irclog2html for #debian on 20050420

00:00.48*** join/#debian CrazyNorman (
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00:02.04CrazyNormanI was using firefox, and then everything froze up.  Can't switch to virtual console, can't click, but the mouse can still move.  I ssh'd in from another machine, and XFree86 was going through 99.9% CPU.
00:02.07CrazyNormanAny ideas what caused this?
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00:02.29furrywolfcrazy:   X crashed.  kill -9 the process and log in again.  :)
00:02.39Guerin_CrazyNorman: things like this happen sometimes
00:02.40CrazyNormanYes, but any way to figure out what caused it?
00:02.57Guerin_CrazyNorman: look at the logs
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00:04.25Xenguyfurrywolf: it seems to work well on that other OS :-(
00:04.47cafuegoneither FF not the flash plugin are stable.
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00:04.57cafuegoAnd the java plugin isn't either.
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00:04.59GuerinXenguy: flash plugin for linux is a bunch of arse
00:05.01Xenguyriot: stability, yes; interface, no way ;-)
00:05.02CrazyNormanFlash plugin conflicts with KDE sound server
00:05.13riotJAVA... don't talk 'bout Java. GNAAA.
00:05.14cafuegoSane humans do not use KDE.
00:05.16Guerinthey're all just dirty hack jobs in the appearance of cross-platform support
00:05.18DelphCrazyNorman: well, your own fault for using KDE./
00:05.31OverfiendDO NOT kill -9 the X server
00:05.39cafuegoOverfiend: Why not?
00:05.40Overfiendnot unless you cannot kill it any other way
00:05.41riotXenguy: Mozilla's interface is by far more logic than FF's.. FF tries to mimic IE.. Thanks, but NO NEED
00:05.44gravityWhoa... surprise face in #debian
00:05.49Delph.oO( whats wrong with kill -9 firefox, anyway )
00:05.54Overfiendcafuego: because it gobbles up a lot of resources that won't be deallocated otherwise
00:06.03cafuegoOverfiend: Never had a problem with it.
00:06.17Xenguyriot: there's no accounting for (my ;-) taste, as they say :-)
00:06.41cafuegoUnless there is some reason the kernel can't claim back ram used by X, but can for other apps.
00:06.53Overfiendcafuego: you may not have a problem ripping your computer's AC power cord right out of the wall with the machine running all the time either -- that doesn't make it a wise idea (unless it's a laptop, or on a UPS)
00:06.59riotBut i for myself see critical operations in firefox are realized far too complicated to be performed well/fast. Like editing cookies.
00:07.05Xenguyriot: anyway, I'm using Moz right now until FF 'ripens' a little more
00:07.12Daveyis there any simple, or at least, step-by-step documented way to add IPs to my remote machine (single NIC), with minimal chance of it going offline? :)
00:07.27Overfiendcafuego: look up System V IPC sometime...
00:07.36Guerinminimal force doctrine
00:07.37cafuegoOverfiend: That's the only decent way to tyest a journaling FS.
00:07.42cafuegoOverfiend: See 'man ipcs'
00:07.44DelphDavey: bring up eth0:0,1, with another IP. man ifconfig should say how.
00:07.55Overfiendanyway, I was going afk, I'm going
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00:08.04cafuegoOverfiend: it's not hard to remove shm and sem
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00:08.10DaveyDelph: so I can assign it to an alias, and just bring those up? never taking the regular eth0 down?
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00:08.17DelphDavey: though, saying that, it doesn't actually say =:)
00:08.24DelphDavey: i think so.
00:08.33Gueringoddamnmotherfucking shitty network here
00:08.41Guerinjust drops me every now and then for no reason
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00:09.07DelphOverfiend: at least, killing the X server. You might need to hit firefox with it, but then the X server generally handles the 'my application just died' gracefully.
00:09.09cafuegoGuerin: I suggest glueing a large wing to it, might make it speed up too.
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00:09.18DaveyDelph: can I put aliases in /etc/network/interfaces?
00:09.28Guerinand it's a static network, where each machine has its own ip... but some other machine took my ip the other day
00:09.37DelphDavey: and at this point i start running the other way
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00:09.49Guerinthe network admin has no clue why or which, so I just picked another one at random and am using that
00:10.17Daveythats probably what the other person did to take yours, LOL
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00:10.29Daveynow some other poor beggar is going "Who the hell stole my IP!?"
00:10.36chopehi, I'm quite new in linux, and i have this problem, i cannot get to mount the cdrom
00:10.45GuerinDavey: i wonder if that's why I keep getting booted...
00:10.49virgomoonHow do I increase the number of loop devices I can mount above 8?
00:10.54cafuegoGuerin: undoubtedly
00:10.57chopeif i try to mount it from kde it hangs
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00:11.15Guerincafuego: well, MINE doesn't fucking work, and the admin is stupider than a box of rocks
00:11.19jimchope: what command are you typing into the shell to do the mount?
00:11.28cafuegovirgomoon: Either set max_loop=X when you load the module or 9if you have the sme issue I do) recompile the module with a redefined LOOP_MAX
00:11.40chopemount /dev/cdrom -t iso9660 -r /cdrom
00:11.44cafuegoGuerin: I'm a smart admin, buy me a ticket and I'll BOFH your site.
00:11.56Guerincafuego: hell, if I could speak korean I'D do it
00:12.04chopeit starts to hang until I press the eject button on the drive
00:12.16cafuegoGuerin: Speaking koreans has nothing to do with assuming command of an out-of-control ship ;-)
00:12.18chopethen it says mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/cdrom,
00:12.19virgomooncafuego: This can't be done on the fly then? I've already got 8 mounted to do an iso update and need one more.  Is this going to require a restart?
00:12.20Guerincafuego: but it's a korean win98 network, so it would be more pain than it's worth
00:12.20jimchope: ok has that ever worked?
00:12.23chopeor too many mounted file systems
00:12.33Gneachope: if you type dmesg in another terminal, does it say anyting weird?
00:12.34jimon this machine that is
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00:12.50cafuegovirgomoon: *if* the module parms works, you only need to unload and reload the module.
00:13.05cafuegoGuerin: Oooh. netbios packet storms?
00:13.13virgomooncafuego: thank you.  This will affect any currently mounted loops, I presume, right?
00:13.24cafuegovirgomoon: Yes, you'll need to unmount those first
00:13.26Guerincafuego: probably all sorts of hotrribility. I haven't had the heart to do any snoopery
00:13.28chopedmesg shows everything fine: hdb: ATAPI 40X CD-ROM CD-R/RW drive, 2048kB Cache
00:13.31virgomooncafuego: thank you
00:13.33chopeUniform CD-ROM driver Revision: 3.20
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00:13.48cafuegoGuerin: The way they sued to be dealt with at uni was by disconnecting a cable at the switch :-)
00:13.56Gneachope: ls -l /dev/cdrom  it's properly symlinked to /dev/hdb?
00:14.00chopeThe drive has never worked in this install, its a knoppix hd-installation
00:14.02jimchope: ok, so your cdrom is /dev/hdb?
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00:14.08chopeit used to work in a mandrake
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00:14.16Guerinchope: talk to #knoppix
00:14.20cafuegoGuerin: And when $USER would compalin their network was down, they'd get blasted for being an idiot.
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00:14.28jimbtw, is hda your boot drive?
00:14.35Guerincafuego: heh. Just wait until someone owns up...
00:14.35GneaGuerin: stir the stick in your ass some more
00:14.45GuerinGnea: ?
00:14.59chopeyes, the cdrom is /dev/hdb
00:15.00GneaGuerin: this is more general than distro-related
00:15.07chopeits linked fine
00:15.12GuerinGnea: so?
00:15.16jimchope: ls -l /dev/cdrom
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00:15.31Gneachope: are you doing this as user or as root?
00:15.55Gneawhat happens if you type this command: eject
00:15.57linoleumhi guys, I got a problem : few month ago, I apt-get upgrade , and debconf asked me if I wanted to move my symlink for cdrom to /media/cdrom ... since this upgrade, if I want to mount my CDrom , I have to create as root : /media/cdrom0 and /media/cdrom1 ... the problem is that I need to do that after every reboot... why ?? can you help me, it's boring as hell !!
00:16.01Gneadoes it eject?
00:16.06rixthan someone reccomend a good tool to edit ID3 tags? Xmms's built in one is shocking.
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00:16.21rixthIf I use Juk's auto tagger, XMMS can't read the lags it puts on
00:16.29chopeeject, ejects the drive fine
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00:16.38Gneaand now
00:16.40Gneaeject -t
00:16.42Gneadoes it close?
00:16.46dracrixth: apt-get remove --purge xmmd && apt-get install beep-media-player ;)
00:16.46rixthlinoleum, edit /etc/fstab
00:16.56soyuzanyone having problems nmbd?
00:17.01chopeyes it closes
00:17.04jimso that means what, that /dev/cdrom correctly identifies the drive?
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00:17.08Guerindrac: does beep have the wealth of input plugins xmms has, yet?
00:17.12Gneaalright that's good
00:17.17rixthdrac, :) heh, apart from the tagger, I really like it
00:17.26jimsoyuz: /msg dpkg ask   /msg dpkg sicco
00:17.33Guerinlast I used it, it was buggy as a bastard, used ugly-as-hell gnome browse dialogues and had fuckall plugins
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00:17.34Gneachope: do you have a line in /etc/fstab for the cdrom?
00:17.38riotdrac: I'd rather recommend mpd.. but that is just for playing music, maybe some playlist management.
00:17.40rixthJust that I have about 100 untagged song so Xmms too is horrible.
00:17.49dracGuerin: nah, true, it doesn't have all those fancy outputs yet ;)
00:17.54drachrm plugins
00:17.55Guerinuse cplay
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00:18.03riotmpd rocks. Best mp3-player i could find so far. (apart from maybe mpeg123)
00:18.13jimchope, why is there a -r in the line you use to mount?
00:18.18Guerincplay plays anything you can decode to wave
00:18.22Guerinit's good shit
00:18.29Gneachope: what is it set to?
00:18.31soyuzgee, thanks jim. that was right on! very informative.
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00:18.33cjfpany way to make acroread 7.0 not use the multi-document interface?
00:18.35Gneachope: IOW, what's the line?
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00:18.37chope/dev/cdrom /cdrom  iso9660  defaults,ro,user,noexec,noauto  0  0
00:18.47Guerin!htfswk cjfp
00:18.47riotGuerin: does it play streams?
00:18.47Gneathat looks right
00:18.47dpkgcjfp: How The Fuck Should We Know?
00:18.48kanzureHow can I get the size of my partition in MB format?
00:18.55jimsoyuz: oh goody! now it's your turn
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00:18.59Gneachope: try just this command: mount /cdrom
00:19.04soyuzjim: :)
00:19.07chopeits the same
00:19.11Guerinriot: it plays via shell escapes, so if your chosen backend can play streams, it can.
00:19.14Gneasame cd?
00:19.17Gneaor with any cd?
00:19.17cjfpGuerin: because it's in marillat or whatever
00:19.29Guerincjfp: so?
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00:20.10riothmm. still i strongly advise checking out mpd. Its client/server controlled. Veeery handy.
00:20.14soyuzjim: would you like me to be more specific? like nmdb hangs like a dirty shirt and freezes out any process that tries to look at it?
00:20.14chopemount /cdrom also hangs the console until I press eject on the drive
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00:20.18cjfpGuerin: well, smartass, this is a debian channel, and marillat is an unofficial debian repository
00:20.19jimsoyuz: the channel is too big for surveys... if you're having a problem, say what it is, don't waste time or space, be INFORMATIVE, someone who thinks they can help and wants to, will
00:20.27cjfpi figured somebody might know.  jeez...
00:20.46Gneachope: right you said that already - what i'm asking is does this happen with the same _CD_ itself or with ANY cd that you toss into the drive?
00:20.48soyuzjim: yeah, yeah, yeah. ok. yeesh
00:21.06aumhi, when X kb mapping is set to dvorak, alt key combos don't work - any ideas?
00:21.12cafuegokanzure: df -h
00:21.16jimsoyuz: sorry... but hey, you do want high-quality answers, right? :)
00:21.21chopewith any cd
00:21.33Gneachope: what kernel again?
00:21.45resiakaum: Alt key combos in what sense?
00:22.42soyuzjim: akshully, I was looking to see if anyone *was* having nmdb issues. mostly because I haven't come across anything google-wise, and this is something that has cropped up recently (with an install that has been running quite nicely for some three years)
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00:22.52Gneathat you compiled or apt-get install a kernel-image?
00:23.15aumresiak: alt-f for 'File' for instance
00:23.16chopeI installed it from the knoppix live cd
00:23.43Gneachope: well with all that we just went over, you definately need to take it to #knoppix
00:23.44soyuzjim: and a smb.conf that has been faithful to me for about five years!
00:23.59jimsoyuz: so what has changed?
00:24.10chopeok, but the thing is that after you install it to hd, it turns into a debian
00:25.00Gneachope: but you're using a knoppix kernel
00:25.00Gneaand that's what matters
00:25.00jimother than the fact you're having the problem (you said something about it a minute ago?)
00:25.01Gneaonce it's on the hd
00:25.01Gneait's still a knoppix-generated
00:25.01chopeok many thanks
00:25.01Gneait's not woody or sarge or sid
00:25.02chopeill try there
00:25.07Gneathat why it makes the distinction
00:25.09soyuzjim: what has changed is that every so often now, nmdb stops responding, refuses to be killed and generally brings the machine to a grinding slow death
00:25.09Gneagood luck
00:25.16abrotmanGnea: you need to be around when all the E people show up :)
00:25.23chopebut if i wanted to install a debian kernel, should i apt-get it?
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00:25.28Gneaabrotman: lol wanna pay me? ;0
00:25.34resiakaum: Actually, that works fine for me. Are you sure you're not pressing Alt-U (which would be Alt-F if the qwerty keymap was in use)?
00:25.39soyuzjim: and really, nothing has changed...!
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00:25.42resiakchope: An installed Knoppix is still Knoppix.
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00:25.49abrotmanGnea: "Hi .. I'm compiling E17 cvs .. and it barfs . HELLPPPE ME !!?!"
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00:26.02jimchope: maybe /boot/config-* has info about your kernel
00:26.03kanzureHow can I check where my swap is located?
00:26.05Gneaabrotman: /join #e  :)
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00:26.13abrotmanGnea: they were all sleeping i guess
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00:26.19Gneaabrotman: and let them roll 'em along
00:26.24Gneanothing new
00:26.26jimkanzure: look in /etc/fstab
00:26.43resiakaum: Did I guess right?
00:26.57kanzurejim: nope
00:27.00aumresiak: left alt works, right alt doesn't
00:27.24jimthen you don't have swap, or you manually added it, or there is a swap and it's being turned on by some other mechanism
00:27.29resiakaum: Right Alt is normally AltGr or ISO_Level_3 for both QWERTY and Dvorak, so doesn't work in either case for me.
00:27.33chopejim: it says version 2.6.11, date, and then a lot of variables which i dont know what they are
00:27.37LinuxMafiaguys gentoo is better of debian?
00:27.39kanzurejim: I did "swapon" once. Did that do it?
00:27.42medioviaHello. So, I've got a kernel which panics on boot, I found the following ( and sure enough it boots if I use the vdso=0 command line parameter
00:27.51jimkanzure: could be. try free
00:27.54resiakLinuxMafia: What the fuck do you expect the answer to that to be on a Debian channel?
00:28.18medioviaI'm wondering what libraries I should update in Debian, which are generally around 6 months old?
00:28.32LinuxMafiaresiak: because i heared gentoo and debian are mixed
00:28.35soyuzjim: the problem has gotten so bad that I have to give it the freakin ONE-FINGER salute -- OUCH!
00:28.36aumresiak: right alt works for me in qwerty
00:28.43medioviaI tried libc6, but that made no difference
00:28.43GneaLinuxMafia: dude! i heard you got the best crack in town! can  you hook me up?>!
00:29.01jimsoyuz: logs don't show anything useful?
00:29.11resiakaum: My right Alt works for me, but doesn't do the same thing as my left Alt. I don't want it to, so I have no idea how to change that behavior.
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00:29.23soyuzjim: nmd.log show normal activity
00:29.44LinuxMafiaGnea: one thing i can say , gentoo users are the nicest ppl , not like You fucking guys with attitude
00:29.51resiakLinuxMafia: Debian and Gentoo are about as mixed as Red Hat and Lindows^H^H^H^Hspire.
00:29.58cjfpLinuxMafia: no kidding
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00:30.03ecfx!start distro war
00:30.09ecfx!start a distro war
00:30.10dpkgRock rox0rz!
00:30.16ecfxWhat is rock?
00:30.25abrotmanecfx: rock linux
00:30.26jimsoyuz: what if you were to disconnect the box from the net for a time?
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00:30.32ecfxIs that common?
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00:30.39ecfx!start a distro war
00:30.40dpkgGentoo rox0rz!
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00:30.56jimsoyuz: might be a good test to see if the problem is triggered from something outside
00:31.00adobbierox0rz your mom maybe
00:31.08aumLinuxMafia: there's a bit of attitude here sometimes
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00:31.16LinuxMafiabut i like any linux does not matter what , i hope all of us be nice to each other , no matter the distro , as long as it is linux :P
00:31.19soyuzjim: nmb.log gets rotated normally in the morning... but I noticed today that it was about 48 hours (exactly more or less) that nmb hung again
00:31.24GneaLinuxMafia: you're the one that walked in with the attitude, so...
00:31.32LinuxMafiaaum: You Are right
00:31.33kristiankjust installed a sarge ; I am French, I want azerty kbd, I only get qwerty. How to do ? locales are OK, XF86config-4 is OK....
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00:31.52GneaLinuxMafia: we didn't have a problem the past half hour till you came in and started talking that shit
00:31.52drackristiank: dpkg-reconfigure console-data
00:31.52LinuxMafiaGnea: no i just want to hear the opinions of differnet ppl
00:31.55soyuzjim: it's probably that crummy w2k box spewing shit.
00:32.05GneaLinuxMafia: that's fine
00:32.38LinuxMafiaGnea: l am using gentoo , but i should know what other ppl say about gentoo
00:32.46LinuxMafiaGnea: and what they think
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00:32.51GneaLinuxMafia: i'll tell you what i think about gentoo :)
00:32.54jimLinuxMafia: this is a big place... people are expected to progress so they don't ask the same thing day after day...
00:33.11aumi've asked reasonable questions here sometimes and gotten my head bitten off
00:33.21LinuxMafiaGnea: i will be happy to hear your opinion
00:33.42kristiankdrac: thanks, I try right now
00:33.43pngwnaum, seems like your head is still attached ;)
00:34.13LinuxMafiajim: You Are right , but i want to know all good things and bad things about my distro from different point of view
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00:34.35myra-bsuGood evening all
00:34.38aumluckily debian is so well organised that i seldom need help
00:35.08soyuzjim: usually the first sign that there is a problem is when I issue a "ps xa" at console, the console hangs. nothing gets it out of this spooky mode. so... I'm going to keep on watching and ONE-FINGER saluting (OUCH!) until I solve the freakin issue.
00:35.32GneaLinuxMafia: I think that gentoo is a very good conceptual idea in the idea that everything is compiled for the system.  I think it's cool.  I think it's flawed for the same reason.  I like debian because it has a fast and relatively bug-free package management system.  i think it's flawed since the binaries that the packages generally contain are too generalized to not a specific platform like I'd like a i686 set of binaries instead of the standard 386.
00:35.32LinuxMafiajim: if You look at the numbers , gentoo has most users , and next one is debian, freebsd got even less than fedora , i wonder why
00:35.44myra-bsuThis might be a bit OT but I was wondering if there is a command i can enter into my command prompt to see what distro of linux a server is running
00:35.45cjfpany non-acroread pdf viewer out there that displays properly?
00:36.12cjfpi tried xpdf, kpdf, gdpf
00:36.13soyuzjim: the wierdness of it all, nothing kills the offending process, except a powercycle.
00:36.15LinuxMafiaGnea: thanks so much
00:36.23GneaLinuxMafia: but as far as how nice people are, i'd have to say that both sides of the fence have nearly equally proportioned amounts of cool people and idiots.
00:36.34jimLinuxMafia: I see gentoo as a reaction to debian's not having a port to every member of the cpu family, when tests reveal that compiling everything optimized for a particular cpu doesn't help much; only a very small number of programs benefit from being optimized for a particular cpu
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00:37.46jimsoyuz: so was this win2k box added recently or always been there?
00:37.56Gneajim: that's a fair analysis, but even the tiniest amounts can make a really massive difference
00:38.02LinuxMafiajim: is there an easy way to compie some package with let's say java support , (gentoo has USE flag what does debian..)?
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00:38.21soyuzjim: the w2k box has been on the net for about 18 months
00:38.33jimLinuxMafia: why would something need java support?
00:38.40GneaLinuxMafia: the issue there goes back to the way that each distro is oriented - gentoo doesn't care what it gets while debian wishes to remain free.
00:38.57LinuxMafiajim: for example mplayer needs network support , just as an example
00:39.07soyuzjim: but, then again, MS keeps "updating" -- so the issue may be involved with a MS Windows Update
00:39.11jimdefine the context here; I won't be able to understand well enough to express an opinion otherwise
00:39.23LinuxMafiagravity: LouGh OuT LauD sorry , i leave
00:39.37jimsoyuz: aha, that could be the change
00:39.44GneaLinuxMafia: the example you're stating regarding mplayer goes back to that concept
00:39.44LinuxMafiathanks guys
00:39.55Gneanot a problem
00:40.04LinuxMafiahave a good one guys
00:40.05kristiankdrac: just rebooted, still qwerty!
00:40.08LinuxMafiatake care bye
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00:40.12cafuegoAnd take your lack of spelling ability with you
00:40.26gravityJust what we need. More gentoo trolls.
00:40.43Gneaok ok
00:40.45*** join/#debian davem (
00:40.45soyuzjim: hmmm... might be worthwhile to accidently-on-purpose wipe the disk and re-install. unfortunately it would have to stay w2k
00:40.47Gneago back to your bingo games
00:40.57davemDo ati binary drivers work on ppc?
00:41.08GneaWAS HIS NAME-OH!
00:41.23drackristiank: damn. then, no idea. out of my league :/
00:41.23Starfireokay new question.... i installed apm, but now when i try to either use or suspend my laptop i get a "no APM support in kernel" am i SOL and just cant use APM?
00:41.28dracdavem: no.
00:41.29cafuegoGnea: it's amazing how many first time linux users try to convice me of the advantage of using 200 GCC flags.
00:41.31Gneaso next time linuxmafia comes in here
00:41.33Gneajust say
00:41.36furrywolf"The source code on this website may damage your hardware."  lol!
00:41.37Gnea"wattup dog?"
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00:41.46dracdavem: and there is #ati
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00:41.54Gneacafuego: hehehe
00:42.03jimsoyuz: would it make sense to have the linux box ignore the win box for awhile?
00:42.15jimin order to test that is
00:42.22rixthIn XMMS, it displays the wrong tags. The tag in the playlist will say 01_Lust_For_Life.mp3 but if I right click on the file and go "File Info" I see all the information, Track, Album, Artist
00:42.26rixthAny iudeas?
00:42.39*** join/#debian Phu_Bhar (
00:42.41cafuegoGnea: My resposne is: I'm sure I would have noticed after 9 years if there was an ACTUAL advantage, rather than an IMAGINARY one.
00:42.46axelxxxi can't start my  app.with wine!  still get the message Can't open display
00:42.49soyuzjim: unfortunately (or fortunately) "My Documents" is a shared folder on the Debian machine, so not a real option
00:42.49Gnearixth: wrong tags? do you know what id3 tags are?
00:43.02rixthGnea, no actually, I do not.
00:43.03axelxxxwhat shall i do?
00:43.23rixthorafu, I do kinda, but i know nothing technical about them.
00:43.28Gnearixth: what you see in file info are the id3 tags that are part of the file, not the filename
00:43.47Gnearixth: if the mp3 doesn't have tags then it's just going to show up as the filename
00:43.52kristianksomebody can help me with my qwerty/azerty problem on a sarge ?
00:43.54rixthGnea, yes, I know that. But why isn't XMMS displaying the id3 tags?
00:43.57mtnmanrixth: i don't remember the exact method, but you can configure what is displayed by xmms.
00:44.05Gnearixth: because it doesn't have them
00:44.09axelxxxhow can i fix it??
00:44.14Gneaas i just stated
00:44.21axelxxxi have 3 hours left...
00:44.23rixthBut it onlt does it for SOME. Gnea, yes it does, I tagged them myself.
00:44.29Phu_BharHi all, can someone please tell me how to make a bootable CD from an ISO image? I'll be using K3b as the burner.
00:44.29Gneaaxelxxx: install windows! :D
00:44.31*** join/#debian _P_e_D_r_0_ (~llCI@
00:44.46abrotmanPhu_Bhar: is the iso bootable?
00:44.46Gnearixth: check what version you used
00:44.50soyuzGnea: ooo, that's mean
00:44.51rixthOf XMMS?
00:44.52axelxxxthanx :))
00:44.57Gnearixth: there are a few versions of id3 last i checked
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00:45.23Gneasoyuz: in 3 hours that's going to solve it the fastest
00:45.25_P_e_D_r_0_Alguem pode me ajudar ?????????
00:45.32Phu_Bharabrotman: I think so - it's the new demudi distro
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00:45.35rixthI used mp3info to tagg the artist, album and year in one go, then used Xmms's tool to tag the tracks
00:45.35jamie^rixth: I noticed that sometimes xmms doesn't show the id3 tags until you actually play the file..
00:45.35dpkgHispanohablantes: Por favor usen #debian-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.  Spanish Speakers: Please use #debian-es, there you will get much more help.
00:45.50soyuzGnea: heh.
00:45.52dpkgPor favor use #debian-br (/j #debian-br) para ajuda em portugues.
00:46.01*** part/#debian _P_e_D_r_0_ (~llCI@
00:46.02rixthjamie^, I thought that too, but it doesn't.
00:46.19abrotmanPhu_Bhar: wrong channel
00:46.33rixthTotem displays the tags fine
00:46.44abrotmanPhu_Bhar: ask #kde how to make k3b burn an iso .. or man cdrecord
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00:47.06Gnealie low
00:47.38Phu_Bharabrotman: sorry, i'm just not very technical. I'll try #kde
00:47.44rixthI guess I'm gonna move to a new media player. Can anyone reccoemnd a good one?
00:48.01XenguyGnea: multiple pun quotient =)
00:48.04abrotmanPhu_Bhar: i honestly don't know how to use k3b .. but if you google `cdrecord ISO` .. should get a result quickly
00:48.13soyuzjim: thanks for your responses -- let's see what happens. I hope Bill-fucking-Gates didn't break my network.
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00:48.19soyuzgoodnight people
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00:48.55Phu_Bharabrotman: thanx again, 'bye now
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00:50.42rixthSince XMMS's tag reading system is faulty (In my opinion) I'm going to move to another application. I use Gnome, can someone reccomend a good alternative?\
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00:51.02toresberixth: I love Rhythmbox
00:51.28*** join/#debian maeglin_artarin (~maeglin@
00:51.29rixthtoresbe, I'll take a look, thanks
00:51.38toresberixth: It comes with Gnome
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00:53.24Gneaheh it's got DI
00:53.37kristianksomebody can help me with my qwerty/azerty problem on a sarge ?
00:53.55jimkristiank: only if you say what it is :P
00:53.58Gnea!tell kristiank about ask
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00:54.29kristiankas far as I can see, XF86config-4 OK, locales OK, console-data OK !
00:54.32abrotmanrixth: there is rythmbox and zinf .. and totem ..
00:54.49phyrophreakhow do I map my drives by OS, I want to see wich partition I have debian on
00:54.55jimwhat are the symptoms of the problem?
00:55.02Gneazinf, that's what i was thinking of
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00:55.16kristiankI just installed a sarge right now, but impossible to get an azerty kb in terminals !
00:55.26kristiankcan you help ?
00:55.27pipelinekristiank: loadkeys
00:55.39jimphyrophreak: I usually mount each partition and see what's on it
00:55.47rixthRythmbox is not pretty, but it looks powerful
00:56.06kristiankpipeline: is ti differnt than what "dpkg-reconfigure console-data" does ?
00:56.08phyrophreakjim: I cant just type like mapos
00:56.09pipelinekristiank: Look for a keymap in /usr/share/keymaps/i386 that you like
00:56.15Gneayeah, rythmbox has some nice category features
00:56.21*** part/#debian myra-bsu (~myra@
00:56.25dpkgTo change your console keymap, run "dpkg-reconfigure console-data".  To change your X keymap, read "man xmodmap" or ask me about "set up x". if you have X check into xkeycaps and xev
00:56.28*** part/#debian Davey (davey@davey.user)
00:56.44pipelinekristiank: The keymap is only loaded at boot unless you run loadkeys
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00:56.53rixthIs there anyway in rythmbox to find out how many hours of music you have?
00:56.55*** join/#debian Gumby` (~gumby@
00:56.59phyrophreakjim: or is there a command to find what partition I am in running in right now?
00:57.00pipelinerixth: It says at the bottom.
00:57.11Gnearixth: dunno my list is still loading :)
00:57.29jimphyrophreak: df? mount?
00:57.49jimcat /etc/fstab?
00:57.54rixthGnea, so it mine ^_^ The tags come up properly now too, I'm solg!
00:58.05pipelinekristiank: What areas of the world use AZERTY, anyway?
00:58.07Gneayeah i'm diggin' this
00:58.22sparr_how can i "reset" aptitude so it shows the current state of my system, with no 'to be installed' or 'to be deleted' packages?
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00:58.40rixth5 days, 16 hours and 30 minutes ^_^
00:58.50quicojuneed help with dpkg segmentation fault
00:58.55kristiankFrench from France. Usually it is not a problem... first time I get this problem.
00:59.05Gnea!tell quicoju about ask
00:59.29quicojuwhen i run aptitude or apt-get i get this error
00:59.31linoleumhello , I got a problem : my computer is connecter to a router netgers, with ethernet . the probleme is that if I want internet, I have to do as root : dhclient after every boot... is there a package that lauche a daemon automaticaly to activate the ethernet dhc connection??
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00:59.43jimquicoju: /msg dpjg sicco
00:59.55jimquicoju: /msg dpkg sicco
00:59.58rixthI have one issue. Is there no plugin to allow control from a keyboard?
01:00.06kristiankSorry, I am not expert : I must precise I just rebooted after dpkg reconfgure...
01:00.12abrotmanrixth: for which?
01:00.24Gnealinoleum: there is, lemme find
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01:00.42jimquicoju: your ram good?
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01:00.48linoleumGnea, cool tkx
01:01.11Gneaone thing i'm noticing about rhythmbox
01:01.33abrotmanrixth: hrm . try zinf?
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01:01.54rixthabrotman, is that packaged?
01:02.08Gneais that it doesn't allow changing the DSP device
01:02.13Gneaor any ALSA support for that matter
01:02.20Gneanot easily at any rate
01:02.26rixthIndeed it is
01:02.36Gneaunless i'm missing it...
01:02.49rixthThe keyboard control is a pretty big thing to me
01:02.53abrotmanrixth: yes
01:03.03abrotmanGnea: gstreamer-alsa
01:03.37Gneano, it should be built into the client
01:03.51pipelineGnea: You might as well cut to the chase and just install gstreamer0.8-plugins
01:03.56abrotmanGnea: i bet rhythmbox uses gstreamer backend .. so install gstreamer-alsa
01:04.06quicojui get this error running dpkg (Reading database ... E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg received a segmentation fault. suggestions?
01:04.10kristiankwell, thanks a lot. I prefer waiting till tomorrow to try to understand
01:04.17pipelineabrotman: rhythmbox uses gstreamer 0.8, not 0.6
01:04.25jimquicoju: why does it do that?
01:04.27pipelinequicoju: That's BAD
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01:04.50pipelinequicoju: If dpkg is segfaulting, that means either you've damaged fundamental system libraries or you have faulty hardware.
01:05.15quicojui really don't know i always use apt-get for installing packages
01:05.15pipelinequicoju: The usual suspects: Are you using ReiserFS? Are you overclocking? Did you try to mix multiple distributions?
01:05.41quicojutesting and unestable
01:05.44Gneabut still
01:05.44*** join/#debian NeoBREED (
01:05.44jimquicoju: to what? /msg dpkg sicco
01:05.49Gneaxmms has a lower system impact
01:05.54GneaÀÄ[~ ¯ ldd /usr/bin/xmms | wc -l
01:05.57jimthat should be ok
01:05.59GneaÀÄ[~ ¯ ldd /usr/bin/rhythmbox  | wc -l
01:06.06NeoBREEDhi everyone
01:06.09NeoBREEDfirst timer here
01:06.20abrotmanGnea: please tell me you're not surprised :)
01:06.21quicojuwanted to use rox
01:06.21NeoBREEDfirst time using Xchat
01:06.31NeoBREEDman... things are strange with linux
01:06.35roxquicoju: you can try, if you'r female
01:06.44*** join/#debian CyL_ (~cyl@
01:06.49jimNeoBREED: welcome... you might want to check out /help newusers
01:06.54toresbeNeoBREED: you get used to it (and love it)
01:07.01*** join/#debian resiak_ (
01:07.10NeoBREEDI will do that first
01:07.20toresbeNeoBREED: There's a reason for all the differences
01:07.41Delphtoresbe: even if it's only copyright.
01:07.49*** join/#debian kaimis (~kaimis@
01:07.55NeoBREEDI like it better than windows
01:08.00rixthabrotman, I'm not seeing any keyboard support in Zinf either. Oh well, guess I'm gonna have to get over it.
01:08.00NeoBREEDthat's clicheish tho
01:08.09abrotmanrixth: are you sure?
01:08.15NeoBREEDI'm trying to get it to work on my ThinkPad600
01:08.21Gneaok gstreamer sucks, there isn't a package that simply explains what it is
01:08.21NeoBREEDKnoppix install thing
01:08.33abrotmanrixth: i know rhythmbox has keyboard controls
01:08.34NeoBREEDjust some problems I was wondering if anyone care to help
01:08.34toresbeGnea: gstreamer *rocks*
01:08.40toresbeGnea: but it isn't mature yet
01:08.45dpkgKnoppix is _not_ Debian. Seek knoppix help in #knoppix. For those of you who don't know, knoppix is a livecd distro based on debian. It's useful as a rescue cd, to test hardware, and for situations where you have access to a computer but it doesn't run debian.  Please go to #knoppix
01:08.45NeoBREEDI got issues with the USB and sound card
01:08.52rixthabrotman, yeah, it's possible I missed it though. In XMMS I used the keybaord plugin for Logitech's iTouch and customized it for my wireless Belkin
01:08.52Gneatoresbe: if it doesn't explain itself then it's crap, plain and simple.
01:08.56toresbeNeoBREED: We're sort of touchy about that ;)
01:08.58abrotmanrixth: possible your WM keymaps are overriding the hot keys
01:09.00dondelelcaroNeoBREED: try asking in #knoppix
01:09.08rixthWM keymaps?
01:09.14jimNeoBREED: most of us don't know knoppix
01:09.15toresbeGnea: no, then the package maintainer has possibly made a whoops.
01:09.18abrotmanwindow manager
01:09.19NeoBREEDwell... I installed it onto HD so that makes it a Debian isn't it?
01:09.23toresbeGnea: then google.
01:09.30quicojui tried was mixing testing and unstable can i recover dpkg?
01:09.30GneaW: Unable to locate package gstreamer
01:09.30Gneae: No packages found
01:09.36toresbeGnea: speaking as a programmer, gstreamer is extremely exciting
01:09.37jimit's still knoppix
01:09.42toresbeGnea: apt-cache search gstreamer, dimwit
01:09.47Gneai did that
01:09.54Gneaand not one can explain what it is or what it does
01:10.01Gnea"just use it"
01:10.05Gneafuck that, i need a reason
01:10.07abrotmanGnea: gstreamer-alsa or whatever it is
01:10.26rixthabrotman, how could I map f1....f6 to control it? (or anyone else :) )
01:10.40toresbeapt-cache show libgstreamer0.6-0
01:10.42abrotmanrixth: to it?
01:11.04resiakNeoBREED: No, it doesn't.
01:11.11NeoBREEDI see
01:11.16*** join/#debian Guerin (~magpie@
01:11.35green_earzNeoBREED: have you used the net installer for debain sarge yet, if not check out the link fornetinst CD image >
01:11.37rixthTo control rhythmbox
01:11.44NeoBREEDin term of sound car set up and usb stuff... there's only one universal way of fixing it isnt it?
01:11.45jimNeoBREED: there is #knoppix here
01:11.54abrotmanrixth: isn't there a Control menu on yours?
01:12.02green_earzNeoBREED: for netinst
01:12.07DelphNeoBREED: look, you started off with knoppix. Ask people who know about it, not us.
01:12.11toresbeNeoBREED: also, you might want to check out Ubuntu, as an easy-to-install Debian, with a sane set of base packages for a desktop user
01:12.38rixthabrotman, yes, but with XMMS, I could control it even when it wasn't in focus
01:12.40jimone universal way? no; of course there is more than one way to do most things
01:12.40abrotmantoresbe: stop advocating that crap
01:12.43abrotman!d-i NeoBREED
01:12.44dpkgNeoBREED, you want to go to - for your own good, and everyone else's.
01:12.54toresbeNeoBREED: It is Debian-derived, like Knoppix, but is intended to be installed.
01:12.57*** join/#debian PenjejakNeraka__ (
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01:13.06abrotmanrixth: uhm .. apparently you've done some weird stuff to xmms :)
01:13.11abrotmantoresbe: stop advocating that crap
01:13.28toresbeabrotman: why do you think it's crap?
01:13.31NeoBREEDI tried to install Debian
01:13.36NeoBREEDbut it was so hard to get it to work
01:13.38abrotmantoresbe: it's just bad :)
01:13.45rixthI used the iTouch plugin and customized the keys (using the plugin-prefs dialog box)
01:13.47gravityNeoBREED: You probably tried the older installer
01:13.48NeoBREEDI couldn't get it to see the network card
01:13.49abrotmanNeoBREED: no it's not .. i did it from two floppies today
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01:14.15green_earzNeoBREED: was it sarge or woody you tryd to install ?
01:14.17abrotmanand .. that's a big no
01:14.28rixthabrotman, I mapped it from Gnome, Applications->Desktop Prefs->Keyboard Shortcuts, problem solved!
01:14.28abrotman!d-i NeoBREED
01:14.28quicojuany source for cosulting reasons and solutions for dpkg segfaults?
01:14.29*** join/#debian kaimis (~kaimis@
01:14.30dpkgNeoBREED, you want to go to - for your own good, and everyone else's.
01:14.36abrotmanrixth: ah . ok
01:14.41jimNeoBREED: you start with these floppies, you get the networking set up, once that's done, it downloads the rest of itself and starts going
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01:14.46gravityNeoBREED: You definitely need to try installing sarge
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01:15.00green_earzNeoBREED: things have change a lot from woody to sarge with the installer, all for the better
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01:15.16rixthgreen_earz, not that much better
01:15.20NeoBREEDI see
01:15.21NeoBREEDthe thing is
01:15.22jimquicoju: first rule out problesm with your hardware
01:15.25abrotmanno things!
01:15.27NeoBREEDI don't have a floppy
01:15.31NeoBREEDonly cdrom
01:15.36NeoBREEDmakes thngs harder
01:15.42rogue5get a flash drive
01:15.44jimwell, then you can get netinst cd
01:15.47abrotmanonly cdrom makes it harder?
01:15.53abrotman!d-i NeoBREED
01:15.54dpkgNeoBREED, you want to go to - for your own good, and everyone else's.
01:15.54gravitycdrom is easiest of all!
01:15.58jimno writer?
01:16.01gravityman, kids these days
01:16.15NeoBREEDI'm sorry LOL
01:16.23NeoBREEDman this is a very intimidating place
01:16.30toresbeNeoBREED: it is.
01:16.35NeoBREEDdarn it... all I want is to have a simple debian system
01:16.36jimNeoBREED: it can be yes
01:16.39NeoBREEDI hate redhat
01:16.40quicojujim: you mean hardware for memory or any hardware?
01:16.42NeoBREEDI hate KDE
01:16.51NeoBREEDI hate anything that looks like freakin' windows
01:16.57jimquicoju: yes and yes :)
01:16.59rixthKDE = Krap Dipped in Excrement
01:17.04abrotmanNeoBREED: so use the netinst image .. and you get debian and then install gnome .. and then world hunger is solved :)
01:17.05gravityNeoBREED: Just check out the URL about the installer above. Read up, give it a try, and then come back when you have more questions
01:17.10toresberixth: real mature.
01:17.11NeoBREEDI like fluxbox
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01:17.22Gnearixth: very good analogy
01:17.28gravityrixth: Code something better
01:17.29rixthtoresbe, heh, yeah :) just being silly. I don't mind it, but I prefer Gnome
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01:17.36toresberixth: me too :)
01:17.42Gneaactually gnome is up there with kde
01:17.49Gneathey're both crap
01:17.52Gneathey both stink
01:17.55abrotmantoresbe: you're just sad cause you know it's true :)
01:17.55*** join/#debian stratocaster (
01:17.56toresbeGnea: no they don't.
01:18.02Gneatoresbe: yes, they do.
01:18.07Gneatoresbe: Enlightenment > *
01:18.08toresbeGnea: oh really? Why?
01:18.11gravityWow, how childish is this?
01:18.18abrotmanGnea: but you're from the midwest .. you have no taste :)
01:18.25gravity"They stink!" "No they don't!" "Yes they do!"
01:18.26Gneatoresbe: observe how many system libraries each kde or gnome app accesses
01:18.31Xenguy!start a window manager war
01:18.31dpkgX blows!
01:18.33toresbeGnea: yeah, so?
01:18.41Gneaabrotman: actually i'm from the west, east AND the midwest
01:18.53toresbeGnea: I devel for a Debian-derived educational distro. You don't ask sixth-graders to use a real WM.
01:18.55Gneatoresbe: inefficient.
01:18.56jimI thought the point with gnome or kde was to allow better interaction with the computer,,, and my conclusion is they don't do a whole lot toward that end
01:19.07toresbeGnea: it does a hell of a lot more than Flux.
01:19.09quicojujim: hardware was working cool when installed  sarge, do you think it could crash later on?
01:19.14green_earzNeoBREED: here a could be use full link for you to get to know apt-get debian package installer tools
01:19.17sjborchi like KDE, Gnome, Fluxbox, Icewm, ratpoison(?), xfce, and windows xp.
01:19.30abrotmanGnea: sorry about that
01:19.30Gneatoresbe: you're definately onto something there
01:19.32mtnmanjim: i think the goal was easier interaction which is not the same as better interaction.
01:19.51toresbejim: GNOME is starting to get there
01:20.09toresbejim: in 2.8 a window actually automatically pops up when you insert a USB drive, for example
01:20.33abrotmantoresbe: if you configure that
01:20.34jimquicoju: ok, how much ram do you have on that machine?
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01:20.39NeoBREEDhelp me: I will look at all those sites... you've suggested... just tell me which installer is the best
01:20.39StyXmanhi all
01:20.43NeoBREEDor doable
01:20.44Gneatoresbe: i can list many, many more reasons why each suck ass, but the way i see it, if you can get kids to use one, then those reasons are moot for that application
01:20.46NeoBREEDI want a clean system
01:20.52toresbeabrotman: nope, right out of the box, default, debian
01:20.55*** part/#debian sjborch (
01:21.00NeoBREEDthat recognize the darn network card
01:21.01StyXmanI have a game that depends on, but there's only trhe .la file...
01:21.03quicojujim:64M on RAM 128M on SWAP
01:21.05NeoBREEDpcami crap
01:21.08abrotmantoresbe: no it doesn't
01:21.14green_earzNeoBREED: do you have a dsl connection for a net install ? if not check out ebay for a copy of a sarge cd set
01:21.14toresbeGnea: exactly. It may not be something hackers use, but it was never intended to
01:21.16abrotmantoresbe: at least the last install i did didn't do that
01:21.22toresbeabrotman: when was that? 2.2?
01:21.30Gneatoresbe: agreed :)
01:21.40*** join/#debian Streetman (~Tempus@
01:21.45abrotmantoresbe: right before windows ate my debian
01:21.50jimquicoju: wow... shouldn't happen... can you try memtest86?
01:21.52abrotmantoresbe: friday :)
01:21.54toresbeGnea: so saying it's bad is like saying a bus sucks before it doesn't fit in your garage :)
01:21.58StyXmanI tried to compile xfree, but I discover that my knowledge does not allow me to modify the build process to build a .so version
01:22.05Gneatoresbe: HAHAHAHHAHAHA
01:22.05toresbeabrotman: strange, 2.8 is supposed to have it
01:22.07StyXmanso, are there any other options?
01:22.11NeoBREEDI have T1
01:22.17NeoBREEDI can do the net install
01:22.28NeoBREEDI will download an image CD and get it done tonight
01:22.38gravityNeoBREED: Have fun
01:22.39jimbut can you burn cds?
01:22.51green_earzNeoBREED: perfect and all the best
01:22.56Gneatoresbe: that's funny, if my garage was about a foot or two taller then i could fit a whole school bus in there - and not a retard bus either ;)
01:22.57abrotmantoresbe: oh well
01:22.57NeoBREEDI've been quite annoyed with the fact that it doesn't recognize my soundcard and usb
01:23.01*** join/#debian FieldySnuts (QCtse6G6MR@fieldysnuts.user)
01:23.08resiaktoresbe, abrotman: adduser youruser plugdev is all. (*has set up an old keyboard. Now I _will_ sleep*)
01:23.14jimNeoBREED: it is the kernel that would or would not.'
01:23.18Gneaa pair of retard busses perhaps
01:23.19toresberesiak: that's it, yeah
01:23.28*** join/#debian quicoj1 (~quicoju@
01:23.36NeoBREEDthat's what I've been struggling with
01:23.48*** join/#debian Chocobo (
01:23.54NeoBREEDtell me the steps
01:24.03NeoBREED1. I will get that sarge netinstall CD
01:24.09NeoBREED2. install the basic craps
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01:24.22gravityNeoBREED: 0. Read the sarge installer manual and follow its instructions to the letter
01:24.22quicoj1jim: let me see.
01:24.27NeoBREEDthen if that doesn't solve my soundcard and usb... what will I do
01:24.34NeoBREEDI will do that
01:24.39jimNeoBREED: it's -possible- you would need to build a kernel image
01:24.50abrotmanresiak: you lie!
01:24.52gravityNeoBREED: Right now you're just trying to over-prepare for things. Just do the install.
01:24.56johnga1thow do i delimit a * in a regex? (i.e. sed 's/\*//g' to replace all star's with nothing ... but that doesn't work)
01:25.10NeoBREEDbuilding a kernel image: this is a very big and intimidating set of words
01:25.11gravityNeoBREED: The installer is pretty good. It recognizes quite a bit.
01:25.20quicoj1jim: don't have memtest86, should i install?
01:25.25NeoBREEDokay done
01:25.31NeoBREEDI will be back in a few hours LOL
01:25.32NeoBREEDthanks a lot
01:25.36NeoBREEDhope this works
01:25.48dracHmm, trying to learn apt-build. Any pointers how should I proceed with this.. W: Couldn't stat source package list file: apt-build/main Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/_var_cache_apt-build_repository_dists_apt-build_main_binary-i386_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory)
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01:26.11Streetmanhello all. I could use some help with something if you can. I got wine installed today and I think I have it configured, but when I try to run it with mIRC and got a litany of errors. Can anyone help?
01:26.23jimNeoBREED: yes, I agree with gravity,,, you could just run the install, get your networking up, install the base, (maybe x and) an irc client... then come here
01:26.25*** join/#debian Psychik (Psychik@
01:26.45jimsy chick?
01:26.50Delphjim: uhhm, or maybe just an irc client *then* x. =:)
01:27.03Delphx being historically harder to get working than the console.
01:27.04jimDelph: note parens
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01:27.27Delphjim: very strange
01:27.28Psychikcan someone help me with pure-ftpd ?
01:27.29NeoBREEDokay. thank you all. have a good night. I'm gonna go get that cd image
01:27.35Delphi managed to totally miss them
01:27.45StyXmandrac: hmm, apt-get update?
01:27.47abrotmanPsychik: rephrase your question
01:27.59*** join/#debian whozit (
01:28.22jimPsychik: maybe, but only when we have some information about your problem... start by telling us what you know
01:28.27whozithi all, i'm stuck without GUI, so naturally a browser too, what's the command to un the X config?
01:28.38abrotmanwhozit: which gui do you want?
01:28.48abrotman!install kde
01:28.49dpkgmethinks install kde is In sarge, the metapackage 'kde' installs tons of stuff, 'kde-core' slightly less, and 'kdebase' even less.
01:28.58mtnmanwhozit: you can have a browser w/o X.
01:29.05pipelinewhozit: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86 && dexconf -o /etc/X11/XF86Config-4
01:29.07abrotmanwhozit: and also install x-window-system-core kdm menu
01:29.09whoziti'm in woody, i'm more familiar with sarge, but it did this part for me
01:29.16abrotmanoh crap
01:29.18whozitthank you
01:29.20*** join/#debian dieguito (~diego@
01:29.23abrotmanwoody has kde?
01:29.41Eclipser!info woody kdm
01:29.47Streetman << I'm running woody, but a newer install of wine. Those are the errors I get when I try to run mIRC and wine. Any ideas?
01:30.00*** join/#debian mentor (~matthew@
01:30.06Psychiki setted him to start in stanalone , with puredb auth and no unix ident ,  when i lanch it whithout pam ident it dosen't  put the swith for puredb , and anyways it says its started, but when i px aux , i see nothing
01:30.06abrotmanStreetman: why the hell would you do that?
01:30.11Psychiku understood ?
01:30.15drac!pal Streetman
01:30.17dondelelcarowhy in *SHAITANS UNHOLY NAME* would you run mIRC under wine?
01:30.18dpkgDamnit Jim! It's YOU. Y-O-U. Not *U*. U is a letter. YOU is a word. See ne1, or wud.  Dutch for 'you' (formal singular). See
01:30.27jimdpkg: hmm?
01:30.29abrotmandondelelcaro: s/under wine//
01:30.41Streetmanabrotman: Because it's an mIRC bot that i wrote and i dont want to re-write it.
01:30.42mtnmandondelelcaro: excellent point.  i had the same question.
01:30.43Eclipserdondelelcaro, who does that?-o
01:30.52dondelelcaroabrotman: well, that for that, I'd just appeal to a lesser deamon...
01:31.05abrotmanStreetman: i'd rewrite it .. mirc is .. bad
01:31.32ledestinStreetman: try XChat
01:31.33*** join/#debian mdo_ (
01:31.34gravityOh my god..
01:31.36*** join/#debian quicoju (~quicoju@
01:31.46Streetmanabrotman: Not really. The bot works great and re-writing it would require me to find a client that I can even write in, install it, and learn how to script in it.
01:31.46abrotmanStreetman: and you'd probably get more help in #winehq
01:31.51Psychikjim , u understood my pb ?
01:32.01*** join/#debian Silensius (
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01:32.05dpkgDamnit Jim! It's YOU. Y-O-U. Not *U*. U is a letter. YOU is a word. See ne1, or wud.  Dutch for 'you' (formal singular). See
01:32.13Silensiushow can i change the hostname please
01:32.23Psychiksorry :p
01:32.28dondelelcaroSilensius: /msg dpkg hostname
01:32.29gravitySilensius: Change /etc/hostname
01:32.36*** join/#debian nuix (~Peter@
01:32.49Streetmanthat and nobody responds in WineHQ
01:32.50dondelelcaroStreetman: you can script in most unix clients. FE, in irssi-text it's quite trivial.
01:32.51gravityAlthough the factoid is prbably better
01:33.27Streetmandondelelcaro: But as I said, I'd have to learn it again. And I'm busy enough as a college student.
01:33.39gravityStreetman: Why do you need this particular bot so bad?
01:33.46gravityThere's a number of good ones out there for UNIX clients
01:33.50jimPsychik: I'm not sure I understand yet (but maybe someone else does)
01:33.51dondelelcaroStreetman: *shrug* good luck getting help on fixing it in #winehq then.
01:34.05Streetmangravity: It's one I run and specifically wrote for a group of people.
01:34.43Psychikthe file 75puredb , i just tell yes in it or not ?
01:34.43EclipserI'd use a real bot instead of a mIRC script :)
01:34.44gravityStreetman: Well, most people, at least around here, consider mIRC the equivalent of pure pain, so...
01:34.57*** join/#debian ethics (~none@
01:35.18nuixhow can i extend a window outside of the desktop's upper side in gnome. it seems that gnome allows the operation before
01:35.27StyXmanhow can I build a dynamic version of a lib from its static version?
01:35.29Streetmangravity: Not when all you've known is windows since 95 came out and all you've used is mIRC when you first got on IRC 5 years ago.
01:35.38jimPsychik, I'm not sure what is puredb
01:36.01Eclipsernuix, try moving the window up with alt+click and then resize?
01:36.07Psychikits a auth type , like ldap , mysql , postgresql
01:36.07Eclipsernot sure if this works in gnome
01:36.23gravityStreetman: You act like none of us made the transition
01:36.41pipelineEclipser: metashitty won't allow you to drag the window title past the top bar.  Other window managers will, however.
01:36.45*** join/#debian Viddy (
01:36.47Streetmangravity: Never said that. But when wine can allow me to use what I've already written, why not?
01:36.53Eclipserpipeline, well that sucks :)
01:36.55jimStreetman: maybe, but you could install linux and some unix irc client and go "maaan, how did I live before!?"
01:36.58*** join/#debian rstritt (
01:37.02pipelineStreetman: Eh, as soon as I discovered Xchat win32, I had no need for mirc ever again.
01:37.15gravityStreetman: Mainly because mIRC is generally considered insecure, among other things
01:37.16pipelineStreetman: Xchat has actual scripting support.
01:37.27jimPsychik: ok, what does it take to get puredb working?
01:37.31Eclipserputty/irssi if I really have to use windows :)
01:37.37StreetmanAgain, as I said, the bot is scripted in mIRC. Re-writing it would be a pain because the thing is rather large and I don't have the time.
01:37.46pipelineStreetman: Then delete it.
01:37.52nuixEdipser, it doesnot work now.. gnome does not allow the operation now
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01:38.06Streetmanpipeline: Or get it to run with wine
01:38.14StreetmanWhich is what I'm trying to do
01:38.21gravityStreetman: You should probably just buy crossover office or something. Apparently it's very easy to get it to run all sorts of apps that are more difficult with the free wine
01:38.34pipelineStreetman: mIRC used to work under wine, a looong time ago.  I think it's been broken for quite some time.
01:38.38gravityStreetman: Wine has historically been a bit of a pain in the ass
01:38.47Streetmanpipeline: Not according to the website
01:38.47*** join/#debian Rile (~Rile@
01:39.01jimof COURSE not according to the website :P
01:39.08pipelinegravity: It's not nearly as bad as it used to be.  These days, it's kind of an on-off thing: Does it work with winver 9x? winver xp? no? give up.
01:39.12Psychikjim> normaly just create a file to tell pure-ftpd to use it instead of pam ident, but even if i use pam ident it says ftpserver started , but it doesn't start :/
01:39.15*** join/#debian zumbi (
01:39.18pipelineStreetman: sidenet config is your friend.
01:39.32Streetmanpipeline: What?
01:39.34Psychikso i think my pb is not with the auth type i use
01:39.38jimoh, puredb and pureftpd are connected
01:39.43pipelineStreetman: You have a web browser and a brain.
01:39.49nuixEdipser, moving windows with ALT+click works with other sides instead of upper one
01:39.51pipelineStreetman: look it up yourself :P
01:40.05*** join/#debian holycow (
01:40.09Streetmanpipeline: Yes I do. But I can't find the solution there, and Debian has an IRC channel, so i figured what the hell.
01:40.11Eclipsernuix, you should probably consider some other wm then :)
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01:40.20pipelineStreetman: I just gave you the solution.
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01:40.36Streetmanwhat, look it up?
01:40.38Eclipsernuix, as pipeline stated, metacity doesn't allow that for some reason... other wm's do
01:40.40Psychik03:39:55 <jim> oh, puredb and pureftpd are connected < puredb is especialy for pure-ftpd
01:40.42gravityStreetman: You may just want to google it too. Tons of people have wine questions for apps like that, so it may have been answered
01:40.44ledestinStreetman: Wine is for people that understand how it works, because if the app you want is broken, all you can do is google for errors you get. And there will be many.
01:40.45*** join/#debian `Bruno` (
01:40.59`Bruno`alguem usa Lexmark z13?
01:41.07dpkgPor favor use #debian-br (/j #debian-br) para ajuda em portugues.
01:41.25`Bruno`queria configurar ela no debian mais não conseguir.. alguem ja configurou a lexmark z13?
01:41.41nuixEdipser, I want to know how to configure it.. kde is also not with the function
01:41.44jimPsychik: ok, go back... what are you trying to do?
01:41.55*** part/#debian Rile (~Rile@
01:42.02StreetmanI got one entry for the errors I got, ledestin. I already tried it. I know what google is and I use it often.
01:42.22Eclipsernuix, learn to write my name :< configure what? to use another wm?
01:42.35Psychikjim > i want to start pure-ftpd in standalone mode , with puredb auth
01:42.56ledestinStreetman: that's not the point. The point is that it didn't solve your problem.
01:42.57jimbut why?
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01:43.09Streetmanledestin: Not yet.
01:43.10jimwhat's your actual goal?
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01:43.53EvanCarrollMy access string to a mounted nfs directory is 'drw-r--r--' and i still can't list the files it contains, what am i lacking?
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01:44.02ledestinStreetman: the best way for you is to post to newsgroup/mailing list where Wine people go.
01:44.17ledestinEvanCarroll: x
01:44.27libpcpi would like to know what version of glibc im running on my debian woody 3 machine?
01:44.36Psychikjim > to separate system user and  ftp user , to make ftp user cant access to shh etc , to securise it fact
01:44.42EvanCarrollledestin: execute permissions on a directory enable listing? hrm, interestingm thanks.
01:44.50ledestinEvanCarroll: man chmod :)
01:44.59j4cboi've decided that kernel modules are black magic... i'm trying to compile longhaul.o against a 2.4.24 kernel for which i don't have the .config
01:45.02Nurbslibpcp: dpkg -l libc6
01:45.06jimPsychik: ok,,, so is it true you want non-shell users?
01:45.06Psychikand pure-ftpd is the ftpd the most configurable
01:45.08nuixEclipser, sorry , my x-chat fool me....  ;)
01:45.18libpcpthanks Nurbs
01:45.30j4cboit complains of two unresolved symbols, create_proc_entry and remove_proc entry... but the kernel image has proc support
01:45.57jimj4cbo: why don't you have the config?
01:45.58j4cboany idea why it wouldn't find those two?
01:46.16j4cboit's from thinstation, a mini diskless workstation distro
01:46.25j4cboi really don't wanna download the 250mb dev tarball
01:46.33nuixEclipser, i want to know where i can set to let it work
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01:46.43nuixEclipser, in gnome
01:46.48jimj4cbo: hmm, I dopnt
01:46.53Nurbslibpcp: somewhat more general is for example ldd --version
01:46.57jimknow anything about this dist
01:47.06*** join/#debian az[a]zel (~damien@
01:47.18Eclipsernuix, gnome uses metacity by default and it doesn't allow that... you should change window manager
01:47.34j4cbobasically consists of 2.4 kernel, busybox, and X
01:47.34a_monkeyis upgrading to unstable packages a smart thing to do?
01:47.47deadcatis there a way to configure sshd to ignore an ip if it attempts more than 5 failures from 1 ip? like i want to stop those mass ssh attempts
01:47.50gravitya_monkey: Depends on you
01:47.58a_monkeygravity: me?
01:48.03*** mode/#debian [+l 789] by debhelper
01:48.18gravitya_monkey: Yeah. What are your needs? How critical is your machine? How well do you know debian? etc
01:48.38jimj4cbo: it might be that you have to rebuild the kernel... some modules won't fit if the kernel was not built with them
01:48.42abrotmandeadcat: i think iptables can do that
01:49.16j4cbothat's what i was afraid of... it's weird, because it's a fairly basic function and they're in the
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01:49.37nuixEclipser, oh,, thanks,
01:49.47Xenguydeadcat: you can try side-stepping the issue by switching sshd to listen on a different port too
01:50.12j4cbojim: i could see if it was longhaul related, but proc... weird.
01:50.22linoleumhey sorry, I can't find a daemon for the dhcp clien side... I have to run dhclient or pump, at each reboot as root, and it's borrin as helll. I have already tryed dhcpcd , but there is no /etc/init.d/dhcpcd option ..... I dont know how to fix it
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01:50.28jimwell, just a possibility
01:50.51deadcatXenguy: ya. thats too much trouble (=
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01:50.59jimPsychik, what are the names of the debian packages you used to install pureftpd?
01:51.24zortonI need to patch iptables, is there a way to do this that will play nice with debian?
01:51.24deadcatabrotman: ok. you know the rule? (=
01:51.26Xenguydeadcat: it's dead easy really, but suit yourself (TIMTOWTDI and all that)
01:51.30Psychiknot the package pure-ftpd-common
01:51.38jimPsychik: ok, installing it now
01:51.47Psychiki pass to the common ?
01:51.48*** join/#debian jamie_ (
01:52.02abrotmandeadcat: yeah right :)
01:52.06abrotmani'm no help
01:52.11AJPanyone know where the plugins dir is for mozilla firefox in sarge?
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01:52.28Xenguydeadcat: you need some kind of script for that I'd wager...
01:52.45Xenguydeadcat: I seem to recall that some guy in our LUG tried to create one actually...
01:52.47gravityAJP: /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/plugins
01:52.53AJPgravity: thankies
01:52.53Xenguydeadcat: let me have a look, sec
01:53.00deadcatXenguy: thanks
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01:53.18gravityAJP: For future reference, dpkg -L packagename will tell you that kind of thing
01:53.22jimPsychik: it looks like it started pureftpd... but I never saw anything about puredb
01:53.28gravityIn this case, dpkg -L mozilla-firefox
01:53.51AJPgravity: ah, thanks again :)
01:53.58gravityYou're welcome
01:54.00*** join/#debian pisha (~albu@
01:54.05jimStarting ftp server: Running: /usr/sbin/pure-ftpd -l pam -u 1000 -E -O clf:/var/log/pure-ftpd/transfer.log -B
01:54.05Psychikjim > do the cmd >  pure-pw
01:54.15Psychiki've this too
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01:54.25Psychikbut is doesnt start the ftpd
01:54.51kupalanyone know how i can use find to give the oldes filename in a dir structure, as well as a line for the newest, and if i can have it all in one line?
01:55.11jimPsychik: right, pure-pw does not start or stop the ftpd.
01:55.33Psychikpure-pw is for managing users
01:55.37abrotmankupal: that doesnt' even make sense
01:55.52jimPsychik: did you set it up standalone?
01:56.07Psychikinetd suxx
01:56.31gurubieNo wars please. About Debian, can one convert mepis (98% debian) to 100% Debian? What's are "pure" debian advantages. I do not want to discuss mepis here per se. I'm asking about getting debian without reinstalling from scratch. Repectfull.
01:56.31deadcatkupal: i think you can only use find to find "newer" and "older"
01:57.00jimPsychik: ok... try ftp localhost
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01:57.42pishajoin #hispalinux
01:57.47Psychik-bash: ./ftp: No such file or directory
01:58.03jimPsychik: ./ftp?
01:58.19zortonis equivs still the correct package to use for localy installed programs?
01:58.22Psychiki tryes with ftp and with ./ftp
01:58.36deadcatPsychik: do you knwo what ./ do?
01:58.37abrotmanuse scp
01:58.43Psychikall makes errors
01:58.44a_monkeygravity: is there a big change of me coming across a big problem using the sid packages?
01:58.46kupaldeadcat thankx, i will check into something else.....
01:58.50Psychikyes deadcat
01:58.50jimok, try this as root: apt-get install ftp
01:58.57a_monkeygravity: or is it pretty ok
01:58.59deadcatPsychik: do you have ftp in your current dir?
01:59.06gravitya-atwood: Big chance of a problem, yes, Depends on what you consider a big problem.
01:59.17gravitya_monkey: ^
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01:59.30gurubieMany have gone the Debian way via conversion. Could you please help me with installing debian by conversion?
01:59.38a_monkeygravity: hmm. what kind of problems woudl these be?
01:59.43Psychikpackage ftp wasn't installed :/
01:59.45gravitya_monkey: Apps do break and you need to be prepared. You also need to know how to prevent these in trivial ways
01:59.45a_monkeygravity: would*
01:59.52gravitya_monkey: Random app breakage
01:59.52Psychiki apt get it now
01:59.56jimPsychik: I think: you have your ftpd running but you don't have a client
01:59.58deadcatgurubie: nobody does that. just use the d-i
02:00.17deadcatphaethon: answer me. do you have "ftp" in your current dir?
02:00.28wwalkerTrying to help a friend build a module for a wifi card.  make can't find the /lib/modules/<version>/build directory.  what's the name of the .deb that puts the build files in lib/modules for a kernel
02:00.29gravityPeople have actually seriously used that debian conversion thingy? Wow
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02:00.37deadcatPsychik: answer me. do you have "ftp" in your current dir?
02:00.39a_monkeygravity: i'm just messing around, so if i have to reinstall my whole os it's okay
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02:00.44Psychikno deadcat
02:00.47a_monkeygravity: so i guess i'll take a chance...
02:00.48jimgravity: yeah, used to work good too :)
02:01.00jimI have no idea for now :)
02:01.00gravitya_monkey: Oh, ok. Then go for it. It's pretty unlikely that it'll break your machine. It's pretty unlikely you'll have to reinstall even.
02:01.05deadcatPsychik: then you dont know what ./ means. what the fuck make you think ./ftp will work if "ftp" fails?
02:01.19gravitya_monkey: I've run unstable exclusively for years. It's fine, but I know how to handle small problems and random breakages.
02:01.21Psychikbut its weirds , before i used proftpd whitout needing install the package ftp
02:01.29gurubiedeadcat" OK thank you. It's just that I've tweaked the heck out of my system and installed many things.
02:01.29Xenguydeadcat: sorry dude, can't find what I was thinking of
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02:01.31gravitya_monkey: Running unstable is a good way to throw yourself in to the fire if you want to learn
02:01.39jimPsychik: from remote machine maybe
02:01.45a_monkeygravity: i'm really good with app breakages, so i think i'll do that
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02:01.49Psychikyes its a jail
02:01.52a_monkeygravity: thx for the tips
02:01.52deadcatXenguy: its cool. thanks though
02:02.00gravitya_monkey: Good luck
02:02.03byktewhy does my shell list another username instead of root when i login the shell as root?
02:02.18pishahi somebody around
02:02.19*** join/#debian horkinmidget (
02:02.20dieguitohow can i force the installation of a package when it complains about trying to overwrite another package's files
02:02.20gravitybykte: What name does it list?
02:02.24deadcatgurubie: dpkg --getselections > installed.pkg.list; then cp /etc/
02:02.37gravitydieguito: They shouldn't be doing that. That's a bug
02:02.41byktewait let me paste
02:02.47jimbykte: interesting question... do you su or how exactly and to what exactly do you login and give your passwd?
02:02.49dieguitoi know it's pure evil, but i want to know how to do that
02:03.00gravitydieguito: Just fix the bug :-p
02:03.05deadcatgurubie: thats dpkg --get-selections
02:03.12pishaI was watching a bit of your discussion
02:03.12Guerindieguito: dpkg --force-help
02:03.14horkinmidgetwhats up everyone
02:03.21byktejim, no i dont su...
02:03.21bykteunless i want to execute a process in another user  context
02:03.23dieguitoGuerin, thx
02:03.23bykteother than that, i direct login to root
02:03.24gurubiedeadcat: Oh cool. Thanks. I'll look into it.
02:03.41jimbykte: ohh, your machine is called bykte
02:03.51jimit's not telling you the user
02:03.58jimit's telling you the machien
02:03.58byktehow do i check the machine name?
02:04.01horkinmidgetI'm having a problem with xinetd starting apache
02:04.04gravitybykte: hostname
02:04.05pishawanted to know just a fact about Sid the kid...
02:04.20AJPomg <-- is my hostname
02:04.24AJPthe impossible is possible
02:04.28byktebut why not the full path?
02:04.34AJPim using java... in linux... to play yahoo pool
02:04.45gravitybykte: It's just not set up that way by default. You can set that way if you really want
02:05.04bykteso if i change my hostname to "root" it will be listed as root:~#
02:05.09pishacheers AJP
02:05.11GuerinAJP: you sad bastard
02:05.16gravitybykte: Yes
02:05.21byktei see..
02:05.29jimbykte: true... then all users might think they are root
02:05.43Guerinjim: that might be a fun april fool joke
02:05.43herbi_just tell him how to set a new PS1
02:05.45jimuntil they realize your machine is called root
02:05.51*** join/#debian karsten (
02:05.51wwalkerTrying to help a friend build a module for a wifi card.  make can't find the /lib/modules/<version>/build directory.  what's the name of the .deb that puts the build files in lib/modules for a kernel
02:05.54*** part/#debian zorton (
02:05.59bykteso how do i do it in such a way, that it will list the username instead of a fix 1 user?
02:06.06Guerinyou'd have to alias whoami="echo root"
02:06.10byktelike root, will display root, abc will display abc
02:06.23jimbykte: like herbi said, you can learn to change what your prompt looks like
02:06.29gravitybykte: Google "bash prompt"
02:06.34pishawhat's holding back the kid development and release? Would appreciate a couple of comments
02:06.45Guerinpisha: topic
02:06.45gravitypisha: You mean sarge?
02:06.54bykteah ok
02:06.55jimpisha: sid will -never- release
02:06.57Psychikwhen i do > ftp localhost it says > ftp: connect: Connection refused
02:07.08simonrvnpisha: sid does not get released
02:07.11pishaomg what did I trigger?
02:07.13*** join/#debian DA (
02:07.22jimPsychik: oh, so you're right, it's not running
02:07.23karstenpisha: adolesence
02:07.33*** join/#debian Orion49 (
02:07.37simonrvnand bad speeling
02:07.47jimend bed spalling
02:07.59Psychikyou think its a fw matter?
02:08.00simonrvnind bid sepleing
02:08.03Psychik( i dont)
02:08.04gravityin bed sprawling?
02:08.09pishayes , I mean Sarge (would never like such a character for a debian impersonator)
02:08.13byktelol jim, i fixed it, set  hostname to "" :D
02:08.15jimPsychik: no
02:08.22*** part/#debian Orion49 (
02:08.32gurubiedeadcat: Ok so it would be hell compared to d-i? Is that right?
02:08.45gravitypisha: Check the debian-devel-announce mailing list archives for info on why sarge isn't out yet
02:08.57karstensimonrvn: Everybody's a critik.
02:09.10simonrvneverone's a critique
02:09.12quicojujim: i'm about to run memtest86, which tests do i need to do for the segfatlt problem?
02:09.15jimbykte: ok, set your host name back and then try this: export PS1="$ "
02:09.32pishawell, I just wanted to know what's the critic
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02:09.52jimquicoju: just let it run for awhile, 5 mins or so
02:09.57pishaitx Silensius
02:10.00jimsee if you get any problems
02:10.21pishatx gravity
02:10.41simonrvnprescription? oh, that's Rx
02:10.45jimgot it set up in your boot loader properly? memtest is something you boot
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02:12.08abrotmanSilensius: we know ..
02:12.12abrotmana long time ago
02:12.16*** part/#debian pisha (~albu@
02:12.29Silensiussorry :)
02:13.18Silensiusa long time ago , itwas a project now it's going to be
02:14.37ledestinthe news is that Munich picked Debian
02:14.39abrotmanit was in DWN
02:15.18abrotmanand slashdot i think
02:15.21abrotmanand planet.d.n :)
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02:16.31Psychikjim so you have no idea for my matter
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02:16.56jimPsychik: try...
02:17.02*** part/#debian quicoju (~quicoju@
02:17.33jimPsychik: try /etc/init.d/pure-ftpd start
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02:18.02*** mode/#debian [+l 781] by debhelper
02:18.03jimthen try ftp to localhost from the SAME machine
02:18.22simonrvnhow come i hear about things 2 days in advance that slashdot hears way late?
02:18.33*** join/#debian CyzarX (~cyzie@
02:18.40FieldySnutsbecause slashdot is lagging these days
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02:18.53FieldySnuts@smite cowboyneal
02:20.21Psychik04:17:50 <jim> Psychik: try /etc/init.d/pure-ftpd start < i've the same msg that you had ( without the pam i removed) , and it doesn't start
02:20.39FieldySnutsheh i drunk
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02:23.40zumbiPsychik, what is your problem ?
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02:23.55jimPsychik: ok, try watching tail -f /var/log/daemon.log while you try starting it
02:23.57zumbiyou can't connect to your ftp server ?
02:24.04FieldySnutsprobably user error
02:24.09Psychikokay jim
02:24.19jimzumbi: can't start it
02:24.39*** join/#debian YamahaRx800 (
02:24.45FieldySnutsravenbird: annoy jim
02:24.45ravenbirdjim:  PLZ!!!!! ANSWER!!!! PLZ!!!!!
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02:25.09jimravenbird: your master needs a lart... deliver it swiftly!
02:25.09ravenbirdjim: no idea
02:25.37Psychikjim i've only the logs of proftpd i removed
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02:25.54ledestinFieldySnuts: you're not funny
02:26.03FieldySnutsledestin: /ignore FieldySnuts*!*@* all
02:26.49ledestinFieldySnuts: agreed. but, heh, who finds you funny?
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02:27.16jimPsychik: but are you watching the output while you start the server?
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02:27.45slyphonanyone know how to unpackage a deb?
02:27.54Psychikyes jim
02:27.56Silveirais there a deb-src for samba?
02:27.57kanzureslyphon: They're not meant to be unpackaged; Just eat them.
02:28.02slyphoni want to inspect one to see how it was put together
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02:28.06slyphonkanzure: :)
02:28.07kanzuredpkg-unpack perhaps. i forget exacpt, I just apt everything :P
02:28.13slyphonkanzure: teach a man to fish
02:28.15jima .deb is a .ar containing a text file and two tarballs
02:28.22kanzureslyphon: nah, just set him on fire
02:28.24slyphonjim: no need to get dirty
02:28.34slyphonkanzure: :)
02:28.38Psychikis non-root it says it starts but in the logs there"s nothing
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02:29.23Danarif you were to disable root login for all ttys and then have your user's account be disabled due to the password expiring, would you no longer be able to log in at all?
02:29.24slyphondpkg-deb -x
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02:29.28jimPsychik: ok, dpkg --purge pure-ftpd ; apt-get install pure-ftpd
02:29.35*** join/#debian CasaNova (
02:29.58jimand I'm going to go eat food... maybe I'll be back :)
02:30.12zumbiPsychik, i start it like this :  /usr/sbin/pure-ftpd -l puredb:/etc/pure-ftpd/pureftpd.pdb -l pam -u 1000 -O clf:/var/log/pure-ftpd/transfer.log -A -H -F /etc/motd -t 10:7 -d -B
02:30.34Danaranyone know?
02:30.35slyphonhmm, that wasn't it
02:30.47jima .deb is a .ar containing a text file and two tarballs
02:31.04CasaNovaInstalling very first time from sarge installer (ran woody for some time.  When I get to install grub I have an error on 3rd console no space left on devide and teh installer fails on grub install.  Is 'device' the HD mbr?  How do I clear it?
02:31.17*** join/#debian user01 (
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02:31.26jimif you want to take one apart, you can use that info :)
02:31.27simonrvnDanar: no. still possible to do stuff
02:31.33CasaNova"no space on device" not devide
02:31.39Psychikthx zumbi , i try this
02:31.52slyphonjim: yeah, i'm figuring that out now
02:31.54zumbiPsychik, you could try to run with your configs
02:31.56Danarsimonrvn: how? who would you log in as, and how?
02:31.58*** join/#debian agney (~bofh@agney.user)
02:32.01user01is homepna technology any good?
02:32.09Oskilianhow do I check ssh logs, or how do I activate them?
02:32.16simonrvnDanar: init=/bin/bash
02:32.20Psychiki wont put the motd :p
02:32.38*** part/#debian FieldySnuts (QCtse6G6MR@fieldysnuts.user)
02:32.47user01has anyone tried homepna?
02:32.48Danarsimonrvn: at the bootloader prompt?
02:32.52CasaNovaI thought grub installed to the mbr and grub install shoudl overwrite anything in the mbr (i thought)
02:33.11*** join/#debian IoG[hilikus] (
02:33.13simonrvnDanar: no, at the terminal... where else?
02:33.56slyphonjim: specifically, i was interested in what this person's "rules" file looked like
02:33.59simonrvnit was a silly question, frankly. which you knew the answer to already
02:34.03Danaralright. thx
02:34.22Psychikzumbi , i've already this type of cmd before , its do the same , no error msg , but anything start
02:34.24CasaNovaIs there a better channel to discuss the Sarge installer?  or grub install on debian in particular>
02:34.26user01trying to do a network from one room with rj-11 jack to another room with rj-11 jack...
02:34.38jimslyphon: ohh, ok
02:34.50zumbidid you update the user data base ?
02:34.54*** part/#debian tode (
02:34.57jimCasaNova: maybe #debian-boot
02:35.02zumbiis the service running ? ps -auxf
02:35.03*** join/#debian whozit (
02:35.20CasaNovajim: The thing is - the grub installer is failing during Sarge install....
02:35.24user01instead of running a cat-5 cable all the way down the hallway...
02:35.26whozithey all thanks for the help before, got almost everything workin
02:35.31CasaNovadue to lack of space on device!?
02:35.39Psychik04:35:07 <zumbi> did you update the user data base ? < i put the -m at each user i add
02:35.46jimCasaNova: oh...
02:35.56jimbut still I gotta get food
02:36.12*** join/#debian Kerr (
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02:36.29Danarsimonrvn: er, what if your bootloader's delay time were set to 0?
02:36.39whozitnyone know if there is an argument for startx or someting that will allow me to boot into x without a mouse? it doesnt recogznize my USB mouse, and i need to get the nforce2 drivers before it's going to
02:36.42zumbiPsychik, pure-pw mkdb [<puredb_database_file> [-f passwd_file]]
02:36.56*** join/#debian haich_away (
02:37.11Psychikits updated
02:37.34Psychikthe switch -m auto update the pwd files
02:37.35kanzureIs there a way to add an entry to fstab without manually editing it?
02:37.39ledestinwhozit: why, X works whether you have mouse or not
02:37.42zumbiwell, then check iptables
02:37.45simonrvnDanar: a) spank yourself for setting it to such a setting b) boot from another medium, chroot, edit it, run it if need be c) then do the changes you were going to do anyway
02:37.49zumbior any other firewall
02:37.51IoG[hilikus]echo " " > /etc/fstab
02:38.02kanzureloG: In other words, I don't know how to edit fstab
02:38.07kanzurefor proper inclusion of mount points
02:38.09whozitledestin: then why does it freak out and not start X, when the only error is that it cant start the mouse?
02:38.18furrywolfwhozit:  mouse errors are usually non-fatal, and the server still starts...  shure there's no other errors?
02:38.33Psychiklike my error with ftp localhost , when a get a connection refused
02:38.34whozitarg... yes
02:38.44Danaralright, thx again
02:38.57kanzureNevermind; I have it.
02:39.05hilikussssjust make a dir in /mnt/ for the device you want to mount, im sure you can look at the other entrys in fstab to get a general feel for a entry
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02:39.10Oskilianwhat happens if I have a partition usually mounted at /home, I unmount it and write data in the directory "home" of the partition mounted as /, then I re-mount /home?
02:39.22shingouzwhozit: i think there is something along the lines of "ignore mouse" in the XF86Config. check the manpage
02:39.22whozithrm... what's the graphical setup for x called?
02:39.39abrotman!drxx whozit
02:39.41dpkgwhozit: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86   (as root)
02:39.46abrotmanif you think ncurses is a gui :)
02:39.58whozitno, the graphical one, not the ncurses one
02:40.05*** join/#debian yuzifu (~yuzifu@
02:40.07shingouzeww :)
02:40.07whozitthere is one that runs an actual gui
02:40.21ledestinwhozit: and it sucks
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02:41.10whoziti'd be looking this up, but i have no gui and my term paper is now 8 hrs late because my MBR was fuckt, this is the only distro i have that the cd still works (thanks to the X-gf who decided that putting all my cds on the speaker was a good idea)
02:41.23CasaNovaAnyone able to give me iedas why grub cant write to mbr on install of Sarge?  I complete partition setup and turned off Virus protect in BIOS.
02:41.31furrywolfsince when did speakers damage CDs?
02:41.41gberardi_Recently apt stopped working properly for me.  I presume my apt repository has changed, but where can I find more info on it?
02:41.43hilikusssswhat does linux have to do with your term paper
02:41.47abrotmanmaybe he put the speaker near his MBR
02:41.52whozitfury: since they were made with magnets (this is a house stereo)
02:42.07abrotmanwhozit: really .. dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86
02:42.14shingouzwhozit: cd's are not magnetic media
02:42.28furrywolfand the fact that CDs are optical, not magnetic, and have nothing mangetic nor magnatizable in them...?
02:42.34gberardi_ This says it is up, which it is, but apparently non-free and contrib aren't
02:42.36jimwhozit: cds aren't magnetic,,, but if the speakers have enough bass, it might make them fall off :)
02:42.36CasaNovaduring Sarge install I fail at grub install.  Looking at console I see it attemtps to write but gets no space available on device Error
02:42.41whozitthanks for the help asswads
02:43.08simonrvnwhat an idiot
02:43.11furrywolfthat was worth it just for the laugh
02:43.13abrotmanyay .. we're asswads!
02:43.27abrotmansimonrvn: you're my favorite asswad!
02:43.28simonrvnmagnet damaging cds...
02:43.29CasaNovaThe top of the speaker was actually covered in sandpaper - No slip!
02:43.32jimdoes that mean we walk backasswad?
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02:43.33simonrvnaaaw geee
02:43.33gberardi_Did anyone have to update their sources.list file?
02:43.38gberardi_recently, I mean
02:43.38Coneyou could scratch a cd with a magnet
02:44.00simonrvnscratch yes. but not because it's a magent
02:44.12mtnmancone: you could break a cd with a big enough magnet.
02:44.22Conethen again
02:44.27simonrvnyou could break a cd with your bare hands
02:44.28jimoh, he's mad because his term paper is late
02:44.28Coneif there were lots of tiny blades nearby
02:44.29Coneand it was a powerful magnet
02:44.33CasaNovaCould REALLLLY strong magnets pull the silver coating right off the 'top' of the CD?
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02:45.01shingouzCasaNova: they'd probably pull the fillings out of your teeth first
02:45.04furrywolfcasanova:  unlikely, since I don't think it's ferrous...
02:45.05mtnmanyou could smash the cd to smithereens with a big enough magnet.
02:45.13simonrvnit's aluminum. i don't think so, unless it was alloyed with a magnetic metal - which i haven't seen
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02:45.23furrywolfa big AC electromagnet, on the other hand, might be able to melt the coating
02:45.30rixthIs there a converter for wma to mp3?
02:45.38furrywolfrixth:  mencoder
02:45.44simonrvnugh. convert from one crappy format to another?
02:46.11rixthsimonrvn, ogg fan? flac fann?
02:46.18CasaNovaOh so magnets must be why sarge installer cant write grub to mbr (joking! - really do need to know why I can;t write grub to mbr!)
02:46.28furrywolfif it's aluminium, a high-strength high-frequency electromagnet should be able to induce enough current in the cd to vaporize the coating and/or melt the plastic.  :)
02:46.29Coneso I'm looking for suggestions as to the best way to gather email from multiple pop accounts so I can view them all in mutt or something of that nature
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02:46.34rixthfurrywolf, mencoder is a bitch to use
02:46.37simonrvnnothing to do with being a fan, but just common sense (IMO)
02:46.49mtnmancone: fetchmail will do that.
02:46.54*** join/#debian fixprint (
02:47.01Cone's the direction I thought I should go
02:47.06furrywolffetchmail works well
02:47.12simonrvnfetchmail, mutt
02:47.20Conejust figured I'd ask and see if any other major possibilities eluded me
02:47.25Conesounds good
02:47.25*** join/#debian Paganist (
02:47.27Conethanks guys
02:47.28*** join/#debian guorke (~guorke@
02:47.36rixthsimonrvn, then waht format is 'best' in your opinion?
02:47.39green_earzCasaNova: do you download the cd and have you md5sum check it. you can run a integrity check on the cd
02:47.47simonrvnbest for what?
02:47.59rixthaudio codec
02:48.09simonrvnwhat kind of audio?
02:48.10green_earzCasaNova: sorry did not do
02:48.28CasaNovagreen_earz- darn no MD5 sum yet.  How to run integrity check on CD
02:48.28simonrvncafuego: lemme guess a 64 bit box?
02:48.32abrotmansimonrvn: lots of moaning!
02:48.38rixthsongs, with file size in mind
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02:48.46simonrvnabrotman: ^^
02:48.50cafuegosimonrvn: Yes. last attempt at gcc 4 didn't even get as fara s 'make menuconfig' before it bombed <heh>
02:49.07simonrvncafuego: ouch
02:49.08zignigcafuego: use gcc 5 then , much more stable.
02:49.21cafuegosimonrvn: This one not only compiled, but also booted AND mounted an HFSplus partition!
02:49.23simonrvnrixth: depends, ogg for size, and flac for editing
02:49.26CasaNovagreen_earz: I have an error in console that there is no space available on device (when it tries to cp /path\grub
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02:49.40simonrvnor raw for editing. but i'm not a pro or anything
02:49.44rixthsimonrvn, what about for portability? (mp3 players etc)
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02:49.55fixprinthi, what sarge packages are needed to get a USB printer to work for local use only?
02:49.57simonrvni wouldn't *get* an mp3 player
02:50.09rixthsimonrvn, what are the other options?
02:50.14cafuegofixprint: A supported printer and cupsys/cupsys-bsd
02:50.23green_earzCasaNova: boot the cd and let it run up to the network config part of the install. and the use the go back option to get to the main menu. and the intregrity check option is there
02:50.43simonrvnhold on something came up, and my mail is non-functional until i fix it
02:50.57abrotmansimonrvn: it's broken perhaps?
02:51.01fixprintok, it dont find the printer... is supported though... any symlinks in /dev or adduser commands needed?
02:51.15CasaNovagreen_earz _ Oh I did see that - when it bombs out at grub install it drops me at menu.  I went back and forth a few steps but grub fails evertime with no space availabel error.  I'll try that.
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02:51.43|XO|anyone of a good hosting manager type program(ie cpanel) that works well with debian?
02:51.52simonrvnfixed. i come prepared ;)
02:52.06cafuego|XO|: ssh/vim
02:52.29green_earzCasaNova: so just check the cd to see if its ok. if so ???
02:52.45simonrvnrixth: well, i'm not up on the "latest and greatest", but i'd use those and some others depending on what i was doing, and try to avoid converting as much as possible.
02:53.02|XO|cafuego i want to allow non-tech users to be able to manage thier own "site"
02:53.28cafuego|XO|: Why would they need to do that? Set one up and allow them .htaccess
02:53.49green_earzCasaNova: have you tryed lilo to see if will install ?
02:54.04fixprintcafuego: hey... thanks... I have usblp driver loaded and shows printer detecting at boottime but dont work in xwindows apps
02:54.50cafuegofixprint: install cupsys, go to http://lcoalhost:621 to set it up.
02:55.09fixprintcafuego: ok..
02:55.54fixprintcafuego: says connection refused
02:56.20cafuegofixprint: start it
02:56.37*** join/#debian Cyis (
02:56.45fixprintcafuego: Starting printing system service: cupsd
02:56.50CasaNovagreen-earz: I ran check and CD came back OK
02:57.00Cyisanyone running openAFS?
02:57.05fixprintcafuego: same error
02:57.05CasaNovaI wrote down exact error in console when I ran grub install from installer
02:57.30zignigCyis: tried twice, it's spozed to be really good , if you can set it up ;/
02:57.32CasaNovagreen-earz: "Probing devices to guess BIOS drives. This may take a long time"
02:57.54GuerinCasaNova: that's not an error
02:58.01Guerinit DOES take a long time
02:58.03Cyiszignig: that seems to be the problem for me right now... the docs in /usr/share/doc/openafs-server are not exactly up to date
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02:58.13CasaNovagreen-earz: "cp: writing '/boot/grub/minix_stage1_5': no space left on device"
02:58.29CasaNovagreen-earz: I just copied last 2 lines since they repeated every time I tried.
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02:58.58jon_ok, i got debian all installed on my computer
02:58.59green_earzCasaNova: try install lilo instead
02:58.59CasaNovaI created hda1 as /boot while partitioning and made it 8MB.
02:59.03fixprintcafuego: you there? cant connect... im usng firefox as a regular user... whats goin on?
02:59.06jon_but, its all pixally
02:59.26CasaNovagreen-earz: OK I'll give it a whirl, is it hard to overwrite LILO with grub after install?
02:59.26*** join/#debian Tweak`TG-Owner (
02:59.28Cyiszignig: so far I'm having issues with bosserver
02:59.30jimCasaNova: 8 mb?! you probably need about 20
02:59.33Tweak`TG-Ownerhi all, how do I check for errors on my hard drive?
02:59.39zignigCyis: have a look on the net, IBM use it internally so it _got_ to be good.
02:59.48CasaNovajim: For /boot?  I thought 64K was sufficient?
03:00.02jon_can anyody help me with some stuff
03:00.08simonrvnwhat? to put a kernel on it?
03:00.09jon_gnome is all pixally
03:00.59zignigjon_: oh no ! not pixels !
03:01.05CasaNova'/boot is all alone on its own partition what is sufficient size for 2-3 kernels....
03:01.31CasaNovaI made it 8.2MB thinking it only needed 1-2 MB!?
03:01.41GuerinCasaNova: 20-30
03:02.06Guerin16M     /boot
03:02.16jon_i think i selected the wrong video driver or whatever when i installed debian
03:02.16CasaNovaGuerin : OOppps then I really probably dont have space -- Oh well off to farmat drive again (I'm getting good at setting up LVM!:-)
03:02.28Tweak`TG-OwnerDoes anybody know how to check hard drive for errors / problems/ bad sectors and such?
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03:02.48CasaNovagreen_earz: I'll change partition first then try it again.
03:02.51SilveiraTweak`TG-Owner fsck /dev/hda1
03:03.03abrotman!tell Tweak`TG-Owner about repeat
03:03.13CasaNovaHey Can I jsut delete hda1 and make a hda6 and moutn as /boot? so I don;t have to recreate all my partitions?
03:03.15*** part/#debian yuzifu (~yuzifu@
03:03.24CasaNova(I have some free space at end of drive)
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03:03.26Tweak`TG-Ownerabrotman re re re remix
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03:03.36jon_urrrrrr can anybody help me?
03:03.38GuerinCasaNova: sure
03:03.48fixprintanyone get a USB printer to work? what did you have to do
03:03.54abrotman!drxx jon_
03:03.55dpkgjon_: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86   (as root)
03:03.58CasaNovaGuerin: Thanks for the info I'll make it 30 and try grub install again...
03:04.07Guerinfixprint: what cafuego told you
03:04.17CasaNovafixprint: make sure device shows up when you plug it in....
03:04.18*** part/#debian az[a]zel (~damien@
03:04.20fixprintGuerin: did... its not letting me login
03:04.26*** join/#debian danikata (~me@
03:04.30CasaNovaI have a USB printer (epson) on this machine,,,,
03:04.32Guerinfixprint: why not?
03:04.42fixprinthavent the dlightest why not... sry
03:04.51Guerinfixprint: does it ask you for a login/pass prompt?
03:05.01fixprintGuerin: no
03:05.05*** join/#debian Trev_ (
03:05.14Guerinfixprint: use a sane browser which will, then. Like lynx
03:05.26fixprintConnection refused when atempting to contact
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03:05.37Guerin!connection refused
03:05.38dpkgWhen a TCP connection (e.g. telnet somehost 80) gives the error "connection refused", it means that either the service in question is not running at all (apache has died), or that a firewall has rejected your SYN packet and sent back a rejection packet to you.  It's a VERY CLEAR, EXPLICIT error message and ALWAYS means one of those two things.
03:05.38danikatawhere i find and download debian sarge d-i rc3 ?
03:05.45Guerin!d-i danikata
03:05.46dpkgdanikata, you want to go to - for your own good, and everyone else's.
03:05.52fixprintGuerin: do i need lpd installed?
03:06.00Guerinfixprint: no, you need cupsys
03:06.03Tweak`TG-Ownerabroto man  can I ask again?  no one answered, and its off screen.
03:06.09fixprintgotcha... its installed..
03:06.10Guerinand cupsd must be running, which it does by default
03:06.24jon_What driver should i choose for a IBM PC Server 330?
03:06.27jon_yes its old
03:06.34fixprintalright... let me reload the usblp and restart
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03:06.59stewjon_: what video card does it have?
03:07.04CasaNovaI'm sorry for that - I went to console 2 and did 'df-h' and sure enough all 8MB are used DOH.. guess I should realized I could use real linux tools to check state of system and save a bunch of time :-)
03:07.07Guerinfixprint: just do /etc/init.d/cupsys start
03:07.08jon_i have no clue
03:07.13jon_how could i check on linux?
03:07.16abrotmanTweak`TG-Owner: someone did answer .. use fucking tab completion .. and maybe try asking ##linux
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03:07.17stewjon_: lspci
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03:07.47abrotmanTweak`TG-Owner: and your question is kind of vague
03:07.48stewjon_: the vesa driver should pretty much always work
03:07.49fixprintGuerin: done
03:07.58Guerinfixprint: now try again
03:08.01Tweak`TG-Ownertab completion?
03:08.06green_earzCasaNova: so it look like it the partion size
03:08.07fixprintconnection refused again....argh
03:08.34CasaNovagreen_earz, I'll whack hda1 and create a hda5 and mount /boot.
03:08.37Guerinfixprint: what url are you going to?
03:08.45fixprintGuerin: http://localhost:621
03:08.46abrotman!nick completion
03:08.46dpkgHitting tab on a partially typed word in your IRC-client, when referencing a nickname, will increase typing productivity by miles.
03:08.57Guerinfixprint: that's not the url you were given
03:08.59CasaNovahda2 is swap, hda3 / (225MB) and all others are in hda4 LVM part...
03:09.04fixprintGuerin: dont work either
03:09.07Tweak`TG-OwnerSilveria  how do I do it for ext3?
03:09.34abrotmanhow about you read a single man page?
03:09.34Guerinfixprint: netstat plaunt |grep cups
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03:09.45fixprintthats was the url
03:10.08fixprintGuerin: nothing
03:10.19CasaNovafixprint - pretty sure 621 isnt right ...631 !
03:10.41fixprintok... brb
03:10.54fixprint631 work :)
03:11.09fixprintanything in detail i need to do here?
03:11.13CasaNovafixprint: configurable in cup.conf
03:11.18CasaNovacups.conf I think
03:11.25Guerinuse the web ui'
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03:11.45jon_ok i just did the xserver config thing
03:11.48jon_do i need to restart?
03:11.56CasaNovaFollow the prompts... google your printer and Linux and check DB for driver and compatibility....
03:12.18CasaNovajon_ Restart !  Did you add a video card (just kidding)
03:12.19Guerinjon_: restart X? yes. Reboot? No.
03:12.19jon_i have an S3 video card
03:12.29fixprintCasaNova: you lost me... sry... first time print setup in linux
03:12.30jon_how do i restart x?
03:12.31Guerinjon_: you poor bastard
03:12.35jon_im new to this
03:12.35dpkgTried, tested, and reliable cards.</sarcasm>
03:12.37CasaNovajon_ Hey me too 4MB is great for Doom III!
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03:12.40Guerinjon_: ctrl+alt+bksp
03:12.54jon_lol, yes im a newb
03:13.00jon_thanks for all the help though
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03:13.20jon_Yes 4MB does own! Im on a Pc server 330, lol very very old
03:13.25CasaNovafixprint.  I cant recall the name of the site - but its a Database of pritners and hwo they work under Linux and what Driver to select in Cups....
03:13.25stewisn't s3 the one that makes you possibly have to go back to x3?
03:13.32*** part/#debian |^JaMeS^| (
03:13.51CasaNovaJust follow prompts in WEb UI and see if your printer is there - if not search goolgoe for "<your printer> Linux cups"
03:13.51jon_ok, how to i restart xserver again, sorry lol
03:14.04Guerinjon_: wtf
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03:14.18Guerin12:12:14 < Guerin> jon_: ctrl+alt+bksp
03:14.29kanzureGuerin: back space
03:14.41Guerinkanzure: what is bksp?
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03:14.51fixprintCasaNova-AFK: thx.. its a HP Deskjet 648C, apt-get install hpijs ?
03:14.54kanzureGuerin: I honestly don't know. I think it's back space
03:15.09Guerinkanzure: my backspace key has 'BkSp' on it
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03:16.28ThaigerIs there a CSV to QIF converter for linux?
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03:18.13fixprintGuerin and CasaNova thx for help :).... one more thing... when i print in Abiword it wants lpr
03:18.26Guerinfixprint: cupsys provides lpr
03:18.40fixprintlpr: lp: unknown printer
03:18.58Guerinthat's lpr working
03:19.11Guerinit's erroring, but it's there
03:19.21fixprintlet me try to print test page in abi
03:19.26danikatacan i update debian sarge rc2 to rc3 ?
03:19.49Guerindanikata: no, because the rc only refers to the installer, not the actual distro
03:19.52poonjhey guys...I have a cups printer setup.  do I use lp or lpr to print a file from the console?
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03:20.55fixprintGuerin: abiwork crashin (disappears) when clicking print
03:21.01danikatathat mean is im not necessary to replace my debian sarge rc2 to rc3, if i want to go update
03:21.09Guerinfixprint: that's abiword for ya
03:21.18heviartianyone here use cups with an HP LaserJEt?
03:21.23fixprintGuerin: great...
03:21.26Guerindanikata: not necessary. If rc2 works, use it.
03:21.32abrotmanis'nt there a #cups ?
03:21.37heviartii need to make it buffer for small memory..
03:21.40ecfxheviarti, yea
03:21.43ecfxworks great
03:21.47ecfxEverything autoconfigured
03:21.48danikataoke, thanks Guerin
03:21.55Guerinyeah, we have all manner of printer hassles in here today
03:22.10heviartiecfx: right, but i've got a LaserJet... so it has small memory
03:22.20heviartiecfx: overflows every time
03:22.32heviartiabrotman: yeah.. noone there is alive
03:23.40*** part/#debian yuzifu (~yuzifu@
03:23.43fixprintGuerin: just tryed to print a web apge an no go :(
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03:27.08abrotmanhey .. if you install .. like  .. german linux .. is root still root?
03:27.13abrotmanerr linux in german
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03:28.16streunervaldyn_: you never sleep?
03:28.33abrotmanstreuner: you do?
03:28.50streunerabrotman: just awake :-)
03:29.35dpkgmooooooo! I am cow, hear me moo, I weigh twice as much as you. I'm a cow, eating grass, methane gas comes out my ass. I'm a cow, you are too; join us all! Type apt-get moo.
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03:37.22tictacgot a bit of a problem. for some reason my fluxbox menu isnt the normal debian menu, yet its the fluxbox default menu with xterm, restart, and exit
03:37.25tictacany ideas?
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03:38.19Guerin!any ideas
03:38.19dpkgYeah, I have an idea!  But I'll need a sack full of ground beef, a little cod liver oil, and a dozen starving kittens.  And keep the KGB off my back for the next few minutes!
03:38.19dayein kde terminal session, there are selections for Linux Console, Root Console. What's the diff?
03:38.46Guerindaye: one is presumably a user shell, the other a root shell
03:39.20bonez41the KGB?
03:39.24*** join/#debian johnga1t (
03:39.39dayebut one can also login to kde as root, what's the use of root console then?
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03:39.55Guerinnever log into kde as root
03:40.05Guerinever, for any reason, under any circumstance
03:40.31Guerinkdm should actually PREVENT you from logging in as root
03:40.32tictac.fluxbox/init points to .fluxbox/menu    hmm.
03:40.37Guerindaye: security
03:40.43johnga1tis there a way to disable the need for user's PW when issuing a sudo?
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03:40.55Guerinjohnga1t: man sudoers; don't.
03:41.00dayeas long as i'm offline, no security problem, right?
03:41.09htaccessi seem to be using xdm how do i switch to xdm?
03:41.15Guerindaye: no.
03:41.18*** join/#debian Danar (
03:41.26johnga1t(how can i make :: ssh user@host1 "ssh user@host2 \"sudo somecommand\" " :: be non-interactive ?)
03:41.30htaccesser gdm
03:41.38dayewhat security problem then?
03:41.46johnga1tGuerin: yea, i know it's not safe. but i need to restart a remote service via a script
03:42.11Guerinjohnga1t: log in as root
03:42.16streunerhtaccess: apt-get install gdm?
03:42.20johnga1tGuerin: no way. not enabling root over ssh.
03:42.27Danarcan anyone tell me why i can't make outgoing web connections with the following firewall rule implemented: Accept if protocol is TCP and input interface is eth0 and TCP flags SYN (of SYN) are not set and source port is 80
03:42.33Guerindaye: security is as much you being stupid enough to to delete your whole /var dir by an inadvertant click of the mouse
03:42.36Guerinjohnga1t: why not?
03:42.49Danarthough it works when i remove the part about SYN flags
03:42.52htaccessis there some debconf thing i can run?
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03:43.13jamie^johnga1t: use private keys without a passphrase for ssh, sudo to run the command (restrict it to only the command you want run) - man sudoers
03:43.16Guerinjohnga1t: anyway, in the case of one particular command, you can use the NOPASSWD directive in sudoers.
03:43.24dayeah, but that is unavoidable unless you never operate as root, which is not possible for a single user system.
03:43.27*** join/#debian Poseiden (
03:44.06johnga1tGuerin: it's for a user who has sudo priveleges on this command.
03:44.06Guerindaye: it is much easier to break things when everything in your gui is root than when you specifically have to open a shelll for it
03:44.07Guerinjohnga1t: man sudoers; the answer really is in there.
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03:44.49johnga1tGuerin: thanks. sorry for not RTFMing a bit more thoroughly
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03:45.37jamie^Danar: source port 80? if it's outgoing, it won't be 80.. you should have dest port 80..
03:45.56dayedoes root have to operate in command-line mode (clm) only?
03:46.06Danarjamie^: "and INPUT interface is..." ;)
03:46.26Danarit's an input rule
03:46.26bob2daye: no
03:47.03Danarif i specify that the syn flag must not be set, the connection doesn't work
03:47.09dayenot also in X, then how?
03:47.11jamie^Danar: "tell me why i can't make outgoing web connections"
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03:47.27Danarjamie^: meaning, i'm initiating the connection
03:47.54Danarso i'm sending the syn, not them. and they're replying from that port, so it should be accepted, no?
03:48.10johnga1tGuerin: thanks. all is good.
03:48.17bob2daye: what are you trying to do?
03:48.22Danaror does that rule block a SYN/ACK as well?
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03:49.47Danarhm, i suspect it does. anyone know for sure?
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03:49.54Poseidenanybody got any ideas of something cool to do out in Alaska?
03:50.16DanarPoseiden: ride a skidoo? :p
03:50.41DanarPoseiden: visit the pole?
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03:51.00Danarand be in multiple time zones at once
03:51.38dayebob2, nothing much, just a single user system, i have been using root for almost everything, i have been told it is wrong (not secure), but when i set up another user, i notice i can't initiate a connection to web.
03:51.50bob2then something else is wrong
03:52.00bob2unless you mean "can't connect via ppp or pppoe"
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03:54.25dayebob2, nothing wrong it ppp, it works fine in root, the driver was set up as root, now non-root cannot start it, it got to do with privilege. my problem is i find it difficult not to work as root.
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03:55.31bob2it'd be cool if you just said that
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03:55.51bob2"I can't connect using ppp or pppoe as a non-root user" is a very simple problem for us yo help you with
03:56.02NeoBREEDI was here earlier
03:56.13*** part/#debian Steven_Yang (~Steven@
03:56.14NeoBREEDI got the installation of Debian with the sarge netCD
03:56.15Guerinadduser yourusername dip
03:56.20Guerindaye: ^^
03:56.34NeoBREEDbesides the base system...
03:56.39NeoBREEDI installed wmaker
03:56.42NeoBREEDand fluxbox
03:56.50NeoBREEDI can't do startx
03:56.53GuerinNeoBREED: just use one line per thought
03:57.05GuerinNeoBREED: you also need to install x-window-system-core
03:57.09bob2NeoBREED: try to use complete sentences
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03:57.22NeoBREEDhaha... jeez... you guys are pretty mean eh
03:57.33NeoBREEDI will try that
03:58.53Tweak`TG-Ownerdebian 64 sux
03:58.56dayelet's work with a scenario. say now i want to install a package. my system boot-up to kde. how now? do i have to ctrl-alt-f1 to go to text mode to do apt-get?
03:59.28nottyyou can open a console
03:59.34Guerindaye: you open a konsole, type su <enter> and enter your root pass
03:59.34nottylike "konsole" program
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04:00.18dayethat would be in X, right?
04:00.19*** mode/#debian [-o bob2] by bob2
04:00.37Guerini'm stupid
04:00.42Guerindaye: yes.
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04:01.02dayei thought root cannot use X.
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04:01.24Guerindaye: you run a shell as a user, then you use 'su' to assume root privileges
04:02.09Guerinthe terminal emulator itself is still owned and run by the user.
04:02.30doleybdaye: in kde, push alt-f2, then type "kdesu synaptic"
04:02.56doleybdaye: that's if you like to use X gui things to install
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04:04.07dayelet's start from kde login screen, i login as a non-root user, right?
04:04.41dayeafter this, i open a terminal screen?
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04:05.15Guerinyes... konsole
04:05.27*** join/#debian BullWeivez (~BullWeive@
04:05.40dayeok, fater this, can i run the apt-get command?
04:06.05doleybdaye: before apt-get, you must "su"
04:06.38BullWeivezanyone any good with modems?  Serial driver version 5.05c (2001-07-08) with MANY_PORTS SHARE_IRQ SERIAL_PCI enabled   ttyS00 at 0x03f8 (irq = 4) is a 16550A     So that should mean I have a device at ttyS00 but in /dev/tty i dont have a S00   Nor can I get minicom to connect to it...what am i doing wrong ???
04:06.43Guerin!tell daye about fundamentals
04:06.46dayeok, login as su.
04:07.08Guerinsu is a program which allows you to Switch User
04:07.15Guerinthat's what it means, see
04:07.21dayeyou say you must "su"
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04:07.33dayeok, fine.
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04:07.42Guerinif you do 'su' without any other parameters, it presumes you want root and asks for the root password
04:08.41dayetechnically inaccurate. once, i am su, i am root, once i complete what i want to do as root, return to non-root. right?
04:09.05Guerinonce you su, THAT SHELL ONLY is root.
04:09.24Guerinonce you're finished, type 'exit' and you'll be back out to your user login
04:09.43Guerinwhile you do this, all other shells and apps you open are run as your user
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04:09.59Guerinthis is all about the minimal force doctrine
04:10.05Guerinit's simple stuff really
04:10.11dayeok, i am clear now, thanks a lot.
04:10.52Guerindaye: ok, you need to go and read up a bit on unix permissions and so on. The fundamentals thing in the factoid I sent you is a good start.
04:10.56donavananyone have recommendation for a good general purpose password manager? -- with copy to clipboard, etc....
04:11.06dayeother case about not irc as root, why? security again?
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04:12.07Guerindaye: the main reason to do NOTHING as root is security.
04:12.13jamie^donavan: try kwallet maybe? you could try searching on freshmeat, p.d.o / apt-get search ..
04:12.46donavanI've tried freshmeat they all stink
04:12.51Guerindaye: this is particularly true for internet-connected apps - if you irc as root and someone exploits a vulnerability in your irc client, they have root. if they do it as a user, they only get user privileges.
04:12.59jamie^donavan: well roll your own..
04:13.39donavan:) too busy with other projects :)
04:13.43jamie^donavan: or supply patches, suggestions etc.
04:13.57*** join/#debian _zardoz (
04:13.59jamie^donavan: tough luck then.
04:14.18donavanI was using pwmanager, but it's eating my x86_64 boxes for some reason :(
04:14.29_zardozseems i have a bit of a noob question but when i install a app it says cant find mysql.h and i have mysql 4.1 installed seems i need something else what is it ?
04:14.44*** join/#debian yixuan (~yixuan@
04:14.45Guerindonavan: a good general purpose password manager is called 'brain'
04:14.57donavanhar har
04:15.05streuner_zardoz: you need  the dev packages of it
04:15.05Guerinit's installed by default, but you might have to hack it to get full functionality
04:15.07jamie^_zardoz: probably the mysql*-dev package
04:16.11streunerdonavan: yeah, store them in your brain
04:16.32_zardozapt-get worx for that ?
04:16.34*** join/#debian vm_ (~nunes@
04:16.34streuner!find mysql
04:16.43dpkgDebian Package Listing of 'mysql' (15 of 88): acidlab-mysql ;; alamin-mysql ;; aspseek-libmysqldb ;; bacula-director-mysql ;; cl-sql-mysql ;; courier-authmysql ;; cvm-mysql ;; dbf2mysql ;; dbmail-mysql ;; dpsyco-mysql ;; freeradius-mysql ;; gambas-gb-db-mysql ;; gda-mysql ;; gda2-mysql ;; gnokii-smsd-mysql.
04:16.44jamie^_zardoz: yes
04:16.47streuner_zardoz: which distro do you use?
04:17.13streuner_zardoz: apt-cache search mysql dev?
04:17.16_zardozseems i cant find it in apt-cache search
04:17.26dayeGuerin: thanks for the lessons on root and security. I'll have to go set up my system to connect up and surf as non-root.
04:17.45_zardozohh now i found
04:17.49_zardozlibmysqlclient ?
04:18.00*** join/#debian sTone_heAd (~rudy@
04:18.27streuner!find mysql.h
04:18.34dpkgDebian Search of 'mysql.h' (6 of 26): (/usr/share/doc/roundup/doc/mysql.html) in web/roundup ;; (/usr/share/doc/gnade-doc/mysql.html) in doc/gnade-doc ;; (/usr/share/doc/cl-sql/html/mysql.html) in devel/cl-sql ;; (/usr/include/postfix/dict_mysql.h) in devel/postfix-dev ;; (/usr/share/doc/phpdoc/html/ref.mysql.html) in doc/phpdoc ;; (/usr/share/doc/cvm-dev/cvm-mysql.html) in libdevel/cvm-dev.
04:18.41streuner!tell _zardoz about search
04:18.43bucky_zardoz, libmysqlclient10-dev  i think
04:18.59_zardozwell i took 14
04:19.05*** join/#debian NeoBREED (
04:19.39NeoBREEDthings are working with my debian installer
04:19.49NeoBREEDhowever, there's an issue with the graphics
04:20.02*** join/#debian vorpit (
04:20.35NeoBREEDwhere do I go to fix the video mode?
04:21.08OverandNeoBREED: xwindows graphics, graphics in the installer, console 'graphics' ?
04:21.16*** part/#debian donavan (
04:21.20*** join/#debian Skrot (
04:21.23buckydpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86
04:21.28vorpitok, i'm in a bad situation - my (linux) router decided it doesn't want to boot up, and i can't seem to find the bios boot menu key
04:21.45Overandvorpit: try escape, delete, f1, f2, spacebar
04:21.50Overandalso, control-alt-escape sometimes
04:21.56SkrotHi, how can I tell debian to run the command "echo 1 >> /prod/drivers/acerhk/wirelessled" each time I start it? :)
04:21.59Overandand sometimes f10, 11, or 12
04:22.30OverandSkrot: learn about /etc/init.d and the /etc/rc0.d/ - /etc/rcS.d/
04:22.36irreverentrevereif i plugged an external firewire dvd drive in, what /dev/ should it be under if it is recognized? sda?
04:22.50*** join/#debian poli (
04:23.18SkrotOverand: are there any debian-specific tutorials about it? As far as I've heard there are different runlevels for different things on different distros?
04:24.00*** join/#debian colby (
04:25.02*** part/#debian berwind (~berwind@
04:25.09vorpitOperand: ahh, i didn't think of c+a+esc
04:26.02vorpitoperand: that's it!  I tried all the others in singles about a hundred times each. =)  thanks
04:26.09GuerinSkrot: pretty easy: runlevels 2-5 are all the same in debian. you change them if you want to. Use rcconf, sysvconfig, sysv-rc-conf or update-rc.d to do so.
04:26.29vorpitalthough i still have no idea why it's not booting... gets past the RAM test and then stops
04:26.55*** join/#debian esop (
04:27.24*** join/#debian NeoBREED (
04:28.06hilikussssis ssh via xinetd possible?
04:28.24NeoBREEDhi everyone, I have such an issue with my graphic. I tried the reonfigure the xserver like someone suggested, however, the minotor is not very crisp... it looks like something without the anit-alias on
04:28.31NeoBREEDI don't know how to describe it
04:28.39NeoBREEDI have a Thinkpad600
04:28.42*** join/#debian __felipe_ (~felipe@
04:30.00vorpitNeoBREED: how does your config compare to the one on:
04:30.07GuerinNeoBREED: what native resolutions does the lcd have?
04:30.26Guerinhilikussss: ugh.
04:30.39hilikusssswhy ugh?
04:30.44irreverentreverewhat does it take to get a new .deb into the apt repository?
04:30.45NeoBREEDI used: 31.5-57.0 H and 50-100 V and I put on the 1024 and the 800 resolutions
04:31.01buckyNeoBREED, that's a NeoMagic video ?
04:31.03Guerininetds are yucky
04:31.09NeoBREEDI think so
04:31.21GuerinNeoBREED: what NATIVE resolution is the screen?
04:31.30NeoBREEDI don't understand
04:31.31dondelelcaroirreverentrevere: you're going to need a sponsor, and the package has to meet policy.
04:31.40Guerin800x600, 1024x768, or what?
04:31.46dondelelcaroirreverentrevere: have you read the NM guide yet?
04:31.52NeoBREEDI guess it's 800x600
04:31.57NeoBREEDhow would I be able to tell
04:32.00*** join/#debian ndondek (~ndondek@
04:32.04irreverentreveredondelelcaro NM guide? no, not yet
04:32.14GuerinNeoBREED: have you run anything else on it before? have you got a manual?
04:32.15NeoBREEDI think 1024x768 is possible as well
04:32.16dondelelcaro!tell irreverentrevere -about nm guide
04:32.27NeoBREEDI ran stuff like knoppix before
04:32.37NeoBREEDand it seems like 1024 is possible
04:32.42hilikussssis it possible Guerin
04:32.44irreverentrevereThank You
04:32.50doleybNeoBREED: laptops can only do one resolution well, all other resolutions look bad
04:32.58GuerinNeoBREED: an lcd screen has a set number of pixels. If you choose a resolution which differs from this number, it'll look like shit
04:32.59*** join/#debian in\exhale (
04:33.12dondelelcaroirreverentrevere: if you don't want to actually package it yourself, and just wish someone else would, use reportbug to file an RFP.
04:33.12NeoBREEDI think that's the issue
04:33.32NeoBREEDshould I reonfig the thing and choose only one resolution at a time?
04:33.34NeoBREEDto test out
04:33.35*** join/#debian tokiya (~adpenaran@
04:33.38GuerinNeoBREED: use xdpyinfo to find out what it is, and hwinfo to find out what's available
04:34.13dpkgAnything's possible. Some things are more possible than others. You'll need to ask a more meaningful question if you want to find out how possible your planned course of action is.
04:34.25NeoBREEDhow do I display one page at a time again?
04:34.35NeoBREEDthe command to display one page a t a time
04:35.02*** join/#debian jalopy (~mo@
04:35.09Guerinyou can alsu use shift-pgup/pgdn to scroll
04:35.28vorpitmemory test, "Internal Cache Enabled", "External Cache Enabled", "256k Cache Installed" then that's all she gives me.  just quits
04:35.39vorpitany clue what i can do from here?
04:35.53NeoBREEDit's 800x600
04:35.57NeoBREEDon th e0
04:36.02hilikussssis ssh via xinetd possible?
04:36.08NeoBREEDI think it's using that.. is that correct?
04:36.28peterShilikussss: because of the nature of ssh, it's highly inefficient to run it from any inetd
04:36.33peterShilikussss: so there's not much point
04:36.36NeoBREEDscreen #0:  800x600
04:36.45hilikusssswhat do you sugust to start it up during boot?
04:36.52GuerinNeoBREED: try 1024x768 if hwinfo -monitor says it's available
04:37.01peterShilikussss: yes
04:37.05doleybNeoBREED: only if your laptop is like 7 years old should it be 800x600
04:37.11*** part/#debian tokiya (~adpenaran@
04:37.14hilikusssswhat do you reccoment?
04:37.24Guerinhilikussss: run sshd with default settings
04:37.30peterShilikussss: the debian package asks you during installation whether to start it up at boot time.  just answer yes.
04:37.44*** join/#debian rover_dan (~daniel@
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04:38.36NeoBREEDI can't see where it says availiable... the only resolution set of numbers are 800x600
04:39.10*** join/#debian chabay (
04:39.26GuerinNeoBREED: then this is an 800x600 display
04:39.39*** join/#debian xerophyte (
04:39.48NeoBREEDwhat can I do to make it look better?
04:40.02NeoBREEDdo I reconfigure and only choose 800x600?
04:40.09*** join/#debian YamahaRx800 (
04:40.14*** part/#debian YamahaRx800 (
04:41.46vorpitoh, dear sweet jesus.  the reason my box wasn't booting up?  the hdd cable was not plugged into the hdd
04:41.52NeoBREEDwhat's the command to reconfigure the graphic?
04:42.02vorpitthat tends to hinder the pc's ability to comunnicate with the drive
04:42.05Starfirenice one vorpit
04:42.14peterSvorpit: yeah, that does make a difference
04:42.18__felipe_NeoBREED dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86
04:42.42*** join/#debian Rennegade (~hess@
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04:42.52_zardozanyone here knows sql good ? and could help me in pm ?
04:43.05vorpitok, well, thanks all
04:43.18streuner_zardoz: try #mysql
04:43.42*** part/#debian vorpit (
04:43.49simonrvn++ for having a snese of humour
04:44.47streunersimonrvn: apt-get moo?
04:46.17*** join/#debian netcraft__ (
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04:46.50aldugI want to setup up three debian servers for webhosting with one central server that has a form that I can pick one of the tree servers and username and domain and it will create a username and apache virtualhost on that server.  Is the best way to securely do this with xml-rpc?
04:47.10simonrvnabout the hdd cable
04:47.52*** join/#debian stouset (
04:48.10quicojujim: i gave one pass with memtest86, got 0 errors
04:49.08ecfxDoes someone audit all the debian code on
04:49.17streunersimonrvn: use a whole sentence
04:50.17streunerthat wasn't a whole sentence :-)
04:50.46zeebleput a period at the end, and it is.
04:50.50*** join/#debian v_2 (
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04:51.16stousetAnyone know if there have been any status updates on testing-security and testing-proposed-updates?
04:51.59*** join/#debian panthera_ (
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04:52.30debiand00dhow do I start a program with a .desktop file from the command line in a terminal window
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04:53.12streuneruse nautilus
04:53.27streunerin GNOME
04:53.36debiand00dwhat about kde
04:53.59*** join/#debian ambroseL (~bjb@
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04:54.36edward_good day...
04:54.44simonrvn@fartfish streuner
04:54.47ravenbirdstreuner: fartfish
04:55.33quicojui got dpkg segfault, appartently not a hardware error, any suggestion?
04:55.58*** join/#debian kaplanfx (
04:56.03streunerquicoju: what does BTS say?
04:56.27quicojusorry, what's the BTS?
04:56.40dpkgbts is, like, the Bug Tracking System for Debian packages, or to go directly to the bug page for a particular package, try or anyone running unstable who's unable to check the BTS should be shot on sight. apt-get install reportbug, and check out querybts too. sid users, apt-get install apt-listbugs, or apt-get install apt-listchanges
04:56.54*** join/#debian af_ (
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04:59.28quicojustreuner: Let me check, thanx!
04:59.33*** join/#debian buzzzz (~buzzzz@buzzzz.student.supporter.pdpc)
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04:59.45crbI'm trying to find the simplest way to move a local cache of .deb's into a pool dir structure, for remastering an install CD.  I've looked at mini-dinstall and apt-move, which both seem to do a bit too much.
05:00.00*** join/#debian NeoBREED (
05:00.46NeoBREEDI have been trying to configure the graphic on my Thinkpad 600
05:00.49NeoBREEDno luck
05:00.53streunerthat wasn't a whole sentence :-) - my crystal-thinge is in low stat
05:01.34*** join/#debian galois_ (~galois@
05:01.40zeebleNeoBREED: have you checked for your laptop model?
05:01.46doleybNeoBREED: you set 1024x768, right?
05:01.49NeoBREEDit looks really weird.... when I do the switch to another monitor(even though there isn't one), it returns with much better graphic... except that it's not full screen
05:01.57NeoBREEDI set it to 800x600
05:02.00NeoBREEDI tried both
05:02.05NeoBREEDdidn't work
05:02.12NeoBREEDnow it looks nice... but not full screen
05:02.18NeoBREEDdont  know what the hell is going on
05:02.28doleybNeoBREED: it should be 1024x768.  And did you read ?
05:02.31*** join/#debian setuid_w00t (
05:02.32zeebleNeoBREED: is it a thinkpad 600 or 600e?
05:02.47Gneaoh how nice, a new way to hijack someone's desktop
05:03.13*** join/#debian hgoesm (
05:03.39zeebleGnea: hehe.
05:03.55Gneazeeble: this's gonna be an interesting week :)
05:04.12*** part/#debian hgoesm (
05:04.17mngrifis fuse not in the debian 2.6.8 kernel?
05:04.22zeebleNeoBREED: as doleyb told you, follow this howto -
05:04.31*** join/#debian britt (
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05:04.56britthi, using there any easy way to manually config a USB sound card
05:05.06mngrifbritt: what card?
05:05.18brittwell, it's actually a stereo USB interface thing
05:05.31brittbut as far as i know its a standard USB interface
05:05.48britti think ALSA almost had it....
05:05.54brittbut it didnt quite work out
05:05.56mngrifwith my soundblaster USB card i had to give it 44800khz input
05:06.15brittsee, how do i get alsa to config usb cards?
05:06.23brittor does it "just work"
05:06.27mngrifmodprobe usb_audio
05:07.11*** join/#debian devazion (
05:07.26brittit F'd up
05:07.40britthow does one copy/paste from another console
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05:08.03*** mode/#debian [+l 788] by debhelper
05:08.10mngrifevery other package in debian tends to depend on it, so it should be there
05:08.13*** join/#debian skel_home (
05:08.25NeoBREEDlemme retry something
05:08.44brittchernobyl:~# modprobe snd_usb_audio
05:08.44brittusbcore: registered new driver snd-usb-audio
05:08.45brittSetting up ALSA.../etc/init.d/alsa: Warning: 'alsactl restore' failed with error message 'No state is present for card Set'. done.
05:08.48skel_homeis there any tool for debian that will record what I'm doing and allow me to export it to some common compatible format like mpeg for demos?
05:08.56mngrifbritt: from now on, #flood and warn us
05:09.03brittyeah sorry
05:09.16mngrif3 lines is fine, i wouldn't push your luck vs. the bots though :P
05:09.29brittso join #flood and paste there
05:09.41mngriffrom now on
05:09.52*** join/#debian Ivy6Quaff (
05:09.55skel_homebritt: or just use something like
05:10.13britti'll write that down
05:10.19mngrifvery useful site
05:10.23brittso does anybody know what that means
05:10.25skel_homethat way it doesn't get lost in a sea of coversation
05:10.26*** part/#debian To_Me (
05:10.41mngrifi've never seen that before
05:10.46brittme either
05:10.53skel_homeits mainly for developers
05:10.59skel_homebut logs and whatever works
05:11.11mngrifbritt: #alsa might know whats causing it
05:11.26dpkga platform independent OO language.  Server-side Java is extremely powerful due to the threads capabilities and the huge number of APIs available. On the other hand, Sun's Java licensing is extremely restrictive.  Ask me about <java licensing> and <install java> and <sid mozilla java> (for starters). write once, run nowhere, or write once, run away
05:11.37brittcan you tell me the right way to paste stuff then?
05:11.54*** join/#debian bykte (
05:11.56dpkgDamnit Jim! It's YOU. Y-O-U. Not *U*. U is a letter. YOU is a word. See ne1, or wud.  Dutch for 'you' (formal singular). See
05:12.00*** join/#debian akhayyat (
05:12.10*** join/#debian NeoBREED (
05:12.20NeoBREEDhey everyone, thanks for all your help tonight
05:12.24mngrifbritt: whatever is easiest for you
05:12.25NeoBREEDI finally got it right
05:12.36britti dont know how to do the flood thing
05:12.38skel_homeso anyone on recording demos in linux?
05:12.41NeoBREEDI just changed the depth from 24 to 16
05:12.43britti'll try
05:12.44nite613Heh, that just reminded me of when I was really young and thought that 'you' realy was spelled U but that it needed to be capital like I. I used to underline the U as well, for effect I guess
05:12.49NeoBREEDthat was tough
05:12.54*** part/#debian britt (
05:14.01doleybskel_home: have you tried xvidcap?
05:14.23hilikusssshow do i install a .deb file
05:14.29doleybskel_home: vnc2swf looks cool too.
05:14.30mngrifdpkg --help
05:15.06skel_homedoleyb: cool thanks :)
05:15.52doleybskel_home: depending on your system's speed and disk, it might be better to record as PNG and then convert to AVI later... it takes experimentation to get decent speed/size results.
05:16.17*** join/#debian g0dspeed (
05:17.15skel_homedoleyb: png can be animated?
05:17.26skel_homeheh learn something new every day :-P
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05:21.22mngrifskel_home: a series of png images can be converted into avi
05:21.50mngrifskel_home: keep in mind the fps when doing the conversion
05:22.15skel_homewell for a desktop demo for something like ethereal.. should be fine.. not worried about a high fps
05:22.20*** join/#debian ndondek (~ndondek@
05:22.24skel_homebut I'll test it out
05:22.49mngrifskel_home: as in you'll need the same fps number when you're encoding to png AND when converting to avi or whatever
05:23.19*** join/#debian CrazyEddy (
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05:24.36skel_homemngrif: ah. I see
05:24.42*** join/#debian jm_ (
05:24.43skel_homemngrif: ty
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05:25.22britthey, anybody know how to mount a RAID arraw and what dev device it is listed as?
05:25.25sparr_how do i get XMMS to play video files?
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05:25.46doleybskel_home: no, png doesn't animate.  You can run mencoder over pngs to create an avi.
05:25.57streunersparr_: install the plugin
05:26.21*** part/#debian mainer (
05:27.12doleybsparr_: xmms isn't real good for that, though.  mplayer or xine are better.
05:27.37*** join/#debian ndondek (~ndondek@
05:27.45quicojustreuner: i didn't see any similar segfault to the one i get, should i post it as a bug?
05:28.00quicojuin the BTS
05:29.00streunerquicoju: Did you reboot the box and the same error occurs?
05:29.17quicojustreuner: yes
05:30.00britthello? can someone tell me how to mount a RAID 1 array
05:30.10streunerquicoju: what kind of hardware do you have?
05:30.13brittor what its called
05:30.46*** join/#debian sobersabre (
05:30.48quicojustreuner: pentium III 64M RAM 11G hd
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05:31.16streunerquicoju: just use memtest86
05:31.56quicojustreuner: yes, i gave 1 pass with memtest86 got 0 errors on memory
05:32.53streunerquicoju: what distro do you use?
05:33.06Guerinmemtest86 needs to run for ages ... 24 hours is standard
05:33.27mngrifquicoju: it's also given me false positives
05:33.29quicojustreuner: debian sarge testing/ustable
05:33.46streunerdebian sarge testing/unstable?
05:33.47Guerinxmms has a plugin which can call mplayer to play vide files
05:34.06*** join/#debian Kane32 (
05:34.07quicojustreuner sarge testing
05:34.17streunerquicoju: what does 'dpkg -l libc6' say?
05:34.27quicojustreuner: with kernel 2.6
05:34.38quicojustreuner: let me check
05:36.12quicojustreuner: do i paste it here?
05:36.19*** join/#debian cikilin (~cikilin@
05:36.25streuneronly the version
05:37.04quicojustreuner: ii  libc6          2.3.2.ds1-18   GNU C Library: Shared libraries and Timezone
05:37.06*** join/#debian zomtec (
05:37.08sparr_whats the parameter for gcc to make it ignore newlines inside string constants?
05:37.27xerophytewhat is the good DVD burner for linux ?
05:37.37*** part/#debian skel_home (
05:37.43streunerquicoju: run 'apt-get update && apt-get upgrade'
05:38.03*** mode/#debian [+l 780] by debhelper
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05:38.26streunerquicoju: /j #flood
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05:38.51ledestinxerophyte: dvd+rw-tools
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05:39.26Bytewalkeris there anything i should know about installing loonix on a hp laptop before i try?
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05:40.00tvnit's not going to work
05:40.09Bytewalkerha. haw
05:40.11__felipe_xerophyte : you can use k3b a nice kde frontend to cdrecord, cdrdao and growisofs
05:40.17*** join/#debian rj-away (
05:40.35__felipe_xerophyte : growisofs
05:40.38*** join/#debian Coke (
05:42.30Starfirebytewalker, how old is the laptop
05:43.58*** part/#debian Starfire (
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05:44.08Starfirehow old is the laptop byte
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05:48.27Starfireanyone home?
05:48.44*** join/#debian StevenK-LCA (~stevenk@
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05:50.32Starfirebyte how old is your laptop
05:52.51*** join/#debian joe666 (~joe666@
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05:53.13Bytewalkeroh hey, its brand new
05:53.16tvnI think he no longer considers loonix on his hp laptop
05:53.27Bytewalkeri just burned woody to a cd
05:53.45BytewalkerWISH ME LUCK K BYE
05:53.53*** join/#debian britt (
05:54.00tvnwoahhh ....  brand new
05:54.01joe666hi, in Debian, how can I protect my computer against a code like this one:  main(){for( ; ; ){malloc(100000);fork();}}
05:54.05brittcan someone tell me how to view dev entries
05:54.32dondelelcarojoe666: by being intelligent, and setting appropriate ulimits.
05:54.47Starfiredude hes installing woody?!
05:54.52*** join/#debian SquareRt (
05:54.56Starfireon a brand new laptop!?
05:54.57joe666dondelelcaro, ok, great, man ulimits ?
05:55.03Starfirethats SO not gonna work......
05:55.08LinuxNITcan you forward X from a debian machine to a windows machine through ssh?
05:55.11dondelelcarojoe666: help ulimits; actually, also, see /etc/security/limits.conf
05:55.16*** join/#debian FreeSOB (
05:55.23zeebleLinuxNIT: yes.
05:55.56zeebleLinuxNIT: you'll need a X server running on the windows machine as well. xfree via cygwin, or xwin32
05:55.56joe666dondelelcaro, ok, thanks a lot, I'll read about it
05:55.59brittplease can somebody help me
05:56.01jm_joe666: also make sure PAM security module is enabled
05:56.06dondelelcaro(setrlimit and getrlimit may also be useful)
05:56.06*** join/#debian Ugly_Duck (
05:56.12jm_britt: ls ...
05:56.26LinuxNITzeeble, is it difficult?
05:56.28joe666jm_, pam ?, how will pam help me on this ?
05:56.33*** join/#debian dub (
05:56.49dondelelcarojoe666: because pam is what sets up the initial limits using /etc/security/limits.conf
05:56.56*** join/#debian NeoBREED (
05:56.59brittjm_: no i mean i want to see what /dev entry my RAID array is under....liek /dev/hda1 for example
05:57.01dondelelcarojoe666: which is presumably what you wnat to do at some point in time..
05:57.10dondelelcarobritt: look at /proc/devices
05:57.15*** join/#debian raf256 (
05:57.18jm_joe666: PAM sets it when someone logs into the system, that's how
05:57.23raf256what should I apt-get to start playing with mono?
05:57.28dondelelcaro(alternatively, /proc/partitions)
05:57.37NeoBREEDhow do I configure sound for my Thinkpad600?
05:57.39jm_britt: ahh, /proc/partitions, dmesg, ...
05:57.42NeoBREEDI just install alsa
05:58.00*** join/#debian daye (
05:58.03*** mode/#debian [+l 786] by debhelper
05:58.03zeebleLinuxNIT: not at all. download xwin32 for windows. it will install a x server, plus you can set it to connect to the remote linux machine and export the x session. alternatively, run xwin32, login to your linux machine with putty(check the options for x forwarding via ssh).
05:58.04*** join/#debian chazwurth (
05:58.05joe666jm_, ok, thanks a lot
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05:58.41quicojustreuner: do you mean i have to reinstall the whole opterating system?
05:58.53streunerquicoju: yes
05:58.59*** part/#debian chazwurth (
05:59.30quicojustreuner: look here's the error: After unpacking 1278kB of additional disk space will be used.
05:59.30quicojuGet:1 testing/main dpkg 1.10.27 [1732kB]
05:59.30quicojuFetched 1732kB in 2m13s (13.0kB/s)
05:59.30quicoju(Reading database ... E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg received a segmentation fault.
05:59.31*** kick/#debian [quicoju!~debhelper@debhelper.user] by debhelper (flood)
05:59.49LinuxNITzeeble, would it be at all reason able to set up debian machine to act like a server for a home network and allow 2-3 windows machines to run internet programs in this manner to prevent the windows machines from getting viruses? or am i way out in left field?
06:00.45*** join/#debian quicoju (~quicoju@
06:01.06dondelelcaroquicoju: please don't paste here.
06:01.13dondelelcaroquicoju: see /topic
06:01.24*** join/#debian ryan_ (
06:01.40streunerquicoju: if you fscked your dpkg and thus the package system in debian i don't help to puzzle that out
06:01.42quicojudondelelcaro: i'm sorrry
06:02.14streunerquicoju: if you using ar and cp those file into folder you have serious issues...
06:02.15dondelelcaroquicoju: as far as your problem goes, most likely one of the databases is corrupted. rm /var/cache/apt/*.bin; and try again.
06:02.16dayeearlier on, i was advised to do 'adduser username dir' to allow a non-root to execute files in a dir. when i do that the err msg was : group 'dir' not found. what is th right way?
06:02.18zeebleLinuxNIT: well yes, it can. and it would work. How about setting up your windows machines to be a little more secure than having to worry about viruses all the time?
06:02.36kregso are you a Lursa kind of guy, or a Betor kind of guy?
06:02.46streunerdondelelcaro: he downloaded dpkg and used ar....
06:03.23quicojusteuner: i read it in the debian's manual
06:03.43dondelelcarostreuner: that won't refresh apt's databases
06:03.55*** join/#debian rectum (
06:04.12dayebasically, what to do to make non-root user execute command which is otherwised executable by root only?
06:04.24quicojudondelelcaro: i'll try it
06:04.25dondelelcarodaye: what command are you talking about?
06:04.26LinuxNITzeeble, well we run nortons-anitvirus plus firewalls and pop-up blockers and stuff but thing still get though some times just thought this might be a fix for it
06:04.51dayeit is my own command script file, created under root.
06:04.52LinuxNITzeeble, i use debian but the parents cant make the change as easily
06:05.09*** join/#debian PsyKoBoY (
06:05.13dondelelcarodaye: so make it a+rx (755)
06:05.30dayeby chmod?
06:05.37streunerdondelelcaro: <quicoju> streuner: ii  libc6          2.3.2.ds1-18   GNU C Library: Shared libraries and Timezone
06:05.56dondelelcarostreuner: ?
06:06.09cafuegodondelelcaro: 555
06:06.22dondelelcarocafuego: yeah, I assume it's already u+w
06:06.22streunerdondelelcaro: that make no sense to me
06:06.33zeebleLinuxNIT: ok. Make them use Firefox by default. If most of the work is related to browsing. On Debian, install the new KDE 3.4 or Gnome 2.10. They're pretty easy to use.
06:06.40NeoBREEDcan someone tell me how to get sound on my thinkpad600?
06:06.49dayethe permission of the file is already rwxr-xr-x
06:06.54zeebleLinuxNIT: and yeah, with xwin32, it is very easy to setup the connections.
06:07.01*** join/#debian pebble (
06:07.12dayei mean rwxr-xr-x
06:07.16dondelelcarodaye: well, then the user can execute it.
06:07.21Starfirewhats xwin32 lol
06:07.24LinuxNITwell my mom uses quick books and the parents font learn new programs very well
06:07.27*** join/#debian Lorvija (
06:07.28LinuxNITzeeble, thanks for the help. its much appreciated
06:07.39jm_NeoBREED: load the modules for it
06:07.51*** part/#debian Zibar (
06:08.10dayeit complain that command 'x' is not found, where 'x' it is program within the script.
06:08.23dondelelcarodaye: why not just tell me that to start with?
06:08.40dayei don't get you.
06:08.45quicojudondelelcaro, streuner: too bad for me, removing the *bin didn't work, is there anything else i could try?
06:08.51dondelelcarodaye: if you're calling a program, it has to be in your PATH.
06:09.09streunerdondelelcaro: if he puzzled with dpkg who knows what he done...
06:09.12dayeeverthing works fine under root.
06:09.12dondelelcaroquicoju: run strace -o out apt-get install dpkg; or whatever you're running. paste the last few hundred lines using the paste bot.
06:09.29dpkgPasting one line is fine. Pasting two lines you can usually get away with. Pasting three lines will get you insulted. Pasting four or more lines will get you kicked. Any questions? If you want to paste, use #flood or
06:09.30dondelelcarodaye: yes, because the command you're calling isn't in the user's path.
06:09.42dondelelcarodaye: specify the absolute path to the utility.
06:09.56*** join/#debian Zibar (
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06:10.15quicojudondelelcaro: ok
06:10.18dayedonde, the trouble is there are many programs in the script file.
06:10.41*** join/#debian mohua (
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06:10.43dondelelcarodaye: what is the *exact* error that you are getting?
06:10.55dayecommand 'x' not found.
06:10.58muwuIs it possible to have 58% free Real RAM free, while having almost full swap? 50% of 512M RAM free, while 96% of 2 gig swap is full.
06:11.09dayewhere x is a program in the script.
06:11.20dondelelcarodaye: don't interpret the error. Give me the exact message.
06:11.25dondelelcaromuwu: yes.
06:11.50daye'/usr/sbin/x': command x not found.
06:12.12dondelelcaro!+find usr/sbin/x
06:12.18dpkgDebian Search of 'usr/sbin/x' (9 of 25): (/usr/sbin/xteld) in comm/xtel ;; (/usr/sbin/xtelld) in net/xtell ;; (/usr/sbin/xringd) in comm/xringd ;; (/usr/sbin/xttpd) in science/xtide ;; (/usr/sbin/xqmstats) in admin/quota ;; (/usr/sbin/xmcdconfig) in sound/xmcd ;; (/usr/sbin/xferstats) in net/wu-ftpd ;; (/usr/sbin/xjdicconfig) in text/xjdic ;; (/usr/sbin/xresprobe) in x11/xresprobe.
06:12.19muwudondelelcaro, that's bad right? I thought linux is supposed to be responsible...
06:12.24streunerLSorensen: /usr/sbin/x: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
06:12.48dondelelcaromuwu: pages get swapped out when they aren't being actively used... basically the system should be using memory as efficiently as possible.
06:12.52*** join/#debian poco (
06:13.12dondelelcaromuwu: but before I go any further, paste the output of free; using the paster bot.
06:13.14muwuwhile downloading documentaries using Amule/emule on a different hard drive using diff. ide chan, and merely watching high quality documentary through mplayer with -vo xv channel, my system was crawling occationary.
06:13.39muwuMem:        516500     504724      11776          0       4528     241140
06:13.39muwu-/+ buffers/cache:     259056     257444
06:13.39muwuSwap:      1951856    1743440     208416
06:13.40*** kick/#debian [muwu!~debhelper@debhelper.user] by debhelper (flood)
06:13.50*** join/#debian debboy (
06:14.01dondelelcaroah yes... reading comprehension strikes again...
06:14.06dayedonde: no, no. i type in my script 'modemgo'. response is: /usr/bin/modemgo: line 10: command not found.
06:14.19*** join/#debian karthik_2000b (
06:14.30karthik_2000bGreetings :)
06:14.38jm_maybe he thought he's the paster bot ;)))
06:14.41*** join/#debian muwu (
06:14.57NeoBREEDjm_: how do I load the sound modules?
06:14.57cafuego2GB swap?
06:14.58streunermuwu: don't flood the channel, thanks.
06:15.10muwuforgot about #flood
06:15.16pocohi don't known if anyone could help me but i've got a little problem with apt/dpkg
06:15.22jm_NeoBREED: tried modconf?
06:15.26muwubut it was only four short lines~~!
06:15.32dondelelcaromuwu: you've got close to 2G worth of crapola loaded into memory. There's no way that's not going to be slow.
06:15.38jm_NeoBREED: do you have hotplug installed?
06:15.40*** join/#debian th0re (~thore@
06:15.47pocosomething like: dpkg: parse error, ... near line 2 package value for `status' field not allowed
06:15.48furrywolfhrmm.  can't mount one of my drives.  /me doesn't know why.
06:15.51NeoBREEDI don't know
06:15.53streunermuwu: 2 lines are usually enough
06:15.55*** join/#debian andremk (
06:15.59muwudondelcaro, but what stuff?
06:16.04NeoBREEDjm_: I just installed debian with alsa
06:16.04furrywolfmount: /dev/hdc1 already mounted or /mnt busy
06:16.07pocoafter an apt-get which reboot me (on hurd k8)
06:16.08dondelelcaromuwu: run ps axfu; and see what you've got loaded.
06:16.09cafuegodondelelcaro: Well, if that's 2GB of KDE that's just swapped out and not moving, it's fine ;-)
06:16.11furrywolfyet it isn't mounted and /mnt isn't busy!
06:16.11jm_NeoBREED: well find out
06:16.18NeoBREEDso it's just the basic kernel and alsa
06:16.47Zibarim having trouble getting my sound system to work - i have an onboard sound system (intel high definition audio) based on the Realtek ALC880 codec ....
06:16.53NeoBREEDjm_: I'm installing modconf now
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06:17.07Zibarim running debian sarge - 2.6.8-2-2-686-smp
06:17.17peterSZibar: should be the snd-intel8x0 driver, no?
06:17.19furrywolfno mention of it in mtab either.  wtf.
06:17.25muwujust flooded #flood with my top
06:17.31dayedonde: no, no. i type in my script 'modemgo'. response is: /usr/bin/modemgo: line 10: command not found.
06:17.35Zibarit doesnt show up in modconf
06:17.59muwudondelelcaro, barely anything..
06:18.21peterSZibar: look under kernel/sound/pci/
06:18.37*** part/#debian karthik_2000b (
06:18.44jm_NeoBREED: you should also try using snd-intel8x0 module at first
06:18.49peterSZibar: note also, there are both snd-intel8x0 and snd-intel8x0m.  the latter is actually for a winmodem, not a sound chip
06:18.52furrywolfany ideas?  I'm stumped.  :)
06:18.59dondelelcaromuwu: there's no way that's everything
06:19.02Zibarok thx
06:19.18muwudondelelcaro, it basically is...
06:19.46dondelelcaroyou've got pids in the 19ks...
06:19.55*** join/#debian ICU (
06:19.57NeoBREEDjm_: it said can't find it
06:20.00muwudondelelcaro, though I might have done something kinda extreme.. I tried to load 50M RTF document file using Kwrite... I left it over night and it haven't finished loading after 12 hours.
06:20.09furrywolfmount says it's already mounted and/or mountpoint is busy...  but it's not mounted, mount point isn't busy, and there's no mention of either in mtab...  and mount -v gives nothing extra.
06:20.20NeoBREEDjm_: and I can't install any module into kernel with modconf
06:20.27muwuI wonder if there is a way to read a 50meg uncompressed txt file. :(
06:20.41dondelelcaromuwu: uh... that's probably it.
06:20.42jm_NeoBREED: are you using 2.6 kernel?
06:20.50NeoBREEDI believe so
06:20.50*** join/#debian vojko (
06:21.09muwudondelelcaro, i don't get it.. loading 1 gig divix file doesn't crap the system, but loading 50 meg text file does?
06:21.32jrrmuwu: video players expect to have huge files, and thus only read a  bit of it at at ime
06:21.37Zibarok found it - ive also added mmy user to audio group and installed aumix .... still no sound though .... kmix doesnt have any options in the mixer field ....
06:21.40NeoBREEDjm_: on my gkrellm it says hta tI have linux 2.4
06:21.41muwualso, how do I clear my swap manually? is this necessary? Normally in windows XP, as soon as I kill offending program, swap goes down.
06:21.42dondelelcaromuwu: you need to actually look at how much memory kwrite is actually using...
06:21.45jrri'd imagine most text editors just read the whole thing into a buffer
06:21.52dondelelcaromuwu: you don't need to touch your swap at all.
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06:22.00dondelelcaromuwu: just murder off whatever is using all of your memory.
06:22.00*** join/#debian daye (
06:22.01jm_NeoBREED: 2.4 doesn't have ALSA
06:22.17cafuegojm_: As external packages, it certainly does.
06:22.18muwuic... so in linux, swap doesn't get flashed until it is needed.
06:22.18jm_unless Debian kernels are patched
06:22.20NeoBREEDjm_: so I installed Alsa with apt-get...
06:22.31jm_NeoBREED: right, and modconf doesn't show any modules?
06:22.50jm_NeoBREED: are they in /lib/modules/$(uname -r) ?
06:23.46*** join/#debian _cd_ (~cemal@
06:23.48dayemy gnome settings cannot stay. when an application window font is small, i'll go to gnome control center to set it right. but after re-boot, it goes back to the original small size. why?
06:23.50Guerinmuwu: you basically never need to manage memory in a linux os... the kernel does it very well. the most you might need to do is kill something which has run away
06:23.54muwuanother question... why does my computer get slowed down when Amule/Emule is downloading a lot of stuff (usually over 100kiloBytes) or combining bits of stuff to finish downloading... ? I mean if the hard drive I am using for bittorrent/amule is on the same EIDE, I would understand, but it's not.. Linux is supposed  to be robust..
06:24.06NeoBREEDjm_: there's only a folder that says 2.4.27-2-386
06:24.11Guerindaye: ask #gnome
06:24.19NeoBREEDjm_: should I try to update my kernel to 2.6?
06:24.28Starfireis there a better p2p program than gtk-gnutella? just wondering
06:24.36Guerinmuwu: what's slow? disk access or cpu?
06:24.44GuerinStarfire: lftp
06:24.54dayeif anyone knows, why not just answer it?
06:25.02Starfireguerin hmm....
06:25.12muwui am surprised that linux cannot do what Windows XP used to do.. have a bittorrent client, emule client running, Thunderbird in the background, while watching full sized divx.
06:25.14Guerindaye: I don't; someone else might, but in any case you're liable to get more help there.
06:25.15jm_NeoBREED: no, run "cd /lib/modules/$(uname -r) && ls -lR > /tmp/lst.out" and paste the result somewhere (not in this channel, "/msg dpkg paste")
06:25.29Starfireguerin peer to peer, not ftp lmao
06:25.36*** join/#debian patad (
06:25.38dayehave you try it, most of the groups are dead.
06:25.49*** join/#debian pinks (~johnp@
06:25.51patadcould someone help me bypass the schools blocked ports?
06:26.00*** part/#debian Zibar (
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06:26.08muwuGuerin, both... DMA is turned on.. but it seems slow.. but most importantly, Mplayer -vo xv -pp 3 takes up more than 30% of my cpu cycles... on AMD XP 2500... I am using the default ATI driver from Xorg...
06:26.15Guerinmuwu: trolling isn't going to help you. There are a shitload of reasons why that might be; from graphic driver accelleration to background services, to directx to different apps and ...
06:26.37*** join/#debian shuveb (
06:26.41Guerinmuwu: then you're not running debian, so I'm not sure why you're complaiuning to us.
06:26.43dayeguerin: i still have this problem about starting a program in non-root. earlier i had a chat with you on that.
06:27.05muwuGuerin, true... but since I made complete switch three weeks ago.. I kinda want to optimize system... forget games..but at least I want to have a robust system.
06:27.14Guerinand it's well known that ATI's linux support is shite... I'm not sure about that specific driver, but that's a likely cause/.
06:27.22NeoBREEDjm_: /msg dpkg pate
06:27.29NeoBREEDjm_: /msg dpkg paste
06:27.37*** join/#debian tkooda (~tkooda@
06:27.37NeoBREEDah gosh darn it
06:27.38Guerindaye: which program do you want to start as non-root?
06:27.40NeoBREEDI'm an idiot
06:27.43muwubtw, glxgears is giving me 1100 FPS...
06:27.50dondelelcaroah, paté
06:27.51Guerinmuwu: that's pretty shit
06:27.51*** join/#debian Banana (
06:27.54shuvebhi, are separate packages for us and non-us still maintained?
06:27.59Guerinshuveb: no
06:28.04*** join/#debian PsyKoBoY (
06:28.04muwuGuerin, I know.. but I dread fglrx...
06:28.08*** join/#debian Zibar (
06:28.21tkoodaanyone here know if selinux will work in sarge?  (either with/without russell's "newselinux" debs?)
06:28.23Guerinmuwu: i expect that's your problem, though.
06:28.40Guerintkooda: selinux is in debian kernels, it just needs to be activated.
06:28.41muwuwith the newest official ATI drive... i cannot get proper XV output (black screen), and I don't really feel like SETUID mplayer or doing sudo everytime.
06:29.08dayethis program, modemgo, is a shell script. when i login as non-root to start it, i got this err msg: "/usr/bin/modemgo: line10: comand not found". now is itself a shell script.
06:29.10shuvebGuerin: thanks
06:29.13tkoodaGuerin, do all the nessicary sarge packages have the selinux patches already, or do I need to use russell's?
06:29.31*** join/#debian erps (
06:29.33Guerinmuwu: go put $30 on a geforce 2 or something if you really care
06:29.33jm_daye: isn't it self explanatory? it's not in PATH
06:29.46erpsOk, now install, how do I install the drivers for my network cards?
06:29.59muwuGuerin, I might.. people are telling that xcomposite actually works well with Geforce...
06:30.05Guerindaye: where is that script?
06:30.10muwualso, nforce drivers are easy to install..
06:30.17dayejm_: no, sorry, not to me, what is PA..
06:30.23shuvebGuerin: so are the US restrictions gone, or Debian cares not to maintain separate sets?
06:30.38muwui guess at this rate, even Unichrome might be better than ATI..since they supposedly open uped their driver.
06:30.45Guerinshuveb: well, it was decided that it wasn't a meaningful legal liability.
06:30.58dayeguerin: modemgo is in dir /usr/bin, is in /usr/sbin
06:31.02Guerinmuwu: yeah, maybe. One of the driver devs is a sometime regular here.
06:31.03shuvebGuerin: ok...
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06:31.44Guerindaye: then you need to add /usr/sbin to the path of that modemgo script
06:31.50dayei seem to be losing characters at the end of the line. why?
06:31.57Guerindaye: edit it; there should be a PATH declaration near the top
06:32.05Zibarwhich mixer should i install in kde ? kmix is just a frontend ?
06:32.16GuerinZibar: alsamixer if you use alsa
06:32.26jm_NeoBREED: did bot tell you what to do?
06:32.29dondelelcaroalsamixer or aumix... that's it.
06:32.30paster"quicoju" at pasted "strace apt-get install dpkg" (200 lines) at
06:32.48tkoodadoes anyone here use selinux with sarge?
06:32.49dayei mean in this chat, the lines are incompletely displayed.
06:33.08muwuwell, thanks for your tips..... bed time for me.. asta la vista..
06:33.10Guerindaye: that'd be your irc client, probably
06:33.22NeoBREEDjm_: I'm sorry man, I don't know what to do
06:33.44*** join/#debian pureone (
06:33.56jm_NeoBREED: you need to run the command I gave you, it will produce /tmp/lst.out file, then you should paste this file at the page dpkg tells you about so I can read it
06:34.21dayeguerin: about the PATH, i don't have to do this for executing in root, why is it necessary in non-root?
06:34.40*** join/#debian Qo-nos (
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06:35.15Guerindaye: the 's's in 'sbin' means that it should onnly be used by super-user - root. Normal users don't have /usr/sbin or /sbin in their PATH because they almost never need to run such apps.
06:35.52NeoBREEDjm_:  I ran the command
06:36.13Zibarwhen i have installed the snd-intel8x0 - it should load automatically yes ?
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06:36.22simonrvnsystem binaries
06:36.27yocany guy've done qtss?
06:36.27jm_NeoBREED: so what's left to do is to paste
06:36.32Guerindaye: the script is either badly written, or intended to be run only by root. Are you sure it can/should be run by a user? what does it do?
06:36.36yoci can't find the html interface
06:36.51streuneryoc: /msg dpkg enter
06:37.41*** join/#debian cArMiNiLLo (
06:37.55yocstreuner,  any guy've done qtss? i can't find the html interface of qtss. plz help me.
06:38.00dayeit is a script to connect the adsl.
06:38.28streuneryoc: no, what package is that?
06:38.45yocstreuner,  qtss from apple
06:38.46*** join/#debian quicoju (~quicoju@
06:39.02dayei cannot connect as root, due to security reason, right?
06:39.13*** join/#debian NeoBREED (
06:40.00streuneryoc: why not just using icecast?
06:40.01dayein fact i have been connecting up as root all along, until this discusion about security. so i am trying to connect up as non-root.
06:40.07Guerindaye: well, I don't know exactly what it does. It might be ok to run this as root, since it likely doesn't run a service, so much as actoiovates a device, then terminates, leaving the device connected.
06:40.19yocstreuner, i want the client side use realplayer
06:40.45yocstreuner, icecast no video
06:40.56*** part/#debian patad (
06:41.04Guerindaye: do you understand that distiction? if the program runs, connects and terminates, there's a minimal risk from having it run as root. If the program remains active, monitoring a port or something, it's probably worth running it as a user.
06:41.06simonrvnyoc: try #osx or #opendarwin
06:41.47*** join/#debian bazan_ (
06:42.28simonrvn-cArMiNiLLo- VERSION xchat 2.4.3 Linux 2.6.10-gentoo-r6carminillo [i686/1,54GHz]
06:42.35Guerindaye: in any case, the person who wrote it should either specify that it must be run as root, or proivided some option to make it work as a user
06:42.51dondelelcarosimonrvn: uh... you've got some broken script running
06:43.00dayeafter the connection, i'll do all the usual stuff like surfing.
06:43.06simonrvnno, that's a paste
06:43.11dondelelcarosimonrvn: ah
06:43.23yocany qtss user here?
06:43.30Guerinyoc: clearly not.
06:43.35streuneryoc: we told you
06:43.42simonrvnyoc: try #osx or #opendarwin
06:43.54Guerindaye: but you can surf and so on as a user once the machine is connected.
06:44.01dayeone way i am getting around now is to connect up as root, then end session and login in as none root to surf or irc, as i am doing now.
06:44.14*** part/#debian yoc (~panda@
06:44.19dayeright, it is troublesome.
06:44.43Guerindaye: better to log into kde or whatever as user and run the connection script as root using su, like we showed you earlier
06:44.54*** join/#debian idnar (mithy@idnar.user)
06:45.24Guerindaye: better still would be to run the script on boot, if you want to be connected automatically at boot time...
06:45.26*** part/#debian cArMiNiLLo (
06:45.57NeoBREEDjm_: are you still availiable for help?
06:46.00jm_NeoBREED: yes
06:46.45*** join/#debian nite613 (
06:47.17NeoBREEDjm_: I'm really new at linux, I just got debian installed.... earlier
06:47.29NeoBREEDjm_: I don't know a lot of the regular stuff
06:47.34dayedoing it on boot is not so good because connection sometimes goes through only after several re-try. the first idea is better. will try it right now.
06:47.42*** join/#debian BlackJudas (
06:47.46NeoBREEDjm_: so it would be really nice if you could spoonfeed me just this one time
06:47.48simonrvnapt-get install rutebook
06:47.58NeoBREEDjm_: so I can get the sound working
06:48.03*** mode/#debian [+l 780] by debhelper
06:48.07NeoBREEDjm_: the sound and the usb...
06:48.18NeoBREEDjm_: those are the only two things that aren't working
06:48.56*** join/#debian StefaN (~StefaN@
06:49.31*** join/#debian DaCa (~danny@DaCa.staff.lugwv)
06:51.00jm_NeoBREED: right, we're doing that - but I need to see the output of ls -lR command to figure out what is going on
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06:57.32*** join/#debian calljair (
06:57.48calljairhello guys
06:58.21calljairI am trying to find the latest apt- server from where to install the freenx package for sarge?
06:58.43*** join/#debian pif (
06:58.51streuner!info freenx sarge
06:59.12streunerdpkg> Package 'freenx' does not exist.
06:59.21calljairstreuner, do you remmeber the web site?
06:59.41calljairI know it is the package available for debian
06:59.52calljairif will work with sarge?
07:00.17streunerwhat does 'freenx' do?
07:00.30simonrvn@tell calljair -about pdo
07:00.50calljairstreuner, you have to check the web site
07:01.13jm_calljair: experiment
07:01.14jm_al main
07:01.18Zibarthat thing just wont play : Intel®High Definition Audio (Azalia) based on the Realtek ALC880 codec ... ive installed the snd-intel8x0 module and aumix, but aumix throws an "error opening mixer" exception ... im running kde on debian sarge .... soundsystem is set to autodetect in kde control center ...
07:01.23calljairsimonrvn, do you know the web site that tells me the apt-server from where I will get the package?
07:01.50jm_they also have them on, but both are probably not well suited for Sarge
07:01.57calljairjm_, ohh on this apt-server I will be able to use apt-install?
07:02.01*** join/#debian Steven_Yang (~Steven@
07:02.20jm_calljair: yes, but you're on your own if things break
07:02.30calljairjm_, so what do you mean ? that this packages will not work well on sarge?
07:02.53zeebleCant you download the tarball from their website?
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07:04.27jm_calljair: probably not
07:04.31*** join/#debian daye (
07:05.06Nwallinsany suggestions for non-X debconf interface? what is the default?
07:05.14calljairjm_, crap if that package do not work I am dead
07:05.18*** join/#debian liable (
07:05.30Nwallinscalljair: easy, now.. put down the gun
07:05.35dayeGuerin: this one is login as non-root, execute su and connect up and chat.
07:05.36*** join/#debian MichaelSaunders (
07:05.40calljairjim,  I think that server is down the one you just mentioned.
07:05.48streunercalljair: that's a deb
07:06.01calljairNwallins, what do you mean?
07:06.09*** part/#debian mediovia (
07:06.11MichaelSaundersdoes anyone have xen working
07:06.13Nwallinscalljair: no one's gonna die.. say it with me
07:06.22calljairNwallins, ok why?
07:06.41calljairI need to install the freenx on the sarge distribution I have.
07:06.57DaCaNwallins: dialog?
07:07.04*** part/#debian Zibar (
07:07.26NwallinsDaCa: ok, but if I don't like it, i'm coming after you with calljair's gun
07:07.46DaCaNwallins: readline?
07:07.48simonrvncalljair: so get the tarball, unpack it, configure it for /usr/local, and be happy
07:07.49liablelast night I tried to download something and got a permission denied for my home directory, I ended up having to chown my home directory, but I'm buggered if I know why it happened, no update and I wasnt doing anything like changing permissions to anything either. Ideas?
07:07.55dayemy gnome setting won't stay. whatever setting i do for fonts is lost after re-boot. why?
07:07.56calljairstreuner, did you find out what is freenx?
07:08.05streunercalljair: apt-get install samba
07:08.23calljairstreuner, what the hell are you asking me to install?
07:08.35calljairsamba is totally different
07:09.08streunercalljair: "Windows file sharing support
07:09.08streunerShare a file, folder or entire disk from your local Linux computer and let it be accessed by remote access applications running on NX server. Full support of industry standard SMB protocol. "
07:09.18calljairsimonrvn, the tar ball will be on the nomachine web site?
07:09.25*** join/#debian Zibar (
07:09.37simonrvnwherever you get this thing
07:09.48calljairstreuner, my friend you are wrong
07:09.50streunercalljair: and samba do anything different
07:10.01simonrvni also suggest you go do some reading at
07:10.05streunercalljair: explain please.
07:10.11calljairstreuner, you have to check the "" site
07:10.16*** join/#debian |stefan| (
07:10.23cafuego!popesmite streuner
07:10.27streunercalljair: that's from their site ^^^^^
07:10.28Nwallinscalljair: that website is full of marketing
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07:10.44streuner!lart cafuego
07:11.27streunercalljair: so why the fuck you wanna that, just use samba - its in debian
07:11.28*** join/#debian StevenK-LCA (~stevenk@
07:11.29*** join/#debian cafuego_ (
07:11.30streunerand supported
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07:11.42cafuego_omg, it's an act of god!
07:11.59calljairstreuner, forget it never mind be happy
07:12.03*** part/#debian X-TRaZy (
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07:12.49cafuegotypical, the moment I typed that, my DSL disconnected <heh>
07:13.44idnarI think there's a letter missing there
07:13.52cafuegoidnar: Fixed already
07:13.58cafuego!popesmite streuner
07:14.07Nwallinsheh, the subtitle of is "Building the network computing on the power of X"   engrish, anybody?
07:14.20cafuegoNwallins: WHAT YOU SAY!!
07:14.42streunercafuego: Stop that
07:15.52MichaelSaunderscafuego: You have tried most things do you have xen working
07:16.03cafuegoMichaelSaunders: what?
07:16.06cafuego!info xen
07:16.11*** join/#debian nixbox (~nixbox@
07:16.14dpkgxen: (a Virtual Machine Monitor like User-Mode-Linux), section misc, is extra. Version: 1.2-4.1 (sid), Packaged size: 657 kB, Installed size: 716 kB
07:16.36nixboxhow can i force sed to change the same file that is being passed as an argument rather than printing the changed output on the stdout
07:16.40MichaelSaunderscafuego: Does that mean I can apt it
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07:16.46cafuegoMichaelSaunders: Indeed it does.
07:16.52*** join/#debian malaclypse_ (
07:16.53jm_nixbox: noticed the nifty -i switch?
07:17.33nixboxjm_, its only in GNU sed?
07:17.51jm_nixbox: yes
07:17.53cafuegonixbox: P
07:18.03*** mode/#debian [+l 789] by debhelper
07:18.08cafuegonixbox: You can do it in a portable fashion with perl.
07:18.18MichaelSaunderscafuego: do you have a special xen. My apt doesnt have it
07:18.28streunercafuego: you did a mistake.
07:18.29*** part/#debian dpryo (
07:18.30cafuegoMichaelSaunders: No, I have no xen whatsoever.
07:18.41cafuegostreuner: I said "perl", that's bad, yes.
07:18.45NwallinsMichaelSaunders: it's in the misc section.. change /etc/apt/sources.list   i think
07:19.00cafuegoNwallins: misc in under main. Did you mean contrib?
07:19.10Nwallinsoh, i dunno then
07:19.18streunercafuego: you said more then that
07:19.22MichaelSaundershow do I add that
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07:20.18Zibarthe best msn client or x ?
07:20.22Zibarfor even
07:20.35tuxmastermsn and x can not be compaired
07:20.52Zibarthe best msn client for x ? :)
07:21.05*** join/#debian ezhdeha (
07:21.16tuxmasteryou talkinga bout msn IM
07:21.40_biovore_gaim or amsn
07:21.41danikatahi... i fail to add debian sarge rc3 #8 in my rc2 ? the message is  "E: Read error - read (5 Input/output error)" ? what should i do ?
07:21.46Zibarok, ill try it - thx
07:22.05tuxmasterplease explain more
07:22.13liableso there really is no sensible answer as to how my home directories permissions changed mysteriously, apart from 1. I did it, 2. have been rooted, 3. wtf!
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07:23.08gothtecHow can I tell the IP addresses of users that are connected so my sshd?
07:23.34streunervia syslog?
07:23.40liabletuxmaster: such as
07:23.47tuxmastergothec finger
07:23.49tuxmastertry finger
07:23.51scr3mHello. is anyone from poland??
07:23.55gothtecliable: someone else did it? rootkit?
07:23.58cafuegogothtec: 'w'
07:24.20*** join/#debian _linuxAS_ (
07:24.24gothteccafuego: ooh. nice
07:24.36scr3mi have installation problem...
07:24.48cafuegogothtec: See also 'last'
07:24.52tuxmasterhi linuxas
07:25.06gothtecscr3m: Explain your problem, and we might be able to help you :)
07:25.21*** join/#debian geoffj (
07:25.26scr3mi haved install kernel, droivers to my netcard
07:25.39scr3mand when im trying to connect with APT
07:25.42danikatai was add debian rc3 cd number 8 in my debian sarge rc2, but the error message come in. was my debian cd rc3 number 8 is bad or i can't add rc3 in rc2 ?
07:25.58tuxmasterdanikata please refraze
07:25.58scr3mit tels me something that he can't fetch
07:26.06scr3m(-3) something like that
07:26.14gothtecscr3m: please... one line. use periods '.' between sentences
07:26.27liablegothtec: up to date system (unless they managed it through whatever are the firefox issues) and fuck all services running
07:26.42scr3mi know that i'm lame
07:26.59simonrvndo you need a cane?
07:27.04tuxmasterliable rooted is always possible port 80 is just one of the many ports someone can get in though
07:27.39tuxmasterdid you check your logs liable
07:27.47tuxmasterlinux logs basicly everything
07:27.49liableyeah well ran chkrootkit, nothing, looked in logs, roots bash logs still there
07:28.03tuxmasterwhat about your firewall logs
07:28.08tuxmasteror your ssh logs
07:28.15liableno sss
07:28.25tuxmasterdo you have telnet running
07:28.30tuxmasteror even a ftp
07:28.33liablebah, no
07:28.43tuxmasteris it connected to the internet
07:28.50*** join/#debian buzzzzz (
07:28.58liablecome on, I may be silly but im not stupid
07:29.26tuxmasteri am not saying you are stupid.
07:29.40tuxmasterthe fact that you are using linux tells me one thing'
07:29.55*** join/#debian Rayen (
07:30.07liabletuxmaster: well nothing in syslog, messages, kernel log, user log
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07:30.55tuxmasternothing find that odd there is always someting
07:31.12tuxmasterit is just what you interpet from the logs is what it useful
07:31.32tuxmasteranotherwords a access or a attempt to access at a wierd time
07:32.56tuxmasterbecouse honestly permitions do not change miseriously 1 you changed them and just did not know it 2 somone elce change them or 3 a program changed them while you were using root
07:33.01_biovore_how do you brake into a box when its running any services?  Got to buffer overflow something..
07:33.21liablewell, last night I had irssi running (as user), firefox (as user) and hotwayd, hotsmtp the only othere services
07:33.53cafuego'in other words, an'
07:33.55_biovore_smtp.. :-/
07:34.06tuxmasterbiovore not nessesarly
07:34.19liablesome one nmap me then and see what you get
07:34.24simonrvncafuego: we'll be here all night...
07:34.36*** join/#debian Guerin (~magpie@
07:34.48cafuego_biovore_: Go to the keyboard, ctrl-alt-delete it, boot with init=/bin/sh, install root hole; reboot.
07:34.52simonrvnmagpie has returned
07:35.06cafuegoGuerin: Look! Shiny things!
07:35.20simonrvn*CAW* *CAW*
07:36.07erpsHow do I install my network drivers?  I can compile a kernel on my own, but is there an aptitude way or something basic to Debian to do this?  I haven't used debian much so am not familiar with its tools -- and am not finding what i"M looking for ..
07:36.20tuxmasterbut honestly liable changing permitions is rather easy
07:36.20simonrvncafuego: or, "will bee hear al nite..." ;p
07:36.24tuxmasteryou could have done it by mistake
07:36.49cafuegosimonrvn: well not be heir all nyt
07:36.49tuxmasterstatisticly the odds are agenst you
07:36.51simonrvnor "well", or "wel", or...
07:36.55_biovore_yeah ptrace bug..  alot of 2.4 kernels have it..
07:37.11Guerinquardle oodle ardle wardle doodle is all I have to say
07:37.14simonrvncafuego: that's even worse =)
07:37.14liabletuxmaster: yeah I know, but I know I didnt do it, all I was doing last night was irc and email
07:37.21quicojusee you all, regards!
07:37.25*** part/#debian quicoju (~quicoju@
07:37.27jm_erps: they get installed together with the kernel ...
07:37.31simonrvnmmm, eyeballs
07:37.34cafuegosimonrvn: s/not/nod/
07:37.44*** join/#debian WorkerII (
07:37.57Guerinwe used to have a running battle with magpies on the way to high school
07:38.05*** join/#debian nayyares (~nayyares@
07:38.14WorkerIIOK, here is the question:  When I use dh_make, isn't it supposed to unpack the tar.gz thingy?  (I cannot find the unpack).
07:38.20Guerini have enough respect for them that I used to brin a tennis racquet to school despite never playing tennis
07:38.48cafuegoGuerin: They're smaller and less tasty than chickens.
07:38.55tuxmasterdh make not to my knowlage
07:39.01simonrvnmagpies are cool. if you don't piss them off ;). then they'll kick your ass if you do
07:39.03WorkerIItuxmaster: IC
07:39.03GuerinWorkerII: i think you're supposed to unpack the tarball and run dh_make on the source tree
07:39.04nayyareshow to open "fpm" extention files, i mean is there any tool for editing it?
07:39.19erpsjm_, ok.. for some reason they didn't, bleh..
07:39.20Guerinsimonrvn: even if you have a tennis racquet...
07:39.23cafuegoWorkerII: dpkg-buildpackage'
07:39.25Guerini still have the scars
07:39.28jm_erps: then you didn't do it correctly
07:39.29simonrvnWorkerII: man dh_make...
07:39.29WorkerIIGuerin: What does this mean .. "source tree" ?  The root of the unpacked stuff?
07:39.32*** join/#debian zorton (
07:39.34GuerinWorkerII: yup
07:39.35simonrvnGuerin: no doubt
07:39.48tuxmasterworkerII do this
07:39.49cafuegoWorkerII: Are you attempting to compile a debian source?
07:39.53*** join/#debian sKaBoy (
07:39.54tuxmastertar -xvzf file
07:39.57WorkerIImagpies?  They're so scared of people?
07:39.58tuxmastergo to folder
07:40.02GuerinWorkerII: shit no.
07:40.03tuxmastermake install
07:40.11cafuegotuxmaster: Stop giving people bad advice.
07:40.15Guerintuxmaster: and wipe your existing files. Great idea.
07:40.26simonrvntuxmaster: plsstfukthx
07:40.27WorkerIIcafuego: I tried to rebuild a package yesterday.  It failed, so now I will build a new package.
07:40.33zortonis there a way to match a paticular protocol with iptables?
07:40.37streunercafuego: stop saying that use gentoo :-)
07:40.37zortonnot based on ports?
07:40.48liablefuck, now it looks like my logs stopped logging last night too, nothing for today, fuck
07:40.48*** part/#debian tkooda (~tkooda@
07:40.49simonrvnzonyes. use a number instead of letters
07:40.51cafuegoWorkerII: if it's already debianised source, simply run 'dpkg-buildpackage -b'
07:40.54WorkerIIcafuego: Its a package for emacs.
07:40.56Guerintuxmaster: can you explain again what exactly it is you're master of? Because it's clearly not unix, spelling or intellect, and I bet you don't have a penguin in a gimp suit
07:41.00simonrvnzorton: yes. use a number instead of letters
07:41.11WorkerIIcafuego: Its "jdee" (package name jde)
07:41.12*** join/#debian Jussi (
07:41.25WorkerIIcafuego: So I downloaded the new upstream source.
07:41.26simonrvnzorton: /etc/protocols
07:41.28zortonsimonrvn: perhaps I should rephrase
07:41.42*** join/#debian scr3m (
07:42.06nayyaresplease help me :(
07:42.06CyzarXguys, i made a video using my digicam. now the filesize is too large for 2minutes movie. any program in linux i can compress with? like virtualdub in widnows
07:42.06simonrvnor, you could use letters too, just make sure you pick the right ones ;)
07:42.06cafuegoWorkerII: Unpack it with 'tar xfz foo.tar.gz', then copy the debian/ subdirectory from the DEBIANISED source across.
07:42.06zortonthe port might not be the paticular port it's typicaly run on, so match p2p traffic where they change the port they use
07:42.06WorkerIInayyares: No, ;-)
07:42.06streunercafuego: you need more personality - you  did an mistake and just can't say sorry.
07:42.08GuerinCyzarX: mencoder?
07:42.14simonrvnnayyares: what's an fpm ?
07:42.21cafuegostreuner: I didn't do any mistake, mate.
07:42.22Guerin!fgi nayyares fpm+linux
07:42.29*** join/#debian plovs (~plovs@
07:42.42WorkerIIcafuego: I think the patches and stuff in the debianized package doesn't work for the new source.
07:42.51CyzarXokay Guerin ty. is there any other?
07:43.01GuerinCyzarX: probably.
07:43.01cafuegoWorkerII: Just edit the ruiles file and tell it to not apply the patches.
07:43.06CyzarXGuerin, preferable with GUI + many functions
07:43.11GuerinCyzarX: hahaha
07:43.41WorkerIIcafuego: The package has always appeared rather borken to me, actually.
07:43.48nayyaressimonrvn: font file.
07:43.49CyzarXGuerin, dont laugh:P suggest me , iwll ya? hehj
07:43.51cafuegoWorkerII: Just don't use it then.
07:44.03GuerinCyzarX: I don't know, really.
07:44.15erpsjm_, how the hell do I not do an automated process correctly?
07:44.15streunercafuego: so its normal for you when somebody asking for help in pm (about Perl) you saying in channel, why do you use gentoo in #debian?
07:44.19WorkerIIcafuego: Right . thats why I am considering building a new package. :)
07:44.27cafuegostreuner: What?
07:44.30GuerinCyzarX: video construction, encoding and editing is one area where free software sorely lacks
07:44.37WorkerIIcafuego: s/considering/going to be/
07:44.41Guerinpartly because it's extremely hard to make such software good
07:44.46cafuegostreuner: Nobody askes me for anything in pm. I ignore them. Always.
07:44.57Guerintuxmaster: don't message me
07:45.02CyzarXGuerin, i see
07:45.03simonrvnzorton: there's special modules for that kind of thing. iptables_p2p or something of the sort. you'll need POM though
07:45.08jm_erps: what automated process are you talking about?
07:45.10CyzarXGuerin, but virtualdub is good
07:45.11simonrvnah, thanks
07:45.15cafuegostreuner: Also, I don't use Gentoo.
07:45.20erpsjm_, used the debian installation cd's 1 and 2.
07:45.22GuerinCyzarX: is it free software?
07:45.25zortonsimonrvn: kay, i'll take a look at it
07:45.28*** part/#debian nayyares (~nayyares@
07:45.37streunercafuego: me either.
07:45.38simonrvnGuerin: there's a site with a whole collection of them. sadly in rpm format
07:45.39WorkerIIfind . -type type trolls -exec "rm -rf {}" ";"
07:45.39GuerinI've only used adobeware for macs when it comes to film editing... and then not much
07:45.48Guerindespite four years of film school :)
07:45.50simonrvnzorton: google should find it
07:46.07zortonsimonrvn: got it on
07:46.13cafuegostreuner: My comment about portability when using 'sed -i' was a referral to 'perl -pi -e "s/foo/bar/g" *.txt'
07:46.22jm_erps: right, so you're using Debian's kernel image and network drivers don't load, is that the problem?
07:46.27simonrvncafuego: fartfish
07:46.28cafuegostreuner: ie: perl will do that on all platforms, whereas sed doesn't.
07:46.28*** join/#debian holycow (
07:46.48zortonsimonrvn: only matches specificly kazza and ed2k
07:46.54zorton:( trying to match bittorrent
07:47.03Guerinsimonrvn: eh?
07:47.13simonrvnis bt just an http based proto?
07:47.22zortonyeah, think so
07:47.45simonrvncould probably use snort and some creative scripting
07:47.46CyzarXGuerin, yes it is. search for it :)
07:48.00WorkerIIGuerin: This is a magpie, right?
07:48.05*** join/#debian bohan` (
07:48.06cafuegoYou know the cats are hungry when they sit 1) on the screen and 2) on the keyboard.
07:48.19simonrvnthat's the general idea
07:48.41simonrvnWorkerII: yes
07:48.43GuerinWorkerII: not the ones I know.
07:48.51cafuegosimonrvn: creative scripting never ends well, you saw what happened to bob2 ;-)
07:48.52simonrvnin n. america
07:48.59erpsjm_, correct
07:49.05simonrvncafuego: no. what happened?
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07:49.15WorkerIIGuerin: Maybe your magpies are not really magpies?
07:49.16cafuegosimonrvn: he went sentient and bugs this channel now.
07:49.32WorkerIIGuerin: Or does the word include several animals?
07:49.48GuerinWorkerII: oh, it's a term applies to moad black and white birds
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07:49.57Guerinbut these are the bad motherfuckers I'm on about
07:50.12CyzarXmencoder-k7 - transitional dummy package which can be safely removed  <== what does this means? transitional dummy package which can be safely removed? this result is search using apt-cache search mencoder
07:50.21jm_erps: man modules
07:50.25Guerinnote stout and wickedly sharp beak
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07:50.30simonrvni think we have some of those too
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07:50.38WorkerIIGuerin: Red eyes?
07:50.48WorkerIIGuerin: White beak?
07:50.59GuerinWorkerII: variable. Black eyes usually.
07:51.08GuerinWorkerII: you'd know one if you saw one
07:51.10WorkerIIGuerin: Thats not the bird that translates from magpie .. I think.
07:51.11Guerinor heard one
07:51.21streunercafuego: the reason why i asked you for help were that those packages aren't in debian
07:51.36WorkerIIGuerin: It looks a bit like the bird I showed you though.
07:51.39GuerinWorkerII: well, that's the first fucking hit on australian magpie, which are the kind we have in NZ, and that's what I know as a fucking magpie, mate
07:51.44zortonsimonrvn: cool:
07:51.50zortonmatches most fashionable protocls
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07:51.57WorkerIIGuerin: But they have black beaks.
07:52.01simonrvnzorton: that's the one
07:52.03tuxmasterstreuner what are you trying to install
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07:52.12WorkerIIGuerin: Maybe its called ? :)
07:52.26streunertuxmaster: i tried torsmo to manage me to show xmms-infos
07:52.28ircdevilcups say server-error-not-accepting-jobs . what to do? how to fix?
07:52.35Guerinall animals have this thing called 'natural variation'
07:52.40simonrvnwtf is this torsmo stuff?
07:52.46Guerinircdevil: tell it to accept jobs
07:52.58_cd_I changed my dist from fedora to sarge. Don't make any changes on /home partition (ext3) . When I'm booting the system I got a message like your fsck version doesn't support this version. I do Ctrl+D to bypass and using the part. with out problems. Does this make problems to me in the future?
07:53.05WorkerIIGuerin: Easy .. I am merly joking ... I don't doubt you call them magpies.
07:53.13GuerinCyzarX: it means what it says. use mencoder-k6 or something
07:53.28Guerinif you have an amd machine
07:53.33ircdevilGuerin: hmmm this seem to be the printer. lemmy restart the damn thing
07:53.40WorkerIIGuerin: But that bird doesn't look much like the ones we call "skader", which is what you get from a dictionary when you look up magpie.
07:53.52CyzarXGuerin, i have athlon 2400+, is k6 compliant with k7 ?
07:53.55Guerin_cd_: hrm, interesting.
07:53.57GuerinCyzarX: yes.
07:54.03WorkerIIGuerin: Ours are very afraid of humans, but like to steal shiny stuff.
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07:54.33tuxmasterlooks like a x top program
07:54.41_cd_Guerin, does sarge support reiserfs , and can I convert my ext3 to reiserfs?
07:54.43GuerinWorkerII: ours make humans, cats, dogs and livestock fear them. They're not pigeon-like, as your pic seemed, they're more raven-like.
07:54.48tuxmasterI know there is a program like it in debian
07:54.53streunertuxmaster: its similar to gkrellm
07:55.02streuner!info torsmo
07:55.15dpkgtorsmo: (system monitor that sits in the corner of your desktop), section x11, is optional. Version: 0.18-5 (sid), Packaged size: 36 kB, Installed size: 124 kB
07:55.16WorkerIIGuerin: Ours are somewhat raven like .. but a tad smaller.  Black beaks.
07:55.21Guerin_cd_: it does, but you can't without erasing the filesystem. I'd try convering it from ext3 to ext2 using the debian tools, then back to ext3 again.
07:55.44WorkerIIGuerin: Not fat like pigeon.
07:56.06_cd_Guerin, what is the meaning then :)
07:56.49Guerin!tell _cd_ about ext3->ext2
07:56.49tuxmasteri do not know if this is the debian way but sreuner in fadora i am just merging all my knowlage to debian do you know how to compile a program
07:56.55Guerin!tell _cd_ about ext2->ext3
07:57.03Guerin!tell _cd_ about backups
07:57.09Guerin_cd_: :)
07:57.14WorkerIIGuerin: I guess that the white beak, red eyes and the size is the main difference .. oh also the white and black is placed somehwhat differently on "our mapies" .. but that varies somewhat with the birds.
07:57.25simonrvnmight as well install a dictionary while you're at it...
07:58.00simonrvnGuerin: um, they're corvidae
07:58.03erpsjm_, heh, I am familiar with what modules are, and already tried listing them, but yah.
07:58.08erpsand tried loading the right ones.
07:58.16Guerintuxmaster: it's very unwise to randomly install shit on a debian box. At the very least you need to make sure it honours /usr/local
07:58.28Guerinsimonrvn: oh, that makes sense.
07:58.35WorkerIIGuerin: apt-get shit # ?
07:58.36_cd_Guerin, thnx :)
07:58.50ZibarGuerin : oops
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08:00.52tuxmasterguerin i know that it is unwize to randomly install stuff wherever on linux
08:01.40Guerinsimonrvn: I once saw someone offer to make someone terrine de corvus corax
08:01.54jm_erps: that man page tells you where to put it so it's loaded on boot
08:01.55Guerinsimonrvn: which I think is american crow?
08:02.19Guerinyou know the saying 'to eat crow', though, right?
08:02.30Guerinit's a foodie joke which stuck in my head
08:02.51WorkerIIWhat does that mean?
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08:03.03cmugdoes any1 know about pariscs + terminals here?
08:03.17Guerinit means something like to eat one's words
08:03.24jm_cmug: maybe
08:03.27cmugfgi = fucking google it?
08:03.37Guerincmug: fgi
08:03.42tuxmasteri think there is a debian package out there that you can make .deb pagages out of tgz files
08:03.43cmugjm_, can I use these to connect a 700/96 terminal to a 9000parisc?
08:03.45tuxmasteri do not know though
08:03.48WorkerIIcmug: its an evil joke.
08:03.54eye69tuxmaster: alient
08:03.54simonrvnGuerin: ah yes. too tired to parse jokes =)
08:03.56WorkerIIdpkg, tell cmug about fgi
08:03.59tuxmasterah i was right
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08:04.07tuxmasterthanks eye89
08:04.15Guerineye69: that will work for slackware packages, but not for undebianised source
08:04.23cmugWorkerII, i guessed right then
08:04.36tuxmasterbut that was not the one
08:04.38simonrvnanyway, later. need sleep
08:04.38eye69Guerin: Yeah.
08:04.38Guerinfor raw source, you probably want to use dh_make and friends
08:04.39WorkerIIcmug: ya
08:04.39jm_cmug: all you need is a standard serial cable with rx/tx lines crossed
08:04.40tuxmasteri was thinking off
08:04.49Guerinsimonrvn: laters
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08:04.58WorkerIIGuerin: yeah
08:05.11cmugjm_, but the pariscs behind only has a parallel port? serial & parallel cables == ?
08:05.12evo_does anybody have experience with ndiswrapper, a pcmcia card and correctly configuring them at boot?
08:05.12eye69Guerin: I tend to think of .tgz as slackware packages, and .tar.gz as vanilla stuff
08:05.22Guerineye69: yeah, but both can be both, right?
08:05.24cmugserial cable == parallel cable even
08:05.33eye69Guerin: Sure they can.
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08:05.47eye69Guerin: Well, .tar.gz isn't generally a slackware package.
08:05.48tuxmasterAlien allows you to convert LSB, Red Hat, Stampede and Slackware Packages into Debian packages, which can be installed
08:05.48tuxmasterwith dpkg.
08:05.52Guerinoh, ok
08:05.59tuxmasternope not tgz
08:06.05Guerintuxmaster: thanks mate, we know
08:06.11jm_cmug: all parisc machines we have have serial port
08:06.25Guerintuxmaster: you clearly don't since a slackware package is typically a .tgz
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08:06.45cmugonly parallel there
08:06.55tuxmasterno acculy i told info from eye69
08:07.01tuxmasteri was not thinking of that one
08:07.22WorkerIIGuerin: Why are you angry with tuxmaster ?
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08:07.42eye69WorkerII: Who says he's angry?
08:08.02WorkerIIeye69: Dunno.  I merely suggested it, because I'm seen what I interpret as implications.
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08:08.30jm_cmug: how old is that?
08:08.35WorkerIIeye69: Don't mind my english tongue, its not native.
08:08.39GuerinWorkerII: I'm not angry, I'm frustrated, because he keeps spouting shit and seems reluctant to believe he's wrong
08:08.43GuerinI'm out
08:08.59cmugjm_, some years
08:09.04WorkerIIGuerin: Laters .. thanks for thehelp.
08:09.06cmugjm_, its a e45
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08:11.18jm_cmug: well are there any manuals for it?
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08:11.32cmugjm_, ofcourse not
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08:12.16WorkerIIcmug: How is that obvious?
08:12.31cmugWorkerII, :/
08:12.42shingouzcmug: parallel to parallel? the terminal seems to have such a connector and the leftmost parallel on the parisc looks like it might be able to take such a connector
08:12.55yixuanhello,I have a problem with installing kde. I type startkde,the screen say "kpersonalizer cannot connect to X server",how can i do ?thank you!
08:13.07tuxmasterreconfigure X
08:13.21cmugshingouz, yes, but what pinout for the cable
08:13.49shingouzno frigging idea. did you check the hp website already? with a fine toothed comb?
08:14.42shingouz(mummblegrummble.... huge out ofo focus pics... grumble ;)
08:14.44tarzeaudid i tell how damend crappy galeon and mozilla are?
08:14.47Zibarive downloaded a kernel source package, but when i try to compile a sound driver it says /usr/src/linux..../version.h is missing .... and it is.... why is that file not included in my kernel source ?
08:15.01shingouzs/out ofo /out of ;)
08:15.11cmugjm_, most kind
08:15.19cmugthe keyword here was "console" which I did not use
08:15.25yixuantuxmaster,you mean use the command like "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86"?
08:17.16cmugjm_, did you read the next message on that thread :D
08:17.22nipplesrulzgoodnight all
08:17.34jm_cmug: yes, read the last one, it's translated
08:17.40WorkerIIWow .. packaging can be a lot of trouble..
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08:17.56tuxmasteryes yixuam
08:18.04PerfDaveZibar: How did you download the kernel source package, where from and what did you do with it afterwards?
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08:18.16tuxmasteri am not shure about that package in perticular
08:18.23Zibari got it through apt-get
08:18.33tuxmastermight want to ask somone elce in the channel but dpkg-reconfigure would take care of it
08:18.38Zibari made a symbolic link in /usr/src
08:18.55PerfDaveZibar: Which package?
08:19.22tuxmasterneed to upgrade my kernel myself
08:19.29erpsjm_, it seems the problem is that no modules are available on this system that support my network cards..  which aren't exactly that far off the beaten path. .  Intel 82545EM (gigabit) and Intel 82551QM 10/100
08:19.50PerfDaveZibar: That doesn't seem to be a valid package.
08:20.00jm_erps: e100 and e1000 don't support it?
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08:20.13cmugjm_, thanks, that gives me some insight
08:20.22cmugi wonder if our company has such cables somewhere
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08:20.33jm_cmug: no worries
08:20.39Zibarvalid ?
08:21.05PerfDaveZibar: There is no package called kernel-source-.6.8.2
08:21.07Zibarim sorry
08:21.08erpsjm_ doesn't appear to...  trying again.
08:21.55jm_erps: there are several options how to proceed
08:21.55yixuantuxmaster,I have reconfigured the x server,but the problem  also exist.
08:21.55tuxmasteryixuan did you chose the right video drivers
08:21.55yixuanI can startx with gnome.
08:21.55PerfDaveZibar: Did you unbzip2 and untar the kernel source tarball in /usr/src?
08:22.06erpsno such device, invalid perameters, and e100/e1000 aren't listed, just eepro100 .. and eepro
08:22.17jm_you have old kernel
08:22.19Zibarand made a link from /usr/source/linux
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08:22.28tuxmasteri could say the windows answer but that would not be right
08:22.37tuxmasterreinstall reconfigure try again
08:22.50erpsjm_, I used the 3.4 disc..
08:22.54tuxmasterhum well it is not someting wrong with the program
08:22.59tuxmasterare you missing some dependencys
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08:23.04PerfDaveZibar: Why did you make that link?
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08:23.13erpsjust downloaded it, burnt it..  and went for install
08:23.35erpserr 3.0
08:23.36westwardhi,all. I have found my /var/cache rather big. How to clean it?
08:23.37yixuani just type apt-get install kde ,that's enough? tuxmaster?
08:23.37erpsnot 3.4
08:23.37Zibari dunno - old habit .... i had linux installed some years back, and i remembered i used to do that ... :)
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08:23.48erps3.0r5 is what I'm using
08:23.52PerfDaveZibar: It's generally a bad idea to do things when you don't know why.
08:23.52tuxmasteryixuan not allways
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08:24.14jm_erps: that's why it has old kernel ;)
08:24.14tuxmasteri have acculy had apt-get not get dependencys before that dselect caught
08:24.28Zibari guess i presumed the system would always look in /usr/src/linux for the surce code
08:24.33PerfDave!install kde
08:24.33dpkghmm... install kde is In sarge, the metapackage 'kde' installs tons of stuff, 'kde-core' slightly less, and 'kdebase' even less.
08:24.50erpsjm_, ok so what do I do?  Because I don't see no new kernel sitting around either.
08:24.55PerfDavewestward: man apt-get will give you a couple of ways to clear up your cache of apt packages.
08:24.59erpsthat is a new installation version for new kernel
08:25.10tuxmasteryou have to install the new kernel
08:25.11PerfDaveerps: Whihc kernel are you using?
08:25.12jm_erps: grab it off of and compile it?
08:25.13erpssuppose I could do a network install if I grab the network install disc...
08:25.19tuxmasterwhen upgrading from woody to sarge
08:25.24westwardPerfDave: got it. thank you a lot
08:25.27tuxmasterbe shure to follow all instructions
08:25.32tuxmasterand be varry carful
08:25.42erpsnot an upgrade, now install.
08:25.51erpsHow the hell am I supposed to grab it off onto it when the issue is I can't connect it to the net, heh
08:25.58PerfDaveerps: What kernel are you using?
08:26.06jm_CD, floppies, ...
08:26.12erpswhatever it default installed for me, 2.4.18 I think.
08:26.24tuxmasterhow new is your drivers erps
08:26.29PerfDaveerps: What is the output of "uname -r"
08:26.33tuxmasternot dirvers
08:26.58tuxmasterah ya as high as me
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08:27.06PerfDaveerps: What is the output of "uname -a"
08:27.08tuxmasteri got a old machine
08:27.21Zibarso there shouldnt be a link in usr/source pointing at the folder with the kernel source ?
08:27.36liablewhats a line in messages log with 'linux --MARK' about, I hadnt seen this previously
08:27.45PerfDaveliable: It just puts it there once an hour.
08:27.47Zibar. /usr/src even
08:27.58PerfDaveZibar: Not if there's no good reason to.
08:28.00valdynZibar: should? for what? theres no need for you to create one link there.
08:28.02erpsLinux SPListen 2.4.18 date time i686 unknown
08:28.13PerfDaveerps: So you've installed a new kernel since you did the install?
08:28.26Zibarthe system knows where to find the current source code ?
08:28.42erpsand no
08:28.43PerfDaveZibar: That depends entirely on what you're trying to do.
08:28.58PerfDaveerps: The bf2.4 thing is what I was looking for. That's an installation kernel, with little driver support.
08:29.07PerfDaveerps: You want to install a more recent kernel-image package.
08:29.13valdynZibar: "/lib/modules/$(uname -r)/build" points to current source
08:29.19liablePerfDave: right, almost, mines every 20 mins, I havent noticed it before
08:29.24erpsok I have CD1 and CD2
08:29.30tuxmasterthat is enough
08:29.34erpshow do I install, from this point, a newer image?
08:29.37PerfDaveerps: Do you have the CDs added to your apt sources?
08:29.52tuxmasteri never got that working
08:29.54Zibarim trying to compile a driver- i get the error : /usr/src/linux/....version.h is missing. please install the full kernel source .....
08:29.55tuxmasternither did i care
08:29.57PerfDaveerps: Reading the Installation Manual would be a good start. Or the APT HOWTO.
08:30.10yixuan!install gnome
08:30.11dpkgrumour has it, install gnome is in woody: apt-get install gnome-session gnome-control-center sawfish-gnome ; In sarge and sid: apt-get install gnome
08:30.15PerfDaveerps: If the CDs are in your apt sources, then do "apt-cache search kernel-image" and install one.
08:30.24PerfDaveZibar: What driver are you trying to install?
08:30.51Zibarfor for alc880
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08:31.16jm_erps: you won't find anything newer on CD-s
08:31.39PerfDaveZibar: Is that not already included in kernel-image packages?
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08:31.59tuxmasteri wonder when they will officaly relice sarge
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08:32.08PerfDavetuxmaster: When it's ready ;)
08:32.14BoulateHi all
08:32.15Zibari ant find it on the list when i do modconf ....
08:32.16ghatakHi, i need some help regarding vnc, my question is, can vnc keep running desktop applications even if get disconnected ?
08:32.18JonasNZhi, im having problems with exim4, (just did an install on a machine that is for now networkless) and on boot it hangs for about 3 min before continuing, any ideas?
08:32.19Zibarcant even
08:32.30erpsPerfDave, thanks.
08:32.38BoulateAnyone saw me ?
08:32.44tuxmasterperfDave is that a tm from somewhere
08:32.46b33rWhich is more robust: Free S/wan or buit in 2.6 kernel ipsec?
08:32.53Zibarwell, there is snd-intel8x0 ... but ive installed that, and still got no sound ...
08:32.57BoulateI dont know if i'm connecting
08:33.06PerfDaveJonasNZ: Are you running sarge?
08:33.09shingouzBoulate: nope, you are all alone in the universe ;)
08:33.09Zibarso ive downloaded the newest for my chipset (onboard sound)
08:33.16JonasNZPerfDave, yes rc3
08:33.20tuxmasterghatak the answer is not to my knowlage
08:33.22Boulateloooooooool, oki, thanks !!!
08:33.30PerfDaveJonasNZ: dpkg-reconfigure exim4-config and tell it not to "Dial on Demand"
08:33.40tuxmastercan someone make the bot tell me about ext2 =>ext3
08:33.48BoulateAnyone can help me for a dhcpd.conf ?
08:33.58PerfDavetuxmaster: /msg dpkg ext2->ext3
08:34.09streunertuxmaster: /msg dpkg ext2->ext3
08:34.15JonasNZPerfDave, is it because fo the networkless setup?
08:34.28erpsjm_, ok fine..  I won't find anything newer, then how do I get something newer onto this.
08:34.29PerfDaveJonasNZ: Yes, it's trying to do DNS lookups at boot time and they're timing out.
08:34.57PerfDaveerps: Ignore jm_ - you'll find more fully featured kernels on your CD. bf2.4 is a minimal kernel used for installation.
08:35.01JonasNZoh ok, well im getting an NIC for it tommorrow, so should i then leave the setting to not dial on demand or change it back
08:35.07PerfDaveJonasNZ: Up to you.
08:35.19BoulateNobody for help me to configure my dhcp-server ??? I have just a little probleme
08:35.33JonasNZPerfDave, whats the diff, any were i can read up on it
08:35.52tuxmasterBoulate what is the question
08:35.54tuxmastersay it in chat
08:35.54PerfDaveJonasNZ: dpkg-reconfigure exim4-config, it will tell you about the option. Or install the Exim documentation.
08:35.58tuxmasterso all can help
08:36.05JonasNZPerfDave, k
08:36.12PerfDave!tell Boulate about ask
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08:37.06BoulateOk, i want to configure my dhcpd.conf for giving a range of IP only for some mac adress ...
08:37.10jm_PerfDave: trust me, it doesn't support newer eepro100 cards, let alone e1000 ...
08:37.24erpsPerfDave, ok
08:37.42Boulatei know how to give a fixed-ip to a mac adress, but i don't know how to give a range ip for some mac adress
08:37.43jm_but it's OK, I'll let you handle it
08:38.00PerfDavejm_: *shrug* It's a good thing to try first.
08:38.16PerfDaveBoulate: How or why would you want to give a range of IPs to the same MAC address?
08:38.27tuxmasterboulate what dhcp server client you using
08:38.28jm_PerfDave: yes, he'll learn about apt-cdrom and apt-get, but that's it ;)
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08:39.01PerfDavejm_: *shrug* Well, if people will go buying hardware that's not compatiable with the version of the distro they're trying to install... :)
08:39.02BoulateI start a new work in an society (in france) and i have to configure a DHCP
08:39.13jm_PerfDave: heh
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08:39.15dpkgLes personnes qui parlent francais et qui ont besoin d'une aide a propos de Debian peuvent venir sur #debian-fr - People speaking french and in need of support for debian, please join #debian-fr
08:39.40Boulatemy dhcpclient is dhclient
08:39.56jethroBoulate: man dhcpd.conf see the hosts stanzas
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08:40.19directhex|workPerfDave, oh, he needs e100? woody is useless, part of why i've never wasted time myself with it
08:40.55dpkgit has been said that bo is Debian 1.3, released on June 2, 1997, for the i386 architecture..  Little Bo Peep...  as in, the one with the sheep.  Bolivia
08:41.00PerfDavedirecthex|work: There's a 2.4.27 on :)
08:41.04tuxmasterwoody is running on 2000 technology
08:41.36dpkghmm... woody is the current stable release of Debian, version 3.0, released July 19, 2002.  Ask me about "potato->woody" or "woody install guide".
08:41.37directhex|workPerfDave, yeah, but getting a .deb from onto the system in question is a pain. and not covered by debian-security
08:41.44Zibarso any idea why /$PathToSource/include/linux/version.h is missing ? ive installed kernel-source-2.6.8 via apt-get ...
08:41.55tuxmasteri stand corrected
08:41.59PerfDavedirecthex|work: No, but better to have one package not covered by the security team than an entire system.
08:42.11directhex|workwoody was released in mid 2002, but the kernel was frozen in january 2002, so has late 2001 hardware support
08:42.12smlZibar: you have done "locate version.h" or something to that effect ?
08:42.36Zibari dont have such a file on my system at all
08:42.38tuxmasternot much you can do with 2001 hardware nowdays
08:42.42PerfDaveZibar: This kernel source version matches the version of the kernel you're running, right?
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08:42.46PerfDavetuxmaster: Bullshit :)
08:42.55tuxmasterbesides runa a server
08:42.55directhex|worktuxmaster, you can make a handy firewall
08:43.00smltuxmaster: on this particular box i have it here : /usr/include/linux/version.h
08:43.01tuxmasteror a firewall
08:43.18Zibarwell ... source is kernel-source-2.6.8 and kernel is kernel-image-2.6.8-2-686-smp
08:43.22smltuxmaster: which is where you includes are NOT your kernel source.
08:43.45smlZibar: that kernel image is with SMP support you do know that right?
08:44.02tuxmastertrue perfdave
08:44.18smlZibar: try where I said , look there
08:44.24PerfDaveZibar: I *think* (though I might be wrong on this) that you need to copy your /boot/config-$(uname -r) file to the top directory of the kernel source, rename it as .config, and run make.
08:44.39smlZibar: have you installed kernel headers ?
08:44.43smlZibar: you will need those too
08:44.47tuxmastermainly becouse most hardware chips stay the same but they change just a little bit of it marketing my friends marketing
08:44.50smlZibar: ;)
08:44.51Zibarno i havent
08:44.52directhex|workZibar, kernel-source-2.6.8 contains a tarball. change to /usr/src, extract the tarball
08:44.58smlsince it's a *header* file you are looking for
08:45.07PerfDavedirecthex|work: We've been over extracting the tarball ;)
08:45.16directhex|workPerfDave, so why's he in /usr/include?
08:45.33PerfDavesml: He's not, sml is.
08:45.42PerfDavedirecthex|work: ^^
08:45.52smlPerfDave: /usr/include is where linux/version.h lives
08:45.54Zibari though kernel-source package was a complete source and kernel-headers only header files
08:45.56smlPerfDave: which is what he's looking for
08:45.57Zibarthought even
08:46.14directhex|worki give up. /me goes back to napping on his desk
08:46.27PerfDavesml: His ALSA driver thing is looking for it in /usr/src :/
08:46.34smlZibar: apt-get install kernel-headers-2.4.16-686-smp
08:46.44smloops... get the 2.6 ones
08:47.05*** join/#debian Bebabo (
08:47.06smlZibar: im on a woody box so i dont have 2.6 headers in my apt-sources ;)
08:47.25nksenwhich font-packages should I install?
08:47.39tarzeaunksen: ttf-junicode
08:47.48Zibarheh ok ...
08:47.57Bebabois there a way to restrict a source in sources.list to a single package ?
08:47.59Zibarwoody wouldnt support my sata drives so ....
08:48.04tarzeaunksen: ttf-f500 is cool too, and ttf-gentium
08:48.23nksentarzeau: well, asking because the fonts in my browser somehow look weird
08:48.29nksentarzeau: I'll install those, thx
08:48.30tarzeaunksen: which browser?
08:48.36tarzeaunksen: install a real browser: links2
08:48.39nksentarzeau: the new opera
08:48.44PerfDaveBebabo: How do you mean?
08:48.46tarzeaunksen: haha
08:48.57nksentarzeau: heh. never managed to compile framebuffer support in, so I'm missing the pictures on the sport sites ;)
08:49.09Zibaryep, problem solved :)
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08:50.01BebaboPerfDave: i'd like to get authfail which isn't yet in any of woody/sarge/sid but there is a .deb source for it, but that archieve has other .deb's as well i do not want
08:50.08tuxmasteryixuan your problem with your kde is kde is not configured properly what is the error again
08:50.29PerfDaveBebabo: What is this other source?
08:51.04tarzeaunksen: use the debian package it has fb and svgalib
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08:51.20PerfDaveBebabo: You can either grab the .deb by hand and "dpkg -i" it, or you can dick around with priorities and pinning in apt_preference
08:51.21Zibarhmmz, the instructions just says : Edit your /etc/modules.conf .... i take it i should know what to add/remove to this file ?
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08:51.59mickehi, i'm running woody, and after installing gd library by apt-get install gd, i got this error:
08:52.01mickePHP Fatal error: Unable to start session mm module in Unknown o
08:52.03smlZibar: that fixed it ?
08:52.19Zibaryes ... ive compiled the driver now
08:52.28smlZibar: good :) I'll go get a coffee now then
08:52.36Zibarhave a good one
08:52.40smlZibar: echo "name of kernel module" >> /etc/modules.conf
08:52.44smlZibar: oh it will be ;)
08:52.46PerfDavemicke: The package "gd" does not exist in woody.
08:52.47Bebabothx, i'll go for dpkg -i for now... actually evaluating that thingy, have to many sshd brute force attacks on all "my" servers in the net
08:52.50smlI'm a jedi on the coffee machine
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08:53.19mickeit installed, and i have in my apt-soruce only stable...
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08:53.51smlZibar: you really *should* use update-modules since that's the *proper* way of doing it though
08:53.55smlZibar: man update-modules
08:53.56_Scream78_can you help me?
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08:54.08Zibarok thx
08:54.24PerfDavemicke: You're either mistaken or lying. There is no package called "gd" in Woody, according to
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08:54.52PerfDave!tell _Scream78_ -about ask
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08:55.08abashutawhats the name of the email server package that comes with debian?
08:55.13WorkerIIHow do you fix errors, in the postinstall file?
08:55.13PerfDaveabashuta: exim
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08:55.17mickewhy should i be lying? i can gladly give you my apt-get sourcelist... i did apt-get install php4-gd2
08:55.19WorkerIIabashuta: sendmail.
08:55.30PerfDavemicke: Then you were lying, since you said you did "apt-get install gd".
08:55.33_Scream78_how can i remove a program without use apt?
08:55.41WorkerIIabashuta: You have to install it .. exim is default, I guess.
08:55.43PerfDave_Scream78_: What are you actually trying to do?
08:55.54smlWorkerII: sendmail lol
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08:56.10_Scream78_i've installed a program by tar.gz archive
08:56.19mickei did? i said gd
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08:56.19PerfDave_Scream78_: What program?
08:56.24_Scream78_kvirc 3.0.1
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08:56.31smlabashuta: you can use sendmail if you like it really is very good, however something tells me you'll be using exim before long even if you dont choose it as the default.
08:56.40mickeare there more packadge named gd?
08:56.55PerfDave_Scream78_: Go to the source tree and type "make uninstall", as a first attempt.
08:57.05smlabashuta: in a word, sendmail is one HUGE MTA and has a fairly high learning curve even if you use m4.
08:57.34_Scream78_Is that all?
08:57.47mickedo you know how to fix it then?
08:58.00PerfDave_Scream78_: If it's a well-behaved piece of software, that should be all you need to do.
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08:58.31PerfDave_Scream78_: It's not relevant to your removal problem, but for future reference when hand-compiling software, /msg dpkg usrlocal
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09:00.41_Scream78_ok thanks, now i try to remove kvirc
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09:02.53AralditI run the apt-get upgrade nearly every day, I noticed that acroread gets upgraded every day, its a rather large file, so I just wonder. Anyone know where I can find some info or release notes on the program. It worked fine 14 days ago, so why keep ugrading???
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09:03.13WorkerIIAraldit: You don't read / .?
09:03.22WorkerIIAraldit: /., even.
09:03.54AralditWorkerII: What are you talking about.....
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09:04.29WorkerIIAraldit: I know not if its related directly to your problem, but there was posted an article lately about acroread on /. I think.
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09:05.07AralditOk, thx.. I will search /. then..
09:05.17WorkerIIAraldit: Cool.
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09:06.55nksenlo. anyone has problems with the nvidia drivers and SHUTTING down the system? bootup works okay, but if I wanna shutdown the system crashes. any suggestions?
09:07.28nksenIlusiv: quick answer: use scp instead of ftp
09:07.49Ilusivnksen: i would, but i specifically need to use ftp
09:08.00WorkerIInksen: And slow answer?
09:08.07WorkerIInksen: :)
09:08.10WorkerIInksen: sftp?
09:08.19jethronksen: when you don't have an answer, you can avoid answering
09:08.42WorkerIIjethro: :)
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09:09.04WorkerIIjethro: You still get councel "from below" ? :-)
09:09.06nksenWorkerII: heh
09:09.10PerfDavenksen: Are you sure the problem is related to your nvidia drivers? Do you not have this problem if you're using nv?
09:09.15Ilusivso i take it no=one has any ideas
09:09.23WorkerIIIlusiv: How come?
09:09.34jethro!dict councel
09:09.36dpkgcould not find definition for councel
09:09.42WorkerIIoh sorry
09:09.54nksenPerfDave: nope. I do not have those problems if I run the system with nv. I installed the nvidia driver with the one-liner from dpkg. worked okay on one system (running enlightenment, dunno if this matters) on the other system it also worked, but does not run properly
09:10.03Ilusivbecause my box is running a ftp daemon and if i just scp it to the location it won't register with the zip scripts or site commands
09:10.07WorkerIISeems my spelling needs some help
09:10.13jethroWorkerII: I wasn't getting the point yesterday, looked at some dictionnaries, still didn't find councel :)
09:10.26PerfDavenksen: Which version of Debian are you running? It may be worth checking a BTS and filing a bug if nobody else has.
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09:11.11nksenPerfDave: hm. it's sarge, dunno the exact release. running kernel-image 2.4.27-2
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09:11.29PerfDavenksen: Have you checked the BTS for the nvidia-* packages?
09:11.33jethroWorkerII: and yes, my ass is wise :)
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09:11.48WorkerIIjethro: advisory council
09:11.52WorkerIIjethro: hehe :)
09:13.09nksenPerfDave: BTS?
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09:13.22WorkerIInksen: Read the topic, if possible.
09:13.29WorkerII!tell bts about nksen
09:13.32jethro!topicsmite nksen
09:13.32dpkgAnd the wrath of /TOPIC descended with terrible fury upon nksen.  And all the people marveled, saying, Behold, we too should read the /TOPIC, lest we be stricken.  And all the people read the /TOPIC, and went away edified.
09:13.41WorkerII!tell nksen about bts
09:13.48nksenWorkerII: hm. you're right. topic seems to have changed the last weeks ;)
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09:13.57jethroI don't think bts cares that much about nksen :)
09:13.59nksenand please do not spam me guys ;)
09:14.11WorkerII!shoot nksen
09:14.25Starfirepfft shotguns are so 90's
09:14.27Agrajag-hey all. for some reason, my XFree86 is constantly using about 3-6% cpu, and loads are higher than normal (always about 0.3 when machine is idle, top doesn't report anything but xfree86 using cpu). I can't figure out why this is, any ideas?
09:14.27Starfirewe use gats now
09:14.40Starfireas in, gattling. as in like, u better start runnin dude
09:14.44WorkerIIStarfire: dpkg is from the 90's, actually.
09:14.45jethro!any ideas
09:14.46dpkgYeah, I have an idea!  But I'll need a box full of ground beef, a little vegemite, and 42 three-legged dairy cows.  And keep the FBI off my back for the next few minutes!
09:14.53StarfireworkerII figures
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09:15.33WorkerIIStarfire: At least it was double-barreled, right?
09:15.36Agrajag-that's great jethro, how about an idea related to my problem?
09:15.46StarfireSPAS-12's where its at for the shotguns
09:15.57smlAgrajag-: Because XFree86 is a cpu and memory hog perhaps. Use a vt.
09:16.11nksenPerfDave: well... anyway. I'll have a look at the bts then
09:16.15nksenPerfDave: thx so long
09:16.19Agrajag-sml: it didn't used to do this. i can't figure out whyi t's doing it now
09:16.28WorkerIInksen: um
09:16.37Starfiredid you mess with it?
09:16.40WorkerIInksen: apt-get install something
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09:17.02WorkerIInksen: apt-get install querybts
09:17.04WorkerIIor something
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09:17.25priestwhat happens when the mysql-bin logs turns over *.999?
09:17.30WorkerIIRobinson won the election?
09:17.31smlAgrajag-: well I dunno, I dont use X.  but if top says it's using 3-6% then it is.
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09:18.17Agrajag-sml: im not doubting that top is giving me incorrect values...
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09:20.52ibshnahi can you tell me, what do i have to do to have the 3rd section of the manpages ?
09:20.57ecfxchecking for XML::Parser... configure: error: XML::Parser perl module is required for intltool
09:21.02ibshnawhatever i do, i get nothing on any functions
09:21.11smlibshna: not even "man 3 foo" ?
09:22.00ibshnasml: i have woody, just installed c/c++ from tasksel, maybe that would install it, but nothing
09:22.12smlsml: try "man 3 zlib"
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09:22.35ibshnasml: nothing
09:22.35knoppelsta diala
09:22.44smlhmmm section 3 of the manual is : 3   Library calls (functions within system libraries)
09:22.51smlso you would need to install those libraries..
09:23.14jm_ibshna: install manpages-dev
09:23.16ibshnasml: but im an active coder, i gotta have those libs
09:23.24ibshnajm_: i did, still nothing
09:23.36smlibshna: you have /usr/share/man/man3 ?
09:23.44jm_ibshna: ll /usr/share/man/man3
09:24.09ibshnano such file
09:24.22ibshnaor directory
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09:24.33smlibshna: *strange*
09:24.40ibshnasml: i know !
09:25.06jm_ibshna: well reinstall the package
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09:26.01ibshnai dont have a man-3 but i have a man3, and it seems to have lots of stuff
09:26.34jimls /usr/share/man
09:26.45jimwell actually
09:26.53jimls /usr/share/man | wc -l
09:26.54ibshnabut not many functions are there
09:26.58jimfor starterd
09:27.33jimman3 is where the -3 stuff goes
09:27.43ibshnai figured that
09:27.52jimoh, ok, I get it I think
09:28.03ibshnathere is some stuff here, mainly perl, but i dont want that
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09:28.16jimit's when you install lib*-dev packages you get stuff there
09:28.20jm_reinstall the package
09:28.48jm_manpages-dev doesn't have everything, just some man pages, you need to install the rest separately, like jim said
09:29.05ibshnaok, thanks
09:29.31jm_your description lead me to believe it doesn't show anything for section 3 ;)
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09:29.46jimwhat do you mean by "i don't want that"
09:29.58ibshnawell, it didnt show the ones you suggested, and what i searched
09:29.59jimyou should not delete files there
09:30.04ibshnaof course not
09:30.14ibshnaits just i didnt want to install those
09:30.28ozzloyok, so i have some questions about compiling.  when you go from C to an object file, this is called "compiling", what's it called when you go from assembly to object?
09:30.44ibshnai think
09:30.52jimreason: packages put files there, if you mess with that, you challenge the stability debian tries to give
09:31.08PerfDaveibshna: linking is from object to executable
09:31.10ibshnajim: i dont want do erase anything at all, nor uninstall
09:31.20ibshnayeah, sorry
09:31.29ozzloyibshna, what's it called to go from C to assembly?
09:31.31jimof course, rming a man page isn't going to make your system segfault everytime you move the mouse or something...
09:31.53jimbut the packaging system might find it weird to see something missing
09:31.57ibshnaozzloy: i dont know, i never did assembly, i thought you asked object to exec
09:32.07PerfDaveozzloy: I'd guess "translating". Actually, it's probably still "compiling", since AIUI assembly is a one-to-one mapping of machine code.
09:32.10ibshnasure jim
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09:32.25ozzloyibshna, yeah, i did, but i'm asking about other parts as well
09:32.36cafuegofirst the preprocessor runs to handle includes & macros
09:33.09smlPerfDave: depends what type of assembly it is it might not be AIUI.
09:34.02smlgas/nasm etc
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09:35.08ozzloythanx PerfDave ibshna and cafuego
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09:35.23cafuegodon't thank me, pay my bills!
09:35.30PerfDavesml: Fair enough. I'm no assembler expert, I started with C.
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09:35.57smlPerfDave: I was forced to do some assembler and BCD (binary coded decimal on macs) once
09:36.00jimlearning forth will make learning asm easier
09:36.08smlbcd was fun.
09:36.34*** part/#debian Bebabo (
09:36.34smlPerfDave: IMAO one need only learn C. all other languages are toys.
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09:36.59jimsml: sometimes compile time sucks :P
09:37.33jimsometimes you jsut want to write a program and have it run
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09:38.02ozzloycafuego, how much for the line "first the preprocessor runs to handle includes & macros"?
09:38.10directhex|worksml, SQL is a toy?
09:38.16cafuegoozzloy: $165/hour or part thereof.
09:38.17petemcor perl
09:38.31cafuegoozzloy: $165 (includes 10% GST)
09:38.39directhex|worksml, and i'd much rather hack things together in perl than in godawful c
09:38.44ozzloythat's a tad steep
09:38.52cafuegoSeems to work
09:39.13ozzloyi'm gonna hafta go ahead and steal and not pay for the help you've given me
09:39.20ozzloybecause i'm shady like that
09:39.31jimC is for writing these other languages tho, and kernels and system-level stuff like that
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09:40.28tarzeaucan i remove a pgp signature from a file using gpg?
09:40.41tarzeau(a text signature)
09:40.48PerfDavetarzeau: I doubt it.
09:40.58PerfDavetarzeau: Use $EDITOR :)
09:41.16ozzloyisn't a text signature just a bunch of text at the end of the message?
09:41.36ozzloythat you could delete?
09:41.47PerfDaveozzloy: Yeah, and a line at the top.
09:41.49mickehi, i have tried to fix the problem that occured when i did an apt-get install php4-gd2, i have used google a bit, and this seems as an cooomn problem in debian, does someone know how to solve it?
09:41.49mickePHP Fatal error: Unable to start session mm module in Unknown on line 0
09:41.56ozzloyusing any text... wait that's what PerfDave was saying
09:42.05gothtecWhich package contains "top"?
09:42.11PerfDavegothtec: /msg dpkg search
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09:46.05smldirecthex|work: SQL isn't a programming language.
09:46.33b33ris ipsec an availible kernel module or do i need free s/wan?
09:46.36directhex|worksml, i see you've not done much with SQL, then
09:47.00smldirecthex|work: I've used it for querying databases. What have you done with it? Written an OS? If that's the case I'd point you towards C.
09:47.04PerfDaveb33r: Depends what kernel version you're running, AIUI.
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09:47.33zmshello folks
09:47.37smltarzeau: if it's plain-signed just use sed to remove the signature.
09:47.42PerfDaveIIRC SQL is Turing-complete, but I could be mistaken about that.
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09:48.20directhex|workPerfDave, i believe it is. but it's not C. go query your databses in C. then write some shell scripts in C.
09:48.38directhex|workbuffer overflows wouldn't be the problem they are today if it wasn't for all the people using sodding C
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09:49.30saverio-i have a problem with maildir, i would like to setup a maildir subfolder to be a link on a different directory that is going to be backupped, but if i create a new maildir subfolder called .Backup than its subfolders won't be inside the linked directory because they will be .Backup.Subfolder1 and  .Backup.Subfolder2 and not .Backup/.Subfolder1 as i wuold like, can anybody help me?
09:50.16smlPerfDave: erm so is sendmail touring complete. someone solved the towers of hanoi problem in a does that make it good for writing software though?
09:50.46liablewhere are the bash logs when you just log into console
09:51.14smldirecthex|work: erm i do agree with the way C program put code on teh stack however.
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09:51.39smldirecthex|work: however if people just useed boundary checking and safe versions of function calls then we'd be better off too.
09:52.08directhex|worksml, that depends whether it produced readable, logical, secure code. personally, having written my degree thesis in C, i'm planning on avoiding it like the plagie for the next forever or so
09:52.12smldirecthex|work: we've had these problems ever since day one it's shocking that not a day goes by when someone doesn't execute code on the stack through a non-checked buffer.
09:54.08petemcliable: logs of what?
09:54.09smldirecthex|work: i've never had the return value changed on any function i've ever written and pointed back to overflown memory. There are tools to check your code for you if you're a muppet-coder so there really is no excuse.
09:54.12WorkerIIliable: Me?
09:54.18zeebleWorkerII: heh
09:54.31liablepetemc: bash commands, WorkerII heh bah :)
09:54.50petemcliable: ~/.bash_history - gets written when you logout
09:55.27liablepetemc: hmm, when I use a term it does, but console doesnt
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09:55.50petemcliable: look at the invocation section of the bash manpage
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09:56.07liablepetemc: ok cheers
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09:57.17smlis there a linux version of itunes ?
09:57.36PerfDavesml: Who said anything about it being a good language for every task? No language is a good language for every task. That doesn't mean that SQL isn't a programming language.
09:57.40PerfDavesml: I bloody hope not :)
09:57.54petemcPerfDave: why not?
09:57.55smlhow do i fill up my iPod then ?
09:58.01smlwell "the iPod that i have yet to buy"
09:58.07petemcsml: dont buy an ipod
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09:58.16smlpetemc: but i want one boohoo :'(
09:58.24smlpetemc: why do you hate yours ?
09:58.24petemcsml: get an iriver or something
09:58.31petemcits shite from hell
09:58.32PerfDavesml: Same as any other music player. Download MP3s or rip them off CDs. Or get a proper music player that supports real formats and doesn't support DRM.
09:58.36idnaror a Neuros
09:58.52smlis the iRiver technically superior ?
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09:59.01petemcwrt formats, yes
09:59.40smlTo be honest I usually listen to music on mp3 in the car, however since the weather is getting nicer and nicer by the day I'm going to be cycling in and it's a *long* way. SO I was thinking of getting an iPod or a shuffle
09:59.46smlare those sony "shuffles" out yet ?
09:59.53GneaI'm working on this machine that's got an ATI Radeon 9500 dual head video card but we only need to use the first head.  It's not running X, we just want to run something like fbtv on it as a framebuffer television on a bttv card. Both radeonfb and vesafb fail to hook the device up, has anyone here ever gone this route and if so, have any tips?
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10:00.37smlpetemc: What software do you use for linux for your iPod ?
10:00.54petemcsml: none, my main work machine is a powerbook
10:01.05Starfirei used gtkpod
10:01.13smlStarfire: Is it good?
10:01.18Starfireyea works pretty well
10:01.19Gneathis is in sid
10:01.27PerfDavesml: I don't see why you'd want an Apple player for cycling with.
10:01.29Starfirevery easy GUI
10:01.33smlStarfire: Don't you have to use a firewire card for that ?
10:01.38smlPerfDave: the capacity
10:01.44Starfireget a USB/iEEE cable
10:01.45smlPerfDave: 60GB
10:01.59Starfirethey make usb cables for them now
10:02.11smlThat's why I want the player, however I can see your point why not use a portable CD player.
10:02.21smlin fact I might just get an MD player.
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10:02.27PerfDavesml: You can't get that capacity from non-Apple players?
10:02.38smlPerfDave: Haven't seen any non-iPod players with 60GB
10:02.39Starfireget an ipod hands down
10:02.42Starfireheres why
10:02.46Starfireif you dont fill it all for songs
10:02.48smlPerfDave: lmao. Well its only 10km.
10:02.51Starfirejust read part of it as a disk
10:02.56Starfireand u can use it like a hard drive
10:02.58PerfDavesml: Wow, you must cycle *really* slowly ;)
10:03.04Starfirei use a folder on my ipod for a hard drive
10:03.06Starfireworks great ^_^
10:03.10PerfDaveStarfire: What, like every other music player?
10:03.11petemcStarfire: theres nothing unique about that
10:03.16directhex|workcreative had a 60gb player on the market about a year before apple
10:03.20smlPerfDave: ok ok ok I get your point! but i Really really really want one and I dont know why and I cant justify it! There! you happy! :-)
10:03.21idnarsml: you can get the Neuros with a 60GB player afaik
10:03.28Starfiregimme a break
10:03.31idnarer, not player :P
10:03.40Starfirei live in a small works, confined to this house. i dont know everything ._.
10:03.41petemcipods crash
10:03.42directhex|workPerfDave, sml's drunk the kool-aid
10:03.51smlPerfDave: I can do it in 20-30 minutes that journey depending on wind/rain.
10:03.55directhex|workall apple kit crashes, just as i try to use it
10:03.59petemcand every fucker has one, you'll be embarassed to take it in public
10:04.04idnarsml: ah yes, they go up to 80GB
10:04.06PerfDavesml: Not really. I don't recomend people support Apple's DRM and lock-in attempts.
10:04.11Starfireipods do not crash what the fuck
10:04.20smldirecthex|work: I quite like the apple laptop too (is it the G4?) I've never owned any apple kit but , never say never!
10:04.28smlPerfDave: DRM ?
10:04.30mickeany suggestions anyone? or ami the only one with the describe prob?
10:04.31directhex|workpetemc, you'd think that, but nobody has an ipod in their pocket, they hold t in their hands and wave it about as they walk down the street. i call it "podwalking"
10:04.33PerfDavesml: Be aware that Apple has locked out third-party software in the past, so there's no guarantee that your Linux iPod software will contine to work.
10:04.42Starfireim not a mac fan, i dont use their OS's but i like my ipod thanks very much -_-
10:04.43kneetRunning a creative here (both music and disk) - no problems whatsoever - and was a lot cheaper than the equiv ipod
10:04.46petemcdirecthex|work: ive seen them wear them as medallions :(
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10:04.47smlPerfDave: OK well that's worth bearing in mind.
10:05.03PerfDavesml: Digital Restrictions Management - basically encryption which removes your legal rights of fair use, and destroys interoperability.
10:05.04smlPerfDave: Did they "invent" ACC or whatever it's called ?
10:05.13Starfireits an apple codec
10:05.13petemcevery ipod firmware update cripples some functionality
10:05.17directhex|workpetemc, i need to get some t-shirts made with a big arrow pointing armwards saying "look at my ipod, i am cool"
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10:05.42directhex|worksml, aac is licensed from dolby. m4p (protected aac) is their own layers of encryption on aac
10:05.50PerfDavesml: AAC is the same as MP4, it's a patent-encumbered format. Apple have "FairPlay" DRM wrapped around it.
10:06.01directhex|workaac is not an apple codec, but only the ipod bothers to support it
10:06.04smldirecthex|work: Is there anyway to remove the encryption without putting it through analogue ?
10:06.11StarfireMP4 is video, m4p is a protected ACC perfdave
10:06.13directhex|worksml, not legally
10:06.24PerfDavesml: You can remove the encryption, but you're still funding it.
10:06.27gothtecWhat's the least processor intensive program that can return a value in percent for the current load on the cpu?
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10:06.54jm_gothtec: cat /proc/loadavg
10:06.59PerfDavesml: Do a search on for "ipod" and see how many horror stories about people being locked out of their music collections, unilateral change of TOS and locking out third-party software show up.
10:07.02smlyou know...... if they come up with portable dvd players that play mp3's then that'll be adequate for me.
10:07.09smllike I have in my car. but a portable one.
10:07.12petemcsml: get a psp
10:07.20PerfDavesml: You can get portable CD players which play mp3s off data CDs.
10:07.33smlPerfDave: Yeah I know my bro has one, but do they have DVD ones yet ?
10:07.39PerfDavesml: No idea.
10:07.44Starfireperfdeave, i use an ipod. my moron brother uses an ipod. my dad who cant even work WINDOWS, has an ipod... and they all work just fine.... i dont see whats to complane about
10:07.45smlPerfDave: Because then we're talking 4.7GB on the cheap!
10:08.05smlStarfire: Apple trying to be microsoft I think is the problem.
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10:08.17Starfiresml, apple has always been a monopoly
10:08.23PerfDaveStarfire: Then you're a moron :)
10:08.37smlStarfire: Creating non-open standards subject to change at short notice and break things plus control over the spreading of music, which they really should be for not against, if im getting this argument correct.
10:09.06Starfiresml lets bag on GE, and Nextel, and even Albertsons, cause you know, everyones running the corperate rat race... so theyre fare game
10:09.22PerfDave is a good read on why you shouldn't buy into AAC or WMA
10:09.23Starfirei just dont get it. its a music player. pick the one you like, and use it.
10:09.40Starfireperfdave = parrinoid
10:09.49PerfDaveStarfire: But if the way the player works changes constantly, out of your control, then how do you know it's the one you like?
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10:10.02mickei belive not. This is a very friendly chanel = not
10:10.10Starfireperfdave.... i belive this is called OVER-ANNALYZING!
10:10.13PerfDaveStarfire: I'm not paranoid. I'm a sensible consumer. I look at what I'm going to buy, see what the implications of that purchase are, and make my decision.
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10:10.31Starfireperfdave, you buy a playstation 2.... 5 god damned years later, it STILL PLAYS GAMES!
10:10.34saverio-i have a problem with maildir, i would like to setup a maildir subfolder to be a link on a different directory that is going to be backupped, but if i create a new maildir subfolder called .Backup than its subfolders won't be inside the linked directory because they will be .Backup.Subfolder1 and  .Backup.Subfolder2 and not .Backup/.Subfolder1 as i wuold like, can anybody help me?
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10:10.41smlmicke: It is friendly! You just need to accept that people here have very strong feelings on certain topics and that's a *good* thing not a bad one!
10:10.56Nodahello has anyone here had any exp with putting debian on a mac 64k ?
10:10.58directhex|workPerfDave, i heard some online music stores are changing their back-end provider. i think under the TOC, that means all their old tracks which aren;t licensed by the new back-end will be locked down & unplpayable
10:11.02PerfDaveStarfire: Yes, but Playstations won't stop you playing new playstation games unless you update the firmware which breaks your old games :)
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10:11.24mickesml: please explain them to me then. Private or in the main, do as u like.
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10:11.44Silveirahow to apply patch on samba?
10:11.47directhex|worke.g. if $foo_record_label is on od2 but not musicnet, all $foo_record_label .wma files become digital paperweight
10:11.54Guerinmicke: explain #debian's pet topics? Impossible!
10:11.55smlmicke: What would you like explaining? In what way do you find this channel unfriendly?
10:12.00Silveirathe files are patch......diffs.gz
10:12.07Starfireperfdave ive written custom firmware for my ps2 that allows me to play ISO image burnt cd-r's... and my old games work fine. tell me why sony would release an update of firmware, so that their old games that were still selling, would become deffective... its an income massicre!!
10:12.09smlGuerin: hey just a quick question is your first name Justin?
10:12.09Jim__is there anyone french here ?
10:12.10streunerSilveria: apt-get source samba - /msg dpkg patch
10:12.13PerfDaveStarfire: No, it's not over-analysing. By buying an iPod, I would be supporting things I ethically dislike, I'd be tying myself in to a device whose behaviour can change at any time, and I'd be running the risk of having my iPod rendered unusable when they block the third-party Linux software.
10:12.26PerfDaveStarfire: Sony wouldn't. Apple would, and have done.
10:12.28Guerinthis channel is friendly... it's just picky about who its friends are
10:12.31streunerJim__: #debian-fr
10:12.37Guerinsml: this is not the first time I've been asked; but no
10:12.40Jim__ok thanks streuner
10:12.55Nodacan any1 here help me put debian on my mac 64k ?
10:12.58PerfDaveStarfire: Really, I suggest you read up on Apple's anti-competitive tactics concerning the iPod.
10:12.59smlGuerin: hehe ok. It's just I saw someone called "Justin Guerin" on the debian-user mailing list and just wondered if it was you!
10:13.02Starfireperfdave...i used to be an asshole, im not anymore. would you refuse to talk to me now, because i could turn into an utter asshole again? come on, this is messed up
10:13.04PerfDaveNoda: #debianppc may be a better bet.
10:13.13Nodaok thanks
10:13.24GuerinStarfire: but apple are STILL assholes
10:13.27PerfDaveStarfire: No, because if you start being an asshole again, I don't lose any benefit from conversations we've already had.
10:13.38Starfireapple believes in running their business that way
10:13.42Starfireand it works for them. good for them!
10:13.47GuerinStarfire: so fuck 'em.
10:13.56mickesml: do not take it that serious, i'm only getting frustrated, since this s*it machine with debian/woody don't work... and got accused of lying instead... that i don't like
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10:14.21Guerinmicke: please swear instead of obfuscating
10:14.23PerfDaveStarfire: Yes, and people buy their products without realising what they're actualy buying. So I'm happy to give people the full skinny on Apple so they can make informed decisions.
10:14.24smlmicke: lol. ok tell me what it's doing either here or in private and i'll see if I can help you.
10:14.24directhex|workconsumers, however, are idiots. things are already starting to bite them in the ass, thanks to the joys of DRM (and pro-DRM companies like apple)
10:14.27Starfirei hate import cars. my parents have nissans. i have a ford myself. i refuse to drive their imports. be the way u wanna be is what im saying. buy what you want. its your money. i just dont see how arguing is gonna solve it..
10:14.59PerfDaveStarfire: I'm not arguing. I'm advocating a point of view, and I'm giving information which isn't widely known.
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10:15.20Starfireperfdave, then give good information aswell. dont just bombard and verbally rape apple. thats not giving the fully skinny (oxymoron) thats belitteling the company and imposing your will on others -_-
10:15.21Silveirastreuner do i have to patch one by one? cause my version is 3.0.10 and the latest is 3.0.14a
10:15.38PerfDaveStarfire: In what way am I not giving good information? What have I said that is false?
10:15.40streunerSilveria: /msg dpkg sdn
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10:16.12Starfireyour mis-understood me perfdave. i said give the pro's AND con's, not just con's....
10:16.27directhex|workthe pros? having an ipod makes you cool
10:16.33Starfirepeople are more apt to listen to you if your fair and ballenced.
10:16.44Starfireand dont stick up for other people thats like, way 2nd grade dude lol
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10:17.15PerfDaveStarfire: Apple's marketing department are quite capable of giving arguments in favour of buying an iPod themselves without my support.
10:17.34Starfireperfdave: missed my point again -_-
10:17.42liablepetemc: well, all that did was make my head hurt :) I executed some commands last night, and cannot for the life of me find them in the logs
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10:18.05directhex|workwhat? that's the main selling factor for the ipod, it's "cool". as a player, it has average audio quality, above average interface, below average codec support, average build quality. taking it more circumspect, though, apple can, will, and have enforced firmware updates to lock out content they don';t want people playing anymore
10:18.18PerfDaveStarfire: To be honest, I don't see any advantage to buying an iPod, so it's hard for me to advocate doing so.
10:18.19GuerinStarfire: as far as I can figure, your only point is "Hey, apple are nice guys who make shiny stuff for me to buy. Don't diss!"
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10:19.01Starfireit has nothing to do with apple's oppinion. ofcourse they want you to buy it. they put months of R&D into it. MY point is, if you feel strongly, and you wish to inform people, as you say; then tell people whats good about an ipod, its features, and what it does thats worthwhile, and then what you happen to belive. people will listen and wont end up pushing back like i am, if your more levelheaded
10:19.05mostydirecthex: what's available with better audio quality?
10:19.09Starfireguerin that was totally uncalled for...
10:19.18GuerinStarfire: no, it was completely called for.
10:19.30Starfireipods are not shiny
10:19.37Starfireand i dont buy them
10:19.39Starfiretry again
10:19.41GuerinStarfire: you haven't made another point thus far, other than the null "Everyone's allowed their opinion".
10:19.43directhex|workmosty, creative or rio players.
10:19.45PerfDaveStarfire: I'm being perfectly level-headed. I don't see anything good about an iPod. You're "pushing back" because you don't want to admit that you have no good reason for liking Apple :)
10:20.02Starfirei dont like apple
10:20.08mostydirecthex: are those iriver players any good?
10:20.20directhex|workmosty, the apple player can be counted as having above average audio quality if & only if you never plan on listening to an album of some kind on it, only use shuffle
10:20.23Guerinmy mum's about to buy a rio karma
10:20.25PerfDaveStarfire: Then stop whining about people pointing out the technical and ethical flaws in their products :)
10:21.09Silveirais there a difference between *.diff and *.diffs?
10:21.24PerfDaveStarfire: Remember, it's "down the hall" not "across the street".
10:22.00GuerinPerfDave: that was cold.
10:22.06Guerinand not in a good way
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10:22.24PerfDaveGuerin: *shrug*
10:22.34PerfDaveGuerin: One less Apple fangirl in the world ;)
10:23.04SuperSoxto be honest (I haven't scrolled back) anyone who announces that they are going to comit suicide should be given all the help they require to sucessfully complete it
10:23.27Guerinspoken like someone who's never had a friend commit suicide
10:23.40SuperSoxI have, thats exactly why I said it.
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10:23.52directhex|workGuerin, i have a rio karma. it plays flac and vorbis.
10:23.53SuperSoxGuerin: I know someone who tried it proeprly, and I've known people who have done it for attention
10:24.12SuperSoxThose that do it for attention stop people who really have issues from getting the help they need
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10:24.29GuerinSuperSox: i'm not going to get into this argument.
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10:24.43SuperSoxGuerin: its not an argument, its only my point of view ;)
10:24.52Guerindirecthex|work: yeah, I know. Is there a firmware fix which allows it to read filenames instead of tags?
10:24.58SuperSoxGuerin: no one said it was correct, but I wont push further, I respect your reasoning.
10:25.03GuerinSuperSox: it would be an argument if I joined in.
10:25.06rixthWhat (in #debain's opinion) is the best harddisk based mp3 player? In terms on Linux compatibility
10:25.10AralditI want to install phonegaim, but it is only availible for unstable... Is it possible to port it to debian testing ?
10:25.19directhex|workGuerin, filenames aren't part of the file system
10:25.24directhex|workAraldit, it might justwork(tm)
10:25.25GuerinAraldit: /msg dpkg simple sid backport
10:25.26streunerrixth: there is an easy way
10:25.27liablebash commands from virtual console, wheres the logs, in x open a term there logged, console not, how can I get t to log
10:25.32SuperSoxGuerin: *zzzzip* /me 's mouth sealed.
10:25.37streunerrixth: ;-)
10:25.40Guerindirecthex|work: oh, ok. It organises everything by tags?
10:25.50directhex|workrixth, any MSC-compatible player gives the best linux compatability
10:26.05Guerindirecthex|work: so if a file has bad or no tags, it won't find it, or will misorganise it?
10:26.06rixthstreuner, now now. I'd get an iPod but they battery life is crap!
10:26.12rixthdirecthex|work, MSC?
10:26.14directhex|workGuerin, the file system is basically a big sql database, with the actual music as a BLOB. dirty way of looking at it, but fairly good as an analogy
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10:26.31SuperSoxthe whole battery life thing on the ipod is blown out of proportion, and rather untrue
10:26.38directhex|workrixth, mass storage controller, it defines driverless fat32 removable storage
10:26.41SuperSoxI've got an ipod and I've no problems with its battery life.
10:26.42Starfirei agree supersox
10:26.49directhex|worki never said anything about battery life
10:26.52Guerindirecthex|work: eew
10:26.58SuperSoxdirecthex|work: no, but rixth did
10:26.59rixthdirecthex|work, you mean the type that just shows up as a harddisk?
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10:27.18directhex|workrixth, yes. if you can just drop files on with cp, it's pretty linux-happy
10:27.34Starfirethats what ive been trying to say -_-
10:27.39directhex|workrixth, in terms of more ethical choice, the neuros player has open-source firmware and hardware schematics
10:27.50Guerinheh, is the ESS maestro 3 considered to be a decent soundcard?
10:27.56SuperSoxI've heard the ipod works quite well in linux, but I haven't tried it yet
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10:28.18SuperSoxGuerin: I've got one, it works quite well.... o_O
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10:28.33PerfDaveSuperSox: Try reading the pscrollback for the last half hour or so ;)
10:28.36Starfiresupersox i use my ipod mainly on here (my linux box laptop) and it works just fine. i use gtkpod for a proggie
10:28.38GuerinStarfire: i stole one outta a box from work, and all I can say is that it's better than the onboard...
10:29.02Starfireguerin, granted yours isnt 11 years old
10:29.09rixthdirecthex|work, I'm also looking for reliability, I will be buying from the USA and bringing it back to NZ so I want no problems!
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10:29.12Guerin(my other option was a yamaha opl3-based isa evilness
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10:29.14SuperSoxPerfDave: nah, I'm just having a coffee then I'm off to my flat to get some windows work done
10:29.21GuerinStarfire: nope, it's PCI
10:29.26SuperSoxGuerin: I've got one on my laptop it seems to work ok :)
10:29.32Starfireguerin wasnt expecting that -_-
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10:29.49GuerinSuperSox: I have an opl3 card in my laptop, and it's great ... IF you can get it working
10:29.58Guerinwhich I can now, though it took me 7 days the first time
10:29.58SuperSoxthe only thing thats not working on my laptop at the moment is the GPRS card
10:30.06Starfireive got a sound blaster 2 audigy for my windows box so i dont know how it works for desktops
10:30.31SuperSoxI hardly use the sound card on my laptop - the speakers are shot
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10:30.44Starfiremy right speaker is shot too supersox :(
10:30.56SuperSoxStarfire: both of mine are :(
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10:31.04Starfiresupersox, guess im not far behind
10:31.13directhex|workrixth, currently the player i'd get if my karma died tomorrow is the cowon iaudio m3, which is sexy & plays vorbis & is MSCish
10:31.14Guerinok, dinnah
10:31.27SuperSoxStarfire: well, I'm on a rather old Dell Latitude, I didn't buy it for it's multimedia capabilities
10:31.29streunerat this time? :-)
10:31.36e2ehi, is there anybody from Germany, i have a question (it's off topic i know :()
10:31.36Starfiresupersox your kidding me
10:31.41SuperSoxStarfire: no, why?
10:31.46Guerinstreuner: 19:30 is a perfectly reasonable hour for dinnah :)
10:31.48Starfiresupersox: im on a latitude C600!
10:31.54streunere2e: we don't like OT questins, so bye
10:31.57SuperSoxStarfire: thats exactly what I'm using..
10:32.04Starfiresupersox ROFl
10:32.08PerfDaveSuperSox: Quick synopsis: <PerfDave> iPods work in Linux currently, but Apple have a history of locking out third-party applications. And changing their TOS. They're unscrupulous, DRM-supporting bastards, see for details <Starfire> Wah j00 suxx
10:32.26SuperSoxPerfDave: ah :)
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10:32.45streunerGuerin: hm, 7hrs. difference, thanks.
10:32.53SuperSoxPerfDave: I couldn't care less, my parents bought me my iPod for my 21st, its shiney and it plays music, I don't really ask any more of it
10:32.59Starfirei do not suck..... ive had absolutely no sexual encounters in my almost-17 years of existance so i resent that comment...
10:33.18GuerinSuperSox: typical apple geek, then?
10:33.20rixthdirecthex|work, MSC-ish? heh
10:33.21SuperSoxmine worked first time, although I need to toy with it a bit more, tapping the pad gives a double click where I only want a single
10:33.24PerfDaveStarfire: Who said anything about you sucking?
10:33.25mostyyou should get out more
10:33.29SuperSoxGuerin: its the only apple bit of hardware that I own
10:33.30ruskoStarfire: it'd suck to be you
10:33.41PerfDaveStarfire: I suggest you read what I said again, more carefully.
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10:33.51PerfDaveMmm, Starfire being 17 explains everything ;)
10:33.58Guerinall these people with names starting with S are doing me in
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10:34.07GuerinStarfire: typical apple geek, then?
10:34.12Starfirei know a heck of a lot more about computers than you did at 17 you hippie flower child -_-
10:34.20StarfireIM NOT AN APPLE GEEK!!!
10:34.25Guerinthey didn't have computers when I was 17
10:34.32SuperSoxThere is nothing wrong with being an apple geek
10:34.34Guerinoh wait, yeah they did... and I had one
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10:34.55e2estreuner: I've bought a web server in germany, and installed debian woody on it, but now there is a problem with ISP related, so i need help about this case
10:34.56Starfirelets get this straight ok
10:35.00PerfDaveHmm, someone with the nick "Starfire" calling me a hippie flower child. I may choke to death on irony :)
10:35.08mostye2e, contact the isp?
10:35.08Starfirethe only apple product i have, is a gosh darned ipod
10:35.22GuerinStarfire: no iBrator?
10:35.25SuperSoxStarfire: 4th Gen?
10:35.25Starfireyou dont watch teen titans do you. i fail to see your point
10:35.34Starfire2nd gen
10:35.39SuperSoxmines 4th ;D
10:35.45Starfire4th is gay
10:35.47SuperSoxbut I only got it in Feb
10:35.59Starfiremy dads U2 ipod is 4th gen
10:36.08Starfirestupid scroll push button wheel thing.... messed up
10:36.09xelamStarfire: does it fit up your bum?
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10:36.21SuperSoxStarfire: I like that scroll wheel
10:36.26liableif syslog isnt running, no bash commands get logged I spose? does syslog look after bash logs too
10:36.27Guerin'Oldskool crapple drm-based glamware is way leeter than newskool!!!1'
10:37.02xelamuse the word gay properly then
10:37.24PerfDaveThere's nothing wrong with anal stimulation, kids, regardless of your sexuality.
10:37.26Starfirei sense a homosexual has become enraged by my misuse of his sexuality -_-
10:37.37SuperSoxgay can mean happy :)
10:37.39xelamdamn right
10:37.42PerfDaveEven straight people can enjoy having iPods rectally inserted.
10:37.46Starfireit did... back when perfdave was 17
10:37.48streunere2e: use google to find forums where they discuss experiences...
10:37.48xelamPerfDave: good good
10:38.02SuperSoxgay still means happy in my little world ;'(
10:38.02Guerinwell, if I had an ipod up my bum, how could I not be happy?
10:38.06PerfDaveStarfire: It still does, according to the OED :)
10:38.08Guerinbest place for it, right?
10:38.15PerfDaveActually, I think it may be the best use for an iPod, because I'd get to shit on it :)
10:38.17directhex|workGuerin, it has no vibrate functions though
10:38.26Starfireoxford blows.'s where its at dave. get out of the 50's
10:38.29Guerindirecthex|work: bah, easy firmware hack
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10:38.52PerfDaveStarfire: Hah, I work opposite the Oxford University Press :)
10:39.07Starfiregood, heres some C4. bomb it for me
10:39.11Starfirei'll pay ya ^_^
10:39.22Starfirepaweeeeez :)
10:39.28PerfDaveStarfire: Well, they did turn me down for a job, so I'm kinda tempted...
10:39.40PerfDaveStarfire: But it's a very pretty building, it would be a shame to reduce it to rubble.
10:39.40Starfireive got a few more blocks here if u want em
10:39.46Starfireoh it wont do that
10:39.52Starfireyou wont even know it was there
10:39.53Starfiretrust me ^_^
10:40.05dpkgDamnit Jim! It's YOU. Y-O-U. Not *U*. U is a letter. YOU is a word. See ne1, or wud.  Dutch for 'you' (formal singular). See
10:40.43*** join/#debian bhl (
10:40.44SuperSoxthe only time I use the letter u instead of 'you' is if I've cut my fingers and it physically hurts to type
10:40.48ecfx!start a distro war
10:40.48dpkgMandrake is lame!
10:40.59SuperSoxthats a given
10:41.01PerfDave!start a nuclear war
10:41.01dpkgSHALL WE PLAY A GAME?
10:41.03tarzeausml: thakns, but gpg the.signed.file removes it :)
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10:41.04Starfireill even get you ear plugs so you dont have to hear the pain-filled distant screams of the past workers inthe building as they vanish
10:41.37Starfire!start a bonfire
10:42.02SuperSoxI don't see what you could possibly have against the the Oxford dictionary
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10:42.12SuperSoxI also note that you missed the wargames ref
10:42.20directhex|work!start a food fight
10:42.21dpkgturkey is crappy
10:42.30SuperSoxWargames isn't a book
10:42.47PerfDaveThey have the OED online now.
10:42.59Starfiresomething for me to hack ^_^
10:43.21SuperSoxhack? try a gibson!
10:43.26directhex|workhax teh gibson!
10:43.30Guerineveryone knows applettes can't hack
10:43.34Starfireguitars... how do u hack guitars wtf
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10:43.42directhex|workGuerin, but don't forget, risc is good.
10:43.44GuerinStarfire: showing your age...
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10:43.53Starfireguerin go back to the 50's pls ^_^
10:43.54Guerindirecthex|work: hah
10:43.55SuperSoxdude, risc is good, I just bought a U60
10:44.17GuerinPerfDave: own up, you're kidding about the dvds...
10:44.22Guerin... heh. kidding...
10:44.22SuperSoxdamn Cisc, damn it to hell!
10:44.37PerfDaveGuerin: Shit, she saw straight through me.
10:44.41SuperSoxStarfire: 17 is over the legal age of consent.
10:44.45directhex|workwhat's paedophilic about tying down 17 year olds? AOC's 16 in this country
10:44.45SuperSoxat least in the UK
10:44.46GuerinPerfDave: that never happens!
10:44.46Starfiresick people
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10:45.07PerfDaveGuerin: Anyway, I *do* have a number of classic geek movies on DVD.
10:45.09Guerinis at least moderately healthy
10:45.16GuerinPerfDave: oh, I know...
10:45.22directhex|workof course, by international law, you are bound by the AOC of your home country or visiting country, whichever is higher, to prevent sex tourism
10:45.24Starfireits 14 in idaho and 21 in california. wtf is 16, and average of all the states?
10:45.35SuperSoxI've got Wargames on DVD heh :)
10:45.41SuperSoxStarfire: UK isn't a state
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10:45.47PerfDaveSuperSox: ...yet
10:45.52Guerinthat dows pwn
10:45.59SuperSoxPerfDave: in the great words of some rapper "Word."
10:46.09SuperSoxdirecthex|work: me too
10:46.12yoccan i convert .avi files into .rm or .mp4 ?
10:46.17yocwith what tools?
10:46.19Guerinhackers was shit, sorry.
10:46.26SuperSoxGuerin: good comedy though.
10:46.32directhex|workyoc, the former for money, the latter doesn't mean anything
10:46.33GuerinSuperSox: not even good comedy.
10:46.44PerfDaveo/~ You can say what you want, it won't change anything because the corridors of power are an ocean away o/~ - New Model Army, "51st State"
10:46.44directhex|workGuerin, try it when drunk
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10:46.51Guerindirecthex|work: i *DID*
10:46.56Guerinin TOKYO
10:46.58yocdirecthex|work, i want to boradcasting movies
10:46.59directhex|workGuerin, MORE drunk! MORE!
10:47.06Guerinwhile hung over
10:47.07yocwhat format should i convert .avi to?
10:47.11Guerinand jetlagged as a bastard
10:47.15yocwhat format should i convert .avi to? directhex|work
10:47.15StarfireWMV yoc
10:47.16Guerinand it was STILL shit
10:47.16directhex|workyoc, so buy a license to the realnetworks helix system
10:47.18PerfDaveyoc: Broadcast how? Look at vls
10:47.22Starfireyoc: or mpg
10:47.37Starfireyoc: mpg is pretty much well-known and universal
10:47.38yocStarfire, how to convert .avi to .mpg?
10:47.47yocdirecthex|work, i'm running qtss
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10:47.56directhex|workyoc, use transcode. or mencoder. or avidemux, which is user-friendly
10:47.59Guerinyoc: for a start, file extensions mean exactly 0
10:48.02*** mode/#debian [+l 815] by debhelper
10:48.06yocStarfire, are there some debian packages to convert?
10:48.08directhex|workyoc, so use quicktime pro to convert to quicktime files?
10:48.24Starfireyoc: apt-cache search .avi .mpg
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10:49.00PerfDaveSuperSox: Nah, Hitler created RealPlayer, in secret laboratories underneath Berlin, as a plague to destroy the West.
10:49.11smlPerfDave: mwafaahha
10:49.14Starfire!murder starfire
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10:49.30SuperSoxPerfDave: personally I belive he created Active Server Pages 3.
10:49.40PerfDaveSuperSox: No, that was Goerring
10:49.44smlSuperSox: and Visual Basic.
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10:50.03Guerini'm pretty sure it was korean cellphone software
10:50.10PerfDavesml: Actually, Visual Basic was a product of Himmler and the Thule Society doing a deal with Satan.
10:50.12mostyyoc: use transcode
10:50.12SuperSoxsml: nah VB6 is good for Win32 RAD GUI development (wow, how many b-s buzzwords in one sentence?)
10:50.12Guerinbut hell, I can understand why that might seem far-fetched
10:50.22yocmosty, thanks
10:50.26*** part/#debian Starfire (
10:50.28directhex|workSuperSox, try delphi
10:50.31yoc<shane> there is a special place in hell, down the hall from hitler, for real player
10:50.34GuerinSuperSox: s/goog/the superior solution/
10:50.39smlSuperSox: delphi is vastly superior from an OO point of view.
10:50.45SuperSoxdirecthex|work: delphi is nice too
10:50.56SuperSoxI've just had more exp with VB6, blame the education system :)
10:50.58smlvb6 isn't even supported anymjore thank god.
10:51.18SuperSoxVB.NET is a mess ;(
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10:51.21Starfirewow that was stupid
10:51.21smlSuperSox: Well yeah , here they teach you pascal for two years. However.. at least it's a good learning language!
10:51.40SuperSoxsml: so far the languages I've learned have been VB6 and JAva
10:51.50SuperSoxthing is, I've done Vb6 for about 7 years now
10:52.03SuperSoxhaven't touched it since last year howver
10:52.03smlSuperSox: does java still do multiple inheritance ? /me cringes.
10:52.08tarzeauSuperSox: try Objective-C
10:52.22smltarzeau: now O-C !!!! a real oo c based language!
10:52.24directhex|worksml, foo inherits bar implements baz?
10:52.25SuperSoxsml: I'm not sure, i think so
10:52.38smldirecthex|work: inheriting from more than one base class. disgusting.
10:52.46smltarzeau: or Smalltalk! nice language.
10:52.49tarzeausml: smalltalk :)
10:53.01SuperSoxI'm doing a lot of PHP work at the moment
10:53.03landslideunder debian, where do i install my ttf fonts?
10:53.09directhex|workactually, try UnrealScript. it may require you have $unreal_based_game running to be able to use anything you code, ubt unrealscript itself is the most pleasant OO language i've toyed with
10:53.10WorkerIIOK .. I have asked the question - in #Emacs - I will try here?
10:53.13tarzeaulandslide: /usr/share/fonts
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10:53.22WorkerIIemacs-package-install: /usr/lib/emacsen-common/packages/install/jde emacs21 emacs21 failed at /usr/lib/emacsen-common/emacs-package-install line 30, <TSORT> line 6.
10:53.23WorkerIIdpkg: error processing jde (--install):
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10:53.25SuperSoxWorkerII: only if its debian specific/
10:53.33WorkerIISuperSox: Very.
10:53.34tarzeauWorkerII: checked ?
10:53.46tarzeauWorkerII: wanna try ?
10:53.47WorkerIItarzeau: Oh .. its a package i build using uupdate.
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10:54.03landslidethanks, how do i regenerate the cache?
10:54.10tarzeauWorkerII: the better Emacs :)
10:54.12SuperSoxI wonder
10:54.15dpkgextra, extra, read all about it, vim is the only true editor, or does syntax highlighting, has graphical X interface.  Extremely popular vi clone that does syntax highlighting or don't forget to get .vimrc  file from or the best thing since sliced bread, an editor that rocks your socks!!!, or something very cool, said because we need to have as long a block of text as the emacs factoid
10:54.17Starfire!murder starfirewith a magic wand landslide
10:54.32Starfire!kill starfire
10:54.35Starfirelol fun
10:54.42dpkgemacs is the extensible macro editor that is already quite extensively extended. A popular editor choice with major and minor modes for almost every conceivable language and task. High priests of emacs have even been known to use emacs as their shell, and sometimes have whole systems with init=/usr/bin/emacs. [Escape Meta Alt Control Shift]
10:54.47smldirecthex|work: lol. vim pisses me off. i prefer vi. just plain vi.
10:55.10Starfire!bulldozer starfire
10:55.16WorkerIItarzeau: It seems to be a very mysterious error.
10:55.26SuperSoxsml: pshaw, I have cursor keys and I'm going to use them! ;)
10:55.28smldirecthex|work: or just override all the default settings in my .vimrc, another alternative. my main problem is the synatax highlighting and highlighting of last matched reg-exp which on this terminal *blinds* me
10:55.41Starfire!shutdown starfire
10:55.50PerfDave!tell Starfire about botmsg
10:55.59directhex|work!dachs Starfire
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10:56.00dpkgStarfire: Dachs Dachs Dachs Dachs Dachs Dachs Pilz Pilz Dachs Dachs Dachs Dachs Dachs Schlange! Eine Schlange!
10:56.05SuperSoxanyway, I've got to run! laters all
10:56.10smllater SuperSox
10:56.12PerfDaveTata SuperSox
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10:56.48smlwell it's almost time for me to go down the pub for lunch. my favorite part of the day!
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10:57.03Starfireyour so lovable dave -_-
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10:57.46PerfDaveStarfire: I know :)
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10:58.10feng-_-I do not know if i should install linux
10:58.11Shane^yoc: thanx
10:58.18PerfDavefeng-_-: You probably should.
10:58.27yocShane^, it's you, lol
10:58.29WorkerIItarzeau: Does that emacs run jde?
10:58.38feng-_-PerfDave, ?
10:58.38PerfDaveStarfire: I was choosing to ignore your sarcasm, on the grounds that I *am* terribly loveable, and generally awesome to boot.
10:58.39Shane^yoc: heh
10:58.57Starfirefeng-_-: install a GUI like kde or gnome and u'll be right at home. trust me i did the same thing
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10:59.07yocShane^ do you like it show up at ?
10:59.10PerfDavefeng-_-: Installing Linux is good for you and makes the world a better place. It also makes you more attractive to your gender of choice, and increases the size of any body part you want increasing.
10:59.11torccan i set a proxy for apt-get somehow?
10:59.11tarzeauWorkerII: what's jde? something with java?
10:59.20WorkerIIfeng-_-: Well .. HURD isn't really ready yet, so unless you wanna try your luck with a BSD-something, I guess you're out of sensible choices . . .
10:59.22Shane^yoc: but the staement is realy old, since mplayer fixes the symtom
10:59.31PerfDavetorc: Yes, man apt.conf
10:59.34WorkerIItarzeau: Its the jdee packaged for debian.
10:59.35torcPerfDave: thanks.
10:59.42tarzeauWorkerII: no idea, check yourself:
10:59.47WorkerIItarzeau: Its an IDE for debian yeat.
11:00.08Shane^yoc: never been there before
11:00.11tarzeauWorkerII: why do you want to run another IDE when you are IN A IDE already?
11:00.49Starfirefeng-_- i wouldnt suggest using your main computer to install linux to, until you learn it fairly well. use some junk box. for two reasons: 1 the drivers are more likely to work with the older box, and two, you can still use your main until you get linux down.
11:00.55yocShane^, i know some kernel hacker there
11:01.01PerfDavetarzeau: You might be in a sucky IDE and want a better one :)
11:01.21feng-_-Starfire, but the problem is,i only have 1 monitor
11:01.25yangWith bittorrent i get error error(s): [12:58:53] rejected by tracker - Port 6881 is blacklisted, use another port, what causes that?
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11:02.06WorkerIItarzeau: Thanks for the link, but it seems like its just another skin for GNU/Emacs really.
11:02.10feng-_-Starfire, i have a spare PC,but it needs a monitor,i am thinking maybe install linux on this current one ?or find a monitor for that machine then install linux .... :/
11:02.10Starfirefeng-_- its worth it to go to a junk computer store and get a spare one for 25 bucks to learn linux. im a windows pro, and i made the switch to linux by using my old laptop. trust me on this, its worth it -_-
11:02.14PerfDaveyang: Probably the tracker is blacklisting port 6881?
11:02.30yangPerfDave: yes, but i get that for all torrents from that site
11:02.33PerfDavefeng-_-: You could set up a Linux / Windows dual boot pretty trivially.
11:02.47Starfirefeng-_- whatever you do, dont use your main pc lol. u need to communicate with the people here to get it setup... if you find you need help anyways
11:02.51PerfDaveyang: The torrents on one site will probably be on one tracker. Try changing the port range you're using for bittorrent so it doesn't include 6881?
11:02.52feng-_-PerfDave, but my current partition is NTFS
11:02.53jm_yang: tell bittorrent to use another port then?
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11:03.15PerfDavefeng-_-: Buy a copy of Partition Magic, or stick a spare hard drive in there to install Linux to.
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11:03.45feng-_-PerfDave, wait, yes i have a spare HDD hmm
11:03.47Shane^yoc: Seen this?
11:04.09tarzeauWorkerII: no it's not another skin
11:04.10feng-_-PerfDave, my current HDD is 7200RPM,but that one is 5400RPM ,its okay to put them together ?
11:04.15PerfDavefeng-_-: Yes
11:04.29tarzeauWorkerII: it's integrated very well into GNUstep which is not just the look, but also consistency and usability
11:04.31feng-_-how about RAM ? now 256MB
11:04.33PerfDavefeng-_-: RPM just refers to how quickly the disk spins in the drive.
11:04.35Starfirefeng-_-: just buy the moniter man. its a small investment and its easier, and your better off... use two computers at once, talk to people who know what theyre doing real-time while you have the problem. instead of turning off your linux box, rebooting to windows, talking, going back to linux.... meh
11:04.45PerfDavefeng-_-: You can install Linux easily on 256MB RAM.
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11:05.05PerfDaveThough obviously 8GB RAM is preferable ;)
11:05.10tarzeauWorkerII: read
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11:05.29yocShane^, where's this? white house?
11:05.33nksenanyone has experience in resizing reiserfs partitions? resize_reiser says there are too many fragments used already or like that
11:05.44feng-_-if i install linux on another HDD,how do i switch ? from BIOS ?
11:05.51cockroachin kernel 2.4 you can chose whether you want to have support for > 2GB memory. i can't seem to find that option in 2.2 - does that mean that 2.2 is limited to 2GB or can it simply use all the memory without that option?
11:06.01Starfirecustom boot menu feng-_-
11:06.12mr_claushi, i have a big problem with my /var, if i use "df" i can see a usage of 95% which means 3,5gb, but if i use "du /var -ks" i can see only 400mb
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11:06.25mr_clauswhat could be the reason for that difference?
11:06.37smlwhy doesn't /list work in irssi how I'd expect. i.e. /list *linux*
11:06.44PerfDavefeng-_-: The Debian installer will set it up for you, so you can select between Linux and Windows at boot time.
11:06.46cockroachmr_claus: maybe some file which has been deleted is still in use
11:06.46WorkerIImr_claus: Oh .. there could be many differences..
11:06.54PerfDavemr_claus: Because df and du measure different things.
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11:07.04WorkerIImr_claus: many reasons, even.
11:07.08PerfDavesml: /list in irssi is a bit shit, there's a script to improve it.
11:07.13smlPerfDave: ok.
11:07.13Starfirefeng-_- trust me. having two computers on, running two different OS's; one that your familiar with and one that your learning, is definately the perferable way to do it...
11:07.23sobersabreany ideas how can i take mail from thunderbird into evolution ?
11:07.24WorkerIImr_claus: Probably its because some of the file system is reserved for root though.
11:07.25mr_clausok, new question, i need to get free room without rebooting or remountin my partition
11:07.27yocShane^, good pics, thanks
11:07.33smlPerfDave: was trying to find a newbie linux channel for someone here but couldn't get a channel listing lol.
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11:07.45PerfDavesml: ##linux, at a guess. Or ##debian! :)
11:07.48smlyar. ok.
11:07.53mr_clausWorkerII: we're talking about 3gb which is more then 75% of the whole partition
11:07.59smlPerfDave: Why the double hash ?
11:08.08Starfirefeng-_-: rather than shutting down and rebooting every time to try something different, when getting help awhen your first starting out
11:08.13PerfDavesml: Politics.
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11:08.18feng-_-Starfire, i would accept your advices in that way it wouldnt have any problem once in trouble with either linux/win
11:08.26smlPerfDave: Obviously it's never bad having twice as much hash as you need but.. ;)
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11:09.13Starfirefeng-_-: does that mean your going to buy a moniter lol
11:09.14PerfDavesml: ##debian started as a result of but never really took off
11:09.22PerfDaveBuy a KVM switch!
11:09.28feng-_-Starfire, i am thinking
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11:09.58feng-_-Starfire, because i am having a server running on my windows now..hmm
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11:10.10renegad3how can I set apt to use my repos off my machine?
11:10.11Starfireperfdave, my dad uses a KVM switch, and its either because he uses wireless mice and keyboards that he has issues or its the switch but doubt its the switch... anyways he has issues with KVM. im not a big fan of them
11:10.42mostyi have linkchecker checking one of my websites, it seems to be extracting links that are commented out (eg <!-- <a href..etc>foo</a> -->), anyone know of a link checker that won't do that?
11:10.56Starfirefeng-_-: atleast you would have an OS that you already know how to use to fall back on if, 1) you dont like linux, 2) its hard to learn, or 3) you need help
11:11.00jm_renegad3: you can sprecify file://, but you'll need to create it first
11:11.08Starfire1 and 2 are highly unlikely i might add feng-_-
11:11.23renegad3ahh ok, thanx jm_
11:11.29PerfDaveStarfire: *shrug* They're useful when dealing with multiple boxen simultaneously. The fact that your dad's KVM doesn't work doesn't change that :)
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11:11.46smlPerfDave: Hrm. It's not the 1st time I've read about this channel being unfriendly and unwelcoming lol. It came a close contender for thumbs down for irc channels in 2004 on some online linux journal. Is ##debian the "official" channel then?
11:11.53feng-_-Starfire, hey,i have used linux for little time before,i liked it,i hated it too :D
11:11.54landslideis it safe to upgrade from sarge to sid?
11:11.59landslidei want to start playing with mono...
11:11.59Starfireperfdave one again, back to oppinions. ive never had a need/use for one, ive only seen them used and not very well at that.
11:12.00PerfDavelandslide: It's rarely a good idea.
11:12.04PerfDavelandslide: /msg dpkg sid faq
11:12.05SuperSoxI don't find #debian that unfriendly
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11:12.16Starfirefeng-_-: did you use a GUI? gnome, kde...?
11:12.33_rene_landslide: if you need to ask - no :)
11:12.39feng-_-Starfire, yes,but it was windows maker
11:12.42SuperSoxthere are just a bunch of questions that are really stupid or un-debian related that get asked
11:12.47PerfDavesml: There is no official channel. But obviously, I don't have a problem with #debian being allegedly unfriendly.
11:13.02torccan i place the tmp to swap?
11:13.03renegad3jm_, say for eg; my mate needs to download alot of deb packages, how could I make my machine a local repository? is this complicated?
11:13.05Starfirefeng-_-: hmm... IF you install linux. get sarge, and use gnome... i highly reccomend it.
11:13.11PerfDaverenegad3: apt-proxy, apt-move
11:13.19PerfDavesml: If anything, #debian is the official channel. I think it's the one referenced in Debian documentation.
11:13.22smlPerfDave: It's sometimes quite "terse" lol and people read into that what they want to. :-) I obviously have no problem with it.
11:13.38cockroachin kernel 2.4 you can chose whether you want to have support for > 2GB memory. i can't seem to find that option in 2.2 - does that mean that 2.2 is limited to 2GB or can it simply use all the memory without that option?
11:13.51jm_renegad3: see above, there are also howtos for creating your own repositories, but it would make sense to create a http repository if your friend has another machine, or file:// over NFS
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11:13.56PerfDavesml: I was quoted in that thread making a couple of points about the inverse relationship between friendliness and competence ;)
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11:14.00sobersabreguys. help: I want to import thunderbird mail folders into evolution. how do i do it ?!
11:14.08Starfirefeng-_-: gnonme has several teplates to choose from, easily customizable, two bars to put wherever you like (think of them as taskbars) easy access to the terminal.... make folders and files change wallpaper... you will like it if you are a windows user
11:14.12PerfDavecockroach: I'd guess the former...
11:14.20scr3mHi. My problem is like this: After installation of base system from miniCD-Vannilia i haved reboot system. Then i haved set time, root password. After that i decide to not use PPP, so in ATp i  haved select FTP This mesage came to me: FAILED TO FETCH PACKAGES, SOMETHING WICKED HAPPENED RESOLVING (-3)
11:14.22renegad3thanks jm_
11:14.29mostysobersabre: use an imap mail server? that's always easy if both mail clients support imap
11:14.37PerfDavefeng-_-: Try different window managers and see which one you like. The good thing about Linux is choice :)
11:14.38torcdoes sparc businesscard cd have some kind of 'expert' setup?
11:14.51mr_clausis there any way now to find out whats reason for 95% usage of my /var, what things i should check?
11:15.07PerfDavemr_claus: Large apt cache?
11:15.10cockroachPerfDave: hrm, too bad. so i'll really have to upgrade my kernel :(
11:15.32PerfDavecockroach: I'm surprised that 2.2 runs on the kind of hardware that has >2GB RAM, to be honest.
11:15.32mr_clausPerfDave: then i should see it with "du" too
11:15.40SuperSoxmy current advice upon a window manager is XFCE 4.2
11:15.42sobersabremosty, hmmm... I have 111M of mail.
11:15.43cockroachPerfDave: heh :)
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11:15.55scr3mHi. My problem is like this: After installation of base system from miniCD-Vannilia i haved reboot system. Then i haved set time, root password. After that i decide to not use PPP, so in ATp i  haved select FTP This mesage came to me: FAILED TO FETCH PACKAGES, SOMETHING WICKED HAPPENED RESOLVING (-3)
11:16.03PerfDavemr_claus: Probably. Look for large, sparse files with find?
11:16.07mostysobersabre: setup a temporary local imap server. courier-imap is much less than 111M :)
11:16.09mr_clausdu /var/cache -ks is "17648   cache/"
11:16.25Starfirefeng-_-: im afraid perfdave is right on that one thing there. linux is all about choice. when people say linux is free they mean FREEDOM. freeing you from the salave-driven-microsoft world you've come from......
11:16.26sobersabremosty, ok.
11:16.31mr_clausi looked for these files but i didn't find one
11:16.54PerfDavemr_claus: Have you fscked the partition recently? Could be an error, I guess.
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11:17.09feng-_-Starfire, i liked debian,yes,but ... i lost in debian as well :D
11:17.26POVaddctscr3m: there is no host ""
11:17.52Starfirefeng-_-: if you force yourself to use it, and with an open mind -- try to enjoy it, you will find it fairly decent
11:17.53scr3mpovADDC:i'ts in list
11:17.58smlWhat the hell is ?
11:18.07smlis that an official mirror ?
11:18.09mr_clausPerfDave: i have to unmount the partition before running fsck and the server is running now, there is no way to unmount /var
11:18.11POVaddctscr3m: then the list is wrong
11:18.16scr3mpovADDCT: other servers don't work
11:18.19feng-_-Starfire, i am asking here because i was checking online about the most uptime domains that most of them running non-windows system ,this is amazing
11:18.25Starfirefeng-_-: it does not play all your PC games like doom III or half-life 2, but its best for everything else
11:18.32feng-_-longest uptime*
11:18.33PerfDavemr_claus: Oh well, sucks to be you.
11:18.41PerfDaveStarfire: Uhm, Doom 3 runs nicely on my Debian system.
11:18.54Starfireperfdave we have to talk about that sometime
11:19.13feng-_-Starfire, no,i bought a domain,i just want to hook the server up
11:19.34feng-_-does not play games
11:19.41Starfirefeng-_-: yes alot of web-based anything, especailly servers, is GNU/Unix/linux
11:19.44PerfDaveStarfire: It's not hard, if you've got your video drivers sorted out. Just bittorrent the Doom 3 Linux software from and run it. is on the mirror list ftp is /mirror/debian/ http is  /debian/
11:19.57PerfDaveGNU/Unix/linux? :)
11:20.05SuperSoxPerfDave: I was litterally just about to ask you how you did that ;)
11:20.16Starfirefeng-_-: this because linux is so stable and reliable, that its perfect for internet hosting
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11:20.35SuperSoxSolaris on sparc is even more stable and reliable </troll>
11:20.40PerfDaveSuperSox: I followed the instructions on funnily enough ;)
11:20.49SuperSoxPerfDave: I'm not a big gamer ;)
11:20.53genix_How can I add "-YYYY-MM-DD" at the end of the line that include "EXTRAVERSION =" in /usr/src/linux/Makefile?
11:21.01*** join/#debian caphuso (
11:21.06Starfirefeng-_-: if you want to use a computer for a server linux is definately the way to go
11:21.11genix_with a command
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11:21.23jm_genix_: sed
11:21.23SuperSoxPerfDave: the only game I'd be interested in is HalfLife 1/Counterstrike, and at a push HL2
11:21.27PerfDaveSuperSox: But is the server for Linux-oriented stuff and the BitTorrent tracker. You can download Enemy Territory for Linux from there, and Return to Castle Wolfenstein game files to use with the CDs.
11:21.29feng-_-Starfire, my spare PC has 196mb ram
11:21.34directhex|workgenix_, don't. use the --append-to-version facility of make-kpkg
11:21.47SuperSoxPerfDave: at the moment, when I play games its almost always Halo2 on my xbox
11:21.59PerfDaveSuperSox: The HL team are Windows weenies, so they don't have Linux versions of their software. I understand that you can hack it to run under Cedega, but I'm not interested in buying non-Linux games.
11:22.02directhex|workor for installers for games under linux
11:22.02Starfirefeng-_-: doesnt matter, thats the awesome thing about linux. its very basic running, but deep and advanced when your using it. it has minimal system requirements ^_^
11:22.11jm_genix_: config interface also lets you add local version string, but I guess you want to automate it
11:22.33PerfDave196Mb RAM is plenty for a Linux desktop.
11:22.35SuperSoxPerfDave: aye, ID have always been fairly open minded though :)
11:22.46feng-_-Starfire, 196MB for a server is okay ? it provides only the bbs/forum and irc service
11:22.51genix_directhex|work: I usr "make-kpkg buildpackage -rev custom.1 kernel_image", should it be "make-kpkg buildpackage -rev custom.1 kernel_image --append-to-version" ?
11:23.04jm_ahh using make-kpkg, then use its switch
11:23.04Starfirefeng-_-: it never hurts to upgrade it, but im sure you will be fine
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11:23.08PerfDavefeng-_-: You could do that on 32Mb, easily.
11:23.09SuperSoxhumm, I think I have Q3 somewhere, unless I deleted it :x
11:23.20SuperSoxdidn't enjoy Doom 3 though
11:23.28*** part/#debian mtl (
11:23.36directhex|workgenix_, --append-to-version -$(datecommandofsomesort)
11:23.41Starfirenever played doom three.... spent money on HL2 which was more than worth it. fucking awesome game if you ask me.
11:24.04directhex|workStarfire, at least doom 3 is a linux game
11:24.04torcanybody running a sparc64? how do i turn off the default behaviour of locking up on console break signal?
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11:24.22Starfiredirecthex|work, i dont care if it is or not, i love half-life ^_^
11:24.23jm_torc: I only know how to do that in Solaris ;)
11:24.43torcjm_: like? some eeprom commands? or is that an os issue?
11:24.48PerfDaveDoesn't console break take you to the firmware?
11:24.59torcyeah, can this be turned off?
11:25.17jm_torc: well you set it in kbd config file
11:25.19directhex|workthere's no excuse for using solaris
11:25.41Starfireg'night guys its like 4 am so i gotta get goin
11:25.50torchm, seen that on redhat also. so it might be a firmware issue then :/
11:26.04torcneed to plug 2 servers to the each-other consoles.
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11:26.24torcbut when one of them boots up - the other one is locked at the `ok`.
11:26.25jm_torc: maybe try asking #sparc, they told me about kbd stuff
11:26.29PerfDaveOh yeah, USia. My brain's not working.
11:26.36torcjm_: looks like 4am there, nobody's alive ;)
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11:26.50Starfireg'night anyways -_-
11:26.52genix_directhex|work: I usr "make-kpkg buildpackage -rev custom.1 kernel_image", should it be "make-kpkg buildpackage -rev custom.1 kernel_image --append-to-version -$(YYYYDDMM)" ?
11:26.58PerfDaveStarfire: Sweet dreams.
11:27.07SuperSoxPerfDave: what about Unreal*?
11:27.18feng-_-Starfire, thanks for your advices,good night
11:27.35*** join/#debian EkolSucram (
11:27.36Starfirefeng-_- you're welcome. hope you decide to go with the moniter!
11:27.39PerfDaveSuperSox: IIRC from directhex|work, UT2k4 has a Linux client on the retail CD, and UT2k3 has a Linux client available on the Intarweb.
11:27.41Starfire!kill starfire
11:27.42directhex|workgenix_, you seem to be missing things here. --append-to-version foo does _EXACTLY_ what you want it to - foo replaces the extraversion parameter of the config
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11:27.51feng-_-i will think it over:)
11:27.54Starfireyay knoppix!
11:27.59directhex|workPerfDave, 2k3 has a slightly iffy linux client on the cd, with no advertising to the fact
11:28.02*** join/#debian yure (
11:28.05directhex|workut2004 has a penguin on the box
11:28.29SuperSoxPerfDave: huzzah, I'll look into it, I've got an AMD64 box which is getting converted to either FSBSD or Debian (haven't decided which) and it'd be nice to play the odd game on it
11:28.30Shorty`it must be good then *grin*
11:28.47jm_torc: yup, just ask later - I don't see anything relevant in eeprom output, also check /proc
11:28.55SuperSoxI'd prefer debian, but I don't know much about its x86_64 port
11:28.57Shadur2K4 also had a DVD edition, which meant not having to swap six CDs in and out during the install. That was good.
11:29.06directhex|workinsert ut2004 dvd, mount, sh /media/dvd/
11:29.11PerfDaveSuperSox: Ask on #debian-amd64 ?
11:29.18torcjm_: ttya-ignore-cd or ttya-rts-dtr-off might be ;)
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11:29.38jm_torc: might be
11:29.40SuperSoxPerfDave: didn't realise there is such a channel, I was just inteding to read everything about it on :)
11:30.03torcjm_: found nothing in the service manuals or openboot prom docs ;)
11:30.06SuperSoxthe system is running Win2K at the moment, but as of monday, it won't need it any longer so I can but a decent operating system on it
11:30.21PerfDaveSuperSox: Since amd64 is not *yet* official, there's not much on the site about it last I checked.
11:30.32torcjm_: ok, thanks :)
11:30.39jm_torc: we have cd option set to true, the other one to false
11:30.50torcjm_: yeah, thats the default one.
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11:30.56gothtecHow do you read these numbers? "load average: 0.01, 0.00, 0.00"
11:31.14jm_gothtec: man uptime
11:31.16torcjm_: if you set ignore-cd option to false - then the box is locked when there is no CD on console - which is completely bizarre ;)
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11:31.25Gathondgothtec: average number of processes in ready queue over the last 1, 5, 15 min
11:31.40jm_torc: yeah
11:31.55gothtecGathond: ah. thanks
11:32.02torcjm_: the interesting is the rts one, cause break signal depends on those.
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11:33.03xophErCan I make a .deb-file of a .run-file? e.g. americas army's installation file
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11:33.11directhex|workxophEr, not trivially
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11:33.50EkolSucramhow do i start my actisys220+L irda? i have the essential drivers installed but cannot seem to get it to work
11:34.22DelphxophEr: make sure to email the makers to say they should have released a .deb
11:34.25*** join/#debian scr3m (
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11:35.20scr3mHi. My problem is like this: After installation of base system from miniCD-Vannilia i haved reboot system. Then i haved set time, root password. After that i decide to not use PPP, so in ATp i  haved select FTP This mesage came to me: FAILED TO FETCH PACKAGES, SOMETHING WICKED HAPPENED RESOLVING (-3) teh same error is when i'm trying to connect other mirror/server, iven by http.
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11:35.30directhex|workxophEr, it's a loki install package. there may be material on google on loki_installer -> .deb processes
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11:35.51petemcscr3m: thats a scary way of saying you have no network access as i recall
11:36.15petemcscr3m: could be lack of working dns servers too
11:36.17directhex|workscr3m, desktop box or server box?
11:36.18prohey guys, anyone have or know a good doc to read how to make an ipip tunnel from a PC with dynamic IP to a server with static IP ?
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11:36.36scr3mwhat box
11:36.51scr3mi't my 1st linux
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11:37.08dpkgwell, box is that on which debian is housed
11:37.17petemcscr3m: there is a new debian installer that is much more up to date/easy to use - /msg dpkg d-i
11:37.28scr3mi've install realtek card, and set IP, DNS bla bla bla
11:37.38EkolSucramhmmzz how do i get my actisys irda to work on serial i did a modprobe serial .. returned a FATAL
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11:38.17EkolSucrami got it hook up to my serial comm 1
11:38.17*** mode/#debian [+l 831] by debhelper
11:38.17scr3mthis installer is 3 days old
11:38.17directhex|worklord almighty
11:38.32pinkson sarge with xfce - How do I get a radio stream to play in a player
11:38.37scr3mdesktop PC
11:39.33directhex|workscr3m, you have woody. woody is from 2002, and useless for a desktop. if you want to install a desktop, install sarge (/msg dpkg d-i)
11:39.47jethropinks: /msg dpkg marillat and apt-get install mplayer is a solution
11:40.11scr3mi've readed that i'ts stable fersion....
11:40.11scr3mversion :P
11:40.17jethro!tell hahaghost -about awayt
11:40.20jethro!tell hahaghost -about away
11:40.21*** mode/#debian [+o caphuso] by ChanServ
11:40.23pinksjethro - I have a couple of players installed - just can't get the stream to them
11:40.26*** kick/#debian [hahaghost!] by caphuso (fix that)
11:40.30jethrothanks caphuso
11:40.31*** mode/#debian [-o caphuso] by caphuso
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11:41.04scr3mhow i can erase Woody? lilo is installed on EXT2 patritoin..
11:41.11jethropinks: with mplayer it's as simple as "mplayer http://site/path/to/stream.pls
11:41.12directhex|workinstall sarge.
11:41.22xelamscr3m: and have what instead?
11:41.24EkolSucramscr3m : get sarge and install it from CD
11:41.28EkolSucramboot up and WAHLA
11:41.31jethroscr3m: as you were told, /msg dpkg d-i, it gives you evertthing you need to install debian sarge
11:41.50xelamscr3m: just install xp; it'll let you wipe the disk
11:41.58*** part/#debian pro (~pro@pro.user)
11:42.04jimyou probably don't need a cd image
11:42.08jethroholy fscking lag making me type like a retard
11:42.11scr3mi have to install again XP :|
11:42.17EkolSucramno u dont
11:42.25EkolSucramscr3m : as long as u have 2 partitions
11:42.26scr3mi't 1 week old...
11:42.27dpkgDamnit Jim! It's YOU. Y-O-U. Not *U*. U is a letter. YOU is a word. See ne1, or wud.  Dutch for 'you' (formal singular). See
11:42.30jethroscr3m: why would you _have to_ install xp again?
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11:42.40sobersabrewhat's /etc/courier/shared/index for in courier-imap and WTF i cannot create folder in ~/Maildir now ?
11:42.41EkolSucramscr3m : and it doesnt touch thde partition ur win xp is in .. as is well
11:42.49petemci find that u factoid more annoying than someone using u
11:42.53pinksJethro - I really don;t want to install anything more than I have to - and i have three players already, realplayer for linux works fine, but i can't get the others to :-/
11:42.55krotzCould anyone give me a simple manual for apt-get, I'm new to debian.
11:43.00SuperSoxjethro: I _have to_ use Windows 2000
11:43.03SuperSoxkrotz: man apt-get
11:43.05SlayerXPkrotz: "man apt-get"
11:43.09mostysobersabre: you have to create folder in there using a mail client, not with mkdir... right?
11:43.10jethroEkolSucram: would you mind typing words correctly ? it's a bore to read you
11:43.12sobersabrekrotz: apt-get install proname - installs...
11:43.13krotzForgot man..
11:43.18jethroSuperSox: Icouldn't care less
11:43.18jimkrotz: man apt-get
11:43.22sobersabremosty, i've tried this.
11:43.24krotzThanks SuperSox, SlayerXP and jim
11:43.33mostysobersabre: what error fo you get?
11:43.35jimalso man 5 sources.list
11:43.39jethropinks: what is this stream you're trying to listen to ?
11:43.41SuperSoxjethro: I know, but you said "why" to someone else, just pointing out that sometimes its a sad fact of life.
11:43.44gothtecAnyone with a current uptime less than 1d who could message me the output from "uptime"?
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11:44.00SuperSoxjethro: #include 2cents.h
11:44.03SuperSoxor whatever ;)
11:44.16pinksjethro - it's a .asx stream radio station
11:44.19sobersabremailserver responded: unable to open this mailbox.
11:44.26jethroSuperSox: useless comment, thanks anyway
11:44.38landslidei'm thinking about running a dist-upgrade to unstable on my current sarge install.
11:44.52directhex|worklandslide, i wouldn't
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11:45.42EkolSucramtrying to get my actisys 220+L irda to wrok ... modprob return a FATAL ... any other ways to start it>?
11:45.44landslidei'm trying to point my apt sources.list to 'deb unstable/updates main
11:45.56EkolSucramlooking through my dmesg
11:46.01landslidereally? i want to try out mono...
11:46.01jethropinks: .asx is just a way to describe the stream, parse the asx file and get the actual URL for the radio you want to listen to
11:46.03directhex|worklandslide, unstable has no security updates
11:46.09mostysobersabre: touch $HOME/Maildir/IMAPDEBUGFILE , then try again and check the contents of that file for some debugging info
11:46.13jethropinks: then feed your player with this URL
11:46.17directhex|work!tell landslide about quick sid/sarge mix
11:46.24sobersabremosty, thanks..
11:46.27krotzHow do I search for a package with apt-get?
11:46.29pinksjethro - okay
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11:46.31krotzCan't seem to find it in the manual.
11:46.33jimlandslide: that won't work for one, and would work if you corrected it, -only- for released debians
11:46.35directhex|workkrotz, apt-cache search foo
11:46.40SuperSoxwhee, anyway, directhex|work, PerfDave yeah, I'll probably try Debian on the AMD64, especially because directhex|work mentioned a 64bit build of UT :)
11:46.44krotzthx directhex|work
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11:47.21mostysobersabre: actually, when you have courier-imap working, you may want to keep it. that way you can read your mail using any imap mail client you like on that particular day
11:47.24directhex|workSuperSox, AMD used unreal tournament 200x on linux as part of their original press conferences about x86-64 being the future of gaming
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11:47.49landslidedirecthex: so should i just install sid from scratch?
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11:47.56directhex|workthere is no amd64 ut2004 for windows, just linux
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11:48.03directhex|worklandslide, why would that gain you anything?
11:48.10landslideso that i can run mono...
11:48.23directhex|worklandslide, did you even read the factoid dpkg told you about?
11:48.30mostysobersabre: i just want to check this- you ran "maildirmake" as your user, not as root, right?
11:48.51Gremlin[need some help to debug a network problem, i need someone to do some telnet, ssh , ping, traceroute in my ip
11:48.58jimlandslide: I don't think you can install sid from scratch... btw, you are very good at locating and solving your own problems, right? if you run sid, people here won't support you
11:49.09Gremlin[seems like geant is dropping some network traffic of myne
11:49.20EkolSucramarghhh what the hreak stupid irda cannot start stack
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11:49.38landslideok... i undestand.. i can run sid packages from within sarge..
11:49.46axelxxxhow to restart ssh from ssh?
11:50.01Silveiraaxelxxx /etc/init.d/ssh restart
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11:50.32axelxxxshall i restart it if i change config?
11:50.44Sunbladeaxelxxx: or invoke-rc.d ssh restart
11:50.46Guerinif you want the config to change
11:50.48sobersabremosty, no. only now i have. removed prev. dir. ran maildirmake
11:50.50hellzhi, in syslog remote forwarding can i use a different port other than the default 514
11:50.53jimyes, but remember that people on sid are trying to keep compatible with testing at THIS moment... the second testing is released as sarge, all bets are off, and sid might go in a number of different directions
11:50.53sobersabreof truth
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11:51.02SuperSoxdirecthex|work: well considering WindowsXP/64 still sucks more than XP/32, its not really surprising ;)
11:51.05hellzi mean in syslog.conf (@ipaddress)
11:51.25SuperSoxanyway, I'm really gone this time
11:51.34directhex|workSuperSox, it's surprising from a "major chip company, gpu manufacturer & game maker using linux as a showcase" perspective
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11:52.29jm_hellz: try chainging it in /etc/services on both sides
11:52.45hellzok, let me check
11:52.59EkolSucramSerial: 8250/16550 driver $Revision: 1.90 $ 14 ports, IRQ sharing disabled
11:52.59EkolSucramttyS0 at I/O 0x3f8 (irq = 4) is a 16550A
11:53.03jimthat won't change things unless you restart the services involved
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11:53.14EkolSucram.... cant start irda ... whats the prob?
11:53.15*** join/#debian Handyman (
11:53.44axelxxxhey guys thanx to U all. KISS
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11:53.57dpkgDamnit Jim! It's YOU. Y-O-U. Not *U*. U is a letter. YOU is a word. See ne1, or wud.  Dutch for 'you' (formal singular). See
11:54.04hellzjm_: how do i restart the services
11:54.09Handymanhi. could any of you be so kind as to send me the init.d/sendmail-script? would really apreciate it
11:54.18axelxxxsorry. anyway thanx!
11:54.28jm_hellz: there's an init script in /etc/init.d
11:54.37jimHandyman: purge sendmail and install it again
11:54.40Handymanive kind of deleted it
11:54.41jimthen you will get it
11:55.34Handymanjim: dont know what purge is. i think it would be easyer for me to just get the script
11:55.35jm_or unpack the package and copy it over, or install it with dpkg with apropriate options
11:55.42EkolSucram=.= ok so no one has an answer for IrDA probs? ... the tips and scripts on9 does not work too man ... arrgghghhh
11:55.47jimHandyman: man dpkg
11:56.35Handymanjim: have reinstalled it using the graphical packetmanager. It complains that there is no sendmail-file in init.d, and does nothing to replace it
11:56.36jimjm_: that last one sounds good... what options does he need for replacing the config files?
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11:57.00jm_jim: --force-help ;)
11:57.04jimHandyman: you gotta purge it
11:57.20jimthen reinstall
11:57.48jim(well, that's one of several ways)
11:57.48Handymanjim: ok. Ill read up on purging then
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11:58.38diepesanyone here go Ipsec running in 2.6 kernel ?  my racoon startup is giving errors >>ERROR: /etc/racoon/racoon.conf:43: "c" syntax error
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11:59.31Silveiraanyone know if is better to compile samba from source?
11:59.57petemcSilveira: better for what?
12:00.20jethroSilveira: if you need specific compile time given options, then rebuild your own package, if not, just apt-get install existing packages
12:00.48*** join/#debian mw07 (~martin@wetap20.Physik.Uni-Mainz.DE)
12:01.11Silveirajethro cause in sarge the latest samba is 3.0.10 and the real latest is 3.0.14a
12:01.45Silveirawell.. i can unpack the tar.gz and make a .deb, no?
12:01.52petemcSilveira: what features do you need that are missing? out of interest
12:01.53jethroSilveira: of course you can
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12:01.57usnhi folx
12:02.33Silveirapetemc i'll use samba with win2k clients, so i dont want to give any chance for bugs
12:03.01Silveirajethro how to build .deb? i don't remember right now
12:03.10petemcSilveira: strangely enough, newer software can have more bugs,
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12:04.05Silveirapetemc but better management with xp/win2k (i think), i'm telling just what i read
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12:05.07Handymanjim: sendmail didnt want to be purged (purge error), and now it wont be reinstalled either
12:05.09petemcSilveira: fair enough, it wouldnt be my place to dictate what software you use - tho managing your own compiled s/w requires more effort than using debian packges
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12:05.33jm_Handyman: touch th efile you deleted, then purge it again
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12:06.00Silveirapetemc do you know how to build .deb from src?
12:06.26jethroSilveira: you want to read the package maintainer guide
12:07.14jethroSilveira: and as petemc told you, if you don't _need_ features lacked by the debian packages, and provided by the latest version of samba, just stick to using debian packages, for it's less of a pain in the ass to maintain
12:07.35*** join/#debian cortex (
12:07.41sobersabremosty, BTW... why would I leave an imapd on my machine after the import-export ?
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12:08.21douglaswhich pkgs should I install to switch a Sid box from fixed IP address to dhcp (smoothwall will be the server) and allow automatic dns updates?
12:08.31clementeanyone has a toshiba tecra a4? I have it but I can't configure the NIC yet
12:08.44PerfDaveclemente: /msg dpkg laptop
12:09.19mostysobersabre: because you don't really need to do the export part
12:09.23EkolSucramok any tips on how to connect my IrDA to Nokia mobile phone 6260?
12:10.35*** join/#debian Bagheera (~Grumbler@grumbler.bronze.supporter.pdpc)
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12:11.54petemcdouglas: man 5 interfaces
12:12.05pinkswhat's the recommended DVD player for Sarge these days?
12:12.16mostymplayer or xine?
12:12.37pinks?? is that for me?
12:12.48kanzureyes, they are DVD players, pinks
12:12.59petemcor totem
12:13.09pinkskanzure - tks
12:13.20directhex|worki find ogle is best for dvd
12:13.27sobersabremosty, i don't want to serve imap. i use other machines to serve me. why would i want to serve imapd ?!
12:13.32kanzureogle's worked more times than xine for me.
12:13.41Silveirawhat's the name of the program that keeps the clock up to date?
12:13.49petemcSilveira: ntp
12:14.06petemcrunning a ntpd is pretty simple
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12:15.22Guerinok, so I can start a local X session, then run ssh -X, then from there run startxfce4 or somesuch to get a desktop environment. But if I close the initial terminal, the whole shop dies. When I do ssh -X in a terminal and try to do startx, it fails with user not auhorised to run the x server, which is pure BS
12:15.22mostysobersabre: because a local imap server is just an ultra-portable/interoperable mail folder
12:15.46Guerinso, either, how do I get my user authorised to run a remote X server?
12:15.52mostysobersabre: eg, i can login remotely and read all my mail with mutt, or use a gui mail client when i'm sitting at the machine
12:15.55EkolSucramanyone got his infrared to work with nokia phones with obex?
12:15.56jm_Guerin: it's not BS, it's right
12:15.56pinkskanzure - would that be the basic ogle pkg or the ogle-mmx pkg?
12:16.03Guerinjm_: ok, how?
12:16.08kanzurepinks: I don't know, I'm sorry. I forget.
12:16.14Guerinjm_: I can run a LOCAL X server as that user...
12:16.21PerfDaveEkolSucram: Isn't obex a bluetooth thing rather than an infra-red thing?
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12:16.28PerfDaveGuerin: xhosts / xauthority stuff?
12:16.37petemcobexftp is bluetooth, afaik
12:16.43GuerinPerfDave: don't think so. Individual apps on a local X server work fine.
12:16.44EkolSucrami have no idea ...
12:17.03mikeXhow does a hub share the connection between it's nodes? is it fair? does it depend on each specific hub?
12:17.15sobersabremosty... i am on a laptop. i think we have different needs :-)
12:17.18jm_Guerin: I know, wait
12:17.20petemcmikeX: broadcasts
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12:18.03EkolSucramPerfDave : <---- seems like it works with irda too
12:18.03Guerinjm_: :)
12:18.03mikeXpetemc, meaning?
12:18.03petemcmikeX: it fires shit everywhere
12:18.03jm_Guerin: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-common
12:18.03mikeXpetemc, so it's fair in a way?
12:18.10petemcmikeX: fair in that it doesnt have the intelligence to be anything other
12:18.12mikeXpetemc, cause it appears that a certain node gets more bandwith in my setup
12:18.18mostysobersabre: it was only a suggestion, ignore it if you like
12:18.32Silveirapetemc do you use samba?
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12:18.42Guerinjm_: anybody?
12:18.48petemcmikeX: even if you swap the cables round etc?
12:18.54petemcSilveira: lil' bit
12:19.03jm_Guerin: right
12:19.06mikeXpetemc, i think it's cable place related
12:19.21petemcmikeX: well, theres an easy way to find out...
12:19.24WorkerIImr_claus: OK, lets talk about 3 GB.
12:19.30mikeXpetemc, : )
12:19.32Silveirapetemc do you know if the 3.0.10 has important bugs?
12:19.43petemcSilveira: havent a clue
12:19.45jm_Guerin: but keep in mind X server will still use the display where you're running it, that's remote one to you
12:19.47*** part/#debian tkooda (~tkooda@
12:19.47WorkerIIShorty`: haha?
12:19.49mikeXpetemc, but what if i use a switch (and connect that to the hub?)
12:19.49sobersabre:) thanks, man. so far this is the 2nd time in my life i am doing this ( tb2evo ) [last time it was evo2tb :) ] and i don't intend to switch anymore... unless something like evo will happen to mozilla.
12:19.51petemcSilveira: check the bts
12:20.10streunerSilverira: Did you try #samba?
12:20.29jethroSilveira: read samba's changelog and see there by yourself
12:20.41Guerinjm_: ehh?
12:21.07jm_Guerin: X server will start up and display things on the monitor where you have run it
12:21.20WorkerIIShorty`: Hahaha!
12:21.24mikeXthe switch is smarter, right?
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12:21.33Guerinjm_: oh... I need to specify an IP for another machine to display on, right?
12:21.52petemcmikeX: right, but all switches are not equal
12:22.07jm_Guerin: no, what do you want to do?
12:22.17mikeXpetemc, oh ic, well i'll look into my model, thx a lot : )
12:23.23Guerinjm_: i have a computer which I want to install as little as possible on, and I have a computer with the whole shop installed on it. I want to run an X server and apps from the main box to display on the minimal box.
12:23.45mr_clausWorkerII: i have errors on my filesystem, i have done fsck.ext3 -f -n /dev/sda6 and there are a lot of errors, perhaps thats the reason
12:23.51jethroGuerin: if you want to display on the minimual box,run X there
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12:24.06carlosbuen dia
12:24.07jethroGuerin: sorry if you meant that, and I didn't get thepoint :)
12:24.26jm_Guerin: install dm on the whole shop computer, let it accept remote connections, then startx -- -query wholeshop
12:24.27pinkswhat's the default sound mixer for sarge?
12:24.27DelphGuerin: the X server is the thing that displays; X clients are what talk to X servers.
12:24.38Guerinjethro: ok. How do I run a whole DE there, from the main box, without having a terminal emulator which will cause the whole lot to die if I kill it?
12:24.44GuerinDelph: I know this.
12:24.55Delphjust checking; why run the X server on the main box then?
12:24.55jethroGuerin: aaah then xdmcp is what you want I'd say
12:24.58Guerinjm_: oh, I need a dm?
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12:25.15jm_Guerin: yup
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12:26.11jethroI should try that someday
12:26.16streunerpinks: aumix is pretty popular
12:26.37pinksstreuner - thanks
12:27.00Silveirapetemc i think i'm staying with 3.0.10 cause the bugs found on it was compilation error on dgux and first access (dgux too)
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12:32.18WorkerII!tell root about geert0501
12:32.27WorkerII!tell geert0501  about root
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12:34.51pinksstreuner - any idea how to get that to make my microphone work in Skype?
12:35.06jethropinks: check wether it's muted or not
12:35.08jethropinks: using alsa?
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12:35.30pinksjethro - yes alsa How do I know if it is muted?
12:35.37jethropinks: run alsamixer
12:35.47DforgeThis is a newb question, but what is the debian equivilent of chkconfg / rc-update?
12:35.54geert0501help /nick
12:36.00Shorty`do the sarge netinst discs have a rescue image?
12:36.02jm_Dforge: update-rc.d or sysv-rc-conf
12:36.05Guerinin alsamixer, hi f5 for ALL controls
12:36.06jethroDforge: rc-update, I guess, is update-rc.d in debian
12:36.14Guerinthe default display only lists playback controls
12:36.28Dforgeahh - thanks
12:36.30jethroGuerin: ha that's nice to know that, I never figured it out
12:36.42jethroGuerin: thanks for this tip
12:36.56jm_it does? I could swear it lists some mic controls for me
12:37.17jethroindeed, I have mic controls by default as well
12:37.20jm_I'll compare the list after pressing F5
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12:37.54raf256how can I always have also ~/bin/ in my path?
12:38.01DaedelothHello, where can I get the latest boot image (cd rom) for network installation?
12:38.11raf256like echo "export path=~/bin/" >> ~/.bashrc ?
12:38.12jethroraf256: set $PATH in your shell rc file
12:38.26raf256"export PATH=~/bin/" >> ~/.bashrc ?
12:38.27dpkghmm... d-i is the new installer for sarge (debian 3.1), at or see, but don't pester the d-i devs with unrelated questions, or see <debian-installer>
12:38.28pinksGuerin there's no mike control in alsamix
12:38.29jethroraf256: should be $PATH=/some/path:$PATH
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12:38.31jm_raf256: read your default bash_profile, duh
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12:39.09jethrohi AciD
12:39.33AciDanybody got some problem upgrading to the newer kdevelop3 package ? (3.2)
12:39.54Daedelothdpkg: tnx, but one more questioin: I have amd ahtlon xp (k7 I guess), so I install with 386?
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12:40.08jethroAciD: you checked bts yet?
12:40.12AciDit keeps asking far a "right" kde directory
12:40.17AciDnothng on it
12:40.26jethroAciD: sarge?
12:40.32streunerDaedeloth: /msg dpkg d-i
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12:40.50streunerDaedeloth: use those isos, i386 is fine.
12:40.54Daedelothk, tnx
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12:41.06jethroAciD: I didn't read any similar case today, maybe you should file a bug
12:41.21raf256how can I calculate the CRC32 summ of a file?
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12:41.46AciDit's just it never asked me any $KDEDIRS env variable before, it's surely me that can't find whichi dir its looking for
12:41.53jethro!fgi raf256 crc32+compute
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12:42.14raf256jethro: I ment whats the application for it in debian
12:42.19jethroAciD: sorry I can't help much
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12:42.40jethroraf256: how bout you search a bit? heard of apt-cache and apt-get ?
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12:43.36jethro!literal cmd: fgi (.*?) (.*?)
12:43.36dpkgCMD: fgi (.*?) (.*?) is ($1,$2): <reply>$1:$2
12:43.58hellzjm_: its not working
12:44.16kanzureCan deb use a swapfile on a vfat fs?
12:44.26hellzi changed in services syslog entry , restarted the syslog daemon
12:44.49Althaserwhen i write startx in user it give me this error xauth: timeout in locking authority file /home/user/.Xauthority
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12:45.05Althasersomeone could help me ? plz
12:45.10dpkgplz is probably german abbreviation for 'Postleitzahl' (zip-code). this aint a warez channel. L33t-speak for "please", or don't type it
12:45.19*** join/#debian Gremlin[ (
12:45.40streunerkanzure: man mkswap
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12:46.33Gremlin[need some help related to sasl
12:46.37WorkerII!tell Althaser about windows 95
12:46.45Gremlin[any volunteer ?
12:46.50jm_hellz: what isn't?
12:47.01jethro!tell Gremlin[ -about ask
12:47.51Gremlin[so, a have debian woody and i'm reading some tutorials related to postfix and sasl and ldap
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12:48.15Gremlin[but i don't see anyware searchind with apt  the   sasl authd deamon package
12:48.25Gremlin[thinks this is kind of weird
12:48.26AlthaserWorkerII: :P
12:48.28hellzjm_: the syslog remote port forwarding , u adviced me to change it in services for some other port
12:48.33streunerGremlin[: google for 'SMTP HOWTO'
12:48.39jm_hellz: on both sides, yes
12:48.42Gremlin[or wasn't authd part of the sasl 1.x brangh ?
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12:49.30Gremlin[streuner: i know that stuff ... i have done a mail server with imap +ssl, pop3 +ssl,antispam, antivirus, content filtering, etc.
12:49.41jethroGremlin[: apt-get install apt-file && apt-file update && apt-file search saslauthd
12:49.46Gremlin[the thing is that debian sasl packages are ancient
12:49.59Gremlin[jethro: you don't get the point
12:50.05jethroGremlin[: use or backport sid's packages
12:50.15jethroI got the point, saslauthd is in sasl2-utils, in sid
12:50.30Gremlin[jethro: that's pointless in this casem using backports
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12:50.45jethroGremlin[: what is pointless?
12:50.47hellzi tried to see using ettercap also, no messages though
12:50.52Gremlin[instead of that it would be simpler just tu change to gentoo :))
12:51.01Gremlin[if i use sasl2 from backports
12:51.05jethroyeah then fucking install gentoo, and leave this chan, troll
12:51.06Gremlin[i will have to change postfix too
12:51.16jethrothen backport yourself
12:51.20Gremlin[i mean the postfix version
12:51.24jethroand tailor made your packages
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12:51.30jethroso you can keep postfix as is
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12:51.49jm_hellz: did you restart them on both sides? is it listening on new port?
12:51.54Gremlin[jethro: yeah, and i was asking if anyone knew where the saslauthd daemon is located .. in which package
12:52.02jethroGremlin[: or get a gentoo system, as you sugested, and don't bother us with your inhability to deal with your problems
12:52.23jethroGremlin[: and I told you something you could've found out on without bothering anyone here
12:52.25Pappahoho, he should be able to deal with problems if he runs gentoo.
12:52.25Gremlin[jethro: i think you have the urge to answer anything , even if saying not realted stuff
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12:52.49Gremlin[jethro: do a apt-cache search
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12:53.01Gremlin[and if i find something i will say nothing more
12:53.02hellzyes, i restarted both the machines
12:53.04jethroGremlin[: I told you to do an apt-file search
12:53.12jethroGremlin[: can't you fucking read?
12:53.17beeblebrox87mooded: i've been using this nick for 5 years, when were the good old days?
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12:53.50jethroGremlin[: apt-cache != apt-file, you want to find which package contains a given file, that's apt-file's duty
12:54.07Gremlin[jethro: ok, my mistake here , sorry
12:54.17jethroGremlin[: I think you have the urge to troll and bullshit, more then I have the urge to answer anthing
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12:54.51moodedbeeblebrox87, the good old days were before the movie came to cinemas..
12:54.52hellzjm_: yes, i restarted bot the machnines
12:55.06beeblebrox87mooded: the movie hasn't come to cinemas
12:55.17beeblebrox87has it?  certainly hasn't here
12:55.23jm_hellz: and the other questions?
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12:55.46Gremlin[seems like i'm gonna make a packe myself
12:55.47jethro!sing wednesday
12:55.48dpkgNothing here to fear / I'm just sitting around / Being foolish when / There is work to be done
12:55.49moodedbeeblebrox87, not ? thought so.. since i just see a strong increase in ppl wearing hitchhiker-related nicks..
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12:56.04saabinsomeone help me here , something is not working.
12:56.05slushpupiewhere can I find older versions of packages for sarge?
12:56.05hellzyes it is listening perfectly
12:56.05saabinI have string "-n abc=" at the end of the line. I use " sed -e 's/\-n abc.*//'  " to erase it. String is "-n abc=/usr/tmp/text.00433.txt"  How to make a variable myvar=/usr/tmp/text.00433.txt?
12:56.22hellzjm_:yes it is listening properly
12:56.25stewslushpupie: /msg dpkg sdn
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12:56.27jethroGremlin[: make sure you went through all available docs before you come back here and ask about building custom packages
12:56.46Gremlin[jeff: hmm, you do have that urge , i see
12:57.08Gremlin[jethro: hmm, you do have that urge , i see
12:57.15jethroGremlin[: well not at all
12:57.17Gremlin[sorry jeff
12:57.31jethroGremlin[: I answer things I know about that's all
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12:57.42toresbeasg: ping?
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12:58.19LordFrithOk, any specific reason why "sudo grep -r something *" would cause a machine to lock up?
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12:58.55jm_hellz: so the problem is it's not sending it?
12:59.40Gremlin[jethro: well, you don't know about this specific problem related to the sasl package, wich is really ancient
13:00.05hellzjm_: in the sending machine, there's no such port, but in the receiving it's listening
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13:00.33jethroGremlin[: that's what you asked
13:00.41jethroGremlin[: and I told you how to find the package
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13:00.59jethroGremlin[: now where did I miss something? what's this problem of which you speak?
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13:01.42jethroGremlin[: I think it's time you take a nice cup of stfu and some round slices of rtfm too
13:02.07pinksjethro - I have the microphone live and I can get feedback but I can not be heard by people I phone on Skype. Any ideas?
13:02.14jethropinks: no
13:02.34jethropinks: double check your skype settings
13:02.38jm_hellz: well sending machine doesn't have to listen on port for it to work
13:02.41PerfDavepinks: Don't use propriatery software? :)
13:02.42pinksyea- did that too
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13:03.01WorkerIIpinks: Don't phone folks on Skype, its a lousy quality.  Use /real/ VoIP instead .. hook up asterix or something. :-)
13:03.07jethrothanks Gremlin[
13:03.14WorkerII!tell pinks about voip
13:03.31WorkerIIWho is dan2?
13:03.36dpkghmm... voip is voice over ip and the voip master is dan2
13:03.37Gremlin[jethro: it's weird, but in the end it's kind of obvious that i'm mistaking :))
13:03.47directhex|workWorkerII, phonegaim! it's linspiretastic
13:03.48Gremlin[so i'm gonna take that cup and slice
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13:04.06WorkerIIpinks: I think someone smashed the entry, or its a joke I don't get, because I know not dan2.
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13:04.25geertianjust installed sarge, alsa seems to work accept there is no soundxmmhowto make sure my asound.state is ok
13:04.25WorkerIIpinks: or maybe dan2 is really an expert *shrug* :)
13:04.34dpkgmethinks dan2 is the Athletic Geek (TM) and is going to kick r0's ass if he changed my factoid again, or a dumbass, or a C++ weenie
13:04.50*** join/#debian trand (~trand@trand.user)
13:04.51stewdpkg: voip =~ s/and the voip master is dan2/for info on voip go to
13:04.57pinksgeertian - run amixer
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13:05.14stewdpkg: voip =~ s,and the voip master is dan2,for info on voip go to,
13:05.14dpkgOK, stew
13:05.15pinksgeertian or alsamix
13:05.25geertian<pinks>did that
13:05.42axelxxxhello. when i start wine in Debby, it says:X connection to localhost:0.0 broken (explicit kill or server shutdown). Why does it happen?
13:05.48WorkerIIdpkg: voip is also and
13:05.48dpkgokay, WorkerII
13:05.48geertianstill nothing...
13:06.01jethrostew: does dpkg support s/foo.*$// or similar stuff and if yes, how do you do it? s/foo.*$// isn't valid
13:06.21stewjethro: it does, its just that my entry also had http://
13:06.26pinks does not resolve
13:06.34WorkerIIoh .. wrong channel
13:06.35axelxxxanybody solved such problems?
13:06.39jethrostew: and read that, but never managed to get it parse $ or ^ correctly
13:06.40stewpinks: did you try .org like i said?
13:06.43hellzjm_: yes that's what,
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13:06.52hellzjm_: what would be the solution then
13:07.04pinks does not resolve
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13:07.18stewjethro: ohh, hmm, i'm not sure
13:07.34jethrodpkg: foo =~ s/bir.*$//
13:07.34dpkgthat doesn't contain 'bir.*$', jethro
13:07.37dpkgbar bir bor
13:07.45jethrostew: see what I mean? :)
13:07.48stewdpkg: voip =~ s,$,or ask me about <asterisk> and <sip>,
13:07.48dpkgthat doesn't contain '$', stew
13:07.53stewguess not then
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13:08.01pinks is what you meant
13:08.03jm_hellz: well the problem might be that this is not enough for sending it, one would have to look at the code to see if it uses /etc/services for that too, alternatively it might be your configuration - does it work with default ports?
13:08.28jethroanyways, back to my ldap schemas
13:08.41stewpinks: thats what i said
13:08.47dpkgvoip is probably voice over ip for info on voip go to, or and
13:09.06hellzyes, it's working fine with default ports
13:09.10axelxxxanybody likes to drink wine?
13:09.18pinksLOL - no it's not   15:05:59) stew: dpkg: voip =~ s,and the voip master is dan2,for info on voip go to,   :-p
13:09.32hellzjm_:my problem rose as i wanted to receive logs from two different machine
13:09.44hellzjm :onto a single machine
13:09.44saabinI have this variable thing. Someone gives me a tip
13:09.49pinksdpkg is wrong !!!
13:09.55saabin" sed -e 's/\-n abc.*//'  " to erase it. String is "-n abc=/usr/tmp/text.00433.txt"  How to make a variable myvar=/usr/tmp/text.00433.txt?
13:10.02*** join/#debian geertian (
13:10.06stewpinks: wtf are you talking about?
13:10.07saabinsed, grep, wak how to start it
13:10.08jm_hellz: why is that a problem?
13:10.25pinksteh url in dpkg is wrong - that's all
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13:10.30stewpinks: no its not
13:10.32saabinstring is at the end of the line
13:10.40pinksstew - try it......
13:10.40axelxxxdrinking wine coctail with Debby isn't really fun i supose...
13:10.44stewpinks: i did
13:10.53pinksdoesn;t resolve from here
13:11.03hellzjm_: that is not a problem, but the c program that i have written is blocking some messages from one of the pc
13:11.10pinksdid you type it or click the link?
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13:11.26stewpinks: i get to a page entitled "a reference guide to all things VOIP", and its the EXACT URL you paasted
13:11.33stewpinks: i copied it and pasted it
13:11.38hellzjm_:it is probably the high rate of data transfer and secondly since it is udp
13:11.38pinksyea - the one *I* pasted
13:11.45stewpinks: plonk
13:11.46pinks*not* the one from dpkg
13:12.01stewpinks: they are exactely the same
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13:12.11SiliconViperFor anyone who uses it, my little installscript has been updated. As usual, I caution you not to use the default settings, unless you want bloat on-par with Knoppix. It's easy to mod. Enjoy!
13:12.12pinksone has www and the other hadn;t
13:12.14*** join/#debian Guerin (~pigeon@
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13:12.34Guerinthanks jm_ and jethro
13:12.36jethropinks: they're the same IP address in the end
13:12.47Guerinit does work lovelely
13:12.47jm_hellz: but how will changing ports help?
13:12.50jm_Guerin: enjoy
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13:12.55jethroGuerin: glad to hear that :)
13:13.10Guerinworth ssling it if I restrict it to 10.0.0.*?
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13:13.30jethroonly you can answer, since it'll depend on how paranoid you are
13:13.35k3k0how i can update 2.2 kernel to 2.6 in debian woody
13:13.39Guerinbear in mind that this is a three-computer home lan :)
13:13.46hellzjm_:things will be dedicated then
13:13.48jethroI d say no need for ssl then :)
13:13.49k3k0do i have to configure sources.list ?
13:13.49saabinI must refrase it and I am sorry did not made the request clearly last times.
13:14.08jm_hellz: how so?
13:14.11saabinHow to make a variable myvar=/usr/tmp/text.00433.txt? from string "-n abc=/usr/tmp/text.00433.txt" at the end of the line
13:14.29hellzjm_: a single socket will listen to a single port
13:14.33jethrosaabin: /j #bash
13:14.53saabinjethro: I did there are asleep.
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13:14.59jm_hellz: well another option would be to send it over tcp with a custom tool
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13:15.33k3k0how i can update the fucking kernel!!
13:15.45icemanjust fucking apt-get a newer one
13:15.51jethrosaabin: then wait
13:16.00PerfDavek3k0: You don't want a 2.6 kernel in Woody, it's not properly supported.
13:16.02hellzyes, that is true and then again custom changes needs to made across each of the pc's it listens
13:16.23k3k0PerfDave: ok i update it first to sarge
13:16.28k3k0PerfDave: is that ok
13:16.32PerfDavek3k0: /msg dpkg woody->sarge
13:16.40PerfDavek3k0: It's OK, if you don't mind having security updates.
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13:17.17k3k0PerfDave: thnx
13:17.39PerfDaves/having/not having/ # duh
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13:20.33t-rayanybody mind to help me?
13:20.55Guerint-ray: mind to ask a question?
13:21.04icemant-ray: I don't mind trying
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13:21.22t-rayI need to get a bt more newer python installed
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13:21.41t-raynow i have 2.1.3
13:21.49icemant-ray: newer python ey? are you running woody?
13:21.50t-rayand i need atleast 2.3
13:22.03icemant-ray: go fish at
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13:22.29stewt-ray: look at or /msg dpkg simple sid backport has some... they work for me.
13:22.56PerfDavet-ray: Woody is the stable branch. The stable branch doesn't get newer versions of anything, only security fixes. To install more recent software, you need a backport, which isn't supported by the security team. /msg dpkg backports
13:23.13qwertzHi! Got mail and an attachment from an outlook user and the attachment changed to winmail.dat. So is there a way to get the attachment out of the winmail.dat file with linux?
13:23.19*** join/#debian F-Lelo (~lelo@
13:23.32F-Lelohello guys... what can I use to open sxw extensions on debian?
13:23.41Guerinqwertz: tell them to send a real fucking attachment
13:23.48DelphF-Lelo: sounds like openoffice
13:23.54F-Lelohmmm alright
13:23.56F-Lelothanks guys =D
13:23.57GuerinF-Lelo: writer, the app which creates them itfp
13:24.06directhex|worksxw is StarOffice Writer, the default file format of writer
13:24.15F-LeloI was wondering if koffice has some program to read it
13:24.36Guerinit should, since the whole shootin' box is lgpl...
13:24.41directhex|workbut doesn't
13:24.47F-Lelohmmm damn :(
13:24.52F-LeloI'll have to download openoffice then
13:24.54directhex|workthe new file format of OOo 2 is the same as the format of the next version of koffice
13:25.06F-Lelonextgen? hmmm...
13:25.10directhex|workand next abiword i expect
13:25.11Guerinand we complain about proprietary software not being able to open strange file formats
13:25.12tzafrirF-Lelo, OOo is a zip of XML. If you just want to read the text from it, that's easy
13:25.18F-Lelonot even koffice from kde 3.4? (don't really know if it is different, tho)
13:25.25*** join/#debian adughep (~adughep@Proxy1.UBBCluj.Ro)
13:25.34tzafrirLook at contents.xml inside the zip
13:25.39F-Lelomy problem is sxw
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13:25.43F-Lelosxw extensions
13:25.44directhex|worksxw is transitory as a file format. ooo 2+ won't use it except for backwards-compatability
13:25.46TimbrWolfAny one have experience using a tv-out card?
13:25.58jm_qert;doesn't tnef work for that?
13:25.59Guerin!anyone use
13:25.59dpkgNo, no one uses it, not even the people who use it.
13:26.00directhex|workTimbrWolf, plug it in, it works. where's the issue?
13:26.02PerfDaveGuerin: At least it's techincally possible in the Free Software world.
13:26.04jm_qwertz: doesn't tnef work for that?
13:26.05icemanTimbrWolf: I have
13:26.06F-Lelohmmmm I see
13:26.07quittehow much traffic does this channel cause when connected to it for a month?
13:26.10tzafrirooo 2's format is bascially the same, AFAIK
13:26.10adughephow can i insert a video module because i got an error with insmod foo.o
13:26.10GuerinPerfDave: :)
13:26.15F-Leloalright guys
13:26.17F-Lelothanks for the info ;)
13:26.21dpkgSorry, that command doesn't exist.  Surely you meant "modprobe"?, or modprobe also loads dependencies, insmod only loads what you tell it to load.  NEVER attempt to use insmod under 2.6.  Use modprobe.  Did we mention "modprobe" yet?
13:26.28directhex|worktzafrir, the xml schemas have changed
13:27.21TimbrWolficeman: I plug it in and text works on boot up, but graphics cause tv to show lots of lines
13:27.21adughepi used an modprobe too i got a fatal error
13:27.34takatumiTimbrWolf: ain't it working?
13:27.42directhex|workTimbrWolf, ati?
13:27.58TimbrWolfyes, ati radeon 7000/VE
13:28.06directhex|workTimbrWolf, use the vesa driver, not the ati driver
13:28.30TimbrWolfok, try that
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13:28.53adughepdpkg how to load the module with modprobe?
13:28.58adughepor guerin
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13:29.06adughepdpkg is a bot:P
13:29.34dpkg:), asg
13:29.41takatumiadughep: man modprobe
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13:29.58adughepi did modprobe savage.o and didnt work
13:30.04asgadughep: s/.o//
13:30.05icemanremove .o
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13:30.27geertianok everything seems to bee fine with alsa but no sound!!!???
13:30.38takatumigeertian: unmute
13:30.41icemangeertian: alsamixer, check the mutings
13:30.44Gueringeertian: turn your mixer volume up
13:30.53Guerindid anyone file a bug against that yet?
13:31.02geertiannope it's unmuted...
13:31.07takatumiGuerin: thought it was fixed.
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13:32.31takatumigeertian: "everything seems to bee fine with alsa" how?
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13:33.22peanutAt which stage in the package build process (from a source package) should compile time flags be passed?
13:33.26joenpI just had a new video card installed. How can I find out information about it on my Debian unstable system?
13:33.32Guerintakatumi: not as of this afternoon, when I installed a new sound card
13:33.37asgpeanut: /msg dpkg debian/rules
13:33.40PerfDavejoenp: lspci, dmidecode
13:33.46adughepiceman it didnt work i got a FATAL error savage.o not found
13:33.46Guerinjoenp: lspci |grep -i vga
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13:33.50axelxxxi got a great dev. work 1.2$/hour. i pay 70% if anyone helps!
13:34.01adughepand without .o
13:34.09adugheponly modprobe savage
13:34.12takatumiGuerin: actually I enjoyed that experience. :)
13:34.30smlAre sybase datatypes still roughly compatible with SQL server or have the diverged even more-so since the version MSSQL was based on?
13:34.59joenpPerfDave, Guerin: Thanks. Now I found out it's an ATI card "unknown device". Can I find out more?
13:35.02smlI remember being able to port data quite easily between the two , but this was half a decade ago, things may have changed.
13:35.23adughepk then another question how i install savage.o module in the kernel
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13:35.36directhex|workjoenp, apt-get install hwinfo
13:35.52smlOK I guess there are no Sybase users in da house.
13:35.53asgadughep: what error does 'modprobe savage' print?
13:36.00directhex|workjoenp, then hwinfo --gfxcard
13:36.00asgsml: not in a long time, no ;)
13:36.15takatumijoenp: apt-get install pciutils and run update-pciids as well.
13:36.23adughepFATAL: Module savage_drv.o not found
13:36.27peanutasg, thanks
13:36.29abrotmanNeoBREED: did you get debian installed?
13:36.31asgpeanut: you're welcome
13:36.40adughepFATAL: Module savage_drv not found
13:36.40jm_abrotman: he did ;)
13:36.41abrotmanNeoBREED: or are you still running knoppix ?
13:36.43abrotmanah .. good
13:36.58NeoBREEDabrotman: yes I did, thank you. Have issues with USB and sound
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13:37.00takatumidirecthex|work: neat, didn't know that.
13:37.01smlasg: Hmmm I have a program that runs on SQL server and Oracle and it USED to work on Sybase however i've not supported it on that for many many years. we've got a potential sale to a Sybase user, I guess I'm going to have to catch up on the last few years very quickly.
13:37.09*** part/#debian Bagheera (~Grumbler@grumbler.bronze.supporter.pdpc)
13:37.17abrotmanNeoBREED: eww ..
13:37.22directhex|worktakatumi, --framebuffer will give you framebuffer console mode lines
13:37.30NeoBREEDabrotman: no more knoppix or any othe nock-off crap.... pure Debian from now on
13:37.32asgsml: well, it depends, I guess, on how close to SQL-92 they both are at this point (or SQL-99)
13:37.36abrotmanNeoBREED: yay :)
13:37.40asgadughep: did you compile your own kernel?
13:37.41NeoBREEDabrotman: yeah... I know...
13:37.44abrotmanNeoBREED: why doesn't your sound/usb work ?
13:37.55takatumidirecthex|work: Mode 0x0323: 1024x768 (+4096), 32 bits
13:37.58asgadughep: what does 'uname -r' print?
13:37.58NeoBREEDabrotman: I have never been able to figure that out
13:38.04smlasg: True. I dont have a copy of Sybase to play with. I *used* to run it on Linux ( I wrote the how-to for windows to linux connectivity and pissed off sybase at the time)
13:38.11abrotmanNeoBREED: did you possibly load the wrong usb hub type .. ?
13:38.14NeoBREEDabrotman: don't know where to start.... I've done it a few times
13:38.14asgsml: hehe
13:38.15smlasg: Guess I better quit IRC,and do some work!
13:38.20smla sale!
13:38.22abrotmanNeoBREED: lspci .. and googe :)
13:38.24Guerinsml: what a stupid idea
13:38.25abrotmaner google
13:38.25s-tonedare there any recommendations about notebook hardware for debian?
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13:38.31Guerins-toned: ibm
13:38.38takatumior apple.
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13:38.42stewadughep: then you did compile your own kernel, or you are lying
13:38.48abrotmans-toned: .. and IBM
13:38.48directhex|worktakatumi, 1600x1200 consoles are where it's at
13:38.59adughepno i didnt somoene else did
13:39.00Guerinapple = eew, broadcom?
13:39.04asgadughep: are you trying to install the savage framebuffer code?
13:39.06abrotmanyeah .. pretty much
13:39.11adughepi got minislack with already compiled kernel
13:39.21takatumidirecthex|work: my ati won't take it any further.
13:39.23stewadughep: minislack?
13:39.23asgadughep: try savagefb then
13:39.29adughepi want to install it from weeks
13:39.31asgstew: we've been duped
13:39.33NeoBREEDdoes gdesklets work with fluxbox without gnome?
13:39.39dracNeoBREED: yes.
13:39.46asgNeoBREED: should do though why you want to run it is anyone's guess.
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13:39.52adughepyes minislack with kernel
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13:40.01asgadughep: this is #debian though, not #slackware
13:40.04dracdpkg: minislack
13:40.14adughepi know
13:40.20stewadughep: /part
13:40.25NeoBREEDI want to cutsomize fluxbox a bit
13:40.28adughepbut this is a linux question not only debina
13:40.30NeoBREEDwhere do I start?
13:40.31abrotmanNeoBREED: shouldn't you be working on sound/usb first? :)
13:40.35stewadughep: ##linux then
13:40.41GuerinNeoBREED: fluxconf
13:40.43adughepand here a got many answers
13:40.54NeoBREEDalright alright.... sound/usb
13:40.54jethroadughep: linux questions in ##linux, debian specific problems in #debian
13:41.12NeoBREEDabrotman: I've been working on it all night.... I fell asleep around 5AM
13:41.22NeoBREEDabrotman: help.
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13:41.28adughepnot exactly if i think is a general question i will ask but thanks anyway
13:41.35abrotmanNeoBREED: help?
13:41.38NeoBREEDabrotman: I googled... and do all the other stuff...
13:41.43NeoBREEDabrotman: no luck
13:41.55stewhah, not sure if its a general question, but its definately a debian question
13:41.59AciDwhat's the package name for tho console coloriser already ?
13:42.04abrotmanNeoBREED: what kind of sound card?
13:42.07geertianhowto change my Mix volume?
13:42.07marowiliamssorry an help please; today i cannot log in my sarge starting with runlevel2, so i logged starting in recory mode runlevel1 singleuser and then i've done passwd root ... but if i try to login in runlevel2 is always impossible with all users.
13:42.09jm_console colorizer?
13:42.12AciDit broke the libc6 installation process
13:42.13abrotmanAciD: you need more colors?
13:42.24AciDno, i need to disable it
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13:42.27NeoBREEDfirst of all... I'm in  fluxbox..... now I wouldn't be able to know if usb is working unless I mount it... is that right? mount /dev/sda1?
13:42.28axelxxxhow can i allow opening X session for ssh client?
13:42.31Guerin16 colours should be enough for anyone
13:42.31abrotmanAciD: too many colors?
13:42.37AciDcan't remember the pkg name..
13:42.39abrotmanGuerin: no .. 52!
13:42.40Guerinaxelxxx: /msg dpkg sshx
13:42.45Guerinabrotman: bah.
13:42.49abrotmanAciD: you mean ls --color ?
13:42.55AciDit automatically add some sh color codes
13:43.04NeoBREEDabrotman: I have THinkpad 600 and I think the sound card is Crystal something
13:43.14AciDcolor codes to usual cmd like ping, etc..
13:43.27abrotmanNeoBREED: this is where lspci helps
13:43.49NeoBREEDabrotman: should I apt get that then?
13:43.52stewNeoBREED: cs4232
13:43.56mostyis it just me, or is mozilla-firefox's xul and/or javascript broken in every other sid update? ie i get javascript errors when i try to save a file, print a page etc
13:43.57bwbettinI'm trying to get Xterm to work with 256 colors.  From the tinkering I've done with a few programs, I'm getting the impression that Xterm as installed from the sources for Debian Sarge does not support 256 color as is?  Do I need to compile it myself from sources on the Xterm website, or is there a Debian package I can install from the sources?  Of the packages in my sources only three looked relevant; xterm, xtermcontrol, and xtermset
13:43.57bwbettin.  I have all 3 installed.
13:44.05*** join/#debian vpalle (
13:44.20abrotmanNeoBREED: quite comprehensive ..
13:44.32axelxxxGuerin: are you sure?
13:44.35marowiliamssorry an help please; today i cannot log in my sarge starting with runlevel2, so i logged starting in recory mode runlevel1 singleuser and then i've done passwd root ... but if i try to login in runlevel2 is always impossible with all users.
13:44.41abrotmanNeoBREED: but please make sure your machine type is at least close
13:44.43NeoBREEDabrotman: the sound card is Crystal 4237b
13:44.52Guerinaxelxxx: yes.
13:45.07a_monkeyi installed xfonts-terminus, but i can't find any extra fonts in the fontlist for gnome-terminal.
13:45.09Guerinaxelxxx: of course, if you feel like being more specific...
13:45.10joenpdirecthex|work, takatumi: Thanks, now I'm a little bit wiser :)
13:45.15a_monkeyi've even restarted X
13:45.16stewNeoBREED: its a cs4232 if its a thinpad 600
13:46.09NeoBREEDabrotman: that page and along with others give intensive info on sound with ALSA, but nothing much about USB
13:46.23axelxxxGuerin: it shall be run on server?
13:46.34abrotmanNeoBREED: because usb should just work .. what about your usb doens't work?
13:46.49stew!wayttd NeoBREED
13:46.50dpkgWhat Are You Trying To Do, NeoBREED? is an american and US state flag shop
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13:47.31abrotmans-toned: ?
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13:48.03abrotmans-toned: i think you're stoned
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13:48.32s-tonedabrotman: maybe, there was an s too much
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13:48.45joenpNow that I know that ATI produced my graphics card, which is then most likely a Radeon card, can I apt-get the drivers? E.g. from a custom source?
13:48.53NeoBREEDabrotman: with lspci it says: USB Controller: Intel Corp. 8237AB/EB/MB PIIX4 USB (rev01)
13:49.06directhex|workjoenp, depends on exactly which model of radeon it is
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13:49.16abrotmanNeoBREED: seems fairly common .. sohuld just work i imagine
13:49.25abrotmanNeoBREED: is discover installed?
13:49.38joenpdirecthex|work: I don't know that, hwinfo wasn't able to tell me.
13:49.45NeoBREEDabrotman: how do I mount the usb flash drive? I don't think discover is installed
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13:49.54axelxxxGuerin: so what you say: cient or server?
13:49.54directhex|workjoenp, what's written on the card?
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13:50.16abrotman!tell NeoBREED about usb-storage
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13:50.21joenpdirecthex|work: I wish I knew. The box is closed. Literally :/
13:50.31directhex|workjoenp, get a screwdriver!
13:50.38greycator a blowtorch
13:50.48directhex|workor an angle grinder
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13:50.58stewx-ray goggles!
13:50.58greycator a really powerful laser
13:51.07Guerin!wayttd axelxxx
13:51.08dpkgWhat Are You Trying To Do, axelxxx?
13:51.11jethrox-ray goggles is a good idea
13:51.15abrotmanor really smart ants to go in and bring back the info!
13:51.28greycat<slashdot> nanites! </slashdot>
13:51.39LordFrithOk, so I'm attempting to get NIS running as a siomple client.  I did apt-get insteall nis, gave it the domain name, configured the passwd and groups file accoring to the nis.howto, stopped and started the server, but yet I have no joy.  It doesn't know what files belong to which users.  What am I not doing correctly?
13:52.03axelxxxi need to run wine in ssh, but it causes error when connecting to X
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13:52.11axelxxxthe same thing with xterm
13:52.14jm_lordfi;did you add the + line to /etc/passwd?
13:52.15NeoBREEDabrotman: forgive me, but I don't understand it too much.
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13:52.22LSorensenaxelxxx: and the error is?
13:52.22LordFrithObviously, it was waiting for me to ask this question, since it has now decided to start working.
13:52.24Guerinaxelxxx: you want to run a remote wine on a local X server?
13:52.26greycatLordFrith: what does "ypwhich" say?
13:52.27NeoBREEDabrotman: how do I load the modules?
13:52.34abrotmanNeoBREED: modconf
13:52.50axelxxxi connect to debian from widows
13:53.07NeoBREEDabrotman: getting that now
13:53.11abrotmanNeoBREED: ok
13:53.14greycataxelxxx: putty
13:53.20LordFrithgreycat: The nis server's name.
13:53.20LSorensenaxelxxx: running an X app through ssh bescaily requires:  remote server has X forwarding allowed, remote server has xauth installed, you run ssh -X or have X forwarding enabled in in the ssh client config as default
13:53.24axelxxxGuerin: yes!
13:53.37greycatLordFrith: good... does "ypcat passwd" show you the list of users and their hashes and so on?
13:53.43LSorensenaxelxxx: and of course you have to be running an X server locally with the right env set before starting ssh
13:53.43NeoBREEDabrotman: in the future, will I have to load the modules each time?
13:53.45Guerinaxelxxx: LSorensen said it
13:53.46axelxxxLSorensen: the forwarding is enabled
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13:53.55abrotmanNeoBREED: not if you use modconf you shouldn't
13:53.59LordFrithFor some reason, it has decided that it can now run.
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13:54.04LSorensenaxelxxx: are you running X on windows?
13:54.11geertianHOWTO change the volume of mix for alsa??
13:54.18LSorensengeertian: alsa-utils package, alsamixer
13:54.22Gueringeertian: alsamixer!!!
13:54.29LordFrithIt's doing uid <-> username translation, so I guess it's happy now.
13:54.43*** part/#debian [work]brina (
13:54.44axelxxxLSorensen:i connect from windows, but i need to start app that uses X
13:54.49geertianalsamixer is not capable of changing the mix thingy...
13:54.53LordFrithNow my main concern is: su: Authentication service cannot retrieve authentication info.
13:54.59Gueringeertian: what is the mix thingy?
13:55.01jm_LordFrith: otherwise use ypcat to fetch the data from the server
13:55.06LSorensenaxelxxx: then you have to be running an X server on windows first, and have your ssh client configured properly to forward connections to your X server
13:55.20LordFrithBut that probably has something to do with the way I was logged into this machine, so that's acceptable.
13:55.22*** join/#debian Mwnci (
13:55.29axelxxxis there any X server from wnd?
13:55.34LSorensenaxelxxx: X applications can only display on an X server, so you have to run one.  cygwin has one for example
13:55.46Guerinaxelxxx: woah, you haven't even got that far?
13:55.57NeoBREEDabrotman: I'm in modconf, but the kernel/drivers/usb/storage has a '.' next to it
13:56.01geertian<Guerin> alsactl says : Simple mixer control 'Mix',0
13:56.04LSorensenaxelxxx: the other option is to run Xvnc on the server, and run a vnc client instead
13:56.05axelxxxLSorensen:  you mean Ms Windows?
13:56.08directhex|workinstall cygwin, the xserver in that is pretty good since they dumped xfree86 for xorg
13:56.10NeoBREEDabrotman: and there's no sn_mod
13:56.15LSorensenaxelxxx: then run the aplpication inside Xvnc
13:56.21abrotmanNeoBREED: sg_mod ?
13:56.29abrotmanoh .. sd_mod
13:56.32abrotmanjust load sd_mod
13:56.34abrotmanerr sd
13:56.37abrotmani think that's it
13:56.39LSorensenaxelxxx: cygwin is unix tools for win32
13:56.40Gueringeertian: sounds to me like your alsa system is fucked.
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13:56.58axelxxxLSorensen: maybe i should better use some linux to connect (RedHat, Knopp, etc?)
13:57.01greycatcygwin is really more of a unix-like environment that runs on top of win32.
13:57.05LSorensengeertian: what cards are listed in /proc/asound/cards ?
13:57.11Guerinaxelxxx: would be easier
13:57.15LSorensengreycat: well poxis environment emulator for windows
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13:57.24NeoBREEDabrotman: I don't see sd_mod
13:57.29axelxxxGuerin: thanx. i'll try that now
13:57.33abrotmanNeoBREED: how about just 'sd' ?
13:57.36geertianis fucked?? what do you mean by fucked??
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13:57.43LSorensenaxelxxx: simplest solution is to dump windows and run linux instead
13:57.51directhex|workcygwin is a posix compatability dll for windows, and a bunch of unix apps compiled for that posix environment
13:57.52abrotmangeertian: you see .. you insert the ...
13:57.59NeoBREEDabrotman: where would it be listed under? in modconf
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13:58.11abrotmanNeoBREED: try just loading usb-storage
13:58.16Mwncianybody know of a good tool to connect a debian laptop using a pcmcia card to connect to an access point
13:58.26geertian<VIA 8235 at 0xe000, irq 193>I'ts
13:58.28axelxxxLSorensen: how does linux connect to ssh. in windows i use putty.
13:58.31GuerinMwnci: an ethernet cable
13:58.39greycataxelxxx: man ssh
13:58.39directhex|workaxelxxx, with ssh
13:58.39LSorensenMwnci: wirelesstools package or something?  assuming you have a supported wireless card and a driver for it
13:58.39asgMwnci: apt-get install wireless tools ; man 7 wireless
13:58.43Mwnciyes well that does work Guerin
13:58.55Mwncigot them tools LSorensen asg
13:59.07axelxxxgreycat: and do i need any additional installs to use X?
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13:59.16NeoBREEDabrotman: in the usb/storage... there's  a dot... I went in... and it says: usb-storage +USB Mass Storage support
13:59.16directhex|workyou can compile unix tools for windows which either reply on cygwin1.dll, or compile larger binaries which include the required layers in the executable using mingw
13:59.18LSorensenaxelxxx: linux uses ssh client program.  if run inside X on linux, using ssh -X it will forward the X connection
13:59.27NeoBREEDabrotman: I'm assuming it's already loaded
13:59.28abrotmanNeoBREED: sounds like it's already loaded
13:59.38Mwncitried sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid NetworkName channel 10    sudo ifup wlan0
13:59.41axelxxxLSorensen: ok i got it now i'll try
13:59.53axelxxxSee ya around
13:59.57NeoBREEDabrotman: should I worry about sd_mod?
13:59.59Mwncithat trys to dhcp but never finds the network
14:00.00abrotmanNeoBREED: did you try plugging in a device?
14:00.02gothtecWhat's the simplest command that outputs the name of a box with as little other information as possible?
14:00.09NeoBREEDabrotman: haha yeah I did.
14:00.15joenpdirecthex|work: It was closed, but not locked. I was able to open it, and had to pull the card out to read anything on it. The only reasonable numbers I could see were written on the bottom: 8960 and 1.30. AFAIK there is no ATI model 8960? ;)
14:00.21NeoBREEDabrotman: it has been in for a while
14:00.21tzafrirgodsmoke, hostname ?
14:00.33NeoBREEDabrotman: the green LED isn't flashing though
14:00.42*** part/#debian axelxxx (
14:00.44abrotmanNeoBREED: did you mount it ?
14:00.48directhex|workjoenp, MSI MS-8960. Radeon X300SE.
14:00.51geertianLSorensen:<VIA 8235 at 0xe000, irq 193> is in /proc/asound/cards
14:00.52gothtectzafrir: thanks :)
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14:01.11directhex|workjoenp, google for "flavio ati" and follow the instructions to the letter, to the pixel, to the electron.
14:01.13LSorensengeertian: well it found something.  I imagine that is snd-via82cxx or something like that right?
14:01.20*** part/#debian marowiliams (~marco@
14:01.32greycatdirecthex|work: why are we not telling people to /msg dpkg ati drivers
14:01.52greycatdirecthex|work: if the <ati drivers> factoid is obsolete (quite probable), let's fix it
14:02.04directhex|work!ati drivers
14:02.04dpkgdebs of the binary ATI drivers are at (requires that the 'rpm' package be installed)  Be sure to *modularize* both the AGP GART and the Radeon DRM options in your custom kernel (under Character Devices).  ATI's binary driver does NOT support 9700 mobility radeon or the Mobility U1.  Ask me about 'mobility u1'.
14:02.07Mwnciany tools that can detect and connect to a wireless network?
14:02.22abrotmanapt-cache search ?
14:02.26asgMwnci: iwlist <interface> scan ; man iwconfig or man 7 wireless
14:02.30NeoBREEDabrotman: do I just create a directory in et/fstab? (dev/sda1 and then make another directory (/mnt/usb) in it?
14:02.36directhex|workthink the no worky bit is obsolete, otherwise seems fine. factoids i don't create myself i try to avoid in case someone's tampered with them
14:02.52asgMwnci: wavemon can also be used for some cards, but not all.
14:02.53qwertzjm_ thanks looks like the right tool
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14:03.02Mwnciok asg
14:03.03directhex|workdpkg, ati drivers =~ s/  ATI's binary driver does NOT support 9700 mobility radeon or the Mobility U1.  Ask me about 'mobility u1'.//
14:03.03dpkgdirecthex|work: OK
14:03.06greycatwell, we no longer recommend custom kernels, for one.  it also fails to mention module-assistant, for two....
14:03.23directhex|workdon't think the ati stuff suports module-assistant does it?
14:03.27LSorensengeertian: well it works ok on this board here (snd-via82xx is in /etc/modules to make sure it loads before the crappy oss driver)
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14:03.32directhex|worka while since i had the misfportune to use an ati on debian
14:03.41LSorensengeertian: Asus A8V-DX board
14:03.42abrotmanNeoBREED: that's one way ..
14:03.43greycatI have one at home, but I don't bother with fglrx
14:03.53NeoBREEDabrotman: what's a good way to do it
14:03.55LSorensendirecthex|work: it's been a while since I had the misfortune of using an ati at all
14:04.01greycatI also have a custom kernel, so I'm leery of trying m-a with it
14:04.02asgdirecthex|work: 2d with the X ati driver is decent.
14:04.05abrotmanNeoBREED: the way you listed is just fine
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14:04.16NeoBREEDabrotman: I just learn that etc/fstab isn't a directory
14:04.18Mwnciasg  I tried wavemon but it couldnt detect it
14:04.21directhex|worktechnically i could run fglrx on here, but it was freezing as x started when i tried. plus, no amd64 binaries from flavio
14:04.23LSorensengeertian: using 2.6.8 kernel from sarge
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14:04.30asgMwnci: did you install the kernel module for your card?
14:04.33directhex|workoh hold on
14:04.36NeoBREEDabrotman: so does that mean I have to edit the content in vi or emacs?
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14:04.45directhex|workno, crossed wires, ignore me
14:04.46greycatNeoBREED: any editor.
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14:05.11directhex|workinfact, sod it.
14:05.15abrotmanNeoBREED: yes .. with an editor
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14:05.29Mwnciasg, yes. if I do iwconfig gives me the full details on my card
14:05.46asgMwnci: does iwlist <interface> scan list your AP?
14:05.47karstenabrotman: Sometimes you can get by with an associate editor.
14:05.56asgMwnci: if not, is your AP broadcasting its essid?
14:05.57abrotmankarsten: copy editor ?
14:06.18karstenabrotman: That's only if you're editing a copy.
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14:06.24directhex|workdpkg, no, ati drivers is <reply>If you wish to use ATI's closed-source binary fglrx driver, then follow the instructions on - do NOT try to convert the drivers from ATI's website yourself with Alien. These drivers support Radeon 8500 or higher cards.
14:06.25dpkgdirecthex|work: okay
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14:06.32karstenabrotman: If you're editing bread, you use a proof editor.
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14:06.41karstenabrotman: ...and if it's old-time rowing ships....
14:06.43directhex|workthere, i think that's better.
14:06.44asgkarsten: rising to the challenge again?
14:06.45karstenabrotman: need a galley editor.
14:06.47Mwnciasg, it cant find iwlist as a command
14:06.58*** join/#debian saabin (~rf@
14:07.01saabinhello again
14:07.04saabinin ksh how do you check a variable?  if [ "$myvar" = "" ] ; then eval "blah1" else eval "blah2" fi   ?
14:07.10saabinfor empty
14:07.14asgMwnci: it's in the wireless-tools package (at least on sid)
14:07.18LSorensensaabin: if [ -z "$var" ]
14:07.30LSorensensaabin: man [
14:07.33dracI want to browse rsync://, from debian sid, but never used rsync and don't know where to start.
14:07.36LSorensensaabin: simpler that way
14:07.37dracany pointers?
14:07.49NeoBREEDabrotman: I did vi /etc/fstab, but when I'm inside... the text file just flashed when try to enter
14:07.58LSorensendrac: rsync is for syncing files, not browsing
14:08.06saabinif [ -z "$MYVAR" ] ; then
14:08.10saabingot it
14:08.10Mwnciasg, it found my network
14:08.12abrotmankarsten: ew
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14:08.28abrotmanNeoBREED: you need to learn how to use vi first :)
14:08.34TBBleI really don't recommend editing system files with an editor you don't know how to use... Or in fact running such an editor as root at all.
14:08.40NeoBREEDI will go do that
14:08.41asgMwnci: good, then use iwconfig to fill in the appropriate information (or hardcode it in /etc/network/interfaces using man 7 wireless as an example)
14:08.47geertianaaaargh!! back in a sec....
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14:09.07asgMwnci: if you aren't using wep, then set at least 'essid, mode = Managed (most likely), and key off'
14:09.10geertianaaaargh!! back in a sec....
14:09.29Mwnciasg  would WPA stop it?
14:09.56asgMwnci: yes, if that's what you are using. You'll need wpa_supplicant iirc to use that.
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14:10.12mrwillproftpd on stable is giving me a lot of 'no such user' errors for a user that exists!  could this be a PAM problem?
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14:10.23directhex|worky'know, the sad thing is, there isn't a single graphics card on the new PCI Express interface with open-source 3D drivers
14:10.32dracLSorensen: hmm, i'm trying to get gentoos ati fglrx patches.. to create patch against 2.6.12-rc2, allready got it compiled by it won't load correctly. just to look around. so it syncs files, err.. so there is no way i can just download these files i want?
14:10.32karstenabrotman: There's nothing like running a pair (or triplet) of aptitude dist-upgrades, a mess of webpage loads, and IRC, to make on realize just how much Realplayer sucks eggs.
14:10.34asg!info wpasupplicant
14:10.41dpkgwpasupplicant: (Client support for WPA and WPA2 (IEEE 802.11i)), section net, is optional. Version: 0.3.8-1 (sid), Packaged size: 139 kB, Installed size: 384 kB
14:10.45abrotmankarsten: right ... .. i think
14:11.01karstenabrotman: Fscking client won't cache more than a few seconds of play, if you go back to the start, it has to start downloading all over again.  Even flash gets _that_ part right.
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14:12.34karstenabrotman: OTOH, if you want to watch the same ten seconds of video, in jerk-cam, with 20 seconds between each two seconds of play, it's most excellent.
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14:13.31LSorensendrac: they must have a non rsync way to browse
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14:13.55geertian<LSorensen> I've got alsamixer running without a problem, so the card/driver seem ok..
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14:15.51geertian<LSorensen> Oh mu card is a Asus A7v8X
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14:16.31greycatgeertian: if you're talking *to* LSorensen please don't put <anglebrackets> around his name as if you were quoting him
14:16.51geertianoooh oooops sory...
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14:17.51karstenSo...  If sarge isn't out ...
14:18.03stousetkarsten: Sarge isn't out? ;(
14:18.19karsten...does that mean it's gay, but in the closet?
14:18.36asgkarsten: it might just be in watching the telly
14:18.42karstenstouset: That's what I here...
14:18.49stousetkarsten: since when?
14:19.00stousetkarsten: when was sarge not released? :-(
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14:19.15karstenstouset: I hear sarge wasn't released yesterday.
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14:19.29stousetkarsten: crap. I am always the *last* person to hear about this shit.
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14:19.47solemnwarninghi all
14:20.07maxxleWhat is the first available serial port? /dev/ttyS0 or /dev/ttyS1?
14:20.17karstenstouset: It also wasn't release March 4.
14:20.22karstenmaxxle: 0
14:20.28maxxlekarsten: ok
14:20.30stousetkarsten: Now that's a shock :-(
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14:20.38solemnwarningim planning on buying a copy of debian but the shop dosnt have debian 3.1
14:20.58solemnwarningthe only version they have is 3.0r4
14:21.01stewsolemnwarning: 3.1 hasn't been released yet
14:21.11greycatkarsten: draw it.  post it.
14:21.13solemnwarningbut im running 3.1 on my lan server :S
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14:21.18stousetsolemnwarning: Ew, 3.0r4? I don't remember a Windows with that version...
14:21.33asgstouset: 3.0r5 was released on the 16th
14:21.33stewstouset: wtf are you talking about?
14:21.33greycat!d-i solemnwarning
14:21.34dpkgsolemnwarning, you want to go to - for your own good, and everyone else's.
14:21.38stousetsolemnwarning: let me recommend XP
14:21.46stew!troll stouset
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14:21.58geertiancan somebody help with my "VIA 8235" sound card using alsa??
14:22.06stousetgeertian: what's the problem?
14:22.19solemnwarningis 3.0r4 the same as 3.1 roughly?
14:22.24stewsolemnwarning: no
14:22.26asgsolemnwarning: not by a long shot
14:22.28greycatnot even Close.
14:22.31stewsolemnwarning: 3.0 is woody, 3.1 is sarge
14:22.36caphusogeertian: snd-via82xx, assuming you're using alsa
14:22.49stousetsolemnwarning: 3.0r4 is still the same Woody packages with some security updates and bugfixes
14:22.52greycatstew> solemnwarning: 3.0 is woody, 3.1 is sarge
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14:23.04geertianno sound!! ok, I've got alsamixer running without a problem but nothing
14:23.04VirtualVirtual:~# /usr/sbin/apache start
14:23.04VirtualSyntax error on line 8 of /etc/apache/modules.conf:
14:23.04VirtualCannot add module via name 'mod_php4.c': not in list of loaded modules
14:23.10Virtualwhat can I do to fix this?
14:23.13geertianusing snd-via82xx
14:23.17asgVirtual: apt-get install php4
14:23.34Virtualphp4 is already the newest version.
14:23.35solemnwarningdoes any1 know any sites in the uk with 3.1?
14:23.44asgVirtual: what debian?
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14:24.09stousetVirtual: Apache 2?
14:24.12asgVirtual: paste line 8
14:24.17stousetVirtual: aptitude install libapache2-mod-php4
14:24.40solemnwarningi already burned a cd
14:24.52dippois there any reason not to use the default "backup" user in debian for other backup-related purposes
14:24.54NeoBREEDabrotman: the file is read only, I'm having trouble writing to it
14:24.55stousetOh hell.
14:24.58*** join/#debian grendal_prime (
14:24.59Virtualapache 1.3.33
14:24.59dippoif only for the fact that it's named backup
14:25.01solemnwarningbut i want to get a cd with all the stuff like cheep linux has
14:25.04Virtualshould I get apache 2?
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14:25.11stousetApache2's PHP4 implementation isn't thread safe :-(
14:25.15caphusono, it's not
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14:25.19NeoBREEDabrotman: I tried the :w command... and  :! but it's weird...
14:25.23asgstouset: you can use the mpm-prefork model
14:25.33abrotmanNeoBREED: are you root?
14:25.39NeoBREEDabrotman: I am
14:25.40grendal_primebut what exactly does that mean caphuso
14:25.41stousetasg: evidently not
14:25.44caphusogrendal_prime: ignore it
14:25.57abrotmanNeoBREED: :w!
14:26.08stousetasg: "This package provides the PHP4 module for the Apache 2.0 webserver (as found in the apache2-mpm-prefork package). Please note that this package ONLY works with Apache's prefork MPM, as it is not compiled thread-safe."
14:26.19budluvaok, so im currently running fedora core 3 rrright now, just finished downloading the debian dvd, what are the chances of me being able to keep my /home when i install debian?
14:26.28asgstouset: right, that's what I said
14:26.34stousetbudluva: Is /home a separate partition?
14:26.37directhex|workbudluva, where is you $home, and what debian dvd?
14:26.42citralbudluva: if it's on a separate partition, all the chances
14:26.46stousetasg: *blink* It explicitly says it's not thread-safe, does it not?
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14:27.02asgstouset: yes, that's why I said it has to use the prefork model
14:27.04stousetbudluva: If it's not on a separate partition, your chances are high
14:27.14stousetasg: aaaaah, the prefork mpm provides thread-safing?
14:27.34asgstouset: no, it just provides what apache 1.3 provides obviating the need for thread safety
14:27.34stousetasg: *thwacks self* never mind
14:27.38asgstouset: ;)
14:27.43NeoBREEDabrotman: is it okay if the line is not right under the old content? cause I'm writing to the place where the command line is
14:27.54asgVirtual: did you install libapache-mod-php4 yet?
14:27.54stousetasg: Yeah :-) It just launches bunches of daemons rather than threads. I assume there's a performance impact?
14:27.56Mwnciasg,   sorry about that I had to reset my AP.  what was that about wpa?
14:28.04budluvahdc1 = / hdc2 = /var hdc5 = /home
14:28.16abrotmanNeoBREED: say what? ..
14:28.22asgstouset: it is probably as performant as apache 1.3, though I haven't benched it.
14:28.31citralbudluva: so just be careful with the installer, choose to custom patition and it's all good
14:28.31asgMwnci: check into the wpasupplicant package.
14:28.33stousetasg: Fair enough. Thanks.
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14:28.49karstenbudluva: You can keep /home.
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14:29.16karstenbudluva: If it's *not* a seperate partition, tar it up, then recreate it.
14:29.28citralhe just said it is
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14:29.45citralbut he could do it just in case
14:29.52NeoBREEDabrotman: I see, I can't use [enter] like i use it with other editors.... so I used space to move down the next line
14:29.56stousetbudluva: Why the switch?
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14:30.11geertianwhy can't I change the mix volume using alsamixer???
14:30.17greycatask #alsa
14:30.28karstenbudluva: You'll also want to copy your _user_ accounts (not system accounts) from /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow, so that account #s add up.  Otherwise, just chwon the user trees when you restore/remount it.
14:30.30budluvawell the only reason why i installed fc3 is because there was a dvd copy
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14:30.44budluvanow i found the debian dvd, so im going back to deb
14:30.51stousetbudluva: that works
14:31.02directhex|workbudluva, this isn't woody i hope?
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14:31.21abrotmanNeoBREED: i odn't think that will work
14:31.23budluvayeah, only dvd available wass woody
14:31.30budluvano biggy
14:31.36NeoBREEDabrotman: I did it
14:31.50abrotmandid what?
14:31.52directhex|workbudluva, erm... good luck runnign woody on any hardware made since early 2001
14:32.08greycat!woody hardware support
14:32.08dpkgfrom memory, woody hardware support is firmly rooted around its freeze date - January 2002. It won't support new graphics cards (Geforce 4 or higher), disk controllers (Serial ATA), disks over 137Gb (LBA48), sound cards (nForce2), ethernet (nForce*), wireless net interfaces (Bluetooth), etc. Just run Sarge.
14:32.11citralbudluva: woody is old, very old
14:32.14budluvai used to have a woody netinst cd that worked fine on this machine
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14:32.17NeoBREEDabrotman: where do I do mkdir /mnt/usb?
14:32.28abrotmananywhere you want
14:32.32greycatcitral: hardly that.
14:32.33abrotmanas long as you type it like that
14:32.34budluvaonly thing new on this is the 200g seagate hdd
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14:32.46greycatbudluva: then you'll need 2.4.21 or higher.
14:33.05budluvawell there is no other debian dvd
14:33.14budluvaand i have 0 cdrs :P
14:33.26citralbudluva: do you have a fast internet connection?
14:33.27greycatgo fucking BUY SOME.
14:33.28greycatmy god.
14:33.38greycator do a floppy install.
14:33.42NeoBREEDabrotman: it saids can't find /nt/usb in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab
14:33.46citralbudluva: ... so you don't NEED a dvd
14:33.49NeoBREEDdarn it
14:33.50greycatoh wait, you're going to tell us you don't have floppies either, now, right?
14:33.52budluvaim not goin to go buy a pack of cdrs that i'll use 4 cds out of it and have it sitt there and rot :P
14:33.52abrotmanNeoBREED: read what you just typed
14:34.08Rydekullbudluva: buy one and use one then?
14:34.14greycatbuy a CD-RW then
14:34.17Rydekullor that
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14:34.23abrotmanNeoBREED: then sounds like somehting is wrong with fstab
14:34.27greycator buy 3 floppies and use those.
14:34.37budluvaso your all saying that woody dvd will not work for me at all? but my old woody netinst cd used to work fine?
14:34.44Rydekullgreycat: wouldnt two suffice? heck one suffice if you have another computer :D
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14:35.00greycatRydekull: yeah, I've done it with one floppy in rotation :)
14:35.00budluvaonce i install woody cant i dist-upgrade to sarge?
14:35.13citralbudluva: yes.
14:35.18Rydekullgreycat: yeah, installed my old 486 laptop with 1 disk in rotation :D
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14:35.25greycatbudluva: /msg dpkg woody->sarge
14:35.27budluvaso whats wrong with woody dvd then?
14:35.31Rydekullgreycat: it took a while, but I made it, couldnt connect it to the net either :P
14:35.32greycatbudluva: don't use apt-get for it.
14:35.49solemnwarningif i get woody 3.0r4 will it be the same to configure and setup as sarge basicly?
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14:36.19caphusoon a very basic level all linux distributions are the same to configure and setup...
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14:36.36citralsolemnwarning: basically it's the same
14:36.56NeoBREEDabrotman: where do I go from here?
14:36.58peanutpeanutHello. Does anyone here a script to block automated attacks on ssh servers?
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14:37.15directhex|worksolemnwarning, very different to install, harder to configure & set up.
14:37.20greycatit's the same except that woody gives you LILO and leaves your kernel and its modules just lying around scattered in the file system without being in a package.  sarge gives you GRUB and the kernel-image is packaged so it can be updated/deleted normally.
14:37.35abrotmanNeoBREED: fix your fstab
14:37.40LSorensenpeanutpeanut: how does one detect an automated attack on ssh?
14:37.47petemcpeanutpeanut: a debian developer posted something on about doing that with iptables, cant remember who or when tho
14:37.48greycatwoody is also a more "newbie hostile" installer, expecting you to read things (GASP!!)
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14:38.00solemnwarningi guess i should wait untill cheeplinux gets hold of sarge3.1
14:38.03peanutpeanutpetemc, thanks
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14:38.04FarrisGI have a really dumb question: Is there any debian-packaged calendar server that is compatible with M$ Outlook's calendaring features?
14:38.21Rydekullgreycat: I miss the time when I didnt have to bring up the menu to select lilo as bootloader :(
14:38.29peanutpeanutLSorensen, large number of failed logins from same ip using different non-existant usernames
14:38.36stewsolemnwarning: didn't you say you already burned a d-i cd?  do you have a slow internet connection?
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14:39.06LSorensenpeanutpeanut: some kind of log checker?
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14:39.09NeoBREEDabrotman: freak it... I'm gonna try xemacs.. vi seems to be a bit advance for me right now
14:39.16citralpeanutpeanut: just put the ip in /etc/hosts.deny d'oh
14:39.17LSorensenNeoBREED: no, vim!
14:39.18peanutpeanutLSorensen, yes
14:39.20abrotmanNeoBREED: ok
14:39.25peanutpeanutsyntaxis, thanks just looking
14:39.35petemcsyntaxis: did you have that bookmarked or is your google fu strong?
14:39.36Mwnciasg, I installed wpasupplicant via apt but bash doesnt regonise it so i cant man it. any ideas why?
14:39.41greycatNeoBREED: "nano -w" is fine for many newbies
14:39.55asgMwnci: dpkg -L wpasupplicant ; /usr/share/doc/wpasupplicant
14:40.01greycatif -w were the default, I'd have no qualms about recommending nano more widely
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14:40.02NeoBREEDI've used emacs before.... it seems easier
14:40.04syntaxispetemc: I remembered that Andrew Pollock was the bloke that wrote it, so Google found it no problem :-)
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14:40.11petemcsyntaxis: nice one :)
14:40.32NeoBREEDabrotman: when you said fix my fstab, you did me edit it, right?
14:40.46peanutpeanutcitral, I have lots of different ips. I'd like to use a script to automate it.
14:41.02peanutpeanutcitral, I have lots of different ips >scanning me<
14:41.08citralpeanutpeanut: ok, the url that syntaxis gave seems fine :)
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14:42.20Mwnciasg, it had an error.   is a directory
14:42.24citralpeanutpeanut: if you can do that, the best way would be to accept only from trusted ips and reject the rest...
14:42.34geertianhowto install a experimental package on a testing release?
14:42.35asgMwnci: what had an error?
14:42.36citralnot that ips can be really trusted but...
14:42.44VirtualAny idea why WINE give me the error message : "Unhandled page fault on read access to 0x003c002f at address 0x401c8fa7. Do you wish to debug it ?" when I try to open an app that worked before my last linux reinstall ?
14:42.48*** join/#debian gypsymauro (
14:42.50Althaserxauth: timeout in locking authority file /home/user/.Xauthority, can someone help me ? please
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14:43.05Mwnciasg, that command you gave me
14:43.14eaumechantI'm thinking of switching from Mandrake to Debian
14:43.20citralyou win
14:43.20petemcgypsymauro: /msg dpkg experimental
14:43.22Mwnciasg, dpkg   bash threw an error
14:43.24asgMwnci: dpkg -L wpasupplicant?
14:43.30petemcgeertian: /msg dpkg experimental
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14:43.35gypsymauropetemc: ?
14:43.44petemcgypsymauro: tab completion gone wrong
14:43.53petemcif you couldnt see that already..
14:44.12NeoBREEDabrotman: OKAY it works
14:44.16Mwnciasg, that worked but it still wont let me man it
14:44.19*** part/#debian gypsymauro (
14:44.26NeoBREEDthanks to whoever suggested nano -w
14:44.27s-tonedhp will support ubuntu for their notebook models nx6110 nc6120 nc6220nc6230 nc6000 shortly (interesting, though not debian)
14:44.28bwbettinanyone familiar with getting 256 color support working in Xterm for Sarge?
14:44.38abrotmanNeoBREED: good
14:44.49asgMwnci: it might not have a manpage, dpkg -L <foo> lists what the package installed. /usr/share/docs/<pkg> is always a good start on where to find documentation
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14:45.13asgMwnci: also, dpkg -L <foo> | grep man
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14:45.28petemcs-toned: hp made a big song and dance about supporting debian, when i approached them for support, i got messed about for 6 months and eventually just got phil hands to give me a support contract
14:45.28geertianpetemc:what should I do then... stop enjoying music/movies ??
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14:45.50petemcgeertian: i dont see how the two are related
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14:45.58NeoBREEDabrotman: that's a major step. thanks. Now, about the sound... I've tried a lot of things... but I think I don't have a clue where to go... that's the problem.... should I check in modconf for the sound driver?
14:45.59*** part/#debian Sphinx (
14:46.07abrotmanNeoBREED: you can
14:46.34eaumechantMandrake is really good for networking - it's very easy to set up network connections, internet connections, etc. in Mandrake
14:46.44eaumechantI'm worried that if I switch to Debian, I'll lose that
14:46.48petemceaumechant: its trivial in debian too
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14:47.22NeoBREEDabrotman: it seems that user don't have permission to access the usb
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14:47.32eaumechantok so what are the disadvantages of Debian?
14:47.40NeoBREEDdo I use chmod?
14:47.43petemceaumechant: long release cycle
14:47.52eaumechantand what of the 8 images should I download?
14:47.56abrotmanNeoBREED: man fstab;man mount
14:47.58eaumechanton the 'net there are 8 CD images to download
14:47.59petemctho thats not a disadvantage to everyone
14:48.04eaumechantwhich of them should I download?
14:48.08geertianpetemc:It's not supported/recomended to install experimental packages... #alsa told me to install this experimental package if I want to solve my sound problem...
14:48.09eaumechantor, should I pay money?
14:48.14steweaumechant: you only need the first or a netinst.
14:48.24steweaumechant: is this for a server or workstation?
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14:48.45syntaxiseaumechant: at this point, you might want to install Sarge as opposed to Woody
14:49.15petemcgeertian: ok, well all you need to do is add a source for experimental, but a the factoid says, if you cant find that out for yourself, you're unlikely to be able to fix any problems that may arise from using experimental
14:49.26petemcand there almost certainly will be problems
14:50.07peanutpeanutsyntaxis, thanks!
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14:51.17seldonDepends. If you use just a package or two, you may be lucky. I wouldn't upgrade my whole system to experimental, though
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14:51.32caphusoexperimental doesn't contain a whole system
14:51.57solemnwarningany idea when shops will sell sarge?
14:51.59petemccaphuso: you can upgrade against experimental
14:52.19caphusopetemc: yeah, but most of your system will stay sid
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14:52.32seldonsid/experimental, then
14:52.35seldonYou know what I mean
14:52.37neightHey guys, i've got a copy of debian 3.0 r1 on cd.. i know its fairly outdated now is it possible if i installed the base system to upgrade it fully to the latest stable version using apt-get dist-upgrade?
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14:52.40slushpupieexperimental is like an addon to sid
14:52.47caphusoneight: sure
14:52.51syntaxissolemnwarning: some already are
14:53.06solemnwarningare they uk?
14:53.14directhex|workneight, yes. r5 is r1 with security updates. same versions of apps etc
14:53.17neightcaphuso sweet
14:53.17neightbeen awhile since i used debian
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14:53.26neightprefer it overall
14:53.27syntaxissolemnwarning: e.g.
14:53.34neightcaphuso what is the laes stable release now?
14:53.35NeoBREEDabrotman: thanks.
14:53.39johnJi'm new with linux which version of debian is best? home pc.
14:53.46NeoBREEDabrotman: I got the USB thing done
14:53.51abrotmanNeoBREED: yay
14:53.51greycatjohnJ: sarge.
14:53.56abrotmanNeoBREED: still no sound?
14:53.57*** part/#debian BullWeivez (~BullWeive@
14:54.02abrotmanNeoBREED: try alsa maybe
14:54.06johnJi have heard that it is very un stable
14:54.07stewsolemnwarning: how fast is your internet connection?
14:54.16asgjohnJ: sarge (/msg dpkg di-i)
14:54.23NeoBREEDabrotman: that's what I've been trying
14:54.31johnJthanks very much :D
14:54.41syntaxisjohnJ: no, that's Unstable/Sid. *Sarge's* problem is that it still doesn't get timely security updates
14:54.41asgjohnJ: /msg dpkg d-i (rather)
14:54.54johnJokay thanks a lot :DD
14:55.08neightis debian 3.0 r5 latest stable
14:55.15s-tonedis it possible to select text in xterm with the keyboard? (inserting is with shift+insert)
14:55.15syntaxisneight: yes
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14:55.22greycatneight: if you follow stable, /msg dpkg security
14:55.30petemcs-toned: screen can do that
14:55.42greycat3.0r* is irrelevant because you should be getting security updates as they come out
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14:56.41cyphedudequick question: ne1 know how many packages are maintained in Debian?
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14:56.49NeoBREEDabrotman: btw, I installed xemacs21 ... now I want to uninstall it... is there a way to do it with apt-get remove and remove the whole bunch of crap that came with xemacs?
14:56.52petemccyphedude: apt-cache stats
14:56.58dpkgDebian Distro Stats on sid... 16720 packages, 1504 maintainers, 33421 MB installed size, 10763 MB compressed size.
14:57.00greycatno, ne1 doesn't know.
14:57.15stewcyphedude: ^^^
14:57.19abrotmanNeoBREED: there is .. but you have to use it before hand i think
14:57.36*** join/#debian TU (
14:57.41TUcan you use Apache2 with SSL?
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14:57.54TUthere dosn't seem to be an apache 2 ssl module
14:58.01cyphedudepetemc - thanks!
14:58.03asgTU: it comes with apache2
14:58.15TUThank you.
14:58.19tilixdoes somebody know if the scripts for are open sourced?
14:58.21TUmod_perl come with it too?
14:58.27*** join/#debian Active2 (
14:58.32asgTU: apt-cache search apache2 mod perl
14:58.34petemccyphedude: man apt-cache , it can do other useful things too
14:58.45TUii didn't know you could do that.
14:59.25NeoBREEDabrotman: I will try aptitude
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14:59.36TUaptitude scares me.
14:59.45TUit is too complicated it is easier to use command line.
15:00.25TUgranted i like vi so what do i know.
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15:01.02syntaxisTU: aptitude has both a command line interface and a text console GUI
15:01.21TUis it as simple as apt?
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15:01.38karsten!tell TU about aptitude
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15:01.44karstenTU: Read the mailing list post.
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15:02.06NeoBREEDaptitude is a friendly kind of thing... in fact... I'm using it now :)
15:02.25syntaxisTU: there are various differences (e.g. aptitude installs "recommended" packages by default whilst apt-get does not) but basically yes
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15:02.33TUahh the horror
15:02.33*** join/#debian FireEgl (Ariel@2001:5c0:84dc:2:0:0:0:0)
15:02.38TUi don't want more packages on my system
15:02.39TUi want less :P
15:03.10dpkgI am not your damn csh prompt!
15:03.23TUhow can you delete unused packages with aptitude?
15:03.29TUit says it can but not how.
15:03.36syntaxisTU: the behaviour is configurable, but basically most people will want "recommended" packages - they shouldn't *be* recommended if the maintainer didn't consider them to signifantly enhance the users' experience
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15:04.11s-tonedpetemc: I tried screen xterm, and read man screen, but didn't find anything about text-selection (only selecting diffrerent screen-windows)
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15:04.37TUand aptitude looks like crap in SecureCRT hehe
15:04.50syntaxisTU: by default, aptitude removes unused packages automatically whenever it is invoked
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15:05.37VirtualAny idea why WINE give me the error message : "Unhandled page fault on read access to 0x003c002f at address 0x401c8fa7. Do you wish to debug it ?" when I try to open an app that worked before my last linux reinstall ?
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15:06.24karstenTU: Then remove them ;-)
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15:06.28karstenTU: aptitude remove <foo>
15:06.33syntaxisVirtual: unless it's the exact same version, looks like you've found a regression
15:06.43petemcs-toned: ^a[ to start copying , select text, ^a] to paste
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15:07.40NeoBREEDabrotman: It seems the modconf sees the cardcs4281 but it wouldn't install the module
15:07.53NeoBREEDabrotman: it seems like  I need to enter in some parameter
15:07.56abrotmanNeoBREED: i think that's the wrong module
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15:08.07abrotmanNeoBREED: lspci .. what kind of sound card od you have?
15:08.15laxdragonhow do you use dpkg to get just the list of installed packages? I want to pipe that list to a text file, then use that list on a new machine to install the exact same list of packages. dpkg -l gives me extra cols I don't need, and worse yet, truncates the package name column when it is too long.
15:08.30petemclaxdragon: --get-selections - man dpkg
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15:08.51NeoBREEDabrotman: I don't see it
15:09.00karstenTU: You can also use deborphan to track what libs aren't in use.  If you use aptitude exclusively, they'll be removed when the packages requiring them are removed.
15:09.03abrotmanNeoBREED: is it an isa sound card?
15:09.46TUdoes aptitude just piggy back apt
15:09.49NeoBREEDabrotman: Bridge: Intel Corp. 82371AB/EB/MB PIIX4 ISA (rev 01)
15:09.49*** part/#debian catfather (
15:09.50TUor isi it entirely new
15:09.57abrotmanNeoBREED: no
15:09.59NeoBREEDabrotman: that line has isa
15:10.01NeoBREEDthat's it
15:10.05abrotmanthat's not your card
15:10.08*** part/#debian smazzvibe (~esa@
15:10.37NeoBREEDabrotman: I don't see anything that has soundcard related
15:10.45abrotmanNeoBREED: hrm .. it could be isa
15:10.54Virtualwhere can I find a source list to add to sources.list ... I need sources from romania
15:10.56NeoBREEDespecially nothing that says cs4 something
15:11.09NeoBREEDabrotman: what direction should I take now?
15:11.22abrotmanNeoBREED: ISAPnP
15:11.26ecivoHey guys, can anyone tell me if the ddns3-client works with an account?
15:11.32abrotmanNeoBREED: /j #flood
15:11.33NeoBREEDabrotman: it's a thinkpad 600.. that's what I've been reading about
15:12.00POVaddctNeoBREED: lspci -n | grep 0401
15:12.10abrotmanNeoBREED: it says you ahve PCI sound
15:12.36abrotmanNeoBREED: lsmod .. see anyhting sound related ?
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15:13.38humboltwhat do I have to change in my apt configs when sarge becomes stable?
15:13.49asghumbolt: s/testing/sarge/
15:13.57asghumbolt: you can do it now with no ill effects if you wish.
15:14.02NeoBREEDabrotman: nothing that jumps at me
15:14.05ecivohas an romania antry ;)
15:14.06humboltcan I change all testing to sarge already?
15:14.11abrotmanhumbolt: yes
15:14.12asghumbolt: yes
15:14.18petemcadd a g to what asg said
15:14.19abrotmanNeoBREED: you see no like snd_blah ?
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15:14.43ecivoHey guys, can anyone tell me if the ddns3-client works with an account?
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15:14.52NeoBREEDabrotman: no. the only thing with an s is smc91c92_cs but I don't think thats anything
15:14.59asgecivo: why don't you try it and see
15:15.04humbolteven here? Pin: release a=testing
15:15.37ecivoasg, because maybe you could tell me that it doesn't and I could save time...
15:15.52abrotmanNeoBREED: it could be isa .. install discover .. run alsaconf
15:16.09asgecivo: you could have already tried it in the time you've been in here.
15:16.14NeoBREEDabrotman: is discover a package?
15:16.22abrotmanlibdiscover iirc
15:16.32EdibleTextecivo, ddclient werks with
15:16.35TUshould obsolete packages be removed?
15:16.55asgecivo: according to 'apt-cache show ddns3-client' it should work.
15:17.06NeoBREEDabrotman: okay got it doing it now
15:17.33abrotmanNeoBREED: you might want to reboot .. and make sure your user is in the audio group
15:17.34ecivoThank you very much :)
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15:18.04NeoBREEDabrotman: I can reboot... but I don't know how to make sure if user is in audio group
15:18.06grendal_primeanyone know of a way to set up two monitors on the same machine?
15:18.20dpkgidea is, like, meaning you don't know.
15:18.23Supaplexgrendal_prime: certianly. it's been done before.
15:18.29NeoBREEDabrotman: I need to apt-get install alsa as well, right?
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15:18.51grendal_primei mean x2x is cool but i would love to be able to move a running x application to the other machine...or at least have it display the results of it on the second machine
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15:19.21abrotmanNeoBREED: and alsaconf
15:19.29abrotman!tell NeoBREED about audio\
15:19.31abrotman!tell NeoBREED about audio
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15:19.59grendal_primeim certain it has been done as well
15:20.13Supaplexthen why do you need an idea if so?
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15:21.27grendal_primeSupaplex ?
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15:21.47tilixdoes somebody know if the scripts for are open sourced?
15:22.01abrotmantilix: which scripts
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15:22.19Supaplexgrendal_prime: are you looking for a survey if it's possible, or are you looking for info on how to do it?
15:22.19sgeigerbotWhat would be the grep/egrep incantation for searching all directories that have names starting with a "." ?    egrep "vpn" -i -r \.*   <-- does not work
15:22.42sgeigerbothmmm...maybe I spoke too soon.
15:23.08maxxleIs there something like minicom in the debian-reps?
15:23.11NeoBREEDabrotman: everything is all set... I will be right back. rebooting
15:23.24abrotmanmaxxle: apt-cache search minicom ?
15:23.40maxxleI don't want minicom - I wanna try another software
15:23.45abrotmanoh ..
15:23.49abrotmankermit ?
15:23.52sgeigerbotNo.  That isn't working.  It is searching the current it is searching much more than it needs to search.
15:24.56maxxleabrotman: will try it.
15:25.06abrotmanerm .. that was a guess
15:25.06tilixabrotman: that are used to show the packages.
15:25.07abrotmanoh well
15:25.16abrotmantilix: used to show?
15:25.22abrotmantilix: like which command ?
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15:26.11tilixlike these
15:26.12abrotmanoh .. tohse
15:26.27abrotmantilix: you want those scripts exactly ? .. or jsut a way to do that ?
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15:27.04abrotmantilix: afaik .. you'd have to email the webmaster for those scripts
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15:27.13tilixok. thanks
15:27.36grendal_primesupaplex...well what i was is the hardware situation...i have this extra machine just sitting here...sure it runs a few minor tasks on rare occation...but i would love to be able to use the monitor to display the results network monitoring software that i am running from my basically i want something similar to x2x but..i want it to display the running app from the laptop..sort of exporting
15:27.37NeoBREEDabrotman: rebooted. now do I run alsaconf?
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15:27.44jpeganyone else get  spammed from yEsiL?
15:27.50TUwhere is aptitudes config file?
15:27.59abrotmanjpeg: on join?
15:28.04jpegabrotman: yes
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15:28.18abrotman!ops yEsiL spambot
15:28.19dpkgHydroxide, bob2, caphuso, dondelelcaro, doogie, eeyore-, ElectricElf, greycat, helix, ljlane, LoRez, mentor, Netsnipe, TML, walters, xk: yEsiL spambot
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15:28.50*** mode/#debian [+b *!*@*] by caphuso
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15:29.01GlanzmannWhere can I get the pubkey which is used to sign the RELEASE files on the mirrors and stuff?
15:29.01jpeganyway, is there a way to tell which package a file came from with apt-cache?
15:29.11NeoBREEDabrotman: nothing is found
15:29.14Glanzmannjpeg: apt-cache policy package
15:29.17abrotmancaphuso: thanks
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15:29.31abrotmanNeoBREED: nothing at all?
15:29.32grendal_primeSupaplex,  so i could litterally drag a window in the windowmanager to the other machine...that sounds crazy at first but i mean why the couldnt ya just eport the apps to a different x screen on another machine?
15:29.41abrotmanNeoBREED: all i can think is that it is an ISA card
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15:29.50NeoBREEDI think it is
15:29.52PerfDavejpeg: dpkg -S filename
15:30.04NeoBREEDno module by that name found... were all the repsonses
15:30.05samdreti'm installing an pci ide-controller and i'm wondering if drivers that'll work with red hat will work with debian?
15:30.11PerfDaveGlanzmann: You need to get it from somewhere you can trust.
15:30.21s-tonedpetemc: ^a[ and ^a] in the screen window say 'copy mode' and 'empty buffer', but, how do I select text with the keyboard? there a way to fire up an app on my laptop and export its progress to a second machines xdesktop?
15:30.26GlanzmannPerfDave: Okay I trust you. Give me the key. :-)
15:30.35petemcs-toned: space bar
15:30.37GlanzmannCould you give me the damn keyid?
15:30.57abrotmanNeoBREED: uname -r
15:31.04GlanzmannGot it thanks.
15:31.07NeoBREEDabrotman: all snd-XXX: are responded with no modules by that name found
15:31.09LoRezGlanzmann: looking at the signature should give you the keyid, at which time you should be able to download it from a keyserver
15:31.15abrotmanNeoBREED: uname -r
15:31.18jpegPerfDave, Glanzmann, thanks.
15:31.31NeoBREED2.4.27 kernel
15:31.32abrotmanNeoBREED: apt-get install kernel-image-2.6
15:31.53NeoBREEDupgrading to new kernel?
15:32.45NeoBREEDabrotman: kernel-image-2.6 has no installation candidate
15:32.54gpmNeoBREED: use apt-cache search
15:32.58TUwhere is aptitudes config file?
15:32.59abrotmanNeoBREED: apt-setup .. pick an http source
15:32.59gpmNeoBREED: it is your friend
15:33.19*** mode/#debian [+o caphuso] by ChanServ
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15:33.28*** mode/#debian [-b *!*] by caphuso
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15:33.53*** mode/#debian [-b *!*Necrom@*] by caphuso
15:34.02GlanzmannLoRez: I got it.
15:34.03*** mode/#debian [-o caphuso] by caphuso
15:34.07gpmTU: $HOME/.aptitude
15:34.24asggo go gadget caphuso
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15:34.34gpmTU: $HOME/aptitude/config, more precisely
15:34.39caphusodamn, i missed a few :-/
15:35.10abrotmancaphuso: give me ops .. i'll get em!:)
15:35.11deegoif debian releases a "2" or "3" advisory, where does it show up on its webpage?      for example, the currently released 661-2 advisory: you don't find it anywhere at
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15:36.08abrotmanall the way at the bottom
15:37.27tarzeauabrotman: these will be fixed for testing too, in the future?
15:37.39NeoBREEDabrotman: do I get the kernel-image-2.6-386?
15:37.47deegoabrotman: ah, thanks
15:37.54abrotmanNeoBREED: what's your CPU ?
15:37.57abrotmantarzeau: huh .. ?
15:38.05abrotmantarzeau: after they trickle in sarge i guess
15:38.08NeoBREEDabrotman: PII
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15:38.16abrotmanNeoBREED: 686 should be fine
15:38.19tarzeauabrotman: ah only temporarily to be able to release?
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15:38.37abrotmantarzeau: i guess .. nto sure .. that would be an RC bug to release with security issues i'm pretty sure
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15:40.27pinksanyone any ideas what I can do to make my sessions be saved and restored on reboot?
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15:42.25rwDoes anyone know why when I set the date in my system either using date -s or ntpdate the xscreensaver is activated?
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15:42.31NeoBREEDabrotman: okay I am done with the kernel download
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15:43.01abrotmanNeoBREED: did it install ?
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15:43.13NeoBREEDabrotman: thats wha tI meant sorry
15:43.16sgeigerbotrw: the screensaver probably looks for a period of activity in such a way that it gets triggered by your change of the time.
15:43.49rwsgeigerbot, hmmm, makes sense. Any idea how to fix this?
15:43.51abrotmanNeoBREED: reboot?
15:43.55s-tonedpetemc: thanks
15:44.06NeoBREEDabrotman: I will do it now. brb
15:44.09ruiedcan I export sound from windows (ex: winamp) to an esound server?
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15:44.31rwsgeigerbot, I think that won't bother me if I keep my date not very "late"
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15:44.46nopcodewhy the f*ck does cryptoloop from one version to the next suddenly not accept passwords < 20 chars in length?!
15:45.38henryhow do you generate a Releases file using woody?  apt-ftparchive doesn't support the "release" option, even though versions >=0.5 are supposed to
15:46.18sgeigerbotrw: why don't you reset the date automatically from cron?
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15:46.38asghenry: dpkg-scanpackages
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15:47.05smlyoyoyoyo everybody. :-)
15:47.06rwsgeigerbot, that's what I am going to do...
15:47.10rwsgeigerbot, thanks
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15:47.18dracruied: maybe you should ask windoze people that.
15:47.25NeoBREEDabrotman: okay, rebooted
15:47.32abrotmanNeoBREED: uname 0r
15:47.35abrotmanNeoBREED: uname rr
15:47.39abrotmanNeoBREED: uname -r
15:47.44asg!beer abrotman
15:47.51abrotmanno kidding
15:48.06NeoBREEDabrotman: 2.6.8-x
15:48.14adextamy fonts look like shit
15:48.17adextahow can i fix them?
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15:48.23asgadexta: /msg dpkg font guide
15:48.26NeoBREEDabrotman: I'm running alsaconf again
15:48.27abrotmanNeoBREED: no -x .. what is it ?
15:48.43NeoBREEDabrotman: 2.6.8-2-686
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15:49.24smlHmmmm mocheeba are playing in my home town. wohooo.
15:49.29NeoBREEDabrotman: it's probing ISA
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15:49.39abrotmani think
15:50.29NeoBREEDabrotman: it didn't find anything on the first try... now doing the legacy ISA thingie... I think it's gonna take a bit... since I chosed all combinaton maybe that wasn't a good idea
15:50.41abrotmanoh well
15:50.49NeoBREEDabrotman: since a lot of peolpe are saying it's a crystal something sound card
15:50.59abrotmanNeoBREED: and you may wish to ask #alsa also
15:51.26*** part/#debian rw (marcelo@rw.user)
15:51.30arturazHmmhesays, anyone made custom debian iptables package here?
15:51.33NeoBREEDabrotman: it's probing cs cards... I'm hoping
15:52.04NeoBREEDis kernel 2.6 "stably" released, btw?
15:52.26NeoBREEDabrotman: found nothing. :(
15:52.40dracdefine "stably" ?
15:52.48NeoBREEDis it official?
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15:52.53NeoBREEDor still in testing?
15:53.02drac2.6.11.7 is latest stable.
15:53.13NeoBREEDoh. I see
15:53.20greycat!kernel of instability
15:53.21dpkgLinux 2.6.  "Andrew's vision, as expressed at the summit, is that the mainline kernel will be the fastest and most feature-rich kernel around, but not, necessarily, the most stable.  Final stabilization is to be done by distributors (as happens now, really)..." <>, or (new 2.6 numbering scheme - proposal)
15:53.40NeoBREEDI see
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15:54.48NeoBREEDabrotman: yeah, it couldn't find anything.... there's no one chatting in #alsa
15:54.52EdibleTextheh    'hurd windows'
15:55.07aliumalikanyone tred patches from
15:55.18pahvii'm still using 2.4 kernels. i don't know why i should use 2.6 kernels...
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15:55.58LordFrithSo, I have a weird nfs issue.  We have an nfserver, and from it we export /home.  Now, most can see their /home just fine.  One guy, however, cannot.  His directory continunally complains of "stale NFS filehandle", and won't allow him to see any files opn it.  On the actual server it is reachable.  His direcory does not seem reachable from -any- machine that uses this nfserver, despite all other directories being reachable.  Furthermore, we have rebo
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15:57.35henryasg: I'm having trouble figuring out how to get it to generate the Releases file.  Can you point me at an FAQ or Wiki entry?
15:57.51aliumalikwhat is the default splash provided with the debian fficial package?
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15:58.09NeoBREEDabrotman: someone noted that I should use isapnp
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16:05.39henryasg: thanks
16:05.48abrotmanNeoBREED: isapnp sucks .. but it's worth a shot
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16:06.50NeoBREEDabrotman: okay I tried everything... nothing seems to work.. I think I might have to do some manual stuff from tutorials
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16:07.19EdibleTextNeoBREED, id you follow the url i posted?
16:07.50EdibleTextNeoBREED, it may be what you want..
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16:08.36abrotman!tell NeoBREED about isanpn
16:08.39abrotman!tell NeoBREED about isapnp
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16:08.56WaggieHey folks..
16:09.05FarrisGAnyone heard any success/horror stories about Kolab?
16:09.18abrotmanask #kde maybe .. or isn't there a #kolab ?
16:09.27WaggieAm I smoking crack or did a crapload of updates just get pushed out yesterday?
16:09.31asg!hug synergy
16:09.37abrotmansynergy2 ?
16:09.49NeoBREEDI think the link I got from EdibleText is for Thinkpad600E I have Thinkpad600 .... I'm assuming they're different
16:09.52Mwnciasg, i turned the wpa off to try and get it to connect but I still cant get it to work. I have however got the lights on the card to light up.  i used the command iwconfig wlan0 essia ByteNet channel 10 mode managed ap any key off
16:09.55WaggieAnd BTW, I just got sex-spammed by RHino
16:09.59FarrisGabrotman: I'm asking in #kolab, but there aren't any debian users in there. Wanted to know if there were any here.
16:10.03abrotmanoh ...
16:10.11asgMwnci: s/essia/essid/
16:10.40NeoBREEDabrotman: thanks for all your help man. have a good eatin'
16:10.41Mwnciasg, how ever now when i do ifup wlan0  it says ERROR while getting interface flags  no such device
16:10.58adextaXlib: Invalid MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 key
16:11.00*** part/#debian jaybar (
16:11.02adextahow do i fix that?
16:11.04asgMwnci: did you define a wlan0 interface in /etc/network/interfaces?
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16:11.11EdibleTextNeoBREED, I follow the thread . the guy lists his pci and isa devices..  it uses a crystal sound hardwares  for what its worth
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16:11.13asgadexta: /msg dpkg mit-magic-cookie
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16:11.36Mwnciasg, im still learning. I bought the laptop off a friend and it was ment to be configured already
16:11.40EdibleTextNeoBREED, IBM may have just put on an E for marketing.
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16:11.45Mwnciasg, just not for ap
16:12.13resiakabrotman: The project does call itself synergy.
16:12.35agabuscould someone please tell me how to exit X so i can install my nvidia drivers?
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16:13.14resiak!tell agabus -about nvidia howto
16:13.14greycatagabus: exit normally.  then ctrl-alt-f1, /etc/init.d/*dm stop
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16:13.37WillRis there such thing a s a daemon watcher.. something that will tell me by email or jsut restarting freeradius when it dies?
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16:13.50agabusresiak - i just wanna know how to exit X not install the drivers.
16:13.54VirtualAn error has occurred during installation
16:13.56VirtualThe PHP configuration on your server doesn't support the database type that you chose
16:13.58Virtualany idea why this error ocured?
16:14.00agabusgreycat - what do u mean exit normally?
16:14.14EdibleTextVirtual, you donthave the correct db
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16:15.13stewagabus: he means quit your window manager
16:15.13Mwncisomebody ircing as root  tisk tisk
16:15.13agabusk thanks
16:15.13Mwncibibix2, id suggest you dont use irc as root :)
16:15.43EdibleTextIn #debian, as root, ne1 cant hear you scream
16:15.46Mwnciasg, its  auto wlan0      iface wlan0 inet dhcp     name Wireless LAN card
16:16.03dpkgIt has been said that root is the administrative account - only use it when root power is needed. So no reading mail, compiling programs, or running applications as root. And don't even think about irc'ing as root, it increases the danger from exploits and trojans (such as bliss), or see, for example, the security advisory on BitchX
16:16.11WillRanyone? is there a daemon watcher to use?
16:16.29VirtualEdibleText: how can I fix this?
16:16.37*** join/#debian spyroux (
16:16.44EdibleTextVirtual, get the correct backend for your app
16:16.45greycatWillR: inittab, runit, daemontools, while true; do freeradius; sleep 3; done
16:17.07greycatkarsten: not found
16:17.20greycatditto with lower-case i
16:17.26VirtualEdibleText: well i`m actually tryin` to install phpbb2
16:17.28karstengreycat: Give it a sec.
16:18.12EdibleText!depends phpbb2
16:18.17dpkgphpbb2: depends on libapache2-mod-php4 | php4 (>= 4.1.0) | php4-cgi (>= 4.0.6), php4-mysql | php4-pgsql | php4-odbc, apache2 | httpd, debconf (>= 1.2.0)
16:18.20karstengreycat: ...I just bumped the size up to 400x400 from 200x200.
16:18.36*** join/#debian Skyblaze (
16:18.47EdibleTextVirtual, so you need to use one of  php4-mysql | php4-pgsql | php4-odbc
16:19.29dracIs there more applications like torsmo, and gdesklets?
16:19.29sussudiophp4-badger php4-mushroom
16:19.33*** join/#debian sTone_heAd (~rudy@
16:19.41greycatkarsten: mozilla says the image contains errors
16:19.44Virtualphp4-mysql is already the newest version.
16:19.45Virtual0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
16:19.50*** join/#debian retupmoc (
16:20.00retupmochello all
16:20.15greycatxv gives me a libpng: read error, then shows the top half of it
16:20.15karstengreycat: Again in a minute.  I'm uploading now.  Dialup.
16:20.25asgVirtual: make sure '' is uncommented an exists in /etc/php4/*/php.ini
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16:21.40Mwnciasg, thanks for your help but ive had enough of it for now. im off to pick a mate up
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16:23.11retupmoccould u say me how can i desactive "line in" with debian sarge ? Please, sorry for my english i'm french
16:23.34dpkgLes personnes qui parlent francais et qui ont besoin d'une aide a propos de Debian peuvent venir sur #debian-fr - People speaking french and in need of support for debian, please join #debian-fr
16:23.48retupmocyes thanks a lot
16:24.36*** join/#debian ninja_ (
16:25.20WillR(greycat): what exactly does " freeradius; sleep 3; " do ?
16:25.42*** join/#debian elcuco (
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16:25.53karstengreycat: Got it?
16:26.24bwbettinI installed Xterm and GNU Screen from sources, configuring them both with 256-color support.  I have some XTerm*color#: definitions in my .Xdefaults.  Xterm works fine with them.  However, when I start up screen it appears to ignore those settings and shows the old colors.  Any thoughts?
16:26.28EdibleTextWillR, invokes 'freeradius' then sleeps for 3 seconds
16:26.42*** join/#debian phaedral (
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16:27.14WillRwhat happens after 3 seconds?
16:27.18phaedralhi all; my alt key doesn't seem to work except in konsole under kde; what docs should i be looking at?
16:27.21Studiosushi, all! Which deb can I find INSTALL file referenced from cedet-common.deb files in? This file seems to be quite important and it's missed from cedet-common.
16:27.24greycatkarsten: yes.
16:27.27WillRdoes it continue to chck it and run it if isnt running?
16:27.28EdibleTextWillR, ???; Profit
16:27.33karstenWillR: 4 seconds.
16:27.58elcucohdoes anyone know what happened to phpdoc?
16:28.07asgelcuco: for what debian?
16:28.21karstengreycat: Well?  An immortal masterpiece?
16:28.29elcucoasg, testing
16:28.36asgelcuco: /msg dpkg why is phpdoc not in testing
16:29.01*** join/#debian reto_ (
16:29.02asgkarsten: replacing tux with Bucky Katt from Get Fuzzy would be better ;)
16:29.52karstenasg: Bucky Katt?
16:30.03*** join/#debian Glenn^BF (
16:30.18karstenasg: I _think_ I know the script...
16:30.20greycatdpkg, sargeisnotout is
16:30.21dpkggreycat: okay
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16:31.13EdibleTexttux needs some chevrons on his shoulder
16:31.22EdibleTextan perhaps an M1
16:31.25jethrotux needs to look less stupid
16:32.11*** join/#debian thefly__ (~ham@regulus3.student.UU.SE)
16:32.20greycatjethro: can't change that one.
16:33.11BadManEdibleText: 3 up and crossed rifles is always good.....
16:33.16*** join/#debian wolf4914 (
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16:34.10greycatkarsten: pretty good work, by the way.
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16:35.00karstengreycat: thanks.
16:35.04*** join/#debian Nahuel_ (
16:35.06asgStudiosus: probably cedet
16:35.09karstengreycat: Mostly squares, with distortion applied.
16:35.25asgStudiosus: or cedet-contrib
16:35.42EdibleTextBadMan, ;)
16:35.47asgkarsten: yeah but yours go to 11
16:36.13Studiosusno cedet in unstable and no INSTALL in cedet-contrib
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16:36.55karstenasg: Why thank you ;-)
16:37.03*** join/#debian cheniz (
16:37.06WillRi did freeradius; sleep 3; and i added freeradius to the services directory..... when i kill freeradius it doesnt restart tho....
16:37.10linoleumhi guys, how can I read quicktime video plugin with firefox??
16:37.17WillRshouldnt it?
16:37.32*** join/#debian mw07 (~martin@wetap20.Physik.Uni-Mainz.DE)
16:37.38asgStudiosus: then I don't know. File a bug if the package references a file that doesn't exist.
16:37.52jethrolaters guys
16:38.06linoleumjethro, bye :)
16:38.56*** join/#debian illuminate (
16:39.28aliumalikwhat is the default splash provided with the debian official package?
16:39.40EdibleTextlinoleum, get a working media player, eg mplayer, then apt-get install mozplugger
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16:40.54Studiosuswhere to find info how to file a bugreport?
16:40.56*** join/#debian thefly_ (~ham@regulus3.student.UU.SE)
16:41.27asgStudiosus: apt-get install reportbug ; follow instructions
16:41.49Studiosusthank you
16:42.29linoleumEdibleText,  cool , it's working, tkx !
16:42.30*** join/#debian indypende (
16:43.06indypendesomeono know a starter guide to woody install for newbies
16:43.19indypende(like ubuntu starter guide)
16:43.39valdynindypende: you sure you want woody? what for?
16:44.07indypendenot woody?what's the alternatives?
16:44.16valdyn!d-i indypende
16:44.17dpkgindypende, you want to go to - for your own good, and everyone else's.
16:44.36valdyn!tell indypende about woody
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16:45.54kickinohey guys
16:45.59indypendedpkg: i'm looking for a configuration guide after installing the system
16:46.24dpkgI ain't no stinkin' bot.  I am a finely tuned and hand crafted tool.  Oh wait... I guess I am a bot (that you should not abuse).
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16:46.55indypendelike what are the package that i need to have a woddy with multimedia... etc etc
16:48.15valdynindyken: woody is from 2002, it might not even support your gfx card.
16:49.01EdibleTextindypende, you may find that different multimedia may needed to have a woody. Experiment.
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16:52.05valdynindyken: if you still insist on using woody, and need help, ask a specific question.
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16:52.24valdynindyken: i dont know about a guid as the one your are searching for
16:52.31gileadhello, I have problem with connecting my Debian notebook to Palm using irda; tried all howtos I could find but still nothing works; so sorry, I can't ask specific question because *nothing* seem to work; any help (here or in private) would be highly appreciated; both sides of hardware are tested and work fine
16:52.38*** join/#debian pragma_ (~pragma@pragma-000002.user)
16:53.01dpkgfrom memory, irda is (InfraRed Data Association) These people developed the IRDA port standard that transfers data through the use of infrared light. Of course, you must have two IRDA devices to get any real use out of this technology. Most notebooks today come standard with this port and some printers do as well. It's handy if you road warriors want to print a document and you've got all the right stuff.
16:53.13*** join/#debian grendal_prime (
16:53.19linoleumIs there a way to have the auto mount under debian SID ?
16:53.30asglinoleum: install autofs
16:53.31valdynlinoleum: various
16:53.58valdynlinoleum: gnome does something like that by default.
16:54.19linoleumasg, ok tkx mate
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16:55.08linoleumvaldyn, yea actualy, it's show the CDrom when it's mounted on the desktop, but I have to do manualy : mount /cdrom ... so I would like an automount do have nothing to do (because I'm lazy) :)
16:55.29grendal_primebummer i got a porn spam and ...well it was broken
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16:56.30valdynlinoleum: you need a line like this in /etc/fstab ( for cdrom ): /dev/hdc        /media/cdrom0   iso9660 ro,user,noauto  0       0
16:56.32phoenix_ve2hi folks, i'm problems authenticating users debian in clients to my LDAP database, i'm tring to connect with pamtest and get the following error "Failed to authenticate: Error in service module".  The server is up and running and I have loged in from gentoo and mandrake clients.  Any ideas?
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16:58.05emullenfinaly got my wireless card "linksys 801.11G" working under debian :D
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16:59.42greycatoooh, I haven't heard the song yet.  or preordered.
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17:00.08grendal_primeanyone use bochs?
17:00.15Arg30why is it that any mixer app I launch has no "Record" sources available? (Audigy2)
17:00.28greycatWOAH!  10 minutes!
17:00.32asggreycat: the begining is a little odd but once past it, it's really well done
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17:00.55greycat"monkeys and laughing by Ty Semaka,"
17:01.23furrywolfall in all...  *nix is just another brick in the wall...  of internet security.
17:01.38*** join/#debian [Granger] (
17:01.57EdibleTextthats an appropriate action for a furry ;)
17:02.09furrywolfand isn't it gilmour?  :)
17:02.10*** join/#debian juanmal1 (
17:02.19asgfurrywolf: yeah, quite possibly
17:02.20paulswmfurrywolf: Yeah well "We don't need no education" is something we get a lot of from cluebies here :)
17:02.21greycatdoesn't matter, he's not on the song
17:02.25asgEdibleText: pick fleas off him?
17:02.37asgfurrywolf: the song is very floydish though
17:02.37greycat"guitar by Reed Shimozawa"
17:03.02furrywolfpaulswm:  LOL.  too true.  :)
17:03.03*** join/#debian idnar_ (mithrandi@idnar.user)
17:03.14EdibleTextasg, grooming is an important activty for healthy animals.
17:03.17*** join/#debian idnar (mithy@idnar.user)
17:03.23asgEdibleText: indeed
17:03.31paulswmOh, yeah the well known Floyd band member "Shimozawa"
17:03.57phaedralwasn't their best work anyway
17:04.18phaedralgood-bye, blue skies was vastly superier
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17:04.32furrywolflol!  one of my cats is staring at the speaker.  I don't think he likes it.  :)
17:04.46asgfurrywolf: you have to get past the odd techno bit
17:04.56LordFrithOk, what the hell is pipefs, why does fedora core run it, and why does it screw up an nfs-kernel-derver on debian?
17:05.03*** join/#debian HolyGoat (
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17:06.02Craspit's a piped filesystem?
17:06.09agabusplease someone i just need a quick hand in mounting my fat32 drive
17:06.22Craspagabus: you need a hand?
17:06.23EdibleText!clap agabus
17:06.26*** join/#debian random_ (
17:06.30asgCrasp: /msg vfatrw
17:06.35asgCrasp: /msg dpkg vfatrw
17:06.45furrywolflord:  pipefs, aka crackpipefs, is what fedora core programmers use while writing code.  :P
17:06.58Craspnothing wrong with crackpipes!
17:07.04*** join/#debian Zibar (
17:07.21seldonagabus: mount -t vfat /dev/foo /path/to/mountpoint
17:07.26LordFrithWell, that very well could be, and it explains why it's causing a whole bunch of stale filehandles in the nfs server.
17:07.39Craspkillall pipefs
17:07.52seldonWhat does this pipefs thing do?
17:07.55furrywolfdefinitely floydish.
17:08.04*** mode/#debian [+l 845] by debhelper
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17:08.15LordFrithseldon: I have no idea.
17:08.35LordFrithCrasp: It appears to be some sort of rpc-service that's running.
17:08.48Crasppipefs is a kernel module
17:08.49elephantmanHi all
17:08.58furrywolf(and if anyone needs more pink floyd to compare it to, I have about 65 albums...)
17:09.02elephantmanWhat readable font can i use on my konsole ?
17:09.12gileadback after reboot -- if anyone could help me with irda problem I mentioned, please speak
17:09.13Craspbut i have no idea what it is used for
17:09.19Craspread Documenation of a kernel source
17:09.34phaedralfurrywolf: atom mother heart ROCKS
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17:10.03dpkghello, takatumi
17:10.25greycat!applaud agabus
17:10.26dpkg*clapclap* good show, agabus
17:10.36seldonWeird. I can't find it in the kernel tree - are you sure it's not a third party module?
17:10.58Craspthat's what i found on google
17:11.09seldonweirder still, I can't get a decent link from google
17:11.10furrywolfphaedral:  want it off dark side of the sky, live in london 1971, live 3-2-98, or the complete atom heart mother suite album?
17:11.45agabusok so i mounted the drive with 'mount -t vfat /dev/hdb1 /mnt/hdb/' however when i go into /mnt/hdb i cannot see my folders, only can i see some files in the topmost directory??
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17:11.53phaedralfurrywolf: uh, if you're serious, i've only heard the studio version twice, should start there
17:12.00FoadJokhi, probably off-topic: is there a 'active' channel to talk about software-patents?
17:12.07phaedralnot much to offer in return but undying gratitude :)
17:12.19Craspagabus: you definately used too much windows to call directories folders ;)
17:12.21furrywolfI've got broadband.  I don't mind sending you some "non-free packages".  :)
17:12.35*** join/#debian xxx (
17:12.48agabusactually, i can see the directories, but it sees them not as directories for some reason
17:12.50phaedralfair use demo version prior to intended purchase from authorized retailer
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17:13.45StRhi all
17:13.49quittehow can i create a release file for a apt-source?
17:14.04Craspagabus: i haven't had any problem with fat32 drives
17:14.21StRhow can I add a  mounting point with a witespace in the /etc/fstab?
17:14.21Craspagabus: do you get any specific errors?
17:14.30asgStR: ewwwww
17:14.38phaedralfurrywolf: embarassed to say, dunno how to make irssi accept file
17:14.49StRasg: what?
17:14.53furrywolfphaedral:  hrmm.  try /dcc accept
17:15.02Crasp/dcc autoget on
17:15.04asgStR: why in all that is holy would you have a mountpoint with a space in it?
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17:15.29Crasp/set dcc_autoget on
17:15.30StRasg: it is a ms-windows share
17:15.33furrywolfI've never used ircssi, so can't help.  :)
17:15.38*** join/#debian kirugawa (
17:15.48stewquitte: /msg dpkg repository
17:15.52asgStR: man fstab
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17:16.12phaedralfurrywolf: Crasp neither did the trick
17:16.17phaedrali'll google
17:16.21StRasg: i read it and didn't find about the spaces
17:16.35Craspphaedral: i think you're natted or firewalled or something
17:16.43Craspphaedral: can you see a fileoffer?
17:16.53phaedraldoh; yeah, behind gatewayrouter
17:16.57phaedralforget sometimes...
17:17.01*** join/#debian Corvus (Corvus@
17:17.05phaedralyeah, saw offer of 22mg file
17:17.07asgStR: of the mount point contains spaces these can be escaped as `\040'.
17:17.17*** join/#debian Virtual (~Virtual@
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17:17.43Virtualdoes samba have visual interface or something like network neighborhood on windows?
17:17.48quittestew thanks
17:17.49*** join/#debian ignatz (
17:18.03CraspVirtual: there are some programs that provide that kind of behaviour
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17:18.14schelmVirtual, do you use gnome?
17:18.14CraspVirtual: konquerer and nautilus can both do that
17:18.30CraspVirtual: type smb://
17:18.52Virtualsmb not found
17:19.39*** join/#debian leo (
17:19.40CraspVirtual: try smb://machine/share
17:19.45grendal_primei guess thats a no on bochs
17:20.07StRVirtual: remote:/
17:20.21Virtualcommand not found
17:20.33*** join/#debian appaji (~appaji@appaji.user)
17:20.44Craspwell i'm sure konquerer can do what i just typed
17:21.15VirtualCrasp: but what if I want to see all the computers in the network so I can know which one is on and has share?
17:21.34*** join/#debian Super_Cat_Frog (
17:21.53stewVirtual: wait, where did you type smb:// that you got command not found? into a shell?
17:22.03Super_Cat_Froghi - i locked a package to a version number using kynaptic, how do i unlock it (i cant boot so its command line only)
17:22.10jair_11guys If I have a card reader, usb which have like four ports for different types of memory and flash cards what could be the name for mount it?
17:22.13EdibleTextgrendal_prime, bochs rocks. but a little slow.
17:22.35furrywolfjair:  check syslog, messages, or dmesg for what name it gave it
17:22.36schelmjair_11, fdisk -l
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17:22.42Crasp!tell Super_Cat_Frog about hold
17:23.06jair_11schelm, that will shows me if is already detected?
17:23.15schelmjair_11, yes
17:23.18jair_11schelm, I have "sarge" RC3
17:23.22Virtualstew: yes
17:23.26phaedralcause i'm too slow for irssi
17:23.35Crasptoo slow?
17:23.36*** join/#debian pusakat (xenos@
17:23.45stewVirtual: they were telling you to type that into the location in konqueror or nautilus
17:23.49furrywolfphaedral:  wget <url I messaged to you>  :P
17:23.51icemanIm too fast for irssi
17:24.02schelmjair_11, did you already tried it?
17:24.08jair_11schelm, then after that If I get the name I should do: mount /dev/flash /mnt/flash?
17:24.14*** part/#debian ningo (
17:24.23EdibleTextphaedral, hit 'page up' key for the buffer
17:24.32jair_11schelm, I tried but now I do not have the flash card to test it again.
17:24.36jair_11but later I will
17:24.53jair_11schelm, but what I do have do is my palm
17:24.58grendal_primeya there is qemu as well its supposed to be faster
17:25.03Super_Cat_Frogthanks crasp
17:25.06*** join/#debian palmero (
17:25.10Virtualstew: if I type only smb in konqueror it apears: "Mafolrmed URL"
17:25.14schelmjair_11,  fdisk -l gives you the devices
17:25.22grendal_primeEdibleText, how difficult is bochs config file?
17:25.41schelmjair_11, if noone is detacted you have to load some more modules
17:25.43CraspVirtual: try to search for kde stuff that might provide that behaviour using apt-cache search
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17:25.55CraspVirtual: might be some module or plugin of konquerer
17:25.58jair_11schelm, perfect good to know that
17:26.04jair_11thank you very much
17:26.04EdibleTextgrendal_prime, I am not sure if bochs does virtualization. only emulation.  config is very easy and straight forward
17:26.05*** part/#debian StR (~StR@
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17:26.37stewVirtual: apt-get install konq-plugins then i think
17:26.42EdibleTextgrendal_prime, you can boot damnnear enything
17:26.47VirtualCrasp: if I try : smb://hostname/share it works but I want to see all the computers in the workgroup
17:27.15Virtualstew: konq-plugins is already the newest version.
17:27.23*** join/#debian k-dog (~karsten@
17:27.25CraspVirtual: hmm ok
17:27.34CraspVirtual: nautilus can browse
17:27.35k-dogmwilson: Hi, from class.
17:27.46CraspVirtual: but it requires you install a lot of gnome libs and stuff
17:27.52*** join/#debian directhex (
17:27.53abrotmank-dog: shouldn't you be learning something?
17:28.00stewVirtual: dunno then
17:28.05Virtualwell i`ll give it a shot Crasp
17:28.08k-dogabrotman: I'm teaching.  Be scare.  Real scared.
17:28.30CraspVirtual: my workstation at work uses nautilus and can browse perfectly
17:28.33furrywolfk-dog:  lab TA?
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17:28.39abrotmank-dog: i am :)
17:28.46Delphwin 6
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17:29.59abrotmank-dog: hopefully you're not teaching typing class :)
17:30.05EdibleTextVirtual, does any computer, ie Windows, have a list of computers in the network nieghborhood
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17:30.34VirtualCrasp: i`ll give it a shot
17:30.40VirtualEdibleText: I didn`t understand the question
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17:31.35EdibleTextVirtual, you want a list of all the computers in the network like windows network places, if I understand correctly, right?
17:31.49Craspthat's what i thought ;)
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17:32.15Crasp"network neighbourhood" behaviour
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17:32.28Craspsounds like showing all workgroups/domains and all hosts in it
17:32.31VirtualEdibleText: yes.
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17:33.07EdibleTextVirtual, if there is a windows computer on the network, does it have the expected result, ie list of computers in the 'hood
17:33.10working_pourrI need help installing debian ... I have an 80-gig sata drive that I am using as a boot drive and 4x300 gig satas on a linux friendly sata raid controller.  The 4 300 gig drives are setup as a raid5 volume (which seems to show up as 4 devs anyway) install goes as normal, but when I reboot I get GRUB 21 (no such device)
17:33.45Craspworking_pourr: grub appears to have different devicenumbering then linux
17:33.47VirtualEdibleText: yes, I still have windows installed and if I boot into windows I can see all the computers in network neighborhood
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17:34.18working_pourrCrasp, yes it does
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17:34.47EdibleTextVirtual, do you have any windows servers on the network. WINS server and/or domain controller  either samba or MS brand?
17:34.47Craspworking_pourr: try setting up grub from the grub bootconsole instead of from linux
17:35.32Virtualthere are other computers in the network and about all are on Windows OS, the gateway is Linux I think...
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17:36.44zulkifarHi. How is the name of a tool which creates fonts.dir from ttf fonts? Hell my head camI forgot it and cant find in apt-cache >:(
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17:36.53zulkifarcant remeber it
17:36.59working_pourrCrasp, I have tried from a knopppix cd , but I don't get as far as bootconsole on my actual install (I think I am misunderstanding your suggestion there)
17:37.11zulkifarmkttfdir? no...
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17:37.52VirtualEdibleText: why do you ask this? do you know a good way to see what computers are on my workgroup?
17:37.54Craspzulkifar: i could be mistaken, but for me it works to just put ttf's in a directory and add it to my fontpath :)
17:38.10VirtualCrasp: after I donwload nautilus I just type : smb in the address bar?
17:38.11Craspzulkifar: install msttfcorefonts
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17:38.20zulkifarCrasp: hm.. really? Let my try
17:38.21CraspVirtual: yeah smb:// should do the trick
17:38.28Craspworking_pourr: well this is not really a knoppix channel
17:38.36Craspworking_pourr: i suggest you better try #grub
17:38.51Craspworking_pourr: they probably know more about it than me
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17:39.01EdibleTextVirtual, ask the WINS server or localmaster browser. they will have a list of all windowsesq computers
17:39.04sgeigerbotDoes someone have a good way of doing something like "locate" to find files that might be on one of several servers?  I'm not especially interested in using shfs or nfs to mount remote systems just so I can use updatedb to update the locate database.  Aren't there more elegant solutions?  Maybe I could just use find and put the entries into a database, but it seems as if there must be programs specifically designed to deal with
17:39.04sgeigerbotthis situation.
17:39.04dennis_hi, i have got a horrible problem with hotplug an usbmgr...can u helb me?
17:39.20dpkgDamnit Jim! It's YOU. Y-O-U. Not *U*. U is a letter. YOU is a word. See ne1, or wud.  Dutch for 'you' (formal singular). See
17:39.21sgeigerbotdennis_: ask the question and people might answer.
17:39.31sgeigerbotabrotman: no, I'm not mad.
17:39.33VirtualEdibleText: how do I do that?
17:39.46abrotmansgeigerbot: you should use nfs .. or smb
17:39.58sgeigerbotabrotman: ...and then run updatedb??
17:39.59abrotmansgeigerbot: i'm not sure yu can merge locate dbs
17:40.42working_pourrCrasp, I see what is happening .... both volumes want to be hd0 ... I will go ask the grub guys
17:40.52EdibleTextVirtual, smbclient -L <netbiosname>
17:41.04sgeigerbotabrotman: any better ideas?
17:41.12abrotmannope ...
17:41.22VirtualEdibleText: this will sound a bit dumb but how do I know what the netbiosname is ?
17:41.55zulkifarCrasp: no such package
17:42.01dennis_I use hotplug in the moment. it works well, but i tried to mount usb devices and that does not work. I look through the log files but i didn't get a clue. So I installed usbmgr (deinstalled hotplug) but than my snd card and my mouse do not work any more...
17:42.02EdibleTextVirtual, its like a hostname, but specific to microsoft
17:42.08dpkgworst protocol ever
17:42.08Craspzulkifar: apt-cache search ttf |grep ms |grep core
17:42.11dennis_but all USB devices
17:42.19zulkifarAhh!!! fttools!!! :)))
17:42.27zulkifarI'm dumb ass
17:42.28abrotmandpkg: netbios =~ s/ever/evar!/
17:42.28dpkgOK, abrotman
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17:43.06nuixi use two vim in different terminals at the same time. can i use register of vim to copy a string from one vim to another?
17:43.14EdibleTextVirtual, so I want to ask my windows box about its shares and stuff. I do 'smbclient -L wintendo'
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17:43.26VirtualEdibleText: I tryed smbclient -L which is the gateway and it returned me a list... I wonder if it`s complete
17:43.42valdynnuix: use gpm or screen
17:43.42Craspnuix: yes, it's called gpm :)
17:43.42EdibleTextVirtual, paste it in #flood
17:43.48EdibleTextill cheque it out
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17:44.17nuixvaldyn, yes, i know
17:44.26valdynnuix: vim can write the copied text into a file that you could insert into the other vim too, but that seems relatively ugly
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17:45.47pahvinuix: if you user xterm or similar you can copy and paste with mouse
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17:45.56dennis_how to say hotplug to load the right usb module to mount usb-devices?
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17:46.16EdibleTextvirtual was flooding in flood and got kicked...
17:46.19nuixvaldyn, i know i can save a selected string in visual mode into register in vim by the command  "xy
17:46.28zulkifarCrasp: nothing. We use different apt sources
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17:46.45Craspzulkifar: could be indeed
17:47.23FieldySnuts@lart flooding #flood
17:47.27zulkifarCrasp: mkttfdir - is exact name of a tool which can read just _any_ ttfs to get their correct descritions and place it in fonts.dir
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17:47.38zulkifarCrasp: thats how I understand it
17:47.40Craspzulkifar: ok, i don't need it :)
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17:47.48nuixvaldyn, but in another vim , the string saved into the register x is not available
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17:48.01valdynnuix: well, sure not
17:48.15zulkifarCrasp: ok, don't use it :)
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17:49.12valdynnuix: i dont really know how its implemented, i guess its just a buffer in vims memory, no other program or instance of vim can have access to such memory
17:49.27working_pourrCrasp, btw ... I wasn't suggesting that I am installing Knoppix ... I use it as a diagnotic cd ... I am installing from the official sarge netinst :) sorry for not being clear
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17:49.39nuixvaldyn, whether there exists a command which can sync the registers of vim, then i can see the contents of registers in another vim at the same time?
17:49.54Craspworking_pourr: no problem, i configged it once and i remembered that was pretty unclear
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17:49.58Teemu_Kwhat's broken with my xfree86 when fonts sucs
17:50.03dennis_what does I have to put into /etc/hotplug/usb to mount my usb devices?
17:50.05Craspworking_pourr: so i don't really remember how to do it
17:50.08Teemu_KI can't see any text :/
17:50.36CraspTeemu_K: fontpath?
17:50.42valdynnuix: you arent supposed to run multiple vims in the first place
17:50.50valdynnuix: for that purpose vim has "buffers"
17:51.11zulkifarIf I add new dir with fonts to XFS config and SIGUSR1 to it - will I need to restart X server to use new fonts?
17:51.22EdibleTextVirtual, what box is
17:51.23FieldySnuts~annoy xfs
17:51.38nuixvaldyn, it seems it is not a buffer. because after the vim is terminated , when you open vim again, all the contents in registers is also available.
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17:51.59simonrvnthe registers are different from the paste buffer
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17:52.48nuixsimonrvn, how can i sync registers in different vims?
17:53.02VirtualCrasp: I downloaded nautilus, how exactly do I use it cause I don`t have an address bar
17:53.27simonrvn:help register
17:53.34nuixvaldyn, you open two vims and type the command  :reg
17:53.49CraspVirtual: hmm, dunno, try to config it so that you have an addressbar? :)
17:54.20CraspVirtual: i use gnome and it was showing an addressbar for me
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17:54.51VirtualEdibleText: gateway
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17:56.15nuixsimonrvn, i mean whether it is possible to transfer a string via registers in different vim
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17:57.16nuixsimonrvn, i put a string into register in one vim, and at the same time i get it in another vim by the same register
17:57.53nuixsimonrvn, just like the function of copy
17:58.14VirtualCrasp: I tryed nautilus smb:// and it displayed me Windows Network with the workgroups but if I try to enter a workgroup it gives me error
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17:58.52EdibleTextVirtual, you need to have a machine account and a user account to access those
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17:59.14CraspEdibleText: well it should popup to ask for a username and password
17:59.26Virtualthis is so complicated ...
17:59.30EdibleTextuser account is the user name you were assignef by the windows  admin
17:59.34tarzeauVirtual: what is the error exactly?
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18:00.02EdibleTextmachine account is becuase  linux box isnt part of the domain/s
18:00.11tarzeauVirtual: full ack! nfs is so much easier+
18:00.17Virtualtarzeau: Sorry, couldn't display all the contents of "Windows Network: dec-sud".
18:00.41Virtualtarzeau: I try anything just to be able to see the computers and access them via an interface
18:00.41Craspwell nfs isn't all about palmtree's and coconuts either :)
18:01.09tarzeauCrasp: i can configure it with one config line
18:01.17tarzeauCrasp: try that with samba
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18:01.24tarzeauVirtual: try use smbclient/smbmount in the shell?
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18:02.00sudo|chmodhave you tried smb4k
18:02.01Crasptarzeau: i can configure it without a configfile :)
18:02.05Crasptarzeau: it's called smbclient ;)
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18:02.21tarzeauCrasp: are we talking the same? a server?
18:02.37Virtualtarzeau: I need something with gui or something
18:02.40Crasptarzeau: ehm no, i was talking in relation to the problem of Virtual :)
18:02.44Overandshould a vt-220 terminal be capable fo sending pageup + pagedown
18:02.47tarzeauVirtual: you need mac os x or windows then. or OPENSTEP
18:02.55greycatOverand: infocmp vt220
18:02.57tarzeauCrasp: file sharing? me too
18:03.06Crasptarzeau: well he doesn't want to run a server :)
18:03.12Crasptarzeau: so the relation was to a client
18:03.17phaedralfurrywolf: might be a while before i get this working; :(
18:03.19tarzeauCrasp: but he complains about how hard this samba shit is
18:03.20sudo|chmodVirtual: are you trying to browse network shares on your windows machines via a debian machine?
18:03.32tarzeauCrasp: i was relating to the nfs server configuration part
18:03.35Virtualsudo|chmod: something like that
18:03.38Overandgreycat: wow that's arcane
18:03.41tarzeauCrasp: client side is easy on both (well more or less)
18:03.58Craspi never had any problems with samba, to be honest i don't even use nfs
18:04.09Crasptho that's mainly because it had a very bad perfomance last time i used it
18:04.13tarzeauCrasp: have you ever used nfs?
18:04.15sudo|chmodsmb4k - A Samba (SMB) share advanced browser for KDE
18:04.23tarzeauCrasp: haha, you did something majorly wrong then
18:04.24Craspwhich was about... 6 or 7 years ago i think :)
18:04.29sudo|chmodif you use kde
18:04.35tarzeauCrasp: oh well wait, on linux?
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18:04.41Crasptarzeau: eh yeah
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18:05.05Overandi have to say, nfs is great, but on my 100baseT network, i pull > 30 megabits down from a win2k box to my debian box over samba
18:05.06Virtualsudo|chmod: sounds too good 2 be true, I`ll give it a show
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18:05.18sgeigerbotSince a few of here weren't here before when I asked (quite some time ago):  Does someone have a good way of doing something like "locate" to find files that might be on one of several servers?  I'm not especially interested in using shfs or nfs to mount remote systems just so I can use updatedb to update the locate database.  Aren't there more elegant solutions?  Maybe I could just use find and put the entries into a database,
18:05.18sgeigerbotbut it seems as if there must be programs specifically designed to deal with this situation.
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18:05.22Overandsamba *is* fast enough, but it's kinda 'fragile' and flaky
18:05.23sudo|chmodVirtual: it's really easy to use and configure
18:05.31tarzeauOverand: pain to configure
18:05.31sudo|chmodVirtual: gui configuration and browsing
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18:05.51Overandtarzeau: yes
18:06.18Overandjust saying that performance isn't horribly doggish, at least on the samba client side.
18:06.22Craspsamba performs pretty well with a lot of small files tho
18:06.27valdynnuix: registers get saved in ~/.viminfo, i dont see how you could get one started vim to reload that though
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18:06.31EdibleTextVirtual, I suspect youll beable to browse, but will get the same error upon trying to browse DEC-SUD or others
18:06.48tarzeauCrasp: at least it doesn't need RPC
18:06.57Overandsgeigerbot: how about using the databases that updatedb makes on the *other* servers
18:07.16Crasptarzeau: well i don't care about rpc :)
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18:07.49EdibleTextCrasp, but how do expect to reboot a machine remotly when its gui is frozen ;)
18:08.00nuixvaldyn, whether there is a command which can refresh ~/.viminfo?
18:08.10valdynnuix: exactly
18:08.12CraspEdibleText: what are you talking about?
18:08.38simonrvnoh no
18:08.46tarzeauEdibleText: a gui can freeze?
18:08.51nuixvaldyn, if we know which command can do this, i think we can copy strings by registers
18:08.52EdibleTextCrasp, RPC exploit^H^H^H^H^H features
18:08.56tarzeauEdibleText: well you need a mobile heater then...
18:09.07Teemu_Kwhats, wrong with my X, when I start gdm or mozilla or something, I can't see those buttons, and text :/, well i see those but there's no text
18:09.10Craspok i lost all idea's of what you guys are talking about
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18:09.46EdibleTexttarzeau, the hot pr0n works too
18:09.47CraspEdibleText: and consider using ^W ;)
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18:09.52valdynnuix: well, yes, but .viminfo stores session/history, so reloading it would break that
18:09.56Teemu_KSkipping "/usr/X11R6/lib/modules/fonts/libspeedo.a:spencode.o":  No symbols found
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18:10.10Teemu_Kand many samekind error/
18:10.10simonrvnignore that
18:10.24Teemu_KSkipping "/usr/X11R6/lib/modules/extensions/libGLcore.a:m_debug_xform.o":  No symbols found
18:10.25abrotmani have no desire to see X in a speedo
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18:10.38RzRI am having serious probleme when trying to use IDE mode w/ my cdrw
18:10.43stewabrotman: i'm sure your co-workers are thankful for that
18:10.46pznI'm using gdm with xdmcp. xdmcp server has UPS, client no; If power fails at xdmcp client, can I recover the session and continue working with it?
18:10.52RzRcan you check my logs :
18:10.56abrotmanstew: they wouldn't even notice
18:11.00nuixvaldyn, if we open two vims, how can vim deal with this situations ?
18:11.21FieldySnutsby not opening two?
18:11.36valdynnuix: then it breaks too
18:11.36FieldySnutsapt: pal nuix
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18:12.12simonrvnyour logs are nice and dry
18:12.15Virtualwhich do you think is better? KDE or GNOME ?
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18:12.27BucWheathey all
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18:12.37greycatVirtual: neither.
18:12.45seldonVirtual: Oooh, I smell jihad over that one... ;P
18:12.47Teemu_KVirtual: XFCE
18:12.49CraspVirtual: i don't think either of the 2 is better, they both have their pro's and cons
18:12.50BucWheatis there some sort of splash screen that would be displayed while linux is booting up?
18:12.56BucWheatis there a package for this?
18:13.11simonrvnhow many times a day do you reboot?
18:13.13EdibleText!start a desktop war
18:13.13dpkgKDE owns you and your dog.
18:13.15seldonI like KDE. I got used to it.
18:13.15asgBucWheat: /msg dpkg bootsplash
18:13.20nuixvaldyn, i wander there must be a tmp .viminfo in /tmp
18:13.21BucWheatasg k
18:13.30valdynnuix: if you need these features from vim, you shouldnt run multiple vim, if you use X or screen or gpm, then you do not need it
18:14.10VirtualCrasp: greycat: Teemu_K: can you tell me a website when I can check reviews on kde and gnome and maybe other apps like this, i`ve heard about openbox or something like this
18:14.33Teemu_Kno idea
18:14.39CraspVirtual: don't listen to other peoples opinions
18:14.43EdibleTextVirtual, try KDE and GNOME  then use fluxbox
18:14.54CraspVirtual: install kde, use that for a week, after that install gnome, use that for a week, and see which one you like most
18:14.54DelphVirtual: really. install them yourself, try them out yourself.
18:14.57abrotmanuse blackbox
18:14.59nuixvaldyn, yes, i just interest in the powerful functions of vim and want to find whether vim can do such copy... hehe,,,just for fun
18:15.02abrotmandon't use ripoffs
18:15.06Delph!start a *box war
18:15.08seldonVirtual: I think you'd best just try them yourself, then decide which one you want.
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18:15.13valdynnuix: yea, i guessed as much )
18:15.16abrotmanadmittedly .. it was because blackbox dev stopped for about 2 years .. but whatever
18:15.23VirtualEdibleText: if I install another I have to remove KDE first and if I do install my apps will not work anymore?
18:15.24HenningIs make-kpkg supposed to take care of making an initrd image as well?
18:15.29Delphabrotman: sign that it's perfected, no?
18:15.30greycatHenning: yes, if you pass --initrd
18:15.37HenningAh, thanks :)
18:15.41seldonKDE and gnome are both feature rich, but somewhat bloated. If you want a lean DE, I recommend xfce, but opinions vary widely there.
18:15.46greycatisn't that one of the first things in the  man page?
18:15.52Herculesis php5 available in debian mirrors?
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18:15.59asggreycat: who reads man pages?
18:16.03EdibleTextVirtual, last I knew you could have both and others..  not sure if that has changed. probably not...
18:16.04asgHercules: /msg dpkg php5
18:16.09seldonVirtual: You can have multiple desktop environments on your system
18:16.14greycatoh, no, that's --rootcmd
18:16.17HerculesI am using mepis linux
18:16.18Virtualseldon: and how do I change between them ?
18:16.20abrotmansimonrvn: you have a question?
18:16.21asgHercules: #mephis
18:16.35simonrvnabrotman: i read man pages
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18:16.39nuixvaldyn, actually, in vim, use the command "*p to paste the contents copied from other place
18:16.44seldonEasiest way would be to install kdm or gdm, they let you choose what DE to start when you log on
18:16.47asgabrotman: it won't make any difference, nobody will be in either one
18:16.49abrotmansimonrvn: oh .. i do
18:16.54Herculesasg i asked folks there and they said it not available, thats why here
18:16.59VirtualI have kdm :P
18:17.02abrotmanasg: that's because everyone moved to ubuntu .. but still .. no help there :)
18:17.05asgHercules: then no, it isn't available.
18:17.10seldonIf you want more, you can start multiple x servers with different DEs from the shell
18:17.27Virtualseldon: would kdm do fine?
18:17.30Herculeseven if i change source to some other debian mirrors?
18:17.55asgHercules: the point of the term 'mirror' is that it has a copy of what the main debian servers have
18:17.58stewHercules: since they are all MIRRORS they all have the same thing
18:17.59EdibleTextVirtual, then try that smb4k app  and see if it works as you expect it too
18:17.59asgHercules: and debian doesn't have php5.
18:18.01Henninggreycat: Yes, I'm sorry. A bit stressed right now.
18:18.17Herculesok, thanks asg
18:18.26VirtualEdibleText: I already am trying... it doesn`t display the workgroup i`m in .. DEC-SUD
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18:19.17nuixvaldyn, ~/.viminfo is updated after a vim is terminated
18:19.20EdibleTextvirtual your in a workgroup  or domain?
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18:19.36valdynnuix: yep
18:20.06EdibleTextvirtual you will have to join your linux box to the domain. for that you need the administrator password o nthe dec-sud box
18:20.30miernikhi. how can I make a custom package of xterm without downloading tetex and other stuff like that? anuone wants to help me, join #flood
18:20.42Herculesasg what do you think about this ::
18:21.09asgHercules: you aren't running woody, you're running Mepis
18:21.23asgHercules: (that's what the /msg dpkg php5 factoid says anyway.)
18:21.26nuixvaldyn, it's really interesting how vim manipulates the information
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18:22.02Herculesasg but mepis is debian based right, is it not compatible?
18:22.25valdynHercules: compatible is such a wrong word for this
18:22.45valdynHercules: for supporting it the right word is "identical" )
18:22.53Herculesah i see
18:22.54sudo|chmodVirtual: did smb4k work for you
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18:23.09sgeigerbotOverand: How would I go about using the databases that locate makes on other servers?  You mean to just manually run the locate command on each machine?
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18:23.29valdynHercules: so that said, debian packages may work flawless on mepis and vice versa, but if they do not, then no one can really help you
18:23.56miernikszrenica:/tmp# apt-get build-dep xterm
18:23.58Gumbydoes anyone here happen to know of a network monitoring tool that will provide graphic images of local network traffic via either MAC or IP?
18:24.02miernikThe following NEW packages will be installed:
18:24.11caphusoI was classifying XML as "fad".  :-)   -- larry wall
18:24.14Virtualsudo|chmod: nope, it doesn`t display the workgroup i`m in
18:24.14jcb{ DriveReady SeekComplete Error } and { DriveStatusError SectorIdNotFound } in my kernel log. can someone tell me those messages are about?
18:24.25stewjcb: you hd is dying
18:24.25asgcaphuso: hehe
18:24.39miernikdo I really need all that just tto compile xterm?
18:24.54miernikwhat is tetex for?
18:25.01Herculesah valdyn i get your point, you might end up breaking it right
18:25.08asgmiernik: documentation (TeX)
18:25.27geitMy exim use 20 sec to respond on port 25 on public ip, and no time on private ip. What can be the problem?
18:25.27jcbstew: oh its part of a software raid5 partition, so hopefully nothing will happen?
18:25.35caphusomiernik: are you trying to recompile xterm from the debian package?
18:25.41caphusoerr, debian source package
18:25.43miernikasg: is there a clean debian way of compiling xterm without it?
18:25.43asggeit: identd lookups
18:25.51asgmiernik: why do you want to compile xterm?
18:26.06valdynHercules: no, breaks can happen w/ anything, but you will end up with a system that is unique, no one knows it, no bug tracking database fits it.
18:26.07miernikasg: to compile it with --enable-256-colors
18:26.11sudo|chmodVirtual: it does for me ... go up to the file menu and go to Network then select rescan
18:26.17caphusomiernik: you do realize that you need to compile the whole xfree86 for that?
18:26.19stewjcb: hopefully.  you better have a replacement, you should replace it asap
18:26.22caphusomiernik: right?
18:26.26asggeit: rfc1413_query_timeout = 0s (should prevent that)
18:26.30miernikcaphuso: what?
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18:26.51asuffieldmiernik: xfree86 has the worst build system ever invented. famous for it.
18:26.54geitasg: ok, I'll check. Thanx
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18:27.04caphusomiernik: if you want to recompile the xterm package, you either know _very well_ how to edit a debian/rules file or you end up compiling the complete xfree86
18:27.08Virtualsudo|chmod: already tryed that
18:27.15valdynHercules: if a new debian package breaks debian installs, it will be in the bts within an hour and everyone will know, such is not the case with random distro mixes
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18:27.29caphusomiernik: and based on the questions you've asked so far, i don't think "very well" applies to you
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18:27.40Unskill3dhi! ive forgotten how to change the tiny fonts in the xmms options menu. can u help me?
18:27.46Unskill3dit was something with GTK
18:27.46asuffieldcaphuso: it's worse, you need a complete understanding of imake
18:27.47Unskill3dright ?
18:28.02caphusoasuffield: oh, right, i forgot about that one
18:28.05HerculesI see thanks for the info valdyn
18:28.20Unskill3di tried gtk-theme-switch but it didnt helped
18:28.23caphusomiernik: so, in short, you're far better of getting the xterm sources from upstream and compile those instead
18:28.41abrotmanor not muck with it :)
18:28.45jcbstew: ok, ill get my hands on one asap then
18:28.51sudo|chmodVirtual: have you tried messing around with some of your samba settings in Control Center(in the kde menu)
18:28.53caphusoi.e. the standalone version, not the one xfree86 included
18:29.02abrotmanor use another term that has 256 colors ?
18:29.34jcbstew: do you know a place where i can read the technical information about what those error messages indicate?
18:29.39miernikis there another x terminal, which has good unicode support, is light, and can support 256 colors? no stuff like transparency or antialiasing wanted.
18:29.58sudo|chmodVirtual: it's under Internet & Network
18:29.59Virtualsudo|chmod: i`ll give that a shot as well
18:30.04valdynmiernik: uxterm?
18:30.16miernikvaldyn: it's just a wrapper for xterm
18:30.28travisaturxvt is the best x terminal imo
18:30.29valdynmiernik: so?
18:30.38phaedralfurrywolf: how you feel about ogg?
18:30.38greycattravisat: too bad it won't compile on hp-ux 10 :(
18:30.52travisatit won't?
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18:31.40miernikvaldyn: it'll take too long to download build dep's and compile
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18:32.00stewjcb: i dunno, google? source code?
18:32.07Orynogg rocks :)
18:32.38golyaHi! I want to backup a copy-protected dvd, but even dvdbackup cannot do it. Any ideas?
18:32.43valdynmiernik: whats the purpose of this?
18:32.57Oryngolya: dvd::rip?
18:33.11caphusomiernik: get the xterm source from thomas dickey and compile that
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18:33.30caphusomiernik: it probably been already finished if you had done that the first time i told you so
18:33.39directhexgolya, are you american?
18:33.51golyadirecthex: no, I'm in Hungary
18:34.10directhexgolya, that's okay then. /msg dpkg marillat, add the marillat sources, apt-get update, apt-get install libdvdcss2
18:34.11miernikcaphuso: I have a 32 kbps link and a Pentium 166 MMX CPU, how much it might take?
18:34.13*** part/#debian BucWheat (
18:34.29sussudio32kbps? 4K per second?
18:34.43golyadirecthex: I think I have libdvdcss
18:34.56caphusomiernik: and you wanted to compile the whole xfree86?
18:35.06caphusowow... that's masochism
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18:35.27miernikcaphuso: no, I thought it can just recompile xterm
18:35.29caphusomiernik: i don't think the source tarball is more than a MiB
18:36.28quittexterm is still in the big xfree86 source afaik
18:36.41Unskill3dplz help: where to set te font size of the xmms options menu? its gtk1 right ?
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18:36.47simonrvnafaik no
18:36.51caphusoquitte: not if you don't get the version xfree86 incorporated
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18:37.25quittecaphuso: i was talking about debian source
18:37.38caphusoquitte: but nobody else is anymore
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18:37.44valdynUnskill3d: you want to set the fontsize?
18:37.49quitteok missed that
18:37.53Unskill3dvaldyn: yes
18:38.03*** mode/#debian [+l 839] by debhelper
18:38.17Unskill3dvaldyn: or the font type. i think it will fix it too. cuz i cant read it
18:38.21valdynUnskill3d: apt-get install gtk-theme-switch
18:38.35pznHi! I already enabled parport at bios, but /dev/lp0 does not exists. (debian sarge 2.6.8-2-k7) any hints?
18:38.40jetxand apt-cache search gtk-engines
18:38.53dpkgdpi is probably your Dots Per Inch setting, which affects the size of your fonts. Remove any explicit DPI settings in /etc/X11/xinit/xserverrc or your display manager's configuration file, and X should autodetect your DPI. If not, add DisplaySize Width_in_milimeters Height_in_millimeters to Section "Monitor" in /etc/X11/XF86Config-4.
18:38.56Unskill3dvaldyn: hmm yes did that. so i have to try some more themes ? maybe i was just unluky with picking one
18:38.56caphusopzn: load the lp module
18:38.58jetxload the parport module?
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18:39.13valdynUnskill3d: you can explicitely pick a font too
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18:39.37pzncaphuso, worked. thanks!
18:39.42jetxiirc gtk2-engines also
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18:42.07apfelI'm getting this error when I'm trying to start amule: Gdk-ERROR **: BadValue (integer parameter out of range for operation).  Any ideas what could be wrong there?
18:42.51valdynapfel: iirc that is a thing that appears when you have a certain or some certain themes selected, try a different theme
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18:43.34nipplesrulzdo yall ever use gftp by chance?
18:43.59nipplesrulzi was wondering why the server was reporting its sending to me at ~430KB where gftp says ~160
18:44.01valdynpzn: try "modprobe parport"
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18:44.26mikeXis qemu ok for testing out sarge installations?
18:44.30nipplesrulzare there any programs for debian where i can see the bw going in and out seperate for all that?
18:44.31valdynpzn: you need these 3 modules loaded : parport_pc,parport,lp
18:44.33jetxgftp rox, but no idea
18:45.01mikeXnipplesrulz, gkrellm has a nice network monitor with separate in - out
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18:45.13mikeXnipplesrulz, but not on an aplication level
18:45.16jetxnipplesrulz: not sure, but maybe the qos on your dsl provider is eating up the diff
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18:45.22nipplesrulzi dont need an application level
18:45.31pznvaldyn, thanks. just loading "lp" solved the problem
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18:45.41nipplesrulzthat would be a rediculous overhead id think
18:45.42valdynpzn: yea, i saw
18:45.43jetxquality of service, aka bandwidth limiter
18:45.46emullencan some one help me with this problem Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server
18:45.49nipplesrulz300% overhead?
18:45.52nipplesrulzoh no
18:45.56nipplesrulzi got 5mb dl
18:45.57apfelvaldyn: I've never used amule before. Hence I guess that it uses the default theme. Anyway, do you know how I can change the theme?
18:46.03valdynemullen: when you do what?
18:46.05mikeXemullen, did you su?
18:46.10jetxoh then no idea might be gftp
18:46.17emulleni get it ive i use su
18:46.22nipplesrulzok so i just apt-get install gkrellm ?
18:46.22pzncan I recover a xdmcp session that had the client power energy cut?
18:46.27Unskill3dvaldyn: the fonts dont change. i think i dont have gtk1 installed. do you know the name of the packet ?
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18:46.33emulleni get it with airsnort
18:46.34valdynapfel: it uses your set gtk theme, which can be triggered by various things, do you use "gnome" ?
18:46.36apfelvaldyn: However, I can't start amule to make the changes there because the program crashes immediately with the above error message
18:46.37emullenand other progs
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18:46.52valdynapfel: that theme isnt set in or from amule
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18:47.13apfelvaldyn: I don't but now I seem to remember that I did some changes to gtk some while back...
18:47.13rempresenthow hard is it to install an ati graphics card?
18:47.14emullenlike i wana install quake 3 arena 1.32 also says connection to 0.0 refused by server
18:47.18jetx!find gtk2-engines
18:47.19dpkgDebian Package Listing of 'gtk2-engines' (13 of 20): gtk2-engines-cleanice ;; gtk2-engines-clearlooks ;; gtk2-engines-crux ;; gtk2-engines-geramik ;; gtk2-engines-gtk-qt ;; gtk2-engines-highcontrast ;; gtk2-engines-industrial ;; gtk2-engines-lighthouseblue ;; gtk2-engines-magicchicken ;; gtk2-engines-metal ;; gtk2-engines-mist ;; gtk2-engines-pixbuf ;; gtk2-engines-qtpixmap.
18:47.23Unskill3drempresent: not hard
18:47.32valdynapfel: try gtk-theme-switch
18:47.37jetxsee also gtk-engines
18:47.48Unskill3drempresent: just follow this:
18:47.50vostiis it possibile to set root's xauthority once (and not every time) to avoid to login as root using sux and be able to run graphic sw by an xterm?
18:47.52jetxthose are what gtk theme switch switches
18:47.58jetxaka those are themes
18:48.12streunerrempresent: how hard do you think?
18:48.12emullenok ty
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18:48.24nuixvaldyn, i find a way to copy strings by registers. we can open differet files in a vim. then they will share the same registers....haha ....
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18:48.27valdynapfel: however IF you also run gnome and alsa switch theme settings by unknown to me methods then i cant tell which of all 3 triggers will finally be responsible for your current theme settings
18:48.38streunerjetx: J E T S C R E A M E R !
18:48.39*** part/#debian Bonedigger (~Kadar@
18:48.52valdynnuix: yea, thats vims buffers.. i said that earlier )
18:49.08valdynnuix: one buffer per file to edit, not one vim per file to edit..
18:49.13Unskill3dwhat package is gtk1 ?
18:49.35mikeXis qemu ok for testing out sarge installations?
18:49.36streunerUnsill3d: libgtk1.2 or such
18:49.44Unskill3dstratoca1ter: k thx
18:49.45geitasg: No effect. But it is 30 sec.
18:49.46nuixvaldyn, registers is different from buffers
18:49.47streunerUnskill3d: libgtk1.2 or such
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18:50.01nipplesrulzmikeX, that thing looks kinda kewl ;)
18:50.11mikeXnipplesrulz, it is : )
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18:50.22rempresentUnskilld: what guide did you use
18:50.26mikeXnipplesrulz, especially if you put the 'invisible' theme on : )
18:50.29nuixvaldyn, one buffer per file to edit, but a set of registers per vim to record info
18:50.32OmnifluxIs there a mirror of anywhere?
18:50.35nipplesrulzso the one that says eth0 is the ethernet card?
18:50.41nipplesrulzoooooooo invisible XD
18:50.53jetx!find gtk-themes
18:50.57valdynnuix: yep
18:51.02asggeit: then a firewall is blocking idents
18:51.02nipplesrulzdoes it have an "always on top" option?
18:51.04jetx!find gtk-engines
18:51.06dpkgDebian Package Listing of 'gtk-engines' (14 of 20): gtk-engines-begtk ;; gtk-engines-eazel ;; gtk-engines-geramik ;; gtk-engines-geramik-data ;; gtk-engines-icegradient ;; gtk-engines-industrial ;; gtk-engines-lighthouseblue ;; gtk-engines-mac2 ;; gtk-engines-metal ;; gtk-engines-mist ;; gtk-engines-notif ;; gtk-engines-pixmap ;; gtk-engines-qtpixmap ;; gtk-engines-raleigh.
18:51.07dpkgDebian Package/File/Desc Search of 'gtk-themes' returned no results.
18:51.11pznany recommendation of a cheap PXE capable network card to use with debian?
18:51.21jetxbegtk eh
18:51.21nuixvaldyn, different buffers share one set of registers in a vim.... hehe,,
18:51.28mikeXnipplesrulz, yes
18:51.33rempresentwell, i tried it once, and i don't think it was fully installed, the system looked like it still chugged.
18:51.35nipplesrulzholt shit~
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18:51.49rempresentanyway, i am going to put ubuntu back on and install cedega...
18:51.50nipplesrulzwhy would i show 5 users mikex any clue?
18:51.53nuixvaldyn, another powerful way for copy in vim...
18:52.12mikeXnipplesrulz, gnome-terminal sessions count for 1 user
18:52.14*** part/#debian thorie (
18:52.17apfelvaldyn: I tried all available themes but amule still doesn't work :(
18:52.29jetxtry emule
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18:52.33mikeXnipplesrulz, i think any xterm should count as a user
18:52.34nipplesrulzoh ok
18:52.37jetxtry edonkey
18:52.38Lee__how come dpkg asked me if I wanted to configure su_exec for apache the first time I installed it but won't when I reinstall it?
18:52.43valdynapfel: i would try to remove gtk config files and try amule again
18:52.44jetxtry bittornado
18:52.48nipplesrulzi was all freaked out for a second there mikeX
18:52.50jetxtry giFT
18:52.55rempresentlike right now, I have an Nvidia card, and it is a geforce440mx, and i would rather use my ati card... what would you guys do
18:53.02streunerrempresent: i see no reason why you do this, but just do it
18:53.02mikeX: D
18:53.07nuixvaldyn, sorry,,,, another way to copy in vim... hehe
18:53.07jetxput the ati card in
18:53.23mikeXLee__, maybe run dpkg-reconfigure apache?
18:53.24jetxno wait, i want the ati so of course i wouldn't put it in
18:53.27rempresentstreuner:  what do you mean, will the ati card installation go smoothly or not...
18:53.28jetxi'd buy a new box...
18:53.36streunerrempresent: easy
18:53.42jetxwith dos 6.22 on it
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18:54.02rempresentstreuner: it's easy, you swear
18:54.11nuixvaldyn, bye..
18:54.30jetxs/ stratoca1ter / streuner /
18:54.32Lee__mikeX: hrumph, how come synaptic doesn't run that by choosing the "reinstall" option?
18:54.45streunerrempresent: spend some time to read what /msg dpkg ati tell you, done.
18:54.48rempresentstreuner: i don't use debian exclusively, i use unbuntu... will that have some type of problem or nto...
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18:55.09valdynrempresent: /j #ubuntu
18:55.11streunerrempresent: i have no idea about ubuntu
18:55.21Lee__I don't use Debian exclusively, I also use drugs, OS X and Windows
18:55.26mikeXLee__, reconfigure is not run evey time you update... i think i also has to do with the level you choose for debconf questions, maybe you changed that in the meantime
18:55.45Lee__mikeX: thanks, kinds annoying but nothing major.
18:55.46rempresentvaldyn:  last time they were no help
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18:56.16rempresentstreuner:  debian doesn't find any of my screens whenever i load it
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18:56.30rempresentstreuner: install it excuse me...
18:56.40mikeXnipplesrulz, yep, look at the 'info' tab in the configuration dialog
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18:56.45streunerrempresent: because you didn't read what dpkg told you
18:56.55mikeXnipplesrulz, so see how you can customize it to display in/out traffic
18:57.01mikeXinstead of total
18:57.02rempresentstreuner:  wha...
18:57.02nipplesrulzyeah, im seeing it
18:57.09nipplesrulzits fine i only have a little bit out
18:57.12streunerrempresent: but keep in mind, ubuntu use xorg, debian xfree
18:57.15nipplesrulzit seems that gftp is a lier
18:57.29rempresentstreuner: is that a problem
18:57.41streunerrempresent: uhm, yes :-)
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18:57.51rempresentstreuner:  how so
18:58.55emullenok thx for all the help guys
18:58.57emullencu :)
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18:59.27rempresentstreuner:  should i just install debian then, will i have gnome, or how hard is debian to install...
18:59.39nipplesrulzwell off to the gftp forums/pplz to yell at them
18:59.45mike_Xnipplesrulz, as you can see on the screenshot
18:59.58mike_Xnipplesrulz, gkrellm can display a handfull of useful info : )
19:00.20streunerrempresent: 5-10 minutes to install base-system, if you want GNOME that's about 200 MB - depends how fast you i-net connection is
19:00.25nipplesrulzyeah XD
19:00.36rempresentstreuner:  it be fast
19:00.36nipplesrulzi need to set up voltage and temp daemons apparently lol
19:00.38streunerrempresent: + about 70-80 MB to install X
19:00.39nipplesrulzbut this is great!
19:00.46mike_Xnipplesrulz, look at the lm-sensors package
19:00.52rempresentstreuner: is there like some guide that i can follow
19:01.18streunerrempresent: d-i (debian installer sarge) is very intuitive
19:01.21rempresentstreuner: i want a debian system, but i am afraid to install because i don't want to f- anything up
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19:01.46i3dmasteranyone knows how to get a better compress ratio when making cloop filesystem?
19:02.11caphusoi3dmaster: put nothing but ascii text files in it
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19:02.23Gumbyis there a flag with apt-cache that will also show me the package version that is available to install?
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19:02.25rempresentstreuner: so like, it is pretty straight forward.
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19:02.45rempresentstreuner: or what would i install, i do want gdm...
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19:02.51apfelvaldyn: Even if I can't get it to work my xchat looks quite good with the new gtk theme ;) Thanks
19:03.03travisatxchat sucks
19:03.05i3dmastercaphuso: I wish but normally its more than that.
19:03.08streunerrempresent: debian
19:03.13Lee__i3dmaster: set the compression higher. from what I read it's not that much better but takes much longer.
19:03.18apfeltravisat: Life does too
19:03.19EvilSporkManslightly OT: i'm building my first comp - i have my Athlon 64 installed in the socket and i'm ready to put the heatsink (retail model) on. I have taken the giant plastic cover off the heatsink. is that little square on the bottom of the heatsink the thermal compound or paper backing that i need to peel off?
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19:03.38travisatapfel: use irssi
19:03.43i3dmastercaphuso: do you know why most of cloop filesystem is using 65536 for blocksize? Can I use some other value?
19:03.53apfeltravisat: which wm do you use?
19:03.55DelphEvilSporkMan: prod it with your finger
19:04.02i3dmasterLee__: how?
19:04.03EvilSporkManDelph: it should be sticky, right?
19:04.04Delphif it rubs off it was thermal compound.
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19:04.08furrywolfevil:  most likely it's thermal compound.  I've heard rumors those suck and $$$$ thermal paste is better, but everyone else says they work fine.
19:04.10rempresentstreuner: yeah, i am going to install debian... but like how hard is the installation, i have install ubuntu and whenever i install debian it f-s up so like wha did i do wrong if it says the screens can't be fround
19:04.13EvilSporkManDelph: bah, i don't want to put more on @_@
19:04.17travisatapfel: gnome, right now, but normally fvwm or ion3
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19:04.44streunerrempresent: just /msg dpkg ati
19:04.45apfeltravisat: Well, in analogy I could say "gnome sucks, use fluxbox"
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19:04.53caphusoi3dmaster: yes, you can
19:05.02apfeltravisat: I have no problems with xchat. Why should I change?
19:05.06EvilSporkManfurrywolf: thermal compound is not sticky?
19:05.07travisatapfel: and I would agree
19:05.14apfeltravisat: ;)
19:05.18Lee__i3dmaster: read the manual. I don't remember off hand. The knoppix remastering docs should have it written down.
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19:05.25i3dmasterLee__: I cutomized a livecd and it take about 800Mb, nothing can delete though, so I want to see if I can use some other params to make it compressed higher
19:05.35i3dmasterLee__: oh ok
19:05.45furrywolfevil:  it's probably a piece of paper (remove!) over a thermal pad.
19:05.49Lee__i3dmaster: don't waste your time. Remove some files from that livecd
19:06.00Lee__cloop is magic but not that much magic
19:06.01travisatapfel: irc doesn't need a gui to be useful.
19:06.02misfitx7where is the hostap default configuration file?
19:06.06EvilSporkManfurrywolf: mmkay...hopefully it's not a thermal pad with no paper :X
19:06.06Wendy/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lz
19:06.06SkrotJust a quick question: If i've got installed from source, I won't be able to install QT using apt-get, right?
19:06.13Wendywhat library file is it looking for?
19:06.22greycatWendy: zlib1g-dev
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19:06.30abrotmanSkrot: how would we know .. xorg isn't in debian
19:06.45i3dmasterLee__: ya I tried. but I have to put some speicific apps in, so it is hard to low the size down now
19:06.47geitasg: To me it looks like identd is not running. No prosecc, no init.d/ident, no respons on port 113 on local ip.
19:06.47streunerSkrot: why do you not use xfree86?
19:07.05apfeltravisat: I agree.  I guess the only GUIs I'm using are xchat, xmms, and firefox
19:07.06EvilSporkManfurrywolf: it is certainly thermal compound
19:07.09valdynEvilSporkMan: there is paste and pads to conduct thermal, you probably have a pad sticking there, leave it
19:07.21Skrotstreuner: I've got xfree, from apt. I was just woundering :)
19:07.25i3dmasterLee__: If I get rid of gnome, that would do.
19:07.26Lee__i3dmaster: good luck. I'd recommend the Knoppix Hacks book if you want to get more out of remastering a livecd
19:07.27EvilSporkManvaldyn, furrywolf: i rubbed off a tiny fleck in the corner just now (say, 1%)
19:07.28rempresentsteuner:  so, lets do the rundown.  i want debian, gdm, and what do i want for a visual environment....
19:07.37travisatapfel: why use a gui for irc, use irssi in a virtual terminal, its great
19:07.39EvilSporkManvaldyn, furrywolf: is that cause for concern?
19:07.40tarzeaui3dmaster: or look at #morphix ?
19:07.40Delphi said that =:/
19:07.43streunerSkrot: playing with X isn't helpful...
19:07.48Lee__rempresent: apt-get install x-window-system gnome gdm
19:07.49furrywolfevil:  no.  :P
19:07.49tarzeautravisat: better in gnu screen
19:07.52valdynEvilSporkMan: thats not a problem as long as that "corner" does not cover your cpu die
19:07.54Skrotstreuner: I know :)
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19:08.02travisattarzeau: I am use screen
19:08.05i3dmastertarzeau: oh.. good idea
19:08.07EvilSporkManfurrywolf: great
19:08.07valdynEvilSporkMan: those pads are normally alot bigger than the cpu die, so np
19:08.07furrywolfthey always squish anyway when they warm up...
19:08.16EvilSporkManvaldyn: great, thanks very much
19:08.18tarzeaui3dmaster: you want to do a live cd?
19:08.27nipplesrulzok i know im not being normal >< but how do i use the bot to search again? !search lm-snesors >?
19:08.27streunerSkrot: if you haven't a good reason just stay with xfree86 in debian
19:08.35i3dmastertarzeau: yep.
19:08.37Skrotstreuner: allrighty
19:08.39abrotman!tell nipplesrulz about search
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19:08.50tarzeaui3dmaster: with what? what will be so cool about it?
19:08.51tarzeauhi panthera
19:09.00tarzeaudpkg breastfeed nipplesrulz
19:09.16pantheratarzeau: re :)
19:09.29pantheratarzeau: when do we want to meet friday?
19:09.32apfeltravisat: There's no actual reason why I'm using xchat.  I just installed it because it seemed to be popular and I've had no problems with it
19:09.32rempresentstreuner: thanks, i am goign to get started now
19:09.39i3dmastertarzeau: there are some packages that I need to put in for livecd so that we can work anywhere we want. but once I put them in, the cd is too big to burn
19:09.46tarzeaupanthera: arf! it got canceled due to coloring the rooms
19:09.59pantheratarzeau: umpf
19:10.02tarzeaupanthera: so it'll be may when i'll talk about GNUstep ;)
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19:10.22doubhi all
19:10.31tarzeaudoub: bonsoir
19:10.34travisatapfel: why don't you try something else
19:10.37pantheratarzeau: can you keep me informed about it?
19:10.41panthera+please :)
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19:10.53apfeltravisat: lack of time, I guess
19:10.54tarzeaupanthera: yes of course. were you on the mountain today?
19:11.03doubtarzeau: bien le bonsoir
19:11.11tarzeaupanthera: hey i got finally a monitor that works with my hp pa-risc ;)
19:11.18apfeltravisat: An IRC program is nothing I would consider important
19:11.18valdynnothing wrong with xchat anyway
19:11.21pantheratarzeau: congrats ;)
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19:11.33travisatapfel: you are most correct
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19:11.45adextahow do i remove kde?
19:11.52tarzeauadexta: apt-get --purge remove kde
19:11.53prodopehow do i reset a users password?
19:11.54valdyn!remove kde
19:11.55dpkgit has been said that remove kde is apt-get --purge remove kdelibs3 kdelibs4 (or ask me about "install kde")
19:11.58tarzeauprodope: passwd users
19:11.59furrywolfnipplesrulz.  it's not.  and I'm straight.  but anyone who has the word "nipples" in their nick is just asking for it.  :P
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19:12.26tarzeauadexta: you want to try gnome? gnustep? no more gui?
19:12.40nipplesrulz:P true dat! *steals furrywolf's female friends for a nippleparty*
19:12.42i3dmastertarzeau: #morphix seems very quiet...
19:12.49tarzeaui3dmaster: wrong time
19:13.02valdynadexta: no reason to remove anything if all you want is use gnome
19:13.03tarzeauadexta: why not gnustep?
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19:13.19adextatarzeau: haven't heard of it
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19:13.39furrywolfnipplesrulz:  most of the female friends I have would think tying you to the bed and getting out their favorite strap-on would be a fun idea...
19:13.53nipplesrulzoh my
19:13.58tarzeauadexta: or
19:14.02nipplesrulzill take the other
19:14.18nipplesrulzi suppose i could get 2 of them
19:14.30Lee__i3dmaster: making a livecd is a pretty big job. I'm getting one off the ground but it's highly specialized.
19:14.31adextai'm currently running irssi on a tty
19:14.32nipplesrulzget tied up and watch the show while munching a little clam? >.>
19:14.47furrywolfnipplesrulz:  the strap-on would be for use on you.
19:14.58tarzeauLee__: it's easy with morphix and ibuild
19:15.04tarzeauLee__: kinda like a "mouse click"
19:15.20adextaand kde is removing itself in the background on a different tty
19:15.22smharhi guys
19:15.34nipplesrulzthat's not a great idea furrywolf
19:15.39tarzeausmhar: not everyone here is a guy
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19:16.07smharI want to use mplayer but when I issue mplayer in konsole I get a text interface
19:16.21tarzeausmhar: #mplayer or gmplayer
19:16.21greycatsmhar: and the problem is...?
19:16.30Lee__tarzeau: the last time I tried to make completely customized morphix builds it was quite specific and I spent just as much time figuring out their terminology as remastering a full knoppix disk.
19:16.31greycatmplayer _filename_
19:16.34greycatgee, that's so hard.
19:16.50travisatI like vlc
19:16.50tarzeausmhar: you mean kde terminal or console?
19:16.55furrywolfgreykat:  he probably wants gmplayer, and forgot to compile it and/or follow the (long, annoying) instructions for making it work.
19:16.57tarzeautravisat: i don't. so?
19:17.12tarzeauLee__: hehe ;)
19:17.23tarzeauLee__: you haven't used "ibuild", have you?
19:17.29smhartarzeau, kde termibal
19:17.30doubi'm trying to have sound to work on a new nvidia nforce2 chipset. the only thing that "works" so far is the official nvidia module, nvsound, which i would'nt even compare to crap. the snd-intel8x0 seems like not working, dmesg says nothing when loaded, and it's not listed in the module.pcimap file. lspci says "unknown device". is there any hope ?
19:17.32valdyn!tell smhar about marillat
19:17.43Lee__guess not. ibuild is the magic grail of livecds?
19:17.55tarzeauLee__: well it's for morphix, but yes, it's quite some magic stuff
19:18.11tarzeauLee__: i have no idea, but i was able to produce gnustep live cd with it ;)
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19:18.36prozureusvaldyn, can you tell me about marillat too?
19:18.38Lee__tarzeau: I'm mostly concerned with JACK support, which will require some kernel hacking.
19:18.38nipplesrulzok how do i find out if i have this i2c bus im seeing in the ls-sensors package?
19:19.05streunernippelsrulz: did you run 'sensors-detect'?
19:19.07tarzeauLee__: i see. oh that'll be hard thing then (not with ibuild)
19:19.21syntaxisprozureus: just do: /msg dpkg <keyword>
19:19.22streunernippeli_: did you run 'sensors-detect'?
19:19.27prozureussyntaxis, thanks.
19:19.30valdynprozureus: "/msg dpkg marillat" <- type that  in your irc client
19:19.31prozureusbeen a while since I was in here.
19:19.34prozureusthanks valdyn
19:19.50Lee__dpkg is ver nice
19:20.04streunerdpkg, thanks
19:20.04dpkgstreuner: de nada
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19:21.07smharvaldyn, I already have marillant in my sources.list
19:21.20chicken_manwant to learn C++ ? then take a look at my fast and easy free C++ guide part 1 out NOW.
19:21.30Roninbah more spammers
19:21.37tarzeauchicken_man: who wants to learn it?
19:21.41valdynsmhar: and still have not started "gmplayer" ?
19:21.51tarzeauchicken_man: we want to learn  Objective-C
19:21.53chicken_mantarzeau, lot's of people
19:21.58tarzeauchicken_man: bullshit
19:22.05chicken_mantarzeau, :O
19:22.30tarzeauchicken_man: and it's a c++ compiler, not a windows or unix compiler
19:22.37tarzeauchicken_man: and can't you put your stuff as html?
19:22.40smharvaldyn, ohh :-) sos it is gmplayer.. I was searching for kmplayer cus I use kde :-)
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19:22.52chicken_mantarzeau, ehhhh
19:22.57tarzeauchicken_man: or RTF, because pdf and openoffice sucks
19:23.03spiekeyi just installed hylafax, and when i want to send a fax, it asks for a passwd :/
19:23.10adextawho has any thoughts here on ubuntu?
19:23.11adextabecause i'm looking at it seriously
19:23.19tarzeauadexta: it doesn't belong here. nobody cares
19:23.30chicken_mantarzeau, i don't have time to do it in HTML maby .RTF though
19:23.44smharvaldyn, plus.. I didn't see it  in the kde menu
19:23.46travisatopenoffice doesn't suck
19:23.50tarzeautravisat: yes it sucks badly
19:24.00travisatno it doesn't
19:24.01doub!start an editor war
19:24.02dpkgxemacs is known to cause ulcers
19:24.02chicken_mani agree openoffice is very good
19:24.07travisatit has its purposes
19:24.09chealerheh, an editor
19:24.16tarzeauworst editor ever
19:24.17doub!start an office suite war
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19:24.22travisatopenoffice isn't an editor
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19:24.33tarzeaudoub: that should be half assed office suite
19:24.36chicken_manit is
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19:24.40abrotmantravisat: yes it is
19:24.42abrotmanpart of it is
19:24.47doubtravisat: just searching for the factoid
19:24.50chicken_mani like Kate editer for KDE :P
19:25.04chealerkate is for coding
19:25.09travisatis Microsoft
19:25.15travisatOffice an editor
19:25.17chicken_manyea i do a lot of codeing
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19:25.32tarzeauchicken_man: i think kate is for other things...
19:25.34doubtarzeau: are you angry at office suites in general, or just openoffice?
19:25.42valdyn!dict edit
19:25.43tarzeaudoub: just bad ones, like openoffice
19:25.44dpkgDictionary 'edit' Edit \Ed"it\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Edited; p. pr. & vb. n. Editing.] [F. ['e]diter, or L. editus, p. p. of edere to give out, put forth, publish; e out + dare to give. See Date a point of time.] To superintend the publication of; to revise and prepare for publication; to select, correct, arrange, etc., the matter of, for publication; as, to edit a newspaper.
19:26.06abrotmantravisat: it can be .. you use word to edit documents don't you?
19:26.09chicken_manHA HA lol
19:26.13abrotmanjust like you use OO.o writer to edit docs
19:26.18doubtarzeau: what would be a good one then ? i'd tend to bash the whole idea, but that's not the point
19:26.25tarzeauthat's an office suite:
19:26.27travisatI use vim to write stuff
19:26.29Lee__I use strings to read MS Word docs
19:26.39tarzeauLee__: i use antiword
19:26.59travisatopenoffice allows one to format,present,publish
19:27.06chicken_manyes :P
19:27.09tarzeautravisat: it's very bad presenting tool
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19:27.29travisatcompared to what
19:27.36chicken_manyea lol
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19:28.58tarzeaudpkg ubuntu chicken_man
19:28.59BadManwhat package would I need to get "equivs-build"
19:29.02pipelinetravisat, tarzeau : I hate to feed tarzeau the troll, but NeXT really did have an obscene number of applications given how small the platform was.
19:29.14greycatBadMan: equivs
19:29.26BadMangreycat: thanks...
19:30.08pipelinetravisat, tarzeau : At its peak, the NeXTstep installed base was probably less than fifty thousand seats, but it had literally thousands of ISV applications.  We're talking an application for every ten users here.  Totally nuts.
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19:30.31tarzeaupipeline: why do you call me troll?
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19:30.43pipelinetarzeau: Because you love GNUstep to an irrational extent :P
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19:30.59pipelinetarzeau: Speaking of GNUstep, have you heard about Cocoa# ?
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19:31.24travisathmm looks interesting, but how is it different from openoffice
19:31.27tarzeaupipeline: i know Cocoa , but Cocoa# is a joke, if you mean the .net stuff...
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19:31.45tarzeaupipeline: you tried objective-c and cocoa (application and foundation kits)?
19:31.56chicken_manHA HA
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19:32.07pipelinetarzeau: I have no interest in objective C.
19:32.14chicken_manC++ mmmmmmmmmmm
19:32.27tarzeaupipeline: but .net and c# ?
19:32.31mwelshspeaking of macochism
19:32.56pipelinetarzeau: C# is a pretty nice language.  It's like a less brain-damaged java.  And calling out to C with p/invoke is a great deal easier than JNI.
19:33.28pipelineIt's not my favorite language, but it's garbage collected, there's lots of libraries, and there's a large installed base.
19:33.32abrotmanpipeline: have you tried java5?
19:33.32chicken_manim trying to learn tcp\ip :O
19:33.33tarzeaupipeline: but what good does you a language if you don't have some fantasticly, well designed, excellent frameworks?
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19:33.53pipelinetarzeau: I *do* have good frameworks, that's why I'm willing to use C# at all.
19:34.20tarzeaupipeline: and you write what kind of stuff with it? not graphical applications, is it?
19:34.22pipelineabrotman: Java 1.5? I didn't manage to get very excited about java generics.  I don't do this for a living, you know.  I don't /have/ to use java, therefore I rarely use java.
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19:34.26pipelinetarzeau: But of course.
19:34.37tarzeaupipeline: top secret or can you show off something?
19:34.44abrotmanpipeline: so what you're saying is that you're not really qualified to talk about the subject :)
19:34.50tarzeaupipeline: have you read the booz-allen study about nextstep?
19:34.51pipelineabrotman: Yup.
19:34.59abrotmanpipeline: but you're spouting anyway?
19:35.21*** part/#debian Jim__ (
19:35.22pipelineabrotman: JNI is a pain in the ass, and there's no reason for it to be as complex as it is.
19:35.54abrotmanpipeline: why are you telling me about JNI?
19:35.57paulswmWe used NextStep fro a project about 10 years ago.  It's difficult to say which sucked most, NextStep itself or the awful aupport
19:36.08pipelineabrotman: That was my complaint about java just a minute ago that raised your hackles
19:36.28abrotmanpipeline: oh .. just that i've heard both sides many times .. but even c# devs say java5 is pretty damn nice
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19:36.47abrotmani've used both .. didn't really care for either of them
19:36.58Althasercan someone help me ? please   xauth: timeout in locking authority file /home/user/.Xauthority
19:37.00chicken_manJava = rubbish (mind you i haven't tryed it)
19:37.03pipelineabrotman: Eh -- for the purpose I have in mind (writing an actual end-user application) java would be highly unsuitable, as not very many people have java-gnome installed.
19:37.10pipelinechicken_man: I assure you that Java is not rubbish.
19:37.29chicken_manif it's any easyer than C++ ill try it lol
19:37.37abrotmanpipeline: not very many people have GTK# installed
19:37.44abrotmanor mono
19:37.45tarzeauchicken_man: i'd just like to put you on the grill
19:37.45pipelinechicken_man: It's certainly better than C++.  That is Java's explicit purpose: To be harder to fuck up.
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19:37.56paulswmC++ is an awful hack
19:37.59pipelineabrotman: Yes, but it's very easy to install it.  You don't have to register for a Sun account or fuck with a click-through license.
19:37.59doubpipeline: you can try python with wxwidgets
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19:38.15chicken_mani use python :P
19:38.17pipelinedoub: Python is a comedy option.
19:38.25Nunezim trying to install Debian 3.0 Testing on my Dell Inspiration 8000 and when the dvd boots, and goes to "Starting PC card services" it freezes?
19:38.26tarzeauchicken_man: i've got a python in my pants!
19:38.27abrotmanpipeline: i suppose .. but java-gtk is probably pretty damn nice .. why not just write it in python? .. or use wxwindows?
19:38.32chicken_manhe he
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19:38.44mwelshjust try it
19:38.45tarzeauabrotman: wxwindows hehe ;)
19:38.45pipelineabrotman: I do not like wxwindows and python is totally unsuitable.
19:39.06abrotmannot really .. but whatever
19:39.06doubpipeline: you prefer java?
19:39.06pipelineI have fooled with python more than I would care to fool with python.  Good lord do I hate it.
19:39.17chicken_mani prefer things that are easy to learn ;)
19:39.18abrotmanpipeline: you've already stated you're unqualified in this area :)
19:39.39kevin06I am having an issue with my display resolution. It is currently at 800x600, but I am able to support 1280x1200. Can someone help me change this?
19:39.45pipelineabrotman: I'm unqualified to hate java.  I've done the python thing and I don't want to do it again :P
19:39.46abrotmani could show you all a language that would make you fear for your lives :)
19:39.52abrotmanask paulswm
19:39.53pipelineabrotman: What language is that?
19:40.02doubchicken_man: being easy won't help you doing serious things
19:40.08paulswmpipeline is obiously qualified to hate python, though
19:40.10chicken_mani know that lol
19:40.12pipelinedoub: Python and java are not in the same class of languages, dude.
19:40.23doubpipeline: in what respect ?
19:40.36chicken_mani like C++
19:40.41abrotmanpipeline: it's a proprietarty language .. i'm sure you've never seen it
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19:41.05Pappajava is this utterly crappy over-verbose annoying language, while python may be sort of neat.
19:41.10Pappa!start a language war
19:41.10dpkgBASIC is more efficient than C
19:41.11mwelshC++ is very good at taking a simple problem and making it really hard and time consuming
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19:41.21chicken_manBASIC HA HAHA
19:41.22pipelineC++: Just enough rope to hang yourself.
19:41.38Pappabasic rocks
19:41.43abrotmanc++ : makes it harder to shoot yourself in the foot .. but when you do .. you take your whole leg
19:41.45Pappamy c64 is still kickin'
19:41.54pipelineQBasic is pretty damn useful inside a limited problem domain.
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19:42.10chicken_manbasic to simple i walked over that and made a number of games :P
19:42.12pipelineIt's less painful than batch files, it runs on DOS, and there's lots of support for it.
19:42.12abrotmanno it's not
19:42.13paulswmdoub: C is easy to learn, and I don't suppose that you think that one can't do serious things in C
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19:42.45mwelshin .net, all languages have the same efficiency
19:42.47pipelinechicken_man: I suggest you learn a less hilariously bad language than C++.
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19:42.57doubpaulswm: some people object to this that C uses pointers, and they seem to be religiously against pointers. sounds like satan to them
19:43.00greycat!start a language war
19:43.00dpkgPython is more readable than Haskell
19:43.01mwelshso actually is the same performance as vc++
19:43.06pipelinedoub: Pointers aren't C's problem.
19:43.24abrotmandoub: that's because they don't know how to use them
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19:43.26chicken_manpython not bad but it's still no where near as good as C
19:43.32pipelinedoub: Pointers aren't a problem until you get into C++ :P
19:43.40chicken_manc++ is a fast language
19:43.43pipelinechicken_man: Python and C are not used in the same problem domains.  At least they shouldn't be.
19:43.45gdsCan i add sarge repository to my ubuntu?
19:43.51abrotmannot a good idea
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19:43.55pipelinegds: #ubunt
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19:44.11pipelinegds: You should probably upgrade entirely to debian or entirely to ubuntu.  MIxing the two is painful.  Ask the #ubuntu folks.
19:44.19chicken_manas long as you can take the hours debugging C++ you should be fine :)
19:44.25paulswmdoub: Using pointers is in many cases like giving a small child a loaded gun:  sooner or later, it's going to go off, and someone is probably going to get hurt :)
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19:44.52gdspipeline, I want to add just argouml
19:44.54doubabrotman: i've spend 2 years in a CS technical school. first language : C. 177 people out of 180 never ever wanted to use C or C++, because of pointers. but they were by and large taught what a pointer is.
19:45.25doubabrotman: that's what makes me think this is more a religious hate than a rational one
19:45.31abrotmandoub: that's thier problem .. prejudice is bad .. even in programming languages .. i've used a lot of them .. and there are only a few that truly suck ..
19:45.37paulswmdoub: But I have alsways loved C and FORTRAN, but I'm an old programmer, so my preference is not often for new fangled pinko computer science languages :)
19:45.54abrotmandoub: it's religious .. not rational .. people properly trained to use pointers .. do very well with them
19:45.56chicken_manewww FORTRAN
19:46.02abrotmanpaulswm: i learned RPG :)
19:46.11*** join/#debian xelam (
19:46.14chicken_manrpg :\
19:46.16gdsHow can I install fonts for gtk 1.x applications?
19:46.18abrotmanand i'm not nearly as old as paulswm
19:46.19Nunezi need to learn C, but damn, does it take time!
19:46.24paulswmabrotman: I did too, but didn't get to use it that much
19:46.37valdyngds: same as for any other framework
19:46.38chealergds: this is a debian support channel
19:46.41abrotmanpaulswm: it was for uni .. cobol/rpg/snobol .. all kinds of fun stuff
19:46.44prozureusIt's like they say... Rome - total war wasn't built in a day.
19:47.02abrotmangds: if you need ubuntu support .. go to #ubuntu .. otherwise .. /msg dpkg d-i
19:47.06paulswmabrotman: Oh, and thanks for the age plug :)
19:47.08valdyngds: apt-get install <fonts>
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19:47.18abrotmanpaulswm: yes .. but admit it .. RPG is old ..
19:47.20doubNunez: take the reference "the c programming language" book by its creators k&r, and follow instructions
19:47.27doubNunez: that's not that long
19:47.31abrotmanpaulswm: i don't think anyone has bothered with a compiler for linux
19:47.35Nunezdoub: I have it
19:47.49dambodog_is there a way to install rpm's on a debian machine (understood that it is a bad way to go)
19:47.50chicken_manC++ is easy once you get your head around the code
19:47.59doubdambodog_: alien is your friend
19:48.01Nunezpaulswm is like 75
19:48.02*** mode/#debian [+l 846] by debhelper
19:48.13paulswmNunez: Nooooooo
19:48.13gdsabrotman, I joined also #ubuntu... Ubuntu and debian are brothers :-)
19:48.24kevin06dambodog: Convert it using Alien.
19:48.28*** join/#debian drac (
19:48.31abrotmangds: not quite
19:48.48abrotmanmore like the uncle noone talks to
19:49.12doubabrotman: they do share most of their code, so that makes them brothers, doesn't it ?
19:49.23abrotmandoub: share with who?
19:49.27gdsabrotman, what's  differences, after installing them?
19:49.38*** join/#debian Danjer (
19:49.38abrotmangds: see ian murdocks recent rants
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19:49.42abrotmanamong others
19:49.44chealerdoub: do you really share stuff with your brother?
19:49.45prozureusHumans share the fact that they have arms and legs with most other humans.. that makes them the same right?
19:49.56abrotmani was born
19:50.00chealerI can talk with experience that my sister won't do that :)
19:50.01abrotmannothing exciting .. that i know of anyways
19:50.05doubchealer: yes, what's the problem ?
19:50.13mwelshhow do you configure a new sound card in sarge?
19:50.29mwelshthe card is in the machine
19:50.29gdsabrotman, could you pass me the link?
19:50.41dracmwelsh: apt-get install alsa-base && alsaconf ?
19:50.46doubchealer: i bet going older resolves these issues
19:50.55abrotmangds: it was on slashdot iirc .. if not .. uhm .. ... look on the right side for Ian Murdock .. go to his site
19:51.17dambodog_doub, thanks.
19:51.18chealerabrotman: you should have added it to the factoid :)
19:51.24abrotmanchealer: noone wanted me to
19:51.26abrotmani still can
19:51.28chealerdoub: you're too old :)
19:51.34mwelshok, i got that
19:51.42mh_lewhat is the name of the X11 development package?
19:52.10paulswmgds: re. ubuntu and debian:  a water melon is 99% water, but that does not make it only 1% different from a cloud
19:52.10doubchealer: not that much. i bet if i'd be more mature, i would not stay here long =)
19:52.12*** join/#debian blutengel (
19:52.33gdsabrotman, philosophical questions don't concern me :-)
19:52.35prozureuspaulswm, better analogy than mine ;)
19:52.35abrotmanchealer: feel free
19:52.36chealerdoub: ok, then your sister is too old
19:52.43abrotmanchealer: he also has a newer response today
19:52.48paulswmdoub: You have to grow old, but you *don't* have to grow up :)
19:52.55chealerabrotman: oh, on slashdot too?
19:52.57*** join/#debian YamahaRx800 (
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19:53.04doubchealer: brother. but maybe you're right
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19:53.23paulswmprozureus: Naaah, yours was good
19:53.31abrotmanchealer: i don't think it made it to slashdot yet
19:53.46*** join/#debian soulreaper (
19:54.09gdspaulswm, I use debian on server and I used debian for many years on my laptop... since one month I use ubuntu
19:54.18doubstreuner: how did you feel by then ?
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19:54.57abrotmanerm .. Ian is calling for a time based release cycle for debian
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19:55.18paulswmgds: I don't have anything against ubuntu, but it doesn't correspond to a debian release
19:55.55streunerdoub: at the moment? like Kennedy and Hendrix together ;-)
19:55.56doubabrotman: i've heard people say that ian murdock is only anoyed  about sarge because of business issues with progeny
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19:56.29gdspaulswm, you're right, but debian packages fit on ubuntu
19:56.30abrotmandoub: could be possible .. i'd more advocate a base freeze cycle .. .. like say .. 9 months after a release .. we freeze base .. and release asap
19:56.45greycatgds: you're on your own with it, though.  we can't support it.
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19:57.11chealerso, Ian is saying Ubuntu is a son
19:57.25abrotmani guess
19:57.27*** join/#debian jean_n (~jean_n@
19:57.27doubabrotman: like, hum, ubuntu does ? :)
19:57.32abrotmandoub: well .. not really
19:57.34paulswmabrotman: That's a very good link, thanx
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19:57.57abrotmandoub: they just freeze and release afaik .. i mean .. freeze base .. get your shit in ... fix bugs .. but if it takes 2 years after a base freeze .. then that's what it takes
19:58.00gdsok greycat
19:58.12chealerwill the father die earlier that the son? O_o
19:58.33paulswmgds: As long as they work, and no dependencies are broken by installing packages from debian distros on ubuntu, that's great.
19:58.52abrotmanpaulswm: which ? or both?
19:59.02abrotmandoub: you disagree?
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19:59.16paulswmabrotman: The Ian one
19:59.20doubabrotman: no
19:59.33paulswmabrotman: ubuntu vs debian, reprise
19:59.36prozureuslet's hope there is some filicide involved.
19:59.36valdyngds: ubuntu use a different compiler - if that works thats merely coincidence or luck
19:59.50chealerabrotman: yeah. you remember that sarge was supposed to take even longer...
19:59.55doubabrotman: i was thinking about the DPL chats i've heard about, where quite every candidate stated that debian's size is not a problem
20:00.12dpkgToday will be a day long remembered.  Today we launched the massive phallus Debian 2.0, a towering penis of software, larger than any other Linux distribution ever made. We Got the Big Dicks.
20:00.22doubabrotman: but having a base freeze, as you point out, would really make things simpler, i guess
20:00.23valdyngds: for example, if you mix debian / ubuntu c++ coded things, youll run into problems ( i think )
20:00.26kromaggdoes anybody know why exim4 might not be using /etc/email-adresses?
20:00.27chealerdoub: what do you mean by debian's size?
20:00.39kromaggI just can't seem to get the rewriting to work
20:00.45abrotmanpaulswm: there were two :)
20:00.58abrotmanchealer: it did :)
20:00.59doubchealer: number of packages, mainly. i don't know enough about debian people/relationship to say anything about this
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20:01.33abrotmanno .. i don't mean sections are frozen .. i mean .. freeze the base ... then pull the other portions together (no RC bugs) for a formal release
20:01.52chealerdoub: hum, I don't understand how that would be a problem. you mean for releasing?
20:02.08gdsvaldyn, paulswm, I want to install a java package :-)
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20:02.10doubchealer: yes, and for security updates
20:02.29doubchealer: monitoring 13000 package for vulnerabilities is a huge task
20:02.35chealerdoub: security updates...because it takes more security responsibles?
20:02.54chealeryes, that's quite obvious
20:02.55KinxofSepluv"apt-get install java-common" I think should install it Gds
20:03.03doubchealer: i don't think the problem can scale to the number of people in the security team
20:03.29chealerdoub: ah, I guess I don't understand then
20:04.00*** part/#debian petropal (
20:04.01doubchealer: because there will obviously be quite unused packages in those 13000, where it's harder to find vulnerabilities
20:04.44doubchealer: so vulnerability exposure, if any, will be narrower, i bet, than that of apache, for example
20:04.51chealerit's not a matter of finding vulnerabilities, it's to fix known ones timely. after all, it's not OpenBSD :)
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20:06.10doubchealer: of course. but going back to the general size problem, i think it would be better to have a rock solid base, where everyone concentrate its efforts, because it benefits everyone
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20:06.24chealerdoub: hah
20:06.33doubchealer: and leave specialized packages unsupported
20:06.45chealeropen source development doesn't really work like that
20:06.52doubchealer: or not guaranteed to work
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20:07.52valdyndoub: each debian package exists b/c someone wanted to package it. Each security fix happens for the same reason. Disallowing someone to support its favourite unused application will *not* help any other app get more support
20:08.05chealerdoub: that's pretty much the current situation anyway. no package is guaranteed to work
20:08.09furrywolfanyone else having problems with .11.7 using 100% cpu to read cds (from ide drives) for no reason?  I can burn them at 52x, but can't read cds or dvds at over 0.5x or so, with 100% cpu used...
20:08.21*** join/#debian chr1s (
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20:08.38chr1shey, does anyone know how I can downstep my processor?
20:08.47kristiankcan anybody help me installing nvidia video driver on a sarge ? Where are the kernel source ?
20:08.50chealerdoub: I've seen a package with "This software is alpha, don't expect it to work" in the README
20:08.55furrywolfchr1s:  send me yours; I'll send you back a slower one.
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20:09.00chealer!tell kristiank about nvidia-howto
20:09.08valdynchr1s: does it support frequency scaling?
20:09.15chr1syeah, I think so
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20:09.22doubvaldyn: that's not my point. what i mean is, have a released, triple checked, rc-less base system, and another not so formally endorsed. but where anyone can triple check if he wants or has to
20:09.24KinxofSepluv!tell KinxofSepluv about tvtuners
20:09.32valdynchr1s: do you want to scale manually or let a daemon do it automatically
20:09.39KinxofSepluvWorth a try
20:09.40*** join/#debian eguzkia (
20:09.43chr1swell, my system gets too hot
20:09.48chealer!tell KinxofSepluv about msg the bot
20:09.50chr1sbut only when compiling
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20:10.09chr1sso I want to do it manually before I'm going to compile something
20:10.24gothtecHow can I get the ip addresses of the users currently connected to an sshd on my box?
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20:10.42Nosf3ratugothtec, w
20:10.43furrywolfgoth:  netstat
20:10.46chr1svaldyn: how do I do it?
20:10.46chealerkristiank: and you don't need kernel sources
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20:12.03gothtecNosf3ratu: I tried that... some of the lines have appropriate ip addresses, but others are like this one: "nwadmin pts/2 ktv21-246-96:S.0 Sat13 3:36m 2days 0.00s /bin/bash" and that ktv21-246-96:S.0 doesn't really help a lot :(
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20:12.15ignatzdoes anyone know a good howto for serial console ? im trying to connect 2 servers via serial line but cant find any decent documentation
20:12.29doubignatz: serial howto on
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20:13.04doubignatz: wait, i think it's even 'serial console howto'
20:13.19chealerdoub: I don't really understand what you mean about triple-checked stuff
20:13.23ignatzi found it doub
20:13.26ignatzthanks :)
20:13.28valdynchr1s: load the appropriate modules from /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/arch/i386/kernel/cpufreq and additionally from /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/drivers/cpufreq the cpufreq_userspace module
20:13.29mihalyI compiled a kernel and made it into a debian package and installed it and later discovered that i missed a litle thing in the kernel that i had to add.... I wanto uninstall the old kernal in some way or will it just be overwriten by the new one?
20:13.44kristiankchealer: I am surprised, but I'll read the doc you indicate first. thanks
20:13.50doubchealer: RC bug-free, and as bug free as possible
20:13.53valdynchr1s: look into these directories, the names of the modules are quite verbose for the most part
20:14.14*** join/#debian britt (
20:14.15chr1svaldyn: there is no cpufreq module
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20:14.31valdynchr1s: what i gave you was _directories_, not modules
20:14.31chr1svaldyn: when I try to manually compile my kernel the system shuts down
20:14.49brittcan anybody tell me what the best way to get a photosmart 1315 printer to work in debian
20:14.59chealerdoub: of course it will be as bug-free *as possible*
20:15.11*** join/#debian htet (
20:15.14streunerbritt: inkjet USB?
20:15.16chr1svaldyn: there are 2 modules in /lib/modules/2.4.27-2-386/kernel/arch/i386/kernel#
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20:15.27chr1svaldyn: those are apm.o and edd.o
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20:15.35streuner!tell britt about hpinkjet install
20:15.37joeschmoeI have bf2.4 and kernel 2.6 i386 installed on another machine, and the mouse works fine, however when i switch over to the a64 kernel the mouse jumps around and randomly hits buttons
20:15.55brittdid that...and it wouldnt install either
20:15.58valdynchr1s: and a folder called "cpufreq"
20:16.11*** join/#debian CyL (~cyl@
20:16.23streunerbritt: so what doesn't work?
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20:16.36brittstreuner: it won't detect the printer
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20:16.41CyLHow do I make my mouse wheel work?
20:16.46streunerbritt: vis syslog?
20:16.47britti even downloaded the hpijm too
20:16.58Overfiendgreycat: it's a damn good thing I mentioned the version number when I said that, or people'd think it was a recent quote :)
20:16.58valdynchr1s: oh, i oversaw this, frequency scaling may not be supported on 2.4.x kernels, i dont know that
20:17.01Overfiendoh, wait
20:17.03joeschmoeanybody have any ideas for me?
20:17.05Overfiendthat would imply Debian released recently
20:17.10Overfiendwhich everyone knows it hasn't.
20:17.12OverfiendSo no fear :)
20:17.12streunerbritt: what does 'lsusb' say?
20:17.18chr1sIs it possible to install a 2.6 kernel with apt-get
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20:17.32PaganistHi everyone, i need to compile iproute2 but i get a bunch of errors, i have read the README file but it is not clear to me. there is no configure file, may someone help me to determine which lib or so is missing ?
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20:17.44valdynchr1s: sure, apt-cache search kernel-image-2.6
20:17.47brittso there IS a way to get my printer working?
20:17.49thingfishHey Overfiend, congratulations on getting elected.
20:17.51streunerOverfiend: if you act like the last time i have no fear then :-P
20:17.51doubchealer: that's not obvious (think about quick and dirty programming). but thats not the point anyway
20:17.59valdynchr1s: and pick one that suits you
20:17.59britti just wanna keep debian on my machine
20:17.59gothtecHow can I get the ip addresses of the users currently connected to an sshd on my box? I need some kind of a list output I can use in the program I'm making.
20:17.59Delphwin 2
20:18.02*** mode/#debian [+l 858] by debhelper
20:18.03Overfiendthingfish: thanks!
20:18.10joeschmoeI have bf2.4 and kernel 2.6 i386 installed on another machine, and the mouse works fine, however when i switch over to the a64 kernel the mouse jumps around and randomly hits buttons
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20:18.48overflowHi, I installed TUTOS on Sarge and works fine but I cann't access from other address than localhost
20:19.00Paganistjoeschmoe: i had this too and i installed gpm then, since i had no problem
20:19.09Overfiendstreuner: Oh, I'm sure that if I can sarge to release on my watch I will definitely strut and preen a bit :)
20:19.15Overfiends/can/& get/
20:19.19greycatpreening is permitted.
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20:19.36valdyngothtec: the info given by "who" isnt good enough?
20:19.37dondelelcarooverflow: you probably only have totus listening on localhost. Modify it's configuration file to bind to instead of
20:19.42joeschmoePaganist, I'll give that a shot, maybe it'll map my mouse for me automatically, thanks:)
20:19.44*** part/#debian Ovidio_ (
20:19.55Overfiendwaaiiit a second
20:20.06HenningWhen typing "dpkg-reconfigure lirc-modules source" I see no option to select the atiusb driver that I want to use. Where does dpkg save it's files, perhaps I can hack it so that the right module gets compiled?
20:20.12Overfiendpeople have to type SIX characters to disambiguate my nick?
20:20.13Henninglirc-modules-source I mean.
20:20.23directhexHenning, atiusb?
20:20.24dondelelcaroOverfiend: nah... three... O<tab><tab>
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20:20.29gothtecvaldyn: doesn't seem like it... "nwadmin pts/2 Apr 16 13:43 (ktv21-246-96:S.0)" <-- that's one of the lines. the guy logs in from somewhere in hungary, and his ip address shows up as a bunch of letters...
20:20.36Overfienddondelelcaro: quiet!  I'm trying to be intimidating!
20:20.37greycatOverfiend: you just have to talk more than he does.
20:20.39overflowOverfiend, he
20:20.40Henningdirecthex: Yes, I have a usb remote control that needs the lirc_atiusb driver.
20:20.44*** part/#debian debiantonio (~debianton@
20:20.48directhexHenning, an ati remote wonder?
20:21.00Overfienddondelelcaro: what, ya think I'm gonna like, all, *humanize* this channel and stuff?
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20:21.04valdyngothtec: who --lookup
20:21.13Henningdirecthex: No, sapphire remote bob II, the ati_remote kernel module won't work.
20:21.13dondelelcaroOverfiend: oh, right. BRING ON THE SODOMOTRON!
20:21.14greycatyou can't humanize us.  we're all bots.
20:21.18streunerOverfiend: haha
20:21.29overflowdondelelcaro, I got a forbidden  access ... but the apache.conf that tutos installed seems tobe ok
20:21.29gothtecvaldyn: no difference :(
20:21.53Henningdirecthex: I checked the source for the lirc_atiusb driver and it seems to define the device codes listet by lsusb, so I assume my device will be recognized if I get that module to build.
20:21.57dondelelcarooverflow: ok... you probably have an Allow/Deny statement that is only allowing things from localhost then.
20:22.06greycatfurrywolf: sounds... expensive.
20:22.10*** part/#debian miernik (
20:22.12greycatand perhaps a bit painful
20:22.29dondelelcarooverflow: that's the typical method of restricting access on apache... (the other is by having the script return a 403 itself... dunno if tutos does that.)
20:22.35Henningdirecthex: The problem is I'd like to follow the make-kpkg procedure as listet in the documentation, but I have no idea where it finds out what modules to actually compile.
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20:23.02gothtecvaldyn: any ideas?
20:23.06directhexHenning, buggered if i know, i like module-assistant for my non-kernel module compilation
20:23.11overflowdondelelcaro, can I paste the apache.conf in priv? it's only 10 lines long ..
20:23.12dondelelcaroHenning: anything that's unpacked in the MODULES_DIR gets compiled...
20:23.17dondelelcarooverflow: use the paster bot
20:23.20dpkgInstead of pasting in #debian or #flood, use paster, your friendly paste bot. Visit then select #debian, and paste away.
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20:23.21k-dogAnyone know if calamaris will run reports on < 24h of data?
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20:23.46valdyngothtec: nope, lookup works for me ( shows the complete dns name )
20:23.55citralwhere does this way to write papers with female pronouns like "A user is free to clutter up _her_ own desktop as much as _she_ likes" ? Is it to say "Don't think I'm gay, I prefer women as men" or what ?
20:24.12citralI forgot <comes from>
20:24.14gothtecvaldyn: i just want ip's :(
20:24.26prodopecan someone point me to some docs about patching the kernel in debian? (i want to go from to
20:24.37prodopeinstead of doing a full upgrade
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20:25.21Henningdondelelcaro: I have no idea how I can get it to actually install the lirc_atiusb module in my modules directory though
20:25.24overflowdondelelcaro, what do u think ?
20:25.39WendySetting up libapache-mod-php4 (4.3.10-12) ... Error: does not have a corresponding .info file.
20:25.53dondelelcarooverflow: you probably need an Order Allow,Deny\nAllow from all\n or similar.
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20:26.22dondelelcaroHenning: do you have the source tarball for it?
20:26.32phaedralclue request: trying to use nice -n -10 xmms as root gets me some barf about Unable to open display
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20:26.45phaedralman nice didn't help
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20:27.12greycatphaedral: /msg dpkg run stuff as root
20:27.20Henningdondelelcaro: I have installed the lirc-modules-source, which does install the source tarball yes, I've unpacked it, and tried to follow the instructions in the README.
20:27.22overflowdondelelcaro,  nothing :'(
20:27.50citralok, I'll assume it's simply one of this "politically correct" thing then.
20:27.55phaedralthx greycat
20:28.01*** mode/#debian [+l 850] by debhelper
20:28.10furrywolfphaedral:  1) contemplate if you really want to run xmms as root.  2) as your user account, xhost +LOCAL:   3) as root, export DISPLAY=:0.0
20:28.18dondelelcaroHenning: ok, and does make-kpkg module_config; do stuff properly? (it's in /usr/src/modules/foobarbaz, right?)
20:28.25*** part/#debian andreasj (
20:28.48greycatfurrywolf: NOT xhost.
20:28.54WendySetting up libapache-mod-php4 (4.3.10-12) ... Error: does not have a corresponding .info file. <-- anyone knows whats wrong here?
20:28.59greycatfurrywolf: /msg dpkg run stuff as root
20:29.07greycatWendy: check the BTS
20:29.13furrywolfgreycat:  on a single-user system, that should be safe, and is nice and lazy.  :)
20:29.16dondelelcarocitral: no, that just means that you're refering to a female. Typically you just avoid using gendered pronouns when they're not actually useful.
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20:29.21resiakfurrywolf: No, it's totally unnecessary.
20:29.39phaedraldon't really want to run as root, want to nice it so as to reduce hangs and skips
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20:29.50phaedralthose are technical terms, of course ;)
20:29.50Henningdondelelcaro: Hmm, hang on.
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20:30.10xamphaedral: so your real problem is that xmms hangs and skips then?
20:30.18directhexgreycat, you read my interview with the linspire ceo, where he gave his opinions on running as root, i hope?
20:30.20furrywolfand not using su - means you have to set your path, etc.
20:30.25phaedralfurrywolf: learning about the joys of abcde, and toolame :)
20:30.36greycatdirecthex: no, I skipped that one
20:30.48greycatdirecthex: I saw the /. first-paragraph summary though
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20:31.24phaedralxam: yes
20:31.28directhexgreycat, that was a bit out of context but it was the best way to guarantee the ./, and ./ makes for happy advertising revenue
20:31.35phaedraland that i'm not very good at this stuff yet
20:31.41*** join/#debian elusive (
20:31.43phaedralah, but I aspire
20:31.51directhex/., even
20:31.55citraldondelelcaro: but I noticed a lot of papers this last time using "she" instead of "one"... like security ebooks and so, saying "you must understand the reasons why she whould try to hack your box" and so
20:31.59kromagghmm can anybody tell me how to enable header rewriting in exim4?
20:32.12*** join/#debian will (
20:32.16overflowdondelelcaro, any other idea?
20:32.21furrywolf./ -- news for queer geeks?  :)
20:32.23willwhats the difference between the SMP kernels and non smp kernsl?
20:32.36furrywolfwill:  SMP is for multiple CPUs.
20:32.40dpkgi guess smp is (Symmetric Multi Processing) This refers to a technology where a computer uses multiple processors to process different instructions at the same time, in separate processing units. It is a form of parallel computing. or Single Member Plurality, which is the Canadian electoral system., or rtfm!
20:32.46p0p3y3somebody can help me, to install gnome 2.8? (debian testing)
20:32.56streunerapt-get install gnome
20:33.04willoh k thx
20:33.20furrywolfif you don't know what SMP is, you probably don't have multiple CPUs.  :)
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20:33.23citralso that bringed me to think that it was welcome to use "she" instead of "he" when speaking generally, in english.
20:33.32directhexhe might have a hyperthreaded p4
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20:33.49Henningdondelelcaro: Appearently, yes. I get a good message from that, then I run make-kpkg modules_image, and install the image
20:34.00Henningdondelelcaro: But the module that I'm pretty sure I need isn't in that image..
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20:34.22sorcreMy screen resoltion is stuck at 800x 600. And there are no other options when I try to change it. Any idea how to reconfigure it?
20:34.32resiak!drxx sorcre
20:34.33dpkgsorcre: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86   (as root)
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20:34.41citralsorcre: you have an nvidia?
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20:34.48xamphaedral: what kind of computer are you using (CPU) and what kernel?
20:35.51Varg__how do I set up pmount and hal to automatically mount usb sticks?
20:35.59phaedralxam: i should know how to answer that easily, but i don't
20:36.04phaedralintel, fer sure
20:36.20xamphaedral: cat /proc/cpuinfo
20:36.21phaedralintel pentium iii
20:36.24*** join/#debian monil (
20:36.31l1nuxi have problem, Debian won't umount my reiserfs root on halt
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20:36.52phaedralpentuim iii coppermine
20:36.58xamphaedral: that should be more than fast enough to play mp3 without skipping ...
20:37.00monilsorry i'm new to debian, when i apt-get install wget i get:
20:37.00monilNeed to get 0B/332kB of archives. After unpacking 1233kB will be used.
20:37.00monilMedia Change: Please insert the disc labeled 'Debian GNU/Linux 3.0 r2 _Woody_ - Official i386 Binary-1 (20031201)' in the drive '/cdrom/
20:37.01l1nuxsame problem here
20:37.05monilcan anyone tell me how to make it get it from the net?
20:37.09xamphaedral: what do you do to make it skip?
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20:37.34furrywolfphaedral:  are your drives using DMA?
20:37.45furrywolf(hdparm /dev/hda)
20:37.46l1nuxi try umont
20:37.50CyLhow do I enable the extra buttons in my mouse?
20:37.50phaedralxam: nada, i can be away from the machine and nothing else visible on desktop; doesn't skip so much as give 1/2 second buzz
20:37.57l1nuxi try ummount /proc
20:38.03l1nuxbut same :/
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20:38.35l1nuxany idea ?
20:38.45furrywolfoh, and I've discovered that freecraft brakes the .11.7 kernel, so when freecraft is running, you can't mount anything.  figure THAT one out.  :)
20:38.50citralphaedral: did you try to play mp3s with mpg321, to see if it also skips? if not, then it's an xmms problem
20:38.55phaedralyes, using_dma = 1
20:39.13phaedralcitral: no; will try
20:39.17furrywolfor, at least, breaks something on my system...  lol
20:39.49greycatfurrywolf: hahaha
20:39.54r00tzi apt-get remove php5
20:39.55*** join/#debian NeoBREED (
20:39.57r00tzError: does not have a corresponding .info file.
20:39.59NeoBREEDhi everyone
20:40.00r00tzthis error...
20:40.03NeoBREEDI was wondering
20:40.03r00tzhave some form?
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20:40.14NeoBREEDis that part of base system?
20:40.16freanoadto get the torrents for the latest stable release i go to "/debian-cd/torrents/current/i386" right?  also what is NONUS doing in there only for cd1, is that a mistake or do i need it too?
20:40.20greycatr00tz: you installed it.  you broke it.  you get to keep the pieces.
20:40.22NeoBREEDI want to change a theme in fluxbox
20:40.22monilhi can anyone help me with apt-get?
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20:40.34greycatr00tz: that's why we tell people not to mix unofficial sources with their debian systems
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20:40.45streunermonil: just ask
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20:40.52NeoBREED!tell NeoBREED about fluxbox
20:40.53r00tzgreycat: yes; but how i remove this now?
20:40.54freanoadi386 is the right one for amd athlon's?
20:40.54citralNeoBREED: bsetbg has nothing to do with the theme... only the background
20:41.05greycatfreanoad: yes
20:41.05NeoBREEDI need that part
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20:41.09directhexr00tz, you tell us. you're not using debian packages, god knows.
20:41.09NeoBREEDto run the background
20:41.13phaedralmpg321 fires right up
20:41.16phaedralsounds fine
20:41.22greycatr00tz: find the support forum for whatever place you got it *from*.
20:41.24freanoadgrey cat 'yes' to which of my 3 questions? :P
20:41.30greycat16:40  freanoad> i386 is the right one for amd athlon's?
20:41.33NeoBREED!tell monil about apt-get
20:41.56directhexunless it's an amd athlon 64
20:41.57freanoadgreycat do you know if i need the NONUS torrent too
20:41.59NeoBREEDhow do I get bsetbg for debian?
20:42.04freanoadits not
20:42.07phaedralwildly opening stuff, no bad effect
20:42.08greycatfreanoad: "need"?  certainly not.
20:42.18*** join/#debian morner (
20:42.18monilwhen i try to install wget using apt-get on a newly installed debian machine, i get:
20:42.18monil0 packages upgraded, 1 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0  not upgraded.
20:42.18monilNeed to get 0B/332kB of archives. After unpacking 1233kB will be used.
20:42.18monilMedia Change: Please insert the disc labeled 'Debian GNU/Linux 3.0 r2 _Woody_ - Official i386 Binary-1 (20031201)' in the drive '/cdrom/' and press enter
20:42.19*** kick/#debian [monil!~debhelper@debhelper.user] by debhelper (flood)
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20:42.26monilis there any way to make it plugg the file off the internet?
20:42.30monilpull the file**
20:42.33greycatmonil: run apt-setup
20:42.40directhexfreanoad, i doubt woody will run on an athlon xp system, especially with nfoce2 or similar modern motherboard chipset
20:42.41streunerNeoBREED: sounds like blackbox stuff - apt-file search bsetbg would tell you
20:42.44NeoBREEDI couldn't seem to find bsetbg on apt-cache
20:42.46citralNeoBREED: listen, fbsetbg comes with fluxbox, it's looking for a supported app that chenges the background. the best one is provided by eterm, so apt-get install eterm, and you can use fbsetbg nicely.
20:42.51greycatmonil: and possibly, at your option, edit sources.list and comment out the cdrom lines
20:42.56monilgreycat: ok- thanks
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20:43.00HenningAny suggestions as to where lirc-modules-source determines what modules should be included when executing make-kpkg modules_image ?
20:43.03ignatzdirecthex i got a woody running here with nforce2 onboard sound, onboard net and athlon xp 1700+
20:43.07ignatzworks quite fine :p
20:43.18directhexignatz, using the nforce drivers from
20:43.19freanoaddirecthex i have an amd athlon xp 2400+ :( i need a unix like o/s right now to test some software i wrote in windows that should also run in *nix
20:43.28directhex!d-i freanoad
20:43.29dpkgfreanoad, you want to go to - for your own good, and everyone else's.
20:43.36ignatznope standard drivers that were found during install
20:43.45freanoadand it has to support latest liibraries of some sdks
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20:43.49paster"furrywolf" at pasted "freecraft breaking mount" (10 lines) at
20:43.51directhexignatz, woody does _NOT_ support nfoce2 ethernet (forcedeth)
20:44.05furrywolf  <== figure that one out.  :)
20:44.07directhexthe driver only existed ad of 2.4.23, woody has 2.4.18 or 2.2.20
20:44.12phaedralmaybe this is dumb, but is there a way to dump all of dpkg's wisdom into a browsable file?
20:44.16willok so how do i get my radeon card working?
20:44.23directhexwill, radeon _WHAT_?
20:44.27greycatwill: run sarge
20:44.30directhexwill, 7000? X850PE?
20:44.37willradeon 9000 laptop thing
20:44.43directhexwill, run sarge.
20:44.44willim running unstable
20:44.45ignatzhmm any way to tell which raid controllers are supported in a kernel image ?
20:44.46citralphaedral: you mean dpkg -l > mypackages.txt ?
20:44.59ignatzexcept finding out via kernel panic on boot
20:44.59greycatfurrywolf: perhaps freecraft mounts an image on /mnt.  Did you check df or mount?
20:45.12phaedralcitral: sorry, mean the infobot on #debian
20:45.12greycatoh wait... you tried /mnt2 also
20:45.37furrywolfgreycat:  nothing in df or mount, and a cat /etc/mtab shows nothing mounted
20:45.41willok so how do i get my radeon 9000 thing working in unstable
20:45.41streunercitral: he surely means, how to get the factoid db
20:45.46abrotmanignatz: check the /boot/config-kernelyourerunning
20:45.49citralphaedral: no, there isn't... ask dondelelcaro for the mysql db?
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20:46.12freanoadwhy does debian have such hardware issues. are there other linux's that would run fine on an amd athlon xp ? i need somethin stable like yesterday :D
20:46.13phaedralnah, don't wanna bother anyone if it isn't already a quick grab
20:46.15ignatzah thx
20:46.26greycatfreanoad: debian runs fine on an amd athlon XP.
20:46.29directhexfreanoad, you're being obtuse. GO TO THE URL YOU'VE BEEN TOLD TO USE
20:46.30setuidAnyone know how to get dovecot to create a new cert? Mine is expired, and the standard openssl commands to create a new cert are rejected by dovecot.
20:46.36directhex!d-i freanoad
20:46.37dpkgfreanoad, you want to go to - for your own good, and everyone else's.
20:46.51greycatwill: don't run unstable.  run sarge.
20:46.52*** join/#debian limagick (
20:46.55setuidThe doc/ that comes with dovecot's source makes an imapd.pem, which is rejected by dovecot
20:46.57greycat!d-i will
20:46.58dpkgwill, you want to go to - for your own good, and everyone else's.
20:47.03dondelelcaro!tell phaedral -about your factoids
20:47.09citralfreanoad: debian doesn't have hardware issues. the kernel can have.
20:47.13KinxofSepluvI'm just currious which kernel is better to use on an Antholon XP : k7 or 686?
20:47.21greycatKinxofSepluv: k7
20:47.29directhexwill, definitely radeon 9000? that has 3d acceleration out of the box on a sarge install
20:47.30KinxofSepluvk good thats what I have installed
20:47.31dpkgi heard k7 is the generic model name for the series of AMD i386-compatible processors which begins with the "Athlon" and also includes the "Duron", "Thunderbird", "Sempron" and "Athlon XP" processors. It does not include the Opteron (k8) family or the older K5 or K6 chips.
20:47.35freanoadi'm at that url but i dont get it, someone said that woody wouldnt run on an amd athlon xp, but i initially said i wanted the lastest stable version of debian, isnt that sarge? which is what i was plannin to get off BT anyway
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20:47.54greycatfreanoad: they lied.
20:47.56willyea, but i want sid cause i dont want to use old crap
20:47.57furrywolfgreycat:  and fuser doesn't show anything using /mnt...
20:47.57directhexfreanoad, no. sarge hasn't been released yet. woody was released years ago.
20:48.02directhex!woody hardware support
20:48.03dpkghmm... woody hardware support is firmly rooted around its freeze date - January 2002. It won't support new graphics cards (Geforce 4 or higher), disk controllers (Serial ATA), disks over 137Gb (LBA48), sound cards (nForce2), ethernet (nForce*), wireless net interfaces (Bluetooth), etc. Just run Sarge.
20:48.09willif its in sarge why wouldnt it be in sid
20:48.16setuidhrm, guess now
20:48.18greycatfurrywolf: an strace of the attempted mount might be interesting
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20:48.25directhexwill, how did you install sid?
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20:48.42furrywolfgreycat:  'tis a funky bug, eh?  :)
20:48.50greycatfurrywolf: it's 2.6.  'nuff said...
20:48.55freanoadoh, well i installed woody about a year ago and it didnt support the latest programming stuff i needed so i gave up on it and im tryin again now and debian still isnt upgraded? :(
20:49.02willi installed woody with a 10mb net install disc then put unstable in sources.list and apt dist-upgraded
20:49.10willi just installed the 2.6 kernel but havent rebooted yet
20:49.10streunerwill: you have ohter lines in sources.list, other than official sources?
20:49.21directhexfreanoad, exectly. have you installed sarge yet?
20:49.31willi have non us contrib non-free
20:49.32furrywolfmount("/dev/hdc1", "/mnt", "ext3", 0xc0ed0000, 0) = -1 EBUSY (Device or resource busy)
20:49.39freanoadthis is too confusing
20:49.47greycatfreanoad: just install sarge.
20:49.54freanoadyou just said sarge isnt out :/
20:49.55furrywolfdoesn't seem to be in the mount executable...
20:49.55directhexfreanoad, how is "install sarge" 6 times confusing?
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20:50.00greycatfreanoad: install it anyway.
20:50.02*** join/#debian Andrownz182 (
20:50.04freanoadi heard sarge isnt out like 4 times
20:50.06l1nuxsame problem here
20:50.10greycatit's not *released* yet.
20:50.12directhexfreanoad, not's not officially branded "stable".
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20:50.18l1nuxbut i dont have any smp or nfs !
20:50.23freanoadwell hows that not confusing :P
20:50.25phaedral!give dondelelcaro a beer
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20:50.58citralfreanoad: "not out" doesn't mean it's not available, just that it's not labeled 'the official stable debian version"
20:51.05furrywolfgreycat:  not sure how to get an strace of the mount function it calls...  haven't had much experience deubugging things that go into libraries.  :)
20:51.31furrywolfand/or system calls
20:51.37freanoadthis is all i want to know then, is this 'sarge' able to run python 2.3 (without any whacky dist-upgrades, and can i get it off Bittorent
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20:51.50greycatfurrywolf: that's about as far as I can go, too
20:52.06directhex!info python2.3 sarge
20:52.09greycatfurrywolf: it's in the kernel after that.
20:52.19dpkgqos is, like, Quality of Service, a way of prioritizing IP traffic, or see DiffServ, or see Linux 2.4 Advanced Routing & Traffic Control HOWTO at
20:52.21dpkgpython2.3: (An interactive high-level object-oriented language (version 2.3)), section python, is standard. Version: 2.3.5-1 (sarge), Packaged size: 2835 kB, Installed size: 9392 kB
20:52.26citralfreanoad: it has python 2.3 and 2.4
20:52.30greycatfreanoad: so that would be a "yes".
20:52.39directhex!info python2.4 sarge
20:52.43freanoadok cool :) now im set, thanks guys
20:52.44dpkgpython2.4: (An interactive high-level object-oriented language (version 2.4)), section python, is optional. Version: 2.4+2.4.1rc2-1 (sarge), Packaged size: 3414 kB, Installed size: 10948 kB
20:52.46*** join/#debian systemadmin (
20:52.53furrywolfgreycat:  lsof | grep mnt doesn't find anything, so I don't think freecraft is trying to open it for some reason, and it doesn't work with any mountpoint I've tried...  so I do think it's a kernel bug.
20:52.57freanoada year ago with woody everything was alll screwed up :P
20:53.00gothtecHow can I get the ip addresses of the users currently connected to an sshd on my box? I need some kind of a list output I can use in the program I'm making.
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20:53.33furrywolfbut it's very, very odd that freecraft, a program that has nothing to do with disks or anything else related, running as a user, breaks mounting.  lol
20:53.34systemadminhow do  i store the output of a command to a varible?
20:53.49furrywolfsystemadmin:  set foo=`command`
20:53.59freanoadgothtec cant you just parse 'who'
20:54.11systemadminwill try thanks
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20:54.23greycatfurrywolf: no "set "
20:54.34greycatsystemadmin: just foo=`command`
20:54.41KinxofSepluv!info saa7134
20:54.48gothtecfreanoad: who gives me outputs like "nwadmin pts/2 Apr 16 13:43 (ktv21-246-96:S.0)" with no real ip address in them. I have no idea what ktv21-246-96:S.0 means
20:54.50systemadminok thought i tried that
20:54.50furrywolfor export instead of set, depending on what you're doing.  :)
20:54.51smharis the  amd athlon 1000MHz same as K7?
20:54.58systemadminbut will do again
20:55.01dpkghmm... k7 is the generic model name for the series of AMD i386-compatible processors which begins with the "Athlon" and also includes the "Duron", "Thunderbird", "Sempron" and "Athlon XP" processors. It does not include the Opteron (k8) family or the older K5 or K6 chips.
20:55.06paulswmgothtec: You'll also find it in /var/log/auth.log
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20:55.19greycatfurrywolf: it's never "set".
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20:55.27AhewesLooking for some documentation I didn't see in the wiki.  What is the debian recommended method (in debian testing) to tell a module to load or not load?
20:55.31freanoadyeah i guess parse the logs
20:55.33*** join/#debian mh_le_ (
20:55.47greycatAhewes: /msg dpkg blacklist
20:55.54smhardpkg, so for the kernel, which is better to choose for me, a 386 or k7? as an amd athlon 1000MHz
20:55.55dpkgsmhar: what are you talking about?
20:55.55mh_le_is there anyway I can change the audio sync while playing the video?
20:56.02greycatsmhar: k7
20:56.10streunersmhar: what greycat said
20:56.15flowthe last thing i see in my syslog before my system crashed was 24:28 mail kernel: vmscan.c:164: bad pmd 378001e3. Does anyone know what this means?
20:56.21bnihow can i make point to the same virtual host as in my apache config?
20:56.21systemadminthat isnt working, i am trying to do user='whoami' to sotttre ucurrent user as var $user
20:56.23citralAhewes: if you don't use hotplug, discover and all this crap, just put what you WANT to be loaded in /etc/modules
20:56.26greycatit means your kernel's gone tits up.
20:56.26streunersmhar: k6 would be prolly about 400-500Mhz
20:56.30smharthanks everybody
20:56.31flowtheres hundreds of lines of that err
20:56.47greycatflow: which kernel?
20:56.54furrywolfgreycat:  I'm used to csh.  :)
20:56.56directhexk6 should cover 233-450mhz
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20:57.04dpkgextra, extra, read all about it, csh is or BSD's standard shell, and very useful, or perverse, or considered harmful
20:57.14flowgreycat 2.4.18
20:57.21Teemu_Kcannot open root device hda1
20:57.21greycatflow: wow.
20:57.25Teemu_Kkernel panic ./
20:57.34Teemu_Kwhats wrong in my kernel
20:57.42greycatflow: well, it's either a kernel bug, or some obscure hardware error.  run memtest86 if you can to rule out the latter.
20:57.49directhexTeemu_K, you compiled it badly
20:57.50phaedralfurrywolf: but what's that in human years?
20:58.06furrywolfold enough that I learned *nix on csh.  :P
20:58.13greycat!comfort furrywolf
20:58.14dpkgThere, there, furrywolf.  It's OK.  I'm here for you.
20:58.18Teemu_Kdirecthex: how so
20:58.22flowgreywolf is memtest a cd only program? I
20:58.23xelamfurrywolf: how old?
20:58.27*** join/#debian LoRez (lorez@lorez.staff.freenode)
20:58.30phaedralfurrywolf: hah, i learned basic on an hp card reader
20:58.31flowhaha slip there greycat sorry
20:58.34greycatflow: /msg dpkg memtest86    apt-get install memtest86    etc.
20:58.38Teemu_KI copied 2.4.27 kernel konfig, and just deleted something unuseful
20:58.46greycat!pal Teemu_K
20:59.02furrywolfphaedral:  I first learned to program on a trs-80 model III...  with DUAL floppy drives, 48k ram, and a mapper board so I could run CP/M.  :)
20:59.04Teemu_Kgreycat: you lasy bastard
20:59.12greycatfurrywolf: floppies?!?   LUXURY!
20:59.26citraldual floppies !!
20:59.30directhex!debian kernel image
20:59.30dpkg<hexxeh|work> 99% of people in here who compile their own kernels are idiots, who don't know what they did, or did it badly. debian kernel images exist for a reason.
20:59.34greycatwe had the TRS-80 CoCo with an audio tape deck
20:59.38phaedralwe didn't get the trash 80s '
20:59.43furrywolfgreycat:  yep, it was fully loaded...  I also has my trs-80 coco II with a tape deck.  :)
20:59.45phaedraluntil second semester
20:59.52smharI cann't see nvidia kernel packages for kernel-image-2.6.8-2-k7
20:59.59tvnI just learn how to program .....
21:00.04greycatsmhar: /msg dpkg nvidia one-liner
21:00.10phaedralyeah, floppies came later; it was a radio shack tape player for storage
21:00.24tvnI am a philosopher ..
21:00.28paulswmTRS-80s are new fangled stuff with ICsd
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21:00.36systemadminthat isnt working, i am trying to do user='whoami' to store  the current user as var $user
21:00.48furrywolfand later I upgraded one of the floppies to a DOUBLE-SIDED floppy.  trs-dos, of course, treated it as two separate disks, but pro-dos was smarter.
21:01.05Mage____what's the difference between OpenVPN and Openswan ?
21:01.08systemadminsorry to repast
21:01.11nopcodepts-dos is da bomb
21:01.14citralsystemadmin: $USER already contains that...
21:01.15Mage____they both do VPN with encryption ...
21:01.21icemansystemadmin: user=`whoami`
21:01.38citralsystemadmin: echo $USER
21:01.41furrywolfsystemadmin:  you're not using the quotes I told you to use.  you're using forward ticks, not backwards ticks.
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21:01.48systemadminright buts iwhen i echo $user to see if it worked it comes out blank
21:01.52greycatsystemadmin: 'whoami' and `whoami` are two VERY different things.
21:01.54phaedraldouble-sided?  WOW!
21:01.56systemadminoh sorry
21:01.58smhargreycat, do I have to have packages from unstable to use nvidia?
21:01.59furrywolfsystemadmin:  it's case sensative.
21:02.01dpkgnvidia-kernel packages do not exist any more - they were too much of a pain to keep in synch with kernel-images. To install an nvidia-kernel package, apt-get install module-image && m-a a-i nvidia
21:02.02citralsystemadmin: $USER not $user
21:02.02systemadmini see now
21:02.06systemadminwill try
21:02.11systemadminthanks for pointing that out
21:02.11greycatsystemadmin: $user and $USER are two VERY different things.
21:02.13joeschmoeI have bf2.4 and kernel 2.6 i386 installed on another machine, and the mouse works fine, however when i switch over to the a64 kernel the mouse jumps around and randomly hits buttons
21:02.35phaedraljust not happy with a box that ain't case sensitive
21:02.35directhexdpkg, nvidia-kernel =~ s/module-image/module-assistant/
21:02.35dpkgdirecthex: OK
21:02.37icemanyou can also use $(whoami) to avoid confusion between the two ticks
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21:02.45systemadminsorry for my ignorance
21:02.47furrywolfphaedral:  god that was a long time ago...  /me didn't own any faux fur ears back then.  :)
21:02.51systemadminwil try harder next time
21:02.53systemadminit works
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21:03.34furrywolf[PATCH] USB: Prevent hub driver interference during port reset  WOOT!  about bloody time!
21:03.41joeschmoeanybody have any ideas for me?
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21:04.00citralyes, spring
21:04.33furrywolf[PATCH] USB: fix uhci irq 10: nobody cared! error  double-woot!
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21:05.42furrywolfkingsley:  haven't heard of any problems with that.  best solution, however, is just to delete the M$ partitions and leave it at that.  :P
21:05.47citralkingsley: ask microsoft's hotline :D
21:06.01furrywolfcitral:  you mean the $20/question one?
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21:06.20citralyeah, the one with the right answer
21:06.23raf256does linux/debian support EAX?
21:06.26kingsleycitral: It would be entertaining to hear what they have to say, but I doubt it would be enlightening.
21:06.39phaedralcitral: only one answer from m$: reboot, if that doesn't work, re-install
21:06.40citral"we don't support anything else than windows"
21:07.12furrywolflast I checked m$ charged either $20 or $25 "per incident" to ask questions...
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21:07.31kingsleyOr, if you call Epson's support: "Buy one of our ink cartridges."
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21:07.59kingsleyraf256: Perhaps you could find out by Googling.
21:07.59citraloh no, that was the answer of german telekoms, it's normal that microsoft only supports windows after all.
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21:08.16joeschmoeI have bf2.4 and kernel 2.6 i386 installed on another machine, and the mouse works fine, however when i switch over to the a64 kernel the mouse jumps around and randomly hits buttons
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21:08.26nopcodejoeschmoe: brainfuck?
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21:08.47furrywolfI got REALLY pissed at ATI over their tech support...  a friend spent $250 on a new, shiny, all-in-wonder card.  it didn't work.  they _refused_ to give him free tech support, insisting he pay either by the minute or per incident.  for the $250 card he just bought from them.  we sent the card back for a refund.
21:08.47nopcodethere are buttons on your screen?
21:08.48joeschmoethats normal
21:09.16joeschmoewell.. inputting characters from the axis when i move the mouse
21:09.21JeffWilson12I changed 'su' permissions to make it only executable by me, and now I see that doing so was a bad idea, because now im getting 'Authentication failure'...I assume that su has to be run setuid root....ive chowned it to root and set the 's' permission flag...did I miss anything?
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21:09.34phaedralthere's lots of reasons to go open source and legacy hardware
21:09.37kingsleyjoeschmoe: I'd check which mouse module(s) is (are) installed.
21:09.43qumranI'm having trouble with running gmplayer as a normal user. what's the procedure to change permission for a program like that?
21:09.56joeschmoekingsley, ok i'll check it
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21:10.09furrywolfgumran:  mplayer = LOTS of security problems.  do NOT make it suid root.
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21:10.29furrywolfmplayer runs perfectly fine as a user...
21:10.44citralJeffWilson12: -rwsr-xr-x  1 root root 27744 Mar 15 16:31 /bin/su
21:10.44qumranfurrywolf, oh, didn't know that ... thnx
21:11.12doubleh1I broke the beginning of my partition ... the FS is unusable ( it was ext3 ), but the DATA themself are not over written yet ... how to try to recover files ?
21:11.29furrywolfqumran:  what's the exact problem you're having running it as a user?
21:11.33JeffWilson12citral: I've tried everything, including chmod +s .... what am I doing wrong?  The file is also 755 now.
21:11.47furrywolfdoubleh1:  how'd you break it?
21:11.50citralJeffWilson12: show us 'ls -l /bin/su'
21:11.52qumranbut i've installed is with apt-get and now i can only run is as root. When i start it as normal user the player just doesn't start ...
21:12.06kingsleydoubleh1: Hold on...
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21:12.38JeffWilson12citral: -rwxr-xr-x  1 root root 23416 2005-03-15 06:59 /bin/su ... where did my 's' flag go?
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21:13.13qumranI get this: Failed to open /dev/rtc: Device or resource busy (it should be readable by the user.)
21:13.25citralJeffWilson12: how should I know? try to install sudo to correct this
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21:13.33furrywolftry fsck'ing it with a backup superblock or something...  -b 32768 (or 16384 or 8193 depending on the block size)
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21:13.55furrywolfqumran:  it should still function with that error; timing is just slightly less accurate.  and the manual tells you how to fix that, anyway.
21:14.21JeffWilson12citral: are sudo and su in the same package?
21:14.33furrywolfjeff:  no
21:15.07citralJeffWilson12: no
21:15.20citralJeffWilson12: oh wait... you can't install anything
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21:15.38kingsleydoubleh1: I suggest checking out these packages: gpart, lde, parted and testdisk and the command fsck.
21:15.41beeblebrox87regarding siyh: how can i help?
21:15.46qumranhmm ... darn, i had some troubles before with gmplayer not finding the default skin. I fixed that by reinstalling it. Can it be that when i run as a user mplayer is executed from another place than when i run it as root?
21:15.54JeffWilson12citral: yes I can.  I have physical access to the server.
21:16.02citralJeffWilson12: now you'll remember one of unix's rules: when you make changes as root, NEVER LEAVE your root shell BEFORE you tested the changes
21:16.18JeffWilson12citral: ... I have physical access ...
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21:16.28JeffWilson12If I didn't, I definately wouldn't have exited.
21:16.40furrywolfI tested my funky-pam-setup about 50 times before I logged out.  :)
21:16.49citralJeffWilson12: so you want to boot a rescue cd now or what do you mean?
21:17.00JeffWilson12citral: no ... I want to fix these su permissions. ;)
21:17.10JeffWilson12I can login as root because I have physical access.
21:17.36spowersif anyone's got any sage advice on what to do, or what not to do, when one discovers that his mail server has been compromised, i would like to hear it
21:17.45JeffWilson12my SSH config disallows remote root logins, but I can logni locally via physical access to the server.
21:17.57JeffWilson12spowers: compromised how?
21:17.58nopcodespowers: plane to tibet
21:18.02nopcodespowers: delete all trails
21:18.12spowerscompromised as in rooted
21:18.15spowersmaybe not rooted
21:18.17citral<JeffWilson12> because now im getting 'Authentication failure'
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21:18.23furrywolfspowers:  go to the machine, physically unplug the network connection, boot it off a rescue disk, and start from there.
21:18.25nopcodewell "plane to tibet" as in "run" ;)
21:18.25JeffWilson12citral: using su, Yes I am.
21:18.38spowersi logged in and found a bunch of stuff in /var/www
21:18.38chealbeeblebrox87: check
21:18.38JeffWilson12because su has to run setuid root iirc.
21:18.40spowersbots, exploits
21:18.44citralJeffWilson12: so how the fuck do you want to become root to fix the perms now?
21:18.47furrywolfdo NOT do ANYTHING while it's running off the installed system.
21:18.52dpkgmooooooo! I am cow, hear me moo, I weigh twice as much as you. I'm a cow, eating grass, methane gas comes out my ass. I'm a cow, you are too; join us all! Type apt-get moo.
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21:18.57JeffWilson12citral: You aren't following me!
21:19.10citralI must admit, I fail to understand
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21:19.37JeffWilson12citral: i AM root now.  I have phyiscal access and have logged in as root via physical access.  I can NOT become root from SSH because I screwed up su permissions.  I get auth failures.  get me? :)
21:19.40spowersfurrywolf: before i do that, i need to set up a new mail server and switch my mail exchanger over in dns
21:19.49citralJeffWilson12: yes. :)
21:19.56JeffWilson12citral: :)
21:20.00furrywolfchances are, if it was rooted, there's a rootkit.  the new ones are not detectable easily since they modify the _kernel_.  boot off a rescue disk/cd before looking at anything...
21:20.21JeffWilson12if you are rooted .. you are best off to format. :(
21:20.23spowersthat's what i was worried about, the ones that go in through /dev/kmem
21:20.31spowersand show nothing in lspci
21:20.32spowersand ps
21:20.35spowersand utmp
21:20.51nopcodefurrywolf: yeah he ougtha read the last few issues of phrack ;)
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21:20.56JeffWilson12what the hell is /dev/kmem used for though?
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21:21.12furrywolfjeff:  nothing, which is why it can be disabled on new kernels IIRC...
21:21.21nopcodekernel debugging maybe?
21:21.32nopcodeinjecting malware?
21:21.33citral!tell furrywolf about nick completion
21:21.36nopcodelots of legitimate uses
21:21.56furrywolfcitral:  I'm stuck on a broken, OLD ircii install.  there is no tab completion.
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21:22.05JeffWilson12nopcode: Negative uses override the positive ones. If it can be used in more malicious ways than positive ones, it's best to get rid of it.
21:22.06citralfurrywolf: poor you :)
21:22.14JeffWilson12Which is why we should destroy windows ^ ;)
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21:23.19cvtanyone have a screenshot of debian?
21:23.36JeffWilson12cvt: Mine is blinking at me saying: 'login:'
21:23.47cvti'm interested in getting it soon.
21:23.58Roninim sure google images will help cvt
21:24.02JeffWilson12it doens't come with a GUI by default - you gotta install it ;)
21:24.05cvti saw some on google.
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21:24.13spowersif you're the type of user who is looking for a screenshot of debian, perhaps what you are really looking for is ubuntu
21:24.26lefwhich package provides the 'less' command
21:24.32citrallef: less
21:24.34icemanlef: less
21:24.37spowerslef: less
21:24.37beardylef: less
21:24.39JeffWilson12Heh you guys beat me.
21:24.41citrallef: less
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21:24.54lefI thought it was part of coreutils or somethign
21:25.01spowersit ought to be
21:25.03furrywolfspowers:  what you may want to do, if you're planning on a forensic investigation, is disconnect the machine from the internet, reconnect it to a private lan, WITHOUT powering the box off, then netcat the raw hard drive (i.e. /dev/hda1 or whatever) to another box.  then power it off, reformat, and save the analysis for later.  gets the box back in service quicker.
21:25.06citrallef: no, its in "less" ;)
21:25.11lefor part of some other base-utils package
21:25.17citrallef: no, its in "less" :)
21:25.18baserosehi all.. any alsa guru around ?! I can't record the mic using alsa
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21:25.41citralbaserose: checked with alsamixer if the volume is set, and the channel unmuted?
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21:25.52spowersfurrywolf: good idea, thanks. i have a spare debian system i can move services to, but it's a matter of waiting for my DNS admin at this point
21:25.55astronutwhat's the ssl-wrapped-telnet like program?
21:25.56baserosecitral: yes.. it is
21:26.06spowersastronut: ssh
21:26.07icemanastronut: ssh
21:26.09spowersor stelnet?
21:26.10cvthow did some of you aquire debian--ordered it or dl, burn cd from net?
21:26.10paulswmastronut: ssh
21:26.13citralastronut: ssh
21:26.19astronutnot ssh
21:26.19spowersdon't waste your time with stelnet though
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21:26.21Ronincvt: netinstall
21:26.24spowersi mean really
21:26.27astronuti mean to connect to https sites, etc
21:26.32spowersoh, well
21:26.36lefthank you
21:26.39valdyn!tell cvt about polls
21:26.41furrywolfif you're planning on a really fancy investigation, save the contents of memory too (kmem is useful for that.  :) more thing, any good turorial regarding exim4?
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21:27.11baserosecitral: do you know any app I can use to test my setup ?!
21:27.12citralastronut: that's something different. you connect to https sites with e.g firefox in X, or elinks in console
21:27.26astronutcvt: desktop: woody flopy disks, network install base, upgrade to sid with apt server: base install off cd, apt over network
21:27.29spowersi lack the patience for going through hundreds of megs of vm in hd
21:27.32astronutcitral: RAW connect
21:27.32citralbaserose: no, what are you using actually to record?
21:27.38furrywolfkeep in mind that if the kernel is tweaked, _every_ command that runs on the kernel will be reporting faked results.
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21:27.43HenningCould someone tell me what version of automake is in unstable?
21:27.46astronuttrying to diagnose an ecrypted pop server
21:27.55spowersfurrywolf: in short, trust no one
21:28.02furrywolfspowers:  exactly.  :)
21:28.07abrotman!tell Henning about search
21:28.10paulswmastronut: telnet-ssl maybe is what you are meaning
21:28.10spowersfurrywolf: you sound like you've been through this before
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21:28.20astronutpaulswm: prob
21:28.20HenningIsn't `apt-cache show automake/unstable` supposed to work if I have a unstable in my sources-list?
21:28.33astronutdon't have that
21:28.49furrywolfthat's why netcat and the raw hard drive is used...  I don't know of any rootkits that fuck with reading the raw device, so it's the only way to get an accurate copy...  and scp and everything else ssh related is probably sniffing passwords.
21:28.52baserosecitral: sound recorder fpr gnome
21:29.04citral!info telnet-ssl sarge
21:29.06cheal!tell astronut about enter
21:29.12dpkgtelnet-ssl: (The telnet client with SSL encryption support), section net, is extra. Version: 0.17.24+0.1-7.1 (sarge), Packaged size: 79 kB, Installed size: 232 kB
21:29.22spowersfurrywolf: you suggest doing a raw copy of the hard drive while the system is running? or like everything else, after powering off
21:29.34spowersi guess the effect on the hd image would be similar to a power cut
21:29.39cvtI burned this image to cd but couldn't install it successfully:
21:29.41furrywolfand, of course, if you used the same password on anything else, change it.  most all rootkits these days sniff ssh passwords...  and email passwords...
21:29.48spowersunless the filesystem changes tremendously while the image is being taken
21:29.53valdyn!d-i cvt
21:29.54dpkgcvt, you want to go to - for your own good, and everyone else's.
21:29.59furrywolfspowers:  I'd do it while it's still running, to make sure any files that get automagically clobbered don't get clobbered.
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21:30.34citralbaserose: I'd try a console app like ecasound, because they display MUCH MORE (debugging/useful) infos than guis
21:31.14citralusually use -v and it will speak
21:31.19OleMoudihow can I select substrings from output with bash?
21:31.21baserosecitral: okay.. thanks
21:31.39furrywolfall depends on how much work you want to put into investigating it...  if your just want to figure out what rootkit they installed, booting off a rescue cd will do that.  but seeing what they've been sniffing, where it's been sent, how they got in, etc, is a major project.
21:31.50JeffWilson12citral: someone in ##linux helped me fix the su problem.  chmod 750 /bin/su; chmod u+s /bin/su; chown root:williew /bin/su
21:32.10LoRezJeffWilson12: that's not a proper solution.
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21:32.14jimOleMoudi: by using other programs
21:32.24JeffWilson12LoRez: What is?
21:32.27spowersfurrywolf: i can imagine that it would be. but also somewhat instructional.
21:32.39citralJeffWilson12: I thought about changing the group, but didn't said anything because it's REALLY dirty.
21:32.44chealdid I imagine that there was a way to select if you wanted framebuffer or not with drxx, or another package's config...?
21:32.49spowersand maybe worth the time to do it at least once in my life
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21:33.01LoRezJeffWilson12: it's supposed to be root:root.  use sudo if you want to grant special powers to others.
21:33.03citralJeffWilson12: I think the way to go is pam, but I don't know anything about it
21:33.03JeffWilson12citral: heh....well this way works.  there isn't an 'suers' file or anything is there?
21:33.15JeffWilson12LoRez: I want to PREVENT other people from using su.
21:33.33LoRezthere is a pam setting for making su require wheel group access iirc
21:33.38furrywolfI still have images of some of my servers that got compromised...  took about a week to figure out they got in through a zero-day lprd exploit.
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21:33.49cvtdpkg, do I install this first one?
21:33.49valdynJeffWilson12: why would you prevent anyone from using it?
21:33.53jimOleMoudi: I'm not saying bash isn't right, it's good you're using it... but bash by itself probably doesn't do what you want (but I'm speculating, because you haven't actually been specific or informative about what you actually want)
21:34.08LoRezif they don't have passwords, su doesn't do them any good
21:34.31JeffWilson12heh ... your probably right, but I was thinking along the lines of if a hole was found in su...not likely though.
21:34.51furrywolfanother box was rooted by a normal user through the ext2fs-race-condition bug the day it was announced...
21:35.02OleMoudijim, I only want to remove a string I get from a head command. It's something like "Title: Song - Artist - Album" and I would like to display the string without "Title:"
21:35.10furrywolf(privledge escalation, not remote exploit)
21:35.12LoRezJeffWilson12: if you're trying to solve that problem, you probably should be looking at selinux or something similar
21:35.22jimOleMoudi: ok.
21:35.46JeffWilson12LoRez: Ive never tried selinux myself, but I've heard it's nothing more than a pain in the ass, and I don't have time to deal with any more pains right now.
21:35.49spowerswhat i really want is to find out if the box has been rooted or if it went that far. so far, i've found a smattering of files in /var/www owned by a normal user
21:35.55OleMoudiIm currently man'ing cut command
21:35.59jimso does each and every line you get like this have "(some title and then a colon like this):"?
21:36.06JeffWilson12I've heard it is *too* specific.
21:36.08spowerswith a particularly weak password
21:36.09furrywolfjeff:  set up a usermodelinux kernel, and lock all your users inside of it.  then they have to gain root inside the uml kernel, compromise the uml kernel, gain root on the real machine,...
21:36.21citralJeffWilson12: methinks you could also totally disable the root account, and just use sudo, that permits only certain user(s) to gain root privilieges
21:36.33OleMoudino jim, it has the word "Title" followed by ":"
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21:36.40jefffurrywolf: pardon me?
21:36.45furrywolfspowers:  the rootkits hide all their files.  you will not find the snuiffer, sniffer logs, etc, even if they're installed, using commands available on the box.
21:37.09k-dogspowers: ...though you could try using sash.  Unless they've patched the kernel.
21:37.18furrywolfjeff:  for extra security.  lock all your users in a uml.
21:37.31JeffWilson12citral: the only question I have is ... I have no problem with doing that, BUT what if I can't login any other way?  I suppose I could always use a rescue CD or another box and get a showed pass.
21:37.35doublehpPLZ any one was giving me a tip to recover ext3 ????
21:37.37k-dogfurrywolf: I prefer padded cells with bread and water.
21:37.38jimyou could also use sed to do this, with the sed command s/// (where you put stuff between the /s)
21:37.39spowersi'd just as soon use a rescue disk than sash
21:37.57k-dogspowers: Depends on whether you can reboot the system immediately.
21:37.59furrywolfspowers:  if you boot off a rescue cd, or copy the hard drive image to another box, then you'll be able to see the files...  but the patched kernels make finding the files difficult.
21:38.02*** mode/#debian [+l 820] by debhelper
21:38.12jimhow can I pad a cell with bread and water?
21:38.16cvtI'm not trying to joke about this, but is there a place where mildly retarded people like myself can learn to install debian?   seriously.
21:38.32furrywolfcvt:  do you want an honest answer?  :)
21:38.35k-dogjim: I prefer ballistic applique myself.
21:38.37spowersthere is a user guide
21:38.40valdyncvt: whats hard about the site dpkg told you?
21:38.41JeffWilson12cvt: You could just use windows. :x
21:38.43furrywolfno, there's not.
21:38.44JeffWilson12Sorry that was mean.
21:38.50*** part/#debian thingfish (
21:38.55k-dogcvt: Read the install manual.
21:39.04JeffWilson12You could learn like the rest of us did - the manual and experience.
21:39.09valdyncvt: quote what you dont understand, if you are lazy or unable to read, no one here can help
21:39.21pink1cvt: just do a network install - it talks you through it
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21:39.37jimcvt: where is the problem you're experiencing? but first, are you using boot-floppies or debian-installer (named for really a version of the installer; both can be on floppies or other media)
21:39.38spowersfurrywolf: thanks for the advice, i've gotta dig in now.
21:39.39cvtvaldyn, I'm dl this one at the top:
21:39.55Ronincvt: are you running an alpha machine?
21:40.04furrywolfspowers:  have fun.  and now is a VERY good time to start a mp3 site, so you can blame it on the h4x0rs.
21:40.06cvtI'm really sorry, but I don't know.
21:40.15jimvaldyn: he's obviously able to read :)
21:40.23directhexcvt, you have an alpha system?
21:40.26cvtmy system:  p4 3GHz 1GB ram
21:40.28valdyncvt: click on the link saying "386" or "i386", NOT alpha
21:40.39directhexcvt, alpha is a series of 64 bit processors from the mid 1990s
21:40.40valdyn!d-i cvt
21:40.41dpkgcvt, you want to go to - for your own good, and everyone else's.
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21:40.50citralJeffWilson12: mmmm. I think you are just paranoid. Set up a long-and-hard-to-find root password, use shadow, eventually configure pam to accept su only from the "wheel" group. If that's enough for the most picky admins, that should be enough for you.
21:40.50valdyncvt: and try not to use the weekly image but rc3
21:40.52jimcvt: do you have a second system you can install on?
21:41.18furrywolfcitral:  I still prefer locking users in uml jails.  :)
21:41.22cvtno second system, but i'm ready to git rid of winxp.
21:41.22JeffWilson12citral: alright...I think I'm good with that.  Thanks. =)
21:41.24freanoadjust to be clear before i started downloading, 'debian-30r5-i386-binary-1.iso.torrent' is sarge right?
21:41.31pink1cvt: are you tryng to make a dual boot system?
21:41.39cvtno dual.
21:41.40directhexfreanoad, no, of course not
21:41.43jimcvt: also, I want to zoom out and have you say some things about your background, so I can target correctly...
21:41.43cvtfull install of debian.
21:41.53directhexfreanoad, and it's not from the site you were linked to 7 times either
21:42.01qumranI've tried and tried but i can't fix the problem with gmplayer. I start it from a terminal as a user, it starts to load but then it stops when i get the message: get_path('Skin') -> '/home/qumran/.mplayer/Skin'
21:42.02qumranSKIN dir 1: '/home/qumran/.mplayer/Skin'
21:42.02qumranSKIN dir 2: '/usr/local/share/mplayer/Skin'
21:42.05jimcvt: do you have any unix/linux experience?
21:42.05furrywolfjeff:  uml jails are fun...  even if people manage to get root, all they've managed to do is get root inside of the jail, and still have no access to the machine.
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21:42.21directhexfreanoad, 3.0r5 is the latest version of roody, i.e. the 2002 version with security updates included
21:42.25cvtjim,  yes, I had mepis for about an hour.
21:42.36freanoadok im back at that other site
21:42.45jimheh, ok :) so a tiny little bit
21:42.47freanoadi just thought that other site was to read about it not get it
21:42.49pink1furrywolf - I am about to install a uml on my Sarge - any gotchas?
21:43.02jimok, next, why do you want a unix-alike?
21:43.10dpkgit has been said that i386 is the designation for the "common ordinary garden-variety PC" architecture.  Runs on everything from the 80386SX (woody) or 80486SX (sarge) and up.  If you don't know what arch you want, you want this one.
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21:43.20furrywolfpink1:  sadly, I've mostly used other people's setups rather than installed my own uml system...  it's on my to-do list.
21:43.39jimsarge drops support for 386s?
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21:43.50jimhow does it do that? kernel issue?
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21:44.03freanoadso the only way to get sarge is with debian-installer
21:44.05cvtjim, I heard many good things about linux, and I saw an advertisement that said, "Debian: Do you want fries with your elitism?"   And I liked that and the screenshots and some of my friends have been urging me to get some form of linux.
21:44.09directhexjim, kernel issue. insecure unsupported 486 emulation patches needed to run on 386
21:44.09caphusojim: kinda. there's some kernel patching trickery, but that makes the kernel insecure
21:44.11valdynjim: compiler issues afaik, assuffield knew this pretty well
21:44.22valdyncaphuso: ah
21:44.23caphusoactually it's a libc6 issue
21:44.30directhexclose enough
21:44.32furrywolfjim:  probably is compiled using instructions that weren't available on the 386.  might also assume you have a math coprocessor.
21:44.44directhexeither way, who the hell has a 386 these days anyway?
21:44.45cvtI'm dl this first one now:
21:44.46Blissexcvt: if only Debian had some elitism :-)
21:44.50stewfurrywolf: no it runs on 486sx
21:45.03furrywolfdirecthex:  somewhere in storage I have a 386 laptop with debian.  :P
21:45.05jimwell, you don't need a cd image first of all...
21:45.05cvti have a 6Mbps 768 Kbps connection now.
21:45.08ethics<freanoad> :  you  can load woody then dist-upgrade but its easier to install fresh
21:45.15cvtjim, oh
21:45.22freanoadid rather install fresh
21:45.26sammyanyone here used phpmyadmin and have an idea why I keep getting "mysql: unable to register functions" errors?
21:45.30foobareddirecthex: I do :)
21:45.41valdyncvt: i wouldnt recommend using the weekly, but that may just be fine
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21:46.11cvtvaldyn, so the net install?
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21:46.54freanoaddirecthex that site people gave me still has a link to that same bittorent page too thats why im also confused as to if debian-30r5-i386-binary-1.iso.torrent is sarge or not
21:46.56jimcvt: ok, so you've heard good things... that's nice to hear. the elitism thing as far as I do it, is I usually expect a person to progress... I don't really care how they start or what they come with knowledge-wise, as long as they want to progress, that's fine by me. that ok?
21:47.11freanoadbecause that link is under the 'sarge' part of that page
21:47.11simonrvnfreanoad: no, it isn't
21:47.17cvtjim, yes, definitely.
21:47.28simonrvnit says pretty obviously "3.0r5"
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21:48.03freanoadi have debian 2.0 (woody) written on some cds i made a year ago so i assumed 3.0 would be sarge
21:48.07Sebwhat conf file do I edit so that my system automatically 'ifup wlan0" when I insert the corresponding PCMCIA card in my laptop ?
21:48.16directhexfreanoad, you have to work HARD, and ignore the obvious link fivew times, to get to 3.0 r5 images from that page
21:48.24jimcvt: ok, -maybe- you'd want to start with stable? given your connection, you can upgrade easy enough once you have the base of stable debian installed
21:48.26directhexfreanoad, 2.0 isn't woody
21:48.41simonrvnfreanoad: you're very confused i think
21:48.47dpkg[hamm] Debian 2.0, released for i386 and m68k (first multi-arch release), or released July 24, 1998
21:48.49jimcvt: what is your networking like? I need a fairly complete picture
21:49.03freanoadi think so too :p
21:49.13cvtjim, I don't know... can you give me a hint?
21:49.18valdyn!tell cvt about woody
21:49.49valdyncvt: if your computer is somewhat recent ( made after 2002 ), then woody may not support your hardware
21:49.52jimnot your password or anything like that, but I do need to know things like what kind of networking you have (t1? dsl? cable? modem? (well you ruled that one out before actually))
21:49.55freanoadi just wish i could go to and it'd make it easy to understand/get. just say 'this is woody', 'this is sarge' have at it
21:50.08cvtyes, my laptop is about 6 months old.
21:50.14jimand, do you have your building ethernet wired?
21:50.21jimor is it just one computer?
21:50.22simonrvnit does. you're just incapable of comprehending what you're reading it seems
21:50.23doublehpPLZ any one was giving me a tip to recover ext3 ????
21:50.29cvtone computer, no router.
21:50.33directhexfreanoad, we did, almost nine times now.
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21:50.46jimso the computer is the router for itself
21:50.58jimis it dsl?
21:51.21freanoadcitral thanks that link was what i needed
21:51.21jimso you have a separate box?
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21:51.32NeoBREEDhi everyone
21:51.35cvtno, just one laptop pc.
21:51.36freanoadso testing is sarge
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21:51.49freanoadnow i get it :D
21:51.50NeoBREEDcan someone help me with the sound on a Thinkpad600 labtop
21:51.54NeoBREEDcan't seem to get it working
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21:52.13jimfreanoad: yes, at the moment... testing has been others (like woody was testing before it became stable)
21:52.25Nevat_Noharathinkpad600 or thinkpad600e ?
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21:52.33citralNeoBREED: what version of debian, what kernel, using oss or alsa?
21:52.56Nevat_Noharaneobreed, the soundcar is a crystal sound ?
21:53.09NeoBREEDcitral: alsa kernel is 2.6.8-2-686
21:53.09jimcvt: is there any way you can borrow a computer to put on the network temporarily?
21:53.25cvtno, unfortunately.
21:53.27NeoBREEDNevat_Nohara, yeah I think so
21:53.40jimok... does the laptop have a floppy drive?
21:53.54jimdoes the laptop have a burner?
21:54.02cvtno, but it does have a usb port which I have a 2.2GB thumbdrive.
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21:54.11citralNeoBREED: apt-get install mpg321; mpg321 -v -o alsa foo.mp3
21:54.24cvtand cd burner/dvd player.
21:54.25Nevat_Noharaneobreed.. argh, year ago I have a thinkpad600e with crystal sound card... only OSS driver works. With alsa driver sound not load.
21:54.41jimok, so you do in fact need a cd image
21:54.43simonrvnffs don't people read man pages ... (don't bother answering....)
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21:54.58jimsimonrvn: people do.
21:55.07citralsimonrvn: who? people? no. just men do.
21:55.09CyLHow do I force the icons in my desktop to be every time in the same place?
21:55.30citralreal men. (and women, sorry)
21:55.34simonrvnand people don't bother reading what i type either... figures
21:55.35valdynCyL: in gnome?
21:55.36cvti have isohunt and nero cd rom burner.
21:55.41CyLvaldyn<=- kde
21:55.50simonrvn@lart jim citral
21:55.51nopcodehmm, can a reiserfs filesytem be extended?
21:55.52jimwho were you directing toward?
21:55.52Nevat_Noharaneobreed, sorry but I don'r remember driver... I think that is CS4212 or similar
21:55.54citralsimonrvn: you must be +q ;)
21:56.03GregoryI want to connect to a Windows Network. When I wanted to activate Windows Networking form Networking it tells me that the SMB Support hasn't started. How can I install it?
21:56.07valdynCyL: dont know exactly then, rightclick on your desktop and have a look
21:56.18NeoBREEDNevat_Nohara,  it's cs4232 I think
21:56.19jimnopcode: watch out for reiser...
21:56.26qumranSolved the problem .... thnks for the help
21:56.35nopcodejim: hm?
21:56.41NeoBREEDsomeone send me a song
21:56.49NeoBREEDI need an mp3 file
21:57.03NeoBREEDI hope xchat is set up for accepting files
21:57.04Nevat_Noharaneobreed, I think that it is... cs4232... remember, use OSS driver not ALSA driver
21:57.12DelphNeoBREED: google
21:57.14jimnopcode: reiser has a history of complete data loss... back up and you'll be fine tho
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21:57.51NeoBREEDDelph, thanks man... if only it's that simple.... I've been searching on google for a few monts... tried many methods
21:57.58Delphfor an mp3 file?
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21:58.09jimcvt: ok, maybe you should install sarge (aka testing, currently)
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21:58.25cvtjim, yes, sounds right.
21:58.28jimcvt: but are you sure you want to -replace- what you have?
21:58.29nopcodejim: i heard about those horror stories but i hoped that'd be fixed by now?
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21:58.41jimnopcode: dunno, maybe
21:58.58cvtjim, yes, but i'd like to demo it until i'm completely read to make the switch, if possible.
21:59.12lefany good turorials regarding exim4?
21:59.15CyLHow do I keep the desktop icons in the same place?
21:59.43directhexCyL, that depends on what's drawing the desktop
22:00.20jimcvt: do you have a way to write the entire HD contents to cd or dvd such that you can restore it later? like norton ghost?
22:00.22NeoBREEDcitral, it couldn't play man
22:00.25CyLdirecthex<=- what should be a good default?
22:00.38cvtjim, yes. a 120 GB external hd.
22:00.42citralNeoBREED: that's not very usefull. what error?
22:00.47directhexCyL, eh?
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22:01.14cvtmy data is back up now.
22:01.15NeoBREEDcitral, snd_func_card_driver returned error: no such device
22:01.16CyLdirecthex<=- I'm usign KDE... Does this clarifies something?
22:01.30jimok, so you have the media... good... but do you have the imaging program necessary to create and write the image, and (important!) later restore it?
22:01.47citralNeoBREED: run "alsaconf" as root.
22:01.49cvtyes, isohunt and nero cd rom burning.
22:02.02jimone sec phone
22:02.05NeoBREEDcitral, I did that earlier no luck.... but here we go again
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22:02.22cvtisobuster.  i'm sorry.
22:02.27cvtnot isohunt.
22:02.28GregoryI want to connect to a Windows Network. When I wanted to activate Windows Networking form Networking it tells me that the SMB Support hasn't started. How can I install it?
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22:02.43cicleonhow can i make frame buffer support for my savage 3 card?
22:03.13NeoBREEDsigh. my friend is convincing me to go back to windows xp so the sound can work.... but I worked so hard on this thing... got the USB to work... everything to work.... but no sound
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22:03.37citralNeoBREED: alsaconf doesn't detect the sound card?
22:03.47directhexCyL, yes, it does. ask in a kde channel, that's a kde question
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22:04.03directhexGregory, apt-get install smbclient smbfs
22:04.19Unskill3ddoes somebody know why the gdm-themes dont work? i can switch to whatever theme but nothing happens
22:04.26tvnNeoBREED: laptop  ?
22:04.39NeoBREEDtvn, Thinkpad600
22:04.52Nevat___neobreed, doesn't work ?
22:04.53NeoBREEDno... nothing detects the darn thing... I've tried so many methods..
22:04.57valdynUnskill3d: theres 2 gdm modes, one simple mode and one graphical mode, you dont need to only switch theme, but you need to use the graphical mode
22:05.12CyLdirecthex<=- okay.. let me try this..
22:05.14dondelelcaroNeoBREED: what type of sound card is it?
22:05.18Unskill3dvaldyn: where do i find this option?
22:05.19CyLdirecthex<=- thanks
22:05.44tvnNeoBREED: checked at or
22:05.49NeoBREEDdondelelcaro, I believe it to be a cs4232
22:05.56Unskill3dvaldyn: ah got it
22:05.57citralNeoBREED: it is
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22:06.05Unskill3dvaldyn: thx a lot again! =)
22:06.19citralNeoBREED: is the module loaded? "lsmod | grep cs4232"
22:06.51immoNeoBREED, maybe thats your problem
22:07.02Nevat___neobreed, don't have modules similar to 4212 or 4216 ?
22:07.17astronutwhat's the tool used to open raw ssl connections (pop over ssl, https, etc)
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22:07.37Delphastronut: stunnel?
22:07.51astronutnot installe
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22:08.15jimok, I'm off the phone
22:08.21jimcvt: still here?
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22:09.10jimok, so you should first back up your system such that you'd be able to restore it with NOTHING but the imaging program
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22:09.37jim(i.e., you wouldn't have xp available to restore the xp)
22:09.44hklvI have only one kernel installed on my system, and I lost its initrd. So I cant' boot anymore. How can I fix this problem?
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22:09.47NeoBREEDnothing is shown on that lsmod
22:10.14citralNeoBREED: so try "modprobe cs4232" as root, the re-run alsaconf
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22:10.29holohi, i want to implement something that allows people to remotly browse their personal areas on my computer with such a transparency as they were on their computer, what is the best solution?
22:10.40jimcvt: also, I have some more background questions, the first of which is what do you actually do with your computer, and what do you see yourself learning to do?
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22:10.48cvtjim, I think I've done that, not sure; i have saved my music, documents, and programs that I wanted to back up and put them on an external hd.  right.
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22:11.00cvtjim, ok.....
22:11.04doubhklv: brute force idea : apt-get --reinstall install kernel-image-$(uname -r)
22:11.12k-dogWith smbclient how do I list available shares / networks w/o knowing specifics of domain and w/o a user auth?
22:11.16jimok, so you have at least material you originally created saved
22:11.16stewcitral: you are telling him to modprobe the oss driver then run alsaconf?
22:11.23doubhklv: but there's obviously some other graceful way
22:11.27NeoBREEDcitral, doing it (althought I've done it many times today)
22:11.31citraloh shit
22:11.53cvtjim, I play movies, music, work with a simple word processor like Notepad, use irc or xchat, and use mozilla, and work with pictures.
22:11.57stewNeoBREED: modprobe -r cs4232 ; modprobe snd-cs4232
22:11.59hklvdoub: I can't boot into my system, so I can't apt-get...
22:12.08nopcodecvt: notepad?
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22:12.11nopcodecvt: rotfl
22:12.14doubhklv: boot with the install cd
22:12.25hklvdoub: then?
22:12.35dracCan anyone tell me what generates these: /usr/share/fonts/type1/gsfonts/fonts.cache-1 and similar fonts.cache-1 files?
22:12.46citralNeoBREED: sorry, do what stew says
22:12.46jimso you could use something like nano for your text editing needs
22:12.52dracI have them, but my friend doesn't and strace on one program we compiled shows it's crashing on it.
22:13.02jimwhat programs do you use for the pictures
22:13.14doubhklv: then alt-f2, you'll be on the rescue term. "mkdir /mnt&& mount <root partition> /mnt && chroot /mnt" then apt-get or whatever you want
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22:13.31doubhklv: if you have several partition, "mount -a " in the chroot first
22:13.57NeoBREEDError inserting snd_cs4232 (/lib/modules/2.6.8yadiya/kernel/sound/isa/cs423x/snd-cs4232.ko): no such device
22:14.06jimthere is a program called "The Gimp" that is sorta like photoshop... but many people say they like the feel of photoshop better...
22:14.13cvtjim, the default application for winxp, to view .jpg, .gif  pictures.... I think it's photosmart maybe.
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22:14.22Nevat___neobreed look for a cs4212 or cs4216 modules
22:14.25hklvdoub: thanks!
22:14.38jimhow do you "work with pictures"? just view and comment on them?
22:14.42alexmcchow do I re-install lilo while I am in knoppix?
22:14.44NeoBREEDNevat___, I will try
22:14.54cvtjim, yes.
22:14.56citralthere's also a snd-cs4281 I see
22:14.57jimalexmcc: run /sbin/lilo
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22:15.00furrywolfjim:  view them, shut the door, view more of them...
22:15.01doubhklv: beware that the d-i install cd uses devfs _only_ device names (/dev/ide/target0/bus0/ ... blah)
22:15.15cvtjim, just viewing them.
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22:15.20astronutDelph: it was openssl s_client -connect host:port
22:15.20NeoBREEDNevat___,  none found
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22:15.37citralNeoBREED: snd-cs4281?
22:15.48jimcvt: ok, so much for what you do now... linux -could- replace all that.
22:15.51Nevat___Neobreed, here is
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22:15.55Delphastronut: s_client ?
22:16.01Nevat___neobreed, is for 600e but the soundcare are the same
22:16.03astronutarguement to openssl
22:16.24jimI'm not saying it would do it in a way you like... maybe in a way you can get used to (but that's true no matter what: you will have to get used to what you end up with)
22:16.24NeoBREEDsnd-cs4281: setting up ALSA.... done
22:16.27NeoBREEDdoes that mena it works?
22:16.28Delphand that just gives you stdin and stdout to the socket?
22:16.34Nevat___it's possible
22:16.55Delphyeah, stunnel does ssh-type bind local port to remote port thing
22:16.57cvtjim, great.  that's fine.
22:17.06NeoBREED*sigh, nope
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22:17.11citralNeoBREED: looks fine, run alsaconf to be sure
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22:17.30NeoBREEDcitral,  doing that
22:17.30chr1sI've done a fresh debian install, but now my font is very weird on my lcd
22:17.51chr1sIt's quite sharp on my CRT, but on my LCD it's really messy
22:18.05chr1sHas anyone got any idea what the problem could be?
22:18.08jimcvt: ok... beyond this point I assume you have everything backed up, and are ready to -replace- your operating system, -wiping- your laptop -clean-. (as you know, this is an -extreme- action.)
22:18.16cvtjim, yes.
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22:18.40NeoBREEDchrls: maybe it's your depth... you set it to 24? try 16
22:18.53NeoBREEDchrls: happened to me
22:18.54furrywolfwoot!  tracked down the freecraft-breaks-mount bug ( ) -- freecraft attempts to open the cdrom, but in the process, leaves file handles open, including /dev/hdc...  thus making the kernel not want to mount /dev/hdc1.
22:19.00chr1sNeoBREED: In my previous install it worked fine on 24
22:19.03jimwhat you can do is get a sarge d-i cd image, write it to a cd and try booting it
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22:19.19cvtjim,  ok....
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22:19.23NeoBREEDchrls: couldn't hurt to try... LOL
22:19.41cvtjim, I have this on my hd now:
22:19.43cvtthe first one.
22:19.46jimI'm -still- curious about what you see yourself doing in the future... anything different from now?
22:19.57NeoBREEDbelieve me... I'm like a whore without protection... I try everything... and nothing has worked for me
22:20.11NeoBREEDman... someday... perhaps... some day my sound will work
22:20.13cvtjim, videos, pictures, documents, firefox with extensions, and music.
22:20.15NeoBREEDthen it is good
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22:20.47cvtjim, and I hear linux is generally safer and more dependable.    yes the first one.
22:20.48Nevat___neobreed look that url, works for me...
22:20.59jimyou could try booting that
22:21.14jimwell writing it to a blank cd then trying to boot that cd
22:21.20hklvdoub: I'm using knoppix now. I chrooted into my root partition. When I run apt-get update, I get this error: FATAL -> Could not set non-blocking flag Bad file descriptor
22:21.44*** part/#debian cesar (~cesar@
22:21.58cvtok....    I hate to say this, but I couldn't understand the instructions on how to install it, but I could try again with this new image.
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22:22.34citralNevat___: excepted that nobody wants to add these stupid Added these lines to /etc/rc.d/rc3.d/S99local:
22:22.36cvtthat's what I tried first.
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22:23.43doubhklv: is strace installed on your system ? you can try to strace it and see what goes wrong
22:23.55citralNeoBREED: I'm curious, can you try to do "lspci" to see _exactly_ what your sound card is?
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22:24.02jimcvt: ok, the basic overall process is:
22:24.07doubhklv: if it's not installed, and if knoppix has one, copy knoppix's over to your system
22:24.17systemadmintring to do an if staement and it not being happy with me
22:24.38citralcurious because modprobe snd-4232 failed, but snd-4281 worked
22:24.54citraland it *should* be snd-4232
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22:25.10stewcitral: if 4281 worked and 4232 didn't then he lied when he said he had a thinkpad 600
22:25.20citralI think so
22:25.23cvtok, equal size of both partitians?
22:25.31hklvdoub: it's probably because of knoppix. Is there a rescue mode with the netinstall cd?
22:25.34Nevat___citral, when I have thinkpad 600e sound only works with this "modprobe cs4232 io=0x530 irq=5 dma=1 dma2=0"
22:25.40jimno, the swap is more related to your ram sized
22:25.57stewjim: linux doesn't care about the bootable flag
22:26.08cvtjim, so make the swap about 1.256 GB?
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22:26.16stewjim: oh nm i misread what you were saying
22:26.21cvtthat's what I have.
22:26.33jimstew: "make bootable" would involve somethign like "put lilo on there"
22:26.47doubhklv: as i told you, boot on the install cd. once you see the first menu "select language...", alt-f2, you'll be on the rescue console
22:26.52stewjim: i thought you were talking about partitions there for a second.
22:26.55sussudioi see a spambot
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22:27.05NeoBREEDcitral, I can't see anything that deals with sound card
22:27.20sussudiogo on, Life...
22:27.21citralNeoBREED: where?
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22:27.23cvtjim, I suppose I'm ready to go try it.  Is there anything else I should try to read?  I tried searching.
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22:27.34citralah, lspci
22:27.40sussudiomeh... must be a time-delayed spambot.
22:27.59doubhklv: if you need disk tools (fdisk, mkfs...), back to the installer, "detect and mount cdrom", until you're at configure network
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22:28.05stewNeoBREED: 'multimedia controller'? how about lspci | grep -i crys ?
22:28.18doubhklv: then go back to the rescue console, you should have them at hand
22:28.39jimcvt: the basic deal is we should get the basic debian on there, get your networking going, install an irc client, come back here
22:28.43NeoBREEDstew, nothing came out?
22:28.51*** part/#debian sussudio (suss@sussudio.user)
22:28.53cvtjim, ok.
22:29.05jimnow about your networking again... how does the cable get to your laptop?
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22:29.26cvtjim, ethernet cable, port.
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22:30.02jimok, do you have to run a special program to get your networking going? or plug it in and that's all?
22:30.12hklvdoub: ok, I'll restart using the netinstall cd and I will folow your instructions.
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22:30.31cvtjim, just plug in.
22:30.47jimok... do you have a static ip?
22:31.06jimor is it different every time?
22:31.17cvtjim, static.
22:32.04bltzfsckis there a way for a user to view his login password?
22:32.21Guerinbltzfsck: no.
22:32.27doubbltzfsck: no. you can just change it
22:32.34jimbltzfsck: nope. no way at all.
22:32.34cvtjim, yes.
22:32.35bltzfsckthat's what i thought
22:32.38Guerinbltzfsck: nor should there be, for if a user can view it, anyone can.
22:32.50cvtjim, should I write that down?
22:33.03jimand at least one nameserver IP
22:33.17cvtlike comcast?
22:33.45jimwell, yes, whichever nameserver comcast gave you to use
22:33.49bltzfsckon a different note, is 64bit linux ready for prime time?  I'm thinking about building a new box.
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22:34.03bltzfscklooking at athlon64 or opteron
22:34.21dondelelcarobltzfsck: if you can handle a little bit of reading of documentation on your own, yes.
22:34.28cvtjim, i see dhcp server, dns servers, and wins server.
22:34.40cvtjim,... in network connection details.
22:34.51bltzfsckdocumentation gives me mild nausea, but if i have to...
22:34.54jimcvt: so there is a dhcp? hmm
22:35.03NeoBREEDIT WORKED!!!!
22:35.06bltzfsckwhat docs should i look at?
22:35.27NeoBREEDmusic Have neversounded so beautifully
22:35.27jimok, so when you try connecting to the network, tell the installer to try obtaining an ip
22:36.04jimand it -should- get its name, ip, nameservers, netmask, etc automatically
22:36.05citralit wikll try from alone
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22:36.35chr1shas anyone else experienced a freezed system when upgrading to the 2.6 kernel?
22:36.35cvtjim, ok
22:36.58chr1safter about 30 seconds in X the system just freezes
22:36.58jimcvt: one thing you might try, is going just that far... don't change the disk, just try to get networking going... if you can do that much, you're good to go on
22:37.14bltzfsckdondelelcaro, are you running 64 bit ?
22:37.50jimone thing that might be important (well, -is- important, but maybe handled already) is what kind of net interface card you have
22:38.14bltzfscki only build a box every several years, so i don't want to be TOO far behind the wave
22:38.26jimsame here
22:38.31systemadminiam trying to compare 2 vars $user and $root , my line is if $user = $root then echo "is root" else echo "is not root" fi
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22:38.35cvtjim, realtek tls8139/810x family fast e.
22:38.37Quag7Chris, what videocard do you have?
22:38.48chr1sa radeon
22:38.50chr1smaybe that's it
22:39.00jimcvt: you could boot to determine if it sees your net card
22:39.02nopcodeatisux *cough*
22:39.04*** part/#debian thingfish (
22:39.10Quag7Whenever X freezes, if I had to bet, I always blindly bet it's something videocard related.
22:39.20systemadmini get this erro
22:39.20Quag7I'm not always right but usually I am :)
22:39.22jimif it does, can you get the networking going via dhcp
22:39.25systemadminline 32: =: command not found
22:39.33cvtjim, can I boot just from cd without actually installing it?
22:39.36chr1sQuag7: it's not only X, it's the _whole_ system
22:39.53Quag7chr1s, I've been through that and it had to do with acceleration not working.
22:39.58Quag7Meaning, the whole system
22:40.05Quag7Can't get a console, can't even ssh into it.
22:40.12Quag7But I had a crappy old nvidia card.
22:40.33Quag7Now as to why that would just stop with a kernel upgrade I cannot say.
22:40.45jimyes, but I'm not sure what you could try... I think D-I (debian-installer, the new installer software) will try to let you get your networking going as early as possible
22:41.25jimanyone know which netinst cd image would or would not support cvt's net card?
22:41.35dondelelcarobltzfsck: no, I'm not... but there is Debian amd64 port, where you can read about people's experiences who are.
22:41.53Guerinjust download the businesscard d-i
22:42.09bltzfsckdondelelcaro, on
22:42.13dpkgit has been said that d-i is the new installer for sarge (debian 3.1), at or see, but don't pester the d-i devs with unrelated questions, or see <debian-installer>
22:42.24Guerinboot into expert or expert26 and try to detect the card... if it works, continue, if it doesn't, don't.
22:42.25jimfrom ^^^^ here ^^^^?
22:42.43chr1swell thanks Quag7, I'll try to make some adjustments to my XF86Config
22:42.46nopcodebltzfsck: why is that?
22:42.54Guerinthe businesscard is less than 40mb, it's not a big deal
22:43.20lefany good turorials regarding exim4?
22:43.20Quag7It is disturbing that a search on "tls8139" on google turns up nothing.
22:43.20jimhe has about an hour's worth of experience with linux/unix at the moment... and he can't talk to us while he does this
22:43.29nopcodebltzfsck: what is gnometris?
22:43.47bltzfscknopcode, a dumbass game, like tetris.  it was a joke
22:43.52dracQuag7: What's tsl8139?
22:43.57jimhis reasons for installing: he wants something different/maybe better
22:44.11Quag7It is a Realtek network card
22:44.12nopcodebltzfsck: i was just looking for an opportunity to bitch about guis and gui users
22:44.24Guerinrealtek are pretty well supported... what model?
22:44.29Quag7I see in the kernel modules
22:44.32dracQuag7: Ah, like I suspected. I have same 8139.
22:44.34bltzfscknopcode, i'm a cli'er at heart
22:44.36Guerin90% of cheap eth out thee is 8139
22:44.39dracQuag7: module names aer: 8139too and 8139cp
22:44.55Guerinoh yeah, that'll be automatically detected by anything
22:45.07Quag7cvt, I wasnt following your issue
22:45.14Quag7have you tried insmodding the modules drac mentions?
22:45.19bltzfscka rodent driver i'll never beeeeeee
22:45.21nopcodebltzfsck: very well, but at whom should i direct my hate then?
22:45.24jimQuag7: this is a new install by a new person
22:45.30Quag7I see
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22:45.48jimhe is adventurous tho
22:45.50Quag7Is Debian already fully installed except, no network access?  Or is this a problem during the install (installing from the net)?
22:45.53marlanopcode, i love pretty pictures, where can i find some???????
22:46.01nopcodemarla: *G*
22:46.16jimQuag7: no, not at all yet... he has only one machine
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22:46.29jimit has xp, he's looking to replace it
22:46.56gassthere was a package that crete a cd for auto instalation, but i can't find it now
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22:47.09nopcodehm i wonder if one could submit a law that whipping gui-users in public is considered legal
22:47.10cafuegogass: fai
22:47.12gassdoes anyone know it?
22:47.13sTone_heAdgass, fai?
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22:47.17Quag7That is a really common network card; that should just work.
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22:47.31stewresiak: do you have a tail?
22:47.32cafuegoresiak: oi, get a room!
22:47.35jimQuag7: cool :) so he's ready to try it
22:47.39resiakstew: Several.
22:47.41gasscafuego: nop ... i was a settle of scripts, where we could select packages to install, kernel, etc
22:47.42bltzfscknopcode, let's get 'em good, and start spelling it GOOEY
22:47.43resiakcafuego: CHANNEL!
22:47.45furrywolfstew:  I don't think he does, but I do.  :P
22:48.03cafuego!popesmite resiak
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22:48.07Quag7jim: I thought he was having problems with that card :) -- that card should be autodetected I should think; it is common and basic.
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22:48.27Quag7Thanks drac
22:48.59gassit was auto-install
22:49.00jimQuag7: well, the real issue is he's not quite sure he wants linux... so we're trying to think of ways he can preview
22:49.04bltzfsckthingfish, you stink of GALOOT
22:49.06gassor something like that
22:49.11Quag7The question is games.
22:49.18Quag7And whether or not he likes to dig around
22:49.21Quag7in his system
22:49.27Quag7There is always cygwin, also Knoppix
22:49.32cafuegojim: Probably a livecd. I suggest 9k)ubuntu.
22:49.37nopcodebltzfsck: *g*
22:49.39Quag7Knoppix isn't a bad bet, you can boot right off of CD and play with it
22:49.44Quag7I havent used it though
22:49.49Quag7But people on Slashdot SWEAR BY IT
22:49.52Quag7Maybe thats not saying much :)
22:49.52jimso I had him back up his hd, and he said he did
22:50.01bltzfsckmy FAVRIT CULAHGNUH
22:50.06cafuegoQuag7: There are no people on slashdot, only retarded children.
22:50.21Quag7That is rather cynical :)
22:50.23furrywolfpeople on slashdot swear by slashdot.  need I say more?  :P
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22:50.29jimQuag7: and purposeful, racist trolls
22:50.46Quag7Not everyone on slashdot is bad.  It's too bad a bunch of people have ruined what can be a really interesting site.
22:50.53Quag7Need to read +3 :)
22:51.19cafuegogass: found 'im? good.
22:51.22jimcvt: so you could give it a shot now if you want
22:51.27bltzfscknopcode, can you complete the sentence "Did a vehicle come from somewhere out there just to land in the ____?"
22:51.54nopcodebltzfsck: mh
22:51.57cvtjim,  yes, I will.    and if I can't get it to work I'll reinstall winxp.   no problem.
22:51.59nopcodebltzfsck: "pool"?
22:52.05nopcodebltzfsck: wait
22:52.17nopcodebltzfsck: is this some kind of pycho-analysis shit? ;)
22:52.23Quag7good attitude cvt.  Debian is really easier to install now than ever before; hope you have luck cvt
22:52.29cvtjim, if I follow the instructions I'll end up with a desktop similar to the screenshots on google, rigth?
22:52.34bltzfscknah, it's a zappa recognition test
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22:52.46r00tzupgrade my postfix for 2.2.2
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22:52.55bltzfscki thought you were picking up on the GALOOT reference....
22:52.58r00tzand my auth smtp stop
22:52.59r00tzApr 20 19:51:25 gw postfix/smtpd[6503]: warning: SASL authentication failure: cannot connect to saslauthd server: No such file or directory
22:52.59r00tzApr 20 19:51:25 gw postfix/smtpd[6503]: warning: unknown[]: SASL LOGIN authentication failed
22:53.00gasscafuego: but it was removed from debian
22:53.03furrywolfbltzfsck:  and the answer, obviously, is the boilivian navy on maneuvers in the northern pacific.
22:53.08r00tzsomeone knows this?
22:53.16cafuegogass: That's OK, just use 'fai'.
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22:53.27NeoBREEDThank you everyone for all your help today.
22:53.33cafuegogass: That sets up automagic install CDs.
22:53.34furrywolfwhoops, that should be south pacific, shouldn't it?
22:53.46NeoBREEDThanks Nev___ for helping witht he sound
22:53.47gasscafuego: it does?
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22:53.53stewr00tz: if we did it would be in the bts
22:53.58cafuego!info fai
22:54.01dpkgfai: (Fully Automatic Installation), section admin, is extra. Version: 2.8 (sid), Packaged size: 582 kB, Installed size: 1916 kB
22:54.03Nevat___neo, that's nothing :)
22:54.09gasscafuego: i thought that fai would mount an nfs to install it
22:54.18NeoBREEDnow everything is all set
22:54.20NeoBREEDI can finally sleep
22:54.26*** part/#debian Gregory (~gregory@
22:54.27NeoBREEDand enjoy my birthday
22:54.29jimcvt: you'll first end up with a command-line system... we have to install the graphic stuff afterwards, and there are irc clients that work with text-only/non-graphic
22:54.36NeoBREEDwelcome to club 22 for me :)
22:54.40jimlike... irssi, bitchx
22:54.47NeoBREEDwith a new Debian Thinkpad600 ... nice and sexy LOL
22:54.57Nevat___happy birthday neo
22:55.06cvtjim, oh.   so it'll show me the commands?
22:55.06NeoBREEDthank you.
22:55.11phaedrali prefer irssi even when x is running and i could use gaim
22:55.15bltzfscktoo bad turdferguson is too long to be a nickname.
22:55.18nopcodephaedral: ack!
22:55.32NeoBREEDit's hitler's birthday as well... so I'm kind of scared... there's always some stupid shit happening on my birthday
22:55.34cafuegogass: Hmm, you're right.
22:55.38bltzfscksounds montypythonish to me, furrywolf, or maybe
22:55.48furrywolfbltz:  nope
22:56.02bltzfsckwhat's the peter sellers one about the mad general?
22:56.08Quag7You know it occurs to me I've never seen a really good doc for Linux users coming from Windows, explaining what X is vs. the command line, and sort of...
22:56.10furrywolfclose, though.  it's a british comedy...
22:56.13Quag7Dr Strangelove
22:56.20doubNeoBREED: as is the case for everyone, hitler or not, i bet
22:56.24jimno, you'd have to install it (apt-get install irssi (run this as root) for example, and then irssi (run this as normal user))
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22:56.33phaedralQuag7: in the beginning was the command line
22:56.33NeoBREEDdoub, true.
22:56.33bltzfsckquag, thats tha one
22:56.34gasscafuego: thanks
22:56.42phaedralstephenson, at
22:56.45cvtjim, just type that in?
22:56.47jimNeoBREED: so you got your machine going?
22:56.59furrywolfRed Dwarf....
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22:57.17jimcvt: after you do the initial install and reboot into your new system
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22:57.18Quag7When you are done installing your system, log in as root (it will ask you to set up your root account).  Type:  apt-get install irssi   -- when this is done, type irssi and then /server  then /join #debian
22:57.28stewQuag7: you mean irssi-text
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22:57.35cvtjim, ok.
22:57.43Quag7I have Gentoo on the brain
22:57.47bltzfscksomebody regale me with tips on building an amd64 box
22:57.52jimWhat Quag7 said too.
22:58.01nopcodebltzfsck: what kinda tips?
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22:58.01cafuegobltzfsck: Building as in hardware?
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22:58.19nopcodebltzfsck: well i can only say i'm pretty happy with my asus a8v deluxe
22:58.24bltzfscklike is it worth holding out for pciexpress video?
22:58.24nopcodebltzfsck: just the wlan-stuff doesn't work
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22:58.35Quag7We were somewhere outside of Da Nang on hill 437 when Jonesy brought up the CPU and motherboard.  We were 32 bit men living in a 64 bit world, and we wanted a leg up on Charlie.  And our ace in the hole...was AMD.
22:58.49nopcodebltzfsck: i don't think it is, yet.. but i'm not too sure.. i bought this box on xmas and then i decided it wasn't worth it
22:58.54cafuegobltzfsck: 1) Gigabyte mobos rock. 2) Non-FX chips are cheaper. 3) 512MB ram minimum. 4) Nforce is faster. 5) SATA works fine. WDs are nice and quiet. 6) nvidia gfx card. Seriously.
22:59.02bltzfsckquag7 i'm right there with ya brotherman
22:59.03nopcodecafuego: nforce wtf?
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22:59.18nopcodecafuego: nforce doesn't even have drivers afair
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22:59.19cvtjim, ok. I wrote all that down.
22:59.21shingouzQuag7: Hamburger HIll?
22:59.31cafuegonopcode: I must be imagining my machine working, then.
22:59.40bltzfsckhow does sata stack up to scsi?
22:59.41stewcvt: it should be apt-get install irssi-text, not irssi
22:59.42nopcodecafuego: nonfree drivers?
22:59.44Quag7In my example, cvt, I said to type apt-get install irssi  -- as stew pointed out, you should type:  apt-get install irssi-text
22:59.48cafuegonopcode: No, just in the kernel.
22:59.48Quag7So make sure you fix that in what you wrote down
23:00.06jimcvt: what I would do if I were you, is explore first... and also, you might get another installer in this place...
23:00.07cafuegobltzfsck: It's about as fast and as hell of a lot cheaper.
23:00.08*** join/#debian matsuo (
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23:00.09dpkg[d-i] the new installer for sarge (debian 3.1), at or see, but don't pester the d-i devs with unrelated questions, or see <debian-installer>
23:00.10Quag7This will get you back here where you can get some more help, if all goes right
23:00.13NeoBREEDNevat___,  sorry to bother you again. I was wondering.... to play mp3 files... do I need anything else besides xmms?
23:00.13nopcodecafuego: and the chipset on the a8v deluxe is supposed to be equally fast
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23:00.19nopcodecafuego: according to tomshardware
23:00.20jimsee where dpkg said?
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23:00.33nopcodecafuego: exception being gigabit ethernet
23:00.34Nevat___neobreed, of course... KDE or Gnome ?
23:00.36matsuoHey, anyone here have ndiswrapper/wifi experence?  Especially with a Netgear WG111?
23:00.38bltzfsckcafuego, what about the nvidia gfx.  that agp?
23:00.53cafuegobltzfsck: Mine's AGP yes. I got a fairly low-end box.
23:01.00NeoBREEDNevat___, I am only running fluxbox
23:01.03cvtjim, yes.
23:01.11donwOdd problem with NFS; I have a directory owned by root and a group that exists on both the client and the server, yet a user in 'group' can't create any files in this directory.  Directory perms are 775, and a 'tcpdump' didn't help much -- any ideas?
23:01.13PerfDaveNeoBREED: You can play mp3 files with xmms with any X display, or from the command line with mp3blaster or something.
23:01.14Nevat___Neobreed, sorry... only need xmms... nothing more...
23:01.15cafuegobltzfsck: When I got mine, ATI had no 64bit drivers at all.
23:01.16*** join/#debian Teemu_K (
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23:01.24cafuegobltzfsck: .. the nvidia ones compile and work just fine.
23:01.31PerfDavedonw: Do the groups and users have matching IDs?
23:01.34nopcodeand ati are nazis
23:01.45bltzfsckcafuego, i'm having fits getting the nvidia driver to work with my card
23:01.53bltzfsckgave up and stuck with nv
23:01.55cafuegobltzfsck: Which card?
23:02.03bltzfscklemme think
23:02.12bltzfsck(two beers after work)
23:02.16cafuegoThey apaprently broke support for older cards
23:02.18doubcafuego: isn't nforce a 32 bit chipset ?
23:02.19matsuoAnyone have a moment to try and help me out with a USB wifi card?
23:02.29*** join/#debian Prophet_ (
23:02.45donwPerfDave: Yes.
23:02.50cafuegodoub: nforce3/4 aren't
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23:02.59cvtjim, I suppose I'm ready to get started. anything else for now?
23:03.04Eclipsersarge libfox is awfully old
23:03.15bltzfsckphone call, back in a flash
23:03.33Eclipsersid one isn't very new either though
23:04.05*** join/#debian lanchow (
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23:04.35jimcvt: not that I can think of. debian is a fairly modular system; once you have the "base" installed, you can install what you want from there
23:04.37*** join/#debian mortum (fjbf@
23:04.43PerfDavedonw: Anything in /var/log/daemon.log about it?
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23:05.23cvtjim, great.   I'll get started now.   bbl, hopefully.   ty, btw.
23:05.29donwPerfDave:  Nope; nothing in any of the system logs (kern, syslog, etc.)
23:05.37*** part/#debian cvt (
23:05.59PerfDavedonw: Can you create files as the relevant user on the NFS server?
23:06.12Quag7There he goes...
23:06.14*** join/#debian atrus (
23:06.20matsuoAnyone have a moment to try working on a USB wifi card?
23:07.19donwPerfDave:  Yes (as a background, I've been adminning Linux in the workplace for about four years).  I can create on the server, and any directory with a non-user owner, but a user-is-a-member-group, gives a 'Permission Denied' on the client.
23:07.22donwIt's bloody odd.
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23:07.50jimQuag7: hopefully he has enough info to at least explore and kinda know what he's looking at]
23:08.04*** part/#debian xmldoc (~xmldoc@
23:08.21PerfDavedonw: Is it anything to do with the mount options in /etc/exports?
23:08.34*** part/#debian PF1 (~I_AM_I@
23:08.48donwPerfDave:  Mount options are just (rw).
23:09.14donwPerfDave:  And I can modify data in a directory owned by the user, so it's like the NFS server is ignoring group memberships.
23:09.43PerfDavedonw: The GIDs are matched? Does no_root_squash help? I don't see why it should but it's the only thing I can think of.
23:10.18donwPerfDave:  GIDs are matched, haven't tried un-squashing root, because This Should Work. *grin*
23:10.52michal_how can i concatenate a file in the correct order when it's split into file.1 - file.131 ?? i know i could make a for loop but isn't there any way to make the shell order them numerically?
23:10.52PerfDavedonw: It Should, but it might be worth trying.
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23:12.05donwPerfDave:  Nope.
23:12.22PerfDavedonw: Well, that's me fresh out of ideas.
23:12.32caphusomichal_: "cat file.? file.?? file.???" should do the trick
23:12.39donwPerfDave:  Yeah.  I hate troubleshooting NFS problems like this.
23:12.44we_R_DNAThe attack used a bug in GForge 3.x "scm" subsystem.
23:13.47michal_caphuso: hmm.. doesn't happen to on this system :/ guess i'll go for a for loop
23:13.54Quag7jim, re: hopefully he has enough info to at least explore and kinda know what he's looking at ... I am more concerned he has the curiosity and endurance to stick with it once he realizes how different it is from Windows.
23:14.21Quag7It's not some herculean task to get into Linux, but it requires slightly more than a minimal investment of brainpower and patiencsd.
23:14.23*** join/#debian atrus (
23:14.24Quag7erps, patience.
23:14.24caphusomichal_: how are you testing it?
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23:14.37michal_caphuso: doing the same thing with ls -1
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23:15.11caphusomichal_: ls resorts the damn list if you don't specify --sort=none
23:15.22michal_caphuso: what? :) i thought it was reasonable.. AHH!! thanks for that
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23:17.58PerfDaveWhat's so wrong with a for loop anyway? :)
23:18.04*** mode/#debian [+l 777] by debhelper
23:18.14michal_PerfDave: unnecessary complexity
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23:18.33karameloscan I create/get a .config file from a kernel installed from a kernel-image-xxx package?
23:18.40caphusokaramelos: /boot/config-*
23:18.46PerfDavekaramelos: Yes, it's /boot/config-$(uname -r)
23:19.19PerfDave(for the kernel you're running)
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23:21.03gasswitch groupware you think is the best?
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23:21.38cafuegoOne that does what YOU need it to do.
23:22.37donwPerfDave:  For the future, NFS can only read the first 16 groups a user belongs to.  After that, good luck.  Ergo, problem solved. :)
23:22.41eliripshello people. because of my cable-company is so stupid i have now two cable-modems at home. both connect and have a downstream of 2mbit/sec, so i thought it would be nice to connect them both to my router so that i would have a 4mbit connection. is there anything available to do so? i'm using debian sarge as router at the moment.
23:23.01*** join/#debian gberardi (
23:23.39gberardiI just apt-get installed gedit and gedit-common.  I don't have any tools, however, like word count.  Where can I get it?
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23:24.17donwPerfDave:  Looks like NFSv4 solves the problem, but I'm running 3.
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23:25.23donwelirips:  Erm, since they're on the same pipe, I doubt that would give you a 4mbit/s connection.
23:25.44PerfDavedonw: Ah, that'll be why I've not seen it.
23:25.54PerfDavedonw: Time to migrate to 4, or Samba? :)
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23:26.33donwPerfDave:  Have they fixed the issues with Samba and not being able to do UNIX permissions to UNIX clients properly?
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23:26.39PerfDavedonw: No idea, I don't use it :)
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23:27.16donwPerfDave:  I'll probably bump up to v4 when I've got more free time; as is, I'm coding, doing homework, job-searching, and spending time with my girlfriend before she moves back to Japan.
23:28.20tvnbusy schedule
23:28.34eliripsdonw: i connected them to two different cable-connecters, and attached at each cable-modem one pc and was able to download with a speed of ~ 240kbyte with both at the same time.
23:28.42ixiHi, can I work with native FreeBSD disks under linux? Is there something which I need to compile into the kernel to do that except Partition Types/BSD disklabel?
23:28.42r00tzsomeone see this error in sasl with postfix ?
23:28.43r00tzarning: SASL authentication failure: cannot connect to saslauthd server: No such file or directory
23:29.09donwelirips:  Uncompressed data?  Hrm; well then, you can bind the interfaces together, but it's not a terribly easy thing to do.
23:29.23donwixi:  Whatever FS you're using for BSD.
23:29.28*** join/#debian Rambo3_ (
23:30.02r00tzsomeone see this error
23:30.03r00tzarning: SASL authentication failure: cannot connect to saslauthd server: No such file or directory
23:30.14r00tzi using postfix+sasl here
23:30.19furrywolfr00tz:  don't repeat
23:30.35furrywolfand don't ask if we've seen the error, ask if we know what the error is
23:30.39aardvarkfucking moron
23:30.43furrywolfand have you checked google yet?
23:30.49donwr00tz:  You probably don't have your SSL certs set up right for SASL.
23:31.03eliripsdonw: i just downloaded on one and did and apt-get upgrade on the other. but what do i need to google for to get a howto how to bind the interfaces together? i dont know the keyword..
23:31.18r00tzdonw: what?
23:31.29ixidonw: cfdisk said its code is $AC. Or this is just a partition type?
23:31.35donwaardvark:  Just because he asked a stupid question twice in a row is no reason to be rude.  Only murder at three iterations. :)
23:31.50ixidonw: $AC == freeBSD according to cfdisk's database
23:31.50eliripsdonw: i think it shouldnt  be a problem to use both.. if not the speed should also go down if all the appartements in the house would use cable at the same tiem, not?
23:32.05*** join/#debian GooZ (
23:32.37donwelirips: To be honest, I don't know of any HOWTOs on how to do it, and I've never done it.
23:32.53aardvarkdonw: not only did he repeat within 2 minutes, he also pasted the same 4 idiotic lines, 1 of which contained multiple questionmarks.
23:32.58donwixi: That doesn't sound right.
23:33.00cafuegor00tz: Check whether postfix is running chrooted. if so, you need to either disble the chroot or copy saslauthd's mux into the chroot.
23:33.06*** join/#debian encKe` (~encKe`
23:33.17karamelosdo you know if kernel-image and kernel-source packages of a same kernel version come with identical default setups/configs?
23:33.27donwaardvark:  We already established he was an idiot.
23:33.31ixidonw: is there a standard filesystem on freebsd? I sure - yes
23:33.37gasscafuego: do you know how to take the 2nd column of dpkg -l , using dpkg or awk?
23:33.39gassor both
23:34.00donwixi:  I think UFS, but I'm not sure.  Check the help notes in the kernel -- it should mention which one is for FreeBSD by default.
23:34.02gassdpkg --get-selections turns a column with install
23:34.29ixidonw: thanks
23:34.56eliripsdonw: the problem is i then have 2 different ips (wan) + one for the lan, and i have absolutly no idea how to make the router to split up the traffic to both ips..
23:34.59cafuegogass: awk '{print $2}'
23:35.14ixiis there a channel about freebsd on this irc net?
23:35.21cafuegogass: Note that you WILL want to run 'COLUMNS=200 dpkg -l'
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23:36.04gasscafuego: yes ... thx
23:36.08donwNow that I've fixed my perms problem, I'm off to restart X...
23:36.40Overanddonw should use a console irc client
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23:37.23ccamachoi have a question... when i start x, my keyboard doesn't work... the problem begun after the update of this afternoon
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23:38.10ccamachodoes anyone know what's up?
23:38.22*** join/#debian hulu (
23:38.26cafuegoThe sky?
23:38.37huluhow to tell which CC a kernel was built with?
23:38.39*** join/#debian ralf (
23:38.52ralfhi all
23:38.54aardvarkccamacho: the direction opposite the center of gravity.
23:38.57gowapIl y a du francais ici ?
23:38.58*** join/#debian citral_ (
23:39.04cafuegohulu: 'modinfo <modulename>' normally tells you.
23:39.04dpkgLes personnes qui parlent francais et qui ont besoin d'une aide a propos de Debian peuvent venir sur #debian-fr - People speaking french and in need of support for debian, please join #debian-fr
23:39.05*** join/#debian Thanatermesis (
23:39.08aardvark@blaireau gowap
23:39.10thingfishfrench is so pretty.
23:39.10ravenbirdgowap: blaireau blaireau blaireau blaireau champignon champignon blaireau blaireau blaireau blaireau blaireau serpent! oooh un serpeeeent!
23:39.16ralfhow can I open a whishlist for a package?
23:39.21cafuegogowap: Non, seulement les hollandais
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23:39.49cafuego!hi5 aardvark
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23:40.59green_earzccamacho: have you run dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86   i think the key config there ?
23:41.07ccamachoaardvark: it is possible... or maybe the uncertainty principle
23:41.21*** join/#debian Montecristo (~Conde@
23:41.28aardvark!lose ccamacho
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23:41.29dpkgccamacho: You Lose.
23:41.30green_earzccamacho: sorry not key  key board
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23:41.54ccamachogreen_earz: yes, but the keyboard, doesn't work
23:41.57MontecristoVoy a instalar en un PowerEdge 1800 con discos SCSI... el netinstall si lo levanta ???
23:41.58eliripsso noone knows how i can tell my sarge-router to split the traffic that comes from the land to the two internet-ips (on two different nics) the router has, so i can use them both?
23:42.01dpkgPor favor use #debian-br (/j #debian-br) para ajuda em portugues.
23:42.08Montecristojajajaja si.
23:42.11dpkgHispanohablantes: Por favor usen #debian-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.  Spanish Speakers: Please use #debian-es, there you will get much more help.
23:42.11*** part/#debian Montecristo (~Conde@
23:42.19aardvarknow off you go.
23:42.27ixiwell, general question. I got sarge iso's and have them all on a disk (as .iso's indeed). Now I want to install debian on a machine from LAN. Is there a way to get a tree which apt can use as source another from mounting every ISO and copying files?
23:42.46ccamachodpkg: en espanol o en ingles
23:42.50*** join/#debian Frankablue (
23:43.06NewpZhi, i'm a moron, i accidenty pointed to sid packages and got a bunch of updates and after manualy removing kde 3.4 and manualy installing 3.3, there is still stuff from sid...... how do i upgrade (really downgrade) everything to match sarge?
23:45.15ccamachodpkg: tiene alguna idea de que pueda ser el problema... have you any idea about what could be the problem?
23:45.26ixiNewpZ: backup and install from start.. Thats what I would do.
23:45.49dpkgsomebody said downgrade was not possible with apt-get currently.  No future support is anticipated. Some programs change the binary format of their files in a way that cannot be rolled back later. If you find you want to try going from unstable/testing => stable, then read or The Debian Reference Section 6.2.7, or
23:45.52green_earzccamacho: but work out x server running its ok ? so its a xserver config
23:45.54ixiccamacho: dpkg appretiated your thoughts :)
23:46.23green_earzccamacho: buts works ok with out xserver
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23:46.52ccamachogreen_earz: yes the problem it is with X
23:47.16NewpZixi, thanks
23:47.32*** join/#debian Pluk (
23:47.43ccamachoixi: yes I know it... ;)
23:47.49*** join/#debian Talnakh_ (~Talnakh@
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23:48.42ixiNewpZ: last year I switched to sid.. and got some problems with it. Then I switched to sarge and now they are almost equal :)
23:48.52green_earzccamacho: if you want i will paste the Section "InputDevice"  from /etc/X11/XF86Config-4  in #flood  so you can conpare. it may be of some help
23:48.54sun_hi im tring to install from a sarge image that i dl'd using btorrent.  linux26,  then it asks for hostname etc but then it says that some modules cant beloaded but to continue since they may become available.  however when it gets to partitioning, then it says it doesnt see my harddrive (there's an 80g on it).  ?
23:49.24Talnakh_is it sata?
23:49.36sun_probably, dont know.  its a new laptop
23:49.55ixiWell, does anybody know what how to use debian ISOs as apt source?
23:50.04*** join/#debian DrJolo (
23:50.05Talnakh_u mount them
23:50.15ixiTalnakh_: in 15th dirs?
23:50.16Talnakh_then add to the sources list
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23:50.23cinixYea if you use dselect, doesn't that take care of most of the grunt work?
23:50.25Talnakh_why not?
23:50.33ixiTalnakh_: thanks
23:50.40ixiTalnakh_: I mean ok
23:51.01Talnakh_i use the same thing with suse sles 9. Takes time to install but works
23:51.26sun_does the sarge installer not work with sata?
23:51.35Talnakh_guess not
23:51.51ixiTalnakh_: So if I want to have this source available all the time then I need to mount it permamently in fstab, right?
23:52.00Talnakh_I ve seen that there are some problems reported.
23:52.01*** join/#debian lanchow (
23:52.06Talnakh_IXI, not really
23:52.19Talnakh_u can make a small script which will do work for you
23:52.27Talnakh_when u need it
23:52.41cinixixi, type dselect, and add the cdrom as a source through that. should mount it for you
23:52.50Teemu_Kwhat's wrong with my nfs server, and client, when i try to use nfs it crashes, but if i Only list what nfs share contains, it works
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23:53.39ixicinix: cdrom? but it is a device with single name and I have 15 isos on disk
23:53.59ccamachoseems the problem is xkbcomp
23:54.05ccamachoseems the problem is xkbcomp
23:54.14ixicinix: sure I don't want to type mount and a dir whenever apt asks to insert new one :)
23:54.15cinix;) didn't read that close enough. should be able to mount them
23:54.30ixicinix: ok
23:54.35Talnakh_ixi, make a script to mount isos and then add it to apt sources
23:55.00cockroachis there a way to find out which font a terminal (wterm and/or xterm) is using?
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23:55.16ixiTalnakh_: add what, sorry? I'm not apt guru :) What source should I specify to apt? Would  you provide an example please?
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23:56.30Talnakh_ixi, dont have debian in front of me. AFAIR it is in /etc/sources.list or something like that.
23:56.57ixiAnybody knows is apt-cdrom suit to use with mounted isos?
23:57.39Talnakh_man apt-cdrom
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23:58.04ixiTalnakh_: I'm reading
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23:59.05ixiTrev_: we see you :)
23:59.06*** join/#debian sTone_heAd (~rudy@
23:59.22EquinoxAnyone around Tampa?

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.