irclog2html for #debian on 20050622

00:00.27*** join/#debian zxy (
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00:02.00MobyTurbocapu: -vo x11
00:02.16MobyTurbocapu: or use the binary drivers that chances are your card needs
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00:03.08FlimzyIs anyone here aware of coin-operated hardware to interface with a Linux PC for the purpose of building a coin-operated jukebox?
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00:04.52person_whois person
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00:06.26MobyTurboChristopher-: didn't we tell you to use "su"?
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00:08.44shingouzFlimzy: if it is going to be a one-off hack i think your best bet would be to find some coin-op thing you can rip the lock off and use it on the computer. if you are planning on building more of them i think google should be able to point you to lock manufacturers
00:08.50hexxehMobyTurbo, somebody mentionned it was possible to turn off GDM's root-lock, after all the secure advice about root. you should know by now what happens
00:08.57zirikilihi all... I have a problem here... I am using sarge with firebird but when the users starts to work the dabase the fbserver proccess goes to 99% ... any help ?
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00:09.29MobyTurbohexxeh: we told him several times about su and sudo...
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00:10.09Flimzyshingouz: This will be a one-time thingie.  If it works well, I may look into more easily reproducable systems.
00:10.10hexxehMobyTurbo, yes, we did, but that wasn't the "convenient" answer. time & time again, people ignore the good advice for the bad advice
00:10.19*** part/#debian Christopher- (
00:10.29shingouzFlimzy: hit your local recycler then might be your best bet
00:10.40MobyTurbohexxeh: don't blame me, I didn't tell him how to modify gdm's settings. :-)
00:10.47Flimzyshingouz: What kind of interface do those things typicaly have?
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00:11.06Flimzyshingouz: serial?  or proprietary?
00:11.36shingouzFlimzy: i am not an expert on those things but afaik they are just switches. on/off things that are operated with the coin
00:11.41hexxehFlimzy, JAMMA!
00:11.52Flimzyshingouz: I need something more complex than on-off for a jukebox.
00:12.07zirikiliany trick about firebird cpu 100% consumes?
00:12.11shingouzFlimzy: why is that?
00:12.19Flimzyshingouz: B/c each song is a different length
00:12.20capuCan someone help me with a command? I'm wanting to copy multiple files from one directory, to another folder? What command should I use for this? I was trying to work it out with ln, but got nowhere
00:12.22*** join/#debian Christopher- (
00:12.39shingouzFlimzy: as long as you can see that you have a coin inserted you tell the software to play one song
00:12.41Flimzyshingouz: "On for 3 minutes" wouldn't work very well b/c some songs are 2 mins, some are 6
00:12.48vladstergood evening all, could someone please guide me is a way to get the title being played for at tune on a streamcast rather than just the station?
00:12.50Christopher-As I was trying to say -- su/sudo didn't work for me
00:12.50Flimzyshingouz: oic
00:13.00Christopher-it said no such account
00:13.02MobyTurbocapu: cp
00:13.13capucan u give me an example ?
00:13.17Flimzyshingouz: Most jukeboxes also offer various tiers of service.  $.50 = 1 song, $1.00 = 3 songs, etc
00:13.21dpkgDamnit Jim! It's YOU. Y-O-U. Not *U*. U is a letter. YOU is a word. See ne1, or wud.  Dutch for 'you' (formal singular). See
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00:13.24Flimzyshingouz: altho that may not be a requirement for a first project
00:13.33MobyTurbocapu: man cp
00:14.07Flimzyshingouz: I guess if the on-off switch just sent an 'on' signal when a coin was inserted, the PC could take care of accumulating the number of 'on's received, and provide service accordingly?
00:14.08hexxehChristopher-, god all fucking mighty. did you read? really, did you? '<hexxeh> Christopher-, you don't log into your dekstop environment as root. you log in as a regular user, open a terminal, and switch to the root user with "su"'
00:14.09shingouzFlimzy: not to mention that the coinlocks identify the coin for you. newer models may have some odd interface but i think google would be able to tell you more about them. try to find something that works only with one type of coins
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00:14.20shingouzFlimzy: something in that style
00:14.28hexxehnow that means LOG IN AS A REGULAR MOTHERFUCKING USER
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00:14.54abrotmanor FATHERFUCKING
00:15.03Christopher-jesus christ I miss understood, it's not like I'm a seasoned veteran at this
00:15.11Christopher-I've got about 2 hours experience
00:15.12shingouzFlimzy: maybe a lock off a pressure washer or something? something real simple but electrical
00:15.19RichiHabrotman: kinky
00:15.24vladsterthat is Paternally Incestuous in Politeness Man speak
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00:15.30bushChristopher-: does that mean i can point at you and scream noob?
00:15.32MobyTurboChristopher-: all the more reason to follow the instructions you're given
00:15.34Flimzyshingouz: that's a nice idea.
00:15.41Flimzyshingouz: thanks
00:15.44Christopher-I misread what you said
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00:15.49Christopher-I thought you said to log in as su/sudo
00:15.49madclicker_is down?
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00:15.56abrotmanwasn't a bit ago
00:16.01abrotmanFieldySnuts: i foound something for you!
00:16.09shingouzFlimzy: as soon as you find some locks, make a not of the numbers and hit google, you may be surprised what google can find these days
00:16.14abrotmanFieldySnuts: -ot
00:16.21abrotmanmadclicker: and works fine
00:16.36Flimzyshingouz: I've been googling for terms like "coin-operated jukebox" etc... found a few things.  Mostly fancy things, tho.
00:16.42hexxehi swear, my job would be so much easier if people and things did what i told them to
00:16.43Flimzyshingouz: and shot off a few e-mails to sales depts
00:16.48madclicker_abrotman: i cant get to it :(
00:16.53shingouzFlimzy: but the old stuff is at the recyclers already :)
00:17.03Flimzyshingouz: aye
00:17.12abrotmanmadclicker: ok .. you should call MCI and tell them the core router imploded!
00:17.28abrotmanFieldySnuts: no?
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00:18.00abrotmanwhy is he electric ?
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00:18.09shingouzFlimzy: i guess the easiest way to get that thing done is to just have a switch that can see one type of coin or at least just accept lets say 25c. turns on the power and you read the impulse and play one song
00:18.13madclicker_abrotman: on it
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00:18.45Flimzyshingouz: Yeah, if I could get a switch that reads 25c, and sends a pulse on each coin, that would do what I need.
00:18.51shingouzabrotman: static electricity induced from the CRT i think
00:18.57madclicker_which magazine would you guys suggest for linux?
00:19.12FieldySnutsone which holds 30 rounds
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00:19.23nevyn_FieldySnuts: nice!!
00:19.33HanClintopusling: Well, I tried to install GRUB to a floppy, then ejected the floppy halfway through, then went in and installed Lilo on the MBR instead (it let me after it had attempted GRUB), and now it's starting to boot. :)
00:19.38madclicker_FieldySnuts: sweet
00:19.51shingouzFieldySnuts: you have made misunderstanding into a form of art :)
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00:19.59abrotmanFieldySnuts: but it's something you might like! :)
00:20.27person_i just updated my kernal, and now i can boot to either kernal from grub, can i remove the older kernal useing APT?
00:20.38dpkg*KERNEL* *KERNEL* *KERNEL*
00:20.49hexxehperson_, yes, you can
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00:21.04person_making sure i wont hurt anythign
00:21.05madclicker_kernal kernal shmelnal
00:21.14person_!kernal :)
00:21.18FieldySnuts!blame The EU
00:21.22abrotmanok .. well then
00:21.24dpkg*KERNEL* *KERNEL* *KERNEL*
00:21.53hexxehFlimzy, get the coin mechanism from an old arcade machine. lots of places sell coin-op spares
00:22.00FieldySnutsdpkg: randtest is <reply> $randnick: hi. this is a test.
00:22.00dpkgFieldySnuts: okay
00:22.05FieldySnutsdpkg: randtest?
00:22.05dpkgZv2S: hi. this is a test.
00:22.09FieldySnutsheh. that's cool
00:22.16hexxehFlimzy, plus, the interface for coin boxes is largely standard (or can be) - the JAMMA spec
00:22.18RichiHthat is evil :p
00:22.21FieldySnutsdpkg: forget randtest
00:22.21dpkgFieldySnuts: i forgot randtest
00:22.23FieldySnutsyeah it is
00:22.27FieldySnutsit's what !blame uses
00:22.31lewiswould a seconday e-mail server try to send e-mails to itself if the primary one was down?
00:22.38Flimzyhexxeh: okay
00:22.41FieldySnutslemme try one more then i leave him alone
00:22.47Flimzyhexxeh: I'll google for JAMMA... thanks
00:23.05FieldySnutsdpkg: randtest is <action> beats $randnick with a baseball bat she obtained from $randnick, and accidentally hits $randnick instead
00:23.05dpkgFieldySnuts: okay
00:23.09FieldySnutsdpkg: randtest?
00:23.19FieldySnutsdpkg: forget randtest
00:23.19shingouzthis channel is amazing, specs for coin-op locks.. :)
00:23.20dpkgi forgot randtest, FieldySnuts
00:23.25hexxehFlimzy, most JAMMA info will be about building MAME cabinets
00:23.26FieldySnutsdarn that'd be funny if it picked 3 random nicks
00:23.36Flimzyhexxeh: yup.. found that bit already.  hehe
00:23.41nevynMMMM jamma
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00:23.51FieldySnuts~start a world war
00:23.52aptBrits will one day stomp the IRA!
00:23.52Flimzyhexxeh: I should build one of those, too :)
00:24.02hexxehi considered buying a JAMMA cab oncew
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00:24.30nevynI have a pub arcade table and two games
00:24.45hexxehooh. anything classic?
00:24.48nevyntokyo aka scramble formation
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00:25.18Farris1is there a kernel patch needed to allow processes to use more than 3GB of ram?
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00:25.24nevynand a bad bootleg of ghosts and gobils
00:25.32hexxehFarris1, get a 64 bit computer
00:25.34nevynbleh s/gobils/goblins/
00:25.44Christopher-How do I know which binary I should use? X.Org 6.8.0 or XFree86 4.3.0 for fglrx drivers?
00:25.54Farris1hexxeh: Will take that into consideration, but it does not answer my question
00:25.55shingouzChristopher-: xfree
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00:25.59hexxehChristopher-, xfree86 4.3.0
00:26.42Christopher-Thank you
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00:27.47vladsterTime fro pratice, Send my thanks to Greycat for the fix
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00:28.20Christopher-It's difficult switching operating systems for the first time, I'm sorry I didn't pay as good of attention as I should have :-X
00:28.25Farris1hexxeh: Are you saying that I'm fucked unless I have a 64bit cpu?
00:28.26shingouzFarris1: have you checked what the kernel config says? i think it had a couple of different settings in it for the amount of ram. i haven't needed them because i still have computers in daily use that do not have even that much drive in them
00:28.34qwertyAre there any debs for sun-j2sdk 1.5?
00:28.44Flimzyhexxeh: What is the physical interface used by JAMMA?
00:29.06shingouzFarris1: not too sure about the limits of 32-bit boxen though.. that could be a problem too
00:29.10dracqwerty: No, but you can create your own. /msg dpkg java-package or/and /msg dpkg java
00:29.24madclicker_how can i prevent pop users from leaving messages on the server?
00:29.31hexxehFarris1, yes. yes i am.
00:29.41dracqwerty: contrib and non-free in sources.list, apt-get update, apt-get install java-package, man make-jpkg
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00:30.10qwertydrac thanks
00:30.21abrotmanhexxeh: there's 4GB for x68-32
00:30.25shingouz!tell qwerty about install java
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00:30.43hexxehabrotman, that's addressible memory, not usable by a single process, iirc
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00:30.47nevynmadclicker_: that's an interesting question...
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00:31.00Farris1hexxeh: Is this documented anywhere?
00:31.07madclicker_nevyn: thanks
00:31.18abrotmanhexxeh: i don't think that's a hardware limitation .. blame linus
00:31.32hexxehabrotman, no other os can do it
00:31.57shingouzthis begins to sound like the 640k again
00:31.57abrotmanhexxeh: i didn't say they could .. but ideally it should be possible
00:32.03hexxehabrotman, large memory on x86 is a dirty, dirty hack. then agai, dirty memory hacks was part of the initial pul of 8008
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00:33.04pipelinehexxeh: You mean the 8088.  The 8008 was so early that there was no relative scale for something to be dirty.
00:33.14abrotmanhexxeh: yes it is
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00:33.49MobyTurbopipeline: was the 8008 the same more or less as the 8080?
00:33.51hexxehpipeline, yes, that's what i meant. my typing is worse than abysmal tonight
00:34.12pipelineMobyTurbo: The 8080, 8088, and 8086 are all very similar.  The 8008 less so.
00:34.23mfrischis the sarge netinstall worth upgrading...mine is mounths old?
00:34.31shingouzmfrisch: yes it is
00:34.37Flimzymfrisch: It's always worth upgrading.
00:34.48mfrischshingouz whats new?
00:34.50Flimzymfrisch: If there's an upgrade available, it's for a reason :P
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00:35.01ColonelKernelmfrisch, I dont know abot upgrading but its the easiest damn install in the known universe
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00:35.03pipelineMobyTurbo: I've never done anything with an 8008, never even seen one, so I can't tell you much more.
00:35.05jimmfrisch: if you're running debian now, you don't need a netinstall to upgrade, at all.
00:35.06MobyTurbopipeline: the 8080 was a 8 bit chip of whom the Z-80 was a superset. The 8086 was a 16 bit (internal only in the case of the 8088) with segmented memory and other misfeatures.
00:35.22shingouzmfrisch: make sure your /etc/apt/sources.list point to "stable" or "sarge", apt-get update; apt-get upgrade and you are set
00:35.24Flimzymfrisch: apt-get update; apt-get -s install
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00:35.30Flimzymfrisch: that tells you what's new
00:35.36mfrischjim a co-worker wants linux
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00:35.46plugwashMobyTurbo why do you call segmented memory a misfeature
00:35.47spoopinMobyTurbo: and I still have an 8086 in the attic at my parents' house :)
00:35.49MobyTurbopipeline: I've used a Z-80 with CP/M-80, no old 8080 though.
00:35.50shingouzmfrisch: install debian :)
00:35.53plugwashit seems rather a good idea to me
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00:36.05MobyTurboplugwash: it is one as far as the 8088 is concerned.
00:36.08mfrischshingouz allways :)~
00:36.18plugwashMobyTurbo why?
00:36.20shingouz!beer mfrisch
00:36.33magyarhow can i prevent pop users from leaving messages on the server?
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00:36.39dpkgHi, I've got a problem but I'm not going to explain it to you in a coherent way.  I'm also going to annoy you by using contractions like "ur" and "ne", furthermore I'm going to make up my own abbreviations of technical phrases and terms
00:36.41pipelineplugwash: YOU write a non-trivial program for a segmented architecture and get back to us.  Segmented memory is a curse.
00:36.56jimmfrisch: oh... well then sure, he can use netinstall from floppies (4 max I think, 2 min) or minimal cd that just has the base and the installer udebs, or from cd 1
00:37.03greysonmagyar: Weren't you just asking that question with a different name?
00:37.03MobyTurboplugwash: the 8088 seiries until the 80386 which allowed adjustable segments limited segments to 64K.
00:37.13jimI think there are also other options
00:37.43mfrischjim is there a flash img
00:37.46ecobitoh man, some guy here where i work never turns off his monitor at night.  it has a shadow of the the win nt login window permanently burned into it
00:37.47jimmfrisch, probably his best bet is to get a cheapo older machine to install on
00:38.00magyargreyson: yeah, i was working from a XP box, and the irc client sucks balls
00:38.03jimmfrisch: ther's a 128mb usb stick image
00:38.04hexxehi don't "get" why POP3 users would effectively treat it like IMAP
00:38.10ColonelKernelI have segmented memory and it works, of course its in my brain and not my computer and comes from too much pot smoking, but what was I saying?
00:38.15plugwashi always thought it was a clever system to allow blocks up to 64K without forcing every block to be 64K
00:38.25mfrischjim do you dd it ?
00:38.29greysonmagyar: Ah -- I don't think anyone had an answer to that one...
00:38.37MobyTurboplugwash: even more clever is flat memory. ;-)
00:38.42jimI guess so; I never did it myself, nor did I read how
00:38.52greysonmagyar: Any reason?  Seems like a draconian measure to put on the users...
00:38.53magyargreyson: bahh,
00:38.58mfrischjim Thanks
00:38.59FieldySnuts!blame pop3 users
00:39.00mrplumI am trying to mount my USB floppy and what I see in the logs is this:
00:39.00mrplumdevice not accepting address 118, error -71
00:39.05Flimzymagyar: so get a better irc client?
00:39.06mrplumwhat's that mean
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00:39.08plugwashMobyTurbo yeah flat memory has avantages it does mean much bigger pointers thuogh
00:39.19mfrischshingouz thanks
00:39.20hexxeh!lart pop3 users
00:39.36ColonelKernelYum , urine
00:39.42ColonelKernelgot any feces?
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00:39.51shingouz!camelsmite ColonelKernel
00:40.22MobyTurboplugwash: most pre-386 real mode software had to do hacks in order to address more than 64K code and 64K data.
00:40.26magyargreyson: i have problems with users who are fiddling around with settings. Than after receiving several tousand duplicates they complain to me. Have you tried deleting tousands of emails in any MS mail clients?
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00:40.58jimplugwash:: and some of those hacks involved hardware paging that was "manually" controlled
00:41.03magyarFlimzy: i am using Icechat on XP  and it is a bit sucky
00:41.06greysonmagyar: Hehe... Yeah, that's a problem... silly users.
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00:41.22plugwashMobyTurbo true but where those hacks any more expensive than using 32 bit pointers everywhere would have been
00:41.25plugwashi doubt it
00:41.41mepplgute nacht  -  good night
00:41.45hexxehmagyar, why not use xchat?
00:41.47magyargreyson: yeah, I can't really blame them
00:41.50mdhmagyar: XP has always been that way
00:41.50jimwhere those hacks?
00:42.06jimwat's that?
00:42.36MobyTurboI never thought I'd see the day that people would praise the 8086's memory architecture. Perhaps its because they haven't programmed with it in a long time.
00:42.41magyarmdh: i whish i never have to use it, but i cant get some of the required apps to run on debian/wine
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00:43.16quitttI dont wanna be a pinhead no more, I just met a nurse that I could go for, D-U-M-B all of you give to me!!
00:44.19jimMobyTurbo: it's taught as a mandatory arch in compiler writing courses as the worst possible case
00:44.32jimor is that intel in general? :)
00:45.33magyaris there a logitech multimedia keyboard manipulation software for linux?
00:45.51mfrischmagyar many
00:46.10magyarmfrisch: can you help a brother?
00:46.32jimmfrisch: so does your buddy have a spare machine that would otherwise have been thrown out or handed down?
00:46.38MobyTurbojim: that doesn't surprise me
00:46.39mfrischmagyar give me sec
00:46.48magyarmfrisch: roger
00:47.02jimwho the heck is roger?
00:47.07FieldySnuts!blaireau quittt
00:47.13mfrischjim I wish..I'm on a p3 500
00:47.13shingouzjim: out's brother
00:47.15magyarjim: 10 -4
00:47.29FieldySnutsdpkg: dachs quitttt
00:47.29shingouzten four
00:47.30dpkgquitttt: Dachs Dachs Dachs Dachs Dachs Dachs Pilz Pilz Dachs Dachs Dachs Dachs Dachs Schlange! Eine Schlange!
00:48.00shingouzjim: does CB ring a bell?
00:48.10Gueroutshingouz: usually a staticky beep
00:48.13jimAble baker charlie to roger fox dog... do you read over?
00:48.24jim(hey, someone's talkin bad about roger!)
00:48.30FieldySnutsfox one fox two
00:48.36mfrischmagyar xbindkeys works and has a gui
00:48.38magyaron my way
00:48.45shingouzGuerout: true. i used to goof around with CB way back when. neat nick today btw
00:48.46Flimzymfrisch: why would you want a p3 500?
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00:48.51FieldySnutsroger, Roger. What's out vector, Victor?
00:49.02FieldySnutsdo we have clearance, Clarance?
00:49.07Gueroutshingouz: i'm on my breaker box at work rather than shelled into my home pc
00:49.09mfrischFlimzy you use what you can get...
00:49.15shingouzFieldySnuts: 13-1
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00:49.25Gueroutjust don't ask kenneth what the frequency is
00:49.25Flimzymfrisch: I get much more than I can ever use
00:49.50mfrischFlimzy :)~
00:49.52jimshingouz: which bell?
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00:50.05shingouzjim: are you serious?
00:50.17jcolehow do i make 'cp' copy *exactly*... sym links, perms, etc.
00:50.19jimI'm actually an extra-class ham :P
00:50.25Gueroutjcole: cp -a
00:50.43Flimzyjcole: man cp
00:50.44*** join/#debian YamahaRx800 (
00:50.53shingouzjim: i thought you had to be kidding ;)
00:50.53*** part/#debian YamahaRx800 (
00:51.03FieldySnutsjcole: not use cp, use rsync instead (look at the -a and -d flags)
00:51.13HanClintoHrm. Wierd error
00:51.18*** part/#debian _olaf (
00:51.24HanClinto"Errors were encountered while processing: locales"
00:51.27*** join/#debian Hylas (
00:52.03HanClintoFurther down... "en.ISO-8859-1...cannot open locale definition file 'en': No such file or directory."
00:52.03*** join/#debian mush` (
00:52.10GueroutHanClinto: dpkg -P localsed && aptitude install locales
00:52.40*** join/#debian ethics (~jasonr@
00:52.42HanClintoWhat does that do?
00:52.49HanClinto(thankyou, btw)
00:53.07ethicshaha only 15 hours till etch installs hehe
00:53.17*** join/#debian tovella (
00:53.24GueroutHanClinto: purges the package 'locales' and reinstalls it. There's a bug in the current sid package which makes it fail.
00:53.26mfrischethics I'm sorry
00:53.31GueroutHanClinto: are you using sid?
00:53.47ethicsdial up is the bomb...
00:53.59FieldySnuts!bomb dial up
00:54.06jiminstalls locales package only if dpkg -P locales returns "success" exit status
00:54.11plugwashanyone know any good linux equivilents of the windows charactor map tool?
00:54.25HanClintoGuerout: No, etch
00:54.26*** part/#debian erg (
00:54.30plugwashi wan't to look at what the greek letter phi looks like in all the fonts on my system
00:54.39chealerisn't sid's version sarge's?
00:54.45*** join/#debian _FredNeuberger (
00:55.04jimchealer: no, sid is permanently unstable
00:55.27GueroutHanClinto: oh, ok.
00:55.28dpkgAll days in #debian will remain Sunday until further notice. Unfortunately, outside #debian the world keeps turning, so you still have to get up and go to work. Welcome to PermaTardsday!, or
00:55.34chealerjim: ...I was speaking about locales
00:56.16*** join/#debian Christopher- (
00:56.17jimchealer: oh, I see
00:56.34*** join/#debian mkhl (
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00:56.56ethicsdont suppose theres a way to make apts download smallest first?
00:57.14aptThis dick's for hire, even if it's just wanking in the dark
00:57.16*** part/#debian mkhl (
00:57.36greysonethics: I think it does it in order of "most depended on"
00:57.40jimwell that wouldn't make sense because the smallest wouln't necessarily be installable yet
00:57.52shingouzFieldySnuts: if you show up at debconf, will you take dpkg with you? :p
00:58.03plugwashEthics note that apt downloads everything first then installs everything anyway
00:58.14Christopher-for 'man mount' I'm not sure what it means by 'dev' and 'dir', would I put "mount -t NTFS Windows C:"
00:58.18FieldySnuts@aussiesmite shingouz
00:58.18ravenbirdshingouz: cheerio mate
00:58.34HanClintoHrm. ISO-8859-1 or ISO-8859-15 (Yes, I'm a stupid american if that helps you know which one I should pick)
00:58.35shingouznot me, i need z's
00:58.43ethicsi just want to see more aactivity on the screen 8)
00:58.55Flimzyethics: then install a screen saver
00:58.56HanClinto(I'm setting up my locales)
00:58.59jimChristopher-: there are these special "block" files that refer to drivers, they're in /dev
00:59.18tovellai'm looking for a way to get notified whenever certain keywords are added to a web page.
00:59.18tovella...any ideas?
00:59.27Christopher-Thank you :)
00:59.34shingouzooo.. i am tempted...
00:59.36ethicsFlimzy i cant im installing guis etc atm heheh  i have xchat-text and base system
00:59.41shingouz!any ideas
00:59.41dpkgYeah, I have an idea!  But I'll need a bag full of herring, a little WD-40, and a handful of sex-crazed weasels.  And keep the cops off my back for the next few hours!
00:59.51FieldySnutsi knew someone else would do it, so I didn't
01:00.03shingouzyou know me too well
01:00.36Flimzyethics: apt-get install bsd-games; rain
01:00.37shingouzok, sleep mode for me
01:00.38tovelladpkg: ideas about how to get notified whenever certain keywords are added to a web page.
01:00.38dpkgtovella: that's too long
01:00.50jimso instead of "windows c:" (which doesn't even know which partition it really is on the disk), you might say something like "/dev/hda3" which we're pretending for this example is where your ntfs could be
01:00.57*** join/#debian togs (
01:01.02ethicsflimzy hehe nah ill just go home or somethign hehe
01:01.06*** join/#debian Gskillet (
01:01.10tovelladpkg: too long? how do you mean?
01:01.20shingouzdpkg: what are you
01:01.20dpkgI am a blootbot. For more info see <blootbot>
01:01.30jimChristopher-: understand that part moreorless?
01:01.47mrplumError ****Jun 21 20:42:37 localhost kernel: usb 6-1: device not accepting address 9, error -71*** when I try and insert my usb floppy, any ideas what's happening?
01:01.48Christopher-X_x Not really
01:01.57jimit's somewhat vague, and for the moment that's on purpose
01:02.03*** join/#debian guorke_ (~guorke@
01:02.07jimok, here's the exact deal...
01:02.08FieldySnuts@any ideas
01:02.09ravenbirdYeah, I have an idea!  But I'll need a drawer full of herring, a little cod liver oil, and 42 sex-crazed platypuses.  And keep the NSA off my back for the next few minutes!
01:02.21*** join/#debian nunez (nunez@IRC-OPERS.COM)
01:02.32nunezhow about I use the font "/home/nunez/.fonts/DarkGardenMK.ttf" with xterm?
01:02.46Christopher-its hard to read in this at 800x600 in huge gaim window
01:02.46*** join/#debian foxiness (~nayif@
01:02.47jimChristopher-: there was a time when intel machine HDs were never partitioned; not invented yet
01:02.58FieldySnutsconsider using a real irc client
01:03.27HanClintoHrm, wierd error: "locale: Cannot set LC_CTYPE to default locale: No such file or directory", and it gives me that error for LC_MESSAGES and LC_ALL as well.
01:03.41*** join/#debian darkgamer20 (
01:03.47jimChristopher-: maybe that was when the big professional-use drives were a whopping 10 mb
01:03.55jimunderstand so far?
01:04.04*** join/#debian n0cturnal (
01:04.08tovellaany ideas about how to get notified whenever certain keywords are added to a web page?
01:04.22FieldySnutsshingouz: heh. another opportunity
01:04.22darkgamer20what is the command to reconfigure x
01:04.27mfrischHanClinto is there localconf in etch
01:04.32*** part/#debian foxiness (~nayif@
01:04.43ethicstovella:  as in the metatags?
01:04.45Christopher-so, my windows NTFS is in /dev/hda1/
01:04.48*** join/#debian debian (~debian@debian.user)
01:04.54FieldySnuts!lart ntfs
01:05.03n0cturnalhey guys.. is there an equiv of /sbin/nologin in debian? or a way to only allow users ftp access? i'm using proftpd and have tried /bin/false but still no luck
01:05.06jimChristopher-: perhaps, yes
01:05.11HanClintomfrisch: Not sure -- is it a package that I could check for?
01:05.12Christopher-I put mount -t NTFS /dev/hda1 ?
01:05.33darkgamer20hey guys what is the command to reconfigure xfree86?
01:05.33mfrischHanClinto its a debconf frontend...
01:05.35jimyou're missing the "mount point" but as much as you have is right
01:05.38tovellaethics: i don't know about metatags, I want to know whenever the word "computer" is added to a sales website
01:05.39darkgamer20i really need it
01:05.46*** join/#debian hardcampa- (
01:06.15HanClintomfrisch: Not sure how to check -- /me is extremely new to Debian. :)
01:06.20Christopher-X_X Well, what is the mount point?
01:06.28*** join/#debian trand (~trand@trand.user)
01:06.34jimman mount and see what that means
01:06.44*** join/#debian ideal (~idealm_@
01:07.21HanClintoDoes that help?
01:07.27*** join/#debian jetx (
01:07.36MobyTurbo!drxx darkgamer20
01:07.37dpkgdarkgamer20: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86   (as root)
01:07.43hexxeh!win MobyTurbo
01:07.44dpkgCongratulations, MobyTurbo! You have won a lifetime supply of spam!
01:07.45ethicstovella: need more information on how these "comuter" words are expect your not going to have much luck tho as it most likely with have a DB on the backend which is feeing the templates
01:07.49*** join/#debian dondelelcaro (
01:08.01jimyou can have my spam! I don't like spam!
01:08.11tovellaethics: i think just regular text.
01:08.12MobyTurbogreat, I'm Jewish, I can't even eat spam
01:08.13mfrischHanClinto   apt-get install localeconf
01:08.26HanClintomfrisch: Okay, I'll try that. Thx. :)
01:08.41kelanMobyTurbo: why not? it isnt meat
01:08.42jimhow's that?
01:08.57*** join/#debian fus3 (
01:09.04MobyTurbokelan: it's made out of assorted pig parts, it's meat
01:09.14kelanthats just what they *say*
01:09.20magyarmfrisch: this xbind software is the BOMB!
01:09.35jimfsvo meat... it's at least -organic material-...
01:09.39quitttdo you know a alternative artist that played with a violion and a clean eletric guitar? he suicied
01:09.40jimor maybe not...
01:09.40*** join/#debian singe (
01:09.42mfrischmagyar yp
01:09.46quitttdo you know his name?
01:09.58FieldySnutswho cares?
01:10.05chealerdpkg does
01:10.05dpkgextra, extra, read all about it, does is the present third singular of do
01:10.07GskilletCan anyone lead me in the right direciton on setting up a Bluetooth USB dongle to work on Linux?
01:10.20jetxis am are was were do does did
01:10.22kelanFieldySnuts: it has to do with debian, obviously. thats why you should care
01:10.25*** join/#debian qolume (
01:10.25chealerwell, I didn't expect he'd care that much
01:10.32FieldySnuts@lart kelan
01:10.38HanClintoquittt: Are you talking about Kurt Cobain?
01:10.50jetxkurt was a looser
01:10.52quitttHanClinto, he suicied in 80s I think
01:10.56kelankurt cobain played violin? that would surprise me
01:10.59jetxhence the looser
01:11.07kelando you mean loser?
01:11.15kelanlooser isnt a noun
01:11.16jetxi mean retarded idiot
01:11.19*** part/#debian FieldySnuts (fDYuMlbwSp@fieldysnuts.user)
01:11.21HanClintokelan: It would surprise me too, but he was the only high-profile alternative rock star suicide I could think of. :)
01:11.22quitttok ok
01:11.26quitttdo you know?
01:11.34jimgoogle might
01:11.38HanClintoquittt: Kurt Cobain would fit the timeframe. He was in the band Nirvana
01:11.42kelanquittt: are you on some kind of call-in show or something?
01:11.54quitttkelan, no... I really dont know his name
01:12.03*** join/#debian monchy (
01:12.08quitttHanClinto, I know who is Kurt Cobain and that his is from Nirvana
01:12.15quitttbut it isnt he
01:12.17MobyTurbothe head of "inxs" committed suicide too
01:12.19quitttjim, I already googled
01:12.32jimwell Jimmy Page played gibsons with a violin bow... but he's alive afaik
01:12.40jetxand that he cried "i can't take it anymore i'm rich successful and have a wife and kid! i'm gonna check out!
01:13.34*** join/#debian bigbill52a (
01:14.20quitttit isnt Jimmy Page
01:14.39fus3who is jimmy?
01:14.45magyarmfrisch: it gets tricky when i have "play/pause" key
01:14.52jimsome guitar player
01:14.52*** part/#debian tovella (
01:15.07jimplayed in some rock band, led zeppelin
01:15.13*** join/#debian Warp4 (
01:15.28mfrischmagyar I think logitech borks key assignment
01:15.43Warp4Hi all.  Trying to build KOffice but getting the following error when running ./configure:  checking for X... configure: error: Can't find X includes. Please check your installation and add the correct paths!
01:16.01K_DallasWarp4, you need dev packages for X11
01:16.06*** part/#debian fus3 (
01:16.12jimWarp4: you'll need the -dev part of the x libs
01:16.16Warp4K_Dallas ok what package do I need to apt-get?
01:16.18K_Dallaswhen you build on your own, you need lots of headers and libraries
01:16.23K_Dallaslet me check
01:16.31*** part/#debian jazzmanss (
01:16.40trave11erWarp4: are you building from the debian source package?
01:16.54Warp4Downloaded it from the website.
01:16.59*** join/#debian pingouin_ (
01:17.11K_DallasWarp4, try libx11-6 and libx11-dev
01:17.20jvwWarp4: why not use the debian package?
01:17.21jimand look at the messages that come out of your configure output
01:17.34jvwWarp4: the debian maintainer already found out all of this...
01:17.47magyarmfrisch: i didn't catch that, sorry
01:17.55jimand so that means he can't learn himself?!
01:18.11Warp4libx11-dev wasn't found but the other one was.  Thanks :)
01:18.25jvwWarp4: you can look at the debian package's build-depends
01:18.25jimthe debian maintainer found out... that's pretty much orthogonal
01:18.28K_DallasWarp4, try xlibs-dev too as jetx has said
01:18.37Warp4jvw I am doing this because I am trying to learn all this stuff :)
01:18.53*** join/#debian dondek (~dondek@
01:19.09jvwWarp4: if you're building stuff on your own to learn, it's often easier to start with small programs
01:19.10K_Dallas(i dont see an xlib on my synaptic)
01:19.11mfrischmagyar I have a old other keyboard and it needs the keyboard map changed for all the multi keys to work.  no thanks!
01:19.14jvwnot a big beast like koffice
01:19.32jvwK_Dallas: xlibs-dev is old
01:20.02jetxit's there
01:20.03chealerI have to do some maths exercices...does looking at the answers help?
01:20.07K_Dallasthat is why i dont see it :)
01:20.11jetxyes chealer it does
01:20.16jetxhelps what though...
01:20.27K_Dallaschealer, sure but then you lose one important thing
01:20.28nunezare there any other games like America's Army for linux?
01:20.31Warp4Ok, once more question :)
01:20.35jimWarp4: jvw has a really good point with the smaller packages... the smallest and most instructive is gnu hello
01:20.40chealerjetx: I knew it! I'll ask #maths to do them next time
01:20.42Christopher-Battle Field 2 comes out tomorrow
01:20.42jetxnunez: enemy territory
01:20.44jimget it, unpack it, READ ALL FILES
01:20.48Christopher-It's like america's army
01:20.50K_Dallaschealer, the thing you lose is that you never  get the opportunity to be creative!
01:20.51jvwthere are also small X packages
01:21.09jetxbf2 costs $ though, et is free
01:21.11jim-excellent- intro to building, and also various forms of packaging
01:21.11Warp4The Qt libs.  I have asked about this once before when I compiled Kmess but forgot the apt-get package name for it :)
01:21.33Warp4small console modem program but it built :)
01:21.41jetxqtlibs-dev maybe, apt-cache search qt |grep -i dev
01:21.42mdhare there any DM's here prepared to sponsor a looney like me?
01:21.45kelanalone, listless
01:21.46*** join/#debian dos000 (~dos000@
01:21.54kelanbreakfast table in an otherwise empty room
01:22.02chealernunez: what do you mean by "like America's Army"?
01:22.11mfrischWarp4 I want AMP debs please!!
01:22.14*** join/#debian nvz (
01:22.14kelanchealer: i think he means a sucky war game
01:22.17jetxa war game fps that you shoot guns in?
01:22.32jetxoh, you want sucky, don't d/l et
01:22.45kelanjetx: is it a war game?
01:22.58jetxkelan: et? go to
01:23.04*** join/#debian FieldySnuts (fDYuMlbwSp@fieldysnuts.user)
01:23.17nvzI have just installed cupsys and hpijs on sarge, I went to localhost:631 and configured my printer, but I cannot get it to print a testpage. only way I can get it to repond is by echoing shit to /dev/lp0
01:23.37jetxnvz it's a usb hp printer then right?
01:23.52nvzjetx: its an HP Deskjet 693C
01:24.03jetxis it connected with a usb cable?
01:24.03kelanjetx: war games are sucky
01:24.09nvzjetx: no, parallel
01:24.22jetxnvz hpoj. hpijs is usb only iirc
01:24.30mfrischnvz hpijs is really worth getting new
01:24.30kelanjetx: did you get your nick from the saturday morning cartoon run?
01:24.35jimso first you have to make sure you can use the parallel port
01:24.41kelanthey have some pretty sweet shows
01:24.49jetxkelan: jetscreamer, and yes it's from the jetsons
01:25.03nvzall I know is the linuxprinting site said it works perfectly with hpijs
01:25.04chealerI thought hplip was the one USB-specific
01:25.06*** join/#debian cderr (
01:25.17jetxnvz iirc hpijs is usb only
01:25.20jimso first you have to make sure you can use the parallel port
01:25.23chealerhpoj, hplip, hpijs...and that's just for HP :/
01:25.28jetxgo to
01:25.41chealerjetx: I think you're confusing hpijs with hplip
01:25.45mfrischnvz brb.. mine too :(
01:25.56Warp4ok having problems finding it here.  anyone know what the package name for the gtk headers is by any chance?
01:26.04*** join/#debian Ick (
01:26.13magyarmfrisch: i have this fency "volume control wheel" can i make it function with the sound mixer?
01:26.14jetxall i know is only hpoj works with paralell, or is it my paralell
01:27.03*** join/#debian Nosklo (~clovis@
01:27.08mfrischnvz what ppd does it say to use?
01:27.08magyarwikipedia is still down :( , make sure
01:27.19chealer"At this time, printing, scanning, and photo-card access are supported on most models, when either connected to the parallel port or USB"
01:27.24dpkg'apt-get install libgtk1.2-dev'
01:27.32mfrischmagyar I would hae no idea.
01:27.53chealermagyar: really?
01:28.01magyarmfrisch: np
01:28.02*** mode/#debian [+l 802] by debhelper
01:28.05jimWarp4: if you're trying to learn this stuff, GO to the site I told you
01:28.06*** join/#debian omar (~omar@
01:28.18chealer#wikipedia est :  Status: Routing problems - down for some, up for others
01:28.23magyarchealer: i've been trying to hope on for the past hour
01:28.23*** part/#debian omar (~omar@
01:28.34jimif you're learning how to be dependent on people and use their time when you don't have to, keep doing what you're doing.
01:28.51magyarchealer:An error occurred while loading
01:28.58nvzyou would be wrong HP OfficeJet Linux driver (hpoj) This software provides Linux support for most "multi-function" peripherals from Hewlett-Packard, including OfficeJet,LaserJet, Printer/Scanner/Copier ("PSC"), and PhotoSmart printer products.
01:28.59kelanjim: if everyone listened and learned, we wouldnt have anyone asking unnecessary questions any more
01:29.08*** join/#debian PunkZY (~PunkZY@
01:29.17jimkelan: my comment still stands
01:29.28*** join/#debian Hatter (
01:29.29kelanyou'll me out of a job!
01:29.37nvzwell never mind I guess I need both
01:29.39jimI cited the site, he ignored, I cited again, he ignored again...
01:29.40*** join/#debian hellz_hunter (
01:29.54jimso I got impatient and told him how it is.
01:30.04monchyhey guys, is there a way i can install sarge without KDE? searched on google and came up empty
01:30.07hellz_hunteris there any special parameters i have to add to get debian to install on a hp netserver, since it is scsi based, i dont know hwo to work with scsi and google isnt turning up much
01:30.08*** join/#debian singe (
01:30.09*** join/#debian helltiger (
01:30.14helltigerguten morgen
01:30.17greysonIs there a way to tell what process is listening on a port?
01:30.17helltigernoch wer fit ?
01:30.18chealermonchy: yes, do the default install
01:30.36helltigeris here english only ?
01:30.46zumbiwhat is the written name for "@" in english ?
01:30.48monchyok, thanks :)
01:30.50helltigerok sorry
01:31.03HatterHello everyone,  noob to this channel, but have a question.... please :)
01:31.10jimwhat's your native language, or preferred language?
01:31.12helltigeri have a question about the filesharing service "gIFT"
01:31.16zumbiHatter, please ask
01:31.17K_DallasHatter, just ask
01:31.44helltigerhow much files in there
01:31.49helltigerbtw wich art of files
01:31.53HatterCompiling Qmail, on Sarge,  qmail-local.c: In function `temp_fork':
01:31.53Hatterqmail-local.c:37: internal compiler error: Segmentation fault
01:31.53HatterPlease submit a full bug report,
01:31.53Hatterwith preprocessed source if appropriate.
01:31.53HatterSee <URL:> for instructions.
01:31.53*** kick/#debian [Hatter!~debhelper@debhelper.user] by debhelper (flood)
01:32.00zumbithanks chealer
01:32.10*** join/#debian Hatter (
01:32.19Hattersorry I flooded
01:32.19jimHatter: that's not a question... it's a flood :P
01:32.27jimwhat's the question?
01:32.42helltigerwich and how much files in there =)
01:32.43*** join/#debian xam (
01:32.46HatterI have just had a problem compiling qmail on Sarge,
01:32.54Hatterthe error as follows :
01:33.07trave11erHatter: don't paste it
01:33.09jimhelltiger: what's your native language, or preferred language?
01:33.13Hatterqmail-local.c:37: internal compiler error: Segmentation fault
01:33.18helltigermy english suxx
01:33.35HatterI did this the day before on another server, and had no problem
01:33.36trave11erHatter: where does this qmail source come from?
01:33.37jimthere is a german channel
01:33.37helltigeranybody german here ? for an short query ? =)
01:33.40greysonhelltiger: Besser vieleicht in #debian-de
01:33.40dpkgi guess de is deutschsprachige hilfe bekommt ihr in - aber aufpassen, die sind manchmal ziemlich unfreundlich. german speaking users please go to - but beware, they're pretty unfriendly sometimes...
01:33.40zumbiHatter, gcc --version
01:34.03helltigerbischen wenig los da
01:34.05Hatterthe source comes from the website
01:34.05zumbiHatter, did you check bugtracking system ?
01:34.16Hatterthe same source I d/l'ed the day before
01:34.18jimnot that you have to leave here... but you might be more comfortable asking there
01:34.20zumbiHatter, try to use gcc-2.95
01:34.22Hatteron the other system
01:34.36trave11erHatter: can you give the exact url for tarball, and build options you used?
01:34.57trave11erHatter: if there is really a gcc bug in sarge, it's definitely worth reporting
01:35.20Hattersure -  wget
01:35.21greysonjim: he's got a point -- there are three people in -de -- and he and I are two of them.
01:35.35Hatterunusual part is - i did it the day before, on a near identical server
01:35.43jimgreyson: well that's a different problem :)
01:35.59trave11erHatter: your system is pure sarge? installed from scratch? nothing weird?
01:36.04quittegreyson: go to .de
01:36.10Hatterbuild options - nothing special - make setup check
01:36.23chealerHatter: it always segfaults the same way?
01:36.33trave11eranyone running sarge can try and reproduce it please?
01:36.49dpkghmm... anyone is ***anyone: No such nick/channel - and yes, there probably is someone, somewhere, who knows or runs it; that doesn't mean *I* do.
01:36.50Hatterit was testing before the new sarge came out,  then upgraded changing the sources to stable
01:37.04trave11erMobyTurbo: go test it then =)
01:37.05greysonquitte: Ah -- I see the difference.
01:37.11Hatteras per the other server,  gcc -v produces the same result on both servers
01:37.15*** join/#debian marcin (
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01:37.39jimidoes anyone know where i can get the new debian business card installer from?
01:37.51dpkgwell, d-i is the new installer for Debian 3.1 (Sarge). You ARE installing Sarge and not Woody, right? See
01:37.57dpkganyone is, like, ***anyone: No such nick/channel - and yes, there probably is someone, somewhere, who knows or runs it; that doesn't mean *I* do.
01:38.27Hatterchealer - yes, it always produces the same error
01:38.29jimivery witty, i am in awe
01:38.40greysonHatter: I would recommend getting your qmail from -- that's the only official site.
01:38.57zumbiHatter, a work arround might be to use gcc-2.95, not sure
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01:39.35greysonHatter: Or add 'contrib' and 'non-free' to your sources and search for qmail in aptitude
01:40.02ethicshatter is there something wrong with the debian package out of cui
01:40.03trave11erzumbi: it is not only a matter of finding a workaround, if there is really a reproducible gcc ICE, a bug should be filed
01:40.05Hattergreyson - yes, ok, I agree, but i scp'ed the tarball from the server I used the day before,  to see if there was a problem in the download, and it produced the same error
01:40.21jimgreyson: you can also get the debianizing patch for it, and its unaltered source
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01:40.43zumbitrave11er, i agree
01:40.54greysonjim: True -- but it's just a matter of conveinience with the debianized package.
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01:41.06nvzbah, this printer is more trouble than its worth :P
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01:41.28mfrischnvz which ppd does it say to use???
01:41.32jimgreyson: not quite... qmail is altered somewhat to fit FHS among other things
01:41.46nvzmfrisch: wtf is a ppd?
01:42.02jimprinter driver of some sort
01:42.02ethicsnvz: postscript print driver
01:42.05Hatterhow do I choose to use gcc-2.95 with make when using - make install check ?
01:42.25GueroutHatter: CC environment variable?
01:42.32MobyTurboHatter: CC=gcc-2.95 make install
01:42.33jimCC=gcc-2.95 make ...
01:42.44Hatterthanks, I will try
01:42.44mfrischnvz goto the hp sourceforge page look up your printer.
01:42.50ethicshatter: was there anything wrong with the debian qmail package or your compiling for a reason?
01:43.04Gueroutdon't use qmail, use a real MTA
01:43.09stewethics: which qmail package do you mean?
01:43.14tcsetattrconfigure qmail, more like echo gcc-2.95 > conf-cc
01:43.25nvzmfrisch: this says hpijs, the hpijs driver says to use hpoj to talk to it if the printer is parallel
01:43.25jimqmail is nice to use for certain things
01:43.30ethicsstew the one in apt.....non-free i think
01:43.34Gueroutqmail is evil and bad and wrong
01:43.48ethicsi vote with guerin on qmail btw..
01:43.50jimwhat a blanket generalization :P
01:43.53nvzmfrisch: /etc/init.d/hpoj says it see's a Deskjet 690C on /dev/lp0 but cannot talk to it
01:43.59Hatterethics - the is a howto involving a lot of additional software, spamassasin, clamav, patches, qmail-scanner, etc
01:43.59Gueroutjim: based on cold, hard facts.
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01:44.08ethicsjim: it sucks at spam etc..
01:44.26Warp4ethics yeah, i prefer and use postfix myself.
01:44.35kelanspam is good for you. builds character
01:44.42nvzmfrisch: my deskjet printer is apperently shy around office jet drivers
01:44.42kelanand its good fried
01:44.43greysonjim: as of sarge it gives you the choice.
01:44.49nvzmfrisch: hell if I know
01:44.50Gueroutjim: by default it causes two bounce messages per spam which other mtas reject silently
01:44.53ethicswarp4 im actually just about to start using exim4-heavy to replace this exchange server
01:44.59chealertrave11er: but how can someone with no clue about gcc make a useful bug report, particularly when it doesn't concern a (non-free) debian package?
01:45.13zumbiHatter, you'll need to install the development libraries and headers
01:45.13jimhow does it know a spam?
01:45.18Warp4ethics yeah never could get exim4 to work :)  i plugged in Postfix and everything started working :)
01:45.18jimand why two bounces?
01:45.31GueroutHatter: it's not worth it. Qmail, even in the qmailrocks setup, is a fucking nightmare to maintain. Use exim or postfix in debian.
01:45.39Warp4ethics built Pine 4.63 from source code and installed it and life has been good ever since :)
01:45.43jimI didn't know it had a builtin spam recognizer
01:45.45GueroutHatter: I know this because I used it for a while.
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01:46.31trave11erchealer: if you can narrow it down to a reasonably small testcase, it's still a valid and useful bug report
01:46.43Gueroutjim: it accepts mail, then decides if it wants to reject it. if it reject it, it 1) sends a bounce message to the envelope, which in the case of spam is false 100% of the time, and the recieving MTA 2) sends a bounce message
01:46.45tcsetattryou ned to patch qmail-smtpd to do rejections of nonexistent users, that takes care of most of the bouncing
01:46.53trave11erchealer: if the bug is tripped on non-free code, it does not mean that it cannot be tripped on free one :-)
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01:46.59mfrischnvz get the latest source at sourceforge. It has updated printer files.  It won't see it with hplip?
01:47.00tcsetattrunpatched qmail-smtpd is a nightmare
01:47.01Gueroutjim: and god help us all if both MTAs are stock qmail
01:47.07chealertrave11er: maybe, but it doesn't look like he could do that
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01:47.14trave11erchealer: why not?
01:47.18chealertrave11er: sure
01:47.36Gueroutjim: it has the same tools available to it as other mtas - except that it uses them AFTER smtp time, not during it
01:47.36jimwhy, they bounce-loop each other?
01:47.43Gueroutjim: potentially.
01:47.45chealertrave11er: well, he didn't know how to try with gcc2 :?
01:47.58nvzmfrisch: I havent installed hplip
01:47.58tcsetattrnow that's just a lie -qmail has good loop-prevention
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01:48.03Hatterguerot - ok i'll check it out, there's just a lot to replace, anti-spam, webmail, anti-virus, etc - I am familiar with qmail after using it for a few years
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01:48.11Gueroutjim: if there are fuckups with the addressing
01:48.16trave11erchealer: what is needed is to identify a piece of code producing the bug and the command line options used
01:48.20nvzmfrisch: I just now tried to go to and realized that is not maintained anymore, and hplip is the new project
01:48.22hellz_hunteranyone know how to get into the bios on an hp netserver?
01:48.28trave11erchealer: that's pretty trivial, i would say
01:48.42ethicshatter: exim4-daemon-heavy is spamassisn and clamav ready just needs some small setup..
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01:49.05mfrischnvz try that.  It will give you a different address for the printer.
01:49.05mdhHatter: setting up postfix with amavis and spamassassin is trivial
01:49.09Hatterethics - and webmail ?
01:49.15chealertrave11er: for someone that knows the language, I guess
01:49.29GueroutHatter: apt-get install a webserver and a webmail package, done.
01:49.51Hatterguerot: ok, I'll investigate
01:49.56ethicshatter thats hordse or something...not part of mailserver i dont think it just uses the storage directories...seperate issue
01:50.11mdhHatter: for webmail the best way is to run an imap server, then install a webserver and webmail package like squirrelmail or something.
01:50.38trave11erchealer: well, i'll try to reproduce it now
01:50.50chealernvz: hum, what was the project there?
01:50.51trave11erif i can make the chroot that is
01:51.02chealertrave11er: sure, as you want :)
01:51.24ethicsis there a "way" to make exchange/outlook special folders work in imap or some protocol?  ie calendar / tasks etc
01:51.56HatterCC=gcc-2.95 make setup check - this produced the same error
01:52.07ethicsreplacing a exchange server but users use these folders...they donot however share them so
01:52.10chealertrave11er: tell me if it ends up being useful, so I know I'm a cluebie
01:52.41trave11erchealer: what ends up being useful? :-)
01:52.52chealernvz: heh, but do you know what they produced?
01:52.54Hattermdh: that is what i am using now, courier-imap and squirrelmail
01:52.59chealertrave11er: trying to reproduce
01:53.24trave11erchealer: if you run sarge, go ahead and try it
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01:54.28chealertrave11er: ugh, I was saying I thought it was spending time :-P
01:54.40nvzchealer: quit playing 21 questions with me.
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01:54.43chealerplus, as for everything, I don't have the skills
01:54.56nvzI am trying to get this printer working else throw it outside and fall asleep
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01:55.34Hatterzumbi: you metioned the development libraries and headers
01:55.38trave11erchealer: come on, it's just downloading a package, typing a couple of commands and checking whether it will blow up
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01:55.42mfrischnvz apt-get install hplip hp-ppd
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01:56.03chealertrave11er: making sure it's not one of these other bugs
01:56.08mborohovskiGnea: ping
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01:57.00trave11erchealer: "other bugs"?
01:57.28chealertrave11er: GCC's other bugs...
01:57.54josiecan anyone recommend anything to get my wireless device to automagically configure itself?
01:58.14nvzmfrisch: I installed hplip, and hp-probe says only USB is supported
01:58.15trave11erchealer: there should not be _that_ many bugs in sarge's gcc
01:58.17mdhHatter: you can keep that setup with either exim4 or postfix
01:58.19liablewhat plugin do I need for an .asx video file in firefox?
01:58.41ethicsmborohovski:  so you know /msg dpkg seen gnea     the ididle time ...
01:58.46nvzmfrisch: hp-probe -h "(Note: net, bt, fw, and par not supported)
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01:59.14jimjosie: you mean like create a command or something like that that does the whole job
01:59.47nvzmfrisch: there is no package hp-ppd
02:00.01chealertrave11er: ok..then you win
02:00.05josiejim: I just want something to automate the task of bringing up my wireless.  I have to connect to an access point that doesn't broadcast its essid, and it'd be nice if I didn't have to write a hack
02:00.13nvzmfrisch: only hpoj seems to work with parallel, and it detects it, but the printer isnt talking
02:00.30jdhutchin1josie, you can add stuff to /etc/network/interfaces.  Read about it in /usr/share/doc/wireless-tools/
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02:00.47mwilsonjosie: And the reason you don't do it the way the documentation describes would be...?
02:01.07chealernvz: I have 2 HPs in a 2 meters radius around me...both are working fine :)
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02:01.15josieI don't suppose there's anything like in ***cringe*** windows where you can set up different profiles and have it try them in order until it is able to connect?
02:01.36josiemwilson: well... something a little more flexible would be nice
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02:01.51Hatterzumbi: are the development libraries you speak of these - libg++ - ?
02:01.52nvzchealer: that does nothing to get this working
02:01.58mfrischchealer mine too, will you tell him to get the ppd's
02:01.59jimjosie: well obviously yes... you have all the power of unix/linux available to create anything you want
02:02.00mwilsonjosie: A moment ago you wanted to connect to a single access point.
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02:02.24PapaDocevening all
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02:02.41josiemwilson: well, I was spouting that out because the hidden essid is a constraint on all of the sofware that I've looked at
02:03.04johnnybezakhey guys can you point me to towards how to update my kernel, i accidentally installed the 2.4, as I assumed 2.6 would be default :P
02:03.04zumbiHatter could be that one
02:03.24josieNetworkManager looks really promising, but it won't even compile on any of the current available releases
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02:03.34NewpZhi is there a way to make the launcher icons get huge like macosX does? ive seen it in themes but i dont know how to do it
02:03.35chealerjohnnybezak: just install a 2.6 kernel image
02:03.44jimjohnnybezak: you are running sarge, and you installed successfully?
02:03.48mwilsonNewpZ: "the launcher"?
02:03.54Hatterzumbi: after installing that one, same error
02:04.01PapaDocstupid to stop booting into the gui?  changing the inittab didn't help
02:04.04NewpZyeah like the icons on kickers
02:04.07johnnybezakchealer: jim yeah, I just need 2.6 for my tv card
02:04.13prodopei'm getting an error when i boot up about cleaning /tmpfind using -maxdepth... where is this configuration? i think it has something to do with find?
02:04.23ethicsjohnnybezak for future reference these like reames etc for most things in can apt-get install a new kernel image  if you have trouble come back and we will help with the /dev changes if needed
02:04.23jimok,,, then see: chealer
02:04.23mwilsonPapaDoc: Good, since it's not supposed to.  So you can put things back to run level 2 where they belong.
02:04.44PapaDocno prob to boot to cli instead?
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02:04.48jimiis there a kernel image that has acpi enabled?
02:04.51johnnybezakethics: for future refernce what sorry?
02:05.01mwilsonPapaDoc: Don't run a display manager.
02:05.01jimlast one released with sarge (meaning never to offically increment its version again) is 2.6.8
02:05.05ethicsjimi all of them in 2.6 and some before
02:05.19zumbiHatter, i dunno what headers and libs that you need :-/
02:05.26jimiethics: how come when i do modprobe it gives an error?
02:05.35PapaDocmwilson: remove gdm from?
02:05.37ethicsjimi: depending on what you want theres newer kernels with patches etc
02:06.10jimiethics: i just want to be able to see how much battery is left on my laptop
02:06.15jimremove (easier) or disable (edit a config file)
02:06.17mwilsonPapaDoc: If it's gdm you run.
02:06.26ethicsjohnnybezak: read the readmes before doing things 8).....linux26 at boot would have installed 2.6
02:06.39PapaDocmwilson: yes i do believe it is
02:07.09ethicsjohnnybezak:  you can apt-get a new kernel but you may need to change some smaller settings...
02:07.09FarrisGwhat is this "bigmem" patch I see vaguely discussed in some old newsgroups? Supposedly it would bump your userspace RAM limitation from 3gb to 4gb. Anybody know anything about it?
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02:07.34ethicsfarris:  kernel compile option  for over
02:07.34jimethics: but that's not to imply he has to reinstall...
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02:07.51FarrisGMy dilemma is that we have some gate-level sims that are going to require much more than 3GB of RAM. We can run some that will use fewer than 4 while we determine if we'll have to buy some opterons or something for the full sims
02:07.51NewpZlike this
02:07.57johnnybezakethics: haha yeah, assumptions are the mother of all f*ck ups :P
02:08.17NewpZsee the aim/icq icon? :)
02:08.22NewpZhow do i do that?
02:08.25mwilsonNewpZ: And you run KDE?
02:08.29ethicsfarris:  just compile your own kernel for them.
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02:08.40NewpZmwilson: uhh yeah
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02:09.01mwilsonNewpZ: You have my sympathy.
02:09.02eranjHow do I force debian enabling ACPI?
02:09.03FarrisGethics: I'm willing to do this, but I don't have enough information to know what options I need to compile to allow this
02:09.24PapaDocsorry...but which file do I remove gdm from?
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02:09.43dpkgit has been said that highmem is what you should enable if you have a Gig of RAM and Linux claims you only have 900MB. See
02:09.45jimPapaDoc: you're running debian, right? dpkg --help
02:09.56ethicscan someone give farrisg the link to debian kernel making......
02:10.03abrotman!tell FarrisG about kp
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02:10.08abrotman!tell FarrisG about kp mantra
02:10.22abrotman!tell FarrisG about a real computer
02:10.29abrotman<dpkg> i dunno what is 'a real computer'.
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02:10.37jimwhat's the diff between the mantra and nonmantra versions?
02:10.44ethicsfarrisg:  the howto will get you most of what you need but in the menu for kernel config just look around it was 1 option only i beleive  but
02:10.46abrotmanjim: it's just a guideline thingie
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02:10.48abrotman!kp mantra
02:10.49dpkgThe kernel compilation mantra is make-kpkg clean; make-kpkg --revision $(date +'%Y%m%d') --append-to-version=-$(hostname) --rootcmd fakeroot clean; make-kpkg --revision $(date +'%Y%m%d') --append-to-version=-$(hostname) --rootcmd fakeroot kernel_image modules_image;
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02:11.05ethicsmfarrisg i havent built the 4Gb to confirm only 1 exta flag
02:11.07abrotmanjim: notice .. no config
02:11.09NewpZmwilson: a simple, "i dont know" would be better than trying to get into a who runs the better window manager debate
02:11.09FarrisGethics: Thanks. I know how to compile a kernel. My problem is I cannot find this supposed option
02:11.24eranjWhat is the command for choosing apt sources? I forgot
02:11.26jimyes, I see
02:11.36FarrisGabrotman: real computer?
02:11.37PapaDocgona try that and see what else I can bork back if needed thanks
02:11.38dondelelcaroeranj: run apt-setup; or $EDITOR /etc/apt/sources.list
02:11.41mwilsonNewpZ: Allow me to point out that I have absolutely no interest in such a debate.  It was merely a statement of fact.
02:11.45abrotman# CONFIG_HIGHMEM64G is not set
02:11.46ethicsfarrisg: in the menu stuff its there for sure....just browse the options
02:11.56eranj10Q, haven't seen this on man
02:11.59abrotmanNewpZ: it's certainly not you :)
02:11.59bogunthere is no one alive in #debianppc, I am trying to install sarge on powerbook 3400c, I can get it to boot into the kernel, load the ramdisk, and start the installer and other stuff from the cd, but I have only one partition HFS, which i don't want to mess with, until i can find a resizer or find out how good the hardware in that particular notebook is supported? would anyone here have any idea?
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02:12.31jimno, it was a statement of your opinion
02:12.33dondelelcarobogun: I'm not aware of any HFS resizing software
02:12.46FarrisGabrotman: Ok, so it's HIGHMEM, not bigmem... I actually do have CONFIG_HIGHMEM=y in my current kernel
02:12.56NewpZheh.. ive run gnome for ages.. kde is a bit differnt, cool in some ways sucks in others *cough qt *cough
02:12.56mwilsonIt was my opinion that he had my sympathy?  That's an odd way of looking at it.
02:12.57bogundondelelcaro: would you have any idea about how well pb3400c is supported under debian?
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02:13.00dondelelcarobogun: your best bet is to rip the data off of that drive, reformat it with multiple partitions, and stick the data back on.
02:13.04eranjHow do I force enabling ACPI?
02:13.05abrotmanFarrisG: yes .. but it's prbably set to 4GB . which doesn't seem to work for you for some retarded reason
02:13.07jimand done in the most condescending manner you could muster
02:13.22jimbut what's new about that?
02:13.22dondelelcarobogun: it should be resonably well supported, but I personally haven't tried it.
02:13.24abrotman!cotton candy jim
02:13.29bogunok, thanks
02:13.37dondelelcarobogun: try asking in #debianppc, someone there probably knows better.
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02:13.56ethicsmeran: it is enabled....
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02:14.17jimyou're a liability in here; you have been for years. THAT is a statement of MY opinion, but I believe it as factual.
02:14.33eranjHow do I find out my SDRam's speed? couldn't find it with lshw
02:14.38ethicsmeran : what are you trying to do?
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02:14.51mwilsoneranj: Take it out and look at it, of course.
02:15.00S_tormywhere do i tell debian to start a program on startup ( acpid )
02:15.04eranjAre u sure it's written?
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02:15.06abrotmaneranj: your BIOS might help
02:15.10abrotman!tell eranj about u
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02:15.24fuagactually installed debian this time
02:15.25jimthanks for sparing me :)
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02:15.35dpkglol stands for Lamer On Line, or everytime someone says lol, greycat kills a penguin.
02:15.37dondelelcaroS_tormy: acpid should start automatically on boot when you install acpid
02:15.46dondelelcaroS_tormy: it comes with its own init.d script.
02:15.52S_tormyyea i see it in there
02:15.53fuaghow do I install the nvidia drivers though, apt-cache search nvidia only turns up nvtv
02:16.01S_tormyi didn't know if there was an enable/disable conf file somewhere
02:16.02mwilsonI thought it was "greycat kills a kitten..." ?
02:16.08fuagare nvidia-settings and nvidia-glx in the apt-get system?
02:16.10eranjcan you be more specific about the bios?
02:16.11MobyTurbofuag: /msg dpkg nvidia
02:16.14MindUrBznswhere can i get the bootlogd daemon (bootlogd) ?
02:16.22dondelelcaroS_tormy: no... the configuration is done by symlinks (unless you've got rcfile)
02:16.33ethicsmwilson randomized with a list
02:16.41chealerMindUrBzns: you most likely have it already
02:16.45mwilsonethics: Ah.
02:16.50chealer!tell MindUrBzns about bootlogd
02:17.01chealerfuag: you must be missing non-free sources
02:17.06ethicsmwilson one of those /xxx/xxx/xxx/xxx ones that i cant make hehe
02:17.22fuagmy sources.list only has 3 entries
02:17.46MobyTurbofuag: you don't need more enteries, just append contrib and non-free to each line
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02:18.05eranjWhere can I download Gnome 2.10 compiled for debian 686?
02:18.15ethicsmeran: sid
02:18.30mwilsonethics: No, the correct answer is "nowhere".
02:18.35ethicsmeran or wait a few days and itll prob
02:18.41abrotmanethics: it doesn't exist
02:18.53jimeranj: probably it's in experimental, you should wait awhile or try building it yourself
02:18.57ethicsabrotman:  umm  ??
02:19.00abrotmanit doesn't exist
02:19.03abrotmangnome2.10 is in sid
02:19.07abrotmanbut not compiled for 686
02:19.08ethicsabrotman: i run it at home
02:19.13fuag^ ^ thnx, hmm.. does this mean I need to emerge nvidia-kernel as well now?
02:19.18abrotmannot compiled for 686 though
02:19.20eranjSo you mean there's no chance to find out a built package?
02:19.24jimoh, right, it's not compiled for 686
02:19.30fuagI've never messed with nvidia-kernel
02:19.34abrotmaneranj: not an official one
02:19.39ethicsabrotman ahh ok but does it need i686 versioning?
02:19.47MobyTurboeranj: other than the kernel and libc, there's little to no speed improvement in CPU specific code
02:20.05mwilsonethics: He asked specifically for one compiled for i686.
02:20.06jimethics: you mean optimized for 686... and probably not
02:20.14abrotmanEther_Man_: what is i686 versioning ?
02:20.14eranjIs unofficial that bad?
02:20.19fuagtheres a way to tell debian to give you i686 packages
02:20.22fuagdidn't think there was
02:20.27abrotmaneranj: not supported here .. can't file bugs .. mostly . not worth it
02:20.29fuagtheir all 386 compiled, right?
02:20.29eranjMobyTurbo, got ya
02:20.34*** join/#debian dot (~dot@
02:20.49abrotmanethics even
02:20.50jimeranj: probably not... but unofficial is also unsupported... DO NOT ask here; you'll be officially tarred and feathered :P
02:20.54ethicsmwilson: umm depends how you read it....for 686 may mean that will work on a 686 style system.....
02:20.57MobyTurboeranj: GNOME performance is mostly a function of your disk and video card speed
02:20.58abrotmanEther_Man_: what is i686 versioning ? .. yeah .. meant for ethics
02:21.03abrotmanstupid tab complete
02:21.04eranjjim: sorry
02:21.10ethicsmwilson but point taken
02:21.12jimI don't mean now :)
02:21.14abrotmanMobyTurbo: not so much video
02:21.17jimyour question is fine
02:21.22jimwhat I meant was...
02:21.24abrotmanMobyTurbo: soon though from what i can tell
02:21.44eranjMobyTurbo: all I'm looking for is a few clicks sharing folders function
02:21.50ethicsabrotman: as in compiled for seperate archs
02:21.53mwilsonethics: I am reminded to see whether the current package breakage in unstable is still going on... selective updates are getting old.
02:21.56jimif you come up with problems in some unofficial thing, you'd have to figure out a place other than here to ask about it
02:22.04eranjI saw it on KDE and it looks very easy
02:22.07MobyTurboeranj: what does that have to do with 686 binaries?
02:22.22abrotmaneranj: what does that have to do
02:22.24abrotmanbah ..
02:22.26abrotman!beer MobyTurbo
02:22.35*** join/#debian James_Ward (
02:22.37eranjMobyTurbo: for a compability with my pentium 3 downloads machine
02:22.46magyarwikipedia is still down :(
02:22.56abrotmaneranj: but 386 packages are compatible
02:23.01MobyTurboeranj: and 386 is incompatable with your hardware in what way?
02:23.02abrotmanmagyar: it hasn't been
02:23.14abrotmanmagyar: works perfectly fine for me
02:23.16stewmagyar: /topic #wikipedia
02:23.36eranjMobyTurbo: I thought 686 will be better because I saw that my kernel is 686
02:23.41jimmwilson: statistically guessing, it will get much worse before it gets better... maints typically don't upload at the right time, or the package doesn't get thru the ftp with other packages that need it, etc etc... you know that deal I'm sure
02:23.42magyarabrotman: it keeps timing out on my side
02:23.50James_Wardstew, m-a method worked great!
02:23.52mwilsonjim: Sure.
02:23.54abrotmanmagyar: you didn't want to learn anyway
02:23.57stewJames_Ward: glad to hear it
02:24.01abrotmanJames_Ward: you've just finished that ?
02:24.02*** join/#debian kantai (
02:24.05MindUrBznsis there any untility that logs what scrols on screen while booting, other than the buged bootlogd and dmesg ?
02:24.06James_Wardstew. Thanks a lot!
02:24.26mwilsonjim: I generally just update what I care about in any case... I've not decided what to do yet about Gnome in unstable depending on dbus.
02:24.35James_Wardabrotman, No, I've taken my son to swim class and had dinner since.  :-)
02:24.36ethicsmwilson: im running etch and just pulling a copuple of things from sid early so i dont really know too mucxh about movements in sid atm
02:24.37*** join/#debian virgomoon (~rodger@
02:24.43abrotmanJames_Ward: thank god .. i was worried
02:25.08*** join/#debian jamesxuruo (~james@
02:25.09abrotmangood thinking
02:25.12James_Wardabrotman, My machine may be slow, but it's not THAT slow! ;-)
02:25.16abrotmani know almost as much
02:25.19abrotmanJames_Ward: heh ok
02:25.34gravityWhat's an easy way of turning a directory full of .debs in to an apt repo?
02:25.43virgomoonIs there a X terminal app that supports copy/paste (from the clipboard)?
02:25.44James_Wardabrotman, I'm at home on my Inspiron 9100 now.
02:25.53eranjI can't find out which is the best apt mirror for me, could u help?
02:25.54jimgravity: man apt-ftparchive
02:25.56*** join/#debian _daniel_ (
02:25.56abrotmanJames_Ward: eww . dell
02:26.00*** join/#debian MrKeuner (
02:26.00gravityvirgomoon: gnome-terminal
02:26.03jimman dpkg-scanpackages
02:26.03gravityjim: Thanks
02:26.07jimman dpkg-scansources
02:26.08mwilsonvirgomoon: xterm, rxvt, gnome-terminal, konsole, mltern, etc, etc, etc
02:26.10abrotmaneranj: apt-spy
02:26.16*** join/#debian btsdev (
02:26.27James_Wardabrotman, Yeah, I feel that way now too.  But I can't throw it away!  :-)
02:26.32virgomoonmwilson: they all do? really? I'll check them out, thanks.
02:26.37abrotmanJames_Ward: you can .. just a big waste though
02:26.39virgomoonI'm on aterm right now
02:26.45eranjabrotman: what is apt-spy?
02:26.49*** join/#debian Ick_ (
02:26.53dpkgi heard apt-spy is a secret!  Shh!, or like 'mirror, mirror, on the wall... who is the fastest of them all?'
02:26.58*** join/#debian tzafrir_laptop (
02:27.02James_Wardabrotman, Works pretty well under unbuntu.
02:27.37eranjabrotman: How do I get this apt-spy?
02:27.45dpkg*** NEWS FLASH! Your box does not come with every app, tool and utility known to debiankind installed already. If you find that the program you've been told to use isn't there, install it. Also ask me about <search>.
02:27.48tzafrir_laptopI'm trying to use a minimal php/pgsql script. apache1, sarge
02:27.55eranjsorry for nagging ya'll. just trying to figure out stuff
02:28.06*** join/#debian Progz (
02:28.11jimMindUrBzns: emacs in shell mode?
02:28.13*** join/#debian Disputin (
02:28.19jimMindUrBzns: screen?
02:28.29deadcatset -o emacs ?
02:28.34MrKeunerhi, I have double entries in the debian sub menu in the gnome-panel. how can I correct it?
02:28.36tzafrir_laptopFatal error: Call to undefined function: pg_connct() in /var/www/test.php on line 2
02:28.37*** join/#debian jagerman (
02:28.46zumbiwhat is the module i need to load in order to get CONFIG_MOUSE_PS2=m to work ?
02:28.49tzafrir_laptopphp4-pgsql is installed
02:28.52jimMindUrBzns: did you just paste that question? it looks like it, because it came out on two lines... fix that
02:28.59ethicsmrkeuner:   what gnome version?
02:29.03deadcatzumbi: psmouse
02:29.06tzafrir_laptopany idea what may be the problem?
02:29.10zumbitahnks deadcat
02:29.18*** join/#debian o-o (
02:29.18j_ktzafrir_laptop: (guessing) missing -dev package ?
02:29.21tzafrir_laptopemacs is the default shell mode
02:29.28eranjWhere do I put a startup command like acpi=force?
02:29.31*** join/#debian Gumby (~gumby@gumby.user)
02:29.37tzafrir_laptopdev package? I'm not trying to build anything
02:29.39ethicsmrkreuner: you can't atm....
02:29.54ethicsmeran: in grub i think
02:29.54j_ktzafrir_laptop: (guessing) missing e ?
02:29.59tzafrir_laptopvery brave vi folks can try set -o vi
02:30.00stewtzafrir_laptop: i'm guessing you need to add or uncomment an extention= line in the php.ini
02:30.02dondelelcarotzafrir_laptop: you haven't loaded the in your php.ini
02:30.07kbrooksi have a question
02:30.08ProgzHi. Did somebody find a way to install Ati 3d acceleration on a 86 64 ?
02:30.08jimtzafrir_laptop: evidently from the message, you are building something'
02:30.18dondelelcarotzafrir_laptop: run php_info(); and make sure that that module is loaded
02:30.20jimtzafrir_laptop: what you posted here was a compiler error
02:30.22j_ktzafrir_laptop: or using a script language library.
02:30.33*** join/#debian auk (
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02:30.35stewProgz: /msg dpkg ati drivers
02:30.49tzafrir_laptopand debian doesn't do that. And no note about it in the non-existing README.Debian on php4-pgsql !
02:30.52jimMindUrBzns: oh, while -booting-... sorry didn't read that
02:30.56eranjHow can I get the latest kernel? couldn't find it on apt-cache
02:30.56ProgzThank Ste
02:31.02*** join/#debian charzero (
02:31.09kbrookswhy does starting gpm output a error
02:31.12deadcateranj: what version of debian you using?
02:31.12dondelelcaroeranj: download it from
02:31.26*** join/#debian foxiness (~nayif@
02:31.26eranjis it compiled?
02:31.27j_ktzafrir_laptop: you notices the message you posted contained "connct" instead of "connect" ?
02:31.29jimeranj: latest kernel binary available for sarge is 2.6.8
02:31.39deadcateranj: only source from
02:31.41j_ktzafrir_laptop: is this a typo of your own or one in the script ?
02:31.50eranjwon't help.I wanted .12
02:32.06eranjhow do I find out my debian version? uname?
02:32.07deadcateranj: life is hard.
02:32.12tzafrir_laptoppg_connect is undefined  as well
02:32.22darkcmdhow is everyone doing?
02:32.29jimeranj: nothing else will work? you have HDs that are not otherwise supported?
02:32.34deadcateranj: check /etc/apt/sources.list and look for either stable/testing/unstable/sarge/woody/etch/sid
02:32.35abrotmaneranj: cat /etc/debian_version
02:32.42MrKeunerethics/ atm?
02:32.49kbrookswhy does starting gpm output a error? error is:
02:32.50darkcmderanj: cat /etc/debian_version
02:32.55jimautomatic teller machine
02:33.04James_WardWhat can I use to show wireless signal if I'm not in gnome?
02:33.08steweranj: .12 hasn't been packaged for debian yet
02:33.12kbrooksfake start-stop-
02:33.14HanClintoHey all -- I'm using FluxBox -- what's a good system explorer tool (reminiscent of Windows Explorer)?
02:33.22abrotmanHanClinto: xfe
02:33.28stewJames_Ward: iwconfig ; cat /proc/net/wireless
02:33.31HanClintoabrotman: Thx
02:33.35eranjstew: can u predict when it'll be released?
02:33.35deadcateranj: you have 2.6.8, if you want the latest say 2.6.11 check and search under unstable
02:33.42steweranj: certainly not
02:33.43dpkgDamnit Jim! It's YOU. Y-O-U. Not *U*. U is a letter. YOU is a word. See ne1, or wud.  Dutch for 'you' (formal singular). See
02:33.47spenserhehe. It actually has something better than Windows Explorer
02:33.50j_kkbrooks: did your install finish ?
02:33.55jimeranj: wir
02:34.13kbrooksj_k: uh
02:34.14ethics2.6.11 is in etch and sid atm  2.6.12 isnt in any atm
02:34.18jimDamnit deadcat! It's YOU. Y-O-U. Not *U*. U is a letter. YOU is a word. See ne1, or wud.  Dutch for 'you' (formal singular). See
02:34.29*** join/#debian manjunath (~manjunath@
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02:34.50jimannouing isn't it
02:34.53j_kkbrooks: I mean, that's a fake command which is substituted during the installation, to prevent daemons from starting during the install.
02:34.57eranjdeadcat: will .11 be stable soon?
02:34.59spenseru r a funny guy lol!!11
02:35.02JeffHanyone here use postgrey?  How do I view the triplets that are in its database?
02:35.08steweranj: never
02:35.13kelanshould i eat chocolate, banana, or butter pecan ice cream?
02:35.14abrotmanjim: you should change your 'i' to a spanish i` thingie
02:35.15kbrooksj_k: well, how do i fix it?
02:35.17steweranj: new packages never enter stable
02:35.24*** join/#debian gaasfet (
02:35.25jimthat's not my name
02:35.27abrotmanjim: but nooone woudl ever be able to match you :)
02:35.28*** join/#debian faiper (
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02:35.31deadcateranj: 2.6.8 is the last stable for sarge unless you compile it yourself.
02:35.32*** part/#debian faiper (
02:35.33dondelelcarojim: you know you can disable the hilight for that specific string...
02:35.35abrotmanjim: change the factoid ?
02:35.36eranjstew: I'll guess I'll drop it,right?
02:35.38abrotmanor that
02:35.45eranjmeant I guess
02:35.45j_kkbrooks: what does "dpkg -l cdebootstrap\*" give ?
02:35.46jimI can?
02:35.53steweranj: drop what?
02:35.55dondelelcarojim: if you're using irssi, sure.
02:36.03jimabrotman: everyone whined and called the ops on me :)
02:36.04kbrooksj_k: did you made a typo?
02:36.15abrotmanjim: did i whine ?
02:36.17j_kkbrooks: the c is there, if that's what you wonder.
02:36.21eranjGetting the new kernel
02:36.23jimclaimed I was destroying the factoids
02:36.27abrotmanyou did!
02:36.28*** join/#debian ZN_TECHNOOOO (~kurumin@
02:36.32dondelelcarothe factoid actually predates jim being in the channel.
02:36.34jimno, I replaced it
02:36.34abrotmanjim: it was horrible!
02:36.35j_kkbrooks: d-i uses a new version of debootstrap coded in c, called cdebootstrap.
02:36.38dpkgKurumin Linux is a Brazilian run-from-CD Linux distribution based on Knoppix. That means it's not debian. Go away..  Ajuda pra Kurumin:
02:36.42abrotmanno channel for that ?
02:36.49kbrooksj_k: ok
02:36.52deadcateranj: if your friend ask if you have teh latest kernel or not, just lie and say you have 2.6.12
02:36.52eranjstew: do u know how to force acpi enable?
02:36.53jimdondelelcaro: sure about that? :)
02:36.57abrotman!tell eranj about u
02:37.06spenseragghhh.  It's taking forever to compile mplayer
02:37.07eranjsorry again
02:37.09eranjmeant you
02:37.10steweranj: no
02:37.13dondelelcarojim: almost certainly.
02:37.14abrotman!tell spenser about mplayer
02:37.15jimdondelelcaro: :P I predate all the BOTS being in the channel :P
02:37.27jimcheck your facts bub :P
02:37.36abrotman!seen jim
02:37.37dpkgjim is currently on #debian (1d 19h 16m 27s).  Has said a total of 12557 messages.  Is idling for 10s
02:37.37eranjstew: I'll explain something and maybe you'll know
02:37.37*** join/#debian ama (
02:37.47dpkgmplayer is, like, not packaged by debian for licensing issues, you want to use vlc or xine instead. if not, either see <marillat> or <cerkinfo> for pre-built debs, or if you really want to build, build a deb from the source tarball at, or ask me about <mplayer faq> <w32codecs>, or use mplayer-386 from marillat, not -586.
02:37.51kbrooksj_k: ZERO
02:37.59spenseri know mplayer isn't included. thats why I'm compiling it.
02:38.04tzafrir_laptopbah. I indeed needed to edit php.ini. Bad point for Debian. This is something that has "Just worked" for Mandrake and RH I've tried in the past
02:38.04dondelelcarojim: well, your nick isn't registered, nor where you around when I first came here.
02:38.05darkcmdwhere are marillats server?
02:38.08doti got a problem with patching the kernel
02:38.09abrotmanspenser: yes .. but marillat makes packages
02:38.12stewspenser: /msg dpkg marillat
02:38.13dotcat:/usr/src/linux-2.6.12# patch -p1 <patch-2.6.12
02:38.13dotdot patching file CREDITS
02:38.13dotdot Reversed (or previously applied) patch detected!  Assume -R? [n]
02:38.13j_kkbrooks: okay, and "ls /sbin/start-stop-daemon*" shows two version, right ?
02:38.15*** join/#debian SHS` (SHS@SHS.moderator.phpbb)
02:38.15abrotman!tell spenser about marillat
02:38.19dotwhat can i do  ?
02:38.20eranjstew: I think it called boot argument or something? where do I enter it?
02:38.21abrotman!tell darkcmd about marillat
02:38.25jimdondelelcaro: yes it is :P again, CHECK YOUR FACTS.
02:38.35thomas_adamdot: Try changing your -p value, or leaving it out.
02:38.38steweranj: do you use grub or lilo?
02:38.38dondelelcarojim: you aren't +e now.
02:38.42abrotmanthomas_adam: i had pasties!
02:38.43spenserthats cool. I appreciate it, but I don't mind compiling.  I used slackware for years  ;)
02:38.46kbrooksYES 2
02:38.51jimactually never mind...
02:38.52spenserIt's just taking longer than it should
02:38.55thomas_adamabrotman: Ah, of the Cornish variety?  :)
02:38.56eranjstew: Almost sure it's grub. How do I check?
02:38.57kbrooksj_k: yes 2
02:38.59jim!moron dondelelcaro
02:38.59dpkgdondelelcaro: You are moron #62
02:39.07abrotmanthomas_adam: i suppose .. onions,potatos,beef
02:39.07dotchange to what  ? p1 ? p0 ?
02:39.22j_kkbrooks: then move the one which ends with ".real" (or something such) over the one with no suffix.
02:39.26abrotmanthomas_adam: i didn't make them .. also had yummy brats :)
02:39.28thomas_adamabrotman: That's right.  Tell me, they _weren't_ of the *mince* variety...
02:39.41abrotmanthomas_adam: i don't htink so ...
02:39.47thomas_adamabrotman: Steak?
02:39.47steweranj: head /dev/hda | strings ; where /dev/hda is the device you boot from
02:40.07j_kkbrooks: (be careful)
02:40.11dotis linux-2.6.12 need the patch-2.6.12 ?
02:40.19thomas_adamdot: Hmm?
02:40.26kbrooksj_k: then?
02:40.30abrotmanthomas_adam: like .. cheesesteak meat ...
02:40.32dotdoes linux-2.6.12 need the patch-2.6.12 ? ?
02:40.42jimdot: stop repeatign
02:40.49abrotmandot: and ask #kernel
02:40.53ethicsstable should have it already
02:40.54thomas_adamabrotman: Yup, they're proper pasties by the sounds of it.  What did you think of them?
02:41.04j_kkbrooks: then it's fixed, try starting xdm.
02:41.14eranjstew: I got some strange output
02:41.14j_kkbrooks: (or whatever you were trying to start)
02:41.17abrotmanthomas_adam: oh .. i've had them many times .. my mom used to make them ...
02:41.18doti am in debian ,i want to update debian to 2.6.12 !
02:41.20*** join/#debian janchao (~janchao@
02:41.23steweranj: you should see either GRUB or LILO in there
02:41.31thomas_adamdot: You're not making much sense.
02:41.37JeffHhow can I dump the contents of a Berkley DB file?
02:41.46thomas_adamJeffH: cat, strings, ...
02:41.53abrotmanthomas_adam: let me find the website
02:41.55kbrooksdot: can't update debian to "2.6.12"
02:42.09prodopei saw an error/warning when i booted my computer, which happened just before services were started up... it's not it dmesg or syslog... any other places i should check?
02:42.21JeffHthomas_adam: so there's no way to view it in the same way the application that uses it does?
02:42.23thomas_adamprodope: What was the "error"?
02:42.24eranjstew: a bit of the output is english and most is strange characters
02:42.29jimdot: you might wish to drop the attitude and figure things out (especially how to drop the attitude)
02:42.30kbrooksdot: no "2.6.12" debian versuib
02:42.33*** join/#debian initech (
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02:42.52prodopethomas_adam: it was regarding cleaning /tmpfind and find using -maxdepth before another option, or something
02:42.53abrotmanthomas_adam: that's where they were actually bought from .. and i can have them shipped to me!
02:42.53ethicsdot: kust download and compile from
02:42.53prodopeit was quite a long message
02:42.54jimdot: 2.6.12 is a -kernel-
02:42.55thomas_adamprodope: enable bootlogd.
02:43.08jimor most likely that is what you refer to
02:43.22thomas_adamprodope: Then reboot, and see if it is still logged - if you feel it of conern.
02:43.25*** part/#debian JeffH (
02:43.35steweranj: if you have a /boot/grub/menu.lst then you probably have grub.  edit that file and append your kernel arguments to the "kernel" line for the kernel in question
02:43.45jimdot: and if things are working you don't necessarily need to upgrade.
02:43.55dotyes it it a kernel ,i am going to change debian's kernel 2.6.8 to 2.6.12
02:44.08prodopethomas_adam: how do i enable bootlogd?
02:44.12j_kdot: well you  a
02:44.15jimdot: then you will be havign to -build- it.
02:44.17eranjstew: grub. I was right
02:44.18prodopethomas_adam: add it to /etc/rc2.d?
02:44.22johnnybezakhey guys a device files question, what are devices that are listed under .static in the /dev directory ?
02:44.31*** join/#debian benjamindees (
02:44.36thomas_adam!tell prodope -about bootlogd
02:44.45j_kdot: well you can't, unless you have a very good reason to and you're ready to spend time for it.
02:44.52thomas_adamabrotman: Yay.  They're proper pasties.  Mmmmmm.
02:45.07abrotmanthomas_adam: they were yummy .. haven't had them in years
02:45.11prodopethanks thomas_adam
02:45.16kbrooksj_k: kernel images?
02:45.29ethicsj_k whys that?
02:45.30Gueroutricer4 not supported in debian kernels, what a damn shame
02:45.34eranjstew: by the way, where do I choose which kerenl/os will boot as a default?
02:45.43*** join/#debian MinDUrBzns (
02:45.52jimdot: you might want to wait for about a month before doing so... so that you can make sure that people don't start complaining about things like "OSHIT!! 2.6.12 just overwrote my ext3 filesystem. OMG! all my porn is gone!"
02:46.00*** join/#debian remmy_ (
02:46.00dotgive me a way how to patch the kernel ok ?just tell me how to use the "patch-2.6.12" to "linux-2.6.12" ?
02:46.06Guerouti'm going to have to build my own kernel for my gentoo+ricer4 partition
02:46.07thomas_adamdot: Why?
02:46.13abrotmanjim: why would your porn need permissions .. use vfat!
02:46.18steweranj: the line that says "default 0" (or some other number)
02:46.21j_kkbrooks: because you must learn how to build them, but it's not the only thing. The first time you'll miss a driver or two, then you're on your own for security fixes, etc.
02:46.27MinDUrBznsI cant get a boot.log and this is so frstrating, bootlogd daemon does not exist
02:46.34dondelelcarojim: you may have been on network, but at the time that factoid was created, you weren't on this channel... (or at least, you hadn't said anything in 3 months)
02:46.43remmy_whats better then Gaim for a AIM protocol?
02:46.44thomas_adamMinDUrBzns: Hmm?
02:46.44jimdot: read (your kernel source dir)/README*
02:46.49thomas_adamremmy_: centericq ?
02:46.52ethicsj_k right.......
02:46.53greysondot: apt-get install kernel-package
02:47.07MinDUrBznsany way to generate a boot.log ???
02:47.11Gueroutremmy_: in your irc client
02:47.14thomas_adamMinDUrBzns: enable bootlogd
02:47.22MinDUrBznsi have done all that
02:47.29doti am learning how to make a kernel from source ,i won't delete debian's default kernel
02:47.34thomas_adamMinDUrBzns: You need to reboot.
02:47.37jimdot: because there are A LOT of things you don't understand yet, and you need to get on the stick and learn them if you're going to do what you want effectively
02:47.51MinDUrBznsI enabled bootlogd in /etc/default , and I used sysvconfig to start it while booting
02:47.58remmy_guerout, im looking for somthing with more AIM like features
02:48.05jimdot: that's reasonable... otherwise you could cause your system to become unbootable...
02:48.09Warp4only 1.3 :(
02:48.12dotgreyson: kernel-package is aready installed ,what i am goning to do is patching !
02:48.13eranjstew: I'm trying to see what makes linux default. just to know
02:48.23Warp4remmy_ check out GAIM
02:48.26thomas_adamMinDUrBzns: Which flavour of Debian?
02:48.45jimdot: so... read the README and see what the deal is
02:48.45abrotmanremmy_: you could use the AOL AIM client for linux
02:48.53jasoncohenremmy_, - apt-get install gaim to install
02:48.59eranjstew: the first option called '0'?
02:49.05MinDUrBznsbrb, a call
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02:49.10remmy_warp4, i was looking for somthing NOT gaim
02:49.17aukabrotman: that is not form aol
02:49.19j_kjim: running 2.6.12 won't get anything more effective unless you need a very specific bit which isn't in 2.6.8.
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02:49.30greysondot: You can use kernel-package to make your own package from whatever source you want.
02:49.30abrotmanauk: i have hte official AIM client from AOL .. works just fine
02:49.41greysondot: kernel source, that is.
02:49.49steweranj: read the comments near the line that says "default "
02:49.51jimj_k: yes, so it's kinda unlikely he really needs it... but he says he's trying to learn
02:49.52aukyes, but gaim is not the offical one
02:50.01abrotmani think i said that
02:50.03Warp4remmy_ ok try KOPETE :)
02:50.06ethicsmj_ well theres alot of updates in it for acpi/apm so most notebooks want i
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02:50.17dotgreyson: so i neen't the patch ?
02:50.19ethicsmj_ well new ones
02:50.20FarrisGare there any benchmarks or rules of thumb on how long it should take to build a kernel with a particular .config on a particular box?
02:50.24remmy_Warp4, kopete kicks me off all the time for some damn reason
02:50.30dotwhere is rhe readme ?
02:50.30abrotmanFarrisG: how fast is your CPU ?
02:50.40jimdot: by the way... why not start with building an earlier version of the kernel first?
02:50.42abrotmanremmy_: use gaim or the official AOL client
02:50.43FarrisGabrotman: 3.2GHz Xeon
02:50.47j_kjim: it's alright, but it needs to be said before he starts :-)
02:50.51abrotmanFarrisG: should take about 20 seconds
02:51.01abrotmanFarrisG: how long has it been building ?
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02:51.11dotjim: what is a easy version ?
02:51.14FarrisGabrotman: 20 seconds my ass :)
02:51.14nerferI have debian testing, 2.6.8 kernel . I can rip/burn DVDS (have DVD reader at hdd- dvdburner at hdc) but I ma making coaster after coaster trying to burn a CD!
02:51.15eranjstew: got it now
02:51.16jimj_k: yes, you're right... I think I might have done that
02:51.18remmy_abrotman, the real aol client have all kinds of adware garbage like it does for windows?
02:51.20abrotmanFarrisG: how long so far ?
02:51.23abrotmanremmy_: nope
02:51.32remmy_abrotman, sweet thanks
02:51.33abrotmanremmy_: but it's a pain to get working
02:51.33FarrisGabrotman: 2 minutes, but there's no way it can be done in 2 seconds
02:51.37jimdot: howbout 2.6.8? or 2.6.9?
02:51.40jasoncohennerfer, what are you using to burn?
02:51.47nerferI tried running cdrecord as both root and non-root setuid root...
02:51.47abrotmanFarrisG: if it's still compiling in 20 minutes .. ask us again :)
02:51.55nerferjasoncohen - cdrecord
02:52.05ethicsnerfer:  what app you trying to burn with/  show me the command..
02:52.05nerferWarp4: Nope
02:52.14greysondot: Get the kernel source, (and the patch if you don't download the latest) use kernel-package, done.
02:52.26dotjim : to build 2.6.8 is the same thing with building 2.6.12 isn't it ?
02:52.35jimpretty much
02:52.45nerferethics : cdrecord -v speed=16 dev=ATAPI:0,0,0 driveopts=burnfree file.iso
02:52.46mdhFarrisG: my AthlonXP 2.8 compiles a kernel in about 12 minutes.  So your 3.2Ghz Xeon should take about that ;)
02:52.54jasoncohendot, why do you need a newer kernel? etch now has 2.6.11
02:53.01tractorhey I don't even have a CD rom .. I just download everything through my dialup.  NOTHING takes less than two hours :D
02:53.04FarrisGmdh: thanks
02:53.16jimactually... I take that back... maybe there are build system changes...
02:53.25thomas_adamWarp4: You mean the -dev ones are?
02:53.38jimisn't there soemthign different about building or running 2.6.11 when comparing to 2.6.8?
02:53.38trave11erpeople building the 2.6.12 should be aware that current version of udev will not work correctly with it
02:53.46Warp4thomas_adam yeah.  the multithreaded ones.
02:53.47remmy_ok another question, i have to run alsaconf everytime i restart to make my sound work
02:53.48eranjstew: Should I enter acpi=force after the boot?
02:53.51dotjasoncohen: just learning how to build a kernel . i don't need it ,maybe i want it someday
02:53.54trave11erso don't upgrade the kernel to 2.6.12 if you are using udev
02:53.54abrotmanthomas_adam: pasties!
02:53.55thomas_adamWarp4: What does config.log say?
02:53.58thomas_adamabrotman: :)
02:54.03abrotmanthomas_adam: boston cream pie!
02:54.10jimtrave11er: is udev a good thing?
02:54.12thomas_adamabrotman: Wooooo.  Yes, please.
02:54.15ethicsjim: there was some nonfree drivers ripped from debians one but thats all i remember....its back in 2.6.12 tho license for tg3
02:54.27abrotmanthomas_adam: S&S Pork ?
02:54.36thomas_adamabrotman: Absolutely.
02:54.37mdhFarrisG: there's waaay too many factors involved for accurate timing.  Eg, if you build from a ramdisk it'll take far less than if you're building from a journaling fs on a hard drive.  then, is the hdd 15K scsi-3 or 4.2K 2.5" laptop IDE.  how much ram do you have for kernel buffers, etc etc
02:54.42abrotmanthomas_adam: eat eat eat!
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02:55.00steweranj: no on the kernel line (like "ro" or "root=" parameters)
02:55.22nerferI am not using scsi emulation with 2.6.8 kernel and I get a lot of gried from cdrecord
02:55.27mdhtrave11er: udev seems to work okay for me with 2.6.12
02:55.29trave11erjim: it dynamically creates and removes device nodes when devices are added or removed
02:55.31ethicsfarrisg a stock 2.6.11 took 25 mins or so on my p4 3gig
02:55.38eranjstew: I think I get it. there's no "=" after ro?
02:55.41dotgreyson: i 'v prepared all these files ,kernel ,kernel-package,make,patch-2.6.12 .i want to know how to patch ,is it "patch -p1 <patch-2.6.12" ?
02:55.42thomas_adamnerfer: What kind of gried?
02:55.42trave11erjim: i never used one :-)
02:55.46jimtrave11er: how does it compare to devfs?
02:55.52ethicsmfarris: thats the debian.config with my sata and ide in kernel only
02:55.56eranjstew: just acpi=force?
02:55.58thomas_adamdot: I told you earlier.
02:56.05trave11erjim: no idea
02:56.06nerferIs anyone here burning to DVD-Writer with cdrecord and 2.6.8 kernel with no scsi-emul?
02:56.19abrotmani'm sure lots of people .. sscsi-emu is dead
02:56.19thomas_adamnerfer: What kind of gried?
02:56.23ethicsdot what are you patching?
02:56.48nerferthomas-adam - along the lines of can't acces SYSIO etc, ill get real error
02:56.48jasoncohennerfer, you sure your cdrecord command is correct? why not try with a gui frontend like k3b? i've never had a problem burning a CD or DVD with k3b
02:56.57trave11ermdh: i don't know too many details, but that message came straight from the udev maintainer
02:57.02jimethics: look carefully at the versions he's proppsing to apply the patch to,,, and take that as the reason I'm getting him to read the readme...
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02:57.16mdhjim: udev replaces devfs.  it even has a compatibility mode so current devfs users don't have to remember to change their device names back to normal ;)
02:57.19eranjwhat's k3b equivilant in gnome?
02:57.24dotethics: patching kernel
02:57.38nerferjasoncohen: I keep gettign coasters in every front end so I am falling back to cmd line to figure out why - many GUIS complain about not seeing scsi drives...
02:57.38abrotmancan i stop now ?
02:57.41steweranj: i guess, i dunno anything about acpi options
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02:57.46abrotmangravity: oh yeah . forgot that one
02:57.48mdhjim: and hopefully in 2.6.13 devfs will be removed altogether.  It's been scheduled for this time and Greg-KH has put the appropriate patch on linux-kernel
02:57.51jimmdh: how is it different? what are a coupla the improvements?
02:57.54dotgreyson: thank you  ,thats helpful!
02:57.59abrotmannot that eroaster is a gtk program
02:58.05gravityabrotman: I haven't tried any of 'em except nautilus', which is awesome for what it is
02:58.10MrDuckthomas_adam: quack ;-)
02:58.16eranjstew: that's what I saw in some error. I just need to force acpi with acpi=force
02:58.31greysondot: You are quite welcom.
02:58.34xamabrotman: and what's the equivalent to arson?
02:58.37eranjstew: believe me, I know much less than you
02:58.38abrotmangravity: gnomebaker doesn't start for me .. it wasn't good enoguh to be RC
02:58.41jimthey'll quack you when you're feeding all the ducks...
02:58.44abrotmanxam: probably gnomebaker honestly
02:58.46thomas_adamdpkg: who do you love?
02:58.46dpkgxteddy, of course!
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02:58.55steweranj: so just add acpi=force after ro, you could also test it just once by hitting "e" at the grub menu while booting
02:58.55thomas_adamGood bot.
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02:58.59jimthey'll quack you when you need a lot of fucks...
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02:59.20mdhjim: devfs is in the kernel, udev works from userspace.  devfs has been unmaintained for 3 years and requires dicking about with kernel drivers to work.  udev simply uses the existing /sys kernel infrastructure
02:59.20eranjstew: what do you mean test it?
02:59.36dotBTW ,when will debian use KDE 3.4 and kernel 2.6.12 (i mean the newest kernel) etc.
02:59.42steweranj: hitting e at the grub menu will let you edit the kernel parameters for just that boot
02:59.44initechdot: etch
02:59.51jimmdh: so it creates the nodes by looking at /sys
02:59.52thomas_adamdot: They're in Etch.
02:59.58mdhjim: the udev website details the one thing that devfs can currently do that udev cannot.
03:00.01eranjstew: great tip
03:00.25abrotmanthomas_adam: that kernel isn't afaik
03:00.32jimdot: do you use udev?
03:00.34thomas_adamabrotman: Give it time.
03:00.35initechdot: there'll most likely be a backport to sarge, or it is possible to grab the binaries from testing, or better, grab to sources from testing and build with apt-build
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03:00.36abrotman!kernel-image-2.6.12 etch
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03:01.01nerferdrecord: Operation not permitted. WARNING: Cannot set RR-scheduler
03:01.02nerfercdrecord: Permission denied. WARNING: Cannot set priority using setpriority().
03:01.07eranjstew: Is there a downloadable compiled amule for debian?
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03:01.11thomas_adamnerfer: /msg dpkg paster
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03:01.14nerferthese are the errors I get runnign cdrecord...
03:01.29thomas_adamnerfer: And you've presumably googled?
03:01.30j_keranj: yes.
03:01.37steweranj: i dunno, /msg dpkg search
03:01.39abrotmandondelelcaro: what are you doing .. everyone from PA is trouble!
03:01.58jimdot: because if you do... 2.6.12 has been said (by a debian-installer team member, well I think he is) to cause udev to fail to work
03:02.09nerferthomas_adam.  Yes I've tried a large # of guis and a lot of combination of cmd line cdrecords, all led to coasters...
03:02.30dondelelcaroabrotman: ?
03:02.34thomas_adamnerfer: Bummer.
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03:02.36eranjstew: Can I install wxWidgets with apt?
03:02.38pedro420Unless your name is god abrotman, you shouldn't judge people
03:02.43jimthose coasters have purty colors...
03:02.46thomas_adamnerfer: Anything in /var/log/messages that would be of use?
03:02.47mdheranj: apt-get install amule
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03:02.59Warp4ugh ... libqt3c102-mt
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03:03.09steweranj: i dunno /msg dpkg search
03:03.13dondelelcaropedro420: please don't make me regret -q'ing you.
03:03.23j_keranj: yes.
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03:03.32abrotmandondelelcaro: /whois abrotman
03:03.32pedro420I was just sayin he shouldn't judge anyone
03:03.46eranjapt-get won't install amule
03:03.49xamthomas_adam,nerfer I think I have the same issue here ... didn't have time to look into it yet though ...
03:03.50dotwhats the meaning  ?   patching file CREDITS
03:03.52dotReversed (or previously applied) patch detected!  Assume -R? [n]
03:03.54abrotmanpedro420: it was a joke dumbass
03:03.59spenseranyone have avisynth.dll?
03:04.06mdhnerfer: you can't do thise things as a non-root user
03:04.08eranjit says couldn't find package
03:04.09paster"nerfer" at pasted "cdrecord errors" (55 lines) at
03:04.12dotthere is no need to patch ?
03:04.12thomas_adamspenser: Eh?
03:04.20abrotmandondelelcaro: make sense now ?
03:04.30nerferThat's the whole of my cdrecord output....
03:04.31thomas_adamdot: What/Why are you trying to do?
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03:04.49Warp4ok looks like i DON'T have the headers installed...fetching now.
03:04.55dotthomas_adam: you mean there is no need to patching ?
03:05.05jimdot: evidently you haven't read README yet :)
03:05.10thomas_adamdot: I still don't know what it is you're trying to do -- let alone why you:  a) think you need to, and b)  Why you're making a dog's dinner out of it.
03:05.31xamnerfer: btw, you should use -dev=ATA:0,0,0   or /dev/hda
03:05.40mdh!find amule
03:05.42dpkgDebian Package Listing of 'amule' (2): amule ;; amule-utils.
03:05.51spenserthomas_adam, mplayer says i need avisynth.dll to play my dvd and it wasn't in the codecs pack from mplayer
03:05.55thomas_adamdot: You're getting that because you:  a) have applied the patch already, or b)  Have the wroing patch level -- use patch --dry-run to see.
03:05.59ethicsthomas_adam  compile a 1.6.12 kernel .....for fun.....because dot is a L plater
03:06.02nerferxam: When I try to use cdrecord -dev=ATA: -scanbus I get nothign back.
03:06.12pedro420i am a little upset because i didn't write the stuff tttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttthat got my voice taken.
03:06.17thomas_adamethics: What?
03:06.19ethicsthomas_adam 2.6.12 rather
03:06.20initechspenser: just grab all the crap from marillat's repository
03:06.23thomas_adampedro420: Pfft.
03:06.40abrotmani'm skeptical for some reason
03:06.41xamnerfer: ATAPI interface is broken/outdated ... don't use it
03:06.49dondelelcaronerfer: that's fine. You're trying to burn on a device that the version of cdrecord you have doesn't support. Use dvd+rwtools or similar instead.
03:06.50nerferError trying to open /dev/hda exclusively (Permission denied)
03:06.53dondelelcaroxam: no, it isn't.
03:07.09dondelelcaroxam: ATAPI works just fine. Schilling doesn't like it, but then he's gone mad.
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03:07.12jimpedro420: about judgements and people here... -believe- me, -trust- me when I say that I make the kinds of judgements that tell me whether someone is helpable or ready to be helped when they ask questions in certain ways.
03:07.12initechspenser: sorry, never heard of that ...
03:07.36nerferdondelelcaro: what specifically - I tried growisofs and it failed...
03:07.39xamdondelelcaro: well,many posts at  lkml says different
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03:07.54dondelelcaroxam: I use ATAPI all the time. It works just fine.
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03:07.58thomas_adamHype and FUD?
03:07.59Warp4YAY!  It's working now :)
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03:08.28sam_hey how do you install the ati driver(radeon 9800 here) on debian sarge for amd64 ?
03:08.28ethicsnerfer: is that a dvd or cd image your burning?
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03:08.38jimpedro420: and one of those judgements is: are they able to understand things they read on their own to the degree that they can grow from the reading... if the answer is no, I'm damn well not their private tutor
03:08.40jimiis the free nv driver 3d?
03:08.40xamdondelelcaro: actually it wasn't schilling who said it is broken' but rather some kernel devs ... ATA is to be preferred
03:08.43abrotmansam_: ask #debian-amd64
03:08.46nerferethics: CD image to CD-R in DVD burner
03:08.47jimunless they give me MONEY
03:08.58MobyTurboit's a tradeoff ATAPI gets you DMA, ide-scsi doesn't have that, but has the advantage of the better error correction of SCSI.
03:08.59sam_okay thx abrotman
03:09.01jimii mean *open nv driver
03:09.06initechsam_: the ATI binary driver?
03:09.19stewjimi: not accelleraded 3d
03:09.22sam_yea well for the 3d stuff i need that
03:09.27xamdondelelcaro: Schilling says everything != SCSI is broken
03:09.30mdhfwiw ATAPI is basically the SCSI protocol
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03:09.35nerferWhen I try to scanbus using ATA: in cdrecord it tries to scan /dev/hda and cant get ti
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03:09.42nerferthat is my HD
03:09.42thomas_adamdot: I meant use your brain to apply the proper patch command to it.  If you can't do that, don't even bother trying to compile the kernel.
03:09.45initechsam_: actually the radeon that comes with sarge works fine, but it isn't as fast
03:09.58jimistew: hmmm, i guess i'll have to stick with binary nvidia driver
03:09.59dondelelcaroxam: Schilling has claimed that ATAPI is broken too... all of the warnings that cdrecord spews are straight from him.
03:10.04stewsam_: /msg dpkg ati drivers
03:10.27dondelelcarocdrecord: If you have unexpected problems, please try Linux-2.4 or Solaris. <-- I mean, what did you expect?
03:10.29abrotmanis schilling the author of cdrecord? .. who says everything about linux disk interfaces are broken ?
03:10.33dondelelcaroabrotman: yes.
03:10.42initechsam_: download from ATI, backup you XF86Config-4, run installer, run fglrxconfig, fix your XF86Config-4, restart X. reboot to make sure it comes up correctly.
03:10.47abrotmanso .. he's rooming with DJB eh ? :)
03:10.48nerferdondelelcaro: I am burning DVDs fine on this burner but cant seem to get a cdr to burn, what program do you suggest?
03:10.51xamdondelelcaro: mostly use SCSI here, just laptop with DVD/CDRW combo is ide
03:10.52jimpedro420: example: scroll back a bit and try to see what dot is trying to patch... I told him twice to read the README in the kernel source that he has right now... he hasn't done it yet. How do I know? he's still unsure about why the patching he's trying is not working
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03:11.10greysonAh... much better.
03:11.11abrotmanjim: i think you're wasting your time
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03:11.29abrotmanon the bright side .. the sox won
03:11.31dondelelcaronerfer: oh, the cdr won't burn? Have you tried selecting the correct driver with the driver option?
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03:11.38jimfox in sox
03:11.40xamdondelelcaro: don't particular like joerg too much to be honest
03:11.41stewinitech: why do you recommend that over flavio's drivers?
03:11.57initechstew: never heard of flavio
03:12.00dondelelcaroxam: you're not alone.
03:12.04mdhjim: would you do it in a boat?  would you do it with a goat?
03:12.11mdhoh... wait... that's green eggs and ham
03:12.18stewinitech: i'm talking aobut the instructions in the factoid
03:12.19nerferdondelelcaro: THe burning starts but errors out every time after a number of seconds... it states standard mmc I believe
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03:12.32jimif the floppy is like sloppy in the drive of discontent...
03:12.41initechstew: spew the factoid then so I can see it
03:12.42jsanmy friends i would like to use this configuratios whith my internal network, cliente -- proxy --fw -- dmz, my proxy is im my internal network, when i start my firewall and configure the client to navegate whith proxy , result sucefull, but when i disconfigure the client to force transparent proxy , the browaser don´t  navegate, what this problems ??
03:12.54dondelelcaronerfer: hrm... can you paste the part where it errors out?
03:12.54jimif you try to stay in there you'll really just be spent...
03:13.02thomas_adamhehe "my friends".
03:13.11abrotmanresiak: you have no !unbuntu key combo
03:13.32thomas_adamjsan: Can you be more specific?
03:13.43nerferdondelelcaro: I'll run it again and paste - thanks
03:14.15jimif you want to know what that means then you just go and ask brent:
03:14.15dondelelcaronerfer: you may also try running cdrecord as root with sudo... I've often have better luck with that.
03:14.57mdhdondelelcaro: the errors he was getting were basically saying he was trying to run as an unprivileged user and cdrecord couldn't up the process priorities etc.
03:14.57nerferarrrgh: The cdrecord itself spes out that running with Sudo won't work man this is gettign confusing!
03:15.07dondelelcaromdh: those are just warnings...
03:15.21xamnerfer: btw, I have the same plextor, firmware 1.08 is out!
03:15.23nerfermdh: Icdrecord is set UID
03:15.31jimhe'll say the sloppy floppy doesn't fit in a big tent!
03:15.37jiminerfer: are you using K3B?
03:15.39dondelelcaronerfer: no, it says that it won't work for suid. suid!=sudo.
03:15.44nerferxam: I can't figure out how to upgrade firmware in Linux.  so I havent tried yet :-)
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03:16.12nerferjimi _ I treid that as well, works great for DVD, notso good for cd - SO im working from cmd line up
03:17.21jsanthomas_adam how i use the proxy in the internal network to navegate to the internet , but whith firewall in the new machine, isnt IN THE PROXY, PROXY and firewall NO. firewall and proxy will be in the internal network
03:17.28*** join/#debian jello (~joe@jello.developer.debian)
03:17.30nerferxam - thanks I'l bookmark it.
03:17.34trave11erHatter: i can't reproduce the problem in a clean sarge chroot
03:17.51nerferOK I ran as sudo and I'll post the whole thing one sec...
03:18.19*** join/#debian linoleum (
03:18.33jsanthomas_adam  ?????????
03:18.46abrotmanthomas_adam   !!!!!!!!!!!
03:18.48paster"nerfer" at pasted "cdrecord run as sudo" (98 lines) at
03:18.58xamnerfer: IIRC joerg schilling (author of cdrecord) created the plextor firmware update utility that plextor website is linking to
03:18.59thomas_adamjsan: I don't understand a word you're saying.
03:19.13nerferOK pasted teh whole output, thanks very much for looking at it.
03:19.24linoleumHello, I have just installed entrance, and I would like to use it , and no more GDM, how can I switch them?
03:19.27*** join/#debian rabies (
03:19.58nerferxam: hmmm.  very interesting.  It took me days to get DVD burning working, I am now using xdvdshrink without problems. Shoudl have know good ol cd recording would bite me :-)
03:20.06mdhjsan: you need to tell the firewall to only permit the proxy machine to get out through it to the internet, and also to transparently redirect packets from other systems back through the proxy
03:20.09jimoh, you already said that :)
03:20.10thomas_adamE's DM?
03:20.12linoleumyea, like gdm, but with enlightnement e17
03:20.17jsanthomas_adam how i use the proxy in the internal network , whith the firewll in the other machine ? the proxy  will be transparent
03:20.21jsanthomas_adam  ok
03:20.27jsanthomas_adam understand ?
03:20.30xamnerfer: "clonewars" eehh? are you illegally copying movies? ;-P
03:20.40thomas_adamjsan: I've long since past the point where I cared...
03:20.40mdhlinoleum: if you use the debian packages, just apt-get purge gdm after you install entrance
03:20.44Hattertrave11er:  thanks, I am building a new install also to try to replicate the problem.  if it can't be replicated, shouldn't I be able to apt-get remove gcc and reinstall ?
03:20.49jimso we get to have a third desktop environment! oh goody!
03:20.50linoleummdh, ok tkx
03:20.54nerferxam: No backup only - I needed a BIG iso to test...
03:21.00aukis engage availabe as an .deb or something now?
03:21.15mdhlinoleum: also check out update-alternatives --config x-display-manager
03:21.18jim!info engage
03:21.22abrotmanjsan: you need to read some basic networking docs .. and probably read about iptables at
03:21.30epsis there a wine tools .deb file available some where?
03:21.33jimPackage 'engage' does not exist.
03:21.43*** join/#debian debuser (
03:21.46abrotmaneps: apt-get install wine ?
03:21.51Hatteractually I have tried removing and reinstallng gcc already
03:22.00mdhauk: unofficially.  check
03:22.00trave11erHatter: yeah, you might need to reinstall something like gcc-3.3 or whatever it's called
03:22.07Hatterthat i have done
03:22.08debuserI was wondering whether there's any CLI MSN clients?
03:22.08linoleummdh : if I do aptitude purge gdm, well, it will remove : gdm gdm-themes gnome gnome-desktop-environment
03:22.11dpkgIf you get errors saying gcc cannot create executables, or that you can't find header files like stdio.h, you need to apt-get install build-essential.
03:22.15aukmdh: *
03:22.20linoleummdh, but I want to keep my gnome desktop :)
03:22.21jsanabrotman i see in the netfilter but dont a good result
03:22.24*** join/#debian monchy (
03:22.31dpkgHispanohablantes: Por favor usen #debian-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.  Spanish Speakers: Please use #debian-es, there you will get much more help.
03:22.36tcsetattrHatter, have you run memtest86 on that machine?
03:22.38thomas_adamlinoleum: So?  They're metapackages.
03:22.39epsabrotman wine tools
03:22.46abrotmaneps: such as?
03:23.03*** join/#debian waTR (
03:23.14mdhlinoleum: okay.  well in that case, instead of removing gdm altogether, simply use update-rc.d to remove its startup files from /etc/rcX.d/
03:23.16jimii have noticed that there is no path for initrd in grub for the kernel i just created. is initrd mandatory
03:23.19Hattertcsettattr: I have just downloaded it actually,  to try it,  but i didn't place high hopes on it being a RAM problem as the error always occurs the same
03:23.20epsmandrake has a package for it and it seems common enough, just wanted to know so I wouldn't waste time compiling it
03:23.22abrotmaneps: oh .. doubt it .. it's all closed software
03:23.23linoleumthomas_adam, no , it will remove everything, I can see : rythmox, gnome-office, etc ...
03:23.26*** join/#debian Borg^Queen (
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03:23.46mwilsonjimi: Does the kernel you just created use one?
03:23.46tcsetattrHatter, memory errors are weird, and one of the ways they can be weird is in being less weird than you expect.
03:23.47epsabrotman closed software? wine is lgpl and wine tools is gpl :|
03:23.57Borg^QueenI noticed r0a is out. Its it a major bug fix or just a security uncommented release?
03:23.57abrotmaneps: but it installs IE6 .. which is closed
03:23.58mdhlinoleum: another (albeit cheating) method would be to edit /etc/init.d/gdm and put "exit 0" after the initial shell magic
03:24.08jimimwilson: i am not sure, i did not see an option for it in xconfig
03:24.10Hattertcsetattr: ok, I will run the RAM Checker now
03:24.12*** join/#debian deepz (~deepz@
03:24.12abrotmaneps: apt-cache search wine
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03:24.32nerferdondelelcarlo: I posted the whoel cdrecord output - did you see it at the paste url?
03:24.37epsabrotman I have done that and had a good look through results ...don't think I missed it
03:24.55abrotmaneps: it's not in debian :)
03:25.06epsokay... time to compile :P
03:25.14epsthanks abrotman
03:25.27abrotmaneps: you might want to check
03:25.42HatterI am using mIRC as this client,  do you guys know if there is an easier way to display messages with my name in it ? colour change or something ? or different client ?
03:25.56simonrvndo we look like #mirc?
03:26.11*** part/#debian jsan (~Administr@
03:26.21Borg^QueenHello people. I noticed r0a is out. Its it a major bug fix or just a security uncommented release?
03:26.22Hatterok no problem
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03:26.31simonrvnhehe, mirc exploit on a help site =)
03:26.35abrotmanBorg^Queen: latter
03:26.49Borg^Queenabrotman: so there's no point to dling it
03:27.07abrotmanBorg^Queen: not if your sources are correct already
03:27.19Borg^Queenaye they are
03:27.26jimihow do i specify initrd when creating a new kernel?
03:27.28abrotmanthen .. no problem .. don't bother
03:27.33abrotmanjimi: man make-kpkg
03:27.44jimiabrotman: thanks
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03:28.11Borg^Queenabrotman: thanks
03:28.13Borg^Queenlater peopel
03:28.16Borg^Queenpeople too
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03:29.55Hatterdpkg: [mirc exploit] thx I will change clients
03:30.04simonrvndpkg is a bot
03:30.17jimiabrotman: do you mean make-dpkg >
03:30.39Hatterthanks mr bot
03:30.57abrotmanjimi: no
03:31.00jimiabrotman: sorry im an idiot, forget that
03:31.01abrotman!tell jimi about kp
03:31.39MrKeunerare there alternative desktop search tools to beagle?
03:31.52thomas_adamMrKeuner: man find
03:31.55bob2nothing as complete
03:32.01abrotmangrep ?
03:32.08gravityWhich reminds me... wtf is up with beagle not being in debian
03:32.14abrotmangravity: mono
03:32.27nerferxam: You still here?
03:32.27gravityabrotman: mono should be in experimental at least by now
03:32.30abrotmangravity: mono was holding it back .. shouldn't be anymore
03:32.41gravityDamn. I want to play with it.
03:32.50xamnerfer: no for long ...
03:32.51aukuhh... what happened?
03:32.54gravityI got a demo a few months ago and I still haven't gotten to sit down with it myself
03:33.04simonrvnauk: netsplit
03:33.05nerferxam: What version did you say the plextor was up to?
03:33.29simonrvnauk: look it up in an irc faq
03:33.36deepzhow do  i add new fonts in sarge debian
03:33.45xamnerfer: 1.08
03:33.51gravitydeepz: Put them in ~/.fonts
03:34.15stewdeepz: /msg dpkg font guide
03:34.25nerferxam: Oh ok I see r412c107 but no 108...
03:34.27abrotmanno .. poof
03:34.31abrotmansilly germans
03:34.33gravityabrotman: Ah
03:34.49abrotmangravity: if you google around .. you  can find the stuff about beagle/debian ... or ask #debian-mono
03:35.33Hattertcsetattr: guess what, memtest found some faulty RAM, I will replace it when the test is finished and try the compile again
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03:36.11initechHatter: i've never had memtest detect faulty ram. only gcc.
03:36.43nerferxam ; Thanks I got it...
03:36.46*** join/#debian Ick (
03:37.11xamnerfer: also interesting:   and especially
03:37.31auki see
03:37.46aukthank you, wikipedia
03:38.06xamnerfer: those are patched firmwares that don't have region code
03:38.10*** join/#debian Strath (
03:38.57nerferxam: Thanks.  You dont suppose the firmware has anything to do with why cdrecord keeps blowing up do you(I'm clutching at straws:-)
03:39.43Strathwhy does apt-move keep skiping a large amount of packages?
03:39.50xamnerfer: nope. I have similar problems with a non-plextor
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03:40.10nerferxam: Oh ok...
03:40.30Strath(from a directory into which all 7 install cds were copied)
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03:41.32Strath(and also from /var/cache/apt/archives)
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03:42.17xamnerfer: anyway, will be AFK for quite a while
03:42.52Strathcauses a machine which uses the apt-move packages as a source to say packages are unavailable.... :(
03:42.56jimStrath: you should look into dpkg-scanpackages if you're trying to create a local mirror or something
03:42.57*** join/#debian linoleum (
03:43.06jimor apt-ftparchive
03:43.27nerferxam: I have to get to bed : I'll get burning cdr workign anoher day:-)
03:43.47linoleummdh, hey mate, can you tell me your commande line about update-alternatives -- display , to switch from GDM to entrance?
03:53.30*** join/#debian apt (
03:53.30*** topic/#debian is SARGE RELEASED. | SID IS ONCE AGAIN LITERALLY UNSTABLE | GETTING DEBIAN? /msg dpkg install debian | FAQ: | READ BTS: /msg dpkg bts | Paste in #flood or /msg dpkg paster, NOT here | /msg bots NOT people | -> /msg dpkg xorg | Java -> /msg dpkg java | kde 3.4 -> /msg dpkg kde3.4 | non-us is no more. /msg dpkg crypto in main
03:53.38rixthDid you apt-get install totem-xine?
03:53.43rr72essential codecs package??
03:54.08ethicsill help with mplayer issues in 5 if your still stuck....rl busy
03:54.09rr72i already have it
03:54.10rixthYou need to extract the essential pack in ~/.gnome2/totem-addons
03:54.37rixth!tell rr72 about aol
03:54.46thumPer1052Is totem THAT much better than straight xine?
03:54.50rr72rixth~ sorry but hes ognored
03:55.02rixthBut he's to helpful :)
03:55.05initechxine works ok here ... what's better about totem?
03:55.10rr72for larting?
03:55.32rixthinitech: I just find that mplayer codecs work better on the xine version.
03:56.37FarrisGdoes anyone have any experience with any of the 4G/4G split patches? Worth the trouble at all?
03:57.08initechhas anyone looked at the onion today? what have they done? the site has been ruined
03:57.13rr72how do i extract bz2?
03:57.15*** join/#debian nerfer (
03:57.22rr72its been a while
03:57.23nerferI got a CD to burn !
03:57.35FarrisGI'm realizing that the only right way to do what we need is to buy some 64-bit machines, but management is resisting. We just bought 15 new boxes, and now ONE process we'll need to run ONCE requires more ram than a 32-bit machine will allow
03:57.43nerferI had to drop speed to 6 in cdrecord, and used ATAPI:0,0,0 as device...
03:57.55thumPer1052using tar: tar jxvf
03:58.03nerferIt's actually burnign at speed 4! this meedia must be old....
03:58.40nerferI can't believe the media could make such a difference! this DVD burner states it can burn CDr at 48X! but anything higher than 8 seems to fail!
04:00.14rabiesman, i HATE asus
04:00.28rabiesespecially now
04:00.51rabiescrappy board has a buggy bois and incomplete feature support
04:00.57nerferMan having to burn at 4X on a dvd burenr that should do 48 really sucks, I might as well plug in my old USB burner...(I think it was asus:-)
04:01.12ethicsminitech:  totem just has a different gui and can play dvds from file menu  other than thit i dont think theres mich diff
04:01.33*** join/#debian spuer (~spuer@
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04:01.55thumPer1052I prefer mplayer
04:01.59thumPer1052thate the xine gui
04:02.03*** join/#debian shivraj (
04:02.10shivrajanyone else using afterstep ???
04:02.13shivrajthis thing is so cool
04:02.18rr72how do u set a codec for totam?
04:02.19spuerI have a question.
04:02.37spuerHow do I create a device under /dev?
04:02.43greysonshivraj: What about it do you particularly like?
04:02.51rr72should it be in a folder under totam-addons?
04:03.00rr72rixth~ u still busy?
04:03.03shivrajicons, desktops, graphics
04:03.23jasoncohenanyone know of a good program to record videos from a webcam? i already have the webcam working in gnomemeeting but that only will take screenshots
04:03.24shivraju should try it
04:03.24greysonshivraj: Ah... just the overall look/feel?
04:03.30thumPer1052create a device, or just a link to an existing device?
04:03.44shivrajits fast too
04:03.46greysonshivraj: I have... I liked it; though I personally prefer FVWM
04:03.52spuera link I think
04:04.11thumPer1052ln -s old-divice new-device
04:04.14spueractually I want to link /dev/sda1 to /dev/mobiledisk
04:04.32*** join/#debian bigbill52a (
04:04.46shivrajln -s TARGET LINK
04:04.49rr72how can i setup plugins for totem?
04:05.18thumPer1052yeah, what he said... lol much clearer
04:05.19*** join/#debian Cyano-Mobile (~rrollesto@
04:05.41spuerln -s /dev/sda1 /dev/mobiledisk doesn't work
04:06.00greysonspuer: Are you root?
04:06.09shivrajwhich one is the target ?
04:06.14greysonwhat's the error?
04:06.22spuerI got a message "FAT: invalid media value (0xb9)"
04:06.32thumPer1052ie does /dev/sda1 already exist?
04:06.43greysonThat's not a problem with the link, that's a problem with the device.
04:06.48spuerVFS: Can't find a valid FAT filesystem on dev/sda`
04:06.50spuerVFS: Can't find a valid FAT filesystem on dev/sda1
04:07.09greysonYeah, that definitely isn't a link problem.
04:07.10spuerokay...udev detects my usb stick
04:07.36spuerudev automatically creates /sda1 for it.
04:08.03*** mode/#debian [+l 782] by debhelper
04:08.07rr72rixth~ are ypu there?
04:08.20shivrajare u trying to mount /dev/sda1 ??
04:08.25shivrajwhy are u doing that link ?
04:09.06shivrajwell then it doesnt have a FAT filesystem, try formatting it
04:09.06greyson!u shivraj
04:09.07spuerWell..I follow the instruction how to set up mobile disk from debian-administration
04:09.28spuerI can't, I have some important docs ... can't format
04:09.47greysonspuer: Backup with other machine, format, retry.
04:10.09greysonOr, there's always the (A)bort possibility.
04:10.10thumPer1052what filesystem does a usb stick use?
04:10.24spuerit works fine under win2k
04:10.35shivrajmaybe its NTFS
04:10.53liablespuer: what mount command are you using?
04:10.59thumPer1052what does your mount command look like?
04:10.59tcsetattrdeclare your independence from the empire - format your removable devices minixfs!
04:11.00*** join/#debian iakorgalen (
04:12.30thumPer1052did you do something like
04:12.45thumPer1052mount /dev/sda1 /mount/mobile ?
04:13.10*** join/#debian Azardix (~Azardix__@
04:13.14spuerthat's not right :)
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04:13.49thumPer1052no, but I'm not sure what the -t should be
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04:13.57liablespuer: mkdir /mnt/blah && mount /dev/sda1 -t vfat -o user /mnt/blah
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04:15.54spuerokay I got a message "wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda1
04:16.10spuerprobably there is something wrong with fs
04:16.27edward_is is easy to backport a src .deb from etch to sarge... ?
04:16.29rixthgcc seg faulted, it says I should file a bug report. SHould I?
04:16.29thumPer1052or it's not fat
04:16.45spuerit's ntfs
04:17.07spuermay be it's not ntfs
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04:17.33shivrajdid u try ntfs ??
04:18.02spuermount -t ntfs /dev/sda1 /mnt/usbdrive .... didn't work.
04:18.04traumatorhmm i just downloaded ... i run it with root privilege  it extract but the install dont appear...
04:18.17Strathfor a dialup user.... would it be better to wait a bit before ordering a set of Sarge CDs/DVDs? any fixes going in any time soon?
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04:18.40greysonStrath: It's a full release, go for it!
04:18.42liablespuer: whats dmesg |tail say about the usb /dev bit?
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04:19.59spuercan't find a valid FAT on dev/sda1
04:20.07tcsetattrcat /dev/sda1 | file -
04:20.25liablespuer: no, when you plug it in, whats dmesg say it is?
04:21.05spuerudev[]: creating device node '/dev/sda'
04:21.21liableright use /dev/sda then
04:21.29liablenot sda1
04:21.46spuerstill doesn't work
04:22.14*** join/#debian radical (~radical@
04:22.25mdhspuer: try /dev/sda2
04:22.32spuerhere is what I did "mount -t vfat /dev/sda/sda1 /mnt/usbdrive"
04:22.38mdhor maybe /dev/sda3
04:22.45spuerhm ;)
04:22.54mdhsometimes these drives have an initial partition of crud
04:23.17liablespuer: no, mount /dev/sda -t vfat -o user /mnt usbdrive
04:23.18thumPer1052so it's fat?
04:23.34mdhwell that isn't going to work dude since /dev/sda/sda1 doesn't (shouldn't) exist
04:23.50Hatterthanks everyone for your comments
04:23.59Hatterit turned out to be faulty RAM
04:24.13*** join/#debian jjengla_1 (
04:24.16spuerhey dude, udev automatically creates /dev/sda and /dev/sda1 and these exist
04:24.19Hatternow I feel silly
04:24.21*** join/#debian bronxcoder (
04:24.21mdhHatter: this is why God invented ECC chips :)
04:24.24ethicshatter:  you cd burner issue?
04:24.37Hatterethics: no compile problem with qmail
04:24.37mdh< spuer> here is what I did "mount -t vfat /dev/sda/sda1 /mnt/usbdrive"
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04:24.51mdhthat is bound to fail
04:24.54ethicshatter: ahh kk worng person hehe cool
04:24.58tcsetattrgood old Sig11
04:25.03ethics!orize hatter
04:25.04*** part/#debian jjengla_1 (
04:25.07shivrajspuer : after u get ur files format it :) u really dont need windows, u got firefox and openoffice, the only thing people used to use windows for
04:25.10Hattertrave11er: thanks for trying in your chroot
04:25.41*** join/#debian themolester (
04:25.48thumPer1052is /mnt/usbdrive a directory or synbolic link?
04:25.50trave11erHatter: np
04:26.01trave11erHatter: did the problem go away for you?
04:26.08spuerit's a directory
04:26.16spuernot a symlink
04:26.19bronxcoderwell the only reason I use windows is because I don't know how to configure wine.... and I can't stop playing grand theft auto (please no flames, I know how pathetic it sounds)
04:26.38Hatterfirst time i've used irc to solve a problem,  google usually saves me,  thanks again everybody :-) do you set up your usb drive?
04:26.54ethicsmbrinxcoder GTA1 2 3 vice or sa?
04:26.55K_Dallasbronxcoder, have you given cedega a try?
04:27.07bronxcoderwill google it now
04:27.07thumPer1052my guess would be either wrong fs type, or bad filesystem
04:27.08K_Dallasit is wine for games
04:27.10spueris there any tutorial you can suggest?
04:27.10Hattertrave11er: yes, it compiled cleanly when removing the offending RAM module
04:27.25trave11erHatter: so it was hw problem
04:27.38liable!tell spuer about usb-storage
04:28.18ethicsis there ecc ddr1/2ram or is it standard now?
04:28.21spuerthanks, I'll try this one.
04:28.37shivrajbronxcoder : Im in Queens
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04:29.35shivrajwindows has good games, can't argue with that, but everything else sucks
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04:29.42jENNA add me bitcges
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04:30.20gullyfoylei cant give up windoze at home cuz my 5-year-old loves the spongebob and nemo games
04:30.20ethicsshivra: lol my windows box is very stable now that i dont install more MS crap on top of it hehe
04:30.33bronxcoderk_dalles, explain this wonderfull (but subscription based)
04:30.39ethicsnemo games are cool tho  hes got taste
04:30.40bronxcoder"cedeca" thing to me
04:30.58gullyfoylespongebob is kinda cool too
04:31.05supsupHello. I just ran apt-get upgrade and now things won't work. It won't get an IP from my router and when I try to login into KDE the screen blanks for a moment and then goes right back to the login manager. How do I revert my upgrade? I think I may have added some unstable repos by mistake and upgraded to those versions of things.
04:31.20ethicsnever got into spongebob...
04:31.40Moonscopeanyone know how to 'highlight' only ops messages in mIRC?
04:32.04thumPer1052we failed spuer
04:32.09ethicsgullyfoyl:  thats really bad if you did have unstable sources
04:32.47*** mode/#debian [+o bob2] by ChanServ
04:32.50thumPer1052should've been running plan 9
04:33.05*** mode/#debian [+b *!*] by bob2
04:33.07*** mode/#debian [-o bob2] by bob2
04:33.33supsupso there's no way for me to undo that?
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04:34.00ethicsgullyfoyle: if you upgraded to sid your prolly reinstalling  if your at etch you may have some hope
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04:34.15matthewctAnyone: what's the debian channel for debian newbies?
04:34.24gravityThis would be it, but beware
04:34.47matthewctgravity: you mean... this is an "rtfm"-flinging channel?
04:34.52K_Dallasmatthewct, read the FAQ and rules of the chan and IRC in general and ask your Qs here, then practice safe IRCing
04:34.59gravitymatthewct: More or less, but we usually tell you which man to read
04:35.04mwilsonNo, this is merely a channel that expects you to be able to read.
04:35.08ethicshehe enough said hehehe
04:35.12nvzraising my monitor 6inches makes it so much easier to see. its like at eye level now
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04:35.41ethicsnvz:  you could have lowered your head 6 inches too...
04:36.01K_Dallaspoor supsup
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04:36.15shivrajmwilson : I still have to get that up and running on my imac
04:36.23mwilsonfink == open-source package management for OS X
04:36.37matthewctfink == mostly broken packages
04:36.47nvzso far the laptop/monitor stand and the power unit under it are the only new pieces of equipment I am actually using. these little power thingies are cool. I now got buttons for my PC, Monitor, Printer, Lights..etc all right here in front of me :)
04:36.51mwilsonmatthewct: Haven't noticed them to be so.
04:36.53solomonnah.. for lucky owners of expensive mac hardware huh :)
04:36.58gravityI hear darwinports or whatever is the new fink
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04:37.08matthewctmwilson: try apt-get install kde  .. then try almost anything kde
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04:37.35thumPer1052isn't aptitude supposed to be better for large packages?
04:37.39K_DallasQ: If I install a newer version of firefox in a directory of mine not the default one, would that conflict with the one i have already installed thru apt-get?
04:37.42mwilsonmatthewct: <shrug> Anyone who installs an entire DE on top of OS X is a moron anyway.
04:37.43gravitythumPer1052: More like for large sets of packages
04:37.47gravitythumPer1052: But yes
04:37.59nvzI was going to use that "Department Control Center" thingy as a switch, but its powersupply seems to not work all of a sudden and its not the fuse.. so I said fuck it. I will have to build a router if I want more pcs down here
04:38.26thumPer1052I'm new to debian
04:38.29matthewctmwilson: wilson... well.. it would be nice to have many of its features... os x is rather desolate, feature-wise..
04:38.38shivrajmwilson : u know how to fix the problems with the compiler ?? I can't find hte right developer's kit
04:39.14jasoncohenthere is no way to get dpkg to install dependencies from a .deb's control file right?
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04:39.20dondelelcaroshivraj: what is your actual question? Furthermore, stop using 'u'.
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04:39.58nvzdondelelcaro: Y wats ur problem? :P
04:39.58mwilsonmatthewct: Except that it's not, of course.
04:40.02shivrajdondelelcaro : its an osx thingy
04:40.23mwilsonjasoncohen: No, that's not what dpkg is supposed to do.
04:40.33matthewctmwilson: i'll just stay quiet on this.. it's the debian channel...
04:40.39dondelelcaroshivraj: ask in #macosx then
04:40.39nvzshivraj: don't blame laziness and stupidiy on your OS
04:40.53jasoncohenmwilson, and apt-get can't be used unless it's from an apt source?
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04:41.39mwilsonjasoncohen: Uh, that is sort of what it's meant to do... that's like asking why apt-get can't do Gentoo emerges.
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04:42.00dondelelcarojasoncohen: yes, you can install the dependencies. Easiest method is to just manually specify them, though.
04:42.00ethicsis someone familiar with ho "menu" builds it's list
04:42.01mwilsonjasoncohen: Or why a VHS VCR only plays VHS tapes.
04:42.03thumPer1052neither can emerge
04:42.04shivrajnvz : u're right,
04:42.09*** part/#debian jordo2323 (
04:42.24dondelelcaroethics: what in particular about it?
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04:42.40jasoncohenmwilson, i don't understand why though. the .deb contains all the information needed to satisfy its dependencies in its control file. why isn't that info used for a downloaded deb?
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04:43.03liableok, stupid question time from me. Can anyone view this video and what the hell do I need to get firefox to play it, (spent half the morning googling to try and get it to work.)
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04:43.33dondelelcarojasoncohen: yes, but that information is actually located in the Packages file. The control file in the .deb isn't used at that point in time.
04:43.46mwilsonjasoncohen: Because dpkg is a package installation tool, not a dependency-resolution tool.
04:43.54illumeis non-US for unstable not around anymore?
04:43.55ethicsdondelelcaro:  well it's not important but the gnome 2.10 install from sid made them doubles in menu....i know it happened with xfce and kde originally something about IDs but i couldnt find any fix via google....its prolly in BTS but its consistant...3 machines here with it
04:43.59jasoncohendondelelcaro, i see
04:44.03mwilsonillume: As documented.
04:44.07bourneagainmwilson: Hello sir
04:44.10jasoncohenillume, no- see /topic or release notes
04:44.38ethicsdondelelcaro:  there are no doubles tho in /etc/menu/usr/lib/menu etc
04:44.44jasoncohenethics, strange, i didn't see that on either of 2 machines i upgraded to 2.10. is it a reported bug?
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04:44.56castwhen you first install debian you get presented with a quick config ncurses script. ive forgotten what its called, anyone remember? for various reasons i never got to see it
04:45.06nvzethics: it uses scripts IIRC, see /etc/menu-methods/
04:45.17liablecast: base-config?
04:45.20bourneagainI have some questions about tftp and security. Is there any particular tftp server that is more secure then another?
04:45.24thomas_adamcast: base-config -- and it's written using dialog
04:45.42illumejasoncohen: mwilson thanks.  I'm brain-dead blind etc.
04:45.56ethicsjasoncohen:  no BTS that i saw the day it happened was testing on 2 other boxes first before bugging
04:46.44thumPer1052bourneagain: have you tried the linux terminal server project website?
04:46.45initechbourneagain: no, they're all insecure and meant to be run  on trusted networks only
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04:47.17jasoncohenethics, i just did a search on reportbug and the only bug with "menu" in it is a minor bug about empty menu entries
04:47.21simonrvnsecured, trusted networks
04:47.28ethicsjasoncohen:  its actually a little intresting because new installed apps are fine just things that were installed before gnome2.10 update
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04:48.04ethicsjasoncohen: the xfce bug was talking about a desktopID file or some such thats an old BTS i found similar fault
04:48.23bourneagaininitech: Thanks. I sorta assumed that. I take it that means they are on a subnet behind a seperate firewall. This is for a cluster.
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04:48.43jasoncohenethics, you should report a bug. that's a pretty serious issue- especially when there's no fix
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04:48.52MontanaHello, does anyone have any experience with networking to a shared printer on a XP Machine
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04:49.04shivrajliable : vlc with the media connectivity plugin should work for most video formats, but I can't view the video on that site
04:49.27buuI just compiled a stock kernel and I finally got it to boot and such, but now my mouse isn't working. It's just a regular usb mouse and I've tried loading usbcore and usbhid drivers
04:49.30bourneagaininitech: I am searching for ways to make clusters more manageable. Seems every methods has pitfalls and advantages.
04:50.19ethicsjasoncohen i will do one today for it on my systems at home as both had it and there was also some others who had the same asking but i said i hadnt found any answer yet other than apt-get remove install...which fixed some of the ones i tried
04:50.40jasoncohenethics, hmm- does gnome-menu-spec-test show all your menu entries?
04:50.51tennincan I install from a CD image in a DOS partition, using floppies to boot?
04:51.07thumPer1052bourneagain: come up with anything for a distributed filesystem?
04:51.14dondelelcaroethics: well, the package is menu; and the program that actually does the menu updating is update-menus. I'm not sure what the error message is, but if you recreate it, file a bug.
04:51.29tenninor does the system need a lot more to read from DOS partitions
04:51.40ethicsjasoncohen: atm i cannot tell im building a new server at workso i have no access to a gnome 210 one atm 8(....i was just searching around and thought id ask as the nightshift crew all said they didnt know
04:52.04jasoncohenwell, good luck
04:52.18bourneagainthumPer1052: Does FAI qualify?
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04:52.29jasoncohenethics, it must only be affecting a small number of users or someone would have reported it
04:52.31tcsetattrtennin, it sounds doable. of course it's a bit off the beaten path so you're going to have to do some manual mounting during the install
04:52.43ethicsdondelelcaro: theres no errors its just a double up on the same stuff  update-menus didnt correct so ill bug report it...ill do so on both lappy and 2 desktops so i can see whats different on mine to others too.
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04:53.08thumPer1052bourneagain: I'll have to look it up... is it supposed to be any good?
04:53.16tennindo you know at what point i'll be able to mount?
04:53.22bourneagainthunPer1052: I have not.
04:53.28ethicsjasoncohen:  yeah i think so not everyone but i cant think whats special about my setups....its just netinst kde gnome
04:53.43ethicsjasoncohen as far as WMs..
04:53.46dondelelcaroethics: ok, you should also man menufile; and go through those files to see if somehow the files got doubled up.
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04:54.14jasoncohenethics, i heard in mandrake if you had a specific app installed that would happen- not sure why though
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04:54.28ethicsdondelelcaroL  noted down for checking ...
04:54.30liableshivraj: cheers, got both, but yeah, cant play it.
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04:55.28thumPer1052bourneagain: 'Fully automatic Installation'... ok
04:55.32Azardamn!! I got another breach in
04:55.33tcsetattrtennin, hit alt-F2 as soon as the main installer menu is up, and work from there
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04:57.06Azaroh is Debian
04:57.11*** join/#debian Kupal[] (~Kupal[|]
04:57.58jasoncohenwhy is fam in testing/stable while gamin isn't? gamin seems to work a lot better- the RC bug where fam refuses to unmount floppies also seems to affect CD-ROMs and usb keys. i've had no such problems with gamin
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04:58.24Supaplexjasoncohen: bts? maintainer? just cause?
04:58.38jasoncohenSupaplex, 0 RC bugs
04:58.49Kupal[]I have an older version of D-I i just ran it its downloadin testing/main am I on sid?
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04:59.09jasoncohenSupaplex, gamin has 1 bug, 0 RC bugs. fam has 23 bugs, 1 RC bug
04:59.12ethicsjasoncohen: is it in sid?
04:59.43simonrvnKupal[]: if you have to ask, a) no ; b) you shouldn't run sid anyway
04:59.45jasoncohenand that RC bug in fam was never fixed
04:59.56Kupal[]simonrvn: I don't want sid
05:00.05simonrvnok :)
05:00.05Kupal[]but i know testing just went to stable right?
05:00.09bourneagainthumPer1052: It uses legacy vanilla PVM code, I believe it has to be  NFS since /tmps must be mounted
05:00.21Kupal[]sarge is stable... hmm hmm right? right?
05:00.23simonrvnuh, testing stays testing. it's sarge that's stable now
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05:00.40Kupal[]ahh hrmm..
05:00.45jasoncohenethics, perhaps gamin is too young. the first version of gamin was placed into sid on 2/02/2005
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05:01.06simonrvnwoody is oldstable
05:01.14Kupal[]im not a biggot but its got ga. in it..
05:01.19thumPer1052bourneagain: looks interesting.
05:01.21Kupal[]im not sure about that package..
05:01.36Kupal[]im kidding.
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05:01.46simonrvnit's 'bigot' firstly...
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05:01.55ethicsjasoncohen:  id say thats long enough if the maintainer was wanting it to if it's bugfree......but then some packages stayed in sid for 1300 days before moving to etch....never even made sarge
05:02.04Kupal[]simonrvn: cool.. that makes sense now ( stable/testing/unstable )
05:02.14jordo23Is there a way in debian to view the processes running (Like apache, or mysql, etc?)
05:02.18Kupal[]first time I have been around when something went stable.
05:02.27Kupal[]jordo23 ps
05:02.27Azarthis is interesting, can the "testing" word be changed to "etch" in sources.list ?
05:02.31ethicsjasoncohen: the release cycle from sid to testing is somewhat unknown to me i just accept what i get when i get or go around it
05:02.38jasoncohenethics, i guess it wouldn't be such a big deal if the alternative wasn't crap
05:02.42Kupal[]jordo23 ps -ax will give you everything i believe.
05:02.43thumPer1052like top?
05:02.49ethicsazar yeah distro names are symlinked
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05:03.02simonrvnAzar: of course
05:03.06bourneagainthunPer1052: Well it has to run legacy stuff. I need someway to really manage the cluster easily. I will not mention one web based package =)
05:03.15Azarthanks ethics, so I guess it is more wise to use "names" instead of "stable" or "testing"
05:03.29simonrvnAzar: depends on the needs at the time
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05:03.39Kupal[]see when i downloaded the DI it said it install's sarge so why wasn't the source.list set to sarge vs testing
05:03.46ethicsjasoncohen: perhaps let the maintainer of both know your issues...they may try move it faster....they may not depends on their WHY reasons
05:03.48Kupal[]and what is testing now.. its not sid...
05:03.58jasoncoheni'm not sure if fam causes problems in GNOME but nothing will unmount if it's mounted with a KDE device icon (CD-ROM, floppy, usb key etc.) and replacing fam with gamin immediately resolves the issue
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05:04.22AzarKupal[], "etch" took the place for testing
05:04.31ethicsazar: well it makes better sense atm with 2 stables but then test
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05:04.57bourneagainthunPer1052: I did not really want to learn linux. I thought anyone that knew linux was wasting time and money.
05:05.01simonrvnthere's only one 'stable'
05:05.02thumPer1052bourneagain: clusters (as a technology) seem to still be in their infancy
05:05.13simonrvnthumPer1052: on linux, yes
05:05.13ethicsazar: testing staying as testing means you move with testing....sarge woody makes good sense...the others are more to conform to a standard way 8)
05:05.15Kupal[]testing was horrible when i first started using debian (5-4 years ago) should i goto stable? or is testing pretty stable ?
05:05.15AzarKupal[], it is up to you to change the sources.list and define the exact name of what you want to use: "woody" , "sarge", "etch" or "sid"
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05:05.27jasoncohenKupal[], read this-
05:05.38Kupal[]I guess I will run sarge cause of the security updates..
05:05.42thumPer1052as apposed to?
05:06.06bourneagainsimonrvn: This cluster is not high performance. It just has to get stuff done in a half an hour when it would take 6 hrs. otherwise.
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05:06.32bourneagainsimonrvn: A very specific application domain utilizing optimisation.
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05:06.39jasoncoheni've seen many maintainers close bugs because they only affect woody. Since woody still gets security support for the next 12 months or so, shouldn't they be attempting to fix the issue or forwarding it to the debian security team?
05:06.49ethicskupal:  stable = production servers  all work for sure:  testing = should work np has been tested to a installable and functional level.....sid/unstable: WYSIWYG   if it breaks wait or fix it yourself
05:06.50thumPer1052isn't the current round of kernel developement supposed to be all baout clustering?
05:07.10jasoncoheni would imagine it's a real bitch to fix some security issues because the woody version is just so old and so much of the code has changed- the maintainers just don't want to bother
05:07.18Azarthe only issue when someone wants to install woody now from a CD, like I did is , at installation time, when it comes to configure apt, pick "manual sources" meaning you will actually have to type in the url-s for the source.list and mention "woody" instead of "stable"
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05:07.38ethicskupal:  most of the desktop users go testing but you dont have to you can go stable and move up anytime...downgrade is not easy tho
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05:07.53Kupal[]ethics: yeah..
05:08.06simonrvndowngrading you can very easily get foot bullets
05:08.08Kupal[]i will go stable.. this is going to end up becoming a dusty server..
05:08.21Kupal[]just so used to testing cause woody you couldn't do shit.
05:09.02Kupal[]wish this was called Buzz instead of Etch, but what are you going to do..
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05:09.10jasoncohenethics, testing would be a better choice for the desktop if it had relatively quick security fixes like unstable usually does
05:09.30ethicskupal: buzz has been and gone i think
05:09.35tcsetattryou're several years too late for buzz
05:09.35bourneagainthumPer1052: CLustering has so many different expectations. In this case it is clustering for algorithms that search through large trees. Every cluster architecture has its own application domain, cost & performance tradeoffs. I don't think one clustering solution would be the clustering solution.
05:09.38Kupal[]sad so sad
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05:09.49Azarif woody could use a 2.6.x kernel I'd be still using it, the 2.4.x looks vulnerable
05:09.54jasoncohenKupal[], Debian 1.1 Buzz (June 17th, 1996): This was the first Debian release with a code name. It was taken, like all others so far, from a character in the movie Toy Story... in this case, Buzz Lightyear
05:10.14jasoncohenThis release was fully ELF, used Linux kernel 2.0, and contained 474 packages. - a great deal has changed since then, heh
05:10.21carlbsetting up my first debian server and have a question about partitioning: where is the outer portion of the hard disk... at the "end of the free space" or the "beginning"
05:10.23ethicskupal: etch = etchesketch  alsotoystory
05:10.29Kupal[]well maybe one day we will get lihtyear (when they run out of names ) hehehe
05:11.07thumPer1052bourneagain: so you're using PVM?
05:11.08jasoncohenAzar, i'm still trying to figure out why there's been no security update for gaim
05:11.21jasoncohenAzar, fedora, mandrake, ubuntu and suse already released patches i believe
05:11.30bourneagainthumPer1052: The developer used PVM.
05:11.31ethicskupal:  well theres 80 leutenants named as models names at pixar so i dont think we will be short
05:11.32carlb(has to be a good omen... starting to set up the server and discovering that sarge is out)
05:11.32Azarjasoncohen, I am looking no updates of any kind for this past week
05:11.42jasoncohenAzar, no updates of any kind since june 3rd!
05:12.18jasoncohengaim 1.3.1 went into sid on 6-10.
05:12.18Azarjasoncohen maybe because those you have mentioned, are more vulnerable than Debian
05:12.24thumPer1052bourneagain: I wonder what the performance diff is between that, and a openmosix solution...
05:12.55jasoncohenAzar, i doubt it. sarge has 1.2.1 with security updates from 1.3. I asked on #gaim and was told that 1.2.1 is vulnerable
05:12.58carlban additional question (seeing I am not getting much traction on my first):
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05:13.06carlbshould swap be a primary partition?
05:13.10Azarjasoncohen, I am never using messengers, but I read that aim has security problems
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05:13.36Azarjasoncohen maybe because gaim is not a debian package?
05:13.45jasoncohenAzar, what do you mean?
05:13.48jasoncohengaim is in main
05:13.54TTT_Travis|G3could someone send me a link to the Debian Sarge NETINSTALL? the main debian site is not loading for me
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05:14.04dondelelcaroTTT_Travis|G3: /topic
05:14.05Azarjasoncohen, it is "offered" but not a Debian product
05:14.05tcsetattrit doesn't matter what's on a primary partition. And I don't think that the physical layout of modern hard drives is something that's knowable to anyone but the manufacturer
05:14.15dondelelcaro!tell TTT_Travis|G3 -about install debian
05:14.18bourneagainthumPer1052: I don't think PVM can really take advantage of anything OpenMosix has to offer. Dunno though.
05:14.41carlbthanks tcsetattr
05:15.05dondelelcarojasoncohen: are you talking about #303581?
05:15.06TTT_Travis|G3thankyou jasoncohen
05:15.08dondelelcaro!dbugs 303581
05:15.16dpkg#303581:I[gaim] gaim my be crashed remotely: CAN-2005-0965  CAN-2005-0966 (security, woody) Thu, 7 Apr 2005 15:33:09 UTC
05:15.26carlbwas reading and people recommend putting swap on the outer edges of the hard drive
05:15.27jasoncohendondelelcaro, no
05:15.29Azarpersonally I would be glad if Debian system would spit out outside, 3rd party software that show be buggy, just freeze them or autodelete them
05:15.30carlbfor speed
05:15.37carlbjust wondering where that is...
05:15.39DrRighteouslooking for assistance with user-mode linux networking configuration. Use uml-utilities package, but can't get UML image to network with public internet. anyone?
05:15.42jasoncohendondelelcaro, ew upstream version. Fixes two remote DoS/crash security bugs,
05:15.47Kupal[]anyone offer lvm advice, i want to do lvm root....
05:15.56dondelelcarojasoncohen: file the bug then.
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05:16.07dondelelcarojasoncohen: since it hasn't been filed against the gaim package
05:16.08carlbwhich way are drives written to... from outside in or inside out
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05:16.32jasoncohendondelelcaro, but they must already know. 1.3.1 went into sid immediately...won't i get bitched at?
05:16.50carlb(would answer my question and allow me to continue setup)
05:16.54tcsetattrhistorically, I believe the "beginning" of the disk is the outer edge... at least that's the way it was on old floppies where the outer tracks had more sectors than the inner ones :)
05:17.16Kupal[]that makes sense..
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05:17.18thumPer1052bourneagain: yeah, if you need a lot of interprocess communication mosix is useles.  But it's pretty cool to watch it migrate processes, load balance, etc.
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05:18.06dondelelcarojasoncohen: file the bug, and tag it security,sarge,testing (if the vulnerable version is still in testing) with severity >= serious
05:18.11tcsetattrbut those were one-sided floppies... if you had to number the sectors of a multi-platter, multi-sided "disk", how would you handle it? you might find that the "beginning" of the disk is at the outer edge of just one platter
05:18.13bourneagainthumPer1052: yeah this stuff really can't be moved around. Max memory usage I think is around 1.5 Gig.
05:18.22jasoncohendondelelcaro, ok
05:18.34jasoncohendondelelcaro, but if i get bitchslapped i'm blaming you :)
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05:18.54bourneagainthumPer1052: We are trying to do this with stuff that should be shared memory architecture.
05:19.03dondelelcarojasoncohen: if you do it properly, you won't get slapped. Robot101 won't do that.
05:19.07mwilson<sigh> and libfreetype6 gets hosed *again*!  #315150
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05:19.17mwilsonEvery time it gets a new maintainer, it gets hosed.
05:19.26thumPer1052bourneagain: how many nodes?
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05:19.44emptymwilson, probably why it gets lots of new maintainers?
05:19.45jasoncohendondelelcaro, hmm the 1.3.1-1 update was only medium. maybe i should report it as normal
05:19.45carlbthanks again tcsetattr
05:19.46*** join/#debian ttick (
05:20.03dondelelcarojasoncohen: no, the severity is at least serious.
05:20.07bourneagainthumPer1052: Not many, just 8. But the "processor count" under linix is 32
05:20.16dondelelcarojasoncohen: the tagging makes it so that it won't affect the transition into testing.
05:20.20mwilsonempty: <shrug> I have no idea... I just know it's a package I always audit when it gets updated.
05:20.32jasoncohendondelelcaro, it asks why i'm tagging it as serious- and it wants 1,2, or 3 as a choice. should i leave it unknown?
05:20.33*** part/#debian DrRighteous (~DrRighteo@
05:21.28shivrajI want to set the fg in eterm to bright white .. how do I do that ?
05:21.45thumPer1052bourneagain: so you're finding the tools to administer the cluster to be a bit thin?
05:22.04Kupal[]<G> I wander how many debian boxes I have given birth to so far :)
05:22.11bourneagainthumPer1052: Well to do it well without babysitting it. But I am no expert.
05:22.12mwilsonshivraj: Oddly enough, eterm has a man page for just this purpose.
05:22.23Kupal[]atleast 10..
05:22.59dondelelcarojasoncohen: I forget what the options are there... it's serious because it's RC.
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05:23.25emptymwilson, that's crazytalk
05:23.34bourneagainthumPer1052: My solution is fairly simple right now. I am mostly concerned about maint. The master can be autoinstalled via a CD. Then the nodes autoinstall via PXE. Of course it is better if you don't turn then all on at a time.
05:24.02thumPer1052bourneagain: some projects expect everyone to take the time to BECOME an expert.  Guess you're supposed to be able to roll your own tools.
05:24.05dondelelcarojasoncohen: will be useful too.
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05:25.41jasoncohendondelelcaro, ok, i gave it priority serious with security, sarge, and testing tags
05:26.06bourneagainthumPer1052: I think the research multiuser clusters are a far more demanding environment. I am trying to consider what cluster management tools make sense in this setting.
05:26.41tcsetattrif you submit a simple "obviously-correct" patch to BTS, and the package maintainer never replies... how long before you get annoyed?
05:26.43emptybourneagain, distributed webmin... hehe
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05:26.59thumPer1052bourneagain: From what little I've read, it's all pretty low level at the moment.
05:27.10bourneagainempty: Actually that is what I am using =)
05:27.15bourneagainheh, heresy!
05:27.18emptybourneagain, ....
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05:27.45emptybourneagain, I can see that in a controlled environment over SSL I guess
05:27.47bourneagainempty: It is obviously not the solution =)
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05:28.23bourneagainempty: I wanted something easy. Look if it WORKED and did not corrupt config files. It would be great ;)
05:28.40*** part/#debian Dimitry (
05:28.50emptybourneagain, I have many times thought about writing a daemon that checks a shared ri for new shell scripts and runs them once as root... nasty cludge but would be handy
05:29.17dondelelcarough. a security hole waiting to happen
05:29.46thumPer1052worse thatn the tftp thing
05:29.54emptydondelelcaro, I know, but the idea would be that a single tight machine would be the only box with write access to the shared dir
05:30.20bourneagainempty: Because of the nature of this environment am using PXE TFTP boot to check for the lastest. Similar idea.
05:30.33emptydondelelcaro, and in my environment I'd run it on the management net- you'd need to root a cluster box to see that net anyway
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05:30.47thumPer1052Does the cluster HAVE to be on the network?
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05:31.05emptythumPer1052, a cluster of one ox doesn't :-O
05:31.10emptyone box
05:31.28thumPer1052lol, I meant the cluster as a whole
05:32.13dondelelcaroempty: so why write your own daemon? just drop the appropriate files into the centralized crontab or at daemon's root.
05:33.25bourneagaindondelelcaro: Any opinion of FAI?
05:33.35emptydondelelcaro, b/c then I could run each scrpt *once* per bx and keep a local tab of whats been run and what hasn't
05:33.44*** join/#debian ding0k_ (
05:33.44gullyfoyleic ant find my ut2004 cds to install on my new debian box. uh oh, i'm lacking that time-waster.
05:34.02dondelelcarobourneagain: it works
05:34.22bourneagaindondelelcaro: Yes, and that is saying alot!
05:34.24*** part/#debian ding0k_ (
05:34.27emptygullyfoyle, making your friends curse your name as they choke on their own aortal blood is not a waste of time, thats love
05:34.32dondelelcaroempty: at and/or cron already does that...
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05:35.01emptydondelelcaro, Really?? How?
05:35.05gullyfoylei hid the cds somewhere and now i cant find them!
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05:35.28gullyfoylei'm jonesin man!
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05:35.47dondelelcaroempty: at only runs a job once. The fact thata it has run is indiated in the logs. Similarly for cron, save the job is run multiple times at the appropriate time.
05:35.54gullyfoyledont make me...gasp...boot windoze....aaaggh
05:35.54thumPer1052is their a pachage for 2004?
05:35.57ding0kif I switched my hard drive from secondary master to primary master, what all would I have to change for my linux install to continue to function -- just changing fstab ?
05:35.59dondelelcarothumPer1052: ?
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05:36.01empty"at" runs something once but I'd still need to set up the "at"job, so I may as well be doing the shell script myself at that point
05:36.15dondelelcaroempty: no, you just drop the at job in the appropriate folder.
05:36.32johnnybezakhey guys i'm connecting to a box in another room with vnc, but it's not showing the gnome desktop/panels etc.
05:36.45emptydondelelcaro, I can't believe you of all people just said folder :D
05:36.49thumPer1052was wondering if I could install games via apt-get
05:36.58dondelelcaroempty: you don't know my background. If you did you would understand.
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05:37.03emptythumPer1052, several yes
05:37.12mwilsonshivraj: Is there some reason in particular you find it necessary to msg me?
05:37.15emptydondelelcaro, ahhh file clerk than :P
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05:37.21SM2ksince sarge was released, there's been no code freeze in unstable, correct? just wondering why an update then dist-upgrade indicates my system is up to date...
05:37.31thumPer1052be nice to install truecombat without having to think
05:37.40thumPer1052defeats the purpose of gaming
05:37.45thumPer1052if i have to think
05:37.54dondelelcaroSM2k: if you're actually using unstable, there are updates every 24 hours.
05:38.03emptydondelelcaro, can you define additional dirs for at to check? at might be my man
05:38.15SM2kshould be. I have a one-line sources.list at the moment...
05:38.31emptythumPer1052, you can apt-get freeciv, but given your stated preference...
05:38.42dondelelcaroempty: it's just /var/spool/cron/atjobs; presumably you can patch atd to monitor different directories
05:38.45SM2kunless I missed something: deb unstable main contrib non-free
05:38.45SM2kwill get me unstable...
05:39.03bourneagainthumPer1052: I have been in software for awhile. I wrote the spec for SuperCalc talking to Adam Osborne over the phone for 2 hrs. one day. Heh, those were the days!!!!
05:39.07emptydondelelcaro, ...or just rm that dir and symlink it to my nfs mount
05:39.09dondelelcaroSM2k: and when was the last time you upgraded?
05:39.17SM2kerm. early june.
05:39.23emptydondelelcaro, or hell just mount the share there... rad I will investigate that, thank you
05:39.33thumPer1052empty: I played that game for two weeks straight once. (really broke) can't bear...
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05:40.27emptythumPer1052, you can get freecraft too if thats your gig, or if you have old doom WADs lying around the doom engine
05:40.44emptythumPer1052, if you are feeling brave and BOFHish check out psdoom
05:40.52Spec[x]psdoom is awesome
05:41.01ttickempty: heh, doom WADs, almost forgot about those.
05:41.02thumPer1052might try that
05:41.02sparr_How can I calibrate the center position for my joystick(s)?
05:41.16johnnybezakanyone know why when I connect to a remote box with vnc it doesnt show the window manager properly
05:41.16dondelelcaroSM2k: well, I know for a fact there have been loads of updates since then... apt-cache policy libgnome2-0; FE.
05:41.19Spec[x]I wanna rewrite it so it kills only users sessions, and spawn a doom on everyone's computer in an LTSP environment :p
05:41.35Spec[x]and make it so their character = their pid
05:41.46emptySpec, that would be fun, you get aced and your doom client dies
05:41.46thumPer1052I think truecombat requires q3a, and I can't find my cd's, lol
05:41.54Spec[x]empty, no
05:42.03Spec[x]empty, you get aced and your entire client dies :p
05:42.09gullyfoylefriggin cds start to migrate
05:42.12SM2kdondelelcaro: is there some particular reason a system would then decide no upgrades were avail? like a locked package (at least I assume a concept like that exists)
05:42.20trave11ersomebody wrote a process killer based on doom once
05:42.22Spec[x]so spawn 'em when everyone's working and say "i hope you've saved....or you're really good at doom"
05:42.29dondelelcaroSM2k: if you've put every single package on hold, yes, that can happen.
05:42.30thumPer1052I was running gentoo when I 'discovered' truecombat, and there was an ebuild
05:42.37emptySpec[x], if you write that let me know, that would be a big hit with the tech staff in my call center... on their thinclients
05:42.39Spec[x]trave11er, psdoom
05:42.55thumPer1052now I have to like rtfm, and google and stuff
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05:43.03bourneagainthumPer1052: I wish I knew what you know about this stuff. I started learning this stuff last week. It has been 14 hrs days of reading and sitting in from of a computer screen. I am a .NET developer not a linux expert, shessh.
05:43.06Spec[x]empty, i've wanted to write it for a year now, i'm not a very good programmer though, i haven't even looked at it in depth -.-
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05:43.22Spec[x]i don't think psdoom has multiplayer support, but i'm not sure
05:43.39SM2kdondelelcaro: is there a way off hand to know which packages are held back then?
05:43.57SM2kdondelelcaro: and to remove said hold?
05:44.08thumPer1052isn't Linux expert an oxymoron?
05:44.26Spec[x]how is linux expert an oxymoron?
05:44.28thumPer1052let the flaming begin
05:44.56SM2kthumPer1052: applied for a job a few weeks ago and they told me I needed 15 yrs linux experience... :-D ahem. not even linus himself has that...
05:45.04greysonthumPer1052: Where does the line between Linux Novice (most people) and Linus come?
05:45.08PhatedSM2k: Hah.
05:45.14dondelelcaroSM2k: that's why I asked to see the output of apt-cache policy libgnome2-0;
05:45.30bourneagainHow about network security is that an oxymoron?
05:45.36greysonSM2k: That's like companies that have been looking for 6 years of Java experience a few years ago.
05:45.43Spec[x]It's really not being a Linux's more like being a GNU/Linux expert....
05:45.46greysonbourneagain: No, it's a job title.
05:45.48thumPer1052I think everyone (in the linux comunity) has pockets of expertise...
05:45.57*** join/#debian solomonn (
05:45.58Spec[x]This is Debian GNU/Linux, in case you all didn't know what debian was
05:46.15shivrajanyone know how to change the text to bright white in eterm ???
05:46.16johnnybezakdo any of you guys know much about MAKEDEV?
05:46.22dondelelcarojohnnybezak: just ask your question.
05:46.28solomonncan i cmp the output of two commands without putting both outputs in files? or am i looking for something besides cmp?
05:46.29jm_MAKEDEV is just a shell script
05:46.36johnnybezakyeah i know it is
05:46.40bourneagaingreyson: Indeed :) And I am beginning to believe that is all it is!
05:46.44mdhSM2k: sometimes they throw things in like that to see just how much you do know about stuff
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05:46.57tennini don't have any pockets of expertise!
05:47.07thumPer1052so sad
05:47.11johnnybezakI'm trying to make a video /dev entry, and for some reason it is putting it under "/dev/.static/dev/video*
05:47.14tcsetattrcmp <(cmd1) <(cmd2) # zsh syntax, though bash might have stolen it by now
05:47.19greysonbourneagain: Hehe... well, I know people that work in whole departments subsidized for that exact reason.
05:47.24johnnybezakanyone know why?/what is this .static directory?
05:47.35sparr_I have a joystick that has controllable backlit buttons in windows...  is there any way i can send data to a joystick (arbitrarily, im up for some trial and error tonight) using the normal /dev/input/jsN device?\
05:47.44dondelelcarojohnnybezak: are you using devfs or udev or something?
05:47.47tennini'm good at making doomed but glorious attempts to compile glibc
05:47.51tennini guess that's something
05:47.58bourneagaingreyson: I have a friend that recently finished a GEAC cert. He is in demand.
05:48.00dondelelcaro50 unstable/main Packages <-- this would be the problem.
05:48.02johnnybezakdondelelcaro: how can I check
05:48.04dondelelcaroSM2k: ^^^
05:48.06mdhSM2k: a bullshit artist would crap on about how they have 20 years Linux experience, sometimes those things are designed specifically to weed out the people who are thinking from those who aren't
05:48.09thumPer1052everyone has a God give talent...
05:48.25greyson(Sorry all, had trouble with my '?' key.
05:48.27solomonntcsetattr: perfecto. thanks!
05:48.36dondelelcaroSM2k: You've got a /etc/apt/apt.conf or similar that is pinning stable to 50 instead of the default 100.
05:48.43jm_sparr_: read Documentation/input/*
05:49.27bourneagaingreymon: Yeah banking sysadmins get it.
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05:50.21greysonbourneagain: (Was that directed at me?)
05:50.28mdhtcsetattr: that works in bash
05:50.49bourneagaingreyson: Sorry forgot to use the tab key
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05:51.13SM2kdondelelcaro: wow. I've been using debian for a year now and never heard of that. any good places to go RTFM?
05:51.14greysonbourneagain: Ah... okay, just made the connect... yeah, I was actually thinking about a friend of mine who works for a bank in the Information Protection Dept..
05:51.16sobersabreneed help... with hp zx6000... i think i wrote something bad into the EFI boot...
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05:51.35dondelelcaroSM2k: man apt_preferences; for starters, then man apt.conf;
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05:51.42mdhSM2k: the debian manuals on (you can apt-get install them too)
05:52.19greysonI'm tempted to start taking the SNL approach to troubleshooting "Greyson! My outlook crashed!" "Then don't *OPEN* it!"
05:52.34johnnybezakdondelelcaro: is there a way i can check if i'm using devfs or udev?
05:52.42supsupI'm having trouble installing KDE. When I install it, I get error: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/konq-plugins_4%3a3.3.2-4_amd64.deb (--unpack) trying to overwrite /usr/share/mimelnk/application/w-ebarchive.desktop, which is also in package kdelibs-data
05:53.15supsupi think packages from the two versions got intermingled, I had repos with both 3.4.1 and 3.3 in them and it got things from both when I ran apt-get install kde
05:54.00dondelelcarojohnnybezak: mount; should tell you...
05:54.04bob2supsup: the kde packages are broken
05:54.19SM2kthanks for the help guys
05:54.20supsuphow do I fix that? i've tried already apt-get autoclean and apt-get clean and apt-get remove and updating the source file and running apt-get update
05:54.22thumPer1052within stable?
05:54.46jm_install it manually with appropriate options
05:54.48johnnybezakwhy would MAKEDEV be making these devices in this directory ".static" what is the point?
05:54.59supsuphow do I install it manually?
05:55.08greysonsupsup: dpkg -i
05:55.13tcsetattrthere's probably a dpkg --force-* you could use
05:55.19dondelelcarojohnnybezak: no, MAKEDEV wouldn't be, that's just where devfs or udev is probably putting them.
05:55.20jm_the point is that you still have the files, even if udev/devfs doesn't create it
05:55.22supsupdpkg -i kde?
05:55.34streunersupsup: no
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05:55.46streunersupsup: why the fuck are you running unstable?
05:55.53johnnybezakdondelelcaro: is there a way to stop it doing that?
05:56.03supsup^_^ sorry I'm new at this. dpkg -i the thing? I'm not, i'm running sarge
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05:56.24streunersupsup: read /topic
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05:56.39greysonstreuner: Good catch there.
05:56.39tcsetattrhow did you get conflicting packages if you're running stable?
05:56.45streunersupsup: 2) 3.4 packages are actually for unstablle
05:56.50streunersupsup: 2) 3.4 packages are actually for unstable
05:57.00dondelelcarojohnnybezak: WRITE_ON_UDEV=0 MAKEDEV video; should work.
05:57.15greysonsupsup: Yeah, when the upgrade happened, our nice 'testing' machines suddenly become unstable.
05:57.24greyson(I think)...
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05:57.54supsupppppppppfff ok so I gotta install kde 3.3 then? Can I just have it stop all of this and uninstall what it has so I can do apt-get install kde again with the 3.3 source?
05:58.17supsupby source i mean repo
05:58.43johnnybezakdondelelcaro: yeah it worked, hopefully the card works:)
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05:59.39greysonsupsup: Good luck -- you may as well be off backing up the stuff you want to keep and starting again.
05:59.56thumPer1052he'll be bourne again... and again...
06:00.03johnnybezakdondelelcaro: yeah it worked, hopefully the card works:)
06:01.34supsup;( i just did that. I guess I'll reinstall again, dang.
06:01.53streunersupsup: or just run testing/etch, but remove all packages for KDE and reinstall KDE then
06:02.05streuner!remove kde
06:02.05dpkgit has been said that remove kde is apt-get --purge remove kdelibs3 kdelibs4 (or ask me about "install kde")
06:02.47supsupcool thanks, I'll try that, that'd be real cool if it worked, thank you ^_^
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06:03.02grepperapt-get --purge remove libarts1 is probably better
06:03.12bob2it's disturbing that even with $50 postage, it's cheaper to get 4 books from the US than from here
06:03.23greysonstreuner: Oh... is testing still fairly stable?
06:03.27thumPer1052I'm new to debian, but removing something like kde (under Gentoo) could break a lot ...
06:03.53bob2thumPer1052: it won't break anything on Debian
06:03.55streunergreyson: i wouldn't know, iam running sarge and sid
06:03.58greyson(I downgraded my testing server to stable when the change came around... I really should use the codenames)
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06:04.56Casanovahello.. i installed debian sarge yesterday... i can get the audio to work.. can some one help me?
06:05.07greysonCasanova: What where you using before?
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06:05.17jm_help you with what? things that are working?
06:05.24Casanovagreenfly, FC3
06:05.33Casanovajm_, :D my audio config
06:05.51jm_Casanova: but you said you can get it to work - did you mean "can't"?
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06:06.12streunergreyson: Fedora Core 3
06:06.23Casanovajm_, oops s/can/can't/g
06:06.32swimfolks, ive got a problem (debian-pure64) installed xfce4 sarge, tried to update to sid... it updated like one lib package but nothing else, saying it held back 13 packages.
06:06.41greysonCasanova: What drivers were you using before?
06:06.45jm_Casanova: load modules for your card, set volume, add yourself to group called audio
06:06.52Casanovagreenfly, alsa
06:07.02greysonswim: sid bad, sid no worky all time, good lucky.
06:07.03Casanovajm_, slow down... i am kinda new
06:07.08swimoh nm had to do dist-upgrade
06:07.17swimgreyson: I allways use sid
06:07.23greysonCasanova: Could you please stop calling me greenfly ? :)
06:07.35Casanovasorry :p
06:07.45supsupI get a bunch of dependency messages
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06:07.59greysonAre you new to debian?
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06:08.03supsupand then it wants to install that stuff that meses it up again
06:08.03ethicsgrasshoper is much preffered 8)
06:08.16Casanovagreyson, yes
06:08.19Casanovafirst time
06:08.26greysonethics: pbbbt
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06:08.39ethicssupsup: change the sources reupdate remove kde
06:08.47ethicsgreyson heheh
06:08.51supsupi did ;(
06:08.57greysonCasanova: You're familiar with aptitude, and configuring your own kernel?
06:09.06Casanovagreyson, no no
06:09.08valdyn!alsa 2.6
06:09.09dpkgOn Sarge with a 2.6 kernel, to use ALSA, apt-get install alsa-utils discover1. You may need to run alsaconf too. No more faffing about with OSS modules. Remember to tell your applications and libraries to use alsa, to get any benefit.
06:09.20Casanovagreyson, i installed the 2.6 kernel
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06:09.30ethicssupsup:  are you sure? the shit that breaks it impliews the wrong source or no update
06:09.43greysonCasanova: What soundcard do you have?
06:10.01Casanovagreyson, intel inbuilt 865 GBF
06:10.05Casanovaextreme audio 2
06:10.11greysonCasanova: valdyn has a point...
06:10.41thumPer1052I'm useing alsa with a vanilla kernel.  It all works, but if I run alsa-config, it unloads my alsa drivers, then says it can't find any cards.
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06:10.51Casanovagreyson, dpkg 's advice worked
06:10.52greysonMight be a good place to start.
06:10.59Casanovadpkg, thanx a lot
06:11.00dpkgCongratulations, a lot! You've just made the life of your keyboard one keystroke longer!
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06:11.24greysonCasanova: Of course it did... although dpkg is a bot... valdyn was the one who triggered it.
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06:12.21pressureman_anyone here running dexter's php5?
06:12.44dpkgsomebody said anyone was ***anyone: No such nick/channel - and yes, there probably is someone, somewhere, who knows or runs it; that doesn't mean *I* do.
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06:13.31nvzgoing down to add a nic and setup ipmasq I guess *shrug* damn switch died on me :P
06:13.31ethicspressureman_, just ask
06:13.42pressureman_ask what?
06:13.46elekisI need help, I have a trouble with java
06:13.54pressureman_i did ask. i asked if anybody was running dexter's php5.
06:13.58thumPer1052try c
06:14.03bucky!seen jim
06:14.04dpkgjim is currently on #debian (1d 22h 52m 53s).  Has said a total of 12616 messages.  Is idling for 2h 23m 14s
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06:14.11ethicspressureman_, whatever your problem is...
06:14.17greysonI've been hanging out here for the last few days, and it's been my first long-time experience with IRC since BBSs were still the way to get online... thank you all for all the sarcastic fun...
06:14.20nvzIBEGONE: turn it off
06:14.29ethicspressureman_, and the answer may be irrelevant to if we can help
06:14.30pressureman_how do you get around dependency problems for official packages that want php4?
06:14.34greysonSorry, I was just feeling a bit gushy just then... ignore that I ever said that.
06:14.36elekisI installed java 1.5 and all is ok  but I try to make a link  fromusr/bin to opt/j1.5/bin/java
06:14.46pressureman_such as cacti
06:14.52elekisln -s /opt/jre1.5.0_02/bin/java /usr/bin/java
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06:15.10castany comments on wheither i should listen to the writer of /etc/default/iptables? it says not to use it and that he didnt even want to write that script...but it seems to do just what i want :)
06:15.20valdynelekis: /msg dpkg java-package
06:15.45elekisbut th'ast doesn't work , I mean , the link is there , but when I tape only java in command line he doen't reconize java
06:16.01ttickgreyson: I'm with ya, man.
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06:16.07thumPer1052is /usr/bin in your PATH?
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06:16.11rebeckamy hard drive died, but I managed to save the contents of /var/dpkg (and /etc and several other things).  Any suggestions on getting the new HD up and running using this info?
06:16.23elekisall other prog work
06:16.36thumPer1052is it executable?
06:16.39elekiswhen I tape gimp I have no prob
06:16.57pressureman_i think my neighbour tapes gimps
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06:17.21elekisheu when I tape /opt/j1.5/bin/java progjava that work
06:17.27thumPer1052does your neighbor sell the tapes?...
06:17.40ethicsrebecka, net inst copy files fro /var/cache/apt accross to new system then it wont reget them when you apt-get them again unless its updated...the etc stuff can go the same place.....what version was it? sarge
06:17.42pressureman_dunno. never tried to buy em
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06:18.53thumPer1052when you tape /usr/bin/jave does that work?
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06:19.12elekisheu... wait
06:19.14greysonRandom question: Anyone seen LILO or another bootloader use a different keymap, like dvorak?
06:19.16pressureman_so, does anybody know how to force a package to install, that requires php4, when i instead have dexter's php5 packages installed?
06:19.22thumPer1052or even TYPE /usr/bin/java?
06:19.41rebeckaethics, thanks.  Unfortunately, it doesn't look like I saved /var/cache.  I didn't have much time, and I found a website which suggested I only needed /var/dpkg.  Am I hosed?
06:19.50bob2pressureman_: don't bother
06:19.59pressureman_not possible?
06:20.03rebeckaoh, and it was etch (testing) the version, although I had some unstable packages
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06:20.21elekisbash: /usr/bin/java: No such file or directory
06:20.26pressureman_sid = testing. etch = unstable
06:20.37ttick!seen shingouz
06:20.38elekislrwxrwxrwx  1 root root 25 2005-06-21 17:35 /usr/bin/java -> /opt/jre1.5.0_02/bin/java
06:20.38dpkgshingouz is currently on #debian (8h 32m 49s).  Has said a total of 13136 messages.  Is idling for 5h 19m 13s
06:21.27pressureman_i forced libadodb to install by downloading the package, then dpkg -i.
06:21.31CQcan anyone point me to a HOWTO on how to install ORacle clients on Testing?
06:21.31jm_greyson: you can remap the keys in GRUB
06:21.45pressureman_but then apt-get looks like it's going to whine about dependency problems forever after
06:21.45rebeckapressureman_ -- sorry, I read the opposite on today.  Is it confused ? ( )
06:21.59*** part/#debian Casanova (~prash@casanova.user)
06:22.13pressureman_huh? i thought sarge was now stable, sid is now testing, and the new unstable is etch
06:22.15ttickrebecka: sid = unstable, etch= testing
06:22.23greysonjm_: Cool, nice to know in the future.
06:22.32ttickpressureman_: sid is _always_ unstable.
06:22.34raf256I dont see any kernel-source-2.6.11 ... why? there is kernel-image and -headers for it
06:23.18ttickpressureman_: keeping with the toystory theme, Sid is the evil child -- and thus always the most dangerous version.
06:23.22pressureman_ttick: didn't know that. poor sid. never going to be anything but unstable
06:23.41mdhelekis: could it be a dangling symlink?
06:23.46pressureman_i stand corrected then.
06:23.55pressureman_i guess i need to watch toystory more often
06:24.10raf256pressureman_: it should be: sarge, sid, sith ;)
06:24.22mdhelekis: apt-get install java-package and build a .deb of the j2sdk
06:24.23pressureman_i thought sarge turned nasty in toystory?
06:24.28thumPer1052mdh: so he should delete it and recreate the link?
06:25.33*** join/#debian Coke (
06:25.34mdhthumPer1052: the j2sdk/j2re has too many programs to manually link.  its much more simpler to use make-jpkg to build a .deb and have everything automatically set up for you the Debian way
06:25.38pressureman_so getting back to php4 dependencies... why should i not bother trying to force a package to install when i have php5?
06:25.40ethicsrebecka, i dont have a /var/ you know what files there are in it?  heaps of debs?
06:25.49pressureman_is it that impossible?
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06:26.04dondelelcaropressureman_: read about equivs. Forcing a package to install is never the right thing to do.
06:26.08Cokeethics: /var/lib/dpkg
06:26.09thumPer1052mdh: ahhh. I'm still leaning 'The Debian Way'.
06:26.28pressureman_dondelelcaro: thanks.. i'll check that out.
06:27.10ethicscoke cheers..
06:27.24mdhthumPer1052: we all have to start somewhere :)  apt-get install java-package
06:27.30Cokeethics: it's part of dpkg's backend for the packages.
06:27.37rebeckaethics: Oh dear.  I was confused about what directory it was (I did backups piecemeal) .  It's /var/lib/dpkg.
06:27.39ttickWhen I insert a USB storage device is /etc/hotplug/usb/usb-storage automagically run each time?
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06:27.52ethicsrebecka, well in the dpkg folder theres an info folder which has a .list file for each package you installed so that may help..
06:28.05mdhthumPer1052: and if you're running sid, deal with the annoying bug in the BTS regarding the current j2sdk not being recognised because of the dpkg screwup
06:28.21Cokettick: what does the first lines of the script say?
06:28.35ethicsrebecka:  was it a long lived box?  or would netinstall kde/gnome etc put you somewhat close?
06:28.40*** part/#debian pressureman_ (
06:29.04ttickCoke: I'm making a script, so it doesn't say anythign yet, but prolly a shebang line: #!/bin/bash  or something :)
06:29.04rebeckaethics: well, I have a new laptop and I had quite a bit of custom modules, tools, etc
06:29.26ethicsrebecka: any customizations may be there but the actual apps will need redownload and installing from what i can see you having
06:29.53thumPer1052mdh: I Moved from Gentoo to Debian Stable so I could spend less time on maintenence.
06:29.56rebeckaethics: I did a reinstall of the "desktop environment" and that was the worst ever.  Doesn't even install emacs by default!  downloading is no big deal.  I also saved etc and /usr/local, so a lot of configs are saved
06:30.03naphexHi. On testing i need to switch off the screen of my laptop, but xset dpms force off does nothing. can anyone help?
06:30.42ethicsrebecka, there may be a way to make dpkg use the previous configs from debconf if they lived in there also but id say all your customizations may be harder  good news is theres a 2.6.12 kernel you could compile to see what was fixed in it
06:30.43rebeckaethics : so some sort of ls *.list | sed s/.list//  | xargs apt-get install  ?
06:30.59mdhthumPer1052: you'll be fine then, it isn't broke in stable afaik ;)
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06:32.05mdhethics: --get-selections and --set-selections ?
06:32.11ethicsrebecka, thats an option to get the thinking more about the previous installed choices  debconf choices
06:32.34elekissory, phone call
06:32.56mdhethics: debconf-get-selections and debconf-set-selections ? :)
06:33.11ethicsmdh possibly this is getting beyond me i dont know the ins and outs of dpkg
06:33.45ethicsmdh im assuming that debconf saves the options you choose in /var/lib/dpkg also
06:34.04mdhethics: no, it stores it in /var/lib/debconf or something like that
06:34.21mdhethics: and you can dump and load using the programs debconf-get-selections and debconf-set-selections
06:34.31elekisjaava-package is already installed
06:34.41ethicsmdh then i think shes hosed back to reinstalling and her old package .lists
06:34.55mdhethics: /var/cache/debconf is exact
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06:35.15ethicsrebecka: your reinstalling it would appear and then something like that ls|xargs line
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06:36.06mdhelekis: congratulations.  you can now read its doco and use make-jpkg to build a .deb out of a number of working java runtime and development kits
06:36.14rebeckamdh: what do you mean "exact"?
06:36.15mdhelekis: then dpkg -i that .deb
06:36.33mdhrebecka: debconf stores its configs in files in /var/cache/debconf/
06:36.39rebeckaethics: thanks.  i guess i backed up the wrong things then..
06:36.43ethicsrebecka, i personally think the page that said all you needed was /var/lib/dpkg was not correct unless they know something we dont
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06:37.14x^equa|s1what do ppl recommend for a IDS?
06:37.21mdhelekis: I suggest the latest Sun one if you're not adverse to their licensing
06:37.29rebeckamdh: i see.  it doesn't sound like it.   Such is life.  At least installing the right packages is a start.  Is there anything useful in there other than that?
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06:38.45mdhrebecka: /var/lib/dpkg/ has all the info about the actual packages installed on the system, /var/cache/debconf/ holds the info on the debconf choices you made for some of those packages that use debconf
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06:39.03ethicsrebecka, well /etc may help with working out your configs when asked on install...and anything you changed in them of course
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06:39.20mdhx^equa|s1: snort is okay, there's all sorts of other interesting stuff too
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06:39.50mdhx^equa|s1: you might like to use multiple stuff so an attacker doesn't simply figure out you're running snort and perhaps work around that
06:40.25rebeckamdh, ethics: Thank you.  I guess I'll try restoring the packages and copying back /etc and seeing what happens.    Live and learn and back up.
06:40.27*** join/#debian eNTi (
06:41.17ethicsrebecka, at least you know more about how to backup etc....
06:41.21ethicsrebecka, next time youll be ready hehe
06:41.35x^equa|s1what do ppl also recommend for file integrity, eg Tripwire, AIDE,etc...?
06:41.58*** join/#debian joh (
06:42.18directhexhire a midget with a shotgun to stand guard over your files
06:42.45x^equa|s1directhex: i'm on a budget
06:43.00mdhhire a midget who goes "da plane!  da plane!" and while they distract the attacker, kneecap them
06:43.06directhexx^equa|s1, outsource all midget operations to india
06:43.39x^equa|s1directhex: shit, that's a good idea...
06:44.51x^equa|s1What are ppl here using 4 file integrity?
06:45.06*** join/#debian stealth (
06:45.08directhexand a midget.
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06:45.39x^equa|s1directhex: have you tryed AIDE
06:45.40mdhrebecka: when you restore /var/lib/dpkg you can use "dpkg --get-selections" to figure out what packages to reinstall
06:45.42ethics1 midget per drive?
06:45.51ethicsor clustered
06:46.21directhexethics, midgets connected by myrinet
06:46.24directhexx^equa|s1, no
06:47.03mdhrebecka: you can even use the --admindir option to restore that /var/lib/dpkg elsewhere and still dump the package list from it so you can restore it live
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06:47.29mdhwho has hard drives?  Just hire a bunch of chinese people to remember numbers
06:47.37bob2I have a midget that runs AIDE for me
06:47.57directhexi find chinese people to be noisier than seagate disks
06:48.01directhex*samsung disks
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06:48.31elekisis this here. stupid question, but I found that, is that work??
06:48.41x^equa|s1bob2: would you recommend AIDE?
06:48.48bob2I like it
06:48.54mdhdirecthex: sure, but your regular hard disk also isn't as adept at kungfu ;)
06:49.00bob2I only used it because some hardcore sysadmins I knew did
06:49.05x^equa|s1bob2: have you used Tripwire?
06:49.32directhexelekis, doesn't make-jpkg work for you?
06:49.36bob2tripwire seemed to buzzword-compliant for me
06:49.43bob2and it wasn't Free when I was choosing one
06:50.04mdhelekis: if you're running ubuntu, you're asking questions in the wrong channel
06:50.14Thor-anyone remeber the quote by the IBM head from the 60s about 2 computers is more than the world will ever need?  maybe a link?
06:50.22elekisoh sorry
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06:50.38cmihaiThor-: it was more like about their anual production / sale
06:50.44liableis mozilla-mplayer configurable to any extent?
06:51.13directhexliable, not that i'm aware of, it just uses your mplayer configs for things like which outrput plugs to use
06:52.28qwertz__Hi! I've got a dhcp client that's running sarge. Now I'd like to configure a static dns server for this client, different from the one provided by the dhcp server. Is it sufficent to write it in /etc/resolv.conf by hand or will it be overwritten when dhcp lease time is running out?
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06:53.12bob2it will be nuked
06:53.16liabledirecthex: hmm, ok, thanks.
06:53.27bob2if youre using dhcp3-client, editing /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf should be enough
06:53.43*** join/#debian sealion ( famous computer quotes Gates IBM     and work from there
06:55.19ethicsthor- :
06:57.52Thor-ethics: thx
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07:00.14exparrothey everyone... I accidentally put /home on the wrong disk while installing... can I move it somehow? there are no files in it yet
07:00.36qwertz__bob2, thanks have found it
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07:02.41exparrotif I mount the disk, make a directory on that... then symlink /home to it, will that work?
07:03.37mwilsonexparrot: You wouldn't just move the mountpoint of /home to the other disk because...?
07:03.53ethicsexparrot  make a new partition on the right drive update fstab unmount and remount
07:04.24exparrotcan I do it without making a partition? the size of the data in /home could vary from several megabytes to a few gigs.... I don't want to tie up more of the disk than I need to
07:04.40mwilsonOh, brother.
07:04.58ethicsexparrot, make it a size you can resize late i beleive
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07:06.08ethicsexparrot  you have to make a partition but you can resize it later
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07:06.23exparrotcan I make it so it just fits its contents though?
07:06.38exparrotI don't want to be resizing partitions every time I need to chuck a DVD backup in my home folder
07:06.51ethicsexparrot,  give it a bit of leeway as your settings go there too...
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07:07.14ethicsexparrot, ok what would use use the unpartitioned space for?
07:07.16mwilsonOr does the way a hard disk works on an IBM PC-compatible magically change because the OS is now Linux?
07:07.31g-hennahow do i change the dns domain of a debian machine? is there another file other than /etc/hostname?
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07:07.42exparrotethics: storing system tools for my windows machines, bittorrent downloads, etc
07:07.45mwilsong-henna: /etc/hosts
07:08.04exparrotseems awfully backwards to have to keep resizing partitions
07:08.06ethicsexparrot so make it Vfat??
07:08.14exparrotugh ethics :P
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07:08.28mwilsonexparrot: Then plan *intelligently* so that you don't have to do that.
07:08.28ethicsexparrot:  or make a set size smaller partition for that..
07:08.47ethicsexparrot  you dualboot?
07:08.54exparrotthis is for a fileserver, so no :P
07:09.25jm_fileserver where you want to minimize free space? that's not a file server
07:09.31ethicsok well if its a server then make it ext3 and let others access it by samba..
07:09.40exparrotyes ethics, as I am doing now....
07:09.42g-hennamwilson: and should the hostname command usually list host AND domain?
07:09.52exparrotjm, it is if you've only got 50 gigs of storage in the thing :P
07:10.16jm_exparrot: so why do you care about extra 4G then?
07:10.32exparrotdunno... I guess I'm obsessed with efficiency.
07:10.34mwilsong-henna: What does the man page say it should do?
07:10.45ethicssigh..........someone kill me
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07:11.00JeffHcan someone recommend a good web based database browser?
07:11.23exparrotwell, thanks for the suggestions guys, I'll go fiddle with it
07:11.32g-hennalist the name of the current host
07:12.31ethicsjeffh:  can you clarify that?
07:13.06JeffHI want a way to browse a database from a web browser.
07:13.08benjamindeeshypothetically speaking, should a i386 kernel have the same support for a fpu as an i586 kernel?
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07:13.24buckyJeffH, mysql /
07:13.52raf256there is no 2.6.11 sources package for debian....
07:13.58JeffHbucky: I want it to run through a web browser.
07:14.02ethicsjeffh you min like say webmin for postgres or mysql?
07:14.05raf256is it good idea to download manual kernel sources from
07:14.08buckyJeffH, which database?
07:14.10bob2benjamindees: the kernel doesn't use the fpu at all
07:14.11mwilsonraf256: Except that there is, of course.
07:14.25JeffHbudky: mysql
07:14.34raf256mwilson: where? my synaptics doesnt show kernel-source-2.6.11 package, only 2.6.
07:14.57mwilsonraf256: <shrug> Don't use stable, then.
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07:15.18ethicsmwilson raf256 2.6.11 is only in unstable as source
07:15.19mwilsonraf256: It's a little hard for stable to contain what didn't exist when stable was frozen.
07:15.32mwilsonethics: Gee... no kidding?
07:15.40raf256mwilson: deb testing main contrib non-free
07:15.47bob2benjamindees: but for userspace,y es
07:15.52solomonnot:  can anyone tell me what i'm screwing up in this line?
07:15.54solomonnsolomon@hurl:~/music/mp32$ if test `cat md5sums | grep foo/bar/baz.mp3 | grep -v .flac` == `md5sum foo/bar/baz.mp3`; then echo "match"; else echo "no match"; fi
07:15.54solomonn-bash: test: too many arguments
07:16.11mwilsonraf256: And you think testing has significantly diverged from stable already?
07:16.12_root_anybody know the scriplet to show the progress symbol shown during fsck runs ?
07:16.15ethicsmwilson, its not in etch tho and the image is ...
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07:16.38raf256mwilson: isnt it?  I have now "testing" with is currently alias for this "enth...?" thingy?
07:16.57bob2solomonn: are you sure the results of both those commands is alway one word?
07:17.04ethicsraf256 use the one from sid
07:17.06bob2solomonn: or should you be quoting it?
07:17.15greysonwhat's that 'Netsplit' stuff?
07:17.25greysonI've not seen it before.
07:17.29solomonnbob2: hm well it's definitely never one word :)
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07:17.38thumPer1052shouldn't _root_know everything?
07:17.44raf256ethics: but this is strange, image+headers are, source isnt in there... how can I download just this one package from sid while remaining in testing? there was some apt-get commend for that...
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07:17.58solomonnbob2: but where do i put the quotes?  i can't remember where i tried to but it didn't work ;)
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07:18.11emptythumPer1052, not necessarily if theres been a fsck :P
07:18.15ethicsraf  use D.P.O
07:18.21bob2solomonn: "`car ....`" == "`md5 ...`"
07:18.26thumPer1052that explains it
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07:18.53ethicsraf else you have to screw around with -t unstable etc for 1 package pdo is best
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07:19.03oKtosiTeMy ext3 disk is marked as clean, but gets mounted read-only. What can I do?
07:19.11solomonnbob2: bingo.  i must have had some other thing breaking it before.  thank you
07:19.15sepraf256: ask dpkg about pinning
07:19.22bob2solomonn: np
07:19.26JeffHwow.. t his is slick.
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07:19.45ethicsraf256, i havent checked but i think the source will have the suspect nonfree drivers in it so it may not be in etch due to that...the kernel image is missing stuff
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07:20.17raf256ethics: that sucks donkey balls
07:20.22ethicshow to check a package's status regarding why it's not in etch?
07:20.24sepethics: but you then woudnt get updates to the package when it was updated in sid, could be bad for security reasons.
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07:20.38mwilsonethics: But it'd be in unstable?  Listen to yourself.
07:20.38thumPer1052raf256: you're making me horny
07:20.46ethicsraf256, well if your compiling you could just go to 2.6.1 pristines.....i am
07:20.58sep!why is vim not in testing
07:20.59dpkgvim is not in testing for the reasons listed in
07:21.06bob2ethics: ^^
07:21.14raf256thumPer1052: \o/
07:21.17sepethics: but do it in /msg to the bot
07:21.27ethicsbob2 thx thats what i wanted
07:22.18benjamindeesthanks bob2
07:22.26ethicsmwilson, sorry what do you mean?
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07:24.08raf256can we suspect Xorg to be in testing in about a month?
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07:24.43nomad_czHi. Could anyone tell me how to make poppassd (sarge) obey pam restriction ? I mean it seems to be running as root so users can setup any passwords - too short ie.
07:24.45bob2I wouldn't expect it
07:24.49bob2but that sounds reasonable
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07:25.15ethicsraf256, not really its not even in unstable yet is it
07:25.37mtnmanin bash, when testing [[ " ${arr[*]} " == *\ frog\ * ]], is there a way to reference frog's subscript of arr?
07:25.42ZtaAnyone who can teach me how to write a bulletproof shell script?  The script copies a file, but if something goes wrong, I want it to exit instead of continue.  I have tried writing a  traphandler(){echo "error!";exit1}  and doing  trap traphandler SIGABRT  but nothing ever gets trapped when 'install file ..' fails.
07:25.56ZtaDo I have to check returncodes?
07:26.00emptywoohoo the temp here is finally below 100 degrees... now that its half past midnight
07:26.19bob2Zta: set -e
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07:26.34bob2Zta: then it will bail completely if any command returns a code other than 0
07:26.35mdhempty: speaking of 100 degrees...
07:27.02bob2I don't get how it can be so fucking cold
07:27.02emptymdh, errr Fahrenheit here, unless you were being obtuse :P
07:27.04loadd77is there a possibility to callback to a pc when connecting throught a ISDN modem to a ISDN router? Like ISDN remote Dial in with windoze?
07:27.13Ztabob2, excellent, thanks!
07:27.34raf256strange, dpkg seems a bit borked
07:27.48raf256strange, dpkg seems a bit borked
07:27.51sepzta  or just    cp from to || echo "didnt work"
07:27.59raf256^ sorry for reapeat. nm
07:28.13*** join/#debian nvidiator (
07:28.18Ztasep, right, but that would have to do that an awful lot of times which messes up the script.
07:28.31benjamindeesshould I be able to run multiple apt processes concurrently?
07:28.41emptybenjamindees, no
07:28.47raf256benjamindees: no, they lock
07:28.50*** part/#debian mtnman (
07:28.52ZtaI could also make a safety_wrapper() { $@ || ( echo "crap";exit1 ) }
07:28.56sepzta you only asked about 1 cp command, if your script is large it might be messy yes
07:28.58emptybenjamindees, it has a lockfile to prevent such molestation
07:29.11bob2it's more or less a bug that apt locks dpkg while downloading packages, imho
07:29.14benjamindeesgood, thanks empty, raf256
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07:29.42Ztasep, I asked about the concept.
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07:30.36solomonnbob2: hmm, those quotes from before, what if they are around content that includes variable substitution
07:30.50bob2solomonn: that's fine
07:30.50nvidiatorIm running kernel 2.6.8-11-amd64-k8 and I am trying to get nvidia module compiled but I get the error "failed to determine PATCHLEVEL!"  I am going out of my mind!! Help!
07:30.58bob2solomonn: variable substition happens in "", but not in ''
07:31.18*** join/#debian AciD|Wrk (~diana@
07:31.47solomonnbob2: hm, i must have broken something else then since the condition isn't getting met properly :)
07:31.53*** part/#debian Zta (
07:32.03thumPer1052nvidiator: do you have kernel sources installed
07:32.07ethicsnvidiator:  using Module-assistant?
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07:32.30nvidiatoryes but not using module-assistant
07:32.36mdhempty: I kinda assumed that seeing as if it were 100C where you were you'd be long dead unless you're in some kind of environment suit
07:32.45nvidiatorshould I?
07:32.59KeithWeissharhow many cd images do i need to install debian
07:33.01ethics!tell nvidiator about nvidia howto
07:33.19thumPer1052ethics: now now...
07:33.22ethicsnvidiator read dpkg and use method 2 from the top link...see how you go
07:33.38bob2solomonn: I could be wrong, I 'm not that hot a shell programmer; when I get stuck, I just move to perl or python
07:33.40KeithWeissharwhich cd do i need to install at minimum
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07:33.43nvidiatorI have read the nvidia howto and I have followed it to a T and it has not worked!
07:33.47ethicsKeithWeisshar, none  but the netinstaller is the easiest way 100 mb disk rest from the net
07:34.10bob2KeithWeisshar: the first one, or a net install cd (which is 100MB or 30MB)
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07:34.14Coffeecan someone explain installing Soundcard drivers?
07:34.16solomonnbob2: yeah shell gets very annoying to me but i'm not at my computer often enough to retain any of the python i ever knew :)
07:34.29bob2hah, right
07:34.31thumPer1052nvidiator: It worked for me, but I started with a vanilla kernel. Source from
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07:34.36bob2Coffee: you probably don't need to
07:34.48KeithWeissharis the current installer based in rc3
07:34.55ethicsnvidiator, method 2?
07:34.56bob2Coffee: because it's almost certainly included
07:35.02bob2KeithWeisshar: rc3 is old, but similar, yes
07:35.06KeithWeissharis the debian installer still rc3
07:35.09bob2KeithWeisshar: no
07:35.34Coffeebob2: i just used to talk about drivers cause always worked at MSwin
07:35.34nvidiatorbuild me own kernel you say?
07:35.36ethicsnvidiator, im not saying it wont work but the M-A way is the way everyone seems to do it
07:35.49bob2Coffee: I have no idea what you're talking about
07:35.59Coffeebob2: anyway i have problems with Sondcard
07:36.00bob2Coffee: but I'm telling you that you very rarely need to install drivers for things on Linux
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07:36.02liablehmm, i've tried increasing mplayers cache, but a streaming video (mozilla-mplayer plugin) only plays about half a second at a time (dial up connection) any other ideas?
07:36.07KeithWeissharis debian only for servers or development
07:36.16Coffeebob2: thanxz :/
07:36.17bob2KeithWeisshar: of course not
07:36.17nvidiatorI'll give it  a try.  Seems there are too many ways to do the same thing but none seem to work so well.  Bummer.
07:36.26bob2Coffee: why don't you just ask your question...
07:37.01KeithWeissharcan i resize the windows partition with the debian installer
07:37.01Coffeebob2: i have sources on opl3-sa2 and don't know what to do next
07:37.23KeithWeissharcan i resize or do i need to use a third party resizer
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07:37.24bob2KeithWeisshar: yes
07:37.25emptyKeithWeisshar, I am running it on my laptop, a desktop, and servers
07:37.35cmihaiHow's LVM2 on RAID-0 on Sarge? And what fs whould be appropriate? ext3 sounds ok ?
07:37.38benjamindeesKeithWeisshar, no
07:37.44cmihai(software raid0)
07:37.45thumPer1052since we're on the subject... How am I SUPPOSED to build a kernel in debian?
07:37.51ethicsKeithWeisshar, well stable is probably the most stable of the distros around for servers....theres testing which is where most of the desktop user work from...
07:37.58benjamindeesKeithWeisshar, you need a third party resizer
07:38.03greysonthumPer1052: kernel-package
07:38.09bob2thumPer1052: build it however you like.  make-kpkg from kernel-package is a nice tool, tho
07:38.13Coffeebob2: if i'll put that source in a right place will it work?
07:38.14mdhthumPer1052: apt-get install kernel-package
07:38.19bob2Coffee: nope
07:38.21greysonthumPer1052: Uses make-dpkg to make a .deb for installation.
07:38.30Coffeebob2: so what should i do?
07:38.46bob2Coffee: you need to find the instructions for it
07:38.52greysonthumPer1052: It's nice -- I use it for all my production machines... make once, install many, forget about it.
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07:39.01cmihaiDoes anyone actually use LVM2 on RAID-0 with ext3 fs on Sarge ?!
07:39.04KeithWeissharshould i still use testing for a desktop even after sarge is released
07:39.21emptythumPer1052, the other nice thing is make once install once fuckup once purge once
07:39.23liablesarge *is* released
07:39.37bob2cmihai: irc is a bad place to ask questions like that
07:39.49ethicsKeithWeisshar, up to you and your needs...stable isnt getting anything new but it m ay have all you need
07:39.50thumPer1052I'll look into it
07:39.50bob2cmihai: try the debian-user list, or maybe debian-isp
07:39.59emptydamn you dpkg, where are you for your snide !anyone use
07:40.28cmihaibob2: I've uses something like that before, seemed ok. Just not sure if it's "stable" on Sarge.
07:40.38ethicsKeithWeisshar, testing can break and have bugs etc but not normally...sid/unstable is the latest and greatest butas its unstable its more fix it yourself stuff
07:40.44bob2cmihai: it doesn't sound very distribution-specific
07:40.52cmihaiBesides, I'm installing it in 5 minutes anyway, guess I'll see for myself.
07:41.04emptycmihai, sarge is stable, and as stable releases go Debian sets the standard typically
07:41.09cmihaibob2: I know, it's not.
07:41.15KeithWeisshardoes etch go into stable after a couple of years
07:41.31bob2cmihai: hah
07:41.40mdhKeithWeisshar: maybe 3 or 4 like sarge ;)
07:41.47ethicsKeithWeisshar, unstable was rather stable toward the release of sarge but atm its getting lots of changes now as sarge is out and new distro starting work
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07:42.06emptyKeithWeisshar, stable unstable testing etc are all symbolic titles to a given release, the actual release is sarge woody et. so yes when it is ready
07:42.06ethicsKeithWeisshar, yeah although the timeline is more about stable than date
07:42.17Coffeebob2: new sources opens in kompare program and there is old and new source... if i'll change old one will it work?
07:42.30*** join/#debian dpkg (~dpkg@dpkg.user)
07:42.47ethicsKeithWeisshar, debian release slower but they are as afr as i know the most stable too
07:43.03thumPer1052KeithWeisshar: We've already had a stable release 'this Pope'.  One release per Pope.
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07:43.42emptythumPer1052, whats the 'date +' string for popes since the epoch?
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07:44.02KeithWeissharis the debian installer still buggy
07:44.11emptyKeithWeisshar, it's stable
07:44.20emptyKeithWeisshar, stable = stable
07:44.23thumPer1052empty:uh... might have to look that one up.  Sure it's in the manpage somewhere...
07:44.41*** join/#debian sKaBoy (
07:44.45KeithWeissharthere are a few things broken like jfs on ia64
07:44.49nomad_czDoes anyone use squirrelmail ?
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07:44.57bob2KeithWeisshar: if you found a bug, you did report it, right?
07:44.59emptyKeithWeisshar, exceptions, not the rule
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07:45.23poncha|work|goneguys, i have a question... i have a machine that i'msetting a firewall on; what i am doing there - opening only a few specific ports (web , dns, mail), then adding to it allowing: ! --syn, icmp echo-request , icmp echo-response and the rest i just drop. but i've run into at least one thing i need more :) i want traceroute work - both from this machine to the outside world and from outside through/to this box... is allowing icmp time-ex
07:45.23poncha|work|gonenual states it utilizes time-exceeded discovery on every hop) enough for that, or am i missing something?
07:45.29KeithWeissharthere are a couple of known issues on the website
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07:45.53bob2poncha|work|gone: why are you dropping ICMP at all then?
07:46.00greysonponcha|work|gone: Not gonna happen without ICMP
07:46.02emptyponcha|work|gone, many traceroute implementations use UDP
07:46.13greysonempty: But what port?
07:46.17poncha|work|gonebob2, i need *all* types of icmp enabled ?
07:46.21emptygreyson, NFC
07:46.28poncha|work|gonei want to leave only ones i need..
07:46.39bob2poncha|work|gone: what is the point of disabling them?
07:46.46emptyponcha|work|gone, you using iptables or a script?
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07:47.01poncha|work|gonebob2, the less stuff i leave open the less a chance for some attack  no? :)
07:47.14bob2poncha|work: yes, but blocking icmp is silly
07:47.28poncha|worki am not blocking just icmp...
07:47.30bob2poncha|work: if there's a flaw in the kernels ICMP handling, the world is going to end anyway
07:48.01poncha|worki dropping all except what i've listed (including all the rest of tcp/udp etc)
07:48.04*** mode/#debian [+l 785] by debhelper
07:48.12emptybob2, not necessarily- it will make nmap ignore a box if the kiddie doesn't use -P0
07:48.13bob2yes, blocking icmp is silly, tho
07:48.33poncha|workok, so i better off just allow any kind of icmp packets right ?
07:48.49greysonbob2: Ping of Death? Why take the chance if you don't have to?
07:49.00bob2empty: sure, and if I drop a flaming vodka down my pants, it will hurt
07:49.00poncha|workempty, for that i only need to drop icmp echo-request which i am allowing already
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07:49.10bob2greyson: ping of death hasn't affected anything since 1867
07:49.12emptygreyson, ping of death is a winbloze thang IIRC
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07:49.29ircdevilhi - eval `dircolors` returns a set of colors used for syntax-hilighting. is there default color sets for light/dark background?
07:49.48*** part/#debian KeithWeisshar (
07:49.50nvidiatorran module-assistant: m-a update; m-a a-i nvidia and got "failed to determine PATCHLEVEL!"
07:49.51emptybob2, wasted alcohol always hurts, burning genitals or no
07:50.13poncha|workbob2, haha... i remember flood-pinging the campus network back in '97 :) all win9x computers booted till the point of bringing up network and crashed instantly... till i stopped pinging :)
07:50.20emptynvidiator, you ran m-a prepare?
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07:50.49nvidiatorabout 30 lines above in log file it says PATCHLEVEL=6 so why does it fail?
07:51.03nvidiatoroh wait maybe from the menu option yes!
07:51.05emptynvidiator, try that, otherwise I have no clue
07:51.15poncha|workok, thanks everyone for your help :)
07:51.17nvidiatorI'll try..thanks!
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07:52.29emptyponcha|work, you could always open stuff up using the LOG target on iptables then run your traceroutes etc, then use the logs to figure out what you need open
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07:52.46greysonbob2, empty; regardless... there's the whole school of thought that there's no reason to open something unless you need it. (PoD just being an example, not a worry) -- that was more my point... although in this case, icmp may be needed.
07:53.01Zoltrani download a dvd image of the last version of debian with jigdo
07:53.10bob2greyson: sure, I agree
07:53.14bob2greyson: as a general rule
07:53.27emptygreyson, that's a good school of thought but  generally blocking ICMP causes more trouble than it is worth
07:54.00nvzZoltran: good for you
07:54.01greysonempty: Howso?  (being that I block icmp)
07:54.23thumPer1052I think I've missing out...
07:54.24Zoltrancan anybody tell me how i can see the size i have download yet?
07:54.45sepponcha|work: some traceroute use icmp, some use     udp   with this portrange  33434:33600
07:54.50emptythumPer1052, compiles mods from source for you, super handy tool if the mod source is in apt repos
07:54.50quuxmanI'm trying to resolve a broken dependency catastrophe. I installed a package and one of the dependencies had a file that was already installed. So apt died in the middle, leaving me with a bunch of broken packages installed. apt-get -f install doesn't work
07:54.54poncha|workempty, good idea, too.. thanks. but for this matter i'm going for bob2 advise and allow all the icmp types
07:55.05mdhZoltran: ls -l
07:55.19poncha|worksep, depends on implementation of traceroute ?
07:55.24sepponcha|work: yes
07:55.32thumPer1052empty: cool.  what do I have to install to get it?
07:55.38bob2greyson: if you know which to block, it could be ok, but people seem to brak things like icmp-unreachable and the "please fragment" messages
07:55.39Zoltranyes but the size is always the same and jigdo is working
07:55.41nvzZoltran: mdh: du -h, works better
07:55.43emptygreyson, i just like to be able to ping stuff. makes it easier to troubleshoot from something with limited tools like a router
07:55.48bob2greyson: which makes them disappear from some parts of the internet
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07:56.10emptyZoltran, do you have broadband? Why not just download the 100meg net-install
07:56.32mdhbob2: winxpsp2 does that by default
07:56.35Zoltranjigdo create an image with the full size first
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07:56.46Zoltrani know the speed
07:56.50nvzgypsymauro: hellow
07:56.51quuxmancurrently I'm attempting to `dpkg --force-depends -r foo` but there are a lot of packages
07:57.01thumPer1052empty: sry, dumb question. It's module-assistant, not module_assistant.
07:57.11Zoltranbut not the size downloaded
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07:57.26gypsymaurosomeone got the sl-modem working on debian sarge? My modem can't go more than 28.8 kbs:(
07:57.30emptythumPer1052, sorry should have caught that
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07:57.43bob2mdh: haha
07:57.51emptygypsymauro, I do... i think. no landline though so I have not tested it yet ;)
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07:58.17gypsymauroempty: ;P
07:58.30nvzwhats an sl-modem?
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07:58.39gypsymauronvz: internal modem
07:58.48gypsymaurousually on notebooks
07:58.50mdhof course, if anything microsoft-related dropped off the internet I wouldn't be shedding tears (well.. tears of laughter maybe)
07:58.52emptynvz, winmodem support for conexant chipsets
07:59.16Zoltranempty: I need this image to use with a PC without network conection
07:59.22nvzI thought maybe it was a serial line or null modem *shrug*
07:59.31emptyZoltran, oh, well nevermind then :)
07:59.36bob2mdh: hah, UC was blocking icmp-unreachable for months
07:59.46bob2er, pleaee-fragment
08:00.01liablegypsymauro: works nicely at 52kbs here
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08:00.10mdhbob2: they lost most of their clued staff, that doesn't surprise me
08:00.23Zoltranhow can I know the time i need to finish the download process
08:00.23emptyI am in a maintenance window right now. Sitting here catting. Not worried a bit. Why? Becasue EMC is worth what they charge, that's why :D
08:00.24gypsymauroliable: are u using alsa?
08:00.39emptychatting, NOT catting
08:00.40Zoltranor de size to finish it
08:00.41liablegypsymauro: yes the intel-8xom driver
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08:00.59gypsymauroliable: which one kernel
08:01.26liablegypsymauro: at the moment 2.6.11, but on all since 2.6.7
08:01.40CoffeeDoes anyone here have Yamaha YMF719E-S?
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08:01.58emptyCoffee, IIRC my last laptop had one
08:02.01mdhbob2: the clued staff were the ones who, after Microsoft told the University it had to stop running (and especially teaching) non-Microsoft stuff, they said "fine, you dictated this" and promptly switched off all the nameservers, network switches, routers, etc :)
08:02.05gypsymauroliable: and again, do u use module-assistant to compile sl-modem?
08:02.10emptyCoffee, worked fine with ALSA
08:02.14liablegypsymauro: no
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08:02.21mdhbob2: the unclued ones were promoting the M$ takeover
08:02.26nvzman, I've never sat an listened to ODB in my life, but somehow I got ODB stuck in my head
08:02.29bob2mdh: haha
08:02.30Coffeeempty: did alsa recognized it autonaticly?
08:02.54mdhbob2: apparently the vice-chancellor preferred internet access ;)
08:02.57emptyCoffee, when I ran alsaconf it did IIRC
08:03.00bob2mdh: it disturbed me the other day when I was talking to someone who's graduating with a "BSeng" in a month and he said "What's Linux?"
08:03.10bob2mdh: hahaha
08:03.21liablegypsymauro: I have all headers and source from the kernel compile, so its an easy make make install, done.
08:03.22mdhbob2: exactly.  that's why I quit doing a degree there
08:03.23Coffeeempty: what is IIRC?
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08:03.35emptymdh, bob2 what a sleazy fucking underhanded tactic for MS to employ (not that I am shocked)
08:03.36dpkgIIRC, "IIRC" is an acronym for "If I Recall Correctly", or "If I remember correctly"
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08:03.58bob2empty: well, the uni did roll over for them
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08:04.02gypsymauroliable: so u don't use the debian kernel's binary
08:04.14emptybob2, natch... rolled over and spread em it sounds like
08:04.15Coffeeempty: was your card in a list ?
08:04.17mdhif I pay $$$$ for a tertiary education, I want a freaking tertiary education, not a vendor-supplied certificate
08:04.19Gil_speaking of BSEng..
08:04.26bob2Gil_: aloha!
08:04.34quuxman`apt-get moo` isn't working either :-/
08:04.36emptyCoffee, I don't recall, I got that working a year ago and forgot it
08:04.40bob2hm, is it clug tommorow?
08:04.44liablegypsymauro: what binary? kernel-image? I do have at least one on the box, yes.
08:04.50Gil_bob2: should be, yea
08:04.56Gil_bob2: I haven't been in months
08:04.57mdhI can go get a MSCE for less than a third the price of a so-called CS degree
08:04.58freewoodyHi all
08:05.13Coffeeempty: :( maybe at least something...
08:05.13bob2Gil_: yeah, me either
08:05.25bob2mdh: hah, and you don't even get a MCSE when you graduate from uc
08:05.25emptymdh, with less than a tenth of the aptitude too
08:05.35freewoodyDoes anybody has some sample MRTG scipts for logging Squid Proxy server ?
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08:05.50liablegypsymauro: I compile my kernels for a couple of reasons, so dont generally use the kernel-images.
08:05.52jm_freewoody: munin has a plugin for that
08:06.08bob2freewoody: the very first hit for "squid mrtg" explains how
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08:06.10jm_well plugins really
08:06.23dpkgrumour has it, fgi is, and see
08:06.24mdhwe had a UC graduate start here a few months ago.  hasn't used Linux, doesn't want anything to do with it.  And I mean *anything*
08:06.52mdhwill not even make any effort to read any documentation of anything related to linux or open source.  has been taught its all evil
08:06.57emptymdh, bet he has a linuxbased wifi router at home or something
08:07.01Gil_bob2: are you going to head to CLUG tomorrow?
08:07.05raf256why the fucking linux have to hug freaking resources, so that entire system almos thangs while apt-get'ing?
08:07.21bob2Gil_: hmm, I might come along, if only because I haven't eaten pizza in a while ;p
08:07.21nvzI seen my old friend and mentor from when I was a young wannabe IT-Pro, he was telling me about getting MSCE certified and stuff, I just laughed at him
08:07.54Gil_bob2: well, I'll probably come along as well to see if anything cool's happening
08:07.54mdhbob2: I won't be there, I have to fix a friend's computer.  then go visit my gf
08:07.58emptyraf256, you are running something as root and root has a default priority of -10... try "nice apt-get" if you want it to go slower but leave the system more useable
08:08.07bob2mdh: hah, that sounds like more fun
08:08.19Zoltrancan anybody tell me if jigdo resume the download after hang or restart it?
08:08.19mdhof course I won't be fixing it properly, it'll still be running Windows after I'm done :(
08:08.43mdhbut at least it'll be running something, and not just sitting there beeping ;)
08:08.52bob2Zoltran: it should do
08:09.04gypsymauroliable: ok I'll try to compile it too
08:09.09Zoltranresume it?
08:09.20emptygeez dude call me back, how long can a half-terabyte fsck take anyway? O-o
08:09.37liablegypsymauro: no, you dont need to, just get the kernel source/headers.
08:09.52liablegypsymauro: you mean kernel or modem?
08:10.27*** join/#debian squidink (
08:10.37Zoltranbob2: but it not have any way to know the time or size rest
08:10.38quuxmanIs there a way to forcefully remove a tree of dependent packages rather than wiping them out one at a time with `dpkg --force-depends -r`?
08:10.45squidinkwhat does /boot/map do?
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08:10.51nvzI should start a LUG around here, I don't think we have one around these parts
08:10.52bob2Zoltran: I dunno, I haven't used it in ages
08:11.16*** join/#debian sh4dowcat (
08:11.22bob2lugs in different towns seem quite different
08:11.25emptynvz, the lug here in Phoenix is PLUG: Penguins In The Desert
08:11.48emptyI just like that name
08:11.53thumPer1052empty: that a bit gay, don't you think? :)
08:12.01nvzempty: ours would be the LLUG I guess
08:12.13mdhquuxman: "wajig remove-depend <root node of tree>"
08:12.26emptythumPer1052, you are right, definitely. Please ungay your computer now kthxbye
08:12.33*** join/#debian squidink (
08:12.37gypsymauroliable: kernel...I still have "NO CARRIER"
08:12.42bob2quuxman: sudo apt-get remove somethingtheyalldependon
08:12.50gypsymauroliable: using debian kernel and sl-modem-source
08:12.52Zoltranwhich linux kernel use the last version of debian
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08:13.02quuxmanbob2: well I have broken dependencies, so apt refuses to run normally
08:13.04liablegypsymauro: you have added Carrier Check = no?
08:13.07nvzif I made it here in Leetsdale, I've already got at least 3 people in the area running Debian
08:13.13Gil_I work at Initech :(
08:13.15quuxmanbob2: I want to force it somehow
08:13.15bob2Zoltran: 2.6.8
08:13.15emptyZoltran, say what?
08:13.30liablegypsymauro: which dialer program?
08:13.39gypsymauroliable: yes but it seems that isn't working
08:13.42bob2nvz: it's really called leetsdale?
08:13.44squidinkI've rebuilt a kernel using make-kpkg, tried to install it, but it breaks trying to run lilo. the problem is in /boot/map. What does that file do?
08:13.44gypsymauroliable: gnome-ppp or kppp
08:13.46emptynvz, Leetsdale? OMFG that's begging for a funny rip on the 1337 crowd
08:13.52Gil_nvz: haha
08:13.58nvzbob2: yeah you think I am kidding? I am from Leetsdale, ffs
08:14.07bob2nvz: that's so awesome
08:14.11liablegypsymauro: you connecting through a pabx, by any chance?
08:14.14Gil_nvz: you are now morally obliged to make a LUG
08:14.16defkewlis etch worth a try?
08:14.20poncha|workhm.. interesting..  wtf is SAVVIS corporation ? (nasdaq:SVVS) looks like some kinda web/server hosting company... but it raised 85mil lately..
08:14.24thumPer1052empty: yeah, but that'd be so gay.
08:14.28bob2nvz: you need to find some drunk buddies to repaint your town signs to say "1337sdale"
08:14.41gypsymauroliable: what's a pabx?
08:14.50mdhbob2: drunk?  I'd do that sober ;)
08:14.50emptythumPer1052, ...and getting turned on by the sucking of donkey balls is what?
08:14.58quuxmanmdh: thanks. I can't install that now, but I will later
08:15.23liablegypsymauro: do you have to dial 0 to get an outside line?
08:15.27thumPer1052empty:perfectly natural hetero behaviour
08:15.41emptysavvis bought C&W
08:15.50emptysavvis is a large backbone provider
08:15.58gypsymauroliable: yes
08:16.10gypsymauroliable: but if I try from windows it works
08:16.14emptywith their heads firmly lodged somewhere in the neighborhood of their coloons
08:16.18nvzwe need new town signs anyhow. my father and I had the idea to put "Final resting place of Three Rivers Stadium" on them. as our friend Steve Thomas that owns the Leetsdale Industrial Park had bought the stadium, and had all the remains trucked in from Pittsburgh after they blew it up
08:16.20poncha|workempty, try dig +trace and whois on domain name you get :)
08:16.39mdhquuxman: if you can't run apt, you've royally screwed your system over, probably by using --force to dpkg
08:16.53liablegypsymauro: ok, then you are dialing through a pabx. See if you can find a direct line and try that and see if it dials.
08:17.03quuxmanmdh: no I was installing a package that had a dependency which collided with a file already installed and it died
08:17.04poncha|      3600    IN      CNAME 8-()
08:17.12quuxmanmdh: and left a mess
08:17.20poncha|workand nsatc is owned by savvis :)
08:17.28nvzHe crushed it and sorted out the materials, and used them to build new buildings. the industrial park and other properties he had not even built on, are now booming with businesses
08:17.31squidinkno one can tell me what /boot/map does?
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08:18.02liablegypsymauro: its about the only thing that stops me from deleting windows on my laptop, because my modem never works in motels that have pabx's.
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08:18.34nvzI am involved in local politics and know most of the business owners, so I could definatly work out interesting things for a LUG.. like getting free old hardware, and possibly arranging funding and events easily
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08:18.53liablegypsymauro: well, mostly never, it occasionaly works, but I generally have to run windows.
08:18.59mdhnvz: and holding a DefCon
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08:19.03HllywdWI did an apt-get install mysql-server on my machine
08:19.12nvzI just would need to get people interested in the area to help with the work
08:19.13empty!fgi squidink /boot/map
08:19.13HllywdWbut when I do apt-get remove mysql-server
08:19.16TuttleI have the first octet of IP addresses cut in auth.log (pam_unix messages from vsftpd daemon), did anyone encounter such thing?
08:19.37HllywdWand then type mysql it still tries to connect to mysql
08:19.40nvzmdh: DefCon?
08:19.44mdhnvz: you have the most awesomenest town name in the history of computing
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08:19.52HllywdWhow do I clean out mysql from my system?
08:19.56emptymysql is the client HllywdW
08:20.02mdhnvz: the hacker conference
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08:20.10emptyHllywdW, purge msql-common I think
08:20.14nvzyou can thank Daniel Leet for that name I guess
08:20.34mdh/whois Daniel1337
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08:21.06emptymdh, defcon is vegas and always will be.
08:21.11HllywdWHllywdW:/usr/share# apt-get purge mysql-common
08:21.11HllywdWE: Invalid operation purge
08:21.26liableHllywdW: man apt-get
08:21.28defkewlcan install the i386 version on Intel Xeon?
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08:21.31nvzI havent read that thing since I was a kid, but down there on the borough building is a big thing about him, and I guess how he founded the town back before the day
08:21.33quuxmanmdh: if you really think wajig would solve this, I can install it manually with dpkg
08:21.37emptyHllywdW, apt-get --purge remove mysql-common
08:21.43quuxmanmdh: but I'd have to grab a few dependencies
08:21.53doojinhow can I set shell's language to english?
08:22.14emptydoojin export LANG=en
08:22.23doojinuuu... thanks
08:22.29mdhquuxman: it simply makes a nice easy command-line to type to do what you want.  I think you're going to have to manually resolve dependencies now anyway since you force-removed some obviously important stuff
08:22.40nvzyeah I could be president of Leet LUG if'n I wanted
08:23.01*** join/#debian abauer (~Armin@
08:23.12mdhquuxman: manually reinstall everything from base
08:23.14emptyLeetLUG would be a stellar name for it
08:23.18squidinkSomething seems to be wrong with my /boot/map - lilo gives and I/O error any ideas?
08:23.23nvzwhat is expected to be recognised afar as a real LUG? heh
08:23.35emptyplease tell me there some sad little suburb called noobville
08:23.53quuxmanmdh: lol. I haven't removed anything important. Just some gnome crap. What _should_ I have done when apt died and left me with broken dependencies?
08:23.55liableso, surly someone uses mozilla-mplayer and can tell me how to get it to play more than half a second at a time, before downloading more.
08:23.58mdhempty: it's more commonly referred to as Redmond, Washington
08:23.58emptynvz, OR you could start your local chapter of 2600 meetings
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08:24.27emptymdh, I just moved from Seattle you'd be frightened by those folk
08:24.43mdhempty: I met my gf after she moved away from Seattle ;)
08:24.44quuxmanempty: naaah Seattle is great
08:24.50nvzI dont know much about this stuff.. comming to freenode and talking to lug members and stuff is as active as I've been in the FOSS, Linux, or Debian communities so far
08:24.51emptymdh, when the meet they don't ask what department they are in they ask which building
08:25.02emptyYeah I miss it like hell
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08:25.17nvzI want to start being more informed.. starting this LUG may be the best idea I ever had
08:25.24emptyworked in quite possibly the highest geek concentration building in the PNW
08:25.26quuxmanempty: oh, I thought you were saying all Seattelites were scary. I wasn't really following your thread of conversation
08:25.57emptyquuxman, nope I loved seattle, people there tended to be pretty nice
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08:26.17quuxmanempty: yeah I've lived here for a couple years
08:26.32sobersabredoes bash read  /etc/profile in debian ? [seems not ]
08:26.36emptyquuxman, familiar with
08:26.44quuxmanempty: nope
08:27.07quuxmanempty: it appears to be forbidden :P
08:27.08mdhempty, quuxman: my gf reckoen that when she lived there, they didn't even see their neighbours let alone know them.  that was >6 years ago
08:27.15emptyquuxman, oh, ok :( well that's the WA branch of the ISP I work for
08:27.41thumPer1052there was a prog language called Oz
08:27.54squidinkwhere does /boot/map come from? is it generated by the system or does it come from a package? google ain't helping
08:27.57emptyquuxman, yep not surprised, I have  bunch of nfs mounts down ATM pending a vendor fsck
08:28.00quuxmanmdh: Yeah, when I saw my neighbor a month after she moved in I didn't recognize her
08:28.03*** mode/#debian [+l 805] by debhelper
08:28.09nvzI guess I should make a website and wiki, arrange a meeting place, get a small debian network setup and start holding meetings (: then I can make the coolest channel on freenode.. heh
08:28.10*** join/#debian Sphair (
08:28.22emptynvz, ...punch and pie
08:28.46nvzhell I might as well register a channel now, we can start meeting there until we have a better place
08:28.51lexa_squidink: it appears after kernel compilation as file in main kernel tree directory
08:29.20squidinklexa_: AFAIK is totally different to /boot/map
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08:29.50HllywdWok now that I have purged mysql, can someone please walk me through on how to install it properly on debian?
08:30.03HllywdWI am having the hardest time with this
08:30.06lexa_squidink: oh, /boot/map is different, really
08:30.11nvzI still cant stop singing 'Hey Dirty, baby I got your money'
08:30.12greysonHllywdW: apt-get install mysql?
08:30.30HllywdWgreyson, that is not good enough
08:30.36nvzI've never listened to that shit, I don't know how it got stuck in my head, but I've been singing it for hours
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08:30.47HllywdWbelieve me I'ved tried that already
08:30.58lexa_squidink: i don't know if there is any package, which creates it, i always made it manually
08:31.08HllywdWand I can find a good google resource for installing it properly
08:31.16HllywdWfor debian
08:31.46greysonHllywdW: Why is that not good enough?
08:32.05squidinklexa_: how do you make it?
08:32.15raf256how can I have ?
08:32.26HllywdWbecause I still cannot connect to the socket
08:32.27nvzI should also look to see where the nearest existing lugs are and what they are up to. I am fairly certain there isnt a LUG at least within 15Mi of here, there just may be one downtown, but it would never be as cool
08:32.37raf256should I just donwload from or should I apply some debian specyfic patches as well? to
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08:32.44HllywdWwhy don't you try it yourself and see what happens
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08:33.15streunerraf256: just use etch
08:33.31raf256streuner: isnt "unstable" == "etch"?
08:33.38dpkgrumour has it, etch is the codename for the Debian release to follow sarge, currently testing. see
08:33.57PeTeRBsquidink: /boot/map is a file LILO makes
08:34.39dracraf256: 2.6.12 is out..
08:34.55dpkgLinux kernel versions, stable: 2.6.12, snapshot: 2.6.12-git3, 2.4: 2.4.31, 2.2: 2.2.26, prepatch: 2.2.27-rc2, 2.0: 2.0.40, -ac patch: 2.6.11-ac7, -mm patch: 2.6.12-mm1
08:35.09quuxmanHllywdW: is it running? like did you do /etc/init.d/mysql start?
08:35.25raf256so... is it good idea to get's 2.6.12 yet?
08:35.30squidinkPeTeRB: got any idea what this would mean when I run lilo: fdatasync map file: Input/output error
08:35.30squidink(temp) /boot/map~: No such file or directory
08:35.34raf256whould I appy some additional patches?
08:35.45dracraf256: works for me, without any patches. but do what you want.
08:35.49PeTeRBsquidink: No
08:36.05raf256neat.. thnx
08:36.06quuxmanyay I fix0red it. I just ran `apt-get install -s` and `dpkg --force-depends -r` whatever the apt-get install -s returned until everything worked. There should be a program that does that
08:36.12nvzraf256: read the changelogs, linux security advisories, and even the source if you want. can't have someone holding your hand all the time especially if you are going to be paranoid
08:36.36raf256nvz: yeah
08:36.42greysonHllywdW: That's due to settings in mysql -- you have to configure it to allow the socket connection.
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08:37.03nvzI am already brainstorming ways to get the yuppie fucks that live in the neighboring towns interested in LeetLUG
08:37.28*** join/#debian doojin (~d@
08:37.29doojinhello guys
08:37.43liableand gals :)
08:37.50doojinwhen I type "startx" some errors appear on screen
08:37.58dpkgif you don't tell us the exact error messages you get, we can't tell you what's wrong, and it's also useful to know exactly what command you're typing.  Please look for the *first* error that occurs, as this is often the cause of later errors
08:37.58gbaHi, I get following errors ( if I make a 'debootstrap sid sid-chroot ftp://...' . Why?
08:38.05HllywdWgreyson: that is in my.cnf?
08:38.24*** part/#debian lexa_ (
08:38.24greysonHllywdW: I think so... i do know that the order of the allowances is very important.
08:38.31HllywdWI have no idea what this means
08:38.41doojin(EE) Unable to find a valid frambuffer device
08:38.44HllywdWhostname yields HllywdW
08:38.55doojindo I need to disable framebuffer?
08:39.18HllywdWI am working on mysql-server first
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08:39.27sepHllywdW: read the documentation it is allways in /usr/share/doc/packagename/
08:39.30greysonHllywdW: What do you get for hostname -f
08:39.35doojinhow can I restore the default xfree86 settings?
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08:39.58TCW_ahhh .. :)
08:40.00quuxmanliable: ha, are you just being PC or were you honestly correcting doojin?
08:40.03HllywdWwallace@HllywdW:~$ hostname -f
08:40.22doojincorrect what?
08:41.03sep!tell doojin about drxx
08:41.07nvzahh! ffs! I need to put on some music or I am going to keep singing the one and only ODB line I know over and over, its been nearly 5 hours I have been singing one line of a song, I didnt even know I've heard before
08:41.28doojinsep : I want to restore the default settings
08:41.33*** join/#debian A|pha (
08:41.38gbadoes someone now about these errors debootstrap gives out?
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08:42.19A|phahi all
08:42.40doojinhello? anybody here?
08:42.51quuxmandoojin: correcting your political incorrectness. Nevermind
08:43.00Jhairdoojin: nobody
08:44.14A|phaI used to use Red Hat, but people from the security group newOrder ( have recommended that I use Debian over slackware or freebsd...why debian?
08:44.22nvzmy xbox power wire seems to be aweful loose anymore.. seems like it could just fall right out
08:44.49greysonHllywdW: Check the mysql documentation -- debian will install the package correctly with 'apt-get install mysql' -- you just have to figure out how you want it configured.
08:44.51dondelelcaroA|pha: because Debian is pretty much one of the only distributions that provides security updates for everything in its stable distribution for the life of the stable distribution.
08:45.36*** part/#debian gba (
08:45.37A|phahmm interesting
08:45.39dondelelcaroA|pha: not to mention the other advantages of using Debian besides mere security (the packaging system, policy, seamless upgrades, packages integrated properly, etc.)
08:46.14nvzthat little ...
08:46.24quuxmanok, so to solve the original problem that brought about my dependency catastrophe, I want to install libxv1 which wants to install a file that xlibs already has. What should I do?
08:46.28nvzmy little brother is gonna get his ass kicked :P
08:46.42A|phaThere are quite a few distros out there, and this is the one that has been highly recommended to me.
08:47.12*** join/#debian snoke_ (
08:47.15dondelelcaroA|pha: try it out, and see what you think. Obviously, we're heavily biased, but then again, some of us have been using Debian for quite some time.
08:47.21A|phaI'll take a look into it...
08:47.36*** join/#debian hoppetoppe (
08:47.49doojinI'll see guys later
08:47.51emptybing, fscked clean 24 servers rebooted empty seems happy
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08:48.38directhex|workdondelelcaro, biased? us?
08:49.16A|phaI like to keep an open mind
08:49.27HllywdWok thanks guys, I'm just reading it now
08:49.31sh4dowcatdirecthex|work: no we're as impartial as ever
08:49.32cmihaidebian installer seems to be asking me 4 times if I have a PCMIA card..... on a desktop.... hmf.
08:50.07A|phaDoes it support cable modems?
08:50.14mdhA|pha: I've been running linux for over 10 years now.  The last 6 have been with Debian primarily, I haven't had the need to switch.  and I *love* playing with new toys =)
08:50.15cmihaiShort term memory loss I guess...
08:50.17A|phaand internal wifi?
08:50.39A|phahmmm :)
08:50.50dondelelcaroA|pha: if the kernel supports it, Debian does.
08:51.01mdhA|pha: that's a kernel issue, has little to do with which linux distribution you run
08:51.28*** join/#debian bdoojin (~bdoojin@
08:51.31bdoojinhi guys
08:51.41bdoojinI don't know how to disable framebuffer device someone let me know
08:51.59emptybdoojin, pass the kernel a "nofb" argument at boot
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08:52.06bdoojinhow to do it?
08:52.19jm_install windows
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08:52.28bdoojinsince I'm not good at linux,.... you need to tell me in detail
08:52.56bdoojinempty : come on
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08:53.10bdoojinjetx : I need your help
08:53.19A|phajm_ is right
08:53.19dracWhat a hell..
08:53.20HllywdWwhat is "flush privileges"?
08:53.28bdoojinjetx : help me
08:53.31dondelelcaroHllywdW: a glorious command you get to run on mysqld.
08:53.43jetxi give up, why won't anybody else help you.. and what's up
08:53.55directhex|workbdoojin, what exactly are you trying to do?
08:54.00mdhA|pha: all the cool stuff is, or is based on, Debian.  Debian, Ubuntu, grml, Knoppix, ... :)
08:54.12bdoojinhow can I disable frambuffer device before typing startx?
08:54.13A|phayup :)
08:54.20bdoojin*framebuffer device
08:54.25directhex|workbdoojin, why?
08:54.27jetxbdoojin: you want help? listen to whatever directhex|work tells you very carefully
08:54.35jetxvery good help
08:54.38bdoojin(EE) Unable to find a vaild frambuffer device
08:54.53dracThat's hardly an Kernel framebuffer issue..
08:54.56jetxfbdev=false in xf86config, drxx
08:55.01dpkgdrxx is, like, dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86     # Run it as root!
08:55.10directhex|work!drxx bdoojin
08:55.12dpkgbdoojin: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86   (as root)
08:55.13bdoojinjetx : I already know that
08:55.19jetxnvidia? make sure glcore and dri are disabled, and enable glx
08:55.24bdoojinI did that
08:55.32jetxsay no to framebuffer
08:55.35mdhthat message is not referring to the linux fbdev
08:55.37jm_it's not about doing it, it's about doing it properly
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08:55.38directhex|workand did you say yes or no to the framebuffer question?
08:55.40mdhits talking about the video card
08:55.46A|phamdh: I used to use Knoppix when it first came out...i might dl it again and dl the Debian ISO.
08:56.01bdoojinthere's no such question
08:56.10bdoojinlike say yes or no to framebuffer
08:56.17jetxmine disappears, i only see that question on first install
08:56.18mdh"framebuffer" in this context is talking about the video memory that's used to create the display
08:56.32jetxafter i say no it never comes back
08:56.37jm_you can tell debconf to asks you old questions
08:56.38bdoojinmdh : jesus
08:56.40quuxmanA|pha: it depends on what you like, but last time I installed Knoppix I ended up tweaking with it until it was basically plain old Debian again. I gave up on Knoppix after that
08:56.47cmihaiOn a /boot partition on a md device (raid 1, 128MB), ext2 would be appropriate (instead of ext3 for example) ?!
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08:56.53bdoojinmdh : how can I fix the problem?
08:57.13jetxbdoojin: less /etc/XF86Config-4 |grep -i fbdev
08:57.34bdoojinwhat is that?
08:57.45emptycmihai, ext2 would be fine, the main reason you nwould do that is so you don't have to do initrd (because ext3 is a mdule and ext2 is built in)
08:57.47A|phaquuxman: heh...its good for diagnosing problems and recovering xp admin password :)
08:57.49mdhbdoojin: you need to configure XFree86 properly for your video card.  use the right driver.  if its AGP or PCI, specify exactly which device it is (you can find out using 'lspci')
08:57.57jetxlists that line in the file, if it's there
08:58.01directhex|workA|pha, there is nothing to miss from solaris
08:58.06directhex|workmdh, lspci -X
08:58.16mdhbdoojin: its the BusID in the Device section of the XF86Config
08:58.18cmihaiempty: that's what I thought. ext3 would be no real advantage, would it ?
08:58.25bdoojinI didn't type busid
08:58.32emptycmihai, not really no
08:58.36PeTeRBjetx: man grep please :)
08:58.37cmihaiok, thanks.
08:58.39bdoojinbecause I didn't nkow the id
08:58.47jetxgood leave that empty
08:58.49directhex|worklspci -X
08:58.49A|phaI like original unix :)
08:58.59bdoojindirecthex : what?
08:59.01directhex|workA|pha, you're into massochism then?
08:59.05directhex|worklspci -X
08:59.07quuxmanA|pha: yeah, Knoppix certainly has its uses
08:59.11directhex|workhow hard is itr to type one command?
08:59.15A|phaoh yes! :P j/k
08:59.18emptyA|pha, heh, would that be sysV or bsd then?
08:59.39dracberkeley lover..
08:59.47*** join/#debian k\o\w (abc@
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09:00.17A|phaLinux seems like molestd unix now :P
09:00.17nvzyeah that little bastard hid his GTA-SA for xbox... I got the one for PS2 but I am tired of switching back and forth.. I want to just play one or the other
09:00.18emptyThe unix I cut my teeth on was the worst of both worlds
09:00.19mdhA|pha: I'm preferring the ubuntu livecd over knoppix these days, though I haven't tried knoppix 4.  I reallly only used it as a desktop
09:00.20bdoojinjetx : fbdev is set to be true
09:00.30jetxbdoojin: make it false
09:00.32directhex|workbdoojin, we know. we told you it shouldn't be.
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09:00.40emptyyes ladies and gentlemen, that can only mean IRIX!
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09:00.46bdoojindirecthex : you mean I need to turn fbdev off?
09:00.55A|phaI hear good things about IRIX
09:00.58directhex|workgah. i give up
09:01.03emptybdoojin, you JUST ASKED how to turn it off
09:01.06stealthknoppix 4? argh
09:01.09stealthi just burned 3.9
09:01.11jetxbdoojin: yes
09:01.23jetxand turn it off
09:01.27quuxmanA|pha: hmm I guess I'm still running that same bastardized Knoppix installation I installed 2 years ago on my desktop
09:01.39jetxif it doesn't ask, edit it and pay attention to line #17
09:02.01A|phaquuxman: Whatever works
09:02.06mdhI simply cannot stand using Microsoft Windows as a desktop for more than about 5 seconds
09:02.13jetxbdoojin: any problem following those instructions?
09:02.18mdhhence enter linux live cd's
09:02.21stealthmdh, feels like kryptonite
09:02.21jetxor comprehending?
09:02.28directhex|workone day windows will be ready for the desktop
09:02.39directhex|workinfact, one day solaris will be ready for the server room
09:02.48bdoojinjetx : I turned it off
09:02.51bdoojinsee you soon
09:03.10A|phaI need to stop using xp...onlyfor gaming, its starting to piss me off...especially the installer with sp2
09:03.15bdoojinhahahaha guys
09:03.17stealthmy mom was explaining to me how the average people just dont have time to learn Linux, let alone the will/desire even distros like redhat and mandrake.
09:03.21emptymdh- I am DLing an image (legal one from corp hq) of partition magi right now so I can convert my XP install to VFAT from NTFS. Why? Because I want to run it in qemu so I can access the retarded tools our new billing system requires
09:03.27bdoojinI finally succeeded in dispalying xwindows
09:03.47quuxmanfunny when I think about how long it's been since I installed my desktop OS. I work in an MS shop IT department, where they re-image every machine every few months
09:04.00A|phaI am still tring to figure out how to effectively run CYGwin
09:04.07mdhA|pha: I ridded myself of the scourge of the IT industry 6 years ago
09:04.10jetxi always install windows on fat32, get it like i want it, back it up, then run the ntfs converter.. and use a vfat dmz partition
09:04.20mdhA|pha: Sony make a nice gaming console
09:04.22stealthquuxman, wow..
09:04.28stealthi havent reinstalled in three years
09:04.35bdoojinmdh : I still get a problem
09:04.39stealthLinux that is :D
09:04.47quuxmanstealth: it's the only way to use windows really :P
09:04.57bdoojinmdh : xwindows doesn't let me use higher resolution than 800x600
09:05.02A|phamdh: nantly...i gave into to MS and xbox live
09:05.05bdoojinI use 1240x1024 on windows
09:05.11emptystealth, well you have to with Windows otherwise your worms and trojans get too many conflicting dependencies O_o
09:05.14*** join/#debian dhe (~deddy@
09:05.16karstenbdoojin: What's your video card?
09:05.29mdhempty: hahahaha oh, sad but true
09:05.29bdoojinNVIDIA 4 420 Go
09:05.35quuxmanempty: hah
09:05.36bdoojinNVIDIA Geforce 4 420 Go
09:05.36*** join/#debian Jussi (
09:05.38jetxbdoojin: google your monitor's model #, find out the vertical and horizontal refresh rates, drxx, and choose 'advanced'
09:05.43stealthempty, yea but tell average people that.. they dont care
09:05.49karsten!tell bdoojin about nvidia
09:05.49A|phaI hope my ati mobillity raedon 9700 will work
09:05.50stealthpeople accept crap because its easy
09:05.53debianquuxman: that is the only job that can keep stupid people busy
09:06.08directhex|workbdoojin, yet again, it's due to your inability to configure x correctly. there _WAS_ a section asking you which rtesolutions you wanted to use.
09:06.11quuxmandebian: what IT?
09:06.16mdhA|pha: I think the free drivers will work with that, 3D accellerated and all, just fine
09:06.20stealthbitch when it dosent work, then wonder why people like us have 'attitudes'
09:06.23bdoojinok guys
09:06.25bdoojinsee you soon
09:06.25emptystealth, they care when you tell them other people could read every file on their puter, even the lovenote they typed for their secretary or the nude pics of thier wife
09:06.28directhex|work!tell jetx about hwinfo
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09:07.00bdoojinwhat's proper busid for nvidia geforce 4 420 go?
09:07.01stealthempty, yea but even so.. most people dont know there is a choice
09:07.04emptyA|pha, it works stock with Radeon driver in X unless you want 3d
09:07.06directhex|workmdh, wrong
09:07.19*** join/#debian fatal (
09:07.26directhex|workbdoojin, FUCKING TYPE "lspci -X" TO FIND OUT
09:07.28mortbdoojin: none or check with slpci
09:07.29debianquuxman: just this month, they're busy figuring out why some machine can't perform windowsupdate. They get paid for Microsoft's problem. Happy
09:07.36stealthmass conversion wont happen until companies like, dell, hp, etc start giving options straight up like at bestbuy
09:07.37bdoojinwhat is lspci -X?
09:07.45directhex|workoh dear jesus, someone kill me now
09:08.00emptybdoojin, seriously you aren't too hot on reading comprehension are you?
09:08.01debian!kill directhex|work
09:08.03*** mode/#debian [+l 811] by debhelper
09:08.16stealthbdoojin, lspci -X is a command
09:08.19stealthyou should read
09:08.24quuxmandebian: fortunately I don't actually do any of that crap (though re-imaging is pretty painless with ghost-image or whatever that package's called)
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09:08.28mortbdoojin: an application. you could also do "cat /proc/pci"
09:08.36emptyquuxman, norton ghost
09:08.39mortbdoojin: but lspci formats nicer
09:08.52directhex|workmort, and lspci -X formats in xfree86 config file format
09:08.56streunerbellu: dont troll here
09:08.58stealthbdoojin, may help you also
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09:09.12karsten!ops bellu troll
09:09.13dpkgHydroxide, bob2, caphuso, dondelelcaro, doogie, eeyore-, ElectricElf, greycat, helix, ljlane, LoRez, mentor, Netsnipe, TML, walters, xk: bellu troll
09:09.21debianquuxman: when you're assigned the same job, you wouldn't say that in front of your boss? :)
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09:09.34*** mode/#debian [+q *!*] by bob2
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09:09.51quuxmandebian: huh?
09:09.55streuner!beer bob2
09:09.56mortdirecthex|work: cool :)
09:10.22directhex|worki try to help people, really i do, but what am i supposed to do if they can't do what they're fucking told?
09:10.26bdoojinjesus christ
09:10.42mdhdirecthex|work: cry
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09:10.56bdoojin./etc/X11/XF86Config-4 is not modified by dpkg-reconfigure
09:11.00karstendirecthex|work: Take up target shooting.
09:11.14drac!x md5sum
09:11.14dpkgIf you hand-edit your X configuration file, "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86" will no longer work, which is bad. To see if this is the case, "md5sum /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 | diff -sq /var/lib/xfree86/XF86Config-4.md5sum -" - if the files differ, then it won't work. To fix this, "md5sum /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 > /var/lib/xfree86/XF86Config-4.md5sum" as root, then "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86", losing any manual changes you've made.
09:11.14liablebdoojin: you really should cut down on the blasphemy. :P
09:11.22dracbdoojin: ^^ read that.
09:11.23quuxmandebian: same job as what? I'm certainly don't conceal my opinions :)
09:11.29karstenbdoojin: Read the top of the file. Bit about md5sums.  Do what it says.
09:11.35TuttleI found first two characters of numeric IP addresses cut in auth.log sometimes (for example pam_unix messages from vsftpd daemon), did anyone encounter such thing?
09:11.39directhex|workbdoojin, that was already covered about 15 minutes ago, before you even made it a problem
09:12.03directhex|work[10:04] <jetx> if it doesn't ask, edit it and pay attention to line #17
09:12.11bdoojinthanks drac
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09:12.27bdoojin!x md5sum
09:12.28dpkgIf you hand-edit your X configuration file, "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86" will no longer work, which is bad. To see if this is the case, "md5sum /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 | diff -sq /var/lib/xfree86/XF86Config-4.md5sum -" - if the files differ, then it won't work. To fix this, "md5sum /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 > /var/lib/xfree86/XF86Config-4.md5sum" as root, then "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86", losing any manual changes you've made.
09:12.40HllywdW/usr/share/doc/mysql-server/README.debian file shows me an example of [mysql] and [mysqladmin] for my.cnf
09:13.05*** join/#debian cray3 (~cray3@
09:13.07HllywdWI only have [mysqld] in my copy of my.cnf
09:13.29jm_Tuttle: I never noticed any IP-s printed by pam_unix module
09:13.30mdhHllywdW: and that's why Bill Joy gave us vi
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09:13.53sepHllywdW: look in  /usr/share/doc/mysql-server/examples
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09:14.56emptymdh,  I thought vi was a vixie thing
09:15.02cmihaiThe kernel was unable to re-read the partition table on /dev/md/0 (invalid argument). This means Linux won't know anything nothing about the modification you made until reboot. You shoul reboot your computer before doing anything with /dev/md/0.
09:15.08Tuttlejm_: You never saw things like this? Jun 20 13:32:36 bart connected: (pam_unix) session opened for user visitor by (uid=0). Then I'm not probably asking you. :-)
09:15.15bdoojinthanks guys I'm on xwindows with the resolution 1240x1024
09:15.20cmihaiHmf, nice error messge. Note the "anything nothing"
09:15.54cmihaiStill, this whole software raid buisiness seems to be more trouble than worth...
09:16.05bdoojinwhere can I learn all basic stuff about linux?
09:16.24dpkgYou have recieved this message because you have shown yourself to be ignorant of some of the fundamentals of *nix and/or Debian. Read the "Unix and Internet Fundamentals" howto at Then, read the Debian Reference at This may help you to attain what others sometimes refer to as "a Clue".
09:16.28jm_Tuttle: well not from any other PAM app
09:16.50directhex|workhold on, is dpkg ignoring me?
09:16.52dpkgYes, directhex|work, you're still online.
09:16.59directhex|workoh right. spelling]
09:17.07nseI experienced a big problem now. Yesterday my Gnome was stoping and the system was going back to the gdm many times, whithout apparently reasons. Today any of my applications were starting even thought I called them many times. To resolve this I rebooted the system, and a lot of error start appearing, in the boot process it could not run fsck automatically and then asked for me to do by hand, i did it, it told me about many Inodes orphaned and many other things th
09:17.07nseat I fixed by myself, what does coused all this, why this happened?
09:17.32directhex|worknse, could be a hardware problem
09:17.34liablespdf: ffs, how many times do you have to be told about away?
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09:17.47bob2nse: that sounds like your disk is screwing up
09:17.55emptynse run of the mill filesystem corruption, might be hardware or environmental or a number of things
09:17.56sepnse: make sure you have recent backups now
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09:18.07garyawww, i've finished uni for the year, one more year left.  I need to learn loads about networking as it's my crappest subject, but also loads about Oracle...
09:18.09emptynse, what sep said
09:18.10garyi hate networking with a passion
09:18.29sepgary: what ? networking is what i do for fun !!
09:18.43bob2your degreee involves learning to use oracle?
09:18.48bob2that sounds very vendor specific
09:18.54mdhgary: so what the fuck are you doing on the internet?
09:18.58emptysep, masochism notwithstanding....
09:19.16directhex|workurgh, oracle
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09:19.20emptymdh, networks exist to get you to servers. which is where the fun stuff is
09:19.25garyNetworking in uni i hate.  Designing network topologies especially
09:19.38garybob2: Yes it does
09:19.51jm_Tuttle: just tried it with vsftpd and it doesn't log any IP-s either
09:20.19nseSo the best to do now is make a backup of the filesystem, any good tool for that? If I had the same problem running other OS like windows I could be troubled now?
09:20.21emptyTuttle, are you using telnet or rsh or something like that?
09:20.38Tuttleempty: no, ssh and vsftpd
09:20.44sepnse: when the disk dies your allways in troubble no matter what os you run.
09:20.47Tuttleand some more daemons
09:20.58emptyTuttle, and no weird pam configs youve homebrewed? weird
09:21.13emptysep, unless it's a livecd ;)
09:21.38sepnse: i tend to grab  a dpkg --get-selections list, and tar up all the userdata, and /etc and /var
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09:21.54Tuttlejm_:  I've set auth,authpriv.*   /var/log/auth   in syslog.conf and have session_support=YES in vsftpd.conf. That starts PAM session.
09:22.29sepempty: if your on a livecd, then your already in trouble.
09:22.35quuxmanTuttle: yeah that's a little strange. I grepped my auth.log and didn't find any malformed IP addresses
09:22.48Tuttleempty: just some little changes in /etc/pam.d. But that IMHO shouldn't cause this. Seems like a serious bug.
09:22.55*** join/#debian ColonelKernel (
09:22.56nsesep: tar all this stuff to one file.. but if the system breaks completely what would be the point of that?
09:23.12sepnse: i dont store the tar on the ox in question ofcouse !
09:23.18ColonelKernelis there a debian rescue disk? I have a dell dimension series and it does funky things with HD partitions
09:23.20jm_Tuttle: doesn't make any difference here, and
09:23.26*** join/#debian jimi (
09:23.35sepnse: i store the backups on a disk at a random location
09:23.37emptysep, true that, although I must say I will be bringing knoppix on my next no-laptop vacation
09:23.49mdhColonelKernel: burn a copy of grml
09:23.53greysonempty: Definitely.
09:24.23Tuttlejm_:  I do not understand what you're meaning. Could you take as a fact, that my PAM is logging vsftpd sessions to authlog?
09:24.25emptysep, I tried to check my bank balance at a cybercafe in Mexico on my honeymoon... after I disabled the four frigging keyloggers on the box of course
09:24.29jimihow do I set up X, so that when i type startx it goes into kde (not gnome)?
09:24.37sepnse: if you have lots of space, you could jsut tar up the whole thing and dont mess with the --get-selections stuff
09:24.43ColonelKernelmdh - all I have to do is install grub to a diff hd
09:24.47nsesep: a different disk from the one that is breaking, i don't have that disk :(
09:24.49ColonelKernelcause hte bios flips things around
09:24.54jm_Tuttle: I am saying that even when I set session_support to YES, it still doesn't log any IP-s
09:25.06cmihaidevfs_mk_dir: invalid argument <4> devfs.mk_dev: could not append to parrent for / disk
09:25.08directhex|workjimi, update-alternatives --config x-session-manager
09:25.09cmihaiWhat's that ?!
09:25.35directhex|workjimi, or add "startkde" to ~/.xinitrc
09:25.36mdhColonelKernel: you can do that from grub itself
09:25.41nsesep: I have two partitions one that is the root filesystem and a swap, organized into a 40 GB HD..
09:25.43sepnse: then you crash and burn
09:25.45Tuttlejm_:  then it's probably caused by some another setting... nevertheless the log messages start with the third letter of numeric IP address... :-O
09:26.04emptynight all, this little penguin is going to crash out. Busy day tomorrow- I get to replace the radiator in my jeep, woot
09:26.04jm_Tuttle: well that's why it would be helpful if someone else can reproduce the issue
09:26.07mdhColonelKernel: setup (hdX)
09:26.19ColonelKernelmdh, at the boot prompt?
09:26.27mdhColonelKernel: yep.
09:26.28quuxmanTuttle: it doesn't do the same thing with ssh sessions does it?
09:26.32*** join/#debian stealth (
09:26.36cmihaiI just installed Debian Sarge. I created 1 RAID 1 for /boot, 1 RAID 0 with LVM on it, and one swap and / in LVM. Grub only installed on the ATA disk, not the SATA's where the RAID 0 software is. LILO didn't want to install on the md.
09:26.38Tuttlejm_: okay, found another "pam" string in vsftpd.conf: pam_service_name=vsftpd
09:26.39nsesep: Would it be a good idea to resize the partitions in order to create a new one to put stuff there, would it be secured?
09:26.40ColonelKernelso whats /dev/hdb
09:26.45*** part/#debian freewoody (~bill@
09:26.46sepnse: with only 1 disk i doubt you have anything to worry about in there anyway :P
09:26.48jm_Tuttle: that's enabled by default
09:26.53sepnse: no
09:26.54mdhColonelKernel: whatever you mapped it to in your /boot/grub/
09:27.01cmihaiAnd it gives me that strange error, though when I boot from the ATA disk, it ...sort of works (but with like 10000 errors like that)
09:27.14mdhColonelKernel: you can cat that file without even booting into linux from grub :)
09:27.16ColonelKernelill have to give it a shot I guess
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09:27.34jimithanks heaps guys for the startkde thing - i cant scroll up in bitchx to see who said it =)
09:27.35nsesep: as you can see I'm fucked, all my life is in this alone disk.
09:27.35mdhColonelKernel: the grub console is pretty damn nifty
09:27.50ColonelKernelmdh my smb server has just failed on fc4 for no reason - no changes to it, its been working all week, it randomly stopped working
09:27.51emptynse, the drive is going bad, hence all of it isbad territory... check your kern.log for the last few days and see if you see errors
09:27.59Tuttlequuxman:  SSH pam record doesn't contain an IP address: Jun 21 11:19:38 bart sshd[11846]: (pam_unix) session opened for user jimo by (uid=0)
09:28.01ColonelKernelim moving the server to debian as well
09:28.03sepnse: that's unwise, get a usb2.0 removeable hd for backup
09:28.22Nigelroot      7894  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S<   21:18   0:00 [loop0]  <- how would i kill that process?
09:28.36Nigelthe actual mount that used it has gone
09:28.39sepnse: point is you should take your backups _before_ you experience problems with your filesystems.
09:28.39mdhColonelKernel: nice.  I moved from redhat 6 years ago and haven't looked back
09:28.45emptyNigel rmmod loop
09:28.59quuxmanTuttle: uhm hmm. it certainly does on my server
09:29.01Nigelnvm, i'll use /dev/loop1
09:29.01nseempty, sep: I'll listen to your advices, let me put them into practic..
09:29.09mdharrogant, lying bastards they are
09:29.20emptynse, at the least get a burner
09:29.20Tuttlequuxman:  And those messages (from ssh) seem not cut like those caused by vsftpd.
09:29.24quuxmanTuttle: and my desktop
09:30.33Tuttlequuxman:  how does you ssh record look? there is another log message above the one I pasted for ssh: Jun 21 11:19:38 bart sshd[11842]: Accepted keyboard-interactive/pam for jimo from port 1195 ssh2
09:30.51TuttleEven this one looks okay.
09:31.06mdhwow, doesn't appear to belong to george shearer anymore
09:31.20quuxmanTuttle: ah sorry you're right. the ones with the IP have nothing to do with pam apparently
09:31.29Tuttlequuxman:  yep
09:31.44quuxmaneither "accepted publickey" or "failed password for illegal user"
09:31.45xrgtnanyone managed to run Notes R6 in any Debian's wine?
09:32.12dpkgsomebody said anyone was ***anyone: No such nick/channel - and yes, there probably is someone, somewhere, who knows or runs it; that doesn't mean *I* do.
09:32.46mdhalthough, to be honest, since the subject is Notes I think the factoid could be wrong ;)
09:33.19dondelelcarodpkg: anyone =~ s/***/<reply>***/
09:33.19dpkgdondelelcaro: OK
09:33.39HllywdWhow do you start mysqld?
09:33.48dondelelcaroHllywdW: /etc/init.d/mysql start;
09:33.50HllywdWwhat is the command to start the server?
09:34.04dondelelcaroor mysql-server, or whatever it's actually called.
09:35.03*** join/#debian Xtrace (
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09:35.28ColonelKernelok, time to install sarge on the server
09:35.40HllywdWcan't seem to start it still because of the socket
09:36.10mdhkarsten: so, you heard about my incident with the backup server then? ;)
09:36.45karstenmdh: No, but I figured something like that if you're treating bacula like that.
09:37.34*** join/#debian pirre (
09:37.40mdhmassive filesystem corruption (on a 5+ yr old drive).  The disk itself seemed fine, I reinstalled (using sarge) but now the fucker won't work the tape drive
09:38.08quuxmanmdh: backups are a joy
09:38.34mdhunable to open device /dev/nst0: ERR=Input/output error
09:38.42pirreHello, is there any way of finding library packages that aren't used by any other packages? I'm going through all my packages to see if there are any I can remove.
09:38.52HllywdWstill having a hell of a time to get this to start
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09:38.58mdhand I've done all the normal diagnostics.  mtx works it fine.  the device does exist and is the right one.
09:39.03HllywdWthis is hard to install
09:39.08HllywdWwell configure
09:39.09mdhpermissions are fine
09:39.17karstenmdh: Hrm.
09:39.30karstenpirre: deborphan.
09:39.40pirrekarsten: thanks!
09:39.44oKtosiTeMy grub mbr got overwritten. I don't want to repartition to restore it. Is there any easy way to get it back?
09:39.50mdhthe only thing different about the server after rebuild is the kernel
09:39.55karstenoKtosiTe: grub-install <device>
09:40.11oKtosiTekarsten: the computer doesn't boot.
09:40.15mdhsince I restored the original bacula config with a rescue cd out of lost+found
09:40.15karstenmdh: Got scsi & scsi tape drivers?
09:40.17wakamiyasomeone installed the ati driver  on sarge 64 ?
09:40.20karstenoKtosiTe: Use a boot disk.
09:40.31*** join/#debian Kane32 (
09:40.32karstenmdh: What kind of tape?
09:40.46mdhkarsten: yep.  to get mtx to work I noticed I'd forgotten to load sg though, so I fixed that in /etc/modules
09:40.54karstenoKtosiTe: lnx0-bbc, knoppix, tomsrtbt, etc.
09:41.01karstenoKtosiTe: ...or your Debian install disk.
09:41.07quuxmanoKtosiTe: use a boot disk and do something like grub-install <device> --rot-filesystem /mnt/blah
09:41.13karstenmdh: You'll need st too.
09:41.18mdhVendor: HP        Model: C5713A            Rev: H910
09:41.22*** join/#debian magnetic (
09:41.34oKtosiTequuxman: now that's what I was hoping to hear, thanks.
09:41.36mdhkarsten: the sarge install detected that and loaded it automatically :)
09:41.47quuxmanoKtosiTe: :s/rot/root/
09:41.50mdhkarsten: it just didn't detect the fact it was an autochanger so it didn't load sg
09:41.51karstenoKtosiTe: s/rot/root/
09:42.05karstenmdh: sweet, mostly.
09:42.06quuxmankarsten: lol
09:42.14Nigeli seem to have some problems with /dev/loop, i'm using it for but on apt-get upgrade it complains about lack of diskspace
09:42.20oKtosiTequuxman, karsten: can you reccommend a specific boot disk that has grub-install on it?
09:42.37quuxmanoKtosiTe: your debian install disk should work just fine
09:42.53quuxmanoKtosiTe: when you get to the first dialog, just switch to a different vt
09:42.56Nigel/dev/loop1             53M   51M     0 100% /uml/testbed/root_effess
09:43.04karstenoKtosiTe: Boot anything and chroot into your system.  LNX-BBC or Damn Small Linux should work.  They're both small (50 MB).
09:43.29Nigelanyway to tell loop to expand to like 100M?
09:43.32sparr_i need to flip my video vertically and horizontally (for projection), im using nvidia drivers, how can i accomplish this?
09:43.32mdhoKtosiTe: I like grml.  they even use zsh by default
09:43.34karstenNigel: Looks like you copied your data to /dev/loop rather than mounted it.
09:43.43karstenNigel: Loop doesn't contain data.
09:43.43mdhand of course are based on debian
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09:44.42Nigelkarsten: "losetup /dev/loop0 root_fs" then it was mounted
09:45.12karstenNigel: Hrm.  I haven't dealt w/ that.
09:45.29karstenNigel: Check that you're supposed to specify the device file though, I suspect you're wrong on that.
09:45.32jethroidnar: you need to mount /dev/loop0 /mountpoint then
09:45.49jethrothen s/idnar/Nigel/
09:45.50karstenNigel: By default you should have 8 loopback files:  brw-rw----  1 root disk 7, 0 2005-06-19 05:48 /dev/loop0
09:45.53jethroI so suck
09:45.53sparr_make that vertically, NOT horizontally
09:45.59karstenNigel: ... minor numbers 0-7
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09:46.21karstenjethro: If you swallow too we've got a deal.
09:46.27jethrokarsten: :)
09:46.33Nigelas i said, i'm doing what was said here:
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09:46.41quuxmankarsten: we think alike
09:46.48karstenquuxman: ;-)
09:47.00Phatedquuxman: Don't be too hasty in admitting that. :)
09:47.03jethroNigel: losetup /dev/loopN root_fs; mount /dev/loop0 /mountpoint, then write in mountpoint
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09:47.36karstenNigel: OK.  Not sure then.
09:48.09Nigeljethro: so N been 0-7 or am i mistaking it?
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09:48.28jethroNigel: yes, N being 0-7.
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09:49.52bdoojinI'm on xchat
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09:49.57bdoojinyou know what I mean
09:50.17bdoojinwhat's good mame program for linux?
09:51.07TuttleSo where should I go with my two-characters-cut-in-the-log problem? :)
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09:51.11zakwhere is the system-wide language settings? im on knoppix installed on HD, and since i switched to GRUB everything's been in german... would it be "lang=us" in the kernel command line (it seems like the obvious choice, but it could be just the language for kernel messages or something), or something in initrd?
09:51.39dpkgKnoppix is _not_ Debian. Seek knoppix help in #knoppix. For those of you who don't know, knoppix is a livecd distro based on debian. It's useful as a rescue cd, to test hardware, and for situations where you have access to a computer but it doesn't run debian.  Please go to #knoppix, or no more debian then mandrake is redhat.
09:51.43WireDDDyou could always learn german...
09:52.08karstenzak: dpkg-reconfigure locales IIRC.
09:52.27pirrebdoojin: xmame?
09:52.29greysonbdoojin: So far, you're not making much sense.
09:52.29karstenbdoojin: a chamber of hellos, hello, hello, hello, hello....
09:52.37bdoojinwhat is xmame?
09:52.37zakim fairly certain not only knoppix is multi-lingual, and #knoppix is near empty :)
09:52.54pirre11:49 < bdoojin> what's good mame program for linux?
09:53.02pirrebdoojin: apt-cache search mame
09:53.07nksen_pirre: mame?
09:53.09greysonzak: Well, note that Knoppix was originally put together by a german.
09:53.12bdoojinpirre : jesus thanks
09:53.13WireDDDbdoojin, its what your looking for
09:53.15zakis that that multi-machine emulator?
09:53.25pirrenksen_: mama?
09:53.39nksen_pirre: what's mame?
09:53.43WireDDDmultiple arcade machine emulator
09:53.45zakthanks karsten
09:53.48pirrenksen_: what WireDDD said.
09:53.54greysonzak: Other than that, there's noone here to help.
09:54.01nksen_pirre: good to know, eh? :) you didn't know either
09:54.29pirrenksen_: I've heard of it, never used it though.
09:54.30mdhanother piece of useless information without which you can't honestly say you know everything
09:55.00oKtosiTequuxman, karsten: with the debian install cd I can't even mount my partition, let alone run grub-install. I'm desperate, this is my server, and I need it back up really soon.
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09:55.17karstenoKtosiTe: OK.
09:55.20bdoojinI can't install xmame through korea debian server
09:55.31karstenoKtosiTe: Debian install disk.  VT 2.  Got shell?
09:55.39oKtosiTekarsten: yep
09:55.44karstenoKtosiTe: ...and I'm assuming you've got two boxes so you can IRC & fiddle.
09:55.52oKtosiTekarsten: yep
09:55.55karstenoKtosiTe: OK.  'fdisk -l' should show your partitions.
09:56.12karstenoKtosiTe: Is your partition table intact, can you see your partitions?
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09:56.44oKtosiTekarsten, only gives newline. in /dev/, there are no hda, hdb, etc.
09:57.15oKtosiTekarsten: the installer does list my partitions properly however
09:57.16shdl_hi . How can i make a OR with grep . Exemple : I want to match this file if 'tutu' is present OR 'tata' is present
09:57.18karstenoKtosiTe: Are you running the install disk or are you chrooted into yoru installed system?
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09:57.24QUACH-214hi, some one know how to config debian to use FTP connect into server as root?, i can use Putty to connect SSH as root but when use CuteFTP to connect as root it say No further authentication methods available
09:57.27mdhbdoojin: its part of non-free
09:57.29karstenoKtosiTe: OK, that's good enough.  What's your root FS filesystem type?
09:57.32oKtosiTekarsten: netinstall disc
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09:57.40oKtosiTekarsten: ext3
09:57.44karstenoKtosiTe: ...and is root One Big Partition or just minimal?
09:57.55pirreQUACH-214: FTP as root? Sounds like a Bad Idea[tm]
09:58.07karstenoKtosiTe: OK:  mkdir /mnt/target; mount -r -t ext2 /dev/hda<number>
09:58.12liablemdh: guess what the next question is :)
09:58.12oKtosiTekarsten: partitions: 9GB ext3, 512MB swap
09:58.17karstenoKtosiTe: ...where number is the partition number.
09:58.25karstenoKtosiTe: ...and ext3 *will* mount as ext2.
09:58.25mdhliable: I know, I know... :)
09:58.35karstenoKtosiTe: OK.
09:58.38oKtosiTekarsten: there are no /dev/hdaX's
09:59.16otroeanhi. I'm trying to amule with dpkg but it misses 2 dependencies. How can I download them?
09:59.18oKtosiTekarsten: the /dev/ dir is fairly empty compared to a regular system
09:59.25pirreotroean: apt-get?
09:59.34karstenoKtosiTe: mknod /dev/hda c 3 0
09:59.38hackeronI'm trying to forward to with shorewall, any ideas why the following isnt working? - DNAT     loc:     loc:        tcp     1344 1344
09:59.44karstenoKtosiTe: mknod /dev/hda1 c 3 1
09:59.48otroeanpirre, can't find amule with apt-get
09:59.55karstenoKtosiTe: ...try that.
10:00.02zakanyone know if it is possible to boot a HD rather than a partition from grub?
10:00.10pirreotroean: oh. Well, you could apt-get the dependencies anyway
10:00.20karstenzak: Yes, it is.  Specify /dev/hda rather than /dev/hda1, eg.
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10:00.44karstenoKtosiTe: ...that should give you an hda and hda1, which is all you need ATM.
10:00.52bdoojinwhat debian server has xmame for apt-get
10:01.02oKtosiTekarsten: mount says: Block device required
10:01.14karstenoKtosiTe: s/c/b/
10:01.22karstenoKtosiTe: the mknod command.  My bad.
10:01.24mdhQUACH-214: FTP authenticates in plain text.  by enabling root logins via ftp, and especially running other login shell programs enabling root login, you're giving everyone on the internet root access to that box
10:01.24otroeanpirre, should i first apt the dependencies ant then install amule?
10:01.26pirrebdoojin: It's in the unstable distribution, don't know if it's available in stable.
10:01.26zakkarsten: grub allows /dev/hd..? ive been using the wierd (hdx,x) :|
10:01.29pirreotroean: aye.
10:01.37otroeanpirre, thnx
10:01.38karstenzak: Read the info docs.
10:01.38bdoojinIt is not in stable
10:01.39oKtosiTekarsten: ok
10:01.42quuxmanhmm does anybody else here have problems with the testing version of xlibs?
10:01.56bdoojinxmame is one of greatest programs
10:01.57mdhbdoojin: all the debian mirrors do, so long as they are mirroring non-free
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10:02.17Jhairbdoojin: there is a debian page where you can search packages, use it (
10:02.23pirreotroean: ah, I guess you'll have to download it manually then.
10:02.25mdhbdoojin: you need to add non-free into /etc/apt/sources.list
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10:02.42oKtosiTekarsten: Mount failed: Invalid argument
10:02.45mdhbdoojin: alongside "main" and "contrib" if you have that
10:02.49karstenoKtosiTe: Command?
10:03.09oKtosiTemount /dev/hda2 /mnt/target
10:03.12mdhbdoojin: then you apt-get update && apt-get install xmame
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10:03.36Nykheynwhich diffrerences between etch and sarge?
10:03.42mdh(well, xmame-x or xmame-gl or xmame-sdl ... whichever you want)
10:03.54karstenoKtosiTe: You've got to create /dev/hda2
10:04.05karstenoKtosiTe: ...then:  mount -t ext2 /dev/hda2 /mnt/target
10:04.11mdhNykheyn: sarge = stable, etch = testing (what ill become the next stable in 2008-2009 ;)
10:04.19karstenNykheyn: Read the release notes.
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10:04.51Nykheynmdh sarge troubles are solved in etch?
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10:05.06oKtosiTekarsten: that's what I did
10:05.06mdhNykheyn: sarge troubles are solved in sarge
10:05.20karstenoKtosiTe: ...and?
10:05.43oKtosiTekarsten: Mounting x on y failed: Invalid Argument
10:05.44karstenbdoojin: English & UTF8 please.
10:05.45Nykheynmdh upgrading sarge i've encountered major troubles... system more slow
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10:06.11karstenoKtosiTe: OK...
10:06.19karstenoKtosiTe: Any error messages in dmesg?
10:06.42otroeanpirre, both of the dependencies wan't each other. How can i install then?
10:06.58pirreotroean: install them at the same time?
10:06.59oKtosiTekarsten: corrupt root inode
10:07.02Teufel.... all my computer does when I start it is print LI on the screen with a blinking curser under it.... wtf?
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10:07.07karstenoKtosiTe: ??
10:07.09pirreotroean: dpkg -i package1 package2
10:07.19dpkgif 'LI' is printed when the system is booted, it means that your drive is probably too large (OR you simply forgot to run 'lilo'). There is a Large-disk-mini-howto. Read it.. Boot the rescue disk, edit lilo.conf and add 'lba32' then try again., or (if drive geometry has changed) try booting from the rescue disk, mounting /, and rerunning lilo. Or you could try grub instead. :)  Lithium, or Liechtenstein.
10:07.19karstenoKtosiTe: OK.  Try an fsck on the partition.
10:07.39karstenoKtosiTe: ...and I'd recommend LNX-BBC over Debian install disk, it's got a lot more utilities on it.  Knoppix even better.
10:07.40otroeanpirre, He still argues...
10:08.05pirreotroean: then I don't know how to solve it, unfortunately :/
10:08.16mdhTeufel: that's ascii art, of your computer.  that little hole at the bottom (between the L and I) is where the rest of your lame-o bootloader leaked out
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10:08.42otroeanpirre, ok. thnx
10:08.54Teufelmdh: so... anything I can do to make it boot up again like normal?
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10:09.24oKtosiTekarsten: I basically have a disc with thousands of errors, that worked fine yesterday.
10:09.24bdoojinI need to choose one
10:09.24spdfTeufel, Is this a new installation, or did it work before?
10:09.40mdh!tell Teufel about li
10:09.57Teufelspdf: new installation but the disc has worked fine before
10:10.01quuxmanoKtosiTe: perhaps you have a toasted drive?
10:10.12quuxmanoKtosiTe: may be time to revert to a backup :-/
10:10.25spdfTeufel, How are your partitions setup (Size.. etc..)
10:10.34karstenoKtosiTe: OK.  Could be a bad disk.
10:10.42karstenoKtosiTe: My suggestion is this
10:10.46Teufelspdf: I have a 119.5gb linux partition and a 500mb swap
10:10.56karstenoKtosiTe: Get a Knoppix disk.  Buy a new disk.  Freeze your current disk.
10:11.00oKtosiTekarsten: I guess so, just what I needed. ANOTHER bad disc.
10:11.04spdfTeufel, Okay, that's why, its unable to boot that 119gb partition.
10:11.18mdhspdf: lilo simply can't find the second-stage bootloader
10:11.20karstenoKtosiTe: ...Install new disk, copy old to new as quickly as possible after pulling from freezer.
10:11.24karstenoKtosiTe: Manufacturer?
10:11.32Teufelspdf: I had debian installed before on this HD and it booted fine
10:11.44karstenoKtosiTe: Also:  do *READ* *ONLY* mounts.
10:11.45Teufelspdf: Didn't have swap before though, could that be the problem?
10:11.52spdfTeufel, No
10:11.56karstenoKtosiTe: Desktop or laptop?
10:11.57nvzyeah buddy, my brother came up off the GTA-SA
10:11.58mdhspdf: mostly likely a kernel got upgraded and Teufel forgot to re-run lilo
10:12.12quuxmankarsten: you mean literally freeze it?
10:12.15spdfmdh, Why are you telling me this?
10:12.18karstenquuxman: Yes.
10:12.23quuxmankarsten: haven't heard that one before
10:12.36karstenquuxman: Put the disk in a moisture-proof bag.  Condensation == bad.
10:12.40karstenquuxman: Google it.
10:12.40Nykheynafter upgrading (sarge) the network doesn't work correctly
10:12.44mdhspdf: because I doubt your assertion about the partition size is correct
10:12.45oKtosiTekarsten: server, maxtor disc
10:12.51karstenquuxman: It's sort of an extreme technique but has some success.
10:12.54karstenoKtosiTe: Buy real disks.
10:13.02Nykheynafter upgrading (sarge) the network doesn't work correctly/what i can do?
10:13.04karstenoKtosiTe: Maxtor sucks.  Seagate, WD, Hitache.
10:13.05liable!doesnt work
10:13.10oKtosiTekarsten: I'm poor. ;-(
10:13.15liable!doesn't work
10:13.16dpkgLook buddy, doesn't work is an ambiguous statement.  Does it sit on the couch all day?  Does it want more money?  Does it waste its time on IRC all day long?  Please be specific!  Define 'it' and what it isn't doing.
10:13.16WireDDDanti static bag inside of a ziploc should do fine
10:13.19karstenoKtosiTe: Get used to buying disks then.
10:13.32liablegoddam engrish
10:13.58Nykheynafter upgrading (sarge) internet navigation is horribly slow./what i can do?
10:13.59Teufelso is there anything I can do to just put lilo on it? If I have a knoppix cd, could I do it from that?
10:14.12spdfmdh, Thats how it works here, on mine..
10:14.20oKtosiTekarsten: Oh well. Thanks for the help anyway.
10:14.28karstenTeufel: Run Knoppix.  Mount disk.  chroot into it.  Run lilo.
10:14.31karstenoKtosiTe: NP.
10:14.32mdhTeufel: yes.  mount the drive, chroot to it, re-run /sbin/lilo
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10:15.14Teufelthanks mdh and karsten, I'll try that
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10:16.08mdhspdf: with lba32 support it shouldn't matter where on the disk the kernel is
10:16.22mdhnone of this first 1024 cylinders crap
10:17.03Nykheynafter upgrading (sarge) internet navigation is horribly slow./what i can do?
10:17.19spdfNykheyn, Which browser?
10:17.27liableNykheyn: please be a little more descriptive. You upgraded from woody to sarge? you just upgraded sarge? how is it slow? pinging? name resolution?
10:17.28Nykheynspdf direfox
10:17.32mdhNykheyn: have you got the latest version of the internet?
10:17.34Teufelomg never used knoppix on this comp before, my screen is going all crazy
10:17.39spdfNykheyn, Is it the same in others?
10:18.00Nykheynspdf, what?
10:18.13spdfNykheyn, in other browsers..
10:18.27spdfTeufel, You just need to boot to the commandline
10:18.45Teufelspdf: too late, already loaded the gui
10:18.47Nykheynspdf i've got only firefox
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10:21.30Nykheynetch which kernel uses?
10:21.40error403is debootstrap the program that launches the debain installer?
10:21.50greysonNykheyn: Kernel you choose can.
10:22.00TeufelOk, I have knoppix loaded, I don't get chroot command lol, already read the --help
10:22.09greysonNykheyn: There are several options.
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10:22.30liablegreyson is know known as yoda :P
10:23.16spdfTeufel, change to root, Mount the root partition for the linux installation... and then chroot [/mounted/root/partition]
10:23.19greysonAh, not quite the effect I was hoping for...
10:23.21pirrewhen 500 years debian reaches, look as good, it is then, hmmm??
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10:24.09greysonpirre: Ian much to learn he must, five hundred years to see it. Yes!
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10:24.36pirregreyson: ^_^
10:24.46Teufelspdf: I'm trying it keeps saying no such file or directory
10:25.00Teufelspdf: chroot /mnt/root/hda1
10:25.01spdfTeufel, What says it?
10:25.18greysonNykheyn: Yes, 2.6 is a choice.  There are usually several versions... and you can always compile your own!
10:25.22Teufelspdf: "chroot: cannont change root directory to ..... No such file or directory
10:25.32am88bchroot /mnt/root/hda1 /bin/sh ?
10:25.42sirvhow do you mount a drive automaticly after you have loaded the module on boot?
10:25.42am88bnm, I'm stupid
10:25.45spdfTeufel, cd /mnt/root/hda1  are there any files in there?
10:25.52sirvmdoule for the controller card that is
10:26.08Teufelspdf: says no file or directory =/
10:26.19greysonam88b: hehe... for a second I though you had typed something like "mount /dev/hda1 /bin/sh"
10:26.25Teufelspdf: can get into /mnt/hda1
10:26.30spdfTeufel, Yargh... :)
10:26.34mdh32. Defendant is an far-right wing Internet news website that posts libelous and defamatory content and is used by Open Source Community members to anonymously post hate speech, death threats, threats to murder and promotes and advocates acts of domestic terrorism within the United States. The address and location of defendants is believed to be within the State of California, but is unknown at the present time.
10:26.48Teufelspdf: well not really into, says operation not permitted =/
10:26.53spdfTeufel, su
10:27.15Teufelspdf: SU isn't found on knoppix
10:27.34WireDDDmdh what is that from?
10:27.37spdfTeufel, Huh?
10:27.46Teufelspdf: ok nm, I'm a retard =P
10:27.50spdfTeufel, fair enough.
10:27.57spdfTeufel, Okay.. mount /mnt/hda1
10:28.04bdoojinI added proper rom files directory and clocked rebuild game list, but gxmame doesn't display any game
10:28.09Teufelspdf: =) Ok, so I just go into /sbin and run the lilo executiable?
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10:28.13bdoojin*clocked -> clicked
10:28.13mdhthis is funnier than the SCO suit
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10:28.26spdfTeufel, Did you chroot /mnt/hda1?
10:28.31Teufelspdf: yes
10:28.36spdfTeufel, Okay /sbin/lilo
10:28.50bdoojinhelp me
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10:29.09Teufelspdf: fatal: open /dev/hda permission denied
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10:29.58Teufelspdf: I can get into /hda1/sbin but can't run it =/
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10:30.29greysonmdh: Was that linked from slashdot?
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10:30.56dv_say, how is it possible in debian to use Xcursor themes for the X11 mouse cursor?
10:31.01dv_i have xorg 6.8.2 installed
10:31.30mdhgreyson: dunno, I rarely ever read /.
10:31.39mdhgreyson: I did find it on LWN though
10:31.44dv_I unpacked a theme into /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/icons/
10:31.59dpkgfrom memory, lwn is Linux Weekly News. " has been covering the Linux and free software communities since 1998. Our aim is to provide complete information from the development community in a concise, well-written, and objective manner." - For more information on LWN, see
10:32.05nvzdv_: that has no relevance to debian as it doesnt have xorg
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10:32.20greyson(I was just about to guess that... :-p But a guess was all it would have been)
10:32.23Teufelanyone help me? I guess I didn't load lilo correctly on my install of debian, Im booted up with knoppix right now but when I try to run /sbin/lilo it tells me permission denied
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10:32.42nseIs there any app to check the integrity of a mounted filesystem?
10:32.47liableTeufel: remount it rw and run as root
10:33.11cray3Teufel: u need to be root to do that
10:33.41liableTeufel: why did you use lilo anyway on a new install? (just out of interest.)
10:33.45jm_dv_: well try doing it the XF86 way
10:33.52Teufelliable: how can I become root on hda1 from knoppix? su only gives me another normal prompt
10:34.05jm_teun: type id after su
10:34.07Teufelliable: meh, I just want it to boot up right now
10:34.09jm_Teufel ^^^^
10:34.19liableTeufel: in knoppix there is a su konsole menu option.
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10:34.40liableTeufel: not in the main menu, one next to it iirc
10:35.01dv_i dunno the XF86 way either
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10:35.33mdhdv_: in XFree86 you drop the themes into ~/.icons and edit ~/.icons/default/index.theme and tell it to inherit from the theme you wish to use
10:35.52mdhdv_: any new clients created after saving that file will automatically inherit the new theme
10:36.37Teufeljm_ the su id worked except for it's not taking my password
10:36.43dv_and this works with colored themes?
10:36.51jm_dv_: some googling would have helped you --
10:37.11dv_you looked for "xcursor"?
10:37.14jm_Teufel: no, type su, then type id when you get the prompt
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10:37.47dv_hm , I guess i used the wrong keyword
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10:38.06Teufelliable: I tried remounting it and nothing changed
10:38.13Teufeljm_ didn't work... still says authentication failure
10:38.30nseWhen Linus Torvalds could not take care of Linux anymore, who will be the one?
10:38.49*** join/#debian grimse (
10:38.54mdhnse: we were all betting on you
10:39.05liableTeufel: make a new directory, unmount it, mount it again using mount with the appropriate options
10:39.17liableTeufel: on the new directory
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10:39.37jm_Teufel: wtf? it shouldn't even ask you for a password
10:39.44plovsanyone knows some tutorial on preseeding the debian-installer?
10:40.46Teufeljm_ I do a su root, it asks for password, I can su <other account> and get in there fine, but can't get to root
10:41.13nsemdh: good joke :)
10:41.30plovsTeufel, just su will do (or su -)
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10:42.16Teufelplovs: just did su - and still says permission denied to execute /sbin/lilo
10:42.27TCWTeufel, knoppix?
10:42.29*** part/#debian w1zz1l3 (
10:42.30jm_Teufel: did you chroot?
10:42.39Teufeltcw: yes
10:42.53TCWTeufel, a recent version?
10:42.55Teufeljm_ yes, in the beginning, I have Knoppix:/sbin#
10:43.09jm_Teufel: beginning?
10:43.16Teufeljm_ like right after I mounted
10:43.25*** join/#debian holycow (
10:43.28quuxmanoh boy I'm bad. I started a dist-upgrade and I'm about a gig out of date. Is there an easy way to download the required packages for an upgrade on a different machine?
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10:43.35jm_Teufel: open a new terminal, run su in it, run chroot, then see what it says
10:43.50quuxmandon't want to hog my home connection for a day
10:43.55jm_quuxman: apt-get has --print-uris switch
10:44.06quuxmanjm_: ah cool
10:44.10crashbghow can i use virtual interfaces like eth0:1 with iptables???
10:44.19Teufeljm_ knoppix:/#
10:44.38jm_Teufel: no need to paste this, try running lilo
10:44.53TCWjm_, what is he trying to do?
10:44.59jm_TCW: reinstall lilo :)
10:44.59plovsTeufel, what does whoami say?
10:45.01Teufeljm_ permission denied
10:45.10Teufelplovs: root
10:45.11*** join/#debian streuner (
10:45.13TCWjm_, from knoppix within?
10:45.18jm_TCW: indeed
10:45.32TCWjm_, did he chroot "correct"?
10:45.35jm_streuner: was hast du gemacht?
10:45.44jm_TCW: to be honest, I don't know what command he's using
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10:45.53streunerjm_: nothing :-)
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10:46.02TCWjm_, I'd say, there is just one correct command... :)
10:46.08Teufeljm_ here is what I've done .... su   then chroot /mnt/hda1
10:46.15plovsTeufel, does it say permission denied on lilo or on the drive you are trying to lilo?
10:46.19sobersabreanybody knows zx6000 ?
10:46.26Teufelplovs: on lilo
10:46.42TCWTeufel, you did miss the shell you'd like to run after the chroot
10:46.43jm_maybe /dev/hda1 is mounted nodev?
10:46.55plovsTeufel, ls -l /sbin/lilo ?
10:47.05jm_Teufel: umount it and mount it yourself using mount /dev/hda1 /mnt/hda1 or whatever the right partition is
10:47.19quuxmanjm_: so if I just download all of those URIs and manually put them in /var/cache/apt/archives than apt should find them right?
10:47.20Teufeljm_ -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root
10:47.23TCWand of course... the filesystem (hda1?) needs to be mounted as "dev"
10:47.24Teufeljm_ 602
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10:47.41Teufeltcw: what shell?
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10:47.51jm_quuxman: yes, it should notice they are there, but you'll need to run apt-get update
10:47.52Teufelhow do I change it to dev?
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10:47.57bdoojinanyone knows how to detect rom files in gxmame?
10:48.07quuxmanjm_: yeah, did that already
10:48.09TCWTeufel, that one you normally use? :) /bin/bash for example
10:48.13quuxmanwell, thanks all. Lat0r and 'night
10:48.14jm_quuxman: then you should be all set
10:48.16petemcbdoojin: do you ever read documentation?
10:48.16liablebdoojin: ever heard of google?
10:48.20streunerJun 22 12:44:13*** Banned: proxyscan; Open Proxy found on your host. Please visit for more  information.
10:48.24bdoojinI forgot google
10:48.25sobersabrei think i've fsked up EFI boot..
10:48.26*** part/#debian laurent33 (
10:48.31sobersabrehow can it be restored ?
10:48.36streunerJun 22 12:44:13*** Banned: proxyscan; Open Proxy found on your host. Please visit for more  information.
10:48.38sobersabre( machine won't boot )
10:48.49streunerJun 22 12:44:13 ---Closing Link: streuner_ (Banned)
10:48.49streunerJun 22 12:44:13 ---Disconnected (Remote host closed socket).
10:49.20Teufeltcw: argh I'm sorry man, I just don't know what I need to do...
10:49.26jm_streuner: dynamic IP?
10:49.28streunerjm_: i had to change IP in order to join #debian :-)
10:49.42jm_streuner: yeah, that can happen
10:49.45liableTeufel: unmount /dev/hda1 && mkdir /mnt/rescue && mount /dev/hda1 -o rw /mnt/rescue
10:49.52*** part/#debian quuxman (
10:50.12TCWTeufel, man mount? :) mount -o remount,dev,rw /dev/hda1 /mnt/hda1; chroot /mnt/hda1 /bin/bash; lilo -v
10:50.19Teufelliable: bash: unmount: command not found
10:50.28jm_the command is umount
10:50.31liableTeufel: sorry umount
10:50.57jm_that'll be one case of beer when you're done :P
10:51.36Teufelliable: mkdir: cannont create directory, read-only file system
10:52.09jm_teun: create it in /tmp
10:52.16TCWTeufel, just use -o remount,dev,rw nothing more to do...
10:52.16jm_Teufel that was for you
10:52.33jm_teun: sorry
10:52.38teunnp :)
10:53.23Teufel-o command not found... /sigh
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10:55.30kneetlaptop battery - never tried to monitor this before - is apm the right thing to be looking at?
10:55.53jm_well ACPI can also be used, whichever works for you
10:55.53Teufeljm_ thanks, that link is like exactally what I needed
10:55.58liablekneet: how old is it?
10:56.01TCWkneet, depends... some laptops work beter with apm, some others with acpi
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10:56.09TCWbetter even
10:56.17kneetLifebook e7010 - couple of years
10:56.20liablekneet: theres a few different apps for different wm's
10:56.25amphiPhated: you about?
10:56.30kneetliable, running e16 at the mo
10:56.35multi_io$ dpkg -L perl-doc
10:56.35multi_ioPackage `perl-doc' does not contain any files (!)
10:56.36liablekneet: apt-cache search battery
10:56.46multi_ioI wonder how this could happen...
10:56.59liablekneet: oh, good luck then
10:57.06kneetsure - but the enlightenment app says "no battery" - so I wondered what was needed to get it to play :)
10:57.32kneet/proc/apm not found - apm=on at boot didn't help - so - I was wondering what my options were :)
10:57.44kneetI'll look at acpi - at least that's already present
10:57.53jm_you may need to load some extra modules
10:57.53amphikneet: you could try modprobe apm
10:58.03*** mode/#debian [+l 811] by debhelper
10:58.04TCWkneet, is apm enabled in the kernel?
10:58.13Teufeljm_ following the directions on that link, it now says : warning: /proc/partitions does not exist, disc scan bypassed, added linux *, skipping /vmlinuz.old"
10:58.18Teufeland stops
10:58.25amphikneet: I'd be surprised if acpi worked well on a two year old box
10:58.27kneetFrom what I could see on the list it's compiled byt disabled - and apm=on should work - however - they were old mail messages
10:58.28jm_ahh not with APM, it's not split like with ACPI it seems
10:58.49jm_Teufel: ok, now exit the chroot shell and umount it
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10:58.54liableamphi: wtf it works flawlessly on my 3 year old thinkpad.
10:59.10Teufeljm_ k
10:59.19remmy_when i run alsaconf it does not save the settings and i have to run it everytime i restart, can someone help me?
10:59.26kneetmodprobe apm "FATAL: Error inserting apm" - no such device - hmm - lets take a look at acpi
10:59.27*** join/#debian Guevara (~Raul@
10:59.29jm_remmy_: tried alsactl store?
10:59.35amphiliable: yeah? good for you - it hardly worked at all on my t22, works well on my t42
11:00.03remmy_jm_, guess i will now, thanks
11:00.12liableamphi: a bit of work involved admitedly.
11:00.35amphikneet: FWIW, acpi=off on the kernel cmd line will enable apm if it's in the kernel
11:01.13kneetI see some stuff under /proc/acpi - but nothing battery related (alarm, sleep, info, wakeup, event etc)
11:01.25jm_load ACPI battery module
11:01.26liablekneet: if you are going to try apm, make sure you disable/remove acpid
11:01.29Teufeljm_ I guess I don't understand what dev does... or what that is even...
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11:01.50jm_Teufel: don't worry about that now, it's described in man mount
11:01.55Teufeljm_ liable TCW ok got it working, thanks
11:02.04Guevaraalguien que sepa hablar español, para echar una chalita
11:02.07kneetGiven that acpi appears to be present - but not apm - I'll try acpi first (can always try apm later)
11:02.12dpkgHispanohablantes: Por favor usen #debian-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.  Spanish Speakers: Please use #debian-es, there you will get much more help.
11:02.23amphikneet: acpi is broken into various modules - try modprobing processor, battery, ac, fan, button
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11:02.49kneetmodprobe battery appears to have loaded :)
11:03.01jm_now look at /proc/acpi/battery
11:03.02TCWTeufel, how? :)
11:03.10liablekneet: some laptops have weird batteries too, that seem to have problems with acpi. google yours to see i spose
11:03.24kneettwo dirs - CMB1 and CMB2 under /proc/acpi/battery
11:03.40remmy_how can i view my windows partition?
11:03.51liableremmy_: mount it.
11:04.18kneetBatt monitor works now - thanks folks
11:04.32remmy_liable, how? i havent had to mount anything in debian yet
11:04.47Teufeltcw: with the link jm_ gave me , it was like two commands I had to put in then a reboot =/
11:05.00liable!tell remmy_ about vfatrw
11:05.07remmy_liable, maybe i'll search google =P
11:05.17TCWTeufel, I'd liked to hear the exact commands... but... anyway, have a nice day :)
11:05.24KleaHi i use Linux Knoppix, and i have 128 MB RAM, but he talk that i have only 86 MB RAM. What can I do?
11:05.27Teufelliable: you were saying something earlier about lilo... is grub a better boot loader?
11:05.42KleaSorry i'm don't speak englisch very well
11:05.53jm_Klea: try #knoppix
11:06.05xsdgKlea: you might try memtest86
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11:06.15Kleaokay thank you
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11:06.22Teufeltcw: mount -o dev /mnt/hda1     and           chroot /mnt/hda1/sbin/               and      lilo    so I guess three commands =P
11:06.53liableTeufel: well, its all subjective, but its newer and smarter (so they say)
11:07.19jm_it's not as new as people think it is ;)
11:07.30Teufelis there an easy way to print whoever's name is selected from the channle list or do you guys just type it out every time?
11:07.52liablejm_: compaired to lilo?
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11:09.35liable!dict compared
11:09.37dpkgDictionary 'compared' (3 of 9): Syn: To Compare, Compare with, Compare to. ;; To compare great things with small.   --Milton. ;; 2. To represent as similar, for the purpose of illustration; to liken..
11:09.58liablegood, thats how its spelt :P
11:10.14*** join/#debian Zeit|awy (
11:10.20jm_liable: GRUB development started in 1995 so I suppose it still is much newer than lilo
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11:11.36liablejm_: hmm, didnt know it was quite that old.
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11:13.00liablejm_: easier to manage/rescue anyway I think (from a 'less things you need to do') perspective
11:13.10jm_liable: indeed
11:13.14*** join/#debian frcmstr (
11:13.28bdoojinjesus christ
11:13.32bdoojinI'm out of patience
11:13.37*** join/#debian Om (~om@om.user)
11:14.10bdoojinsomeone tell me how to make gxmame find any rom
11:14.18bdoojinI set proper directories
11:14.40OmWhat's the easiest way to get the memory useage of a running process, in human readable format? :)
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11:15.00liableOm: top
11:15.04Omps something | grep name?
11:15.21jm_yes, ps is fine
11:15.43bdoojinI'm out of patience
11:15.45Omliable, how can I make top show my process? It's not using much mem or cpu, so it's not shown :)
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11:16.16liableOm: then yes, ps aux|grep
11:16.22cciHello; I have a problem after Sarge installation on Sony Vaio T2XP. Can't have full screen display (black side bands). Any hint?
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11:16.48Omoliver   11083  0.0  0.1   2744   432 pts/1    S+   Jun08   0:08 ./bot <--- is 2744 the mem useage? :)
11:17.01bdoojindamn it
11:17.10bdoojinI placed all .zip rom files in proper directory
11:17.52liableOm: no 0.1
11:18.07*** part/#debian kelmo (
11:18.09Om0.1 kb? :)
11:18.10Noidlegality issue question: packages to read dvds are legal?
11:18.10sepcci: lcd screen ? lcd's often have black bands if you use a smaller resolution then what they are designed for
11:18.16PeTeRBOm: 0.1%
11:18.28jm_Noid: yes, ls can read it and it's legal ;)
11:18.30amphiOm: try top -bn1 | grep <prog_name>
11:18.34liableOm: USER       PID %CPU %MEM    VSZ   RSS TTY      STAT START   TIME COMMAND
11:18.44Noidjm_: come on, you know what i mean d-:
11:19.26jm_Noid: it's illegal in most of the countries I suppose
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11:19.56OmOkey, thanks everyone :)
11:20.19*** join/#debian mikaEL` (~mikael@
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11:20.37Noidjm_: i thought so, so you'd have to (hipothetically speaking) buy some licensed software to play them, right?
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11:21.35jm_Noid: yup
11:22.06Noidjm_: ok thanks, gonna google about this a bit to see what else i find out
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11:22.31liableyes like the shitty players they have on dvd's that wont even work in linux (thank god)
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11:22.37jorisanyone into ucarp? Sometimes both my daemons think the preffered master is online (there is no preffered master defined), and both enter backup mode
11:23.08kbrooksIs it 11:22 EDT?
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11:23.49cciLCD, but with the max possible resolution (1280x768).
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11:24.30ColonelKernelwhats the command to use for adding/removing services to the runlevel?
11:24.35remmy_hmm how do i mount my c drive?
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11:24.54PeTeRBColonelKernel: update-rc.d
11:25.18ColonelKernelPeTeRB, thanks
11:25.20liableremmy_: what does fdisk -l say it is, i'm guessing hda1?
11:25.35liableremmy_: man mount
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11:25.57remmy_liable i have hda1 2 and 3
11:26.21liableremmy_: which is vfat or ntfs?
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11:26.31remmy_liable, 1
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11:26.43liableremmy_: vfat or ntfs
11:27.03remmy_liable, HPFS/NTFS
11:27.10liable!tell remmy_ about vfatrw
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11:27.29liableremmy_: man mount
11:27.52remmy_liable, its ntfs not fat32, those are correct directions?
11:28.01PeTeRBremmy_: Did you read it?
11:28.03*** mode/#debian [+l 821] by debhelper
11:28.21liableremmy_: read the last sentence
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11:28.41liableremmy_: but better to use -o ro
11:28.51remmy_oo ok, just wondering
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11:29.33sam_wich debian package  i need for xmms to read .ogg files?
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11:29.41liable!tell remmy_ about read-ntfs
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11:30.30dondelelcarosam_: libogg0 (>= 1.1.2), libvorbis0a (>= 1.1.0), libvorbisfile3 (>= 1.1.0)
11:30.45dondelelcarosam_: hint: the Recommends: are there for a reason. If you don't know better, you probably should be installing them.
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11:32.00bdoojinI'm likely to die
11:32.10bdoojinbecause gxmame doesn't find any rom
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11:32.35sepbdoojin: could you please die quietly ?
11:32.53bdoojinI don't want to die
11:33.02znhhmz.. I've apt-get'd all the fgrlx packages, ran fglrxconfig but X is still using Mesa it seems to
11:33.28chealerbdoojin: try complaining to #god
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11:34.17sepznh: your followin the instructions on dpkg's ati drivers ?
11:34.18liablebdoojin: your god is google, complain to it.
11:34.30jimbdoojin: mame is a -game-... did you know that while characters in video games get killed, it usually doesn't kill the actual player?
11:34.34znhsep: there weren't any instructions - ?
11:34.43sep!tell znh about ati drivers
11:34.52moe_i have installed firefox and when firefox loads i have told it to become default but when i click links in amsn or by K - Run it still loads mozilla how do i get firefox default browser? thanks
11:34.56sepznh: do you notice the url ?
11:35.25znhsep: ok
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11:35.44chealermoe_: I think it's update-alternatives --config x-www-browser
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11:36.01moe_thx i'll have a look
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11:36.53liableI have to say, Kaiser_showers is the best #debianite for telling us what he/she does, just by /nick :P
11:37.07chealerBTW what's K-Run?
11:37.09Kaiser_showerslol. he
11:37.13jorisa female showering nick, hmmm
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11:38.45moe_chealer, after running that i told it to use 4 /usr/bin/mozilla-firefox but when i K run a link still starts mozilla mozilla-firefox has a star and is set as default
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11:39.36chealermoe_: what was it before you changed it? and what does "K run" mean?
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11:39.52moe_Click on K (kde) Run Command
11:39.55liablekde run i think
11:39.59moe_the menu
11:40.20moe_it was /usr/bin/mozilla
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11:41.53remmy_when i run k3b it says theres no mime types installed
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11:43.02chealermoe_: I don't know, I'd try restarting KDE
11:45.00liableremmy_: install some? apt-get search mime? or as a last resort *gasp* google :P
11:45.18jim!listkeys etch
11:45.20dpkgFactoid search of 'etch' by key (15): etch security ;; exim+fetchmail ;; quick etch/sid mix ;; etch ;; fetchmailconf ;; etch bet ;; fetchamil ;; bletch ;; rice'n'peas'n'turkey'n'ketchup ;; etchasketch ;; sarge->etch ;; fetchmail ;; etch pool 1 ;; etch pool ;; fetchmailrc.
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11:48.33dpkgYummm.. whatever'sinthefridge-feast-o-rama!
11:48.59kneetIsn't the etchasketch fact out of date?
11:49.23petemcits just plain wrong
11:49.25liablewhat a fucking stupid factoid
11:49.38asgliable: most of them are
11:49.44paulswm!fatcinfo rice'n'peas'n'turkey'n'ketchup
11:49.48jimdunno... I'm looking for whether theres a 2.6.11 etch installer
11:49.49paulswm!factinfo rice'n'peas'n'turkey'n'ketchup
11:49.49dpkgrice'n'peas'n'turkey'n'ketchup -- created by sussudio <> at Wed Sep  4 08:45:33 2002 (1022 days); it has been requested 3 times, last by liable, 1m 17s ago.
11:49.56asgthat's not surprising
11:50.07paulswmWell that's hardly a shock
11:50.11paulswmHeh, asg
11:51.01beardy!factinfo etchasketch
11:51.01dpkgetchasketch -- created by xSDG <> at Sat Jul 15 02:34:09 2000 (1803 days); last modified at Fri Sep 29 05:44:19 2000 by psycho!; it has been requested 13 times, last by beardy, 1m 41s ago.
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11:51.10beardyquite old
11:51.33kneetJust that it talked about etchasketch being the release after woody :)
11:51.45jimcan you mount --bind from fstab?
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11:52.13jimit IS after woody!
11:52.17jimlong after...
11:52.49kneetjim - pedantic
11:53.01jimantipedantic :P
11:53.30jimpedantic would be saying the factoid was wrong :P
11:53.32beardyThat's not pedantic, it's just true.
11:54.03jsjim: yes you can
11:54.14deckriderhi, I've been using clamav as part of procmail and it gives me lots of warnings from cron about being out of date (debian/sarge).  I'm sure this must be a there some common way of handling this?
11:54.15jimjs: how how? :)
11:54.32jsjim: just add bind as an option
11:54.38petemcdeckrider: it gives a url in the warnings
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11:54.59petemcDON'T PANIC! Read
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11:55.12lkthomashey all
11:55.20lkthomascan I use my HD without using a filesystem on it ?
11:55.36jimso /dir/to/mount /mount/point none rw,bind 0 0
11:55.43jimlike that?
11:55.52beardylkthomas: How, do you mean? What are you going to to with it if you don't have any filesystem on it?
11:55.52amphilkthomas: as a paperweight? ;)
11:56.10kbrookslkthomas: nop
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11:57.07deckriderpetemc: right....but I was hoping to stay with debian/sarge
11:57.21raf256hi fellow debian users \o/
11:57.32asgkbrooks: he could dd data around on it but what would be the point
11:57.33liablelkthomas: please explain your thinking/logic (or maybe not)
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11:57.48deckriderpetemc: I see
11:57.55lkthomasliable: do you know how is a tape drive works ?
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11:58.10liablelkthomas: no
11:58.13petemcdeckrider: you may need to backport clamav, thems the brakes
11:58.21lkthomasliable: you are not the right guy to talk to then
11:58.34deckriderpetemc: I must have been to that page a hundred times....but now I see the "deb sarge/volatile main"
11:58.36jm_tape is a character device, not a block device
11:58.37liablelkthomas: but wtf has that to do with your first question
11:58.51jimlkthomas: tape is on reels... usually in a cassette form these days... turning one pulls the tape thru...
11:58.53liablelkthomas: agreed
11:59.12umbophey guys, i'm just looking for a bit of advice, if you had a windows dns server running at the moment, would it be easy enough to convert it to unix and run named on there for internal lookups
11:59.25lkthomasjim: tape have a drive node, can I do the same with HDD ?
11:59.33deckriderpetemc: had to click through to the binary packages page....anyway, thanks
11:59.44jimtape is not block device at all.
11:59.45asgumbop: is your windows dns server just doing dns or is it also doing AD type stuff?
11:59.47umbopor would you say named was more for big dns i.e.  ISP based etc, as appose really corporate
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11:59.56jimtape is char streaming device
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12:00.03umbopasg: at the moment it is just dns, the AD stuff will be implemented on the two domain controllers
12:00.08lkthomasjim: tape does not rely on FS
12:00.13jm_umbop: you coul duse dnsmasq as a simple and easy to setup option
12:00.16jimnot at all
12:00.17lkthomasjim: I need my HD have no FS at all
12:00.18asgumbop: then you can easily use bind or tinydns for that on Unix
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12:00.40jimnot sure what you're saying
12:00.53asgumbop: however, much of AD's functionality is integrated with DNS TXT records, etc, so you are probably better of sticking with it internally.
12:01.03jimyou can write "the quick brown fox" onto the tape, backspace it and read it back
12:01.06BlakeOPSDo I need all 14 CDs to install Debian?
12:01.11asgBlakeOPS: no
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12:01.16liablejesus no
12:01.19BlakeOPSHow many do I need
12:01.21jimyou need 0 cds to install debian
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12:01.29asgBlakeOPS: non, if you have a floppy drive or usb key
12:01.30jim2 floppies is ok
12:01.36umbophmm i don't know much about AD other than the fact that it is based on x500
12:01.36BlakeOPSI want to use CD-ROM
12:01.39liableerrr, 1 is nice
12:01.42umbopi know ldap
12:01.45stewBlakeOPS: 1 cd is enough or a netinst /msg dpkg netinst
12:01.51liable!d-i BlakeOPS
12:01.52lkthomasjim: I just don't want  FS on my HD
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12:01.52dpkgBlakeOPS, you want to go to - for your own good, and everyone else's.
12:02.03lkthomasjim: because I am planning to transfer from unix to linux
12:02.09asgumbop: use Unix based DNS on the perimeter, AD internally if you are a windows shop.
12:02.15lkthomasjim: but I don't have tape drive
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12:02.22chealerdpkg: no, webbrowsers in debian is <gui>Firefox, Mozilla [Navigator], Galeon, Epiphany, Konqueror, Chimera2, Dillo</gui><console>Lynx,Links,W3m</console>
12:02.22dpkgchealer: okay
12:02.23jimlkthomas: umm, I don't understand what you're after
12:02.26asgumbop: Unix boxes can easily work with AD using samba and pam (ldap or kerberos)
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12:02.31lkthomasjim: come on
12:02.32BlakeOPSThanks guys
12:02.40amphilkthomas: so don't - you can access the raw device via /dev/hda, hdb or whatever
12:02.41lkthomasjim: nevermind, you never know how is a tape drive working
12:02.52lkthomasamphi: yeah, possible ?
12:03.00lkthomasamphi: so RAW access is possible, hmm
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12:03.06ethicsdirecthex|work, just building 2.6.12  was heaps of new k8 things in the menu config so it appears all your support should be there....ich-m also look in but untested atm on my lappy
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12:03.19lkthomasamphi: I have to remember the tar file name or I wouldn't be able to find it out , right ?
12:03.20jimlkthomas: go back to the beginning. explain what is your -actual goal-. what EXACTLY do you want to accomplish?
12:03.30jm_I am always amazed at the confidence some people have telling others they don't know things
12:03.30directhex|workethics, that's good to know, as i said before i can wait for a kernel-image
12:03.31lkthomasjim: amphi already understand it
12:03.44directhex|workethics, i just wish i could use vesafb on my new machine :/
12:03.48ethicsdirecthex|work, np just confirming it 8)
12:04.07jimI don't see how... you failed to communicate it
12:04.09chealerdirecthex|work: something was fixed in 2.6.12?
12:04.28ethicsdirecthex|work,  there was a new vesa thing in there too cant remember exact but it sain new 8)
12:04.33amphijim: seems like he wants to dd to the raw device or summat
12:04.39lkthomasjim: tape driver is accessing RAW mode
12:04.49directhex|workchealer, hardware support didn't stop at 2.6.8
12:04.50lkthomasjim: my question is, is it possible to use HD on RAW mode
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12:05.09jimit's still going to be blocks
12:05.14kbrookswhat are ch
12:05.20kbrookswhat are ch
12:05.21lkthomasjim: yeah, but would it works ?
12:05.21jimthe filesystem will be written onto those blocks
12:05.27kbrookswhat are char
12:05.32chealerdirecthex|work: ah, what does your new machine have?
12:05.33lkthomasjim: I don't want FS
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12:05.40lkthomasjim: as most of FS are OS dependent
12:05.41jimbut that's what you have
12:05.48ethicschealer  lots of new support for things...heaps of amd64 changes i saw in changelog while skimming for what i wanted
12:05.53liablekbrooks: keyboard problems?
12:06.03jimso you want to write to the device like it was a tape
12:06.06directhex|workchealer, 3800+ athlon 64 (venice core), and geforce 6800 gt pci express
12:06.08lkthomasjim: yep
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12:06.34jm_ohh 6800GT, both are kinda too expensive for me ;(
12:06.37jimwhat os are you using now and what filesystems are available to you?
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12:06.48chealerdirecthex|work: ok, what wasn't supported in 2.6.8?
12:06.52liablethe keyboard is connected to the braino
12:06.53jimyou are looking to save your data, is that correct?
12:06.58lkthomasjim: yep
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12:07.03lkthomasjim: but I don't have tape drive
12:07.08jim(pulling teeth...)
12:07.14lkthomasjim: I could buy two 300GB HD for backup
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12:07.36kbrooksit works
12:07.37jimnot a great backup device...
12:07.39adnhello here!
12:07.57jimit would work, but there are fast-spinning moving parts
12:08.02directhex|workchealer, CPU frequency scaling isn't in 2.6.11 or below, nor is vesafb support for pci express cards. those are the annoyances for me on that machine
12:08.09jimthe data wouldn't last like a tape would, as far as I know'
12:08.13jimhow much data?
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12:08.30kbrooksliable: no, its connected to the case
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12:08.31liablelkthomas: so, you are telling us we dont know about tape drives, and you do, *but* you dont have one? hmmm
12:08.36lkthomasjim: no, just a small period of time
12:08.41adnI am trying to write in arabic with gnome
12:08.48lkthomasliable: do you understand the node tar ?
12:08.50adnit used to work with gnome 2.8
12:08.55kbrooksi replugged the keyboard in
12:08.58adnbut it doesn't work any more with 2.10
12:08.59jimit should work, but the problem will be, where is the end of each write?
12:09.03lkthomasliable: I think you should look into it before discuss :)
12:09.07kbrooksand it works
12:09.10chealerdirecthex|work: oh, PCI express...sorry, I truncated that part. so that's a laptop, right?
12:09.12lkthomasjim: what do you mean ?
12:09.20jimlook at what st0 and nst0 does
12:09.22adndoes anyone have an idea?
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12:09.45lkthomasjim: so RAW mode don't know where is the end ?
12:10.01lkthomasjim: so do I have to end it on my own ?
12:10.04directhex|workchealer, um... no
12:10.15lkthomasjim: block device = RAW mode, is that correct ?
12:10.24jimsee tho, there's got to be a better way
12:10.37lkthomasjim: huh ?
12:10.44amphilkthomas: no, block device as opposed to char device
12:11.07chealerdirecthex|work: what's CPU frequency scaling for? saving on energy bill?
12:11.10jimlkthomas: what file system type are you now using?
12:11.16seplkthomas: this sounds mostly just silly, why dont you want to use a filesystem ? any livecd out there should be able to read your ext2/3 filesystem anyway, so you dont have to worry about that
12:11.31directhex|workchealer, and, in this heat, trying to keep temperatures sane when all i'm doing is chatting on IRC
12:11.31lkthomasSep: I am not using ext
12:11.43lkthomasjim: hmmm, reiser4 ?
12:11.50jimsep: he's thinking portability across very different unixes
12:12.01jimlkthomas: and on your unix?
12:12.08lkthomasjim: FFS ?
12:12.14lkthomasor UFS
12:12.36jimhere's the thing I'm thinking... what if your linux could mount ffs
12:12.39chealerdirecthex|work: woho, that looks pretty clean
12:12.49lkthomasjim: but not other way around
12:13.01jimwhich way do you want to go? :)
12:13.01lkthomasjim: I might exchange file from both os
12:13.03chealerdirecthex|work: ok, I see. I assume you do windows-based development?
12:13.06lkthomasjim: both, LOL
12:13.13lkthomasjim: unix don't like linux FS
12:13.20directhex|workchealer, no, it's mostly a games machine
12:13.21lkthomasactually, they hated it :)
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12:13.37jimok, then you have special machine that runs linux and can mount both filesystems
12:13.45seplkthomas: a 8+3 tarfile on a pure fat filesystem ? should be read/writeable on most
12:13.51chealerdirecthex|work: but why does it have XP Pro *and* Home?
12:14.02jimadvantages: less -weird- :)
12:14.02lkthomassep: nah, fat is crazy
12:14.10lkthomassep: fs easy to damage
12:14.22jimif you do fat, you might as well write a tarball to the fat
12:14.36jimand that will slow you down
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12:14.42lkthomasbut, I am talking about 400GB data
12:14.47lkthomaspretty worrying on dat
12:15.03jimyou;re right about that part
12:15.15lkthomasjim: getting headache with fs
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12:15.33jimand writing a tarball to anything will slow you down
12:15.49directhex|workchealer, one of them is xp x64 edition, for my own playing about
12:15.50lkthomasI don't mind, but the problem is fat ...
12:15.57lkthomasfat is not a good fs for storage
12:16.10greycatdepends on what you're storing
12:16.15jimtoo bad microsoft doesn't know that :P
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12:16.23chealerdirecthex|work: oh, I think I'm losing my brain increasingly fast
12:16.25seplkthomas: if all you have on it is 1 tar file then i dont see the big problem.
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12:16.53lkthomasSep: do remember fat have size limiation
12:16.59chealerdirecthex|work: anyway, you machine pass the can send it to me when you're done with it :-P
12:17.08chealerdirecthex|work: whatever kernel it will have ;)
12:17.20seplkthomas: dont know the limitation of fat32
12:17.35lkthomassep: fat32 is worse to read/write on *nix
12:18.20seplkthomas: use nfs then, should work on most *nix  and save you the disks
12:19.05jimlkthomas: if you could have a machine that could mount (say) both reiser (watch out for reiser! reiser3 has many -total- data loss stories! unrecoverable.) and this ffs, then you move the drives themselves to this machine, do transfers, and go from there
12:19.06lkthomasNTFS even more worse
12:19.32lkthomasjim: errr..
12:19.44jimntfs is unknown. only way linux even knows anything: reverse engineering.
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12:20.22jimlkthomas: the slow part would be the hardware shifts... then you could transfer directly
12:20.22lkthomasjim: I did a damage on ntfs because I enable writing before
12:20.29adngood day
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12:20.33umbophmm does spamasssasin send out quarentine reports?
12:20.42lkthomasumbop: no
12:21.02lkthomasumbop: try to google it, you might found some perl script do that for you
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12:21.13umbopyeh was going to say is there a patch or something
12:21.28lkthomasumbop: not patch, but a perl script :)
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12:21.52lkthomasjim: haha, I am still thinking a solution for universal readable/writable method for HD
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12:22.36jimlkthomas: it wouldn't be very universal... if you write more than one thing to it, then you -are- defining a file system
12:22.59seplkthomas: dd if=/home/tar.gz of=/dev/hda  , take a note of the amount of blocks, then do it backwards adding count=blocks to the command.
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12:23.27lkthomasSep: hmm
12:23.37kbrooksjim: care to give me a complete review of lkthomas's problem?
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12:23.46kbrooksjim: it seems to be........
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12:24.19jimkbrooks: wants to transfer files between unix and linux... I'm getting ready to suggest NFS, but he has a lot of data
12:24.22lkthomasSep: so for example, dd completed from 1 to 10, next one should be count=11 ?
12:24.33kbrooksjim: yeah too much
12:24.43kbrooksdirecthex|work: dude
12:24.43directhex|workthat's two unixes that matter covered
12:24.45jm_no, you would use seek and skip for that
12:24.47lkthomasdirecthex|work: shutup
12:24.56lkthomasdirecthex|work: unix wouldn't real JFS
12:25.10kbrookslkthomas: be nice and say nice things.....before
12:25.15jimbut unix will read nfs
12:25.21lkthomasnfs :)
12:25.35lkthomasjim: but NFS is network layer
12:25.35kbrooksnetwork file system
12:25.37jimslow, but viable
12:25.51seplkthomas: next one ? i woudnt bet on that for more then 1 file, you'd need the count for when you dd back from the disk, to know when to stop
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12:26.03jimmaybe better to implement ssh on both machines
12:26.11lkthomasOH, Sep
12:26.11jimor rsync
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12:26.28sepi assume he dont have network between them or he woudnt be asking this
12:26.31lkthomassep: you means that, you are using dd to write the file into HD, then DD it out ?!
12:26.35lkthomassep is right
12:26.59jimsep: also, it's probably too slow for how much data it is
12:27.08seplkthomas: basicaly yes you dont have a filesystem so you just put the file on the disk directly. it's insance but ... nice :)
12:27.12kbrooksjim: could have suggested NFS
12:27.13lkthomasjim: for DD ?
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12:27.29jimunless it doesn't have to be transfered all at once
12:27.38lkthomassep: haha, missing one block, the whole file is dead :)
12:27.46kbrooks"all at once"
12:27.48jimsee, we still don't have a complete picture of the app
12:27.54seplkthomas: exactly, but that's just like a tape
12:27.57spdfDoes anyone remember a codewars type game, pretty sure it was gtk, and you coded tanks that shot blobs and such?
12:28.04jimkbrooks: 3-400 gb in one go
12:28.12lkthomassep: tape drive itself done the block allocation :)
12:28.17spdfCannot remember for the life of me what it was... it was around when Woody was released..
12:28.24lkthomasbut now, I need to allocate myself, LOL
12:28.29jm_spdf: not bzflag?
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12:28.41kbrooksspdf: search for it
12:29.02seplkthomas: i'd cat /dev/zero > /dev/hda first to zero out the drive, that way it's easier to see here your data stops and your zeeroed drive begins
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12:29.56jimmmm... ugly chars...
12:30.13jimthey look like funny dice things
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12:30.36subvertirthey look better on WEEEED
12:30.51jimbut I wouldn't feel better on it
12:30.53lkthomassep: wait, why should I zero my HD ?
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12:31.28lkthomassep: hmm
12:31.35jimlkthomas: do you see that you are now defining a file system?
12:31.38lkthomassep: zero a 300GB drive takes forever, LOL
12:31.43lkthomasjim: LOL :)
12:31.49jimso does writing to it
12:32.01seplkthomas: about as long as dd ing data onto it i'd bet
12:32.01lkthomasjim: isn't RAW mode are faster ?
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12:32.03jimwriting 300gb to it
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12:33.33lkthomasbut without a fs, it should be fast enought
12:33.45jimnot by much, but probably
12:33.58lkthomasplain writing is faster on my concept
12:34.00jimif you're writing -one- thing to the drive
12:34.09lkthomas"one" thing ?
12:34.19jimone "file"
12:34.23lkthomasahha, yes
12:34.29lkthomasI should make it one file
12:34.35lkthomasmake it less trouble
12:34.55lkthomashaha, learn new things everyday
12:35.00kbrookswait wait
12:35.04kbrooksmight i translate
12:35.07kbrooksone file?
12:35.08jimthen to apply the filesystem of the source and destination, you write and subsequently read a tar file
12:35.22kbrooksONE FILE?
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12:35.31kbrooksdid you say one file?
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12:35.40lkthomaskbrooks: one tar file man
12:35.42jimkbrooks: it's not even a file by most definitions
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12:36.02lkthomasactually, it's an image when you are using DD
12:36.17kbrookslkthomas: please say dd, in lowercase
12:36.18jimwell, the image is a known size...
12:36.48lkthomasjim: after you write into HD, you will know the exact size for that image :)
12:36.50thebugif I'm picking a kernel-image for an x86 machine, is chosing the 'kernel-image-2.6-686-smp' going to keep me more up to date than chosing 'k-i-kernel-image-2.6.8-2-686-smp' ?
12:36.53jimyour tar file will either undershoot or (bad! bad!) overshoot the end of the drive
12:37.12lkthomasjim: what do you mean by overshoot ?
12:37.24jimsay the tar file is too large for the drive
12:37.33lkthomasnah, what a dumb things to do :)
12:37.43jimhow will you know?
12:37.45lkthomascalculation should be done before dd
12:37.57lkthomasyou know how much data are you going to put in
12:38.05jimwill your calculation take the tar format into account?
12:38.07lkthomasand then, using block calculation
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12:38.25lkthomasjim: I don't think overhead would be take a lot of space
12:38.45lkthomasjim: of course, I will perpare a bigger space for it
12:38.57jimbut if you do not account for it, you leave yourself open to a very serious edge case that won't work.
12:39.01lkthomasI am going to backup 120 and 160G HD, I should buy two 300GB HD for that
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12:39.57jimwhy not buy a backup program and a cd burner, or a tape drive?
12:40.14jimwait, I know the answer: you don't need reliability
12:40.21Mage\worktape sucks
12:40.23kbrooksthen you would NOT HAVE TO COME HERE!
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12:40.45thebugMage\work: DLT definitely does not suck ... DDS on the other hand is textbook definition of 'suck' -and- 'unreliable'
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12:41.21jimlkthomas: your idea isn't necessarily bad... but some pieces of it are...
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12:41.29lkthomasjim: yeah
12:41.31Mage\workI prefer hard disk
12:41.42lkthomasjim: tapedrive are too expensive
12:41.52Mage\workand media too
12:41.52jimMage\work: that's not a reliable media for backup purposes.
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12:42.05Mage\workjim: more reliable than tapes ...
12:42.11jharrisonwkwell process accounting does not seem to work the way I expected
12:42.12lkthomasI am considering to buy a LTO 1 tape drive
12:42.29lkthomasMage\work: depends on what tape are you talking about
12:42.44lkthomasMage\work: LTO are very good tho
12:42.55lkthomasnative and compressed size
12:43.00Mage\workhere we've a sony 50g/100g
12:43.07lkthomasMage\work: how is it
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12:44.00lkthomassony is not a good brand on tape scene :)
12:44.10lkthomasit should be IBM, Dell, HP, Sun...etc
12:44.16jims/on tape scene//
12:44.26thebugwell, since apparently no one wants to share anything about 2.6 kernel packages, I guess I'm off
12:44.30*** part/#debian dingo (~dingo2@
12:44.51Mage\workkernel-image sucks
12:45.01lkthomasMage\work: what is not sucks for you dude
12:45.11jharrisonwkeverythign sucks
12:45.34thebugkernel-image works fine, lay off it
12:45.34jimthebug: looks to me like you've never mentioned 2.6, at least not in the past half hour or so
12:45.34seplkthomas: the dd trick to the disk works, i have just tested it on a spare drive
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12:45.57lkthomasSep: is it ?! hmm
12:46.00Mage\worka kernel for me needs to be compiled.
12:46.03jimsep: but you get same filesystem
12:46.03thebugjim: 08:36 < thebug> if I'm picking a kernel-image for an x86 machine, is chosing  the 'kernel-image-2.6-686-smp' going to keep me more up to date than chosing 'k-i-kernel-image-2.6.8-2-686-smp' ?
12:46.06lkthomasSep: could you tell me the full command on your drive please ?
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12:46.15seplkthomas: and if you dd too much data back from the disk, that is not a problem since dd just say  trailing garbage ignored
12:46.15lkthomasSep: I want to see the example of it :)
12:46.16thebugthat certainly looks like less than 10 minutes ago
12:46.18fas3rhi all
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12:47.18jimyou want to be kept more uptodate on a kernel?
12:47.20lkthomassep: hello ?
12:47.21jharrisonwkkernel-image sucks
12:47.21thebugjim: I'm just trying to figure out which kernel to move to from 2.4.18-882828 or whatever I had on a machine from a potato -> woody -> sarge upgrade
12:47.22septar -czvf /tmp/test.tar.gz /home/sep gave a tarfile on /tmp
12:47.24jimare you sure?
12:47.42jimgo with the 2.6.8 to start with
12:47.46lkthomasSep: OK, then ?
12:47.46sepdd if=/tmp/test.tar.gz of=/dev/hda gave 628+1 records in  and  628+1 records out
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12:47.51thebugjim: it's a server, so I don't want bleeding edge ricer kernels, just stable, security patched ones
12:47.51spdfGah. Stupid auto away.. my badness..
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12:48.12lkthomassep: OK, how could you dd it out then
12:48.23jharrisonwkMage\work: howdy in #debian
12:48.24septhen you just dd if=/dev/hda of=/tmp/test2.tar.gz count=628, gave you a new tarfile on /tmps, and that you can extract with tar-xzvf test2.tar.gz
12:48.36lkthomasLOL, nicely done, sep
12:48.53lkthomasThanks for the experiment, so that test tar file is working fine when you untar it ?
12:49.06sepit untared successfully
12:49.14lkthomasLOL, nice :)
12:49.22jimlkthomas: but here's the thing... is it ok to actually -store- that tarball?
12:49.23lkthomashave to try that, hehe
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12:49.36lkthomasjim: no other choice
12:49.36thebugjim: so you'd recommend 2.6.8 for this ... what does the straight kernel-image-2.6 get me (as opposed to a specific 2.6.8 version)?
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12:49.58jharrisonwkcertainly the dd command straight to tar does not work
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12:49.59seplkthomas: but you must increse count by 1 compared to your dd into the drive or you get unexpected end of file
12:50.08lkthomasjharrisonwk: huh ?
12:50.12jimI'd prefer to be in control over what kernel I was running...
12:50.26jharrisonwkdoes dd understand tar and compression?
12:50.28lkthomassep: so it should be count=629 in your case ?
12:50.33seplkthomas: if you increase by 1 you get the data discarded, but i assume that is becosue the tar file dont end on a block
12:50.35lkthomasjharrisonwk: LOL!?
12:50.36jimI build my own kernels, almost exclusively
12:50.38seplkthomas: correcty
12:50.43dpkglol stands for Lamer On Line, or everytime someone says lol, greycat kills a honey badger.
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12:51.02lkthomassep: hmm, but how come you are using count=628 ?
12:51.03seplkthomas: i think you can add a 'pad with zero' argument to dd, to make it fit a  block,
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12:51.12lkthomasjharrisonwk: you need to understand the application layers
12:51.18seplkthomas: i tried with both,
12:51.25jharrisonwklkthomas: well excuse me
12:51.29sepenhi! anyone know what package contains ?
12:51.33lkthomasjharrisonwk: tar is higher than filesystem, dd is lower than filesystem
12:51.33jharrisonwklkthomas: ill run off and read about the application layers then
12:51.39jimlkthomas: if you're storing the tarball anyway, it would make sense to get the unix and linux to have a filesystem type to agree upon
12:51.41zulkifarSorry for offtopic, already asked on #iptables & #netfilter (to be cont)
12:51.42jharrisonwklkthomas: oh my I was not aware of that
12:51.43zulkifarHi. I have two NICs: eth0 connected to LAN and eth1 connected to Internet. Traffic from LAN to net is SNATted in iptables but this actually doesn't work: icmp pings from server to an internet host go fine, but pings from LAN to that host don't return... What should I check?
12:51.47zulkifarAdditional question: when I tcpdump outer eth1 interface I do see there icmp packets from _local_ stations, i.e. with addresses like: -> Does it mean that my iptables configuration is bad or this is just a kind of side-effect of capturing?
12:52.03lkthomassep: so which one is working ? 628 or 629 ?
12:52.09sepyou can dd to tar if you use dd if=/dev/hda | tar -xzvf -
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12:52.43sepenwhat package contains ?
12:52.45jimyou should bs=512 or something like that
12:52.55greycatsepen: /msg dpkg search
12:53.04sepengreycat: ok
12:53.05lkthomasjim: why bs=512 should be include ?
12:53.21seplkthomas: as jim say bs would increase performance of the command probably dramaticaly
12:53.26jimlkthomas: to make sure your count is counting blocks
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12:53.34lkthomasjim: during writing or reading ?
12:53.36thebuggreycat: did you catch my kernel-image question just a couple of minutes ago?
12:53.42jimwell both
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12:53.44seplkthomas: both, and they have to be identical
12:54.04lkthomassep: OK, so dd out should be +1, and bs=512 should be include on R/W
12:54.12jimbut then setting it to 512 bytes is one block, you might want more than that...
12:54.29lkthomasheh ?
12:54.33lkthomasbecause of large file size ?
12:54.37sciboyHello, i watch a dvd, either in VLC or Mplayer, and when it hits a damaged part (eg. scratched) it slows my entire computer to a crawl.
12:54.40jim20 blocks sounds better, because that's what tar normally uses
12:54.50migmahow do I get gnome-display-properties to display a 1024x768 option?
12:54.56lkthomas20blocks = how many bs= ?
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12:55.10sciboymigma: Wouldn
12:55.14lkthomasjim: 10k, hmm
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12:55.18directhex|workmigma, configure xfree86 properly
12:55.21sciboymigma: Wouldn't it have to do with your XF86Config-4?
12:55.26lkthomasso bs=10000
12:55.46lkthomasok, nice, hmm
12:55.52jim10000 is slightly too small
12:55.55lkthomasjim: I start to understand how to plan a filesystem :)
12:56.10sciboySo yeah, computer comes to a crawl when i watch a dvd with a scratch on it. =/
12:56.20seplkthomas: this is _not_ a filesystem it's just data across a drive
12:56.23jimI think you shouldn't do that if you don't have the time
12:56.30lkthomasheh, jim
12:56.32migmadirecthex|work, whenever I reconfigure xf using xf86config, gnome stops at the splash screen after GDM
12:56.33lkthomasjust kidding :)
12:57.05jimanyway the value is 512 * 20
12:57.12lkthomashmmm, ok jim
12:57.23jim0r 10240 bytes
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12:57.34seplkthomas: as just as with tapes, this have none of the security of a filesystem. in other words, if there is write errors you woudnt be notified about it, you woudnt get fsck errors, nothing. its up to you to verify your data
12:57.37lkthomasright on, Thanks sep and jim for your info
12:57.55directhex|workmigma, you shouldn't be using xf86config though
12:58.00jimand it's really because tar likes to use that size
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12:58.22jimand because using just one sector size would hamper performance
12:58.39migmadirecthex|work, oh, what should I use to reconfigure then?
12:58.40lkthomassep: hmm, I shoud do md5sum before and after
12:58.46directhex|work!drxx migma
12:58.47dpkgmigma: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86   (as root)
12:58.56directhex|work!tell migma about x md5sum
12:59.18jimlkthomas: how will you know, using your filesystem, how large the tarball is?
12:59.31migmathanks :)
12:59.50seplkthomas: you woudnt see the data corruption before you try to untar, what you should do is verify your archive by testing it
12:59.55jimwait, actually you can know, because by default they're always multiples of 10240 bytes
12:59.58migmawill try that
13:00.34lkthomasjim: LOL, 120G at least
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13:02.37ColonelKernelok went to debian on the server
13:02.48jimyou'd be -much- better off if they had a two-port hardware raid array
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13:03.18sciboyAh shit.
13:03.24jimthen you could get 5 120s instead of 2 300s
13:03.25sciboyComputer went to a crawl again =/
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13:04.40darkness1Hi, i'm upgrading to sarge right now and the config is asking for my video card i have. Well i have a nvidea one yet it's not listed?
13:04.53dracdarkness1: "nv"
13:05.13migmadarkness1,  use nv
13:05.30directhex|workassuming it's not a 6000 series or 7000 series
13:05.36darkness1Okay thanks all
13:05.39directhex|work!sarge hardware support
13:05.40dpkgextra, extra, read all about it, sarge hardware support is reasonable, but not cutting edge. XFree86 does not support nVidia 6-series graphics cards or ATI X-series cards, without binary drivers or VESA. There is also little to no support for modern Intel i9x5-ICH6 boards, nor CPU Frequency scaling on Dothan core Pentium-M chips, nor Venice and San Diego core Athlon 64 chips.
13:06.04directhex|workdpkg, sarge hardware support =~ s/6-series/6-series or 7-series/
13:06.05dpkgOK, directhex|work
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13:06.23raf256can I mount given partition into meany directories (like 50) in order to allow mean chrooted servers, programs, or virtual-servers to share same global directory? /srv/www/chroot1/lib chroot2/lib ...etc, all pointing to same partition and this parttion will be available from each chroot, rigth?
13:06.43raf256or should I perhaps use hardlinking?
13:07.07jm_2.6 kernels support mount --bind
13:07.10sepraf256: or loopbackmounts
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13:07.38raf256sep: this is easy and stable solution? better then multiply mounts?
13:08.21sepraf256: look at what jm_ wrote
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13:08.59simonrvnfstab accepts 'bind' as an option, FYI
13:09.21karlCan anyone explain ? I create a script with uid bit set and owned by root The script is echo 1 > /tmp/1 Why root is not the owner of /tmp/1 ?
13:09.39darkness1Mmm, a uk ms keyboard, what that be a pc4?
13:09.57jm_karl: suid bit doesn't work on shell scripts
13:10.55karljm_: thanks
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13:11.21darkness1Sorry pc104?
13:11.50raf256jm_: ok
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13:12.43dracdarkness1: yep
13:13.22dracdarkness1: If that's xserver-xfree86 configuration, and you mess it up and X won't start you can allways 'dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86' again.
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13:14.36phaedrus_any one want to guide me through installing this wireless card?
13:14.54amphiphaedrus_: which one?
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13:15.36phaedrus_it is a us robotics 802.11g usb wireless adapter
13:16.14darkness1Sorry about all this. I have a ps/2 mouse so will that = /dev/psaux ?
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13:16.40spdfdarkness1, /dev/input/mice
13:17.01darkness1Tks again :-)
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13:19.41RomarI have an smal problem, i have installed bittorrent via apt, but i cant find the prog anywhere, i cant run it from an terminal or something like that, what to do?
13:19.52greycatRomar: dpkg -L bittorrent | grep bin
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13:20.02directhex|workbtdownloadcurses isn't it?
13:20.07greycat!using bittorrent
13:20.08dpkgapt-get install bittorrent; cd /somewhere/big; btdownloadcurses _URL_
13:20.22greycatactually I should update that.  I know more now than I did back then.
13:20.38directhex|workso now it't btdownloadcurses.bittornado ?
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13:21.03Romarwill try that when I move to my debiancomputer again
13:21.07Romarthanks : )
13:21.10wintixwhere do i have to put *.ttf-font to be able to use them systemwide?
13:21.33greycatdpkg, using bittorrent =~ s/btdownloadcurses _URL_/wget _torrentURL_; btlaunchmanycurses ./
13:21.37dpkggreycat: OK
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13:23.22greycator if you prefer, you can apt-get install bittornado; the command names are the same (via alternatives)
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13:24.54jm_wintix: font path
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13:27.01wintixjm_: so /usr/share/fonts ?
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13:27.30jm_wintix: is that in your font path?
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13:27.50darkness1Okay, my upgrade from woody to sarge as come up with an error. Errors were encountered while processing -gs-common, gs-fonts  E: sub process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code 1.
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13:28.07darkness1Now it's returned back to the prompt.
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13:28.49jm_wintix: the easiest thing is to rely on fontconfig, but that doesn't work for all apps
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13:33.22kezzlockgudi: hi
13:33.35gudianyone knows howto tell debconf to not ask the debconf questions again when build my own package ?
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13:34.52jm_gudi: do you remove the package?
13:35.05thomerzhi, is there a tool to configure the resolution etc for a monitor on a notebook?
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13:35.29gudijm_, no i just want to not ask the qustions again when i install a new verson of the deb
13:35.44jm_gudi: are the answers still in debconf's DB?
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13:36.30jm_and is debconf configured as to not ask for old questions?
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13:38.16henkI've install geo IPfree perl module but it seems to be very wrong. The accuracy should be much higher, could it be that i need to update the databse somehow? does anyone know how to do this?
13:38.41gudijm_, debconf-get-selections still have this entries.. how can i check for the confi of debconf ?
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13:40.06andy__Hi every one i have a problem with my sound blaster audigy running under ubuntou there is no sound any advice ?
13:40.09F-Lelohi... How can I add something to known_hosts with scp when I already have a key-auth based sshd running?
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13:40.40jm_gudi: hmm it looks like this is no longer asked in Sarge, maybe it's a priority setting then
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13:40.47jethroF-Lelo: could you rephrase this?
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13:40.57F-Lelohmm ok
13:41.07aurax_can anyone help me with something
13:41.13gudijm_, what for a prio i have to set to not get asked twice ? i use high in my config file
13:41.15aurax_im trying to add new JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/java to /etc/profile
13:41.18aurax_but nothing happends
13:41.31aurax_still can't find java
13:41.33bob2andy__: this is #debian
13:41.36bob2andy__: go to #ubuntu
13:41.49andy__i am in ubuntu and no one will help me
13:42.01jm_gudi: tried doing dpkg-reconfigure debconf and changing priority to low?
13:42.02bob2that's a shame, but unrelated to Debian
13:42.04gudiaurax,  did you a ". .profile" after you add it
13:42.07andy__and i thought since ubuntu is debian based this was the next step
13:42.09Alexxxxis it a good idea to install knoppix to my hard drive? or is it better to get the full version of debian
13:42.21bob2andy__: no, sorry
13:42.22jethro!ubuntusmite andy__
13:42.33gudijm_, why should i set the prio to low if i don't want to get asked again
13:42.53F-LeloI have a ssh that auths by key, not by password ; I need to add a key to a new user, but he can't login because he has no key yet... from what I heard, to pass the key, he has to use scp... so how do I proceed to add his key?
13:42.55jm_gudi: ahh wait, I thought you want to be asked again ;)
13:43.01andy__god jethro arent u clever nobhead
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13:43.23gudijm_, no i don't want to be asked ;-)
13:43.42jethroF-Lelo: you upload the key to the remote system with an account being able to login
13:43.56aurax_gudi, no it says in the guide i'm using to /etc/prof
13:43.58aurax_profile *
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13:44.06F-Lelojethro: yes, I used scp to upload it to mine account
13:44.11jm_gudi: I remember it asked you about this during dpkg-reconfigure debconf - I still have the setting in debconf's DBdebconf/showold (set to false, but I have set it to true previously)
13:44.14F-Leloand now, how do I add it to the known_hosts? just cat > ?
13:44.16jethroF-Lelo: then you put place it in ~luser/.ssh/authorized_keys, and chown -R luser:luser ~luser
13:44.24jethroF-Lelo: you don't add to known_hosts
13:44.38aurax_gudi, you have any idea how to add JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/java for example ?
13:44.42aurax_where to add it acctualy
13:44.47jm_gudi: debconf (1.3.11) unstable; urgency=low Removed the showold question, and all showold support except what's necessary for dpkg-reconfigure.
13:44.50F-Lelosorry, I had mistaken for now only hehehe
13:44.56F-Lelojethro: ok, let me try it :)
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13:45.13jethroF-Lelo: the default place for public keys is authorized_keys. known_hosts has a list of all keys from hosts you already know
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13:45.45jethroF-Lelo: ie: authorized_keys has user public keys, and known_hosts has systems public keys
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13:46.15F-Lelojethro: I knew that, just made a mistake while typing :)
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13:46.39jethroF-Lelo: alrigh.
13:47.08tarzeaujethro, takatumi, jharrisonwk, paulswm: i've got new fantastic levels for #bub-n-bros , 3 level packas with each about 100 levels... tonight?
13:47.22F-Lelojethro: it worked, thanks :)
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13:48.40jethroF-Lelo: you're welcome
13:49.06jethrotarzeau: not for me. I'll be celebrating my birthday for a week every night :)
13:49.32F-Lelojethro: when is your birthday? :)
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13:50.23jethroF-Lelo: on the 25th
13:52.46takatumitarzeau: 16:52 here, what time?
13:52.49F-Lelojethro: mine is 27th :)
13:52.53jethroF-Lelo: heh
13:52.55F-Lelojethro: happy bday
13:53.06jethroF-Lelo: thank you, happy birthday to you
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13:53.12F-Lelothank you too :)
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13:53.51jimhow is it possible to do the equivalent of (say) mount --bind /existing/place /mount/point in the fstab?
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13:54.09jimI read man 5 fstab several times; not there
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13:54.33sdschulzeHi, I'm trying to install sarge with via hd-media and network, but the dialog asks me for an ISO image.  I do not find this documented anywhere.
13:55.01sdschulze(5.1.2. Booting from Linux Using LILO or GRUB)
13:55.27tarzeautakatumi: too earyl
13:55.36tarzeautakatumi: let's do it in 1 hour
13:55.59kevin_I am a new Debian user and got a few questions, like I am reading the sound hot to's and am really confused. When I type in what they say to, I get the good old no such file or directory, or I try to use VI and it comes up with a blank screen
13:56.01takatumitarzeau: okey dokey.
13:56.03*** join/#debian MoDaX (
13:56.29dataw0lfkevin_: awesome description of your problem.
13:56.35dataw0lfhere's how to fix
13:56.41jimkevin_: what dey say? wut yue type?
13:56.45dataw0lf1) go to oven
13:56.48dataw0lf2) insert head
13:56.52tarzeauever wanted to try TEH OPENSTEP 4.2? FREE IAMGES HERE:
13:56.54kevin_double checked
13:57.11takatumitarzeau: how many users do you currently have?
13:57.25greycattarzeau: ftp?  that's *so* 1980.
13:57.25jimkevin_: what dey say? wut yue type?
13:57.28tarzeautakatumi: no idea. i'll take the bus down teh city early -- too hot to play
13:57.35tarzeaugreycat: hehe, so is OPENSTEP :)
13:57.35*** join/#debian tam_ (
13:57.44zigniggreycat: you want a soap interface?
13:57.44dataw0lfhe's got you there.
13:57.50tarzeaubut hey! BZ2! so modern crap
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13:58.00takatumitarzeau: no, no, I meant for OPENSTEP/GNUStep?
13:58.04*** mode/#debian [+l 827] by debhelper
13:58.10kevin_I am trying to setup my sound on my IBM 760 XL which is supposed to be soundblaster 64 AWE and that is what I get
13:58.12*** join/#debian illustir (
13:58.12jimwe have must know or how to we make help goodly yue?
13:58.22tralalakevin_: don't paste
13:58.30tralala!tell kevin_ -about alsa
13:58.43kevin_what about it?
13:58.47tarzeautakatumi: it's not my server. found it by accident. i'd get it , as long as it's available :)
13:58.52*** join/#debian ildegar (
13:58.55jimkevin_: what dey say? wut yue type?
13:58.57tarzeautakatumi: for my gnustep live cd, there's plenty.
13:58.57kevin_I haven't been pasting
13:59.02*** join/#debian jmazaredo (~jmazaredo@
13:59.06kevin_yes it is
13:59.07greycatkevin_: so you installed sarge.  and sound didn't work.  did you read the FAQ?  the release notes?  the install guide?
13:59.11jethrotarzeau: is there bubnbros on the gnustep livecd?
13:59.13greycator are you not even *running* sarge?
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13:59.23tarzeaujethro: on the next one. FOR SURE, YOU BET!
13:59.23greycathave you given us ANY details other than the model of the laptop?
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13:59.31linlin_Hi, I was installing some stuff using apt, and i messed up most of the configuration files for the porgram i was messing with.  I did apt-get remove <app> then tried to install it again but hte files are still gone.  How do i tell apt-get to get everything it did the first time?
13:59.43kevin_I get confused with it all, I am new to Linux period and it really confuses me
13:59.46jmazaredois there an example on rsync to samba mounted?
13:59.51greycat!smart questions
13:59.52dpkgGo here to find out how to ask intelligent questions: - Be sure to look at the section - This FAQ has information to help many users solve their own problem more effectively and to help users interact more effectively with computer experts.
14:00.00greycatjim: I doubt he's capable of typing /msg in the right window.
14:00.13dataw0lfkevin_: there's a certain intelligence level required to use Linux.
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14:00.44zignigdataw0lf: otherwise they use OS X ?
14:00.45sepjmazaredo: rsync to samba mounted ?? if you mean rsync toa mounted samba, then that's just like a local rsync ie rsync /from /to
14:00.54kevin_and I uses suse 9.2 pro on my desktop pc and have had no problems but this is kinda wierd to me
14:01.10dataw0lfzignig: exactly.
14:01.15jimkevin_: you've consistantly failed to be specific about what they said to type and what you typed
14:01.18tralalakevin_: so why didn't you stay with suse? Why did you decide to move to debian?
14:01.20*** join/#debian Whoppix27 (
14:01.27tarzeauthat's some great os warez:
14:01.46kevin_I am using Debian on a little lapptp that suse won't run on properly
14:02.00*** join/#debian migma (migma@
14:02.05scarynetworkguy!tell kevin_ aobut smart questions
14:02.05jimkevin_: would you start being specific PLEASE
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14:02.48kevin_ok, I will just sit back and read, that's how I learn most of what I do anyhow
14:02.51jimnever mind, I'm not gonna do this now
14:02.52tralalakevin_: you'll have to find out how to ask specific questions if you want to have good answers
14:03.14christorI m searching a doc in order to create a mirror debian on my machine, someone knows a good link?
14:03.37amphikevin_: what laptop, btw?
14:03.48sepchristor: mirror as in a compleate mirror, (use apt-mirror) or just to cache packages you install on many (apt-proxy)
14:03.55kevin_it is an IBM 760 XL
14:04.01green_earzchristor: is it raid1 howto ??
14:04.01jimkevin_: summary: I asked you 7 times to tell what the doc asked you to type, and you ignored every time... are you a troll?
14:04.05kevin_p1 p133 eith 48 MB RAM
14:04.27kevin_sorry jim it was scrolling quite quickly here
14:04.42green_earzchristor: sorry
14:04.44christorsep: I would like to get all packages for my distrib
14:04.44jimI'm asking because I truely don't know
14:04.51hid3_Could anyone tell me please what options should I compile into my kernel to use 'shaper' package?
14:04.57christorgreen_earz: don t worry
14:05.01amphikevin_: that might be of use
14:05.08sep!tell christor abotu apt-mirror
14:05.14christorsep: it is necessary to use rsync?
14:05.18kevin_looking now amphi
14:05.22sep!tell christor about apt-mirror
14:05.47jimkevin_: make window taller :P
14:06.01amphikevin_: actually, it seems a bit out of date - you could perhaps update it when yr struggles are over ;)
14:06.03sepchristor: go here i think dpkg is slwo
14:06.11dataw0lfhid3_: it's in the README.Debian
14:06.15christorsep: Yes I have understand , I am lookking on google about apt-mirror
14:06.15kevin_it is maximized here will only do 800x 600
14:06.21*** join/#debian La_de_Nois (
14:06.23hid3_dataw0lf: Thanks
14:06.44green_earzhid3_: they are all ready in the standard kernel. use modconf to track them down
14:07.01*** join/#debian geek (
14:07.06hid3_green_earz: I use self-compiled kernel, so I didn't compile much modules..
14:07.13jimkevin_, ok. what did the docs tell you to type that you say didn't work??
14:07.23*** join/#debian mikey1 (
14:08.04dataw0lfhid3_: /usr/share/doc/shaper/README.Debian, all the options are right there.
14:08.12jimallrightey then :)
14:08.13kevin_it will take me a min to type it in
14:08.17hid3_I found them, thanks :)
14:08.28dataw0lfhid3_: and be sure to read up on the iproute kernel specific stuff.
14:08.45*** join/#debian cla (
14:09.07claWhich is recommended to use with sarge: apache or apache2?
14:09.12jimdataw0lf: did you get that package from the shaper image catalog?
14:09.17kevin_ohhhhhhhh now I see what the prob is, I do not know how to create the /etc/isapnp.conf file
14:09.28*** join/#debian Leonardo_Cabelo (~leonardo@
14:09.31kevin_that's how new I am
14:09.43dataw0lfjim: ah, jea, along with my neato strobe light.
14:09.55dataw0lf*oomf* *oomf* *oomf*
14:09.59jimok, np, is your sound card an isa device?
14:10.08geekhow do i ask apt to find the package a certain file is in ?
14:10.13kevin_no, it is built into the laptop
14:10.21sepcla: depends on your needs
14:10.33PeTeRBgeek: /msg dpkg search
14:10.44jimhow old is the laptop... it might not have any isa devices
14:10.46geekPeTeRB thx
14:10.52claIt's a production server. I need stability, php and SSL.
14:10.55kevin_it is a p1 133
14:10.59claThat's about it.
14:11.06jimohh, that's old
14:11.07kevin_with 48 mb ram
14:11.10jharrisonwkaptitude install stability
14:11.10jimtry this:
14:11.13claIs one more supported than the other?
14:11.15migmawhy doesn't fdisk -l output anything?
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14:11.19jimpnpdump | less
14:11.51PeTeRBmigma: Not root?
14:12.10jimare you looking at text when you do that, that you can scroll thru?
14:12.20kevin_jim: command not found under root
14:12.23migmano, i'm logged in a su account
14:12.38jimkevin_: type: which less
14:12.46jimthen type: which pnpdump
14:13.00jimeither give a result?
14:13.45kevin_neither did anything but bring up another line and nothing in it
14:14.13claIs apache more stable and supported with sarge than apache?
14:14.33PeTeRBcla: Hah.
14:14.47claPeTeRB: How so?
14:14.55PeTeRBcla: Read your question.
14:15.00FieldySnuts!punch test
14:15.01kneetcla - "with sarge than woody?" maybe?
14:15.04*** join/#debian albz (
14:15.21claIt should read "apache or apache2"... heh
14:15.21FieldySnutsdpkg: kill $randnick
14:15.42takatumi!ganjasmite FieldySnuts
14:15.45jimkevin_: ok, so you do not have either less or pnpdump
14:15.54kevin_right jim:
14:15.55FieldySnuts!dachs sussudio
14:15.56jimhowbout lspci?
14:16.00Kamping_Kaiserwhere can i add a system mac address to have it get an ip via DHCP?
14:16.03dpkgsussudio: Dachs Dachs Dachs Dachs Dachs Dachs Pilz Pilz Dachs Dachs Dachs Dachs Dachs Schlange! Eine Schlange!
14:16.10*** join/#debian rutski89 (
14:16.15FieldySnutsin Soviet Russia, bongs hit YOU.
14:16.34FieldySnutswait, where did dpkg get the nick anhi from
14:16.38PeTeRBI don't get the Soviet Russia jokes :|
14:17.00sussudioPeTeRB: in soviet russia, joke gets you
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14:17.04bushin soviet russia, jokes get you
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14:17.06FieldySnutsPeTeRB: badgerwangtek
14:17.24FieldySnuts!blame North Korea
14:17.30kevin_jim: I will get better, I promise
14:17.44jimkevin: lspci
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14:17.49zignigFieldySnuts: they have WMD too, no really this time!
14:17.50jimthat do anything?
14:18.02FieldySnutsMMD's midgets of mass destruction
14:18.07clakneet: We just upgraded from woody w. apache to sarge. Now I wonder what apache version to install.
14:18.10FieldySnuts~start a world war
14:18.10aptMuslims rule!
14:18.16kevin_jim: that worked
14:18.17jimdon't paste the output here... just see if it does something
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14:18.29zignigFieldySnuts: flock of scottish dwarves with bagpipes.
14:18.33jimok, see what the lines seem to mean
14:18.33zignigFieldySnuts: EEEEK
14:18.38FieldySnuts~start a world war
14:18.38aptPakistan sucks!
14:18.39jimread them
14:18.46jimtry to make sense of what they say
14:18.46sussudio!start a badger war
14:18.47dpkgFieldySnuts are worse than mushrooms
14:18.53kevin_I am and it is saying nothing about sound
14:18.55directhex|work!start a food fight
14:18.56dpkgcheese is not tasty
14:19.04FieldySnuts!start a beer fight
14:19.08FieldySnuts!start a beer war
14:19.15hid3_green_earz: thx once more
14:19.27zignig!beer me
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14:19.33jim!start a barbie war
14:19.34dpkgguns are hard!
14:19.39FieldySnutsjim: HEH
14:19.56FieldySnutsdpkg: start a barbie war
14:20.04FieldySnutsbot lag heh. brb
14:20.11dpkglay off me you buggerererers!!11!
14:20.11dpkgguns are hard!
14:20.19FieldySnuts"goes rahul"?
14:20.23*** join/#debian nickatnight (
14:20.25dpkgTimmy? RAH00!
14:20.30furrywolf!start a war war
14:20.31dpkgeditor wars suck ass!
14:20.32zignigppp keeps on wiping out my resolve.conf, how would I add local nameservers ?
14:20.42*** join/#debian ildegar (
14:20.54FieldySnutsdpkg: literal start a barbie war/
14:20.58FieldySnutsdpkg: literal start a barbie war?
14:20.58kevin_jim: it has host bridge, ISA bridge, 2 card bus bridges, and a VGA compatible controler
14:20.58dpkgstart a barbie war is <reply> guns are hard!
14:21.06FieldySnutsoh that could be improved heh
14:21.18*** join/#debian nickatnight (
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14:21.38jimkevin_: ok, it doesn't seem like your sound chipset is on your internal pci bus
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14:22.00claJust read apache2 has php quirk's... Anyone knows anything?
14:22.17tralala!anyone know
14:22.18dpkgNope, no one knows!  Actually, someone *might* know, but it's best to simply state your problem or ask your question.  If someone in the know is around, they will answer, if not, well, no one knows ;).
14:22.28kevin_it seems that way but yet with Windows it was configured and running properly, just here it is a pain
14:22.39jimkevin: if it were, you'd see something about it like the manufacturer and stuff like that
14:22.44_catis there a media player supports the APE format ?
14:22.57*** join/#debian sohn (
14:22.59kevin_jim: ok, thanx anyways
14:23.08tralalaCongratulations kevin_! You've just made the life of your keyboard one keystroke longer!
14:23.14jimkevin_: in linux it pays to know something about hardware, and specifically about your hardware...
14:23.29directhex|workit'll be on isa
14:23.36directhex|workinstall isapnpstuffthingy and run alsaconf
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14:24.26jimdon't you need to configure the isapnp first? or does alsa do that?
14:24.31kevin_yes, it is just getting used to how to ask the questions and also how to run the OS you have chosed or have had chosen for you. But I am going to sit back and watch the text and see what else I can pick up
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14:24.33kbrookshow do i customize.....the message you get when you login?
14:24.50kevin_jim: I have no idear
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14:24.59jimkevin_, debian was chosen for you?
14:25.13PeTeRBkbrooks: man motd
14:25.16kevin_yes by a programmer friend of mine
14:25.32tralalakevin_: he should have installed and configured it for you
14:25.35jimit's not a bad os for a programmer
14:25.47jimor server admin
14:26.08kevin_I did an internet install because of the fact that it has a 2 gig hard drive and it won't boot to cd
14:26.11jimif you want to learn linux and learn how debian works, that's cool too
14:26.13*** join/#debian ildegar (
14:26.26kevin_that's why I agreed
14:26.32green_earzhid3_: and one more >
14:26.40kevin_but I need to go for now, later folks
14:26.45jimahh, so it wasn't entirely chosen for you... you did agree...
14:27.59*** join/#debian BhaalWK (bhaal@bhaal.staff.freenode) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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14:28.28_catis there a way to play APE ?
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14:29.06scarynetworkguy!tell _cat about smart questions
14:29.50directhex|workmonkeysaudio? maybe rarewares
14:29.54directhex|workbut you should use a real codec
14:29.59*** join/#debian calyth (~icechat5@
14:29.59K_Dallassmart questions are those which have half the answer in them
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14:30.36scarynetworkguyK_Dallas: Knowing what to ask is half the battle. Yes.
14:30.44Noidwe have a faulty hdd, what is the tool to check it or/and do a low level format?
14:30.54FieldySnutsdpkg: test
14:30.54dpkgSorry, fieldysnuts, I didn't get your test.
14:30.55K_Dallasscarynetworkguy, exactly
14:30.56directhex|workno, wait, it's non-free and windows-only
14:31.00greycatThanks, G.I. scarynetworkguy!
14:31.04*** join/#debian este (
14:31.49scarynetworkguygreycat: No thank you. :)
14:32.03calythSoftRAID question: I was trying to build a SoftRAID 1 using Sarge, but somehow the mdadm settings were not persistant after a reboot - ie I followed the SoftRAID HOWTO and try to create the raid with one of the drives marked missing, but the said md device was not recognized. Could it be the fact that the kernel I was using didn't have SoftRAID compiled in (it was modules)
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14:34.22jmsi long time ago, i installed the "gnome" meta-package, but there are many depedencies i don't use (like evolution) is it possible to remove them without removing "gnome-and-its-depedencies" ? (or juste the gnome meta-package without its depedencies ?)
14:34.40*** join/#debian Nocilis (
14:35.04darkness1Wey, just installed sarge and all was fine. Then i checked for upgrades and installed. Now when i right click on the mouse i just get blackbox, xterm, restart and exit. Whats happened to all the programs?
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14:35.16c0alis there a graphical or curses based tool to edit what programs start in the boot-up sequence ???
14:35.29takatumic0al: rcconf
14:35.38K_Dallasc0al, one way not the best way would be to use webadmin
14:35.57*** join/#debian _SerhaT_ (
14:36.12c0alokay cool - i didn't have rcconf installed. apt-getting it now. thanks takatumi :-)
14:36.13JohnFluxwith a dual processor system, does each processor have its own address space?  Can I put 4GB in a dual processor system running a 32bit OS ?
14:36.14calythc0al: if you just want to remove a program (eg gdm) you could use update-rc -f remove gdm... update-rc seems to be a debian specific script
14:36.56PeTeRBcalyth: It's update-rc.d
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14:37.06darkness1Any ideas how i access program files?
14:37.35calythPeTeRB: thanks. memory error ;0
14:37.46c0althanks much guys :)
14:37.46*** part/#debian itom (
14:37.49K_Dallasc0al,  would i need ssh at start up? I run no server and dont use ssh
14:37.50calythdarkness1: what do you mean exactly?
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14:37.53asgdarkness1: run update-menus (see if that fixes things)
14:38.12dracdarkness1: or is 'menu' package even installed?
14:38.17c0alK_Dallas: then it sounds like you wouldn't need it :)
14:38.28K_Dallasgood so i uncheck it :) thanks
14:38.57darkness1drac, it was working fine until i did apt-get upgrade.
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14:39.24dracdarkness1: I didn't ask that.
14:39.48darkness1updateHow do i check drac?
14:40.11dracdarkness1: apt-get install menu
14:40.27calythchx: I don't exactly know how to do that, but I do konw if you do screw up, you could just use a boot disk, chroot into it and install grub there
14:40.32Fleckuciiccan't install kernel paches - i need nvidia, but nvidia installers says that i don't have kernel source
14:40.36*** join/#debian knj (
14:40.38takatumichx: info grub-install
14:40.42Fleckuciicdon't whant to recompile
14:40.45chxtakatumi: I read that
14:40.48resiak!tell Fleckuciic -about nvidia howto
14:40.52takatumichx: and?
14:40.59resiak!tell Fleckuciic -about nvidia one-liner
14:41.48chxtakatumi: it's a reference manual for those who know grub. I do not. I suspect --boot-drive=DRIVE and --install-partition=PAR is something I'll need
14:41.58darkness1Done drac, will i need to reboot?
14:42.14jethroFleckuciic: nvidia installer?
14:42.19*** join/#debian Markolonius (
14:42.21christorsep: it doesn t work with apt-mirror
14:42.23Fleckuciicjethro yep
14:42.27Markoloniushey everyone
14:42.29jethroFleckuciic: you should NOT use the nvidia installer
14:42.41Fleckuciicok then what ?
14:42.43qwertz_Hi! I've ssh with key verification (without passwords) using this as normal user in my crontab works but using as system user (nagios in this case) it fails with "Host key verification failed." - anybody knows what I've to change to get this work?
14:42.44jethroFleckuciic: /msg dpkg nvidia howto
14:42.44christorsep I ahve this error mesage Proceed indexes: [Ssh: line 1: No such file or directory
14:42.47christorapt-mirror: can't open index in proceed_index_gz at /usr/bin/apt-mirror line 329.
14:42.48dracdarkness1: restart blackbox maybe, not reboot
14:42.50FieldySnuts!nvidia one liner
14:42.50dpkgnvidia one-liner is probably apt-get install kernel-headers-$(uname -r) build-essential module-assistant && m-a a-i nvidia && apt-get install nvidia-glx nvidia-settings && echo nvidia >> /etc/modules && modprobe nvidia && dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86. Contrib and non-free sources needed. See <non-free sources>
14:43.05*** join/#debian WiFiTux (~abonilla@
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14:43.26asgqwertz_: edit the .ssh/known_hosts for the user, remove the host key in there, manually ssh from that user and verify the new key, get a drink and relax.
14:43.39*** join/#debian js (
14:43.42Markoloniusi wanted to know, i just finished building my own kernel and i see in the grub menu.list there is a initrd.img what is that and where in /usr/src/linux can i find it to copy it in /boot ?
14:43.44coywolfhow do i change the program which runs on a link I click in firefox?
14:43.47WiFiTuxhhmm is iptables screwed as well for people in Sid?
14:43.50directhex|worki can shorten that even further, actually
14:44.01jswhat libs are needed inside a chrooted environment in order for dns lookups to work?
14:44.26asgjs: the resolver library at least
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14:44.40directhex|workdpkg, no, nvidia one-liner is apt-get install module-assistant && m-a prepare && m-a a-i nvidia && apt-get install nvidia-glx nvidia-settings && echo nvidia >> /etc/modules && modprobe nvidia && dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86. Contrib and non-free sources needed. See <non-free sources>
14:44.48dpkgdirecthex|work: okay
14:44.48darkness1drac, worked a treat. Cheers :-)
14:44.50takatumichx: try just grub-install /dev/hda or specify --root-directory=/foo hd0 to install it to a partition.
14:44.54jsasg: what does it consist of? i put the libdns, libnsl and libnss_* files there together with resolv.conf
14:45.11asgjs: well, run 'ldd' on the binary you are chrooting and find out what else it needs.
14:45.19jharrisonwkanyone know why some of the acct process accounting programs seem to display information that is not what is expected?
14:45.24jsasg: i did that, but it doesn't seem to be sufficient
14:45.26*** join/#debian trand (~trand@trand.user)
14:45.50asgjs: there may be log devices, fifos, and other things you need too.
14:46.11jsasg: ok
14:46.21takatumijharrisonwk: like which one?
14:47.03asgdirecthex|work: eventually, I expect you'll normalize it to "dpkg, no, nvidia one-liner is 'type foop!'"
14:47.05jsasg: strangely enough, "host" can look up things, but irssi cannot
14:47.08*** join/#debian PeTeRB (~me@
14:47.15jharrisonwktakatumi: like this
14:47.16jharrisonwkp?                      34818    ??         0.00 secs Wed Dec 31 19:00
14:47.17jharrisonwk??                S     34818    ??         0.00 secs Wed Dec 31 19:00
14:47.27jharrisonwktakatumi: that is for the command lastcomm jharrison
14:48.08asgjs: well, start by running strace on the binary you are running (log the output) and look for access to things you don't have in your chroot.
14:48.19asgjs: or ltrace
14:48.37*** join/#debian c0al (~c0al@
14:48.41takatumijharrisonwk: hmm, yeah almost similar here.
14:48.42directhex|workasg, i've tried to shorten it as much as i feel is safe. actually, m-a prepare is a better bet than how it was, as it'll not fail if users compiled thier own kernels, unless their source/headers are missing
14:48.53*** join/#debian crashbg (~crashbg@
14:48.55jsasg: ok, thanks
14:48.56asgdirecthex|work: :)
14:48.57jharrisonwktakatumi: for some reason I dont think it is suppose to look like that
14:49.21jharrisonwktakatumi: I was expecting more of a jharrison used these commands type of thing
14:49.29directhex|workasg, not that anyone who needs the one-liner should be compiling their own kernels
14:49.32jharrisonwktakatumi: instead I get a bunch of characters that I cant make sense of
14:49.41takatumijharrisonwk: history might be your best bet.
14:49.47dracdirecthex|work: at least on 'bash' and sarge that one-liner doesn't execute commands after && m-a a-i nvidia && command_here_that_doesnt_get_executed.
14:49.48asgdirecthex|work: true
14:49.56jharrisonwktakatumi: history can be hidden
14:49.59Fleckuciicapt-cache policy nvidia-kernel-$(uname -r)
14:49.59FleckuciicW: Unable to locate package nvidia-kernel-2.6.8-2-686
14:50.50*** join/#debian tractor (
14:50.53directhex|work!tell Fleckuciic about nvidia one-liner
14:51.11*** join/#debian JoshH (
14:51.13Fleckuciicinstalling ;)
14:51.49JohnFluxwhere can I buy an amd rack system?
14:51.55JohnFluxin europe
14:51.59Markoloniusanyone know where the initrd.img is located after building a custom kernel?
14:52.31directhex|workMarkolonius, how did you build said kernel?
14:52.49directhex|workJohnFlux, or
14:52.51Markoloniusdirecthex|work i didn't build it with debian tools, i will next time though
14:53.05*** part/#debian jmazaredo (~jmazaredo@
14:53.11Spec[x]make-kpkg is awesome
14:53.19Spec[x]at least i think it's make-kpkg -.-
14:53.23directhex|workMarkolonius, can't help you then.
14:53.24Markoloniusyeah i should have done it that way
14:53.28directhex|workSpec[x], yes.
14:53.43*** join/#debian stouset (~stephen@
14:53.51Markoloniusalright thanks anyway directhex|work
14:54.05*** join/#debian ntoll (~ntoll@
14:54.12stousetG'day, folks.
14:54.40stousetAnyone looking for Debian sysadmins in the Atlanta area? :-)
14:54.49directhex|work!fire stouset
14:54.50dpkgI'm sorry, stouset, but it just isn't working out.  Pack up your stuff.
14:54.58simonrvn#hiremenow is that -> way
14:55.00*** join/#debian Switched (
14:55.19directhex|workstouset, print button? you don't use latex? what kind of debian admin ARE you?
14:55.22stouset!hire stouset
14:55.31asgstouset: dear McDonald's Manager, bugger off?
14:55.33stousetA Debian admin with a Debian workstation.
14:56.12stousetWith GNOME and Abiword and all sort of niceties.
14:56.18christoris there an equivalent to rpm -qf with dpkg?
14:56.26*** join/#debian cddesjar (
14:56.28FieldySnutsstouset: yeah i know the feeling, sitting in such a day right now
14:56.29OUTsideralien ? :)
14:56.44FieldySnutschristor: since we don't know rpm or how it works, what do those flags do?
14:56.48*** join/#debian gba (
14:57.04directhex|workq is query
14:57.08directhex|worki don't know what f is
14:57.11FieldySnutsasg: haha
14:57.15phaedrus_anyone got advice on installing this us robotics usb wireless adapter in debian mepis?
14:57.16christorfind a packages using a file
14:57.24simonrvndpkg -S
14:57.24*** join/#debian Xtrace (
14:57.24asgchristor: dpkg -S ; apt-file search
14:57.29stousetdpkg -S
14:57.29directhex|workhuh? you mean apt-file search?
14:57.37christorex: rpm -qf http2.conf   will be apache2-common
14:57.43cddesjaranyone know if there is a way that i can configure KDE so that everything is smaller?  does that make sense?  it opens my programs in a very large setting
14:58.04christorasg: stouset : it seems ok
14:58.11stousetcddesjar: Fonts?
14:58.35stousetcddesjar: Or are you talking about screen resolution?
14:58.38*** part/#debian gerard (
14:58.44cddesjarit's not just fonts.  when i open a program (i.e. azureus) the fonts in the program and the resolution are huge
14:58.46K_Dallascddesjar, also window-frame setting could be changed to something lite
14:59.04stousetcddesjar: Seems like you need to up the resolution in X
14:59.07simonrvnjust needs to set up the x server to use 75 dpi instead of 100
14:59.08dpkgdrxx is probably dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86     # Run it as root!
14:59.13asgcddesjar: change -dpi 100 to -dpi 75
14:59.17*** join/#debian man_in_shack (~shack@
14:59.18stousetOr that.
14:59.41stousetWhere do you actually change the DPI out of curiosity? I don't think I've ever had to do that.
14:59.46cddesjari'll give it a shot
14:59.57asgstouset: /etc/X11/xinit/xserverrc (if you use startx)
15:00.07stousetI don't.
15:00.14asgstouset: if you use a *dm, find out where it starts the X server and modify the settings
15:00.19man_in_shackdoes anyone know if there's a way to limit the sizes of system logs?
15:00.22FieldySnutsdpkg: hire stouset
15:00.32asgFieldySnuts: :)
15:00.35FieldySnutsit has multiple jobs and wages. have fun
15:00.41FieldySnutsoh and picks a random nick to work with them
15:00.53stousetdpkg: hire stouset
15:00.53PeTeRBman_in_shack: logrotate
15:00.57stousetAlready a raise!
15:01.00FieldySnutsdamn thing
15:01.02man_in_shacksuch as kern.log
15:01.05coywolfhow do i change the program which opens a link when I click it in firefox?
15:01.07FieldySnuts!hire Phated
15:01.11coywolfthe binding
15:01.12*** join/#debian geemark (
15:01.13stousetBut still at McDonalds.
15:01.16cddesjarwhere do i change -dpi from 100 to 75?
15:01.23FieldySnutswhy does it keep picking that
15:01.26cddesjarwhen configuring x?
15:01.28FieldySnutsdpkg: forget hire $1
15:01.29dpkgFieldySnuts: i didn't have anything called 'hire $1' to forget
15:01.31simonrvnwhoah, that's freaky
15:01.35Pingu12-hm ?
15:01.38*** part/#debian calyth (~icechat5@
15:01.41asgcddesjar: find out where kdm is starting X and change it (/etc/X11/kdm/*)
15:01.43FieldySnutsdpkg: forget CMD hire $1
15:01.43dpkgi didn't have anything called 'cmd hire $1' to forget, FieldySnuts
15:01.54simonrvn!literal cmd: hire (.*?)
15:01.54dpkgCMD: hire (.*?) is ($1): <action> hires $1 along with $randnick as a (NSA Headquarters Janitorial Staff Supervisor|McDonalds Floor Mopper, 3rd shift|Bush Administration UN Bribing Lackey|US Coast Guard Propeller Cleaner|Chicago Blackhawks Mens Room Urinal Puck Changer), at (1|2|3|7|9|15|) dollars/hour to start
15:01.55asgFieldySnuts: cmd: foo (.*?)
15:02.00*** join/#debian crashbg1 (
15:02.03FieldySnutswhat did I goof up?
15:02.10asgFieldySnuts: forgot the :
15:02.21snailthe sarge setiathome is currentul broken. it tries to download from an ftp site that does not permit access
15:02.21K_Dallasasg, what else can i change in xserverrc? or add?
15:02.22FieldySnutsno i mean in the factoid, it choise McDonalds 3 times in a row
15:02.25FieldySnutsjust bad luck?
15:02.27asgK_Dallas: man X
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15:02.40K_Dallasi man-ed xserverrc but nothing ;)
15:02.43simonrvnit happens, then it'll select another 25 000 times in a row
15:02.43FieldySnuts!hire test
15:02.51FieldySnutsi'll fix it later
15:02.56redoghow do I see what packages are avaliable to install with apt-get ?
15:02.57asgK_Dallas: also, man xinit and startx
15:03.08rutski89I'm new to torrents, and I have a bad feeling they can be infected, should I just chill? O.o
15:03.09stousetCan't be bad luck.
15:03.09stouset!hire me
15:03.13*** join/#debian gammelmark (
15:03.14simonrvnFieldySnuts: try removing the | on the number () section
15:03.14FieldySnutsoh wait i found it, extra |
15:03.15K_Dallasexcellent, got a lot to read :) thanks asg
15:03.16cddesjarxdm is starting x not kdm
15:03.18stousetredog: aptitude
15:03.23stousetredog: apt-cache search
15:03.29FieldySnutsdpkg: forget cmd hire $1 (*.?)
15:03.30dpkgi didn't have anything called 'cmd hire $1 (*.?)' to forget, FieldySnuts
15:03.35FieldySnutsDAMNIT someone do it for me
15:03.37asgrutski89: anything you download you don't trust could be infected, this has nothing to do with torrents
15:03.48simonrvnno, just do a =~ s/foo/bar/ edit
15:03.52redogstouset: thanks
15:04.01rutski89asg: its that I'm DLing it from various other users
15:04.05FieldySnutsi can't even get the forget right, im not advaned enough for that
15:04.11FieldySnutsi can just re-msg him the correction after that
15:04.20qwertz_asg, tried it (had to create the home dir first cause it's system user) but the cron job still fails
15:04.22christorppf I m trying to do a mirror debian using apt-mirror but I have problem to use the proxy .. Is someone has better idea?
15:04.29asg!forget cmd: hire $1 (.*?)
15:04.29simonrvn!cmd: hire (.*?) =~ s/1|2|3|7|9|15|/1|2|3|7|9|15/
15:04.29dpkgasg: i didn't have anything called 'CMD: hire $1 (.*?)' to forget
15:04.30rutski89asg: I don't really know how torrents work exactly, will and md5 gaurentee my files credibility?
15:04.31christoror is it the best idea
15:04.35asg!forget cmd: hire (.*?)
15:04.36dpkgasg: i forgot CMD: hire (.*?)
15:04.39bob2christor: debmirror is a way easier tool
15:04.43asgFieldySnuts: there you go
15:04.46FieldySnutsthank you.
15:04.58christorbob2: ok
15:05.16stousetrutski89: Bittorrent ensures that the file you downloaded is not corrupted.
15:05.18*** join/#debian k-s (
15:05.20asgrutski89: well, nothing is guaranteed but anyone who would go to lengths needed to create collided md5 hashes is probably not worried about you downloading 'Finding Nemo'
15:05.23*** join/#debian [bugi] (~bugi@
15:05.33FieldySnutsdpkg: hire Daniel Robbins
15:05.38cddesjarhmm...i still can't seem to find anything that says dpi
15:05.41FieldySnutsokay. i give up, bbl
15:05.50rutski89asg: hehe, I'm DLing slackware so I can get on kde 3.4.1 O.o
15:05.50cddesjarwhere would the file be located in /etc/X11/xdm
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15:06.06asgcddesjar: use the tools, grep -lr dpi /etc/X11
15:06.06simonrvnrutski89: /topic
15:06.15chxrutski89: Kubuntu has KDE 3.4.1 too and it's debian
15:06.17rutski89simonrvn: sorry
15:06.18cddesjardoesn't Etch have kde 3.4.1?
15:06.22asgchx: no it isn't
15:06.26directhex|workchx, no, it isn't
15:06.27dpkgit has been said that ubuntu is NOT Debian, see IRC channel is #ubuntu, or or "Based on Debian" like Hollywood movies are "Based on a true story", or I'm not Debian but I play one on TV. see
15:06.32simonrvnubuntu isn't debian
15:06.36rutski89chx: sure, I'll try that too then
15:06.36k-shello, anybody experienced with building .deb ?
15:06.38chxok, debian based
15:06.41*** join/#debian bernouli (
15:06.44greycat!based on debian
15:06.45dpkgKnoppix, Libranet, Corel/Xandros, Stormix, Progeny, Lindows, DamnSmallLinux, Ubuntu, Kurumin, Agnula, Xebian, and so on are *not* Debian.  Just because something's "based on" Debian doesn't mean we can support it.  You'll get a Debian answer, and if it doesn't work, you're out of luck.  Your best option is to join the channel for your distro.
15:06.48chxit's more debian that slackware!
15:06.49asgk-s: read the new maintainer guide (/msg dpkg mg)
15:06.56chxit's more debian than slackware is
15:07.01directhex|workk-s, depends how simple said package is to get to play nice. i've built some trivial packages
15:07.02*** join/#debian mikey2 (
15:07.02cddesjarok i found it in a couple of places
15:07.02man_in_shackchk, it's also less debian than mepis
15:07.07bob2and it's less Debian than Debian
15:07.10k-sI need to compile php4-dbase, but it's not supported... I'm trying to add support for dbase in php4 package, but no success
15:07.12bernouliis there any good wlan-manager-programm other kinternet
15:07.15cddesjarwhere would be the place i would need to change it?  Xserver
15:07.21directhex|workslackware is more debian than cheese though
15:07.22asgit's also a cocked up way to get kde 3.4
15:07.26*** join/#debian Fleckuciic (~Fleck@
15:07.27bob2bernouli: netapplet for gnome is nice
15:07.27directhex|workso how does ubuntu compare to cheese?
15:07.32gahani've received spam on privmsg from nickatnight
15:07.38bob2directhex|work: 99% less fat!
15:07.39asgdirecthex|work: not that good with mustard
15:07.43FieldySnutshire test
15:07.45cddesjarok i found it out
15:07.49simonrvnconsidering that the freaking /topic mentions how to get info to get kde 3.4....
15:07.49cddesjari'll reboot and try
15:07.50rutski89bob2: heh
15:07.52*** part/#debian bob2 (
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15:07.53FieldySnutsfar too lagged on this termbbl
15:08.00mopswhere in thuderbird can I set the default browser to use to browse http links?
15:08.09directhex|workmops, it uses your gnome setting.
15:08.15*** mode/#debian [+o bob2] by ChanServ
15:08.15*** mode/#debian [+b *!*] by bob2
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15:08.15*** mode/#debian [-o bob2] by bob2
15:08.18chxit's unbelievable... there was a guy who said he'll try slackware just for kde 3.4.1 , I commented in good faith there is a debian based distro and everybody is on my throat. I now understand a few things. Have fun with 2.5 release cycles. bye.
15:08.24*** part/#debian chx (~chx@chx.user)
15:08.27directhex|workactually, iirc, you get asked by debconf if you want to use sensible-browser or your gnome brpwser setting
15:08.35FieldySnuts!troll chx
15:08.39k-sasg: problem is that php4 is not a trivial package... it have tons of internal packages... :(
15:08.41k-sasg: also, there is any wayt to compile just php4-XXXX instead of the thousands of php4-* ?
15:08.58bob2come on folks
15:09.11mopsderecthex|work: thank you
15:09.13*** join/#debian Kraig (~sebas@
15:09.20simonrvnover to your place for cheese and wine?
15:09.32directhex|worksimonrvn, how about slackware and wine?
15:09.39*** join/#debian usn (
15:09.41bob2simonrvn: but of course!
15:09.55bob2some good tasmanian brie and some fine hunter valley red
15:10.08simonrvndirecthex|work: hehe, gotta have the cheese(y distro ;p)
15:10.17simonrvnbob2: w00t
15:10.20directhex|worknew world wines are best, only wannabe wine buffs drink european
15:10.20GneaFieldySnuts: every 2.5 years
15:10.22*** join/#debian Lancelot_ (
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15:10.57Kraigi was seeing that i use to apt-cache search something and when i see multiple choices i tend to install the ones that catch my attention first, so i check one but forget about the others or so... and i end with lots of packages and dunno where to begin to uninstall 'em... wondering if there's a tool like telling me i've never used certain package or i haven't use it since certain date or so... any ideas?
15:10.59*** join/#debian rhalff (
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15:11.19FieldySnutssussudio: your turn
15:11.29simonrvnKraig: yes. aptitude on its default settings
15:11.38Kraigsimonrvn: thanks
15:11.40bob2Kraig: not a direct answer to your question, but aptitude maintaines a log of packages it installs, so you can at least check out what and when you've installed in the past
15:11.42JohnFluxKraig: uninstal random packages. if your system breaks, reinstall it
15:11.53simonrvnbaad advice
15:11.54*** join/#debian mikey (
15:11.54gbaHi. Can someone tell me why I get these errors ( at 'debootstrap sid sid-chroot ftp://mirror'?
15:11.54*** join/#debian rpmx (~rpmx@
15:11.56asgk-s: sorry?
15:11.58FieldySnutswow. lame
15:12.25stousetWow, setiathome seems to have been abandoned.
15:12.45*** join/#debian honschu (
15:12.50bob2gba: sid's not guaranteed to be debootstrapable at any given time
15:12.59honschuHow to sniff usb?
15:12.59*** join/#debian jdhutchin1 (
15:13.00JohnFluxcan a dual 32bit system support max 3gb or max 6gb?
15:13.03*** join/#debian quittt (
15:13.03gbabob2: okay, thanks
15:13.12directhex|workjohn, 3gb or 6gb of what?
15:13.14asghonschu: why bother, it tastes just like chicken
15:13.14FieldySnutsdefine "support"
15:13.17bob2gba: that looks like a known bug, tho
15:13.21simonrvndefine dual
15:13.24bob2gba: wait until libncurses5w is updated
15:13.25honschuasg: ?
15:13.31JohnFluxdirecthex|work: memory
15:13.31gbabob2: but --variant=buildd is functioning
15:13.42bob2gba: ah, I guess that avoids ncurses entirely
15:13.43quittthow much people suicied after installing Sid?
15:13.45dpkgthe unstable version of Debian.  Commonly [and wrongly] backronymed Still In Development.  It's actually named for the destructive neighbour kid in Toy Story.  Ask me about unstable.  Do not use sid unless you have the skill to find your way out of the mess that broken packages may put you in.   It will never be released.
15:13.47JohnFluxdirecthex|work: I'm wondering if they share the same address space
15:13.48directhex|workJohnFlux, it's not as simple as "32 bit system". do you mean i386? which chips exactly?
15:13.55mopsbut I have KDE too
15:13.56honschuHow to sniff usb?
15:13.59FieldySnuts32bit supports way more memory than that. as for ammount of memory accessible at once by one app, that's a different story
15:13.59*** join/#debian jdhutchin1 (
15:14.03JohnFluxdirecthex|work: dual xeons but running on a 32 bit OS :|
15:14.06FieldySnuts@lart honschu
15:14.06mopsand when I click on http link in thunderbird
15:14.07directhex|workjohn, yes, they share the same address space
15:14.11bob2JohnFlux: it give you no advantage in terms of memory
15:14.12directhex|workjohn, p2, p3, or p4 xeons?
15:14.13mopsit opens in konqueror
15:14.14gbabob5: how can I look if libnucurses5w is updated?
15:14.22KraigJohnFlux: lol, that might help :P
15:14.23mopsand I DON'T want konqueror
15:14.28JohnFluxdirecthex|work: p4 i think
15:14.29FieldySnuts!seen bob5
15:14.31dpkgFieldySnuts: i haven't seen 'bob5'
15:14.38mopsI want the default browser to be firefox
15:14.45directhex|workjohn, i think that's about 16gb addressable, but 2gb limit per app
15:14.57asgmops: ask #mozilla
15:15.00JohnFluxdirecthex|work: but 2gb per app per cpu, or 2gb in total?
15:15.12bob2gba: this is a vague recollection of a post on
15:15.23Gneahonschu: take the usb cable, place it under your nose and take a big whiff
15:15.25Gneahonschu: j/k
15:15.26directhex|workno, my mistake, 4gb virtual addressible space on p4johtotal.
15:15.28*** join/#debian cddesjar (
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15:15.36cddesjarthanks guys it worked!
15:15.36*** join/#debian phaedrus_ (
15:15.39gbabob2: okay, I will look at this page. but i have problems with it; I looked at it in past
15:15.48*** part/#debian man_in_shack (~shack@
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15:15.49bob2gba: hm?
15:15.54*** join/#debian samw (
15:15.58FieldySnutshonschu: we don't understand your question, you'll have to be more detailed
15:16.00Gneahonschu: apt-get install usbutils  and check google out
15:16.03directhex|workJohnFlux, total. 4gb ram max, 2gb per app. i think this is accurate.
15:16.09migmamy soundcard seems to be undetected by the default install, I have an ASUS P4P800-X i865 AC97
15:16.15FieldySnutsno. it's far more than 4.
15:16.18migmaonboard sound ^
15:16.22luulisis there any expected date for xorg packages for sid or experimental or is it just 'when its ready'?
15:16.23gbabob2: i just don't understand what all this information bits mean
15:16.33honschuFieldySnuts: What part didn't you get into your brain? May I serve a hammer?
15:16.34bob2gba: are you talking about planet?
15:16.43asgluulis: according to D. Nusinov, it is possibly going into experimental soon
15:16.46FieldySnutshonschu: I was trying to help, but eat shit.
15:16.47bob2luulis: when it's ready; it looks like it'll be in the next couple of weeks
15:16.48quitttfound a bug in bittornado
15:16.53JohnFluxdirecthex|work: usually the limit is 3gb
15:16.55directhex|workFieldySnuts, on i386? i think you need a cpu which supports PAE for higher
15:16.58GneaFieldySnuts: quit it
15:17.05quitttthe gnome menu is wrong
15:17.08FieldySnutsGnea: you too.
15:17.08JohnFluxdirecthex|work: 1gb for mapping the other devices
15:17.10*** join/#debian liran (
15:17.16directhex|workJohnFlux, depends on the os, and the compilation settings on said os.
15:17.20*** join/#debian kitu (~user@
15:17.21asgquittt: file a bug then (/msg dpkg bts)
15:17.22*** join/#debian B3AN (
15:17.29GneaFieldySnuts: in case you hadn't noticed, my sarcasm quit on the first line
15:17.43*** join/#debian five (
15:17.47kituhow can i make a dir non-writable for a few users?
15:17.47*** join/#debian [S][F]Era (~gjorgji@
15:17.50FieldySnutswhy am I catching heat over this? I tried to help, fine you know what, fuck it
15:17.54*** join/#debian franz (
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15:18.07asgkitu: make it group writable for certain users besides the few.
15:18.07honschuFieldySnuts: Enjoy your meal!
15:18.12k-sasg: also, there is any wayt to compile just php4-mysql instead of the thousands of php4-mysql, php4-gd, php4-imap, ... ?
15:18.21gbabob2: no about
15:18.33bob2gba: ah, ok
15:18.39kituasg: i want to make it non-writable for all the users beside my group
15:18.44bernouliis there any wlan-manager program other than kinternet and netapplet?
15:18.45asgk-s: check for the target in debian/rules that builds just that.
15:18.57k-sasg: ok
15:19.00gbabob2: I now opened the site and looked for libncurses5w but that doesn't worked (exist)
15:19.07k-sasg: I'll keep trying, thanks
15:19.15asgkitu: then make the directory ownable by some user, your group and make sure the setgid bit is set on the directory (also, verify all users have umask 007)
15:19.17bob2gba: that's weird
15:19.29Kraigthat's so usefull...
15:19.30gbabob2: and now i am at nurses page at that
15:19.34Gneahonschu: there ya go
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15:19.49honschuGnea: thx, but isn't this snoopy for win32?
15:20.12gbathis page should have a good manual page so that new users can understand what all that informations mean
15:20.14asg!wikifaq kitu Permissions
15:20.15dpkgkitu: check out or if that doesn't work, try
15:20.27*** join/#debian distempr (~w3rd@
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15:21.18bernoulii type netapplet, but nothing happens
15:21.27Gneahonschu: you're right, i'm an idiot.. sec
15:21.35honschuGnea: No Problem
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15:22.25ogranighello! has anyone an idea to do automount with an usb-stick?
15:22.29*** join/#debian icub3d (~jmarsh@
15:22.31gbabob2: now I am on and there is for example a outstanding bug 1 year and 180 days old . How can that be o_O ?
15:22.42*** join/#debian brosio (
15:22.52brosioErrors were encountered while processing, bootsplash-theme-newlinux, bootsplash-theme-pyro
15:22.58brosioE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)
15:23.04brosioanyone could help ?
15:23.19bob2gba: lots of packages have old bugs
15:23.24bob2gba: dpkg has bugs from 10 years ago
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15:23.36gbabob2: ups
15:23.48ogranig@brosio: to you`ve the boosplash-support in your kernel?
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15:24.19bob2gba: it just means they're minor or hard to fix, or just that no one has put the effort in yet ;p
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15:24.39brosioogranig, it isn't my problem
15:24.47brosioi want ro remove these package
15:24.53brosioonly this
15:24.56gbabob2: aha, okay, I understand
15:25.12Gneahonschu: or check for the tools section
15:25.19honschuGnea: Thx, this sounds cool!
15:25.32ogranig@ brosio: hmm. maybe dpkg -purge .....
15:25.54asgogranig: there is a howto at covering usb automounting
15:25.57brosioalrey try
15:26.03brosioit's the same
15:26.16kitudr-xr-xrwx  10 root   root   4096 1970-01-01 02:00 ftp         this is my directory, and i want to make it dr--r--r--
15:26.16FarrisGAm I correct in my understanding that x86_64 is crap and not worth the time/money/trouble?
15:26.23*** join/#debian aurax_ (
15:26.29greycatkitu: no.  you don't.
15:26.39greycat!wikifaq kitu Permissions
15:26.46GneaFarrisG: it's not crap, it's just not as widely known/in use and is still evolving
15:26.46dpkgkitu: check out or if that doesn't work, try
15:26.52aurax_hello, is sarge netinstall comes with options to choose in the setup sequence like desktop (gnome,kde) etc... ?
15:26.54*** join/#debian digitex3d (
15:27.02asgaurax_: yes
15:27.03kitudr-xr-xrwx  10 root   root   4096 1970-01-01 02:00 ftp         this is my directory, and i want to make it drwxr--r--
15:27.16kitunot only readlable by the group
15:27.16aurax_is apt part of the installation ?
15:27.20asgkitu: just read the permissions faq, all is wonderfully explained
15:27.27Gneaaurax_: yes
15:27.28asgaurax_: yes
15:27.31aurax_ok cool :)
15:27.32kituasg: i've umask 022
15:27.33aurax_thanks alote .
15:27.34*** join/#debian Rickdangerous (~semaphor@
15:27.36kitubut it didn't worked
15:27.48kituthe dir is still dr-xr-xrwx
15:27.50takatumiaurax_: read the install guide. it'll help.
15:28.01asgkitu: no, you don't understand permissions at all. greycat's faq will give you a helping hand. Read it first.
15:28.13*** join/#debian meppl (
15:28.23Gneaasg: hey are you familiar with the whole java-package thing?
15:28.39FarrisGIf my boss won't approve getting an amd64 system, will a 64bit Xeon system allow me to run single processes that can address more than 4GB of RAM?
15:28.46asgGnea: other than running make-jpkg; dpkg -i result, no.
15:28.46*** join/#debian HarleyG (
15:28.58Gneafakeroot make-jpkg j2eesdk-1_4_01_2005Q1-linux.bin\&File\=j2eesdk-1_4_01_2005Q1-linux.bin  <-- this doesn't create a .deb
15:29.01directhex|workFarrisG, if you install amd64 debian, yes
15:29.21ogranig@ asg: i`ve problems with: mount -fstype=vfat /dev/sda1 /mnt/usbstick i get no error, but when i look into this folder, there`s nothing!
15:29.35*** part/#debian Markolonius (
15:29.39directhex|workFarrisG, though the memory interface on xeon sucks compared to opteron, so don't write any apps that rely on fast memory bandwidth
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15:29.48FarrisGdirecthex|work: amd64 debian on a Xeon system? That can't work, right?
15:29.59directhex|workFarrisG, em64t is a clone of amd64
15:29.59crashbg1i have 2 ISPs on 2 nics and if i ping -I eth0 works, but -I eth1 doesnt?
15:30.02asgogranig: what does /var/log/syslog say. Are you sure the stick has anything on it to read?
15:30.14directhex|workFarrisG, it works as well as athlon on i386 debian
15:30.18crashbg1if i change the default gateway they switch places
15:30.19FarrisGdirecthex|work: I didn't know that.
15:30.28ogranig@asg: yes, there are some files on the stick!
15:30.52asgogranig: hmmm, I don't know then. Check for errors in /var/log/syslog. Sorry.
15:30.56crashbg1can someone help me
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15:31.20Gnea!tell crashbg1 about routing
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15:32.22ogranig@asg: thanks, but there`s nothing wrong
15:32.28Gneathat link broke
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15:33.00wols@would sarge run on a 2.2.x kernel?
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15:33.38_SerhaT_wols: I guess it will.. as I had woody with 2.2 and upgraded to sarge.. had to install 2.4 later.. but it worked with 2.2 as far as I know
15:33.55*** join/#debian phaedrus_ (
15:34.20wolsmaybe I can try this short for brains binary only kernel module then
15:35.42phaedrus_problem is i cant install this wireless adapter
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15:36.11dan2asg: !
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15:37.35dpkgextra, extra, read all about it, routing is the Advanced Routing which can be found at - all sorts of howtos and samples
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15:38.14*** join/#debian Mike (~mike@
15:38.23Mikehey guys how do i force a package to uninstall?
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15:38.30phaedrus_im trying to instal;l this us robotics 802.11g usb adapter in mepis and havnt been able to
15:38.41Mikei get this horrible error
15:38.42MikeError: does not have a corresponding .info file.
15:38.48dpkgMEPIS is a Debian Unstable-based liveCD distribution similar to Knoppix, with its own hardware detection system. Uses KDE by default, and includes the nVidia proprietary 3D driver. It also includes a custom installer on the KDE desktop, with simple LILO configuration. See It is NOT real Debian, attempts to use apt-get with Debian mirrors will meet with a world of hurt. /join #mepis
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15:39.29GneaMike: looks like a broken package
15:39.40asgdan2: hiya
15:39.47MikeGnea, yeah how do i uninstall it i dont need it
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15:39.58GneaMike: how are you trying to now?
15:40.02*** part/#debian redog (~REdOG@REdOG.user.gentoo)
15:40.09Mikedpkg --purge
15:40.20Gneayou didn't apt-get remove first?
15:40.24aurax_is there a complete repositories list ?
15:40.34FarrisGI just booted a stock debian amd64 smp kernel on a dual Xeon 3.2GHz machine. Any way to test how much memory this will allow a single process to address?
15:40.39dpkgextra, extra, read all about it, mirrors is at or available via apt-setup or at or or
15:41.00MikeGnea, yeah
15:41.07MikeGnea, i got the error and try purge
15:41.18aurax_can anyone hook me up with updates sources.list ?
15:41.21GneaMike: dunno then..
15:41.23asgaurax_: /usr/lib/base-config/Mirrors.masterlist
15:41.38asgaurax_: or type apt-setup
15:41.55GneaMike: never seen that one - try searching google for  "does not have a corresponding .info file"
15:42.02*** join/#debian Coffee (
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15:43.28Coffeecan someone help installing soundcard... alsaconf does not recognize it :(
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15:43.47shingouzCoffee: what are you installing it on?
15:44.03Coffeeon kanotix
15:44.23dpkgi guess kanotix is not Debian, and we can't help you. Go /join #kanotix, or such a big fan of debian, it has sources for woody, sarge AND sid in sources.list (sid default)
15:44.36CoffeeGRRRR :(((
15:44.50Gneadon't grrr, go to #kanotix and get some proper help
15:44.58Coffeeis there alsa in debian?
15:45.29greycatof course there's alsa
15:45.32Gneayeah but this is debian, not kanotix, they probably have a modified method
15:45.46Coffeeso what's problem?
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15:45.57greycatproblem is you're in the wrong channel
15:46.43shingouzwhy, oh why...
15:46.49K_Dallasone reason people come here and ask all their questions is that there are just too many users here and it is an active chan ;)
15:47.09*** join/#debian Mestapheles (
15:47.12GneaK_Dallas: or they just don't know any better ;)
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15:47.33exerdhi i need help how do mount my usb 1.0 mp3player.
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15:47.45asgexerd: /msg dpkg usb-storage
15:47.46alexmacyi'm looking for a GPL equivalent of visualroute, any idea?
15:47.47Gneaexerd: you plugged it in? what happened?
15:47.49K_Dallasfor general questions there is always ##linux which is pretty active as well
15:47.53exerdGnea, nothing
15:48.03*** join/#debian bushk (
15:48.09Gneaexerd: oh, dmesg didn't have anything to say? lsusb turned up dry?
15:48.16shingouzK_Dallas: and probably pretty much clueless when it comes to debs i guess
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15:48.32exerdGnea, drivers/usb/input/hid-core.c: input irq status -71 received
15:48.44Gneaexerd: what kernel is that?
15:48.46K_Dallasshingouz, you mean the guys in ##linux? well not necessarily but i have got lots of help there so
15:49.04*** join/#debian MrJung_- (
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15:49.17K_Dallasi try to use both chans to reduce the load i impose on each ;)
15:49.18Gneaexerd: compiled yourself? is usb compiled into the kernel or modular?
15:49.22K_Dallasheya gypsymauro
15:49.23gypsymaurothere is some problem with the non-free archives?
15:49.27shingouzK_Dallas: i am not saying they are cluelsss in general just that when it comes to debian systems the advice may be not 100% correct
15:49.29asggypsymauro: /topic
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15:49.38Gneagypsymauro: no problem, it simply does not exist anymore
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15:49.53K_Dallasshingouz, true that is why i said: general questions, linux question in general
15:50.00asggypsymauro: no, /msg dpkg crypt in main
15:50.00exerdGnea, yes its compiled into kernel. it worked yesterday... i did mkdir /mnt/mp3spelare1 && mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/mp3spelare1
15:50.02gypsymauronon-free not non us
15:50.04asggypsymauro: no, /msg dpkg crypto in main
15:50.09shingouzK_Dallas: you are right there
15:50.12gypsymauroah opk
15:50.15gypsymaurook sorry
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15:50.30solomonnnon free is in main now too
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15:50.35Gneaexerd: ah that's your problem then - recompile and make your usb shiznit modular.
15:50.43K_Dallas;) there are nice people there too i even use ubuntu for semi-debian questions ;)
15:50.52*** join/#debian gregj (~gj@
15:50.57gregjHi folks
15:50.58asggypsymauro: non-free by default isn't added to sarge's sources.list
15:51.04exerdGnea, hmm but i in a hurry and need some things to the player..
15:51.06Gneagypsymauro: oh ok, sorry i misread
15:51.11gregjafter upgrade to "new" stable, I ahve problems with postfix+sasl auth
15:51.16gregji get  fatal: no SASL authentication mechanisms
15:51.17Gneaexerd: *shrug* do a make -j4
15:51.20shingouzK_Dallas: that makes you only a semi-dweebian then ;)
15:51.33gregjhavn't found any resolutions to this problem via google
15:51.40exerdGnea, what?
15:51.46*** join/#debian accel (
15:51.46gypsymaurowell I've added it manually, I need it for sl-modem-source that's not free, in the main isn't present
15:51.59Gneaexerd: when you recompile the kernel, instead of just 'make', do a 'make -j4' it will compile faster
15:52.03asggypsymauro: what source are you using (paste that one line)
15:52.06exerdGnea, ok
15:52.15*** join/#debian aurax_ (
15:52.29aurax_i tried to burn the sarge netinstaller with k3b and it wont boot from there,
15:52.30K_Dallasshingouz, i have noticed an annoying bug in the combination of gmd and gnome. If I install gdm, when i start gnome or any other desktops, i get a cross, mouse like, in the middle of screen. If i install xdm or no dm at all it does not happen. Should i report it? It was in sarge-testing and in stable
15:52.39aurax_any special commands to make it bootable ?
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15:52.53asggregj: well, first start looking at /usr/share/doc/<pkg>/* to see if the upgrade changed anything or whether there are things you need to do.
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15:53.04gypsymaurodeb stable main contrib non-free
15:53.12K_Dallasshingouz, i love debian and the support system, but i will probably never be a debianian in the pure sense so i am happy with what i have got here ;)
15:53.16accelis there a special trick to getting 2 network cards running on different ip addresses working?
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15:53.22shingouzK_Dallas: no idea what the problem is with the gdm
15:53.27gregjasg: all configuration looks ok, on manual check
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15:53.31asggypsymauro: did you 'apt-get update' afterwards?
15:53.36Gnea!tell accel about interfaces
15:53.40shingouzK_Dallas: you do know that i am just yanking your chain, don't you
15:53.53gypsymauroasg: of course but it srops at non free packages
15:54.02asggypsymauro: then try a different mirror
15:54.06K_Dallasshingouz, sure :)
15:54.11*** join/#debian exerd (
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15:54.23aurax_anyone here burned sarge netinstaller with k3b ?
15:54.37asgaurax_: try #debian-kde, they most likely have
15:54.45samuelsup all
15:54.48QUACH-214how can i check the total hard disk space and the rest free hard disk?
15:54.49*** join/#debian Darien (
15:55.03j_kQUACH-214: df
15:55.04SpecQUACH-214: df -h
15:55.05shingouzQUACH-214: df -h
15:55.07GneaQUACH-214: df -Th
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15:55.15SpecQUACH-214: man df
15:55.24samueli want to install a linux into the system of a friend of mine who has no experience with linux what so ever...
15:55.26samuelany ideas as to what distro to use?
15:55.26jsif i want a ps that only allows a user to check his own processes, do i need to compile my own version of it?
15:55.39Specsamuel: considering this is #debian...
15:55.43shingouzsamuel: you are in #debian now, what do you think the answer is?
15:55.46K_Dallasshingouz, the solution for that problem that i have been given in ubuntu is to add this line to my general video section of XF86config
15:55.47j_ksamuel: what do you think we're going to answer?
15:55.49asggypsymauro: hmmm, you might check the bts to see if someone reported a similar problem. (/msg dpkg bts)
15:56.18gypsymauroasg: tnx
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15:56.23shingouzK_Dallas: that sounds like a good solution. you do have to remember that if you hack the config dpkg-reconfigure does not work anymore
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15:56.24pifwhen launching "screen" from crontab it complains "must be connected to terminal", any option to use?
15:56.28samuelSpec, shingouz, j_k hmmmmm............
15:56.28samuelSpec, shingouz, j_k, fair enough...
15:56.38shingouz!d-i samuel
15:56.39gregjsecond problem is never finished postgres upgrade, which went sucesfully, but it couldn't start on apt-get, so now I get this attempt to finish instalation on every apt-get install
15:56.48Specooo, i wanna stream trance from d-i now :p
15:56.55K_Dallasshingouz, that is what i have been reading here but this time i have no dm so no need to add it manually
15:56.57shingouz!tell samuel about d-i
15:56.59dpkgsamuel, you want to go to - for your own good, and everyone else's.
15:57.00gregjhow can I tell apt-get system that postgres is already done, and do not attempt to do anything ?
15:57.05caphusopif: start it in detached mode
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15:57.53gregjasg: cool, I was missing libsasl2-modules, thanks mate
15:57.56j_kgregj: you mean, you installed it by hand ?
15:58.04gregjI've upgraded it
15:58.04pifcaphuso : thansk
15:58.05gregjand it works
15:58.07samuelthing with debian is that many times i have had to edit text files to do configs, while i quite like that, i was wondering if anyone knew of something more like "windows" but not lindows
15:58.15shingouzK_Dallas: i am not saying that hacking the config is not allowed, just that if you do it drxx does not work anymore. most of my systems have hand-hacked files on it as i have a bit odd hardware choices that are not really supported by drxx
15:58.21j_kgregj: and what's wrong with apt?
15:58.30gregjbut I get all the time something like :dpkg: error processing postgresql (--configure): subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 10
15:58.33oKtosiTeCan anyone suggest an easy-to-learn(tm) server-client automated backup system available in Debian?
15:58.35gregjfor postgres
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15:59.00gregjand I want to tell dpkg/apt-get that this thing is installed ok, so he shouldn't do thhat everytime I try to install something else
15:59.03shingouzsamuel: depends on the hardware your friend is running really. if he has something that is considered a "normal desktop" you should not have any problems with the configs
15:59.22j_kgregj: are there errors before that message ?
15:59.41K_Dallasshingouz, i see. i am really happy to see my black consol when i login ;) specially that i have installed the debian-red-logo for it so it looks pretty cool, like systems i used to work on under unix and risc, brings back old good memories ;)
15:59.45gregjj_k: nope
15:59.47samuelshingouz, its a rather old system he wants to try linux in, id say 97 or 98 when he got that
16:00.19gregjj_k: it was complaining earlier about not being able to executte some scripts
16:00.20shingouzsamuel: so? i do not have one single system from this millennium
16:00.26gregjaccess denied, or something like that
16:00.32tarzeaujharrisonwk, jethro, takatumi now!
16:00.40shingouzK_Dallas: CLI is good for you
16:00.43H2OyJaBoNhow to up adsl conection on boot?
16:00.48tarzeauanyone who wants to play the LostLevels of Bubble Bobble, join #bub-n-bros now.
16:00.52gregjit's odd, I get that sometimes, even thou script is ok, it tells me that /bin/bash is bad, or something like that
16:00.58stousetBubble bobble!
16:01.04Gneaegads... the alioth system has gone downhill
16:01.13K_DallasCLI? What is that shingouz ?
16:01.17shingouzH2OyJaBoN: depends on how the thing is connected. more info needed. ethernet? usb? internal?
16:01.30shingouzK_Dallas: ask dpkg ;)
16:01.32samuelshingouz, sorry, im asking if that would be a "normal desktop"
16:01.32H2OyJaBoNshingouz,  eth0 adsl
16:01.34K_Dallasok ;)
16:01.40jharrisonwktarzeau: now what?
16:01.43*** join/#debian FieldySnuts (E1RIYoZ1hm@fieldysnuts.user)
16:01.44jharrisonwktarzeau: bub-n-bros?
16:01.49samuelshingouz, i think its a stock gateway
16:01.52shingouzsamuel: i think it is. unless it is an old server or laptop
16:01.53jharrisonwktarzeau: I thought you quit bub-n-bros
16:02.03shingouzsamuel: should run without any bigger problems
16:02.07samuelshingouz, desktop
16:02.17tarzeaujharrisonwk: we found 300 new levels ;)
16:02.19samuelshingouz, ok, thanks, ill get sarge for him now
16:02.22tarzeaujharrisonwk: HAHAHAHAHAA MWAHAHAHAHAHA
16:02.27shingouzsamuel: i use an old server as my desktop.. ;)
16:02.29tarzeaujharrisonwk: yeah bub-n-bros :)
16:02.29Gneatarzeau: oh man...
16:02.30j_kgregj: wow, weird.
16:02.30K_Dallasi see :) yeah, that is why MS is bringing it to its main platform :) command-line is still the best
16:02.33Coffeecan someone help installing soundcard ?
16:02.35tarzeauGnea: haha :)
16:02.42tarzeaujharrisonwk: the lost levels and dreamland is so damn cool!
16:02.48K_Dallaswell gotta go do some BBQing, thank you guys and see you later
16:02.48tarzeaudon't miss it. man!
16:02.50shingouzCoffee: di dyou already install Debian?
16:03.06*** join/#debian ogranig (
16:03.20H2OyJaBoNshingouz,  eth0 adsl
16:03.32gregjj_k: bash: /var/lib/dpkg/info/postgresql.postinst: /bin/bash: bad interpreter: Permission denied
16:03.36gregjj_k: something like that
16:03.37Gneahrm, i gotta get a grill
16:03.37asg!bad interpreter
16:03.38dpkgbad-interpreter is, like, a wrong #! line in a script, or script is in crlf - which is the case, if 'od -b filename|grep 015' returns something; ask me about crlf->unix - or script is not executable (use chmod +x on it), or script is on a partition mounted with the noexec (mounting with "user" implies that) option.
16:03.43shingouzH2OyJaBoN: nice. how is the damn thing connected to your box is what i need to know
16:03.59jharrisonwktarzeau: 300 new levels is just crazy
16:04.05*** join/#debian caspercba (
16:04.12Gneawasn't it at 100?
16:04.16tarzeaujharrisonwk: YAY :)
16:04.16*** join/#debian joh (
16:04.23gregjyeah, but I didn't wrote that script! it's from debian, right
16:04.24tarzeauGnea: yes but we found new level packs, hehe :)
16:04.39jharrisonwktarzeau: im grilling dragons
16:04.42asggregj: well, check if it is broken and, if so, file a bug.
16:04.51gregjoops, it's mounted with no exec
16:04.53gregjmy fault
16:05.19caspercbai have 52 modules loaded, and i got 95% memory used, how can i unload them?
16:05.23bob2tarzeau: do you have good ice cream in switzerland?
16:05.27*** join/#debian vezult (
16:05.31gregjbut I have /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/70debconf with Pre-Invoke and post-invoke that suppose to remount this part with exec
16:05.34*** join/#debian se1 (
16:05.36bob2caspercba: it's extraordinarily unlikely the modules are using a significant amount of ram
16:05.40shingouzcaspercba: modprobe -r (man modprobe)
16:05.40oKtosiTeI have exim4, mailutils-pop3d installed, but there are no /var/mail/ directories, what's going on?
16:05.43tarzeaubob2: the best. sprüngli. mövenpick. ALL. ALL!
16:05.44stousetcaspercba: Don't worry about it, and don't do it.
16:05.45H2OyJaBoNshingouz,  PPPOE ?
16:05.46bob2caspercba: run "free -m" and look at the +/- line
16:05.48tarzeaubob2: but join bub-n-bros :)
16:06.06stousetcaspercba: 95% memory used is not a problem. More than likely, 80% of that is just cache which gets dumped when something needs the memory.
16:06.12shingouzH2OyJaBoN: i do not know. how is the damn thing *physically* connected to your computer?
16:06.13vezultdoes postifix do its own log rotation?
16:06.30stousetcaspercba: Not to mention, the modules are doubtfully using even a meg.
16:06.35tarzeauPeTeRB: best game, isn't it?
16:06.42caspercbabob2: shingouz: but they're eating my ram, ihave only 120mbram, and 110mb are used
16:06.43asgvezult: if it doesn't, check /etc/logrotate.d/postfix
16:06.45j_kgregj: maybe it takes some time to take effect?
16:06.51*** join/#debian nathan_ (
16:06.56tarzeauRichiH: WHOA you're in too! and you doubled the monsters. loolz
16:07.03vezultasg: it doesnt exist, which is why I asked.
16:07.13bob2caspercba: no, they're not
16:07.22*** join/#debian mentor (
16:07.24bob2caspercba: run "free -m", look at the +/- line
16:07.26asgvezult: then presumably it does (or it logs to /var/log/mail* which is rotated by logrotate)
16:07.29*** join/#debian elephantman (~elephantm@
16:07.44RichiHtarzeau: did not
16:07.47caspercbabob2: total: 108  used: 107
16:07.59asg!free memory
16:08.00bob2caspercba: and why do you think kernel modules are using it?
16:08.07vezultasg: thanks
16:08.08shingouzcaspercba: bob2 does have a clue, listen to him
16:08.12asgvezult: you're welcome
16:08.13tarzeauwaaaaa my sweets
16:08.15gregjj_k: but shouldn't dpkg issue these commands, and wait ?
16:08.17dpkgUnlike information, your computer's memory does *not* want to be free.  Free RAM is wasted RAM!  Linux caches files from disk in RAM for performance gains, and will release the RAM if programs need it.
16:08.24gregjj_k: it used to work
16:08.43caspercbacos, i'm not running even gnome or kde, only fluxbox
16:08.46*** part/#debian nathan_ (
16:09.29caspercbabob2: free -m says also: chached: 35
16:09.41caspercbabob2: what does it mean
16:09.45*** part/#debian Darien (
16:09.45*** part/#debian se1 (
16:09.47stousetcaspercba: Listen to bob2. run free -m, and tell us what the -/+ buffers/cache: line says
16:09.48*** join/#debian Piggy (piggy@sussudio.user) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
16:09.50*** join/#debian sussudio (~sussudio@sussudio.user) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
16:09.55stousetNot the mem: line
16:09.57bob2caspercba: that means 35MB of your ram is used for disk cache
16:09.58stousetthe buffers/cache line
16:10.03bob2caspercba: it will be freed if programs need it
16:10.11sepchristor: you failed! in reading the documentation, and in editing the apt-mirror config file.
16:10.26cmihaiYep, hell, mine is caching 660MB :)
16:10.36stousetMine is only caching 243 :-(
16:10.42caspercbabob2: i've seen computers using 66mb with xserver
16:10.46cmihai1GB RAM :)
16:10.54bob2caspercba: sure
16:10.58*** join/#debian flashsider (~flashside@
16:11.15stousetcaspercba: That's nice. Your computer's RAM is full because it's all in caches.
16:11.23stousetcaspercba: Which will be flushed when RAM is needed.
16:11.37stousetcaspercba: This is a *good* thing, and speeds your computer up.
16:11.57caspercbastouset: so there is nothing to do with this
16:12.03*** join/#debian mrcoyote (
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16:12.16shingouzcaspercba: there is nothing you *should* do about it
16:12.24*** join/#debian fas3r (
16:12.26stousetcaspercba: So what bob2 and I are saying is that there's nothing you should do. It's not a problem.
16:12.33asgcaspercba: or run a BSD kernel
16:12.36*** join/#debian mikey (
16:13.03stousetcaspercba: People see 100% memory usage and get worried, but this is a good thing. If your memory isn't being used, what's it there for?
16:13.08*** join/#debian Ra1stlin ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
16:13.38cmihaicaspercba: would it be better if it swaps everything like windows, while there's 900MB free ?
16:13.44*** join/#debian b3an_ (
16:13.54caspercbastouset: ok thank you, the problem is that i have and old harddisk, 2Gb very slow, so when memory gets full , my pc start doing things very slow
16:14.30paulswm100% memory usage is a Good Thing.  100% swap usage is Not A Good Thing.
16:14.38*** join/#debian yure (
16:14.54cmihaiActually, I got mine to 1GB ram and 2.5GB swap used :)
16:14.57*** join/#debian CyL (~cyl@
16:15.02*** join/#debian Frankablu (
16:15.06asgcmihai: you ran a java program?
16:15.10paulswmcmihai, you maniac :P
16:15.11shingouzcaspercba: have you taken a look at what stuff you run when it starts swapping hard? if you have mozilla, gnome and umpteen other big things running there you need a bunch of ram
16:15.23cmihaiasg: ....yeah, java && oracle :)
16:15.27asgcmihai: heh
16:15.47*** join/#debian lexlynch (~lexlynch@
16:15.49caspercbashingouz: i didn't install gnome or kde, only fluxbox
16:16.02cmihaiPity I didn't find any mono stuff :)
16:16.39shingouzcaspercba: geee.... openoffice and mozilla then. at the same time. i mean many big programs at the same time and you will run out of ram never mind how much you have
16:16.41*** join/#debian Sadus[LAU] (
16:16.44stousetcaspercba: right, but does it actually get to swap?
16:16.54stousetcaspercba: It shows 95% memory usage, but are you swapping a lot?
16:17.51caspercbathank you guys, i didn't know how to read cached, now it's not caching, it gets slow, when i run, xmms,vlc, nmapfe, some editors and 1 mozilla with 8 tabs opened
16:17.55*** join/#debian nkuttler ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
16:18.03*** mode/#debian [+l 824] by debhelper
16:18.12asgcaspercba: how much total memory do you have?
16:18.23*** join/#debian ogranig (
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16:18.46caspercbastouset: it's not swaping now, you are right guys, i have 108mb, 65mb used
16:19.00cmihaiI guess grub didn't want to install on my SATA disks (raid). I guess it's ok to do dd if=/dev/hda of=/dev/sda bs=512 count=1 , right ?
16:19.06caspercbaasg: 108 total, 65 used, 43 free
16:19.12*** join/#debian jun (~jun@
16:19.17shingouzcaspercba: one mozilla with 8 tabs eats up a lot of ram
16:19.20asgcaspercba: well, mozilla and X are memory heavy
16:19.33stousetcaspercba: :-)
16:19.39stousetcmihai: If the disks are the same size.
16:19.43*** join/#debian pder (
16:19.50cmihaistouset: what's that got to do with it ?!
16:19.59*** part/#debian jun (~jun@
16:20.05caspercbaok i got it, cached means free ram.
16:20.07cmihaibs=512 -> MBR, count=1 -> just the MBR
16:20.17stousetcmihai: Ah, duh :-P
16:20.23cmihaimore like 460 or something, 512 is ok.
16:20.26*** join/#debian knix_ (~knix@knix.user)
16:20.28stousetcmihai: In that case, I have no clue. Sorry, I didn't think about the count.
16:20.36*** join/#debian jair (
16:20.40cmihaiJust wondering if it's ok on software RAID on SATA disks...
16:20.52jairhello my good friends
16:20.56*** part/#debian gba (
16:20.57caspercbaso my system is no too bad, do you think i would optimize it if i compile mozilla xfree to 686 instead of i383
16:20.57*** join/#debian skyline (~skyline@
16:21.01cmihaiTrying to move grub from an ata disk to the sata's I won't need the ATA to boot.
16:21.02*** join/#debian ZombB (
16:21.02stousetcmihai: Couldn't tell you. No clue.
16:21.05stousetcaspercba: Not really.
16:21.07jairhow are you doing today?
16:21.15shingouzcaspercba: just use firefox or galeon instead
16:21.18stousetcaspercba: That might save a few CPU cycles, but it won't do anything for memory.
16:21.21cmihaiOk, then. I'll back up my mbr, try && see.
16:21.27stousetshingouz: epiphany, not Galeon :-)
16:21.29*** join/#debian bld_ (
16:21.36shingouzstouset: whatever :)
16:21.39jairI am in the battle of make my "R51 new laptop work perfecly with debian sarge"
16:21.51jairanyone here have a sarge installed ina  IBM R51
16:21.52asgjair: have you consulted yet?
16:21.52stousetcmihai: Yeah. dd if=/dev/sda of=mbr_backup bs=512 count=1
16:21.58paulswmFirefox, not epiphany~
16:21.59caspercbaok, i using mozilla-firefox already, i tried Dillo and Chimera too
16:21.59pderdebian do not run on laptop
16:22.04stousetpaulswm: Bah.
16:22.05jairyes my friend but the page do nit open
16:22.09*** join/#debian crashbg (
16:22.16jairasg, the page is down for some reason
16:22.16stousetpder: debian do run on laptop
16:22.24paulswmstouset: couldn't resist :P
16:22.24cmihaistouset: yup, that was my intention. I'll let you know if it works :)
16:22.25asgpder: runs just fine on my 2
16:22.30*** join/#debian sepski (~sep@
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16:22.38caspercbathank you a lot guys
16:22.48pderdebian do not run on computer
16:23.08shingouzpder: so what does it do then?
16:23.39ogranig@pder: good jokes, keep on going
16:23.43asgjair: works perfectly fine from here
16:24.00asgpder: just go away and stop being a moron. Thanks.
16:24.19*** join/#debian Glanzmann (
16:24.42GlanzmannHow can I configure exim to deliver eMail (eg when someone has a .forward in his home; but don't listen on smtp)?
16:24.45gregjnow that I have postfix using sasl, I can't get sasl to actualy be used anyway, auth's failing all the time
16:24.47GlanzmannBut without a smarthost?
16:24.51*** part/#debian flashsider (~flashside@
16:24.53pderasg: piss off
16:25.05bob2pder: stop it
16:25.14gregjdoes the pwcheck_method: pwcheck in /etc/postfix/sasl/smtpd.conf still works  ?
16:25.14*** join/#debian D3v1L (~D3v1L@
16:25.18ogranig@pder: come on, go away!
16:25.28solomonnpder do not manners on #debian
16:25.37*** join/#debian Howdy125 (
16:25.37asgjair: granted, all the debian information is in spanish or german but R50 links should give you a leg up.
16:25.55GlanzmannI think, that I just install sendmail
16:25.58GlanzmannExim sucks anyway.
16:25.59jairasg, thank you very much I have a R51 though
16:26.03*** join/#debian leonel (~leonel@
16:26.10jairasg,  and it is ok for me in "english"
16:26.10*** join/#debian flashsider (~flashside@
16:26.19pderogranig: stop being a dick
16:26.20stousetGlanzmann: Bah, postfix.
16:26.20asgjair: well, they can't be that different. Also, the info from other distros will be helpful too.
16:26.23*** join/#debian P-K (
16:26.25*** join/#debian phaedrus_ (
16:26.25jairasg, I will know spanish too but my lamguage is portuguese.
16:26.31bob2pder: are you done?
16:26.33*** part/#debian P-K (
16:26.40*** join/#debian P-K (
16:26.42pderbob2: done with what?
16:26.42asgjair: ah, a little different.
16:26.43*** part/#debian Glanzmann (
16:26.55*** join/#debian distempr (~w3rd@
16:27.01bob2pder: being annoying
16:27.10*** join/#debian rking (
16:27.14jairasg, ok I will be checking it too. I really appreciate your help but I can give you some of the symtoms I have you may have the same problem or similar.
16:27.15pderbob2: why don't you ignore me if you find me annoying?
16:27.17gregjsome docs suggests that I should use "pwcheck_method: saslauthd" but that doesn't work either
16:27.30rkinganyone know why exim is preferred in debian over postfix?
16:27.31*** mode/#debian [+o bob2] by ChanServ
16:27.31*** part/#debian pder (
16:27.31*** mode/#debian [-o bob2] by bob2
16:27.33paulswmpder: You are probaly close to your last warning.  You're skating on thin ice.
16:27.40ogranigpder: what di you want?
16:27.40paulswmTOld you :P
16:27.50*** join/#debian pder (
16:27.54bob2rking: historical reasons, as far as I know...exim3 became the default before postfix existsed, afaik
16:27.55asgjair: well, you are welcome to start asking away in channel and we'll do what we can to help. If you need to paste a lot, use our paster bot (/msg dpkg paster)
16:28.03jasoncohenisn't it strange that there have been no security updates since june 3rd- especially considering that there are many open bugs in sarge affecting sudo, gaim, and tcpdump among others
16:28.04*** mode/#debian [+l 830] by debhelper
16:28.09*** join/#debian leonel (~leonel@
16:28.14rkingbob2: aha
16:28.17jairasg, I will be back in one sec.
16:28.21*** join/#debian OleMoudi (
16:28.28P-KIf I have xeon processors should I choose the Pentium-4 for my CPU family in a 2.4 kernel build?
16:28.39bob2P-K: if it's a modern xeon, yeah
16:29.21P-Kbob2: I guess if the kernel fails I will know if its modern or not :)
16:29.36bob2P-K: hehe
16:29.55bob2I'm pretty sure there were p3 xeons, but my memory may be sucking
16:29.56*** join/#debian Virusmaster (
16:30.18shingouzbob2: i have seen a couple unless i am too much mistaken
16:30.38furrywolfthere were p2 xeons too
16:31.03*** join/#debian masoft (~masoft@
16:31.42bob2oh, wow
16:31.46bob2just more cache?
16:31.53*** join/#debian asw (
16:32.03solomonnthere were even 286 xeons
16:32.14shingouzsolomonn: b/s
16:32.24solomonnthere were c64 xeons!
16:32.25*** join/#debian Sancezz (
16:32.43*** join/#debian dieguito (~diego@
16:33.11shingouzsolomonn: go install some caffeine, will ya? ;)
16:33.43*** join/#debian Juanjo-ar (
16:33.44solomonnthere were xeon abacuses
16:33.50asgsolomonn: and raided 1541 drives too
16:33.53stousetsolomonn: I have a Difference Engine Xeon
16:33.55Juanjo-arI am using sarge
16:33.58*** join/#debian Cad (~cesar@
16:34.04*** part/#debian Cad (~cesar@
16:34.07Juanjo-arand I like to isntall  an EPSON c63 usb printer
16:34.37Juanjo-arcan any one hlep me?
16:34.37stousetJuanjo-ar: Have you plugged it in?
16:34.44Juanjo-arstouset: you mean the wire?
16:34.58stousetThe USB cable.
16:35.02stousetIs it plugged in to your machine?
16:35.07Juanjo-arI've doen
16:35.13solomonnstouset: i had to wikipedia that first, but ha :P
16:35.30tarzeautakatumi: you don't join?
16:35.34stousetsolomonn: Bah, what kind of geek are you?
16:35.36asg!babbagesmite solomonn
16:35.45stousetJuanjo-ar: Have you installed CUPS?
16:35.50Juanjo-arstouset: should I use any config took?
16:36.14asgsolomonn: nevermind
16:36.14stousetYes, we'll get to that
16:36.19solomonni, uh, once mad ea xeon sundial
16:36.34stousetsolomonn: My DNA is Xeon.
16:36.40*** join/#debian iciccmoi (
16:36.51iciccmoihello all
16:36.54solomonni've created a monster
16:37.04FieldySnuts!hire Phated
16:37.14Juanjo-arstouset: how should I use CUPS know to config my printer?
16:37.28*** join/#debian PeTeRB (~me@
16:37.40stousetDo you use GNOME?
16:37.40FieldySnutsheh. puck. hockey.
16:37.44hikenboot__does anyone know any alternatives to freepops for msn and yahoo mail?
16:38.27Juanjo-arI use gnome
16:38.55Juanjo-arstouset: yes I do
16:38.55stousetJuanjo-ar: gnome-cups-manager is installed, yes?
16:38.58hikenboot__thanks let me look em up
16:39.03*** join/#debian hblaschka (
16:39.03*** kick/#debian [jair!~debhelper@debhelper.user] by debhelper (flood)
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16:39.33*** join/#debian jair (
16:39.50jairI am sorry guys, I hate when i test something and came out like that.
16:40.02stousetIt's okay.
16:40.07jairI gess I will not use anymore the dpkg paster
16:40.09stousetWe'll just all look down on you from now on :-)
16:40.21jairuntil I learn how to use it
16:40.31stousetEh? The dpkg paster lets you paste something into it, and then link to it from here
16:40.50solomonne/xec cat /dev/urandom | uuencode
16:40.52jairasg, I am sorry how do I paste more than one line using the dpkg paster?
16:40.56shingouz!babbagesmite asg
16:41.04shingouzasg: better now?
16:41.14jairthey kick me out for flood
16:41.23dpkgInstead of pasting in #debian or #flood, use paster, your friendly paste bot. Visit then select #debian and paste away.
16:41.37rkingjair: use "clipjoin" from - you'll also need xclip
16:41.46jairthank you stouset
16:41.51paster"stouset" at pasted "This is how you paste!" (11 lines) at
16:41.55asgshingouz: heh
16:42.03jairrking, that is for what?
16:42.11jairrking, I will check it
16:42.19*** join/#debian iLLf8d (
16:42.23cmihaiYou know when I said I'd let you know if moving the mbr from the ATA disk to the SATA disks in RAID would work? Well, it didn't. I just got a "GRUB.." promt, and that's it. When I boot from the install disk, the md devices are gone.
16:42.25rkingjair: so your pastes come out on one line.
16:42.31cmihaiLooks like it stores some data there... grrr
16:42.32*** join/#debian duncf (~duncf@duncf.committer.apache)
16:42.34rkingjair: or, yeah, you could use a paste server
16:42.39paster"jms" at pasted "gnome metapackage" (1 line) at
16:42.48cmihaiEven booting from the ATA disk doesn't work any more :(
16:42.49stousetcmihai: Ouch.
16:43.04paster"jms" at pasted "gnome metapackage" (4 lines) at
16:43.08cmihaiGuess where I made the backup.
16:43.09jairrking, ohh ok or maybe I will be using or other place like those later i will test that other solutions.
16:43.11stousetcmihai: You know, I hadn't thought about it, but it probably doesn't store the MBR in the first block when you use software swap
16:43.14jairthank you anyway guys
16:43.18cmihaiFLoppy ? no, too layz.
16:43.28stousetcmihai: Ouch.
16:43.38cmihaiToo lay to use floppy ...
16:43.39stousetcmihai: Why doesn't the ATA disk work now?
16:43.43*** join/#debian crashbg (
16:44.11stousetcmihai: You didn't modify the ATA disk did you?
16:44.14cmihaiThe ATA disk works, I mean it should boot the debian system, but since I written the ATA's disk mbr on the SATA disks, it won't work any more.
16:44.18cmihaiNo, i did not.
16:44.32cmihaiIt's the same. That's the deal. I guess RAID stores some info in there...
16:44.34stousetRight. So where did you put the bcakup?
16:44.36cmihaiThat got nuked.
16:44.36stousetThe ATA disk?
16:44.40cmihaiTake a guess :)
16:44.43stousetOh god.
16:44.46stousetOn the SATA disks?
16:44.56cmihaiyup, stupidity at it's best.
16:45.07stousetI've done worse.
16:45.12cmihaiWell, actualy I thought it would be a 50/50 chance, but I needed to repartition anyway :)
16:45.24stousetI used to work for a place, where we would back up the entire system onto a second hard disk that was normally umounted/unused.
16:45.34stousetIt mounted into /var somewhere, I think.
16:45.36cmihaiIt was like: well, if this won't work, I won't care much about restoring, and just forget about RAID on /boot.
16:45.50stousetI was dicking around as root unfortunately, and needed to remove /var/somethingorother
16:45.58stousetand I did an rm -r /var /somethingorother
16:46.01*** join/#debian appaji (~appaji@appaji.user)
16:46.02cmihaiThis was a fresh install anyway, ..
16:46.06cmihaiOMG :)
16:46.13*** join/#debian edson (~edson@
16:46.13stousetWould you guess it, but I did it AS THE BACKUP WAS RUNNING
16:46.20asgstouset: the evil space
16:46.31stousetWhich meant that not only did I remove /var, but I nuked the backup, too.
16:46.33stousetAll of them.
16:46.38*** join/#debian GodFather (
16:46.39cmihaiI love it when you can actually add the -r argument _after_
16:46.49stousetThere was like a two minute window in which this was possible.
16:46.51stousetAnd I did it.
16:46.53*** join/#debian tombs (
16:46.59cmihaiCongrats :)
16:47.05cmihaiI've seen people forget about count :)
16:47.13*** join/#debian robin_sz (
16:47.15*** join/#debian entheon (
16:47.19rkingcmihai: that's gnu utils for you.  bsd, etc, are silly about where you can put options
16:47.20cmihaidd if=backup_mbr of=/dev/hda bs=512
16:47.22cmihaithat was fun :)
16:47.59asgcmihai: nothing better than having windows and linux boxes in a blade center with the screen showing windows login and the keyboard connected to the linux box.
16:48.04jairasg,  I has been check the /boot/config-2..6.8-2 the /var/log/dmesg the /proc/acpi also install and reinstall the acpid package, reboot the machine with option acpi=off at grub and my machine still having nthe problem that do not turn off completely the fan, battery and wireless.  but I will go check the tuxmobil site to see what can I find.
16:48.06*** join/#debian kart_ (
16:48.08phleg|meetingcmihai: Hahaha
16:48.12cmihailol :)
16:48.42cmihaiAh well, in 10 minutes it will be back where it was before. Godda love apt-get :)
16:48.43*** part/#debian rking (
16:48.49asgjair: I'd do that, acpi is generally crap with linux. I've had good luck with apm and ibm R40s and older dells
16:49.49cmihaiThis time I put a /dev/sda1 (not raid), and put lilo on that. Can't fail!
16:50.02*** join/#debian scarynetworkguy (~rpercival@
16:50.10asgcmihai: that's generally the safe accepted practice.
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16:51.04dan2asg: I need a hot pizza right now
16:51.09dan2and some beer
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16:51.17cmihaiwdf,,, still doesnt wrok
16:51.18asgdan2: I need a sandwich.
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16:51.56cmihaiIt boots the old leftover grub. Godda nuke that.
16:52.15cmihaiI wonder what dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda1 bs=512 count=1 would do now.
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16:52.31jairasg, I found something with sarge and the same kernel i am using a tuxmobil but is in deutsch I will have to translate and check.
16:52.41toad_i've found a bug in the bash completions code
16:52.42cmihaiProbably something totally unpredictable.
16:53.07toad_if you have extended completions in
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16:53.21toad_and you do lvextend /dev/vgname<tab>
16:53.30toad_then it will say something like this:
16:53.43toad_awk: {if ($2 ~ /^/dev/vg/) print $2}<newline> ^ syntax error
16:53.50toad_the reason for this is that the slash should be escaped
16:53.59toad_i think i've found the code in the completions file which is responsible
16:54.10toad_but i'm not sure how to fix it - just have a sed to make / into \/ ?
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16:54.41toad_the line is COMPREPLY=( $( lvscan 2>/dev/null | awk -F"'" '{if ($2 ~ /^'$cur'/) print $2}' ) )
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16:56.57cmihaigodda love lilo. good old "lilo -M /dev/sda" saved the day...wish I would have done that before :(
16:57.13solomonntoad_: #bash might be helpful
16:58.12toad_hmm fixing that just causes completion not to work at all... and beep at me
16:58.59*** join/#debian staniel (~Dan@2001:5c0:8fff:fffe:0:0:0:2717)
16:59.02myrenxmms really doesnt like me issueing an add directory command to a smbmount dir with some 7400 files in it.
16:59.14myrenwhich is problematic becuse i'd rather prefer that it /would/ do that.
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17:00.04myrenand why does top only list one process running?  i'm running a dual processor machine.
17:00.19myrencat /proc/cpuinfo id's both processors
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17:01.34toonXis there a debian wiki or something like that?
17:01.37cmihaiFor the xmms thing, create playlists with 1000 files each tops
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17:03.54stousetAnyone have a clue when they're finally going to package eclipse 3 for Debian?
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17:04.13Ungyquick question since ntpdate won't run if ntpd is running which package can I remve to use ntpdate
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17:06.28stousetntpdate runs before ntpd
17:06.54toad_Ungy: /etc/init.d/ntp stop
17:07.03toad_or ntp-simple stop or whatever
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17:07.17Ungytoad: etc/init.d/ntp-server stop
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17:07.33UngyI guess I need to remvoe the ntp-server package
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17:08.25valdynUngy: you shouldnt use ntpdate directly to fix time on a running system..
17:09.19Ungyand Valdyn why is that I have 5 servers I want them all synced I remove the ntp server off all but one and then poitn the rest to it hwo is that wrng
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17:10.18valdynUngy: ntp-simple will adjust time in steps to avoid problems, ntpdate will just set the time, even if that makes the time run backwards for programs ( which can cause problems ).
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17:10.46Ungyvaldyn then why are all my servers out of sync?
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17:10.57valdynUngy: how should i know?
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17:12.01Ungynot like it matters much if someone mail shows up 3 minutes before the last one
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17:12.56jairasg, this are the lines I have currently on my kernel  "/boot/config-2.6.8-2.i686 regarding the acpi --->
17:12.57fas3rdo u know what the command for make a screenshot
17:13.14shingouzfas3r: scrot is a good tool
17:13.32fas3rok thank i go to see it
17:13.53jairasg, and then this one is how it looks on the R51 on the tuxmobil -->
17:14.22jairasg, should I just runa vi /boot/config-2.6.8-.... and type that there?
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17:15.21valdynasg: R51 is supported (almost) perfectly.. ( acpi - wise )
17:15.50jairvaldyn, ok again hi...
17:16.05jairvaldyn, this are the lines I have currently on my kernel  "/boot/config-2.6.8-2.i686 regarding the acpi --->
17:16.18jairvaldyn, and then this one is how it looks on the R51 on the tuxmobil -->
17:16.28valdynjair: acpi has *nothing* to do with shutting down your thinkpad, i think I already said that...
17:16.52jairvaldyn, then what do you think is the problem I am having?
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17:17.06bob2valdyn: are you sure?  in apm-land it did.
17:17.12jairvaldyn, why my IBM do not shut down complete when I type halt.
17:17.32jairvaldyn, why the fan, battery and wireless reamin on. ??
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17:17.42valdynbob2: im sure that i dont need acpi to shut down, i dont know if apm is needed.
17:18.00bob2I was pretty sure the "ac" acpi module controlled that
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17:18.06bob2but now I think about it, I have no evidence for that
17:18.18amphijair: why halt? why not swsusp & echo disk > /sys/power/state ?
17:18.35amphijair: ie. suspend to disk
17:18.37jairbob2, did you check the line I typed
17:18.54valdynbob2: im no shut what halt does, but i know that it has nothing to do with acpi )
17:19.00valdynbob2: im not sure what halt does, but i know that it has nothing to do with acpi )
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17:19.06bob2jair: I don't know what line you mean
17:19.06umbophmm anyone here familiar with blade servers?
17:19.08bob2valdyn: hrm, ok
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17:19.46jairamphi, hmmm but what about if I what to turn off the machine because I will not use it for a long time.
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17:20.17bob2that is a good point
17:20.31bob2we've probably reached the stage where you should be hibernating most of the time, not halting
17:20.34amphijair: suspend to disk does turn the box off completely - it just comes up as you left next time you boot it
17:20.34jairbob2,  this are the lines I have currently on my kernel  "/boot/config-2.6.8-2.i686 regarding the acpi --->
17:20.37bob2unless you're going to twiddle your hardware
17:20.48jairbob2, and then this one is how it looks on the R51 on the tuxmobil -->
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17:21.07bob2I'd be kinda inclined to assume 2.6.8 had shit acpi support
17:21.09jairamphi, so what is the command I should use?
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17:21.12bob2and just give 2.6.10 a go
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17:21.21amphijair: if you do echo platform > /sys/power/disk before the other line, you can even have the flashing recent moon thing while it does its stuff ;)
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17:21.31valdynjair: i would try different kernels to see if shutting down works, and dont bother doing anything to acpi till that works. acpi is irrelevant.
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17:21.52jairvaldyn, ok
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17:21.58amphijair: I have a hibernate acpi script bound to Fn-F12, the stinkpad suspend-to-disk hotkey
17:22.10jairthe thing is that the latest kernel stable is 2.6.8-2 right?
17:22.19valdynjair: once that works you can do what amphi sais, or i can help you with suspend to disk / ram. i just dont know why halt does not work for some people.
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17:22.30amphijair: you need ibm-acpi support in the kernel as well as swsusp for acpid to get that key-combo
17:22.49jairvaldyn, but not just halt "shutdown -h now"
17:23.02jairamphi, ohh ok
17:23.06valdynjair: yea i know, but that calls "halt"
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17:23.12jairohh ok
17:23.20amphijair: all this worked fine with 2.6.10, 11, & now with 12
17:23.30amphijair: I'm using kernels
17:23.36bob22.6.12 seems broken in other ways
17:24.01valdynjair: have you tried "halt -p" ?
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17:24.22amphibob2: anything in particular? the ipw2200 driver wouldn't build against it without tweaking, but otherwise so far it seems ok on my T42
17:24.35bob2amphi: hm, some stuff broke udev, I hear
17:24.38bob2and some scsi controllers
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17:24.58ohadhow do i cause my laptop to go into hibernation when i close the screen? i have tried to install acpi but nothing is happening when i close the screen of my laptop
17:25.00valdynbob2: and sblive value, but it 2.6.12 works well for me.
17:25.04w00thelp help
17:25.17w00thow do i find this latop ip address
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17:25.24amphibob2: ah - I'm still a static dev die-hard, and no scsi on this - I've kept my 2.6.11 in any case
17:25.26rikvaw00t: ifconfig?
17:25.36w00tonly on windows
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17:25.41rikvaw00t: ipconfig?
17:25.42bob2ohad: install acpi-support, fix /etc/acpi/events/lid or so to call whatever you want
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17:25.49bob2amphi: ah
17:25.57bob2valdyn: hm, I won't put it on my desktop yet then
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17:26.08amphiohad: you need to make a script to swsusp on the lid close event
17:26.09w00trikva:dont workl
17:26.19rikvaw00t: in a commandline?
17:26.23bob2(thanks, 'night)
17:26.26matjan_hi, is there anyone using DSL? if so, what modem are you using? i need to find one that's compatible with debian (ir linux in general)...
17:26.33sepskijair, amphi : i had a intel server board, that refused to do both reboot and halt, just hung when it should reboot/poweroff. the problem with reboot was a module ich2rom that shoudnt be loaded, the poweroff worked after i loaded the ac.ko module on boot (acpi i belive)
17:27.01rikvaw00t: what is the error? besides i'm wondering why you ask this in a linux-oriented channel ;)
17:27.11w00tplease some one can tell me how i get my ip address on linux
17:27.17amphibob2: I tried 2.6.12 as it seemed to have some bugfixes for radeonfb
17:27.21valdynw00t: ifconfig
17:27.21jairsepski, ;)
17:27.28w00tbash: ipconfig: command not found
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17:27.32rikvaw00t: you just said windows. iFconfig.
17:27.44jairsepski, but I am using a laptop R51 i think is different though. but Thank you
17:27.46w00tbash: ipconfig: command not found
17:27.46amphirikva: or plan 9 ;)
17:27.54amphiw00t: ifconfig ffs
17:27.54rikvaamphi: plan 9?
17:27.55stousetOkay, I've submitted a ton of bug reports.
17:28.01sepskijair, fwiw
17:28.02stousetAnd half of them don't show at all in the BTS.
17:28.03*** mode/#debian [+l 841] by debhelper
17:28.08stousetSome of these were in May.
17:28.08amphirikva: well, ip/ipconfig on plan9
17:28.14stousetNot archived, not nowhere.
17:28.15jairvaldyn, I will try that command you gave me right now. should i try to install another kernel?
17:28.25w00tffs: error fetching interface information: Device not found
17:28.29valdynjair: yea
17:28.36stousetAny clue why this would occur?
17:28.37jairbut those kernels 2.6.10 are not for sarge right?
17:28.41rikvaw00t: just type ifconfig eth0
17:28.59amphijair: I built mine from src
17:29.03valdynjair: thinkpad and acpi won't work well below 2.6.10 + patches iirc, i use 2.6.11 + some patches.
17:29.03iLLf8dhrm anyone here know of any good links that compare and contrast the security implications of usermodelinux vs chrooted services under debian? I'm no hacker/cracker and I was hoping to become more informed about their differences
17:29.07jairvaldyn, I was looking into the kernel images for sarge and the latest one is 2.6.8-2
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17:29.13tarzeauthat's so fun!
17:29.21valdynjair: so aside your poweroff problem having a higher kernel is a good idea
17:29.23w00trikva:not working :(
17:29.31concept10matjan_, there are pleany of dsl modems that work with linux - you should do some searching
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17:29.34rikvaw00t: then just type ifconfig
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17:29.38valdynjair: use one from testing or sid.
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17:30.02w00trikva: bash: ifconfig: command not found
17:30.03ohadbob2, is acpi-support the name of the pkg? i already install acpid
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17:30.13rikvaw00t: hmm, are you root?
17:30.17jairvaldyn, but I can not install it running apt-get install kernel-image 2.6.10
17:30.17jairtesting sound good
17:30.22amphivaldyn: acpi worked fine here since 2.6.10 without any patches, FWIW
17:30.27amphivaldyn: T42
17:30.34rikvaw00t: then become it ;)
17:30.39jairvaldyn, I will have to add a repository of testing on the apt- source list
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17:30.58valdynamphi: yea, it works, but it wont poweroff your agp bus on suspend to ram, for example.
17:31.02pderi need to have the tc command in order to get my nic working correctly for an install.  how can i build a statically linked binary of this?
17:31.14w00trikva: thanks alot u just save my life
17:31.19rikvaw00t: np
17:31.40valdynamphi: thats a minor issue, as long as you don't want to suspend to ram overnight )
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17:31.54greycatpder: build a normal binary of it, and when it gets to the last step, cut and paste that command, but stick a "-static" in the right place inside it.
17:32.05greycatpder: IYHTAYS
17:32.05ogranighello! can anyone help me with autofs and usbstick?
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17:32.41valdynjair: you could do that, however i recommend just grabbing kernel-image(s) from http://packages, That is what i do.
17:32.45jairsepski, btw what means fwiw
17:32.59greycatfuckin' hell...
17:33.03pdergreycat: thanks, was that a stupid question?
17:33.10dbealfwiw means for what it's worth, afaik
17:33.10greycatpder: a bit off topic here.
17:33.27valdynjair: less tweaking that way to avoid getting unwanted packages from testing.
17:33.29stousetdbeal: afaik means as far as I know, fwiw
17:33.31greycathow can someone ask what fwiw means and then use btw in the same damned sentence?
17:33.45pdergreycat: perhaps, but thanks anyway
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17:34.10easonBy the way is self explanitory, fwiw is just silly.
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17:34.23stouseteason: stfu
17:34.27rue_mohrapt find acroread
17:34.27jairvaldyn, that is a good idea
17:34.34easonstouset: Bugger off, troll.
17:34.36sepskijair: for what it's worth
17:34.39rue_mohrdpkg find acroread
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17:34.47dpkgDebian Search of 'acroread' (4 of 15): (/usr/share/zsh/4.2.5/functions/Completion/X/_acroread) in shells/zsh ;; (/usr/share/xffm/pixmaps/Crystal/apps/acroread.png) in x11/xffm4-icons ;; (/usr/share/scribus/doc/en/acroreader.html) in non-free/doc/scribus-doc ;; (/usr/share/apps/kappfinder/apps/Office/acroread.desktop) in kde/kappfinder.
17:34.54ogranigi`ve some problems with autofs and an usb-stick! can anyone help me, please?
17:34.58jairvaldyn, ok so I just go to: http://packages, and then download the packages, after that i put it anywhere on the system?
17:34.58FieldySnuts!hire eason
17:35.06jairsepski, ;)
17:35.15stousetFieldySnuts: You got it to work!
17:35.16valdynjair: dpkg -i kernel-image-blah
17:35.25stousetFieldySnuts: But I don't see the government paying people less than minimum wage =\
17:35.31FieldySnutsyeah i had (somestuff|somestuff2|)
17:35.31jairvaldyn, that will be to install it?
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17:35.37valdynjair: yep
17:35.39rue_mohrwhere does a person find acroread...
17:35.47caphusorue_mohr: /msg dpkg marillat
17:35.48jasoncohenrue_mohr, you can find acroread and mozilla-acroread in marillat
17:35.48stousetrue_mohr: apt-get install acroread
17:35.51rue_mohrgpdf wont show anything more than the first page
17:36.03valdynjair: this works well for kernel-images, i dont recommend that generally.
17:36.07jasoncohenrue_mohr, you can also try evince
17:36.10ttickis there a way with apt-cache to see what versions of a package are available in unstable _and_ testing, so I can decide which one I want?  apt-cache showpkg only seems to tell me one of them.
17:36.11stousetrue_mohr: Yes it does.
17:36.20jasoncohenttick, apt-cache show package
17:36.23stousetrue_mohr: Use PgUp and PgDown
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17:36.28stousetrue_mohr: Or use evince
17:36.37rue_mohrstouset, nope Package acroread is not available, but is referred to by another package.
17:36.38rue_mohrThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or
17:36.38rue_mohris only available from another source
17:36.44jairvaldyn, ok I am sorry but i am very dummy for this things, 1- go to the http://packages, download the kernel will be an extension "deb" right 2- I will place it in the home directory and run the command in the nterminal as root dpkg -i kernel-image-blah?
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17:36.55jairvaldyn, ok
17:37.00caphusoj_k: don't do that
17:37.10jasoncohenRouted, /msg dpkg marillat - you must add the marillat source to your /etc/apt/sources.list and then apt-get update
17:37.10valdynttick: a workable solution to this would be apt-get -t testing install package vs apt-get -t unstable install package
17:37.13j_kcaphuso: yeah, sorry, i didn't intend to.
17:37.16valdynjair: yea
17:37.25jairvaldyn, I guess i will have to reconfigure the wireless centrino again because will not be configured automatic.
17:37.41ttickthanks guys
17:37.44paulswmHey eason, a bit of advice fwiw, stouset is a valued helper in these parts.
17:37.49rue_mohrhmm, gpdf is a little nonintuitive...
17:37.51jasoncohenrue_mohr, /msg dpkg marillat - you must add the marillat source to your /etc/apt/sources.list and then apt-get update
17:37.58valdynjair: you have to recompile it yea - so you also grab the suitable kernel-headers from
17:38.01stousetpaulswm: wtf r u talking about?
17:38.11jasoncohenrue_mohr,  - pick the deb line for your version of debian -sarge, etch or sid
17:38.27amphijair: 1.0.4 ver. of ipw2200 doesn't build against 2.6.12 without tweaking, BTW - nor will lower versions, I imagine
17:38.27paulswmstouset: stfulollol!!1!1
17:38.31jairvaldyn, so If I want to get rid of the other kernels ? I think i know how to eleiminate them from the grub menu but what about delelte the package from the system i386 for example?
17:38.37stousetpaulswm: you win
17:38.52ogranigi`ve some problems with autofs and an usb-stick! can anyone help me, please?
17:38.53rue_mohrok, thanks
17:38.54*** part/#debian rue_mohr (
17:38.59jairamphi, I did the configuration myself too, it is not to hard
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17:39.07jasoncohenrue_mohr, evince is actually quite good but i use acroread when i want to view a pdf in firefox
17:39.08valdynjair: so in order: grab kernel-image, grab kernel-headers, dpkg -i them, reboot, compile wireless driver and install it as you did earlier.
17:39.10paulswmstouset: anyway, if was an excuse for me to use fwiw :P
17:39.18jairI did it twice with the kernel 386 and the current I use 686
17:39.34jairvaldyn, nice
17:39.35valdynjair: dont remove old kernels before the new one is working satisfactory
17:39.35ThaigerI'm trying to compile a program and it says I need KDE headers, what package do I need to apt-get?
17:39.36deviantguys, how come, when i start a download, after a few minutes the download speed drops to 0?
17:39.37jasoncohenogranig, if you're on gnome 2.10, it'll automount a usb key for you
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17:39.52stousetpaulswm: well, fwiw, mine was just an excuse to use wtf, u, and r.
17:40.07valdynjair: to remove: apt-get remove kernel-image-blah and apt-get remove kernel-headers-blah..
17:40.08jasoncohenogranig, in KDE, i just add a KDE device icon to do it (double click to mount). you'll need to use gamin rather than fam on KDE because fam has issues unmounting
17:40.13jairvaldyn, thank you i will do that then i will check how it goes, ok and if I want to delete the other kernel (old) pakacges?
17:40.24jairvaldyn, ok
17:40.32jairvaldyn, never mind them i will go do that ;)
17:40.38amphijair: no, it's easy - there's a patch for compiling against 2.6.12 that'll presumably get rolled into 1.0.5
17:41.07ogranigjasoncohen: not really in gnome! when i do mount -fstype=auto (vfat) /dev/sda1 /mnt/usbstick i get no errors, but there are no files in these folders!
17:41.07amphijair: the patch was posted to the ipw2100-devel list
17:41.21*** join/#debian Pumpkin_Pie (~asf@
17:41.28Pumpkin_Piewow gentoo is gay
17:41.45valdynThaiger: apt-get install kde-devel
17:41.55ogranigjasoncohen: and when i do: umount /mnt/usbstick i get: /dev/sda1 is not mountet
17:41.59jasoncohenogranig, this is my fstab line - /dev/sda1   /mnt/removable  vfat  users   0  0
17:42.01FieldySnutsPumpkin_Pie: please don't troll here. and using gay in that fashion can get you banned quickly.
17:42.08Thaigervaldyn: thanks
17:42.18ogranigjasoncohen: i`ll try it!
17:42.24*** join/#debian r4z (
17:42.31jairguys see you later
17:42.41valdynThaiger: and symmetrically / similarily for many frameworks ( apt-get instal x-dev or apt-get install gnome-devel ) etc..
17:42.46jairI will do that experiemnt to see what happened.
17:42.47paulswm!tell Pumpkin_Pie about gay
17:42.47FieldySnuts!tell Pumpkin_Pie about gay
17:42.53*** join/#debian mortum (~mortum@
17:42.58paulswm!highfive FieldySnuts
17:42.59Thaigervaldyn: When I try to do that it wants to remove KDE
17:43.01FieldySnuts!beat paulswm
17:43.05*** join/#debian azol (artem@
17:43.11jasoncohenogranig, then you'll want to go to desktop >preferences > removable drives and media preferences > select the "mount removable media when hot-plugged", and "mount removable media when inserted" and close
17:43.17valdynThaiger: so you are running sid?
17:43.39Thaigervaldyn: Sarge
17:44.00jasoncohenogranig, btw, you actually need to create the folder you're mounting to - so /mnt/removable or in the prior case /mnt/usbstick
17:44.04valdynThaiger: hmm, you have a fucked up system somewhere if it really wants to remove kde.
17:44.10valdynThaiger: is this a new sarge install?
17:44.26eason!hire FieldySnuts
17:44.29Thaigervaldyn: No, I've had it for a little while
17:44.50valdynThaiger: "apt-get update && apt-get install kde-devel kde"
17:45.05*** part/#debian azol (artem@
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17:45.16thoriecan someone help me?
17:45.34rikvathorie: just ask
17:45.39Thaigervaldyn: OK Thanks so much, its been wanting to remove kde and stuff for many kde programs for a while now ^_^
17:45.40paulswmNot if you don't ask a question, no.
17:45.46*** join/#debian Gozar (
17:46.17jasoncohenThaiger, you should apt-get update pretty often- otherwise you won't get security updates
17:46.47jasoncohenor you can sign up for the security-announce mailing list OR you can use cron-apt
17:46.47valdynThaiger: try if that command does what it should first.. if you still wants to remove kde or whatever.. you have a broken system ( however minorly breaken / easily fixable that might be )
17:47.04ogranigjasoncohen: hey! ok: i updatet my fstab and create the folder /mnt/removeable! now: wen i do: mount /mnt/removeable as root i get the error: wrong fs type, bad option, .....
17:47.44paulswmmethinks distcc on 4 boxes with ccache on each ought to be the dog's bollocks of kernel compiling, never tried distcc before.
17:48.03*** mode/#debian [+l 847] by debhelper
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17:50.15paulswmHAHA, qotd129
17:50.35dpkg[qotd129] <robin_sz> where can I get debian for windows XP?
17:50.41*** join/#debian silverwolf (
17:50.50deviantguys, how come, when i start a download, after a few minutes the download speed drops to 0?
17:51.05valdyndeviant: your isp is evil?
17:51.08robin_szvaldyn: still not found a copy either
17:51.13*** join/#debian ndugu (
17:51.19paulswmdeviant: throttling by your ISP or the remote server maybe
17:51.23silverwolfWhat is the address to check debian packet status?
17:51.32paulswm!beer robin_sz
17:51.38deviantvaldyn: i was thinking of that too
17:51.54cmihaiWDF ?!
17:51.57cmihaiWhere ?! :)
17:52.01*** join/#debian hblaschka (~hblaschka@
17:52.02silverwolfunstable :)
17:52.03deviantpaulswm: is there something to be done about it ?
17:52.09idswith hard disks, what is the different between UDMA and IDE?
17:52.09valdyn!info gnome testing
17:52.11valdyn!info gnome unstable
17:52.17dpkggnome: (The GNOME Desktop Environment, with extra components), section gnome, is optional. Version: 64 (etch), Packaged size: 10 kB, Installed size: 16 kB
17:52.17dpkggnome: (The GNOME Desktop Environment, with extra components), section gnome, is optional. Version: 1: (sid), Packaged size: 10 kB, Installed size: 16 kB
17:52.20robin_szpaulswm: guiness is noce, but its hot here .. any chnace of someting cooler and lighter?
17:52.28*** join/#debian ThePiratemaster (
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17:52.40amphiinstalled size 16kB? heh
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17:52.49paulswmdeviant: try downloading from several different web sites to narrow it down to your box or your connection or your ISP, that would be a start.
17:52.52silverwolfI waited for this moment in ages :)
17:52.57valdynids: UDMA is a transfer mode. IDE is an interface specification.
17:53.23idsoh right so Seagate Barracuda 80Gb 7200rpm UDMA100 Hard Drive - OEM
17:53.25*** join/#debian ding (
17:53.27idsshould be compatible?
17:53.40ThePiratemasteris there a way to get a .deb package for 6.8.2?
17:53.42idscompatible / fit in just fine
17:53.59masoftsilverwolf, what's going on with Gnome 2.10 ?
17:54.00idsi really dont know when it comes to hardware :|
17:54.03valdynids: IDE, the name is used on systems from last century too, so that name alone means about nothing.
17:54.12error403!molest Mepis
17:54.25silverwolfThePiratemaster, you can rename your /usr/X11R6 and /etc/X11 and compile and install a version of xorg
17:54.43greycatI'm not sure half a gallon constitutes a "tub"
17:54.45paulswmrobin_sz: Hot here too, central Florida
17:54.46silverwolfThePiratemaster, it will fuck up the packet system though, so when doing anything with xfree in it, you have to move the files for a moment
17:54.47Thaigervaldyn: Broken Packages
17:54.54silverwolfmasoft, just its in unstable :)
17:54.59idsvaldyn: oh right thanks for your help
17:55.06paulswmgreycat is right as always.
17:55.11robin_szpaulswm: I fear we have different definitions of 'hot' ... 30C here ... hot enough
17:55.19valdynThaiger: you dont have a clean sarge install then i assume.
17:55.39valdynThaiger: try first ( after a successful apt-get update ), apt-get dist-upgrade.
17:55.51ThePiratemasterin holland its starting to become a heatwave
17:55.55valdynThaiger: err, no, FIRST of all , check your sources.list
17:56.04FarrisGWow... So I'm running a debian amd64 kernel on my Xeons, and it's able to access all 6GB of its RAM. Anything about 4G is slow as hell, but at least it works
17:56.12valdynThaiger: to cut this short like paste it to #flood
17:56.39*** part/#debian jazzmanss (
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17:56.58robin_szThePiratemaster: I know it was too fscking hot here today ... 30Kw of waste heat coming out of the laser does not help on days like today :)
17:57.12paulswmrobin_sz: It's hotter where you are, it's currently 82/28 here, expected 86/30 with 74% humidity, so apparent temp is +6F
17:57.42robin_szpaulswm: ick. sticky.
17:58.00deviantguys, do you know where the hell can i find the sources for dc++?
17:58.11toonXdoes swap partition has to show up when executing mount command or no
17:58.38ogranigi`ve some problems with autofs and an usb-stick! can anyone help me, please?
17:58.44*** join/#debian jasoncohen (
17:58.49LearntoonX: Nope
17:58.55toonXbecause top sais i do have a swap partition but it doesn-t show uo on mount
17:59.07*** join/#debian calyth (~icechat5@
17:59.14toonXLearn you sure ?
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17:59.27LearnYes, you don't mount swap...
17:59.29robin_szpaulswm: in winter, the laser kicks out 30kw of waste heat .. its lovely. In summer? its too fricking hot for sure.
17:59.36calythanyone here have done a migration to SoftRAID 1 using mdadm?
17:59.37toonXLearn oh ok thanks
17:59.43*** part/#debian jms (
18:00.22toonXand how can i select a diffrent keyboard layout in console?
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18:00.52toonXakbg ok
18:01.16valdyndeviant: what are you looking for exactly? valknut is a newer dc++ client iirc
18:01.30takatumihow can I boot d-i from a wireless keyboard and mouse?
18:01.53stousettakatumi: It should load them.
18:02.14*** join/#debian josht (
18:02.22FieldySnutsif that doesn't work out, use a wired mouse and keyboard during the install
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18:02.46takatumistouset: it's stuck at the boot prompt, need to hit enter, keyboard unresponsive.
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18:03.01valdyntakatumi: that's a bios issue
18:03.11tarzeaujharrisonwk: you don't join us?
18:03.13deviantvaldyn: i`m lookin for sources, so i can compile it (dc++)
18:03.13*** join/#debian hblaschka (~hblaschka@
18:03.23stousettakatumi: you can enable USB keyboards in the BIOS
18:03.26tarzeaujharrisonwk: i've started DreamLand now, after the server crashed after 250 bub-n-bros levels
18:03.30EdibleTexttakatumi, usb interface for wireless ?
18:03.31*** join/#debian _joey (
18:03.31tarzeautakatumi: JOIN! JOIN :) ITS FUN
18:03.32takatumivaldyn: the thing is, the keyboard is hooked to a USB hub <- check this out!
18:03.44*** part/#debian calyth (~icechat5@
18:03.49valdyntakatumi: at the bootprompt its still your bios..
18:03.57valdyntakatumi: nothing debian has to do with it..
18:04.28valdyntakatumi: iows, if you cannot get your bios to use that keyboard, then you cannot use d-i
18:04.32*** part/#debian Howdy125 (
18:04.54EdibleTexttakatumi, usb input needs to be supported in bios
18:05.11lirani've changed sshd_config to read protocol 1 and when i restart sshd it complains 'Disabling protocol version 1. could not load host key. sshd: no hostkey available -- exiting'
18:05.12*** join/#debian Cyda (
18:05.24lirani've tried ssh-keygen -t rsa1 though that doesnt seem to fix it
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18:05.59LearnWhoa, my sysadmin just walked in here with a suit - all in pink
18:07.00EdibleTextpost a picture
18:07.19LearnDidn't have the time to take a pic
18:07.20greycatmaybe he's trying to tell you something
18:07.25takatumivaldyn: the thing is obsd 3.7 boots up fine keyboard works.
18:07.31deviantvaldyn: how good is it valknut?
18:07.43liranhow do i generate a valid hostkey for rsa1? (protocol 1)
18:07.53jharrisonwktarzeau: link?
18:08.02*** part/#debian Leonardo_Cabelo (~leonardo@
18:08.07takatumivaldyn: the tiny cd37.iso that is.
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18:08.25valdyntakatumi: that has to be past the bootprompt then. like after the bsd kernel and drivers are loaded.
18:08.30tarzeautakatumi: you not?
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18:08.50takatumitarzeau: here I come, keep the snapshotter ready.
18:09.14valdyndeviant: i only know that its a new dc++ client, based on dcgui-qt, i dont use direct connect at all.
18:09.44valdyn!info  valknut sarge
18:09.47valdyn!info valknut testing
18:09.57*** join/#debian samuel (~samuel@
18:09.59dpkgvalknut: (graphical client for Direct Connect), section net, is optional. Version: 0.3.7-1 (sarge), Packaged size: 889 kB, Installed size: 3056 kB
18:09.59*** join/#debian magnetic (
18:10.03dpkgvalknut: (graphical client for Direct Connect), section net, is optional. Version: 0.3.7-1 (etch), Packaged size: 889 kB, Installed size: 3056 kB
18:10.10edsonwhat is this?
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18:10.53EdibleTextedson, the matrix. you must have taken the red pill.
18:11.22deviantcan somebody tell me how to compile the sources from dc++ please?
18:11.46lirannm solved it
18:12.00Learnedson: cuz the blue pill tasts like s**t
18:12.09greycatdeviant: how the hell would we know?
18:12.17*** join/#debian keks (
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18:12.54MrBallZhi =)
18:12.59edsonnão entendi nada!
18:13.21deviantgreenfly: just thought you ppl in here have mo experience with computers
18:13.25MrBallZcan some 1 help me configure my fstab file,  i accidentally deleted the part of the cdrom , im running Sarge
18:13.37EdibleTextdeviant, usually there is a README file in the source..  often time the contents of which instructs you to read the INSTALL file
18:13.55BlueShiftMrBallZ: generally /dev/hdd /media/cdrom0 iso9660 ro,user,noauto 0 0
18:14.40*** join/#debian greg_work (
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18:14.44MrBallZBlueShift , and with that i'll be able to   ls /cdrom , and it will get automounted ??? or when i need to apt-get from /cdrom it will automatically mount the drive to retrieve the packages ?
18:14.54*** join/#debian toonX (
18:15.04GskilletDoes anyone know how to get a bluetooth USB receiver to work on debian?
18:15.25BlueShiftMrBallZ: i don't know about automounting. some other package handles that i think.
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18:16.35darkgamer20hey guys is debian aimed at desktop use?
18:16.43darkgamer20or general purpose
18:16.54MrBallZmmm.... ok, and how bout giving permissions on another partition ,  e.g.   my windows hard drive is  /dev/hdc1 , and in ftab i put the following line:  /dev/hdc1       /mnt/windows    vfat    rw,user,auto  0       0
18:16.54BlueShiftdarkgamer20: general. :)
18:16.56ledetdarkgamer20: any purpose you want it to be
18:17.07sepskidarkgamer20, i'd say mission critical server, but it's so flexible it can do anything
18:17.07BlueShiftMrBallZ: man mount
18:17.14*** part/#debian keks (
18:17.17darkgamer20thanks guys
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18:18.40Pryonyeah, how dare you suggest someone read the documentation!
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18:18.52sussudioin soviet russia, docs read you
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18:20.18GskilletDoes anyone know how to get a bluetooth USB receiver to work on debian?
18:20.56toonXhow can i mount a usb flash device after hotplug detected it?
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18:21.16MrBallZany good pages on making Sarge, autodetect and mount  usb storage devices, like in Knoppix ....
18:21.26BlueShifttoonX: it's usually under /dev/sda1
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18:24.02toonXBlueShift ok thanks
18:24.12MrBallZblueshift,  the thing is i added another HDD and changed the cdrom i used to have, so now, things arent working as when i installed sarge
18:25.03MrBallZso what I want is to be able to have the /cdrom   automatically mount itself when its needed, like when i want to apt-get a package from the sarge dvd's  ... and also be able to use the windows hard drive by any user ...
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18:26.49beardyMrBallZ: If you want it to automount when you apt-get, that means you have the disc in the drive all the time, why not just mount it after you boot and let it be mounted?
18:27.05paulswm!scare sussudio
18:27.08dpkgOooh, look at their beady little eyes, their long ears...look at them twitch their little noses....oh no, he's heading right for sussudio...argggh!!!!! <NO CARRIER>
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18:29.51MrBallZbeardy:, because, when i apt-geted something , it just asked me for the specific disc, and i just inserted it to the drive, and hit enter , and it automatically mounted the drive, got the packages it needed, then unmounted it ..
18:30.35LearnMrBallZ: you need automount
18:30.37GskilletDoes anyone know how to get a bluetooth USB receiver to work on debian?
18:30.58pfizurGskillet: Enable it in the Kernel, install bluez
18:31.00*** join/#debian dieguito (~diego@
18:31.17Gskilletpfizur i have bluez installed but none of my bluetooth software detect my usb device
18:31.24pfizurThough I don't recommend it
18:31.28Gskilletpfizur how do i enable in kernel though
18:31.39beardyMrBallZ: And what is it you want to do?
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18:33.25green_earzGskillet: to enable a module you can use modconf
18:34.07*** part/#debian paolob (
18:34.19toad_experimental is between testing and unstable, correct?
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18:34.24*** join/#debian geoffb ( whole trains in whole switzerland don't drive anymore since almost 3 hours
18:34.37tarzeautoad_: no
18:34.39crappledevi knew it was too quiet for the debian channel , thats when i noticed i was on the wrong server :/
18:34.42tarzeautoad_: stable, testing, unstable (+experimental)
18:34.51*** join/#debian SHS` (SHS@SHS.moderator.phpbb)
18:34.53Gskilletgreen_earz ill give it a shot
18:34.55toad_so experimental is even more unstable than unstable?
18:34.57tarzeautoad_: experimental is not a complete archive, and it's not autobuilt
18:35.01*** join/#debian empty (
18:35.01toad_ah ok
18:35.04tarzeautoad_: no, it's just for experiments
18:35.12tarzeauhuh, i'm really good today
18:35.19geoffbWhat is the command to search for a package name given a file within that package (with the goal of installing whatever package provides that file)?
18:35.30Gskilletgreen_earz do i need to apt-get modconf because it says it doesnt exist
18:35.30tarzeautoad_: and unstable doesn't mean it's unstable, it just might break (badly) sometimes
18:35.33paulswm!beer tarzeau
18:35.37tarzeau!sid faq
18:35.38dpkgi heard sid faq is
18:36.03*** join/#debian _daniel_ (~daniel@
18:36.05toad_like for example, right now, both firefox and konqueror are broken here.. i looked up for firefox but maybe it's not a firefox bug...
18:36.05green_earzGskillet: yes apt-get install modconf  and then track down the module
18:36.12tarzeautoad_: and gnome and kde
18:36.21greycatcrappledev: botsnack
18:36.22toad_tarzeau: ah ok
18:36.26tarzeaugreycat: heh
18:36.29*** join/#debian bluefox (
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18:36.33toad_tarzeau: konversation and konsole work fine
18:36.34simonrvnhehe greycat
18:36.40Gskilletgreen_earz E: Couldn't find package modconf
18:36.44bluefoxhello. anyone know what the diff is between qt and qt-mt?
18:36.48crappledev[ k-s       ] [ qwertz_   ] [ exerd     ] [ Rawplayer ] [ accel     ]
18:36.48crappledev[ gregj     ] [ caco_theli] [ MrJung_-  ] [ bushk     ] [ EspeonEefi]
18:36.48crappledev[ Mestaphele] [ QUACH-214 ] [ abauer    ] [ JoshH     ] [ Mike      ]
18:36.48crappledev[ xdamienx  ] [ KinxofSepl] [ spunz_    ] [ wols      ] [ HarleyG   ]
18:36.48crappledev[ meppl     ] [ bobbens   ] [ brosio    ] [ icub3d    ] [ liran     ]
18:36.48crappledev[ FarrisG   ] [ pabl0     ] [ [S][F]Era ] [ jdhutchin1] [ Lancelot  ]
18:36.48*** kick/#debian [crappledev!~debhelper@debhelper.user] by debhelper (flood)
18:36.49tarzeautoad_: anyone use them voluntarily?
18:36.53Gskilletgreen_earz im just trying to enable a USB bluetooth reciever
18:36.56Learnbluefox: -mt is multi-thread
18:36.57toad_tarzeau: lol
18:36.59tarzeaubluefox: apt-cache show the diff
18:37.03tarzeaubluefox: other way around
18:37.09j_kgeoffb: use to search for a file, or dpkg (the bot), with its find command.
18:37.13greycatbluefox: read the package descriptions
18:37.16bluefoxoh ok thakn you. im not a debian user
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18:37.21Skiveranyone here with ATI graphic card ?
18:37.26bluefoxjust noticed debians using it
18:37.29bluefoxthank you very much
18:37.29greycat!anyone use
18:37.30dpkgNo, no one uses it, not even the people who use it.
18:37.34geoffbj_k, thanks, trying
18:37.55*** part/#debian bluefox (
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18:38.25witewhen i try to update my debian i get a dependence errors
18:38.28streunergreycat: i love it (anyone use) :-)
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18:38.35witehow can i solve it
18:38.47tarzeauwite: what's your sources.list ?
18:38.48simonrvngive them an income?
18:38.54tarzeauwite: you really have debian?
18:39.00*** join/#debian f0rtex (
18:39.33tarzeautoad_: the lg- packages are a joke if you ask me
18:39.37greycat!tell wite about smart questions
18:39.37HanClintoHow does one tell how full their hard drive is?
18:39.39streunerSkiver: give us more details
18:39.44geoffbj_k, thanks, the dpkg bot command was 'dfind' -- but sadly it turned up empty, ah well
18:39.44tarzeauHanClinto: df -h
18:39.56wite#deb file:///cdrom/ sarge main
18:39.57witedeb testing main
18:39.57witedeb-src testing main
18:39.57witedeb testing/updates main
18:39.57wite# Enlightenment 17 pre10 CVS 28 nov 2004
18:39.57*** kick/#debian [wite!~debhelper@debhelper.user] by debhelper (flood)
18:40.01tarzeauHanClinto: but make sure you check all partitions
18:40.08toad_tarzeau: so basically the answer is to use testing
18:40.15tarzeautoad_: no
18:40.19*** join/#debian Kbyte (
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18:40.21toad_no? :)
18:40.23tarzeau!topicbadger toad_
18:40.26tarzeautoad_: i use unstable
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18:40.33dpkg/topic /topic /topic /topic /topic /topic *READ IT*READ IT* /topic /topic /topic /topic /topic /topic /topic *a shaaame it's a shaaame that toad_ didn't read the* /topic /topic /topic /topic...
18:40.36HanClintocool, thx
18:40.37tarzeauwite: only use official mirrors
18:40.41tarzeauwite: that's one that ends with
18:40.42crystalremowhen i run apt-get update, i get "reading package list error! unable to parse package file /var/lib/dpkg/status.  the package list file could not be parsed or opened".  any clue whats going on?
18:40.49tarzeauwite: is  not an official debian mirror
18:40.50*** join/#debian jmont007 (
18:40.54simonrvn!tell wite -about paster
18:40.58simonrvn!tell wite -about paste
18:40.58greycatwite: and don't use testing if you don't know what you're doing.
18:41.02tarzeautoad_: use whatever suits you best
18:41.06crystalremorunning stable, but ive not updated in a long time
18:41.09streunertoad_: its called unstable - yes ...
18:41.17tarzeaucrystalremo: stable old or stable after 6.6.2005?
18:41.26tarzeaustreuner: it's also called sid
18:41.40streunertarzeau: yes ...
18:41.52*** join/#debian happybunny (
18:42.05QUACH-214hi , im having now one hard disk divided into 2 parttitions, how can i integrate two partion into one without losing date?
18:42.05*** join/#debian jmont007 (
18:42.16tarzeauQUACH-214: you can't
18:42.19toad_greycat: i don't know what i'm doing to the extent that i'm neither a package maintainer nor a professional sysadmin. otoh i've run sid for years with no really nasty problems. still i'll probably go to testing now.
18:42.27happybunnyhi...fresh debian install xfce...power saver keeps turning off monitor
18:42.31happybunnywhere to disable?
18:42.37tarzeauhappybunny: man xset
18:42.42Pryonxset dpms off
18:42.46f0rtexHas anyone runnig a Root-Raid1 (wich was setup with the sarge-installer) with a custom made kernel (2.6.12)?
18:43.00QUACH-214tarzeau so how can to resire partion ?
18:43.04Pryonbetter read the xset man page :-)
18:43.10greycattoad_: since I know you from another channel, I know you're at least fairly clued in.  wite, on the other hand, doesn't seem to know which end of the mouse to grab yet.
18:43.10tarzeauQUACH-214: delete partition. make new one
18:43.18*** part/#debian happybunny (
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18:43.29sussudio < in soviet russia, bull humps your shop
18:43.48tarzeaudon't grab the mouse on the ball!
18:43.55toad_will i run into any problems downgrading from sid to testing?
18:43.56simonrvnby the ball
18:44.08simonrvntoad_: very likely
18:44.08takatumiby the gall
18:44.13greycattoad_: that's not possible by any normal means
18:44.18simonrvnby the fall
18:44.34greycattoad_: stay on unstable, just don't dist-upgrade
18:44.35simonrvngutless spineless mouse then, eh? ;p
18:44.38toad_greycat: nice. what's the quickest and safest ways to accomplish it then?
18:44.48Pryonit's had 'em removed and replaced with a glowing red protrusion!!11!
18:44.50streunersussudio: next time i 'll go to A'dam ;-)
18:44.52greycattoad_: only upgrade the things you actually need to upgrade
18:45.15toad_greycat: that implies i watch ALL the changelogs... or at the very least subscribe to bugtraq
18:45.40greycattoad_: you should be subscribed to d-d-a already, and check the /topic here for any major breakage...
18:45.46Pryonscraping bugtraq for debian announcements is pretty easy
18:45.58toad_greycat: what's d-d-a?
18:46.00greycattoad_: e.g. dpkg 1.13.x is known to cause some problems with some other packages, and the d-d-a announcement told us that
18:46.06dpkghmm... d-d-a is debian-devel-announce, the list that major Debian developments are posted to.  It's perhaps one message a week, so Testing and Sid users have no excuse not to be on it and read it.  Sign up at
18:46.15GskilletDoes anyone know how to get a bluetooth USB receiver to work on debian?
18:46.18greycat"one message a week" is not correct though
18:46.28crystalremotarzeau: old stable
18:46.30toad_greycat: good idea
18:46.32tarzeaucrystalremo: yuck
18:46.41crystalremowhat to do? ;)
18:46.45toad_greycat: well, it's more than freenet-chat, and less than freenet-support, right?
18:46.56greycatdpkg, d-d-a =~ s/perhaps one message a week/less than one message a day/
18:47.01xamggg: got a new dynamic IP, with working dns ... access to also works
18:47.20greycattarzeau: bug with ! and ->
18:47.26xamkyle: mhh, konqueror works
18:47.33tarzeaudpkg woody->sarge
18:47.38dpkggreycat: OK
18:47.39dpkgextra, extra, read all about it, d-d-a is debian-devel-announce, the list that major Debian developments are posted to.  It's less than one message a day, so Testing and Sid users have no excuse not to be on it and read it.  Sign up at
18:47.40xamargll, wrong channel
18:47.41*** join/#debian themolester (
18:47.43toad_greycat: if i have d-d-a then i don't need e.g. debian-security-announce?
18:47.52greycattoad_: you will want both.
18:47.53*** join/#debian mikaEL` (~mikael@
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18:48.04tarzeauapt woody->sarge
18:48.04aptfrom memory, woody->sarge is "apt-get install aptitude". Then edit /etc/apt/sources.list, changing all non-local mentions of "woody" or "stable" to "sarge". Then,  "aptitude update" and "aptitude dist-upgrade". consider installing hotplug and/or discover1 if you're not confident with linux hardware management. see <sarge release notes>
18:48.09pfizurGskillet: have you ever worked with the kernel before?
18:48.10tarzeaucrystalremo: for you
18:48.14greycateveryone should be on d-s-a; everyone who runs testing or unstable should also be on d-d-a
18:48.21Gskilletpfizur: no id like some help on how to
18:48.26simonrvni'm also on d-a
18:48.34*** join/#debian mikey (
18:48.35toad_tarzeau: why through aptitude?
18:48.37rhalffhi Im trying to quickly install php5 on a server which need it, I get it from dotdeb, but it complains about libmm11 not being installable, any suggestion ?
18:48.45tarzeautoad_: don't ask me, i run unstable
18:48.52FieldySnutsquickly? php5? righto
18:48.56*** join/#debian SeraphineS (
18:49.11rhalffnah it should be that complex ?
18:49.11tarzeaurhalff: bug those who made the package
18:49.17FieldySnutssince we didn't make it, you'll have to track dodn who did, we simply wouldn't know
18:49.26tarzeauFieldySnuts: hehe people are funny. sometimes not even on weekends
18:49.30rhalffok just compile it then :)
18:49.36FieldySnuts!hire tarzeau
18:49.40tarzeauFieldySnuts: usually the debian package makers aren't in #debian anyways
18:49.50toad_greycat: anything else i need?
18:49.53*** join/#debian dfgsdfgdsfg (~xcvxcvx@
18:50.07FieldySnutsat that wage, i can afford to
18:50.10greycattoad_: some luck? :)
18:50.11tarzeauFieldySnuts: i want euro!
18:50.18toad_greycat: :)
18:50.25FieldySnutsi suppose i could modify it
18:50.36toad_greycat: the curious thing is i could have switched around the release of sarge with no problems
18:50.37*** part/#debian f0rtex (
18:50.49streunerdpkg, irritate FieldySnuts
18:50.54toad_(couldn't i?)
18:50.55FieldySnutsnot responding to me
18:50.57crystalremobrawn:~# apt-get install aptitude Reading Package Lists... Error! E: Unable to parse package file /var/lib/dpkg/status (1) E: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.
18:50.57dpkgFieldySnuts: hi every1 who uses kde kk
18:51.02crystalremowhat now?
18:51.06crystalremoman this sucks
18:51.14greycattoad_: perhaps.  but now that sarge has been out a couple weeks, all the stuff that's been waiting in experimental is being sent into sid again.
18:51.17*** part/#debian zaikxtox (~xcvxcvx@
18:51.22toad_crystalremo: the file doesn't exist
18:51.29FieldySnutsguess i'll fix it later, make a few currency choices
18:51.29toad_crystalremo: or it isn't mounted
18:51.30greycattoad_: right after a release is *the* most unstable time for unstable (and a week later, for testing)
18:51.32crystalremotoad_ it does
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18:51.36crystalremotoad_ it is
18:51.52FieldySnutsapt: start a world war
18:51.53aptFundamentalist Islam will conquer the Christians!
18:51.58gahananyone was flying in UE without passport with new ID card?
18:52.07*** join/#debian oguz (~oguz@
18:52.09crystalremo-rw-r--r--    1 root     root       320892 Jun 22 14:29 /var/lib/dpkg/status
18:52.11FieldySnutswhat's UE?
18:52.20greycatcrystalremo: can you restore it from a backup?  look in /var/backup* and also for others in /var/lib/dpkg as well as your normal system backups wherever you put those...
18:52.31streunerunited emirates?
18:52.32greycatcrystalremo: a corrupted status file is a major problem
18:52.46sussudioHP is splitting off their PC section... let's call it COMPAQ.
18:52.50takatumigahan: there's a guy in some terminal without one.
18:52.56*** join/#debian hggh (
18:53.05tzafrir_laptopbah, debian's php4 is really broken: you cannot install an extension package and expect it to work. .
18:53.06oguzhi, is there any easy way instead of using ./configure and make then make install, like dpkg -i so that it will install the software with requirements
18:53.14gahantakatumi: not funny :)
18:53.17greycatoguz: look into "stow"
18:53.24greycatoguz: but dependencies?  no, not likely.
18:53.44crystalremofixed...  got a backup from /var/backups
18:54.04crystalremothanks once again
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18:54.20oguzgreycat, most probably the program wont depend other softwares, i was trying to install pyfile to check what kind of software it is
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18:55.15WiBYHello all, I have an ip bsaed printer, which package would be the best to install to print to it? To clarify, the printer is not physically connected to the machine, I will be printer over the network. This is a fresh install of 3.1.
18:55.20greycatoguz: just read the package description
18:55.25toad_greycat: okay, so basically, stick with unstable, (unless want to reinstall everything), keep regular backups, and expect serious breakages occasionally...
18:55.36greycattoad_: yeah, that's basically it
18:55.39toad_speaking of which, anyone know a nice non-firefox non-kde non-gnome web browser?
18:55.42beardyWiBY: cups ?
18:55.49WiBYtoad_: dillo
18:55.59toad_thanks WiBY
18:56.02greycattoad_: mozilla
18:56.06*** join/#debian Petro_ (
18:56.07toad_Need to get 283kB of archives.
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18:56.19greycatdillo's a bit on the light side.
18:56.21toad_greycat: which is also broken, surely?
18:56.23WiBYtoad_: lynx?
18:56.25websdaletoad_:opera is fast if you don't mind banner ads
18:56.28oguzgreycat, ok
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18:56.42WiBYbeardy: cups does the job? thanks sir.
18:57.04*** join/#debian PeTeRB (~me@
18:57.09cmihailinks :)
18:57.10*** join/#debian NAVI (~NAVI@
18:57.14toad_well, thanks folks for being a little more gentle than usual :)
18:57.19toad_cmihai: always essential!
18:58.01WiBYbeardy: which cups package, there are serveral...
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18:58.51vezultWiBY: cupsys - that's the main package the rest are just bonus
18:59.03WiBYok, thought so, just checking. Thanks
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18:59.18beardyWiBY: '/msg dpkg cups setup' let's hope it's correct.
18:59.26Learnhehe @ bug 271169 - automatically  registering PHP modules would be nice - it would save me the trouble of editting php.ini and I do belive "dl"ing in php scripts is too slow, PHP is slow like it is - why make it slower ?
18:59.43toad_oooh /me didn't know about /var/backups the last time he recovered from serious problems... cool
18:59.47WiBYbeardy: Ive got a variety of howtos here, I just didnt know which howto I should read
18:59.53bourneagainQuestion, I have set up a PXE install. In the APPEND initrd=root.bin flavor= ? for stable Sarge
19:00.04*** join/#debian xaphod (
19:00.48xaphodhey - i want to email a bunch of friends but if i do it all in one email lots of ppl end up having crappy hotmail decide it's junk. I have a list of email addresses in a file, 1-per-line, anyone got a simple script to send an email this way?
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19:00.55beardyWiBY: Msg dpkg, the factoid is short and straight forward.
19:00.58elephantmanHi all
19:01.08WiBYbeardy: yep, I see, thanks.
19:01.13bourneagainWhat is the flavor of Sarge is the question.
19:01.14*** join/#debian Bulldog (
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19:01.18toad_hey firefox worked
19:01.25toad_it's just that the disk was full so it couldn't get a socket
19:01.31elephantmanWhere can i find the different models to setup a (10 to 20 computers) enterprise network ?
19:01.35anubis_EOi had to set my server's ip address statically using /etc/network/interfaces before it was housed (Before it used DHCP). Now the server is housed it wont resolve any domains can anyone help !?
19:01.45toad_so it's only (parts of) KDE (and gnome) that's broken
19:01.51*** join/#debian LordWolF (~wolf@
19:02.22toad_not even that actually... i bet konqueror's gonna work too
19:02.24emptybourneagain, kind of like chicken ;) Sorry, no real useful input
19:02.30toad_so it looks like kde works
19:02.40beardyelephantman: Models of what? Some girls running around installing for you? What is enterprise?
19:03.14PryonI think the enterprise computer doesn't run debian.
19:03.31*** join/#debian squinn (~squinn@
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19:03.53PryonBut if it did, first thing I'd do is replace Majel Barett's (sp?) voice
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19:04.18beardyPryon: It will.
19:04.36elephantmanbeardy: entreprise is enterprise
19:04.43bourneagainempty: Well I am new to linux, less then a week. Have the PXE install working but not before reading an entire book on Debian first. The permissions of the directory for the TFTP server were not set :( ... and I am now proceceeding to compiling and configuring the linux kernal and install package for autoinstall.
19:04.56*** join/#debian smagy2 (
19:05.08emptybourneagain, sorry, I have never done much with pxe
19:05.08smagy2hello folks, can some please tell me what the messages on mean ?
19:05.11elephantmanbeardy: and models = approach = concepts = ways
19:05.17bourneagainempty: writing shell scripts was a blast
19:05.33*** join/#debian dtg2 (
19:05.34emptybourneagain, hence the nick?
19:06.02valdynsmacnay: means that you found a bug in your kernel or hardware.
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19:06.09bourneagainempty: Yeah, I got a kick out of the name for BASH
19:06.15valdynsmagy2: means that you found a bug in your kernel or hardware.
19:06.16beeblebrox87trying to install, which depends on  is was installed with force-architecture so apt doesn't realize it exists, so i used equivs to create a package, which provides  but still gives dependency errors in apt.  what am i doing wrong?
19:06.45*** join/#debian asdfjk (~ian@
19:06.47bourneagainempty: I mean bourne again shell, written by christians is amusing =)
19:06.50*** join/#debian Virusmaster (
19:07.14emptyyou will find many things like that in linux
19:07.21Learnelephantman: so you want a step by step guide to delopying Debian to 10/20 computers ?
19:07.27WiBYbeardy: thanks for the help. Have a good one
19:07.29emptymy favorite is recursive acronyms
19:07.31smagy2valdyn: oh okay thanks a bunch
19:07.47elephantmanLearn: yes - well a place where i could find such infos
19:07.51bourneagainempty: Well I am finding the linux community to be in general very cool. Knowledgeable users, etc.
19:07.54emptyexamples: GNU = GNU's Not Unix, WINE = WINE Is Not a Emulator
19:07.59beardyWiBY: No problem, have a nice day.
19:07.59*** part/#debian WiBY (~molotov@wiby.user)
19:08.06emptybourneagain, welcome to the free world
19:08.25Learnelephantman: Remote boot + auto-install
19:08.30samuelto search for a file i can use apt-file search no?
19:08.45asdfjkhrm, what am i supposed to do if i want to install j2ee? i've only seen help for j2se using java-package
19:08.54emptybeeblebrox87, why did you install with force?
19:09.19bourneagainLearn: that is the first thing I am learning to do with linux. It is cool. Doing it with Windows 2003 is a total pain.
19:09.31asdfjkdo i install manually and somehow force the virtual package?
19:10.06emptyIf you guys want to install OSes on boxes rather than netbooting check out systemimager
19:10.19*** join/#debian Ick (
19:10.25Learnbourneagain: well share your experience with elephantman - seems like what he/she wants
19:10.25rhalffhmm this really is a fast install of php5 deb php5 sarge :)
19:10.38emptyits basically some cool glue around dhcp and rsync
19:10.58aFlagi'm using debian sarge and after configruing my imap account on it, when i try to close it, it hangs a long time until gnome open the window asking for "force quit"
19:10.58aFlaghas it happen to anyone here?
19:11.02bourneagainelephantman: What is it you want to accomplish? PXE booting and a net install?
19:11.12Learnempty: got a url - too lazy too copy/past to google
19:11.20emptyaFlag, what application?
19:11.20elephantmanI know how to install a debian box
19:11.33elephantmansorry 1 sec
19:11.42valdynelephantman: mondo,fai
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19:11.55bourneagainelephantman: I just set up PXE booting here and am working on FAI.
19:12.06aFlagemag, thunderbirg
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19:12.13arnonwhich one is more best bang for the bucks ? athlon64 or p4 ?
19:12.14emptyelephantman, I get a new box and have it racked and ready to roll into production in half an hour with systemimager
19:12.22aFlagi forgot the tell it :P
19:12.28*** part/#debian jcole (
19:12.33emptyarnon, p4 for most users
19:12.42valdynarnon: athlon64
19:12.43emptyarnon, if you have to ask probably the p4
19:12.54beeblebrox87empty: running on amd64, OOo doesn't work on amd64 yet.  i can run i386 packages using ia32-libs without all the trouble of a chroot, but i have to install them with --force-architecture
19:12.54bourneagainempty: How hard is it to write a complete silent install script for linux?
19:13.19emptybourneagain, silent install?
19:13.27*** join/#debian iostream (
19:13.29arnonwhich p4 ? 3.4 ghz ?
19:13.33valdynbeeblebrox87: no one forced you to run amd64 code on your athlon64, its an *option* that you dont have on p4 with emt64
19:13.34bourneagainempty: Well one with no user interaction.
19:13.34*** join/#debian azol_ (artem@
19:13.40iostreamWhy does libncurses5-dev depend on linux-kernel-headers?!
19:13.41bourneagainhence silent
19:13.50Learnbourneagain: the hard disk will make some noise, and don't forget the fans...
19:13.55valdynops, s/with/without/
19:13.59emptybourneagain, depends- if you know the hardware in advance it's pretty easy, if not very hard
19:14.02beardyarnon: The best you can get with your money I guess.
19:14.07beeblebrox87valdyn: whats that got to do with anything?
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19:14.20Learnempty: Can't hotplug/discover take care of that for you ?
19:14.35valdynbeeblebrox87: that the option to run amd64 binaries cannot be a reason to not use an athlon64
19:15.01oguzgreycat, stow is not the thing i need it seems, i dont want to do ./configure, make and make install
19:15.07beeblebrox87valdyn: i'm asking why apt is ignoring the provides field on a package.  what are you on about?
19:15.09emptyvaldyn, he was answering my earlier question not preaching against 64bit
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19:15.25bourneagainvaldyn: Have you used either mondo or FAI?
19:15.27valdynbeeblebrox87: ah, alright, sorry, that just did fit to well to an above question
19:15.46valdynbourneagain: i use mondo, i never used FAI
19:15.55oguzgreycat, as i understood stow just creates links for a installed software at a spesific place live /usr/local
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19:15.59bourneagainvaldyn: Is this for a cluster?
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19:16.23emptyLearn, for lots of stuff yes but it gets more complex depending on what you need.
19:16.25beeblebrox87valdyn: i use amd64, i like amd64, 32bit systems obsolete, but OOo is currently broken on amd64, so i'm trying to run it with ia32-libs and something is broken
19:16.25*** join/#debian acidcore_ (
19:16.38valdynbourneagain: mondo is primarily for backups, but works nicely to install identical debians to identical computers.
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19:17.14emptyLearn, examples: vid cards, acpi, keyboards, funny input devs, etc
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19:18.09Learnempty: ahh yes
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19:18.20bourneagainvaldyn: I may end up learning both. It looks like mondo may be a better place then starting with FAI. FAI is fairly complex.
19:18.28LearnDamn funky input devices..
19:18.32valdynbeeblebrox87: i use a full 32-bit debian install for 32-bit applications.
19:18.35*** part/#debian ndugu (
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19:19.09valdynbourneagain: if those 20 computers are identical and supposed to have identical installations then modo is certainly viable and easy.
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19:20.16kennyalguien me copia!!
19:20.19beeblebrox87valdyn: which is a real PITA.  i've been using the old packages in the past, which worked okay, but now i'm trying to upgrade, and the provides: field on this dummy package is being ignored
19:20.23bourneagainvaldyn: Well they are similar. In many ways no two computers are really "identical" on a network. For example the computer name should be different.
19:20.30dpkgHispanohablantes: Por favor usen #debian-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.  Spanish Speakers: Please use #debian-es, there you will get much more help.
19:20.31*** join/#debian raf256 (~raf256@
19:20.53bourneagainvaldyn: As you know I am sure. Are there ways to automate machine naming with this util?
19:20.58bourneagainOr is that post install task?
19:20.59kennynadie me copia!!
19:21.44valdynbourneagain: mondo cannot do that. Probably easy enough for you to set something up ( since its just 20 machines )
19:22.04*** join/#debian toonX (
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19:22.15darkgamer20hey guys
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19:22.25bourneagainvaldyn: Well in this case we have to be able just to plug in a computer and do an unattended install. Yes a pain. But that is how it is.
19:22.26darkgamer20any know how to setup scrolling?
19:22.32tarzeaudarkgamer20: where?
19:22.37kennyalguien habla español
19:22.45dpkgHispanohablantes: Por favor usen #debian-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.  Spanish Speakers: Please use #debian-es, there you will get much more help.
19:22.45darkgamer20scrolling as in the scroll wheel in the mouse
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19:22.50tarzeaudarkgamer20: LOL
19:23.04tarzeaucracks me up the first question
19:23.06tarzeauwhat it really ment
19:23.06darkgamer20tarzeau: what is so funny?
19:23.12darkgamer20oh ok
19:23.16darkgamer20so you know
19:23.19valdynbourneagain: you could add a bootscript to your first installation that you then backup with mondo and install and on the first boot it will name the box.
19:23.25tarzeauno i hate scroll wheel mice
19:23.30darkgamer20oh ok
19:23.34tarzeaudarkgamer20: for x, svgalib or gpm?
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19:23.43oguzgreycat, what i am looking for is a program that will install a software that needs ./configure make and make install
19:23.46bourneagainvaldyn: FAI can set up config files for a particular MAC address. There is still some manual stuff. But it is done remotely on the server before install. At least thjat is the plan.
19:23.47tarzeauon kfreebsd, linux or hurd?
19:23.54tarzeauwith ps/2, usb or serial mouse?
19:23.59darkgamer20tarzeau: to setup scroll?
19:24.05darkgamer20tarzeau: ps/2
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19:24.10tarzeauor mac? hp-parisc or sparc?
19:24.18darkgamer20umm x86
19:24.19valdynbourneagain: yea fai is made for that, mondo isnt, its alot simpler.
19:24.27dpkg.NL is the Netherlands. See
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19:24.43cmihaiHmf, it's been a while sice I've used linux I guess. What's this tmpfs thing, tmp mounted in RAM like you'd get on NetBSD ?
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19:25.28darkgamer20come someone has to know how to setup scroll wheel
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19:25.35cmihaidarkgamer20: yes.
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19:25.39cmihaiBut I won't tell.
19:25.43darkgamer20y not?
19:25.47tarzeauChrisC35: install mc
19:25.51ChrisC35what is mc
19:25.55dpkghmm... mc is Midnight Commander, a file browser for GNU.  Monaco
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19:25.57bourneagainvaldyn: I see the basic process for FAI and like the design. Not that I am an expert of anything. But I am finding I am having to do stuff way way over my head. I finally came to the surface today and now am taking the plunge again.
19:25.57valdyn!refcard ChrisC35
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19:26.09tarzeauChrisC35: like norton commander
19:26.13darkgamer20cmihai: dude y won't you tell me?
19:26.20ChrisC35i'm using WinSCP already
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19:26.26tarzeaudarkgamer20: too boring
19:26.26ChrisC35and logged in with putty
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19:26.28cmihaiJust add ZAxisMapping "4 5" to your X config
19:26.35tarzeauChrisC35: DUDE
19:26.36darkgamer20tarzeau: what is?
19:26.36dpkgrumour has it, refcard is
19:26.38tarzeauChrisC35: apt-get install mc
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19:26.43ChrisC35i dont even know how to go back a dir
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19:26.49tarzeauChrisC35: cd ..
19:26.50cmihaiIf that won't work, add Buttons 5 also ...blea :)
19:26.52tarzeauChrisC35: or cd -
19:27.08jasoncohenhow do i control the size of my local mail file? it's already nearly 50 MB
19:27.09TeufelI just did a new install of Debian and updated some of the parts via ftp during installation but now X won't even start. How would I go about reinstalling X?
19:27.20HanClintoHow do I tell what an environment variable is set to?
19:27.28amphiHanClinto: echo $FOO
19:27.28dpkgwell, drx is dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86
19:27.29Spececho $VARIABLE
19:27.31tarzeauTeufel: for you
19:27.31HanClintoI tried "echo $VAR_NAME" but it didn't work
19:27.35InitMassanyone speaking spanish and english in here?
19:27.37ChrisC35How come when I do a dir in putty, I dont see any of my files, like the .forward file?
19:27.43SpecHanClinto: if it didn't work, then the variable is not set
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19:27.46PeTeRBHanClinto: env
19:27.46thomas_adamChrisC35: ls
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19:27.53HanClintohrm, okay. Thx
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19:27.57dpkgi heard drx is dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86
19:27.57greycatChrisC35: ls -la
19:28.02tarzeauChrisC35: man ls or see f9 in mc
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19:28.04SpecChrisC35: .files are "hidden files"
19:28.08greycatChrisC35: man ls
19:28.20bourneagainvaldyn: I think knowing both packages would be an advantage. I tend to see system administrators as, in general, very lazy or well perhaps too thrases to do things right. So things are always a mess and take tons of time to support. It is a catch 22. I really think though that it is extremely important to reduce the cost/time involved with network and computer support in general.
19:28.20SpecChrisC35: so, it'd make sense that you wouldn't be able to see them -- otherwise they wouldn't be hidden :-/
19:28.29darkgamer20cmihai: i tried what you said but that option is already there
19:28.30tarzeauChrisC35: why do you have/need debian ?
19:28.34arnonis it ok to buy a mobo/cpu barebone combo ? or is it better to buy them separately ?
19:28.35HanClintoThx all
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19:28.40madi try to install counter strike server with apache2
19:28.48madwhat i need more
19:28.52thomas_adamarnon: It depends on what you want to do -- and cost, of course.
19:28.53tarzeaumad: why not with apache 1.x ?
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19:28.58cmihaidarkgamer20: both of them
19:28.59bourneagainvaldyn: Well what I mean is that sysadmins seem never to have the time to make things better.
19:29.03dpkgQuote of the Day.  Ask me <qotd0> to get a random one, or <literal qotd0> to see which numbers are used already, or <literal qotdx> to see which numbers have been voted "replaceable".
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19:29.13darkgamer20cmhai: what do you mean both of them?
19:29.14cmihaioVeRLoRDz-: r00t
19:29.17dpkg* Guerin/#debian goes to pick his wife up from kindy
19:29.18thomas_adamPeTeRB: #apahce would know.
19:29.19cmihaidarkgamer20: and Buttons
19:29.25bourneagainvaldyn: And that a large part of the game is to reduce support costs.
19:29.29arnonthomas_adam, I was wondering if buying them separately is safer
19:29.36emRickhow do I stop ``sidplay'' from looping? I want ``sidplay'' to play the SID file just once.
19:29.36thomas_adamarnon: "safer"?
19:29.38tarzeauGuerin: what's kindy?
19:29.47arnonthomas_adam, like from dead on arrival
19:29.48tarzeauemRick: use open cubic player?
19:30.01thomas_adamarnon: YMMV, etc, etc.
19:30.01tarzeauemRick: much the better sid player
19:30.03PeTeRBstouset: Ask mad.
19:30.08ChrisC35ok i'm in ma ls - and i see all the commands, thats good.. but how do I exit it?
19:30.11tarzeauemRick: try alt-c in the file selector
19:30.11darkgamer20cmhai: emulate 3 button mouse? enable that
19:30.11arnonthomas_adam, or even getting a combo of lemon
19:30.22thomas_adamChrisC35: Eh?
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19:30.28thomas_adamarnon: I like lemon.
19:30.32fred__try :q
19:30.32ChrisC35cant get out of it
19:30.36ChrisC35back to my putty screen
19:30.43ChrisC35oh ok q
19:30.52dpkgsomebody said qotd64 was <jeanpoldeux> How can I know if the cpu of my girlfriend is a 386 or a 586?  <greycat> jeanpoldeux: it's proprietary.
19:31.02arnonthomas_adam, is there a bigger chance of getting defect product on buying the combo ?
19:31.09thomas_adamChrisC35: Your enter key is not a means for punctuation.
19:31.11fred__chrisC35 you could try :q
19:31.15ChrisC35ok i see the file now - how do i edit it?
19:31.23thomas_adamarnon: No more so than buying the constituent parts.
19:31.27bourneagaingreycat: Use a screwdriver? :)
19:31.30emRicktarzeau: no debian package for cubic yet? apt-cache search gives nothing.
19:31.31ChrisC35i want to edit the .forward file
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19:31.35SpecChrisC35: nano .forward
19:31.39fred__alo overlordz
19:31.48SpecChrisC35: I'd use vim, but you probably don't know what vim is.
19:31.49tarzeauemRick: well it was uploaded, but then the c++ abi change rejected it
19:31.49thomas_adamarnon: I suppose there's a theoretical safety gain buying the PC "whole" -- but only in a transit sort of way.
19:31.59ChrisC35what is the easiest editor
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19:32.04tarzeauemRick: so, let's try agian in a month. the package exists. it's just not in debian
19:32.06SpecChrisC35: nano
19:32.09SpecChrisC35: that's why i said it :p
19:32.11tarzeauemRick: if it's in, i'll update it to the latest
19:32.17thomas_adamChrisC35: How long is a piece of string?  Nano, jed, joe, jove ....
19:32.21emRicktarzeau: ah, the link you gave me has a deb file.
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19:32.21K_DallasQ: I was looking at Winhq page and noticed that they offer DEB packages for their wine which might have the same version number than what is in debian repos but not exactly the same product. Anyone knows of the differences?
19:32.33bourneagainChrisC35: They are teaseing I believe. NANO well &#*$&s
19:32.35emRicktarzeau: tnx!
19:32.38thomas_adamK_Dallas: Suplly some detauks.
19:32.41tarzeauemRick: have fun
19:32.53Specbourneagain: NANO well &$*$&s means?
19:32.58fred__chrisc35 gedit easy and also vi
19:32.59ChrisC35i'm in nano now
19:33.05valdynK_Dallas: who's making that package?
19:33.12Specnano is pretty damn simple, vim isn't quite intuitive, nano is
19:33.22Spec:wq is not an intuitive command
19:33.24K_Dallasthomas_adam, valdyn the package is from winhq,
19:33.31jobezoneyes, nano is cool
19:33.32tarzeauSpec: you cann vim intuitive? DIE!
19:33.33thomas_adamChrisC35: Nano has, a listing on screen of its key-bindings.  Unless you're completely clueless, you can't go wrong.  It's very "easy".
19:33.42K_Dallasso i presume it is the original thing!
19:33.45bourneagainSpec: Ok, nano is cool then.
19:33.47SpecI don't understand the english people are using today
19:33.57ChrisC35nano seems easy yes heh
19:33.57Spec"you cann vim intuitive? DIE!" didn't make any sense to me
19:33.59thomas_adamK_Dallas: I'm more interested in what/why you think the Debian package is deficient.
19:34.26K_Dallasthomas_adam, i didnt say that, i am very much curious to know why they offer another deb package for the same product!
19:34.28SpecChrisC35: I used pico (nano is a clone of pico) when I first started using linux; then I graduated to vim.
19:34.29TeufelI just reran the setup for xserver and it still isn't working. Whenever I restart or do a startx I get this weird message "I can not start the x server, it is most likely not set up correctly, would you like to view output to try and fix the problem?"
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19:34.48ChrisC35what I want to do is create a forward, so that both of their email addresses go to a particular email address... in the .forward file do I just put in the forward destination email address?
19:34.48SpecTeufel: view the output, and paste it in flood
19:34.51valdynK_Dallas: who sais that its different?
19:35.03thomas_adamTeufel: Right -- and have you checked your logs?
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19:35.12tarzeauSpec: call
19:35.14SpecChrisC35: mail? what's your mail server?
19:35.14K_Dallasvaldyn, that is what is written on the link i gave:
19:35.16K_DallasIf you want to make sure that apt-get will install the WineHQ wine package instead of the Debian wine package (which usually has the same version), then add something like the following entry to /etc/apt/preferences:
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19:35.26Teufelspec: it's nothing like a log or anything, just gives the version of xfree86 and junk
19:35.32Spectarzeau: I said vim -wasn't- intuitive, so nano would be the choice editor for someone who didn't know how to see . files :p
19:35.43tarzeauSpec: oh. sorry
19:35.45SpecTeufel: paste it anyways ^.^
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19:36.04SpecTeufel: or paste the last section of /var/log/XFree86-blah
19:36.09tarzeauSpec: played too much games today
19:36.09bourneagainEverything is easy, once learned. Well ..... almost true.
19:36.17Spectarzeau: bnb is gonna kill you
19:36.35tarzeauSpec: you ought to try it just once. i swear it's not addictive!!
19:36.37Specyes, but there's also something called a learning curve
19:36.40Spectarzeau: i did try it :p
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19:36.54tarzeauSpec: all the 500 levels?
19:36.54ChrisC35postfix I believe
19:36.57Teufelspec: xfree86 version (Debian 4.3.0.dfsg.1-14 20050601051219  Release Date: 15 August 2003 Xprotocol version 11, revision 0, release 6.6
19:36.58K_Dallasvaldyn, if i add their deb line to sources.list, update-upgrade shows nothing but if i say apt-get install wine, it decides to remove a few packages and installs some others!
19:37.00bourneagainSpec: I found vi to be very easy to learn.
19:37.03ChrisC35Spec postfix
19:37.04Spectarzeau: haha, no, i'm at work
19:37.15K_Dallasbourneagain, good for you :) people usually say otherwise
19:37.17SpecChrisC35: I think for postfix mail forwarding is done in /etc/aliases, type `man aliases`
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19:37.28Teufelspec: says I need to restart GDM when the x server is configured correctly, what is GDM?
19:37.33Specvim was easy to -learn-, if you're sitting down and learning
19:37.34dpkgsomebody said gdm was the Gnome Display Manager. A gnome based display manager based on xdm, but with no original xdm code. Written with looks (and security) in mind.. see gdm fix, or uses ~/.gnomerc instead of ~/.xsession, or kicks ass!, or (a word that You can confuse with "gpm", gpm is that thingy to have mouse cursor in text console)
19:37.40Specif you're trying to edit a file and be on your way, then it's not so easy
19:37.43tarzeauTeufel: try !nodm , really good
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19:37.59dpkgDebian does not use a specific runlevel for graphical display managers by default. Just remove the dm package(s)  with "apt-get remove xdm kdm wdm gdm pdm". "update-rc.d -f xdm remove" and friends will also disable the dm until a package update is installed and the runlevel symlinks are restored..  NEWSFLASH! echo "false" >/etc/X11/default-display-manager, or a temporary solution is to hit ctl-alt-fN to get to a console
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19:38.14Teufeltarzeau: event not found
19:38.18GskilletWhy is DVD playback so slow and jerky on Linux?
19:38.37K_DallasGskillet, that is a too general a question/accusation ;)
19:38.42LearnGskillet: you have misconfigured your X
19:38.53nonformaI need to change syslog.conf to stop it from logging iptables messages, my logs are now at 6 gigs, can anyone help?
19:38.57valdynGskillet: the question should be "why is it jerky on _your_ box" and we need details still
19:39.05greycator his DVD is scratched, or ...
19:39.07Teufelspec: lol, I don't even know how to view a log without a guid =/
19:39.10ChrisC35How do I create a new .forward file where none exists?
19:39.16greycatChrisC35: with a text editor
19:39.20stousetnonforma: Stop sending iptables rules to the LOG target
19:39.21nonformaCurrently the iptables messages are going to multiple files, /var/log/messages, kern.log, and debug
19:39.22Gskilletthe dvd is fine, how do i sync up my drive speed or whatever i need to do?
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19:39.47stousetnonforma: Alternatively, rotate your logs.
19:39.47valdynGskillet: you could try "mplayer -vo xv dvd://"
19:39.49LearnGskillet: what's your video card ?
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19:39.51ChrisC35can i do that with nano?
19:39.58nonformastouset: how do I exclude just iptables though
19:40.04K_DallasChrisC35, sure
19:40.06stousetnonforma: You can't.
19:40.08Gskilletit worked fine on windows
19:40.11Gskilletfor dvds
19:40.21bourneagainChrisC35: command line using touch. If you just want to create the file
19:40.23LearnGskillet: Linux aint windows
19:40.32Gskilleti know, it's slower :(
19:40.35K_DallasGskillet, it means your DVD is all right not your linux configuration
19:40.36ChrisC35ok i did it in nano - easeir than i thought
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19:40.39swimdoes anyone happen to know if there is a sid package for the xfce "Terminal" (named Terminal)
19:40.40LearnGskillet: for you
19:40.42nonformastouset: so i have to kill /var/log/messages since it logs kern.* ?
19:41.02stousetThere is no way to get rid of just iptables messages.
19:41.05GskilletK_Dallas so what configurations do i need to look at
19:41.08stousetThe trick is to not log them in the first place.
19:41.14TeufelDo I have to get X working to use GNOME or KDE?
19:41.26rikvaTeufel: yes of course
19:41.26swimof course
19:41.27stousetIf you get rid of kern.whateverleveliptablesmessagesareloggedto you miss every other kernel message that has that priority
19:41.36stousetTeufel: Yes...
19:41.40nonformawell theres just kern.*
19:41.46K_DallasGskillet, i dont know but since DVD playback is not an issue under linux so try to ask gently here and provide as much as information required so someone could help you
19:41.48TeufelHow could I uninstall xserver-xfree86 and install it again?
19:42.00dpkgmethinks drxx is dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86     # Run it as root!
19:42.14LearnTeufel: apt-get --reinstall install xserver-xfree86
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19:42.20PhatedEek, sorry.
19:42.42PhatedYeah, thanks.
19:42.55kazimi have just installed debian i don't manage to startx with fvwm :/ i have set it in default-display-manager in /X11but not work
19:43.04stousetK_Dallas: Has it learned to track dependencies yet?
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19:43.07stouseta la aptitude?
19:43.18valdynkazim: so you think fvwm is a display manager?
19:43.22stousetK_Dallas: I get the problem that it doesn't know how to uninstall dependencies for packages that no longer exist.
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19:43.30kazimvaldyn: it's not the case ?
19:43.33swimi think newbies should learn everything the hardway... that way they struggle at the begining but then have a good knowledge base
19:43.36stousetkazim: No
19:43.38valdynkazim: no, its a window manager
19:43.42TesterWrkis there a woody rescue floppy that supports ext3 in somewhere ?
19:43.43kazimstouset: ho ...
19:43.46swimthat is "hardway"
19:43.52stousetkazim: Undo what you did to /etc/X11/default-display-manager
19:44.01kazimdamn i m stupid
19:44.26K_Dallasstouset, not sure. but i have not had any problems with it except a few cases where i had to remove certain directories manually to make things work
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19:44.34bourneagainswim: I am a newbie, it is good to struggle I agree. Then you actually sit down and learn systematically. If you don't - you sink.
19:44.45stousetupdate-alternatives --config x-window-manager
19:44.51K_Dallasstouset, i mostly use apt-get and occasionally synaptic, so far i am pretty darn happy about it ;)
19:45.05rikvayes - i still use synaptic and i have no idea how half the apt-get works
19:45.06stousetK_Dallas: aptitude > both
19:45.14SpecThe hardware of doing things in linux: You want to see how much space you have left on your harddrive? Write a program for it.
19:45.16Teufelwtf is GDM?
19:45.20dpkgextra, extra, read all about it, gd is a brilliant graphics library, ability to create GIFs and PNGs on the fly.  Or maybe just PNGs. it's at
19:45.22dpkgit has been said that gdm is the Gnome Display Manager. A gnome based display manager based on xdm, but with no original xdm code. Written with looks (and security) in mind.. see gdm fix, or uses ~/.gnomerc instead of ~/.xsession, or kicks ass!, or (a word that You can confuse with "gpm", gpm is that thingy to have mouse cursor in text console)
19:45.32dpkgRAPE! RAPE!! Don't ever come near me again!
19:45.33dpkgit has been said that gdm is the Gnome Display Manager. A gnome based display manager based on xdm, but with no original xdm code. Written with looks (and security) in mind.. see gdm fix, or uses ~/.gnomerc instead of ~/.xsession, or kicks ass!, or (a word that You can confuse with "gpm", gpm is that thingy to have mouse cursor in text console)
19:45.45K_Dallasstouset, frankly the last time i used aptitude it decided to remove a few packages on its own and that made my system unstable :) i was fool enough to accept its suggestions but still :)
19:45.51kazimstouset: okay xdm is here now :/
19:46.02kazimyou know how can i active fvwm ?
19:46.03stousetK_Dallas: synaptic can do the same thing =P
19:46.08stousetupdate-alternatives --config x-window-manager
19:46.20rikvaaptitude is nice for a server over ssh, methinks.
19:46.22K_Dallasstouset, synaptic does not propose to you, aptitude did
19:46.26Teufelwhenever I start x, all I get is the message that it will be disabled, then I get kicked back to prompt. I've tried reinstalling x, reconfiguring x....
19:46.26stousetaptitude is nice for everything
19:46.27bourneagainswim: I tried to do it without learning. Did not even realize what the down arrow did at a command line :( Talk about DUMB. I would advise everyone to read a basic manual and work through the examples before trying to do anything hard first. And I say that being a senior software developer. Or at least that is what they call me when they want to butter me up to work overtime for free =)
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19:46.36dpkgdebian is probably  See
19:46.45stousetK_Dallas: synaptic has to somehow propose what the changes are going to be. Otherwise, how will it install dependencies for you?
19:46.46K_DallasTeufel, you have got problem there
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19:47.34K_Dallasstouset, i mean i ran aptitude and before doing anything it said: you K_Dallas! you have a few packages that you do not really need so should i remove them? And i said yes ;)
19:47.37SpecI don't see how being a software developer has much to do with being a systems administrator ;)
19:47.44stousetbourneagain: Tell them you're a junior software developer and, as such, you should get overtime =P
19:47.56stousetK_Dallas: Ah, yes. Sorry :-(
19:48.16TeufelK_dallas what should I do about it?
19:48.22dos000is there such a thing as dependency between services in /etc/init.d ? how does one figure which services depends on another to run ?
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19:48.35valdynK_Dallas: aptitude remember selections made in a different run in a way that is independent of apt-get ( just like dselect does fyi ), so mixing that with apt-get / synaptic is somewhat problematic.
19:48.47K_DallasTeufel, last time i got into such problem i reinstalled everything, mainly because i had messed up my whole system, for you i dont know
19:48.51stousetdos000: services start in alphanumeric order
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19:48.53Specdos000: apt-cache show <program> might show you the dependencies of the given <program>
19:49.00sDESI was wondering... Why does a cryptoloop device runs loop with priority -20 during IO operations?
19:49.14stousetdos000: To start a service before another, it should have a lower number in /etc/rc*.d/
19:49.17K_Dallasvaldyn, that is what i was told here so this time no aptitude for me except during the first installation ;)
19:49.20stousetdos000: Manage it with update-rc.d
19:49.21TeufelK_dallas bah, I set it up fine this time, my only mistake was updating during installation, it's messing everything up
19:49.21bourneagainstouset:  I already tried that ;)
19:49.25HanClintoHow do I permanently set my path for all of my user's sessions?
19:49.26dos000Spec, i am not speaking of pakge dependency but rather service dependency
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19:49.42Specdos000: it would make sense that service dependencies and package dependencies would be one and the same?
19:49.42stousetHanClinto: Why do you want to?
19:49.53stousetSpec: No?
19:49.59Spechow not?
19:49.59K_DallasTeufel, i hope some one here with enough expertise help you out, people help Teufel :) puhleeeez!
19:50.01*** join/#debian MarcN (
19:50.11stousetSpec: I need x, y, z libraries to run, but you don't "start up" libraries.
19:50.23HanClintostouset: Well, in my path by default it's got /usr/local/bin:/usr/bin -- I want those two to be in reverse order
19:50.24Specyes, it'll show you -MORE- information than you need
19:50.30dos000stouset, yes .. but how does one figure if there is dependency at all ? starting after does not necessarily mean depend on.
19:50.31Specbut it'll also show you the information you need, ne?
19:50.33stousetTeufel: Give the exact message
19:50.53valdyndos000: direct dependency of services isnt implemented in debian afaik, you should probably respect their startup number ( like S40 )
19:50.53Specoh yeah, who here doesn't have a backup of their system?
19:51.01stousetHanClinto: why? =P
19:51.04bourneagainstouset: Yeah, you are right. It is a catch 22. Junior developer - free overtime. Senior developer get to be called senior because they will work free overtime.
19:51.06MrKeunerhi, dh_compress: command returned error code 512 I get this error if I use -rfakeroot option with dpkg-buildpackage. if I run dpkg-buildpackage as superuser package compiles successfully. What is my problem?
19:51.10Teufelstouset: I'm not getting a message now when I try to "startx" I just get it trying to start, it shows a ghosted image of the knoppix desktop, then boots back to prompt
19:51.15stousetHanClinto: You should try not to have the same program names in /usr/local/bin and /usr/bin in the first place.
19:51.17K_DallasQ: last time I was installing wine i noticed that there was a package: libwine-twain. Does that mean i can install scanner programs for windows under linux thru wine and if so, which ones and further more, would i be able to install an OCR program like finereader too? _i asked in wine chan no result_
19:51.24stousetbourneagain:  :-)
19:51.25bourneagainstouset: That was a GOOD ONE!!!!
19:51.35dpkgKnoppix is _not_ Debian. Seek knoppix help in #knoppix. For those of you who don't know, knoppix is a livecd distro based on debian. It's useful as a rescue cd, to test hardware, and for situations where you have access to a computer but it doesn't run debian.  Please go to #knoppix, or no more debian then mandrake is redhat.
19:51.39K_DallasTeufel, you might want to look into your log file
19:51.40valdyndos000: now however i dont know any service that directly depends on another running.
19:51.52HanClintostouset: Because I have two versions of mono installed -- one from source, and one from the packages. I'm trying to use the one from the packages right now (/usr/bin), not the one that's installed from source (/usr/local/bin)
19:51.56stousetdos000: Unfortunately, there's no really good answer to that.
19:52.00K_DallasTeufel, if i am nto mistaken in your root dir you could see something like this .xsession_error or something
19:52.02stousetdos000: Use your best judgment in most cases.
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19:52.04Teufelk_dallas: I don't even know how to do that without gui running...
19:52.09dos000valdyn, is it a good assumption to assume that the stuff in /etc/ini.d will automagically start services they need in the script ?
19:52.27K_DallasTeufel, do ls .xsess* and then less .xse....
19:52.31stousetHanClinto: Call the binaries something different. mono-source, or something.
19:52.35stousetHanClinto: Is that a possibility?
19:52.44valdyndos000: no
19:52.49stousetHanClinto: Because you're also going to have problems with mono libraries, the global assembly cache, etc, I think
19:52.57HanClintostouset: I s'pose, but there's lots of things including the gac, etc
19:53.11stousetHanClinto: Even worse :-) Some of those don't depend on $PATH
19:53.17valdyndos000: skip your /etc/init.d/networking and all your network based services cant do their job properly.
19:53.18*** part/#debian sDES (
19:53.23Teufelk_dallas : command not found
19:53.33K_DallasTeufel, which one?
19:53.36K_Dallasless? try more
19:53.39HanClintoOkay, well then is .bashrc just like an autoexec.bat script that is called every time I open a shell?
19:53.42Teufelk_dallas: I have two xfree 86 logs in /var/log
19:53.49Teufelkdallas_ both =P
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19:54.10Specwhat are their names?
19:54.15HanClintoIf so, I'll just put a line in there like "export MONO_PATH=/usr/bin" or "export MONO_PATH=/usr/local/bin" depending on which one I want to use?
19:54.21stousetHanClinto: use .bash_profile
19:54.23K_DallasTeufel,  .xsession-errors is the log file in your home directory
19:54.24HanClinto(sorry, /me is migrating from Windows)
19:54.40stousetIt's okay.
19:54.43stousetWelcome to Debian.
19:54.48SpecHanClinto: there's a good DotFiles tuitorial in the debian wiki that you need to read
19:54.50Teufelk_dallas: don't see anything like that =/
19:54.50HanClintoheh, thx. :) I'm enjoying it thus far
19:54.56dos000valdyn, i have a chrooted environement i got by using debootstrap. i am trying to figure which service i need to start in there to run service like postgres. it is very tricky to figure in this situation.
19:55.00HanClintoSpec: Ooooh. That sounds good
19:55.01SpecHanClinto: it'll explain to you .bashrc .profile, etc, good to read that doc
19:55.03stousetSorry, it's just that 95% of people ask how to do something, when they're trying to work around it instead of solve the actual problem.
19:55.13SpecHanClinto: I think greycat wrote it, but i'm not sure
19:55.22valdyndos000: only /etc/init.d/postgresql start i guess
19:55.24cireI have a laptop with only 16 MB RAM. Debian Installer tells me, it would need at least 24 MB. I get a 0-order-allocation error. So, is there a switch to make the installer need less than 24 MB?
19:55.33K_DallasTeufel, so i am out of wit ;(
19:55.52valdyndos000: chrooted environments are not supported however so you're on your own pretty much.
19:55.55Teufelk_dallas: Thanks for trying, I'm ganna come back later, I'm getting a tad frustrated
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19:56.02K_Dallasok, np
19:56.18stousetcire: Probably not. It probably needs 24MB RAM because it *needs* 24MB RAM =\
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19:56.42stousetcire: You can probably ask #debian-boot and if such an ability exists, they'll know how
19:56.43Specto the server room! Also, if you don't have a backup of your system, check out the Mondo/Mindi project.
19:56.45cireA few months ago, I installed debian with an older CD. At this time, it only needed 16 MB...
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19:56.54stousetcire: New installer.
19:57.07MarcNon debian/sarge, exifcom does't seem to set comments, mogrify -comment will add it, but exiftags doesn't show it.  Any ideas how to add a comment to jpg images?
19:57.07dos000valdyn, tow !
19:57.08beardycire: Install woody, then upgrade.
19:57.15valdyncire: you can use the same old installer
19:57.16stousetcire: As a worst case, you can install from that older CD and upgrade to Debian stable.
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19:58.35greycat!find exifcom
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19:58.43dpkgDebian Search of 'exifcom' (1): (/usr/bin/exifcom) in graphics/exiftags.
19:58.56tweakgamesHi all.  Is there a way to move all my cached memory to swap?
19:59.08greycattweakgames: that would be stupid.
19:59.15tweakgamesgreycat  oh   sorry why?
19:59.19Gathondtweakgames: why on earth would anyone want to do that
19:59.21greycatswap is information stored on disk.
19:59.34greycatcache is stuff from disk that's stored in memory
19:59.35Gathondtweakgames: cached memory is file contents from the disk cached in memory
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19:59.45MarcNgreycat: I've tried exifcom, but complains about no comment.
19:59.58greycatwriting disk information out to swap (another part of the disk) would be absolutely insane
20:00.19tweakgameswell  I need to figure out a way to get rid of the cached memory that isnt being used.   I have a game server and    well here.       Everytime the cached hits the top of my memory  the server crashes.
20:00.22stousetgreycat: That would be fun, though. I'm going to write a kernel patch to do that!
20:00.29Gathondtweakgames: so you propose taking the data cached from the disk (since the memory is insanely faster) and writing this out to the same disk
20:00.42stousettweakgames: That's interesting. Cached memory is expendable, so shouldn't really matter.
20:00.56Learntweakgames: Memory bug then - the kernel will reduce/expand as needed
20:00.59tweakgamesstouset  THATS what I thought. But you can see it crashing.
20:00.59stousetgreycat: We can cache the disk contents on the disk!
20:01.14Gathondtweakgames: in that case there is a bug somewhere in your system, the kernel clears the cached memory if any process needs it
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20:01.23greycattweakgames: so your *real* question is 'why is my computer crashing'?
20:01.30tweakgamesnegative   the computer isnt crashing.
20:01.38greycat16:00  tweakgames> stouset  THATS what I thought. But you can see it crashing.
20:01.39stousettweakgames: the game app is crashing?
20:01.44beardytweakgames: The game you are running are full of bugs?
20:02.00greycatOMMkiller killing it?
20:02.03tweakgamesbeardy  I dont think its buggy, its the worlds most popular game and it does this on all my servers.
20:02.04Radianceguys, any one might know how i tell in inetd.conf that a certain service is only to listen on ? thanks
20:02.06Learntweakgames: then ist's probably a bug in the server - what do you want to kill ?
20:02.09Learnto run*
20:02.10greycattweakgames: it's Go?
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20:02.17tweakgamesgreycat go?
20:02.22beardytweakgames: chess?
20:02.28tweakgamessorry most popular fps
20:02.30stousettweakgames: The thing is, the cached memory doesn't really count towards it being full.
20:02.32tweakgamesfirst person shooter
20:02.47tweakgamesstouset  but you can see  RIGHT when it hits the top it crashes.
20:02.47stousettweakgames: You can have 100% memory usage with cache, open a program, and not swap. It'll wipe the cache.
20:03.00greycat"have sex with this girl without her father finding out"?
20:03.09Gathondtweakgames: if you are the only one with this problem then it is probably not because of the linux kernels memory handling, but because of either a bug in some library the game uses or the particular version you uses
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20:03.10Learntweakgames: and that would be what ? HL2 ? Doom2
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20:03.20toonXi think it's counter strike
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20:03.27ohadis it possible to patch the kernel with apmd?
20:03.28asuffieldgreycat: "have sex with any girl"
20:03.40ohador apm?
20:03.43beardytweakgames: There is a big company that sells an operating system that is used quite a lot, some people still claims that it is not that good, even when it's used that much.
20:03.58Learnahh HL2 can die* (* My personal opignion)
20:04.06*** part/#debian putte (~putte@
20:04.06stousettweakgames: Interesting.
20:04.11tweakgamesbeardy sorry im confused.
20:04.14resiak!start a nuclear war
20:04.14dpkgSHALL WE PLAY A GAME?
20:04.15ohadis there a kernel patch for apm?
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20:04.18tweakgamesstouset  see why im so confused hehe.
20:04.27greycatif your application is dying, find out WHY.  don't just assume it's because of some totally unrelated thing you *happened* to observe around the same time
20:04.32jdhutchin1ohad, apm is part of the kernel, you don't need a patch
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20:04.47tweakgamesgreycat   it just stops  in mid code line  and restarts.  I have all the logs   no errors
20:04.52stousettweakgames: On Valve's website I see lots of patches for "memory-leak related crashes" in the changelogs
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20:05.04tweakgamesstouset  I am up to date.
20:05.06resiaktweakgames: So HL2's server sucks, IOW?
20:05.12stousettweakgames: And if it was the kernel, other things would crash.
20:05.27tweakgamesso most likly there is nothing I can do?
20:05.57Learntweakgames: Complain to Vavle (it's their product after all)
20:06.00Gathondtweakgames: why does the server crash, what does the log file say about it?
20:06.18resiakecho ur servr si shite fix it kthxbi | mail -s OI
20:06.18ohadjdhutchin1, how do i check if it is loaded on my kernel?
20:06.26tweakgamesit says this  <so in so> killed <so i /     and it gets choped in mid blah blah
20:06.30tweakgamesbut its not allways durring a kill
20:06.33stousettweakgames: Just because you're up to date doesn't mean all their bugs are gone :-)
20:06.34ohadjdhutchin1, i feel like it is not
20:06.37tweakgamesits just random when memoery reaches top.
20:06.42beardytweakgames: Call the support on the company you bought the gamesever software from? Or see if there are others running the same thing that has the same problem.
20:06.48tweakgamesI own the game server.
20:06.49resiaktweakgames: So it's got a horrific memory leak?
20:06.58greycattweakgames: what the fuck is "memory" in this context?  WHAT NUMBERS are you observing and WHAT VALUES do they have?
20:07.04Learntweakgames: it's probably trying to allocate more then you have RAM - how much memory does the box have ?
20:07.12greycatare you running out of SWAP space?
20:07.12tweakgamesresiak     I donno, maybe   it just looks like it loads everything that happends into ram and never lets it go.
20:07.24greycatare you exceeding a ulimit?
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20:07.38tweakgames900 mbs     I would put more but the kenel doesnt support high mem support :0(
20:07.39Learntweakgames: and is it when there's 12 players or does it happen even with 1 player ?
20:07.45resiaktweakgames: I say again, "so their server is shit?"
20:07.48greycattweakgames: of COURSE it loads everything into RAM!  That's the whole point!
20:07.50asuffieldhe's running HL2, it's just buggy and crashes a lot
20:07.52tweakgamesgreycatn im not using any swap
20:07.56Gathondtweakgames: install a kernel that does SUPPORT high mem then
20:08.03greycattweakgames: you HAVE NO SWAP, or you have swap but it is UNUSED?
20:08.06tweakgamesgreycat  but it doesnt need to keep a map it played 5 days ago into ram!
20:08.14ohadjdhutchin1, if i run lsmo | grep apm i get nothing
20:08.15greycattweakgames: why not?
20:08.20tweakgamesgreycat I HAVE SWAP  just not using it
20:08.20swimdamnit I forgot, how do I install unrar-nonfree in debian amd64? (no deb's for them, there is another way)
20:08.21greycatif nothing else is using that RAM, let it stay there.
20:08.29tweakgameswow nevermind im not going 2 listen 2 greycat any more
20:08.32asuffieldwho cares? maps don't take up memory space
20:08.36ohadjdhutchin1, are you sure it is loaded in the kernel;)?
20:08.40Gathondtweakgames: perhaps not, but that would still be the server that is buggy if it never clears stuff from memory
20:09.01greycatGathond: there could also be a file cache, if a "map" is a file.
20:09.04tweakgamesgathond, ok so the best plan would be to ask steam huh?
20:09.06stousettweakgames: You would do well to listen to greycat.
20:09.16stousettweakgames: Sometimes he can be a bit rude (*cough*) but he's usually right.
20:09.21tweakgamesstouset but  he isnt listening to me  just goes off.
20:09.24Gathondswim: you might be able to grap the i386 source package and compile that with dpkg-buildpackage
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20:09.31greycatGathond: of course, the real point here is that "just because his RAM is being used doesn't mean it's a problem"
20:09.34stousettweakgames: There's no reason not to keep a map you played 5 days ago in memory
20:09.39Gathondgreycat: in that cas it hurts nothing, and should not make the server process crash
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20:09.49stousettweakgames: In fact, it's a very good idea. As long as nothing else needs that memory, why not let it stay?
20:09.51greycat!free memory
20:09.51dpkgUnlike information, your computer's memory does *not* want to be free.  Free RAM is wasted RAM!  Linux caches files from disk in RAM for performance gains, and will release the RAM if programs need it.
20:09.53Learntweakgames: install a kernel with high memory support - that's the 1st thing I'd do
20:09.53Gathondtweakgames: yes, you paid for the damn thing right?
20:10.16tweakgamesstouset  becuase when server hits top of ram it crashes  thats why.
20:10.22resiaktweakgames: I say again, "so their server is shit?"
20:10.29tweakgamesgathond I own the srever and where its hosted.
20:10.33thoriehow do i send e-mail to a specific IP address?
20:10.34swimGathond, there is a very easy way that is explained in some README ...
20:10.36asuffieldGathond: this is a game. once you've paid for it they no longer have reason to care about you. you do not represent potential future income at this point
20:10.49cmihaiecho bla | mail :)
20:11.00asuffieldpost-sales service for games is something of a bad joke
20:11.01thoriei mean using my regular e-mail client
20:11.15Gathondasuffield: that might be yes, but he can always hope:)
20:11.16Learnthemolester: someone@
20:11.26stousettweakgames: And as mentioned before, if it was a kernel or memory handling thing, more than the game would crash :-)
20:11.27thoriebut i want to use the correct domain name like
20:11.30asuffield"games are buggy. get over it"
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20:11.40beardytweakgames: Which kernel do you run?
20:11.41tweakgamesstouset ok thanks.
20:11.42thoriehow do I send mail to without using the MX record for ?
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20:11.46tweakgamesbeardy let me check here just a sec
20:11.47asuffieldusual problem with non-free crap
20:11.54tweakgamesLinux p4big 2.6.8-2-386 #1 Mon Jan 24 03:01:58 EST 2005 i686 GNU/Linux
20:11.57stousettweakgames: You can pretty much depend on the fact that the kernel will allocate and free memory correctly.
20:11.58Gathondtweakgames: af cause if it only happens after several days why not just restart the server software whenever no one was online
20:12.13tweakgamesgathound it happends every 3 hours
20:12.21tweakgamesbut I put a gb in  so its every 6 hours now.
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20:12.27erpsupdated webmin via aptitude, now when I log in says I have access to none of the modules...  and I'm not finding where I set the acessible modules list
20:12.33greycatthorie: by hand.,
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20:12.38greycatthorie: telnet somewhere 25
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20:13.00thoriegreycat: i can't seem to get the headers right so spamassassin keeps flagging it... so i want my real mail client to send the mail
20:13.02Learntweakgames: then it's their software not the kernel that is your problem
20:13.12erpsany idea what I'm supposed to modify to fix that?  not finding the usual culprits.
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20:13.33greycatthorie: MUAs don't speak to foreign MTAs.  They just invoke /usr/sbin/sendmail to queue the message locally, and it's your local MTA's job to look up the MX records and so on.
20:13.38tweakgamesok thanks all I will contact them.
20:13.41tweakgamesHave a great day
20:13.45thoriegreycat: can I "trick" the server somehow to pretend resolves to a different IP address?
20:13.46GskilletNeed help setting up a Bluetooth USB Receiver on Linux - dongle is not detected on Plug-in, what do I need to get it started, (someone said enabling it in Kernel but I don't know how)
20:13.55greycatthorie: that depends on your local MTA
20:13.58stousettweakgames: Sorry we can't help more.
20:13.59thoriegreycat: i mean, resolves to another MX address?
20:14.07stousettweakgames: The thing is, you say that you're sure it's not the game because tons of people use it.
20:14.27thoriegreycat: for example, dig MX shows ... but i would like this to be different
20:14.28Specyeah, greycat has no idea what he's talking about tweakgames
20:14.29stousettweakgames: WAY more people use the Linux kernel for a lot heavier uses, and if something like that were in the kernel, people would know about it.
20:14.40greycatit shows *what*??
20:14.40stousetSpec: Yes, he does.
20:14.41Gathondtweakgames: it could be some shared library thing, if the server is made for redhat version something and debian uses a slightly different version I suppose
20:14.47Specstouset: sarcasm doesn't work over the internet :-/
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20:14.57thoriegreycat: the MX record's IP address
20:15.01stousetSpec: It does if you wink!
20:15.07Spec^.~             1H IN MX        0
20:15.13stousetOh, crap, you were being sarcastic.
20:15.18thoriesarcasm always works ;)
20:15.28Chat451what's SID? has address
20:15.31greycatChat451: /msg dpkg sid
20:15.32dpkgthe unstable version of Debian.  Commonly [and wrongly] backronymed Still In Development.  It's actually named for the destructive neighbour kid in Toy Story.  Ask me about unstable.  Do not use sid unless you have the skill to find your way out of the mess that broken packages may put you in.   It will never be released.
20:15.37stousetYou know, I feel kind of stupid.
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20:15.41thoriegreycat: yeah i want to trick it somehow, to think it's another address
20:15.44stousetI'm using a terminal with screen under X.
20:15.46cmihaitweakgames: I've got over 1GB of RAM and 2.5 swap used once for a java / oracle thingie, and guess, what, didn't crash. And I've seen way better than that. The more RAM is actually used, the better!
20:15.50Chat451stouset ?
20:15.50thoriegreycat: can I add in /etc/hosts ?
20:15.50greycatthorie: as I said, that depends on your local MTA
20:15.54greycatthorie: no
20:16.10greycatthat's not even the right *format* for hosts(5)
20:16.18thorieoh i mean switched around
20:16.25greycatbut more importantly, most MTAs don't look in /etc/hosts.  ever.
20:16.25Chat451heh I loved SID from toy story
20:16.29Chat451he was funny
20:16.29stousetHmm...does anyone know why screen "blinks" whenever you hit backspace on an empty command line, or tab when there's nothing to complete?
20:16.37Spectweakgames: I've got 4 gigs of ram, two processors, all running an ltsp server with 16 clients, each client running mozilla and open office, and I -still- don't have memory problems.
20:16.39stousetI *think* it's whenever a console beep ('\a'?) would occur
20:16.42greycatstouset: visual bell
20:16.44thoriegreycat: hmm... im using postfix
20:16.48stousetCan I turn that off?
20:16.50greycatthorie: then ask #postfix
20:16.53greycatstouset: man setterm
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20:16.55wols_greycat: don't they use the standard resolver which happens to look in /etc/hosts?
20:16.59thoriegreycat: they told me it's beyond the scope of postfix
20:17.04cmihaistouset: you can disable the visual bell in screen if you like.
20:17.05beardystouset: The visual bell "beeps".
20:17.11thoriegreycat: and ask for help from my distribution on managing DNS and hosts
20:17.20greycatwols_: the standard resolver does NOT look in /etc/hosts.   you're thinking of gethostbyname() which is not what MTAs use.
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20:17.32asuffieldif you're using postfix then you're expected to implement your own MTA
20:17.40stousetcmihai: looknig for it :-)
20:17.45greycatthorie: what?  that's really surprising.  qmail can do it in one line.
20:17.47wols_asuffield: ?
20:17.58greycatthorie: in qmail, you'd just put a line in smtproutes (man qmail-remote for the details)
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20:18.08wols_greycat: what is the resolver then if not the code behind gethostbyname() which is part of libc?
20:18.11MrKeunerdh_compress: command returned error code 512. I get this error if I use -rfakeroot option with dpkg-buildpackage. However, if I run dpkg-buildpackage as superuser package compiles successfully. What can be the problem?
20:18.20Chat451debhelper: botsnack
20:18.21kitty_I have this old toshiba laptop but I'm struggling with the infrared-device..
20:18.37greycatwols_: most MTAs use strictly DNS name resolution.  They only look in /etc/resolv.conf and then make UDP connections.
20:18.44thoriegreycat: can I modify the linux kernel to convert the MX record?
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20:18.48asuffieldgreycat: and in exim it'd be some line in either the rewrite or director section, I forget which. but postfix is drugs
20:18.49greycat!pal thorie
20:19.09Specpostfix is drugs?
20:19.16Spec`apt-get consume postfix`
20:19.17greycat"on drugs" maybe
20:19.18asuffieldSpec: everybody who uses it is stoned
20:19.19wols_thorie: run your own dns-server. like use dnsmasq
20:19.24asuffieldgreycat: no, *is* drugs
20:19.25stousetThank god.
20:19.28Specasuffield: I use postfix :p
20:19.35LearnI use postfix too
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20:19.54LearnNot sure if I should be proud tho..
20:20.02Specit works...i don't see a problem =P
20:20.22LearnThat's what I tell myself before I GOTO bed :)
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20:20.29Chat451what's postfix?
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20:20.36SpecLearn: i was gonna say something like that, actually :p
20:20.37stousetChat451: Email server.
20:20.44GskilletNeed help setting up a Bluetooth USB Receiver on Linux - dongle is not detected on Plug-in, what do I need to get it started, (someone said enabling it in Kernel but I don't know how)
20:20.47Chat451ohhhh yeah
20:20.49Chat451I knew that...
20:20.57LearnGskillet: Google it - best bet
20:20.59Chat451postfix and what? sendmail?
20:21.21LearnChat451: Postfix Procmail Spamassasin
20:21.26SpecI hear qmail is good from one of my friends
20:21.32stousetAnyone here use Glade?
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20:21.43Specbut, i wouldn't know; i've never used qmail.
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20:21.58LearnPostfix does what I want - so it's good
20:22.04greycatI don't recommend qmail for newbies.  it's a bit difficult for the non-Unix-savvy to grok.
20:22.05thoriePostfix is worse than sendmail
20:22.10DrPeteWhats the deal with these control panels like c-pannel and plesk?  I have never used them myself, I just wondered if its viable to do hosting domains/websites without one these days?
20:22.14wols_Learn: and does it easily compared to others like qmail imho
20:22.27Learnwols_: Good to know :)
20:22.36wols_DrPete: depends on your customers
20:22.39thoriesomeone should make an Easy MTA
20:22.41Specgreycat: Whoever told me about it either knew the head developer, or donated lots of money to the project, or helped development...something, i'm not sure which :p
20:22.43jeneOops. Sorry.
20:22.57wols_thorie: postfix is very easy I'd say
20:23.01greycatSpec: some people love it, some people hate it, some people just run screaming.
20:23.12thoriePostfix is insane... it's 10 times more complex than sendmail.
20:23.15Chat451greycat what?
20:23.16Learnthorie: the same guy will make a bug free windows
20:23.17SpecI know very little about mail unfortunately, so, yeah... ;p
20:23.20stousetthorie: You're kidding me.
20:23.20greycatChat451: qmail
20:23.31stousetthorie: It's so damned easy to configure.
20:23.40Gathondgreycat: sounds like my experience witn exim3, I ran screaming :)
20:23.41Chat451still could be more complicated
20:23.42Chat451I guess
20:23.43wols_thorie: so why are you using it if it's so complicated?
20:23.44thorieI got sendmail up and running within a few minutes. I've been working with Postfix for almost 11 days now, trying it to get a single damn e-mail.
20:23.44asuffieldthorie: that would be exim
20:23.46Specpostfix is pretty easy to configure it, like i said, i use postfix and i know -very- little about mail
20:23.52wols_and: nothing is worse than sendmail. nothing
20:24.04Chat451imo something could be complicated and yet easy to configure at the same time
20:24.13einsteinmgis there a .deb with kernel manpages?
20:24.13thoriesendmail is still the #1 linux/unix/*bsd e-mail MTA
20:24.16greycatwols_: nuclear holocaust maybe
20:24.29greycateinsteinmg: kernels have no man pages
20:24.34swimbucky, do you know how to install unrar-nonfree on amd64? THe deb's are not available for amd64, but there is another way I've forgotten.
20:24.36DrPetewols_: Yeah, your right.  Are there any free alternatives out there, I know there is webmin, last time I used that it was not up to much, how is it these days
20:24.37greycateinsteinmg: perhaps you want the section 2 pages, which are in manpages-dev
20:24.50Chat451swim unrar-nonfree?
20:24.55einsteinmggreycat: no i want the kernel manpages, section 9
20:25.00Chat451is that like the not-free version of unrar?
20:25.07greycatarc1:~$ man 9 intro
20:25.07greycatNo manual entry for intro in section 9
20:25.18greycat!find intro.9 sarge
20:25.29Chat451!find my left sock
20:25.35asuffieldget with the century
20:25.43dpkgDebian Package/File/Desc Search of 'intro.9' returned no results.
20:25.46dpkgDebian Package/File/Desc Search of 'my left sock' returned no results.
20:25.46einsteinmggreycat: section 9 are normally kernel syscalls
20:25.47greycatChat451: it went through the dimensional vortex behind the dryer
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20:25.52Chat451lol ok thanks
20:25.53stousetChat451: grep -r sock /home/Chat451/
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20:25.56greycateinsteinmg: uh, no, section 2 is syscalls
20:26.02asuffieldeinsteinmg: section 9 is not normally anything. section 9 has never BEEN anything
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20:26.15einsteinmggreycat: nope, section 2 are libc, not kernel internals
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20:26.20wols_!find ksoftirqd.9 sarge
20:26.24greycateinsteinmg: wrong.  section 3 is libc.
20:26.24jeneHello. I just upgraded woody to sarge. Good. But i said "no" to upgrading bind9 and now i need help getting it to work. Could someone help me repair my broken bind9?
20:26.28dpkgDebian Package/File/Desc Search of 'ksoftirqd.9' returned no results.
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20:26.34greycateinsteinmg: you really need to hit the man pages.
20:26.37simonrvnuh, they're in 2, and glibc is 3 usually. other stuff too
20:26.47Spec<3 info
20:26.48wols_so where the heck does that file in man9 come here?
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20:26.53simonrvndev stuff ends up in 3.
20:26.58SpecInfo documentation is better than man documentation, more often than not
20:27.02einsteinmggreycat: man man; 9   Kernel routines
20:27.16asuffieldeinsteinmg: read the next line
20:27.16greycat"Non standard"
20:27.22simonrvnman 3 <tab>
20:27.23simonrvnCompleting manual page
20:27.24simonrvnASN1_OBJECT_free                          ASN1_OBJECT_new                           ASN1_STRING_cmp
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20:27.29asuffieldgreycat: run that on a Debian box. you'll get the line I pasted above
20:27.31jeneSorry, i meant to say that i said "no" to the upgrade script during the upgrade process.
20:27.34diegowsi have a little program with lvm
20:27.34diegowsthe escenario is
20:27.34diegows2 PVs (hda4 and hdc)
20:27.34diegows1 LV
20:27.34*** kick/#debian [diegows!~debhelper@debhelper.user] by debhelper (flood)
20:27.38greycatasuffield: I just pasted sarge's
20:27.44asuffieldgreycat: huh. try sid
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20:27.51nadavrI uploaded the new screenshots for Vprogfiler.
20:27.51diegowsvgscan not recognices hdc as valid PV
20:27.53diegowslvm pvdisplay /dev/hdc display info
20:27.58asuffieldgreycat: oh, sorry, man(7)
20:27.59diegowsi have a little program with lvm
20:28.01diegowsthe escenario is
20:28.03dpkgThe enter key or carriage return key is not a substitute for punctuation. Use a period '.', comma ',', colon ':', semi-colon ';' emdash '---', or  ellipsis '...' instead.  Please don't just hit enter after every three words: it's really annoying, because it scrolls everyone's screens, and makes it harder to help you out (since we have to piece together what you're saying).
20:28.05diegows1 LV
20:28.11diegows2 PVs (hda4 and hdc)
20:28.19einsteinmggreycat: hmmm.... there is no .deb of kernel internal manpages?
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20:28.32diegowsusing all space available space in hdc y hda4
20:28.34greycateinsteinmg: you're welcome to search to your heart's content
20:28.37diegowsthis was working with kernel 2.4.25 and lvm 1
20:28.41diegowsbut, when i reinstall the system with 2.6.8 and lvm2 or lvm1 (i tried with botch)
20:28.42einsteinmgeven no hidden make-kpkg kernel-doc option?
20:28.56diegowsvgscan not recognices hdc as valid PV
20:29.00diegowsany idea?
20:29.01wols_einsteinmg: only package which puts a file in man9 for me is manpages.deb
20:29.12greycateinsteinmg: as asuffield said, "man 7 man" gives some relevant information
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20:29.22DrPeteAnyone use a debian VPS? thay any good?
20:29.24simonrvndiegows: can you put all that into one line? that made no sense whatsoever
20:29.38beardydiegows: Step away from the keyboard and count to 10, drink some water and Think about how to ask a good, well thought out question that people can understand and help you with.
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20:29.58asuffieldanyway, section 9 was a bad plan that never happened. there has never been anything in section 9
20:30.12einsteinmggreycat: ah k, sorry overlooked your answer
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20:30.23wols_asuffield: I have something in there: ksoftirqd.9
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20:30.57simonrvnthe only thing in sect. 9 is that here, too
20:31.03asuffieldwols_: well that's misfiled
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20:31.25wols_file a bug against manpages then
20:31.31asuffieldit should probably be in 7
20:31.43simonrvnman 7 \nCompleting manual page \nAF_LOCAL         AF_UNIX
20:31.47diegowsi have a little program with lvm. The escenario is 2 PVs (hda4 and hdc) and 1 LV, using all space available space in hdc y hda4. This was working with kernel 2.4.25 and lvm1, but when i reinstall the system with 2.6.8 and lvm2 or lvm1 (i tried with both), vgscan not recognices hdc as valid PV. lvm pvdisplay /dev/hdc display info nevertheless
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20:32.42simonrvnisn't that covered in the lvm and whatever howto?
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20:33.24EnsignRedshirtBasic gnu/linux question: How should I set the permissions on a directory called /srv/svn so that I can import some files from my home directory into a new subversion repository?
20:33.27jeneOkay. How about: How do i restart the upgrade process (woody to sarge) for just bind9 so that i can say "yes" this time?
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20:34.18resiakjene: dpkg-reconfigure bind ? (Just a guess.)
20:34.51beardyEnsignRedshirt: 'man chmod'
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20:35.07jeneThank you resiak. I tied that but it didn't start the dialog again, it just tried to restart bind9. :(
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20:35.17jeneThank you resiak. I tried that but it didn't start the dialog again, it just tried to restart bind9. :(
20:35.19einsteinmggreycat: thx :)
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20:36.29jeneSo what i really need to know is: what are the steps that the script would take to do the upgrade from woody to sarge for bind9 so that i can fix it by hand. Does anyone know where to find that script?
20:36.43jesperjwhen my computer has idled for a while, my monitor says "no input signal" and goes black. I have turned off the monitors power saving feature and I dont think this is in bios. How can I check if/fix if Debian is doing this?
20:36.55pipelinejene: The source package probably has it.
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20:37.08jesperjI want the monitor to be on all the time/singal from graphics card to monitor to be on all the time
20:37.14EnsignRedshirtbeardy: OK, I've done "chgrp -R subversion /srv/svn" and  "chmod -R 770 /srv/svn", and I added myself to the subversion group, but I still get "permission denied" when I try to import.
20:37.19*** part/#debian jcurry (
20:37.25pipelinejesperj: xset dmps off ?
20:37.27shingouzjesperj: you have xscreensaver there?
20:37.47jeneThank you pipeline. Do you know where i might find the source package?
20:38.03*** mode/#debian [+l 866] by debhelper
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20:38.28jeneI know, that should just roll off the tip of my tongue, but i haven't memorized all of the dirctories yet.
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20:38.52GskilletWhere can I download gentoo-sources?
20:39.09thomas_adamGskillet: Eh?
20:39.11simonrvnGskillet: apt-get source gentoo
20:39.12jesperjpipeline, will check that out ty. shingouz it happens wether or not I use xscreensaver
20:39.15pipelineGskillet: Ask #gentoo
20:39.24Gskilletsimonrvn thx
20:39.30cmihaiAs in "distfiles" ?! Does this look like #gentoo ? :)
20:39.31pipelinejene: use apt-get with the "source" keyword instead of "install" or "remove"
20:39.57cmihaiGskillet: gentoo has "portage" and that gets the sources automatically, kind of like apt-get, but with source code...
20:40.00*** part/#debian pinks (~johnp@
20:40.13valdyncmihai: gentoo is also a filemanager
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20:40.18Gskilletcmihai ok
20:40.26simonrvnignore cmihai
20:40.52cmihaivaldyn: it's also a midjety penguin, so ?!
20:41.04simonrvn@ff cmihai
20:41.05ravenbirdcmihai: fartfish
20:41.17FieldySnuts!hire cmihai
20:41.28buckyGskillet, Daniel has his own personal repository on
20:41.33jeneThank you pipeline. Do you recall what directory those files are now being downloaded to?
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20:41.52pipelinejene: The cwd, IIRC
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20:42.21jesperjpipeline, is this something I need to put in my .xsession file?
20:42.27jesperjor similar
20:42.36*** join/#debian Hugle (
20:42.39HugleHeya guys
20:42.44pipelinejesperj: There's an option in XF86Config that will do the same thing as xset dpms off, but I can't remember what it is.
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20:42.51jenepipeline I'm sorry but i have no idea what "The cwd, IIRC" means?
20:42.56mo79which program should I use for burning cue nad bin files.?
20:43.01Learnjesperj: Option "DPMS" "Off" IIRC
20:43.03Huglewhat should I type in lilo promp so it boots me to single user mode? I need to change root passwd
20:43.03simonrvnOption "DPMS" "off"
20:43.16buckyjesperj, see Option "SuspendTime"  "time"  in man XF86Config-4
20:43.16valdynmo79: cdrdao
20:43.20pipelinejesperj: You could install xscreensaver and configure xscreensaver never to allow the monitor to suspend :P
20:43.24FieldySnutspass single to your kernel
20:43.35mo79valdyn: thx
20:43.39Learnjene: CWD is Current Directory
20:43.40GskilletI just want to be able to use a bluetooth usb dongle, and I have to download portage to get gentoo to get sources to turn bluetooth usb on in the kernel?
20:43.42Chat451mmm cookie
20:43.51buckyjesperj, and if you edit XF86Config-4 by hand you'll have to reset it's md5sum
20:43.52pipelineGskillet: Don't troll.
20:43.59FieldySnutswrong channel... seriously ask #gentoo
20:44.02londonboi2k3Hi guys, I have a 2 problems i am hoping you can help me solve. The first is SSH, when i try to ssh in to my pc from remote or local locations i get permission denied (public key) is there any way around this?
20:44.11Gskilletbut I dont even know if gentoo is what I need
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20:44.16LearnGskillet: no just compile your kernel - Gentoo is another distribution
20:44.19valdynGskillet: why do you think you need anything named "gentoo" ?
20:44.22FieldySnuts!irritate Gskillet
20:44.23dpkgGskillet: is there ne1 who cn answer my n00b q? who uses sound thx
20:44.38FieldySnutsmoron. i suggest use of /ignore Gskillet*!*@* all    or similar
20:44.39GskilletI am reading a tutorial on turning bluetooth on
20:44.45jeneOh dear! Now i have a lot of files in a place i didn't want them. Nevertheless. Thank you pipeline. I will now go and repair this error.
20:44.46buckyGskillet, are you still running your install kernel?
20:44.46Gskilletsaid i needed gentoo-sources
20:44.53pipelineGskillet: Perhaps you shouldn't be reading a tutorial that has nothing at all to do with debian.
20:45.06valdynGskillet: you are reading a gentoo ( the distro ) specific howto - bad idea.
20:45.06Gskilletwell one of you brilliant folks here sent it to me :(
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20:45.16londonboi2k3any ideas guys?
20:45.19buckyGskillet, upgrade your kernel
20:45.20simonrvnGskillet: uh... wha?
20:45.20pipelineGskillet: Linux distributions differ enough to be considered separate operating systems.
20:45.22FieldySnutshe's been told several times, just ignore him, wasting your time adn effort
20:45.37Gskilletbucky: how do I update the kernel
20:45.50thomas_adamhehe, word meanings:  "scum" -- it has arrived.
20:45.57buckyGskillet, go to and read the apt-get howto
20:46.25Learnbucky: WHOA - he might LEARN something - don't you think that's a bit drastic ?
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20:46.34FieldySnutsno pun?
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20:46.41simonrvnohnoz!!! learning something!@!!!111!!1
20:46.43Huglewhat should I type in lilo promp so it boots me to single user mode? I need to change root passwd.
20:46.59Gskilletbucky: i know how to use apt-get, do i apt-get kernel to upgrade?
20:47.01justin!tell Hugle about i forgot root's password
20:47.03cmihailinux 1 or something like that.
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20:47.35rpozohi all
20:47.51valdynGskillet: apt-cache search kernel-image, pick a kernel-image-, apt-get install it
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20:48.00beardyGskillet: apt-cache search kernel-image, install the one you need.
20:48.02*** join/#debian stouset (~stephen@
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20:48.16toubsuhow can i find what /dev/ my modem is using?
20:48.21buckyapt-get install hand holder
20:48.24otto_I'm doing a dist-upgrade to sarge from woody. It wants to remove pcmcia-cs. How can I prevent that? I need to have it running, because my root fs is on a compact flash.
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20:49.02Learntoubsu: /dev is a safe bet
20:49.07stousetotto_: I don't think pcmcia-cs is needed any more.
20:49.15GskilletI'm trying to enable bluetooth in the kernel, so do I need the kernel-package or the source?
20:49.16simonrvnbucky: hand-holder
20:49.26raf256what can I use to watch TV (tvtuner)?
20:49.28buckyotto_, are you using aptitude to do the dist-upgrade ?
20:49.29stousetotto_: Besides, by the time pcmcia-cs is loaded, you already have to have your root FS up and running.
20:49.30FieldySnuts!handhold bucky
20:49.31SpecGskillet: a customized kernel always rocks
20:49.40stousetGskillet: It's always in the kernel anyways.
20:49.42cmihairaf256: I'd say TVTIME is nice :)
20:49.43stousetSpec: Go to hell.
20:49.49otto_stouset, no more? You mean with 2.6 kernels...
20:49.51cmihaiEyes help.
20:49.53otto_bucky, hell no
20:49.54Specstouset: whaaat?
20:49.57Specstouset: what'd i say wrong?
20:49.58shingouzSpec: do you want to do the hand-holding?
20:49.59fathi guys, i'm monitor a bunch of stuff on various servers using snmp, but i've run into some problems... for example, when i type 'snmpwalk localhost ssRawCpuUser' it says 'unknown OID'... but it's in the MIB files in /usr/share/snmp/mib... why can't i see it?
20:50.03buckyand people say we have no sense of humor
20:50.09Specshingouz: no, google holds hands for me
20:50.12beardy!beer stouset
20:50.22stousetotto_: Like I said, by the time pcmcia-cs even factors into the equation, you've already got your root FS up and running
20:50.26wols_raf256: tvtime
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20:50.29stousetSpec: About compiling your own kernel =P
20:50.31stouset!rolling your own
20:50.31dpkgsomebody said rolling your own was usually a bad idea, unless you're using make-kpkg on one of Debian's kernel-source packages. Unless you know what you're doing AND have a really compelling reason, there is just no goddamn point
20:50.33stouset!custom kernel
20:50.33dpkgread  and read "Debian" when it has "OpenBSD", or see <debian kernel image>
20:50.33buckyotto_, that's what the release notes say to do
20:50.38Specstouset: it's really easy to compile your own kernel :p
20:50.47stousetSpec: And really pointless too =P
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20:50.57Specstouset: depends
20:50.58FieldySnutsstouset: BS.
20:51.00stousetSpec: And the source of an unneccessary and pointless amount of confusion.
20:51.02*** part/#debian LoneWlf (
20:51.10otto_stouset, last time time I did the upgrade it lost the fs after it stopped the service
20:51.11Specgotta go, 10 mins to deliver package
20:51.13stousetSpec: Especially when people do it to fix things that weren't broken to begin with.
20:51.15FieldySnutsyour every day cluebie shouldn't bother. if you're running serversor something i do.
20:51.18cmihaiThat's just fucked up. OpenBSD / Debian custom kernel faq
20:51.18stousetotto_: I see.
20:51.19valdynSpec: if you think its very easy then you probably dont have a clue what you are talking about.
20:51.26buckymost people can't use apt let alone compile a kernel
20:51.28stousetFieldySnuts: Why even if you're running servers? =P
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20:51.32FieldySnutsvaldyn: if you think it's hard, then you probably dont have a clue what you are talking about.
20:51.46FieldySnutsstouset: you can't be asking me that seriously.
20:51.55stousetcmihai: It's an OpenBSD custom kernel fact, but their arguments against compiling your own custom kernel are the same as what we would say.
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20:52.00stousetFieldySnuts: I am.
20:52.04otto_stouset, I tried to pin up pcmcia-cs priority, but it didn't seem to affect dist-upgrade
20:52.06Learnand I have no clue what you're talking about - so what does that make me ?
20:52.07FieldySnutsignored. get a clue.
20:52.22stouset...that's pointless, and rude.
20:52.31LoneWlfFlaming the newbs... wow, I haven't watched this happen in a long while
20:52.39FieldySnutsmust not come here often
20:52.40LoneWlf'course I haven't been here in awhile either
20:52.40cmihaistouset: yeah, I know. I'm running it...
20:52.44*** join/#debian qwertz__ (~qwertz@
20:53.00cahootstouset: telling people to go to hell and later complain about rudeness?
20:53.02GskilletHow do I access the kernel configuration?
20:53.15fatwhy can i snmpget some mibs, but not all of them?
20:53.26shingouzGskillet: are you serious?
20:53.30stousetcahoot: Point taken. Sarcasm sadly doesn't translate over IRC well.
20:53.34fatGskillet: it's in /boot/config-blah
20:53.47stousetcahoot: As Spec would probably agree with me on.
20:53.47buckyGskillet, cat /boot/config-2.6.8-2-?
20:53.53Gskilletok thanks
20:53.58simonrvnfat: (?) (check the #net-snmp topic) has a faq
20:54.09cahootstouset: sarcasm tends to quite overused here anyway
20:54.14fatsimonrvn: thanks
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20:54.25stousetSpeaking of sarcasm, where the hell has abrotman been?
20:54.26buckyGskillet, if you upgrade your kernel you do have to reboot for it to take effect
20:54.28stousethaven't seen him ina ges.
20:54.42stousetGskillet: You don't need to change you kernel.
20:54.47Gskilletbucky i didnt upgrade it yet i think i have the latest one
20:54.49stousetGskillet: Bluetooth support is already enabled by default.
20:55.00shingouzstouset: he was here yesterday. or today, depends on how you look at it
20:55.05stouset!seen abrotman
20:55.06dpkgabrotman <> was last seen on IRC in channel #debian, 17h 20m 16s ago, saying: 'gravity: if you google around .. you  can find the stuff about beagle/debian ... or ask #debian-mono'.
20:55.12Gskilletstouset oh but my Bluetooth manager etc says device isnt connected
20:55.14wols_Gskillet: read this:
20:55.18ohadhi, i am trying to compile my own kernel (2.6.12) - rebooting i got the following error : kernel panic - not syncing : vfs : unable to mount root fs on unknown -block (0,0)
20:55.31LearnGskillet: Did you check to see if it's supported ?
20:55.32stousetGskillet: Doesn't mean you need to go around compiling kernels. It's already in the kernel.
20:55.37green_earzGskillet: uname -a  for your kernel version
20:55.40shingouzohad: just use a debian kernel and that problem will go away
20:55.43simonrvnSteveJobs? oi
20:55.53fatohad: you should have used a initrd image (or compiled your root-filesystem type into the kernel)
20:55.56stousetGskillet: If it *was* a problem with the kernel, it's extraordinarily unlikely that compiling your own would fix it.
20:56.08paulswmohad: You have to compile support for your root filesystem into the kernel
20:56.13stousetGskillet: Considering all the options you'd need to get bluetooth to work are already in the kernel.
20:56.21Gskilletoh, well everyone tells me my problem is that it isnt enabled in the kernel
20:56.37buckyGskillet,  maybe you have to modprobe a module or two
20:56.38takatumiohad: /msg dpkg norootfs
20:56.38fatGskillet: there should be a module...
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20:56.48toubsuLearn: i meant /dev/ttyS*
20:56.50wols_ohad: and your IDE chipset
20:57.03Gskilletbucky: ok, i do remember something about modprobe
20:57.08Learntoubsu: ttyS0 = COM1, ttyS1 = COM2 ...
20:57.10stousetGskillet: cat /boot/config-2.6.8-2-686 | grep CONFIG_BT
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20:57.22stousetGskillet: Nothing there has an n by it
20:57.28green_earzGskillet: or use modconf to enable the modules you need
20:57.45*** part/#debian fat (~foo@
20:57.48stousetcat /boot/config-2.6.8-2-686 | egrep CONFIG_BT*=n
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20:57.54rpozois it possible to do a uname -a or a modprobe when booting to a debian install cd made from a download from the debian website (talking about woody)?
20:58.03Gskilletok modconf
20:58.09liableGskillet: what version of debian are you using?
20:58.11Gskilletmodconf command not found :/
20:58.15rpozoi ask because it boots directly into the installation program
20:58.17stousetGskillet: Do you have hotplug running?
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20:58.21Gskillethotplug is
20:58.21jon787is it me or did the FTP sites not update today?
20:58.24shingouzGskillet: install it then
20:58.28NirivenCan anyone explain to me why a floppy formats to 1.38mb not 1.44?
20:58.28takatumiGskillet: install it.
20:58.32stousetsimonrvn: Bah, it's just easier for me to do cat foo | grep bar
20:58.39Gskillet3.1 debian, install it how i plugged it in then
20:58.41jon787Niriven: differing opinions on wether mega means 1000 or 1024
20:58.42GathondNiriven: what do you format is as ?
20:58.49valdynNiriven: thats possible if your formatting tool marked some blocks as bad.
20:58.51jon787plus some overhead for the filesystem
20:58.54stousetsimonrvn: For the same reason that if I want to find the length of $_ in perl, I'm going to use length; and not y///c =P
20:59.03green_earzGskillet: apt-get install modconf
20:59.09Specvaldyn: how do i have not a clue what i'm talking about
20:59.12simonrvnthat's perl, it's expected ;p
20:59.12Gskilletgreen_earz k
20:59.14Specvaldyn: because i think compiling my own kernel is easy
20:59.25Specvaldyn: after doing the same thing lots of time, it gets to be pretty easy
20:59.37Gskilletgreen_earz E: Couldn't find package modconf
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20:59.47simonrvndoing cat foo | grep bar spawns an extra unneeded process
20:59.47Specvaldyn: especially with debian tools where you don't even need to make or anything, it just results in a .deb that you install
20:59.53stousetSpec: It is, if you know what you're doing. But there's a lot of opportunity to fuck up. Generally, nobody in #debian will support you if you've compiled your own, because 99.999% of the time that's where the problem lies.
20:59.54valdynSpec: because you are advertising to newbies as easy what for sure isnt trivial. Particularily not with 2.6.x and its permanent changing bugs and issues,
21:00.04NebulousI restarted my debian machine and mason/apache sessions seem to be broken :( Does anyone have any idea where I should look other than the real obvious places?
21:00.14green_earzGskillet: apt-get update
21:00.15buckyGskillet, what does /sbin/runlevel say?
21:00.17toubsuLearn: i understand that as well, i guess i mean how can I find the COM port
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21:00.36Specvaldyn: I had to compile my first kernel 'cause I needed support for 4 gigs of ram, it took a couple of tries, but once I got it, it's been pretty easy ever since
21:00.41Gskilletbucky says not a directory
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21:00.56Specvaldyn: it's not like people should avoid compiling their own kernel at all costs -- everyone's a newbie the first time they compile it, might as well start now
21:01.02Specbut alas; i must leave
21:01.13buckyGskillet, what distro are  you running?
21:01.14takatumiSpec: I agree.
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21:01.18shingouzGskillet: do 'runlevel'
21:01.19Gskilletbucky: ubuntu
21:01.30Gskilletshingouz N 2
21:01.31buckyyou're in the wrong channel
21:01.35simonrvn/sbin/runlevel if need be
21:01.44Gskilletbucky: so all i need though is modconf thru ubuntu
21:01.46shingouzGskillet: you run ubuntu and you ask questions on #debian?
21:01.56buckyGskillet, /join #ubuntu
21:02.00Specand some people need to be punished
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21:02.05shingouzGskillet: /part #debian
21:02.19PainKilleranybody else have had problems setting up VIA AC97 onboard sound with the latest i386 net install ?
21:02.30buuHrm. What utility could I use to sniff/read traffic from my serial port?
21:02.35shingouz!tell PainKiller about ac97
21:03.04shingouzPainKiller: also: /msg dpkg ask and /msg dpkg sicco
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21:04.10stousetbuu: cat
21:04.21green_earzGskillet: have a look at installing debian from a net installer cd which is 110 meg in size. the rest of the packages will be installed over the net
21:04.27buustouset: Er, how would I use cat to read from serial?
21:04.37stousetcat /dev/ttyS[0-9]
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21:04.52jsnWhat's the name after sarge?
21:04.57green_earzGskillet: try it out on a spare machine
21:04.57stousetjsn: etch
21:05.02stousetbuu: No clue if that'll work like you want it to :-)
21:05.04jsnMerci, stouset
21:05.04stousetWorth a shot, though.
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21:05.11Gskilletgreen_earz ubuntu install worked pretty well, ill just try installing the modconf.deb on it
21:05.12stousetjsn: Why?
21:05.15buustouset: I shall attempt it.
21:05.18wols_buu: use minicom if you just want some terminal app
21:05.27PainKillerthanks shingouz, i realise i'm not specific enough, it's snd-via82xx i have problems with setting up
21:05.36jsnstouset: Because it isn't in the news for the release of 3.1 on, I guess.
21:05.45cmihaideb cdrom:[Debian GNU/Linux 3.1 r0a _Sarge_ - Official i386 Binary-1 (20050607)]/ unstable contrib main
21:05.50cmihaiWhy does it say that ?!
21:06.02shingouzPainKiller: you are still very vague and just ask the channel, not me, i am not an expert on sound
21:06.03buustouset: "input/output error"
21:06.07stousetjsn: Haha, fair enough. Just don't go putting it in your sources.list yet.
21:06.08wols_cmihai: does say what?
21:06.08buuwols_: I shall look in to it.
21:06.15stousetbuu: D'oh, the device is probably locked :-)
21:06.24Nebulousis there a listing of known issues with a certain release other than the mailing list archives?
21:06.24jsnstouset: strictly idle curiosity
21:06.34cmihaiShouldn't it say "stable" ?!
21:06.44buckyNebulous, bug tracking system
21:06.59buckyyou have to use the site map at to find it
21:07.02Nebulousyeah, i just found that moments after I asked. Brilliant of me.
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21:07.46wols_cmihai: it shouldn't say anything imho, cause "unstabl" is no branch like main or contrib is
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21:08.14PainKillerok, i have a problem setting up my ac97 onboard sound, it needs the snd-via82xx driver I found out. it can't open the device /dev/dsp. /dev/dsp exists, and i've chmodded /dev/dsp and /dev/dsp0 to 777. still nothing. should I be using ALSA ?
21:08.49buckyPainKiller, yes.. apt-get install alsa-base and use alsaconf
21:08.50PainKilleri fear i am either too vague or too specific
21:08.53cmihaiwols_: well, when you insert the dvd, it add that line auto-magically. Still, ... looks just strange to me.
21:09.05PeTeRBPainKiller: IIRC snd- *is* ALSA
21:09.17stousetPainKiller: Are you in the audio group?
21:09.20wols_PainKiller: yes you should. also: is any other program using /dev/dsp already? like one of the good for nothing sounddaemons kde and gnome use?
21:09.34shingouzPainKiller: install alsa-base and alsautils, chmod the dsp back to what it used to be, remove all possible instances of the previous oss modules and run alsaconf. you also have to put yourself in group "audio" and logout/login
21:09.44stousetwols_: You mean the good-for-mixing sounddaemons
21:09.45Chat451--- Cannot join #gentoo (You are banned).
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21:09.56PainKillerdo i need to run alsaconf from a non-x terminal?
21:09.58cmathesonblank_: sorry, it was you want to check 'apps->nautilus->preferences->always_use_browser in gconf
21:10.04gentlygnome 2.10: how to create user-defined menus? Had a couple of menus with remote hosts that disappeared with 2.10
21:10.05sam_do anyone use the dosbox package with sarge and have lagged sound?
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21:10.18wols_stouset: no, I mean the good for nothing sounddaemons which hog the /dev files all for themselves and cause every other sound outputting program to fail
21:10.18buckyChat451, so are you going for getting banned here as well ?
21:10.22shingouzPainKiller: any terminal as long as you are root
21:10.25stousetgently: Ask #gnome-debian on
21:10.25cmathesonoops, wrong channel sorry
21:10.31PainKillerI am in group audio
21:10.39stousetwols_: Isn't that what every other sound outputting program does? =P
21:10.44robin_szbucky: is it possible to get banned from here?
21:10.54stousetrobin_sz: Yes.
21:10.57PainKilleri'll try to install alsautils, see what it does
21:11.05gentlystouset: will do, thanks
21:11.07wols_stouset: maybe, but at least they put out sound. sounddaemons don't do anything but hogging :P
21:11.37stousetwols_: Sure they do. They let multiple programs be able to use the sound device.
21:11.38PainKillerdoh, alsa-base installed the newest version of alsautils
21:11.46wols_robin_sz: easily. just start onjoin spamming for example
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21:11.55stousetwols_: Unfortunately, they need to be coded to support esd/artsd/etc hthohugh :-(
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21:11.57beardysam_: Lower the cycles. And don't have the mixing rate(?) too high.
21:12.07wols_stouset: no, that's what they _pretend_ to do. I've never seen them work correctly tho :)
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21:12.16stousetwols_: I see it all the time :-)
21:12.18cmathesonwols_, what do you mean?
21:12.24robin_szwols_: I tried asking stupid questions, so far I have survived ;)
21:12.27cmathesonit's always worked for me
21:12.28buuwols_: I'm trying to use minicom, but I think I'm missing something. I just want to display whatever is sent to my serial port and it doesn't seem to do that
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21:13.04personhow do I use a pda with GNOME
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21:13.08wols_buu: you'd need something which snoops the transmit register of the serial post
21:13.10ttickOkay, I'm trying to get hotplug to run a script (to create a symlink when I insert my USB flashdrive, and remove it when I extract the drive) when the USB drive is autofs mounted.  The autofs part seems to work fine, the drive is mounted, but I can't seem to get hotplug to run a script on this.  Anyone point me to a good webpage on the topic, or something.  I'm following the instructions on:
21:13.20buuwols_: Oh god.
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21:13.34wols_to use minicom for this purpose, you'd need a loopback connector or a nullmodem cable I guess
21:13.45buuEr, is there something I could use instead?
21:13.46robin_szhmmm ...
21:14.06robin_szbuu: this is probably a banning offence .. but I know of such things for windows ...
21:14.08wols_buu: use a nullmodem cable. connect that to the 2nd serial port and use minicom to display that
21:14.22buuwols_: Second.. serial port?
21:14.28wols_robin_sz: I do too, but none for linux unfortunately
21:14.31personthe trapazoid
21:14.37robin_szwols_: agreed
21:14.45wols_buu: most mobos have 2 serial ports. some newer ones don't unfortunately
21:14.46personthe trapazoid ports with the pins
21:14.51buurobin_sz: I was using hyperterm on teh windows.
21:15.18buuI've got this hideous hack going here right now and it's not working. So I'm trying to isolate the broken parts.
21:15.20robin_szwols_: I use them for debigging the crap that various CNC machining apps send to the serial port, port snoopers, no harwdawre required
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21:15.30wols_buu: and minicom is the same as hyperterm, just for linux. but I don't see how you could do what you want with hyperterm
21:15.48tweakgamesHow do I get a list of all my dev/hdas and stuff?
21:15.49buuwols_: Er, hyperterm just connects to the serial port and reads/writes to it, I don't see the complication
21:16.03PeTeRBtweakgames: fdisk -l
21:16.14AssOhi i  have a problem installing debian via netinstall (kernel 2.6 and 2.4 image) on a ultrasparc1 which has 2 4 GB scsi drives, booting and half of the installer just works fine up to partitioning; i erased my drives and i want to create a new partition to use in a sw-raid later on size 3.8 GB, but i only get  579.5 MB if i try that, if i try increasing the sieze manually i get an error, saying too big! can anyone point me in the right direct
21:16.17wols_buu: which is exactly what minicom does. so why didn't it work for you?
21:16.18kazimon what package there is bunzip2 please ?
21:16.19jaime_albertoI'm having a problem with wu-ftpd: It allways repors the detailed list of files wheter you use ls or dir so in the windows machines when accesing through MyPC the files appear with the file date prepended. How can I make ls and dir work properly?
21:16.23buuwols_: Good question!
21:16.30wols_kazim: bzip2
21:16.31robin_szbuu: there are 'doze apps that will snoop on a serial port as other applications us ot so you can see everything that goes past
21:16.44buckyAssO, does it support your scsi controller?
21:16.47kazimwols_: thanks a lot
21:16.53kingsleyWhat's a good way to diagnose why emails addressed to root are reported in exim's log file but aren't received by root?
21:17.02wols_jaime_alberto: why do you use wu-ftpd?
21:17.04buuwols_: Of course, the current cable I'm using has a stable for one of it's pins
21:17.06personhow do i access my PDA in GNOME?
21:17.17AssObucky: i do not have a lot of information on that machine, how can i check?
21:17.19beardybuu: Not really, the terminal program needs to be configured correctly for the serialport you connect it too, to be able to receive anything.
21:17.31albowhats a program i can install to get http headers
21:17.35jaime_albertowols_, 'cause I need an ftp daemon
21:17.37wols_kingsley: cause root doesn't receive mails. they are routed to some other user, whatever you set for it
21:17.39robin_szperson: which PDA?
21:17.45shingouzperson: if the pda is a Palm, try jpilot
21:17.46personpalm zire
21:17.48buckyAssO, google
21:17.53buubeardy: Well, how do I set up minicom appropiately?
21:17.58AssObucky: thx ;)
21:17.59wols_jaime_alberto: and wu-ftpd is a shitty choice for one. use proftpd, vs-ftpd, etc. but NOT wu-ftpd
21:18.02buuIt seems to want to talk to the modem
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21:18.03stousetalbo: get from *where* exactly
21:18.12kingsleywols_: I suspected redirecte mail too, but /etc/aliases was innocent...
21:18.13shingouzreminds me that i have to backup my palm too
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21:18.16stousetjaime_alberto: I second that. wu-ftpd is a steaming pile of crap
21:18.23albostouset: well theres  program named HEAD written in perl, but i can apt-cache search for it
21:18.30buckywu-ftp sucked on redhat and it will always suck
21:18.33beardybuu: The first thing you have to do is choose the correct serialport..
21:18.33stousetkingsley: No, root *does not receive mail*
21:18.33wols_kingsley: what do you use to store mail?
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21:18.47stousetkingsley: *forward them*
21:18.47buubeardy: Well, I seem to only have one.
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21:18.54buualbo: It's part of LWP.
21:19.08wols_kingsley: there is an unholy trinity of linux daemons in this world: bind, sendmail and wu-ftpd. they're all evil
21:19.09jaime_albertowols_, stouset : OK i don't mind changing the daemon as long as it make possible to access the files
21:19.10beardybuu: Choose that then. /dev/ttyS0 hopefully.
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21:19.22buubeardy: Yes.. choose it *where*?
21:19.26capuHi all - whats the linux command to unZIP a file?
21:19.38wols_capu: install unzip, then run it
21:19.43kingsleystouset: Ah, I see in exim.conf that, as you say, root doesn't receive mail. Thanks.
21:19.56beardybuu: In the configuration. Alt-C (?) Alt-Z gives you a help screen.
21:19.58samuelthe program gnome-keyring seems to be storing gksu and gksudo passwords, is there any way to stop it? im afraid there is little or no docs available on this, and the README has nothing usefull in there
21:20.13buubeardy: Yes, I've got the help screen, not seeing a menu item "CHOOSE SERIAL PORT" =[
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21:20.47capuok, thanks wols_
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21:21.14Jonhi all. On a computer with a dodgy CD-ROM, I got enough through debian-installer to format an existing ext3 partition but then it conked out on installing the OS. net result is a broken grub. only reliable way to boot is via floppy now. What should I do, to rebuild grub enough to boot windows (oh yes, it was my mother's laptop)
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21:21.22buubeardy: Oh, never mind. I see it.
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21:21.39beardybuu: Of course it's not called that. It's called "Configuration" or simillar.
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21:21.55wols_Jon: put grub on a floppy and boot from it. you can (re)install grub from there
21:22.02kingsleystouset & wols_: Thanks. Commenting out "never_users" in exim.conf solved the problem.
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21:22.14stousetkingsley: Bah, you should forward root's mail
21:22.17Jonwols_: ok that's a good start, thanks
21:22.23stousetkingsley: Don't take the lazy way out =P
21:22.37beardybuu: I still don't think this will work the way you want.
21:22.43wols_kingsley: and since you're at it: also forward postmaster@
21:23.03ohadhi, is there a good doc/howto compile my own kernel on debian sarge? i am trying to compile my kernel from source
21:23.22kingsleystouset: It seems to me that aggregating admin emails in root's mailbox makes sense.
21:23.35ohadwols_, thanks
21:23.38wols_kingsley: no it does not.
21:23.41stousetkingsley: not in the least. How will you read those emails?
21:23.43wols_since you never see them
21:23.46PeTeRBohad: /msg dpkg kp
21:23.49wols_root is not supposed to run a MUA
21:24.04stousetkingsley: log into your POP server as root? =P
21:24.10beardybuu: I know there are programs to "sit in the middle" and see what is sent to and received to the serialport, I've seen it in the packagelist, but can't remember the name, I'll try and search for it for you, this once.
21:24.31wols_stouset: no one uses pop servers for their own mail. right?
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21:24.53kingsleywols_ & stouset : I keep root logged in an xterm with a red background open 24/7. xbuffy reports when mail arrives and I read it with mutt in the red xterm.
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21:25.14stousetkingsley: Seems unsafe.
21:25.25wols_and unecessary too
21:25.29stousetkingsley: Most of us try to preach about never running root, and here you've got a root term open 24/7 :-)
21:25.44caphusohe'll learn, in time
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21:25.56stousetHopefully not the hard way.
21:25.58stousetLike I have :-)
21:26.02caphusostouset: there's no other way
21:26.10stousetProbably true.
21:26.34Nebulousthat's begging to be made into a slogan
21:26.46kingsleycaphuso: Don't hold your breath. I've been using computers for 29 years and Debian since '96.
21:26.47stousetroot: Unsafe at any speed.
21:26.47caphusohe'll do something stupid like accidentally saving a mail to /bin/sh
21:27.01stousetcaphuso: Speaking from experience, are we? :-)
21:27.03caphusokingsley: yeah, you're the god of computers. i'll worship you
21:27.12stousetkingsley: Doesn't mean you're immune to user error :-)
21:27.13caphusostouset: wasn't /bin/sh :)
21:27.24stousetcaphuso: Well, with Debian you'd be okay. It's just a symlink
21:27.46stousetI told the story earlier, but I did an "rm -r /var /subdirectory" once.
21:27.54kingsleystouset: I only made one mistake this year. I thought I was wrong once, but it turned out I was right. ;-)
21:28.01*** join/#debian MobyTurbo (
21:28.03*** mode/#debian [+l 843] by debhelper
21:28.08stousetWorst part was, we ran a backup job every night. It mounted the backup drive to /var/somethingorother, backed up, and unmounted.
21:28.18stousetI did that *as the backups were being done*.
21:28.22stousetTwo minute window, and I hit it.
21:28.24*** join/#debian aspyrine (
21:28.34caphusostouset: heh
21:28.40kingsleystouset & wols_: Thanks again.
21:28.40*** join/#debian Oleg (
21:28.48stousetkingsley: I haven't ever been in a car wreck. I still wear a seat belt and have airbags :-)
21:28.50stousetNo problem.
21:28.53*** join/#debian toonX (
21:28.55*** part/#debian [S][F]Era (~gjorgji@
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21:29.56wols_does anyone know if there is someone crazy enough to write kernel device drivers in asm?
21:29.59*** join/#debian radical_ (~radical@
21:30.07*** join/#debian talkwebhosts (
21:30.15stousetcaphuso: I missed new years rebuilding that server ;)
21:30.23stousetwols_: Alan Cox? =P
21:30.30jaime_albertoHow do I make a PS2 external mouse work in a laptop? I've seen examples with serial and usb mouses but I need to make work a PS/2 mouse. Knoppix can do it but I haven't been able to make it work in Debian.
21:30.37talkwebhostswhat ftp server should i use for debian?
21:30.48ledettalkwebhosts: the one you know best
21:30.52talkwebhostsproftpd 1.2.10-15
21:30.54wols_stouset: I'm sure all the main kernel devs are sane enough to write their device drivers in C
21:31.00stousetwols_: Don't know if he writes anything in asm. But I'll be damned if that man doesn't run his tongue across the pins of a PCI device and immediately know how to interface with it, hehe.
21:31.02ledettalkwebhosts: then use that one
21:31.04jasoncohentalkwebhosts, you can use apt-spy to do a bandwidth test. it really depends where you live
21:31.31talkwebhostsin your opinion ledet which is the best for progeny
21:31.35wols_it's a crappy isdn thingie which runs of the serial port and only has binary 2.2.x drivers
21:31.40dpkgKnoppix, Libranet, Corel/Xandros, Stormix, Progeny, Linspire, DamnSmallLinux, Xebian, Ubuntu, Mepis, and so on are *not* Debian. Just because something's "based on" Debian doesn't mean we can support it. We're supporting Debian, let your distro's support network support it. Ask me about "d-i".
21:31.41simonrvnapt-spy is hardly a bandwidth tester... besides it's crap (IMO)
21:31.45ledettalkwebhosts: what is progeny?
21:31.49wols_which happen to disassemble fairly easily :)
21:31.53talkwebhostsprogeny debian
21:32.06dpkgi guess progeny is Debian-based GNU/Linux distribution company specializing in custom packaging., or see progeny installer, or
21:32.07*** join/#debian remmy_ (
21:32.31dpkggnustep is, like, a cross-platform development environmnt based on OpenStep., or going to be really awesome, if it ever gets finished, or, or, or (tarzeau the fanboy)
21:32.33ledettalkwebhosts: aah... progeny... did you try asking in #progeny? this is #debian...
21:32.44talkwebhosts#progeny does not exsist
21:32.53jasoncohensimonrvn, why is apt-spy crap?
21:32.54tarzeautalkwebhosts: #gnustep eixsts
21:32.57*** join/#debian dlip (
21:32.58ledettalkwebhosts: no one here knows about progeny... we only know about #debian
21:33.05*** join/#debian jean_n_ (~jean_n@
21:33.09talkwebhoststhen for debian
21:33.16talkwebhostswhat do you use for ftp
21:33.18ledettalkwebhosts: the one you know best
21:33.24ledettalkwebhosts: i use pureftpd
21:33.29gbaI just installed festival (the text-to-speech system). And if I tell festival to say something then it speeks too high pitched and too fast. How can I slow it down?
21:33.32ledettalkwebhosts: but thats because i know that one best
21:33.41ledettalkwebhosts: and because it fits my needs
21:33.48jaime_albertowhenever I configure a ps2 mouse it uses the touchpad but I can't make it work with the extenal mouse, anyone knows how to make the external ps2 mouse work in a laptop?
21:33.55ledettalkwebhosts: it may be a bunch of crap for your needs
21:33.57*** part/#debian aspyrine (
21:34.00simonrvnjasoncohen: the nature of tcp/ip and the internet
21:34.09talkwebhostsjust setting up a game server
21:34.12*** join/#debian sphair (
21:34.20talkwebhostsno big deal
21:34.27tarzeauanyone for a gtetrinet ?
21:35.01ledettalkwebhosts: still... go with whatever you know... if you dont know anything, tell us that and then tell us exactly what you want to use your ftpd for...
21:35.06*** join/#debian defsy (
21:35.08PeTeRBtarzeau: What's that?
21:35.22tarzeauPeTeRB: tetris for up to seven players
21:35.40tarzeauPeTeRB: team play with friendly fire, and extra special bad blocks
21:35.55defsywhere can I put a .sty file from CTAN "into dir searched by LaTeX"?
21:35.55PeTeRBtarzeau: Hmm. dpkg says it's addictive
21:36.07tarzeauPeTeRB: heh, it lies, just try it once ;)
21:36.21gbano one who uses festival?
21:36.32defsytarzeau: talking about gtetrinet?
21:36.34PeTeRBtarzeau: But then again, the link dpkg gave me doesn't work.
21:36.36*** join/#debian blechi (
21:36.46tarzeaudefsy: yep, wanna play ?
21:37.03jaime_albertonoone? :(
21:37.12tarzeaudamn why does gtetrinet need dbus and gnome shit?
21:37.12defsyjust need to get it up&runnig :)
21:37.32tarzeauyuck it even pulls gnomevfs and libsmbclient shit
21:37.39*** join/#debian Frankablue (
21:37.39tarzeauYUCK YUCK! WTF!
21:37.42*** join/#debian knix (~knix@knix.user)
21:37.46tarzeauis there no tetrinet client without gtk?
21:37.50tarzeauGTK SUCKS ASS
21:38.21PeTeRBtarzeau: What's the next addictive game on your list?
21:38.25defsytarheelcoxn: don't know :S
21:38.34tarzeauPeTeRB: i haven't played dopewars and nethack for some while...
21:38.37beardybuu: snooper: (Captures communication between two external serial devices), section comm, is optional. Version: 19991202-3 (sarge), Packaged size: 14 kB, Installed size: 38 kB
21:38.38defsyPeTeRB: have you FrozenBubble already?
21:38.45dpkgOh good, yet another kde-to-gnome missle launched.
21:38.45PeTeRBdefsy: Erm, yeah.
21:38.46buubeardy: Nifty, I'll try it.
21:38.46*** join/#debian Ditaka (
21:38.54tarzeauPeTeRB: i just want a quicky tetris, then shave, shower and bed (alone, sleep)
21:38.55buubeardy: I just completely broke my terminal though, so.
21:39.13tarzeaudefsy: tried ever?
21:39.13beardybuu: How did you do that?
21:39.18tarzeaudefsy: or ?
21:39.26buubeardy: Fuck if I know
21:39.50beardybuu: What did you do, and what happens?
21:39.51defsytarzeau: never
21:40.47buubeardy: I some how deleted the operating system apparently
21:41.05beardybuu: ?
21:41.17tarzeaudefsy: now?
21:41.29*** part/#debian stouset (~stephen@
21:41.29tarzeauor the debian server?
21:41.29defsyok tarzeau which room?
21:41.44defsyi don't care if you give me the hostname
21:41.53tarzeaudefsy: #pure
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21:42.59beardybuu: I doubt that. What were you doing when it "broke"? What does it say on the screen now, any error messages?
21:43.03*** join/#debian mEEgo (
21:43.10FarrisGI have dual Xeon machines... What would be the functional difference in running an amd64-smp kernel and an em64t-p4-smp kernel?
21:43.14mEEgoHello people, I need to change permisions on directory full of files and subdirectories ( and more files ) , anyway, if i do chmod -R 600 directoryfoo, great the files are 600, but the directories too, and i can't change by hand each subdirecory to 700, so is there any way to make the files to be 600 and the directories 700, if it's a directory change to 700 and if it's a file to 500 ?
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21:44.51GskilletTrying to use my Bluetooth USB Dongle, keeps returning: Device is not available: Success - I have the bluez drivers and utils, I also have the USB BT drivers enabled in the kernel.  What am I missing?
21:45.21*** part/#debian Om (~om@om.user)
21:45.39nvzwhat a moron
21:46.02nvzwtf kind of quit message is "Seize the carpe diem"
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21:46.16wols_a confuddled one
21:46.50buubeardy: No, I deleted the OS, I just need to reset it and reload the os apparently
21:46.58shingouzGskillet: you are missing the point. you run Ubuntu, you should ask in #ubuntu as they have more of a clue what happens with Ubuntu. did i make myself clear enough?
21:47.05buubeardy: Apparently it thought I was trying to attack it
21:47.07Gskillet(i tried #ubuntu but no one knows there)
21:47.17tarzeauGskillet: hahhaa
21:47.21shingouzGskillet: and that concerns us how exactly?
21:47.22dpkgubunto is, like, or
21:47.24beardynvz: Give me your IC curcuit and drop the CD disc.
21:47.25Gskilletshingouz i figure its a general configuration i am missing
21:47.38Gskilletshingouz that is native to debian aswell
21:47.43shingouzGskillet: i figure its a general clue you are missing
21:47.46PeTeRBmEEgo: You could try to use find(1)
21:47.50*** join/#debian PainKiller (~symen@
21:48.12defsycu all
21:48.19*** part/#debian defsy (
21:48.32wols_Gskillet: we don't care what is missing. ask ubuntu about missing things for your OS, not us
21:48.33beardybuu: Answer my question if you want help.
21:48.36*** join/#debian vladster (~vladster@2e8e339f59a3da8f.session.tor)
21:48.55vladsterIS ther a way to enable loging in irssi?
21:48.59concept10no ubuntu love in here?
21:49.04wols_vladster: /set log
21:49.05nvzconcept10: nope
21:49.06PeTeRBconcept10: This is #debian
21:49.07tarzeauconcept10: absolutely not
21:49.17*** join/#debian emag (
21:49.19Gskilletvols_ something i am missing to configure, by an answer given here i could pinpoint what it is
21:49.24streunerconcept10: troll somewhere else
21:49.24jaime_albertook, i've changed wu-ftpd for proftpd and now I can't make ftp conections at all? does it needs any post install config?
21:49.27wols_concept10: no love for any linux distro but debian. which is why the channel is named #debian, duh
21:49.34tarzeauwols_: heh
21:49.38buubeardy: Well, I don't really want or need help. I just wanted tell you what happened. (About your question, the damn thing won't even turn on, much less display a message)
21:49.46concept10guys chill out
21:49.51Gskilleti have modconfig and was able to find out that i did have the USB drivers working in the kernel already
21:49.53websdalemEEgo:or write a bash script (or with awk maybe or perl...)
21:49.54tarzeauconcept10: hey honey, they were even nice to youz
21:50.04*** join/#debian bcr (
21:50.06concept10I have a sarge server :)
21:50.08wols_Gskillet: how often do we have to repeat it: install debian proper or go away
21:50.15*** join/#debian echobucket (
21:50.18tarzeauconcept10: that's nice, but still won't get you any ubuntu love
21:50.40beardybuu: Oh (I don't really understand you..) So your power supply died or something?
21:50.40NebulousGskillet: I think I had a similair problem
21:50.48concept10I was reffering to the other guy
21:50.55concept10not me
21:51.06Gskilletnebulous: what was wrong
21:51.09buubeardy: Er, no. I think it thought I was attacking the hardware and set a flag.
21:51.19*** join/#debian jasonr (~jasonr@
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21:51.39NebulousGskillet: it was the usb utils I had installed.
21:51.45tarzeauconcept10: ah you mean Gskillet . you know when someone writes ubuntu here. an alarming sound is played at full volume and all leds start blinking
21:51.49mEEgowebsdale, it's weird that for that task, theres a need for a script, isn't this a common problem ?
21:51.49NebulousI'm trying to figure out the name of which one I uninstalled and what I put in it's place.
21:51.58beardybuu: What kind of a box is that?
21:52.07concept10Honestly, you guys that are channel regulars should change your overall attitude.  The rep of this channel of notorious
21:52.08Gskilletnebulous the bluez-utils?
21:52.09toonXyeah, concept10 was rather ironic
21:52.29kazimhi i can have background image on X anyone know if i need somepackage ?
21:52.31shingouzNebulous: if you are running ubuntu you may have a clue what is happening with Gskillets box. if you run debian it is highly possible that your advice is going to screw up his system
21:52.32*** join/#debian K_Dallas (~Korbain@
21:52.51LoneWlfmake is a piece of binutils right?
21:52.52Gskilletshingouz: ubuntu isnt relatively different from debian
21:52.53streunertoonX: he is a moron
21:52.54*** join/#debian icub3d (~jmarsh@
21:52.56concept10shingouz, it depends on what it is
21:52.57tarzeauLoneWlf: no
21:53.01*** join/#debian duncf (~duncf@duncf.committer.apache)
21:53.03tarzeauGskillet: yes it is
21:53.08Nebulousno, it was the usb manager doohicky.
21:53.13shingouzconcept10: i said "highly possible"
21:53.24*** join/#debian ian2 (
21:53.29Nebulousthe one I had installed didn't gracefully remove/unmount usb devices and dongles
21:53.31tarzeauconcept10: i've never heard of that from anyone but you. and well those in #debian_ and #debian(-?)friendly and someone else
21:53.32Gskilletshingouz: its just missing some packages, configuring a usb bluetooth wouldnt make a difference on either ,and if it would i could find out what packages i need here
21:53.40LoneWlftarzeau: that's right, make is make
21:53.47jasonrwhats a multiverse???   i cant even t if the packages are the same or not....
21:53.49tarzeauconcept10: from what i know, the poeople in here are excellent to eachother
21:53.50LoneWlftarzeau : nm :P, thanks though
21:53.55concept10tarzeau, you must only use this channel
21:54.12tarzeauconcept10: i'm using it quite often
21:54.15jasonr!beer Tarzeau
21:54.17websdalemEEgo: I don't know - I've never had to do too much wholesale permission changing
21:54.17dpkgit has been said that debstats is managed by sussudio, or
21:54.27*** join/#debian dieguito (~diego@2001:5c0:8fff:fffe:0:0:0:2cbb)
21:54.28K_Dallas!drpepper K_Dallas
21:54.29ian2Heya.  Been looking around for some info on building a diskless ppc (Old World G3) client (x86 server).  Can anybody shoot me some insight/linkage?
21:54.55tarzeauian2: #debianppc
21:54.58toonXtarzeau are you counting tralala too ?
21:55.02*** part/#debian dieguito (~diego@2001:5c0:8fff:fffe:0:0:0:2cbb)
21:55.07Gskilletnebulous: which utils did you get that eventually fixed your problem?
21:55.13concept10tarzeau, do you frequent other channels?  anyway, i wont troll
21:55.16Gskilletnebulous: was it a certain verision of bluez etc?
21:55.20tarzeautoonX: count him like what?
21:55.26buubeardy: It's a pos terminal
21:55.27PainKillerso i'm still trying to get my snd-via82xx working, but alsaconf doesn't recognize my sound card... any pointers anyone?
21:55.29Nebulousno, my problem wasn't in bluez.
21:55.36Nebulousit was with the usbmgr I was using
21:55.40tarzeauconcept10: yes i do, #gnu #nethack  some local channels and #bub-n-bros as well as #gnustep
21:55.46tarzeauconcept10: but why are you asking?
21:55.51toonXtarzeau into the joy party you say #debian is
21:55.56wols_PainKiller: has nice tables for what soundcards they support and how
21:55.57jaime_albertodoes proftpd works as soon as installed (from the package) or do I need to make some configuration?
21:56.05toonXtarzeau that's a rude kid :P
21:56.09*** part/#debian ian2 (
21:56.11HanClintojaime_alberto: I have the same question
21:56.27Gskilletnebulous: how did you upgrade your usbmgr
21:56.34tarzeaujaime_alberto: yes. no.
21:56.40tarzeauHanClinto: same answer
21:56.53mEEgowebsdale, this did the trick 'chmod -R 600 Musica/; chmod -R u+X Musica/' , anyway its a directory full of mp3's i dont want the to have +x , but the directories needed to be 700, to have full control of them.. anyway thanks
21:56.55jaime_albertoHanClinto, I just changed wu-ftpd for proftpd and my machine no longer answers ftp requests
21:57.09jaime_albertoso I suppose something must be configured
21:57.10tarzeaujaime_alberto: telnet localhost 21 says what?
21:57.16Gskilletnebulous: nvm that last question, on my linux i dont even have usbmgr, i wonder if that has anything to do with it
21:57.19tarzeaujaime_alberto: dpkg -l proftpd
21:57.20Nebulousi removed usbutils and installed another similair package. I can't find the name of it though. I'm looking
21:57.24concept10tarzeau, the reason I ask is this:  I get sick of channel politics and just flat out rude people.
21:57.36Nebulousi just said it was a similair problem, not the same :)
21:57.39*** part/#debian deltaBird (~tobi@
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21:58.02shingouzconcept10: and to think about it, this channel has not even been rude today
21:58.03*** mode/#debian [+l 829] by debhelper
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21:58.07tarzeauconcept10: the channel "politics" (i'd rather call them rules) are pretty wide free here. but some things just get on nerve
21:58.10jaime_albertotarzeau, it connects but when I use an ftp client it reuses the connection
21:58.12hikenboothello all--tried printing to my new printer from open office the printer wakes up but never prints and cat > /dev/lp0  wakes up the printer but nothing prints either...any ideas?
21:58.20shingouztarzeau: amen :)
21:58.24PeTeRBmEEgo: You can try using find(1) with the -type and -exec options
21:58.31tarzeaujaime_alberto: firewall?
21:58.31wols_shingouz: it still has full 2 minutes today to start being rude
21:58.38websdalemEEgo:Oh I see I thought you needed something more generic :)
21:58.48jaime_albertotarzeau, nop
21:58.50shingouzwols_: true. we have to get it cracking then
21:58.50tarheelcoxndefsy: say wha?
21:58.57tarzeaujaime_alberto: can you give an ip?
21:59.03ttickokay, I'm trying to get a script to run when I hotplug a device.  And many of the webpages I'm refering to cite /etc/hotplug/usb.distmap as the source of some information that I need.  unfortunately, my debian distro doesn't seem to contain this file.  Anyone know what replaces it (the references I'm looking at are from early 2004, so not sure what's changed).
21:59.35tarzeaujaime_alberto: it doesn't really connect
21:59.40concept10tarzeau, i understand rules, i guess its just me.  the way I look at it, I know this is just IRC but no one can talk to me anyway in person so I get offended when people are rude on IRC also
21:59.44tarzeaujaime_alberto: check your /etc/hosts.{allow,deny}
21:59.47*** join/#debian Gooser (
21:59.57mEEgowebsdale, na , it was that simple
22:00.01K_Dallasnow that is a movie quote ;)  "A census taker once tried to test me. I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice Chianti," -ref:
22:00.05wols_jaime_alberto: have ypu checked if something (preferably proftpd or inetd) listens on port 21?
22:00.07jaime_albertotarzeau, if wu-ftpd was working why won't proftpd?
22:00.11tarzeauconcept10: nobody is rude here, was someone ?
22:00.17streunerconcept10: nobody are really care about, just ignore it
22:00.28tarzeauconcept10: if it happens, it's either with a good reason. or because the person is always like that
22:00.32K_Dallastarzeau, people here are pretty firendly but frank
22:00.40tarzeaujaime_alberto: it should. what did you do? got sid? sarge?
22:00.43kawausohey: i'm trying to install kernel-headers-2.6.10-1-386, but apt is telling me it doesn't exist.  i'm using the same repository on another machine and it has it installed.  i've apt-get update'd
22:00.46tarzeauK_Dallas: fine for me
22:00.55streunerconcept10: so its life
22:00.57concept10tarzeau, never mind its no big deal, no one was rude to me, i was just responding to your question
22:01.06wols_jaime_alberto: have ypu checked if something (preferably proftpd or inetd) listens on port 21?
22:01.15jaime_albertotarzeau, I'm using etch
22:01.22K_Dallaskawauso, what debian? i dont have it on my sarge
22:01.26jasonrmkawauso  debian never made a 2.6.10 it went from 2.6.8-2.6.11 i beleive
22:01.28K_Dallasi have 2.6.11 tho
22:01.46*** join/#debian person (
22:01.51tarzeaujaime_alberto: /etc/init.d/proftpd restart    shows you some msg?
22:01.52kawausojasonr: i have it installed on another machine.  it has to exist.
22:01.55jaime_albertowols_, I can open a connection to port 21 but it doesn't work with ftp clients
22:02.07streunertarzeau: thats in german called 'Ein Weichei' ;-)
22:02.10tarzeaujaime_alberto: do you get the ftp ok i'm ready message?
22:02.13*** part/#debian gba (
22:02.21jaime_albertotarzeau, tesla:/home/ftp# /etc/init.d/proftpd restart
22:02.21jaime_albertoRestarting ProFTPD ftp daemon..
22:02.21*** kick/#debian [jaime_alberto!~debhelper@debhelper.user] by debhelper (flood)
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22:02.36wols_jaime_alberto: i asked you what program has port21. run netstat -anp|grep LISTEN
22:02.37jasonrkawauso  unstable has 2.6.11 now
22:02.40tarzeaustreuner: concept10 ?
22:02.53jaime_albertoI knew it was gonna happen
22:03.01jasoncohenjasonr, as does etch
22:03.16concept10streuner, how do you say this in german: fuck off?
22:03.24tarzeaustreuner: someone who doesn't answer ctcp version requests certainly is one
22:03.25jasonrjasoncohen: no source in etch....however the unstable has source
22:03.33tarzeauconcept10: fick dich
22:03.44streunertarzeau: oh :-)
22:03.51DrPeteAnyone sergest a place where I can get a good debian VPS to try out?
22:04.04streunertarzeau: well, i have that in X-Chat disabled too :-)
22:04.09*** join/#debian sigma957 (
22:04.12tarzeaustreuner: x-chat blows so!
22:04.20concept10streuner, get a life, please
22:04.34wols_concept10: and you stop trolling plesaer
22:04.35revenger_is pfiles also available for linux?
22:04.37kawausocan i tell what repository a package was installed from?  i guess i got it from an unofficial site on the other machine.
22:04.39swimbucky, do you know how to install unrar-nonfree on amd64? THe deb's are not available for amd64, but there is another way I've forgotten.
22:04.41*** join/#debian cddesjar (
22:04.50jaime_albertowols_, proftpd doesn't appear in that list
22:05.06wols_jaime_alberto: what appears for port 21?
22:05.19cddesjari have two do you pronounce debian?  it is deb-i-an or is it de-bi-an?  number 2...could someone recommend a cool window manager
22:05.35streunerwols_: he is clueless, just ignore him
22:05.36jaime_albertowols_, which column is the port?
22:05.45tarzeaucddesjar: #2 windowmaker (wmaker) or amiwm
22:05.49wols_netstat -anp|grep LIST|grep ":21"
22:06.04jasonrmcddesjar Deb - Ian     Debrah and Ian i think it came from
22:06.06concept10wols_, I dont consider making a point trolling.  streuner was attacking me for some reason
22:06.07tarzeaucddesjar: i pronounce it "DEBORA AND IAN GNU IS NOT UNIX LINUX"
22:06.26tarzeaujasonr: it's debrah? or deborah? with or without h?
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22:06.35jaime_albertostreuner, that's the spirit
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22:06.41tarzeauconcept10: did you understand what "weichei" is?
22:06.47cddesjaris windowmaker fast?  i used fluxbox for a while and i thought that was pretty sweet
22:06.53tarzeaucddesjar: very damn fast
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22:07.06beardycddesjar: /msg dpkg window manager
22:07.16concept10tarzeau, dont care to understand.  name calling doesnt bother me.  next topic please
22:07.16jasonrtarzeau: im not sure but he gets the jist hehe
22:07.46beardycddesjar: Yes it's fast. (depends on your hardware though I guess)
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22:08.51concept10tarzeau, jasonr, streuner: you guys are wierd.  I make a statement about being rude to people and you guys attack me.  check yourselves
22:08.53cddesjaroh my...there are as many different window managers yet distros of Linux!
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22:09.04tarzeauconcept10: when did i attack you?
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22:09.22wols_tarzeau: he's trolling. ignore him
22:09.39beardyconcept10: Just drop it. If someone annoys you, /ignore them, or just be quiet about it.
22:09.52tarzeauwols_: ouf being in #ubuntu and #fedora .. thank you
22:10.33tarzeausomeone up for a "typespeed" session ?
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22:11.02cddesjaris there a package for windowmaker that i can use aptitude to snag?
22:11.15tarzeaucddesjar: wmaker
22:11.16beardycddesjar: wmaker
22:11.18cddesjari tried aptitude search windowmaker
22:11.23wols_cddesjar: apt-cache show wmaker
22:11.26cmihaiIt's wmaker :)
22:11.27cddesjarthat makes sense
22:11.43tarzeaucddesjar: if you really love the blocky clean look of wmaker, you might be interested in gnustep, gnustep-devel and gnustep-games too
22:11.54jaime_albertowols_, thanks, it was opened by an inetd process i killed it and restarted inetd and proftpd
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22:12.42cddesjarso when i reboot my computer next time i should be able to choose which session i want from xdm either kde or wmaker right?  or do i need to manually change that with xdm
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22:13.19directhexcddesjar, use gdm not xdm if you want easy clicky control
22:13.34tarzeaucddesjar: wdm, he means wdm. really
22:13.41tarzeaudirecthex: gdm is so broken, please
22:13.44hikenboothello all--tried printing to my new printer from open office the printer wakes up but never prints and cat > /dev/lp0  wakes up the printer but nothing prints either...any ideas?
22:13.54jairhello guys.
22:14.03directhextarzeau, worksforme
22:14.09jairI want to be sure of what I will be doing
22:14.11tarzeauhikenboot: who produced the printer?
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22:14.27hikenbootoh its a samsung laser ML-1740
22:15.00jairI am running debian sarge "stable" and the kernel 2.6.8-2-686 but it do not support very well my acpi configuration.
22:15.03directhexhikenboot, read on ?
22:15.53hikenbootok will do thanks
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22:16.42jairI am thinking in go to the "" and download a newer kernel "2.6.8 +" but I don't know which one will be the best recommended.  I was thinking in get one from the distribution "testing" or "etch"
22:17.35Supaplexhow can I show all packages I have installed that have a dependency on foo?
22:17.36jairlike the distribution kernel 2.6.10 or .11 or .12 which one will be the more stable even though is testing?
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22:18.25jairI think if I install a earlier version of the kernel the problem of turn off my machine will be solve
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22:18.31kazimi have GIMP could not initialize the graphical user interface :/
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22:19.00PainKillerok, easy question, how do I download the debian kernel sources for my current kernel to /usr/src/Linux ?
22:19.17personim trying to sync with my palm zire using jpilot and when i try to sync i get the error "pi_bind errir:/dev/pilot No such device"
22:19.52jairanyone can suggest me a good kernel>?? from the testing distribution but to use it in "sarge" ?
22:20.00Supaplexjair: there are 2-3 different kinds of kernels you'll run into in debian. 1. debian maintinaer packaged kernels (with security and bugfix patches etc) 2. kernel-package home rolled packages, and 3. the old long hard and painfull upstream bare hands way.  If you use 2 or 3, you're asking us the wrong thing.
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22:20.19directhexjair, the 2.6.11 package works for me
22:20.28beardyjair: Hold it. You install packages using apt-get or aptitude. (or the gui-whatsitcalled(?)) Not by downloading packages from the web.
22:20.34directhexSupaplex, images in sid don't have support...
22:20.36blechihello, i just upgraded my server from woody to sarge, and am now trying to migrate to exim4, however, i can't get TLS/auth to work properly. i'm using the same keys that were working in my sendmail configuration with exim, and they have the correct permissions, but it is still telling my remote client relaying denied. i've been googling for answers for a few hours now and am stuck
22:20.41Supaplexjair: and since your'e using #1 on something besides stable, you're also asking us the wrong thing.  stick you nose in the BTS and read the changelog.
22:20.44directhexbeardy, you wanna talk him through installing sid packages in sarge?
22:20.54personbeardy : it's synaptic
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22:21.17jairbeardy, I use only and exclusive apt-get
22:21.24tgtimmyI have two questions: 1. I installed apache2 and now I can't connect to my server. Apache2 is running and the port is open. Any idea what is wrong?
22:21.27beardydirecthex: No.
22:21.35tarzeautgtimmy: can't you just use apache 1.3.x ?
22:21.45jairSupaplex, what do you mean that I am using 1. debian maintinaer packaged kernels (with security and bugfix patches etc)?
22:21.57FieldySnutstrying to use keys that worked in sendmail, in exim4... geez
22:21.57jairSupaplex, that I can not install testing kernels on it?
22:22.20jairIf I download the kernel and the kernel headers I can do dpkg -i kernel ....
22:22.20directhexjair, yes, you can. i use 2.6.11 from sid on sarge.
22:22.22tgtimmytarzeau, yes I could. but I've had apache2 working in gentoo and I'm trying to learn how to get it working in Debian
22:22.37jairdirecthex, I know you can
22:22.39PainKillerok, easy question, how do I download the debian kernel sources for my current kernel to /usr/src/Linux ?
22:22.47jairthat is why I am asking
22:22.47tgtimmy2. Is there any way to get xorg installed in Sarge?
22:22.48personim trying to sync with my palm zire using jpilot and when i try to sync i get the error "pi_bind errir:/dev/pilot No such device" What do i do?
22:22.54tarzeautgtimmy: no there is not
22:23.05blechiFieldySnuts, it's just a public/private key, you generate both the same way, and it's not giving any errors with it
22:23.19jairdirecthex, so now my question is though, what way did you use to get the kernel installed?
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22:23.35tgtimmyhmmmm, well that's no fun now is it ;-)
22:23.37directhexjair, i have apt configured to give me sarge and sid packages, sarge by default
22:23.40jairdirecthex, what about donwload the kernel 2.6.10?
22:23.49tarzeautgtimmy: there's plenty games if you want fun
22:23.57tarzeautgtimmy: wanna try "typespeed"?
22:23.59jairdirecthex, hmmm do not think is a good idea sorry
22:24.05tgtimmyno thx
22:24.19jairbut all I need is just the kernel and kernel headers I think?
22:24.23persontarzeau : what is typespeed?
22:24.24directhexjair, i never said it was a good idea, but it happens to be how i choose to administer my system
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22:24.40tarzeauperson: a game where you type words, with a network opponent. the faster wins
22:24.41directhexjair, you only need kernel headers to build kernel modules
22:24.45Supaplexjair: I said "you will find" not "you are using"
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22:24.47tarzeauperson: wanna play? you be the server
22:24.49jairdirecthex, I do not want to mix other packages from unstable with stable, I will do that only with the kernel.
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22:24.59oiio_hello. The partition on which postgresql is installed has ran out of space. We need to quickly move it to a different partition. How is it done?
22:25.06persontarzeau : maybe later
22:25.06directhexjair, the only other sid packages i use are xfce 4.2
22:25.06tarzeaujair: don't do it with only the kernel either
22:25.09tgtimmyoh, I can connect if I use http://localhost, but now
22:25.11dpkgRemember Lorena Bobbitt?  Remember what she did to her husband's woody? Well, when you install binary packages from different branches onto your woody, you get the same result. Same goes for Sarge.
22:25.12alecikiikihas anyone else experienced problems installing the flash package for mozilla?
22:25.14FieldySnutsoiio_: better off asking their channel, wherever that is (no I don't know)
22:25.16tarzeauperson: i'll be asleep later
22:25.16FieldySnuts!fuck flash
22:25.18directhextarzeau, that's short sighted
22:25.25tarzeaudirecthex: what?
22:25.27oiio_FieldySnuts its not active
22:25.32jairSupaplex, correct, what do you mean is after the 2.6.8 I will find other kind of kernels :)
22:25.35Gskilletnebulous: nvm that last question, on my linux i dont even have usbmgr, i wonder if that has anything to do with it
22:25.45FieldySnutswhat's that factoid where the other channel isn't active, so that doesn't mean this is the right one
22:25.46jairtarzeau, what do you mean?
22:25.49FieldySnutsnice logic. good luck.
22:25.50pmakto use the mysql with php which pkg i have to install? mysql-server? i have installed the mysql-common, but i dont have it in my init.d to start it
22:25.58directhextarzeau, there are things in later kernels, such as hardware support, whicxh are desirable
22:26.03tarzeaujair: don't mix stable,testing,sid packages
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22:26.14tarzeaudirecthex: not if they are not in the same archive
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22:26.24Supaplexjair: just use kernel-package on the current stable kernel, and be happy :)
22:26.48jairhow can I install just another kernel on my sarge? I can just download the .deb package kernel 2.6.11 and the kernel headers? and install it using dpkg -i kernel ---- kernel headers?
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22:26.55personim trying to sync with my palm zire using jpilot and when i try to sync i get the error "pi_bind error:/dev/pilot No such device" What do i do?
22:27.02vince_So how do you guys feel about ubuntu?
22:27.03tarzeaujair: you don't need the kernel headers
22:27.11directhexjair, yes, that will work, though you only need headers to build kernel modules. you may need an updated udev package, though
22:27.13tarzeauvince_: fucking troll somewhere else
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22:27.15alecikiikialright, fixed it, apparently swf-player had to be removed
22:27.26directhexvince_, it has its uses, e.g. for hardware support in some scenarios
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22:27.30personvince_ :its ok for people who are new
22:27.34tgtimmyif I can connect to my webserver using http://localhost, why would I not be able to connect to it at
22:27.49personvince_ : for people who think debian is to complicated
22:27.49vince_tarzeau, I was not trolling btw. Can't I ask a simple question?
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22:27.56tarzeautgtimmy: dns setup wrong?
22:27.58Guerintgtimmy: because you haven't told it to listen on an external interface.
22:28.05Gskillettarzeau jsut gets real sensitive about those types of things
22:28.09tarzeauvince_: it was off-topic
22:28.16FieldySnutsyou got it. localhost only is default.
22:28.17tgtimmyGuerin, how do I do that in Debian?
22:28.20FieldySnutslsof -i tcp:80
22:28.28Guerinvince_: that particular question IS a common troll in #debian.
22:28.42Guerintgtimmy: same way you'd do it anyway else - with a Listen directive
22:28.46vince_Guerin, oh ok I didn't know
22:29.05tgtimmyGuerin, I didn't have to do that when I was on Gentoo so I don't know how to do that
22:29.10Supaplexwhat do files in usr/share/lintian/overrides/ control?
22:29.18FieldySnutswrong. i run gentoo. the default there is localhost only.
22:29.22tarzeauSupaplex: lintian overrides
22:29.39reagentif a vulnerability in a package in stable has been found, under what circumstances will the problem be fixed by the security team?
22:29.56directhexvince_, the only times i'd run ubuntu over debian are a) for installing on beginners' machiens who will refuse to touch a console and b) for installing on debian-unsupported kit, e.g. centrino
22:29.58tgtimmyFieldySnuts, I've never had to do anything but start the server.
22:30.03mdhvince_: some DD's blame Canonical for the late release of sarge because they hired some of the more influential DD's and put them to work on Ubuntu.
22:30.05Guerinreagent: depends on the vulnerability. If it's at all serious, it'll be fixed.
22:30.05pmakdo i have to install the mysql-server pkg in order to use some php scripts that use mysql databases?
22:30.14FieldySnutsmaybe the defaults changed, shrug
22:30.15Guerinpmak: yes.
22:30.24Supaplexif I attempt to install multiple instances of php?-cgi, all I need to do is preserve unique files names there for each override?
22:30.27pmakGuerin and the mysql-common?
22:30.29Guerinpmak: or connect to a mydqld running on another box
22:30.30mdhvince_: so it can be a sore topic in Debian circles
22:30.35beeblebrox87i am trying to install, which depends on was installed with force-architecture (because i'm on amd64 trying to run an i386 package) so apt doesn't realize it exists, so i used equivs to create a package, which provides  but still gives dependency errors in apt.  what am i doing wrong?
22:30.42Guerinpmak: and mysql-client, and php4-mysql
22:30.43jairtarzeau, so my friend I am confuse I can not get a nother kernel that is not in the apt-get source list server of sarge "stable"?
22:30.54vince_mdh, ahh I see . I thought ubuntu and debian were close friends.
22:30.56reagentGuerin: As far as I can see the mime problem in SA has not been fixed. I don't care since I'm using my own package, but I'm wondering how this is being handled
22:30.56concept10My server went down due to power lost.  Will that damage my filesystem itegrity?  (ext3)
22:30.58tgtimmyFieldySnuts, I did that lsof command. What am I looking for?
22:31.08directhexbeeblebrox87, i'd have discussed your plan with #debian-amd64 first, if i were you
22:31.09tarzeaujair: you want a 2.4 or 2.6 kernel? well you can, you're just on your own
22:31.11Supaplexvince_: only as close as mandrake and redhat are. :)
22:31.21FieldySnutsfor it to show port 80 being listened to on your external interface (not or localhost)
22:31.28pmakGuerin ok, thanks
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22:31.32mdhvince_: its a yes and no situation ;)  Debian has thousands of developers, some are happy there's commercial support being fed back into Debian, some are not happy at all
22:31.36FieldySnutsif it doesn't show it then it's not listening, like Guerin said, the default is not listening on external. maybe he knows more
22:31.39Guerinbeeblebrox87: you fucking idiot. You're running amd64 and you're trying to install ia32 packges. Why aren't you using a fucking chroot like sane people do?
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22:31.47jairtarzeau, this is the thing I am running a kernel 2.6.8-2 which is the latest one the appear on my source list of apt
22:31.50beeblebrox87directhex: i did, nobody said anything
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22:31.55directhexGuerin, i've used --force architecture before
22:31.58tarzeaumdh, vince_: 1500+ debian (maintainers and developers)
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22:32.09personGuerin : that was mean ^^
22:32.11mdhSupaplex: that's not quite true though.  Mandrake do not feed stuff back to Redhat.
22:32.12beeblebrox87Guerin: because a chroot is a waste of space when ia32-libs works fine
22:32.14SupaplexGuerin: chill.
22:32.15jairtarzeau, but this kernel version do not take care of all the functioning of the power for my laptop
22:32.19tarzeaujair: and the reason why you want a later one is, support for some hardware?
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22:32.24directhexGuerin, i think it was for the Cedega front end Point2Play, which is just a bunch o' python anyway
22:32.27Guerinbeeblebrox87: ...
22:32.30concept10tarzeau,  My server went down due to power lost.  Will that damage my filesystem itegrity?  (ext3)
22:32.33jairtarzeau correct
22:32.34GuerinSupaplex: fuck off.
22:32.42Guerinperson: not really.
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22:32.44tarzeauconcept10: don't ask me. ask the channel *plonk*
22:32.59Guerinconcept10: probably not.
22:33.02PainKillerhow can i find out what kernel version I have? so I can download the correct source
22:33.03SupaplexGuerin: I ignore 12yr olds :) no worries.
22:33.06tgtimmyFieldySnuts: what column would it be under and what should be in there?
22:33.07OsirisHi can anybody tell me how to set my system to boot straight into a CLI login instead of going straight to X i would like to be able to just work in CLI then do startx to go into x if i needed to.
22:33.15bobbensconcept10: just run fsck on boot up, i havent had that happen, but if you were reading/writing alot it could fuck it up
22:33.16reagentGuerin: is that not serious enough?
22:33.17FieldySnutstgtimmy: i dunno man, i'm not here to hold hands
22:33.17Osirisany help would be greatly appreciated
22:33.18concept10tarzeau, thanks
22:33.21nvzwell my research for Leetlug is underway, and the channel is open :P  I'm working on the list of lugs in the state and figuring out where they are, what they are doing, and going to use this information to determine my direction from this point (:
22:33.27vince_tarzeau, well I have another question. I like ubuntu and I was thinking about trying debian. Are thier any benifits to debian over ubuntu?
22:33.30directhex!tell Osiris about nodm
22:33.30budluvaPainKiller, uname -r
22:33.37mdhvince_: I like the Ubuntu distribution and I'm handing out particularly their live cd's to friends and aquaintences still running legacy software like microsoft windows
22:33.49PhatedNo underscore.
22:33.51nvzas soon as I finish the research I will get a website up and register with
22:33.53tarzeau!why debian
22:33.53dpkg or at or at or
22:33.55directhexvince_, i find debian offers me more -control- than ubuntu, and more of the packages work
22:33.55tarzeauPhated: thanks
22:33.58tarzeauvince_: go read that
22:33.59Phatedtarzeau: No problem.
22:34.01pmakhow can i change my wm from icewm to xfce? which file holds this config?
22:34.05Guerinreagent: is a bug filed about it?
22:34.08vince_tarzeau, k thanks
22:34.12beeblebrox87Guerin: a chroot should not be necessary.  if i dpkg -i --force-architecture hello_2.1.1-4_i386.deb and then run it, it works fine.  same with  but apt insists on telling me it won't work even though it does, and apt appears to simply ignore the Provides: field on the dummy package i installed to fix this.
22:34.18directhexpmak, update-alternatives --config x-session-manager
22:34.29Osirisdirecthex, thanks
22:34.32FieldySnutsbeeblebrox87: you're a moron. have fun wasting your time. cluebies should stick to 32-bit.
22:34.34jairtarzeau, I have a little annoying problem with my computer now, that is: 1- when I do the commands "halt" or "shutdown -h now" or turn off or any of those commands to turn off the laptop.  Everything works execpt the (battery, fan and wireless) remain on they do not get off the system do not turn off completly how it happen in other linux versions like in sid.
22:34.39vince_directhex, yes I was thinking the same thing. Some of the ubuntu pkgs don't work
22:34.40mdhvince_: Debian has a hell of a lot more packages.  Ubuntu is setup for the desktop user very well and makes sense for people who don't want to dick about.  it has a small subset of what Debian offers in the way of software
22:34.42pmakdirecthex thank
22:34.44persondirecthex: at least hes gettin people on linux
22:34.50reagentGuerin: yes, 314447
22:34.56tarzeaujair: no idea. ibm laptop?
22:35.03jairtarzeau, yes sir
22:35.06beeblebrox87FieldySnuts: how is this moronic?  what else is ia32-libs there for?
22:35.06tarzeaujair: i can say poweroff in my ibook laptop and it just does that
22:35.10tarzeaujair: i run sid.
22:35.14personbut debian has been working a hell of a lot better than ubuntu
22:35.17Guerinreagent: ok. If you're concerned about it not getting attention ask about it on debian-security mailing list.
22:35.19directhexperson, what? i run ubuntu on my laptop.
22:35.21FieldySnuts!clue beeblebrox87
22:35.23mdhvince_: I would (and, of course, do) run Debian on servers
22:35.27jairtarzeau,  that is what I am talking about.
22:35.36reagentGuerin: it says: A fixed package has already been given to the security team - but as of yet they have failed to act on it.
22:35.36directhexjair, seriously, stop discussiong, and start doing. you shoyuld be finished by now
22:35.47tarzeaujair: read !sid faq and go for it
22:35.59tarzeaujair: either you love it (learn to love it) or you don't
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22:36.02vince_mdh, I see hmmm sounds like a good reason for me to switch then. I try to install debian soon
22:36.04personim running debian on my laptop - where i used to run ubuntu
22:36.07jairin mine I am running sarge and I have that little problem. I have to press the botton on/off for three seconds to turn it complete off
22:36.12luulisjair: does it print poweroff or something and then just idle ?
22:36.18reagentGuerin: and that was one week ago
22:36.23jairdirecthex, what do you mean?
22:36.39Guerinreagent: ok. Ping debian-security mailing list, then. There might be a reason.
22:36.41tarzeaureagent: sudo?
22:36.47jairluulis, yes
22:36.51directhexjair, youi've spent half an hour pissing about, when your original supposition was correct. grab a newer kernel from, install it, done
22:37.02reagenttarzeau: uh... sudo?
22:37.03jairluulis, it prints hda down and then iddle
22:37.08reagentGuerin: Ok. ty.
22:37.13directhexjair, you won't get security updates on that kernel image, you'll need to be aware of those yourself
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22:37.23tarzeaureagent: or which security of which package?
22:37.27jairdirecthex, ohh ok
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22:37.37reagenttarzeau: the spamassassin mime thing
22:37.38jairdirecthex, so then i do not need the kernel headers?
22:37.40vince_mdh, I cant' believe people would fight about ubuntu and debian. It's like a son ( ubuntu ) being mean to his father ( debian ) hehe
22:37.44luulisjair: that seems to be some problem with acpi then, on one box i fixed it by moving from sarge 2.4 to 2.6 kernel image
22:37.49jairdirecthex, what kernel do you use?
22:37.55tarzeaujair: and the kernel might need some newer versions of some tools (have fun finding out which, if..)
22:37.59directhexjair, for the *third* time, you need kernel headers only to build kernel images
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22:38.07FieldySnutsi think some of us just get sick and tired of hearing about ub*untu here, gets old
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22:38.14jairluulis, but I have the sarge 2.6.8-2 image kernel
22:38.19cddesjarhow do i add an application to the windowmaker menu?
22:38.23cddesjaror edit in general
22:38.29erpsupdated webmin ..  and now 90% of it doesn't work ... no bind, no nothing.
22:38.29tarzeauFieldySnuts: at least we don't have to hear the kn*ppix stuff anymore
22:38.30directhexjair, ii  kernel-image-2.6.11-9-amd64-k8                           2.6.11-3                                                 Linux kernel image for version 2.6.11 on AMD64 systems
22:38.38vince_FieldySnuts, Well I'll try debian real soon to figure out what I like best :)
22:38.40tarzeaucddesjar: use the "menu" package
22:38.42jasonrwhat was the extra packages not in kde & gnome for xfree86?
22:38.43erpsupdated it with aptitude
22:38.52FieldySnutstarzeau: this is a lot more annoying to me, actually. can we have it back?
22:39.02jairdirecthex, nice my friend ok so download the kernel and then run the command to install it?
22:39.05tarzeauFieldySnuts: actually, same here. i find it very annoying
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22:39.14FieldySnutsglad i'm not alone. not that it matters what I say
22:39.19jairdirecthex, dpkg -i kernel-image ... gbz
22:39.20directhexjair, yes. as i've said, it might complain that it wants a newer version of udev
22:39.25luulisjair: hm, dont know about laptops in general.. but it still seems like a problem with acpi/apm
22:39.27beardycddesjar: Same menu is used as in other window managers, you don't need, or should edit it.
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22:39.32tarzeaureagent: typespeed ?
22:39.39cddesjartarzeau: where is that located?
22:39.46tarzeaucddesjar: apt-get install menu ;)
22:39.47jairluulis, yes I have three weeks looking for some solution and nothing yet
22:40.06reagenttarzeau: No, not typespeed. spamassassin
22:40.19beeblebrox87my question was why apt was ignoring the Provides: field on this package.  why did everybody respond to it with criticism of what i was trying to do, which was irrelevant to the actual problem?
22:40.22directhexFieldySnuts, again, i think the context is important. constant "you guys should run ubuntu, it's great" is annoying, but i run it on a machine for a specific reason, and i'd recommend it as a solution to a problem debian can't currently solve
22:40.33tarzeaureagent: that was an offer. last chance typespeed [Y/n]?
22:40.40jairdirecthex, but the kernel is a bz2 compressed, i will have to untar it?
22:40.46personim trying to sync with my palm zire using jpilot and when i try to sync i get the error "pi_bind error:/dev/pilot No such device" What do i do?
22:40.48vince_Well take care all I"m going to see if I can download Debian and install it. I'll see if I like it. Thanks for the info all! :)
22:40.55tarzeaujair: kernel-source packages. yes
22:41.01directhexjair, only kernel sources are compressed with bz2
22:41.08reagentGuerin: I found that one:
22:41.14directhexjair, kernel images are regular debian packages (ar archives)
22:41.14reagentGuerin: someone already asked
22:41.36tarzeaujair: and linux kernels are only called bzimage, but not bz2 compressed
22:41.40paulswmdirecthex: That's fine as long as questions about ubuntu go to ubuntu and not get answered here, otherwise it makes the channel confusing
22:42.01jairthen i have to look for the right one
22:42.08FieldySnutsseriously i find myself ready to type /part when that shit spools up
22:42.14beardytarzeau: Is that really true?
22:42.15FieldySnutsanyway enough whining
22:42.19tarzeaubeardy: yes
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22:42.24beardytarzeau: ok
22:42.38vince_tarzeau, mdh FieldySnuts and others thanks for all the info
22:42.48mdhthis guy wanted a comparison between Debian and Ubuntu.  I don't think that's a big ask or off-topic.
22:43.03tarzeauit wasn't. and i told him !why debian     so?
22:43.06paulswmOh come on Fieldy, surely you have something else on your mind, or a world war to start or something :P
22:43.14FieldySnutsnah you do it
22:43.18bourneagainI need to specify a gateway address using DHCP. How do I do this?
22:43.20tarzeauFieldySnuts: won't you miss me?
22:43.25mdhvince_: have fun :)
22:43.30vince_mdh, thanks
22:43.34tarzeaupaulswm: come play typespeed with me at least
22:43.48bourneagainI did try several things.
22:43.49tarzeaupaulswm: i'll let you win, once!
22:43.57jasonrquery...xserver-common is not a dependency for kde and gnome...any particilar reason why?
22:44.02reagentGuerin: I'm really not in a position to be able to criticise the work of the security team, but that doesen't look very nice to me.
22:44.08tarzeaujasonr: one can run it remotely
22:44.11directhexjasonr, you can run them remotely using ssh x-forwarding
22:44.18tarzeaujasonr: and xserver-common is common to the xserver
22:44.23jasonrahh i c work carry on 8)
22:44.36tarzeaujasonr: you can even run them without ssh, using telnet and direct x protocol
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22:44.46paulswmtarzeau: I am installing distcc on my boxes and integrating it with ccache so I am a little busy right now, and I only have 45 minutes left today
22:44.50tarzeaujasonr: seriously nobody runs kde or gnome remotely...
22:44.57FieldySnuts~start a world war
22:44.58aptMuslims rule!
22:45.02tarzeaupaulswm: you are one busy man!
22:45.06jairdirecthex, I am downloading this one --> Linux kernel image for version 2.6.11 on PPro/Celeron/PII/PIII/P4
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22:45.16directhexjair, that sounds appropriate.
22:45.19pipelinejasonr, tarzeau : I do it all the time.  It's not that hard.
22:45.28jasonrtarzeau hehe  i didn't think it was a common reason just seemed like a newbie killer to me hehe
22:45.29jairdirecthex, I have a centrino pentium mobile laptop R51
22:45.30paulswmtarzeau: Too much to do, too little time :)
22:45.32jimjair, others: unless I miss my guess here, you might be confusing compression used by the -package- with compression used by the actual -image-, sometimes called zImage, bzImage, vmlinuz
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22:45.43jimthe b in bzImage means "big"
22:45.55streunerdirecthex: well, if you going to force ubuntu, why not just use XP then?
22:45.59reagentGuerin: IMO they should include the new package or explain why they won't do it... but just ignoring such serious things (we got a dos attack, luckily I upgraded by hand to a fixed version) is .. bad?
22:46.01tarzeaupipeline: it's slow, maybe?
22:46.05jimits use predates the introduction of bzip2
22:46.17directhexjair, what CPU?
22:46.24jairjim, I got it already thank you very much i was looking for the images on instead go to the debian packages. :0
22:46.26directhexstreuner, force ubuntu in what context?
22:46.28mdhstreuner: you're a funny woman
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22:46.40jairdirecthex, I have a 1.6GHz
22:46.40streunermdh: get a clue
22:46.44thoriewhat is ham?
22:46.48dpkgsomebody said ham was oink oink, or if you mean the debian distribution, you want hamm. comes from badgers
22:46.54jimjair: they have precompiled images at
22:46.55FieldySnutshaha who put that on the end
22:46.58jairdirecthex, where could I get more info using the terminal
22:47.00tarzeauhehe . not me
22:47.06FieldySnuts!factinfo ham
22:47.06dpkgham -- last modified at Tue Aug 31 23:42:04 2004 by sgeigerbot!; it has been requested 3 times, last by tarzeau, 17s ago.
22:47.07jairjim, don't think so
22:47.10directhexjair, cat /proc/cpuinfo
22:47.16jairdirecthex, nice
22:47.16FieldySnutsoh requested by. nevermind
22:47.21FieldySnutsthought i caught you
22:47.23streunerdirecthex: well, you are saying one of your problem (hardware) is solved of ubuntu, well you could use XP and those hardware-issues are solved?
22:47.29thoriewhat is ham in terms of e-mail?
22:47.32paulswmmodified by sgeiger, well that explains it
22:47.35tarzeauthorie: the good email
22:47.38concept10Has anyone here succesfully installed mambo on sarge?
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22:47.41FieldySnuts!start a badger war
22:47.41dpkgbadgers are better than FieldySnuts
22:47.48jimI know they are the definitive source for kernel -source- and all the patches they're playing with at the time
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22:47.54FieldySnutsthe sad thing is my nick is hardcoded in there
22:47.56tarzeauconcept10: no
22:47.57streunerdirecthex: so why the hell are you running an free OS at all then?
22:47.57jairdirecthex, this is the model name  Intel(R) Pentium(R) M processor 1600MHz
22:48.03dpkgqotd100 is, like, < xpurple> Now I'm getting a message that says "Sending IP address to NSA"
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22:48.07directhexstreuner, go take your pills
22:48.08FieldySnutsHEH nsa
22:48.08paulswmChange it, Fieldy
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22:48.19FieldySnutsdpkg: lart $randnick
22:48.20streunerdirecthex: well, get an clue
22:48.21directhexjair, right, that should be fine with a debian kernel 2.6.9 or above
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22:48.32jairdirecthex, this is the speed of the processor 1598.838 do you need any other info???
22:48.37concept10tarzeau, why are you still fucking with me? youre the troll
22:48.44jairdirecthex, cool
22:48.49tarzeauconcept10: don't poll. it's a channel rule
22:48.50directhexjair, that's a Banias core chip, which is supported by speedstep-centrino in debian
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22:49.04tarzeauconcept10: i'm very picky with whom i fuck. and no, i'm not a troll
22:49.09jairdirecthex, and probably after run it I will have to recompile my centrino configuration.
22:49.14directhexstreuner, debian's hardware support sucks, so you shout at me? nice.
22:49.21streunerdirecthex: so what do you support at all? A free OS or some people who want earn money?
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22:49.38concept10tarzeau, Can you help me install mambo on sarge
22:49.39pipelinedebian's hardware support is actually very good
22:49.43paulswmdpkg: what does streuner pay you for
22:49.43pipelineprobably among the best in history
22:49.44dpkgsometimes streuner pays me for anal stimulation, paulswm, but I've really had enough...
22:49.46tarzeauconcept10: i won't
22:49.51jairdirecthex, hmmm I was reading something about that, what exacly is that? it will make the processor run faster or what?
22:50.01directhexjair, not much to compile. modprobe speedstep-centrino; modprobe cpufreq-userspace; apt-get install install powernowd
22:50.05concept10tarzeau, well simply STFU
22:50.11jasonrpipeline in comparisin to woody...
22:50.18tarzeauconcept10: go read the topic
22:50.19directhexjair, speedstep lowers the cpu speed when it's not in use, to save battery life
22:50.19streunerdirecthex: i know that linux support of hardware is NOT perfect
22:50.25jimdebian's hardware support is improving nicely.... went from absolutely zero discovery/autodetection to very early detection by the installer
22:50.31jairdirecthex, ok I will do that right now with the actuall kernel to see what happen
22:50.34directhexpipeline, for modern kit, not old sun shit
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22:50.46tarzeaujim: and that for not just x86 and ppc
22:50.48FieldySnutsdpkg: dachs sussudio
22:50.48dpkgsussudio: Dachs Dachs Dachs Dachs Dachs Dachs Pilz Pilz Dachs Dachs Dachs Dachs Dachs Schlange! Eine Schlange!
22:50.52ttickthis is my question about debian hw support.  Isn't Knoppix a debian derivitive?  And why is it that I knoppix detects everything I've thrown at it, and with debian I'm always crossing my fingers?
22:50.52jasonrstruener the support is at least 9 months behind in debian kernels....
22:50.53jimdoes it detect all possible hardware? no. neither does anything else.
22:50.59pipelinedirecthex: Yes.  Debian has some of the best hardware support of any OS ever devised.
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22:51.08jairdirecthex, I just have to type the commands you typed there and vioala?
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22:51.17jasonrttick: they build and patch their own kernels for more
22:51.17tarzeauttick: yes. it's only for x86.
22:51.18directhexjair, pretty much.
22:51.20ttickthough, debian has gotten better.
22:51.29pipelinedirecthex: Actually, on SPARC, debian has some of the /worst/ hardware support.  I was talking about i386 specifically.
22:51.30tticktarzeau: oh, true!
22:51.46jimand debian gets it free; microsoft has to make backroom deals with hardware companies
22:51.47paulswmThe only hardware related issue I've had with debian is that Linux sound support STILL SUCKS ASS
22:51.49directhexttick, knoppix has its own hardware detection schemes, it doesn't use debian's ones
22:51.52tarzeaupipeline: it's not THAT bad, or do you really mean 32bit sparc only?
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22:52.05tarzeaupaulswm: oh how true
22:52.17tarzeaupaulswm: you mean oss, alsa old or alsa new?
22:52.27ttickstill wish someone made a debian installer just for x86 that would do a knoppix type job of detecting everythign for n00bs and some vets.
22:52.31pipelinetarzeau: It's pretty bad in either case
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22:52.37jimpaulswm: but again, that has nothing to do with debian except for the fact debian uses linux... that's a kernel driver issue
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22:52.55streunerdirecthex: what sucks about your statements is, you are telling people, well there is an OS which should prolly work better, and that sucks
22:52.57mdhttick: Canonical already have.  They call it Ubuntu ;)
22:53.06directhexstreuner, and when it's true?
22:53.06pipelinetarzeau: Linux on SPARC makes children cry.  Arch independent drivers my eye :'(
22:53.11ttickmdh: ;-P :)
22:53.13paulswmjim: Yes, I said "linux sound support" to indicate that I wasn't blaming debian
22:53.16tarzeaupipeline: haha
22:53.31directhexstreuner, i have 4 computers. one of them runs ubuntu, because debian wouldn't even install (and if it did, it'd be pretty useless)
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22:53.40streunerdirecthex: scroll up, i telling you XP has better hardware-support and why do we running debian then...?
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22:54.08jimpaulswm, then I must have misinterpreted this: "The only hardware related issue I've had with debian ..."
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22:54.29ohadhi, i finished building and dpkg -i my cutom kernel (dpkg -i kernel-image-2.6.12_custom.1.0_i386.deb) -- i want to run mkinird -o  initrd-2.6.12  and for some reason nothing happens when i run that command -- ideas?
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22:54.51directhexohad, you're meant to pass --initrd to make-kpkg, so it does it for you
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22:54.57paulswmjim: I have the issue with debian because I don't have it with any other distro becuase I use debian exclusively, hope that clears it up for you.
22:54.59streunermdh: shut up
22:55.01jairdirecthex, I will do that to see what happend... :) thank you though
22:55.10tarzeaumdh: and i'm an OPENSTEP troll?
22:55.18streunermdh: iam running sid in years here
22:55.23jimohad: let the packaging do it for you :) make-kpkg --initrd ...
22:55.29mdhstreuner: you've done nothing in here except advocate people run Windows XP instead of Debian
22:55.30streunermdh: most of the time - i hate XP
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22:55.34tarzeaustreuner: if you at least recommended OPENSTEP, you know today i found an url where it can be downloaded from. i mean where do i download XP from?
22:55.37paulswmtarzeau isn't an openstep troll, he's a gnustep pimp.
22:55.42reagentdirecthex: btw, how do I build a kernel-image which tells the bootloader to use an initrd which has not been build with make-kpkg ?
22:55.46streunertarzeau: hehe :-)
22:55.55tarzeaupaulswm: OPENSTEP has no crappy x11. it has display postscript
22:55.59directhexreagent, no idea. never tried.
22:56.02mdhthat's got to be more off-topic than any debian derivative that has been, is, or could be
22:56.06jimreagent: see above
22:56.08tarzeaupaulswm: it runs perfect with 32mb memory
22:56.11reagentdirecthex: Ok, thank you anyway
22:56.18pipelinetarzeau: You wouldn't happen to have a NS3.3 "User" disc you would be willing to rsync with my damaged copy? :P
22:56.19streunerdirecthex: there is prolly a reason why we love free OS or not?
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22:56.28tarzeaupipeline: let me find the link, wait
22:56.33paulswmtarzeau: cool, I have a 32MB P166MMX and no GUI
22:56.35jimreagent: you have a make-kpkg line you can show me?
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22:56.57mdhtarzeau: at least OPENSTEP is good.  Windows XP is unmentionable
22:56.59MrKeunerdh_compress: command returned error code 512. I get this error if I use -rfakeroot option with dpkg-buildpackage. However, if I run dpkg-buildpackage as superuser package compiles successfully. What can be the problem?
22:57.10reagentjim: make-kpkg kernel-image is what I did... but obviously that does not include an initrd at all...
22:57.16directhexstreuner, i run debian for an array of reasons, on most of my computers. i don't really think it's worth my time explaining them to you
22:57.16pipelinepaulswm: Good luck finding software to run on NeXTstep.  Or a graphics card.  Or sound.  NS3.3 and OS4.2 are both pretty bad as far as i386 hardware support.  You would be better off buying an HPPA or SPARC off of ebay.
22:57.29tarzeaupaulswm: same cds run on m68k, sparc, pa-risc AND i386
22:57.33jimreagent: make-kpkg --initrd kernel_image
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22:57.49paulswmtarzeau: thx, I'll check it out
22:57.50tarzeaupipeline: for you here:
22:57.52pipelinetarzeau: They do? Mine don't.
22:57.55tarzeaumdh: i agree
22:58.05streunerdirecthex: that wasn't the question....
22:58.10jim(btw... if you do that, when does the initrd get created? in your opinion when -should- it get created?)
22:58.12pipelinetarzeau: My discs, there's two discs for m68k/i386 and two discs for HPPA?SPARC...
22:58.14tarzeaupipeline: i've booted them on SPARC . don't have the right m68ks or the hp pariscs
22:58.19jairdirecthex, I get this error running the command modprobe speedstep-centrino aracas:~# modprobe speed-centrino
22:58.19jairFATAL: Module speed_centrino not found.
22:58.24tarzeaupipeline: i386 crap of course needs floppies ;)
22:58.28reagentjim: ok, and how does it know the name of the initrd?
22:58.39jimyes, it creates the name
22:58.42tarzeaupipeline: cd rom ? no they are quad fat imho
22:58.45reagentjim: I'm doing the initrd myself. It contains a picture for bootsplash
22:58.51paulswmtarzeau: may be later, the huge number of 5 available connections are in use: 5 utilisateurs (le maximum) sont deja connectes, desole
22:58.58jimyou have to arrange to boot it, look in /boot after dpkg -i ...
22:58.59jairdirecthex, what do you think cause that I have to install some extra package?
22:59.01pipelinetarzeau: Maybe it's because I have NS3.3 discs, not OS4.2
22:59.03tarzeaupipeline: i sure know mine do work for i386 and sparc (same ones)
22:59.05jasoncohenis there any way to use x11vnc over SSH?
22:59.10tarzeaupipeline: yes that's possibly why.
22:59.14pipelinejasoncohen: You don't want to do that.
22:59.19pipelinejasoncohen: Slooooooooow.
22:59.21directhexjair, i'm pretty sure i said speedtsep-centrino
22:59.26tarzeaupaulswm: haha, i've given the links to all my friends, earlier today ;)
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22:59.37tarzeaupaulswm: maybe alot later
22:59.39bourneagainHow can I configure DHCP to tell my clients what default gateway to use?
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22:59.48pipelinebourneagain: man dhcpd.conf
22:59.50posteljasoncohen: that would be kinda stupid, ssh -X works better, vnc is slowwww
22:59.56DimmuRi'm looking for application that show what is on my http server and what file is downloading - something like apachetop bug something what works in gnome - maybe some1 found program such like that and can help me?
22:59.58paulswmtarzeau: heh, I'll sneak up on them when they least expect it :)
23:00.00directhexstreuner, your question doesn't parse as an english question. phrase it better, such that i can parse it, and i might be able to answer
23:00.00jairdirecthex, hahaha sorry
23:00.04reagentjim: so you suggest to make-kpkg --initrd and replace the initrd from the resulting package by my own?
23:00.06bourneagainpipeline: I will look at it again.
23:00.08jasoncohenpostel, i kind of need to though
23:00.16directhexcan't type
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23:00.21pipelinebourneagain: it's a simple question, and the answer is definitely there.
23:00.22kittoniancan anyone tell me if the adaptec 2200S will work as a bootable drive (meaning that a RAID 5 array will be recognized as bootable) by the Sarge installer if I burn a netinstall ISO?
23:00.33pipelinekittonian: Probably.
23:00.37streunerdirecthex: you unterstood very well
23:00.38tarzeaupaulswm: when you ever have it, ask me about floppies for i386, and install instructions, dns setup and default gw :)
23:00.41jasoncohenpostel, i need it to access the X session on my myth server so i can start mythfrontend in the current x session
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23:00.49jasoncohenand not on the remote machine
23:00.51tarzeaupaulswm: i will gladly guide you through all steps
23:00.53pipelinekittonian: You may have to boot in "expert" or "expert26" mode instead of "linux" or "linux26" though.
23:00.57jimreagent: if you want to build your own initrd, you can do that... I guess you wouldn't need the .deb packaging to do it for you
23:01.03pipelinekittonian: I would just try it with "linux26" at the "boot:" prompt first.
23:01.18pipelinejasoncohen: Use xmove
23:01.22pipelinejasoncohen: vnc is sloooooow.
23:01.29streunerdirecthex: if you arent satisfied with debian just join somewhere else
23:01.29jimis there a debian-installer for etch?
23:01.32directhexno, i don't understand "<streuner> directhex: there is prolly a reason why we love free OS or not?" - there's no context, who's the mysterious "we", and i'm not sure loving software is healthy
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23:01.34pipelinejasoncohen: xmove is an X proxy that works like "screen"
23:01.42tarzeaujim: no,  afaik
23:01.47vince_Hey guys i'm trying to download the DVD images for debian. It says it only has 10 of the 6728 that it needs. Anyone know what to do about this?
23:01.50reagentjim: the problem is that the initrd lines in menu.list are wiped out every time I install a new kernel when the automatic section in that file is being rebuilt
23:02.00ohadwhy is that not working? how do i generate the  mkinitrd -o initrd.img-2.6.12?
23:02.04jimis there any debian-installer image that has 2.6.11 kernel?
23:02.05jairdirecthex, all set so now could I test this functionality??
23:02.05kittonianwell the reason I ask is I burned a woody CD and it came up saying it couldn't find any bootable disks and asked me to pop in a floppy with modules on it. So, I called Adaptec and they said that the aacraid is open source code that's been built into the vanilla linux kernel for years and as long as that's in there it should be recognized no problem
23:02.06paulswmtarzeau: I will.  I don't really need a GUI on that box, though, but I am intersted to try.
23:02.23jasoncohenpipeline, thanks
23:02.23tarzeaupaulswm: you will have a real kernel: Mach
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23:02.28jairjim, I think that for testing yes
23:02.28directhexjair, check /proc/cpuinfo - it ought to be runnig at about 600mhz, if you're not under load
23:02.31jimohad: did you not read what I said before to you?
23:02.41tarzeaupaulswm: sound apps, network, all really very powerful
23:02.43pipelinetarzeau, paulswm : Surely you kid.  NeXTstep is cool, but it's probably the worst Mach-based OS ever released, bar none.
23:02.43jairohhh ok
23:02.48ohadjim, sorry didn't see that you wrote something
23:02.56jimohad: let the packaging do it for you :) make-kpkg --initrd ...
23:02.57jasoncohenpipeline, my previous solution was to bind F10 to start mythfrontend and then bind that to my remote but that requires eventd to use the same device on bootup which it doesn't
23:02.59directhexkittonian, why are you running woody?
23:03.03tarzeaupipeline: you mean it sucks to have binaries in /etc ?
23:03.04kittonianSo, I would figure that Woody would have that just as Sarge would. I haven't tried it with Sarge yet (that's tomorrow morning's fun) but Woody certainly didn't work. So, before I stepped into the office I was hoping to confirm something or at least have a heads up on how I should attack things.
23:03.16pipelinetarzeau: No, I mean it's incredibly fucking slow and the codebase is a twisted mess.
23:03.28tarzeaupipeline: heh. not as worse as GNU Mach
23:03.30pipelinetarzeau: NeXTstep was clobbered together from 4.3BSD and Mach 2.x -- and it shows.
23:03.34*** join/#debian Pingu12- (
23:03.41tarzeaupipeline: just wait for GNU/Hurd GNUSTEP
23:03.44pipelinetarzeau: Eh, GNU Mach isn't in itself bad, there's just no good kernel to run on top of it.
23:03.47tarzeaupipeline: yes it does
23:03.55pipelinetarzeau: I was comparing it to say, OSF/1 or Lites
23:04.02kittoniandirecthex: I didn't realize until today that Sarge had been stabilized. So I was using my Woody netinstall ISO CD to install a new Qmail server
23:04.07*** join/#debian aldug (
23:04.15directhexstreuner, what the FUCK is wrong with you? i run several computers, and one of them simply WILL NOT RUN DEBIAN. somehow you've turned that into me being some kind of microsoft shill? i've been helping retards in #debian for over a year, i've contributed patches to open source development, what do YOU do except smoke crack?
23:04.19Kbytedpkg: ubuntu
23:04.19dpkgubuntu is, like, NOT Debian, see IRC channel is #ubuntu, or or "Based on Debian" like Hollywood movies are "Based on a true story", or I'm not Debian but I play one on TV. see
23:04.25jaircpu MHz         : 599.564 this is the speed that is using now, but this will not make my processes slower?
23:04.36pipelinetarzeau: That's an interesting attempt at a benchmark, come to think of it.  Compare NeXTstep 3, OpenStep 4, Darwin 7, and Lites + any mach 3.x derivative.
23:04.36directhex!tell kittonian about woody hardware support
23:04.40ohadjim, i am using make-kpkg --initrd vmlinuz-2.6.12
23:04.42directhexjair, 3x the battery life
23:04.46pipelinetarzeau: battle of the unusably bad kernels!
23:04.50ohadjim, that doesn't work
23:04.53lancillottoWell, I just installed Debian from the new DVD and I chosen the expert way but Debian installs alone packages like pidentd and some doc about locales and documentation.. is it normal?
23:04.54jairdirecthex, wow that is cool
23:04.58directhexjair, and it'll go back to 1600mhz as soon as you go under any load
23:05.00streunerdirecthex: nothing, as long as you are not saying there is an OS which is might better here.
23:05.06K_Dallasdirecthex, chill down pal ;)
23:05.08aldugwhy doens't this command work?    find -name "*.mp3" | xargs chmod 64
23:05.09jairohh ok
23:05.16jairgot it
23:05.19jairdirecthex, ok
23:05.24tarzeaupipeline: os4 never crashed for me. never heard of lites. darwin 7 is what's under os x? before mac os x server, after rhapsody?
23:05.24jimjair: reason I'm asking... is there are folks installing with sata-only HDs and maybe cdrom drives... -some- of those can use 2.6.8, others need later version to support certain ide chipset for sata
23:05.34tarzeaupipeline: or should i call that rape-hsody
23:05.37pipelinetarzeau: Darwin 7 corresponds to OSX 10.3.x
23:05.42jimohad: what do you mean "doesn't work"
23:05.44tarzeaupipeline: damn did they rape the gui of OPENSTEP
23:05.45kittoniandirecthex: thanks :) hehe. Is there a list of supported hardware somewhere for Sarge that would maybe confirm that the 2200S RAID controller would be recognized and/or tell me what I would need to do to make it so?
23:05.45paulswmpipeline: I have a 32mb p166mmx sitting here which I would like to get a UI on.
23:05.49pipelinetarzeau: And they're all pretty much equally bad.
23:06.02jairdirecthex, I should now install the new kernel image from the testing distro and then this speestep configuration I will have to reconfigure it again?
23:06.10tarzeaupipeline: that's why os x is so slow. their kernel?
23:06.10directhexstreuner, in the *CONTEXT* of late 2004 centrino hardware with i915 chipset, then YES, there _IS_ better than debian, which does not WORK. there's really nothing more to it than that
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23:06.17aldugany ideas?
23:06.18kittonianBasically I'm wondering if I can just go through a normal netinstall or whether I will need to go into some sort of expert mode to make it happen
23:06.18resiakstreuner: We're not allowed to speak the truth?
23:06.19ohadjim,Error: Unknown target vmlinuz-2.6.12 use --targets to display help on valid targets.
23:06.21pipelinepaulswm: Add swap and run a regular X11 GUI.
23:06.22gregjhi guys
23:06.32jairjim, hmmm interesting good to now my friend.
23:06.33gregjI have problem (again) with postfix2 and sasl2
23:06.33K_Dallasheya gregj
23:06.33directhexjair, add "speedstep-centrino" and "cpufreq-userspace" to /etc/modules, it'll load it up on boot.
23:06.38pipelinepaulswm: As an X terminal, it shouldn't hit swap all that often.
23:06.43jairdirecthex, cool
23:06.47paulswmpipeline: X is crap enough without running it on such a slow box.
23:06.53pipelinepaulswm: Slow isn't the problem.
23:06.56streunerresiak: the truth is different....
23:06.56gregjeverything works perfectly well, except for outlook , I can't send emails, outlook doesn't even try to use auth, even thou I told him to do so
23:07.09*** join/#debian roler (
23:07.10FieldySnutsuse a real client
23:07.11pipelinepaulswm: I've run X on some really slow machines.  No, the problem is that 32M of RAM.  That's not even enough to have much fun even without X.
23:07.13jimohad: so... :) when you do that, what target does it say you should use?
23:07.26resiakstreuner: Debian DOESN'T WORK on a whole load of recent boards.
23:07.27streunerresiak: some people say the glass is full - some people say the glass is half empty ;-)
23:07.38ohadjim, nope
23:07.44pipelineresiak: And yet Debian hardware support is better than 99% of the alternatives :P
23:07.45FieldySnuts!hire directhex
23:07.52FieldySnutshaha it had to use that nick
23:07.53lancillottoWell, I just installed Debian from the new DVD and I chosen the expert way but Debian installs alone packages like pidentd and some doc about locales and documentation.. is it normal?
23:07.55jasonrsome say the guy with the glass over there is a better glass for your hand too
23:07.58jimohad: it's suggesting that you run __________ to find out what target to pick
23:07.59directhexi'll stay as a supercomputer sysadmin, ta
23:08.00*** join/#debian Kupal[] (~Kupal[|]
23:08.16paulswmpipeline: Look, I use the box as my network ntp server and to update dyndns, it really doesn't need to do much else.  I was simply curious to try out tarzeau's suggestion, and I have no idea why you feel the need to persuade me otherwise.
23:08.17*** join/#debian foxiness (
23:08.29roleri have an issue with my system in that when flash plays in firefox, it tries to play sound and freezes my browser. if I kill 'esd' and re-load, it does sound fine. obiously at that point, other sound devices wont play until the browser stops because esd is dead. I'm not sure if this is my hardware, or software... I would venture to say it's the software because it seems flash is trying to access /dev/dsp directly
23:08.30kittoniandirecthex: what do you think?
23:08.38jairdirecthex, this is what I have in /etc/modules = do you think that this can be the cause of the "turning off  iddle" of my laptop?
23:08.40Kupal[]what kernel would be best for a single core xeon system; mind you this is going to be a production server, but it has a spare cpu socket......
23:08.41jimohad: this requires an unusual skill... reading...
23:08.42FieldySnuts~start a world war
23:08.42aptIndia will get its ass kicked by Pakistan!
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23:08.50ohadjim :P
23:08.54jasonr!tell roler about dmix
23:08.56jairdirecthex, it should be a acpi there of something like that?
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23:09.12tarzeauwasn't there #world-relations for that kind of stuff?
23:09.13pipelinepaulswm: Because you almost certainly won't get a GUI using NeXTstep.  OpenStep has slightly better hardware support, but it still expects you to have a pretty top-of-the-line graphics board.
23:09.18*** join/#debian knj (
23:09.19Kupal[]!ShIT good to see the channel is regular (has ppl I know in it)
23:09.20dpkgKupal[]: okay
23:09.22*** join/#debian battlecat (
23:09.31jimand you have to apply that skill to an unusual body of reading material.... the error message you got...
23:09.38streunerresiak: there are rules everywhere in every group, that has nothing to do with telling people the truth
23:09.42pipelinepaulswm: Keep in mind that this was sold as an alternative to MacOS or a cheap Sun workstation.  They simply didn't expect people to buy it for machines that didn't have 500$ cards :P
23:09.51directhexjair, no, i whouldn't think so
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23:09.55resiakroler: You can dpkg-reconfigure mozilla-plugins (I _think_) to make it wrap plugins for esd
23:10.03battlecatHi. I have Ubuntu running on my i386 but it is not on a network at all it is stand alone. Is there anywhere to download package CDs ??
23:10.09FieldySnutsask #ubuntu, please
23:10.14directhexbattlecat, this isn't #ubuntu
23:10.19Kupal[]jim anythoughts should i run the 32-smp kernel cause these are xeons (but not running in a dual conf) or should i run the regular 32...
23:10.31jairdirecthex, ohh ok
23:10.33tarzeaubattlecat: go away
23:10.40directhexbattlecat, i think the answer to that question is "no, you need debian for that"
23:10.42jasonrstreuner: if this is debian support and debian doesnt have support for a device we offer advice as to how to fix...if its hard on debian  we say so
23:10.44witlessis anyone currently limping by on a post-sarge sid desktop w/X+GNOME or is it unusable?
23:10.45FieldySnuts@aussiesmite battlecat
23:10.46ravenbirdbattlecat: why dont ya go spending all your doc on a town bike bloody hell mate
23:10.48vince_Anybody know the command to find a program's # that I need to kill?
23:10.53resiakstreuner: And you're saying that the rule here is that we can't say what will work when Debian doesn't?\
23:10.55jimbattlecat: sorry; there's not support for ubuntu here (it's not debian, and probaly it's different the way they do networking)
23:10.58directhexKupal[], how new are the xeons?
23:11.01*** join/#debian malex (
23:11.03Kupal[]brand new
23:11.08tarzeauFieldySnuts: where will you go?
23:11.10directhexKupal[], those will be 64 bit then
23:11.24battlecatthank you directhex.
23:11.26streunerjasonr: well, iam running debian in years and it works on every system i bought
23:11.27Chat451FieldySnuts aren't you in #gentoo as well?
23:11.37FieldySnutsChat451: wow you can do a /whois!
23:11.44Kupal[]what command is it to see them, i know its not lspci.. i forgot..
23:11.45directhexKupal[], i'd look into amd64 debian if i were you
23:11.48Chat451FieldySnuts yay!
23:11.49mdhthough would be "spending all your dough" fucking lamericans
23:11.50*** part/#debian battlecat (
23:11.55directhexKupal[], cat /proc/cpuinfo
23:11.57concept10im sick of these ubuntu zealots coming in here starting trouble
23:12.04*** join/#debian r0b0c0d (~robocod@
23:12.05streunerresiak: thats not our problem...
23:12.11Chat451FieldySnuts only problem is you aren't listed in #gentoo
23:12.14FieldySnutsthey're not starting trouble, for the most part, they're just unclued
23:12.16jairdirecthex, how this looks? it is the installation of the kernel "testing on my sarge"
23:12.20jimbattlecat: best we can do is say "man 5 interfaces", "man ifup", "man ifdown", "zless /usr/share/doc/ifupdown/examples/interfaces.gz"
23:12.20streunerresiak: Our problem is to force debian
23:12.23*** join/#debian Prophet_ (
23:12.25FieldySnutsChat451: why does it matter here in #debian ?
23:12.32r0b0c0doi there ya dingo mate
23:12.35Chat451because I'm bored
23:12.35gregjis cyrus on debian compiled with --enable-login option ?
23:12.38gregjif not, that's a bug
23:12.39Chat451and you seemed familiar
23:12.42Kupal[]amd64? whilest i run intel? is this what you mean?
23:12.48K_DallasQ: I have a package installed from experimental, now i need the dev part which i cannot find on the p.d.o. where else should i look for it? Thanks (in a more formal way)
23:13.00r0b0c0doh boy that's a ridgy-didge if i ever saw one..
23:13.00streunerresiak: if we are going to support _ANY_ free OS - we should join #linux then...
23:13.25MobyTurbostreuner: ##linux
23:13.31directhexKupal[], intel's EM64T is a clone of AMD64. it run AMD64 OSes like amd64 linux or windows x64 edition
23:13.35streunerMobyTurbo: hm
23:13.36r0b0c0dya and also dont forget a cask of goon do smash down while watching the footy mate
23:13.47tarzeaustreuner: what about #gnu ##hurd and #kfreebsd ? and #freedos
23:14.03jairdirecthex, I think i will go ahead and reboot the machine to see if the turning off problem get solved.  and if do not could I remove the image kernel without damage anything on the system?
23:14.13reagentgregj: you can check that by watching the diff at
23:14.13directhextarzeau, those don'ty exist. "<streuner> resiak: Our problem is to force debian"
23:14.17Kupal[]directhex: gotcha.. i was hearing M$ told intel to do that a while back ago.
23:14.20resiakstreuner: Erm, what exactly are you smoking? We should force Debian on people who _cannot_ _run_ _it_? What's wrong with saying "Debian won't work for you. I can suggest Ubuntu as an alternative."? That's not offtopic.
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23:14.24directhexjaiger, yes, you can.
23:14.35streunertarzeau: s/#linux/#freeos/ - better ;-)
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23:14.36witlesswell, here goes nuthin.  apt-get update && apt-get upgrade
23:14.40Kupal[]is there anyway i can distiguish that this is a 64bit chip..
23:15.02jairdirecthex, ok I will be back them thank you
23:15.05directhexKupal[], um... i'm not sure
23:15.06streunerresiak: it is
23:15.12*** join/#debian Oleg (
23:15.13bourneagainpipeline: I finally saw my mistake. Thanks. Although it took me around 10 tries to get it to work. Thanks. I gotta read the manual more.
23:15.17*** join/#debian Anders1 (~anders@anders1.translator.reactos)
23:15.18mdhresiak: streuner wants everyone to be running Windows XP instead
23:15.24tarzeaustreuner: i wouldn't mind, but then i'd also suggest GNUSTEP
23:15.27r0b0c0dthere goes my asschuck side pains again
23:15.32streunertarzeau: hehe
23:15.41tarzeaumdh: nothing wrong with that, is it? (is he serious?)
23:16.00FieldySnuts@troll mdh
23:16.04resiakstreuner: You're on crack. What _should_ we say to someone with a chipset Debian doesn't speak to?
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23:16.13bourneagainpipeline: I had read it like 3 times. I did not see that it had to be set up in the subnet definition.
23:16.21FieldySnuts"get real hardware"?
23:16.31chealer-braindirecthex: could you explain me the upgrade nvidia factoid, like why it asks to purge nvidia-glx?
23:16.32streunerresiak: buy something else then
23:16.41Chat451ooo a troll
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23:16.53tarzeauand never ask the vendor if it runs with linux or debian.
23:16.54Chat451mdh who's streuner?
23:16.56streunerresiak: why we should support something else other than debian?
23:17.00directhexFieldySnuts, "no, please don't give me that free laptop, i'll go dumpster diving instead, that one you're offering is new! :o"
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23:17.01dpkgi love him
23:17.20simonrvndirecthex: indeed
23:17.29tarzeaustreuner: suggesting something doesn't mean you'll support it, does it?
23:17.33directhexby "new" i mean "7 months old", natch
23:17.41*** join/#debian Drevay (
23:17.56Chat451ohhh whoa
23:18.01Chat451he's here!
23:18.03*** mode/#debian [+l 811] by debhelper
23:18.13vince_Woot i'm downloading the debian DVDs now :)
23:18.14simonrvneastlink, isn't that nova scotia ?
23:18.16directhexchealer-brain, oh that, i had trouble upgrading nvidia in the past because of some strict Depends: preventing installation of a new kernel package
23:18.16Chat451apparently I missed that....
23:18.19mdhChat451: don't know, don't care.  As a troll for M$ I have her on /ignore
23:18.27directhexchealer-brain, i forgot that factoid existed
23:18.29Drevaysimonrvn, Prince Edward Island :)
23:18.35simonrvnaah, cool :)
23:18.36beardydirecthex: Dumpster diving is probably more likely for most people rather than to be given free new laptops..
23:18.37witlessi miss nova scotia
23:18.42Chat451mdh her?
23:18.45Drevaywait wait wait, are you talking about me Chat451?
23:18.53LinuxJoneswitless, where you @ now ?
23:18.56Chat451Drevay I don't think so
23:19.01Drevayheh ok
23:19.04*** part/#debian scanez (
23:19.07Drevaysimonrvn, cool man :)
23:19.07ttickwhoohoo, found out where /etc/hotplug/usb.distmap is for 2.6 kernels -> /lib/modules/.../modules.usbmap !  Part 1 of the hot-plug mystery solved.
23:19.09tarzeausimonrvn: just awoke?
23:19.10LinuxJoneswitless, ahhh
23:19.11Chat451I'm not quite sure who this streuner person is
23:19.12rolerresiak; hmm...
23:19.13Drevaysimonrvn, good to see a canadian around :)
23:19.22directhexbeardy, but what's being said here is "if someone has hardware unsupported by debian, tell them off and tell them to buy antique equipment, don't tell them how to ACTUALLY use the kit"
23:19.24chealer-braindirecthex: what?! you forgot you created a factoid? meaning it's *unmaintained*??!! :-P
23:19.25simonrvntarzeau: playing bzflag  ;)
23:19.26Chat451except that there is someone here with the nick streuner
23:19.33streunerChat451: dont troll here
23:19.38Drevayi'm so psyched about ATi now, they just released a driver update and the X800 XL is finally supported!
23:19.44tarzeausimonrvn: i hate that. runs only with 3fps here
23:19.48Chat451streuner I'm not trying to troll, just confused
23:19.48Drevaythat was the main reason why I wasn't using Linux ^_^
23:20.00MobyTurboCanada is not a real country anyway
23:20.01chealer-braindirecthex: just tell me if it's still ok, otherwise tell me after you fixed it
23:20.03simonrvntarzeau: for once i was able to play at a decent speed. was nice
23:20.05*** join/#debian GeoMancer (
23:20.07tarzeauMobyTurbo: hha
23:20.17directhexchealer-brain, it seems logical to me. why, is 76xx in sid now?
23:20.20DrevayMobyTurbo, you come up here and tell me that to my face! ;)
23:20.24tarzeausimonrvn: wait you like playing games?
23:20.25simonrvni'm metis anyway, i'm sovereign :)
23:20.25Drevay: D
23:20.27resiakstreuner: I'm gonna drop this, because you're clearly not going to conceed that it is possible to think that Debian has flaws. Congratulations! You've won 1st prize in Denying Reality(TM)
23:20.42chealer-braindirecthex: experimental
23:20.44Drevaysimonrvn, cool, you're metis? nice
23:20.47witlessi'm running my first update to sid since sarge released.  what are the odds i will go off-line within the next three minutes?
23:20.49directhexresiak, he beat steve jobs' reality distortiono field? 8D
23:20.55simonrvndirecthex: hehe
23:20.59MobyTurboDrevay: "Canada's chief exports to the United States are cold fronts and hockey players" - Trudeau
23:21.11resiakdirecthex: Hahah
23:21.11DrevayMobyTurbo, haha, Trudo was quite the cat ;)
23:21.14witlessi want to buy some property in nova scotia
23:21.23simonrvnhe forgot to add comedians and musical artists
23:21.26Drevaywitless, yeah, NS is a nice place :)
23:21.31K_DallasMobyTurbo, and the reverse is pollution and insecurity
23:21.31Kupal[]F* it shoot ask later  :) kernel-image-2.6.8-11-em64t-p4-smp
23:21.37Drevaywitless, PEI is great but ... no work :/
23:21.41streunerresiak: you are clueless
23:21.45*** part/#debian reagent (mathias@2001:8e0:abcd:5d7:20d:88ff:fef4:66bb)
23:21.56*** join/#debian Daniel70 (
23:22.02simonrvnthat was also 40 years ago...
23:22.02resiakstreuner: Thanks.
23:22.07MobyTurboK_Dallas: don't tell me about insecurity, I live in a part of Brooklyn that could see the WTC.
23:22.08chealer-braindirecthex: ok...but what's the dependency issue exactly?
23:22.38*** join/#debian MoDaX (
23:22.44jimwitless: sid? why would you be doing that?
23:22.48K_DallasMobyTurbo, sure
23:22.51directhexchealer-brain, you can't install nvidia-kernel-foo if nvidia-glx version 1.0-bar ius already installed, as it has a hard dependancy on the nvidia-kernel-bar being replaced
23:23.10MobyTurboK_Dallas: Yep. I saw it burning on the way to work. :-/
23:23.13GeoMancerAh, 'lo, everybody. Just trying to figure out what the differences between the iso downloads are the site. Like the different between the alpha, arm, hppa, etc.
23:23.25Drevaygood to see it's stable now
23:23.26K_DallasMobyTurbo, me  too still it doesnt refute what i said
23:23.31directhexGeoMancer, different hardware architectures
23:23.38tarzeauGeoMancer: you want the i386 ones
23:23.38beardyGeoMancer: You want i386.
23:23.43tarzeauGeoMancer: only the first image
23:23.46directhexhe might want amd64
23:23.51Kupal[]I was in the WTC damnit..
23:23.51jimwitless: and it's very probable that we don't know the probability that your net will die... it depends on too many things, some not having to do with any upgrade
23:23.52tarzeaudirecthex: i386 will also work
23:24.01directhextrue, but still
23:24.02*** join/#debian bLAStY_ (
23:24.12Drevayhey mdh?
23:24.21directhexunlike sparc, 64 bit mode is actually fast
23:24.21GeoMancerAh, thanks. *He inclines his head to everyone.* Very new to the Windows (One month), and the Linux (Never), thing..
23:24.32mdhDrevay: yes?
23:24.41witlessDrevay: spent a couple weeks in PEI and another couple in NS/Cape Breton...  thinking of buying vaca/retirement property there if possible
23:24.43Drevaymdh, oh nothing, i thought you meant i was the M$ troll
23:24.59Daniel70hi all, can someone please help me to install a "3COM 3C920B-EMB-WNM Integrated Fast Ethernet Controller" on sarge as eth0?
23:25.00*** join/#debian pedro420 (
23:25.02Drevaywitless, good choice NS is, i lived in Halifax for a while, nice people
23:25.10Drevaywitless, how did you like PEI?
23:25.15Kupal[]I hate these servers..
23:25.30*** join/#debian scytheman (
23:25.40Chat451is it cold at least?
23:26.15*** join/#debian dabaR (
23:26.19Chat451witless personally, I'd wait until the housing bubble pops
23:26.19witlessDrevay: solitude and natural beauty were plusses.  stayed at a cottage on a river with no tv/pc/etc and went through electronics withdrawal but was fine after two days
23:26.50Drevaywitless, yeah, it's a pretty pieceful spot, and i can relate with the withdrawl ;)
23:26.57paulswmpipeline: was afk, sorry... re the 32MB P166, it was only a diversion anyway, I really have no need for a GUI on that box.  I am probably going to remove linux and install FreeBSD on it.
23:27.15Drevayapparently my 120 GB WD hdd is only 5400 RPM!
23:27.17jasonrbah sata sucks on netinstalls 8(  3 boards not one of them work as expected
23:27.22Drevayit's from the "Protege" series
23:27.23*** join/#debian shisa (
23:27.30Chat451that sucks
23:27.44tarzeauDrevay: laptop?
23:27.56Drevaytarzeau, desktop, that's why i'm shocked :/
23:28.03*** join/#debian PeTeRB (~me@
23:28.03*** mode/#debian [+l 804] by debhelper
23:28.05directhexjasoncohen, what controllers?
23:28.06tarzeauDrevay: it fell apart?
23:28.08bourneagainIs there a simple services control panel that I can start and stop services with?
23:28.09Drevaymy X800 XL is going to waste in this athlon 2800+
23:28.19GeoMancerThanks for the help, will be back later, if I need more help. Ta!
23:28.23bourneagainOther then command line.
23:28.23simonrvnbourneagain: no, use a terminal. easier
23:28.24Drevaytarzeau, oh no, nothing like that, it's just that 7200 RPM is pretty much standard
23:28.27K_Dallasbourneagain, one way would be to install webadmin
23:28.29jasonrit would seem every one of these sata boards clashed the IDE  so i have to build a kernel for sata and IDE builtin
23:28.42Drevay5400 is so .. 20 gig : p
23:28.43dabaRI am planning on making a net Install, I think. I did it once before, and am wondering, is there a manual, or some documentation on how to set up X & gnome once I install, or if there is no documentation, any advice is welcome. The installation is Sarge.
23:29.05Drevayi'll have to get a SATA 80 gig for Linux though, no IDE's in the new PC
23:29.05jasoncohendirecthex, ?
23:29.08jasonrdaba: it does it as part of the netinst
23:29.08K_DallasdabaR, you go ahead with installation and chose desktop environment
23:29.10bourneagainsimonrvn: How about a GUI program that attached scripts to buttons?
23:29.20tarzeauDrevay: wait you think my 2.1 gb disk has only 5400 rpm?
23:29.22dabaRok, where?
23:29.36dabaRI did it before, I remember there was no X.
23:29.40Drevaytarzeau, you have a new Seagate mini-hdd?
23:29.42Kupal[]SATA - SW  RAID - LVM very sexy shit.
23:29.42*** join/#debian pingouin (
23:29.52Drevayif that's 7200 rpm then, cool :D
23:29.53tarzeauDrevay: nah. i've gots very old stuff here
23:29.54directhexjasoncohen, which disk controllers
23:29.54jasonrdaba it does now
23:29.54simonrvnbourneagain: you could make an icon with kde or gnome that would run 'sudo name_of_command --here' perhaps
23:29.55dabaRread the installation instructions again>
23:30.00Drevaytarzeau, oh heh
23:30.03*** join/#debian Shadda` (
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23:30.11Drevaytarzeau, if it's an old hdd then yes, 5400 RPM or less
23:30.14Drevayprobably 4800
23:30.28tarzeauhddtemp works on yours?
23:30.31Shadda`I'm trying to install a package (apt-get), says I'm missing libpgsql2 but I can't find it anywhere
23:30.34directhextarzeau, not for me.
23:30.39simonrvnbourneagain: and run it in say, zenity or shell, and cough up a dialogue box for say, the password, or other thing
23:30.45Shadda`its not on, and all the searched i did on google came up with empty directories
23:30.58jasonrshadda:  postgresql library by the looks
23:30.58Kupal[]shadda apt-get install apt-file
23:31.01Kupal[]apt-file update
23:31.02Drevayyou know i was going to go Slack, but then i remember the HORRORS OF DEPENDENCY ISSUES from last time, so i wisened up
23:31.02streunerdirecthex: did you edit /etc/hddtemp.conf?
23:31.04*** join/#debian thomasb (
23:31.06Kupal[]apt-file search file
23:31.12seldonShadda: What package?
23:31.13Kupal[]sometimes helps..
23:31.19Shadda`seldon: php5-pgsql
23:31.20simonrvnbourneagain: easier to just run it directly from CL
23:31.26seldonFrom where?
23:31.36Shadda` ./
23:31.46streunerdirecthex: it works for me, i just edited hddtemp db
23:31.48Daniel70Can someone please help me to install a "3COM 3C920B-EMB-WNM Integrated Fast Ethernet Controller" on sarge as eth0?
23:32.04Drevayok guys
23:32.04directhexstreuner, on a serial ata disk on a modern motherboard?
23:32.08Drevayi'll be back in about an hour or so
23:32.09tarzeauDaniel70: /msg dpkg repeat
23:32.13Shadda`Kupal[]: apt-file  update >> sh: line 1: curl: command not found
23:32.14dabaRok, Ill try that, thanks.
23:32.14Drevayinstalling Debian :J
23:32.23jasoncohendirecthex, i don't know what you're talking about. did we speak earlier? i use a promise ATA-100 IDE controller...not sure if that's what you're talking about
23:32.25thomasbhi, trying to setup my modem, which is detected by kernel 2.6.11 at bootup but MAKEDEV does not create any of /dev/ttyS* even if I run it manually . Any ideas ?
23:32.26streunerdirecthex: hm
23:32.32Kupal[]shadda apt-get install curl
23:32.42seldonShadda`: I see. That refers to woody packages
23:32.44Shadda`Kupal[], it's already installed is the thing :)
23:32.45Kupal[]may have to apt-cache search curl..
23:32.51seldonYou need to adjust the sources.list line. Wait a sec
23:32.53Kupal[]is it path(ed)
23:32.53Shadda`I use curl religiously
23:32.54*** join/#debian j_k (
23:33.09resiakstreuner: You're attacking the wrong person here. Hell, I have !ubuntu bound to a key in irssi. But whatever.
23:33.11seldondeb sarge php5
23:33.16seldonthat should do the trick
23:33.19Shadda`thanks :)
23:33.53streunerresiak: scroll up
23:33.56bourneagainsimonrvn: thanks
23:34.00*** join/#debian keith (
23:34.03seldondeb sarge all <-- if you want more from that source
23:34.19resiakstreuner: When should I stop scrolling?
23:34.19tarzeauresiak: how to bind !UBUNTO to a key in irssi?
23:34.22Daniel70dpkg repeat returns "need an action option" (I'm new to linux"
23:34.35streunerresiak: besides, i didnt start saying anything to you
23:34.39Shadda`W: Couldn't stat source package list sarge/php5 Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/packages.dotdeb.org_dists_sarge_php5_binary-i386_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory)
23:34.42tarzeauDaniel70: /msg dpkg tell Daniel70 about repeat
23:34.47resiakstreuner: I agree.
23:34.53simonrvn!tell Daniel70 about repeat
23:34.55streunerresiak: :-)
23:34.59tarzeauShadda`: heh
23:35.09bourneagainOk, I have another silly question. Can I make the network install silent somehow?
23:35.14*** join/#debian PainKiller (~symen@
23:35.17tarzeauShadda`: what about you just forget php5?
23:35.24resiaktarzeau: /bind ^Ou command say !ubuntu
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23:35.31tarzeaubourneagain: like have nothing on the monitor?
23:35.36Shadda`I code exclusively in php5
23:35.38Daniel70thx simon!
23:35.39resiaktarzeau: The "O" is for offtopic ;)
23:35.44Shadda`and postgres is my database of choice
23:35.46bourneagaintarzeay: right and no prompts
23:35.53tarzeauresiak: and then press what that irssi types !UBUNTO plus enter?
23:35.58bourneagainmainly no promps ... sorry
23:36.00simonrvnat least s/he's running postgres...
23:36.05dpkgwell, ubuntu is NOT Debian, see IRC channel is #ubuntu, or or "Based on Debian" like Hollywood movies are "Based on a true story", or I'm not Debian but I play one on TV. see
23:36.06tarzeaubourneagain: you can turn off the vga video signal, if you got i386 here:
23:36.07Kupal[]shadda you really should find a ftp:// source then ftp into so you understand what your  putting in sources.list.. basically the stanza is wrong
23:36.09*** part/#debian gregj (~gj@
23:36.09seldonShadda`: Oh, I see. The repository works other than I thought. Use the all-line I wrote above, it's in there.
23:36.11*** join/#debian malex (
23:36.13resiaktarzeau: Yes
23:36.15tarzeaubourneagain:   see the vgaonoff.c
23:36.17seldondeb sarge all <-- that one
23:36.25tarzeaubourneagain: also funny if you want to nerve some users ;)
23:36.28*** part/#debian pedro420 (
23:36.32eeyore-mysql here
23:36.43tarzeauresiak: which key?
23:36.45Delpheeyore-: you're not meant to admit that, it's not cool.
23:36.46*** join/#debian dieguito (~diego@2001:5c0:8fff:fffe:0:0:0:2cbb)
23:36.59eeyore-might do postgresql some day, but it's a bit of a pain when changing table schema heavily during development
23:37.09Shadda`seldon: still nothin'
23:37.16seldonwait a sec
23:37.21Kupal[] sarge/update main looks like this on the ftp server /stable/updates/main/packages.gz
23:37.29bourneagaintarzeau: I am doing a PXE network install. It looks great. The hostname and computer name automatically setup. Everything but the users. I want to make it so that it installs without asking for input now.
23:37.30resiaktarzeau: Particularly handy on Dvorak, where U and o are on the homerow. I hit Ctrl-o and then u.
23:37.37witlessmy desktop is gonna explode
23:37.46tarzeaubourneagain: ah i see.. we also have that.
23:37.49*** part/#debian dieguito (~diego@2001:5c0:8fff:fffe:0:0:0:2cbb)
23:37.58keithwoodyr4. How do I shut down wvdial other than ^C. I sometimes absentmindedly exit from the Terminal before closing the internet connection, which means I cannot close wvdial connection.
23:38.03*** mode/#debian [+l 797] by debhelper
23:38.09seldonShadda`: Works here...
23:38.13Shadda`normally I'd just compile all this crap...
23:38.16bourneagaintarzeau: I am new to linux, it took me a few hours to figure out how to do this.
23:38.19Shadda`but I need this up relatively fast
23:38.22resiakkeith: killall ?
23:38.23*** part/#debian Roma_Loom (
23:38.37seldonShadda`: You did apt-get update, right?
23:38.57dpkghmm... debstats is managed by sussudio, or
23:39.02Shadda`hm, sec
23:39.08bourneagaintarzeau: I found out the tftp did not work. What a pain.
23:39.13*** join/#debian michal_ (
23:39.17Shadda`my mistake
23:39.31Shadda`I did the update on the wrong terminal :D
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23:39.40Shadda`shelled into five different computers heheh
23:40.04Kupal[]shutdown when the powerbutton is hit, is what package.. i thought it was acpi, then i tried apmd
23:40.26paulswm!clue resiak
23:40.37resiakpaulswm: Heh
23:41.18ttickwhoohoo, breakthrough!  just got hotplug to run a script when I put in my pendrive!  Wow, if I weren't reading documents written for kernels 2.2 and 2.4, this prolly would have been easy.
23:41.27*** join/#debian Anders1 (~anders@anders1.translator.reactos)
23:41.55directhexttick, doesn't sarge already have some scripts to do it, not to mention gnome-volume-manager ?
23:42.03jasonrttick:  you may want gnome-volume-manager if you dont want to write scripts for everythin
23:42.21Kupal[]ttick, post your notes somewhere?
23:42.23bourneagaintarzeua: Is there anything out there that simply remember the last install set of answers for a given MAC address and uses that if the file is present. And if you delete it it asks again?
23:42.36bourneagaintarzeau: From a server based install.
23:42.43ttickhmm, sure now everyone tells me!  Hmm, not running gnome though, think that's a problem?
23:42.51witlessat this moment great seething forces are aligning themselves against each other on my workstation
23:42.58*** join/#debian Oleg (
23:43.04eeyore-Kupal[]: "acpid"
23:43.15tarzeaubourneagain: not that i know
23:43.23bourneagainwitless: Spawn Debian
23:43.30directhexttick, i use gvm on xfce4
23:44.06jasonrhaha 22 hours and 15 mins for my base install on isdn....soo LeeT
23:44.15Kupal[]i changed my sources.list from testing to sarge did apt-get update, apt-get dist-upgrade, yet my login console says testing/unstable.. did i fubar that up?
23:44.32streunerjasonr: 5-10 minutes here
23:45.01streunerjasonr: thats usually you need to install base system in debian with a netinstall CD
23:45.02simonrvnKupal[]: you effecitvely downgraded, and seemingly not completely. wth did you do that?
23:45.21eeyore-Kupal[]: vi /etc/debian_version
23:45.25witlessthe cooperative hive is disintegrating before my eyes, and i go hurtling toward a pre-industrial state
23:45.29jasonrstreuner heheh adsl tommorow onsite....3.5 years of arguing with Telstra to get the to wire the street.....demand was not high apparently ...proabbly because we own the entire street
23:45.30Kupal[]simonrvn: this is a box that will sit in a cabinant,  i want regular security updates..
23:45.40Kupal[]and i installed from the D-I
23:45.49Kupal[]actually an older DI
23:46.01mdhjasonr: hahahhaha
23:46.10ttickdirecthex: hmm, okay.  gvm does what?  Basically I just want something to pop drives up in my wife's konqueror filebrowser when she sticks the usb drive in.  Was making a hotplug script to do: ls -s /var/autofs/removable/usb /mnt/usb for her.  Would gvm give me something like that?  Hmm, now, where did I put that google bookmark.
23:46.12Kupal[]I won't see this server but maybe twice a year?
23:46.18Kupal[]if that?
23:46.27*** join/#debian Gskillet (
23:46.40simonrvnno i meant why downgrade, why not just head straight for stable...
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23:46.50simonrvnbut anyway, i'm nitpicking
23:47.33Kupal[]good point
23:47.37directhexttick, gvm does exactly that, though by default opens nautilus
23:47.40Kupal[]so I should change it to stable huh?
23:47.56simonrvnwell, aren't you pointed at that anyway? sarge == stable
23:48.03Kupal[]change to stable, apt-get update, apt-get dist-upgrade
23:48.03*** mode/#debian [+l 791] by debhelper
23:48.05Kupal[]pretty much
23:48.25Kupal[]and your right it will change to the new stable when we are 5-10 years away..
23:48.36simonrvnso give it time to settle, it should sort out, and vim /etc/debian_version like eeyore- said ;)
23:48.51simonrvn(well vi, but wtf)
23:48.52ttickdirecthex: okay, good enough!  Sheesh, wish someone told me about this about 3 days ago.  been beating my head against this wall for some time.  But I'm glad to know now.  Going to check out gvm, thanks.
23:48.59quitttI need a good guitar tune!!
23:49.00*** join/#debian initech (
23:49.00Kupal[]so apt is cochure..
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23:49.30Kupal[]vi is not vim like the manual says... or vim is not vi (who cares right)
23:49.43Pozicanalsaconf cannot find my card -- actually it can't find any modules -- Heres one of the errors it gets Unloading ALSA sound driver modules: (none loaded).
23:49.46quitttresiak, what this site has?
23:49.49*** join/#debian sime_ (
23:49.59Kupal[]simonrvn: can't spell.. i mean the apt- is cool, its downgraded to stable (sarge)
23:50.07simonrvntime to shave my head to finish up this mohawk
23:50.11Shadda`hehhe...I love this little message...
23:50.15eeyore-Kupal[]: update-alternatives
23:50.16simonrvnoh, you meant kosher :)
23:50.25Shadda`Gluttony$# modprobe eepro autodetect=1
23:50.25Kupal[]yep. ;P
23:50.31Shadda`Detecting ISA boards...may god help us all
23:50.38simonrvnyou bastid! ;p
23:50.41quitttI want to tune my guitar
23:50.52eeyore-i want to tune my antenna
23:50.55ttickShadda`: lol
23:51.04bourneagainsimonrvn: Superglue and cat hair works good.
23:51.06simonrvnShadda`: heh, nice one.
23:51.14*** join/#debian koollman (
23:51.21simonrvnbourneagain: got too much cat hair as it is ;)
23:51.35simonrvn(long haired cat lives here)
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23:51.59resiakquittt: Good songs that involve guitars.
23:52.10*** join/#debian Guerin (~magpie@
23:52.41Pozicanalsaconf cannot find my card -- actually it can't find any modules -- Heres one of the errors it gets Unloading ALSA sound driver modules: (none loaded). -- how do I get it to load modules?
23:53.04Kupal[]should i be concerend about "cannot deactivate volumgroup lvm_root ?)
23:53.04*** join/#debian Oleg (
23:53.13Kupal[]this is on shutdown..
23:53.18jasonrpozican  alsaconf as root
23:53.18*** join/#debian kmalloc (
23:53.28Pozicanjasonr -- that error was from alsaconf
23:53.30jimKupal[]: you have your root fs on an lvm lv?
23:53.33Shadda`I love debian
23:53.42Kupal[]jim: yes
23:53.46Shadda`just makes the most sense out of any dist
23:53.47jasonrpozican: ahh you may need to blacklist oss drivers if loaded
23:53.54kmallocI want install debian gnu/linus sarge on my sarge, but my server have two sata hd 80gb.
23:53.59Pozicanhow do I do that? I know they are loaded
23:54.02kmallocI need debian image for sata?
23:54.04chealer-braindirecthex: I didn't understand the dependency problem you're talking about ("you can't install nvidia-kernel-foo if nvidia-glx version 1.0-bar ius already installed, as it has a hard dependancy on the nvidia-kernel-bar being replaced"). what's the dependency in question?
23:54.13Kupal[]kmalloc: lasted D-I has it.
23:54.13jasonrpozican:  lsmod look for for the modules it detected
23:54.21Kupal[]jim: is this bad?
23:54.32Pozicanit didn't detect any lol
23:54.33jasonrpozican if you can find the module names then do what dpokg will tell you
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23:54.42jasonr!tell pozican about blacklist
23:54.50linlinI need to add a second DHCP obtained IP address to my machine. How can I do this?
23:54.50kmallocKupal[], sarge lasted version ?
23:55.04jimkmalloc: did you try linux26 at the debian-installer boot prompt? do you have sarge already installed on that box?
23:55.15jasonrpozican: what soundcard do you actually have ?
23:55.16Kupal[]kmalloc: i used the D-I from months ago and did it, without incident or research.. and it worked great.
23:55.20*** join/#debian MoDaX (
23:55.23kmallocjim, yes linux26 and expert26 this not work!
23:55.28GuHaSedoes anyone here use nzb ( ?
23:55.39jimkmalloc: do you have debian installed?
23:55.40dabaRlinlin, what? you have two NICs?
23:55.46Kupal[]kmalloc: i just used that same D-I on an e-server with a serveraid (not sata) but the drivers where good.. so your probally gonna be okay.
23:55.54linlinno, jsut one, eth0
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23:55.56kmallocjim, i dont have debian installed in this box
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23:56.10Kupal[]jim: about that lvm, do you think this is not good?
23:56.12linlini need to get a second ip address that points to the same machine
23:56.13Pozican0000:00:02.7 Multimedia audio controller: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] Sound Controller (rev a0)
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23:56.28witlessso far so good
23:56.40kmallocKupal[], lasted D-I 3.1r?
23:56.47eeyore-GuHaSe: what's nzb?
23:56.47jimKupal[]: if you have rescue media that has lvm support and support for all your filesystems, I guess it's ok
23:56.59*** part/#debian bourneagain (
23:57.00directhexchealer-brain, nvidia-glx 1.0.7174-3 depends on the presence of nvidia-kernel-1.0.7174 - if you try to install a package which provides nvidia-kernel-1.0.7664, then you would cause nvidia-glx to fail its dependancy. in order to upgrad eyour kernel module, you need to remove the package which insists on the old version being there
23:57.03jasonrozican: ok i havent played with those so i cannot help you with module names really
23:57.16Pozicani can find the module name -- I did this in gentoo
23:57.29Pozicanbut I can't figure out which are the oss modules to blacklist
23:57.32jimkmalloc: do you have non-sata drives and controllers on that machine?
23:57.34Kupal[]jim: cool.. yeah i have that (the DI) and I have added a whole root fs to the /boot (non-lvm) and it is also bootable..
23:57.47GuHaSeeeyore-, news binary grabber
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23:58.08eeyore-GuHaSe: ah, no.  not yet.  sounds nifty for all those pr0n, though
23:58.32kmallocjim, hmmmm
23:58.38jimkmalloc: do you have non-sata drives and controllers on that machine?
23:58.48GuHaSei keep getting this
23:58.49GuHaSeThe following packages have unmet dependencies:
23:58.49GuHaSelibnzb: Depends: libgcc1 (>= 1:4.0.0-7) but 1:3.4.3-13 is to be installed
23:58.53Shadda`Now here's something I really suck at with debian
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23:59.00GuHaSebut i have libgcc1 installed... so i dont know what is wrong
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23:59.06kmallocjim, I buy a new server Dell Power Edge 420SC with two sata hard drive 80gb (non-raid)
23:59.10Shadda`How do I mount an NTFS network drive?
23:59.19GuHaSejust use samba
23:59.23jasonrGuHaSe: gcc4 compiled i think....
23:59.27directhexShadda`, you mean an SMB drive
23:59.28chealer-braindirecthex: are you saying that you can't have two nvidia-kernel* packages installed at the same time? I don't understand what you mean by, or why "if you try to install a package which provides nvidia-kernel-1.0.7664, then you would cause nvidia-glx to fail its dependancy"
23:59.30Pozicanmount -t smbfs /blah //
23:59.37directhexShadda`, the file system at the other end is irrelevant
23:59.48GuHaSejasonr, so... how do i get this on my system?
23:59.51Shadda`ah, ok

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