.06AM|Rdeadcat : is any solution for what u have said? (video card problem)
06:25.13TwistedPBookhappyb: I think you are confusing apt-get update and apt-get upgrade... man apt.
06:25.23deadcatAM|R: i dont know. those machines are too old for me to help (=
06:25.31peterSSimonRaven: size of journal just affects efficiency.  writes might go a bit slower if the journal is too small.
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06:26.01SimonRavenpeterS: oh ok. won't matter very much except for making the actual backups, and copying from it
06:26.10peterSSimonRaven: well, I'm assuming you can unmount the filesystem before running tune2fs on it
06:26.22peterSSimonRaven: shrinking the journal while the fs is active is probably not a good plan (:
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06:26.30happybmaybe i misstated.  I have version 4.0 of xcfe on stable debain.  Can i apt-get upgrade to v4.2?
06:26.41happybwithout going to unstable everything else?
06:26.44SimonRavenpeterS: not ATM, no, it's mounted and getting a fresh backup onto it (/var/backups1 is anyway)
06:26.55Drakh_AM|R did you try running xdebconfigurator?
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06:27.18peterSSimonRaven: anyway, use dumpe2fs to determine whether the size of the journal is your real problem here
06:27.30SimonRavenpeterS: i suspect it is
06:27.32AM|Ryes Drakh_
06:27.36deadcatAM|R: you can try to upgrade the system to testing and use xorg maybe
06:27.53AM|Rbut this appear /usr/sbin/dccprobe NOT! found
06:28.04TwistedPBookhappyb: jesus man... add a unstable source to /etc/apt/sources.list ... apt-get update... apt-get install xfce... remove the unstable source... and apt-get update again.
06:28.16Drakh_have you tried apting for dccprobe?
06:28.22happybaaaaaah!!  i see the light!
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06:28.40TwistedPBookhappyb: or go to xfce's website... I'm sure they have a apt source for unstable xfce.. so you dont need to worry about it.
06:28.46AM|Rermm deadcat
06:28.59TwistedPBookhappyb: BE WARNED... it's NOT A GOOD IDEA to mix packages!
06:29.07deadcatwhats the diff between bittorrent and bittornado? using tornado right now but i dont see the diff
06:29.11AM|Rdeadcat: i got the output something shows the info about display is it rite?
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06:30.22deadcatAM|R: did you run dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86 and select the right card? its ati i beilieve
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06:30.25peterSdeadcat: well, bittorrent 4 goes off in an entirely different direction, the difference will be obvious enough if you use *that*.  but the license is non-free so you won't see it in debian for awhile
06:30.25*** part/#debian iuCoAU (n=aqquu@
06:31.03deadcatpeterS: no i mean the packages bittorrent and bittornado
06:31.43AM|Roki will try .. brb
06:31.46AM|Ryep ati
06:31.47dakishihow can i get bootsplash package??
06:31.48SimonRavenpeterS: thanks for your input
06:31.51peterSdeadcat: I know what you mean.  the difference is that bittornado is a fork of bittorrent
06:32.26deadcatdakishi: compile yourself or
06:32.36deadcatdakishi: you might just want to get splashy instead
06:32.36dakishideadcat, thank you
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06:32.53deadcatpeterS: ya. but they basically the same right?
06:32.54TwistedPBookdeadcat: dude.. your asking who's more retarded when standing at the special olympics... if you count gui's... azureus is the best anyways... weeee
06:32.57dakishiis that a package??
06:32.57deadcatdakishi: search it
06:33.01dakishiokey thank you
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06:33.16deadcatTwistedPBook: no gui.. my x is too unstable (=.
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06:33.23peterSdeadcat: I told you about bittorrent version 4 to let you know that even if they look similar now they won't in the future
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06:33.59TwistedPBookdeadcat: ;(  damn gui.
06:34.01deadcatpeterS: ah.
06:34.44AM|Rthanks all it works : deadcat but it show x icon and no kde
06:34.58AM|Ris it slow to load?
06:35.00TwistedPBookdeadcat: you need to read the book Ishmael..
06:35.14deadcatAM|R: your machien is slow. and i dont know what window manager you using
06:35.16AM|Ri think its slow
06:35.25deadcatTwistedPBook: picture book? (=
06:35.29AM|Rhehe installed kde
06:35.37TwistedPBookdeadcat: hahah no.. but worth the read.. good book
06:35.51deadcatAM|R: that machine is too slow for kde. try icewm, fluxbox, or MAYBE xfce4.. just maybe
06:36.10deadcatTwistedPBook: thats what you said about brave heart.. it looks painful to watch (=
06:36.31AM|Rermm ok
06:36.41TwistedPBookdeadcat: you ass. if we could take polls in here.. you would see braveheart is the best movie of all time.
06:36.57newbie_at_linuxCan I have someones sources.list to add to Linspire?
06:37.04deadcatnewbie_at_linux: no
06:37.07TwistedPBookoh jesus
06:37.13TwistedPBookso many jokes.
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06:37.27peterSTwistedPBook: braveheart is full of jokes?  I must have missed them
06:37.32deadcatTwistedPBook: braveheart or this ^^ dude?
06:37.40TwistedPBooknewbie_at_linux: deb
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06:37.59TwistedPBookpeterS: no linspire man.. not braveheart.
06:38.27beobai'm formatting an external harddrive on osx, and wanted to check whether HFS+ has good support in the linux kernel nowadays, anybody know?
06:38.41peterSTwistedPBook: if you aren't going to be helpful you don't have to belittle the one asking the question either.  you can just explain that we don't think linspire will work well with debian packages, and point him to their own update service, the one that costs $99 / year last I heard
06:38.47deadcatbeoba: good as in ro or rw?
06:39.08beobafat32 is also an option but journaled is always a plus
06:39.32TwistedPBookpeterS: they PAY for updates?
06:39.43deadcatTwistedPBook: ya. worst than windows
06:39.52eXa_bOyshould i partition my harddrive? are there any performance increase from doing so?
06:39.53peterSTwistedPBook: they have this service where you can download thousands of apps for just $99 / year.  sounds to me like sid, but who knows
06:40.07TwistedPBookthen why not just go to windows?
06:40.07AM|Rthax deadcat
06:40.16deadcatwindows. you get free updates (=.. not linspire hehe
06:40.17TwistedPBookand instead of sid packages use
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06:40.55peterSTwistedPBook: they tried to call their OS Lindows but, rightfully, got stomped on as being confusingly similar to a better-known OS name
06:41.14beobadeadcat: any idea as far as rw?
06:41.16TwistedPBookjust saying... I dont know... if it was between linspire and windows... I'd probably be playing counterstrike right now
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06:41.38deadcatbeoba: oh. i dont know. i only have ext2 and 3 on my ppc (=
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06:41.44liablenewbie_at_linux: if you need extra packages but want a simple setup, try ubuntu
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06:41.50peterSyou can run counterstrike between two OSes?  that sould be kind of cool to watch
06:41.52beobadeadcat: :(
06:41.59deadcatTwistedPBook: ya. windows is actually better than linspire
06:41.59peterSI wonder which OS has the best aim bots
06:42.27TwistedPBookpeterS: GOOD question.
06:42.32Drakh_you should probably use Gentoo for l33t stuff like that
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06:42.53eXa_bOylol... ive had cs running on debian
06:42.55TwistedPBookI wish there was a counterstrike package. ;P
06:43.09peterSTwistedPBook: I mean the OSes themselves playing counterstrike against each other
06:43.11eXa_bOycs server that is
06:43.18TwistedPBookeXa_bOy: wine?
06:43.23ke6isfToggling a boot flag on a partition is non-destructive, right?
06:43.28peterSke6isf: yes
06:43.29TwistedPBookpeterS: hahahaha
06:43.30eXa_bOyno there is a CS linux server
06:43.34peterSke6isf: you can always toggle it back
06:43.37ke6isfpeterS: Thanks. =^^=
06:43.59deadcateXa_bOy: who gives a f about a cs server if you cant play the shit
06:44.02peterSke6isf: well ... if you can boot your machine at all, that is.  the MS-DOS default boot sector actually uses that information, after all, to decide what partition to chain-boot
06:44.07TwistedPBookeXa_bOy: yeah I get it... ;(  Do you need a nice video card to run a CS server or no... I mean you dont play right.. so...
06:44.32AM|Rdeadcat icewm, fluxbox, xfce4 which one better?
06:44.49eXa_bOyi was running the server on a different machine. hosted 8 people on my cable connection. it was gread
06:44.49GuerinAM|R: badgerbox
06:45.02AM|RGuerin badgerbox?
06:45.07peterSAM|R: it's a #debian joke
06:45.08eXa_bOythe server runs in dedicated mode so you cant play ON the same machine as the server is running.
06:45.13GuerinAM|R: best windowmanager evar
06:45.16deadcatAM|R: try them all. i cant say which is better (=
06:45.20TwistedPBookAM|R: preference...
06:45.21liablei shouldnt laugh, but that was quite funny.. :)
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06:45.36peterSGuerin: strange that 'apt-cache search badger' has nothing.  someone needs to get busy here
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06:45.55deadcatyou guys have bad bager jokes.
06:46.02GuerinpeterS: the snakes have sabotaged it
06:46.05deadcatbad as in suck. not badass
06:46.16Guerindeadcat: by definition
06:46.18peterSGuerin: 'apt-cache search snaaaake' shows nothing either though
06:46.22Guerindeadcat: we put the BAD in BADger
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06:46.41TwistedPBookYup.. it's Sunday ;)
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06:47.01dakishihow do i change my default booter from Grub to Lilo__
06:47.02peterSTwistedPBook: yeah sometimes even Guerin and I indulge in a bit of sundayism
06:47.05eXa_bOywhats the time in the US? has the football started?
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06:47.11deadcatdakishi: install lilo
06:47.20dakishideadcat, already did
06:47.22GuerineXa_bOy: it's the middle of the night
06:47.23peterSeXa_bOy: anything between 23:47 and 2:47 in the main part of the uS
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06:47.25deadcateXa_bOy: check online
06:47.34TwistedPBookpeterS: ;) Enjoy.. I'm not one to judge...
06:47.36eXa_bOyyou are online :P
06:47.38dakishideadcat, but grub still activem i tried to run /sbin/lilo but it wont ipen
06:47.44deadcatdakishi: run lilo maybe.
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06:47.53marc7is there any way to easily pull exim4 off a debian base installation if I'm trying to install qmail or postfix instead?
06:47.53peterSdakishi: you can just remove grub and install lilo and that should be that
06:47.57liabledakishi: why are you doing this?
06:48.07peterSmarc7: aptitude install postfix exim4-
06:48.17peterSmarc7: the trailing "-" means remove instead of install
06:48.19dakishiliable, wanna add another splash look, and it told i need lilo to do so
06:48.20eXa_bOyits 4:47 PM Sunday here... work tomorrow :(..... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
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06:48.29GuerinpeterS: unnecessary
06:48.32peterSmarc7: installing postfix and removing exim4 at the same time avoids warnings / errors about not having a MTA on the system
06:48.48GuerinpeterS: just apt-get install postfix; should work
06:48.51Guerinwithout errors
06:48.55deadcateXa_bOy: thats nothing. i have a huge paper due next week.
06:48.58liableyou dont even get a warning last time i removed exim..
06:49.05peterSGuerin: yeah I s'pose
06:49.28liableunless my memory fails me, which is often..
06:49.32peterSmarc7: as for qmail you're kind of on your own, debian can't ship qmail because its author doesn't want us to be able to modify it
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06:49.44TwistedPBookliable: run mem check...
06:49.56marc7*nod* i'm trying to pull exim4 off the system and not have debian freak out
06:50.10marc7slowly, slowly making the move to postfix
06:50.16RoundQubewho cares about qmail
06:50.19RoundQubeuse postfix =)
06:50.29marc7RoundQube: people who already have fairly large qmail installations
06:50.46RoundQubethey should migrate to postfix
06:51.04peterSRoundQube: yeah, well, *not* doing something is easier than *doing* something.  if you pay them for the sysadmin time I'm sure they'll consider migrating
06:51.07Varangercan I instal Debian to a system via ssh ?
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06:51.17marc7yeah, we should. throw 3000 accounts into the mix using a qmail patch (vmailmgr) and it doesn't become as easy to switch over
06:51.19peterSVaranger: yes, if you know what you're doing
06:51.24Guerinmarc7: you can use equivs to make a fake m-t-a package to trick debian into thinking it's still installed.
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06:51.41peterSVaranger: obviously you need to get an ssh server on your machine *somehow*, before you can do anything with it - that normally means already having another linux system on the machine, running
06:51.42TwistedPBookVaranger: but it's perferable to have someone there...
06:51.43marc7guerin: gotcha, thanks
06:51.44GuerinVaranger: look into debootstrap. It's quite well documented.
06:52.01*** mode/#debian [+l 356] by debhelper
06:52.07dpkgDebian Takeover, the next phase of Debian World Domination, is a script that will substitute Debian for any running GNU/Linux distribution available at You too can banish metoo, dead rat, crackware, mandribble and Sue.M.E. to the bit bin.
06:52.08VarangerGuerin: debootstrap, thank!
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06:52.28RoundQubedoes make-kpkg target kernel_image also install the kernel and modules or do i need to have target modules_image as well and install that with dpkg -i ?
06:52.37peterSVaranger: see debtakeover, another alternative, described by <dpkg> above
06:52.37eXa_bOypeterS : ive just got a new 40 Gig harddrive :) hopefully mysql-server will play-ball
06:53.20TwistedPBookdebtakeover sounds badass..
06:53.22liableRoundQube: just kernel_image does everyhing you need. then yes, dpkg -i the package
06:53.31AM|R-hi im installing fluxbox... how can i make it default when im startc
06:53.37RoundQubeliable: thanks
06:53.38AM|R-hi im installing fluxbox... how can i make it default when im startx
06:53.48peterSTwistedPBook: dunno if it works as well in practice as in theory, since I haven't used it
06:53.48streunerAM|R: /msg dpkg xsession
06:53.51RoundQubeAM|R-: askig once is enough
06:54.00RoundQubeliable: thanks
06:54.11streunerAM|R: put 'exec fluxbox' into ~/.xsession
06:54.16VarangerpeterS: Debian Takeover, the next phase of Debian World Domination, is a script that will substitute Debian for any running GNU/Linux distribution available at You too can banish metoo, dead rat, crackware, mandribble and Sue.M.E. to the bit bin.
06:54.47VarangerI wonder what is metoo, dead rat, crackware, mandribble and Sue.M.E ..... ;)
06:54.48TwistedPBookpeterS: just sounds good though doesnt it... like a malicious trojan that enlightens people... wherever idiots roam... debian takeover will educate.
06:54.58deadcatAM|R-: therees a startfluxbox script
06:55.03peterSVaranger: doesn't matter what they mean, you'll be replacing them with debian
06:55.22peterSTwistedPBook: the win32 port has never been done though
06:55.35Varangerdebtakeover and debootstrap
06:55.41Varangerthey both are what I want!
06:56.04TwistedPBookVaranger: #heaven and #debian are interchangeable
06:56.09ke6isfOK, I'm in base-config in sarge netinst, but if I try to kill -HUP the base-config process, base-config restarts.  How do I tell base-config to *not* restart, so that I can just manually restore everything?
06:56.20TwistedPBookexpect people in #debian cant spell... ;( Like me.
06:56.33peterSke6isf: I'm guessing kill -TERM rather than -HUP
06:56.40GuerinVaranger: debtakeover would be easier - if it works. But I'd be cagey about how pure a debian system it would result in. Debootstrap is much more work, and would require much more reading of documentation, but will result in a proper debian box with no fuckups.
06:57.02ke6isfpeterS: I'm presuming that -KILL, -9, etc. will hopefully have similar effects if TERM fails me.  Thanks again.
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06:57.22VarangerGuerin: I'll check for them tomorrow morning
06:57.27Varangerit's 1:00 am here ;)
06:57.34peterSke6isf: actually not necessarily.  if it's being launched from init, as I think it is the first time you install, it won't matter
06:57.51peterSVaranger: oh you're in that time zone 57 minutes behind mine.  cool.
06:58.36VarangerpeterS: where are you from?
06:58.44peterSVaranger: 'host -t loc'
06:59.03nvzgeez who would pay over $80 for a Priacy Filter Screen overlay for their laptop.. just so they can sit and look at pr0n without anyone else seeing
06:59.18Guerinnvz: heh
06:59.24deadcatnvz: me. i pay
06:59.31peterSnvz: yeah just buy a laptop with a crappy display and you can't see it from more than a few degrees off center anyway
06:59.44peterSnvz: so like the privacy screen, whatever that is, probably just duplicates the effect of old tech
06:59.44eXa_bOynvz are you going to ask for a refund?
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07:00.04VarangerpeterS: last question... which libdvdcss is better? marillat's or videolan's ??
07:00.15nvzI didnt buy it I just seen it on pricewatch
07:00.17TwistedPBooknvz: does porn come WITH it? if yes then yes.
07:00.24peterSVaranger: I have no idea.  they're probably functionally identical.  it's not a difficult package to put together, really
07:00.34eXa_bOypron is free these days.
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07:00.57Guerineverything is free
07:00.58peterSTwistedPBook: yeah free porn is so hard to find on the net.  step 1, disable popup blocking, step 2, click on a few random web sites
07:00.59deadcatTwistedPBook: hehe
07:01.04Guerinsome things are just more free than others
07:01.06TwistedPBookeXa_bOy: yeah okay asshole... I lose my virigity on camera and it's FREE huh?
07:01.09nvzI just killed me some kind of beetle. I dont know why those things are so hard to kill I had to apply like 10lbs or more of pressure before I heard his body crunch
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07:01.20GuerinTwistedPBook: i think it'd have to be
07:01.24TwistedPBookpeterS: hahahaha
07:01.42TwistedPBookGuerin: that was MEAN.. and halarious
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07:02.27ke6isfbleah, even rebooting won't do it.  I'll just walk through it to the end and undo the cruft.
07:02.54TwistedPBooknvz: use a 10lb object then you only need one pound of force... #physics
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07:03.06peterSke6isf: yeah, that or if you really want to give yourself more headaches you can edit /etc/inittab to remove that line and add the right getty lines and so forth, then kill it
07:03.12peterSke6isf: (well, then kill -HUP 1, then kill it)
07:03.15nvzTwistedPBook: I used my fingers and I had to squeeze the hell out of that bug
07:03.42pacmaninit kills things for you if you remove their inittab lines and HUP init. It won't leave any "extras" running
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07:04.12TwistedPBooknvz: I worry about you... why are you squeezing bugs anyways... does this have anything to do with privacy screens and pron?
07:04.32pacmannvz: this is why most people have dictionaries. (if they had dictionaries for any reason that involves ever OPENING them, they wouldn't ask so many dumb questions here!)
07:04.35nvzTwistedPBook: no has to do with not liking bugs
07:05.25nvzI am thinkin again about buying a Zaurus is where my search has led me so far though I am having the same problem as the last time I tried to buy a zaurus like 2 years ago.. I cant find one
07:05.42Guerinnvz: ebay
07:05.56nvzyou go to their website and they got every imaginable spec about the Zaurus SL-6000 or whatever, and nothing about actually buying one
07:05.58ke6isfpeterS: Hey, it was either this, or I fart around with partitioning the new disk, copying the old install from a dying disk, and set up grub.  This seems easier. =^_^=
07:06.00TwistedPBookErrr.. one of those mystical flying creatures?
07:06.12TwistedPBookI got one for sale...
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07:06.33nvzebay gives me an idea. maybe I can buy some old obsolete portable pc for what I need. :P
07:06.47TwistedPBookohh a PDA.
07:06.53peterSnvz: umm, didn't someone suggest that like 2 hours ago and you said you hated laptops?
07:07.03nvzI dont want a laptop
07:07.12peterSyou want some other kind of 'portable pc'?
07:07.18Guerinhe wants a subnotebook
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07:08.00peterSGuerin: and here I was thinking like the Osborne 1
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07:08.09peterScomplete with its builtin CRT
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07:08.23Guerindid you get a trolley to port it around?
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07:08.31peterSway back before LCDs could cut the mustard
07:08.33nvzI want essentially a TI-83 or an HP 48gII,49g+  only with an RTC
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07:08.56nvzall I really need is something I can write simple programs that take input and produce output on the go.
07:09.11peterSnvz: you can buy a digital watch at like Dollar General, tape it to the bottom of the calculator
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07:09.40nvzyeah then I have to manually insert time data into my program instead of it timestamping the data
07:10.01peterSwell yeah, you do need a watch with infrared beaming capabilities
07:10.03peterSthose might be harder to find
07:10.04TwistedPBooknvz: there is no RTC accessory?
07:10.15nvzthe PalmPCs keep time but have no devel software and the only reference I found to programming them outside the Palm is with MS VB and that is not cool
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07:10.39Guerinzaurus does sound like the plan
07:10.41peterSTwistedPBook: seriously, a digital watch costs well under $1 to produce, including the strap, battery and case.  you'd think some calculator would come with that technology
07:10.42TwistedPBookI know poeple use those things for shit like GPS and all that.. figure the probably make something does it..
07:10.46Guerinthey're cheap, and they run debian
07:10.53nvzyes the Zarus being the cheap linux solution
07:11.00nvzZaurus even
07:11.16TwistedPBookpeterS: wait... what about those watches with the calculators ON THEM?
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07:11.33peterSTwistedPBook: haha.  the 80s called, they want you back
07:11.45pacmanI remember my HP48 having a clock...
07:12.03TwistedPBookpeterS: Screw them.. they left me in the first place. I thought it was true love too.
07:12.16nvzsure doesnt mention it on the site. I spent a good half hour going over the specs of their graphing calculators
07:12.18Guerinthe 80s never loved anyone
07:12.20pacmanI had 2 of those calculator watches... broke the strap on both of them.
07:12.23peterSTwistedPBook: if you were born before 1990 you're older than a scary number of people around here
07:12.27Guerinand only misguided people love the 80s
07:12.41nvzin any case the graphing calculators are pretty expensive for just being a calculator
07:12.46GuerinpeterS: ain't that the truth
07:12.48TwistedPBook90? wow.. that's 15
07:12.52TwistedPBookthats preety old
07:13.00TwistedPBookfuck.. I feel old..
07:13.03*** join/#debian AkweitIyZF (n=uuieouii@
07:13.03peterSTwistedPBook: yeah, you'd be surprised how many people in places like this are under 16
07:13.14GuerinpeterS: intellectually or otherwise
07:13.16peterSTwistedPBook: or maybe you wouldn't, on Sundays
07:13.20TwistedPBookI agree ;(
07:13.49peterShello, spammer oifxiWX
07:13.55*** part/#debian HoEaTPin (n=uuieouii@
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07:14.09*** part/#debian HoEaTPin (n=uuieouii@
07:14.11*** join/#debian Skiver (n=DebianLi@
07:14.28*** join/#debian streuner_ (
07:14.35pacmanbored bored bored...
07:14.39peterSTwistedPBook: the pattern is easy to recognise if you look at the username mask, in this case "uuieouii".  way too many vowels, no sense to it.  it's a spambot.
07:14.39Guerinthat's not fair
07:14.55Guerinyou can't call something an idiot just because it's 15 lines of visual basic
07:15.07*** join/#debian Shorty` (
07:15.26ke6isfHmm, this is going to take a little time.
07:15.28darkness_I know this is highly irregular but i need to install irssi with just access to a shell.Can i use wget or something?
07:15.42VarangerCan hdparm be run with CDROM drives or just HD drivers?
07:15.45Guerindarkness_: no apt-get? why not?
07:15.50GuerinVaranger: both
07:16.03TwistedPBookwhat's highly irregular about that?
07:16.07*** join/#debian helix (n=e@unaffiliated/helix)
07:16.19GuerinTwistedPBook: he doesn't have root and is trying to install things against his admin's wishes
07:16.28VarangerGuerin: and Serial ATA HD drives?
07:16.35peterSVaranger: most of the options won't do much for CDs though
07:16.35GuerinVaranger: dunno about sata.
07:16.38*** join/#debian CWX_19^_^ (n=dona@
07:16.41darkness_Guerin.becasue it's on a bsd platform.But i thought some of you guys would know.I've asked in other rooms but no good?
07:16.46Guerindarkness_: wtf
07:16.56Guerindarkness_: ask in #whateverbsd
07:16.59pacmanbah! experienced users maintaining a ~/bin is a fine unix tradition.
07:17.08Guerindarkness_: or simply follow the instructions on
07:17.17GuerinpeterS: oh, sure. It's there for a reason.
07:17.19TwistedPBookdarkness_: do you have root access?
07:17.19pacmanno reason to treat it as an insult to the admin
07:17.27Guerinpacman: oh, sure. It's there for a reason.
07:17.44VarangerpeterS / Guerin : my problem is that the video on the DVD I am watching it's has a lot of "jumps", especially in fast scenes... how can I do?
07:17.51Guerinpacman: but attendant to that is that you shouldn't have to ask how to do it, let alone if it's possible.
07:18.00Skiverhi, i wonder if i can disable the MTA on my debian box, during the bootup sequence, it takes too long to startup exim4. any idea how to disable or shorten the loading time ?
07:18.03*** join/#debian case^deb (
07:18.05darkness_Twisted__No_colour_blindness:-)  I don't have root.
07:18.08EdLindarkness_: just because they don't know the answer to your problem elsewhere doesn't mean you have the right to bug us about it.
07:18.13case^debokay I fixed it
07:18.19case^debI am happy
07:18.20valdynVaranger: ...and you think that is b/c of your slow dvd drive?
07:18.21GuerinSkiver: dpkg-reconfigure exim4-config, tell it to only look up dns on demand
07:18.32peterSVaranger: try 'cat /proc/ide/your_chipset_type' to see whether it's using a proper UDMA mode for your cdrom drive
07:18.38TwistedPBookdarkness_: then stop trying to hack around and go get a job.
07:18.45case^debI just need to ping the URL and get the translation from that
07:18.49GuerinSkiver: or, if you don't need a full-featured mta, install something which doesnm't make that check, such as ssmtp
07:18.50case^debthen connect
07:18.52peterSVaranger: where your_chipset_type will be some filename derived in some loose way from your IDE chipset name
07:18.59*** join/#debian faked (
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07:19.39darkness_TwistedPBook: I deserved that i guess.BTW don't pull the go get a job one i've just worked 60hours this week.
07:19.40*** part/#debian iuFeW (n=uuieouii@
07:19.42Varangervaldyn: I don't think it is because my slow dvd drive... it works pretty well in other OS I won't mention
07:19.55*** join/#debian oEizwu (n=uuieouii@
07:20.02TwistedPBookdarkness_: then go get the admin
07:20.04*** part/#debian oEizwu (n=uuieouii@
07:20.10peterSwho was it was asking a few hours ago why this channel is still only half full?  here's the answer - one of our *ops* didn't even notice for a day or so that her client had been kicked off the channel
07:20.20nvzsure doesnt mention having an RTC, though it does say the HP calculators have an ARM9 in them. so they probably have at least a timer
07:20.21SkiverGuerin : thanks for answering. i did that config, it has no option like dns on demand.
07:20.28Guerindarkness_: it's easily enough done if the box has all the right tools and libs on it
07:20.31GuerinSkiver: sure it does.
07:20.31valdynVaranger: try mplayer -vo xv -cache 8192 dvd://
07:20.44peterSnvz: yeah those were some bad machines, for their day.  dunno if their day is still here
07:20.44TwistedPBookwhbat is that bot doing?
07:21.04Guerindarkness_: has it documented; ask in #youros or #irssi if you have problems - just not in here
07:21.24nvzpeterS: I've had people say they are better than the TI calculators
07:21.26peterSTwistedPBook: collecting a list of nicks joined to the channel.  then it'll spam them with links to porn sites
07:21.45TwistedPBookohh.. I thought it was a bad thing.
07:21.50*** join/#debian bibe (n=bibe@
07:22.13EdLin!moron TwistedPBook
07:22.14dpkgTwistedPBook: You are moron #83
07:22.19peterSTwistedPBook: this is an evolutionary step forward from the days when they'd just join the channel and spam us all publicly.  the irc operators learned to detect and kill them in short order back when they were doing it that way
07:22.20ke6isfTwistedPBook: It is, but you can always ask dpkg about 'spambots' for how to stop the spammage.
07:22.30nvzI've programmed scheduling apps on the TI before but since it has no RTC I had to calibrate a delay loop and suffer clock drift not to mention had to leave it on and running a program loop all the time for it to work
07:22.45Guerinke6isf: no ... he wants all the weak, low-grade porn he can get
07:22.58ke6isfGuerin: Oh.
07:23.05TwistedPBookLOW grade
07:23.12*** join/#debian iuLchjaTa (n=uuieouii@
07:23.13peterSlike below the belt?
07:23.16servusLike sheep?
07:23.16TwistedPBookand cheap too..
07:23.19nvzI'd like whatever I use to be able to function without being on 9 hours straight. I only need to get data from or put data into my program every 15min or so.. maybe less
07:23.19peterSoh look, it's back
07:23.22*** part/#debian iuLchjaTa (n=uuieouii@
07:23.38TwistedPBookthat name sounded spanish...
07:23.48ke6isfTwistedPBook: Man, that has about as much taste as a styrofoam sandwich.
07:23.51*** join/#debian ouuieiiuo (n=uuieouii@
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07:24.05peterS!ops ban please
07:24.07dpkgHydroxide, bob2, caphuso, dondelelcaro, doogie, eeyore-, ElectricElf, greycat, helix, ljlane, LoRez, RichiH, mentor, Netsnipe, TML, walters, xk, gravity: ban please
07:24.13peterSfor it annoyeth me
07:24.24peterSits comings and goings are amusing no longer
07:24.27*** mode/#debian [+o helix] by ChanServ
07:24.27Guerin!tell peterS about nospambot
07:24.29*** join/#debian Alpha1 (
07:24.33ke6isfpeterS: You ain't just whistling dixie, pardner.
07:24.34VarangerpeterS: there is a file /proc/ide/ide0/hda/settings
07:24.39*** mode/#debian [+b *!*@] by helix
07:24.47*** mode/#debian [-o helix] by helix
07:24.51VarangerHow can I know if the setting are correct?
07:24.52Guerin!prize helix
07:24.52ke6isf!beer helix
07:24.56helixyay I win
07:24.59peterSGuerin: yeah, the author of that script should be, I dunno, shot or something
07:25.01Guerintwo beers!
07:25.05ke6isfwow, two beers in a go!
07:25.10helixand I don't even drink!
07:25.12GuerinpeterS: nono, works fine. You should use it.
07:25.15TwistedPBookwhy dont we just ban *!*@*!*?
07:25.15Alpha1synaptic thinks I only have 14 packages installed, while infact I have a squillion - so update-menus isn't working :(
07:25.17peterShelix: good thing you joined that channel only a day or so after getting kicked off
07:25.20TwistedPBookthen no more bots.
07:25.27Alpha1how do I rebuild the library of all the packages I have installed?
07:25.29ke6isf!pal TwistedPBook
07:25.29GuerinTwistedPBook: why don't we just nuke china?
07:25.38peterSGuerin: maybe I should use it with something other than the default settings
07:25.38helixyeah, fucking haters
07:25.43*** join/#debian uieooPk (n=jiuaoeej@
07:25.48TwistedPBookGuerin: I dont know?
07:25.49caphusonvz: you can do that with an HP-48G. set up an alarm and let it run whatever function you want
07:25.52*** part/#debian uieooPk (n=jiuaoeej@
07:25.53ke6isfWell, that didn't last long.
07:25.55peterSoh look, uieoopk is back
07:25.55GuerinTwistedPBook: clearly not.
07:25.56*** join/#debian glutinous (
07:25.56nvzthis Zaurus SL-C3000 looks really cool but I am not willing to pay over $500 for it.
07:25.59*** join/#debian batlogg (i=batlogg@unaffiliated/batlogg)
07:26.06TwistedPBookGuerin: Cheap products?
07:26.15dakishito update kde 3.3 to 3.4 do i need to get kde base setup?? or what file name ?? cause i see multiples package making me doubt with one to download
07:26.16*** join/#debian HoEWuooA (n=jiuaoeej@
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07:26.21GuerinTwistedPBook: there are a few more important reasons I can think of.
07:26.23helixpeterS: I have the staff /ignored so I didn't know when it was safe to return
07:26.40Guerindakishi: what branch of debian?
07:26.41TwistedPBookGuerin: Not according to Bush's theories....
07:26.47peterSyou have staff /ignored?  what like all freenode staff?
07:26.49nvzcaphuso: the 48gII and 49g+ are the only ones I found on and they didnt mention that in the specs
07:26.49*** join/#debian HoEWuooA (n=jiuaoeej@
07:27.02peterSbye, HoEWuooA
07:27.06liableget 'im
07:27.10*** mode/#debian [+o helix] by ChanServ
07:27.12dakishiGuerin, what you mean with "Branch", version???, debian sarge 3.1
07:27.19*** mode/#debian [+b *!*@] by helix
07:27.23*** part/#debian mPaai (n=jiuaoeej@
07:27.29pacmanthat does it. I have to try to find my HP48 now.
07:27.30*** mode/#debian [-o helix] by helix
07:27.33nvzthe 49g+ has an SD slot which is cool especially since its the same memory my Mp3 player uses
07:27.39ke6isf!coffee helix
07:27.40helixpeterS: for notices and stuff, yeah
07:27.41Varangernvz: I have a 48gx, I wonder if they still are sold
07:27.46VarangerThey are from 1993
07:27.49peterShelix: you should tell the staff to adapt the spammerkiller script to catch these dudes.  they use very predictable usernames (:
07:27.50helixke6isf: maybe just water or juice? I don't drink coffee either :)
07:27.56dpkgwater is, like, a good drink, if you're poor...
07:28.01ke6isf!water helix
07:28.13Varanger!beer Varanger
07:28.16Guerindakishi: ok, that's what I wanted to know. Sarge doesn't have kde 3.4 - you can find a backport, or you can upgrade your machine to a more recent branch
07:28.19Guerinbut I think 3.4 is only in unstable, so it's unwise
07:28.20peterSactually she does drink kawfee, I think
07:28.22TwistedPBook!coolaid TwistedPBook
07:28.23ke6isfMethinks we should revamp the water factoid. =^_^=
07:28.35TwistedPBooknow that's a poor mans drink.
07:28.40Alpha1so.. *cough*
07:28.42helixpeterS: I should smite you for the implications in that statement
07:28.45dakishiGuerin, how can i get that backport??, google, or how??
07:28.52nvzVaranger: no idea. I am looking for a reasonably cheap portable device with RTC and/or Timer that I can program on. Perform basic calculations and scheduling at work.
07:28.52caphusonvz: the HP-49G has also a history of sucking badly
07:28.52peterShelix: I suppose you should
07:29.11nvzcaphuso: heh, ty for that short and sweet review :P
07:29.12Guerindakishi: try or - at your own risk, don't bother us about it if it breaks your shit or eats your cat.
07:29.27helixpeterS: I think I will try to get my usb working instead
07:29.42*** join/#debian CoffeeBreaks (
07:29.43peterSget usb working?
07:29.48dakishiGuerin, okey i asume all risk
07:29.56dakishithank you
07:29.58CoffeeBreakshi I think someone hacked my debian sarge server
07:30.00helixyes, it's not working
07:30.08ke6isfCoffeeBreaks: Sucks to be you.
07:30.09nvzI really dont want to buy off ebay one because I dont really have a credit card anymore, and also because I hate being teased when I need something. I
07:30.11Guerindakishi: if you find one which works, come and tell dpkg about it
07:30.26peterShelix: never known usb to be more than a matter of loading the right few modules.  well, except with old or broken kernels
07:30.29nvz_do_ need some kind of hardware and I am willing to pay for it.. I dont need to play games trying to get it
07:30.43GuerinCoffeeBreaks: what makes you think so?
07:30.47nvzthe price is important to me I am not willing to haggle on ebay
07:30.51SkiverGuerin : after setting "keep dns lookup at minimal", it's still unacceptable long. Would it be bad if i uninstall exim4 ?
07:30.54TwistedPBookGuerin: ehehe... wake up neighbors wife too
07:30.55helixpeterS: yeah, that's what I thought
07:30.59helixnforce is teh hate, apparently
07:31.06CoffeeBreaksI wasn't able to start apache again after upgrading it
07:31.09GuerinSkiver: what do you use your mailserver for on that machine?
07:31.15GuerinTwistedPBook: ...
07:31.16peterShelix: nforce doesn't just use uhci-hcd / ehci-hcd like everyone else?
07:31.19*** join/#debian gu (
07:31.23CoffeeBreaksthen I do lsof -i tcp:80
07:31.26helixbut gphoto's not picking up on my usbness
07:31.34CoffeeBreaksand find perl    14963 www-data    3u  IPv6   3617       TCP *:www (LISTEN)
07:31.44peterShelix: does lsusb pick up your ports?
07:31.49peterS(and your camera)
07:31.51ke6isfCoffeeBreaks: What is that pastebin from?
07:31.58GuerinCoffeeBreaks: netstat -plaunt |grep :80
07:32.01*** mode/#debian [+l 362] by debhelper
07:32.03CoffeeBreakscat /proc/14963/cmdline gives /usr/local/apache/bin/smb -start
07:32.04peterSI mean, gphoto could fail for unrelated reasons, one never knows
07:32.06helixpeterS: lsusb lists non-descript things
07:32.08SkiverGuerin : nothing, purely a desktop here. I think some messages are sent to ROOT sometimes, only.
07:32.12GuerinCoffeeBreaks: investigate the pid
07:32.16peterSdescribe the non-descript
07:32.16helixpeterS: well, it claims to be failing because there is no usb device
07:32.18CoffeeBreakslook up
07:32.24GuerinSkiver: ok. ssmtp should do what you need.
07:32.27helixpeterS: Bus 001 Device 001: ID 0000:0000
07:32.39GuerinSkiver: apt-get install ssmtp; should do it
07:32.39peterShelix: right, that's a root hub, i.e., ports built in to the motherboard
07:32.43GuerinCoffeeBreaks: so investigate
07:32.45CoffeeBreaksthen I searched the /var/log/apache2/error.log
07:32.57helixperhaps I should do the obvious thing and make absolutely sure that my cable is definitely plugged in
07:33.00peterSit doesn't see other devices though?  I mean besides the 0000:0000 hubs
07:33.03CoffeeBreaksand found this strange 'download' by the time the process was started...
07:33.11peterShelix: and you have both uhci-hcd and ehci-hcd loaded?
07:33.13helixpeterS: it doesn't appear to pick up any usb events when I plug / unplug
07:33.16helixI think so
07:33.17CoffeeBreaksdownload that apache2 has no business doing
07:33.23peterS'cause you do need both
07:33.26helixyes, I do
07:33.33helixisn't uhci just for 1.1?
07:33.40peterSyes, and ehci is just for 2.0
07:33.43GuerinCoffeeBreaks: nuke your machine and restore from backups once you're done investigating
07:33.43ke6isf!tell CoffeeBreaks -about enter
07:33.50peterSso unless you're sure about which one your device will want to use, you'd best have both
07:33.55helixthen in theory you don't need both if your'e sticking to one protocol or the other?
07:34.00SkiverGuerin : it's going to remove mysql-server, i need that for php projects.
07:34.00helixor you're
07:34.10helixin any case, I have both
07:34.10nvzI've been interested in the Zaurus for years but everytime I think I've found one for sale they are gone. TigerDirect had them listed a few years ago and I was on the phone with credit card in hand and they didnt have any more
07:34.11peterShelix: well, if you know your devices will negotiate the right one, the one you picked  no events and lsusb doesn't see anything other than hubs?
07:34.29GuerinSkiver: mysql-server should work fine with ssmtp - you might have to reinstall it after
07:34.40Varangerwhich is better pio mode or dma mode?
07:34.45GuerinVaranger: dma
07:34.45peterSand does dmesg show any whining at any time during this process?
07:34.46Alpha1is there an easy way to rebuild the package database?
07:34.50GuerinVaranger: if you hardware supports it
07:34.51helixbob2 says I may have to boot with noapic or nolapic
07:34.57GuerinAlpha1: dselect update
07:34.59caphusonvz: chapter 25 in the user's guide available at
07:35.00helixpeterS: no, dmesg indicates things are going swimmingly
07:35.01nvzApEtc: apt-get update?
07:35.03helixbesides the lack of events
07:35.06Alpha1ta Gurein
07:35.15VarangerGuerin: I have a pretty new hardware (less than 6 months), it must support dma... right?
07:35.20Guerinnp Aplah1
07:35.24peterShelix: eh, lovely.  you'd think if you needed noapic or nolapic the kernel log would indicate problems with irq routing.  but I guess not always.
07:35.27GuerinVaranger: no idea.
07:35.51peterShelix: you *do* have uhci and ehci ports?  here is how to be sure:  lspci -v | awk '/USB/{print $NF}'
07:35.53VarangerGuerin: there is a file /proc/ide/ide0/hda/settings where it says using_dma=0 ... it means it isn't using dma
07:36.01SkiverGuerin : the data in mysql-server will be lost then ?
07:36.02VarangerGuerin: How can I enable it ?
07:36.03GuerinVaranger: use hdparm to set it
07:36.26helixpeterS: [OHCI]) [OHCI]) [EHCI])
07:36.36peterShelix: ohci?  need ohci-hcd then
07:36.43GuerinSkiver: not unless you have told it to purge databases, and do apt-get remove --purge mysql-server
07:36.49peterShelix: dang, I could've sworn nforce was uhci
07:36.54*** part/#debian gu (
07:36.55peterSapparently so could bob2've
07:37.00helixoh there we go
07:37.02helixsort of
07:37.24helixand we have lift off
07:37.25peterSsort of?  like lsusb sees more stuff?
07:37.43peterShelix: ok now tell dpkg to get me a coffee or a beer or some AOL CDs or something
07:37.45helixbut I had something I didn't recognize plugged in
07:37.54helixpeterS: hm. could I just say thank you?
07:38.18peterShmmmm.  yeah, I guess.
07:38.18helixthat's all I planned to do, but if it's not WITTY...
07:38.18SkiverGuerin : ssmtp has broken dependencies =[
07:38.24peterShelix: come to think of it, thanks from a person are kind of nicer than thanks from a bot anyway
07:38.35helixword, go gphoto2, go
07:38.51GuerinSkiver: wtf
07:39.00GuerinSkiver: try nullmailer instead
07:39.02helixpeterS: well, I appreciate all of the "beer" I get; it has such a personal touch to it
07:39.12Guerintey both do much the same thing. Are you running sid?
07:39.33nvzcaphuso: cool. though that machine costs $179 and I have yet to determine if there is something better for less. I still cant find a Zaurus retailer with a solid price and stock. If I am going to buy hardware for over $100 I would prefer to get something I will use more often. I rarely ever used my TI-83+ and it cost around $110 or so.
07:39.35peterShelix: the problem with that, to me, is that I haven't heard of half the brands dpkg pours for people, outside the factoid itself
07:39.50helixI haven't either
07:39.57GuerinpeterS: that's because you're from kansas
07:39.58*** join/#debian dacoc (i=dacoc@
07:40.11Guerinwhere they only have wheat beer and corn beer
07:40.13peterSGuerin: no, it's because I'm anti-beer in general
07:40.13Guerinor somethin'
07:40.21Guerineven worse!
07:40.30*** join/#debian Esaj (
07:40.34peterSGuerin: they have beer festivals here, you can taste hundreds of brews for $20.  I don't go to them.  there was one today actually, IIRC.
07:40.55GuerinpeterS: Midwest Mayhem!
07:41.01SkiverGuerin : same. libc6 and libgcc1 latest version not found.
07:41.05peterSGuerin: I support the right to imbibe in whatever swill one wishes, but I just haven't ever had a sip of beer I could stand, so far
07:41.10chealerpeterS, can we see your geek ID card?
07:41.17GuerinSkiver: why are you mixing branches of debian?
07:41.34helixbecause he wants to start a fire
07:41.41peterSchealer: are you doubting that I belong with that first tier of geeks, then?  I'm not sure I would anyway
07:41.46GuerinpeterS: that passes with time
07:41.52helixreal geeks drink beer?
07:41.59helixis that like real geeks obsess over sci-fi?
07:42.07peterSGuerin: well, that assumes I'd actually want to grow to like beer.  it's one of those things I don't really see the point of doing to myself
07:42.08helixpeterS: you have no stars upon thars
07:42.12GuerinpeterS: dunno ... you did manually work out the lat/long coordinates of your house
07:42.17*** join/#debian concept10 (
07:42.18chealerhelix, bah, that's just nerds
07:42.39concept10Any recommendations on foss ISP control panels?
07:42.42helixchealer: I can think of nothing /less/ geeky than voluntarily killing brain cells
07:42.48Guerinconcept10: /bin/sh
07:42.49peterShelix: true SF nerds never call SF sci-fi.  they actually take offense to that term.  thus SF nerds who wish to be thought of as geeks would object there too
07:42.56chealerpeterS, I'm not sure if there's a tier for geeks like you
07:42.58Guerinconcept10: token luddite response
07:42.59helixdid I offend someone?
07:43.05peterSoh I have no idea
07:43.06EdLinI hate most American name-brand beers, but microbrewery and some foreign beers I think are worth drinking. Of course my beverage of choice is caffeinated soda.
07:43.07peterSI'm just sayin'
07:43.14helixbecause I could, in the future
07:43.18peterSoh please do
07:43.27*** join/#debian ngiiXea (n=opaemcum@
07:43.29*** part/#debian ngiiXea (n=opaemcum@
07:43.30peterSthere's nothing wrong with making SF nerds go off in a huff from time to time
07:43.38GuerinpeterS: agreed!
07:43.42helixthere's nothing very satisfying about it either
07:43.49Guerinno challenge
07:43.53peterSsometimes it makes the room satisfyingly quieter
07:43.53Guerinit's like making goths sad
07:44.03helixpeterS: point
07:44.04peterSand here I'm using 'room' to denote a real life location, not an IRC channel
07:44.06concept10Guerin, that sounds great, tell me more
07:44.08chealerGuerin, it's a good thing you're here
07:44.12peterS...speaking of terminology misuse
07:44.23SkiverGuerin : i don't understand, I have only deb and deb-src in source-list. both unstable. from the beginning until now. what did i mix ?
07:44.28Guerinconcept10: well... what do you want to know?
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07:44.48helixmy pink belt > *
07:45.08peterShelix: what art do they issue pink belts in?
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07:45.16nvzpeterS: fashion
07:45.21GuerinSkiver: if you only have one branch in your sources.list, either a) you wouldn't get libc dependency breakage; or b) said branch is horribly broken.
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07:45.33GuerinSkiver: try update/upgrade, then try again
07:45.37nvzpeterS: at least afaik thats the only one
07:45.40peterSnvz: would a pink belt be able to beat a paisley belt?
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07:45.50helixnvz: you should've said fashism
07:45.51nvzpeterS: I am not zoolander
07:45.59peterShelix: not bad, not bad
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07:46.12helixI could've thought of something better had I been on the ball
07:46.16peterSI struck a magnum-like pose recently.  I'm not sure if anyone I was with caught the joke or not
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07:46.35Nwallinsyou have to say it, i think
07:46.43peterSI'm sure I didn't do it as well as mr. stiller, by a long shot
07:47.00Nwallinsotherwise, people are just like, who does that jerk think he is?
07:47.25peterSit was topical.  I forget the exact context, but 'zoolander' had been mentioned
07:47.59nvzyou overestimate my vocabulary. Even if I knew those words its impolite for a yinzer to sound more educated than the rest of the group. When in rome, do as the romans do. When in da' burg, yinz better talk right innat
07:48.00liablehah, its so ridiculous its funny.
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07:48.42SkiverGuerin : there's no upgrade for months in the repository. it's, is there something wrong ?
07:48.54nvzI ammused even myself earlier when I said "ways" instead of "weighs"
07:49.03peterSsomeone sold me a package of fashion sense in 1991.  unfortunately upstream stopped issuing upgrades right about the same time, so I'm kind of out of date
07:49.05GuerinSkiver: yes. If there's no upgrades, it ain't sid.
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07:49.23nvzI've spent too much time around unsophisticates
07:49.37nvzinsophisticates maybe
07:49.40helixis that a disney movie?
07:49.42SkiverGuerin : can I have a copy of working source-list somewhere ?
07:49.57GuerinSkiver: apt-setup
07:50.02RoundQubehmmm my 7mbit dsl speed is now getting about 0.5mbit down after i changed isp's but isp's dont control that speed so im wondering what is up
07:50.11ke6isfSkiver: Use 'apt-setup' and make your own.
07:50.19helixSkiver: are you french?
07:50.19peterSnvz: 'unsophisticates', yeah.  though I'm not sure if people ever use that as a noun, particularly
07:50.32peterSRoundQube: you didn't tell us what is up.  you told us what was down.
07:50.55RoundQubepeterS: my up is 896K, down is 7mbit but my actual up i haven't tested
07:51.04RoundQube896Kbit, rather
07:51.34peterSthey couldn't give you that last 4 kbit, could they, and called it 900 kbit
07:51.46RoundQube896 is a power of 2
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07:51.53servusIt is
07:51.53peterSno it's not
07:51.54VarangerRoundQube: what is you average download speed?
07:52.09servus512 * 2 = 896. I've been wrong all these years!
07:52.16RoundQubeVaranger: avg is 0.5mbit but it was much faster with my last isp
07:52.34helixpeterS: but there's an 8 in the front and a 6 on the end!
07:52.36Varangerin bytes/seconds?
07:52.46peterShelix: right so it's an Intel chip
07:52.58helixpeople who monitor upload and download speed are of questionable coolness
07:52.58peterSprecursor to the 8086, presumably
07:53.00ke6isfRoundQube: In what base is it a power of two?
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07:53.23RoundQubenot power of two, but power's of 2 rather
07:53.33ke6isf!tell RoundQube about apostrophe
07:53.34helixit's like a knife through my heart
07:53.36Alpha1synaptic is reporting that I only have 14 packages installed, while infact I have squillions :(
07:53.39RoundQubein any case, there is no 900Kbit
07:53.44Alpha1dselect update didn't fix it :(
07:53.47servusIt's 896 * 2^0!
07:54.03Alpha1time for a reinstall?
07:54.05peterSRoundQube: you could say it's 7/8 of 1024, but that's the best you can do
07:54.06Varangersee you
07:54.12Skiverhelix : no i'm chinese.
07:54.19VarangerpeterS: I am leaving now... thank you
07:54.19helixoh man
07:54.23helixthat brings back so many bad memories
07:54.37peterSVaranger: no problem
07:54.37RoundQubejust wondering what happenned to the speed
07:54.41helixSkiver: do you ever fly china eastern airlines?
07:54.56RoundQubei know for a fact the isp does not throttle bandwidth
07:54.57nkuttlerAlpha1: what did you do? how about aptitude, how many packages does it show?
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07:55.29Skiverhelix : i'm chinese but my nationality is malaysian. if you can understand that. China is not my country.
07:55.34Alpha1mkuttler: well dpkg -l only showed 14 too
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07:55.41Alpha1this is after I installed lilo-conf
07:55.44helixSkiver: ah, I see. I can understand that :)
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07:55.56helixis malasia the one with the curly language?
07:56.02helixmalaysia too
07:56.28peterScurly language?
07:56.45nkuttlerAlpha1: well, you could apt-get install --reinstall all packages you find in /usr/share/doc/ or something similar, but a fresh reinstall would probably be better
07:56.46CoffeeBreaksfor the curious contains all the groovy details of the script that was installed on my server. The server is off now. I am now on the #channel of those bastards. There are other computers there that have been hacked.
07:56.55pacmanwoop woop woop! nyuk nyuk.
07:56.57nvzWhats a GBP is that british currency?
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07:57.10peterSnvz: great britain pounds
07:57.10Skiverhe means funny pronounciations i guess.
07:57.20helixSkiver: no, I mean orthography
07:57.33helixI *think* some language used in malaysia has very curly letters and stuff
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07:57.35helixbut I'm not sure
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07:57.53Skiveryes, that's jawi.
07:58.01pacmanwell, we do have cursive writing in English too.
07:58.11Skivermost of us don't know it nowadays.
07:58.13helixah jawi
07:58.14peterSthere are curly letters in a lot of writing systems, yeah
07:58.30peterSthai looks kind of curly to me
07:58.31pacmanArabic writing always looks curly to me.
07:58.34Skiverabc is the only common character.
07:58.35RoundQubepeterS: like arabic
07:58.37helixoh maybe thai is what I meant
07:58.41helixjawi isn't looking curly enough
07:59.01peterSwell, really I was thinking devanagari looked curly, but arabic might be more so
07:59.14helixdevanagari isn't very curly to me
07:59.16peterSthe one that's not curly would be hebrew
07:59.18RoundQubebeautiful language
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07:59.55peterSwell, and cyrillic, it's probably less curly than latin
08:00.14peterSif only because lowercase letters don't really have separate forms
08:00.31Alpha1err, I mean *sob*, ta nkuttler
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08:01.23nvzpricewatch must have gone down for maint.
08:01.24EdLinpeterS: Hebrew has a script and a couple of script-like fonts that are somewhat curley.
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08:01.47nvzI am sitting here surfing and next think I know its telling me "Service Unavailable
08:02.02Skiverhelix : how about sanskrit.
08:02.08foozi wonder what the best way to put debian on my motorcycle is
08:02.09peterSSkiver: we covered that, that's devanagari
08:02.12RoundQubenvz: its up for me
08:02.13peterSSkiver: she doesn't think it's curly
08:02.15peterShelix: what does it say?
08:02.28helixwhy are you asking me?
08:02.28RoundQubenvz: im surfing there as well
08:02.31helixI don't read thai
08:02.35nvzRoundQube: hmm just came back.
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08:02.50peterSoh but you should.  it's so curly.
08:02.50nvzRoundQube: must have decided to piss me off just for a minute
08:02.55helixI agree!
08:03.05RoundQubenvz: server should know better than to piss you off
08:03.12peterSI notice that page doesn't trust my browser to have any thai fonts
08:03.21peterSwhich is probably wise, since I probably don't, since I too do not read thai
08:03.37foozthai looks like a mess
08:03.37RoundQubei, however, am still trying to figure out how to get yahoo launchcast working under linux
08:03.41nvzRoundQube: I know I am sitting here shopping.. wtf!
08:03.42Skiveryeah thai letters are curly.
08:03.46RoundQubehacked up and my own hacked up perl scripts dont work for shit
08:03.58peterSif it tried to render actual thai text, I suspect my machine would be a thaibreaker
08:04.00RoundQubenvz: shop on =)
08:04.08nvzI may end up getting a cheap old laptop. this shopping around is making me tired
08:04.21peterSnvz: ha.  after what you said earlier?
08:04.22RoundQubeim waiting for day after thanksgiving to buy a laptop
08:04.32RoundQubejust sit outside best buy for like 4 hours for the sales
08:04.42nvzthis Thinkpad 600E is starting to look really good just cause its on my screen right now
08:04.46Skiverspeaking about thai, do you guys know in some provinces of thailand, they actually have curfew for internet usage.
08:05.00nvzpeterS: I want something with less stress attached to it :P
08:05.03peterSRoundQube: is that one of those days you have to get in line at 4 AM to get into the store before they run out of stock on whatever stupid promotion they'll have?
08:05.17RoundQubepeterS: yup, thats it
08:05.22RoundQubei bought three laptop's last year
08:05.26RoundQubegoing to buy more this year
08:05.29dpkgHow to Use Apostrophes:
08:05.33nvzpeterS: the zaurus for example, while essentially the same thing.. is specifically designed for linux and for being toted around constantly
08:05.42SkiverGuerin : apt-get is upgrading now, guess i shouldn't use synaptic anymore. thanks.
08:05.45RoundQubemy roomate and i have like 6 laptop's between the two of us right now, not to mention other goodies =)
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08:05.58peterSRoundQube: wow, that sounds really useful
08:06.02concept10RoundQube, have you tried streamtuner?
08:06.04X2g'day fellas
08:06.07peterSRoundQube: for those times when 4 of your laptops are on the blink
08:06.08RoundQubepeterS: is it
08:06.13Skiverhi X2.
08:06.13foozzauruses are designed to be expensive :/
08:06.16foozand japanese
08:06.18RoundQubeconcept10: never heard of that, but i will resarch that. Thanks.
08:06.22nvzpeterS: I want something I can walk around at work with and monitor production. in order to do this it needs to keep accurate time, and be flexibly reprogramed on the fly to new things
08:06.44nvzpeterS: in my experience laptops are usually anything but portable.
08:06.49concept10RoundQube, streamtuner is the greatest thing for streaming music, also get streamripper
08:06.54peterSnvz: if this is going to be used on the job, get work to pay for it and then get the best zaurus you can find
08:06.58X2is there a script or something that i can get that could recursevely replace all the _'s in filenames to spaces?
08:06.59nvzthey are usually just piles of junk waiting to happen
08:07.00RoundQubepeterS: some are fast and not so portable and others are portable
08:07.16RoundQubeconcept10: not music, but videos. thats why i use launchcast
08:07.21foozget a libretto
08:07.29servusX2:  apt-get install rename && rename 'y/_/ /' *
08:07.43servusOr s/_/ /
08:07.43peterSX2: find /starting/here -depth -print0 | xargs rename 'y/_/ /'
08:07.45RoundQubeX2: more people replace spaces with _'s
08:07.53peterSservus: with s/// you need a /g
08:07.59servusNot with rename.
08:07.59X2im going back the other way
08:08.04nvzpeterS: they arent going to pay for it. I dont _need_ it for work. I _want_ it.
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08:08.13peterSservus: really?  rename repeats the regex until it stabilizes?  that seems pretty wrong
08:08.15helix"thats" and "laptop's"
08:08.16helixit hurts
08:08.35foozit hurt's
08:08.44helixOMFG IT'S SLOWER
08:08.49servustouch a_b_c.test && rename 'y/_/ /' test && ls *test: a b c.test
08:08.50nvzmy job doesnt require a PC. being a geek and that I have way too much time on my hands at work _I_ require one
08:08.52concept10RoundQube, oh videos... I havent seen a video on launchcast since I switched to linux exclusively, check the mozilla firefox page
08:09.02mhallWhat causes system calls to set errno to EINTR? I'm not particularly clear on all the ways this can happen.
08:09.02peterSservus: yeah that's y///, I said s///
08:09.05foozi miss my thinkpad 600x :(
08:09.17peterSmhall: mainly if you kill() a process while it's in a system call
08:09.20MrHartHi, how come that Konquoror and Firefox are so slow at debian? Should I adjust something in the properties?
08:09.22helixI want an old laptop to server as my firewallz0r
08:09.26servuss/ needs the /g but y/ doesn't.
08:09.28foozhelix, why?
08:09.30RoundQubeconcept10: its that launchcast uses wmv/windows media player exclusively and i've ran into tons of google searches where ppl have similar probs
08:09.30peterSmhall: and the signal is trapped to a signal handler, then the signal handler returns
08:09.31helixbecause a full computer is just too fucking big
08:09.38foozhelix, buy a linksys box. cheaper and more reliable..
08:09.41pacmanpeterS: y/_/ / is not a regexp! it is a transliteration, like tr
08:09.42servusOh whatever.
08:09.48foozhelix, get an NSLU and put linux on it. plug in 2 USB NICs
08:09.49RoundQubebuy a pix 501
08:09.54helixfooz: I'm scared of those
08:09.54nvzhelix: want this HP Vectra VL? heh its pretty small
08:09.58peterSpacman: never said it was a regex, I'm saying s/// is
08:10.12foozi want an NSLU2 :/
08:10.16mhallpeterS: What is the use of knowing this inside the process? I read that they have been not including it in the specs for the more modern calls because it was not helpful to programmers.
08:10.18nvzIt's not been turned on in a while. so I must not need it for anything other than a desk orniment
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08:10.30pacmanmhall: also it depends on whether the syscall is restartable and whether the signal handler has the SA_RESTART flag set on it
08:10.45concept10RoundQube, try with the firefox extension called media player connectivity
08:10.58RoundQubeconcept10: hmm ill look into that as well, thanks
08:11.07peterSmhall: you might want to know because you might want to cancel that long select() or whatever because of some other signal that came in
08:11.30concept10RoundQube, basically it allows you to choose what app launches what media stream
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08:11.42bibehi all. I am looking for gdesklets-0.32 debian package, I need it to avoid weird behaviour of gdesklets shipped with gdesklets-data package (which is 0.32, while sarge ships gdesklets-0.33.1). Are there any site with "old" .debs?
08:11.43foozhelix, put linux on it and teach it to firewall instead of share disks
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08:11.58peterSfooz: the debian armeb port isn't ready for prime time yet, I thought...?
08:12.01mhallpeterS: But... the EINTR only gets set by the select when the handler preempts it, and the select can't cancel itself...
08:12.08foozhow should i know?
08:12.12RoundQubeconcept10: awesome
08:12.15mhallpeterS: So how does EINTR help you cancel the select?
08:12.15foozdistros are for puny little girlie men
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08:12.19peterSfooz: well, you said "put linux on it", that requires the armeb port, no?
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08:12.32foozpeterS, last i checked, linux didn't require debian, no
08:12.34pacmanmhall, how else would you know what to do when select returns?
08:12.41peterSfooz: nah but helix probably does
08:12.52foozwell that's helix's problem
08:12.58peterSmhall: select gets EINTR, it can then use information gleaned from whatever the signal handler left behind to decide what to do about that
08:13.03helixI do require debian
08:13.04pacmansel=select(...);  if(sel==-1 && errno==EINTR) { /* Do some stuff that's appropriate when you get interrupted */ }
08:13.17concept10is it possible to run two web servers on one system, i.e. apache2 and lighttpd?
08:13.23bibethe only way to get those two packages in sync is to install from testing, but binary packages require a libc6 upgrade
08:13.24nvzhelix: roughly 16.5x15.5x5inches Pentium MMX 233mhz 80MB EDO RAM bios says the HD is like 8GB but I think its actually a 20GB IIRC
08:13.28peterShelix: yeah talk to lennert on #d-d about whether the linksys gadget fooz mentioned will run debian armeb
08:13.39helixis lennert one of the armeb people?
08:13.40nkuttlerconcept10: sure, put them on different ports
08:13.42foozi write an /sbin/init while i am booting by toggling it into core with the front panel switches
08:13.45d0uglasconcept10: you betch'ya
08:13.48helixI could probably talk to him about thai as well
08:13.56nvzand it already has debian sarge on it
08:14.05peterShelix: he's belgian / flemish but who knows, he might speak thai
08:14.12helixhe speaks other languages
08:14.15nvzyeah its a 20417MB I checked :P
08:14.20peterShelix: and yeah he's *the* armeb guy, the only one of the shadowy team of armeb porters who has shown us his real name
08:14.24MrHartno one does know this? :-(
08:14.42foozi'm much too lazy/busy to work on anything computer related
08:14.44helixMrHart: knows what?
08:14.47peterSwait ... you know the guy well enough to know he speaks various languages, but you didn't know he's the armeb dude?
08:14.47foozi'm running windows right now
08:14.50MrHarthow come that Konquoror and Firefox are so slow at debian? Should I adjust something in the properties?
08:14.52peterSthis seems a little odd
08:15.02helixpeterS: why? I witnessed a conversation he had about language
08:15.08concept10nkuttler, d0uglas : Okay, I understand using different ports but I do not understand how I go about routing to lighttpd instead of apache
08:15.11helixI haven't witnessed one about armeb, that I recall
08:15.31mhallpacman, peterS: I see now. Thanks.
08:15.36peterSwell, I suppose if you know he's belgian it follows that he probably speaks several languages.  that country isn't big enough for the number of official languages it sports (:
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08:15.40foozpeterS, well e probably speaks english (since you recommended e talk to em) and eir native language, at least..
08:15.50ke6isfMrHart: What makes you think they're slow?  It's running pretty fast for me.
08:15.51mhallAbout ARM, does it come in el and be like MIPS or what?
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08:15.57ke6isfMrHart: At least, Firefox is.
08:15.57peterSmhall: yep
08:15.59pacmanmhall: and select() is rather special in that it _never_ restarts, regardless of the SA_RESTART flag.
08:16.10MrHartIt takes so long till a webpage is loaded
08:16.17peterSmhall: pretty much every modern CPU seems to support both endians in hardware, except x86 and amd64
08:16.18mhallpacman: It'd be somewhat bad if it did wouldn't it?
08:16.27mhallpacman: Seems a bit antithetical to what it's for.
08:16.42ke6isfMrHart: That sounds like  a problem with your connection.
08:16.51nkuttlerconcept10: well that's a completely different issue... read the documentation for your router
08:16.51foozi used to speak english and line noise, but i'm rusty on my line noise
08:16.53pacmanjune has passed out on the keyboard...
08:17.03mhallpeterS: sparc too?
08:17.07mhallpeterS: I know PPC does.
08:17.08foozbut i think that roughyl translates as ... 'a/s/l?'
08:17.11ke6isfpacman: Was going to suggest cats attempting to communicate, but that's a little different.
08:17.14peterSmhall: no, sparc isn't a modern enough design, I guess
08:17.17MrHartok, how can I solve it? (strange Kget works at full speed)
08:17.18mhallpeterS: and how about itanic
08:17.22peterSmhall: it seems like everything designed since then does.
08:17.34peterSmhall: yes, itanium has both.  it was required - Intel needed LE for windows, HP needed BE for HP-uX
08:17.42mhallpeterS: ah makes sense
08:17.49d0uglasfor those sony viaos with the externel video (monitor out/rca out) that you toggle around with the Fn+[whatever] buttons, that toggling is independent of the OS, right? in other words, I can confidently toss debian on one of these windows viaos and that would keep working without any need for additional warez for the video card configging?
08:17.57d0uglasspecifically the rca out
08:18.10concept10nkuttler, I know about portfowarding but believe me this crap router doesnt have any docs on it
08:18.29mhallpeterS: alpha?
08:18.30foozd0uglas, probably at a rudimentary level, but for other than text mode you probably need TV out support in X
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08:18.41nkuttlerconcept10: google it
08:18.43peterSmhall: no, alpha is only LE
08:18.44peterSmhall: bi-endian chips: mips, arm, ia64, ppc.  somehow that seemed like more than just four when it was just in my head
08:18.49mhallpeterS: s390?
08:18.53peterSno, just BE
08:18.55concept10I mean how do I route using a dyndns domain name to say for example port 81 without people having to enter the port
08:19.09d0uglasfooz: as in the ati packages when i tried to deal with this on my desktop ...
08:19.10mhallpeterS: s390 is pretty ancient isn't it
08:19.12ke6isfconcept10: With a router.
08:19.15pacmanyou don't!
08:19.17mhallpeterS: 68k was only BE i think eh
08:19.18d0uglasati-tv-on or whatever
08:19.20nkuttlerconcept10: that depends on your router. should be trivial to set up
08:19.25pacmanjust make your links say http://host:81/... it's not that hard.
08:19.32peterSand I believe powerpc LE is kind of a kludge.  that's the feeling I get, at least, from the PPC Architecture Manual
08:19.34nkuttlerconcept10: your router surely has a telnet/http interface?
08:19.39servusconcept10:  If your ISP is blocking incoming traffic on port 80, you could get a proxy server on another website.
08:19.44SimonRavenno 68k is LE
08:19.48foozor get another ISP
08:19.51pacmanI got that feeling too... you can have a word whose bytes are non-contiguous
08:19.55mhallSimonRaven: oh that's right, then they went BE for ppc
08:20.12d0uglasare viao video chips considered likely to be debianly-safe?
08:20.12ke6isfMrHart: I have no idea how to solve this problem.
08:20.16concept10im just going to have to get this working on apache, im confused on that crap
08:20.18foozhow slack is a motorcycle chain supposed to be?
08:20.24SimonRaventhe 'best' in that series is the amiga '060s
08:20.25mhallfor me BE seems easier to deal with assembly-code wise
08:20.29peterSm68k is LE?  wtf, I've been wrong for a decade about that one then
08:20.36SimonRavenmhall: ppc asm is very clean
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08:20.51mhallSimonRaven: i wrote some in MIPS and some in HC11
08:21.00peterSthough if you look at apple going from 6502 to 68000, sure they'd have wanted a LE chip
08:21.04mhallSimonRaven: tried sparc but the register windows tripped me out
08:21.07MrHartke6isf: ok, thanks for your efforts anyway
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08:21.26peterSmhall: the register window concept is pretty weird.  it must not be as good an idea as it seems, or other CPUs would have copied it
08:21.32SimonRavenmhall: i'm no coder (yet), heh, my knowledge is superficial
08:21.50mhallpeterS: well the thing with it would be you get penalized if you do not want to save all of them
08:22.06pacmanall the linux/include/asm-m68k/ files seem to indicate big-endian.
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08:22.18peterSmhall: right.  like a fixed-size stack frame, can't use a bigger or smaller one without problems
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08:22.32SimonRaveni'd be surprised if m68k were BE
08:22.32mhallpeterS: if you are in a normal chip you assemble your own frames according to the call convention and most of them do not require you to allocate to unused registers
08:22.38peterSpacman: *whew*.  so I wasn't wrong this past 10 years or so?
08:22.41SimonRavenbut i could be wrong
08:22.48concept10maybe someone could help me get mod-rewrite working in apache2.  I already have the package installed, what next a2enmod enables it, how do I keep it ?
08:23.02SimonRavenconcept10: what?
08:23.23IsoLnCHiPHi there. Does anyone have some experience with tftpd under debian? As in, might know the answers to some common pitfalls? ;)
08:23.29concept10SimonRaven, you dont understand that?
08:23.31peterSyep, <asm-m68k/byteorder.h> includes <linux/byteorder/big_endian.h>
08:23.42nkuttlerconcept10: you may have to restart apache2. should be permanent
08:24.06concept10nkuttler, let me try that
08:24.12nkuttlerconcept10: the docs at are great
08:24.17d0uglasfor a 3ghz box with a 7200rpm HD with good cache running apache (for the sake of this hypothetical, pretty much nothing else), running reiserfs hosting an image pron site, the average file size of everything (from pics to html files) being around 12KB, bandwidth and other things not being an issue, could you comfortably expect apache to process over 100 requests per second?
08:24.17dpkg<debianstarfish> can i get to the internet from here?
08:24.18peterSconcept10: yeah, a2enmod should be all you need other than 'apache2ctl graceful' or whatever, to restart apache
08:24.19SimonRavenconcept10: it's not clear what you want to do, since you seem to be unclear on a couple of things. also, what do you mean by 'how do i keep it'?
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08:24.28concept10nkuttler, no docs
08:24.33SimonRavenok, i was wrong. sorry folks
08:24.38peterS's ok
08:24.45IsoLnCHiPIm getting the error "cannot set groups for user nobody" when I try to download something, and the client just times out. nobody and nogroup exist and the file Im trying to retrieve is worldreadable. Im at a loss...
08:24.47SimonRavenconcept10: apt-get install apache2-doc
08:24.48nkuttlerconcept10: wtf, no docs?
08:24.58tarzeaud0uglas: 100 hits, that's easy
08:25.02SimonRavenplenty of docs... and excellent ones at that
08:25.07tarzeaud0uglas: matter of configuration
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08:25.20concept10nkuttler, no docs for me tonight, doesnt work for me
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08:25.25foozd0uglas, i'd say 0 requests per second due to reiserfs eating all your porn :( what a tragic loss
08:25.26tarzeaud0uglas: turn off access/error logging and dns lookups
08:25.37nkuttlerconcept10: oh, you prefer to ask here than to read the documentation, i see
08:25.41tarzeaud0uglas: you need lotsa memory for the box
08:26.00mhallpeterS: i would suppose your problem would be in the end that'd you'd clog the cache lines and the memory bus in code that uses lots of frames
08:26.09tarzeaud0uglas: what's the url again?
08:26.10zOrKhow i can manage a Network walkman on linux ?
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08:26.15concept10nkuttler, no I rather read the docs and get it done, they are no help for me.  Ive tried many, many times to no avail
08:26.21mhallpeterS: cause on intel you'd just copy as few registers as possible
08:26.22peterSmhall: *nod*.  that's always the problem with wasting memory.  actual amount of memory used is kind of secondary to that
08:26.22d0uglastarzeau: ok now let's say the system's image hosting setup is a php thing dependent on mysql as well .. but everything's tweaked real pretty-like.. still comfortably 100 reqs /sec?
08:26.23zOrKi'm alredy using "SonicStage" at win2
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08:26.33mhallpeterS: and on sparce you'd eat lots of bus on each call
08:26.38tarzeaud0uglas: oh, should be fine yes
08:26.49zOrKi'm s0x assemblying
08:26.50tarzeaud0uglas: 100 hits/s is not much
08:26.51mhallpeterS: there was a time when consumption was the problem now it's i/o
08:26.53d0uglasOkie doke.. time to expand my bid'ness
08:26.59peterSmhall: though at least you don't have to save / restore registers explicitly.  so that saves some instructions
08:27.07eXa_bOyhow do i extract a .gz file?
08:27.11peterSeXa_bOy: gunzip
08:27.22mhallpeterS: even DDR 2 ram is not so fast i read now
08:27.25eXa_bOyaaah i was tring gzip
08:27.37peterSeXa_bOy: 'gzip -d' is the same as gunzip, note
08:27.37mhallpeterS: er problem is there are a lot of registers on a sparc
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08:27.55peterSmhall: indeed
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08:28.09concept10nkuttler, Basically I am trying to do this:  Install a typo blog engine that is based on Ruby on Rails.   I have the prerequisites installed.  My apache config is not working for me.  It uses FastCGI, and mod-rewrite.  But I cant get the blog to show up!!
08:28.11Debian-Shockedhow to configure internet. with sarge testing i used pppoeconf, i edited /etc/network/interfaces and /etc/resolv.conf. now with sarge stable this doesn't work.
08:28.17eXa_bOyok then thats interesting... apache2's httpd-std.conf.gz is like that.
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08:28.49peterSDebian-Shocked: it's supposed to work.  is pppoeconf now buggy?  I know ppp itself changed its way of doing DSL stuff, but I thought pppoeconf changed accordingly
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08:29.21Debian-ShockedpeterS, what i should to do?
08:29.33SimonRavennow i gotta wonder where i got the idea that m68k was LE...
08:29.36d0uglastarzeau: well, for my hypothetical colo launch, those figures would require at least a 1,200,000/Bs pipe just to handle a steady average.. sounds expensive
08:29.54d0uglaser, 1200KB/s
08:29.56peterSSimonRaven: well, it's not RISC, and other not-RISC CPUs are often LE.  like the VAX and the x86
08:30.12d0uglas... times 8, carry the two, divided by...
08:30.26peterSDebian-Shocked: you can run pppoeconf as usual and then edit /etc/network/interfaces to match my version of same
08:30.38mhallWhat is the GDB command to show the registers?
08:30.47SimonRavenpeterS: yeh, that's probably what
08:30.56peterSmhall: I forget, 'dump' or something
08:31.02pacmaninfo reg?
08:31.14mhallpeterS: that's for RAM
08:31.40pacmanyou can print them with stuff like "print $r3"
08:31.40d0uglasLet's say my pron level was limited to R-rated stuff... somewhere between sports illustrated swimsuit issue and playboy-level raunchiness.. will google not do business with me simply because of the domain name,
08:31.40eXa_bOyok question. how do i remove apache2 all together dirctories and all? cause when i install it again its not adding /usr/bin/apache2
08:31.44peterSDebian-Shocked: my 'interfaces' file includes 'auto lo dsl' and also 'iface dsl inet ppp'   'provider dsl-provider'    'pre-up /sbin/ifconfig eth0 up'
08:32.09d0uglasbusiness meaning me selling ad space
08:32.17pacmaninfo reg works
08:32.20peterSDebian-Shocked: where dsl-provider is the name of the ppp script in /etc/ppp/peers/ that pppoeconf creates
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08:32.52Debian-Shockedthe screen resolution does'nt work too. i edited /etc/X11/XF86Config but now doesn't work (using sarge stable)
08:33.03Debian-Shockedok peterS, i'll try that.
08:33.07SimonRaveneXa_bOy: because it's in /usr/sbin ...
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08:33.16peterSDebian-Shocked: you should have used 'dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86' or edited XF86Config-4 (not XF86Config)
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08:33.48Debian-ShockedpeterS , certainly i've edited config-4
08:34.00mhallpeterS: g0-g7 o0-05 sp o7 l0-l7 i0-i5 fp i7 y psr wim tbr pc npc fsr csr
08:34.15peterSmhall: yeah that's quite a few
08:34.26peterSmhall: I guess sp is output register 6?
08:34.30mhallpeterS: and between frames you'd have to save o* l* i* i think
08:34.37peterSmhall: and fp is input register 6?
08:34.37mhallpeterS: yeah they rename some of those
08:34.42mhallpeterS: right
08:34.50mhallpeterS: some kind of weird sun habit
08:34.55JerryHello. I want to see what one of the users has running in screen. I'm accessing his account via su <username> from root. But when I try to "screen -r <name>" I get the error: Cannot open your terminal "/dev/pts/2" - please check. Any ideas what the problem is?
08:34.56concept10sluckety, sluck
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08:35.13mhallpeterS: and it's sorta a waste in a way because fp isn't even needed. i think amd64 got rid of it
08:35.23peterSmhall: I'm guessing sp is stack pointer, copied from g6 to o6 at the beginning of a function
08:35.27d0uglasbtw, for this server of mine pumping out requests averaging 12KB each, reiserfs the way to go?
08:35.47foozd0uglas, it doesn't matter, it will all be in cache anyway. pick something reliable
08:35.51Debian-Shockedok peterS, thank you. i try these now.
08:36.14peterSd0uglas: reiserfs is a good way to test your backup/restore strategy.  we recommend ext3 or xfs for better statistical reliability
08:36.19d0uglasfooz: we got over 100K files making up that average
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08:36.42d0uglasby reliability you mean not crashing?
08:36.43mhallpeterS: er no i6 to o6 or something i'd think eh
08:36.46d0uglasas fast?
08:36.47mhallpeterS: g are global
08:36.47foozI've had more than that in one directory with ext3 with no major performance problems
08:36.53Debian-ShockedpeterS, xfs is better than reiserfs?
08:36.54peterSd0uglas: not crashing, not screwing itself up
08:37.09mhallpeterS: maybe i've got it all crooked in my brain
08:37.09SimonRavenyou could do hash_index if you wnated for ext3...
08:37.15peterSmhall: I thought there was a set of registers in between i and o.  maybe that's l6 then?
08:37.35mhallpeterS: g, o, l, i
08:37.37SimonRavenerr, dir_index
08:37.42pacmanha! I've seen ext3 take several minutes to return from a single readdir() in a directory that big.
08:37.42peterSmhall: and I last studied sparc asm in 1994 so I probably have it crooked too
08:37.47mhallpeterS: that's how it was dumped in gdb
08:37.56foozd0uglas, of course, everyone hates some FS
08:37.59SimonRavenpacman: hence my suggestion of dir_index
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08:38.10foozd0uglas, it's just that more people hate reiserfs in here
08:38.20ke6isfpeterS: Nah!
08:38.22d0uglasyeah well i apologize for laying out some fs-war bait
08:38.29mhallpacman: ! that's sort of weird since readdir does not ever guarantee an order
08:38.32SimonRavenno worries
08:38.32ke6isf!start an fswar
08:38.37peterSd0uglas: not so much a war, it's pretty one-sided.  the reiserfs defenders are few and timid
08:38.37ke6isf!start an fs war
08:38.38dpkgxfs uses too much overhead!
08:38.40foozpacman, sounds like a personal problem to me
08:38.43d0uglasdo you think a lot of that hate lies in the german-sounding name?
08:38.49mhallpacman: it just has to find _any_ node in the dir
08:39.05foozd0uglas, no. i bet ext3 lovers drive volkswagens
08:39.07peterSd0uglas: dunno, we know he's not german though, just an american with a german name
08:39.08SimonRavend0uglas: nah, quality of the product
08:39.12dpkgsomebody said reiserfs was a journaling filesystem with pretty good performance and some interesting features.  See  It is wonderful and everyone loves it, until the axe falls and they lose data due to a crash.  As such, it has a lot of ex-fans who are now sadder but wiser.  See ext3, xfs, or jfs for safer filesystems.
08:39.18mhalld0uglas: no i think it lies in the wacky guy behind it
08:39.19pacmanyes, readdir should just be taking the first entry in the directory and giving it to me, there is no sorting or searching involve! but it can apparently pause for a long time anyway.
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08:39.31mhalld0uglas: he's really egotistical and always bragging about how fast his shit is
08:39.46ke6isfd0uglas: Aside from that, I've heard some people don't like the developer of the filesystem.  Or maybe I'm thinking of djb, dunno.
08:39.54pacmansome jobs ONLY reiserfs can do with any reasonable speed.
08:39.57mhallpacman: maybe a caching problem or something
08:39.57peterSmhall: well, it *is* fast.  the problem is the priorities between fast and reliable
08:40.04d0uglasi see .. all's i was thinking was that i heard for small file handling it's the way to go, but in light of reliability .. hmm.
08:40.09mhallpacman: often those jobs are ones that should not be being done
08:40.10foozd0uglas, the problem is that Hans Reiser is more like a used FS salesman than an FS designer
08:40.21foozif you go by how much time he spends marketing and convincing people they should use/include reiserfs
08:40.24ke6isfd0uglas: Far as I'm concerned, ext[23] are pretty good.
08:40.24peterSd0uglas: some people report that it's rock solid.  others (many others) report that they used to use it but they lost data at some point.
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08:40.39d0uglasOk then, ext* it is!
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08:41.10mhalld0uglas: i'll help you set it up in exchange for free pr0n
08:41.11foozd0uglas, the biggest technical problem is that the tools suck. all the journalling FSes have problems and corner cases, but all of them but reiserfs have tools that can recover things for you if they go wrong
08:41.12d0uglas... though i still suspect the anti-anti-semitism bias in the debian world playing a role in this reiser bashing .. :)
08:41.24peterSd0uglas: from the stories it is hard to know whether reiserfs is a bad filesystem or just a filesystem that used to be bad long ago but has been solidified over the years.  because people who have bad experiences usually don't stick with it up until the present day
08:42.06pacmanI've run a lot of stuff on reiserfs and never saw it fail. but I don't use it for "ordinary" filesystems, just the ones that are going to be outside the range of stuff that ext3 handles well
08:42.12d0uglaswell, it is relatively young developmentally speaking
08:42.24ke6isfd0uglas: Your suspicions are overrated.
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08:42.36mhalli think perhaps the biggest problem with reiser is that not enough people are looking at the code
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08:42.45d0uglaske6isf: getting conflicting responses all over the place
08:42.49peterSd0uglas: it's not young enough to have any excuse for those kinds of bugs though.  it's been around several years now
08:43.05foozyeah and it's at version 4 now
08:43.06mhallfrom what i can tell ext[23] [xj]fs have a lot of very highly skilled eyes over a long span of time
08:43.11tarzeaud0uglas: that's not very much
08:43.17SimonRavenmhall: indeed
08:43.19mhallthere are a lot of active devs on the xfs mailing list
08:43.33tarzeaud0uglas: you'll need good stuff to get that many hits...
08:43.34peterSmhall: well, the jfs linux port is not too widely used outside IBM shops, so I wouldn't be too sure of that one
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08:43.46mhalland with reiser, you just get hans, warts and all
08:43.54SimonRaveni was using xfs back in the 2.4 days, and it was stable back then
08:43.56d0uglaswell, .. i'll just run reiser to be subversive, but i'll back up everything frequently on ext.. good compromise
08:44.01foozSimonRaven, same here
08:44.01peterSmhall: of course, the jfs OS/2 port from which the Linux port was derived was well-tested.  but porting something like that to a whole different OS *will* destabilize it
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08:44.06foozback when it was new and popular
08:44.12mhallpeterS: er yes but my understanding is an awful lot of ibm engineers from around the firm were involved
08:44.13SimonRavenstill do ;)
08:44.18d0uglastarzeau: i got big plans baby, big, grandiose plans
08:44.21mhallpeterS: and did quite a bit of tests, etc.
08:44.21foozi'm too lazy nowadays. i use ext3
08:44.23ke6isfd0uglas: backups are just wise.  Smart move there.  Have fun. =^^=
08:44.31d0uglasthanks fellas
08:44.32SimonRaventhough now i mix more: ext[23] and [xj]fs
08:44.36foozwhich i've been playing with since it really was an unstable mess
08:44.36peterSmhall: could be.  I still wouldn't trust it without hearing of more real world use than I have
08:44.37mhallpeterS: i don't get the impression reading hans's monographs that he tests much
08:45.01SimonRavenext2 i rarely use, i only use it for /boot partition on OldWorld Mac PPCs
08:45.04d0uglaswell i've always been under the impression that like lunch, backupping is for pussies, but i guess that mantra is outdated
08:45.08mhallpeterS: i never had a reason to need it, xfs is so fucking fast for me anyways
08:45.23mhalld0uglas: true in principle but now you're a pr0n server admin
08:45.25foozd0uglas, paying subscribers to a porn site won't like downtime
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08:45.33mhalld0uglas: which is kind of like a big KICK ME sign
08:45.49peterSmhall: that seems to be everyone's thought.  they either use ext3 for traditional stability, or xfs for speed, and there isn't really much of a niche where jfs seems better than either of them
08:45.55mhalld0uglas: so, see to it that you've got your walking stick for balance and your pistol for defense.
08:45.57d0uglaswoah hey slow down first of all it's tasteful pr0n, second i'm going with the ad business model
08:46.06mhallpeterS: yeah there is one
08:46.24mhalld0uglas: we never said it was bad pr0n! i'm not ever sure there's such a thing
08:46.26peterSfooz: you have to admit the customers would like the pussies that apparently backups are for, though
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08:46.27foozjfs doesn't get a lot of testing either
08:46.40foozpeterS, that depends on the customers
08:46.49SimonRavenjfs is pretty quick IME. almost as fast as xfs, and for certain things nice if you want to cut down on cpu usage
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08:46.51d0uglassorry to say lol but that was funny peters
08:46.53foozpeterS, they might be TNA types
08:46.54mhallpeterS: the upside for JFS would be logical volume management
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08:47.14mhallfooz: then again they might be one track minded
08:47.17peterSmhall: ah but does jfs really have any logical volume management the others do not?
08:47.17SimonRavenmhall: i've had bad luck combining LVM and jfs
08:47.21foozmhall, can JFS hot resize in LVM?
08:47.21mhallfooz: the poontang track
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08:47.31d0uglasis there a dodge-copyright-litigation-HOWTO somewhere... :)
08:47.34mhallSimonRaven: i thought it had its own integrated utilities for LVM
08:47.42mhallSimonRaven: that were supposed to be pretty good
08:47.49SimonRavencan't recall, i'd have to look it up
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08:47.52foozxfs can hot grow (not shrink) can it cold shrink?
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08:48.03mhallSimonRaven: let me do that since i made the claim
08:48.05foozreiserfs can both hot grow and cold shrink i believe
08:48.07peterSmhall: I know it's used that way on AIX, but this is Linux, the LVM system shouldn't care much about the filesystem.  except insofar as it wants to be able to tell the filesystem to resize itself
08:48.07SimonRavenit can't shrink period
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08:48.09Nick_Hilld0uglas, RMS makes an interesting speech at Cambridge. Covers patents and touches copyrights
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08:48.35foozext3 can't hot anything (unless the patches still work)
08:48.39d0uglasNick_Hill: should i google that for the text or you think there's a recording somewhere
08:48.49foozall that is really moot though, you won't ever be resizing FSes probably
08:48.54SimonRaventhough the xfs devs are working on that shrinking point, so i hear
08:48.58peterSfooz: right, well, if I'm not mistaken, the ext3 version of e2online actually went into kernel 2.6.12 or thereabouts
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08:49.19SimonRavenpeterS: yeh i think .12
08:49.21peterSfooz: I remember reading something to that effect awhile back and I'm thinking "gee, and it debuted as a patch to kernel 2.3.40 or so.  long time."
08:49.22foozi read that patch log and i don't remember it, maybe it was 2.6.11
08:49.48foozmaybe i'll try it next year after i'm interested in computers again
08:49.55peterScoulda been 2.6.11.  it wasn't all *that* long ago, anyway
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08:51.11mhallpeterS: yeah from what i can tell in JFS, using LVM is actually mandatory
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08:51.27mhallpeterS: it does not support partitions in raw form, it seems that it LVMs them itself
08:51.27foozi love lvm
08:51.28peterSmhall: in AIX, yes.  the Linux port was made from the OS/2 codebase though
08:51.32mhallpeterS: hmm
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08:51.53mhallpeterS: this seems to be talking about the linux rendition but ibm seems to have deleted most of their docs
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08:52.01mhallpeterS: probably since they merged it to mainline
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08:52.12peterSmhall: if the linux port insists on creating ad hoc LVMs in some form, I'd be surprised it ever got merged
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08:52.26peterSI mean, I can imagine a lot of kernel developers going "WTF"
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08:52.43mhallpeterS: well i think it's an inherent thing, JFS abstracts from partitions
08:52.45nvzI think if I buy a laptop I need to buy one with a supported 3d chipset since all my desktops have shitty video hardware. then I can play bzflag :)
08:52.53*** part/#debian iuaeouieW (n=deeoru@
08:52.53mhallpeterS: and looks at them as being LVM components
08:53.20foozi'm pretty sure jfs works on partitions just fine
08:53.21pandrewhello. I have a default screen resolution of 80x25. I changed a kernel boot parameter(vga=1) to 80x50. It went ok, while it was booting, but when it finnished booting, it was restored to 80x25. What should i do?
08:53.21peterSthis does seem true in AIX anyway, you are right about that
08:53.24mhallpeterS: i think the idea would be, hodgepodge things together and the JFS won't freak out on you.
08:53.34mhallfooz: right but i think it views them as LVM segments
08:53.44SimonRavenfooz: it does
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08:53.53mhallfooz: i don't think it actually looks at anything as partitions overall
08:53.55foozlvm segments as of kernel 2.6 are just device mapper nodes
08:53.58foozthere is no longer an LVM in the kernel
08:53.59peterSmhall: I remember once using JFS on a SCSI ZIP drive plugged into an RS/6000 running AIX.  yes, I had to create a volume group on the ZIP disk first.  PITA.
08:54.23mhallpeterS: i'm imagining that the mkfs command makes a default one for you
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08:54.52mhallpeterS: and then just puts a single member, the current partition
08:55.15peterSmhall: it may be structured that way on disk, but I hope the tools never expose that to the user
08:55.22pandrewis there another configuration file that i should check?
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08:55.32mhallpeterS: i suppose they would expose it to you on request
08:56.01mhallpeterS: so, probably use default settings and then let you tweak it if you need it for something, sort of like what XFS lets you do with RT subvolumes
08:56.17peterSmhall: *nod*.  good analogy
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08:56.33mhallpeterS: but if their LVM is good (which I heard it was) then why get rid of it? Linux LVM is sort of... half baked
08:56.41peterSpandrew: not sure what's changing your resolution back, but you can install and configure svgatextmode to set this any time you want, including during boot
08:57.10pacmanfbset can also be changing the text mode, if using fbcon
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08:57.19mhallpeterS: the problem I think JFS addresses here that everybody else only addresses poorly is that you very often don't know you need LVM until it's too late
08:57.39mhallpeterS: by the time you figure out what's going on, you'd have to take down the box and rebuild the array
08:57.48foozi've always got an LVM around
08:57.52peterSmhall: but jfs doesn't let you shrink a partition.  so that doesn't help much.
08:57.56pandrewpeterS: is it maybe when the other tty-s are opened?
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08:58.10foozi just wish booting from an LVM volume inside a RAID volume inside a partition worked better on x86
08:58.10peterSpandrew: there are multiple possibilities.  I don't know which might be doing the dirty work
08:58.44mhallfooz: x86 is t3h b0rk about booting
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08:58.52pandrewdoes getty have a configuration file? - i think that the dirty one might be getty.
08:58.54foozmhall, it doesn't work at all outside of x86 :)
08:58.57peterSfooz: oh, you just have to resign yourself to having a little /boot outside LVM.  solves all your problems for only a small cost in disk space and flexibility
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08:59.24foozugh it's 2am
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08:59.33mhallfooz: what about with grub
08:59.34SimonRavenalmost 5 here
08:59.35Nick_HillOn a different but related topic (what with file system, indirection etc). Theo Ts'o in a speech says there are no speed advantages in kernel 2.6 using a swap partition over a swap file
08:59.36peterSpandrew: no, just /etc/inittab for launching the gettys
08:59.37mhallfooz: that oughta work
08:59.37pacmanif getty is changing the video mode, someone needs to shoot the getty maintainer IMMEDIATELY.
08:59.37ke6isfaw, crap, scp kind of stops after a while.
08:59.42foozmhall, grub's too dumb for this
08:59.45Debian-ShockedpeterS, i've tried. X server continues to not working at 1024x768 and internet continues to not working.
08:59.50mhallfooz: hmm
08:59.55foozi use lilo for RAID booting
09:00.01mhallke6isf: ssl ftp is faster than sftp/scp
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09:00.11mhallfooz: hahaha
09:00.13peterSNick_Hill: true.  there was only a small advantage in kernel 2.4
09:00.26Debian-Shockedbut i'm doing tha same that i did with sarge when it was testing...
09:00.26peterSNick_Hill: I've been using swap files for years because they're more flexible than partitions
09:00.29ke6isfmhall: Plaintext ftp is even faster, and I don't feel like setting up ssl at this unGodly hour. =^^=
09:00.34mhallfooz: i always use lilo whenever possible, no install of grub i ever did with debian worked right the first time
09:00.47mhallke6isf: encrypt the file then send with plain
09:00.51mhallke6isf: ;-)
09:01.16foozpeterS, i've got RAID1s everywhere, two RAID devices per system -- a small (512MB or so) root FS, and the other for LVM
09:01.18ke6isfmhall: I don't care about the file, I'm just more concerned with passwords.  It's just bouncing through my network hub to a machine on a table in front of me, after all.
09:01.20Nick_HillpeterS, The habit of swap partitions takes a while to wear off.
09:01.27Nick_Hill..for me!
09:01.34foozi use swap LVM volumes
09:01.50peterSNick_Hill: have it your way, but swap files *are* more flexible.  no need to decide ahead of time how big to make the partition (:
09:01.51foozpeterS, for machines with no RAID (laptops) I just tend to put the root FS in LVM
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09:02.05SimonRaveni started using swap files too, and also UUIDs to mount partitions
09:02.05pandrewi have an initd script with the following name: #linux
09:02.16foozpandrew, hehe
09:02.21mhallke6isf: ah yeah when that is a prob i set pass to 123456, do job, then change asap
09:02.24Nick_HillpeterS, I intend to use swap files
09:02.24pandrewi have an initd script with the following name: screen-cleanup
09:02.25mhallke6isf: ;-)
09:02.48ke6isfYou know, do I really need apache-perl?
09:02.49Debian-ShockedpeterS, both xserver and internet continue to work like before (it means that don't work...)
09:03.01mhallke6isf: i'm still not clear what it even does
09:03.01peterSpandrew: should be totally unrelated
09:03.08mhallke6isf: i never seemed to need it for anything
09:03.10foozEVMS will some day fix things if it ever gets merged
09:03.19peterSfooz: merged?  it works today
09:03.25foozpeterS, not really
09:03.34ke6isfmhall: Well, if apache will function without it, I'm not going to complain.
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09:03.38foozpeterS, actually there's nothing to merge, all the changes are from the device-mapper project
09:03.45foozEVMS, just like LVM, is entirely in user-space
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09:03.50foozbut the collection of patches is unwieldy
09:03.52mhallke6isf: it's actually a separate Perl apache demon
09:04.02peterSfooz: what remains to be merged?  I thought kevin corry got his device mapper patches merged a year or two ago
09:04.05mhallke6isf: it's not needed afaictfme
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09:04.12foozpeterS, there's always more
09:04.19bibemhall : most people don't need any apache2 feature, so they stays with apache
09:04.33mhallke6isf:  This version of Apache contains the mod_perl module statically linked.
09:04.47foozand they're infrequently synced..
09:04.47mhallbibe: to me apache2 seems faster even with prefork mpm
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09:04.50pandrewI think that i found it. I have the console-tools package installed. i think that it sets the screen fonts , and with this it also sets the screen resolution
09:04.51ke6isfmhall: Then I can safely -purge remove it. =^^=
09:04.54peterSmhall: the apache2 config file layout is confusing and intimidating.  and those of us who have been using apache 1.3 for 5 years don't see any point in "upgrading" to something that isn't any better
09:04.58mhallke6isf: quite
09:05.04d0uglasone more question.. just graduated from college and i'm wondering if i should pursue my pie in the sky pr0n tycoon dreams versus getting a ratrace nine to five, provided that if I go the route of the former, I use debian?
09:05.07foozthat's the latest .. an old 2.6.12 RC
09:05.07peterSpandrew: right, that'll be it
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09:05.30Nick_Hillmhall, Inertia. Without good reason to move, people stick with what they are used to. I chose to stick with 1.3 as I know it, it does what I need, and because It dates back, probably has a smaller memory size.
09:05.30mhalld0uglas: dude try the pr0n thing while you still can
09:05.32peterSpandrew: if you install svgatextmode you can manage screen fonts along with text resolutions (it's all in /etc/TextConfig)
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09:05.46d0uglasmhall: thanks that's all i needed to hear :)
09:05.49d0uglasso it's settled
09:05.55mhalld0uglas: remember 9/10 start-ups fails but the 1 that doesn't makes back enough to cover the 9
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09:06.06foozalso EVMS is a bitch to get working in an initrd, but that's a personal problem I guess
09:06.08mhalld0uglas: look at it this way
09:06.09d0uglasyeah but i got rich forgiving parents
09:06.15mhalld0uglas: if it works then you score big time
09:06.18Debian-Shockedinternet and xserver don't work in sarge stable like they worked in sarge testing. that don't work but i do the same of that in sarge testing...
09:06.24pacmanSVGATextMode doesn't really change the font, it just calls setfont^H^H^H^H^H^H^Hconsolechars -f
09:06.29d0uglassort of like ... gambling odds and payouts!
09:06.32bibemhall : I don't have any production test, I had to migrate some customers' servers to apache2 for a single apache2 feature, needed by a CMS
09:06.34mhalld0uglas: and if it doesn't you leech some cash from mom and pop and go apply to google or something
09:06.37foozi don't use their initrd, or LVM's, I made my own with both
09:06.37peterSpacman: indeed, but that's a detail
09:06.48mhalld0uglas: it's completely like gambling
09:06.51mhallbibe: doh!
09:06.59d0uglasi love gambling
09:07.08peterSmhall: dunno, I think gambling would be more fun than trying to run a startup
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09:07.11d0uglasi love pron, i love helping people,
09:07.22mhalld0uglas: then duh go run a pr0n site and see how it goes
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09:07.23d0uglasand i love debian [to keep this on-topic]
09:07.25bibemhall : but I stayed with apache wherever possible
09:07.27mhallpeterS: i don't know about that
09:07.33pandrewok, i'm rebooting, brb
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09:07.36Debian-Shockedinternet and xserver don't work in sarge stable like they worked in sarge testing. that don't work but i do the same of that in sarge testing...
09:07.49mhallpeterS: start-ups are fun to run if you love the field, it's just hard and busy
09:08.01mhallpeterS: but most people who did it say they wouldn't change a thing
09:08.07mhallpeterS: so it can't be that bad
09:08.11peterSd0uglas: the pr0n market seems kind of saturated.  I mean yeah there's plenty of demand but it seems to me there's more than enough supply (it's a virtual marketplace, so it's not like a single supplier can easily get more customers than he can handle)
09:08.22d0uglasok, i'll do this... i think i might be a little manic right now but screw it time to get decisive
09:08.38d0uglaspeterS: maybe but not the tasteful pron market, plus i got ideas to give me an edge
09:08.42mhalld0uglas: you might as well, when i get out in may i was figuring to try some crazy shit myself
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09:08.52peterSd0uglas: *shrug*.  it's your time and money.
09:08.53d0uglasi'm banging out an investor relations pron page now
09:09.11mhalld0uglas: then i'll hit the normal job market for a while and hit grad school
09:09.12d0uglaswell no i'm using my mom's dsl link so it's not so much my money
09:09.15peterSdo the investors get free premium accounts?
09:09.19d0uglasunless you take my inheritance into consideration
09:09.31mhallpeterS: he said his parents were rich and forgiving and he just graduated
09:10.03mhallpeterS: might as well gain experience and skills and have fun before the bills pile up, etc. and you have to move to a more regularized career of busting your ass for 50-60 straight years
09:10.12peterSI sure hope you aren't trying to run a pr0n server over home DSL.  there's no way you could keep up with traffic for anything close to what a colo server would cost you
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09:10.45d0uglaswell that is true, if the site fails, i still was at least improving my debian skills
09:10.51mhallpeterS: i was reading an article that said that tech companies prefer hiring employees that have real-life start-up experience and don't care if it failed
09:11.00peterSjust about everything related to pr0n serving is high-bandwidth, no?
09:11.15mhalld0uglas: yeah what i learned when i took a break from class and went to work was that you can bank on good UNIX skills
09:11.16d0uglasi'm just sticking to images
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09:11.19d0uglashigh res albeit
09:11.21Nick_HillThe pr0n market also depends on where you are. Probably burgeoning outside the US with the new gov't restrictions.
09:11.23peterSi.e., *not* what you want at the far end of a DSL line
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09:11.41mhalld0uglas: every big company in the world has huge amounts of UNIX projects to be done
09:11.54Nick_HillMeaning those companies with operations outside the US are doing better
09:12.00mhalland there aren't that many people out there with really good UNIX skills to do the jobs
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09:12.40d0uglaspeterS: my site pulled in over 2000 30 minute visits a day after a month of launching with no more than a couple karma whoring slashdot posts with it in my sig
09:12.42mhallNick_Hill: yet another industry that america is fucking up
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09:12.52mhallNick_Hill: we've fucked up so incredibly many
09:12.52d0uglasi meant no more promotion
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09:13.03mhalld0uglas: what is the url
09:13.37peterShmmm so the domain name includes 'samba' in it.  I wonder if the open source project of that name minds
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09:14.04peterSke6isf: not for the index.php?
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09:14.09d0uglashe asked for the url
09:14.24ke6isfpeterS: That could be a minor misconfiguration, but yeah, that would qualify it as well.
09:14.29d0uglaspeterS: i might have been using .php4 extensions
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09:14.49ke6isfd0uglas: You don't need to put ':80' into an http URL.  http is explicitely port 80.
09:14.53peterSd0uglas: or you might have configured your web server to serve the index page of *whatever* language you were using, without having to specify it at all
09:15.04mhallke6isf: NO! implicitly
09:15.26ke6isfmhall: That too.  I need to sleep, but I'm finishing resetting my server.
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09:15.33mhall!troutslap ke6isf
09:15.39d0uglashow about some benefit of the doubt that i know that stuff and was making a joke on his asking for the url instead of the site
09:15.43mhall~troutslap ke6isf
09:15.46aptACTION slaps ke6isf around with a large trout
09:15.51mhallke6isf: ;-)
09:15.59ke6isfmhall: Heh =^^=
09:16.01d0uglasman you guys like to bust balls
09:16.21peterSd0uglas: do you have a site for that activity too?
09:16.32ke6isfd0uglas: My sense of humor is offline.
09:16.45Nick_Hillmhall, It seems the likes of NewsCorp are filtering those in power to be short-term pragmatist christian fundamentalists.
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09:17.04d0uglaspeterS: a site for ball busting activity? ... well, my gnutella monitoring would suggest that ballbusting might be a ripe market
09:17.21mhallNick_Hill: quite!
09:17.22SimonRavend0uglas: hint: getent services http and see the number it spits out
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09:17.42peterSSimonRaven: he just admitted to knowing this already
09:17.45mhallNick_Hill: so is the public; they love it when pols crack down on expression with which they do not agree
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09:17.55SimonRavenmissed that
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09:18.17d0uglasbut i did not know what getent was, so all's well that ends well
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09:18.28mhalld0uglas: getent is supremely useful
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09:18.48peterSyeah, it's for reading anything you refer to in /etc/nsswitch.conf, basically
09:18.59SimonRavenquite. works with whatever is in /etc/nsswitch.conf too
09:19.05peterSwell, except 'hosts'
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09:19.14SimonRavenbe it ldap, unix flat file, nis, nis+, ....
09:19.25mhallpeterS: they ought to unify all of that stuff into a better architecture
09:19.26peterSwait, it does work with hosts.  what is it it doesn't work with?
09:19.30mhallPAM really pisses me off.
09:19.33Nick_Hillmhall, I feel there is a lot of resentment against Blair in the UK. He goes too far.
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09:19.44ke6isfWoo, two minute ETA. =^^=
09:19.50SimonRaventory bliar?
09:19.57mhallI should not have to edit 10,000,000 configuration files to get decent authentication.
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09:20.19Nick_HillSimonRaven, :-)
09:20.20SimonRavenmhall: hence the @include common-* stuff
09:20.21mhallNick_Hill: Yet the re-elect him!
09:20.22peterSmhall: you don't, you can stick with the defaults
09:20.32peterSmhall: would you rather *not* have pam, so you *have* to stick with the defaults?
09:20.36SimonRavenNick_Hill: :D
09:20.38Nick_Hillmhall, 21% of the electorate voted for his party.
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09:21.10mhallNick_Hill: they did not make much of a stink about him retaining PM.
09:21.24mhallNick_Hill: nobody attempts a vote of no confidence from what I hear
09:21.42SimonRavenpresident of the uk, tory george blush
09:21.44mhallNick_Hill: nobody works him over thoroughly enough during the Q&A periods
09:21.57peterSdoesn't blair derive his popularity from being a liberal that a tory could love?
09:22.06Nick_Hillmhall, 200,000 Labour party members have left since 1997
09:22.07SimonRavenhe's a neo-con
09:22.20peterSerrr, yeah, s/liberal/labour/, sorry
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09:23.17peterSI read back when he first came on the scene an opinion that he was nothing like clinton (whom he'd been compared to a lot) but was actually one of maggie's children, and he knew it
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09:23.37Nick_HillpeterS, Surprisingly, cons I know hate bliar. They consider him a cheating liar who is short of morals.
09:24.06peterSNick_Hill: sounds like the taint of george w. bush
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09:24.25SimonRaventhe first neo-cons that i know of that got 'elected' were raygun and maggie
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09:24.38peterSI mean, everyone who throws in with bush eventually finds themselves in awkward positions of having to lie and mislead
09:24.53SimonRavenAFAIK, the trend for neo-liberalism started even before that, at the IMF
09:24.53infinity1good ol' #debian :)
09:25.19mhallprithee gents, tis the witching hour
09:25.29Nick_HillAt least maggie wasn't as illiberal as bliar. And understood the need for competition.
09:25.31SimonRavene.g., 3 gorges dam, and other nice little disasters
09:25.34peterSinfinity1: this is a venerated tradition, carried on every Sunday.  we observe the Day of Rest by doing as little debian-related chatting as we can
09:25.41mhallIch musse mich verabschieden.
09:25.58mhallor rather
09:26.03peterSmhall: does that mean sleep?
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09:26.16mhallpeterS: I must take leave.
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09:26.35mhallpeterS: or even more exactly
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09:26.41peterSmhall: ahh.  I wondered what '...und verschied' meant literally - context means the guy died
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09:27.40mhallpeterS: "I must take leave of sth." would be the literal I'd say.
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09:28.01infinity1its nice leaving these chats open. you can scroll back for a bit and read the entertainment.
09:28.02mhallpeterS: Which maps to "Ich muss mich von sth. verabschieden."
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09:28.09peterSmhall: '...tät er seine Füße zusammen aufs Bette, und verschied, und vard versammlet zu seinem Volk."
09:28.22mhallpeterS: ah nice text
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09:28.34peterSmhall: the death of Jacob, from the Bible (end of Genesis 49)
09:28.40mhallpeterS: ah-ha
09:29.04peterSmhall: "da Jakob vollendet hatte die Gebot an seine Kinder..." is the rest of the line
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09:30.18peterSmhall: sounds pretty nice in the King James translation, too: "...and yielded up the ghost."
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09:30.52peterS"...and was gathered unto his people"
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09:31.41man_in_shackis hotplug normally started before or after udev?
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09:32.03peterSman_in_shack: why don't you consult /etc/rc2.d/ and /etc/rcS.d/ for yourself?
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09:32.12mhallpeterS: that phraseology is more formal than a nun's asshole is tight
09:32.19SimonRaven!be an ls barbie
09:32.20dpkgediting config files by hand is so HARD!
09:32.28*** part/#debian Musa (
09:32.30man_in_shackcos i changed them
09:32.42mhallSimonRaven: how does that relate to ls?///
09:32.49peterSmhall: I got the german text from a motet written in 1620 or so.  thus I suppose it sounds a bit like the King James sounds to English speakers
09:33.03*** part/#debian scruffy (n=scrfy@
09:33.09mhallpeterS: yeah i understand
09:33.20mhallpeterS: i just make weird references when i crack jokes
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09:33.40SimonRavenmhall: because it would be very simple to look at those dirs to find out where they go (if they aren't changed). otherwise looking in the various /var/lib/dpkg/info/*.postinst should say
09:34.03mhallSimonRaven: -> man_in_shack ?
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09:34.15SimonRavenmhall: uh, only first part of that is relevant to your question =)
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09:36.04peterSand don't anyone tell me that sounded geh'
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09:37.15mhallpeterS: Ich habe heut die Waesche gewascht. Ich bin gerade am Bettmachen.
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09:38.29coywolfdpkg, AsciiDoc
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09:38.48peterSmhall: had to look up a couple words there to be sure I knew what you said.  anyway, *really* to bed now
09:38.53mhall~tell coywolf about asciidoc
09:38.57mhallpeterS: hahaha
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09:39.30peterSmhall: and can you really say 'heut' at this time of day?  surely it was really yesterday (:
09:39.48mhallpeterS: s/heut/gerade/g
09:40.00SimonRaveng'night folks
09:40.06caphusoit's "heute"
09:40.13peterScaphuso: yeah but I knew what he meant
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09:40.56mhallcaphuso: heut is an allowable abbr
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09:41.25session_Where to set sudo'ers password ?
09:41.39caphusosession_: passwd
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09:41.42mhallsession_: it uses their pass
09:41.53DerRobinHey guys, good morning everybody
09:42.04man_in_shackwhat's the default entry in /etc/rcS.d for udev?
09:42.10elfriedeHello, I tried loading supermount module, but it's not found for the 2.6.8-2-k7 kernel image, does Debian have a supermount module available for the 2.6 kernel?
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09:42.33Nick_Hillmhall, I have just fallen in favour with digital terrestrial broadcasting. Satellite broadcasting allows newscorp to circumvent government. If DTB saturates out satellite, this opens the way to cut them down to size.
09:42.45DerRobindoes anybody knows how the tool had been called which searches for your graphics card and puts the information into a x-config-file?
09:42.49session_caphuso: /etc/sudoers <- this were I set the sudo users?
09:42.49*** join/#debian Cyis-Home (
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09:43.05b0red<migzy> hi phriend
09:43.11b0redhi. i'm trying to run ettercap and i specified the user interface (which means the nic name) .. but it says again Please select an User Interface.
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09:43.14Cyis-Homeanyone heimdal-kdc users? I just updated testing this evening ... for some reason I can no longer login
09:43.16man_in_shacksudo is evil
09:43.16caphusosession_: yes
09:43.24session_caphuso: ok, thanks
09:43.31Cyis-Homehowever kinit is still able to authenticate me... just pam_krb5 seems to be failing
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09:43.50norskfjordHi, has anyone had any experiance using a sony eyetoy on debian as a webcam?
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09:44.29DerRobinDoes anybody knows how the tool had been called which searches for your graphics card and puts the information into a x-config-file?
09:44.32norskfjordI need to know how to do this
09:45.00norskfjordDerRobin: dpkg-reconfigure x-window-server
09:45.13norskfjordor xserver-xorg
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09:45.22session_How to change chmod for a folder and all the files within ?
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09:45.39whitesession_: chmod  -R
09:45.39mhallman_in_shack: evil?
09:45.50Nick_HillDerRobin, the file is normally in /etc/X11 and called xorg.conf or XF86config
09:45.51man_in_shackmhall, major security problem
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09:46.37mhallman_in_shack: un*x is the security problem
09:46.43man_in_shack<Kim> i come from my fathers side of the family, i don't know how to wait for it
09:46.43mhallman_in_shack: sudo tries to plug it
09:46.50elfriedeIs automount (autofs) what I want if I want my cdrom to mount/unmount automatically when someone tries to access the cdrom mount point?
09:46.51man_in_shackmhall, wtf are you talking about?
09:46.52coywolfho w to list the newly recent installed packages?
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09:46.57DerRobinnorskfjord: there was another little tool, which "echos" three lines of info about the graphics card and if you add parameter "-d" it writes the complete config file...
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09:47.10man_in_shackmhall, how is allowing a normal user to get root access without a password more secure?
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09:47.27mhallman_in_shack: there needs to be finer grain security than root = all privs, normal = no privs
09:47.34mhallman_in_shack: and it does not allow root w/o pass
09:47.39man_in_shackyes it does
09:47.42mhallman_in_shack: you must enter the pass every 15 min
09:47.47mhallman_in_shack: you are full of shit
09:47.48man_in_shackthat's how it's set up a lot of the time
09:47.50Cyis-Homemhall: you are incorrect
09:47.50man_in_shackno password
09:47.51*** part/#debian HauiuVHaN (n=ieojishn@
09:48.04mhallCyis-Home: default install on Debian DOES NOT do that
09:48.08mhallCyis-Home: this is #debian
09:48.13coywolfho w to list the newly recent installed packages?
09:48.20mhallCyis-Home: therefore i can make statements based on defaults of Debian
09:48.22man_in_shackyou'll find it's usually either no password or the user's password
09:48.22Cyis-Homemhall: no it's not default but it can do it...
09:48.25*** part/#debian Lanz (
09:48.29Nick_HillOnce you are root, there are all sorts of ways you can subvert security. Sudo is only one. Like any power tool, can be used for good or bad.
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09:49.00man_in_shacksudo should never be used because it can be set up very easily to give a normal user root access with no password or their own password
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09:49.14mhallman_in_shack: that's bullshit
09:49.16Cyis-HomeI've setup sudo to allow my web server process to execute a command without a password and only that command
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09:49.27man_in_shackmhall, no, it's fact
09:49.29mhallman_in_shack: you can set up anything to screw stuff up
09:49.46mhallman_in_shack: just because it's possible doesn't mean it's the tool's fault
09:49.57ramezhannaneed to set two default gateways on my box, so i set them with diffrent metric values but it isn't working, any idea why?
09:50.01mhallman_in_shack: it's not a hard to read config file, just don't put stupid shit in the file
09:50.12Nick_HillAn ordinary user shouldn't have write access to sudoers. And, for example, if you wanted to permanently subvert the system, you could write a small program with SUID root set, which spawns a shell.
09:50.27man_in_shackmhall, sudo is a pos. it's insecure to give root access based on an independant password list
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09:51.08mhallman_in_shack: wtf are you on about, independent password list?
09:51.10Cyis-Homeman_in_shack: explain... how is the system password file an "independent password list" ?
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09:51.52man_in_shackCyis-Home, explain how sudo can be used to give a normal user root access with no password and you have your answer
09:52.16mhallyou can put all manner of stupid shit in the apache config file
09:52.17man_in_shackyou should only be able to use sudo if you have the root password
09:52.22man_in_shackthat defeats the purpose, but that is my point
09:52.24DerRobinWhat can I do to see my kernel version?
09:52.27mhallbut nobody calls apache insecure
09:52.28liablesudo is a joke imo
09:52.29man_in_shackDerRobin, uname -r
09:52.34wersliable  word
09:52.35DerRobinman_in_shack: thanks
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09:52.56caphusoman_in_shack: you completely fail to grasp what sudo is meant to do
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09:53.05man_in_shackmhall, sudo is often set up to give root access with no password
09:53.05Cyis-Homeman_in_shack: the purpose of sudo is to be able to delegate the ability to run as root without having to actually give the root passworde
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09:53.15caphusoman_in_shack: that's a wetware problem
09:53.16man_in_shackCyis-Home, insecure
09:53.17mhallman_in_shack: OFTEN SET UP != FAULT OF THE TOOL
09:53.21Nick_Hillman_in_shack, You can't edit sudoers unless you are root first. Once, and only once you are root, do you have complete control. Once you are root, there are any number of ways of permanently keeping root privileges.
09:53.38Cyis-Homeman_in_shack: I'm gonna have to accept to disagree with you... that or just consider you a tool...
09:53.44man_in_shackNick_Hill, but if it's set up with no password, then anyone can access root
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09:54.00nkuttlerman_in_shack: no
09:54.00caphusoman_in_shack: no, not anyone. only those allowed to
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09:54.14caphusoman_in_shack: please, stop making a fool out of yourself
09:54.16tarzeaudoes someone have a .htaccess secured webpage? please can he post the url so i can test this browser?
09:54.21glutinousnot many ppl sudo /bin/sh, so it is mostly ok :)
09:54.25Nick_Hillman_in_shack, If, as administrator, you choose to set sudoers up like that, then you, as administrator, have chosen to leave your system insecure.
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09:54.38mhallman_in_shack: your problem is that you invented a conclusion and now you have made up justification rather than the other way around
09:54.42Cyis-Homeexactly... as Nick_Hill said...
09:54.53man_in_shackcaphuso, it makes a nomral user effectively root. let's say you leave a login open for a few minutes, or have poor security and someone hacks your ssh system ...
09:54.56mhallman_in_shack: so my advice to you would be to let it go, have a beer, and come back to the subject later
09:55.02man_in_shackmhall, i did not invent it, i observed it
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09:55.24wersmySQL wont start after i rebooted, cant find any info in any ogfile.. what do I do?
09:55.26mhallman_in_shack: whatever the hell you did observe you are not explaining very clearly
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09:55.37Cyis-HomeIn my experience, as the administrator of a system in question that uses sudo, we have a User_Alias setup for users authorized to use sudo without a password and a User_Alias for users authorized to use sudo with a password...
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09:55.45caphusoman_in_shack: so... we shouldn't be using su or login either because you could have a empty password for root?
09:55.46man_in_shackmhall, people setting up sudo so they could get root access without a password
09:56.05man_in_shackcaphuso, most distros won't let you have an empty password for root
09:56.26BollThats bull, you can just edit the password file
09:56.44mhallthe problem with the whole security thing is that for end user systems you have the model of the system force-feeding you stuff
09:56.46Cyis-Homefurther the users that are allowed to use sudo with a password are limited to specific commands set in a Command_Alias... of course only select users have sudo privelege at all... and the only ones that can do so without a password are myself and my boss... but we also have the root password
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09:56.59caphusoman_in_shack: and sudo, by default, doesn't allow anyone to become root
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09:57.13caphusoman_in_shack: so, where's the difference?
09:57.15Cyis-HomeI only log into root when I absolutely have to... anything else I do with sudo
09:57.40mhalland for the hard core systems you have to pick for yourself because they know that the force feed might stop you from doing something deliberately good as well as deliberately bad
09:57.45mhallthis is a very classic dispute
09:57.46man_in_shackroot login or su > sudo
09:57.49man_in_shackfor security
09:57.55mhalland in the UNIX world the expert perspective wins
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09:58.06man_in_shackhave one password for root access instead of many
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09:58.31caphusoman_in_shack: so, how do i allow a specific user to be able to read some log files only accessible by root without giving them full root access with root login or su?
09:58.38mhallman_in_shack: then you can't log anything
09:58.40wersjust give the user same value in /etc/passw there solvedQ!
09:58.41Cyis-Homeman_in_shack: which is fine if you work by yourself or in a very small group
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09:58.54man_in_shackcaphuso, chgrp them and add the user to that group
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09:58.58man_in_shackthat's the way things are supposed to be done
09:59.07usn_routergood morning
09:59.09mhallman_in_shack: it's only good at a simple level
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09:59.17man_in_shackCyis-Home, by the same logic, being hacked doesn't matter if it's just your system
09:59.22mhallman_in_shack: sometimes they need to be in a group belonging to certain system demons
09:59.22nkuttlertarzeau: oops
09:59.23glutinousas far as i know, sudo is made to allows normal users to run certain commands as root... and (assuming you set it up right) ONLY that command. it is useful for things like.. allowing users to bring a connection up or down, without giving them full root access.
09:59.49nkuttlertarzeau: nice, finally dillo becomes usable :)
09:59.58caphusoman_in_shack: good. how do i make a certain user able to restart nfs without giving him complete root access?
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10:00.11Cyis-Homeman_in_shack: none of my systems have been hacked... and I still have my wager of a case of beer to someone who can...
10:00.17man_in_shackyou shouldn't need to do that anyway
10:00.35man_in_shackCyis-Home, you can never have enough security :P
10:00.41mhallglutinous: yes; true this, and for the most part, if you are expecting sudo to do a password check on a command, probably not a good one to offer out over sudo to joe blow users
10:00.42tarzeaunkuttler: yep it's nice
10:00.44caphusoman_in_shack: ah, i have to ask for your permission first if i want to do something?
10:00.51wersCase of beer ehy..
10:00.57Cyis-Homeman_in_shack: exactly... hence regular security audits and the wager
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10:01.01mhallman_in_shack: sure in theory you need not restart NFS
10:01.09mhallman_in_shack: but in real life it fucks up
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10:01.11session_How to I make rsync delete the files in it's backup, when files in the true folder has been deleted ?
10:01.22nkuttlersession_: the man page tells you
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10:01.40mhallsession_: try doing /delete and /remove in the manual
10:01.52honschuHow to add volume to a ogg or mp3 file?
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10:02.26elfriedeMy automounter says "started automount /cdrom", and mount says automount has mounted /cdrom, but when I ls /cdrom it is empty and I can still manually mount it on another mountpoint. I've read the man pages and several howto's, where can I see how to make the Debian (testing) autofs confs make my cdrom device automountable?
10:02.27wershonschu i think u need to reencode it.
10:02.29man_in_shackok, i'm tired of this
10:02.34Cyis-Homewell I'm gonna be afk for a bit... still trying to figure out why kerberos logins start'd failing... beep me if you have any ideas
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10:02.44man_in_shackwhen correctly set up, sudo isn't a problem, but i've never seen it correctly set up
10:02.51nkuttlerhonschu: hm, maybe a normalizer?
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10:03.10honschuwers: Yes, I will - but how, oggenc doesn't has a option to increase the volume
10:03.13mhallCyis-Home: ethereal?
10:03.26mhallhonschu: probably want to use sound editor on WAV input
10:03.27honschunkuttler: Is there a "normalizer" in debian?
10:03.38nkuttlerhonschu: apt-cache search normalize
10:03.39mhallhonschu: There is one really good sound editor with plug-ins for this.
10:03.48honschumhall: audacity?
10:03.49DerRobinHow to install a .rpm-file?
10:03.52Cyis-Homemhall: kinit works to authenticate... problem seems to be in the systems using PAM
10:03.57nkuttlerDerRobin: which one?
10:03.57mhallhonschu: yeah, that's it
10:04.00honschuDerRobin: rpm -i XXX.rpm
10:04.01wershonschu , sorry no, idea.
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10:04.21mhallhonschu: let me look and see if i can find information
10:04.26Cyis-Homemhall: only happened after updating tonite
10:05.02mhallCyis-Home: file bug and check BTS tomorrow and see if anybody else is sore
10:05.07casuepshow can i know if eth0 is working at 100 or 1000 mbps?
10:05.15mhallCyis-Home: make sure config files did not get overwritten
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10:05.28glutinousoops, i've confused sudo with super :D
10:06.10elfriedeAll I require is one line from /etc/auto.master and one from where ever the cdrom map is.
10:06.14Cyis-Homemhall: yeah I'm checking all the pam configs... so far can't find anything out of place
10:06.31mhallhonschu: Alright. Audacity has Normalize in the Effect menu.
10:06.57mhallhonschu: If it has settings for this, try Normalize to 95% or so
10:07.01session_How come, I get permition denied in mail after a cronjob is done (rsync)
10:07.02man_in_shackso yeah
10:07.23mhallCyis-Home: use ls -l and check mtime
10:07.25man_in_shackwhat creates the /etc/rcS.d entries?
10:07.41honschumhall: okay, thx a lot
10:07.48mhallCyis-Home: fgrep -ir /var/log ...
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10:07.59glutinousman_in_shack: update-rc.d
10:08.04Cyis-Homemhall: the /etc/pam.d/common-* timestamps hadn't been changed since May when I set it up
10:08.05liablemarcus_: man update-rc.d
10:08.12norskfjordmake: *** /lib/modules/2.6.8-2-686/build: No such file or directory.  Stop.
10:08.14norskfjordmake: *** [all] Error 2
10:08.14liableman_in_shack: ^^
10:08.18norskfjordhow can I fix this?
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10:08.49Cyis-Homenorskfjord: install the appropriate kernel-header package if it's a pre-build kernel-image package installed
10:08.49mhallCyis-Home: if libc was upgraded maybe you need a box reboot to fix incompatible symbols
10:09.01Cyis-Homemhall: I've rebooted twice now
10:09.09thesmilerwow~ debian channel..
10:09.13norskfjord? how do I do this?
10:09.30mhallCyis-Home: rerun ldconfig
10:09.43liablenorskfjord: install kernel-headers
10:09.46session_When I sudo crontab -e all the commands in there are root priveliged right ?
10:09.54liable!lose me
10:09.55dpkgliable: You Lose.
10:10.03thesmilerhi~ man_in_shack~ ^_^
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10:11.18Cyis-Homemhall: I added "debug" to the lines in the pam configs and I can see from the log that it's getting the login (minus realm being displayed) but not able to pass pam_sm_authenticate
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10:11.49kombiI got this strange entry in auth.log: 'su[4163] + ??? root:nobody', what might it mean?
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10:13.10Cyis-Homeunfortunately guys in #kerberos are sleeping
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10:15.08man_in_shack#sudoers, general linux discussion channel, is now up and running
10:15.24man_in_shackshit that wasn't supposed to happen
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10:15.38elfriedeWhat the heck?! I can mount /dev/cdrom TWICE when the automounter is on, it refuses to unmount even when the media is removed.
10:15.54pumpkin0Scary stuff happening on unionfs with squashfs and ramfs as branches: find: WARNING: Hard link count is wrong for .: this may be a bug in your filesystem driver.  Automatically turning on find's -noleaf option.  Earlier results may have failed to include directories that should have been searched.
10:16.24liablekombi: cron
10:16.29*** part/#debian nf1 (
10:16.29elfriedeIs anybody even using automount for removable media? It seems to work very poorly, buggy and not really finished.
10:16.32DerRobinAfter initializing "X" i get an error: Xsessions: unable to start X sessions --- no "/home/robin/.xsession" file, no "/home/robin/.Xsession" file, no session managers, and no terminal emulators found; aborting. --> What can I do? :-/
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10:16.56pumpkin0elfriede: thats the status in /proc/mounts ?
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10:17.14coywolfhow to convert .xml to pdf?
10:17.21coywolfhow to convert .xml to pdf or latex?
10:17.35wersDerRobin you need to install a windowmanager.
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10:17.44elfriedepumpkin0: it just shows the automount on /mnt, but the mount command also shows /mnt/cdrom as mounted, when indeed it is not.
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10:17.46DerRobinwers: like kdm
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10:17.57wersDerRobin no.. like enlightenment
10:17.57kombiliable: the thing is just that the box crashed soon or immediately after..
10:18.17Cyis-Homeokay this is nucking futs...
10:18.20liablekombi: what time was it?
10:18.34liablekombi: check the other logs
10:18.35*** part/#debian man_in_shack (n=shack@
10:18.52pumpkin0elfriede: you may have a problem with /etc/mtab. It should be updated every time something is mounted/unmounted. But that has failed for you.
10:19.14elfriedepumpkin0: it's really retarded, but autofs is not configurable for /cdrom unless autofs is mounted on / and when you finally get it to mount /mnt/cdrom it refuses to unmount it.
10:19.16kombiliable: ok..
10:19.17*** part/#debian aoHqeo (n=ieojishn@
10:19.39liablekombi: time?
10:19.48pumpkin0elfriede: that's the error message on umount ?
10:19.50elfriedepumpkin0: I've read in several mailing lists about people complaining that autofs is broken and people often request a supermount solution for 2.6
10:20.01elfriedepumpkin0: there's no error on umounts.
10:20.23elfriedepumpkin0: but I was under the impression that automount would umount automatically when the media was removed.
10:20.25wers.Device busy?
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10:20.32Cyis-Homemhall: how's this.. my login can't authenticate properly... but my fiance's does
10:20.38pumpkin0elfriede: umount /mnt/cdrom just returns without any errors ??
10:20.52elfriedepumpkin0: yes and then the device is unmounted, yet mount reports it as mounted.
10:21.00elfriedepumpkin0: thus, autmount never remounts it.
10:21.21session_how come , when I umount /mnt/windows I get device busy ? I have closed everything down. Even tried to kill the prosess.
10:21.23elfriedepumpkin0: in short; automount does not unmount properly and as a result it only mounts once.
10:21.31mhallCyis-Home: :-) your tgt is a dud?
10:21.38liablesession_: lsof /mnt/windows
10:22.00*** mode/#debian [+l 390] by debhelper
10:22.07tarzeaudoes someone have an UTF-8 HTML website?
10:22.27DerRobinwers: oh thanks alot, enlightenment is a very nice tool
10:22.33pumpkin0elfriede: ... your /etc/mtab is not updated. something is using (u)mount -n. have you tried linking /etc/mtab to /proc/mounts ?
10:22.35session_liable: famd    1318 session   60r   DIR   0,10 4096    2 /mnt/windows
10:22.37elfriedeLike I said, from what I've read there seems to be a discontent with autofs and considering how easy it was to setup supermount (modprobe supermount) I feel that the 2.6 kernel lacks automounting capabilities.
10:22.42wersDerRobin Np, enjoy.
10:22.55Cyis-Homemhall: only difference I can see in the logs is the pam_krb5 making a getpwnam() call for me but not her
10:23.13elfriedepumpkin0: no, they do not contain the same data.
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10:23.41elfriedepumpkin0: I'm not going to link /etc/mtab to /proc/mounts, they're not suposed to contain the same data. (at least they look to different)
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10:23.58pumpkin0elfriede: But they should (the format of /proc/mounts is parseable by all tools that use /etc/mtab)
10:23.59session_liable: I killed with that PID it worked, but what has happend ?
10:24.09Cyis-Homemhall: 2 pam_sm_authenticate entries for her ( 'entry:' and 'exit: success')... 3 for me ('entry:', 'getpwnam():' and 'exit: failure')
10:24.11wersDerRobin I also think you need xterm.
10:24.25wersDerRobin or aterm or eterm.
10:24.33liablesession_: famd is a pita
10:24.34elfriedepumpkin0: ok, I've done it.
10:24.54pumpkin0elfriede: OK, try again...
10:24.59session_liable: amd a pita is ?
10:25.10dpkgsomebody said pita was pain in the ass or whats usually for supper :)
10:25.13elfriedepumpkin0: so, automounter mounts the /mnt/cdrom mount point, but now I can't get the media out.
10:25.23werswhat pita? as in kebab?
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10:25.37session_liable: lol. That did not explain much :)
10:25.45pumpkin0elfriede: Hmm.. headshot. mount is now looking the door.
10:25.47elfriedepumpkin0: umount: /mnt/cdrom is not in the fstab (and you are not root)
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10:26.01dpkgfrom memory, famd is the File Alteration Monitor, a daemon that will notify you when any of a given list of files changes, or see, apt-cache show fam, or famd can make it more difficult to unmount devices
10:26.03elfriedeautofs does NOT work for removable media, period.
10:26.16pumpkin0elfriede: what is in fstab ?
10:26.55liablesession_: apt-cache show famd.
10:27.04elfriedepumpkin0: not the cdrom, it's suposed to be automount controlled. that's why I sent you the line, as a control that there's nothing but the automount controlling the cdrom mount point.
10:27.12liable!lose me
10:27.13dpkgliable: You Lose.
10:27.45elfriedepumpkin0: have you ever gotten autofs to work with cdrom?
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10:28.45Cyis-Homemhall: I think I may have tracked it down... but why this is a problem I'm not sure...
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10:29.48pumpkin0elfriede: autofs works ehre (with 2.6.11) Have you read this:
10:30.31Cyis-Homemhall: for some reason 'getent passwd' shows my username but 'getent passwd <my username>' doesn't ... now when I perform the same for my fiance's acct it shows up with both commands
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10:30.49blaamannIs there a way to find out when a package was included in testing. do they cary a time stamp ?
10:30.50Cyis-HomeI can also 'finger <my username>' and it returns the info
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10:31.29elfriedepumpkin0: exactly the way I did it.
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10:32.04elfriedepumpkin0: eject: unable to eject, last error: Invalid argument
10:32.10elfriedepumpkin0: yet the cd WAS indeed ejected.
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10:32.45elfriedeMy feeling is that autofs is not very thought through nor working.
10:32.50pumpkin0elfriede: have you mixed sid and sarge ?
10:32.54elfriedepumpkin0: no.
10:33.07mhallCyis-Home: lol
10:33.17mhallCyis-Home: alright you know what to do next right
10:33.21elfriedepumpkin0: and the cdrom hardware doesn't even respond to me pressing the eject button, it's locked like it is when you do a manual mount.
10:33.44elfriedepumpkin0: thanks for your help, but I'm giving up on automount. I might have to go back to a 2.4 kernel to get supermount up again.
10:34.02pumpkin0elfriede: i have no idea what you have done to automount. usually it's working.
10:34.19mhallCyis-Home: here is what we do
10:34.22elfriedepumpkin0: well, I'm a perfectionist, I'm looking for "always working".
10:34.23Cyis-Homemhall: introduce this machine to my sprinkler system :)
10:34.34mhallCyis-Home: we write a C program that calls getpwnam on your user
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10:34.43mhallCyis-Home: and we find out exactly what error occurred
10:34.50mhallCyis-Home: when the lookup is done
10:35.06elfriedepumpkin0: I think my automount works as it was intended, but it's intentions is not what I need.
10:35.14Cyis-HomeI'm thinkin it's a borked nscd
10:35.50Cyis-Homeif I shutdown nscd 'getent passwd <username>' works... as a result authentication works... however it doesn't know my user once I'm logged in
10:36.19elfriedepumpkin0: thanks mate.
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10:36.25sayonarahi foks
10:36.28mhallCyis-Home: can you delete your tgt and re-request
10:36.37sayonaradoes anybody know a good graphical diff programm?
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10:37.08pingouinwhat's the difference beetween lp and lpr ?
10:37.15Cyis-Homemhall: yeah... getting my tgt via kinit works fine... remove it and try logging in failed
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10:37.26mhallCyis-Home: ! that's odd
10:37.35mhallCyis-Home: it's like something defective is being cached
10:37.49Cyis-Homefor some reason nscd is at fault... even restarting it fresh it chokes on my account
10:39.28mhallCyis-Home: you know what to try next eh? find / -noleaf -print -mtime -3
10:39.40mhallCyis-Home: look at all files changed in past 3 days
10:39.57mhallCyis-Home: and find / -noleaf -print -user <your user>
10:40.02session_when doing rsync from sudo crontab -e I get: rsync: read errors mapping "/mnt/windows/test.txt": Permission denied (13)
10:40.06mhallCyis-Home: see if there's anything interesting
10:40.25mhallsession_: there's a permission problem
10:40.36mhallsession_: it's not running with right privieges to do rsync
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10:40.52Cyis-Homemhall: being as I did a major update (it'd been weeks since my last one) it updated a lot of files today
10:40.55mhallsession_: run the 'id' command in crontab -e
10:41.12mhallCyis-Home: right no big deal, just pipe it to less and scroll
10:41.16session_mhall: id command?
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10:41.36mhallCyis-Home: the official files will all scroll by in order with PgDn
10:41.42mhallCyis-Home: see what sticks out
10:41.51Cyis-Homemhall: sure... no big deal... jsut 577K files :)
10:41.52mhallsession_: try it as yourself
10:41.57mhallsession_: you will see what it does
10:42.11mhallCyis-Home: yeah it sux but i bet somewhere in there is lurking a broken temp file or something
10:42.16mhallCyis-Home: that is screwing up your crap
10:42.57mhallCyis-Home: whenever something breaks i always look at what got modified recently first
10:43.05mhallCyis-Home: cause that's usually where it fucked up
10:43.24mhallCyis-Home: this is, after trying usual obvious fixes, which you seemingly exhausted
10:43.31session_mhall: So do the ceontab -e without sudo ?
10:43.47mhallsession_: just do it however you did the command that got perms denied
10:44.09mhallsession_: the id command will tell you the privileges of whatever / whoever ran the rsync
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10:44.36mhallsession_: this should tell you 1) what group to change rsync tree into or 2) what user to add to group containing rsync tree
10:44.39Cyis-Homemhall: yep.. it's just odd that shutting nscd down allows the authentication to go through and 'getent passwd <username>' to succeed
10:44.44hackeronhow would I get a list of packages that have no packages depending on them? -- I.E. nothing on my system depends on firefox so I want to see it in that list - reason is to do some system cleanup from libraries no longer required.
10:44.46mhallsession_: then you will lose your permission denied error
10:44.46Cyis-Homehowever starting nscd back up fails
10:45.00OvrLrd-Qhow do you check to see which package provides a certain file?
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10:45.07mhallCyis-Home: well that means there is some cruft in there somewhere probably needing to be deleted
10:45.14mhallhackeron: deborphan
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10:45.29mhallhackeron: be careful with it, read the manual pages
10:45.43Cyis-Homemhall: well if it's in /tmp it's flush'd on reboot
10:45.43hackeronmhall: yes, definitely, thanks!
10:45.46mhallhackeron: you will need options depending on which packages classes you want to consider eliminating
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10:46.01mhallCyis-Home: it's probably not in /tmp
10:46.10mhallCyis-Home: it might be in ... /var or some odd spot
10:46.15mhallCyis-Home: who knows
10:46.23hackeronmhall: yes, I know how dangerous this is from gentoo's broken emerge depclean :)
10:46.28mhallCyis-Home: but how else could it possibly be explained?!?
10:46.38deadcatthis is why my zd1211 wireless dont work on my lan yet: iwconfig ap (SIOCSIWAP, SIOCGIWAP) so connecting to networks with hidden ESSID is not possible yet (=
10:47.00mhallhackeron: no the command is good it's just if you run it on non-libs it would tell you every program that's a leat node standalone app could be removed
10:47.05JasonDamionmmm guys which kernel would you use for a HT P4 cpu ?
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10:47.21JasonDamionsmp ?
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10:47.30mhallhackeron: also there is a safety because deborphan just gives you a list, you have to xargs it to apt-get remove --purge on your own
10:47.32JasonDamioncool thanks deadcat
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10:47.49mhallhackeron: it's tough to hurt your box unless you carry out the removals without meditating on them first
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10:47.54liabledeadcat: with wpa?
10:47.59mhallwell WAY PAST TIME for bed
10:48.07mhallmean to leave at 2 and now it's nearly 4 AM
10:48.11mhalllol bye allc
10:48.16mhallCyis-Home: Good Luck!
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10:48.38fluxhello :)
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10:49.18fluxi wish i started in "rescue" mode on debian sarge cd1  (650 Mb) ... but it seems as it doesn't exist anymore...
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10:49.23Nick_HillHasn't Debian come of age? a year back, we would often have people joining the channel, for whom the answer was, use Mandrake to get started. Now the debian system can be used by newbies and advanced alike either through Ubuntu, or through official debian releases. Debian/Kubuntu seems to be the flagship distro for the KDE team, Debian/Ubuntu as flagship for Gnome. 18 months ago, it was difficult installing Gnome2 on Debian. Now it is an apt-get away in s
10:49.23Nick_Hilltandard repositories.
10:49.38fluxthere is no more "rescue mode" on debian boot cd ?
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10:50.15deadcatliable: wep
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10:53.39dpkgi heard rsync is a superior network file synchronization program, you can find out more at, or, or handy for downloading the latest kernel, eg: rsync -avz --partial /usr/local/home/peej/src/, or useful for backups as per
10:53.50dpkgi guess rescue is at
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10:54.57Cyis-Homeseems I fix'd the issue...
10:55.21Cyis-Homewhether it was the best fix or not :)
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10:55.47norskfjordanyone know how to get a sony eyetoy cam working on debian?
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10:56.08gothtecHow can I make ctrl+alt+8 type a [ in X applications? I need ctrl+alt to do what Alt Gr does, like the default is in Windows, and even in DOS.
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10:57.25mizeryi have about 30 feet of light rope to use to design/spell something on my wall...any suggestions?
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10:57.46session_nick session
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10:57.51Rawplayernmake the swirl
10:57.57Nick_Hillmizery, The debian swirl?
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10:58.29X2or, if you have design skills, you could make a penguin
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10:58.43Nick_Hillor the head of a GNU
10:58.45X2or that goat/bull thing
10:58.52X2thats the one
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11:00.09sessionThis is my /etc/sudoers file: # User privilege specification
11:00.09sessionroot    ALL=(ALL) ALL
11:00.09sessionsession ALL=(ALL) ALL  Looks good ?
11:00.11scummbarsomeone with ITE82xx RAID controller ? I can't tune it up with ubuntu :(
11:00.30norskfjordI have loaded the ov51 moduel
11:00.42norskfjordmodule, now how do I get this cam working?
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11:02.16sophorewhy would i need to have a video card on a headless server and is there any way i could make it work without a video card?
11:02.49row2how can I tell what res Xorg is currently running at?
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11:04.27Michiel-hello, maybe someone can help me.
11:04.34Nick_Hillrow2, /var/log/Xorg.log or something like that
11:04.50Michiel-my laptop doesn't recognize the cd rom drive
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11:05.01Michiel-what can i do?
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11:05.36Nick_HillMichiel-, we ned more info. Eg willthe CD boot, once you installed, what dod you do?
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11:06.28sessionOk, still the same problem. rsync -avz /mnt/windows/ /home/session/mp3 gives me mail about rsync: read errors mapping, and permition denied. I sudo crontab -e. Shouldn't that give it all the rights it need ?
11:06.29Michiel-first I have to tell you that i do not know anything about computers
11:06.51norskfjordI have loaded the ov511 cam module, now how do I view the cam?
11:07.02Michiel-i just know that i changed my dikdrive with the cdrom drive and now it doesn't work
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11:07.23row2Nick_Hill: its using res I have not set in the xorg config how can I force it to use a higher res?
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11:08.17scummbarsomeone with ITE82xx RAID controller ? I can't tune it up with ubuntu :(
11:08.34torapiaplease could anyone help me with kdm? I cannot remove last users name in the kdm user name textbox :(
11:08.39Nick_Hillrow2, It will choose the first res on the mode line, or the highest res possible with the given refresh parameters/ memory available.
11:08.57Nick_HillNick_Hill, What graphics card/ memory do you have?
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11:09.49Nick_HillMichiel-, Is debian already installed?
11:09.54streunerscummbar: #ubuntu
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11:10.59Nick_HillMichiel-, Could you explain what changes you made?
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11:11.36Nick_Hillrow2, By reading through Xorg.log you can often debug what the problem is.
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11:12.24row2Nick_Hill: nah the its using the top res the gfx returned, I swear it can do more tho sure no way I can force to test without breaking?
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11:12.50Michiel-the only change i made was taking the thing where i put my diskettes in out of the laptop and the thing where i put the cdroms in into the laptop. this is the first time i do this since a friend installed debian
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11:14.04Nick_HillMichiel-, So you have anexpansion bay. You can swap floppy and CD rom. You insert a CD rom, but you can't see the contents. right?
11:14.07*** part/#debian XooZoo (n=ismfaieo@
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11:14.39amorphixhi guys
11:14.43Nick_HillMichiel-, What desktop do you use? KDE?
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11:15.07Michiel-how can i know?
11:15.31Michiel-forgive my small knowledge
11:15.35Nick_HillDo you click a K in the bottom left corner to see the programs, or do you click a foot in the top right?
11:15.35amorphixif you are using grub bootloader and you need to upgrade Windows on the primary partition, that will screw grub right? is there a way around this?
11:16.15Michiel-a foot in the top left
11:16.30tarzeaud0uglas: your page is down?
11:16.33Nick_HillMichiel-, In that case, you are using Gnome.
11:16.33Michiel-a yellow foot
11:16.36amorphixi guess, the answer is to upgrade Windows, then reinstall grub after booting Linux from a rescue floppy or cd?
11:17.15Nick_HillMichiel-, I assume you don't see an icon for a CD appear on your desktop when you insert a CD?
11:17.25mrnomadI keep getting "commands out of sync" error with DBD::mysql on Debian sarge. Any tips?
11:17.39Michiel-that's right i don't
11:17.40fluxis there un rescue cd for debian ?
11:18.06amorphixhow can you un rescue
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11:18.38amorphixrescue is for when you need to gain access to your system and cannot boot from hdd
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11:18.56Nick_HillMichiel-, In Gnome, you would typically see an icon for a CD appear on the desktop. If you don't get this, there may be something missing on your install. I don't know enough about Knome to suggest what micht be missing. I can takeyou through steps on the command line if you need to test the hardware is working.
11:19.00fluxyes, but there is no more rescue mode on debian sarge
11:19.25Michiel-please do
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11:19.36amorphixrescue isnt a mode tho, its a term used to describe an alternative boot disk eh
11:19.38SimonRavenflux: um, yes there is
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11:19.49amorphixflux: maybe you're thinking of something else?
11:19.52amorphixsafe mode?
11:19.54Nick_HillMichiel-, Open a console. Log in as root.
11:19.57SimonRavenalt-F2, "start a shell"
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11:20.20fluxSimonRaven: and chroot ?
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11:20.22EdLinMichiel-: actually, log in as a regular user and su to root
11:20.31EdLin(better he develop good practices)
11:20.34SimonRavenrun hardware detect, chroot
11:20.35gnetuxhi everybody
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11:20.55Michiel-where do you want me to log in
11:20.56SimonRavenmight want network detect/set up too
11:21.12fluxhum ; yes...
11:21.14gnetuxsomeone could tell me how can i configure moduls of kernel
11:21.24gnetuxon a prebuild kernel
11:21.45mrnomadgnetux --- modconf
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11:21.52Nick_HillMichiel-, You can either open a console within your X-windows environment, or you can switch to a 'VT'.
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11:22.04SimonRavenand i just work up from a nap, heh
11:22.11EdLinMichiel-: you don't really need that, just right click on your GNOME desktop, select opening up a terminal, type "su" and type in the root password. Let me know once you've done that.
11:22.15Nick_HillUsing ctrl+alt+ F1 to F5 gives you different VTs.
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11:23.08Nick_HillMichiel-, EdLin may be able to help you more, if he is more familiar with Gnome than I.
11:23.21fluxSimonRaven: ok, thx :)
11:23.25EdLinactually I hate GNOME, but I know about it a bit from using it. :-)
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11:24.35Michiel-thank you nick. i did what you told me edlin
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11:24.52honschu_/-=- ( May I serve you ? ) - =-_
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11:24.59EdLinOK, use the "ls /media" command to see if you've got a mount point called "cdrom" there
11:25.49EdLin(don't worry about what "mount point" means for now, it will become clear in a minute)
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11:27.36EdLinMichiel-: still there?
11:28.03EdLinthere should be some directories under /media. Do you have one called "cdrom" there?
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11:28.19Michiel-it says no such file or directory when i press "ls/media"
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11:28.33EdLinMichiel-: you have to type a space between the ls command and /media
11:28.50norskfjordI have loaded the ov511 cam module, now how do I view the cam?
11:28.52EdLinMichiel-: (ls is like the dos "dir" command)
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11:29.06norskfjordmodprobe ov511
11:29.21Michiel-still nothing
11:29.35Michiel-"ls /media"
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11:30.13EdLinMichiel-: OK, then you'll need to set things up manually.
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11:30.55EdLinMichiel-: do you have a file called /dev/cdrom?
11:31.08Michiel-how do i find out?
11:31.13EdLinMichiel-: ls
11:31.16norskfjordreading config file: /root/.webcamrc
11:31.17norskfjordv4l2: open /dev/video0: No such device
11:31.17norskfjordv4l: open /dev/video0: No such device
11:31.17*** kick/#debian [norskfjord!n=debhelpe@unaffiliated/debhelper] by debhelper (flood)
11:31.22EdLinMichiel-: ls /dev/cdrom
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11:31.32norskfjordI keep getting that error
11:31.52norskfjordwhy wont it work if I have don't apt-get install ov511-source
11:32.18Michiel-no such file
11:32.23amorphixif you are using grub bootloader and you need to upgrade Windows on the primary partition, that will screw grub right? is there a way around this?
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11:32.31SimonRavenwhat was the point of pasting that? don't paste here, see /topic
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11:33.00EdLinMichiel-: OK, then we have to find out what device your CD-ROM is.
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11:33.17liableamorphix: you mean reinstall windows/
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11:33.31EdLinMichiel-: this may be cryptic, but hopefully it will help. type dmesg | grep -i cd and see if it lists a CD-ROM device.
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11:33.42amorphixliable: yeah, say you need to reinstall Windows on the primary partition where bootloader lives
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11:34.06liableamorphix: then yes, you need to re-install grub
11:34.08amorphixliable: is restoring bootloader via a rescue media the only way?
11:34.11Michiel-between " "?
11:34.20ranjeethi  am using intel 915 gav mother board , i have audio & video drivers for susi linux how i can use it for ubuntu
11:34.27EdLinMichiel-: no "s
11:34.28liableamorphix: yes, via a boot cd
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11:34.45liableranjeeth: #ubuntu
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11:35.09hapmany of our spams come from from which a user forward mail to an account on our box
11:35.20hapdidn't debian work on a antispam system for their mails ? :)
11:36.54Michiel-command not found
11:37.13*** join/#debian aimXwmitae (n=aaiauu@
11:37.20EdLinMichiel-: you must have typed something wrong. Type dmesg | grep -i cd. All on one line.
11:37.21*** part/#debian aimXwmitae (n=aaiauu@
11:37.22Michiel-ls /media
11:37.50EdLinMichiel-: yes, I know. We are going to set things up manually since they weren't available for hardware detection on install
11:38.05Michiel-i'll try
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11:38.16EdLinMichiel-: I have to go away for now, brb
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11:39.35Nick_HillMichiel-, the | is a pipe. It is a little-used symbol on the keybaord.
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11:39.56Nick_HillOn a UK keyboard, it is shift+backslash. May be different on yours.
11:40.02Eno_when i have a nfs share mounted and the server goes down, is there anyway not to make the clients not freeze until the server comes back up?
11:40.11Eno_to make them give up after a little while
11:40.37Michiel-i found it but the command just doesn't do anything
11:40.39Eno_the freezing behavior isn't good for the clients
11:40.42tarzeauis there a way to unpatch something that you patched with a .diff?
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11:41.23Nick_HillMichiel-, Try dmesg | grep hdc
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11:41.54linuxfrecktarzeau: patch -R
11:41.59gnetuxsomeone help me to configure the fucking ati video card
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11:42.06Michiel-ide1: BM-DMA at 0xfcf8-0xfcff, BIOS settings: hdc:pio, hdd:pio
11:42.14Michiel-that's what it says
11:42.32bakfupaiWhat would the correct apt-get procedure be for compiling the kernel?
11:42.45Nick_HillMichiel-, Did you have the CD rom drive plugged in when you booted the computer?
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11:43.14Michiel-the light whent on also
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11:43.42Michiel-when i start cd player it says drive error
11:43.48linuxfreckdpkg: tell bakfupai about kp
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11:44.16spr1nhi, I have such problem: I cannot switch trough Ctrl+Alt+F[1-7] , and if I try that, I cannot go back to prevoius console nither to desktop manager. how do i fix it?
11:44.20liabletarzeau: #bash, sure they would know a way. :)
11:44.29tarzeauliable: linuxfreck helped me already
11:44.31tarzeaulinuxfreck: thanks
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11:45.22Nick_HillMichiel-, It looks a lot like the CD rom drive hardware isn't being seen at all.
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11:46.32Michiel-maybe because it wasn't in when my friend installed linux?
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11:47.08Nick_HillMichiel-, I suggest powering down the machine, Checking the drive is seated, then rebooting the machine. The drive will be visible to the kernel if the hardware is in order.
11:47.45Michiel-i did that doesn't work
11:47.50Nick_HillMichiel-, The drive should show up even if the drive wasn't there when GNU/Linux was installed
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11:49.26Nick_HillMichiel-, The Linux kernel searches for hardware when it boots, then puts comments about what it finds in dmesg. This is before it gets as far as the bits which will change
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11:49.51waxiewhitemy debian hang when i am about to mount my Lexar jumpdrive...what could be the problem??
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11:50.10Michiel-ok i'll try again
11:50.21waxiewhiteit hang on my desktop but my laptop is ok to always hangs consistently..
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11:50.43waxiewhitemy desktop is a clone....ASUS motherboard...
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11:51.13waxiewhiteanyway, i just resorted using ubuntu in my desktop and it is now working ok...
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11:51.37DartenHello everybody
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11:52.20DartenAptitude shows a progress bar on the bottom, but where is it currently downloading from!??
11:53.19Nick_HillDarten, look att he file /etc/apt/sources.list
11:53.24DartenI want to sort server where I have slow connection to, but HOW if it doesn't show where is it downloading from!??
11:53.28spr1ncan anyone help me?
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11:54.04DartenNick_Hill, I know, I mean, from where is it downloading in this moment with the speed shown!?
11:54.05Nick_HillDarten, If you use aptitude install <packagename> on the command line, it will ist where it is downloading from.
11:54.30DartenAnd on "u: Update" !?
11:54.34Nick_HillDarten, Alternatively, you could use netstat to see open network conenctions.
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11:55.41DartenNick_Hill: fazit, there is no way to get that information from aptitude...
11:56.16Eno_is there a nice and easy way i can change permissions recursively on a directory, to set 755 on all directories and 644 on all files?
11:56.26Eno_i don't like making all my files executible when they're not
11:56.33DartenNick_Hill: it really makes me angry, that I cant sort out slow servers because I don't know which it is!!
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11:57.16Nick_HillDarten, If the question is "Is there a way to make aptitude, when in curses mode, to display the current download location" the answer is I don't know. If the question is "Can I find out where I am downloading from" the answer is use netstat.
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11:57.56r3texis there an unrar utility in sarge that is apt-gettable by default?
11:58.03DartenNick_Hill, netstats shows me all connections of the machine, which doesn't help if it is quite loaded...
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11:59.12Nick_HillTry netstat -t | grep www | grep ESTABLISHED
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11:59.44Nick_Hill..Assuming you use http to get your packages.
12:00.24DartenNick_Hill, yeah, I do, but anyway, should be aptitude telling me what it is doing...
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12:00.59EdLinMichiel-: wb
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12:01.21Nick_HillDarten, I use aptitude in command line mode. I have never used it in curses mode. Perhaps file that as a bug.
12:01.41tencohow can i search for packages with a ".app" ending with apt-cache? apt-cache search \*.app gives an regex error
12:01.57Nick_HillEdLin, Michiel-  couldn't see either cd or hdc in dmesg. I suggested a hardware problem. Reboot after re-seating CD.
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12:02.51tarzeautenco: apt-cache search "\.app"
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12:03.09tiagopessoal somente um teste do snarg
12:03.21DartenNick_Hill, I would file a lot of bugs, but the last time I did, you had to use a E-Mail-only interface. It that still so? - All the "file a bug"-helpers assume that you have a working email support on the machine with the bug.... (Bad assumption... )
12:03.27*** part/#debian eDahesi (n=ieojishn@
12:03.31tencotarzeau: thanks!
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12:03.55tarzeautenco: usually people want to search all minus *.app...
12:04.10norskfjordhey can you use windows fonts with debian? and where do I place them?
12:04.15Michiel-i just did, it still doesn't do anything
12:04.20Michiel-this is hopeless
12:04.23tencotarzeau: i dont understand?
12:04.25tarzeausomeone wants to try a dillo debian package with frames/tabs/i18n support patched in?
12:04.35tarzeautenco: doesn't matter, not so important
12:04.55spr1nhi, I have such problem: I cannot switch trough Ctrl+Alt+F[1-7] , and if I try that, I cannot go back to prevoius console nither to desktop manager. how do i fix it?
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12:05.07Michiel-the thing is that i'm not in my country and ik really need this to work
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12:05.21Nick_HillDarten, reportbug --smtphost= can send emails to a remote mail relay. You don't need semdmail on the local machine.
12:05.27Michiel-but i think i'll give up now
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12:05.46DartenNick_Hill, I don't have an smtphost here.
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12:06.45Nick_HillDarten, Does your ISP have an mail relay?
12:06.59DartenNick_Hill, it doesn't.
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12:07.18norskfjordhey can you use windows fonts with debian? and where do I place them?
12:07.34Michiel-nick hill and edlin, thank you for your time. bye
12:07.51eXa_bOynorskfjord trutype fonts are supported i believe
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12:08.35EdLinnorskfjord: put them in ~/.fonts
12:08.39Nick_HillDarten, Another option is to point the smtphost straight to the email host the bug report is destined for,
12:08.47EdLinnorskfjord: or use apt-get install msttcorefonts
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12:09.39waxiewhitedoes debian also meant, deviant?
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12:11.15kimdahi guys. i am running debian etch. i have updated fetchmail and suddenly it starts asking for a password. any ideas what could be wrong?
12:11.28Nick_HillDarten, You could try reportbug
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12:13.08NyteRukhhows it going this morning
12:13.15pawhen is it supposed that rcconf will be fixed?
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12:13.25NyteRukhdont know
12:13.31NyteRukhwhat is it?
12:13.43palike ntsysv
12:13.48pa(for redhat)
12:14.05NyteRukhso your running redhat or fedora or debian?
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12:14.14foomatic2I run etch and I have upragde to I would like to reconfigure X altogether, what is the recomended way? (i.e. running XF86Config)
12:14.31liable!drxx foomatic2 still trying to figure out exactly what i can do with debian...
12:14.35dpkgfoomatic2: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86  [or xserver-xorg if you're using]   (as root) || if you have edited the X config file by hand,used some other program like xf86config, ask me about <xmd5>
12:14.45liabledpkg: you lag!
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12:15.11kimdahi guys. i am running debian etch. i have updated fetchmail and suddenly it starts asking for a password. any ideas what could be wrong?
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12:15.54liabledpkg: you lag* is <reply> well, you suck $!
12:15.54dpkgliable: okay
12:16.01liabledpkg: you lag!
12:16.07clojsterwhere can I find some java packages for debian Etch?
12:16.19liabledpkg: no, you lag* is <reply> well, you suck $1
12:16.19dpkgliable: okay
12:16.22liabledpkg: you lag!
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12:16.43liabledpkg: you lag*
12:16.43dpkgwell, you suck $1
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12:16.50NyteRukhgetting there
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12:17.08Harzileinhi there
12:17.22liabledpkg: forget you lag*
12:17.33dpkgIf you hand-edit your X configuration file, "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86" will no longer work, which is bad. To see if this is the case, "md5sum /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 | diff -sq /var/lib/xfree86/XF86Config-4.md5sum -" - if the files differ, then it won't work. To fix this, "md5sum /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 > /var/lib/xfree86/XF86Config-4.md5sum" as root, then "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86", losing any manual changes you've made.
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12:17.44DartenNick_Hill, thanks!
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12:18.02Harzileinas usual, the end users don't care about why they cannot have the original firefox icon. i just want to know if there's a package (say, via that will give it to me anyway
12:18.28Harzilein(to be able to include the dependency for it in some metapackage for my parents)
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12:19.10liableno, you lag* is you lag! is $1 <reply> well, you suck $1
12:19.14eXa_bOywhat package installs ssh?
12:19.24liabledpkg: no, you lag* is you lag! is $1 <reply> well, you suck $1
12:19.24dpkgI think you lost me on that one, liable
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12:21.05tombshi all
12:21.23dpkgmethinks qotd120 is <azeroth> i am looking for a tool to see all computers in my lan <azeroth> like winows <azeroth> do i need the ip for it? <tarzeau> azeroth: no you need a clue <azeroth> whats a clue?
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12:23.32foomatic2hm, anyone with an ATI X600 card? I can't get X to work with this card (other than a 640x480 resolution)
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12:23.51Nick_HillDarten, np
12:24.05andresitohi there ppl
12:25.34blaamannfoomatic2: What happen when you increase the resolution ?
12:25.41spr1nhi, I have such problem: I cannot switch trough Ctrl+Alt+F[1-7] , and if I try that, I cannot go back to prevoius console nither to desktop manager. how do i fix it?
12:25.49andresitoi'm trying to install sarge on an amd64 box. i've grabbed a sarge netinst cd with kernel 2.6.12, and everything works fine, except the nic. it has a really weird mac-address according to ifconfig (double the length that a normal mac-address has), and the Encap is "unknown".
12:25.49foomatic2blaamann: nothing at all
12:25.57andresitowho should I kill?
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12:26.13xelamwho should you kill?
12:26.25foomatic2blaamann, I will restart X once me, be right back
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12:27.02andresitoxelam: stupid attempt at humour. ignore me... :)
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12:28.42andresitoxalem: you don't happen to know anything about the differences in i386 and amd64 debian? I've never run debian on anything other than x86
12:29.35BollAny have any suggestions for a stable audio player that supports mp4?
12:30.09blaamannBoll: What is mp4 ?
12:31.15BollNo idea really, its the format used by iTunes
12:31.32Guerinmp4 is a mpeg-4 container format
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12:31.42BollXmms has a plugin for it, which unfortunately skips to the next track ~15 seconds before the end of the tune
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12:31.48blaamannBoll: I thought they used AAC
12:31.57Guerinblaamann: aac is the codec
12:32.01*** mode/#debian [+l 418] by debhelper
12:32.04Guerinblaamann: mp4 is the container format
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12:32.49sylvisjdoes anyone know of instructions for installing ATi cards? A friend is looking for help with his x800.
12:32.55blaamannGuerin: So iTunes uses AAC inside mp4 ?
12:33.12Guerinblaamann: right.
12:33.32blaamannGuerin: VLC probably support that
12:33.46Guerinblaamann: mplayer plays it. Xine and vlc should too; neither of these are specifically for audio, but they will wokr/
12:34.22Guerinrarewares has packages and source for mpeg4ip-bin, which contains a cli player
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12:34.51BollI am a pancy, I al like all-in-one gui players
12:35.00Guerinsucks to be you, then
12:35.19tarzeauGuerin: i've looked at some packages there, and unf, some gave me headache
12:35.27Guerin!find mp4player
12:35.38dpkgDebian Package/File/Desc Search of 'mp4player' returned no results.
12:35.46Guerintarzeau: some of them have ... funky licensing issues
12:35.57tarzeauGuerin: which one do you mean?
12:36.01*** part/#debian noddy (
12:36.08Guerintarzeau: some of the packages on rarewares
12:36.29Guerini think it's monkey's audio which has a 'get permission' license
12:37.04tarzeauGuerin: not so portaudio
12:37.16tarzeauGuerin: that's the package that was horrible at rarewares, and i had to do my own
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12:37.32tarzeauoh wow, it's finally in main
12:37.38tarzeaunow if only lame could enter as well
12:37.51Guerintarzeau: heh. i've had some things randomly segfault
12:37.57Guerintarzeau: like shorten
12:38.14resiak(which is in Sid's main)
12:38.46Guerinresiak: eew
12:38.56resiakGuerin: No, seriously... then rhythmbox should Just Work.
12:39.04tarzeaui wonder when version 19 will enter sid
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12:39.22resiakBoll: If you use a gstreamer-based player, you can install gstreamer0.8-faad and it should all just work.
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12:39.47Guerinresiak: but then you have to use rhythmbox!!1
12:39.53ProN00bwhere is the locate database located ?
12:40.02GuerinProN00b: you don't need to know this
12:40.11ProN00bGuerin, i do
12:40.16GuerinProN00b: but even if you do, you can use locate to find it
12:40.19sylvisjAnyone know where I can get help installing an ATi card on debian?
12:40.33ProN00bGuerin, whats that files name...
12:40.35resiakGuerin: This guy probably does, let's face it
12:40.35Guerinsylvisj: #ati
12:40.41SimonRavenstick card in agp/pci slot, load module, done
12:40.44pumpkin0sylvis: which card ?
12:40.54GuerinProN00b: dunno. I bet it has at least some of 'locate' and 'db' in it
12:41.03Guerinresiak: what makes you say that?
12:41.11SimonRavenProN00b: hint: look in /var/lib
12:41.21resiakGuerin: 13:34             Boll : I am a pancy, I al like all-in-one gui players
12:41.38sylvisjx800, pumpkin0
12:41.40Guerinresiak: oh, i thought you werre talking about the locatedb guy
12:41.43resiakGuerin: Hell no.
12:41.51SimonRavenoh yeh
12:42.12pumpkin0sylvisj: tough. Which version of debian ? sid, sarge, testing, unstable .. ?
12:43.14pumpkin0sylvisj: hmm.. may work. xorg or xfree ?
12:44.13SimonRavenxorg has nicer support for ati stuffs
12:44.22Guerinsarge doesn't have xorg
12:44.30SimonRavenno it doesn't
12:44.32Guerinso wither you're not using sarge, or you're not using xorg
12:44.34gothtecHow can I make ctrl+alt+8 type a [ in X applications? I need ctrl+alt to do what Alt Gr does, like the default is in Windows, and even in DOS. I don't have KDE/Gnome, I use Fluxbox.
12:44.35Guerinwhich is it?
12:44.58pumpkin0sylvisij: it should be detected if you add one option to xorg.conf. see:
12:45.00SimonRavensylvisj: do X -version, what do you see as version?
12:45.33SimonRavengothtec: use xmodmap
12:47.20sylvisjThis is for a fresh install, simon.
12:47.22sylvisjIt's for a friend, not me.
12:47.27gothtecSimonRaven: I've tried to figure that out, but I just can't find an example of making two keys act as another only when pressed together. It'd be easy to make, for instance, ctrl be Alt Gr, but I kind of need ctrl to work as well.
12:48.05SimonRaventhere's CTRL_L and CTRL_R, same for the other keys
12:49.42sylvisjHmm... wouldn't forcing the x800 to be detected as 9800 maul it?
12:49.53sylvisjI mean, wow... killage of potential
12:50.17pumpkin0sylvisij: Well... yes. But with the current driver you will not get any 3D-accl, anyway.
12:50.19gothtecYes, but what I want is to make ctrl+alt act like Alt Gr only when pressed together, while keeping their functionality when pressed separately. Windows does that, and both VNC and Synergy base their transfer of the Alt Gr key on pressing both ctrl and alt at the same time.
12:50.39sylvisjSo no 3d acceleration at all?
12:50.43sylvisjnot even opengl?
12:51.00pumpkin0sylvisij: yepp, that's the point.
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12:51.24sylvisjTime to buy a 6800gt.
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12:51.56pumpkin0sylvisij: you can try the closed-s drivers from ati. But i don't know if that will work
12:52.18ProN00bhow can i format a hdd verry securely (overwriting it multiple times with nulls and random) ?
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12:52.48pumpkin0ProN00b: dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/hda serveral times...
12:53.05ProN00bhow does that take ?
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12:53.47ProN00bpumpkin0, how long does that take for like 300gb ?
12:53.47pumpkin0ProN00b: it overwrites hda with random stuff. It may takes hours, depending on the size and speed...
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12:54.19pumpkin0ProN00b: 60MB/s with 300GB, 7x at least. do the math...
12:54.21bibeProN00b : it takes the time /dev/urandom outputs the size of your hd
12:54.27sylvisjPumpkin... where can I get those?
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12:58.32resiak!ati drivers
12:58.32dpkgIf you wish to use ATI's closed-source binary fglrx driver, then follow the instructions on - do NOT try to convert the drivers from ATI's website yourself with Alien. These drivers support Radeon 8500 or higher cards.
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13:06.48eliripshello people. i am thinking about buying a docking station for my laptop (ibm thinkpad). but will these things also work with linux? is it just a "wiring through", or does it need any additional software?
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13:08.19liableelirips: :)
13:08.23r3texelirips: most of the stuff works great
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13:11.45ProN00bhow can i umount something through its "device is busy" ?
13:11.57SimonRavenoh man i'm so glad this hdd is fast, and on a fast card...
13:12.04resiakProN00b: You use lsof to find outwhat's using it, then make those things not use it, then unmount it
13:12.06SimonRavenProN00b: try cd / first
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13:12.36pumpkin0ProN00b: as root lsof -a | grep /<mountpoint>
13:12.56pumpkin0ProN00b: forget the -a
13:13.25ProN00blsof says nothing
13:13.30SimonRaven0000:01:00.0 Memory controller: Adaptec AIC-7815 RAID+Memory Controller IC (rev 02); 0000:01:04.0 SCSI storage controller: Adaptec 78902
13:13.37pumpkin0ProN00b: are you root ?
13:13.55SimonRavenSEAGATE  Model: ST318203LW
13:14.03pumpkin0ProN00b: and you did forget the -a ?
13:14.34pumpkin0ProN00b: and lsof gives you some output ?
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13:15.00ProN00byes, without the grep it does
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13:16.04pumpkin0ProN00b: try lsof  | grep <name-of-your-mountpoint-here>
13:16.14ProN00bi did...
13:16.39simyis there a command to see system stats (like cpu and ram?) or is that in the top of dmesg?
13:16.52pumpkin0ProN00b: fishy..
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13:16.57cahootpumpkin0: do you get any output from that command?
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13:17.15pumpkin0ProN00b: which command ???
13:17.17sylvisjAnyone else getting a problem with the debian installer hanging on IDE Drive Detection?
13:17.34pumpkin0cahoot: which command ???
13:17.38cahootpumpkin0: do you get any output from the command you tell ProN00b to use
13:17.48ProN00bpumpkin0, they are pretty similar, don't you think ?
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13:18.05pumpkin0cahoot: yes.
13:18.09pumpkin0ProN00b: sorry
13:18.26revolutionhi guy
13:18.42sylvisjSholdn't the debian installer detect and use my sata drive rather than hanging on IDE drive detection?
13:18.44revolutionhow can i get openoffice.org2 from apt-get?
13:18.54ProN00bumount needs a force option...
13:19.03asgrevolution: ask #debian-oo
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13:19.24pumpkin0sylvisj: SATA is not really a good idea, not all chipsets are supported.
13:19.27nanoksylvisj: amd64 nvidia chipset board?
13:19.59sylvisjnForce 4
13:20.06nanoksylvisj: google debootstrap
13:20.10nanoksylvisj: ;)
13:20.24sylvisjReading up on it now.
13:20.40nanokit's quite easy really, dont let it scare you :)
13:20.49sylvisj... alright... *runs in fear*
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13:21.06sylvisjI've never done a chroot
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13:21.27pumpkin0sylvisj: it's not that hard.
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13:21.42lupzhi, is there a way to automount a device when inserted (a flash drive) not using gnome or kde tools (is a box without x too) ?
13:21.43nanoksylvisj: neither did i, before i first did it..
13:21.45sylvisjOk. Any sites for a walkthrough?
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13:22.10sylvisjI've heard that it's good to just install an entire i386 distro for a chroot...
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13:22.14nanoksylvisj: yes, there is a comprehensive small howto on doing it for amd64 + debian
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13:22.31sylvisjWhere woudl it be"?
13:22.31pumpkin0lupz: automounter , but that failed already once today...
13:22.31asgsylvisj: the folks in #debian-amd64 probably have some good info also
13:22.32nanokthe debootstrap that is
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13:22.40sylvisjdebian-amd64 is pretty dead
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13:23.07sylvisjI know, nanok. Where would that walkthrough be?
13:23.12lupzpumpkin0: did you mean autofs ? it shouldn't mount the drive only when accessed not inserted ?
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13:23.26nanoksylvisj: i cant remember, i would have to google for it :)
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13:23.36sylvisjCould you? I'm unable to locate it
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13:25.02pumpkin0lupz: i don't think you have that choice. It's mounted on insertion or not at all...
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13:26.09Pixels-this might be a dumb question, but im dual booting windows (for the gf) and debian, i just reinstalled debian, but now windows gives a blue screen error, and is unbootable. i can mount it in linux, is there anyway to rebuild its partition table without formatting?
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13:26.55sylvisjif you mounted it, and it's now blue screening, you probably corrupted the partition
13:26.57lupzpumpkin0: autofs mounts the device when needed (accessed), but i need something that mounts when inserted and maybe notify this...
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13:27.14Pixels-anyway to try to rebuild the partition?
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13:27.30sylvisjWindows CD installer
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13:27.45sylvisjShould have mounted it as read-only, or better yet, not mounted it
13:27.48Pixels-i tried the fixboot command
13:28.02Pixels-i only mounted it after it got corrupted
13:28.13sylvisjYou can still mount it in linux?
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13:29.11Pixels-i have it open now
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13:30.24sylvisjIntriguing. Your boot.ini file is probably corrupted, if you can mount it but not boot.
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13:30.37Pixels-hmm i just ran qtparted
13:30.42Pixels-and it cant access my drive now...
13:31.02sylvisjReformat. Unless you can make yourself a new boot.ini, it's your only option.
13:31.04Pixels-critical error during ped_disk new!
13:31.28sylvisjDo I need to chroot if I install an i386 distro of debian?
13:31.41tarzeausylvisj: no
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13:31.52sylvisjGreat. Will it even work on my SATA drive? :|
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13:32.04sylvisjIT keeps hanging on IDE detection
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13:32.29tarzeausylvisj: sure
13:32.32liablesylvisj: this is the latest sarge installer?
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13:32.40tarzeausylvisj: i've built an sata kernel, and it worked fine
13:32.49tarzeausylvisj: 2.4 or 2.6?
13:32.59liablesylvisj: i had problems with a testing sarge installer on a sata controller..
13:33.11sylvisjTarzeau, I have no clue. 2.4, I think.
13:33.19liablesylvisj: but the stable one worked fine.
13:33.26sylvisjthat's the filename of the ISO
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13:33.34liablesylvisj: linux26 at boot
13:33.36tarzeausylvisj: in alt-f2 type uname -a
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13:34.07sylvisjWill ahve to do later, have a download now.
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13:38.58war92is down perm?
13:39.32war92anyone know?
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13:41.14nkuttler_war92: why do you think it is?
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13:42.18brulloDoes VNC server distribute LAN traffic via multicast?
13:43.03*** join/#debian frank_b (
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13:43.31frank_bhi all. how can I install the testing version of debian? are there .ISO images?
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13:43.53SimonRavenbrullo: i doubt it. otherwise multicast incapable hosts couldn't run it
13:44.05SimonRavenfrank_b: yes.
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13:44.35frank_bSimonRaven, ok. I'll look better then. sorry to bother you.
13:44.45SimonRavenno bother
13:44.49frank_bok :)
13:44.49brulloSimonRaven, I want to send out impress presentataion (internal TV) via our LAN to 120 or 1000 users
13:44.51*** join/#debian yeoei (n=yiriiui@
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13:45.22brulloSimonRaven, the VNC client runs in /viewonly mode
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13:48.19Eyaw_Nayrquiet in here.
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13:49.33brulloEyaw_Nayr, sorry, can't hear you ;-)
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13:53.33solarceis anyone aware of the latest openssl packges in unstable breaking anything that does ssl?
13:53.51SimonRavenbts does
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13:54.41solarceSimonRaven: hmm?
13:54.53at0m|cwhere can i set font as used in opera or jackctl menus?
13:55.05SimonRaven@btssmite solarce
13:55.11liablesolarce: you prolly should install apt-listbugs
13:55.17at0m|cnumbers appear as [] square zero's for now :/
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13:56.54at0m|cafaik, both apps use qt for fonts, but i cant find where to set them up
13:58.03*** join/#debian sylvisj (
13:58.18sylvisjWhat is the pkg from apt-get that lets you config alsa? alsa-config or something, isn't it?
13:58.42cahootsylvisj: alsa-utils IIRC - alsaconf
13:58.49sylvisjalsaconf! thx
13:58.50at0m|coops, they're in ~/.qt/qtrc
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14:01.03foomatic3how can I find out what is the latest available kernel for etch?
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14:01.26SimonRaven!tell foomatic3 -about search
14:01.27solarceI can't believe they broke openssl
14:01.45foomatic3I think apt-get upgrade installed 2.6.13 but it does not appear anywhere..
14:01.58SimonRavennah, just stuff that depends on it broke ;p
14:02.11SimonRavenfoomatic3: ls -l /boot ...
14:02.27*** join/#debian RichiH (i=richih@freenode/staff/richih)
14:02.34SimonRaven@wb RichiH
14:02.34ravenbirdWelcome back RichiH, o lonely traveller amongst the TCP/IP packets of chaos.
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14:02.58RichiHbefore you guys ask, i don't know the full extend of what heppened this weekend, either :p
14:03.01foomatic3SimonRaven, thank you. No, there is only 2.6.8 under /boot
14:03.13abrotmanRichiH: you got married!!!!
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14:05.33VarangerI have screw things!!!
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14:05.51foomatic3I keep getting the error: hal: Depends: udev (>= 0.063) but 0.056-3 is to be installed
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14:06.00VarangerI installed grub in the boot record... and later I erased it
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14:06.07Varangeri can't boot my machine!!!
14:06.21Varangerhow can I do?
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14:06.56foomatic3hm, ok I found a work around for it
14:07.07SimonRavenboot install cd, run hardware and network detect, mount install, chroot to your install, fix grub (e.g., grub-install), umount install, reboot
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14:08.01VarangerSimonRaven: There is no partition for chroot
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14:08.18VarangerI only have one partition for XP and the rest is blank
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14:08.44fbiuh, you erased more than just your mbr then
14:08.46SimonRavenoh, just parsed what you said... ouchie
14:09.13fbitime to reinstall!
14:09.50Varangerfbi: fdisk /mbr ?
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14:10.05fbiwhat about it
14:10.14Varangercan it fix the problem?
14:10.18fbiyes, that clears the mbr
14:10.25VarangerI would re-install NT loader at least...?
14:10.28abrotmanVaranger: you're saying you messed up your windows installation and you want #debian to fix it ?
14:10.28fbiwhat problem?
14:10.57fbiyou have no root partition for debian, there is nothing to fix
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14:11.49Varangerabrotman: I wouldn't be that stupid
14:12.01*** mode/#debian [+l 427] by debhelper
14:12.08abrotmanVaranger: you somehow destroyed your MBR .. there's no way to tell what you'd do
14:12.23VarangerWhat I want is that have Debian installed and in grub menu also have XP
14:12.42abrotmanso just install woody
14:12.48abrotman!kill me
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14:13.00Varangerre-install again?
14:13.30fbiwindows will overwrite lilo/grub if you install it after linux.
14:13.50fbiyou need to either reinstall your bootloader or reinstall debian
14:14.06VarangerI mean if I should re-install Debian and that would fix the mbr ?
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14:14.29fbiyou just said there is nothing to chroot to so i'm guessing you need to reinstall sarge
14:14.58fbithe debian installer should add windows to grub for you
14:15.56nvz~love dpkg
14:15.58aptIf you love dpkg so much, why don't you marry it? (oooooh)
14:16.03tarzeaudpkg love Varanger
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14:16.33airoxDamn nerds.
14:16.44tarzeaunkuttler: got to try it?
14:17.56nvzirssi 0.1.7 o_O
14:18.19AkkarinCan anyone answer some of my knoppix questions?
14:18.29nvzAkkarin: sure the people in #knoppix
14:18.33RoninAkkarin: #knoppix can
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14:19.50nvzthats when I was born ;) its also what time it is :P
14:20.05nkuttlertarzeau: hm?
14:20.11tarzeaunvz: your zodiac is?
14:20.20nkuttlertarzeau: ah, i see
14:20.29tarzeaunkuttler: with frames and tabs and better rendering and ...
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14:21.04nkuttlertarzeau: is it for unstable?
14:21.16tarzeaunkuttler: yet
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14:21.35tarzeaunkuttler: shouldn't be too hard to rebuild on sarge though
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14:23.34dakishi_i have found a backport for us debian users ease and secure update to KDE 3.4, how can i inform supiriors of how doing it?
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14:23.44drzoot|laptophey all, trying to work out howto use the acpi for my laptop vid card to turn on the crt port, anyone know where i should start looking?
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14:24.00tarzeaudakishi_: #debian-kde
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14:24.21dakishi_tarzeau, thx
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14:24.41meffanyone know how to disable console blanking?
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14:24.55tarzeaumeff: sure, using setterm
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14:25.07abrotman!listvals blank
14:25.09dpkgFactoid search of 'blank' by value (10): knew: breadbox ;; workspaces ;; bus id ;; blank ;; blanket ;; slashd0t ;; screen blanking ;; ;; flw44 ;; breadbox.
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14:25.23tarzeauanyone how to get sick with something cheaper and smaller dosage, compared to 50grams of peanut butter?
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14:25.48abrotmantarzeau: wrong channel ?
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14:26.03abrotmanhow much is 50grams of PB ?
14:26.07abrotmanlike .. cups
14:26.11abrotmangallons ?
14:26.28tarzeauabrotman: i'm in europe
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14:26.37jnkwhat does "Har de har har" mean?
14:26.38SimonRaven1/2 maybe
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14:26.45abrotmantarzeau: and in europe .. grams is volume ?
14:26.46tarzeauSimonRaven: not enough
14:26.59*** part/#debian ooyuNQh (n=lnumucn@
14:27.01tarzeauabrotman: you don't know kilogram and gram?
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14:27.09SimonRavenhow much is a cup again?
14:27.10nvzjnk: means I suppose you are trying to be funny, but I wasn't amused
14:27.13SimonRavenin g
14:27.14cahoottarzeau: ipecacuana
14:27.21abrotmantarzeau: are the volume ?
14:27.26abrotmanerr they volume ?
14:27.27tarzeauabrotman: the weight
14:27.28solarcegot it fixed
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14:27.44tarzeaucahoot: what dosage?
14:27.48solarceforced downgrades to testing :/
14:27.48abrotmantarzeau: i asked the volume .. i know what 50 grams is .. but that doesn't help me visuzlize a volume of PB
14:27.55*** part/#debian HihXkxo (n=lnumucn@
14:27.56deepansuppose i call screen from a mother bash.. that starts a screen by the name screen 1..  how do i get back to mother bash... \C-a\C-c toggles between screen 1 and screen 2.. but never goes to mother bash... ..
14:28.12tarzeauabrotman: think if 0,05 litre
14:28.22nvzdeepan: C-a d
14:28.22*** part/#debian oaoiaeef (n=ubiveojn@
14:28.23SimonRavendetach, ^a-z
14:28.39SimonRavener, yeh. wtf was i thinking?
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14:28.44cahootSimonRaven: : ipecacuanha
14:28.47abrotmantarzeau: i've heard a gallon of whole milk chugged will make a bloody mess out of your bathroom :)
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14:28.52deepannvz that would detach.. i want to toggle
14:29.01tarzeauabrotman: i don't want to drown
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14:29.06MickMcMackHi, I have connected a second HardDrive, how do I know which device it is?
14:29.09cahoottarzeau: 1-2 spoonfulls
14:29.18fbiabrotman: i've seen video of such a thing, it's horrible
14:29.21nvzdeepan: you cant toggle. the controlling terminal is not part of screen
14:29.28*** part/#debian gomXiXaa (n=ubiveojn@
14:29.37abrotmantarzeau: see .. fbi agrees
14:29.39tarzeaucahoot: can i get that legally? is it hallucigenic?
14:29.58abrotmantarzeau: no .. it makes you vomit .. uncontrollably for about half an hour
14:30.12SimonRavenit's a purgative
14:30.20nvzdeepan: and C-a C-c doesnt toggle anything, it just creates a new screen with an extra keypress thats not needed
14:30.34nvzdeepan: C-a C-a toggles between two windows last used
14:30.35MickMcMackI can't see the old HDD on the dmesg. :(
14:30.44abrotmanand in the bios ?
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14:30.48cahootSimonRaven: more like vomitinducing - purgative's the other end - no?
14:30.52tarzeaui'm looking for something smaller, to carry around in masses
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14:31.08tarzeauand something that doesn't make me vomit, what a mess when you do that in a train
14:31.09abrotmantarzeau: 50lbs of PB is small!
14:31.10m0r3hi all
14:31.14SimonRaven!dict purgative
14:31.16dpkgcould not find definition for purgative
14:31.21*** part/#debian MuoNueSe (n=lnumucn@
14:31.21jnknvz, thanks
14:31.23*** part/#debian MrGinsu (
14:31.29SimonRavenbah, stupid thing doesn't have medical terms
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14:31.29tarzeauabrotman: not if you take that hourly during a day
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14:31.39tarzeauabrotman: besides it's ugly when not from the fridge
14:31.45abrotmantarzeau: you can't take ipecac hourly
14:31.59*** part/#debian GtneiOeK (n=lnumucn@
14:32.02MickMcMackabrotman, the BIOS goes too fast for me to see.
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14:32.14SimonRavenyou can seriously harm someone doing that
14:32.15abrotmanMickMcMack: uhm .. you could go into the bios
14:32.29MickMcMackOh, you mean the BIOS setup screen thing?
14:32.33*** part/#debian akriegisch (
14:32.35abrotmanthing .. yes
14:32.37tarzeauthat, eh?
14:32.42MickMcMackOk, brbrbrbr.
14:32.44jnknvz, well actually I still don't get it... I wanted to understand this:
14:32.49tarzeauwhat's the german name for ipecacuanha?
14:32.50nvzheh the judge's wife just called to ask if "Yinz are comming over for spaghetti today"
14:32.56abrotmantarzeau: i've never seen it on the leaf
14:33.02nvzI can't stop laughing
14:33.13nvzthese yinzers crack me up
14:33.24abrotman!yinzersmite nvz
14:33.39SimonRavenfuck, this dumb thing takes 2 hours to build a kernel, and the box with supposedly less bogomips takes 1.5 hour
14:33.51abrotmanmore stuff
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14:34.04stewSimonRaven: the don't call them "bogo"mips for nothing
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14:34.12SimonRaveni know
14:34.41SimonRaventhey're even more bogus than bush's election
14:34.59tarzeauSimonRaven: 2 hours? you've never built one on a sparc classic, takes 5+ hours
14:35.28SimonRaventhe pipeline on those is even longer than x86...
14:35.38PhatedSimonRaven: Bahah.
14:35.54nvzjnk: thats stupid. math jokes are rarely ever funny. though I used to poke fun in math class just to see the teacher get mad. Like when he would try tell me pi*r^2 I would be like "no pie are round, brownies are square"
14:36.06*** join/#debian MickMcMack (n=mick@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/MickMcMack)
14:36.20MickMcMackHeh, I had connected it to the wrong SATA controller. :)
14:36.22nvzcakes really could go either way
14:36.37nvzI have yet to see a square Pie though
14:36.57MickMcMackBut, abrotman, in dmesg, I still can't see it.
14:37.09fbinvz: meat pies come in square shape
14:37.20fbialso rectangle
14:37.38nvzthen they arent pies as far as I am concerned
14:37.38jayeolabut the round one taste funny
14:37.57fbiwhy not? it's a pie, with a filling
14:38.08jayeolaah, but it's an *art*
14:38.22nvzyou may mean those little individually wrapped pies you get out of a vending machine
14:38.32nvzI rest my case
14:38.35MickMcMackAha, got it. :)
14:38.38*** join/#debian thingfish (
14:38.43nvzanything that comes out of a vending machine isnt real :P
14:38.49jayeolathere was a near riot when my fish and chip shop stopped selling round ones
14:38.56nvzlike them fuckin double soy burgers at work
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14:39.02fbinvzno, i mean the ones you can buy from restaurants in england
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14:39.23fbii don't eat food from vending machines
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14:40.06nvzam I in england, no. do yinzers care about global affairs? nope. We got enough people from all over the world that we don't care what happens anywhere else :P
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14:40.33deepanwhat is the device name for usb generally ?
14:40.46Blissexdeepan: none, usually.
14:40.49stewdeepan: there isn't a general usb device
14:40.58MickMcMackWeeee. ^^
14:41.05fbiyou were talking about math jokes and round pies. just telling you that there are non- round pies.
14:41.30deepansorry thumb drive..
14:42.11jayeolawell pple in our area in london went nuts 'cos pies went from sqaure to round and back to included
14:42.13nvznot in america :P  Ever seen American Pie? yeah, he stuck his dick in a round pie..
14:42.16MrGinsucheck your sda0
14:42.17MickMcMackHmmz, another question: My graphics card is connected to two monitors. In console mode, I can see stuff on both screens, but when X boots, only one screen shows anything.
14:42.23abrotmanfbi: yes there are!
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14:42.31MickMcMackHow do I tell the other monitor to show something?
14:42.47fbiabrotman: i know!
14:42.48Rockett18what vid card do you have MickMcMack?
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14:43.00MickMcMackRockett18, nvidia7800GTX
14:43.05abrotmanask #nvidia
14:43.07Rockett18nice card
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14:44.27MrGinsudeepan: did you find your pen drive?
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14:47.16Dakishi<PROTECTED> ?
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14:48.24nvzthis is why you need to have a healthy level of off-topic conversation when nothing is happening. helps ward off the GNAA. They mistake you for one of them and move on to someone trying to seem intelligent
14:48.24dpkg<ricky_clarkson> To +b or not to +b, that is the +q
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14:49.15timgoh0dpkg: Root of 4B^2 ?
14:49.16dpkg<Guerin> heh, I have a wife who, when not doing it herself, makes me do it
14:49.43MickMcMackHmmz, does anyone know of somewhere I can compare my glxgears result to? -_-
14:50.00nvzglxgears is useless afaic
14:50.01dpkgi guess qotd101 is <nvz> abrotman: nope.. just wakin up and seeing Guerin thats all
14:50.21abrotmanMickMcMack: what are you getting ?
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14:51.42nvzdpkg, qotd54
14:51.42dpkg<abrotman> Phated: i just got 10 inches the other night
14:51.50abrotmannvz: hehe
14:52.01MickMcMackabrotman, :
14:52.07abrotmanMickMcMack: that's not a number
14:52.08MickMcMack94326 frames in 5.0 seconds = 18865.199 FPS
14:52.12nvzon the lighter side of things..
14:52.15abrotmanand you're whining about that ?
14:52.23MickMcMackWhere was I whining?
14:52.34MickMcMackI wanted to compare, to make sure I am getting the most out of my system.
14:52.35nvzdpkg, qotd1393
14:52.36abrotmanyou'd have to ask #nvidia what you should be getting
14:52.37dpkg<scarynetworkguy> yea any book that has the phrase 'Pig-fisting' in it is gonna be good
14:52.37fbi1.21 jigawatts?
14:52.39nvzdpkg, qotd139
14:52.39dpkgi heard qotd139 is <asg> stew: I've been beating the developers at work off for a while over ruby <abrotman> asg: you're a nice boss .. mine would never beat me off
14:53.04fbithat's golden
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14:54.40dpkgi heard qotd93 is <sussudio> greycat: oil will just drip off, i used vaseline but the hamster keeps licking it off.
14:54.40*** part/#debian eeoiawjC (n=uomoetpr@
14:54.42nvzthat needs to scroll up already. I will keep reading it and laughing
14:55.04X-Coderhow do i configure XWindow
14:55.14stew!drxx X-Coder
14:55.14abrotman!drxx X-Coder
14:55.15dpkgX-Coder: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86  [or xserver-xorg if you're using]   (as root) || if you have edited the X config file by hand,used some other program like xf86config, ask me about <xmd5>
14:55.16dpkgdrxx is probably dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86  [or xserver-xorg if you're using]     # Run it as root!  if you have edited the X config files by hand or used a tool such as xf86config also ask me about <xmd5>
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14:55.28xerophytei changed few sysctl values is there anyway i can get all the sysctl value to the default ?
14:55.30dpkg[qotd24] <sanmarcos> Dabian: thank sanmarcos, not me
14:55.34*** part/#debian aiagevJei (n=uomoetpr@
14:55.34fbihamster? wtf
14:55.57nvzthats a horrible qotd
14:56.06X-Coderits not i have try too many times
14:56.20X-Coderi got nVidia display
14:56.21stewxerophyte: you mean reset the sysctl.conf file to its original state? or set the /proc entries to the current settings in sysctl.conf?
14:56.23dpkgrumour has it, flw41 is <wasabi> Gnea, I want no security.
14:56.38nvzthe qotd should have been standardized to include [qotd24 yearmmdd] or such at the beginning
14:56.48X-Coderit says no screen found :/
14:56.50*** join/#debian GodKilla- (n=BIGBOSS@
14:56.55nvzer well you get the idea
14:57.01abrotmanshow us the EE line!!!!
14:57.11GodKilla-for some reason ethereal wont show any interfaces
14:57.12xerophytestew, to reset the /proc entries to orginal state
14:57.13nvzso when you pick them at random you know which you are looking at and what day it was quote of
14:57.15abrotman/nick GodKillaKilla
14:57.23stewxerophyte: sysctl -p
14:57.24GodKilla-hey abortman ^^
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14:57.39abrotmanit's ok .. i highlight on both :)
14:57.39X-Coder(EE) No Devices Detected
14:57.40fbihere we go again
14:57.44stewxerophyte: oh you mean original before setting it to the values in sysctl.conf?  reboot
14:57.49abrotmanfib: i know .. it's funny!
14:57.53GodKilla-oh lol, so this topy occurs more often?
14:57.54abrotmanbfi: isn't it ?
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14:58.08stewxerophyte: reboot after moving your sysctl.conf out of the way that is
14:58.12*** part/#debian uqokaiaIue (n=uomoetpr@
14:58.13GodKilla-topy = typo * :P
14:58.23fbisure abortmodem, whatever you say
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14:58.54nvzthe last 3 flw were mine. I got 4 of them now
14:58.58X-Coderso what to do?
14:59.11nvzI got a total of 17 factoids :P
14:59.15GodKilla-so, any idea why ethereal wont find any ifaces to capture ?
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14:59.24fbii think it's time for a bong rip and some eggs
14:59.24elvirolohi all
14:59.25eliripshello. if i buy an usb 4 port hub, so that i can attach more usb-devices to my laptop, that should all work without any software, or not?
14:59.27GodKilla-ifconfig shows me lan1 and loppback up
14:59.53elviroloi'm really sick of ubuntu, so i'm considering moving to debian
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15:00.13X-Coderactually i'm new to it
15:00.17elvirolocan i install sarge (with a net install) and then upgrade to sid without any problems ?
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15:00.24GodKilla-debian is great, easy but you still got the chance to  do everything yourself
15:00.25RichiHelvirolo: yes
15:00.29*** part/#debian uMuneLuVe (n=oirhaiow@
15:00.29abrotmanelvirolo: sure .. why not
15:00.37abrotmanRichiH: so what happened friday night?
15:00.40RichiHelvirolo: take care to upgrade to sid before installing many packages, though
15:00.47RichiHabrotman: good question
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15:00.59abrotmanRichiH: that's why i asked a good person to ask!
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15:01.25X-CoderGodKilla-, unless and untill i figure out this problem
15:01.30X-Coderhelp me out!
15:01.31elviroloRichiH: so I can install a minimal(ish) system to test uout debian's famous stability, and then upgrade to sid and then add more packages ?
15:01.44GodKilla-whats your problem X-Coder ?
15:02.00X-Coder(EE) No Devices Detected
15:02.03RichiHelvirolo: yes
15:02.05row2what package glibconfig.h?
15:02.11GodKilla-where does this occure?
15:02.18elvirolook thanks
15:02.25nvzyep they are all still valid. even my DIY Svideo cable which I made several years ago
15:02.27RichiHabrotman: what i know for sure is that the account of a new staffer was abused
15:02.29X-Coderwhen i'm trying to open Xwindow
15:02.30kikinovakHi. I use Vim a lot, though only on my local machine. I'd like to use it to open files on my webhost ( I used to do such a thing on a Mac with BBEdit, and it was very useful. Is it possible to do this with Vim without having to jump though loops?
15:02.32GodKilla-i mean what are you trying to do
15:02.34elviroloubuntu is just getting way too ubnstable and buggy
15:02.40abrotmanRichiH: it wasn't me .. i promise!
15:02.44RichiHabrotman: heh
15:02.50X-Codertrying to install Xserver
15:02.50RichiHabrotman: i don't know who abused it, though
15:02.56abrotmanRichiH: i blame l0bstarr :)
15:03.20stewelvirolo: don't expect debian unstable to be less buggy than ubuntu, you may want testing instead
15:03.22GodKilla-do "ls /dev/"
15:03.42elvirolostew: i've already used sid in the past, and found it pretty stable
15:03.49X-Coderok then
15:04.00nvzthe rumor I heard was that the GNAA 0wned a staffers kids pc
15:04.01elviroloubuntu breezy is just awful
15:04.10GodKilla-well dows it show a lot of stuff ?
15:04.25GodKilla-what kernel?
15:04.26nvzif your child is a member of the GNAA you probably shouldnt be freenode staff :P
15:04.27elviroloi've spent hours sending bug reports ... their release is absolutely full of bugs
15:04.34kikinovakelvirolo: what do you particularly dislike about it?
15:04.37nvzor you should beat your children more often
15:04.45abrotmannvz: always
15:04.52X-Coderno kernel
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15:05.03GodKilla-what linux kernel?
15:05.19GodKilla-you did netintsall ?
15:05.24elvirolokikinovak: they want to be absolutely bleeding edge but some things that worked in the previous release don't anymore (like my printer & scanner)
15:05.25*** part/#debian deepan (n=debian@
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15:05.34X-Coderno i have got CDs
15:06.11elviroloi prefer using conf files rather than buggy gui's
15:06.19GodKilla-abrotman, how to find out what kernel your running?
15:06.45abrotmanGodKilla-: i'd have to tell you
15:06.58abrotmanGodKilla-: uname -r
15:07.05abrotmanand it's you're
15:07.11GodKilla-do that X-Coder
15:07.31GodKilla-abrotman im too lazy to care for english grammar
15:07.35GodKilla-in chat that is
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15:07.45abrotmanGodKilla-: at least you can spell grammar correctly :)
15:07.46GodKilla-have you got a sata hd ?
15:07.58nvzcant anyone recommend any other places to find cheap hardware online? I've seen about all pricewatch has to offer. at this point I am leaning towards buying an old Thinkpad for $200-$400. Don't say Ebay I don't do auctions when I need something I want to know the price and that if I give the cash I will get the product :P
15:08.13GodKilla-x-Coder i would suggest to install linux again with kernel 2.6
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15:08.23abrotmannvz: !!!
15:08.30GodKilla-where debian asks to press enter for boot type linux26
15:08.33abrotmannvz: there's
15:09.02nvzabrotman: for a site called "AnySystem" it seems to be just sun systems :P
15:09.14X-Coderthank you so much GodKilla- & abrotman
15:09.16abrotmannvz: you just said cheap hardware!
15:09.16X-Coderi brb
15:09.18GodKilla-anyone here tried solaris already?
15:09.34abrotmanGodKilla-: i used to admin solaris
15:09.34X-Coderi will come back to you if i had any problem again. thanks
15:09.39nvzabrotman: yeah, well I mean portable hardware.
15:09.45GodKilla-k X-Coder
15:09.49antgelelvirolo: please be aware that debian unstable and testing are not supported, and are not backed by "debian's famous stability", even though most get on ok with them most of the time.
15:09.50drzoot|laptopanyone know how to enable the crt or tv out on a laptop with an ati graphics card? using the proprietry drivers
15:09.52GodKilla-abrotman: whats it like?
15:10.22abrotmanGodKilla-: i miss it
15:10.30antgeldrzoot|laptop: ask the vendor support
15:10.32abrotmannvz: want a tadpole laptop ?
15:10.36GodKilla-ive heard the novell admin tools are great
15:11.00nvzabrotman: and I was going for $50-$150 area originally planning on getting something like an HP graphing calculator since they are highly portable and can be programmed to meet my current needs. but if I am going to spend like $150-$200 on a fucking calculator I might as well look into getting a whole pc.
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15:11.20abrotmannvz: won't get you much laptop
15:11.23antgelabrotman: two egg bagels
15:11.38abrotmannvz: might be better to get an old zaurus and load linux on it
15:11.41abrotmanantgel: ok
15:11.50abrotmanantgel: how about .. "wedding beer hangover" :)
15:11.57antgelabrotman: ouch
15:12.01nvzabrotman: there are laptops from 366mhz-1.2ghz for $200-400
15:12.06ProN00bdoes anyone know how long "dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/hdc" takes for a 300gb hdc ?
15:12.12abrotmanat least it didn't go as badly as the last wedding i went to
15:12.23abrotmannvz: IBM has refurb stuff too
15:12.28nvzabrotman: for example
15:12.36nvzabrotman: starting at $189 there
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15:12.58abrotmani vote T20
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15:13.06marculixProN00b: I would expect about 15 minutes...
15:13.14ProN00b15 minutes ?
15:13.19marculixor 10 minutes yes
15:13.32ProN00bshredding 70 gig took me about a hour *_*
15:13.42ProN00bso that will only take 10minutes ?
15:13.53ProN00b(shredding a 70gig file)
15:14.02marculixProN00b: when you have a benchmark, why you ask?
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15:14.25nvzabrotman: that is more useless than ebay, and hosted by them. it doesnt even contain computer hardware other than video games that I can see I searched and the only valid results pointed to ebay auctions
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15:14.41marculixProN00b: then about 5hours...
15:14.44antgelProN00b: don't destroy your pr0n! upload it somewhere for us to peruse!
15:14.45nevHow do I see in Debian all the packages which depend on a particular package?
15:15.00ProN00b5 fucking hours !?!
15:15.05ProN00bwhats wrong with that box
15:15.14tarzeauis there some tools to record audio in the console?
15:15.14nvzabrotman: who wants stale pr0n when you can go look at today's pr0n
15:15.20nvzantgel: ^^
15:15.21Dakishiwhat package can manage the tar.bz2 files ??
15:15.33antgelhey tarzeau
15:15.38tarzeauhey antgel
15:15.45tarzeauDakishi: mc
15:15.52thingfishnev: man apt-cache
15:15.53tarzeauit can convert the shit to tar.gz
15:16.01Dakishithnak you
15:16.02marculixDakishi: bzip2 package is for bz2
15:16.06tarzeaunvz: url?
15:16.10antgelDakishi: what do you mean manage?
15:16.13nvztarzeau: ?
15:16.20tarzeau17:15 < nvz> abrotman: who wants stale pr0n when you can go look at today's pr0n
15:16.21Dakishiunbz2 it
15:16.34nevthingfish: thank you...
15:16.38antgelnvz: and passwords as well :)
15:17.03abrotmannvz: oh
15:17.36antgelnvz: my irssi completion picks out the last to talk. surprised it's not working for you
15:17.50nvztarzeau: today's pr0n is everywhere.,,, will list more than I can think of. I only know which ones my father and his brother the master pr0n surfers use all the time.
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15:18.14antgelnvz: father. brother. sure. :)
15:18.19adi_!vp6 :D
15:18.27nvzPhated: *nod*
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15:19.27Dakishiokey this is wierd can any one help me with this one, i got 2 Trash bin, and i cannot delete neither of them....
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15:20.07antgel!tell Dakishi about vague
15:20.11nvzantgel: my cousin told me about hungry joe, cause he said when he was in college it was the only site that didnt use content that was recognised by their filtering. and my uncle uses that pinkworld. I found linktoy one day about a year ago. I don't surf porn all day every day like they do. I'm pretty convinced that in my teen years I've seen everything there is to see. and that was too much
15:20.16tarzeauDakishi: gnome?
15:20.32DakishiKDE tarzeau
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15:21.41nvzsure there is new pr0n but you can only do so much, and I've seen it all. the worlds largest boobs, women sitting on construction cones, asian women shitting on each other..  online pr0n is mostly for people with a severe fetish of some sort.
15:21.52dogmeatmy microsoft windows xp laptop insists that i reboot.
15:22.00*** mode/#debian [+l 434] by debhelper
15:22.28dogmeatT-4 minutes and counting
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15:23.02nanokdogmeat: he is right. make sure you have a sarge cd inside when you do..
15:24.10nvzI for one am not a real big sex freak who won't be satisfied until I see every woman nude. I am happy with finding one, a real one, that looks good and seeing her naked. I've seen enough random people nude online to know they are not all pleasent to look at without clothes on
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15:25.51kvidellWhat was the "Forbidden Channel" crap earlier?
15:25.56hagen!kernel 2.6.12
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15:26.18Dakishii have deleted one of 2 trash bin that i had on my desktop and now the trash bin is wont do its function, i cannot empty it it is now a normal folder, how can i fix this?
15:26.36hagenhello.. why i dont exist pkg kernel-image-2.6.12???
15:26.48lahgoonhello, I have downloaded debian-installer from svn, and built it with "make build_netinstall" and where do I find the binaries now?
15:26.49thcinternet porn makes you impotent, we're going to see a decline in the birthrate thanks to millions of thumbnails of nakedness
15:26.51hagenwhy dont exist suck package i mean =S
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15:27.51thcsuck package?
15:27.55thci want that!
15:27.59nvzkvidell: earlier as in like two days ago earlier?
15:28.08SimonRavenadded CONFIG_PREEMPT_VOLUNTARY :)
15:28.08thcdoes the suck package depend on the blow package?
15:28.20*** part/#debian MickMcMack (n=mick@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/MickMcMack)
15:28.31SimonRaventhis thing is bit more "livable" now
15:28.58nvzthc: I don't see a decline in the birthrate a problem in most countries
15:28.58SimonRaventhc: has a pre-dep on vacuum
15:29.18thcnvz: do you always take everything so seriously?
15:29.26nvzthc: if anything it will be beneficial to society
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15:29.42nvzthc: no, you are probably right. but its not a bad thing
15:30.33thcnvz: either way, porn is useless. it was cool when i was a teen, stealing my dad's playboys from the 70's.
15:30.35pem3v78I got problem setting lmsensors. Rigth after the alarm is triggered it clears itself for no reason. Am I missing something ? (I set CPU high)
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15:31.49nvzthc: yeah thats how I feel about it for the most part. its like anything else. it was only interesting when it was new and you werent suppose to have it
15:31.54kvidellnvz: er... yea, I dunno. Was that two days ago? :-P I don't pay very much attention to this screen session, and I was at a pumpkin festival all yesterday..
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15:32.38nvzkvidell: the freenode services were 0wned by the GNAA and most all channels were shutdown when ChanServ got taken over
15:32.40happychappyMy friend said I can set ppp to send the broadcast to and he said to look in /etc/ppp.conf but there is no file
15:32.47happychappyHow can I do this?
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15:33.58pem3v78happychappy: look at for solution
15:34.16happychappywhat do you mean?
15:34.40pem3v78if you want to update your ip you need to use a daemon
15:34.49pem3v78it's described at their site
15:35.03happychappyI know that
15:35.14happychappyIm talking about making my host on or the name
15:35.25happychappyI want to make that my hostname
15:35.37madafakawhere can i get ssh authorization key for some of the push mirrors?
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15:36.29manioulhappychappy apt-cache search dyndns?
15:36.38happychappybecause yeah, it still shows my ip on irc
15:36.47happychappybut I got it masking my ip for http
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15:37.30lahgoonhello, I have downloaded debian-installer from svn, and built it with "make build_netinstall" and where do I find the binaries now???
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15:38.00happychappymanioul, I already got ddclient, and dyndns is working as '' but I want it to say that as my irc hostname, not my isp hostname, how can I do this? I was told I need reverse dns
15:38.49manioulhappychappy dunno that... i thought u wanted to setup dyndns...
15:39.04*** join/#debian waltz (n=walterbr@
15:39.09happychappyI want to mask my ip on irc with it
15:39.10abrotmannvz: T20!!!
15:39.20waltzI successfully installed the Debian base system from a full CD install
15:39.27waltzbut how do I install the rest of the CDs?
15:39.28abrotman!prize waltz
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15:39.34abrotmanwaltz: do you have broadband ?
15:39.34waltzty :)
15:39.38happychappywaltz, wow
15:39.38manioulhappychappy is it really useful as a whois would give it back?....
15:39.50abrotmanwaltz: it's normally better to use an http source instead of the CDs
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15:40.05waltzbut I have already downloaded and burned the files to the CDs
15:40.07happychappymanioul, what do you mean?
15:40.10nvzabrotman: 8MB Video S3 Adapter
15:40.11waltzI have 3 additional CDs
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15:40.16nvzabrotman: eww
15:40.16abrotmanwaltz: i know .. but it's better to use http :)
15:40.23abrotmannvz: hrm .. yeah .. i guess
15:40.31waltzI already tried ftp
15:40.33abrotmanwaltz: run `apt-setup` and pick a mirror
15:40.39abrotmanwaltz: does your network not work ?
15:40.51magyar_how do i re-gain my nick?
15:40.54waltzI'd rather extract the files from the CDs
15:40.58abrotmanmagyar_: #freenode
15:41.03nvzabrotman: S3 sucks enough in desktops in a laptop it will probably impload from the suckage
15:41.03waltzBecause I already have them.
15:41.03abrotmanwaltz: apt-cdrom then
15:41.11trajwhat is the last kernel for stable version please?
15:41.18waltzthat's the cmd?
15:41.19abrotmanwaltz: but you sohuld really setup the security sources
15:41.22abrotmanwaltz: apt-cdrom
15:41.32abrotmantraj: sarge has 2.4.27 and 2.6.8
15:41.36waltzI have set up the security sources
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15:41.52abrotmanwaltz: ok .. then just use apt-cdrom to scan the rest of the CDs
15:41.57trajthx abrotman so i have the lattest one
15:42.04waltzFor some reason when I try to install (from http, ftp, or cdrom) it fails though.
15:42.05xnethow do i mount .cue files?
15:42.07manioulhappychappy if you hide your ip behind a hostname, by making a dns request u get the ip
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15:42.16abrotmantraj: if you say so
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15:42.28manioulhappychappy its just cosmetic....
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15:42.44happychappythats alright, but it will say it first, like a vhost
15:42.54nvzabrotman: I can probably have my original budget for the calculator or a little more sometime this week. if its more in the $250-$400 range I will probably have to save until next week
15:43.12waltzabrotman, can I talk with you in privmsg please?
15:43.22manioulhappychappy oki. but i dont know how to do it :'(
15:43.34abrotmanwaltz: i'd rather keep it in here .. more eyes in case i make a mistake
15:43.49waltzWell ok.
15:43.58waltzAre the CDs supposed to be ISO images?
15:44.13abrotmanthey are when you download them .. and you burn them as ISOs .. not as data
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15:45.00waltzWhat could be the reason that the packages aren't being extracted?
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15:45.12abrotmanwaltz: i'd need an error message
15:45.18abrotmanand if it's long .. use #flood
15:45.24nvzabrotman: I really would like to see more variety I've so far only looked at,,, and a little on ebay but I really hate ebay with a passion. when I want or need something I dont want to play games. I want to know how much it costs and know that I can have it for that much. the only time I bid on ebay was for a volvo part and I ended up making the other idiot pay $200 more for it and never got the damn thi
15:45.27waltzHow do I log the messages?
15:45.55nvzabrotman: doesnt have any info about pricing or sales of their portables. which is really annoying.
15:46.04*** part/#debian Colorz (
15:46.07abrotmanwaltz: copy/paste
15:46.16abrotmannvz: i don't htink you can buy direct from sharp
15:46.32nvzabrotman: actually thats not even their website, is some health service
15:46.36nvzabrotman: but you get the idea
15:46.47waltzI'm installing the system on a remote harddisk...
15:46.50abrotmannvz: .. i know
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15:47.10abrotmanwaltz: oh ... can you just give me the gist of the error
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15:48.07waltzA display appears telling me that the packages are corrupt
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15:48.24abrotmanwaltz: could be the CD is biffed
15:48.34waltzThe cd isn't.
15:48.36abrotmanwaltz: this is another reason why we recommend http  sources
15:48.51waltzI've tried the http and ftp ok.
15:48.55waltzSame thing.
15:49.05abrotmanso all packages you try to install are corrupt ?
15:49.19waltzApparently so.
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15:49.29waltzIt segfaults.
15:49.38waltzNot necessarily corrupt.
15:49.48waltzA display window comes up telling me a list of possible errors.
15:49.56abrotmanwaltz: are you sure the drive is ok ?
15:50.04waltzLike the packages are outdated or cannot be read...
15:50.15waltzThe drive installed the base system.
15:50.16abrotmanwaltz: you have ssh access to the machine ?
15:50.32abrotmanthen .. how are you doing stuff remotely ?
15:50.46waltzI'm installing it on this machine using a different harddisk.
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15:50.54dpkg[spam] a preferred environment.  SPAM; Shut up, You damn Vikings! SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM, or to destroy it, try spamassassin (spamd+spamc) , razor or crm114 (but be ready to train it for a week)
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15:51.24abrotmanwaltz: if you look in /etc/apt/sources.list .. do they point at .. stable,sarge,etch,testing,sid, or unstable ?
15:51.46waltzHow do I look there?
15:51.53nvzabrotman: hmm I wouldnt spend any more than than like $400 and thats only if it looked really good. the T22 there is $389 but doest have enough specifics to interest me. and from what I can see its got a DVD I dont really need and Windows 2000 I wouldnt use as a coaster. I really dont want to feel like I am buying stuff I will never use. I usually dont buy hardware at all.
15:51.56TiMiDowaltz nano /etc/apt/sources.list
15:52.00*** mode/#debian [+l 442] by debhelper
15:52.24waltzhmm ok
15:52.25abrotmannvz: it doesn't matter .. it's 80$ than the T20 on that other site
15:52.35waltzWhat if they point to stable, which they probably do?
15:52.41nvzabrotman: the reason I am leaning towards thinkpads is because they are fairly solid and well supported by linux, and I have a lot of thinkpad parts that were being thrown out.. old cdroms, hds, mobos..etc
15:52.46GodKilla-is it possible to mount a ftp space to your hd ?
15:53.06dpkga virtual filesystem for transparent FTP access. 'apt-get install ftpfs-src ftpfs-utils'
15:53.26abrotmanwaltz: that's what i'm trying to determine
15:53.34GodKilla-ty abrotman
15:53.43waltzsay they do...
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15:54.10nvzabrotman: Windows usually makes up about 15% of the cost of a system. and I will likely not even use it. Especially Win2k because it is the reason I started using linux exclusivly. It done me horribly wrong in the past. I will not support such crap
15:54.10*** part/#debian BenC (n=bcollins@debian/developer/bcollins)
15:54.14abrotmanwaltz: i'm trying to make sure you'r enot using unstable
15:54.21abrotmannvz: it's a refurb
15:54.27abrotmannvz: and IMO .. it's worth it
15:54.38waltzI installed a stable release if that's what you're inqurying about.
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15:55.09abrotmanwaltz: ok .. and you can't unpack any packages .. it just segfaults
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15:55.23auraxanyone knows of some good opensource mrp/crm etc?
15:55.30abrotmanwaltz: some how your system sounds messed up
15:55.42abrotmanaurax: there are many open crm apps .. check
15:55.48waltzI'm beginning to get that notion as well.
15:56.06abrotmanwaltz: i'd personalyl use the netinst and load debian thatway
15:56.08nvzabrotman: maybe. but given the fact I already have laptop hard drives, cdroms, and an OS I dont really want to pay for all that. I still have a 20gb 2.5" out of my compaq. has debian on it already. so I can stand to buy a laptop with a very small hd, and no OS or cd rom cause I have all that already :P
15:56.10bloomanyone know how to get a Compaq v2310us to enable external vga without rebooting
15:56.12waltzThe machine came prepackaged with Windows XP; I'm thinking this is the root of the problem.
15:56.20abrotmannvz: so get a barebones on ebay ? :)
15:56.24waltzI already tried that abrotman.
15:56.28bloomconfig info at
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15:56.46abrotmanbloom: don't you have the funny button ?
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15:57.02abrotmanwaltz: so you've tried reinstalling the machine ?
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15:57.18waltz'reinstalling the machine'?
15:57.23abrotmanwith the netinst
15:57.24bloomabrotman: I have the funny button (Function-F4) but hitting it doesn't do anything in linux
15:57.44abrotmanbloom: afaik .. that's a hardware button . and shouldn't be dependent on the OS
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15:57.55waltzI've tried netinst with ftp
15:58.02waltzIs ftp different from http?
15:58.14abrotmanyes and no
15:58.26waltzI'm thinking if it segfaults with ftp and cdrom http will be no different
15:58.29abrotmanobviously it's a different protocol . but the packages should be the same
15:58.59abrotmannvz: i still vote for the IBM one
15:59.03bloomabrotman: it doesn't register any event in xev, but somehow it doesn't seem to be working
15:59.12waltzso what now? :(
15:59.16sqweeki'm trying to suss out aptitude's package management... why do i get "no candidate versions found" when i do "aptitude install mp3-encoder"?
15:59.36abrotmanwaltz: did you run memtest or anyhting ?
15:59.38GodKilla-ftpfs does only work for kernel 2.4
16:00.09abrotmanGodKilla-: there is shfs
16:00.16dpkgshfs is, like,  "Mount ANY dir from ANY host in the SECURE way"SHFS is a simple and easy to use Linux kernel (2.4+) module which allows you to mount remote filesystems using plain shell (ssh/rsh) connection. It supports some nice features like number of different caches for access speedup, target system optimisations, etc.
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16:00.28abrotmanwaltz: it seems quite odd the system would just segfault on dpkg ..
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16:01.16spr1nhow do I switch between x window and console?
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16:01.24waltzThe harddisk could have been exposed to a very low amount of static electricity, but I don't think that should affect anything.
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16:01.30abrotmanctrl-alt-f1 .. ctrl-alt-f7 to get back
16:01.42abrotmanwaltz: probably not
16:02.07abrotmanwaltz: perhaps the UltimateBootCD has a harddrive diagnostic tool
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16:02.17waltzIs it possible the HP somehow programmed the motherboard/BIOS to only use Windows XP?
16:02.20syntaxxhow to enable SCSI emulation in stock kernel? xcdroast says no cd writer or cd rom device detected but linux itself detect my cd rom cd writer =\
16:02.32abrotmanwaltz: i'm sure it's possible .. not likely
16:02.37abrotmansyntaxx: 2.4 or 2.6 ?
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16:02.42syntaxxabrotman, 2.6
16:02.49abrotmanyou don't use scsi emulation
16:03.02spr1nok, but when I login (into x window) , I press ctrl-alt-f1, and i get to console, but pressing ctrl-alt-f7 does not works. any idea?
16:03.08GodKilla-is it possible to use the dpkg bot on another network=?
16:03.21abrotmanno .. but you can take his factoids
16:03.24nuclearpenguinfor shared libraries, dont we have to add the path to some file? i got this program compiled with no problems but when i try to run it i get a "shared object file cannot be found" error
16:03.29syntaxxabrotman, how to activate it? because xcdroast says no cd writer
16:03.33GodKilla-qwhere are they hosted?
16:03.37abrotman!your factoids
16:03.37dpkgMy factoids are available at They are updated nightly and the previous 18 days are archived. there is a searchable database of my factoids at
16:03.49syntaxxabrotman, do i need to compile a new kernel?
16:04.02waltzI get the "Ouch, ..." error when I try to install packages...
16:04.07abrotmansyntaxx: no .. google for "linux 2.6 cdrecord"
16:04.08waltzwhat is that?
16:04.16syntaxxok abrotman thanks
16:04.24abrotmanwaltz: it means dpkg thinks the package is corrupt
16:04.38waltzwhy would dpkg think that?
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16:04.39row2syntaxx: use k3b its very nice :)
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16:04.56abrotmanwaltz: because either they are .. or dpkg is corrupt .. or there is a piece of faulty hardware ?
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16:05.06Nick_Hillspr1n, Have you tried ctrl+alt+F1-12?
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16:05.13waltzThe harddisk is a a SATA drive
16:05.14nuclearpenguinfor shared libraries, dont we have to add the path to some file? i got this program compiled with no problems but when i try to run it i get a "shared object file cannot be found" error
16:05.22waltzbut it recognizes it as SCSI
16:05.38abrotmannvz: actually .. i'd take this one ..  S272326U
16:05.43wathekhow can I add some one to the op list on freenode ?
16:05.43abrotmanwaltz: that's correct
16:05.48spr1nNick_Hill: yes, still nothing
16:05.48waltzwait, there's no diff..
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16:05.52abrotmanwathek: #freenode
16:05.57PhroziacI have over 1100 files in /lost+found. going to get a new hard drive ASAP. And i decided to just put a fresh install of debian on it. Would there happen to be a way to get a list of all packages installed, that apt can parse when i re-load?
16:06.08abrotmanwaltz: there is .. linux shows SATA as /dev/sdX in 2.6
16:06.12Phroziacthis would also help me get rid of some cruft i never use :)
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16:06.22dvsPhated: dpkg --get-selections
16:06.35Phroziacdvs: ok.
16:06.35dvsPhroziac: : dpkg --get-selections
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16:06.44nvzwith what I've seen so far and the fact that I have a 3headed cluster of desktops already with plenty of processing power, and hd space. I am voting for the very cheapest. which is currently at $189 the only downfall of it being that it doesnt have built in network which would be a plus for when I am at home and want to use it on the network
16:06.46abrotmannvz: or S27233XU
16:06.48Phroziacand can i parse this back in when i install, dvs?
16:06.58spr1nNick_Hill: its just stucks on the tty1, cant change it, but works fine
16:07.01abrotmannvz: pcmcia card ?
16:07.08dvsPhroziac: dpkg --set-selections (surprise, surprise)
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16:07.21Phroziacdvs: ok.
16:07.23nvzabrotman: yeah I would have to but that extra and it would probably be a PIMA to get working :P
16:07.23abrotmanPhroziac: /msg dpkgdebian clone
16:07.31abrotmanPhroziac: /msg dpkg debian clone
16:07.55abrotmannvz: the two models i just showed you are like 600$ .. and are P4-M systems
16:07.58nvzabrotman: but even so with the parts I have and the parts I can buy extra I can make these cheaper pcs what I need them to be.
16:08.00happychappyhow do I talk over ssh?
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16:08.16happychappyand how do I find the tty the user is on?
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16:09.16nvzabrotman: it would take me 3 weeks to get that kind of money probably, and I dont need a pc at all. I just want something to give me something to do at work and automate calculations and generate schedules tell me that I dont have to get off my ass for another 45minutes..etc
16:09.28abrotmannvz: used zaurus!
16:09.46abrotmannvz: load linux on it .. you can use the wifi stuff to ssh etc
16:09.57nvzabrotman: I was going to buy a new zaurus 2 years ago. I am having a hard time FINDING one :P
16:10.11abrotmannvz: a used or new one ?
16:10.18happychappyhow do I talk over ssh?
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16:10.41nvzI hate ebay. its a PITA. I have to wait two weeks just to find out what something costs or if its even for sale. and in my experience by time that 2 weeks is up it costs too much and its not for sale
16:11.08abrotmannvz: that's not true .. just bid on an auction that's almost over
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16:11.45nvzabrotman: depends on what they cost thats why I went to sharp's site. and got everything imaginable about the Zaurus except cost or retail info
16:11.51abrotmanstew_ has a tail!
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16:12.12happychappyhow can I stop root ssh logins?
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16:12.17happychappyso you have to su
16:12.26abrotmanhappychappy: man sshd_config
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16:12.41solemnwarninghi all
16:12.50nvzebay is too much work. when I want to shop I want to shop for currently available and priced products
16:12.59abrotmannvz: you whiner :)
16:13.02solemnwarningwhy is the zlib1g-dev package deps broken?
16:13.04solemnwarningzlib1g-dev: Depends: zlib1g (= 1:1.2.2-4) but 1:1.2.2-4.sarge.2 is to be installed
16:13.17Roninheh too much work? sit on your butt with a cold beer is too much work nvz? ;)
16:13.39abrotmansolemnwarning: because you're running sid ?
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16:13.54solemnwarningabrotman: im running sarge
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16:14.03abrotmangod damn it .. i'm hungry for scampi
16:14.07abrotmansolemnwarning: apt-get update .. try again
16:14.09apoplexhi, whats the debian way to build a new kernel  ?
16:14.19abrotman!tell apoplex about kp
16:14.22tarzeauapoplex: make-kpkg
16:14.41nvzabrotman: I needed a taillight before for my volvo badly, and I went on ebay and found one quite possibly the only one for sale in the world from what my extensive searching told me.. and I sat there for about 15min bidding on it before it went off, and everytime I would bid, his auto bidder would go higher. by the time it was over $300 I figured he can have the fucking thing. the retail value (not that you can find one) is $185
16:14.41apoplextarzeau: i need the whole procedure ;)
16:14.45abrotmannvz: where else has used handhelds ?
16:14.49apoplexperhaps a nice tutorial ?
16:15.00tarzeauapoplex: make-kpkg kernel_image
16:15.02solemnwarningE: Archive directory /var/cache/apt/archives/partial is missing.
16:15.07abrotmannvz: that must be a nice taillight
16:15.07nvzabrotman: no clue.
16:15.20nvzabrotman: its a volvo part. they cost a lot of money
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16:15.53nvzabrotman: the plastic crome trim across my front bumper that is like 1/2" thick is over $150
16:15.57solemnwarningwhat should i do?
16:16.01apoplextarzeau: do you know a nice tutorial on web ?
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16:16.13abrotmannvz: i drive a VW .. i know parts can be expensive :)
16:16.14nvzabrotman: the parts that can be easily damaged cost more.. go figure
16:16.17abrotmansolemnwarning: fix it ?
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16:16.24solemnwarninghow? -_-
16:16.36solemnwarningive mkdir'd it but still getting error
16:16.44dpkgwell, kp is To compile a kernel The Debian Way (tm) "apt-get install kernel-package build-essential" and follow the instructions in /usr/share/doc/kernel-package/README.gz or when it bitches, rm -rf stamp-* debian before you run it again, or ask me about 'make-kpkg' and 'kp mantra', or, or (read Rationale.gz in the doc directory too)
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16:16.47asuffieldvolvos have parts that can be easily damaged? those things are built like tanks
16:16.48abrotmanapoplex: ^^^
16:16.49asuffieldcorner like tanks, too
16:17.20apoplexTiMiDo, abrotman: thanks
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16:17.39abrotmanasuffield: they are tanks
16:18.17asuffieldbig and heavy and almost indestructable, and perform about as well as you'd expect from several tons of steel being forced along the ground by a series of explosions
16:18.21nvzasuffield: the lamps are plastic like any other car and can be damaged. mine was shattered when I was side-swiped by a Dodge Ram 3500 Superduty which caused a small dent in the rear fender and cracked a small portion of the tail light lens
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16:19.45nvzasuffield: I opened the trunk and beat the dent out with one swift blow and I ended up fixing the tailight with a $2 pack of bike reflectors and some epoxy. I cut them to fit and beveld the edge with a dremel to make the corner
16:20.05abrotmannvz: that's so redneck :)
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16:20.50nvzabrotman: what was I suppose to do. you try and buy a tailight for a 1990 Volvo 760GLE they arent for sale. anyone who may have one isnt going to get rid of it thats for sure. either that or its broken already
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16:21.14nvzabrotman: I would have paid $200 or so for one but I couldnt find it.
16:21.23thcabrotman: a real redneck would have used transparent red tape for the taillight
16:21.51mwilsonnvz: Don't they have auto recyclers where you live?
16:21.52nvzabrotman: couldnt let it fail inspection for something stupid like the corner of a tail light lens that doesnt even have light shining through being cracked.
16:22.18abrotmannvz: i know .. volvo's suck :)
16:22.19nvzmwilson: yeah, but you don't apperently understand what a rare vehicle is
16:22.25spr1nCan someone explain me why ctrl-alt-f[1-7] doesnt works, but alt-f[1-7] does?
16:22.36nvzabrotman: VW suck.
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16:22.58abrotmannvz: no .. my car is wonderful .. and the parst are still pricey ... just like your volvo
16:23.01nvzabrotman: If I still had my volvo I would run over and flatten your VW like a bug (no pun intended)
16:23.08mwilsonnvz: I see all sorts of Volvo in the recyclers around here.  Don't own one, so never paid attention to specific models, but...
16:23.15abrotmannvz: i didn't mean the cars suck .. i meant the parts pricing suck
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16:24.17nvzmwilson: well mine was very rare. it was a 1990 Volvo 760GLE with the Volvo B280F Gas 2.8 Fuel ingected engine.
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16:24.32dpkgHispanohablantes: Por favor usen #debian-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.  Spanish Speakers: Please use #debian-es, there you will get much more help.
16:24.51thcvolvos will literally run forever if you keep them maintained
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16:25.11nvzthe engine was one-of-a-kind as far as volvo engines go, and other things like the data being lost in an early 90's system crash made it all the more rare.
16:25.44nvzyou can find 87-89 740s all over the place
16:26.01SotarHello there, I have a little problem wich generally concerns configuring my soundcard and  I wonder if I could be helped here...
16:26.07nvztheres not really a single part on them the same.
16:26.09thcSotar: so ask
16:26.16bloomI just ran across m3mirror that sounds like it's supposed to solve my problem. what does it do, and what architectures does it run on?
16:26.45nvza friend of mine, wants to give me her 87 (i think) 740 wagon.
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16:27.39Sotarthc: ESS (ES1869F-Chipset) ;  ALSA doesnt detect it ; soundconfig I cannot install cause it is in conflict with some stuff on which depends Gnome
16:27.43abrotmanxoz: try .. harder
16:27.53abrotman!alsa one-liner
16:27.53dpkgi heard alsa one-liner is apt-get install alsa-base alsa-utils && alsaconf
16:27.57nvzshe says its time for her to get a new car, and she told me that she wouldnt trust anyone else with her baby. *shrugs* volvo owners are weird about their cars. I would know I used to be one
16:28.45abrotmanpooped .. tired ...
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16:29.08Sotartried it, alsa doesn't detect it
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16:29.37Sotardownloaded alsa-modules as well
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16:29.45xozSotar: lspci ... and tell us your audio controller
16:29.46nvzthe 740 would be much easier to care for its a simpler engine and easier to find parts for. and since its older than mine, doesnt have all the fancy extras like the electric seats, electric roof..etc its all manual on this one
16:29.48thcSotar: is that an on-board or extremely new pci card?
16:30.03Sotarit's quite old
16:30.09thcthc: ok, checking
16:30.31xozSotar: lspci | grep audio
16:30.51thcSotar: did that card work with OSS before you installed alsa?
16:31.03Sotarno output
16:31.15Sotarit never worked on debian
16:31.19mwilson<snicker> Why do people use ALSA again?
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16:31.28abrotmanSotar: uname -a
16:31.30dvsmwilson: Because it's easier. ;-)
16:31.37abrotmanmwilson: it's not easier .. but OSS sucks
16:31.37thcmwilson: no idea, i still use OSS if at all possible
16:31.43abrotmanand well .. ALSA sucks too
16:31.46mwilsondvs: In what fantasyland?
16:31.58nvzALSA is by no means easier.
16:32.00abrotmanbut alsa sucks with usually more capabilities
16:32.03dvsmwilson: income tax land where everything is easy. ;-)
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16:32.12blalGive me the straght dope: do users of ext3 filesystems ever need to routinely run fsck on boot?  If so, how frequently is the "best practice"?
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16:32.19abrotmanSotar: use a 2.6 .. alsa seems easier in 2.6
16:32.27thcSotar: you installed the alsa-modules for your specific 2.4 kernel?
16:32.29dvsblal: I don't
16:32.31abrotmanblal: mine deafults to 30 boots
16:32.42meffblal: by defaults its like every 22 days.. but you can use tunefs to fix that
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16:33.19meffyou dont have to, but its a good idea, blal
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16:33.21blalmoff : That's the plan.  The question is how often to fsck.
16:33.31Sotarthc: I installed them with that : " apt-get install alsa-modules-$(uname -r) " abrotman: maybe but 2.6 doesn't want to detect my mouse which anoys me...
16:33.34abrotmanblal: how much do you like your data ?
16:33.36blaler, meff
16:33.40*** part/#debian PeLLimi (n=ooioaeie@
16:33.42abrotman!2.6 mouse
16:33.43dpkgmethinks 2.6 mouse is modprobe psmouse; modprobe mousedev; echo -e "psmouse\nmousedev" >> /etc/modules and choose mouse device /dev/input/mice and mouse type ExplorerPS/2.  See or the #Debian FAQ ( (#1.3))
16:33.46meffblal: i'd stick to the defaults..
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16:34.25mwilsonblal: What leads you to believe you need to change the default?
16:34.30solemnwarningE: Archive directory /var/cache/apt/archives/partial is missing.
16:34.34solemnwarninghow do i fix that?
16:34.40solemnwarningmkdiring it dont fix :(
16:34.41meffmwilson: probably cause it takes a long time..
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16:34.50meffmwilson: i fall asleep while its fscking my 320gb :P
16:34.59blalmwilson : I recall something or other about journaling side-stepping or eliminating the need to fsck on boot.
16:34.59mwilsonsolemnwarning: Other than by (a) recreating it, (b) ceasing to delete what you don't understand?
16:35.02thcsolemnwarning: don't ever remove anything from there manually, you should be using apt-get clean
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16:35.10mwilsonblal: It does neither.
16:35.14solemnwarningthere was an apt-get clean?
16:35.22thcsolemnwarning: man apt-get
16:35.24blalmwilson : Ok.  That answers that question.
16:35.29Caelumapt-get autoclean is better
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16:35.38nuclearpenguinwould it be possible to setup xmms to maintain the directory tree of my mp3 collection? i have my collection organized into folders and wanna use that hierarchy in xmms...
16:35.38mwilsonsolemnwarning: You have to recreate the ENTIRE directory structure.
16:35.40abrotmanblal: no .. that's Hans Reiser's stupid idea .. he's on the same level as DBJ .. severe mental deficiency
16:35.44Sotarwell, I'll fiddle with the 2.6 then and hopefully never come back with my problem, thanks a lot
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16:35.46thceither way, he shouldn't be in there removing anything
16:35.46solemnwarningmwilson: how?
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16:35.57abrotmansolemnwarning: ffs .. it's not a directory . it's a file
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16:36.03solemnwarningthere is a command to do it automaticly, right?
16:36.07mwilsonsolemnwarning: What do you mean "how"?  You don't know how to create a directory?
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16:36.09thcsolemnwarning: man apt-get
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16:36.15thcoh that
16:36.19abrotmanerr . ignor eme
16:36.22abrotman!hit me
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16:36.27blalMany thanks, all.
16:36.42nuclearpenguinyou guys got an ideas?
16:36.48solemnwarningi created the dir but im still getting the error
16:36.57abrotmanyeah .. why would i say that!
16:37.10abrotmanthc: i blame the leftover beer in my head
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16:37.45abrotmandvs: it's there .. trust me :)
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16:39.11syntaxxcan i use k3b even im on flux? because the requirements need kde
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16:39.37meffsyntaxx: yes
16:39.52abrotmansyntaxx: there are others
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16:39.55abrotmanlike eroaster ...
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16:40.11spr1nhow would i choose console onboot login instead of x windows login?
16:40.15meffk3b is best hands down.. hell i use it on xfce
16:40.28thcspr1n: update-rc.d
16:40.30dpkgDebian does not use a specific runlevel for graphical display managers by default. Just remove the dm package(s)  with "apt-get remove xdm kdm wdm gdm pdm". "update-rc.d -f xdm remove" and friends will also disable the dm until a package update is installed and the runlevel symlinks are restored..  NEWSFLASH! echo "false" >/etc/X11/default-display-manager, or a temporary solution is to hit ctl-alt-fN to get to a console
16:40.43abrotmanmeff: but not everyone wants all the kde crap to get it working
16:40.46syntaxxok thanks i just want the easy to use burner
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16:41.04abrotmanmeff: and you should try eroaster .. or gnomebaker or .. uhm .. there's another one for kde
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16:41.27meffabrotman: hmm? its just kdelibs and junk.. then run kcontrol and setup your viewing, then run k3b whenever..
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16:41.45abrotmanmeff: that's more kde crap than i want on my system
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16:42.16abrotmanmeff: have you tried arson by chance ?
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16:43.02witlessmy usb.agent hotplug script isn't executing, so i can't get permission to my camera.  does anyone know what initiates this call?  or in general how to debug this problem?
16:43.09meffi've tried a bunch, abrotman .. k3b is 'teh best' imho :P
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16:43.52abrotmanmeff: i disagree!
16:43.52meffabrotman: and how are a few kde libs gonna hurt your box? :)
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16:44.10abrotmanmeff: crap i don't want .. gnomebaker/eroaster are more than adequate .. you should try them :)
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16:44.56nvzI had a look at gnome baker a while back. its alright. but its not really k3b
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16:45.13nvzone thing I notice was a sever lack of configurability
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16:45.33abrotmannvz: how long ago? .. it's changed a lot
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16:45.40nvzabrotman: about a week or so
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16:46.04abrotmandunno . it burns ISOs .. burns music CDs .. burns data .. how much can you need ?
16:46.07Dakishihow can i update my debian sarge, to sid??
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16:46.21dvsDakishi: If you have to ask, don't do it
16:46.22nvzfor example. the bottom where both gnomebaker and k3b show the usage. gnomebaker has a few presets, 20,74,80 or something IIRC and they are preset with no custom setting
16:46.29mwilsonnvz: How can not being k3b be anything but good?
16:46.32nvzI have cds that are 24min.. so wtf
16:46.35Dakishioh okey i understand sorry
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16:46.58mwilsongcdw, even.
16:47.00abrotmannvz: custom for what? .. those are CDR sizes
16:47.13nvzmwilson: well as far as infrastructure thats good, but lacking features isnt. especially when you cant do things that would be easily done with cdrecord directly
16:47.26syntaxxmeff, do i need to run k3b as root for the 1st time?
16:47.31meffsyntaxx: no
16:47.33nvzabrotman: yeah and there are other sized cdrs my cdr size isnt supported
16:47.38mwilsonnvz: Huh?
16:47.43abrotmannvz: which is ?
16:47.55nvzabrotman: as I said, I have 24min cdrs
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16:48.06mrpickles444I forgot my root password
16:48.14dpkg1) 'linux init=/bin/sh' at a lilo boot prompt (hold Shift while booting to make one appear), 2) 'fsck' your root file system, 3) 'mount -o remount,rw /', 4) 'passwd root' 5) 'mount -o remount,ro /' 6) reboot -d -f (exec /sbin/init should work); For GRUB (e.g. sarge): in step 1, press 'e' to edit the kernel setting (add init=/bin/sh to the end of it), 'b' to boot. Steps 2-6 are the same.
16:48.17nvzabrotman: I cant accuratly keep track of them because it lacks the ability to add custom settings
16:48.25abrotmancustom settings?
16:48.29mrpickles444what ?
16:48.31mwilsonnvz: Did I miss something?  K3b, after all, is crap.
16:48.38abrotman!tell mrpickles444 about ifrp
16:48.39thc'what ?'
16:48.51mwilsonnvz: It's a KDE application... hard for it to be anything else.
16:48.57mrpickles444yes, someone please t ell me about ifrp >.>
16:49.02abrotman!tell mrpickles444 about ifrp
16:49.22dvsmrpickles444: Yes, dpkg told you about it
16:49.43nvzmwilson: yes, as I said its infrastructure (KDE) is crap. but as a frontend to cdrecord it manages to more than take advantage of is features and then some
16:49.56abrotmannvz: and you don't like eroaster either?
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16:50.03nvzabrotman: never seen it
16:50.10abrotmani just can't bring myself to isntall that much of kde to have a burner
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16:50.17nvzabrotman: at least not in recent years
16:50.36mwilsonnvz: You might like cdw, then... it has radio buttons for standard discs, and then a "type it in the box" selection. :)
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16:50.52nvzmwilson: yeah most apps do, like gcombust
16:51.12mwilsonNow if you want to talk about crap, gcombust certainly qualifies.
16:51.27dvsmwilson: and xcdroast?
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16:51.30nvzmwilson: gnomebaker isnt configurable at all really. you can chage the burner device, and audio or data disc and you can configure what files to add.. thats about it
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16:51.53abrotmannvz: you could you know .. file a bug :)
16:52.09nvzabrotman: I dont have an email address
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16:52.20mwilsonnvz: Yes... after all, you remember that WauWau and company know far better than you how you should be using your computer.  Since they don't think you need to do that, well... obviously you don't.
16:52.21nvzabrotman: file a bug against me
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16:52.56nvztechnos: GNAA initation?
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16:53.27nvzweak attempt at a disruption of service there :P
16:53.41mwilsonKDE is still trying to throw off all the damage Mosfet did to it.
16:53.43meff<3 xfce
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16:54.29cahootnvz: now that's at least the 4:th ti you refer to gnaa - why
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16:54.30abrotmanmwilson: the whole thing is damaged :)
16:54.31nvzif I were to use KDE, I would definatly not use the kde-style appearance
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16:55.01meff!pal KDE
16:55.20nvzcahoot: it ammuses me that there are such misfits out there that they would form such an orginization. I had thought it was a joke.. recently found out these idiots are serious
16:55.25Caelumthe CrystalSphere theme is available for gnome and kde, and if you choose the fonts right gnome and kde apps almost look like you can use them side by side
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16:55.53mwilsonKDE doesn't hold usability studies, because then they'd find out what the users really think.  Gnome holds usability studies so that they can find out what the users think, and then ignore them better.
16:55.57nvzcahoot: what ammuses me more is that these are the kinds of people who post/read slashdot and other trolltard news sites
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16:56.44nvzI wish /. would stop acting like a geek news source and admit that its troll news "News for trolls, stuff that real geeks couldn't care less about" would be more accurate
16:57.00mwilsonGnome's answer is always "well,you're not our target audience."  Of course, apparently Gnome doesn't *have* a target audience.
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16:57.22ProN00bwhats gnaa ?
16:57.24mwilsonSince the stupid are already using KDE.
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16:57.38abrotmanProN00b: use google
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16:57.53dvsThey strike again!!! ;-)
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17:00.44nvzProN00b: yeah read they are highly organized troll-tards
17:01.05nvztechnos: get the cat off the keyboard or get off IRC
17:01.13nvzgood choice
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17:01.27sumi - another good article
17:01.31lhzhow do I fake install a package ?
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17:01.43nvzlhz: fake install?
17:01.58nvzlhz: what would this be, and what would be the purpose?
17:02.00meffwhatever you do dont click on 'members' :x
17:02.17lhznvz: i have installed xorg from source, and want to use debians qt4
17:02.26nvzmeff: doesnt do anything but tell me its got unsupported media
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17:02.40Caelumlhz: equivs
17:02.43dpkgequivs is probably a package that enables you to create dummy packages that tell apt you really have installed (through some other means) the package. apt-get install equivs, and read /usr/share/doc/equivs/*, or see also "usrlocal"
17:02.52nvzlhz: why would you install xorg from source?
17:03.06nvzlhz: put the crackpipe down before you answer this one.
17:03.24meffnvz: it uses javascript to shake the window and says "hey everybody im looking at gay porno!!" .. sometimes i wish i had disabled mplayerplug-in :P
17:03.43nvzmeff: heh
17:04.01meffmy wife looked at me and said 'wtf' hahah
17:04.25nvzin other troll news, goatse seems to be down now. sad day for troll tards when that happened I am sure. their account was suspended
17:04.38nvzI found to be pretty funny though
17:04.39Caelumold news, there are lots of mirrors
17:05.27Dakishihow can i reconfigure locale already tried, dpkg-reconfigure locale but get this error message, perl: warning: Setting locale failed.
17:05.37meffnvz: had to pop a term and do a killall firefox-bin :P
17:05.41meffnvz: whats at there?
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17:05.50nvzmeff: its clean, have a look :P
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17:06.17meffheheh nice
17:06.19cahootmeff: straying a bit OT?
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17:06.29nvzmeff: the wiener and the pussy :P
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17:07.20chealDakishi: you tried #dpkg-reconfigure locales; right? locale isn't the name
17:07.37ProN00bomg, gnaa is the internet satan
17:07.47nvzProN00b: yep.
17:07.49abrotmanno .. that would be bill gates
17:07.54abrotmanthey're the damn imps
17:08.01ProN00bbill gates isn't on the internet
17:08.11abrotmanwanna bet
17:08.23ProN00bhis security personel says his os isn't ready for that yet
17:08.42GodKilla-how i run X apps with root?
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17:09.01dpkgit has been said that sux is su with xauth, to run X apps as root: or sucks, or "I have an exagerrated opinion about something I don't really know much about.", or apt-get install sux, or something that anyone who spells "sucks" as "sux" does.
17:09.19nvzabrotman: that site seems to be selling pr0n domains
17:09.29abrotmannvz: it was a joke
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17:10.04cahootabrotman: humor in #debian - you must be joking
17:10.15abrotmancahoot: it was accidental!
17:10.17nvzCaelum: heh.
17:10.19CaelumGodKilla-: you can also cp -a ~youruser/.Xauthority /root
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17:10.38abrotman!useless factoids
17:10.38dpkgEvery time you create a useless factoid, God kills a gentoo user
17:10.44hypersniperhas anyone seen mentor in here recently?
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17:10.54abrotman!seen mentor
17:10.54dpkgmentor <n=matthew@unaffiliated/mentor> was last seen on IRC in channel #debian, 2d 3h 18m 40s ago, saying: 'Interesting God Complex there...'.
17:10.55nvzdpkg, seen mentor
17:10.57Dakishicheal, and whats the name then??
17:11.05hypersniperaha :) cheers
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17:11.17chealDakishi: locales
17:11.21nvzhe hasnt been at his terminal since services went down apperently
17:11.31Dakishicheal, dang forgot the s hahahahha thank you a lot
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17:11.49hypersniperok thanks, i'll phone him and whine then
17:12.20abrotmanphone him ?
17:12.29starscallingdoes anyone know what ports i need to port for xchat fileserving?
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17:13.07GodKilla-<Caelum> GodKilla-: you can also cp -a ~youruser/.Xauthority /root <-- tahts what sux does, no?
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17:13.25nvzCaelum: this animation is funny
17:14.23abrotmannvz: it doesn't do anything
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17:14.34nvzabrotman: must be your browser then.
17:14.44nvzabrotman: shows the kitten chewing here
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17:15.00nvzits cute
17:15.14billy(unstable) having a problem using 'su' after upgrading. i'm getting the following error: configuration error - unknown item 'QUOTAS_ENAB' (notify administrator). any pointers? thanks
17:15.19abrotmannvz: yes .. i see that
17:15.28siegieis there a rescue function in the network install cd for sarge
17:15.29nvzmakes me want to buy a bunch of kittens instead of a pc
17:15.41abrotmannvz: spcaz ?
17:15.46nvzof course you can get those for free
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17:15.53asuffieldnvz: stab yourself in the face until the desire goes away
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17:16.08nvzasuffield: :( you dont like kittens?
17:16.33nvzasuffield: what about the SPCA?
17:16.39nvzabrotman: even
17:16.45asuffieldas a replacement for hardware? no
17:16.47asuffieldyou're sick
17:17.01nvzasuffield: no as something to play with
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17:17.28siegieis there a rescue function in the network install cd for sarge
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17:17.44hypersniperSkin Poor Cats Alive? that's horrible!
17:18.17nvzhypersniper: Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
17:18.19xixorits the only way to make cat-skin coats
17:19.23hypersniperdon't forget the cat-skin briefs
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17:19.36abrotmannvz: cats ?
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17:19.56nvzabrotman: ?
17:20.05CaelumI knew I was right in smoking weed, and all the idiots I talked to told me it kills brain cells:
17:20.19abrotmannvz: kittens ?
17:20.30abrotmanCaelum: that's not what that says
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17:20.42nvzgot one here thats not exactly mild-mannered
17:20.51nvzgets downright evil sometimes
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17:21.43Caelumabrotman: I know, just that people kept telling me that pot kills brain cells, and now they look like utter morons :)
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17:22.05abrotmanit does
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17:22.20Caelumabrotman: no it doesn't
17:22.22abrotmanyou've found one study
17:22.27nvzCaelum: slashdot isnt hardly an authority on anything but trolling
17:22.28abrotmancompared the THOUSANDS that say it does
17:22.43hypersniperstudies used a substance 100 times more potent than THC
17:22.43Caelumabrotman: there are no studies that say that pot kills brain cells, at all
17:23.01hypersniperand it was a study on rats, are you a rat caelum?
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17:23.26Caelumrats have 95% homologous DNA, most studies are on mice or rats
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17:23.46abrotmanCaelum: google will prove you wrong
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17:23.58nvzhow do you get a rat to smoke, and how do they survive smoking something 100 more powerful
17:24.03Xi-PhazorIm sorry to all you pot trolls, but all my friends who do pot every day are frikkin stupid.
17:24.25*** part/#debian aJoemuaNi (n=hohizarf@
17:24.47zinxXi-Phazor: yeah, but according to studies if they stop they'll be just as smart as the were before
17:24.51cahootCaelum: so if ubuntu is 95% homologous to debian it folows they're the same?
17:24.53Xi-Phazorand they were smarter, on tests and in real life modes, in highschool
17:24.57Xi-Phazorits all about moderation
17:24.58hypersnipersmoking weed and being stupid are mutually exclusive
17:24.58Caelumabrotman: umm, yes, inhaling smoke kills a few brain cells, duh. But you can vaporize pot, eat it, etc. And the carcinogen content in pot smoke is very small. Also, has no scientifically useful information :P
17:24.59zinxXi: for whatever the heck that's worth
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17:25.17Caelumzinx: correct
17:25.19chealzinx: except they'll have to catch up in culture
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17:25.31nimakshit, those are some really high rats
17:25.32Caelumabrotman: try medline
17:25.48hypersniperRawplayer: i wanna work out how to synth some of that stuff
17:25.59abrotmanCaelum: try .. i don't give a shit .. kill your fucking head if you want to
17:26.03hypersnipererrr everyone:
17:26.12nvzhypersniper: The Second Basic Law of human stupidiy states "The probability that a certain person be stupid is independent of any other characteristic of that person."
17:26.22Caelumabrotman: you don't know what you're talking about, see, you can't just make shit up because it feels better for you
17:26.48Xi-Phazorlol I would not go that far
17:26.49abrotmanCaelum: really .. i don't care .. kill yourself for all i care
17:26.56abrotmanif you're too lazy to google .. don't cry to me
17:26.58sumiabrotman, you watch too many anti-drug commercials
17:26.58Xi-Phazorabrotman has a damn good point
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17:27.04Caelumall the results on google say "pot does not kill brain cells"
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17:27.10alexnuevoenlinuxcan you helpme, i used unstable
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17:27.24abrotmanCaelum: your google-fu sucks
17:27.28Xi-PhazorScientists proved that smoking pot can stunt the development of the mind, mess up your memory, etc
17:27.30Caelumabrotman: also, no one has ever died from smoking pot
17:27.35Xi-PhazorI would call that dammage
17:27.36abrotmanwanna bet
17:27.55sumiXi-Phazor, that definetly explains why my friend smokes pot and is very intelligent
17:28.10CaelumXi-Phazor: for teens it does, a bit. But that's generally completely reversible
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17:28.48Xi-Phazorages 1 to 22 minds are still developing, some stop at 19 or 21, but its all close to the same time
17:28.51abrotmansmoking anything contains carcinogens to some degree
17:28.53CaelumXi-Phazor: it causes some demyelination in purkinje cells in the hippocampus
17:28.58nakeeehow do I install openffice on debian?is there some doc?
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17:29.09r3giido i  have to install ident to connect to another servers?
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17:29.30Caelumnakeee: apt-get install
17:29.32Xi-Phazornakeee, apt-get is your friend
17:29.36chealnakeee: you install the package, localization packages if you want, and help packages if you want
17:29.44hypersniperis openoffice in non-free?
17:29.52jdhutchin1hypersniper, no
17:30.00nvzhaha, too slow :P
17:30.00mwilsonIs there some reason it should be?
17:30.11Caelumr3gii: apt-get install pidentd, and set up a port forward or trigger on your firewall
17:30.26hypersniperjust wondering. so it's GPL'd open-source?
17:30.32chealno, it's LGPL
17:30.36r3giiCaelum thx roger that
17:30.44mwilsonWhy would it have to be GPL?
17:30.56hypersniperthought stallman was anal about these things :p
17:31.05mwilsonWhat does Stallman have to do with it?
17:31.13Xi-PhazorSun microsystems attempted to promote open source and thats where open solaris and openoffice came from
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17:31.19dpkgsomebody said was an LGPL office productivity suite based upon Sun's StarOffice. 2 beta is packaged in experimental as openoffice.org2. See #debian-oo or
17:31.20Rawplayerhypersniper: what?
17:31.23hypersniperwell... not much i guess
17:31.39abrotmancheal: !openorifice ?
17:31.39hypersniperRawplayer: sorry missclick
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17:32.14chealabrotman: are you saying you don't like openoffice?
17:32.17nakeeeCaelum, sorry I ment openoffice 2...
17:32.23nixuserhey brotman hows it going
17:32.26mwilsonhypersniper: So, what point are you leading up to?
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17:33.15alexnuevoenlinuxhow do you do install unstable
17:33.17hypersnipermwilson: I was just being inquisitive, no point
17:33.23mwilsonalexnuevoenlinux: You don't.
17:33.25dpkgIf you have to ask, you shouldn't.
17:33.27nixuserinstalled debian amd64 the other night
17:33.44TwistedPBookalexnuevoenlinux: it's not a good idea unless you know what your doing..
17:33.49nixuserblackdown doesnt work to well in yahoo on it
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17:34.45TwistedPBookalexnuevoenlinux: if you really want to know you can... but it's just not smart.. change yr sources to unstable.. apt-get update... apt-get dist-upgrade or whatever..ou
17:34.48Lee__I started X as root and now if I start it as a regular user it hangs, saying "xauth:  timeout in locking authority file /root/.Xauthority"
17:35.04Amorphoushi. after the first reboot while installing sarge from an businesscard image in vmware a friend gets the following error: ("konfiguriere das grundsystem" is "configuring the basesystem" in english)
17:35.07Lee__shouldn't it be looking in the user's home dir, not root's?
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17:35.14TwistedPBookalexnuevoenlinux: what are you running now?
17:35.14Amorphousanyone has an idea what went wrong?
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17:36.13dpkgPlease do not ask if anyone uses <someprogram>. Instead, ask your real question. (If the real question was if anyone used <someprogram> ask me about <popcon> instead.) See <ask> <sicco> <ask-to-ask> <polls>
17:36.34TwistedPBookAmorphous: sounds like a vmware problem...
17:36.40EdLinphoey, wrong factoid
17:36.49Lee__Amorphous: have you contacted vmware tech support?
17:36.51nixuseruse the full netinstall iso
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17:37.35TwistedPBookAmorphous: try full install iso if that doesnt work call vmware.. those useless basterds.
17:37.41AmorphousTwistedPBook: are you sure? last time someone installed debian sarge in an vmware it worked like anywhere else.
17:37.50Lee__nm, I figured out my stupid X problem...
17:37.50dpkgKnoppix is _not_ Debian. Seek knoppix help in #knoppix. For those of you who don't know, knoppix is a livecd distro based on debian. It's useful as a rescue cd, to test hardware, and for situations where you have access to a computer but it doesn't run debian.  Please go to #knoppix, or knoppix is no more debian than mandriva is redhat.
17:37.58nixuseramorphous better yet, just install it on a dedicated linux box
17:38.00dpkgi guess java is Sun's cross-platform OO language. Sun's Java licensing is extremely restrictive. Consider using free-java-sdk for applications such as Eclipse. Ask me about <java licensing> and <install java>.
17:38.03xixor!java plugin
17:38.10nixuservmware yuck
17:38.10xixor!install java
17:38.10dpkgFirst, read <java licensing>.  Still here? Install the java-package package (needs a contrib source), then ask me about java-package.
17:38.15xixor!java licensing
17:38.15dpkgread the faq at
17:38.29Amorphousnixuser: do you have an indication that it is an vmware problem?
17:38.41Lee__vmware is fun in windows only shops. Get them to buy it for you, install Debian and run Windows inside vmware  :)
17:38.42mwilsonDo you have an indication that it's NOT?
17:38.49nixusernope, only guessing, vmware is always buggy tho
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17:38.52EdLinxixor: /msg dpkg if the help is intended only for you
17:38.54TwistedPBookAmorphous: not sure at all.. just that you really cant be sure since no one knows whether its a debian or vmware problem... should work fine... but you dont know.
17:39.07xixorEdLin, : ah, ok
17:39.16xixorEdLin: I thought private messages were disabled on this server?
17:39.27Lee__vmware has some closed source kernel modules. you should always contact their tech support before contacting the distro's.
17:39.30EdLinxixor: not if your nick is registered
17:39.30nixuserprice of used pc's these days, cheaper to run a dedicated linux machine than vmware
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17:39.57sandmannixuser: I wouldn't say that.
17:40.04TwistedPBookI would..
17:40.05AmorphousLee__: the tainting modules are optional. and not yet installed there.
17:40.12sandmannixuser: An extra PC requires power, which means electric bills.
17:40.16TwistedPBookall you need is like a P2 400..
17:40.18sandmanBut that's just my opinion.
17:40.19nixuserlol, old p3 dells work great for nix
17:40.28dpkgIf you want to laugh, use heh or hah or bwahahaha. lol doesn't sound like laughter at all and makes you look like an AOL user.
17:40.28Lee__Amorphous: that's good. they didn't used to be optional.
17:40.41sandmanI prefer lol.
17:40.55EdLinlots of people prefer AOL too
17:41.09nixuserat least we dont sound like nerdy boys locked in the basement
17:41.14TwistedPBookjesus... it's fucking sunday..
17:41.21EdLin!sing sunday
17:41.21dpkgEveryday is like sunday... Everyday the tards come to play...
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17:41.36Lee__Loser On Line
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17:42.15nixuserprefers 4.5 mb down and 768 k up
17:42.42TwistedPBookohhh.. aol...
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17:43.18nixuserupdating alt.binaries.warez.linux
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17:44.55xtzdoes anyone knows a program under sarge to test network interfaces ?
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17:45.19nixuserxtz: as in bandwidth?
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17:46.20graffitDoes anyone knows how to make maildrop work with mysql in the courier package ? I read that I'd have to recompile but the debian/rules confuses me.
17:46.30xtznixuser: the problem is, i installed a new sarge on a server... as an firewall with iptables... the same scripts as on the old one... and outbound connexions (from lan to internet) are VERY slow... and i really dont know where the problem is... the iptables scripts are all right...
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17:46.58nixuserusing a router?
17:47.23xtzrouter ? between the server and internet you mean ?
17:47.50nixuseris it a linksys, or something  you built yourself
17:48.00xtzi have an second server (the old one) connected directly on the router too... this one doesnt have any problem
17:48.23nixusercould be something simple as the network card or cable
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17:48.50xtzits an old one... Zoom X5 (5554)
17:49.03xtzcable ?
17:49.06nixusernever heard of it
17:49.11kli want to format linux , because i want to install XP. How to set it
17:49.12nixuserbetween server and router
17:49.15xtz(its a big mess..)
17:49.27nixuserxp will format your hard drive for you
17:49.46xtznixuser: i will try to change it.. brb
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17:50.16Ellyman, GAIM is teh suq
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17:50.26Ellyit pops up 'untitled window's when I get disconnected
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17:50.38nixuserif your having problems installing xp over a linux install, try zeroing the boot sector first
17:50.40jdhutchin1report it as a bug then, ElectricElf
17:50.56Caelumor better yet, run xp in vmware in linux
17:50.57TwistedPBookkl: just put in windows install cd and follow promtps...
17:51.04TwistedPBookkl: boot from the cd..
17:51.28TwistedPBookGrrr... why am I helping people LEAVE linux?
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17:51.30klthink , but my question is not a very question
17:51.37klit's troll
17:51.50TwistedPBook!troll kl
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17:52.03nixuserhell do a dual boot
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17:52.57TiMiDo!troll dpkg
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17:53.21dpkglay off me you buggerererers!!11!
17:53.22TwistedPBookTiMiDo: enjoying yourself?
17:53.28ke6isf!tell TiMiDo -about msg the bot
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17:53.37TiMiDo!tell ke6isf to fuck off
17:53.43xtznixuser: i changed the cable... still so slow
17:53.57nixusergot a different network card?
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17:54.03TwistedPBookke6isf: hahah you should tell him about ban
17:54.07xtzno :(
17:54.28xtzbut, does it exist a program to check the NICs ?
17:54.32nixusernot familiar with that brand of router, try different ports, nic cards etc, experiment
17:54.38ke6isfTwistedPBook: Meh, I'll let him work himself into his own tizzy and get dinged himself.
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17:54.53xtznixuser: i tried all... just not the cable... but now its done
17:55.03TwistedPBookke6isf: you are wise ;)
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17:55.07nixusermay want to update your router as well if its that old
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17:55.47TwistedPBookxtz: what the problem? trying to connect two machines and it's slow?
17:56.20nixusertwo servers connecting to the net, are they running similar software? is it possible the router is confusing which server gets which packet?
17:56.34TwistedPBookeven if it's connected using 10mbit instead of 100mbit.. it should be very fast.
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17:56.56TwistedPBooknixuser: dont think so...
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17:57.20nixuserhe has some old router ive never heard of
17:57.42nixuserunknown if it uses nat
17:58.14TwistedPBookxtz: try a never router... or any spare hubs? switches?
17:58.17xtznixuser: one is running debian sarge (runs perfectly, and fast internet.. was used as router/fw), and the new one is running debian Sarge (new internet router/fw)
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17:58.53xtzthe router (zoom X5 5554) works perfectly
17:59.09xtzi connected my computer directly to the router, and all goes fine
17:59.10nixuseryou have assign different ports to the different servers or your router gets confuzzled
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17:59.30xtzhmm what ?
17:59.31TwistedPBooknixuser: I dont think that's possible..
17:59.53TwistedPBookxtz: do you have port forwarding on?
17:59.56xtzthe router has an builtin 4 ports switch... each server uses one
17:59.56nixuserive tried running two ftp servers on the same port before, it doesnt work well
18:00.01xtzyes TwistedPBook
18:00.20TwistedPBookxtz: try disabling that and see if there is a speed difference..
18:00.37xtzon the router or on the one of the servers ?
18:00.51TwistedPBookxtz: that's the only thing that I could thiink of which would cause a clash if it's a port being shared problem..
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18:01.17nixusertime fer football, later
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18:01.40pem3v78I have setup vsftpd with tls, but it runs only with PORT not PASSIVE. What could be the problem ?
18:01.42xtzi will try this TwistedPBook... but have to disconnect all... i be back in 10 mins..
18:01.52pem3v78the client has timeout
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18:02.01TwistedPBookxtz: kk
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18:03.37aleshi, does driver ne2000 for ISA network card work on 2.6 kernel ?
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18:05.51daddiushey can debian stable or testing work on sata drives?
18:05.58chealdaddius: yes
18:05.59vorpalhi folks.  does anyone know why apt-get upgrade would hang while downloading one or two specific packages, but everything else downloads fine?
18:06.10*** part/#debian LELE (
18:06.13chealvorpal: fine from the same source?
18:06.15daddiuscheal, for some reason it failed during sintall of 3.1
18:06.22vorpalcheal: yes
18:06.53chealvorpal: it hangs where exactly?
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18:07.20chealdaddius: that's quite possible. not all is supported. with which kernel  were you trying?
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18:07.51cemcomso after my last dist-upgrade, X doesn't seem to be working. as gdm starts it says it can't init properly and gives no diagnostic output
18:07.54alescheal: 2.6.13
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18:08.20cemcomXFree86 doesn't seem to be present... startx gives no useful output either. no log generated in /var/log/XFree.0.log
18:08.20chealales: sorry, I didn't mean to ask you anything
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18:08.40cemcomif anyone's got ideas, i'd be very thankful
18:08.48chealcemcom: dist-upgrade on which release?
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18:09.46chealcemcom: do you know what packages were upgraded?
18:09.56cemcoma whole lot
18:10.14daddiuscheal, i was trying to install but if screemed and failed.  I also tried ubuntu 5.06 i believe
18:10.17daddiusit just hung there
18:10.20cemcomincl. X packages... i just ran the last dist-upgrade like 5 min hoping maybe something was gonna change...
18:10.29cemcom* 5 min ago
18:10.35daddiusbeen hearing alot of people having problems with sata drives
18:10.41vorpalit hangs there every time.  at the same percentage
18:10.44chealdaddius: with which kernel were you trying?
18:10.44cemcoma lot of packages got upgraded incl. libc6, X libs, lots of stuff
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18:10.59daddiuscheal, not sure but debian 3.1
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18:11.35daddiuscheal, i am new to debian so i woudln't know what kernel it had.. I just know the version and tried to do the installation process
18:11.45chealdaddius: by default 3.1 uses a 2.4.27 kernel on i386. I suppose you didn't choose the 2.6 option?
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18:12.04daddiuscheal, ahhh perhaps that was the case
18:12.04chealdaddius: try booting 3.1 installer with the linux26 boot parameter
18:12.29chealcemcom: libc6 :? when was your last dist-upgrade?
18:12.29daddiuscheal, isn't 3.1 stable or testing?
18:12.36cheal!debian 3.1
18:12.39vorpali have tried changing sources, and it still hangs on the same package, at the same percentage, so i thinks its something wrong locally
18:12.43dpkghmm... 3.1 is sarge
18:13.07daddiusdpkg, sarge meaning?
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18:13.14daddiusor stable?
18:13.18dpkgTen-HUT!  Fall in!  Sarge is the code name for the current stable Debian release, version 3.1, released on June 6th, 2005. Ask me about <install debian>. Sarge is the biggest lump of free as in freedom software ever released at one time... read the release notes at
18:13.25daddiusgot U
18:13.29JAVdo unstable evolution works? mail component don't even show
18:13.56chealJAV: the answer to does unstable foo work is check the BTS for foo
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18:14.31aa112I got a pre-made binary...but I get error cannot execute binary file qwhen i try to run it...
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18:14.53cemcomcheal: any ideas? do you think this is a temp fluke and someone just messed up a package?
18:15.03halibutis there a bandwidth limited program I can use, so that a direct connect client cannot max out my upload bandwidth?
18:15.05B_RavenHey. Anyone know a way to mount bin/cue images?
18:15.13dpkgfrom memory, bin/cue is a cd image file format used by CDRWin. cdrdao can burn these images
18:15.17chealcemcom: libc6 :? when was your last dist-upgrade?
18:15.24dpkg.bin and .cue files are part of a Golden Hawk Technology CDRWIN image. You can convert a CDRWIN image to ISO/WAV with "bchunk", though you will lose any subcode data (used for game copy protection mechanisms)
18:15.25cemcom5 min ago
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18:15.33vorpalhah, i figured it out
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18:15.47vorpaltalking it out here helped me solve my problem
18:15.59Daemoncan anyone tell me....
18:16.00vorpalthanks for listening ;-)  or ignoring ;-)
18:16.03Daemoni have a laptop, on XP
18:16.07chealcemcom: when was you last successful dist-upgrade?
18:16.08Daemonand an external HDD
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18:16.21Daemoncan I install debian on the HDD, to have it dual booting with xp?
18:16.26aa112bash: ./psotnic-0.2.5-linux: cannot execute binary file
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18:16.36JAVcheal: I've already done it. (saying yes or no would be a more usefull and short) :)
18:16.46TwistedPBookQuestion guys... I have DNS forwarding done for me by or whatever and have apache2 up also... how tough would it be to setup a mail server tooo so I could recieve email at like
18:16.49chealDaemon: yes
18:16.58cemcomgood question. i think i probably ran one yesterday, and this is the first time i've rebooted since then and it's when the issues started, so I ran it again hoping it would get fixed. before that I think I hadn't ran one for a while (maybe a few weeks?)
18:17.40*** part/#debian vorpal (n=vorpal@pdpc/supporter/student/vorpal)
18:17.53cemcomis XFree86 a program I should expect to have on my filesystem? or did it get replaced by something else at some point, b/c that file isn't anywhere
18:17.58TwistedPBookAnd what mail server program would you guys suggest? Looking for something that is easy to setup and also easy to install plugins like virus scanners, spam protection, etc etc.
18:18.25chealcemcom: yes, if the appropriate package is installed
18:18.51mtnmantwistedpbook:: mailservers often will refuse to communicate with servers hosted on non-static ip ranges
18:18.52cheal!tell CorinCole about msg
18:19.15cemcomwell, all the appropriate packages should be installed. i mean, X has been running fine before yesterday's upgrade
18:19.39nkuttlercemcom: what happens when you run startx from the command line?
18:19.41cemcomdo you think some fool could have just messed up the X package?
18:19.51TwistedPBookmtnman: Err.. I have a static IP now... I just didn't have a static ip when I signed up.. I use a subdomain of
18:20.01chealcemcom: yeah...stable is managed by a fool...
18:20.06*** join/#debian WboaIfe (n=lovne@
18:20.11TwistedPBookmtnman: is it going to be possible or no?
18:20.12cemcomit complains about wrong priority (-11 instead of wanted -10) then waits for a few secs, says "server error" and "cannot connect to server" or some such and dies
18:20.22CorinColehow would that work then cheal?
18:20.27CorinColeand how would I set it up?
18:20.28nkuttlercemcom: grep the log for EE and paste it somewhere
18:20.29mtnmantwistepbook: if you have a static ip, i would recommend normal dns not dyndns
18:20.34cemcomwell there's no log
18:20.36cemcomthat's the problem
18:20.38*** part/#debian etoDei (n=lovne@
18:20.50nkuttlercemcom: it's hard to believe...
18:20.52TwistedPBookmtnman: you know of a decent free dns service out there?
18:21.02cemcomno /var/log/XFree.0.log ; when gdm starts and says "do you want to see the log" and I say "Yes" it gives me a blank screen
18:21.08abrotmanyou have a real server? . host your own DNS
18:21.09cemcomit's absolutely bizarre.
18:21.13*** join/#debian MrParity (
18:21.15abrotmana real static IP server
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18:21.17mtnmantwistedpbook: no, i do not.
18:21.18nkuttlercemcom: well, did you _look_ if the file is there?
18:21.26nkuttlercemcom: you know, like with ls?
18:21.28TwistedPBookabrotman: but then I have to register and pay right..?
18:21.36abrotmanfor a domain .. yes
18:21.41abrotmanhow else do you expect to get mail ?
18:21.51cemcomin /var/log ?
18:21.51abrotmanor send
18:21.59TwistedPBookabrotman: using the subdomain thing...
18:21.59nkuttlercemcom: no, in /dev/null...
18:22.13abrotmansubdomain of what?
18:22.14cemcomno, i didn't look for one w/ startx in the local dir... hmm for some reason i thought i would shopw up in /var/log but clearly it shouldn't
18:22.27TwistedPBookabrotman: in this case...
18:22.31cemcomthere's no log in /var/log (yes, even w/ ls)
18:22.35abrotmanTwistedPBook: noone will accept your mail
18:22.42B_RavenOk. My cd-burner is fried, the iso's from bchunk won't mount. Any other suggestions? Could have sworn I read about something capable of mounting .bin images a while back.
18:22.46nkuttlercemcom: you said you're running stable?
18:22.50chealCorinCole: I don't know. look at the install guide
18:22.51TwistedPBookabrotman: it has to be a registered domain name?
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18:22.58abrotmanTwistedPBook: is your IP static ?
18:23.04TwistedPBookabrotman: yeah
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18:23.08abrotmanand i mean 100% static
18:23.15nkuttlercemcom: sounds bad. like a broken hd or something. /msg dpkg remove x, /msg dpkg set up x, reinstall
18:23.19abrotmanthen pay godaddy 8$ for whatever it is to get a real domain
18:23.21TwistedPBookabrotman: yeah... it doesnt change..
18:23.30abrotmanTwistedPBook: no .. is it static!
18:23.32*** part/#debian viWTeB (n=lovne@
18:23.39chealJAV: just don't expect to have a useful answer to such a question here
18:23.41TwistedPBookabrotman: yes dammit it's static
18:23.41cemcomnkuttler: '/msg dpkg remove x' ?
18:23.42abrotmanTwistedPBook: just beucase it doesn't change .. doesn't mean it can't
18:23.49nkuttlercemcom: yes?
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18:23.53cemcomwhat do you mean '/msg' ?
18:23.56abrotmanyou either have dhcp .. or you pay extra for a static
18:23.56TwistedPBookabrotman: ;) It wont change
18:24.02*** join/#debian [sr] (
18:24.03TwistedPBookI pay extra
18:24.04nkuttlercemcom: why don't you just type it? in this window.
18:24.07TwistedPBookfor static
18:24.08[sr]hi budies :)
18:24.11abrotmanTwistedPBook: then get a real domain .. run your own dns
18:24.16cemcomnkuttler: and which X packages do I remove?
18:24.35[sr]TwistedPBook sorry lol
18:24.38nkuttlercemcom: what part of what the bot told you do you not understand?
18:24.53cemcomnkuttler: not used to IRC. what's the bot do?
18:25.01TwistedPBook[sr]: for what?
18:25.10nkuttlercemcom: i _told_ you what to do
18:25.15[sr]TwistedPBook just versioned you for mistake
18:25.17nkuttler!tell cemcom about remove x
18:25.19nkuttler!tell cemcom about set up x
18:25.44TwistedPBookoh.. didnt notice
18:26.09cemcomnkuttler: i just typed '/msg dpkg remove x' and nothing happened?
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18:26.20nkuttlercemcom: learn how your irc client works
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18:26.33EdLincemcom: is your nickname registered?
18:26.36TwistedPBookIs there a difference between .us or .biz and .com? I mean except for it being preety?
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18:26.37cemcomnkuttler: ah. yes. ::ahem::
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18:27.09EdLinTwistedPBook: there is supposed to be but there isn't
18:27.31TwistedPBookEdLin: so for mail servers wont be a problem?
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18:28.09iostreamHi.. I want file can I change my localization settings? (default language...)
18:28.12cemcomnkuttler: k thx. learning about X *and* IRC today. if only this bot could write the damn neural network I need my X for, I would be truly amazed
18:28.13EdLinTwistedPBook: no
18:28.24[sr]dpkg-reconfigure locales
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18:29.08EdLinnot only is it sunday its permaseptember
18:29.11aeronadixI got some wicked problems with my thinkpad debian install.  First of all my middle mouse button doesn't work.  But more importantly, when my screen saver comes on, or when my screen turns off, or when I press function+screen switch, I can't turn my screen back on and have to power down and reboot
18:29.14sobersabrehi guys... i've found some SuckIts at work... where can I read on it ? is there any chrootkit relateed channel ?
18:29.59*** join/#debian mortum (n=fjbf@
18:30.03EdLinsobersabre: if you've been rootkitted the only answer is to restore from known-secure backups or reinstall
18:30.21*** join/#debian jair (
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18:31.21ke6isf!always sunday
18:31.22dpkgJust as it's always September, somewhere, out on the internet, it's always Sunday here in #debian.
18:31.25jairhello guys, I did something crazy in my laptop debian.  I install in this laptop debian sarge when it was "testing" but then I change the repositories to stable sarge and I has been working with not problem at all.
18:31.36salvoCIAO A TUTTI
18:31.45dpkgper aiuto in lingua italiana: /j #debian-it , (anche /j #linux-it ). Otterrete sicuramente piu' aiuto li', bischeri! For help in italian /j #debian-it or /j #linux-it
18:31.52jairtoday I add a new repositorie and it get the repo from testing hahah since was testing.
18:31.56ke6isfsalvo: Grazie.
18:32.02ProN00bi am currently doing a "dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/hdc" how do i find out how far it is ?
18:32.06jairnow if I want to change this repo to stable???
18:32.17*** join/#debian deepan (n=debian@
18:32.19jairI have to edit manually the /etc/source.list right?
18:32.23abrotmanjair: you can't
18:32.24*** join/#debian salto_ (
18:32.28abrotmanyou're running testing now
18:32.35jairabrotman, nope
18:32.40salvoO appena installatu linux non so da dove iniziare
18:32.47SimonRavenjair: um, just because it hasn't crashed and burned yet, doesn't mean it works
18:32.52jairabrotman, I was running testing in debian sarge
18:33.01*** join/#debian eboy (n=eboy@
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18:33.09ke6isfsalvo: /join #debian-it per favore, grazie.
18:33.13jairbut this is the thing I did not install anything yes
18:33.17EdLinProN00b: you get a prize for the most retarded thing to do out of boredom or idiocy
18:33.21EdLin!prize ProN00b
18:33.24iostreamHi.. I want file can I change my localization settings? (default language...)
18:33.29jairI just did the apt-setup and add another repo
18:33.43ke6isfProN00b: Why in HELL are you doing that!!
18:33.45salvocome faccio?
18:33.52chealdeepan: what do you mean by "a world called groups"?
18:33.54ProN00bto eraze everything on that disk ?
18:34.12dpkgfrom memory, dban is Darik's Boot and Nuke ("DBAN") is a self-contained boot floppy that securely wipes the hard disks of most computers. DBAN will automatically and completely delete the contents of any hard disk that it can detect, which makes it an appropriate utility for bulk or emergency data destruction.
18:34.14jairabrotman, I know that all I have to do is change this lines to stable or sarge: deb testing main non-free contrib
18:34.14jairdeb-src testing main non-free contrib
18:34.19RichiHwhat is that program to dump & compress ntfs file systems?
18:34.20deepancheal:  that was word..
18:34.23deepani am sorry cheal
18:34.27abrotman!tell jair about sarge->etch
18:34.28ke6isfProN00b: /dev/zero is faster, isn't it?
18:34.39ProN00bhumm, could be
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18:34.52ProN00bis random so slow ?
18:34.54jairabrotman, I am telling you that i install sarge on this laptop when was "sarge=Testing"
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18:35.00ke6isfProN00b: Probably marginally.
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18:35.09walterbrunswickwhy would gdm not work?
18:35.17abrotmanjair: and?
18:35.19jairabrotman, then after that I just modify the line of the sarge testing because did not work, it was stable
18:35.21Seb!doesnt' work
18:35.26ke6isfProN00b: With /dev/random you're dealing with entropy, with /dev/zero it's pretty much 0 as far as the eye can see.
18:35.28*** join/#debian Edgan (
18:35.28abrotman!doesn't work
18:35.28dpkgLook buddy, doesn't work is an ambiguous statement.  Does it sit on the couch all day?  Does it want more money?  Does it waste its time on IRC all day long?  Please be specific!  Define 'it' and what it isn't doing.
18:35.30EdLinjair: upgrading works by design, downgrading doesn't
18:35.33abrotmanSeb: you don't work!
18:35.34waltzoh hello abrotman
18:35.34ProN00bits taking along time already, any idea how long it might take for 300gig, ke6isf ?
18:35.37jairabrotman, I do not need to know anything about etch
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18:35.42Sebabrotman: not this morning ;)
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18:35.59jairEdgan, I think i am not explaining myself very well
18:36.17abrotmanwaltz: did you get it figured out ?
18:36.19ke6isfProN00b: The phrase "Go get yourself a cup of coffee" comes to mind.
18:36.27jairforget about it I will do it and I will try to explain you better so you can understand
18:36.28waltzabrotman: Everything but the gdm part :\
18:36.30SimonRavenjair: no, you're just not comprehending very well
18:36.36waltzClean HTTP install went well.
18:36.45abrotmanProN00b: and you used random .. which was bad .. you're probably looking at .. 5+ hours ?
18:36.49waltzBut for some reason gdm is not starting i.e. displaying.
18:36.52abrotmanwaltz: apt-get install gnome gdm menu ?
18:36.52ProN00bomg !
18:36.59abrotmanwaltz: look in your error log in /var/log/
18:37.02waltzgdm is running
18:37.09abrotmannot if you can't see it :)
18:37.10SimonRavenproof: jair : abrotman, I do not need to know anything about etch
18:37.11ProN00babrotman, how long would zeros take ?
18:37.22waltzhow odd
18:37.27abrotmanProN00b: probably less .. use
18:37.33SimonRavenzero time ;p
18:37.36waltzwhen I reboot it kills the gdm process :\
18:37.44abrotmanit should
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18:37.48ProN00babrotman, its a remote machine
18:37.52*** part/#debian woVloiAFQ (n=uouliij@
18:37.59SimonRavenoh gawds, s/he didn't...
18:38.07abrotmanthey who?
18:38.17*** join/#debian darky (
18:38.17SimonRavenprobably drained random in seconds
18:38.17abrotmanProN00b: then i guess use zeros
18:38.29SimonRavenprobably less than that
18:39.16ProN00babrotman, its already running for about 2 hours, do you think restarting it with zeros will still be faster ?
18:39.19*** join/#debian tombs (
18:39.27abrotmanProN00b: why are you doing this ?
18:39.30SimonRavenProN00b: i'd bet on it
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18:39.41ProN00bto absolutely wipe the disk
18:39.44orangeyhey all!
18:39.58sobersabreEdLin, you suggest to simply be stupid and reinstall... do I get your point ?
18:40.00tombshi all
18:40.02ProN00bi want the data to be gone no matter how much money someone got to recover it
18:40.04orangeyI'm trying to ssh into another system without a password (i.e., password is saved on the local system for the remote)
18:40.05SebProN00b: that's not how you wipe disks. apt-get install wipe
18:40.09orangeyhow do I go about doing that?
18:40.12jairALL I have to do is change the: "testing" to sarge and I will continue running my OS in stable even though when I installed was "testing". :) it is working thank you.
18:40.14SebProN00b: you're way off base
18:40.16asuffieldProN00b: if you want the data to be gone like that, burn the disk
18:40.21asuffieldProN00b: you can't do it from software
18:40.24EdLinsobersabre: there's nothing stupid about reinstalling a rootkitted machine
18:40.25sobersabreEdLin, how about learning how that happened ?
18:40.30abrotmanProN00b: then use dban
18:40.31SebProN00b: what asuffield just said
18:40.36sobersabreor investigating ?
18:40.57nkuttlerorangey: /msg dpkg ssh keys
18:40.59EdLinsobersabre: the longer that machine is on the net the more likely damage will be caused by the 0wner
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18:41.45sobersabreEdLin, this is so naive to think the 0wner won't succeed next time... don't you think ?
18:41.47EdLinsobersabre: besides, if you have to ask here about how to use google to find out about the problem chances are you won't understand what any of it means
18:41.49asuffieldheat is the easiest and most reliable method of destruction for magnetic disks; merely overwriting it does nothing to stop forensic analysis, which an agency will do for you for some small multiple of $10k
18:42.00*** mode/#debian [+l 468] by debhelper
18:42.05EdLinsobersabre: not if you take proper precautions and harden your system appropriately
18:42.07SimonRavenProN00b: be more fun to take a baseball bat and a small fire to it than spending 6+ hours wiping the thing
18:42.11sobersabreEdLin, you are very forthcoming, thank you ....
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18:42.30CorinColecan someone help me with installing debian on an external hard-drive, so it dual boots with XP on the laptop
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18:42.38ProN00bSimonRaven, its a remote machine as i already said
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18:42.53asuffieldProN00b: so you can't do it
18:42.56sobersabreEdLin, and I do know how to use google. after all. I am asking a specific question.
18:43.08TwistedPBookProN00b: someone you really hate?
18:43.11*** part/#debian ePeeu (n=uouliij@
18:43.11SimonRavenProN00b: so? your point? your logic escapes me
18:43.13SebProN00b: well putting more stuff on the disk won't ever prevent anyone seriously motivated to recover the data you're trying to hide
18:43.17*** join/#debian fl3r (
18:43.18sobersabreand you give me general purpose answer... thanks, mate...
18:43.29EdLinsobersabre: I already gave you my answer and you rejected it. FOAD
18:43.43fl3rlo guys, i have a question please, how do i unmute my microphone/loudspeakers on debian?
18:43.44dpkgsomebody said foad was "fuck off and die". Considered by many to be impolite.
18:43.53jairabrotman, did you understand now what was my issue?
18:43.56ProN00briight, Seb... a gr8 h4xx4w can r3c0ver anything
18:44.03Sebfl3r: run alsamixer
18:44.05jairabrotman, I solved alredy
18:44.06sobersabreEdLin, you know abbreviations!
18:44.11abrotmanjair: of course not
18:44.12TwistedPBookProN00b: they have told you how to do it... just write and wipe it like 40 times... or just run the write and wipe in a continuous loop and hope it burns out..
18:44.16SebProN00b: i never mentioned hackers of any kind, now did I ?
18:44.20sobersabreyou must be more qualified than me ;-)
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18:44.23SimonRavenProN00b: nothing to do with being a "great hax0r" you jackass
18:44.25EdLin!moron sobersabre
18:44.26dpkgsobersabre: You are moron #24
18:44.31fl3rSeb how exactly please?
18:44.34Sebyeah, ProN00b is really being an ass here
18:44.38chealCorinCole: look at the install guide
18:44.40TwistedPBookProN00b: any idiot can recover a drive
18:44.41Sebfl3r: *run* *alsamixer*
18:44.43*** part/#debian guilhermee (n=guilherm@
18:44.43SimonRaven/ig -replies ProN00b
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18:44.52TwistedPBook!troll ProN00b
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18:45.29Sebs/noob/punk jackass bitch/
18:45.36elvirolodebian is brilliant
18:45.38ProN00bTwistedPBook, i wana see you recover a disk where "dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/hdc" runs through more than once
18:45.40Sebyeah, unnecessary but satisfying
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18:45.57sobersabreEdLin, I gained this "moron" thing 23 times today, and now its my 24th... wow.
18:45.58TwistedPBookProN00b: just shutup... they told you how to do it..
18:46.00ke6isfOy, l33tcaps. =O.o=
18:46.03ProN00bif you could, you could just as well store more data on the disk than its max of 300gig
18:46.06elviroloi dunno why people use ubuntu when debian is a lot better
18:46.07abrotman!tell solemnwarning about away
18:46.07EdLinProN00b: the police can do it using standard forensic tools
18:46.08TwistedPBookProN00b: and I could.. thanks ;)
18:46.14SebProN00b: it's not about you or me, it's about people who do this for a living you moron
18:46.17*** part/#debian HiHeeeR (n=uouliij@
18:46.32fl3rty Seb.
18:46.38asuffieldProN00b: there are commercial agencies providing this service for prices in the range of $10k-$100k per disk
18:46.40eboykamusta mga kapatid
18:47.03jairabrotman, this four lines tells you that I am running what flavor of debian?
18:47.06*** part/#debian solemnwarning (
18:47.13asuffieldyou take the disk, put it in a box, and mail it to them, along with a cheque. about a week later they mail you back a few CDs with the data you wanted on them
18:47.13ProN00basuffield, maybe for burned or electronically shocked disks, but nor for disks that have been overwritten some times...
18:47.23Sebyeah, ProN00b is a troll
18:47.29abrotmanjair: ok
18:47.30Sebmost def
18:47.30asuffieldProN00b: nobody can recover a burned disk. I am talking about recovery of overwritten data
18:47.38CorinColedoes anyone here have MS vista?
18:47.41eliripshello. i use cups for printing with my hp laserjet 1200. if i print from adobe acrobat reader some pdf prints are not usuable - they get displayed correctly, but the print-out is not what is displayed before. any ideas?
18:47.43ke6isfjair: You're running Sarge.
18:47.44asuffieldProN00b: if it's just physical damage or shock, they only charge a few hundred $
18:47.55abrotmanProN00b: that's what they specialize in .. getting data that has been overwritten
18:47.55ke6isfCorinCole: Why are you asking in here?!
18:48.07CorinColeim interested ke6isf lol
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18:48.13dpkg"Does anyone have X or use Y?" is taking a poll, not asking a valid question. Don't do it or sussudio's army of militant badgers will hurt you. Also see <ask> and <bad polls>
18:48.14ProN00bits impossible if you overwrite it for more than once, especially with random...
18:48.23abrotmanProN00b: that's what they specialize in .. getting data that has been overwritten
18:48.27Sebtroll troll troll
18:48.32EdLin!any ideas
18:48.32Sebdon't give in people :>
18:48.32dpkgYeah, I have an idea!  But I'll need a bag full of condoms, a little WD-40, and a dozen rabid hamsters.  And keep the cops off my back for the next few hours!
18:48.36abrotmanProN00b: if you think it's impossible .. you're severely retarded
18:48.37asuffieldProN00b: it is far from impossible. the techniques have been commonly used in law enforcement since the 1970s and commercially since about 1990
18:48.37jairke6isf, of course my debian friend :)
18:48.47TwistedPBookabrotman: ProN00b is a idiot.. ignore.
18:48.50ke6isfProN00b: It's only impossible if you remove the platters and remove the media from the platters, and scatter the media over a 1M^2 area.
18:48.58Sebke6isf: heh
18:49.06Sebsee y'all later people
18:49.14jairke6isf, the reson why i was showing this to abrotman is because I want he understand what was the confusion I had.
18:49.15ProN00b. . .
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18:49.17abrotman!shark seb
18:49.18asuffieldke6isf: actually, mere physical damage is considered 'cheaply recoverable'
18:49.32abrotmanjair: i'm not certain what problem you had to start with
18:49.33Sebabrotman: you don't work man :D
18:49.36ke6isfasuffield: After scraping the magnetic layer off of the platters?
18:49.40asuffieldthere's damned few things that will actually obliterate the data. a high-energy degausser, or heating above the curie point, are two of them
18:49.41Sebabrotman: ;)
18:49.44ProN00bhow long will nulling take for 300gig ?
18:49.58abrotmanwe told you
18:50.00asuffieldke6isf: it's a solid lump of glass nowadays, what are you going to scrape off?
18:50.02abrotmanA LONG TIME
18:50.12abrotmanProN00b: but people can still get data off it
18:50.14ke6isfasuffield: Ah.
18:50.14jairke6isf, when I first install debian on this machine was call "testing" but it was sarge.
18:50.25ke6isfjair: Sarge is now stable.
18:50.30SebProN00b: dude your pr0n *will* be recoved, just get used to the idea
18:50.43abrotmanSeb: you can irc from the pool!!!
18:50.44asuffieldyou can scratch it up pretty badly, or shatter it, but it's not just a sprayed-on surface any more
18:50.50[sr]Seb lol
18:50.56Sebabrotman: not there yet, but matter of fact I can :)
18:51.01ke6isfasuffield: Indeed, this is news. =^^=  Well... how hot can you get that fire? =^_^=
18:51.07Sebabrotman: from the pool *side* that is ;)
18:51.07jairke6isf, right
18:51.24asuffieldke6isf: curie point for iron compounds is typically 600-800 degrees celsius. you can do that with a good blowtorch
18:51.24fl3rSeb: alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for defaul: No such device
18:51.27fl3rup to it?
18:51.28ProN00bSeb, at the moment i am working on that it has at least to be recovered, so how do i wipe the disk fast ?
18:51.35*** part/#debian deepan (n=debian@
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18:51.41jairke6isf, that means that all I did in my /atp/source.lst is change the name from "testing" to "sarge"
18:51.42SebProN00b: apt-get install wipe; not that I haven't told you already
18:51.49asuffield(curie point being the temperature at which magnetism ceases to function)
18:51.51SimonRavenor a decent pottery kiln ;)
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18:52.05jairke6isf, then I did apt-get update upgrade dist-upgrade
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18:52.44fl3rhow do i fix that; alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for defaul: No such device
18:52.54asuffieldbasically if you tear the thing down and melt the platters, it's gone
18:53.13SimonRavenjair: dude, it's at /etc/apt/sources.list - i 've seen you give it at least 2 non-existent locations
18:53.22asuffieldthe only other reliable method is degaussing, but who has one of those nowadays?
18:53.32abrotmanwe had one at uni
18:53.43jairke6isf, then today i was having problem running apt-get update or installing packages from the current repository I had.  so I run again the apt-setup and the system add a new repository another one from other place I choose but I forgot that I this system was before installed as a testing, so the repository that was added was testing :)
18:53.45SimonRavenasuffield: folks who collect useful junk ;)
18:53.57asuffieldSimonRaven: useful junk with a three-phase power supply? :P
18:54.13SimonRavensure. uni buildings have such =)
18:54.18SimonRavensome anyway
18:54.28fl3rHelp guys :/
18:54.31jairke6isf, but I did not get panic, all I did is change again the name "testing" to "sarge" in the new repository and everything works like I am in sarge"stable" again ;)
18:54.40ProN00bSeb, and how do i do it with wipe ?
18:54.50SimonRavenfl3r: means nothing's there. load the module for your sound device
18:54.52jairSimonRaven, it is ok thanks
18:55.09SimonRavenfl3r: can also mean no /dev files exist to access it
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18:55.51SebProN00b: how about you read the man page for it for instance ?
18:56.00SebProN00b: sounds like a revolutionary idea now doesn't it ?
18:56.43ProN00bSeb, will wipe take as long as what i did bevore ?
18:56.48abrotmanoh ffs
18:56.49BlueWings(In a Darth Vader voice) ProN00b: you can not escape your destiny, your mom *will* find out that you had all that pr0n
18:56.49jairke6isf, so it is ok now right?
18:56.50ProN00bi just need a fast way now
18:56.52abrotmanjust let him continue
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18:57.09abrotmanhe's beyond what any cluebat could do
18:57.23ProN00babrotman, you suck for not helping, kthx
18:57.32abrotmani did help you fucktard
18:57.32*** join/#debian shad0wcat (
18:57.35abrotmani told you five times
18:57.37ProN00bBlueWings, i am wiping a encypted partition
18:58.23ProN00bdid you people ever heard of trying to to something ? (as instead of accepting it impossible)
18:58.30*** join/#debian sdnnvs (n=sdnnvs@
18:58.31ke6isfjair: Should be.
18:58.38BlueWingsyou are wiping out the patience of people trying to help you out...
18:58.48abrotmanand insulting them :)
18:59.10*** join/#debian aGihieAXTU (n=t0rment0@
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18:59.28BlueWingsI am not generally inclined to speak but I notice that this channel has shown a *lot* of tolerance as compared to typical IRC behaviour
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18:59.46ProN00bno, i just insulted you, abrotman, because you insulted me
18:59.50BlueWingsand despite that you are being unfriendly to people who had tried to help you
18:59.53ke6isfI have in my /var/log/mail.err the line "postfix/smtp[26228]: fatal: unknown service: smtp/tcp" - this is after restoring my previous /etc/postfix directory from my previous install.  As a result, outbound mail is happily waiting to depart.  Postfix seems to think that the configuration is OK, though now I'm stumped. What has gone wrong?
18:59.58*** part/#debian bErKdEnIz_18 (n=t0rment0@
19:00.09ProN00bBlueWings, what have i done wrong ?
19:00.11abrotmanProN00b: because you've been told umpteen times how to do it .. and you just fucking won't god damn do it .. for some stupid reason
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19:00.35ProN00babrotman, i have been told alot of times why doing it is pointless...
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19:00.46ProN00bwhich is just plain wrong
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19:00.57pem3v78is there a tool to explore sleepy cat db and do update, remove ?
19:01.08ke6isfProN00b: He just /ignored you.  As am I.
19:01.15*** part/#debian ouyHvPUao (n=ckeaoica@
19:01.19SimonRavenfinally, he *plonk*s him
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19:01.41SimonRavenpem3v78: db*-util packages
19:02.00*** mode/#debian [+l 456] by debhelper
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19:02.08pem3v78any chance to get gui app ?
19:02.27SimonRavendbX.Y-util, X being anything from 3 to 4, and Y being 0 to 3
19:02.42SimonRavenpem3v78: right. and are you going to write it?
19:02.57ProN00bthis channel is full of suckers, i hope you people think of yourselfes good for really helping people that are new to the thing
19:02.59abrotmanfreshmeat ?
19:03.03ProN00bcya on windows, fuckzors
19:03.05*** part/#debian ProN00b (
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19:03.23pem3v78I never programmed this db, I even don't know if it's possible
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19:03.26SimonRavena GUI frontend for the db_* tools ? gotta be kidding
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19:03.49abrotmanSimonRaven: people have done stranger things .. like waste time zeroing out an encrypted partition
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19:04.42SimonRavenpem3v78: um, most of the time programs are already written to use the library. are you planning on coding for it, or are you looking to manage the actual files used by a program?
19:04.43aeronadixhow do you stop xdm?
19:04.51pem3v78ok, then how do I remove a value from hash db using db3_utils ?
19:04.59SimonRaven/etc/init.d/<daemon> stop
19:05.07aeronadixThank SimonRaven
19:05.18pem3v78I just need to manage a db for my ftp daemon
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19:05.45SimonRavenpem3v78: dump it, edit, re-add it
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19:06.45pem3v78how to dump a hash db in byte format to text ?
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19:07.08pem3v78when I use db3_dump the data isn't in text output
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19:08.07tuvi'm looking for a backup tool that does regular, e.g. daily, incremental remote directory backup
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19:08.15SimonRaventime to go read the sleepycat docs =)
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19:08.29Kraigi had a big crash due to my HDD, i have no other HDD to replace that one, and dunno why /var/lib/dpkg/status ceased to exist... so it was hard to finish the dist-upgrade after the running fsck manually and rebooting... now i'm receiving an error about update-menus, i try apt-get install --reinstall menu but it needs update-menus also, and it says /usr/bin/update-menus: cannot execute binary file, any ideas?
19:08.30dakishiwhen i try to get a package and get this message, (libname) but it is not installable, how can i make it installable??
19:08.50Mjelvai've done a fresh install of debian, and i can't get x11 to function anymore. i think i've set the wrong monitor option during install. how do i find out what it should be, and where do i change the setting?
19:08.54zinxdakishi: don't run unstable
19:09.10asuffieldKraig: dead drive. it's dead. it won't become less dead if you pick at it
19:09.15tuvI looked for some and found quite a few such backup tools, but couldn't tell which is best
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19:09.22dakishizinx, isnt there another way to fix this??
19:09.27Sebabrotman_: k now I'm at the pool ;)
19:09.30pem3v78SimonRaven: how should I edit the db when the daemon is working ?
19:09.33abrotman_Seb: freak!
19:09.46abrotman_Seb: it's not warm enough to go to a pool today
19:09.48Kraigasuffield: i should give 1 minute of silence and that's it?
19:09.49zinxdakishi: unstable is called unstable for a reason :/
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19:09.54SimonRavenpem3v78: you don't
19:09.55pem3v78wouldn't this break the daemon sometimes ?
19:09.58Sebabrotman_: of course it is
19:10.08Sebabrotman_: it's like 25 today
19:10.09tuvSome backup tools i found: backup2l, rdiff-backup, backuppc, sbackup...etc. anybody has any idea which would be best?
19:10.09dakishizinx, lol but there must be a way to make it stable =P
19:10.12Sebcelsius that is
19:10.16dakishibut well okey thx for the info
19:10.19zinxdakishi: no, but you can install stable
19:10.21abrotman_Seb: not here
19:10.23*** part/#debian uZoVXii (n=yqleteim@
19:10.23MjelvaSimonRaven - do you know how to change the monitor type setting?
19:10.30Sebabrotman_: heh, where ya at ?
19:10.34pem3v78so you suggest to turn off the daemon ?
19:10.35SimonRavenwhy are you asking me?
19:10.38zinxdakishi: definitely don't try to mix or downgrade, because you'll screw your system up completely if you do that ;)
19:10.40abrotman_Seb: philly-ish
19:10.43SebSimonRaven: he likes you
19:10.47Sebabrotman_: oh yeah :\
19:10.54abrotman_Seb: it's like .. 60 today
19:10.59Sebabrotman_: oy
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19:11.01MjelvaSimonRaven - because practically everyone here has an insane superiority complex and hate answering questions
19:11.16dakishizinx, it is already mixed, i got sarge and instlled a lot of unstabl epackage now every time i run apt -get i get same error message of installabel package =)
19:11.17*** part/#debian oFiiiiBkeh (n=zsolfq@
19:11.17SimonRavenpem3v78: if you don't want to corrupt your database, yes. unless you feel like doing that, by all means leave the daemon running
19:11.18dpkgdrxx is probably dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86  [or xserver-xorg if you're using]     # Run it as root!  if you have edited the X config files by hand or used a tool such as xf86config also ask me about <xmd5>
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19:11.37zinxdakishi: well, that's probably what caused the problems then
19:11.40SimonRavenMjelva: context? x?
19:11.42zinxdakishi: never ever ever mix them
19:11.57ke6isfMjelva: We don't hate answering questions, just the stupid ones.
19:11.59zinxdakishi: running all unstable is better than mixing
19:12.05tuvanybody had any experience with any backup tool?
19:12.15dakishizinx, lol now i know it =) but i dont wanna resintall so ill just continue to see what i get =)
19:12.23zinxdakishi: if you need newer packages or such, use; if there's not one, still don't take it from unstable :)
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19:12.30MjelvaSimonRaven - yes. i've installed xserver-xfree86 as well as xserver-common. but i must have set the monitor type during install, because startx just gives me a blank screen for a few seconds and a 'no screens found' fatal error
19:12.47dakishizinx, thx for the url =)
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19:12.51SimonRavenMjelva: is this xorg, or xfree86? do that ^^^ . this isn't hard. you may need to add modelines if you have a funky monitor. and lastly, /msg dpkg sicco for a quickie intro on what kind of questions are appeciated here
19:12.55Mjelvaset the wrong monitor type, that is
19:13.07SimonRavenMjelva: means you didn't configure it, or the config's wrong
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19:13.37MjelvaSimonRaven - i did ask like that, but it went totally unheeded. original question:
19:13.40Mjelvai've done a fresh install of debian, and i can't get x11 to function anymore. i think i've set the wrong monitor option during install. how do i find out what it should be, and where do i change the setting?
19:13.55*** join/#debian Meeag (n=ieioox@
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19:14.56MjelvaSimonRaven - ok, so i ran dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86
19:15.14Mjelvahow do i know what setting to use for my monitor? it's a 15" LCD for an Acer Travelmate 2410
19:15.41ke6isfMjelva: Google Is Your Friend. =^_^=
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19:16.15Asmodee`when i do apt-get install proftpd-common i get a msg saying that i already use the current version.  when i do apt-get install proftpd-mysql i get: The following packages have unmet dependencies:
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19:16.17tuvSome backup tools i found: backup2l, rdiff-backup, backuppc, sbackup... etc. anybody has any idea which would be best?
19:16.39Asmodee`any ideas as to what the problem is and how to fix it?
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19:16.47ke6isfAsmodee`: What version of Debian are you running?
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19:17.14nvzI've managed to go through two heaters already this year, and I've only needed to use one about two times something is wrong here.
19:17.23SimonRavenMjelva: manufacturer's site is best place to look
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19:17.32Asmodee`ke6isf: sarge
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19:17.55SimonRavenMjelva: at google: site: $MAKERS_SITE $model_number
19:18.03ke6isfAsmodee`: Do me a favor, paste your sources.list to #flood
19:18.13nvzthe one I can probably fix as the only problem being the plug melting. I could just rewire it. the other which is like an oil filled radiator I guess, it just crapped out and doesnt turn on anymore :P
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19:18.26shaihey, how do i know what tags i have on my current repository? (the guys at #cvs don't answer!)
19:18.46ke6isfAsmodee`: Wow, how sparse. =^_^=
19:18.53SimonRavenshai: ls tags? ;p
19:19.08Asmodee`ke6isf: im new to debian coming off of a 6 year slackware binge
19:19.29ke6isfAsmodee`: Heh, welcome. =^_^=
19:19.35MjelvaSimonRaven - is this what i'm looking for? 'Mobile Intel® 910GML Express chipset with integrated graphics'?
19:19.46*** part/#debian moyue (
19:19.47Asmodee`im still trying to get used to this whole pacakge management system as slackware doesnt have it..
19:19.57SimonRavenwelcome to the hell's ang^w^w^w debian
19:20.13ke6isfAsmodee`: OK, here's what you're going to do.
19:20.14Asmodee`anyway it looks to me that i have the correct version of proftpd-common installed so i dont understand the dependency error
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19:20.28ke6isfAsmodee`: First off, add "contrib non-free" to the end of this line.
19:20.43Asmodee`then apt-get update
19:20.53ke6isfAsmodee`: Not yet.  We'll get there in a minute.
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19:21.23ke6isfAsmodee`: Second, duplicate that line, but instead of just 'deb', prefix it with 'deb-src'.
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19:21.59ke6isfAsmodee`: Third. look in #flood and paste the two lines I'm pasting.
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19:22.17Mjelvaok guys, this is what i find worth of video specs on the laptop from "15.0" XGA (1024 x 768) TFT LCD, up to 16.7 million colors", "Mobile Intel® 910GML Express chipset with integrated graphics". does that tell you guys anything about what driver i should choose for xserver?
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19:22.51ke6isfAsmodee`: Now then, do you want pine, or are you interested in mplayer for this machine?
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19:23.08SimonRavenMjelva: that's just monitor specs. that answers part of dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86 | xorg
19:23.26SimonRavenMjelva: lspci will tell you the video device, and driver
19:23.36Asmodee`ke6isf: neither
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19:23.48ke6isfAsmodee`: OK, have you added those lines and saved?
19:24.02SimonRavenoh never mind, i'm full of it today
19:24.03ke6isfAsmodee`: Good.  Now you can apt-get update and reattempt that install.
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19:24.28ke6isfMjelva: The monitor specs will tell you what the monitor can handle; you won't need drivers for that unto itself.
19:24.43Asmodee`hmm said the proftpd-common is already the newest version, but on the debian website it has [ security ] listed, which i assume that means there's a security update
19:24.55MjelvaSimonRaven - it says "Display Controller: Intel Corp. Mobile Graphics Controller (rev 03)
19:24.58Asmodee`the proftpd-mysql is installing now though
19:25.21*** part/#debian blaamann (
19:25.28Mjelvake6isf - what you mean? at present i can't run xserver due to wrong monitor settings. it says it can't find a monitor.
19:26.31ke6isfMjelva: No, I mean that you don't require a driver for the monitor.  This just tells you what resolution your monitor can deal with when fed a video signal.
19:26.48Mjelvaso what do i need to do for my monitor to work?
19:26.54ke6isfMjelva: In short, see if there's an intel driver for your xserver.
19:27.05Mjelvafrom the internets or in the list?
19:27.12ke6isfMjelva: The list.
19:27.29ke6isfAsmodee`: Make sure you do 'apt-get upgrade'.
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19:28.50Mjelvathe list reads: apm, ark, ati, chips, cirrus, cyrix, fbdev, glide, glint, i128, i740, i810, imstt, mga, neomagic, newport, nsc, nv, rendition, s3, s3virge, savage, siliconmotion, sis, tdfx, tga, trident, tseng, vesa, vga, via and vmware"
19:29.05Mjelvawhich of these is my friend?
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19:29.55ke6isfMjelva: Not sure.  There's no model number in the lspci output you provided.  See ifthere's other output, or check the documentation, this will help you.
19:30.01jairhow can I access to the ./xchat or those directories that start with "." ?
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19:30.23ke6isfjair: You can cd to them.  They're only hidden from immediate view.
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19:30.55jairke6isf, I am looking to access any of them or see all of them?
19:30.59Mjelvake6isf - Acer website says it's Mobile Intel 910GML
19:31.16jairke6isf, for example if I want to go to .my.cnf?
19:31.28ke6isfjair:  you 'cd .my.cnf' at a prompt.
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19:31.32ke6isfjair: Easy peasy.
19:31.39jairke6isf, i will check :)
19:32.15ke6isfMjelva: Hmm...
19:32.15orangeynkuttler: thank you so much for that link! now my password-less ssh works like a charm!
19:32.34initiatehow do i rename a directory with console ?
19:32.40ke6isforangey: What link did he give you?  I've been wanting that.
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19:33.03jairke6isf, the key "ls -a" thank you ;)
19:33.12orangeyke6isf: thank him too! it's : /msg dpkg ssh keys
19:33.18ke6isfjair: Ah, OK.  Wasn't totally clear. =^^=
19:33.31Mjelvake6isf - what do you think?
19:34.29ke6isfMjelva: I'm stuck.  Sorry.  You might ask what driver to use for that model of card.  Also, 'vesa' should work fine, though a bit slow, if you need something in a pinch.
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19:35.05jimjair: for other tricks ls can do (actually, for each and every one of them), man ls
19:35.11Mjelvake6isf - vesa worked. thanks
19:35.20nkuttlerorangey: you're welcome
19:35.59initiatecan someone help me to rename a directory with console ?
19:36.07jimman mv
19:36.16abrotmanjim: liar ..
19:36.17jimand help yourself :)
19:36.20aa112why cant i use binary on my debian ? cannot execute binary error?
19:36.26jairjim, thank you
19:36.34abrotmanfiar on the mountain
19:37.04jimhow ya doin abrotman :)
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19:37.44Drakh_Hi guys
19:37.45abrotmanjim: wedding tired .. i'm beat :)
19:37.46nvzhmm I just found a Sharp Zaurus SL-5500 on ebay with BuyIt Now :)
19:37.53abrotmannvz: buy it!
19:37.53Drakh_has anyone here setup ntop for gateway monitoring in web mode?
19:37.56jimaa112: what kind of binary is it? (when you get right down to it, EVERYTHING ON YOUR COMPUTER is binary :)
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19:38.04abrotmannvz: though .. you might want to make sure they still do the linux stuff for it
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19:38.12Drakh_•jim• even ascii files ;p
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19:38.20nvzabrotman: eh?
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19:38.31jimDrakh_: even everything :)
19:38.32abrotmannvz: you wouldn't run linux on it ?
19:38.36tuvSome backup tools i found: backup2l, rdiff-backup, backuppc, sbackup... etc. anybody has any idea which would be best?
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19:38.44dpkgit has been said that opie is wanted to be maintained by Espy. a PDA enviroment (usually Sharp Zaurus)
19:38.44nvzabrotman: they only run linux they come with linux on them
19:38.54abrotmannvz: it's nto fully open
19:38.55tuvI looked for some and found quite a few such backup tools, but couldn't tell which is best
19:39.10tuvi'm looking for a backup tool that does regular, e.g. daily, incremental remote directory backup
19:39.33abrotmanrsync not good enough ?
19:39.33L0g0ffis there somebody who can tell how i can copy some text (like crtl+c) from aterm to my X/Firefox? Its very anoying to type every letter every time
19:39.44nvzabrotman: yeah well I would have to see it and use it to determine. it probably has features I couldnt match if I installed debian. like handwriting recognition ..etc
19:39.57nkuttlertuv: i like backuppc. it can backup windows as well
19:39.57nvzabrotman: all I want is a portable device I can program on
19:40.08jairabrotman, I am trying to access to this path: ~/.my.cnf.
19:40.09abrotmannvz:  better make sure you can do that before you buy it :)
19:40.14aa112jim: precompiled from some other linux
19:40.14tuvabortman: is it regular? can it run daily automatically?
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19:40.16jimL0g0ff: see if you can "select" the text you want using the mouse
19:40.20abrotmanjair: i don't use mysql
19:40.21jairabrotman, it is a hide config file of the mysql server
19:40.23abrotmanjair: i don't use mysql
19:40.27abrotmannor would i ever
19:40.31abrotmannot willingly
19:40.44jimaa112: possibly it's in a form not recognized
19:40.45L0g0ffjim, but past don't work
19:40.47nkuttlertuv: do you know about cron?
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19:40.58jairabrotman, ok then what do you use Microsoft Access 2000 professional ?
19:41.03jairabrotman, jahahhaha
19:41.07dpkgA fast and simple relational database implementing a limited subset of SQL. Can do replication; no views, stored procedures, triggers; transaction support not consistent. Packaged as 'mysql-server' and 'mysql-client'. Also see and #mysql., or mysql is great for your grandmother's blog but if you want a real and free db you should look at postgresql, or <mysql gotchas>
19:41.07jimL0g0ff: so you're saying you -can- select it tho?
19:41.07tuvnkuttler: i know it exists, never used it though..
19:41.10jairabrotman, bad joke
19:41.15jairabrotman, hahaha
19:41.15abrotmanjair: obviously
19:41.20L0g0ffJim: yes i can
19:41.23jairabrotman, cool ok
19:41.25abrotmanthough .. mysql is pretty close to MS Access
19:41.49jairbut is ok
19:41.54jimok, possiblyit has to do with your mouse and how many buttons and if you have emulate3buttons on
19:41.57[sr]abrotman you're crazy or what ?
19:42.00*** mode/#debian [+l 462] by debhelper
19:42.15abrotman[sr]: why?
19:42.18jimif yes, then try the left and right buttons at the same tim
19:42.29L0g0ffi have 2 buttons
19:42.33[sr]ms access doesn't get to the feet of mysql
19:42.38[sr]not even the 3.x version
19:42.43L0g0ffand i have emulate too
19:42.47abrotmanmysql is a horrible excuse for a database .. just like MS Access
19:42.52jimok, try both if them at once (that pretends to be the middle button)
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19:43.05L0g0ffok ill try
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19:43.22khanmanhey id like to add gps to my laptop (dualboot etch and winxp) so that i can use kismet and and streets & trips...can you recommend a vendor?
19:43.27[sr]i think you just dont know mysql and ms access
19:43.33L0g0ffit works within aterm... but not to my firefox
19:43.40[sr]if you knew mysql you wouldn't say that
19:43.41nkuttler!start a database war
19:43.41dpkgpostgresql stinks
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19:44.01abrotman[sr]: if you knew about databases .. you wouldn't say mysql was a good database
19:44.14jimone oracle to bring them all and in the darkness bind them
19:44.19[sr]i work with both
19:44.33abrotmanwith mysql and access?
19:44.50[sr]mysql/ms access and .NET (winforms applications)
19:44.51jimsr: mysql -might- be better than access
19:45.04abrotman[sr]: thank you for proving my point .. you know nothing about databases :)
19:45.06*** part/#debian Ctugha (
19:45.31[sr]abrotman ya... i'm sure i don't :)
19:46.07nvzabrotman: the problem right now is I dont have a means to buy anything and this particular bid has only 21hours or so left
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19:46.24abrotman[sr]: if you think mysql or access are good examples of a database .. then you most certainly don't know much about databases
19:46.31jim[sr]: there is a web toolkit you might look into (yes, here I go into advocacy mode :) called openacs.... if you're interested I can give you some sites that use that toolkit or ones loosely related
19:46.33abrotmannvz: oh .. let me buy that for you
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19:46.37nvzabrotman: heh
19:46.41[sr]jim didn't sayd that
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19:46.58[sr]he was takling about ms access and mysql
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19:47.15jimyea I know... but you were talking about web toolkits :)
19:47.19abrotmani hope oracle shuts down innobase ...
19:47.30jimit probably will
19:47.55nvzabrotman: I have less than $0.20 to my name, and though my Visa has about $250 available credit. its actually just a 2nd card issued from one my father's accounts. and he's filing bankruptcy so I can't use it anymore. I have to go get my own card now that my credit is built up :P
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19:48.11abrotmannvz: yes .. use your own :)
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19:48.15nvzabrotman: what I need is a friend with a credit card
19:48.18jim[sr]: I can still give you some examples if you're interested
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19:48.40jimwho knows... you might be impressed :)
19:48.42brosiozhow could i bind apache2 to my eth0 device ?
19:48.56nvzabrotman: I probably wont buy this one anyway. but I am going to continue looking on ebay for BuyIt Now products
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19:49.08abrotmannvz: you can do research in the meantime
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19:49.16incorrectis there a way to set the cpu freq fromt eh command line
19:49.27dpkgit has been said that cpufreq is a patch ( to the 2.4.x kernels to support frequency scaling on mobile x86, PowerPC and ARM processors. It has been merged into the 2.6.x series. It provides a simple interface (/proc/cpufreq) through which userspace daemons like cpudynd (in the "cpudyn" package) can throttle processor speed to save power when the system is idle.
19:49.27nvzabrotman: this particular bid is on what appears to be a new sealed SL-5500 from an ebay business. seems like they sell them all the time
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19:49.31jimincorrect: no portable ways
19:49.36abrotmannvz: woohoo
19:50.00jimbut there might be interfaces in the kernel to do that to processors that can do it
19:50.06incorrecti was just using the cpu thing for gnome
19:50.17nvzabrotman: I will have the cash sometime this week. I just cant get credit that quickly. I've thrown away all the offers I've gotten in the mail for credit cards :P
19:50.17abrotmanthere are just so many reasons .. to not use mysql ..
19:50.25L0g0ffJim: Unfortunally it don't work. Do you have another suggestion?
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19:50.31kjaerDoes the debian installer use some curses dialog library, to make the menu ?
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19:50.42halibutis there a bandwidth limiter program I can use, so that a direct connect client cannot max out my upload bandwidth?
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19:50.59abrotmanoh .. upload .. dunno
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19:51.36jimL0g0ff: no; that's the only way I use myself to do copy/paste
19:51.43nvzyeah trickle only works downstream you would think. I've never seen anything trickle upstream before
19:51.53jimwait, there might be a workaround
19:51.54thchalibut: most clients allow you to do that, what client are you referring to?
19:52.03jimsee if you can paste it into another app
19:52.06L0g0ffjim: Hmmz i'll try a forum
19:52.12L0g0ffthanks btw
19:52.13jimlike an editor window
19:52.22halibutthc, it is Wulfor reloaded   (aka DC++ ported to linux)
19:52.43drbeathi, how can I setup iptables to share my internet?
19:52.49jimsometimes I will paste things into a shell window
19:52.55thchalibut: i don't know what that is, there should be a way to limit up/down speeds in it's preferences
19:53.04L0g0ffWtf an other window works !!!!
19:53.11L0g0ffthanks m8 :)
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19:53.25jimdrbeat: do you have a gateway that is running linux?
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19:54.07jimdrbeat: the short answer is yes, btw
19:54.23abrotman#iptables, ,
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19:55.01jimas far as how... depends on your ip addresses and setup and whether you have an extra net card in the box with the iptables
19:55.17nvzabrotman: the SL-5500 is Intel StrongARM so it should be able to run any version of linux I would think
19:55.18aeronadixHey, I was trying to confugre xorg or xfree86 for my thinkpad, and my laptops text mode has shrunk?  Whats that about?
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19:55.43aeronadixshould I reinstall debian again?
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19:56.00elviroloi've set up my printer with cups
19:56.04abrotmannvz: not sure .. debian is the only distro i know of that does an ARM release
19:56.07elvirolobut it won't print jobs
19:56.10abrotman(maybe gentoo too i guess)
19:56.11TigerWraithcan someone help me to update the kernel in debian from 2.6.8 to 2.6.13?
19:56.17elvirolonothings seems to be wrong in the logs
19:56.18jimif you do, decide on an internal ip subnet (using some unroutable address), assign that th the internal ethernet card, hook it up to a hub, hook other machines to the hub, go
19:56.19nvzabrotman: I wouldnt use anything other than debian anyhow :P
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19:56.49pumpkin0aeronadix: it may be a problem with the LCD-resolution. You know, everything it scaled up and if you play to much ...
19:56.57jimbut you're not responding really fast, so I doubt I can help you and still get to the things I have to do quickly
19:57.06willvarfarwith apt-get, how can I get it to automatically install all dependencies?  or should it do that for me?  I seem to have no problems (using kpackage) except now that I am trying to install kdevelop3 (and it refuses to fetch dependencies etc)
19:57.09abrotmannvz: i know you're a closet slack user :)
19:57.16ke6isfI'm getting an issue with postfix in Sarge where, while I can receive mail, I cannot send it back out.  Errors from logs are at and this is after a recent reinstall, facilitated now by leaving the installed /etc/postfix alone and copying in my own stuff.  /etc/services checks out.  What have I done wrong, and how can I fix it?
19:57.20abrotmanwillvarfar: it does it already
19:57.41pumpkin0TigerWraight: apt-get install kernel-image-2.6.13-YOUR-CPU-TYPE
19:57.42abrotmanke6isf: bts?
19:57.51abrotmanpumpkin0: it's not in debian
19:57.53willvarfarabrotman, so it would mean that kdevelop3 is incorrectly packaged?
19:57.58abrotman!tell TigerWraith about kp
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19:58.07abrotmanwillvarfar: what do you mena ?
19:58.08ke6isfabrotman: For Sarge? There's been no recent updates for postfix.
19:58.29abrotmanke6isf: hrm .. ok
19:58.40jimpumpkin0: so he'd have to build it, and hopefully use make-kpkg to do it
19:59.02willvarfarabrotman, everything is fine except kdevelop3; apt-get doesn't try and fetch dependencies nor anything
19:59.10nvzabrotman: pfft I installed slack once but I never really used it. I burned Debian 2.2r6 (3), Slackware 8 (1), and FreeBSD 4.7 (4), at the time I decided I wanted to use open-source full time and knew I couldnt take Mandrake 8.1 much longer. I knew almost immediatly trying those 3 that debian was for me
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19:59.14abrotmanwillvarfar: perhaps you have them all installed already ?
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19:59.24drbeatyes I do
19:59.28pete_which bootup file should 'dhcpcd' be placed in for potato?
19:59.31drbeatthis box is the gateway
19:59.38abrotmanpete_: for what?
19:59.44drbeatI just need to set the routing rule
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19:59.52nvzabrotman: I never actually used any apps on either Slackware or Freebsd I knew just from the installer I wasnt going to like it
20:00.18jimdrbeat: #networking, #iptables, #netfilter
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20:00.32pete_to obtain an a local ip from the router
20:00.45abrotmanpete_: for what?
20:00.48abrotmanfor potato ?
20:00.51dpkgextra, extra, read all about it, potato is Debian 2.2, released August 14th, 2000, and is no longer supported.  Ask me about "potato->woody" for upgrade information. something that grows underground
20:01.02*** part/#debian aoTuzuoii (n=oesea@
20:01.07jimpete_: usually dhcpd package will start itself and arrange for itself to start on boot
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20:01.27nvzabrotman: the FreeBSD installer did two things that I didnt like. One it has no definate course that reaches an end like D-I so I installed about 15 times before I realized I had to take the cd out and reboot. then it brought me to some primative looking kernel configuration with about 10-12 options with choices that didnt at all resemble the kind of hardware I had... so I didn't like it.
20:01.45jimpete_: that would be true for any debian dist
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20:02.00rhalffAsus A8N-E, good choice for debian or not ?
20:02.03ke6isfOh, bletch, I gotta install webmin.
20:02.06abrotmannvz: they have manuals for that
20:02.09nkuttlerpete_: if in doubt, /usr/share/doc/packagename is always a good place to look
20:02.09abrotmanrhalff: 64bit ?
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20:02.14pete_jim: i've compiled and installed it, just need to know where it usually starts from in boot up
20:02.19rhalffabrotman, yes
20:02.19asuffieldrhalff: adequete
20:02.20abrotmanfor potato ?
20:02.25abrotman!tell rhalff about amd64
20:02.29abrotmanrhalff: they have a pile of docs
20:02.34asuffieldyou can just install i386 on it
20:02.35rhalffah allready ordered it :p
20:02.40nvzabrotman: yeah I was beat with the FreeBSD handbook repeatedly in #freebsd
20:02.44jimother than that, look at the files in /etc/init.d, specifically skeleton and README... and man update-rc.d
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20:02.46abrotmanrhalff: erm .. ok
20:02.51abrotmanrhalff: guess you'll find out :)
20:02.56asuffieldrhalff: if it's the model with just an nvidia network chip onboard, and not any 3rd party one, order a new network card as well
20:03.00rhalffbut seem to have many windows tools, probably supported by linux 10 years later
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20:03.01abrotmannvz: hehe
20:03.04asuffieldrhalff: because forcedeth is shit
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20:03.25pete_jim and others: ok, i'll take a look, thanks
20:03.41asuffield(and the nvnet chip is utter crap anyway)
20:03.41rhalffhmm ok, nice :D will have many nights of configureing then :p
20:03.44nvzabrotman: I don't want a handbook. if I am going to conigure something like a kernel I expect it to look more like linux's config where there are vast options for ACPI, APIC, SCSI..etc not some generic over-generalized B.S.
20:03.59jimif you got more questions after looking at those, trying stuff and thinking about stuff... feel free
20:04.10*** part/#debian WkiaCQaiui (n=oesea@
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20:05.05rhalffhmm think I'll be back here many times when the board arrives :p
20:05.16asuffieldyup, looks like the A8N-E is just a forcedeth
20:05.29asuffieldget a PCI network card to go in it. don't waste time trying to make that thing work
20:05.29abrotmannvz: don't tell them that
20:05.33rhalffforcedeath ?
20:05.38asuffieldno, forcedeth
20:05.43pumpkin0Has anybody here experience with building/installing a USB-Stick (no normal HD, everything in RAM) Debian-Box ?
20:05.44rhalffoh ok.. pvieww :D
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20:06.25nvzabrotman: I don't plan on telling them anything I don't like anything about FreeBSD and I will probably never touch it again.
20:06.32asuffieldthe forcedeth driver does not work worth a damn on the gigabit variants, and all the nvnet chips are worthless junk anyway, just don't use it
20:06.43jimasuffield: assume you were in the market for a new machine but you wanted to build, for moreorless general purpose main-machine home use... what are some of the motherboards you would consider and why?
20:07.13*** part/#debian doc|home (n=doc@gentoo/user/doc-007)
20:07.35jimI'm probably not in the market... but I'm curious as to what's hot recently
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20:08.22nvzabrotman: I am just glad someone told me about debian and I tried it. at the time I was burning so many other software distributions of Linux and BSD because I hadn't found what I was looking for yet, and I was expecting it to jump out at me. Debain's site was all plain looking and didnt seem to have as much eye candy or hype.. but I came to realize it was because its not designed for idiots.
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20:09.33asuffieldnvz: actually, it looks like that because it was designed by people with better things to do :P
20:09.44nvzabrotman: Debian was exactly what I always wanted from my software. I just never knew what I was looking for until I had found it. And this is why I spent so many years trying to transform windows or make some other software fit into that hole in my life
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20:09.57ke6isfabrotman: Fixed it, it was a delimiter issue in =O.o=
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20:10.23rhalffdebian could use some better marketing I think
20:10.33nvzasuffield: I'm glad they do.
20:10.40nvzrhalff: bah
20:10.43rhalffjust finding a network bootdisk takes 15 pages to browse or something
20:10.56thcwtf does that have to do with marketing.
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20:11.00wharfHi there.
20:11.32nvzif you smart you know that the netinstall disk is at
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20:11.43wharfI have no sound on my deBIAN SYStem, could the problem be that the modem is on the same IRQ as my sound card?
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20:11.54nvzI dont even know where its at and I can guess.. cause debian site was designed by smart people
20:11.57wharfI saw in forums that the modem was the problem with this kinda laptop
20:12.07jimthc: if the marketers (who preumably don't exist) could claim it was easier than that, it would probably pull in more users
20:12.15nvzthey dont feel the need to complicate things so far that I cant imagine them without looking
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20:12.21thcjim: exactly
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20:12.52jimso what are you saying?
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20:13.10abrotmannvz: i tried RH .. it failed .. i installed debian ... that was it
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20:13.21thci'm saying it's pointless to even complain about it, when most people can find it no problem
20:13.26Eliteforce_is it possible to run irssi over ssh, drop the connection, connect again over ssh and get the irssi "window" on to the console again?
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20:14.01bloomEliteforce_: use screen
20:14.04scarynetworkguy!tell Eliteforce_ about screen.
20:14.09thcEliteforce_: if you are using screen, you can re-attach
20:14.30thcyou might have to use screen -r -d
20:14.43scarynetworkguyssh, screen, and irssi are the holy trinity.
20:14.46Eliteforce_oh ths
20:15.09wharfHow hard is it to chainge the irq on hardware on debian?
20:15.12bloomscarynetworkguy: especially for playing idlerpg
20:15.12dakishiin what folder are the debian's librery installed?
20:15.22nvzabrotman: RH 5.2 I bought for like $15. it failed to install or at least to the point where it sent out a lifesaver for windows refugee to stay afloat. so I bought Mandrake 7.2 for like $24 and stuck with that through MDK 8.1 and once I started learning the in-and-out of a linux system I realized that mandrake was just holding me back, not keeping me afloat.
20:15.59abrotmanbah .. why can't crip encode to mp3 ...
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20:16.05sebyteHi all.  Just performed a clean base system install using the debian installer, dist-upgraded to testing and proceeded to try and install x-window-system and it's broken!  I'm a bit disappointed really... it breaks configuring xserver-xorg.  After asking you which screen resolutions you don't want the xserver to use it breaks with 'expr: non-numeric argument' and dependency death is instant!
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20:16.20ke6isfabrotman: You mean 'grip'? Are you using lame for the encoder?
20:16.25abrotmani mean crip
20:16.27abrotman!info crip
20:16.29dpkgcrip: (terminal-based ripper/encoder/tagger tool), section sound, is optional. Version: 3.5-1sarge2 (sid), Packaged size: 42 kB, Installed size: 132 kB
20:16.31nvzabrotman: I went on a search scouring the internet for the perfect OS at that point and among those I tried Debian, Slack, Freebsd... Debian was the perfect OS afaiwc
20:16.47abrotmansebyte: did you pick a resolution ?
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20:17.00abrotmannvz: have you tried symphonyOS ?
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20:17.07nvzabrotman: nope
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20:17.25aeronadixdebian shrunk my text mode screen.  And I just reinstalled, and it didn't make a difference
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20:17.32ke6isfabrotman: From 'apt-cache show crip' (sarge): "Current versions of crip only support Ogg Vorbis and FLAC."
20:17.42aeronadixthats messed up
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20:17.59abrotmanke6isf: yes .. i see that now
20:18.01aeronadixhow did it do that?
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20:18.23ke6isfabrotman: Sounds wonderful until you try to play that .ogg on an MP3 CD player.
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20:18.50sebyteabrotman: I chose '14' which means 'none of the above' i.e., use highest res. possible
20:19.00abrotmansebyte: how did you try to configure X ?
20:19.14nvzabrotman: my OS history went from Apple DOS/Prodos > Dos 3.3 - Dos 6.2 and Win 3.1/WFW 3.11 > Win95 > Win98 > Win2k Pro > Mandrake > Debian. Inbetween I tried many other things but never really "used" them for any significant period of time.
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20:19.35sebyteabrotman: I just ran 'apt-get install x-window-system'
20:19.43bloomnvz: SymphonyOS is a linux distro
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20:19.48abrotmansebyte: and it didn't finish ?
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20:19.54nvzbloom: who cares :P
20:20.00nvzbloom: its not debian :)
20:20.03abrotmannvz: it's based on debian .. simple interface
20:20.06bloomnvz: and it looks pretty cool as far as the interface goes
20:20.29nvzI don't need a cool looking interface I've learned better
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20:20.44abrotmannvz: not for you ...
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20:20.52abrotmannvz: it's a liveCD .. you could give to friends and enemies
20:20.59sebyteabrotman: nope.  without xserver-org it could not configure x-window-system-core and without xwindow-system-core it could not configure x-windo-system. deadlock :-(
20:21.08nvzthat is pretty cool looking I guess
20:21.13bloomI really don't need it either..., but it might be interesting to see whether people can handle it better than other desktops
20:21.19abrotmansebyte: apt-get -f install
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20:21.36sebyteabrotman: are you sure?
20:21.41nvzhas a NeXTStep look and feel to it
20:21.56abrotmansebyte: it will tell you if it's going to freak out
20:21.56nvzwith a touch of XP's Explorer
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20:22.04nvza hint of it if you will
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20:23.47nvzabrotman: I have a friend that may be interested but I've been advising against it.
20:24.15abrotmanagainst linux ?
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20:24.27abrotmanis he dumb ?
20:24.55Rubinso, i'm getting brute force login attempts every night on ssh; is there a tool to block hosts that attempt more than a dozen times ?
20:24.57nvzshe, and not dumb.. but its not an easy transformation
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20:25.14Rubini found daemonshield, but i was hoping for somithing .deb
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20:25.50Rubinyeah, but to automate it
20:25.58Rubinits diff hosts
20:26.12nvzabrotman: when I met her she had an old Mac and I got her the first PC and been servicing it for her ever since. they now since I was in Tx got a new Dell (slim Piece of shit looking thing) and one of those all-in-wonder printer dodads
20:26.14abrotmangoogle .. i've seen a few
20:26.31abrotmannvz: dell sucks
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20:27.55nvzabrotman: she's a good learner. Its been a pleasure to work for someone who can remember things you tell them. but I've spent all these years teaching her windows tricks and she's accustomed to windows. to change he to linux, forcing to use new applications and a kernel that doesnt support her hardware (i.e. the priter/scanner/copier) would not make either of our lives or our relationship any easier
20:28.18cahootRubin: this is one way:
20:28.34r3giiis it a good idea to change port in sshd server?
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20:29.20Rubincahoot: hmm that looks promiscing, thanks
20:29.34abrotmannvz: it's just a dell .. they always work</sarcasm>
20:29.41nvzabrotman: Its become my understanding to deploy linux as a desktop solution in the home or office you have to deploy more than just software.
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20:30.24nvzabrotman: in order for it to work the clueless should consult with their linux person on every aspect of the computing experience from what hardware to buy..etc
20:30.35sebyteabrotman: 'apt-get -f install x-window-system' breaks in exactly the same place :-(
20:30.59abrotmansebyte: what's the error again ?
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20:31.23aeronadixI have  a tripple boot system, hda1-windows, hda2-debian, hda3-suse.  Debian screwed up the text mode by shrinking it by 50% somehow.  No I am booted into suse, and I want to format hda2 and reinstall grub?
20:31.50sebyteabrotman: 'expr: non-numeric argument' configuring xserver-xorg
20:32.02nvzabrotman: microsoft got the market cornered face it. in order to turn it around the only way to make it work is if the people understand the linux state of mind. software is free, service is the product
20:32.44elfredolesshaste lspci -v?
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20:33.19nvzI cant make someone who has hardware and habbits that arent supported switch. I can't advise it or allow it either. Its counter-productive. for this reason I still support thier damn Windows
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20:33.55abrotmansebyte: what if you pick a resolution?
20:34.13abrotmannvz: you mean .. since microsoft charges for both?
20:34.16lesshasteelfredo: not recognised
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20:34.38EmleyMoorI have just installed the snd-intel8x0m driver for my modem, but I get "NO DIALTONE" when I try to use it - is there a better channel than this to ask on?
20:34.38sebyteabrotman: First time I left it blank and the same thing happened, but I'll try...
20:34.41nvzabrotman: since they got people in that mindset, and the bent over position, yes.
20:34.57lesshasteelfredo: it may well have been added to some list after my kernel you see
20:35.08nvzabrotman: people have to undersand they are clueless they cannot just go out and buy pcs, printers..etc
20:35.29nvzabrotman: they cannot go out and buy office software.. they need to call their consultant to provide the service of doing this for them
20:35.42abrotmannvz: or companies should be nice
20:35.44einsteinmgare there any other methodes for not screwing up the bootprozess in debian than to link invoke-rc.d and update-rc.d against true??!
20:35.44nvzabrotman: the software will then be provided for free
20:35.55Gneanvz: but in order to get past that cluelessness, they have to go out and buy pcs, printers..etc, in order to learn how not to be clueless
20:35.57elfredolesshaste ? if it is pci and working lspci should list it
20:36.13elfredodmesg knows nothing either?
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20:36.21lesshasteelfredo: 0000:00:01.0 PCI bridge: ATI Technologies Inc: Unknown device 5a3f
20:36.29nvzGnea: well then they end up with a bunck of MS crap that I dont want to have anything to do with. which is usually the case.
20:36.36aeronadixalthough debian was working much better than suse, in debian, I pressed function+f3 and the screen went blank, then when I went to restart the screen was 50% the size.  This is happenned to me before with debian and when I select a different kernel, like woody instead of potato or something, it would get fixed, is there another way to fix it quick?
20:36.43elfredolesshaste i would venture the guess it is your graphics card
20:37.13nvzIf this friend of mine didnt have an All-in-one printer and dozens of other things I know wouldnt fit into linux I would have switched them long ago, and they would be a lot happier with thier pc today
20:37.33lesshasteelfredo: no I think that is 0000:01:05.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RS480 [Radeon Xpress 200G Series] (prog-if 00 [VGA])
20:37.43nvzthe problem is while I was away they made a decision to buy a new PC (hardware) on their own.
20:38.00elfredolesshaste is that card pci-express?
20:38.02Gneanvz: it's all about marketing
20:38.13nvzwhich was a bad move. its like diving into a hungy pool of sharks when they do that
20:38.17lesshasteelectrofreak: the graphics is integrated on the mobo
20:38.27lesshasteelfredo: that was for you :)
20:38.37lesshasteelfredo: there is a pci express slot too I believe
20:39.08elfredolesshaste maybe it is some kind of bridging device, i am not an expert an pci-express
20:39.10aeronadixmaybe If I could remove the debian linux partition, along with the grub, and reinstall it grub using suse, then reinstall debian.  This time around being careful not to hit FN+anything, untill I figure out how to configure them.  Can anyone help me with that?
20:39.33elfredolesshaste i guess in one or two kernel updates this will be recognized
20:39.36lesshasteelfredo: ok.. I am totally igorant .. thx though
20:39.37Gneanvz: that's why you don't want to ever walk away without knowing that they've got something firmly in place - if you walk away and say "i'm going to do this and set that up for you" and they say "okay", then they're going to turn around and go buy that new computer behind your back.  i've seen it happen and had it happen to me countless times.
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20:39.42sebyteabrotman: it worked :-) Still, I've found a bug that's probably worth a bug report... What do you think?
20:39.52aeronadixhow to use fdisk to format a partition
20:40.28Gneaaeronadix: use it
20:40.36abrotmansebyte: absolutely
20:40.47aeronadixGnea, ok, I figured it out
20:41.01EmleyMoorWhat's the ATX command that gives the most functionality but blind-dials?
20:41.05Gneaaeronadix: fdisk isn't difficult to figure out: you press 'm' and *read*
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20:41.16aeronadixI deleted the partition, but now, the grub was installed by the debian on that partition,
20:41.35aeronadixGnea, I got it now, I couldn't figure it out, but it was easy
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20:41.56Gneaaeronadix: here, read this:
20:41.59aeronadixGnea, the think was I started it using fdisk /dev/hda2, so I couldn't delete /dev/hda2
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20:42.43aeronadixGnea, so how do I reinstall grub which is on the MBR from the OS that was on /dev/hda2 which is deleted now
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20:43.24Gneaaeronadix: first of all, apt-get install grub-docs pinfo
20:43.28Gneaaeronadix: then pinfo grub
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20:43.45Gneaaeronadix: there is a very straight-forward method that tells  you exactly how to do that there.
20:44.04aeronadixGnea, I don't want to know all the details of it, I just want to run it and have it detect the os on /dev/hda1 & /dev/hda3
20:44.25Gneaaeronadix: you installed it, you got yourself into this mess, you don't have a choice: now you have to learn the details.
20:44.31aeronadixI wish I had apt-get, I am stuck with suse for now, until I get this darn shrunken text mode fixed
20:44.44Gneasuse... bleh
20:44.47Gneaworst distro ever
20:45.08meffthat'd be fedora, Gnea
20:45.25Gneameff: no way, fedora's a step above suse, believe it or not ;)
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20:45.40abrotmanFFS .. why won't xmms stop using that stupid god damned skin
20:45.45aeronadixGnea, I hate it too, it was the default when I got my laptop.  Thats what I have been doing for days, installing debian, and all was well, but then somehow my text mode got shrunk, which drove me up the wall, and thats why I deleted debian and am gonna try to reinstall again
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20:46.13meffaeronadix: be less vague.. 'text mode shrunk' ?
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20:46.36meffaeronadix: it may be your lcd on your laptop doesnt 'fake' non-native resolutions, so the low-res desktop gets 'shrunk'
20:46.42graffithi I have a problem with maildrop writing in mbox format in a maildir structure, how can I fix that ?
20:46.46thingfishI'm with meff, linux can't get much worse than fedora.
20:46.48nvzabrotman: xmms-kjofol
20:46.50aeronadixmeff, the text mode of my computer now occupies only 50% of the screen, it has shrunken 50% to the middle of the screen
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20:47.02meffaeronadix: yes, read what i just said.
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20:47.18Gnea!tell aeronadix about grub
20:47.19lord_robHi ! My computer freezes when I try to shut it down. It displays "Shutting down ALSA" (seems to be done) and it stays forever in this stage. I have to power it down manually. Any idea what the problem could be ?
20:47.22abrotmannvz: ?
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20:47.28Gneaaeronadix: check that second url
20:47.36mefflord_rob: probably alsa ;)
20:47.37aeronadixI have had this problem before with linux debian, but I thought it was a hardware issue at first, then I realized it was debian
20:47.47abrotmannvz: no .. i want no skin .. i like the black interface
20:47.55meffaeronadix: if suse uses a high-res console, then no, its a hardware problem.
20:48.03ke6isflord_rob: Your alsa process isn't dying, ergo shutdown can't continue.  Find out why.
20:48.09Gneaaeronadix: the problem is neither: it's you.  but you can get past that if you really want to
20:48.12lord_robmeff: coud be but I don't think so, rather something AFTER alsa
20:48.25Gneasince grub works just fine on the multitude of debian machines i've installed
20:48.30nvzabrotman: its a plugin that gives you a remote that replaces (controls) the main window which has better skins like that of modern Winamp. XMMS skins really dont change anything. kjofol has more shaply skins
20:48.31aeronadixGnea, how do I fix the console then so it is full size like always
20:48.34gpmhi all. i'm trying to configure my own kernel...i just fetched the latest stable from ( and configured it, but now when i boot into it, my keyboard doesn't work. it works fine with the older kernel (2.6.8) and i did enable AT keyboard stuff in the kernel...any clues? it's just a normal keyboard that connects to a serial port.
20:48.38MrSargedoes anyone have a webservice where I can upload and test my php and mysql?
20:48.46ke6isf!wayc gpm
20:48.47dpkggpm: Why are you compiling instead of using apt-get?
20:48.55abrotmannvz: no .. i don't want any skin!
20:48.56Gneaaeronadix: i don't fully understand your question about the console... full size? there's a normal size?
20:49.09aeronadixI remember, on an older laptop, when I used woody no prob, then i tried some testing version, bf2.4, and it shrunk, so I had to go back to woody
20:49.09Gneaaeronadix: it all depends on what video hardware you're using with it
20:49.11meffMrSarge: once again, i will say, thats an idiotic question.. why would any of us run your scripts on our box?
20:49.14nvzabrotman: you have to have a skin or else you have no interface at all
20:49.16gpmke6isf:'s the kernel. sometimes even us apt-getters recompile it. but thanks anyway.
20:49.16thcabrotman: why not just remove all the skins then?
20:49.16ke6isflord_rob: Look in rc0.d then, what shuts down after alsa?
20:49.23nvzabrotman: its called the Default skin IIRC
20:49.30ke6isfgpm: Right.
20:49.40aeronadixGnea, use the whole screen, like when you press ctrl+alt+fx
20:49.47gpmke6isf: just screwed up?
20:49.51nvzabrotman: you might as well install cplay if you dont like skins
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20:49.57aeronadixGnea, or when the system starts and the messages are coming on the screen
20:49.57nvzabrotman: save the system resources
20:50.01Gneaaeronadix: it's not using the whole screen? could you be anymore vague?
20:50.02ke6isfgpm: Sort of.  I think I need more coffee. =^_^=
20:50.08gpmke6isf: ok. lol
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20:50.15abrotmannvz: i like xmms .. the skin it keeps choosing is unusable
20:50.21lord_robke6isf: proftpd, tried /etc/init.d/proftpd restart and success
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20:51.06ke6isflord_rob: I saw that problem in Mandrake once, but it was actually Alsa that was holding up the works.  Thus the suggestion.  Glad this works. =^^=
20:51.10aeronadixGnea, what do you mean, the screen shows a shrunken version.  The is a thick border around the entire screen.  It is not using all the screen, just a half size screen in the middle of the screen
20:51.26Gneaaeronadix: ah ok, that's all you had to say
20:51.28abrotmannvz: and you still didn't answer my question :)
20:51.41meffMrSarge: stop with the insults, and if you have something to say say it here.
20:51.42Gneaaeronadix: hmmm, is that a flat panel lcd monitor?
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20:51.47MrSargehow do I turn Global Variables to ON using Sarge mysql?
20:52.04aeronadixGnea, its a laptop
20:52.11Gneawhich laptop?
20:52.15nvzabrotman: I wasn't aware you asked me a question
20:52.17MrSargemeff:  hey stop with the constant abuse, and leave me alone!  take your false accusations elsewhere
20:52.23Drakh_ntop is so freakin cool
20:52.24Gneathere over over 200 thinkpad models
20:52.28Gneaget specific
20:52.30Gneaor stop
20:52.33abrotmannvz: i think
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20:52.42Drakh_ntop 3.0 is so freakin cool
20:52.44Drakh_:P :P
20:52.45aeronadixGnea, I think it R
20:52.48meffMrSarge: hahaha.. dude, i simply said, NOBODY in here is gonna run your scripts on their personal system.. THINK a little.
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20:53.16Gneaaeronadix: no, it says the model # right on the front - usually at the top of the keyboard, just at the bottom of the screen where the 2 meet to open and close the whole thing
20:53.30MrSargedoes anyone know how can I turn Global Variables to ON using Sarge mysql?
20:53.32aeronadixR51, type 1829
20:53.39Gneaaeronadix: or it's on the bottom
20:53.47aeronadixR51, type 1829
20:53.57ke6isfMrSarge: Check google for free hosting sites for what you need.  Also, don't repeat.
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20:54.16aeronadixI am renting it
20:54.37aeronadixfrom school, they install suse, which is shit, but still a bit better than what I know how to install
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20:55.09axIEhow do I move IE bookmarks over to firefox?
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20:55.11aeronadixLike, when I installed debian, I couldn't get the middle mouse button working
20:55.11Gneaaeronadix: i found exactly what you need:
20:55.17lord_robisn't there a log for shutdown like there's one for startup ?
20:55.30aeronadixGnea, thanks, whats that?
20:55.33Gneaaeronadix: read that.
20:55.40Gneaaeronadix: wtf, just go read it
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20:55.54aeronadixGnea, ok,haha
20:56.02Gneaaeronadix: it's everything you need to know about installing debian on your laptop
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20:56.25Gneaaeronadix: btw, i found that at
20:56.54aeronadixGnea, thanks
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20:57.39tois there a tool to trace package's tree with their dependances?
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20:58.00toa sort of `tree` but for packages..
20:58.04caphusoto: apt-rdepends
20:58.15jimto: ibm graphviz and apt-cache dotty
20:58.17tocaphuso: oki, thx ;)
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20:58.31tojim: too ;)
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20:58.39nvzif I had an ebay account and a credit card, I'd but this right now :P
20:58.46nvzbut I don't
20:59.00jimyou'd but but you don't???
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20:59.44isosteleshi isotop
20:59.47nvzthats pretty funny when you think about it that way
20:59.56nvzthat was a typo you know
21:00.01isoTop`can i install debian as a chroot in gentoo?
21:00.06jimwell yes :)
21:00.16isoTop`without downloading the cd's?
21:00.24jimisoTop`: if you can get debootstrap going, sure
21:00.29deadcatisoTop`: yes
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21:00.52nvzI could find a friend with a credit card easier than I could find one with a credit card and an ebay account :P
21:00.55lord_robaeronadix: I have a R52 and have installed kanotix on it. It's very much like debian but much easier to install
21:01.08nvzgood friends are hard to find :P
21:01.18isoTop`deadcat, where can i find the files, i looked in
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21:01.28aeronadixlord_rob, Did you get the middle mouse button working?
21:01.28deadcatisoTop`: debootstrap
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21:01.31ralfwhat is this:
21:01.34jimisoTop`: you generally don't need to download CDs -- unless you have a slow (modem-like) connection, but then, you should buy the cds
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21:01.42nvzralf: its a url to a pastebin.
21:01.53meffdeadcat: thx again for your conkyrc, i modded it a bit and its working great :)
21:01.57ralfnvz: stop kidding
21:01.58lord_robaeronadix: you mean on the touchpad ?
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21:02.07deadcati hate bestbuy.
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21:02.12nvzralf: I am serious
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21:02.16deadcatfucking geeksquad my ass.
21:02.27aeronadixlord_rob, mine has a touchpad and a mouse in the middle of the keyboard, yours?
21:02.29Gneadeadcat: what happened?
21:02.31isoTop`jim, the files are in the cd? i cant get them alone?
21:02.40deadcatGnea: commecials (=. more like moronsquad to me
21:02.52Gneadeadcat: i got a pic of one of their cars the other day :)
21:02.55pedro420NVZ: Man r u interested in the job ?
21:03.01aeronadixlord_rob, is your touchpad configured for two finger click = middle mouse button?
21:03.05jimsure you can... but I think debootstrap will automatically download what you need to get started
21:03.06deadcatGnea: haha. did you key it?
21:03.07nvzralf: the contents of which shows a CPU (0) encountering an Exception 13, General Protection.
21:03.09lord_robaeronadix: yes also, but I use an external mouse
21:03.12Gneadeadcat: ROFL no
21:03.30ralfnvz: yeah, kswapd does no longer exist
21:03.35jimisoTop`: out of curiousity, why do a chroot instead of an install/
21:03.35Gneadeadcat: but, commercials aside, what about their level of service?
21:03.36nvzralf: means an 80x86 protection rule has been violated while operating in protected mode
21:03.43lord_robaeronadix: can't tell you for sure but I think the middle mouse button also works with the touchpad
21:03.43chealyay, I just wrote a C program that does what I wanted from scratch. it can calculate Fibonacci-like sequences!
21:03.45aeronadixlord_rob, what about the funtion keys like FN+F7 or F5 or F4 or F3?
21:03.46Gneadeadcat: see, i don't even own a tv
21:03.48nvzpedro420: what job?
21:03.49ralfi have an amd64
21:03.57deadcatGnea: hehe. damn. not even tvcard?
21:03.59isoTop`jim, im just want to see how debian handles with vhcs
21:04.09lord_robaeronadix: hmmm I dunno
21:04.11pedro420NVZ: DJ for the halloween party at cissys ?
21:04.16*** join/#debian mortum (n=fjbf@
21:04.28Gneadeadcat: actually yeah, i've got one of those. i just haven't hooked the coax up to it. i did finally install a coax splitter for my modem tho ;)
21:04.30nvzpedro420: oh, I've been meaning to ask you guys if you were down for the party this year
21:04.34isoTop`jim, i use gentoo for daily use, and im pretty used to it, and the chroot is just to have fun with it :)
21:04.34*** part/#debian ales (
21:04.36nvzpedro420: what day?
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21:04.38deadcatGnea: no clue. chances are i will never need their services. not besing an asshole but i doubt they can do linux. they can click with a mouse pretty well though i bet.
21:04.51pedro420NVZ: OCT 28 friday at 8
21:05.14jimisoTop`: cool :) good a reason as any
21:05.14deadcatGnea: those fancy tv card that do more than just simple channels are cool. HD or something
21:05.18Gneadeadcat: geeksquad is still a relatively new service. anything past actual hardware and windows installations and yeah, they're pretty much a niche market service
21:05.23nvzpedro420: hmm I would probably have to call off work
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21:05.38Gneadeadcat: mine's a bit old, but it can still detect chans
21:05.47pedro420NVZ: Need u to get some poeple to come.  Like steve, james.  I told nick to ask will but if u see him u can ask him
21:06.04nvzpedro420: that won't be a problem at all.
21:06.08pedro420NVZ: What time u work til ?  We not startin til 8 or 9
21:06.13nvzpedro420: getting people to come anyhow
21:06.23nvzpedro420: I work 11:30pm-8am that day
21:06.26wharfCan anyone help me with a hardware problem on linus please, I have a modem and sound card using the same IRQ, I need to change the IRQ's some how.
21:06.27deadcatGnea: ya. i have those generic tv cards as well. well. what i want to do is let people knw instead of calling geeksquad. i am willing to fix their comp for free. just so i can fuck them up hehe
21:06.41ralfnvz: it was a segfault?
21:06.46nvzpedro420: would be next friday
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21:06.49pedro420NVZ:casey got some youngins 4 ya comin from safrans
21:06.51*** join/#debian kayo (n=kayohf@
21:06.56nvzpedro420: heh
21:07.09Gneadeadcat: that's no good. you should charge them anyway and do the job right - you'd get more customers that way
21:07.10isoTop`what is the name and version of the stable  debian these days?
21:07.12deadcat"hardware problem on linus" sounds nasty
21:07.15*** join/#debian beardy (n=beardy@unaffiliated/beardy)
21:07.15ixionyou know in spamasassin, the DCC filter, does anyone know what the debian package is called?
21:07.19jimwhere is this party? down the pensinula?
21:07.19pedro420NVZ: Where u work now ?
21:07.34*** join/#debian Skrotto (
21:07.35ixiondcc-common ?
21:07.36nvzpedro420: Advanced Alloy
21:07.41Gneadeadcat: if you do it for free, they'll figure it out pretty quickly
21:07.42SkrottoHi. How do I know where my java classpath is?
21:07.54jimisoTop`: sarge (Debian-3.1)
21:08.06deadcatSkrotto: env |grep PATH
21:08.09pedro420NVZ: Would u raterh work or get loaded ?
21:08.15Gneadeadcat: i used to be cheap too like that - but i actually charged, but it wasn't something i did fulltime at the time, so i didn't feel that my level of service was up to that par
21:08.32Skrottodeadcat: I've just got LD_LIBRARY_PATH and PATH.
21:08.40deadcatGnea: true.
21:08.52deadcatSkrotto: use find then
21:09.04jimisoTop`: but for that matter you can have multiple chroots as you know
21:09.08nvzralf: a segfault is not a CPU exception. but in this case the CPU's internal Exception 13 (General Protection Fault) caused the kernel to throw a Signal 11, SIGSEGV, yes.
21:09.21nvzralf: the SIGSEGV was a result of the execption
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21:09.36jimsarge, potato, woody, etch, sid... whichever you want
21:09.39ralfnow how can I restart kswap?
21:09.40beardyWhat have happened this weekend? I've been away. Only 466 here, and some new channelmodes?
21:09.58beardyThings always happen when I'm away..
21:09.59isoTop`jim, yes i know that, im just trying the stable one because i could use it for a server and i want to play with it
21:10.01deadcatbeardy: they migrated to #ubuntu
21:10.07jimsomeone compromised a freenode staffer's machine
21:10.09pedro420NVZ: Man just let us know if you are gonna come or work ?  So wes can find another DJ
21:10.12beardydeadcat: heh..
21:10.13chealbeardy: freenode had a problem with chanserv
21:10.19nvzralf: kernel would have sent that signal to whatever process it was acting on behalf of when the exception was raised
21:10.38jimisoTop`: good enuf... it's been out around 3 months or so
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21:10.53nvzpedro420: I am down I will just have to let them know I am not fuckin comming next friday :P
21:10.54Gneadeadcat: plus if you fuck them that makes linux geeks look bad and doesn't get us anywhere good
21:10.58ixionok, how about, how do I restart spamassassin, /etc/init.d/spamassassin restart does work
21:11.03chealbeardy: everyone left the room, so it didn't yet reach the connections timeout/joins equilibrium
21:11.08*** join/#debian Loevborg (
21:11.11deadcatGnea: hahahaha
21:11.18nvzpedro420: I could DJ and goto work if I wanted.. but I dont want to goto work drunk half way through the party :P
21:11.34Gneadeadcat: there are plenty of m$ geeks out there who do that sort of work that do it fast and get them up and running again just fine
21:11.42pedro420NVZ:  Do you have enough music or would u need my harddrive ?
21:11.49jimso anyway... what are the good motherboards these days
21:11.53deadcatGnea: true
21:12.15jimasus still on top?
21:12.18nvzpedro420: I am sure I can pull stuff together. Casey has cds, and so does Ciss if all else fails
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21:12.24beardycheal: Oh, ok. CHANNEL! ;)
21:12.29ixioncan anyone hear me?
21:12.33wharfAnyone here fancy helping me with my sound problem?
21:12.33ixionsee me
21:12.43beardyixion: Yes.
21:12.46ixionk, ta
21:12.48jimixion: no! I'm blind! (jk)
21:12.50Gneadeadcat: and the ones that are starting to learn and embrace linux are gonna be the ones that will be kicking your ass in the field if you don't shape up :)
21:13.04ixionjust that I been in here few times over weekend and noone answering me
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21:13.19pedro420NVZ: Just to burst your bubble we need some hip hop just satisfy the youngins
21:13.26Gneaixion: it happens, you just have to be patient
21:13.29beardyixion: You have to ask a question that can be answered.
21:13.41Gnea!tell ixion about ask
21:13.47pedro420NVZ: THey are 20 and 21 but they are young to us
21:14.01jimixion: because you're essentially taking a poll, and there are too many people here for that, so it's not liked
21:14.04lunaphytewhy would something like 'grep -ir sql /var/log/*' dump me into aptitude and bork my terminal?
21:14.07deadcatGnea: hahahah.. then i better get my ms windows book out and start reading (=
21:14.10nvzpedro420: heh. I'll get Jay the underground rapper, to come up and do a live acapella like last time
21:14.13ixiona poll?
21:14.29ixionI asked how to restart spamassassin? hows that a poll?
21:14.36pedro420NVZ: stop over if u get a free moment
21:14.40Gneadeadcat: that, and/or rethink how you go about conducting your localized computer repair :)
21:14.49pedro420NVZ: thatnks but no thanks
21:14.55nvzpedro420: I'm not doing anything really
21:15.02jimyou're doing this: "of all you 450 people here, which one of you will answer me when I say 'can you hear me'"
21:15.09jimthat's a poll
21:15.27Gneadeadcat: you laugh, but that's what i did: rethought it all, then applied it, and it's worked out quite well
21:15.37*** join/#debian shad0wcat (
21:15.45ixionI dont know enough about IRC to know if there was a problem and people couldnt see what I was typing
21:15.47nvzpedro420: just doing online window-shopping I cant buy anything cause my dad is filing bankruptcy and I need to go get my own credit account now. My visa is on his account
21:15.48beardyixion: Does is run as a deamon? '/etc/init.d/spamasassin restart' most likely if yes.
21:15.50*** join/#debian iamsthitha (
21:16.02iamsthithaI'm thinking of installing debian
21:16.13iamsthithashould I do it?
21:16.15ixionbeardy, tried that, no luck.. or at least no output to lead me into beleiving it worked
21:16.20ixioniamsthitha, yes
21:16.22beardyiamsthitha: Do you have a better than dialup internet connection?
21:16.29Gneaiamsthitha: of course
21:16.31beardy!tell iamsthitha -about why debian
21:16.32jimyou also see why doing that isn't liked here... (450 people that potentially could answer you at the same time and causing bandwidth usage on the order of 450^2)
21:16.33pedro420NVZ: stop over in a little we are eatin now and my mom is here eventually we will be burnin one
21:16.34iamsthithabut my hd has only 1 gig
21:16.34ixionthen you have no excuse
21:16.42deadcatixion: no output = 0, which is success
21:16.55Gneaiamsthitha: it can still be done - but it depends what you want to do with it
21:16.59nvzpedro420: so you didn't like Jay's acapella performance of "Hood Cock" last time :P
21:17.01ixiondeadcat, hope so anyway :)
21:17.11thc1 gig hard disks = leet!
21:17.14deadcatecho $?
21:17.19iamsthithaGnea, I just want firefox... wine.. xfce4...
21:17.35nvzpedro420: less guys that show up the better afaic anyhow
21:17.38pedro420NVZ: You can invite him but we don't need a floor show
21:17.39iamsthithathc, please dont ever say that again..
21:17.45Gneaiamsthitha: what's the rest of the system like? pentium 100?
21:17.52iamsthitha333 mHz
21:17.52nvzpedro420: I havent seen him in months
21:17.55thcpedro420: why do you feel the need to capitalize 'nvz' ?
21:17.56iamsthithap2 or something
21:18.01Gneaoh ouch
21:18.12pedro420nvz: i dunno
21:18.26iamsthithaI'm currently running damnsmalllinux which is based off debian
21:18.30iamsthitharuns fine
21:18.31nvzthc: does that annoy you?
21:18.35ixionnot sure why you would want wine on a 333 mhz system
21:18.36Gneayeah dsl is cool
21:18.43Gneabut is limited
21:18.44beardyiamsthitha: You can do lot's of things with a box like that. How much ram?
21:18.44thcnvz: not at all, just wondering why
21:18.46iamsthithabut it borks up most of the apt
21:18.46pedro420nvz: what the hell is afaic ?
21:18.48thcoh sorry, NVZ
21:18.49nvzthc: annoys me
21:18.57iamsthithabeardy, 64 probably
21:19.00nvzthc: I just wasnt going to complain about it
21:19.14*** join/#debian mugur (n=mugurash@
21:19.18thcnvz: i'll complain for you, every time that happens
21:19.18nvzpedro420: as far as I'm concerned
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21:19.55pedro420nvz : We aren't tryin to get a whole lot a folk just some
21:19.57nvzpedro420: in other words if there are 3 or 4 drunk women for me and not enough guys thats ok with me
21:19.58muguranyone managed to install evolution from experimental?
21:20.00*** join/#debian Dasnipa` (
21:20.06dpkgPlease do not ask if anyone uses <someprogram>. Instead, ask your real question. (If the real question was if anyone used <someprogram> ask me about <popcon> instead.) See <ask> <sicco> <ask-to-ask> <polls>
21:20.11iamsthithaso you think I can install debian without any problems?
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21:20.20mugurit's there for more than a month, but it still misses some dependencies
21:20.21iamsthithaor rather without too many problems
21:20.29mugurmore exactly libgal-common
21:20.30ixiondoes anyone have any good spamassassin install/config docs favorites about, the docs on the spamassassin site seem a little weak for newbs
21:20.33Gneaiamsthitha: well you can give it a try, just be frugal in your package installation - for instance, there's a point where it asks you what sort of setup the system is going be or what type of packages to install, it'd be easier to just select none of them and continue on, installing what you need via apt-get later
21:20.37muguram I missing something...
21:20.46pedro420nvz:  we got some twins comin
21:20.55pedro420nvz: they are all yours
21:20.57nvzpedro420: twins are always good I suppose.
21:20.57jimthereyago :) much better; now you're actually saying something :)
21:21.06Gneaiamsthitha: well problems are gonna happen one way or another, i wouldn't hold out hope for wine tho
21:21.12wharfAnyone fancy helping me?
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21:21.18pedro420nvz: they are italian
21:21.22ixionwharf, just ask bro
21:21.26nvzpedro420: can't invite steve I guess
21:21.28iamsthithaGnea, why? what's up with wine?
21:21.29jimwhere are the fancy people?
21:21.30wharfCan anyone help me with a hardware problem on linus please, I have a modem and sound card using the same IRQ, I need to change the IRQ's some how.
21:21.39wharfI have asked that like 3 times. hehe
21:21.42*** part/#debian zSodoee (n=urkwi@
21:21.42Gneaiamsthitha: well what would you run with it?
21:21.44nvzpedro420: homie got a habbit of stealing women :P
21:21.47pedro420nvz: why not wantin to share the twins ?
21:21.48beardyiamsthitha: Yes. With 64MB RAM you should be fine, but if you want to run X, and do a lot of things at the same time, the more ram you can get, the better. But the install should go fine. /msg dpkg d-i for the link to the netinstaller.
21:21.53deadcatwharf: isnt that a bios problem?
21:21.59iamsthithaGnea, oh I know what I'm gonna run on it is gonna work
21:22.03*** join/#debian aeronadix (
21:22.05nvzpedro420: two heads are better than one
21:22.08aeronadixOk I got that fixed!
21:22.09iamsthithaGnea, I have it running now.. works fine
21:22.09*** join/#debian Valandil (
21:22.11deadcatthc: his hardware in linus.. (=
21:22.12wharfWell, theres no option in my bios for setting IRQ'S
21:22.21ixionwharf, change the PCI slot.. and fiddle around in BIOS
21:22.26wharfIt's a laptop
21:22.27ixionpci/isa whatever
21:22.29ixionah lol
21:22.31*** join/#debian spr1n (
21:22.32aeronadixwhereis Gnea
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21:22.44iamsthitharight here
21:22.47thcaeronadix: in the userlist ?
21:22.49beardyor there
21:22.49pedro420nvz: got a hungarian chick comin too but she is married, but she 28.  Can let steve have her !\
21:22.51Gneaiamsthitha: ok - well you're looking at under 200megs just for a base install - whenever you install packages, it's gonna eat up space - at some points, you may want to apt-get clean to free up some space cuz it saves the downloaded packages
21:23.04iamsthithaGnea, cool
21:23.04wharfI did see somthing in forums about this laptop and sound problems
21:23.06spr1nhas anyone vmware installed on debian here?
21:23.09wharfThey solved it
21:23.13iamsthithadownloading netinstall....
21:23.15wharfBut i lost that forum link
21:23.18abrotmannvz: take the girls from across the street!
21:23.18nvzpedro420: yeah steve that's his specialty.. taking other peoples women
21:23.20beardyspr1n: /msg dpkg anyone
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21:23.24nvzabrotman: too young
21:23.33aeronadixGnea, I removed debian entirely, it didn't fix it, then I replaced grub, it didn't fix it, then I went into the bios, and fixed it there, so looks like while in debian, when I pressed FN+F3 it changed a bios setting on me
21:23.35wharfIt was quite technical as well
21:23.47mugurspr1n: i have vmware
21:23.52iamsthithadoes debian come with lilo or grub?
21:23.55nvzabrotman: they are too young for our kind of halloween festivities. they need to be out trick-or-treating or something
21:23.57thciamsthitha: both
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21:23.58pedro420well she might bring her husband and his bandmates
21:24.02jim!tell spr1n -about anyone
21:24.05Gneaiamsthitha: both, but defaults to grub these days
21:24.09aeronadixGnea, do you remember the text mode sreen shrinkage problem were chatting about
21:24.12*** part/#debian MrSarge (
21:24.16Gneaaeronadix: weird, what does fn+f3 do?
21:24.22thciamsthitha: to install LILO, you need to do an expert install, regular install won't show you the option
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21:24.38iamsthithawoo.. I'm a gonna be an expert
21:24.41nvzpedro420: do I need to bring a rig? will got several guitars and a small drumset :)
21:24.54jimlilo is old tho, you might consider grub
21:25.04wharfI'll have another brows on google
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21:25.11pedro420well he owns his own studio
21:25.11wharffor that forum
21:25.12iamsthithaI'll expert in grub
21:25.13*** join/#debian emacsen (n=serge@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/emacsen)
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21:25.26jimwell look into them first before deciding :P
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21:25.29aeronadixGnea, it should just turn off the scree.  Funny think is that FN+F7 which is for dual screen mode, turns off the screen and it doesn start again, that when I am using xfree86, with xorg, the same problem only happens with FN+F3
21:25.29spr1ni just cannot run vmware, but it installed perfectly
21:25.31Gneathat's the spirit
21:25.33emacsenWhen you say your resolution, eg 1025x768, what is the vertical and what's the horizontal?
21:25.36jimdon't just take my word, find out about it :)
21:25.37pedro420nvz:well he owns his own studio he makes money at it
21:25.40*** part/#debian TOiWooeh (n=loeycuho@
21:25.52ixionemacsen, I think you are talking about refresh rate?
21:26.02Gneaaeronadix: is there not a bios option to use both screens at once?
21:26.04pedro420nvz: he signs bands
21:26.05emacsenixion: no
21:26.05nvzpedro420: screw it. my stuff is portable and I work for beer and puntang
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21:26.14ixionemacsen, anyway, the larger mumber is obviously the horizontal... look at the shape of your monitor
21:26.19chealemacsen: 1024 is horizontal
21:26.26emacsencheal: thanks
21:26.28*** part/#debian emacsen (n=serge@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/emacsen)
21:26.31Gneajim: i blame the riaa
21:26.33pedro420nvz: and to sweeten the deal casey will buy you a bag
21:26.33aeronadixGnea, yeah that would be the best way eh, cause then I would need to configure or ever use the FN key
21:26.36deadcatpeople should gpl their music
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21:26.48beardyiamsthitha: Debian comes with lilo and grub, and other bootloaders as well.
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21:26.50nvzpedro420: whatever pulls her bandwagon :P
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21:27.01iamsthithawell so far I'm using lilo and its fine
21:27.03aeronadixpeople should gpl roast chicken and steak
21:27.05iamsthithabut I'll try out grub
21:27.07*** join/#debian evil (n=evil@
21:27.14nvzpedro420: I gave my stereo to Cara, so hopefully that old tube radio still works
21:27.17pedro420well if your gonna miss work it should be owrth it
21:27.26Gneaaeronadix: rofl
21:27.31nvzpedro420: I like the way she thinks :)
21:27.35jimdeadcat: maybe, but it's too much work to just give it away
21:27.36*** join/#debian YfiaR (n=loeycuho@
21:27.42beardyixion: Your responisble for your own box, if it's bloated, you are bloated.
21:27.46deadcatjim: hehe.
21:27.54spr1nwhat could be the reason of that vmware wount run after installation?
21:27.55aeronadixGnea, I ate freaking cheap as weaners today, and tuna with no mayonaise
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21:28.04adrakoahi, i have a problem in gnome with the key alt and alt gr, i probe to chando xorg.conf, but anything. In console all right...
21:28.04teddy-radiushi all
21:28.10*** part/#debian YfiaR (n=loeycuho@
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21:28.11Gneaaeronadix: better than starving
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21:28.21ixionI was just wonder, if grub loads windows, is it called a bloatloader
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21:28.33Skrottodoes anyone know if there's a package for mysql-connector-java for debian? I couldn't find anything with apt-cache :)
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21:28.37aeronadixmy teeth are falling out and I can't get them fixed
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21:28.40jimdpkg: are you a bloatbot/
21:28.48teddy-radiusdo you knox if they are an option with apt for remove packages whose aren't necessary)
21:28.51Gneaaeronadix: stop doing the crystal meth then ;)
21:28.53beardy!what are you
21:28.53dpkgI am a blootbot. For more info see <blootbot>
21:28.55aeronadixdo smoke cigs guys, makes your teeth rot
21:29.13pedro420nvz: well its teh truth
21:29.13*** join/#debian auk (
21:29.14ixion!what are you
21:29.14dpkgI am a blootbot. For more info see <blootbot>
21:29.14*** join/#debian darkstar (n=darkstar@unaffiliated/darkstar)
21:29.19wharfaeronadix, #dentist
21:29.57nvzpedro420: I'll get hold of steve and have him help me get the rest of the music. He knows more what those youngins would listen to
21:30.08teddy-radius!do you knox if they are an option with apt for remove packages whose aren't necessary
21:30.12ixiondoes anyone care to tell me how spamassassin learns what is spam?
21:30.17hackeronhey, is there anyway to kill a network connection to a host without killing the application that opened it?
21:30.25beardyteddy-radius: Don't abuse it please.
21:30.36*** join/#debian IKkiuic (n=loeycuho@
21:30.37iamsthithawhy not?
21:30.38mittiI just updated to testing and I'm having trouble getting X11 configured for my mouse.. It's a microsoft USB mouse that's just kind of worked in X for the past 3 or 4 years and I never actually looked into how exactly it was working.. What Protocol should a USB mouse be using??
21:30.52*** join/#debian TheBlueWizard (
21:30.55jimixion: there is always google... give it a shot before asking questions for which there is a SHITLOAD of information on already
21:31.08beardyiamsthitha: why not what?
21:31.14iamsthithawhy not abuse the bot?
21:31.33jimiamsthitha: because you'll wear out your welcome if you do
21:31.41beardyiamsthitha: Because I said so, and if it is not obvious to you why not, please leave.
21:31.49*** join/#debian eehEoeE (n=urkwi@
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21:32.00*** part/#debian CiaDuiiaz (n=loeycuho@
21:32.25*** join/#debian eehEoeE (n=urkwi@
21:32.39dpkgDo not use public away/back messages in #debian. If we want to know where you are, we'll /whois you. In BX, /set auto_away off; ask in #yourircclient if you have questions. If you continue to use public aways/backs you will be devoiced.
21:32.42jimyou can occasionally play around with it a -little- bit, but remember we're WORKING here.
21:32.47beardy!tell isosteles|away -about away
21:32.48*** part/#debian eehEoeE (n=urkwi@
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21:33.14iamsthitha!tell beardy about joking
21:33.35jimbeardy: nick change isn't an away message
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21:33.54beardyjim: If it includes |away, it is.
21:34.09*** join/#debian aChangeofPace (
21:34.09LightVisionSomeone tried to get me join #0,0 and it disconnected me and it seemed someone was havcking me or something!  any know what channel #0,0 is?
21:34.20*** join/#debian ibviXxiaU (n=loeycuho@
21:34.28jimno, it's a nick change, and it may be none of your business. because he may be on other channels
21:34.33thcit's channel full of havckers!
21:34.46ixiondpkg, where are you?
21:34.46dpkgI am located at Latitude: 33.9695129 Longitude: -117.3275986
21:34.53*** join/#debian bier (
21:34.54aChangeofPacemy resolv.conf file keeps getting overwritten
21:34.56ixion-117 ?
21:34.57aChangeofPacehow can i stop it
21:35.01thcthat's near my house
21:35.12ixionsouth of the equator is - ?
21:35.14*** part/#debian eaniuXa (n=loeycuho@
21:35.17beardyjim: It's a matter of opinion then, and ours differ in this case. So we'll leave it at that.
21:35.21thcixion: no
21:35.23jimaChangeofPace: dhcp client is involved; look at how it works
21:35.32ixionwhat is it then
21:35.35kldpkg, who are you ?
21:35.35dpkgI'm a chimp!
21:35.36ixionerr where
21:35.37GneaaChangeofPace: use pump
21:35.46thcixion: i'm in southern cali and i am -117
21:35.52mittiCan anyone help me setup my USB mouse in X11 on Testing?
21:35.56ixionhmm wonder what the - means
21:36.04*** join/#debian pere (
21:36.08thcixion: Google it!
21:36.09Gnea!tell mitti about ask
21:36.13klmith, rtfm
21:36.15ixiondpkg, are you in california?
21:36.16LightVisionhow can I please turn global_variables ON in PHP?
21:36.21ixionnot telling
21:36.33*** join/#debian war92 (
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21:36.51klLightVision, php.ini
21:36.54ixion!google what does a negative longitude means
21:36.59*** join/#debian GPeMie (n=urkwi@
21:37.01dpkgGoogle says what does a negative longitude means is at or or or or
21:37.07beardyLightVision: In it's config file probably. Perhaps in /etc/php? Isn't that a bad thing to do?
21:37.11*** part/#debian GPeMie (n=urkwi@
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21:37.35klbeardy, your are crazy, /etc pfee
21:37.42mittiwhat should a USB mouse show up as in 2.6.12?  it's not located at /dev/input/mice
21:37.52beardykl: Am I?
21:37.57*** part/#debian pere (
21:38.00mittiwould is be usbhid in a lsmod?
21:38.30klbeardy, soory i'm french and speak bad
21:38.38beardyCrazy is to name a file .ini and not .conf
21:38.45jimbeardy: originally the annoyance factor was generated by clients that would tell the channel about the awayness, but that wasn't originally enough; some clients would announce awayness every so often, or people would switch their aways back and forth several times in the same screenful... this has -nothing- to do with that, he changed his nick exactly once and went on his way. not annoying.
21:38.48ixionif you're french you are bad
21:39.02*** part/#debian Arvind-NL (
21:39.18klixion, Arnold gouverneur arf   !!!
21:39.22thingfishdon't say that; the french are lovely people.
21:39.36thcfreedom fried!
21:39.54ixionfreedom kiss
21:39.57*** join/#debian wmli (
21:40.01ixionits just stupid aint it
21:40.02beardykl: It doesn't matter where you're from, but calling me crazy, was a bit unecessary, wasn't it?
21:40.13LightVisionhow do I load phpmyadmin?
21:40.19jimixion: don't be annoying... #politics is not here
21:40.29ixionto the french, crazy is not a bad word really..
21:40.47ixionits a sign of effection
21:40.47*** join/#debian Jbatoes (n=urkwi@
21:40.50ixionjim, k
21:40.55*** join/#debian help (
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21:41.11klyes ixion thanks
21:41.33*** join/#debian Tomat (n=janpol^^@
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21:41.47nvzixion: "I distinguish between maniacs and crazy people. A maniac will beat 9 people to death with a steel dildo. A crazy person will beat 9 people to death with a steel dildo, but he'll be wearing a bugs bunny suit at the time" -- George Carlin
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21:42.08beardyjim: Well, yes. But if someone changes his nick back and forth, I'd say that's annoying too. (I know he hasn't done that, but there are people that do, somenick|eating, somenick|showering, somenick|away, somenick|here)
21:42.10*** join/#debian gmaniac (
21:42.35jimbeardy: agreed. but that's true no matter what the nick contains :)
21:43.03Gneabeardy: there are bots that do that too
21:43.10beardyjim: Yeah.
21:43.17jimbut if the rate is low enough, it's hardly worth commenting on, like once per 8 hours or whatever
21:43.36beardyGnea: Yes. I haven't said bots are better than people ;)
21:43.49iamsthithathey should be!
21:43.59ixionyeah dpkg is a good example of a bad bot
21:44.02nvzits like using actions in a way. actions really don't serve any purpos but letting people know what we are doing. nick changes of that sort are the same thing.
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21:44.11Gneabeardy: and i didn't imply that either ;)
21:44.15ixionor a bad example of a good bot
21:44.20klbeardy, It was right a joke, to put Ca configuration in/etc not but of or its fate?
21:44.26mtnmanwhat is more annoying, someone changing their /nick or a 1/2 hour discussion about it?
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21:44.37nvzmtnman: heh
21:44.37Gnea!beer mtnman
21:44.37beardyAllright, I wont care then, let's all change our nicks instead of actions..
21:44.38*** join/#debian kl0ck (
21:44.49LightVisionmy website wont load my database properly without global_variables on.  How can I turn this on, or convert my database or access it so I can read it?
21:44.58nvzoops I meant to
21:44.58peterS/nick nvz|farting
21:45.06nvzpeterS: yeah thats what I meant to do
21:45.13nvzpeterS: messed it up
21:45.14*** join/#debian mentor (
21:45.14jimmtnman: it had to be said... he jumped all over the guy
21:45.17GneaLightVision: that's a php.ini variable
21:45.25mtnmanjim: i don't disagree
21:45.36ixionheh, I thought you meant to fart but something else happened
21:45.46peterStoo.  much.  information.
21:45.52jimsomeone beat you to it :P
21:45.59*** join/#debian poh (
21:46.01nvzixion: heh
21:46.08LightVisionGnea:  do I need to create a php.ini file?
21:46.22ixionLightVision, if you have php installed, you should have one already
21:46.33*** join/#debian fabiofx (n=fabio@
21:46.38LightVisionixion:  where is the php.ini stored?
21:46.40GneaLightVision: it isn't already in /etc/php/ ?
21:46.44ixiontry looking in your apache directory
21:46.52ixionif its not there ^
21:47.00GneaLightVision: all configuration goes in /etc
21:47.14beardyWasn't that crazy, I didn't get that one..
21:47.22ixionmy php.ini is in /etc/apache2
21:47.24LightVisionGnea:  i found it
21:47.27*** part/#debian Cope (
21:47.39GneaLightVision: should just be a simple reload after the edit
21:47.49LightVisionGnea:  what do I need to type on php.ini for it to set "gobal_variables = on" ?
21:47.54peterSixion: libapache2-mod-php4 doesn't use /etc/php4/apache2/ or similar?  I wonder why not
21:48.07Gneabeardy: when you flush a toilet, which way does the water swirl? ;)
21:48.20LightVisionixion: what do I need to type in php.ini for it to set gobal_variables on ?
21:48.22peterSLightVision: look for the word 'global' in php.ini.  it is in there, I promise
21:48.24iamsthithaGnea, upward
21:48.28LightVisionpeterS:  ok
21:48.28ixionLightVision, what editor are you using?
21:48.30GneaLightVision: a text editor
21:48.33Gneaiamsthitha: rofl
21:48.35LightVisionixion:  kwrite
21:48.49beardyGnea: Depends on which side of earth you are flushing it at, doesn't it? ;)
21:48.49ixionhmm gui.. I would guess there is a search function
21:48.58iamsthithaok everybody.. I'm off to screw up my computer.. later
21:49.00Gneabeardy: you're asking me? :)
21:49.03*** join/#debian JPQuiceno (
21:49.08LightVisionpeterS:  i found register_globals = Off .  do I change this to = On ?
21:49.11jimgood luck with that :)
21:49.14*** join/#debian bash (
21:49.16Gneaiamsthitha: good luck
21:49.26peterSLightVision: I have no idea.  depends on what you want.  read the description in the comment just above it
21:50.09beardyGnea: Sort of, hafl a retorical question, I think it depends on the magnetic poles, north or south, whichway it swirls, but it may be only a myth.. nevermind :)
21:50.11peterSLightVision: I guess it is the setting Gnea and you are talking about, but I don't really know your situation so I won't say more
21:51.01pohI have my gpm repeater set raw, but when I sudo cat /dev/gpmdata, the console shows no output. should I set a bug report for this?
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21:51.22Gneabeardy: one of us should take a video of a toilet flushing, then travel to the other side of the planet, and take a video of a toilet flushing there, and then turn them into animated gifs and have them shown at the same time on one webpage :)
21:51.22peterSbeardy: yeah, it's a myth.  it actually depends on the exact shape of your bowl and how it is balanced.  earth rotation makes such a tiny difference that it is dwarfed by the tiny manufacturing imperfections of the hardware
21:51.31jimit's probably the direction the earth turns plus the attractive force of other bodies such as the moon
21:51.54peterSpoh: no, that's not a bug
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21:52.13pohpeterS: how do I get it to repeat?
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21:52.22jimpoh: first find out why it's not repeating
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21:52.27LightVisionpeterS:  Wooohooooo :)  Im so happy :)     it works :)  I can now access ALL my Database materials and read them all!  Once again, you have helped me deeply!  I been working on this for 24 hours :)
21:52.30beardypeterS: Ok, yeah, I suspected it was a myth. But we could still all do what Gnea said, shoot a video of our toilets and put on a page ;)
21:52.34jimthen tell it to stop doing that :)
21:52.37peterSpoh: for one thing, it will only repeat when you are in X, as opposed to console mode.  repeating in console mode would be bad
21:53.10*** join/#debian l3m (
21:53.17chealerit's not a myth. it's in the Simpsons
21:53.20jimI don't understand... why/how would it care what else you're running?
21:53.25peterSpoh: for another, raw mode is not recommended.  the reasons are a bit technical so if you want them I can give them but otherwise you can just take my word for it.  we recommend repeat_type=ms3 and then using Option "Protocol" "Intellimouse" in XF86Config-4
21:53.33LightVisionpeterS:  I have been trying to figure this out for 24 hours and nobody even ONCE told me in any of the php and mysql channels that all I needed to do was change global variables to ON in php.ini.  Thank you :)
21:53.44beardy"Toiletbowls of The World" could be the title of the site.
21:53.59mlewis00Can I install Sarge with just the first CD instead of the Netinstall CD? i.e. there are 14 CDs...I don't want to burn more than 1 :)
21:54.10beardymlewis00: Yes, you can.
21:54.10towhy a pipe doen't work with a such command: apt-cache dotty <package> | dotty
21:54.11peterSLightVision: ahh - some software requires that setting, some does not.  requiring that setting is, in general, bad, so really the software you're using should be fixed
21:54.20*** join/#debian christor (n=christor@
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21:54.30pohpeterS: I have a synaptics touch pad and want the synaptics driver.  Don't I need raw to use that?
21:54.30jimmlewis00: you don't have to burn any... but direct answer: yes, you can install from the first cd
21:54.37peterSmlewis00: should work fine
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21:54.42christorHey I have a problem with an apt-get dist-upgrade , thye udev packet don t want to install
21:54.55mlewis00beardy: Thanks, I thought so...
21:55.00LightVisionpeterS:  yes I know, its a website written for me 4 years ago!  But i just needed to access it to read the database materials, so I can save it all as html.
21:55.04jimpoh: no, the repeat type is what gpm SENDS, not what it receives
21:55.11peterSpoh: that's a tough one - there is no real *good* way to do this.  raw mode might work but we hate to recommend it.
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21:55.30peterSpoh: are you using kernel 2.4 or kernel 2.6?
21:55.31mlewis00jim: I don't have a floppy :(
21:55.38pohpeterS: 2.6
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21:56.01pohjim: and I want gpm to send the raw data to X, so that X can use the right driver
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21:56.22mlewis00peterS: Thanks...
21:56.25peterSpoh: best thing, then, would be to use evdev directly from X.  however I don't know if the X driver can deal with touchpad data via evdev, I haven't tried it
21:56.29jimpoh: X has to listen in order for that to happen
21:56.40peterSpoh: by evdev I mean loading the 'evdev' kernel module, and pointing X to /dev/input/event0 or whatever
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21:56.46LightVisionpeterS:  I turned off the global variables for now.  but if they are turned on in the php.ini , can someone then hack me?
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21:57.23jimpoh: do you want your touchpad to work in console mode?
21:57.25peterSLightVision: register_globals=on is needed by some php programs, but it invites sloppy coding that can lead to security problems.  whether you will *have* security problems or not depends on the quality of your scripts
21:57.33peterSjim: I know what he's talking about and he's being reasonable
21:57.46*** join/#debian iooItQJo (n=eoisbu@
21:57.56peterSbegone, iooItQJo
21:58.00LightVisionpeterS:  ok, but because its on, doesnt mean someone can hack me now when im running Debian?
21:58.04*** join/#debian ddddd (
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21:58.26peterSLightVision: no, it means that *if* you are running scripts that someone didn't think very carefully about while writing them, you can get hacked
21:58.33beardyLightVision: As he said, it depends on the scripts you run.
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21:58.45peterSLightVision: whether the scripts you have are well written or not is something we have no idea.  if we knew, we would have fixed the scripts by now
21:58.51*** join/#debian mortum (n=fjbf@
21:59.01*** part/#debian nik (
21:59.05jimLightVision: only way to absolutely prevent your conputer from being hacked while it's in your house is to move it out of your house
21:59.10pohpeterS: ok, I'll look into evdev more and bug you later if I don't get it figured out
21:59.11LightVisioni removed apache2 from my system, but when Debian shuts down. it says some apach2 files still on system!  How can I totally remove and clean apache2 of my system?
21:59.12peterSLightVision: in other words, register_globals=on makes some classes of security holes easier to produce by accident.  it doesn't *cause* them directly.
21:59.14LightVisionbeardy:  ok
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21:59.24pohpeterS: thanks for the help
21:59.31LightVisionjim:  hehe ;)
21:59.40peterSpoh: no problem.  I have a vested interest in defending the reputation of gpm, which I am somewhat responsible for (:
21:59.44jimwell ok, you could also turn it off and lock it in your closet
21:59.46LightVisionpeterS:  ah ok, i understand. thanks for explaining
22:00.04peterSTeiqoRFeu: go away
22:00.17beardyjim: It can be hacked in his house if he does that.
22:00.18*** part/#debian TeiqoRFeu (n=eoisbu@
22:00.21LightVisionpeterS:  Im using apache, and I removed apache2 from my system, but when Debian shuts down. it says some apach2 files still on system!  How can I totally remove and clean apache2 of my system?
22:00.28beardyjim: And cracked too.
22:00.39*** part/#debian sebyte (i=sebyte@
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22:01.07peterSLightVision: depends on which apache2 package you had installed.  I'll assume apache2-mpm-prefork because that's the most common.  so dpkg --purge apache2-mpm-prefork
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22:01.37LightVisionpeterS:  thanks, and that wont effect apache?
22:01.48peterSLightVision: correct.  they're completely separate
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22:01.56LightVisionpeterS:  thanks :)
22:02.06*** part/#debian to (
22:02.30LightVisionpeterS:  it said, error processing apache2-mpm-prefork (--purge): dependency problems - not removing.  any ideas?
22:03.02*** part/#debian JPQuiceno (
22:03.03peterSLightVision: you said you had removed it from your system already.  this indicates that you didn't
22:03.21peterSLightVision: do you still have either 'apache2' or 'libapache2-mod-php4' on your system as well?
22:03.23LightVisionpeterS:  its removed, believe me!
22:03.45LightVisionpeterS:  for when I typed 'apt-get remove --purge apache2" it says its not installed
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22:04.03peterSLightVision: try apt-get remove --purge libapache2-mod-php4 then
22:04.16matadonAny Fetchmail users in here?  Does fetchmail throw a bunch of msg.* files in your home directory?
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22:05.27LightVisionpeterS:  once again, your advice worked as a charm :)  all fixed now
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22:05.35LightVisionpeterS:  that feels more clean and beter now
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22:06.01peterSLightVision: so you did the --purge on both libapache2-mod-php4 and apache2-mpm-prefork?
22:06.11Ellyhow does one actually install TCL?
22:06.16Ellyall the packages seem to be virtual
22:06.25peterSElly: the package names are tcl8.4 and tk8.4
22:06.47peterSElly: in fact you can just install tk8.4 and that will pull in tcl8.4
22:06.56kreganyone understand the "who's who" with the linksys products and those walmart products called "network everywhere" with the name linksys printed on them?
22:07.07LightVisionpeterS:  yes both
22:07.12peterSLightVision: good, good
22:07.19LightVisionpeterS:  :)
22:07.50thckreg: walmart is the devil!
22:08.04LightVisionpeterS:  the only thing it did say at the end was: You may still have some apache2 processes running.  There are
22:08.04LightVisionprocesses named 'apache2' which do not match your pid file,
22:08.04LightVisionand in the name of safety, we've left them alone.  Please review
22:08.04LightVisionthe situation by hand.
22:08.04*** kick/#debian [LightVision!n=debhelpe@unaffiliated/debhelper] by debhelper (flood)
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22:08.19LightVisionoops sorry
22:08.37jimLightVision: pasting is not for here... use a paste website or your own
22:08.38peterSLightVision: yeah, check that by hand, 'ps -fu www-data'
22:08.40*** join/#debian Estes (
22:08.55LightVisionjim:  was accident
22:09.01LightVisionpeterS:  ok
22:09.10jimpractice mousing then :)
22:09.20christorI have a problem I launch Apt-get isntall linux-image2.6.12 it doesn t work : you might want to run apt-get -f install to correct these tips....
22:09.35chealer!tell christor about 2.6.12
22:09.38LightVisionpeterS:  what I typed that command, it only showed /usr/sbin/apache
22:09.41thcchristor: so run apt-get -f install
22:09.42christorwhen I type -f install udev impossible because linux-kernel 2612 missing
22:09.48christorHow I can resolve my prob?
22:09.50peterSLightVision: so, 'ps -fu root | grep apache2' - does it show any?
22:09.53thcah that happened to me once
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22:10.08christorthc: no serious???
22:10.13LightVisionpeterS:  it says: root      3706  3532  0 08:13 pts/3    00:00:00 grep apache2
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22:10.18jimchristor: first figure out whether 2.6.12 is actually available as a package
22:10.20christorthc: I though that I should lauch my comp by the window
22:10.28peterSLightVision: so you don't have any apache2 processes.  I'd ignore the warning then, someone doesn't know what it is talking about
22:10.47LightVisionpeterS:  so I can ignore the grep apache2 ?
22:10.51thcchristor: my solution to that was a little extreme, someone else probably knows a way to fix that
22:10.51peterSLightVision: correct
22:10.55dakishieehh guys i am gaving a problem with lilo, it cannot install cause my hda1 is not active how do i make it active?
22:10.57LightVisionpeterS:  cool thanks :)
22:11.04LightVisionbrb breakfast time
22:11.14variantlo all, I think its important to point out this oppertunity to all Free Software users (and anyone who is sane):
22:11.37peterSdakishi: 'cfdisk /dev/hda', select the first partition, hit 'b' to make it bootable, then hit 'W' to write the partition table and 'q' to quit
22:11.39jimvariant: please never advertise
22:11.49EmleyMoorIs it possible, and is there a guide if so, to run two networks over one set of cat5, with machines being in either or both networks?
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22:12.09variantIt would allow the creator of that website a chance to speak to some of the most influetial people in Europe directly concerning software patents.
22:12.20peterSEmleyMoor: what you really want there is called VLANs, for 'virtual LANs'.  requires vlan support in your switch, which only expensive switches have
22:12.23jimvariant: please NEVER ADVERTISE
22:12.32variantjim: I think this is apropriate considering the subject matter can directly affect Debian
22:12.54jimvariant: PLEASE NEVER ADVERTISE
22:13.00variantjim: its not advertising its called raising awareness
22:13.03peterSEmleyMoor: then if a computer needs to be in two vlans at once, the computer's NIC and its OS must both support VLANs (most modern NICs do), and you set it up on the switch so that that machine has both vlans instead of just one or the other
22:13.06variantjim: are you an op on this channel?
22:13.13jim(sheesh. why do I have to repeat so often??)
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22:13.31peterSvariant: no he's not.  and I don't think your swpat thing was out of line, although it's not directly topical either
22:13.33thcvariant: it doesn't matter if he's an op, no one cares or wants to read that crap
22:13.39peterS(no, I'm not an op either)
22:13.47EmleyMoorpeterS: So, if I want to put my wireless on a private network, I need to put a second card in a machine and run a private network over that - oh well - mind you, I probably have a spare card
22:14.07variantthc: I guess you dont want to continue using debian that much either..
22:14.08caphusoeuropean of the year? geez, people actually believe that PR stunt would make a difference?
22:14.19peterSEmleyMoor: multiple physical networks is probably easier and, unless you have a *lot* of machines, also probably cheaper (those VLAN switches aren't cheap)
22:14.22variantcaphuso: it would raise awarness
22:14.35caphusovariant: who was european of the year 2004?
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22:14.39EmleyMoorpeterS: Fair enough - will raid my spares
22:14.41LightVisionwhats the best program to convert PHP files into html files?
22:15.04caphusoLightVision: php
22:15.06peterSLightVision: you mean to interpret php and spit out html?  your web server, with mod_php4 loaded, will do that for you
22:15.10variantcaphuso: it would raise awareness amoungst polititions, i guess they know who last years winner was too..
22:15.15jimvariant: you joined in order to soapbox... that's seriously annoying
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22:15.30jim#politics is that way ---->
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22:15.37caphusovariant: bwahahaha
22:15.40peterSLightVision: you can install 'php4-cli' but some things act subtly different when they're run from a command line instead of from a web server
22:15.43poh_peterS: evdev seems to be working
22:15.45LightVisionpeterS: yes I mean the most accurate conversion from php to html
22:15.52poh_peterS: thanks again
22:16.01peterSpoh_: oh, it was that easy to set up?  cool, I actually didn't know how much trouble that would be
22:16.10LightVisionpeterS:  so I install php4-cli and use that?
22:16.22peterSLightVision: you can.  the command name is then 'php'
22:16.33poh_all I needed to do was change the device, it is just working.
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22:16.40matadonAnyone have any good recs for a SSL certificate management tool, preferably command-line based?
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22:16.46Guerinoh god, LightVision is trying to run php
22:16.47matadonOr do I just get to write my own? *grin*
22:16.56peterSpoh_: I had no idea it was that simple.  you also had to load the 'evdev' kernel module, I suppose
22:16.58LightVisionpeterS:  but how do I access the php pages from cli?
22:17.11poh_peterS: yes, but it was already compiled
22:17.14peterSLightVision: you have to find them, they're on your system somewhere, wherever the package installed them
22:17.20LightVisionpeterS:  the php pages I need to convert are part of the mysql databse
22:17.26pem3v78how do I remove all variables in bash script ?
22:17.40Guerinpem3v78: #bash
22:17.43peterSpem3v78: what do you mean?  that would make it ... not much of a script
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22:17.58LightVisionpeterS:  all the php pages I need to convert are all in one single file called dbase.sql
22:18.02peterSpem3v78: if you mean how to unset variables in your shell, 'unset' works
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22:18.30LightVisionpeterS:  seeing thats the case, would a better solution be avaible?
22:18.37peterSLightVision: yeah, that's something I can't advise you on, I don't know how they are stored in that kind of file so I can't say how to extract them into individual files
22:18.56peterScaphuso: I think it takes a default setting if you unset it.  like " ", or all whitespace, or something
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22:19.04peterSor maybe not
22:19.04LightVisionpeterS:  I can load them using firefox and chose SAVE as HTML.  Yet I was hoping of a better way
22:19.26peterSLightVision: loading in firefox and 'save as html' might be the easiest way after all
22:19.42LightVisioncaphuso:  have you ever converted php files into html that are stored in a mysql database file?
22:19.56LightVisionpeterS:  yeah seems the only way too :P
22:19.57GuerinLightVision: lynx -dump in a for loop
22:20.07Guerinnot -dump
22:20.13peterSGuerin: yeah, lynx -dump saves formatted text
22:20.17peterSyou probably mean wget
22:20.19Guerini bet she's still ignoring me anyway
22:20.27GuerinpeterS: right
22:20.30caphusoLightVision: frankly, until 5 minutes ago i didn't know that people could think of a concept like "converting php to html"
22:20.33peterSbut that's if you know what they're called
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22:21.04Guerin'converting php to html' is what a webserver does
22:21.10marstewelcaphuso: PHP and HTML code should always be split
22:21.29marstewelcaphuso: template system ;)
22:21.31jimor more closely, a php interpreter
22:21.36LightVisioncaphuso:  it seems you learned something new then :)
22:21.37caphusomarstewel: yeah, on the the web root and the other in /dev/null
22:21.39marstewelhi jim
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22:22.03caphusoGuerin: no, a web server interprets a php program, which sometimes happens to produce HTML
22:22.07dakishithis is wierd, i installed lilo, and when i made my hda acttive and bootable and rebooted pc, the boot manager that runned was grub how can i change it to lilo?
22:22.08matadoncaphuso: I can't put it in /dev/null, that's where I keep my Windows installation.
22:22.09peterSmost php files are probably designed to be interpreted by a web server, not just php4-cli
22:22.13Guerincaphuso: yeah yeah
22:22.32marsteweldakishi: did you install it in the right location?
22:22.59peterSdakishi: you have to understand the boot process.  the first thing that boots is the master boot record, or MBR.  grub is installed in the MBR, and perhaps when you installed lilo you didn't put it in the MBR, thus *not* overwriting grub
22:23.06dakishimarstewel, well i intalled it on hda, so i guess i did..., but i never installed grub do not know why is it there
22:23.12peterSdakishi: to put lilo in the MBR, use 'boot=/dev/hda' in /etc/lilo.conf
22:23.41ecivohey, just a little question from a noob, if I have killed some of my modules, a simple "make modules_install" in the Standard Kernel /usr/src/kernel.x.x.x. shoud reinstall them, or am I wrong
22:23.51peterSdakishi: the other possibility is you have two hard drives and the BIOS is set up to boot the one you *didn't* install lilo to
22:23.56ecivothanks for replieing btw
22:24.12dakishipeterS, okey ill try to do that
22:24.18marstewelwhy do you want to switch from grub to lilo anyways dakishi
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22:24.33peterSecivo: just 'aptitude install --reinstall your-kernel-image-package-name should do it too though
22:24.41peterSecivo: that's simpler and involves less downloading
22:24.54dakishipeterS, well i installed grub in a floppy so to not make conflict with lilo, but ill do what you otld me before
22:25.13ecivopetemc, I've everything allready on the machine
22:25.26peterSecivo: even so, the --reinstall is simpler
22:25.28matadonecivo: You might want to read up on using make-kpkg; it's a much easier way of managing kernel and module installation, and is Debian Approved(tm).
22:25.46jimecivo: well you're talking about -generic- kernel compiles; debian has a script that does the compile steps and packages the result... this is preferred for many reasons... but existing images are preferred over that unless you have very very specific needs
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22:25.54marstewelmake-kpkg is really great ;)
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22:26.00ecivomake-kpkg, ok, gonna go for that and the --reinstall
22:26.07ecivothank u guys :)
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22:27.05jimwell both doesn't make sense... if you want to compile, you wouldn't --reinstall and if you want to install an existing image, you wouldn;t compile
22:27.32dakishipeterS, i only got a HDD, and the lilo boot is set to "boot =/dev/hda1", so i guess it is correct
22:27.53peterSdakishi: didn't I just tell you "boot=/dev/hda"?  how did you go from that to "boot=/dev/hda1"?
22:28.03LightVisiondoes a debian application exist that does a mirror copy of a website?
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22:28.17dakishipeterS, i said it was set not that i setted =), dont get mad
22:28.35peterSdakishi: the difference between hda and hda1 is *exactly* your problem.
22:28.50peterSLightVision: several, depending on your situation.  I use a simple one-line rsync script, myself, for this
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22:29.36jimdakishi: that means it will install lilo on the first partition (as opposed, for example, to the whole drive (mbr)
22:30.03marsteweldakishi: hda = mbr; hda1 = 1st partition of primary ide HDD
22:30.10peterSdon't be confusing, jim.  hda doesn't mean "the whole drive" in this context so much as it means "the boot sector of the whole drive"
22:30.27dakishiokey , i got that thank you all =)
22:30.29jimwell the boot sector of that partition
22:30.29LightVisionpeterS:  where can I use that ?
22:30.45jimoic, yes, right
22:31.00peterSLightVision: I have no idea what access methods you have to your web site.  some people offer frontpage extensions, some offer ftp, some offer scp/sftp, some offer rsync-over-ssh
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22:31.37LightVisionpeterS:  I thought using a web ripper application can save my website as html
22:31.43peterSLightVision: I got lucky with the site I was given responsibility for recently - they didn't offer rsync-over-ssh but they did let me ssh in and install my own copy of rsync, which I cribbed from debian sarge (:  (it's a red hat box)
22:31.46caphusowget should work. and it would also take care of converting php to html ;-)
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22:32.04jimLightVision: you wouldn't be able to edit scripts that way
22:32.11LightVisioncaphuso:  ok
22:32.11caphusooh, that _is_ what he wants
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22:32.24matadonpeterS: You could have my pain; I *have* to use DeadRat, because a product that is key behind what my company does is not distribution-agnostic.
22:32.25caphusonow i'm scared of myself :-|
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22:32.38LightVisioncaphuso:  so I type "wget localhost" ?
22:32.45richard_i have a good question
22:32.54jimhow good is it?
22:32.59matadonmatadon: I'm working on a full OSS solution, but that's a year out because of implementation details, but that company lost my business for refusing to play nice.
22:32.59caphusoLightVision: no, "info wget"
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22:33.10peterSmatadon: thanks anyway.  they didn't actually tell me I could use scp/sftp, but when I tried ssh I got a shell, so then it was a simple matter of throwing a sarge /usr/bin/rsync into ~/bin and arranging for that to always be in my path
22:33.11digijohnHey, what usually runs on port 15394?
22:33.17marstewelmatadon: I was forced to use RH for a few years but finally convinced upper management that Debian is superior *g*
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22:33.32richard_im trying to find an addon for kde that lets me install .deb files just by right clicking it and going to action and then to install
22:33.33digijohnOr 16439?
22:33.38marsteweldigijohn: google ?
22:33.39peterSmatadon: fortunately rsync's library dependencies were already installed and gave me no trouble
22:33.43richard_can you tell me where i can find that
22:33.49marsteweldigijohn: "IANA port assignments"
22:33.53marsteweldigijohn: check that first...
22:34.03aeronadixGnea, Yes my friend, everything is now in order.  I upgraded to kernel 2.6, and everting Iri
22:34.10dakishihow can i purge grub wihout damaging the HDD, i dont want it to have conflicts with GRUB?
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22:34.29marsteweldigijohn: 16439 is unassigned
22:34.33richard_can anyone tell me where i can firnd that program
22:34.37matadonmarstewel: I am upper management, for the most part (it's a startup, and I'm employee #2).  But, I'm not about to hotswap our entire backend without making sure that it'll do everything that the business guys need.
22:34.39richard_ive had it before
22:34.41peterSdakishi: just purge grub normally with apt-get remove --purge grub, and make sure to run /sbin/lilo afterwards, with boot=/dev/hda set in lilo.conf
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22:34.48matadonpeterS: Always useful.
22:34.49jimrichard_: what is the name of it
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22:34.56richard_i can remember
22:34.57Gneaaeronadix: cool
22:35.00digijohnOr, on a more relevant note, can I trust what Firestarter lists as "active connections"?
22:35.02dakishipeterS, thank you =)
22:35.06jimgood... so do so and tell us :)
22:35.17terrencevakIs there a way to install 2 packages simultaneously?
22:35.17richard_i came off of a website that i got from someone
22:35.18LightVisioncaphuso:  I tried wget 'http://www.' but it only saves the index file, not the whole website
22:35.20marsteweldigijohn: firestarter is just a frontend
22:35.23peterSterrencevak: aptitude install package1 package2
22:35.27digijohnI see those two ports, a Shoutcast connection, and a bunch of BitTorrent connections that don't show up on netstat -tcp
22:35.28marstewelLightVision: man wget
22:35.38caphusoLightVision: that's because you refused to read the documentation
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22:36.02realampHi alll
22:36.04realampjemand da?
22:36.09marstewelrealamp: english only plz
22:36.10terrencevakpeters: OK, thanks; will try that.
22:36.16marstewelalthough I speak german ;)
22:36.17matadonrealamp: English bitte.
22:36.21peterSrealamp: that, or try your luck in
22:36.24jimLightVision: just so ya know... www. is a weird domain name :)
22:36.28LightVisioncaphuso:  well I thought you knew how to get wget to download an entire website, saving me reading :)
22:36.37dakishican you surf the web from shell =) lol?
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22:36.42LightVisionjim:  well :)  im backing up my own website
22:36.44peterSLightVision: you can use wget -r but you also want some flag for limiting recursion, and I forget what it is
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22:36.52matadondakishi: Yes.  w3m and lynx; telnet if you're l33t.
22:36.54marstewelLightVision: backing up? not really
22:36.55LightVisionpeterS:  ok
22:37.08EmleyMoorJust checked the uptime on my testing box - 59 days short of 1 year
22:37.12jimLightVision: does it have php or other scripts in it? also, does it use a database?
22:37.20LightVisionmarstewel:  im trying to create a mirror image of website, savbing from php to html
22:37.20peterSmatadon: don't recommend lynx and forget to mention elinks and links2, dude
22:37.25marstewelLightVision: backing up would not be saving the RESULT (HTML) but the scripts...
22:37.27dakishimatadon, and how does it look it is a visual like or is console mode =)??
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22:37.27LightVisionjim:  yes
22:37.41peterSEmleyMoor: meaning, your kernel is not very secure (:
22:38.08LightVisionmarstewel:  im trying to create an exact mirror image copy of my website, saving everything from php to html
22:38.09EmleyMoorpeterS: Is that "for sure"?
22:38.13jimLightVision: ok, so the way you're going about it won't get you what you want... additionally, there is more to back up than you thought
22:38.25matadonpetemc: Sorry, I usually use w3m anyway.  Whats the cool-point of elinks/links2?
22:38.30hackeronwant a great enemy territory game in europe:
22:38.31peterSEmleyMoor: you'd have to check the security advisories yourself.  but they do come out for kernels on a pretty regular basis, and we know you haven't upgraded your kernel in almost a year
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22:38.40LightVisionjim:  well my objective is that I want to create an exact mirror image copy of my website, saving everything to html
22:38.43peterSmatadon: they suck a whole lot less than lynx.  lots of ways.
22:39.03EmleyMoorpeterS: All I can tell you is, it's 2.6.7
22:39.05LightVisionjim:  whats the best way and easiest way to accomplish this in your opinion?
22:39.08matadondakishi: If you're browsing from the shell, it's console mode; if you want pictures, use an X-based browser (Firefox, Opera, Mozilla, ...)
22:39.09peterSmatadon: tables, frames, scripting-via-lua-or-perl, menus, dialog boxes, tabs....
22:39.24terrencevakI'm trying to install libxtst-dev, but it doesn't like the fact that I have libxtst6; it wants version 4.
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22:39.44matadonpeterS: Nice; JS support by chance?  It's evil, but too many sites require it.
22:39.45peterSmatadon: and in the case of links2, even a GUI mode which, while it doesn't compare to galeon or the other mozillae, is surprisingly functional
22:39.50LightVisionmy main objective is to be able to sit back, while something is making an exact mirror image copy of my website, saving everything to html.
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22:40.01peterSmatadon: JS support in elinks is experimental and after a short try, the debian maintainer disabled it again
22:40.08jimLightVision: what you're thinking won't do it... think about it: what does a php script do? in this context it makes an html page to send to the browser... so if you try on the client side, you will get only one possible output
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22:40.42LightVisionjim:  so you saying its impossible to create a mirror copy of my website?
22:40.45jimI'm not saying it will hurt to do what you're asking for... so go for it if you want
22:41.01jimno, it's not impossible
22:41.02LightVisionjim:  well im trying to work out HOW :)
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22:41.10dakishimatadon, lol i just was wondering if the pc made the web page by writing on shell =)
22:41.22peterSLightVision: taking dynamic scripts, as in php, and converting them to static pages, is not what you probably really want.  whatever those php files did other than sending a static page to you, the html files will *not* do.
22:41.31jim(1) you have to back up the actual scripts that run to produce the site
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22:41.39LightVisionjim:  under windows theres a program called BlackWidow that does it!  Im trying to find a Debian equivalent
22:41.40zdennisIs there anyway to initialize a swap partition without rebooting?
22:41.45bierhow can i get a list of all installed packages? i know the dpkg -l command, but there is much more output as just a list with packages...
22:41.51matadondakishi: Ah, no.
22:41.52peterSLightVision: the way to get a site copy without losing the php is not to go through the web server, but to use some other method such as scp or rsync or ftp
22:41.54LightVisionpeterS:  Im ok with that!
22:42.04marstewelbier: dpkg --get-selections
22:42.07stewzdennis: read the mkswap and swapon manpages (and maybe fstab)
22:42.09jim(2) you have to get the contents of the database
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22:42.17jimand back that up too
22:42.18zdennisyeah i read fstab man page
22:42.21zdennisi will read the others
22:42.21LightVisionpeterS:  I just need something that will do the best job possible, yet I realise the html wont be 100% same as the PHP!  but thats ok
22:42.22peterSLightVision: ok if you're ok with that, wget -r (and other flags I always forget, to prevent it from recursing off to other web sites) will do what you want
22:42.23Jeatonis debian pretty similar to slackware?
22:42.29klit's interresting to use ipv6 ?
22:42.31biermarstewel: wow, thank you ;-) perfect
22:42.35LightVisionpeterS:  ok ill try that
22:42.36peterSJeaton: not really
22:42.59jimLightVision: again, I'm not saying it will hurt to do what you're trying now...
22:43.04peterSJeaton: I mean they're both linux and ship a lot of the same software, but the philosophies are quite different in how they do things
22:43.05jimbut I -am- saying...
22:43.09LightVisionjim:  promise? :) heheh
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22:43.13marstewelbier: drink a beer for me too ;)
22:43.32jimthat it will not help to also back up the scripts and database
22:43.44marsteweljim: he/she doesnt understand...
22:44.02jimnot so sure about that...
22:44.04biermarstewel: dpkg --get-selections |grep -v 'deinstall' |awk '{print $1}' did it perfectly ;-)
22:44.10peterSLightVision: you might try 'wget -m', it seems to be designed for what you actually wanted.  read about it and decide for yourself
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22:44.39marstewelbier: man is your friend
22:44.47peterSman is dog's best friend
22:44.53LightVisionpeterS:  ok , ill try that!  because -r doesnt actually save any of the php files stored in the mysql database file
22:45.16marstewelLightVision: we hope you know what you are doing...
22:45.30LoevborgLightVision, the regular avenue would be to check
22:45.35LightVisionmarstewel:  why?  im not hurting anything :P
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22:45.45peterSmarstewel: she doesn't, particularly, but maybe she'll learn
22:45.54marstewelLightVision: you are female? ;)
22:46.13LightVisionpeterS:  the -m seemed to read the database and save them!  now all I need to do is find where wget stored everyhing to check :)
22:46.22peterSLightVision: it stored everything in the current directory
22:46.32LightVisionmarstewel:  be careful of what?  copying my website? :)
22:46.34peterSI mean it makes subdirectories for your server name and so forth
22:46.36Gumbycan anyone refresh my memory in regards to the command to create a .deb  from a source file that has a debian directory in it
22:46.50terrencevakHow can I either get libxtst-dev to accept the fact that I have libxtst6 insteaad of libxtst4, or get a version of libxtst-dev that's compatible with libxtst6?
22:46.52peterSGumby: 'dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot'
22:47.01peterSGumby: after installing 'build-essential' and 'fakeroot' that is
22:47.08peterSGumby: and after 'apt-get build-dep packagename'
22:47.23jimLightVision: no, that's right, you're not hurting anything... but if you don't backup the rest, the backup will be moreorless meaningless
22:47.31marstewelLightVision: whats your 1st name ?
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22:47.40marsteweldont say anonymous :P
22:47.42marstewellol jim
22:47.48peterSterrencevak: apt-get install libxtst-dev
22:47.57lakcajwhat program is good at burning dvd iso's in windows?
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22:48.00peterSterrencevak: the version that ships with unstable uses libxtst6
22:48.09marstewellakcaj: debian != windows
22:48.14lakcajnm... thought I was still in #blender
22:48.17lakcajmarstewel: thanks for the tip
22:48.19peterSlakcaj: don't know of any free software that does.  I guess most people use nero or something
22:48.34lakcajpeterS: thanks :)
22:48.42marstewellakcaj: check
22:48.53GumbypeterS: and do I just run dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot in the debian directory?
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22:49.03peterSGumby: no, in the parent directory, the one that has debian/ in it
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22:49.13GumbypeterS: excellent thanks
22:49.19lakcajmarstewel: good call.  Thanks for your help.  I do use debian, but my dvd burner doesn't seem to work anymore, so I want to rule out a hardware issue.
22:49.25peterSGumby: actually, even better: install 'devscripts' and then run 'debuild'
22:49.27marsteweljim: LightVision is shy ;)
22:49.33terrencevakpeters: When I do "apt-get install libxtst-dev", it tells me, "libxtst-dev: Depends: libxtst6 (= 4.3.0.dfsg.1-14sarge1) but 6.8.2.dfsg.1-7 is to be installed"
22:49.34peterSGumby: debuild runs dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot and also a couple of other things
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22:50.08peterSterrencevak: then you've got an inconsistent view of the debian mirror space.  the two packages should be of exactly the same version.
22:50.09LightVisionpeterS:  wget -r -m ''   seemed to do what we wanted!  its not perfect, but good enough :)  thanks again.
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22:50.23peterSLightVision: no problem.  note that -m implies -r so you don't really need to say -r
22:50.47LightVisionpeterS:  ok great
22:50.55terrencevakpeterS: How do I fix that inconsistent view?
22:51.16peterSterrencevak: could try 'apt-get update'
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22:51.25LightVisionpeterS:  thanks again, that saved me saving each file individually using firefox save,  saved me 1 hour of time :)
22:51.27matadonpeterS: Unless not -m.  (too much formal math).
22:51.50peterSLightVision: it was actually Guerin who gave me the idea to suggest wget.  he didn't say wget but he reminded me of it
22:52.14gravityOh... another xorg upgrade
22:52.19marstewelLightVision: so use this 1 hour for something :)
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22:52.29gravityMan... I wish people would just use the backports rather than grabbing the etch packages
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22:52.41invisibilityhi all, when i installed debian i preffered to use gnome but i changed my mind and now i use fluxbox desktop. i have a small hd so i dont want to see any gnome files in my filesystem taking my precious hd space! i tried apt-get remove gnome but it just removes one package "gnome". how can i do that? and after i remove gnome, will there be any gnome files around? cause i want a clean system! ty
22:52.43peterSgravity: ah, this is someone who only has stable in his sources.list?
22:52.52GumbypeterS: there doesnt seem to be a debian/control file.  there is however a debian/  Did I mess a step somewhere?
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22:53.05gravitypeterS: It looks like it. That's a sarge version that he's got installed but he's installing what's in etch
22:53.08Gumbydo I still need to do ./configure and make?
22:53.14peterSGumby: then it's a buggy package, it should have a debian/control or at least it should be generated by the time it is needed
22:53.15LightVisionpeterS:  thats what I like about you, you are humble and give credit where its due
22:53.15Gumbyin the parent dir?
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22:53.19eliripshello people. i am looking for a package that contains a driver for cups for my hp laserjet 1200. i have here two sarge machines, on one i can choose 'hp laserjet 1200' in cups, on the other not, guess i'm missing a package, but which one?
22:53.35LightVisionGuerin:  thanks for the idea of wget
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22:53.49peterSGumby: try this:  debian/rules debian/control
22:53.58marstewelLightVision: no thanks for the rest? :)
22:53.59peterSGumby: if that doesn't generate a proper debian/control, the package is really messed up
22:54.10jimgravity: but what replaces that?
22:54.14peterSGumby: oh yeah, also try 'fakeroot debian/rules clean'
22:54.27gravityjim: What?
22:54.29LightVisionmarstewel:  please stop harrasing me, thank you.
22:54.36marstewelsorry LightVision
22:54.39dakishiand learn to use it =)
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22:54.41GumbypeterS: ok, I'll have a look.  I dont see why the package would be that broken.  Its hostap-source from debians hostap-driver package
22:54.44peterSjim: his point is that people insist on trying to install xorg via the unstable / testing packages, on their stable systems.  that's what happened here.
22:54.49marsteweldakishi: or produce your own backports ;)
22:54.53LightVisionmarstewel:  its ok, just be nice :)
22:54.54muhooethereal refuses to run as root
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22:54.56muhoo"Could not set capabilities: Operation not permitted"
22:55.01muhoothis is on sid
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22:55.11muhooxclock runs just fine as root
22:55.13marstewelLightVision: I am nice :D
22:55.14dakishimarstewel, yeah that two if you got time =)
22:55.15ramzezhello people
22:55.23muhooas does xterm, etc. so my xauth stuff is correct
22:55.39marsteweldakishi: we are using our own apt repository here with authentication for our customers
22:55.49muhoowhy is ethereal being such a pain in the arse?
22:55.51LightVisionmarstewel:  so you say
22:56.14marstewelLightVision: you should rather dump the database...
22:56.17marstewelLightVision: mysqldump
22:56.20abrotmangravity: i made someone file a bug against you!
22:56.28gravityabrotman: Which one?
22:56.34marstewelabrotman: hmm?
22:56.35peterSbad abrotman.  no cookie.
22:56.37abrotmangravity: dunno .. something about you being defective!
22:56.46abrotmanbastard kept floating off the ground
22:56.51bluefox83has gaim-vv been added to the main gaim branch yet?
22:56.52Guerinagainst gravity?
22:56.53ramzezI notice that there is new directory in called Packages.diff. What is it ? How to use it ? instead of the big file Packages.bz2
22:57.05abrotmangravity: bout not leaving the resolution unchecked and it bails the install
22:57.09Guerin!htfswk bluefox83
22:57.10dpkgbluefox83: How The Fuck Should We Know?
22:57.13gravityOh, that one
22:57.13LightVisionmarstewel:  why?
22:57.18dakishimarstewel, what tha... way awsome =)
22:57.19peterSramzez: there is?  cool!  that'll be supported in future versions of apt-get, automatically
22:57.24abrotmangravity: that was going on for a while :)
22:57.26gravityWait... I fixed that one
22:57.26LightVisionmarstewel:  dump it and do what?
22:57.28gravityI think
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22:57.34abrotmangravity: he said in etch it's not fixed ?
22:57.34Guerinbluefox83: doubtful, since the lead gaim dev has been employed by google and is probably not working in gaim any more
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22:57.39peterSramzez: it'll reduce your 'apt-get update' times drastically
22:57.44marstewelLightVision: save it in case you need to restore (thats what you are making the backup for, right) ?
22:57.46muhoobluefox83: welcome to the helpful, collegial environment of #debian ;-)
22:57.49shad0w1equesion: whhy cant my box be accessed on the network by name and only by IP ??
22:57.53abrotmanLightVision: you could .. read the mysql docs?
22:57.58marstewelshad0w1e: dns ?
22:57.59abrotmanthey have a wonderful section on mysqldump
22:58.04ramzezpeterS: good thing :)
22:58.06gravityMeh, I'll fix it one of these days. Right now, my full time attention is on modular packages
22:58.07shad0w1emarstewel, this is the dns server
22:58.07Guerinmuhoo: welcome to the offtopic stupidity of irc
22:58.11dakishione question if you got debian 3.1 sarge and do apt-get dist-update will it go to sid???
22:58.12peterSGuerin: there's that famous 20% of the time google employees are supposed to work on personal projects, though
22:58.20ramzezpeterS: sure, diff files are very small :)
22:58.21gravityModularization is a far better investment than a single corner-case bug fix
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22:58.24marstewelshad0w1e: and what do the others use as dns server?
22:58.28gravityAnyway, dinner
22:58.39GuerinpeterS: yeah, right.
22:58.42GumbypeterS: you said try debian/control debian/rules..... was there a command to go along with that?
22:58.42LightVisionmarstewel:  i already have a dump of it
22:58.45shad0w1edakishi, if you edit your /etc/apt/sources.list file and replace all instances of sarge with sid, yed
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22:58.51marstewelLightVision: a recent one ?
22:58.52peterSGumby: that *is* the command.  'debian/control debian/rules'
22:58.55shad0w1emarstewel, this box as well
22:59.00peterSGumby: I mean 'debian/rules debian/control'
22:59.01shad0w1eits running dhcpd3
22:59.04peterSGumby: debian/rules *is* a command
22:59.07GumbypeterS: but debian/control doesnt exist
22:59.15muhooGuerin: heh. actually #debian used to be a good place for all kinds of offtopic general linux stuff. though keeping it focussed on only debian is probably a smarter policy.
22:59.15LightVisionmarstewel:  yesterday
22:59.30peterSGumby: try it, run 'debian/rules debian/control'.  it might work, it might not
22:59.32marstewelLightVision: if you say thats good enought okay :)
22:59.36peterSGumby: if it doesn't, try 'fakeroot debian/rules clean'
22:59.50dakishishad0w1e, is sid a little more stable??, or is it very high risk to get stuck with error using it?
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23:00.02Mhaykhow the channel by Brazil
23:00.08Guerindakishi: sid is very unstable; don't use it.
23:00.08marstewelsid and stable ?
23:00.09shad0w1edakishi, that I dont know. I also dont think you can roll back once you do the update
23:00.12dpkgEsse canal e apenas em ingles. Por favor, use #debian-br (/j #debian-br) para ajuda em portugues.
23:00.13peterSMhayk: #debian-br
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23:00.20marstewelsid is UNSTABLE...
23:00.31shad0w1ethat doesnt mean itll crash, does it...?
23:00.37marstewelI'd rather recommend running testing that sid if you really want to go for it
23:00.38Guerinshad0w1e: it means it'll break
23:00.49shad0w1emeaning packages argue and stuff
23:00.50muhooyeah, but i've used sid constantly durign the many years between woody and sarge, with only occasionaly breakage
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23:01.11marstewelmuhoo: sid broke 2 test servers here ;)
23:01.13EdLinshad0w1e: and worse
23:01.19muhoomarstewel: yuck
23:01.22Guerinshad0w1e: more or less. And something they just simply have horrible bugs
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23:01.33peterShmmm, I'd better go, I have to be somewhere in 14 minutes and I should shower first
23:01.33dakishilol well ive tried upgrading to sid =) and used it and got stock a lot of times =), i started using deb 3 days ago, and still net-reinstalling cause i always end mixing libreries woith sid =) lol
23:01.35shad0w1eok so how do I fix my dhcp problem?
23:01.37GumbypeterS: debian/control debian/rules says file not found debian/control.  fakeroot debian rules/clean says no rules to make taregt "clean"
23:01.39bluefox83OMG! gaim-vv is being merged back into gaim for gaim-2.0.0!!
23:01.40terrencevakpeterS: I did the apt-get update, but I'm still getting the libxtst-dev: Depends: libxtst6 (= 4.3.0.dfsg.1-14sarge1) but 6.8.2.dfsg.1-7 is to be installed" error.
23:01.41muhoohow painful is it to downgrade a machine from sid to sarge?
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23:01.55abrotmanbluefox83: you're so easily excitable ...
23:01.57stewmuhoo: impossible
23:01.58NyteRukhyou mean sarge to sid
23:02.02marstewelshad0w1e: you do have 1 dhcp server only, true ?
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23:02.09peterSGumby: dude, do what I said, not some approximation of what I said.  I said "debian/rules debian/control", not the other way around
23:02.11shad0w1emarstewel, yes
23:02.19shad0w1ein fact it was working fine on my old install
23:02.20peterSGumby: also I said "fakeroot debian/rules clean"
23:02.21bluefox83abrotman, i'm getting tired of not being able to use yahoo to it's fullest potential
23:02.27shad0w1eI did a clean install and now it dont work!
23:02.31abrotmanbluefox83: oh .. what a crime ...
23:02.40marstewelshad0w1e: config issue ?
23:02.43Guerinbluefox83: yahoo has a fullest potential?
23:02.44shad0w1efrom sarge to sid is very simple
23:02.45peterSGumby: and if there's really no rule to make target 'clean', then that is terribly broken
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23:03.03bluefox83Guerin, yes, video and voice conferencing
23:03.03muhooNyteRukh: no, i mean downgrade, from sid to sarge. though if it's gonna be 5 years till the next release, maybe i'll just stick with unstable for now.
23:03.12shad0w1eupdate the sources.list, apt-get update, and then apt-get dist-upgrade
23:03.18Guerinbluefox83: using open protocols?
23:03.19GumbypeterS: same make error unfortunately
23:03.23abrotmanbluefox83: you could use gnomemeeting ?
23:03.24dakishishad0w1e like how miuch simple are we talking about =)
23:03.25bluefox83and in linux, it's 1000000000000x more stable
23:03.30EdLinmuhoo: apt is not designed for downgrading
23:03.36bluefox83abrotman, gnomemeeting wont work with ppl using yahoo
23:03.37shad0w1esimple to update, VERY SIMPLE
23:03.39peterSGumby: can't help you, you have a broken package on your hand, in some form
23:03.45shad0w1eprobably impossible to roll back though
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23:03.52abrotmanbluefox83: no shit .. i was suggesting to stop using Yahoo altogether
23:03.52shad0w1eand it might break stuff but i dont know about that
23:03.54Guerinbluefox83: it will work with netmeeting, though
23:04.00muhooEdLin: so i guess the answer is no. oh well. i've had good luck with sid, i suppose i'll stick with it then.
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23:04.02NyteRukhim under the impression sarge is newer than sid
23:04.03abrotmanbricklikefly ?
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23:04.06Guerinbluefox83: which every windows user has installed
23:04.06shad0w1ebut updating is mad simple
23:04.14muhooNyteRukh: sarge is the current release. sid is unstable, last i checked.
23:04.18marstewelNyteRukh: no
23:04.21abrotmanNyteRukh: sarge was released .. is the current stable .. sid is never released and always unstable
23:04.21GuerinNyteRukh: you're under a mistaken impression
23:04.22NyteRukhah k
23:04.23bluefox83Guerin, but not every winblows user knows how to use netmeeting
23:04.26dakishishad0w1e lol it is funny when you get the apt error that the package is not installable
23:04.27dpkgSarge has been released (2005-06-06).  Sarge is Debian 3.1, and is now considered "stable".  Ask me about <install debian> or <woody->sarge>.
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23:04.30bluefox83and not all of them *want* to use it
23:04.33dpkgrumour has it, releases is see, or an explanation of the different levels of Debian releases.
23:04.44marstewelEtch will be released in Dec 2006? *G*
23:04.48marstewelI read that somewhere :P
23:04.49shad0w1edakishi, usually tat means that you have to look at your sources.list for commented out repositories ?
23:04.55abrotman!etch pool
23:04.55dpkgi guess etch pool is Come and bet on when Etch will be released. Ask me about "listkeys etch pool" to find all of the bets, and "etch bet" to find out how to bet.
23:05.06GuerinPRACE YOUR BETS!!!
23:05.16marstewel!etch bet
23:05.17dpkgto add a bet to the etch pool, /msg dpkg etch pool 1 =~ s/!/! <nick>=yyyy-mm-dd/
23:05.45marstewel!listkeys etch pool
23:05.47dpkgFactoid search of 'etch pool' by key (2): etch pool 1 ;; etch pool.
23:05.49muhoofat fucking chance
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23:06.08shad0w1eok im out of here, im gonna attempt to look at my network config files from my old install and see what im doing wrong, if anything!
23:06.14GodKilla-right, im gone for sleep now, cya 2morrow
23:06.22dakishishad0w1e but in my place it was messing up with deb libraries =) and gues what happened ended screwing up that a manuall roll back wont fix, so needed to reinstall lol =)
23:06.39shad0w1eI didnt even know you COULD roll back!
23:06.58shad0w1eok later fellas
23:06.58EdLinshad0w1e: you can try, and fail horribly
23:06.59marsteweldakishi: I can restore the past 28 days :P
23:07.02shad0w1eoh lol
23:07.02dakishishad0w1e, you cannot automaticaly roll back =)
23:07.04terrencevakIs there something else I should change to fix the libxtst version issue?  I did the apt-get update but it didn't work.
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23:07.24dakishimarstewel, holly goddness how?? teach me =P
23:07.27marstewelat least on the production machines ;)
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23:07.55marstewelokay well in fact its the past 27
23:08.06marstewelbut almost...
23:08.55dakishigreat need to reboot to see if lilo is okey =)
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23:10.43Drakh_whats the system script that is used for running things after the system starts
23:10.51marstewelsystem script ?
23:10.52Drakh_like rc.local on other linuxs
23:11.04Drakh_yea, i just want to run a shell script on startup after everything loads
23:11.13dpkgi heard .deb is a debian package
23:11.15Drakh_well a few
23:11.23NyteRukh!install .deb
23:11.40dpkgrtfm is, like, Read The Fucking Manual. If you want to ask a question about foo, please read man foo; before asking. If there isn't a manpage about foo, use apropos to find one. Reading manuals helps us help you. [You might try info foo as well.]
23:11.52abrotmanDrakh_: /etc/init.d/README
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23:12.22Drakh_hey thanks
23:13.09abrotmanhey .. you're welcome
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23:15.47marstewelis there a list which LSB and FHS version sarge is "compatible" with ?
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23:15.59witlesshotplug problem - usb.agent is not getting called when i plug in my usb camera.  any ideas what the problem might be?
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23:16.20marstewelnice would be to see this with some history
23:16.23marstewel(woody, potato, etc)
23:16.28marsteweland maybe plans for etch ;)
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23:17.03marstewelFHS 2.3 AFAIK
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23:17.22LoevborgIs there a program that displays how fast reading a file from a filesystem is? I'd like to check my nfs mount's speed.
23:17.28buckymarstewel, there's a ton of info at or just apt-get install lsb
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23:18.14gpmhi guys. my keyboard won't work in a newly compiled kernel and i was wondering if you guys could help me figure out which drivers i am missing? the keyboard works fine with a stock 2.6.8 kernel, so i know it's not a hardware issue. i have device drivers->input devices->keyboards->AT keyboard compiled into the kernel in question.
23:18.57terrencevakIs there a way I can specify a package version to install?
23:19.00abrotmanyou mean ps2 keyboard ?
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23:19.03jedediahgpm, And it's a PS2 keyboard? (and not usb)
23:19.09gpmjedediah: yeah
23:19.23marstewelbucky: a overview is always nice ;)
23:20.09marstewelbucky: something like distrowatch does with the packages ;)
23:20.10gpmjedediah: i get these messages with the stock kernel: input: AT Translated Set 2 keyboard on isa0060/serio0
23:20.21gpmjedediah: serio: i8042 KBD port at 0x60,0x64 irq 1
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23:20.27gpmjedediah: not sure if that helps..
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23:22.14lakcajWell, my dvd burner works fine in xp :(
23:22.40lakcajall of a sudden, I started getting "OPC failed, try writing at speed 1x" errors in k3b, and the thing won't work at all
23:22.44jedediahgpm, Sorry, not something I've ever heard
23:22.53|bIn5Ry_1rUS1|can somebody tell me how i can connect with diffrent applications (unreal tournament & teamspeak) to my sounddevice?
23:23.33|bIn5Ry_1rUS1|with kde i use alsa ...
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23:24.15lakcajdoes your card support hardware mixing?  Ie, can you play two songs at the same time with xmms using alsa?
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23:24.41terrencevakIf my distro is sarge, should I have that as my default distro entry in apt.conf?
23:24.47SmerdyakovHas anyone gotten usermin to work with apache2 via mod_proxy?  For me, it tries to redirect to "localhost" upon login, but then works if I reload the login page.
23:24.53muhoono ideas on why ethereal is being a beeyatch? it's refusing to launch when running as root, when other x apps have no problem running as root
23:25.00wobbler|bIn5Ry_1rUS1|: you nees alsa-oss for teamspeak but i dont know about ut
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23:25.43lakcajterrencevak: not necessary, unless you start mixing things up in sources.list
23:25.50wobblerneed even
23:25.59gpmhey guys, how do i find the kernel configure (.config file) for the 2.6.8 kernel that comes with sarge (if you boot linux26 on the cd)?
23:26.04|bIn5Ry_1rUS1|i use amarok, i can use the alsamixer and and my card is the an intel ich
23:26.06lakcajit's in /boot
23:26.07abrotmangpm: /boot/
23:26.24*** join/#debian jjazz (
23:26.26jayeolaare there any channels dedicated to kernel newbs?
23:26.39terrencevaklakcaj: Right now, all the sources.list entries are for stable. do i install a .deb pkge
23:26.41jimgpm: if you installed that kernel, that's the place... else, you can get the 2.6.8 package and look in there
23:26.55jimjayeola: #kernel-newbies
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23:27.20jimthey may have moved to a different net
23:27.44jayeolayah - i think that they have moved, google time
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23:28.22lakcajterrencevak: then you don't need to define the default distro in apt.conf
23:28.33lakcajNyteRukh: dpkg -i
23:28.57NyteRukhty lakcaj
23:29.13jimalso dpkg --help
23:29.18shad0w1ewhy isn't my box advertising its name on my LAN? (I can only access it via ip address)
23:29.30abrotmannmbd ?
23:29.40jayeolaGuerin: ty - just got a result from google
23:30.49terrencevaklakcaj Hmm, OK; so that's not why I get "libxtst-dev: Depends: libxtst6 (= 4.3.0.dfsg.1-14sarge1) but 6.8.2.dfsg.1-7 is to be installed". when I try to install libxtst-dev, *after* doing "apt-get update".
23:31.06lakcajterrencevak: no, that won't cause that
23:31.27terrencevaklakcaj What else might?
23:31.36lakcajterrencevak: have you added any additional repos to your sources.list file?
23:31.57|bIn5Ry_1rUS1|i have alsa oss but if i want use the kde soundsystem and start ut i cant hear anything in ut. i must stop the kde sounddaemon and then i can hear sounds in ut. the same prob is with skype. is there a chance to use different non kde programms with sound?
23:32.15*** join/#debian igd (n=igd@
23:32.15terrencevaklakcaj: No, just what the apt configuration put in.
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23:32.54iamsthithaI'm on debian
23:33.05iamsthithahow do I change the x resolution?
23:33.14jimI'm on chicken soup
23:33.25iamsthithammm.. chicken soup
23:33.27iamsthithawanna trade?
23:33.31*** join/#debian jjazz (
23:33.32LightVisionjim:  you read the book chicken soup for the soul?
23:33.34jimnope ;)
23:33.42gravityiamsthitha: xrandr
23:33.44jimLightVision: yes
23:33.58LightVisionjim:  did you like it?
23:34.05lakcajterrencevak: can you post your sources.list in #flood?
23:34.33jimit's ok
23:34.34*** join/#debian castlerock (
23:34.34iamsthithalooks like it didnt get all my monitor settings
23:34.34lakcaj!tell iamsthitha about drx
23:34.34iamsthithait wont show some of the resolutions
23:34.34witlesswhy in the world would hotplug not call usb.agent when i plug in my camera?
23:34.49jimwas recommended to me as a way to open me up to soulful things
23:34.54witlessit's showing up in /proc/bus/usb/...
23:35.03LightVisionjim:  ok
23:35.05*** join/#debian Sazrahell^Kanash (n=ra51@
23:35.18iamsthithaI dont have a drx
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23:35.23LightVisionjim:  what was the best thing you learned from it?
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23:35.45SammyTheSnakeaargh, I've been hacked! :(
23:35.56castlerockhi all, i have problem with xdm/gdm/kdm. I did a net install of testing "etch" and whenever xdm/kdm/gdm runs, when you login, it kicks itself out of X11 and goes back to the login. However, I can run KDE and XFCE (my install window managers) manually. Any ideas?
23:36.01SammyTheSnakecan anyone recommend any diagnostic tools to find out how / who / what they did etc?
23:36.09*** join/#debian BhaalWK (i=bhaal@freenode/staff/bhaal)
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23:36.26jimLightVision: but when I went to the bookstore and saw how many chicken soup for the (insert booksale opertunity here) soul, I almost didn't get it
23:36.47SammyTheSnakeI think they got in using ssh (there was a suspicious looking connection from an address I didn't recognise and it's only supposed to be me that connects to this machine by ssh
23:36.48thcSammyTheSnake: chkrootkit for starters
23:36.56jimchicken soup for the recovering addict to cocacola soul
23:36.58LightVisionjim:  yeah know what you mean
23:37.04iamsthithacan I just get a
23:37.08iamsthithathat was a nice script
23:37.12LightVisionjim:  its silly how many they got
23:37.21*** join/#debian Holborn (
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23:37.23SammyTheSnakethc: ta
23:37.27marsteweloh you are still there LightVision;)
23:37.41jimyou'd think they want to be the only content of the self-help market
23:37.45*** join/#debian wobbler (n=wayne@pdpc/supporter/active/wobbler)
23:37.52LightVisionmarstewel:  please stop harrasing me, thank you.
23:38.01*** join/#debian glutinous (
23:38.06marsteweljesus it was no harrasing
23:38.13LightVisionmarstewel:  im male and i dont like advances by other males
23:38.15Guerinmarstewel: LightVision is just sensitive
23:38.20abrotmanmarstewel: she's a known troll
23:38.28GuerinLightVision: oh, funny, last month you were female
23:38.45Guerinstill wondering why it hasn't been banned yet
23:38.45thcqotd that shit
23:38.46witlessLightVision: you sure look cute in those tight jeans.
23:38.57LightVisionboy, come here to learn Debian and I get hit on by a guy
23:39.01*** join/#debian jxpx (
23:39.14Guerin!witless++ # non-gender-specific flirtation for the non-gender-specific troll
23:39.20LightVisionmarstewel:  I like women, not guys , so give it up
23:39.26*** join/#debian rodolfo (n=rodolfo@
23:39.28abrotmanLightVision: you're a lesbian ?
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23:39.34marstewelLightVision: I have no interest in you ;)
23:39.36witlessman, that's pretty specific
23:39.40GuerinLightVision: how do you know marstewel is a guy?
23:40.03iamsthithahow do I tell it to update my display drivers?
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23:40.23jimGuerin: not proof, but statitistics L:)
23:40.30witlessspeaking of gender-bending, i'm going to cry like a little girl if i can't figure out why hotplug isn't setting permissions on my usb camera after i plug it in
23:40.34*** part/#debian rodolfo (n=rodolfo@
23:40.35iamsthithaor force a resolution?
23:40.49abrotmanwitless: are you part of that group?
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23:41.13jimyou say you forced a resolu tionnnnn wellll you know
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23:41.21Guerin!tell iamsthitha about set up x
23:41.31Drakh_how do I control the sequence of runlevel scripts within a runlevel
23:41.31thciamsthitha: if you only want one resolution, reconfigure X and only select the one you want
23:41.33*** join/#debian rodolfo---- (n=rodolfo@
23:41.34Drakh_ie run level 3
23:41.38abrotmanDamn It Jim, you can't sing!
23:41.42witlessabrotman: yes - if i set group ownership to "camera" for /proc/bus/usb/<etc>, everything works fine.  it seems usb.agent is not getting executed when i plug in the cam.
23:41.43SammyTheSnakethc: I got a line from chkrootkit that looks interesting, what do you think "eth0: PACKET SNIFFER(/usr/sbin/dhcpd[3811])" means? is that normal?
23:41.44*** join/#debian litage (n=nick@
23:41.48abrotmanDrakh_: update-rc.d is one way
23:41.51jimhow do you know :)_
23:42.00*** mode/#debian [+l 452] by debhelper
23:42.01abrotmanwitless: erm ..
23:42.01jimbut it's more or less true
23:42.02GuerinDrakh_: read the documentation in /user/share/doc/sysvinit/
23:42.09EdLinDrakh_: Debian uses run levels by default different than other distros
23:42.12iamsthithathc, how do I do that?
23:42.15thcSammyTheSnake: do you have any packet sniffers installed?
23:42.24dpkgi guess drxx is dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86  [or xserver-xorg if you're using]     # Run it as root!  if you have edited the X config files by hand or used a tool such as xf86config also ask me about <xmd5>
23:42.33SammyTheSnakethc: err, maybe. I'll check
23:42.41iamsthithathc, I dont have drx
23:42.46iamsthithaor drxx
23:42.52thcdude, listen to dpkg.
23:42.53abrotmanwitless: hotplug says it should ?
23:42.59iamsthithaok :)
23:43.01Drakh_why is this way preferred to just putting yoru commands in rc.local
23:43.04jimdpkg: are you making any sounds?
23:43.04*** join/#debian ultraviolet16 (
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23:43.11dpkghmm... rc.local is the boot script for BSD/slackware/redhat systems but is considered to be a hack for lazy people.  Use the sysvinit method via update-rc.d or read /etc/init.d/README or "man update-rc.d", "apt-get install rcconf", or try "sysvconfig", or /etc/rc.boot/ directory, /etc/init.d/ file and /etc/init.d/skeleton template. If you don't like SysV, consider file-rc.
23:43.11abrotmanGuerin: at least you got her to shut up :)
23:43.25ultraviolet16hey everyone, forgot the dpkg command to reconfigure a package, what was it again?
23:43.31thcdinner time!
23:43.32*** part/#debian Hhiaeij (
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23:43.44abrotmandpkg-reconfigure ?
23:43.48abrotmanthc: you're always eating
23:43.58abrotmani suspect it has somehting to do with THC
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23:44.07thcabortmodem: weed does that to you
23:44.08ultraviolet16lakcaj: thanks a lot
23:44.15Tortelhmm, is there a way to make debian automaticly run alsaconf at bootup?
23:44.18*** part/#debian Hhiaeij (
23:44.26GuerinTortel: unnecessary
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23:44.41Tortelwell, i dont have sound until I run alsaconf
23:44.47Tortelkernel 2.6.8
23:44.52GuerinTortel: blacklist your oss modules
23:44.54*** part/#debian ziuuQeiA (
23:44.58dpkgSarge installs the Hotplug and Discover packages to help with hardware module loading - which can often load undesirable modules. Add 'skip foo' to /etc/discover.conf and 'foo' to /etc/hotplug/blacklist to prevent them from loading. Don't forget to remove it from /etc/modules (if present)
23:45.19witlessabrotman: i thought that's what hotplug calls when a usb device gets plugged in
23:45.31GuerinTortel: all alsa modules start with snd-
23:45.42marstewelwitless: you dont need hotplug if you want usb-support, theres also usbmgr
23:45.56witlessmarstewel: ok, but should it work?
23:46.04marstewelusbmgr works
23:46.09abrotmani use usbmgr i think
23:46.16witlesswhat's default in unstable?
23:46.22marstewelhotplug probably
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23:46.34dpkgextra, extra, read all about it, runlevel is 0 is halt, 1 is single user, 2, 3, 4, 5 are multiuser, 6 is reboot, or see also runlevels
23:46.39Guerinor udev, nowadays
23:46.39Bushitowhats a keyboard varitan?. and what should i put on it??
23:46.45jimnothing is default in unstable... what's present today might be ousted tomorrow!
23:46.47dpkgread /usr/share/doc/sysvinit/*; read /etc/init.d/README; man update-rc.d, or if you don't understand that, consider installing 'rcconf' or 'file-rc' instead,
23:46.53dpkgWhen In Doubt, Hit Enter
23:46.57GuerinBushito: ^^^
23:47.04marstewelputting 0 as initdefault is good, right? :P
23:47.09SammyTheSnakecan anyone recommend an IRC room dedicated to intrusion detection and postmortem and stuff?
23:47.12eXa_bOyssh installed by default?
23:47.22marstewelstupid simulator errors...
23:47.26GuerineXa_bOy: sarge, yes
23:47.30Drakh_well not in my case... i do manual package install
23:47.34GuerinSammyTheSnake: #security
23:47.58eXa_bOyits not cause i cannt connect :( connection refused
23:48.09BushitoGuerin, ???
23:48.18isostelesSammyTheSnake, what is postmortem? Is it the last fase of the PSP?
23:48.35*** join/#debian krumn_ (n=krumn@
23:48.51isosteleskrumn_, hi
23:48.57krumn_why when i run nmap, my irc client disconnect?
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23:49.39linuxnewbiehello there
23:49.43SammyTheSnakeGuerin: thanks
23:49.50isosteleslinuxnewbie, hello
23:50.02jadeshow do i switch my window manager to wireframe?
23:50.06*** join/#debian Spiritory (
23:50.18Tortel!tell me about backlist
23:50.27SpiritoryI have a .psd in a .zip on my floppy, i managed to mount it but could anyone tell me how to extract it into a dir?
23:50.31Spiritoryfrom the floppy *
23:50.36linuxnewbieim installing debian sarge ive downloaded 1-7 and the rest are in progress does 1-7 enough to install debian?
23:50.50Spiritoryfrom /mnt/floppy/ to /home/spiritory/web
23:50.55jimyou don't need any cds at all
23:51.07marstewellinuxnewbie: iso 1 would be sufficient (or a area of it)
23:51.35SammyTheSnakeiostream: postmortem is an examination after death (a.k.a. autopsy)
23:51.56linuxnewbiehmmm? well im just starting out with debian does 1-7 enough to install the x-window system?
23:52.00Spiritoryanyone? It's for a web project
23:52.04*** part/#debian krumn_ (n=krumn@
23:52.23thclinuxnewbie: you have a network?
23:52.36thcwhy are you downloading all of those then?
23:52.47thcyou can install Sarge from a 40mb iso
23:52.57marstewelthc: not usually
23:53.03thcuh, ok?
23:53.04linuxnewbiewell i dont wait a long to time to download
23:53.18Bushitowhats keyboard variant T_T??, i dont got google to google for it =)
23:53.19jimlinuxnewbie: you have an -awful- lot of stuff, it's very likely that you have everything you need for a very long time
23:53.28thcmarstewel: please explain to me what the business card sized iso is for then.
23:53.40marstewelthc: not every drive can read it ;)
23:53.41Rich43Im getting this error when running tightvncserver,  Anyone know what I can do to fix it?
23:53.52*** join/#debian gammal (n=gammal@
23:53.52thcgood point
23:53.57thcbut rare.
23:54.38*** join/#debian Wyzard (
23:54.40gammalhello...i need some help in configuring bind9...anyone?
23:54.43linuxnewbieok thnx alot
23:54.58Rich43gammal, try webmin :)
23:55.02abrotmanRich43: install fonts
23:55.06abrotmangammal: use vi
23:55.10dpkgwebmin is a lame web-based interface for unsafe system administration for Unix. Using any browser that supports tables and forms, you can setup user accounts, internet services, DNS, file sharing and so on.  Check it out at but, remember, dondelelcaro *hates* webmin. don't use it!, or "i'd rather sit on the floor shoving table knives into live electrical outlets than run webmin on an exposed server."
23:55.28Rich43abrotman, What package does it need?
23:55.29abrotmangammal: ask #dns for some tutorial/docs
23:55.31*** part/#debian neiljp (
23:55.33dpkgif you have a problem XFree86 it not finding 'fixed' font, see fonts.alias, or /usr/share/doc/xfree86-common/FAQ.gz, or make sure xfonts-base is installed, or purge and reinstall it, or see fontfix
23:55.36marstewellame web-based interface is the perfect description ;)
23:56.00dpkgrumour has it, fontfix is that some people have been having problems with XFree 4.0.x; if you have xfonts-base installed, but it still can't find the "fixed" font, ask me about "install xf4" and make sure /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc is in your font path. ask me about fonts.alias, or don't forget to restart xfs, or ask about fixedfont, or ask about "squares"
23:56.25marstewelrestart x?
23:56.39marstewelis that actually *really* required ?
23:56.50marstewelcant you make use of fp +?
23:56.51abrotmanmarstewel: to register the fonts .. probably
23:56.56Rich43!install xf4
23:56.57dpkgi heard install xf4 is apt-get install read-edid mdetect discover; apt-get install x-window-system-core (plus whatever window manager you like, etc.), or ask me about "set up x", or "configure xf4"
23:57.08marstewelabrotman: you dont need to restart to reg the fonts AFAIK
23:57.11abrotmanRich43: you're going too far ...
23:57.26abrotmanRichiH: just install the xfonts-base or whatever the first one said
23:57.27terrencevaklakcaj: OK, looks like I have done some installs since the testing entries were made.  Should I just switch all the sources to testing then?
23:57.31Rich43nice channel by the way :P
23:57.32ke6isf!tell Rich43 -about msg the bot
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23:57.53ke6isfgammal: What kind of configuration are you looking for?
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23:58.35Torteli need someone to check this
23:58.58Tortelmy windows partition isnt mounting, bot sure of the error
23:59.03RichiHabrotman: sir, yes, sir!
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23:59.35Drakh_according to /etc/inittab, runlevel 2 is what debian boots into... what are 3, 4, and 5 for?
23:59.39nodusany one have any experience with the program called splashy
23:59.51dpkgPlease do not ask if anyone uses <someprogram>. Instead, ask your real question. (If the real question was if anyone used <someprogram> ask me about <popcon> instead.) See <ask> <sicco> <ask-to-ask> <polls>
23:59.53gammalke6isf, i have a few machines on a lan, and i want one of them to be the master dns for them, snd forward other requests
23:59.57dpkgrunlevel is probably 0 is halt, 1 is single user, 2, 3, 4, 5 are multiuser, 6 is reboot, or see also runlevels

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.