irclog2html for #debian on 20050303

00:00.16Grant2ok so why aint none of my perl apps in the cgi-bin loading?
00:00.30Grant2some one please care to explain?
00:00.53travisatthey aren't executable?
00:00.57dondelelcaroGrant2: you're going to have to provide a whole lot more detail than that
00:01.07dondelelcaroGrant2: what does your log file say?
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00:01.24XenguyGrant2: provide more details, and check yer permissions
00:02.06Vme-how can i get it so when I plug a USB device in or put a CDROM in, it automatically puts an icon on my desktop??
00:02.10EfaistOswith proftp how to restart the ftp after a ftpshut ?
00:02.13XenguyGrant2: and possibly your web server configuration
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00:03.08travisatVme-: what desktop,
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00:03.37m0r3hi all night
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00:04.09brynjarhVme-, are you using stable, testing or unstable?
00:04.32m0r3why my flight gear is not running very well...? its working very very vey slowlly
00:04.34znoI downloaded the kernel-source and kerne-patch-debian for the source, how do I apply the patch?
00:04.42travisatVme-: in gnome in testing, it should do that
00:05.12Vme-well, i have one with Sarge as well
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00:05.30anhizno: they shoud be @ /usr/src, go there, unpack them, patch them, compile em
00:05.32brynjarhtravisat, after installing testing plus X plus GNOME, automatic mounting does not work without doing any extra configurations.
00:05.44brynjarhVme-, try putting your user into the plugdev group.
00:05.47m0r3ok back later
00:05.55SontekAre there any good Linux Control panels that are free?  I want to setup a Free Server where people can register and tell the server their domain and have freehosting and email.
00:05.55znoanhi: there's a "debian" shell script, I assume I run that?
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00:05.57brynjarhVme-, if your using SID, it should work.
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00:06.23anhizno: couldn't tell, allways built my kernels from vanilla source + patches
00:06.48osricWhat's the package name I should be using with dpkg-reconfigure to configure X?
00:06.51travisatwell thats what I did on my dads box and the cd worked like a charm
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00:07.15Vme-also, i don't have a monitor hooked up to one of my boxes, is there anyway i can get some sort of Xclient for windows?
00:07.29foob4rtosric: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86'
00:07.35foob4rtdpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86
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00:07.49nevynVme-: there are several
00:07.53travisatVme-: vnc
00:07.59Vme-is it freen?
00:08.12anhii would have said xserver-common :/
00:08.20nevynVme-: however it might be easier to use a vnc xserver on your linux machine and a vnc client on your windows machine
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00:08.25alusso how do I get modules.conf to be processed on boot?
00:08.35alusbecause it doesn't seem like it is right now
00:08.37nevynVme-: xfree86 is free and availible from the cygwin people.
00:08.40anhiosric: while you are working on your X consider upgrading to xorg
00:08.54nevynVme-: the windows port that is.
00:08.56EfaistOswith proftp how to restart the ftp after a ftpshut ?
00:09.17jetscreamer/etc/init.d/blah restart sometimes
00:09.37RedPenguinJust out of curiousity, if I have two NIC cards configured with ifconfig and I download something, is it using just eth0 or both of them?
00:09.37jetscreamerunless that's not what you mean
00:09.50jetscreamerRedPenguin, for both, see bridge
00:09.53Vme-if i do a 'apt-cache search vnc' i get quite a few option
00:09.54osricanhi: Yeh? How?
00:10.01Vme-which one should i be looking for?
00:10.23PR-can anybody help me with my tv card? (pvtv with saa7134)
00:10.23anhiosric: either build xorg from the source or try the ubuntu packages, there are plenty howtos around if you look at google
00:10.35anhii built mine from the CVS, works fine
00:10.42osricanhi: Sounds far to much like hard work, but thanks anyway
00:10.43PR-saa7134[0]/audio: audio carrier scan failed, using 5.500 MHz [default]
00:10.54foob4rtVme-: sudo apt-get install vncserver; sudo /usr/bin/vncpasswd; sudo /usr/bin/realvncserver; dpkg --listfiles vncserver; ps aux | grep vnc; sudo lsof -i :5900
00:11.39travisatVme-: you need to put the vnc server on the linux box, and a vnc viewer/client on the windows box
00:12.01RedPenguinjetscreamer, I am getting many results for bridging, including ebtables
00:12.08RedPenguinI just want to make sure I am on the right track
00:12.49RedPenguinOh wait, it must be NetFilter bridge
00:13.27x-256i have this Ubuntu desktop that's running off of debian. what tool should I use to change the Xserver from running on Vesa/FB, to the native hardware drivers? (as opposed to editing XF86COnfig by hand)
00:13.59travisatx-256: errr, edit XF86Config-4 by hand
00:14.01MobyTurbo!topicsmite x-256
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00:14.02dpkgAnd the wrath of /TOPIC descended with terrible fury upon x-256.  And all the people marveled, saying, Behold, we too should read the /TOPIC, lest we be stricken.  And all the people read the /TOPIC, and went away edified.
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00:14.40Kbytex-256: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86 if you use debian...
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00:16.12alusis there a way to get sudo to never prompt me for a password?
00:16.21RedPenguinI think I found it under kernel/net/bridge
00:16.22alusme a specific user
00:16.25MobyTurboalus: yes
00:16.53alusoh hey I forgot to ask: what is it?
00:17.11MobyTurboalus: if you need to ask then you shouldn't
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00:17.32paulswmalus: man sudoers
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00:18.10aluspaulswm: thanks
00:18.15paulswmalus: yw
00:18.38alusMobyTurbo: that's a strange policy you have there
00:18.59Vme-ps aux | grep vnc
00:18.59Vme-root     13007  0.3  1.8   9008  4812 pts/0    S    18:12   0:00 Xvnc :1 -desktop debian:1 (root) -auth /root/.Xauthority -geometry 1024x768 -depth 16 -rfbwait 30000 -rfbauth /root/.vnc/passwd -rfbport 5901 -pn -fp unix/:7100,/usr/lib/X11/fonts/misc,/usr/lib/X11/fonts/cyrillic,/usr/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi/:unscaled,/usr/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi/:unscaled,/usr/lib/X11/fonts/Type1,/usr/lib/X11/fonts/CID,/usr/lib/X11/fonts/Speedo,/usr/lib/X11/fonts/100dp
00:19.04*** mode/#Debian [+l 777] by debhelper
00:19.10Vme-i see that it is running
00:19.12im_kafor some reason, my netgear router doesnt get an ip assigned from my isp. i changed my laptops mac to match the one of the netgear router, and im online now (with dhcp). does anyone have a clue what could cause this?
00:19.13Vme-but i can't connect
00:19.24MobyTurboalus: it is only one that I use for questions about losening security and the like
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00:20.09callipygoushey, I updated my woody to testing, and now when I boot I get multiple "mount wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on empfs, or too many mounted file systems" cus if anybody knows why i get this annoying message, i'd be relieved
00:20.17pureoneim_ka did they have the same mac?
00:20.22Vme-is it because i'm logged in as root?
00:21.07im_kapureone not originally. but i changed the mac of this machine to verify that the internet connection here is okay. the isp provides the service for one mac only
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00:23.22pureoneif your nated your isp shouldnt be able to see the mac of your machine but only that of the router
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00:24.34aestikIf I am on DeMuDi, is there a program that I can use to access AIM
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00:24.58abrotman!based on debian
00:24.59dpkgKnoppix, Libranet, Corel/Xandros, Stormix, Progeny, Lindows, DamnSmallLinux, Ubuntu, Agnula, Xebian, and so on are *not* Debian.  Just because something's "based on" Debian doesn't mean we can support it.  You'll get a Debian answer, and if it doesn't work, you're out of luck.
00:25.30Kbytemmm lindows is debian based?
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00:25.41PR-can anyone give me a and with my tv card?
00:25.59aestikeven so, does anywhere have an idea for me. I wasn't sure were else to go
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00:26.50tullhow do i set kde to be my default window manager?
00:26.54tulli keep coming into gnome
00:27.27michal_i'm having trouble creating a passwordless user for samba under latest stable debian
00:27.37michal_anyone know if this is possible?
00:27.50aestikPerhaops an alternate place I should be looking for an AIM client for demudi?
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00:28.43abrotmanaestik: apt-cache search aim
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00:28.47abrotmanit may have something already
00:29.01michal_setting password to none seems to act like disabling the account
00:29.02aestikwill do
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00:29.40blue_what about gaim?
00:29.49pureonemmm gaims good
00:29.50abrotmanblue_: he's using demudi .. no way to tell if gaim is available
00:30.08blue_just suggesting, i have no clue what demudi is
00:30.12aestikI tried gaim but I saw nothing for debian based
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00:30.20abrotmanit's a media centered debian derivative
00:30.27d3sWhen I tried a theme using gtk-themes-switch.. I found this error (gtk-theme-switch2:2592): Gtk-WARNING **: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "pixmap"
00:30.37abrotmanW1thdraw: gonna stay this time ?
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00:31.14blue_there definatly a gaim for debian though
00:31.25aestikoh? I will check again.
00:31.26abrotmanblue_: yes .. we know .. but it's not debian .. it's demudi
00:31.32abrotmanapt-cache search aim
00:31.42blue_im telling him "I tried gaim but I saw nothing for debian based"
00:31.43aestikhow exactly
00:31.46abrotmanheh nothing .. it's not debian
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00:31.53abrotmanaestik: in a terminal
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00:32.02aestikI'm rather new to this whole linux deal
00:32.09thoriehow do i install a perl module?
00:32.16pipelineaestik: You're not going to the gaim site, are you?
00:32.30thorienobody wants to help me in #perl
00:32.32abrotmanaestik: apt-cache search aim
00:32.37aestikI'm not currently going anywhere. heh.
00:32.40abrotmanthorie: it's the right place to ask .. this is not
00:32.48stewthorie: pretty much any perl module installable from cpan is apt-gettable
00:32.52stewthorie: /msg dpkg search
00:32.55blue_aestik: click around and find a console or terminal
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00:33.31shikaI've a situation where I need to edit /etc/passwd as non root in my script.. How do I do that??
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00:33.33blue_if your not root try su root password
00:33.38robin_zaestik: if you are "currently not going anywhere" .. have you considered registering yourself as a project on sourceforge?
00:33.49abrotmanhe doesn't have to be root to search
00:34.06nevynshika: you don't
00:34.23abrotmanblue_: oh .. sorry .. i thought you were telling aestik
00:34.35aestikMeh. I'll get this worked out. Thanks for the help.
00:34.49nevynshika: you write a small change manager that is suid root and call it from your script with the change which it then sanity checks and applies
00:34.54shikaThe script is now owned by 'root'.. Bu tI need to somehow edit passwd file.. using some SETUID mechanism??
00:35.18nevynwhat are you trying to do.
00:35.27nevynwhy are you manually modifying the passwd file?
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00:35.47blue_abrotman: whats the point of searching if you can't download........
00:36.21abrotmanblue_: maybe he doesn't know root and he has to have his mom install his software?
00:36.25shikaAm trying to control Root access to the user.. User can enable/disable Root access...  For this I should be able to edit the /etc/passwd file from ym script
00:36.40PerfDaveshika: What are you ultimately trying to do?
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00:36.52blue_well in that case i would suggest windows
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00:37.35abrotmanblue_: why .. it's better than sharing root ...
00:37.41abrotmanwhich is .. just like windows :)
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00:38.24shikaguys.. I just want to be able to edit /etc/passwd as non root from my script
00:38.38blue_isn't it much better to take the likely road than the 99% not road
00:38.44nevynshika: WHY ARE YOU EDITING /etc/passwd?
00:38.47abrotmanshika: we know .. you already told us
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00:39.14shikaJust answer if you know..
00:39.18nevynso you want normal users to do stuff as root?
00:39.20nevynuse sudo
00:39.38doneillor just su -c
00:39.41abrotmanshika: #bash
00:39.48dbronhi all, I am using mondo in stable and get this question "Which boot.b file do you want to use?" I am using lilo but don't really know how to answer that question and also don't want cron to fail on that, anyone know what to do with that?
00:39.50abrotman#bash is the correct place to ask
00:39.54nevynshika: you need to be aware that /etc/passwd on most sane system is interdependant with /etc/shadow and that if you make it inconsistant that's bad.
00:40.15doneilldbron, install
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00:40.25doneillerr menu
00:41.33PerfDaveshika: You're trying to do something which is impossible and is likely to break your system. There are almost certainly existing alternative methods to achieve what you're trying to achieve.
00:41.41shikawell.. I 've a sitiuation where the user wants "root" access for a while and disable it after use... .. Am trying to write a script..
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00:41.51xenwryly`I'm trying to send logs from multiple zope instances on the same host to a remote log server and still be able to easily browse just one instances log entries.  What software would you all recommend for the log server?
00:42.08nevynshika: sudo is the correct answer.
00:42.12dbronxenwryly`: sysklogd
00:42.15PerfDaveshika: Why does your user want root access? Do you trust them? Do they need it for a specific time or for a specific purpose?
00:42.31PerfDaveshika: as nevyn said, sudo is almost certainly what you want.
00:42.42dbronxenwryly`: sorry syslog-ng
00:42.56PerfDaveshika: How were you planning on temporarily granting root access by hand-editing /etc/passwd?
00:43.01shikaIt's purely needed for debug purposes.. Once they are done, they need to disable the root access..
00:43.12abrotmanthey need root to debug ?
00:43.21blue_why not just change the password...
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00:43.23nevynshika: to debug an application?
00:43.24abrotmanand what does that have to do with /etc/passwd ?
00:43.28xenwryly`dbron: ok, that's what its currently running, but I can't find a way to differentiate between the log messages from different instances coming from the same host.  Any suggestions?
00:43.30nevynshika: to read log files?
00:43.37abrotmanshika: cat /etc/debian_version
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00:43.46BhaalWKAnyone got opinions on the best PCI PATA RAID card to use with linux?  Thats fully supported?
00:43.56abrotmanPCI pata ?
00:44.04shikaguys.. please.. just let me know a way to edit /etc/passwd being not root in my script..
00:44.07abrotmanshika: cat /etc/debian_version
00:44.08BhaalWKParrallel ATA
00:44.16abrotmani know what it is .. thanks
00:44.40PerfDaveshika: THERE IS NO WAY TO EDIT /etc/passwd WITHOUT ROOT
00:44.44abrotmanshika: cat /etc/debian_version
00:44.51abrotmanPerfDave: i don't think he's on debian
00:44.53PerfDaveshika: USE SUDO
00:44.53nevynshika: if you asked for a knife and we knew you were going to stab yourself in the face with it would it be really responcible for us to give it to you?
00:44.56shikasetuid way??
00:45.02abrotmanshika: are you using debian?
00:45.07nevynsetuid is using root.
00:45.13buckfunkfolks what do people use to burn dvd's ? for cd recording i use xcdroast
00:45.24abrotmanoh well
00:45.40jetscreamerdvd+rwtools isn't it
00:45.47jetscreameri forget
00:45.49PerfDavePATA is the new name for what used to be called IDE, to differentiate it from SATA which also uses IDE. Drives previously referred to as "IDE drives" are now known as "PATA drives". This is confusing and annoying.
00:45.50buckfunkbut the situation gets kinda comlicated with all this cdrecordprodvd stuff it requires
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00:45.51abrotman!info dvdrwtools sid
00:45.52jetscreamer!listkeys dvd
00:45.52dbronxenwryly`: not sure about that, a unique ip has been enough for me, you might be able to specify custom classes for the alerts on the log client, then syslog-ng can break it out from there
00:45.54dpkgFactoid search of 'dvd' by key (12): dvd+rw ;; start a dvd war ;; dvd ;; dvd-linux ;; dvdrecord ;; dvd cca ;; xine-dvd-css ;; dvd-audio ;; rip dvd ;; libdvdcss ;; dvdripping ;; dvda.
00:46.05EricNeonhi all!
00:46.09catEricNeon: hi there
00:46.12abrotman!info dvdtools
00:46.13PerfDave!hi EricNeon
00:46.14dpkgMany greetings, EricNeon, most strange traveller, to this IRCdom of plenty.
00:46.24abrotmani give up
00:46.29buckfunkand the only frontend is k3b ?
00:46.29xenwryly`dbron: k, thanks
00:46.39EricNeonhey PerfDave
00:46.53abrotmanPerfDave: see .. don't think he was using debian :)
00:46.54jetscreamerdvd+rw-tools: (DVD+-RW/R tools), section utils, is optional. Version: (sid), Packaged size: 93 kB, Installed size: 308 kB
00:46.57dpkgwell, http is Hypertext Transfer Protocol (RFC 2616), the protocol used between a web browser and a web server.
00:47.06abrotmanjetscreamer: make the name a wee bit more confusing eh ?
00:47.09PerfDaveabrotman: I'm done caring ;)
00:47.26jetscreamerNoid, but the mostly best front end is k3b, ymmv, sic transit gloria mundi
00:47.34jetscreamererrr no, not noid
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00:50.59Vme-how do i change windows manager with VNC? if i use 'vncserver' it gives me gnome with a small screen, if i use vnc4server i get some other WM and a big screen??
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00:56.08serialkilleri need to write a script to addusers to my box, but i havent had any success. i habe tried adduser but it doesnt have a password switch, useradd i can get to add the user, but i cannot log in to ftp, newusers works but you have to type newusers then enter the information. I want 1 command line that does it all... any ideas?
00:56.43WiFiTuxHi, someone in Canada here? Ottawa?
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00:56.55doneillkelowna bc...
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00:57.23WiFiTuxdoneill, Can i go to quebec and go in bus to Ottawa?
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00:57.57doneillno idea
00:58.08WiFiTuxdoneill, !?!!!
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00:58.46abrotmanWiFiTux: fly right to ottaaw
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00:59.13WiFiTuxabrotman, $$
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00:59.22abrotmanWiFiTux: time
00:59.26Roninya but teh bus WiFiTux? ewww
00:59.28WiFiTuxwho cares
00:59.36WiFiTuxRonin, $$
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00:59.44sgeigerbot`!+lart abrotman
00:59.46WiFiTuxI'm flying from Costa Rica
00:59.56WiFiTuxHey Solaris is good
00:59.57abrotmansgeigerbot`: you're still mad eh?
00:59.57sgeigerbot`abrotman: your english is horrible
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01:00.01Roninwhat the heck are you coming up here for then? its still winter up here
01:00.06abrotmansgeigerbot`: f off
01:00.10sgeigerbot`abrotman: no.
01:00.11WiFiTuxRonin, OLS
01:00.22abrotmanWiFiTux: did you even check the price of a bus?
01:00.27WiFiTuxabrotman, no
01:00.34abrotmanWiFiTux: the price of bus+plane could be more than plane to ottawa
01:00.45sgeigerbot`abrotman: No, I'm not.  You weren't very nice, though.  I think this means no more Kentucky-fried kitten for you.
01:00.47dambodogi am trying to upgrade from woody to unstable. i just got the following error when trying to upgrade
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01:00.56dambodogdpkg-deb: subprocess tar killed by signal (Segmentation fault)
01:00.59dambodogdpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/libgdbm3_1.8.3-2_i386.deb (--unpack): subprocess dpkg-deb --control returned error exit status 2
01:01.03abrotmansgeigerbot`: works for me
01:01.23dambodogi have tried to apt-get -f install
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01:01.55dambodogthat did not work. just ran again and told me that a bunch of pkgs will be install i chose Y and still rec. the same error
01:02.12WiFiTuxabrotman, you going?
01:02.20abrotmanWiFiTux: dunno yet
01:02.20WiFiTuxabrotman, I'll give you $$
01:02.32abrotmanWiFiTux: why would you do that instead of flying right to ottawa
01:02.40WiFiTuxabrotman, $$$$$$$
01:02.57WiFiTuxNY ticket $400 Ottawa ticket $700
01:02.58abrotmanWiFiTux: it can't be that much more
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01:03.14abrotmanWiFiTux: montreal?
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01:03.16WiFiTuxabrotman, I'll rather give you $120
01:03.41WiFiTuxabrotman, well, that's what I'm looking a close place to Ottawa that might be cheaper
01:04.03WiFiTuxabrotman, Montreal or Toronto are near ottawa
01:04.32*** join/#debian somiaj (
01:04.37brkabrotman: train to toronto, rent a car... much cheaper!!
01:04.51abrotmanWiFiTux: remember .. my boss isn't paying for me
01:04.54WiFiTuxbrk, you should be telling me
01:04.59abrotmanbrk: smuggle drugs .. make money!
01:05.03WiFiTuxabrotman, mine niether!
01:06.06brklessie, 120 seats on a plane...
01:06.08sgeigerbot`!+srt WiFiTux
01:06.14brk40 mule teams
01:06.19brkwhat a haul!
01:06.28WiFiTuxbrk, you going to OLS
01:06.29serialkilleranyone good with adduser?
01:06.34WiFiTuxabrotman, where are you again
01:06.39WiFiTuxbrk, buu
01:06.45serialkilleri need help figurign out how to pass a password to it
01:06.50WiFiTuxserialkiller, "adduser"
01:07.01WiFiTuxbrk, uuh
01:07.06serialkillerno, that asks for password
01:07.10brkno funds
01:07.19sgeigerbot`serialkiller: echo "sgeiger:foobar" | chpasswd
01:07.27WiFiTuxbrk, geez and I'm going from Costa Rica
01:07.31serialkilleri need to do it from the command line
01:07.41serialkillerwhen the account is created
01:07.54sgeigerbot`serialkiller: use what I gave you on the next line of your script.
01:08.10brkWe all have time off, just don't think they want to spend spring vacation that close to the arctic circle.
01:08.18serialkillerwill try
01:08.26abrotmanhe just runs
01:08.28*** join/#debian Liviu`` (
01:09.04*** mode/#Debian [+l 771] by debhelper
01:09.20brkare that maNY?
01:09.31abrotmanbrk: english!
01:09.31NaRCoTWhen I start KDE I get an error: 'cannot load applet' What should I do ?
01:09.33*** join/#debian soulreaper (
01:09.37dambodogideas how to resolve this one? : Errors were encountered while processing: /var/cache/apt/archives/libgdbm3_1.8.3-2_i386.deb
01:09.41*** part/#debian Liviu`` (
01:10.16abrotmanneed a better error
01:10.27brkcrappy kb too!
01:10.31dambodogabrotman, are you talking to me?
01:11.14NaRCoTdambodog: I just got rid of this error couple of hours ago. just update your 'sources.list' then 'apt-get update' then 'apt-get upgrade' 'apt-get dist-upgrade'...
01:11.19dambodogabrotman,  hmm..  error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/libgdbm3_1.8.3-2_i386.deb (--unpack): subprocess dpkg-deb --control returned error exit status 2
01:11.27*** join/#debian Big_Wolf (
01:11.38abrotmandambodog: better error needed :)
01:11.54SeroSomeone told me to copy the X86 file from Knoppix intoo Debian because I couldn't get X configured right can anyone tell me what file that is?
01:11.56dambodogabrotman, :)
01:11.57NaRCoTdambodog: I forgot before all of that, run 'apt-get clean' & 'apt-get autoclean'
01:12.07*** join/#debian El_DIABLo (~diablo@
01:12.31*** part/#debian El_DIABLo (~diablo@
01:12.41Big_Wolfabrotman: ah, you live near me
01:12.49abrotmanBig_Wolf: i do :)
01:12.53Big_Wolfwhere at?
01:12.57*** join/#debian shedi (
01:13.06abrotmanBig_Wolf: i even worked at the capital building for a while ... between KoP and Reading
01:13.10NaRCoTWhen I start KDE I get an error: 'cannot load applet' What should I do ?
01:13.17sgeigerbot`Sero: Very Easy X Setup (video, mouse, keyboard): Use Knoppix to boot your machine and then do: "sudo su; mount -t ext2 /dev/hda2 /mnt; mv /mnt/etc/XF86Config-4 /mnt/etc/XF86Config-4-backup-on`/bin/date +%m_%d_%Y_%a_%I_%M_%p`; cp /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 /mnt/etc/XF86Config-4; umount /mnt; reboot" ...and take the CD out before you reboot. ;-)
01:13.25dambodogNaRCoT, i am getting the error that there depnd:  Sorry, but the following packages have unmet dependencies:
01:13.32brkis there a way to download a debian setup image on this core3 and tell grub to boot to it instead of core3?
01:13.38*** join/#debian edwin (
01:13.39abrotmansgeigerbot`: #knoppix :)
01:13.40*** join/#debian lexton (
01:13.48sgeigerbot`abrotman: #ass
01:13.48Serosgeigerbot', thanks.
01:13.52abrotmansgeigerbot`: you love me :)
01:13.53sgeigerbot`Sero: np
01:14.03sgeigerbot`abrotman: Yes, master.
01:14.14dambodogabrotman, i have tried to upgrade from woody to unstable. after the upgrade i tried to reinstall openwebmail. it had lots of depnd.
01:14.39NaRCoTdambodog: Try running 'apt-get -f install'
01:14.41dambodogabrotman, i started installing all the various pkgs that were needed and it craped out in the middle of the install
01:14.50dambodogNaRCoT, i ahve tried that.
01:14.53abrotmandambodog: you really should have gone to testing frst
01:14.58FlimzyI want to do a password-less SSH between two machines with NFS-shared /home directories.  Is there anything bad about putting the pub key of both machines in the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file?  There won't be any silly problems caused by the local pub key appearing there, will there?
01:15.06abrotmandambodog: try aptitude upgrade
01:15.07vladsterdoes sarge use oss or alsa by default
01:15.11abrotmandambodog: try aptitude dist-upgrade
01:15.19dambodogNaRCoT, i am getting the following error..
01:15.22abrotmanvladster: depends on the kernel you use i think
01:15.30*** join/#debian tvn (
01:15.38puffSo I'm shopping for a thinkpad, to run debian.
01:15.47puffThinking about the new T43p.  Any coments/
01:15.51abrotmanpuff: i love my G40
01:15.57vladsterit install with the 2.4 but I put in the 2.6 after the install
01:15.59puffcomments or suggestions on the machine, pricing, etc?
01:16.12abrotmanpuff: if that's what you want .. talk to wifitux .. i think he just bought one
01:16.16dambodogabrotman, well.. it is going to take about an hour now... :./
01:16.25abrotmandambodog: ok
01:16.26puffOne thing... I keep hearing different stories on screen size, I want 15", is that doable?
01:16.32abrotmanBig_Wolf: hehe
01:16.42abrotmanpuff: that's what i have .. works fine
01:17.05puffWhat I *want* is a milspec ruggedized thinkpad with multi-mode clamshell/tablet configuration, but I can't have that :-).
01:17.12abrotmanBig_Wolf: i don't think he gets it
01:17.18dambodogabrotman, would that keep my conf. files that i have already setup prior to the upgrade?
01:17.20vladsterfrom as nears as I can tell, I think it is running oss
01:17.30dambodogabrotman, or would that erase/remove them>?
01:17.31abrotmandambodog: it should . i don't use aptitude
01:17.44abrotmandambodog: it should at least keep a backup
01:17.57puffSo far I'm thinking the best price I can get is at the CMU computer store, but I'm getting conflicting reports on whether that's 15" or 14".
01:18.01*** join/#debian sime (
01:18.04*** join/#debian alfi (~caseres@
01:18.05dambodogabrotman, ok
01:18.17abrotmanpuff: just find an IBM employee
01:18.24alfiis there anyone alive?
01:18.25vladsterwhat is the way to check if you are running alsa or not
01:18.28*** join/#debian Theoden (
01:18.35abrotmanpuff: or go to the Church Brewery and get drunk ..
01:18.41abrotmandecisions .. decisions
01:19.10*** join/#debian mrphreak (~valdy@
01:19.24abrotmantoresbe: yu're not allowed
01:19.46puffabrotman: Church Brewworks?  Nah, I prefer beer.
01:19.47*** join/#debian ivan (
01:19.55abrotmanpuff: they make beer
01:19.56*** join/#debian bizarro_paco (
01:20.00abrotmanand not that IC light crap
01:20.03puffabrotman:  :-)  Actually their brew ain't bad, but not as good as their prices.
01:20.14puffabrotman: You're in the burgh?
01:20.22puffI'll invite you by for a homebrew, one of these days.
01:20.23bizarro_pacohi everyone
01:20.28*** join/#debian xmms (~xmms@
01:20.36toresbeit would have.... 16 registers... and would be reeeeally CISC
01:20.42pufftoresbe: I want to build a magic 8-ball.
01:20.47abrotmanpuff: my brother is .. lives in moon or whatever it is .. my other brother owns a house off blvd of the allies ..
01:20.57abrotmanpuff: i'm on the other side of the state
01:21.21bizarro_pacotrying to get my lights going on my wpc54g wireless card....i installed the correct drivers using ndis wrapper, but the message says "hardware not present."
01:21.29puffWith an LCD screen, voice recognition, 802.11 so it takes your questiod, feeds it to google's "I feel lucky", then does a text analysis on the resulting page to boil it down to one of the eight 8-ball answers.
01:21.37alfidoes anyone have experience mountin a pen-drive?
01:21.51puffabrotman: I'm just a hop, skip and a jump from there... off baum.  So the brew works isin my back yard (about ten blocks away).
01:22.05Roninwin 11
01:22.09puffThat's the CMU store prices.
01:22.14*** join/#debian noiz77_ (
01:22.16puffUnless somebody has an IBM employee in their back pocket...
01:22.37abrotmanpuff: can you get the +T43 with 15" and 1GB ?
01:22.42alfinevyn: that "sure" was for me?
01:22.44abrotmanpuff: i know one :)
01:22.50*** join/#debian chocobobby (
01:23.01*** join/#debian gurran (
01:23.10nevynalfi: yeah usually I just plug it in and it works tho.
01:23.35puffabrotman: I'm not sure about those specs, I keep hearing yes, then no.
01:23.49gurranhi ppl does any one know the name of the mass deployment tool alike "Total commander" for debian ?
01:23.49chocobobbyDoes anyone know about the default isa support in the sarge 2.6 kernel?
01:23.50puffabrotman: Oh, good, can he get me a discounted price?
01:23.50alfinevyn: when i mount it i get an input/ouput error
01:24.00abrotmanpuff: be nice if you could get a spec on that a/b/g card
01:24.03alfinevyn: what kernel do you have?
01:24.09abrotmanpuff: it's like 6% off i think
01:24.10*** join/#debian grubby (
01:24.12nevynalfi: 2.6.10
01:24.16abrotmanpuff: your school might do better
01:24.22*** join/#debian jmspeex (
01:24.48puffabrotman: Hm... might, yeah.  What I'm wondering on that pastebin spec... if I can a) get 15" screen and b) drop the RAM and buy some reasonably-priced RAM through Crucial.
01:24.58puffI've heard IBM gouges on their RAM prices.
01:25.03alfinevyn: i have an 2.4.7, do you that's maybe the problem?
01:25.10gurranhi ppl does any one know the name of the mass deployment tool alike "Total commander" for debian ?
01:25.10nevynalfi: probably not.
01:25.17*** join/#debian yaboo007 (~jsirucka@
01:25.18*** join/#debian jcole (
01:25.26abrotmanpuff: dunno . i got a 512MB stick for like 70$ at best buy to upgrade mine
01:25.33abrotmanmaybe it was .. 90$
01:25.35*** join/#debian vchrizz (
01:25.45bizarro_pacoi saw this sweet hp laptop at cicruit city today...but the 2500 dolla price tag made me continue to walk.
01:25.48alfinevyn: mi device is not a pen drive, is an mp3 player/pen diver
01:25.48gurranNOBODY ?
01:25.50abrotmangurran: FAI ?
01:26.02nevynalfi: and?
01:26.02gurranthx ill check that out
01:26.06abrotmani don't know what total commander is
01:26.08nevynalfi: it'll be usb mass storage.
01:26.11alfinevyn: but that does not make any diference, don'y they?
01:26.19gurranwere can i get FAI
01:26.25*** join/#debian ghast (
01:26.30dpkgi guess fai is Fully Automatic Installation for debian at, or at #fai
01:26.31tzafrir_homeapt-cache search fai
01:26.38ghasthow many floppies do you need for floppy install of debian?
01:26.47abrotmanghast: if you're lucky .. 2
01:27.07jcoleanyone here use anjuta with cvs?
01:27.10chocobobbyghast but you probably need 4 more for the the driver set also so a total of 6
01:27.11*** join/#debian clcont (
01:27.19*** part/#debian ghast (
01:27.20puffOkay, time to roll.
01:27.22tzafrir_homeanybody here uses mini-installd ?
01:27.29clconthas anyone used amavisd-new+spamassassin+clamav+postfix and done any benchmarks?
01:27.34alfinevyn: i know, i'm juts saying, y don't know how to interpretate this input/ouput error
01:27.36bizarro_pacohow are you abrotman?  are you still suffering the archaic computer blues?
01:27.37puffabrotman: Thanks for the advice. I'll be back when I have the hardware :-).
01:27.39jcolei'm trying to figure out how to checkout a project with out logging in... sam as i do with eclipse
01:27.43*** join/#debian zigong (
01:27.50abrotmanbizarro_paco: i think you have me confused with someone else
01:28.06Xenguybizarro_paco: linux is the cure for that ;-)
01:28.07nevynalfi: an input output error is a bit vague. show me the actual error in a pastebin of your choosing.
01:28.12NaRCoTIs there a chance anyone here might know how to fix KDE applets (teskbar, etc') cause they don't know on #KDE.....
01:28.24bizarro_pacoabrotman..oops, sorry...
01:28.39abrotmanbizarro_paco: what kind of archaic hardware do i have ?
01:29.03*** mode/#Debian [+l 779] by debhelper
01:29.18bizarro_pacoabrotman, i thought you were telling me a ,onth ago that you had a really old box...sorry, it must have been someone else.
01:29.21alfinevyn: i dont have the drive here, but it's just /dev/sda1 input/ouput error
01:29.32abrotmanbizarro_paco: definitely not me
01:29.34nevynalfi: what happened before that.
01:29.36*** join/#debian Thaiger (
01:29.52nevynalfi: without the specifics from the log (not your memory) it's difficult to help.
01:29.52ThaigerI'm looking for software that will let me fillin PDFs, any advice?
01:30.10bizarro_pacoabrotman, i think this ndis wrapper has been driving me soooo crazy, i get people confused...LOL
01:30.11nevynThaiger: if you find something let me know? :)
01:30.13chocobobbyghost script maybe
01:30.18XenguyThaiger: "fillin" ?
01:30.24nevynXenguy: pdf forms
01:30.28Thaigers/fillin/fill in
01:30.39*** part/#debian noiz77_ (
01:30.47nevynghostscript can't do forms
01:30.54nevynxpdf maybe.. but I don't think so.
01:30.55chocobobbyoh sorry my bad
01:30.57*** join/#debian Holborn (
01:31.03alfinevyn: ok. thanks anyway
01:31.11nevynacrobat reader 5
01:31.42nevynapparently there's a  new acrobat for linux comming based on the v7.x renderer and gtk .
01:31.53bizarro_pacoabrotman, i am so frustrated..i have don everything i can think of to get ndiswrapper set up properly.. i followed wikis step by step, i changed OSs twice...I gues ndis wrapper just isn't for me.
01:32.11*** join/#debian encolpe (~encolpe@
01:32.25encolpeIs there some zope products debian mainteners here ?
01:32.28abrotmanpuff: i just looked at the IBM EPP .. the specific models you're looking at aren't in there
01:32.31abrotman!maint zope
01:32.36abrotmanbizarro_paco: never used it
01:32.38dpkgzope: Luca - De Whiskey's - De Vitis <>
01:32.41*** join/#debian jonga (~jonga@
01:33.03bizarro_pacoabrotman, so, you don't do the wireless internet thing?
01:33.13yxahow do i use dd to clone the mbr (where grub resides) to another harddisk?
01:33.29*** join/#debian anthonywong (~ypwong@
01:33.34abrotmanbizarro_paco: mine works ... i've never used ndiswrapper
01:33.57bizarro_pacoabrotman: which wireless card do u use?
01:34.20*** join/#debian _rene__ (
01:34.25dpkgIt's YOU. Y-O-U. Not *U*. U is a letter. YOU is a word. See ne1, or wud.  Dutch for 'you' (formal singular). See
01:34.35abrotmanbizarro_paco: a 11b card ...
01:34.52abrotman0000:02:02.0 Network controller: Intersil Corporation Prism 2.5 Wavelan chipset (rev 01)
01:35.10dpkgmooooooo! I am cow, hear me moo, I weigh twice as much as you. I'm a cow, eating grass, methane gas comes out my ass. I'm a cow, you are too; join us all! Type apt-get moo.
01:35.11PRO1[moo] [OS] Windows XP Home Edition, Service Pack 2 (5.1 - 2600) [Uptime] 2d 3h 21m 49s [CPU] 1-Intel Pentium 4, 3053MHz, 512KB (0% Load) [RAM] Usage: 297/512MB (58.01%) [||||||----] [Hard Drive] C:\ (9.67GB Free, 35.25GB Total)
01:35.14*** join/#debian konsol (froilan@
01:35.33mrhemlockwow xp up for 2 days
01:35.34*** join/#debian maher (
01:35.34dondelelcaroPRO1: turn whatever the fuck that is off
01:35.42bizarro_pacoabrotman: is 'minipc' the brand name..or is prism the brandname?
01:36.09*** join/#debian phil_ (
01:36.15sgeigerbot`bizarro_paco: prism is the brand
01:36.42*** join/#debian FieldySnuts (0UxxVd5R36@fieldysnuts.user)
01:37.02abrotmanbizarro_paco: minipci is a type .. like ISA or PCI or AGP
01:37.05*** join/#debian jager (
01:37.09dpkgmooooooo! I am cow, hear me moo, I weigh twice as much as you. I'm a cow, eating grass, methane gas comes out my ass. I'm a cow, you are too; join us all! Type apt-get moo.
01:37.10PRO1[moo] [OS] Windows XP Home Edition, Service Pack 2 (5.1 - 2600) [Uptime] 2d 3h 23m 48s [CPU] 1-Intel Pentium 4, 3053MHz, 512KB (0% Load) [RAM] Usage: 297/512MB (58.01%) [||||||----] [Hard Drive] C:\ (9.67GB Free, 35.25GB Total)
01:37.16XenguyPRO1: die
01:37.19abrotmanPRO1: turn it off
01:37.26dpkgsomebody said shit was fecal matter.. scratch your ass, sniff your finger. Smell that? Shit.
01:37.35dpkgsomebody said zope was a free, Open Source application server for building high-performance, dynamic web sites.;; available with a few updated packages at deb codecafe/, or written in python
01:37.45dondelelcaroyou can /msg the bot...
01:37.52bizarro_pacoabrotman: it is wireless, right?
01:38.11abrotmandondelelcaro: i was trying to see if PRO1 was a real bot .. i guess not
01:38.18abrotmanbizarro_paco: yes
01:38.41*** join/#debian enerv (
01:38.42Roningood uptime for windows though :)
01:38.43encolpeIt's not a bot, just a script on mirc
01:39.42*** join/#debian ws[7c0] (
01:39.55*** join/#debian OpenRealty (~wilbertok@
01:40.28OpenRealtycould ipv6 over ipv4 be slowing down my debians internet connection
01:40.51EvanCarrollOpenRealty: is the internet connection slow or just the resolving (as is usually the complaint)
01:40.56FieldySnutsmy isp is forcing me to route all outgoing smtp through their smtp server, even if I run my own email server. i'm running exim4, anyone know how I accomplish this? i.e. sent mail goes to my mta, then to theirs, then to the world.
01:40.56ws[7c0]i'm trying to run configure for gtkpod and configure dies with error message configure: error: *** id3tag >= 0.15 lib not found (0.14 will not work!). anyone else getting this even though libid3tag is installed?
01:40.59OpenRealtythe resolving
01:41.02OpenRealtythe host lookup
01:41.39EvanCarrollFieldySnuts: add their MX to your TLD's MX
01:41.39travisatws[7c0]: just apt-get install gtkpod, why compile it?
01:41.44OpenRealtyevancarroll: web browsing is slow but I get apt-get upgrades at 162 kbps
01:41.47EvanCarroll!tell OpenRealty about resolv
01:41.52abrotmanFieldySnuts: smarthost ?
01:41.57*** join/#debian AngelsDemon (
01:42.07ws[7c0]travisat: hmn, i suppose I could do that..
01:42.22EvanCarrollOpenRealty: you need to edit /etc/resolv.conf, and delete the crap it has and add a valid nameserver
01:42.31ThaigerThis is probably a stupid question, but I don't suppose anyone knows how to close WorkSpace Switcher in gdesklets?
01:42.36OpenRealtyevancarroll: I am using another machine as a dnsmasq server
01:42.41FieldySnutsevancarr[too many of you]: I was under the impression I had to modify the config of exim?
01:42.48EvanCarrollOpenRealty: ie, 'nameserver'
01:42.50FieldySnutsabrotman: haven't heard the term, is that what it is?
01:42.51abrotmanThaiger: killall gdesklets ?
01:42.56dpkgmethinks smarthost is an SMTP relay
01:43.05FieldySnutsyeah okay, that sounds like what they're running
01:43.18abrotmanFieldySnuts: from what i remember .. you tell your mail system that the other system is your real smtp server
01:43.20jcoleThaiger: killall python
01:43.25sgeigerbot`!smarthost is also Mail-Administrator-HOWTO is at
01:43.26dpkgsgeigerbot`: okay
01:43.43FieldySnutsthanks, i'll look
01:43.46ThaigerMy problem isn't that gdesklets won't close, its that that one desklet is a pain in the ass
01:43.53jcoleThaiger: (provided there are no other python processes running...)
01:43.54EvanCarrollOpenRealty: well make sure that dns server is listed at the top 'nameserver DNSADDRESS'
01:43.55OpenRealtyevancarroll: I think I figured out my problem, changed dnsmasq/apache server to orange dmz nic on ipcop gateway and so ip address changed and the delay was in going to the secondary dns server
01:44.05*** join/#debian eric__ (~eric@
01:44.08Thaigerlol, new profile and never open that desklet extension again ^_^
01:44.10*** join/#debian axiom242 (
01:44.12eric__hi all
01:44.19EvanCarrollOpenRealty: grats
01:44.25AngelsDemondoes anyone know about working with wireless USB adapters, or about the ATI all-in-wonder TV tuner?
01:44.27axiom242how do I get /etc/init.d/local to execute upon bootup?
01:44.27*** join/#debian Xemacs_ (
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01:44.41tomb0yaxiom242: man update-rc.d
01:45.00*** join/#debian Pirigoso_BRA (
01:45.01sgeigerbot`axiom242: "sudo apt-get install update-rc.d"      To add apache to startup:  "sudo update-rc.d apache defaults"      To remove apache:  "sudo update-rc.d -f apache remove"    An ncurses app called rcconf might be even easier, but sometimes that program has been broken, so you will want to keep this one in mind, as well.   "sudo update-rc.d -n apache defaults" would just show what would be done.   man 8 update-rc.d
01:45.24Pirigoso_BRAhi all
01:45.27yxahow do i use dd to clone the mbr (where grub resides) to another harddisk?
01:45.43sgeigerbot`yxa: dd bs=16 count=32 if=/dev/hda of=/root/mbr.backup
01:45.44OpenRealtyevancarroll: should I have ipv6 over ipv4 tunnelling  though
01:45.47bizarro_pacoabrotman, which debian do u like the best?
01:45.48Pirigoso_BRAplease help me install IPTABLES 130 and Patch Poom
01:45.50dpkgIt's YOU. Y-O-U. Not *U*. U is a letter. YOU is a word. See ne1, or wud.  Dutch for 'you' (formal singular). See
01:46.01Pirigoso_BRAPatch to block Kazza
01:46.04EvanCarrollOpenRealty: not if you don't need it
01:46.10*** part/#debian encolpe (~encolpe@
01:46.10sgeigerbot`yxa: ...but why not use grub to write the mbr??
01:46.27yxasgeigerbot` coz it seg faults when i try to :)
01:46.28axiom242tomb0y, update-rc.d local default ?
01:46.29Pirigoso_BRAi use Debian Kernel 2.6
01:46.32OpenRealtyevancarroll: I tried removing module with modconf but it wouldnt let me as it was in use
01:46.38sgeigerbot`yxa: The MBR is the first 512 bytes of the first sector of the first partition on the drive.  It contains the partition table and the first-stage bootloader.  The first-stage loader is a wee bit of code stored in the first 446 bytes of the BMR, which points th eway to the second-stage loader, which is stored in teh /boot directory.  The remaining 66 bytes are for the partition table.
01:46.41yxasgeigerbot` the command only makes a backup doesn it?
01:47.01EvanCarrollOpenRealty: I don't have it things work fine, you might be useing it somewhere down the line, X even calls for it somewhere and has to be disable explcitily if you don't want to use it
01:47.09sgeigerbot`yxa: use grub to write the mbr.
01:47.16Pirigoso_BRAyes fd
01:47.23yxasgeigerbot` i cant! it segfaults
01:47.27Pirigoso_BRAfd disk to disk
01:47.34sgeigerbot`yxa: install lilo
01:47.35*** join/#debian callipygous (
01:47.41callipygousme waits for the spam
01:47.42bizarro_pacowhich debian do you guy like the best?
01:47.46toresbedoes anyone know of any experimental kde 3.4 packages?
01:47.46sgeigerbot`yxa: ...or install a newer version of grub.
01:47.57abrotmantoresbe: ask #debian-kde
01:48.02toresbeabrotman: thanks :)
01:48.04callipygoushey, how do you set what window manager XDM uses?
01:48.06yxasgeigerbot` tried new version. didnt help. this is last resort
01:48.06eric__nite all
01:48.14sgeigerbot`yxa: try lilo.
01:48.19Pirigoso_BRAplease good repository to upodate my source.list?
01:48.19tomb0yaxoim242: update-rc.d local defaults
01:48.20jageri've confused apt, it tells me that i can't overwrite /usr/lib/ because it's in libflac++2c102, but it won't let me remove libflac++2c102 because i need to install libflac++4 before i can do anything
01:48.27sgeigerbot`LiLo Works Every Time(tm)
01:48.28Pirigoso_BRAplease good repository to update my source.list?
01:48.28OpenRealtyevancarroll: thanks
01:48.38axiom242tomb0y: I just did update-rc.d local start 80 2 3 4 5 .
01:48.39*** join/#debian CraHan (
01:48.51abrotmansgeigerbot`: except when it doesn't
01:48.52yxasgeigerbot` let me try brute force dd clone first :)
01:48.56jagerwhere do i go to tell it to ignore libflac++4 for a while?
01:49.03*** mode/#Debian [+l 785] by debhelper
01:49.05TCWthere is something which anoyes me since... maybe yesterday or the day before yesterday... everytime I restart my computer and Gnome starts, a "evolution-alarm-notify crash" messagebox appears, but if I check if it is running with ps aux for instance, it is still running... debian sarge and I don't see any bugreports which would match... am I really the only one? :)
01:49.08sgeigerbot`yxa: wait!
01:49.10dwangojager, you can force actions
01:49.11Pirigoso_BRAdont have iproute2 packege
01:49.11*** join/#debian calmar (
01:49.13AngelsDemonanyone know how to set up the tv tuner on an ATI all-in-wonder video card?
01:49.13jetscreamererr ftp not fpt
01:49.28yxasgeigerbot` so how do i write mbr.backup
01:49.32*** join/#debian struct (~struct@
01:49.40jagerdwango, like apt-get -f install?
01:49.42abrotmanevery day is sunday
01:49.47sgeigerbot`yxa: I think you really want just the first 446 bytes in this case.  Do this instead:  dd bs=446 count=1 if=/dev/hda of=/dev/hdb
01:49.49jagerbecause that fails similarly
01:49.50structhow can i add limits on the number of processes a user can own in debian?
01:49.59abrotmanstruct: man ulimit
01:50.00sgeigerbot`yxa: ...and, be aware: you are playing with fire.
01:50.40*** join/#debian sanxiyn (~tinuviel@
01:50.40yxasgeigerbot` i just did. let me try it out
01:50.55callipygoushey, how do you set what window manager XDM uses?
01:50.59structabrotman: it says " Warning:  This  routine is obsolete."
01:51.07AngelsDemonjetscreamer: was the bttv in response to my question on the ATI?
01:51.11*** part/#debian dwango (
01:51.12abrotmanstruct: info ulimit ?
01:51.19callipygousabrotman: thanks, I was wondering why .xinitrc had no effect
01:51.24abrotmanstruct: oh .. wrong man page
01:51.28sanxiyn"Although sometimes it's hard to tell, Debian actually has a purpose" -- Anthony Towns (in Platform)
01:51.29sgeigerbot`jetscreamer: when you direct a response at someone, please add their nick to the beginning of the line so others can follow the conversation...and so that they know your conversation isn't part of another.  ...and so that my regexes can copy the conversation.
01:51.51sgeigerbot`sanxiyn: that's even more true for #debian
01:52.06yxasgeigerbot` actually i need all 512 bytes. since they are the same
01:52.07sanxiynsgeigerbot`: Indeed.
01:52.17abrotmanstruct: that is what you want to learn about
01:52.21yxasgeigerbot` making a mirror of the hdd actually
01:52.28abrotmanstruct: man limits.conf
01:52.34structabrotman: oh ok
01:52.45sgeigerbot`yxa: Are the hard drives identical?
01:52.49yxasgeigerbot` yep!
01:53.03sgeigerbot`yxa: then just do:  dd if=/dev/hda of=/dev/hdb
01:53.06*** join/#debian krew (
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01:53.10*** part/#debian Pirigoso_BRA (
01:53.24structabrotman: couldn't I use PAM to do this?
01:53.36yxasgeigerbot` takes too long. besides i know i am only missing the mbr
01:53.37abrotmanstruct: pam does use limits.conf
01:53.43sgeigerbot`yxa: ok
01:53.44abrotmanor can .. you need to tell it to
01:53.45structohh ok
01:54.06structabrotman: what is the relation between ulimit and PAM?
01:54.13*** join/#debian fragster (
01:54.24AngelsDemonanyone know about the ATI all-in-wonder? or at least could someone direct me to another room that may be more suitable for this question?
01:54.30*** join/#debian MobyTurbo (
01:54.37EvanCarrollabrotman: i just decided to reread my limits.conf does your have blacked out segments in it too?
01:54.47stewAngelsDemon: /msg dpkg ati
01:54.57sgeigerbot`yxa: If it works, you have to (re-)name your first born  "sgeigerbot."
01:54.58EvanCarrollabrotman: err thats the man page for limits.conf
01:55.12abrotmanEvanCarroll: the man page or the actual file ?
01:55.16michal_is there any RIGHT way to set up iptables nat/masquarading ?
01:55.23abrotmanstruct: you can set pam to obey the new limits
01:55.25*** part/#debian sanxiyn (~tinuviel@
01:55.34EvanCarrollabrotman: mine says The __________ file where _ is blacked out, and when i have screen on and i exploit the redraw fucntioality i can see that those are auctually blacked out characters
01:55.39EvanCarrollabrotman: man page
01:55.45AngelsDemonstew: thanks
01:55.47fragsteranybody here willing to answer some newb questions?
01:56.09abrotmanEvanCarroll: sid or sarge?
01:56.09*** join/#debian DavidH (
01:56.24EvanCarrollabrotman: sid
01:56.29*** join/#debian phil_ (
01:56.32michal_abrotman: jesus.. that's barely readable. light blue text on a white background?
01:56.33abrotmanEvanCarroll: i'm on sarge
01:56.37*** join/#debian Raptor22x (
01:56.40abrotmanmichal_: i didn't design it
01:56.42DavidHHi folks.
01:57.07abrotman!info passwd sid
01:57.12dpkgpasswd: (change and administer password and group data), section base, is required. Version: 1:4.0.3-30.10 (sid), Packaged size: 506 kB, Installed size: 1187 kB
01:57.12abrotman!info passwd sarge
01:57.14*** join/#debian dob (
01:57.14Raptor22xdebian newbie here, is there a way to change the files that are all in capital letters to lowe-case letters
01:57.15*** join/#debian docgnome (
01:57.16clconthow do you forward a port with ssh? what is the syntax? -L 8080:hostname:80 ?
01:57.17dpkgpasswd: (change and administer password and group data), section base, is required. Version: 1:4.0.3-30.9 (sarge), Packaged size: 507 kB, Installed size: 1187 kB
01:57.23EvanCarrollabrotman: hrm the problem is specific to sid, i have sarge sshed in on one comp, sid on this comp all the sections that are bold don't show up in sid
01:57.24abrotmanEvanCarroll: different versions ?
01:57.31DavidHWhich packages do I need to install to get support for configuring the 2.6.10 kernel with 'make gconfig'?
01:57.37structabrotman: what's the difference between the type hard and soft?
01:57.44abrotmanRaptor22x: the letters or the file name ?
01:57.49abrotmanstruct: i think it explains it
01:57.52FieldySnutsheh. ok i set up a smarthost with exim4. unfortunately the mta it's using as a smart host is using smtp authentication. I have a username/pass but how do I use it in exim's config?
01:58.03structabrotman: not that i can tell
01:58.13abrotmanFieldySnuts: you're just all kinds of fucked :(
01:58.21EvanCarrollabrotman: not all the letters that are bolded, just a large portion of them its kind of funny really
01:58.27Raptor22xthe file names are in capital letters and i need them to be in lower-case
01:58.28*** join/#debian aestik (
01:58.30MobyTurboDavidH: the last time I heard about gconfig it was considered buggy. Just run make menuconfig - it's not so hard.
01:58.46phil_Hi! Can anybody help me configure my printer. I've already posted this but ran out of luck.
01:58.48FieldySnutswell i can request to opt out of the outbound port 25 blocking, i just need a legitmate reason. running an mta on a business line is a legitmate reason, I just didn't want to bother.
01:58.51docgnomeAre there any font packages that include either the Courier or Courier New font?
01:58.56EvanCarrollAnyone else here using sid have the time to check man pages? man limits.conf, tell me if you can read the second word in the description
01:59.00phil_my computer is: /exec uname -s
01:59.14phil_on a debian machine
01:59.17MobyTurbodocgnome: msttcorefonts
01:59.24FieldySnutsfiltering outbound port 25 traffic on business networks is definately stupid.
01:59.30docgnomeMobyTurbo: thanks
01:59.31abrotmanFieldySnuts: did you ask #exim how to?
01:59.33DavidHMobyTurbo: OK.  What package(s) do I need to install to get ncurses?
01:59.34yxasgeigerbot` works like a charm.
01:59.35aestikI need repostorys so that I can install gaim
01:59.35kyncaniEvanCarr1ll: looks ok
01:59.38*** part/#debian fragster (
01:59.39FieldySnutsnah, i will right now
01:59.47dobHi, someone use openvpn ? it is right to add that rules with iptables to get the traffic from a subnet to the tunnel to work ? iptables -A INPUT -i tun+ -j ACCEPT,  iptables  -A FORWARD -i tun+ -j ACCEPT, iptables -A FORWARD -o tun+ -j ACCEPT
01:59.53abrotmanFieldySnuts: are you actually on a totally business netowrk? .. or is it shared with residential ?
01:59.54phil_anybody willing to help?
02:00.04phil_my printer is an HP Deskjet 710C
02:00.07FieldySnutsabrotman: it's seperate, so I don't understand this lame reasoning.
02:00.07EvanCarrollDavidH: apt cache search ncurses or install any ncurses package to have the dependencies filled
02:00.15EvanCarrollDavidH: (like centericq)
02:00.24abrotmanFieldySnuts: i can guess a few .. all originating from Redmond :)
02:00.50MobyTurboDavidH: libncurses5-dev
02:00.52FieldySnutsi'm just really annoyed that i'm paying for a business line and they're doing any filtering without asking, that's crap
02:00.55FieldySnutsanyway, time to solve this
02:01.03*** join/#debian Gwildor (
02:01.04abrotmanFieldySnuts: honestly . it makes sense
02:01.06AngelsDemonstew: i did what you said "/msg dpkg ati", and tried going to, but it said that it couldn't be found...?
02:01.26FieldySnutsit's my block of IP's, I own it, it's my responsibility to stop outgoing spam, not theirs </rant>
02:01.49aestikI need repostorys so that I can install gaim. can anyone help?
02:02.02abrotmanFieldySnuts: at my office we have two different /27 networks external .. we dont control all the machines .. and more than once our bandwidth has been fucked by another server
02:02.34*** join/#debian HoraceF (
02:02.49abrotmanFieldySnuts: or if you have a full windows network with lots of viruses and spam bots
02:02.55FlimzyFieldySnuts: that's probably not entirely true from a legal standpoint
02:02.58*** join/#debian brontitall (
02:03.05FieldySnutswell i just believe very strongly in the owner of even a small block of ip's being held 100% responsible, but i'm old school
02:03.16FlimzyFieldySnuts: your ISP's upstream provider might be nasty to your ISP if they don't take reasonable measures to stop spam or other abuse.
02:03.18*** join/#debian shingouz_ (
02:03.20abrotmanFieldySnuts: you don't own .. you lease
02:03.41FieldySnutsanyway in the end I don't much care, if they don't lift this block i'll be switching
02:03.43aestikI need repostorys so that I can install gaim. can anyone help????
02:03.46clconthow do i forward port 80 for ssh?
02:03.56Roninaestik: apt-get gaim is all you need
02:04.06Ronincrap apt-get install gaim even
02:04.26abrotmanRonin: he's using demudi
02:04.27HoraceFI'm sorry if this is an obvious question, but I've looked all over. Is there a howto on changing KDE to the default WM on debian. I created a new .xinitrc but I have to run startx after a console login now.
02:04.27jagerapt-get moo
02:04.35Roninahh well in that case ...
02:04.36aestikyes. demudi it is
02:04.40Flimzyaestik: that's part of Debian.  Use any official mirror.
02:05.04abrotmanFlimzy: no it's not .. it's a separate project iirc
02:05.14FieldySnutsbleh and #exim is idle. i suppose i can just use their smart host temporarily to send.
02:05.16*** join/#debian wnorrix (~warren@
02:05.17spowersgaim is part of debian
02:05.23aestikuses debian kernel
02:05.26DavidHMobyTurbo: Thanks.  I had all sorts of other ncurses packages installed, but I was missing that one crucial one.
02:05.30Roninyes but demudi isn't
02:05.33Flimzyclcont: ssh doesn't use port 80
02:05.33Flimzyclcont: well, not by default, anyway.  And I can't imagine why you would want to use port 80 for ssh
02:05.35abrotmanRaptor22x: don't msg me
02:05.40FieldySnuts@topicsmite aestik
02:05.44Raptor22xoops sorry
02:05.44abrotmanRaptor22x: ask here
02:05.50Flimzyabrotman: ?
02:05.53*** part/#debian spowers (
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02:06.05Flimzyabrotman: I've always installed GAIM from official Debian mirrors.
02:06.13abrotmanFlimzy: demudi isn't debian
02:06.13*** part/#debian DavidH (
02:06.31Flimzyabrotman: why wouldn't it be part of Debian?  It's free... and it doesn't contain any patented software that would cause issues
02:06.33FieldySnutsFlimzy: if you are not using debian, then this channel cannot and will not support you. that's official stance.
02:06.39abrotmanFlimzy: demudi isn't debian
02:06.42Raptor22xAbrotman: do you know of a command or way to change file names that are in capital to lower-case ex. FILES.HTM to files.htm
02:06.42Flimzyabrotman: Why do I care about demudi or
02:06.43directhex!info gaim woody
02:06.45dpkggaim: (GPL multi-protocol instant messenger client - Gtk+ version), section net, is optional. Version: 1:0.58-2.4 (woody), Packaged size: 380 kB, Installed size: 1032 kB
02:06.52abrotmanFlimzy: you're telling aestik to install it ..
02:06.53Flimzyabrotman: Are we even talking about the same thing?
02:07.00abrotmanprobabl ynot
02:07.13shingouz_this is annoying, i got myself a sweex webcam vendor:device 0x0c45:6005 that is supported by sn9c102. i can even cat from /dev/video0 but xawtv or camorama do not get any picture out of it. am i missing something here?
02:07.14*** join/#debian cat (~dark@cat.user)
02:07.27jcoleare there any other useful linux development ides (gtk based) with cvs support besides anjuta and eclipse?
02:07.43abrotmanjcole: what kind of dev ?
02:07.50directhex!info gaim sarge
02:07.53dpkggaim: (multi-protocol instant messaging client), section net, is optional. Version: 1:1.1.1-1 (sarge), Packaged size: 3549 kB, Installed size: 9688 kB
02:07.55jcoleeclipse is very old in deb sid and i don't want to use visual studio in wine
02:07.56*** join/#debian kn0t (
02:08.08abrotmanjcole: install your own eclipse .. it works quite well
02:08.16jcoleabrotman: oh
02:08.23aestikany help with the repostorys?
02:08.25Flimzyabrotman: aestik asked for a repository.  He didn't specify that he's not using Debian.  On #Debian, it seems reasonable to assume that he is using Debian (and if he's not, it's his own damn fault if my correct answer doesn't apply)
02:08.29abrotmanjcole: the eclipse team is holding off for some reason
02:08.34jcoleabrotman: java, cgi, bash, ksh and perl mostly
02:08.41abrotmanFlimzy: you're here enough to know not to assume :)
02:08.43*** join/#debian kdog (
02:08.43jcoleabrotman: oh and sql
02:08.56jcoleabrotman: o_O
02:08.58abrotmanjcole: i'd install my own eclipse i think ..
02:08.58aestikI didnt know where I should go for support
02:09.02aestikso i went here
02:09.11abrotmanaestik: apt-cache search aim
02:09.31jcoleabrotman: thanks, maybe i'm stupid, but i can't figure out anjuta... eclipse works for me
02:09.36directhexaestik, so what linux distribution are you running?
02:09.37Flimzyabrotman: yeah, I guess so
02:09.48Ronintried #demudi?
02:09.52gradzacjcole: as long as you have a Java JDK installed, just download eclipse from their site, unpack, and run
02:09.56directhex!not supporting Demudi
02:09.57dpkgWe have enough trouble not supporting Debian, without trying to not support Demudi too.  Try #Demudi or donating money to charity.
02:10.03callipygousdamn, how many linux distro's does there have to be?
02:10.11callipygousgah, haven't even heard of that one!
02:10.34Flimzyaestik: If you're not using Debian, then you're SOL here
02:10.34Flimzyaestik: Either find support from someone else, or install Debian then come back here.
02:10.37FieldySnutswhy are we still talking about this? see what I last said that is THE STANCE OF THIS CHANNEL now quit wasing our fucking time
02:11.19aestikOkay calm down man. Thanks for the try guys. Later.
02:11.28abrotmanaestik: apt-cache search aim
02:11.40FieldySnutswhy do we get extremely upset? because we have to repeat this mantra 50 times a day, and 3 - 10 times per person before they get it
02:11.42*** join/#debian fragster (
02:11.43directhexwe didn't try, we told him to swivel on something painful
02:11.45*** join/#debian Doomgaze-MSU (
02:11.56directhexi'm insulted he thought that was trying
02:12.05dambodogabrotman, done. now i got the following errors: Errors were encountered while processing:
02:12.14EvanCarrollI have accidently deleted a conf file from an important package, how do i extract just it, what is the syntax for dpkg to extract just one file??
02:12.16abrotmani avoid perl
02:12.26dpkgperl is, like, the Pathologically Eclectic Rubbish Lister, or confusing as hell to learn but quite powerfull if you know how to use it, or see
02:12.27abrotmanman dpkg
02:12.34dpkghmm... bedtime is set to be 02:12:35 2005 directhex so get to bed!
02:12.48directhexdpkg, ok
02:12.48dpkghmm... ok is okay
02:12.57dpkgfrom memory, gtk is GTK+ (Gimp Tool Kit), a graphical toolkit.  You probably want to "apt-get install libgtk1.2-dev", or now at version 2, which may be installed with "apt-get install libgtk2.0-dev". libgtk1.2 is GTK+, libgtk2.0 is GTK2.  They are NOT compatible.  They are totally separate..
02:13.09directhexdpkg, goodnight
02:13.09dpkggnight, or something said when a person is leaving for the night
02:13.24*** join/#debian Thaiger (
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02:13.34ThaigerHow do I see how much space a folder takes up?
02:13.36jbAUdpkg, what is apt?
02:13.37dpkgjbAU: what are you talking about?
02:13.48abrotmandpkg: what are you
02:13.48dpkgI am a blootbot. For more info see <blootbot>
02:13.49XenguyThaiger: du -h .
02:14.08XenguyThaiger: or perhaps just -> du -h
02:14.12*** join/#debian bbb_ (
02:14.16XenguyThaiger: yw
02:14.30*** join/#debian aestik (
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02:15.07abrotmanaestik: apt-cache search aim
02:15.11*** part/#debian aestik (
02:15.13hernan_Hi, can anybody tell me if it's possible to downgrade to debian stable?
02:15.14fragsterhave you ever gotten so confused that you don't even know what questions to ask?
02:15.19hernan_From Testing.
02:15.27maherhernan_: not easily
02:15.28*** join/#debian mikeeusa (
02:15.30jbAUhernan_ very difficult
02:15.32ThaigerOK another question: I have files that arenamed like 0111-en 0112-en, is there any easy way to take out the -en like just 0111
02:15.36*** join/#debian livingtm (
02:15.44kyncaniHi, in grep manpage, i see -P is supposed to interpret the regex as a perl regex. However, "grep -P ." gives me the error message "grep: The -P option is not supported" ... does anyone know why ? grep compiled without perl support ?
02:15.46mikeeusasomeone kicked me from here for no reason
02:15.49*** join/#debian studioonedj (
02:15.56hernan_maher, jbAU: these config files are all over the place and make it hard for me to set up my home server.
02:15.57Xenguyhernan_: generally, I don't think so, but Sarge will become stable RSN ;-)
02:15.58mikeeusa<-- xk has kicked brainZzZ from #debian (Banned)
02:15.58mikeeusa<-- xk has kicked irc_ from #debian (Banned
02:15.59livingtmanyone know how to add modules to /etc/modules.conf?
02:15.59jbAUhernan_ would be easier to backup your config files and re-install
02:15.59studioonedjanyone using xampp?
02:16.02maherThaiger: try rename or mmv
02:16.03mikeeusa--- You have been kicked from #debian by xk (Banned)
02:16.09*** join/#debian ximpul (
02:16.20deadcatmy $HOSTFILE never seem to work for bash completion.
02:16.32abrotmanmikeeusa: so what?
02:16.39jbAUhernan_ essentially you have to unininstall and reininstall every piece of software though
02:16.41hernan_jbAU, the thing is, my config files are the problem. I don't know how to set up sarge properly. I know how to use woody tho.
02:16.44maherhernan_: the config files are probably in the same places more or less in stable/testing
02:16.45mikeeusawell why was i banned for no reason?
02:16.50abrotmanask xk
02:16.51abrotmannot me
02:16.51mikeeusa(for awhile)
02:16.53Thaigermaher: I'm looking for an easy way to do a whole lot of them, like using a regex but I don't know how to do that with mv
02:17.03mikeeusatell xk: death to women's rights
02:17.06hernan_maher, jbAU, any easy way to downgrade from apache2 to 1?
02:17.07maherThaiger: rename takes perl regex's
02:17.10abrotmanhe's not on
02:17.16mikeeusawell if you see him
02:17.21abrotmanmikeeusa: you fucktard .. do you want banned again you asshole?
02:17.29maherhernan_: apache1 should still be in testing
02:17.33mikeeusa<abrotman> mikeeusa: you fucktard .. do you want banned again you asshole?
02:17.38mikeeusawtf was that for?
02:17.38*** join/#debian xammu (
02:17.39hernan_maher: installed?
02:17.40XenguyThaiger: there's an app called 'krename' - it's a more 'bloated' solution, but it might come with GUI ease :-)
02:17.47XenguyThaiger: haven't tried it myself
02:17.48abrotman<mikeeusa> tell xk: death to women's rights
02:17.53abrotmanwhat do you think it was for idiot?
02:17.54jbAUhernan_ so you want to go to sid ?
02:17.55mikeeusaabrotman: so?
02:18.02abrotmanmikeeusa: you're a fucking moron
02:18.05mikeeusaabrotman: fuck you you feminist piece of shit
02:18.11abrotmanmikeeusa: go away
02:18.16hernan_jbAU: from testing to stable, actually. but all i want is to be able to set up my server the woody way :P
02:18.16XenguyI'm ignoring both of you
02:18.23deadcathow many distro can 1 hd handle?
02:18.27mikeeusaabrotman: <-- not a moron
02:18.31abrotmanmikeeusa: go away
02:18.35ThaigerXenguy:Thanks again
02:18.37abrotmanmikeeusa: go away
02:18.39maherhernan_: just uninstall apache2 and isntall apache
02:18.44deadcat!start a civil war
02:18.46XenguyThaiger: yw - have fun
02:18.47mikeeusaabrotman: so what have you coded?
02:18.53*** join/#debian jrelics (
02:18.55hernan_maher: would you mind telling me the package names? apt-get remove apache2 says it cant be found
02:18.59madthinkerthis is the best.
02:19.00abrotmanmikeeusa: i don't .. i chose not to .. it's fucking boring as hell
02:19.10maherhernan_: well - it's not there
02:19.12mikeeusaalso I contribute maps and archtypes to the opensource RPG crossfire
02:19.16jbAUhernan_ eek - are you sure you're using apache2?
02:19.20abrotmanmikeeusa: not impressed
02:19.24mikeeusaabrotman: I contribute to opensource, you do not
02:19.32hernan_jbAU: im pretty sure i am, since i restart it with the command apache2ctl restart
02:19.34abrotmanmikeeusa: bullshit
02:19.36jrelicsanyone know how to configure debian on dell inspiron 8100 with ati videocard?
02:19.38abrotmanmikeeusa: just shut up
02:19.41mikeeusaNot trying to impress a feminist emasculated bitch like you.
02:19.44madthinkeri don't think that makes you a nicer person, mikeeusa.
02:19.50abrotmanmikeeusa: are you going to stop?
02:19.52jbAUhernan_ ok - did u install apache2 without a dpkg ?
02:20.00asgabrotman: making friends again I see
02:20.01mikeeusaabrotman: look at the developer list on crossfire's sf area
02:20.07mikeeusayou'll see my name
02:20.10FieldySnutssomebody wants a medal
02:20.11abrotmanmikeeusa: do i care?
02:20.12EvanCarrollI have accidently deleted a conf file from an important package, how do i extract just it, what is the syntax for dpkg to extract just one file??
02:20.14SeroIs there a way to put a splash screen up when Gentoo is booting and loading up?
02:20.15hernan_jbAU: i installed it from the system install, so no.
02:20.15FieldySnutsabrotman: I sure don't
02:20.16SeroI mean Debian.
02:20.24asgSero: google for bootsplash
02:20.32maher!ops mikeeusa excessive misogyny
02:20.33*** join/#debian Doomgaze-MSU` (
02:20.33dpkgHydroxide, bob2, caphuso, dondelelcaro, doogie, eeyore-, ElectricElf, greycat, helix, ljlane, LoRez, mentor, Netsnipe, TML, walters, xk: mikeeusa excessive misogyny
02:20.35abrotmanFieldySnuts: you don't?
02:20.38mikeeusaabrotman: the point is you don't do shit for the community and I do, so go fuck yourself
02:20.43abrotmanmikeeusa: do i care?
02:20.53jbAUEvanCarroll dpkg -x packgename
02:20.54helixmaher: give me a moment..
02:20.57helixmikeeusa: please calm down
02:20.59mikeeusa!ops maher stupid whore that dosn't contribute to OSS
02:21.00dpkgHydroxide, bob2, caphuso, dondelelcaro, doogie, eeyore-, ElectricElf, greycat, helix, ljlane, LoRez, mentor, Netsnipe, TML, walters, xk: maher stupid whore that dosn't contribute to OSS
02:21.06*** mode/#Debian [+o bob2] by ChanServ
02:21.07*** part/#debian mikeeusa (
02:21.07Ronindamn how come every time i look away someone opens the can o'whoop ass here
02:21.07*** mode/#Debian [-o bob2] by bob2
02:21.09abrotmanwow ..
02:21.13abrotmani can't belivee that
02:21.14*** join/#debian mikeeusa (
02:21.28mikeeusa!ops abrotman stupid whore that dosn't contribute to OSS either... at all
02:21.29helixhaven't we banned mikeeusa before?
02:21.29dpkgHydroxide, bob2, caphuso, dondelelcaro, doogie, eeyore-, ElectricElf, greycat, helix, ljlane, LoRez, mentor, Netsnipe, TML, walters, xk: abrotman stupid whore that dosn't contribute to OSS either... at all
02:21.31*** join/#debian hhstnoc_ (
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02:21.32*** mode/#Debian [+b *!*] by helix
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02:21.34*** mode/#Debian [-o bob2] by bob2
02:21.35maheri'm still laughing...
02:21.36FieldySnutsbob2: thanks
02:21.37abrotmanhelix: yes .. he's evading
02:21.45madthinkerthat was awesome.
02:21.52FieldySnutsalindeman: mikeeusa is evading bans
02:21.52abrotmanhelix: lastlog him .. he started bashing xk
02:21.52asghelix: you have now :)
02:21.55madthinkerthat was a rampage.
02:21.55abrotmanand i'm not even sure why
02:22.11hernan_jbAU: any idea?
02:22.24maherwe need some loser of the week award
02:22.31jbAUhernan_ is it possible you've installed apache2 without using apt-get ?
02:22.33asgmaher: we have several
02:22.38helixhe programs RPGs for god's sake
02:22.42abrotmani feel bad . i'm a whore .. and apparently bad at it
02:22.46madthinkerthat was my favourite part.
02:22.47asghelix: and not even good ones
02:22.48abrotmanhelix: i have too ... it's not hard
02:22.52madthinkerRPG maps!
02:22.55helixabrotman: you really need to chill out with trolls
02:22.57hernan_jbAU: i installed it with the system. so i used the dpkg in the debian cds
02:23.05*** join/#debian Hamled (
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02:23.08helixabrotman: you're coming dangerously close to being banned yourself for simply exacerbating these situations
02:23.11abrotmanhelix: he has been here before .. not trolling .. he just started off immediately
02:23.23helixabrotman: maybe I suggest you learn to *ignore* people or call ops instead of trying to piss them off more?
02:23.35abrotmanhelix: that only works when ops are around
02:23.43abrotmanwhich isn't always the case
02:23.44helixgee, as soon as you called ops, we appeared
02:23.48helixit was this time
02:23.50maheri am ashamed of my lack of contributions to oss - how do i make these maps?
02:23.50abrotmani didn't call them at all tonight
02:23.58helixno, you chose to berate a troll
02:24.05jbAUhernan_ ok - but when you remove apache2 it says it doesn't exist... try dpkg --purge apache2 then apt-get install apache
02:24.06HamledI just upgraded this computer from 2.4 to 2.6.10, and when it boots, fsck says that it can't find /dev/hda3 (my root drive)
02:24.07helixthat's like beating up a 5 year old to prove your superiority
02:24.13madthinkerit's beyond you, maher.
02:24.14abrotmanhelix: i didn't think he was seriously pissed .. but apparently he was .. as i said . he's been here before without issue
02:24.15jbAUi'm off to lunhc
02:24.17hernan_okay, one sec, jbAU
02:24.23helixabrotman: you're not understanding me
02:24.35kaplanfxI saw a note somewhere that 2.6.11 breaks the most recent nvidia drivers, is this true/is there a patch?
02:24.40hernan_jbAU: heh, it says it's not isntalled.
02:24.43abrotmanhelix: sure i am .. i'm a pain in the ass .. i need to stop
02:24.46mahermadthinker: oh well - i guess i will manage to go on living...
02:24.51helixabrotman: the point is this: you have a history of arguing with trolls, which does no good and actually escalates the situation. stop it.
02:24.57dambodogabrotman, how can i force a remove dpkg --purge pkg? is it not removing it
02:25.01abrotmanthat's what i just said :)
02:25.04madthinkermaher: you better go back to using windows.
02:25.09abrotmandambodog: why not ?
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02:25.50dambodogabrotman, dpkg: error processing abiword-common (--purge): subprocess pre-removal script returned error exit status 1Errors were encountered while processing:
02:25.57fragsterU guys are a hoot
02:26.01abrotmandambodog: what's the real error
02:26.11Xenguyabrotman: if yer feeling angry/frustrated, listen to 'Refused' while yer doing debian support -- works for me (that, and /ignore ;-)
02:26.18Puppsterhey guys, i'm trying to apt-get update on a debian unstable box and i'm getting the following error:
02:26.21dambodogabrotman, /var/lib/dpkg/info/abiword-common.prerm: /usr/bin/defoma-app: No such file or directory
02:26.26PuppsterE: Dynamic MMap ran out of room
02:26.27PuppsterE: Error occured while processing python-gadfly (NewVersion1)
02:26.27PuppsterE: Problem with MergeList /var/state/apt/lists/
02:26.27PuppsterE: Unable to write mmap - msync (14 Bad address)
02:26.27PuppsterE: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.
02:26.27*** kick/#debian [Puppster!~debhelper@debhelper.user] by debhelper (flood: Consider using #flood)
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02:26.38asgPuppster: /msg dpkg sid fac
02:26.43asgPuppster: s/fac/faq/
02:26.52abrotmanXenguy: i don't tend to /ignore .. if it's bad enough that i shold ignore .. i should either be kicked .. or the other person
02:26.53XenguyPuppster: try a different mirror ?
02:27.17abrotmanisn't that the normal mmap error ?
02:27.21dlirecommend a minipci wireless card for dell inspiron laptop?
02:27.28asgabrotman: doesn't look like it
02:27.32Puppsteri really don't know what it means
02:27.51hernan_how can i get a list of my installed packages, so i can check which apache packages are installed?
02:27.52abrotmandambodog: install defoma ?
02:27.54hernan_something | grep apache
02:28.02Xenguyabrotman: I have things configured to /ignore for .5 hours -- in 95% of the cases that's enough silence to enable the 'annoyance' to pass on - YMMV :-)
02:28.06abrotmandli: you didn't say b or g
02:28.13maherhernan_: dpkg -l | grep apache
02:28.14asgabrotman: from the looks of it, it might be screwy memory
02:28.18*** join/#debian spoopin (
02:28.23hernan_thank you, maher
02:28.27abrotmanXenguy: yes .. i agree .. but it still affects the rest of the channel
02:28.37abrotmanXenguy: which is why i shouldn't
02:28.39asgspoopin: you still on dialup or has Earthlink finally got things in order?
02:28.41FieldySnutswow. their smarthost only supports windows email clients, and not mtas. i'm getting real close to dumping them for this idiocracy
02:28.41abrotmanerr shouldn't argue
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02:28.48hernan_maher: and how can i check if i have apache1 or 2? because i seem to have the apache2 utils, but not apache2 itself
02:28.57abrotmanFieldySnuts: exemption?
02:29.03spoopinasg: still on dialup. Bastards.
02:29.07sebathe passwd format is in the manpages?
02:29.09asgspoopin: wtf?
02:29.11madthinkerdialup rules!
02:29.16maherhernan_: then you have apache2-utils but not apache2 or apache
02:29.17spoopinasg: ... but it's fast enough for irc :)
02:29.23*** join/#debian cat (~dark@cat.user)
02:29.27asgspoopin: has been since '92 or so
02:29.31jcoleabrotman: you're right, much better :)
02:29.37FieldySnutsabrotman: we'll see, they say 24 hour response time for that. wankers
02:29.41Puppsterdifferent apt source doesn't seem to fix it
02:29.48*** part/#debian Big_Wolf (
02:29.49hernan_maher: let's see: apache-common, apache-utils, apache2-common, apache2-utils and 2 more that got cut off.
02:29.53Xenguyabrotman: one person's 'noise' is another person's 'signal' -- so I evaluate people's scribblings on that basis -- people are not allowed to waste my time/attention with noise.  If they do, they get /ignored, and my stress levels stay sane -- but I know everyone has there own ways of making sense of IRC babble ;-)
02:29.55madthinkerthe best is when you have to go from broadband to living in the country and using dialup.
02:30.01madthinkerit's great!
02:30.09asgPuppster: try running memtest86 to see if you have some bad memory
02:30.17maherhernan_: try running an apt-front end like aptitude and choosing apache
02:30.19spoopinasg: I'm canning them. They seem disinterested in solving the problem - they just want to throw equipment at it, at my expense.
02:30.20abrotmanjcole: what is ?
02:30.25abrotmanFieldySnuts: doubtful
02:30.28hernan_maher: okay
02:30.39spoopinasg: I'll be joining you, Ty and D on Monday :)
02:30.40asgspoopin: ah
02:30.45FieldySnutsthey'll lose a rather high paying customer then, their loss. till then, my loss as I can't send fucking email.
02:30.46*** join/#debian Sn0p (
02:30.49asgspoopin: :)
02:31.10spoopinasg: less cost for 6 months, too
02:31.16sebasorry... the passwd format is in the manpages?
02:31.20*** join/#debian GooZ (
02:31.21abrotmanXenguy: you're right .. i just think that putting people on /ignore is only detriemtnal the rest of the channel(my arguing with them certainly doesn't help)
02:31.27asgspoopin: yeah, I saw there was a new special on
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02:31.50spoopinasg: quite. at least my ppp/NAT setup is working well
02:32.05hernan_can someone tell me a regular expression that'll select apache-* ?
02:32.12asgseba: man 5 passwd
02:32.36asgspoopin: yeah, it seems to be. I talked to K earlier, he seemed in good spirits.
02:32.45maherhernan_: what do you actually want to do?
02:32.58sebathanks asg!
02:33.01hernan_maher: im going to remove all the apache software and start from scratch.
02:33.03asgseba: you're welcome
02:33.06hernan_maher: it's the only way i'll learn :)
02:33.11Xenguyabrotman: in olden times if a person offended the community, they were banished.  This was serious cos it meant one's survival (which depended on community) was threatened.  In IRC, if people waste others' time, and enough people /ignore them on that basis, then they are effectively 'banished', which seems like a reasonable and just solution to me -- anyhoo, nuff said :-)
02:33.14bob2hernan_: apache-.*
02:33.14spoopinasg: that's because he's taking a vacation, then putting in his notice
02:33.20hernan_bob2: thanks
02:33.27asgspoopin: oh, didn't hear about the last bit.
02:33.32maherhernan_: i'm sure aptitude has some search function
02:33.36abrotmanXenguy: ban them all!
02:33.49spoopinasg: without finding a new job first - nothing makes him happier than living recklessly
02:33.52hernan_bob2: that expression selects way too many packages
02:33.55asgspoopin: he said march 14 to 21 (I might take a few days myself for gaming during that time.)
02:34.00hernan_maher: hold on, i dont know if i have aptitude installed
02:34.01bob2hernan_: ok, but it does what you asked
02:34.07vladsterbanish me then
02:34.10spoopinasg: cock
02:34.14hernan_bob2: there's other packages that i dont want to remove
02:34.15asgspoopin: smoker
02:34.25spoopinasg: sorry
02:34.32asgspoopin: :)
02:34.34*** join/#debian drp|lab (
02:34.38maherhernan_: use aptitude - it has an interactive selction thingy
02:34.41bob2hernan_: ok
02:34.45Xenguyvladster: I need more noize first =)
02:35.26spoopinasg: how'd things go with the firewall vendor?
02:35.52asgspoopin: pretty good. I have a conference call on Friday to finalize a few things (and 2k pages of documentation to read through.)
02:36.21spoopinasg: ouch.
02:36.22asgspoopin: rule #1 of jam club) don't try to play 'Loneliness ...' at speed
02:36.38hernan_maher: okay, i got it, installing apache
02:37.02spoopinasg: the verse rhythm's a killer
02:37.21asgspoopin: yeah, I didn't remember how fast it was.
02:37.29asgspoopin: got Purgatory down though
02:37.32hernan_maher: yay! old-style httpd.conf :P
02:38.11*** join/#debian scorphus (~scorphus@scorphus.user)
02:38.28Ether_ManTo load the drivermodule for a non-pnp isa I must specify io and irq right? Is there any way to like probe for those values cz I have no idea what they are.
02:38.29HamledI just upgraded this computer from 2.4 to 2.6.10, and when it boots, fsck says that it can't find /dev/hda3 (my root drive)
02:38.31spoopinasg: cool.. I spent 2.5 hours on the phone w/tech supposrt last night so I didn't get a chance to play... maybe later in the week, I hope
02:38.55asgspoopin: ah, what version of Windows did you tell them you had at the time?
02:38.58*** part/#debian scorphus (~scorphus@scorphus.user)
02:39.03*** mode/#Debian [+l 777] by debhelper
02:39.08maherEther_Man: there used to be some tool called isapnp to do that - i thought modern kernels were able to do it automagically
02:39.14kaplanfxanyone on sid do a dist-upgrade today and have kdelibs-data break?
02:39.21asgkaplanfx: the bts would know
02:39.30hernan_Anyone: If i have the line     Options Indexes Includes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
02:39.31kaplanfxasg: it doesn't know yet
02:39.33Ether_Manmaher: I just said it wasnt a pnp enabled card..
02:39.36asgkaplanfx: and if it doesn't, bravo, you are the first and should file a bug report
02:39.40hernan_and I add a - before Indexes, will it - everything else?
02:39.40kaplanfxasg: I just checked
02:39.42FieldySnutsask #apache
02:39.43spoopinasg: XP - that's what's on Emily's computer. We just hook it up directly when we have to call them..
02:39.51asgspoopin: hah :)
02:39.58maherEther_Man: sorry - read the hw docs
02:40.04kaplanfxasg: im filing it now
02:40.12kaplanfxasg: just wondering if someone knew a fix
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02:40.16spoopinasg: TW asked me that when I called them tonight, too
02:40.17asgkaplanfx: you might want to check with #debian-kde first also
02:40.23Ether_Manmaher: There are no hardware docs avail. It's a used laptop and it is very old..  p133..
02:40.29HamledI just upgraded this computer from 2.4 to 2.6.10, and when it boots, fsck says that it can't find /dev/hda3 (my root drive). Anyone know what might cause this? I do have ext3 setup in my kernel, and devfs
02:40.33asgspoopin: you should have said OpenBSD just for the hell of it.
02:40.37maherEther_Man: pick numbers at random till some work?
02:41.01spoopinasg: haha
02:41.09Ether_Manmaher: erm..  considering how many io adresses there are..  That wasnt even funny..
02:41.10bob2Hamled: is it a sata drive?
02:41.10bob2or are you on ppc?
02:41.18dambodogabrotman, i keep getting the msg that i have to run apt-get -f install first
02:41.23Hamledbob2, nope, and nope
02:41.28maherEther_Man: i wasn't being funny
02:41.44abrotmandambodog: you can edit the prerm or which ever it says the error is in
02:42.04kaplanfxasg: yeah tried that
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02:42.10asgkaplanfx: ah, okay
02:42.13kaplanfxasg: no response yet
02:42.19asgspoopin: brb
02:42.21kaplanfxasg: I poked calc around a bit
02:42.21asgkaplanfx: *nod*
02:42.23*** join/#debian kyos (
02:42.34Ether_Manmaher: ok.. then you have no knowledge of io even is and thus shouldnt be answering to my question in the first place
02:42.45FlimzyEther_Man: Whether you have to probe for IO/IRQ, etc, depends on the hardware
02:42.54madthinkerFieldySnuts: where in your exim conf did you put that code block?
02:42.58FlimzyEther_Man: some ISA hardware can be auto-detected, some can't.
02:43.03maherEther_Man: i have no knowledge of how you find the right numbers for an isa card without the docs - that this correct
02:43.04FieldySnutsEther_Man: troll
02:43.06dambodogabrotman, can i msg you?
02:43.17FlimzyEther_Man: what kind of ISA hardware is it?
02:43.21abrotmandambodog: i'd rather you didn't .. many people here may catch something i don't
02:43.31Ether_ManFlimzy: An onboard soundcard
02:43.40*** join/#debian io (~am@
02:43.42dambodogabrotman, pretty please?
02:43.59dambodogabrotman, :)
02:44.17madthinkeri think dambodog is mikeeusa.
02:44.25hernan_Quick question. Whenever I upload files into my public_html, my user has access to them, but my www-data doesn't. How can I make them so they both have access to it without having to make the files public? or how can I make it so the files I put in that directory have public read access automatically?
02:45.01abrotmanmadthinker: he's been here a while
02:45.10Ether_ManFieldySnuts: troll smoll.. He asked me to try to load a module basicly about 15k times since that's the amount of diffrent combinations possible for io and irq.. That clearly shows he has no idea what he's talking about..
02:45.11madthinkeri was just joking anyway. :)
02:45.12abrotmandambodog: it's just as easy to talk here
02:45.18FieldySnutsEther_Man: yeah yea.
02:45.30FieldySnutsEther_Man: are you done yet?
02:45.32dambodogabrotman, i get the following error : You might want to run `apt-get -f install' to correct these: Sorry, but the following packages have unmet dependencies:  defoma: Depends: perl (>= 5.6.0-16) but it is not going to be installed  psfontmgr: Depends: perl but it is not going to be installed E: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages (or specify a solution)
02:45.38FlimzyEther_Man: Do you know what chipset it uses?
02:45.44Xenguyhernan_: I seem to recall that 'www-data' isn't supposed to own any web files (but I could be quite wrong with that - be warned)
02:45.55abrotmandambodog: and if you run just `apt-get -f install` ?
02:46.05Ether_ManFlimzy: I know it's ess but not which version
02:46.10hernan_Xenguy, the thing is, if I dont give public read access to my files, apache will yell Forbidden.
02:46.18FlimzyEther_Man: Actually there are usually less than a dozen possible combinations for a sound card
02:46.18FlimzyEther_Man: And you can usually get it right within 2-3 guesses if you're smart.
02:46.23dambodogabrotman, The following packages will be REMOVED:  abiword-common gsfonts psfontmgr
02:46.25hernan_literally, yell it out
02:46.27dambodogabrotman, then...
02:46.31abrotmandambodog: ok ...
02:46.32Xenguyhernan_: who do you want to be able to read those files?
02:46.46dambodogabrotman, /var/lib/dpkg/info/abiword-common.prerm: /usr/bin/defoma-app: No such file or directory
02:46.47hernan_Xenguy the user itself and apache
02:46.55kaplanfxasg: ok before I report this bug, its a conflict between kdelibs-data and knetworkconf which both want to write to /usr/share/icons/default.kde
02:46.56maherhernan_: in order for the files to be served they need to be world readable - that's different form being owned by www-data
02:46.58abrotmandambodog: fix that file
02:47.13dambodogabrotman, Removing psfontmgr .../var/lib/dpkg/info/psfontmgr.prerm: /usr/bin/defoma-app: No such file or directory
02:47.14Ether_ManFlimzy: Standard there are only a few possible yes..  but still about 30 combinations and that's only if the soundcard is a standard one.. Dell aint exactly known for using standard equipment..
02:47.17kaplanfxasg: so I know this is all meta-package stuff, I looked at kdelibs-data there is no report there
02:47.21FlimzyEther_Man: I've only used one or two ESS chipsets... not sure if I've used any ISA ones (BTW, what makes you think it's ISA?  If it's onboard, it's likely PCI, even in an old system)
02:47.24hernan_maher the thing is, whenever i ftp new files, they get a default chmod access, and i have to change them.
02:47.30abrotmandambodog: touch /usr/bin/defoma-app
02:47.31dambodogabrotman, i tried to install it but it won't let me
02:47.33FlimzyEther_Man: did you look at lspci to see if it's listed there?
02:47.35ThaigerHow would I compress a lot of jpegs at once?
02:47.37kaplanfxasg: but claims its never heard of knetworkconf package
02:47.51Ether_ManFlimzy: Because it doesnt show up on any scans of the pci bus
02:47.57Xenguyhernan_: AFAIK apache will have access to the files without 'www-data' being explicitly assigned to any permissions...
02:48.00FlimzyEther_Man: ESS is pretty standard.
02:48.03asgkaplanfx: well dpkg --force-overwrite will allow you to fix it locally I think. Still I'd file a bug nontheless.
02:48.19FlimzyThaiger: you mean you have a bunch of image files, and you want to convert them all to jpegs?
02:48.31*** join/#debian easthero (~easthero@
02:48.31NaRCoTHI, I just upgraded from woody to sareg, I think I left tons of garbage while doing it. For Ex: Now I reinstalled KDE and I have lots of things Twice, applets, properties etc'  How can I clean it all even if it says removing KDE, Clean & Reinstall ?
02:48.32Ether_ManFlimzy: perhaps. nothing I know about. Never had any ess cards before
02:48.36FlimzyThaiger: Or you have a bunch of jpegs that you want to somehow (magically) compress again?
02:48.36Xenguyhernan_: but you could simply firewall off port 80 if you are concerned about outsiders seeing files via your web server
02:48.45*** part/#debian easthero (~easthero@
02:48.59dambodogabrotman, now i am getting the following error: Unregistering PostScript fonts.../var/lib/dpkg/info/gsfonts.prerm: defoma-font: command not found
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02:49.05ThaigerFlimzy: I have a bunch of jpegs that are high quality, I'm looking for a way to convert them to lower quality, preferably all at once
02:49.07hernan_Xenguy then how can I make it so any new files in my public_html get chmodded automatically?
02:49.12abrotmandambodog: jeez .. you really need defoma :)
02:49.45FlimzyEther_Man: Well you have two basic options, then.  1) Start modprobing random ISA ESS modules with random IO/IRQ settings.  2) Search Dell's web site and/or google to determine which chipset is in that model laptop.  That will at least narrow down which module to use, and may reveal other useful info, too.
02:49.46abrotmandambodog: you can edit the prerm files .. and take out the parts referring to defoma
02:49.48NaRCoTanyone knows how to do it?
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02:49.56FlimzyThaiger: look at 'convert' in the ImageMagick package.  I'm sure it can do what you want.
02:49.57dambodogabrotman, i won't allow me to install it:/
02:49.58Xenguyhernan_: probably setting the sgid permission e.g. -> chmod g+s
02:50.01asgNaRCoT: try #debian-kde
02:50.06dambodogabrotman, ok
02:50.11NaRCoTasg, thanks
02:50.12hernan_xenguy chmod g+s public_html?
02:50.13Xenguyhernan_: if I understand you correctly - try some testing with that maybe
02:50.14Ether_ManFlimzy: I
02:50.15FlimzyThaiger: Then just write a quick bash script (or command line) to do it for all files in a directory, or whatever
02:50.18madthinkerwhat's a good shell email program?
02:50.24asgmadthinker: mutt
02:50.27FlimzyThaiger: it can resize, too.
02:50.31asgmadthinker: you're welcome
02:50.44Xenguyhernan_: wherever you set that should inherit group permissions of the parent directory (IIRC -- it's been awhile)
02:50.46ThaigerFlimzy: Thanks a lot!
02:50.49Flimzymadthinker: You probably mean 'console' not 'shell'... try mutt.
02:50.50kaplanfxasg: hmm just did apt-cache policy knetworkconf, its not a debian package (its from a special repository) so why if I try to remove it is aptitude attempting to remove kde-core and kdelibs, they can't possibly be dependent on a package that is not part of the debian repositories???
02:50.59hernan_Xenguy okay, i'll try that, thank you
02:51.14Ether_ManFlimzy: I've tried option 2 but get diffrent answers as to what chipset it is..
02:51.21Xenguyhernan_: yw - let me know how you make out :-)
02:51.37madthinkerFlimzy: I never knew that. :)
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02:51.44msg43does anyone use ndiswrapper?
02:51.46asgkaplanfx: aptitude has some smart processing. Try just using 'apt-get remove --purge <pkg>' and see if that doesn't work better
02:51.51dpkg***anyone: No such nick/channel - and yes, there probably is someone, somewhere, who knows or runs it; that doesn't mean *I* do.
02:51.52Ether_ManFlimzy: Guess I'll try option 1 for awhile. Thanks for your help anyway
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02:52.14Flimzymadthinker: ?
02:52.25msg43well I mean any debian use use slakcware
02:52.29FlimzyEther_Man: How many different answers?
02:52.37asgmsg43: in '96 or so, why?
02:52.39abrotmanwtf ...
02:52.40FlimzyEther_Man: It may be that Dell released more than one motherboard in that model
02:52.41abrotman#slackware ?
02:52.43Ether_ManFlimzy: 4 diffrent ones
02:52.45hernan_Xenguy: i just typed chmod a+r public_html/ and it works now :)
02:52.46hernan_thank you
02:52.54msg43asg, well I'm considering switching distros once again
02:52.56madthinkerFlimsy: I didn't know it was called a console, it thought it was a shell.
02:53.01dpkgi guess ndiswrapper is evil, because if a vendor can make users use a windows driver for their product, why should they bother writing a Linux one? Don't use it, email your hardware manufacturer and ask them for a REAL Linux driver, or choose different hardware.
02:53.02NaRCoTasg, there is no one there, Do you know another chan ?
02:53.08asgmsg43: /msg dpkg why debian
02:53.14FlimzyEther_Man: If you can't tell based on your model # alone, your S/N may help (if Dell's web site is that specific for something that old)
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02:53.20Ether_ManFlimzy: Could be. Any way to check? dell no longer lists this old comps on their page
02:53.20msg43I want to learn linux and I've been using slack but it seems there a lack of support for stuff
02:53.24Xenguyhernan_: OK, but I'm pretty sure g+s (not a+s) is the usual method -- YMMV
02:53.29msg43like I have to use an old version of ndiswrapper
02:53.30kaplanfxasg: damnit, apt-get is complaining that I have to run apt-get -f install to fix kdelibs-data, can I dpkg -P the knetworkconf package, is that safe?
02:53.34asgNaRCoT: that's the best one for dealing with debian/kde issues. You can ask here again in a few if you get no info from them.
02:53.38hernan_Xenguy: it was a+r
02:53.40FlimzyEther_Man: What are the 4 answers you got?  (Chances are they're very similar, and may use the same driver)
02:53.44msg43I can't get a game to install which I know I installed what the game wanted
02:53.45kaplanfxasg: im not even sure what it is
02:54.01asgkaplanfx: dpkg -P should be safe
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02:54.07ifuphelp :) how do I clear out my apt cache ?
02:54.13Dull404is it hard to get xorg working with debian? if i install base debian, and then apt-get install xorg ?
02:54.17NaRCoTI just need help with cleaning up my system... It's full of garbage...
02:54.18Xenguyhernan_: Ahh, I misread -- so what are the file permissions now then? (ls -l)
02:54.19FlimzyEther_Man: They don't even have reference docs any more?
02:54.27Ether_ManFlimzy: not that I can find :/
02:54.29kaplanfxasg: gonna try that. apt-cache show reports that knetworkconf is a kde network configuration program, something I don'
02:54.33kaplanfxdon't even need
02:54.37asgkaplanfx: if not, dpkg --force-overwrite kdelibs-data (to fix things), then try removing the errant package.
02:54.41FlimzyEther_Man: what model is your laptop?
02:54.46hernan_Xenguy: basically, all users now have read access to my public_html
02:54.57Ether_ManFlimzy: Dell Latitude XPi P133ST
02:54.58asgs/e k/e -i k/
02:55.00abrotmanifup: apt-get clean
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02:55.11hernan_Xenguy: a = all, +r = read :)
02:55.21Xenguyhernan_: funny, I didn't even understand your real problem -- that's the way solutions are found sometimes ;-)
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02:55.32ifupthanks abrotman !
02:55.34Leimyban abrotman
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02:55.39gradzackaplanfx: can you even remove that package?  There are a lot of KDE packages that I never use, but are installed because the base KDE packages depend on them.
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02:55.42hernan_Xenguy: dont worry, the thing is, you pointed me the right way (chmod something+something)
02:55.51Dull404anyone know? or can point me to a howto/faq ?
02:55.51asgLeimy: no, he is our friend
02:55.54Ether_ManFlimzy: and dont remember the diffrent answers right now but I can find quick I think..
02:55.56Leimyoh wait
02:55.57FlimzyEther_Man: I have a similar laptop... only older (486DX2/50)
02:55.59LeimyI remember
02:56.06kaplanfxgradzac: dpkg doesn't care about dependencies
02:56.11Xenguyhernan_: yah, typical perms for files are 644 (or rw-r-r)
02:56.12Leimyhe's argumentative
02:56.18asgLeimy: so, welcome to irc
02:56.22abrotmanasg: we'll see .. it could happen :)
02:56.27asgabrotman: apparently
02:56.28Xenguyhernan_: or sometimes 664 (rw-rw-r)
02:56.31kaplanfxgradzac: and since its not from a debian repository I removed the other repositories
02:56.37kaplanfxI tell you if it works in a moment :)
02:56.37Leimyyeah... but you don't know abrotman like I know abrotman
02:56.40hernan_Xenguy i see
02:56.47Ether_ManFlimzy: ess too? if so then perhaps they use the same settings
02:56.51Dull404hm... never mind then
02:56.52gradzackaplanfx: hmmm....maybe I can get rid of some of the KDE garbage on my system then :)
02:57.07NaRCoTAnyone ?  Is there a way to clean up old ( un needed ) files & folders... I think my system is full of them and it gives me trouble....
02:57.12dambodogabrotman, more errors....
02:57.16kaplanfxgradzac: be careful
02:57.18abrotmandambodog: i bet
02:57.19asgLeimy: /j #roast-abrotman
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02:57.31kaplanfxgradzac: this is not part of kde, it came from
02:57.35abrotmanasg: should i too? :)
02:57.45LeimyI was just there no one was there
02:57.49dambodogabrotman, can i msg you please?
02:57.50kaplanfxasg: well aptitude isn't complaining anymore, and installed kdelibs-base
02:57.55asgabrotman: you can but it would be mano-a-mano and a bunch of lurkers
02:57.56kaplanfxasg: thanks for the help
02:57.57abrotmandambodog: really .. i'd rather you didn't
02:58.04asgkaplanfx: you're welcome
02:58.04XenguyLeimy: awww, you wrecked it
02:58.11XenguyLeimy: ;-)
02:58.11gradzackaplanfx: oh, well I'm sure that the KDE games are necessary for the system run, right? :)
02:58.13dambodogabrotman, ok
02:58.14LeimyXenguy: ???
02:58.16Ether_ManFlimzy: think I found the specs on the jp dell site right now ^_^
02:58.23abrotmandambodog: it's almost bed time .. so keep it here .. and when i go .. others can lastlog and cathc up
02:58.24XenguyLeimy: j/k, nm
02:58.30kaplanfxgradzac: next time you upgrade they will be reinstalled if you installed the kde packge
02:58.36kaplanfxgradzac: what you wanted was kde-core instead
02:58.44dambodogabrotman, Errors were encountered while processing: /var/cache/apt/archives/debianutils_1.16.3.1_i386.deb
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02:58.46Ether_ManFlimzy: Ess 1888
02:59.06abrotmandambodog: error is ?
02:59.31dambodogabrotman,  error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/debianutils_1.16.3.1_i386.deb (--unpack):
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02:59.45gradzackaplanfx: the KDE on my system is whatever the debian installer put there....I've only unsuccessfully tried to remove kde packages I don't use.  I guess I should get rid of the whole thing and try kde-core by itself
02:59.53abrotmandambodog: that's not an error
03:00.06dambodogabrotman, subprocess dpkg-deb --control returned error exit status 2
03:00.16kaplanfxgradzac: the debian installer?  you mean tasksel?
03:00.20abrotmandambodog: what in god's name did you do to your system ?
03:00.28gradzackaplanfx: yes
03:00.39Puppsteri'm trying to use apt-get in debian stable to do apt-get upgrade on an old system... and i am getting an error that the file /bin/chgrp is also in coreutils when it is trying to install fileutils... any way to fix this?
03:00.40dambodogabrotman, upgrade from stable to unstable.
03:00.42hernan_yet another question: whats the stable version of exim?
03:00.53dambodogabrotman, now it's screwed
03:01.11maherPuppster: how old?
03:01.14abrotmandambodog: yeah .. you're braver than me
03:01.15hernan_nevermind, i'll google it :)
03:01.22kaplanfxgradzac: an experianced debian user will install no additional packages at installation, then just apt-get install from your base system.  you get only the packages you want (plus dependencies of course) its good!
03:01.24Puppsterkernel 2.2
03:01.27maherPuppster: is it running woody or something before?
03:01.30dambodogabrotman, not to mention the upgrade you told me to perform
03:01.33Puppsterwoody i think
03:01.36*** part/#debian livingtm (
03:01.37XenguyPuppster: that's weird - try installing 1 package at a time (?)
03:01.39FlimzyEther_Man: I only see two possible modules for ESS ISA cards anyway... ESS16xx, and ESS18xx
03:01.46FlimzyEther_Man: So that should be pretty easy.
03:01.53abrotmandambodog: your system is pissed :(
03:01.54maherPuppster: cat /etc/debian_version
03:02.10Puppsterif i try to install coreutils it says it's already current
03:02.14maherPuppster: that's potato
03:02.17Puppsterand if i try to install fileutils it gives me the same error
03:02.18Puppsterah ok
03:02.19gradzackaplanfx: well I have considerably more experience with debian now then when I installed the system....I don't think I would have known how to figure that out when I built this box
03:02.23abrotmandambodog: i wonder why defoma didn't install
03:02.27Puppsterany way to fix without reinstalling?
03:02.33maherPuppster: what does sources.list point to
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03:02.46Ether_ManFlimzy: I didnt have any of those modules. Prob due to using 2.2 kernel but it said it was sb compat and ESS is listed under the sb module so gonna try loading that for awhile ^_^  Thank you very very much for your help
03:03.04Puppsterdeb stable main non-free contrib
03:03.06Puppsterjust that file
03:03.17FlimzyEther_Man: If you're using OSS, I think you use the standard SB module
03:03.18XenguyPuppster: for me (running sid/unstable), 'coreutils' is where /bin/chgrp originates
03:03.20*** part/#debian Thaiger (
03:03.24FlimzyEther_Man: If you're using ALSA, you'll use the ESS18xx module.
03:03.32FlimzyEther_Man: If you have the ESS1868, you can use isapnptools to detect it.
03:03.49Puppsterrgr... i don't really care what package gets it
03:03.54madthinkerif my email works through mutt, does that stand to reason i have exim running properly?
03:03.54Puppsterbut this is preventing me from doing any more apt-get stuff
03:03.56Ether_ManFlimzy: it was 1888 ;_;
03:03.57FlimzyEther_Man: look at /Documentation/sound/oss/ESS and ESS1868 (in the kernel source tree) for documentation on the ESS sound modules
03:03.58Puppsteras far as updating
03:04.02Flimzy(those docs relate to the OSS drivers only)
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03:04.07maherPuppster: ok - that's not so good - it was a potato system and you've just attempted to upgrade it to woody - find the release notes for potato->woody upgrade and see what you should have done
03:05.07FlimzyEther_Man: and ALSA documenation exists in Documentation/sound/alsa
03:05.13FlimzyEther_Man: there's ESS info in there, too.
03:05.14doneilli went from slink to sarge
03:05.24Flimzydoneill: in one step?
03:05.30doneillfor me, yeah.
03:05.36Ether_ManFlimzy: Ok. Thank you once again
03:05.37FlimzyI wonder if I have my hamm CD around here anywhere... I could try hamm -> sarge
03:05.37doneillwell, no, two.. or three
03:05.48doneilldoes hamm have apt?
03:06.08FlimzyI think it had a backported version
03:06.09Flimzyor was that slink?
03:06.16Flimzyspecifically to allow upgrading
03:06.19doneillslink had it out of the box
03:06.21*** part/#debian Leimy (
03:06.33doneillyeah, i don't think apt has changed drastically since
03:06.37doneillor i simply haven't noticed
03:06.40Puppstermaher: i tried those commands but they also lead me to the same fileutils problem
03:06.44madthinkermaybe what i wrote got lost: if mutt works, does that mean exim is configured properly?
03:06.50doneillslink is where i think debian got popular
03:06.59doneillthis channel used to have 75, now it's 755
03:07.20doneilllittle debian's all growed up.. *sniff*
03:07.50FlimzyDebian got popular in my house with bo
03:07.55maherPuppster: what commands? have you tried using dselect or aptitude toresolve conflicts
03:08.09Puppsteri haven't... i haven't ever used them before...
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03:09.26hernan_okay, ive got my incoming mail working, whats the easiest way to check outgoing, because it seems like it's not working.
03:09.37calinwill someone  please /msg me?  I have a screen problem and i can only see the top of it
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03:10.36RedPenguinWhat would cause an auto disconnection from SSH right after you correctly login?
03:10.44benjamindeeswhat kind of goat must I sacrifice to get the driver-?.bin files to work?
03:10.51roo9what is a good MTA with virtual user support?
03:10.55benjamindees(for a floppy install I mean)
03:10.59hernan_maher, do you know?
03:11.05hernan_maher knows everything
03:11.07asgroo9: postfix, qmail, even exim
03:11.16Deep7RedPenguin, check perms on your home dir
03:11.41madthinkercan anyone recommend a channel for imap help?
03:11.42bob2calin: ctrl-a F
03:11.46RedPenguinCan't, it worked before
03:11.48asgRedPenguin: the user's shell is /bin/false or not listed in /etc/shells
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03:11.53bob2madthinker: you actually want help with the protocol?
03:11.57calinWhoever said anything in here to me, /msg it, I can't see what oyu said
03:11.58RedPenguinasg, I thought that was what it had to be
03:12.00bob2madthinker: you're not using a particular daemon?
03:12.20hernan_anyone? how can i test my outgoing mail?
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03:12.30madthinkerwell, i'd like to mirror an imap store on my local server.
03:12.33mrGenixushas anyone gotten nvidia-kerenel installed?
03:12.34Flimzyhernan_: Send an email to your hotmail account.
03:12.42hernan_Flimzy :how?
03:12.44bob2madthinker: offlineimap, baybe
03:12.45Flimzy!tell mrGenixus about ask
03:13.03Flimzyhernan_: If you don't know how to send an e-mail, I'm afraid you shouldn't be using Debian.
03:13.09maherhernan_: try to send some mail and see if it works?
03:13.21hernan_Flimzy: then im doing it right, but it's not working
03:13.35Flimzyhernan_: You might call your local library... they might have classes on how to use a mouse, open files, and send e-mail to your grandma.
03:13.46hernan_Flimzy, maher: i'm doing "mail <email>", a local user will work, but anything else won't
03:13.56hernan_Flimzy: why dont you calm down?
03:13.56madthinkerok, while we're on simple mail questions, if i can send mail through mutt, does that mean exim's working?
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03:14.18asgmadthinker: that's a good sign that it is, yes
03:14.26mrGenixuswhy does my installation of nvidia-kerenl fail according to fail? I get unkown error, am refered to log
03:14.28Flimzyhernan_: Congrats, your test was a success.  You determined whether or not outoing mail works!
03:14.29madthinkerthanks a lot asg.
03:14.48mrGenixusI am using kernel version 2.6.8-2
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03:15.05hernan_Flimzy: okay, calm down, i dont need you attitude. and is "mail" supposed to work as expected?
03:15.06mrGenixusI have an nVidia Geforce 4 440 go
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03:15.13MobyTurbomadthinker: you can test for if it's made it out of the que by typing mailq (for exim do it as root)
03:15.14calinThank you EvanCarr1ll
03:15.15asgmadthinker: of course, checking /var/log/exim/mainlog will tell you also (as will 'exim -bt <address>' (at least for routing verification.))
03:15.44gradzachernan_: look at exim's logs in /var/log/exim4 and see what it puts there when you try to send a message
03:15.59madthinkerbob2, that's exactly what i want, thanks a lot!
03:16.43mrGenixuswould someone be willing to help me get hardware acceleration working with nVidia graphics hardware? (flimsy, is this a quesion? or what?)
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03:16.55Flimzyhernan_: I'm not sure if I've ever used 'mail' like that (I'm not trying to suggest it wouldn't work... just that I don't have experience using it that way).
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03:17.15hernan_Flimzy: i see.
03:17.15MobyTurbomrGenixus: what problem are you having?
03:17.28FlimzymrGenixus: my GF4 440 MX works fine... using standard Debian installation procedures.
03:17.44mrGenixusFlimzy: um. . . acceleration?
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03:17.59godsmokemrGenixus: just install the nvidia drivers
03:18.14mrGenixusMobyTurbo: module-assistant says that nvidia-lernel can't be installed becuase riva driver installed in stock kernel blocks it
03:18.14FlimzymrGenixus: apt-get install nvidia-kernel-source, then read /usr/share/doc/nvidia-kernel-source/README.Debian
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03:18.26mrGenixusgodsmoke: would be pleased to. . . can you assist me?
03:18.29FlimzymrGenixus: that may not be the only way to get it working, but it's how *I* have mine working
03:18.31ResPiDeRwhere do I disable MTA on boot?
03:18.36CyzarXgreetings to all, here is my question at ==>
03:18.39MobyTurbomrGenixus: if you have a TNT[2] card be aware that the latest nvidia binary drivers don't work on some people's systems.
03:18.40maherhernan_: do you normally send mail via your isp?
03:18.44FlimzymrGenixus: I'm using my own custom kernel, altho I believe there are instructions there for using a Debian kernel as well.
03:18.55mrGenixusMobyTurbo: nv gf4 440 go
03:19.02*** mode/#Debian [+l 776] by debhelper
03:19.03hernan_Flimzy: okay, my test didn't work, exim's logs are empty (no error logs) and my email hasnt arrived yet, any ideas?
03:19.06TCWmrGenixus, if the rifafb driver is staically linked in the kernel... bad luck... recompile your kernel without rivafb support or as module and don't load it!
03:19.08maherResPiDeR: you may prefer to configure your mat for local delivery only so that cron can still send mail
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03:19.13hernan_maher: i use gmail.
03:19.18FlimzymrGenixus: If that's the problem, then the solution is fairly obvoius... don't use a stock kernel
03:19.22shikaHow do I capture combinational Keyboard inputs in my Bash shell sccript( I need monitor for Ctrl+Alt+6+3 input)..
03:19.23maherhernan_: use a web browser then
03:19.28ResPiDeRmaher: I will not send emails
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03:19.31mrGenixusFlimzy: I believe last time I discussed a custom kernel in this # i was insulted by several members, since debian's stock kernel is supposed to support *everything*
03:19.34hernan_maher: what do you mean?
03:19.37MobyTurbomrGenixus: then it should work perhaps, some people report problems with older geforces too, but I don't think you've gotten to the point where you can find out hardware compatability problems yet.
03:19.43maherResPiDeR: yes - but maybe cron will want to email you its errors
03:19.46FlimzyResPiDeR: That depends entirely on what MTA you're using.  Altho normally disabling your MTA is a Really Bad Idea (tm).  If you don't want to send mail to the outside world, a better solution is to configure your MTA for local delivery only (exim has a simple default config for this functionality)
03:20.04shikaHow do I capture combinational Keyboard inputs in my Bash shell sccript( I need monitor for Ctrl+Alt+6+3 input)..
03:20.07*** join/#debian Karill (
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03:20.11TCWmrGenixus, grep -i riva /boot/config-<version>
03:20.19maherhernan_: isn't gmail web based? or do they give you pop/imap access?
03:20.19shikaAre there anyt channels for Shell scripting??
03:20.28ggl_6hi folks, how can I uncompress a regular windoze .zip file in linux? what utility do I use?
03:20.29ResPiDeRwhen I boot my pc it "freezes" for a moment in "Starting MTA" because I dont connect automatically...
03:20.31Flimzyhernan_: telnet localhost 25, send a mail manually, learn exactly what's happening.  Perhaps increase exim's verbosity (if possible) to log more info, too.
03:20.34gradzacmaher: gmail has pop access
03:20.36kyncanimaher: you can have pop3 access
03:20.38FlimzymrGenixus: I'm the type to insult people who don't use a custom kernel.
03:20.45hernan_maher: both, i sent the email to my gmail addy
03:20.50hernan_Flimzy: good idea, i'll try that
03:20.53benjamindeeswhen was the last time anybody installed stable from floppies, using the driver disks?
03:20.54mrGenixusFlimzy: then I suggest you set me to ignore
03:20.59FlimzymrGenixus: The problem with the default kernel is that it supports everything.  I'd rather not run a bloated kernel.
03:20.59FlimzymrGenixus: even if most of the cruft is modular.
03:21.11maherResPiDeR: that's a time out - you can fix that by managing the network interfaces with ifplugd
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03:21.32FlimzyResPiDeR: It's trying to do a DNS lookup.  Perhaps you can disable that.
03:21.39TCWmrGenixus, do you ignore what I am saying?
03:21.42abrotmandondelelcaro: why does dpkg shorten all the factoids?
03:21.43ResPiDeRFlimzy: how?
03:21.51mrGenixusTCW: no, I was pay precisely attention to you
03:21.57FlimzymrGenixus: I'm not prepared to ignore you... I'm just letting you know that not everyone shares the same opinion about custom kernels
03:21.58mrGenixusand running posted command
03:22.01mrGenixusthank you TCW
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03:22.03maherhernan_: usually you just configure a random client to send/receive pop - i don't know how to get your mta to do that offhand
03:22.08hernan_Flimzy, maher: do I need my dns records set up correctly before i can send mail from my computer?
03:22.17FlimzymrGenixus: At the very least, a custom kernel is never _bad_
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03:22.37cg0defwhen you compile a custom kernel what do you need to do so that it creates initrd file
03:22.37TCWmrGenixus, huh? I think you don't know what I was trying to say....
03:22.38madthinkerhernan_: are you trying to send through your isp's smtp?
03:22.41mrGenixusit says CONFIG_FB_RIVA=m i assume that means modular
03:22.45gradzachernan_: your MTA needs to be able to resolve hostnames
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03:23.00shingouzwhat is the problem with my webcam, caminfo doesnt see any v4l devices, xawtv tells me "ioctl: VIDIOC_G_STD(std=0x0 []): invalid argument". i do have /dev/video0 at 777 for testing purposes and the correct driver seems to be loaded according to lsmod. how do i get the thing working, google turns up zilch
03:23.00FlimzymrGenixus: If someone here insulted you for trying to compile your own kernel, it was probably b/c your reason for compiling it was (in their eyes) silly.  But if you have to recompile to get nvidia to work, that would hardly be considered a silly reason.
03:23.00FlimzyResPiDeR: that depends on your MTA
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03:23.09TCWmrGenixus, ahh... ok... yes... now look if it is loaded (lsmod |grep -i riva)
03:23.11hernan_madthinker, gradzac: im sending the test email from my shell
03:23.13mrGenixusTCW: please explain further
03:23.15structhow can i securely login to a plaintext ftp server like proftpd?
03:23.15Kupal[]how can i forward all the ports going to my eth1 iface to an ip somewhere on my net using iptables?
03:23.27Flimzyhernan_: maybe, maybe not
03:23.27Flimzyhernan_: That kinda depends on your setup
03:23.32mrGenixusTCW: not loaded
03:23.38gradzachernan_: doesn't matter, the MTA will still need to be able to get the MX record for the domain you want to send an email to
03:23.39doneillshiner840_ZZzz, what webcam
03:23.44doneillerr shingouz
03:23.46CyzarXgreetings to all, here is my question at ==>
03:23.58shingouzdoneill: sweex. reports as a microdia
03:24.07hernan_gradzac: for the domain i want to send the email _to_.
03:24.12doneillis that a model number?
03:24.15shingouzdoneill: 0x0c45:6005
03:24.17hernan_gradzac: im talking about dns record for my new domain.
03:24.17Flimzyhernan_: If you're using your machine's name for your outgoing mail domain (i.e., then you do.
03:24.17Flimzyhernan_: If you're using your ISP mail account (, then probably not.
03:24.20structhow can i securely login to a plaintext ftp server like proftpd?  can i use something like netcat?
03:24.27doneillis THAT a model number?
03:24.27mrGenixusTCW: what does that mean. . . that it didn't detect?
03:24.32TCWmrGenixus, ok, so THAT is not your problem... the nvidia-installer complains if the rivafb module is compiled but that is not a problem (if that module is not loaded)
03:24.35Flimzyhernan_: In the latter case, you probably want exim to use your ISP's mail server as a smarthost
03:24.51cluelessHi.  about the stuffs under /proc, is it created when proc file system is mounted or are there some directory?  (The harddrive debian was installed is going bad, so I have to move it...)
03:24.58gradzachernan_: are you sure that your ISP will let you use port 25?
03:25.01shingouzdoneill: doesnt have a model number but according to the driver readme sn9c102 is the correct module
03:25.02hernan_Flimzy: what's are the advantages of using a smarthost?
03:25.09hernan_gradzac: i've done this before, somehow.
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03:25.17doneillshingouz, does dmesg say anything?
03:25.28shingouzdoneill: sec
03:25.35gradzachernan_: a smarthost will forward all of your outgoing mail to another MTA that you specify
03:25.40Flimzyhernan_: If DNS is broken/misconfigured, you should be able to send mail... BUT... many mail servers may reject your mail if it's forward and reverse lookups on your IP don't match.  (You'll only worry about this if you control DNS for your IP... i.e. not on a typical consumer-grade Internet connection)
03:25.41hernan_gradzac: i had to format my pc, and i installed sarge while i was at it, and now im confused :/
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03:25.53TCWmrGenixus, no... it just means that this is not your problem ;) IF the module was loaded, then that would explain your problem... but it is not loaded, so you do have another problem which is somewhat unrelated to the rivafb thing.
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03:26.09Flimzyhernan_: Do you control your own domain?
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03:26.17mrGenixusTCW I am researcing the problem further, will return in a moment with more details
03:26.20hernan_Flimzy: im using dynamic dns (
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03:26.40shingouzdoneill: yes, tells me that the /dev/video0 is registered with the sn9c102 driver
03:26.51doneillshingouz, it probably has fixed resolutions
03:27.09doneillshingouz, try bttvgrab with some preset resolutions, starting with QCIF
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03:27.14shingouzdoneill: probably... how do i make the software understand it?
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03:27.24Flimzyhernan_: So you want to work, basically?
03:27.25gradzachernan_: you want to be able to get email send to or you are just trying to send email from your machine? is that better than
03:27.29doneillshingouz, it doesn't it just needs to set a supported res before trying to capture
03:27.37hernan_Flimzy: is a free dynamic dns provider
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03:27.50hernan_ggl_6 lets you use your own domains for free.
03:27.51shingouzdoneill: hmm... bttvgrab is what you mentioned. lemme apt-get
03:27.53mrGenixusTCW: it seems that even though the module is not being loaded, module-assistant fails due to sanity-check
03:27.58doneillshingouz, try 180x160, 160x120, 320x200, 320x240, 640x480, 720x480
03:28.02Flimzyhernan_: dynamic DNS is something I've never had a reson to mess with (I've always used static IPs for my mail servers).
03:28.09doneillin that order..
03:28.20ggl_6oh yeah? lemme check it out thanks..
03:28.22mrGenixusTCW: what this means, is, apparently I have to create a custom kernel, just to get fid of rivafb support?
03:28.25gradzachernan_: are you using exim4?
03:28.26hernan_ggl_6 np
03:28.29Flimzyhernan_: I'm not exactly sure what complications that may add
03:28.29Flimzyhernan_: ah... so...
03:28.29hernan_gradzac yes
03:28.35TCWmrGenixus, lets start all over... what exact steps did you perform to get where you are right now?
03:28.35mrGenixusTCW: does that make sense to you?
03:28.44TCWmrGenixus, no :)
03:28.48mrGenixusum, installed/upgraded to 2.6.8-2
03:28.54Flimzyhernan_: You don't want a smarthost in that case, tho
03:28.54Flimzyhernan_: I can tell you that much :)
03:28.57shingouzdoneill: bttvgrab? apt-cache search doesnt seem to find that?
03:28.59mrGenixusinstalled appropriate headers for compile reference
03:29.01gradzachernan_: you should set up exim as a smarthost and tell it to forward outgoing mail to your ISP's server
03:29.01hernan_Flimzy : is my dns host
03:29.02yxawhat is the best way to mass-create user accounts?
03:29.03mrGenixusum.. .
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03:29.20doneillshingouz, not sure what package it's in, search by contents at
03:29.20hernan_gradzac, Flimzy, you guys are contradicting yourselves :/
03:29.29shingouzdoneill: ok, brb
03:29.33mrGenixusTCW: aquired nvidia-kernel and nvidia-kernel-source
03:29.45mrGenixusattempted module-assistant autoinstall nvidia
03:29.49EvanCarrolloh dear god shit
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03:29.53mrGenixusfailure produced error log
03:29.57EvanCarrolli just killed my user Debian-exim now apt won't work
03:30.04cg0defI installed a custom kernel (for a laptop) with make-kpkg but it didn't create an initrd file
03:30.06EvanCarrollwtf does Debian-exim have to do with apt
03:30.10TCWmrGenixus, paste that log somehwere online
03:30.11cg0defis this the way it ususally works
03:30.13madthinkerdo i have to configure php to explicitly use exim or does pointing it to /usr/sbin/sendmail suffice?
03:30.15dpkghmm... paste is Do not paste into the channel. Use #flood , visit , or try /msg paster help. don't eat this stuff
03:30.19gradzacFlimzy is correct in a technical sense, but if you are on a residential connection you most likely will not be able to run an SMTP server from your machine
03:30.22mrGenixuserror log reads:Your kernel was configured to include rivafb support!
03:30.26jimEvanCarroll: examine the situation and see
03:30.34mrGenixusTCW: The rivafb driver conflicts with the NVIDIA driver, please. . .
03:30.43EvanCarrolluknown group 'Debian-exim' in status override file
03:30.44TCWmrGenixus, the complete log... please!
03:30.44cluelessyxa: there's solaris package out there that creats user with list of names and ssn....
03:30.46EvanCarrollthat is not good.
03:30.49mrGenixusreconfigure kernel. . .
03:30.57mrGenixustcw pm?
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03:31.04mrGenixusI do not wish to food channel?
03:31.04EvanCarrollanyone know how to fix that?
03:31.08TCWmrGenixus, no! See what dpkg said!
03:31.27TCWmrGenixus, /msg paster help
03:31.29jimif you get rid of users or groups that packages establish, you're messing with packaging
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03:31.44hernan_gradzac: im doing all this because my web hosting provider is pure crap (, and i managed to get my domain out of their servers. what would be the easiest, most reliable way of getting my email from my new domain?
03:31.46maherEvanCarroll: remake the user/group
03:31.56EvanCarrolljim: I got rid of the package, i felt it only apropriate to get rid of the user
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03:32.05EvanCarrolljim: No more exim at all on my system
03:32.22benjamindeeshernan_, find a new, reliable web hosting provider
03:32.35mrGenixusTCW: dpkg was not run
03:32.35gradzachernan_: first you need to find out if your ISP blocks inbound port 25 (which they probably do)
03:32.36EvanCarrollmaher: i dont remember the username/groupname and uid and gid, so i don't see how that would be usefull
03:32.44TCWmrGenixus, what?
03:32.55shingouzdoneill: bttvgrab doesnt seem to be on sid :(
03:32.58mrGenixusTCW: i guess  I also tried to install a prebuild modules, but it didn't work at all
03:33.02hernan_gradzac : the thing is, my server was working before i formatted it and messed everything up :/
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03:33.10hernan_gradzac: so port 25 is open.
03:33.22mrGenixusTCW: dpkg was not, at any time, run (did not run dpkg)
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03:33.34FieldySnutsother isps like mine just started doing, block outgoing port 25 (not inbound)
03:33.36gradzachernan_: you should have saved the config files :)
03:33.36mrGenixusTCW: when should I have run dpkg ?
03:33.46TCWmrGenixus, I was thinking of "dpkg" the bot here!
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03:34.08hernan_gradzac: if i could have had that oportunity, i wouldnt have had to format :) but yeah, i'll make a backup as soon as i get everything up and running.
03:34.10gradzachernan_: have you tried googling for how to configure exim?  I know there are a couple of good pages out there since I used them to get my server working
03:34.21mrGenixusTCW oh? what would I ask it?
03:34.22TCWmrGenixus, omg, just go to and paste the FULL log
03:34.34benjamindeesFieldySnuts,  mine did too, and I had to bitch at them for a half hour to get it fixed :(
03:34.46hernan_gradzac: google ! good idea
03:34.47TCWmrGenixus, and after you've done that, provide the link to what you did paste
03:34.56hernan_brb 1 sec
03:35.06cluelessThe harddrive debian was installed is dying.  I tried to use 'dd' command but it gets stuck for some reason.  Any suggestions?
03:35.08gradzacI gave up trying to run a mail server on my home network and use gmail exclusively now
03:35.08mrGenixusok, TCW, how do I get the log, it's in an ncusers pager interface
03:35.20mrGenixusTCW: *or ncurses
03:35.42jimmaybe it's also in some file
03:35.43cluelessThe harddrive debian was installed is dying.  I tried to use 'dd' command to move the whole thing to another hdd but it gets stuck for some reason.  Any suggestions?
03:35.48EvanCarrollmaher: jim: solution found: remove /var/lib/dpkg/statoverride
03:35.50mrGenixusTCW: one sec
03:36.05maherclueless: maybe you're hard drive is dead?
03:36.09TCWmrGenixus, uh... is there something in /var/log/ called nv...? Upper or lowercase
03:36.18benjamindeesclueless, try 'partition image'
03:36.29TCWclueless, try dd-rescue
03:36.31jimEvanCarroll: now you;;re removing parts of the debian packaging database
03:36.41Xenguyclueless: do you have a data backup?
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03:37.15cluelessmaher: it's dying... not totally dead... the defect is in swap partition so I can boot up...
03:37.31mrGenixusTCW: whole log
03:37.38maherclueless: just grab the stuff that's not in swap then
03:37.51maherclueless: what's wrong with cp?
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03:38.19TCWclueless, but if the contents of the drive are not important to you or just binaries... throw that disk away (maybe check first if it is really broken), plug a new disk in, reinstall... I would not count on a good restore from such a broken disk
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03:38.45EvanCarrolljim: yea im on a roll aren't i, when someone makes a good case why i need to have a remnant file of exim, ill get fix my packaging database
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03:39.22shikaHow do I capture combinational Keyboard inputs in my shell sccript( I need to monitor for Ctrl+Alt+6+3 input)..
03:39.25maherEvanCarroll: deleting random dpkg files isn't a good ieda
03:39.29EvanCarrolljim: however i truly doubt the user Debian-exim will play a roll on a file fully devoid of exim, its like forcing emac confs on a vim user's machine =/
03:39.48EvanCarrollsystem fully*
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03:40.13EvanCarrollmaher: anyway, no need to flame exim for being inferior, it just has no place on my system, and im going to dinner, ttyl all
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03:40.51TCWmrGenixus, $ ls -ld /usr/bin/gcc*
03:41.21mrGenixusTCW no such file or dir?
03:41.43TCWmrGenixus, you lack a compiler... install gcc
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03:41.58mrGenixusok, I will, but will that fix the riva error?
03:41.59bradywhat is the difference between imagemagick and graphicsmagick?
03:42.00jimyou should have the choice of doing anything you want to, to your machine... we're just letting you know what the consequences of your choice might be (could include: no one would recognize your system as being a debian and so not want to help you out)
03:42.03CyzarXwhen the server is directly connected to the internet, then the client can surf the net using URL but when the server is connected to another router/gateway ip, the client cant surf the net using url. instead client must use ip instead. why is that so?
03:42.10TCWmrGenixus, am I Jesus?
03:42.37mrGenixusTCW: um, sorry, let me try and I'll answer my own question, sorry
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03:42.46mrGenixusTCW: you could just take it as a compliment
03:42.53TCWmrGenixus, it is obvious that you NEED a gcc to compile *things* and it is more obvioas that it is NOT installed... so I bet THAT is the true problem
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03:43.48mrGenixusTCW: ok, trying again WITH gcc
03:44.17themolesterare linksys kvm switches any good?
03:44.18cluelessTCW: isn't gcc installed by default on debian???
03:44.22mrGenixusTCW: hail nmaster
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03:44.31mrGenixusclueless: true to your name
03:44.47mrGenixusTCW: thank you
03:44.51TCWclueless, have a look at mrGenixus... obviously not. Lets not think he did delete it intentionally
03:44.53mrGenixusit seems to have worked
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03:45.03mrGenixusTCW: heaven forbit
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03:45.10bradytwm, woo.
03:45.55mrGenixusTCW: ok, will be back
03:46.01TCWclueless, and... btw. the normal user won't need a gcc because he will not compile anything... so why should it be installed in the base system (which is "default" everything is highly optional)
03:46.25TCWs/everything/everything else/
03:47.07dhruvHi, I'm trying to setup x forwarding using ssh. It works fine when iptables on the server is inactive(no rules), but if turn the firewall on(allow all to a single host), ssh console works, but no x apps pop up. Any ideas?
03:47.58TCWdhruv, the ports you need fpr X11 forwarding are blocked by the paketfilter? Firts guess ;)
03:48.08TCWFirst even
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03:48.15cluelessthemolester: an experienced sys admin told me all kvms have dark under belly.....
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03:49.03dhruvTCW: but using ssh, shouldn't the only port needed be the ssh port? isn't that how people circumvent firewalls at work/schools?
03:49.06johnsu01_I'm trying to do a new install from a USB stick. I followed the directions at, but I just get MBR: Boot Failed.
03:50.00johnsu01_The stick is formatted as FAT16, with one partition marked bootable in cfdisk.
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03:50.17abrotmanjohnsu01_: did you read the docs at ?
03:50.19TCWdhruv, good point ;) I must say I have never used X11 forwarding, so... no further idea :)
03:50.33abrotmani guess os
03:50.35jimjohnsu01_: can you boot with a floppy and then do the stick?
03:50.37dhruvTCW: oh well, thanks anyway
03:51.14johnsu01_jim: No floppy or CD drive on this little laptop.
03:51.41johnsu01_abrotman: Any particular one? I'm pretty sure I've read the important bits out of all of them. I've done a few debian installs before this one.
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03:51.52johnsu01_Never from USB though.
03:52.14abrotmanjohnsu01_: you just said you read the link ..
03:52.20TCWjohnsu01_, the laptop is usb-boot-capable?
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03:52.47johnsu01_TCW: Yes, and it sees the USB stick and identifies it. USB is in the boot order, and USB support in the BIOS is on.
03:53.48TCWdhruv, but for sure... have a look in the active iptables rules... maybe you see what could be the problem (iptables -L)
03:53.57TCWfunny :)
03:54.06johnsu01_abrotman: Not following you, sorry.
03:54.54abrotmanjohnsu01_: ignore me :)
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03:55.22shikaHow do I capture combinational Keyboard inputs in my shell sccript( I need to monitor for Ctrl+Alt+6+3 input)..
03:55.33cluelesswhat will happen if I do 'find /dev -print | cpio -padm /newhdd/dev'?
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03:56.22TCWclueless, something that does not make sense I suppose
03:56.26abrotmanshika: #bash
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03:56.39maherclueless: what do you want to do?
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03:57.01abrotmanthe funny thing is .. clueless is such an apt nick :)
03:57.02cluelessTCW: it seems to work splendidly for /usr.....
03:57.04shikaNone could answer me BASH
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03:57.41TCWclueless, but that does not change the sense behind that if you use it for /dev
03:57.47dhruvTCW: the problem I had was that I needed to add a rule for localhost ->localhost
03:57.53travisatshika: and you think people on #debian know more about bash than those on #bash?
03:57.55dhruvTCW: in case you care
03:58.15TCWdhruv, I do care... thanks :)
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03:59.05callipygousSCSI transfer rates should be faster than an equivalent vintage IDE drive, right?
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03:59.31stewdepending on the vintage of the scsi of course
03:59.39callipygousthought so...
03:59.39manubut usually
03:59.42manuthey are
03:59.44abrotmanstew: dunno .. scsi has always been faster afaik
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03:59.58manucorrect abrotman
03:59.59callipygouswell assuming that the SCSI is a 1996 vintage, and the IDE the same
04:00.04abrotmanstew:  at least top of the line scsi
04:00.09setuidCan someone explain to me where in this mess of Debian Apache2 configs, I'm supposed to put my mod_perl startup environment?
04:00.12cluelessif the scsi card came with zip drive.....
04:00.15stewcallipygous: the scsi will almost definately be faster
04:00.31callipygouscool, is hdparm -t an accurate way to test this?
04:00.39stewcallipygous: bonnie==
04:00.42Bobfwhy caudium is require for updating apache2?
04:00.45stewdamn shift key
04:00.51abrotmanBobf: i dont know .. but if you find out . let me know
04:00.55callipygousis that some kinda benchmark program?
04:00.56abrotmanBobf: i removed it right after
04:01.24stew!info bonie++
04:01.30stewoh i give up
04:01.32callipygoushahah :P
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04:01.36Bobfabrotman, i just remove it from my runlvl and shutdown it. i didnt know if it would break somme thing
04:01.47zach_how do i setup a dual head
04:01.53abrotmanbob2: i just `apt-get --purge remove caudium`
04:02.08callipygouswell anyway, I did hdparm -t for this scsi drive, and was only getting 3KB/Sec transfer :(
04:02.12Bobfdist-upgrade often install unrelated pakage
04:02.15travisatzach_: step one, find new head. step two attach head at neck.
04:02.24stewcallipygous: seriously try to figure out the package name i can't type
04:02.31zach_im serious
04:02.34zach_two monitors
04:02.36callipygoustho on an IDE of the same age, I was able to get about 7KB/Sec with DMA
04:02.38abrotmanBobf: not in my experience
04:02.38zach_on one comp
04:02.44callipygous(this is testing with DMA)
04:02.44travisatzach_: xinerama
04:02.49stew!info bonnie++
04:02.51zach_whats that
04:02.51dpkgbonnie++: (Hard drive bottleneck testing benchmark suite.), section utils, is optional. Version: 1.03a (sid), Packaged size: 38 kB, Installed size: 99 kB
04:02.52callipygousstew: okay, thanks, i'll search for it
04:03.10dpkghmm... xinerama is where you have several monitors but only one logical desktop -- XFree86 4.0 has it!, or
04:03.12clueless!info dd-rescue
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04:03.52findmeif  I have a windows printer how can i print through linux ?
04:04.01abrotmansmbprint ?
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04:04.15findmeabrotman, won't it need linux drivers though?
04:04.21zach_how do i get xinerama
04:04.24abrotmanfindme: dunno . i don't own a printer :)
04:04.44findmeabrotman, bought a new dell 962 for 100 usd
04:04.45maherfindme: check linuxprinting.or to see if it works
04:05.06steweasy there zach
04:05.29stewzach_: google for xinerama
04:05.35abrotmanfindme: i still don't owna  printer .. and certainly not any dell crap
04:05.56callipygoustho I guess testing the SCSI is useless unless there is a way to tweak its performance, ie DMA (tho I don't think this computer will do DMA) etc
04:05.58findmek, no worries
04:05.58travisatfindme: get HP printers, they usually work great with linuyx
04:06.00XenguyI think Refused were pioneer/innovative types -- precursors to 'screamo' punk stuff
04:06.08findmewhat the heck is a print server ?
04:06.17*** part/#debian brontitall (
04:06.25findmetravisat, for the price dell beats it with a yard.
04:06.25callipygousHP are just alright for linux
04:06.38abrotmancallipygous: check dmesg
04:06.42CyzarXprinting in linux is a nightmare
04:06.44abrotmancallipygous: and scsi doesnt' have dms
04:06.47deepfrzeanyone know if there is going to be a kernel image released for K7 ??
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04:06.58travisatfindme: until you start playing around with ink cartridges.
04:06.59callipygousLinux printing recommends EPSON
04:07.05abrotmandeepfrze: apt-cache search kernel-image
04:07.09travisatEpson is also good
04:07.12abrotmandeepfrze: apt-cache search kernel-image k7
04:07.15cluelessnah, cheap HP ink jets sux
04:07.18findmetravisat, now that is different. ink jet is expensive
04:07.23deepfrzeerrr, 2.6.9 or above
04:07.33callipygousyes, cheap HP's do suck, even epensive ones aren't that great
04:07.34abrotmandeepfrze: for sarge?
04:07.38stewprinting is so 20th century
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04:07.52findmewhat the heck is a print server for ?
04:07.58abrotmaneeep .. helix has a tick!
04:07.59deepfrzeabrotman:  yes, but even unstable doesn't have one
04:08.01callipygousI'd go with EPSON, and DEFINATELY avoid Canon
04:08.01travisatserving printers
04:08.06abrotmandeepfrze: for k7?
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04:08.17abrotmandeepfrze: i don't run sid .. so ican't say
04:08.17callipygousbut check out what says
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04:08.20callipygousi think that is the url
04:08.26deepfrzeabrotman:  yes, 2.6.9 or above
04:08.31CyzarXwhen the server is directly connected to the internet, then the client can surf the net using URL but when the server is connected to another router/gateway ip, the client cant surf the net using url. instead client must use ip instead. why is that so?
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04:09.07travisatCyzarX: sounds like something is wrong with your dns
04:09.20callipygousso if you can't use DMA on SCSI, what can you do to get some performance out of it?
04:09.22deepfrzeabrotman:  is K7 compatible with K8?
04:09.24findmedns is messed up
04:09.27CyzarXtravisat, both server and client using my ISP dns ip
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04:09.46cluelessfindme: print server let network users share a printer easily.....
04:09.47abrotmancallipygous: you don't tune scsi ... it just is .. it's a much better system than ide/pata/sata
04:09.54travisatCyzarX: is bind and all that good stuff setup
04:09.59findmeclueless, thanks
04:10.00*** join/#debian [ZoPeNkO] (
04:10.01asiwiecCan any one help me
04:10.03jaszdamn chicken soup is making me fart like crazy... and it's all wet.. ew...
04:10.09CyzarXtravisat, bind??
04:10.09abrotmancallipygous: you can tune scsi arrays .. but i'm pretty sure a single scsi drive doesn't get tuned
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04:10.31findmeclueless, would you know if i can buy a print server and print it through linux ?
04:10.35mwilsoncallipygous: Where did you get the idea that a SCSI host adapter couldn't do DMA?
04:10.38NicckkI changed /etc/passwd file to disable ROOT Access in my Shell script. which ran from Root shell... what should I do to ahve the immediate effect on disabling ROOT???
04:10.49deepfrzejasz:  that's a  mental image I didn't need to have...
04:10.55*** join/#debian o-o (
04:11.02[ZoPeNkO]Hello, I Want to know about Any MultiTrack Audio editing Software. Compatible with a Debian Sarge- ( PII 128 Ram)
04:11.02callipygousim dumb to SCSI
04:11.02dpkgfrom memory, bind is the Berkeley Internet Name Daemon, a DNS server; see, or read the brilliant docs at
04:11.08abrotmanmwilson: i didn't think they could
04:11.12NicckkNow I need to logout and Log back in to see Root shell is disabled
04:11.12abrotmanmwilson: i told him
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04:11.24mwilsonabrotman: Where'd you get a silly idea like that?
04:11.27abrotmanmwilson: i had tried before .. and been told it wasn't possible
04:11.56callipygousIm just thinking, hoping that some way I can get a bit better transfer rates with this SCSi drive
04:12.10stewwithout dma scsi would suck and tie down the entire system
04:12.11abrotmanmwilson: this was quite some time ago ...
04:12.16NicckkI changed /etc/passwd file to disable ROOT Access in my Shell script. which ran from Root shell... what should I do to ahve the immediate effect on disabling ROOT???
04:12.20cluelessfindme: if you are trying to get a printer working under linux, the answer is NO.
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04:12.43abrotmanmwilson: maybe i was told i couldn't change it with hdparm ?
04:12.45abrotmanwho knows
04:12.51mwilsonclueless: Uh, why wouldn't he be able to do what he suggested?
04:12.52travisatfindme: printers work great in linux if you have ppd file
04:12.58abrotmanit was a while ago when i had a dual box with SCSI drives
04:13.27NicckkI changed /etc/passwd file to disable ROOT Access in my Shell script. which ran from Root shell... what should I do to ahve the immediate effect on disabling ROOT???
04:13.39callipygousokay, how would I get DMA with this SCSI drive, if it is possible with such an old system
04:13.40findmeclueless, ah ok. I am trying different options as to how to make that work.
04:13.41scarynetworkguy!tell Nicckk about repeat
04:13.45findmetravisat, ok thanks
04:13.48stewhdparm manpage does mention scsi
04:13.53mwilsonNicckk: Donate the box to someone who has a clue?
04:14.03[ZoPeNkO]mwilson,  lol
04:14.10abrotmanmwilson: i think i was basically told you couldn't tune scsi with hdparm ..
04:14.10callipygoushdparm can't do much with SCSi drives
04:14.23callipygousabout all hdparm can do is -t -T and get some info
04:14.31abrotmanthere we go
04:14.38*** join/#debian RoundQube (
04:14.41cluelessmwilson: I think he's trying to make GDI printer work under linux.... a print server wont help... unless he sets up a whole windows machine and call it 'print server'....
04:14.44Nicckkyou just see smartasses everywhere.. wils
04:14.56mwilsonclueless: He didn't say that, why would you think that?
04:14.58RoundQubehello all
04:15.10TCWcya folks, I am gone
04:15.20callipygousta ta
04:15.22mwilsonNicckk: You see clueless people everywhere, too.  What made you think you should mess in any way with /etc/passwd?
04:15.29dawwDo I need initrd.img if I have IDE support as modules in a compiled kernel?
04:15.43mwilsondaww: What do you think?
04:15.49scarynetworkguyI see stupid people everywhere. They don't even know they're stupid.
04:15.59[ZoPeNkO]Hello, I Want to know about Any MultiTrack Audio editing Software. Compatible with a Debian Sarge- ( PII 128 Ram)
04:16.00asiwiecdoes any body know how to install j2sdk
04:16.14mwilsonscarynetworkguy: Oh, they do... they just think everyone else is like them.
04:16.19abrotmanNicckk: are you even running debian?
04:16.19callipygousstupidity is different to ignorance
04:16.21scarynetworkguydaww: apt-get install kernel-package and then read the readme.
04:16.26scarynetworkguymwilson: Heh.
04:16.34abrotmanNicckk: you were here before as shika
04:16.50abrotman[shika] (~cgiirc@ : CGI:IRC User
04:16.59asiwieccan anybody help me get eclipse up and running?
04:17.04callipygousooh, he's been found out!
04:17.10scarynetworkguy!tell asiwiec about smart questions
04:17.13abrotmanand still can't tell us he's running debian
04:17.20dawwmwilson, well, I don't know, can you maybe tell me
04:17.26Ether_Mancgi irc..  it doesnt have to be him as the webserver is actually what connects to irc..
04:17.44abrotmanEther_Man: asking the same question?
04:17.56Ether_Manoh..  Then it's prob him ^_^
04:18.23callipygousback to my SCSI issue... how do I find out about DMA for it? or some other way of improving performance
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04:18.56scarynetworkguycallipygous: What do the SCSI docs, google and the how to on say?
04:18.58abrotmanand every time .. as soon as i question him running debian ... he goes
04:19.05moodsofthi all, can someone tell me what I need to tell apt-get I want to get:
04:19.44scarynetworkguymoodsoft: dpkg -l *libstdc*
04:19.53dawwI have followed this howto:, it just tells that Ext3 file systems should be build into the kernel and not as modules
04:20.05callipygousdunno, i'll check that last one
04:20.10scarynetworkguycallipygous: You did look at the docs before coming in here asking shit, right?
04:20.22callipygousyup, haven't looked on tldp tho
04:20.23scarynetworkguy!tell callipygous about smart questions
04:20.25moodsoftscarynetworkguy: wouldn't I need to get it via apt-get first?
04:20.31Ketter_moodsoft: is that "to get" or "to install" what you mean ?
04:20.45stewdaww: anything you need to mount your filesystems should be compiled in, not as modules
04:20.51madthinkermoodsoft: apt-get install libstdc++2.9-glibc2.1
04:20.57moodsoftKetter_: using apt-get
04:21.01moodsoftthanks mad
04:21.09madthinkeri think. (blush)
04:21.15scarynetworkguymoodsoft: Never ever ever run anything that some random monkey on IRC tells you to. But read about what that will do. Then when you grok it do what it says.
04:21.31[ZoPeNkO]No one here does Audio Editing ???
04:21.40*** join/#debian biella (
04:21.42scarynetworkguyUnless of course you have a really good idea of what it is going to do.
04:21.42madthinkeri'd prefer not to be referred to as a monkey though.
04:21.50Ketter_moodsoft: let me put it this way.. "to download" or "to install" with the use of apt ?
04:21.51dawwstew, thank you (one that respond =), so that would be the file system, root device, anything more?
04:21.58scarynetworkguy:bofhsmite madthinker
04:22.10scarynetworkguy!bofhsmite madthinker
04:22.13callipygouswell that site had nothing about scsi when i searched for it
04:22.22scarynetworkguymadthinker: Did anybody say anything about you?
04:22.24moodsoftKetter_: to install
04:22.26scarynetworkguycallipygous: And google?
04:22.33clueless[ZoPeNkO] yes.  I plug my ears when things get too noisy.
04:22.51[ZoPeNkO]Congrats clueless
04:22.54madthinkernot specifically.
04:22.55[ZoPeNkO]Hello, I Want to know about Any MultiTrack Audio editing Software. Compatible with a Debian Sarge- ( PII 128 Ram)
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04:23.08Ketter_moodsoft: then apt-cache search libstdc yourself a list of possible candidates, and then apt-get install package.
04:23.15stewdaww: filesystem and disk controller, whatever you need to mount the root drive so it can load other modules from /lib/modules/
04:23.18scarynetworkguy!tell [ZoPeNkO] about smart questions
04:23.18callipygoustried google ages ago, oh maybe its search feature is shagged rotten, is has howto's there
04:23.20astronutis there anyway to make dpkg keep a log of all installs/uninstalls/upgrades with times?
04:23.25moodsoftKetter_: thanks
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04:23.43maherastronut: use aptitude
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04:24.07scarynetworkguyastronut: What does the apt manpage say?
04:24.09dawwstew, ok, then I know what to do
04:24.43scarynetworkguy"That dingo ate my belly!"
04:25.06astronutmaher: aptitude sucks for quickly installing stuff....
04:25.11astronutscarynetworkguy: nothing that i saw...did i miss it?
04:25.13[ZoPeNkO]scarynetworkguy,  well i'f i'm asking here is because i Found gmurf and BroadCast 2000 and Didnt Run at all.... so i think i searched, Found, tried and Failed, so That's why i'm here and i dont see where is the "Stupid" thing about my Question
04:25.28maherastronut: you can do aptitiude install blah
04:25.37stewdaww: too bad you didn't know what to do the last 2 times i told you the same exact thing...
04:25.44simonrvnyet more inappropriate capitalisation...
04:25.53astronutmaher: where does it log?
04:26.07scarynetworkguy[ZoPeNkO]: It's way too vaque. What do you want to know? What do you want to do? Details man details.
04:26.19monohi, i'm in pretty big mess. i have tried to upgrade from stable -> unstable. I've leaned my mistake. My upgrade never really eneded (lots of pkgs that were broken and never really ended unpkging). I am trying to upgrade now to testing..
04:26.23moodsoftwell, thought I found it, and installed it. but vncpasswd says it doesn't see it ;-(
04:26.24scarynetworkguyastronut: I dunno never looked myself. Did you google?
04:26.30[ZoPeNkO]scarynetworkguy,  I want a Multi Track Software That works with debian Sarge ... that's all
04:26.35CyzarXtravisat, if you dont mind, can you please look at
04:26.43scarynetworkguy[ZoPeNkO]: What did google say?
04:26.47dawwstew, well, I've tried many ways now, I've started with linux 2 weeks ago so...
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04:27.00astronutwhat i'd really like is dpkg having a way to if you install a .deb lcoally, it logs that too
04:27.03monoi was upgrading initially because openwebmail was using a broken perl module
04:27.08dawwstew, but this should do it
04:27.09scarynetworkguy[ZoPeNkO]: And did you look at p.d.o?
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04:27.33jadoogarwhich program to use for reading *.ps files in windows ?
04:27.49[ZoPeNkO]Google said ,,, gmurf, broadcast2000 .... i did apt-cache search ... wasn't there. found the source page, downloade it followd instalation instructions and didnt work ..
04:27.50scarynetworkguyjadoogar: /j #windows
04:27.55astronutjadoogar: acrobat?
04:28.00[ZoPeNkO]scarynetworkguy,  i dont know what p.d.o. is
04:28.04SingleTrackMindjadoogar : emacs
04:28.09scarynetworkguy[ZoPeNkO]: Ask the bot.
04:28.14callipygousokay, well the stuff on had no relavence to my SCSI problems
04:28.31jadoogarastronut: acrobat is not reading this. :(
04:28.32callipygousnor did anything google showed up, earlier today or just now
04:28.38greg_workmdadm keeps forgetting my raid array.. if i use mdadm --create /dev/md0 --level=1 --raid-disks=2 missing /dev/hdb1  it shows up in /proc/mdstat, and i can then mkfs.ext3 it and mount it .. but then when I reboot, /proc/mdstat is empty and /dev/md0 is not mountable .. md and raid1 are in /etc/modules, i'm using stock kernel-image-2.6.8-1-386 on sarge
04:28.43scarynetworkguyjadoogar: If I tell you will you go away?
04:28.51greg_workwhat else can i check? where does mdadm store the raid arrays?
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04:28.55Xenguykill die stab :P
04:29.03*** mode/#Debian [+l 768] by debhelper
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04:29.22greg_workoh wait a sec, i told it NOT to start on startup
04:29.40jadoogarscarynetworkguy: what shit you are doing here, that i cant stay here
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04:30.08callipygousthis is what im using for SCSI : CONFIG_SCSI_MAC53C94
04:30.14scarynetworkguyjadoogar: I'm just a scary networkguy. But I know the answer and I'll cut you a deal.
04:30.25Xenguyla la la :-)
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04:30.40scarynetworkguyjadoogar: I loathe people who ask about windows. It seems to be a good way to convince you to go.
04:31.01hernan_What does "550  relaying to <> prohibited by administrator (failed to find host name from IP address)' really mean?
04:31.05johnsu01_Ok, slight change in my situation. Now I see MBR 1234F:
04:31.09Xenguywrong channel = clueless = general loathing
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04:31.26scarynetworkguyXenguy: No it's a very specific loathing.
04:31.31ireverentReverenhow do you explicity state DNS servers in debian?
04:31.32johnsu01_But it just sticks at that prompt.
04:31.34Xenguyscarynetworkguy: yeah :-)
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04:31.45stewhernan_: maybe the reverse mapping is not set/
04:31.50johnsu01_This was after using dd to write the boot image to the usb stick.
04:31.55hernan_stew: mind explaining to me? :P
04:31.59johnsu01_And then running install-mbr.
04:32.05scarynetworkguyAlthough I *do* loathe %99.999 of all humanity.
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04:32.22Xenguyscarynetworkguy: you'll mellow with time <g>
04:32.30maherscarynetworkguy: what have all those chinese people ever done to you?
04:32.31SingleTrackMindscarynetworkguy : I am sorry.
04:32.37Servo888Here's a good question to ask: Printer fonts are stored in the? | RAM of the computer system. | ROM of the printer. | RAM of the printer. | ROM of the computer system.
04:32.39stewhernan_: type "host" where the is the ip that the mail was coming from, that needs to map to a name that when you say "host name" maps back to the same ip
04:32.40Pacoi did a fresh debian install, and i installed gnome...when i did "start x," it says "fatal 10 error 104 on x server. can anyone help?
04:32.45Xenguymaher: just an easy majority to pick on :-)
04:32.51scarynetworkguyXenguy: Haven't yet and I'd dare bet I have a few years on you.
04:32.53callipygousscarynetworkguy: have you ever considered becoming a hermit?
04:33.03scarynetworkguycallipygous: I basically am.
04:33.07scarynetworkguySingleTrackMind: Yeah yeah yeah.
04:33.11callipygousreal hermits don't have computers :P
04:33.20callipygousatleast not with adsl
04:33.23Xenguyscarynetworkguy: <voice of Neo>Ok.... I'll go </voice>
04:33.29scarynetworkguyXenguy: Heh.
04:33.44callipygousgot to have a hermit hut
04:33.47*** join/#debian CharlieSu (
04:33.49CharlieSudoes anyone remember a movie a few years back where this teacher took his students and caged them up and electrocuted them to make them study?  what was the name?
04:33.59Pacobtw, i am running sid
04:34.06callipygouswas he a nazi?
04:34.06hernan_stew: im setting up my exim srv, and i cant send mail from it, im new to linux, mind explaining that again? :D
04:34.15Paco(CharlieSu): that was my high school
04:34.16SingleTrackMindCharlieSu : clockwork orange?????
04:34.22callipygousnow way
04:34.23scarynetworkguyhernan_: apt-get install postfix
04:34.24shingouzCharlieSu: what does that have to do with debian?
04:34.28callipygousthat wasn't clockwork orange
04:34.43callipygousshingouz: everything and anything
04:34.53stewhernan_: type "host" where the is the ip that the mail was coming from, that needs to map to a name that when you say "host name" maps back to the same ip
04:34.55shingouzcallipygous: 42?
04:34.56hernan_scarynetworkguy: i'd rather stick to exim, i have some experience with it
04:35.12scarynetworkguyhernan_: Bah. Postfix is teh win.
04:35.25hernan_Host not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)
04:35.25callipygoushmm maybe i should ask sn9
04:35.31astronuthow hard would it be to have dpkg make a log of anytime a package is installed/uninstalled/upgraded/etc
04:35.34CharlieSuSingleTrackMind, not clockwork, these were highschool kids who were caged and shocked if they didnt study
04:35.43monoafter finishing the download i got the following error dpkg-deb: subprocess tar killed by signal (Segmentation fault)
04:35.52monoideas how to resolve this ? this is really bad i know
04:35.55*** part/#debian Keynes (ytzty@
04:36.07Xenguyhernan_: postfix is best, but lazy people (like me :-) stick with Exim
04:36.09SingleTrackMindCharlieSu : high school in north korea?
04:36.19stewhernan_: thats your problem i'd guess, talk to your ip
04:36.25hernan_stew: ?
04:36.32stewhernan_: ?
04:36.36monoerror- dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/libpam0g_0.76-22_i386.deb (--unpack): subprocess dpkg-deb --control returned error exit status 2
04:36.37monoErrors were encountered while processing: /var/cache/apt/archives/libpam0g_0.76-22_i386.deb E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)
04:36.57stewhernan_: you need that ip to resolve, tell your isp what you want it to resolve to, assuming its your ip
04:37.01*** part/#debian callipygous (
04:37.07hernan_stew: it's not
04:37.26stewhernan_: so this is someone elses and you want to know why your are denying it?
04:37.27mwilsonWell, Debian's exim4 is so screwed up, often times people are better off with postfix.
04:37.59hernan_mwilson: the thing is, i already got incoming mail working.
04:38.07*** join/#debian rat51man (~mattmaste@
04:38.09hernan_mwilson: and imap
04:38.32mwilsonhernan_: What does IMAP have to do with exim or postfix?  Other than nothing?
04:38.34hernan_stew: im just trying to send a test email to my gmail account, but it gets rejected with that error.
04:38.50hernan_mwilson: i got the command that makes exim use Maildir ^^
04:38.50stewhernan_: then you need to talk to your isp and get your ip reverse mapped
04:39.11hernan_stew: im pretty sure that's not the problem, since it worked before i had to format.
04:39.17mwilsonhernan_: How is that relevant?  Hint... it's not.
04:39.18monoany ideas how to recover tar?
04:39.19hernan_stew: but i was using woody back then, im now using sarge.
04:39.22*** part/#debian astronut (
04:39.37Pacodoes anyone know how to troubleshoot a gnome install?
04:39.38monothis is my error- dpkg-deb: subprocess tar killed by signal (Segmentation fault) dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/libpam0g_0.76-22_i386.deb (--unpack): subprocess dpkg-deb --control returned error exit status 2
04:39.39moodsoftI forget, what command do you use to update the slocate db?
04:40.05*** join/#debian oye (
04:40.21SingleTrackMindmono: spoke many cig.  scrape your throat?
04:40.41jbAUmono how did tar be deleted?
04:40.43monoSingleTrackMind, thanks:)
04:40.56MobyTurbomoodsoft: updatedb
04:40.57stewhernan_:  (failed to find host name from IP address)  seems pretty unambiguous to me, i dunno
04:41.02*** part/#debian jazzanova_ (
04:41.05jbAU#windows hi
04:41.07moodsoftMobyTurbo: thanks
04:41.19MobyTurbomoodsoft: np
04:41.21monojbAU, it shows as if it is still there... but in the upgrade from stable to unstale (i know - bad)
04:41.23*** part/#debian [ZoPeNkO] (
04:41.30hernan_stew, mwilson: i'll try postfix, then.
04:42.27jbAUmono err ok - does tar ? give u anything
04:42.41*** part/#debian dingo (~dingo@
04:42.47dpkgIt's YOU. Y-O-U. Not *U*. U is a letter. YOU is a word. See ne1, or wud.  Dutch for 'you' (formal singular). See
04:42.49monojbAU, tar Segmentation fault
04:43.12jbAUMobyTurbo thanks for the english lesson
04:43.15gonzomono: try 'df'
04:43.21hernan_stew: quick question, considering that my ip is dynamic, should i use a smarthost?
04:43.32dpkgThe #debian FAQ is at
04:43.34Xenguyyou you you
04:44.17MobyTurbo!aolify jbAU
04:44.28*** join/#debian jimmy3719 (~jimmy3719@
04:44.41jbAUno no it's kthx bye
04:44.50Xenguy"Let's take the first bus outta here..."
04:44.53hernan_jbAU: it's kthxbai
04:45.04jbAUor even kthxbi!
04:45.18hernan_anyway, should i use a smarthost,since my ip is dynamic?
04:45.30hernan_what are the advantages?
04:45.43jbAUotherwise you'll loose your address, it won't match up with your ip
04:46.09CharlieSudoes anyone remember a movie a few years back where this teacher took his students and caged them up and electrocuted them to make them study?  what was the name?
04:46.13hernan_can someone explain to me what a smarthost really does?
04:46.26jbAUhernan_ check out
04:46.26bob2hernan_: forwards mail for you
04:46.27moodsoftit always sucks when root can run something but a user can't lol
04:46.34MobyTurboCharlieSu: was the movie made using Debian?
04:46.36hernan_jbAU: im using
04:46.39bob2moodsoft: that's a feature not a bug
04:46.46hernan_jbAU: with my own domain
04:46.46jbAUhernan_ excellent
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04:47.25moodsoftbob2: yeah I know, I just have to edit my path so I can find the file it can't find when it runs as me
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04:47.50starmananybody know how to get engage working with e17?
04:48.00Gotmethow can I compress (gzip) a file but keeping the original file?
04:48.02bob2starman: #e
04:48.08bob2Gotmet: copy it
04:48.10GotmetI don't want it deletes the uncompressed
04:48.17Gotmetbob2: can't I do it only using gzip ?
04:48.44bob2Gotmet: of course you can
04:48.47hernan_uh oh.. if my mx records are pointing to, but isn't set up, could this be causing the problem?
04:48.49bob2starman: #e
04:48.56bob2hernan_: um, duh
04:48.58starmandownloaded the files and tried to compile but without success
04:49.03*** mode/#Debian [+l 762] by debhelper
04:49.07bob2hernan_: people will try to deliver mail to it, and it will refuse
04:49.16hernan_bob2: let's try again :P
04:49.22bob2starman: #e
04:49.45bob2Gotmet: cat blah | gzip - > ./blah.gz
04:49.46hernan_so, even if im using dynamic dns, and i keep my dns records up to date, i should still use a smarthost?
04:49.50*** mode/#Debian [+o bob2] by ChanServ
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04:49.51*** mode/#Debian [-o bob2] by bob2
04:50.06bob2hernan_: a smarthost has nothing to do with incoming email
04:50.14*** join/#debian Vme (
04:50.23Vmewhat is the default WM with Debian?
04:50.26hernan_bob2: exactly, so should i use it?
04:50.26stewhernan_: no matter what is going on with your forward dns, you reverse dns isn't setup which is your current problem, dyndns is just forward dns
04:50.27bob2hernan_: if you're on a dynamic ip, tho, I'd use a more stable machine to receive incoming mail and relay it to you
04:50.38pipelineVme: There is none.
04:50.42bob2hernan_: it doesn't matter if you do or not, it only affects outgoing mail
04:50.47gonzoVme: depends on distribution....
04:50.53*** part/#debian mrcheeks (
04:50.53Vmei'm running SID
04:51.00stewbob2: he's currently having a problem with outgoing mail
04:51.00hernan_bob2: okay, i'll use a smarthost then
04:51.02moodsofthow do you set the PATH?
04:51.03MobyTurboVme: X is not even installed by defalut
04:51.06bob2hernan_: if you're on a dynamic ip, tho, people like hotmail will refuse to take your outgoing mail anyway, so you need a smarthost
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04:51.17bob2moodsoft: set it in /etc/profile or anywhere else
04:51.24Vmewell, i picked desktop enviornment when i installed
04:51.27bob2note that gdm and kdm will ignore that
04:51.42moodsoftbob2: I just need it set differently temporarily
04:51.57bob2moodsoft: then set it like you set any other variable
04:51.59hernan_it's asking me for the smtp relay host, what should i type? any host? no host?
04:52.02hernan_my isp?
04:52.03bob2export PATH=/blah:$PATH
04:52.03Vmei'm pretty sure its the gnome WM, i'm running gdm as well
04:52.06pipelinemoodsoft: In bash, "export PATH=<foo>" in tcsh, "setenv PATH <foo>"
04:52.06MobyTurboVme: if you installed sid, rather than sarge or woody, you should already understand these things.
04:52.09bob2hernan_: your isp's mail server
04:52.15bob2Vme: then metacity if you're using gnome 2
04:52.29hernan_bob2: my isp uses authentication, do you think this will be a problem?
04:52.35gonzoVme: if you install gnome, it's gnome default wm.
04:52.41bob2hernan_: yes, it will be a massive pain in the arse
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04:52.44greg_workhow do you check where swap is mounted?
04:52.51bob2greg_work: swapon -s
04:52.53pipelineVme: metacity is pretty useless without the full gnome environment; run "gnome-session" instead of a window manager.
04:52.56bob2tho it's not mounted at all
04:52.58hernan_bob2: so, should i use another smtp server?
04:53.12MobyTurboVme: if tasksel does the same thing as it does in Woody, you'll get *both* KDE and GNOME installed.
04:53.18bob2hernan_: if you have one that will auth you by ip, yes
04:53.28greg_workbob2: thanks. well, yeah, i guess thats why I wasn't sure ;)
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04:54.23hernan_bob2: would you recommend me an smtp host that'll work for this?
04:54.37PaganistHi everyone, i can't get to remember how to set :0 as my display and so when i start an X app it'll start on :0 .... anyone please ?
04:54.38bob2hernan_: er
04:54.41bob2you have to have your own
04:54.53bob2no random smtp server is going to relay for you
04:55.21hernan_bob2: so what should i do, then?
04:55.46bob2hernan_: if you have a dynamic ip, you'll have to learn how to relay through your isp
04:55.52bob2#exim or whatever
04:56.03hernan_heh, i just installed postfix
04:56.09bob2if you have your own smtp server somewhere else, use that
04:56.17greg_worki have a system running with raid root, but i never setup the swap space.. it's in the partition table but type is linux swap, not raid autodetect .. is it safe to change on a running system?
04:56.21bob2or you can do noting and deal with some people refusing your email
04:56.22greg_work(with cfdisk)
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04:56.33hernan_bob2: does it have to be set up to relay my mail?
04:56.48bob2hernan_: the external mail server?
04:56.50bob2of course
04:57.04bob2think what would happen if a random machine relayed mail for anyone who asked
04:57.08hernan_bob2: what about my isp's? is it set up that way?
04:57.17bob2you said it requires SMTP AUTH
04:57.22hernan_it does
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04:57.23greg_workhernan_: when you dpkg-configure postfix, it'll ask how you want to set it up - use a smarthost to send is how you would relay it through your isp
04:57.25bob2which postfix can do, but it's a pain in the arse to setup
04:57.27jetscreamerwhoa, 2.6.11 went stable.. anybody try it yet?
04:57.39bob2greg_work: he/she needs to use smtp auth
04:57.44hernan_he :P
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04:58.00greg_workeven on their network? well, annoying but i guess it's a good thing
04:58.00Vmethe reason i'm asking is because i'm trying to get gnome running with VNC
04:58.11Vmeit keeps bringing up that twm or whatnot?
04:58.16jetscreamerguess there are no bold adventurers here!
04:58.16hernan_it's sbc yahoo (flame shield)
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04:58.34jetscreamerhernan_, as long as you use pppoe it's just fine
04:58.46jetscreamersbc has quality svc
04:58.52jetscreameraol buys from sbc
04:58.56jetscreamerand resells
04:59.05hernan_i'll try that, then
04:59.07Pacoi just had an interesting conversation with someone about bootloaders, and someone said that i should use SUSE because thats the only distro i can use GRUB.
04:59.28Pacowhat is so good about GRUB, that i should abandon debian?
04:59.47shingouzPaco: debian has grub
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04:59.55jetscreameryeah sbc blocks port 25 unless you send in a request for them not to
05:00.05FieldySnutsanother suse moron. grub is not specific to suse.
05:00.06jetscreamerwith dynamic ips
05:00.09stewPaco: apt-get install grub
05:00.10Pacoi know, BUT, grub won't work on my box with debian, only suse.
05:00.21greg_workjetscreamer: thats a GOOD thing
05:00.22jaszanyone here knows what about making rss files?
05:00.26ThaigerHas anyone used Synce here?
05:00.30jaszi dont even know where to ask :(
05:00.36ifupHas anyone built cisco's vpn client 4.6 with kernel 2.6.10? I never had do this but I apt-get'd the source and headers do I need anything else?
05:00.44jbAUPaco: you do have to configure grub ofcourse when you install it
05:00.45hernan_okay, my postfix is set up, do i need to make any config changes before i can get it to work?
05:01.09jetscreamerhernan did yu see wha ti typed about port25? (i wasn't folling your conversation)
05:01.10Pacowhat happens is that whenever i install a new distro for the first time and i try to use grub, the OS fails to install.
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05:01.42hernan_jetscreamer: i dont think i did. did you ask me if port 25 was blocked?
05:01.43greg_workjetscreamer: what's bad is when your isp randomly one day decides to start blocking 25, lies to you about it.. then when their mail server dies under the load of spam refuses to open port 25 -- even to one specific ip -- and instead says "wait a while, it'll come back up eventually" ... *cough*bell*cough*...
05:01.48jbAUPaco well that's a pitty, i'm not sure why because i can use grub on virtually any debian machine i've had
05:01.50Pacou guys like lilo better??
05:01.51jetscreamersbc blocks port 25 unless you send in a request for them not to
05:01.59jetscreamerwith dynamic ip's
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05:02.11jbAUi prefer grub, but have no issue with lilo
05:02.24hernan_jetscreamer: but i've had my mail server work before, before i formatted my hdd.
05:02.37jetscreamerhernan_, all i know.
05:02.42jbAUin fact, in my RHCE exam in the first part there was a problem with the grub config file, and since i didn't know grub all that well i didn't see.  So my solution was to install lilo
05:02.44jetscreamerand it's a semi recent change
05:02.50jetscreamermonth, i dunno
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05:03.05dawwHow do I know If I have a "PCI system which use IDE drive(s)"?
05:03.32stewdaww: did you pay extra for a scsi hard drive?
05:03.35jetscreamerdaww, usually that's what it is... open the box and look is one way
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05:03.58greg_work..made even worse when you call back 15 minutes later (after arranging new service with another company) to cancel, and they tell you you can't, you're on a contract. of course, they can't produce said contract (signed or otherwise), eventually saying it was a verbal contract, but can't say who agreed, or when.. starting a several-month long stint in their internal collections agency..
05:03.58hernan_jetscreamer: if i connect to my domain, through port 25, it connects
05:04.11arkaossi forget how do i make a folder that's a symlink to another folder?
05:04.15hernan_jetscreamer: through telnet
05:04.23jbAUarkaoss ln -s
05:04.27dpkgextra, extra, read all about it, ln is 'man ln'
05:04.30dawwstew, I Use a Seagate Barracude 160G IDE
05:04.43stewdaww: then you have ide.  do you happen to have a ibm ps2 model 50? then you have pci.
05:04.52greg_workis it safe to change the partition type of a disk that's being used (the partition is not being used) ?
05:05.00jetscreamerln -sn /path/to/directory /symlink
05:05.09*** join/#debian fatA (
05:05.15shingouzstew: ps/2 :)
05:05.17arkaosssee importnt stuff like that I usually write on my monitor with permanent marker.. but my marker's lost
05:05.27jetscreamergreg_work, i have done that w/o problems
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05:05.29stewactually i think the model 30s had mca as well
05:05.31jetscreamerall i know
05:05.31arkaosserr.. .. my monitor frame
05:05.35fatAhow would one escapet the characters in the password of a wget ftp command?
05:06.00shingouzstew:  most of the ps/2 line is MCA as a matter of fact
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05:06.10jetscreamerpw\ morepw
05:06.11stewshingouz: the 25s weren't
05:06.23stewshingouz: i don't think they were at least
05:06.23fatAjetscreamer: trying ..
05:06.31jetscreamernot sure, might be
05:06.36stewshingouz: well actually maybe they were with no expansion slots available
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05:07.39shingouzstew: well.. the computer i am on at the moment is the pcserver 320 eisa version. the other version was done with mca. most of the ps/2 line was mca, there are even a couple of laptops with mca
05:07.42fatAjetscreamer: nope
05:07.46fatAno worky
05:08.12jetscreameri've done it once but i forgot how...
05:08.20shingouzadditionally at least NCR made a lot of mca boxen. the IBM RS/6000 used to be mca too....
05:08.22jetscreameri mighta resorted to a front end
05:08.39stewshingouz: i just remember that the 25 i had was much different than the 30 and 50 that i had
05:08.48fatAjetscreamer: you mean like a gui?
05:08.52hernan_jetscreamer: this is what i got from my gmail to server test: PERM_FAILURE: SMTP Error (state 10): 554 <>: Relay access denied
05:08.54jetscreameryeah :/
05:08.56stewshingouz: but that was long enough ago that who knows for sure
05:09.06fatAno! :)
05:09.15shingouzstew: news://
05:09.20shingouzand a few other places
05:09.21fatAjetscreamer: can you rec one?
05:09.23jetscreamerhernan_, beyond me, i have a webhost i use, and i have static ip's
05:09.27hernan_jetscreamer: but the thing is, i got a message to go all the way through (gmail -> server)
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05:09.37d03boyhello humans
05:09.39jetscreamer!wayttd fatA
05:09.40dpkgWhat Are You Trying To Do, fatA?
05:10.07jetscreamerok you're not auth'd to relay then hernan_ ... it's settable on the server
05:10.14fatAdpkg: i have funny characters in my password, namely a leading @ and trying to wget ftp:
05:10.42jetscreamerfatA, i like gftp.. and this is exactly what i had the problem with, and what i used
05:10.44hernan_jetscreamer: mind helping me out?
05:10.52jetscreamerhernan_, that was all i know
05:10.54stewshingouz: yeah, model 25 didn't have mca
05:11.08fatAyum gftp
05:11.14*** join/#debian edward_ (
05:11.16fatAoops, wrong crowd
05:11.25hernan_hwo can i make sarge install exim3 instead of 4?
05:11.29jetscreamerapt-get install gftp gftp-text
05:11.33hernan_im just gonna go back to exim
05:11.34jetscreameryum eh
05:11.49mwilsonexim3 is un-maintained upstream.
05:11.51fatAjetscreamer: needed to use CentOS on this box
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05:11.57jetscreamerhernan_, i tried to uninstall exim4 and put exim back.... got weird
05:12.08Pacowell, thankyou everyoen for helping me
05:12.10jetscreameri put exim4 back
05:12.10*** part/#debian Paco (
05:12.12dpkgmethinks liferea is an abbreviation for Linux Feed Reader. apt-get install liferea or
05:12.32shingouzstew: could very well be. not all ps/2's were mca. for mca specialists, google "ardent tool of capitalism" "mca mafia"
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05:13.35d03boyi just freshly installed debian (woody 2.4.18) on my computar machene. It doesnt have driver support for my ethernet card though. I have those drivers on a CD, which cant be installed because I need kernel source inorder to compile. What are my options? (I also have the 2.4.29 source on a CD)
05:13.40d03boyand I'm out of CDRs
05:13.53ifupHas anyone built cisco's vpn client 4.6 with kernel 2.6.10? it needs the source for the kernel. should I apt headers?
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05:14.58jetscreamerd03boy, is this a server or a desktop?
05:15.39d03boydesktop machine
05:15.42d03boylaptop actually
05:16.00jetscreameryou should have just used d-i in the first place.. little late now. what nic?
05:16.06shingouzstew: maybe i should go get some caffeine and start hacking on my ibm pcserver 520 mca instead of this lameass eisa ;)
05:16.20jetscreamer!tell d03boy about d-i
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05:16.30jetscreamersarge installer
05:16.50d03boyya :\
05:16.55d03boyi blame leprykaun
05:17.06d03boyfrom another irc channel
05:17.09jetscreamerwhat/which nic ?
05:17.12Ether_ManI just updated my kernel to stock 2.4.18 but now I've lost pcmcia :/  Im guessing it's there somewhere as a module but I cant find any pcmcia modules in modconf :/
05:17.17d03boybroadcom bcm4400 is the driver i use
05:17.23jetscreamerpcmicia-cs loaded?
05:18.25Ether_Manjetscreamer: no module by that name found..  and neither with pcmcia-cs if it was a misprint
05:18.40jetscreamererrr yeah typo
05:19.28shingouzEther_Man: yenta-socket and ds.
05:20.20d03boyshould I just ... recompile the kernel to my new one that i actually have the source for?
05:20.27fatAgftp n i  i   i    i     c    e
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05:20.35d03boythen later on recompile again to 2.6.x
05:20.40jetscreamerd03boy, i'm not sure how you should proceed.... you can go to and d/l the kernel-headers (or kernel-source) and dpkg -i it/them, and compile... you could also go sarge, but no nic...
05:20.46Ether_Manshingouz: dont know what that is but no modules by those names.. and since my nic is pcmcia I cant install anything if those are packages
05:21.13d03boyi dont currently have internet on the machine though... that is my biggest setback :\
05:21.21jetscreamerd03boy, putting a > 2.4.18 kernel into woody is a ... little tricky or something
05:21.32jetscreamerand i've never done it
05:21.44dpkgrumour has it, backport is a package that was compiled for an older debian release. or or or ask me about <simple sid backport>
05:22.08shingouzEther_Man: oh. 2.4... you need the pcmcia-modules too i think. i was thinking of 2.6 here.. the same module names apply in anycase
05:22.29jetscreamerEther_Man, you can d/l the .debs from and get them to the machine and dpkg -i them
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05:23.29jetscreamerd03boy, everybody wil think this is lame, but if it was me i'd burn a sarge netinst iso and install sarge from scratch
05:23.38Nwallinsmy Geforce MX 440 is buggy with the latest nvidia driver from unstable.  I need to go down a version.  can i do this with a package?
05:23.39jetscreamerand be done in an hour at most
05:23.43Ether_ManWell I can reboot the comp to the 2.20 kernel and thus get pcmcia and get packages on it..  but why is it not working in 2.4 when it is in 2.2? Not using the same modules anymore?
05:23.43hernan_how long does a nameserver change usually take?
05:23.50d03boyi'd love to... i just need some CDRs.. hrm
05:24.05jetscreamer24 hours or sooner is what they tell me d03boy
05:24.11shingouzEther_Man: of course not. a new kernel need new modules
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05:24.18jetscreamerd03boy, there are boot floppy images as well
05:24.27d03boylaptops = no floppy drives .. .:\
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05:24.42duranainwhen i log into x as root, firefox works fine, but if i su to my account from an eterm and run it, i get a connection to x server refused message. likewise, if i log into x as me, and su to root, i get the same error
05:24.43shingouzEther_Man: i do not think you need more than the pcmcia-modules for the specific kernel you have there
05:24.57Ether_Manshingouz: Didnt mean it like that..  I meant why would the modules come with the standard 2.20 kernel but not with the standard 2.4 one
05:25.04duranaini tried xhost + and xhost +localhost, neither worked
05:25.07d03boyi've got cdrs, but they seem to be smudged and cracked and stuff... maybe i'll just try some
05:25.26jetscreamerusb stick?
05:25.31jetscreamermany options
05:25.32shingouzEther_Man: im not sure, maybe the 2.2 you have there is an installer kernel
05:25.38jetscreamerthere's a usbstick image
05:25.42*** part/#debian Gotmet (~ressss@
05:25.44Ether_Manshingouz: aye it is.
05:25.48d03boyhrm... that'd be viable maybe
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05:25.53shingouzEther_Man: there you go then
05:25.58duranainxhost +local:duranain worked, but only until i logged out, then it returned an error about identical keys
05:26.10sketchyhi, whats the package that contains all the system libraries, eg stdio.h, etc? for use with compilers eg gcc ?
05:26.40Ether_Manshingouz: So I should reboot to the 2.2 kernel and install pcmcia-modules package for the 2.4 kernel.. correct?
05:26.43stew!b-e sketchy
05:26.43dpkgsketchy: Sounds like you need to install build-essential.
05:26.52shingouzEther_Man: just boot into the older kernel and apt-get the pcmcia-modules in place. should work that way as long as you take care you get the same version
05:26.56shingouzEther_Man: yes
05:27.03d03boyi'm going to try the usbstick
05:27.08Ether_Manok. thanks
05:27.14sketchystew: apt-ing, thanks :)
05:27.14jetscreameror this might be better
05:27.24jetscreamera daily as opposed to rc2
05:27.39nevynwhat is writing /etc/fstab ?
05:27.50d03boywell, ive got no idea what might be better :P... mind just suggesting a usbimage?
05:27.52shingouzwhen, oh when will sarge get stable.... :p
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05:28.19nevynsomething is _helpfully_ writing to /etc/fstab for devices in /media how do I stop it?
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05:28.50holycowhey all
05:29.03*** mode/#Debian [+l 756] by debhelper
05:29.15holycowhow do i reconfigure the sound system for debian?  i thought the installer let me choose, and now totem has no sound ...
05:29.30MobyTurbonevyn: to the best of my knowledge neither sarge nor woody, and I assume not sid, have "/media" by default. Are you using Debian or something based on it?
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05:29.31holycowyet xmms does
05:29.35jetscreameris this totem-xine or totem-gstreamer
05:30.00jetscreamersarge seems to have /media by default
05:30.08jetscreamervia d-i
05:30.22jetscreamerand don't let discover manage mount points
05:30.22MobyTurbojetscreamer: maybe it's because I install using dist-upgrade.
05:30.34holycowjetscreamer, well totem-gstremer crashes saying something is buys, totem-xine has no sound
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05:30.54holycowis there a preffered debian way for this? i presume on gnome gstreamer is supposed to be it?
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05:31.18stewMobyTurbo: i believe that /media was added with fhs 2.1 or 2.2
05:31.26nevynMobyTurbo: sid installed yesterday it's part of the FHS
05:31.46jetscreamerfhs ?
05:31.48nevynsarge definitly has /media
05:31.55nevynfilesystem heirachy standard
05:32.04dpkgi heard fhs is the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard and is at, or included in the debian-policy package
05:32.13MobyTurbonevyn: well, it doesn't here - but I don't use d-i because it doesn't include ppp.
05:32.24nevynit doesn't?
05:32.24jetscreamermy /media/cdrom kept disappearing with discover
05:32.26holycowjet .. discover managing mount points interferes with sound?
05:32.36MobyTurbonevyn: right, this is a known bug.
05:32.37stewi guess it wasn't until 2.3
05:32.40jaszi leave
05:32.43nevyndiscover.. may be the culprit.
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05:32.55jetscreamerholycow, no that wasn't for you
05:33.10jetscreamerholycow, you got w32codecs? not that it should matter
05:33.11holycowlol oh okay
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05:33.56jetscreamerholycow, not sure, i had a problem with totem-* and just never used it again... xine-ui seems better.
05:34.18jetscreamermine was a dual head screen bork problem though
05:34.21holycowi need to read up on how the sound works in debian again
05:34.24jetscreamerand a sound come to think of it
05:34.33holycowi don't know where to begin debugging it
05:34.42jetscreamersome sound formats didn't work.. ac3 or something i forget
05:34.54jetscreamerbut it worked in xine-ui
05:36.07d03boyjet, was that link for sarge installer or what?
05:36.25d03boysarge is still 2.4 or is it 2.6?
05:36.41stewd03boy: its both
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05:36.59stewd03boy: /msg dpkg d-i
05:37.58d03boyis hp-media the usbimage?
05:38.00jetscreamerd03boy, if you want 2.6 type linux26 at the boot: prompt when the cd boots
05:38.06jetscreameri think so
05:38.12d03boyhopefully :\\
05:38.14jetscreamerd03boy, hit F3
05:38.22jetscreamerat the boot: prompt
05:41.27NwallinsI am trying to stop agpgart from loading.  lsmod shows it, but it is not in /etc/modules.  lsmod shows agpgart even when it is on the hotplug blacklist.
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05:42.38MobyTurboNwallins: are you using nvidia's binary drivers? If so, there is a parameter to choose which agpgart to use.
05:43.06Nwallinsyes, but the nvidia agp is off-lmiits when agpgart is loaded
05:43.48MobyTurboNwallins: it is by default, but you can choose if it's auto mode, the default, or if it loads one or the other.
05:44.21Nwallinsthe parameter i am thinking of is in the xfconfig file..  which one are you talking about?
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05:44.58GumbyI havnt had much experience compile kernel modules in debian so I am wondering if I am doing it the right way.  I have downloaded the kernel-source that matches my kernel and I extracted the .bz2 un /usr/src/  Is there anything else I need to do before I try to build the module?
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05:45.01MobyTurboNwallins: I don't remember it well - since nvidia dropped support for the TNT2, my card, I uninstalled the drivers.
05:45.06jadoogaris there pdf 2 ppt convertor available?
05:45.21MobyTurboNwallins: read the nvidia docs in /usr/share/doc - its documented there.
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05:47.56jbAUanyone had any selinux experience?
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05:49.12PhoenixGIBrand new to Debian (well any Linux for that matter) got it install, fired up x, but my mouse pointer jumped to the upper left hand cornor
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05:49.44PhoenixGIHow can I get it to work right?
05:50.31jetscreamer <-- might help, PhoenixGI
05:50.34MobyTurboPhoenixGI: what type of mouse do you have?
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05:50.47RainbowWi'm trying to get boinc (used for to dump its output to /dev/tty7 ... how do i do a redirect of the output and background the task?  boinc 2>&1 isn't doing what i expected (backgrounding the task) ...
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05:51.54PhoenixGIMobyTurbo: It's a "Memorex" it worked under Freebsd KDE as a microsoft mouse just fine,
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05:52.13MobyTurboPhoenixGI: what type of interface does it use?
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05:53.17deadcatmwilson: can you send or email me the vimrc file?
05:54.21MobyTurboPhoenixGI: hmm, mine is USB so I'm not sure. Try the mouse port /dev/psaux
05:55.15PhoenixGIMobyTurbo: That's the device I use to get the mouse to work (only took me 2 hours to figure that one out bsd was /dev/mouse)
05:55.44MobyTurboPhoenixGI: BSD is doing the same thing behind the scenes, /dev/mouse is a symlink in fbsd
05:56.21sketchyhow do you update all the man pages .. there seems to be alot missing from my man
05:56.22PhoenixGIMobyTurbo: ahh, ok
05:56.55MobyTurboPhoenixGI: of course in BSD some of the actual device names are different.
05:58.11MobyTurbosketchy: looking for sections 2 and 3? apt-get install manpages-dev
05:58.17PhoenixGIMobyTurbo: Still doesn't explain why my mouse is going balistic on me.
05:58.48stewsketchy: whats an example of something that you think is missing?
05:58.49sketchyMobyTurbo: thanks
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05:59.06sketchystew:  .. pipe, select ... but i just got manpages-dev, and i have them now
05:59.12amahbodmy computer freezes when i try to mount my cdrom drive now
05:59.14structhow do i get the faillog command to work in debian?
05:59.22catamahbod: any errors?
05:59.29catstruct: man faillog
05:59.34structcat: done that
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05:59.45Stereohi everyone
05:59.47cator read a faq about, faillog
05:59.51catStereo: hi there
06:00.03structcat: can you point me to one?
06:00.13amahbodcat, no
06:00.14catstruct: go into google
06:00.28catamahbod: try ejecting the cdrom, it must be mounted it then
06:00.38amahbodcat, it just freezes my computer. if a sound is playing, the last .5ish seconds of music loop
06:00.44StereoI'd like to create a shutdown account to make a box easy to shut down if it needs to be moved. Is the usual way of doing this just creating a normal account with uid 0 and setting its shell to be `halt`?
06:00.49catit must be mounted
06:01.04catStereo: adduser user halt
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06:01.15catwait hold up
06:01.20amahbodcat, ok i ejected it
06:01.22daesothodebian kicks ass!!
06:01.23MobyTurboStereo: the usual way is to use sudo and give a user(s) permission to run the relevant shutdown command.
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06:01.32struct/var/log/faillog: No such file or directory
06:01.33amahbodnow if i try to mount it it should work, no/
06:01.37amahbodcat, ?
06:01.44catamahbod: try playing you'r cdrom,
06:01.49StereoMobyTurbo: that's way too complicated for the person who's going to do that :)
06:01.49catit should be mounted it
06:01.51amahbodcat, playing?
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06:02.04MobyTurboStereo: he can't type "halt"?
06:02.20Stereohe could
06:02.20catare u playing you'r cdrom? with xmmms?
06:02.27amahbodcat, no
06:02.50catwhat ya trying to do?
06:02.53Stereobut sudo halt and password again would be a bit compliated, although I could remove the password thing
06:02.56MobyTurboStereo: you could make a script file with "sudo halt" in it and give him permission in sudoers to execute halt without asking for a password.
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06:03.10Stereoyeah, could do
06:03.14amahbodcat, i just wanted to mount it to a folder
06:03.18amahbodcat, so i could access the files
06:03.23catStereo: try chroot,
06:03.26catit should work
06:03.38Nwallinsis there a way to get an old version of a debian package?  like the previous version of the nvidia packages?
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06:03.46poo5555I really need a bit of what should be simple help with setting up my monitor with X and KDE. The only available options are 800x and 640x, with 73hz refresh (which my monitor displays as 60). my eyes are dying and there's no res. I tried editing XF86Config-4 and adding more options but it maden o difference in what is available. please help?
06:03.48catamahbod: try mount -t type device dir
06:03.52sunianyone got any hints to be able to dcc send?
06:03.57sunier sorry
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06:04.12cat!tell poo5555 about set up x
06:04.13StereoNwallins: you might still have it in your /var/cache/apt/archives/
06:04.22mwilsonsuni: What about it?
06:04.23amahbodcat, its a dvd
06:04.30amahbodcat, what is the exact syntax
06:04.36NwallinsStereo: no, this is a fresh install unfortunately
06:04.36catwhat's you'r dvd device?
06:04.46helixcat: how old are you?
06:04.52StereoNwallins: other boxes maybe?
06:05.00amahbodcat, how do i find out?
06:05.06amahbodcat, its /dev/cdrom
06:05.11amahbodcat, if thats what you mean
06:05.13catnope that's you'r cdrom
06:05.20PhoenixGIAny other Thoughts MobyTurbo?
06:05.22amahbodcat, thats what i have always been mounting
06:05.22sunianyone got any hints to be able to dcc send, i'm behind a NAT firewall, i've modprobed ip_nat_irc and have this --> iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 45000:46000 -j DNAT --to-destination, client has those ports set up..still not working any ideas?
06:05.24Nwallinspoo /j #flood
06:05.26MobyTurboNwallins: I remember reading of a Debian wayback machine
06:05.27amahbodcat, and it used to work
06:05.41amahbodcat, i dont know what my dvd device is. i always thought it was the same thing
06:05.42StereoNwallins: afraid you're sol then. If it's older than 6 months, maybe
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06:05.44mwilsonsuni: What's that supposed to do?
06:05.53Nwallinsi'll take a look, thanks
06:05.55catamahbod: is you'r dvd and cdrom the same?
06:05.58poo5555is using the ATI driver a bad idea? I just did a 'testing' netinst like an hour ago, I should have up to date packages
06:06.09MobyTurboNwallins: not really the wayback machine - a particular website that has old Debian packages going back a few years.
06:06.11amahbodcat, its a cdrw/dvdrw
06:06.16catoh ok,
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06:06.21catthen it should be /dev/cdrom
06:06.32amahbodcat, ok question
06:06.45amahbodcat, when initially installing, i set my computers time to GMT
06:06.49amahbodcat, and it wasnt GMT
06:06.49NwallinsMobyTurbo: any particular keywords?
06:06.54amahbodcat, my bios time rather
06:07.00amahbodcat, how can i change it back
06:07.02catso u want to changed it huh?
06:07.10amahbodcat, yes
06:07.13poo5555should I use VESA or ATI? sorry to ask, this ios probably a bad question, but I've heard of troubles with the drivers, but nothing specific
06:07.52catamahbod: tzconfig as root
06:08.09amahbodcat, its set to pacific
06:08.11catfollow the steps and you'r done
06:08.20catamahbod: that's how you set you'r time zone
06:08.35amahbodcat, but it was something about my bios time... like if my bios was set to GMT or not
06:08.44amahbodcat, and mine wasnt, but i accidentally said it was
06:08.56catchanged bios time?
06:08.57stewpoo5555: if you don't need 3d acceleration use the 'ati' driver if you do, then /msg dpkg ati
06:09.34MobyTurboNwallins: I've been googling for it myself. Sorry that I haven't been of more help today.
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06:09.57Nwallinsi appreciate everything
06:10.13amahbodcat, not found
06:10.31poo5555OK thanks stew. now how do I restart X? or do whatever it is I need to do to tell KDE that htere's other options available
06:10.35Gumbycould anyone lend a hand.  I am trying to install the nvidia drivers from  I have kernel-source-2.6.8 and I am running kernel-2.6.8-2-k7 but when I run the installed it tells me that I dont have a matching kernel-source installed.  I have unpacked the .bz2 in /usr/src and did ln -s kernel-source-2.6.8 linux.  Anyone have any ideas?
06:10.39calinnight y'all
06:11.08poo5555I open the screen resize and rotate utility and it still only has those options
06:11.10poo5555my eyes are about to die, by the way
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06:11.27poo5555do I need to restart X? or something?
06:11.32stewpoo5555: kill X is ctrl-alt-bksp, but you probably have some kde menu item that exits more gracefully
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06:11.37catpoo5555: killall pid
06:11.41cator kill -9
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06:11.49poo5555how do I restart it after
06:11.49cator just exit you'r kde gnome or fluxbox
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06:11.55sunino one?
06:11.59MobyTurbopoo5555: then once you're at the command line, dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86
06:12.00stewpoo5555: how did you start it this time?
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06:12.30sunianyone behind a NAT router than can send dcc?
06:12.34catamahbod: do this then ntpdate
06:12.37sunii just can't do it.
06:12.39catif u dont have it apt-get install ntpdate
06:12.47catsuni: can't do what?
06:12.52znomy /proc/version says my kernel is at  2.4.27-1-386 although I did apt-get install a kernel image version 2.4.27-2 what's going on?
06:12.54sunianyone got any hints to be able to dcc send, i'm behind a NAT firewall, i've modprobed ip_nat_irc and have this --> iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 45000:46000 -j DNAT --to-destination, client has those ports set up..still not working any ideas?
06:12.54dpkgIt's YOU. Y-O-U. Not *U*. U is a letter. YOU is a word. See ne1, or wud.  Dutch for 'you' (formal singular). See
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06:13.16stewzno: have you rebooted?
06:13.17catsuni: check you'r routers ports
06:13.19mwilsonsuni: Since you don't answer questions that anyone asks you, you don't actually want to fix the problem you think you have, right?
06:13.20skip_help please: what could be causing my PC to not shut down properly, It appears to be random, and sometime hangs on a blank screen, or sometimes I get a lot of video garbage on the screen. I can't confirm yet, but it seems to occur if I've had to "xhost +" during the session
06:13.23amahbodcat, but it only changes it until the next time i restart
06:13.30structdo i have to edit /etc/syslog.conf to get faillog to work?  /var/log/faillog currently does not exist.
06:13.36znostew: yes I have
06:13.41catthen amahbod edit this /etc/ntp.conf
06:13.44sunicat: that is the router.
06:13.50MobyTurbo!aolify jetscreamer
06:13.52mwilsonskip_: There is never a reason to use 'xhost +'.  If you think you have found one, you are mistaken.
06:13.52catsuni: restart the router,
06:13.55stewzno: which bootloader do you use?
06:14.00sunii have
06:14.13catsuni: go to #ipstables then or to a faq
06:14.19znostew: I forgot which one I installed (lilo I believe)
06:14.19stewskip_: you should never, ever, ever be using xhost
06:14.19suniok thanks :)
06:14.19amahbodcat, doesnt exist
06:14.25sunimwilson: i'm sorry:)
06:14.26catdid u installed the software?
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06:14.30skip_mwilson: excellent, I was hoping someone would say that. So how do I "kedit xxxfilename" as su then?
06:14.38MobyTurbo!tell skip_ about sux
06:14.44catis apt-get install ntp
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06:15.12mwilsonskip_: "as su"?  First, you actually bother to learn correct terminology.  Second, you don't run X applications as root.
06:15.13catskip_: kedit file
06:15.24znonormally if I install a kernel image and reboot, it should come up with that version regardless of the bootloader right?
06:15.32mwilsonzno: No.
06:15.33amahbodcat, ok i am going to try mounting the cdrom
06:15.39amahbodcat, if i leave, it crashed my computer
06:15.47stewzno: depends on your bootloader
06:15.49catoh ok,
06:15.53znoso what further steps do I need to take?
06:15.54catif not just eject it
06:15.56skip_cat: nope, gives me an Xlib error
06:15.58stewzno: depends on your bootloader
06:16.16znoactually I think I have grub
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06:16.21znoI have /boot/grub
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06:16.49stewzno: head /dev/hda | grep strings (or whatever dev you boot from)
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06:17.00jetscreamerzno, the bootloader is 'supposed' to get updated automagically..
06:17.12jetscreamerwhen you do it the debian way
06:17.12stewzno: one of the first strings you see will be either GRUB or LILO
06:17.22structhow do i get a /var/log/faillog file?  i enabled it in /etc/login.defs.
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06:17.29jetscreamerjust touch it struct
06:17.29amahbodit mounted
06:17.39poo5555that worked, except what was the config? my horizontal refresh is too low
06:17.45structjetscreamer: i've done that, and it doesn't record failed login attempts
06:17.51stew!drxx poo5555
06:17.52dpkgpoo5555: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86   (as root)
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06:17.53jetscreamerah.. no idea then sorry
06:18.12skip_ok, so if I should be using xhost and can't "kedit filename" as root, then what do you suggest I do?
06:18.16jetscreamerchoose medium unless you know the v & h refresh rates
06:18.23catskip_: try nano as root
06:18.25catbest editor,
06:18.30jetscreamermake that nano -w
06:18.38catyeah nano -w forgot about that
06:18.39stewzno: whoah s/grep//
06:18.39mwilsonskip_: Why do you think you need to run this X application as root?
06:18.44Myrenhow can i dns lookup an ip address?
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06:18.56skip_mwilson: I'm trying to edit files like fstab
06:19.00stewMyren: 'host'
06:19.00jetscreamernslookup ip.ip.ip,ip ?
06:19.05catMyren: host ip
06:19.24Myrenskip_: generally there's almost NO applications which need to be run X as root, its very dangerous, but if you /really/ need to, there's sux.  its su /w x.
06:19.27Myrenthanks all
06:19.49catMyren: np,
06:19.55PhoenixGIMobyTurbo: Got it, For somereason, even though it worked just fine in BSD's KDE/X had to change the protocol from "Microsoft" to "PS/2"
06:19.56skip_Myren: thanks. So how do most people edit fstab and similar files?
06:20.09catskip_: /etc/fstab ?
06:20.14catthat's the stab config file
06:20.15sgeigerbot`skip_: why?
06:20.15znohaving a hard time greping for info in my /dev/hdc1 device file
06:20.21MobyTurboPhoenixGI: that makes sense.
06:20.22skip_cat: yes
06:20.23catzno: any errors?
06:20.23simonrvncat: um, no
06:20.25znowhat am I supposed to be looking for
06:20.27stewskip_: /usr/bin/editor /etc/fstab
06:20.30simonrvncat: FS tab
06:20.33MobyTurboPhoenixGI: glad you fixed it.
06:20.42skip_stew: ok.
06:20.49catthat's what i say
06:20.56stewskip_: if you don't liek that update-alternatives --config editor
06:21.00simonrvnMar  3 06:09:02 pylon slapd[10302]: conn=523 op=2 UNBIND
06:21.04znoI see "ReadBoot error"
06:21.12simonrvncat ) that's the stab config file
06:21.14jetscreamersounds like grub
06:21.16sgeigerbot`yxa: great.  :-)
06:21.17mwilsonIt's bad enough that he's using KDE, but he wants to run KDE applications as root.
06:21.25catoh ok,
06:21.28simonrvnfreaking dufus
06:21.37amahbodcat, still have that time problem
06:21.43skip_stew: thanks. So could using xhost cause X to crash on shutdown?
06:21.43amahbodcat, ntupdate is an init.d thing?
06:21.45znowas grub a mistake?
06:21.49catamahbod: did u update it with ntp?
06:21.51sgeigerbot`simonrvn: that's a word I don't hear every day (anymore)
06:21.56catamahbod: yeap is a deamon
06:22.03MobyTurbo!tell cat about u
06:22.05jetscreamerzno, not really, but you need to fix it i guess
06:22.05amahbodcat, but every time i restart, i have the same problem
06:22.18catamahbod: did you edit? the ntp config?
06:22.21jetscreamerfuck u !!! ( :) )
06:22.25stewskip_: not by itself, but using xhost on a not *completely* trusted netowrk can cause you to get rooted fast
06:22.32amahbodcat, the file doesnt exist in /etc/ntp.conf
06:22.41amahbodcat, it doesnt exist on my system
06:22.54stewskip_: bad memory could cause just about anything, you might try memtest86
06:23.17catlet me check it out
06:23.37jetscreamerwhy do i smoke more when i have few cigs left?
06:23.57moa3333i was forced to downgrade to kernel 2.4, nead some help to make alsa work again
06:23.58Myreni'm trying to grep for 129.2 or 128.2, i cant get the fraking syntaxes right htough
06:24.01Myrenany help please
06:24.02skip_stew: I'be googled my problem but there doesn't seem to be an obvious solution. Not sure if it's a coincidence, but it only happens when I run >2.6.7 kernels
06:24.18cattry apt-get install ntp-server
06:24.20catthat;s why
06:24.46Capricousto install X do I "apt-get install x-window-system-core" or is something else recommended?
06:24.54simonrvnthat's fine
06:25.18catyeah amahbod that's what you need
06:25.21znoany bad consequences to doing apt-get install grub. I believe I have the grub from my original cd net install
06:25.21CapricousI was wondering because of all the and all I have seen listed
06:25.36*** part/#debian CyzarX (~cyzarx@
06:25.36MobyTurboCapricous: if you do it that way you'll need to specify a window manager and terminal emulator.
06:25.42*** join/#debian ioman (
06:25.45simonrvnyou won't get stuff that way. it isn't in debian yet
06:25.46jetscreamerCapricous, apt-get install x-window-system is one method
06:25.53*** join/#debian pSycoRe_ (
06:26.02jetscreameryeah no xorg
06:26.15jetscreamer!tell Capricous about xorg
06:26.28CapricousI see, thank you
06:26.30jetscreamerzno shouldn't be
06:26.43*** part/#debian helix (~erinn@helix.user)
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06:26.45catamahbod: u found it?
06:26.46jetscreamerthere is also update-grub
06:26.53*** join/#debian jm_ (
06:27.00MobyTurbo!tell cat about u
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06:27.08amahbodcat, no
06:27.10cat!hurt MobyTurbo
06:27.18amahbodcat, oh ntp-server
06:27.19simonrvn!fuck cat
06:27.20amahbodcat, ?
06:27.24*** join/#debian poo5555 (
06:27.26catyeah installed that,
06:27.26helixcalm down, retards
06:27.28amahbod!fuck amahbod
06:27.29poo5555this is seriously getting annoying
06:27.37catand then edit the config that i told you
06:27.45jetscreamerspeaking of ppl all caught up in their own importance
06:27.45poo5555I manually edited /etc/X11/XF86-config-4
06:27.46amahbodcat, the config didnt exist!
06:27.51jetscreamerhi helix
06:27.51catnow it does
06:27.55catwhen you installed ntp-server
06:28.00poo5555to edit in up to 100khz horizontal refresh and up to 85 vertical
06:28.08poo5555the KDE screen resize/rotate tool says its going at 76hz
06:28.08amahbodcat, ah!
06:28.15poo5555but my monitor's own on-screen menu says its running at 60hz
06:28.18poo5555and its killing my eyes
06:28.19poo5555what do I do?
06:28.29amahbodcat, what do i edit?
06:28.32*** join/#debian MoDaX (
06:28.33catpoo5555: apt-get remove xfonts-100dpi
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06:28.58jetscreamerpoo5555, did you google your vert refresh and horiz refresh rates for you monitor?
06:29.00amahbodcat, i am in the file, i meant what to edit... it looks like it just connects @ startup and will fetch the current time from some server
06:29.02simonrvncat: poo5555 isn't even talking fonts
06:29.03jetscreameror know them?
06:29.14catoh ic,
06:29.36catamahbod: oh well, that's what you need to edit for the time so when u reboot it goes back to the time you want
06:30.03poo5555jetscreamer, no, but I know it can handle 1024x768x85 since that's what i use in winblows
06:30.10*** join/#debian FireEgl (Ariel@Atlantica.Deb1an.Net)
06:30.22amahbodcat, thanks for the help. one last thing... i installed mysql-server and mythtv and now i cannot remove them with apt-get remove
06:30.28amahbodcat, suggestions?
06:30.36catamahbod: any errors?
06:30.36jetscreamerpoo5555, did you choose the medium option when you did dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86 ? and restarted X ?
06:31.04poo5555I tried that yes, it wouldn't goover 61hz even though I selected "1024x768x75" in the configure tool, and my monitor shows it at 60hz.
06:31.21poo5555I'm thinking I need to go into windows, write down my exact horizontal refresh rate, and lock that in as the only available for X? grrr
06:31.56MobyTurbopoo5555: X can use a whole range of rates for the typical multisync monitor.
06:32.02jetscreamerpoo5555, then go to and find your monitor's refresh rates (that's vert&horiz, not exactly the same as @85) or google the model... then redo the reconfigure and choose advanced
06:32.03d03boyanyone happen to know how the hell to make a usb key bootable from windows?
06:32.05simonrvnpoo5555: nah, there's stuff on the web to help you with that
06:32.28amahbodcat, i didnt know you could do regular expressions for apt-get... thats f****** awesome
06:32.36amahbodcat, like apt-get remove myth*
06:32.41stewpoo5555: now that you have edited the config by hand you better /msg dpkg x md5sum ; or read the comments at the top of XF86Config-4
06:32.46simonrvnamahbod: be careful with that though
06:32.47catu can
06:32.53jetscreamerapt-get remove --purge kde* is very useful
06:33.00libpcpanyone can help me with bind dns, im setting up a new dns server, what should i set on the serial as a default setting?
06:33.13jetscreamerd03boy, i dunno how
06:33.18catstupid shit i'm lag
06:33.21libpcpfrom the sample it is 2002061308 ; Serial
06:33.25d03boyits damn near impossible
06:33.27simonrvnlibpcp: people usually put the date, plus a 2 digit number. starting at 00
06:33.32d03boyespecially since I dont have a floppy drive
06:33.38jetscreamerd03boy, 'should' be a bios thing, not a windows thing
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06:33.42stewlibpcp: the date plus 01, so 2005030301
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06:34.05libpcpokay thanks alot
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06:34.16stewlibpcp: the second revision for today would be 2005030302
06:34.23CapricousMobyTurbo: Is there a guide or way to determine what I need to do when setting window manager, terminal emulator, etc. when installing X?
06:34.39amahbodwhat is the syntax for adding a samba share to fstab
06:34.43catCapricous: check out
06:34.44amahboddo i put //computername first?
06:34.49*** join/#debian disasm (
06:34.50jetscreamerman update-alternatives, Capricous
06:34.59catamahbod: huh?
06:35.04libpcpstew: and if i made some changes on the primary name server i will change the 2 digit so it will update the secondary name server?
06:35.10amahbodcat, i want to add a samba share to fstab
06:35.14amahbodcat, so it mounts on startup
06:35.31amahboddoes the share go first
06:35.37MobyTurboCapricous: check out
06:35.38amahbodlike //
06:35.44amahbodand then mountpoint?
06:36.07catamahbod: look at the /etc/fstab options,
06:36.08stewlibpcp: if you cange primary and the new serial is greater than the previous, all other nameservers named in NS entries will get notified automatically when you 'rndc reload'
06:36.16cator the file looks easy enough
06:36.45libpcpokay thanks stew
06:36.59cat!info xmms
06:37.07dpkgxmms: (Versatile X audio player that looks like Winamp), section sound, is optional. Version: 1.2.10-2 (sid), Packaged size: 1943 kB, Installed size: 6024 kB
06:37.10*** join/#debian CyzarX (~cyzie@
06:37.20d03boyjetscreamer, does sarge have support for broadcom nic's built in?
06:37.41jetscreamerd03boy, i would think so, but i have no idea...
06:37.57dpkgfrom memory, broadcom is a NIC that's not supported in 2.4.18, but is apparently supported in 2.4.25 (module is named "b44"), or may also be tg3 driver, or see broadcom woody
06:38.07d03boy"from memory" lol
06:38.09amahbodcat, how do i mount everything that is in my fstab? i thought there was like a mountall command like in freebsd
06:38.11stewd03boy: depending on which broadcom nic you might have to fetch non-free firmware from somewhere else
06:38.20catamahbod: man mount
06:38.22catshould help
06:38.29jetscreameramahbod, mount -a
06:38.48*** part/#debian CyzarX (~cyzie@
06:38.51amahbodyou guys are THE BEST
06:38.54poo5555jetscreamer may I message you?
06:38.55amahbodthanks for all the help
06:38.56catof course
06:39.11jetscreamerpoo5555, why?
06:39.13catt-shirts debian cups debian hats,
06:39.15jetscreamerbut sure
06:39.22jetscreamerit might not work
06:39.27jetscreameri have +E
06:39.28*** join/#debian damog (~damog@
06:39.29deadcatcat: where at?
06:39.35cathere, in my house,
06:39.36damogwhy do people would like to use mutt?
06:39.40deadcatcat: got pics?
06:39.58*** join/#debian thesaboteur (~thesabote@
06:39.59catdeadcat: nope i'm gonna buy a webcam tomorrow, tomorrow i'm getting pay
06:40.03*** join/#debian debian-san (
06:40.06deadcatcat: (=
06:40.07catdamog: nice simple, and good
06:40.18catpaycheck tomorrow,
06:40.20deadcatcat: i want to see what kind of tshirts you got.
06:40.22damogcat: do you use it?
06:40.23*** join/#debian j0d3 (
06:40.30catdamog: yes i do,
06:40.39catdeadcat: is just says debian and the debian sign
06:40.42MobyTurbodamog: "all mail clients suck, this one just sucks less" -
06:40.52deadcatcat: the one from linuxworld expo?
06:41.00catyeap the same
06:41.11catbut i'm gonna make my self a nice debian t-shirt
06:41.25catcustom made
06:41.41damogMoDaX: I don't think evo sucks ;)
06:41.52catlet's see
06:42.10*** join/#debian kaplanfx (
06:42.15catis that you'rs?
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06:42.33deadcatcat: ya. got it from linxuworld 2004
06:42.41cathow much?
06:42.58deadcat$10. dondelecaro was selling thema t the debian booth.
06:43.38catwhere do they do those expo?
06:43.53deadcatcat: san francisco,ca,usa
06:44.00catoh every year?
06:44.04catoh nice, how much is it?
06:44.16deadcatfree exhibit hall pass
06:44.16poo5555OK. so, here's a summar yof my issue. My monitor only displays at 60Hz. I've tried dpkg-reconfigure, and manually editing /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 , with no luck. the screen resize thing says whatever it want, my monitor is still at 60hz. I'm stuck and my eyes are killing me.
06:44.24poo5555if anyone has any advice please feel free to share
06:44.29cati'm gonna be there this august then
06:44.30d03boythere is a penguin on my screen :|
06:44.32deadcatcat: feb in boston, aug in sf
06:44.47PhatedYou know, most people like the penguin.
06:44.50deadcatcat: cool. sign up in few month.
06:45.03deadcatPhated: i found the ob3 theme (=
06:45.08Phateddeadcat: Woo!
06:45.14deadcatand its hot hot hot!
06:45.14*** join/#debian CyzarX (~cyzarx@
06:45.15Phateddeadcat: Screenshot!
06:45.18stewPhated: my wife gets really goofy over penguns now
06:45.29deadcatPhated: yes sir:
06:45.36Kvantpoo5555, what did you enter for HorizSync & VertRefresh?
06:45.39PhatedAnd this, gents, is why Linux is a babe magnet.
06:45.45*** join/#debian igraltist (
06:45.57deadcatPhated: amen to that.
06:45.58PhatedSo run Linux!
06:46.00catdeadcat: how did ya do that logo?
06:46.12Phateddeadcat: Whoa, haaawt.
06:46.24*** join/#debian lgd_ (
06:46.41stewPhated: are you sure he is actually a babe magnet?
06:46.49Phatedstew: I said Linux was.
06:46.58stewoh, i read that as linux
06:47.00PhatedI have no idea who this "he" you refer to is.
06:47.02stewerr linus
06:47.14deadcatPhated: you want it?
06:47.19deadcatcat: what logo?
06:47.23Phateddeadcat: Oh yeah, sure.
06:47.37*** join/#debian AlexW (
06:47.41catthis one
06:47.42cathold up
06:47.43AlexWhey guys
06:47.53AlexWwhen i type shutdown -h now
06:48.03*** join/#debian holycow (
06:48.06AlexWit goes through kill and stuff then just says Power Down!
06:48.08stewAlexW: try /sbin/poweroff
06:48.10AlexWand doesnt actually turn off
06:48.12Phateddeadcat: Love the electra backdrop.
06:48.18catlooks, nice
06:48.33*** join/#debian Zvpun (
06:48.41deadcatPhated: thanks. the ob3 tar
06:48.50stewAlexW: if that doens't work you can try passing apm=poweroff (or something similar) to your kernel (look it up)
06:48.51Phateddeadcat: Thanks. :)
06:48.55deadcatcat: dont msg me. just here it ok
06:49.02catoh ok sorry
06:49.07catso deadcat how you did that logo?
06:49.11*** join/#debian sky_ (~sky@
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06:49.26deadcatcat: thats linux_logo (=
06:49.30deadcatapt-get the mofo hehe
06:49.44*** join/#debian kaplanfx (
06:49.54Zvpunwhere is the \e[~ key? I got a .inputrc line stating "\e[~": paste-from-clipboard but I dont know how to find out where it is
06:49.55deadcatPhated: i modified the theme a little for my need.
06:49.58Phateddeadcat: What're those things across the top of the right side monitor in the screenie with the Elektra backdrop?
06:50.05catdeadcat: and how did u put you'r kernel that name?
06:50.08catdo u have to compile a new one?
06:50.16deadcatZvpun: thats escape+~
06:50.24Phatedcat: It does it automatically from the output of uname or something.
06:50.41deadcatPhated: idesk
06:50.43*** join/#debian fieldski (
06:50.46Phateddeadcat: Oh, cool.
06:51.13deadcatcat: --append-to-version +${HOSTNAME}+${DATE}${OPTION}
06:51.15catso u can changed you'r kernel name with out ?
06:51.32MobyTurbo!tell cat about u
06:51.35catdeadcat: uname right?
06:51.50igraltisthow can i see wich driver i has actuell loding, because my new kernel does not boot
06:51.53deadcatcat: when i compile, i use those option. and yes uname -r == 2.6.7+hades+20041020++catherine
06:52.04catoh so i have to compile a new one?
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06:52.13deadcatcat: ya.
06:52.30deadcatPhated: i am gonna rm the tar
06:52.41catis there any way i can do it with out, compile?
06:52.53Phateddeadcat: Yeah, go ahead. I'm done.
06:52.55deadcatcat: nope.
06:53.19catoh ic
06:53.22deadcatPhated: when you use the theme. mouse over the close button on the window (=
06:53.32Phateddeadcat: Hm, let's see...
06:54.57Zvpundeadcat: and what about the [?
06:55.14Phateddeadcat: Heh, cool.
06:55.33Phateddeadcat: Those are really nice colours.
06:55.36deadcatZvpun: that is escape, do this, control v, then press escape
06:55.36dawwFinaly the compiled kernel works! But the kernel doesn't know iso9660 and a Intel PRO/1000 Gigabit network card that is compiled as a modules, what can I do about it?
06:55.46helixwhat colors are nice?
06:55.47deadcatPhated: ya. and i LOVE the maximize button hahahahah
06:56.02Phateddeadcat: Hell yeah.
06:56.11deadcathelix: this theme: the ob3 theme
06:56.14*** join/#debian gnodebii (
06:56.16jm_helix: tired of pastels?
06:56.22Phateddeadcat: Man, you should do something with the minimise button too.
06:56.24helixpastels hasta la muerte
06:56.38PhatedPastels till I die?
06:56.50deadcatPhated: i did the maximize button but i couldnt figure how to make the - to | when i mouse over.
06:57.00Phateddeadcat: I see.
06:57.17*** join/#debian Spike-Sp (
06:57.32deadcatPhated: let me post the max_hover.xbm
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06:57.46Phateddeadcat: No, I got that already, you shoud post iconify-hover.
06:57.54PhatedOr, well, iconify_hover.
06:57.56helixI don't think I really see what's so great
06:57.58*** join/#debian Scribey (
06:58.24inc|freakyhow can i get a cardreader to work?
06:58.29deadcathelix: the buttons, especially the button the maximize the window
06:58.44helixwhat's up with your prompt
06:58.49PhatedThey wiggle! :)
06:59.05deadcatwhich one?
06:59.21Zvpundeadcat: What would I have to write if I want to bind something to shift+INS? Ctrl-V says ^[[2~ regardeless if I press shift or not.
06:59.28jm_all that white must be horrible on your eyes
06:59.49Phateddeadcat: Y'know, I can't tell how to make it change either.
06:59.57helixthat one
07:00.10*** part/#debian Scribey (
07:00.21deadcatZvpun: no clue. bind -x '"\C-p"':'mutt  <- this how i bind ^P to mutt
07:00.29jm_helix: you forgot the line above it, with time and pts ;)
07:00.40helixoh god, yeah
07:00.51deadcathelix: ya. username@hostname (= == exist status 0
07:00.59*** join/#debian trogger (
07:02.08deadcatPhated: put that xbm in the ob3 dir and restart the theme. heheh
07:02.09*** join/#debian EvanCarr2ll (
07:02.17stewbecuase i have such a hard time rembering exactly which tty i'm on
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07:02.36*** join/#debian FireEgl (Ariel@Atlantica.IPv6Tunnel.Info)
07:02.48troggerwhere are the ttys configured again, and is there any (even a slight) performance disadvantage having spare ones which you aren't using on a resource constrained system?
07:02.53*** join/#debian notPonch[a] (
07:03.05buckyis VA is marketing debian in japan and china ?
07:03.37*** part/#debian papa_P (
07:03.44Phateddeadcat: Heh.
07:04.02Gumbycould anyone lend a hand.  I am trying to install the nvidia drivers from  I have kernel-source-2.6.8 and I am running kernel-2.6.8-2-k7 but when I run the installed it tells me that I dont have a matching kernel-source installed.  I have unpacked the .bz2 in /usr/src and did ln -s kernel-source-2.6.8 linux.  Anyone have any ideas?
07:04.25deadcatPhated: it was trial and error to get that icon to point the opposite side. but cant figure the |
07:04.30GumbyI am really stuck here
07:04.34Phateddeadcat: Ah.
07:04.36dawwFile system iso9660 is compiled as a module in my new kernel but when I boot a CD the kernel doesn't know the file system, how can I solve this?
07:04.49deadcatGumby: have you tried the debian nvidia pkg?
07:04.50troggerdaww: modprobe iso9660
07:05.27stewdaww: what do you mean "boot a cd"
07:05.28Gumbydeadcat: um, no.  I never knew there was one :(
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07:05.43deadcat!tell Gumby about nvidia
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07:05.53stewGumby: /msg dpkg nvidia howto
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07:06.25stewGumby: err /msg dpkg nvidia one-liner
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07:06.32Gumbydeadcat/stew" thx.  I'll give it my best shot
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07:07.36linux_Tuxi'm using debian sarge and i want to share a windowsXP internet connection from Debian , can anyone point me to how to do that ?
07:07.57deadcat!tell linux_Tux about nat
07:08.21troggerlinux_Tux: you need to enable internet connection sharing on your windows box, then use dhclient to get an ip address on your debian box from your windows box.
07:08.39trogger(or similar)
07:09.31linux_Tuxtrogger: i have a connected network between the 2 boxes
07:09.42troggerok, have you enabled internet connection sharing on your windows box?
07:09.44linux_Tuxtrogger: i can share files
07:09.56*** join/#debian dafen (~dafen@
07:10.25dafena function f=e^x if x is rational, 0 otherwise, is it integrable?
07:10.31dafensurely in lebesugue sense
07:10.39linux_Tuxi tried , i got this error , the specified service are not installed ... ?
07:10.40*** join/#debian mike (
07:10.46troggerdafen: yes it is integrable.
07:10.53*** join/#debian idnar (mithy@idnar.user)
07:10.54Gumby"warning: /usr/src/linux seems to contain and unconfigured kernel-source"  did I forget to do something?
07:11.06dafenok, how about f(x)=1/x for x is rational, zero otherwise
07:11.09troggerdafen: depending on what kind of function x is to some extent.
07:11.10dafenis it integrable?
07:11.13deadcatGumby: apt-get install kernel-headers-`uname -r`
07:11.21drpdafen: yeah
07:11.26linux_Tuxtrogger: ok suppose that i'll solve the Inet sharing on Windows , what to do after that ?
07:11.29troggerdafen: are we assuming that x is a scalar real rational variable?
07:11.35dafenstill integrable?? I wonder how yoo construct the step functions
07:11.41Gumbydeadcat: I have that as well.  should I symlink that ?
07:11.50dafenso we have m(0)<e, but f(0)=oo
07:11.58dafenm(0)*oo <e?
07:12.00deadcatGumby: then export KVERS=`uname -r` KSRC=/usr/src/kernel-headers-`uname -r`; cd /usr/src/module*/nvidia*/; binary_modules
07:12.02*** join/#debian rob^ (
07:12.06troggerdafen: do you know the dirac delta function?
07:12.16dafentrogger.. no
07:12.18troggerdafen: sorry, the dirac delta "function"
07:12.30troggerdafen: this is what you need to have a look at, I think.
07:12.34linux_Tuxtrogger: .. hello ?
07:12.39dafenbut I think Lebesgue integral defined to be step functions
07:13.21Gumbydeadcat: I am getting that error before the modules are compiled
07:13.37troggerlinux_Tux: sorry, getting carried away with the maths. simplest way is to enable the internet connection sharing, then use dhcp to setup your debian box. or... if you're comfortable, just check that your default route is set to your windows box (e.g. use route add default gw
07:14.13deadcatGumby: try cd to the nvidia dir and run debian/rules binary_modules
07:14.42dafenso basically it implies that 0* oo =0?
07:14.46Gumbydeadcat: I dont have a /usr/src/modules dir
07:14.57dafencoz it's oo*m(0) for step functions
07:15.10deadcatGumby: did you install nvidia-kernel-source nvidia-kernel-common nvidia-glx build-essential ?
07:15.36linux_Tuxtrogger: i already gave IP manualy to debian box i didn't use dhcp , and what do u mean by default route
07:15.50troggerdafen: the dirac delta function is theoretically oo at 0, but has unit area when integrated from -oo to +oo.
07:16.14Gumbydeadcat: no I didnt.  I just tried to run the "one-liner" that was msged to me
07:16.18dafentrogger, I am talking about lebesgue
07:16.31deadcatGumby: le me see what the one-liner say
07:16.32Gumbyit seems that its choking before getting that far
07:16.33*** join/#debian jamie (~jamie@
07:16.35jamiehello, trying to set up dnscache. i can get to it fine if i do dig @ (local ip) but not or localhost, even though files named 10,, and localhost are in /etc/dnscache/root/ip/. I can't resolve a name from any other machine on the local 10.* network either. Oddly, I get no failures in the logs.
07:16.50*** join/#debian comm (
07:16.55troggerlinux_Tux: the debian box needs to know how to connect to the outside world. if you type route, it will tell you how it gets there. basically the above route command will tell your debian box to connect to the outside world by going through your windows box.
07:17.09Gumbydeadcat: "package nvidia-kernel-source is not available, but is referred to by another package."  I am guessing thats the issue
07:17.13dafenwrong channel... I thought it 's #math :(
07:17.24dafenwhat a ixxx I am
07:17.41deadcatGumby: i guess they changed the way of install the nvidia module now.
07:17.48jamiegumby, deadcat : module-assistant
07:17.49troggerdafen: I'm not familiar with lebesgue, so excuse me if I'm talking out of a hole in my head... I was taking a different approach.
07:17.57jamiedeadcat: module-assistant is new way
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07:18.09jamiedeadcat: it'll build modules for just about anything for you
07:18.16deadcatjamie: cool.. i usually build it when i compile the kernel.
07:18.23jamiedeadcat: although you could always use the good old nvidia installer ;-)
07:18.27*** join/#debian debian (~debian@
07:18.29GumbyI jumped the gun.  I dont have unstable apt sources
07:18.35deadcatjamie: fuck that shit (=
07:18.41konsolpang disk sarge-i386-10.iso ang downlaod ko 4 disk to go
07:18.42linux_Tuxtrogger: suppose i gave the Windows box and the debian and both netmask , what should i do now
07:18.57troggersay to the debian box "route add default gw"
07:19.13jamieanyone have any dnscache expertise? (djbdns)
07:19.29linux_Tuxtrogger: then .. ?
07:19.41miyojamie: Not djbdns... but I have used dnsmasq.
07:19.55Gumbyjamie: I tried installing from the but it kept telling me my kernel and kernel-source didnt match
07:20.21troggerlinux_Tux: then, if you have enabled it properly under windows (which you need to do explicitly), you need to add the dns server address to /etc/resolv.conf, and you should be away laughing.
07:20.26jamiemiyo: oh, yes? good stuff?
07:20.37jamieGumby: did you build your own kernel?
07:20.57Gumbyjamie: no.  I just picked the 2.6.8-2.k7 kernel
07:21.10thesaboteurjamie try #dns maybe.
07:21.20Gumbyhow do I "configure" my kernel-source ?
07:21.25miyojamie: It has been fine for me.
07:21.30troggerGumby: use make menuconfig inside /usr/src/linux
07:21.31linux_Tuxtrogger: suppose i'm using a dialup connection on windows what'll be the DNS server to put it in the /etc/resolv.conf
07:21.34troggerGumby: or make xconfig
07:21.41jamiemiyo: i'll check it out, thx!
07:21.44miyojamie: Before using dnsmasq, I used bind9 for "caching" *grin*
07:21.48deadcatGumby: no. my way is fine you you use debian kernel. just do the export
07:21.54jamieGumby: you need the right kernel headers
07:22.05*** join/#debian pusakat (~xenos@
07:22.06miyojamie: Don't forget resolvconf, which works nice in co-operation with dnsmasq
07:22.09jamieGumby: although I think building a kernel is sometimes easier ;-)
07:22.18thesaboteurI avoid anything bind related like the plague :)
07:22.19jamiemiyo: how does resolvconf work?
07:22.20troggerlinux_Tux: actually, your windows box should forward those requests for you, so you could just use "echo nameserver > /etc/resolv.conf"
07:22.39Gumbyjamie: I have the matching kernel-headers in /usr/src (/usr/src/kernel-headers-2.6.8-2-k7)
07:22.58troggerlinux_Tux: are you using win XP?
07:23.00*** join/#debian ReaL (~meliiisaa@
07:23.02jamiethesaboteur: thanks! didn't catch the #dns until just now ;-)
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07:23.13jamiethesaboteur: bind sucks ;-) i use mydns
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07:23.58linux_Tuxtogger: echo "nameserver" nameserver is the windows box computer name or just i have to type nameserver .. ?
07:24.09jamieGumby: hm don't know ;-) build the kernel yourself mebbe? i prefer that route. be sure to build initrd OR just build your ide controller and filesystem (ie reiserfs) right into the kernel or your new kernel won't be bootable -- "can't mount root fs"
07:24.16miyojamie: apt-cache show resolvconf
07:24.24troggerlinux_Tux: nope, nameserver is what you want.
07:24.36linux_Tuxtrogger: anyname
07:24.46jamiethanks miyo, thesaboteur!!!
07:24.48troggerlinux_Tux: type exactly what I typed above.
07:25.02PRO1sup?im not a bot lol
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07:25.17thesaboteurjamie: no problem, good luck.
07:25.28linux_Tuxtogger: then .. ?
07:25.34troggertest it!
07:25.41DeaLER34how can I go about using my own kernel for installing debian?
07:25.55*** part/#debian LaCamiseta (
07:25.56jm_DeaLER34: read the install guide
07:26.11*** join/#debian raghu (~raghu@
07:26.12linux_Tuxtogger: ok thanks i'll check
07:26.43Gumbydeadcat: ok, I have tried what you said (made sure nvidia-kernel-source nvidia-kernel-common nvidia-glx build-essential were all installed) then I did  export KVERS=`uname -r` and KSRC=/usr/src/kernel-headers-`uname -r`.  I still have issues with the cd /usr/src/module.... part.  I still dont have a /usr/src/modules* dir
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07:27.21deadcatGumby: untar the nvidia pkg in /usr/src
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07:27.42Gumbyman I am daft tonigh
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07:28.14DeaLER34jm_: does it say in there?
07:28.18jm_DeaLER34: yes
07:29.11jm_DeaLER34: 10.3 Replacing the Rescue Floppy Kernel
07:29.17*** join/#debian helix__ (
07:29.56jarmowhat was the search tool with apt again?
07:30.01monohi, i am interested in setting up a linux cluster. meaning i am interested in having two machines, one as the primary and one as the failover. Once the primary drops (for any reason) the failover will take over containg the same data and configuraiton (obviously) the primary server had. any good docs?
07:30.03troggerjarmo: apt-cache search
07:30.07jarmothanks =)
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07:30.38helixfucking christ
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07:31.07ggl_6hi anyone knows how to make grep show you results that doesn't match a regexp?
07:31.14troggerngrep ?
07:31.19jm_ggl_6: man grep
07:31.26deadcatggl_6: -v
07:31.31troggerignore me.
07:31.42deadcattrogger: ngrep is for network
07:31.46daww"mount -t iso9660 /dev/hdc /mnt/hdc/" gives me "mount: fs type iso9660 not supported by kernel". iso9660 is compiled as a module into my kernel (2.6.8). How can I solve this?
07:31.47ggl_6duh, i see it now -v thanks
07:31.50TinoWI wonder where the spammers hide here
07:31.57troggerdeadcat: see above comment "ignore me."
07:32.04jm_daww: cat /proc/filesystems
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07:32.56ggl_6regular expression doesnt have a not operator? or does it?
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07:33.12deadcatggl_6: [^x]
07:33.13TinoWmono: thats hairy and depends a lot on the services your server should provide
07:33.55jm_ggl_6: there are various regex types, man 7 regex
07:34.17ggl_6i see it now in the book, god! i feel stupid!
07:34.51DeaLER34jm_ I'm reading it now.. sounds difficult
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07:35.06jm_DeaLER34: why do you want to use a different kernel?
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07:35.53DeaLER34i used dd to copy a 10 gig drive to a 150 gig raid 5 set and when I ran df it showed that my partition was the same size as the drive I cloned.. any ideas on how to avoid this?
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07:36.02DeaLER34im trying to do an install using the aacraid.o module
07:36.03jesseAnyone know much about mysql?
07:36.11ggl_6jm_:t i'll read up on that. thanks
07:36.12troggerDeaLER34: don't use dd.
07:36.12dondelelcarojesse: no, no one does.
07:36.26jessedondelelcaro, smart ass.
07:36.29dawwjm_, That just list mounted file systems, right? I need to know why the new kernel doesn't support some of the modules (iso9660, Intel PRO/1000 Ethernet)?
07:36.30jm_DeaLER34: don't use dd, you need to mkfs it and copy it over
07:36.31DeaLER34is there another program for backing up a filesystem?
07:36.37jm_daww: no, it lists supported filesystems
07:36.39deadcatdondelelcaro: ya. smart ass (=
07:37.03dondelelcaroyes, my ass is smart. I've installed a tertiary brain there in the adipose tissue
07:37.20DeaLER34I tried to copy everything and it used more space then the original :(.. is that because it was copying through the links?
07:37.35dondelelcaroit currently has taken over a few third world nations
07:37.41jessedondelelcaro, I went to try to login today.. and my root password iddn't seem to be working.. so I've followed some instructions on how to reset it.. I started it in --skip-grant-tables mode and tried korrupt:/home/jesse# mysqladmin -u root password newpass
07:37.41jessemysqladmin: unable to change password; error: 'You must have privileges to update tables in the mysql database to be able to change passwords for others'
07:37.42jm_yes, you copied it incorrectly, use cp -a for example
07:37.46troggerlinux_Tux: were you successful?
07:37.46jessesorry for the flood.
07:38.11DeaLER34yeah thats the command I used
07:38.12dawwjm_, if I run cat /proc/filesystem when no cd is mounted iso9660 is not listed, when I mount a cd and run cat /proc/filesystem iso9660 is listed
07:38.23dondelelcarojesse: you need to start the msyql with --skip-grant-tables, then use mysqladmin to specify the password (or better, use mysql to modify the mysql table)
07:38.43jm_daww: that means the modules gets loaded
07:38.45jessedondelelcaro, That's what i did...... I started it with mysqld --skip-grant-tables
07:38.51dondelelcarojesse: until you can login as root using mysql *WITHOUT* specifying a password, you haven't started up mysqld with --skip-grant-tables.
07:39.00jessedondelelcaro, I can.
07:39.13jessedondelelcaro, Thats the thing.. and I've tried changing it with the mysql client
07:39.19dondelelcarojesse: and/
07:39.22jessedondelelcaro, and then i quit and try to recoonect ..
07:39.24jesseand the password doesnt work
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07:39.50dondelelcarojesse: it won't work until you restart mysqld or flush grant privelidges; or whatever the hell the command is
07:39.53DeaLER34is it possible to use the sarge installer on floppy and use the woody cds?
07:39.59jm_DeaLER34: cp -a has always preserved symlinks for me
07:40.02dondelelcaroDeaLER34: no.
07:40.02jessedondelelcaro, yes. i flushed them.. and i've tried restarting them
07:40.04jm_DeaLER34: no
07:40.07jessedondelelcaro, which leads me to why i'm stumped.
07:40.13*** part/#debian jamie (~jamie@
07:40.15dondelelcarojesse: how did you change your password?
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07:40.48DeaLER34I compiled aacraid on kernel 2.4.18 and used bf24 for installing and loaded aacraid off the floppy but i got a stupid error message!!
07:40.50avidais debian sarge going to be released in a finalize form anytime soon ?
07:40.51dawwjm_, Do you have a clue why iso9660 is not supported by the kernel even if it's compiled as a module?
07:40.58jessedondelelcaro, mysql> UPDATE mysql.user SET Password=PASSWORD('newpwd')
07:40.58jessemysql> FLUSH PRIVILEGES;
07:41.03*** part/#debian moa3333 (
07:41.06jm_daww: it is supported, but there's some other problem with mounting your CD
07:41.08DeaLER34and I tried using compact because it said it had scsi features
07:41.10dawwjm_, Im not running that kernel right now
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07:41.29kevinzhow can i get started if i want to program with gtk, what to install
07:41.35dondelelcarojesse: that cannot be the syntax you used.
07:41.36dawwjm_, I'd tried it on the current running kernel (the old one)
07:41.55jessedondelelcaro, It is....
07:42.09jm_daww: and it works? I think lots of people have had problems with 2.6.8 kernel and CD-s, why not try 2.6.10 or .11 (which is very new, so not sure how good it is)?
07:42.11dondelelcarojesse: no, it can't, since that would have given an error. The column is password, not Password.
07:42.29DeaLER34i have the raid array running stable after bios updates and etc.. now just getting the operating system to install on it! I used cp -a to copy all the data (even tho i think it copied wrong) but I had trouble loading lilo onto /dev/sda1
07:42.33dawwjm_, well it says (on the new kernel) "mount: fs type iso9660 not supported by kernel"
07:42.36DeaLER34I get LILO 01010101010101
07:43.18jm_daww: wait, it says just that, and not something more like "or there are too many mounted filesystems"?
07:44.02dawwjm_, Another one "My kernel doesn't find my Intel PRO/1000 Desktop MT Adapter, 'Intel PRO/1000 Gigabit Ethernet support' is compiles as a module into my kernel (2.6.8). How can I solve this?"
07:44.28dawwjm_, Are you sure this has nothing to do with modules that is not loaded?
07:45.10DeaLER34did u enable intel pro in the kernel?
07:45.25DeaLER34Becuase I have a Intel pro card and it worked when i compiled it in 2.6.9
07:45.26dawwDeaLER34, yes
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07:45.44DeaLER34with 2.4.18 im using the drivers from ASUS
07:45.45dawwDeaLER34, as a module, but the kernel not find it
07:45.58DeaLER34make modules; make modules_install?
07:46.08DeaLER34then u gotta put e100 in your /etc/modules
07:46.31tayusing testing, 2.6 series trying to make my own kernel using make_kpkg but the blasted thing insists on using 386 instead of 686 and I dont know how to set it not to (the man pages arent helpful)
07:46.37jm_daww: wait, one problem at a time - did you try loading the module?
07:46.40*** join/#debian cahoot (
07:46.41DeaLER34I hate modules :( compile it in.. bloat the kernel a little more :)
07:46.46ggl_6what's the difference bet. egrep and grep?
07:47.04jm_daww: the thing is, you said that after mount attempt, the file /proc/filesystems shows iso9660 as supported, that's pretty strange
07:47.31jessedondelelcaro, any ideas?
07:47.40*** join/#debian Stereo (~stereo@
07:47.51Stereohello again
07:47.53dondelelcarojesse: again, the column is password, not Password. What is the update command you actually ran? (just change the password)
07:48.06DeaLER34Is there something special I need to know for lilo and /dev/sda devices
07:48.15StereoI'm having a very strange procmail problem. The procmailrc works fine with one user, but not the other
07:48.15jessedondelelcaro, I tried it the other way.. I private messaged you my commands word for word.
07:48.24dondelelcarojesse: you have not restarted mysqld yet.
07:48.29dawwjm_, that was on my currently running kernel not the new
07:48.55DeaLER34I messed with mysqld this morning for 2 hours and was able to link and export tables from microsoft access to a linux server
07:48.59dondelelcarojesse: and don't /msg me. Read /topic
07:49.03DeaLER34table linking is the slowest thing i've ever seen
07:49.09jm_daww: ahh yes, that won't help us debug the problem ;)
07:49.15jessedondelelcaro, doesn't work if I restart it.. or flush privs..
07:49.26jesseinfact.. after I do that.. and flush prives. I no longer can login as root at all.
07:49.30Stereoso I have this:
07:49.36dawwjm_, anyway after I'd configured the kernel I'd did "cd linux; make-kpkg buildpackage -rev custom.1 kernel_image" and then "cd ..; dpkg -i kernel-image-2.6.6_custom.1_i386.deb"
07:49.41dondelelcarojesse: you need to restart mysqld *WITHOUT* --skip-grant-tables; otherwise you won't be able to login with a passowrd.
07:49.47Stereoand my emails end up in ~carin/.Carin.Inbox
07:49.48jessedondelelcaro, I did.
07:50.00dawwjm_, then I'd rebooted with the new kernel
07:50.05Stereoas if MAILDIR were overwritten to HOME
07:50.22jessedondelelcaro, korrupt:/var/www/virtual/korrupt/html# mysqld
07:50.22jessemysqld: ready for connections
07:50.22jm_daww: did you check if your kernel image includes the module?
07:50.24DeaLER34sometimes windows is easier.. uninstall/reinstall mysqld
07:50.36DeaLER34like everything else
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07:51.17dondelelcarojesse: you start mysqld with /etc/init.d/mysql start;
07:51.35dawwjm_, how?
07:51.35Putiikkihow to change my debian's language?
07:51.41jessedondelelcaro, that doenst work either.. beleive me . i've been trying everything i can think of
07:51.54jm_daww: dpkg -L kernel-image-2.6.6blabla
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07:52.08dondelelcarojesse: and does the password for root match the output of PASSWORD('foopass') that's present in the grant table?
07:52.14jessedondelelcaro, the part that throws me off about the script is.. this Starting MySQL database server: mysqld...failed.
07:52.19jessedondelelcaro, But it's running
07:52.28dondelelcarojesse: /etc/init.d/mysql stop; /etc/init.d/mysql start;
07:52.32*** join/#debian kuru (~elzubeir@
07:52.35dawwjm_, /lib/modules/2.6.82005-03-03 (the new kernel) exist, w
07:53.00jessedondelelcaro, stop starts it.. not in ps aux... start starts it.. but says failed.. but the process is running.
07:53.05kuruquickie question on bind.. how do I list a bunch of ip's for allow-transfer { ip1, ip2, ip3; } or is it { ip1; ip2; ip3; } ?
07:53.10jm_daww: yes, but does it include your iso9660 module?
07:53.12dondelelcarojesse: does stop stop mysqld?
07:53.14kuruI can't seem to find anythin gin the docs about the delimiter used
07:53.34dondelelcarojesse: if not, kill off whatever mysqld is running, start one using the initscript, and check what is actually in the grant table
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07:53.44dondelelcarojesse: make sure it matches what you think is the password
07:53.51DeaLER34I have a 2 U server sitting in my bedroom and i've been trying to get linux on it for 2 days
07:53.56DeaLER34newbie or what?
07:53.59dondelelcaro(also make sure there's a entry for localhost)
07:54.23dondelelcaroDeaLER34: get a sarge netinst CD, and install. If you have questions, read the install manual.
07:54.35jm_DeaLER34: it might prove problematic with Debian stable, because of lack of hardware support, but you can always install from knoppix using debootstrap
07:54.43jm_DeaLER34: or use Sarge like dondelelcaro said
07:54.57dawwjm_, "dpkg -L kernel-image-2.6.82005-03-03_custom.1_i386.deb" gives me "Package `kernel-image-2.6.82005-03-03_custom.1_i386.deb' is not installed."
07:55.04DeaLER34ok one more question then.. i read about debootstrap.. how do I invoke that from command line
07:55.05jessedondelelcaro, alright. so if i completely stop all of it.. and run the start. it still says FAILED.. but its running.. and the stop won't stop it.
07:55.15*** join/#debian goodshit (
07:55.19jessedondelelcaro, korrupt:/var/www/virtual/korrupt/html# ps aux |grep mysqld
07:55.20jesseroot     25401  0.0  0.0  2052  968 pts/1    S    07:54   0:00 /bin/sh /usr/bin/safe_mysqld
07:55.30dondelelcarogah. Please don't suggest going from knoppix->debian unless you're willing to support whatever is currently broken with that transition
07:55.41jm_daww: yes, you don't use it like that - 'COLUMNS=200 dpkg -l|grep kernel-image-2.6' to get actual package name
07:55.58jm_it's not knoppix to debian, it's just using knoppix's kernel
07:56.00dondelelcarojesse: ok, that's most likely because you've totally munged your grant tables for some reason, removing the Debian maintenance user.
07:56.19jessedondelelcaro, Well.. How can I go about fixing this without loosing clients mysql data?
07:56.20*** join/#debian omry (~omry@
07:56.56dondelelcarojesse: run mysql with --skip-grant-table and dump the contents of the user table, and paste it using the paster bot.
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07:56.57dondelelcarojesse: strip out anything that isn't the root or debian-sys-maint user
07:57.06jessedondelelcaro, Could you please tell me how to dump the contents of the user table.
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07:57.46dawwjm_, "COLUMNS=200 dpkg -l | grep kernel-image-2.6.82005-03-03_custom.1_i386.deb"?
07:58.02jm_daww: no, use the command I gave you, don't modify it according to your ideas
07:58.38dondelelcarojesse: mysql -u root -e "SELECT * from mysql.user WHERE User='debian-sys-maint' OR User='root';"
07:58.55dondelelcarojesse: you should see two lines returned (at least), both with Host='localhost'
07:59.03*** mode/#Debian [+l 762] by debhelper
07:59.16jessedondelelcaro, the results care me...
07:59.18dawwjm_, ok that give me "ii  kernel-image-2.6.82005-03-03                 custom.1"
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07:59.35jessedondelelcaro, Its a lot of... crap.. How do i go about using this paster bot ..
07:59.39dawwjm_, and the next line "Linux kernel binary image for version 2.6.82005-03-03."
07:59.44dpkgInstead of pasting in #debian or #flood, use paster, your friendly paste bot. Visit select #debian, and paste away.
07:59.49jm_daww: right, so dpkg -L kernel-image-2.6.82005-03-03_custom.1
07:59.57*** join/#debian psf (~psf@
08:00.00DeaLER34well thats not good! :( I checked the modules.tgz in the disks folders and there is no aacraid :(
08:00.21*** join/#debian hanasaki (
08:00.25paster"jesse" at pasted "mysql user table" (8 lines) at
08:00.34DeaLER34probably because its experiment
08:00.42dawwjm_, that give me "Package `kernel-image-2.6.82005-03-03_custom.1' is not installed."
08:00.48*** join/#debian nanok (~nanok@
08:01.15jm_daww: well use the second word from dpkg -l output with dpkg -L
08:01.29dondelelcarojesse: ok, that looks reasonable... and does the output of mysql -e "SELECT PASSWORD('yourpassword')" match what's in the password table?
08:01.59DeaLER34do you have to have raid-5 suport in the kernel for a kernel to use a scsi raid-5 card.. or do you just need the driver for the card?
08:02.04dawwjm_, "Use dpkg --info (= dpkg-deb --info) to examine archive files," and next line "and dpkg --contents (= dpkg-deb --contents) to list their contents."
08:02.08dondelelcaroDeaLER34: you just need the driver for the card
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08:02.20dondelelcaroDeaLER34: real hardware raid just looks like a disk to the kernel
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08:02.58dawwjm_, then dpkg --contents kernel-image...
08:02.59jessedondelelcaro, korrupt:/var/lib/mysql# mysql -e "SELECT PASSWORD('newpwd')"
08:03.00jesse| PASSWORD('newpwd') |
08:03.00jesse| 43adcaeb639dab47   |
08:03.00*** kick/#debian [jesse!~debhelper@debhelper.user] by debhelper (flood: Consider using #flood)
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08:03.15DeaLER34I got a non linux question.. whoever built this server used an adaptec 2410 card but didn't use the same brand enclosure kit.. the activity lights don't blink. Is this just because it was put together wrong?
08:03.23dondelelcarojesse: you didn't need to paste it... just saying that it matched would do...
08:03.55jessedondelelcaro, sorry.. yes it matches
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08:04.57dondelelcarojesse: ok, that should be ok... and then you still can't connect if you kill off mysqld and restart it? is there anything interesting in /var/log/mysql/mysql.err or /var/log/mysql/mysql.log?:
08:04.58sketchyhow do you rebuild the locate database?
08:04.59dawwjm_, why not just check /boot/config-2.6.82005-03-03?
08:05.18DeaLER34well im gonna try sarge.. im gonna crap my shorts if it works
08:05.41jm_daww: well that will tell you if you enabled it, but also check if the module is actually there, come on, this is 30s job ;)
08:06.13dondelelcarosketchy: run updatedb... but it should be run by one of the standard cronjobs
08:06.24jessedondelelcaro, Not really. just said acceping connections. the second /var/log/mysq/mysql.log doesnt exist.
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08:06.49dawwjm_, ok, anyway config-2.6.82005-03-03 had CONFIG_ISO9660_FS=m
08:06.53d03boythere are 15 sarge cd's??
08:07.01jm_daww: good, now check if the module is in your image
08:07.06dondelelcarod03boy: 15 binary, and ~15 source
08:07.27DeaLER34trying to get linux working properly is addicting
08:07.31DeaLER34but its impossible
08:07.32*** join/#debian Jussi (
08:07.33jessedondelelcaro, and no..  still cant connect.. and it still says failed on start.
08:07.38d03boy <-- so if I get the first one here, I can basically do a netinstall?
08:07.43jessedondelelcaro, but the process is running....
08:07.43dawwjm_, I'm on my way
08:07.53hanasakitrying to build the nvida dirvers with 2.6.11 and getting the follwoing error..   works fine on 2.6.10      /tmp/selfgz8085/NVIDIA-Linux-x86-1.0-6629-pkg1/usr/src/nv/os-agp.c:445: erro
08:07.53*** kick/#debian [hanasaki!~debhelper@debhelper.user] by debhelper (flood: Consider using #flood)
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08:08.10hanasakiug.. sorry .. was supposed to be one long line
08:08.18dawwjm_, you are a helping hand right now my friend
08:08.37*** join/#debian seekdream (~root@
08:08.55hanasakianyone got nvidia drivers runnign on kernel 2.6.11?
08:09.06DeaLER34anyone here know anything about cisco 7111 UBR's?
08:09.35dondelelcarojesse: have you changed anything in /etc/mysql/my.cnf? are you sure you only have one database directory and that it's /var/lib/msyql?
08:09.45sionanyone know how to do a net install on USB thumb drive?
08:09.46jessedondelelcaro, hmm.. If this helps at all. recenetly my previous server got a rootkit.. So my other administartor moved the server over while I was on vacation.... Maybe something wasn't moved right.. or permissions?
08:09.48*** part/#debian seekdream (~root@
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08:10.10jm_sion: read the Sarge install guide
08:10.20d03boysion, I just researched that, and it seems nearly impossible
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08:10.27dondelelcarojesse: could be... the mysql tables should all be owned by mysql.mysql
08:10.31jessedondelelcaro, The only thing I know of was that.. and that was about 2 weeks ago.. I just tried to add a new user to mysql earlier.. and ran into this..
08:10.39dondelelcarojesse: check the permissions on /var/lib/mysql/
08:10.39DeaLER34linuz travolds couldn't even do it
08:10.42jessedondelelcaro, yeap.. they are
08:10.58dawwjm_, Ok "dpkg --contents kernel-image-2.6.82005-03-03_custom.1_i386.deb" is for checking all modules in the package, right?
08:11.10dondelelcarojesse: and everything in /var/lib/mysql/mysql/* is mysql:mysql, right?
08:11.18jessedondelelcaro, correct.
08:11.20DeaLER34rebuild ur database with ISAM or whatever.
08:11.41*** part/#debian hanasaki (
08:11.45DeaLER34jesse, how fast is the connection to the server that got hacked?
08:11.47jm_daww: yes, that's also one way of doing it
08:11.47jessedondelelcaro, oh.. the old server was testing.. different mysql versions maybe have something to do with this mess/
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08:11.53jesseDeaLER34, 10 megabit..
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08:11.55vaqHow do i install java into my apache server?
08:12.15dawwjm_, the list is very long, I can't copy everything, what can I do?
08:12.22jessedondelelcaro, this is now woody.
08:12.45dondelelcarojesse: they're not compatible in that direction.
08:12.54idealbsdHow to use openmcu and gnomemeeting in the same debian box?
08:12.55jm_daww: never heard of grep? or pager?
08:12.57jessedondelelcaro, well... that might explain it then.... Do i have any options at this point?
08:13.00dondelelcarojesse: use mysqldump and dump the data out of all the databsaes.
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08:13.18DeaLER34Im curious as to whether or not if you pay for a 10mbit burstable.. what you do if someone is flooding you with packets? do you pay?
08:13.22dondelelcaro(after starting with --skip-grant-tables)
08:13.36dondelelcaros/not compatible/likely not compatible/
08:13.42jesseDeaLER34, Well....Flooding *you* with packets.. I guess that's a good point.  I've never had an issue.. It would depend on your pvoider
08:13.54jesseDeaLER34, I'm with serverbeach.. and in their history.. they have *never* charged someone a bandwidht overage
08:13.59troggerwhat's the fastest imap server? security doesn't matter.
08:14.03jesseDeaLER34, And I get 2000 gigaBYTE a month.. I've never worried about it.
08:14.03DeaLER34we want to go dual t1 but I want them to go 3 mbit burstable to 10
08:14.16dondelelcarotrogger: they're all fairly similar in speed, but some of them have very distinct disadvantages
08:14.29jessedondelelcaro, mysqldump -A ?
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08:14.38dondelelcarojesse: yerp
08:14.39jm_daww: so dpkg --contents blabla|grep 9660
08:14.40DeaLER34well im up north in the boondocks and bell canada is a little expensive.. lookin at about 5000 a month for 5 mbit
08:14.46DeaLER341000 per mbit over
08:14.54jm_daww: or iso instead of 9660 (let me check how the module is actually named)
08:15.01jessedondelelcaro, All of this because of a jhead binary that somehow got executed as root with a linux.osf.2729 or something virus i beleive.
08:15.02dawwjm_, I just did that
08:15.11dondelelcarojesse: you probably also want -a
08:15.17dondelelcarojesse: heh
08:15.21DeaLER346000 for 10 mbit sorry.. 3 thousand for 3 mbit
08:15.22dawwjm_, hmm, nothing is being list =(
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08:15.39DeaLER34canadian dollars
08:15.41jm_daww: it's called isofs so grep for that
08:15.45jessethis is a sad sight going by my eye.
08:15.50troggerdondelelcaro: what'
08:15.53dondelelcarojesse: yeah, then I'd just move away the /var/lib/mysql folder, and recreate it.
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08:15.58simonrvn57 works. thanks
08:16.05troggerdondelelcaro: s your favourite? bearing in mind resource constrained device... avoiding mysql is good :)
08:16.12jessedondelelcaro, I'll do that
08:16.13dondelelcarotrogger: I like dovecot
08:16.19dawwjm_, ok, that exist "./lib/modules/2.6.82005-03-03/kernel/fs/isofs/isofs.k"
08:16.36Gumbyhrm, ok...  now that I have got the nvidia module built, when I startx I get nothing but a black screen.  I have to either ctrl+alt+fX out of it or ctrl+alt+bckspc.  I do see a "failed to load GLX module, but even when I comment that out in XF86Config-4 I still get the error.  Anyone have any ideas?
08:16.39jm_daww: ok, the next logical step would be to boot that kernel and load the module and see how it goes
08:16.42DeaLER34do any of you run a netenforcer on your network?
08:17.01dondelelcaroit has the advantage of having sane UID support that many other IMAP servers lack. However, it's a bit wierd, and still undergoing very rapid development.
08:17.06dawwjm_, and how do I load the module?
08:17.13jessedondelelcaro, alrigth.. moved old one.. made new one..set permissions anything special i have to do now?
08:17.29jm_daww: well the kernel should be smart enough to do it - did you enable it in config? did you install module-init-tools?
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08:17.47dondelelcarojesse: the only thing special you have to do is make sure that the debian-sys-maint user gets added, and that its password is the same as /etc/mysql/debian.cnf
08:17.48jm_daww: grep CONFIG_KMOD /boot/configblabla again
08:18.04troggerdondelelcaro: do you use a webmail server at all? if so, which do you prefer there?
08:18.20*** join/#debian Belping-- (
08:18.23jessedondelelcaro, Could you tell me how to add it..  Or is there a way I can just tell debian to redo all the mysql stuff with dpkg or something?
08:18.25dondelelcarotrogger: no, I use offlineimap+mutt+dovecot+archivemail+procmail+emacs
08:18.37troggerdondelelcaro: aha. cheers.
08:18.40dondelelcarojesse: you could just purge mysql-server and reinstall it
08:18.41helixyour mail setup isn't complicated or anything :P
08:19.02dondelelcarojesse: that's probably the simplist thing to do... just make sure you've backed up /var/lib/mysql before you do that
08:19.07dawwjm_, "CONFIG_KMOD=y"
08:19.18jm_daww: that's nice, so verify if module-init-tools is installed
08:19.22Belping--can anyone recommend me a program to get the network statistics (like total up/download speed etc)
08:19.29jessedondelelcaro, I did.. Is all the content in /var/lib/mysql worthless for me.. or Can I use it somehow? (the clients databases and what not)
08:19.41mikehow do you make maildir's?
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08:20.07dondelelcarojesse: well, you probably still can access them, but something funky has happened to the grant table which I really don't understand.
08:20.24jessedondelelcaro, Yeah...
08:20.24dawwjm_, I use Sarge, I got depmod version 2.4.26
08:20.29dondelelcarojesse: since what you've done should have enabled you to connect to it... most likely it's because of the downgrading.
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08:20.37jessedondelelcaro, whats the default root password?
08:20.41dondelelcarojesse: there isn't one
08:20.48jm_daww: no wonder it doesn't work
08:21.03jessedondelelcaro, alright.. it works..... can i ask you a few questions about mysql?
08:21.04dondelelcarojesse: iirc, it prompts you for one... but I may be misremembering
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08:21.12dondelelcarojesse: sure, but #mysql is better.
08:21.18dawwjm_, 2.15 i'd mean
08:21.43jessedondelelcaro, basically.. At one point someone told me about three commands I could type to add a new user and a database for that user and set their password.. since then I've forggten this and have a war with phpmyadmin every single time..
08:21.44TinoWdondelelcaro: .-)
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08:22.08jm_daww: install recent modutils and module-init-tools, they can coexist
08:22.15dondelelcarojesse: GRANT INSERT, SELECT, UPDATE, YADA YADA KITCHEN SINK TO 'foouser@foohost' IDENTIFIED BY 'foopassword';
08:22.23dondelelcarojesse: that's it.
08:22.38dondelelcarojesse: it's covered in the administration/users|passwords chapter of the mysql manual
08:22.39dawwjm_, depmod -V gives me "depmod version 2.4.26"
08:22.43jessedondelelcaro, for regular web stuff.. How many of those yada yada and blah blahs do they need...
08:22.52dondelelcarojesse: depends on the user and what they're doing.
08:22.54dawwjm_, depmod is module-init-tools, right?
08:22.58jm_daww: ok, so install just module-init-tools then, show some adventurous spirit
08:23.06jessedondelelcaro, Well. What's *safe* to give them?
08:23.12dondelelcarojesse: basically, you grant as few permissions as you can grant and still have the user work.
08:23.27dawwjm_, =), but it's allready installed
08:23.43dondelelcarojesse: in most cases, they only need insert,select,update,delete; unless they're going to be creating tables or databases... but that's something you'll have to figure out.
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08:23.53jessedondelelcaro, They will be.
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08:24.03jessedondelelcaro, tables that is.
08:24.24jm_daww: ok, so you seem to be all sorted
08:24.42dondelelcarojesse: then you probably need whatever the right permision is to create tables, and to drop them, but probably no databsae or user creation permisions.
08:24.54*** join/#debian SiliconViper (
08:25.00dawwjm_, modutils is installed
08:25.17dawwjm_, so how can I check the version of modutils?
08:25.18jm_daww: yes, I know that by now :)
08:25.35jm_daww: dpkg -s <packagename> - you need to read some docs
08:26.04dawwjm_, I use Sarge 3.1 RC 2 so I think most of the programs are up to date
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08:26.23jessedondelelcaro, Alright.. Thanks for everyhting.. I know *jack* about mysql..The guy that normally does this isn't going to be around for a week...
08:26.44jm_daww: yes, they are
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08:27.07dondelelcarojesse: np
08:27.16dawwjm_, "dpkg -s kernel-image-2.6.82005-03-03_custom.1_i386.deb" or what?
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08:28.25jm_daww: didn't you say you want to check the version of mdutils?
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08:28.50Belping--what is debian sid?
08:28.57dawwjm_, If I need to
08:28.59Belping--does it come before woody?
08:29.04Soltekanyone can help me with ati radeon and GL setup? :)
08:29.31*** join/#debian Sontek (
08:29.34SontekHey, I'm installing Sarge Netinst on a Sparc Ultra 5. During the installation I get a redscreen with the message: Running "/sbin/silo" failed with error code "1"  what causes this?
08:30.22*** join/#debian voltar (~voltar@2002:5361:e108:0:0:0:0:1)
08:30.35helixSontek: silo sucks
08:30.36jm_daww: no, it's OK
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08:30.53dawwjm_, what could be the next logical problem?
08:31.00*** join/#debian Seb__ (
08:31.08dawwjm_, We can't be far from...
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08:31.24Sontekhelix, That doesn't answer the question :P
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08:31.40jm_daww: well just boot with it and get on irc
08:31.49helixSontek: heh. what happens when you reboot it? I think I had that problem once and when I rebooted it was fine
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08:32.44helixSontek: which filesystem did you choose?
08:32.58Sontekhelix, reiser
08:33.10dpkgfrom memory, reiser is filed in my brain under "reiserfs".
08:33.11dawwjm_, you know what, I can't ;), the Intel PRO/1000 Ethernet support module is not finding my Intel PRO/1000 Desktop Adatpter RJ45
08:33.13dpkg[reiserfs] a journaling filesystem with pretty good performance and some interesting features.  See  It is wonderful and everyone loves it, until the axe falls and they lose data due to a crash.  As such, it has a lot of ex-fans who are now sadder but wiser.  See ext3, xfs, or jfs for safer filesystems.
08:33.38*** join/#debian eye69 (
08:33.46dawwjm_, but boot with the new kernel and borrow my friends computer next to me
08:33.48SontekI've been using reiser in gentoo for about a year and haven't had any problems
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08:33.59Sontekso I figured i'd use it in debian
08:34.08jm_daww: hmm you might try loading both of the modules (isofs and the one for your NIC) with modprobe and check logs for messages (or dmesg, it should do)
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08:34.53jimSontek: it's your choice of course... but don't you think you ought to so some more research given this info?
08:35.44maelcumSontek: The Sparc Improved Boot LOader ( SILO ), is the boot loader that is used in the SPARC architecture. It allows you to boot Linux, Solaris or SunOS. It can load a Linux kernel from ext2, iso9660, UFS or ROMFS. From the SILO's README
08:35.49*** join/#debian Haruko (~ace531@
08:35.54helixis maelcum a bot?
08:36.09maelcumi'm on ultrasparc too
08:36.12*** join/#debian edhiltir (~edhiltir@
08:36.13dpkgThe #debian FAQ is at
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08:36.41jimso reiser isn't a good choice for silo booting?
08:36.42helixanyway, Sontek, when I had that problem it was because I tried to use xfs which silo doesn't support or something
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08:36.56helixSontek: so it couldn't install the bootloader or something equally insane; use ext3
08:37.11jimyeah, grub doesn't support xfs either
08:37.17helixjim: are you serious?!
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08:37.25helixthat's sorta crazy
08:37.28helixat least silo sucks
08:37.31helixwhat's grub's excuse?
08:37.45buckygrub sucks more
08:37.45ambycraojm_, ok, daww here
08:37.58jimthe d-i grub widget warned me away from xfs, so I changed /boot to ext2
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08:38.12ambycraojm_, not I've booted with the compiled kernel
08:38.33jimthis was several days ago... so I guess it's a current problem
08:38.40ircdevili have a problem with ttf. i need courier-new or some other monospaced ttf in galeon. i installed msttcorefonts, but they dont show up in galeon?
08:38.43peterSif anyone wants xfs support in grub or silo, you'll have to write it yourself
08:38.52peterSthat's the disadvantage of boot loaders that know how to read filesystems (:
08:38.57HarukoIs there a guide to help Intermediate Windows users switch to debian?
08:39.02d03boyI just read a page that said the Broadcom 440x NIC doesnt work with the 2.6 kernel........ i'm really confused to which kernel I need and stuff......... /me bangs head
08:39.03*** mode/#Debian [+l 776] by debhelper
08:39.03jm_grub supports xfs
08:39.25jimjm_: then why did the widget warn me away from it?
08:39.26jm_but there may be some limitations, so hence the warning
08:39.30buckygrub wouldn't boot my pII with an intel board
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08:39.38helixgrub ate my babies
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08:39.51kneetnormally babies eat grubs?
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08:39.56ardyIs there a program to test how much memory a program is consuming?
08:40.07ircdevilardy: top
08:40.17peterSardy: 'ps x', pay attention to the RSS and VSZ columns
08:40.19ambycraojm_, daww ask you: how can I then test if iso9660 fs works on the new kernel
08:40.25mikea grub bit off my foot once
08:40.26jm_jim: you can't install it into MBR of the partition
08:40.41jimpartitions don't have mbrs :)
08:40.42ardyircdevil: top splits it up and if you have more programs than can be fit on the screen ...
08:40.45jm_ambycrao: first try to mount the CD, see if module is loaded and check /proc/filesystems again
08:40.49jimthey have boot sectors :)
08:40.58jm_well first sector of the partition if you want to call it that
08:41.13ircdevilardy: man top -> you can track whatever program running by pid, user, etc
08:41.32jimI mean, I -guess- you could call it that... but doing so would encourage confusing communication
08:41.58jm_yes, it shouldn't really be called MBR
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08:42.04maelcumSontek: have a look at - seems down to me
08:42.17ardypeters: oh
08:42.23jimI guess that's an ibm terminology?
08:42.27ardyircdevil: oh.. ok thanks
08:42.33jm_no, it's jm_ terminology ;)
08:43.06jimyou were the first to call the first sector of an entire driver the MBR?!
08:43.13ircdevilam stuck with this installing extra tt fonts. where to read?
08:43.45ambycraojm_, ok, "mount -t iso9660 /dev/hdc /mnt/hdc/" gives me "mount: fs type iso9660 not supported by kernel"
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08:43.46jm_probably not
08:43.55jm_ambycrao: so do the other thing I said
08:44.25jimit's a small issue as long as you make a small /boot partition
08:44.25ambycraojm_, "cat /proc/filesystems" is not list iso9660
08:44.32HarukoI am currently following this guide ( Im am stuck at deciding if I need the partions to be primary or logical drives I cant remember the difference :(
08:44.40jm_ambycrao: then load it by hand and see what it says
08:45.04ambycraojm_, how?
08:45.07jimyou would format that partition according to what will work with the boot loader
08:45.14ambycraojm_, ok I mean
08:46.30ircdevildpkg factinfo bobfont
08:46.30dpkgbobfont -- created by debian <> at Sun Oct 26 06:41:43 2003 (494 days); it has been requested 25 times, last by ircdevil, 1m 10s ago.
08:47.06ircdevilbob2: ?
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08:47.22ambycraojm_, load it in /proc/filesystem? iso9660 worked fine in the old kernel...
08:47.44Steven_how can I check what configure options a package was built with ?
08:47.58buckyambycrao, modprobe iso9660
08:47.58bob2Steven_: download the source package and read debian/rules
08:48.14Steven_bob2 : is there an easier way ? :)
08:48.15bob2ircdevil: I didn't create that...
08:48.23bob2Steven_: how else could you find it out?
08:48.37bob2debian/rules is a makefile, there's no automatic way to extract options out of it
08:49.19jm_Steven_: some packages will mention it in /usr/share/doc/<pkgname>, but there are very few of those
08:49.31Steven_bob2 : I thought that there might be a site with that info
08:49.32jm_some binaries will also have their own way of reporting this
08:49.40Steven_bob2 : but apt-get source will do fine :)
08:49.47ambycraobucky, "modprobe iso9660" gives "modprobe: QM_MODULES: Function not implemented (new line) modprobe: Can't locate module iso9660"
08:49.51Steven_jm_ : thx
08:50.01jm_ambycrao: so you don't have module-init-tools installed
08:50.10buckyambycrao, did you build your own kernel?
08:50.14ircdevilcan someone confirm that this stuff is neaded for ttf on woody:
08:50.18ambycraobucky, yes
08:50.19jm_ambycrao: and I told you that moduel is called isofs, not iso9660
08:50.39deadcatbash doesnt seem to read my $HOSTFILE when i try to tab completion.
08:50.54jimwhy would it?
08:51.08jm_ircdevil: that's more appropriate for Sarge
08:51.30bob2ircdevil: that's only for sarge/sid
08:51.37jm_ircdevil: /msg dpkg xf4 ttf
08:51.38bob2ircdevil: since fontconfig et al didn't exist when woody released
08:51.44ambycraojm_, "depmod -V" to check version of module-init-tools, right?
08:51.46ircdeviljm_ i think it is a aweful lot of hacking for something that should be more or less automagical
08:51.48bob2ircdevil: (I didn't create the factoid, but I did write that txt file)
08:52.08ircdevilbob2: aaah :o)
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08:52.17jm_ircdevil: it's simple, there was a decent guide under xf4 ttf, but it's no longer there
08:52.20jetscreamerhow the hell do you turn off macromedia in mozilla
08:52.45jetscreamerabout:config maybe
08:53.32TinoWjetscreamer: just disable the plugin
08:53.33jm_there's an extension that mighe help you with this
08:53.39ircdevilbob2: so my problem with msttcorefonts not showing in galeon (woody) has nothing to do with the guide of yours?
08:54.00jm_ircdevil: read the post to debian mailing list, that is what you need to do
08:54.21bob2ircdevil: yes
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08:54.29ambycraojm_, anyway, if I run "depmod -V" I get "depmod version 2.4.26 (new line) depmod: QM_MODULES: Function not implemented" Again! What is QM_MODULES, and how do I implement them?
08:54.32bob2ircdevil: just make sure the dir they are in is /etc/X11/XF86Config-4
08:54.41dpkginstall module-init-tools, or <Justin_> like I said a while ago, it should be QM_ID10T_MODULES, or ask me about <bunk 2.6>
08:54.49bob2ambycrao: ^
08:54.54jm_ambycrao: I told you
08:54.56bob2ircdevil: and that you ran mkttfdir etc
08:55.06bob2god I'm glad I don't use woody anymore
08:55.15zeeblewhat do you use?
08:55.33*** part/#debian rob^ (
08:55.39bob2ubuntu hoary and sid
08:55.59bob2so much less pain in the arse
08:56.03zeebleneat. i'll prolly put one of those on the laptop when i get a new disk.
08:56.28bob2the advantage of ubuntu is that you install it and it boots into a useful desktop right away
08:56.36bob2whereas with sarge I end up playing around too much
08:56.39jetscreamerwhy is there xpinstall.*.* at the bottom...
08:56.41buckywhois anyone in here?
08:56.49bob2bucky: me
08:56.58deadcatbob2: which machine you talking about?
08:57.03ircdeviljm_ bob2 is this the post i should go by?
08:57.06bob2deadcat: hrm?
08:57.06buckythought that's what you said
08:57.07jm_ircdevil: yes
08:57.33jetscreamerTinoW, where do i do that is the question though
08:57.34deadcatbob2: with ubuntu
08:57.38d03boyhow can I figure out if the netinstall of debian sarge will allow me to use my broadcom nic or not? I think it has to be enabled in teh kernel... do I get a chance to config the kernel during the install?
08:57.40jetscreamersettings is greyed out
08:57.42ncpi want to change the colors of my terminal to something like gentoo, what should i look after on google?
08:57.46bob2ircdevil: looks right to me too
08:57.57bob2deadcat: it's on my laptop and desktop
08:58.12buckybob2, your /cgi-bin/test-cgi  works
08:58.15bob2d03boy: how could you "configure" the kernel at install time?
08:58.20d03boyi've got no idea
08:58.24d03boythat is why I asked
08:58.40d03boyi think the bcm4400 driver needs to be enabled though
08:58.46bob2d03boy: if it's anything other than a tg3, it should work
08:58.46jetscreamerd03boy, no, you don't config the kernel exactly, but either discover runs, or you load modules... it autodetects pretty well... you need to find out about the kernel version it supplies, and if it supports your nic
08:58.48bob2bucky: indeed
08:58.49zeebled03boy is it a broadcom 440?
08:59.04buckybob2, any relation to the grateful dead?
08:59.07zeebled03boy yeah, it will work.
08:59.11jetscreamerthere ya go
08:59.17A-abci f i start an application at start-up like that..screen -A -m -d -S app ./app , how could i stop that fom bash, without stopping other applications started like that?
08:59.30d03boyhad to make sure because I found a site that the guy says it didnt work
08:59.54bob2bucky: it's my dad
09:00.09bob2ok, that's not actually true
09:00.10zeebled03boy just select the driver. when it comes to the kernel config part, select your driver from the list of available modules. it is either called bcm440 or b4400
09:00.19bob2A-abc: half life server?
09:00.28zeebled03boy just use one of the recent sarge build ISOs
09:00.29buckybob2, well he's going to be on tv friday
09:00.32d03boyshould be bcm440
09:00.35zeebled03boy or netinstall images
09:00.38d03boyzeeble, k, just gotta find one
09:00.42bob2bucky: oh, I didn't even know he was still alive
09:00.49jetscreameri know i spammed that link a lot
09:00.49A-abcbob2 : yeah :D
09:01.05ambycraojm_, but get a version when I run depmod -V "depmod version 2.4.26" So module-init-tools is installed
09:01.13A-abcbob2: how did you know that?
09:01.21SontekI think you guys were right about reiser. Its working so far :P
09:01.30maelcumnice :)
09:01.34bob2A-abc: because only people trying to run half life servers jump through such pointless hoops
09:01.56bob2there's some howto out there written by a monkey with no fingers
09:02.04bob2which tells people to run the half life server in screen
09:02.08d03boylol @ the hl server thing
09:02.24d03boyi installed a cs server using the screen thing on slack once :\
09:02.25bob2A-abc: why do people want to run it in screen instead of as a normal daemon?
09:02.38d03boybob2, because thats what the directions say!
09:02.41bob2but whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy?
09:02.42A-abcbob2: it doesn't work as a normal daemon
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09:02.48bob2A-abc: why not?
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09:03.05d03boyif it crashes, it wont restart?
09:03.22A-abcbob2: it produces some errors..i 've some mods that i've just installed
09:04.02A-abcd03boy: please STF
09:04.25A-abcyeah, stfu, sry
09:04.29bob2come on.
09:04.51HarukoWow my first time installing Linux I think its going quite well
09:05.11bob2A-abc: there's no easy way to do what you want
09:05.16bob2A-abc: how often are you really stopping it?
09:05.27A-abcbob2: seldom actually
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09:05.51A-abcbob2: 1 or 2 times a year proably
09:06.02A-abcbob2: but i want to know how
09:06.31A-abci've looked into man screen..but i didn't find out
09:06.52bob2it has nothing to do with screen
09:06.59HarukoIs Woody the Stable build atm?
09:07.05bob2Haruko: yes
09:07.14bob2but it's also old and annoying if you're using a desktop
09:07.24HarukoIts just running on an old p2
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09:07.31HarukoI want to experiment with it
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09:07.48osricHow do I find out how hot my CPU is?
09:07.49HarukoPoke around :) didnt want to lose my windows box right away
09:07.52A-abcbob2: why it's that..if i have a command screend -A -..parameters to start whould exist one to stop it..
09:08.00bob2A-abc: no
09:08.01Penixosric: set up lm-sensors
09:08.06osricPenix: Thansk
09:08.07bob2A-abc: you're forgetting how unix works
09:08.21bob2A-abc: you don't make every program do every possible thing with other words, i sould use kill with that
09:08.37deadcatosric: touch it
09:08.42bob2A-abc: yes
09:08.52A-abcbob2 : ok, thanks
09:08.56osricdeadcat: My fingers arent' that sensitive :-)
09:09.00bob2but running a daemon in screen is getting away from how every other program on unix works
09:09.12deadcatosric: with your dick (=
09:09.57jm_ambycrao: sorry, I have some work to do now
09:10.34bob2ambycrao: you installed it wrong then
09:10.50bob2it should print:
09:10.50bob2module-init-tools 3.1
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09:11.54HarukoHmm why does Debian make a more friendly installer, I mean I figured it out but most computer users I dont think would understand how to set it up?
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09:12.18bob2most computer users couldn't figure out how to use it, even if they did set it up
09:12.24bob2sarge has a better installer
09:12.33bob2but installing is only half the problem
09:12.37HarukoHah but isnt that the goal of Debian to try and get more users on it?
09:12.45HarukoAnd the other half is?
09:13.00notPonchabob2, not true.. once you set everything up, average user will be ok from that point :)
09:13.04helixthe goal of debian is to produce a free operating system
09:13.06bob2the goal of Debian is to produce a technically excellent Free Operating System
09:13.17bob2no one cares if anyone else uses it
09:13.18Harukothat was fast :P
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09:13.24bob2as much as 1000 people have any single goal
09:13.28helixwait, the goal of debian is to package everything under the sun too!
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09:13.32ncpi want to change the colors of my terminal to something like gentoo, what should i look after on google?
09:13.39bob2Haruko: *cough*roman latin*cough*
09:13.42bob2er, helix
09:13.49helixword to perl in latin
09:13.58deadcatncp: which part of the terminal? you mean the prompt?
09:14.03notPonchancp, colors of *terminal* or bash shell prompt? :)
09:14.06TinoWncp: Gentoo is a color?
09:14.15A-abcthe goal of debian is to make me loose my time
09:14.20deadcatTinoW: greenish (=
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09:14.35TinoWdeadcat: black on black? ;)
09:15.01HarukoShould make it like a windows xp installer :)>
09:15.17bob2Haruko: ubuntu asks less questions than XP does
09:15.21bob2so I assume sarge is about the same
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09:15.22notPonchancp, see privmsg :)
09:15.24zeebleHaruko you are the person do "makes it" if you can do it, good.
09:15.26thesaboteurthe 2003 installer has nicer colors
09:15.28resiakSarge is about the same.
09:15.28d03boyanyone know where I can find a netinstall of sarge?
09:15.33resiak!d-i d03boy
09:15.36bob2d03boy: /msg dpkg d-i
09:15.37dpkgd03boy, you want to go to - for your own good, and everyone else's.
09:15.57d03boylol... thats the 4th time I've been given that msg toda
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09:16.03resiakd03boy: ...and?
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09:16.13d03boyofcourse earlier I wasnt planning on getting the sarge installer
09:17.06trogge1how do you tell exim to forward messages corresponding to ANY username to a particular user?
09:17.29holycow*hmmm* just reinstalled sarge fresh, volume is not responding to volume control, anyone know if theres something in flux right now and things are broken?
09:17.30deadcattrogge1: /etc/aliases
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09:17.42bob2trogge1: foo
09:17.55bob2trogge1: that may or may not work, it might require virtual magic
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09:18.52trogge1bob2: thank you.
09:19.01bob2oh, in /etc/aliases
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09:19.50HarukoMan where do all these free projects get their bandwidth from Im sure it costs a bundle
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09:20.06bob2Haruko: most get it donated
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09:20.20Harukohaha good old sf :)
09:20.49luctorI installed phpbb2 and I have mysql-server4.1 installed but get this message. You need to have mysql-server installed if you want the MySQL
09:20.55HarukoNow If a testing build comes out into stable would it require a total reinstall of the new build or could I preform an upgrade?
09:21.07bob2Haruko: upgrade, of course
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09:21.32Harukokk :) thanks for answering all my questions Im sure you get these same ones all the time
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09:21.43bob2luctor: that wasn't the error, please paste what it really said to #flood
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09:22.05spfwhat version of apache should I install?
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09:22.14bob2whichever one you want
09:22.17troggerspf: what are you using it for?
09:22.24*** part/#debian [EC]Ethan ( don't really support 1.x anymore, tho
09:22.27spfjust private website
09:22.50troggerdoes apache2 have better performance than apache1.3, esp. for php rendering?
09:22.51spfI heard there where some versions that could crash
09:23.04spfyea, with php
09:23.07*** join/#debian cg0def (
09:23.18bob2php makes anything crash
09:23.33cg0defis there anything special that I have to do so that custom kernels would boot?
09:23.33GumbyI am trying to build a module and I am getting an error that complains about a missing "/lib/modules/2.6.10-1-k7/build/include/linux/modversions.h".  I do however have a "/usr/src/kernel-headers-2.6.10-1-k7/include/config/modversions.h".  Have I missed a step with setting up my kernel-headers?
09:23.36jimcgi is usually slow, and is an old technology
09:23.38spfso, it's the php version I should look at?
09:23.47bob2cg0def: why are you building it?
09:23.54bob2spf: no, all php versions have crash bugs
09:24.02bob2you just use whatever debian has and file a bug if it crashes
09:24.07cg0defbecause there is a probelem with the default one
09:24.18bob2cg0def: what problem is that?
09:24.28spfall versions? hmm
09:24.36jimyou could try aolserver, but it's very different and designed for serving web applications
09:24.39cg0defcpu freq scaling is set to performance rather than userspace and several other small things
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09:25.29bob2cg0def: I'm pretty sure you can customise that
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09:25.46TinoWjim: AOLserver uses TCL...
09:25.53resiakcg0def: That's just the _default_ governor. If you're running cpufreqd it will change that.
09:26.02bob2that's what I  thought
09:26.06jimTinoW: yes, that's right
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09:26.41cg0defman there is no way that you can change kernel stuff unless you have access to it
09:26.43jimblows apache into the weeds performancewise
09:26.48cg0defand you do not for cpu freq
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09:26.55cg0defI've tried that already
09:26.57TinoWjim: not in every case
09:27.02cg0defit stays stuck at full speed
09:27.09MorphDKHey.. I once found a guide on how to setup Debian as a "Anti-Spam Relay Server".. Anyone know where to find it again?
09:27.09resiakcg0def: Trust me, it works.
09:27.36TinoWMorphDK: this should be default config for every MTA
09:27.38troggerwhat's the fastest way of getting php scripts served on a debian box? I'm using apache, and I'm not particularly impressed with its performance.
09:27.39resiakcg0def: No sane kernel dev would require a recompile to switch something like that.
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09:27.57Harukohehe KDE reminds me of windows
09:27.58TinoWtrogger: just dont use PHP if you want performance
09:28.07cg0defresiak: have you ever used that feature?
09:28.08*** part/#debian moa3333 (
09:28.10TinoWtrogger: and/or enable heavy caching
09:28.10jimTinoW: apache is good at serving static pages
09:28.12resiakcg0def: Right now.
09:28.18troggerTinoW: any suggestion for a webmail client without php ??
09:28.22*** join/#debian jetscreamer (
09:28.34resiakcg0def: I have a self-rolled kernel, but I left that particular section of the config well alone, since I don't understand it.
09:28.37jimwebmail client?
09:28.41cg0defok well I can't switch freq at all on an amd64 with asus notebook
09:28.45troggerjim: server
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09:28.53resiakcg0def: At least, I don't understand it well enough to change things. But the CPU frequency scaling works perfectly.
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09:28.57TinoWtrogger: webmail? I doubt PHP is the performance problem here
09:29.04*** mode/#Debian [+l 782] by debhelper
09:29.09jetscreamerhey what's the thing to build from source and roll a .deb?
09:29.11troggerTinoW: seems to be - it's a quite slow machine
09:29.18jetscreameri don't mean build a kernel but a part of gnome
09:29.22troggerTinoW: I'm pretty confident it's not the imap server.
09:29.32TinoWtrogger: how "does it seem" ? Did you actually measure?
09:29.33jimjetscreamer: that's called a "debian developer" :)
09:29.35cg0defresiak: well anyway how did you compile the kernel so that it boots
09:29.49jetscreamerjim yeah but there's a program to do that isn't there
09:29.53jetscreameri forgot the name
09:30.00troggerTinoW: this is a fair comment. I did informal tests with an imap client on my machine as opposed to the server, imap seems quick.
09:30.00bob2cg0def: the powernowd init script loads the userspace module and configures the kernel to use it
09:30.05bob2you don't need to recompile
09:30.07resiakcg0def: With make-kpkg, following the instructions in teh
09:30.11resiakcg0def: With make-kpkg, following the instructions in the Debian Reference.
09:30.42troggerTinoW: also, a tiny php application with imap runs well, just slower clients like squirrelmail really suck.
09:30.54jimjetscreamer: never heard of that, but that doesn't mean it doesnt' exist... see, different programs have different packaging requirements
09:30.56cg0defresiak: I did use make-kpkg with 2.6.11 but it crashes with some error so I had to do manual make
09:31.07jimjetscreamer: there's debhelper
09:31.09cg0defthen make-kpkg works
09:31.12TinoWtrogger: there are projects like dbmail which put the mail data into relational database - this is faster to access via web frontend, there also must be perl and whatever webmail scripts
09:31.22jetscreamerthankee jim
09:31.22bob2cg0def: cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor
09:31.32jimbut it's not an autopackager, it's a lot of tiny helper apps
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09:31.59troggerTinoW: hmmm.
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09:32.23jimthere might be a webmail for openacs, but not sure if it's ready
09:32.27jetscreamerwell when i build it it goes in /usr/local/bin/ ... it's gnome-media. i know that's where locally built stuff goes, but will it matter to gnome?
09:32.55cg0defbob2: is says performance (just like it should)
09:33.21bob2cg0def: cool.  if you want to use a different one, echo it into that file.
09:33.31jimjetscreamer: official debian packages meant to be distributed by debian are not allowed to touch /usr/local/
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09:35.02jetscreameryeah.. i know that one, but that's not exactly what i mean... more like i don't know wtf i'm doing and just wondering if building gnome-media and the rest of gnome coming from apt-get will work and play well together
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09:35.14rixthCan anyone tell me where the Samba logs are?
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09:35.24jetscreameri know about apt-build, i think
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09:35.43jimin the samba fireplace!
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09:36.04rixthI thought that'd be the logical choice, but they aren't there
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09:36.24kensukemine are ... :-) ?
09:36.26cg0defbob2: so how would I set this to change on demand?
09:36.32HarukoHmm... it keeps chuging along :)
09:36.38HarukoIm so happy my first linux install!
09:36.39rixthFor some reason, I can't connect to my XP machine now, either file sharing or printing. Cups fails with NT_STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL
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09:36.52jetscreamernt loves you
09:36.52rixthHow ever, if I go network:/// I see the other machine listed
09:36.55bob2cg0def: what do you mean?  it's a text file, you just "echo blah > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor" to it
09:37.06kensukerixth .... sounds windowsy ... :-)
09:37.09bob2cg0def: tho the powernowd/cpufreqd scripts do that already
09:37.19bob2rixth: samba is the server side
09:37.22jetscreamer!congratulate Haruko
09:37.23dpkgHuzzah Haruko, you did it!
09:37.33jetscreamer!beer Haruko
09:37.43jetscreamerthat aint beer
09:37.46cg0defbob2: ok but the thing is that the scripts seem not to work on my computer for some reason
09:38.04bob2cg0def: then debug that instead of immediately reaching for the tactical nuke of recompiling your kernel
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09:38.17rixthI can't think why it would just stop working like that though
09:38.17HarukoWait quick question I selected X Window System in that one script.. the one in the installer forgot it did it install KDE because I see it grabing parts of KDE from the ftp like KDE base and what not?
09:38.31cg0defbob2: that's not why I was recompiling the kernel
09:38.41jetscreamerit's getting what it needs
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09:38.50bob219:24:40         cg0def |  cpu freq scaling is set to performance rather than userspace and several other small things
09:38.54cg0defbob2: by setting the variable to userspace you can manually change the frequency
09:38.57jetscreamerdon't sweat it
09:39.12HarukoIm reading up more faqs so much information!
09:39.21resiakbob2: I'd give up if I were you. I've just confirmed that it all works perfectly with a stock kernel.
09:39.39luctorbob2: that was what the phpbb2-conf-mysql package came up with,
09:39.48jetscreamerHaruko, modprobe mousedev is a commonly needed cure for x-wont-start woes
09:40.20Harukofor USB mouse?
09:40.30HarukoThats the first google hit that came to me :0
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09:41.12sdlinuxgeek-workHello everyone what is the fastest way to change home directory for /dev/hdb1
09:41.16rixthOh, duh, sharing is working as the other machines IP has changed. Duh.
09:41.21jetscreamerfor? or to?
09:41.57jetscreamerin fstab, tell it to mount /dev/hdb1 as /home
09:42.00HarukoYour channel ahs a very nice faq :)
09:42.07jetscreamercp -a first
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09:42.44sdlinuxgeek-workjetscreamer thanks, all done and added..
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09:42.57valdynsdlinuxgeek: first get your terminology right, what do you want to do? Make /home be on /dev/hdb1? Or mount /dev/hdb1 somewhere else?
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09:43.46jetscreamermount the hd somewhere else and cp -a /home /mnt/hdb1/ then mount it as home
09:44.39lnielsenI have an apt question; I have an Athlon64 computer. How do I make apt select amd64 packages where avaliable, and ordinarry x86 packages otherwise?
09:44.49kikinovakHi. Is there some app to automagically check a PCs integrity, like memtest86 does for RAM, but like a bootable CD? Sort of Linux equivalent for WinBench?
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09:44.54valdynlnielsen: you cant do that
09:45.02bob2lnielsen: you can't
09:45.06d03boyi hope i can find a rewritable cd :\
09:45.08bob2lnielsen: you run one architecture
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09:45.54valdynlnielsen: read that amd64 howto, "multiarch" does not exist ( yet ):
09:45.57bob2can someone 'dig soa' and give me the serial number?
09:46.32luctorbob2: I dont find any error messages from the phpbb install, but I thought that mysq-server4.1 and mysql-server didnt both have to be isntalled for it to work
09:46.38bob2kneet: thanks
09:47.08resiak!tell lnielsen about amd64
09:47.18kneetbob2, nice to do something for one of the guys that has had to answer lots of odd questions from me over time .-)
09:47.22Harukomaybe !amd64?
09:47.27dpkgfrom memory, amd64 is See and the #debian-amd64 IRC channel, or See for ISOs. unofficial at the moment, will be a supported arch on Etch (Sarge + 1)
09:47.27bob2kneet: heh :-)
09:47.49valdynkikinovak: not really, but compiling your kernel does that job pretty good
09:47.58valdynkikinovak: not really, but compiling a kernel does that job pretty good
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09:48.20kikinovakvaldyn thanks
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09:49.31Zrinhi. in aptitude - why are all packages automatically markes as being held at current version?
09:49.54bob2it does weird shit like that
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09:50.33lnielsenOK, thank you. Does anyone know when multiarch will be enabled?
09:50.40bob2a while
09:50.42bob2not before sarge
09:50.57valdynlnielsen: one guy is working on it as his masters thesis or somesuch
09:51.04valdynlnielsen: and hes planning 1 year for that
09:51.17resiakNice thesis!
09:51.19rixthEgah. Now CUPS gives me NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED. Joy.
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09:51.34lnielsenweel it sounds like it will be done right at least :)
09:51.45DelEat_hi all
09:51.53valdynlnielsen: xcdroast was something like that too, and it sucked always )
09:52.07directhex|worki dunno. my degree thesis sucked :)
09:52.22DelEat_I want the 'quota' command to be run (and later parsed) when I log on to a specific server (bash), how do I do that??
09:52.27bob2lnielsen: tho, even now, almost everything for i386 is built for amd64, too
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09:52.35bob2about the only thing I can think of is OpenOffice
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09:52.45bob2but that's an upstream problem
09:52.51valdynlnielsen: actually xcdroast was a "Diplomarbeit"
09:52.55bob2DelEat_: echo quota >> ~/.bash_profile
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09:53.51HarukoSlashdot doing their own ads now?
09:53.52DelEat_bob2: thanx
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09:54.53valdynbob2: "problem" is that much amd64 stuff just performs horribly bad compared to i386 compiled things
09:55.25TinoWresiak: sox
09:55.28spamhogvaldyn: where's the problem? poor compilers?
09:56.05resiakTinoW, bob2: I'm investigating.
09:56.06valdynspamhog: inline assembly for i386 using extensions like sse2 vs C code on amd64
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09:56.29rixthI need a program to stress test my CPU, used to use Prime95 but *cough*Windows
09:56.40valdynspamhog: 128 bit code vs 64 bit code, amd64 looses )
09:57.08bob2valdyn: like what?
09:57.14nolfwhich ones the better mta "sendmail or qmail"
09:57.20resiakTinoW: That really wasn't the kind of thing I was looking for.
09:57.22dpkgfrom memory, better is a matter of personal taste; asking "is foo better than bar?" is almost meaningless unless we know what *you* mean by "better".
09:57.23bob2every benchmark and anecdote I've heard has amd64 spanking i386
09:57.24valdynbob2: video codecs
09:57.38streuner!lart resiak for beating me
09:57.38bob2nolf: anything is better than sendmail
09:57.46HarukoIm stuck :-\
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09:57.49Gumbyany ivtv users in here? I am trying to build the ivtv module and I am getting an error that complains about a missing "/lib/modules/2.6.10-1-k7/build/include/linux/modversions.h".  I do however have a "/usr/src/kernel-headers-2.6.10-1-k7/include/config/modversions.h".  Have I missed a step with setting up my kernel-headers?
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09:58.04bob2valdyn: ffmpeg seems plenty fast for me
09:58.10ircdevili dont get it. i still dont get msttcorefonts in galeon ?
09:58.17HarukoIts asking me to configure locaes how to I select them?
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09:58.27bob2ircdevil: is the dir they are in listed in /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 as a FontPath?
09:58.32resiakbob2: It's not a multitracker.
09:58.41bob2resiak: hm
09:58.44nolfk let me put this way which  ones the more practically employed one...
09:58.55spamhogvaldyn: sheesh...  seems a pretty basic block missing...
09:58.57TinoWresiak: well, it has no widgets at all ;)
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09:59.04bob2nolf: postfix and exim are more popular than either
09:59.16resiakTinoW: I suppose it fitted the requirement for "no non-standard widgets" :)
09:59.20bob2nolf: if you have to choose one of those, sendmail is the lesser of two evils, but you need to know what you're doing
09:59.22valdynbob2: sure its "fast enough", i don't know about ffmpeg specifically
09:59.41ircdevilbob2: yes
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09:59.47spamhogHaruko: what language do you use?  J or english or?
09:59.47bob2valdyn: does it actually come out slower than contemporary i386?
09:59.59nolfbob2: thnx for the update
10:00.08valdynbob2: divx does, ffmpeg, no idea
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10:00.10Harukospam> English
10:00.11dracGumby: If I remember correctly, ln -s /usr/src/kernel-headers-2.6.10-1-k7 /lib/modules/2.6.10-1-k7/build
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10:00.22spamhogif it
10:00.34ircdevilbob2 when i start galeon it sas in terminal: font /usr/share/fonts/truetype/courier_new.ttf  1258 glyphs -> i guess that is good
10:00.37HarukoSorry Im a total newb
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10:00.46bob2ircdevil: does "xfontsel" show the font?
10:00.54bob2ircdevil: are you really using the galeon from woody?
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10:01.40cromdgreetings all ... i don't want a "fix" for this, just want to know if it's possible:  Is there a Debian solution to taking audio-tapes of my church's sermons and convert them to CDs to burn for the old dears who can't make it, then convert them to MP3s for their website?
10:01.42spamhogHaruko: if it's just a matter of selecting, "C" is OK, defaults to English, may later ask u if u want UK or US dictionary (ate u in the installer or where?)
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10:02.05HarukoYea it just downloaded the security updates and the packages I asked it to install
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10:02.17jetscreameroh no it's woody
10:02.21bob2cromd: sure...record fro myour soundcard line in
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10:02.26benhhello all.
10:02.34Harukoand my cat decided to hit the power switch so now its checking the drives because of an unclean dismount ^.^
10:02.35cromdyou'll keep jetscreamer :)
10:02.39ircdevilbob2 i dont think so (playing with xfontsel for the first time)
10:02.57ircdevilbob2 but the font is not in the gnome utility font selector widget
10:02.57spamhogHaruko: Newb, for lack of a better word, is Good.
10:03.09HarukoThanks :)
10:03.11cromdbob2, so there's recording, converting and burning software for Debian?  (i don't usually run desktops)
10:03.19benhis there any easy way to replicate one server to another with out removing drives?
10:03.32jetscreamercromd, yeah lots
10:03.38spamhogHaruko: poor neko - didn't get electrocuted, I hope!
10:03.47jetscreamersee also marillat
10:03.51HarukoNo only hit the power button
10:03.53cromdthanks jetscreamer, any good lit. you'd reccomend?
10:04.08Harukooh snaps.... is my stock answer when i don't know anything...
10:04.39jetscreamermake me look very wise
10:04.46cromdi suppose i asked for that jetscreamer :)
10:04.59jetscreamer!tell cromd about marillat
10:05.07jetscreamermuch a/v stuff
10:05.23cromdthanking thee jetscreamer, greatly indeed
10:05.25valdynbenh: boot something like knoppix on the target server and copy stuff over, that gets everything but the mbr
10:05.34ircdevilbob2 i do notice i dont have a /etc/X11/fs dir. only /etc/X11/fs-xtt
10:05.45HarukoIts redownloading the updates :(
10:05.46cromdi just can't stand seeing charities spend good money on evil corporations :)
10:05.56HarukoIm sad
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10:06.48jetscreamerit's only re-d/l'ing what got fuxored in the powerloss, if it was written to disk cleanly it shouldnt be re-d/l'ing
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10:07.15bob2ircdevil: ignore both of those
10:07.23bob2ircdevil: add the dir to /etc/X11/XF86Config-4
10:07.24HarukoHmm but it was reasking me to run that one script the one where it has prebuilt packages for me to select from
10:07.28bob2font servers are a waste of time
10:07.34HarukoI selected no although because I finished downloading them :-\
10:07.36spamhogHaruko: apt-get gets messed up if it crashes during unpacking/installing, but it's pretty solid if comp crashes during download - what was it doing when your cas saw it fit to interrupt?
10:07.49ircdevilbob2 i did
10:07.55HarukoIt was asking me what my locale was
10:08.20HarukoI was trying to figure out how to select en_US somthing cant remember atm
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10:08.33HarukoI think it was
10:08.53HarukoYes it was that is the char set for US isnt it?
10:08.57SontekHow do I tell ssh to start on boot?
10:09.03*** mode/#Debian [+l 790] by debhelper
10:09.07bob2ircdevil: how about "xlsfonts | grep -i courier"?
10:09.12bob2Sontek: it already starts by default
10:09.33spamhogHaruko: I think it was the charset too, AFAIK it should not be a problem if it restarsts
10:09.51HarukoHmm looks like another 20min download normal for a clean install?
10:10.07ircdevilbob2 shows only the adobe and bitstream couriers. no courier-new
10:10.21jetscreamerSontek, rename /etc/ssh/sshd_not_to_be_run
10:10.21HarukoI mean the first download grabed everything I asked it to like X window Server File Server and Web Server
10:10.29Sontekbob2, Well, what does debian use for startup items?  I've been using gentoo and I did rc-update add blah default
10:11.01bob2Sontek: sysv init
10:11.09Harukothis one just seems to be grabing updates from stable/main looks like fonts and other apps such as telnet time (clock?)
10:11.10bob2Sontek: and every installed daemon runs by default if it's installed
10:12.26HarukoSo... where is everyone from?
10:12.32jetscreamerHaruko, is this a server?
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10:12.57HarukoNo, but I would like to be able to throw up some test pages on it like I use to do in W2k3 with IIS this is apache no?
10:13.22Harukoand maybe store a few files, if I can get the hang of it i have a HP netserver sitting out from that was given to me as a gift that would be my new file server
10:13.26jetscreameryou might want to consider cancelling the d/l and changing to sarge... your decision.
10:13.27d03boyinstalling sarge... hope this scratched, smudged, crap cdr pulls through
10:13.33cromdthanks for your tips bob2, jetscreamer
10:13.48cromdfare the well good peoples
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10:13.50HarukoSarge is? testing build or expermiental?
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10:14.06Harukoforgive my spelling product of Hawaii Public education :)
10:14.11jetscreamerit says testing, but you'd probably be happier with it as a desktop
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10:14.36spamhogHaruko: sarge=testing (ALMOST stable), woody=stable (very! but a bit old)
10:14.37HarukoMeh I just want something to give a first spin around in something other than windows that might be useful later on...
10:14.47jetscreamerwoody is very very very old
10:15.04jetscreamerfor a desktop
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10:15.08jetscreamerit rocks as a server
10:15.22spamhogHaruko: go sarge!
10:15.25HarukoMeh nothing mission critical
10:15.35HarukoWell ok how would I upgrade to sarge download iso's again?
10:15.36jetscreamerthen you probably want sarge
10:15.45Harukoor can I use get to pickup a package?
10:15.49garyHow do i reconfigure x.  When i try to do it using dpkg it never writes the configuration file as it should. I'm having a lot of problems with my mouse, as i installed a 2.6 kernel and now it doesn't seem to work.  Any suggestions ?
10:15.57jetscreamerhow about if you hit ctrl c and change to sarge and not reinstall
10:16.08ircdevil!lart ttf
10:16.09garyI've also tried manually editing /etc/X11/XF86Config-4
10:16.14jetscreamergary have you ev... yes you have
10:16.22jetscreamergary read line 17 of it
10:16.30garyof the config file?
10:16.39jetscreamerlook for md5sum
10:16.41spamhogHaruko: if you have a good connection, just use the net-install, don't bother with full ISO images
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10:16.55Harukocanceled the retry whats next?
10:16.56garyi found md5sum
10:17.05HarukoYea this pulls aright I will just leave it on overnight
10:17.08elephantmanHi all
10:17.25jetscreamerHaruko, all you have to do is edit /etc/apt/sources.list and change stable or woody to sarge and do apt-get update
10:17.29elephantmanWhat is the best tool on debian to detect available WLAN networks ?
10:17.31jetscreamerand apt-get dist-upgrade
10:17.34garyjetscreamer: what was the point in that?
10:17.50DelEat_bob2: back with the .bash_profile quota thing
10:17.53jetscreamergary you have to do the command it tells you to do to update the md5sum
10:17.54Harukolol You dont realise how far over my head you went :)
10:17.54elephantmanIs there a tool to scan unprotected networks ?
10:18.06jetscreamerbefore dpkg-reconfigure will work
10:18.09garyI just want to fix my mouse.  I have done, insmod mousedev, and set the mouse device as /dev/input/mice and tried /dev/psaux but niether work
10:18.13DelEat_bob2: I'm grepping for "*", and if it's there, the line is printed
10:18.14garyi'll do that command then
10:18.24DelEat_bob2: (* = quota exceeded)
10:18.27spamhogelephantman: nmap
10:18.31jetscreamerit tells you al lthat
10:18.32bob2elephantman: netsaint, nmap
10:18.39jetscreamerHaruko, it's very easy to do
10:18.39spamhogelephantman: behave!
10:18.41bob2DelEat_: so make it work on the command line first
10:18.46Harukook Im in the directory
10:18.53bob2DelEat_: hint: quota | grep \*
10:19.01DelEat_bob2: how do I check the "grep-boolean" (if it's positive and prints, then I want to echo a text line
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10:19.12jetscreamernano -w /etc/apt/sources.list
10:19.16d03boyit actually detected my eth card, wonderful
10:19.17garyjetscreamer: cool, i'll try playing again and doing the md5sum command
10:19.26DelEat_bob2: or: quota | grep "*"
10:19.32Harukodo I need to give it the full path even if im at the file atm?
10:19.34bob2DelEat_: hint: quota | grep \* > /dev/null && echo "quote exceeded"
10:19.52jetscreamerHaruko, no
10:20.00Harukook Im in the editor
10:20.07Harukochange stable to testing?
10:20.08DelEat_bob2: but won't it output "quota exceeded" no matter what, then?
10:20.09elephantmanspamhog: shure - its just for information
10:20.09gary./dev/psaux and /dev/input/mice don't work at all for me
10:20.20DelEat_the && just requires it to finish, right?
10:20.20jetscreamerHaruko, to sarge
10:20.21bob2DelEat_: grep returns 0 to the shell if it matched, 1 if it did not
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10:20.26Harukonano is notepad? :P
10:20.26bob2DelEat_: er, ||, not &&
10:20.37DelEat_bob2: thanks, what I needed
10:20.40bob2DelEat_: no, it requires it to finish and return true
10:20.41tcp|phow would I go about troubleshooting why my soundcard isnt recognized by debian?
10:20.48tcp|pit's a sound blaster audigy
10:20.56jetscreamerHaruko, and comment out the security one, the sarge line is a little different
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10:21.37SontekIf I want to run my sparc without a keyboard/monitor and just shell in what all do I have to do?
10:21.40dpkgmodprobe mousedev sometimes helps, or looking at the log in /var/log sometimes helps too
10:21.45garyDoes anyone know if mousedev is the correct module required for ps2 mice in 2.6 ?
10:21.55jetscreameryou need mousedev and psmouns
10:22.03garyill try inserting that
10:22.04jetscreamerctrl+x to exit and save
10:22.04HarukoIm sorry delete the #?
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10:22.14garyi don't have that driver anywhere
10:22.15jetscreamerno, put a # infront of the security one
10:22.20garyjetscreamer: says it can't find it
10:22.23bob2Sontek: have ssh running
10:22.23HarukoThere is already one there?
10:22.23jetscreamergary, 2.4?
10:22.30jetscreameroh ok nm
10:22.35samerany one can solve this plz
10:22.36jetscreameryou should have one gary
10:22.39dracIs there ready package for small TCP daemon, only job it would have is to display banner and disconnect after it.
10:22.43garymy mouse was fine in 2.4, but 2.6 just doesn't work at all
10:22.45DelEat_bob2: quota | grep \* > /dev/null || echo "CHECK QUOTA!"
10:22.46Harukothere is also for a non-free contra
10:22.48ircdevilbob2: hah! the "xset fp rehash" didnt do what i thought. a restart of x fixed the font problem. (but somehow courier new still looks ugly. A's are not symmetrical)
10:22.49bob2samer: time to install shorewall
10:22.52DelEat_bob2: returns positive every time
10:23.00jetscreamernon-free contrib at the ends is ok
10:23.01bob2ircdevil: right, rehash doesn't look at new paths
10:23.11jetscreamerjsut change the woody or stable words
10:23.21bob2ircdevil: X core font rendering often looks like ass
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10:23.30Harukoits not allowing me to over wright
10:23.30ircdevilbob2 what can i do?
10:23.45calamarianyone know which package has this library?    Thanks :)
10:23.49bob2ircdevil: use sarge
10:23.56jetscreamerdid you do this as root, Haruko
10:23.57nagualcalamari: apt-cache search / apt-file search
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10:24.01ircdevilbob2: wwsr? :o)
10:24.09HarukoMeh nm it went
10:24.13bob2ircdevil: hm?
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10:24.16HarukoI pressed to exit
10:24.18Harukothen to files
10:24.22jetscreamerok now do apt-get update Haruko
10:24.25Harukowait wait
10:24.32dpkgSarge will release WIR; SIYH. Current estimates are N+30 days, where N is when debian-security updates for sarge come online. See and  Ask me about <sarge pool>, <wir>, <siyh>, <sarge guess> and <sing sarge>.
10:24.39HarukoCould not open file or writing permission denied
10:24.39edward_how can I check the nat table on my linux box
10:24.42HarukoIm not in root though
10:24.46HarukoIm in my account that I made
10:24.51HarukoI should be root no? :-\
10:24.52bob2edward_: iptables -L -v -t nat
10:24.54DelEat_bob2: it echos no matter the output of grep...
10:24.56jetscreamerHaruko, you need to be root... type su
10:25.15toukitsunedoes anyone know what swf_play is?  It was running on my system as 2 instances and I wasnt even playing swfs and I never started it and it was takeing up almost 100% of my CPU
10:25.18ircdevilbob2: why should sarge render better than woody?
10:25.20DelEat_bob2: I guess it should be &&
10:25.23Sontekbob2: I unplugged monitor/keyboard and booted it up and then tried to ssh in and I couldn't
10:25.26jetscreamershockwave flash
10:25.28bob2DelEat_: maybe I mean &&
10:25.29bob2I'm tired
10:25.30Sontekbob2, So I ran a ipscan and its not there
10:25.34DelEat_bob2: ;-)
10:25.39bob2Sontek: I have no idea what ipscan is
10:25.40DelEat_bob2: got it working now - thanks
10:25.42calamaribob2: thanks
10:25.45samer<bob2>  can you solve my problem
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10:25.51bob2Sontek: if you installed ssh on the sparc, then you have sshd running
10:25.54edward_bob2, 58815 3519K MASQUERADE  all  --  any    eth0      anywher
10:25.58bob2Sontek: maybe you setup a firewall and forgot
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10:26.06bob2edward_: I don't know why you're telling me that
10:26.08Harukook hold up brb
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10:26.13Harukoneed to scroll up :)
10:26.14jetscreamerSontek, was there an /etc/ssh/sshd_not_to_be_run ?
10:26.23toukitsunebut why would swf_play be running and I cannot even kill it when I didnt even start it in the first place
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10:26.28bob2ircdevil: everything uses fontconfig with freetype, so it does AA goodness
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10:26.33jetscreamerHaruko, /lastlog <nick>
10:26.37DelEat_bob2: is it possible to include an 'else' statement that correlates with &&??
10:26.37fabiettoHi at all. Someone can suggest me a good bluetooth manager for kde?
10:26.44bob2ircdevil: this requires fontconfig and gtk2/qt3, ie gnome2/kde3 level stuff
10:26.54DelEat_bob2: or do I need to do it properly with if?
10:26.58edward_bob2, well.. I want to know how many packets my box can handle...
10:27.08bob2edward_: oh, right
10:27.10edward_bob2, So can you tell me how I can check thats... ?
10:27.24ircdevilbob2: i see. thanks
10:27.26DelEat_edward_: disk wise or number wise?
10:27.34edward_number wise...
10:27.43edward_DelEat_, disk howcome disk... ?
10:27.55jaroHow can I obtain image of an entire disk device? Or better just a root filesystem (including owners, access rigts, symlinks)?
10:28.00bob2edward_: I dunno
10:28.08bob2edward_: I know there's some way to get it, maybe iftop?
10:28.19jetscreamerjaro, you mean make an image? dd
10:28.21bob2DelEat_: I thin kyou need an if
10:28.31Harukohaha I knew it was because I wasnt root :P
10:28.36bob2DelEat_: unless adding a ' || blah ' to the end works
10:28.43Harukoactually the first time I used linux I was using Gentoo
10:28.43bob2samer: install shorewall
10:28.45jetscreamerk apt-get update Haruko
10:28.55HarukoTryed a stage 3 install or was it 1
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10:29.01Harukoeither was it was compile it all again
10:29.11samerand ??? what next
10:29.11jarojetscreamer: oh, thx. I just haven't been able to remember the name ;)
10:29.15Harukotook for ever I said forget it
10:29.21bob2samer: and read the instructions
10:29.23Harukook its updating
10:29.33Harukogives me back to my command prompt
10:29.42jetscreamerthen do apt-get dist-upgrade
10:29.46Sontekbob2, I think its just booting up to the "OK" prompt and sitting there.. or does it only do that when keyboard is plugged in?
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10:30.00DelEat_edward_: my bad - thought you wrote packages not packets
10:30.00jetscreameroh solaris
10:30.02bob2Sontek: it's possible your hardware insists on having a keyboard
10:30.03jetscreameror whatever
10:30.05bob2my indy does
10:30.24edward_DelEat_, ah.. ok.. tnx
10:30.25Sontekbob2, its an ultra5
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10:30.32HarukoOk going now
10:30.35bob2Sontek: ok, I have no idea
10:30.42thesaboteurI think most slowlaris boxes require a keyboard
10:30.42bob2I've never even seen one of them
10:30.48bob2Sontek: #sparc might know
10:30.48DelEat_bob2: I think || works as an else statement
10:30.52HarukoThanks for all your help jetscreamer I know what its like to have to help newbies :( thanks for your time though!
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10:31.19Haruko6mins left
10:31.23jetscreamerHaruko, remember to /msg dpkg xwontstart if x wont start
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10:31.52jetscreamerand you should upgrade your kernel too
10:31.52edward_430K   29M MASQUERADE  all  --  any    eth1    anywhere             anywhere
10:31.57jetscreamerknow thy initrd
10:32.05bob2edward_: please stop pasting crap
10:32.08Harukowhat command would I need to run?
10:32.42bob2edward_: try netstat -M
10:32.53jetscreamerapt-cache search kernel-image-2.4 (or 2.6 your choice) and apt-get install one ... add module-init-tools if it's a 2.6 you choose
10:33.05HarukoBut wouldnt netstat -n give you outgoing connections with their host names? :P
10:33.25jetscreamerHaruko, man aptitude also
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10:33.37jetscreameryou might need to apt-get install aptitude also
10:33.41holycowhow do i check if i have gl acceleration?  blender seems to work, but neverball doesn't ... any other tests i can try?
10:33.52Gathondholycow: glxinfo
10:34.09jaroapropo, is there any simple way how I can mark routed packet for later recognition and classification by 'tc' (qos on external interface)? I'm especially curious about source ip based classification.
10:34.13edward_bob2, no support for that... on that system
10:34.24bob2edward_: ok!
10:34.25Harukojet> so man aptitude then apt-get install aptitude?
10:34.33smljaro: man iptables. look at mangle table.
10:34.36jetscreamerother way around Haruko
10:34.41Harukoahh ok
10:34.57jetscreamerwon't work, no manpage till you install it
10:35.07Harukohehe thats what I figured
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10:36.53samerif i install a new linux and i still had my bzimage on my cd and my lib can i replace them and all run normally
10:37.10EvanCarrollsamer: probably not
10:37.21EvanCarrollsamer: almost definintly, infact.
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10:37.34bob2if it's a monolithic kernel, it will work fine
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10:37.40jarosml: well. So I have to work with iptables after all. Problem is, that I use standard script ipmasq which I'm not able to understand well (a lot of confusing rules). I tried firehol but somehow, final results were differing from my intentions :-/
10:37.42HarukoAsking me what interface shoudl be used for configuring packages Can I use KDE?
10:38.00jetscreamerwhat are the choices
10:38.02jm_Haruko: a stupid choice
10:38.04Harukoor should I stick with Dialog
10:38.11jetscreamerah. yes dialog
10:38.15EvanCarrollsamer: Your modules would still be linked to the symbols in the other kernel, in addition you might not have ALL of the libs the kernel wants, and you might have libs that rely on the kernel build your replacing
10:38.18samerwhat's the diffrence compiling a kernel with modules and without modules and did modules load automatically ?
10:38.18HarukoDialog, readline, gnome, kde, editor, noninteractive
10:38.25TinoWjaro: just google on "NAT iptables"
10:38.51jetscreamerdialog is good imo, ymmv
10:38.51Harukolol I should pick criticial for config debconf because Im newbie correct?
10:39.10HarukoIm a newbie I believe the installer
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10:39.27A-abci want that when i select some text in bash, that text should go to buffer (irc-style), and when i right-click in bash, that text should be can i do that?
10:39.32EvanCarrollsamer: modules are chunks of the kernel that are loaded on demand, so they are portable, and proprietary modules can be made availble without having the HW manufacture to make your kernel, the setback is modules require additional time to load
10:39.48jaroTinoW: ok :-) I did a lot, but I'm still a beginner in the networking suff and it takes me quite a long time to understand these things well enough.
10:39.49jetscreamerA-abc, you mean like screen does?
10:40.02A-abcsomething like that..
10:40.03EvanCarrollsamer: and if you *bake* the modules in, (build into the kernel) you don't have the option of rmmoding them, which is occasionally usefull
10:40.37EvanCarrollA-abc: is console equal to x-term?
10:40.45inc|freakyim drinking some beer and its 11:41AM ;D
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10:40.58HarukoIts 12:40am here where are you?
10:41.04jetscreamerno i was making a comment on your beer
10:41.16jetscreamervery punny eh
10:41.16A-abcEvanCarroll : i don't only says can i find that?
10:41.16inc|freakyjetscreamer: ah, awkay ;p
10:41.19HarukoYou are 23 hours ahead of me?
10:41.34inc|freakyi aint no alcoholic just bored like hell and nothing to do - no school, nothing to work and my system is running :)
10:41.43A-abcjetscreamer: it's this possible?
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10:41.45HarukoI have school in 5 hours...
10:41.48inc|freakyHaruko: seems like oO
10:41.49EvanCarrollA-abc: type echo $TERM
10:41.53Harukolame I want to get this going though...
10:41.57inc|freakyHaruko: where r u from?
10:42.02HarukoHawaii here :P
10:42.07inc|freakykewl ^^
10:42.08HarukoAre you sure its AM?
10:42.16inc|freakyyea, 11:43 AM
10:42.24A-abcEvanCarroll : echo $TERM -> xterm
10:42.25HarukoNm :P
10:42.30HarukoThats right :P wtf am I thinking
10:42.38HarukoIm thinking 11am = night :P
10:42.42HarukoIts too late lol
10:42.44inc|freakyheh ;p
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10:43.03EvanCarrollA-abc: type 'man xterm', what your asking is almost avaialbe now just highlight the text left mouse click for copy hit middle mouse button for paste
10:43.20Harukoman Im going to be so wasted tomorrow
10:43.26HarukoI mean today....
10:43.32EvanCarrollHaruko: ... wow fascinating thanks for sharing
10:43.37Harukolol sorry :)
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10:43.55inc|freakyheh ;p
10:44.03A-abcEvanCarroll : thanks man, you saved my day :)
10:44.49EvanCarrollA-abc: Thats what im here for, clad in a superman leotard saving days
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10:45.13A-abcEvanCarroll : because i've hundreds of copy-paste operations for today..
10:45.16kneetEvanCarroll, could say - thanks for sharing ;-)
10:45.29Harukolol, burn :)
10:45.29EvanCarrollkneet: hahaha! i deserve that.
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10:45.43EvanCarrollyes, nice show of wit kneet
10:45.55EvanCarrollA-abc: learn perl.
10:45.59HarukoEver Played Tontie?
10:46.31Zrinin aptitude - why are all packages automatically markes as being held at current version?
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10:46.35A-abcEvanCarroll : it's not something that could be made automatically..that's the problem..
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10:47.21EvanCarrollA-abc: ,,, as i have learned, *anything* that involves copy and paste can be helped with some form of automation
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10:48.02EvanCarrollA-abc: Perl can modify the copy paste buffers in 1 line of code, if nothing else it can manage that for you
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10:48.22qwertzHi! Is there another possibility to add a user to a group than usermod ( don't want to specifiy all groups everytime)?
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10:49.02A-abcEvanCarroll : it involves sql database, but you gave me a good idea..maybe i could do something with php
10:49.02*** mode/#Debian [+l 799] by debhelper
10:49.15inc|freakydamn im so bored :\
10:49.20sdogianyone, what's wrong with this line? find /tmp/ -atime +7 -exec /bin/rm -rf {}
10:49.29inc|freaky(no, i dont wanna fix bugs ;p)
10:49.29sdogiinc|freaky: then solve my problem :)
10:49.35EvanCarrollA-abc: perl can access databases as well fyi.
10:49.44inc|freakysdogi: no idea, sry :\
10:49.51EvanCarrollsdogi:  you need a \; at the end
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10:50.01resiakEvanCarroll: Could you point me at a doc mentioning the altering the paste buffers? I don't have time to read them now, but I'm very interested.
10:50.04sdogiEvanCarroll: i do? heh, thanks
10:50.14cahootqwertz: can use vigr
10:50.19sdogiit didn't work
10:50.30sdogiahh it did
10:50.35EvanCarrollsdogi: ... you miss typed '\;' thats skill
10:50.40inc|freakyill listen to some music and watch ppl talking
10:50.40sdogididn't put space
10:50.42inc|freakyoin here
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10:50.59EvanCarrollresiak: i sure can, hold one sec
10:51.07Harukowow its done
10:51.12samerhow can i compile my kernel 2.4.27. on debian like mandrake ???????
10:51.17sdogiEvanCarroll: when did this come in? i have like tons of scripts where there isn't \;
10:51.19resiakEvanCarroll: ta.
10:51.19*** part/#debian Vrumfrundel (~Dolphy@lautaro.bionik.TU-Berlin.DE)
10:51.42sdogiactually i saw ; in manual and i tried that too, but i didn't know i had to escape that ;
10:51.52Harukojet you still here?
10:52.19A-abcEvanCarroll : ok, fine man, you convinced me, i'll learn perl..
10:52.34sdogiyeah perl is nice
10:52.48qwertzcahoot, thanks that's it!
10:52.57sdogiget used to man perl and perldoc -f function or perldoc Something::Something
10:53.16HarukoIm grabbing KDE to install think I could run it overnight and wake up the in morning to finish the setup or will it get antsy?
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10:53.43samerwhat's the difference between debian and slackware ?
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10:53.56resiakEvanCarroll: I'm heading out. Make sure you highlight me when you find the appropriate perldoc to hand me :)
10:54.02resiakEvanCarroll: Thanks in advance.
10:54.08sdogisamer: well, slackware needs yuo do a lot of stuff manually
10:54.09HarukoWell Im going to gamble with it night everyone! thanks for all your help man!
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10:54.31sdogisamer: slackware is great learning tool actually, i would have never learned scripting without it i think
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10:55.12A-abcsamer: my first linux was a slack , now i am on debian; i'm evolving :P
10:55.16Overandhow do a get a list of directories only?
10:55.20smlmy first linux was slack.
10:55.23smlOverand: find -type d
10:55.29A-abcsml: sry
10:55.32Overandi always, always forget that
10:55.43smlthat was back in 1996
10:55.44samerand why all now debian ????????
10:55.44kikinovakHi. Is there some app to check the integrity of 1) CPU 2) Motherboard 3) HardDrive?
10:56.00inc|freakyi luv debian :D
10:56.00A-abcsml: not a native speaker, i make some mistakes
10:56.00smlsamer: because debian is hte best distribution. everyone sometime sooner or later see's the light.
10:56.10smlA-abc: dont worry about that :)
10:56.14*** part/#debian BleSS (~johanson@20d400a50b6d17a1.node.tor)
10:56.24samerhte? ??
10:56.29jimOverand: better read man page of find... the posted solution is a syntax error
10:56.31thesaboteursml: the path to enlightenment is through debian? ;)
10:56.31Overandsml: i wouldn't say 'it's the best' becuase that's largely subjective.  it's certainly the best for me for almost everything i do
10:56.33smlkikinovak: There are but I dont remember the name I'm afraid.
10:56.34kikinovaksamer the
10:56.44Overandjim: yeah, i noticed =]
10:56.47smlOverand: I would say its the best IMHO.
10:56.48kikinovaksml bit like memtest86 for RAM, ya see?
10:57.03smlkikinovak: In fact memtest86 was exactly what i was trying to remember!
10:57.22fabiettoI've got some problems with kbluetooth. When i try to launch kbluetoothd i get this error message: "ERROR: KUniqueApplication: Can't determine DISPLAY. Aborting." During the kernel boot i get a similar error, but without any consequence...
10:57.31smlkikinovak: but you are looking for a hardware testing suite kind of thing ?
10:57.33kikinovaksml now how would you google for that?
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10:57.38kikinovaksml yes
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10:58.24smljim: find . -type d
10:58.31sdogisamer: anyway, when it comes to handling like 10 slackware servers then it's a lot of scripting, specially when there are very alternative configurations
10:58.31sdogisamer: so debian is much better in that case, but debians stable seems to be well behind from slackwares
10:58.31sdogisamer: actually ask something specific
10:58.31sdogiEvanCarroll: you don't happen to know if i need to escape ; in crontab too?
10:58.31Ultisml: can u help me again with my 3com nic ?
10:58.31*** kick/#debian [sdogi!~debhelper@debhelper.user] by debhelper (flood: Consider using #flood)
10:58.42smlUlti: What's wrong with it now ?
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10:59.06jimsml: yep :)
10:59.08EvanCarrollsdogi your problem was related to the {} there is another way of doing it, i believe you can do '{}' and it will work fine too
10:59.10Ultisml: when i try to insmo 3c509 i get an wierd error
10:59.17smlUlti: what is the error ?
10:59.31prohey guys, im tring to dpkg -i a package, and i get this.... dpkg: error processing nvu_0.70-1_i386.deb (--install):
10:59.31Ulti/lib/modules/2.4.27-2-386/kernel/drivers/net/3c509.o: /lib/modules/2.4.27-2-386/kernel/drivers/net/3c509.o: unresolved symbol isapnp_find_dev_Rdae0a346
10:59.31Ultihakkelaar:~# insmod isapnp
10:59.40Ultisml: Using /lib/modules/2.4.27-2-386/kernel/drivers/net/3c509.o
10:59.50petemcUlti: use modprobe
10:59.53proim sure there was an argument to tell it to overwrite the one with the other?
11:00.05Ultisml: /lib/modules/2.4.27-2-386/kernel/drivers/net/3c509.o: unresolved symbol isapnp_find_dev_Rdae0a346
11:00.06smlUlti: like petemc said
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11:00.32smlUlti: did you compile those modules from your current kernel source or from another ?
11:00.45smlUlti: did you enable kernel version compatability ?
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11:00.59EvanCarrollsdogi: your problem was related to the {} there is another way of doing it, i believe you can do '{}' and it will work fine too
11:00.59sdogiargh, my cat pulled out the cat cable
11:01.02samerany one use mikrotik ??
11:01.05Ultisml: how do i do that
11:01.15sdogiEvanCarroll: i'll try it out
11:01.18Ultisml: they came with the defaul install
11:01.36sdogiEvanCarroll: doesn't
11:01.43uraclea_laptopsdogi: just watch out for the mouse pulling out your mouse
11:01.47sdogiwas like everybodys first linux slackware?, lol
11:01.47sevenoaki have installed the 2.6.10 kernel with CIFS as module, but without POSIX and XATRE
11:01.59sdogiuraclea_laptop: it's a good think i have a touchpad :D
11:02.04samercifs ???
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11:02.09inc|freakyim using 2.6.8-2-k7
11:02.12smlUlti: oh ok. you didn't compile your own kernel? well in that case just modprobe the module.
11:02.19Ultisml: nope
11:02.20sevenoakyes, CONFIG_CIFS=m
11:02.33sevenoakthe smb successor
11:02.46smlUlti: coz it has a dependency on another module.
11:02.52smlUlti: and modprobe will load them all :)
11:03.00Ultiaha oke
11:03.03smlUlti: otherwise you have to load them using insmod in the right order :)
11:03.15fusionAnyone know how to have proftp use md5 passwords from an SQL database? I have the sql part all set up but I dont know how to tell it the passwords are in md5 format.... I've looked in the docs and asked in #proftpd but nobody seems to be awake
11:03.21sevenoaki am missing the POSIX AND XATTR options, can i enable them without building my own kernel?
11:03.27sdogiirssi should also slow down the text when there are like 3 lines already, i think ksirc did it, was pretty cool
11:03.32uraclea_laptopmodprobe loads named modules with all dependencies, insmod loads named module only
11:03.37Ultisml: oke then i'll just modprobe it :D
11:03.39samerhey any one know how to make a pppoe server ?
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11:03.52smluraclea_laptop: there is an echo ?
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11:04.33Ultisml: or is there a way to find out wich modules it depents on
11:04.48uraclea_laptopsry, switching between channels, didnt see your timely response
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11:05.01EvanCarrollstupid screen took a shit on me
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11:06.42skip_apologies for this dumb do I get the KLaptop applet on the panel?
11:07.00sdogidouble click on the panel
11:07.11sdogiright click
11:07.40skip_sdogi: can't find the applet, but it is installed
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11:08.43sdogimaby ask #kde
11:08.48sdogidon't know
11:08.56skip_sdogi: already tried that, thanks anyway
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11:10.54Nem[Laptop]er, what's this new resolvconf thing?  where do I put nameservers now???
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11:11.28sdogiahh, always wanted to ask, when i want to know which programs use swap what command should i use? ps aux really shows memory usage, doesn't really show swap or does it?
11:11.38sdogiNem[Laptop]: /etc/resolv.conf
11:11.47samerin debian compiling kernel like slackware ? or different ?
11:11.50bob2sdogi: don't think it's possible to work out
11:11.56bob2samer: you can do it that way if you like
11:11.59Nem[Laptop]sdogi: i usually use 'top'
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11:12.11sameror ???
11:12.17Nem[Laptop]sdogi: but there was some debconf message saying not to use /etc/resolv.conf now...
11:12.17EvanCarrollsdogi: by my understanding swap can only be used after the program exhausts ram, and it can have no knowledge of the fact its using swap
11:12.19sdogiNem[Laptop]: but it doesn't show which programs consume swap
11:12.31bob2EvanCarroll: the program won't know
11:12.40sdogiEvanCarroll: can't be true
11:12.42bob2EvanCarroll: he/she's wondering if the kernel does, and how to find out
11:12.43Nem[Laptop]sdogi: and the top of /etc/resolv.conf says (in caps, no less), not to use this file anymore.
11:12.45EvanCarrollsdogi: swap should be abstracted at a low level right above the kernel, and way before any programs
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11:12.58bob2sdogi: applications have no idea if they're swapped in or out
11:13.02bob2and shouldn't
11:13.08bob2Nem[Laptop]: just purge resolvconf
11:13.10samer<bob2>  is there another way to compile kernel in debian
11:13.10EvanCarrollsdogi: use 'top' to determine swap useage
11:13.11bob2it's crack anyway
11:13.14sdogibut shouldn't they show up at least with memory usage ?
11:13.16bob2samer: yes, /msg dpkg kp
11:13.45bob2sdogi: also, it's not that defined
11:13.49*** part/#debian skip_ (
11:13.50bob2pages could be in swap, or just thrown out
11:13.54GathondEvanCarroll: the program does not know, but it might have parts of it swapped out independently of the ammount of free memory in the machine (mostly if it have not been accessed for some time)
11:13.57sameris it new ? or only in debian
11:13.58sdogiyeah i know how much swap is consumes i was just wondering if it's possible to detect which programs are using, i actually even know but the funny thing is that ps aux %MEM line shows that those programs don't take anything
11:14.07bob2samer: it's just for Debian
11:14.23EvanCarrollsdogi: yes top will tell you a programs memmory useage, and swap useage, so will just running df on the swap parition however i think the problem will be finding what program is using how much of swap, i guess you could deduce the majority of what you need to now with top if you were determined
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11:15.20sdogiEvanCarroll: that's the problem, finding programs which use swap, i can't determine it
11:15.38monoi am trying to view php4 on my apache. for some reason after apt-get install php4, libapache-mod-php4 and php4-common i still can't view php4 documents. i get the option to save them. does anyone know what i am missing?
11:15.46sdogii actually know which ones are, because there are few programs running and i have tried to kill some down and made my observatsions
11:15.52sdogibut thought that maby there is a better way
11:15.52EvanCarrollsdogi: im not sure its possible, another guru can buz in and correct me though
11:16.19sdogiEvanCarroll: should ask #kernel hehe :)
11:16.25thesaboteurmono: need to edit your .htaccess file most likely, ask in #apache
11:16.36bob2mono: did you read the README?
11:16.44monobob2, which one?
11:16.56bob2mono: the php4 README.Debian.
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11:17.00A-abci've 512Kbits fiber optical connections from the same provider and two debian servers, and one network; it's possible that i sum up my 2 bandwidths? (2x512=1Mb channel)
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11:17.08monobob2, nope:(
11:17.13sdogiA-abc: not exacly like that
11:17.13A-abc512-> 2*512
11:17.17smlmono: you need to add a line to your apache config file to tell it what files to recognise as php files
11:17.20bob2mono: then go do so
11:17.22sdogiA-abc: but load balacing is possible yes
11:17.30sdogiA-abc: check out iproute2 stuff, it's really cool
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11:17.41bob2A-abc: if you want a 1024kbit/s pipe, you need your isp to do "channel bonding"
11:17.48Belping--can anyone tell me how i can access a windows computer in the same lan?
11:17.53Belping--do i need samba for that?
11:17.57smlmono AddType application/x-httpd-php3-source .phps
11:17.58bob2A-abc: another option is "equal cost multi path routing", where alternate connections go on different pipes
11:18.08bob2Belping--: nope
11:18.17smlmono: AddType application/x-httpd-php3 .php3 .html
11:18.30sdogiA-abc: been messing with those for some months now, one linux server two adsl connections, dirty, but well it was cheap :)
11:18.34sepA-abc: ,, or realy easy with shorewall
11:18.46thesaboteurAddType application/x-filter-ext-php .php
11:18.48Belping--bob2: do i need any special programs for it then? or are they included in the debian install?
11:18.49nanokBelping--: smbclient
11:19.01A-abcbob2: if my ISP does channel bonding; it's more expensive for i prefer doing channel bonding myself, it's that possible?
11:19.02bob2Belping--: by "access" you mean "mount windows shares"?
11:19.08bob2A-abc: no
11:19.19Belping--bob2: yes
11:19.23bob2A-abc: unless you use equal-cost-multi-path and layer a vpn on top of that
11:19.24Belping--nanok: thanks
11:19.30smlsdogi: its easy if they're from the same provider however.. i managed to get it working with different ip ranges and different providers lol. Was hard work.
11:19.39bob2Belping--: 'mount -t smb //machine/share /mnt'
11:19.50Belping--ok thanks!
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11:19.54smlbob2: how long has mount bean able to do that ?
11:20.04bob2sml: I don't know
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11:20.10smlThat's v. nice.
11:20.10EvanCarrollsdogi: you might find swapon -s, or /proc/swaps usefull while not the answer to your question =/
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11:21.48Belping--bob2: could you tell me how i can list the network computers? i forgot the name :s
11:21.50EvanCarrollsml before you read to much into samba, you should add cifs to the list of things to research, as it is a more evolved for of samba, with extra error protection
11:22.00sdogiEvanCarroll: asked in #kernel, maby i they know.. such thing should be implemented somehow, some protocol for kernel which you can use to get information about swap
11:22.12sdogiright now i have plenty of free mem but very few swap
11:22.36bob2Belping--: smbclient, I guess, I've never used it
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11:22.40sdogii have 51m ram used but swap is used like 110m
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11:22.48Belping--ok thanks again
11:23.23A-abcbob2: so, if i use equal-cost-multi-path and layer a vpn, i will have my 1mbit/s channel?
11:23.27linux_Tuxi have a network connection between debian-sarge box and winXP box i have shared directory on winXP i tried samba-client mount the shared dir. when i used mount -t smbfs i got , wrong fs and when i tried smbmount got , command not found .. so what's wrong
11:23.29SontekOn the Debian Apache it defaults to a directory apache2-default  where can I change this? its not in /etc/apache/httpd.conf
11:23.31bob2A-abc: more or less
11:23.36EvanCarrollsdogi: thats not supposed to happen, you have lsof, which will tell you open files, not sure if that registers with those located on swap (swap is abstracted in a funny fashion)
11:23.42bob2Sontek: you'll notice nothing is in that file
11:23.51bob2Sontek: look in that dir for another obvious-looking file
11:23.52A-abcbob2 : what do you mean by more or less?
11:23.55Gathondsdogi: that memory that is swaped out have probbaly not been accessed in days, so the VM decided to use that memory for cache's instead
11:24.07bob2A-abc: I mean try it and see, I don't know how well it will balance
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11:24.15bob2A-abc: something like tinc will probably work
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11:24.34EvanCarrollsdogi: i personally haven't utilized swap in along time, it takes a memmory leak or a big video game or a complex web application to eat through 512megs of memmory
11:24.35linux_Tuxhello anybody there
11:24.41A-abcbob2: tinc?
11:24.47bob2A-abc: apt-cache show tinc
11:25.15sdogiGathond: hm, well you see this swap place is freed when i close program called bandwitdhd which is something like mrtg, it creates graphs for lan boxes
11:25.19linux_Tuxi have a network connection between debian-sarge box and winXP box i have shared directory on winXP i tried samba-client mount the shared dir. when i used mount -t smbfs i got , wrong fs and when i tried smbmount got , command not found .. so what's wrong
11:25.24Nem[Laptop]heh, tinc's overhead will diminish most of the advantage you gain
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11:25.39sdogiGathond: i know it for sure, anyway when looking at ps aux bandwitdhd doesn't seem to consume like anything
11:25.42sepbob2: linux equal cost balance does per flow balancing, if the vpn is considered one flow then it wont balance. if it's considered many flows it may balance
11:25.45bob2Nem[Laptop]: it kills latency but doesn't seem to hurt bandwidth so much
11:25.54sdogiEvanCarroll: true
11:25.59bob2sep: right, hence why I'm suggesting tinc, which uses udp )by default)
11:26.09linux_Tuxno one can help
11:26.18EvanCarrolllinux_Tux: do you have samba-common?
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11:26.21sdogiEvanCarroll: even on my shitty laptop which has 256 ram i actually created freebsd partition from swap :-)
11:26.33linux_TuxEvanCarroll: yes
11:26.40sdogiEvanCarroll: this laptop is like 566 mhz and is too slow anyway to run something that would consume much memory
11:26.41bob2linux_Tux: installing smbmount might help
11:26.43bob2just a guess
11:26.44holycowi'm googling zilch on how to remove the debian launcher at the bottom of the applications menu in gnome 2.8 ... can this be done?
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11:26.57bob2holycow: it involves hacking the source, aiui
11:27.04linux_Tuxbob2: isn't it installed with samba-client ?
11:27.05bob2holycow: #gnome-debian on
11:27.06EvanCarrolllinux_Tux: copy and paste your line you used from mount to mount your network share?
11:27.13bob2linux_Tux: aparently not
11:27.13holycowoka danke
11:27.18jimholycow: what happens when you right click it?
11:27.20sdogieven right now i'm running more then my usual stuff and i still have like 50 mb free
11:27.27holycowjim, nothing :/
11:27.32Nem[Laptop]bob2 / A-abc: I know on Solaris there's some weird way that if you have three public IPs, you assign one to each NIC, and have a third as a "virtual" nic
11:27.35linux_Tuxbob2: so what's the package name
11:27.47bob2linux_Tux: nfi,
11:27.53Nem[Laptop]it then uses the virtual nic as the source/destination, and routes packets through the actual nic's
11:27.57holycowthanks bob
11:28.21EvanCarrolllinux_Tux: or man mount.cifs
11:28.28bob2Nem[Laptop]: linux lets you do something similar, but in the routing layer.  you assign each interface to have the same route cost, and it round-robins between them
11:28.31sepNem[Laptop]: sounds like lvs
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11:28.50Nem[Laptop]Seb__: lvs?
11:28.55Nem[Laptop]sep: lvs?
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11:29.25Belping--ok thanks again
11:30.31smlbob2 mount -t smb is just a front end interface to smbmount.
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11:30.39bob2I know
11:30.45bob2which is why it failed for linux_Tux
11:30.47smlbob2: lol. I didn't
11:30.56sepNem[Laptop]:hmm no you were talking about balancing, i thougt you were talking high availibillity
11:31.14smlI mean I knew about smbmount obviously but I thought that mount had been given a new lease of life
11:31.19Nem[Laptop]sep: ah.. well, another nice side-effect is high availability ;)
11:31.31sep this dosnt balance just provides redundancy
11:31.54A-abcNem[Laptop] : yes, but i don't think that's my case because i've two servers, not one
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11:32.34bob2anyway, the tinc-over-equal-cost-routes thing is just an idea Nem[Laptop] and came up with
11:32.39bob2I've not actually tried it
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11:32.59Nem[Laptop]haha blame me for it ;)
11:33.10Nem[Laptop]A-abc: are they both with the same ISP?
11:33.21A-abcNem[Laptop] : yes
11:33.35bob2it seems fairly shit that they charge extra for channel bonding
11:33.43bob2since I'm pretty sure they just have to enable an option on their router
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11:33.53Nem[Laptop]bob2: unless they have a shit router...
11:33.55A-abcNem[Laptop] : and my two external ip's are in the same subnet mask
11:34.07bob2hah, yeah
11:34.08linux_Tuxbob2: how to install this smbmount ?
11:34.16bob2so, this idea won't work if you're using Netspeed
11:34.21Nem[Laptop]A-abc: hmm,   so it's like  ISP-----Server_A----Your_machine----Server_B-----ISP   ?
11:34.24seplinux_Tux: apt-get install samba-client i belive
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11:34.35bob2linux_Tux: the website I gave you will tell you the packagename
11:34.40A-abcNem[Laptop] : yes, thats right
11:34.40Nem[Laptop]linux_Tux: you'll need to apt-get install smbfs too, afaik
11:34.51fusionDoes /etc/hosts.deny HAVE to be hostnames or can it be IP addresses?
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11:35.09linux_Tuxbob2: i got smclient is already the newest version
11:35.15Nem[Laptop]A-abc: so, both Server_{A,B} are doing NAT now ?
11:35.31A-abcNem[Laptop] : yes
11:35.34cafuegooh yea verilym, a set of vnc servers under vmware :-)
11:36.14monowell bob2 the doc. did not help. other ideas?
11:36.21smlfusion: you are better off using IP addresses in case someone DNS spoofs you.
11:36.30bob2mono: sure it did
11:36.30Nem[Laptop]A-abc: hmm, have you tried bob2's equal-cost idea? add a route on your machine to both Server_{A,B}, equal cost
11:36.36smlfusion: also dont forget the tcp wrappers only work for wrapped services :)
11:36.37monobob2, i have restarted apache and i still get the prompt on saving the php doc
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11:36.46bob2mono: then you didn't enable it correctly
11:36.53reNegad3i'm thinking of using zebra as a routing daemon, is there anything else that is recommended?
11:37.03bob2mono: double check the module is loaded and the AddType lines are uncommented
11:37.05sepreNegad3: quagga
11:37.09linux_Tuxbob2: can you point me to a guide on how to share winxp net connection..?
11:37.14Nem[Laptop]A-abc: hmm, actually, now that I come to tihnk of it, it won't work.
11:37.18sepreNegad3: there is a #quagga on freenode also
11:37.18bob2quagga is the replacement for zebra, right?
11:37.25reNegad3thanks sep
11:37.26smlquagga is a deceased animal
11:37.33smlextinct even!
11:37.37bob2linux_Tux: no idea, that sounds like a windows question
11:37.46sepquagga is a fork of zebra becouse the quagga people found it hard to get patches included in zebra
11:37.48Nem[Laptop]A-abc: I think you'll need a routable public IP from your ISP for 'Your_Machine'
11:37.48petemcmm, paul jakma doesnt think its deceased
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11:37.54A-abcbob2: if i want a 384/512 conection i have to pay 290$+70 $ for the extra connection; now i have 2x 256/384 for 2x200$; so it's less expensive if i find something to do about that
11:38.06A-abcNem[Laptop] : i have that
11:38.07monobob2,  there two are clean AddType application/x-httpd-php .php    AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps
11:38.10Nem[Laptop]the packets need to appear to be coming from the _ONE_ IP
11:38.13smlA-abc: iproute2 dude.
11:38.17monobob2, no comment there
11:38.18bob2mono: and the module is loaded?
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11:38.31A-abcNem[Laptop] : each server has it's own routable subnet
11:38.33monobob2, php4? libapache-mod-php4? which one?
11:38.39bob2mono: php4.
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11:38.43Nem[Laptop]A-abc: routable subnet ??
11:38.56monobob2, i have apt-get install php4
11:38.57dpkgDebian Package/File/Desc Search of '' returned no results.
11:39.00A-abcNem[Laptop] : each server has it's own routable class
11:39.05reNegad3would zebra be sufficient? or is it not good compared to quagga?
11:39.15bob2reNegad3: it just has stalled development
11:39.20smlA-abc: ip route add default scope global equalize nexthop via adsl1 dev eth1 nexthop via adsl2 dev eth1
11:39.28reNegad3ahh ok
11:39.29smland voila you're in business.
11:39.29bob2oh, nice
11:39.58sepreNegad3: i have used both they also work together, new patches go into quagga faster.
11:40.06bob2tho both interfaces probably have the same gateway
11:40.13A-abcNem[Laptop] : i have 128 routables public ip on the #1 server and 256 for the second one..
11:40.22linux_Tuxi want to run debian bash shell from winXP how to do so
11:40.27reNegad3ok thanks
11:40.34linux_Tuxi'm connected on a network
11:40.39smllinux_Tux: google for cygwin.
11:40.40Nem[Laptop]they've given you a class C for a 512k connection???
11:40.47bob2linux_Tux: please stop it
11:40.49monobob2, well.. did not find why is it no there. i have php4 installed
11:40.53bob2linux_Tux: you need to go buy a basic linux book
11:40.56A-abcNem[Laptop] : i've bouth them
11:41.05bob2mono: ok
11:41.11A-abcNem[Laptop] : *bought
11:41.18monobob2, i also have /usr/lib/apache/1.3/
11:41.29bob2mono: that's presumably the module
11:41.34bob2mono: now make sure it loads
11:41.41bob2which the README.Debian explained
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11:41.42A-abcsml: i will try that..
11:41.43Nem[Laptop]Don't you need to justify what you're using the IPs for to have more than a /27 ??
11:41.49linux_Tuxbob2: i'm i know but just me this
11:41.57smlA-abc: good.
11:41.59bob2linux_Tux: what's your native language?
11:42.00fusionsml, is there some way to block certain IPs fully from the system?
11:42.01monopt-get install php4 Reading Package Lists... Done Building Dependency Tree... Done Sorry, php4 is already the newest version.0 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 6  not upgraded.
11:42.08smlfusion: yes. iptables
11:42.13bob2mono: yes, you have that installed
11:42.21linux_Tuxbob2: french
11:42.21A-abcNem[Laptop]: yes..i have more than 200 pcs in my network
11:42.28smlfusion: packest can be blocked from many layers from network to application.
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11:42.34monobob2, how do i make sure it loads? should i kill ir and restart it? which one am i missing then?
11:42.44bob2linux_Tux: try #debian-fr
11:42.50bob2mono: dude
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11:43.00bob2mono: have you read the README.Debian or not?
11:43.04bob2I'm 99.9999% sure it explains this
11:43.09monobob2,  couldn't find that dude-er
11:43.13monobob2, i have.
11:43.21monobob2, 2ice
11:43.22smlor even the php page on the apache website which gives you STEP BY STEP instructions!
11:43.24Nem[Laptop]A-abc: i figured ARIN would just say "use NAT" or something, lol
11:43.27bob2"2ice" is not a word
11:43.29k00zdoes anyone know a lot about different linux distros?
11:43.35bob2k00z: no, go away
11:43.44bob2or ask a specific question about Debian
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11:43.47Nem[Laptop]bob2: hah, bitter.
11:43.49EvanCarrollk00z: most people do, why would you ask such a thing
11:44.05bob2Nem[Laptop]: the idiots burn
11:44.08linux_Tuxbob2: i think that not me only who asking basics question .. !!
11:44.08k00zhey uh... im not exactly new to linux, but im not all that knowledgeable either... im looking for a fairly easy to setup distro that has a lot of commandline based utilities/extra stuff installed (browser, irc client, chat clients [aka aim/msn/jabber], ftp server, web server, ect) but would also support going into say fluxbox for graphical browsing and a bit of gaming... but not much after that, any suggestions?
11:44.12Nem[Laptop]bob2: heh, and they multiply
11:44.20monobob2, i have enabled LoadModule in my httpd.conf dude
11:44.26bob2mono: good
11:44.32smlk00z: pretty much all distributions will provide that.
11:44.32linux_Tuxbob2: and i said i need to know that and that's all ?
11:44.33monobob2, dude.. it still didn't work.
11:44.37EvanCarrollk00z: debian.
11:44.40bob2mono: now run 'HEAD http://hostname/' and look at the version
11:44.44bob2mono: for fuck's sake
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11:44.50bob2I'm downloading the fucking module to look at it for you
11:44.54Nem[Laptop]k00z: perhaps Fedora Core 3 would be more suited to your uses.
11:44.56bob2so drop the attitude while I'm helping you or fuck off
11:44.57k00zbut most ive seen have like kde or gnome and a bunch of excess utils already installed?
11:45.14monobob2, i go the msg that the modules were already loaded.
11:45.20EvanCarrollk00z: install base then type thing, 'apt-get install links2 centericq irssi proftpd apache-perl;'
11:45.43smlk00z: Most distributions only have what you choose to install. you dont like gnome / kde then remove it. apt-get purge ..
11:45.54holycowokay so bob, you are right, the Debian entry in the Applications menu is hard coded
11:46.25holycowif it helps anyone, you can remove all the subentries in the Debian menu by deleting /var/lib/gnome/Debian
11:46.33EvanCarrolland some distributions give you no control over what you have installed, debian is limited control, ubuntu is no control, gentoo is too much control, etc etc
11:46.34bob2k00z: use ubuntu
11:46.38holycowand at least empty that portions of the menu
11:46.45monobob2, there's z0 attitude here
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11:46.49igraltisti have this problem
11:46.51Nem[Laptop]<bob2> k00z: use gentoo
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11:46.59Nem[Laptop]<bob2> k00z: and be sure to post on the forums
11:47.00bob2mono: stop using stupid "words" like "z0"
11:47.09bob2I'm downloading the stupid thing
11:47.11monobob2, now how do i kill these mod's so i can restart them. each time i restart apache i get the msg that the mods are already loaded
11:47.19bob2Nem[Laptop]: don't make me beat you
11:47.19toad_when will we get and a gnopernicus build that can use damages/fixes?
11:47.20EvanCarrollgentoo is really a joke btw its not a distro its a learning excercise
11:47.25Nem[Laptop]bob2: *grins* :)
11:47.29holycowtoad_, when the time is right
11:47.31bob2toad_: /msg dpkg xorg
11:47.38k00zevancarroll: i think that might be what i need
11:47.39monobob2, what? what is this?
11:47.44bob2mono: you're using apache2?
11:47.51monobob2, nope, 1.3
11:48.05k00zevancarroll: ;)
11:48.21EvanCarrollk00z: gentoo probably will require another comp, you need good comunication with someone that has used it because the docs are flawed, and every gentoo install has some degree of chaos
11:48.32bob2the world would be a far better place if php didn't exist
11:48.42bob2I can't even remember the last time someone asked for help with mod_perl
11:48.49Nem[Laptop]bob2: *sniff*
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11:49.03PerfDaveGentoo is a learning exercise in the same way that cutting your feet off is a learning exercise. You learn it's not worth doing and you were bloody stupid to do it in the first place.
11:49.18k00zso uh... why gentoo or why ubuntu or why fedora?
11:49.23EvanCarrollk00z: but i must say being a long time debian user, i still stood to learn alot from gentoo, i installed it because it was a buz word, and after having removed debian found out i was into 500pages of manuels before i could boot v. nasty, relize there is *no installer* for a stage 1 debian install
11:49.28jimbloody AND stupid you mean :)
11:49.30bob2k00z: dude
11:49.32PerfDavek00z: Because people are too stupid to use Debian ;)
11:49.34bob2no one can tell you what to use
11:49.41bob2you need to take a guess and try one
11:49.48bob2if you're new and like the idea of Debian, use ubuntu
11:49.50monobob2, i asked a mod_perl question today
11:49.52A-abcPerfDave : :)
11:49.58jimyou need to try a few
11:50.16smlEvanCarroll: portage is very nice.. that's about all i can say :)
11:50.25k00zhaha... well i managed to get through a slack install and finagle through getting it online with 2 network cards installed...
11:50.29bob2mono: so does it show up in the output of HEAD or not?
11:50.37jimread the distribution-howto and see if something there intrests you
11:50.38smlI wonder how good slack is these days. I've not used it in five years.
11:50.38A-abck00z: it's something like that, try another easier distribution and after that..come here
11:50.41k00zbut... ive only used mandrake before this...
11:50.43EvanCarrollk00z: ubuntu is faster at releases then debian, they have xorg in their repository (Btw you can use the hoary repository on debian and install xorg at the expense of borking sid), fedora is redhat, its the beta of their commercial product
11:50.44smlor more infact... about 7..
11:50.47monobob2, how do i kill this one : warn] module config_log_module is already loaded, skipping [Thu Mar  3 00:30:28 2005] [warn] module mime_module is already loaded, skipping
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11:50.59bob2mono: find where it's being loaded and stop it
11:51.04smlPerfDave: "gentoy" lol
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11:51.13bob2mono: I would guess 'grep -r config_log /etc/apache/'
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11:51.43k00zyea... rpms remind me too much of windows...
11:51.57smlI have a gentoy too. My laptop. Coz I watch dvd's and divx's on it and I like to use bleeding edge just release yesterday audio/video software.
11:52.02inc|freakyk00z: same here, before i used debian - and i must say, debian is really kewl ... it doesnt have some tools, but i just love it now lol
11:52.03EvanCarrollk00z: redhat is shit, its like mandrake or suse, i hope to some day be able to say rpm distros are a thing of the past, however marketining seems to keep them alive
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11:52.15smlEvanCarroll: you mean DeadRat
11:52.52EvanCarrollk00z: if you have 50computers, each with 2 processers, running archaic hp processers, and need an operating system supported, your stuck with redhat.
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11:52.52k00zwell if debian is going to give me a headache then that might be a good thing..
11:53.06A-abck00z : i've used redhat,mandrake, suse, slackware and the debian
11:53.15PerfDaveThere's nothing inherently wrong with RPM, now we have apt-rpm et al. It's just that no distro, RPM or otherwise, has the QA of Debian.
11:53.28bob2Policy is what's special, not dpkg
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11:54.08k00zwhats the app--get deal?
11:54.08smlvery wise words
11:54.08EvanCarrollPerfDave: i would argue there is alot wrong with rpms, like the inability to check dependencies.
11:54.08smlIts debians mentality and policy that seperate it. :)
11:54.08bob2EvanCarroll: I'm pretty sure rpm has package dependencies nowadays
11:54.09inc|freakyk00z: it did for me at the beginning, i was sittin in front of it night and day, now it just ownz :D well, got a few problems at the beginning, at the moment im having some probs with apt, cuz i needed the nvidia installer from sid, someone in here told me to add the sources of sid, and add something like APT::Default-Release "sid" in apt.conf but then packages got confused i wanted to use sarge
11:54.09bob2k00z: apt-get.
11:54.34smladherence to the FSH etc.
11:54.34bob2k00z: it makes it easy to instll software: apt-get install blah, and blah gets downloaded and installed
11:54.34PerfDaveEvanCarroll: Comparing rpm with apt isn't fair. rpm is equivalent to dpkg. There are apt-equivalent tools for RPM-based distros.
11:54.37k00zafter you download the tarball?
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11:54.42bob2k00z: no
11:54.43inc|freakyand i still dont understand why "Default-Release "sid"" when iw atn to use sarge
11:54.46bob2k00z: that's the whole command
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11:54.56PerfDaveinc|freaky: That's very wrong.
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11:55.00EvanCarrollPerfDave: or the fact that extracting an rpm requires you run rpm2cpio, and pipe to cpio with some odd sequence of arguements, just to acomplish what dpkg -x does
11:55.00bob2inc|freaky: er, don't do that
11:55.03A-abck00z ; you don't have to download the tarball
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11:55.04PerfDave!tell inc|freaky about nvidia oneliner
11:55.06bob2it will horibbly confuse apt
11:55.19inc|freakyPerfDave: it didnt tell me anything
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11:55.23k00zthats rather nice... downloads and installs everything for you?
11:55.43k00zrad - debian have that?
11:55.44PerfDave!nvidia one liner
11:55.45A-abcand configures some conf files..
11:55.45dpkgi guess nvidia one-liner is apt-get install build-essential module-assistant && m-a a-i nvidia && apt-get install nvidia-glx nvidia-settings && echo nvidia >> /etc/modules && modprobe nvidia && dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86. You need contrib and non-free in your sources.list first!  You currently need unstable/sid sources, not just testing/sarge. see <quick ...
11:55.47fusionIs there a list somewhere of official "unused" IP ranges?
11:55.53bob2fusion: yes
11:56.01inc|freakyPerfDave: i did exactly that :D
11:56.06bob2on the IANA website
11:56.11fusionahh thanks
11:56.12PerfDavefusion: Do you mean "unused", or "reserved for private networks"?
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11:56.17inc|freakyPerfDave: and it told me about the sid-sources ... etc.
11:56.19fusionPerfDave, unused
11:56.22EvanCarrollPerfDave: i dont see how thats true, dpkg has 'dpkg -l' a listing of all installed rpms, dpkg creates a database of installed files isolated from apt, i have yet to see 'rpm' do such a thing
11:56.32EvanCarrollerr installed debs*
11:56.34A-abcfusion: why do you need that?
11:56.34bob2fusion: oh
11:56.42bob2fusion: you might want the "bogon list' instead then
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11:57.17EvanCarrollhrm that one line could be better written
11:57.24monobob2, tried to stop these mods with no success.. help?
11:57.25PerfDave!simple sid/sarge mix
11:57.26dpkghmm... quick sid/sarge mix is echo 'APT::Default-Release "testing";' >> /etc/apt/apt.conf, open sources.list, duplicate your sarge lines and change one set to sid. then apt-get update, apt-get -t unstable install foo  to install foo from sid rather than sarge (e.g. nvidia-glx)
11:57.27fusionI'll have to keep it up to date obviously
11:57.33inc|freakyPerfDave: for the moment i have just removed all sid sources but its strange - apt-get update && apt-get upgrade doesnt upgrade anything anymore even it downloads some packages updates but im not sure if thats just since yesterday and tomorrow there are new packages for me - hopefully im not running sid because i got kde3.3.2 which was also said to be in sid and not in sarge im just confused about
11:57.34inc|freakyeverything now
11:57.36fusionbut I get a LOT of spoofing attacks
11:57.36k00zso... the apt-get - where does it pull stuff from? a debian server or..?
11:57.42bob2fusion: is this for firewalling?
11:57.49bob2fusion: right, the bogon list sounds like just what you want
11:57.51inc|freakythats what i did :D
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11:57.56bob2mono: you didn't answer me
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11:58.09inc|freakyim currently using "APT::Default-Release "sarge" instead of testing if thats ok
11:58.14PerfDavek00z: It pulls things from the sources you specify.
11:58.16inc|freakybecause i changed the testing to sarge sources
11:58.18jimk00z: apt-get can pull from net or other media (like cdrom or hd)
11:58.34bob2inc|freaky: just don't have that line at all
11:58.38EvanCarrollk00z: the sources you have in /etc/apt/sources.list
11:58.44PerfDaveinc|freaky: Uhm, currently testing *is* sarge, so they're equivalent. testing should be a symlink to sarge on the repositories.
11:58.51k00zso if you find some random program on say sourceforge you can just point it at that and it will install for you?
11:59.07inc|freakyyea, i know ... i just hope it didnt upgrade to sid since ...
11:59.14jimBUT you can get its source and build it
11:59.22A-abck00z ; you can do an apt-cache search before to see if exists
11:59.27inc|freakywhen i edited /etc/apt/apt.conf i instered testing, then suddenly it was sid without me doing anyhting
11:59.28EvanCarrollk00z: not unless the sourceforge project has published a deb, or a deb pkg mainter has made one for it
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11:59.52k00zer... oh dear. this is starting to go over my head
12:00.05inc|freakyk00z: and apt-file search lets you search for specific files, and it will tell you in what packages the file youre searching for is (aww yea, my perfect english and alc ;D)
12:00.09PerfDavek00z: Try reading the #debian FAQ, or the Debian Installation Manual, or the APT HOWTO.
12:00.10EvanCarrollk00z: however an interface to sourceforge is called for, someone needs to write an deb-src interface to source forge, i wonder how difficult that would be in perl
12:00.20k00zsooooo... is the apt-get the only way to install stuff?
12:00.22jimproducing a .deb isn't enough for there to be an aptable repository... but people have set up their own
12:00.33inc|freakyk00z: yea, like rpm with mandrake
12:00.36PerfDaveEvanCarroll: It would be near impossible. Just stick stuff in /usr/local if you're installing it from sourcefarce.
12:00.39inc|freakyk00z: of course you can compile things yourself
12:00.52k00zok good
12:00.53PerfDavek00z: No, but it's the easiest and best way.
12:00.54inc|freakyapt-get works like urpmi with mandrake
12:00.56jimk00z: no, not the only way... you can also build stuff
12:00.58monobob2, grep: warning: /etc/apache/conf: recursive directory loop
12:00.58mono/etc/apache/httpd.conf:LoadModule config_log_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/ /etc/apache/httpd.conf:LoadModule config_log_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/
12:01.04EvanCarrollk00z: no you can alien a non-native-to-debian rpm, which is hopefull at best, or you can compile from sources
12:01.13bob2mono: lord
12:01.29bob2mono: is it loading the module in that file twice?
12:01.35bob2if so, haha, and delete one of them.
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12:01.46bob2mono: also, you haven't answerd my last question, still
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12:01.50k00zevancarroll: er... not looking to install rpms - just tarballs
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12:01.57inc|freakyk00z: and debian got a nicer community ... ppl in here help you a lot, while ppl in #mandrake here and on other networks dont help you that good as in here ... (imho)
12:01.59monobob2, it seems to be loading them 3 times
12:02.02*** part/#debian dingo (~dingo@
12:02.13EvanCarrollk00z: then extract the tarball to source, apt-get install build-essential and make it
12:02.15bob221:44:40           bob2 | mono: now run 'HEAD http://hostname/' and look at the version
12:02.20k00zinc|freaky: so im noticing :D
12:02.25bob2mono: that's nice
12:02.27inc|freakyk00z: :D
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12:02.38bob2mono: are there 3 LoadModule lines for it?
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12:03.35k00zevancarroll: when you say extract it to source... you just mean extract it into a regular folder? (sorry im a n00b)
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12:03.45EvanCarrollmono: grep -r LoadModule /etc/apache | grep config_log_module
12:04.19k00zgoodness... 4 years of working professionally with computers and now i feel like im 15 again
12:04.40dpkgextra, extra, read all about it, folder is a directory damn it! or near My Computer and Network Neighborhood, or the things you put in a filing cabinet
12:04.43sepcomputers keep you forever young!
12:04.53monobob2, Stopping web server: apacheNo /usr/sbin/apache found running; none killed.
12:04.54Guli have done a `apt-get install libintl-gettext-ruby1.8` but when i do a require 'gettext' i get a /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/irb/init.rb:218:in `require': No such file to load -- gettext (LoadError), what else do i need to run gettext under ruby?
12:05.14EvanCarrollk00z: yes, see command line utilities gunzip, and tar
12:05.18bob2mono: ok, you're going to have to ask on the debian-user list or hire a consultant, I guess
12:05.19inc|freakydamn im drunk and its 1:06pm
12:05.34inc|freakyand i still luv debian lo
12:05.40bob2inc|freaky: it's after midday, it's ok
12:05.41inc|freakybut its boring atm, everything working
12:05.44monoEvanCarr1ll, grep -r LoadModule /etc/apache | grep config_log_module
12:05.46inc|freakybob2: lol ;p
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12:06.01inc|freakyeverything but my webcam oO
12:06.08k00zevancarroll: yea you just threw me off with the whole "to source" part... i normally say just flat out "unzip it" didn't know if there was somethin else to it..
12:06.19k00zevancarroll: but thanks :)
12:06.20monobob2, listen buddy, i haven't slept from 730am yesterday. give me a break
12:06.32EvanCarrollmono: yes i said that =D will tell you where the module is being loaded from, if its being loaded three times from say your httpd.conf and your virtual directories your problem is very simple, otherwise your problem might be complex =/
12:06.34k00zand thanks everyone else...
12:06.45bob2mono: ok
12:06.55bob2mono: that was my polite way of saying "I don't think I can help you, sorry"
12:07.07monobob2, thank you and goodbye
12:07.22EvanCarrollk00z: no 'to source' is a commonly used preposition, bad habbit and redundant though i would stick with your way
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12:07.41monobob2, that was my way of saying i apprecaite your help but not the attitude
12:07.51k00zevancarroll: lol ok
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12:07.58inc|freakyis there any way i can find out what release of debian im using? ... because of the APT::Default-Release and i hope it didnt upgrade to sid ... (though, if i change it back to sarge, would that downgrade packages?)
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12:08.15bob2inc|freaky: no, it won't downgrade
12:08.30k00zevancarroll: much like my own hated habit of saying nic card *sigh*
12:08.33EvanCarrollk00z: it probably has its roots, in being the proper way to install something would be to unzip to /usr/src/pkg_name but following folder hierarchy is tiresome
12:08.49monoEvanCarr1ll, there are basically two other cp's of that file. i am not assuming that it is taking all of them
12:08.59monoEvanCarr1ll, when starting
12:09.02*** mode/#Debian [+l 813] by debhelper
12:09.19k00zevancarroll: oohhh... i always just made my own folder and never really touched most of the prebuilt stuff...
12:09.22jimdebian developers decided long ago to not actively support downgrading individual packages, much less full downgrade capability
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12:11.00EvanCarrollk00z: thats what /usr/src is for, its that folder isolated from the prebuilt stuff, that all usrs belonging to group src have access to
12:11.07toad_!tell toad_ about nvidia oneliner
12:11.20EvanCarrollk00z: think of it like a scratch pad for building packages
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12:11.33Xpasswdannenizi sikmek istiyorum mümkünati var midir ki acep?
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12:12.00EvanCarrollk00z: you unzip to that folder, enter folder, make config, make, and then if you like what you have you make install, then you can delete the folder or just keep it there (as i do)
12:12.17k00zevancarroll: *nod* yea i... *blush* use my home directory... but now i know theres a good place to put stuff... so yea
12:12.31Ashtars_fanclubhi, i'm having alot of problems with my debian (testing) suddenly, i dont know what caused it, firefox became insanely unstable and crashes alot when i am to download some files,  atleast it stops responding, totem takes extreemly long time to load maybe 5 minutes, and starting nautilus doesnt seem to be dooing much at all
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12:12.33inc|freakyok, so, does anyone know of a package which is in sid and sarge, and those two are installed on almost every system?
12:12.39inc|freakyso i can find out if im using sid or sarge
12:12.41k00zevancarroll: make install installs it elsewhere?!
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12:12.47EvanCarrollk00z: well i too use my home directory thats where the shit goes from mozilla and links2 ,and thats where i unzip and build from =D
12:13.08Ashtars_fanclubthe only thing i can think of is iptables blocking things but that shouldnt cause any trouble with totem and, nautilus right?
12:13.10EvanCarrollk00z: make install installs it in /usr/bin
12:13.13monoEvanCarr1ll, any other suggestions.. i even tried to reboot my computer.. still didn't work
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12:13.44Xpasswdhow r u?
12:13.57k00zevancarroll: everything that a program needs gets put in /usr/bin?
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12:14.29EvanCarrollmono: no, this is very late for me, im sure your problem is pretty trivial though no offense, i need to bathe and go to sleep, you can private message me tomorrow ill take a look at it
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12:14.41cahootinc|freaky: glibc differs IIRC
12:14.45pureonebinarys go to the bin /bin /usr/bin /usr/local/bin and where ever else
12:14.47cwhskyfine ,thank you ,and you?
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12:15.15inc|freakycahoot: glib-config --version returns: 1.2.10
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12:15.26EvanCarrollk00z: no and thats the problem with make install, it will install astray, as pureone said, thats also the problem with rpms -- no means to apt-get --purge remove
12:16.18EvanCarrollk00z: of coarse a good make install, installs to /usr/local/bin which apt won't touch that makes the uninstall much easier
12:16.26k00zevancarroll: but the program doesn't need the file that you unzipped to after you make install?
12:16.48EvanCarrollk00z: this is also the problem faced by cuurent folder sturcture in linux i like the MS way better =/
12:16.53inc|freakyk00z: many sources also include a remove or uninstall in their makefile which removes the installed files
12:16.55StartBuckI seem to recall there being a package similar to "stow" that would instead create a deb of the installed files....does anyone know what the name is of that package?
12:17.01EvanCarrollk00z: correct after you make install you can dump the source folder
12:17.21k00zevancarroll: k... lol.
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12:17.34cahootinc|freaky: 'dpkg -l libc6' returns 2.3.2.ds1-20  on my sarge
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12:17.43k00zinc|freaky: that uninstall is accessed how if you dont use apt-get?
12:17.57inc|freakycahoot: same here, thx :D
12:18.24EvanCarrollk00z: you should read the logic behind the linux folder structure, for the time it was incredibly advanced
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12:18.29inc|freakyk00z: to compile a program you do make and to install it (move the files to its locations) make install - to remove (if in makefile) you can do: make uninstall or make remove
12:19.23k00zah - soo its better to keep the folder that you unzipped it to or at least the tarball for purposes of uninstalling...
12:19.42EvanCarrollk00z: it revolves around the idea of backing up /etc/ to save all of your config files (where they are ALL placed theoretically)
12:20.02EvanCarrollk00z: i keep the whole folder who cares about 10megs of source on a modern system
12:20.17EvanCarrollk00z: if you ever delete a conf file or want to reset it, just run another make install
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12:20.33EvanCarrollanyway shower time
12:20.39k00zevancarroll: very good points...
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12:21.10k00zevancaroll: and where would i read about the logic behind the filesystem?
12:21.27EvanCarrollsomeone ask dpkg the 3 letter analgy for the linux file system
12:21.29EvanCarrolli forgot it
12:21.31k00zevancaroll: is there something i should search for other than "linux filesystem?"
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12:21.43EvanCarrollyes someone should spam dpkg with it around now
12:21.48Dark-Schneiderhi !!
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12:22.04inc|freakyis there any debian 64-bit channel?
12:22.22bob2inc|freaky: do you mean "amd64"?
12:22.29inc|freakybob2: yea
12:22.33bob2I wish people would learn to distinguish "amd64" from "64-bit"
12:22.36bob2inc|freaky: #debian-amd64
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12:22.38dpkgextra, extra, read all about it, fhs is the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard and is at, or included in the debian-policy package
12:22.41inc|freakythx :D
12:22.43peetwhats a business card CD
12:22.47EvanCarrollthanks toad, appreciated.
12:23.00bob2peet: a very small install disk that gets everything off the network
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12:23.48peetok after i installed the netinstall cd and rebooted first time
12:23.49pureonei really love debian netinstall
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12:23.56peetit hangs when loading the usb.c
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12:24.03peeti have  usb hub with all the devices attached
12:24.30peetanyone know why?
12:25.33seppeet: unplug your usb devices see if you can boot then , if you can, then update and upgrade your debian to the newest available especialy your kernel-image then reboot and try again your usb stuff
12:26.08Ashtars_fanclubit seems iptables is giving me a headache, causing nautilus not to start, making totem start in 5 minutes and, making firefox crash for example when following some dl links for example
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12:26.57smlAshtars_fanclub: iptables will not cause firefox to crash. firefox aint that crap.
12:27.21k00zevancarroll: word. i got the doc - ill check that out later
12:27.32EvanCarrollI believe you Ashtars_fanclub, no faith in firefox =/
12:27.33Ashtars_fanclubsml: maybe it doesnt crash rather wating for response that doesnt come
12:28.08smlAshtars_fanclub: well check your iptable logs to see what its trying to do (and it being blocked) and if its harmless but a rule in to allow oit
12:28.11bob2Ashtars_fanclub: you didn't do something stupid like put firewall rules on localhost, did you?
12:28.12k00zrandom question: any theories on having konqueror and firefox crash after hitting the back button a bunch?
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12:28.31smlbob2: or iptables -P OUTPUT DROP lol
12:28.43EvanCarrollk00z: bad xmodmap
12:28.58bob2k00z: file a bug
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12:29.06bob2assuming your ram is ok
12:29.13EvanCarrollk00z: or keyboard module
12:29.39EvanCarrollk00z: or a problem specific to the way the two cache the history, there are 3 theories
12:29.49Ashtars_fanclub-A INPUT --in-interface lo --source -j ACCEPT
12:30.04bob2EvanCarroll: why would you think xmodmap?
12:30.11k00zevancarroll: it works if i wait for everything to load each time i hit the back button - not if i queue it i guess..
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12:30.55monohey bob2 - i have a perl question for you
12:31.00k00zit doesn't really matter though - ill be switching to deb here the moment i can find a blank cd (i know i have one hanging around somewhere)
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12:31.05monobob2,  what does - Premature end of script headers: /usr/lib/cgi-bin/openwebmail/ mean?
12:31.13bob2mono: that your script is broken
12:31.14monobob2, i could never find that out
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12:31.33monobob2, it is a brand new pkg that i downloaded.
12:31.37bob2mono: apache expects scripts to print some standard stuff before they start spitting out html or whatever
12:31.47bob2and that error means it didn't get it
12:31.51thesaboteurcould be permissions
12:32.21bob2thesaboteur: pretty sure that would give a different error
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12:32.35thesaboteurbob2: why?
12:32.39monobob2, ideas how to resovle this one?
12:32.45thesaboteurbob2: it's happened before.
12:32.50bob2mono: fix the script
12:32.57bob2mono: it may just be misconfigured
12:33.24thesaboteurpremature end of script errors is a very misleading error message the majority of the time it has nothing to do with what's in the script.
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12:33.33DocTrax__hi everybody
12:33.48bob2thesaboteur: it says "Premature end of script headers", which is exactly what happened
12:33.55bob2the headers the script emited were incomplete
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12:34.00DocTrax__my debian says that there is a file called missing
12:34.11DocTrax__i am using pppd 2.4.3
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12:34.33DocTrax__which package contais that
12:34.42quitteDocTrax__: what are you trying to do?
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12:34.45*** mode/#Debian [+o bob2] by ChanServ
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12:34.46*** mode/#Debian [-o bob2] by bob2
12:34.56DocTrax__i made a dist-upgrade
12:35.06thesaboteurk I still say its permissions
12:35.09AMD_how do i tell bind to ONLY use tcp when doing dns lookups?  i can't find an option for it.  Reason is because my isp has a fubared dns server that most times responds in +500ms when using UDP, when i tell dig to use +tcp it responds in 20ms all the time.
12:35.36bob2AMD_: I'm pretty sure that's not possible
12:36.00DocTrax__i tried to copy the from an older version of pppd but it failed
12:36.10AMD_bob2, gotta be a way...else why would dig have the option to use tcp only ?
12:36.14sevenoakcan i use the new cifs version 1.28 with POSIX support to get/set directory or file permission on shares from a w2k server?
12:36.19dpkgDebian Search of '' (1): (/usr/lib/pppd/2.4.0/, /usr/lib/pppd/2.4.1/, /usr/lib/pppd/2.4.2/ in net/pppdcapiplugin.
12:36.29bob2AMD_: doesn't dig include it's own resolver?
12:36.33quitteDocTrax__: of course it did. so you are using isdn for internet?
12:36.34*** join/#debian PRO1 (alex@
12:36.35bob2sevenoak: #samba or something
12:36.46DocTrax__i am using fritz dsl
12:36.48AMD_bob2: don't think so
12:37.01DocTrax__/usr/lib/pppd/2.4.3 exactly/
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12:37.14quitteDocTrax__: there - bob2 gave you the answer. install pppdcapiplugin
12:37.22bob2DocTrax__: so, install pppdcapiplugin
12:37.24monobob2, do you know what do i need to fix in that file (by any chance)?
12:37.38DocTrax__ok thx
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12:37.54sevenoakbob2, good to know, i will ask there...
12:37.55thesaboteurmono: what are the permissions on your .pl file?
12:38.41bob2mono: you need to fix the script
12:38.43bob2it's broken
12:38.47bob2maybe it's misconfigured
12:38.48bob2maybe it's buggy
12:38.57bob2look at your apache logs for a hint
12:39.09monothesaboteur, -rwsr-xr-x
12:39.18casper_Hi there.
12:39.21bob2setuid cgi script
12:39.34*** part/#debian chriz (
12:39.42thesaboteurmono change to 755
12:39.44StartBuckI seem to recall there being a package similar to "stow" that would instead create a deb of the installed files....does anyone know if such a package exists and what the name is?
12:39.44monobob2, this is what my apache log tells me - Premature end of script headers: /usr/lib/cgi-bin/openwebmail/
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12:39.57bob2StartBuck: checkinstall
12:40.21StartBuckbob2: thanks a lot
12:40.26casper_Can somebody soggest how to get and keep Sarge current with ability to update a number local machines?
12:40.37bob2casper_: dsh.
12:40.43*** join/#debian streuner1 (
12:40.52Kurniadywhat line should I add to the /etc/apt/sources.list to use the current official online debian packages?
12:40.55casper_bob2: ?
12:40.56monothesaboteur, still get the same error
12:41.02bob2casper_: apt-cache show dsh.
12:41.08bob2casper_: or phrase your question better.
12:41.16bob2ie be more specific.
12:41.58thesaboteurmono: who is the user/group of that .pl file?
12:42.18k00zso for the most minimal install i can get of debian imma supposed to download what and do which?
12:42.24lzsilvaI have a list of 100 users, but all the names are in uppercase. there is any way to just leave the firts letters os name and last name in uppercase ?
12:42.30lzsilvausing sed, ou awk...
12:42.44*** join/#debian _BIJ_ (
12:42.52thesaboteurlzsilva yes
12:43.08lzsilvaie: LINCOLN SILVA -> Lincoln Silva
12:43.13_BIJ_hi @ all
12:43.22_BIJ_how are you guys?
12:43.59casper_bob2: Sarge is being rebuild every week. I can d/l CD1 install it on 10 computers in LAN. Can I then put this CD in public directory and update it to the entire recent Sarge version? And then update my 10 Debians from shared dir? I mean how this could be done?
12:44.02lzsilvathesaboteur, how ?
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12:44.09monothesaboteur, root and root
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12:44.56thesaboteurmono: chown the file to webuser: webgroup, I don't know what they are you would have configured it at some point or you can find it in a config file.
12:45.09bob2casper_: sarge is updated daily, yes.  you can use the cd to seed apt-cacher, and then it will only download new packges as they appear.
12:45.16bob2thesaboteur: er, no
12:45.31bob2making cgi scripts owned by www-data is stupid
12:45.48thesaboteurbob2 he should leave them as owned by root?
12:45.48*** join/#debian chrisssssi (
12:46.08_BIJ_i've got a problem starting up my mysql database... it crashs sayin error 2002 ... can anybody pleas help me?
12:46.11casper_bob2: do I need to do this for every computer, or I can't update one and update others from it?
12:46.24*** join/#debian d0rt (ni@
12:46.24thesaboteurbob2: erm.. ok
12:46.51bob2_BIJ_: no
12:46.56bob2no one can help with such little information
12:47.15bob2casper_: you run apt-cacher on one central machine and configure all the others (in /etc/apt/sources.list) to use it as their apt source
12:47.26bob2if the package they ask for is downloaded, they get it right away
12:47.31bob2if not, they get it when it's downloaded
12:47.44Gathond_BIJ_: the mysql manual
12:47.52casper_bob2: Thanks
12:47.57_BIJ_bob2: i know but before i flood this chat with my problem i wanted to know if there's someone willing to help me :-)
12:48.04Gathond_BIJ_: one would assume they have a description of what error 2002 is
12:48.07*** join/#debian blijblijblij (
12:48.22Gathond actually
12:48.41_BIJ_my mysql database was running until i ve apt-get distupgraded my system...
12:48.56Gathond_BIJ_: well apparently that is no longer the case
12:49.02*** mode/#Debian [+l 815] by debhelper
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12:49.09Gathond_BIJ_: or at least whatever tries to connect cant
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12:49.19Kurniadyhow can I upgrade to a new kernel with apt-get? (i.e running 2.4.18 and looking to update it to 2.4.28)
12:49.34_BIJ_i get 2002 - Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/opt/lampp/var/mysql/mysql.sock' (2)
12:49.35Zrinin aptitude - why are all packages automatically markes as being held at current version?
12:49.39bob2Kurniady: on woody?
12:49.45bob2_BIJ_: you compiled it yourself? #mysql.
12:49.56qwertzTrying to get a connection to my firms exchange server using evolution with connector. but everytime I enter the password evolution locks up for ever not even redrawing it's screen - any suggestions?
12:50.01jimKurniady: you can build it yourself, or try to find out if there is a 2.4.28 packaged
12:50.02_BIJ_bob2: no i use lampp
12:50.15bob2_BIJ_: right, so you're not even using mysql from Debian
12:50.18bob2_BIJ_: #mysql
12:50.21bob2it's not a Debian problem
12:50.23Gathond_BIJ_: and that socket file exists? mysqld is running?
12:50.39Jaccoisn't there some kind of auto-detect I can use??
12:50.41_BIJ_no the socketfile is not created
12:50.53jimjacco: /msg apt sicco
12:51.01Gathond_BIJ_: then mysql is 1. not running 2. not having the socket file in that location
12:51.20*** join/#debian blue_ (derek@
12:51.20Gneameh.. this is so frustrating.. i can't seem to find the right POSTROUTING rule for iptables to make it do what i need it to do
12:51.20_BIJ_bob2: apparently the debian mysql database wont even startup with the same error message
12:51.20Jaccojim, what's that do?
12:51.22JaccoNothing happeneing here.
12:51.22blue_how do you see what version apt has
12:51.30Jaccothere it goes.
12:51.36_BIJ_Gathond: yes
12:51.44Gneablue_: apt-get --version
12:52.00Kurniadyjim : what should the packaged binary of the kernel package named?
12:52.02Jaccowhat is sicco?
12:52.23blue_Gnea: no what version of a certain file
12:52.28_BIJ_in the sql errorfile the following is written: 050228 10:23:08 mysqld started
12:52.28_BIJ_050228 10:23:08 [ERROR] Can't start server : Bind on unix socket: Permission denied
12:52.28_BIJ_050228 10:23:08 [ERROR] Do you already have another mysqld server running on socket: /opt/lampp/var/mysql/mysql.sock ?
12:52.28_BIJ_050228 10:23:08 [ERROR] Aborting
12:52.29_BIJ_050228 10:23:08 [Note] /opt/lampp/sbin/mysqld: Shutdown complete
12:52.29*** kick/#debian [_BIJ_!~debhelper@debhelper.user] by debhelper (flood: Consider using #flood)
12:52.39jimKurniady: kernel-image-2.4.28*
12:52.43Gneablue_: file or package?
12:52.47JaccoGnea: I don't know what it is!
12:52.50JaccoI'm new!
12:52.55idimmuwhy use lampp and not debian packages?
12:52.59Gneaapt-cache show <packagename>
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12:53.04Jaccooh, and btw last time I used apt-get to install alien it removed all my packages.
12:53.12jimJacco: ask the apt bot about sicco
12:53.16_BIJ_sorry i forgot not to flood
12:53.16bob2_BIJ_: er
12:53.23bob2_BIJ_: read the log message
12:53.24Kurniadyjim: okay, thanks :)
12:53.25Jacco<apt> Please ask sicco questions, questions that are Specific, Informative, Concise, Complete, and On-topic.  Ask me about research and cooperation in asking for help.
12:53.27jim_BIJ_: hah.
12:53.36JaccoI'm slow to day.
12:53.39Gneaso yeah
12:53.49Gathond_BIJ_: so it does not have permission to make that socket, fix that :)
12:53.49jimthat's being sicco
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12:54.08_BIJ_Gathond: how can i fix this?
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12:54.19JaccoI am running Debian (woody) on my virtual PC. It is choking on the video drivers. I'm using Connectix Virtual PC. What driver should I use?
12:54.27bob2Jacco: vesa
12:54.34_BIJ_i ll post the mysql errorlogfile into flood
12:54.38Jaccobob2: I already tried that.
12:54.38bob2Jacco: also, presumably MS gives you support in exchange for your cash
12:54.52Gneaguess i should follow that advice as well ;P  got this server i'm working on and it has multiple ip's to multiple routes - there's a default route but we don't want SMTP traffic to head out from it, rather we want it to head out of the destination ip that relates to the MX record
12:55.12Gneanow, obviously, getting the ip from the MX isn't a problem since we're also handling the DNS
12:55.13bob2Gnea: configure your MTA thusly
12:55.35Gneabob2: it's running exim4 and is only *listening* on those ip's, as well as localhost
12:55.42Gathond_BIJ_: you have pasted enough all ready, reasons that pop into mind: not having write access to the directory, not having access to enter the directory, not having access to make unix sockets (probably unlikely), perhaps others
12:56.01bob2Gnea: it doesn't take an option for which ip to use outgoing?
12:56.29GneaNAFAIK unless it's a new feature i hadn't read about
12:56.39*** part/#debian Le_Vert (
12:56.40bob2you can use iptables + iproute2 to do it
12:56.44bob2as a last resort
12:57.00_BIJ_Gathond: i've set the directory to 777 :-/
12:57.04JaccoIt died.
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12:57.26Jacco(EE) VESA(0): No matching modes
12:57.44Jacco(II) Unloading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/libvgahw.a
12:57.46streuner_well, got a bug in bittornado-gui, no bug-report yet?
12:57.47*** part/#debian meggs (
12:57.50Kurniadyjim: if I'm using Pentium 4, then I should take the i686 version of the kernel, right?
12:57.59Jacco(EE) Screen(s) found, but none have a usable configuration.
12:58.08JaccoThat didn't work.
12:58.09*** join/#debian pucko (
12:58.12bob2Jacco: /msg dpkg lazy x
12:58.16idimmuany ideas when php5 is going to be released as an official package?
12:58.19bob2Jacco: but really, you don't get support from MS?
12:58.23streuner_Jacco: what videocard do you have?
12:58.25idimmuor is 'when its less shit' a likely answer?
12:58.27bob2idimmu: search the debian-devel list archives
12:58.31Jaccobob2: Are you kidding?
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12:58.34bob2piotr posted his plans
12:58.39Gneabob2: well i would like to figure out how to do that as well - i've tried various routing mechanisms in conjunction with marks and have come up with nothing but /dev/null'd packets
12:58.40bob2Jacco: MS owns Connectix
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12:59.09_BIJ_Gathond: the error could really be that i have no rights to create sockets... but i've logged in as root... hmm
12:59.09Gnearather, emails that wind up just sitting there going nowhere
12:59.20bob2Gnea: hm, I don't know the specifics, but aiui setting marks using iptables and then iproute's policy routing wis the way to go
12:59.31Jaccobob2: I'm not even sure M$ supports this old version of vpc.
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12:59.41DocTraxit worked
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12:59.58Gneabob2: is there a document that explains this in great detail? i haven't been able to find one via google at all :/
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13:00.09bob2Gnea: if there was, it'd be on
13:00.20bob2Gnea: #lartc on has smart if quiet folks
13:00.38Gneasmart, but are they intelligent? ;)
13:01.30jarmois jetscreamer online?
13:01.33jarmoor nearby =D
13:01.38xkbloody great... I bought an athlon64 setup... but eventually realized my PSU from my 1999 box doesn't have the 12V lead for the CPU.
13:01.43Gnea!seen jetscreamer
13:01.44dpkgjetscreamer is currently on #debian (3h 3m 51s) #debian-bots (3h 3m 51s).  Has said a total of 29138 messages.  Is idling for 2h 20m 29s
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13:02.39Jaccoit appears to be installing well
13:02.41jarmodoes dcgui_qt anymore install with apt-get, I just couldn't get it working, says that package not available
13:02.44Jacco*knocks on shell*
13:02.50Gneakumnaa: with a hostname like that, that's just asking for it ;)
13:02.57JaccoThanks, bob2
13:03.13*** join/#debian rdancer (~jan@rdancer.user)
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13:03.39bob2package names never ever contained _ in them
13:03.40_BIJ_does anyone know how to set permissions to create sockets?
13:03.43yooHi all !
13:03.54bob2_BIJ_: dude
13:03.58jarmowell even if it ever dcgui-qt still not working
13:03.59bob2this is normal unix permission stuff
13:04.06rdancerin a fresh sarge install, /dev contains only few dozen entries; in particular, /dev/tty* are missing -- what's wrong?
13:04.11jarmoand couldn't find it with search
13:04.27jarmoso it doesn't exist anymore or?
13:04.38_BIJ_bob2 ok so what=!
13:04.41bob2or or or or !
13:04.41rdancer!tell jarmo about search
13:04.45bob2do my work for me!
13:04.58xkI miss t font from the slackware days :(
13:05.03JaccoIt exited out of the configurer.
13:05.09bob2dcgui-qt - graphical client for Direct Connect
13:05.13*** join/#debian directhex|work (
13:05.15bob2it's in Debian
13:05.21bob2if you can't get it, fix your apt setup
13:05.27xkwhich package contains console fonts that can be set by setfont?
13:05.54jarmoand how's that?
13:05.59Kurniadyis it a way to convert a reiserFS 3.6 filesystem to 4.* ?
13:06.00*** join/#debian bn` (
13:06.02_BIJ_hey bob2 i've never asked you to do my work! ok?!!
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13:06.16xkKurniady: no. other than backing up, formatting, and moving it back.
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13:06.25jarmohowto fix it =)
13:06.28Jacco(EE) No devices detected.
13:06.47*** part/#debian bob2 (rob@bob2.user)
13:07.04_BIJ_i just have no clue how to get mysql running after apt-get distupgrade messed it!
13:07.16JaccoDid he leave because of me?
13:07.19*** join/#debian baffle (
13:07.27jarmowell, maybe someone is too genious to help me newbie
13:07.49jarmohave to stop using then this..
13:07.55jarmobye then  \o
13:07.57*** part/#debian jarmo (
13:08.10_BIJ_bob2 seems to be very arrogant
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13:08.43xkt font! I want it back!
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13:08.57Kurniadyxk : which version of kernel does support ReiserFS 4?
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13:09.22PerfDave!seen PerfDave
13:09.23dpkgperfdave is currently on #debian.  Has said a total of 19082 messages.  Is idling for 0s
13:09.27quitteKurniady: none so far afaik. you have to patch a kernel yourself
13:09.27MarijnKurniady: is Reiser4 Stable ?
13:09.32xkKurniady: a recent 2.6.x kernel maybe
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13:10.17Kurniadyso.. 2.4.27 still use ReiserFS 3.6?
13:10.35*** join/#debian bob2 (rob@bob2.user)
13:10.45quitteKurniady: reiser3 and 4 are not compatible.
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13:11.00quitteKurniady: even 2.6.10 still supports reiser3
13:11.28Kurniadythen I'll stick with reiser3 :)
13:11.47xkwhere can I change the flush interval for block devices on 2.6.x?
13:11.52quittei will switch - as soon as a resize.reiser4 exists
13:11.58Kurniadyoh yes, which version of the kernel support bluetooth?
13:12.17*** join/#debian e2e (~e2e@
13:12.20quittesomewhere in 2.6. just use .10
13:12.26xk.11 is out
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13:12.58quittehehe i believe you.
13:13.00xklooks like timriker fixed it up.
13:13.01stewor just use 2.6.8-2
13:13.03*** part/#debian rdancer (~jan@rdancer.user)
13:13.05quittebut i do not use vanilla
13:13.09XeLoNHi guys, how can i see the installed programs on debian?
13:13.18xkXeLoN: dpkg --list
13:13.21e2eHi, after an upgrade i have a problem with one of my machines ssh daemon, i can't connect that machine, it gives Permission denied (publickey) error, i've google'd, but couldn't find any solution
13:13.27XeLoNxk : thanks
13:13.49nevyne2e: are you trying to ssh as root?
13:13.52e2eIt don't asks any pasword just gives Permission denied (publickey) error
13:14.17e2enevyn: It doesn't matter, i've tried both, as user and as root, both same
13:14.17xkare you using ssh1 client on an ssh2 only server?
13:14.26Gumbydoes anyone in here know much about Logical Volume Management?  I have one setup right now with two full disks and one partition on another.  I will be changing the OS of this pc.  Will I run into any issues anywhere with data loss on the LVM for any reason?
13:14.32XeLoNxk : well, is there any commands after "dpkg --list" to save the output in a file?
13:14.32stewe2e: try ssh -v and see it gives you any clues
13:14.33e2exk: ssh2 only
13:14.34*** join/#debian Nermal (
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13:14.48Nermalany idea what package I need to install to get /usr/share/dict/words ?
13:14.54xkXeLoN: standard unix knowledge.... "dpkg --list > blah.txt"
13:15.00tinkererplease people:
13:15.10XeLoNxk : thanks again. I'm a beginner :)
13:15.11stew!debug sshd
13:15.11dpkgTo debug sshd (server), run this as root on the server: "sshd -d -p 2222".  Then use "ssh -p 2222 username@servername" on the client.
13:15.11xkNermal: /msg dpkg find dict/words$
13:15.23tinkererhow can I search for file XYZ in packages to know which package
13:15.23Nermalxk, ah :)
13:15.23*** join/#debian Nige (~SmallN@
13:15.30tinkererhave file XYZ in it?
13:15.33tinkererwith apt
13:15.50xktinkerer: installed package or not?
13:15.58tinkererxk: not installed
13:16.15tinkererI want to know answer for question:
13:16.25tinkerer"which pkg to install if I want file XYZ?"
13:16.33xktinkerer: well... only way I know is with dpkg the bot on this channel... but I'm sure there is a debian system way
13:16.51xktinkerer: /msg dpkg find FILE
13:17.02stewNermal: apt-cache rdepends dictionaries-common, you need to pick a language from there, maybe wamerican-large
13:17.02*** part/#debian thesaboteur (~thesabote@
13:17.30quittetinkerer: apt-file
13:17.41*** join/#debian jarmo (
13:17.51tinkererquitte: ok, I will try to read man
13:18.06stewe2e: are you intending to use publickey or password?
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13:18.36quittetinkerer: no - don't try to read. Read. and try to understand.
13:19.03*** mode/#Debian [+l 821] by debhelper
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13:19.29e2estew: It's not important, since this box in LAN, i can use publickey or password, so any of them doesn't work, or i can't get it work
13:19.51tinkererquitte: you're right :)
13:20.45*** part/#debian Nige (~SmallN@
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13:22.30stewe2e: it seems that the servers ssh is not allowing password for some reason, you probably changed something in /etc/ssh/sshd_config, it also seems like you have a permissions problem, probably in ~/.ssh, the .ssh directory should be 700 and the files in there should be 600
13:22.43Nermalthanks stew
13:22.43*** join/#debian Ireul ([
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13:22.53Kurniadyis it generally a good idea to compile a kernel myself rather than using the available kernel-image?
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13:23.08bob2if you have to ask, don't bother
13:23.11*** join/#debian greycat (~wooledg@
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13:24.12d0rtunless of course you see it as an opportunity to learn something
13:24.27jarmobob2, how was that fix thingy to apt ?
13:24.29*** join/#debian dao (
13:24.32muephow do I renew a dhcp connection?
13:24.37tubor some device doesn't work with available kernel-image
13:24.37bob2jarmo: I don't know what that sentence means
13:24.43e2estew: I have set ~/.ssh permissions to 755 but it couldn't do any changes, and also /dev/tty's permissions... As i said, this happened after an upgrade, so sshd should be changed the conf file
13:25.00jarmoyou said "fix your apt" when I asked why can't I install with apt-get dcgui-qt
13:25.13greycatapt-get needs a verb after it.
13:25.20bob2yes, your apt config is broken
13:25.25bob2no, I can't fix it, since I can't see it
13:25.25quittejarmo no, he asked you to fix apts sources.list
13:25.34jarmoso how's that?
13:25.34bob2perhaps you forgot to paste it to #flood
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13:25.42greycatjarmo: man sources.list
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13:25.49jarmonot that smart..
13:25.54jarmocan be found from?
13:25.59greycatjarmo: man sources.list
13:26.06bob223:25:35           bob2 | perhaps you forgot to paste it to #flood
13:26.08jarmojust type that?
13:26.10Lonelyhello guys, can anyone running testing with php Version: 4:4.3.10-8 try this for me ?
13:26.17bob2that's as obvious as I get, sadly
13:26.26Lonelyecho "<a href=\"(\"\")\">\n";
13:26.39Lonelyi'm getting a wrong output and i'm afraid i'm hitting a bug
13:26.57bob2that url is broken, anyway
13:26.59*** join/#debian wrd (
13:27.09bob2href="("")" is stupid
13:27.14greycat<a href="("")">
13:27.19greycatwhat the hell is that supposed to do?
13:27.41xkgreycat: I got the athlon64 hardware... but I didn't realize I needed a new PSU with a 12V power cable for the CPU, heh.
13:27.41Lonelyi know it's stupid, but i'm getting <a href="(")>
13:27.53Lonelyi donno what's the problem
13:28.04greycatLonely: try #php or file a bug
13:28.19Lonelygreycat: no one there helped
13:28.23greycatxk: ugh.  sorry to hear that.
13:28.29greycat!they don't know
13:28.29dpkgJust because the morons in some OTHER channel don't know the answer to your non-Debian question does NOT give you the right to molest US with your problems.  Go try Google.
13:28.34Lonelyi don't think it's a bug since i'm the only one affected by the problem
13:28.45Lonelyi'll get mod php from unstable !
13:28.47xkthere's a factoid for everything.
13:28.49quitteLonely why is there no \ before (?
13:28.51bob2feel the love
13:29.00*** join/#debian DeLta (
13:29.02Lonelyquitte: it's not required!
13:29.08greycat!factstats author
13:29.11jarmoso what kinda url should I add and how.. sorry for beign such an asshole, but I really don't know..
13:29.20*** join/#debian msuonio (
13:29.23bob2jarmo: ffs
13:29.24greycatjarmo: just run apt-setup and then read the man pages if you need to modify it.
13:29.30bob2jarmo: paste it to #flood
13:29.35dpkgversion is probably Debian = Debian GNU/Linux 3.0r4 "Woody" | dpkg = blootbot
13:29.36Kurniadyother than BlueZ, is there any simpler bluetooth driver for linux?
13:29.51xkgreycat: I think an index on the author column would speed it up dramatically ;)
13:30.00Lonelyok thanks guys
13:30.01*** join/#debian sKaBoy (
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13:30.08bob2Kurniady: simpler in what sense?
13:30.11xkunless it went to /msg
13:30.14greycatxk: I don't even know whether it accepted that, or whether I misspelled it, or whether it's just broken
13:30.22greycatxk: it didn't reply to me at all
13:30.35sKaBoy!ops DeLta is spamming
13:30.39dpkgHydroxide, bob2, caphuso, dondelelcaro, doogie, eeyore-, ElectricElf, greycat, helix, ljlane, LoRez, mentor, Netsnipe, TML, walters, xk: DeLta is spamming
13:30.39*** part/#debian greycat (~wooledg@
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13:30.41jarmowell that was enough easy even for me to understand =)
13:30.41*** mode/#Debian [+o xk] by ChanServ
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13:30.58*** mode/#Debian [+b *!MarKus@*] by xk
13:30.58*** mode/#Debian [+b *!*] by greycat
13:30.58*** mode/#Debian [-o xk] by xk
13:30.58bob2that's interesting
13:31.18greycatxk: the ident/username responses are random.
13:31.25*** mode/#Debian [-b *!MarKus@*] by greycat
13:31.31*** mode/#Debian [-o greycat] by greycat
13:31.38Kurniadybob2 : i.e it don't require kernel re-building or kernel-upgrade, because I'm using it only for dialing a bluetooth modem
13:31.45bob2greycat: and that's a dynamic hostname
13:31.54greycatwe've been getting these spambots for at least half a year now.  they seem to be centered in Turkey.
13:32.03xkif they're spamming.. they're probably a zombie host anyway.
13:32.08directhex|workwe had complaints when all of turkey was +b
13:32.17bob2very few
13:32.20pureonegod damn zombies
13:32.26bob2less than the complaints about spambots we get now
13:32.49*** join/#debian da_bon_bon (~rohandhru@
13:32.59da_bon_bonis there any way to run visual studio 6 undr linux, with say, wine ?
13:33.04bob2da_bon_bon: bah
13:33.18greycatda_bon_bon: try it.  if it didn't work, then ask #winehq.
13:33.29pureonewhy would you want to do that bon bon?
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13:33.40greycatbob2: they do it to me in #bash/#debian too.
13:33.45da_bon_bonbob2: u r here too :)
13:33.58jimda_bon_bon: why bother? there are better compilers in linux anyway
13:34.14bob2greycat: I believe that's reason #433423 to use zsh ;-)
13:34.20greycatoh, "visual studio" is a compiler?  sheesh.
13:34.22Gneaoo! oo! eye yam nawt hunting wabbits today!
13:34.31Gneaeye yam hunting twolls!
13:34.32bob2it's an IDE with a compiler
13:34.39bob2since everything on windows has to be monolithic
13:34.40da_bon_bonjim: our stupid school uses visual basicc
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13:34.48greycatbob2: probably for an object oriented language, right?  *shudder*
13:34.52pureoneeven if you managed to get it to work in linux it would compile win32 exec files....
13:34.55greycatOO is a fucking disease.
13:35.00*** part/#debian RichiH (richih@richih.staff.freenode)
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13:35.10bob2greycat: hah, it is now
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13:35.17jimda_bon_bon: ask them what's so visual about it... and what's so basic about it...
13:35.19bob2for years VB was "I-can't-believe-it's-not-OOP"
13:35.25Gneada_bon_bon: have you installed wine?
13:35.29xksit on this object and orientate yourself sideways
13:35.32bob2da_bon_bon: just dual boot, or try qemu with windows inside
13:35.43bob2well-deployed OOP can work well
13:35.55bob2but not "OMG LETS MAKE THIS DERIVE FROM YO MOMMAM" crap
13:36.12da_bon_bonbob2: i will try vmware
13:36.15bob2I think the trick is to make people read the Patterns book first
13:36.17Gneabut we're so GOOD at reinventing the wheel
13:36.24bob2then they can't do so much damaga
13:36.34Gneai wouldn't be so sure about that
13:36.40Gneadamage is relative
13:36.50jimOMG YO MOMMAM ISN"T A GOOD DERIVER... she got a speeding ticket...
13:37.04bob2well, they'll either snap out of it and become useful, or spend so long finding the right pattern to use that they don't write any code
13:37.28Gneajim: a ticket is one thing, getting her license taken away is completely different :)
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13:37.59Gneabob2: that is a fair assessment
13:38.09jimGnea: yeah, then no one has to worry about her deriving anymiore
13:38.31Gneajim: unless she decides to get drunk or cracked out and steal someone's keys
13:38.37*** join/#debian FaithX (
13:38.39bob2but python made me into an OO-hippie :/
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13:38.46WageSlavelaff I'm investigating the proxy attempts on my apache installation... and it ends up leading back to the proxy scan from this irc server.
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13:39.40ircdevilis png compression "lossy" ?
13:39.44GneaWageSlave: sounds like you've got the situation contained. nice
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13:39.54jimWageSlave: how do you mean?
13:39.56RichiHWageSlave: our proxyscanners rdns to proxyscanner.freenode or something
13:40.02bob2ircdevil: no
13:40.07xkpng is lossless
13:40.13WageSlaveYea I just had the IP in my logwatch reports.
13:40.21WageSlaveI don't reverse the logs.
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13:40.36WageSlaveI just thought it was funny.
13:40.56WageSlaveI use mod proxy on my apache, so I was worried I hadn't locked it up right.
13:41.09*** join/#debian Lonely (~strcat@
13:41.10jimoic... so you discoveed that attempts to use an open proxy on your box came from freenode
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13:41.22Lonelyit's a firefox bug
13:41.23Gneabob2: this is amusing. they finally updated the version number from 0.16.999.001 to 0.16.999.002
13:41.26*** part/#debian silium (
13:41.35Lonelykonqueror and wget are getting it correct
13:41.38WageSlavepretty obvious is you whois
13:41.47Gneafreshly compiled
13:41.52Gneaand running like a champ
13:41.59inc|freakyhi all. im trying to install debian-amd64 ... but whichever mirror i use (selected from the menu after selecting ftp as medium (netinstall)) it tells me it cant find the directories and files it is looking for. i even tried editing sources.list by hand and insterted sarge main contrib non-free but it doesnt work - always the same error that it cant find the
13:42.02inc|freakydirectories and files :\
13:42.11Gneainc|freaky: #debian-amd64
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13:42.18RichiHWageSlave: ah, so they are running on jonas' boxen
13:42.20jarmowhy's this : "changing the attributes of files is not supported with protocol devices" haven't got enough permissions or?
13:42.41*** join/#debian jarping (
13:42.47xkinc|freaky: I'll be messing around with that tomorrow, once I get my PSU with the 12V cable, heh.
13:42.59inc|freakyxk: heh ;)
13:43.35*** join/#debian Nijan (
13:43.50inc|freakyi got another question: when i installed another grub from another debian install (one 32-bit (Default, first installed) then 64-bit ... how can i use the configuration of the 32-bit version? ... well, i just want to change the order of the items appearing in the menu ... 32 should be default, not 64
13:44.31xkinc|freaky: that's something I'd like to know about... grub.
13:44.44Gneainc|freaky: that'd be the /boot/grub/menu.lst file and just read it, it's self-explanatory
13:44.55inc|freakyGnea: k, thx ;D
13:44.58xkis there only one grub installed, irrelevent if it's 32 or 64 bit?
13:45.09*** join/#debian decibel (~a@
13:45.12inc|freakyi dont know which configuration file its reading
13:45.32xkinc|freaky: change one config... reboot, see if it changed or not.
13:45.38*** join/#debian davinci` (
13:45.50Gneainc|freaky: it's always going to read /boot/grub/menu.lst
13:45.58RichiHinc|freaky: i have a hunch your sources.list is broken or it is referring to a different repo. the should work
13:46.08*** join/#debian aphisone (
13:46.25GneaRichiH: that's why i directed him to the proper channel.
13:46.25RichiHinc|freaky: oh wait, did you do or ?
13:46.30inc|freakyRichiH: there is nothing broken and some other guy from #debian-amd64 said he was running into the same problem with another guy yesterday and they didnt get it to work
13:46.39inc|freakywithout the trainling /
13:46.48xkinc|freaky: so what's the deal with grub... will a 32bit one work irrelevent if it's 32/64 bit?
13:46.51RichiHinc|freaky: that would by why, then
13:47.02inc|freakyRichiH: what do you mean?
13:47.10RichiHGnea: well, there is no rule against helping him in here ;)
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13:47.18inc|freakyGnea: umm, in that file is no entry for the 64-bit version?
13:47.19RichiHinc|freaky: try with a trailing slash
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13:47.46Gneainc|freaky: if there isn't then create one - all you're doing is telling it what kernel to boot
13:47.48inc|freakyRichiH: did that allready - it doesnt work ... its looking for some files in binary-amd64 and some other leading directories in front of it
13:48.13inc|freakyGnea: but the 64-bit version is displayed - i think grub is currently using the config file from the 64-bit version
13:48.17SnowdogAnybody here ever get one of those Compact Flash IDE devices to work?
13:48.41SnowdogI've got a colleague who is trying to set up a firewall, but its complaining about hard drive geometry.
13:48.44aphisoneI'm trying out Screem to edit websites, there is a feature using CVS to manage site update... but I don't know how to use CVS... it's asking for CVS Root... what data is it asking for?
13:49.19WageSlaveI've gotten several usb card readers to work... never seen an ide one.
13:49.23simonrvnman if i could take a BFG 9000 to every zombified host out there....
13:49.23inc|freakyGnea: the 32-bit sarge is under "other operating systems"
13:49.38*** join/#debian bc_ (
13:49.39Gneainc|freaky: have you heard of vim?
13:49.50*** part/#debian Lonely (~strcat@
13:49.59RichiHinc|freaky: paste your sources.list to #flood
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13:50.09*** join/#debian Marciano (~litoralne@
13:50.14xkWageSlave: compactflash is basically an ide interface, heh.
13:50.37Chestguys, I have a certance ide-tape drive installed that I *thought* was using /dev/st0, but it isnt.  Is there anyway to find out to which device in /dev it's attached too?
13:50.38Gneaxk: funny, it's scsi here
13:50.45aphisonedose anyone know anything about CVS
13:50.51Marcianodebian in spanish ???
13:50.54xkGnea: I meant the physical socket.
13:51.01Gneaxk: oh, that'd be usb
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13:51.13arthuron a mix of testing-unstable with additional source, when i do a dist-upgrade apt says a large number of paquets should be removed, does anyone know how to find the problematic package?
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13:51.20xkno... the compactflash card itself... has an ide interface plug
13:51.26xkjust a different size.
13:51.44xkand integrated power.... like a laptop hd.
13:51.45Marcianodebian in spanish ???
13:51.55GneaMarciano: #debian-es
13:51.55jm_Chest: IDE tape devices are /dev/ht*
13:52.01dpkgHispanohablantes: Por favor usen #debian-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.  Spanish Speakers: Please use #debian-es, there you will get much more help.
13:52.06jm_Chest: and obviously nht*
13:52.06inc|freakyRichiH: i have only a deb and a deb-src added by hand, the entry im using is deb sarge main contrib non-free <-- and deb-src ... umm, im using the netinstall.iso it just cant find the directories on the mirros when you use netinstall, it asks you for a method to use - ftp/http etc. when i select ftp it shows me a list of mirrors i select my country and it
13:52.14*** part/#debian Marciano (~litoralne@
13:52.15WageSlaveI would guess thats why you have to mount them, but when someone sez IDE I think of how it connects to the machine.
13:52.16Chestjm:so it should be /dev/ht0?
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13:52.28jm_Chest: I wouldn't know, check dmesg, or /proc/devices
13:52.28inc|freakyshows me the mirrors ... no matter which i select, it says that the files arent on the mirrors
13:52.33greycatChest: dmesg | grep ht
13:52.39inc|freakyi tried using the above one then
13:52.47inc|freakyand it doesnt work either because it cant find the files
13:52.49minimecHi folks. I have a problem with my modem connection. I can connecct to my provider but I have no data transfer. It seems to be a problem with the default route.
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13:52.53inc|freakyor even the directories
13:53.01GneaWageSlave: yeah, the lines can get blurry at times
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13:53.40XeLoNwhich way is best? installing kernel by compiling from source? or by apt-get install?
13:53.51GneaXeLoN: define 'best'
13:54.04*** part/#debian arthur (
13:54.14Chestgreycat: ide-tape: hdd <-> ht0: Seagate STT3401A rev 310A
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13:54.21greycatwell there ya go then.
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13:54.21XeLoNGnea : I dont know :) . what should I do?
13:54.29WageSlaveif you have to ask that XeLoN you should prolly stick with apt-get install
13:54.35GneaXeLoN: have you ever configured & compiled a kernel before?
13:54.39greycatXeLoN: run sarge and use a Debian kernel.
13:54.46XeLoNGnea : yes
13:54.59GneaXeLoN: then i would recommend the compilation method then
13:54.59*** join/#debian sa_ (
13:55.02inc|freakyRichiH: do you know what i mean?
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13:55.12sa_are there any alternatives to ntop for displaying traffic graphs by protocols? mail, web etc
13:55.22minimecdon`t you have a hint for me?
13:55.28Gneai forgot about ntop
13:55.40RichiHinc|freaky: yes. and i still would want to look at your sources.kist myself
13:55.42sa_Gnea, what instead?
13:55.43WageSlaveOne of my favorite things about switching to debian, is that I've found I nearly never *have* to compile a kernel.
13:55.44simonrvni also wish linux had a null interface...
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13:56.05inc|freakyRichiH: im currently in the 32-bit version and i told you above what i have in there :\
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13:56.19Chestgreycat: actually, there is no /dev/ht0 device
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13:56.26Chestgreycat: not according to ls
13:56.29Gneasa_: well ntop would probably be the best one, but there's also mrtg, webalizer and iog
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13:56.45greycatChest: then you get to read devices.txt in the kernel tree, or the MAKEDEV script, and figure out how to make it.
13:57.10sa_Gnea, unfortunately, we need a solution without hard manual configuration
13:57.15XeLoNGnea : thanks, but what is the advantage of compiling rather than installing? I'm a curious guy :)
13:57.22sa_so mrtg is not an answer
13:57.34greycatXeLoN: you get to apply patches of your choice, or make the kernel less huge.
13:57.36greycatXeLoN: that's about it.
13:57.38sa_i'll find iog, thank
13:57.41pureonesa_ have you used darkstat ?
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13:58.01XeLoNgreycat : got that, thanks again guys :)
13:58.06sa_pureone, no. thank also, will try.
13:58.12simonrvn37 char    IDE tape; 0 = /dev/ht0          First IDE tape
13:58.24simonrvnhint ^^
13:58.30*** join/#debian Chronoz` (
13:58.31greycator you get to have simonrvn read devices.txt for you.
13:58.39GneaXeLoN: tighter codebase taylored for a specific machine to run more efficiently and a better understanding of what various kernel versions do and don't support
13:58.43Chronoz`how do I stop/start a pppoe connection?
13:58.53greycatChronoz`: pon, poff
13:59.03inc|freakyRichiH: btw, im at the very beginning of the netinstall ... oO
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13:59.35inc|freakyafter rebooting
13:59.55aphisonedose anyone know anything about CVS?
13:59.56Gneapureone: does darkstat output html?
13:59.58aphisoneI'm trying out Screem to edit websites, there is a feature using CVS to manage site update... but I don't know how to use CVS... it's asking for CVS Root... what data is it asking for?
14:00.01XeLoNGnea : well, is 2.4.27 good for PII-300MHz? I think it is good, I'm not asking ok thanks :D
14:00.09dpkgit has been said that cvs is the Concurrent Versions System -- an RCS extension.  ; see(cvs-buildpackage ; cvs-pcl ; cvsweb) or a giant pharmacy corporation or developed at, or has a faq at, or good documentation can be found at
14:00.10anhiinc|freaky: you are following me, right? ;)
14:00.23inc|freakyanhi: umm, sorry no?
14:00.28*** part/#debian arthur_l (
14:00.39GneaXeLoN: you're telling me you're not asking by asking? get the fuck out :)
14:00.41inc|freakyi didnt see you talking, anhi
14:01.06GneaXeLoN: lol, 2.4.27 will do fine
14:01.06inc|freakylol, or what do you mean? ;p
14:01.13anhiinc|freaky:  everywhere i turn i see you, spooky ;)
14:01.23XeLoNGnea : thanks again and again :)
14:01.40Gneaanhi: you're not alone, this dude's all over the place ;)
14:01.56pureoneGnea yes it does
14:02.03Gneapureone: sweet!
14:02.14pureonewhen its active just point your browser at http://localhost:666
14:02.24pureoneand you will get current updates of stats
14:02.33inc|freakyanhi: lol, its probably always here ;)
14:02.41pureoneetherape is ok as well but it doesnt save stats sadly
14:02.56anhiGnea: do you know discworld? there are millions of ppl on this world, but only a few real characters, so it's really a shocking experience whenever two or more of them meet ;)
14:03.01*** part/#debian FieldySnuts (~nikki@fieldysnuts.user)
14:03.07Gneaetherape rocks for seeing what's going on in real-time
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14:03.34Gneaanhi: no, but i am familiar with various virtual communities and reality :)
14:03.43pureoneapt-cache search sniffer
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14:06.01inc|freakybrb, rebooting into the 64-bit version ;D
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14:07.43brynjarhHey I'm wondering how mailing lists work, like if you look at this message --> , if I want to reply directly to that message and make it show up on the mailing list as a reply to this message should I send an email to the message id or something? Cause if I only send a reply to the mailing list with the subject and a Re: it will look like a reply to the first message, if you know what I
14:08.01greycatbrynjarh: you want to use the In-Reply-To: header.
14:08.11greycatbrynjarh: with the Message-ID from the original message
14:08.23k00zthis might sound kind of dumb, but ive never burned a cd using linux, and i want to burn a debian mini-cd to switch from slack, but im in slack right now... how would i go about burning the iso?
14:08.46greycatk00z: cdrecord dev=X,Y,Z image.iso
14:08.50Gneak00z: got cdrecord installed?
14:08.54*** join/#debian Ulti (
14:08.55greycatpossibly with driveropts=burnfree
14:10.00Ultican anyone help me, i'm getting this error "checking for termcap functions library... configure: error: No curses/termcap library found" when i trying to install mqsql
14:10.10dpkgIf you're getting "curses.h: No such file or directory", apt-get install libncurses5-dev
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14:10.32Ultigreycat: thanx alot
14:10.39k00zgnea: i do... but which dev letter do i use?
14:11.02k00zgnea: or what can i do to find out*
14:11.06greycatk00z: depends on whether you're using ide-cd or ide-scsi.
14:11.21greycat(or an literal SCSI burner, which is rare)
14:11.42*** join/#debian zamolxes (~zamolxes@
14:11.50k00zits just a regular pos 48x ide drive... not scsi
14:12.06mwilsonUlti: Why are you building that yourself?
14:12.16Kurniadywhat cause
14:12.30Kurniadywhat cause "unresolved symbol" when doing "insmod" ?
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14:13.00dpkgSorry, that command doesn't exist.  Surely you meant "modprobe"?, or modprobe also loads dependencies, insmod only loads what you tell it to load.  NEVER attempt to use insmod under 2.6.  Use modprobe.  Did we mention "modprobe" yet?
14:13.00asgKurniady: what are you doing to get such a result?
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14:13.28greycatasg: using "insmod", apparently.  Cthulhu only knows why.
14:13.50brynjarhgreycat, I'm not sure I understand, I have To: Cc: Bcc: and Subject: to fill in, where should I put the In-Reply-To? Which I think is "1109825494.15870.21.camel@localhost.localdomain"..
14:13.53asggreycat: or a kernel update w/o a reboot
14:14.11greycatbrynjarh: time to read some RFCs.
14:14.55sdogineed an opinion, is there any point of giving spindown delay to first hdd.. i mean is it bad if it goes to sleep and comes back again constantly
14:15.00stewbrynjarh: In-Reply-To: can go anywhere in the header of the message
14:15.11Kurniadyasg : I compiled an openBT driver and load it with insmod (my kernel was 2.4.18-bf.2.4). it was stated that the .o file was for 2.4.18 (without bf2.4) and when I do the insmod (-f), it gives me "unresolved symbol"
14:15.14sdogican it damage something? so it's better to keep it running all the time
14:15.15k00zgreycat: i have a dvd drive as well, but neither are scsi...
14:15.21xksdogi: probably kill it prematurely.
14:15.22asgKurniady: then see what greycat said above
14:15.28greycatk00z: so it's either ide-cd or ide-scsi.
14:15.30asgKurniady: and install a proper kernel
14:15.32aphisonedose anyone know anything about CVS?
14:15.34sdogixk: wha?
14:15.49greycataphisone: no.
14:15.54nevynaphisone: other than it shouldn't be used for new projects :)
14:15.58asgaphisone: I buy cigs there
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14:16.02xksdogi: depends what you mean by constantly... if it's every 5 minutes... sure... if it's like few times a day... it's not a problem.
14:16.02k00zgreycat: cdrecord dev=ide-cd image.iso?
14:16.14greycatFUCKING christ.
14:16.17aphisoneasg: good.. thankx.. :)
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14:16.19xksdogi: I've done both on an 8 year old harddrive... and it's still running to this day.
14:16.26stewk00z: you better reread the cdrecord manpage
14:16.26asgaphisone: try #cvs
14:16.31greycat!wikifaq UseCdBurner k00z
14:16.32dpkgUseCdBurner: check out or if that doesn't work, try
14:16.38k00zalright... sorry
14:16.41greycat!wikifaq k00z UseCdBurner
14:16.42dpkgk00z: check out or if that doesn't work, try
14:16.47sdogixk: it's like 5 minutes yeah, it sleeps 5 minutes and then wakes, actually i'm not that kind a powersaver but was just wondering
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14:17.06xksdogi: laptop or desktop?
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14:17.18sdogixk: it would be cool though to make all hdd's sleep, though i guess it's a bit impossible
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14:17.21sdogixk: desktop
14:17.38RoundQubehello all
14:17.45brynjarhstew, okay I don't want to get this wrong, so when you say In-Reply-To what are you talking about? Like if we look at this message --> , what information am I looking for? And when I have the information I should put it in the header? Like in the actual message?
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14:17.54sdogixk: it's actually pretty old box too, just for testing stuff, like lpt programming
14:17.58xksdogi: hrm... there was some laptop-mode patch integrated into 2.6.x... but I haven't read into it.
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14:18.21jonbguddoes anyone have any suggestions for installing debian on a sata hard drive?
14:18.25xkthat makes a better attempt at not waking up a sleeping hd.
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14:18.43sdogixk: writing stuff to ram i guess
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14:19.03greycatjonbgud: try sarge.  if it doesn't work, Google.
14:19.07stewbrynjarh: if you were going to reply to that message you would add a header: In-reply-to: <1109825494.15870.21.camel@localhost.localdomain> ; <-- that is the message-id you are replying to
14:19.10xksdogi: that always happens ;) it's a matter of when to flush it to disk.
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14:19.11jonbguddone that
14:19.26Chestgreycat: apparently if I remove ide-tape and insert ide-scsi, it creates a devices at /dev/st0 for the tape drive.  it works now.
14:19.31jonbgudthe debian installer doesnt recognize a sata hard drive
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14:19.35sdogixk: yeah actually i mean that
14:19.48sdogixk: i guess it's matter of setting flush cycle delay longer
14:19.55stewjonbgud: #debian-boot
14:20.06greycatjonbgud: no.  you mean "it doesn't recognize MY sata controller".
14:20.14jonbgudyes thats what i mean
14:20.19greycatjonbgud: but of course you couldn't be BOTHERED to tell us WHICH controller it is.
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14:20.22greycatOh, no.
14:20.26greycatThat would require intelligence.
14:20.42sdogixk: so it would wake only let's say 30 minutes or something, it would be cool to make it "space dependable" so it would like check how much is written to ram and if it's enough it would write it on hdd, this way it could maby even delay hours :)
14:20.43greycatIt's probably one of these fucking "software RAID" things.
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14:21.05jonbgudgreycat maybe you should get laid for once, then you wouldnt be so stressed out
14:21.22greycatmaybe you should read a book once, then you wouldn't be so ignorant
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14:21.37greycat!smart questions
14:21.37dpkgwell, smart questions is Go here to find out how to ask intelligent questions: - Be sure to look at the section - This FAQ has information to help many users solve their own problem more effectively and to help users interact more effectively with computer ...
14:21.37xksdogi: yeah... i'll have to find out for myself... but it doesn't actually bother me... the extra drives I have partitions that I use for data (media files) only.
14:21.39jonbgudalmost a nice comeback
14:21.44brynjarhstew, Okay, I understand that now, but I don't get what you mean by "header:", the application I'm using (gmail) only has To: Cc: Bcc: Subject: and then a message box.
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14:21.50greycat!lose brynjarh
14:21.51dpkgbrynjarh: You Lose.
14:21.59xkneed a <REPLY> on smart questions?
14:22.07greycatxk: looks like it.
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14:22.18greycatdpkg, smart questions =~ s/Go/<reply>Go/
14:22.19dpkgOK, greycat
14:22.24sdogixk: just thinking if it's possible to build ultimate powersaving server :)
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14:22.31sdogixk: when it's not being used ofcourse
14:22.42petemcwhile you're at it, the tar factoid has an error
14:23.02sdogiextra drivers are poweroff 'd anyway when they aren't being used actively
14:23.16stewbrynjarh: sounds like you need to hope that hitting reply in gmail will do the right thing and don't worry about it, or use a better mailer, normally you shouldn't have to worry about this sort of thing, your mua should take care of it for you
14:23.19ea8946if I need to compile a patched kernel with a module not in the stock kernel, do I have to give any special directions to make-kpkg?
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14:23.49stewea8946: have you looked at module-assistant?
14:23.57sdogigotta run
14:24.02ea8946stew, no, is it a package?
14:24.26pureone :)
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14:25.06notJOnAShow do I list all packages installed without getting the packagenames truncated?
14:25.11ea8946stew, I see, but does that mean that make-kpkg is not suffient?
14:25.16notJOnASdpkg -l truncates long names
14:25.17dpkgii  truncates long names                 1.1-11.1           notjonas's private porn collection
14:25.20rpetreCOLUMNS=200 dpkg -l
14:25.34stewea8946: no, it means its probably unnecessary
14:25.35xkwhat about with tcsh?
14:25.48rpetresau dpkg --get-selections (or smth like that)
14:25.54notJOnASrpetre: thanks
14:26.09ea8946stew, okay thanks a lot, i'll take a look at module-assistant
14:26.29greycatxk: env COLUMNS=200 dpkg -l
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14:28.21xktcsh still despised? ;)
14:28.40omniworkanyone know of / have a script that makes rm less 'permanent' by moving files into a .Trash, or renaming them to something hidden like .#filename automatically?
14:28.41xkit's the only shell that doesn't stuff up with xterm + ansi colors.
14:29.31greycatomniwork: DO NOT alter the semantics of the "rm" command.  If you want to make a function "del" to do "mv blah blah", fine.  But NEVER change rm.
14:29.44omniworkgreycat: yes, i just plan on aliasing it
14:29.55ea8946stew, ah, it's not available in woody
14:30.14greycatan alias can't do it.  use a function or a script.
14:30.18stewea8946: ahh, ok in that case reread the make-kpkg manpage and look for modules
14:30.23asterix_deHallo , does someone have debian 3.1 on a amd64 runing
14:30.44omniworkgreycat: huh? why
14:30.45greycat!anyone use
14:30.46dpkgNo, no one uses it, not even the people who use it.
14:30.57omniworkgreycat: i meant i'm making another separate script, and aliasing rm to that scrit
14:30.58greycatomniwork: it will become obvious as soon as you try.
14:31.14greycatomniwork: DO. NOT. CHANGE. HOW.  rm.  WORKS!
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14:31.23sdlnxgk|wrkok it's that time again gotta crunch before I get off in 30 mins see ya when I get home...l8r
14:31.25sysdef!anyone use sarge on amd64
14:31.29greycatomniwork: MAKE IT CALLED **ANYTHING** OTHER THAN "rm"!
14:31.32xkasterix_de: that's my plan for tomorrow ;)
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14:31.41ea8946stew, okay, thanks!
14:31.42callipygouswell twm in 'testing' is as dead as a doorstop
14:31.48stewasterix_de: /msg dpkg amd64
14:31.52greycatgods, why do I even bother?
14:31.53omniworki won't trust me heh
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14:32.00FieldySnutsalso don't make files named "-rf /"
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14:32.04FieldySnutsgreycat: :(
14:32.06greycathe's obviously dead set on breaking something dramatically, and I can't prevent him.
14:32.08asterix_dexk: so i have to install the i386 version or
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14:33.49omniworkgreycat: for the 4th time i'm not renaming or moving rm
14:33.55omniworki'm aliasing it for a user account
14:34.01omniworkany automated scripts will be unaffected
14:34.21xkasterix_de: no idea... I'll find out tomorrow
14:35.12bender-RW-public plonk is sooo 90s ;)
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14:35.24Cokewhat's a "plonk"?
14:35.35dpkgextra, extra, read all about it, plonk is the sound that a name makes when hitting the ignore list or killfile
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14:36.21Cokeoh. what name made the plonk sound this time?
14:36.58greycatbender-RW-: sorry.  I "grew up" on the internet in the 90s, when september used to be merely one month long.
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14:38.03bender-RW-greycat: all i know is that it is discouraged on todays usenet
14:38.27bender-RW-greycat: as in 'don't feed the trolls'
14:38.30greycatbender-RW-: I gave up on usenet a few years ago.
14:38.34abrotmanwhy is immortalsinger /msg'ing me ?
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14:38.57bender-RW-greycat: there are still a _very few_ groups worth reading
14:39.07abrotmangreycat: it wasn't on join .. he just did it after he joined
14:39.13abrotmangreycat: and all he said was "hi"
14:39.17zamolxesabrotman: probably the same reason he /msged me
14:39.18greycatabrotman: dunno, then.
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14:46.38inc|freakyhow do i reinstall grub? i know it works with grub-install, but i dont know which dev i should put it on ...
14:46.46inc|freakyi got a sata drive
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14:46.59inc|freakywhats the dev for the first partition then?
14:47.10inc|freakyas i didnt install to mbr before
14:47.15inc|freakyno, hda is ide
14:47.31jarmofor me it's hde1
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14:48.06Kvantinc|freaky, /dev/sda ?
14:48.30jarmooh, it was sata =)
14:48.34jarmothen dunno
14:49.00stewinc|freaky: dmesg should tell you which dev
14:49.02*** mode/#Debian [+l 839] by debhelper
14:49.06greycatit will be either hda1 or sda1
14:49.10inc|freakythx ;D
14:49.11abrotmanor fstab ? ... where / is mounted ?
14:49.18abrotmani guess not ..
14:49.21stewinc|freaky: and generally you want to install grub on the mbr, not the first partition
14:49.43inc|freakystew: i did grub-install /dev/sda
14:49.56abrotmanso does it work?
14:50.03inc|freakydidnt reboot yet but it reported no errors
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14:51.01WiFiTuxI don't get it why my java isn't working... I already installed jr2 and jre2 1.5.0 and limewire works, but I can't get a browser to use Java...
14:52.14xkjava is so portable between versions.
14:52.15WiFiTuxsomeone? :)
14:52.30WiFiTuxxk, what? I even had 1.4.1 before
14:52.46xksun suffering the same problems as with tcl, heh.
14:52.49stewWiFiTux: make a symlink in the browsers plugin directory that points to the plugin supplied by the jre
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14:53.05WiFiTuxstew, :| how is that?
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14:53.28WiFiTuxstew, I don't even know where java was installed with make-jpkg
14:53.28stewWiFiTux: fine thanks
14:53.43WiFiTuxstew, hehe, really.
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14:53.49stewWiFiTux: read the apt howto
14:53.51stewWiFiTux: man dpkg
14:54.03WiFiTuxstew, come on..
14:54.26jetscreamershit stew when do you sleep.. and/or not be on irc
14:54.48k00zis there a command that i can list what cd drives that i have on my computer?
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14:55.20k00z(i tried to search for the command myself but i dont really know where to look/what to search for)
14:55.23CokeWiFiTux: that is the beauty of LSB, everything is installed according to a specification
14:55.24stewWiFiTux: cmon you've been hanging around this channel long enough that you should know about the -L option to dpkg
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14:55.42CokeWiFiTux: not LSB, but the filesystem standard
14:55.59stewjetscreamer: :)  can you tell my most recent project at work has been boring
14:56.27WiFiTuxstew, I just don't know what I'm looking for...
14:56.31WiFiTuxhold on
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14:56.54jetscreamercat /roc/devices wil give yo something
14:56.59Cokek00z: dmesg | grep CD
14:57.01jetscreamererrr /proc
14:57.02veruusWiFiTux: copy or link the java plugin to your browser's plugin directory
14:57.05greycat!faq WiFiTux
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14:57.17greycat!wikifaq veruus InstallJava
14:57.18dpkgveruus: check out or if that doesn't work, try
14:57.30Cokejetscreamer: no, that just gives him ide as devices.
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14:57.50k00zcoke: that doesn't do anything?
14:57.52jetscreameryes but it's somehting... :/
14:58.03veruus!donuts veruus
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14:58.29Cokek00z: sure it does. it lists all kernel output since last boot, including any loaded CD-ROM drivers and what device they have.
14:58.43Cokek00z: devices in POSIX systems are not the same as hardware devices.
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14:59.20abrotmanare you joking?
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14:59.23k00zcoke: i just get another bash prompt... im using slack right now (trying to burn a mini-cd) does that make a difference?
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14:59.33Cokek00z: no
14:59.34abrotmangreycat: can you kill him? or let him speak?
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14:59.41Cokek00z: dmesg | grep ATAPI
14:59.50*** mode/#Debian [+o greycat] by ChanServ
14:59.58*** mode/#Debian [+b *!*] by greycat
15:00.01abrotmannot that i know why he was banned
15:00.02jetscreameryay grey
15:00.07*** mode/#Debian [-o greycat] by greycat
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15:00.18*** kick/#debian [LET_ME_SPEAK!] by xk (Banned)
15:00.19greycatabrotman: I don't know either, but based on what he just did, I can guess.
15:00.29*** mode/#Debian [-o xk] by xk
15:00.36abrotmangreycat: the ip looks familiar .. but i don't know why
15:00.55k00zcoke: it says SCSI host adapter emulation for IDE ATAPI devices, then like 15 lines of "pg: No ATAPI device detected"
15:01.09greycatsomeone needs to tell Epilog that blondes are overrated.
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15:01.42jarmowhat do I need to play mp3's with xmms?
15:01.58jarmoit tells me that something is blocking it or check your soundcard settings..
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15:02.04jarmoand it's impossible =)
15:02.05greycatjarmo: xmms, an mp3 file, an audio driver, and some speakers.
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15:02.10greycatoh, and a sound card.
15:02.11xklsof -n | grep dsp
15:02.16jarmobut doesn't play it
15:02.18Cokejarmo: is it impossible to check your soundcard settings?
15:02.24k00zcoke: and the drives should be working fine... i was burning cds in xp before i installed slack, and have been using my dvd drive to play music... i just wanted to burn a cd... but it says for 2.4 to append something into the lilo and reboot, but it said hdc... and im pretty sure my burner isn't hdc, probably d or something else to that effect since i have more than one drive...
15:02.25greycatjarmo: fuser /dev/dsp
15:02.28greycator lsof, of course.
15:02.36greycatjarmo: /msg dpkg sound
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15:02.38jarmodon't be too specific..
15:02.49jarmoI'm not a genious with this os..
15:03.04greycatWHY, god, WHY?
15:03.08Cokek00z: if dmesg doesn't reveal a driver for CD-ROM's binding to a device you are simply not loading the CD-ROM driver.
15:03.23jarmowhat why..
15:03.41greycatI'll forgive the misspelling because you're in .fi, but the intentional ignorance is just appalling.
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15:03.57Cokejarmo: do what XMMS suggests; check your soundcard configuration
15:04.14x-256where should I put modprobe apm so that it auto-loads on boot up?? /etc/modutils/apm exists, but apm is not loaded automagically
15:04.23greycatx-256: echo apm >> /etc/modules
15:04.24asgx-256: put it in /etc/modules
15:04.34k00zcoke: so what would i need to look into doing?
15:04.46Cokek00z: load the cd/atapi driver
15:04.49x-256thank u
15:05.17x-256another quick question: which is a good gui tool for starting/stopping unneeded services/daemnons ?
15:05.18ddmddwhen I input "dpkg -s <pkgname>", it shows the status "deinstall or config-files", and list some config files, but after I deletes them , dpkg -s shows the same infomation.
15:05.21k00zcoke: er... is this something i need to install, or just a command to run?
15:05.25greycatwho wants to bet that k00z STILL hasn't read the god damned faq that I pointed him to?
15:05.33veruusx-256: xterm
15:05.35Cokex-256: there isn't one
15:05.37jharrisonwkabrotman: the oracle 9i install status is "So far so good"
15:05.40k00zgreycat: its because of the faq that im dealing with this
15:05.40asggreycat: I don't bet on things I know won't make me money
15:05.43x-256veruus, heh
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15:05.43greycatx-256: rcconf
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15:06.02greycatk00z: so, is your kernel 2.4 or 2.6?  are you using ide-cd or ide-scsi?
15:06.05dpkgIf you want help on a topic, you HAVE to say more than "it doesn't work, help!" or else you'll get no help whatsoever.  Give as many details as you can or else no one can give any suggestions.  For most questions, you should at least give your arch (i386 for most people), your Debian version, and your kernel version.  Give exact error messages where applicable.
15:06.07x-256well what i did is I went into /etc/init.d and chmod a-x the things i didn't want, but i don't like that.. gives tons of errors on boot
15:06.08k00zgreycat: i read that through, and skimmed the other "how to ask good questions" and went through ze 7 steps before coming back here
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15:06.33Cokek00z: and still can't ask good questions.
15:06.40greycatx-256: NEVER do that.  you won't be able to remove the packages.
15:06.41k00zgreycat 2.4, and i dont even know where my cd-drive is - thats why i came back here... for 2.4 i was supposed to append that command in lilo correct?
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15:06.50veruusdo 10 Hail Ians
15:06.53greycatx-256: man update-rc.d; less /etc/init.d/README; apt-cache show rcconf; etc.
15:06.54k00zcoke: sorry... im very lost when it comes to linux.
15:06.56Cokek00z: you don't NEED to know
15:06.56x-256greycat, oh great!  well, how should I ? rcconf ?
15:07.16x-256greycat, thnx
15:07.19Cokek00z: modprobe ide-cd; modprobe ide-scsi
15:07.27*** join/#debian FireEgl (Ariel@Atlantica.US)
15:07.33greycatCoke: HUH?  Why the hell would you want BOTH at the same time?
15:07.36*** join/#debian abonilla (
15:07.44Cokegreycat: I don't know which one he needs
15:07.52greycatfor 2.4 he should be using ide-scsi
15:07.52Cokegreycat: if one fails to load, no biggie
15:07.55dpblnthi, how is that i'm subscribed to, but recieved no mail since 13:00? are you having plroblems with that too?
15:07.57k00zcoke: for 2.4 it said add "append="hdc=ide-scsi"" into lilo - i have 2 optical drives, is my cd burner hdc or hdd or hdz or what?
15:08.17greycatCoke: and since he's NOT running Debian, we can't be more specific than that.  We have no idea what his kernel config looks like.
15:08.19Cokek00z: not if you don't have the driver.
15:08.20*** join/#debian try_catch_this (trycatchth@
15:08.26ddmddanyone can help me? how to remove the "rc" status flags of some packages when run "dpkg -l"
15:08.29greycatk00z: you FUCKING MORON.
15:08.34greycatGODS, please someone make him die.
15:08.40k00zfuck it
15:08.44*** part/#debian k00z (
15:08.53Cokegreycat: hey man.
15:08.57*** join/#debian PTH_ (PTH@
15:09.03greycathow can he not know what his god damned device is?
15:09.04*** mode/#Debian [+l 852] by debhelper
15:09.04xkgreycat: MORE PROFANITY!
15:09.15PTH_xk r u a person?
15:09.21Cokegreycat: he was a pain in the ass, granted, but wishing death upon him is a tad to much.
15:09.23xkPTH_: you think I'm not?
15:09.33asgxk: a bot writing a bot, interesteing
15:09.34PTH_i thought u was chinese
15:09.59RichiHxk: and everybody knows chinese are not persons ;)
15:10.03greycatxk []
15:10.07*** part/#debian try_catch_this (trycatchth@
15:10.13greycatYeah.  Really easy to see why he'd be Chinese.
15:10.16PTH_female bots fucking female bots is way more interesting
15:10.25xkgreycat: I could be chinese living in .au ;p
15:10.25PTH_some human type reproduction ;)
15:10.38xkbut it would be incorrect.
15:10.38*** part/#debian kunnar (
15:11.01dpkg"This must be Thursday.  I could never get the hang of Thursdays." (Arthur Dent), or tight-underwear day.
15:11.09x-256what is dbus-1 used in/for ?
15:11.11jharrisonwkis today racism day?
15:11.18*** join/#debian Baby (~nena@baby.kavi.silver.supporter.pdpc)
15:11.23asgjharrisonwk: no, just another moron day
15:11.26notJOnASx-256: IPC
15:11.27abrotmanjharrisonwk: good
15:11.29*** join/#debian zomtec (
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15:11.39PTH_damn chinese
15:11.44xkgreycat: you need a break from #debian like me, it will calm you down.
15:11.47x-256notJOnAS, any big users of it? do I need it for a simple desktop machine?
15:11.47greycatPTH_: stop tro;lling.
15:12.00*** join/#debian caphuso (
15:12.01PTH_this aint no bridge greycat
15:12.05notJOnASx-256: gnome is using it more and more
15:12.09greycatPTH_: which is why you trolls are not welcome here.
15:12.13PTH_if it was id be charging u $$$ to cross
15:12.34x-256notJOnAS, ok, then maybye its needed
15:12.46PTH_lol i wonder he starts these nerd words
15:12.48xklooks like this channel went downhill after I left.
15:12.49stegoIs it possible to non-destructively resize an ext3 partition?
15:12.53PTH_ur acting like a dragon!
15:12.54xkor maybe I started it
15:13.00*** mode/#Debian [+o greycat] by ChanServ
15:13.06*** mode/#Debian [+q *!*@] by greycat
15:13.09*** mode/#Debian [-o greycat] by greycat
15:13.11Coke"tight underwear day" sounds sceary
15:13.36asgxk: it's had ups and downs (mostly downs)
15:13.43Cokestego: the partition is not ext3
15:13.53greycatxk: Overfiend showed up a couple times.
15:14.13dpblntstego, parted
15:14.15asggreycat: and vorlon is in quite a bit these days
15:14.30xkwhat happened to angel? :o
15:14.35greycatxk: left long ago
15:14.41Cokedpblnt: will that automatically ajust the filesystem too?
15:14.49stegothanks dpblnt.
15:15.19*** join/#debian swos (~jaustin@
15:15.21dpblntCoke, no, i dont think so
15:15.22*** join/#debian kaleb (
15:15.27xkI'll probably only last here for a week
15:15.29*** join/#debian GooZ (
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15:15.50dpblntCoke, you'll need resize2fs before that
15:15.53*** join/#debian ms_immortasinger (
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15:16.14darkskiezis there a command line tool to edit ogg tags?
15:16.20*** part/#debian swos (~jaustin@
15:16.21kalebDoes anyone know what the xmodmap name is for the russian letter 'jo' the 'e' with two dots?
15:16.26darkskiezapt-cache search is giving me no love.
15:16.45bogondarkskiez: iirc vorbiscomment
15:16.51greycatdarkskiez: vorbiscomment, in vorbis-tools
15:16.56*** part/#debian ilan (ilan@
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15:17.04greycatI use a wrapper script around it
15:17.34darkskiezto do what?
15:17.46*** join/#debian william_wallace1 (
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15:18.19darkskiezcheers dudes
15:19.25*** join/#debian Pupeno (
15:19.44TinoWinteresting. with sid you dont have deb-make - what do I use instead?
15:20.15*** part/#debian Pupeno (
15:20.43stewTinoW: debhelper
15:20.46*** join/#debian fredj (
15:20.50*** part/#debian x-256 (
15:21.24dpkgYes, greycat, you're still online.
15:21.34irreverentrevereLaughs Out Loud
15:22.06dpkgNo, kensuke, you're not online any more.
15:22.20dpkgNo, irreverentrevere, you're not online any more.
15:22.22irreverentrevereDang !
15:22.28irreverentreverebetter go reboot the router
15:22.28*** part/#debian ddmdd (~lizf@
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15:25.04WiFiTuxIs the java.jar the plugin?
15:25.46asgWiFiTux: plugin for what?
15:25.53WiFiTuxasg, java
15:26.03asgWiFiTux: the java plugin for java?
15:26.10WiFiTuxasg, limewire works, but not mozilla
15:26.27asgWiFiTux: /msg dpkg install java (the plugin intructions are listed in there)
15:26.27stewWiFiTux: something like
15:26.30*** join/#debian troubl1 (
15:26.37cuseHi! Maybe a bit off topic; can anybody recommend me a good RAID controller? It should have good support under Linux, so I can setup e.g. email notification in case there is a problem with the RAID (e.g. one HD failed). Anybody?
15:26.45WiFiTuxasg, is already installed
15:26.45stewcuse: 3ware
15:26.46asgWiFiTux: or /msg dpkg mozilla java
15:27.01*** join/#debian hbd (
15:27.04cusestew: wow, that was fast :)
15:27.19hbdHi, i need to get what to write to be able to limit the mount of my cd for particular group
15:27.25*** join/#debian Hell-Man (
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15:28.03*** part/#debian yavor (~yavor@
15:28.04asghbd: it's already configured to be mountable by the 'cdrom' group
15:28.37hbdasg: i create a new group with 1200 id and i want it to be abole to mount the cd
15:28.43*** join/#debian agney (~bofh@agney.user)
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15:29.24MoonPrincessWhen I want to get something off a tape drive, will this work:   tar -xvf /dev/st1 /path/to/file/on/tape/  /where/to/resore/the/file  ?
15:29.30*** join/#debian deadsmith_ (
15:29.41asghbd: why not just add the users who need to mount the cdrom to the 'cdrom group'?
15:30.18greycatMoonPrincess: no.  man tar.
15:30.30abrotmanis there an s390 channel ?
15:30.30hbdasg: well it's very complex, i made many things that needed that group would be the one that could mount the cd
15:31.19jharrisonwkabrotman: there is
15:31.35*** join/#debian pngwn (pngwn@3ffe:bc0:8000:0:8000:0:cda7:6106)
15:31.35jharrisonwkabrotman: it wont be around for long though
15:31.48abrotmanjharrisonwk: noone there eh?
15:31.50asghbd: then make that group the group owner of whatever the cdrom device is. (You'll have to manually find what else is in the 'cdrom' group and add them as appropriate to your new group)
15:31.57jharrisonwkabrotman: there are
15:32.02jharrisonwkabrotman: there is rather
15:32.04*** join/#debian macomber (~mitu@
15:32.09abrotmanjharrisonwk: no
15:32.16jharrisonwkabrotman: :)
15:32.25MoonPrincessargh, don't make sense to me.
15:32.27*** join/#debian suifur (~suifur@suifur.linuxfordummies)
15:32.30WiFiTuxasg, stew  is already there... but is a different filename...
15:32.35jharrisonwkabrotman: no there doesnt seem to be an #s390 channel
15:32.39abrotmani realize this
15:32.43*** part/#debian pucko (
15:32.44abrotmanor #debian-s390
15:33.03suifurs390... aren't those the huge IBM mainframes?
15:33.13abrotmanz series
15:33.16*** join/#debian mastertet (
15:33.17suifurk, just checking
15:33.21asgWiFiTux: then create a symlink to it with the name required.
15:33.23abrotmansuifur: a friend of mine is getting ready to do a debian install on one
15:33.24*** join/#debian who2 (
15:33.44suifurabrotman, heh, a guy in my LUG runs a couple of those and is trying to figure out some stuff w/ it
15:33.47stewWiFiTux: i belive it must be a symlink in the plugin directory and not a file
15:33.53suifuris s390 support on Debian good abrotman?
15:33.55abrotmansuifur: my friend works for PSU
15:33.59abrotmansuifur: dunno .. i don't have one
15:34.07asgabrotman: I'm waiting for ours to become available so I can do the same, or, at least, try to.
15:34.09*** part/#debian MoonPrincess (
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15:34.21abrotmanasg: well .. thiers already runs suse .. so i don't know how much more difficult it could be
15:34.29abrotmanhe's gonna do sarge on it
15:34.50asgabrotman: yeah, we were supposed to have converted to a new system 4 years ago but that is lagging so we still run the 390 in parallel.
15:35.13who2anyone know why php somehow seems to depend on caudium now in Sarge?
15:35.24mastertetHi, I'm using Unbuntu now and I thinck it is ok, but I would like to go with Debian.Sould I install Sarge or Sid? If I understand correctly, Sid is a bit like Gentoo in the sens that it is very up to date. But Sarge, I don't know why I should try it?
15:35.32asgmastertet: sarge
15:35.35who2I couldn't find out where the dependency is in, but dist-upgrade wants to install it
15:35.53*** join/#debian TiffOn (
15:35.53tweekken_Use Sarge!
15:36.15mastertetMost of you use Sarge?, why not Sid?
15:36.25dpkgwell, sid is the unstable version of Debian.  Commonly [and wrongly] backronymed Still In Development.  It's actually named for the destructive neighbour kid in Toy Story.  Ask me about unstable.  Do not use sid unless you have the skill to find your way out of the mess that broken packages may put you in.
15:36.30asgmastertet: /msg dpkg sid faq
15:36.34abrotmanmastertet: ^^
15:36.50abrotmanmastertet: so unless you are skilled enough .. we recommend you don't run sid
15:37.30mastertetok, so the broken package thing doesn't happen is Sarge, that is a good advantage :)
15:37.37who2ugh, php4-gd and php4-mysql both depend on caudium-php4, that can't be correct
15:38.02asgmastertet: broken packages can still enter sarge, they just don't very often.
15:38.09omryI have kernel version 2.6.8-1-386, which headers package is the correct one for me?
15:38.11*** join/#debian sorahn (
15:38.13asgmastertet: for ultimate stability, woody is always an option.
15:38.37suifurmastertet, think Sid from Toy Story, the kid who breaks/destroys every toy he gets. Thats what Debian Sid will do to you if you don't know what you're doing.
15:38.47mastertetasg, I used woody in the past but it is now too old for my laptop
15:38.47abrotmanwho2: it's not .. you can safely remove them after they install
15:38.54abrotmanwho2: as to why they install to begin with .. no idea
15:38.56asgmastertet: then use sarge, you'll be fine.
15:39.23kalilaa module in python is a class/a function/a collection of functions?
15:39.36*** join/#debian anthonywong (~ypwong@
15:39.36asgkalila: #python
15:39.41mastertetthanks guys, you are not has bad as they say on the web (Ubuntu review) ;)
15:39.52asgmastertet: you're welcome
15:40.00kensukeooh ooh .... I say C :-)
15:40.03*** join/#debian Fox_1 (
15:40.06sussudiomastertet: try again on sunday
15:40.12*** join/#debian Hell-Man (
15:40.15kalilaasg: no, thank you.
15:40.33suifurmastertet, heh Ubuntu review eh? I'm an ubuntu user for desktops, but a debian user for my servers and no they're pretty nice as long as you're not being vague.
15:40.38asgkalila: then it's a file with a .py ending that contains classes, functions, and statements.
15:41.16who2abrotman: my copy of apt-cache does tell me that php4-gd and php4-mysql depend on caudium-php4, using
15:41.17kalilathanks, simple, being nice is easy
15:41.26abrotmanwho2: hmm
15:41.48who2just update and see for yourself
15:42.02*** join/#debian panda (~panda@
15:42.21who2btw, what's the difference between "|Depends:" and "Depends:"?
15:42.35kensukean "|"
15:42.43pandaxfce4-session listens on tcp port 1025, anything wrong?
15:42.44mastertetsuifur, in fact, I would recommend Ubuntu to a new Linux user but when you can't live with Gnome (like me), it is not the best choice.
15:43.02who2kensuke: yep '|'
15:43.31who2kensuke: ok, I don't get the insider joke but am happy you're amused
15:43.32tweekken_all I did was install openbox3 and rox-filer     each person has their own preference
15:43.44qwertzDoes anybody know where to set the login timeout of phpmyadmin?
15:43.52pandais there any security problem?
15:44.01kensukeno insider joke... Im just kidding around. Just finished a project... so my brain has turned to mush
15:44.09asgqwertz: just change the php session timeout (/etc/php4/apache{2}/php.ini)
15:44.24suifurmastertet, heh, I dunno, my friend has it installed on his box and he just uninstalled gnome and threw fluxbox on there ;) Though gnome runs quite fast on my box and I'm lazy... I've played too much with too many different distros and DM's to care anymore. I just leave it default anymore ll
15:44.26asgqwertz: or tweak it in phpmyadmin's .htaccess file if you don't want to do it globally
15:44.35who2abrotman: so, does it happen at your site too?
15:45.01Vladiwhat is a good fast firewall for debian short of writing the scrip ur self ( mostly for routing an internet connection ) ? thx!
15:45.02mastertetsuifir, :)
15:45.05*** join/#debian andsbands (
15:45.10smlVladi: smoothwall
15:45.13suifurmastertet, i've used linux for 5 years... im a lazy user now lol
15:45.14*** join/#debian pabl0 (~pabl0@
15:45.17asgwho2: same here
15:45.29smlsuifur: s/lazy/efficient ;)
15:46.04qwertzasg, thanks will try it!
15:46.14*** join/#debian thingfish (
15:46.27Vladisml: how does taht compare to shorewall? based off it ?
15:46.34who2asg: I will first contact adam before filing bugs for such trivial errors
15:46.55*** join/#debian solemnwarning (
15:46.58solemnwarninghi all
15:47.09solemnwarningwhat port does bind run on?
15:47.11asgwho2: someone beat you.
15:47.11suifursml: heh true that, I just need something I can email, surf the web, program, hack around on and build packages... lol I'm just lazy/efficient ;)
15:47.17WageSlavesolemnwarning 53
15:47.43*** join/#debian sorahn (
15:47.59asgsolemnwarning: udp and tcp (for zone transfers and large data returns)
15:48.13pandaanyone good at security here?
15:48.19nevynis maximum filename length fs dependant?
15:48.22*** join/#debian Andre (andre_coli@
15:48.27*** join/#debian reyes (reyes@higgsino.Physik.Uni-Mainz.DE)
15:48.33dpkg***anyone: No such nick/channel - and yes, there probably is someone, somewhere, who knows or runs it; that doesn't mean *I* do.
15:48.34Andrealguem do brasil??????
15:48.35*** join/#debian abauer (
15:48.35Andrealguem do brasil??????
15:48.35*** kick/#debian [Andre!~debhelper@debhelper.user] by debhelper (flood: Consider using #flood)
15:48.45pureonepanda im not very good but ill try my best
15:48.58kensukepanda: I carry a 9mm para and have a black belt in ass kicking
15:49.02*** join/#debian to_ (~to@
15:49.02*** mode/#Debian [+l 845] by debhelper
15:49.06*** join/#debian Andre (andre_coli@
15:49.12who2asg: ok, I'll monitor the br
15:49.13asg!tell Andre about flood
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15:49.18*** part/#debian Andre (andre_coli@
15:49.34solemnwarningwhat port is ping on?
15:49.45solemnwarningiptables blocks pings to my internel server
15:49.49asgsolemnwarning: man ping
15:49.54pandapureone, xfce4-session listens on tcp port 1025, i thought it's a security hole
15:49.57greycatICMP has no ports.
15:50.05pureonepanda rcconf
15:50.08*** join/#debian guido^uni (
15:50.12kensukewhat greycat says
15:50.13pureonethen disable nfs common
15:50.14who2ICMP is its own protocol
15:50.20solemnwarningi just set it to allow protocol ICMP?
15:50.36asgsolemnwarning: or certain parts of ICMP you feel comfortable allowing
15:50.45*** join/#debian abdala_ (~Abdala@
15:50.46pureonelook up icmp codes
15:50.56anhidamn, i (again) have the problem that the XV video driver only spits out a solit blue window after switching fullscreen/windowed in xine
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15:52.32solemnwarningsamba is 338,339,445 TCP isnt it?
15:52.32asgpureone: /sbin/iptables -p icmp -h (also works)
15:52.40bushwakkoI just installed webmin, but after loggin in, all I se is the webmin logo, and the page is blank
15:52.52solemnwarningu get webmin through apt?
15:52.52*** join/#debian setnf (~setnf@
15:53.10kensuke(personal opinion) thats cause webmin blows
15:53.18suifursolemnwarning, its 337, 338, 339 and 445 ;)
15:53.19*** join/#debian Blackvel (
15:53.21pureoneasg yes it does thanks for sharing :)
15:53.25asgpureone: :)
15:53.27setnfwhats the package name for print screen(screen shots) ?
15:53.35solemnwarningactaully the version of webmin in apt has no moduals included for some reason
15:53.36bushwakkoit stops after a wile
15:53.41pureonelearn something new everyday
15:53.43Blackvelhi, anyone has debian on a vServer with confixx? I have a little email/webmail problem
15:53.48WolfDSL[smile i'm takin a screenshot ;)]
15:53.55Ether_ManAnyone know if it's possible to have framebuffer on a dell latitude xpi p133st? It uses a neomagic 2070..  From what I've found on google there are framebuffer modules available for the 2.6 kernels but I cant find any for 2.4.. Is it that there are no neomagic fb support in 2.4 or is it just that I have to manually get/compile that module myself?
15:53.59dpkgscreenshot is, like, 'import -window root screenshot.jpg' (requires imagemagick), or The Gimp's 'acquire -> screenshot' feature.  The package scrot does a nice job too, command line, date & size shot at and png format. or man xwd
15:54.01solemnwarningsamba is 338,339,445 TCP isnt it?
15:54.06solemnwarningis it?
15:54.17pureonenope shouldnt be
15:54.28pureone135-139 455 tcp/udp
15:54.30suifursolemnwarning, i told you its 337, 338, 339 and 445 man
15:54.31*** join/#debian scytheman (
15:54.32kensukedpkg rules
15:54.32dpkgrules is probably 1) Don't ask to ask. Just say your problem, 2) Don't repeat until 15 mins after, 3) Read and re-read the docs first, then admit it if you REALLY don't understand. You're wasting your time and ours if you haven't at least tried. 4) If your problem ain't solved, come back in 12 hrs or 24 hrs later. We're very international. 5) Be polite and patient.
15:54.34suifurerrr 1*
15:54.45setnfasg only if i install imagemagick or gimp ?
15:54.52suifurstupid laptop keyboard
15:55.00bushwakkodoes webmin have problems being used through an ssh tunnel ?
15:55.05asgsetnf: no, xwd is part of the standard X core
15:55.15setnfasg ok w8
15:55.16suifurwebmin is trash </end rant>
15:55.25greycatthat's not a rant.  it's just the truth.
15:55.36anhiwell, it might help beginners...
15:55.40kensukebushwakko .... what u using webmin for ?
15:55.42suifurgreycat, true ;)
15:55.46asganhi: get pwned, yes
15:55.51setnfasg.. how to use xwd for a simple screenshot ?
15:56.05abrotmanwho2: it idd
15:56.24zinxasg: naw, that's what all the php scripts are for
15:56.24nevynon unix systems do we like 101 keys or 104 keys on our keyboards?
15:56.34*** join/#debian toomboy (
15:56.37greycatnevyn: personal pref.
15:56.38zinxnevyn: 74
15:57.01sobersabrei have 86
15:57.06nevynI personally like having more modifiers but I'm interested in consensis.
15:57.07suifurasg, I learned how to manually edit config files by hand as a beginner, so should every other beginner ;) The only thing webmin will do is make them lazy and reliant on insecure software
15:57.18tweekken_I have a happy hacker keyboard so I have less physical keys
15:57.19zinxnevyn: there is no consensus, this is linux
15:57.22asgsuifur: agreed
15:57.25*** join/#debian Random832 (
15:57.30nevynzinx: you make an excellent point.
15:57.53bushwakkofixed it
15:57.53bushwakkoit was opera that was acting up :/
15:57.53WolfDSLsuifur : agreed
15:57.55*** join/#debian linuxfreck (
15:58.13WolfDSLwebmin does not help newbs, man does.
15:58.18kensukeopera and webmin ... ;-)
15:58.26bushwakkoit doesn't work?
15:58.34*** join/#debian FaithX (
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15:58.37kensukesounds like a recipe for a headache
15:58.41Random832isn't there a webmin man2html plugin? or am i imagining it?
15:58.48suifurWolfDSL, meh, man pages are kind of a pain too, is their best bet :)
15:58.54*** join/#debian gypsymauro (
15:59.08Random832suifur: if the manpages were better-written
15:59.27setnfasg.. how to use xwd for a simple screenshot ?
15:59.32zinxWolfDSL: it helps win32 users feel at home.. makes their box every bit as fast, reliable, and secure as windows, and provides every bit as much power.
15:59.38*** part/#debian cuse (
15:59.40gypsymaurohello.I've problem burning cd with kernel 2.6.8 it seems there is incompatibility, any hint?
15:59.49greycatgypsymauro: use 2.6.7.
16:00.08WolfDSLzinx : lol :]
16:00.09suifurzinx, webmin is a gaping pile of crap that does nothing to help... it only botches up config files, not edit them properly.
16:00.09valdyngypsymauro: try as root
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16:00.24stewgreycat: are there problems with burning in 2.6.8-2 that don't exist in 2.6.7?
16:00.25valdyngypsymauro: or do what greycat said
16:00.29greycatstew: yes.
16:00.38greycat!kernel of instability
16:00.38dpkgLinux 2.6.  "Andrew's vision, as expressed at the summit, is that the mainline kernel will be the fastest and most feature-rich kernel around, but not, necessarily, the most stable.  Final stabilization is to be done by distributors (as happens now, really)..." <>
16:00.52*** join/#debian dezuria_ (
16:01.10nanokbtw, is there a general lack in the stock sarge/unstable kernels (or just 2.6.x on sarge), about dma support?
16:01.12lzsilvahow I can generete md5 passwords based on normal words ?
16:01.16nanokor is it just me? :)
16:01.16gypsymaurovaldyn: I tried as root now I'll try with 2.7:)
16:01.17zinxsuifur: exactly
16:01.24Random832setnf: why you wouldn't use import, i don't know, but xwd -root > sshot.xwd
16:01.31zinxsuifur: hence, my statement holds ;)
16:01.36Random832converting this file requires imagemagick anyway, so why not just use import
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16:01.39ea8946lzsilva, use htpasswd
16:01.55ea8946lzsilva, included in the apache
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16:02.19setnfRandom832: i want use import... but not present on my system... needs install what ?
16:02.23*** part/#debian tripz__ (~wilhelm@
16:02.43WolfDSLif you have php the md5() works great for this ;o
16:03.00asgsetnf: just install imagemagick and use import
16:03.00*** part/#debian macomber (~mitu@
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16:03.16setnfasg thanks!
16:03.22suifurzinx, heh, i missed the "as windows" lol
16:03.37suifuri just skimmed it cuz im doing calculus as we speak
16:04.01Random832setnf: imagemagick
16:04.37nix000i have my (secured) home wifi network and my (securee) work wifi network. anyone has idea how i can configure /etc/network/interfaces so i can disconnect from one and connect/disconnect between work/home by issuing a simple  ifup/ifdown ?
16:04.57zinxapr? o_O
16:05.20asg!kernel of instability is also (new 2.6 numbering scheme)
16:05.21dpkgasg: okay
16:06.03*** join/#debian lgd_ (
16:06.31nix000i also have only one wifi interface. i tried virtual interface to no avail. maybe i am missing something.
16:06.34Random832heh - funny... for a long time lots of people believed the kernel versions did that when it didn't
16:07.08*** part/#debian gypsymauro (
16:07.56asgnix000: write a wrapper script to switch different versions of /etc/network/interfaces and then ifup or ifdown.
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16:08.34petemcasg: one already exists :)
16:08.40petemcnetwork switcher or some such
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16:09.04asgpetemc: yes but it might be more full featured than he needs and, besides, it will give him a fun project to hack on.
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16:11.01nix000petemc: where did you see it ?
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16:11.17petemcnix000: ive used it, cant remember the name otomh
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16:13.08petemcnix000: switchconf
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16:14.55miibHi.. I wanna run a command at boot (/usr/sbin/tp-scroll /dev/mouse /dev/imouse &). Where do I add it ?
16:15.10dezuria_when im trying to install the nvidia drivers, it says kernel tree source cant be found ? what is wrong ?
16:15.13*** part/#debian PTH_ (PTH@
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16:16.01asgmiib: add a sysv init script (see /etc/init.d/skeleton for an example)
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16:16.14PerfDavedezuria_: How are you trying to install the nvidia drivers?
16:16.23dezuria_sh NVIDIA .....
16:16.31*** part/#debian ivanqc (ivan@
16:16.39PerfDavedezuria_: Don't do that, you'll fuck your system.
16:16.43PerfDavedezuria_: /msg dpkg nvidia-howto
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16:17.11dezuria_okey tnx!
16:17.12stew!fuck the system
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16:17.29PerfDave!nvidia one liner
16:17.29dpkgit has been said that nvidia one-liner is apt-get install build-essential module-assistant && m-a a-i nvidia && apt-get install nvidia-glx nvidia-settings && echo nvidia >> /etc/modules && modprobe nvidia && dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86. You need contrib and non-free in your sources.list first!  You currently need unstable/sid sources, not just testing/sarge. ...
16:17.53miibasg: okie.. There is not a more simple way ?
16:17.55PerfDaveUhm, why is dpkg cutting that factoid off?
16:18.08greycatPerfDave: because dondelelcaro made it act funny, again.
16:18.19asgmiib: /msg dpkg rc.local (for other potential options and an explanation)
16:18.20PerfDavedondelelcaro: Please fix dpkg
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16:18.30PerfDavedondelelcaro: /msg dpkg nvidia one liner
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16:18.45PerfDavedezuria_: /msg dpkg nvidia one liner
16:18.58miibasg: okie .. Thanks
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16:19.55Blackveli found the confixx bug
16:20.05Blackvelthe email password has to be only 12 characters, not 13 :)
16:20.19zinxhah, i love password limits
16:20.43drp|labanyone ever use exceed here ... just wanted to know what you needed on the server side of that app (on the linux machine) to work
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16:21.59Blackvelwell the problem  with it is, you can just change it for /etc/passwd, then at least the postfix outlook or any other pop3 check works
16:22.06Blackvelbut of course no webmail confixx check works
16:22.23Blackvelanyways, I'll have to get this IMAP + squirrelmail solution running :)
16:23.36greycatdrp|lab: exceed *is* the server side.  it's the X server.
16:24.08*** join/#debian Xyrouz (
16:25.24drp|labgreycat: does it have to be running on both the host and client machine
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16:26.18drp|labgreycat: I use it mostly to connect to linux machines in the same building as I from a windows machine so that I have a virtual X desktop
16:26.38asplodzorwhy not use vnc?
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16:27.08drp|labasplodzor: exceed is just what our school uses
16:27.11greycat!tell drp|lab about x faq
16:27.15greycat!tell drp|lab about xfaq
16:27.22greycatdpkg, no, x faq is <reply> see xfaq
16:27.22dpkggreycat: okay
16:27.30asplodzordrp|lab: ah ok
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16:28.32drp|labasplodzor: I might try vnc as well
16:28.44drp|labthanks greycat
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16:29.03asplodzordrp|lab: what port / port range does exceem use?
16:29.16mickeranyone know of any otjer tools besides rar for linux that will uncompress a rar file?  the actual rar program _will not_ be able to be used on the system....
16:29.25*** join/#debian FireEgl (Ariel@Atlantica.Debian-User.Com)
16:29.37drp|labasplodzor: not sure ... was wondering the same
16:30.05Photarhow do I configure ftpd?
16:30.34pingouin_Photar: with time and experiences
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16:31.12greycatPhotar: and a man page.
16:31.21Photarpingouin_: I mean where is the config for it.
16:31.40greycatwhat does "man ftpd" say?
16:31.59pingouin_Photar: i dont know, if i need ftpd, i run vsftpd
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16:32.46mickerPhotar: why not 'locate ftpd'
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16:33.05greycatmicker: yeah, that would turn up the man page too.
16:33.14jarmowhat's the command in debian to add things to start automagically?
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16:33.36pingouin_abracadastart «apps»
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16:34.43mickerso no ideas on how to crack open a rar file?
16:34.46jarmoaw it wasn't that?
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16:35.08jarmoso what is it
16:35.15greycatmy god.
16:35.16PhotarI see options for ftpd but I cant find how its being started or a config file.
16:35.23greycatPhotar: inetd.conf
16:35.24pingouin_greycat: :D
16:35.29hellmanQ? can i search for a usb device and finde de connection point too it .. like /dev/input/mice .
16:35.31*** part/#debian mantiena (~AKL@
16:35.49justin!wayttd hellman
16:35.50dpkgWhat Are You Trying To Do, hellman?
16:35.51hellmande = the  ... even
16:36.01hellmanfind my MX700
16:36.11jarmorc-update add mysql default <--- so that's it for gentoo, what is it in debian?
16:36.16pingouin_jarmo: that depends, some can be lauch throught ~/.xinitrc some have to be done with the debian system start
16:36.19Photargreycat: thanks
16:36.31justinjarmo: the default is the default. unless you broke it, it already starts by itself.
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16:37.01jarmoI said that's the command which is in gentoo, I wanna know howto add it to debian
16:37.04zahodjarmo, look at /etc/init.d/README
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16:37.50Photarwhy isnt ftpd in /etc/init.d/ ?
16:38.27zahodalso man update-rc.d
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16:38.49SonnyChibadoes intel GMA 900 have good support/drivers under linux?
16:39.38stewPhotar: is your ftp server being controlled by [x]inetd?
16:39.48greycatPhotar: because the traditional unix ftpd is run from inetd.
16:40.19Photarheck if I know I'm a noob
16:41.23smlPhotar: netstat -pantl
16:41.43smlphorce1: or better netstat -pantl | grep ftp
16:42.09stewPhotar: did you install an ftp server? which one?
16:42.13stewPhotar: man inetd ; man inetd.conf
16:42.34PhotarI've got the bsd one
16:43.10greycatPhotar: grep ftp /etc/inetd.conf
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16:43.59Photargreycat: yeah its in there
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16:46.57ezra-sanyone here has managed to install any debian into an s/390 machine?
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16:47.21patrick_starhello guys
16:47.28ea8946ezra-s, ah, missed that. i have on PA-RISC, SPARC and DEC ALPHA
16:47.31Photarscore I fixed it. I was trying to change the default umask to 022 from 027.
16:47.34patrick_starhas anyone from you guys know how to manage tape drive ?
16:47.40ezra-sea8946, wow
16:48.11ezra-sea8946, Id like to install debian on one, so I would be able to stop using suse
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16:48.31ea8946ezra-s, it's so convenient to be able to run the same OS on such a variety of architectures
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16:48.47patrick_starhello guys
16:48.54ezra-sea8946, yeap, although in my case i just need x86 and s/390
16:48.58patrick_starhas anyone from you know how to manage a tape drive ?
16:49.03*** mode/#Debian [+l 835] by debhelper
16:49.10patrick_starhow can i check if my media is working ?
16:49.11ea8946ezra-s, actually i did have suse on that SPARC before i installed debian
16:49.27ezra-sea8946, did you like it?
16:49.53ea8946ezra-s, sorry, you mean if i liked debian?
16:50.23ezra-sea8946, if you liked having suse
16:50.31*** join/#debian Sipingal (~Sipingal@
16:50.35ezra-sea8946, I take for granted you liked debian :)
16:51.02jharrisonwkabrotman: oracle database configuration management assistant failed
16:51.08jharrisonwkabrotman: everything else looks good
16:51.11abrotmanjharrisonwk: why?
16:51.13petemcjharrisonwk: you need to edit the script
16:51.20jharrisonwkpetemc: which script?
16:51.22abrotmanjharrisonwk: did you read all the instructions?
16:51.26petemcjharrisonwk: vim `which omca`
16:51.32abrotmanjharrisonwk: there is a section about that one iirc
16:51.42petemci installed oracle 9i last week
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16:51.55abrotmanjharrisonwk: then gentclsh ?
16:51.58abrotmanrer the
16:52.05ea8946ezra-s, yes indeed, i liked debian much more
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16:52.30jharrisonwkabrotman: what?
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16:52.49ezra-sea8946, im having kind of a nightmare handling packages dependencies on suse and redhat, debian owns them by far
16:52.52abrotmanjharrisonwk: in the thing i gvae you .. there's a section about removing a line in the bin/gentclsh file
16:52.59abrotmanerr .. that's right
16:53.04abrotmanthere we go
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16:53.27jrift00hi. does anyone know anything about power management? I have a problem with standby on my laptop
16:53.30CyzarXwhere can i create a dir as a user?
16:53.36asgCyzarX: in your $HOME
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16:53.45CyzarXi mean other than home
16:53.49asgCyzarX: /tmp
16:53.56abrotmanjharrisonwk: had you done that step ?
16:54.00CyzarXother than tmp ?
16:54.04jharrisonwkabrotman: missed that for some reason
16:54.08NoidCyzarX: broadly speaking, anywhere you have right to
16:54.08valdynjrift00: vagueness kills ( every laptop acts different.. )
16:54.13abrotman!punish jharrisonwk for not following instructions
16:54.18asgjrift00: if it's ACPI based, try for info on your model and if it works at all. Also, see
16:54.25*** join/#debian KernelSanders (~chatzilla@
16:54.29jrift00i wanted to see if anyone knew anything at all before going into detail...
16:54.32CyzarXNoid, however, when i try /usr/share/ i cant create there
16:54.35abrotmanjharrisonwk: and don't forget the awk part
16:54.39petemcjharrisonwk: is this 9i?
16:54.54CyzarXhow do i know where dir i have priviledge to create dir ?
16:54.55greycat!tell jrift00 about ask
16:54.58abrotmanpetemc: check this url .. is this close to your steps ?
16:55.03NoidCyzarX: there is a reason for that, it being that you are not supposed to
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16:55.09vhurenis there a way to share a directory using apache where users are required to authenicate before they gain access and it can be mapped in windows as a share?
16:55.13jrift00Dell Inspiron 1000, Mobile C-2200, 256Mb, Sis650, Debian, Kernel 2.6.9
16:55.14jharrisonwkpetemc: yes
16:55.22jharrisonwkabrotman: I figured that out on my own
16:55.23greycatvhuren: that's two separate questions.  yes, and yes.
16:55.30jharrisonwkabrotman: but I see it is in your doc
16:55.38greycatvhuren: of course, the SECOND part has nothing at all to do with the FIRST part.
16:56.06jrift00When I close the lid, the laptop enters standby, but when I open it and press the power button, the lights flash as if it's about to restart, like in windows, but the screen stays blank
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16:56.10petemcabrotman: not really, some of the steps are there, but for the helper tools, like odca, you need to edit the scripts and change the path to the jre
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16:56.23jharrisonwkabrotman: trying it again
16:56.24abrotmanpetemc: i used thier jre i guess .. not my own
16:56.24NoidCyzarX: check the permissions of the dirs where you want to create other dirs
16:56.27valdynjrift00: what are you using for standby? custom script?
16:56.29jrift00the only way to restart it to hold the button until power off then start up again
16:56.41abrotmanpetemc: notice the part where i say i never got the OCS actually working :)
16:56.44petemcjharrisonwk: if you need the agent to work, you'll have to download another 330 meg to take you up a revision
16:56.54KernelSandershi, i installed woody with kernel 2.4.18-686 but my soundcard isn't recognized, i tried running sndconfig, but that didn't work either, however, if i boot dyne:bolic live cd, which is debian-based, i have how do i figure out what's going right in dyne:bolic, then apply/tweak it to woody?
16:56.56jrift00at the moment, just the behaviour setting in kde's control setting for the lid button.
16:56.59petemcagent segfaults otherwise
16:57.05asgjrift00: apparently, that model supports apm. Try passing acpi=off to the kernel at boot and see if you get better functionality.
16:57.11abrotmanpetemc: but .. we talked to some oracle people .. apparently OCS is nearly impossible to get working with out 27 oracle engineers :)
16:57.23petemci got it going :)
16:57.25jrift00ok, thanks. i'll try that on the next reboot
16:57.32abrotmanpetemc: OCS or oracle9i ?
16:57.43jharrisonwkpetemc: which revision??
16:57.46petemc9i and 10g
16:57.52abrotmanpetemc: what about OCS ?
16:58.04vhurengreycat: i've done it with htaccess but like i want files on there to be editable and uploadable etc.. ;)
16:58.10abrotmanpetemc: i got the database working fine .. and the app server .. but the OCS wouldn't work right
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16:58.14jharrisonwkwhat does the configuration assistant allow me to do?
16:58.18jharrisonwkis it required
16:58.18petemcabrotman: never even heard of it, thought you were talkign about the helper tools
16:58.23jharrisonwkabrotman: it failed by the way
16:58.24abrotmanpetemc: no ..
16:58.27jrift00as i've found myself in a linux chatroom, i thought i'd ask. After spending ages getting wireless networking going, i'm not so stubborn anymore :)
16:58.37abrotmanjharrisonwk: some of those .. if oyu miss the step .. you have to start over
16:58.39jharrisonwkabrotman: maybe I need to start over?
16:58.42jharrisonwkabrotman: ok
16:59.09abrotmanpetemc: but if you can get that OCS working .. let me know . i'd be interested
16:59.19jharrisonwkabrotman: I will start over
16:59.21KernelSandersplease, for the love of god, someone please help me
16:59.27jarmowhich mysql should be for verlihub?
16:59.29petemcabrotman: i dont have a requirement for it
16:59.30greycat!tell KernelSanders about ask
16:59.33jrift00i'm gonna go and do some testing. thanks for your help
16:59.37jarmojust paste me that apt-get install thing..
16:59.39abrotmanKernelSanders: /msg dpkg audio
16:59.40*** part/#debian jrift00 (
16:59.47abrotmanpetemc: i just gave you one!!
16:59.52valdynjrift00: try google for your model and the usual websites, laptops needing _alot_ of customisation is just normal - in your case, as in most - some driver is not resuming properly from standby
16:59.53stewKernelSanders: what kind of sound card?
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17:00.18stewKernelSanders: what does uname -r say?
17:00.22greycatKernelSanders: run modconf, load the driver.
17:00.37KernelSandersi'm not at the computer right now...can't uname
17:00.38greycatusually cmipci
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17:00.39jarmojust do apt-get install alsaconf
17:00.44abrotmanpetemc: i sppent a lot of time trying to get OCS workign .. i got pretty good at getting oracle going :)
17:00.46jarmoand let it do the business
17:00.47greycatjarmo: he said *woody*.
17:00.48abrotmanbut not that damn OCS
17:00.54jarmonot listening =P
17:00.57jarmobut for me?
17:01.01KernelSandersok greycat...thanks too abrotman
17:01.02jarmowhich mysql for verlihub
17:01.12petemcabrotman: yeah, its not too bad when you get your head round it
17:01.15greycatwhat the FUCK is a verlihub?  and what does "which mysql" mean?
17:01.26robinI just installed AMD64-gcc4.0 debian instead of the pure64 version, but my KDE is got corrupted images..(konqueror with empty screen etc)
17:01.27qwertzCan anybody tell me how I can centralize the authorization of my user accounts (ftp, samba, maybe ssh)?
17:01.28abrotmanpetemc: and the fact they assume RHAS2.1 .. which sucks greatly :)
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17:01.40jarmojust let it be then if it's too painfull
17:01.41greycatrobin: /msg dpkg amd64
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17:02.03greycatqwertz: samba and (everything else) can't share a common authentication mechanism.
17:02.03patrick_starqwerty: put all the authentication on ldap
17:02.52abrotmanqwertz: ldap
17:03.02abrotmansamba has ldap .. as do the rest iirc
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17:03.10abrotmanqwertz: ask #openldap if it's possible
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17:03.17nevyngreycat: ldap
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17:03.38greycatnevyn: did they HAVE to choose something that hurts so badly?
17:03.55greycatnevyn: why couldn't they have made it... oh, what's that word I'm looking for... oh, yeah, SIMPLE?!?
17:04.00fugittrying to get cronjob to access my keychain, works fine when I'm logged in
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17:04.18nevyngreycat: well most things can use PAM and you could use PAM_mysql if you wanted to.
17:04.19fugitbut cron never seems to use my keychain
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17:04.40greycatnevyn: "most things" don't include the dozens of HP-UX 10 boxes we have. :)
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17:05.17ggl_6I want to dynamically allocate memory to char *foo. is there a better way than using malloc?
17:05.19mickeranyone with any ideas about hw to open a rar archive?
17:05.19nevynwhile simplicity is admirable.. not using pam takes it too far.
17:05.23asgggl_6: #c will know
17:05.28nevynmicker: use unrar
17:05.52asggreycat: does HPUX even have pam?
17:05.54nevynit might be in non-free or you may have to find it on the net yourself.
17:06.08fugitkeith@fugit:~$ apt-cache search unrar
17:06.08fugitunrar - Unarchiver for .rar files
17:06.08fugitunrar-nonfree - Unarchiver for .rar files (non-free version)
17:06.15ggl_6oops wrong channel
17:06.15greycatnevyn: all I know about LDAP is "it's got a syntax too ugly to live" and "why the HELL does everyone in #qmail think they need special qmail patches to use it?  what the fuck kind of unix authentication mechanism can't interact with libc?"
17:06.17*** join/#debian rug (~rug@
17:06.34mickernevyn: debian/sparc.. the binary isnt supported... looking for another solution
17:06.36greycatasg: HP-UX 11 might.  10 doesn't.
17:06.39BR_ggl_6: malloc is the way...
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17:07.24rugWhat is the purpose of sarge...would you recommend it for a normal user who wants to get things to work?
17:07.26nevynmicker: the unrar package should be availible on sparc
17:07.33greycatrug: yes
17:07.34asgrug: yes
17:07.37nevynmicker: what version of rar is the archive?
17:07.46mickerfugit: i'm an idiot... I just tried from the tarball at rar labs, I didnt even think to look for it in the repository... its there... thanks!
17:07.51nevynrug: for a desktop absolutely
17:08.00fugitmicker: np
17:08.27rugbut I heard some packages like mplayer havent been added to the repositories of sarge...
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17:08.33greycatrug: never will, either.
17:08.36asgrug: mplayer isn't in debian
17:08.39greycatrug: /msg dpkg mplayer
17:08.40asgrug: /msg dpkg mplayer
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17:09.01nevyngreycat: it might be in a very crippled form
17:09.03*** mode/#Debian [+l 843] by debhelper
17:09.15stewgreycat: its in the new queue currently, do you think it will be rejected?
17:09.29nevynstew: it's happened before.
17:09.32stewi know
17:09.46SeldoInstalling debian for the first time: if I don't configure any network devices at install, will it still be possible to add the drivers for my wireless card later without reinstalling?
17:09.47greycatnevyn: all I know is that if I can't call getpwnam(3) on an LDAP account and get EXACTLY the same thing I'd get if it were on NIS, then LDAP is shit and I shall continue ignoring it.
17:09.47nevynbut then ffmpeg got in but it's now worthless. all the good stuff is off.
17:09.55qwertzabrotman, thanks will have a look
17:09.59rugthanks for the help
17:10.03PerfDaveSeldo: Yes
17:10.20nevyngreycat: umm doesn't that use the normal libc nsswitch stuff?
17:10.21Seldoperfdave: yay! thanks.
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17:10.40nevynNIS is crap. 8char passwords are so 15 years ago.
17:10.45stewgreycat: oh nevermind i didn't see that he was saying sarge, yes it will never be in sarge
17:10.51greycatnevyn: nsswitch.conf has no references to ldap on any system I've ever used.
17:10.55PerfDaveLDAP isn't too hard to get sorted, LDAPS is significantly trickier.
17:11.01fugitany ideas on using keychain from a cronjob?
17:11.07asggreycat: libnss-ldap - NSS module for using LDAP as a naming service
17:11.12snokehow discard default route what server gives dhclient ?
17:11.19greycatstew: oh?  that's news to me.  I didn't know it was going into sid.
17:11.36asgsnoke: delete the route using 'route'
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17:11.40nevynbleh not 8char non-shadow
17:11.42smlsnoke: route del default
17:11.43greycatasg: then: 1) why isn't that part of the base system?  2) why doesn't man nsswitch.conf contain the string "ldap"?
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17:12.08greycat!depends libnss-ldap sarge
17:12.16asggreycat: 1) it isn't used enough to justify it's inclusion I expect, 2) you have to add that string
17:12.19stewgreycat: its been sitting in the new queue on ftp-master for a week now it could very likely still get rejected, or course
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17:12.45dpkglibnss-ldap: depends on libc6 (>= 2.3.2.ds1-4), libdb4.2, libkrb53 (>= 1.3.2), libldap2 (>= 2.1.17-1), debconf
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17:14.00asggreycat: I'd rather use NIS if it weren't so damn insecure.
17:14.22nevynyay for world readable passwords.
17:14.31greycatpassword *hashes*.
17:14.38snokeasg: sml: i know that, but i need conf dhclient discard default route
17:14.39greycatbut yes, the point is valid.
17:14.44nevyngreycat: it's almost the same thing.
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17:15.00asgsnoke: then use a dhclient that allows you to do that. man dhclient or try dhcp3
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17:15.12nevyngreycat: consider most passwords suck and you can brute force 10 char passwords in what. a week?
17:15.17snokei have dhclient3
17:15.32greycatnevyn: on HP-UX 10, there's no shadow anyway, so if you have a local shell, you can read all the password hashes even if you *don't* use NIS.
17:15.32pestilencecould somebody tell me why i get this error: "growisofs is being executed under sudo, aborting!", when i am not running under sudo?
17:15.33asgsnoke: then read it's manual and, if it doesn't do what you want, try a different client
17:15.59nevyngreycat: see I wouldn't want to have students using such a system
17:16.09nevynor anyone that I didn't trust completely
17:16.10asg!fear the portmapper
17:16.18greycatnevyn: fortunately most of our users are lucky if they can find the other two mouse buttons.
17:16.43smlgreycat: has no one at HP thought that's a bad idea(tm) ?
17:16.59greycatsml: HP-UX 10 is past end of life.  it's from around 1994.
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17:17.15nevyngreycat: ummm.. most. you only need one who knows what they're doing to create a real world of suffering for you.
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17:17.25smlgreycat: oh right... i assumed it was the latest version of HPUX. the only commerical unix i've used is SunOS.
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17:17.32solemnwarninghi all
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17:17.49nevynI've run a 30 desktop linux shop with ldap and nfs and it wasn't so bad.
17:17.52nevynbetter than nis
17:17.57solemnwarninghow can i make sendmail allow routing to any domain?
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17:18.07greycatnevyn: and then someone added an IRIX box, or...
17:18.09smlsolemnwarning: add your domain to the Cw macro
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17:18.12asgsolemnwarning: /msg dpkg mail tutorial
17:18.22solemnwarningCw macro?
17:18.27smlsolemnwarning: man sendmail
17:18.30greycatmy mail tutorial does *not* get into sendmail configuration
17:18.30nevyngreycat: never happened. but yes it doesn't solve the legacy unix problem
17:18.36solemnwarningi need sendmail to accept routing to ANY domain
17:18.47solemnwarningnot just listed ones
17:18.48smlsolemnwarning: or better buy the batbook if you *really* want to use such an esoteric mta
17:18.49greycatsolemnwarning: you mean you want to be an open relay?
17:18.52nevynsolemnwarning: why are you using sendmail?
17:19.02smlsolemnwarning: thats a BAD idea.
17:19.11nevynno he said to not from.
17:19.16solemnwarningcos postfix is too hard and i cant even get qmail downloaded and installed
17:19.16KLBS_smeagolI need help with the LVM, if anybody can help my, please open a private with my
17:19.23nevynaccept from localnetwork to *
17:19.30asgsolemnwarning: then use exim
17:19.32vahidis it possibe i install debian from ftp( local ftp ), i need install sarge on 10 PCs,
17:19.41nevynPerfDave: samba as pdc?
17:19.41PerfDavevahid: Read the Installation Manual
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17:19.50PerfDavesolemnwarning: Are you running Debian?
17:19.50solemnwarningwhats exim?
17:19.55dpkgexim is a message transfer agent developed at University of Cambridge for use on Unix systems connected to the internet.  Freely available under the GPL.  It is similar to Smail 3.,  very much like sendmail, including security holes all over the place, consider switching to exim4 for security and speed improvements, or to clean the mail queue ...
17:19.59solemnwarningno the external server is fedora
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17:20.07solemnwarningbut internal and router is deb
17:20.08greycatasg: nothing is harder to use than sendmail.
17:20.11PerfDavenevyn: Using LDAP as a backend, yes.
17:20.12dawwHow can I check version for modutils?
17:20.14asggreycat: agreed
17:20.15*** part/#debian Maria_15 (
17:20.15solemnwarningi did sendmail easy
17:20.16sussudio!be sendmail barbie is HARD!
17:20.18greycatdaww: man dpkg
17:20.21solemnwarningcant figure postfix out
17:20.23nevynasg: some people wonder how ANYTHING could be harder to use than sendmail.
17:20.28nevynthen I saw openldap
17:20.32asgnevyn: hah
17:20.34PerfDavesolemnwarning: So you're not trying to configure sendmail on a Debian box? + make = easy
17:20.40smlsolemnwarning: You'll have fun with m4 then
17:20.52nevynbut seriously most of the time openldap just worked.
17:21.04nevynhad more issues with nfs and 2.2/2.4 than with openldap
17:21.04solemnwarningi would install deb on external server but i dont know enough about deb yet
17:21.05greycatsolemnwarning: what the hell are you doing running sendmail?
17:21.07smlsolemnwarning: yes it is easy but you wont understand a single line in the file that way. and when you need to do something tricky you'll be fscked!
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17:21.28smlI should know I used sendmail for ten years. I now use exim.
17:21.30slocateis anywhere to control the "terminal font" in gnome terminal?
17:21.34sionHow do I clean the mbr and reinstall lilo on it?
17:21.39greycatsion: lilo
17:21.40asgnevyn: at least you don't have to work with AD from your linux boxes
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17:21.58nevynasg: hrm AD doesn't strike me as a terrible idea
17:22.00ea8946slocate, right click on the window, edit current profile
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17:22.22asgnevyn: no, unless your windows admins update the AD boxes from 2000 to 2003 and kill your libpam-krb5 authentication.
17:22.24nevynI kinda wanted to play with makeing samba a AD member server but I don't have any windwos machines
17:22.34greycatAD is not useful because you have to have an admin-level account to get samba to use it.
17:22.46slocateea8946: well to change whatever font that one resolvs to
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17:22.51smlI have a question :-)  If I want to have a raw socket bound to an SSL socket , say I want to use netcat to port 443, can I use stunnel ?
17:23.14asgnevyn: also, you have to extend its schema to use nsswitch and such which the Windows admins refuse to do.
17:23.24ea8946slocate, you need to add fonts or something?
17:23.27smli.e. is there something that will do the SSL handshake and then let me control the endpoint ?
17:23.31asgsml: sure
17:23.44solemnwarningdoes any1 know a postfix tutorial that also says how to allow all mail
17:23.50nevynasg: they're afraid.
17:24.01asgnevyn: yes and apparently have good reason to be from what I've heard.
17:24.05nevynasg: I just did the MOC stuff I'm afraid.
17:24.08greycatsolemnwarning: DO you want to be an open relay?  If so, WHY?
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17:24.15nevyngpo's are shiny
17:24.17asgnevyn: also, the standard windows tools are completely useless for managing 120K accounts
17:24.19smlgreycat: Perhaps he's a spammer :)
17:24.21*** part/#debian Lenny_ (
17:24.23nevynsolemnwarning: allowing all mail is BAD
17:24.30slocateea8946: i would like it to use sabvga for instance
17:24.30solemnwarningfor my mail server
17:24.31greycatsml: I have no doubt that he's going to become one.
17:24.42nevynasg: slow as?
17:24.45smlgreycat: Certainly going about it the right way.
17:24.45greycathe's completely beyond hope.
17:24.49jakhello folks... im still trying to get my cpudynd to run... ran into some problems, because /sys/dev./[...]/cpufreq does not exist...
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17:24.52slocateea8946: which i happen to like....
17:24.57solemnwarningevery time i send mail to a new domain i have to ssh into server and add it to list <_<
17:25.06nevynjak: what kernel are you running?
17:25.12asgnevyn: yes, slow...very sloow.
17:25.16jaknevyn: 2.6.9 self compiled
17:25.22webuseranyone knows the best place for help on wireless ?
17:25.36nevynsolemnwarning: that's stupid don't specify any outgoing domains. just specify the networks you accept mail FROM and send to anywhere
17:25.44dpkgIf you have a question, just ask away on channel. If somebody knows, they'll answer :) For best results, be specific, informative, complete, concise and on-topic!  Don't ask if you can ask a question first. Also don't ask if anyone uses/knows about foo. Please don't be demanding or insulting. Remember, we're all volunteers. Finally, please don't /msg people ...
17:25.53nevynwebuser: that's for you.
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17:26.16greycat!tell me about ask
17:26.17A-abci have an application where i have to set the destination ip as a pcap filter..any ideas how ca i do that?
17:26.23greycatVery, very interesting.
17:26.42asggreycat: is it cutting everything off?
17:26.46greycat"!tell me about ..." appears to be the ONLY known way to get the full output of a factoid that exceeds dpkg's new length threshold.
17:26.53greycatasg: "/msg dpkg ask" cuts it off.
17:27.01greycatasg: "!tell me about ask" splits it in to two /msgs.
17:27.06jakwebuser: what is your problem with your wlan?
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17:27.47webuseri'm gettin an error
17:27.49asggreycat: very odd
17:27.49jakwhen i when i try to insert speedstep-lib it seems to work... dmesg tells me that "Access to /proc/cpufreq is deprecated and will be removed from (new) 2.6. kernels soon after 2005-01-01"
17:27.50webusermake[1]: *** Sem regra para processar o alvo `modules'.  Pare.
17:27.52bluefox83can anyone recommend an alternate package to bootsplash?
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17:27.55stew/msg dpkg tell me about... works
17:27.57aulahijos de putaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
17:28.02greycatwebuser: /msg dpkg kp
17:28.04asgbluefox83: not using it?
17:28.08greycataula: go away.
17:28.20webuserwhen following the spteps to get my intel2100 wqorking
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17:28.30greycatwebuser: *WHAT* steps?
17:28.30resiak!tell webuser -about enter
17:28.31nevynthe kernel build is i18n'd that's cool.
17:28.36bluefox83asg, i'd like a nice little boot screen, but bootsplash is b0rked
17:28.43greycatnevyn: no, that's just make(1).
17:28.56jakwebuser: what steps/what is the error... im speakin english :)
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17:29.04nevyneverything should be i18n'd
17:29.09troubl1me and my friend have just setup debian as a router for a small network but... when i bootup dhcpdiscove cannot get an ip address from my modem, any suggestions ?
17:29.15dgarciaI have a problem with ssh... it is a delay problem when logging
17:29.23nevyntroubl1: what kind of modem?
17:29.47nevynit's straight dhcp usually?
17:29.56troubl1thats what we thought
17:30.09stewtroubl1: pull the power cord from the modem to force it to reset
17:30.10nite613troubl1: Is it a cable modem or DSL?
17:30.18asgbluefox83: close your eyes and imagine naked women or men for the 20 seconds it takes to boot.
17:30.19troubl1cable modem
17:30.29asgbluefox83: that's what I do, or go get a beer or take a piss
17:30.34nite613troubl1: Some cable modems are set to talk only to one MAC address unless you properly release the DHCP lease before switching NICs
17:30.49dgarciawhen I do dig it said me: "connection timed out; no servers could be reached"... any idea?
17:30.55*** part/#debian dvhart (
17:30.59troubl1yes the modem does use a mac address
17:31.03nite613troubl1: Plug in whatever machine was working, issue a proper DHCP release (I don't remember how offhand), then try
17:31.16stewtroubl1: some cable modems won't give out a new lease unless they reset, and some don't reset when you simply turn them off you have to pull the plug on them
17:31.18asgdgarcia: does 'dig' also return the same error?
17:31.25troubl1nite: we tried that
17:31.32nite613Alright, dunno then
17:31.42nite613that's a common trouble though, I was screwed by it when a NIC died on me
17:32.06PerfDavetroubl1: You could use /etc/network/interfaces to change the MAC address of the NIC in your Debian card into that of the machine that was working.
17:32.06nite613stew is right. The cable modem Rogers gave me needed to be unplugged for 24hrs to clear the MAC association.
17:32.07troubl1yeah its a bummer to workaround
17:32.09dgarciaasg: yes
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17:32.18nite613At least, that's what they told me and it did work :P
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17:32.23asgdgarcia: any firewall in place?
17:32.32troubl1the comp that is working is a windoze
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17:32.36asgdgarcia: can you ping the nameserver in question?
17:32.50dgarciaasg: yes is the same machine
17:32.52nite613troubl1: I'm off to visit a customer. Good luck with your problem
17:33.02troubl1ok ty nite
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17:33.23dvstroubl1: It's 12:30 ;-)
17:33.25asgdgarcia: oh, the nameserver is localhost? does 'dig @localhost' work?
17:33.43troubl1dvs: your point is ??
17:33.51msnI am facing a peculiar probloem with my audio/sound output, while xmms/mpg123  is running sound breaks while the song is being played, I checked the process table for any heavy duty processes but all processor is about 9% most of the time. but sound breaks frequently
17:33.59dvstroubl1: It's not night ;-)
17:34.04greycatmsn: ALSA or OSS?
17:34.16dgarciaasg: no, the same problem!
17:34.16troubl1the guy i was talking to was called nite
17:34.29greycatmsn: AHA!  YAY, it's not just me who couldn't get ALSA to work!
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17:34.38greycatmsn: I just went back to 2.4.x and OSS and stayed happy.
17:34.38asgdgarcia: then it isn't configured properly (your nameserver that is)
17:34.50msnwell I am using alsa with 2.4
17:35.01resiak!start a sound system war
17:35.04msn2.6 is still a big no no for me. I love 2.4
17:35.27dgarciadgarcia: but if i do a ping to a machine it´s works, for example ping
17:35.43dgarciaasg: but if i do a ping to a machine it´s works, for example ping
17:35.43asgdgarcia: that's because /etc/resolv.conf is correctly configured.
17:35.52msnwell I have no qualms in using any of them. just that it should work
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17:37.03dgarciaasg: the problem start when i change the IP of the server to another network
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17:37.47dgarciaasg: and I detect a ssh logging dalay when ssh 192.168.x.x
17:38.10asgdgarcia: that's probably a reverse lookup timing out
17:39.03dgarciaasg: Ok, you know that is a DNS problem?
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17:40.05asgdgarcia: I suspect that is the reason for the delay, yes.
17:40.07sussudio"Vegetarians were burnt to death during the  Inquisition as it was thought heretical to refuse to kill and eat animals."
17:40.10sussudiodamn catholics.
17:40.23asgsussudio: they don't taste good anyway
17:40.24pengolhi there is there a way to get a channel key inside the channel?
17:40.37dgarciadgarcia: what is the first item to atack the problem?
17:40.57asgdgarcia: figure out why your dns resolution is broken
17:41.04bluefox83wish i could figure out what the name of that boot splash package was..
17:41.08greycatasg: which don't?  the animals, or the vegetarians?
17:41.12asgpengol: n n w s s /kill shiriff
17:41.12dgarciaasg: thanks!
17:41.18asggreycat: the catholics
17:41.28greycatasg: some of them do.
17:41.39pengolasg: wht does that mean?
17:41.47asggreycat: none that I've ever met, though I haven't met all of them
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17:41.54asgpengol: google for DikuMUD
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17:43.13jakany suggestions concerning cpu frequency scaling?
17:43.31greycatuh... "don't do it"?
17:43.49pengolasg: I don't understand
17:44.26pengolno way?
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17:44.44asgpengol: nevermind, since you didn't specify any context to your question, I assumed you were talking about Muds. No worries.
17:45.33PerfDaveBah, they shuold burn vegetarians these days. MORE MEAT FOR THE MEAT EATERS!
17:46.10jakgreycat: throttling your cpu to save power... and it wont work on my lovely ibm :(
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17:46.25tweekken_I fear Prion disease a bit    U.S. Beef is randomly tested
17:46.44greycatjak: oh, that.  uh... I heard openbsd can do it on some arches.  dunno anything about it in linux.
17:47.01PerfDavetweekken_: Oh, I wouldn't eat meat in the USA. But I'm not planning on going to the USA any time soon, so it's not a problem ;)
17:47.11pengolsorry I meant:  is there a way to get a irc channel key inside the channel?
17:47.12PerfDavejak: Is it not done on the BIOS level?
17:47.15jakgreycat: nou? hummm..  ive read so much about it and everybody tell how easy it is to set up :)
17:47.22jakPerfDave: dunno...
17:47.37bluefox83i eat steak here every monday at applebee's i'm still kickin..
17:47.47jakPerfDave: i dont think, because i have power for 2 hours...
17:47.58jakwith an accu whoich is supposed to give me 4!
17:48.02resiakjak: It's really not too hard.
17:48.09resiakjak: They always claim longer times than you get
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17:48.34jakresiak: but only 50%???
17:48.38jaki want moooore :)
17:48.42resiakjak: apt-cache show cpufreqd
17:48.45greycatjak: demi?
17:48.56asggreycat: roger?
17:48.57jakresiak: installed... bur wont work
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17:49.05jakgreycat: demi?
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17:49.12resiakjak: Won't work?#
17:49.25*** join/#debian TinoW (
17:49.32resiak!doesn't work
17:50.04TinoW*bwahaha* stat64("/lib/grub/*-*/stage1", 0xbffff2f0) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
17:50.06*** join/#debian ln (
17:50.08dpkgLook buddy, doesn't work is an ambiguous statement.  Does it sit on the couch all day?  Does it want more money?  Does it waste its time on IRC all day long?  Please be specific!  Define 'it' and what it isn't doing.
17:50.09jakresiak: tells me, that it has nothing to do...
17:50.13TinoWgenius at work :)
17:50.21resiakjak: How does it tell you?
17:50.40troubledpkg vim
17:50.40dpkg[vim] the only true editor, or does syntax highlighting, has graphical X interface.  Extremely popular vi clone that does syntax highlighting or don't forget to get .vimrc  file from or the best thing since sliced bread, an editor that rocks your socks!!!, or something very cool, said because we need to have as long a block of text as the emacs ...
17:50.46jaki type in cpydynd/cpufreqd and then there appear theese lines...
17:50.49*** part/#debian ln (
17:51.03jakcpudynd: CPU frequency control disabled
17:51.04jakError: Nothing to do, exiting
17:51.11resiakjak: Have you a home-made kernel?
17:51.21jakresiak: yes...
17:51.31jakresiak: i have to use speedstep-lib as control module
17:51.33*** join/#debian jmspeex (
17:51.34resiakjak: ...and so you have not enabled the appropriate bits, have you?
17:51.35greycatdpkg, slain by lag.
17:51.38jakwhich is inserted without problems
17:51.45jakresiak: yes.
17:51.52greycat~mourn dpkg
17:51.54aptACTION lights some candles for dpkg
17:51.54resiakjak: Well, all I know is that it works perfectly with a stock 2.6.8
17:52.04SeldoFirst debian install: I have a really old laptop with not a lot of information about the video card except that it does 800x600 resolution. The configuration screen is asking for my desired X server driver. What's a safe thing to pick, or where should I start looking to find out what driver to use for my card?
17:52.04resiakjak: Compare your .config to its, and see what you're doing wrong.
17:52.10greycatresiak: "stock" debian you mean?
17:52.16resiakgreycat: Yes.
17:52.25resiakjak: Stock Debian kernel-image-2.6.8-2
17:52.32greycatSeldo: in another tty, run lspci
17:52.40*** join/#debian Pekka (
17:52.45jakresiak: to which .config?
17:52.47SeldoHow do I switch to another tty?
17:52.55greycatSeldo: alt-f2, alt-f1
17:52.59PekkaAnybody heard of "fd cache inconsistency" ?
17:53.02resiakjak: Compare your .config to kernel-image-2.6.8-2's .config
17:53.05*** join/#debian zbychuk (~zbychuk@
17:53.05resiakjak: Oh, are you on 2.4?
17:53.13jakresiak: nono, 2.6
17:53.20resiakjak: So do what I said :)
17:53.51jakresiak: where to get this config? do i have to install this package?
17:54.25Seldogreycat: cheers, that worked perfectly.
17:54.31*** join/#debian j0d3 (
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17:55.21bwlang_anybody know where /dev/log comes from ? dpkg -S /dev/log produces no result
17:55.31resiakjak: install kernel-image-2.6.8-2
17:56.01jakresiak: ok, i got it... comparing...
17:56.04*** join/#debian zbychuk (~zbychuk@
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17:58.00jakresiak: seems as if all bits are set...
17:58.19jaki get a /proc/cpufreq...
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17:58.42bluefox83does anyone know anything about the booticons package?
17:58.57greycat!anyone know
17:59.09*** join/#debian dpkg (~dpkg@dpkg.user)
17:59.09dpkgOkay, I'm here. (courtesy of greycat)
17:59.13greycat!anyone know
17:59.16bluefox83greycat, are you familiar with the booticons package?
17:59.18dpkgNope, no one knows!  Actually, someone *might* know, but it's best to simply state your problem or ask your question.  If someone in the know is around, they will answer, if not, well, no one knows ;).
17:59.29SeldoFirst installer again: it wants to know what mouse port to use. Is there a way I can detect what "port" this ancient laptop's trackpad is on? /dev/input/mice seems to obvious to be right :-)
17:59.38bluefox83i don't have a specific question, i want to know what that package does
17:59.47jakdpkg: are you a chatbot? ive never seen someone typing that fast :))
17:59.55TinoWSeldo: mdetect
17:59.57fabiettoHi at all. Someone can help me to setting up my bluetooth adapter? I'm using a Broadcom BCM2033 USB bluetooth adapter with a 2.6.10 kernel...
17:59.59greycatSeldo: if you're on sarge, use /dev/input/mice no matter what.  but you may have to manually load mousedev.
18:00.03*** join/#debian h0h0h0 (
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18:00.21Seldotinow: how do you run mdetect?
18:00.32greycatthe only exception would be if you plan to use an exteral usb mouse and a builtin touchpad interchangably
18:00.46Seldogreycat: thanks
18:00.56TinoWSeldo: man mdetect ;) usually x configuration takes it in account if available
18:01.15*** join/#debian zbychuk (~zbychuk@
18:01.25TinoWgreycat: while this works here perfectly via /dev/input/mice
18:01.28fabiettoi installed the kbluetoothd, but i've got probably some problems with bluez... the adapter is not shown when i try hciconfig from the root console...
18:02.39sussudiodpkg: where did you go
18:02.40resiakjak: Of course he's a bot. Anyway, I don't know any more than that it works perfectly on that kernel. Try booting with that.
18:02.40Seldotinow: man doesn't have an entry for mdetect (I only installed the first CD, 'cause the others are still downloading. will /usr/sbin/base-config allow me to add the other 6 cds later? And is there any point in doing so?
18:02.56jakyeah, right ill do...
18:02.59bluefox83hrm, someo of the packages listen on the debian unstable list are not in my unstable source :/
18:03.00TinoWSeldo: which version are you installing? woody?
18:03.11Seldo3.0 stable; I think that's Sarge?
18:03.40bluefox83sorry for bad typing, was sneezing :X
18:03.42TinoWSeldo: 3.0 is woody iirc. the sarge installer works better for configuration and hardware detection
18:04.09Seldotinow: assume that I don't want to switch horses in mid-stream ;-)
18:05.32TinoWSeldo: after install, you can use dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86 until it works
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18:08.53FieldySnutsanyone know of a cli (console) ftp client that can do tls? ncftp doesn't seem to
18:09.06Seldotinow: thanks
18:09.43*** join/#debian Ken|JLimeX (
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18:10.53jakresiak: hum... does not work with the standard kernel
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18:12.06troublei am logged in as root but every time i try to execute a command it says permission denied, any suggestion ??
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18:13.32resiakjak: Do you have an appropriate processor?
18:13.42RomanKHi all!
18:13.50*** join/#debian meggs (
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18:14.51RomanKi'd like to rebuild kernel-image-2.6.10-1-686 with a small patch applied... but i don't want to apply all the debian-packages manually again... isn't there a way to get the build-script for kernel-image-2-6-10-1-686? unfortunately it isn't in kernel-source-2-6-10
18:15.02jakresiak: Pentium (M)
18:15.12resiakjak: Worksforme.
18:15.13jakwith bios-enabled speedstep...
18:15.20resiakRomanK: Yes, it is.
18:15.23resiakRomanK: /boot/
18:15.25dreamlogiTo which package does the "apachectl" command belong to?
18:15.38asgdreamlogi: dpkg -S apachectl
18:15.46ayleeI have been having trouble getting speedstepping to work on my T40. I am running sarge with 2.6.8-2-686 and the cpufreq_userspace kernel module has been inserted but cpudynd that CPU frequence control is disabled and there is nothing in /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0. Please help?
18:15.56RomanKresiak: i don't understand... what means /boot/?
18:16.05*** join/#debian kab (~abarrera@
18:16.13luctoranyone had this one ? cvs [import aborted]: attempt to import the repository
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18:16.39RomanKresiak: in /boot only the .config of my kernel is located, not the buildscript nor the patches
18:16.51*** join/#debian IvyCQHome (
18:17.00asgluctor: #cvs might have had that one
18:17.02kabhi, I have a apache-perl, but I don't found the perl direcotry, where is the perl directory to put my perl scripts?
18:17.09cjohnsonHi.  This isn't 100% Debian related, but does anyone know how to get a SB Audigy2 ZS working?  I've installed the alsa packages and have emu10k1 in my kernel (2.6.8) in a fresh install of Sarge
18:17.26asgkab: dpkg -L apache-perl | pager
18:17.46bushwakkonewest opera 8.0beta2 works with webmin now :)
18:18.09asplodzorcjohnson: using sarge? ...sounds debian enough for me ;)
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18:18.36asplodzorcan't be much more help than that though
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18:19.36TinoWcjohnson: you plugged the speakers in the right socket? ;)
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18:21.38ayleeI have been having trouble getting speedstepping to work on my T40. I am running sarge with 2.6.8-2-686 and the cpufreq_userspace kernel module has been inserted but cpudynd reports that CPU frequence control is disabled and there is nothing in /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0. Can anyone help me? I did a lot searching online but I couldn't find an answer.
18:22.19*** part/#debian luctor (
18:22.27cjohnsonTinoW: Yes.
18:23.00kabasg,  tnks
18:23.19asgkab: you're welcome
18:23.58cahootcjohnson: see if enabling Analog audio (in alsamixer) does it
18:24.14*** join/#debian khanman (
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18:25.38dreamlogiasg; I cant locate the command 'apachectl' at my computer except in some doc references with "dpkg -S apachectl". Do you know which package to install to get this command? (I would have thought apache2-utils, but apperently it isnt there).
18:25.55*** join/#debian Vme (
18:26.09ayleedreamlogi: usually it comes with apache
18:26.28cjohnsonWhere is that setting in alsamixer, cahoot ?
18:26.28asgdreamlogi: apache
18:26.43*** join/#debian DaviD (~ALev__@
18:26.55PerfDavedreamlogi: /msg dpkg search
18:26.55ezra-sdreamlogi, anytime you need to find which package has certain file, has a nice package search which rocks
18:27.04dreamlogiThanks guys :) has many cool stuff in it
18:28.33*** join/#debian blutengel (
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18:29.08nix000anyone use whereami here ?
18:29.23cahootcjohnson: got an option named "Audigy A"?
18:29.59*** join/#debian CheloX (
18:30.04ayleeI guess nobody can help me with my problem... Maybe its a kernel issue.
18:31.05nix000if anoyone who uses whereami can show how /etc/interfaces look like i'll apreciate
18:31.37dossi81does anyone know a good how tow for using a transparent squid with an iptables firewall (not running an the proxy machine)???
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18:32.14helixwhy is screen such a hater?
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18:35.23Seb__how do you create a partition table when you get "sda: unknown partition table" ?
18:35.26CheloXhola peng
18:35.31YaroonDoes anyone know how to send mail from postfix to spamassassin via webmin? wembin-postfix and webmin-spamassassin are installed.
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18:37.27Sebno one :)
18:37.50pengHow do you get that error?
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18:38.33andaxhow can I rebuild the dev filesystem so I have /dev/hdh ? i only have the files until /dev/hde.. there was a command that could rebuild the /dev/hdXX files so all disks become visible but I forgot :)
18:38.41greycatandax: man MAKEDEV
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18:38.48andaxgreycat thanks
18:38.54Sebpeng: nope, in dmesg
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18:39.07Sebpeng: when I try to run fdisk I get "Unable to open /dev/sda"
18:39.55LSorensenSeb: do you have a scsi or sata drive?
18:40.09Sebwhat's interesting is that the kernel say "SCSI device sda: 35566478 512-byte hdwr sectors (18210 MB)", then "sda: unknown partition table"
18:40.19Sebyet on my filesystem there is no /dev/sda
18:40.26SebLSorensen: SCSI
18:40.37greycatSeb: udev?  devfs?
18:40.51LSorensenSeb: does it have a partition table yet or is it a new blank drive
18:40.52Sebgreycat: none of those
18:41.02*** join/#debian LordLamer (
18:41.03LSorensenSeb: try: cd /dev; MAKEDEV sda
18:41.13SebLSorensen: I got it from an old box that was to be recycled. I'd imagine the previous owner wiped it out before releasing the box for recycling
18:41.15LSorensenSeb: maybe you just don't have the device nodes for it created yet
18:41.21helixurgh, I need music at work
18:41.23*** join/#debian topro (
18:41.35SebLSorensen: that worked
18:41.40toprohi, is there a special channel for debian-installer?
18:41.46greycattopro: #debian-boot
18:41.48PerfDavetopro: #debian-boot
18:41.49LSorensenSeb: well that would explain the 'can't open' error
18:41.53helixtopro: wait a minute :)
18:41.57helixtopro: what's the question?
18:41.57SebLSorensen: it's strange, /dev/sda was there before, I know I've mounted a USB key on this box
18:42.16LSorensenSeb: well if you are using udev or devfs, you might just have to load sd_mod to make them appear
18:42.24helixgreycat, PerfDave: some of the people in #d-b have mentioned we shouldn't send everyone over there
18:42.45toprohelix: I have a promise sataII tx4 controller which is supported by linux-2.6.11, wanted to know if there is a chance to get a debian installer with 2.6.11
18:42.51SebLSorensen: i'm not using devfs, that I'm sure of (ps aux | grep dev doesn't return anything). How do I check for udev ?
18:43.01greycatSeb: if /.dev exists, it's udev.
18:43.12PerfDavehelix: Fair enough.
18:43.20*** join/#debian edwind (
18:43.30Sebhmm, /.dev: No such file or directory
18:43.36helixtopro: afaik, d-i is shipping with 2.6.8, but I'm sure there's a way to get it to use 2.6.11
18:43.48Sebso no devfs, no udev, yet my /dev/sda disappeared, that's in interesting...
18:43.52directhex!fgi htpc
18:43.57toprohelix: do you know of a way? ;)
18:43.58helixPerfDave: annoyingly, they didn't really say what manner of question was ok
18:43.58Sebs/in / /
18:44.06helixtopro: I've never done it before, but someone here might
18:44.23toprogonna check #debian-boot, but thanks so far
18:44.29PerfDavehelix: I tend to send people there if they (a) have a problem with the actual installation process and (b) haven't been able to fix it with the Installation Manual.
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18:45.08helixPerfDave: yeah, afaik it's considered a mostly development channel
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18:45.43PerfDavehelix: Fair enough then.
18:48.49SeldoOkay, so I've configured X but it can't find core pointer: no mouse. I've configured it for /dev/input/mice. Anybody got suggestions on how to find out where my mouse really is? (It's a trackpad on a really old laptop)
18:49.05*** join/#debian McMurphy (
18:49.55Seldo"/dev/input/mice" doesn't exist. I'm running woody.
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18:50.23PerfDaveSeldo: /dev/psaux might be a good guess for a tracpad.
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18:50.44sussudioasg: badger-ass makes its re-appearance
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18:51.28greycatSeldo: /msg dpkg usbmouse
18:51.31greycatSeldo: man MAKEDEV
18:51.42greycatDAMN, dpkg is truncating it.
18:51.53dpkgsomebody said /dev/input/mice was mkdir /dev/input; mknod /dev/input/mice c 13 63
18:53.24*** join/#debian Jah_Raztah (
18:53.27asgsussudio: oh oh
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18:53.40Jah_Raztahis this the latest version of debain --> Debian GNU/Linux 3.0 updated (r4)
18:53.49marklfrom the lilo prompt, how do you tell linux to load the aic7xxx module?
18:53.52Seldogreycat: making a node in that position with those parameters does what exactly?
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18:54.11valdynJah_Raztah: no but the latest stable release
18:54.26Jah_Raztahwhere can i obtain it
18:54.40greycatSeldo: it's a character device.
18:54.46stewJah_Raztah: are you installing a server or desktop?
18:54.55stew!d-i Jah_Raztah
18:54.55dpkgJah_Raztah, you want to go to - for your own good, and everyone else's.
18:55.33Seldogreycat: and what, pray tell, is a character device? Feel free to tell me to fuck off and google it :-)
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18:56.25Jah_Raztahhow do i kno which one to download.. like there is x86 and i386
18:56.32Jah_Raztahand so fourth
18:56.49*** join/#debian priest (
18:56.52dracJah_Raztah: 386 is x86
18:57.04dracJah_Raztah: cat /proc/cputype
18:57.20dracdamn typo
18:57.31Jah_RaztahAMD Thunderbirb
18:57.42Jah_RaztahThunderbird 1400 ghz
18:57.50Gheteknobody in the knoppix channel seems to be talking im sorry to bother but are there any knoppix people in here?
18:57.57greycat!they don't nkow
18:57.59greycat!they don't know
18:57.59dpkgJust because the morons in some OTHER channel don't know the answer to your non-Debian question does NOT give you the right to molest US with your problems.  Go try Google.
18:58.12dracJah_Raztah: that's k7
18:58.16dpkgit has been said that k7 is the generic model name for the series of AMD i386-compatible processors which begins with the "Athlon" and also includes the "Duron", "Thunderbird", "Sempron" and "Athlon XP" processors. It does not include the Opteron (k8) family or the older K5 or K6 chips.
18:58.31Ghetekdpkg, are you talking to me?
18:59.03*** join/#debian xeLo (
18:59.04dpkgI ain't no stinkin' bot.  I am a finely tuned and hand crafted tool.  Oh wait... I guess I am a bot (that you should not abuse).
18:59.05*** join/#debian evilstoy (
18:59.26Ghetekoh hahaha ok
18:59.32Jah_Raztahis there a website where i can check and see if my hardware will be complatible with debain.. my hardware was compatible with the latest kernel 2.6 for the Knoppix live cd
18:59.35Gheteki feel stupid
18:59.57valdynJah_Raztah: it should be
19:00.09valdynJah_Raztah: just try sarge as you were told
19:00.30dpkgi heard d-i is the new installer for sarge (debian 3.1), at or see #debian-boot, but don't pester the d-i devs with unrelated questions, or see <debian-installer>
19:00.40valdynJah_Raztah: ^^ sarge ^^^
19:00.43PerfDaveJah_Raztah: Hardware compatiability is a function of the kernel, not the distribution.
19:01.02*** join/#debian Skaag (
19:01.04Jah_Raztahis debain kernal 2.6
19:01.11Skaagis there a tool that graphs connectivity to a certain ip?
19:01.37greycatJah_Raztah: sarge has both 2.4 and 2.6 kernels.
19:01.40Ghetekok so i will assume that there are no willing knoppix help takers?
19:01.50Jah_Raztahwhere do i get sarge
19:01.52valdyn!tell Ghetek about ask
19:02.02dpkgTen-HUT!  Fall in!  Sarge is the current testing release code-name.  Ask me about <d-i> to get the installer.
19:02.10andaxsata drives should also appear as /dev/hdXX right?
19:02.21PerfDaveGhetek: Yes, we don't support Knoppix here, because this is a channel for Debian, not for Knoppix.
19:02.22valdynandax: no, /dev/sdXX
19:02.36greycatandax: depends on the kernel.
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19:02.56valdynandax: no, /dev/sdXX on 2.6.x
19:02.59andax2.4.29 with Promise SATA TX2/TX4 support
19:03.47Jah_Raztahsarge-i386-netinst.iso <--- is that the one I'm suppose tog et?
19:03.53Ghetekperf dave ok thanks anyway, i dont know the difference between debian and knoppix. I am just a microsoft user trying to get away from windows.
19:04.16Jah_Raztahsame i'm on microsoft too
19:04.31Gheteki like linux, free and open office is nice
19:04.40*** part/#debian toona (
19:04.46dpkgKnoppix is _not_ Debian. Seek knoppix help in #knoppix. For those of you who don't know, knoppix is a livecd distro based on debian. It's useful as a rescue cd, to test hardware, and for situations where you have access to a computer but it doesn't run debian.
19:04.59dpkgfrom memory, debian is  See
19:05.01Jah_Raztahbut i plan on gettin debian workin, then getting VMware and running windows 98se
19:05.06*** join/#debian couloum (~couloum@
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19:05.49couloumhello. Does anyone have a problem with kernel 2.6.11 and fglrx drivers ?
19:05.57greycatlemme guess... you?
19:06.01PerfDaveJah_Raztah: You can also run Win98 in qemu. It's slower, but may be acceptable if you have a reasonably fast machine, and qemu is Free.
19:06.05valdyncouloum: yes, unsurprisingly they dont compile
19:06.20Jah_Raztahohh ic
19:06.39Jah_Raztahi taught Vmware was the only one that did that
19:06.39couloumvaldyn: yes, and i applied a patch i found on internet but it still don't work :(
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19:06.55valdyncouloum: why must you use 2.6.11?
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19:06.58doneillthere's also bochs and feaux
19:07.00doneilland others
19:07.04Jah_Raztahqemu has website?
19:07.07dpkgi guess qemu is a fast PC emulator that can be found at
19:07.25Jah_Raztahwow ur bot is really good
19:07.26*** join/#debian _gonz__ (
19:07.38dpkgUr is the ancient Sumerian city that dominated Mesopotamia from 6000 BC to 600 BC.  If you mean "you are" or "your", just say so. Also swedish for clock, and a swedish word meaning "from within". a german prefix for refering to something very old
19:07.55*** part/#debian priest (
19:08.02couloumvaldyn: it was just to try, but i would like fglrx work on this kernel
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19:08.23PerfDaveJah_Raztah: apt-cache search qemu
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19:09.32couloumvaldyn: and if it was a known problem i could have fix it easily
19:09.51zahodit's not only a german prefix, it's a swedish prefix too
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19:10.04zahodfor the same thing
19:10.20greycatI doubt we can program the aggregate meaning of a syllable in all natural languages into a single factoid.
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19:10.35zahodbah ;)
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19:13.14Jah_Raztahi need jigdo to download the full cd to install debian right?
19:13.46troggerI'm having trouble with courier-imap not allowing me to logon. It has worked before on this machine, but doesn't any more. It says "login failed" - how do I get more information about what is going wrong?
19:13.54greycatwhat did you change?
19:14.00*** part/#debian Roldyx1 (foobar@
19:14.14edwindhola quienes soys
19:14.18dpkgHispanohablantes: Por favor usen #debian-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.  Spanish Speakers: Please use #debian-es, there you will get much more help.
19:14.40troggerunfortunately, many things - I tried other mail clients and then came back to courier-imap. Haven't changed anything specific about courier-imap though
19:14.53troggergreycat: good question, but don't know the answer
19:14.59edwindbete a la mierda
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19:16.54simonrvnlooks who's the shit-beast now
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19:17.04troggercourierauthtest shows that authentication failed - how would I fix this?
19:17.11skeennHi everyone. What is the command to output the contents of a file into another file?
19:17.16PhatedWe need stats for witty comebacks too.
19:17.19greycatskeenn: cp, cat
19:17.29skeennThanks. :)
19:18.17*** join/#debian holycow (
19:18.22holycowhey guys
19:18.26Rawplayermoo cow
19:18.47fabiettoHi at all. I'm trying to install an usb bluetooth adapter, in a linux box running with a 2.6.10 kernel. The support for my adapter (Broadcom 2033, as the KDE information center says) should be integrated in this kernel, but when i insert the adapter into the usb slot, i can see this error message via dmesg: "bcm203x_probe: Mini driver request failed;bcm203x: probe of 3-1:1.0 failed with error -5; usb 3-1: adding 3-1:1.1 (config #1,
19:19.10holycowis there a way i can run 'sudo gnome-ppp' without the requirement for the users to type in their password again?
19:19.27valdynholycow: man sudo
19:19.41skeennOK. New, but related, question. I have a PHP file, I want to output the parsed file to a new file. Does anyone know how I can do that?
19:19.52*** join/#debian handbrain (
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19:20.33greycatfabietto: it's not a Debian kernel, is it?
19:20.39greycatprobably not even a Debian system.
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19:20.47tchmnkyzhey al
19:20.56tchmnkyzhaving a prob with my nvidia drivers
19:21.02tchmnkyzcompile fails on 2.6.11
19:21.07tchmnkyzanyone else?
19:21.10handbrainhey, anyone know what happens if you up the RAM for debian, well, speed from PC 3200 to PC 4000  and leave CPU the same ?
19:21.19fabiettogreycat: yes, i'm using a debian sarge... i simply recompiled the 2.6.10 kernel-sources downloaded from apt-get
19:21.28handbrainis there anything BAD about making RAM faster than it was, and leaving CPU speed alone ?
19:21.29*** part/#debian skeenn (
19:21.33handbrainI know you can get into trouble the other way
19:21.39handbrainwith too much CPU and bottlenecking
19:21.40PhatedDidn't hurt anything here.
19:21.53handbrainI have this MB that lets me really offset the ratio
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19:22.08handbrainI'm just wondering what will happen - OS wise. heh
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19:22.15handbrainscream city hopefully
19:22.37prockman stty says I can do 'stty switch CHAR' but when I do that stty complains that 'switch' is an invalid argument. what gives?
19:22.44handbrainstopwatch in hand, compile kernel,  heh.   best way to time.
19:23.18greycatfabietto: well, make sure you included the driver for that device in your custom kernel, preferably as a module
19:23.20sussudiohandbrain: s/best/stupidest/
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19:23.32greycatprock: what are you trying to do>
19:24.02troggeranyone got experience with aeromail?
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19:24.05greycatnote the spelling.
19:24.41johnsu01_My pcmcia-cs package in testing is "in a very bad inconsistent state". dpkg recommends re-installing it before attempting to remove it. However, it hangs the machine during the install (which is how the package state got ugly). How should I deal with this?
19:24.45MithsirHi! I have a linux router that already has 2 NIC (LAN and WAN). Now I want to connect a WLAN AP to a third NIC. Does the AP have to be config'ed as Bridge? Should the third NIC be a different subnet?
19:24.51prockgreycat: play with my terminal... my goal is to (while ssh'd into some host), send a file through the terminal to a daemon waiting on my local system
19:24.58prockgreycat: oops, thanks =)
19:25.10fabiettogreycat: yes, the module should be "bcm203x.ko" and it's correctly modprobed...
19:25.40greycatfabietto: oh?  then just edit interfaces(5) and you're done.
19:25.51greycatfabietto: I have no idea what you're trying to do, if the module's already loaded...
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19:26.10johnsu01_Or, alternatively, is there a way to install other packages while ignoring the broken pcmcia-cs? That's my main concern atm.
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19:26.26fabiettogreycat: where i should edit this interfaces?
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19:26.43greycatman 5 interfaces
19:27.36fabiettogreycat: stop, stop... this is a bluetooth adapter...
19:27.48yaludoes anyone have experience zith smartmontools? I am running a long test on the drive but the red light does not show much activity. is that normal? Is it possible to get status information while the test is running?
19:28.16ciresorry, no debian related question: do I need an eatx power adapter, for a mainboard with eatx power connector, or is it possible to connect the atx power adapter (20 pins) with the eatx (24 pins) slot on the mainboard?
19:28.19greycatfabietto: I don't do wireless.
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19:28.45brynjarhHow can I get information on what text encoding a text file is using? Preferably from the command line.
19:28.45fabiettogreycat: ok... np
19:28.57greycatbrynjarh: file(1) is your best bet
19:29.02*** mode/#Debian [+l 830] by debhelper
19:29.32brynjarhgreycat, okay thanks, I'll go check that out.
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19:32.23johnsu01_Is there a way that I can replace the broken pcmcia-cs package with on older version? Like, the version just before the upgrade that caused the problem?
19:32.40asgjohnsu01_: /msg dpkg sdn
19:33.24vhurenwhen using webdav does the directory i want to share need to be located inside htdocs?
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19:36.08simonrvnvhuren: um, what would that change with webdav?
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19:36.36johnsu01_asg: Ah, thanks, but will it work to just dpkg -i the snapshot, or will I need to do something to remove the problematic version first?
19:36.44asgjohnsu01_: no, just dpkg -i it
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19:37.22E-bolaHave anybody tried firewire with debian?
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19:37.52jharrisonwkabrotman: no go
19:38.00abrotmanjharrisonwk: que?
19:38.12jharrisonwkabrotman: the reinstall gives the same problems with the configuration assistant
19:38.20BucWheatughh... debian doesn't include a module i need. how can i get it for my box ?
19:38.32abrotmanjharrisonwk: i think i mispoke .. normally .. when i would have an error .. i would have to reinstall everything .. including debian
19:38.39greycatBucWheat: module-assistant
19:38.44abrotmanjharrisonwk: i have no idea of the root cause .. but damn .. oracle sucks
19:39.04*** join/#debian JediMaster (
19:39.36BucWheatgreycat module-assistnat what? cpan ?
19:39.47jharrisonwkabrotman: oracle sucks huh
19:39.50greycatit's... a *perl* module?  not a kernel module?
19:39.57abrotmanjharrisonwk: good DB .. fucking horrible install
19:40.06greycatdh-make-perl - Create debian packages from perl modules
19:40.13*** part/#debian dreamlogi (
19:40.49JediMastercan anyone give me a hand setting up quotas on a debian box? I've added usrquota,grpquota to the fstab options, remounted / (shows up when mount is run) and run touch /quota.user and etc.
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19:41.25JediMasterand quotacheck -avugm....
19:41.35JediMasterbut quotaon doesn't seem to work =(
19:41.44asgJediMaster: did you do /etc/init.d/quota start?
19:42.05cuseSorry again a bit offtopic; I can't find a mainboard for AMD 8x Opteron CPUs (e.g. for Opteron 846), are there none on the market yet?
19:42.13JediMasterI tried that as well, but that gives errors too, one sec, will see what it says again
19:42.16BucWheatgreycat k. i'm using cpan to locate module now then i'll use dh-make-perl against that module to get .deb hopefully
19:42.28JediMasterit's weird, I got it working fine on 3 other machines
19:43.03jharrisonwkabrotman: any ideas?
19:43.14*** part/#debian E-bola (
19:43.17jharrisonwkabrotman: is the configuration assistant necessary?
19:43.19abrotmanjharrisonwk: reinstall debian .. dude .. really .. the oracle installer is a pain
19:43.26abrotmanjharrisonwk: maybe see if petemc has an idea
19:43.28jharrisonwkreinstall debian?
19:43.48TinoWabrotman: I can second that :)
19:44.05abrotmanTinoW: why does your nick look familar?
19:44.05jharrisonwkpetemc: you around?
19:44.17abrotmanTinoW: oh .. from #postgresql :)
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19:44.22TinoWabrotman: :)
19:44.23abrotmani think
19:44.26LSorensencuse: probably only in complete systems.
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19:44.54abrotmanTinoW: does this mean i have to help you now? :)
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19:45.07TinoWabrotman: err... why? ;)
19:45.17abrotmanTinoW: dunno .. i feel i sohuld trade services :)
19:45.27LSorensencuse: tyan has quad boards for opteron 8xx
19:45.29abrotmanTinoW: unless you hang out in #gnome on gimpnet too
19:45.47TinoWabrotman: not yet #gnome and pimpnet ;)
19:45.58johnsu01_asg: Bleh, dpkg -i is hanging on "Preparing to replace..." At least this time, though, the machine is not frozen completely.
19:46.05TinoWabrotman: but #xon on oftc ;)
19:46.06*** join/#debian chealer (chealer@chealer.student.supporter.pdpc)
19:46.09TinoWxen I mean
19:46.12ThreeDayMonkI'm in the middle of upgrading to testing, and all the questions (keep or replace config files) have started coming up in curses mode (blue screen with dialog boxes rather than a prompt).  How do I change it back to the text prompts?
19:46.13JediMasterasg: weird, works now
19:46.22abrotmantinow: that's not me ..  maybe Leimy
19:46.26asgJediMaster: must have just needed some mojo.
19:46.55asgjohnsu01_: are there any terminal warnings showing up in /var/log/syslog?
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19:48.53erici all
19:49.00johnsu01_asg: There are some very nasty looking errors from the kernel involving USB modules..
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19:49.39Coilyusing variables managed to obscure the source of the video, can someone tell me what it is?
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19:50.08asgjohnsu01_: hmmm, that should cause dpkg to lock up. Have you run memtest86 on your memory recently?
19:50.12asplodzorHey, I read about a new type of vnc a while ago that somehow allowed you to use aplications running on the local and remote systems side-by-side
19:50.18asplodzoranyone have any idea what that was?
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19:50.33FieldySnutsanyone know of a cli (console) ftp client that can do tls? ncftp doesn't seem to
19:50.33asgjohnsu01_: something else to try is 'strace -s 512 dpkg -i <pkg>' and see what it is doing, or waiting for.
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19:51.06ThreeDayMonkCoily: mms:// (page info in firefox)
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19:51.55CoilyThreeDayMonk, wow i totally missed that feature, thanks
19:52.01johnsu01_asg: Ok. I haven't tried memtest86. The first set of errors seems to conclude with "EIP is at hcd_panic+0x13/0x80 [usbcore]"
19:52.21prockis there a way to start lrz in the background and wait for a lsz to connect and transfer a file?
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19:53.59johnsu01_asg: Perhaps when I get home I will try with all of the USB modules unloaded and devices unplugged and see what happens.
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19:57.00johnsu01_asg: It's waiting for the preinst upgrade process according to the strace.
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19:57.42cuseLSorense: haha, found one :)
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19:58.06LSorensecuse: I can't remember what you were looking for :)
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19:58.38asgjohnsu01_: hmmm, you could look at the preinst file in /var/lib/dpkg/info and see what it is doing (or supposed to be doing.)
19:58.59cuseLSorense: oh i was looking for a mainboard which supports an 8x AMD Operon, hard to find (yet)
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19:59.56doubhi there
19:59.59LSorensecuse: oh right.  who makes one?
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20:00.44KLBS_smeagolhi, anyone can help mi to problems with LVM¿??
20:00.48cuseLSorense: Tyan Thunder K8QS Pro (S4882)
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20:02.13cuseLSorense: oh shit, but I did not expect such a price actually :o
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20:02.31cuseLSorense: 1349 Eur :)
20:02.50LSorensecuse: seems reasonable
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20:03.33johnsu01_asg: There doesn't seem to be a .preinst file in /var/lib/dpkg/info for it.
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20:04.50RichiHgreycat: you play idlerpg?
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20:06.43greycatRichiH: first time today.
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20:06.57johnsu01_asg: Assuming I'm looking for something like pcmcia-cs.preinst.
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20:08.57RichiHgreycat: yes, i see you are still pretty small
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20:10.11asuffieldprogress quest is better
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20:11.18slak-hey anyone know if it is possible to spin down a firewire drive when its idle
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20:11.38rivHi all
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20:12.26kyrhasdfalguien me puede ayudar?? no me va el apt
20:12.29dpkgHispanohablantes: Por favor usen #debian-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.  Spanish Speakers: Please use #debian-es, there you will get much more help.
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20:13.05slak-how do you say i fucked my donkey in spanish
20:13.11slak-or i want to
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20:13.44johnsu01_When are the .preinst files created in /var/lib/dpkg/info, and would you expect to see one there for the package being upgraded while running dpkg -i ?
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20:15.34kimoguys anyone know of a good #ebooks channel ?
20:15.42rivright here
20:15.49rivbut not in form of ebooks.
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20:15.55rivin form of wisdom
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20:16.25kimoriv :)
20:16.28minimikeanyone from UK here ? I have a Question about an Joboffer in UK
20:17.09rivanyone familiar with tomcat / java who might help me verify and repair my setup?
20:17.12pureoneim from london but i dont know if i could help
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20:17.20minimikeSalary: £20k
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20:17.30XeLoNII cant compile kernel, when I run make menuconfig, it prompts "You must have Ncurses in order to use make menuconfig"
20:17.31minimikeis that per Houer or per Day
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20:17.37XeLoNBut I installed libncurses5
20:17.40pureoneper year
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20:17.49rivI take that per minute
20:18.15pureonewould be nice per hour
20:18.16minimikewithout Tax oO
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20:18.25pureonei think i would retire after a week
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20:18.57fugitXeLoN: did you install ncurse-base?
20:19.01valdynXeLoN: apt-get install libncurses5-dev
20:19.03*** mode/#Debian [+l 844] by debhelper
20:19.12Esajargh how do I kill a zombie process?
20:19.27minimikepureone realy Thank you!
20:19.30greycat!faq xelon
20:19.52XeLoNI installed base, but not headers :)
20:19.57XeLoNthanks I'm trying
20:20.35rivanyone familiar with tomcat / java who might help me verify and repair my setup?
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20:20.56simonrvngreycat: best way to edit frontpage: either rm the file, or rm the app (the latter works better)
20:21.05fugitriv: there is a tomcat channel, you could try there
20:21.06greycatsimonrvn: no no.
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20:21.23simonrvnoooh, ok :)
20:21.43rivfugit, thats where i come from. They cant help me...
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20:22.08streuner_  <-- lol
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20:22.54fugitriv: its been a long time since I have setup tomcat
20:23.11greycatstreuner_: he needs the 64-bit PCI
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20:23.39tarzeauand SBUS
20:23.46sussudiostreuner_: ?
20:23.52greycatand the 645 different SCSI connectors
20:24.01streuner_greycat: well, you think that's what he thought when he created it?
20:24.07dgarciaa question... i am in the net 192.168.1 and a have an ADSL-router in the 192.168.0 network, bridging is the solution of the problem to access internet from the 192.168.1 net?
20:24.25sussudiostreuner_: it's target towards the "why won't my old soundcard fit into my pci slot"-audience
20:24.56tarzeaustreuner_: and i still collect pc rom dumps
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20:27.34streuner_Should be working as RAID for his server...
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20:27.50Coilydoes anyone have long load times for in Fx? im guessing it has something to do with the asp protocol... or something else?
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20:28.30valdyndgarcia: no, routing is
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20:29.27simonrvnasp AFAIK isn't a protocol. it's a file type
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20:29.48LSorensesimonrvn: yeah it usually lists an mms url in it
20:29.55streuner_How many times would join and quit 'Withdraw' this evening? :-)
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20:30.06simonrvnLSorense: i see
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20:31.18takatumiWithdraw: settled now?
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20:32.11joostHi. cvsd is driving me crazy
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20:34.57johnsu01_SER__KAN: No pm please.
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20:37.32ayeceehi! anyone have any insights on strengths and weaknesses of jfs vs. xfs? I'm told that xfs has good performance for large files in particular, but i'm not sure how it compares to jfs
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20:38.04tom74is down? whats causing the 'bad header line' in apt-get update?
20:38.27streunerjust try another mirror
20:38.52tom74I am, but this has been for a few days now..
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20:39.27streunerwhat mirror do you use in .be?
20:39.29minimikei am running xfs it's working realy stable
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20:39.37minimikeand fast too
20:40.09ayeceeminimike, ever used jfs for anything?
20:40.21streunertom74: isn't there an .be mirror?
20:40.28minimikeyes for /
20:40.43jCesarocheck out Smooth Debian Wallpaper 1280x1024 @
20:40.49minimikebut i think ext3 is better for me
20:40.54curelesssomebody else had mentioned a "bad header line" error on one of the local mirrors but said it went away.
20:40.57ayeceeminimike, any impressions on jfs vs xfs?
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20:41.12tom74i use .nl, and
20:41.16ayeceewhether or not they're backed up by any data :)
20:41.37tom74no .be mirror afaik
20:41.43streunertom74: and you got the same when you use .de or .fr mirror?
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20:42.02minimikei tried jfs after i have unmontet uncleany a device you have to make an fsck
20:42.10tom74nope, only errors on
20:42.12minimikeby jfs
20:42.28streunertom74: heh?
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20:42.52streunertom74: you mean ''?
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20:43.07minimikethat is bad when your root is JFS because you cant boot correcley
20:43.46ayeceeminimike, i see. it won't mount at all until it's been checked?
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20:44.03simonrvnminimike: um, only if the kernel you're booting doesn't support jfs =;)
20:44.08ThreeDayMonkI just installed exim4, but in /etc/exim4 I have only exim4.conf.template which contains some DEBCONF tokens.  How do I make it into a proper conf file?
20:44.08tom74streuner: that's what it looks like, eys
20:44.15ribnitzI have a slignlhlty off-topic request. I need an english synonym for "student", that reflects basically there's a lower fee for low-incomes, students, the elderly,...
20:44.44ThreeDayMonkribnitz: "concessions"
20:44.44minimikeyes ayecee and xfs has god nuch more fetures
20:44.52ayeceeminimike, such as?
20:44.58ayeceewhat comes to mind?
20:45.06simonrvnwhat language is that?
20:45.12ribnitzThreeDayMonk: thanks.
20:45.22*** part/#debian johnsu01_ (
20:45.37minimikeresizing the Filesystem and many rescue and Admin tools
20:45.40takatumisimonrvn: boozetalk
20:45.43valdynThreeDayMonk: dpkg-reconfigure exim4-config ( apt-get install exim4-config if you don't have it )
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20:45.48minimikeapt-get install xfsprogs
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20:46.22ThreeDayMonkvaldyn: thanks.  I was expecting exim4config or something
20:46.40ayeceeminimike, jfsutils package seems to have the same tools for jfs
20:47.00ayeceejfs can definitely be resized.
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20:47.10minimikeayecee i use it three years along and i am realy happy with them
20:47.19ayeceeminimike, fair enough.
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20:48.44minimikeso i have to go eat
20:49.12valdyngreycat: one config tool, several 2+ different daemons
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20:50.07doubi was thinking about a likely to be useful rescue tool, a knoppix-like minimal system of which a copy would be on HD, but which would be copied in RAM upon boot to allow HD partition changes. Does it already exist, or should I hack this myself?
20:50.25Ether_ManI need help with a firewall problem and please read this through to the end and dont have hasty judgement for usage as it will perhaps sound strange but I assure you that it will not be used for what it might sound as.. I want to make my laptop be able to take over a specified ip adress (like that of a nat router). this is easily done using fake but after that I also want traffic to get passed through if the firewall settings allow it
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20:51.07ayeceedoub, as opposed to booting from a cd?
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20:51.20holycowdoub, sounds like your reinventing dual boot?
20:51.38doubayecee: yes, so that you can have this choice on boot anytime, without bothering with a CD
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20:51.49doubholycow: that's not reinventing, just using it another way
20:52.40holycowwhy not dual boot a second debian and force it to ram maybe?
20:53.09ayeceewhy not boot from other media?
20:53.15TinoWdoub: I have such a tool as PXE image
20:53.17valdynwhy limit your system by forcing it to be in ram?
20:53.35holycowi think he's thinking for emergencies
20:53.51valdynthat doesnt make it reasonable either
20:53.58holycowwhat ayacee, i would boot from a usb stick if i could
20:54.10doubTinoW: so you have another debian install via netboot, correct?
20:54.16TinoWdoub: which is more usefull then CD for me because I have no physical access to the boxes
20:54.18streunerholycow: moo!
20:54.27holycowmr. streuner :)
20:54.30ribnitzis there a policically correct term for "poor" (as in little money)?
20:54.31TinoWdoub: yes, a debian with all the tools, sshd etc
20:54.42holycowyes, brokeass
20:54.47TinoWribnitz: underprivilegued
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20:55.00simonrvnrobbed from by the rich
20:55.10ThreeDayMonkthe proletariat!
20:55.24PhatedFreelance bum.
20:55.36ribnitzThreeDayMonk: no, those are the target group of communism.
20:55.57doubvaldyn: as a rescue/admin system, to be able to partition disks and such, it should not obviously be on disk
20:56.02ribnitzPhated: greets to where its warm and sunny all year long.
20:56.03greycatribnitz: how about "economically challenged"?
20:56.05ThreeDayMonkribnitz: only in the first stage of the revolution, comrade :-)
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20:56.20Phatedribnitz: It's hot and frigging humid, sucks to be here, BAH, HUMBUG.
20:56.25TinoWdoub: for what you want, an average debian netinstall CD should do
20:56.27doubvaldyn: the ideal would be having such a system on a single-HD, no network machine, so no netboot
20:56.28greycatribnitz: although really, I think I've heard "people living below the poverty line" a few times.
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20:56.44holycowgreycat, which usually leads to 'bathing challenged' in short order
20:56.51nvzPhated, yeah well, its freezing and has been snowing here.
20:56.57simonrvntry 2 times below the poverty line for kicks ;)
20:56.58TinoWdoub: or just download knoppix
20:57.05FieldySnuts@lart tinow
20:57.10greycathygenically challenged
20:57.15ribnitzPhated: We had the coldest day yesterday, they measured something like minus 32 during the night.
20:57.16greycatPhated: come to Ohio then.
20:57.16simonrvnstill not here
20:57.22FieldySnutsaw, is he dead?
20:57.31simonrvnFieldySnuts: temporarily
20:57.34FieldySnutsor just resting, or pining for the fjords?
20:57.35Phatedgreycat: I hear it's cold in Britland too. I might go there.
20:57.35TinoWFieldySnuts: what?
20:57.47greycatPhated: can't blame you for avoiding the US.
20:57.50FieldySnutsTinoW: wanna play vampire?
20:58.03Phatedgreycat: Can blame you for still being there. :)
20:58.06TinoWFieldySnuts: I'm not understanding I fear ;)
20:58.08tarzeauPhated: russia has got alot of snow
20:58.12sdogidebian is the funniest channel ever
20:58.19PhatedI don't speak the lingo.
20:58.21ribnitzgreycat: anyone in a reasonable mindset would do it, unless they were already catalogued?
20:58.26simonrvnPhated: cold here too FYI. have the coldest capital in the world now (used to be moscow)
20:58.29streunerPhated: most people in europe are really pissed off from the snow...
20:58.31PhatedExcept "razsch"... Which... not very useful.
20:58.32TinoWhere is snow as well. Unfortunately
20:58.33abrotmanPhated: i just got 10 inches the other night
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20:58.47tarzeauabrotman: what are those pills called?
20:58.47sdogihere too!
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20:58.55sdogisnow sucks
20:58.55ribnitzTinoW: where?
20:58.57streunerPhated: and the cold - it wasn't that cold the last 20 years here
20:58.59abrotmantarzeau: cloud seeding
20:59.01TinoWribnitz: germany
20:59.08greycatdpkg, no, qotd54 is <abrotman> Phated: i just got 10 inches the other night
20:59.08dpkgokay, greycat
20:59.14greycatdpkg, qotdx =~ s/54 //
20:59.14dpkgOK, greycat
20:59.16ribnitzTinoW: yeah. definitely.
20:59.18abrotmanoh .. what was wrong with the old one?
20:59.24greycatabrotman: 15:59 <-dpkg[~dpkg@dpkg.user] qotd54 is <reply>qotd54 has been purged by g4lt
20:59.31PhatedGo greycat.
20:59.33abrotmanhe's been here?
20:59.39abrotman!seen g4lt
20:59.39FieldySnutsbot nazi
20:59.39dpkgg4lt <galt@g4lt.base.supporter.pdpc> was last seen on IRC in channel #debian, 147d 20h 22m 57s ago, saying: 'toresbe actually no, policy states taht no package needs to depend on anything on base'.
20:59.42Phatedstreuner: Heh.
20:59.42greycatabrotman: I didn't check the factinfo on it
20:59.42abrotmanguess not
20:59.49abrotmangreycat: ah .. gotcha
21:00.00doubthinking about another way to do such a thing, is it possible to boot debian installed on a usb key, with a no-USB key boot aware BIOS machine? like, having a floppy to instruct it where to boot from?
21:00.12FieldySnutsrube goldberg install?
21:00.17streunerPhated: most people wish that the winter is as soon as away :-)
21:00.25sdogidamn this channel is mess, i always get dizzy when i try to follow text on these hours :)
21:00.30greycatdoub: just do a floppy net install.
21:00.32doneill!seen chaoscon
21:00.32dpkgi haven't seen 'chaoscon', doneill
21:00.32tarzeaustreuner: is spring what they all want?
21:00.33abrotmanmost people don't like snow
21:00.33Phatedstreuner: Most people aren't melting in sticky heat!
21:00.40greycatdoub: can be done with 2-5 floppies in sarge, depending on which drivers you need.
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21:00.42streunersure :-)
21:00.43abrotmanPhated: i'll trade you
21:00.44PhatedI want autumn all year round.
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21:00.54TinoWdoub: yes, this is all possible
21:00.58Phatedabrotman: No way, you're in that weird place.
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21:01.07sdogiit was like, on reasons why linus torvalds went away from finland
21:01.07simonrvnsdogi: quiet now
21:01.09abrotmanPhated: philly ?
21:01.14simonrvndamn lag
21:01.15sdogicold and snow
21:01.16defsyHi, how can I search at for "G4 NVidia", glimpse returns an error?
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21:01.23Phatedabrotman: US,
21:01.24doubgreycat: that's not install i want to do, just booting an installed debian on usb key
21:01.28abrotmanPhated: could be worse
21:01.32settledown_debiahow hard is it to get sound working on Debian?
21:01.39tarzeausettledown_debia: not at all
21:01.40abrotman!tell settledown_debia about audio
21:01.40TinoWsettledown_debia: not hard
21:01.43greycatsettledown_debia: not very, in sarge, with normal non-bleeding audio chipsets.
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21:01.54Phatedabrotman: Not by much.
21:01.54sdogi!tell me about something
21:02.01settledown_debiathis is a stock dell, and i am using sarge
21:02.01Thanatermesishow big can be a file in reiserfs¿?
21:02.06streunersettledown_debia: usually modprobe the module, log out and back in, done.
21:02.08TinoWdoub: dont talk about it - just do it :)
21:02.10sdogi23:01 <dpkg> telling yourself: something is probably description
21:02.11FieldySnutssdogi: !lart sdogi
21:02.12tarzeauThanatermesis: very big
21:02.22Thanatermesistarzeau, +/- ?
21:02.30FieldySnuts2TB or something, maybe more
21:02.31directhexThanatermesis, you're talking terabytes.
21:02.32TinoWdoub: nothing new or exciting in your ideas yet ;)
21:02.33tarzeauThanatermesis: i have no idea, what do you need?
21:02.35chealerdefsy: BTW what are you looking for?
21:02.58settledown_debiamodprobe which module?
21:03.06settledown_debiaim soooooo noob
21:03.07defsychealer: how to get backlight control into my Powerbook G4 12" (With NVidia :-()
21:03.18dpkgDon't bother telling us you're a "newb" or a "n00b".  We can tell.
21:03.22TinoWsettledown_debia: apt-get install hotplug
21:03.31streunersettledown_debia: run 'lspci -v | grep Audio' and tell us the output
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21:04.01doubTinoW: sorry about that, i'll try to do better next time :)
21:04.01ThanatermesisIs only for me information tarzeau, the ext2 are only 2GB, for a security copies are very small :(
21:04.08Thanatermesisdirecthex, 1 terbyte?
21:04.12tarzeauThanatermesis: no that is wrong
21:04.18chealerdefsy: I don't know what's backlight, but maybe #nvidia can help you. there are nvidia linux forums too
21:04.20FieldySnutsit's far more than 1TB on reiserfs3.6
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21:04.42tarzeauThanatermesis: what linux kernel and arch are we talking about on ext2 now?
21:04.44defsychealer: thanks, will try there
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21:05.20simonrvn!tell bb25_ -about root
21:05.50settledown_debiastreuner: no result from thatr command, it just went to the next line
21:06.02Thanatermesistarzeau, I have a friend to test copy a all system (copy security) and have the problem of the max size of files...
21:06.05ribnitzThanatermesis: 16 TB, unless you are on a 32 bit system, then its 2 TB..
21:06.14valdynsettledown_debia: lspci | grep -i audio
21:06.19ThanatermesisIm talk to use reiserfs.. only is for my information
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21:06.55streunersettledown_debia: try 'lspci -v | grep audio'
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21:07.05settledown_debiavaldyn: same
21:07.06directhexuse XFS for large files. or JFS
21:07.06ribnitzThanatermesis: though with a 32 bit number you can only address 4 GB elements at a time.
21:07.21ribnitzdirecthex: how large can they grow?
21:07.21TinoWReisefs, the germans say ;)
21:07.39streunersettledown_debia: so an onboard-chip?
21:07.39settledown_debiastreuner: same
21:07.45settledown_debiaon mobo
21:07.47settledown_debiano card
21:07.51ribnitzTinoW: the filesystem you take when you know you need a backup anyway.
21:08.21TinoWribnitz: hehe ;) while it is very solid on solid hardware
21:08.47EmptyI've been running ResierFS for months on 16 boxes w/ no issue
21:08.47ribnitzTinoW: I dont use it, but I heard horrible stories. urban legends?
21:08.59Emptyribnitz, it used to be unstable I think
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21:09.09TinoWribnitz: well if you use it on dying hard drives, it dies too
21:09.10Emptyribnitz, dpkg even gossips
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21:09.14dpkgsomebody said reiserfs was a journaling filesystem with pretty good performance and some interesting features.  See  It is wonderful and everyone loves it, until the axe falls and they lose data due to a crash.  As such, it has a lot of ex-fans who are now sadder but wiser.  See ext3, xfs, or jfs for safer filesystems.
21:09.16streunersettledown_debia: what's the exact name of the mobo?
21:09.18settledown_debiain modconf?  which driver is mine?
21:09.27dpkgmethinks xfs is the filesystem developed by SGI for high-performance journalling and large disk support.  see or  for xfs deb tools and deb kernels, or far better and more mature than reiserfs, but not as mature (in linux) as ext3. check out if you ...
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21:09.34TinoWribnitz: if you however use it on raid, it does not have any problems according to my experience
21:09.38settledown_debiait is a dell optiplex g1
21:09.45greycatsettledown_debia: you have to tell us what audio chipset lspci showed.
21:09.58greycatsettledown_debia: if it's ISA, try "pnpdump" instead of lspci.
21:10.00settledown_debialspci did nothing
21:10.11ribnitzTinoW: no fs has probs on a raid. except for max filesiz,e and getting slow with many small files in a dir.
21:10.22greycat!find bin/pnpdump$ woody
21:10.30Emptyribnitz, many small files is where Reiser excels
21:10.45ThanatermesisXFS provides full 64-bit file capabilities that scale easily to handle extremely large files and file systems that grow to 1 terabyte.
21:10.45tarzeauwho has ever thought about writing a display manager?
21:10.50PerfDaveMany small files which you don't care about, like bastard offspring ;)
21:10.54TinoWribnitz: ext2/ext3 have when it comes to a crash. ext2 looses a bit, ext3 scans very long time :)
21:10.57streunergreycat: i got nothing too, and i have a SiS mobo with i810 audio
21:11.03ribnitzEmpty: I have a case here of like slightly under 15k files (in a directory)
21:11.03settledown_debia'pnpdump command not found'
21:11.06Thanatermesisribnitz, directhex reiserfs are more big files ?
21:11.18settledown_debiasorry it is an optiplex gx1
21:11.21valdynThanatermesis: what you are listing isnt "special" at all..
21:11.38Emptyribnitz, reiser will be much happier with that than ext2/3, dunno much about xfs though
21:11.51aXphow to just patch the debian source package and not build it?
21:11.54TinoWreiser3 is good for lots of small files where xfs is good for large files
21:12.20aXpTinoW, reser4 is better ;-)
21:12.20ribnitzThanatermesis: My personal ratings of (jounrnalling FSES) 1) jfs 2) xfs 3) ext3 (no hands on with reiser).
21:12.23ThanatermesisTinoW, what are the max size in XFS ?
21:12.25FieldySnutsdon't consider xfs unless you have a good power backup, xfs reacts badly to it
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21:12.34Emptyreiser on scsi drives for my qmail queue makes qmail a little slower than when I was running the queues in a ramdisk
21:12.37Thanatermesisribnitz, jfs? hum...
21:12.41settledown_debialspci -v | grep audio     gave me nothing, no info returned
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21:12.51TinoWThanatermesis: larger then every disk you are probably able to buy let allone to put into your box for the next time
21:12.56ribnitzThanatermesis: JFS is from IBM, XFS is form SGI
21:12.59FieldySnutsEmpty: gee, something on physical disks is slower than a ramdisk. big surprise!
21:13.02streunersettledown_debia: just test it with 'discover' discover would install the right modules for you
21:13.21settledown_debiatype 'discover' into terminal?
21:13.22ribnitzThanatermesis: 64 TB?
21:13.24streunersettledown_debia: you could discover remove latter then
21:13.34Thanatermesisribnitz, in what FS 64 TB ?
21:13.34streunersettledown_debia: apt-get install discover
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21:13.42ThreeDayMonkwhat the?  exim4 configuration seems totally messed up.  In /etc/exim4, I have exim4.conf.template, passwd.client, and update-exim4.conf.conf ... but no exim4.conf to be found
21:13.58EmptyFieldySnuts, slightly slower, not the orders of magnitude that ext2/3 was
21:14.01TinoWThanatermesis: did you lately heard of such a thing called "google" ? ;)
21:14.03PerfDaveThreeDayMonk: You probably asked it to split its configurations into smaller files.
21:14.14ThreeDayMonkPerfDave: nah, I specifically told it not to!
21:14.18valdynThreeDayMonk: but a conf.d directory?
21:14.27Sebdoes 'dd if=/dev/hda of=- bs=1M | ssh blankbox "dd if=- of=/dev/hda"' sound like a reasonable to duplicate a linux install if the machines have identical disks ?
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21:14.36valdynThreeDayMonk: nothings messed up with  that, thats how it is
21:14.44Seba reasonable *wa*
21:14.47Sebway, even
21:14.55ThreeDayMonkso, it asks you if you want small files, and gives them to you anyway
21:15.01nvzI cant get this Xchat to not look like shit in windows.. heh
21:15.15TinoWSeb: yes, you can put gzip in the pipe too
21:15.23partiallyi would like to configure dual moitors on debian with one console on one and one on another, but i wanted to know if both monitors could act independently of eachother, anyone have any information
21:15.23greycatSeb: only if blankbox is not running with any file systems mounted from /dev/hda
21:15.33Sebgreycat: yep, I thought about that
21:15.33greycatTinoW: gzip may slow it down.
21:15.39streunernvz: only the fonts
21:15.46TinoWgreycat: depends
21:16.07Sebi'm on a very fast LAN, but the boxes themselves are fast ones too, so I dunno what's best
21:16.13settledown_debiaok discover worked, what do you need to know
21:16.15streunernvz: which make a big difference, but anyway i use still 1.8.9
21:16.15TinoWSeb: I once did this a couple of years ago to mirror a slowlaris box :-)
21:16.21greycatSeb: if the LAN is fast, don't gzip
21:16.26Sebgreycat: k
21:16.41Thanatermesisribnitz, in what FS 64 TB? in JFS ?
21:16.43SebTinoW: starting with Sol. 10, it ain't Slowaris no more, though, you're ware of that ? :>
21:16.52TinoWSeb: without gzip you copy every block, even if it contains only 0000000
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21:17.18TinoWSeb: well, because Sol 10 only works on large boxes ;)
21:17.22ribnitzThanatermesis: read that with jfs its 4 to 16 Petabyte (depending on block size), 2^44 blocks.
21:17.27Sebah, in this case it might matter, cause I only have a 75G partition, and right after the fresh isntall i doubt more than 500M is actually used
21:17.42ThanatermesisXFS:  For example, XFS directories have been tested with up to 32 million files in a single directory.
21:17.42settledown_debiaintel chipset
21:17.48TinoWso mild gzip does indeed matter
21:17.50Sebgreycat: so in case of a ver ylarge aprtition that's almost not used at all, gzip still would help, though, right ?
21:17.51nvzstreuner, well I tried changing the font.. I am using arial right now I think.. but its just hard for me to read I am used to irssi in an aterm
21:17.55streunersettledown_debia: just run 'lsmod' and look for the sound module
21:18.06greycatSeb: hmm.. maybe.
21:18.08TinoWSeb: you dont have to go for -9 or so. -2 shoud suffice
21:18.27ribnitzThanatermesis: XFS is actually faster than JFS, but reacts badly to power failures.
21:18.33Sebthat'd be 'dd if=/dev/hda of=- bs=1M | gzip -2 | ssh blankbox "gunzip | dd if=- of=/dev/hda"' then
21:18.40streunersettledown_debia: do you see a module like 'i810-'?
21:18.43greycatI'd use gzip -1, if anything.
21:18.45TinoWribnitz: well, it just looses the last open files :)
21:18.53Sebgreycat: you're not convinced by the 0000 thing TinoW mentioned, or ?
21:18.55settledown_debiasound                  75308  2 ad1848,uart401
21:18.59settledown_debiathat it?
21:19.03*** mode/#Debian [+l 831] by debhelper
21:19.06greycatSeb: still too many variables (disk speeds, etc.)
21:19.11Thanatermesishummm... this is interesant ribnitz ... in actually I have all my system in XFS for test it
21:19.15greycatSeb: you can't be sure except by trying it
21:19.18ribnitzTinoW: itz doesnt loose them. it (may) corrupt the contents.
21:19.22Sebgreycat: k, makes sense
21:19.24TinoWSeb: also watch out for the nice kill -USR1 <pid of dd>
21:19.47Sebgreycat: matter of fact I have 2 boxes to replicate, so I'll time it using both ways :)
21:19.58SebTinoW: what do you mean ?
21:20.05streunersettledown_debia: /j #flood and show us the whole output of 'lsmod'
21:20.06ribnitzThanatermesis: as a very short gist, do your own research and decide whats best for you..
21:20.11Thanatermesisribnitz, humm.. what GB are one petabyte? xD
21:20.11settledown_debiathis paste may flood so i apologize in advance
21:20.13settledown_debiasnd_vx_lib             29568  0
21:20.14settledown_debiasnd_hwdep               9092  1 snd_vx_lib
21:20.14settledown_debiasnd_dummy              10308  0
21:20.14settledown_debiasnd_pcm                85384  2 snd_vx_lib,snd_dummy
21:20.14settledown_debiasnd_timer              23172  1 snd_pcm
21:20.14settledown_debiasnd                    50660  5 snd_vx_lib,snd_hwdep,snd_dummy,snd_pcm,snd_timersoundcore               9824  2 sound,snd
21:20.14*** kick/#debian [settledown_debia!~debhelper@debhelper.user] by debhelper (flood: Consider using #flood)
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21:20.41streunersettledown_debia: in #flood not here :-)
21:20.44ribnitzThanatermesis: 2^10
21:20.51Seb"I apologize in advance", very good, heh
21:21.17*** join/#debian Jacco (
21:21.17FieldySnutsthat reminds me of monty python's announcements before offensive sketches "the BBC wishes to appologize for the following sketch."
21:21.19PhatedSHould have given some time for people to say "don't, you fucking idiot."
21:21.21JaccoI hav an idea.
21:21.25TinoWSeb: just try it while dd is running
21:21.30Seb"this will surely piss you off but I can't help so here it comes" :D
21:21.32JaccoI'm going to run DSL.
21:21.33nvzsettledown_debia, are you from Morgantown?
21:21.38SebTinoW: hrm I'm not sure I wanna do that
21:21.42Jaccoand nab the xf86cfg from it.
21:21.45Jaccoand use it with debian.
21:21.54cafuegosettledown_debia: /topic.
21:22.00TinoWSeb: oh, why not?
21:22.02PhatedAnd learn to put a sentence on one line, golly gee whiz!
21:22.09SebTinoW: what'd it do ? :>
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21:22.31TinoWSeb: it tells you how many blocks have been copied to stderr
21:22.33ThreeDayMonkdamn my flaky connection
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21:22.44BlissexJacco: today I saw a wonderful quote: in the sixties cool kids did LSD, now they do DSL :-)
21:22.46takatumiJacco: why?
21:22.55JaccoHaha, nice one Blissex.
21:23.07settledown_debiaok ok, i got it, back off
21:23.10ThreeDayMonkOK, my problem is that I am trying to follow some exmi4/cyrus integration instructions, but since I have no exim config file, I can't!
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21:23.19Jaccotakatumi: Because X on Debian is badly configured for me and I need to get a valid configuration to get it to start.
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21:23.20SebTinoW: ah, ok. I guess I could have man dd rather than get scared :)
21:23.36nvzwe got flaky connections here, cause my family for whatever reason replaced the wired Cat5 network I left them with, with a Wireless 802.11b/g network.. when most systems are desktops and in the same locations I ran wires to.
21:23.44Phatedtakatumi: "Because I am incapable of configuring X on my own."
21:23.53ribnitzSeb: have fun with dd, it can royally screw your system.
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21:24.01JaccoPhated: I did configure it.
21:24.04takatumiJacco: checked the errors?
21:24.04settledown_debiastreuner: any good?
21:24.08ThreeDayMonknvz: yeah, wireless is involved.  But badly-filtered ADSL is the real problem
21:24.10JaccoI'm using a virtual pc though, so it's uber-hard.
21:24.11*** part/#debian Hamsta (
21:24.13PhatedNot properly, obviously.
21:24.13Jaccosettledown_debia: yes.
21:24.15Jaccoof course.
21:24.21JaccoPhated: ;x
21:24.27takatumiPhated: yeah, that's where its pointing.
21:24.35JaccoI used that auto-config tool.
21:24.39Jaccoand vesa for the driver.
21:24.39Phatedtakatumi: Mmhm, he's all yours, deary.
21:24.44Jaccovesa doesn't work as a driver.
21:25.04streunersettledown_debia: that looks like ALSA
21:25.06Thanatermesishumm... thanks all
21:25.14ThreeDayMonkSeb: I used that dd-over-ssh trick with Windows before now.  Someone brought me an infected laptop, so I booted it with Knoppix, dd'd the drive over to a hard disk, and reinstalled from scratch, with the data still recoverable
21:25.15Sebribnitz: not in the way I intedn to use it ;)
21:25.18nvzwhen I get myself a system setup here, I am going wired.
21:25.30takatumiJacco: if vesa doesn't work, then stick with CLI
21:25.32Sebribnitz: that's what they all say, right ? ;)
21:25.39Jaccotakatumi: what's cli?
21:25.41slocatei get an error when trying to open a link from gnome-terminal
21:25.45SebThreeDayMonk: yeah, makes sense
21:25.46ribnitzSeb: true, but it can be a lethal weapon in the hand of a n00b.. :)
21:25.53ThreeDayMonknvz: oh, yes, wired is the way to go
21:25.53Sebribnitz: it sure can :>
21:25.56slocateCould not open the address "":
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21:26.03streunersettledown_debia: well, 'alsaconf' should configure auto your card then...
21:26.09ThreeDayMonkslocate: maybe they are a .org ...
21:26.10Thanatermesisribnitz, what are your FS recomend me for a simple computer? I test reiser and Im like very good, in this moments Im testing the XFS...
21:26.15ribnitzSeb: dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/hda
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21:26.26slocateCould not open the address "":
21:26.28slocateThere was an error launching the default action command associated with this location.
21:26.38streunersettledown_debia: yep, apt-get remove discover and run 'alsaconf' then
21:26.41TinoWslocate: this is not an URL
21:26.41settledown_debiashould i not be using alsa
21:26.44takatumiJacco: the black screen where you get to type stuff.
21:26.49Thanatermesisslocate, http:// <--
21:26.57slocateTinoW: that was a test
21:27.05streunersettledown_debia: why not? but i have no idea what's the name in OSS
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21:27.09Sebribnitz: even typing this ni a public channel could be construed as wicked trickery :>
21:27.12ribnitzThanatermesis: I use ext3 for boot partition, XFS for /usr and /var, and JFS for anything containing valuable data. I also do a daily backup to JFS disk.
21:27.29ribnitzSeb: "act of terrorism"?
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21:27.47slocateTinoW: it happens with all urls
21:27.53TinoWSeb: this is the usual preparement when you are going to use that disk encrypted
21:28.00cepheusI'm trying to run a script whenever I get a new IP from dhcp, and it seems best to do that with an "up" command
21:28.07takatumiJacco: what lines with EE are there in /var/log/XFree86.0.log?
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21:28.13cepheusDoes ifup provide the IP in a env variable?
21:28.22Thanatermesisribnitz, you are tested reiserfs?
21:28.23SebTinoW: ?
21:28.26Thanatermesiscepheus, error
21:28.27holoi can't start X as non root user.. cat /var/log/XFree86.0.log|grep EE tells nothing.. any idea?
21:28.30settledown_debiaok, removing discover....installing alsaconf
21:28.33TinoWSeb: the /dev/random part
21:28.43ribnitzThanatermesis: no, the setup I have does all I want.
21:28.47SebTinoW: oh yeah
21:29.00cepheusThanatermesis, Are you saying it doesn't?
21:29.02TinoWholo: wild guess - you are not on a console when you try?
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21:29.15ribnitzTinoW: how good are the /dev/urandom numbers?
21:29.33holoTinoW: too wild :)
21:29.38greycatribnitz: man 4 random
21:29.38Phatedholo: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-common, select "root and console users" instead of "root only".
21:29.42TinoWribnitz: not too, but they are fast ;)
21:29.53Phatedholo: When it asks who should be allowed to start X.
21:30.15holoPhated: oops :S i deactivated that from boot at the runlevel i'm running
21:30.33streunersettledown_debia: alsaconf is in alsa-utils
21:30.35PhatedNo idea why you would, but heck, you fixed it.
21:30.40holoPhated: i mean xserver-common init script :S
21:31.18holobut .. strange, i did it days ago and nothing unusual happened
21:31.24holook.. checking
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21:32.16TinoWholo: if you use a ?dm, you probably do not notice
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21:32.55holoTinoW: ?dm's complain in same manner when i try to login as user
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21:33.18settledown_debiait is now probing isa legacy
21:33.26settledown_debiaalsaconf that is
21:33.29FieldySnutsheh isa
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21:33.55settledown_debialegacy cards
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21:34.13settledown_debiathis will take forever
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21:34.18nvzholo, how about not grepping the log and actually reading it, especially the end of it
21:34.22cafuegoISA is great for cheap non-shite modems.
21:34.32nvzholo, there is no point in us guessing endlessly
21:34.41TinoWcafuego: M$-ISA-Server? ;)
21:34.51takatuminvz: he says no EE
21:35.01cafuegoTinoW: What does MS have to o with *anything* ?
21:35.04maher[OT] what is the best ps2 ddr game?
21:35.06settledown_debiai think it is working
21:35.13holonvz: i did read it of course.. hang on just a moment while i try what phated suggested
21:35.16cafuegomaher: [OT] /j sony
21:35.20nvztakatumi, I know what he said, that grep EE shows nothing, but without grep EEit surely shows the whole log
21:35.42JaccoHow do I kill teh X server?!!
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21:35.57mahercafuego: i am so ignorant i don't know what channel to ask that in....
21:36.01settledown_debiathx streuner
21:36.04doubJacco: with a knife ?
21:36.06FieldySnutswrong network i'd say
21:36.11Jaccodoub: x
21:36.19Jaccothe keyboard shortcut.
21:36.23streunerJacco: if you start X via (x)dm, kill (x)dm then
21:36.23doubJacco: ctrl-alt-backspace
21:36.30PhatedYou learn to ask a question without looking completely incompetent, Jacco, or do C-A=BkSp.
21:36.33cafuegomaher: [OT] well, we wouldn't know either.
21:36.37jharrisonwkabrotman: ok I have oracle installed I think
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21:36.45jharrisonwkabrotman: minus the configuration assistant
21:37.13doubJacco: but be shure to be face to face with Him, killing Him in the back would be cowardice
21:37.14abrotmanjharrisonwk: uhm .. don't you kind of need that?
21:37.16cafuegomaher: Not to mention /msg dpkg best ;-)
21:37.34ThreeDayMonkDoes anyone use exim4 ?
21:37.54settledown_debiadang still no sound
21:38.03settledown_debiai give up for today
21:38.08PerfDaveThreeDayMonk: I do
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21:38.14kabwhich server of LDAP recomend you?
21:38.17Thanatermesisany person is posible to scan my ports please ?
21:38.32streunersettle: Did 'alsaconf' detect any soundcard?
21:38.33Deathscythe071does the linux network install support wifi?
21:38.33kabI found this LDAP server slapd - OpenLDAP server (slapd)
21:38.53ThreeDayMonkPerfDave: I'm trying to integrate it with cyrus.  I found instructions ( ) but I can't edit the "exim configuration file" because I can't find it!
21:38.54holoPhated: dpkg-reconfigure xfree86-common with option all users enabled /etc/init.d/xfree86-common start and still users can't login except root
21:39.09PerfDaveThreeDayMonk: I've not tried integrating it with Cyrus.
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21:39.13greycatholo: cat /etc/X11/Xwrapper.config
21:39.17PerfDavekab: That's probably what you want.
21:39.20d03boyfrom the gui login screen, how can I go to a term so X isnt running? or is th elogic screen not an X interfae?
21:39.25Phatedholo: Yeah now greycat will take over.
21:39.27PerfDaveThreeDayMonk: dpkg -L exim4*
21:39.32greycatholo: and what do you mean "can't login"?
21:39.37TinoWholo: and check if your partition is full
21:39.38greycatPhated: I have to leave shortly.
21:39.40prockd03boy: ctrl-alt-f1
21:39.40nvzwhat _do_ ou mean
21:39.44Phatedd03boy: c-a-F1,
21:39.55nvzI am still waiting to understand the issue
21:40.02kabPerfDave, I want a LDAP server to do some test's but I don't know if exist another better
21:40.02cafuegoThreeDayMonk: if you're willing to switch MTAs, postfix is preconfigured for cyrus.
21:40.10hologreycat: it just exits when i make startx, leaving no errors, just some warnings regarding fonts
21:40.14d03boyhrm... that didnt seem to work :\
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21:40.22cafuegoThreeDayMonk: Or, if you're sane, for courier <heh>
21:40.23Deathscythe071anyone> when doing the linux install for debian, is there a way to get it to pick up my wifi card?
21:40.27greycatholo: then it's your .xsession or your .xinitrc or your X server config, duh.
21:40.30Phatedgreycat: You involved yourself! I've given the simplest solution, I'm willing to bet he has a funky config, and someone else can help him.
21:40.31PerfDavekab: slapd is probably what you want.
21:40.33ThreeDayMonkcafuego: I'll go with anything.  It just has to work!
21:40.33jharrisonwkabrotman: I dotn know
21:40.35d03boyc-a-f1 shuts down the X server?
21:40.37asuffieldPhated: you picked up the idiot, you get to feed it :P
21:40.39jharrisonwkabrotman: I have no idea about oracle
21:40.40greycatd03boy: no
21:40.41PerfDaveDeathscythe071: Have a wifi card that's supported by Linux?
21:40.44ThreeDayMonkwhy is mail config so bleeding hard...?
21:40.47abrotmanjharrisonwk: i'm pretty sure you need that .. go to #sql and ask :)
21:40.50Phatedasuffield: Someone else did as well.
21:40.52greycatThreeDayMonk: /msg dpkg mail tutorial
21:40.55PerfDaveThreeDayMonk: It isn't, really.
21:40.58prockd03boy: no, it takes you to the first virtual terminal
21:40.59jharrisonwkabrotman: ok
21:41.00kabPerfDave, yeap;
21:41.02cafuegoThreeDayMonk: Install postfix, edit (There are two cyrus delivery lines in there, just enable the one you need)
21:41.05Phatedasuffield: I merely prodded him a little.
21:41.07kabPerfDave, Thank you
21:41.09prockd03boy: which should be a console login screen
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21:41.23holoTinoW: still plenty of space remaining in /
21:41.31hologreycat: allowed_users=anybody :\
21:41.34Deathscythe071PerfDave> not sure, I didn't see any wifi cards supported at all. it's a linksys card
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21:41.38hologreycat: i guess you found it
21:41.38prockd03boy: if you have a fancy keyboard you may need to make sure 'flock' is on
21:41.40ThreeDayMonkcafuego: the other teensy detail I want is to have mail accounts divorced from system accounts
21:41.53jharrisonwkabrotman: it said in the install that it was optional
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21:41.56cafuegoThreeDayMonk: store 'em in ldap or sql?
21:41.56serialkilleranyone use sudo alot? i need some helpwith -H -u commands
21:42.00greycatholo: fix your dot files.
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21:42.04greycat!wikifaq holo DotFiles
21:42.05dpkgholo: check out or if that doesn't work, try
21:42.22ThreeDayMonkcafuego: yeah, that's be great.  I'm trying to work out how!
21:42.33PerfDaveDeathscythe071: If it's supported by Linux, it should be autodetected.
21:42.43superCow007hey, I am running testing and looking for package, php4-dbase, but when I run "aptitude show php4-dbase" it says, "State: not a real package" - how can I install this php extension then?
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21:42.54cafuegoThreeDayMonk: Well.
21:43.10d03boyi need to install the nvidia drivers... so I need to shutdown X... how would one do this without just killing the process?
21:43.12hologreg_work: strange, isn't this file edited when dpkg-reconfigure xfree86-common is ran?
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21:43.21ThreeDayMonkevery mail config article I find has a different combination of packages...
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21:43.22cafuegoThreeDayMonk: I run a similar setup with about 150 domains. Works fine.
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21:43.37Deathscythe071PerfDave> I see, well I'll go to thier site and see if they don't have a driver for it. cuz I'm having to do the network install from this old laptop cuz it doesn't boot from cd-rom :(
21:43.42ThreeDayMonkthat's a recommendation, then
21:43.49petemcjharrisonwk: hey
21:43.50abrotmanjharrisonwk: option perhaps .. but do you need it .. i think you can have that CA on another machine
21:43.51PerfDaveDeathscythe071: Try putting a real NIC in it.
21:44.01tarzeausay i am a display manager, how would i launch /etc/X11/Xsession ?
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21:44.24ThreeDayMonkcafuego: ooh, nice tutorial
21:44.45Deathscythe071PerfDave> excuse my ignorance, but whats a NIC?
21:44.48Pacoi just did a sarge install, and i tried to install the x-window system. i inputed the wrong info by accident. is there any way i can REMOVE the x-server package and re-install it?
21:44.50dpkgnic is, like, (Network Interface Card) The NIC is an add-in board that enables a computer to connect to some form of computer network..  Network Information Center
21:44.50TinoWDeathscythe071: some cards require firmware to load
21:45.00cafuegoThreeDayMonk: There's a million postfix/courier/mysql tutorials out there :-)
21:45.00Deathscythe071Tinow> I see
21:45.03PerfDaveDeathscythe071: A Network Interface Card
21:45.10ThreeDayMonkcafuego: yeah - and none of them work!
21:45.18cafuegoThreeDayMonk: Oh, yes they do <heh>
21:45.19prockd03boy: I would have thought you could install them while X is running... but in any event, '/etc/init.d/<display_manager> stop' will shutdown your display manager (substituting <display_manager> with gdm, xdm, or kdm)
21:45.26TinoWDeathscythe071: its easier of you have a running system, with hotplug and yada...yada...
21:45.30ThreeDayMonkcafuego: if you have the same configuration
21:45.37PerfDavePaco: You can probably just reconfigfure it with "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86"
21:45.38Deathscythe071kk, thnx for the help, peace
21:45.56cafuegoThreeDayMonk: Youy start off with the same config, so it works. Then you make changes.
21:46.04*** join/#debian Varg_ (
21:46.22holosomeone: what is the third option in dpkg-reconfigure xserver-common ? my option is translated
21:46.45TinoWholo: dpkg-reconfigure locales first :)
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21:46.50PerfDaveholo: LANG=C dpkg-reconfigure xserver-common
21:47.11cafuegoAnd SPF/dns blacklists and regex filtering are trivial in postfix too (as is smavis/spamassassin/clamd)
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21:47.23holoyep that would work too
21:47.25dgarciaa question... I recompile my kernel (2.6.8) thats worked fine... but when I restart the System display the message: ran out of input data --System Halted..... any idea?
21:47.25jethrospamd(8) uber alles!
21:47.33vladsterI think I am currently using oss, what is involved in setting up alsa without breaking things?
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21:48.10ribnitzcafuego: I think its more about getting ot know a tool, whether its exim, postfix or sendmail in the end, doesnt matter that much.
21:48.12doubvladster: remove oss driver, in the module config files and from running kernel, and then configure alsa
21:48.14vladsterI am a little paranoid at this point since everything else is working well but now I am running apps that are looking for alsa
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21:48.23jethrodanke schön darlin danke schön
21:48.31TinoWjethro: ;)
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21:48.36ShadowLordI'm looking to install Debian (net install)... Now I have finally found the CD Images, but there are 4 flavours. Bf2.4, compact, idepci and vanilla. Now I;m not sure which one to use... I can remember the bf2.4 is the 'standard' one an dteh compact is (how amazing) a compact kernel... But I'm puzzeled by the other 2.
21:48.36TinoWwell, goodnite
21:48.40vladsteris there a howto on this somewhere
21:48.42ShadowLordan anyone tell me what the differences are bewteen de bf2.4, idepci and vanilla?
21:48.42jethronite TinoW
21:48.51cafuegoribnitz: You don't want to be in the position where you discover AFTER the fact that another tool is better suited to the task.
21:48.59PerfDavedgarcia: Why did you compile your own kernel? We have kernel-image packages.
21:49.03*** mode/#Debian [+l 825] by debhelper
21:49.15Varg_Can anyone think of a reason why I would get a "VFS: Unable to mount root" error if I've built my FS and IDE drivers into the kernel, and set up grub properly?
21:49.15jethrorunning a custom kernel is l33t
21:49.22dgarciaPerfDave: i need rtl8139
21:49.24ribnitzcafuego: Mail setup was a days work.
21:49.37ShadowLordOr is there is stable release with the 2.6 kernel somewhere?
21:49.38dgarciaPerfDAve: what can I do now?
21:49.40PerfDavedgarcia: You shouldn't need to recompile your kernel for that.
21:49.58ribnitzVarg_: are they modularised?
21:50.06Varg_ribnitz: No, built-in
21:50.11cafuegoribnitz: Here too, but writing the user tools (admin-my-own-domain-via-squirrelmail-plugin) took a bit longer.
21:50.14Varg_ribnitz: No need for an initrd
21:50.20doubvladster: maybe you did not mention the root= parameter correclty
21:50.27jethroinitrd is the root of all sins
21:50.28ribnitzVarg_: anything special, like sata?
21:50.31Varg_doub: Its the same as the default image parameter
21:50.36ribnitzVarg_: or scsi?
21:50.36Varg_Noid, no sata
21:50.39Varg_No scsi
21:50.41PerfDavedgarcia: What you can do now is boot back into your old kernel ;)
21:50.48doubs/ vladster/Varg_
21:50.49ribnitzVarg_: if so you need those drivers as well.
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21:50.59doubVarg_: what's written before?
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21:51.03dpkgUse 'apt-setup' to add a deb-src line to your sources.list.  Then 'apt-get build-dep foo' to fetch the build deps, then finally 'apt-get [-b] source foo' to retrieve the .orig.tar.gz, the .diff.gz and the .dsc.  The source is unpacked in `pwd` and the diff.gz is applied.  -b compiles it for you; if you want to compile it yourself, use "dpkg-buildpackage -uc -us" ...
21:51.05dgarciaPerfDAve: the new kernel write by old kernel
21:51.28jharrisonwkabrotman: it said in the installer that it was not required and to continue past it just click next
21:51.39Varg_doub: /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.11 root=/dev/hdc1 ro
21:51.44vladsterdoub: you lost me on the root= pameter?
21:51.48jharrisonwkpetemc: do you know if the oracle config management assistant is required?
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21:52.21PerfDavedgarcia: Surely you used make-kpkg to install the kernel, thus letting the two co-exist nicely.
21:52.29doubvladster: i was talking to Varg_ but did not type tab sufficient times, sorry
21:52.38PerfDavedgarcia: Because of course you read the Debian Installation Manual which tells you this.
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21:52.45Varg_So I only have IDE devices, which I built-in, I builtin the FS drivers as well, and my root is the same as the debian image
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21:52.47vladsterno worries bruce
21:52.52doubVarg_: i mean on the boot console, before "unable to mount root"
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21:53.07dgarciaPerfDave: Lilo only show me the new kernel, I cant boot
21:53.13Pacoperfdave, thanx, that helped
21:53.24ribnitzVarg_: why are you building your own kernel?
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21:53.35Varg_ribnitz: Because I'm controlling like that
21:53.37PerfDavedgarcia: Then you screwed up. You'll need a rescue floppy or CD to recover your system.
21:53.39petemcjharrisonwk: its not required per se, but it makes it easier to set up your db
21:53.56serialkillerthe sudo -H -u allows you to run a program with as another user and use fiels in thier home directory right?
21:54.09Varg_doub: hdc1: unknown device, Unable to mount root on (hd0,0)
21:54.09cafuegovladster: hahahaha!
21:54.11petemcjharrisonwk: its easy to get going, its just a script that loads java stuff, you can edit it and change the path to the jre
21:54.16Pacoperfdave, its just that my x-server still won't load up
21:54.19cafuegovladster: People actually drink that stuff?
21:54.31PerfDavePaco: /msg dpkg troubleshooting x
21:54.32dgarciaPerfDAva: the HD is SATA, what recover CD can be usefull?
21:54.33ribnitzVarg_: you can trust the debian folx to build reasonable kernels (kernel-image-...)
21:54.55Pacoperfdave,u want me to type that in here?
21:55.03ribnitzVarg_: even a firewall of mine uses a stock debian kernel.
21:55.06PerfDavedgarcia: No idea, I don't have SATA and I never get my system in an unbootable state, because I read the instructions.
21:55.12PerfDavePaco: Yeah
21:55.16vladsterYep and wrestle a crock right after
21:55.17Varg_ribnitz: I know; I'm using one now; but I honestly don't why this error would occur, and it's a matter of pride anyway =)
21:55.18PerfDave!tell Paco -about msgdpkg
21:55.38dgarciaPerfDAve: i am human, help me
21:55.52*** part/#debian zeeble (~Milliways@zeeble.user)
21:55.53nvzxchat 2.4.1 in windows Restores the window size from maximized instead of minimizing when I click on it in the taskbar..  :P
21:56.00vladsterand once brused and battered go home for a cuddle with the shiela
21:56.06PerfDavedgarcia: I'm human too. I don't know which rescue discs or whatever will work with SATA. Maybe Google will help.
21:56.11PerfDaveWow, dpkg is lagged.
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21:56.47doubVarg_: look for lines begining with hd[something]. if there's no hdc, then your root= is not correct
21:56.48abrotmanjharrisonwk: ok .. but i'd still try to get it installed
21:56.49peter___anyone know of an accelerated framebuffer for nvidia cards?  google doesn't return anything useful
21:57.20cafuegovladster: Seriously though, aussies don't drink foster's. At all. (it's a "tinny" btw, not a "can")
21:57.23Varg_doub: I only have one laptop HDD, and for some reason its located at /dev/hdc instead of /dev/hda
21:57.53ribnitzVarg_: what version fo the init tools are you using, also woody, sarge, or sid?
21:57.56Varg_doub: And as before, the root= is identical to the default linux parameter
21:57.59PerfDavecafuego: VB!
21:58.01Varg_ribnitz: sarge
21:58.01doubVarg_: this depends on the kernel, maybe that's not the case with the new one
21:58.08cafuegoPerfDave: Now we're talking.
21:58.17doubVarg_: though that sounds unlikely
21:58.22vladsterthat is true, I can't get black swan here
21:58.42puffHm, /proc/loadavg contains 5 numbers... the first three are obviously load numbers, but what are the last two? 0.22 0.21 0.18 4/161 3497
21:58.52Varg_doub: 2.6.11? Should be the same....well I mean if there isn't any other obvious error, then it must be some sort of software conflict in the kernel or something
21:58.55vladstera 1 litre bottle goes nicely
21:59.02*** mode/#Debian [+l 819] by debhelper
21:59.05cafuegopuff: if 4th one is processes. active/total
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21:59.18cafuegopuff: Not sure about the last one, it's not immediately obvious
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21:59.35doubVarg_: what are the hd lines in boot console looking like?
21:59.48quitttwhere can I get xmms-wma plugin?
21:59.52cafuegovladster: "stubby" not "bottle".
22:00.13PerfDavequittt: It might be in marillat.
22:00.19cafuegoKota Kinabalu!
22:00.39ribnitzquittt: xmms webpage, marillat/nerim?
22:01.12superCow007how can I force a package to install despite a dependency not being met?
22:01.21abrotmansuperCow007: man dpkg
22:01.35quitttPerfDave, Marillat?
22:01.42abrotman!tell quittt about marillat
22:01.55vladsterthe 2.6 kernel in sarge already has the support for alsa built in right?
22:01.58Varg_doub: Sorry, I don't have them saved, All I remember is that it was 'unknown device hdc1: unable to mount root on (hd0,0), invalid root= option'
22:01.59PerfDave!wayttd superCow007
22:02.00dpkgWhat Are You Trying To Do, superCow007?
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22:02.06cafuegovladster: yes
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22:02.20doubpuff: from the proc man page, the last is the PID of the last created process
22:02.30vladsterthen I can skip that part
22:02.31quitttthank you abrotman
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22:03.39superCow007hrmm.. there is a non-official package php4-mapscript.. that is dependent on a special cgi version of php4 called php4-cgi-mapscript.. but I am installing the libapache2-mod-php4 package so I don't need php4-cgi-mapscript, since php is provided for by that package..
22:03.40Klownercould anyone suggest a URL which might instruct me how to install debian on a brand spanking new AMD64 machine?
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22:03.51PerfDaveKlowner: #debian-amd64
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22:04.02Klownerthanky PerfDave
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22:04.06quittthow do I send a file someone using HTTP?
22:04.12puffdoub: Really?  Thanks, I dind't see that in my "man proc"
22:04.13quitttis there any way to do it?
22:04.16quittteasy way
22:04.18puffquittt: Yes.
22:04.22PerfDavequittt: DAV
22:04.25puffquittt: Oh, you want an *easy* way :-).
22:04.27PerfDavesuperCow007: /msg dpkg equivs
22:04.33puffquittt: From a java program?
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22:04.45quitttPerfDave, DAV
22:04.48quitttPerfDave, what is that?
22:04.54doubsuperCow007: if you have the source of the package, you can change the dependency in the control file
22:05.07PerfDavequittt: It lets you send files to people over HTTP :)
22:05.18PerfDavequittt: Or you can use CGI uploads.
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22:05.30d03boyi cant seem to stop the xserver :\
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22:06.18quitttPerfDave, easy of use?
22:06.29puffRFC 1867 http uploading (multipart/form-data).
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22:06.40PerfDavequittt: Never tried it, but that's what it's for.
22:06.40superCow007ok.. I'll read up on equivs
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22:06.56peter___d03boy: *dm?
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22:07.03d03boywhat do you mean?
22:07.20quitttPerfDave, is there Debian packages for it?
22:07.23d03boygdm I think?
22:07.27peter___d03boy: do you mean the login screen on bootup?
22:08.01ShadowLordis it possible to use a install CD, but boot from a SINGLE floppy (just to get to the CD)?
22:08.03puffDamn, i'm short on sleep today.
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22:08.22puffquittt: If all you want to do is upload a file via HTTP to a cgi script that is expecting a file, I think lynx or links support that.
22:08.26PerfDavequittt: libapache-mod-dav
22:08.43puffquittt: If what you want is to *accept* a file upload, then you eihter need a custom CGI that implements rfc1867, or something like webdav.
22:08.44superCow007hrmm.. rather than using equivs, how would I edit the package to change the dependency?
22:08.53peter___d03boy: put something random in /etc/X11/default-display-manager
22:08.56puffrfc1867 cgis are fairly easy to come by.
22:09.02*** mode/#Debian [+l 810] by debhelper
22:09.10quitttpuff, isnt a *easy* way for that?
22:09.20PerfDavesuperCow007: Read DNM, probably.
22:09.24superCow007I just need to set the version number conditional from = to >=.. it is locked to a particular version a slightly newer revision is being forced in by another dependency..
22:09.25puffquittt: first answer my question, what are you trying to do?
22:09.34puffAccept an upload, send an upload, what?
22:10.07Varg_What is the kernel-tree that is downloadable from apt-get?
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22:10.43abrotmanpureone: hold off until you know what he's trying to do
22:10.44quitttpuff, I want to send a file to a friend
22:10.52abrotmanquittt: using HTTP ?
22:10.52quitttpuff, but in MSN it is SOOOOOO SLOW
22:11.05pureoneuse ftp
22:11.06abrotmanquittt: they make email for that :)
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22:11.17abrotmanor ftp .. or downloads .. whatever
22:11.19quitttpureone, how?
22:11.24quitttI want a easy way
22:11.29abrotmanquittt: email!!
22:11.29quitttto using apache
22:11.44quitttabrotman, email...
22:11.52abrotmanquittt: use PHP .. have it mimeenc the file .. then mail it to him .. then watch as his ISP rejects it :)
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22:11.55quitttabrotman, I use GMAIL but my friend has hotmail
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22:12.00abrotmanquittt: so what?
22:12.06abrotmanquittt: send him a file ..
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22:12.07quitttabrotman, no space
22:12.07pureonesend him a invite ;)
22:12.13d03boysorry, im back, yes I was referring to the login screen at bootup
22:12.20abrotmanquittt: then use one of those file services
22:12.38Varg_What exactly is installed from the kernel-tree as opposed to kernel-source?
22:12.46peter___d03boy: put something random in /etc/X11/default-display-manager
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22:13.12nvzVarg_, apt-cache show kernel-tree
22:13.23superCow007what's DNM?
22:13.43superCow007doub - you still there?
22:13.45dpkgfrom memory, nmg is see dnm
22:13.49dpkgDebian New Maintainers' Guide, Debian Policy Manual and Debian Developer's Reference - if you are a deb-newbie read them in this order, found at
22:13.53d03boypeter___, what will that do?
22:13.57Varg_nvz: thanks
22:14.13superCow007dah, I just want to change dependency
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22:14.29akusarujini reconfigured a kernel from scratch, 2.6.11-rc5, but i have one problem afterword: i am able to use it right now, but everything in general has an extremely long startup time... this kernel just seems sluggish.. anyone know something that might cause that? or if it's just a problem in this release?
22:14.40superCow007tell the package to take >= to the version it is insisting on having..
22:14.42peter___the startup scripts /etc/int.d/?dm will check the contents of that file to check which window manager to start, if it doesn't match what ay are looking for nothing will start up
22:14.45ThreeDayMonkcafuego: can you give me a hand?  In step 6 of that tutorial you showed me, under virtual_alias_maps, how do I configure that line?  Both the mysql... parts separated by a space?
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22:14.54peter___s/window manager/display manager/
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22:15.04PerfDavesuperCow007: And you'll need to know how to unpack a .deb, change its meta information and rebuild it.
22:15.57quitttPerfDave, damn... BeOS had a easy tool for that
22:16.00quitttPoorMan hehe
22:16.03quitttit was so EASYYY
22:16.18nvzI was thinking about taking this 486 we got here and installing debian on a floppy and booting my 120GB hd in there. but then I realized that there is no network card in it.. heh
22:16.20PerfDaveSo easy, which is why everybody uses BeOS these days ;)
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22:16.22karstenquittt: BeOS:  the operating system for people who don't need applications.
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22:16.32quitttkarsten, no way
22:16.32PerfDavenvz: NICs are hardly expensive ;)
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22:16.40quitttkarsten, see
22:16.40doneill$6 a piece
22:16.47quitttkarsten, lots of apps
22:16.50quitttdont say shit plz
22:16.54superCow007these docs aren't so bad
22:16.58foozyeah. linux has no apps either
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22:17.09superCow007the new maintainers guide looks good
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22:18.42bob2"someone" needs to write the "new maintainer's guide for slackers"
22:18.46bob2which features cdbs
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22:18.59nvzPerfDave, I have some 6 pcs and a whole shoebox of expansion cards I left in dallas, cause I coulndt carry it all back on a bus.. its not my style to pay _any_ ammount of money for things I dont need
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22:20.08nvzgawd this spewing names into the chat when I tab-complete ambigously in xchat is grounds for removal and a fuck-you letter to the developers, I had better find a way to turn this off in the prefrences/settings
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22:20.59fooznvz, use irssi
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22:21.22nvzfooz, I normally do when I am on debian, I would have to install cygwin on my mothers PC for that
22:21.23Gathondnvz: think you need to edit the file manually to get rid of that, then again I fought to enable that :)
22:21.45d03boypeace outside
22:21.49yooGood night
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22:21.56fooznvz, choosy moms choose cygwin
22:22.08nvzGathond, I wouldnt even know where to find a config file in windows, its not like there is a /home/nvz/.xchat
22:22.10digital_bn tout le monde :)
22:22.22Gathondnvz: you are talking about the showing a bash like completion options thingy?
22:22.26cafuegoSurely they're not all in here
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22:23.17nvzGathond, I am talking about it poping up every name with a G on G<Tab> instead of just cycling them inline.. it takes up 40 lines of my chat screen and doesnt even bother to erase it after I complete the nick successfully
22:23.32Gathondnvz: there might be an c:/documents and settings/usersomethingorother/programdatafilethingybloodysomething/something thingy :)
22:23.57nvzGathond, sounds confusing..
22:24.08*** part/#debian naoliv (
22:24.15sinwhere does debian keeps its ip information for boot?
22:24.16Gathondnvz: excatly:) i fought xchat to make it consistently behave that way instead of just taking the first and showing that :)
22:24.19paulswmOnly with the slashes the other way round
22:24.36holosin: /etc/network/interfaces
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22:25.11Gathondnvz: actually what pissed me of the most is that its default baheviour is inconsistent, it does the irssi inline thingy if there is less than 5 matches and the bash thing otherwise ... which confused me alot
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22:25.27Aragorn_Guardiani need info about md5 from all packages instaled in my bin and sbin
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22:25.35Aragorn_Guardianwhere can i get this info?
22:25.46nvzGathond, yeah I think I might use something terrible like gaim or mIRC until I get my debian installation back into a PC
22:25.52Aragorn_Guardiani hav a woody
22:25.55bob2Aragorn_Guardian: if you think you've been rooted, you have to reinstall
22:26.12petemcAragorn_Guardian: debsums
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22:26.17Aragorn_Guardianno md5 info?
22:26.21nvzGathond, I figured out a long time ago I hated Xchat, its just when I googled for an IRC client for windows it was the only one I seen that didnt seem like it would have spyware.
22:26.35valdynAragorn_Guardian: md5 can be broken too ), its only to verify downloads
22:26.37Pythoncan someone tell me how to burn a cd through command line
22:26.39Aragorn_Guardianwhere i get this? i am a slack user. 8)
22:26.44bob2Aragorn_Guardian: think about it.  if you run 'md5sum' on your machine, how do you know it's giving you correct info?
22:26.54Aragorn_Guardianvaldyn: true...
22:26.56bob2Aragorn_Guardian: also, it's possible for someone to make a trojaned binary give the correct md5sum
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22:27.10Aragorn_Guardiananyone know about r0nin?
22:27.20Aragorn_Guardiani got this in awstats bug
22:27.45Pythonis there any command line cd burning software for debian
22:28.07paulswmPython: cdrecord
22:28.21valdynPython: Python various, apt-get install cdrtools
22:28.24nvzI just got done removing a ton of spyware from my mothers pc.. everytime she would type something in the web, it was being sent to some 15 or more companies
22:28.48grivellAnyone know if the iPod Shuffle works under Linux?
22:28.49valdynPython: Python various, apt-get install cdrecord ( oops )
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22:29.25Aragorn_Guardianpetemc: thanks about debsums... 8)   is a good place
22:29.39Pythoni am looking at the man file is there a way to burn iso's with cdrecord
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22:29.45Aragorn_Guardianbob2: thanks too
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22:30.31valdynPython: cdrecord -dev=/dev/hdc foo.iso
22:30.51Pythonok i will try that thanks
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22:34.51znoI think I installed grub by mistake, if I do apt-get install lilo, will it automatically replace grub and I can reboot fine?
22:35.32valdynzno: wont remove grub, will ask to write the mbr ( grub and lilo _packages_ dont conflict last i checked )
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22:36.42valdynzno: you must have had a boot manager before you installed grub?
22:36.45beluskrax: eres un cagaluta
22:37.00kraxjare moolll??
22:37.01brynjarhIf I'm running the X Window System and I upgrade X to the latest version, I wont be running the latest version of X untill I restart it will I??
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22:37.12znovaldyn: I think I chose grub to be the default manager when I installed debian from cd
22:37.12valdynbrynjarh: correct
22:37.48valdynzno: why not stick to grub then?
22:37.49brynjarhvaldyn, okay then. :)
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22:38.01valdynzno: nothing against lilo, but it seems risky no matter what to switch boot loader
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22:38.29vladsterwhat is the command to make a grub boot floppy?
22:38.33dliwhich daemon to provide local dns? like -> node001
22:38.46cafuegovladster: grub-install /dev/fd0
22:38.50Aragorn_Guardianj #gaim
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22:38.56bob2dli: bind9.
22:39.01dlibob2: thanks
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22:40.12Gnurduxwhy does anyone use woody?
22:40.21dlibob2: what about named?
22:40.23paulswmSecure server
22:40.23tarzeauGnurdux: security/stability
22:40.30bob2Gnurdux: because it's supported and stable
22:40.32tarzeauGnurdux: say you have 100+ machines to administer
22:40.33HobNobhey guys, when i do lspci -v i have two modules for my nic, both with the same IRQ, how can i remove one?
22:40.35valdynGnurdux: extremely well documented bugs
22:40.39Gnurduxit is so old
22:40.39bob2dli: named sounds like a name for bind
22:40.42tarzeaubob2: it's supported?
22:40.46tarzeaubob2: oh well...
22:40.47GnurduxSarge is great
22:40.50bob2HobNob: lspci doesn't say anything about modules
22:40.56tarzeauGnurdux: sid is excellent
22:41.01HobNoberm sorry two pci devices with the same irq
22:41.03Gnurduxnever used it
22:41.03HobNobnot modules
22:41.06Gnurduxdebian says that
22:41.16Gnurduxsid has problems with dependencies
22:41.21tarzeauGnurdux: who?
22:41.22Gnurduxunfulfilled deps
22:41.25HobNobis there a way i can disable one?
22:41.25bob2no, debian does not say that
22:41.25tarzeaudebian: you say that?
22:41.28Gnurduxthe webiste
22:41.30bob2it says it might break
22:41.30tarzeauGnurdux: and sarge not?
22:41.32tarzeauGnurdux: crap
22:41.38YamahaRx800is there a word counter in open office?
22:41.44Gnurduxwell, i have had problems with sarge installation
22:41.46tarzeauGnurdux: works perfect here (but then i don't use gnome or kde meta packages)
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22:42.02Gnurduxonce, the netinstall didnt install half the stuff it was supposed too
22:42.10tarzeauYamahaRx800: file, document properties? maybe
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22:42.13Gnurduxit installed gnome-games but not gnome
22:42.24tarzeauGnurdux: but that's a problem of gnome. not debian or sid
22:42.25bob2Gnurdux: that's not a problem with the installer
22:42.35JoeSchmoeIf I want to see Japanese/Chinese etc. characters on Debian in Mozilla, IRC and whatnot, how do I do that?
22:42.43Gnurduxive installed sarge two other times
22:42.46Gnurduxand ti installed fine
22:42.58Gnurduxi think they were upgrading the server
22:43.22tarzeauJoeSchmoe: get the fonts for it
22:43.35tarzeauJoeSchmoe: you're jap/cn?
22:43.37YamahaRx800ok thanks
22:43.54tarzeauGnurdux: maybe your mirror is not official?
22:44.00Gnurduxyeah it is
22:44.01JoeSchmoetarzeau: No, I just want to read Japanese web sites
22:44.12Gnurduxthey mirror debian as well as progeny debian
22:44.18Gnurduxand they are REALLY fast
22:44.24*** part/#debian krax (
22:44.29tarzeauGnurdux: what is the mirror fqdn?
22:44.34tarzeauGnurdux: ?
22:44.36Gnurduxi donno
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22:44.48tarzeauGnurdux: that is NOT official debian stuff
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22:44.58tarzeauGnurdux: official debian stuff is alwasy
22:45.13tarzeauGnurdux: unofficial stuff is known to break your fine debian
22:45.15greg_workany idea why i would get this?   #mdadm --add /dev/md0 /dev/hda1    mdadm: hot add failed for /dev/hda1: Invalid argument    .. its of type fd, should have no problems
22:45.29tarzeauGnurdux: no way you can blame sid for that!
22:45.32vladster/dev/fd0 does not have any corresponding BIOS drive. <== I get this error when I try?
22:45.34Gnurduxthat was sarge
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22:45.37tarzeauGnurdux: whatever
22:45.41Gnurduxand ti isnt unofficial
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22:45.57valdyngreg_work: dont you need to add disks to a raid instead of partitions?
22:46.00Pythonfor some reason i typed in cdrecord dev=/dev/hda <my-iso> and it didnt work
22:46.10greg_workvaldyn: no, it uses partitions
22:46.17Pythonit told me that /dev/hda is a read only file system
22:46.18GnurduxProgeny is a company
22:46.27garyHey guys, i installed a 2.6 kernel and now, when i startx my mouse doesn't work, well i can not control it.  I can't seem to get it to work either.  mousedev is loaded and working, and i've tried using /dev/psaux and /dev/input/mice, but niether work. Can anybody please help me?
22:46.30Gnurduxthat makes a debian based distro called progeny Debian
22:46.33*** join/#debian ph0 (~ph0@
22:46.39tarzeauGnurdux: so what?
22:46.41valdynPython: you sure that /dev/hda is not a harddisk?
22:46.42Pythoni know hda is correct becoulse that is what k3b is using
22:47.00*** join/#debian el_Sucre (
22:47.08Gnurduxthey have woody  and sarge and sid
22:47.09cafuegoIs there a trick for sending ctrl-alt-del in a VNC session?
22:47.20greg_worki actually had it in the array, but i was getting errors (on /dev/hdb, i think) and it was continously resyncing .. so i did mdadm --fail on it, then shutdown -F to fsck the disk, and now i can't add it
22:47.20tarzeauGnurdux: that's old news...
22:47.21Gnurduxare they gonna put GNOME  2.10 in Sarge when it comes out?
22:47.23HobNobhmm if i have two NIC's how can i fix an irq conflict?
22:47.30tarzeauGnurdux: who cares? it's not debian
22:47.34khanmancafuego: f8
22:47.38tarzeauGnurdux: you want to talk about it in #progeny
22:47.42cafuegokhanman: Nee, thanks.
22:47.46Gnurduxim not USING progeny
22:47.46cafuegoNeet even
22:47.56Gnurduxprogeny website has a mirror for dbeian
22:48.12tarzeauGnurdux: but only mirrors that have in the name are official
22:48.13Gnurduxhas both progeny AND debian apt repositories
22:48.17Gnurduxand i use hte debian one
22:48.19bob2that's nice
22:48.19tarzeauGnurdux: ualot of websites have mirror for debian
22:48.22bob2but off topic
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22:48.31Gnurduxand in the mirror selections screen it was #2
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22:48.42tarzeauGnurdux: that doesn't make it official
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22:48.49Gnurduxor maybe wasnt first
22:48.55Gnurduxdebian lists it
22:48.57soth`is it possible to get apache2 running on debian stable?
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22:48.57Gnurduxoh whateevr
22:49.03Gnurduxrun testing
22:49.10Gnurduxtesting runs great
22:49.12*** part/#debian Gnurdux (
22:49.20garyWhen i startx, i also get the warning message: The XKEYBOARD keymap compiler (xkbcomp) reports: error: can't find "pc/xfree86" for symbols include.  Any ideas?
22:49.26bob2what a pointless person
22:49.38bob2gary: make sure you have x-window-system-core installed
22:50.06*** join/#debian FieldySnuts (GfYmS8g99l@fieldysnuts.user)
22:50.11garybob2: yes i do.  I'm having mouse problems, but i also get that keyboard error too.
22:50.24garybob2: This was fine in 2.4 but in kernel 2.6 it now doesn't work
22:50.27Bizarro_pacodoes it matter which order to install gnome or x-server-system? does it matter which one i install first?
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22:50.57valdynBizarro_paco: no, and you probably mean "x-window-system"
22:50.57bob2Bizarro_paco: no
22:51.18paulswmBizarro_paco: the beauty of the apt system is that it will look after dependencies for you
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22:53.17lqgussohello folks
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22:54.34darkgamer20hey everyone
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22:55.05abrotman!hi everyone
22:55.08dpkgLong days and pleasant nights, sai everyone!
22:55.44lqgussohello again abrotman
22:55.46rivhi all!
22:55.46darkgamer20i got a little snag here, I mounted my windows partition in debian sarge and I can't switch to Program Files directory in windows?
22:56.05darkgamer20so how do i do that?
22:56.06rivcould anyone with some nasty compiler errors?
22:56.26abrotmandarkgamer20: cd "Program Files"
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22:56.36paulswm!prise abrotman
22:56.43abrotman!prize paulswm
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22:57.17darkgamer20abrotman: thanks i didn't know about the quotes
22:57.23abrotmandarkgamer20: \ works too
22:57.25lqgussohello dpkg
22:57.28abrotmanas in Program\ Files
22:57.48paulswmdarkgamer20: you can also use backslash, like: cd Program\ Files
22:57.57darkgamer20oh thanks for the tips you guys
22:57.58abrotmanwin me!
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22:58.02jbrandinteresting -
22:58.07darkgamer20learning something everyday
22:58.12darkgamer20see yall
22:58.20paulswm:kill abrotman
22:58.25abrotman!eat paulswm
22:58.39paulswm!kill abrotman
22:58.53abrotmanjbrand: that fucking sucks
22:59.06abrotmangod fucking damn it ..
22:59.10sussudio!eat muffins
22:59.13sdogiabrotman nooo, i only knew you for some days !!!
22:59.14abrotmanwhy can't they just stop fucking with the god damned kernel
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22:59.25sdogiabrotman: what kernel
22:59.32Gumbycan anyone tell me where the proper place is to change my hostname
22:59.33abrotman!punish linus for fucking with kernel numbering
22:59.46swatikissis there a way to ignore depencies when apt-get installing ?
22:59.59caphusoabrotman: like making the kernel hackers develop open solaris instead?
23:00.02abrotmanswatikiss: man dpkg
23:00.10sussudioGumby: yes
23:00.10abrotmancaphuso: like .. fucking a development kernel
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23:00.12stewswatikiss: why do you want to?
23:00.15abrotmangah .. bastards
23:00.20sdogiGumby: /etc/HOSTNAME
23:00.23abrotmanlike idiots weren't confused enough .. fucking christ
23:00.27caphusoabrotman: we've got one, it's called 2.6.x
23:00.37swatikissstew, well, i have jre installed - but apt-get says i dont....
23:00.47stewswatikiss: /msg dpkg install java
23:00.48sdogilol, what did linux do with kernel
23:00.50abrotmancaphuso: did oyu read that link ?
23:00.52stewswatikiss: /msg dpkg equivs
23:00.53sdogist linus do with kernel
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23:01.01caphusoabrotman: nope, i read the initial post on lkml instead
23:01.09abrotmancaphuso: you're such a geek :)
23:01.13caphusosounds quite sensible to me
23:01.26abrotmanbah ..
23:01.29dpkgbuckabeer is, like, time for abrotman to go .. thursday 5:30pm .. buckabeer at rock bottom
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23:01.55caphusothe old scheme was pretty enforced upon a development model not really fitting in that scheme
23:02.20caphuso(at least since 2.4.0)
23:02.25abrotmanoh well
23:02.33abrotmani'm sure it will hit slashdot and cause a riot ..
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23:02.40sdogihow many people here like very complicated stuff and are friggin stubborn and must solve them? :)
23:02.47caphusoabrotman: that's true for almost anything
23:03.09sdogipaulswm: auch
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23:04.36superCow007hrmm.. some might consider that an nhealthy obsession sdogi..
23:04.52paulswmIf yoy create a partition for use as a Windows boot in 2.6, Windows probably won't boot because 2.6 reports incompatible disk geometry, which will probably hang the Windows boot loader
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23:05.38paulswmThat was a pisser to find
23:05.39sdogisuperCow007: yeah i guess it is, just wondering... well it doesn't have to be that complicated, but i mean how many people feel challenged
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23:06.57paulswmAll along I thought it was XP screwing up, but noooo, it was the Linux kernel
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23:07.06sdogihell, it isn't so bad idea what linus has proposed actually
23:07.14cafuegopaulswm: How can linux screw up when you run XP?
23:07.32paulswmcafuego: by creating screwed up partitions
23:07.49vladsterif it tries to install the drive you loinux boot is on?
23:07.51cafuegopaulswm: But the kernel doesn't create partitions.
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23:08.24sdogiactually linus has a pretty good idea
23:08.32extropyhi all, i mistakenly installed some packages which i want to remove... they are sitting in the todo list of apt with unmet dependencies. anyone know what the command to remove them is? (i also have older version of the packages which I want to keep so i can't just apt-get remove them)
23:08.39vladstermaybe XP tries to auto allocate new or unfamiliar disk space
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23:09.26vladsterit would not surprize me in the least
23:09.48travisatextropy: dpkg -r -a
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23:11.17asplodzorHey, I read about a new type of vnc a while ago that somehow allowed you to use aplications running on the local and remote systems side-by-side
23:11.26asplodzoranyone have any idea what that was?
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23:12.26paulswmcafuego: The kernel reports disk geometry.  I created a partition using cfdisk and 240 heads, which is what the BIOS (an old box) wants.  cfdisk was happy to do it, but, when it came to writing the partition table, the 2.6 kernel uses the extended int13 instead of the legacy int13 and writes 255 heads into the table instead of 240 heads.
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23:12.40jbAUasplodzor nope haven't heard of anything like that, but if you find it let me know!
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23:13.07Mithsircan anyone help?
23:13.21paulswmAnd it's been know for months but nobody seems to give a crap
23:13.28quitttone of these days I am going to cut you into little pieces
23:13.28valdynMithsir: gnome-volume-manager can do that
23:13.54*** join/#debian LSorensen (lsorense@
23:14.09Mithsirhmm, thanks. is there a kde equivalent? i don't relly use gnome.
23:15.07paulswmThe attitude of Linux people towards Windows sometimes seem sto be as as superior and dismissive as that of WIndows people towards Linux, and I must say that I find that very disappointing
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23:15.47raf256Mithsir: most gnome-apps run in other WM
23:15.54raf256like, I run gnome-terminal in KDE
23:15.57karstenpaulswm: Well, we both make up with it in our attitudes toward Mac OS, BeOS, and VMS.
23:16.08raf256it calls gnome-libraries AFAIK, but it can run in other managers
23:16.11jCesarolinux is superior
23:16.17cafuegoquittt: get your filthy hands off my desert
23:16.31Thanatermesisany person is posible to send me the image of memtest ?
23:16.32jCesaroits free ;)
23:16.37quitttcafuego, hehehe =P
23:16.39helixcafuego: you have your own desert?
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23:17.29cafuegokids these days...
23:17.30helixI don't know what to do with that much sand
23:17.47karstenhelix:'s a tad crumbly and sand-strewn, but it's a nice little hell-on-earth.
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23:17.49Mithsirraf256, but gnome-volume-manager sounds so "low level", will probably want nautilus running, won't it?
23:18.04raf256donno... try it :)
23:18.20valdynMithsir: i wouldnt use it in kde, but it might work - no idea
23:18.36dpkgmethinks chocolate is the food of the gods
23:18.46lqgussoanyone knows where can i learn shell script?
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23:19.12madthinkeranyone here familiar with offlineimap?
23:19.17mrhemlocklqgusso, start with the FAQ
23:19.24Mithsirok. are there alternatives?
23:19.27jCesaropaulswm:;en-us;247804 ;)
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23:19.37jCesarofavorite link for that kind of newbs
23:20.17lqgussowhere i see it mrhemlock?
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23:21.30paulswmkarsten: actually, I've been thinking about running VMS and DOS/360 emulators :)
23:21.55dpkgLoad the 'usb-storage' and 'sd' modules.  Then your USB drive should appear as /dev/sda or /dev/sdb or something.  Consult /proc/partitions to see if it has a partition table.  Create an entry in /etc/fstab like:  "/dev/sda1 /mnt/usb vfat user,noauto,noatime 0 0", and do "mkdir /mnt/usb".  Then you can "mount /mnt/usb" and "umount /mnt/usb" at will.
23:22.34*** join/#debian optimus (
23:22.50Mithsirdpkg, yeah, thats the way I'm doing it now, and all windows users laugh at me :-(
23:22.56jCesaro;en-us;247804 check it out paulswm
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23:23.32jCesaroMithsir: start from 0 dont care about  others
23:23.46paulswmjCesaro: So?
23:24.01Mithsirhmm, that doesn't sound cool...
23:24.15jCesarofollow the instructions :)
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23:25.26infodroidjCesaro: that link is pretty freaky
23:25.35paulswmkarsten: I will try out the VMS emulator, because I had some years of real fun with VMS, FMS and FORTRAN :)
23:25.46valdynMithsir: write a hotplug script ( don't ask me how, man hotplug )
23:26.04karstenpaulswm: FMS?
23:26.09valdynMithsir: and that still doesn't free you from unmounting i think
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23:26.58Mithsirhmm, i see. maybe I will try gnome then :-)
23:27.25paulswmjCesaro: predating the MS link to posted:
23:27.34ThreeDayMonkI have a problem - the courier startup script isn't starting authdaemond.mysql  any ideas?
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23:29.59paulswmkarsten: FMS is Forms Management System, which was a tool for designing and displaying screens with input and output variables on the Vax
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23:31.00karstenpaulswm: Ah...
23:31.11karstenpaulswm: ...HTML ~1984, eh?
23:31.44paulswmjCesaro: this is a funnier one, though, a spoofed verion of the MS one:
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23:33.42paulswmkarsten: Yes, I suppose you could say 25 year old php, as you could also hang subroutines off the form's display/input variables
23:34.01paulswmIt was pretty good for its time
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23:36.06paulswmkarsten: While we are in that era, if you have never read it, I heartily recommend Tracy Kidder's book "The Sould of a New Machine":
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23:36.22aprilwaz up room
23:36.38aprilwaz  paulswm
23:37.17lqgussomrhelmlock i did not find
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23:42.18karstenpaulswm: Not familiar with it...
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23:43.13paulswmkarsten: It is excellent, he followed them through all the work, so it's a first hand account.
23:43.44Farris1I've got a tar.gz file that I gunzipped and then tar xvzf'd. It extracted the entire directory structure, all the files/dirs. But the files themselves are corrupt some how. Any idea how I might figure out what happened?
23:43.45karstenpaulswm: Um.  Followed whom?
23:43.54*** join/#debian doub (
23:44.02karstenFarris1: Howso corrupt?
23:44.09*** join/#debian ENERGIE_1 (
23:44.25karstenFarris1: ...and 'tar xzvf <archive>' will extract it in one swell foop.
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23:44.50travisatswell foop?
23:45.28deadlinehi, i just installed gcc 3.4 by apt-get install. how can i now configure gcc to use the new version by default instead of 3.3. gcc --version gives me 3.3, not the new one. how can i fix that?
23:45.36bob2deadline: don't
23:45.39bob2deadline: just use gcc-3.4
23:45.48Farris1karsten: What I know should be readable text is nothing but ascii garbage, and what I know should be working PDFs won't open in AcroRead
23:45.50holo"swell foop", to concepts i a row that i don't know :s
23:45.58karstentravisat: One step.  "swell foop" => "fell swoop".
23:46.00*** join/#debian adidaS (~LeWo@
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23:46.25paulswmkarsten: Oh, thought you'd followed the link.  Followed a team as Data General as they designed and built a 32 bit minicomputer in less than a year.  A quote from the book, about learning assembly language: "I could talk to God, just like IBM."
23:46.25deadlinebob2: bob2, but when building apps from source, then the default compiler will be used right? so not the new one.
23:46.27karstenFarris1: Hrm.  Multiple directories or a flat structure?
23:46.33Farris1multiple dirs
23:46.50karstenpaulswm: Ah.  I've followed the link but haven't got there yet (reading other stuff).
23:47.00bob2deadline: so make them use gcc 3.4
23:47.05travisatdeadline: 3.4 isn't stable enough to use unless you have good reasons
23:47.07bob2deadline: ./configure CC=gcc-3.4 CXX=gcc-3.4
23:47.20bob2deadline: changing the default is bad, because 3.4 changes the C++ ABI
23:47.22paulswmkarsten: Well I don't mean to push it down your throat but it is a very good read.
23:47.44karstenFarris1: Anyhow, 'file <filelist>' should tell you what kind of files you've got.  It's possible there's issues.
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23:48.08Farris1I have a sneaking suspicion the guy having the problem with this file had it emailed to him. It's possible postfix didn't encode it properly
23:48.11karstenFarris1: Otherwise, you'll want to go back to the source.  Could be several things.  FTPing with wrong settings can do bad things.
23:48.21bob2postfix doesn't encode anything, ever
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23:48.31deadlinebob2: ok. i have another problem also. upgraded to kernel 2.6.8-2 from 2.6.8-1. xmms keeps crashing after that, even after reinstalling xmms. get some errors that several libmodules are not found. any idea?
23:48.31karstenFarris1: Generally, the closer you can get to the source the better.
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23:48.48bob2deadline: let me guess, you use the binary-only nvidia drivers?
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23:49.09TheLittleWitch  I have a pc on and i can ping but i can't ping Why ?
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23:49.42travisatTheLittleWitch: it isn't there?
23:49.58TheLittleWitchits there i can ping it from the router
23:50.09Jaccono ideeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaa.
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23:50.13deadlinebob2: i don't know if they are binary only. i use nvidia indeed, installed the drivers by executing a shell script from the nvidia page
23:50.24bob2deadline: there you go
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23:50.29bob2deadline: install libmikmod3
23:50.47deadlinebob2: are there bad things in such a nvidia method?
23:50.55TheLittleWitchif i use tcpdump i see ping req and answer on the interface to the net but they are not routed to the interface that goes to net :/
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23:50.58bob2deadline: the nvidia driver is buggy
23:50.59*** part/#debian kn0t (
23:51.09bob2deadline: no one but them can fix it, and they have so far failed to do so
23:51.11khorneIs this where I need to be to get help with getting my neew Debian Linux system working properly?
23:51.26*** join/#debian Password (~SmallBaby@
23:51.27deadlinebob2: can i apt-get some package which contains libmikmod3
23:51.40bob2deadline: er, the name of the package is libmikmod3
23:51.46bob2or 2 if you're on woody, iirc
23:52.01*** join/#debian hypo` (
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23:52.50blue_Bah, adidaS is sending Free Porno Videos
23:53.07*** part/#debian bob2 (rob@bob2.user)
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23:53.18deadlinebob2: there is no package called libmikmod3
23:53.18*** mode/#Debian [+o bob2] by ChanServ
23:53.19*** mode/#Debian [+b *!*@] by bob2
23:53.19*** part/#debian adidaS (~LeWo@
23:53.19*** mode/#Debian [-o bob2] by bob2
23:53.36blue_thanks :)
23:53.38*** mode/#Debian [+o bob2] by ChanServ
23:53.38*** mode/#Debian [+b *!*@] by bob2
23:53.39*** part/#debian Password (~SmallBaby@
23:53.39*** mode/#Debian [-o bob2] by bob2
23:53.40khorneCan anyone help me to get my external  hard drive  working?
23:54.17bob2libmikmod2 - A portable sound library
23:54.20bob2deadline: ^
23:54.20khorneI just installed Debian on a laptop and I need the external for storage. Currently it's not being recognized at all.
23:54.39deadlinebob2: i did number 3
23:54.42*** part/#debian macks (
23:54.45bob2deadline: awesome
23:54.53*** join/#debian VolVE (
23:54.59bob2if you want magic, don't use debian
23:55.02bob2or learn how to configure it
23:55.07karstenkhorne: What kind of drive?
23:55.09deadlinebob2: installing atm
23:55.28khorne80 gig maxtor
23:55.29karstenkhorne: What interface?
23:55.36idimmui think he means, usb, firewire? etc
23:55.40karstenkhorne: USB, ATA, Firewiare?
23:56.01idimmuusb mass storage device fun?
23:56.04karstenkhorne: Plugged in currently?
23:56.22karstenkhorne: modprobe usb_storage.  Should load most of your modules, otherwise I've got a l ist...
23:56.32dpkgThere are some Magic Questions that will unravel any problem.  #1 is WAYTTD.  #2 is WDYC.  Ask me about those.
23:56.32khorneYup. I haven't touched it since I ridded myself of the plague that is Windows, and it worked fine there.
23:56.36deadlinebob2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
23:57.00bob2deadline: riiiight
23:57.14bob2deadline: you are using Debian, right?  and the Debian xmms package?
23:57.19karstenkhorne: OK.  'modprobe' loads modules.  Usually works out deps.  You need 'usb_storage'.  Command is:  modprobe usb_storage
23:57.21deadlinebob2: yes
23:57.27karstenkhorne: Please run that, report any response/errors.
23:57.41khorneThanks, I'll try it now.
23:58.36*** join/#debian DaGo (
23:58.40khornekarsten: Can't locate module usb_storage
23:58.49karstenkhorne: 'uname -r'
23:59.03*** mode/#Debian [+l 775] by debhelper
23:59.19khorneI got some numbers from that command.
23:59.56karstenkhorne: I hope so.
23:59.56karstenkhorne: Care to share?
23:59.56karstenkhorne: 'man uname' for your own info.
23:59.56deadlinebob2: any suggestions?

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