irclog2html for #debian on 20050406

00:00.05ska-fanI.e. find out whether a service is running?
00:00.08bhearsumwhat packages do i need when using a PPPoE connection?
00:00.10LeoNerdAre there likely to be any improvements to the config update system at all..? The part that asks me if I want to throw away my local changes, or else lose the updates, whenever I upgrade a package...?
00:00.13resiakska-fan: ps?
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00:00.25pureoneps aux | grep process
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00:00.39EvilSporkMandirecthex: erm. is it recommended to avoid firefox use for this bug?
00:00.47Anthro[OT] Anyone know what OOA&D stands for? I assume the OO part means "object oriented" but I'm not sure of the A&D part.
00:00.59WyzardAnthro: analysis & design
00:00.59directhexEvilSporkMan, i expect so. try galleon or epiphany
00:01.06ska-fanso there is no such thing as /etc/init.d/foo status, like in fedora?
00:01.18EvilSporkMandirecthex: how about konqueror?
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00:01.34bhearsumska-fan: no status action, no
00:01.35todewhen I do an "apt-get source ..." where does the source get put?
00:01.42_morbid_does sarge has the openswan package?
00:01.44Wyzardtode: current directory
00:01.51AnthroWyzard: Ah, that makes sense. Thank you.
00:01.53bhearsumtode: /usr/src i believe
00:01.53EvilSporkMandirecthex: on second thought, i have plenty of gnome installed anyway due to gaim
00:01.56_morbid_the openswan's wiki says it has the debian page says it does not have
00:02.05*** part/#debian Anthro (
00:02.05Wyzardtode: Source packages don't actually get installed to the system like binary packages do
00:02.07todeWyzard: Thanks. sure enough there it is.
00:02.19bhearsumor not
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00:02.51Wyzardtode: It creates several files (orig.tar.gz, patch, .dsc, and the unpacked directory) so I usually run it in an empty directory
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00:03.32EvilSporkMandirecthex: galeon and epiphany bring in mozilla-browser - won't they be subject to the same issues?
00:03.52cafuegobhearsum: `pwd` actually.
00:03.57directhexEvilSporkMan, last time there was a FF vuln they weren't. only one way to know i supose
00:04.00bhearsumcafuego: it seems so
00:04.13bhearsumi thought /usr/src because that is where kernel source goes
00:04.20resiakdirecthex, EvilSporkMan: Looks like this affects Gecko, not Firefox specifically.
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00:04.33EvilSporkManresiak: maybe i can just disable javascript?
00:04.56resiakEvilSporkMan: That might work.
00:04.56_joeyis anyone using commercial ati driver?
00:05.03resiak!tell _joey -about ati driver
00:05.06EvilSporkManresiak: well, i now fail the vulnerability test
00:05.06resiak!tell _joey -about ati drivers
00:05.08todeWyzard: does it automagically apply the patch?
00:05.13resiakEvilSporkMan: Well, there you go.
00:05.21EvilSporkManresiak: yep, good enough for me =)
00:05.26Wyzardtode: yes
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00:06.13_joeyI am running sarge and flkrx driver. There's update for xfree86 and it fails because is already included in the driver
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00:06.43_joeyI can't update xfree86 package. should I deinstall the driver first?
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00:08.32astronutDid the DWN not get posted properly?
00:08.45dvsastronut: I got it
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00:09.16astronutdvs: as did i, i meant the HTML version on the web
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00:10.11blahdeblahHi all, where can i find a list of the packages moving from sid into sarge?
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00:11.38carrettdondelelcaro: could you possibly make dpkg not hate me. i'm sorry for whatever harm my stupidity has done. i'm not as bad as i once was
00:12.01dvsdpkg hates everybody
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00:12.29carrettdvs: no, dpkg won't talk to me period
00:12.29stew!hate carrett
00:12.42carrettdpkg: hi
00:12.45astronutThis also means that this issue
00:12.45astronutcannot be read on the web when it is distributed via mail.
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00:13.08dpkgHi, dvs!
00:13.17dvscarrett: I guess you're right.
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00:14.10random0negreetings.  can anyone point me to a multi-host ping program.  i  want updated status like mtr does.  i would like to monitor ping to multiple hosts while gaming.
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00:14.29random0nefping doesn't quite do it.  i want numbers, which poing doesn't provide
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00:15.49directhex!kikismite random0ne
00:15.55brlancera 3c59x card in Woody cannot see hosts which are on the local subnet but not on its switch; arp who-has requests go out but never reach the destination host
00:16.05directhex!listkeys poing
00:16.07dpkgFactoid search of 'poing' by key (1): poing.
00:16.11dpkgdirecthex: wobble?
00:16.23brlancerit's on a cheap linksys switch, nothing that should require any config - all other hosts are fine
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00:16.56kuruminoi tem alguem que escreve em portugues
00:17.13dpkgPor favor, fale em ingles quando estiver no #Debian, assim todos poderão entender. Se você quiser usar um outro idioma, entre em #debian-rs. Para ser ajudado em portugues, use o canal #Debian-BR
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00:18.54milwattshey ppl
00:19.09milwattshave sarge and my ALT GR doesn't work
00:20.25LeoNerdConsole or X?
00:20.32LeoNerdconsole ==> check console keymappings
00:20.40LeoNerdX ==> check xkbd settings
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00:21.04LeoNerdAnd define "doesn't work".
00:22.07milwattsLeoNerd, to make the AT symbol, and all 2nd symbol of 7, 8, 9, 0 keys
00:22.27CyberShadowsay, what channel should I go to if I need help on a programming question for linux?
00:22.27milwattsLeoNerd, in console and X
00:22.38stewCyberShadow: in what language?
00:22.39dvsCyberShadow: What language?
00:22.44LeoNerdCyberShadow: I'd suggest a channel for that language in question...
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00:23.03carrettanyone wanna help me?
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00:23.17carrettnobody in #bash has an answer...
00:23.20CyberShadowit doesn't matter... it's actually pascal but it's the same thing (I can call all the C++ libc APIs)
00:23.22LeoNerdmilwatts: What keyboard layout are you using..? I know on my UK layout I only need shift to type @
00:23.33LeoNerdDitto for &*()
00:23.36milwattsLeoNerd, Potugal
00:23.41CyberShadowmake that Free Pascal
00:23.48LeoNerdAhh.. I see.. You've got the keyboard map set correctly I hope..?
00:23.56milwattsyes, all to PT
00:24.05CyberShadowFree Pascal isn't all that helpless nowadays :)
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00:24.20T_Tquien habla español y sabe de bittorrent==???
00:24.26dvsspeak about university life...
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00:24.39CyberShadowthe question: "anybody knows how can I write pseudo-graphics chars to the terminal? I need to enable raw mode, right? or where should I ask this?"
00:24.39dpkgHispanohablantes: Por favor usen #debian-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.  Spanish Speakers: Please use #debian-es, there you will get much more help.
00:24.58humboltwhat are the best packages for SPAM filtering on the mailserver side in Debain?
00:25.21milwattsLeoNerd, what can be?
00:25.21T_TI`m speak in english, too
00:25.23CompBrainDoes anyone know of the bug where old sarge netinst CD's fail on libgnutls10?
00:25.35humboltAnd what can I use for Virus filtering??
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00:25.49caphusoCompBrain: use an up-to-date version of the netinst
00:25.51directhexa spoon
00:26.03stewcarrett: find . -name \*.mp3 -print0 | xargs -0 -n1 ~/bin/id3
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00:26.27LeoNerdmilwatts: I don't know that one... I don't know how to set up a Portugese system... :/
00:26.50T_TI`m from argentina
00:26.51milwattsLeoNerd,  ok man :) thx anyway
00:27.04_morbid_milwatts: try #debian-br
00:27.07stewcarrett: or maybe the command you tried before with "{}" in stead of {}
00:27.09p8mI'm from America
00:27.11bsimswhere should I set the xprint default printer env var?
00:27.14DarknessXhi -- I just ran a dist-upgrade [my normal practice] and it spit out this huge exim4-config file, and now it appears to be frozen there (the terminal isn't frozen, but dpkg isn't doing anything).  Any ideas?  The last line is "end auth/30_exim4-config_examples"
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00:28.04T_Tp8m america latina, hanglosajona??
00:28.05CompBraincaphuso: Heh, its tricky to locate them, but i did find that out. I was suprised that i didnt find much on google
00:28.10CompBrainso i thought id throw it out here
00:28.10carrettstew: i'm still getting the same errors
00:28.13zodiaqgod damn... i broke my sources.list when i tried to swith to unstable >_<
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00:28.26random0neGreetings.  Can anyone point me to a multi-host ping program (like fping or poing).  I am looking for something that displays ping statistics like mtr, but without a traceroute.  Thank you.
00:28.28MobyTurbozodiaq: apt-setup
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00:28.40zodiaqMobyTurbo: thanks :)
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00:29.04MobyTurbozodiaq: np
00:29.37zodiaqMobyTurbo: oh, another thing... how do i swith to the unstable tree without wreaking havoc? ;)
00:29.46caphusozodiaq: you don't
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00:30.16zodiaqhmm... but it seems i dont have access to the packages i need to compile in the stable tree
00:30.27MobyTurbozodiaq: unless you know what you're doing and are willing to work with breakage, you need sarge.
00:30.40MobyTurbozodiaq: is not in *any* Debian branch
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00:31.16MobyTurbozodiaq: and if you're thinking of compiling X which so many packages depend on instead of getting it from a repository you're crazy.
00:31.21zodiaqyeah i know but i found a howto wich covered the on debian issue
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00:31.51trentbuckzodiaq: The easiest way to get xorg on Debian is to add an Ubuntu repository to your sources.list.
00:31.58trentbuckBut xorg isn't worth it.
00:32.04trentbuckxorg sucks
00:32.13WiFiTuxstew, what does that do?
00:32.15p8mWhy does xorg suck?
00:32.19zodiaqwell then ill just stick with the old one :)
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00:32.24zodiaqthanks for the help
00:32.25xSAPPYxi hosed a box bad trying to use a ubuntu repository to get xorg running, be careful with that one
00:32.32trentbuckp8m: it kept hanging my unstable box.
00:32.38p8mah :)
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00:32.44MobyTurbozodiaq: if you're on a desktop though you probably do want to upgrade from stable to sarge....
00:33.23sparr_what software is there for sending files to a pocketpc from linux?
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00:34.39zodiaqMobyTurbo: yeah it is a desktop. what should i do to upgrade to sarge?
00:35.01trentbuckzodiaq: woody is very old, but very stable
00:35.06dvs!tell zodiaq about woody->sarge
00:35.11MobyTurbo!tell zodiaq woody->sarge
00:35.21MobyTurbodvs: GMTA
00:35.27trentbuck!tell trentbuck about woody->sarge
00:35.29*** part/#debian T_T (andres@
00:35.33p8mIs there a place that lists all of the dpkg triggers?
00:35.50chealerp8m: /msg dpkg help
00:35.51DarknessXp8m: "man dpkg"
00:35.59DarknessXoh, the bot.  Duh
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00:40.33poserIf I get the kernel-source, is that the equivalent of getting a kernel as far as all the options are preselected?
00:40.48maherposer: no
00:41.23maherposer: look in /boot for the configs of debian packaged kernels
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00:43.27posermaher: do the configs address every option in xconfig of the kernel.. or is it just the important ones?
00:43.44maherposer: debian kernels have a maximal set of options selected
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00:44.45bluefoxicyanyone remember where the blackdown repo was?  for java
00:45.20posermaher: if I would like to use the debian config, do I just move it to the /usr/src/kernel-source-2.6.8-2 dir?
00:45.49maherposer: cp it to the build dir as .config and run make oldconfig
00:45.51nevynbluefoxicy: which distribution are you using?
00:45.55bluefoxicynevyn:  ubuntu hoary
00:46.07nevynbluefoxicy: doesn't that ship with java-package?
00:46.20nevynor make-jpkg or whatever they're calling it this week
00:46.45nevynbluefoxicy: there's an automated tool to convert sun's .bin to a .deb
00:46.56posermaher: so if an option isn't set, it is assumed a no?
00:47.03calindoesn't sun distrobute a .deb?
00:47.09nevyncalin: no.
00:47.18maherposer: make oldconfig will ask you for new options
00:47.21bluefoxicynevyn:  there was a blackdown repository for debian though
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00:47.29bluefoxicyfor blackdown java sdk
00:47.41nevynhrm blackdown was re-packing the sun jdk.
00:47.54nevynjust build the deb using java package.
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00:48.10bluefoxicynevyn:  no can do.
00:48.14nevynTrev1: need a space.
00:48.17bluefoxicynevyn:  It's for a mac user, and I have to tell him what to do
00:48.17nevynbluefoxicy: why not?
00:48.26bluefoxicyyou know how apple users are
00:48.33nevynwrite a script.
00:48.40CompBrainIm getting an error during sarge install `No installable kernel was found in the defined apt sources`
00:48.44bluefoxicyI could, but I'm lazy :)
00:48.57CompBrain`The current default kernel package is 'kernel-image'`
00:49.10CompBrainThis is sarge-ppc btw
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00:52.19calinjesus, java in linux ISN'T DIFFICULT
00:52.34calindownload the file from sun, install it, modify your path
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00:53.45EricBladethen spend the next week of your life trying to get it to run in mozilla, give up, and use Opera
00:54.04calinEricBlade: Or you could install a mozilla plugin
00:54.13calinEricBlade: *gasp* Yes, a plugin
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00:54.39Eclipser!tell calin about java-package
00:55.02EclipserI missread your sentence
00:55.14EricBladeat which point, you discover that because mozilla was compiled with one version of gcc, and the java version with another, that you're not likely to ever get it to work without using deb's for all of it
00:55.56calinEricBlade: Bad experiences? Because MY java works with mozilla
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00:56.55CyberShadowWhat's that codepage name that contains IBM pseudo-graphic chars?
00:57.10calinCyberShadow: we-45nQ
00:57.11Eclipsermy java works perfectly on firefox
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01:00.02abrotmanPhated: i love you!
01:01.40zignigdoes anyone have any comments/trouble with  amd64 debian?
01:02.13*** part/#debian kn0t (
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01:03.08xtreamhi guys
01:03.19dpkgmethinks amd64 is See and the #debian-amd64 IRC channel, or See for ISOs. unofficial at the moment, will be a supported arch on Etch (Sarge + 1), or a generic name. it also supports xeon etc, see
01:04.08WiFiTuxI have to say that Totem really has cool visualizations, they are real, not like Media Player or so.
01:04.18abrotmanWiFiTux: write better ones you lazy bumm
01:04.33xtreamsomeone knows how do i get the amsn by the apt ? need i change the sources.list to a unstable repository?
01:04.44WiFiTuxabrotman, wtf I'm saying they are very good!
01:05.20abrotmanWiFiTux: write better ones you lazy bumm
01:06.36*** join/#debian vipe (
01:06.41WiFiTuxabrotman, :)
01:07.06*** join/#debian GoKu (
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01:11.01xophErhow can I enable my middle-mouse button in firefox? It doesnt work to close a tab with it.
01:11.03WiFiTuxabrotman, look for a song called Bush Doctor   it's singed by Peter Tosh.
01:11.25WiFiTuxxophEr, does the middle mouse works at all?
01:11.33abrotmanhell no
01:11.40CyberShadowxophEr: by default, the middle mouse button pastes an URL in the address bar
01:11.41*** join/#debian illusina (
01:11.41WiFiTuxabrotman, your bad then.
01:11.43CharlesBrownWhy isn't gnomebaker in debian/sarge repositories?
01:11.49CharlesBrownIsn't it popular enough?
01:11.56WiFiTuxCharlesBrown, no
01:12.00*** join/#debian Absorto (~oitiow@
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01:12.33WiFiTuxCharlesBrown, I have it. Maybe in marillat?
01:12.35stew!why is gnomebaker not in testing
01:12.36dpkggnomebaker is not in testing for the reasons listed in
01:12.38dpkgmethinks marillat is an unofficial repository containing packages not in Debian for patent-related reasons, <mplayer> being the most popular. See for details on how to add this repository to your sources.list
01:12.42CharlesBrownno, not marillat either
01:12.53WiFiTuxCharlesBrown, then it is in Sid.
01:13.10xophErthe middle button works in X and it works partially in firefox too, eg. when clicking on links with it.
01:13.25WiFiTuxCharlesBrown, what's that? a cd burner? k3b is good enough.
01:13.25CharlesBrownIf dpkg has an entry for why it's not in there..
01:13.29CharlesBrownIt must be popular enough.
01:13.42gaasfetpcHDTV HD-3000 experience?
01:13.51CharlesBrownWiFiTux, Not when you use gnome/xfce or something
01:13.52WiFiTuxabrotman, why not?
01:13.58CharlesBrownIt takes like 4 minutes to load k3b
01:14.07CharlesBrownOn my 2.6 intel, with a gig of ram.
01:14.24WiFiTuxCharlesBrown, 15 seconds.
01:14.27CyberShadowxophEr: by default, the middle mouse button pastes an URL in the address bar - not closes a tab.
01:14.31*** join/#debian Wyzard (
01:14.38MobyTurboCharlesBrown: use cdrecord directly, it has an excellent manpage.
01:14.42xophErCyberShadow, yes, how do I change that? :)
01:14.50CyberShadowxophEr: I have no idea :(
01:14.53*** join/#debian bluefox83 (
01:14.59CyberShadowanyone knows which of the thousands of terminfo entries is most DOS-compatible (outputs pseudo-graphic chars for 0x80-0xFF etc)?
01:15.11*** join/#debian Nurbs (
01:15.20WiFiTux!praise gtkpod
01:15.26CharlesBrown"gnomebaker is only 6 days old. It must be 10 days old to go in."
01:15.35CharlesBrownDoes that mean gnomebaker will be in sarge repos in 4 days?
01:15.40CyberShadowdpkg is female?!?
01:15.46cafuegoCharlesBrown: Hurray. You discovered k3b is crap.
01:15.52cafuegoCharlesBrown: Since the operation, yes.
01:15.56WiFiTuxCharlesBrown, I don't think so.
01:15.57cafuegoCyberShadow too
01:16.00dondelelcaroCharlesBrown: that means it may go in in 4 days.
01:16.03CharlesBrownyea, k3b is kinda crappy
01:16.11CharlesBrownI mean, the user interface is nice...but it's just so slow.
01:16.19WiFiTuxk3b is good.
01:16.21CharlesBrownNo one should use libraries as big as kdelibs
01:16.26Sirgadok3b is crap? why do you think such thing?
01:16.27WiFiTuxthere might be better ones...
01:16.27CharlesBrownShould have used qt or gtk
01:16.32MobyTurbowho needs all of these GUI front-ends when mkisofs/cdrecord do all you need to do by themselves?
01:16.33cafuegoCharlesBrown: The way it hngs X on my machine is a small negative point, too.
01:16.35CyberShadow"dpkg prostrates *herself* before gtkpod"
01:16.39Sirgadowich program is better?
01:16.46CharlesBrowncool, it hangs on your box too
01:16.50CharlesBrownI tried to fix it, nothing worked.
01:16.57bluefox83CyberShadow, dpkg is a bot..
01:17.09cafuegoSirgado: k3b is a *front end* not a program.
01:17.16CyberShadowduh, bots can have gender too!
01:17.24*** join/#debian xammu (
01:17.25WiFiTuxMobyTurbo, we don't burn things like you. I remind you your command. cdrecord ~/pr0n
01:17.29MobyTurbothat's bottette
01:17.38cafuegoWiFiTux: mkisofs you mean
01:17.47WiFiTuxcafuego, same thing.
01:17.54cafuegoWiFiTux: since when?
01:17.59WiFiTuxcafuego, whatever.
01:18.00Sirgadoyes, i know, is a frontend of multiple programs, but user percibe it as a program, and i think it works fine
01:18.16cafuegoSirgado: Well, it doesn't work at all, here.
01:18.17dondelelcarocafuego: since cdrecord version 3.2.1059DWIMDAMNIT
01:18.21WiFiTuxSirgado, don't worry. k3b is good.
01:18.22MobyTurboWiFiTux: mkisofs -R /var/cache/apt/archives ~/archives
01:18.34cafuegoSirgado: That makes it crap in my book.
01:18.59bluefox83what the second hard drive is mounted as read only and it shoul be read-write..wonder how that happened O.o
01:19.14MobyTurboWiFiTux: oops, forgot the -o cd.iso
01:19.23Sirgadowich alternative is better cafuego?
01:19.36_morbid_how to enable/disable services without have to handle directely the synlinks?
01:19.38mentordpkg gender
01:19.38dpkgI'm hermaphroditic
01:19.52asg_morbid_: man update-rc.d ; install rcconf
01:20.00*** join/#debian phaethon_ (
01:20.00Sirgadowow, can you have real sex yourself?
01:20.06cafuegoSirgado: I find nautilus-cd-record to actually work very well.
01:20.06_morbid_thanks asg
01:20.17cafuegoSirgado: or even cdrecord and mkisofs on the command line
01:20.21MobyTurboSirgado: since they are all front ends to mkisofs and cdrecord you might as well use the real thing and enjoy all the features you need without the overhead.
01:20.43CyberShadowanyone knows which of the thousands of terminfo entries is most DOS-compatible (outputs pseudo-graphic chars for 0x80-0xFF etc)?
01:20.57meffanyone know how to modify the gnome (nautilus) preferred multimedia app?
01:20.59*** join/#debian kikyou (viva@
01:21.09Sirgadonot too much overhead for k3b
01:21.38ongeborensomebody with positive experience with gmailfs ? i can't start it on my box althought I did read and followed the steps from readme.debian
01:21.38Sirgadoand always think there also unexperienced and winodws style users
01:21.42cafuegoSirgado: I consider 'locking up X' a bit much.
01:21.42MobyTurboSirgado: only if you're running KDE, and even then it's overhead.
01:21.52*** join/#debian maxdoubt (
01:21.59asgbluefox83: a filesystem error probably resulted in the filesystem being remounted ro
01:22.04*** part/#debian maxdoubt (
01:22.11cafuegoPeople who want windows should use windows, not KDE.
01:22.11*** join/#debian shiversisshiveri (
01:22.19*** part/#debian xtream (
01:22.26bluefox83how do i find out how my partitions are mounted? mount just said my second partition is mounted rw, but when i try to move a file to it, it says it's read only..
01:22.52Sirgadoi hope linux will be userfriendly
01:23.07bbrazilbluefox83: cat /proc/mounts
01:23.13asgbluefox83: since it is read-only ; fsck it. Then, remount it rw.
01:23.32asgSirgado: it is
01:23.52Sirgadok3b is userfriendly, cdrecord no
01:23.52*** join/#debian darkstar (~darkstar@darkstar.user)
01:24.29asgSirgado: it isn't i-can't-read-for-toffee-weed-you-fuX0rs friendly though
01:24.45*** join/#debian slackmf (
01:24.51Sirgadosorry, don't understand that large expression
01:25.06asgSirgado: watch more Blackadder episodes
01:25.47Sirgadoenglish is not my language, i must learn more
01:26.02*** join/#debian Bac9 (
01:26.27*** join/#debian DarknessX (
01:26.31dpkg< quadrata> debiant: well, I want to run aol on debian, but my cd only works in windows  < quadrata> I'll brb, I gotta get some fruitcake.  Hope you guys will help me with the aol soon.
01:26.43cafuegoSirgado: k3b is far from userfriendly.
01:26.43MobyTurboSirgado: cdrecord's manpage is one of the best in free software. If you can't figure out what is in the "EXAMPLES" section of that manpage perhaps you should reconsider your decision to use a Unix-like OS.
01:26.56*** join/#debian matto (
01:27.02cafuegoit's has a massively overfeatured GUI, users would get lost in there.
01:27.05driniit's much more userfriendly than lpain cdrecord, anyway
01:27.29DarknessXcafuego: I've never gotten lost in k3b :-/
01:27.29cafuegowhen i insert a blank cd, it shows up on the desktop. i then drag data ont it, right click and choose 'Burn CD'
01:27.30MobyTurbodrini: cdrecord is only unfriendly to people who don't bother reading manpages.
01:27.39Sirgadobut not my friends
01:27.45drinias k3b uis only ufriendly to people who don't read documenttion
01:27.46*** join/#debian mdo_ (
01:27.47drini:P hehe
01:28.05*** join/#debian usynic (
01:28.11cafuegodrini: The docs don't cover 'locks up X'
01:28.19*** join/#debian swatikiss (
01:28.20drinicdrecord also have bugs
01:28.34*** join/#debian Soda_and_Debian (~sultano@
01:28.39cafuegodrini: But cdrecord nevertheless doesn't lock up X.
01:28.51MobyTurbodrini: if cdrecord has a bug, so does k3b, because k3b is a front end.
01:28.55bluefox83burn is a nice little app, you might like it..but it's command line..
01:28.59drinino, it can freeze your whole machine
01:29.04Sirgadoyou linux taliban :-P
01:29.16xophErdoes anyone know what to do so you can close tabs in firefox with the middle button?
01:29.39MobyTurbodrini: which makes k3b more stable how?
01:29.43*** join/#debian vipe (
01:29.56deadcatxophEr: not on linux. they used to have a plugin for .9 but doesnt work on 1.0+
01:30.10*** join/#debian karsten (
01:30.14driniclaim: cdrecord is unfriendly only if you don't read manpages
01:30.22driniwell k3b only is if you don't rad docs
01:30.25astronutthat's crap, and you know it
01:30.30drinibut.. k3b have undocumented bugs!
01:30.34drinicdrecord may also have them
01:31.18MobyTurbok3b is blessed both with it's own bugs and cdrecord's bugs, because it is a front end to cdrecord/mkisofs. Therefore arguing that k3b avoids cdrecord bugs is nonsenesical.
01:31.29*** join/#debian Jarn (
01:31.32CyberShadowhow to set a charmap for the current terminal?
01:31.34Jarnwhat is the name of the oss pkg
01:31.39Jarni wanna apt-get remove it to stick in alsa
01:31.40calincan someone tell
01:31.42Jarnand alsa-oss
01:31.42astronutThe device refers to scsibus/target/lun of the CD/DVD-Recorder.  Communication  on  SunOS  is  done  with the SCSI general driver scg.  Other operating systems are using a library simulation of this driver.   Possible  syntax  is:  dev= scsibus,target,lun or dev= target,lun.
01:31.43asgCyberShadow: /msg dpkg keymap
01:31.48astronutya, that's very clear to joe user
01:31.50driniI didn't claim it avoid bugs
01:32.09calincan someone tell me where i should check if all of my dns querys resolve to localhost/my ip
01:32.11driniI only claim that crying that k3b has bugs and it makes it less userfriendly
01:32.15driniapplies the same way to cdrecord
01:32.20astronutsome grandma's not going to understand it
01:32.32*** join/#debian EspeonEefi (~espeoneef@CERULEANCITY.MIT.EDU)
01:32.39MobyTurbodrini: if you haven't figured out the hole in your logic yet I pity you.
01:32.40CyberShadowasg: I said charmap, for the current console only (not system-wide)
01:32.43BrianAnthonywhere would a USB game deivce be located?
01:32.53bluefox83calin, the config file for whatever dns prog you're using i'd imagine..
01:32.53CyberShadowit has something to do with snny I think
01:33.14Jarnwhat is the name of the oss package please?
01:33.24calinwhat's the default dns serveR?
01:33.24bluefox83BrianAnthony, please tell me that's not your real name you're using in chat...
01:33.29calinfor debian?
01:33.36*** join/#debian Gul_ (
01:33.38asgcalin: there isn't one
01:33.44Soda_and_Debianjarn: for alsa?
01:33.49calinasg: that sux
01:33.52BrianAnthonybluefox83: No, it's mu uncle's
01:33.55*** join/#debian wpostma (~wpostma@
01:33.55asgcalin: no
01:34.07JarnSoda_and_Debian: i want to remove oss and put in alsa, but i dont know the name of oss so i cant apt-get remove it
01:34.10calinasg: it does for me.  means that it can't be that.
01:34.12bluefox83BrianAnthony, you might conscider changing it...
01:34.14driniI onlly claim k3b is not inherently less userfriendly than cdrecord, all programs have bugs but being userfriendly goes beyond bug numbers
01:34.19*** join/#debian jond3rd (~jond3rd@
01:34.20calinasg: so i'm back on no feet to stand on
01:34.22BrianAnthonybluefox83: why...?
01:34.22asgcalin: man 5 resolv.conf
01:34.35*** join/#debian Shane__ (
01:35.10driniand if you pity me fo not using your "logic" i just shrug for you not seeng my point, I don't care if you pity me or not, bleh
01:35.11MobyTurbodrini: locking up your system while burning a CD makes that CD into a coaster.
01:35.28Jarnif anyone has the answer to my question, I would appreciate it if you would msg me. I need to go afk, but I can read it when I get back
01:35.31Soda_and_DebianJarn: you don't just install alsa then run alsaconf
01:35.35*** join/#debian mrhemlock (
01:35.37bluefox83BrianAnthony, because anyone can find out exactly where you are with your name and ip, and since this server doesn't even try to mask ip's you can find it really easily
01:35.42*** part/#debian Shane__ (
01:35.43drinineither cdrecord nr k3b do that usually, unless you use a speciall y buggy version, then you can upgrade
01:35.45asgJarn: if someone knows, they will answer.
01:35.59BrianAnthonybluefox83: ...My mom taught me about internet stalkers when I wa slike 10...
01:36.05JarnSoda_and_Debian: Don't I need to remove oss though?
01:36.11BrianAnthonyI don't give a crap
01:36.13mrhemlockpdo is down, This means no testing updates ?
01:36.21asgmrhemlock: no, /topic
01:36.33BrianAnthonyDo you know where I would I find my USB game device?
01:37.02asgBrianAnthony: look in /var/log/dmesg (see if anything interesting shows up when you plug it in)
01:37.12bluefox83BrianAnthony, i'm not familiar with any usb game devices that have drivers in i don't know where they'd be located
01:37.13JarnSoda_and_Debian: anyway, afk a bit
01:37.48*** join/#debian Flimzy (
01:37.50Soda_and_DebianJarn: I think that what you want to do is remplace PCM oss for alsa instaed. if so, install alsaplayer-alsa
01:38.26*** join/#debian Shane__ (
01:38.39deadcatwhat lang is this:
01:39.04asgdeadcat: from the domain name, I'd guess thai.
01:39.14deadcatasg: no. computer lang. (=
01:39.49*** join/#debian darkcmd (
01:39.53asgdeadcat: no, looks like a really fucked up fortune file to me ;)
01:40.01*** part/#debian Shane__ (
01:40.04cafuegoFrom the maintainer's email address, i'd hazard "Danish"
01:40.49deadcatasg: nah. i think its the exploit prog used to get root on my friend's work system
01:40.56Shane^easy way to get my box to start dhclient @ boot? it cound not get it right under d-i so I had to fix it manually during install. Now I'm not sure where to change tehe default behavior
01:41.43*** join/#debian sparr_ (
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01:42.06bbrazildeadcat: I'm guessing data for is_alpha, is_space etc. for unicode
01:42.09asgdeadcat: I seriously doubt that (though it does make a rather odd but workable fortune file.)
01:42.16FlimzyShane^: edit /etc/network/interfaces
01:42.35mithrohello, i'm currently having problems with debootstrap, it dies when trying to download console-tools
01:42.55WiFiTuxwill alsa give me better quality than OSS?
01:43.07mithroany idea what could be causing this?
01:43.28FlimzyWiFiTux: It depends on your sound card, and on your sound applications.
01:43.43*** join/#debian Enolayale (
01:43.50WiFiTuxFlimzy, Intel ICH classic old card.
01:43.56FlimzyWiFiTux: alsa has a lot more capabilities than oss.  But not all sound cards or apps can take advantage of those capabilities.
01:44.20*** join/#debian Nemesis|w0rk (~Nemesis@
01:44.27FlimzyWiFiTux: I know nothing about an Intel ICH card... but if it's old, then chances are that ALSA will offer little or no improvement in most cases
01:44.38*** join/#debian LSorensen (
01:44.53Shane^Flimzy: thanx
01:44.59*** mode/#debian [+l 780] by debhelper
01:45.03FlimzyWiFiTux: In my case, ALSA wouldn't even work with the card in my laptop (altho it's supposed to, the module wouldn't even load.  OSS works okay, tho)
01:45.05Enolayalewhy can't I mount my second hard drive? does the default kernel have support for fat32 or ntfs?
01:45.07WiFiTuxFlimzy, snd_intel8x0 or so.
01:45.21asgEnolayale: the standard debian kernels do
01:45.22WiFiTuxFlimzy, which card?
01:45.27deadcatasg: ah. those might be the outputs of strings
01:45.45abrotmanasg: oh come on .. it was innocent
01:46.08asgdeadcat: well, they are delimited in some way 'FOO .... END FOO'
01:46.12asgabrotman: ;)
01:46.12FlimzyWiFiTux: My card is a CS4237 or somesuch
01:46.19WiFiTuxFlimzy, oh.
01:46.20*** join/#debian unixcoder (Redhat-ro@
01:46.22Enolayaleasg: I tried to mount but it says it can't find it
01:46.32*** join/#debian jdhutchins1 (
01:46.37asgEnolayale: find what?
01:46.52Enolayalethe entry in fstab, do I have to enter it manually?
01:47.06asgEnolayale: yes, if it isn't in there.
01:47.22Enolayalehow do I automount? which file is it?
01:47.44asgEnolayale: egrep
01:47.48*** join/#debian Basic2EE (
01:47.49abrotmanasg: phatd hates me anyways :(
01:47.57asgEnolayale: disregard that
01:48.04asgabrotman: why? I thought you were buds?
01:48.26asgEnolayale: is there anything in /etc/fstab that has vfat or ntfs for the filesystem type?
01:48.30abrotmanasg: noone likes me :(
01:48.53asgabrotman: you're just saying that because you've had too many beers
01:49.03abrotmanasg: no beers
01:49.27asgEnolayale: do you know which device your vfat or ntfs filesystem lives on? /dev/hda3 for instance?
01:49.34*** join/#debian zodiaq (~zodiaq@
01:49.42Enolayaleasg: /dev/hdb1 and hdb2
01:49.45*** join/#debian McLamb (
01:49.53Enolayalehdb1 = ntfs, and the other is vfat
01:50.06mithroit only dies when doing sarge or sid debootstrap, not when bootstrapping woody
01:50.18asgEnolayale: does 'mount -t ntfs /dev/hdb1 /mnt' work?
01:50.34zodiaqsmall problem with my newly updated system(sarge) and kde+xfree... i cant use the keyboard at all in kde. anyone have a clue what might have caused this?
01:50.42*** join/#debian dwu_ (~dwu@
01:50.45Enolayalewow! worked!
01:50.50Enolayaleasg: thanks
01:51.02asgEnolayale: sub ntfs for vfat for the other.
01:51.07Enolayalewhich file can I use to automount?
01:51.18asgEnolayale: apt-cache show autofs
01:51.36Flimzyzodiaq: keyboard unplugged?
01:52.00asgabrotman: bah, you know you are beloved on #debian. Either way, have a beer.
01:52.08*** join/#debian appaji (~appaji@appaji.user)
01:52.13abrotmanasg: but i've been slacking ..
01:52.16Enolayaleasg: well it shows up in df -h but it seems a little screwed.
01:52.19*** join/#debian LordC (
01:52.26asgEnolayale: in what way?
01:52.30abrotmanasg: i've fallen behind bob2 :)
01:52.30FlimzyFor Linux-to-Linux filesharing, is SMB, NFS3 or NFS4 faster?  (Security is not a big concern)
01:52.31asgabrotman: in what way?
01:52.42Enolayaleboth b1 and b2 are showing up as the same
01:52.45Enolayaleand I can't go into them
01:52.46Flimzyor CIFS, I guess, which I would be using with Samba anyway, I suppose
01:52.49*** join/#debian nano_ (
01:52.53asgabrotman: bah, bob2, when he is here, is a maniac. He just comes in spurts
01:52.57asger ... hmmm
01:53.07zodiaqFlimzy: nah i tried installing it in the ps2port several times...
01:53.15asgEnolayale: don't try to mount both on /mnt (that was just for testing)
01:53.19abrotmanasg: heh
01:53.28Flimzyzodiaq: Which one?
01:53.40Enolayaleasg: thanks for helping
01:53.41asgEnolayale: mount one on, for instance, /mnt/vfat, the other on /mnt/ntfs (or whatever makes sense for you.)
01:53.42Flimzyzodiaq: can you use the keyboard at the console?
01:53.45asgEnolayale: you're welcome
01:54.07*** join/#debian ph0enix (~phoenix@
01:54.16abrotmanwho here washes lots of clothes?
01:54.24abrotmanmaybe i should rephrase that
01:54.37MobyTurboabrotman: washes? What's washes?
01:54.44abrotmananyone make mistakes with dry clean stuff going in the w/d ?
01:54.57Flimzyabrotman: I've done that
01:55.04zodiaqFlimzy: the first one where its always been ;)
01:55.09abrotmani'm wondering if you can wash a pair of dry clena only pants
01:55.15zodiaqFlimzy: yeah i can use it in the console
01:55.21maherabrotman: hot wash then tumble dry - if it doesn't survive throw it out
01:55.28Flimzyabrotman: had a pair of dry-clean-only pants... didn't realize at time of purchase.  Wasn't willing ot dry clean it weekly, so machine washed
01:55.31stewabrotman: you can always handwash stuff
01:55.35JarnSoda_and_Debian: back
01:55.36stewand hang to dry
01:55.38WiFiTuxcafuego, nothing on the boot menu colors?
01:55.43Flimzyabrotman: I washed it in cold water
01:55.48Flimzyabrotman: The result after many washings was that the black pants turned green.
01:56.02abrotmanFlimzy: that's awesome ..glad i didn't wash them
01:56.03Flimzyabrotman: they sell stuff to do a home 'dry cleaning' in a dryer
01:56.50Flimzyabrotman: I'd only machine wash in an emergancy :)
01:57.08abrotmanhow about i don't then
01:57.12*** join/#debian Award_ (~jpdp@
01:57.14abrotmanstupid dry clean only stuff ...
01:57.28abrotmani have a nice sweather .. thought it was w/d safe .. it would fit a 7 y/o now
01:57.38abrotman!hit resiak with a bottle
01:57.52resiak!hit abrotman with a pie
01:57.57resiakHow long will this go on?
01:58.05astronut!kick resiak
01:58.07*** join/#debian cappicrd (
01:58.08astronut!kick abrotman
01:58.10abrotman!smack resiak with a large elephant
01:58.13astronutdoesn't quite work as intentended
01:58.15dondelelcaroyeesh, stop abusing the bot
01:58.22calin!trout astronut
01:58.26*** join/#debian bwlang (
01:58.55resiakSorry dondelelcaro...
01:58.57*** join/#debian somiaj_ (
01:59.20dondelelcaroresiak: no need to apologize... (or at least, not to me specifically)
01:59.35resiakdondelelcaro: He's your bot. I have my own to abuse elsewhere :)
01:59.46abrotmandpkg: sorry ...
02:00.01dondelelcarooh, I don't care about people playing with the bot... it's the whole useless traffic in the channel that's annoying.
02:00.08abrotmandpkg: say I want to make sweet love with raseac
02:00.09dpkgI want to make sweet love with raseac
02:00.19*** join/#debian somiaj__ (
02:00.33dondelelcaroif you need to play with it, use /msg
02:00.53abrotmandondelelcaro: why would i do that .. i've got a bed .. and a shower .. and all kinds of places
02:01.08*** join/#debian kalelme (kalelme@
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02:01.40VarangerI has installed Debian
02:01.52VarangerI am in console and I can't type ^
02:02.11VarangerMy keymap is Latin American: loadkeys la-latin1
02:02.14Varangerhow can I do?
02:03.13zodiaqnow i got some more info... "Warning: font renderer for ".pcf" already registrered at priority 0"
02:03.16*** join/#debian webman (
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02:04.12Phatedabrotman: ?
02:04.20Phatedasg: Why thank you. :)
02:04.27asgPhated: you're welcome
02:04.31abrotmanPhated: !!!
02:04.35*** join/#debian roo_ (
02:04.45JarnHow do I remove oss?
02:04.59abrotmanPhated: i miss you!
02:04.59*** mode/#debian [+l 789] by debhelper
02:05.07Phatedabrotman: ...
02:05.17abrotmanPhated: ???
02:05.52abrotmansuch witty banter
02:05.53mrhemlockhow can i get sarge updates for today, i don t understand topic, sorry !
02:05.58*** join/#debian macks (
02:06.05*** part/#debian macks (
02:06.08asgmrhemlock: apt-get update ; apt-get upgrade
02:06.37asgmrhemlock: /topic has nothing to do with your ability to get today's updates
02:07.06abrotmanmrhemlock: man apt-get .. understand the difference between upgrade and dist-upgrade
02:07.32mrhemlockbut update didnt get any new sources.lst ?
02:07.35*** join/#debian [seve7] (
02:07.47mrhemlocksorry new package lists
02:08.07abrotmando it again
02:08.15abrotmanthe server you hit might not have synced yet
02:08.52mrhemlocknothing from
02:09.04abrotmanthere are like 7 of those
02:09.18abrotmanok .. 5
02:09.21asgThe following packages will be upgraded:
02:09.23mrhemlockno new packages is what i get
02:09.27asgmrhemlock: that is since this morning
02:09.44*** join/#debian pestilence (
02:10.24myrenanyone familiar with Kahlil Gibran?  - The Prophet?
02:10.32mrhemlockasg, i am PSTPDT i update around 3pm yesterday
02:10.51dpkg[katie] who I seek to emulate, or the daemon in the Debian archive system that processes new packages and inserts them into the archive.  It runs at 1952 UTC daily. the mascot, or
02:11.01asgmrhemlock: well, the machine from which I pasted the above was updated this morning at 7:30am EST
02:11.08myreni'm looking for something in that vain but a little more flowery & rougish
02:11.11abrotmanmyren: wrong chanel ?
02:11.39asgmyren: any Jethro Tull pre 1980 should fit the bill.
02:11.56*** join/#debian drac_ (
02:12.00abrotmanthere's stuff after 1980 ? :)
02:12.07asgabrotman: quite a bit
02:12.41*** join/#debian AndyCapp (
02:12.42abrotmanasg: wow .. must be good stuff :)
02:13.18asgabrotman: not really. There are some surprising highlights but mostly they have been mediocre for a while.
02:13.29*** join/#debian Enolayale (
02:13.55abrotmanasg: it was all a joke .. i know there is plenty of newer tull .. and it all is pretty bad :)
02:14.01*** part/#debian roo_ (
02:14.13abrotmanasg: come on .. give me some credit .. i've got the thick as a brick on vinyl . the newspaper one :)
02:14.17*** join/#debian mward (
02:14.19asgabrotman: hehe
02:14.40asg!give abrotman credit
02:14.41dpkggive abrotman credit
02:14.50abrotmanthat worked well
02:14.53zignigman that mp3 has been collecting dist for a while
02:15.03asgsomeone's been fooling with the factoids *again*
02:15.46*** join/#debian marco_ (marco@
02:15.47spoopinasg: hi
02:15.50asganyone with Judas Priest's 'Rocka Rolla' in ogg format gets extra points.
02:15.55asgspoopin: hiya
02:16.07spoopinasg: how's it going, eh?
02:16.11abrotmanasg: lots of people mess with them
02:16.23abrotman!factinfo cmd: give (.*?)
02:16.23dpkgabrotman: there's no such factoid as CMD: give (.*?)
02:16.24asgspoopin: long day but okay.
02:16.35spoopinasg: quite. talk to Kev today?
02:16.38mwardI did a debian-installer install that put an initrd on my system.  I'd like to stop using the initrd.  I've recompiled a new kernel, and installed it the proper way, but nevertheless, my kernel has a panic:  Cannot open root device.  I've made sure I have IDE, EXT3 support and lba32 set (in lilo.conf).  What am I missing?
02:16.43asgabrotman: give $1 (.*?) maybe
02:16.46abrotman!literal cmd: give (.*?)
02:16.55asgspoopin: no, I talked over the weekend but briefly.
02:16.56abrotman!factinfo cmd: give $1 (.*?)
02:16.56dpkgabrotman: there's no such factoid as CMD: give $1 (.*?)
02:17.01abrotman!factinfo cmd: give $1
02:17.01dpkgthere's no such factoid as CMD: give $1, abrotman
02:17.02resiak!literal cmd: give (.*?) (.*?)
02:17.02dpkgCMD: give (.*?) (.*?) is ($1,$2): give $1 $2
02:17.08asg!win resiak
02:17.09dpkgCongratulations, resiak! You have won the US presidency!
02:17.10resiak!win me
02:17.10dpkgCongratulations, resiak! You have won the US presidency!
02:17.15spoopinasg: Ah. He put in his notice at work :)
02:17.37*** join/#debian gmaniac (
02:17.37asgspoopin: ah, he said he was going to. What's he going to do now?
02:18.01marco_I want config a firewall in debian, with ferm. it's  good?
02:18.03*** join/#debian dataw0lf (
02:18.08spoopinasg: Umm. Study for exams, then have a few drinks on the lawn, most likely
02:18.12sgeigerbotabrotman, no, I'm not mad at you...and I never was.
02:18.16asgspoopin: ah :)
02:18.22asgspoopin: we having beers this week?
02:18.48spoopinasg: dunno actually. I was pretty sick yesterday, so I've been laying off the alcohol
02:18.57spoopinasg: had to call in and everything
02:19.05asgspoopin: ouch
02:19.09spoopinasg: yeah
02:19.33abrotmansgeigerbot: you are!
02:19.36spoopinasg: Em took good care of me, though :)
02:19.37asgspoopin: well, if you feel up to a few later on, let me know.
02:19.41asgspoopin: hehe
02:19.50sgeigerbotabrotman, why would I be?
02:19.54spoopinasg: cool. Will do.
02:20.05Soda_and_Debianmrhemlock: apt-get update and then apt-get dist-upgrade
02:20.06abrotmansgeigerbot: your primary language assumption
02:20.07spoopinasg: I think the Neuros died today :(
02:20.14asgspoopin: oh no?
02:20.19*** join/#debian b3tty (
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02:20.40sgeigerbotI did a debian-installer install that put an initrd on my system.  I'd like to stop using the initrd.  I've recompiled a new kernel, and installed it the proper way, but nevertheless, my kernel has a panic:  Cannot open root device.  I've made sure I have IDE, EXT3 support and lba32 set (in lilo.conf).  What am I missing?
02:20.46spoopinasg: It won't power up. I'm trying to recharge the battery. Maybe it's just too low to boot.
02:20.55sgeigerbotabrotman, what?
02:20.59abrotmansgeigerbot: nm
02:21.01Chrissy2k5Hey.. how can i rmdir so it removes all the directorys sub-directories even though they still contain files
02:21.02asgspoopin: maybe. Odd though
02:21.13asgChrissy2k5: rm -Rf foo/
02:21.24b3ttyhi guys, im having a problem setting up my linksys wpc54gs in debian sarge.  What I did was apt-get install ndis* then I got the latest windows driver from linksys, and did a ndiswrapper -i on the .inf file provided, it said that it installed the driver and the hardware
02:21.29sgeigerbotabrotman, Don't worry.  You can tell me.  I don't mind that your English is bad.
02:21.31b3ttywhat am I supposed to do next?
02:21.51abrotmansgeigerbot: right ...
02:21.52katyab3tty: you need the ndiswrapper module
02:21.59katyab3tty: i've used it, but only from source.
02:22.01spoopinasg: yeah. I hadn't used it since Friday, so I don't know when it died.
02:22.09asgspoopin: ah, okay
02:22.13b3ttykatya, can I install that with apt ?
02:22.16ongeborenwhat should I do to get rid of the warning telling me a .wmv file is actually a .asf file when I click on it to open it ? it's really annoying to gi via the "open with" menu
02:22.28katyab3tty: i'm not sure, does it show up in apt-cache search?
02:22.47*** join/#debian davix (
02:22.56katyandiswrapper-source - Source for the ndiswrapper linux kernel module <- at least the source is there
02:23.03b3ttykatya, just source and utils
02:23.31katyaunless it comes with your kernel...
02:23.34katyawhich i doubt, really
02:24.21*** join/#debian LordC (
02:24.24b3ttyi guess i have some more reading too do,  am I going to have to compile the kernel aswell as the source ?
02:24.37Jarnhow do I remove oss? I want to use alsa instead, have all my stuff use alsa
02:24.40*** join/#debian agile (~mike@
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02:25.34deadcatJarn: you dont,
02:25.37katyab3tty: i compiled ndiswrapper's driver outside of my kernel without any problem
02:25.52katyab3tty: but i have all my kernel source setup, so make sure you installed it too
02:26.09deadcatb3tty: has a link to .deb source. all you need is kernel-headers-`uname -r` to compile the driver
02:26.10b3ttykatya, ok, ill have to get the source atlesat, then compile it
02:26.21Jarndeadcat: then how do I make things use alsa once its installed?
02:26.36b3ttythanks alot, ill come back if i have any more questions
02:26.44FlimzyJarn: You load the alsa modules instead of the oss modules.
02:26.49deadcatJarn: options within the app
02:26.58FlimzyJarn: Or if you're not using modules, then you just compile the kernel with alsa support instead of oss support.
02:26.58JarnFlimzy: how do I do that?
02:27.04*** part/#debian agile (~mike@
02:27.05deadcatkatya: did you use: deb ./ ?
02:27.47deadcatsgeigerbot: i surrender... )=
02:28.39sgeigerbotdeadcat, the proper response is "Thank you, sir!  May I have another!?"
02:28.48FlimzyJarn: do which?
02:28.55deadcatsgeigerbot: HAHAHAHA.
02:29.01myrenare there any sites which track cultural movements?
02:29.03*** join/#debian SPEEDing|V\oNK (~|V\
02:29.09JarnFlimzy: the modules
02:29.34myreni'm trying to use Wikipedia to find offshoots of the beat generation, but its defiantely not working
02:29.40FlimzyJarn: man insmod/lsmod/modprobe
02:29.45*** join/#debian zbowling (
02:29.47FlimzyJarn: possibly edit /etc/modules
02:30.00abrotmandonde esta gluck?
02:30.14abrotmanstupid dns
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02:31.01JarnFlimzy: oss isnt in /etc/modules. all that is is ide-cd and ide-detect
02:31.15myreni want a subculture database damnit
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02:33.14deadcatJarn: no such module called oss
02:33.31*** join/#debian dasameog408 (
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02:34.19dasameog408who is really good with debian and wants to make money
02:34.30deadcatdasameog408: nope.
02:34.39dasameog408a lot of cash
02:34.44*** join/#debian marco_ (marco@
02:34.49deadcatdasameog408: wrong channel
02:34.59dasameog408buts its debian
02:35.05deadcatdasameog408: just ask the damn q
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02:35.24dasameog408well i need someone to setup a webserver
02:35.27dasameog408ill pay
02:35.33deadcatdasameog408: where?
02:35.41dasameog408debian so far is the only thing that works on my server
02:35.43dasameog408i have a server
02:35.47jond3rddasameog408: you'll pay the plain fare?
02:35.53deadcatjond3rd: (=
02:36.07dasameog408ill pay a lot
02:36.08p8mI like the fancy fares.
02:36.14deadcatfirst class?
02:36.23deadcatwhere they call you sir|maddam
02:36.25jond3rdhmm, book me please :)
02:36.41dasameog408no ill install os
02:36.56dasameog408but someone can ssh and config everything
02:37.02deadcatdasameog408: oh. you mean paypay pay?
02:37.13deadcatdasameog408: too lazy to RTFM?
02:37.41deadcatdasameog408: no you may not /msg me please
02:37.53ryan`anyone have compression working with IPsec under linux 2.6? It's not working for me, the packets seem to be getting dropped. (I'm using debian sarge with racoon to manage the ipsec tunnel)
02:38.02dpkgraccoons are
02:38.03dasameog408ill pay 850
02:38.05dasameog408at least
02:38.21*** join/#debian binarydigit (~bdigit@binarydigit.user)
02:38.27deadcatdasameog408: too much for my blood
02:38.44Chrissy2k5hmm how do i untar a tar.gz to a specified directory .. tar xzfv foo.tar.gz .... something
02:39.02resiakChrissy2k5: man tar
02:39.05deadcatChrissy2k5: tar -option asdf.gz /path dont work?
02:39.18ryan`Chrissy2k5, it's the -C option
02:39.20*** join/#debian MarcosGG (
02:39.33Chrissy2k5Cool ta
02:39.40deadcatah. si
02:39.42jond3rdChrissy2k5: try --directory=/path
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02:39.57MobyTurboChrissy2k5: gzip -dc foo.tar.gz | ( cd /the/path ; tar xvf - )
02:40.08trentbuckI say... my new sarge install sorts files differently to my old sid install.
02:40.16deadcathell. untar then mv
02:40.37*** part/#debian mammoth (
02:40.51trentbuckIn ls, that is.  Instead of placing uppercase files and .foo files first, they get mixed in with the rest of the fiels.
02:41.22deadcattrentbuck: and what distro is this?
02:41.27*** join/#debian |V\oNK (~|V\
02:41.27Chrissy2k5MobyTurbo- was that a piss take ?¿ :|
02:41.36*** join/#debian davix (
02:41.36trentbuckdeadcat: debian/sarge
02:41.44deadcattrentbuck: try export LC_COLLATE=C
02:41.58MobyTurboChrissy2k5: it works fine. Note the closing parentheses that ended up (on my IRC client) on the next line.
02:42.28*** join/#debian agney (~bofh@agney.user)
02:42.50trentbuckdeadcat: Cool, that works.
02:42.57Chrissy2k5sweet cheers moby
02:43.02deadcattrentbuck: must be some locales thats screwing with you.
02:43.28deadcattrentbuck: i think thats the reason i like woody->sid rather than sarge or sarge->sid.
02:44.21*** join/#debian elmunky (
02:44.33trentbuckdeadcat: If I put LC_COLLATE=C; export LC_COLLATE in /etc/profile, that should be fixed for all subsequent login shells (with bash or dash), yes?
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02:45.00*** mode/#debian [+l 781] by debhelper
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02:46.15starscallinghello all!
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02:46.50deadcat'ello there
02:46.53tzafrir_laptopanybody here uses mini-dinstall and can help me debug why it won't get an older version of a certain package?
02:47.18deadcattzafrir_laptop: it never does.
02:47.24*** join/#debian schlurchz (
02:47.35tzafrir_laptops/older/newer/, sorry
02:47.35starscallingwhat about usb drivers?
02:47.43deadcattzafrir_laptop: apt-get update
02:47.45starscallingto get piccy's out of my camera for instance?
02:47.50Jarnhow do I run alsaconf
02:47.59*** join/#debian Chule (~root@
02:48.00deadcatstarscalling: gphoto2
02:48.05tzafrir_laptopdeadcat, I'm trying to use it to build an apt source of locally-created packages
02:48.07dpkgalsa is probably On Sarge, when using a debian 2.6 kernel, to use ALSA, ensure you have discover1 1.7.2 or higher, then apt-get install alsa-base alsa-utils. You may need to run alsaconf too. No more faffing about with OSS modules. Remember to tell your applications and libraries to use alsa, to get any benefit.
02:48.52*** join/#debian mdewand (
02:48.59deadcattzafrir_laptop: dont get it. you want to create a local repository right?
02:49.05Jarndeadcat: i did all that
02:49.07*** part/#debian marco_ (marco@
02:49.11Jarndeadcat: i dont have a program called alsaconf
02:49.24abrotmanyou run it by installing alsaconf for starters
02:49.25bluefox83if i swap my 15" crt monitor out for a 17 or 19" lcd monitor, would i have to change anything first to get it to work?
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02:49.33Jarndeadcat: *slaps self*
02:49.35deadcatJarn: install alsa-base alsa-common
02:49.39Jarndeadcat: i needed to be root
02:49.40abrotmanbluefox83: you'd want to reconfigure X
02:49.42*** join/#debian phin (
02:49.44tzafrir_laptopyes. I have versions 0.0.86, 0.0.87 and 0.0.88 in a directory
02:49.46Jarndeadcat: i did that already, i needed to be root
02:49.54deadcat!bitchslap Jarn like a worthless whore
02:49.58*** join/#debian mepisman (
02:50.00starscallingoh my
02:50.01phinare there any apt sources with fbsplash or bootsplash enabled kernels?
02:50.04tzafrir_laptopI copy them to the incoming dir of mini-dinstalld
02:50.05starscallingcan yall see me now?
02:50.06abrotman!tell starscalling about usb-storage
02:50.11bluefox83abrotman, would i have to do that before or after i hook in the new monitor?
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02:50.21a_monkeyfor some reason when i try to install eterm (apt-get install eterm), i get 404 errors
02:50.22phini dont care if they are third party, im just having a hard time building one correctly and this machine is to slow to sit thru it again
02:50.24deadcatphin: but its old. he doesnt update it no more
02:50.32abrotmanbluefox83: uhm... i guess after .. but it may not start .. so you might need console crap
02:50.37phinthat has a bootsplash enabled kernel thou??
02:50.40phincause i just see the patch
02:50.45phinnot the kernel image
02:50.49a_monkeyshould i use a different mirror?
02:50.52tzafrir_laptopdeadcat, when I run it with --verbose I see it processes the 0.0.86 first
02:50.56abrotmana_monkey: yes
02:50.58deadcatphin: oh no. you have to compile your own.
02:51.07phinsomeone should make some!
02:51.07tzafrir_laptopdeadcat, when I run it with --verbose I see it processes the 0.0.86 last, that is
02:51.10bluefox83abrotman, should i kill X before i do it, so that th emonitor will work?
02:51.16abrotmanbluefox83: you can
02:51.27deadcattzafrir_laptop: oh. using your own .debs during install? that i have no clue.
02:51.31*** join/#debian macks (
02:51.33phini rolled one with fbsplash
02:51.43tzafrir_laptopand all I have of the newer versions is the orig tar. Yes, packages I built on my own
02:51.43a_monkeyabrotman: let me try what should my sources.list look like if i were to use debian's main ftp site
02:51.47a_monkeyabrotman: ?
02:51.49deadcatphin: patch your /etc/init.d/{rc,rcS}
02:51.58phinbut it says that it cant find the VFS or something, and with fbsplash you need initrd for the image
02:52.08Jarnmy arts control applet doesnt seem to be working with alsa
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02:52.51deadcatphin: deb unstable main
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02:52.56nnnnnnwhats the package name for X11 in debian?..
02:53.06deadcatnnnnnn: x-window-system-core
02:53.23phinthats just the patch
02:53.25phinnot a kernel image
02:53.37deadcatphin: you siad you have a kernel already
02:53.42*** part/#debian trentbuck (
02:53.46phinyes it failed thou
02:53.53deadcatphin: then fix it.
02:54.03phinthat would mean a rebuild
02:54.06phinits a vfs error
02:54.08deadcatno shit
02:54.23phinthou i added the controller, device drivers for the ide and the filesystems built in
02:54.27phinso i dunno why it failed
02:54.29*** join/#debian Enolayale (
02:55.00dpkgmooooooo! I am cow, hear me moo, I weigh twice as much as you. I'm a cow, eating grass, methane gas comes out my ass. I'm a cow, you are too; join us all! Type apt-get moo.
02:55.43MobyTurbophin: your usage of "thou" and "dunno" makes you look even stupider than you are.
02:55.48p8mi thought cows burped the methane
02:55.56*** join/#debian ericl (
02:56.10starscallinghaving consulted that bit from the tell thingie
02:56.11deadcatMobyTurbo: maybe hes from the medievel time?
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02:56.38MobyTurbodeadcat: I think thou dost protesth too much
02:56.42smacnayis mgetty-fax the equivalent to hylafax-server+client?
02:56.55starscallingit seems i dont have a /etc/fstab
02:57.05MobyTurbodeadcat: s/I think/methinks/
02:57.06starscallingto make a usb entry in
02:57.17deadcatMobyTurbo: (= yes sire.
02:57.18starscallingthough i do have it partitioned
02:57.27*** join/#debian mwilson (
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02:57.52MobyTurbodeadcat: of course, strictly speaking, the Elisabethan period was not medieval.
02:57.53*** join/#debian danikata (~danik@
02:58.42deadcatMobyTurbo: i should be ashame of myself, being a history major and all and NO clue what the hell you talking about
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02:59.16WiFiTuxwhat program will run RealPlayer files, .rm?
02:59.25deadcatWiFiTux: mplayer xine
02:59.26katyakaffeine, mplayer, xine
02:59.26p8mya, the middle ages ended in the 15th century right?
02:59.42MobyTurbodeadcat: the elisabethan period is around the time Queen Elisabeth I ruled over England, 17th century.
02:59.44deadcatkaffeine IS xine i believe
02:59.44*** join/#debian Basic2EE (
02:59.55deadcatMobyTurbo: that i know (=
03:00.03trentbuckMarillat only has mplayer binaries for i386.  Anywhere I can get them for powerpc?
03:00.05katyadeadcat: then firefox IS gecko
03:00.11deadcatp8m: ~1300s
03:00.15starscallingcrap :P
03:00.22WyzardIs there a way, from a root shell, to run a program with permission to bind to ports below 1024, but no other root capabilities?
03:00.22MobyTurbogtg, brb
03:00.24starscallingi even have sda and sda1 in my /dev
03:00.27*** join/#debian Matt_O (
03:00.29deadcatkatya: arent they just front-end?
03:00.39katyadeadcat: xine-ui is a frontend, for the xine engine
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03:00.54p8mdeadcat: really? I thought it was around the time of Gutenberg, ~1450
03:00.56katyaso.. yeah, pretty much
03:01.16bwlanghow do i disable the boot logo at the kernel boot prompt?   video=vga:off (nor video=vga16:off) does not work
03:01.17deadcatp8m: according to my source. maybe we have diff sources
03:01.43deadcatbwlang: vga=off maybe?
03:01.52*** join/#debian ailas (~ailas@
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03:02.00trentbuckvga=normal, I've always used
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03:02.50dasameog408can u download debian any other way then cd?
03:02.56dondelelcarodasameog408: yes, you can.
03:03.08dondelelcarodasameog408: see the install manual for a full list.
03:03.14deadcatdasameog408: jigdo
03:03.19*** join/#debian TasteOfDeath (
03:03.27dasameog408ill pay someone just for that
03:03.36dondelelcarousb, ftp, nfs, http... the list goes on
03:03.46deadcatdasameog408: your $s no good here.
03:03.50mwilsondasameog408: You'lll pay someone, but you won't read for yourself?
03:03.51dasameog408well i want to use either ftp or http
03:04.11*** join/#debian danikata (~danik@
03:04.22mwilsondasameog408: And...?
03:04.24dondelelcarodasameog408: so get yourself a netinst image or a netinst usb flash drive or something that you can boot your machine, and install via http.
03:04.33dondelelcarodasameog408: it's all documented in the install manual.
03:04.38*** part/#debian Caveman- (~biocorp@caveman.user)
03:04.41dondelelcaro!install manual
03:04.41dpkgextra, extra, read all about it, ig is for woody: ; sarge: ; sid: /msg dpkg iyhtays.
03:04.43dondelelcarodasameog408: ^^^
03:04.49*** join/#debian YorickChan (~yorick@
03:04.52bwlangtrentbuck: i think that's it... thanks
03:05.03trentbuckdasameog408: The "business card" install cd is about 30Mb.
03:05.05*** join/#debian somiaj_ (
03:05.15mwilsondondelelcaro: You know how elitist we are for actually expecting him to read, of course.
03:05.36deadcatmwilson: hes gonna pay someone to read it.
03:05.37deadcati bet
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03:05.56dondelelcarowe're elitist bastards...
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03:06.18deadcatmwilson: is it $$ to live in SD?
03:06.38mwilsondondelelcaro: Well, considering how few people can even read these days, it's actually pretty elitist to make that skill a requirement.
03:06.44mwilsondeadcat: Yeah.
03:06.44trentbuckdondelelcaro: Every time you say that a newbie likes Gentoo :-)
03:06.45danikatahi all
03:07.02dondelelcarotrentbuck: I should say it more often then...
03:07.03danikatahow to start cups service ?
03:07.03mwilsondeadcat: Highest gas prices in the nation again this week, right here.
03:07.13*** join/#debian LordLamer (
03:07.20mwilsontrentbuck: Who cares what newbies like?
03:07.28deadcatmwilson: damn. crazy man.. CA is too $$
03:07.32*** join/#debian sharth (
03:07.36ChompWizd91.7 a liter here for regular, just south of detroit
03:07.42ChompWizdwhatever that is in american dollars :)
03:07.45bwlangtrentbuck: nope... i still get tux up there...
03:07.46starscallingi found everything for the stupid usb thing
03:08.01starscallingjust how do i edit that darn file to make a entry ?
03:08.02stewChompWizd: they sell gas by the liter near detroit?
03:08.17ChompWizdstew: in windsor, yes :)
03:09.03mwilsondeadcat: Yeah, it's not cheap.  Fortunately, I have cheap tastes, so I'm OK.
03:09.04ChompWizdabout 3 bucks a gallon for unleaded, if i calculated it right
03:09.35ChompWizdgoogle calculator won't do "91.7 cents per liter in us dollars per gallon"
03:09.55starscallingits about 4 of em
03:10.07ChompWizdmaybe if i put some brackets in? :D
03:10.21starscallingim sorry to keep buggling all yall
03:10.26shingouzChompWizd: 3.8 liters per gallon
03:10.26*** join/#debian Shamilton0360 (
03:10.30starscallingbut how do i edit that /etc/fstab file
03:10.33starscallingdo add an entry?
03:10.47deadcatmwilson: it doesnt seem to give me a list of classes required for this major:
03:11.04cplxfuel is so cheap in the us..
03:11.11cplxstupid subsidization
03:11.17*** part/#debian Shamilton0360 (
03:11.33cplxlook at us here in aus, we pay what everyone else should be.. and we have the oil here
03:11.43trentbuckstarscalling: you are trying to mount a usb key?
03:11.52kasperi've changed the login manager in /etc/X11/default-display-manager but still no dice do i need to change any other locates?
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03:12.04bwlangif i have video=vga16:off  (which is what the deb manual says... but do i need something else in the kernel to make that effective?
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03:12.53dasameog408can i like install via usb drive
03:13.49trentbuckdasameog408: If you can boot from the USB drive, yes.
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03:14.28jefffohey, i want to make a server out of an old 200 mhz box. a webserver..will this suit my needs?
03:14.41MarcosGGhello, from argentina, i have a little problem with cache mem; i just want to decrease the amount of RAM used for cache operations
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03:14.56zinxMarcosGG: why the heck do you want to do that?
03:15.22MarcosGGjeje, zinx, it is dificult to say it in english... but i will try
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03:16.00stewMarcosGG: unless your answer is, "i want to make my machine slower" then you dont' want to decreace the memory used for cache
03:16.02zinxMarcosGG: the kernel discards the cache when an application needs the memory it's taking up
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03:16.30zinxMarcosGG: and cache helps quite a bit with disk access (i.e., not doing disk access, which is very slow)
03:16.36MarcosGGmi PC has 128 mb of RAM. Ok? well, 50mb are used in cache operations, so, i think that with less cache, the apps should run faster.
03:16.45zinxMarcosGG: you think wrong.
03:16.52zinxMarcosGG: the kernel discards the cache when an application needs the memory it's taking up
03:17.09zinxMarcosGG: your system will run slower if you lower the amount of cache.
03:17.16MarcosGGbut, zinx, I must test diferent configurations to tune the system, this configuration is very generic
03:17.33MarcosGGzinx, I must try it.
03:17.36jefffowill a 200mhz cpu run debian as a webserver decently?
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03:18.27zinxMarcosGG: turn the 'swappiness' way down. (/proc/sys/vm/swappiness)
03:18.31CompWizrdjeffo: what's your intended load/connection?
03:18.33zinxMarcosGG: that's as close as you're going to get.
03:18.34MarcosGGand, zinx, my PC is not a server, it is used to make MUSIC, so, I need the ram to be free, and to be oriented to another things than cache.
03:18.53cafuegoAnd then the optus pacific link went dead...
03:18.53*** join/#debian dds_ (
03:19.00dds_so, I'm trying to fix this machine, right...
03:19.12zinxMarcosGG: If it's not needed, it is used as cache.  Free ram is _WASTED_ ram.
03:19.13dds_and it seems that most of the coreutils are corrupted
03:19.18mwilsonMarcosGG: So, what you're saying is that you have no clue how memory management works, and aren't interested in being told, right?
03:19.33tzafrir_laptopBefore I spend hours debugging mini-dinstall: any other reasonable alternative for maintaing a local apt source?
03:19.35MarcosGGwait just a moment please mwilsonm
03:19.37MarcosGGwait just a moment please mwilson
03:19.40dds_they segfault, don't follow proper options, etc.. like cp, grep, mv, and ln
03:19.50dds_I'm sitting in a sash
03:19.50CompWizrdmarcosgg: ram usage in debian isn't like the way windows presents it
03:20.11dds_I copy over some replacements from a known good machine, check that the md5sums are different before and after installation, and use them for a while..
03:20.13dds_everything's fine
03:20.19dds_then I try to upgrade libc6 using apt
03:20.22MarcosGGaja, CompWizrd
03:20.28dds_it fails (so far a variety of ways)
03:20.51dds_but the really interesting thing is that after I'm done, those binaries have been reverted to the versions they were before I copied new ones over
03:20.53mwilsondds_: Why are you trying to replace your libc6?  Other than trying to kill the machine, of course.
03:21.07CompWizrdi uninstalled libc6 once.. that was a fun machine to fix
03:21.22dds_mwilson, the machine is already dead, I'm trying to figure out why all of the coreutils programs keep dying, just read the rest.
03:21.22MarcosGGi think tha i must try diferent configurations to obtain the results i need
03:21.30mwilsondds_: There are far easier ways to kill the machine.
03:21.40zinxMarcosGG: from the view of the application wanting more memory, you can see cache/buffers as being free.  as soon as the application requests more memory, it will take it from the memory that is being used for cache/buffers
03:21.48mwilsonMarcosGG: And we all think you need to leave things that you don't understand alone.
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03:21.54zinxMarcosGG: I think you need to listen to people that have more of a clue than you.
03:22.13dds_mwilson, the machine is already dead. This whole problem started because the machine wouldn't boot. Apparently, whenever any startup script ran grep, grep would just print it's copyright information and hang.
03:22.17MarcosGGwell, i am listening.
03:22.31stewMarcosGG: decreasing the amount of cache will make your machine slower, not faster
03:22.35mwilsonMarcosGG: No, you're not listening, you're telling us all that we're wrong.  We're not wrong.
03:22.42cafuegoMarcosGG: No, you're not. You've been two THREE times already.
03:22.46jetscreameramerica: it's not just a melting pot, it's a crockpot
03:22.52dds_so, brought it up with init=/bin/sh and walked the person sitting at the machine through enough so I could ssh in, and have been inspecting from there.
03:23.06dds_why on earth would the binaries be reverting to these broken segfaulting ones
03:23.16CompWizrddds: rootkit?
03:23.19dds_I am thinking bad RAM, but even that doesn't explain this well.
03:23.21cafuegoMarcosGG: Linux uses all you ram as cache. When an application needs ram, linux makes the cache smaller and gives the ram to the application. End of story.
03:23.43zinxdds_: get memtest86 :/
03:23.48dds_CompWizrd, that idea is lurking in the back of my mind but considering that this machine was sitting behind a firewall with the only accessible port being ssh...
03:23.49cafuegodds_: busted disk?
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03:24.05dds_zinx, yeah, planning on that, just need to find a way to teach the gf to use dd to make the floppy ;)
03:24.16zinxdds_: hehe :)
03:24.17dds_(I happen to be about 11,000 km away from this machine...?)
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03:24.30dds_cafuego, possibly, but the disk was replaced roughly 8 months ago...
03:24.33MarcosGGcafuego, that is the short way of telling me how it works, thanks, it was not to get angry
03:24.37zinxdds_: actually, i think there's a script to make one
03:24.43dds_cafuego, and if it was a busted disk, I would be seeing stuff in dmesg methinks...
03:24.51dds_zinx, oh yeah, it writes directly to fd0
03:24.55zinxdds_: in the memtest86+ package
03:24.56stewdds_: cp is easier than dd
03:25.05cafuegoMarcosGG: Ram that isn't used by an application AND isn't used as cache is a waste.
03:25.31dds_stew, true
03:25.36dds_zinx, right right
03:25.45dds_so, we'll run the memtest86 and see what happens
03:25.52dds_but just the strangest thing...
03:26.05MarcosGGcafuego: I can understand perfectly that, but I just think tha I must try some things to see with my own eyes how them work
03:26.20jefffocompwizard, mabey light to medium traffick, with about 38k upstream. think an old 200 mhz box can run debain with apache reasobaly?
03:26.25cafuegoMarcosGG: You can try all you like, it's just a waste of time <heh>
03:26.28dds_I hate prematurely blaming hardware, but, damnit, if binaries are changing md5sums between invocations... I think busted libc6 or busted RAM (and that busted libc6 may be a rootkit)
03:26.45zinxdds_: you're not blaming it.. you're ruling it out..
03:26.54dds_zinx, yeah true
03:26.58MarcosGGfor example, you are saying me, cafuego, that all PCs with Linux in the world must have the same configuration?
03:27.07CompWizrdjeffo: depends on what you're doing.. if it's straight static stuff, i wouldn't be surprised if that 200mhz machine can keep up with  a t1
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03:27.22dds_(just getting the system up to the point that I have it now that I can ssh in and poke is so much work that rebooting seems like quitting)
03:27.25CompWizrdget into heavy databases and stuff, or something memory intensive, who knows
03:28.05zignigjefffo: if you are just serving static pages then sure , but php , database or zope(bleh) not so much.
03:28.09stousetArgh, this is getting aggravating. Within five minutes of booting, I start having a problem where every other second, the machine freezes, unfreezes, freezes, unfreezes.
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03:28.37stousetIt makes me think that something which blocks every second is being polled.
03:28.52stousetThis occurs in X and the console as well.
03:29.06jefffocompwizard thanks, its a site with news, and also it needs to be interactive, as in users can post thier thoughts in a "blog" type deal. dosent this need php/my sql?
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03:30.24witlesshow can i get my system to mount a usb hard disk automatically, both startup (when HD is present) and when it's plugged in?
03:30.24dasameog408is there a miniinst
03:31.11ethicswell you could put a script to mount the USB drive.......the hard part is getting it to fire automatically when hotplug finds it
03:31.50stousetAnyone have an idea what that might be?
03:31.50stousetIt gets in the way of typing.
03:31.59witlessethics: yeah
03:32.19stousetFor instance, if I try to type this sentence at normal speed: For ince, if I trype this senten tnormal speed
03:32.42ysothothstouset: Check top
03:32.55stousetysothoth: no luck there
03:32.56mwilsondasameog408: Still haven't read the installation guide, huh?
03:33.10stousetI think something is blocking; wouldn't be a CPU issue.
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03:33.53MarcosGGwell, some one knows how to configure de cache by my self?
03:33.57ethicswitless:  perhaps you could make something like IFup/ifdown.....
03:34.00dondelelcarostouset: there's almost nothing that could be blockign like that.
03:34.09*** join/#debian Agrajag- (
03:34.13cafuegoMarcosGG: As far as cache/rma use is concerned, pretty much. I bet the kernel developers know much better then you (or me) how to tweak it for performance.
03:34.17dondelelcarostouset: you may have triggered some wierd kernel bug, or if you're using X, X is having issues.
03:34.23ysothothstouset: If you remove gdm/xdm, so you get no x, does it still do it?
03:34.32Agrajag-hey all - is there a debianised way of install perl modules that are on cpan that aren't packaged?
03:34.41stousetysothoth: aye
03:34.42dondelelcaroAgrajag-: yes. dh-make-perl
03:34.47Agrajag-great, ta
03:34.49MarcosGGyes, cafuego, i agree
03:34.49ysothothstouset: Are you using a standard debian kernel image?
03:34.57stousetdon: it's not X, if I quit X same problem
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03:35.02stousetysothoth: aye
03:35.03zinxMarcosGG: there are tweakable things in /proc/sys/vm/, if you really must.
03:35.13dondelelcaroAgrajag-: ala: apt-get install dh-make-perl build-essential fakeroot; dh-make-perl --build --cpan Foo::Bar;
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03:35.29mtrujillocomo estan?
03:35.35dpkgHispanohablantes: Por favor usen #debian-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.  Spanish Speakers: Please use #debian-es, there you will get much more help.
03:35.36ysothothstouset: Anything plugged into your computer like usb, firewire devices?
03:35.37MarcosGG25      50
03:35.37MarcosGG, show that
03:35.42stousetdondelelcaro: I'm stopping daemons but no luck
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03:35.48stousetysothoth: nothing
03:36.01ethicswitless:  when hotplug finds USB devices it pumps out a message in syslog or somewhere.....maybe you could mod hotplug to fire a script after it finds a USBFS device or something
03:36.12cafuegoMarcosGG: So now you get to spend 2 days reading what they are and what twekaing them does.
03:36.15dondelelcarostouset: it's almost impossible for anything but the kernel or hardware to be causing that type of issue.
03:36.35dondelelcarostouset: so either change kernel versions, or check out your hardware.
03:36.43MarcosGGyes, i do not want to disturb you, I just come here because I dont find anithing in man pages, sorry
03:36.43ysothothI am going to have to agree, you may have really bizarre hardware
03:36.56witlessethics: thx. reading hotplug site now
03:36.56stousetdondelelcaro: tha =\
03:37.03stousetdondelelcaro: thanks =\
03:37.54ethicswitless:  NP there must be a way to do it because magic can see cameras from hotplug automatically i think
03:38.03MarcosGGcafuego, do you know some music made just with GNU/Linux?
03:38.07ysothothInstall the 386 version of the kernel image if you are using the 686/k7/etc ones
03:38.09starscallingwhat if
03:38.18starscallingyou have the usb drives partitioned and all
03:38.23starscallingjust there is no entry in um
03:38.42starscallingmount: can't find /mnt/usb in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab
03:38.44starscallinghello :P
03:38.52stewwitless: you can drop a script in /etc/hotplug/usb
03:39.35ethicsstew,witless:  yeah thats where magic endsup i think
03:40.09stewethics: read the docs in /usr/share/doc/hotplug
03:40.10mtrujillowhat is the best fronend to firewall in iptables??????
03:40.18*** join/#debian FireEgl (Ariel@Atlantica.US)
03:40.20mwilsonmtrujillo: Define "best".
03:40.24mtrujillofor debian
03:40.41sotomtrujillo scripts
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03:41.01ethicsmtrujillo:  alot use firestarter but if your getting beyond the basics scripts are the go
03:41.07mwilsonmtrujillo: Again, define "best".
03:41.15cafuegoMarcosGG: /dev/urandom is full of music
03:41.34mtrujillothe best one
03:41.38starscallingwell crap
03:41.39ysothothHeh... all this time I thougt there was an init.d/iptables script in debian but apparently I just picked that up from someplace else
03:41.40deadcatya. /dev/urandom was playing "damn it feels good to be a gangsta" last time.
03:41.54ethicsmtrujillo: the BEST one is the one that does the job you need...
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03:42.05Bac9ysothoth: it's in one of the packages
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03:42.17mwilsonmtrujillo: Apparently you don't have any idea what the word "define" means.
03:42.17ryan`ysothoth: it's in the iptables package....
03:42.31ryan`ysothoth: It begs you not to use it though.
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03:42.53ethicsmtrujillo:  what do you need to do?
03:43.07MarcosGGyes, cafuego, but it is just pi pit
03:43.08ysothothryan`: Must be in examples then.
03:43.25danikatahow to activate cups service ?
03:43.39cafuegodanikata: /etc/init.d/cupsys start
03:43.51ethicsdanikata  /etc/init.d/cupsd start
03:43.58mtrujillobetter I follow with my project
03:44.01*** join/#debian Kupal[]__ (
03:44.02ryan`ysothoth: it doesn't install itself as /etc/init.d/iptables by default.
03:44.08ysothothryan`: Gotcha.
03:44.14zignigryan`: not any more.
03:44.21zignigryan`: its in iptables doc.
03:44.27zignigryan`: for sarge anyway
03:44.29ryan`in sarge?
03:44.31themusicgod1I have observed that kcontrol crashes under predictable conditions (when certain 'modules'(?) of which I have a list of are clicked).  I have looked through the bug list (it's a big one), and I'm pretty sure the condition is not there, and I have recently upgraded kcontrol through dselect.  Is there a reason why not to send a bugreport, and if not is there anything outside of reinstalling kde (ugh) that can be done to aid the tracking down of the bug
03:44.33danikataok thk cafuego, ethics
03:44.33TypeRiteHi. I'm setting up a new server and need some things in Sarge that Woody doesn't have. I actually use Sid on my laptop and have no problems with it, but am not so sure how manageable that will be as the number of servers I maintain grows. If I decide to use Sarge, does it get security updates as decently as Woody and Sid do, even while it's not (yet) the stable branch?
03:44.43Kupal[]__operator: you know where the mozilla team meets? or mozilla freaks?
03:44.45ryan`any of you use ipsec under 2.6?
03:45.00ryan`or know where i could get some help with it on irc?
03:45.04deadcatKupal[]__: mission district in SF.
03:45.05ysothothTypeRite: Sarge won't get security updates regularly until it is tagged stable
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03:45.19ysothothTypeRite: So ya takes ya chances.
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03:45.37WiFiTuxHas someone heard of a Looking Glass beta... Would be cool to have it running on debian.
03:45.51trentbuckWiFiTux: IIRC you have to build it from sources.
03:45.51*** join/#debian LordC (
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03:45.56Kupal[]__ryan`: ipsec is tough.. ppl who know it don't wanna talk about cause it takes an iq of 175 to truly understand it. Then it takes alinux grun (iq of 130+ w/ cofee addiction) to deploy it.
03:45.57*** join/#debian Lonny (
03:46.01trentbuckGo to the dev page off the main Looking Glass site.
03:46.02mtrujilloI want to mount firewall like service
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03:46.22ryan`Kupal[]__: I have it working.
03:46.23WiFiTuxtrentbuck, I don't see it there. Is it alrady available???
03:46.26Kupal[]__ryan: find a guide, goto the library spend 4 weeks on it. Or use openvpn and tun devices.
03:46.29Kupal[]__ryan your smart.
03:46.34ryan`Kupal[]__: BUT...
03:46.34ethicsTypeRite: having said that Sarge is commonly used as the current release..stable should be just around the corner..
03:46.40TypeRiteOkay. Does anyone here maintain many (hrmm... does 10 count as many?) production servers running Sid? Any tips on how to manage a setup like that?
03:46.42themusicgod1Kupal[]__: what kind of modifier are you suggesting a coffee addiction has on intelligence there ? :D
03:46.47ryan`Kupal[]__: it stops working when I enable ipcomp
03:46.49Kupal[]__ryan you use Im at all?
03:46.51*** part/#debian BigBlockO (
03:46.57ethics<-----:  got ipsec working right
03:47.05Kupal[]__So did i on some ciscos.
03:47.12Kupal[]__but did you understand it.. or did you do it?
03:47.14ryan`kaplanfx, Ryan Castellucci on aim.
03:47.15trentbuckWiFiTux: I can't recall.  I lost interest when I looked at the Java dependencies.
03:47.26ysothothTypeRite: You might not want to use sid
03:47.27danikatait can't .. the message is : bash: /etc/init.d/cupsd: No such file or directory
03:47.45Kupal[]__i got masq working and done some iptables tricks, yet i shouldn't instruct anyone on it.
03:47.46WiFiTuxtrentbuck, dependencies? Well is not only to install Java plugins?
03:47.50mwilsondanikata: Considered installing it before you try to use it?
03:48.15WiFiTuxtrentbuck, make-jpkg?
03:48.23ethicsKupal:  whats to understand.....public key, private key.......  roadwarrior mode is quirky in early versions but all worked well enough....about a year ago i did that last tho
03:48.24danikatahow to install cups ? im newbie.. ill try to apt-get install cups
03:48.29Kupal[]__ryan`: just added you.
03:48.55ryan`Kupal[]__, ANyway. I set it up on 2.6 under racoon in about an hour, but when I use compression, it fails to decompress my packets.
03:49.01simonrvndanikata: cupsys
03:49.05ethicsdanikata:   apt-cache search cups   gives you the apt-getinstall names
03:49.13mtrujillosomebody knows ferm
03:49.15trentbuckWiFiTux: make-jpkg?  I can't see it in my sarge repository.
03:49.17simonrvndanikata: probably want cupsys-client too
03:49.21ryan`kinda confusing, compression works, decompression doesn't :/
03:49.26ethicsdanikata:  i think all you want is under cupsys
03:49.33Kupal[]__ethics.. yeah but did you setup a CA? your running ipsec. but your really couldn't goto  a windows box and set it up. now if you KNEW it you could .. Just as if it where DNS cause an A record is an A record and PKI chain is a PKI chain.
03:49.34simonrvnethics: they're called package names
03:49.43Kupal[]__anyone lets not troll. i won't continue.
03:49.48WiFiTuxtrentbuck, Installing java is as easy as doing make-jpkg javadownload.bin and done.
03:49.50Kupal[]__err tired. i mean anyhow.
03:50.16ryan`Kupal[]__: my application does not require speaking with windows.
03:50.34WiFiTuxtrentbuck, apt-get install java-package
03:50.50trentbuckWiFiTux: I use the blackdown version when I have to...
03:50.51Kupal[]__danikata or do apt-get install `apt-cache search cups | awk {'print $1'}` and watch me laugh as you put apt through hell downloading bloat.
03:50.53ryan`so I don't really care.
03:50.59trentbuckWiFiTux: But the fact is that I just plain don't like Java.
03:51.05WiFiTuxtrentbuck, oh, so do you recall on where was the source?
03:51.06kingsleyWhich linux command, if any, will report the parameters defining a Microsoft Windows file system? (For example, whether it's FAT16 or FAT32, how big it is, etc...)
03:51.10trentbuckWiFiTux: The doc you wanted was LC_COLLATE=C
03:51.11trentbuckexport LC_COLLATE
03:51.18trentbuckWhoops, wrong cut buffer.
03:51.28WiFiTuxtrentbuck, Java is heavy, yeah.
03:51.37Kupal[]__ryan`: its not my point. My point is, the guy your looking for doesn't exist cause you will get someone who will wanna change your whole conf to match his. you will walk backwards and not really know it.. but very cool either way man..
03:51.45Kupal[]__im a pestimest tonight.. sorry.. i will stfu.
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03:53.27Kupal[]__well im goign to bed. i need to find someone that can answer a M$ enviroment question it being: anyone know if t-bird on ntfs has issues with mbox sizes, or a client that will use maildir style folders so one doesn't need to worry about profile sizes. after all these workstations have fucking 20gb of free storages and our problem is grossely annoying.
03:54.02trentbuckSylpheed uses MH mailboxes.  You can get it on Windows.
03:54.03poonjhey guys..
03:54.12poonjI am trying to set the default printer for cups...
03:54.21Kupal[]__WiFiTux: check out java is doomed on sourceforge, opengl using java.,
03:54.36poonjlpadmin -d <printer>.  However, when I print using lpr, its still using my other printer instead.  what am I doing wrong?
03:54.49trentbuckKupal[]__: what project on SF?
03:55.29danikatathere is cupsys in my system
03:55.44danikatabut i still can activate
03:55.53danikatai cant activate
03:56.19themusicgod1prboom causes me motion sickness.  Is this a user/meatware error?
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03:56.49Kupal[]__a ./ ed announcement regarding a java code zoo.
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03:57.45mwilsonpoonj: Using lpr instead of lp?
03:58.04poonjmwilson:  yeah..
03:58.08poonjuse lp?
03:58.11Kupal[]__mwilson: hi :)
03:58.23Kupal[]__thomas_adam: been awhile your prolly not there. Just saing hi .. :)
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03:58.30mwilsonpoonj: Having a PRINTER variable set to other than where you think the output should go?
03:58.43thomas_adamKupal[]__: Err...
03:58.49thomas_adamKupal[]__: Remind me who you are?
03:58.50poonjI didn't set it..
03:58.54Kupal[]__thomas_adam: kerpal
03:59.02thomas_adamAh, right.  Hello.  :)
03:59.03poonjsetenv PRINTER <printer>?
03:59.05Kupal[]__thomas_adam: cheerio :)
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03:59.34Kupal[]__thomas_adam: you know about ipsec pretty heavy right?
03:59.49thomas_adamKupal[]__: No more so than Smoothwall or ipcop.
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04:00.18Kupal[]__okay doke, ryan` was asking about something.. figured you be one of the few who knew.
04:00.18thomas_adamKupal[]__: Much of a muchness, as with anything.
04:00.20mwilsonpoonj: Using lpadmin instead of lpoptions to set the default printer?
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04:00.29mwilsonpoonj: I can read, you see.
04:00.42danikatahow to see or edit services in debian ?
04:00.49Starbaneis there a decent doc out there for sasl+pam-mysql on Debian out there?  Seems like every time I have to set up sasl on Debian, something else is broken.
04:01.04Kupal[]__thomas_adam: more than anything IMHO, its sad its prolly why is so damn secure. security through confusion. well im going to bed. just wanted to shout out.
04:01.20poonjmwilson:  I was using lpadmin because I thought I could set it to be system wide rather than for the user
04:01.28thomas_adamdanikata: rcconf, most likely.
04:01.44mwilsonpoonj: You can.  And then the user can set a different one and the user's configuration wins.
04:01.54*** part/#debian mtrujillo (marco@
04:02.02poonjaccording to the man page...if you feel I didn't read...says that after setting the default printer, I could use another printer using lpoptions
04:02.09*** part/#debian Kupal[]__ (
04:02.14mwilsonpoonj: Since you give zero details, I'm just free-associating things that could be causing your problem.  That's what you wanted, right?  Someone to guess?
04:02.27danikatahow thomas_adam ? im new bie
04:02.38*** join/#debian dasameog408 (
04:02.44thomas_adamdanikata: No, you mor on.  apt-cache search rcconf.
04:02.44poonjmwilson:  I'm sorry for not being clear on the problem
04:02.49poonjanyhow...thanks for the tips
04:03.00dasameog408any1 know if i have to change bios to boot from usb disk
04:03.26mwilsonIt's amazing how many people will tell you they're newbies in one breath, and in the next breath tell you they think they have some sort of business making $RANDOM_CONFIGURATION_CHANGE to the box.
04:03.32trentbuckdasameog408: Probably.  It varies between bioses.
04:04.04dasameog408well does any1 know how to do it
04:04.09saslsucksAH!  That's what I was missing. ./configure sasl --with-${RANDOMCRAP}
04:04.26*** join/#debian colbinator (
04:04.36mwilsondasameog408: You'll have to wait until "any1" joins the channel.  He's not here right now.
04:04.57zinxmwilson: but omg i can make my box run better just tell me how to change it!@#!
04:04.58*** mode/#debian [+l 765] by debhelper
04:05.04mwilsondasameog408: What did you not understand about "it varies between BIOSes"?
04:05.36saslsucksdasameog408:  Exactly what model PC/MB are we talking about here?
04:06.01Lonnyhey....I am having trouble getting my network interfaces up
04:06.24Lonnywhenever I try to put them up, I get ..
04:06.27Lonny...1 second
04:06.28dasameog408any1 know a good place to get this iso is sloww
04:06.51*** join/#debian bluefox83 (
04:07.06*** join/#debian Avantopia (~Avantopia@
04:07.08Lonnyok, I get 'interface name is to long'
04:07.13Lonnyanyone know what is wrong?
04:07.21thomas_adamIt's not even Sunday, yet...
04:07.28bluefox83how do i find out my resolution? ( i removed all the possible settings in X cus it said it'd use th ehighest possible resolution)
04:07.36*** join/#debian TheEmperor (~mattn@
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04:07.47thomas_adambluefox83: xwininfo / xrandr | grep ^*
04:08.39starscallingoh my\
04:08.44bluefox83thomas_adam, that didn't work..just gave me a list of options..
04:08.53trentbuckxwininfo -root | grep Width\\\|Height
04:08.56starscallingif only i could edit my little /etc/fstab so my usb would work >.<
04:09.07danikatathk thomas_adam.. i success
04:09.17mwilsonstarscalling: What would the one have to do with the other?
04:09.18thomas_adamdanikata: Well done.
04:10.08thomas_adambluefox83: I should have known, given your track record, you wouldn't have read 'man xwininfo'...
04:10.41bluefox83thomas_adam, i can't really read it..i can *barely* read whats in here
04:10.56thomas_adambluefox83: Why's that?
04:10.56danikatathomas_adam : now i work with debian that i installed in different pc (home pc).. and i using it in office pc. in other word i use same harddrive on different pc, its work fine
04:11.12thomas_adamdanikata: ... so?
04:11.16danikatai only reconfigure x server
04:11.18bluefox83thomas_adam, i dunno, everything is pretty blurry and the text is really thin
04:11.25danikataisn it ok ?
04:11.29thomas_adambluefox83: Get some glasses.
04:11.34thomas_adamdanikata: I don't understand what you're asking me.
04:11.37danikataor i just lucky ?
04:11.42trentbuckbluefox83: If you're in an xterm, do Shift + Keypad_Plus
04:11.43bluefox83thomas_adam, i have a 19" lcd monitor, it shuldn't look like this!!!!
04:12.23thomas_adambluefox83: Let me guess -- you had a CRT monitor before your LCD one, and just swapped them over, and didn't bother to reconfigure X11....
04:12.42mwilsonWhat does the size of the monitor have to do with it?
04:12.54bluefox83thomas_adam, actually i did reconfigure x
04:12.54mwilsonbluefox83: What is the native resolution of the monitor?
04:13.46*** join/#debian alkoma (
04:13.59danikatais that ok that i use debian from my harddrive that i usually move and using it into one pc to another ?
04:14.21thomas_adamdanikata: It deoends.
04:14.23mwilsonIt's a 19" LCD, and the native resolution is only 1280x1024?  Why do I find that unlikely?
04:14.31danikatadepends on what ?
04:14.38bluefox83i have the box right in front of me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
04:14.50thomas_adam!tell bluefox83 -about punctuation
04:14.53bluefox83says max. resolution 1280x1024
04:16.45mwilsonI didn't ask you what the max was, I asked you what the native resolution was.
04:17.31trentbuckmwilson: It's true.  I had to buy a 21" LCD to get "1600x1200 supported" on the box.
04:17.33deadcatmwilson: doesnt seem like links has -g unless you compile it yourself. -g is in links2
04:17.48random0neGreetings.  Can anyone point me to a multi-host ping program (like fping or poing).  I am looking for something that displays ping statistics like mtr, but without a traceroute.  Thank you.
04:17.54*** join/#debian hairy_potter (
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04:19.35jbAUis this request tracker?
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04:19.46danikatathomas_adam : i want to get  my debian home system always update, and i didn have internet connection in home. so i bring and install my debian harddrive to office, isnt it become problem for me ?
04:19.47*** join/#debian glguy (~eric@glguy.user)
04:20.11jbAUhi all, anyone had much experience with request tracker?  i just want to know something about sending e-mails to the rt server...
04:20.20danikatasorry thomas... im difficult to tell in english
04:20.20thomas_adamdanikata: Why not use apt-zip or apt-move ?
04:20.35danikataapt-zip ?
04:20.53thomas_adamdanikata: apt-cache show apt-zip
04:20.54hairy_potterdanikata: it might. depending on how the BIOS settings, IDE settings differ from office to home
04:20.57danikatacould u goive me an example ?
04:21.05thomas_adamdanikata: I am not your donkey.
04:21.11Solethow is the x server config error "screen(s) found but none have usable configuration" fixed?
04:21.21thomas_adamSolet: Christ.
04:21.23jbAUdanikata: apt-cache search apt-zip
04:21.26danikatasorry thomas
04:21.33thomas_adamjbAU: No.
04:21.37thomas_adamjbAU: See above.
04:21.53jbAUthomas_adam: duly noted
04:21.53thomas_adamSolet: /msg dpkg no screens found
04:22.13CompWizrdmost 17 and 19" lcd's are 1280x1024, yes
04:22.21*** join/#debian mexcore (
04:22.24CompWizrd19" lcd is nice for old people who can't see small stuff :)
04:22.44CompWizrdmost of the 20 and 21" i've seen are 1600x1200, dell has a lovely 24" that's 1920x1200
04:23.01mexcorequick question i cant get debian to install on this box i have and  the only thing i can get to install on it for some reason is fc3 and i really hate redhat i cant even get windows to install on it anyway to do a image install of debian?
04:23.22thomas_adammexcore: /ms dpkg d-i
04:23.23deadcatCompWizrd: would be hard to find a decent background image (=
04:23.29Soletthomas_adam: that was the (EE) message!
04:23.35thomas_adamSolet: I know!
04:23.39CompWizrddeadcat: if i had a dell 2405fpw, i wouldn't complain about the background image problem :)
04:23.41mexcorethomas /ms?
04:23.41Soletand thats the only (EE) msg in that log
04:23.48thomas_adammexcore: /msg
04:23.48deadcatCompWizrd: true i guess heheh
04:23.52CompWizrdit supports video in as well.. composite, component and svideo
04:23.57CompWizrdit can do picture in picture, and picture by picture
04:24.04Soletthe bot says look at the log for more info... and there isnt anymore info
04:24.08*** part/#debian starscalling (
04:24.11thomas_adammexcore: Any problems you get with that, ask in #debian-boot
04:24.20thomas_adamSolet: Lying is bad.
04:24.34thomas_adamSolet: Did Mummy not tell you that?
04:24.59trentbuckthomas_adam: what about harping?
04:25.19thomas_adamtrentbuck: Hmm?
04:25.34trentbucknm, my puns are playing up.
04:26.05thomas_adamtrentbuck: Or just idiosyncratic.
04:26.52CompWizrdirc would work so much nicer if it was token ring
04:26.57CompWizrdinstead of collisions like ethernet
04:27.43trentbuckCompWizrd: I thought IRC was application-level?
04:27.44*** join/#debian JoshH (
04:28.31daffy-pkfdid someone here followed the linux from scratch installation? can i use a debian kernel image without any problem?
04:28.32CompWizrdi blame thomas_adam for this.
04:28.37kaplanfxdamn aptitude can be dangerous sometimes
04:28.44thomas_adamCompWizrd: No, your definitions are all fucked.
04:28.48CompWizrdyou started it!
04:28.56*** join/#debian colby (
04:29.14CompWizrdi guess channels are VLAN's
04:29.16thomas_adamkaplanfx: To the clueless, yes.
04:30.23kaplanfxthomas_adam: well in this case it wanted to remove some core packages, but it didn't give me a list.  Lucky I caught it
04:30.30kaplanfxapt-get didn't want to do the same
04:31.24starbaneTurns out something broken in Debian sarge sasl packages.  Back to the compiler, I guess.
04:31.30starbaneMight as well run slack at this point.
04:31.47*** join/#debian colby|other (
04:32.44dondelelcarostarbane: so file a bug already.
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04:37.00jbAUstarbane: what ver of sasl are you using?
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04:38.34starbanedondelelcaro:  It's already in and 240 days old.
04:38.38Soletcould any of the 'modules' i have to select inthe xserver configuration prgm be the reason my xserver wont start?
04:40.04*** join/#debian sTone_heAd (~rudy@2001:5c0:8fff:fffe:0:0:0:2061)
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04:40.23bluefox83ok, changing the config file didn't help
04:40.31bluefox83how do i fix my resolution?
04:40.55marinosbluefox83: in what ?
04:41.17marinosedit /etc/X11/XF86Config-4.orig
04:41.21marinosedit /etc/X11/XF86Config-4
04:41.25bluefox83already did
04:41.43bluefox83anymore ideas?
04:41.50marinosprobably not correct
04:42.10bluefox83i set the resolution my new monitor's manual suggests
04:42.42bluefox83this is nuts, there has to be an easier way to do this..
04:42.42marinoshod did you do that ?
04:42.54marinosdid you restart X ?
04:42.58bluefox83i opened it in an editor (vi) and changed it
04:43.05bluefox83of course i restarted X
04:43.12*** join/#debian Routed (
04:43.25marinosynd did you changed in the correct place
04:43.39bluefox83evidentally not..
04:43.46deadcatdpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86 maybe
04:43.46*** join/#debian itsblah| (
04:44.05ethics<marinos> Bluefox83:  isnt there a apt-reconfigure that does the whole thing again?
04:44.20ethicsyeah that souns right
04:44.21marinosi mean if you have   DefaultDepth 24   go to SubSection "Display" with Depth 16
04:44.37marinoserr Depth 24
04:44.46*** join/#debian Nemesis|w0rk (~Nemesis@
04:44.48bluefox83i have tons of those in there..
04:45.05marinoseither xorrect all
04:45.15bluefox831 4 8 15 16 and 24
04:45.35*** join/#debian peabody_ (
04:46.04marinosactually you (mostly) wont use 1 4 8 15
04:46.10marinosso you can delete them
04:46.53marinosbut somewhere in the primary section there must be something sayin DefaultDepth ...
04:46.53peabody_Anyone got a good explanation for why [ (number of blocks file takes on disk) * (IO block size) - (actual file size) = (disparity over 1 block in size) ]?
04:47.03*** join/#debian anan (
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04:48.03libbenhow do i change my resolution by command line ?
04:48.15*** part/#debian anan (
04:48.20bluefox83what should i set the section "screen" monitor thing too?
04:48.28bluefox83default monitor?
04:48.39Soletwhere should XF86Config be saved?
04:49.23bluefox83ok, going to try and see if i fixed it..wish me luck >.>
04:49.29marinosSolet: actually there are various places
04:49.46*** join/#debian Mitsui_Sam (eumesmo@
04:50.00libbenI need to change my resolution by commandline... what aplication to use
04:50.03marinosSolet: man XF86Config-4
04:50.15Mitsui_Samcan anybody gimme a help? I have compiled my qmail following, i using smtp auth with TLS, i have complied my vpopmail with --enable-roaming-users and time for roaming, but I can send mail yet, if I put my IP at tcp.smtp and run qmailctl cdb I can send it, can anybody?
04:50.19*** join/#debian bluefox83 (
04:50.36bluefox83ok, i wrote to it, and it's still crappy?
04:50.50bluefox83any ideas?
04:51.15*** join/#debian witigonen (
04:51.59witigonenHey all, I have a quick question.  I've got a ghost of myself ssh'd into my server, how can I disconnect it?
04:52.18*** join/#debian anan (
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04:52.28bluefox83witigonen, kill the pid
04:52.36drpyeah what he said
04:53.36marinosbluefox83: what exact change did you did ?
04:54.05*** part/#debian glguy (~eric@glguy.user)
04:54.10ananhow is everyone?
04:54.16bluefox83marinos, i removed 1 4 and 8 and changed the remaining depth resolutions to 1280x1024
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04:54.37bluefox83should i run something after that?
04:54.59libbenI need to change my resolution by commandline... what aplication to use
04:55.00marinosyou have to put in as first Modes "1280x1024"
04:55.25marinosdo you have a larger resolution behind ??
04:55.49marinosyou dont have to run anything
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04:55.58ananhow to set input font size?
04:56.10mwilson"input font size"?
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04:56.26bluefox83marinos, what do you mean, first modes?
04:56.37ananye, size of the font that you key in
04:56.38bluefox83should i set something as a smaller resolution behind it?
04:56.49nagualanyone know if there is a linuxdriver for and what its called/where to find it?
04:56.55marinosif you have other modes:  Modes "1280x1024" "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"
04:57.04bluefox83it works for all of those..
04:57.04marinosyou can set them behind them
04:57.16Soletwhats the command to save a file in vim?
04:57.17mwilsonanan: "key in"... in what?
04:57.21mwilsonSolet: :w
04:57.25*** join/#debian caphuso (
04:57.31witigonenbluefox83: I'm sorry, I can't find the appropriate pid browsing through top.  Is there a better way to find it?
04:57.43marinosbluefox83: perhaps the driver doesnt supports more
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04:58.21simonrvnwitigonen: ps auxw | grep whatever
04:58.27bluefox83witigonen, if there's no pid, then there's no ghost :)
04:58.38simonrvnor psgrep, or pgrep, or...
04:58.51bluefox83marinos, it's a nvidia driver, of course it supports more!
04:59.13marinosthe XFree86 nv driver for example doesnt supports as much as the nvidia
04:59.19witigonenWell, when I do a 'who' I see that I am still connected, even though that session has been closed - I moved wifi zones, so it's still there when I do who under the old zone and with the time connected of when I originally did so.
04:59.26*** part/#debian libben (
04:59.34bluefox83i compiled the nvidia driver in, i'm not using the default nv one
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05:00.04marinosbluefox83: i cant know that you know
05:00.25bluefox83Modes   "1280x1024" "1024x768"  <--does that look right?
05:00.47*** join/#debian Faithful (
05:01.00bluefox83k, i'm going to try that..
05:02.40WiFiTuxOT someone has an Ipod Shuffle here?
05:03.17ananhow come you guys msgs have ur nicknames appearing while mine is "message to #debian..."?
05:03.45WiFiTuxanan, you have a crappy IRC client.
05:03.46peterSanan: that's a function of your irc client
05:04.07ezhdehahi there, can anyone tell me how to get the local administrator password off a win2k machine ?
05:04.07kingsleyWhich backup utility, if any, can maintain rolling incremental backups and a mirror, like rdiff-backup, but of a Microsoft file system?
05:04.14ezhdehaperhaps with a linux boot disk ?
05:04.48ananhow to know what irc client i am using?
05:04.52WiFiTuxOKOK no one.
05:05.08jonesyezhdeha, google for ntpasswd, it's a bootable linux cd which will do just that
05:05.08WiFiTuxanan, what kind of stupid question is that?
05:05.12WiFiTux!moron anan
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05:05.13dpkganan: You are moron #47
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05:05.24bluefox83still not working
05:05.37darknessPlease help i've forgotton my su passwd?
05:05.41dasameog408whats a kernal for adaptec cards in debian
05:05.48simonrvnanan: one that doesn't even understand CTCP VERSION
05:05.50simonrvn(01.05.19) CTCP ERRMSG reply from anan:  VERSION :Unknown CTCP command
05:05.56bluefox83where does that wxinfo thingy get it's information?
05:05.56ananhow do you arrive at the number?
05:06.27simonrvndasameog408: 'kernel'. and modules are built to support them, not a kernel
05:06.28WiFiTuxanan, we keep a list of idiots.
05:06.52simonrvndarkness: /msg dpkg i forgot root's password
05:06.54bluefox83where does wxininfo get it's info/
05:07.02dasameog408dude i get kernal panic - attempting to kill init
05:07.02ananwho is number 1?
05:07.10bluefox83there has to be some reason why it keeps returning 800x600
05:07.36simonrvnand don't /msg me
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05:07.57dasameog408dude i get kernal panic - attempting to kill init
05:08.11britthello, i would like to make a complete backup of every user's home /home and down
05:08.15simonrvni saw you the first time. 'kernel'
05:08.19brittwhats the syntax for tar...?
05:08.25jonesyman tar
05:08.28simonrvnbritt: man tar
05:08.56witigonenWhen I do a 'who' I see that I am still connected with my old SSH connection, even though that session has been closed - I moved wifi zones, so it's still there when I do who under the old zone and with the time connected of when I originally did so.  Is there a way to kill a connection on pts/2 or disconnect  a specific username or...?
05:09.09simonrvndasameog408: 'dude', i don't read minds, you'll have to be more explicit
05:09.23ananI am trying out chatting via Kopete. Previously I use Xchat without any problem.
05:09.48dasameog408thats waht i gety
05:10.07collorondoes ttysnoop actually listens to keystrokes or the tcp/ip?
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05:10.26simonrvndasameog408: stop /msging me
05:10.42dasameog408well like when i click boot
05:10.45dasameog408like enter
05:10.54dasameog408i think its becasue i have adaptec card
05:11.01*** part/#debian darkness (
05:11.08dasameog408with all other distro's i have to do something special
05:11.22ananSeriously, how do i ocrrect my problem?
05:11.23*** join/#debian naphex (~naphex@
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05:11.42simonrvndasameog408: again, i need more info. kernel version, debian version, etc. 'simonrvn'
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05:11.58ezhdehajonesy: thank you :)
05:12.00simonrvn@tell dasameog408 -about ask
05:12.07britti did the example syntax...and it coawrdly refuses to create empty archive
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05:12.17brittdamn i write this stuff down usually
05:12.22simonrvn@tell dasameog408 -about smart questions
05:12.42elusivesimonrvn , his problem is at the boot instalation
05:12.57elusivesimonrvn , the disc of boot is the disc 5 (bf2.4) of 3.0r2
05:13.03marinosbritt: tar czf tarfile.tar.gz file list
05:13.04simonrvnelusive: duh.
05:13.12simonrvncd 5 isn't bootable afaik
05:13.12*** join/#debian Kane32 (
05:13.21simonrvn(could be wrong)
05:13.30elusivethe says it is boot
05:13.41dasameog408is their a mini inst
05:13.45dasameog408for debian
05:13.50simonrvni don't care what says, what does debian say?
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05:19.08bluefox83xvininfo still returns 800x600, where th eheck is it getting that info and how do i change it/
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05:20.23hairy_potterbluefox83: its getting that info from your running XServer
05:20.52hairy_potterbluefox83: you can make it use other resolutions by editing /etc/X11/XF86Config-4
05:20.54bluefox83ok, then where do i go to make it stop using that resolution? i already edited /etc/X11/Xf86Config-4
05:21.12hairy_potterbluefox83: restarted xserver?
05:21.13*** join/#debian MoDaX (
05:21.22bluefox83hairy_potter, yes...
05:21.28bluefox83like ten times
05:21.31hairy_potterbluefox83: what do the log messages say?
05:21.45bluefox83i dunno which log messages to look for :(
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05:22.40hairy_potterbluefox83: /var/log/XFree86.*
05:23.04hairy_potterbluefox83: or even look at the console output of X. it might throw some clues.
05:23.07simonrvncomme tirer les vers du nez...
05:23.28bluefox83hairy_potter, look in #flood, i have some log stuff to show you
05:23.35hairy_potterok... wait
05:23.51simonrvnsome stupid generic error message that's totally useless and i'm supposed to guess what the problem is? fuck that
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05:24.21hairy_potterbluefox83: so its again in /etc/X11/Xf86Config-4
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05:24.38hairy_potterbluefox83: you have to set the hsync and vsync to an _appropriate_ value
05:24.55bluefox83hairy_potter, did you see that it thinks i am using a CRT?
05:24.57SavinAnyone know of a good site that clearly explains how to install a java runtime environment on Debian sarge?
05:24.57WitigonenHow do I permanently change the hostname of the system?
05:24.58hairy_potterbluefox83: is your monitor  ancient?
05:25.13bluefox83hairy_potter, i just got this monitor half an horu ago, it's lcd
05:25.19hairy_potterbluefox83: ah
05:25.53hairy_potterbluefox83: didn't you try to do dpkg --reconfigure xserver-xfree86?
05:25.57*** join/#debian trosco18 (
05:26.00bluefox83yeah i did
05:26.03bluefox83should i try again?
05:26.25hairy_potterbluefox83: didn't it ask you whether your monitor is a LCD device?
05:26.30yxahi when someone duct-tapes several gpl components, adds in a php GUI and sells that product commercially under their own name, is it in direct violation of GPL?
05:26.34bluefox83hairy_potter, yeah it did
05:26.48hairy_potteryxa: "commercially" isn't violation
05:27.20hairy_potteryxa: as long as all the modifications you made to the "several gpl components" are made available
05:27.32hairy_potteryxa: #gnu or #fsf
05:27.44hairy_potteryxa: maybe there is even a #gpl, but i couldn't care less
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05:28.20hairy_potterbluefox83: have you specified only the frequency that your LCD lists?
05:28.21yxahairy_potter what do you mean "made available"? from what i see, its just a huge rpm
05:28.25WitigonenSo I don't have an /etc/hostname file on my server, however, I still wish to permanently change the hostname - should I just create a hostname file or what?
05:28.30hairy_potterbluefox83: what BPP are you using?
05:28.38themolestim having a bit of a problem, i transfer at >3MB/s incoming to a server, and it uses 100% of a 3ghz cpu, is there a way to figure out what module/part of the kernel is lagging?
05:28.45themolesti dont THINK its the program
05:28.51SavinAnyone know of a good site that clearly explains how to install a java runtime environment on Debian sarge?
05:28.52stewWitigonen: what version of debian are you running?
05:29.00hairy_potteryxa: whats a huge RPM?
05:29.12hairy_potteryxa: so you never made modifications to the individual components?
05:29.19hairy_potteryxa: you've like just added a PHP UI?
05:29.20yxahairy_potter the software in question
05:29.25Witigonenstew: 3.0
05:29.50bluefox83hairy_potter, i'm not sure where to find the ranges and such my monitor requires in my book..
05:29.55yxahairy_potter not "ME". someone.
05:30.16*** join/#debian kaka (~kaka@
05:30.25hairy_potterbluefox83: ah
05:30.39yxahairy_potter there has to be modifications made to make them all work together i'm sure.
05:30.49stewWitigonen: yeah create it I guess.  how did it get removed?  what does "hostname" return now?
05:31.32hairy_potteryxa: then there should be a way by which the modifications can be made available to the end user
05:31.38hairy_potteryxa: ask #fsf or #gnu
05:31.41Witigonenstew: it was never removed as far as I know.  I did a locate and can't find it.  'hostname' returns what I just set the hostname to be using the hostname command.
05:32.08stewWitigonen: if its not there now, it was removed
05:32.32*** join/#debian dserban (
05:32.48bluefox83ok, restarting X
05:32.52dserbanis there a package in debian that provides services for dynamic dns clients?
05:33.04*** join/#debian darkness (
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05:35.10darknessHey guys, okay say for an example a guy called John gave someone remote root access to his debian box via ssh to set some stuff up. Now john thinking that he doesn't want to give root away changes the root passwd while peter who John gave root to is still logged in under peter#. Now can peter still funtion as root in this scinario?
05:35.50sharthit's just a bad idea to give someone root
05:36.02darknessI know this.
05:36.07naguali should have your finger for giving away root.
05:36.08stewdarkness: yes
05:36.09driniyes, if he's still logged in, what john should do is kill the process that run peter
05:36.11tabris|awayand yes. he can.
05:36.15*** join/#debian humano (
05:36.19driniso he's kicked out
05:36.20stewdarkness: and in fact peter can change teh password back
05:36.21sharthbut all users logged in as root should stay logged in
05:36.22*** join/#debian douglas (
05:36.24driniand then restart
05:36.32sharthand then format
05:36.42drinianother way, is restart the ocmputer without internet connection, manually change root while offline, and be done
05:36.54darknessCheers drini.
05:37.07darknessInfact he's helped loads setting up apache and stuff.
05:37.22darknessPlus fixed eth0
05:37.47sharthapparently he just un-fixed eth0...
05:38.13*** join/#debian andrek (
05:38.35douglasI'm trying to compile a project I've been working on in linux and I got it to compile using kdevelop but it didn't link, so naturally I added the correct libraries, -lSDL -lSDL_main -lSDL_mixer -lGL -lGLU but when it runs configure it says: "configure: error: C++ compiler cannot create executables" ??? What does this mean?
05:38.37drinihe rebooted
05:38.40*** join/#debian bob2 (rob@
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05:38.56stew!b-e douglas
05:38.57dpkgdouglas: Sounds like you need to install build-essential.
05:39.04stew!faq douglas
05:39.13WitigonenHey, I'm getting an error on my server, how do I get tls authentication running again for my imap server?
05:39.14douglasthanks, I'll try
05:39.24Witigonendovecot is running but I can't login with anything.
05:39.35WitigonenI keep getting a connection refused at tls://domain
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05:40.26douglasnope, same thing.
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05:41.17scottjanyone know of a good clock that works with xscreensaver? I want a huge clock on my screen when I'm not using it
05:42.04hairy_potterscottj: there is a thing called 'bubble' or somesuch
05:42.37hairy_potter~tell peabody_ about away
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05:43.08douglasnm, I'm dumb
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05:43.53scottjhairy_potter, any idea where you saw that? all I'm seeing for bubble is some game
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05:46.24*** join/#debian Enolayale (~yale@
05:46.48Enolayalehow do I uninstall something WITH all of it's dependant packages?
05:47.02WitigonenI just rebooted and now I can't login to the imap dovecot server... my webmail gives me a 111 connection refused at tls://mydomainname.  So I take it tls authentication isn't working?  How do I start it?
05:47.12stewEnolayale: look at deborphan or debfoster
05:48.06stewEnolayale: wait, what do you mean exactly, when you remove a package, all the pacakges that depend on it get automatically removed, if you want to remove the packages it depends on then deborphan
05:48.24EnolayaleI installed konqueror
05:48.32Enolayaleand it needed a billion kde files
05:48.42stewEnolayale: /msg dpkg remove kde
05:48.42Enolayalenow I want to remove it, but it only says it's removing 'konqueror'
05:49.01C17H21NO4I see alot of screencaps of what appears to be a terminal window without window borders and a transparent background, giving the illusion that text is just being printed to the desktop.  How is this done?
05:49.11*** part/#debian stouset (
05:49.15Enolayalestew: will that do it?
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05:49.32Enolayaleit came with files such as zlib1g and xlibs
05:50.02EnolayaleI don't know why apt-cache depends doesn't give you them neatly
05:50.06*** join/#debian rhalff (
05:50.57WitigonenHow do I start the ssl authentication daemon?
05:51.02i3dmasterwhat's the difference b/w msdos and vfat mount?
05:51.23mwilsonC17H21NO4: With one of several different *terms, or one of several different logging tools... I don't suppose you could actually bother to show an example?
05:51.33stewi3dmaster: filename length for one
05:51.43mwilsoni3dmaster: vfat, among other things, supports LFN's
05:51.53*** join/#debian rhalff_ (
05:52.09i3dmasterstew: you mean msdos only supports 8.3... something like that?
05:53.10i3dmasterstew: k. any difference if I use msdos to mount floppy instead of vfat?
05:53.33mwilsoni3dmaster: It matters if the floppy is MSDOS, or VFAT.
05:53.34*** join/#debian BlindGlobe (
05:53.51mwilsoni3dmaster: Wouldn't you think it'd actually be a good idea to use the fs that's on it?
05:53.52stewi3dmaster: filename length for one
05:54.00WitigonenHey everyone... I just restarted by Debian server and now my imap server (Dovecot + Postfix) isn't working - I'm fairly sure I need to start the authentication, as the connection is being denied when things are trying to connect to it, but I don't know how.  Can somebody please enlighten me?
05:54.11*** join/#debian holycow (
05:54.12i3dmastermwilson: how to find out what fs is on a floppy then?
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05:54.28mwilsoni3dmaster: I'd imagine whatever fs you put on it, is what's there.
05:54.30daffy-pkfcan someone help me with linux from scratch? i just installed apt and dpkg, tried to run a dist-upgrade, but now it says: "/lib/ version `GLIBC_2.3.4' not found". i tried to recompile glibc but it tells me the same thing, how can i fix that?
05:54.30i3dmastershould it usually fat16?
05:54.46mwilsonFAT16 is not a filesystem.
05:54.51*** join/#debian Coke (
05:54.51Enolayalestew: so if I remove konqueror with synaptic will it remove the packages konqueror (and only konqueror) depended on?
05:54.58mwilsonA floppy is FAT12.
05:55.17*** join/#debian flavius (
05:55.21stewEnolayale: i don't know anything about synaptic
05:55.31Enolayaleokay, do you know anything that would do that?
05:55.39CokeEnolayale: aptitude
05:55.40i3dmastermwilson: oh sorry right, see that's the thing I am not quite sure. If I use windows formats a floppy, what would be the fs then?
05:55.52stewdaffy-pkf: we can only help with pure debian here
05:55.54*** part/#debian Aculeus (~Aculeus@aculeus.user)
05:55.54mwilsoni3dmaster: VFAT.
05:56.02stewdaffy-pkf: find a channel for lfs or a mailing list
05:56.04CokeEnolayale: but that feature sucks if you have -dev packages you want to keep.
05:56.13CokeEnolayale: or libraries in general.
05:56.20stewEnolayale: deborphan or debfoster
05:56.30daffy-pkfstew> ok, i'm on #lfs, but it's not very reactive... thanks anyway
05:56.31*** join/#debian whaq|away (~whaq@
05:56.34Enolayaleahh coke!
05:56.46Enolayaleunder options 'remove unused packages automatically'
05:57.06i3dmastermwilson: ok I see. just curious, how a floppy can be made to a msdos fs then?
05:57.16*** join/#debian ahewitt (
05:57.40mwilsoni3dmaster: Create a filesystem on it with a tool that creates an MSDOS filesystem.
05:57.52*** join/#debian YorickChan_ (~yorick@
05:58.21mwilsoni3dmaster: It really doesn't make any difference.  VFAT is downwardly compatible with MSDOS.
05:58.35stewi3dmaster: there is a dosfstools package
05:58.39i3dmastermwilson: well sounds like if I use msdos 6.2 to create a floppy, it would probably a msdos fs...
05:58.41mwilsoni3dmaster: A blank VFAT filesytem looks like a blank MSDOS filesytem.
05:59.06mwilsoni3dmaster: Yes, but the first time you write to it as VFAT, it'll now be a VFAT filesystem.
05:59.57*** join/#debian katya (
06:00.17ahewitthey is anyone here using the apache2 mod_cfg_ldap module? I have it working however I am now trying to get cgi access to work with virtual hosts stored in ldap and I can't find any information about getting cgi to work with this module?
06:01.01colloronare there symbolic links of ttys[x] to those pts/[x] terminals which im seeing in w or who?
06:01.05*** part/#debian Mitsui_Sam (eumesmo@
06:01.13i3dmastermwilson, stew: ok cool. sounds like if I mount a floppy using vfat should more than likely be right than using msdos at most cases...
06:01.41*** join/#debian Angelo- (~Administr@
06:01.53stewi3dmaster: you can always cp /dev/fd0 /tmp/backup.img before you do anything...
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06:02.55i3dmasterstew: hmm.. can cp do a raw copy a device to a image?
06:03.13i3dmasterstew: I thought dd is the one will do
06:03.22stewuse that if it floats your boat
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06:03.27i3dmasterstew: I will try
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06:05.00*** mode/#debian [+l 765] by debhelper
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06:07.24myrenCapnskull: logoff dude and log back in as a real user, not root
06:07.38myrenthats what your little intro message is supposed to tell you
06:07.51*** part/#debian Capnskull (
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06:09.09tuAnyone know a fast server where i can test 1 Mbit connection?
06:09.23myrenthere's like
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06:09.43myrenlike because it might be or something
06:09.52marinosanother  Mozilla-javascript vulnerability
06:09.58myrendebian's mighty frakking quiet tonight
06:10.04myrenhas been these past couple of nights
06:10.30zignigmyren: sssh , trying to concentrate ;P
06:10.33*** join/#debian Capnskull (
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06:11.18Capnskullsorry about that
06:12.15Capnskulli just installed dual boot debian /xp and cant mount my xp partitions . any ideas?
06:12.31stewCapnskull: what have you tried so far?
06:12.42Capnskulllooking for the device in /dev
06:12.51stewCapnskull: fdisk -l
06:12.57stewwill list all known partitions
06:13.08Capnskullbut i find hda1 but also hda2, hda3 hda4 and so on all with 0 file size
06:13.18*** join/#debian pientra (~pientra@
06:13.23*** join/#debian tag (~chatzilla@tag.member.p3m)
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06:13.37stewCapnskull: what do you mean 0 file size?
06:13.46tagerror: 'Can't create UNIX socket (97)'  ... what the fsck
06:14.02tagI just installed mysql from apt on a fresh box running unstable and the 2.6.10 kernel
06:14.21Capnskullits nothing there
06:14.22*** join/#debian FlimFlamMan (
06:14.22tagand mysql is just simply not starting and I checked all the log files there are no pointers as to why except that one stupid message
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06:14.38stewtag: checked the bts?
06:14.50stew!btssmite tag
06:15.10mwilsonCapnskull: Well, yeah, what did you expect them to be?  What filesystem is on your XP partition(s)?
06:15.29stewtag: you get the chainsaw then
06:15.54stewtag: /msg dpkg bts (as it tells you in the /topic)
06:16.02mwilsonCapnskull: And does whatever kernel you're using have support for NTFS?
06:16.23FlimFlamManhow can i set up debian-testing so that a non-root user can burn ISO's with nautilus?  group is set to "cdrom" permissions rw, and i;m a member of the group...
06:16.23*** join/#debian Netcraft__ (
06:16.24tagso you suggest I switch to testing?
06:16.34*** join/#debian Jefis (~jefis@
06:16.36tagwell it actually help anything!? :-)
06:16.48Jefishow to run check filesystem untility?
06:16.52Capnskulli hope so i am new to this and just did a netinstall i got off the debian site. it was a few days ago so i assume it would support it
06:16.57bbmjtag: if you want things to work.
06:17.11mwilsonNautilus is bad enough... why would you want to use it to burn CD's?
06:17.13Capnskulldo i have to enable it somehow?
06:17.32*** join/#debian idmaster (
06:17.34tagwill it downgrade easily
06:17.35tagwhat do I have to do
06:17.37*** join/#debian eDitor (~Rehashing@
06:17.41mwilsonCapnskull: I have no idea what d-i does... I don't use it.
06:17.44FlimFlamManmwilson, because i'd like to push debian to being suitable for a non-technical user.
06:17.48taghow can I do apt-get dist-downgrade
06:17.49stewtag: /msg dpkg downgrade
06:18.11GuerinFlimFlamMan: why?
06:18.14mwilsonFlimFlamMan: Non-technical users aren't doing configurations.
06:18.26GuerinFlimFlamMan: and for another thing, debian IS suitable for non-technical users.
06:18.37FlimFlamMannon-technical users will want to burn cd's with a GUI.
06:18.49mwilsonFlimFlamMan: Non-technical users don't get to make decisions.
06:18.53GuerinFlimFlamMan: non-technical users need technical users to set things up for them.
06:19.05CharlesBrownnon-technical users should all die
06:19.15CharlesBrownThen the world would be a better place.
06:19.18GuerinCharlesBrown: that's my mother you're talking about, mate.
06:19.21mwilsonCharlesBrown: And why would that be?
06:19.23FlimFlamManright. which is why i'd like to know how to set up debian-testing to allow non-root users burn cd's from nautilus.
06:19.26rviranihey all
06:19.29tagOk apparently this problem had nothing to do with unstable
06:19.31rviraniwhat is 'lex'
06:19.35daffy-pkfis there a way to ask debootstrap to install only the packages necessary to run linux? i mean not all the debian base, just what is absolutely necessary
06:19.40dpkgapt-get install flex
06:19.49rviraniGuerin: thanx
06:19.50mwilsonFlimFlamMan: You'll have to ask someone unlucky enough to be running Gnome.
06:19.55Guerinrvirani: it's a lexical analyser
06:20.05FlimFlamManis there some way i can determine that from my irc client
06:20.18*** join/#debian TheEmperor (~mattn@
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06:21.06wobblerCapnskull: d-i should have added your xp to the grub menu but you have to arrow down to it when you see the boot screen
06:21.07*** part/#debian Oryn (
06:21.18GuerinFlimFlamMan: i don't think the cd burning group is typically called 'cdrom', for obvious reasons
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06:22.18rviranihow do I query apt to ask it what package contains foo
06:22.24rviranifor example xml2-config
06:22.31stewrvirani: dpkg -S xml2-config
06:22.44Kvantor apt-file search xml2-config
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06:23.07mwilsonGuerin: Mine is.
06:23.20mwilsonGuerin: Although I don't allow other than root to burn CD's.
06:23.27Guerinmwilson: mine is called 'burning' or something
06:23.32Guerinmwilson: though that may be a k3b thing
06:23.46rviranistew:  nothing
06:23.55rviraniKvant: apt-file not found
06:24.05dpkg*** NEWS FLASH! Your box does not come with every app, tool and utility known to debiankind installed already. If you find that the program you've been told to use isn't there, install it. Also ask me about <search>.
06:24.06mwilsonIf K3b somehow modified a group ownership, that's uet another reason its developer should be shot.
06:24.13stewrvirani: it was probably created by a postinst script then
06:24.14Kvantapt-get install apt-file; apt-file update
06:24.18Guerini dunno if it does
06:24.20rviranik I installed it
06:24.27*** join/#debian directhex (
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06:24.53rviraniGuerin: I know that but at least the ability to search software repositories like emerge for example
06:24.57*** join/#debian Capnskull (
06:25.36Capnskullanyone know how i can find my partitions? im baffled
06:25.55maherCapnskull: cat /proc/partitions
06:26.15*** join/#debian kuru (~elzubeir@
06:26.16debianCapnskull: where did you lose them?
06:26.27kurusomeone ban eDitor please
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06:26.38kuruwhy do we have bots spamming us about porn?
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06:27.06streunerkuru: why do the banana look like a banana?
06:27.09aardvark!ops eDitor spammy spambot
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06:27.11dpkgHydroxide, bob2, caphuso, dondelelcaro, doogie, eeyore-, ElectricElf, greycat, helix, ljlane, LoRez, mentor, Netsnipe, TML, walters, xk: eDitor spammy spambot
06:27.17*** mode/#debian [+o helix] by ChanServ
06:27.17*** mode/#debian [+b *!*@] by helix
06:27.18*** part/#debian eDitor (~Rehashing@
06:27.18*** mode/#debian [-o helix] by helix
06:27.18cateDitor: spamer
06:27.52kuruthank ye sir
06:28.04kurustreuner, ;)
06:28.09streunerthanks helix
06:28.13aardvarkin soviet russia, source makes you
06:28.23kuruokay, now on to a little problem
06:28.56aardvarkkuru: you're not running debian?
06:28.58kuruI've been googling around and I don't seem to be the only one, but I can't find a solution to it. I have e1000 handling some big loads and it keeps resetting the connection, sometimes failing for awhile
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06:29.14kuruaardvark, debian? what's that?
06:29.31aardvark!fart kuru
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06:34.00catkuru: you're on #debian channel and you don't even know what Debian is?
06:34.20aardvarkcat: i'm guessing he's using kurumin.
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06:35.06catwhat the heck is kurumin?
06:35.09dpkgKurumin Linux is a Brazilian run-from-CD Linux distribution based on Knoppix. That means it's not debian. Go away..  Ajuda pra Kurumin:
06:35.16gygesdo you know what kuru is?
06:35.34mahergyges: disease you get from eating peoples brains
06:36.07Capnskullim baffled
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06:37.04gygesmaher, exactly
06:38.00Capnskulli did cat /proc/partitions but dont really understand it
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06:38.54maherCapnskull: paste it in #flood
06:39.07gygesyou can also fdisk -l /dev/hda
06:39.07stewcafuego: did you try fdisk -l?
06:39.14gygesor: df -h
06:39.19*** part/#debian anan (
06:39.22gygesall give you aspects of your partition scene
06:39.24stewgyges: he's looking for an unmounted partition
06:39.43gygesfdisk should see it then, afaik
06:40.15cafuego!fix stew's tab
06:40.49gygesa good filthy stare can turn me on, but then I am an odd one
06:41.24Capnskullok i pasted the info in #flood
06:41.26maherCapnskull: what do you want to know
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06:41.46Capnskullmaher:how to mount these partitions
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06:42.28CharlesBrownIs there any gui to change the system time?
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06:42.34maherCapnskull: are you in the middle of an install?
06:42.45Capnskullno im done with it
06:42.48SexyKenHey guys -- I have some steak that has a sell by date of April 3rd, is it bad you think?
06:42.53GuerinCharlesBrown: xterm -e man date
06:43.00Capnskulli got a netinstall cd off the net. im assuming its a barebones install
06:43.04zinxSexyKen: depends on how well you cook it
06:43.08GuerinSexyKen: if you don't know, don't eat it
06:43.10zinxSexyKen: and how well you stored it :P
06:43.10maherCapnskull: have you rebooted?
06:43.14Capnskullyes i have
06:43.17cafuegoSexyKen: Your cats will think it's fine.
06:43.24Capnskulldid i miss something?
06:43.25aardvarkSexyKen: by all means, eat it. maybe that'll make you go away.
06:43.27*** join/#debian Gjfq (
06:43.39SexyKenWell I cooked it and it kind of looks wierd...has color to it.
06:43.41cafuegoSexyKen: if you cook it all the way through or cube it and stir fry or stew it, you'll be fine.
06:43.55SexyKenWe cooked it all the way through.
06:44.02GuerinSexyKen: 1) sell-by date is irrelevant if you know how to treat food 2) sell-by dates can't be trusted anyway 3) individual digestion is more relevant than the date food is supposed to be eaten by
06:44.08stewdid someone say stew?
06:44.14cafuegoSexyKen: Well, it probably won't KILL you.
06:44.20*** part/#debian jeff123 (
06:44.21aardvarkcafuego: bummer.
06:44.28*** join/#debian Aculeus (~Aculeus@aculeus.user)
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06:44.59cafuegoaardvark: Koninginnedag hier met Grolsch op tap in de binnenstad :-)
06:44.59*** mode/#debian [+l 771] by debhelper
06:45.06maherCapnskull: does mount partitionname mountpoint work?
06:45.08SexyKencafuego so you think I should eat it
06:45.16*** join/#debian lilo (lilo@levin-pdpc.staff.freenode)
06:45.17gygesGuerin, there you go, being rational and sensical again
06:45.19cafuegoSexyKen: I don't much care either weay.
06:45.40nailbiterSexyKen: i'd play safe and throw it away. :) steak is cheap. your health is not ..
06:45.56Capnskullmaher:i tried it but i dont even know where it is. i tried in /dev/ and looked for hdb5 and it says not found
06:45.58stewSexyKen: taking health advice from #debian isn't necessarily recommended
06:46.00streunergood appetit :-)
06:46.17gygesbon apetit
06:46.20maherCapnskull: ok - i dunno - my partitions show up as hda2 etc
06:46.21stew!tell gyges about fr
06:46.24cafuegoguten appetit
06:46.45AculeusShouldn't that be "bon apitite"?
06:46.56gygesbon apetit
06:46.57Capnskullmaher: i know thats what it shows up as but it says its not there
06:46.59*** join/#debian hhup (
06:46.59cafuegoAculeus: What language is that supposed to be?
06:47.02nailbiterstew: unless, of course, you're cooking on top of an overclocked athlon ..
06:47.18AculeusMaybe it's bonne appitete, or bone appitite.
06:47.25maherCapnskull: i mean when i do cat /proc/partitions
06:47.30cafuegoAculeus: No, it's neither of those.
06:47.36Aculeusexcuse me?
06:47.50peterSthat wasn't called-for
06:47.51AculeusYou flaming retard, that's a french term.
06:47.55Aculeusguten is german
06:48.03peterSAculeus: I suspect cafuego and I both knew that
06:48.25AculeusNever know, those aussies often have too much beer and too few brains.
06:48.34cafuegoAculeus: Which aussies?
06:48.58AculeusAny aussie.
06:49.04cafuegoAculeus: 'appetit' is german as well, so that's a snug fit.
06:49.10peterShow many brains does the average aussie have, anyway?  too few, I guess, but how many?
06:49.12aardvarkAculeus: come to troll often?
06:49.16AculeusYes but it's a french term.
06:49.26maherpeterS: most people only have one brain
06:49.27*** join/#debian fm (~fm@
06:49.30cafuegopeterS: Depends. Probably 1.07 on average.
06:49.34Aculeusaardvark, I troll not, I do however get into convos when I'm bored such as tonight.
06:49.36peterSmaher: I've got a couple of ganglia for backup purposes
06:49.41AculeusAnd often I feel the desire to joke, which is what I'm doing now.
06:49.48cafuegomaher: No, you can buy 'em in the supermarket, you fry them with onions.
06:50.20cafuegoAculeus: Anyway. Neither "bonne appitete" nor "bone appitite" is french
06:50.35AculeusI don't speak french, I wouldn't know :P
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06:51.00AculeusRegardless, I'm joking caf don't take it seriously.
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06:51.07Vince35"bon appétit" is french....(o;
06:51.10peterSall this apétit stuff, bonne or otherwise, is reminding me that I have a serious need for caloric content right about now
06:51.14peterSthanks, people
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06:52.34aardvarkcafuego: vreten, kreng
06:53.00cafuegoaardvark: Wil je wat majo bij je apetit?
06:53.16aardvarkcafuego: een hele emmer
06:53.41aardvark@blaireau stew
06:53.45ravenbirdstew: blaireau blaireau blaireau blaireau champignon champignon blaireau blaireau blaireau blaireau blaireau serpent! oooh un serpeeeent!
06:53.55peterSstreuner: can't speak for anyone else, but I happened to already be hungry before hearing about these things
06:54.12kneetNow there's a bot repsonse we can use every day :)
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06:55.52stew@melo is melo melo melo melo fungo fungo melo melo melo melo melo serpento! aux estas serpento!
06:55.54ravenbirdstew: I think you lost me on that one
06:56.00streunerHow is it possible to start an gdesklet in openbox?
06:56.56Vince35lol wht you guys are you talkong about with yur french words and other stuff ? (o;
06:57.03gygesstreuner, from command prompt?
06:57.07Vince35can't get it lol
06:57.10gygesthats the only way i ever ran gdesklets
06:57.15gygescant get a prompt?
06:57.42aardvark!meles stew
06:57.43dpkgstew: meles meles meles meles meles meles meles meles meles meles meles meles BOLETUS BOLETUS meles meles meles meles meles meles meles meles meles meles meles meles ANGUIS! ANGUIS! Anguis! ANGUIS! Ohe! Anguis est!
06:58.02streuneryeah, but gdesklets are written in pyhton, aren't they?
06:58.34*** join/#debian christor (christor@
06:58.38gygesEricBlade, python
06:58.56gygeswhat? I typed er not eric, didnt think i tabbed
06:59.09cafuegoaardvark: Your latin sucks.
06:59.21aardvark!factinfo CMD: meles (.*?)
06:59.21dpkgCMD: meles (.*?) -- created by Guerin <~magpie@> at Wed May 12 12:49:49 2004 (328 days).
06:59.32aardvarkcafuego: Guerin's does.
06:59.51*** join/#debian lewinsky (
07:00.17cafuegoSerpens est.
07:00.17streunerok, how do i start a python app?
07:00.28*** join/#debian jayjayjayjay (
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07:00.56peterSstreuner: normally just execute it
07:01.05peterSstreuner: same as a /usr/bin/anything_else
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07:01.51jayjayjayhello, i have a probleme when mounting a raid5 partition. with umask options it doesnt work, without it is ok. nothing on google. anyone has a clue? thanks you!
07:02.05rvallesany debian/unstable user with 10 minutes of time?
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07:02.22aardvarkrvalles: no.
07:02.25stew!tell rvalles about ask
07:02.26aardvark!tell rvalles about sid faq
07:02.26rvallesI need somebody to do a little thing for me
07:02.41rvallesthe thing is, to install gqview
07:02.51rvallesto make a static out of it with
07:02.55rvallesand then send it to me
07:03.11rvallesaardvark: I can ask on my own, as you can see, thanks.
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07:04.43mwilsonrvalles: Give me a minute... gotta get this 'sploit put in here and then you can have it.
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07:04.59rvallesmwilson: yayyy
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07:05.21mwilsonrvalles: In other words, don't be so clueless as to request random untrusted binaries from random untrusted people.
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07:05.51catbob2: u there?
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07:06.40streunerask in channel
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07:07.31sinothSorry for the general question but I can't find a ton of info on it.. could anyone explain what exactly adding "--initrd" to make-kpkg does and the pros/cons of doing so?
07:07.43mwilsonOh, brother.
07:07.49catit compiles the modules and stuff
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07:08.09jayjayjayhello, i have a probleme when mounting a raid5 partition. with umask options it doesnt work, without it is ok. nothing on google. anyone has a clue? thanks you! (last try)
07:08.09stewcat: bzzzzt. wrong
07:08.21rataonly me is having problems connecting to debien repositories ?
07:08.21sinothcat: modules_image does that
07:08.40*** join/#debian eNTi (~eNTi@
07:08.43aardvark!topicbadger rata
07:08.43dpkg/topic /topic /topic /topic /topic /topic *READ IT*READ IT* /topic /topic /topic /topic /topic /topic /topic *a shaaame it's a shaaame that rata didn't read the* /topic /topic /topic /topic...
07:09.00AimazI'm having a problem when apt-get install/remove-ing exim4, it spews a hug config file onto the terminal and then waits, only goes away with ctrl+c
07:09.04mwilsonsinoth: pros/cons?  What kind of silliness is that?  The pro is that if you need an initrd, it creates one, and the con is that if you don't need one, it still creates one.
07:09.12idnarsinoth: from the manpage: "perform any actions necessary for a kernel loaded using initrd"
07:09.25stewsinoth: do you know what an initrd is?
07:09.34mwilsonidnar: There you go, expecting people to be able to read.
07:09.45sinothinitial ram disk? :/ no, I don't
07:09.50idnarmwilson: yeah, silly naive me :P
07:09.50rataaakkonen, ( and
07:09.59*** part/#debian themusicgod1 (themusicgo@
07:10.16idnarsinoth: if you're building your own kernel, it's much easier to make sure that the drivers needed to boot (IDE, root filesystem, and anything else I forgot) are compiled in than to fiddle with initrd
07:10.19bob2cat: ?
07:10.59sinothidnar: so initrd contains modules needed for critical devices during bootup?
07:10.59rataaakkonen, :-P
07:11.17aakkonenI rather like the finnish mirrors :)
07:11.34*** join/#debian Frankablu (
07:11.37mwilsonidnar: I think he's going to try and convince you that he googled and couldn't find anything about initrd's
07:11.38stewsinoth: you either need to have the drivers necessary for loading the rootfs compiled directly into the kernel or as modules in an initrd
07:13.04catbob2: i finish making what u told me yesterday everything when right what can i do now to put the kernel into my grub so i can boot it and used it
07:13.07Aimazdoes anyone know why apt would start spewing out the exim4 config?
07:13.18sinothstew, idnar: ok, makes sense :) thanks
07:13.21Aimazand more importantly how I can stop it
07:13.22rataaakkonen, :-?
07:13.36bob2cat: install the .deb it produced
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07:13.53stewAimaz: what do you mean "apt"? apt-get?
07:14.01*** join/#debian dingo (~dingo2@
07:14.01cati don't see any debs at all on the kernel
07:14.03Aimazstew: yes
07:14.08stewAimaz: what command did you type?
07:14.18jond3rdAimaz: try to chmod 644 /etc/init.d/exim4
07:14.20bob2cat: no, not in the kernel
07:14.23Aimazstew: apt-get install exim4
07:14.23bob2cat: in ../
07:14.46jond3rdAimaz: I've seen that also and everytime it starts exim4 it tries to cat some files
07:14.57cati don't see anything bob2
07:14.57Aimazjond3rd: that seems to have done it
07:15.00Aimazthank you
07:15.10catdo i have to do it again?
07:15.11stewAimaz: what version of debian?
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07:15.24bob2cat: oh well
07:15.28jond3rdAimaz: no problem, anytime  :)
07:15.31stewjond3rd: sarge or sid? did you file a bug?
07:15.43Aimazstew: root@jdfiend:~$ uname -a
07:15.43AimazLinux jdfiend #4 SMP Sat Mar 26 21:16:37 GMT 2005 i686 GNU/Linux
07:15.48jond3rdstew: haven't file a bug report, i'm on sid
07:15.53stewjond3rd: why not?
07:16.18bob2cat: if you really ran the command I gave you, and it didn' error out, the .debs are in ../
07:16.41catas a normal user right?
07:16.47jond3rdstew: maybe because i don't use exim, it's just its one of the depencies of mysql-server, but I will file one, no problem
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07:17.56Aimazjond3rd: yeah, that's why I'm using it too
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07:18.07catas a normal user right? bob2
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07:19.55catecho done >  stamp-configure
07:19.58catdo i do that?
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07:20.50bob2cat: er, no
07:20.58bob2did you run the commznd I gave you or not?
07:21.05bob2this would be so much easier if you'd answer that
07:21.09*** join/#debian aaaa (
07:21.10catyes i did
07:21.34jm_cat: you also need to learn to address people when you answer their questions
07:21.34aaaawho's the boss here?
07:21.34*** join/#debian ailas (~ailas@
07:21.55catlook in flood bob2
07:22.16katyacat :D
07:22.20streuneraaaa: the boss in debian?
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07:22.30catu saw it bob2 ?
07:22.38katyai'm pretty bossy...
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07:23.05catthat's the error i got
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07:23.47bob2that's not an error
07:24.15catmake: Nothing to be done for `all'.
07:24.28bob2that's not an error, either
07:24.29*** join/#debian b00t (~yg@
07:24.40catdarn it i'm not sure what's going on bob2
07:24.47jm_no shit?
07:24.50ferris_how can i download ndiswrapper-utils to the drive, so that I can burn it to a disk
07:24.58bob2make-kpkg clean ; make-kpkg --initrd
07:25.15catas normal user right bob2 ?
07:25.26zignigferris_: apt-get -d <- download only
07:25.33ferris_ok thanks
07:25.47zignigferris_: then look in /var/cache/apt/archives.
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07:26.13jm_or use aptitude download which downloads it to current dir
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07:28.00catnow thats an error bob2 on flood
07:29.15bob2what a shock
07:29.21bob2it's almost as if you ran something as root
07:29.55catdamn freaking brother
07:30.02cati'm gonna changed my r00ts password
07:30.19katyai missed something cool?
07:30.49*** join/#debian giansalvo (~gsalvo@
07:30.49bob2cat: sudo make-kpkg clean
07:32.03catok i'm doing that as root
07:32.34catdone bob2 what else?
07:32.50bob217:24:59           bob2 | make-kpkg clean ; make-kpkg --initrd
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07:34.55zignigbob2: is there an echo in here ?
07:36.08katyabob2: is there an echo in here ?
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07:37.25SlayerXPgood morning hash-dweebians
07:39.14zignigSlayerXP: greetings earthling
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07:48.09zignigit is quite in here today.
07:48.57thomas001hi, is there something wrong with ifupdown in recent unstable? after i upgraded it, my logical interfaces don't work anymore
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07:50.27stewthomas001: have you checked the bts?
07:50.46thomas001hmm not yet,good point
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07:51.36colde89why is it possible to detect my usbscanner with scannimage -L as root but not as user? and how cold i change this?
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07:51.55FlimFlamManpeople need to leave the trout alone, man.
07:52.10thomas001seems to be nothing there
07:52.22s-tonedatq only shows the time of a planned action, in /var/spool/cron/atjobs is a file for every job, but the time seems to be crypted in the filename
07:52.49s-tonedso, how can I list the planned jobs: task and time?
07:53.41catoh boy
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07:55.45SNIaHello, I am trying to remove and reinstall all parts of a package. I installed apache, removed it and removed /etc/apache folder... Now I want to reinstall but complains directory doesn't exist
07:56.16catSNIa: you shouldn't have done that
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07:56.38miyoSNIa: dpkg -s /etc/apache
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07:57.16s-tonedno, the job number is in the filename in /var/spool/cron/atjobs/
07:57.30miyoSNIa: Lists all packages that need /etc/apache
07:57.49*** join/#debian xiaogil (
07:57.59miyoSNIa: So basically you have removed one package... and then removed directory that other packages need.
07:59.01miyoSNIa: you might start reinstalling apache-common
07:59.12miyoSNIa: And then all the other packages that depend on that dir.
07:59.27miyoSNIa: And order which you do this might make a difference.
07:59.53SNIahrmn, wish there was a history of how you installed your packages
07:59.57SNIaand in what order
08:00.12streunerknusper:/usr/share/gdesklets/Displays/cpuload# ./cpuload.display
08:00.13streuner./cpuload.display: line 1: syntax error near unexpected token `newline'
08:00.27streunerHow can i solve this?
08:00.47jm_streuner: check line 1 then
08:00.51*** join/#debian sepski (
08:01.06streunerjm_: i got that with every .display
08:01.54simonrvnprobably sourced from the "main binary"
08:02.12jm_streuner: head -1 cpuload.display
08:02.13HumbeIf I create a fat partition, I can't mount it, even though vfat is enabled in kernel. Is there any system requirement other than vfat support in kernel for mounting a w95 fat32 partition?
08:02.48streunerknusper:/usr/share/gdesklets/Displays/cpuload# head -1 cpuload.display
08:02.49streuner<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
08:03.14*** join/#debian peanutpeanut (
08:03.33sepskiHumbe, you have ofcouse also formatted your fat partition ?
08:04.08simonrvnheader of an xml file ;p
08:04.17streunerjm_: well, what's wrong, somebody said i can start pyhton apps like /usr/bin files...
08:04.23peanutpeanutis there a working url for planet debian?
08:04.28Humbesepski: Yes.. It works in windoze.. Works great if I format it in ext3.. Just when I format it in fat32 or fat16 (and have appropriate type set in fdisk) I can't mount it...
08:04.41jm_streuner: you can if they use python something in the first line, usually like env python blabla or whatever
08:05.04Humbesepski: I've done this many times before.. Just not getting why it ain't working now.. Since I'm using a custom kernel, I thought there might be some lacking kernel support, but vfat is enabled in kernel..
08:05.08sepskiHumbe, you formatted the disk in windows ? and your entierly sure that windows didn't format it as ntfs ?
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08:05.21simonrvn#!/usr/bin/python ; #!/usr/bin/env python
08:05.29streunerjm_: ic
08:05.35sepskiHumbe, well try booting a kernel-image and you find out quickly if your kernel have issues
08:05.37HumbeYes.. I format it in windows and it only worked in windows.. And I tried format it with mkfs.vfat and it still only worked in windows...
08:05.59sepskiHumbe, and the error message you get when you try to mount is ?
08:06.04peanutpeanutah planet is on gluck. i see.
08:06.22peterSyes, planet is on gluck
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08:07.29jethr0when using the -R switch to lilo, can I specify a kernel image to boot, or just arguments to an already configured kernel for lilo?
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08:08.57CyBeR_GeeKalgum brasileiro ai ?
08:09.02dpkgPor favor use #debian-br para ajuda em portugues.
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08:09.31dpkgextra, extra, read all about it, cn is China
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08:10.19boukensyahey guys.  I am looking for a optimised kernel config for the ibook graphite 466
08:10.21bodqhow can I install debian if I can not boot from anything but the HDD? I currently have old working linux installed there
08:10.33boukensyabeen googeling lots but no luck
08:10.36*** part/#debian katya (rissy@2001:5c0:80ca:1:0:0:0:101)
08:10.47jm_bodq: by reading installation guide
08:10.51CyBeR_GeeKjethr0 vc é br ?
08:10.56dpkgPor favor use #debian-br para ajuda em portugues.
08:11.02jethr0CyBeR_GeeK: I don't talk portuguese
08:11.12CyBeR_GeeKok, sory
08:11.50bodqjm_: good idea, thanks :)
08:11.53*** join/#debian GoD_SPeeD (
08:12.18jm_bodq: seriously, it's mentioned in there
08:12.26HumbeStupid error message that you allways get with mount.. They coulda just have said 'Some error occured' : mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hda2, or too many mounted file systems
08:12.31*** join/#debian jacleo (~jacleo@
08:12.32bodqjm_: I know :)
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08:12.42bodqjm_: I really want to thank you :)
08:12.46bodqjm_: why not? :)
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08:12.53yxahow do i search for any 3-digit numbers in vim?
08:12.59CyBeR_GeeKquem sabe configurar o wu-ftpd
08:13.05CyBeR_GeeKwho knows to configure wu-ftpd
08:13.09jethr0CyBeR_GeeK: you don't want wu-ftpd
08:13.09_joeycould someone help me to install ati driver please? I upgraded XFree86 on Debian sarge with When  I install fglrx it complains it can't install xlibmesa-gl because it's already been installed
08:13.12jm_bodq: no worries
08:13.20bodqyxa: [0-9][0-9][0-9]
08:13.26bodqyxa: or \d\d\d
08:13.30bodqyxa: or \d\{3\}
08:13.39jethr0CyBeR_GeeK: you want more secure ftpd instead, one that doesn't provide a remote shell at each and every release
08:13.45*** join/#debian Nwallins (
08:14.03yxabodq those match 4 or 5 digit numbers :)
08:14.07CyBeR_GeeKjethr0 yes
08:14.16CyBeR_GeeKwhant ?
08:14.18bodqyxa: hmm
08:14.32yxabodq all numbers are space delimited
08:14.36jethr0CyBeR_GeeK: proftpd/vsftpd/everything but wu-ftpd
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08:14.47bodqyxa: / \d\{3\} /
08:14.54bodqyxa: hmm
08:14.56bodqyxa: no
08:15.10bodqyxa: /(^| )\d\{3\}( |$)/ or something like that
08:15.25jm_yxa: no, it works just fine - \d\d\d matches what you asked for
08:15.42jethr0jm_: \d\d\d would match 1234
08:15.48yxajm_ it matches others too
08:16.05*** join/#debian Zatarra (
08:16.11CyBeR_GeeKjethr0 my English is not good is using a translator, you to all good pra you
08:16.20CyBeR_GeeKjethr0 my English is not good is using a translator, you to all good for you
08:16.36jethr0CyBeR_GeeK: wait until someone wakes up in debian-br :)
08:16.44jethr0CyBeR_GeeK: for you own good, and mine ;)
08:16.47jm_yxa: so you want to match just the numbers with 3 digits, not text with 3 numbers in it?
08:17.06yxajm_ yeah
08:17.08CyBeR_GeeKunhappyly it does not answer,
08:17.29yxajm_ is that possible?
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08:17.52jm_yxa: yes, but the expression will vary depending on your text
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08:18.32CyBeR_GeeKjethr0 this installing the server and you functioning, to put I am not obtaining to deletar nor to rewriting
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08:19.07bodqyxa: for eaxmple, \<\d\d\d\> must work
08:19.14yxajm \s\d\d\d\s works but doesnt find the "edge" numbers
08:19.54*** join/#debian colde89 (
08:19.55jm_yxa: correct, \< \> like mentioned above will most likely help you
08:20.00jethr0!tell CyBeR_GeeK -about msg
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08:20.32yxabodq that worked. thanks
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08:20.56CyBeR_GeeKjethr0 sorry, i am find help for me
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08:21.28SirThomashi, does 3.0r4 defaults to ext2 filesystem? it isnt asking if i want to preserve 2.2 kernel compatibility
08:21.33CyBeR_GeeKit only wanted to be helped: (
08:21.38jethr0CyBeR_GeeK: you're not supposed to /msg people without asking them first
08:21.56jethr0CyBeR_GeeK: + it's very risky to give login and passwords to your system, to someone you don't know
08:22.03CyBeR_GeeKoks, but can test for me?
08:22.50CyBeR_GeeKjablko the system is experimental, understood?
08:22.55CyBeR_GeeKjethr0 the system is experimental, understood?
08:23.10*** join/#debian coban (
08:23.16jethr0CyBeR_GeeK: yes
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08:23.25jethr0CyBeR_GeeK: just don't run wu-ftpd in the first place
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08:23.53CyBeR_GeeKthen it knows why I am not obtaining to deletar archives?
08:24.17jethr0CyBeR_GeeK: configuration issue
08:24.58*** join/#debian illumina1e (
08:24.59nagualjethr0: why do you let someone hold so much power over you so that they can give you a headache?
08:25.23borcoi have found some packages that are not but there are in a official mirror. is this normal? for example, the mirror has kernel-image-2.6.11-1-386 version 2.6.11-2, but i can't find it at
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08:25.55borcoto be more specific, on I have this:
08:26.02aliennHi there! I'd like to know what's up with I can't reach it since at least yesterday...
08:26.06CyBeR_GeeKCOMMAND:>RMD teste
08:26.06borcobut it is not on
08:26.06CyBeR_GeeK553 teste: Permission denied on server. (Delete)
08:26.13jethr0CyBeR_GeeK: I read that
08:26.25jethr0nagual: because I m a good boy
08:26.34borcoso, how did those packages got on
08:26.54CyBeR_GeeKjethr0 yes, you a good boy rs
08:27.13aliennThe only packages I got from there are the clamav backports by sgran...
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08:27.21colloroncan i search a package with apt-get? if im unsure how its called exactly
08:27.22sepskithat translator of his sure makes funny comments  :P
08:27.23jond3rdCyBeR_GeeK: is that vsftpd ?
08:27.31CyBeR_GeeKjethr0 what it can be
08:27.41alienncolloron: You can use apt-search
08:27.46nagualjethr0: ok.
08:27.59CyBeR_GeeKjond3rd wu-ftpd
08:27.59alienncolloron: sorry.. apt-cache...
08:28.04streunercolloron: man apt-cache
08:28.11nagualjethr0: forever be the best you can be, and feel everything is as simple as it ever is.
08:28.26colloronok. just out of curiusity, any ideas how does the perlqt package called?
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08:29.17alienncolloron: libqt-perl
08:29.19aardvark!tell colloron about search
08:29.26CyBeR_GeeKjethr0 it would have that to give one apt-get removes wu-ftpd, and later installing proftpd?
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08:29.51bodqjm_: I'm booting to d-i now, but how would I make netinstall now?
08:30.09aliennNobody knows something about why ist not reachable? I found nothing on the ml-archives yesterday...
08:30.36aardvark!topicbadger alienn
08:30.37dpkg/topic /topic /topic /topic /topic /topic *READ IT*READ IT* /topic /topic /topic /topic /topic /topic /topic *a shaaame it's a shaaame that alienn didn't read the* /topic /topic /topic /topic...
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08:31.03jethr0CyBeR_GeeK: yes apt-get remove that
08:31.12jethr0CyBeR_GeeK: sorry I m on a conf call at the same time
08:31.28CyBeR_GeeKok no prob
08:31.40*** part/#debian komozo (~komozo@
08:32.00jm_bodq: wait, why are you booting if you said you want to insteal from already running Linux?
08:32.02sepskidamn you aardvark now i have the badger song in my head.... !AGAIN!
08:32.17CyBeR_GeeKProFTPd warning: cannot start neither in standalone nor in inetd/xinetd mode. Check your configuration.
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08:32.33aardvark!win me
08:32.33bodqjm_: because I can not repartition and use debootstrap
08:32.34dpkgCongratulations, aardvark! You have won the US presidency!
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08:33.05jm_bodq: but if you can boot then you can use normal d-i installer, no need for other trickery
08:33.26bodqjm_: i don't get it
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08:33.51CyBeR_GeeKwhy of the this error: ProFTPd warning: cannot start neither in standalone nor in inetd/xinetd mode. Check your configuration.
08:33.54bodqjm_: I need d-i to get its files from the debian mirror (network)
08:34.05jm_bodq: you asked how you can install Debian if you can't boot from removable media, right?
08:34.11bodqjm_: right
08:34.14bodqjm_: but
08:34.27bodqjm_: hd-media images do not contain the networking part
08:34.31jm_bodq: no,
08:35.00*** mode/#debian [+l 791] by debhelper
08:35.08bodqjm_: ok, dists/sarge/main/installer-i386/current/images/hd-media/ doesn't contain network parts
08:35.46jm_bodq: yeah, but netboot/debian-installer/i386/ does
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08:36.10catbob2: done with everything now what else? do i do?
08:36.28aliennaardvark: Thanks a lot, but that didn't help me either!
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08:37.59jethr0hi Guerin
08:38.20lestesthi there, how do I sort strings like h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 ... h10 h11 h12, in this order with sort?
08:39.04bodqjm_: do you mean mini.iso?
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08:40.00Guerinhowdy thar
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08:41.52bodqjm_: nah, it says it's not a debian ISO
08:42.02jm_bodq: naah, there initrd.gz and corresponding kernel in there
08:42.17gypsymauroit will be a silly question but I need a hint: I've tried to install debian to a machine with a megatrend megaraid integrated scsi adapter the debian installar freezes loading this can I manage this? there is another distro debian derivated that can help me?
08:42.29KSergiohello. Im having problems with exim4-daemon-light on debian unstable. When dpkg tries to set it up, it just shows me a config file and fails :(
08:42.37KSergioany hint?
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08:43.07R1ckare there any kde 3.4 packages, somewhere?
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08:43.46Humbesepski: I mounted just fine if I compiled fat support as modules instead of built in.. Go figgere.. Anyways.. Problem solved for me..
08:44.05_joeyfor usb mouse, which modules should I insert?
08:44.10_joeyand which device should I include for XFree86?
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08:45.01R1cktnx a bunch jm_
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08:46.32sepskigypsymauro, first i'd try one of the many unofficial debian installers, if that also failed, i'd install on a plain ide drive upgrade to a kernel that understands your megaraid, and transfer the image onto the raid, rebuild initrd and add a boatloader
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08:47.35sepskigypsymauro, maybe if your megaraid works with a debian derivate live cd distro you can boot on the livecd, and install debian using debootrap
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08:47.38directhex|workgypsymauro, which version of debian is this?
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08:48.10gypsymaurodirecthex|work: sarge n-i
08:48.25directhex|workgypsymauro, rc3?
08:48.43gypsymaurosepski: I'll try :)
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08:48.55directhex|workgypsymauro, tried forcing a 2.6 kernel install rather than 2.4?
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08:49.18gypsymaurodirecthex|work: yes the same problem now I'm far away from that machine so I can't remember the module name exactly
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08:49.37catssh to the machine and check the err0r
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08:49.58gypsymaurobut it stops the installer at 5% sayng "loading module..." and looking in other consoles I see that it tries to reset the scsi adapter but it stops then
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08:51.30aliennI was told by some other guy... Thanks for all the help in this channel!
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08:52.23CyBeR_GeeKhow I make to initiate proftpd?
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08:52.58idnar!hello jakob
08:53.20idnareh, what's the factoid?
08:54.10gypsymaurohow I can unpack "udeb" packages?
08:54.16helix!greet jakob
08:54.17dpkgHowdy, jakob
08:54.29jethr0how do you tell if a CPU is K6 or K7 ? looking at the cpu_family reported in cpuinfo ?
08:54.58*** mode/#debian [+l 801] by debhelper
08:54.58gypsymaurouhm it seems a deb pacakges dpkg -X it works:)
08:55.05directhex|workjethr0, is it an athlon?
08:55.10jethr0directhex|work: indeed
08:55.15*** part/#debian Zatarra (
08:55.17dpkgwell, k7 is the generic model name for the series of AMD i386-compatible processors which begins with the "Athlon" and also includes the "Duron", "Thunderbird", "Sempron" and "Athlon XP" processors. It does not include the Opteron (k8) family or the older K5 or K6 chips.
08:55.18jethr0directhex|work: and cpu family i s6
08:55.50jethr0it's an athlon xp so I guess it's k7 as per the factoid
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08:56.02jakobyour are strange
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08:56.35simonrvnyour spelling of "you're" sucks ;p
08:57.06CyBeR_GeeKjethr0 how I make to initiate proftpd?
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08:57.26simonrvn/etc/init.d/$somefile start
08:58.24jethr0CyBeR_GeeK: Idon't understand "initiate"
08:58.49CyBeR_GeeKsimonrvn via daemon
08:59.15jethr0what would be the safest way to do a kernel upgrade on a box you can't have physical access to ? just apt-get install a kernel image?
08:59.16simonrvndefine "via daemon"
08:59.34jethr0simonrvn: for the record, CyBeR_GeeK is brasilian and has limited english skills
08:59.37darknessHey folks i want to edit my sshd_config file which needs su permissions hows best to edit this. I guess chmod 777 /sshd_config is not good?  Also if someone has su logged in remotely via ssh and you then locally log off and discconect from the web, change root and log back on, how come the guy using the remote ssh still has root ?
08:59.52simonrvndarkness: no it isn't good
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09:00.31simonrvnCyBeR_GeeK: do mean start it from the command line (prompt), or start it via its init script?
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09:00.49darknessWhats the best way simonrvn?
09:00.59colde89why cold i find a usb-scanner with scanimage -L as root but not as user?
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09:01.35simonrvndarkness: install sudo and read man sudoers; and edit the sudoers file via visudo
09:01.59simonrvnthough the rest of what you said isn't very clear...
09:02.17g4rfI'm looking for install woody in a shuttleX, there is no cdrom so I use a external usb cdrom, I create partion etc... but when I want to install base system, I have no cdrom choose only floopy and mounted filesystem, I have start with bf24 who can do for have cdrom ?
09:02.19streunersimonrvn: hi
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09:03.22Phu_BharHi all, I'm running a sarge 2.4.25-1 kernel. Can someone please tell me what needs doing to get eth0 in place? dpkg-reconfigure etherconf just says that it can't find eth0, but I'm using the same hardware from a live CD, soo the circuitry obviously works
09:03.25streunerg4rf: Did you google for usb iso?
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09:03.47streunerg4rf: what does ig say about?
09:03.57g4rfstreuner: I can burn any iso for the momment :/
09:03.59sepskiPhu_Bhar, modprobe your nic's module, then reconfigure
09:04.10*** join/#debian Omnipotence (
09:04.18streunerg4rf: floppies?
09:04.29g4rfstreuner: nop :/
09:04.31Phu_Bharsepski: which is the nic's module - I'm just a user
09:04.37darknessWell someone has a shell account on my box. I gave him temp root access which he connects via sshd. Now i tried to remove root access to him by logging off debian and booting without internet access.Then i changed to passwd. However on logging on the guy still had access to root?
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09:04.40streuner!rube goldberg install
09:04.40dpkg"Hi!  I want to install Debian with a 2.6.x kernel on a machine, but I can't boot from floppies, and I can't boot from CD-ROM, and I have no network card.  I have only a USB dot matrix printer and a punch card reader."
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09:04.58sepskiPhu_Bhar, that depends on what network card you have, if you have no clue then you can use lspci and it should say what cards you have
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09:05.28streunerg4rf: buy a floppy or CDROM or whatever
09:05.30darknessPlus i gather to install sudo i just apt-get install sudo?
09:05.38danikatawhy my konqueror couldnt open windows network, but i can do it in nautilus ?
09:05.53g4rfstreuner: seems to be the solution ...
09:05.57OmnipotenceHi, I wanna install a GUI on debian but dont know which one to chose. can any one help?
09:06.03sepskig4rf, the kernel you booted from cd obviously cant find your usb cdrom, i would have tried useing a console, and mount the cd manualy, and select the install from mounted filesystem option in the installer
09:06.04jaymzhdarkness: that's the beauty of debian
09:06.25Phu_Bharsepski: I think its a Broadcom 4400 or suchlike, thanx, I'll give it a try
09:06.35g4rfsepski: mount /dev/sda /target/cdrom ?
09:07.00sepskig4rf, well if /dev/sda is your cdrom then yes
09:07.18g4rfsepski: I try
09:07.22g4rfsepski: thx
09:07.33Phu_Bhar'Bye for now
09:08.06sepskiPhu_Bhar, the livecd you talked about will have the correct module loaded use lsmod to find out witch
09:08.17Omnipotencecan any tell me a good GUI for debian plz
09:08.33sepskiOmnipotence, i use /bin/bash a lot
09:08.50Omnipotencedoes it support irc?
09:08.55sepskiOmnipotence, yes
09:09.03Omnipotencecool thx ill give it a go
09:09.38sepskiOmnipotence, you should try installing x-window-system i think
09:10.15chealerOmnipotence: maybe you're asking for a desktop environmen?
09:11.19Phu_Bharsepski: there's something called b44 (size: 22532). Does that sound likely?
09:11.30Omnipotenceim still a bit new at linux
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09:11.36dpkgwell, broadcom is a NIC that's not supported in 2.4.18, but is apparently supported in 2.4.25 (module is named "b44"), or may also be tg3 driver, or see broadcom woody, or evil scum producing undocumented HW and violating GPL.
09:11.42sepskiPhu_Bhar, iv never had a broadcom card, but it's not unlikely
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09:11.53chealerOmnipotence: are you using sarge and have enough free disk space?
09:12.13Omnipotencecan u tell me how to install that? im using putty to connect to my linux server
09:12.18dpkgDamnit Jim! It's YOU. Y-O-U. Not *U*. U is a letter. YOU is a word. See ne1, or wud.  Dutch for 'you' (formal singular). See
09:12.35*** join/#debian shinma (~shinma@
09:12.47sepskiOmnipotence,   a server have no need for a desktop enviorment ususaly
09:13.05hoehi all, mayb' a q on wrong place: can I include user=fixedIP in 2 CBQ classes to allow him gain bandtidth from both classes as sum at moment?
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09:13.38Phu_Bharsepski: I'm wondering why it went down in the first place. It worked for several days, only to disappear after doing an apt-get (I forget what, it was bout 4 days ago)
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09:13.55sepskihoe: i think #lartc on slashnet might be more apropriate
09:13.55Omnipotenceyea i know but i wanna using it also as a irc server to host files
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09:14.10sepskihoe, or lartc on freenode
09:14.16hoesepski: sounds great, ty
09:14.48sepskiOmnipotence, irc server dont need desktop enviorment either.
09:15.03Omnipotenceclue me in then plz
09:15.05*** part/#debian mschiff (
09:15.42directhex|workOmnipotence, also for reference, putty can't display any pretty graphical applications on your windows pc without intervention, so i'm not sure what you'd gain by installing graphical stuff
09:16.10Omnipotenceright-o cheers... wont be installing one then
09:16.15sepskiOmnipotence, if you want to host files you usualy want a ftp server, irc server is for chatting networks
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09:17.25Omnipotenceim gunna have to read up on ftp for debian then
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09:17.57directhex|workOmnipotence, "apt-cache search somethingtosearchfor", then "apt-get install searchresult1 searchresult2". e.g. "apt-cache search irc server" -> "apt-get install ircd-ircu"
09:19.00Phu_BharThanx & 'bye again
09:19.05Omnipotencecheers, thats for a irc client im guessing
09:19.20chealerOmnipotence: an IRC server
09:19.23directhex|workOmnipotence, no, if you wanted an irc client you'd search for & install an irc client
09:19.45Omnipotencewell i wanna be able to do both so id need both
09:20.03GuerinOmnipotence: no, you don't want to be able to do both
09:20.17GuerinOmnipotence: just exactly what does your omnipotence relate to?
09:20.30Guerinbecause it sure as shit ain't anything to do with intellect
09:20.33Omnipotenceheh not linux :D
09:21.05Omnipotencehey calm down m8 less of the insults
09:21.21dpkgi guess tw@ is ( What we think of people who use 'gr8' and other such nonsense words. )
09:22.10Omnipotenceu think im a twat cos im learning how to use linux... u started some where 2
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09:23.31Guerinno, i think you're a tw@ bc0z u c4n'7 use reel ingl15h
09:23.37netvoodoohi all
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09:28.05FlimFlamManjust the usual insult-laden douche-fest on #debian i see.
09:28.13*** join/#debian adaran (
09:28.21e2eHi, my nfs server starting takes about 2 minutes at boot time. This was about 20-30 seconds before this, what could be the problem?
09:28.32gypsymaurowhat's the best way to allow a few users to upload file on a server? chrooted ftp? or there is something easier (webdav.. i dunno)
09:28.40poisonhi, I have a strange problem with my postfix configuration. I've build postfix 2.2.2 from source with TLS, MySQL and SASL support and now sometimes when I have a catchall address it works fine and sometimes (with another domain) I get error 554: Recipient address rejected: relay access denied
09:28.41streunere2e: DNS issue?
09:28.45e2eAnd also at boot time i get bad "bad direction dropping request" errors
09:28.54e2estreuner: ? how
09:29.05GuerinFlimFlamMan: douching is unhealthy
09:29.10streunere2e: well, edit /etc/hosts
09:29.30adarani have a dir with "drwxrwx---" permissions. i'm in the same group as the owner of the dir and the dir is also of that gid. however, i cannot ls it or cd into it (from one directory below)
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09:29.37Gueringypsymauro: anonymous ftp with a read-protected upload dir
09:29.46e2estreuner: my exports file has only one line : /directory
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09:30.18streunere2e: do you fix DNS issues in exports?
09:30.20*** join/#debian poison_ (
09:30.43Guerinpoison_: #postfix
09:30.57*** join/#debian Phu_Bhar (~Phu_Bhar@
09:31.01e2estreuner: I don't know, what can i do with /etc/hosts, or how can solve this dns problem
09:31.17*** join/#debian tosh| (~tom@
09:31.20poisonGuerin: there's nobody home
09:31.20Phu_BharHi again
09:31.29Guerinpoison: try adding your client to my_networks and allow it
09:31.47Guerinpoison: patience; #postfix does have some good regulars
09:32.00Phu_Bharsepski: Many thanx - insmod b44 brought it up immediately
09:32.16poisonGuerin: do I have to add all the smtp servers on the world to my_networks? I'm sending with the smtp of my provider to my own mailserver
09:32.19poisonGuerin: ok
09:32.31streunere2e:       knusper localhost
09:32.31streuner192.168.1.11    zerberus
09:32.50Phu_Bhar'bye now
09:33.00streunere2e: where 'zerberus' is your client, just name it in /etc/hosts
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09:33.19Guerinpoison: well, postfix, set up sanely, will only relay for those hosts you tell it to.
09:33.31e2estreuner: Do i have to add this line for each client?
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09:33.39Guerinpoison: this you must know?
09:33.47poisonGuerin: I had no problem with my former configuration, the problems started when I upgraded to 2.2.2 and SASL
09:33.51*** part/#debian Omnipotence (
09:33.53streunere2e: how many do you have?
09:34.01e2estreuner: 7
09:34.21*** join/#debian binarydigit (bdigit@binarydigit.user)
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09:34.46poisonalthough I changed nothing to my configuration files
09:35.01Guerinpoison: you can use sasl to authenticate, or you can allow a smtp server explicitly and not authenticate
09:35.46Guerinpoison: I do both; I have my own ip at home and work in my_networks, and I can relay directly through my smtp server by using a sasl-capable mail client
09:35.47poisonGuerin: yeah I know, but that's not the problem I guess because I disabled sasl in my config files and it still doesnt work
09:36.14Guerinpoison: the question is: why are you using your isp's smtp server when you clearly run your own?
09:36.26poisonGuerin: I have two domains: and; my catchall on does work perfectly and my catchall on doesn't work and they are configured exactly the same :s
09:36.27*** join/#debian Chameleon22 (
09:36.48poisonGuerin: because other people must be able to mail me
09:36.55Guerinpoison: if they truly ARE configured identically, then it beats me.
09:37.17adarannow this is weird: i can't cd /somedir (rwxrwx---) although i'm the the correct group - if i do "su", then "su (me)" again, i suddenly can. any suggestions?
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09:37.26poisonGuerin: they are both the same in my mysql tables
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09:37.44Guerinpoison: something else must be different, I guess.
09:37.50streuneradaran: man chmod
09:38.14poisonGuerin: I guess that too :)
09:38.22adaranstreuner, did. does not explain why user adaran cannot enter the dir, but su adaran can =/
09:38.26spumeanyone know the RedHat equiv of "killall -HUP inetd", I'm trying to get my hosts file re-read without stopping the network (other clients are still logged in)
09:38.44streuneradaran: well, with su you are 'root'...
09:38.58adaranstreuner, no "su adaran"
09:39.13streuneradaran: in order to cd to that dir you have to chmod o+x the folder
09:39.16adaranstreuner, as in whoami -> "adaran" . then "su adaran" (enter adaran's password) -> works
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09:39.47streuneradaran: su=superuser
09:39.49adaranstreuner, whoami -> "adaran" (again) . cd /thedir now works
09:39.50streuneraka root
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09:40.15amorphixhi guys
09:40.16adaranstreuner, if i invoke "su adaran", i become adaran, not root.
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09:40.40streuneradaran: just chmod that folder with x
09:40.43bbraziladaran: use 'id', not whoami. whoami might be reading an enviroment var
09:40.52streuneradaran: eXecutable
09:40.59amorphixI've noticed my Debian system is using 33Mhz for the bus speed but my bus speed is 66Mhz, how do i change it?
09:41.15adaranbbrazil, ty
09:41.37zinxamorphix: you don't.  it's very unlikely that you have a 66MHz IDE bus
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09:41.53spumeamorphix: surely it's a bios setting, not software
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09:42.41amorphixzinx: but it says here in my systems user guide
09:43.16adaranbbrazil, hmm i noticed that when adding a user a to a group, the change doesn't carry over to already logged in sessions
09:43.25zinxamorphix: what is it that it says there in your system's user guide?
09:43.37adaranbbrazil, that seems to my problem here, too (old session)
09:44.00adaranbbrazil, however, groups seems to read /etc/group, showing me the "correct" group list, id reports the required group as missing. thanks
09:44.02largezhangHi all. One question: how long does it take to compile an almost-default 2.6.8 kernel on a Pentium IV 2.0G machine?
09:44.07hoesepski: hi again, there is no #lartc on or is it which don't have ircd on any default port?
09:44.10amorphixoh i screwed up
09:44.15jm_largezhang: say 10 minutes or more
09:44.17adaranis there any way to "re-read" the environment in a shell (as in what groups i am in?)
09:44.20sepskihoe, no i also said there is a lartc on freenode
09:44.23SlayerXPlargezhang: it takes this long <--------------------->
09:44.28SlayerXPlargezhang: not to scale
09:44.30amorphixzinx: I was looking at CPU|Cache|Memory, those are 66Mhz bus speed
09:44.32hoesepski: freenode ok, but slashnet ko :)
09:44.40bbraziladaran: this is correct,log out and log back in. or use newgrp
09:44.41jm_adaran: newgrp and/or sg
09:44.45amorphixzinx: PCI Bus is 33Mhz
09:44.55sepskihoe, i think the mailinglist is more active then the channel
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09:45.11zinxamorphix: different things.
09:45.11hoesepski: talking about freenode now?
09:45.18adaranjm_, thx
09:45.31hoesepski: i suppose, just to assure
09:46.03amorphixzinx: do you know what the difference is between FSC (Fast Color Scan) and TFT LCDs?
09:46.11*** join/#debian Lorvija (
09:46.23largezhangO thanks. And what is the difference between kernel-tree-2.6.10 and kernel-source-2.6.10? Can the former be used for compiling?
09:46.36Guerinhuzzah for bubble & squeak
09:46.42Guerinthat's what I say
09:46.55Guerinthe perfect bachelor food
09:47.02Guerinbesides pizza
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09:47.18amorphixu guys are funny
09:47.34*** join/#debian RedGlow (mat@2001:760:202:f200:0:0:0:e)
09:48.02streunerGuerin: wtf is 'bubble & squeak'?
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09:48.49ShadurAugh, rxvt somehow ignores the alt modifier key. Probably something I fucked up somewhere but I have no idea where to start looking. suggestions?
09:48.58Guerinlargezhang: apt-cache show kernel-tree-2.6.10
09:49.08smlanyone know why i'd get on boot : init "cX" respawning too fast disabled for 5 minutes, where X = all my tty's ?
09:49.21jm_Shadur: rxvt has -mod switch, or modifier resource where you can set this
09:49.26Guerinstreuner: leftover potatoes, onions, cabbage, meat, random other stuff, sauteed together in a pan and eaten with beer
09:49.30streuner!listvals respawing
09:49.32dpkgFactoid search of 'respawing' by value returned no results.
09:49.45streuner!listvals respawning
09:49.47dpkgFactoid search of 'respawning' by value (1): nutscape problems.
09:49.50amorphixGuerin must be british
09:49.53smlstreuner: I know what respawning means.. my problem is that I cant get a tty!
09:49.58smli.e. I cant get into my system.
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09:50.24Guerinstreuner: i'm sure germans must eat something like this
09:50.33smlGuerin: lol.
09:50.37Guerinamorphix: nope, I'm a filthy colonial
09:50.44Shadurjm: Just tried that. Doesn't seem to have worked.
09:50.57streunerGuerin: sure
09:51.26Guerinstreuner: i used to make it with rookworst and sauerkraut all the time
09:51.34amorphixsoggy bubble and squeak?
09:51.39streunerGuerin: its called in german 'Bratkartoffeln'
09:51.46Guerinstreuner: that makes sense
09:52.07Guerinamorphix: the beer goes in the mouth, not in the pan
09:52.20streunersml: what the hell did you do?
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09:52.35alekseyvWho knows this error: Running autoconf... error: possibly undefined macro: AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE
09:53.04alekseyvI don't see anything in the forums
09:53.06marinosits really strange ...when i use applications using glx network locks ...
09:53.19alekseyvi see the same error but no a reply
09:53.20amorphixl8rz guys
09:53.37smlstreuner: nuffin. i came in this mornign and every app was segfaulting. so i rebooted.
09:53.54Guerinsml: memtest86
09:54.01smlstreuner: i've used a <gasp> knoppix live cd to get back on the system and i've doen the usual memtest, fsck etc
09:54.01Shadur... Ah, that explains it. mrxvt uses the alt/number modifier to switch tabs.
09:54.03marinos... i have to reset the ethernet device
09:54.05smlGuerin: already done ;)
09:54.27smlGuerin: in fact im even running it again now !
09:54.45smli've checked inittab and its fine not borked.
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09:54.54Guerinsml: you need to run it for about 24 hours at a time
09:54.55smlgod *knows* what's run. i suspect a hardware problem.
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09:55.25Guerinsml: I blame hardware, too. typically segfaults mean bad ram. Leave it running.
09:55.41Guerinsml: oh wait, you can boot knoppix?
09:56.07smlGuerin: I can boot knoppix. I did use a debian disk but i didn't have enough tools on it.. so I had a knoppix cd lying about so I thought I'd use that.
09:56.15smlGuerin: knoppix works fine, which is bloody strange
09:56.42smli then mounted my old partitions, chrooted and took a look around. everything seems fine. even perms on agetty i checked.
09:56.43ShadurAaah, that fixed it.
09:57.26smlat the moment im waiting for memtest86 to finish (for the 2nd time). I did even suspect a corrupt filesystem however i've run fsck.ext3, and fsck.
09:57.26Guerinsml: the other cause of segfaults can be a corrupted libc - consider cleaning and reinstalling that
09:57.33Guerinyou want to back yo shit up, though
09:57.37smlGuerin: ok.... good idea. didn't think of that
09:57.55smlGuerin: it doesn't have anything important on it. its a laptop I use for watching DVDs ;)
09:58.08smlI'm more concerned that I might need to get the laptop fixed!
09:58.10*** part/#debian spume (
09:58.15ShadurNext trick: Convince this anti-aliased font to play nicely with ncurses and mutt's ascii art controls.
09:58.19smlor buy some new ram. :)
09:58.39Guerinsml: if knoppix works, I doubt your ram is bad. Knoppix LIVES in ram.
09:59.05*** part/#debian RedGlow (mat@2001:760:202:f200:0:0:0:e)
09:59.15smlGuerin: knoppix LIVED in ram.. im basically using a knoppix kernel on a debian filesystem at the moment.
09:59.30smli've chrooted out of the knoppix environment.
09:59.42Guerinsml: even so...
09:59.59ShadurAh, perfect.
10:00.02ShadurWell, sort of.
10:00.10Guerinsomething can be sort-of perfect?
10:00.19Guerinisn't that like a little bit dead?
10:00.23smlGuerin: well...... why would getty not run, i cant think of any ideas. maybe i should run it console less, and ssh in. remove all the cX lines from inittab ?
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10:01.13Guerinsml: anything's worth a crack
10:01.31eerris there a way to check if i have quota support compiled into my kernel?
10:01.50smlGuerin: its gonna be a fun morning, i can tell.
10:01.54s-tonedhow do I pipe the output of n tab tab (422 possibilities) ?
10:02.03streunereerr: grep foo your_kernel_config?
10:02.13jm_s-toned: pipe it?
10:02.15Guerins-toned: |less
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10:02.33smls-toned: use find instead of tab tab, and use exec ls -l {}\;
10:02.59fusionIs there a way to have apt clear its cache? Whenever I run apt-get update I get some very odd error and the filesystem goes into read only mode
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10:03.32ShadurOkay, the problem I'm still having is that when I use xft fonts, ncurses screws up as seen in ; I recall having this problem before but I can't for the life of me remember how I fixed it short of going back to non-antialiased fonts which I'd rather not do. Suggestions?
10:03.44s-tonedGuerin: but the possibilities will be displayed after the second tab. | less will find things with less*
10:04.07Guerins-toned: ohhh, I see
10:04.35jm_s-toned: why do you want to pipe this?
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10:04.55s-tonedjm_: pipe into less or grep
10:04.57directhex|workShadur, what's wrong in that image?
10:05.05fusionargh it did it again..
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10:05.26directhex|workfusion, apt-get clean
10:05.38Guerindirecthex|work: the boxes
10:05.43fusionyeah but is it normal for apt to make my root fs go into read only mode?!
10:05.53Guerinfusion: negatory
10:05.55s-tonedsml: the autocompletion works in many different cases -> a different find 'something' in every case would be necessary
10:06.16fusionIts been happening for a while, I was kind of hoping that it was just a bad update
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10:06.34Guerinfusion: that's typically filesystem coorruption
10:06.43fusionwould fsck fix that?
10:06.51jm_s-toned: well bash will use its own pager by default
10:06.54s-tonedcouldn't I redirect stdout or stderr or something like that to get the autocompletion output ?
10:06.55fusionor should I not bother and just do a reformat / repartition
10:06.56directhex|workGuerin, locale issue, surely?
10:07.20Shadurdirecthex|work: It should look like -- and does, when I use gnome-terminal
10:07.26Guerinfusion: maybe. shutdown -Fr now
10:07.31jm_s-toned: well no, it's a shell internal thing
10:07.43fusionI have done that
10:07.44fusionand rebooted
10:07.50aardvarkdirecthex|work: LANG="RU_RU"?
10:07.54fusionits not crucial data
10:08.19Shadurdirecthex|work: But then, multi-gnome-terminal only uses old-style fonts and lets me specify the exact charset (iso-8859-15); xft doesn't accept that, it seems.
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10:08.29directhex|workShadur, 404
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10:09.04Shadurer, multichar-right.png
10:09.11fusionis fsck / sufficient (it is currently in read only mode)
10:09.25serji did apt-get install  kernel-patch-grsecurity2 and now i have  /usr/src/patch but don't know how to aply it to my kernel source tree some help pls!
10:09.26directhex|workShadur, this is a woody machine?
10:09.30ShadurNope, sid
10:09.34s-tonedjm_: can I substitute the pager? export PAGER=less didn't do
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10:09.53smlGuerin: im getting "Bus error" every time i run a command now.
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10:10.20jidderanyone here willing to help me with prerouting? i cant get DC to work in active mode behind my debian
10:10.22jm_s-toned: don't think so
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10:10.31serji did apt-get install  kernel-patch-grsecurity2 and now i have  /usr/src/patch but don't know how to aply it to my kernel source tree some help pls!
10:10.39smljidder: DC?
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10:10.48jidderdirect connect client
10:11.11aardvarksml: warez0rs
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10:11.16e-spywhy by default have apache in config alias /images .. then in virtual domains /images directory is redirecte to /usr/share/images (whay, hot to fix it)
10:11.36Guerinsml: fucked ide?
10:11.42serji did apt-get install  kernel-patch-grsecurity2 and now i have  /usr/src/patch but don't know how to aply it to my kernel source tree some help pls!
10:11.52Guerinsml: swap cables with your cd, which clearly works
10:11.54smlaardvark: lol
10:12.00serjhey oh patch -p1 < patch dir may be
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10:12.05smlGuerin: its a laptop.
10:12.11marcel__how do i convert a desktop system to a bare terminal based system? EG. get rid of all the X stuff
10:12.25jethr0serj: man make-kpkg
10:12.33jidderso far ive tried iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 1447 -j DNAT --to
10:12.34Guerinmarcel__: apt-get remove --purge xlibs
10:12.36jidderand udp
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10:13.56Guerinmarcel__: hrm, that might not do it on its own
10:14.53jidderdo i have to reload the rules in some way maybe?
10:15.35*** join/#debian madjpm (~guest@
10:15.43marcel__i need to get rid of all gnome kde etc stuff
10:15.52marcel__Theres a lot of crap here
10:15.54sepskijidder, no you dont.  if you dont know iptables intimatly, use shorewall
10:16.00directhex|work!remove kde
10:16.01dpkgfrom memory, remove kde is apt-get --purge remove kdelibs3 kdelibs4 (or ask me about "install kde")
10:16.03Guerin!remove gnome
10:16.03dpkgfrom memory, remove gnome is apt-get --purge remove libgnome32 libgnome2-common (or ask me about "install gnome")
10:16.04directhex|work!remove gnome
10:16.07Expandershorewall is ok
10:16.09dpkgmethinks woah is the wisdom of keanu
10:16.10directhex|workdamn you Guerin
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10:16.24Guerindirecthex|work: we did one each
10:16.46smlGuerin: i think its an ide fault that affects the cdrom AND harddisk.
10:16.48jiddersepski. yeah it has crossed my mind to use it, maybe its the best if i try it out. thanks
10:16.51smlGuerin: ide controller ?
10:16.58Guerinsml: bye bye laptop
10:17.02smlGuerin: :'(
10:17.27sepskijidder, if you run into problems then have good docs/and examples
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10:18.35eerrstreuner: thanks, sometimes the obvious is not so obvious.
10:19.26serji do kernel-patch/all/apply/grsecurity2 in the toplevel kernel dir but it says No "Greater Security for Linux 2.4 and 2.6" patch found for kernel version 2.6.8 now i see that there is a patch included for 2.6.7 but there is no kernel-source-2.6.7 in the dpkg repository
10:19.40serji just want to make it the proper deian way
10:19.51serjnot just recompile my kernel and boot it
10:20.02serji want that neat initrd.img etc
10:20.27serjhow how the hell am i supposed to get a grsec-ed kernel
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10:21.32ShadurQ:  Does mrxvt support UTF-8 locale/encoding method?
10:21.33ShadurA:  Not now. This is a planned work and hopefully will be supported
10:21.34Shadurin the next development branch (0.5.x).
10:21.34*** kick/#debian [Shadur!~debhelper@debhelper.user] by debhelper (flood)
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10:21.52luulisserj: debian has outdated grsecurity patches, you have to download and apply them yourself
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10:22.29serjluulis,  ok but how do i do the kernel boot with initrd.img
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10:22.36serjthe debian way
10:22.47linuxfreckinitrd is useless for self-compiled kernels
10:22.49chealeryay, 2.6.11 images!
10:22.54dpkgrumour has it, kp is To compile a kernel The Debian Way (tm) "apt-get install kernel-package build-essential" and follow the instructions in /usr/share/doc/kernel-package/README.gz or when it bitches, rm -rf stamp-* debian before you run it again, or ask me about 'make-kpkg' and 'kp mantra', or, or (read Rationale.gz in the doc directory too)
10:22.58appajiI have dictionaries-common installed and /usr/share/dict/words in a link to /etc/dictionaries-common/words, but the link is dangling.
10:23.09appajiwould this be a bug?
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10:26.36directhex|workchealer, they function.
10:26.51chealerdirecthex|work: also? :)
10:27.04directhex|workchealer, they support infiniband
10:27.20directhex|workLinux version 2.6.11-9-amd64-k8 ( (gcc version 3.4.4 20050314 (prerelease) (Debian 3.4.3-12)) #1 Sun Apr 3 18:09:29 CEST 2005
10:27.27chealerI just want to see if a vesafb bug is fixed actually
10:27.34directhex|workchealer, anything specific?
10:27.49directhex|workchealer, ever tried using vesafb at 1600x1200?
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10:28.49chealerdirecthex|work: no, the framebuffer doesn't work by default. there's a bug that makes vesafb load (and I didn't figure out how to keep it from loading), but vesafb0 (which seems to be a module required for /dev/fb0) fails to load
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10:29.14chealerthat was in 2.6.8
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10:29.49directhex|workchealer, odd, it's walwys worked just fine for me, appending vga=792 to the kernel line in menu.lst justworks(tm) on all the machines i've tried
10:29.57*** part/#debian rob^ (~rob@
10:30.03directhex|workchealer, and i appear to have a /dev/fb0 created by udev
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10:30.26chealerdirecthex|work: I don't append any kernel option
10:30.44chealeractually all I want is to disable it
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10:31.05chealerbut maybe helping fix the /dev/fb0 problem is a first step
10:31.29LorvijaHeya, when running "w" i get segmentation fault... i've been getting it randomly so i run chkrootkit... it gave these abnormal lines:   Should i be worried? (:
10:31.54*** join/#debian Geert (geert@geert.staff.freenode) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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10:31.58forkqueueLorvija: Yes
10:32.06*** join/#debian soloflyer (~soloflyer@
10:32.09Lorvijagreat, where to start? (:
10:32.23largezhangHi. I am planning to enable cpu frequency scaling for Pentium M. Is there a kernel image with it enabled? In my 2.6.10, the CONFIG_X86_ACPI_CPUFREQ=m. Does it mean that I don't need to compile the kernel, but to 'activate' the module? If possible, how? Thanks
10:32.35forkqueueLorvija: Removing the hard-disk(s) and re-building the box
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10:33.05Lorvijaforkqueue argh... any way to find out which prosesses are hidden?
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10:34.32directhex|worklargezhang, modprobe speedstep-centrino
10:34.37Fade_To_Blackhi can anyone help me install the nvidia driver on my 2.6.10 kernel?
10:34.39RaganHello, I have a problem I didn't have before I installed Debian. Any help would be very welcome.
10:34.48RaganAfter I installed Debian I've had problems with women swarming like ants to me wanting sex. I know it's because I switched to Debian as it weren't a problem before. It was fun in the beginning, but now it's really scarry. =(
10:34.48directhex|workand cpufreq-userspace
10:35.08*** join/#debian ir0n (~ninja@
10:35.08directhex|work!tell Fade_To_Black about nvidia one-liner
10:35.08ugvis there anyway to kill a user's process(everything)?
10:35.27smlRagan: I had the same problem with gentoo. I installed it and everyone thought I was k-l33t.
10:35.57soloflyerragan you have to set up your iptables to block that will fix the problem
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10:36.27Ragansml: I tried Gentoo once, same problem, just in this case it were men.
10:36.31adaranRagan, take advantage of it! traffic shaping and strict qos rules are your friends!
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10:36.34smlRagan: lmao.
10:36.38Ragansoloflyer, thank, I'll give it a try
10:37.07directhex|worklargezhang, i have cpu frequency scaling enabled on this athlon64 by way of the powernow-k8 and cpufreq-userspace modules, plus the powernowd daemon
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10:38.41colde89why could i find a usb-scanner with scanimage -L as root but not as user?
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10:40.33simonrvn@tell anan -about root
10:40.40PigletI'm having problems with updating exim on debian unstable..  On the config stage it displays a screen full of something that looks like a script file, and can seemingly only be quit with ctrl^c.. any ideas what might be causing this, or how to go about fixing it?
10:40.45*** join/#debian chealer (chealer@chealer.student.supporter.pdpc)
10:40.57directhex|workcolde89, your user isn't in the right group so lacks permissions on the device?
10:41.02ugvwell, anyone? i need to kill all the process from one user because its running a bash fork bomb.
10:41.04RaganIt would be cool though to have sex. I just know mom will kick me out of the basement faster than you can say kernel panic if she finds out I'm having sex with hot nude females.
10:41.23ugvwhats the fastest way to do it instead of killing the PID one by one?
10:41.39directhex|workpkill -u uid
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10:44.50DarknessXPiglet: I'm having the same issue
10:44.59*** mode/#debian [+l 807] by debhelper
10:45.04DarknessXbut no idea on a solution just yet.
10:45.10NOthsouthhello, there is any debian repository with PostgreSQL 8 ?
10:45.17DarknessXand either way, time to go to class.
10:46.05*** join/#debian guorke (~guorke@
10:46.37ugv# pkill -u 1001
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10:46.38ugvpkill: 22560 - No such process
10:47.06ugvthe list goes on ... ... plill: 4323 - No such process
10:47.30sepskiugv it just means that user 1001 had a ps 22560 that was closed before pkil had the chance to kill it,
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10:48.28ugvsepski, so its actually doing its job by kill all the user's process? because the system is really very laggy which i havent see the result of pkill -u UID.
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10:48.56ugvculture:~# uptime
10:49.41directhex|workno wonder pkill's a bit slow off the mark =]
10:49.52sepskiugv it should kill the ps that spawns all the others also so eventualy it should kill it
10:49.53opqdonutwhat is the apache2 DocumentRoot by default on debian? it isn't specified in the config files.
10:50.31resiakopqdonut: Look in sites_enabled
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10:50.39largezhangHi. I wonder which command to use for suspend-to-disk. Thanks
10:50.42resiakopqdonut: Specifically, /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/
10:50.55dpkgi heard suspend is check , no apm nor acpi is required
10:51.20opqdonutresiak: thanks
10:51.31dpkgfrom memory, qm is Quantum Mechanics: a new way of looking at physics, invented by Heisenberg, Dirac, Einstein, et al, in the beginning of the 20th century?
10:51.37resiak!tell soloflyer -about msgdpkg
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10:53.46boukensyahey guys.  I tried #irssi for like 2 hours but no response.  I was wondering once you have a dcc chat going with irssi how do you open it as a window so you can type stuff, such as ls etc..
10:54.00largezhangsepski: suspend only hangs my term in 2.6.10
10:54.29sepskilargezhang, i just pointed you to the site i have never used it or have use for it myself
10:54.36SlayerXPboukensya: try using a more popular IRC client.
10:54.38forkqueuelargezhang: man hibernate
10:54.58boukensyairssi is really popular
10:54.59*** mode/#debian [+l 805] by debhelper
10:55.13boukensyafor a console irc client
10:55.14adaranboukensya, tried the manual?
10:55.26boukensyayeah..  tried the manual and heaps of docs online
10:55.44SlayerXPboukensya: so popular that no-one's been talking in the channel for "like 2 hours"
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10:56.01raf256my BIOS seems not to recognize SCASII driver
10:56.04boukensyawell there is heaps of people in the channel, they are just all dead
10:56.04raf256but linux do
10:56.15raf256so I installed GRUB (and OS) to SCASI disc sca
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10:56.19Guerinwtf is scasii?
10:56.28raf256..can I use like knoppix to install GRUB as well to hda?
10:56.33forkqueueGuerin: italian version of scsi?
10:56.35Pigletirssi, client of lurkers everywhere :D
10:56.38reyhi hello
10:56.38Guerinraf256: yes
10:57.02raf256Guerin: whats the commend to install GRUB to hda1 ?
10:57.16Guerinraf256: grub-install /dev/hda
10:57.26nevynword up to irssi
10:57.27Guerinraf256: you also need to know how to chroot
10:57.44raf256and how to? to chroot ot /ev/sda apparently
10:57.52boukensyaI think irssi is really good, I just can't work out this stupid fserve thing  rahh
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10:58.14Guerinraf256: chroot into your real filesystem, then run grub-install and upddate-grub
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10:58.42largezhangforkqueue: I saw an option for suspend-to-disk in 2.6.8, but it disappears in 2.6.10 under acpi/acm. Is there such a module for suspend-to-disk in 2.6.10?
11:00.15GCSHi. What would be the best patch/way to get (My)SQL support for Bind9? I would like to include _everything_ in the database. MySQL-Bind still have manual configuration needs for every new domain.
11:00.32NOthsouthwhen I install mysql by apt-get i don't type any password, how Did I know my user password?
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11:01.24GCSN0thsouth: user is root, and he is allowed to login without pass in the default installation I believe. So you must change it later on.
11:01.26sepskiNOthsouth, it jsut grabbed your hashed password and installed that, so your mysql admin and root pw is the same
11:01.47sepskiGCS, it's passwordless on install ?
11:02.16Guerinsepski: yes, and that's much more secure than using the root pass
11:02.19NOthsouthsepski? my password linux root?
11:02.34Guerinby default there's no mysql root password
11:02.52Guerinset one yourself
11:03.09GCSsepski: Hmmm. As I can remember you must create a pass for it. But I may be wrong! Needs to check it. A second please.
11:03.10amorphixhi guys, does anyone know about memory types here? I need to check of my system can take PC2100 DDR ram modules.. my userguide says the system uses SDRAM, DIMM modules and the bus speed is 100Mhz
11:03.24njanamorphix, then no, it can't.
11:03.34amorphixbus speed is too high?
11:03.35Guerin2100 should be 133, right?
11:03.40amorphixyes i think so
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11:03.59sepskiamorphix, SDRAM pc100 is a mamory type and that is not the same as PC2100
11:04.16amorphixbut in the userguide it says accessories, 256MB 133Mhz RAM
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11:04.24Guerinmight work, then
11:04.32njanamorphix, if you find PC2100 SDram modules, you can use them
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11:04.42amorphixso i cant use DDR then?
11:04.45njanamorphix, but PC2100 DDR modules are running at 266MHz and are physically a different shape to the ones you need.
11:04.48colde89directhex|work: the user is in scanner and in saned
11:04.49njanamorphix, no. Like I said. :)
11:04.58njanamorphix, DDR is not SDRAM. You want SDRAM. :)
11:05.03sobersabredo you know where i can see if a device driver is being coded/debugged ?
11:05.08amorphixthis memory stuff is highly confusing
11:05.10sepskiamorphix, it's rater easy, becouse the notches in the RAM socket wont allow you to insert DDR ram if your MB cant handle it
11:05.24Guerinsepski: haha
11:05.27amorphixDDR is for newer systems i guess
11:05.30Guerinthat's pure bullshit, IME
11:05.46Guerini have had to give many a stick or fam back because it wouldn't work
11:05.47sepskiamorphix, no DDR is of older systems, DDR2 is for newer :)
11:05.52amorphixmy system says it can only support max of 512MB in the two DIMM slots combined, that kinda sux eh?
11:06.03GCSsepski: Uff, yes it seems it is passwordless on default installs.
11:06.03sobersabrei am talking about Texas Instruments PCI7420/PCI7620 Dual Socket CardBus and Smart Card Cont. w/ 1394a-2000 OHCI Two-Port  PHY/Link-Layer Cont. an
11:06.07Guerinamorphix: not if you have less than 512 ram
11:06.24amorphixi have 320MB at present but want to upgrade to 512
11:06.27sepskiGuerin, yes, you can run into ocasions but between DDR and SDRAM you cant fit one module in the others socket
11:06.31sobersabrethe specs are available... but maybe somebody is already working on it ..
11:06.49amorphix512MB seems rather limiting
11:06.54amorphixmaybe i need to upgrade my PC
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11:07.57Guerinhurrah, time to set up my real computer
11:08.43petemcGuerin: new pc?
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11:09.07amorphixdamn everything is DDR, its hard to find SRAM
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11:09.50amorphixI'm screwed
11:10.08sepskiamorphix, prices on sdram is getting higer too it's more like antiques now
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11:10.23petemcamorphix: in the uk, you just contact crucial, tell them what machine you have - they sort everything else out
11:10.48asuffieldassuming you're willing to pay lots
11:11.02asuffieldmatched memory is on average 2 to 5 times more expensive
11:11.15Virtualcan I mount an windows extended partition in linux ?
11:11.19amorphixeverything was good until the part about being willing to pay lots
11:11.31amorphixassuffield why?
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11:11.46asuffieldbecause that's how the market works
11:12.17amorphixif my system says it can support 512MB using 256MB in the two slots, that means it cant take a single 512 stick right?
11:12.32asuffieldwho knows? probably
11:12.45sepskiVirtual, you cant mount a extended partition in _ANY_ os, you need virtual partitions inside the extended to mount that
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11:13.03NOthsouthamorphix, what is the problem?
11:13.13amorphixbuying 2 x 256MB seems to be cheaper than buying a single 512MB anyway
11:13.23FibergeekHelp... Xxserver won't start : /dev/psaux    NO such device. What should I modprobe to fix this? Or what should I do anyway?
11:13.25michael1234I have a file called How can I read the arguments into it
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11:13.34amorphixNOthsouth I'm figuring out memory upgrade options for my old system
11:13.41VirtualFibergeek, try to set in Xserver config at mouse part : /dev/mouse
11:13.55amorphixi need more system power
11:14.04amorphixmy system is just getting way too slow, the hdd is full
11:14.11Fibergeekanother question : is there a txtbased IRC chat client?
11:14.11soloflyerwhat have you got
11:14.23*** part/#debian largezhang (
11:14.25soloflyerbitchx is good console based irc
11:14.27NOthsouthwhat is your old system?
11:14.31NOthsouthand the upgrade?
11:14.35VirtualFibergeek,  yes: BitchX, ircII, sirc etc
11:14.42Fibergeekso I can run that without xserver?
11:14.42amorphixits a P3-600mhz i fink, 320mb/10gb
11:14.47VirtualFibergeek,  yes
11:14.47Fibergeekoh ok tnx
11:14.50PigletI'm having problems with updating exim on debian unstable..  On the config stage it displays a screen full of something that looks like a script file, and can seemingly only be quit with ctrl^c.. any ideas what might be causing this, or how to go about fixing it?
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11:15.11soloflyerheh i use bitchx in a console window in x :)
11:15.13petemcPiglet: try pressing "q" instead of ^c
11:15.13Virtualamorphix, how much ram does the motherboard support
11:15.22amorphixNOthsouth: the upgrade would be a 512MB ram and 40 or 80GB hdd
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11:15.28Virtualsoloflyer, it works in text based enviroment as well
11:15.31amorphixVirtual: only 512 :/
11:15.50NOthsouthok.. and what is the problem?
11:15.57amorphix512 is nuffin in todays PC market
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11:16.34BuckbeakCan anybody tell me how to do command-line php from Woody.  It looks as if it only supports web scripting.
11:16.34soloflyeryes i know this virtual, but i just like being able to use console windows in x
11:16.38amorphixmaybe the upgrade will help get my system faster, or i'll have to upgrade the system
11:16.45Pigletpetemc: it seems to just echo keys (incuding q) to the screen until ^c is pressed
11:16.48douglasIs there a debian package prebuilt for kernel 2.6.8 for the nVidia graphics driver (geforce 5700)
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11:17.00sepskiamorphix, your system isnt worth upgrading , get a new one :)
11:17.19amorphixwhat should I get?
11:17.24directhex|workdouglas, no, no point, it's trivial to make one
11:17.33petemcPiglet: odd, does debconf work ok for configuring other apps
11:17.47soloflyerzif p3 600 aint plenty of power
11:17.52douglasdirecthex|work, not for me :(
11:18.03joey_amorphix, ram makes your computer go faster, disk space just means you can store more stuff
11:18.08directhex|workdouglas, so try reporting what it is you've done, and what it's doing wrong
11:18.11sepskiamorphix, now that depends on your needs now dosnt it, but if you want new you look for ddr2 and pci-x
11:18.14amorphixmaybe i can do better if i install Linux instead of Windows for workstation?
11:18.25Virtualsepski, cand you tell me how to set virtual partitions or something or should I copy everything from the extended partitions on logical one in windows and mount that?
11:18.30Pigletpetemc: well it seemed to be working fine yes.. it's just the exim packages (and mutt which I'm guessing is related) that are not configured
11:18.34directhex|worksepski, dd2 only on slow-ass intels
11:18.37douglaswell I downloaded the kernel sources for 2.6.8, will this kernel work?
11:18.53soloflyerwhat are u tring to do on yer wkstation
11:18.53directhex|workdouglas, you're already doing things wrong. start at the beginning.
11:18.54amorphixsepski: I use this system for design and run Photoshop which needs alot of memory
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11:19.23soloflyerunder windows xp?
11:19.25sepskiVirtual, if you use the partition in windows then you already have a logical partition on your extended, just mount it
11:19.38directhex|workdouglas, which kernel exactly are you running? (uname -r)
11:19.47amorphixI use Windows 98SE on this system
11:19.49douglasok, I download the shell script from nvidia's website and tried to run it. It said it needed to compile the module, but it couldn't find the kernel sources so I just did that, but I decided to check for a package before I went on?
11:19.53joey_amorphix, run top and see how much of your swap space is used
11:20.00directhex|workdouglas, nvidia installer will break your pc
11:20.12amorphixjoey its a Windows system
11:20.14adarandouglas, use modules-assisant and nvidia-sources
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11:20.29directhex|workdouglas, there is no debian kernel version 2.6.8. there's (for example) 2.6.8-2-686
11:20.29deusdoes PLF got an debian source?
11:20.56douglasoh, how do I find out exactly which one then?
11:21.20directhex|workdouglas, uname -r as i already said. that's your first strike. deviate from what i say twice more and i stop helping.
11:21.22soloflyergo to wininternals website
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11:22.18directhex|workright. good.
11:22.33directhex|work!non-free sources
11:22.33dpkgwell, non-free sources is edit /etc/apt/sources.list, ensure that the two main debian mirror lines end with "main contrib non-free" rather than just "main", then apt-get update
11:22.41directhex|workdouglas, do the above ^^
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11:23.02douglaswill do, hold on.
11:23.04soloflyeramorphix go to this url and download process explorer
11:23.21psyddicuscould someone help me with the gnome-volume-control?
11:23.22soloflyerit will allow you to see memory usage stats and swap usage etc
11:23.35amorphixsoloflyer thanx
11:23.51fibergeek'/dev/mouse or /dev/psaux -> no such device
11:24.19fibergeekhmm lemme try
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11:25.44amorphixi can see where i need to upgrade using process explorer
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11:25.48fibergeeknope nothing
11:26.18directhex|workmodprobe psmouse
11:26.21douglasdirecthex|work, ok, I did that.
11:26.35Virtualsepski, I have the partitions C: D: E: in windows, all diff partitions of hdd, on E: I have music and I want to access it... but I can only mount C: where the windows system is
11:26.37directhex|work!quick sid/sarge mix
11:26.37dpkgfrom memory, quick sid/sarge mix is echo 'APT::Default-Release "testing";' >> /etc/apt/apt.conf, open sources.list, duplicate your sarge lines and change one set to sid. then apt-get update, apt-get -t unstable install foo  to install foo from sid rather than sarge (e.g. nvidia-glx)
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11:27.54directhex|workdouglas, read the above. you want to do the "echo 'APT::Default-Release "testing";' >> /etc/apt/apt.conf" part, then re-edit sources.list, duplicating the deb and deb-src pair changing one set to "sid" instead of "sarge" or "testing"
11:27.54sepskiVirtual, cat /proc partitions, it should tell you what you have available, and you can try mounting those
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11:28.24Virtualthanks sepski...
11:28.28fibergeekdirecthex|work : it I did but the normal comments about blabla IRQ # didn't appear so I don't think it probed right
11:28.49directhex|workdouglas, for example, on mine, i have deb http://something sarge main contrib non-free; deb-src http://something sarge main contrib non-free; deb http://something sid main contrib non-free; deb-src http://something sid main contrib non-free
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11:29.20nagualnew bash in sarge
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11:29.44amorphixare AMD processors inferior to Intel?
11:30.10douglasdirecthex|work, what if I edited mine to have unstable instead of sarge?
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11:30.31directhex|workdouglas, when was this?
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11:30.47directhex|workamorphix, that was the case 5-odd years ago, but k7 and k8 have always been great
11:30.48Mashi'm back
11:30.59douglaswell, I have my laptop set up that way so I just copied my sources list when I installed debian on this machine tonight.
11:31.10*** part/#debian devel_ (
11:31.15douglasI wanted to try more recent versions of various software.
11:31.15directhex|workdouglas, so you've been using sid sources?
11:31.23directhex|workamorphix, k6 was awful though
11:31.30*** join/#debian DeVi`L (DeViL@
11:31.43directhex|workdouglas, okay, not a problem, just forget my last step, i.e. don't add anything to sources.list or apt.conf
11:31.50sepskiamorphix, for gaming i think amd is better then intel. but with the juice of todays computers it's irrelevant, they can all run nethack sufficiently smooth :)
11:31.55amorphixI've seen a cheap Duron 1400 / 1.3Ghz system
11:31.56douglasdirecthex|work, ok.
11:32.16DeVi`Lqualke ITALIANO per una INFO ??
11:32.31dpkghmm... italian is per aiuto in lingua italiana: /j #debian-it, (anche /j #linux-it). Otterrete sicuramente piu' aiuto li', bischeri! For help in italian /j #debian-it or /j #linux-it
11:32.41DeVi`Lok thanks
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11:32.47directhex|workdouglas, okay, this is a long one: apt-get update && apt-get install module-assistant kernel-headers-$(uname -r) nvidia-kernel-common && module-assistant auto-install nvidia && apt-get install nvidia-glx nvidia-settings
11:33.28gombaCould anyone help me a littlebit?
11:33.46directhex|workdouglas, when that's done, add "nvidia" to the bottom of /etc/modules, modprobe nvidia, and reconfigure xfree86 to use the nvidia driver (dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86)
11:33.51sepski!tell gomba about ask
11:34.08fibergeekbtw how do I startup my ssh ?
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11:34.49douglasdirecthex|work, I'll report back when that's done, thanks again.
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11:35.21sepskifibergeek, /etc/init.d/ssh start
11:35.39gombaI have installed Xserver and client on my Debian, and it works, when I am root, but if I am a user, it writes an error about Xwrapper.config file. What did I wrong, How can I repair it?
11:36.08directhex|workdouglas, module-assistant prepares your system to build kernel modules (it gets required sources & things, but it can sometimes help to get bits manually yourself first), compiles a kernel module for your running kernel as a .deb, and installs the .deb
11:36.33*** join/#debian chealer (chealer@chealer.student.supporter.pdpc)
11:36.49fibergeektnx sepki
11:37.25douglasdirecthex|work, when I tried dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86, it didn't have nvidia listed, only nv.
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11:38.52gombaNoone has any idea?
11:39.07directhex|workdouglas, you did apt-get install nvidia-glx nvidia-settings?
11:40.13douglasdirecthex|work, I thought it did, but when I retried it, apparently I missed that.
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11:40.19douglasdirecthex|work, sorry
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11:40.25gombawhat is the wrapper config file?
11:41.02colde89why could i find a usb-scanner with scanimage -L as root but not as user? any idea?
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11:42.19douglasdirecthex|work, apparently, I closed the dpkg-reconfigure wrongly and the process isn't closed, how do I close it.
11:42.42chealerwhat -n switch value should I give dmesg to make it print with the normal level?
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11:42.55amorphixis Intel Celeron 2.4Ghz better than a P4 entry level?
11:43.10directhex|workamorphix, depends for doing what
11:43.18amorphixgraphix in PS
11:43.19chealerdouglas: just curious, do you have a whiptail process running?
11:43.22fibergeekk my /dev/psaux or /dev/mouse still doesn't exist and modprobe psmouse didn't fix it, does anyone know what to do?
11:43.33directhex|workamorphix, no, celeron's lack of cache will kill photoshop
11:43.34douglaschealer, not sure how to check, sorry.
11:43.40directhex|work!2.6 mouse
11:43.40dpkgit has been said that 2.6 mouse is modprobe psmouse; modprobe mousedev; echo -e "psmouse\nmousedev" >> /etc/modules; then read or see the #Debian FAQ ( (#1.3))
11:43.42Lorvijafibergeek sledge hammer helps always ;)
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11:44.03amorphixCeleron's have no cache memory?
11:44.06chealerdouglas: use the command top or ps -ef unless you would use let's say KDE
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11:44.16directhex|workamorphix, celeron is only useful for mpeg2/mpeg4 encoding, and only if you clock the thing into next week
11:44.17amorphixthis makes them cheaper i guess
11:44.27douglaschealer, I do use kde
11:44.35douglasjust ctrl+alt+del?
11:44.38chealerdouglas: Ctrl+Esc
11:44.42LorvijaYou guys know any good tutorials on how to get rid of root kit(s)? Seems i got one, would be great to get rid of it without reinstall..
11:44.43jetscreamerhow do i move a directory with scp
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11:44.44amorphixdirecthex: i dont wanna do any serious graphix rendering or stuff, just image editing
11:44.45jetscreamercelly's have 128
11:44.49douglaschealer, yes it's there.
11:44.56jetscreamer!info chkrootkit
11:44.59dpkgchkrootkit: (Checks for signs of rootkits on the local system), section misc, is optional. Version: 0.44-2 (sid), Packaged size: 224 kB, Installed size: 652 kB
11:45.00*** mode/#debian [+l 811] by debhelper
11:45.01chealerdouglas: do you see if it's using much CPU?
11:45.05sobersabreLorvija: have you heaerd about backup & restore ?
11:45.11*** join/#debian Guerin (~magpie@
11:45.20Lorvijasobersabre yea, didnt do it though :/
11:45.24GuerinFetched 323MB in 3m15s (1650kB/s)
11:45.28douglaschealer, as a matter of fact yes.
11:45.31jetscreamerhow do i move a directory with scp
11:45.32directhex|workcelerons have 128k of cache, but p4 netburst architecture relies on massive scale branch prediction, which relies on massive cache. p4 without cache is just really really slow
11:45.36Guerini love bandwidth
11:45.38chealerdouglas: could you estimate how much?
11:45.39Lorvijajetscreamer hmm it just doesnt remove it.. thats the prog with what i found out i got the kit..
11:45.49amorphixi see
11:45.51douglasright now 90%
11:45.54douglaswow, that sucks
11:45.56jetscreamerLorvija: all i know
11:46.05chealerdouglas: thanks a lot...I was planning to report that problem
11:46.06Lorvijajetscreamer okay (:
11:46.09sobersabreLorvija after the rootkit is installed, most probably you need to reinstall the system
11:46.26chealerdouglas: try su -c 'killall dpkg-reconfigure'
11:46.28Guerins/most probably//
11:46.34Lorvijasobersabre sure there is the way of removing it... would just be great found some help for it
11:46.37douglassweet, thanks
11:46.53sobersabreGuerin, unless you want to play and see what is does... in an aquarium
11:47.02GuerinLorvija: you can never trust a machine which has been rootkitted
11:47.05jetscreamerah i see either you can't do recursive directories with scp or nobody knows how
11:47.09LorvijaGuerin yep true
11:47.24Guerin!aliensmite Lorvija's box
11:47.38Guerinjetscreamer: of course you can
11:47.40Lorvijawas thinking of sledge hammer ;)
11:47.41Guerinjetscreamer: -r
11:47.41sobersabreLorvija you can never trust a machine which is a rootkitten
11:47.51Lorvijasobersabre i know but it still can be fixed
11:47.52jetscreameri tried -R okie thanks
11:48.02Guerinsobersabre: never trust anyone who uses the words "root" and "kitten" in close proximity
11:48.14Guerinjetscreamer: you didn't rtfm, n00b
11:48.28jetscreameractually i did the scp --help
11:48.34jetscreamernot much help
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11:48.51gombaHi all!
11:48.51douglasok, time to restart x, be right back.
11:48.54Lorvijaokay so noone knows how to remove it? Going to be long day then
11:49.18sobersabreLorvija you're having difficulties in reading comprehension ? REINSTALL!!!!
11:49.45jetscreamerLorvija: i think the point is that once it's there no telling what it may have done so best to strip it down to bare metal
11:49.51Lorvijasobersabre, i asked how to fix it without reinstalling, as there is that way also. But apparently you or anyone else here doesnt know it (:
11:49.54gombaCan anybody give me an ans.?
11:49.59Lorvijajetscreamer yep
11:50.30jetscreameryou didn't ask a question gomba wtf
11:50.38gombaI did
11:50.46chealerHURRA! I finished Neverball :D
11:50.49sobersabreLorvija I guess... you don't need help.. you only have a rooted machine. sorry for bothering you.
11:50.50Lorvijagomba no you didnt, your last line is "hi all!"
11:50.55gombaI have a problem with running x as user
11:51.01directhex|workchealer, on all three difficulties?
11:51.01jetscreamernot according to lastlog... unless it's can anybody give me an ans
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11:51.15chealerdirecthex|work: yep :))
11:51.18sobersabreLorvija let's think together .. ok ?
11:51.18Lorvijasobersabre well thats what you get when asking from another who knows nothing about the subject (:
11:51.28directhex|workchealer, i'm impressed, i can't even do level 1 on the hardest level set
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11:51.39directhex|workchealer, then again, i also suck at super monkey ball
11:51.44jetscreamergomba: a lot more details might help
11:51.49gombais says cant open /etc/X11/Xwrapper.config
11:52.05chealerdirecthex|work: hehe, I wonder if it wasn't you that mentionned the game
11:52.07bigredradioAnyone heard of ubax?
11:52.11sobersabreassuming I patch md5, gcc, ps, netstat, kernel etc. you must boot from another kernel and system.
11:52.27gombathere isn't this file
11:52.34bigredradioor Cristie backup software?
11:53.41chealerdirecthex|work: yep, I think it's you. I've been playing this game since one month
11:53.51sobersabreLorvija ... are you there? you will have to have some downtime. .....
11:53.52Lorvijasobersabre okay, another question (: what was the programs name with what I can gather as much information as I can about the hacker and what has been done etc.
11:54.05directhex|workchealer, well it's better than farking tux racer >_<
11:54.59*** mode/#debian [+l 805] by debhelper
11:55.05sobersabreLorvija you need to operate above network: routers, switches, and see logs. from the logs you will see where somebody attacked/connected you. and so you can tell where it came from... actually, you know nothing from this, because ... nobody attacks directly.
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11:55.19sobersabreunless, it is a worm.
11:55.50sobersabreand if this was a worm, you will know who's sent you a worm... and who's also rooted, I guess.
11:55.50Lorvijasobersabre well I came across a program which gathers all the available info from the system.. including what has been done etc... Was about year ago..
11:56.13sobersabreLorvija you need a reference to compare with. right ?
11:56.37sobersabreso if you didn't take care about some kind of digital stamping... you have nothing to compare with.
11:56.59sobersabreok, you can guess which files from official packages were modified.
11:57.12Lorvijahmm nope, it checked the logs and checked some files if they were altered... donno excatly how (:
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11:57.28Lorvijaas I'd like to know how he got in..
11:57.29sobersabreand if everything is in kernel... and you compiled a custom kernel...
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11:57.44Lorvijait's the debian default kernel
11:57.54jetscreamerwtf i installed 2.6.11 image on a box and it created a /vmlinuz file not a symlink
11:58.34sobersabreLorvija , you can easily know how he got in by answering: which unhealthy programs have I ran? which services did I leave available ? and... who could know my passwords.
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11:58.50Lorvijasobersabre well i got only psybnc, apache and proftpd...
11:58.59Lorvijaonly ports which were opened too
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11:59.04sobersabreproftp is nice, apache also nice.
11:59.06sobersabressh ?
11:59.10sobersabrerpc ?
11:59.12Lorvijanot opened to world
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11:59.26Lorvijai got nat... so only those 3 ports opened and pointed to server
11:59.30chealerjetscreamer: ls -l /vmlinuz
11:59.30chealerlrwxrwxrwx  1 root root 24 2005-04-06 06:29 /vmlinuz -> boot/vmlinuz-2.6.11-1-k7
11:59.31*** join/#debian Laney (
11:59.33sobersabreare you sure your machine is the only one compromised ?
11:59.41jetscreamerand a initrd.img file
11:59.49longshoti want to install debian but how the installation cds layout? there are 5 cds do i need all of them ? im currently using slackware
11:59.51jetscreamerchealer yes it's not a symlink
11:59.56Lorvijasobersabre well i got some windows boxes behind same nat, and this is the only linux box i got so most likely yes
11:59.59directhex|worklongshot, there is no version of debian on 5 cds
12:00.05jetscreamerchealer: well it wasn't till i rm'd it and made one
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12:00.23directhex|worklongshot, the old obsolete don't-bother-on-a-desktop-or-modern-hardware version, 3.0, is 7 cds. the soon-to-be-released 3.1 is 14 cds
12:00.32sobersabreLorvija which NAT is it?
12:00.36directhex|worklongshot, you don't need any of them in any case, you want a 110mb net install iso
12:00.38sobersabrean embedded device ?
12:00.41directhex|work!d-i longshot
12:00.41dpkglongshot, you want to go to - for your own good, and everyone else's.
12:00.44sobersabreor a Linux box ?
12:00.46LorvijaIt's telewell hardware firewall..
12:00.55Lorvijanot embedded nor linux box
12:00.58sobersabremaybe they're vulnerable...
12:01.08Lorvijawell might be, but i doubt
12:01.17jetscreamerbut htf did it boot after running lilo w/o errors
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12:01.29chealerjetscreamer: did you mean what I have isn't a symlink?
12:01.29sobersabreanyway, since you didn't do serious monitoring, we have soooo many open questions.
12:01.38jetscreamerchealer: no what i had wasn't
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12:01.53Lorvijasobersabre so true, and thats gonna change.. I'll reinstall it.. (:
12:02.05jetscreamerchealer: what the kernel-image-2.6.11 installed wasn't a symoink
12:02.15sepskiLorvija, and the box is secure in it self ? nobody have console access ?
12:02.28Lorvijasepski it's next to my foot =)
12:02.32chealerjetscreamer: no idea, I installed 2.6.11-2 for k7 this morning
12:03.01Lorvijasepski so no, noone else has access to it :(
12:03.02Lorvija(: *
12:03.08chealerjetscreamer: BTW I don't know what's the use of /vmlinuz but I wonder what happens when you have several kernels
12:03.18jetscreamerchealer: i did a k7, it worked fine. this 686 seems not so fine
12:03.19sepskiand you have no windows boxes on that lan ?
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12:03.30Lorvijasepski 3 boxes
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12:04.01jetscreamerchealer: /vmlinuz makes it easy for lilo to update with new kernel-image
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12:04.30jetscreameri guess
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12:05.30clojsterWhat kernel do you use? :)
12:05.37clojsterall of you
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12:05.53sepskiclojster, all 790 ?
12:05.55aardvark!tell clojster about polls
12:05.58jetscreameri use the latest kernel-image on the remote boxes, a custom here
12:05.58aardvark!fist clojster
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12:07.44clojsterjeez, I just wanted to know what version (2.4.XX or 2.6.XX) do you use and if it's possible to use the newest version (which isn't in repository)
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12:08.01chealerclojster: which newest version?
12:08.21sepskiclojster, ofcouse it's possible, but it's just not worth the time spent doing it.
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12:08.37jetscreamerclojster: yeah you can make-kpkg a linux from
12:09.05directhex|worknotice that kernels are NOT designed to be stable or usable
12:09.36directhex|work!kernel of instability
12:09.36dpkgLinux 2.6.  "Andrew's vision, as expressed at the summit, is that the mainline kernel will be the fastest and most feature-rich kernel around, but not, necessarily, the most stable.  Final stabilization is to be done by distributors (as happens now, really)..." <>, or (new 2.6 numbering scheme - proposal)
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12:09.49directhex|workand don't say the fiasco wasn't just plain embarassing
12:09.49clojstersepski: what do you mean - time spent? I have my own working config already prepared (for 2.6.8) but I want to try 2.6.10
12:10.05petemcdirecthex|work: i get my 2.4.x kernels from and have no problems, with stability or usability
12:10.16jethr0directhex|work: how bout's 2.4 kernels?
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12:10.30jetscreamerclojster: try it then, won't hurt, and you can always boot back into an old kernel
12:10.30directhex|workgood question, i don't use 2.4
12:10.32chealerjethr0: the factoid is for 2.6
12:10.44jethr0chealer: yes I can read thanks
12:10.51jetscreameri've used 2.6 off w/o problems, ymmv
12:11.06jetscreamerchealer: also 2.6.11 is in sid so...
12:11.14chealerjethr0: ok
12:11.22clojsterand what about "debian patches"? are they necessary?
12:11.35directhex|workjetscreamer, which 2.6.11?
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12:11.40jethr0hey jetscreamer :)
12:11.46jetscreameri hear tell debian patches are no longer applied to upstream kernel sources but i dunno
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12:12.00jetscreamerit was..... one mo
12:12.38directhex|workyeah, i'm just shitting with you really.
12:12.38jetscreamer2.6.8 iirc
12:12.45directhex|workLinux version 2.6.11-9-amd64-k8 ( (gcc version 3.4.4 20050314 (prerelease) (Debian 3.4.3-12)) #1 Sun Apr 3 18:09:29 CEST 2005
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12:18.58JeffWilson12On debian sarge, is there no iptables init script?  (e.g.; /etc/init.d/iptables) .... if there is, im not seeing it there a package? or do I need to write my own initscript?
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12:20.02sepskiJeffWilson12, the iptables doc descrivbe the various ways of doing an initscript, but i prefer to use shorewall in addition to iptables
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12:20.47painesis it possible to suppress the hotplug output during boot ?
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12:21.19cahootturn off monitor?
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12:21.48smlpaines: modify the startup script to send the output to /dev/null
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12:22.08JeffWilson12sepski: thanks for the tip ... never heard of shorewall though - any specific reason you like it in combo with iptables?
12:22.31painesfound it
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12:23.08sepskiJeffWilson12, powerfull, easy to use, good doc's and examples for all the strange networks i work with
12:23.20sepskiJeffWilson12, ohh and it's in debian :)
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12:23.48JeffWilson12sepski: heh....Im not really in need of an easy to use firewall .... I've already gotten used to iptables... :P :)
12:25.42sepskiJeffWilson12, yes well i find it's much easier to mistype something in iptables and end up with a security hole, with shorewall there is some basic syntax checking and logic, i belive it makes better rules then what i'd manage on my own, given the complexity that's sometimes needed.
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12:26.08A-z-i-zis there a debian package for nvu ?
12:26.41sml!find nvu
12:26.47dpkgDebian Search of 'nvu' (5 of 9): (/usr/sbin/xfsinvutil) in admin/xfsdump ;; (/usr/lib/icu/2.1/invuca.dat) in libs/icu ;; (/usr/include/mozilla/uconv/uconvutil.h) in devel/mozilla-dev ;; (/usr/share/doc/axiom-doc/src/algebra/ in math/axiom-doc ;; (/usr/include/mozilla-thunderbird/uconv/uconvutil.h) in mail/mozilla-thunderbird-dev.
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12:29.54directhex|workA-z-i-z, there are out of date ones on
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12:30.33LinkHow to install kde ?
12:31.22asgLink: /msg dpkg install kde
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12:34.08PetarisCan someone tell me where I can set a second IP address in debian (on eth0:1)
12:34.23greycatsame place you set the first one
12:34.26asg!faq Petaris
12:34.30greycatiface eth0:1 inet static   ...
12:34.55LinkHow to install kde ?
12:34.57PetarisI tried that but it wouldn't start it
12:35.16greycatPetaris: auto eth0:1, and ifup eth0:1
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12:35.31greycatit's *entirely* like a second interface.
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12:36.05wishiei did an apt-get install blootbot, and have set it up, but it seems to cause errors when using the 'find' and 'search' options..i get errors in the logs saying that it cant create index files...any ideas on how to fix this ?
12:36.07Petarisgreycat: where do I put those two commands?  In the interface file?
12:36.18dpkgThe #debian FAQ is at
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12:38.04asgLink: type that in your irc client
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12:41.16chealerI have worrying boot msgs when trying a 2.6.11 image *just* before kjournald starts. how could I take time to analyze them?
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12:42.16greycat!find 2.6.11 sid
12:42.18dpkgDebian Package Listing of '2.6.11' (11 of 16): kernel-doc-2.6.11 ;; kernel-headers-2.6.11-1 ;; kernel-headers-2.6.11-1-386 ;; kernel-headers-2.6.11-1-686 ;; kernel-headers-2.6.11-1-686-smp ;; kernel-headers-2.6.11-1-i386 ;; kernel-headers-2.6.11-1-k7 ;; kernel-headers-2.6.11-1-k7-smp ;; kernel-image-2.6.11-1-386 ;; kernel-image-2.6.11-1-686 ;; kernel-image-2.6.11-1-686-smp.
12:42.32chealeryes yes, it's out :)
12:42.41greycatchealer: well, I can't help you with your personal time management
12:42.46wishiewell, it'd be nice if my bot could do that
12:42.52chealerhehe greycat
12:42.58wishieinstead, it spits errors, and falls back to a Contents search
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12:43.40wishiecan anyone here help me with blootbot please
12:43.43yaludoes anyone know a way to copy a directory structure, without the files in it?
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12:44.01greycatyalu: find . -type d -print | cpio -paduv /target
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12:44.18yalugreycat: mkey I'll try that
12:44.21greycat(use -print0 and -0 if there are spaces-issues)
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12:45.00RawplayerQ: what does this exactly mean "sshd[15447]: Did not receive identification string from" ?
12:45.46greycatRawplayer: what does "telnet 22" say?
12:45.50aardvarkRawplayer: evil hax0rs
12:46.03greycatoh.... /me reads the message again.
12:46.09greycatit's from ssh*d*, not ssh.  silly greycat.
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12:46.29Rawplayerits from .br monk
12:46.36Rawplayerdig -x on the ip looks silly to
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12:48.52Guerinok, i just got an electric shock off the base unit of my 5.1 amp/speaker system
12:48.58Guerinthat should never happen
12:49.02clustyare there any multi source clients for debian?
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12:49.07nagualcertainly shouldnt. im shocked.
12:49.12clustythat is download clients
12:49.19nagualclusty: wanna explain that in english?
12:49.28asgGuerin: i get shocked when I touch most things, including the cat.
12:49.30Guerinclusty: don't ever use one of those
12:49.39clustyGuerin: why not?
12:49.52Guerinasg: i'm not talking about static - real electricity
12:49.53greycatasg: electric pussy?
12:50.00Guerinclusty: because they're fucking evil
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12:50.10aircowhat chan are linux newbies supposed to go to for a question? here?
12:50.11greycat!stop prozilla
12:50.11dpkgit has been said that stop prozilla is -- an apache module to limit concurrent connections from a single IP address, or apt-get install libapache-mod-limitipconn
12:50.22clustyGuerin: you mind being a bit more specific?
12:50.26greycatairco: depends on the question.  just ask.
12:50.27asggreycat: hehe
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12:50.30jharriso1is it the default in ssh client to not keep the connection alive?
12:50.35greycatjharriso1: yes
12:50.37asgGuerin: ah, then yes, that is bad.
12:50.40streunerRawplayer: what does usenet say?
12:50.46aircok, i'm trying to mount my windows hd under linux
12:50.52Rawplayerstreuner: what?:)
12:50.59aircobut i'm getting a "device already mounted or directory busy" error
12:51.03greycatclusty: I have a rant about them at if you wish to read it.
12:51.07aircofor example:
12:51.11aircoairco@Airco:/ $ sudo mkdir /windows; sudo mount -l /dev/hda1 /windows
12:51.11aircomount: /dev/hda1 already mounted or /windows busy
12:51.11streunerRawplayer: don't you know what 'usenet' is?
12:51.32Guerinthe amp also emits a high-pitched whine through the speakers
12:51.37Rawplayerwell i use usenet for thing what it isnt designed for
12:51.43Guerinone which fluctuates in volume from inaudible to loud
12:51.53wishieapt/dpkg are blootbots, correct ?
12:52.01asgwishie: yes
12:52.01wishieif so, what version are they running at the moment ?
12:52.04aircodoes anyone have any bright ideas what the cause and solution to that little problem may be? :)
12:52.10Guerinwishie: special haxx0red version
12:52.15wishiebecause i cant get the sid blootbot packages to work
12:52.32streunerRawplayer: well, use and google for 'Didn't blahblah sshd debian'
12:52.33Guerinwishie: use the 1.2.0 tarball or the cvs package from the site
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12:52.39chealerairco: is /dev/hda1 already mounted?
12:52.46aircochealer: no
12:53.09yalulijkt me logisch
12:53.26*** join/#debian pabs3 ( ?
12:53.28jharrisonwkgreycat: did this always use to be the default?
12:53.40asgwishie: also, see /topic #debian-bots
12:53.41Guerinwishie: i guess so
12:54.14greycatjharrisonwk: in the earlier versions, there *was no way* to do a client-side keepalive *at all*.  So yes.
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12:54.46Rawplayeromg you googled for me :|
12:55.00clustygreycat: I was looking for something that would search itself for altenative locations and use multisource from different places (like getright for Windows). know any of those. I guess they are not harming anybody
12:55.06streunerwell, i was interested in...
12:55.27jharrisonwkgreycat: can the keepalive be set from the server side?
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12:55.51jharrisonwkgreycat: it seems it can
12:56.03jharrisonwkgreycat: KeepAlive yes is in sshd_config
12:56.18jharrisonwkwhy do my connections keep getting dropped then I wonder
12:57.00greycatbah, doesn't have any readily-visible list of changes per version
12:57.13asggreycat: thought it did
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12:57.47CharlesBrownxchat 2.4.2 and 2.4.3 are out
12:57.57CharlesBrownBut 2.4.1 are in sarge repositories
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12:58.03asggreycat: you aren't talking about the changelogs?
12:58.12greycatasg: where?
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12:58.39greycatasg: openssh not openbsd
12:58.54asggreycat: I'm a moron today
12:58.54streunerCharlesBrown: /msg dpkg simple sid backport
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13:00.04karstenasg: Yes, but we're always happy to see you.
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13:00.37skraldDoes anyone know a mailmonitor for the gnome-panel now that the mail-monitor applet is disabled from 2.10? (mailnotify is not for the panel)
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13:00.52karstenskrald: man biff.
13:01.07karstenskrald: gkrell is another option.  Or WindowMaker.
13:01.23jharrisonwkthe default for the ssh server seems to be keepalive is set to yes
13:01.29greycatjharrisonwk: that's just like the one in the source code.  I was hoping for a human-readable one... :/
13:01.32jharrisonwkyet on some hosts my connection gets terminated
13:01.48jharrisonwklike after a while of inactivity
13:02.10skraldbiff is for terminal use
13:02.22shad_why would my mount suddenly become read-only?
13:02.46karstenshad_: Which partition?
13:02.55CharlesBrownstreuner, Why would xchat 2.4.2 and 2.4.3 be in the sid repositories...and not the debian repos?
13:03.05shad_karsten well, on this box its / which is most everything
13:03.14pabs3jharrisonwk: I use this to combat a nasty dsl modem: ServerAliveInterval 400
13:03.14karstenshad_: Generally, root FS is mounted with 'errors=remount-ro'
13:03.17greycatok... looks like ServerAlive was added 20031217
13:03.21GuerinCharlesBrown: question makes no sense
13:03.27aircodoes anyone know a way to find out which process is keeping a device (or, actually, a partition) busy?
13:03.31karstenshad_: Check /var/log/messages /var/log/syslog.  Probably errors.
13:03.38_joeywhich one is more popular gnome or kde?
13:03.41aardvarkairco: lsof
13:03.43jharrisonwkpabs3: yes you have that in your ssh_config
13:03.43CharlesBrownstreuner, Why would xchat 2.4.2 and 2.4.3 be in the sid repositories...and not the sarge repos?
13:03.43skraldgkrell is not for the panel either
13:03.47karstenairco: fuser, lsof
13:03.49jharrisonwkpabs3: right?
13:03.52greycatgods only know how to see what *version* that corresponds to...
13:03.53karsten_joey: Yes.
13:03.56skraldI search for a panel-monitor
13:03.56asuffieldairco: lsof or fuser. but a partition is probably busy because it's mounted, which is no process at all
13:03.57dracCharlesBrown: xchat IS in Sarge.
13:03.58pabs3jharrisonwk: yep
13:04.03jharrisonwkgreycat: :)
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13:04.24CharlesBrowndrac, Not 2.4.2 and 2.4.3
13:04.27karstenskrald: Yes, that was pretty much my point.  Suggest 'apt-cache search' with an appropriate query for gnome + panel + mail.
13:04.28CharlesBrownOnly 2.4.1
13:04.34_joeykarsten kde is zzee best?
13:04.38jharrisonwkI just think if the server is configured to keep alive why would I have to configure my client to keep alive
13:04.39shad_karsten im guessing an  hda: read_intr: error=0x40 { UncorrectableError }    error would be the problem
13:04.40pabs3CharlesBrown: ask this
13:04.46jharrisonwkmakes no sense to me
13:04.51shad_anything i can do about that?
13:04.51aircok, lsof is giving me a huge readout, i suppose i should try something like lsof | grep '/dev/hda1' ?
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13:04.54karsten_joey: Personally, I use WindowMaker.  Use what you like, it really doesn't matter.
13:04.58CyberShadowI want to buy a new video card. What shouldn't I buy if I want it to be Linux-compatible?
13:05.03_joeykarsten it does
13:05.06asuffieldjharrisonwk: uhh, keepalive means "when the other end stops responding, kill the connection". that's what it's *for*
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13:05.22aircoasuffield: it's not mounted, that's the problem
13:05.27asgkarsten: :)
13:05.30karsten_joey: Among better/popular desktops:  GNOME, KDE, XFCE4, (black|flux)box.
13:05.34InitMassany recommendations for a newsreader app?
13:05.41karstenasg: You always put a smile on my face.
13:05.42_joeywindow maker is zze suck, karsten look at my desktop
13:05.55karstenasg: ...and make me hold my head up high.
13:05.56asuffieldInitMass: seriously? dig a hole and die in it. all news clients are amazingly agonisingly bad
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13:06.05opqdonutwhere do i set the default locale?
13:06.10karsten_joey: I really don't give f* about your desktop.
13:06.11asuffieldnobody has ever been able to explain this phenomenon, they just are
13:06.14hexxeh|workopqdonut, dpkg-reconfigure locales
13:06.25_joeykarsten sure you8 do you pesky wanker
13:06.30jharrisonwkasuffield: so you mean to tell me that keepalive means if there is no activity after some time the session is killed?
13:06.38hexxeh|workCyberShadow, do you want a 3d gaming card or what?
13:06.39jharrisonwkasuffield: isnt that a bit misleading
13:06.43karstenshad_: Back up what you need now.  If you've got smartmontools installed, check your recent logs.
13:06.43asgkarsten: heh, thanks
13:06.51karsten!tell _joey about window managers for x
13:06.51jharrisonwkasuffield: why would it be called keepALIVE
13:06.55asuffieldjharrisonwk: no. it's "stupidity". keepalive means "prod the other end from time to time, and if it doesn't respond, kill it"
13:06.58karsten_joey: Mind telling us why it matters?
13:07.06CyberShadowhexxeh|work: are there any other around? :)
13:07.24GuerinCyberShadow: nvidia
13:07.31InitMassasuffield, wtf
13:07.32asuffieldno sensible system *ever* kills the other end for inactivity
13:07.32aircoaardvark, assufield, karsten: if i try the command lsof | grep '/dev/hda1' i get no results, is that because there is no process using that partition or am i doing it wrong?
13:07.34pabs3CharlesBrown: only 2.4.1 is in sid, what distro are you really using?
13:07.36CyberShadowall are gaming-oriented, and other 3d apps work good on them... Games IS the major 3d-graphic-based industry.
13:07.37GuerinCyberShadow: or don't bother
13:07.51CharlesBrownCyberShadow, at all NOT BUY ATi
13:07.52CyberShadowGuerin: BUY or DON'T BUY nVidia?
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13:07.59CharlesBrownabsolutely stay away from ati
13:08.00CharlesBrownbuy nvidia
13:08.01ska-fanI'm getting file does not exist with the line deb psql/ in sources.list. What am I doing wrong?
13:08.04GuerinCyberShadow: don't bother buying anything else
13:08.06ska-fanthe file is at
13:08.06hexxeh|workCyberShadow, well you could go for a low-end ati which has an open-source 3d driver (albeit very slow compared to modern kit)
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13:08.13CharlesBrownpabs3, sarge
13:08.21hexxeh|workCyberShadow, or you could buy anything if you only wanted 2d
13:08.24CyberShadowthanks all :)
13:08.25_joeykarsten who us? why don't you speak for yourself ?
13:08.28asuffieldat all costs, do not buy nvidia
13:08.30chealerska-fan: asking about it on #debian, most likely
13:08.37cafuegoCharlesBrown: Both ATI and nVidia suck for requiring closed drivers. That said, nvidias drivers are BY FAR better then ATI's ones, on Linux.
13:08.38Guerinasuffield: that's a fair call too
13:08.42karstenairco: -m for mountpoint.
13:08.44ska-fanchealer: how so?
13:08.44CyberShadowno, I have 2d vith my present integrated video, I meant 3D of course :)
13:08.47simonrvnska-fan: like we give a flying fig what ubuntu does in here
13:08.49hexxeh|workCyberShadow, if you want 3d acceleration, then you really want nvidia
13:09.03ska-fansimonrvn: this is not an ubuntu thing, it's an apt thing.
13:09.04CyberShadowok, thanks all once again :)
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13:09.11asuffieldcafuego: which isn't saying much, nvidia's drivers are unusable crashy shit
13:09.14pabs3CharlesBrown: there is no 2.4.2 or 2.4.3 in unstable, only upstream
13:09.17simonrvni won't repeat myself
13:09.17Guerinska-fan: so go ask #redhat - they have apt as well
13:09.20hexxeh|workcafuego, i had a bad thought. there are absolutely no open-source 3d accelerators on pci express.
13:09.20CharlesBrownCyberShadow, Get the Nvidia 6800 GT
13:09.27karstenairco: fuser -vm <mountpoint>
13:09.27ska-fandon't let the fact that the string ubuntu is in the url confuse you
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13:09.31aircokarsten: airco@Airco:/mnt $ lsof -m | grep '/dev/hda1'
13:09.35aircokarsten: lsof: -m not supported
13:09.38cafuegoasuffield: That's not been my experience, but then I don't run games on it.
13:09.44karstenairco: That too.
13:09.49streuner_!ubuntusmite ska-fan
13:09.51karstenairco: fuser, not lsof.
13:09.54jbAUanyone know much about vpn's?  i'm trying to get pptpd working with firehol
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13:10.21asuffieldcafuego: I have seen boxes lock up so hard that the fricking *power button* doesn't work any more. you have to climb under the desk and rip the damn cable out. several times a day.
13:10.21cafuegojbAU: open the port pptpd listens on
13:10.27karstenjbAU: Viral propogation networks?  Sure.
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13:10.31karstenjbAU: ;-)
13:10.33aircokarsten: 'fuser -vm /dev/hda1'... that gives me 0 results
13:10.38jbAUkarsten: thanks
13:10.40cafuegoasuffield: <heh> Like k3b here ;-)
13:10.59karstenairco: <directory>, not <partition>
13:10.59cafuegoasuffield: The nvidia card has never (ever) caused me grief (amd64, too)
13:11.03jbAUcafuego: mm, i've opened up the pptp port but having some difficulty
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13:11.05_joeycool kids are using NeroLinux these days
13:11.06karstenairco: ...and possibly it's not in use.
13:11.18king_shadukanok ppl i manage to make my wireless to work right
13:11.21cafuego_joey: nerolinux is slow and ugly. (like k3b)
13:11.21asuffieldhexxeh|work: it'll probably change, the ATI cards are slowly getting reverse-engineered. nvidia is a dead loss though
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13:11.23karstenairco: Submounts will also hold open a partition.  What are you trying to do?  And have you been chrooting stuff?
13:11.32_joeyit owns
13:11.37_joeyze best
13:11.51_joeyI mean it sucks all right
13:11.53chealerasuffield: you have seen several boxes do that?
13:11.56karsten!tell _joey about enter
13:11.57sepskiasuffield, hmm iv had the impression that ati have worse drivers then nvidia, i have 3 recent nvidia's and 2 recent ati's and the nvidias are easier to get going and seam faster, non crash on me either tho
13:11.58_joeybut everything else sucks too
13:12.02asuffieldchealer: whole room full of them
13:12.07hexxeh|workasuffield, except r300 is also only available on agp, and can barely do glxgears. by the time there are r400 open drivers, there will be no pci express anymore
13:12.12cafuegoasuffield: Were they Dells?
13:12.15_joey!tell karsten he's an asshole
13:12.19aircokarsten: since i haven't a clue what chrooting is (unless it's the same as sudoing), i'm guessing i haven't
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13:12.24asuffieldsepski: <shrug> I've never had reason to use the ATI propritary drivers
13:12.26karsten!ops _joey abusive
13:12.26asuffieldcafuego: nope
13:12.27dpkgHydroxide, bob2, caphuso, dondelelcaro, doogie, eeyore-, ElectricElf, greycat, helix, ljlane, LoRez, mentor, Netsnipe, TML, walters, xk: _joey abusive
13:12.37chealerasuffield: all due to nvidia?
13:12.43asuffieldchealer: yup
13:12.45Guerinkarsten: like that's unusual in here
13:12.46aircokarsten: and there seem to be a lot of processes using /mnt/windows... should i kill em all?
13:12.47hexxeh|workasuffield, the only crashy driver i've ever used under linux are all GPL'd ones, nvidia-glx is damned good
13:12.48_joey!ops karsten is pesky and provoke decent chatters
13:12.49dpkgHydroxide, bob2, caphuso, dondelelcaro, doogie, eeyore-, ElectricElf, greycat, helix, ljlane, LoRez, mentor, Netsnipe, TML, walters, xk: karsten is pesky and provoke decent chatters
13:12.52jharrisonwkstay away from ati?
13:13.03karstenairco: chroot == changing the effective root directory for a process (and its children).  Mostly an issue if you mount under chroot, as you need to _umount_ under chroot as well.
13:13.09helixoh shut up both of you
13:13.19chealerasuffield: just curious, what cards were they using, and when did you last see that?
13:13.27cafuegojharrisonwk: The ATI fglrx drivers are shit. Cards that work with *open* drivers are fine.
13:13.38hexxeh|workif slow
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13:13.45cafuegojharrisonwk: Note that fglrx doesn't do 64bit
13:13.46asuffieldchealer: I can't remember, it was last year. thankfully I haven't had to work with 3d stuff since then
13:13.51jharrisonwkcafuego: sure it does
13:13.52karstenGuerin: ;-)
13:13.57aircokarsten: thanx for the info... but i don't think i've been doing that since i wouldn't have a clue how to do it :-)
13:14.05karstenairco: Depends.  You're the best judge of that.
13:14.06cafuegojharrisonwk: Last i heard it wouldn't compile on amd64
13:14.08hexxeh|workcafuego, yeah, it does now, though it makes firm dependancies on a suse styule biarch
13:14.14_joeyA friend of mine using nvidia's driver he's telling me the driver is larger than his entire kernel image heh
13:14.18aircokarsten: and what i'm trying to do: get my windows dir mounted under linux, but i keep on getting busy errors
13:14.18cafuegohexxeh|work: Ah ok.
13:14.19jharrisonwkcafuego: um maybe you are right about 64bit
13:14.24karstenhelix: Morning, sunshine.
13:14.26chealerasuffield: ok. I can agree that it sucks to use nvidia's drivers anyway
13:14.28aircokarsten: for example: sudo mkdir /karsten; sudo mount -l /dev/hda1 /karsten
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13:14.33jharrisonwkcafuego: so nvidia's "open" drivers are better then?
13:14.40karstenairco: Yeah, it's just one of the curves (chroot) I thought I'd hit.
13:14.41aircokarsten: gives: .mount: /dev/hda1 already mounted or /karsten busy
13:14.41_joeywhereas open source ATI 's drivers that support 3D own
13:14.42helixugh, yeah, it is morning. I need to go to sleep soon.
13:14.44cafuegojharrisonwk: They're not open <heh>
13:15.00asuffieldsleep is for the weak
13:15.08_joeykarsten yeah go away
13:15.12jharrisonwkcafuego: so why argue that ati has no "open" drivers when nvidia also does not either
13:15.14cafuegojharrisonwk: I've not had problems with the nvidia-glx drivers on amd64.
13:15.23helixwell, I have to rotate myself to a sensible wake/sleep cycle by monday
13:15.25helixyay new jobs
13:15.28jharrisonwkcafuego: ati does have 64bit drivers
13:15.39jharrisonwkI have had no problems with ati drivers either
13:15.41Guerini'm on a 9-5 for the first time in years as well
13:15.41cafuegojharrisonwk: I wasn't aware I was arguing that.
13:15.41hexxeh|workati don't have any open driver. all r200 3d relies on some limited documentation access given to 10 people on the xfree86 project under nda years ago, and has simply been continued since then. any nvidia cards, or r300+ ati cards, rely on reverese-engineering for anything outside unaccelerated 2d
13:15.41aircokarsten: while there is absolutely no way that /karsten could already be inuse since i just created it before trying to mount to it, and the device isn't mounted anywhere else either. arrr, it's driving me nuts
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13:15.44Guerinit's freakish
13:15.55streuner_helix: i heard they have in US several jobs?
13:15.59helixGuerin: oh, thank god, I don't have to be that kind of sensible
13:16.05helixjust like a "before noon or so" sensible
13:16.10serji currently use the i386 branch of sarge but waht to aswitch to ia64
13:16.12karstenhelix: Heh.  I've managed to get on a "wake up at 4am" cycle.
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13:16.16serjnow can i do it
13:16.17asuffieldwho the hell pays you to show up "before noon or so"?
13:16.21cafuegohelix: Starting your own business, eh?
13:16.22jharrisonwkcafuego: well technically no but you did say ati's drivers are not "open" which made me think hhmm neither are nvidia's so why would someone even bring that up
13:16.23helixkarsten: I do believe that will happen soon
13:16.28helixcafuego: no :)
13:16.34karstenairco: /join #flood.  Paste 'mount'
13:16.50helixcafuego: but it's a small company and they are lenient about stuff
13:16.52cafuegojharrisonwk: No, I said the fglrx drivers weren't open.
13:16.55streuner_helix: how many jobs do you have?
13:16.58helixstreuner_: just one
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13:17.04serjthis machine is a 2xXeon 2.8 runing i386 code (real waste)
13:17.18helixand it lets me use debian and wear jeans, yaaay
13:17.19jharrisonwkcafuego: ok
13:17.25cafuegoserj: A xeon is awaste no matter what it runs, i wouldn't worry about it.
13:17.34hexxeh|workserj, erm... xeon has absolutely zero ia64 capability
13:17.46asuffieldthe decent ones are when they let you *not* wear jeans
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13:18.08serjand i just recompiled my kernel for ia64 arch and it booted
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13:18.19helixbut jeans will do in place of 'business casual' any daaaaay
13:18.22asghelix: telecommute
13:18.26hexxeh|workserj, do you know what ia64 is?
13:18.28helixasg: find me a telecommuting job
13:18.35serji bet i do
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13:18.37cafuegohelix: I work in a dressing gown (except when I have a meeting).
13:18.39karstenairco: Give me a sec to renew my connection here....
13:18.43karstenhelix: How about using jeans and wearing Debian?
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13:18.51gdsCan I pass to Ubuntu from Sid?
13:18.51helixI do have some debian shirts
13:18.53asghelix: yeah, that's the rub. On days that I do telecommute though, it's pjs all the way.
13:18.58serjeven better than you (but hey maybe i just think xeon is ia64 )
13:19.00cafuegogds: /j #ubuntu
13:19.22helixI'm not sure I can use jeans for this job though
13:19.25cafuegoserj: Most xeons are ia32
13:19.27streuner_cafuego: heh?
13:19.38jharrisonwkjeans suck
13:19.39cafuegostreuner_: BRIGHT ORANGE dressing gown
13:19.52helixasg: I am told by some telecommuters that they actually wake up and get dressed then work
13:19.56juxhihow do i install x on a debian system i screwed up in my installatio and now i don't know what to do
13:20.00hexxeh|workserj, i'm a paid systems manager in charge of supercomputing facilities for oxford university, and a freelancer on the uk's biggest independant pc hardware website. i can assure you that xeon has absolutely nothing to do with ia64
13:20.05helixthat is so bizarre; what could be more comfortable than either nakedness or pajamas?
13:20.09hexxeh|workserj, ever even seen an itanium?
13:20.18streuner_juxhi: /msg dpkg setup x
13:20.19cafuegoserj: if you have a pair of 64bit ones, I doubt your can cross-upgrade. You may need to do a fresh install.
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13:20.32cafuegohelix: Well, I got this thong...
13:20.44hexxeh|work2.8 xeons are nocona core, amd64 (em64t).
13:20.44helixah right, those are comfy too
13:20.47Guerinhelix: some people need to trick themselves into thinking they're being productive
13:20.49helixbut they could be pajamas!
13:20.50jharrisonwkhelix: swimming naked?
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13:20.54asghelix: well, in my experience, some people aren't productive at home if they aren't in work clothes. I don't get that though.
13:21.07helixI can't be productive in work clothes
13:21.14gdshi cafuego, in #ubuntu anyone can help me... :-(
13:21.14gdsIf I add some lines in sources.list...?
13:21.15cafuegoserj: Ahm, amd64 (that's NOT ia64)
13:21.16jharrisonwkof course a shark could make that very uncomfortable quickly
13:21.17asghelix: me neither
13:21.23yonihello, i need to install woody. I have an old netinstall (2003) is it ok (it will take new stuff from the net) OR it is best to download a fresh one ?
13:21.24jharrisonwkor a baracuda
13:21.33cafuegoserj: You'll need to reinstall if you want to upgrade to amd64 arch.
13:21.36jharrisonwkor some other big fish with lots of razor teeth
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13:21.38hexxeh|workyoni, makes no difference
13:21.39Guerinyoni: woody is way older than 2003, you'll be fine
13:21.57asuffieldhelix: you could show up to work naked and see if anybody complains
13:22.01hexxeh|workcafuego, or use sarge, a 2.6 amd64 kernel, and amd64-libs package, for 32bit userspace but 64 bit binary compatability
13:22.17asgasuffield: that would also drive down productivity
13:22.17yoniok cool, seconde question, i have a 30gb one partition, someone told me it is not good... how should it be partitionned ?
13:22.26cafuegohexxeh|work: Eww, inelegant ;-)
13:22.27streunerasg: haha
13:22.34Guerinyoni: depends
13:22.35serjok maybe i just mistake the names or i am in a confusion with intel's stupid names but hey i realy do know what ia64 is as i work on a new type of architecture cometing hyperthreading and 64 bit cpu
13:22.45asuffieldasg: helix ain't that interesting to look at
13:22.56gdsWhy cant'I set speed in k3b with my dvd-rw? I must set ignore (notebook asus)
13:23.00Guerinasuffield: it's the commute I'd be more concerned about
13:23.00yoniGuerin (hello :)), i want to set a webserver
13:23.06cafuegoserj: If you confuse amd64 and ia64 you maybe don't know what it is. they are NOT compatible.
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13:23.08jharrisonwkas far as I know intel has emd64 or something
13:23.08helixsure I am. in a "oh my god, wtf?!" kinda way
13:23.12serjactualy it's gonna be even 128 bit (it already is) but any way you are right i am realy wrong about xeon
13:23.13hexxeh|workserj, ia64 is intel's itanium architecture. it is completely and utterly unrelated to xeon.
13:23.17karsten!tell yoni about partitioning howto
13:23.18asgasuffield: bah.
13:23.19jharrisonwkia64 is not xeon is it?
13:23.25hexxeh|workjharrisonwk, NO
13:23.31cafuegoia64 is deprecated
13:23.33jharrisonwkisnt that some other architecture
13:23.36karstenyoni: Partitioning schemes vary widely.  dpkg just pointed you at my guidelines.
13:23.38jharrisonwkyeah that sounds right
13:23.43hexxeh|workmodern xeons are amd64.
13:23.44asuffieldhelix: bah, you don't even have any strangely misshapen limbs
13:23.46jharrisonwkhexxeh|work: OK
13:23.52cafuegoOnly Dell and morons buy ia64
13:23.53helixbut I'm pale!
13:23.56jharrisonwkwhy the hell are peolpe shouting at me
13:24.00hexxeh|workor em64t if you don't want to hurt feelings
13:24.06cafuegojharrisonwk: WHY!
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13:24.09jethr0I jsut installed cvs on sarge, and whenever one of my luser commits, the commited file is uid:gid owned by the user, and not uid:cvsusers as expected, and as it used to work on the former openbsd box, any tips but the setgid bit one?
13:24.10streunerhelix: would you ever do like 'The Simple Life'?
13:24.19asuffieldhelix: you are not pale
13:24.19streunerhelix: if somebody would ask you
13:24.23Guerinyoni: 5G / 5G /usr 5G /var 15G /home
13:24.24helixstreuner: oh, no way
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13:24.27yoni? Karsten, sry i don't get it... is there somewhere i should look to figure it out ?
13:24.27cafuegohexxeh|work: Nah, an Intel AMD64 cpu is poetic justice ;-)
13:24.30jharrisonwkstreuner: the simple life is not all its cracked up to me
13:24.33Guerinyoni: and serve everything out of /home
13:24.35hexxeh|workcafuego, it's mostly sgi (altix) and other big iron people who sell itanium. personally, experience says itaniuc is junk
13:24.36helixasuffield: hmm, in florida, I am -- people think I'm sick or something because I don't have tan lines
13:24.38greycatasuffield: there's pale, and then there's .uk pale.
13:24.39asgjethr0: set the sgid bit on the container directory.
13:24.52yoniAh ok Guerin, tks
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13:24.53helixasuffield: but florida is sort of odd. people go to tanning beds here, round year.
13:25.01streunerhelix: why not?
13:25.03cafuegosimonrvn: X-Spam-Status: YES
13:25.08asgjethr0: and set CVSUMASK=0007 in the user's env
13:25.09helixstreuner: what would be the point of that?
13:25.10hexxeh|work!info kernel-image-2.6.8-10-em64t-p4
13:25.10jethr0asg: can't that be dealt with on the configuration of cvs? I didn't have to setgid the container on openbsd and I m worrying
13:25.11jharrisonwkhelix: yes FL is odd :)
13:25.14dpkgkernel-image-2.6.8-10-em64t-p4: (Linux kernel image for version 2.6.8 on Intel EM64T systems), section base, is optional. Version: 2.6.8-12 (sid), Packaged size: 12869 kB, Installed size: 44396 kB
13:25.15jethr0asg: thanks :)
13:25.17helixyeah, we suck, la la la
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13:25.20streunerhelix: lots of money?
13:25.28simonrvncafuego: SA: Action: silently tossed message: score=118.9
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13:25.32helixstreuner: hrm
13:25.35cafuegosimonrvn: Woo!
13:25.40helixstreuner: to do what, like clean out animal poop or something?
13:25.46simonrvnblackhole (local_scan discarded recipients)
13:25.47helixI haven't seen the simple life
13:25.51cafuego!sa-record is 118.9 (simonrvn)
13:25.51dpkgcafuego: okay
13:25.54streunerhelix: hm
13:25.57asuffieldgreycat: this must be some strange new definition of 'pale' that I'm not familiar with
13:26.09jharrisonwkits all fun and games until a seagull shits on your head and eats your fries
13:26.09karstenyoni: Maybe showing your partition table, disk allocation, and mount table would help.
13:26.10greycatasuffield: I think it means "not deep-fried"
13:26.11yonitks too karsten i'll go read there ! Hope to be back soon with a STABLE debian :)
13:26.13karsten!tell yoni about esp
13:26.23raf256what was that option to stop damn login manager from starting?
13:26.26Guerinsimonrvn: wow
13:26.30raf256like damn gdm xdm and so on
13:26.32helixasuffield: I am unlikely to get skin cancer due to my sun avoidance; this is a "problem" in florida :)
13:26.33Guerinsimonrvn: was it one of mine?
13:26.35streunerraf256: /msg dpkg nodm
13:26.35raf256echo "false" > ..... ?
13:26.37douglaswhen I try to run something I've written in sdl with sound I get this: "open /dev/sequencer: No such device found." And then it seg faults out, how do I fix this? I've googled it a bit but I can't figure it out!
13:26.45helixpeople here rub baby oil on themselves when they go in the sun
13:26.46simonrvnGuerin: no :)
13:26.46hexxeh|workcafuego, amd64-libs is required to run x86_64 code on i386 sarge on intel chips, is that poetic enough?
13:26.50asghelix: especially among .uk tourists
13:26.59karsten!tell raf256 about xdm
13:27.00cafuegohelix: But you lot HAVE an actual ozone layer
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13:27.05helixoh yeah, .uk tourists in florida are *great*
13:27.07helixso. pale.
13:27.14helixand then SO. RED.
13:27.17Guerinwhen I went back to NZ I got fearsomely burnt
13:27.19asghelix: then pink and flaky
13:27.23raf256whats  name of that thingy (package) to have mouse in pure console?
13:27.25jharrisonwkhelix: thats bright
13:27.26shad_is there a way i could pipe mysqldump through gzip and ssh to create the file on another server?  fs is mounted ro
13:27.27Guerinon a cloudy, foggy day
13:27.29cafuegoGuerin: Yeah, 30 mins is enough down here :-(
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13:27.33asuffieldhelix: you have to realise that the normal colour for people is not 'brown' :P
13:27.39helixasuffield: oh, I know that
13:27.39asgshad_: yes
13:27.40karstenraf256: gdm
13:27.42Guerincafuego: yeah, was about 2 hours on a beach, with 30+
13:27.45zinxassu: it is for some people :/
13:27.46helixI am quite fond of fair skin
13:27.47cafuegoasuffield: Pff. racist.
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13:27.55greycatshad_: mysqldump | gzip | ssh otherbox 'cat > /var/tmp/blah'
13:28.01jharrisonwkhelix: there were 3 tourists here that heard if you put coke on your body you will tan well, so they did that and 2 of them died from such bad sun burns
13:28.05shad_greycat thx
13:28.09cafuegoasuffield: They started out brown but got pale as they moved north
13:28.09raf256karsten *dpkg* rumour has it, gdm is the Gnome Display Manager.
13:28.12helixhaha. I mean, that's horrible, but haha
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13:28.20chealerraf256: it's gpm instead of gdm
13:28.25dpkgsomebody said gpm was if you can get your mouse to work in GPM but not X, set repeat_type=ms3 in /etc/gpm.conf ; /etc/init.d/gpm restart; set X to use device /dev/gpmdata and protocol Intellimouse; or (see also), or talk to peterS for he is the master
13:28.25raf256so gdm is that graphics thingy to log in, or that thing to hae mouse in textr console?
13:28.32asuffielduhh... *coke*?
13:28.39streunerraf256: gpm
13:28.40Guerincola or aine?
13:28.40karstenraf256: Um.. Doh.
13:28.40asuffieldyou're more likely to die from being dissolved
13:28.40helixI had tan lines when I was younger
13:28.41asgasuffield: coca cola
13:28.44greycatasuffield: smells of urban legend to me
13:28.47zinxPLIP is being ultra-slow, even with an IRQ on both ends :(
13:28.49karstenraf256: what streuner said.
13:28.52jharrisonwkGuerin: hehe cola
13:28.55asuffieldhaah, helix used to be a beach bunny
13:28.58karstenjharrisonwk: Where's here?
13:29.01jharrisonwkGuerin: dont worry the cocaine wont hurt you
13:29.03jm_zinx: how slow is that?
13:29.04helixnah, I played sports
13:29.04jharrisonwkkarsten: bahamas
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13:29.06raf256why "gpm" ?
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13:29.10cafuegohelix has a surf board?
13:29.11helixI always hated the beach, the ocean is scary
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13:29.13zinxjm_: probably 1K/s or so
13:29.17jharrisonwkGuerin: at least not externally it shouldn't
13:29.18helixheh, I had a surf board :|
13:29.22zinxjm_: it's getting receive timeouts :/
13:29.27Guerini have no time for people who prefer to swim in chlorine
13:29.35helixpools are awesome
13:29.36jm_zinx: yeah that's horrible, I was getting 75KB/s even with slow 386
13:29.38helixoceans, not so much
13:29.40jharrisonwkpools suck
13:29.48jharrisonwkhelix: well you are from FL though so pools are good
13:29.50zinxjm_: i blame the receive timeouts :/
13:29.51asuffieldswimming is for people who capsized
13:29.52dpkg[gdm] the Gnome Display Manager. A gnome based display manager based on xdm, but with no original xdm code. Written with looks (and security) in mind.. see gdm fix, or uses ~/.gnomerc instead of ~/.xsession, or kicks ass!, or (a word that You can confuse with "gpm", gpm is that thingy to have mouse cursor in text console)
13:29.53cafuegoGuerin: It's nicer then swimming in urine.
13:29.55helixasuffield: hahaha
13:29.56jharrisonwkFL beachs suck
13:29.57asuffieldor hit a rock and sank
13:30.01Guerinpools are what stupid inlanders build when they haven't got lakes or rivers
13:30.06jm_zinx: maybe the cable is bad
13:30.11helixjharrisonwk: not all of them -- the stuff by the gulf of mexico is reaaaaaaally pretty
13:30.11jharrisonwkI wouldn't swim ever again in a FL if you paid me a million dollars
13:30.22jharrisonwkhelix: yeah I have been to them
13:30.23helixbut on the east coast, yeah, it's gross
13:30.25jharrisonwkhelix: trust me they suck
13:30.27helixjharrisonwk: those aren't bad!
13:30.31zinxjm_: possibly.. it's also a 486SX/25 laptop
13:30.32jharrisonwkhelix: oh yes they are
13:30.33helixoh, well, you do live in the bahamas :P
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13:30.37jharrisonwkhelix: :)
13:30.43cafuegoGuerin: I dare you to swim in the Yarra.
13:30.44jharrisonwkhelix: if you ever come here you will see what I mean
13:30.47helixswimming in water which you can see through is pretty great
13:30.51cafuegoGuerin: ... and live.
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13:30.59Guerincafuego: top end should be alright
13:31.01helixbut I can't go in the sun for that long
13:31.08jharrisonwkhelix: sunblock?
13:31.14cafuegoGuerin: Can't swim there, only wade.
13:31.22helixit doesn't work; even the stuff they make for babies, like spf 100 doesn't work
13:31.27helixI still burn after 20 minutes
13:31.32jharrisonwkhelix: are you serious?
13:31.34Guerincafuego: heh
13:31.38cafuegoGuerin: It only gets deep and wide enough once the sewers join it
13:31.42jharrisonwkhelix: they have that 8 hour water proof stuff
13:31.42asuffieldhelix: wear clothes
13:31.46Dmesspinkey we call em..
13:31.47jharrisonwkhelix: none of that works?
13:31.49helixyeah dude, I'm like one of those creatures that lives at the bottom of the sea and never sees light
13:31.55helixjharrisonwk: oh, haven't tried that
13:31.57jharrisonwkasuffield: you cant wear cloths to swim in
13:32.05helixasuffield: wtf, why? that's insanity
13:32.09cafuegohelix: Do what my wife does, bunbaths fully dresses, under a blanket, under an umbrella.
13:32.11jharrisonwkhelix: you need that think goopy sunblock
13:32.18jharrisonwkhelix: that stuff should work
13:32.19helixcafuego: haha
13:32.23helixjharrisonwk: yeah, maybe
13:32.25Guerincafuego: bunbaths?
13:32.29cafuegohelix: (and with sunscreen on)
13:32.33helixit's a pity, I have a cute bathing suit
13:32.36cafuegoGuerin: s/s/e/
13:32.39greycatmaybe you need *clothes*
13:32.41stewhelix: you need to move out of florida
13:32.42jethr0asg: should I chmod -R on the container?
13:32.42karstenhelix: There's a whole line of sunproof clothing, including for swimmers and stuff.
13:32.48streunercafuego: not a bad idea in .au :-)
13:32.49helixkarsten: oh, cool
13:32.49asuffieldhelix: well don't do it an injustice by wearing it, then :P
13:32.59cafuegostreuner: Yeah, no shit :-(
13:33.05asgjethr0: yes, be careful.
13:33.13jharrisonwkasuffield: thats not nice
13:33.13Guerinnow that I live in the damn mountains, I'm not sure where I'm going to swim
13:33.15helixasuffield: maybe you could wear it? you'd look absolutely adorable in red
13:33.21asuffieldjharrisonwk: *I'm* not nice
13:33.27jharrisonwkasuffield: I noticed
13:33.29cafuegoGuerin: Downstream of the glacier
13:33.30Guerini'll need to descend to the coast once in a while to get my salt levels back up
13:33.34asuffieldhelix: I bet it wouldn't fit
13:33.42jethr0asg: I moved files from the openbsd cvs to the one hosted on the linux now, how and why should I be carefull?
13:33.43helixsure it would, it's stretchy
13:33.52helixand the top ties
13:33.54karstenhelix: Lots of swimmers end up really sun-sensitive.
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13:33.56jharrisonwkGuerin: are you not happy being a landlubber?
13:34.00asgjethr0: I was referring to 'chmod -R'
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13:34.16greycatchmod -R is a very dangerous command.
13:34.23jethr0asg: I was just about to chmod -R g+s /home/cvs actually :)
13:34.23Guerinjharrisonwk: I'm fine as long as I'm within walk of a decent stream or lake, or the sea
13:34.26zinxit doesn't really seem like it's using DMA on this side
13:34.27asg!i frobbed my perms with chmod
13:34.27dpkgOuch. In the future, running 'find / \( -name proc -prune \) -o \( -name sys -prune \) -o -name "*" -print0 | xargs -0 ls -ld > /var/backups/permissions.bak' as root from a nightly cronjob will at least allow you to script some recovery.
13:34.38jharrisonwkGuerin: sounds like you need to go on a spearfishing trip
13:34.40Guerinjharrisonwk: but out here there are only reservoirs for potable water and fishing
13:34.41helixasuffield: anyway, I'll bring it to finland, you can try it on
13:34.53Guerinjharrisonwk: word
13:34.57asuffield'chmod 0700 -R / foo'
13:34.59karstenhelix: google 'sunblock clothing'
13:35.11jharrisonwkGuerin: you could swim out 3 miles with a floating bucket and spearfish all day and then swim home with a bucket full of nice fish
13:35.21cafuegokarsten: google 'leather mining wear'
13:35.22Guerinjharrisonwk: that sound like me
13:35.28jharrisonwkGuerin: just dont get any blood in the water ;)
13:35.31helixthat's cool
13:35.31asuffieldhelix: I am not wearing something that you've been swimming in, anyway
13:35.32jethr0asuffield: don't try to trick me into typo'ing my chmod -R ;)
13:35.37helixasuffield: why not?
13:35.44asuffieldhelix: that would be icky
13:35.48Gueringirl germs?
13:35.56helixwhy? chlorine cleans stuff, right?
13:35.56karstencafuego: Heh.
13:36.00helixand it's not like I haven't washed it
13:36.06karstencafuego: Try swimming in that.
13:36.21cafuegokarsten: Only in private *blush*
13:36.43karstencafuego: ;-)
13:36.45cafuegohelix: chlorine kills stuff, it doesn't clean it.
13:36.51greycatGuerin: we already know asuffield only likes anime girls, not women
13:36.51helixasuffield: what if I brought you your own bikini? would you wear that?
13:36.59asuffieldhelix: I am thinking not
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13:37.06Gueringreycat: fair play
13:37.21helixasuffield: even if it were in a flattering color?
13:37.27Guerinhelix is not japanese and 14 enough
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13:37.40cafuegohelix: bikini tops anc chest hair do not mix.
13:37.59helixcafuego: well, mine is like a halter top, so it could theoretically cover that up!
13:38.07helixI don't think suff has chest hair though
13:38.11cafuegohelix: haha, no chance.
13:38.15helixhe doesn't seem like he'd be excessively hairy
13:38.33cafuegohelix: we call him wolfboy when you're not here
13:38.50stewooops. client just figured out that i mistakenly checked in code that was creating a file named /tmp/fuckyou every time you ran the program
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13:39.14henkkaaahah :)
13:39.23hexxeh|worki only used to do that when i was at school, and they didn't care as long as the code ran
13:39.33cafuegostew: "mistakenly" eh.
13:39.38stewat least it never made it to any of his clients
13:39.42karstencafuego: They don't mix.  They *do* complement.
13:39.49greycatdpkg, flw32 is <stew> ooops. client just figured out that i mistakenly checked in code that was creating a file named /tmp/fuckyou every time you ran the program
13:39.49dpkgokay, greycat
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13:39.56helixasuffield: what about a one piece? if it were suitably "manly"
13:39.58greycatdpkg, famous last words =~ s/31/32|32/
13:39.58dpkggreycat: OK
13:40.01dpkg< JohnFlux> gandalf: i don't think X will crash
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13:40.04cafuegokarsten: I was just contemplating braiding chesthair into a personal bikini top
13:40.23asuffieldhelix: why are you obsessing about this?
13:40.27cafuegohelix: All top swimmers wear those, he can't possibly refuse.
13:40.31helixcafuego: that'd be hot, but you need to get nipple shields too
13:40.33stewit was one of those things where i was getting frustrated at the time i wrote the code, once i got things working i was so psyched i forgot to take out the offending code
13:40.44helixasuffield: because you haven't outright said you'd never wear a women's bathing suit
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13:40.48karstencafuego: Now *that* is a picture.
13:40.48jharrisonwkyou guys are just going off your rockers
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13:40.55cafuegohelix: cufflinks maybe
13:41.04asuffieldcafuego: as I said, swimming is for people who capsized (or fell in, like an idiot)
13:41.11helixI bet suff can't swim
13:41.14cafuegokarsten: I jut remmebered a book of "bad haircuts" that my friend has
13:41.20slamsewhere do i specity the smtpserver to use for nullmailer?
13:41.24asuffieldI have a five mile swimming certificate someplace :P
13:41.27karstenjharrisonwk: s/are just going/have long been/
13:41.37helixso much for that
13:41.39jharrisonwkkarsten: ?
13:41.47cafuegoasuffield: Pff. i do that much every week and don't get a CERTIFICATE for it.
13:41.47streunerslamse: what MTA do you have?
13:42.14asuffieldcafuego: I was like, 14 or something. they give you certificates when you do shit at that age
13:42.19karstenjharrisonwk: You're familiar with s/regex/replacement/ ?
13:42.20cafuegostreuner: you win!
13:42.24asgasuffield: the mandatory school swiming badges?
13:42.27slamsestreuner: actually, i just installed it with apt-get so i guess it's the one that comes with that package.. exim or so
13:42.36asuffieldasg: something like that
13:42.42jharrisonwkkarsten: yes
13:42.45cafuegoslamse: nullmailer uses nullmailer
13:42.59jharrisonwkkarsten: but im not sure I follow what you said to me
13:43.00streuner!info nullmailer
13:43.05dpkgnullmailer: (simple relay-only mail transport agent), section mail, is extra. Version: 1.00RC7-22 (sid), Packaged size: 77 kB, Installed size: 408 kB
13:43.13karstenjharrisonwk: What you said.  Substitued.
13:43.14helix5 miles is a lot of swimming
13:43.19asuffieldhelix: besides, I'm not going to say outright that I'd never do it. but I'm not going to be your dress-up doll either :P
13:43.25asuffieldit's only about an hour
13:43.25jharrisonwkkarsten: ah :)
13:43.25helixthat's so cute!
13:43.26slamsei know what nullmailer is i jst don't know in what configfile to specify the smtpsevrer.,
13:43.30cafuegohelix: about 60 25m laps a day
13:43.35karstenjharrisonwk: 06:41 < jharrisonwk> you guys are just going off your rockers
13:43.41karstenjharrisonwk: Right.
13:43.43asgslamse: dpkg-reconfigure nullmailer ; follow the prompts
13:43.45cafuegoslamse: try 'dpkg-reconfigure nullmailer'
13:43.46greycatslamse: then read its docs
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13:43.50streunerslamse: cafuego already told you
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13:43.58karstenasuffield: That _is_ pretty impressive.
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13:44.06pingouinwhy lftp or wget give me errors when i want to download Big .iso file for some distro to burn  on dvd ?
13:44.09helixI have a whole new respect for the suff
13:44.17asuffieldkarsten: not particularly, all it takes is boredom
13:44.18greycatpingouin: 2GB limit?
13:44.21prckodoes anyone know about problems with exim4 in sid if its broken
13:44.29helixasuffield: will you let us put make up on you at least?
13:44.32jm_pingouin: are you using Debian 3.0?
13:44.32asuffieldyou have to be pretty bored to spend an hour swimming nowhere in particular
13:44.33greycatpingouin: what kernel, what file system, what version of debian?
13:44.35asg!btssmite prcko
13:44.36streunerprcko: BTS would know
13:44.38jethr0pingouin: are you using lftp and wget on the hurd ? ;)
13:44.38asuffieldhelix: no. fantasise about somebody else
13:44.46simonrvnprcko: it's not borken. your conf is
13:44.53cafuegopingouin: Are you trying to save th file on vfat or something?
13:44.55pingouinoh my god ;)
13:44.56helixno one else is going to react in such a funny manner though
13:45.04karstenasuffield: Five miles?  8800 yards.  352 laps.  That's a goodly swim.
13:45.20karstenasuffield: I've had a few days of ~10k yards, but that's two workouts.
13:45.21pingouinok ok , Linux version
13:45.28prckosimonrvn: u know how to fix it
13:45.31pingouinmaybe i've forget something in the kernel option
13:45.37asgkarsten: one hour swiming isn't really that bad, it just sounds like it.
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13:45.52simonrvnprcko: no. i don't know what you broke
13:45.55karstenasg: Trust me, I've done plenty of one-hour swims.
13:45.57forkqueueI swear I have keyboard tourettes or something
13:46.01cafuegoIt's invigorating
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13:46.09asuffieldit's... pretty pointless really
13:46.10asgkarsten: yeah
13:46.13greycatpingouin: what kernel, what file system, what version of debian?
13:46.19karstenasg: Standard workout was 90 minutes.  Generally 4k - 6k yards.
13:46.20biggi_mathi. i have local network (modem--server(debian)--workstation(slackware/windows). before i was installing debian all over again eerything worked just fine but now it doesn't. the connection is kinda established (the green light) but there is no traffic between this two computers (orange light). i blame debian server for that. on debian the card module is loaded and works, i guess. what else could go wrong?
13:46.41prckosimonrvn: i never done anything with the conf files for exim so they are as made by the package
13:46.42greycat(this is the part where we learn that he's not actually *using* Debian, isn't it?)
13:46.48helixwell, just sitting around in the pool is neat
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13:46.52karstenasg: I'm biking as of recent, 19 - 50 miles in the past few weeks.  Feels pretty damned good.
13:46.57karstencharles: Leather!
13:46.58asghelix: well, there is that
13:47.02karstencharles: NM.
13:47.06asuffield(I quit shortly after that, just couldn't see any point bothering any more)
13:47.07karstencafuego: Leather PJs?
13:47.20asgkarsten: I keep meaning to get back to that. I haven't been on a bike in 20 years or so though.
13:47.25cafuegokarsten: Latex lingerie (ask helix)
13:47.36karstenbiggi_mat: NAT.
13:47.36stewprcko: someone was in here last night with such a problem and said they were going to post a workaround to the bts
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13:47.38helixinsert your math symbols, baby
13:47.45asuffield...helix in latex lingerie?
13:47.46karstenhelix: Latex lingerie?
13:47.54asuffieldthat's just... weird
13:48.10karstenasg: Living in Napa, it's among the better things going.
13:48.13darxethhey i got an error on startup: Informational - artsmessege. sound server,,, Error while initializing the sound driver: cant set requested samplingrate. how can i restor or check my sound driver again?
13:48.17prckostew: thnx very much for that info , happy to hear that :)
13:48.18karstenhelix: ^^ cafuego.
13:48.23jharrisonwkhelix: here in the bahamas there is an island where an ocean hole runs from the beach on one side under the island to the beach on the other side
13:48.25simonrvnprcko: i don't know. mine works fine. using sid. so you broke it somehow
13:48.28dpkghmm... flw7 is <nickv111> I use unstable and have never run into problems
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13:48.36pingouingreycat: Linux version , on ext3, 3.1 sarge , i surely forget something while building the kernel ?
13:48.45biggi_matkarsten what do you mean by nat? i did ifconfig shings (netmask and broadcast) and iptables (--table nat, POSTROUTING, MASQUERADE) and ofcourse echo 1 >/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward. what else should i do?
13:48.50asgkarsten: true, there are plenty of nice places there. Here in NC, it's rather boring scenery-wise, unless you go to the mountains.
13:48.51asuffieldI shall go and create some problems in unstable at once
13:48.51jharrisonwkhelix: so when the tides shift one side blows water up out of the hole and the other side sucks it in
13:48.52karstenasuffield: Still miss swimming a tad.  It's a good all-weather workout.
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13:49.05helixI wonder what I was doing when the discussion of the kernel versions like 2.6.x.y were going on
13:49.06karstenbiggi_mat: Well, that was a starting suggestion....
13:49.08greycatpingouin: I seriously doubt it's a kernel config issue.
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13:49.10helixdid I fall into a hole that week?
13:49.16hexxeh|workhelix, yes.
13:49.17jharrisonwkhelix: you want to stay away from the side sucking water in but the side blowing it out is nice to hover over
13:49.18greycatpingouin: more likely, a limitation of wget
13:49.22biggi_matkarsten go on :)
13:49.22hexxeh|work!tell helix about kernel of instability
13:49.29jharrisonwkhelix: until the tides shift anyways :)
13:49.38helixoh, I read that when it was on lkml
13:49.45helixI don't remember the x.y stuff though
13:49.50helixjust the 2.6 development model
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13:49.55helixjharrisonwk: that sounds perverted
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13:49.59hexxeh|work32bit wget can't properly report on or resume files over 2gb
13:50.05karstenbiggi_mat: Make sure all your interfaces are up.  Double-check your nat.  Can you ping host-to-host?  What's your routing look like?  What connectivity does/doesn't work?  Are your default routes set?
13:50.05greycatone wonders why one would *ever* use wget to fetch a DVD .iso image, rather than a bittorrent client.
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13:50.23pingouinhexxeh|work: lftp also it seems
13:50.28karstenasg: Where in NC?  RTP?
13:50.33helixbittorrent is slow
13:50.33asgkarsten: Charlotte
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13:50.39asuffieldhelix: what, you've never seen jacuzzi porn?
13:50.42petemchelix: hows that?
13:50.46hexxeh|workpingouin, blame lazy programming? wget is fine with large files when compiled for amd64
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13:50.53helixasuffield: no
13:50.56greycathelix: leeching off a server until the server admin takes it down is even slower in the long run
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13:51.01karstenasg: Web?
13:51.05pingouinhexxeh|work: ok thx
13:51.05helixpetemc: because it takes upstream bandwidth too
13:51.11Cokegreycat: depends on where the FTP site is VS what torrent seeds are out there.
13:51.19helixso instead of downloading at like 150k/s it downloads at like, 15
13:51.23karstenasg: Let me guess:  there's a web design firm in Charlotte called "Charlotte's Web"
13:51.29greycathelix: throttle the upstream appropriately
13:51.29asuffieldbittorrent is "slow", hah
13:51.33asgkarsten: that was an old BBS originally
13:51.35asuffieldwhen bittorrent first came out, I was a student at IC
13:51.41biggi_matkarsten to be honest i don't understand some of the things you asked. my interfaces are all up. i can't ping my local IPs. i don't know what to say on questions about routing
13:51.43slamsealso I would like to know how to search for something within a file searching all files on drive
13:51.44helixI don't have time for that ;P
13:51.45asgkarsten: then became a web thing.
13:51.48karstenasg: Go figure.
13:51.50greycatslamse: grep -r pattern /etc
13:51.51Cokebittorrent is not slower than anything else. it's a bandwidth issue.
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13:51.57asuffieldwe tried it on one of the lab boxes. left it running ten minutes, as we knew it took a little while to get going
13:51.58helixI've only used bittorrent like twice though
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13:51.59greycatslamse: (you DO NOT want to search the whole file system.)
13:51.59slamsegreycat: ok, ty
13:52.07jm_and how much the peers are willing to use for upload rate
13:52.07hexxeh|workbittorrent is fine for me when i use it, though irritatingly i can't use it at work to get dvd isos of linuxy things (university acceptable use policy explicitly forbids it)
13:52.08slamsei got the time hehe
13:52.09asgkarsten: yep
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13:52.23asuffieldwhen we came back, we all sat around staring at it for about a minute. then we did some math. I always remember the phrase "I think the limiting factor is the network card"
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13:52.24Cokejm_: I have no limit. I use 100% of my enormouse 740k upload stream.
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13:52.37asuffieldand "maybe we should stop doing that before the sysadmins kill us"
13:52.37helixcafuego: I am still unable to find transparent latex thongs, though google finds some briefs
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13:52.58jm_Coke: I noticed my downloads slowed down when I did that with 768kbps link, don't see that effect with 256kbps
13:53.01karstenbiggi_mat: How many boxes?
13:53.07asuffield(yup, we saturated 100Mbit of traffic)
13:53.11smlis there any sane reason why chroot would segfault ?
13:53.19biggi_matkarsten this one (server) and workstation, so 2
13:53.53zinxthere we go.. not going any faster, but at least i have DMA locally :P
13:53.54karstenbiggi_mat: Server IP(s)?  How many NICs?
13:54.04karstenbiggi_mat: ...and what's your external connection?  Cable-router or cable-modem?
13:54.12biggi_matkarsten server IP is
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13:54.29biggi_matkarsten external connection is DSL
13:54.31karstenbiggi_mat: ...where route is a switch w/ multiple ports, modem == 1 internal port.
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13:54.49opqdonutaptitude totally rocks :)
13:54.51karstenbiggi_mat: Same story DSL vs. cable.
13:54.59asuffieldhelix: why were you even looking?
13:55.31biggi_matkarsten  everything worked for 1 year. now when i reinstalled the server something goes wrong.
13:55.34opqdonutkarsten: biggi_mat: are you talking about sharing a dsl connection?
13:55.34helixasuffield: it's a joke that would take too long to explain
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13:55.52helixactually, I don't even remember how it began
13:55.56biggi_matopqdonut about my local net that doesn't work. kinda sharing yes.
13:56.01karstenbiggi_mat: Yeah, that's not really useful diagnostic info.
13:56.03helixbut I think cafuego started it
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13:56.19imahcineHI! ;]
13:56.24_joeyis there a tool to monitor bandwidth on a specific service ?
13:56.36biggi_matkarsten i no. it is just wierd for me why is that like that
13:56.40imahcinehow may i enable dri on debian?
13:56.40biggi_matknow *
13:56.43karsten!tell imahcine about ask
13:56.46imahcineusing sarge here, with sid packages.
13:56.48ZtaI can't get who(1) to work on my busybox-system because /var/run/utmp is missing.  Where do I enable this?  In the kernel or in busybox or perhaps uClibc?
13:56.50streuner_joey: try iptrfa
13:56.53streuner_joey: try iptraf
13:56.59helixI'm thinking a saran wrap thong would be very uncomfortable
13:57.00hexxeh|workimahcine, which would be sid, not sarge. which card?
13:57.01karstenbiggi_mat: Yes.  How about providing details ;-)
13:57.15imahcinekarsten, please, i beg of you, dont use that bot machine.
13:57.16biggi_matkarsten ask what you would need to know :)
13:57.19greycatZta: doesn't sound like debian to me.
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13:57.21imahcinehexxeh|work, well. savage3d.
13:57.22helixthough it may mitigate against a "not so fresh feeling" they talk about on commercials
13:57.24biggi_matand i hope i can tell you
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13:57.37asuffieldisn't that just clingfilm?
13:57.38imahcinehexxeh|work, i hear its working in the latest dri release.
13:57.40imahcinelinux only tho.
13:57.43imahcinehence the debian ;]
13:57.46helixasuffield: yeah, probably
13:57.52hexxeh|workimahcine, oh lord. does the specific model in question have any dri support in the xfree86 4.3 in sid?
13:57.54karstenbiggi_mat: What's the workstation IP?  What's the server IP?
13:58.03helixasuffield: another example of US people calling something by the brand name instead of what it actually is :)
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13:58.13biggi_matkarsten workstation IP is , server is
13:58.14imahcinehexxeh|work, not to my knowledge. more like inside of xorg.
13:58.26Ztagreycat, You're mostly right except it built on Debian =)
13:58.26imahcinehexxeh|work, which is kind of where we're getting now anyway right.
13:58.38imahcinehexxeh|work, i believe there was some packages for xorg in the topic?
13:58.44karstenbiggi_mat: How are they connected?  Crossover, hub, switch, ... ?
13:58.44darxethhow can i enable the smbd on my pc? i apt-get installed samba, and configutred it as well, but still when i type smbstatus, or go check on the other windows based computer, i cant find any entries.
13:58.46greycatZta: it's one of those "if you don't know how to do it, then you can't do it" things, I think.
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13:59.03biggi_matkarsten i have crossover
13:59.05greycatanyway, I have a strong personal dislike of utmp.
13:59.09karstendarxeth: $EDITOR /etc/samba/smb.conf
13:59.16yoniwhile doing netinstall of woody it ask for a source (ftp) i have ... it doesn't work, the url is wrong ?
13:59.19greycatit's a piss-poor way to track authentications
13:59.30asuffieldutmp's pretty useless
13:59.31Ztagreycat, "..unless you ask someone and they help you".
13:59.33imahcineyoh_, http:us ?
13:59.36biggi_matyoni the url is quite wrong yes
13:59.38karstenbiggi_mat: Check your cable connection.
13:59.39imahcineyoni, ?
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13:59.44hexxeh|workyoni, yes, obviously it's wrong. ever seen a url look like that?
13:59.44greycatZta: help you understand how shitty and useless who(1) really is?
13:59.46biggi_matkarsten how?
13:59.49karstenbiggi_mat: And confirm it's xover, not direct. neither
14:00.00karstenbiggi_mat: Well.
14:00.07Ztagreycat, doesn't sound like help to me ;)
14:00.08imahcinehexxeh|work, how does drm support look like in debian 2.6 kernel line ?
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14:00.14Ztagreycat, nevertheless, who depends on it.
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14:00.25karstenbiggi_mat: ...try unplugging and reconnecting.  If you built it yourself, make sure none of the leads are pulled loose in the connectors.
14:00.29Ztawho is fine.  It gives a list of users online.
14:00.34darxethkarsten: i thought i've done configuring this file in the configuring stage after downloading samba
14:00.35karstenbiggi_mat: If you can substitute another cable, do so.
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14:00.38greycatZta: no it does ont.
14:00.42imahcinehexxeh|work, is it a package one installs that automatically loads a module, or do i have to recompile the kernel, or whats the deal with linux/debian ;]
14:00.48greycatZta: who(1) gives you the output of PARSING THE utmp FILE.
14:00.50biggi_matkarsten i did all that yesterday, no effect.
14:00.55yoniat last it try to do something, corrected... it goes error immediatly
14:01.01karstenbiggi_mat: OK.
14:01.06asuffieldZta: it gives you a list of users who have been online at some point
14:01.09greycatZta: whether that has any relationship to the users who currently have active login shells on the system depends on what you logged in your utmp file.
14:01.09karstenbiggi_mat: Do you have link lights on both NICs?
14:01.11asuffieldthat's rather less than useful
14:01.17hexxeh|workimahcine, if you use sarge, then hotplug/discover should be loading your drm modules for you. i know i have "radeon" and "drm" loaded, through no effort of my own
14:01.29biggi_matkarsten yes. they are linked (the green light)
14:01.30karstenbiggi_mat: ...and/or do you have a spare hub/switch you can test with?
14:01.33Ztagreycat, Ah I see.
14:01.42karstenbiggi_mat: Both?
14:01.43darxethkarsten: wins support = yes ; wins server = w.x.y.z ... is there anything else i should look for?
14:01.43imahcinehexxeh|work, you use xorg/xfree ?
14:01.46a_monkeyok. i've installed alsa-base and alsa-utils. but i get an error from xmms saying to make sure that my soundcard is configured correctly. do i need to run alsaconf, or what?
14:01.47biggi_matkarsten i don't have hub or switch for test
14:01.55biggi_matkarsten yes both are on
14:01.58hexxeh|workimahcine, default sarge install. i didn't change or configure anything, 3d just worked.
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14:02.10biggi_matkarsten only the orange light which is traffic is down...
14:02.17yoniany idea for an url to get my woody install complete ?
14:02.21karstendarxeth: Defaults work out of the box.  Create a share and attempt browsing it.
14:02.26imahcinehexxeh|work, well, i get an error saying i do not possess a DRIextension in Xfree.
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14:02.28epI just used apt-get to install ntpdate, It ran automatically after I installed it. How did it know what ntp server(s) to use?
14:02.29imahcinewhich i do however.
14:02.32karstenbiggi_mat: OK.
14:02.43leOnhello ... where can i find php 4.2.x or 4.3.x packages for woody ?
14:02.48imahcineep, /etc/ntpdate.conf ?
14:02.49biggi_matkarsten actually the orange is on on the workstation . only on the server side it's off
14:02.50Ztaasuffield, it's the only program busybox offers to get a list of users online, as far as I can see.
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14:03.02imahcineor ntp.conf isi t.
14:03.04karstenbiggi_mat: Paste 'route' and 'ifconfig' output from both boxes (floppy transfer if necessary) to...
14:03.10karsten!tell biggi_mat about paster
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14:03.13greycatyoni: well of COURSE is wrong.  does it even *look* right?  of course not.
14:03.13asuffieldZta: that's because there doesn't exist a vaguely reliable way to get a list of users online
14:03.23karstenbiggi_mat: ... LMK when you're ready.
14:03.32Ztaasuffield, at all or just on busybox?
14:03.37asuffieldZta: pretty much at all
14:03.40imahcinehexxeh|work, what is the drm module called? i cannot seem to locate modprobe drm.
14:03.52asuffieldthe output of ps is the closest you'll get
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14:04.00hexxeh|workimahcine, are you using a debian kernel-image?
14:04.01Ztaasuffield, so what wrong with who(1)?  It's just as good as any other program, isn't it?
14:04.02biggi_matkarsten can't paste the thing...i'm only in console, no Xes.
14:04.09greycatZta: man who; man utmp
14:04.12imahcinehexxeh|work, indeed. 2.6.10-1-686
14:04.21imahcinehexxeh|work, i have this /lib/modules/2.6.10-1-686/kernel/drivers/char/drm
14:04.22karstenbiggi_mat: w3m
14:04.34asuffieldZta: /dev/urandom is just as good as most other programs; that doesn't make it a useful way to get information
14:04.41karstenbiggi_mat: Gives you vi as your default form editor.
14:04.48imahcinehexxeh|work, however i do not have it built. oh. 2.6.11 ? ;]
14:04.58imahcinehexxeh|work, is that an unoficial kernel build?
14:05.11imahcinehexxeh|work, or otherwise, where can i get 2.6.11 with drm ;)
14:05.11hexxeh|workimahcine, since debian amd64 is technically unofficial
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14:05.40yoniok thanks greycat, changed to and it worked
14:05.40a_monkeynm i got it
14:05.40hexxeh|work!find kernel/drivers/char/drm/radeon.ko
14:05.47dpkgDebian Search of 'kernel/drivers/char/drm/radeon.ko' (3 of 25): (/lib/modules/2.6.8-2-k7/kernel/drivers/char/drm/radeon.ko) in base/kernel-image-2.6.8-2-k7 ;; (/lib/modules/2.6.8-2-386/kernel/drivers/char/drm/radeon.ko) in base/kernel-image-2.6.8-2-386 ;; (/lib/modules/2.6.10-1-k7/kernel/drivers/char/drm/radeon.ko) in base/kernel-image-2.6.10-1-k7.
14:05.47imahcinehexxeh|work, well, my is unofficial i guess. how can i check which repo it gains its stuff ?
14:05.51Ztaasuffield, oh please
14:06.04elephantHi all
14:06.05yoniftp:// of course
14:06.08VirtualI started my computer and grub didn`t load anymore... Grub error 22
14:06.10Virtualwhat can I do ?
14:06.13imahcineoh lol. so 2.6.10 doesnt support i386 drm?
14:06.18elephantHow to acciociate a IP with a hostname ?
14:06.22biggi_matkarsten weel. i did route. the thing that bothers me is that evertything is everything the same. shouldn't be there some priority (i have three lan cards in server. one is for external connection and two are for local. one is not in use at the time though).so is it ok that's everything is the same?
14:06.26biggi_matwell *
14:06.27*** join/#debian colde89 (
14:06.28elephantLike "whois IP"
14:06.32karsten!tell elephant about bind
14:06.38imahcineelephant, use ductape.
14:06.46karstenbiggi_mat: New kernel?
14:06.48asuffieldgrargh. 'whois' does not have anything to do with that
14:06.50elephantThanx all
14:06.55tubelephant: ping -a ip.add.res.res
14:06.55biggi_matkarsten yep. compiled yesterday
14:07.00imahcineBye all
14:07.10karstenbiggi_mat: 'dmesg' will tell you which NICs are assigned which device.
14:07.11imahcineCheers all. all seems well popular lately.
14:07.17karstenbiggi_mat: There's your problem.  Swap internal NICs.
14:07.30imahcineanywho. hexxeh|work would you mind a pm since its pretty messy in my taste over here?
14:07.42karstenbiggi_mat: ...connect to the other.  You should find that your modules are loading in different order and have changed spec.
14:07.44epimahcine, I don't have /etc/ntpdate.conf  No big deal, I'm just trying to figure out how to run ntpdate manually.  Where are the ntp servers wanted on the CLI?
14:08.03imahcineep, well. right behind.
14:08.08imahcineman ntpdate
14:08.09elephanttub: well "-a" option doesnt exist
14:08.15*** join/#debian vitriol (
14:08.20hexxeh|workimahcine, i'm not sure what there is to discuss, i've told you how it is at my end, and i can't advise outide my zone of competance
14:08.50*** join/#debian Kbs (~fear@
14:08.51imahcinehexxeh|work, well you seem more competent than i am ;] thought you perhaphs own a x386 system as well.
14:09.03imahcinethats okay tho. i will search. i guess.
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14:09.24VirtualI started my computer and grub didn`t load anymore... Grub error 22, I booted with my boot disk and I`m in linux now but how can I fix that error ?
14:09.45biggi_matkarsten sorry but i don't understand what do you want me to do now. could you explain please?
14:09.53*** part/#debian dingo (~dingo2@
14:10.00karsten!tell Virtual about repeat
14:10.04zinxVirtual: 22 : No such partition
14:10.15zinxVirtual: info grub for more information.
14:10.16hexxeh|workimahcine, my i386 system uses nvidia.
14:10.23karstenbiggi_mat: Plug your ethernet cable into the *other* NIC on your server.
14:10.30imahcinehexxeh|work, all is well.
14:10.45karstenbiggi_mat: Note that link-light is HW, not SW.  If you plug in NIC, regardless of it being configured, you'll get a link light.
14:10.57karstenbiggi_mat: Your kernel update shuffled your NICs around on your server.
14:11.06tamkarsten: he made a mistake and started again. leave him alone to ask his question
14:11.07*** join/#debian asg (
14:11.15imahcineOhMyAchinLap, btw. how can i see dpkg -l with a longer output? or perhaphs there is something like *bsd /var/db/pkg where i can just list stuff as files?
14:11.15Quartopwhen i instaled X i got a configuration screen... how do i get back there?
14:11.27imahcinewtf. stupid completion.
14:11.29karstentam: OK.
14:12.07biggi_matkarsten so? what now? what to do that this thign would work ?
14:12.22*** join/#debian bjbL (~bjbL@
14:12.32hexxeh|work!drxx Quartop
14:12.32dpkgQuartop: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86   (as root)
14:12.40karstenbiggi_mat: Test your connection.
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14:12.53biggi_matkarsten how?
14:13.03biggi_mat*little bit lost at the time*
14:13.07zinxkarsten: i don't think it's worth it :/
14:13.11karstenbiggi_mat: ping?
14:13.20karstenzinx: ??
14:13.23brayraimahcine: COLUMNS=132 dpkg -l
14:13.27epimahcine, This is a desktop system and i'm new. I read the man page first. It doesn't  say anything about publid ntp servers.  I'm guessing this is what i need.
14:13.36*** join/#debian Luser (
14:13.40biggi_matkarsten it doesn't work
14:13.43vi4mHello. Does anybody know how to force my master dns server transfer zone files to slave-dns?
14:13.54karstenbiggi_mat: OK.
14:13.55imahcineep, just install it, run it, and it should work out of the box with a default config.
14:13.55ep*public ntp server(s)
14:13.57biggi_matkarsten it can't work. i did no changes. i only plugged in the other card.
14:14.00LuserHello. I'm looking for mldonkey. I can find plugins for it, but I can't find the program itself.
14:14.00*** join/#debian marfis (
14:14.04biggi_matthat's just my guessing
14:14.04imahcinejust type 'ntpdate' and it will reach out to the default config.
14:14.06darxethkarsten: theres a - share modes = no - under [netlogon] plus writable = no ; under "Share Definitions" - [home] browseable = yes ; create mask = 0700. (i changed the browseable=no to yes) but still cant find any sharing. what do you think?
14:14.14imahcinei take it youre not the experimenting kind.
14:14.44karstenbiggi_mat: Your NIC association to device (eth0, eth1, eth2, etc.) is determined by the order in which modules are loaded.
14:14.48sondoes anyone know what a kernel is?
14:14.57greycatimahcine: no.  it will give you an error.
14:15.00karstenbiggi_mat: ...if you change the module load order, you change the NIC association.  It's a minor frustration.
14:15.20imahcinei wont try now since gaim crashes on date/time change
14:15.24karstenbiggi_mat: Make sure you've got the right NIC where you think it should be.  Suggest you play with your HW and leave a 'ping' running for a bit.
14:15.33biggi_matkarsten this two NICs are using the same module coz they are the same version from the same company or whatever it is.
14:15.34imahcinebut im pretty surfe it wont. anyway i only ran it on *bsd. so i dont know.
14:15.40imahcinemaybe debian;s ntpdate is different.
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14:15.44karstendarxeth: I think you should ask channel.
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14:15.58karstenbiggi_mat: See above.  I've got stuff to do, ask channel, not me.
14:16.11epI already installed it (ntpdate).  It ran and adjusted my clock (it was borked by over an hour).  As a test, I run it a second time with no arguments.
14:16.19biggi_matkarsten oh thanks for your help
14:16.24sondoes anyone know what a kernel is? I really need to know
14:16.31xelonhi, I installed sarge. But i cant mount my cdrw and dvdrw drives
14:16.36ep#ntpdate 6 Apr 09:14:41 ntpdate[4648]: no servers can be used, exiting
14:16.38xelonwhat can i do?
14:16.58sonwhat is a kernel?
14:16.59dpkgLinux kernel versions, stable:, prepatch: 2.6.12-rc2, 2.4: 2.4.30, snapshot: 2.4.30-bk1, 2.2: 2.2.26, prepatch: 2.2.27-rc2, 2.0: 2.0.40, -ac patch: 2.6.11-ac6, -mm patch: 2.6.12-rc2-mm1
14:17.02greycatep: what server did you tell it to use?
14:17.13*** part/#debian maeglin_artarin (~maeglin@
14:17.13greycatson: the part of the operating system that manages everything
14:17.17epthat was my original question :-)
14:17.19sonoh thankyou
14:17.37darxethwben i type: kate /etc/samba/smb.conf, theres a - share modes = no - under [netlogon] plus writable = no ; under "Share Definitions" - [home] browseable = yes ; create mask = 0700. (i changed the browseable=no to yes) but still cant find any sharing. any suggestions?
14:17.41epare there public ntp servers -- where do i get me
14:17.50jharrisonwkgentto is porting to the nt kernel
14:17.57jharrisonwkgentoo rather
14:18.05hexxeh|workjharrisonwk, when was that announced exactly?
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14:18.29sepskiep: and it's the defualt in debian ntp packages iirc
14:18.32hexxeh|workjharrisonwk, friday, if memory serves
14:18.45clojsterI'm getting really angry on those fonts... now they're gone for new TORSMO
14:18.47greycatsepski: only in sarge...
14:19.05sepskigreycat, ahh ic
14:19.18xelonwhen i mount my cdrom drive by "mount /media/cdrom/ ", there is an error "mount: special device /dev/hdd does not exist". what can i do?
14:19.20*** join/#debian LxUsar (
14:19.33Di```anybody have any info about raid on the sarge install?
14:19.39*** part/#debian Zta (
14:20.23greycatcould we PLEASE form a pact to ban the use of the word "raid" to describe "a disk controller with 2 or more SATA disks on it, which your operating system may be able to treat as a single disk, but which is for all practical purposes JUST TWO SEPARATE DISKS"?
14:20.50*** join/#debian lunaphyt1 (~lunaphyte@
14:20.52clojsterhow can I update newly installed programs (which affects services) without rebooting? (will switching init to 1 and back do the trick?)
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14:21.35hexxeh|workclojster, erm... if you apt-get upgrade, a service is restarted automatically.
14:22.06karstengreycat: JBOD.
14:22.15hexxeh|workgreycat, even if it's just mdadm'd software, two disks in software raid1 is still an array of inexpensive disks, with redundancy...
14:22.15*** join/#debian lunaphyt2 (
14:23.06hexxeh|worka very small array, but still. it doesn't need to be 14 sata disks on a scai-attached chassis to be a redundant array of inexpensive disks
14:23.12greycathexxeh|work: so the question is really "how can I install sarge in such a way that my two {IDE,SATA} disks can become a software RAID 1 mirror"?
14:23.18greycat(no, I don't know the answer)
14:23.23hexxeh|workraid0 should be purged, though
14:23.26clojsterhexxeh|work: good... and what about for example running program like bash?
14:23.41hexxeh|workgreycat, i was under the impression that the sarge rc3 installer did that for you relatively painlessly
14:23.58hexxeh|workclojster, log out, log in
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14:24.09biggi_matwhat is the route for DSL connections? (i just know for IPv6 but what should i put in route -A inet ...?)
14:24.16hexxeh|workclojster, i assure you, in debian land, you don't reboot after every package upgrade
14:24.16xelonI look the instructions in /msg dpkg cdrom, but i can't find any solution. in woody i can do it, but i can't find in sarge!!
14:24.29*** join/#debian Prophet_ (
14:25.53clojsterhexxeh|work: yep, I don't reboot after package upgrade. I just didn't know that services are updated automatically...
14:26.02jharrisonwkhexxeh|work: it was a joke
14:26.19greycatxelon: grep cdrom /etc/fstab
14:26.49xelon/dev/hdd        /media/cdrom0   iso9660 ro,user,noauto  0       0
14:26.50xelon/dev/hdc        /media/cdrom1   iso9660 ro,user,noauto  0       0
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14:27.08clojsterhexxeh|work: and what if I want to restart inetd?
14:27.25dafen-*-sans-*-*-*.... this kinda fonts is invalid, what package I need to make it valid?
14:27.48dafenand also -*-monospace-*-...... is also invalid
14:27.52greycatxelon: try "mount /media/cdrom" for starters, and if that fails, try "mount /media/cdrom0" or "mount /media/cdrom1".  As root.
14:28.04greycatxelon: if it works as root, then try it as a user.
14:28.23hexxeh|workjharrisonwk, a joke announced on april fools' day? whatever next
14:28.53xelongreycat, both root and user gives an error :"mount: special device /dev/hdd does not exist"
14:29.08jharrisonwkhexxeh|work: yeah
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14:29.17dafenhow to make -*-sans-medium....available? what package I need?
14:29.36dafennow icewm just say -*-sans-* are invalid fonts
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14:30.20imahcineuhm, where can i set the default kernel hz in debian?
14:30.21greycatxelon: dmesg | grep CD
14:30.28greycatimahcine: build a custom kernel.
14:30.33greycatimahcine: /msg dpkg kp
14:30.37imahcinegreycat, i dont want to.
14:30.44xelongreycat, output is nothing
14:30.45imahcineis it not possible to use debian kernel?
14:30.45greycatimahcine: then you can't change the kernel configuration.
14:30.52imahcinefoolish linux.
14:30.58greycatimahcine: yes, it's possible.  use it.  just don't expect to go fucking around with its brains.
14:31.01imahcinethat kind o f sucks. but okay :]
14:31.36imahcinewell yea. i come from *bsd. i can use /boot/loader.conf i thought linux being so versatile and slick can do something similar ;p
14:31.37greycatxelon: well, that's going to make it rather hard for a CD-ROM to work, if your kernel isn't seeing them.
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14:31.41hexxeh|workwell you can change very minor things using sysfs
14:31.56imahcinehexxeh|work, yea, but not really the hz can i. its not very minor ;]
14:31.57*** join/#debian bugged (~bugged@
14:32.01imahcinei use sysctl .
14:32.03buggedhello everyone
14:32.06greycatimahcine: linux has kernel boot parameters, but I don't believe HZ is one of them.  I'm almost sure it's a compile-time option.
14:32.14greycatimahcine: you could ask a linux kernel hacker channel.
14:32.16*** join/#debian xdamienx (
14:32.19imahcinegreycat, unfortunate :]
14:32.28imahcinegreycat, such as?
14:32.52xelongreycat, it's an kernel image that i download with apt-get. do i have to compile myself?
14:32.56buggedanyone knows any good "howto" for seting up a good server»
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14:33.05buggedlike mail server file server etc..
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14:33.33hansoncat /etc/fstab
14:33.50bsimshow big a pain in my arse is adjusting Foomatic PPDs to the correct paper size?
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14:34.21xelonhanson : is it to me?
14:34.45hansonxelon: sorry I typed in the wrong window, oops !
14:34.50Arafangionbsims, There's a script to do it for you.
14:34.51greycatbugged: 1) install debian, 2) configure it, 3) there is no 3
14:35.00*** mode/#debian [+l 808] by debhelper
14:35.03Arafangionbsims, But I just wish I could figure out what it was called, but I do know that one exists.
14:35.11imahcineook. brb.
14:35.17ArafangionI've used it before.
14:35.29buggedgreycat: need information on second procidure
14:35.35bsimsArafangion: I was wanting to do this the "proper" way... IE the script named adjustmargin isn't debianized
14:35.36xelongreycat, do i have to compile a kernel myself?
14:35.49Arafangionbsims, It's just a script.
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14:36.23greycatxelon: you have to figure out why your kernel is not detecting any CD-ROM devices.
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14:36.34greycatxelon: if it's a standard debian kernel, then no, it should not need to be replaced
14:36.57bsimsBah if all else I will simply edit the ppd manually <g>, says ljet4 is prefered but honestly; printing testpages I can't tell the difference between ljet4 and the cups laserjet driver
14:37.27buggedgreycat: can't help me?
14:37.28xelongreycat, it is a standart debian kernel
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14:37.51xelongreycat, how can i figure out it?
14:38.45jharrisonwkanyone attempted to install sarge on a sparc v1XX?
14:38.50Lorvijawhat was the url to newest netinstaller?
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14:39.18greycatxelon: does the BIOS see the drive?  which kernel is it?  try reading 'dmesg' from top to bottom and see if it gives any useful hints?
14:39.18Lorvijathanks jharrisonwk
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14:39.42imahcine2.6.11 on board.
14:39.52xelonBIOS sees it, kernel is 2.6.8, ok i am going to read it
14:40.13xelongreycat, thanks again.
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14:43.26Crayz`BoYhello everybody
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14:43.41hansonwhat decides the name name after @ in the command prompt ? <username>@<computername>, or something like that ? where do I set the <computername>?
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14:44.33Lorvijawhat was the url to newest netinstaller? (: the link jkharrison gave a bit earlier didnt work
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14:45.03dpkgextra, extra, read all about it, d-i is the new installer for sarge (debian 3.1), at or see, but don't pester the d-i devs with unrelated questions, or see <debian-installer>
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14:45.05hexxeh|work!d-i Lorvija
14:45.06dpkgLorvija, you want to go to - for your own good, and everyone else's.
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14:45.15Lorvijathankyou hexxeh|work
14:45.22Lorvijaand stealth (:
14:46.38nashirakHey guys does anyone know if the debian package of SNORT comes with flexresp compiled in.  I have tried writing rules with "resp" and "react" and it doesn't know what either of those keywords are, so I am assuming no Flexresp.  Am I missing another package or am I simply going to have to compile it myself?
14:46.40*** part/#debian Mehmet (KinG@sloan.user)
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14:47.18pibehola hay alguien de españa
14:47.18*** join/#debian Mehmet (KinG@sloan.user)
14:47.29dpkgHispanohablantes: Por favor usen #debian-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.  Spanish Speakers: Please use #debian-es, there you will get much more help.
14:47.31triniHello all
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14:48.09trinidoes anyone know how to sync a blackberry with evolution in linux?
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14:49.16tzafrirDoes the default kernel from debian have smp support? Or is it only in the {686,k7}-smp?
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14:49.23greycattzafrir: what do you think.
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14:49.38SlayerXPgreycat: bad assumption there.
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14:49.53tzafrirWill the installer try to install an smp kernel on an smp system?
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14:50.01greycattzafrir: no
14:50.09crackbabyanyone handy with kernel compiling? I have a silly set extraversion question
14:50.15greycator at least, rc2 and earlier don't.  I haven't tried rc3.
14:50.36*** part/#debian Necrathex (~necra@
14:50.46tzafrirso no surprises here :-)
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14:51.05crackbabymade a new 2.6.11 deb that worked great, but want to make a second with fewer modules. won't build with set extravsersion set
14:51.06hexxeh|workthe net inst cds don't have a wide kernel choice. sarge cd1 has full kernel choice on it, and will ask you to pick which kernel to install (including a smp kernel)
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14:51.52greycathexxeh|work: oh, people actually *use* full-CD sarge images which are going to become obsolete?  why?
14:51.57Quartop"apt-cache search xfce" doesnt return anything... also cant install from apt-get but the package is listed on whats wrong?
14:52.24asuffieldgreycat: more bandwidth than sense
14:52.30hexxeh|workQuartop, your apt configuration is buggered?
14:52.35hexxeh|work!info xfce4 sarge
14:52.37forkqueuegreycat: The CD might become obsolete, but jidigo will update it for them nicely..
14:52.40dpkgxfce4: (Installs XFce4 core and scripts to set it up), section x11, is optional. Version: 4.0.5-1 (sarge), Packaged size: 4 kB, Installed size: 17 kB
14:52.54asuffieldforkqueue: that doesn't work very well
14:52.55hexxeh|workthat versio number's innacurate, it has 4.0.6
14:52.57hexxeh|worknevermind eh
14:53.04Quartopasuffield: no... i think its correct. i've installed stuff with no problems till now
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14:53.12forkqueueasuffield: Really?
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14:53.19greycatPackage: xfce4
14:53.21greycatVersion: 4.0.5-1
14:53.21forkqueueasuffield: To be honest I actually only use netinst isos myself :)
14:53.34hexxeh|work!info xfwm4 sarge
14:53.39dpkgxfwm4: (window manager of the XFce project), section x11, is optional. Version: 4.0.6-1 (sarge), Packaged size: 511 kB, Installed size: 1620 kB
14:53.45hexxeh|workhow very dirty
14:53.54zodiaqhey, i installed a new 2.6.11(from source) and now my usbmouse is fucked up... can only go up and down in a very weird way. anyone have any clues?
14:54.02clojsteranyone having this problem?: I can't display the contents of zip archive in MC... it only shows empty folder...
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14:54.05nashirakHey guys does anyone know if the debian package of SNORT comes with flexresp compiled in.  I have tried writing rules with "resp" and "react" and it doesn't know what either of those keywords are, so I am assuming no Flexresp.  Am I missing another package or am I simply going to have to compile it myself?
14:54.06asuffieldforkqueue: later revisions of the image will bear very little resemblance to earlier ones. a one-byte offset will mean that most of the rest of the image is now different, so has to be replaced in entirity
14:54.20greycatclojster: apt-get install unzip; unzip -v
14:54.39clojstergreycat: I have got unzip installed
14:54.47forkqueueasuffield: I thought jigdo worked based on a per-package basis rather than looking at the binary image?
14:55.07asuffieldforkqueue: sure, but that's no help when all you've got to feed it is a CD image
14:55.24forkqueueasuffield: It is if you mount the CD image :)
14:55.40asuffieldit'll still have to replace every package which has changed. that's likely to be most of them
14:55.58stewnashirak: apt-get source snort will download the source it was compiled from and create a snort-[version] directory, and snort-[version]/debian/rules will contain the options it was compiled with.  you can easily change them and rebuild the .deb if you need to
14:56.05trinidoes anyone know how to sync a blackberry with evolution in linux?
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14:56.26nashirakstew: thx
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14:57.26manchotI found under / two file links, one is vmlinuz, and the other is initrd.img, why these links?
14:57.51manchotthey all point to /boot/* but why debian put system links of these files under /  ?
14:58.07clojstergreycat: unzip -v works allright
14:58.16yalumanchot: to make kernel updates easier
14:58.17*** join/#debian _eth0_ (~eduardo@
14:58.21yaludunno about initrd stuff though
14:58.38clojsterbut why can't I view contents of zips in Midnight Commander?
14:58.50manchotyalu: I mean they are under / (root dir),
14:58.52clojsterIt worked allright some time ago
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14:59.57dexter_Mention a program like torsmo i can get
15:00.18yalumanchot: yes. if you install a new kernel, /vmlinuz.old will point to the file /vmlinuz previously pointed to and /vmlinuz will point to the new kernel
15:00.27crackbabymade a new 2.6.11 deb that worked great, but want to make a second with fewer modules. won't build with set extravsersion set
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15:00.36crackbabyany ideas?
15:00.45yaluso you don't have to change the configuration of your boot loader when you install a new kernel using dpkg/apt-get
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15:01.21clojsterso another question: where the Midnight Commander takes info about what command to use after hitting enter on file from?
15:03.05manchotyalu: when I delete the two links the system can't boot
15:03.21Virtual22 : "Must load Multiboot kernel before modules"
15:03.21Virtual[18:01] <Virtual-> This error is returned if the module load command is used before loading a Multiboot kernel. It only makes sense in this case anyway, as GRUB has no idea how to communicate the presence of location of such modules to a non-Multiboot-aware kernel.
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15:03.42Virtualanybody know how can I fix that ? is a grub error
15:03.43Rock0rhi all
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15:05.04Rock0rhow can i print in bash a *.pdf on a in the network machine printer
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15:05.49tarzeauRock0r: using lpr ?
15:06.09tarzeauclojster: from its configuration
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15:06.24Rock0rthe machine in the network runs with cups ?!? lpr is installed on the other machine...
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15:06.48tarzeauclojster: look at /etc/mc/
15:06.50nSei think i'm having several problems while running xine...
15:07.47clojstertarzeau: thanks
15:07.58manchotthis is wierd, I have a tty8 which I can login in text mode.
15:08.08manchotI thougt there is only 6 ttys
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15:08.29LoRezmanchot: there are as many as /etc/inittab has set up.
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15:08.32tarzeaumanchot: it can be configured
15:08.36tarzeaumanchot: see /etc/inittab
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15:09.11nSetarzeau: that's not up to bugs really. i'm a new linux user, my xine-check give me several driver and plugins and stuff that's is not installed properly to run xine as it should run. so i'm in a trouble, no way to understand all that an dinstall them all in a easy way... what can i do!?
15:09.14tarzeaumanchot: some systems only have one -- that's where you start to love gnu screen
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15:09.40tarzeaunSe: you installed the debian packages ? sid, testing, stable? or from source?
15:09.41LordFrithYou don't need to have your tty's limited to love screen.
15:09.54Rock0rhow can i print manpages ?
15:09.58manchotok. but seems when I login to tty8, it does not source /etc/profile
15:10.01jeanmi_is there a text-based tool I can use to scan (from my scanner ?)
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15:10.08manchotwhile other tty logins source it.
15:10.18ralfwhy apache2 redirects / to /apache2-defaults??
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15:10.28nSetarzeau: sarge rc3 net-inst
15:10.59keboergjeanmi_: sane
15:11.36*** part/#debian Darien-PB (
15:11.49dieselI am running stable with apache and ssh and was looking at all programs that have the sticky bit set.  Is it worthwhile to turn off all root sticky bits, or is this overkill?
15:12.16tarzeauRock0r: send them to the printer, plain
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15:12.56Rock0ro_O ? man lp > /dev/usb/lp0 ?
15:13.00yalumanchot: maybe if you use grub; if you use lilo, lilo just refuses to reinstall the mbr when you run it
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15:14.20nSetarzeau: any idea?
15:14.53nSetarzeau: any idea?
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15:15.33nSetarzeau: hold you answer, if there is... i'll be back
15:15.46manchotyalu: yes, I use yalu. I didn't see other distros have those links under  /
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15:17.25Quartopits possible to update from stable to unstable? i guess its better to install from scratch no?
15:17.34yaluyou use me? o_O
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15:17.42synicQuartop: it sure is
15:17.49freaky_homecan someone help me with grub?
15:17.51dawgquartop, that's how it's usually done
15:17.53stewQuartop: don't run unstable, run testing, /msg dpkg woody->sarge
15:18.21Quartopwell i wanted to run xfce... but i saw how dated the stable version is :S
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15:18.27keboergfreaky_home: just ask
15:18.39keboergQuartop: try sarge
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15:19.20jeanmi_I want to print a jpeg image that I'd like to fit in an A4 format ? what tool should I use for that ?
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15:20.05diegowswhere is the public key to verify Release.gpg??
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15:21.56keboerghow to rescue a windows install broken by grub?
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15:22.48synicdpkg: hello?
15:22.49dpkgHi, synic!
15:22.58synicnot answering messages...
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15:25.26ArchitectSinanhi all
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15:26.59andreas_hi! I have to install Linux via netboot onto a ramdisk. I can't find anything usefull in google.
15:27.21karstenOT: NY Times pic shows what appears very much to be a Linux Flury xscreensaver:
15:27.42tarzeauandreas_: useful, only one l
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15:27.45cahootjeanmi_: convert it to pdf?
15:28.16tarzeauandreas_: is the linux you want to install onto a ramdisk debian, or something else?
15:28.18zulkifarHi. cdparanoia question. I use it for converting all my CDDA collection into falc/mp3. Obviously discs are reading quickly (about 10-15 minutes) but somtimes errors lead to increasing overall reading time. What worries me - one disc had been reading for 11 hours! Is it normal situation? As it follows from cdparanoia man --never-skip option by default equals 20 times to retry before skip (V), but it looks like this value is actually 20000! Or my hardware is
15:28.21pshaggyis there a way to get 'make' to display a list of valid targets?
15:28.39yalukarsten: your attention is actually drawn to that screensaver? :-)
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15:29.44karstenpshaggy: cat Makefile ;-)
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15:29.44yaluzulkifar: try disabling paranoia
15:29.44zulkifarI use no SCSI emulation since my kernel is 2.6.x
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15:29.44karstenyalu: Actually, my attention was drawn to the scoop-neck top to the left of the screensaver.
15:29.45karstenyalu: ...then I noticed the screensaver.
15:29.45andreas_tarzeau: No. I want to configure a kernel that is delivered via tftp. This should boot the linux-box.
15:29.45catskulI just got an email from keyspan saying that they want to discuss licensing issues with the keyspan stuff, and they ask for which mailing list they should use
15:29.48catskul(with regards to the debian community)
15:29.57yalusounds better allready ;-)
15:30.06*** part/#debian uwe (
15:30.07catskulanyone know which one I should point them towards ?
15:30.08tarzeauandreas_: without local harddisks installed?
15:30.14ArchitectSinanhi all
15:30.16andreas_tarzeau: Yes - Without
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15:30.28tarzeauandreas_: to save size, weight or noise?
15:30.58andreas_tarzeau: To do Firmware-updates on ppc without touching the hdd
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15:31.17tarzeauandreas_: maybe they can help you in #debianppc ?
15:31.52zulkifaryalu: But in this case errors will not be corrected at all. I have pretty old CDs and almost every track has a number of '+'s and '!'s.
15:31.52tarzeauandreas_: i know on solaris you can do firmware updates on sparc (without os, without harddisk)
15:31.52andreas_tarzeau: I will ask the people there - thx.
15:31.55yaluzulkifar: in that case, you will have to wait...
15:31.55tarzeauandreas_: good luck
15:32.05andreas_tarzeau: thx. I need it.
15:32.08tarzeauandreas_: what ppc machines are that , where you want to upgrade the "firmware"?
15:32.28zulkifaryalu: so, 11 hours for disc and skip ('V') after that is ok and happens not only for me? :)
15:32.30andreas_tarzeau: Sorry - can't tell u that.
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15:32.43tarzeauandreas_: apple g3? g4? something different?
15:32.50tarzeauandreas_: must be top secret ibm ppc stuff ...
15:32.51stewcatskul: debian-legal, but have them read first
15:32.56andreas_tarzeau: ;)
15:32.57yaluzulkifar: I would not know. maybe you can ask on cdparanoia's mailing list
15:33.16zulkifaryalu: yes, good idea. thnx
15:33.30tarzeauandreas_: when do we get the new storage types that will send harddisks to hell?
15:33.49jethroo!kill AIX and IBM
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15:34.52crackbabyi made a new 2.6.11 deb that worked great, but want to make a second with fewer modules. won't build with set extravsersion set
15:35.03crackbabyit get confused about versions and exits
15:35.12ArchitectSinanMy wuftp accepts the incoming ftp request in approx 5 min. or so ? I mean the initial ftp connection. After this everything's normal. And i found an answer to this problem in a mailing list archive ( They're telling that change the "#define USE_RFC931 " line in config.h to "#undef USE_RFC931". I think the config.h they're mention is a source header fi
15:35.35tarzeauArchitectSinan: exactly
15:35.36dvscrackbaby: You want the --append-to-version option
15:35.49tarzeauArchitectSinan: try apt-get source wuftpd and then change it in the source, run debuild
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15:35.58dvscrackbaby: and do an make-kpkg clean first
15:36.00tarzeauArchitectSinan: but really don't use wufptd, try proftpd for example
15:36.18aardvarkisn't wuftp about the most exploitable thing out there?
15:36.23tarzeauaardvark: yes
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15:36.36Nurbsaakkonen: no, that's PHP :o)
15:36.36tarzeauArchitectSinan: koetu, kullanma wuftpdyi!
15:36.45aardvarktarzeau: that would explain the many haxored boxen on ArchitectSinan's ISP (
15:36.48karstenaardvark: ftp w/ auth is a pretty poor idea in any event.
15:36.49jethrooremote root shell provider since at least a decade
15:36.59tarzeauaardvark: is a joke
15:37.02ArchitectSinanaardvark: what ?
15:37.03karstenaardvark: ...and you can always run tftp if you want true foolishness.
15:37.04*** part/#debian sadrul (~sadrul@
15:37.05jharrisonwktarzeau: you ever had a problem with debian sarge cd install where the cdrom cannot be mounted?
15:37.18tarzeaujharrisonwk: yes, the cd-rom drive was defective
15:37.37tarzeaujharrisonwk: but on real computers, you netboot and netinstall (no media needed)
15:37.37aardvarkArchitectSinan: it would be a better place for all of us if your ISP disappeared off the face of this earth.
15:37.38jharrisonwktarzeau: doubt that is it because woody installs fine with this same cdrom
15:37.39jethrookarsten: implementing insecure protocols is not the same as running vulnerable network services
15:37.39ArchitectSinantarzeaut: Ok. i won't use wu-ftpd then. But what if i experience this IDENT, AUTH problem in proftpd also ?
15:37.46crackbabydvs: make-kpkg clean && make-kpkg --initrd --append-to-version --revision=2:anubis.1.0 kernel_image modules_image ??
15:37.48tarzeaujharrisonwk: the media or the drive?
15:37.57tarzeauArchitectSinan: you won't
15:37.59jharrisonwktarzeau: ?
15:38.02dvscrackbaby: man make-kpkg
15:38.09karstenjethroo: Strewth.
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15:38.16tarzeaujharrisonwk: the drive can mount anything else?
15:38.18crackbabydvs: thx
15:38.22jharrisonwktarzeau: yes
15:38.27jharrisonwktarzeau: woody cd works fine
15:38.34ArchitectSinanaardvark: what can i do for this ? I'm not one of the "spambot idiots" in my ISP
15:38.34tarzeaujharrisonwk: is it an i386 computer?
15:38.42tarzeaujharrisonwk: cd-rw media?
15:38.50jharrisonwktarzeau: but the sarge cd the system will boot from it and then it comes to the detect cdrom task and it says cannot mount cdrom
15:38.51tarzeaujharrisonwk: manufacturer of the cd-rom drive?
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15:38.53jharrisonwktarzeau: yes
15:39.00jharrisonwktarzeau: cd-r media
15:39.02tarzeaumd5sum was fine?
15:39.07jharrisonwktarzeau: the cdrom came in the v100
15:39.14*** part/#debian stenass (~stenass@
15:39.17jharrisonwktarzeau: im not sure the manufacturer of the drive
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15:39.32jharrisonwktarzeau: yes md5sum was fine
15:39.50ArchitectSinanaardvark: why i need to face this spambot problems ? i just connected from this ISP. And i don't have any other alternative to connect ADSL in my country
15:39.55tarzeaujharrisonwk: no idea then, try being nice to the machine
15:40.01ArchitectSinanaardvark: i have to be
15:40.23jharrisonwktarzeau: what do you mean?  I have always been nice to the machine
15:40.24tarzeaujharrisonwk: like get the most beautiful secretary, make her sit on the machine. try the cd again
15:40.36ArchitectSinanaardvark: i didn't wanted to talk that much about the problem but you forced me yo.
15:40.50jharrisonwktarzeau: this machine probably likes goatsex.ce or whatever
15:40.50tarzeaujharrisonwk: how's the weather near my favourite island, btw?
15:40.52ArchitectSinanaardvark: i wanted an excemption from an op
15:40.58jharrisonwktarzeau: sunny yet cool
15:41.04tarzeaujharrisonwk: it was :)
15:41.10jharrisonwktarzeau: yeah thats it
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15:41.22ArchitectSinantarzeau: thanks so much btw
15:41.23tarzeaujharrisonwk: and the reason why it's gone:
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15:41.31jeanmi_how can I print a .jpg file and make sure it will fit in 1 page ?
15:41.39ArchitectSinani'll burry my wu-ftpd to the cemetery
15:41.53ArchitectSinaneven i will use in local network
15:42.10*** join/#debian zinx_ (
15:43.11cahootjeanmi_: convert -page A4+0+0 img.jpg img.pdf
15:43.36*** join/#debian jan_ (
15:43.41jan_-bash: child setpgid (3458 to 264): Operation not permitted
15:43.42jharrisonwktarzeau: oh well ;)
15:43.43jethroo!kill CIAIA
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15:43.46jan_whats that? :/
15:44.00*** join/#debian Basic2EE (
15:44.09tzafrirjan_, I have run into this recently
15:44.26tzafrirI can't figure exactly why
15:44.39jharrisonwktarzeau: this damn sarge install bugs me.  I dont see why it should not mount the cd
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15:44.53tarzeaujharrisonwk: yeah, it'd also piss me
15:44.53tzafrirbasically bash can't set the group id for a subprocess. why? beats me
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15:44.58jharrisonwktarzeau: and there is no 2.6 either
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15:45.06tarzeaujharrisonwk: wanna try to install gnustep live cd on it?
15:45.07tzafrirto replicate:
15:45.15tarzeaujharrisonwk: the live cd has 2.6.10 or so
15:45.21jharrisonwktarzeau: will this give me debian on it?
15:45.30tarzeaujharrisonwk: yes, but sid
15:45.41tzafrirtrue | foo() {echo "foo"; }
15:46.10crackbabydvs: thx again, looks like I just forgot to clean before build
15:46.23*** join/#debian JoshH (
15:46.23jharrisonwktarzeau: sid can be rolled back to sarge right?
15:46.33tarzeaujharrisonwk: no
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15:46.42tarzeaujharrisonwk: sid can break toys like sarge plastic soldiers
15:46.49jeanmi_cahoot I also need to reduce the size and translate a bit to the right to leave a left margin...... I know how to reduce with convert but I dont really see how I could translate so that a (white) left margin will appear
15:47.08tarzeausid can also break the woody
15:47.29tzafrirwhat about potato?
15:47.32dvscrackbaby: np
15:47.53tarzeausid can break potato too
15:48.03jan_tzafrir: this is weird :)
15:48.13jan_tzafrir: grsec ?
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15:48.19tzafrirnot here
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15:48.26raf256hi there, in grum menu.lst
15:48.42raf256what is the code for first partition of first SATA driver (/dev/sda)?
15:48.47tzafrirSeems like a bash bug. Though the syntax I tried is kind of senseless
15:48.54dvsraf256: /dev/sda1
15:49.04raf256dvs: no, I ment like (hd1,0)
15:49.04jethroothere ain't much sid can't break
15:49.19zinxsid doesn't have an etch yet
15:49.30cahootjeanmi_: convert -page A4+50+0 img.jpg img.pdf leaves a left margin
15:50.02zinxraf256: see GRUB documentation
15:50.16jeanmi_cahoot yes but it does 'eat' the right part of the document
15:50.17raf256zinx: thanx Einstein
15:50.31zinxraf256: No problem, but the name's zinx.
15:50.53jeanmi_cahoot this is why I am think of adding the reduced image to a white image byt aligning it to the right
15:50.54raf256zinx: ok thanx again for shocking discovery dear sherlock
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15:51.12pshaggyok, fresh install (from cd) and I can't figure out how to mount my cd.  'mount /media/cdrom' refers me to fstab which lists /media/cdrom0 (which is what /media/cdrom links to).
15:51.27hdo781What does RTFA stand for?
15:51.40*** part/#debian diegows (~diegows@
15:51.50raf256hdo781: Realy Touching Fucking Annoucment?
15:51.56*** join/#debian xam (
15:51.58pshaggyno cdrom0 exists in /media/ btw
15:52.04raf256or perhaps read the fine answare?
15:52.24jethroo!wtf rtfa
15:52.24dpkgriaa is probably PURE EVIL!!!, or Retards Inevitably Assume Authority, or be careful, they have big lawyers, or evil evil evil evil evil evil evil EVIL@@$&$&.  Recording Industry Association of America, or a joke
15:52.25dpkgno binary found.
15:52.31jethroodpkg: you suck
15:52.31dpkgDream on, jethroo.  These lips will never touch your flesh.
15:52.40raf256@smite riaa
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15:52.50hdo781Why do you put an exclamation point in front of rtfa?
15:52.59*** join/#debian mattmm (
15:53.03jethroohdo781: to address the bot (dpkg)
15:53.04raf256dpkg: thats some funny shit
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15:53.28hdo781How do I activate the bot dpkg?
15:53.41jethroohdo781: /msg dpkg help
15:53.46raf256dpkg: fuck off
15:53.49raf256lol :)
15:54.29Vladihi, im trying to set up mailman on sarge after installing it i made its own domain name added the script alias and now whenever i do i just get a dump of the binary file can somone please help?
15:54.43dpkglay off me you buggerererers!!11!
15:54.47mattmmI jsut rebooted a server that had to clear 926 orphaned inodes on reboot...time for a kernel upgrade?
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15:55.19hdo781Wow.  That dpkg bot didn't explain anything.
15:55.31raf256!smite hdo781
15:55.54pshaggy!smite me
15:56.00jethroogrow up kids
15:56.06darkskiez!britsmite me
15:56.19raf256gentoosmite me
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15:56.42GunZhey guys i am installing debian from another distro, and i was wondering when running debootstrap can i use "/usr/sbin/debootstrap --arch ARCH sarge" in place of woody? or are the urls only for woody?
15:56.51*** join/#debian Floxxx (
15:57.05jethrooGunZ: man debootstrap ?
15:57.13hdo781dpkg rtfa
15:57.24dvshdo781: /msg dpkg rtfa
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15:57.54GunZjethroo: erm.. i dont have the manual for debootstrap
15:58.11GunZjethroo: asumming because i am on another distro?
15:58.28jethrooGunZ: you can read manpages on the web too
15:58.33GunZoh yeah
15:58.35jethroojust google for man debootstrap
15:58.39FieldySnutsravenbird: any ideas?
15:58.41ravenbirdYeah, I have an idea!  But I'll need a drawer full of herring, a little thermal paste, and a dozen sex-crazed oxen.  And keep the KGB off my back for the next few hours!
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15:59.39tuxyRocheforthi. I'd like to know how much time does it take to crack a wep key with aircrack ?
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15:59.55zinxtuxyRochefort: 3 minutes, apparently.
16:00.00hdo781How come mplayer is not part of the main testing repository?  Mplayer is open source.
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16:00.06zinxtuxyRochefort: use WPA
16:00.09jethrootuxyRochefort: depends on the key length
16:00.13tuxyRochefortzinx, even with 128 bits key ?
16:00.19raf256can I _easyly_ tell my computer A to share its /var/cache/apt/ with other computer requesting it (cia FTP HTTP or something)?
16:00.22dvshdo781: /msg dpkg mplayer
16:00.23tuxyRochefortjethro, with 128 bit key ?
16:00.23jethrootuxyRochefort: it's all a matter of collecting packets
16:00.25zinxtuxyRochefort: that was with 128bit, i believe
16:00.34raf256...what to set up on computer A, what to set up on computer B(client), both in same LAN
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16:00.40xamtuxyRochefort: depends on how much data is transferred and the wep key length. Usually a couple of megabytes of data is enough
16:00.41jethrootuxyRochefort: you need ~ 10M packets to "crack" a 128bits key
16:00.41Tomei need some help with dns - reverse dns to be exact
16:00.41zinxtuxyRochefort: use WPA :/
16:00.43tuxyRochefortzinx, did you crack it yourself ? With aircrack ?
16:00.59jethrootuxyRochefort: you TKIP of CCMP, aka dynamic key generation
16:01.00xamzinx: use WPA2
16:01.04zinxxam: heh
16:01.13xamzinx: WPA is also unsafe :-/
16:01.16jethroodamn I can't type
16:01.25zinxneed router support
16:01.32jethrootuxyRochefort: use strong authentication and key renewal
16:01.42Tome<----is looking for somebody who got a clue about DNS
16:01.48tuxyRochefortjethro, how ?
16:01.53jethrootuxyRochefort: RTFM?
16:01.53petemcTome: just ask
16:01.55dpkga clue is something that puts you on track to something, however you will not know for sure that the track you are put on is the right one. So, the conclusion is that whenever you get a clue you should investigate it!  NOW!!, but something shift and dimension-42 need.  Command Line User Environment, or something clueless people do without.
16:01.58ArchitectSinantake care guys, bye for now
16:02.06tuxyRochefortjethro, you mean on the access point ?
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16:02.18tuxyRochefortzinx, my AP doesn't supports WPA encryption
16:02.19ArchitectSinanlol :))
16:02.22jethrootuxyRochefort: hostap/hostapd can act as a WPA2 access point
16:02.33zinxtuxyRochefort: sucks.. which AP?
16:02.40jethrootuxyRochefort: well, just *think*, where can you enforce security parameters in a wireless lan?
16:02.40tuxyRochefortzinx, netgear ME102
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16:03.08Tomei got a webserver and a viruswall. the server is for webstuff and dns and i put the viruswall into dns as mailserver. but when people sending mails from the viruswall to AOL, AOL makes Reverse lookup..and this is nopt working properly
16:03.19*** part/#debian ArchitectSinan (
16:03.38Tomebasically i need help to set up the reverse zonefile or whatever i need to get this workin
16:03.40petemcTome: your isp decides if you have ptr records, its quite rare for them to delegate it
16:03.42tuxyRochefortmaybe i should put the AP behind a firewall/ iptables/arptables ?
16:03.49jethrootuxyRochefort: if you can't harden the wireless link, then use IPsec above the wifi
16:03.58jethrootuxyRochefort: exactly
16:03.59jharrisonwktarzeau: :-P
16:04.05Tomei have to decide we have ozur own dns serrvers and ip range
16:04.05jharrisonwktarzeau: sure ill try it
16:04.19tuxyRochefortjethro, how can work ipsec above the wifi ? (is it a better solution than firewalling ?)
16:04.19possieanyone know how i could add a record to a dynamic dns bind system?
16:04.20jharrisonwktarzeau: are there sid installers for sparc?
16:04.28petemcTome: what size of a range? bigger than a /27?
16:04.33jethrootuxyRochefort: ipsec provides ciphering and strong authentication
16:04.47darxethhey guys i got a bug, kgpg crashed and caused the signal 11. is there anything i should do about it? (else than reporting it)
16:04.49jethrootuxyRochefort: so yes, it's better then simple IP filtering
16:04.52Tome128 adresse4s
16:04.54tarzeaujharrisonwk: d-i over the network booted (not directly)
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16:05.02tuxyRochefortjethro, can i use openvpn for that purpose ? (i know it better than ipsec)
16:05.15petemcTome: a /5
16:05.21jethrootuxyRochefort: I don't know what openvpn does
16:05.22Tomebut the viruswall is in a different network as its not managerd by me
16:05.46jharrisonwktarzeau: I have sarge ont his box already I just did not feel like messing with manual software raid 1 on the two drives so I was seeing if sarge rc3 might not have the mounting issue
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16:05.51jharrisonwktarzeau: but it does so I guess I must do manual raid 1 setup
16:05.59petemcTome: a /25, even
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16:06.34grigoraanyone knows a good list to discuss iproute2/iptable traffic shaping/ddos defense topics? thanks
16:06.55tarzeaugrigora: #netfilter or #iptables (or so)
16:07.02jethroogrigora: you can't do much to protect( from DDoS
16:07.07petemcgrigora: #lartc on oftc
16:07.13Tomepetemc: out for our own channel
16:07.14stewgrigora: has a mailing list
16:07.50tarzeaugrigora: try #gentoo to build the fastest traffic shaper ever!
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16:08.08petemcTome: no, when im talking to you i'll put your nick before what i say
16:09.16petemcTome: tho im not sure what else to tell you, if you control the rdns for the ip, big up - go ahead and set it up, otherwise, contact the correct person and ask them
16:11.25jethroospent the day working on non work related stuff
16:11.38darxethhow can i activate samba to work with windows? i've done configuring but still dont know where's the problem, why it cant find any sharing files or even detect the other computer
16:11.57grigorajethroo: why? can I not identify the offending addresses and block their access or somehow shape their traffic based on a per second  packet limit
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16:12.43Tomebut how does the reverse file has to look like?
16:12.50mattmmwhat causes insane amount of orphan inodes? buggy kernel?
16:12.54grigoratarzeau: what's special about Gentoo besides being able to optimize the compilation?
16:12.57Tomei settet it up but somethin is not working
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16:13.08GunZwhere is that explaination of the non-us stuff on the debian site? i can't seem to find it.
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16:13.28jethroogrigora: because filtering or not, you'll get ddosed, unless you have a *huge* pipe
16:13.50tarzeaugrigora: i was kidding. forget it
16:14.02dvsGunZ: It just encryption stuff.  As of sarge, non-us is a moot point
16:14.05Tomedo  a dig on and look for the mx record--then do a dig on the ip of the mx
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16:14.21grigorapetemc: stew: thanks for the lartc info, it's very useful
16:14.34GunZdvs: moot point?
16:14.57jethroowoa dnsstuff is so fucking boring with its b0rked rate limiting feature
16:15.12grigorajethroo: I understand, but if I drop the packets before they get to my webserver, that'll be better then not doing so, or denying access from the webserver, right?
16:15.31dvsGunZ: the US changed the laws so that they can export encryption software so it is now part of the main distribution as of sarge
16:15.33stewgrigora: you cannot control a ddos via lartc.  lartc cannot make the DOSer stop sending packets
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16:15.49jethroogrigora: if it's simple packeting, then filtering won't do much, but don't misunderstand me, it is *GOOD* to filter anything but the allowed services
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16:15.57GunZdvs: ahhh ok thx
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16:16.18dvsGunZ: np
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16:16.28jethroogrigora: now if it's ressource starvation attacks, like naptha, then filtering might help the www server not being brought to its nknees
16:17.06raf256how can I easy share my /var/cache/apt/ betwwn to my computers in LAN, to not download udaptes twice (espiecly when reinstalling system from scratch on one computer)
16:17.42stewraf256: look at apt-move apt-zip and apt-proxy
16:17.55Tomepetemc:still there?
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16:19.40schelmi try to build evidence and get this error: "`IMLIB_ACQUIRE' undeclared (first use in this function)" libimlib2-dev is already installed, does anybody know whar i am missing?
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16:20.07schelmdvs, a file manager
16:20.14dvsschelm: ah! ok.
16:21.03darxethis it possible that i got this bug because of my none-updated system? debian: vr 2.4.27-1-386  i686-linux
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16:21.34Quartopupgraded to sage and now cant login as root... is this usual?
16:21.53stewQuartop: no
16:21.55dvsdarxeth: As long as the versions of samba are the same, you shouldn't have a problem
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16:22.06stewQuartop: are you trying to log into console? or ssh/
16:22.15Gulhow can i find out how much memory a process or process group uses?
16:22.32grigorastew: jethroo: thanks for the ideas, what I am looking for is some software that will detect a ddos by specifying a limit to the number of requests per second, do I need Squid for this?
16:22.55grigoradetect -> prevent
16:22.56stewgrigora: are you trying to prevent a dos that will flood your pipe or use up all your server resources?
16:23.00jethroogrigora: if you run apache, look at mod_bandwith, mod_throttle, and mod_limitipconn
16:23.02darxethdvs: Samba version 3.0.10-Debian, that doesnt look the same, right?
16:23.14noboundsHi there! anybody knows if the latest Java SDK 1.5(Tiger) available as debian package?
16:23.27stewgrigora: nothing you can do about flood your pipe, but server resourses can be saved via lartc
16:23.31Quartoprestarted now and seems like Lilo got corrupted. Upgrading to sage rendered my system useless :P
16:23.32jethroogrigora: and again, you can't do anything to prevent DDoSers from flooding your pipe, but you can use any of the mod_* listed above toprotect apache
16:23.43dvsdarxeth: That's a package version while the other is a kernel version, I think
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16:24.05jethroogrigora: or you can also look at as ussuggested by others
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16:24.43jethroonobounds: /msg dpkg java
16:24.55darxethdvs: how can i update/check for updates to my system?
16:25.13grigorastew: jethroo: conserve my server resources as much as possible, so if I can do it via iptables, I'd rather do it there vs having Apache worry about it
16:25.23dvsdarxeth: apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade
16:25.36darxethdvs: thanks
16:25.41jethroogrigora: ok
16:25.56jethroogrigora: happy iptabling then :)
16:26.04grigorajethroo: thanks
16:26.09dvsdarxeth: np
16:26.57GunZi keep getting these errors, with both woody and sarge, I: Retrieving debootstrap.invalid_dists_sarge_Release, E: unknown location, what does this mean? i tried with different urls as well
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16:27.25goedelwill the devices in /dev be recreated at restart?
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16:27.29stewgrigora: i'd guess that your dns is broken
16:27.53dvsgoedel: No
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16:28.33goedelthanks dvs; are they modified perhaps?
16:28.38grigorastew: why?
16:29.22stewgrigora: ooops, nm
16:29.26jethroogrigora: he prolly meant GunZ
16:29.27dvsgoedel: It could be udev taking the entries away.
16:29.31stewGunZ: i'd guess your dns is broken
16:29.56goedelthanks dvs; this answered my question
16:30.08GunZstew: hmmm, but i have been using these dns settings for a while now and i havent had any problems
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16:30.28dvsgoedel: Should have though of that before.
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16:31.00encryptsorry but html chanell is like idle so let me ask here.. is there a way to have a link to download a .htm file? (to avoid browser execute)?
16:31.16stewGunZ: that url works fine here, can ping
16:31.20grigorastew: jethroo: ah, ok :_
16:31.22darxethdvs: i was wondering if you have any knowledge using samba? cause i'm having problems communicating between both computers, each have a diff OS (this one is debian, and on the other is windows 2000)
16:31.33goedelthanks dvs
16:31.35zloyHow to mount an USB CD-ROM?
16:31.37dvsgoedel: np
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16:31.46mage__darxeth: which problems ?
16:31.53GunZstew: i can ping it as well
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16:32.15stewzloy: /msg dpkg usb-storage
16:32.17dvsdarxeth: I do have samba running a shared drive on a Debian server but I'm not sure at what point it started working.
16:32.33stewzloy: actually, thats not right
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16:32.48GunZhmmm this is wierd
16:32.49mage__encrypt: maybe with a header
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16:33.02jethrooGunZ: what's the IP you get for
16:33.09darxethdvs: seems everybody got problems with sambe ;)
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16:33.51darxethmage__: when i do smbstatus i cant find nothing. tells me No Locked Files
16:33.53jethrooGunZ: weird, same here and I don't seem to have a problem connecting to it and listing the files
16:34.07stewzloy: well it is but you need sr_mod not sd-mod
16:34.12dvsdarxeth:  I don't have any problems anymore.
16:34.12GunZjethroo: i can view the files through my browser as well
16:34.30GunZjethroo: must have a problem here somewhere
16:34.36GunZbut i cant see what it could be
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16:34.54jethrooI m not used to using deboostrap on other distros than debian
16:34.56phxgood morning
16:35.00*** mode/#debian [+l 820] by debhelper
16:35.04jethrooand I gotta go home, so.. good luck GunZ :)
16:35.07zloystew: thanks. Shall try it
16:35.13GunZjethroo: heh ok thx :)
16:35.14darxethdvs: but after you apt-get installed it -> finished configuring it, did it just start working or you did something that made it run properly?
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16:35.28phxwhere can I find the config of the netinstaller 2.6 kernel? (What's in netboot.tar.gz)
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16:35.34dvsdarxeth: Not right away.  I came back to it and things started working.
16:35.34phxit's debian/sarge
16:35.49darxethdvs: cause frankly i'm checking the smb.conf file and couldnt find where's the trick
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16:36.04darxethdvs: wierd :P
16:36.12dvsdarxeth: exactly
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16:36.42GumbyI'm trying to compile a kernel module and it is looking for /lib/modules/2.6.8-2-396/source, however /lib/modules/2.6.8-2-386 is symlinked to /home/dilinger/src/kernel/kernel-image/2.6.8-13/kernel-image-2.6.8/install-386.  I am guessing that someone forgot to remove or change a symlink before packaging the kernel-headers deb.  Should thuis symlink be its own directory or should it link somewhere else?
16:36.48darxethdvs: then you DO got problem with samba :)
16:37.13dvsdarxeth: I guess so
16:37.53valdyn_Gumby: where is that kernel-headers package from? that bug should be fixed long ago
16:38.07Gumbyvaldyn_: straight from a sarge mirror
16:38.11GumbyI have it on both my machines
16:38.19darxethdvs: i got a whol big Ebook about samba, about 400 pages, have'nt yet started reading it but the begining sounds easy, would you like me to send it to you? no need for something in return :)
16:38.21Gumbyincluding for 2.6.10
16:38.38Gumbyls /lib/modules/2.6.10-1-686/source -al
16:38.39Gumbylrwxrwxrwx  1 root root 91 2005-03-31 16:27 /lib/modules/2.6.10-1-686/source -> /home/dilinger/src/kernel/kernel-image/2.6.10-6/kernel-image-2.6.10-i386-2.6.10/install-686
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16:38.54dvsdarxeth: Well, I don't need it anymore since I got things working the way I want to.
16:39.22Gumby2.6.8 one is from calgary canada debian mirror and second is from estonia mirror
16:39.22valdyn_Gumby: oh well, guess its not fixed then, but that bug ( or maybe an older mistake of the same kind ) is quite old already, just fix it manually
16:39.26darxethdvs: allright
16:39.35Gumbyvaldyn_: where should it be pointing to?
16:39.48Gumbyor should it be its own directory
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16:40.35valdyn_Gumby: to the headers i believe
16:41.05valdyn_Gumby: /usr/src/kernel-headers-2.6.10-1-686 ( i believe, i dont use debian kernels myself )
16:41.16GumbyI'll give it a shot.  thx
16:41.46fflushdpkg: parrot?
16:42.27valdyn_Gumby: my own link here an an image i have points to something "weird" too, but i dont even have headers installed, so its just a dead link, that doesnt pose a problem in itself. So, do you even have headers installed?
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16:43.29Gumbyvaldyn_: yes, I have the headers installed
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16:45.15dondelelcarowhoooo! spamming for .org!
16:45.34Roninwow now thats lame spamming, even for a lame spammer
16:45.37dondelelcarosuch an excellent TLD
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16:46.48skaHow are configuration files like /etc/w3c/apache.conf included in the apaceh configuration?
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16:47.18valdyn_hmm, "No more BitKeeper Linux", that sounds like a late aprils joke
16:47.41skaI ask because I have the w3c-validator installed, and it works. I also have phppgadmin installed, and it gives me a 404. Both have a /etc/{w3c,phppgadmin}/apache.conf file
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16:48.01dondelelcaroska: depends on how your apache.conf is written. Presumably you'd symlink it into /etc/apache/conf.d/, or add an IncludeFile directive.
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16:49.10skadondelelcaro: I didn't find a symlink in conf.d to the w3c config file, nor an Include directive for the w3c thing
16:49.25skaI didn't change apache.conf from the default installation
16:49.28dondelelcaroska: well, then you'll need to do that.
16:49.36skadondelelcaro: but the w3c thing works
16:50.07dondelelcaroska: then the config file is being included in some other way, or the IncludeFile directive was added by the package.
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16:50.42skaI grep -r'd for Include in /etc/apache2, nothing relevant found
16:50.48skaafter I installed w3c
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16:52.47dondelelcaroska: ls -lr /etc/apache2; find /etc/apache2 -type f |xargs grep Include; will either show the config file, or it was added directly to a config file, or you load a specific module for the thing to work.
16:53.28dondelelcaroska: which package are we talking about though? the w3c-markup-validator?
16:53.41skadondelelcaro: yes
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16:53.54skaand phppgadmin is it that doesn't work
16:53.57pastixjoin/ #knoppixfr
16:53.58dondelelcaroska: that's just a cgi script that installs into /var/lib/cgi-bin
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16:54.24skadondelelcaro: I'm calling localhost/w3c-markup-validator
16:54.33skano cgi-bin in the URL, so that file is read
16:54.38skathat apache.conf
16:54.51dondelelcaroska: well, then look through your configuration. You're missing something.
16:54.58pastixjoin/ #knoppixfr
16:55.00dondelelcaropastix: please stop that./
16:55.01pastixjoin/ #knoppix-fr
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16:55.11skaIndeed :)
16:55.20skapastix: /join #knoppix
16:55.24skapastix: /join #knoppix-fr i mean
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16:56.58skaOk, it works now. I'm not sure what situation I had. Thanks.
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16:57.20dpkgit has been said that iptables is the user-space process used to administer iptables kernel parts on top of netfilter, somewhat like ipchains was in 2.2..  NOT a virgin, see ipchains, or ask me about <netfilter docs>, or at it out because iptables (2.4.x) has some security holes)  See also: masq, or try #iptables for help
16:57.41Lorvija!netfilter docs
16:57.41dpkgnetfilter docs are at /usr/share/doc/iptables/html/ or or or at
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16:57.57travisatLorvija: /msg dpkg please
16:58.02Lorvijatrand okay (:
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16:58.21trandLorvija, not me ~ ^ ^)b
16:58.27Lorvijabah damn tab :P
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17:05.29yangxxHow bad is error Buffer I/O error on device hda; dma_intr status=0x51; dma_intr: error 0x40 ?
17:05.49valdyn_yangxx: how often do you get that message?
17:06.17yangxxon bootup, and i runed fsck and ignored all errors and rewrite
17:06.36valdyn_yangxx: just once on bootup?
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17:06.50yangxxno, i get about 30x that error for bad sectors
17:07.00ludiwith "security = user" do I need to do anything with smbpasswd?
17:07.09valdyn_yangxx: i would replace that disk
17:07.22yangxxvaldyn_: yes, good idea
17:07.28greycatyangxx: you *will* replace that disk; the only question is when
17:07.52*** join/#debian ix__ (
17:07.58valdyn_yangxx: ive seen this errors cause being a broken driver
17:08.06valdyn_yangxx: i cant tell you what it is in your case
17:08.36yangxxand funny, i replaced motherboard and processor, and everything boots, but WDM doesnt start anymore
17:08.51*** part/#debian Siempre (andres@
17:08.56greycatyangxx: with what error (in .xsession-errors)?
17:09.15*** part/#debian sniper- (~sniper@
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17:09.34valdyn_yangxx: tell which disk and which disk controller you are using
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17:09.41yangxxI will check, moment, i get sector errors on that hdd
17:10.20yangxxvaldyn_: Western digital wd600 its eide drive
17:10.44valdyn_yangxx: which disk controller
17:10.56*** join/#debian mentor (~matthew@
17:10.57yangxxvaldyn_: maybe its a kernel problem, since i build 2.6.11, i will try also the older kernel
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17:12.07chapolinvc  tem  telefone
17:12.17StephenFalkenWhere can i find net install iso images with reiser support?
17:12.20valdyn_yangxx: well lets cut this short since i dont know about many broken disk controllers, "lsmod | grep siimage"
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17:13.34yangxxvaldyn_: i dont get output for that
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17:14.23valdyn_yangxx: ok, youre not using that one ( which used to be broken in 2.6 ), i dont know which others are broken, except one by promise ( no idea bout its module name )
17:14.36*** join/#debian davix (
17:15.19valdyn_yangxx: if you can, revert to a 2.4.x kernel and see if it works fine there, if it doesnt, then your disk is broken
17:15.32*** join/#debian Glenn^BF (
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17:16.11yangxxgreycat: .xsession-errors ; KDE detected X error Baddrawable (Invalid pixmap) kdeinit fatal io error
17:16.14bluefoxicywhy the hell am I still in here
17:16.19bluefoxicyI have 400 megs of irc logs already
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17:16.47yangxxvaldyn_: for now i didnt get any disl error in 2.4.22 kernel
17:16.56chapolinoi  vc  tem  telefone
17:17.00greycatyangxx: well, "io error" could be from the disk failures
17:17.09yangxxvaldyn_: but WDM blinks 3 times then it goes back to console
17:17.28valdyn_yangxx: that is not a directly related problem
17:17.37valdyn_yangxx: check your X logs
17:17.45greycatvaldyn_: unless /usr/bin/wdm (or some kde lib) is actually corrupted
17:17.49valdyn_greycat: yea
17:17.59*** join/#debian Archer (~xydarcher@
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17:18.21valdyn_yangxx: are you 100% sure that the same disk works fine in 2.4.x ?
17:18.32valdyn_yangxx: if so, please find out which controller youre using
17:18.52valdyn_yangxx: ( lspci )
17:19.05ArcherSOS!How to extract a special file from a tgz-zipped file?
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17:19.25stewArcher: what do you mean by special?
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17:20.08Archeri have a very large file,i want to extract a file from it in a short time
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17:20.27stewArcher: tar xzf tarfile filename
17:20.55*** join/#debian RafaeL (~Banu__@
17:21.08greycatArcher: it still has to read and unzip the whole tarball no matter where the file is.
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17:21.56Archerstew:how to specify the path?
17:22.27qwertzHi! I'd like to convert a webpage to a jpg. The webpage is larger than a whole screen, tried to print to ps and use gimp to export to jpg but gimp just takes the first page as import. Any suggestions?
17:22.46stewArcher: which path?  uhh you just like type it on the command line
17:23.29Archermy god!~~the file is too large for me to extract them all
17:23.34bbrazilqwertz: you tried 'convert'?
17:23.44*** join/#debian abrotman (
17:24.06valdyn_qwertz: how much larger than one page?
17:24.08Archerstew: i mean the subdir that the file existed~
17:24.08*** join/#debian biggi_mat (
17:24.44stewArcher: ffs: tar xzf /path/to/tar.gz path/of/file/to/extract
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17:25.22greycatArcher: do a table of contents on the tar ball first, silly.  then use the EXACT FILE NAME that the TOC spits out, INCLUDING any leading "." or not.
17:25.25qwertzbbrazil, thanks will have a look
17:25.37qwertzvaldyn_, 1 1/2 pages
17:25.59biggi_matwell... i have local net (like this: modem---server(debian)--workstation(windows/slackware). now the problem is that this two computers are connected and WS is sending packages to server but the server does not answer.
17:26.00stewchapolin: do you have a debian related question?
17:26.08valdyn_qwertz: you can zoom in and out with firefox and probably most gecko based browsers, zoom out and just take a screenshot
17:26.15biggi_matthe computers are connected with crossover
17:26.26greycatbiggi_mat: can you ping both ways?
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17:26.32biggi_matgreycat no
17:26.36biggi_matno even one way
17:26.39greycatbiggi_mat: then check the IP addresses and netmask
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17:27.05biggi_matgreycat netmask on server is set to and it's the same on WS
17:27.17greycatand the IPs are secret?
17:27.19biggi_matand IP of WS is
17:27.23valdyn_qwertz: but since you have gimp you can just take several shots then use gimp to stick the images together
17:27.27jamsblasthow I obtain debian isos in colombia?
17:27.35greycatjamsblast: same way you obtain them anywhere else.
17:27.40biggi_matand ofcrouse server IP is
17:27.48streunerjamsblast: do you have (x)DSL?
17:27.57greycatbiggi_mat: check dmesg for errors, check "ifconfig -a" for unusual signs, double-check the cabling
17:28.15biggi_matgreycat ok, we'll se, thanks
17:28.16greycatbiggi_mat: take down any firewalls
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17:28.27sebas_i mount my pendrive as non root user i a non root directory, but the mount change the owner to root and I cant write in it as non root user, any sugestion?
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17:28.40greycatsebas_: /msg dpkg vfatrw
17:28.41karnovhy all, i'm searching for some help about kerberos (with 2000 server and linux, where 2000 is the kdc and linux the client) someone knows something about this message : " KDC reply did not match expectations while getting initial credentials"  ??
17:28.48greycatsebas_: (or is this drive's FS not vfat?)
17:29.02Archerstew,it takes a long time which is not acceptable
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17:29.21sebas_greycat: it is vfat
17:29.22stewArcher: don't gzip the file then
17:29.36yangxxvaldyn_: how do i check for controller?
17:29.36stewArcher: once its gziped you have to ungzip the whole file
17:30.03*** join/#debian messju (messju@messju.user)
17:30.17biggi_matgreycat well dmesg is usual i guess and ifconfig says as usual, nothing special
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17:32.18messjuthis channel is magic. i only joined and suddenly found the answer to my yet to be asked question! :D
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17:32.45yangxxI bought sempron 2300, but it gets recognised as 950mhz in bios
17:32.45valdyn_yangxx: lspci
17:32.54biggi_matmessju well...i'm here for one week and still no solution
17:33.06stewyangxx: time to get out the manual for your motherboard
17:33.24Archermy god~~the damage is huge
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17:35.09directhexyangxx, bios upgrade then
17:35.43yangxxvaldyn_: there is bunch of data in lspci
17:36.02yangxxvaldyn_: i will paste later
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17:36.38valdyn_yangxx: that data should be english text - look for "ide controller" or "ata controller" or "raid controller" or something like that
17:38.03jamsblastanybody that speak spanish?
17:38.07dpkgHispanohablantes: Por favor usen #debian-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.  Spanish Speakers: Please use #debian-es, there you will get much more help.
17:38.10stewchapolin: stop that
17:38.16*** join/#debian o-o- (
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17:38.47Aimazjamsblast: un poco, pero creo no puedo ayudar con cosas technical
17:38.59dpkgi heard si is self-injury
17:39.12stewbiggi_mat: /msg the bot
17:39.33chapolinvc  tem  msn
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17:39.56dadOK be nice :) I got this old box with 48MB RAM (233MMX) 4G HD and I can't upgrade the RAM. What's the best way, or OS to put on it?
17:39.57stew!ops chapolin
17:39.58dpkgHydroxide, bob2, caphuso, dondelelcaro, doogie, eeyore-, ElectricElf, greycat, helix, ljlane, LoRez, mentor, Netsnipe, TML, walters, xk: chapolin
17:39.59paineswhat happend to ? down the second day now
17:40.10stewpaines: its on gluck
17:40.15cSAWhich bt client can do so it scans a dir every to mins and if it find some torrent files it will start downloading them?
17:40.58painesstew, thanks
17:41.07dadI would like a GUI but only have 48MB RAM (max). What do you suggest?
17:41.10valdyn_cSA: btdownloadmanycurses
17:41.23valdyn_cSA: or maybe btlaunchmanycurses
17:41.26jamsblastno es acerca de cosas tecnicas, solo que si tu sabes como conseguir isos recientes de debian e colombia, no ftp
17:41.45mattmmanyone reccomend some snort "How-to's" running on a debian based web server?
17:41.47cSAvaldyn_: not such command.. i installed the bittorent client packget..
17:41.50Aimazjamsblast: eres de colombia
17:41.53dpkgHispanohablantes: Por favor usen #debian-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.  Spanish Speakers: Please use #debian-es, there you will get much more help.
17:42.04*** join/#debian homeros (homeros@
17:42.05valdyn_cSA: bt<tab><tab>
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17:43.13homerosh, i want to install debian but i cannot any iso images!i am currently using slackware and install debian on my friends PC
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17:43.28valdyn_!d-i homeros
17:43.29dpkghomeros, you want to go to - for your own good, and everyone else's.
17:43.32biggi_matwell. i have local net but it doesn't really work. did all on debian i guess. the computers are linked but there is no traffic in way server to workstation. the interesting thing is that the trafic from workstation to server is. i don't know what to do. any ideas?
17:44.18phinok, so i built a custom kernel, and now i get this error that says 2.6. kernels use pcmciamtd and no longer need memory_cs.c and do not need special mtd handling anymore.  any clue how to get around this??
17:44.24streuner_biggi_mat: what happens if you 'ping -c1' for example
17:44.33greycatphin: use a debian kernel
17:44.46phinno fbsplash
17:44.53biggi_matstreuner_  my local IP on workstation is so i should use this one right?
17:44.53streuner_biggi_mat: is an example, just use your server IP
17:44.58biggi_matok ok :>
17:44.58homerosdo you suggest debian to a beginner?
17:45.14phini mean, i cant use a custom kernel with debian?
17:45.16jamsblastsi, soy de colombia
17:45.26dvshomeros: to linux or to computers?
17:45.26streuner_homeros: if you have a brain, yes.
17:45.40stew!tell jamsblast about es
17:45.44travisatphin: you can its just more difficult
17:46.00phini never had this problem with any other distro, im not really a noob to this... so...
17:46.01homerosdvs: for one of my friend, i am using slackware. he is new to linux
17:46.11homerosthe slackware is not a beginner distro!
17:46.13biggi_matstreuner_ no reply.
17:46.23stewphin: this error you are seeing has nothing to do with debian
17:46.29phinok, well what is it?
17:46.38streuner_biggi_mat: well, check the cables then, or the hub or switch
17:46.49dvshomeros: As long as there is someone to help him along, debian should be fine.
17:46.58stewphin: if you have a kenrel that works on another distro it would work on debian
17:47.03biggi_matstreuner_ i have crossover cable. i changed two cables so i think the cables should be ok.
17:47.04*** join/#debian arb (
17:47.05streuner_biggi_mat: did you load the modules for your NIC on both sides?
17:47.06*** part/#debian jamsblast (~glud09@
17:47.11arbare there kde 3.4 repostiroies for testing?
17:47.19homerosdvs: i dont think so there is someone!he is alone....
17:47.20phinstew: ok, but i cant use pcmcia cards, im just wondering if anyone could help me work out this problem
17:47.23stewarb: /topic ; /topic #debian-kde
17:47.31streuner_biggi_mat: Is the cable connected to an hub or switch?
17:47.31biggi_matstreuner_ on win maschine is loaded anyway. and here i did modprobe 8139too so it should be
17:47.45biggi_matstreuner_ i don't have switch or hub
17:47.52arbstew, but i saw so unofficial
17:47.53phinive built custom kernels on ubuntu and slack with this same source and never had the problem, is the pcmcia-cs package a little dated or something?
17:47.55biggi_mati just have network like modem--server--ws
17:47.58streuner_biggi_mat: ok, turn off the firewall in windows then
17:48.00arbstew, are the unofficial repos?
17:48.02biggi_matwith cables
17:48.11*** join/#debian Sancezz (
17:48.12arbstew, are there unofficial repos?
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17:48.27sebas_greycat: My probem persist, I make all the msg but not work
17:48.27stewarb: /topic #debian-kde
17:48.35arbstew lol
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17:49.45darxethdoes anybody knows where the "swat" file exists? (Samba Web Administration Tool)
17:49.56stewdarxeth: /msg dpkg search
17:50.05streuner_!info swat
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17:50.17arbstew can i use kubuntu kde pckages?
17:50.17dpkgswat: (Samba Web Administration Tool), section net, is optional. Version: 3.0.11-1 (sid), Packaged size: 3908 kB, Installed size: 8896 kB
17:50.19*** join/#debian EderSG (~jackbauer@
17:50.19sebas_i mount my pendrive as non root user i a non root directory, but the mount change the owner to root and I cant write in it as non root user, any sugestion?
17:50.22abrotmanarb: wrong channel
17:50.24*** join/#debian redduck666 (~redduck66@
17:50.29arbarb, no in debian!
17:50.36arbabrotman, in debian
17:50.42redduck666any ideas how to handle cvs:// links?
17:50.42chealerarb: why do you want KDE 3.4?
17:50.43stewarb: why not use the unofficial debian packages?
17:50.44abrotmanarb: we still don't konw .. nor would any of us tell you to do it
17:50.56arbstew, i could not find unofficial
17:50.56abrotmanarb: go ask #debian-kde
17:50.59abrotmanarb: go ask #debian-kde
17:51.01greycatredduck666: by manually issuing a cvs(1) command?
17:51.02stewarb: ffs i told you twice
17:51.08darxethi got a book about samba but appearently i cant fully implement their examples because they use another directory for samba, i just apt-get installed it but couldnt find the swat file
17:51.11abrotmanstew: ear wax apparently
17:51.12stewarb: /topic #debian-kde
17:51.13arbstew, yes ?? i am blind :(((((((((((
17:51.20smartbhaichange fstab
17:51.20dvssebas_: Add a /etc/fstab entry
17:51.25arbstew, i can not see well
17:51.33abrotmannot just /topic .. /join #debian-kde
17:52.34phinsigh, so i guess i should just use another distro or something?  i really like debian... i just want it to work properly for me
17:53.13abrotmanor something?
17:53.19phineh fuck it, i'll figure it out myself, nice room you guys got here.  no wonder people talk about this community so loudly. ::rollseyes::
17:53.22*** part/#debian phin (
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17:53.30stewphin: if you would switch distros becuase you want a boot splash screen and can't figure out how to compile your own kernel, then yeah you should probably switch distros
17:53.46abrotmanoh jeez .. all that for a bootsplash?
17:53.51abrotmanwhat is wrong with kids these days
17:53.56xamstew: too late, but probably better so
17:54.38greycatstew: well said, even if he wasn't around to appreciate it
17:54.46arbthx guys for your patience with me
17:54.49arbi found everything now
17:55.04stewwell he'll feel like the fool after going through the pain of installing another distro only to have the same problem
17:55.05tarzeauabrotman: they play games on xbox
17:55.05mrhemlock1 happy customer ;)
17:55.14dvsarb: np. At least someone appreciates us
17:55.19tarzeauabrotman: (and pacman is better than all the games on xbox together)
17:55.29greycatstew: sometimes you just have to let them make their mistakes
17:55.32abrotmantarzeau: that would do it
17:55.47mrhemlockonly way to learn !!
17:55.54tarzeauabrotman: well probably nobody takes time for them?
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17:56.07abrotmantarzeau: or they don't know how to read
17:56.13tarzeauabrotman: or that
17:56.23aircowhen i try to mount my windows partition i get "mount: /dev/hda1 already mounted or /mnt/windows busy", but the device isn't mounted and the directory isn't busy.  does anyone have ideas for other causes, or pointes to where i might find more help?
17:56.41*** join/#debian davix (
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17:57.29sepskiairco, check the output of mount that hda1 isnt mounted also check /proc/mounts
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17:57.39stousetdondelelcaro: You there?
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17:57.58aircosepski: already done, it's definitely not mounted
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17:58.42sepskiairco, check /proc/partitions to verify you have a hda1 to mount, and try to mount it on some other dir that you just make for the test
17:58.55arbi have another question. i have here 30 workstations. is there some masssync tool? for example i have one workstation and when i update it, all of the 30 workstations do the update too?
17:59.06zOap|MEDIAHi, Im trying to load selectwm at startx with: startx -m selectwm, or startx selectwm. It won't work. Neither will: startx -m twm, for instance... What am I doing wrong? When I : startx -t and then twm or selectwm in terminal it works fine...
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17:59.19aircosepski: /proc/partitions in #flood
17:59.30stewarb: check out dsh or clusterssh
17:59.38stousetOkay, so in 2.6.11, they removed the tg3 driver from the kernel proper. However, this debian-kernel post ( says that the driver (and other nonfree drivers) will be in kernel-modules-nonfree. The package doesn't exist, and I need to upgrade to the latest kernel. I can't use 2.6.8 because it has a conflict with hotplug/udev/ipw2200, I can't use 2.6.10 because it's causing a block to occur every se
18:00.03FromTOwhere is pdftopbm. I installed xpdf (fresh copy) but the system still does not recognixe pdftopbm command
18:00.17arbstealth, what about debsync?
18:00.19*** join/#debian SPEEDing|V\oNK (~|V\
18:00.27stousetDoes anyone know where kernel-modules-nonfree can be found?
18:00.30mrhemlock!find pdftopbm
18:00.39dpkgDebian Package/File/Desc Search of 'pdftopbm' returned no results.
18:00.53aircosepski: anyway, i have a hda1 to mount and it gives the same error on a newly created dir
18:00.55stewarb: i don't know what debsync is
18:01.01*** join/#debian shadow00 (
18:01.05stouset!find kernel-modules-nonfree
18:01.13dpkgDebian Package/File/Desc Search of 'kernel-modules-nonfree' returned no results.
18:01.29arbstew, it is some python script, which does something similar i want to do, but it is not developed anymore
18:01.33shadow00I get this message when doing apt-get install: Package dbdesigner is not available, but is referred to by another package.  how do I find out what the other packages is?
18:01.35mrhemlock!find kernel-modules unstable
18:01.41dpkgDebian Search of 'kernel-modules' (1): (/usr/share/doc/debian-installer-manual/devel/historic/kernel-modules.txt) in devel/debian-installer-manual.
18:01.58greycat!find waldo unstable
18:02.04dpkgDebian Search of 'waldo' (1): (/usr/share/doc/libapache-mod-perl-doc/html/outstanding/success_stories/{|}) in doc/libapache-mod-perl-doc.
18:02.05arb!find debsync
18:02.14dpkgDebian Package/File/Desc Search of 'debsync' returned no results.
18:02.44*** join/#debian ace_ (~ace@
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18:03.01sepskiairco, and what fs are you trying to mount ?
18:03.03redduck666 , doesn't have esmart. any help appriciated
18:03.20pnmhi all.. I'm trying to set up a simple NFS server on a debian machine to export one directory to one machine (same username system on both machines). I seem to have various processes and ports running on the server machine, like 784/tcp (rpc.mountd) , 885/tcp (rpc.statd), 111/tcp (portmap) 2049/tcp (nfs)... any idea how many of these are actually necessary and which can be shutdown or blocked?
18:03.32ace_hi. apt-get update runs through cleanly but when trying to upgrade/install it can't find about 50% of the packages online. Whats could be wrong there?
18:03.46aircosepski: an NTFS windows partition of a regular HD
18:03.57arbbye gtg :)
18:04.03arbdebian is a nice distro
18:04.04sepskiairco, and you have ntfs module in kernel ?
18:04.07redduck666ace_, maybe outdated sources.list?
18:04.10*** part/#debian arb (
18:04.20shadow00I get this message when doing apt-get install: Package dbdesigner is not available, but is referred to by another package.  how do I find out what the other packages is?
18:04.22ace_redduck666: no. The same one works on 3 other boxes.
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18:04.40mrhemlockace_: probably a bad /etc/sources.list
18:04.41aircosepski: i think i do, but i have to admit kernel compiling isn't my cup of tea
18:04.47aircosepski: is it easy to check?
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18:04.56caphusoshadow00: apt-cache showpkg dbdesigner, and look at the reverse depends
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18:05.03sepskiairco, do you compile your own or use kernel-image ? latter do a lsmod
18:05.07pnmace_,if the same sources.list works on other machines, maybe it's a dns (or firewalling?) issue
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18:05.39aircosepski: a friend compiled it for me; latter: working on it
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18:06.18aircosepski: i have the following line in lsmod:                  ntfs                  112112  0
18:06.25sepskiairco, if your running a non standard kernel, then that's where you need to look, with a kernel-image i think you can just modprove ntfs
18:06.27mattmmanyone see me typing?
18:06.35sepskimattmm, nope
18:06.35tarzeaumattmm: yeah
18:06.42shadow00caphuso: I don think this is right education-desktop-other,dbdesigner
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18:07.15Di```anybody can tell me where i find a good doc that explain how to recompile the kernel 2.6 ?  i just want add device mapper
18:07.15caphusoshadow00: and what makes you think so?
18:07.15ace_pnm: no, its in the same net.. but i just found out that ownership on files is somewhat broken.. everything seems to be owned by root now.. (wth?!)
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18:07.51pnmace_: eek.. well, it makes sense for the sources.list file to be owned by root
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18:08.06aircosepski: k, so what do i do then? something along the lines of apt-get update kernel? :-)
18:08.25sepskiairco, and you specify -t ntfs ofcouse, so i think i'd try a different kernel.
18:08.33dvsairco: apt-cache search kernel-image
18:08.36sepskiairco, but im hardly a expert in ntfs issues
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18:08.50ace_pnm: hm, ok, thats true. But everything else is, too.. i had to rescue the system to another hd.. guess the ownerships got broken by that. fsck.
18:08.56greycat!tell Di``` about kernel of instability
18:09.03*** part/#debian debiantux23 (
18:09.05Sandozis no longer available?
18:09.07greycatDi```: /msg dpkg kp    if you *really* insist on carrying on.
18:09.11greycatSandoz: /topic
18:09.36shadow00caphuso: just doesn't look do I tell what packages are in education-desktop-other
18:09.36pnmwhat happened to it?
18:09.48caphusoshadow00: apt-cache show
18:09.53dvspnm: fsck of death
18:10.37jakepdevcan anyone tell me why "apt-get install libncurses5-dev" wouldn't work?
18:10.50dvsjakepdev: What message are you getting?
18:11.12jakepdevE: Package libncurses5-dev has no installation candidate
18:11.17greycatjakepdev: apt-get update
18:11.24greycatand if necessary, apt-setup
18:11.39shadow00caphuso: screw it im going to download the tar.gz from site
18:11.58jakepdevgreycat - tnx!
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18:12.09Sandozyou mean, theyre actually using e2fs on those servers?
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18:12.52aircodvs: and now just running 'apt-get install kernel-image-2.6.11-1-k7' will upgrade the kernel i suppose?
18:13.01dvsairco: yup
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18:13.24aircosepski: thx 4 the help, i'll try to get this baby upgraded without toasting my nuts :-)
18:13.31dvsairco: is there a kernel-image-2.6.11-k7?
18:13.40rhalffhi anyone happen to use kylix-open on debian ?
18:13.51chealerdvs: it's kernel-image-2.6.11-1-k7
18:13.56aircodvs: well, it shows up in my apt-cache search, so i'm guessing it does :-)
18:13.57Sandozgrr.. any idea on how much longer gluck will be down?
18:14.07dvsairco: Use that instead
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18:14.29sparr_Where can I find tips on getting sound to mix from various applications?  Right now I can only have one app playing sound at a time, anything else that tries is silent.
18:14.34aircodvs: sorry, my mistake, didn't spot the difference there, it's what chealer said
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18:14.45dvsairco: ok.
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18:15.14greycatsparr_: use an emu10k1 chipset (sb live), or use ALSA, or use esd.
18:15.17greycatthose are your 3 choices.
18:15.32aircodvs: hmm 2 question regarding the output of that apt-get install:
18:15.34aircoFound kernel: /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.11-1-k7
18:15.34aircoFound kernel: /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.10-1-k7
18:15.34aircoFound kernel: /boot/vmlinuz-
18:15.45dvsairco: what about it?
18:15.51airco1) should it bother me that there are 3 kernels living side by side on my system,
18:15.59dvsairco: no
18:15.59greycatnot if you have the disk space
18:16.16aircoand 2) should it bother me that my 2.6.10 kernels are k7 while my 2.6.8 kernel was apparently 386?
18:16.22dvsairco: no
18:16.23greycat(note that the modules in /lib/modules are HUGE for a debian kernel, so if you have a small / file system, those 3 kernel images add up fast)
18:16.27sparr_greycat: im using ALSA
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18:16.47aircodvs: ok, then i'm going down for a restart, be back in 5, and thanx for the help
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18:16.54dvsairco: No problem
18:17.05greycata -386 kernel runs on all i386 (x86, IA32) systems.
18:17.07Sandozhe hopes he comes back up
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18:17.21dmilesis there something about make-kpkg that commonly gives "WARNING {...}.ko needs unknown symbol {...}."
18:17.32dvsSandoz: sparr_ has old kernels so I can't see a big problem
18:17.44dmiles(as in, did I do something wrong in make-kpkg or is my kernel build not right?)
18:17.48greycatdmiles: misconfiguration, usually
18:17.56greycatdmiles: we do not recommend that users build custom kernels any more
18:18.02sparr_greycat: so what do I have to do with ALSA to make it mix?
18:18.09Sandozthough, by default woody has no prompt enabled in lilo
18:18.11greycatsparr_: no idea
18:18.21greycatSandoz: you can hold shift
18:18.24rhalffIm running trying to run kylix on debian, it starts up ok, but no fonts are shown, can anyone point me in the right direction on how to fix this ?
18:18.28Sandozbut it doesn't look like hes running woody
18:18.30dvssparr_: Make sure your applications are using ALSA
18:18.35cahootsparr_: you want to use the dmix plug in alsa
18:18.48greycat!find kylix
18:18.55dpkgDebian Search of 'kylix' (1): (/usr/share/doc/libboost-doc/HTML/tools/build/v1/kylix-tools.html) in doc/libboost-doc.
18:19.07greycatdoesn't sound like you can run kylix *on* debian..
18:19.07yangxxvaldyn_: there is bunch of data in lspci, which one you want to see?
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18:19.17greycatsounds more like something you'd run *instead* of debian
18:19.19sparr_ok, next question then...  how can i make my sound not glitch (static) when applications do 'stuff'?  for example, if im running a long apt-get in the background, each time a new download is started my sound crackles.  or in mozilla every time i change tabs.  or when i resize a game window.
18:19.21rhalffI only need it to compile something :)
18:19.36greycatsparr_: that is PRECISELY the reason why I ditched ALSA and ran back to OSS!
18:19.54greycatsparr_: it never worked in any way but "shitty" for me
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18:20.41directhexkylix runs okay on debian in my experience
18:20.50directhexexcept their crappy toolkit is as ugly as sin
18:20.56directhexa bit like gtk1 beaten with the ugly stick
18:21.00rhalffdirecthex, I only have problems with no fonts showing
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18:21.43rhalffI don't have to use many of kylix, just modify some pascal code from dbdesigner4 and compile it with kylix.
18:22.04rhalffso probably I need some rare fonts or something ?
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18:22.16rhalffI'm not really into fonts :)
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18:22.51rhalffproblem is kylix is not complaining it can't find something.
18:22.58dvsairco: you made it back!
18:23.00dpkgmethinks kylix is at
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18:23.08greycatoh.... some sort of payware.
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18:23.40sparr_aww FUDGE
18:23.44rhalffdbdesigner is made it with it and is gpl, so what's the problem :)
18:23.46dvs!beer airco
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18:23.52directhexit's a closed source visual pascal implementation, with a beer free version whose license only allows development of gpl apps
18:23.57directhexwhich is a bit messed up
18:24.00sparr_is there any way i can dist-upgrade in reverse to a particular date?  something i updated last night has killed a game i play
18:24.19aircosorry, i hate guiness
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18:24.26aircoanyway, the kernel is up and running
18:24.31Roninairco: bit of a waste of beer, hate guinness? someone ban him :)
18:24.34sepskiairco, thats it, you won get more help from me !!!
18:24.39dvsairco: /exec -o uname -r
18:24.46aircobut i still can't mount the ntfs drives
18:24.59grigoradoes anyone know if mod_dosevasive is production ready and stable?
18:25.12sepskiairco, well use vfat and live happily ever after
18:25.20directhexairco, ubuntu?
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18:25.28aircodirecthex: yeah
18:25.45aircodirecthex: known issue?
18:25.47directhex!beer me
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18:25.58aardvark!bear directhex
18:26.01directhexairco, ubuntu issues are by definition not known in here, they're known in #ubuntu
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18:26.21aircowell i asked it over there but nobody knew, and people here are quicker to help :-p
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18:26.28Lorvijais there "secure install" of apache&php&modperl available? or any way to make it more secure, ie install to chroot?
18:26.31schelmhi, after starting evidencd i get the following error: "evidence: undefined symbol: gdk_threads_lock" what can i do now?
18:26.48smartbhaican we convert movies to the popular divx format using any tool?
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18:27.23greycatsmartbhai: marillat has that sort of thing.
18:27.26sparr_how can i get back an old version of a kernel-image package?
18:27.27dpkgextra, extra, read all about it, marillat is an unofficial repository containing packages not in Debian for patent-related reasons, <mplayer> being the most popular. See for details on how to add this repository to your sources.list
18:27.28directhexsmartbhai, not ANY tool, no. i don't think gnucash can do it
18:27.34greycatsparr_: look in /var/cache/apt/archives
18:27.43greycatsparr_: or /msg dpkg sdn
18:27.43dvssparr_: Just don't erase it.
18:27.50smartbhaidirecthex :hehe
18:27.55sparr_and, on the same note, how can i make a kernel-image package not fuck up my grub conf?
18:27.56sepskisparr_, if it's a kernel just select that kernel in the grub boot menu
18:28.11smartbhaigreycat : is marillat in standard debian pool
18:28.15bazzas the second to last line in my .xinitrc, right before enlightenment, i have 'xset b off' but my bell still goes off until i open a terminal and enter it there.  what could be enabling it over my .xinit command?
18:28.18sparr_sepski: the new one is the one on the grub menu
18:28.18directhexsmartbhai, use the debian repository greycat just gave you, apt-get install vobcopy avidemux libdvdcss2. use vobcopy to get films to disk, then avidemux to transcode them
18:28.19greycatsmartbhai: no.  see above.
18:28.28greycatmarillat is a person's name.
18:28.46Ruth_Lemosalguém poderia me ajudar? estava criando um simples script no red hat 9 usando if / else... quando carreguei o script apareceu um aviso q a linha do else estava com erro de sintaxe, alguem poderia me falar a sintaxe correta do else?
18:28.51dpkgPor favor use #debian-br para ajuda em portugues.
18:28.59sepskisparr_, i never remove the old kernels before i know the new ones are good, and i ususlay have a few laying around just in case
18:28.59aircodirecthex: will replacing my ubuntu distro with a debian distro fix the problem? :-)
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18:29.18sparr_sepski: neither do I.  which is why i dislike using kernel image packages in the first place.
18:29.32directhexairco, i wasn't paying attention to the problem, i just noticed a not-in-debian kernel
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18:29.58sepskisparr_, i love the kernel-images, they get added to/removed from -grub  automagicaly it's debian magic :)
18:30.04sparr_greycat: thanks, its in the archives.
18:30.08greycatsparr_: what does "not deleting kernels" have to do with "not liking kernel image packages"?
18:30.35greycatother than their extraordinary size
18:30.44sparr_greycat: well, if this package update hadnt deleted the old kernel id be able to just pick the old one off my grub boot menu and all would be well
18:30.49smartbhaidirecthex : can i convert divx back to normal movie files
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18:31.08directhexsmartbhai, by "normal movie files" you mean what precisely?
18:31.15greycatyou upgraded to the *same version* of your current kernel?
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18:31.26directhexsparr_, you added your kernel under the "add custom kernel lines here" line, right?
18:31.26greycatand the new one was *bugged*?
18:31.34sparr_sepski: speaking of that automagic...  how can i stop it?  every time i install a kernel image package it breaks my grub conf (it puts the wrong hard drive as my root)
18:31.43sparr_greycat: not on purpose, dist-upgrade did it for me  :(
18:31.45jethroodo I have to use a script to have a user set his password right after login with ssh using a keypair ? can't seem to find out how to do this with chage
18:31.49directhexsparr_, fix your grub config so it puts the RIGHT root
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18:32.11greycatfor the record, I still haven't figured out how to make the double-layer-of-commented-options thing work in menu.lst
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18:32.15smartbhaidirect hex : i mean mpgd
18:32.17smartbhaidirect hex : i mean mpgs
18:32.22smartbhaidirect hex : i mean mpg
18:32.25sepskisparr_, sounds like you have messed up somewhere
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18:32.26directhexthe line "# kopt=" is where the root for all kernel images is defined
18:32.30sparr_directhex: it has the right root now.  but next time i install a kernel image (whichs hould be in about 5 minutes now that i found the old version) its going to pick the wrong root again
18:32.43jethrooI was thinking of a sudo call to a script with chsh and passwd, but it's not KISS compliant imho
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18:32.53schelmhi, after starting evidence i get the following error: "evidence: undefined symbol: gdk_threads_lock" what can i do now?
18:33.02sparr_greycat: so yes, now that i have the new bugged version i need to go back
18:33.04directhexsparr_, only due to your own error. edit /boot/grub/menu.lst and change the kopt= line to suit your tastes. LEAVE IT COMMENTED.
18:33.13greycatdirecthex: one time I edited that line, and nothing happened.  are you supposed to run something to turn it into non-commented options?
18:33.31directhexgreycat, it comes into effect when update-grub is called
18:33.42stewgreycat: i know the kopt thing was kinda broken until recently
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18:34.01sparr_directhex: done.  thanks.  wonder why i never needed to do that before
18:34.04stewgreycat: at least kopt_x.x.x where x.x.x is version number
18:34.14directhexsmartbhai, "mpg" is rather generic. dvd doesn't use mpg, it uses mpeg2 video in riff encapsulation, with mpeg1 layer3 audio, or ac3 audio, or pcm audio, or dts audio
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18:34.22greycatdirecthex: if users are supposed to run that themselves, the "documentation" in the file should make that clearer
18:34.27yangxxwhen i do startx, i get errors: EE failed to load module xie; EE no devices detected; XIO Fatal IO error 104 connection reset by peer
18:34.28sparr_greycat: any other advice before i "downgrade" my kernel pacakge?
18:34.39greycatsparr_: have rescue media handy.  as always.
18:34.40directhexgreycat, they aren't, update-grub is run after every action involving a kernel package
18:34.45sparr_also...  how can i tell apt-get NOT to update my kernel to the broken version next time i do a dist-upgrade?
18:35.10smartbhaiok can i then cut scenes and sound out of movie files like mpg or dvd
18:35.14directhexgreycat, as defined in /etc/kernel-img.conf, on the postinst_hook and postrm_hook lines
18:35.22smartbhaidirecthex :::ok can i then cut scenes and sound out of movie files like mpg or dvd
18:35.53directhexsmartbhai, you want to put things back on dvd after editing? yes, but transcoding to divx (xvid) first will kill the image quality and take about 8 hours
18:35.57sepskisparr_, are you running sarge ? have no issues with the latest kernel-images
18:36.08sparr_sepski: unstable (the name fits :) )
18:36.12directhexsparr_, what's broken exactly?
18:36.18directhexoh, hang on...
18:36.25sparr_directhex: i wish i knew.  my game of choice just dropped from 20FPS to 2FPS average
18:36.26directhexffs, run "m-a a-i nvidia"
18:36.26greycatdirecthex: so if you just want to change the kopt= line but you *don't* install a new kernel image after doing so, you must run update-grub.  right?
18:36.30kabhellow, I have an apache issue in Debian Sarge, I want to put Server Side Includes support, and I put in my /etc/apache/apache2.conf the next lines Options +Includes
18:36.30kabAddType text/html .shtml
18:36.30kabAddOutputFilter includes .shtml
18:36.30kabBut I have  this error in my apache log "[error] an unknown filter was not added: includes", how can I fix that?
18:36.30*** kick/#debian [kab!~debhelper@debhelper.user] by debhelper (flood)
18:36.36sepskisparr_, well that's the purpose if sid, to have users find out what breaks, so it's working perfectly you write yth
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18:36.45directhexgreycat, yes.
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18:37.11smartbhaidirecthex : i dont have a dvd  , forget divx i just want to cut scenes out of normal mpg files.. whill the tools u said work for that
18:37.13cg0defdoes anyone know what python-gnome-extras are called in apt?
18:37.20directhexsparr_, your kernel isn't broken, your nvidia kernel module is simply out of date. m-a a-i nvidia will build a new one.
18:37.21sepskisparr_, if you want tested kernel-images you use... uhh testing. :)
18:37.22sparr_sepski: the last 3 words of that sentence made no sense.
18:37.38directhexsmartbhai, avidemux will allow you to do that, yes
18:37.43sepskisparr_, as normal with me
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18:38.19smartbhaidirect hex : thanx
18:38.19directhex1600x1200 framebuffer console is officially "nice" by the way
18:38.33jethroosparr_: module-assistant auto-install nvidia
18:38.34pipedirecthex: Use a VESA X11 server, like a man.
18:38.36directhexsparr_, oh god. let me guess. you used nvidia-instalelr to install your graphics drivers, right?
18:38.55directhexsparr_, i.e. "sh"
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18:39.09binarydigit_if i always want the latest 2.6 image, should i install kernel-image-2.6-686
18:39.20greycatbinarydigit_: yes
18:39.22directhexbinarydigit_, install it from sid, yes
18:39.24sparr_directhex: sadly, yes, after all the 'the debian way' ways failed
18:39.31binarydigit_directhex: sid?
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18:39.35directhexokay! now we know what happened!
18:39.36binarydigit_directhex: why sid
18:39.47directhexless fucking about, kids, the cause of all his trouble is nvidia-installer
18:39.48greycatbinarydigit_: sarge is freezing
18:39.48jethroobinarydigit_: because sid has newer kernels
18:39.55binarydigit_oh, i mean the latest in sarge
18:39.59directhexbinarydigit, because sarge has 2.6.8 and that's it
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18:40.12greycat!tell sparr_ about nvidia one-liner
18:40.13sparr_if i could ever get module-assistant to work id use it
18:40.17directhexsparr_, you might've said so sooner. that's why your system is broken
18:40.21binarydigit_is it safe to use the kernel out of sid
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18:40.28greycatbinarydigit_: probably not.
18:40.38directhexsparr_, using an old kernel will not fix it, x in sarge was recently updated so half your nvidia files have been replaced
18:40.39binarydigit_yea so i think ill just stick with sarge's kernel
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18:40.46darxethdamn, how can i convince my father that what he's reading right now is just a spam! he tells me: shutup! its 15.000.000$ !!! let me check it out! dont bother me!! :S
18:40.53darxethany help? :D
18:41.00greycatdarxeth: walk away.
18:41.01directhexdarxeth, let him make his own mistakes
18:41.19sparr_greycat: of course the m-a attempt failed.  i shall attempt the other method
18:41.20darxethdirecthex: but his mistakes effects me too :(
18:41.25dvs!pal darxeth's dad
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18:42.07directhexsparr_, you're being really forthcoming with information aren't you. your current situation would never have happened if in the first place you had said "foo error message when i try module assistant", and actually done it the debian way
18:42.16directhexinfact, new factoid. greycat, i need help authoring this one
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18:42.41addNtoXhi folks
18:42.47sparr_directhex: i wasted just shy of a day in here, speaking to greycat among others, trying to get m-a to work.  i was forthcoming with error messages then.  i cant say if they are the same ones im getting now
18:42.47smartbhaiany brilliant sound editing tools available?
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18:43.03dvssmartbhai: you have the audacity to ask this ? ;-)
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18:43.17greycatdvs: cruel. :)
18:43.18stewdarxeth: having him do a google search for 419
18:43.22dvsgreycat: I know ;-)
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18:43.25airco_hmm sorry about that, got disconnected apparently... don't suppose i missed anything in the mean while? :-)
18:43.27sparr_the nvidia one-liner appears to have worked, despite some warnings from dpkg about unpacking multiple copies of the same package in one run
18:43.44stewsmartbhai: apt-cache show audacity
18:43.53smartbhaidirecthex : i think audacty doesnt have much options
18:44.12smartbhaistew : yes i have it
18:44.13directhex!nvidia-installer really sucks is <reply>We don't tell you not to use drivers from for fun. We have valid reasons for it, based on extensive experience. What it boils down to is this: your system will "work fine" for a while, then break HORRIBLY, if you don't install the driver the Debian way. Don't expect sympathy. Do it RIGHT the first time - /msg dpkg nvida one-liner
18:44.14dpkgdirecthex: okay
18:44.28directhexgreycat, that seem reasonable to you?
18:44.49sparr_directhex: nvidia one-liner didnt exist last time i tried this, and no amount of support from anyone was able to get m-a (or the "manual" way) to work
18:45.02directhexsparr_, you last tried it in 2004?
18:45.14smartbhaistew : thanx
18:45.16directhex!factinfo nvidia one-liner
18:45.16dpkgnvidia one-liner -- last modified at Mon Mar 14 16:19:19 2005 by directhex!; it has been requested 125 times, last by greycat, 5m 4s ago.
18:45.33directhexhm, no creation date. sure i wrote that before i started at my current job in september
18:45.36darxethstew: what is 419 dude?
18:45.45sparr_i last tried it whenever i installed linux last
18:45.48sparr_its been quite a while
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18:46.05directhexso i'm right. 'your system will "work fine" for a while, then break HORRIBLY'
18:46.17sparr_work fine for a while is better than work not at all forever
18:46.32sparr_the advent of the nvidia one-liner in the interim is perfect timing
18:46.45directhexi wrote the one-liner factoid. it is my masterwork. it is neccessary, and maintained.
18:46.59smartbhaialso is their someway for viewing webcams of yahoo messenger users
18:47.14directhexsmartbhai, with gaim-vv manually compiled, i think
18:47.44sparr_will i need to reboot or just restart X to see if it worked?
18:47.46airco_directhex: it does have some poetry to it... you should have it engraved somewhere
18:47.47sinothCan anyone suggest a method for capturing rcS.d script output?  I need to parse through it but it isn't caught in dmesg :/
18:48.21greycatsinoth: /msg dpkg bootlogd
18:48.22directhexsmartbhai, download the gaim-vv source from their website, configure, compile, run
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18:48.42sinothgreycat: thanks
18:48.48directhexgoogle? i expect
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18:50.17sparr_ok, reboot time!
18:50.33directhexreboot? did you go ahead and change kernel or something?
18:50.38kurtakI'm curious - Does Linux do anything to get around hd fragmentation?
18:50.38dvssparr_x: goodbye forever ;-)
18:51.09kurtakyeah, might be a crazy dumb question
18:51.25sinothkurtak: i'm curious about that too :)
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18:52.16dpkgrumour has it, defrag is the best windows screensaver, or what windows users do for emotional satisfaction when the frequency of illegal operations and bluescreens has become too big
18:52.27eckokurtak: yes apparantly ext3 avoids fragmentation
18:52.37eckokurtak: that's why writes aren't flushed to the disk right away
18:52.39abrotmankurtak: linux doesn't get fragmented the same way
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18:52.52abrotmanecko: you can force writes right away
18:52.52stewdarxeth: do a google search for 419 go to one of the pages that is not 419eater
18:53.05stewdarxeth: then go to 419eater after you know what 419 is
18:53.19kurtakah ha.  Do you know of any docs online about how ext3 avoids fragmentation?
18:53.21eckoabrotman: Yes you can force them right away but all that does is slow down writes that are pending
18:53.38eckoecko: You essentially just go to the front of the line
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18:53.51eckoI talked to myself right there
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18:56.20abrotmanecko: i meant mount sync
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18:57.01anhi"/usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/firefox-bin: undefined symbol: NS_NewUnionEnumerator" a gdb + bt gave no result, anybody else got the problem? (running sid)
18:57.22p88what is the dpkg command to have it say something about bad / good questions?
18:57.54eckoabrotman: I'm talking out my ass but mount sync probably does the same thing
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18:58.06FarrisGI've got an application that is using some fonts that I apparently have on one box, but not on another. I run the binaries from a file server on one machine and everything looks fine. On the other machine, all the text is squares and arrows. Any ideas?
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18:58.16eckoas soon as you get it write it writes it and forgoes the disk scheduler but then again I am talking out my ass\
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18:58.34p88oh eh I ment the bot
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18:59.54sparrok, now my nvidia kernel module and nvidia X module have a version mismatch
19:00.07sparrthe kernel module is newer than the X module
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19:00.34addNtoXwhich character encoding is used on this network?
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19:00.43greycataddNtoX: ascii
19:01.00Nemesis|w0rkhi, how can I change my local ip address?
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19:01.01addNtoXno, i mean utf-8 or some iso-style
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19:02.58sparrNemesis|w0rk: ifconfig eth0
19:03.48valdynaddNtoX: asci in this channel different channels may use whatever they want
19:03.55sparrgreycat: now that i have the latest kernel module, how do i get the latest X module?
19:04.01Nemesis|w0rkthanks sparr =)
19:04.14Lorvijahiya, is there ANY way with iptables/apache.conf or with anything to drop all http requests which come to apache which are longer than xx chars?
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19:06.10Jec2hey guys. need some help for some weird pb. I got a linux debian server which is used as nat internet sharing/dhcp and so on. 2 laptops connecting to internet through this server. Both always worked fine. And suddennly on one of them microsoft sites and msn stopping working. Whereas if I connect directly to internet on that laptop all works fine. Any ideas ? Maybe some cache to clean up on nat or dhcp ?
19:07.01valdynJec2: hehe, funny, im fighting with something like that too
19:07.12RawplayerJec2: ip route flush cache
19:07.20RaeniusDo you have it setup as dns too?
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19:07.26Jec2Rawplayer how do I do that ?
19:07.28yangxxwhen i do startx, i get errors: EE failed to load module xie; EE no devices detected; XIO Fatal IO error 104 connection reset by peer
19:07.34RawplayerJec2: ip route flush cache
19:07.40valdynJec2: does load for you from the "broken" box?
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19:07.48Rawplayertry holding your machine and sing that line
19:08.03yangxxvaldyn: you wanted to see lspci errors?
19:08.06Rawplayertype it in your console
19:08.07Jec2no using dns from my provider. another issue I dont know how to do is to get my dhcpd.conf updated automatically with my provider dns
19:08.09Rawplayeras root
19:08.17Jec2ok thanxs
19:08.22valdynyangxx: no, not errors, just what your disk controller is
19:08.37sparrdirecthex: once i have the latest kernel module, how do I update my X module to match?
19:08.39yangxxvaldyn: i will paste in #flood
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19:09.29Jec2yangxx no doesnt seem to load either
19:09.31jethroowhat's the debian way to create accounts for user using ssh with pubkey authentication to login, and allowing them to set a password when connecting for the first time?
19:09.32sparrwhats the name of the program that lets you use your mouse to copy/paste in console?
19:09.35Jec2any ideas yangxx
19:09.44valdynJec2: wrong target?
19:09.47kabhellow, I have an apache issue in Debian Sarge, I want to put Server Side Includes support, and I put in my /etc/apache/apache2.conf the next lines Options +Includes
19:09.51Jec2waiting ...
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19:09.55Jec2to tell you
19:09.56Jec2a sec
19:10.08kabBut I have  this error in my apache log "[error] an unknown filter was not added: includes", how can I fix that?
19:10.08yangxxJec2: no, i dont know
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19:10.30greycatsounds more like an apache2 issue than an apache issue, to me.
19:10.31sparrkab: did you type +Includes or +includes?
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19:10.44Jec2ip route flush doesnt seem to solve the issue
19:10.48valdynyangxx: i have that controller, it should work perfectly fine, so ill blame your disk
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19:11.39valdynyangxx: hmm, nvm, mine is slightly different
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19:11.43sparrthe problem with doing things The Debian Way is that once you do, youre stuck here for support.  No other distro-neutral channel will touch it with an 11 foot pole.
19:11.53velenoanyway to burn cue/bin iso with cdrecord ?
19:12.17valdynyangxx: i would try to pass "pci=routeirq" to your kernel and see if the problem persists
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19:12.37sparrveleno: iso should burn just fine.  cue/bin no.
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19:12.50valdynJec2: i didnt find the problem really, i use squid as workaround
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19:12.59kabSpark, Options Options +Includes
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19:13.53kabgreen_earz, is apache2, yeap
19:13.57mjunkiexlis there a developer in the house?
19:14.06valdynJec2: in case of some router on the way will react different if the packet is masqueraded than if it isnt, i havent got the slightest idea how / why he can do that
19:14.08dondelelcaromjunkiexl: just ask your question.
19:14.11Ketterissue: I can't get the bios of a rather old system to boot from CD.. now, I do got a rescue flop.. but no network. What arguments do I need to give the init to use the CD kernel instead of the floppy ?
19:14.20Jec2valdyn yeahh but using squid maybe would work ... but this is annoying. There must be something to clean up correctly so it works
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19:14.28Jec2I was thinking it might have something to do with dns
19:14.30mjunkiexlI need a developer to answer my question.  Have one about specific ways Debian is ran.
19:14.36Jec2or dhcp cache
19:14.39valdynJec2: whats your architecture?
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19:14.57dondelelcaromjunkiexl: just ask your question already. If it's appropriate for a developer to answer it, I'll answer it.
19:15.00*** mode/#debian [+l 840] by debhelper
19:15.14empttyJust a stupid somehow unrelated question: what's the site archiving every bits of the web on which I could find a site which were online before, but ran offline now?
19:15.14mjunkiexlI am conducting a mini-distro study for standard compliance.  How would you rank your distro's compliance on a scale of 0 to 10 for FSH, POSIX, and LSB?  Please give details about the pitfalls, "trickeration" to make things work, etc as necessary.  Why or why not does your distro implement or abandon each standard?
19:15.33greycatgods save us.
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19:15.46dondelelcaromjunkiexl: surely you mean FHS, and such a survey of ranking things is totally pointless.
19:15.49greycatI suppose he's going to attempt to write about it for some sort of publication, too.  In "english".
19:15.50mjunkiexllol :P
19:15.50sparrmjunkiexl: wow, IRC is sooo not the place for that
19:15.56Jec2well linux debian server connecting to internet throush ppp (adsl)
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19:15.58mjunkiexldondel, yes, FSH
19:16.10greycatmjunkiexl: go sober up.
19:16.13Jec2and 2 laptops all connected through a switch
19:16.17mjunkiexlerrrmmm FHS
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19:16.32Jec22 network cars on the serverone for ppp and other for local lan
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19:16.52valdynJec2: for me the problem coincided with switching to debian-amd64
19:16.53dondelelcaromjunkiexl: FHS compliance is in policy. LSB compliance can be had by installing the lsb package. posix compliance is a function of the tools that you use, not the actual distribution itself.
19:17.01mjunkiexlsparr I am just curious to see, in general... offhand... where it stands.
19:17.08valdynJec2: if you are not using that arch then i can at least exclude that as reason
19:17.13Jec2I have an athlon too
19:17.17Jec2700 Mhz
19:17.19empttyNobody knows where to find a now offline site?
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19:17.46valdynJec2: thats not an amd64
19:17.54dondelelcaromjunkiexl: now, if you have more specific questions that you wish to ask, they can be answered, but you're going to have to do a bit of work to formulate useful ones...
19:17.55Jec2yeap but still amd
19:18.06Jec2but I dont think its related worked fine for 2 months
19:18.11Jec2and all suddennly stopped
19:18.14valdynJec2: yea, exactly
19:18.19dondelelcaroemptty: google cache, internet wayback archive.
19:18.25mjunkiexldondel - ok, I'll get right to the core question I'm interested in
19:18.26yangxxvaldyn: check #flood
19:18.34valdynJec2: try to ping the hosts from server and from broken boxes, you should notice that it reacts differently
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19:18.51Jec2going to try tracert
19:18.53kabSpark but with Options +Includes or Options +includes give me the same error
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19:19.15valdynJec2: once I get no reply, once i get replay from somehost ( filtered )
19:19.22mjunkiexlIs Debian FHS compliant?   Is it viewed as something of importance, in general, by the Debian developers?   Does Debian "believe" (so to speak) in the idea of FHS and what it could offer?
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19:19.46greycatmjunkiexl: which answer will make you go away quickest?
19:19.46valdynJec2: not sure if traceroute will give you that info, or if windows "ping" will
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19:20.07dondelelcaromjunkiexl: when the FHS isn't on crack, Debian typically follows it. What Debian is is policy compliant. Our belief or lack of belief in the FHS is immaterial.
19:20.09valdynyangxx: i read flood , i told you i would try to pass "pci=routeirq" to your kernel
19:20.24valdynyangxx: if that doesnt work then im out of ideas.
19:20.28sparrNow that I have used the nvidia one-liner, how can I get my nvidia X module up to date to match my nvidia kernel module?
19:20.35mjunkiexlgreycat just how arrogant and pompous you could be is a start.
19:20.45Jec2and what about some mac address cache ? anything like that
19:20.51empttydondelelcaro: raaah, thanks. I was searching for I was googling since more than one hour. It's good to speak to a human sometimes ;)
19:20.52yangxxvaldyn: i still think the hdd is broken, that why i will sell it and buy a new one
19:21.06mjunkiexldondel - thanks.  Do you have a offhand estimate for roughly how compliant it is at the moment?
19:21.37dondelelcaromjunkiexl: if there's a case where it isn't compliant, there's a bug filed against the package in question. Most of the useful stuff is specified with should or must directives in policy anyway.
19:21.42mrhemlocknew kernel time to reboot YAY
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19:21.46valdynJec2: my gateway was reset, doesnt change a think, i used 2 clients to test this problem, one debian, one windowsxp, doesnt change a thing
19:22.04dondelelcaromjunkiexl: most of the important packages are, unless the specific tenet of the FHS has been written by monkeys (which happens occasionally)
19:22.38dondelelcaro[conversely, the people who help with the FHS may feel that our opinion on specific matters was written by apes... such is life.]
19:22.50mjunkiexldondel thanks much
19:23.13*** join/#debian messju_ (
19:23.26t0mashm.. I have a debian box... and want to run SSH in a chroot
19:23.29t0masbut it isn't working?
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19:23.41Jec2tracert works on both non working client box and working client box ...
19:23.44valdynJec2: the strange thing is ( to me ), how the hell a router, 5 hops away can react different depending on if the ping packat comes from my gateway or a box behind it
19:23.54t0masPAM_start() failed
19:23.56t0maserror 25
19:23.57t0maseh 26
19:24.02valdynJec2: taht cant have anything to do with MAC
19:24.03shadow00where are mysql.h files located in debian?
19:24.14dondelelcaroshadow00: in the libmysql-dev package
19:24.14mjunkiexldondel -- I'm very interested to see if the main Linux players are on the same page on the important standard (FHS)... and whether there is a common goal of having a virtually identical Linux "base" to build off of, for driver support, ease of use and development, etc.
19:24.24t0masshadow00: /usr/include/mysql/mysql.h
19:24.55greycatmjunkiexl: for whom do you work?
19:24.59Jec2valdyn guess that depends on how he decides th best way is to get you to your destination ... probably some flow algorithm
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19:25.15Jec2still in the request debian server is sending something must be wrong
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19:25.32mjunkiexlgreycat Steve Ballmer, I'm going to start a study about how Windows has a much lower TCO before quietly accepting his check.  :D
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19:25.33valdynJec2: nono, there should be no different detectable for that router far away afaik
19:25.43valdynJec2: though obviously there is one
19:25.44shadow00t0mas: I don't see that director..and I also tried locate mysql.h and couldn't find there something else I need to install
19:25.53dondelelcaromjunkiexl: FHS doesn't really address any of those problems. That's possibly the LSB that you're thinking of, although, even that doesn't totally address tehm.
19:25.55t0masmysql-dev ?
19:25.57*** join/#debian Shadowc4t (
19:26.18Shadowc4tanyone seen slow hd performance where hd buffer read is around 3-4 mb/s?
19:26.25greycatShadowc4t: dmesg is your friend.
19:26.34greycatShadowc4t: along with loading the module for your motherboard's IDE controller chipset
19:26.45Shadowc4tgreycat: hmm what should I be looking for?
19:27.02*** part/#debian wolf4914 (
19:27.07mjunkiexldondel there's a major problem with LSB... the demands of RPM-style software handling.  I know, for instance, Gentoo doesn't care about LSB, and thus implements none of it, save by accident
19:27.09greycatthat sort of thing for starters.
19:27.35*** join/#debian mrhemlock (
19:27.42dondelelcaromjunkiexl: sure, that's one of the reasons why Debian ignores parts of the specifications at its option.
19:27.59mjunkiexlplus LSB just made itself "optional" to install not too long ago.  Hell, the only distro I've seen in ages with an option right in the installer for good LSB compliance is Mandrake.   LSB is currently very very VERY weak :(
19:28.02*** join/#debian C17H21NO4 (
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19:28.27Shadowc4tgreycat: k let me see what's up
19:28.32p8mI thought LSB was mainly for commercial binary software.
19:28.43valdynmjunkiexl: apt-cache search lsb
19:28.57greycatp8m: that's why I asked him for whom he works.  He's spewing marketspeak like a salesman.
19:29.05mjunkiexlsorry valdyn, I don't see lsb anywhere in portage :)
19:29.21darkcmdewww gentoo
19:29.28greycat!info lsb sarge
19:29.32dpkglsb: (Linux Standard Base 2.0 support package), section misc, is extra. Version: 2.0-7 (sarge), Packaged size: 6 kB, Installed size: 12 kB
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19:30.07mjunkiexlk.  This is becoming a pattern.  It seems every distro beefs up on a different standard. :(
19:30.13valdynJec2: please /msg me if you find a fix for this )
19:30.17shadow00t0mas: what package would I find libmysqlwrapped.h in
19:30.29darkcmdmjunkiexl, what do you mean?
19:30.42t0masshadow00: I have no idea :)
19:30.59billyocgreycat: similar to what you hear non-free kernel driver's complaining about.  ;)
19:30.59directhex!find libmysqlwrapped.h
19:31.05sparrNow that I have used the nvidia one-liner, how can I get my nvidia X module up to date to match my nvidia kernel module?
19:31.08dpkgDebian Package/File/Desc Search of 'libmysqlwrapped.h' returned no results.
19:31.10dondelelcaromjunkiexl: eh? There's only a few standards, and they cover wildly different things
19:31.12mjunkiexldarkcmd -- Gentoo is almost fully FHS compliant, and make a point of being so.  It seems Debian is, unless I'm taking this the wrong way, pertty much LSB compliant save the lame LSB rpm demands.
19:31.40*** join/#debian Adam16 (
19:31.41darkcmd!troll mjunkiexl
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19:32.34sepskisparr, /msg dpkg nvidia-howto   the link in there explains it
19:32.34darkcmdmjunkiexl, it seems as if you are trolling.
19:32.34douglas_if I install alsa-sources and want to build them, where does debian put them?
19:32.34mjunkiexluhhh - so by asking how each distro deals with standards, I'm a troll?
19:32.35*** join/#debian Blissex (
19:32.35douglas_for a driver.
19:32.36sparrunstable is sid right?
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19:32.40shadow00t0mas: its a .h file
19:32.47greycatsparr: yes
19:32.47darkcmdyou come in here asking questions about debian, and state how gentoo is this, and gentoo is that...
19:32.59darkcmd<mjunkiexl> sorry valdyn, I don't see lsb anywhere in portage :)
19:33.02*** join/#debian KillerBunny (
19:33.15douglas_Gentoo is good, but Debian is a clear step in the future.
19:33.55valdynmjunkiexl: this is not a "each distro" channel, obviously
19:33.55mjunkiexlOh for christ's sakes get over the distro hard on.  I'm agnostic.  I have Fedora, MDK, Slack, and Gentoo on this box just to feel them all out
19:33.55sparrif i was gonna have to do all this anyways, what use is the one-liner?
19:33.55messjushadow00: looks like libmysqlwrapped.h is provided by c++-bindings of mysql
19:33.55redduck666 i'm trying to compile kernel. any help appriciated
19:33.56ArchitectSinanhi all
19:33.56*** join/#debian david (
19:34.07darkcmdmjunkiexl, unfortunately I am not able to get a hard on, I have erectile dysfunction...
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19:34.12sepskisparr, the howto explains how to _use_ the one liner
19:34.20shadow00messju: where did you find that
19:34.23valdynmjunkiexl: you mistake channel topic for people's preferences or believes, it has nothing to do with that though
19:34.25mjunkiexlNice to see you developed humor since my half-hearted joke about portage.
19:34.42ArchitectSinani need to install PHP 4.3.x. But i couldn't be able to find a .deb ? Do we have or i should have to compile it from source ?
19:34.47*** join/#debian zophyx_ (~Emile@zophyx.student.supporter.pdpc)
19:34.48shadow00messju: coulding find package for c++-bindings
19:34.49ArchitectSinani prefer .deb
19:35.06messjushadow00: google told me
19:35.08mjunkiexlall I wanted to know was how debian implements standards.  Pardon me if I mentioned Gentoo more than once in the same hour O_o
19:35.46sparrrunning module-assistant
19:35.48sparragain  :)
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19:36.09darkcmdI find that Debian adheres to the FHS
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19:36.15darkcmdmore than most distributions
19:36.40oskiewould you rather burn DVDs at 4x or 16x? there seems to be no way to slow down dvdrecord :/
19:36.47*** join/#debian rafailow_ (
19:36.55darkcmdtake slackware for example, it still has users mount medium at /mnt, when it should be /media
19:37.00sparrwhy does module-assistant unpack 3 copies of the same nvidia kernel module?
19:37.15mjunkiexlIs there any sort of cooperation b/t distros to maintain a common standard?
19:37.31*** join/#debian Nomad_ (
19:37.36mjunkiexlAh yes, I've noticed the /mnt /media problem many times :(
19:37.49darkcmdnot really
19:38.03greycatoskie: dvdrecord is not supported or recommended.
19:38.05shadow00anybody know how I can get libmysqlwrapped.h installed?
19:38.09*** join/#debian Prophet__ (
19:38.12darkcmdwith most distros having their own objectives and goals in mind, most do not use a common standard
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19:38.16dondelelcaromjunkiexl: that's what the standards are...  see FE
19:38.21oskiegreycat: the what should i use to burn dvds?
19:38.22mjunkiexlInstall 5 or 6 distros on your box and be prepared for confusion.  I think Fedora puts, for example, httpd.conf in /some/god/awful/nowhere/subdirectory/you/wont/think/of
19:38.24greycatoskie: the basic choices for burning DVDs on Linux are dvd+rw-tools or cdrecord-ProDVD
19:38.37greycat!find growisofs sarge
19:38.39ArchitectSinananother question: If i have to install PHP 4.3.x from the source i learned that I need "APXS" thing. And a friend at #php told me that i should install "apache-dev" package. I installed "apache-dev" from the 3.0r2 distro CDs. But i still don't have the related APXS executeable ? (I run "updatedb" and tried to "locate apxs"). How can I install this APXS thins ? Btw, i asked that in #apache also. And they forward me her
19:38.43sparrwhy should things be mounted in /media?
19:38.52sparrwhat is /mnt for if you use /media?
19:38.54greycatArchitectSinan: it's apxs, lowercase.
19:39.00oskiegreycat: i have the iso image. i just need to burn it
19:39.04dpkgDebian Search of 'growisofs' (1): (/usr/bin/growisofs) in utils/dvd+rw-tools.
19:39.04ArchitectSinanok greycat :)
19:39.07mjunkiexlsparr - the idea is having a standard.  So that if you sit down at ANY linux box, your cd rom shows up in the same place
19:39.18mjunkiexlsparr - things like that also make, for example, driver development easier
19:39.22mjunkiexlfor people like nVidia
19:39.32darkcmdsparr, : /mnt is used for temporarily mounted filesystems
19:39.34greycatoskie: I don't know how to use dvd+rw-tools because they don't work on hp-ux 10.  I've only used cdrecord-ProDVD.
19:39.36sparrmjunkiexl: right.  ive used maybe 5 distros over the last 10 years.  every single one put mounted stuff in /mnt.  who came up with /media?
19:39.39darkcmd"/media is for removeable devices"
19:39.40t0masAnybody knows something about the openssh version of debian? Or howto setup a good chroot for it?
19:39.48oskiegreycat: i doubt growisofs burns by itself
19:39.51t0masit's quitting now with a pam_start() failed, error 26
19:39.55darkcmdsparr: the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard
19:40.04sparrdarkcmd: with your weird rules...  where do permanently mounted filesystems go?
19:40.06greycatoskie: it's just one tool in the suite.  I wanted the precise package name.
19:40.36darkcmdsparr: they are not wierd.. they are a set of standards, that distros using /mnt have arrogantly decided to ignore
19:40.37oskiedvd+rw-tools is a good name. but it only has these tools: growisofs, dvd+rw-{format,booktype,mediainfo}, dvd-ram-control, rpl8
19:40.49ArchitectSinanis there anybody who has "apxs" executable installed in their system ? Could you please search it for me ?
19:40.50sparrdarkcmd: and what about hot-swappable drives?  ive got a USB enclosure for an IDE drive that i can swap out.  should that go in /mnt, /media, or / ?
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19:41.08darkcmdis it removeable medium?
19:41.10sparrdarkcmd: youre smoking crack.  /mnt predates FHS by at least a decade, maybe two.
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19:41.29mjunkiexlBasically, I'm doing a research paper in CS, and I'm VERY interested in how a common standard could be the "breakthrough" for Linux to make substantial gains in the desktop area and beyond
19:41.32sparrdarkcmd: yes, its removable.
19:41.34darkcmdsparr, people also used horses for travel, does that mean you should sell your car
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19:42.01sparrdarkcmd: there are no hard lines between types of mounts.  where does FHS say to put a mounted ISO?
19:42.03joebob2000is there an rfc limit to the length of a http request line length?
19:42.08oskiegreycat: maybe you meant dvdrtools.. that contains 'dvdrecord'
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19:42.22greycatcdrecord-ProDVD is non-free software.
19:42.24sparrdarkcmd: what if the removable device is my /boot ?
19:42.32sparrdarkcmd: should it go in /boot or /media/boot ?
19:42.33greycatit's not packaged in Debian for obvious reasons
19:42.38oskiegreycat: yes, and RMS told me not to use non-free
19:42.48directhex!rmssmite oskie
19:43.03shadow00is there a libmysql package for debian?
19:43.05billyocArchitectSinan: apache-dev brings apxs
19:43.31directhex!find libmysqlwrapped.h
19:43.35greycatoskie: so use dvd+rw-tools
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19:43.41dpkgDebian Package/File/Desc Search of 'libmysqlwrapped.h' returned no results.
19:43.50oskiegreycat: you can't burn with dvd+rw-tools. it has no actual burner program. AFAIK
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19:44.03greycatwhere do people COME UP with this crap?
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19:44.14directhexgrowisofs burns fine.
19:44.31darkcmdsparr: there's a reason the users decided to make said standards, so people don't go around doing whatever the fuck they want
19:44.32greycatwhy the hell would you think it DOESN'T burn??
19:44.33oskiei guess it uses cdrecord
19:44.36binarydigit_anyone know whats up with
19:44.41directhexno, it uses growisofs
19:44.43messjushadow00: libmysqlwrapped.h gets generated when you make - dunno if there is a deb-package for that one
19:44.44dondelelcarobinarydigit_: it's on gluck
19:44.45darkcmdbinarydigit, it's down
19:44.45greycatoskie: put away the crack pipe.
19:44.47directhexread man growisofs
19:44.48sparrdarkcmd: if you want to make up new rules that contradict accepted practice, you have to make them useful, and non-ambiguous.  FHS is neither in this respect
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19:45.07binarydigit_ah ok
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19:45.36darkcmdsparr: regardless the FHS organizes things, so people have a somewhat standard filesystem layout
19:45.50sparrdarkcmd: if FHS tells me to put my /home in /media/home just because its on a removable medium then its useless and ill continue to ignore it
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19:46.17mjunkiexldondel - have any more resources along the lines of what we talked about?  Links and whatnot?  I already have the main FHS link... but if there is a written Debian guideline for developers out the web somewhere..
19:46.22*** part/#debian lawnja1 (
19:46.37dondelelcaromjunkiexl: what I just gave you is policy. That's what Debian actually follows.
19:46.52dondelelcaromjunkiexl: if you really want to know how Debian works, read that from beginning to end.
19:46.57shadow00inviso: I install all libmysql packages and still I get this libmysqlwrapped.h: No such file or directory
19:47.00darkcmdsparr: if its your home directory partition, then it doesn't get mounted under /media, because it is for home directories
19:47.04darkcmdso it does go in /home
19:47.17Dazim trying to use the remote control thing on debian on my xbox, but i get an error saying, 'KDE3 command not found' can anyone help?
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19:47.20sparrdarkcmd: thats not what the FHS says  :-p
19:47.23mjunkiexldondel - k - thanks
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19:47.31darkcmdit can go wherever you want.. hence
19:47.33smartbhaihey why do certain channels require keywords
19:47.41smartbhaihow to connect to those channels
19:47.42darkcmdyou have the right to put it wherever
19:47.42delireany idea why 'xev' and 'showkeys' would give different keycodes for the same key?
19:47.44sparrFHS says /home is optional, and /media is not optional.
19:47.47Roninsmartbhai: keep the riff raff out of them is why
19:48.12directhexgrowisofs was originally designed as a frontend to mkisofs to facilitate appending of data  to ISO9660 volumes residing on random-access media such as DVD+RW, DVD-RAM, plain files, hard disk partitions. In the course of development general purpose DVD recording support was implemented, and as of now growisofs supports not only random-access media, but even mastering of multi-session DVD media such as DVD+R and DVD-R/-RW. In addition growisofs suppor
19:48.12directhexts first-/single-session recording of arbitrary pre-mastered image (formatted as UDF, ISO9660 or any other file system, if formatted at all) to all supported DVD media types.
19:48.12*** join/#debian HeavyD (
19:48.16smartbhaironin : i dint really get u
19:48.17messjushadow00: again: libmysqlwrapped.h is part of
19:48.19sparrmy *ROOT* is on a removable medium.  so i guess it needs to go in /media too...  but where would /media be then?  :)
19:48.41HeavyDwhich program do you use for RPM package installation in Deb (sarge)?
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19:48.49darkcmdno it doesn't its your root partition
19:48.52darkcmdso it goes under /
19:48.55directhexHeavyD, you convert to tgz with alien, then extract to /opt
19:48.56darxethi just dont know what to do with myself... yohoo...
19:48.56dondelelcaroHeavyD: alien
19:48.56Roninsmartbhai: they only want certain folks in, you dont know the key you dont get in
19:48.59messjuHeavyD: i think alien does this
19:49.02sparrdarkcmd: you just contradicted the FHS
19:49.04darxethi just dont know what to do with my samba!!
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19:49.23smartbhaironin : i got u
19:49.30darxethi'll kill myself if i opened the computer tomorow and see samba works
19:49.33smartbhaironin : thanx
19:49.36darkcmdsparr: its common sence that your root partition would go under /, rather than /media
19:49.36HeavyDdirecthex: How do I install alien?
19:49.40darkcmdarguing on the internet is like sticking my penis in a meat grinder, its pointless and painfull
19:49.44darkcmdanyway I'm ount
19:49.46sepskisparr, _you_ dont have to bee FHS compliant, its just a way to keep things somewhat identical across distros, what _you_ do is irrelevant in all of this
19:49.47oskiehow do you specify buffer size for growisofs? i need at least 128MB!
19:50.08deliredarkcmd: hmm
19:50.10directhexHeavyD, apt-get install alien. what exactly are you installing from rpm?
19:50.24directhexoskie, read the man page
19:50.28HeavyDdirecthex: Ati fglrx drivers\
19:50.38directhexHeavyD, stop now, before it's too late
19:50.43oskiedirecthex: i did
19:50.44directhexHeavyD, google for "flavio ati"
19:50.55directhexHeavyD, follow those instructions TO THE LETTER
19:50.59HeavyDdirecthex: Flavio ati?
19:51.00HeavyDgot it
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19:51.10sparrsepski: its a situation that makes the FHS ambiguous.  as long as it is, in addition to contradicting 20 years of perfectly useful arrangement
19:51.21sparrthen its not useful
19:51.38darkcmd20 years ago, people did whatever they wanted
19:51.41darkcmdthere was no standard
19:51.51darkcmdhence sometimes you see bsds using /usr/home rather than /home
19:51.54HeavyDdirecthex: the title of the page is "ATI Linux driver packages for Debian" Correct?
19:51.58greycatThe best thing about standards is that there are so *many* of them from which to choose!
19:52.01sparr10 years ago then
19:52.06sparryou mount things in /mnt
19:52.09directhexHeavyD, does that SOUND correct?
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19:52.16sparrthats what mnt stands for
19:52.22greycatsparr: controversy:  /mnt or /mnt/* ?
19:52.32sparrgreycat: i dont care  :)
19:52.34sepskisparr, it's useful for thirdparties to not have to handle several wild ways of laying out the filesysteem
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19:52.56sparrim having to deal with the /dev/hdc /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom /mnt/cdrom0 /media/cdrom /cdrom debacle right now
19:53.04sparri would love to send a standard back in time about 10 years
19:53.05sparrbut i cant
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19:53.25sparrgreycat: where do you mount CDs?  and USB drives?  and ISOs?
19:53.45greycatsparr: /cdrom, /mnt, and /mnt respectively.  Normally.  Depends on the system.
19:53.56sparrmessju: /mnt/tmp is where i keep loopback mounts  :)
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19:54.14greycatsparr: on some systems I have a special directory set up for USB mass storage devices.
19:54.15messjusparr: yes, me too, and other scratch/test stuff
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19:54.51sparrhooray, X is working!
19:54.59Dazwhere exactly can i find a download for KDE3 from? i cant find any alive download links
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19:55.15directhexDaz, erm... kde 3.3 is in debian
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19:56.02sparrthe last few steps of the nvidia howto should get added to the nvidia one-liner
19:56.05sparrwould make it perfect
19:56.14Dazim running it on my xbox but it says KDE3 not found whenever i type KDE3&into the command line, im using that remote thing
19:56.16directhexthere's a limit to factoid length
19:56.30directhexDaz, xebian is not supported here
19:56.36Dazoh ok
19:56.39sparri know, but you can make it more efficient  :)
19:57.05directhexsparr, not without losing information
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19:57.19edonwhich package has the locale files for gnome?
19:57.26sparrthe comments at the end could be relegated to their own factoid
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19:58.08edonnobody knows?
19:58.25sepskisparr, people should read the howtoo, not depend entierly on the one-liner. they learn a lot more from that
19:58.28directhexsparr, nobody reads them as it is, moving them away would make things worse
19:58.39sparrheh, i read the howto last time
19:58.41sparrdidnt work
19:58.50Vladihi, trying to set up pppoE and wodering what to do compile the 2.6.11 kernel module or use the pppoe package that sarge has can somone please help?
19:59.04sparrX is working again now
19:59.12sparrtime to move over to a gui client
19:59.54greycatsilly sparr.  irssi inside screen ownz j00.
20:00.52dpkgwell, 1337 is lamer talk for cool,, or shitkitty talk, or
20:00.57douglas_I installed alsa and made a module for my kernel, but oss is in there, how do I remove oss and put in alsa? do I have to recompile the kernel or can I just rmmod the oss module and modprobe the alsa one?
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20:01.30directhexdouglas_, if you installed the alsa-base package and rebooted, it should have been done for you. assuming you use hotplug/discover and not weirdness like modconf
20:01.53tarzeauI installed fish in my aqauarium, and now they are on the top of the water belly up. should i use a fork or a knife to take them out the water?
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20:02.13douglas_ok, be back if I need more help!
20:02.53sparr_hmm...  X caught sig11 and closed.  lets hope that was a one time glitch
20:03.07tarzeausparr_: which driver?
20:03.11greycatsparr_: it's a sign from Dog.  You're supposed to be running irssi inside screen.
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20:03.30tarzeaurun as much things as possible in screen!
20:03.38RaeniusWhat's the easiest way to disable a service from startup.
20:03.43greycatRaenius: apt-get remove
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20:04.07Raeniusgreycat: that doesn't remove the package right...
20:04.09tarzeaugreycat: i guess he wants to start some service when he needs it (and he has no internet where he is)
20:04.13greycatRaenius: of course it does.
20:04.13tarzeauRaenius: yes it does
20:04.19tarzeauRaenius: you want to read /etc/init.d/
20:04.19sparr_i had to spend most of my earlier years in linux under various terminal emulators that couldnt handle random keys and key combinations, so things like screen never worked for me.  maybe ill try it out again eventually.
20:04.20greycatwhy would you want to leave it installed if you don't use it?
20:04.38sparr_greycat: so you can use it when you need it
20:04.39tarzeaugreycat: i run dancer-ircd at some parties without internet
20:04.49RaeniusIt's something I don't want running all the time but would like to start it from type to time.  Ie apache on personal computer
20:04.55tarzeausince that's very seldom, i have the startup link removed
20:04.58shadow00where can I get libcgi++?
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20:05.00Raeniustype->time :)
20:05.00HeavyDIm trying to install the Kernel source ... and when I put "apt-get install kernel-source-2.4.27" like i'm instructed... it says it is "not available, but is referred to by another package".. what should I do?
20:05.07tarzeaushadow00: apt-cache search      or
20:06.15tarzeauHeavyD: apt-get update ?
20:06.29tarzeauHeavyD: and get a later version of a 2.4 linux kernel
20:06.34tarzeauHeavyD: (but they all suck!)
20:06.35xiaogilWhere can I find a free cd burner software for Windows XP, for a friend who wants to burn a cd image of Debian ?
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20:06.42tarzeauxiaogil: cdrecord
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20:07.37HeavyDtarzeau: I thought Sarge was supposed to come with the 2.6 kernel.. but by default it installed the 2.4.27? What is with that?
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20:07.54tarzeauHeavyD: sarge doesn't come on cd, yet
20:07.54greycat!punish sftp for not showing the TARGET of a symlink
20:07.59tarzeauHeavyD: because it's not released
20:07.59directhexHeavyD, normal for debian to offer 2 kernels. 2.4.27 default, 2.6.8 as pre or post install optionm
20:08.06greycat16:08 Ignoring MSGS from LoonaTick*
20:08.09tarzeaudirecthex: will it be these two? i doubt
20:08.11Aatonxiaogil: check this out for WinXP ..
20:08.13greycat16:08 Ignoring MSGS NOTICES from LoonaTick*
20:08.28directhextarzeau, the kernel versions are frozen.
20:08.39tarzeaudirecthex: but they are all the same for all archs?
20:08.57directhextarzeau, some arches will only be installable with 2.6
20:10.05shadow00im looking for the package that contains this..  libcgi++.h
20:10.20valdyn_!tell shadow00 about search
20:10.21greycatshadow00: /msg dpkg search
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20:10.31greycat(note that p.d.o is moved, and available again)
20:12.20shadow00greycat: does it take a while to return something
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20:14.22toresbehow do you run regexps on factoids?
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20:14.34toresbeThe rmssmite factoid is wrong
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20:15.04toresbeRMS had nothing to do with the PDP-7 - He did, however, use the PDP-10 quite a lot at MIT
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20:15.11HeavyDtarzeau: Sorry. i'm a little confused on what to do.. if I want to be able to install the kernel sources.. you said to update.. what full command would I use to update?
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20:15.23toresbeSo the -10 would be the correct machine to tie $who to
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20:16.25mrhemlocktoresbe, also called finger
20:16.27karnovsomeone knows something about kerberos (auth between linux and 2000 server) ?
20:16.41toresbemrhemlock: ...huh?
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20:17.18toresbemrhemlock: does not compute, please elaborate :P
20:17.40mrhemlocktoresbe, who was at&t unix i rember finger was tops10
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20:17.53shaevtekDoes anybody know how to configure keyboard to Finnish language in console
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20:18.00FromTOdoes anyone know whether there are any OCR recognition software that work with pdf documents. (other than acrobat professional)
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20:18.17shaevtekIt works in X.
20:18.31mrhemlocktoresbe, you could finger someone @host, who only did local users
20:18.32oskiewtf - no wonder dvdrecord was behaving funny. the version in unstable is VERY old.
20:19.04shaevtekkeyboard is not configured correctly in console.
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20:19.30tarzeauHeavyD: apt-get update
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20:19.44tarzeaushaevtek: using loadkeys maybe fi
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20:20.00mrhemlocktoresbe, did that help ?
20:20.18shaevtektarzeau: I did, but not working.
20:20.26tarzeaushaevtek: the command doesn't work?
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20:20.32tarzeaushaevtek: you don't have debian!
20:20.39shingouzshaevtek: latin1-fi (the same as the swedish keyboard)
20:20.48shaevtekI am in debian.
20:20.55shaevtekshingouz: yes
20:20.57tarzeaushaevtek: awww loadkeys, thought apt-get update ...
20:21.07shingouz(...or was it fi-latin1... cant remember)
20:21.27shaevtektarzeau: apt-get update what?
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20:21.32tarzeaushaevtek: apt-get update
20:21.40shaevtekIt is updated.
20:21.42tarzeaushaevtek: not you, but HeavyD
20:21.46ryan_what requirement does make menuconfig have? what lib file?
20:22.01tarzeauryan_: ncurses library
20:22.07netteif I "hold" a package I'm sure it will be never update?
20:22.09tarzeauryan_: it's not a file, it's a library
20:22.26ryan_thanks tarzeau
20:22.34shingouzryan_: libncurses5 if i recall it correctly
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20:23.33ryan_shingouz, I already have the newest version
20:23.37greycat!faq ryan_
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20:27.10majahow do i mount a freebsd partion ?
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20:28.24tkiniasmaja, has instructions (I've never done this though)
20:29.41sparr_how big is a debian repository for unstable, contrib, non-free?  no source.
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20:31.01majatkinias: ta, but my kernel is not supporting ufs
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20:32.12majaany way to fix with out recompiling ?
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20:33.39tkiniasmaja, if you don't have the right filesystem driver you need to recompile (I've had this problem when I forgot to enable vfat in a kernel once...)
20:33.53ZyXhow do i disable the interactive shell for a user (i dont want him to be able to do commands, its just about the ssh-tunnel) ?
20:34.16FlimzyZyX: That's likely not possible
20:34.26majatkinias: ta
20:34.26jethroFlimzy: it *is* possible
20:34.33FlimzyZyX: It's certianly not _easy_
20:34.49Flimzyjethro: Okay, then you answer his question :)
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20:35.03Flimzyjethro: It'll probably be easy to circumvent whatever measures are put in place to prevent shell access if shh access is allowed.
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20:35.10ZyXcan't i just give him a dummy shell that does sleep in a endless loop?
20:35.11jethroZyX: use ssh key options and force a command to be ran, like a sleep, or whatever, you'll need to use pubkey authentication iirc
20:35.21greycatZyX: rssh
20:35.23greycatZyX: google it :)
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20:35.32dpkg[rssh] a restricted shell for use with OpenSSH, allowing only scp and/or sftp, at <>.
20:35.34greycat(or dpkg it)
20:35.45FieldySnutsrssh is nice i use it here
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20:35.54ZyXoh cool, thats what i was looking for
20:36.23glickexcuse me does anyone know why i get this error when i try to do make menuconfig in the kernel source?
20:36.26glick' invalid for LOG_BUF_SHIFT4
20:36.26glickmake[1]: *** [menuconfig] Error 1
20:36.26glickmake: *** [menuconfig] Error 2
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20:38.10bazzas the second to last line in my .xinitrc, right before enlightenment, i have 'xset b off' but my bell still goes off until i open a terminal and enter it there.  what could be enabling it over my .xinit command?
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20:38.43green_earzhi all there is another fdisk tool but i for got whats its called any pointer plaese
20:38.50majatkinias: dont fell like pointing me to a nice howto
20:38.59majamy seach strings are not good tonite :(
20:39.21try_catch_thiswhat opens postscript files?
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20:39.35Drifter|workkija pplz
20:39.48yoh_imahcine: what did you mean by http:us?
20:39.57tkiniasmaja, is the only thing I know of -- and it's pretty old :(
20:40.03dondelelcarotry_catch_this: gv
20:40.04imahcineyoh_, hehehheheehhhe LOL. mystery of irc.
20:40.28dondelelcarogreen_earz: cfdisk, pfdisk, the list goes on.
20:40.33imahcineyoh_, i meant another nick actually. stupid complete. sorry about the fuss.
20:40.41majatkinias: thanks but i ment to recompile debian
20:40.51majai am sure i am just being stupid
20:40.58imahcineyoh_, im used to irssi complete, but i have this crappy xchat now. which is well not so really crappy, but not irssi either ;]
20:41.01yoh_imahcine, o - that is fine :-)
20:41.06*** part/#debian MarcinKra (~marcin@
20:41.24imahcineyoh_, ah the nose in smile - i see i speak to someone who is mostly above, or could be as such concidered ;)
20:41.39majaja never mind sorry for clutering up list
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20:42.23tkiniasmaja, make sure you have make-kpkg installed and check out the man page...
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20:43.08outlierDoes Debian store file associations somewhere, or is that left to the individual apps to launch each other?
20:43.27green_earzdondelelcaro: thanks for that its cfdisk i am after
20:43.32grendal_primehey how would i go about running the xconfig again?
20:43.35majatkinias: nope grr this defalut install is pritly lame
20:43.41grendal_primeapt-config xfree86 ?
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20:45.10tkiniasmaja, sorry -- the package name is 'kernel-package'; apt-get it before you try to do a kernel
20:45.11shadowartshi, can i use 'mail -s' to send mail using a smtp server (like my isp's)
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20:46.10MarcinKragrendal_prime dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86
20:46.17clojstersomeone who runs Vmware on 2.6.8 kernel?
20:46.44grendal_primeya i got it thanks
20:46.57grendal_primeanyone using radion 9200
20:47.14majaany one know a aptget mirror in south africa ?
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20:48.21grendal_primei need to input a bus identifyier?
20:48.26majaany one know why my install cd wont mount on the system it installed ?
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20:50.31xiaogilusb wifi adaptators work on debian ?
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20:50.49synicxiaogil: depends
20:50.54xiaogilMentor - Adaptateur USB Wifi - 54 Mbps - 802.11g
20:51.11mentorstupid nick complete?
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20:51.38xiaogilsorry mentor, that's the name of the card
20:51.55mentorheh. cool.
20:52.02xiaogilsynic: it depends on what ?
20:52.22synicxiaogil: the chipset
20:52.28martin_in all my gtk+-1.2 applications (dillo, xmms, ...) the fonts are very small and ugly. how can i fix this?
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20:52.57sobersabrehi guys
20:52.59synicmartin_: you might be able to accomplish something with gtk-theme-switch (it has a font section)
20:53.11sobersabreis gprof a good profiler ?
20:53.20glickexcuse me im runnin on a dell inspiron 8200 and I was wondering if i should use ACPI or APM for power management.  I like auto poweroff and suspend to disk features
20:53.46martin_synic, what do you mean with gth-theme-switch?
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20:54.28shadowartswhy does My APT have Super Cow Powers ?!? lol
20:54.30dutHi! How do you think, this is good idea to use UTF-8 on regional debian channel?
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20:55.06abrotmanDut: english?
20:55.10synicmartin_: install it, type switch, and you can change the gtk font
20:55.23abrotmanglick: probably acpi .. dunno about suspend stuff
20:55.26dutabrotman: no, russian
20:55.33abrotmanglick: it's a fairly recent laptop right?
20:55.34xangehow do i make it so i don't have to modprobe the driver for my NIC card everytime i restart?
20:55.37dpkgsomebody said russian was Pogalujsta, zajdite na #debian-russian :)
20:55.45jethroCyBeR_GeeK: yes?
20:56.36CyBeR_GeeKjethro pensei que foce vc que estava aqui a noite
20:56.44abrotmanholy mother of god
20:56.51abrotmanno espanol aqui
20:56.53shadowartsok anyone know how to configure mail so i can use it like thunderbrid (kind of) (i need the command line)
20:57.03jethroCyBeR_GeeK: I don't understand that
20:57.05abrotmanthat doesn't make sense either
20:57.11abrotmanwhere did all the logical people go?
20:57.17dpkgyou so cuhraaazy, abrotman
20:57.22dpkgmooooooo! I am cow, hear me moo, I weigh twice as much as you. I'm a cow, eating grass, methane gas comes out my ass. I'm a cow, you are too; join us all! Type apt-get moo.
20:57.27CyBeR_GeeKjethro speak portugues ?
20:57.31sobersabrejethro: nao portuguese,
20:57.33jethronot at all
20:57.35*** join/#debian darxeth (
20:57.35dpkgPor favor use #debian-br para ajuda em portugues.
20:57.49jethroobrigado, that's all I know
20:58.46darxethi really need help in setting up samba :(
20:58.58dpkgwell, samba is a Unix implementation of Windows file and print sharing (the SMB protocol), a good tutorial in English can be found at , or , or #samba
20:59.06abrotmansomeone moved half my keyboard!
20:59.11*** part/#debian Quartop (
20:59.24sobersabreabrotman: where to ?
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20:59.35abrotmansobersabre: one spot to the left
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21:00.12abrotman!be a home key barbie
21:00.13dpkgawwww, home key is so HARD.  Let's go shopping.
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21:00.26hcyhi, is there a way I can see which files get put where when I install something with apt-get?
21:00.36abrotmanhcy: man dpkg
21:00.57abrotmanhcy: after it has been installed .. apt-file might work before you install it(never tried)
21:01.22*** join/#debian Aculeus (~Aculeus@aculeus.user)
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21:01.34darxethhcy: dpkg -L [package name]
21:01.52velenoanyone can help me uncompressing a .sit.hqx ??
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21:01.57darxethfinally i helped the society
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21:03.02abrotmandarxeth: not really .. he should read the man page
21:03.13abrotmanveleno: isn't that a mac file?
21:03.41streunerit is
21:03.53directhexabrotman, stuffit expander, a compression app popular on macos 8-
21:04.11abrotmanlazy mac people .. use zip/gzip like the rest of the world .. jeez
21:04.25*** join/#debian foolip (
21:04.32tarzeauthey have .dmg now
21:04.32directhexmacos 10 uses .dmg for distribution usually
21:04.32darxethabrotman: dpkg -L is a small phrase
21:04.36streunera bitch, you rarely find a linux app which can handle that...
21:04.58*** mode/#debian [+l 811] by debhelper
21:05.10abrotmandarxeth: so is `man dpkg` :)
21:05.20cellattention person in this channel who flammed me about 8 months ago for bitching about the fact that the people only made their stuff available via bitkeeper: FUCK YOU!!!
21:05.28streuner!tell CyBeR_GeeK está about away
21:05.38tarzeau8 months ago yeah?
21:05.47tarzeaucell: ask sussudio to run a grep on his logs
21:05.50streuner!tell CyBeR_GeeK about away
21:05.51abrotmancell: is that all?
21:06.04drac!congratulate directhex
21:06.05dpkgHugs & Puppies directhex, you did it!
21:06.06cellthat is all.  just had to get it off my chest.
21:06.09tarzeaudirecthex: for i386?~
21:06.15abrotmani'm confused why cell is even saying that
21:06.19directhextarzeau, yeah, i left my rc2 cd in the office
21:06.28abrotmanis he saying it's good or bad?
21:06.33directhexabrotman, beer free bitkeeper client discontinued
21:06.38cellabrotman: no more free version of bitkeeper for linux.  check slashdot.
21:06.42abrotmandirecthex: i know .. i don't see why cell is complaining
21:06.46abrotmancell: i know this .. so what?
21:06.48tarzeaubeer free sucks anyways
21:06.50abrotmanuse arch
21:06.54abrotmanuse anything
21:06.58abrotmanwell . not rcs :)
21:07.09streunertarzeau: so you prefer wine?
21:07.23tarzeaustreuner: white wine in summer, red wine in winter
21:07.46foolipI've gotten myself a P4 processor with hyperthreading. Should I install a SMP kernel to make it utilize this, or are there special HT kernels?
21:07.57knixtarzeau, nooooo
21:08.05tarzeauknix: yermom
21:08.09cellabrotman: it's silly, but I was complaining that the nubus-pmac people decided to not release in any way other than bitkeeper (ie, not even a tarball), and some guy in this channel got on my case about it.
21:08.12knixyermom isn't in here >:F
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21:08.16tarzeauknix: bring her!
21:08.17knixRed wine all the time >:P
21:08.22knixShe isn't even on this network
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21:08.25tarzeauknix: unless you eat fish?
21:08.30tarzeauknix: bring her please!
21:08.44directhexfoolip, smp kernel.
21:09.08directhexfoolip, 2.4 smp kernels behave like real smp, 2.6 smp kernels are a little more aware of what ht actually means
21:09.32locsmifHi. Does anybody know how to disable the (imho worthless) auth authentication that an openSSH server performs, or _must_ I recompile it without tcp wrapper support..
21:09.49foolipdirecthex: ok, thanks
21:10.00*** join/#debian xgdf (
21:10.02martin_synic, in fact that doesn't help.
21:10.07abrotmancell: i agree with you .. i think arch works just fine .. but every VCS has its issues
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21:10.25synicmartin_: sucks.
21:10.28abrotmanbitkeeper is closed source and at larry mccvoys discretion for free liceneses
21:10.34synicmartin_: I just avoid the evil gtk1 apps
21:10.44tarzeausynic: gtk2 is no less evil
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21:10.52martin_synic, but on my laptop i would prefer to use dillo.
21:10.59synictarzeau: but it is less ugly
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21:11.07tarzeauabrotman: what next? qt will be no more free either?
21:11.15tarzeausynic: i think it is more ugly
21:11.16abrotmantarzeau: i hope so
21:11.21tarzeauabrotman: me too ;)
21:11.28tarzeauabrotman: we could save quite some space in debian main
21:11.28abrotmantarzeau: harmony++ :)
21:11.33synictarzeau: wow, haven't ever heard that one
21:11.38abrotmantarzeau: and kill off a lot of idiots :)
21:11.41tarzeauabrotman: as long as you don't want to sleep with me
21:11.57abrotmantarzeau: erm .. you're in switzerland right ... kind of hard :)
21:12.15tarzeausynic: beautiful!
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21:12.27tarzeauabrotman: yeah. what's so hard about being in switzerland?
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21:12.33abrotmantarzeau: i'm not?
21:12.36synictarzeau: ah, I see - you're one of those objective-c fellahs
21:12.39tarzeauabrotman: you'd like to?
21:12.41synictarzeau: do you own a mac too?
21:12.49abrotmansome day i will understand how tarzeau works in that environment :)
21:12.54tarzeausynic: g3 only (ibook), yes it runs linux/gnustep
21:13.10synicobjective-c is whack.
21:13.16synicI kinda dig it, though.
21:13.22abrotmanit's nto objective c is it?
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21:13.28abrotmani thought gnustep wasn't
21:13.35streunerabrotman: if you would know under which bad influence he is already... ;-)
21:13.39tarzeauabrotman: gnustep is
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21:13.52tarzeaustreuner: bad influence, me?
21:13.59abrotmantarzeau: hrm .. i must be thinking of something else that's insane .. oh yeah .. kde is c++ :)
21:14.06t0masI'm building a chroot
21:14.08t0massbin/sshd: /lib/ version `GLIBC_2.3' not found (required by /lib/
21:14.09tarzeauabrotman: c++ makes me puke blood
21:14.12streunertarzeau: you regret 'free beer'...?
21:14.12t0masand getting this error
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21:14.18abrotmantarzeau: you need a doctor :)
21:14.19tarzeaut0mas: stable?
21:14.20t0masanybody has an idea what's wrong?
21:14.25t0mastarzeau: yes
21:14.28tarzeauabrotman: if she's female, fine for me
21:14.37abrotmantarzeau: and she's 60?
21:14.40tarzeauabrotman: wait can i choose the doctor? i know a nice one already...
21:14.45tarzeauabrotman: no around 35
21:14.50abrotmantarzeau: erm .. ok
21:14.52tarzeauabrotman: you'd like her too!
21:15.00*** mode/#debian [+l 800] by debhelper
21:15.25tarzeaut0mas: well stable has glibc 2.2 , not 2.3
21:15.37t0masyeah, but that sshd is from stable too
21:15.41t0masand afaik libpam too
21:15.50abrotmanyeah right .. cause who would want a Date Function section in the pgsql manual
21:15.56t0masit's working on the real system... but it isn't in the chroot
21:15.58abrotmanah .. i found it
21:16.06tarzeaustreuner: regret?
21:16.18streunertarzeau: ablehnen
21:16.19tarzeaustreuner: i don't like beer, i can perfectly avoid the beer and get right into the bed
21:16.21locsmifAanybody know how to disable auth in openSSH?
21:16.29tarzeaustreuner: sure, if it works without ;)
21:17.23jethrolocsmif: what are you trying to do?
21:17.43tarzeaustreuner: i can drink beer, later
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21:18.51ArchitectSinanbillyoc: i installed apache-dev but i didn't see a "apxs" executable in anywhere ?
21:19.24locsmifjethro, openSSH tries to verify the client connecting by accessing port 113 on that client (auth daemon). the client (XP SP2) has a firewall, that I don't want to shutdown, nor do I want to allow TCP port 113 as an exception. The auth verification from the server causes a ten sec. delay.
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21:20.00locsmif(since the client DROP's and doesn't reject the packet with tcp-reset)
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21:22.01riothi. My mouse isn't working. Should be PS/2 but psaux is not responding (stock 2.6.8 kernel)
21:22.07foolipdoes anyone know the name of the kernel patch which gives a graphical progress bar and other bells and whistles during the boot process?
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21:22.18tarzeaufoolip: it doesn't exist
21:22.31*** join/#debian One (~Ederson@
21:22.35dlishort question, how to rm all find results, like all in find . -name "*tmp.txt"
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21:22.43fooliptarzeau: yes it does, maybe not in debian though
21:22.44tarzeaufoolip: but you could run a music player and some song early (after the sound driver is loaded) in the gnu screen (background)
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21:22.52tarzeaufoolip: we are in #debian
21:23.17fooliptarzeau: i see your point
21:23.38riotwhere can i find my mouse? tail -f /dev/psaux shows no activity :(
21:23.49valdynriot: modprobe psmouse
21:23.52tarzeauArchitectSinan: burada konus
21:24.10streunerriot: mdetect?
21:24.14*** join/#debian glick (
21:24.43streunerdpkg info mdetect
21:24.45glickso does anyone know what i should enable in the kernel on a dell laptop inspiron 8200 ACPI or APM?
21:24.48dpkgmdetect: (mouse device autodetection tool), section utils, is optional. Version: 0.5.2 (sid), Packaged size: 15 kB, Installed size: 76 kB
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21:25.04velenoi instalelled dos-emu and freedos: installing duke3d, it asks me about a installation directory, but every thing i tried i get "invalid directory" any suggestions ?
21:25.22*** part/#debian mx (~ffff@
21:25.31directhexveleno, you'd need to supply a virtual dos directory like c:\duke3d
21:25.39directhexveleno, why not use a unix build of duke3d?
21:25.50ArchitectSinanIf i have to install PHP 4.3.x from the source i learned that I need "apxs" thing. And a friend at #php told me that i should install "apache-dev" package. I installed "apache-dev" from the 3.0r2 distro CDs. But i still don't have the related "apxs" executeable ? (I run "updatedb" and tried to "locate apxs"). How can I install this apxs thing ? Btw, i asked that in #apache also. And they forward me here
21:26.02streunerWhat's good app which show different timezones and looks like gdesklets?
21:26.25*** join/#debian maja (
21:26.38ArchitectSinanbtw, here's the doc that i'm trying to follow to install PHP 4.3.x from source
21:26.47velenodirecthex, because i found the italian version, from which i want to take sound files...
21:26.51ArchitectSinani need to run "  ./configure --with-mysql --with-apxs=/www/bin/apxs
21:27.00ArchitectSinanand i don't know where my apxs was
21:27.10directhex!info php4 sarge
21:27.11velenodirecthex, so, how do i make a virtual dos directory ?
21:27.11ArchitectSinanbecause i think i don't have
21:27.15dpkgphp4: (server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (meta-package)), section web, is optional. Version: 4:4.3.10-9 (sarge), Packaged size: 1 kB, Installed size: 36 kB
21:27.17ArchitectSinan!info php4 sarge
21:27.19tarzeauArchitectSinan: look for it at
21:27.21directhexveleno, dunno. read the dosemu docs
21:27.25*** join/#debian fae (
21:27.43ArchitectSinantarzeau: i already have apache-dev package in my Debian 3.0r2 CDs
21:27.46*** join/#debian G2 (~ghenry@
21:27.52ArchitectSinanand installed from the CD already
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21:27.56ArchitectSinanwith dselect
21:28.04directhexoh, woody
21:28.07tarzeauArchitectSinan: you know how old 3.0r2 is?
21:28.07directhexalways woody
21:28.07riotstreuner: what is mdetect?
21:28.23streunerriot: /msg dpkg info mdetect
21:28.29ArchitectSinantarzeau: nope
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21:28.44ArchitectSinantarzeay: which "stabel" version i should use then ?
21:28.51streunerriot: you move the mouse and it show you Protocol and /dev
21:28.55tarzeauArchitectSinan: well either use stable or not
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21:29.05tarzeauArchitectSinan: there is only one stable version at a time
21:29.19ArchitectSinantarzeau: i want to use "stable" in production servers. that's why i prefer "stable"s
21:29.26riot(i just found out, the damn rodent is usb with a ps2 adaptor.. switched it to usb :)
21:29.26tarzeauArchitectSinan: i know some have to use it, but most really want to use a later version of debian
21:29.39riotstreuner: anyhow, sounds like a handy tool...
21:29.40tarzeauArchitectSinan: well, i can't help you
21:29.50tarzeauArchitectSinan: i like to use functioning production servers
21:29.55streunerriot: dunno if it supports USB
21:29.57tarzeauthose that just function .. you know
21:30.00ArchitectSinantarzeau: ok thanks so much :)
21:30.19tarzeauArchitectSinan: i mean, what happens if your php thing gets broken majorly? will someone die?
21:30.24*** join/#debian vipe (~vipe@vipe.user)
21:30.34tarzeauhardly anyone uses php for anything critical
21:30.45ArchitectSinantarzeau: you might be right
21:30.46*** join/#debian son (
21:30.56streunerriot: one of my boxes use an adapter PS/2->seriell, it works with mdetect
21:30.58ericl_trying to get information about daenzers dri-trunk, i need them for my powerbooks vid crad
21:31.21ArchitectSinanthen which debian distro i should use as "a base " insted of Debian 3.0r2 ?
21:31.33tarzeauericl_: #debianppc
21:31.41streunerriot: /msg dpkg usbmouse
21:31.59tarzeauArchitectSinan: use 3.0(r anything) and then use the network to go with either testing or sid
21:32.13riotstreuner: hmhmm. i think i had the usb-support in already.. but is it normal, that mdetect just quits silently after calling w/o args?
21:32.15tarzeaudpkg sid faq
21:32.16dpkgsid faq is, like,
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21:32.25directhextarzeau, tell him the security implications of his options
21:32.26glickanyone have a suggestion as to use ACPI or APM on my dell inspiron 8200?
21:32.53tarzeauArchitectSinan: they can hack your computer badly, and they will abuse and rape it!
21:32.54valdyn!tell glick about laptops
21:33.02tarzeaudirecthex: fine so?
21:33.15streunerriot: no
21:33.27ArchitectSinantarzeau: you mean using "apg-get dist-upgrade" ?
21:33.28*** join/#debian _wrs (
21:33.48streunerriot: usually it waits till an timeout and you have to move the mouse
21:33.49riotstreuner: then its not usb-compatible
21:33.55ArchitectSinantarzeau: i didn't get what you mean ?
21:33.57valdyn!tell ArchitectSinan about woody->sarge
21:34.03streunerriot: yeah, i doubt that it supports it
21:34.04tarzeauArchitectSinan: if you don't take care of the machine
21:34.06valdynArchitectSinan: that ^^
21:34.48knixtarzeau, She's on her way!
21:34.50streunerriot: factoid usbmouse give you some tips too, you should read it ;-)
21:34.57riotstreuner: ok, I'm gonna try use it as /dev/input/mouse0 :) thnx anyway :)
21:34.57tarzeauknix: she's so lovely!
21:35.01*** join/#debian yermom (
21:35.04yermomYo' momma's so nasty, she uses Drain-o to douche!
21:35.06yermomYo' momma's so nasty, she brings crabs to the beach!
21:35.10knixyermom gnustep
21:35.10yermomtarzeau is teh GNUstep whorez0r >:)
21:35.14knixyermom gnustep
21:35.14yermomgnustep is yerdaddy!!!
21:35.15streunerriot: no, /dev/mice is the right one
21:35.20dpkgTo use a USB mouse, do the following: [1] get a kernel with USB, USB mouse and input/HID support; standard Debian kernels have all this.  [2] cd /dev && MAKEDEV usb && MAKEDEV input  [3] apt-get install usbmgr or hotplug (or if that fails, modprobe hid and mousedev by hand); it should beep at you when USB devices are (un)plugged.  [5] use device /dev/input/mice, protocol exps2 for gpm, protocol ExplorerPS/2 for X
21:35.22tarzeauknix: aha haha
21:35.25rioti'm rather experienced using usb-mice .. this is just a new box i'm setting up LIVE in a bar.. the folks are waiting for good music
21:35.32streunerriot: /dev/input/mice
21:35.42knixtarzeau, Ok, I think she has to leave now =-o
21:35.43tarzeauyermom helix streuner bob2
21:35.43yermomYo' daddy's d*ck is so small, he makes yo' momma look hung!
21:35.51riotstreuner: thx, don't want em all :)
21:35.57tarzeauknix: no no, she stay, you go!
21:36.21helixstop acting like idiots or you're all gone
21:36.36ArchitectSinanwhat the hell is this "aptitude" thing ?
21:36.50LSorense1ArchitectSinan: a nifty curses based interface to dpkg
21:36.54streunerArchitectSinan: /msg dpkg info aptitude
21:36.56valdynArchitectSinan: another frontend to libapt
21:36.58*** join/#debian PlanarPlatypus (~alucard@
21:37.11_wrsHI, I've got a new PS/2 mouse that works fine under knoppix 3.4 but not under my regular system -- sarge. XF86Config-4 differ only in mode lines. Any ideas, where to look else?
21:37.13knixhelix, Who's acting like an idiot?
21:37.15ArchitectSinanisn'ti "apt-get" enough to do package installation things ?
21:37.20*** join/#debian tom_74 (
21:37.21knixYou mean yermom? Because tarzeau forced me to do it!!!!
21:37.30streunerknix: if you have to ask...
21:37.34tarzeauknix: yeah i forced you with a rope, right?
21:37.39*** join/#debian kvdb (
21:37.40LSorense1ArchitectSinan: yes apt-get is _enough_, but that doesn't mean there aren't sometimes better tools for finding packages
21:37.45knixs/a rope/rape/
21:37.51glickheh john 'maddog' hall visited my school today
21:37.58glickand i totally didnt care!
21:38.01LSorense1ArchitectSinan: aptitude is a bit like apt-get, apt-cache and a few others things all in one
21:38.05knixtarzeau, Aww, mommy went away =/
21:38.10helixtarzeau: who are these moron friends of yours and why did you bring them here?
21:38.25tarzeauhelix: knix is not a moron. he also uses GNUstep!
21:38.34helixyeah, gnustep users are morons
21:38.38tarzeauhelix: besides he was always here, but never said something
21:38.45pwthat's GNU/Morons to you.
21:38.52tarzeaupw: heh
21:39.11ArchitectSinani asked that because "valdyn" wantse me to know about "!tell ArchitectSinan about woody->sarge" and dpkg bot explained dist-upgrade with aptitude
21:39.13tarzeauhelix: weee :(
21:39.15knixI don't use gnustep, I'm a fan of the concept, but it'll never mature to the point of usability :(
21:39.23shadowartsi got a simple question, i setup exim so that it would send outgoing messages to my isp's smtp server, but the isp's smtp server requires a user name and password
21:39.42shadowartshow do i make exim use a username and password
21:39.49tarzeaushadowarts: #exim
21:39.52tarzeaushadowarts: 3.x or 4.x?
21:39.59knixYou install qmail >:)
21:40.05shadowartstarzeau: 3.x
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21:40.17shadowartsi didnt know thye had a channel
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21:41.18tarzeaushadowarts: it's pretty easy to setup (two lines and a password file in /etc/exim did it for me)
21:41.53shadowartswhat lines ^^
21:41.55riotthx everyone. Mouse works again :) Debian rocks!
21:42.02tarzeaushadowarts: at the very bottom
21:42.05*** part/#debian hcy (
21:42.14streunerriot: what did you change?
21:42.22riotswitched to usb :)
21:42.26smoserhow can I make the apt bot say something to the channel?
21:42.31streunerriot: good idea :-)
21:42.32smoserrather than a private message
21:42.36*** join/#debian w3seek (
21:42.41smoserjust asking about the feature, not caring to exploit it
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21:42.47tarzeausmoser: tell her girlfriend, dpkg
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21:43.08RememberPOLHey, is anyone in here any good at setting up a printer via CUPS?
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21:43.28shadowartsis it login: plain: or cram_md5:
21:43.33tarzeauRememberPOL: sure, but that question won't help you
21:43.39*** part/#debian kvdb (
21:43.44streunersmoser: dpkg, say blablah
21:44.00riottarzeau: ROFL
21:44.05riotnice one :)
21:44.34*** part/#debian locsmif (
21:44.54smoserdpkg, say test
21:45.01RememberPOLtarzeau: well I think I have the CUPS system set up properly but my printer isn't responding... is there any way I can "probe" the ports or anything?
21:45.20shulikRememberPOL:is your cupsd running?
21:45.24RememberPOLlpstat returns nothing
21:45.35tarzeauRememberPOL: i don't like printers
21:45.36brayraI've been wondering. When I apt-get dist-upgrade on unstable, I will have one package get hosed about four times a year.
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21:45.48tarzeaubrayra: hehe, that's normal
21:45.52RememberPOLshulik: cups: scheduler is running.
21:45.54streunerRememberPOL: what kind of printer is that?
21:46.02brayraIf I could limit dist-upgrade to only look at packages that are 48hrs old. This would have been avoided. Is there a way to do that?
21:46.19tarzeaubrayra: no but you can just never run that command....
21:46.24stewbrayra: do you use apt-listbugs?
21:46.34ArchitectSinanDo you suggest me to download Sarge weekly CD images from or "apt-get dist-upgrade" to a Woody system ?
21:46.39RememberPOLstreuner: HP Photosmart P1000... it's connected to the standard print port (serial #1?)
21:46.40brayrastew: sometimes
21:46.41stewbrayra: have you considered running testing?
21:46.46tarzeauArchitectSinan: the latter (but not to woody, but sarge)
21:46.47shulikRememberPOL: not sheduler but daemon
21:46.52brayranah, testing is too old.
21:46.54smoserstreuner, how about getting him to say to the channel what he would have said to me (ie, how do I get him to say his message about "french fries" to the channel)
21:47.04smoserfeel free  to point me at TFM
21:47.04streunerRememberPOL: USB?
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21:47.28RememberPOLstreuner: No, not usb
21:47.37ArchitectSinantarzeay: i'll install more than one machine. that's why i want local resources. That's why i asked this
21:47.38streuner!dpkg, say french fries
21:47.38dpkgfrench fries
21:47.42brayraJust really wish I could put a *not newer than x hours* limit on dist-upgrade. That really would make unstable almost as good as testing.
21:47.49stew!french fries
21:47.49dpkgfrench fries are what you get when you cut a potato up into little chunks and boil them in grease.  Kinda like the result when you try to install testing or unstable packages on your potato Debian system.
21:48.01valdynArchitectSinan: do you already have a running debian system?
21:48.09travisat~abuse smoser
21:48.12aptACTION smacks smoser across the face. "Take that, Bitch!"
21:48.18ArchitectSinanvaldyn:yes. but it's a development environment
21:48.35ArchitectSinanvaldyn:or i can say test environment
21:48.41valdynArchitectSinan: you can try to use apt-proxy to cache packages
21:48.41RememberPOLshulik: what exactly are you talking about then? I thought /etc/rc.d/rc.cups was the daemon
21:48.43smoserthanks all.
21:48.48ArchitectSinanvaldyn: i'll use it debian in a webserver farm
21:49.08ArchitectSinanvaldyn: where apt-proxy caches the packages ?
21:49.11valdynArchitectSinan: whatever for, apt-proxy is nice to cache packages
21:49.16streunerRememberPOL: anyway, take a look at /msg dpkg hpinkjet install
21:49.19RememberPOLThe normal printer port is the serial port right?
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21:49.30streunerno, gods
21:49.37valdynArchitectSinan: in a filesystem
21:49.54ArchitectSinanvaldyn: ok thx for the idea
21:49.56RememberPOLdarn I'm already at this site
21:50.04valdynArchitectSinan: to the outside apt-proxy is a debian mirror, inside it just downloads on demand
21:50.05dlianyone uses updatedb here? how to exclude the fold /mnt from updatedb ?
21:50.08shulikRememberPOL:hit CTRL-ESC buttons at the same time and check for cupsd running in the list
21:50.24streunerdli: man updatedb?
21:50.33streunerdli: man locate?
21:50.52dlistreuner, I did, and followed, but it never worked for me, that's why asking
21:51.06RememberPOLshulik: Ctrl+escape? .... I don't think that does anything on my desktop environment
21:51.13dlistreuner, in /etc/updatedb.conf or -- args
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21:52.05shulikRememberPOL:It starts Process Table
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21:52.49RememberPOLshulik: or ps -A
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21:53.06ArchitectSinanWhich "deb" line i should add to my /etc/apt/sources.list to to "apg-get dist-upgrade" from woody to sarge ?
21:53.18RememberPOLps lists hpijs (my printer driver) and cupsd
21:53.31dlistreuner, oh, locate is buggy, I should be using slocate
21:53.36ArchitectSinannow i only have "deb cdrom" lines in my sources.list file
21:53.49smohi all
21:53.59stewArchitectSinan: first run apt-setup ; the /msg dpkg woody->sarge
21:54.10ArchitectSinansorry :(
21:54.20ArchitectSinani thought that i'm on console :)) lol
21:54.38shulikRememberPOL: is your cupsd in the list?
21:54.49stewArchitectSinan: atp-get dist-upgrade doesn't work for woody->sarge you should use aptitude
21:54.58smoi juste created a small script to launch a game-server at boot i have a problem with the conf file error    xxx.conf not found
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21:55.22ArchitectSinanstet: apt-setup is perfect. thank you :)
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21:55.45RememberPOLshulik: Yes cupsd is in the list
21:56.20ArchitectSinanstew: i should have guess that the file in what is it for ;)
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21:56.42nalopHello, How can i get ati drivers installed ? I need it for games:)
21:56.45nalopSysInfo: Linux 2.6.8-2-386 |  AMD Athlon(tm) XP 2200+ 1801.334 MHz | Bogomips: 3563.52 | Mem: 99/251M [||||||||||] | Diskspace: 72.66G Free: 55.83G | Procs: 71 | Uptime: 2 days 12 hrs 22 mins 29 secs  | Load: 0.07 0.32 0.25  | Vpenis: 31.2 cm | Screen: ATI Technologies Inc RV350 AP [Radeon 9600] @ 1024x768 (24 bpp) | eth0: In: 1.51G Out: 53.33M
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21:56.58ArchitectSinannow apt-setup downloads it. i like the debian way :)
21:57.06shulikRememberPOL: O.K. then your CUPS server is running. Open Printer Manager from Your KDE or Gnome menu
21:57.15TolkienLuverapt pwns yum; flat
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21:57.22addNtoXhi folks
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21:57.54ArchitectSinanstew: i finally got why i needed that "aptitude". thanks again so much
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21:58.09directhexnalop, google for "flavio ati", read and follow the instructions TO THE LETTER
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21:58.33nalopokey, that's what i needed, google search words. thanks.
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21:59.09dlistreuner, yes, hope debian should make slocate the default, rather than locate
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21:59.19directhexnalop, ati is shit. i am not going to sit here and relate several thousand words of instructions to you second hard, when you could read the material yourself
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21:59.56lawnchairhmm, during debian set up is there an option to install from a pre-mounted directory ?
22:00.01caphusodli: good idea. yet another package in the base install
22:00.19stousetArgh, the tg3 drivers aren't in the 2.6.11 kernel and I need to upgrade for other reasons. A debian-kernel post says that they'll be included in the kernel-modules-nonfree package, but such a package doesn't seem to exist. Anyone know where to find it?
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22:00.39nalopdirecthex: didn't i say that was the manual i was looking for, heh ?
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22:02.31stewstouset: is tg3 still in the vanilla sources?
22:02.36stousetstew: Yes.
22:02.44stewstouset: then why not use vanilla sources?
22:02.46stousetstew: only removed in the debian sources due to #debian-legal
22:02.55stousetstew: I'd prefer not to. I use packages for a reason  :-)
22:02.56nalopHow can i make a gcc2.5.5 compiler the default compiler ?
22:03.06stousetnalop: update-alternatives
22:03.06streunernalop: Don't
22:03.12stewstouset: you can build your own .deb with make-kpkg
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22:03.22stousetstew: From a vanilla kernel?
22:03.26stewstouset: yes
22:03.28directhexstouset, yes
22:03.29stousetstew: I see.
22:03.43stousetstew: Still, I would prefer to stick to debianized ones if at all possible.
22:04.36stewstouset: read the debian-kernel mailing list, or ask in #debian-kernel
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22:05.25stousetstew: Figured I'd poke around in here first. Thanks :-)
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22:08.10dliany reccently known security hole in courierd ?
22:08.27dliseems like that the zk rootkit starts from courierd
22:08.39streunerdli: and scroll to the bottom
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22:08.58streunerdli: that's for stable
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22:09.36C17H21NO4On <other> distro my right alt key was meta key, that doesn't seem to be the case with debian.  How do I change it?
22:09.52dlistreuner, I'm checking the leftover of the zk rootkit, now, I'm convinced it starts from courierd, which was installed by careless mistake
22:10.20chealerdli: are you using stable?
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22:10.44grendal_primehey is anyone any good with connecting via a sieral port/
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22:10.45dlichealer: sarge
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22:11.11chealerdli: check
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22:11.32dlichealer: don't worry, install a firewall, and important, psad, open ports only needed
22:11.37grendal_primei mean ...we got thses machines...they connect to a server via a serial port adapter and they use windows and procom...and well procom sucks compaired to just a linux terminal
22:11.55grendal_primein fact procom is a joke
22:12.11*** join/#debian FieldySnuts (LXmU7uWSla@fieldysnuts.user)
22:12.43grendal_primei was thinking i could connect one of these funky little adapters to this linux box we got here and just command line into the router what normall is done via procomm
22:13.10grendal_primeanyone done anthing similar to that?
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22:14.46valdyngrendal_prime: its not procomm that sucks, its  the servers terminal "program"
22:15.24deprave_Can i compile modutils and a 2.6 kernel source (say vanilla sources with some desired patches, not debian-sources), make installit, addit to lilo, and reboot this remote server and have 100% chance its gunna come up if i did everything correct?
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22:15.35Nadfokagood evening
22:15.57grendal_primewell...if i could connect via the linux machine i would be able to be the judg of that...but for the most part...procomm does not display things all the time...things that i know are there
22:16.07deprave_(this is debian stable)
22:16.23shingouzdeprave_: if you know what you are doing, yes but you really should use the Debian Way for the kernel even so
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22:16.53grendal_primethings that when i talk to the help desk associated with this app,  they say.."its right there, if your machine is not displaying it your terminal imulation is incorrect"
22:17.03Nadfokais it possible to install debian to a PDA and how can i make GIMP to work on it?
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22:17.07deprave_shingouz: but i want to run debian stable with 2.6 kernel, how should i go about this "the debian way"?
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22:17.15valdyngrendal_prime: yea, so set procomm to whatever is "correct" , maybe vt-100
22:17.17grendal_primeand they use that because they are NOT using a terminal emulater, they are using a terminal
22:17.26grendal_primethey came and set it up
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22:17.41velenohow can I unpack a .grp file ??
22:17.49calinWhat port does dns resolve on?
22:17.49shingouzdeprave_: just get the kernel sources and make-kpkg with them. you will need the new modutils too to get the 2.6 working
22:17.55grendal_primeim certain of this....they have told us they are discontinuing procomm for this reason
22:18.00oigresHi Guys, i´ve got a text file with loads of lines on it... In order to select, say, line 10 of that file, whats the unix command to use???
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22:18.04xiaogilfirefox takes into account CCS3 ?
22:18.15grendal_primethey no longer support it but they have not decided what they are going to support...
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22:18.52grendal_primei want to be done with them entirely...but anyway...thing not very good with hardware related "stuff"
22:18.54xiaogilCSS3 I mean
22:19.02Soletwhats the command to start the xserver?
22:19.09calin!start x
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22:19.13oigresSolet: startx
22:19.15dpkgi guess startx is a script that starts the X Window System , configure X before starting it. If the rest of X seems present, try getting xbase-clients. see starting gnome, or the way god intended X to be started.  Issue 'startx <command> <xclient-options> -- <server> <xserver-options>' to specify specific client to start.  Session will exit when that client exits.
22:19.21Sb_debian_instalcould someone help me?
22:19.24grendal_primehehehe everyone knows that one
22:19.27deprave_shingouz, cant i use apt to get the debian kernel package of a 2.6 kernel without moving out of stable, (m thinking this way it will do modutils and all dependencies for me automagiclly
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22:19.42Gulwhat was the name of the package again that installs everything you need to compile programs yourself?
22:19.53stewSbCl3: just ask
22:19.54chealerGul: build-essential
22:19.55JeffWilson12I seem to be having iptables problems.... iptables v1.2.11: Couldn't load match 'sate':/lib/iptables/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory.  ... what do I do? ... Im usings Sarge
22:20.02oigresdeprave_: if you dont want to move to unstable,then compile the kernel yourself...
22:20.04Gulchealer: thank you
22:20.08FieldySnutsthat should be state not sate
22:20.13SbCl3I can't get connected to the network
22:20.15SbCl3my card is Intel PRO/1000 CT gigabit lan
22:20.19oigresHi Guys, i´ve got a text file with loads of lines on it... In order to select, say, line 10 of that file, whats the unix command to use???
22:20.23SbCl3i can't find it in the driver options
22:20.25nSehello everybody, i'm not very used to updates under Debian: when a new version of a specific package is released, just doing "apt-get update" updates all the packages in the whole system?
22:20.35shingouzdeprave_: just download the module-init-tools and install it with plain dpkg -i, then get the kernel sources, make config && make-kpkg and dpkg -i the resulting deb
22:20.42stewSbCl3: what kenrel are you running? (uname -r)
22:20.48grendal_primei thought that looked werid....sate that is
22:20.56oigresnSe: do apt-get update and then apt-get upgrade... That should do everything...
22:21.12SbCl3i think the newest one. Its the one that comes with the official debian disk
22:21.17SbCl3eiher 2.4 or 2.6
22:21.33stewnSe: it updates the list of available packages, apt-get upgrade upgrades packages with new vesions available apt-get install foo installs a newer version of foo if its available
22:21.36sean_micken|workhow would i go through a directory (recursively) and find the 10 largest files?
22:21.37stewSbCl3: type uname -r
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22:22.04shulikoigres: man head
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22:22.14oigressean_micken|work: man find
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22:22.26oigresshulik: OK, thanks!
22:22.50SbCl3where do i type uname -r?
22:22.53SbCl3the bash prompt?
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22:22.59stewSbCl3: yes
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22:23.06SbCl3alright: thanks
22:23.07Nikos__can anyone tell me how to download SIMULTANEOUSLY more than one files with wget ?
22:23.22calinnot possible
22:23.35calinunless you run another copy
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22:23.43dondelelcaroNikos__: run multiple copies of wget.
22:23.50dlihow to let apt-cache search prints only package names ?
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22:24.09speedy2782I am curious what office suite is best. What are your opinions?
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22:24.18Guerinspeedy2782: emacs
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22:24.33Guerinand before you get started, it IS a fucking office suite
22:24.49speedy2782what about open or koffice?
22:24.50Aronofskyhi everybody, need a piece of advice, what is according to you the best CD burnin Soft GUI ( im usin Gnome )
22:25.16GuerinAronofsky: k3b
22:25.19stewdli: apt-cache search foo | awk '{print $1}'
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22:25.25Guerinspeedy2782: open
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22:25.50Aimazthe best one i know of is k3b but that's kde or qt
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22:26.02calinkde progs run in gnome just fine
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22:26.06Solethrm, in the config, is there anything special i have to enter if my mouse is an optical mouse?
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22:26.12Aimazcalin: yeah but they look funny
22:26.13directhexpeople seem to have gotten the idea from somewhere that different toolkit means does-not-run
22:26.18directhexSolet, no
22:26.24FieldySnutsSolet: nope, system doesn't care. gets the same signals down the wire
22:26.32calinAimaz: You want a burnt cd or something that looks pretty?
22:26.38Aimazdirecthex: I don't think that at all, but I'd rather gtk than kde or qt
22:26.38directhexAimaz, so change the qt settings in kcontrol to make them similar
22:26.39Nikos__dondelelcaro can I do it with lftp ??
22:26.44Aimazcalin: both
22:26.47dlistew: thanks
22:26.57directhexAimaz, nothing compares to k3b
22:27.01FieldySnuts@do Nikos__
22:27.09FieldySnutsravenbird: ?
22:27.09Aimazdirecthex: i know, that's why I use it
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22:28.35nSehello everybody, i'm not very used to updates under Debian: when a new version of a specific package is released, just doing "apt-get update" updates all the packages in the whole system?
22:28.44Jec2hey guys how can I get my dhcpd.conf to get automatically updated with my resolv.conf (which is updated automatically when my ISP changes dns) ?
22:28.46dondelelcaroNikos__: yes.
22:28.48FieldySnutsnSe: someone already told you, pay attention
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22:29.08AimaznSe: no, that updates your local list of packages, apt-get upgrade upgrades some of the packages
22:29.12shadowartsis there a nice config wizard for exim4 like there is for exim3 in debian
22:29.31cheale1andeer: stop saying [andeer]
22:29.37caphusoshadowarts: dpkg-reconfigure exim4-config
22:29.37Jec2I have a line option domain-name-servers should I remove it than FieldySnuts ?
22:29.42nSeFieldySnuts: sorry, my irc client is crazy
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22:29.57darxethhow can i turn off the iptables for a while? like iptabless off, just for a temporary period
22:29.58shadowartsah thanks
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22:30.07shadowartsi was just trying dpk-reconfigure exim4
22:30.19Guerinshadowarts: exim4-config, iirc
22:30.23nSeAimaz: and how can i upgrade all the packages in my system?
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22:30.33dondelelcaroNikos__: howver, in many cases multiple file downloads from a single server are totally pointless, since your connection is generally saturated.
22:30.36camThello, how am i able to extract the FLASH.BIN file? i found it on an embedded server device, it should be a firmware update.. so how to extract it?
22:30.36Guerin!tell nSe about pkgmgmt
22:30.44AimaznSe: do apt-get upgrade, then apt-get dist-upgrade, but you should read the documentation
22:30.51Soletgrrrr my mouse isnt working...
22:30.53GuerincamT: file FLASH.BIN
22:31.24camT-bash: file: command not found
22:31.30streunerSolet: use 'mdetect' unless its USB
22:31.34nSeGuerin: Aimaz, i'll read the apt-get howto
22:31.47*** part/#debian Nikos__ (
22:32.30Soletwell shit, i plug in a different mouse, reboot, and it works fine
22:32.41Soletmy new optical is a dud :(
22:32.42camTfuck you FieldySnuts silly prick
22:32.47paulswmnSe: actually do apt-get update, then apt-get dist-upgrade
22:32.49FieldySnutseat shit, kid.
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22:33.37paulswmFieldySnuts: well spooted, pal
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22:34.07camTfile: couldn't find any magic files!
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22:34.22cheal[repeat] how can I view the boot messages that appear before syslogd starts?
22:34.35streunerSolet: uh, no dude i wouldn't do such things...
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22:34.59streunerSolet: asking for someone to kick usually have bad consequents ;-)
22:35.04sanmarcosHi, I am getting a very weird error, when i try to su, and I put the right passwd, I get auth failed, and I try changing it with ro single at boot.. this is weird, a few days ago I had probelms with all my permissiones being changed, any ideas?¿
22:35.07darxethno one knows how to temporarly turn off iptables?
22:35.22FieldySnutsiptables -F
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22:36.37shadowartsargh, how do you completely remove and reinstall a package with apt-get
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22:36.42streunerdarxeth: /etc/init.d/iptables stop?
22:36.48shadowartsbecause apt-get install just doesnt really seem to do it
22:36.50chealFieldySnuts: are you sure that's supposed to show those that appear before syslogd starts?
22:36.58FieldySnutscheal: hell if i know
22:37.00paulswmshadowarts: apt-get --purge remove ..., then apt-get install
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22:37.25shadowartspaulswm: what does just apt-get remove do?
22:37.36paulswmshadowarts: man apt-get
22:37.48dlipaulswm, dpkg --purge --force-all foo;apt-get -f install foo, better
22:38.00paulswmshadowarts: It does not remove config files
22:38.44paulswmdli: never found the beed for it, actually in that situation I just do aptitude purge
22:38.44ludiWhat is the name of the package that runs the service that opens port 111 "rpcbind"?
22:39.14streunerludi: grep 111 /etc/services would tell you
22:39.18shadowartsthats kind of weird, seems like it should be more like apt-get --keep_config remove package
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22:39.43shadowartsi guess thats what aliases are for!
22:40.14ludistreuner:  E: Couldn't find package sunrpc
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22:40.21streunerludi: uhm
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22:40.29darxethstreuner: bash: /etc/init.d/iptables: No such file or directory ?
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22:40.33streunerludi: what do you wanna run, NFS?
22:40.45darxethstreuner: yes i'm root
22:40.46dlipaulswm, oh, I do it often now :( apt-get remove got deps problem, but if you simply want a fresh package, so forget deps
22:40.53ludiNo, I want to remove the package that is responsible for starting this service.
22:41.04ludistreuner: ^
22:41.06streunerdarxeth: well, you haven't iptables installed then...
22:41.21dlisomeone should shutdown this
22:41.24streunerludi: server?
22:41.50darxethstreuner: really? but i can still do man iptables
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22:41.54paulswmdli: I never get deps problems, well I haven't for at least a couple of years, but I run testing and don't mix distros
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22:42.10ludistreuner: I don't think I have any services that requires sunrpc/portmapper
22:42.17streunerdarxeth: dpkg -l iptables
22:42.37Siemprecomo va
22:42.38darxethstreuner: after apt-get install: iptables is already the newest version
22:42.43dlidarxeth, /sbin/iptables -L
22:42.45streunerludi: case if you have and remove portmap you have a BIG problem (server)
22:42.49Siemprealgun argentino??
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22:43.24dpkgHispanohablantes: Por favor usen #debian-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.  Spanish Speakers: Please use #debian-es, there you will get much more help.
22:43.49ludistreuner: why would it be a problem if my server isn't running any services that require portmap?
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22:44.02darxethdli: thanks
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22:44.13streunerludi: in case you have nfs-kernel-server installed and remove portmap you have a BIG problem too...
22:44.36deadcati created a user with /bin/rbash, but i can still run most of the commands.
22:44.59streunerludi: at boot time the system checks if portmap is available or not and if its not find it, it start nothing anymore
22:44.59*** mode/#debian [+l 786] by debhelper
22:45.19ludistreuner: I have nfs-kernel-server package installed...
22:45.37valdynludi: apt-cache rdepends portmap
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22:46.15Rdsmith4I can't seem to mount my floppy drive - "mount /dev/fd0 /mnt/fd0" gives "you must specify the filesystem type".
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22:46.25valdynludi: ends up that gnome depends on portmap )
22:46.40streunerRdsmith4: custom kernel?
22:46.47ludiso short of removing portmap, how do I simply prevent it from starting on bootup?
22:46.52Rdsmith4streuner: no, just default
22:47.01Rdsmith4Debian Sarge, kernel 2.6.something
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22:47.10valdynludi: and kde
22:47.12bahamatdoes anyone know what package rotates /var/log/messages?
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22:47.23deadcati have an account on my system only does rsync, how should i secure this account?
22:47.33streunerbahamat: prolly logrotate
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22:47.43deprave_debian is for queers and mostly homos, mostly
22:47.44bahamatstreuner: I can't find the control files for it
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22:48.10Rdsmith4any suggestions?
22:48.11ludiso short of removing portmap, how do I simply prevent it from starting on bootup?
22:48.16bahamatstreuner: I've got two boxes (well, more than that..but...) one is rotating messages, one isn't.  I don't see a diff between them
22:48.28valdynludi: why would you disable it?
22:48.29dracludi: apt-get install rcconf && rcconf, and unselect it.
22:48.31deadcatludi: update-rc.d
22:48.45ludivaldyn: because I don't use it and I don't want that port to be open on my server
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22:49.14agiofwshow do i retreive password from dev/mem?
22:49.18deadcatludi: i would just simply go to /etc/rc2.d and /etc/rcS.d and rename them to _OFF.whatever
22:49.43Rdsmith4anybody at all?
22:49.50agiofwshow do i read it in the first place?
22:50.36streunerRdsmith4: very odd, usually you get this when a module isn't loaded
22:50.40valdynagiofws: just give up
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22:50.56agiofwsvaldyn,  why?
22:51.08streunerRdsmith4: of the FS on the media isn't ok
22:51.12Rdsmith4streuner: what might I be missing, and how do I get it?
22:51.20shingouzRdsmith4: try "mount /mnt/fd0"
22:51.20nSepaulswm: you mean to do apt-get upgrade then apt-get dist-upgrade? but ok, by now i just want to upgrade kopete, so i should type apt-get upgrade kopete ?
22:51.23agiofwsvaldyn,  is it possible?
22:51.28ludideadcat: so what would that command be then?  "update-rc.d -n portmap remove"?
22:51.32CyberShadowwhy is there a sound delay present ? I can tweak it with "sound buffer" in KDE, but why can't this be completely solved and the sound be immediately played like in Windows?
22:51.43Rdsmith4streuner: it contains a text file copied from Windows, but that's never mattered in the past
22:51.47streunerRdsmith4: with official kernel i never had any problems...
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22:52.03Rdsmith4streuner: "can't find /mnt/fd0 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab"
22:52.03deadcatludi: i dont use update-rc.d i just cd and mv
22:52.30shingouzRdsmith4: mount -t vfat /dev/fd0 /mnt/fd0
22:52.36bahamatdeadcat: you should get used to update-rc.d, makes life a lot easier
22:53.10malexwhat transport does apt-get use for ftp servers? Is it wget?
22:53.10deadcatbahamat: bahamat no need. i only install the stuff i use.
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22:53.17shingouzRdsmith4: Another version would be: mount -t msdos /dev/fd0 /mnt/fd0
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22:53.30streunermalex: it own
22:53.41ludiwhat about ident (auth 113) what service is that?
22:53.41MobyTurbomalex: "wget" is not a transport
22:53.43streunermalex: apt-get has that feature itself
22:53.50bahamatdeadcat: you apparently don't do very much with your system then
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22:54.21deadcatbahamat: i use it for email/web/chat/video/music/vi
22:54.21Rdsmith4shingouz: "mount point /mnt/fd0 does not exist"
22:54.23malexstreuner: Damn, I thought it would be easy :( I am getting these weird size mismatch and download abort errors when I try to install some software from a private repository on a system running in a qemu environment.
22:54.26Solethow do i change my desktop handler from kde to gnome?
22:54.40bahamatdeadcat: that's what I mean
22:54.41deadcatSolet: /etc/X11/x-default-manager
22:54.42shingouzRdsmith4: so make the mountpoint then
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22:54.50Rdsmith4how do I do that?
22:55.14CyberShadowSolet: when you log in, you can choose it with your graphical login interface
22:55.15shingouzRdsmith4: you *did* read the mount man-page?
22:55.17deadcatbahamat: i only use update-rc.d to generate my own scripts to put in /etc/init.d i rarely use it to modify it
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22:55.19streunermalex: usually you 'clear' the cache then and apt-get it another time
22:55.22ludiwhat is 691/tcp open  resvc
22:55.34bahamatludi: cups
22:56.01Rdsmith4shingouz: simply "mount /dev/fd0" gets a response from the floppy drive (i.e. it starts spinning) but it gives a bunch of "probe failed" messages
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22:56.05malexstreuner: That's what I do, but it takes up to 20 install attempts to get it to install. It's probably a bug in qemu disk image handling that slightly corrupts the files thus changing the md5sum or something like that.
22:56.10Soletumm i open /etc/X11/x-default-manager and it says its a new file
22:56.15shingouzRdsmith4: as you're testing if the floppy works in the forst place, mount it to whatever empty directory you have access to
22:56.21MobyTurbobahamat: I thought that was 631
22:56.59bahamatMobyTurbo: ah, you're right...saw 6*1 and was only paying half attention
22:57.26MobyTurbobahamat: wtf is 691, I have no idea, it's not in /etc/services
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22:57.56deadcatwhats the best way to setup an account that only does rsync?
22:58.11Solethow do i change my desktop manager? /etc/X11/x-default-manager isnt an existing file
22:58.30streunerSolet: /msg dpkg wm
22:58.31deadcatSolet: its in /etc/X11 i dont remember the exact name
22:58.33dliSolet: dpkg-reconfigure gdm, or kdm ?
22:58.40p8mSolet: .xinirc/.xsession
22:58.51deadcatSolet: -rw-r--r--   1 root root    13 Jan 21 13:14 default-display-manager
22:58.53dliSolet, no, do in debian way
22:58.53streunerSolet: just use startx
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22:59.39naphexMobyTurbo: ms exchange ?
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22:59.48streunerSolet: apt-get install desktop-manager change it auto
22:59.52directhexdpkg-reconfigure xdm
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23:01.29shadowartswhen i go to configure exim4 it says pretty much all the files in /etc/exim4/ dont exist
23:01.33shadowarts(which they dont)
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23:01.46ethicswhy not just swap to GDM and say yes i want it to be my default next time??
23:01.49shadowartsi tried apt-get --purge remove exim4
23:01.52shadowartsand then install again
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23:01.57ludiis this cups?  697/tcp open  unknown
23:01.58SbCl3can KDE be run on debian?
23:02.11ethicsSbC13: yup
23:02.30SbCl3is it one of the packages? i don't see it anywhere
23:02.32bahamatludi: ps -ef | grep `sudo fuser -n tcp 697 2>/dev/null`
23:03.28ludibahamut: root      3059     1  0 15:58 ?        00:00:00 /sbin/rpc.statd
23:03.34Thanatermesisany person works in audio-music ?
23:03.39bahamatappend "| grep -v grep" to the end of that for simultaneous obfuscation and clarity
23:03.48ThanatermesisI have a problem in a audio record
23:03.58Thanatermesishave a "noise" sound, how to delete this ?
23:04.00ethicsThanatermesis:  im a musician & sound engineer
23:04.02bahamatludi: nfs
23:04.06deadcatshadowarts: dpkg -S exim4 maybe
23:04.08Thanatermesisfrom the .wav file ?
23:04.10bahamatludi: shutdown portmap and it'll go away
23:04.31ethicsThanatermesis:   linux or windows?
23:04.35Thanatermesislinux :)
23:04.46Thanatermesisethics, look the file...
23:04.59shadowartsdeadcat: no didnt help :(
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23:05.18deadcatshadowarts: you trying to remove exim4 and its config files right?
23:05.26ArchitectSinanhi all
23:05.28deadcatshadowarts: -P oops. hehe
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23:06.46ludibahamat: how do I shutdown portmap (so it doesn't start on next reboot also).
23:07.00deadcatludi: update-rc.d
23:07.08shadowartsdeadcat: the config files arent installing to begin with, i just tried -P and then apt-get install but apt just doesnt want to give my those config files back!
23:07.09ethicsThanatermesis:  thats a pretty clean recording....some background sound at around 14K on the eq monitor....
23:07.12ludideadcat: I tried that and it's still starting on reboot
23:07.13cafuegoludi: Just remove it if you don't want it.
23:07.31ludicafuego: I don't want to remove the package because apparently gnome depends on it
23:07.31deadcatludi: thats why i say use mv in /etc/rc2.d and /etc/rcS.d
23:07.49ludithere has got to be a better way of doing this!
23:07.53ethicsThanatermesis:  i use windows to do most of my audio stuff but there are some really good Wav editors on linux.
23:07.57cafuegoludi: apt-get remove portmap - see what it wants to remove. if it just says 'gnome' you can delete it.
23:08.14ludiThe following packages will be REMOVED:
23:08.24deadcatludi: let me know when you find a better way
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23:08.35ArchitectSinani was trying to "aptitude update" and i see 2 "Reading Package Lists... Error!" lines. and 5 E lines: "E: Dynamic MMap ran out of room", "E: Ran out of allocation pools", "E: Error occured while processing powertweak-extra (NewVErsion1)", "E: Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/", "E: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opene". What should i
23:08.37ludideadcat: isn't there a services gui that can do this?
23:09.04deadcatludi: rcconf, but i dont know if it will remove the script from /etc/rc2.d AND /etc/rcS.d though
23:09.07cafuegoludi: That's fine, gnome-desktop-environment is a meta-package. it WILL NOT remove gnome.
23:09.20bahamatludi: update-rc.d is your friend
23:09.22ArchitectSinani do what exactly "dpkg" bot telling me about "woody->sarge" word
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23:09.41cafuegoludi: Alternatively, 'rcconf' could be your friend.
23:09.42deadcatArchitectSinan: good for you
23:09.52cartel_guys is there a doc about migrating from debian apache 1.0.3 to apache2?
23:09.55ArchitectSinandeadcat: then ?
23:09.59shingouzArchitectSinan: /msg dpkg mmap
23:10.09ArchitectSinanthx shingouz
23:10.10Thanatermesishumm... ethics , Im delete the 14 Kb frequence in the equalizator and the sound are cleaned ?
23:10.11deadcatArchitectSinan: you are in sarge. no then
23:10.18cartel_debian apache2 at least in sarge looks really confusing and unnescessarily complex (sites-available, sites-enabled)
23:10.24ludibahamut: I do "update-rc.d -n -f portmap remove" and  "S18portmap -> ../init.d/portmap" is still in my /etc/rc2.d directory
23:10.25deadcatSbCl3: startkde
23:10.47ArchitectSinandeadcat: i'm not in sarge. still using woody, wants to dist-upgrade to sarge
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23:10.58bahamatludi: man update-rc.d
23:11.07SbCl3it says the command wasn't found
23:11.07deadcatArchitectSinan: then you followed the wrong instruction
23:11.19cartel_it actually looks like a masochist designed it
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23:11.56paulswmcartel_: I went from 2 then back to 1 and was thinking about writing a doc on how to migrate.  A simple doc:  one word:  don't :)
23:11.59ArchitectSinandeadcat: i did what exacyl dpkg told me
23:12.12deadcatSbCl3: DONT /msg me
23:12.18masfhi everybody
23:12.19ArchitectSinani installed aptitude with "apt-get install aptitude"
23:12.29cartel_paulswm: yeah its just strange
23:12.30deadcatArchitectSinan: did you edit the file and change stable to testing? then update && dist-upgradE?
23:12.36ArchitectSinanand then replaced "stable"s to "sarge"
23:12.57deadcatSbCl3: just install kdm and then select kde from the list.
23:13.05ArchitectSinan"well, woody->sarge is Then "apt-get install aptitude". Then edit /etc/apt/sources.list, changing all non-local mentions of "woody" or "stable" to "sarge". Then,  "aptitude update" and "aptitude dist-upgrade". consider installing hotplug and/or discover1 if you're not confident with linux hardware management."
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23:13.20paulswmcartel_: I installed it, read the docs, decided that life was hard enough already and dropped back to 1.  I've seen remarks in here suggesting the migration's not a good idea, but I can't speak to security, etc
23:13.26ArchitectSinandpkg tells me to change "stable" to "sarge" in sources.list
23:13.33ArchitectSinani did it
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23:13.44deadcatArchitectSinan: did you di apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade?
23:13.47ArchitectSinanand then run "aptitude update" and i got the errors that i mention
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23:13.55marccd_what was the dpkg reconfigure command to reconfigure the base system?
23:14.00deadcatArchitectSinan: fix that error then
23:14.05ArchitectSinani got the errors after running "aptitude update"
23:14.09satHanhey all, anyone know why my fat32 formatted usb disk gives a "cannot create directory" error when I try to mkdir on it?
23:14.14masfi have a sound target integrated in mother board, my debian linux don't play sound. how i can to solve the problem?????
23:14.16stewArchitectSinan: did you read /msg dpkg dynamic mmap
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23:14.26satHanmasf: lspci and find your soundcard
23:14.35ludiwhat about "113/tcp open  auth" I don't see anything in /etc/services that corresponds to this
23:14.45ArchitectSinanstew: i read and did what does it say. but i want to answer deadcat's questions also
23:14.55deadcatludi: /etc/rcS.d
23:15.00Solethow do i completely get rid of kde?
23:15.07simonrvnp2-mate: should i just make a copy of my current kernel and gzip it to test it?
23:15.09deadcatSolet: debfoster
23:15.21stewArchitectSinan: if you did what that factoid said you'd no longer be getting dynamic mmap ran out of room
23:15.21deadcatSolet: use P when you run that program
23:15.22ArchitectSinandeadcat: i have done "apt-get update" before install the aptitude
23:15.30stewSolet: /msg dpkg remove kde
23:15.34ludideadcat: don't see anything in /etc/rcS.d that corresponds to "auth"
23:15.40p2-matesimonrvn: yes. that worked for me
23:15.41SbCl3what is kdm?
23:15.46dpkgfrom memory, kdm is the KDE Display Manager - an even swankier version of xdm, for the K Desktop user
23:15.49deadcatArchitectSinan: might just be the server is down or something. i have trouble with jst now
23:15.49simonrvnp2-mate: ok
23:15.57masfMultimedia audio controller: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] Sound Controller (rev a0)->>>how i can configure it???
23:16.03ArchitectSinanbut i didn't do "apt-get dist-upgrade" a friend told me that i cannot do "apg-get dist-upgrade" for woody->sarge
23:16.03deadcatludi: theres a portmap in there
23:16.13ArchitectSinanthat's why i have needed the "aptitude"
23:16.17stewludi: auth/113 == identd
23:16.19satHanmasf: did you build your kernel yourself, or is it stock debian?
23:16.34directhexArchitectSinan, the recommendation from the debian team is to use aptitude, not apt-get, for upgrading woody to sarge
23:16.34deadcatArchitectSinan: fuck your friend.s hes a dumb fuck
23:16.41ArchitectSinandeadcat: ok thx. btw, i'm using a local deb source
23:16.44masfit's stock debian
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23:16.48stewdeadcat: no his friend is right
23:16.55stewdeadcat: apt-get doesn't work for woody->sarge
23:16.59simonrvnp2-mate: gzip -9 ? wondering if the compression ratio will matter
23:17.08stewdeadcat: i'm the one who told him, i'm not a dumb fuck
23:17.09p2-mateI used gzip -9
23:17.09ArchitectSinandirecthex: that's why i use aptitude :)
23:17.10deadcatstew: damn. really?
23:17.16deadcatstew: (=
23:17.17satHanmasf: ok, first thing try su'ing to root and try to play some music
23:17.20stewdeadcat: yeah, it was documented in dwm
23:17.23stewerr dwn
23:17.32thingfishdirecthex: are they recommending aptitude over apt-get in general, like for normal upgrading?
23:17.36stewdeadcat: and the sarge release notes say to use aptitude not apt-get
23:17.41deadcatstew: woody->sid works fine for i assume it will work with sarge too
23:17.42ludiwhat is identd used for?
23:17.42Paganistin the package kernel-patch-adamantix is supposed (It's in the description) to be the LVS ( linux virtual server ) patch for the kernel.... when i look in patches, i only see adamantix pax rsbac.... nothing else. Any idea if LVS is in one of those patches or if LVS simply isn't present ?
23:18.01satHanmarccd_: dpkg-reconfigure base-config
23:18.05cafuegoludi: Whiching which user account is connecting out through a specific port.
23:18.10cafuegoludi: checking, too.
23:18.15marccd_satHan: thanks
23:18.18simonrvnp2-mate: oh, wow, hehe: vmlinux-
23:18.24stewdeadcat: no it doesn't work correctly for either, it fucks up on large circular dependencies, you end up having to apt-get dist-upgrade ; apt-get -f install over and over until it gets it all worked out
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23:18.26deadcatludi: why you isntall all these shits when you dont even know what the are
23:18.29simonrvnp2-mate: 2.4 MB
23:18.30cafuegoludi: yes, you can disable it. Edit /etc/initd.conf
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23:18.41thingfishdirecthex: I mean, is apt-get being deprecated in favor of aptitude?
23:18.42cafuegodeadcat: Probably installed aset of task packages.
23:18.45simonrvnp2-mate: was 5.5
23:18.49deadcatstew: works fine for me though.
23:18.52masfsatHan, and if that fail, what??
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23:18.55ludicafuego: you mean /etc/inetd.conf right?
23:19.02cafuegoludi: yes
23:19.04simonrvnthingfish: no
23:19.09satHanmasf: it depends, we'd try to set up alsa next..
23:19.11cafuegoludi: I've only had one coffee after falling out of bed.
23:19.13satHanmasf: did it fail?
23:19.20ArchitectSinani added 'APT::Cache-Limit 12582912;' creating a file names /etc/apt/apt.conf. And run "aptitude update" again and "all done" now :)
23:19.25thingfishoh ok, thanks, simonrvn.
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23:19.31ludicafuego: so do I comment out the line "ident           stream  tcp     wait    identd  /usr/sbin/identd        identd" ?
23:19.40cafuegoludi: yes
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23:19.57deadcatstew: what if someone who doesnt like aptitude? they are screwed?
23:20.00directhexthingfish, no, it's simply different
23:20.12masfsatHan, yes, it fail
23:20.28SbCl3what does uname -r do, again?
23:20.30directhexthingfish, dselect is considered deprecated compared to aptitude, though apt-get, aptitude and dselect all have their own uses
23:20.38deadcatSbCl3: run it and find out
23:20.39Thanatermesishumm... ethics , Im delete the 14 Kb frequence in the equalizator and the sound are cleaned ?
23:20.54thingfishdirecthex: ok thanks, I was wondering.
23:21.17darkcmddselect is just a dpkg frontend right
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23:21.18deadcatwhats the best way to setup an account that only does rsync?
23:21.20satHanmasf: alright now check and see if the correct module is loaded. so, su modconf
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23:21.32OptikalI am having issues with my USB keyboard and the installer for Debian
23:21.38SbCl3i ran it
23:21.42SbCl3i got a line of text or so
23:21.50deadcattahts what it does
23:21.55satHanSbCl3: tells you what kernel you're running
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23:22.00directhexOptikal, which version of debian?
23:22.14OptikalErm.. 1 sec
23:22.19masfsatHan,  what command??
23:22.23deadcatOptikal: lastest and stable DONT mix
23:22.27longshothow i install nvidia kernel module ?
23:22.38satHanmasf: as root, modconf and look in the sound/drivers directory for your card
23:22.43cafuegoThe latest stable is 3.0r4 actually ;-)
23:22.55satHan!tell longshot nvidia
23:22.57OptikalOh =)
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23:23.03OptikalOkay, well I have 3.0r1
23:23.15directhexOptikal, try typing 'bf24' at the boot prompt
23:23.17masfsatHan, i don't have modconf command
23:23.23Optikaldirecthex: k.
23:23.29deadcatmasf: apt-get it
23:23.32satHanmasf: apt-get install modconf
23:23.50deadcatcafuego: best way to seutp an account for rsync only?
23:23.55carlos_any E17 users here?
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23:24.05cafuegodeadcat: cron
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23:24.57deadcatcafuego: remote machine is uploading to my desktop at night with passwordless. should i setup rbash for that account?
23:24.57ArchitectSinannow another problem: after "aptitude update" run perfectly i run "aptitude dist-upgrade" and got error message saying "Some packages had unmet dependencies.  This may mean that you have requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable distribution that some required packages have not yet been created or been moved out of Incoming.
23:24.58ArchitectSinanThe following packages have unmet dependencies:
23:25.00*** mode/#debian [+l 768] by debhelper
23:25.13ArchitectSinanand so on
23:25.18SbCl3can someone tell me whether or not KDE is actually stored on the installation disk?
23:25.20ArchitectSinanwhat should i do now ?
23:25.23SbCl3or do i have to get it from somewhere else?
23:25.25bltzfscktrying to listen to music samples on, realplay 10.2 says the audio codec is obsolete and no longer supported
23:25.31satHanSbCl3: what cd do you have?
23:25.31bltzfsckam i just SOL?
23:25.39deadcatSbCl3: depends which instllation disk you have
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23:26.00satHanbltzfsck: try using gxine with the win32 codecs, that works for me
23:26.23satHanSbCl3: do you have any other sources in your sources.list?
23:26.25deadcatSbCl3: its in there. but thats like kde 3.0 or even older
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23:26.38longshotdebian seems pretty easy comparing it to slack
23:26.40bltzfscksathan not sure if i have it, but i'll check.  thanks
23:27.00deadcatlongshot: good to know
23:27.15SbCl3i installed it, but at the bash prompt, I can't get KDE to start.
23:27.22longshotthe install is easier than winxp
23:27.27cartel_cool, well that turned out to be painless
23:27.35ArchitectSinanstew, deadcat: guys what should i do now ?
23:27.39satHanSbCl3: startkde?
23:27.53daftlongshot: never used slack I used debian after redhat make 20 2 Gig partitions of my 18 GB drive
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23:28.05SbCl3"startkde" did not work
23:28.11ArchitectSinan"aptitude dist-upgrade" gives me error :(
23:28.12deadcatArchitectSinan: just answer yes and let some packages break. you can wait few days to update again to fix the problem.
23:28.18directhex!info kicker woody
23:28.30satHanSbCl3: apt-get install kde has already run?
23:28.38directhexSbCl3, did you install kde? (apt-get install kde)
23:28.44simonrvnSbCl3: add 'exec startkde' to ~/.xsession, and chmod +x ~/.xsession
23:28.47ArchitectSinandeadcat: it doesn't ask me something that i can answer ?
23:28.54bltzfscksatHan, you da man!  thx
23:29.00SbCl3i don't think it was "apt-get"
23:29.02lapseyI am making a commandline program shortcut in gnome, is this possible?: "// spy gunner
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23:29.15catlapsey: everything is possible
23:29.18deadcatArchitectSinan: it will ask you few questions later.
23:29.29lapsey"cd /blah/blah; java program"
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23:29.38lapseysory cat, wrong clipboard
23:29.40ArchitectSinandeadcat: it didn't :(
23:29.43SbCl3i couldn't connect to the internet, so i tried to get it from the disk
23:29.48SbCl3i clicked "f" for finish
23:29.53SbCl3and it took me to this text screen
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23:30.00ArchitectSinandeadcat:and stopped
23:30.03SbCl3where it asked me for "yes" or "no"
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23:30.24daftbte kinda offtopic question  If you edit an Gnu licensed source its automaticly gnu licesent?
23:30.29deadcatthats why i dont use sarge
23:30.29cafuegoJRWR: Stop lying.
23:30.31ArchitectSinandeadcat: the error messages are related with "unmet dependencies"
23:30.35JRWRno really
23:30.37smagy2hello folks i am planning to convert high traffic redhat webserver to debian. need opinions on imporving the partition scheme. the current scheme is at
23:30.39cathow can sarge brake you'r computer?
23:30.48cafuegoJRWR: Sarge just magically appeared on your computer?
23:30.54longshotnvidia is nvram.o  ?
23:30.54JRWRA) GRUB is really slow!
23:30.55deadcatArchitectSinan: wait few days to dist-upgrade then (=
23:30.56ArchitectSinandeadcat: like e2fsprogs, coreutils, dpkg, sysvinit
23:31.01deadcatlongshot: no
23:31.03cafuegolongshot: no.
23:31.06deadcatlongshot: use NV for now.
23:31.13JRWRB)some how i lost 4gigs of data
23:31.16ArchitectSinandeadcat: i can't believe this
23:31.19satHansmagy2: you sure you need that much tmp?
23:31.24satHansmagy2: how much ram does the box have?
23:31.54deadcatArchitectSinan: see /topic (=
23:31.54smagy2satHan: 2 GB
23:31.54sanmarcosI am getting a weird error, when I am as a normal user, and I try to su to root, I get auth failure, but I put the right password, I tried changing  the password with single, I still get the same problem, I checked chkrootkit, and no, I wanst hacked, but a few days ago I was having problems with my permissions beign changed because a wront line in fstab (I guess), any ideas?, even sudo tellsme must set uid to root.. I am lost..
23:31.54sanmarcosBut I can login as root, but If I am logged on as a normal user, I cant su...
23:31.57ArchitectSinandeadcat: ok then :(
23:32.07longshotwhere do you set init levels ? i dont want gdm login
23:32.08deadcatsanmarcos: maybe your pamd is set that only users in wheels can su
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23:32.08cafuegosmagy2: Use tmpfs as /tmp instead
23:32.13daftsmagy2: swap isnt tmp swap is a addon to the memmory tmp is temporaly storage
23:32.18deadcatlongshot: apt-get remove gdm
23:32.21abrotmansanmarcos: did you mess with pam?
23:32.21JRWRC) Windows is having a fit
23:32.29sanmarcosdeadcat: It used to work just a few days ago before the perm problem, no I dont even know aht pam is abrotman
23:32.32JRWRFirst thing
23:32.33abrotmandeadcat: we don't have wheel in debian by default
23:32.34dpkgDebian does not use a specific runlevel for graphical display managers by default. Just remove the dm package(s)  with "apt-get remove xdm kdm wdm gdm pdm". "update-rc.d -f xdm remove" and friends will also disable the dm until a package update is installed and the runlevel symlinks are restored..  NEWSFLASH! echo "false" >/etc/X11/default-display-manager, or a temporary solution is to hit ctl-alt-fN to get to a console
23:32.35sanmarcosbut how can I check deadcat ?
23:32.40smagy2satHan: i am not too experienced in the matters of tmp requirements so hence the question, there would be mysql running
23:32.53satHansmagy2: tmp is for user temp files
23:32.56simonrvnsanmarcos: they should have these perms, looks like they don't: -rwsr-xr-x  1 root root 28K 2005-04-04 18:33 /bin/su; -rwsr-xr-x  1 root root 103K 2005-03-27 02:31 /usr/bin/sudo
23:32.58abrotmanJRWR: wrong channel?
23:33.05satHansmagy2: you want to use *swap* space if you think you'll be short on ram
23:33.08cafuegoJRWR: Time travel hasn't been invented yet.
23:33.09smagy2cafuego: where can i read about advantanges of tmpfs over /tmp ?
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23:33.10lapseyJRAW better ask for some caution in using unstable
23:33.18cafuegosmagy2: google perhaps
23:33.20JRWRwhen i installed sarge into a partion
23:33.21deadcat!ops kick JRWR
23:33.21dpkgHydroxide, bob2, caphuso, dondelelcaro, doogie, eeyore-, ElectricElf, greycat, helix, ljlane, LoRez, mentor, Netsnipe, TML, walters, xk: kick JRWR
23:33.24abrotmanJRWR: which FS is the porn on?
23:33.33abrotmandeadcat: i htink he's really asking for help
23:34.21sanmarcossimonrvn: -rwsr-xr-x  1 root root 23416 2005-03-15 04:59 /bin/su -rwsr-xr-x  1 root root 97208 2004-11-17 12:16 /usr/bin/sudo
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23:34.22deadcatabrotman: doesnt seem like it. hes whining about loosing his 4gig of porn
23:34.22JRWRwindows has a fit
23:34.22abrotmandeadcat: let him finish maybe? .. he's in here a lot
23:34.22JRWRbut debina reads it ok
23:34.22JRWRits FAT32
23:34.22abrotmanJRWR: which FS is it?
23:34.22smagy2daft: i am not confused about swap and tmp, i am considering the situations when multiple folks upload files and php scripts upload the files temporarly to /tmp
23:34.25abrotmanJRWR: explain how windows has a fit?
23:34.28simonrvnsanmarcos: hmm. run out of room on the partition? paste to me what /etc/pam.d/su says
23:34.28deadcatabrotman: i've never seen hinm here before. (=
23:34.31sanmarcossimonrvn: but everything else in /bin has -rwxrwxrwx (777), anyways, I am totally lost
23:34.35abrotman!seen JRWR
23:34.36dpkgjrwr is currently on #debian (4m 37s).  Has said a total of 646 messages.  Is idling for 10s
23:34.38simonrvnsanmarcos: yikes
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23:34.41abrotmandeadcat: see
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23:34.47sanmarcossimonrvn: /dev/hda2              19G   18G  260M  99% /, has been working fine like that
23:34.55abrotmansanmarcos: that's not right btw :)
23:35.03sanmarcosabrotman: I know
23:35.04SbCl3nothing I do gets kde to work
23:35.08SbCl3can i get it at
23:35.16abrotmanSbCl3: #debian-kde
23:35.21RichiHdeadcat: calling for ops without any real reason and with crappy taglines is a good way the not be liked by them ;)
23:35.27abrotmanJRWR: define "windows doesn't like it"
23:35.29deadcatSbCl3: if you cant get the kde deb to work i doubt you get get it from to work
23:35.31simonrvnsanmarcos: you're going to have to chmod them one by one and fix each of them
23:35.33abrotmanSbCl3: /j #debian-kde :)
23:35.43JRWRwhen i do a fdisk to even see if windows sees it as a unformatted drive
23:35.45deadcatRichiH: (=. most of them dont like me anyway
23:36.11ArchitectSinandeadcat: i'll try another mirror from apt-setup's list
23:36.15JRWRjust a blank space
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23:36.19sanmarcossimonrvn: or reinstall them.. su has the right perms on my /bin only because I reinstalled "login"
23:36.21simonrvnsanmarcos: haven't even touched it, eh? :) that's ok though
23:36.25OptikalOkay, keyboard works now
23:36.29abrotmandeadcat: guess you know why? :)
23:36.31simonrvnsanmarcos: yeh. you can do that
23:36.35OptikalNow how do I get it to recognise my ATA RAID Drive?
23:36.37deadcatabrotman: (=
23:36.57simonrvnsanmarcos: dpkg -S /path/to/file to find what package they go in
23:36.58sanmarcossimonrvn: but I am totally lost, this never happened to me, isnt there logs anywhere on login attempts?
23:37.04sanmarcossimonrvn: yea
23:37.09JRWRlinux picks it up as vfat
23:37.10abrotmanJRWR: ok .. here's the deal .. we don't do windows here .. copy the data from your fat32 to linux .. then reboot to windows .. reformat the drive .. reboot to linux .. copy the data back .. reboot to windows .. see if it's there .. and then jerk off?
23:37.12simonrvnyes. in /var/log/auth.log
23:37.20abrotmanJRWR: it is vfat
23:37.34Thanatermesishumm... ethics , Im delete the 14 Kb frequence in the equalizator and the sound are cleaned ?
23:37.44jbAUanyone have much experience with framebuffers?  i can't get my box to load up with vesafb
23:37.54lapseyI am wondering how I can put a bash "cd /blah/blah/; java blah" command into a terminal program launcher in gnome. Nothing seems to happen
23:37.57JRWRyou know where i can get QTpart
23:38.02directhexjbAU, what do you need?
23:38.03p2-matesimonrvn: and it still boots ? nice :)
23:38.07p2-matesimonrvn: which machine ?
23:38.13JRWRill just use knoppix
23:38.16sanmarcossimonrvn: Apr  6 16:38:01 athlon unix_chkpwd[6088]: check pass; user unknown
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23:38.22simonrvnp2-mate: haven't yet
23:38.25sanmarcossimonrvn: Apr  6 16:38:01 athlon su[6087]: (pam_unix) authentication failure; logname= uid=1000 euid=1000 tty=pts/1 ruser=marccd rhost=  user=root
23:38.32abrotmanlapsey: they don't work .. you can make an alias perhaps .. or put a small script in ~/bin and add ~/bin to your path
23:38.32jbAUdirecthex: I just want to have something looking better then the standard console
23:38.33deadcatqpartd is the name i think
23:38.39simonrvnsanmarcos: um, don't paste that publically
23:38.44lapseythanksm thats a good idea abrotman
23:38.47masfsatHan, i have installed modconf but i don't know what the module of my sound car
23:38.49abrotmanlapsey: but if you ever figure it out(it used to work) .. let me know :)
23:38.51sanmarcossimonrvn: too late
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23:39.04satHanmasf: look for something with sis in it, you'll probably find it there
23:39.04jbAUdirecthex: i had vesafb working, but then i compiled a new kernel (2.6.11) with vesafb compiled in (not a module) and it don't work
23:39.16directhexjbAU, add "vga=792" to the kernel append line in lilo.conf/menu.lst
23:39.23sanmarcossimonrvn: user unknown ?,
23:39.27directhexjbAU, why compile your own kernel instead of using a debian kernel?
23:39.35xiaogilhow to tell the system which font to use for which language ?
23:39.48jbAUdirecthex: cause the debian kernel doesn't have mppe support (for pptp vpn's)
23:40.02jbAUdirecthex: i am using the debian source hto
23:40.07simonrvnsanmarcos: what does getent passwd marccd say?
23:40.40deadcatdont kow if you guys know this or not, when you create a user with /bin/rbash, its PATH is what ever in /etc/profile and appends $HOME/bin to the end, its fine if you set the path for that user to be empty, but you can still run any command with "ssh user@where command". which makes rbash pointless?
23:41.09sanmarcossimonrvn: marccd:x:1000:1000:Marc XX,,,:/home/marccd:/bin/bash
23:41.20darkcmdcdrecord isn't working with my 2.6.8 debian kernel
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23:41.36deadcatdarkcmd: define isnt working
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23:41.53simonrvnsanmarcos: ok, what's common-auth, common-account and common-session say? (in /etc/pam.d)
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23:43.11sanmarcossimonrvn: I havent touched anything with pam.d.. common-auth: auth    required nullok_secure  --- common-account: account required --- common-session: session required
23:43.29simonrvnlooks like the defaults
23:43.39abrotmansu - any different than just su ?
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23:43.49simonrvnsanmarcos: well, fix your perms, and we'll see what's up
23:43.51deadcatabrotman: su - gets root's ENV
23:43.54sanmarcosabrotman:         -       make this a login shell
23:43.57simonrvnsanmarcos: and yes, do su -
23:44.02abrotmandeadcat: i know .. thank you :)
23:44.08abrotmandeadcat: you're a smart one :)
23:44.12sanmarcossimonrvn: same
23:44.19deadcatabrotman: the smartest (=
23:44.22GumbyI have a quick question about apt-file.  I am looking into creating my own repository for personal use but I dont know how to generate the "Contents-i386.gz" file that apt-file grabs during an update.  Does anyone know how this gets created?
23:44.26thingfishI knew he knew.
23:44.33cafuegolook at the weird puppy
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23:44.51sanmarcossimonrvn: As I see, most of them are -rwxr-xr-x or l (that for simlinks)..
23:44.59nSeis there any linux software compared to sound forge 8 ? if there is, what is it's name?
23:45.00sanmarcossimonrvn: What I should set them to, I mean
23:45.00simonrvnsanmarcos: what's /etc/nsswitch.conf look like?
23:45.16simonrvnsanmarcos: paste to me in /msg, ok?
23:45.23toadwhat's up with sid today?
23:45.27simonrvn(should have said that before...)
23:45.30toador is it just my configuration?
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23:46.00toadnSe: audacity maybe? iirc there are some better ones than that though
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23:46.33nSetoad: i'll try that one, thank you...
23:46.59toadapt-get upgrade wants to downgrade about a hundred packages
23:47.11toadapt-get dist-upgrade wants to remove a whole bunch of essential packages
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23:47.34thingfishsounds fun.
23:47.37nSetoad: uhauhehe... go back to sarge....
23:47.43toadanything in particular happening with sid or is it just my local config? is there a problem with my local config? or should i just wait it out?
23:47.59toadnSe: that would be the same as waiting :)
23:48.09deadcati think the debian  repos are pretty f'ed up the pass few days
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23:48.47CharlesBrownWhat to I message dpkg with to get info on when gnomebaker is going to be in repositories
23:49.04thingfish22.8MB of upgrades here, nothing else.
23:49.16deadcatCharlesBrown: none. for sarge or sid?
23:49.25toadalso my PC hangs a lot.. i don't know if it is the kernel (, was 2.6.11), the proprietary nvidia driver, or the X11...
23:49.30CharlesBrowndeadcat, sarge
23:49.33CharlesBrowndeadcat, I know
23:49.33toadthingfish: for sid?
23:49.35CharlesBrownI want to know when.
23:49.44thingfishtoad: yes.
23:49.57deadcatCharlesBrown: no clue. for sid i use upcoming.d.o
23:50.07toadthingfish: what do you have in your apt.conf?
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23:50.26deadcatCharlesBrown: incoming.d.o
23:50.31toadthingfish: i was told that the best thing is to have stable, testing and unstable sources and let apt sort it out
23:50.51chealer!why is gnomebaker not in testing
23:50.54dpkggnomebaker is not in testing for the reasons listed in
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23:51.07CharlesBrownyea, that
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23:51.21thingfishtoad: I have only unstable.
23:51.33CharlesBrown"gnomebaker is only 6 days old. It must be 10 days old to go in."
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23:51.38CharlesBrownIt said that yesterday same time.
23:51.41toadthingfish: that might be why...
23:51.44CharlesBrownShouldn't it say it's 7 days old now?
23:51.46thingfishand it's not apt.conf, it's sources.list is what I think you mean.
23:51.49toadis it generally a good idea to have all of them?
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23:51.55toadyes i mean sources.list
23:52.06smagy2hello folks, is it possible to have a reiserfs filesystem using the kernels from the stable tree during installation time, or how does go about it
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23:52.31toadsmagy2: the sarge installer can do both reiserfs and LVM
23:52.33abrotmansmagy2: you mean woody?
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23:53.16smagy2abrotman: yeah, is that not the current stable tree ?
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23:53.23thingfishtoad: couldn't really tell you, not real sure what the in-the-know people do, but I just keep the one.
23:53.37toadthingfish: i thought that testing and unstable were sort of patchsets against stable.. that unstable is not actually a real distribution, so you need the others in too
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23:54.10thingfishtoad: well then by all means go by what you've heard or read.
23:54.54lizthegreyI'm quite certain that testing and unstable are completely independent of stable - here's perhaps why you're confused
23:55.08toadlizthegrey: hmm?
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23:55.18abrotmansmagy2: it is .. i was  just making sure
23:55.24lizthegreyThe deal is that all packages across all releases are placed in the package pool, which is shared across all releases.
23:55.33abrotmansmagy2: did you check the install guide?
23:55.36draskohi all. How to share internet connection between two ubuntus. Mine is and other is
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23:55.50lizthegrey!tell drasko about ubuntu
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23:56.14toadlizthegrey: so unstable is a distribution in and of itself, and is self-contained?
23:56.18lizthegreyAnyways... unstable is completely self-contained.
23:56.24draskohi all. How to share internet connection between two debians. Mine is and other is
23:56.33dpkgit has been said that ig is for woody: ; sarge: ; sid: /msg dpkg iyhtays.
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23:56.47toadokay.. but you might want testing in case of dependancy mess-ups?
23:56.48abrotmandrasko: yes .. ipmasq,nat,etc
23:56.53dpkgwell, nat is Network Address Translation. See also ipmasq, or patented by CISCO, or ip-masq is not exactly like NAT, the former is more fexible while the latter gains widely recognition. see also 'netfilter docs', or $BROWSER /usr/share/doc/iptables/html/NAT-HOWTO-4.html#ss4.1
23:56.57*** part/#debian poh (
23:57.07dpkgIP masquerading allows several machines to share one Internet connection.  Learn about it at or don't mix the slink ipmasq deb and a 2.2.x kernel, or available at, or ipmasq package is evil, before coming here to ask help with unexpected network problems, first remove it! See also: masq
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23:57.13abrotmandrasko: help enough?
23:57.15lizthegreyExactly, packages only move to testing from unstable when they're less buggy than the packages already in testing
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23:57.22lizthegreyAND there are no dependency problems.
23:57.27deadcatthere is one factoid that shows the iptables command to setup nat
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23:58.01lapseywell, I just tried launching // spy gunner
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23:58.14toadlizthegrey: so it is beneficial to have testing as well as unstable? does the order in the sources.list matter?
23:58.21*** join/#debian FieldySnuts (A6lfITgb3r@fieldysnuts.user)
23:58.30lizthegreyIt depends what sort of system you want to be running, and the order in sources.list doesn't matter
23:58.49lizthegreyChances are, if you don't understand the packaging system and dependencies, etc. well, then you shouldn't be running sid
23:58.50lapseyI need to remember that realVNC does not support clipboard import
23:59.01abrotmanlizthegrey: not quite
23:59.08cafuegoLook, custard.
23:59.13Soletlapsey: the registered version is supposed to
23:59.13abrotmanlizthegrey: they move if there are no massive bugs filed against them .. not less buggy :)
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23:59.22lizthegreybecause things WILL break in unstable, and you'll be expected to know how to fix them on your own.
23:59.27thingfishoh gosh I love custard.
23:59.38Guerintoad: man sources.list
23:59.39abrotmanravenbird: wb
23:59.40ravenbirdthanks, abrotman.  It's good to be back.
23:59.55Guerintoad: don't return with your questions until you've read and understood it
23:59.58draskoabrotman, yes... So I have to go with NAT? I used Firestarter for this, and it worked ok, until desktop on other machine swiched from XP to Linux... Now this other machine can ping me, but can not see internet.
23:59.59lapseywell, I just tried launching gnome-terminal -x bash /home/runsomething.bash; it dies on me :(. Any ideas guys>?

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