irclog2html for #debian on 20050302

00:00.11Toy_aburridocafuego so u mean is the easiest?
00:00.14javihi people, I have a question for you ... How should I use 'find' command into a 'for' when 'find' command return file paths with space characters?
00:00.17jimzetho: it also starts bind for you, and arranges for it to be started on boot
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00:00.32FieldySnutsLuas: that's a good question. frankly i'd rename the windows directory with an underscore or something, because I have no idea how to get around that otherwise
00:00.39resiakLuas: '' it?
00:00.46jimunless you want to, you don't have to configure anything about bind
00:00.59javido you know about how can 'find' manage this filename type ?
00:01.14Luasresiak: No, quoting it doesn't help
00:01.15zethojim please, i know how debian works really :P.. i only dont have a clue about postfix and Named.. so you claim that default installation will work for me fine ?
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00:01.28resiakLuas: Then listen to FieldySnuts :)
00:02.15Lee__is there any other difference when booting a system from an XFS partition than updating /etc/fstab with a partition type of XFS?
00:02.16FieldySnutsI rule!
00:02.19LuasFieldySnuts: I have renamed it also :) but it is not the best solution.
00:02.31jimpostfix will use the resolver to get names... if you have a named on the same box, all you have to do is put nameserver in /etc/resolv.conf
00:02.53FieldySnutsLuas: yeah it's kind of a collision of worlds, windows world has no probs with spaces, *nix world does in some places
00:02.57jimthen EVERYTHING on that box will use the bind
00:03.00FieldySnutsgotta compromoise somewhere there
00:03.04zethothank you jim.. this is some light in a tunnel :) really thanx :)
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00:04.26LuasFieldySnuts: I think it is a problem of that dirty config-file design of fstab, it understands every whitespace as field separator, without even trying to think if it is escaped or not
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00:04.55FieldySnutsnobody had spaces in names at all till win came along, fstab's been that way for a real real long time
00:04.59Lee__I wasn't following but are you talking about including spaces for a Windows partition in /etc/fstab?
00:05.23LuasFieldySnuts: normally every filename can be used under linux, even with whitespace: the mount command-line had no problem mounting it
00:05.34resiakLee__: Well, if your /boot is on an XFS partition then Grub (if you use it) needs support for XFS, and in any case your kernel either needs XFS built in or as a module in the initrd.
00:05.44FieldySnutsyeah i'm aware, it's just annoying
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00:06.13Lee__resiak: I have XFS support in the kernel, but I'm not aware of how to verify if it's supported in grub. would you know?
00:06.55Lee__or would it just be simpler to format /boot as ext3 and everything else as XFS?
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00:07.20dracLee__: I'm not sure at all, but when you look at dpkg -L grub, you'll see /lib/grub/i386-pc/xfs_stage1_5
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00:07.42dracLee__: I believe Stage1_5 is "for booting"
00:07.51resiakLee__: That would be _much_ easier, and is what one of my boxen does.
00:07.53FieldySnutsi keep /boot ext3, rest reiserfs3.6 , mainly because i heard about issues with grub and reiserfs, but i don't even know if that's true
00:08.26doneilli have one partition.
00:08.29Lee__keeping a 30 meg /boot as ext3 is no big deal. I'll just stick with that.
00:08.31doneillit's ext3 :D
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00:08.45jimFieldySnuts: it apparantly is true:
00:08.46doneilland, swapd.
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00:09.13jimwhen I did a fresh sarge install, the grub install widget kept warning me
00:09.21Lee__doneill: XFS is for dealing with large files quickly. I'm building a DAW.
00:09.33FieldySnutshm ok
00:09.35alusLee__: really?
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00:09.42Lee__alus: yes, really.
00:09.46alusLee__: is this an open project, looking for devs?
00:09.49FlimzyIs it possible to encode using VBR with ffmpeg?
00:09.59jimLee__: what are you using for the recorder?
00:10.04Lee__alus: no it's a hardware project. All the software is already in Sarge.
00:10.10Lee__jim: Ardour.
00:10.28jimI hjave that on this box
00:10.36doneillwhat's a daw?
00:10.43Lee__Digital Audio Workstation
00:10.54jimdigital audio work *%^% you're too fast!
00:11.02Lee__fancy name for hard disk recorder  :)
00:11.03alusah, Ardour
00:11.08alusthe protools clone
00:11.09doneillyeah, i had a PVR
00:11.19doneilli think the concept is similar, just, a PVR is stupider.
00:11.38Lee__and isn't designed for recording 8 channels of audio at once  :)
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00:12.07doneillwell, it plays 2, and a video channel..
00:12.07alanspanybody know how to add a network card in debian? I'm a newbie
00:12.17thenukeargh, does someone know where gdesklets store info about what desklets it starts on startup?
00:12.19Lee__alansp: besides plug it in?
00:12.23doneillalansp, you plug it into the motherboard
00:12.31doneillmake sure the computer is off.
00:12.32resiakthenuke: ~/.gdesklets/ ?
00:12.34cuseHi! Does anybody know how to create a port alias with iptables? I just want to make a port which points to port 80 (on the same machine)
00:12.38alanspi meant assign ip address
00:12.46Lee__resiak: there's one written in wxWindows called Wired.
00:12.46doneilloh, edit /etc/network/interfaces
00:12.53resiakLee__: There is?
00:12.57alanspit says file is read only
00:13.01doneillas root.
00:13.16alanspyes, logged in as root
00:13.18Lee__resiak: check the "applications" section of
00:13.22thenukeresiak: did not see anything like that :I
00:13.30jimcuse: there's #networking and maybe #netfilter here
00:13.32resiakthenuke: What?
00:14.01doneillyour motherdisc must need a good defraggle.
00:14.02thenukeresiak: there was now ~/.gdesklets/
00:14.18Lee__defraggle, that sounds dirty
00:14.18resiakthenuke: Have you run gdesklets, ever?
00:14.51thenukeresiak: yup
00:15.04resiakLee__: More to the point, why do they all have dials? Dials are useless with a mouse. Sadly, Wired is no better.
00:15.22thenukeresiak: tried some desklets, they did not work, and now gdesklets wont start at all anymore, because those problematic desklets try to start on startup
00:15.25Lee__resiak: cause most audio engineers have an analog fetish.
00:15.35Lee__part of that "ease of use" cult.
00:15.47resiakthenuke: I dunno. man gdesklets?
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00:16.06resiakLee__: Yeah, well, they suck :)
00:16.19alanspI edited, but I think I need to install the driver for the nic
00:16.20Chestany squirrel mail/cyrus users here?
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00:16.51Lee__doneill: !!!!
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00:16.56Lee__that's awesome
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00:18.23thenukeresiak: man-page did not tell anything about it. darn
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00:19.31simonrvn!anyone use
00:19.32dpkgNo, no one uses it, not even the people who use it.
00:19.57A-abchow could i add in cron to repeat one action avery minute?
00:19.57Lee__does anyone use Windows?
00:20.10Lee__A-abc: man cron
00:20.12Chesti do
00:20.27doneilli bought a bass today.
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00:20.29doneillat the pawn shop
00:20.35doneilla fender squire
00:20.41doneilli'm gonna install debian on it.
00:20.51Chesti used to have a squire
00:20.55Chesttbut it was a guitar
00:20.59doneilli had a tursen
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00:21.09resiakLee__: #windows ?
00:21.11doneillfender makes guitars?
00:21.17Lee__it was a joke
00:21.17A-abcLee__ : it doesn't say anything about that in man cron
00:21.29themolesteris there a type of video card, which works with a serial or rj45 cable for remote console?
00:21.40Lee__A-abc: then you have to read more closely
00:21.40themolesterlike a cisco router or something
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00:22.37Lee__backup's done. see you later.
00:22.53themolesteri know i can add serial console into the bootloader, and linux ... but that doesn't help me if i need to go into bios
00:23.25doneillyour bios does that
00:23.29doneillwhat you want
00:23.33themolesteroh, it does?
00:23.37doneillget a higher-end motherboard
00:23.43doneillask for a server board
00:23.45themolesteri dont have a higher end mobo
00:23.50doneillwith rs232 console on chip
00:23.50themolesteri have a old pos cele
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00:24.00themolesteri need one i can add on
00:24.05Lee__themolester: use minicom
00:24.05doneillthen you're teh skrue'd.
00:24.32doneillso you want a card that can talk to the bios over rs232
00:24.43doneillyou realize how ridiculous that is
00:24.55doneilli bet one exists somewhere
00:24.57themolesterdoneill pretty much heh
00:24.59doneilli should shut my headhole
00:25.11themolesteror... a replacement bios heh
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00:25.21doneilleven if you had that, it would have to be for THAT hardware
00:25.27doneilleffectively, THAT board
00:25.28themolesteri heared linuxbios is pretty snazzy... but i dont think my mobo is supported
00:25.49doneillso if the board could do it, and was wired for it, it would probably already be in your bios
00:26.12doneillyou can have linux boot into your rs232 port though
00:26.30doneilly'know, with grub and init running on there, and a login prompt.
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00:26.45themolesteri suppose if thats the best i can do, its the best i can do
00:27.08themolesterdo you know of a good howto, and if grub boots into the rs232, does that make all subsequent shit happen there too?
00:27.14doneillno clue
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00:27.41themolesteroh, and would i have multiple tty's to do stuff in...
00:27.49doneillnot over serial, no.
00:27.55WillySillywhats the path to kde in debian?
00:27.58doneillyou would have screen at your disposal
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00:28.03doneillWillySilly, /usr
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00:29.29themolesterheres a desprate idea
00:29.36doneillget another monitor?
00:29.48doneillor... a kvm?
00:29.53themolesterhow many pins are actually used on a monitor cable, and keyboard cable
00:30.01npxYou could get another computer and use x2x!
00:30.03doneill15 on a monitor
00:30.11doneillkeyboard, depends
00:30.16doneillAT, PS2, or USB?
00:30.18stewthemolester: 4 on a kb cable
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00:30.21themolesterand do you think a cat5e would hold up
00:30.24doneillAT is 5, plus ground
00:30.31doneillcat5 is intended for .5 volts
00:30.35themolesterdon_inlab i meant how many are USED not how many are there...
00:30.35doneillit would do fine.
00:30.45npxA question: VGA cables have like, what, 5 grounds?
00:30.50themolesterunless its the same number
00:30.56npxThink a VGA cable would work if none of the grounds were connected?
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00:31.03doneillonly 5 pins are actually used
00:31.07themolesterand those 5 grounds could probobly be combined, right?
00:31.09doneilli don't remember which ones
00:31.24doneillno, it wouldn't
00:31.27themolesterhrmm, so 5 pins for vga, and 5 for keyboard....
00:31.28doneillbut you only need one ground
00:31.37doneillcat5 has 8 lines
00:31.43themolesteri know
00:31.44stew12 pins for gva
00:31.47stewerr vga
00:31.53EvanCarroll,,, why would a vga cable need 5 grounds
00:32.00EvanCarrollthat makes no sense
00:32.04npxIs there some tool you can use to connect a VGA cable to a VGA connector?
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00:32.18EvanCarrollnpx: your hand
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00:32.26doneillevan, you cheeky monkey
00:32.28doneillgimmie a kiss
00:32.32doneilldo it.
00:32.37doneilljust kiddin.
00:32.40themolesternpx you can buy a hood kit for it at radioshack
00:32.44EvanCarroll... had me worried there for a second
00:32.53npxthemolester, hood kit?
00:32.58themolestertake off two screws and solder the pins
00:33.01doneillstarsky and hutch
00:33.04doneilldo it.
00:33.05npxOh, wicked!
00:33.10npxthemolester, thanks a lot man
00:33.21themolesterjust make sure you put the pins in right order
00:33.26npxI want to give my mom my old 19" monitor with a broken VGA cable =P
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00:33.32npxsave her a few bucks
00:33.44themolesterdoes teh cable undo at both ends?
00:33.50doneillsome do
00:33.52doneillsome don't
00:33.58themolesternpx i know
00:33.58npxthemolester, mine doesn't
00:34.02themolesterthats why im asking :)
00:34.14themolestererr doneill i know
00:34.19stewthemolester: what are you trying to do?
00:34.22EvanCarrollwe need an organization to standardize linux conf files
00:34.25EvanCarrollthis is so damn sad
00:34.30doneillnpx, stop talking to npx instead of me
00:34.35doneillnpx, it's probably annoying for him.
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00:34.36ptlisCould somebody tell me how to compress documents into the .zip format?
00:34.43npxNo, I don't mind
00:34.45stewptlis: man zip
00:34.51npxmakes me feel important, you should do it all the time
00:34.55EvanCarrollptlis: 'zip'
00:35.12ptlisI was trying to use tar -_-
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00:35.36themolesterstew well im tlking about two things, but what im trying to do is make a "console" like cable.. like cisco routers... but connect it directly to the vga/kb pins
00:35.50themolestersince the software solutions do not allow bios access
00:35.50stewthemolester: google for "kvm extender"
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00:36.04stewthemolester: or search ebay, whatever
00:36.13stewthemolester: cybex makes makes nice ones
00:36.19stewerr made, they got bought by someone
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00:36.44stewthemolester: or on the high end find a bios that supports console on serial (my asus board from a few years ago does)
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00:36.49themolesterthat looks like what i want
00:36.53themolesternot the price
00:36.59stewthemolester: or for the best solution, get a compaq with ilo
00:37.08themolesterim looking for a home made rig
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00:37.27stewthemolester: you should be able to get a cybex longview for not too much money on ebay
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00:37.47themolesterif i wanted to trash 600 bucks i'd find better things to spend it on than 3 sets of cables
00:38.53dan2!qotd numbers
00:38.59dpkgQuote of the Day.  Ask me <qotd0> to get a random one, or <literal qotd0> to see which numbers are used already, or <literal qotdx> to see which numbers have been voted "replaceable".
00:39.15dan2dpkg: literal qotd0
00:39.15dpkgqotd0 is <reply> see ...
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00:39.57dan2dpkg: qotd56 is The irony is that Bill Gates claims to be making a stable operating system and Linus Torvalds claims to be trying to take over the world.
00:39.57dpkg...but qotd56 is already something else...
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00:40.07dan2dpkg: qotd75 is The irony is that Bill Gates claims to be making a stable operating system and Linus Torvalds claims to be trying to take over the world.
00:40.07dpkg...but qotd75 is already something else...
00:40.20dan2dpkg: qotd92 is The irony is that Bill Gates claims to be making a stable operating system and Linus Torvalds claims to be trying to take over the world.
00:40.21dpkg...but qotd92 is already something else...
00:40.33dan2dpkg: qotd98 is The irony is that Bill Gates claims to be making a stable operating system and Linus Torvalds claims to be trying to take over the world.
00:40.33dpkg...but qotd98 is already something else...
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00:40.46sdogiaren't the testing and sarge exacly the same thing
00:40.49dpkgTen-HUT!  Fall in!  Sarge is the current testing release code-name.  Ask me about <d-i> to get the installer.
00:40.50abrotmanright now they are
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00:41.06abrotmansdogi: they will not stay that way .. when sarge is released .. it becomes stable
00:41.12sdogii wonder how to fill that out /etc/apt/sources.list
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00:41.14abrotman!literal qotd0
00:41.14dpkgqotd0 is <reply> see ...
00:41.20abrotmanfucking dpkg is broken
00:41.21sdogii guess i should add sarge there
00:41.24abrotmanso god damn broken
00:41.35abrotmansdogi: here's how you do it ..
00:41.37sdogiit had deb sarge main commented out and some other line with testing in it
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00:41.52sdogii shouldn't mix them i guess, better choose sarge, because testing always changes
00:41.59odin19alguien que hable español
00:42.04abrotmansdogi: do you want to continue to track sarge .. or testing .. ie .. after sarge is released .. do you want to become 'stable' .. or would you like to continue with testing ?
00:42.11odin19(una mujer)
00:42.16dpkgHispanohablantes: Por favor usen #debian-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.  Spanish Speakers: Please use #debian-es, there you will get much more help.
00:42.31sdogiabrotman: yeah i know what you mean :) i guess i'll follow testing actually then
00:42.35sdogiso i'll leave sarge commented
00:43.13helixodin19: porque quieres una mujer?
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00:43.31rosenPlease I need help to configure an apache2 on debian, I have done a link but I need to use the Full URL to access to the website how to do to ahve the index.html automatically
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00:43.35sdogialso what about that line: deb testing/updates main , you said something yesterday that on same branches those security patches won't be applyed, is it true for testing branch too?
00:43.49sdogirosen: what
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00:43.55helixsdogi: the security.d.o thing only applies to stable
00:44.05abrotmansdogi: i am tracking sarge .. and probably will until a bit after testing starts to flow again
00:44.06komsehhow do i install php w/ mysql/socks/ftp/zlib support?
00:44.07odin19por que soy un hombre ¿eres una mujer?
00:44.08rosensdogi: sorry
00:44.26cafuegokomseh: apt-get install php4 php4-mysql
00:44.28sdogiabrotman: oh
00:44.29EvanCarroll!tell odin19 about es
00:44.35helixodin19: this isn't a dating channel
00:44.38abrotmansdogi: it's just a personal preference
00:44.39sdogihelix: sure about it? i wonder why it wasn't commented out
00:44.48cafuego!helixsmite helix
00:44.49komsehcafuego: are socks/ftp/zlib enabled by default?
00:44.51rosenI have configured a website using an alias. to access to the website I need to use http://localhost/index.html instead of http://localhost
00:44.54abrotmansdogi: it works ... just doesn't do anything
00:44.59cafuegokomseh: yep
00:45.04rosenHow do that?
00:45.09sdogiabrotman: ahh, this security link yes?
00:45.13cafuegokomseh: Well, ftp and zlib are, not certain about socks.
00:45.19odin19your speak spanish
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00:45.20sdogiactually i guess i'll follow sarge then
00:45.27abrotmansdogi: yeah .. it's basically worthless if it's pointing at testing .. at least at this point
00:45.28sdogivery nice system indeed
00:45.31EvanCarrollrosen: add in your httpd.conf or apache2.conf the directive to host index.html
00:45.52peterSwhich is correct, but less useful than reporting local time (:
00:46.00rosenEvanCarroll: ??? I have the line DirectoryIndex index.html.... is it that?
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00:46.07EvanCarrollrosen: i believe so
00:46.13abrotmansdogi: am i less amusing tonight?
00:46.28rosenEvanCarroll: because I have this line but it s not working
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00:46.32sdogiabrotman: haven't noticed, just arrived here, was busy consuming antibiotics :)
00:46.38EvanCarrollrosen: did you restart apache?
00:46.42abrotmansdogi: ah . sounds fun
00:46.44rosenyes of course
00:47.08EvanCarrollrosen: ... make sure your virtual directories don't override, it thats all i can think of
00:47.09cafuegoif only it was "of course".
00:47.10sdogiyeah, world seems like totally different, makes me feel that i must have been very sick all the time until now
00:47.24helixsdogi: what's wrong with you?
00:47.30WillySillyanyone here use knoppix hd install?
00:47.42cafuegoWillySilly: No, that would be #knoppix
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00:48.26sdogihelix: well i don't know actually, i had some very strange thing in my throat, i couldn't even drink water, it hurted so much, actually even more
00:48.27themolesteri found something
00:48.38themolesterits called the pc weasel 2000
00:48.50cafuegothemolester: Don't let sussudio hear that...
00:48.52sdogihelix: so, i like waited two days, trying to warm this place with different kind of stuff
00:49.01themolesterfor serial console emulating keyboard and vid card
00:49.07themolestercafuego what?
00:49.14cafuegothemolester: he's weasel-mad
00:49.17sdogihelix: went to doctor, and he somehow wrote my strongest antibiotics for respiratory stuff mostly
00:49.27helixsdogi: so you got antibiotics without getting a diagnosis?
00:49.37sdogihelix: anyway i took one of these and it went away the same day, now year after it came back
00:49.45themolesterpc weasel, or the-wah-ee-zull
00:49.54sdogihelix: he wrote something on paper but i couldn't read it out, it was some strange latin stuff
00:50.34sdogihelix: i just gave it to apothecary clerk and she looked me very strangely
00:50.41rosenEvanCarroll: i HAVE this in the log attemp to serve directory...
00:50.43sdogihelix: like i was going to die :D
00:50.55abrotmanapothecary .. heh
00:51.37sdogididn't really know how you call this place you buy medicine :)
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00:51.53sdogibut why not apothecary
00:51.57peterS'apothecary clerk' probably sounds better than 'drug dealer'
00:52.00sdogipharmacy is familiar actually yes
00:52.00helixapothecary works
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00:52.03sdogialso drugstore
00:52.09sdogipeterS: haha
00:52.11abrotmanto me .. apothecary is the guy who mixes your meds
00:52.14helixsdogi: pharmacy is just more common in the US (dunno about elsewhere)
00:52.25abrotmannot gets them out of big containers .. and puts them in little orange bottles
00:52.29sdogihelix: oh
00:52.39alelehi i upgrade my kernel to 2.6.10 but my x is not working right now "no screen found" my board is a savage prosavage ddr and im using debian 3.1... how can i fix?
00:52.43sdogidrug dealer is good too :)
00:52.45idnarabrotman: some here
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00:54.06abrotmanhelix: odd question . what kind of salad dressing can you have?
00:54.15sdogii wrote a word that means pharmacy in estonian to my est-eng script
00:54.27helixusually vinegar and oil are enough
00:54.31abrotmani assume ranch is out :)
00:54.34helixyeah :)
00:54.47abrotmanhelix: how was NYC(other than the foot)?
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00:55.14abrotmanhelix: you got out before another storm :)
00:55.17helixI left during the storm
00:55.24abrotmanoh .. even better!
00:55.30helixyeah :/
00:55.36abrotmanfrom JFK?
00:55.53abrotmanat least you didn't have to drive to newark too :)
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00:56.16alusso: apt-file search `which glxgears` doesn't return anything
00:56.26abrotmanapt-file search glxgears
00:56.31EvanCarrollwhich is a program
00:56.39EvanCarrollglxgears is an arguement in that syntax
00:56.46abrotmanand would imply it was installed :)
00:57.07alusapt-file search glxgears also returns nothing
00:57.19helixdo you mean to use apt-cache search?
00:57.27alusyes it is installed - I'm trying to find out which package it belongs to
00:57.47abrotmandpkg -S `which glxgears` iirc
00:57.48dpkgPackage: `which glxgears` iirc: Status: install ok installed
00:57.50sdogibtw what can you do with apt-file? i like messed around with it and it seemed to not work at all
00:57.51alushelix: apt-cache search glxgears returns xbase-clients, but downloading the source for xbase-clients I don't see any source to make glxgears
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00:58.09abrotmansdogi: did you update it first?
00:58.15sdogioh, lol
00:58.31alushah, same here
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00:58.45EvanCarroll... i like apt-file =/
00:58.55sdogiabrotman: i'll check it out right now, anyway is this ok: deb sarge main contrib non-free
00:58.56abrotmansdogi: apt-file update
00:59.08abrotmansdogi: it looks ok .. as long as you want to track sarge
00:59.09peterSalus: please tell me you didn't just download the source for xbase-clients.  that's *huge*
00:59.17alus50mb or so
00:59.30peterSyeah, you got all of XFree86
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00:59.37abrotmantell us you're on 56k!
00:59.41hhhdsfwhat's one feature of lisp?
00:59.46alusalI want is the glxgears source
00:59.48hhhdsfi'm riting an assignment
00:59.49abrotmanwrong channel ?
00:59.52abrotman#lisp ?
00:59.55sdogiabrotman: apt-file does also use that file right? it seems my mirror won't recognize sarge or something, it gives me forbidden error
00:59.57alusit took a very small amount of time
01:00.07peterSalus: it's in there.  upstream/tarballs/something.tar.gz
01:00.15abrotmansdogi: mine just grabbed it via wget
01:00.24EvanCarrollabrotman: regexes very confusing ones at that
01:00.38jeebersquick question.. anyone have any ideas why the flash plugin would play fine in gnome but not in kde 3.3 .. this machines only purpose is to play flash vidoe file in a browser in fullscreen.. gnome won;t allow me to set the window to full screen like i can in kde..(unless somone knows something i don't) so any thoughs why in kde i can view flash video file and in gnome i can.. wouldn't have thought the destop enviroment would control something like that
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01:01.35abrotmanjeebers: #debian-kde
01:01.55jeebersworking of sarge
01:02.43abrotmanhelix: do you realize how many things you can't eat?
01:02.49helixabrotman: of course
01:02.56abrotmanlike .. potato salad
01:03.10helixeh? potatoes are fine
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01:03.26abrotmanpotatoes are .. but not potato salad
01:03.29jeebersok that's weird.. just logged on as a different user and it worked fine
01:03.32helixwhat's in potato salad?
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01:03.45abrotmani think butter and mayo
01:04.18abrotmanoh .. maybe it is ok
01:04.22abrotmani don't eat a lot of it ...
01:04.26EvanCarrollwhy does exim4 suck
01:04.43EvanCarrolldoes. not. work.
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01:04.52jeebersdifferent.. is there a way to hide the mouse pointer while it's not moving or some thing of even to move it ot the corner automatically.. ther eis no user interaction on this machine
01:04.55abrotmanhelix: sorry to spook you :)
01:05.01doneillexim4 is the shindigs.
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01:05.28helixabrotman: well, mayo and eggs, I know of, but there is vegan mayo and it's easy to do without eggs
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01:06.15EvanCarrollexim4 is the priapsim of my life
01:06.21abrotmanhelix: i'd like to try a vegan meal .. that isn't soy stuff .. but you know .. tastes good :)
01:06.25digital__bn tout le monde :)
01:06.27EvanCarrolldear god.
01:06.30helixabrotman: go to an indian restaurant
01:06.36abrotmanhelix: i have .. some of it is ok
01:06.41sdogilol, no way my debian mirror doesn't let my download that file for apt-file
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01:06.46sdogiit's forbidden
01:06.47helixwe had some horrible mock meat one day
01:06.48abrotmanand my bro had an indian g/f for a while
01:06.50sdogishould write them
01:07.02abrotmanhelix: i remember .. you said .. in NYC .. at the place stew couldn't make it to
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01:07.19abrotmanhelix: but you didn't order it .. so it's ok :)
01:07.25EvanCarrollim going to file a bug report, exim4: broken. i like it. has a ring of usefullness
01:07.33helixI met stew another day
01:07.41abrotmanhelix: you can't even eat cheese :(
01:07.43*** join/#debian clusty (
01:07.54abrotmanhelix: i've not met stew .. but he keeps coming to philly :)
01:08.06peterSstew is another thing she can't eat
01:08.08helixabrotman: yeah, I miss cheese
01:08.09jjazz_NYC has some really great veggie restaurants.
01:08.12doneilljoyballs, my new d-link antenna is in.
01:08.13helixjjazz_: indeed
01:08.13abrotmanpeterS: veggie stew ?
01:08.17helix_all over the place_!
01:08.27peterSwouldn't be the same
01:08.29helixthere's a vegetarian restaurant on like every corner
01:08.30abrotmanhelix: i couldn't give up cheese i don't think .. i think i could do vegetarian .. but not vegan
01:08.30clustyI need two programs that I can from the console and get the current bandwidth usage and free memmory
01:08.38rosenPLease nobody can help me to configure the apache2? I explain again: I have a website and to access it I need
01:08.42jjazz_helix: Yep.  Have you been to hangawi?
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01:08.46helixabrotman: well, whenever I am tempted to eat cheese, I'm reminded of the digestive problems it causes
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01:08.52abrotmanhelix: not for me!
01:08.59helixjjazz_: no! we didn't go there -- we went to vatan, the candle cafe, and this ethiopian place called massawa
01:09.05*** mode/#Debian [+l 758] by debhelper
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01:09.12helixand the house of vegetarian (what a crap name :)
01:09.17jjazz_helix: I've been to all of those... like them all except vatan
01:09.19abrotmanhelix: i eat a lot of it .. but i guess it's probably like most other foods .. if you don't eat a lot of it .. it can hurt you when you do
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01:09.31clustyrosen: you could make a symbolic link from /var/www
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01:09.36helixjjazz_: what didn't you like about vatan?
01:09.42helixabrotman: maybe
01:09.56jjazz_helix:  I just felt like the food was expensive for what was not such standout fare.
01:10.13jjazz_helix: But I haven't been there in about 5 years, so it might have improved.
01:10.15helixjjazz_: yeah, I dunno much about indian food, so I thought it was excellent. and all you can eat. :)
01:10.21swatikisshow do I tell LCDd to display certain information?  ... I tried "lcdproc C" but this command is not on my system??!
01:10.56thingfishman I could use some indian food right now, I'm feeling a little under the weather.
01:11.01jjazz_helix: If you're into the veggie stuff, check out Counter.  Great, creative veggie food.  I went to dinner with 5 friends there and we gorged ourselves silly, trying everything on the menu.  It was a beautiful night.
01:11.09thingfishthe heat and spice would do me good.
01:11.14helixjjazz_: oh, and we went to galaxy as well
01:11.22jjazz_helix: Galaxy diner?'ll give me a  266% signal boost :\
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01:11.31helixjjazz_: yeah
01:11.31dawwWell, Now I have compiled and installed kernel 2.6.8 (from apt-get) and still have kernel panic "kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0)", I've followed from scratch...
01:11.48abrotmanhelix: these restaurants are wholy vegan ?
01:11.54jjazz_helix: I haven't been to one of thsoe in a bit.
01:12.04helixabrotman: usually they're vegetarian with vegan plates
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01:12.15abrotmanhelix: ah .. gotcha
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01:12.23helixsome of them serve meat too, like massawa
01:12.35jjazz_helix: I think Counter is vegan with some raw plates.
01:12.41helixoh wow
01:13.38jjazz_helix: They do great things with seitan and sprouts... totally crunchy, but without you ever feeling like you're eating anything less than full on tasty food.
01:13.56helixjjazz_: I wish I'd known about it beforehand -- I would've liked eating there
01:14.11thingfishseitan is good stuff
01:14.18jjazz_helix: You get to NY often?
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01:14.56helixjjazz_: a minimum of once a year, but it varies
01:15.18swatikisshow do i pass information to LCDproc ? ?
01:15.23jjazz_Well, something to look forward to, then.  :)
01:16.07jjazz_abrotman: Who's in Philly?
01:16.37abrotmanjjazz_: me :) .. dan2 and Wyzard are nearby too
01:16.38helixjjazz_: we basically had a foodconf up there last week :)
01:16.52jjazz_damn... Sounds like good times
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01:17.51jjazz_What'd you all eat?
01:17.57helixtons of vegan food :)
01:18.01helixwell, some people ate tons of cheese
01:18.12abrotmani love swiss!
01:18.27abrotmanand gjesost actuallyt
01:18.30abrotmanwhich i can spell
01:18.33abrotmanerr can't
01:18.35jjazz_I love the cheese too, but I'm trying to cut back... my gf is worried about my heart.
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01:18.49komsehhow do i get php to work with apache? i uncommented lines "AddType application/x-httpd-php .php" and "AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps" in my httpd.conf, and php module is listed in modules.conf.
01:19.06abrotmankomseh: restart apache ?
01:19.09peterSLDL cholesterol, y'know
01:19.09komsehdid :(
01:19.18jjazz_Heart attacks run in my family and so now my gf wants me to quit smoking and eat a leaner diet.
01:19.29abrotmanbah .. overrated :)
01:20.02*** join/#debian FireEgl (Ariel@Atlantica.CJB.Net)
01:20.05eleazar-hi, i just installed Sarge, and i dont have sound, can someone tell me how to setup my audigy? thx
01:20.08jjazz_I agree with her that since I don't eat meat, I compensate with cheese.
01:20.55abrotmanjjazz_: switch to chocolate ?
01:21.17dan2abrotman: hey
01:21.26jjazz_Maybe I'll switch to pork instead... ;)
01:21.36dan2abrotman: my moh application was a huge success
01:21.41*** part/#debian FireEgl (Ariel@Atlantica.CJB.Net)
01:21.45dan2abrotman: bonus + free tickets to von
01:21.45abrotmanmedal of honor ?
01:21.50dan2abrotman: music on hold
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01:22.11jjazz_abrotman: I miss the savory pork and duck products I ate as a kid... mmm...
01:22.24helixeat gluten mock meat
01:22.29helixit tastes just like gristle
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01:24.10jjazz_helix: I have some fake meats I like.
01:24.24jjazz_helix: gimme lean sausage was just recommended to me quite highly, but I haven't tried it yet.
01:24.35helixyeah, that stuff is good if you're into sausage
01:24.47*** join/#debian Fluten (
01:24.54EvanCarrollgimme lean? cheap pun on jimmy dean?
01:25.03jjazz_I miss fatty Chinese sausage.  Sometimes I go to my aunt's house and she makes it for herself while I stand in the kitchen and inhale.
01:25.22Fluteni have debian installed on a pentium 2, and in the bios it says 333mhz, and in cat /proc/cpuinfo it says 133
01:25.29Flutenhow would i know which one is correct?
01:25.31abrotmani miss some of my mom's cooking .. like lasagna with ricotta .. because i'm lazy :)
01:25.33jjazz_EvanCarroll: It might just be.
01:25.39dondelelcaroah, you can't live without sausage. Good bratwurst, knockwurst, chorizo...
01:25.47jjazz_abrotman: I love to cook.
01:25.47helixdondelelcaro: morcilla!
01:25.58eleazar-ok, thx anyway
01:25.59EvanCarrollFluten: bios, p2s didn't start untill like 233
01:26.00NarCoTHi, I get this next error when run 'apt-get update' -  E: Error occured while processing mozilla-firefox-locale-uk (NewVersion1)
01:26.01NarCoTel`: Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/
01:26.01NarCoTel`: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.
01:26.02abrotmandondelelcaro: bratwurst rules :)
01:26.08jjazz_mmm... kielbasa
01:26.26jjazz_I have a friend whose personal motto is "A day without swine is a day without sunshine."
01:26.27doneilli had this girlfriend...
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01:26.34dondelelcarohelix: I haven't had morcilla yet... but it looks good
01:26.55EvanCarrolldoneill: hahaha, very nice - why try to stand out if you dont have to?
01:27.02helixjjazz_: heh
01:27.08lqgussohello folks
01:27.11abrotmandondelelcaro: what's wrong with that ?
01:27.20lqgussoanyone can help me?
01:27.32dpkgevancarroll, American Sign Language isn't very useful on Internet Relay Chat  Old enough, Yes please, My place. above sea level
01:27.35dpkgIf you have a question, just ask away on channel. If somebody knows, they'll answer :) For best results, be specific, informative, complete, concise and on-topic!  Don't ask if you can ask a question first. Also don't ask if anyone uses/knows about foo. Please don't be demanding or insulting. Remember, we're all volunteers. Finally, please don't /msg people ...
01:27.44dondelelcaroabrotman: nothing, really. It just makes for some rather interesting food choices...
01:27.50abrotmandondelelcaro: it does
01:28.02lqgussodo you know where i can to download Suse?
01:28.08NarCoTanyone knows if is down ? I can't use it for 'apt-get update'....
01:28.09dondelelcarolqgusso: ask #suse
01:28.16dpkgextra, extra, read all about it, suse is a linux distribution that can be found at, or german, open source, *nix. . . you do the math. not completely opensource, see yast for example
01:28.23EvanCarrollor ask your god, dpkg!
01:28.32abrotmanlqgusso: again ? .. you're back again?
01:28.38dondelelcaroNarCoT: I can ping it... so it's probably up
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01:28.43peterS!suse =~ s/ not completely opensource, see yast for example//
01:28.43dpkgpeterS: OK
01:28.47*** part/#debian darthdavid (
01:28.51lqgussohello abrotman
01:29.01abrotmanbah ..
01:29.04NarCoTdondelelcaro: so do I get errors when I try 'apt-get update'?
01:29.05dondelelcaropeterS: oh, they finally released the sourcecode for yast or whatever it was?
01:29.10EvanCarrollwow does dpkg take that syntax
01:29.12EvanCarrollthats pretty sexy
01:29.22peterSdondelelcaro: I heard they were doing so.  I didn't check to see if they actually had.
01:29.25peterSdondelelcaro: didn't someone ITP it?
01:29.26dondelelcaroNarCoT: well, only you can know it.
01:29.36lqgussoSuse is a commercial distro and just have for download the live cd
01:29.39dondelelcaropeterS: I really hope not. But there are some cluebies ITPing things
01:29.48EvanCarrollpeterS: the regex didn't make much sense, your searching for a nonexistant string to replace it with a string?
01:30.00NarCoTdondelelcaro: but I don't.  I get 'E: Dynamic MMap ran out of room'
01:30.01dondelelcarolqgusso: well, then ask #suse. We have no clue, nor do we care where you can download suse.
01:30.05dpkgwell, dynamic mmap is "E: Dynamic MMap ran out of room" when using apt-get, put the following line into your /etc/apt/apt.conf: 'APT::Cache-Limit 12582912;' . if you still get the same error, increase the value. if that file doesn't exist, add it, or put it in a file in /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/
01:30.07*** join/#debian Black-Jack (~babausis@
01:30.10lqgussohello dpkg
01:30.15EvanCarroll*err to repalce it with a nonexistant string
01:30.19peterSEvanCarroll: what regex?  what I did had the effect I intended it to have
01:30.26dondelelcaroNarCoT: in the future, give us the error... then we can help you much more rapidly. (see what dpkg said)
01:30.55NarCoTdondelelcaro: thanks, and I did paste it earlier in the chat
01:31.27dondelelcaroNarCoT: ah, I must have missed it. The thing was just a red herring then.
01:31.39EvanCarrollpeterS> !suse =~ s/ not completely opensource, see yast for example//; shouldent that read peterS> !suse =~ s/opensource/ not completely opensource, see yast for example//
01:31.50NarCoTdondelelcaro: :) thankx anyway
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01:31.58dondelelcaroEvanCarroll: eh? no, it shouldn't. perldoc perlretut
01:32.09peterSEvanCarroll: no.  what I did worked.
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01:32.33libpcphi all
01:32.37EvanCarroll...confusion, its s/searchpatern/replacepater/
01:33.12lqgussoAbrotma, how are you doing?
01:33.16dawwCan I set "CONFIG_BLK_DEV_IDEDISK=y" at kernel "/boot/kernel/vmlinuz-2.6.8" without having to recompile it?
01:33.28dpkgmethinks suse is a linux distribution that can be found at, or german, open source, *nix. . . you do the math.
01:33.38EvanCarrolldoesn't look like it took it..
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01:34.14libpcpi would like to ask how to rename a file with a space in between, ex: file
01:34.18dondelelcaroEvanCarroll: yes, which is exactly what peterS used.
01:34.26libpcpit was a ms filename
01:34.26dondelelcaroEvanCarroll: review your scrollback and be enlightened.
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01:34.36dondelelcarolibpcp: use mv foo\ file barfile;
01:34.57dondelelcarolibpcp: or mv 'foo file' barfile; or rename 's/\ /_/g' *;
01:35.31EvanCarrolloh shit, i mis read the original quote, sry peterS I thought you wanted to add that it wasn't all open sourced
01:35.40EvanCarrolldid suse release the source for yast?
01:36.08libpcpdondelelcaro: yeah it works with ' '
01:36.14libpcpthanks dondelelcaro
01:36.22dondelelcarolibpcp: it works with *all* of those. They're just different ways to do it.
01:36.25peterSEvanCarroll: that was the plan.  I didn't care enough about YaST to ever check to see if they actually did it.
01:36.39NarCoTdondelelcaro: I made a file called 'apt.conf' inside /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/ and I changed the value to '422582912' and it still won't work...
01:36.46EvanCarrolloh news to me
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01:36.53komsehhow can i re-install apache with mysql support?
01:37.07dondelelcarokomseh: apache doesn't have mysql support.
01:37.08peterSkomseh: what did you want apache to use mysql for?
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01:37.15komseherr uhmm
01:37.17komsehmaybe it was php
01:37.17NarCoTdondelelcaro: when I add '#' to the line of this server I stop getting this Error
01:37.27dondelelcaroNarCoT: which error?
01:37.43WE_R_DNA"We are given Consciousness for this Soul Experience."
01:37.43dondelelcaro!tell ptlis about away
01:37.46NarCoTdondelelcaro: 'E: Dynamic MMap ran out of room'
01:38.02dondelelcaroNarCoT: then you need to increase that value even more, or don't have quite so many things listed in your sources.list file
01:38.17dondelelcaroNarCoT: what exactly is the contents of the file that you created?
01:38.34NarCoTdondelelcaro: I only have 4 servers in the list
01:39.02NarCoTdondelelcaro: 'APT::Cache-Limit 422582912;'
01:39.03*** mode/#Debian [+l 752] by debhelper
01:39.10tonydoesn't matter, has to do with the size of the archives those 4 servers offer
01:39.30tonyyou can have 1 server listed and get that error
01:40.28dondelelcaroNarCoT: does it work if you go apt-get -o APT::Cache-Limit=422582912 update; ?
01:40.58dondelelcaro(although, it's quite possible that you can't allocate that much memory)
01:41.09dondelelcaro80000000 is much more reasonable.
01:41.37dawwis it just to edit /boot/config-2.6.8 manage the kernel?
01:41.44dondelelcarodaww: no, it's not.
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01:41.54tonyI'm using kernel-image-2.6.8-1, is there any reason to upgrade ?
01:42.05NarCoTdondelelcaro: yes
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01:43.06ReformedAnyone know of any good Debian auth LDAP guides?  I've followed some of the howto's and I get talk to my LDAP directory (getent passwd user retruns the correct infromation) but authentication doesn't work.
01:43.10dawwdondelelcaro, ok, do I really need to RECOMPILE the whole kernel just to apply one changes simple changes?
01:43.15man_in_shacki want to set up an irc server. what's the easiest one to configure?
01:43.17abrotmanReformed: #openldap .. shold be the same
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01:43.26ReformedAhhh, thanks!
01:43.30meehey guys
01:43.34meewhats up?
01:43.43meehad a question...
01:44.29meei have an old 5gig hdd lying around, i wanted to hook it up to my comp (that i'm on now) and load debian on it
01:44.45NarCoTdondelelcaro: how can I fix it?
01:44.45man_in_shackwhy not?
01:44.47meecan i boot off of that hdd
01:44.57meeor is there something special i need to do?
01:45.08tonymee, really depends on where you are in your learning curve
01:45.15dan2abrotman: btw, I completely nuked the ipc problem for music on hold
01:45.21debianmee: of course
01:45.28dawwdondelelcaro, I'll be glad if you answer my question, it would save me some time
01:45.34tonymee, you might be challenged then...
01:45.43dondelelcarodaww: depends on what the changes you want to make are.
01:45.52tonymee, eh, well, you've gotta learn sometime
01:45.53*** join/#debian jorgp_ (
01:45.55meebecause, i have debian at school too, so i try to learn as much as i can there
01:45.58dondelelcarodaww: if you're running a Debian kernel, almost anything you'd ever want to use can be loaded as a module.
01:46.05meebut i like linux and would like to have it at home 2
01:46.18tony5GB disk isn't much to work with
01:46.24*** join/#debian darthdavid (
01:46.35meeoh ya?
01:46.39tonymee, ya
01:46.54meewhat if i use a live distro
01:46.58dawwdondelelcaro, yes, I want to enable "CONFIG_BLK_DEV_IDEDISK=y" in the running kernel
01:47.10tonymee, sure... you can always do that
01:47.12dondelelcaroNarCoT: add APT::Cache-Limit 80000000; to /etc/apt/apt.conf; instead of sticking it in apt.conf.d
01:47.24dondelelcarodaww: uh, that already should be loaded.
01:47.25meebut i'd like it installed on the hdd
01:47.37meetoo much trouble trying to restore information and everything
01:47.40dawwdondelelcaro, no, it's an module right now
01:47.51dondelelcarodaww: sure, but it's loaded, which is just fine.
01:47.54*** join/#debian x|e (
01:47.55tonymy /etc/apt/apt.conf reads APT::Cache-Limit 25165824;
01:47.59tonyworks fine
01:48.00meebut i've heard there are too many problems trying to load em to hdd
01:48.17tonymee, sounds like you've got some learning to do
01:48.18NarCoTdondelelcaro: sticking it in apt.conf.d is what dpkg said. anyway, thank you !
01:48.27tonymee, ever installed linux/unix/bsd?
01:48.31*** join/#debian chrisrend (
01:48.35*** join/#debian Prophet__ (
01:48.39meebecause i'm using DSL (damn small linux) at the moment by booting off the cd
01:48.40dawwdondelelcaro, I don't want it as a module, then I need initrd stuff witch I don't have a clue how to fix =(
01:48.43meenever tony
01:48.50tonymee, time to learn
01:48.56meeany good links?
01:48.56tonyhere's what I would do
01:49.04*** mode/#Debian [+l 758] by debhelper
01:49.21tonyput that 5GB disk in your machine so it's the only disk (take out the good disk)
01:49.47tonyyou've already got a debian net-install cd burned, right?
01:49.56dawwdondelelcaro, do you use initrd?
01:50.00meenot yet - but i'm taking notes
01:50.09tonygo get a copy, burn it
01:50.22*** join/#debian Darien (
01:50.22tonyput the 5GB disk into position and see how far you get
01:50.41Dariencacn anyone think of any quick and easy way to duplicate a Debian installation from one system to another?
01:50.45tonywait... do you have a broadband net connection?
01:50.58tonyDarien , man dd?
01:51.04Dariennot that hardcore
01:51.09Darienjust the packages
01:51.15tonymee, then yes, use a net-install
01:51.19tonyDarien, dpkg -l
01:51.28tonyshows all installed packages
01:51.34meek, but do i not need to setup an access manager to connect?
01:51.37Dariendpkg --get-selections
01:51.42tonycat that to a file, use it as the basis of a simple script
01:51.56tonymee, wtf is an access manager?
01:51.58x|ehey im getting an error when trying to run cfdisk... here is the message " FATAL ERROR: Bad logical partition 6: enlarged logical partitions overlap".. I searched google and from what i read it says its because the partitions arent set in disk order... is there a way to fix this without losing any data?
01:52.00cg0defI just installed debian and I can't startx
01:52.13cg0defreconfiguring doesn't help
01:52.14meea connection program
01:52.14tonycg0def , welcome to the club
01:52.23tonymee, no idea at all, sorry
01:52.36tonyx|e  prolly not
01:52.38rosenPlease the DirectoryIndex not work on my configuration someone can help me?
01:52.43rosenon apache
01:52.47doneillrosen: #apache
01:52.50tonycg0def , do you prefer gnome or kde?
01:53.06rosendoneill: already on Apache
01:53.10meetony: its a lil program thing that came from my isp to connect to the net
01:53.11jimmee: 5g for just learning linux/unix is fine
01:53.13x|etony, only problem is that hda6 comes before hda5... no way to flip it around without reformatting?
01:53.15doneillthen why are you asking here?
01:53.17dawwis there anyone here who can tell me how to make "/boot/initrd.img-2.6.8" so I can use modules?
01:53.17meei guess to initiate everything
01:53.23tonycg0def , hmm, i haven't used gnome in many years now
01:53.24meebut i do have dsl and everything
01:53.26rosenbecause no answer on apache
01:53.30tonymee, no idea
01:53.34cg0defx cant load up stuff like speedo and any of the opengl stuff and crashes
01:53.36doneillrosen, no answer here ;/
01:53.42meehow do u connect on the net
01:53.44*** join/#debian drp|lab (
01:53.50meewhen u start up ur comp
01:54.00rosendoneill: why?
01:54.03jimmee: yes, you can boot the debian from that drive, and yes, you have to do soemthing special (the first time) to get the boot working
01:54.11tonymee, my systems are always on & i have static ips
01:54.14cg0defis there a way to reinstall all the stuff that xfree86 depends on
01:54.20cg0defnot manually
01:54.23meejim: what thing special
01:54.24*** join/#debian calmar (
01:54.26jimmee: you tell me... how do you connect to the net?
01:54.30*** join/#debian david (
01:54.37tonycg0def , apt-get install xserver-xfree86
01:54.43*** join/#debian W1thdraw (
01:54.43meei click a lil thing called the access manager after starting
01:54.47jimmee: arrange for either lilo or grub to boot one of your two oses
01:54.53meeits under my connections menue
01:55.02tonyjim, are you the bass playing Laney College Gent?
01:55.03cg0deftony:yeah but that won't work because xfree is already installed
01:55.10jimmee: or -better-: get an old crappy machine and put linux on it
01:55.13tonycg0def , then remove and re-install
01:55.18jimtony: yeah :)
01:55.25*** join/#debian CompWizrd (
01:55.28tonyJim, AWESOME!!!!
01:55.28*** part/#debian man_in_shack (~shack@
01:55.34jimis? ok :)
01:55.40meek, so i gotta old crappy machine 2, just didn't wanna use it since i didn't have that much space
01:55.55jimoh really... tony miller?
01:55.59meebut if its a lot easier than dual booting, i guess i'll rearrange some furniture
01:56.01tonyjim, really glad to see you're still using debian and supporting the community!
01:56.14meedebain rules
01:56.14jimwhich tony?
01:56.18tonyno, not miller, you prolly won't remember me
01:56.26jimtry me
01:56.53jimwhat class did we take?
01:57.06tonyjim, i can't remember any of my teachers names
01:57.15NarCoTHow do I search & view Linux documentation ?
01:57.18jimok, but what was the class?
01:57.31dawwShould I build all drivers right into the kernel, instead of into modules?
01:57.32tonyjim, hmm... I think we met in a piano class maybe?
01:57.39jimNarCoT: you could install dwww
01:57.43jimand a web server
01:57.44tonyor, perhaps in choir
01:57.51*** join/#debian mrhemlock (
01:57.58*** join/#debian try_catch_this (trycatchth@
01:57.58tonyanyway, great to see you online
01:58.02pipelineNarCoT: the "apropos" command will search the titles of the manual pages.  The "man" command will bring up any man page you want.
01:58.06jimyou in oigc?
01:58.07this_is_a_new_nisorry, ignore me, just testing something
01:58.25NarCoTpipeline: thanks :)
01:58.28pipelineNarCoT: When you are viewing a man page, you can use / to search inside it.  You'll need to search inside the man pages because they're usually rather densely written.
01:58.29petemcthis_is_a_new_ni: /join #testing
01:58.39tonyjim, i've been back in Santa Cruz for many many years now
01:58.39*** part/#debian Darien (
01:58.41jimLucy Kinchen's choir?
01:58.53NarCoTpipeline: again, 10x   :)
01:58.53tonyMrs. Kinchen!
01:58.55jimLucy is baaad
01:59.00tonyshe was really talented
01:59.13tonywe had a great time in the choir
01:59.23jimso maybe we had a voice class; I never did her choir
01:59.49jimD'Amante hired her
01:59.58jimand Jay Lehman
01:59.58{uzi}one last question - if i install a live distro onto the hdd, am i going to be missing out on A LOT of linux stuff?
02:00.13tonyjim, hmm, could be... or perhaps you played bass with the choir once or twice?
02:00.15NarCoTpipeline: It seems like I don't have these two commands...
02:00.25tonyanyway, we were compatriots there
02:00.31jimtony: vague possibility
02:00.40*** join/#debian guest-linux (
02:00.55jimdid I tutor theory then?
02:01.02pipelineNarCoT: If you're using debian, you have "man"
02:01.15jimthat and ear training is/was my specialty
02:01.16tonynot sure man,  was a long time ago in a galaxy far far away
02:01.32NarCoTpipeline: r:/# man
02:01.33NarCoTbash: man: command not found
02:01.41{uzi}one last question - if i install a live distro onto the hdd, am i going to be missing out on A LOT of linux stuff?
02:01.51jim{uzi}: I don't think you'd miss much
02:01.51doneillNarCoT, apt-get install mandb
02:01.54NarCoTpipeline: Should I install 'man-db'?
02:01.55{uzi}k, thanks
02:01.58{uzi}see ya
02:02.00doneillor, yeah, man-db
02:02.06NarCoTdoneill: :) thanks
02:02.28NarCoTpipeline: what about 'apropos' ?
02:02.36*** join/#debian jill^crux2 (
02:02.48guest-linuxalguem fala portugues??
02:02.50doneilli've never had to install man or apropos
02:02.51jimtony: did we talk here or on another chat awhile back?
02:03.01dpkgPor favor use #debian-br para ajuda em portugues.
02:03.03tonyjim, i'm here every now and again
02:03.15*** join/#debian zinx (
02:03.58dpkgmethinks portuguese is the most beautiful idiom of the world, or #debian-br, or por favor use #debian-br para ajuda em portugues.
02:04.06libpcpis it possible to search a word in a files inside a directory?
02:04.19EvanCarrolllibpcp: grep?
02:04.21abrotmangrep <blah> *
02:04.36*** part/#debian guest-linux (
02:04.38NarCoTAnyone knows how to install Netscape font? I can't even view
02:04.42*** join/#debian david (
02:04.46EvanCarrollgrep -r blah * auctually
02:04.58libpcpokay i will try that
02:05.01EvanCarrollif you want to recurse through the directory
02:05.05doneill<3 egrep
02:05.10abrotmanhe didn't say recursive!
02:06.28doneilli want to search cursively.
02:06.34doneillfind my shit, dammit.
02:07.06*** join/#debian faw (felipe@faw.user)
02:07.14abrotmanlook in th etoilet
02:07.37mathieu_he might have flushed
02:07.57doneillthen i'll recurse into it.
02:08.04anhican you find out the correct /dev/sdxX entry from "new low speed USB device using ohci_hcd and address 6" ?
02:08.09doneilldodging the alligators, turtles, and father's wallets
02:08.31*** join/#debian Lee__ (
02:08.53doneillsuccessful defraggle, lee-kun?
02:09.04*** mode/#Debian [+l 747] by debhelper
02:09.18Lee__but now I forgot the dpkg command to reconfigure xfree
02:09.20*** join/#debian david (
02:09.27abrotmananhi: dmesg ?
02:09.29Lee__dpkg-reconfigure x-windows-system does nothing
02:11.55Lee__nm, the bot had the answer
02:12.08*** join/#debian guest-linux (
02:12.13anhiabrotman: allready found out, i mounted the cable for the additional usb slots upside down and just fried my stick :/
02:12.24*** join/#debian dimm0k (
02:12.27doneillxserver-xfree86 isn't it
02:12.27abrotmananhi: they only go in one way
02:12.40doneillx-window-system is just a meta
02:12.44anhii mean the cable connector on the motherboard
02:12.59*** part/#debian guest-linux (
02:13.08anhifrom the slots to the pins on the board :/
02:13.12abrotmananhi: oh .. i don't think it fries them
02:13.27Lee__would anyone know the best xfree driver for a video chipset that identifies itself as "S3 UniChrome Integrated Video"? the options seem to be "s3, s3virge, and savage"
02:13.38*** join/#debian CompBrain (
02:13.44doneillsavage, i say.
02:14.16doneillsafest might be s3 though
02:14.35Lee__I'll live on the edge
02:14.41doneillyou rubble.
02:15.23dpkgTried, tested, and reliable cards.</sarcasm>
02:15.27*** join/#debian green_earz (
02:15.40dpkgi guess nvidia is To learn how to install the nVidia 3D drivers on your Debian system, ask me about 'nvidia-howto'. That should explain all you need to know. If you already installed and just need a reminder on how to do it again, ask me about 'nvidia one-liner'. "Off to break the nvidia driver by changing the kernel interfaces again, this is becoming a fun ...
02:15.47Lee__yeah, and the price is that of quality
02:15.50dpkgAsk me about <ati drivers>.  Or see to learn how to set up the all in wonder, or see, or non-free drivers at, or the excellent AcceleratedX from, or wait for the next XFree release  The XF86 developers are lazy and not using ATI's patches, blame them and not ATI. ...
02:16.12Lee__getting that one configured was an epic adventure
02:16.15*** join/#debian rwilco (
02:16.24doneillyeah, i hear ya man
02:16.27Lee__which is still in progress
02:16.37doneilli traded in my Radeon 9800Pro for an FX5600, same day.
02:16.49EvanCarrolli have a radeon 9600pro
02:16.51EvanCarrolli hate it
02:16.55doneillwas the most unstable Point Of Sale i ever wasted $450 on
02:16.55EvanCarrolli hope it dies
02:17.03Lee__radeon 9000 here. need TV output and 3d for the phat gamez, y'know  :)
02:17.16doneillmy 5600fx does that too
02:17.17*** join/#debian matheus_ (
02:17.21doneilli play NWN on my tv
02:17.22*** join/#debian xammu (
02:17.25matheus_Boa noite!
02:17.40doneill!es (i guess)
02:17.47matheus_Estou recebendo o seguinte erro quando tento rodar o jogo alephone
02:17.49dpkgPor favor use #debian-br para ajuda em portugues.
02:17.50doneilleuhh.. yeah?
02:17.53dpkgLes personnes qui parlent francais et qui ont besoin d'une aide a propos de Debian peuvent venir sur #debian-fr - People speaking french and in need of support for debian, please join #debian-fr
02:17.57dpkgHispanohablantes: Por favor usen #debian-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.  Spanish Speakers: Please use #debian-es, there you will get much more help.
02:18.03matheus_Segue o erro: alephone: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
02:18.15Lee__brazil == portugues
02:18.18dpkg[jp] Japan
02:18.26*** join/#debian backtoheaven (~root@
02:18.27*** join/#debian jerka (
02:18.28doneillNanda kore?
02:18.30EvanCarrolldamn that would be amusing
02:18.53Alex_How does that look?
02:18.55NarCoThow do I get the list of pid so I could kill a proccess ?
02:19.02*** part/#debian doneill (~doneill@
02:19.02*** join/#debian doneill (~doneill@
02:19.03dpkgit has been said that ps is a command that reports a snapshot of active processes (`man ps' for more info). Try: `ps auxw' which will report all processes with username in wide format. or ps is fixed in 2.0.3-3, no more segfaults.
02:19.12Alex_I'm putting together an order for an übercheap PC to compliment my PPC.
02:19.30*** join/#debian Husk1 (
02:19.49doneilleuh, you realize a high end IA PC is still a penny compared to a PPC?
02:19.49Alex_Any comments on it?
02:20.03Lee__ia64 in die haus!
02:20.09dpkgi guess gr is Greece, or General Relativity, or General Resolution
02:20.12*** join/#debian mikkele (
02:20.13pngwnEvanCarroll, please /msg the bot
02:20.13doneillum, you mean amd64.
02:20.20*** join/#debian mrowe (
02:20.22Lee__no, Itanium
02:20.27EvanCarrollwhats german =/
02:20.28doneilloh, unobtanium.
02:20.32pipelinedoneill: Eh, IBM OpenPower is only about 25,000$
02:20.39NarCoTEvanCarroll: thanks
02:20.41doneillsweet deal.
02:20.50Lee__exactly. last place I worked they droped $15,000 on it and never used it.
02:20.52*** join/#debian plasmatic1 (
02:20.55Alex_doneill: I don't think it's possible to "realize" that, seeing that it's not true.
02:21.07Alex_But that's beside the fact.
02:21.08pipelinedoneill: It's pretty sweet compared to Itanium.  HP used to charge 15,000$ for a system that used PC100 RAM for its main storage.
02:21.12doneilloes gnoes, the debianers attacking me
02:21.14pipelinedoneill: err, main memory
02:21.23doneillhehe yeah
02:21.30*** join/#debian Dewi (
02:21.36doneillmy roomy paid like $1200 for a 1GB HD back in the day, too.
02:21.45Lee__sweet. that's storage!
02:21.58doneillwhatever man, i paid $180 for a TNT2 not long ago
02:22.10doneillbut you can build a decent AMD64 for around $500
02:22.26doneillboard, cpu, case, fan, ram, disk, nic, video, audio
02:22.30stewdoneill: my dad has a pcword issue #1 that has 5mb hard drives for $4995
02:22.40*** join/#debian ssj4conejo (
02:22.46ssj4conejohow can i hcieck if acpci is on?
02:22.49doneilldamn, sign me *up*
02:23.00doneillssj4conejo, check in the bi-os.
02:23.13Lee__build the best Linux box
02:23.25NarCoTWhich is better aMule or xMule ?  any other suggestions ?
02:23.48Lee__I prefer aHorse to aMule
02:24.09*** join/#debian mxldr (
02:24.10doneillthat's my preference.
02:24.16doneillthen again, i'm not a wacky american.
02:24.25*** join/#debian grubby (
02:24.46plasmatic1i've recently the link because I reinstalled my system, but there was a command to meessage the bot in this channel (dpkg) that would show how to fix errors with apt-get install. Does anyone know what the command was?
02:24.48NarCoTnow really...
02:24.51doneillfor mp3s i use nicotine
02:24.57doneillmule kinda bugs me.
02:24.58*** join/#debian agney (~bofh@agney.user)
02:25.05simonrvni just use nicotine ;p
02:25.05plasmatic1*i've recently lost the link
02:25.07stewplasmatic1: what problem are you having?
02:25.27*** join/#debian david (
02:25.33cafuegoplasmatic1: apt-get -f install
02:25.37plasmatic1stew: with alsa-utils i came in here a couple of days ago with the same problem, but i have forgoten the link (i should have written it down)
02:25.48plasmatic1cafuego: tried it, doesn't work
02:25.52stew!alsa bork
02:25.55dpkgfrom memory, alsa-bork is modprobe snd-<soundcard-module> ; modprobe snd-pcm-oss ; modprobe snd-seq-oss, and maybe apt-get install gnome-alsamixer or alsamixergui
02:26.00cafuego!doesn't work
02:26.00dpkgLook buddy, doesn't work is an ambiguous statement.  Does it sit on the couch all day?  Does it want more money?  Does it waste its time on IRC all day long?  Please be specific!  Define 'it' and what it isn't doing.
02:26.02NarCoTdoneill: simonrvn: is it working on bittorent? ed2k?
02:26.10plasmatic1cafuego: oh nvm, i just did it again and it worked :S
02:26.22stewuh huh
02:26.25cafuegoHmm, Nicholas Cage is wandering around town, filming stuff.
02:26.27mxldrhey- is there really a program out there called "ndos"
02:26.35Lee__doneill: it wasn't savage  :)
02:26.48jetscreamernorton dos iirc
02:26.50cafuego!fgi mxldr ndos
02:27.01plasmatic1nvm, it's still broken
02:27.17simonrvnNarCoT: i was talking about cigarettes
02:27.23*** join/#debian wrk (
02:27.36Lee__simonrvn: your cigarettes can play mp3s! OMG!!
02:27.38jetscreamerthat was back in the norton utilities glory days, 6.0
02:27.45*** part/#debian jerka (
02:27.47jetscreamerand prev
02:27.57plasmatic1stew: how do you remove the package, apt-get -f install didn't seem to work...
02:28.06mxldri already tried that, but nothing came up
02:28.08stewplasmatic1: apt-get remove pkgname
02:28.14cafuegojetscreamer: Bah, Nortun Utilities 10 for Win2k3 ROCK!!
02:28.15*** join/#debian arkaoss (
02:28.21jetscreamersee also remove --purge
02:28.23wrkhi all
02:28.26stewmxldr: then there is probably not such a program
02:28.42plasmatic1stew: a broken package though
02:28.54mxldr# ndos
02:28.54mxldrNdos 0.04 Usage: ndos [options] target_host portnum
02:28.54mxldrSupported options:
02:28.54mxldr-D <filename> Send all data from given file into the opened connection
02:28.54*** kick/#debian [mxldr!~debhelper@debhelper.user] by debhelper (flood: Consider using #flood)
02:28.54stewplasmatic1: if you gave us an error message we could be more helpful
02:28.59jetscreamerfinish intstalling it
02:29.12stewand he is asking us if such a program exists?
02:29.18*** join/#debian JoshH (
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02:29.32mxldris that program real?
02:29.36cafuego"NDOS: Provides 200 additional DOS prompt commands including color-enhanced directory listings g color-enhanced directory listings and 40+ character file descriptions"
02:29.48cafuegomxldr: Either you can't use google, or you're trolling.
02:29.53*** join/#debian drfc (~drfc@
02:29.54stewmxldr: you think it might be a halucination?
02:29.54jetscreamerndos rocked though
02:30.04wrksorry, where can i find something like Debian New Maintainers' Guide but that speaks about multiple binary and library packages ? tnx
02:30.09jetscreamerand nu baby
02:30.29peterSwrk: by the time you're ready for *those*, just read Policy and RTFM on some of the tools like debhelper
02:30.29*** join/#debian helpmeplz (helpmeplz@
02:30.44plasmatic1stew: ok, error message: "Unpacking alsa-utils" "trying to overwrite '/usr/bin/alsamixer', which is also in package knx-alsa dpkg-deb: subprocess paste killed by signal (Broken pipe). Errors were encountered while processing:" "sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)"
02:30.56*** join/#debian esop (
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02:31.00mxldrwhen i google it, nothing about computers comes up
02:31.07*** join/#debian DexterK (~root@
02:31.09cafuegomxldr: So you can't use google.
02:31.21mxldrapparently so
02:31.27cafuegoCoz then *I* search, it does.
02:31.40stewwrk:, for multible binaries, just look at other packages, and hopefully you have memorized policy by now
02:31.43mxldrokay- this is what comes up when i google it
02:31.45NarCoTAnyone knows a good webbrowser?  communicator?   firefox?
02:32.03cafuegomxldr: Search for ndos+norton
02:32.11jetscreamerdpkg -i --force-all /var/cache/apt/archives/packagename.deb
02:32.12arkaossI apt-get installed php4 a while after i installed apache..  i've been picking over my apache files to make sure my httpd.conf has what it needs but i feel i am missing something.. is there an apt-get command to re-configure apt-gotten things?
02:32.12wrkok tnx stew
02:32.23mxldrhow was i supposed to know that?
02:32.44cafuegomxldr: Someone here mentioned norton.
02:32.49*** join/#debian Nurbs (
02:32.51vile_maximarkaoss, dpkg-reconfigure goo
02:33.00jetscreamerlies, nobody said norton utilities
02:33.15mxldrthat does seem like: Ndos Denial of Service
02:33.16vile_maximarkaoss, I seem to remember having to uncomment out php by hand
02:33.24cafuegojetscreamer: strstr("norton utilities", "norton") > 1
02:33.31NarCoTHow do I configure my mail Client ?
02:33.43vile_maximarkaoss, is this on a stable machine?
02:33.54jetscreamer[20.33.48] [20.27.03] <jetscreamer> norton dos iirc  <--- i NEVER said that!!!
02:33.59cafuegoNarCoT: with software
02:34.13vile_maximNarCoT, I think you would do better using all caps
02:34.19cafuegojetscreamer: You KNOW you run DOS!!!
02:34.39jetscreamersure, everytime i use that hacker bios flash baby
02:34.54*** join/#debian cathayan (~Cathayan@
02:35.00jetscreamerif you need a w98ebd floppy image i got one fer ya
02:35.13mxldrit says there is a simple program to run a DDoS attack using "ndos"
02:35.18cafuegoMy config.sys is nicer then your .xsession
02:35.37jetscreamermy msdos.ini is a work or art
02:35.43cafuegomxldr: Check the channel topic.
02:35.44arkaossyeah.. my main PITA is it seems i can't really tell if i need mod_php to be recognized and to show up in webmin.... I am a whuss when it comes to keeping track of where config files are,  and i only barley got some CGI work to run on this install, now a program I pulledin that uses PHP isn't running
02:35.49jetscreamer(or whatever it was)
02:35.51NarCoTvile_maxim: How do I do it?
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02:35.57Lee__!inslut mxldr
02:36.01abrotmancafuego: dos4gw ?
02:36.05Lee__!annoy mxldr
02:36.06dpkgmxldr:  bash: FFS: command not found!!!!!
02:36.13anhire..sorry, my provider is currently working on my con :/
02:36.16jetscreameryeah! quake action!
02:36.42cafuegoarkaoss: /etc/apache/httpd.conf and /etc/php4/apache/php.ini
02:36.51jetscreamergod i miss pre-windows, there should have been linux instead of windows dammit
02:36.56helpmeplzdoes any one help me with a raidtools problem? i made 2 softraids and now its mounted ok.. the problem is to add these partitions /de/md0 and md1 to lilo..
02:37.10cafuegoarkaoss: it pays to be able to admin for REAl, as opposed to via  web browser.
02:37.26plasmatic1thanks jetscreamer for the dpkg -i --force-all /var/cache/apt/archives/packagename.deb
02:37.27dpkgplasmatic1: my pleasure
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02:38.17dlishould modem present in "lspci" ?
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02:38.18jetscreamerbeen there and with that package iirc
02:38.27jetscreameris it a pci modem?
02:39.00vile_maximhelpmeplz, does your kernel support raid
02:39.05*** mode/#Debian [+l 756] by debhelper
02:39.05arkaossthanks, that's why this is my hobby box, and why i don't currently have an IT job.... just a self taught gear monkey getting lost in the sea of computers ;-)
02:39.11vile_maximhelpmeplz, i.e. are you trying to do a root raid
02:39.12jjazzIs there any way to use the fish protocol from windows (or even better, from a dos command line)?
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02:39.58jetscreameri don't see my amr modem that's turned off in bios, unless it's this unknown one
02:40.11vile_maximarkaoss, I started out that way... it helps to see a working system sometimes  :)
02:40.17cafuegohelpmeplz: 'man lilo.conf', see raidâ€extraâ€boot= ... and you can just add boot=/dev/mdX and root=/dev/mdX to lilo.conf
02:41.01arkaosswhile I'm at it .. i ought to look at the php config's and make sure I'm turning on the mysql stuff i'll need for the other half of this app eh?
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02:42.13vile_maximarkaoss, I think it does it automaticly   apt-get install php4-mysql
02:42.21helpmeplzcafuego i did it
02:42.30helpmeplzboot = /dev/md0
02:42.40helpmeplzraid-extra-boot = /dev/sda
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02:42.53helpmeplzimage = /boot/vmlinuz
02:43.02helpmeplzmap = /boot/map
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02:43.08helpmeplzroot = /dev/md0
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02:43.26helpmeplzlabel = linux
02:43.33helpmeplzthats all
02:43.42vile_maximhelpmeplz, is this a stable machine?
02:43.43helpmeplztry lilo.. so i get the msg
02:43.50helpmeplzvile_maxim yeah
02:44.04helpmeplzFatal: map file must be on the boot RAID partition
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02:45.06NarCoTdoneill: I installed nicotine, but I can't get it to connect...
02:45.12arkaossvile that did a little somethin somethin
02:45.21helpmeplzi boot from cd and mount /dev/md0 in /raid and /dev/md1 on /boot
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02:47.12omiI'm having an issue with promise fastTrack 100 controller: I have two 100GB drives set up to do raid 0, fdisk sees entire 200 GB 'drive' but when I create a reiserfs partition on it, mount only sees 25 GB
02:48.05vile_maximomi, I had that same problem... and it kept crashing... I switch over to 3ware... which does true hardware raid
02:48.17stew3ware rocks
02:48.28FlimzyWhen encoding video at a VBR, does it make sense to specify both a minimum and maximum bitrate (as suggested by practically every online forum I've read), or is it better just to set a max bitrate (as suggested by ffmpeg)?
02:48.40omivile_maxim, that's nice but I cannot buy anything at this moment since the promise cards were free
02:48.54vile_maximhelpmeplz, I'm not sure what's causing that problem, but I've googled it and it seems others are talking about it....  have you tried that route yet?
02:49.17helpmeplzvile_maxim just a few tries
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02:50.08NarCoTI have another PC in my network which runs Win. how do I communicate with it?
02:50.18vile_maximomi, well, I would look for the latest drivers for promise... I seem to remember running accross the project recentily
02:50.22maheromi: if its fake raid is the driver source or binary?
02:50.45pipelineFlimzy: I see no reason to impose a minimum bitrate.
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02:51.02nevynNarCoT: what do you mean by communicated
02:51.03vile_maximomi, but you could always software riad... which some have told me is better anyway...  those promise cards... at least when I tried then, were not real hardware raid anyway
02:51.08helpmeplzvile_maxim they had the same problem and i didnt find solution
02:51.21pipelineomi: Don't use fasttrack cards RAID functionality -- it's terrible
02:51.25omithat's what I was thinking since I see hde and hdg as 100 gb
02:51.31pipelineomi: If you want RAID-0, use LVM.
02:51.41Lee__kernel raid is fine
02:51.46pipelineIt's better than fine
02:51.50vile_maximhelpmeplz, I've never had luck with root raids.... I would try creating a smallish /boot partition
02:51.51pipelineIt actually performs pretty well
02:51.59NarCoTnevyn: I want to copy files from one to another
02:51.59pipelineand it's much easier to set up than hardware RAID
02:52.05nevynI have root raid working.
02:52.16nevyn/boot is seperate tho.
02:52.17Lee__and if yr really paranoid about data use raid-5 with three disks and make backups
02:52.34nevynNarCoT: install and configure samba (assuming tcp/ip is working already)
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02:53.01pipelineNarCoT: Sometimes nicotine is slow to connect
02:53.03helpmeplznevyn raid1?
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02:53.06tomb0yis it suggested to not do this?  have a hardware raid card, setup 2 raid 0 arrays on it, then use lvm to merge them into one device.
02:53.14nevynhelpmeplz: raid0
02:53.15omiis metadisk (MD) have anything to do with LVM or they are separate ?
02:53.17pipelineNarCoT: Try triggering the drop-down box and using one of the alternate servers.
02:53.22nevyntwo 3.2gig disks
02:53.32NarCoTnevyn: TCP/IP is ok and I can ping the Win PC
02:53.33peterStomb0y: raid 0 is a waste of a hardware raid card
02:53.42pipelinetomb0y: Is it actual hardware RAID, or is it software-assisted RAID?
02:54.02arkaossi am looking at's config page for an apache system of similar level as mine, and i seem to have everything set correctly, apache has all the lines for mod_php4 and php this and that.. and I have php.ini in .etc/php/apache is there some sort of "turn OFF" line in php.ini i need to comment?
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02:54.04NarCoTpipeline: I only have 2 servers is there any update list?
02:54.07tomb0ypipeline: rocketraid 454, so i believe its more software assisted raid
02:54.31pipelineNarCoT: That's all there should be.
02:54.34vile_maximpeterS, huh, why?
02:54.44pipelinetomb0y: Setting it up is a waste of your time, then.  It will be no faster than doing it in software.  It's just a headache.
02:54.56peterSvile_maxim: raid 0 doesn't require much processing beyond just sending data to the disk.  no reason it can't be done in software
02:55.02pipelinetomb0y: Set it up to use LVM in the first place.
02:55.18pipelinetomb0y: I'm saying, use it as a dumb IDE controller (which is what it is anyway)
02:55.18abrotmanarkaoss: did you ask #php ?
02:55.36arkaosskick me on my way out!
02:55.43arkaosswell not off the server!
02:55.51Flimzypipeline: The only reason I'd see to impose a mimimum bitrate (and this comes from my vast lack of knoweldge of the subject) would be if the encoder for some reason was not good at mantaining a reasonable quality for some reason at low bitrates.  i think I remember reading about early VBR MP3 encoders having problems like that, so ppl being encouraged to set a minimum bitrate of something like 64-128kbit
02:55.55abrotmanarkaoss: huh ?
02:55.59peterSvile_maxim: for the other raid levels, there *is* reason it makes sense to use a hardware raid card - CPU in some cases, I/O bandwidth in all cases - but raid 0 doesn't need any more CPU or I/O bandwidth than JBOD
02:56.12tomb0ypipeline: ive used lvm a lot, and just kinda annoys me after sometime.   but what is advantage of just using lvm over raid0 via the card, and then lvm on top?
02:56.22vile_maximpeterS, gotcha.. I had set it up for my girlfriend who is a graphic designer... but that is on windows so....
02:56.28peterStomb0y: do you know what raid 0 is?
02:56.31arkaossmy channel name search on trillian gave me lip earlier when i went to search for chan's... thanks for tryin everyone!
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02:56.47abrotmanraid0 is the closest to death your data could get other than a single drive :)
02:57.03peterSabrotman: raid 0 is closer to death than a single drive
02:57.06vile_maximabrotman, lol
02:57.07jetscreamerirssi ate trillian for breakfast
02:57.12peterSabrotman: you've multiplied your vulnerability to disk failure by 2
02:57.29abrotmanpeterS: i guess .. espeically if you just get one set of bad sectors .. you lose half of your files :)
02:57.34jetscreamerbut there's a great chance they both won't go out
02:57.38jetscreamerat the same time
02:57.39tomb0ypeters: yes  and redundancy for my purpose is not needed
02:57.41peterSabrotman: no, you lose *all* your files
02:57.44abrotmanjetscreamer: it's raid0 .. doesn't matter
02:58.05jetscreamerah... i'm not good with numbers but i get your drift
02:58.10tomb0ypeters: jbod is prob be fine for my purpose
02:58.12abrotmanpeterS: i meant say 1 bad sector .. you wouldn't lose all your files
02:58.21peterSabrotman: ahh.  perhaps.
02:58.33peterStomb0y: so don't do any raid levels at all, just LVM
02:58.34abrotmanjetscreamer: raid0 is striping with no parity .. no checksum .. no integrity
02:58.39abrotmanno spell checker!
02:58.51jetscreamerno spell checker? well shit
02:58.55simonrvnoh no. raid with no spell checking. that sucks
02:59.06alusmight as well be riad
02:59.07peterStomb0y: you *can* put raid 0 underneath that, for speed, but it's simpler not to bother
02:59.14moegahi is there a linux equivalent to adobe professional where you can edit images layer by layer ?
02:59.20*** join/#debian listen3r (
02:59.20simonrvnalus: exactly!
02:59.23abrotmanjetscreamer: anyone who runs RAID0 better have a damn good backup system .. or not value thier data
02:59.27listen3rhow do i modify a files attribs?
02:59.28alusyou mean adobe photoshop?
02:59.34cafuegofscking telstra
02:59.38tomb0ypeters: yea a whole 5 min simpler lmao
02:59.41jetscreamer!tell moega about gimp
02:59.43ApEtcmoega: Gimp
02:59.53moegaadobe acrobat
02:59.59jetscreamerah shit that's a bum factoid sorry moega
02:59.59moeganot just reader
03:00.03jetscreameruse gimp
03:00.09dpkg[gimp] IF YOU WANT 2.0, INSTALL gimp1.3 IN SID! Even if it's called gimp 1.3, it's actually gimp2.0 pre4. Gay Indian Midget Pr0n.
03:00.11cafuegomoega: Gimp opens Photoshop fielsa dn can edit by layer.
03:00.11peterSwhat's with people saying 'yea' in this day and age?  That's Elizabethan English, I didn't expect to see people so educated here
03:00.22cafuegopeterS: Verily.
03:00.23*** join/#debian Thaiger (
03:00.25jetscreamer!forget gimp
03:00.25dpkgi forgot gimp, jetscreamer
03:00.37abrotmanmoega: gimp/inkscape/sodipodi .. depending on your needs
03:00.41ThaigerIs there a j2me sdk for linux?
03:00.48listen3rhow do i modify a files attribs?
03:00.49maherpeterS: maybe they are just very old
03:00.56peterSmaher: perhaps that's it
03:01.02simonrvn!tell listen3r -about repeat
03:01.02cafuegopeterS: I think it's more a matter of not knowing how to spell 'yeah'.
03:01.15simonrvnlisten3r: explain
03:01.19cafuego!fsck tesltra again
03:01.20dpkge2fsck /dev/tesltra again : warning! filesystem contains morons!
03:01.27tomb0ypeters: 1 question about lvm, is it recommened to create a partition first  ie /dev/hdc1   then run pvcreate on top? or to just do pvcreate /dev/hdc ?
03:01.28peterScafuego: I thought you were basically telstra-free
03:01.30cafuegoHow true!
03:01.30jetscreamerdpkg, gimp is <reply> The GIMP is the GNU Image Manipulation Program. It is a freely distributed piece of software for such tasks as photo retouching, image composition and image authoring. It works on many operating systems, in many languages.
03:01.31dpkgokay, jetscreamer
03:01.35moegajetscreamer: the file has .pdf extension when i opened in gimp it only has one layer
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03:01.45jetscreamermoega, no idea
03:01.50peterStomb0y: partition first.  tools tend to understand your setup better.
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03:01.57cafuegopeterS: Routing from my ISp to my hosting provider uses their infrastructure, and they're dicking around wit it atm.
03:01.59jetscreamerpdf is acrobat
03:02.07rixthIs there anyway to force apt-get to use Web sources?
03:02.13NarCoTnevyn: I installed samba, I can't figure how to configure it...
03:02.16jetscreamerweb sources?
03:02.21vile_maximjetscreamer, you got somehting against midget porn?
03:02.21cafuegopeterS: couple of mins ago my screen session stopped and I got bounced in between adelaide and melbourne for 30 hops
03:02.29omipipeline, where's some decent LVM doc for debian (right now I have a separate drive to boot from and 100 gig drives are just for storage, but I think soon I will boot just from the soft raid0)
03:02.29peterScafuego: oh, lovely
03:02.30mahermoega: do pdf's have layers?
03:02.31nevynNarCoT: install swot
03:02.34rixthjetstreamer: ie, not CDs
03:02.42NarCoTnevyn: thanks
03:02.42jetscreamervile_maxim, no i collect it and dont' want all the good stuff taken
03:02.58moegamaher, i'm not familiar with filetypes
03:02.58cafuegoomi: raid0 is bad.
03:03.01listen3ri need to change the attributes of a file
03:03.04pipelineomi: The standard lvm howto explains it nicely.  Alternatively, the sarge installer's partition editor will allow you to set up and boot from LVM graphically.
03:03.12cafuegolisten3r: lsattr/chattr
03:03.21NarCoTnevyn: I 'apt-cache search swot' gave me nothing
03:03.31pipelineomi: The great thing about LVM is that it allows you to move the fuck away from striping later when you get the money to set up a RAID-5 or RAID-1 array.
03:03.37cafuegoNarCoT: Comes with samba, runs from inetd.
03:03.42NarCoTpipeline: Nicotine still 'Listening on port 2234...'
03:03.49cafuegoNarCoT: Actually, never mind, I'm blind ;-)
03:03.51jetscreamerrixth, yeah, try apt-spy, or backup your /etc/apt/sources.list and check out
03:03.52pipelineNarCoT: Do you have the ports forwarded?
03:04.12mahermoega: you can add new layers - but i don't know if pdf's are layerd in the way you want
03:04.13abrotmanstew: how much snow did you get?
03:04.13jetscreamertry swat not swot?
03:04.20NarCoTcafuego: what ?
03:04.31NarCoTpipeline: yes
03:04.34jetscreamerooo col i didn't know pdf's had layers
03:04.36rixthjetscreamer: thanks
03:04.41cafuegoNarCoT: Actually, it was YOUR typo not my mistale. use swat, runs from inetd.
03:05.28NarCoTpipeline: I opened them in my Router. Do I have to do something in Linux too ?
03:05.37NarCoTcafuego: :)  ok
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03:05.43peterSjetscreamer: yeah, pdf is a vector format at heart, so stuff is drawn onto a page piece by piece.  in that sense you can overlay several images on top of each other and call it 'layers'
03:05.56jetscreameroh rixth do apt-get update after you edit it
03:06.08pipelineNarCoT: Nope.  The server just must not be answering.
03:06.18pipelineNarCoT: It goes down for maintenance often.
03:06.38moegapeterS: is there a way to edit that ?
03:06.47pipelineNarCoT: I'm connected to
03:07.01mahermoega: probably not - where did you get this pdf from?
03:07.03peterSmoega: I don't know how to edit a PDF.  tools exist but I don't know if any good ones are free
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03:07.11NarCoTpipeline: But only 2 servers? Isn't amule better ?
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03:07.50pipelineNarCoT: They're both networks of servers.  And amule is a mule network, meaning it's crap.
03:08.04moegapeterS, maher, ic i m gonna search a little bit more then
03:08.08moegapeterS, maher, thx
03:08.13travisatmoega: convert the pdf to ps and then edit the ps and then convert it back to pdf
03:08.29NarCoTpipeline: Do I have to enter something in User:PWD ?
03:08.42moegatravisat, using  ps2pdf ?
03:08.43listen3ri do ls -l and one of the files returns -rw-r--r-- how can i change it to be -rwxr-xr-x
03:08.50arkaossis there a debian package that installs mod_php for apache?
03:08.55mahermoega: travisat that probably won't help
03:08.56travisatmoega: just an idea, never tried it
03:09.21maherarkaoss: yes
03:09.25moegatravisat, i'll try that thx
03:09.33stewabrotman: about 6 inches, its all gone now though
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03:09.39jazzmansI can't seem to get the syntax of scp down,    if I have a machine named john-stewart, with a user name of bob;  and a machine named daily-show, with a user name of bill,  how do I scp files from john-stewart to daily-show?
03:09.40abrotmanstew: mine isn't!
03:10.07stewabrotman: well its not *all* gone, but it sure doens't look like we got 6 inches
03:10.17abrotmanstew: i had a snow day today
03:10.23arkaossmaher... can you name it for me? i've just tried googling it.. and i've installed a zillion php related things tonite.. and nothing seems to add that..
03:10.35stewi was hoping to go skiing today but it looking bad by afternoon
03:10.45Lee__arkaoss: apt-get install php4
03:10.52maherarkaoss: did you try going to and searching there
03:11.01*** join/#debian factor (factor@
03:11.06jazzmansi have no problem ssh -l into any machine, I just can't seem to copy files with scp.
03:11.22maherjazzmans: scp file user@host:path
03:11.33Lee__!tell arkaoss about php
03:11.38listen3ri do ls -l and one of the files returns -rw-r--r-- how can i change it to be -rwxr-xr-x
03:11.39jazzmansthat's it?  thanks maher.
03:12.10maherjazzmans: assuming you're logged in to one of the machines
03:12.24Lee__jazzanova_: if you have a fance desktop system like gnome or kde you can give the file browser sftp://user@host  URLs
03:12.26NarCoTcafuego: about swat, how exectly should I use it ?
03:12.36Lee__NarCoT: by reading the instructions
03:12.41jetscreamerheh they packaged azureus
03:12.53arkaosslee the php guys tell me its an apache problem, the apache guys say i don't have all my modules(or is it marbles)
03:12.53abrotmanstew: bummer
03:12.54Lee__!tell NarCoT about samba
03:13.04maherarkaoss: have you installed php4
03:13.09jetscreamerholy fuck java
03:13.12Lee__arkaoss: then reinstall and try it again
03:13.20arkaossyea and php4-mysql
03:13.38maherarkaoss: did you read the instructions in /usr/share/doc/php4
03:13.49NarCoTLee__: thank you !
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03:13.56karsten</troll> ;-)
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03:14.13sciboyHow do i clear my DNS cache?
03:14.21Lee__!start an os war
03:14.22dpkgHURD is better than Debian!  Amiga Rocks!
03:14.38karstensciboy: SWAG:  stop & retart?
03:14.40*** join/#debian Segers_J (
03:14.45karstensciboy: s/tart/start/
03:14.47Lee__sciboy: stop the daemon and delete the files or just wait until the TTL expires on cached names.
03:14.57karstenLee__: _what_ files?
03:14.59sciboyOk... =/
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03:15.35arkaossmaher..  forgot to finish reading that, plz excuse me while i go do that... thanks for reminding me
03:15.37Lee__the cached files. they are there somewhere. I just never looked.
03:15.47factoris anyone else having problems with debian unstable not working in xinerama mode?
03:16.12factorThis is the line running X
03:16.14factor/usr/X11R6/bin/X +xinerama -nolisten tcp vt7 -auth/var/run/xauth/A
03:16.19karstenabrotman: 56 A, if you need to know.
03:16.23factorI use KDE
03:16.38factordoes kde need certian xinerama options?
03:16.42abrotmanthough . it probably wasn't funny at all :)
03:16.50Segers_Jhow do I translate from lspci output to XFree86config-4 form? I've got my gfx card on 0000:01:00.0 according to lspci.
03:17.00karstenabrotman: Well, now that you mention it....
03:17.11abrotmanyeah .. didn't think so
03:17.25maherSegers_J: you on;y need to if you have ppc or more than one card
03:17.31rixthDoes anyone know of a driver/how to get TDK's range of Mojo MP3 players working/showing up as a USB disk?
03:17.35Flutenhmm, i encoded an audio file on my pentium 166, which ends up taking 121 seconds. i then do it on my pentium 2 333, that says 133mhz in /proc/cpuinfo, but 333 in the bios, and comes out to 125 seconds. should the pentium 2 be much higher than the pentium 1?
03:17.44karstenabrotman: ...though I've had more cleavage than several grilfs...
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03:17.53Fluten(er, much lower encoding time)
03:17.55Segers_Jmaher: ok, deleting. brb.
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03:18.18karstenFluten: Depends.  What's load, disk i/o, utilization.
03:18.20jetscreamerwhich/what jre
03:18.25rbrenartEverytime I suspend my laptop it wakes up with the clock fast. It's exactly as fast as the amount of time the laptop was suspended... it's only the system clock, the hwclock stays correct.
03:18.31Flutenkarsten, i'm doing it based on the times given in top
03:18.33karstenFluten: ...though encoding should be CPU intensive.
03:18.33*** join/#debian [7s]komseh (mindframe@
03:18.41[7s]komsehwhat package is smbmount located in>
03:18.53karstenrbrenart: I've heard of that one, don't recall the fix....
03:18.57jetscreamerrbrenart, i've seen somebody say that before.. idunno how to fix it, but it's a known-ish thing
03:18.58maher[7s]komseh: if you go to you can search for it
03:18.58abrotmankarsten: ok .. i think TMI . not sure :)
03:18.59karsten!tell [7s]komseh about search
03:19.01jetscreamerwhat he said
03:19.01Segers_Jmaher: many thanks, that's just what I needed to know :)
03:19.05*** mode/#Debian [+l 763] by debhelper
03:19.08arkaossthis doc says my apache is configured right.. i'm gonna go bug the guys in PHP some more...
03:19.19rbrenartOnly happens with the 2.6.10 kernel... is fine with my 2.6.8 kernel (but alot of other stuff is broken there)
03:19.33maherSegers_J: it dos say that on somewhere (maybe on the screen before)
03:19.39karstenabrotman: That was *before* I started taking hormone treatments....
03:19.42dpkgit has been said that jre is adding 'deb woody main non-free' to your sources.list, then apt-get update && apt-get install j2re1.3 or deb woody main non-free, or see for the latest status.  Yes, this works on potato and sid too, even though it says ...
03:19.48karstenabrotman: fact, now that I think about it...
03:19.53karstenabrotman: ...I still haven't started...
03:19.59karstenabrotman: ...nor do I really have plans to do so.
03:20.13Lee__let's say I'm removing xfree from my system. After doing that there are still files in /etc/X11  would it be stuipd to remove them?
03:20.18abrotmankarsten: my brother had a housemate they used to joke around and call 'tits' .. nice kid . funny joke .. much funnier when they found out he had been accidentally taking his mother's estrogen pills
03:20.30ThaigerLee__ did you apt-get remove or purge it?
03:20.39karstenabrotman: Oh shit.
03:20.45Lee__Thaiger: purge
03:20.48abrotmankarsten: indeed :)
03:20.53maherabrotman: how can you accidentally take your mum's oestrogen pills?
03:21.00karstenabrotman: There's a blog page up about a woman (SF dyke) who's been experimenting with T for a few weeks.
03:21.04EvanCarrolli was just about to ask the same thing..
03:21.14abrotmanmaher: notice ..i said nice kid .. not smart kid .. he also discharged a firearm inside my brother's house
03:21.19karstenabrotman: Most of mine was just a hell of a lot of competitive swimming.
03:21.46karstenabrotman: was it an honorable or dishonorable discharge?
03:21.47jetscreamerwhat do i use for a jre
03:21.47abrotmankarsten: that will do it
03:21.53abrotmankarsten: drunken
03:22.03*** join/#debian ter2424 (
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03:22.05Lee__!tell jetscreamer about java
03:22.20karstenabrotman: ...and was he disrepecting hospital workers?
03:22.26karstenabrotman: ...diss orderly?
03:22.36karstenabrotman: ...I'll be here all week.
03:22.38abrotmanwrong wrong wrong
03:22.46*** join/#debian hggh_ (
03:22.49pipelinekarsten: Don't forget "other than honourable"
03:22.58dellI'm having a problem loading an linux system on my laptop. I have a e-machines with a amd 64
03:23.18abrotmanit's a dell .. they suck
03:23.25maherdell: shouldn't your nick be emachines then?
03:23.29karstenpipeline: If you're on her, ah, bull, you're *way* wilder than I ever was.
03:23.39*** join/#debian TheEmperor (~mattn@
03:23.42Segers_Jdell: try stating your actual problem.
03:24.01Lee__I hate when Linux won't load on a laptop
03:24.03dellno its just my name is dale..
03:24.20jetscreamerwe have a street named dell dale
03:24.25EvanCarrolldear god, what is the abosolute simplist MTA to set up?
03:24.26jetscreamerdo you live on it?
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03:24.30EvanCarrolland so god help me if you answer exim
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03:24.31Lee__EvanCarr1ll: none!
03:24.38Lee__!start an mta war
03:24.38dpkgpostfix has an evil license
03:24.42jetscreamernot exim4
03:24.58EvanCarrollive been trying to set up exim now for 10hrs
03:25.00karstenEvanCarroll: Um.  There's some simple SMTPs which basically just find your smarthost.
03:25.01jazzmansmaher: thanks a lot, I always seem to miss the (username@) part of the man page for scp.
03:25.25maherEvanCarroll: do you have a complicated setup?
03:25.28jetscreameri tried to uninstall exim4 and install exim... it seems to not be loading now... i'll get around to messin with it one day
03:25.29EvanCarrollall i want exim to do, is catch from smtp and dump to /${home}/Maildir
03:25.31Lee__EvanCarr1ll: I'd recommend sendmail but I'm weird.
03:25.35EvanCarrollnot to complex, won't work though
03:25.53listen3ri do ls -l and one of the files returns -rw-r--r-- how can i change it to be -rwxr-xr-x
03:25.53karstenEvanCarroll: exim should be pretty basic.  3 or 4?
03:25.57Lee__It's got devent docu and can do anything
03:26.08EvanCarrollits not basic at all, the conf file in exim is so absolutly shitty.
03:26.16karstenEvanCarroll: Take a look at ssmtp
03:26.29Lee__!tell listen3r about chmod
03:26.45karstenEvanCarroll: AFAIU, exim's config utility pretty much walks you through, holds your hand, and rubs you special if you ask.
03:26.47listen3rthanks Lee__
03:27.32Lee__and Sendmail's charges at you with a giant spear and smacks you on the ass if you dodge it.
03:27.44factorhow do I check kde to see if it has the xinerama option compiled in?
03:27.55rbrenartSo I think I found the solution to my clock problem posted here...  but I have no idea how to implement it, can anyone help?
03:28.03*** join/#debian tinman (
03:28.45factorthanks abrotman
03:28.47*** part/#debian sciboy (~sciboy@sciboy.user)
03:28.53EvanCarrollkarsten: you mean the debian exim config thing? that consists of 3 questions
03:29.18karstenEvanCarroll: Yeah.  Though I haven't dealt with exim4 yet, just exim3
03:29.19*** join/#debian fusion (~mark@fusion.user)
03:29.32maherEvanCarroll: : did you try editting the local delivery stanza
03:29.33EvanCarrollkarsten: no its useless
03:29.52*** join/#debian FieldySnuts (tLEjDcdy5N@fieldysnuts.user)
03:29.58EvanCarrollmaher: yes about 15times, my conf files are live on i sym linked them
03:30.43*** join/#debian noddaba (
03:30.52EvanCarrollupdate-exim4.conf.conf (two .confs don't ask me) exim4.conf.template
03:31.05WE_R_DNAWhat type of yahoo client would i need to hear sound? client?
03:31.24karstenrbrenart: Sounds like you either want to patch your kernel or find a patched one....
03:31.24EvanCarrollyou mean y!
03:31.38EvanCarrollgaim has sound support
03:31.40*** join/#debian [FRE (~[FRE@
03:31.45[FREa todos
03:31.54[FREpribando el kanopxxis
03:31.55karstenWE_R_DNA: Um.  Pardon?  Chat client?
03:31.58EvanCarroll!tell [FRE about es
03:31.59[FREalgun hispano que
03:32.14rbrenartkarsten: Would that require a recompile?
03:32.29karstenrbrenart: Yes.
03:32.34WE_R_DNAyes karsten I would like to listen to people spinning live music in chatrooms
03:32.44karstenrbrenart: ...well, not if a stock Debian kernel's been backported.
03:32.56*** part/#debian [FRE (~[FRE@
03:33.02maherEvanCarroll: did you see
03:33.02karstenWE_R_DNA: Gaim's your client.  Not sure of its capabilities.
03:33.08rbrenartkarsten: screw it, I'll just wait for 2.6.11... thanks
03:33.34WE_R_DNAkarsten, it doesn't allow it :(
03:34.09karstenWE_R_DNA: File a wishlist bug.
03:34.14*** join/#debian cat (
03:34.22karstenrbrenart: Yeah.  I don't see 2.6.10 in Debian yet.
03:34.31rbrenartIt's in sid
03:34.33*** join/#debian wobbler (wayne@
03:34.42karstenrbrenart: Alternatively, get the latest sources, get the patch, apply it, and use your current config to build.
03:34.46*** join/#debian mike2423 (
03:34.56karstenrbrenart: I haven't done an apt-get update for a couple days....
03:35.23EvanCarrollmahar, yes i have ill do it again and restart exim though - didn't work last time =/
03:35.31rbrenartkarsten: I have the 2.6.10 compiled for at least a month... but from apt-get'd source... either way, I don't have the energy to figure out how to patch a kernel tonight... at least I know what I need to do if i want to though. Thanks
03:35.35*** join/#debian xerophyte (
03:35.50karstenrbrenart: NP.
03:36.07mike2423i can't ssh to my debian computer, i restarted sshd and still doesn't work, i can transfer files via samba just fine though
03:36.15mike2423anything else i can try
03:36.19EvanCarrollmaher: m pretty sure thats exim3 or even 2 =/
03:36.25*** join/#debian holycow (
03:36.42maherEvanCarroll: i assumed you were on exim3 - never mind
03:36.45Lee__I have no device called /dev/psaux but I have a PS/2 mouse. To make it more fun, I have udev. Any advice where to point XF86Config to find a mouse?
03:37.12mahermike2423: use netstat -pant on to see if sshd is listening
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03:38.13EvanCarrollmaher: any other ideas?
03:38.47maherEvanCarroll: i'm using exim3 - but i've never changed the local delivery stuff
03:39.16maherEvanCarroll: turn on max log level and stare at the output
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03:40.23cygoutLee__: /dev/MAKEDEV psaux ?
03:40.32mxldrhey- where can i find libssh.h?
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03:40.39abrotman!tell mxldr about search
03:40.50abrotmani can make a guess
03:41.16*** join/#debian ArtVandalae (
03:41.19EvanCarrollmaher: tried that, i just want it to work with courier-imap
03:41.27resiakLee__: modprobe mousedev
03:41.38resiakLee__: In any case, /dev/input/mice
03:41.43abrotmanmxldr: shouldn't that be libssl.h ?
03:41.44dpkg/dev/input/mice is probably mkdir /dev/input; mknod /dev/input/mice c 13 63
03:41.55abrotman!bed resiak
03:41.56EvanCarrollmaher: its to bad a system as powerfull as exim coulden't spend 5minutes to design a resonable conf file that thing is rediciolus
03:41.57resiakWhere is it...
03:42.02simonrvn!sleep resiak
03:42.04dpkgTo use a USB mouse, do the following: [1] get a kernel with USB, USB mouse and input/HID support; standard Debian kernels have all this.  [2] cd /dev && MAKEDEV usb && MAKEDEV input  [3] apt-get install usbmgr or hotplug (or if that fails, modprobe hid and mousedev by hand); it should beep at you when USB devices are (un)plugged.  [5] use device /dev/input/mice, ...
03:42.08abrotmanresiak: that one ?
03:42.16resiakabrotman: No
03:42.21mxldrI already did apt-cache search libssh
03:42.24dpkgalways ALWAYS pick /dev/input/mice, regardless. no really. Yes, even on a 2.4 kernel, even with PS/2. The rest should take care of itself.
03:42.35sdogidamn, i talked 2 hours with smartasses who wanted to bash me on every corner
03:42.42abrotmanmxldr: that file isn't in debian afaict ...
03:42.47abrotmanmxldr: are you sure that's what you need ?
03:42.49simonrvnresiak: hint: listvals or listkeys. keys is a factoid search, vals is a factoid content search
03:42.59cafuegoHmm. OSX is my friend :-))
03:43.07resiaksimonrvn: I just did that, and in fact run my own blootbot, but thanks :)
03:43.13simonrvncafuego: good for you
03:43.20simonrvnresiak: :)
03:43.28mxldrabrotman: because i am HaXXoring your box
03:43.31abrotmancafuego: #osx
03:43.36abrotmanmxldr: not likely ..
03:43.36maherEvanCarroll: how about
03:43.40simonrvnam not
03:43.42cafuegoresiak: Pfff.
03:43.43*** join/#debian ryan_ (~foo@
03:44.00ryan_Is there any way to get linux to honor the SUID bit on shell scripts?
03:44.01simonrvnbut thanks anyway :)
03:44.07cafuegoabrotman: I am h4x00rz|ng y00r box.
03:44.09simonrvnryan_: no
03:44.13mike2423maher: SSHD is running on port 22. The weird thing is, I can't ping the computer but I can transfer files to it with samba
03:44.25abrotmancafuego: oh good ... i need a reason to visit .au and kick your damn ass! :)
03:44.28mike2423both comps are on the same linksys router
03:44.30cafuegoryan_: No, you can run them through a (protected) suid shell, though.
03:44.38cafuegoabrotman: My ass isn't damned, thanks.
03:44.46abrotmancafuego: it will be when i'm done :)
03:44.49ryan_cafuego, such as?
03:44.50karstenWhat are some cool graphics apps, *other* than the GIMP?  Demo for HS kids.
03:44.57karstenPoVRay, other raytracers?
03:45.03abrotmankarsten: sodipodi!
03:45.05simonrvnkarsten: ends in paint IIRC
03:45.15simonrvnkarsten: kpovmodeler
03:45.34cafuegoryan_: copy bash to /usr/local/sbin/suidshell; make sure it's mode 4750; owned by root:groupwithsuidaccess; make your script run through 8that* shell.
03:45.34karstenabrotman: Wozzat?
03:45.36travisatkarsten: inkscape is good
03:45.39karstenabrotman: ...and what's it's bra size?
03:45.43ryan_I'd use sudo, but I need to run commands as a specific user, instead of root.
03:45.43abrotman!info sodipodi
03:45.49dpkgsodipodi: (Vector based drawing program), section graphics, is optional. Version: 0.34-0.1 (sid), Packaged size: 965 kB, Installed size: 3572 kB
03:45.49cafuegoryan_: Mind you, it means that in theory ANYONE in that group magically gets root.
03:45.57abrotmankarsten: lots of fun to play with
03:46.00*** join/#debian sushi_ (
03:46.15karstenabrotman: Is there a demo mode?
03:46.20cafuegoryan_: 'sudo su - user -c'
03:46.23abrotmankarsten: you drawing :)
03:46.24karstenabrotman: ...and how badly will it choke on 96 MB RAM?
03:46.31abrotmankarsten: oh jeez .. dunno
03:46.35abrotmankarsten: it's a gnome app
03:46.38ryan_cafuego, that seems convoluted
03:46.42*** join/#debian vardhan (~vardhan@
03:46.52cafuegoryan_: sudo -u
03:46.52abrotmankarsten: but it is damn fun to play with :)
03:46.53karstenabrotman: You *don't* want to see me drawing....
03:46.55ryan_I'd rather have a script that's suid the user I want
03:47.01cafuegoryan_: sudo -u user even
03:47.13karstenabrotman: I do my best work wearing... um.... nevermind.
03:47.20ryan_oh, sudo allows specifying users?
03:47.28karstenabrotman: Well, ok, I'll tell but just you...
03:47.29ryan_I did not know that
03:47.32ryan_that would work.
03:47.34*** join/#debian bourne_again (
03:47.37cafuegoryan_: Then you need to have a shell that suid that user (or maybe try suidperl, just write a wrapper)
03:47.38abrotmankarsten: heh
03:47.41karstenabrotman: ...fleece sweats.
03:47.53abrotmankarsten: it's actually quite a fun app to play with IMO ..
03:48.04mike2423got it
03:48.05karstenUm.  layout program.  S... ?
03:48.10abrotmankarsten: ?
03:48.16mike2423ip changed from .103 to .105
03:48.16bourne_againHey I looked on the debian site and couldn't find this info, otherwise I wouldn't ask, but I'm just wondering . . . what kernal version does the newest debian version come with?
03:48.24mike2423old router never did that
03:48.27abrotmanbourne_again: which debian ?
03:48.27karstenabrotman: It's the Adobe / Quark killer
03:48.36bourne_againabrotman: Whatever the newest stable release is.
03:48.37karstenabrotman: My mind is going, going....
03:48.41ryan_cafuego, my intermediary solution was to copy bash to /usr/local/bin/suid-svn and chmod 4750 it.
03:48.42resiakbourne_again: You don't mean that.
03:48.46abrotmankarsten: dunno if i'd go that far .. also lok at inkscape
03:48.46karstenbourne_again: Yes.
03:48.48abrotmanand scribus
03:48.53jetscreamerbourne_again, that would be 2.4.18 :)
03:48.57ryan_sudo is better though, as it has logging.
03:48.59karstenbourne_again: Up through 2.6.8 currently, 2.6.10 in sid.
03:49.01abrotmanbourne_again: newest stable is woody .. 2.2.20 and 2.4.18
03:49.03jetscreamerbut sarge is 2.6.8
03:49.05karstenabrotman: scribus, thanks.
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03:49.20bourne_againk thanks guys.
03:49.34*** join/#debian CrazyTB (
03:49.35jetscreamerbourne_again, d-i for desktop, woody for server
03:49.35ryan_nice bit of CYA if out programmers manage to break our svn repositories.
03:49.37*** join/#debian dondek (~dondek@
03:49.42jetscreamer!tell bourne_again about d-i
03:49.51CrazyTBPeople!!!! I have one good thing I just discovered!!!!!
03:50.00dpkgStop!!!  Using!!!!  So!!!!!  Much!!!!!   Punctuation!!!!!!!!!!!  It's ..... Irritating ..... As ..... All .... Hell!!!!!!!!!!!
03:50.05abrotmanCrazyTB: super low prices at wal-mart ?
03:50.05jetscreamerapt-get remove --purge discover ?
03:50.20karstenCrazyTB: Bangs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?
03:50.26abrotmanpauly shore is not the best actor of the 20th century ?
03:50.26CrazyTBYou can run FireFox even with glibc 2.3.1!
03:50.54helixstop, kthx
03:50.57karstenabrotman: Oh my *ghod*, I, like, so *wanted* to *totally* die!
03:51.07ryan_did the average IQ in here just drop 20 points?
03:51.08resiakkarsten: Get back to LiveJournal :)
03:51.11dpkgPLEASE STOP!
03:51.11abrotmanevery time helix goes "um" .. i feel like i just burped at the dinner table
03:51.17karstenhelix: as you wish.
03:51.25listen3rhow do you update kernel? ive got 2.4
03:51.26karstenresiak: Muwah!
03:51.28helixwell, I look in here sometimes and it's turned into kindergarten
03:51.29CrazyTBWhat do you think about this?
03:51.40resiaklisten3r: Are you on Sarge?
03:51.44abrotmanhelix: sometimes .. it does
03:51.50karstenlisten3r: aptitude install kernel-image-<version>
03:51.51jetscreamerlisten3r, apt-cache search kernel-image , apt-get install one
03:51.51abrotmanhelix: but it's not my fault this time!
03:51.52helixresiak is currently listening to NIN - head like a hole and feeling: empty
03:51.59ryan_listen3r: apt-cache search kernel-imagel, then apt-get install the one you want.
03:52.15resiakhelix: Right band, actually.
03:52.25FUF!find makeinfo
03:52.30resiak!win helix
03:52.31dpkgCongratulations, helix! You have won the time-life collection of vintage AOL CDs, a set of 120!
03:52.32dpkgDebian Search of 'makeinfo' (5 of 7): (/usr/bin/makeinfo) in text/texinfo ;; (/usr/share/sendmail/cf/sh/ in mail/sendmail-cf ;; (/usr/share/emacs/21.3/lisp/textmodes/makeinfo.el) in editors/emacs21-el ;; (/usr/share/emacs/21.3/lisp/textmodes/makeinfo.elc) in editors/emacs21-common ;; ...
03:53.17*** join/#debian harryvv (
03:53.40resiak(Collective #debian IQ) += 30
03:53.45listen3ri got -speakeasy now with sarge what should i be updating to? i don't know which to pick
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03:54.25ryan_resiak: that doesn't help much, there's 750 people in here.
03:54.29cg0defin order to get pcmcia sound card working do I have to apply any patches?
03:54.35karstenresiak: It's improved!
03:54.36cg0defit is supported by alsa
03:54.53listen3ri got -speakup now with sarge what should i be updating to? i don't know which to pick (kernel)
03:55.00karstenhelix: If you want to feel like we're acting all mature and stuff, hang out in #ubuntu for a while.
03:55.01EvanCarrollbetween exim and dpkg being fucktarded i swear im going to kill someone
03:55.05EvanCarrollthis is horseshit
03:55.22helixkarsten: heh, no kidding
03:55.22simonrvnhelix: hello :)
03:55.22helix#ubuntu is a nightmare
03:55.22helixhey simonrvn :)
03:55.28harryvvbeen a while reading floppy media from fat and ext2 what format should i format the floppy so both Os can read it.
03:55.38karstenEvanCarroll: wait, I'll overnight you my ex.
03:55.47*** join/#debian af_ (
03:55.53EvanCarrollkarsten: you fix exim4 and we have a deal
03:55.54resiakharryvv: Think about it for a few moments. Does Win32 do ext2? Does Linux do vfat?
03:55.54cg0defharryvv: vfat
03:56.04abrotmanEvanCarr1ll: postfix!
03:56.09*** part/#debian vardhan (~vardhan@
03:56.09karstenharryvv: w/ 'auto' in /etc/fstab, search order is first existing of /etc/filesystems or /proc/filesystems
03:56.10EvanCarrollabrotman: considering it
03:56.34karstenEvanCarroll: Hrm.  Does "too broken to worry about" count as fixed?
03:56.34EvanCarrollabrotman: however replacing bad with worse only sounds like a sound decision when your fed up with 'bad'
03:56.35cg0defresiak: oh yeah and there is a tool for win32 that reads ext2
03:56.37karstenEvanCarroll: What's not working?
03:56.45abrotmanEvanCarr1ll: i find postfix to be better
03:56.59resiakcg0def: Yes, I know, but can it _write_ it?
03:57.01*** part/#debian CrazyTB (
03:57.06cg0defresiak: yes
03:57.09EvanCarrollkarsten: ok simple job, get mail from smpt, move it to $HOME/Mailfolder, and exim4, keeps giving me the middle finger =/
03:57.13resiakcg0def: News to me.
03:57.15cg0defresiak: but it's slow as hell
03:57.19karstenharryvv: Otherwise, typically floppies get vfat for portability between Linux, Windows, and Mac systems.  Otherwise, you could format minix or even ext2 if you wanted, though there's no real win.
03:57.24resiakcg0def: More to the point, is it installed in general? :)
03:57.26simonrvnEvanCarroll: like this? ,.|.. :P
03:57.52karstenEvanCarroll: nn!nn
03:57.55*** join/#debian Gul_ (
03:57.59cg0defresiak: well I'm not arguing plus I have only seen one of the people that I work with using it
03:58.03harryvvkarsten i have it as ext2
03:58.06karstensimonrvn: Bunchajokahs.
03:58.09resiakcg0def: Heh, fair enough.
03:58.09*** join/#debian A-liyaoshi (~A-liyaosh@
03:58.24karstenharryvv: You've formatted the floppy as, or /etc/fstab specifies?
03:58.25simonrvnkarsten: ratha'
03:58.25listen3ri got 2.4.27-speakup now with sarge what should i be updating to? i don't know which to pick (kernel)
03:58.51EvanCarrollsimonrvn: more like this: Conf file ok! Syntax ok! You clearly communicate what you want me to do, good job user! NONONONONONONO NOT DOING IT!
03:58.51d03boyI get the lilo error "LI" on boot, but it was working fine before. How could lilo all of a sudden take up more than 1024 cylinders on the hd?
03:58.51karstenharryvv: For most purposes, 'auto' in /etc/fstab, and 'vfat' for the disk itself.
03:58.51resiaklisten3r: kernel-image-2.6.8-2
03:58.51simonrvnEvanCarroll: hehehe
03:58.51karstenEvanCarroll: Logs?
03:58.53dpkgif 'LI' is printed when the system is booted, it means that your drive is probably too large (OR you simply forgot to run 'lilo'). There is a Large-disk-mini-howto. Read it.. Boot the rescue disk, edit lilo.conf and add 'lba32' then try again., or (if drive geometry has changed) try booting from the rescue disk, mounting /, and rerunning lilo. Or you could try ...
03:59.05harryvvkar, no but i know what your talking about. this is only a one time thing.
03:59.18abrotmanEvanCarr1ll: sendmail ? :)
03:59.22EvanCarrollkarsten: i go them just a bunch of fun ips and msg headers my panic log is empty
03:59.23cg0defresiak: the guy loves VS6 and had to be able to read files from the linux partitions so he was saying that it works fine for small tasks
03:59.28d03boymaybe I should run lilo
03:59.34karstend03boy: My current pref is GRUB.  For LILO you've got some options to specify large drive support, etc.
03:59.39harryvvkarsten im going to edit it as it is ext2
03:59.43d03boyits no a large drive though
03:59.57*** join/#debian W1thdraw (
03:59.58abrotmandefine large
04:00.12karstenharryvv: Start defining "it" or losing "it" from your vocabulary.
04:00.15EvanCarrollit was about exim4 being a prick
04:00.25abrotmanthe floppy!!
04:00.26karstenharryvv: Remind me to tell you the story about that guy from that place.
04:00.35karstenEvanCarroll: /var/log/mail.err?
04:00.51karstenabrotman: "large" and "floppy" don't compute.
04:00.57EvanCarrollhrm i haven't checked that one in a while been in /var/log/exim brb
04:01.16abrotmanabrotman: different people ? 8" ?
04:01.34EvanCarrollkarsten: nah that one only has the output from courier which is running fine *thank the goat lord*
04:01.52karstenEvanCarroll: Not sure where exim4's hiding stuff.  Suggest you do 'tail -40f <file>' on the appropriate logfile.  Hammer the <enter> key for a bit.  Then see what it spews on startup.
04:01.54karstenEvanCarroll: You're welcome.
04:02.12*** part/#debian ejlozon (
04:02.37karstenabrotman: Well....
04:02.49EvanCarrollkarsten: i have tailed everything in log files =/ even created fun perl scripts to spam mail status and such, this is just god showing his love for me
04:03.16karstenabrotman: ...there's a grilf who was mentioning a guy _she'd_ known who was both endowed and, well, had trouble filling his own shoes, so to speak.
04:03.31Souza10Does anybody know why this comand doesn't work? mail -s "assunto" <enter> texto texto . <enter>
04:03.38abrotmankarsten: is it bigger than a breadbox?
04:03.49karstenEvanCarroll: ...but did you make dog-smelling prints and color photographs with circles and arrows...
04:04.00karstenabrotman: I don't know, abrotman....
04:04.05*** join/#debian TasteOfD1ath (
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04:04.09abrotmankarsten: i think you lost me on that one
04:04.28dpkg[asdf] one of the best players on Team USA
04:04.37simonrvnabrotman: is it larger than a breadbox?
04:04.42karstenabrotman: It's the standard bot response, reversed.
04:04.45abrotmanbuy a different pair of shoes ?
04:04.58abrotmansimonrvn: define "it"
04:05.28*** part/#debian rosen (
04:05.32travisatbunch of idiots
04:05.38EvanCarrollkarsten: no, no i didn't and if that isn't troubleshooting i don't know what is
04:05.40abrotmanwe are .. what are you gonna do about it ?
04:05.47simonrvntravisat: fuck off.
04:05.57*** join/#debian jcook (~jcook@
04:05.59simonrvntravisat: pogue matone
04:06.09travisatdo what?
04:06.21simonrvnto troll
04:06.26resiakOh, I see.
04:06.29karstenEvanCarroll: There's a song about Alice....  Do you remember Alice?
04:06.36abrotmankarsten: hahha
04:06.45travisatI just hang out here, and pop in every so often to see whats happenen
04:07.00abrotmankarsten: circles and arrows .. and a paragraph on the back of each one!
04:07.06EvanCarrollsong alice.. no, no i must have missed that one =/
04:07.07karstentravisat: Damnit, we're _certified_ idiots, and don't forget it.
04:07.17abrotman!alicekill karsten
04:07.18karstenabrotman: But it was a case of blind justice...
04:07.41simonrvnholy fuck
04:07.42karstenabrotman: You're our boy!
04:07.43EvanCarrollwell thats not very nice dpkg.
04:07.51*** join/#debian LordLamer (
04:07.51travisatkarsten: no I am the certified idiot.  and I have the dummy's guide to being an idiot to prove it
04:07.55abrotmankarsten: heh .. "And the all moved away from me on the bench" :)
04:07.56listen3ri see alot of people doing s/something/something whats that mean?
04:08.13abrotmanFieldySnuts: simonrvn: you don't like alicekill?
04:08.15d03boyhow can I tell apt-get to only check the cdrom for installations?
04:08.15simonrvnlisten3r: replace first with last
04:08.29*** join/#debian yoo (
04:08.39EvanCarroll!alicekill =~ s/kill/flowers rainbows love/ig
04:08.39dpkgi didn't have anything called 'alicekill' to modify, EvanCarroll
04:08.41karstenEvanCarroll: This here's a song about Alice...
04:08.55EvanCarrollbah =[
04:08.59abrotmankarsten: and i'm entirely too young to know that song that well .. espeically since i haven't heard it in about 5 years
04:09.12peterS/kick karsten [flood - that song is a *little* bit too long to paste in #debian]
04:09.15abrotmanEvanCarr1ll: don't change it . it's a god damn song
04:09.18deadcatnow how do i rsync a 4gig file without using scp but i dont have rcp?
04:09.26karstenabrotman: I was only introduced to it myself _really_ about the time of the Sklyarov protests.
04:09.28abrotmanpeterS: i did it
04:09.33karstenabrotman:  I sort of missed it the first time around.
04:09.35abrotmankarsten: oh.. jeez
04:09.41karstendeadcat: netcat!
04:09.41abrotmanpeterS: i called !alicekill
04:09.47abrotmanpeterS: i didn't make it though
04:09.55deadcatkarsten: does it do error checking?
04:10.09arkaosswtf?!?!?!? damnit.. besides the big huge MISSING FOLDER!! is there any other ways to tell for sure weather i was hacked or did i delete a folder of my own stupidity?
04:10.12abrotmanpeterS: blame g4lt
04:10.19*** join/#debian Ultima-Water (
04:10.21peterSabrotman: convenient target
04:10.23EvanCarrollarkaoss: ask god
04:10.31abrotman!factinfo cmd: alicekill (.*?)
04:10.31dpkgCMD: alicekill (.*?) -- last modified at Wed Jun  2 06:43:40 2004 by g4lt!galt@news.publicrelations.pdpc.
04:10.36simonrvnwhich one if any
04:10.40abrotmanpeterS: feel better?
04:10.41travisatarkaoss: check access dates
04:10.42karstenarkaoss: After the fact, it's rather difficult.
04:11.07karstenarkaoss: AIDE, tripwire, debsums, and chkrootkit can provide some level of assurance.
04:11.09harryvvark /var/log files
04:11.14peterSabrotman: I wasn't worried about alicekill, I was joking that karsten was about to paste the whole alice's restaurant song, which would kind of be flooding (:
04:11.20karstenpeterS: Pardon?
04:11.24EvanCarroll!alicekill =~ s/.*/we all love alice/
04:11.24dpkgi didn't have anything called 'alicekill' to modify, EvanCarroll
04:11.28abrotmanpeterS: oh .. yeah .. but funny .. in a sick way :)
04:11.29EvanCarrollgod why doesn't that work =/
04:11.45travisattry two !!
04:11.50EvanCarroll!!alicekill =~ s/.*/we all love alice/
04:11.50dpkgi didn't have anything called '!alicekill' to modify, EvanCarroll
04:11.57peterSEvanCarroll: please.  stop.  that.
04:11.59FieldySnuts@lart evancarr
04:12.01abrotmanEvanCarr1ll: leave it alone ..
04:12.04karstenEvanCarroll: Leave it alone.
04:12.04FieldySnutsenough Evan* nicks
04:12.05abrotmangod ... fucking idiot
04:12.19abrotmannot funny
04:12.19dgcabrotman: hey, don't talk about god that way
04:12.24FieldySnutspeople try to use nick complete you know
04:12.24dgcabrotman: he can't help it
04:12.28abrotmandgc: which one?
04:12.58jetscreamermmm swiss melt
04:13.09dgcabrotman: good question; I'm a pantheist, but whichever one you were refferencing, I think they all deserve a little respect
04:13.11karstenarkaoss: Still here?
04:13.15FieldySnutsheh makes me think of fear and loathing in las vegas when the guy is passenger in a convertable, opens a container of cocaine and it blows away "hey!! did you just see what god did to me!" "GOD didn't do that, YOU did! you're a f*cking narcotics agent, YOU PIG!!"
04:13.24Xenguyjetscreamer: there'll be no talking of *food* in this channel ;-)
04:13.25abrotmandgc: doubtful
04:13.32karstenarkaoss: ...what makes you think you've been hacked?  And 2:  there's a a few really nasty PHP vulns floating around.
04:13.57karstenFieldySnuts: I've only got one problem with that book.
04:14.05XenguyFieldySnuts: I have to read that book again, now that HST pulled the trigger
04:14.05karstenFieldySnuts: The first sentence is the best.
04:14.11FieldySnutseasy to have a few dozen problems with that book/movie adaptation
04:14.20arkaossi am not sure.. i doubt i was hacked.. but i put a folder 1 place, and it's no longer anywhere's in my FS...
04:14.36karstenFieldySnuts: Never saw the flick.
04:14.39*** join/#debian raghu (~raghu@
04:14.39FieldySnuts"we can't stop here... this is bat country!"
04:14.40*** join/#debian PsyKoBoY (
04:14.42arkaossi think i have this stupid box setup fairly securly... but i could be wrong
04:14.54karstenarkaoss: Well...  That sort of sucks.
04:15.13arkaossi can re-install the app fairly easily
04:15.25dgcabrotman: well, in the common vernacular, I hear the word "god" most often in the phrase "Go ask god" which means "go google it", so that would mean google is god; I think google deserves a little respect if only for the mindshare they employ
04:15.32karstenarkaoss: What I said about PHP.   Some nastiness with awstats IIRC.
04:15.32FieldySnuts"there's some kind of electric eel in the sky!" "shoot it." "not yet. I want to study its habbits."
04:15.36Xenguyarkaoss: download/install/run 'rkhunter'; also apt-get chkrootkit  <-- these will search for 'rootkits' and maybe set your mind more at ease
04:15.41arkaossjust wasted the whole night thinking PHP wasnt installed correctly
04:15.52Xenguyarkaoss: they're good tools to have around anyway
04:15.54abrotmandgc: uhm .. too much to think about at 11:15?
04:16.18travisatholy shit its 11:15
04:16.25*** join/#debian mono (
04:16.30abrotmanin my timezone it is .. and at least one other
04:16.39holycowno its not it's 8:14
04:16.43travisatit is in mine too
04:16.43dgcno it's not, it's 4:16
04:16.45karstentravisat: Somewhere, certainly.
04:16.50karstentravisat: ...actually, two somewheres.
04:16.51resiakLet's all play the timezone game.
04:16.55Xenguyno, it really is 23:16
04:16.58abrotmanresiak: god damn you .. go to bed!
04:17.06resiakabrotman: I'm working!
04:17.13abrotmanresiak: what's her name ?
04:17.19travisatI am serious its 11:15, look at the clock dammit, LOOK AT THE CLOCK!!!   were did the last 4 hours go???
04:17.27abrotmantravisat: #debian
04:17.33jetscreamerno it's 10.17.49
04:17.37arkaosslinux help forums do that to the spacetime continuum
04:17.42resiakabrotman: You know what you're supposed to answer...
04:17.43MefdahlI swear its only 10:17
04:17.45dgcdarned internet time people
04:17.47abrotmanjetscreamer: bonus points if you can convert to swatch time :)
04:17.50*** join/#debian godsmoke (
04:17.50*** join/#debian gratuit (~mcneill@gratuit.student.supporter.pdpc)
04:17.54karstentravisat: If you wait long enough, it'll come around again.
04:17.54simonrvnmar mar  1 23:17:54 EST 2005
04:17.59*** join/#debian User__ (
04:18.02jetscreamer[22.17.48] <jetscreamer> no it's 10.17.49  (missed it by THAT much)
04:18.10dgcwell, the sun says it's 8:15; but all my servers swear it's 04:16
04:18.15simonrvnhow often do you think *that* happens? ;)
04:18.31abrotmanjetscreamer: currently 221 via
04:18.39karstenDamnit, if you want to know what time it is, it's
04:18.56karstensimonrvn: Epoch time ;-)
04:18.59simonrvnepoch 1109737117
04:19.07travisatdamnit and I don't even believe in time
04:19.19karstentime is a theif.
04:19.19*** join/#debian Theoden (
04:19.21dgcdarn it, when did it get past eleven hundred million...
04:19.25abrotmankarsten: women
04:19.47dgcabrotman: evil
04:20.02abrotmanword association in #debian
04:20.13travisatlets make a hash (:
04:20.15karstenabrotman: While you appear fixated upon that, I assure you I'm not.
04:20.15cafuegoIt's 15:21 actually
04:20.21abrotmankarsten: not you!
04:20.53dgctravisat: how about an octothorpe?
04:21.20helixtravisat: you are not allowed to use that smiley by order of the high court of peterS
04:21.20karstenabrotman: Everything I ever needed to know about women, I learned here:
04:21.23travisatdgc: a whatcthothorpe?
04:21.57dpkgit has been said that octothorpe is ASCII character 35: #; AKA hash, pound<shift> 3
04:22.00harryvvmkdosfs does not exits on this system.
04:22.06dpkg*** NEWS FLASH! Your box does not come with every app, tool and utility known to debiankind installed already. If you find that the program you've been told to use isn't there, install it. Also ask me about <search>.
04:22.12*** join/#debian anthonywong (~ypwong@
04:22.16abrotmankarsten: good plan
04:22.28dgcI love it when dpkg has all the answers
04:23.30travisatdgc: but I like hash though
04:24.34*** join/#debian jla (
04:24.36resiakAnyone who calls # pound should be shot on sight
04:24.37*** join/#debian DimmuR|away (
04:24.51resiak(Yes, this means most of the world.)
04:24.54jetscreamerthat does mean pound
04:24.54stewresiak: what do you call it?
04:25.09resiakHash, as nature intended. This is a pound sign: £
04:25.11jetscreamerno, the l is pound
04:25.16jetscreameryeah that
04:25.19*** join/#debian shek (
04:25.28karstenresiak: No, that's an Aie!
04:25.38resiakkarsten: You're not using UTF-8 :-) you're unamerican!!! (yajj)
04:25.53karstenresiak:  ;-)
04:26.06karstenjetscreamer: He's a committee of 'em.
04:26.16*** join/#debian pragma_ (
04:26.23resiakkarsten: Name a good reason to not be using urxvt.
04:26.28arkaossi figured it out.. apparetnly my missing package relied on php 3 so when i went up to php4 it went back and killed the app i want.. damn thing
04:26.33travisathmm urxvt, so thats why it showed up right
04:26.34shekthis is the first time I am trying to install a wireless usb adapter on my debian machine, when I plug it in it doesnt even detect the adapter. There are lights that are suppsed to blink that act dead, any ideas?
04:26.41karstenresiak: Hrm...
04:26.45karstenresiak: *Inertia*
04:26.52jetscreamer!any idea
04:26.53dpkgYeah, I have an idea!  But I'll need a drawer full of ground beef, a little sauerkraut, and a dozen three-legged weasels.  And keep the FBI off my back for the next few minutes!
04:26.54karstenresiak: ...which is, of course, strongly correlated to...
04:27.00gratuitI'm having a problem with a text file, when I open it with vim, I see lots of ^Ms where line breaks should be but there are no linebreaks according to vim, when I do a 'cat <file>' it displays nothing at all, I've tried dos2unix, but that doesn't change a thing, any ideas on how to get a file like this to work as expected?
04:27.06karstenresiak: ...pounds.
04:27.10resiakkarsten: Heh.
04:27.23simonrvnlftp (3.1.0-1) unstable; urgency=low; + http DAV support added (PROPFIND, MKCOL, DELETE, MOVE) # w00t
04:27.29kenbooshek did you try wlan-ng ?
04:27.40karstengratuit: vim file.  Then:  :s/^M//g
04:27.47resiakkarsten: urxvt > *. What are you using now?
04:27.48jetscreameropen it with something like abiword?
04:27.52karstengratuit: Where ^M == ctrl-M keystroke.
04:27.56karstenresiak: rxvt
04:28.00resiakkarsten: Well then.
04:28.01*** join/#debian valdyn_ (
04:28.03dgckarsten: you forgot the %
04:28.05shekit is a D-link DWL-G132 and I called dlink tech support and the guy didnt have a clue about linux does anyone know if dlink works under debian at all? or should I go get another usb wireless adapter? I dont have free pcmcia slots
04:28.19karstendgc: Point
04:28.25kenbooDWL-122 works here :)
04:28.26*** join/#debian mono (
04:28.27shekkenboo: yes
04:28.33dgcgratuit: :%s/^M//g
04:28.34karstenshek: Well, do you have USB support?
04:28.35resiak!fgi shek D-link+linux
04:28.43shekkarsten: yes
04:29.06dgcgratuit: or porbably :%s/\r//g will work, depending on the original author of the file
04:29.19shekI have already googled it and it shows posts on forum by people who are asking for drivers
04:29.42karstenshek: cat /proc/bus/usb/devices
04:29.49abrotmanshek: ask #wireless
04:29.55karstenshek: ...should list what's on the USB bus.
04:29.57travisatfgi should at least have a working link, I mean damn.
04:30.01sdogiwtf is is that non-us package
04:30.06karstenshek: ...and if you don't see your device, youv'e got an issue.
04:30.12resiaktravisat: Have you tried that one?
04:30.13*** join/#debian yoo_ (
04:30.18travisatit didn't work
04:30.37karstenresiak: No package for urxvt
04:30.51resiakkarsten: rxvt-unicode, as I said.
04:30.51sdogiif it's illegal to import crypto stuff out from USA then why won't they just make them a mirror and develop crypto soft outside the US or something
04:31.00dpkgnon-free is, like, always "evil". It has its place in the world, but most Debianers would rather not use it. or tack non-free to the end of your usual "main" source to install stuff like navigator.  Any software not meeting this definition:, or #debian-nonfree and ...
04:31.01sdogii don't get at all that non-US concept
04:31.09resiak!hit me
04:31.10travisatkarsten: but it runs as urxvt.  strange huh
04:31.12dpkg[non-us] where we put software that cannot be distributed from the USA.  For woody, use "deb woody/non-US main contrib non-free" in sources.list.  For testing or unstable, substitute "testing" or "unstable" for "woody". or if you want sources, then use the same line but with deb-src at the beginning instead of deb, or ask me ...
04:31.20resiaksdogi: ^^ That's exactly waht they did.
04:31.21karstenresiak: Dig.
04:31.44resiakkarsten: Why do I get a card?#
04:31.50sdogiso i shouldn't really care about it then
04:31.54karstenresiak: I hit you.
04:32.03*** join/#debian Irenical (
04:32.10shekkarsten: it shows up as an ATheros COmmunication device when I did the cat /proc/usb....
04:32.27resiakI see.
04:32.30karstenshek: Good.  You've got a detected wireless card.
04:32.34travisatshek: you need madwifi
04:32.53karstenresiak: "hit me" is a phrase I remember from about 20 years ago and some card game we used to play....
04:33.01karstenresiak: I think it's 21.
04:33.11Irenicalblack jack!!!
04:33.23shektravistat: I did an aptitude search madwifi and didnt get any results
04:33.31jetscreamerAltGr+ [  <--- what is altGr
04:33.39travisatshek google for madwifi and debian howto
04:33.55shekgotcha thanks
04:34.38Irenicalwhat is this crazy place for!
04:34.50resiakkarsten: Ah, yeah.
04:34.56resiakjetscreamer: The key marked AltGr.
04:35.05arkaossdamint imdfinievmn
04:35.16jetscreamerresiak, and if i don't have one, what is it? :)
04:35.23jetscreameri have 2 alts though
04:35.26resiakjetscreamer: The alt key to the right of your spacebar.
04:35.29arkaosshad php workin what the ??R@?R??T#$Y$?&^ whyzit gotta do this to me?
04:35.31jetscreamerahh thankee
04:36.04resiakjetscreamer: Check in xev. AltGr is ISO_Level3_Shift on mine.
04:36.31travisatgotto go to sleep
04:36.57jetscreamerooo xev cool
04:37.20resiakjetscreamer: Yes, xev cool. xev very useful for trying to hax new Tuxboard into full life.
04:37.28*** join/#debian draconian (
04:38.16Irenicaldoes any one know how to make there own irc server???
04:38.26arkaosswish i could CURSE in 10 languages right now...
04:38.34*** join/#debian adjacent (~scott@
04:38.42resiakIrenical: apt-cache search irc server
04:39.01draconianwish i could curse in more than 1
04:39.04*** mode/#Debian [+l 751] by debhelper
04:39.29Irenicalwould i have to dl things and set it up on a website right?
04:39.39resiakIrenical: A website?
04:39.59*** join/#debian cabbie (
04:39.59Irenicallol nvm
04:40.04resiakIrenical: No, you need an always-on box that you have access to. What version of Debian are you running?|
04:40.11Irenicali dont know what i was thinking
04:40.25Irenicallol kay kay
04:40.29*** join/#debian alexscott (
04:40.53*** join/#debian Vme- (
04:41.04monoI have been using openwebmail for a while now. Today i did dist-upgrade
04:41.04monoand now i have Internal Server Error (500) from my server. From error log thre is "Premature end of script headers: /usr/lib/cgi-bin/openwebmail/"
04:41.12monoideas how to resolve this problem?
04:41.13*** join/#debian dcoulson_ (
04:41.24ArtVandalaeFor Sarge to release, would there have to be 0RC bugs?
04:41.40resiakArtVandalae: As I understand it, just "few enough".
04:41.41arkaosssomeone just slap me... call me ugly and stupid and tell me to give up and become a burger flipper!
04:41.56arkaossi am sick of computers and their crap!
04:42.00resiak!call arkaoss a burger flipper
04:42.04Vme-I've recently migrated from a 2003 IIS Webserver to a Debian with Apace, now all my ASP files don't work...i understand they are meant microsoft, but can you get them to work in debian?
04:42.06FieldySnutsuser error. the computers are sick of you.
04:42.18resiakVme-: Google for mono.
04:42.44FieldySnutsasp in apache. possible but tough and fraught with security problems. i gotta say, nice researching that move, pal.
04:43.08FieldySnutshehe nice quit
04:43.26Vme-its just a personal website...
04:43.29Vme-i really dont' care
04:43.36resiakVme-: Learn Perl.
04:43.37Vme-not an enterprise server
04:43.54*** join/#debian drfc (~drfc@
04:43.56arkaosswhats the command line to show me all the freaking commands i've entered into a command line?
04:44.04monoresiak, i have googled. found something that did not work for me
04:44.05dondelelcaroarkaoss: history
04:44.06resiakarkaoss: You mean your history?
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04:44.27resiakmono: I can't remember what I told you to google.
04:44.35arkaossyeah that..  :.....
04:45.18FieldySnutshow do I exit mc when 1) mouse doesn't work 2) F10 is ignored (fucking gnome terminal) 3) viewing a zip archive so "exit" doesn't work
04:45.50jlaFieldySnuts edit>keyboard
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04:45.59resiakThen poke things?
04:46.17sdogianyone done an X forwarding with debian over ssh? i have enabled x11forwarding from sshd conf file did restart sshd daemon, well it doesn't seem to work still
04:46.19FieldySnutsedit trashed the screen. i'll just kill it
04:46.21sdogiany ideas?
04:46.24resiak!tell sdogi about sshx
04:46.30resiaksdogi: Everything that you need to know is therel
04:46.34jlagnome-terminal: Edit>Keyboard Shortcuts; Check disable F10
04:46.42FieldySnutsoh good let me try that
04:47.00sdogiahh, lol just wanted to ask where is xauth file, very good.. thank you again :)
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04:48.21sdogihad xauth missing, at first i thought it wouldn't need it because it only told me debug1: Remote: No xauth program; cannot forward with spoofing.
04:48.29sdogiso i thought screw the spoofing :)
04:48.49*** part/#debian cabbie (
04:49.11jlasdogi some day I'll care enough to look for a lighter package (or build my own) to get xauth on a server.
04:49.39dondelelcarojla: it's not that difficult to make an xauth-static package. I made one at one point in time.
04:49.41sdogi13 mb for one file is pretty heavy yeah
04:49.49dondelelcarojla: however, nowdays there's really no point.
04:49.54sdogibut well i don't have any space problems right now fortunately
04:50.55jladondelecaro: Cool. Why do you not use it any more?
04:51.10sdogiresiak: well, first line was about spoofing, this line also, cannot forward with spoofing... you see
04:51.12dondelelcarojla: because I need most of the things that xbase-clients depends on anyway
04:51.21resiaksdogi: Fair enough. :)
04:51.35*** join/#debian Miuifgs (
04:51.50Miuifgshi, whatis the -o option in the groupadd ?
04:52.03dondelelcaroMiuifgs: use addgroup instad
04:52.46dondelelcaro(or, read the manpage and see that "-g gid The numerical value of the group's ID.  This value must be unique, unless the -o option is  used."
04:52.55dondelelcaroMiuifgs: because addgroup is a sane frontend to groupadd.
04:52.55jladondelecaro: I find I'm usually just trying to get gvim or emacs gui to pop up over ssh. Most of the x* stuff seems excessive for that.
04:53.01Miuifgsi read it
04:53.09Miuifgsbut i dont get what is the -o
04:53.15Miuifgsi get the -g but not the -o
04:53.24dondelelcaroMiuifgs: then you should understand what an GID is and why -o allows you to have a GID that is not unique.
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04:53.38dondelelcaroMiuifgs: if you don't understand it, you should just use addgroup.
04:53.54Miuifgsman i want to learn not just write things
04:54.06sdogihm let's try
04:54.09dondelelcaroMiuifgs: do you understand what a GID is?
04:54.39sdogi!power management
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04:54.50dondelelcaroMiuifgs: ok, so what's a GID.
04:55.01Miuifgsthe id number of every group of users
04:55.08dondelelcaroMiuifgs: why would it be bad to have GIDs overlapping?
04:55.22Miuifgswhat is overlapping?
04:55.29sdogiany ideas why won't my 3 hdd's poweroff themself? didn't know it's controllable by software
04:55.35dondelelcaroMiuifgs: two groups with the same GID.
04:55.54sdogithey did before but not with debian somehow, no input/output going on, no anything
04:55.56jlasdogi because they a) don't have a poweroff timeout or b)  keep getting accessed?
04:56.00Miuifgsdondelelcaro: cuz then it wont be a special id
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04:56.25sdogijla: this poweroff timeout is software controllable then? i hope hdparm solves it
04:56.26dondelelcaroMiuifgs: no, not special. It won't be unique. This causes all sorts of problems unless you know exactly what you're doing, and why you're doing it.
04:56.50Miuifgsdondelelcaro: ok i got it, so the -o make it not unique?
04:57.11dondelelcaroMiuifgs: no, the -o *allows* you to have a GID that is not unique.
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04:57.32Miuifgsdondelelcaro: ok i wrote addgroup -g 444 and it's telling me its not ok
04:57.42Miuifgsand there is no 444 group
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04:57.54jlasdogi yes, hdparm. I also use noflushd to delay writes. Doesn't work perfectly but my 2nd disk powerers off since I hardly ever access it.
04:57.56dondelelcaroMiuifgs: because you need to use addgroup --gid 444 groupname; man addgroup;
04:57.57sdogihdparm -S ...strange how did they got resetted before
04:58.15Miuifgsok ill read the man
04:58.55jlasdogi checked /etc/hdparm.conf ?
04:59.00Miuifgsok i made a new group :)
04:59.09Miuifgscool thanks man
04:59.35sdogijla: lol, i didn't know there was one, in slack i don't have that
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04:59.58dondelelcaroMiuifgs: in the future, you don't even need to specify the gid. You normally could care less. Just use addgroup groupname; and let addgroup do the work.
05:00.08jlasdogi I don't know about that. RH has some similar setup to keep hdparm settings and restore them on boot
05:00.13dondelelcaroMiuifgs: this sort of stuff is also covered in the Debian Reference. /msg dpkg debian reference
05:00.29Miuifgscool thanks much man
05:00.36toukitsunehello.  Does anyone know if Bochs or wine support directx?
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05:01.47sdogijla: i wonder where slackware keeps them
05:01.55peterStoukitsune: directx is made of multiple components.  wine supports some, and has partial support for direct3d
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05:02.03jlatoukitsune wine does but not perfectly. Some games work, many dont. Bochs is hardware emulator, so I guess if you installed windows on it it would work? Never tried it.
05:02.21jlasdogi grep -R 'hdparm' /etc/* :)
05:02.24sdogigrep -R hdparm /etc/* doesn't show anything
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05:03.21jlasdogi *shrug*
05:03.22sdogiweird, anyway i guess i have to think some timeout numbers now
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05:04.28Kerrerr.. top reports that my cpu is being eaten 67% by the system, but nothing shows up in the process list... anyone know what is going wrong? the cpu usage meter in icewm is maxed out :-/
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05:05.45jetscreameryou sure it's the cpu and not the net? :)
05:05.49dondelelcaroKerr: i/o of some sort is eating processor time, most likely.
05:06.08*** join/#debian budluva (
05:06.26jetscreameryou might try the sort feature in top btw
05:06.30toukitsunethanks peterS and jla
05:06.44jetscreamernm it's that by default
05:06.57KerrCpu(s): 29.3% us, 70.7% sy and i'm not doing anything..
05:07.13budluvaanyone know the newest stable kernel image off the top of their head?
05:07.22dondelelcarobudluva: 2.4.18-something
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05:07.34Kerrxfree is using 1.1 cpu, 6.5 mem, that's the biggest hog.
05:07.44budluva2.6 is still in testing?
05:07.49jetscreamerif you mean debian stable
05:07.51Agrajag_anyone know how to get galeon to view .wmv files embedded in web pages?
05:08.00jetscreamerif you mean stable, 2.6.10
05:08.03budluvayeah, debian stable is 2.4.18
05:08.10jetscreamerstable is woody
05:08.17solomonnpeterS: around?
05:08.37jetscreamerno he's not
05:08.39Agrajag_I looked in the source for the page and I'm trying to look at a file breakdance.wmv
05:08.42jetscreamerthat's his autobot
05:08.49jetscreameralus that's the installer
05:09.03jetscreamerthere's a secure version to upgrade to in woody
05:09.06aluspardon? that's what uname -r says
05:09.11jetscreamerthere's a secure version to upgrade to in woody.
05:09.17jetscreamerthat's the install kernel
05:09.30Kerrdondelelcaro: how couldi figure out what it is?
05:09.31Agrajag_if anyone can view things requiring such plugins, take a look at to see some really amazing dancing
05:09.51dondelelcaroKerr: not trivially, no. Look at the output of top, and see how much is Sys:
05:10.01jetscreamer!real kernel
05:10.01dpkghmm... real kernel is The Debian install kernels are meant for just that: installing.  If you want things like wide module support and netfilter, install a proper kernel.  'apt-get install kernel-image-2.4.18-1-386' will see you through, if you have no idea. First though, do apt-cache search kernel-image- . Woody install kernels have several known vulnerabilities, ...
05:10.10budluvayou sure 2.4.18- is the newest stable?
05:10.14alusjetscreamer: so 2.4.18-1 is newer?
05:10.24budluvai've been away from my computer for 5 weeks and im running 2.4.27-1-686
05:10.45budluvaso i dont see how 2.4.18- is the latest stable
05:11.13PhatedIt the kernel you get when you install woody, isn't it? 2.4.27 is sarge.
05:11.20jlabudluva and your sorting by cpu (P)? it looks like some process or tons of forked processes are using a  lot of time in system calls (reading/writing disk/network access)
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05:11.46budluvabah, your right, i forgot i went to sarge before i left :P
05:11.53jetscreameralus, apt-cache search kernel-image
05:11.57Kerrdondelelcaro: 71.8% sy,
05:11.59alusyeah I did that
05:12.09alus2.4.18-1 seems like the highest number ;)
05:12.14budluvajla? i think your talkin to the wrong person
05:12.15jetscreamershould be a bigger one
05:12.16godsmokeit is for i386
05:12.17F-LeloI have a server with 2 valid IP adresses and I --need- to put (DNS) master and slave on the same server... How to proceed?
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05:12.23jlasorry that was for Kerr
05:12.39godsmokebudluva, why are you running 2.4, if you run sarge?
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05:13.07budluvagodsmoke i havent been around much, havent had time to sort stuff out, thats why i was askin what newest kernel image was
05:13.09Kerrjla: tried both mem and cpu, for my user, and root.
05:13.20budluvai should have stated sarge in the beginning, but forgot i was running sarge
05:13.24godsmokebudluva, just for future reference -- apt-cache will do that for you
05:13.27Miuifgshow can i add use to a group?
05:13.36jetscreameradduser user group
05:13.41jlaI'd do for all users. How about time (T)?
05:13.52budluvagodsmoke yeah i know, and it showed a bunch of 2.6 stuff, and ppl here were saying 2.4 :P i got confused :P
05:14.11Miuifgsjla: what do you mean How about time?
05:14.24godsmokebudluva: sarge has 2.4 kernels as well
05:14.28jetscreamersort by time
05:14.35jlaThat was also for Kerr
05:14.40jetscreamer2.4 is the default for d-i you have to ask for 2.6
05:14.45godsmokebudluva: woody = 2.2 & 2.4 -- sarge = 2.4 & 2.6
05:14.46F-LeloI have a server with 2 valid IP adresses and I --need- to put (DNS) master and slave on the same server... How to proceed?
05:14.56budluva2.4 is stable, 2.6 is testing, correct?
05:14.59Kerrit should be on about 95% idle , judging by what top tells me.
05:15.00jetscreamerjust alias one ip
05:15.01Miuifgsjetscreamer: it's not working
05:15.01godsmokebudluva: no
05:15.03*** part/#debian factor (factor@
05:15.03Kerrbut isn't.
05:15.07godsmokebudluva: that's what I was telling you
05:15.11jetscreamerMiuifgs, okie...?
05:15.14budluvawoody is stable, sarge is testing then?
05:15.20jetscreameryes budluva
05:15.31Miuifgsjetscreamer: i made adduser Miuifgs newgroup
05:15.33jetscreamerbut supposedly sarge will be in stable soon
05:15.39budluvaok, so my 2.4 kernel isnt stable
05:15.52jetscreamerMiuifgs, you need an existing group to add the user too
05:15.56jlaKerr not if it says Cpu(s): 29.3% us, 70.7% sy
05:15.59budluvaso whats the advantages to running either a 2.4 or 2.6 kernel if both are still in testing?
05:15.59godsmoke"stable" does not mean "the application is stable -- and nothing else is"
05:16.10Miuifgsjetscreamer: newgroup is existing group
05:16.13godsmokebudluva: 2.6 has MAJOR improvements over 2.4 -- years and years of work
05:16.24godsmokebut 2.4 is kept around for legacy purposes
05:16.35godsmokein some production environments, people think it's dangerous to upgrade kernels
05:16.45jetscreamershould work then Miuifgs ... try it with adduser user games or something
05:16.48budluvawell im running debian on some old hardware, so no need to go to 2.6 yet then
05:16.52Kerrjla: ps aux shows nothing eating cpu, either.
05:17.05godsmokewell, 2.6 is going to improve performance -- but no need to upgrade, no
05:17.14jlaKerr what is the top status line now? Cpu(s): ...
05:17.18rixthHow do I start Java .jar files (I've forgotten)
05:17.20godsmoke2.6 is like linux getting closer to bsd :)
05:17.24budluva2.6 will improve performance on a 333 celeron? :P
05:17.32budluvaill stay with 2.4
05:17.44jetscreameryou can o/c that celeron to 500 easy, with a big fan... i did for years
05:17.47godsmokeit'll improve performance on anything
05:17.57godsmoke2.6 is massively more efficient than 2.4
05:18.01budluvagodsmoke oh yeah? hrmm....
05:18.12jetscreamerhell i had dual 333@500 cellys
05:18.18godsmokedual celerons
05:18.18Kerrtop - 05:16:22 up 4 days,  1:51,  1 user,  load average: 1.16, 1.06, 1.06
05:18.18KerrTasks:  57 total,   1 running,  56 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
05:18.18KerrCpu(s): 29.3% us, 70.7% sy,  0.0% ni,  0.0% id,  0.0% wa,  0.0% hi,  0.0% si
05:18.20Nwallinsafter installing nvidia-kernel-common, the nvidia howto presumes that i have a /usr/src/modules dir, which I don't.  why not?
05:18.20godsmokethat's so wrong
05:18.28jlarixth java -jar <file>.jar?
05:18.30jetscreamerhey back then, it was so right
05:18.31Miuifgshow can i see the user list in the system?
05:18.42godsmokejethro: no, celerons were never 'right'
05:18.43deadcatMiuifgs: w
05:18.53jetscreamermaybe users, Miuifgs
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05:18.54jlarixth I've always wondered why they couldn't figure out the -jar bit and not require the option
05:19.02jetscreamerthat might be logged on though
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05:19.12godsmokeMiuifgs: "w" or "who" or "users"
05:19.18Nwallinswhere does /usr/src/modules come from?
05:19.21Miuifgsnot only the online, list of the users and the uid and all
05:19.27jlaKerr you'r 30% user processes are making 70% more work in system calls
05:19.32EvanCarrolldown with exim up with courier-mta
05:19.34godsmokeNwallins: come from?
05:19.40jetscreamerNwallins, that's where you put the third party modules you want to compile
05:19.50Nwallinsyeah, the nvidia howto says to cd in there, but i don't have that dir
05:19.53rixthjla: apparently I don't have Java installed, yet I used a Java based BitTorrent client (Azereus)
05:19.56monoHi, I have been using openwebmail for a while now. Today i did dist-upgrade and now i have Internal Server Error (500) from my server. From error log thre is "Premature end of script headers: /usr/lib/cgi-bin/openwebmail/"
05:19.58Miuifgslike the etc/group but for users
05:20.08Nwallinsi apt-get installed nvidia-kernel-common per the howto
05:20.13jetscreamerNwallins, what nvidia howto.. not the .run eh but the .deb?
05:20.14jlarixth maybe it's not in your path? locate java *shrug*
05:20.21Kerri killed java_vm and wham.
05:20.24jetscreamerah yeah i know nothing
05:20.34Miuifgsgodsmoke: like the etc/group but for users
05:20.36Nwallinsjetscreamer: dpkg pointed me to
05:20.38dondelelcaromono: premature end of script headers can be caused by almost anything.
05:20.54KerrCpu(s):  2.0% us,  0.7% sy,  0.0% ni, 97.0% id,  0.0% wa,  0.3% hi,  0.0% s
05:20.55jetscreamerNwallins, okie... i've never used the .deb ones
05:21.06dondelelcaromono: most likely you can't perl -c /usr/lib/cgi-bin/openwebmail/;
05:21.10jlaKerr I bet that feels much better. java_vm can run away
05:21.19deadcatdondelelcaro: how do i rsync a 4gig file without using scp but i dont have rcp?
05:21.29Nwallinsmodule assistant was hosed.  it was looking for /usr/src/modules too i believe
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05:21.45dondelelcaromono: see as well
05:21.45jladeadcat rsync server
05:21.47Kerrjla: is there a way to stop stuff running away like that?
05:21.52jetscreamersometimes you have to explicitly install module-assitant
05:21.53F-LeloWELL...    I have a server with 2 valid IP adresses and I --need- to put (DNS) master and slave on the same server... How to proceed?
05:22.10dondelelcaroF-Lelo: why in *DEITY's* name would you bother to do that?
05:22.17deadcatjla: i just want to do a user to user
05:22.21dondelelcaroF-Lelo: just have the same dns server bound to both interfaces.
05:22.37monodondelelcaro, :perl -c /usr/lib/cgi-bin/openwebmail/ Args must match #! line at /usr/lib/cgi-bin/openwebmail/ line 1.
05:22.38jetscreamerdondelelcaro, i think that's what he wants to know how to do...
05:22.41jlaKerr depends on what started it. You could look into ulimit(ing) processes. I've never tried that for stuff like java_vm from a browser. I don't know if I'd want to ulimit my browser
05:22.46Nwallinsjetscreamer: when i did `module-assistant auto-install nvidia`   the program itself seems alright, but it couldn't open the buildlog though either
05:22.53jladeadcat on the same file system?
05:23.00deadcatjla: diff host
05:23.01jetscreamerNwallins, got build-essential ?
05:23.05F-Lelodondelelcaro: yes, but named complains about it ;(
05:23.14Kerrjla: java_vm was only 10026 kerr      17   0  224m  13m  47m S  0.0  5.2   0:00.64 java_vm
05:23.26jladeadcat well you have to get the data across the network  somehow. I was just giving a non-ssh non-rsh option.
05:23.30Kerrjla: i just thought 'blame it on java' and killed it anyway.
05:23.39deadcatjla: ah. i guess nfs.
05:23.54Myrenhow do i restrict find to a depth?
05:23.57jlaKerr there is usually more than one java_vm running.
05:24.03deadcatjla: ya. i tried but it still uses scp because i dont have rcp and rcp is pointing to scp
05:24.10jetscreamershfs is one way, only thing i could figure out quickly
05:24.16Kerrjla: ps aux only showed me one :-/
05:24.18jladeadcat rsync over nfs is very inefficient but if that's what you have, that's what you use.
05:24.18jetscreamerbuyt it's ssh basec
05:24.18Myreni've man'd through find dozens of times looking for how to do --max-depth=2 or somehting like that for find, i have no idea what to do
05:24.25Kerrjla: I think limewire did it..
05:24.46F-Lelodondelelcaro: Mar 02 02:24:19.380 /etc/named.conf:13: zone '': already exists
05:24.47Kerrthough i closes lime hours ago
05:24.53jlaKerr never used that *shrug*
05:25.09rixthJla, when I try and run Java now (i foudn it) I get
05:25.10rixthdebian:/home/rixth# java -jar gun.jar
05:25.10rixthUnrecognised command line option: -jar
05:25.11dondelelcaroF-Lelo: no, have the named bind to *:53, not just one interface.
05:25.19rixth(sorry for the semi flood :))
05:25.34F-Lelodondelelcaro: okay... let me check how to do that
05:25.59jlarixth try without -jar then. What java is that?
05:26.02Myrenhow do i make find stop recursing after it recurses past two subdirectories?
05:26.26Kerrthat was strange, but; thanks for your help; jla
05:26.29jlaMyren man find, maxdepth
05:26.42Kerr5:25am.. time for bed
05:26.57jlaKerr np. wierd indeed. Sys X% is important to watch. Means somethign is using a lot of sys calls
05:26.58rixthdebian:/home/rixth# java gun.jar
05:26.59rixthjava.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: gun/jar
05:27.03rixthIt's jamvm
05:27.06F-Lelodondelelcaro: don't know how to do that ;9
05:27.08F-Lelodondelelcaro: don't know how to do that ;(
05:28.06jlarixth hmm. does gun.jar require other jar's? Does it work with another java interpreter (like blackdown or sun or ...)
05:28.38dondelelcaroF-Lelo: use listen-on port 53 {somenetmask;}
05:28.45dondelelcaroF-Lelo: it's all described in the bind documentation
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05:29.29flurdoinghmm.. can someone help me out -- cpu usage is at 90% according to top but no item is above 1%, same thing in ps... my system is unbelievably slow.. is there a 'better' way to list running process - i fear a rouge program may be lurking
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05:30.08Vme-most of them don't come up, but i don't see any differences....i.e. permissions, size, etc..
05:30.30jlaflurdoing 90 processes at a constant 1% could do that too.
05:30.41deadcatVme-: what software you use for your photo album?
05:31.02Vme-i believe it was called Jalbulm
05:31.09F-Lelodondelelcaro; ok! Thanks mate
05:31.17flurdoingjla: i really dont think thats the case... :( the system was fine last month and there hasnt been anything significant added
05:31.19Vme-i believe it was called Jalbum
05:31.42*** part/#debian TheBlueWizard (
05:32.03jlaflurdoing desktop system, or server? has it been slow for a month, or just since booting today, or for the last week. ("was fine last month" implies it didn't start  doing this 10 minutes ago)
05:32.16flurdoingactually, all processes in ps --auxww are listed as using 0.0 - 0.1% yet cpu usage is so high as reported by top or the kicker thingy in kde..
05:32.21flurdoingyea it didnt start doing this 10 mins ago...
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05:32.40flurdoingno GUI atm...
05:32.53flurdoingand yet its still maxing out the proc
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05:33.48jlaflurdoing if youre logged into the console there should only be a handful of processes for your user.  Are there more?
05:33.48mrGenixushello. . . what's required to get nvidia hardware accel running/
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05:34.21flurdoingnope, just the usual ones for my user... and nothing odd when listing for all users
05:34.55flurdoingok i just did the math and i'm missing about 20% cpu :/
05:35.33jlastart stopping services to make the math easier/cleaner
05:35.46mrGenixushello? anybody can help me get nvidia hardware acceleration?
05:35.56rixthjla: sorry, I went away for a little. What I'm trying to run is the game Flying Guns
05:36.23jlarixth where from? I could see if it works with sun's jvm
05:36.37mrGenixusk, thanks, nite!
05:36.56Miuifgswhy it's not working useradd -u 1200 -g blabla  ??
05:37.22flurdoinghmm is there a quick debian way to raw read wtmp? would a lkm trojan be able to hide from wtmp? i'm really worried about the problem being related to some malware :/
05:38.41cg0defwhat pkg is make-kpkg part of?
05:38.41jlarixth probably need other stuff installed as per their site, like java3d
05:39.41dondelelcarocg0def: kernel-package
05:39.46dondelelcaro!tell cg0def about search
05:40.18jlaflourdoing lastlog?
05:40.38cg0defdondelelcaro: thanks
05:41.28Myrenwhy does lib6-dev require linux-kernel-headers, and why are the only ones available 2.5.99?
05:41.28jlaflourdoing or last
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05:41.53jlaflourdoing there is a root kit checking package.
05:41.53rixthOh yes, I'll check that out.
05:42.58FieldySnutsthat and/or rkhunter
05:42.59jlaflurdoing that sounds right. Have you killed off all unnecessary processes to get your ps  list down to a screenful yet?
05:43.14flurdoinghehe not exactly a screenfull, but i did some pruning :)
05:43.32flurdoingthere are a few that wont go away, like getty... which i dont need... /me apt-get removes
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05:43.51Xenguyflurdoing: I quite like rkhunter
05:44.15flurdoingXenguy: cool, i've not tried it.. i'll give it a shot next :)
05:44.40jlaflourdoing you use some other tty controller?
05:44.40Xenguyflurdoing: there's no deb yet AFAIK, but quite easy to install/maintain without that
05:45.01flurdoingXenguy: I noticed :)
05:45.10flurdoingXenguy: np tho
05:45.35rbrenartA few moments ago my system just started hitting the hard drive pretty consistently... it's now finishing up whatever it was doing and stopping... but I was wondering, if it starts up again, is there a simple command to find out what processes are accessing the filesystem?
05:45.45Xenguyrbrenart: top
05:45.46deadcatmwilson: line 349 of what? autocmd?
05:45.55inc|freakywhat kde does sarge have?
05:45.59rbrenartXenguy: Which fields would be useful in top for that?
05:46.34flurdoingrbrenart: try lsof too-- it tells u what processes are accessing what files
05:46.42Xenguyrbrenart: try playing with '>' and '<' to change the sort field (e.g. CPU, memory)
05:47.01Xenguyrbrenart: top defaults to CPU AFAIK
05:47.27Xenguyrbrenart: you can filter output by user also
05:48.22jlarbrenart what is your local time?
05:48.43Vme-is someting like this possible?
05:49.09Vme-i want to make all my files that end in 'jpg' end in 'JPG'
05:49.10rbrenartjla: 11:48 PM, why do you ask?
05:49.20jlarbrenart hmm. not cron.daily then
05:49.38rbrenartoh, my system is off, it did just cross midnight
05:49.45XenguyVme-: it is possible, and yes it should be easier :-)
05:50.02rbrenartjla: It's a laptop, and every time it suspends, it comes up way fast, so it just crossed midnight on the last wakeup
05:50.14jlarbrenart default for cron.daily run is 6:25am on debian
05:50.33jlarbrenart cron.hourly?
05:50.52luulisVme-: rename 's/.jpg$/.JPG/' *.jpg
05:51.02rbrenartjla: Actually I think it was just cleaning up some temp files after doing some photo work... I'm curious in how I'd find out than what was going on this particular time
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05:51.28XenguyVme-: another way: instal 'mmv', then do something like -> mmv '*.html' '#1.shtml'
05:53.04XenguyVme-: luulis' idea seems simplest (requires perl)
05:54.56peterSXenguy: indeed, but lots of things require perl, so very few debian systems won't have it
05:55.11XenguypeterS: true enough
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05:55.32deadcatmwilson: your vimrc on your page?
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05:56.24jond3rdis imp part of horde in debian package? or I really need to install imp separetely?
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06:00.25jair_11guys I am trying to set up my "vsftpd" server
06:00.40jair_11jetscreamer, how are you?
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06:01.17jair_11jetscreamer, I am trying to configure my ftp server "vsftpd" have you heard of it?
06:02.01jetscreamerjair_11, i heard of it but i know nothing... btw, way to stick to it
06:02.02Myrenis the stlport the stl distro?  isnt the stl included in libstdc++6?
06:02.26Myreni can get rid of libstlport-dev and still devel stl apps right?
06:02.27jair_11guys If I had on my computer only 1 HD = hda and when I install Linux the partitions created were hda1 "/" and hda2 swap
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06:02.36jetscreamerto it, with it...
06:02.45jetscreamerjair_11, yes, or the other way around
06:03.23jair_11now I have another HD IDE internal
06:03.34jetscreamerthere was some guy stuck his swap on hda1, and / on hda2, but i forget who
06:04.06jair_11I added the second HD = hdb1 and I mount it on a folder "/storage2"
06:04.18jetscreamerwhich ribbon cable did you connect this second drive to .. ok ok same as the first hd
06:04.52jetscreamerwhat fs and don't hit that enter key as much :)
06:04.55jair_11then I add the line on the sftab
06:05.22jair_11but I will need now to do some changes on the OS
06:05.48jair_11for example I need to install Kinux again on the hda1 hda2
06:06.03jlajair_11 reinstalling the whole system?
06:06.06jair_11because I have knoppix on it and I want to have all fresh debian
06:06.15jair_11jla, kind of
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06:06.18jetscreamerjair_11, knoppix on the second hd?
06:06.35jlajair_11 do you need the space on hdb, or do you want to preserve /storage2?
06:06.41jair_11nope I need to remove knoppix from my system to install sarge debian
06:06.52jetscreamerwhich hd is knoppix on.. hda1?
06:07.17jlayes what. yes you need the space, yes you want to preserve the stuff in /storage2
06:07.21jetscreamererr partition
06:07.23jair_11jla, I want to preserve for 100% the hdb1 = '/storage2"
06:07.35jetscreamerok don't do anything to hdb1
06:07.45inc|freakycan linux still only mount ntfs partitions read only?
06:07.46jetscreamerand don't tell the installer to 'format' it
06:07.48jair_11jetscreamer, knoppix in on the hda1
06:08.02jetscreamerjair_11, ok np just dont tell it to use hdb
06:08.02jlajair_11 re-install with sarge debian installer, only format hda and then mount hdb1 as custom mount /storage2
06:08.06dpkgadd a line similar to: /dev/hdd1 /mnt/hdd1 ntfs ro,users,auto,gid=24,uid=1001,fmask=0333,dmask=0222 to your fstab... change the hdxx and uid, and maybe the gid if you want. and you should want.
06:08.13jetscreamerwht jla said
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06:08.46jetscreamerdpkg, s/should/probably/
06:08.55cg0defI have and amd64 kernel running on a 32 bit debian should I install the 64 bit ati drivers or the 32bit ones?
06:08.57jlaI wouldn't trust rw ntfs still though
06:09.02inc|freakyro-ntfs = read only ntfs?
06:09.11jetscreameri didn't tell the rw one :)
06:09.22figfigwhat is the purpose of the --nocheck option in dpkg-deb (I know what it does, but why would you want to use it)?
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06:09.46jetscreamererr didn't teach dpkg the rw one
06:10.11jlacg0def I'd guess 64b w/ a 64bit kernel, but try both and let us know. Then I'll know when I get a 64 bit processor :)
06:10.11Angelsdemonanyone have experience with wireless usb adapters?
06:10.21jetscreameryeah in xp for a bud
06:10.35jetscreamercan't even get him off aol... sheesh
06:10.43helixcat: how old are you?
06:10.44jlainc|freaky it seems that knoppix allows a rw mount of ntfs
06:10.50cg0defjla: well the driver should be 32bit but I am not sure about the kernel module
06:10.58inc|freakyi dont want knoppix ;)
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06:11.05inc|freakyi luv debian ;DD
06:11.12cg0defjla: it is a 32 bit kernel even though it supports a 64 bit processor
06:11.15dpkgcaptive is probably The first kind of free if you squint NTFS read/write filesystem for GNU/Linux.
06:11.19Myreni need to stop adding ubuntu packages very badly.  but theres so many stupid tempting things, half of them i built straight from CVS now.
06:11.22cg0defjla: so I suppose it should be 32 bit too
06:11.25jlainc|freaky "can linux still only mount ntfs partitions read only?"
06:11.30alusjla: probably rw NTFS4, but r NTFS5
06:11.30jair_11jla, so what about if now I remove the line: /dev/hdb1  /storage2  ext3  defaults 1 1  from fstab file then umount or reboot the system, the the hdb will not even appear anymore on the "/storage2" folder. and I can then format the hda an install sarge with no problem then later use again the moun command and add the line back to the fstab?
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06:11.42jlacg0def makes sense
06:11.50jetscreamerahh.. oops i didn't read that correctly then
06:12.06jetscreameryes jair_11
06:12.07jlaalus probably. I didn't dare write :)
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06:12.32jair_11I can delete this line then: /dev/hdb1  /stuff  ext3  defaults 1 1
06:12.35jetscreamerjair_11, but if you erase the hd on install no need to remove and umount
06:12.41jlajair_11 the installer will ignore /etc/fstab since you're re-formatting. It will auto-detect hda and hdb. Just don't format hdb
06:12.42cg0defjla: yeah but the ati build scripts are being a bitch
06:12.47jetscreamerit won't read your old settings or anything
06:12.48inc|freakyjla: thx ;)
06:13.00jetscreamerwhat he said
06:13.05jair_11jla, clear
06:13.14jair_11I have a lot of important information
06:13.44Angelsdemonyou know.... debian is great.... just fyi ^^
06:13.46jetscreamerif you're REALLY worried about it, unplug the power to the hd while installing
06:13.56Angelsdemonalthough ati doesn't seem to like it too mcuh
06:14.16jetscreamerdisabling stuff in bios doesn't work in linux btw
06:14.44figfigdoes anyone know what dpkg-deb --nocheck does?
06:14.58Angelsdemonjair_11: if you plan on wiping your hda... why bother with the fstab?
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06:15.16jair_11Angelsdemon, thnak you I understand now
06:15.32jair_11thank you jla and jetscreamer :)
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06:15.54jair_11jla, have you ever set up vsftpd?
06:15.58jlajair_11 np, good luck. do expert or expert26 and don't partition or format stuff on hdb and you'll be set
06:16.11figfigjair_ll it is actually --nocheck
06:16.18Lee__big weird problem: my PS/2 mouse will not be detected by xfree. If I 'cat /dev/input/mice' it says 'no such device' yet there clearly is a file called /dev/input/mice
06:16.28jair_11figfig, --nocheck?
06:16.34jetscreamerhey you're right :)
06:16.35jlajair_11 I am normally opposed to ftp, but I think I did just last week, if it's the one that configures like apache with <bla> directives. Pretty flexible and easy whatever it was
06:16.56jetscreamerjair he meant me
06:17.02figfigjair_ll yup, that is what it is.
06:17.02jlaLee__ cat /dev/psaux ?
06:17.05kaplanfxis there a telnet client packaged for debian that will display old school ansi color bbs' correctly (with the color blocks instead of funky chars)?
06:17.12Lee__2.6 kernel, /dev/psaux is gone.
06:17.15kaplanfxI tried using telnet and putty so far
06:17.21jair_11because I would like to know how to configure apache as well
06:17.29gekkitoi'm trying to mount my usb key....mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/usb...but i get "wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock....", why?
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06:17.43jetscreamerlee, a common thing in 2.6 that i've seen is the need to modprobe mousedev a lot
06:17.45Lee__gekkito: give mount a -t vfat probably
06:17.49jetscreamerLee__, rather
06:18.02figfiggekkito: are you using the correct type option?
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06:18.07gekkitoLee__: tried that and didn't work either
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06:18.19jair_11the 4 projects where I am working right now are: 1- vsftpd 2- postfix 3- openvpn 4- apache server
06:18.32Lee__jetscreamer: well hell. thanks.
06:18.42harryvvBTW, is there a way to barge in on a call to interupt it if needed? In a case say in the States if a called party is tied up with a call and somone else is trying to break into the call for a emergency reason can that be done on asterisk? That is not permited here in canada.
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06:18.46jair_11and I am like crazy looking for manuals, howt0, tutorials. etc.
06:18.48gekkitofigfig: what is the correct type option?
06:18.53Lee__gekkito: maybe just /dev/sda?
06:18.54jlajair_11 I think it was proftpd. I tried vs and didn't like it for some reason. It was making it difficult to do the custom stuff I wanted and proftpd did the trick
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06:19.07peethey can i install the rpm packages for ati drivers?
06:19.12maherhow do i execute a script as tho I were cron?
06:19.34jetscreamerLee__, you seem to be knowing so you know to add it to /etc/modules for load_on_boot eh
06:19.39jair_11jla, but I was reading and heard about "vsftpd" the best right now
06:19.44alus!tell peet about alien
06:19.44AngelsdemonLee__ : do "fdisk -l"
06:19.44gekkitoLee__: nop, same error
06:19.54Lee__jetscreamer: ya, thanks though.
06:19.56jlaLee__ interesting.  2.6.8-2-k7 crw-rw----  1 root root 10, 1 Mar  1 19:09 /dev/psaux
06:19.57figfigpeet: I think there is a rpm to deb conversion util, but I don't know anything about it.
06:20.22AngelsdemonLee__ : that will show it's file system...
06:20.27alus!tell figfig about alien
06:20.30jlajair_11 many people say it's very secure (maybe the name sticks in their heads). It seemed good, but not flexible enough for what I needed
06:20.54Lee__woah, this is weird. so X starts now and gives me a mouse pointer doesn't move!!
06:20.54AngelsdemonLee__ : then just do: "mount -t xxxx /dev/sda......"
06:20.57peetfigfig: well i looked in synaptic and RPM is installed, so does taht mean i can use rpmss?
06:20.58jlajair_11 proftp was very apache like to config, a plus for me. Someday I expect that apache2 will do ftp.
06:21.14Lee__Angelsdemon: wrong guy, gekkito asked the question
06:21.24peetalus: i have an rpm package installed in apt-get does that mean im rpm ready?
06:21.31AngelsdemonLee__ : oops... sorry...
06:21.46jair_11jla, ohh ok
06:21.48Angelsdemongekkito : read what i wrote to Lee__
06:21.51jetscreamerps2 i guess, or is it usb?  maybe modprobe psmouse, but that one usually works by itself
06:21.54aluspeet: no clue
06:22.05Lee__it's PS/2
06:22.11gekkitoAngelsdemon: not supported by kernel
06:22.11jair_11jla, do you know a very easy to follow apache tutorial that I can get?
06:22.22figfigpeet: I don't know much about rpms in debian.
06:22.39jetscreameralien+rpm functions, i dunno what rpm by itself does
06:22.55jlajair_11 hmm. not offhand. I just read the config file comments and looked up how directives worked on
06:22.56Lee__jetscreamer: psmouse was the one. thanks. this seems almost like a bug...
06:22.57Angelsdemongekkito :what kernel you running?
06:23.07jetscreamerLee__, yeah i know
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06:23.24jetscreameron discover or hotplug though i guess
06:23.27jetscreamernot sure
06:23.57Lee__Maya 6 is only shiped via RPM, and Alien does convert the RPM to a .deb but I don't have a licence so I don't know if it actually runs  :)
06:24.25jair_11jla, ok
06:24.27jair_11thank you
06:24.28cafuegoLee__: Does it whine about missing libs or depends after installation?
06:24.48jair_11jla, do I need to set up a real domain name at the installaetion?
06:25.00Lee__it needs some arcane version of some IRIX GUI library
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06:25.12Angelsdemongekkito : try "cfdisk /dev/sda"
06:25.14cafuegopeet: *do not* use 'rpm' to install software. Convert it to a deb in 'alien'
06:25.19jair_11jla, or I can configure it with a fake one then later apply the static IP and the real stuff
06:25.24jlajair_11 it is easiest that way if you don't know where to go to change stuff, but it can all be changed later
06:25.25cafuegoLee__: libXm?
06:25.32Lee__but they appear to have updated version 6 to actually use a modern libstdc++  :)
06:25.33jlahow long is later?
06:25.40jair_11jla, ok
06:25.40Lee__ya, libXm
06:25.55cafuegoLee__: Just use lesstiff, should be compatible.
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06:26.10jair_11jla, 1 week
06:26.10Lee__that's it OpenMotif
06:26.15jlajair_11 you could use a private ip and make up your own hostname like server.jair
06:26.16soren9580i'm trying to run ircd and i keep getting this error: do not run ircd setuid root.
06:26.22Lee__but Alias says that's a no-no  :)
06:26.30soren9580but when i try to run it as a regular user it says permission denied
06:26.34soren9580how do i start ircd?
06:26.40cafuegoOr the acual payware Motif source is available somewhere too, I used to have a copy <heh>
06:26.41gekkitoAngelsdemon: Fatal Error, bad primary partition 0: partition ends in the final partial cylinder
06:26.45jair_11jla, until I figure put all the network parameters, static IP, web site on place, etc.
06:26.53gekkitoAngelsdemon: but on sda1 works
06:27.08Angelsdemongekkito :what file sys does it claim?
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06:27.09Lee__I love it. Linux warez!
06:27.18gekkitoAngelsdemon: fstype: FAT16
06:27.20jlasoren9580 how about invoke-rc.d ircd as root?
06:27.32jair_11jla, you mean a share server on my intranet?
06:27.57cafuegoLee__: it's l33+!
06:28.07soren9580invoke-rc.d? not found
06:28.11dpkgi guess warez is what GNU/Linux people do not need to run their computers and talk about in mundane ubergeek parties., or
06:28.16jlajair_11 if you have an intranet I mean use a name appropriate for it while configuring. Then you have a domain name to work with for the next week
06:28.19cafuegoLee__: Well, it used to be back when I was half my current age <heh>
06:28.44jair_11ohhh ok
06:28.59Angelsdemongekkito :did you try "mount -t vfat /dev/sda1 /...."?
06:29.04Lee__Alias won't even endores any distros except Fedora (maybe RHEL) and Suse
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06:29.31soren9580how do i identify myself in IRC so i can join certain channels
06:29.39gekkitoAngelsdemon: yep....tried it with "-t vfat", and "-t msdos" luck
06:29.52AngelsDemongekkito : what error did it give?
06:30.03bob2soren9580: /msg nickserv help
06:30.13AngelsDemongekkito are you doing this as root?
06:30.22gekkitoAngelsdemon: yep
06:30.49gekkitoAngelsdemon: error: "wrong fstype, bad option, bad superblock...."
06:30.49AngelsDemongekkito this is a flash drive... correct?
06:30.54AngelsDemongekkito usb?
06:31.07gekkitoAngelsdemon: correct...usb flash drive kingston
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06:31.15gekkitoAngelsdemon: 128 MB
06:31.22AngelsDemongekkito :hmm... good namebrand at least....
06:31.35AngelsDemongekkito do you have another comp to try it on?
06:31.36gekkitoAngelsdemon: :)
06:31.57gekkitoAngelsdemon: yep, but with windows
06:32.00Lee__what are the big differences between hotplug and discover?
06:32.13Lee__gekkito: what's dmesg say?
06:32.13AngelsDemongekkito did you try it on there?
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06:32.58Lee__pr, is it a Bad Idea to have both hotplug and discover installed at once?
06:33.02valdyn_Lee__: discover runs once to detect hardware, discover gets called from the kernel when new hardware is plugged in
06:33.19gekkitoAngelsdemon: i just double checked right now...working perfectly in windows
06:33.20valdyn_Lee__: discover runs once to detect hardware, *hotplug* gets called from the kernel when new hardware is plugged in
06:33.29jetscreamerholy fuck ubuntu donated 96 bucks to freenode and debian only donated 48? that's pathetic
06:33.43jetscreamerand we're waaaay down on the list
06:33.48Lee__valdyn_: so they do the same thing?
06:33.56mwilsonUbuntu has a sugar daddy.
06:33.57AngelsDemongekkito: ok... well there goes the corrupted part table i was thinking of.....
06:34.05gekkitoLee__: dmesg says: "can't find a valid FAT filesystem on dev sda1"
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06:34.26gekkitoAngelsdemon: corrupted part table?
06:34.26AngelsDemongekkito : try -t autofs
06:34.28valdyn_Lee__: initially, rougly, yea, i suppose, but hotplug gets called each time you plug a hotplug device
06:34.29jetscreamerdiscover also tries to load stuff on_boot, which is still exactly what valdyn_ said
06:34.37jetscreamererr s/discover/hotplug/
06:34.37Lee__perhaps hotplug + discover will conflict then looking for the mouse driver and not load any at all?
06:34.41AngelsDemongekkito : yeah....
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06:35.01jetscreamerLee__, *usually* psmouse does get loaded htough
06:35.07Lee__gekkito: you didn't format it NTFS, did you?
06:35.11AngelsDemongekkito i've seen it happen before... the partition table (granted it usually contains only one entry for the whole thing) sometimes gets corrupted
06:35.14Nwallinsdmesg | grep nvidia  -  nvidia: module license 'NVIDIA' taints kernel.  Is the nvidia module installed correctly?
06:35.18gekkitoAngelsdemon: -t autofs gives the same error as if i do a -t vfat
06:35.25valdyn_Lee__: not normally.
06:35.27AngelsDemongekkito ok...
06:35.42jetscreameryes that license thing doesn't affect the modules functionality Nwallins
06:35.49jetscreamerunless you installed it wrong
06:35.50Lee__jetscreamer: this system is kind of fucked, I built a custom kernel before 2.6.8 was in sarge and removed it just today. Don't know how that broke it but something did.
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06:36.12Nwallinsjetscreamer: yeah it's not that..  X is hanging and i'm trying to check things off the list
06:36.13spowersholy wow there are a lot of people in here
06:36.13gekkitoAngelsdemon: so....i guess i'll have to reformat it or something
06:36.25Lee__Nwallins: that means if your system dies cause of your video driver there is nothing you can do except complain to Nvidia
06:36.26unknown_lamerspowers: not really
06:36.29jetscreamerNwallins, /var/log
06:36.48valdyn_Lee__: the purpose is entirely different, discover is to load drivers for devies it finds, hotplug gets told by the kernel if something is found. ( after the initial setup ). The kernel actually calls /sbin/hotplug
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06:36.59jetscreamerand the nvidia stuff works fine when you do it right... but doing it right, that's the trick
06:37.03gekkitoLee__: well...NTFS not that I know....but cfdisk /dev/sda1 states fstype=FAT16
06:37.16AngelsDemongekkito : plug it in your windows machine, copy the data, format it as a fat sys... then copy data back
06:37.17spowersunknown_lamer: well, idling at least. it's an interesting case for the IRC protocol
06:37.24Nwallinsyeah.  all the nvidia-kernel packages got bumped into unstable, which threw off module-assistant
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06:37.31Lee__!tell Nwallins about nvidia
06:37.34peetcafuego: ok i wanted to install ati drivers that were provided in rpm form, so can i just alien that?
06:37.46Nwallinsthanks Lee, but that's out of date because of above issue
06:37.48gekkitoAngelsdemon: ok, thankx
06:37.49jetscreameryes peet
06:37.56Lee__!tell peetabout ati
06:37.57valdyn_peet: /msg dpkg ati
06:38.33Lee__Nwallins: I got nvidia drivers installed that way with a Quadro on 2.6.8 + sarge
06:38.47jetscreameri don't know what it's like now, but i found the nvidia-installer a lot easier to deal with
06:38.52AngelsDemongekkito: let me know if that works
06:38.58jetscreamerback then
06:39.03Lee__I'm fond of module-assistant
06:39.08moloanyone know anything about GTK 1.2 breakage in sarge?
06:39.25AngelsDemongekkito: you might have to recompile your kernel with more devices added
06:39.28Nwallinsmodule-assistant worked great once nvidia-kernel-source was installed from sid
06:39.36peetjetscreamer: ok so if i alien it it should work right?
06:39.41jetscreameryes peet
06:39.45valdyn_peet: NO
06:39.45EvanCarrollnothing aliened works right
06:39.46jetscreamerso it says
06:39.46peetjetscreamer: i tried following hte tutorial to no avail
06:40.00Lee__Do I want to entrust font management to defoma? i never really knew what that question was for.
06:40.02jetscreamerpeet, no idea i'm a diehard nvda fan
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06:40.07jetscreameryes Lee__
06:40.09peetvaldyn_: the tutoral no work for me
06:40.10jetscreameryou do
06:40.12EvanCarrollLee__: yes
06:40.24Lee__what could be some cases to not?
06:40.28valdyn_!doesn't work
06:40.28dpkgLook buddy, doesn't work is an ambiguous statement.  Does it sit on the couch all day?  Does it want more money?  Does it waste its time on IRC all day long?  Please be specific!  Define 'it' and what it isn't doing.
06:40.29jetscreamerLee__, don't let discover manage mount points btw
06:40.34jetscreamerif you're a font god?
06:40.43Lee__I am not a font god
06:41.04Nwallinsi said yes once and found out later that i had no applicable fonts
06:41.25EvanCarrollfonts are for newbs
06:41.29jetscreamerthat sounds difficult to do, Nwallins :)
06:41.35Lee__I gave up on automounting stuff and just stuck to Gnome's "computer" window. Got cdroms and a USB drive to mount that was  :)
06:41.44Crow-Fuck! Why does the installer not support usb keyboards?
06:41.52gekkitoAngelsdemon: sure, another question...where can i see a list of all packages available to download with apt-get...i mean sometimes i want to install software but i just don't know the package's name
06:41.54Nwallinswell.. so i've said no ever since and my fonts are completely satisfying in every way
06:41.59jetscreamerCrow-, turn on dos usb supoprt in bios
06:42.00dpkgextra, extra, read all about it, fuck is a wonderful, versitile word, that you should use as often as you can.
06:42.09Nwallins!fuck himself
06:42.22Crow-jethro: i have... i'll try again.
06:42.30jetscreamerno idea then
06:42.31gekkitoAngelsdemon: recompiling the kernel....that 'd be a fun ride
06:42.45Lee__gekkito: apt-get install synaptic
06:42.54jetscreameroh Nwallins .. #nvidia
06:43.04Nwallinsyeah.. thanks for the help though
06:43.08jetscreamercompiling a kernel is easy
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06:43.16AngelsDemongekkito: have you tried aptitude?
06:43.21Lee__compiling a kernel makes me want to die
06:43.22jetscreameri thought it'd be a lot harder
06:43.31Lee__cause it takes so long
06:43.42cathow can u see wvm?
06:43.44Crow-jetscreamer: btw, usb keyboard is enabled in bios.. it doesnt work with bf2.4
06:43.51cafuegoDoes php4 work with apache2-mpm-threaded these days?
06:43.57Nwallinsit seems like every time i stray off the path for software X, it hoses the installation for package Y
06:43.57jetscreamerCrow-, is this a server? get d-i man!
06:44.01AngelsDemongekkito: i tend to use it alot because it makes it easier on dependencies
06:44.07catis any way that u can see wvm/
06:44.44AngelsDemongekkito: otherwise... you can use: apt-get update;apt-cache search xxxxxxxxx
06:44.57jetscreamerthey need to put a disclaimer type link on the woody download page to d-i dangit
06:45.27gekkitoAngelsdemon, Lee__: aptitude, synaptic ...both package managers i guess?
06:45.33jetscreamerthat was if it's not a server get d-i
06:45.41Crow-jetsreamer: yes it is. ahh nice. It's been over a year since ive used debian.. glad to see bootfloppies is not the only answer anymore
06:45.51jetscreameryes gekkito but...
06:45.55dpkg[dselect] a wonderful UI for package management.  or really more powerful than apt-get or the only thing that provides FULL data when making decisions on whether to install a package.  most people should not hate dselect but some seem to have been told to.  just read the help screens, or <Ozzie> is there a dselect howto? - Yes there is: ...
06:45.56jetscreameris your god
06:46.01jetscreamererr their god
06:46.10AngelsDemongekkito: i prefere aptitude (although i know a few people that want to kill me for saying that) but you can just hit "u" and it updates, and tells you all the new packages and updated packages, then just hit "g" twice to get the files
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06:46.25jetscreameractually no aptitude is the new default
06:46.28Lee__!tell gekkito about synaptic
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06:47.23jetscreamerit depends on the depends...
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06:48.12jetscreameri found out recently this guy i've known for a long time has had to wear depends for a long time...
06:48.19AngelsDemondpkg yeah... dselect is good... but aptitude is much easier i find for newer people to linux....
06:48.19dpkgokay, AngelsDemon
06:48.37jetscreamerdpkg, forget yeah...
06:48.37dpkgi didn't have anything called 'yeah...' to forget, jetscreamer
06:48.39gekkitoi'll have a look at those 3...although dselect was a little bit ackward...i tried during debian install
06:48.44jetscreamerdpkg, forget yeah... dselect
06:48.44dpkgi forgot yeah... dselect, jetscreamer
06:49.20jetscreameraptitude for console, and it's the new d-i default package manager.. synaptic for gui
06:49.58Lee__yea! X is working again! with a mouse!
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06:50.34gekkitoi see
06:50.52jetscreamer!X en es wtf is this!
06:50.54dpkg¡el wtf es éste!
06:51.11Lee__time to load the christina aguliera GDM login screen and make friends cringe and laugh
06:51.31jetscreameredit /etc/gdm/gdm.conf for a few tweaks
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06:51.39jetscreamerbut you probably know that
06:51.57AngelsDemongekkito ... i would recomed aptitude if you want a nice easy setup
06:51.58Lee__a friend and I made our own theme. it's not online but it's hidious.
06:52.18CokeEvery day I logon to freenode, someone has taken my nick so I have to recover and release it. Is it any way to prevent people from using it while I'm not online?
06:52.38jetscreamerCoke, it's called /msg nickserv help
06:52.44jetscreameroh nm
06:52.50AngelsDemongekkito  unless you know what you want, then it's "apt-get install xxxx" all the way
06:52.53gekkitoAngelsDemon: thanx for the tip
06:53.07jetscreamernot sure about keeping it free when not in use.. you could autoidentify, i do
06:53.40Cokejetscreamer: or /msg nickserv set secure on
06:53.56CokeI already did that, but it seems that setting has been lost.
06:54.17Cokea long time ago.
06:54.17jetscreamersomebody in #freenode would know
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06:54.34gekkitoAngelsDemon: i just formatted usb key....same errors as before...cfdisk states fstype is now "W95 FAT32"
06:54.40Cokeyeah, well, I turned secure on again. i hope it stays secure.
06:55.00peetok so i have 2.6.8-2-k7 kernel image on my setup but i want the sources and there are none listed in apt-cache?
06:55.14gekkitoAngelsDemon: tried -t vfat ... autofs
06:55.19Lee__gekkito: what does 'lsmod | grep fat' say?
06:55.24Cokepeet: you're not looking for -k7 in the sources?
06:55.31AngelsDemongekkito: ok.. well that's a start
06:55.36Cokepeet: just 2.6.8 sources
06:55.42AngelsDemongekkito both failed? or did they work?
06:55.47Lee__peet: apt-cache search kernel-sources
06:56.17peetok cuz i want to build the ati drivers (again) and they need the sources
06:56.21gekkitoLee__: vfat 1, fat 2 msdos, vfat
06:56.26peetso the 2.6.8 sources shoudl work with the -2-k7 image right?
06:56.30gekkitoAngelsDemon: both failed
06:56.41Cokepeet: no
06:56.51A-liyaoshianybody try  or have  run the apt tools in redhat ?
06:56.51Cokepeet: the source and the image don't work together in any way
06:56.51AngelsDemongekkito hmm....
06:56.57Cokepeet: the sources are for building an image
06:57.04Lee__peet: yes, I did it this afternoon
06:57.20disasmA-liyaoshi: what does that have to do with debian out of curiosity?
06:57.26Lee__but you end up making your own kernel so the -k7 is kind of irrelevant
06:57.30peetLee__: ok so i can use the 2.6.8 sources with -2-k7 image? cool
06:57.31A-liyaoshijust have fun
06:57.36Cokepeet: NO
06:57.38Lee__I named my kernel *-ati
06:57.42Cokepeet: you DON'T use the source with the iamge
06:57.48Cokepeet: the image is the produce of the sources
06:57.54CokeLee__: quit messing with his head
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06:58.02Lee__sorry. I didn't fully understand.
06:58.11A-liyaoshidisasm :have you try it?
06:58.12Cokepeet: if you install the sources and build your own kernel you won't need the kernel image you are currently using.
06:58.13disasmA-liyaoshi: no i haven't avoid rpm distros like the plague, i'd use lfs before fc or mdk
06:58.15AngelsDemongekkito: try doing: mount /dev/sd*1 /....
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06:58.22peetCoke: well my point is that the ati drivers need the source to compile and there is no source for the image im using
06:58.24AngelsDemongekkito it should autodetect it
06:58.31Cokepeet: no, it needs the headers
06:58.51peetCoke: i have the headers but the tutorial calls for the source
06:59.03Cokepeet: but if you use the sources it will be a NEW kernel which is probably not compatible with the image you are currently using and it's modules.
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06:59.11dpkgi heard kp is To compile a kernel The Debian Way (tm) "apt-get install kernel-package build-essential" and follow the instructions in /usr/share/doc/kernel-package/README.gz or when it bitches, rm -rf stamp-* debian before you run it again, or ask me about 'make-kpkg' and 'kp mantra', or, or (read Rationale.gz in the doc directory too)
06:59.13AngelsDemongekkito if that doesn't work... try doing -t msdos
06:59.23Lee__I had to rebuild the source cause the dude recommended to set CONFIG_FB=NO
06:59.37Cokepeet: I don't know about ATI, I use nvidia, but let's say you need the sources, that's ok.
06:59.53abrocadabroI have a php file which uses mysql_connect(), and the error says it's undefined, which package do I need to install to get it?
06:59.58gekkitoAngelsDemon: no luck...did -t msdos, -t vfat, -t autofs
07:00.03Cokepeet: but the sources and the image you build from those sources have nothing to do with the kernel-image-2.6.8-2-k7 you are currently running.
07:00.16shingouz!tell peet about ati
07:00.17peetCoke: i dont want to makea new kernel image
07:00.18AngelsDemongekkito did you try just NOT specifying a type?
07:00.23gekkitoAngelsDemon: but yesterday a friend tried his usb and it worked perfectly
07:00.25disasmabrocadabro: mysql and php-mysql probly
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07:00.36gekkitoAngelsDemon: yes I says I must specify one
07:00.38peetCoke: i just want to install the drivers which require the source for the image im using
07:00.46disasmabrocadabro: err php4-mysql
07:00.57peetshingouz: yes that is the tut im using
07:00.57AngelsDemongekkito is there a light on the flash drive? for when it's working?
07:01.03Cokepeet: ok. you want to know if building the ATI-driver using the 2.6.8 source will provide a kernel module compatible with the 2.6.8-2-k7 image?
07:01.08EvanCarrollAnyone here know how to fix a error 513 relaying delayed, i'm using courier-mta
07:01.17peetCoke: yes
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07:01.32EvanCarrollpeet: yes, just make k7 your acheticture when you compile
07:01.50EvanCarrollpeet: if you use menuconfig it will be under general options i believe
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07:01.55gekkitoAngelsDemon: yes and it's on
07:02.02abrocadabrodisasm:I did have php4-mysql installed according to dpkg
07:02.02peetEvanCarroll: im not compiling a new kernel, im jus tocmpiling ati drivers
07:02.04AngelsDemonon solid? or flashing?
07:02.07CokeEvanCarroll: no, he doesn't want to compile the kernel
07:02.11gekkitoAngelsDemon: solid
07:02.21gekkitoAngelsDemon: do you thinks it's just my usb key?
07:02.25Cokepeet: ok. I'm not sure. it sounds weird that ATI would require the sources to the kernel.
07:02.25AngelsDemongekkito is that what its usually doing?
07:02.27roo9for some reason even setting "Advertise this list" to yes does not cause the list to show up on the listinfo page, mailman 2.0.11, any ideas how to get mailman to show the list?
07:02.30peetCoke: is there a patch that i can patch the sources to -2-k7
07:02.31EvanCarroll... the ati drivers have nothing to do with k7
07:02.38gekkitoAngelsDemon: it usually flashes
07:02.41AngelsDemongekkito not really....
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07:02.46peetEvanCarroll: they require the source config i guess or something
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07:02.55Cokepeet: try installing kernel-headers-2.6.8-2-k7
07:02.56peetEvanCarroll: which my current image lacks
07:02.57abrocadabrodisasm: I have php4, php4-common, php4-mysql
07:02.59AngelsDemongekkito my wireless usb adapter does the same thing.... it just stays on
07:02.59EvanCarrollpeet: but k7 referrs to AMD
07:03.02Cokepeet: no
07:03.12AngelsDemongekkito it means that it detects it... just isn't quite sure what to do with it
07:03.19Cokepeet: the patches are already applied and the -k7 indicates the target architecture which is determined during compile!
07:03.32gekkitoAngelsDemon: I see
07:03.32peetCoke: i have tried it but i dont' really understand how to implement it with the tutorial
07:03.38Cokepeet: try installing the package I mentioned and try installing ati's drivers again
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07:03.54shingouzpeet: all 2.6.8 kernels are built of the same source. it doesnt matter if the kernel itself is named i386 or k7 or whatever. still the same source..
07:03.54peetCoke: i have tried it already =\
07:04.04abrocadabrodisasm: this page used to be hosted by FC3 since we were attacked due to outdated phpbb , I switched it to debian sarge
07:04.05AngelsDemongekkito most likely.... the "drivers" for it aren't being loaded
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07:04.08chocobobbyAnyone have experience troubleshooting isapnp cards (i.e. modems)?
07:04.11EvanCarrollpeet: not to shoot you off topic here, but ati drivers are a myth - i can't get mine working =/
07:04.13peetshingouz: so then i should be fine using the 2.6.8 source right?
07:04.20shingouzpeet: yes
07:04.28peetEvanCarroll: ill keep trying =\
07:04.32peetEvanCarroll: been at it for a week
07:04.35gekkitoAngelsDemon: maybe the kernel needs a new module?
07:04.39abrocadabrodisasm: do you reckon it has incompability problems?
07:04.43Cokepeet: unfortunately, you have to know a thing or two when compiling kernels. I don't think you need the compile the kernel or even have the sources for the ATI driver, that would be insane, but I don't know for sure since I use nvidia.
07:04.52AlexPerryAnybody here happen to be familiar with the mailing list rules - in practice?
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07:04.56Cokepeet: and nvidia (and any other proprietary driver I've used) just need the headers.
07:04.57festerhi i cant manage to get libXrandr to install
07:05.05AngelsDemongekkito: did you make your kernel? or download the img already made?
07:05.10EvanCarrollCoke: ati only need headers now too
07:05.20peetCoke: the ati drivers need something from the source or headers but im not sure how to use headeres since the tutorial calls for source
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07:05.25gekkitoAngelsDemon: downloaded the img already made
07:05.31Cokepeet: you don't need to USE them
07:05.38AngelsDemongekkito: do you know how to make a kernel?
07:05.40peetCoke: i meant have them
07:05.43AlexPerryATI just needs the kernel headers, but if you alien the rpm, you need some soft links and a dpkg-divert
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07:05.52Cokepeet: just install the headers
07:05.57peetCoke: i have
07:06.10peetCoke: and i can't figure out what to do wiht them
07:06.27Cokepeet: i think you might need ln -s /usr/src/kernel-headers-2.6.8 /usr/src/linux
07:06.27AlexPerrypeet:  Did you alien the rpm and install it ?
07:06.41Lee__oh crap, a module I need in sarge is out of sync with the kernels in sarge so it's un-useable
07:06.47peetAlexPerry: im using the debian provided on the tutorial site
07:06.55AlexPerrypeet: yeah, coke is right.  You want to have a softlink for /usr/src/linux to the _correct_ version header.
07:06.57peetCoke: perhaps let me try tha
07:06.58Cokepeet: sometimes people just assume the linux headers and/or sources are in /usr/src/linux. it's a stupid thing.
07:07.14peetCoke: tryign now
07:07.27AlexPerrypeet:  I didn't do that ... I just fetched the rpm directly from the ATI website and then used alien to convert it into a deb.  Works fine for me.
07:07.29chocobobbyI've got supraexpress modem upon looking at dmesg its set to /dev/ttyS0 or ttyS1 but when I used pppconfig to set it to that port and pon it won't connect to the modem any suggestions?
07:07.31Cokepeet: what does ls -l /usr/src/linux say?
07:07.56peetdebian-ixce:/usr/src/modules/fglrx-kernel-src# ls -l /usr/src/linux
07:07.59peetlrwxrwxrwx  1 root src 34 Mar  1 23:10 /usr/src/linux -> /usr/src/kernel-headers-2.6.8-2-k7
07:08.00AlexPerrycafuego:  Kindly wear a gag when you say that 8-)
07:08.03shingouzcafuego: need caffeine?
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07:08.09cafuegoThey booked me on a 1am depart 6am arrive flight
07:08.10Cokepeet: good. try installing ati drivers now.
07:08.19Lee__cafuego: awesome
07:08.28shingouzcafuego: aauugh is about right :(
07:08.31Lee__hope the movie is good
07:08.34simonrvncafuego: wassup?
07:08.48gekkitoAngelsDemon: no...last week when I tried to install woody....woody didn't recognize my ethercard, soundcard, video card... so I was trying to compile a module for my ethercard...and tried to compile the the end i just gave up and installed sarge :)
07:09.01cafuegosimonrvn: 2-day job in Malaysia
07:09.03*** mode/#Debian [+l 760] by debhelper
07:09.08peetCoke: debian-ixce:/usr/src/modules/fglrx-kernel-src# module-assistant -k /usr/src/linux build fglrx-kernel
07:09.09unknown_lamercafuego: Yeah, but the money they saved on the plane will go towards your yearly bonus.
07:09.11peetgives and error of sorts
07:09.12gekkitoAngelsDemon: sarge works great...except for this usb key issue
07:09.13peetbut finishes?
07:09.15AlexPerrychocobobby:  Try using MINICOM (same named package) and make sure you can get responses from the modem.
07:09.23cafuegounknown_lamer: contractors don't get a bonus
07:09.26simonrvnow. 2 days there, then back? yikes. at least you're close :/
07:09.28AngelsDemongekkito i'm running sarge now... it works just fine for me....
07:09.32unknown_lamercafuego: it was a joke anyway :)
07:09.34AngelsDemongekkito i just try doing to much
07:09.34cafuegounknown_lamer: they NORMALLY get business class flights, though
07:09.35chocobobbyalexperry: I've tried wvdial and it wouldn't detect anything
07:09.58AlexPerrygekkito:  A popular thing people do is to try to use VFAT filesystem without having the NLS available.  Check the dmesg.
07:10.03cafuegosimonrvn: Doing funky computer stuff at a Coca Cola conference
07:10.03Cokepeet: what the heck is that that you just pasted?
07:10.15Cokecafuego: Coca Cola conference?
07:10.23AlexPerrycafuego:  So become a consultant ... that way you pay yourself a bonus.
07:10.26chocobobbyalexperry thanks for the suggestion but im not sure how to install it without a connection
07:10.28peetCoke: part of the tutorial thing ok so the error is that make[1]: *** No rule to make target `Makefile'.  Stop.
07:10.31simonrvneew, coca-cola. hope you have fun at least
07:10.52Cokepeet: what command did you run to produce that error?
07:10.55peetCoke: there is a problem wiht the makefile in the kenrel-headers
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07:11.05AlexPerrychocobobby:  Sounds to me like you don't have a working modem.  I prefer to use minicom because I get more control over the process.  BTW.
07:11.10Cokepeet: I don't think there is a makefile in the headers
07:11.15peetCoke: I built the module
07:11.18Cokepeet: you are using the makefile wrong it seems
07:11.22Cokepeet: ok... ?
07:11.35peetCoke: im just following the steps in the tutorial
07:11.41AlexPerrypeet:  There is no makefile for that ... stand by
07:11.51chocobobbyalexperry the modem is working....It works in another box and I've tested all the isa slots with other cards and they work
07:11.51AngelsDemongekkito: i have good instructions on how to compile the 2.6.8 kernel
07:12.05AngelsDemongekkito: let me quick grab the site for you...
07:12.10shingouzall this talk about coke and coca-cola... i need caffeine *now* :)
07:12.11cafuegosimonrvn: it's in the northern tip of Borneo, should be ok. (IF I get to go, as I'm waiting for a new passport...)
07:12.13peetAlexPerry: ok, if you can't help me im gonna downgrade to regular 2.6.8 kernel
07:12.14gekkitoAlexPerry: dmesg says "FAT invalid media value (0xb9), VFS: can't find a valid FAT filesystem on dev sda1"
07:12.29gekkitoAngelsDemon: great!
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07:12.31simonrvncafuego: capiche
07:13.05AlexPerrychocobobby:  It's a 200kB packet, fits easily on a floppy if desperate.
07:13.32AlexPerrygekkito:  Try looking at /dev/sda as well as /dev/sda1 ... some devices do not have a partition table.
07:13.35chocobobbyalexperry I'll have to ready up on apt from a local drive...thanks for the suggestion
07:14.20AlexPerrypeet:  On my machine I have a directory /lib/modules/fglrx that is created by the package (from alien).  That's where you have to do the work.
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07:14.31AngelsDemongekkito: damn... i think the site might be down....
07:14.46peetAlexPerry: have you gotten your setup to work using alien?
07:14.46AngelsDemongekkito: try going to:
07:15.10AlexPerrypeet:  You need to run the command   bash
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07:15.34AngelsDemongekkito: did you get there?
07:15.38AlexPerrypeet:  You cannot just invoke the script using "./name" because they didn't set the execute bit.  When you do that, it'll complain that the appropriate module is not already available.
07:15.54peetAlexPerry: see here, Im following the guide that dpkg ati gives, but if its easier to use alien i will
07:16.04cafuegosimonrvn:  (flash)
07:16.08gekkitoAngelsDemon: i get "connection refused"
07:16.18AlexPerrypeet:  That's how I did all my machines, both debian/woody/x86, debian/sarge/x86 and debian/sid/amd64 ...
07:16.19AngelsDemonsites down then....
07:16.38peetAlexPerry: do you think you can walk me through the steps then?
07:16.43AlexPerryThe latter I've got trouble with devices drivers (unrelated to ATI) for the mouse on the new kernel (sigh).
07:16.47AngelsDemongekkito: my friend is actually the one who wrote it....
07:16.49gekkitoAngelsDemon: anyway i just put it on my bookmarks
07:16.56EvanCarrollAnyone here know how to fix a error 513 relaying delayed, i'm using courier-mta
07:17.02gekkitoAngelsDemon: cool
07:17.14AlexPerrypeet:  If you get stuck, send me an e-mail at work   and I'll try to help more in the morning.  Returning to the topic at hand ...
07:17.24peetAlexPerry: Let me downgrade to 2.6.8 image and try that and if that fails ill come to you for help =]
07:17.26roo9my mailman listinfo page only displays lists that are associated with the current domain. IE. a list that uses the domain "" won't show up on the listinfo page if the url to the listinfo page is ""
07:17.29AngelsDemongekkito: ok... when you get there... click on "KC" (knowledge center) at the top... then go to the "debian testing, kernel 2.6.8 from source
07:17.35simonrvncafuego: oh i won't bother then. --purged the flash player i had =)
07:17.44fusionHow do you remove a .conf file from being enabled in the .deb's of apache, anyone? I've asked in apache and they said to ask here cause thats debian specific
07:17.45AlexPerrypeet:  I doubt it will help unless you have a prebuilt module.
07:17.47AngelsDemondo you have gaim?
07:17.56AlexPerrypeet:  On the other hand, no harm trying, right ?
07:18.31AngelsDemongekkito: you have gaim? or aim? or whatever?
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07:18.56gekkitoAngelsDemon: yep...i have gaim
07:19.04peetAlexPerry: yea but now i can't find the 2.6.8 vanilla image
07:19.08peetAlexPerry: -\
07:19.08AngelsDemongekkito im me: srg924
07:19.19AlexPerrypeet:  When you run that script   and it complains, it tells you to go into the subdirectory   build_mod   and run     bash   to make the image specific to your needs.
07:19.40ferrisis there an landscape design programs for linux.... like autocad for landscaping?
07:19.49AngelsDemongekkito (that's using aim)
07:19.52AlexPerrypeet:  That's when you find out whether you have all the sources and headers done correctly.  It makes sarcastic comments if you don't.
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07:20.03gekkitoAngelsDemon: ok
07:20.18peetAlexPerry: well ok let me see
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07:20.57AlexPerryI'm on PST8PDT over here, and am normally checking e-mail from 9am onwards.
07:22.09Lee__ferris: blender
07:22.14gekkitoAngelsDemon: brb
07:22.21peetOk does anyone know wher the vanilla 2.6.8 kernelimage wnet?
07:22.23AngelsDemongekkito: OK
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07:23.00AlexPerryAll:  Is there anywhere I can post a work opportunity that is vaguely Debian related ?  The web page for "consultants" lets me contact them individually but doesn't seem to have a mailing list associated with it.  I could webtrawl all the 100 email addresses off the page and mailshot, but it seems to be the wrong way to go about it.
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07:23.35Lee__or you can just give me the job if it's in nyc  :)
07:23.35AlexPerrypeet:  Sorry, can't help you there.  I almost never end up running the standard kernels because I need to have too many workaround for buggy hardware.
07:23.48jetscreamerferris, there are autocad-like programs
07:23.57AlexPerryLee:  I'm in San Diego, but you're welcome to telecommute  8-)
07:24.19peetAlexPerry: =}
07:24.25Lee__do you specifically want a Debian developer?
07:24.51lnxdukI tried to install debian and failed
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07:25.01jetscreamerdid you try with d-i ?
07:25.04lnxdukwhy are there no official minimal iso's?
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07:25.08jetscreamerthere are
07:25.15lnxdukI didn't find any
07:25.16jetscreamerwell kinda official beta
07:25.16AlexPerryLee:  Mostly we're looking for people who're comfortable with Debian when working on various other things that we need doing.  Right now, for example, the primary skillset need is for python, libpcap and SQL databases.
07:25.21chocobobbyAlexperry I installed minicom but I still don't get the modem to get a dial tone...any chance that there's an interrupt conflict or something like that?
07:25.22lnxdukthe one I got was 2.2 kernel
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07:25.25jetscreamer!tell lnxduk about d-i
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07:25.41jetscreamermuch better for a desktop
07:25.48Lee__AlexPerry: have you tried craigslist?
07:25.56AlexPerryLee:  Nope; formal developer status doesn't benefit the project.
07:26.02cafuegosimonrvn: It's the usual, deep blue sea, white beach, rainforest...
07:26.13AlexPerryLee:  What's that ?
07:26.30AlexPerrychocobby:  Sounds like an excellent time to look through dmesg and then /proc/interrupts
07:26.40Lee__tons of talent and tons of un-talent.
07:27.00simonrvncafuego: pretty scenery
07:27.04AlexPerryLee:  That does _not_ sound like fun.  Ok, in the morning ...!
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07:27.20jetscreameri wouldn't post me there
07:27.27jetscreamerthat's fugly
07:27.33chocobobbyalexperry thanks yeah I've looked at those dmesg give two settings for the modem both ttyS0 and ttyS1 and /proc/interrupts has nothing for the modem
07:27.37AlexPerrylnxduk:  I most recently used the DFS CDROM to do install (2.6 kernel).
07:28.02AlexPerrychocobobby:  Do you have any serial ports on the machine ?  (DB9 connectors)
07:28.16Lee__if m-a warns me about unconfigured kernel source, am I required to configure it to install modules?
07:28.23jetscreameraka com1 sometimes
07:28.34chocobobbyalexperry yeah two and in the bios I've tried disabling them but it makes no different (right now their set to auto)
07:28.45jetscreamerlinux bypasses bios
07:28.46cafuegosimonrvn: Still a crap flight though
07:29.21simonrvncafuego: it's what, 6-8 hours? (gueestimate)
07:29.32AlexPerryAll:  Stand by while I watch the Star wars IV fight scene 8-)
07:29.49simonrvnno we won't
07:29.55cafuegosimonrvn: 8 hours to Kuala Lumpur, then 2 1/2 hours to Borneo
07:29.58peetAlexPerry: i think if i copy the config from the /boot insto the vanilla source folder i should be set
07:30.08chocobobbythanks jetscreamer
07:30.24simonrvncafuego: and to borneo is probably some little cesna type plane, heh
07:30.41cafuegosimonrvn: nah, 777
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07:31.00cafuegono, I lie. it's a 737
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07:31.07simonrvncafuego: there's a big enough city there?
07:31.29AlexPerryBack again
07:31.35cafuegosimonrvn: Borneo is 4 times the size of holland, dude ;-)
07:31.41cafuego(at least)
07:31.53AlexPerryNothing wrong with a Cessna (providing it _exceeds_ minimum maintenance)
07:32.00chocobobbybrb gonna try something
07:32.14cafuegoAlexPerry: They're a bit too susceptible to turbulence for my liking.
07:32.27cafuegoAlexPerry: I did muchly enjoy the learjet, though.
07:32.28AlexPerrychocobobby:  The problem with having real serial ports present is that they confuse you when you're trying to find the modem.
07:32.36simonrvnthey're like paper planes made of metal
07:33.12AlexPerrycafuego:  If you think those are susceptible to turb, try something that's even slower with lighter wing loading.  It's like sitting on a leaf when it falls off the tree.
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07:33.29A-liyaoshiI think the debian boot kernel should have the less function of acpi and apic
07:33.30cafuegoAlexPerry: I *loved* the glider trip i had
07:33.34ericany SCSI RAID gurus here?
07:33.38cafuegoMaybe it's just props.
07:34.01AlexPerrycafuego:  Maybe.  I have to admit that it's not as much fun if I'm not doing the driving.
07:34.06*** part/#debian thoreauputic (
07:34.27AlexPerrychocobobby:  Are you sure you're not stuck with a winmodem, which is why the kernel hasn't actually patched it through to you properly yet ?
07:34.34cafuegoAlexPerry: :-)
07:34.57AlexPerryerik:  Not me.
07:35.10chocobobbyalexperry: Im sure its a hardware works with the same kernel on a different box (different motherboard)
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07:35.27ericI just need a recommendation on a SCSI RAID PCI card that will work with the default debian install CD
07:35.33AlexPerrychocobobby:  Odd.
07:35.43eric(banging my head against the wall w/ an Adaptec 29320A-R)
07:35.44chocobobbyI know
07:36.17cafuegoeric: Which cd are you using?
07:36.22AlexPerryeric:  All I can say is that most of the ones that state they are hardware RAID are really software raid where the hardware can deliver writes to two channels at once.
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07:36.33chocobobbyalexperry thanks for trying to help...I've been through the modem howto on and I'm coming up short
07:36.45ericalex:  yea, I know.. I'm totally frustrated, thinking this adaptec card was HW-based.
07:36.57ericoh how I wish 3Ware made SCSI raid..
07:37.06peetAlexPerry: YAY!!!! i modproged fglrx and its loaded now to configure X
07:37.10AlexPerrychocobobby:  If you're still stuck by my morning, try sending me the lspci -n and lspci lists ...
07:37.12cafuegoeric: sata is cheaper and faster
07:37.18chocobobbyalexperry: the only thing I can come up with is some sort of conflict with another card I have but I'm not sure how to check that
07:37.30erictell that to my hosting client who insisted on SCSI.. (Grr)
07:37.31jetscreamerpeet, add that to /etc/modules to have it load when you boot
07:37.31cafuegoeric: ANyway, which kernel and debian version are you using?
07:37.34directhexpeet, you're only part of the way through that battle. modprobing fglrx is easy
07:37.36chocobobbyalexperry: oh its an isa card not a pci
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07:38.17ericcafuego:  using the Hilux debian install CD, (2.4.26 with a bunch of mods)
07:38.25cornSCOlioanyone know of any software to hotsync an hx2415 ipaq to deb?
07:38.26AlexPerrypeet:  The automatic configurator does a good job, but there is always something you'll want to copy over.
07:38.34directhexnot using ati's xf86config app is a good step
07:38.38cafuegoeric: Does that explicitly support scsi and/or raid?
07:38.46directhexi.e. dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86
07:38.57AlexPerrychocobobby:  You might have a kernel that doesn't have ISA support in it.
07:39.16ericcafuego:  dunno.. It doesn't seem to find the card, grr.. but 3Wares come up every time.. It's a new Penguin Computing box, (no floppy drive to install foreign modules)
07:39.27jetscreamerwith my isa nic, i had to specify irq and io
07:39.33chocobobbyalexperry: do you know if the default 2.6 kernel for sarge has isa support?
07:39.34AlexPerrydirecthex:  I like using the app, then merging its suggested file with my original one, cos it's quicker than typing that stuff in again.
07:39.39jetscreamerand turn plug&play off
07:39.41peetAlexPerry: it says not to use the automatic configurator
07:39.41cafuegoeric: Will the client be extremely upset if you moved them to Sarge with a 2.6 kernel?
07:39.42jetscreamerin bios
07:39.51idnar!ops SoS is privmsg spamming
07:39.52dpkgHydroxide, bob2, caphuso, dondelelcaro, doogie, eeyore-, ElectricElf, greycat, helix, ljlane, LoRez, mentor, Netsnipe, TML, walters, xk: SoS is privmsg spamming
07:39.53ericnope, not at all..
07:40.05jetscreamerdamn, +E kicks ass
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07:40.16AlexPerrychocobobby:  I think the 2.6 series has inferior ISA support to 2.4
07:40.33cafuegoeric: Then I'd go that way. fetch the rc2 netinst iso, install that with 'linux26'.
07:40.36chocobobbyalexperry I'll check out the 2.4 series for that box
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07:40.49ericcafuego:  okay, I"ll give that a shot..
07:40.51cafuegoeric: *do* keep in mind that doesn't have security updates as of yet.
07:40.51chocobobbyalexperry: thanks again for the assistance
07:40.58ericoff of the site?
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07:41.06AlexPerrychocobobby: you're welcome.
07:41.07*** join/#debian gnitluH (~chatzilla@
07:41.21directhex!d-i eric
07:41.21dpkgeric, you want to go to - for your own good, and everyone else's.
07:41.29ericcafuego:  hrmm.. this will be a production server.... not sure if that's a good idea then..
07:41.31*** part/#debian chocobobby (
07:41.39nomed^i'm trying to use  apt-get -b source and the host arch is i386
07:41.45nomed^how can i change this
07:41.48yxais there a command to monitor /proc/mdstat on my screen instead of having to cat it everytime?
07:42.08cafuegoeric: I run sarge 9and 2.6) on my production machines, but I do manually port security related stuff.
07:42.10AlexPerryyxa:  while sleep 10s; do cat /proc/mdstat; done
07:42.23cafuegoyxa: watch -n 2 'cat /proc/mdstat'
07:42.28cafuegoAlexPerry: pff
07:42.40ericcafuego:  I'll do that then.. hopefully sarge will be stable someday before I die.. :)
07:42.44AlexPerrycafuego:  8-)
07:42.52yxacafuego yours is nicer :)
07:42.53ericthx for the tip.. I haven't tried out the new debian installer yet...
07:43.02cafuegoeric: If you're under 12 years of age now, there's a good chance of that...
07:43.07cafuegoyxa: Indeed ;-)
07:43.30ericcafuego:  heh.... no kidding...
07:43.34AlexPerryyxa: hrmph!
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07:43.49cafuegoyxa: Note that you can bind that command to inittab as well and magically run it on a spare tty at bootup.
07:44.13yxacafuego why would i want to do that?
07:44.22cafuegoyxa: karma?
07:45.10AlexPerrycafuego:  you can pipe the repeating command into netcat as well.
07:45.38cafuegoAlexPerry: Run mdstatd on a tcp port eh :-)
07:46.04yxacafuego you familiar with md?
07:46.21cafuegoyxa: I use it on two production boxes
07:46.31AlexPerryNope; I prefer to use a udp packet to a broadcast address on an idle port.
07:46.40cafuegopeterS: Put down the pills...
07:46.45nomed^is the arch of a pentium 4 i686?
07:46.50cafuegonomed^: yes
07:46.55cafuegonomed^: No
07:46.57cafuegonomed^: i386
07:46.59yxacafuego cool. got a question: do i need to setup grub on the mirrored volume? coz mine cant boot after i plug out the main one. (raid 1)
07:47.12nomed^and what is i686?
07:47.13AlexPerryyxa:  I use it MD, but with IDE, on R&D servers (not production really).  However, we didn't bother with raiding the root filesystem so it was trivial.
07:47.15peterSnomed^: in what context?  it's "i386" for debian's purposes, other things for other purposes
07:47.39cafuegoyxa: I use lilo, with the special raid-extra-boot options set in lilo.conf
07:47.51peterSnomed^: certainly if you see 'i686' as a choice somewhere, Pentium 4 is compatible with that
07:48.17cafuegonomed^: 686 is the cpu type. The arch is i386 for debian purpuses (but normally known as x86 or ia32)
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07:48.29nomed^cafuego: peterS ... using  apt-get -b source not better to set the arch as i686 for a pentium4?
07:48.38cafuegonomed^: You want the i686 kernel from the debian i386 repository.
07:48.46cafuegonomed^: No, that's gentoo logic.
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07:49.06nomed^ahh ok ... and to optimize package for my arch ?
07:49.18cafuegonomed^: It's not worth the time and effort.
07:49.50unknown_lamercafuego: emacs loads like 3x faster on my athlon when I compile it for the k7 ... but that is the only app that I noticed an improvement in with apt-fu
07:49.50ctmnzsomebody with ip tunnels experience ?
07:49.52peterScafuego: it was originally Mandrake logic.  they got their start as "red hat recompiled for i586"
07:50.14AlexPerrynomed:  Don't bother optimizing anything for arch, unless you're willing to build at least four different versions and benchmark them.  There are a depressing number of articles showing that it is unobvious what the correct optimization options are, for a given app and cpu.
07:50.27cafuegonomed^: Spending 20 minutes compiling something so it starts 0.02 seconds faster is just silly.
07:50.45directhexthere's a 686 libc6 package, which can help
07:50.54AlexPerrynomed:  If you're after startup speed, you're better off forcing everything you plan to use into the disk cache.  Saves you a _lot_ more time.
07:50.58peterSthe low-hanging fruit is 'prelink' in any case, not recompiling
07:51.03Lee__probably makes a difference for multimedia, especially video. i.e. the G4's altivec instructions.
07:51.10nomed^cafuego: i don't spend any energy ... i just wait :)
07:51.12cafuegoYeah, just get an optimised kernel and libc6. (Most apps IDLE 99% of the time anyway, waiting for user input)
07:51.13AlexPerrycmtnz:  Do you mean in terms of the tun device, or in terms of VPN ?
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07:51.18nomed^doing something else :)
07:51.21unknown_lamernomed^: prelink + libc6-i686 + i686 kernel = good speed boost
07:51.30cafuegonomed^: Your cpu eats power whilst it compiles. That power is made by burning fuel.
07:51.32yxacafuego i guess there should be an equivalent of that in grub
07:51.34AlexPerryLee:  Yeah, but those packages normally have architecture swappable libraries.
07:51.35peterSLee__: multimedia apps that use SSE / Altivec / whatever often compile support for all of the above and detect what it can do at runtime
07:51.50peterSLee__: not always, but that's a common trend
07:51.51cafuegounknown_lamer: x86_64 = speed boost
07:52.06cafuegoyxa: perhaps, I don't know... not looked for one ever.
07:52.12CokeHow come rxvt can get colors from IRSSI, but xterm cannot? xterm has colors from ls -l, but not in IRSSI's text-mode. I've only find a switch to enable/disable bold font color so far.
07:52.30cafuegoCoke: check $TERM
07:52.37unknown_lamercafuego: meh, I was going to get a dual athlonFX system but, at least a year ago, it would have required too much work on my part to get Debian to run :) Thus I have 2xAthlonMP 2800+ instead. SMP = speed boost too :)
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07:52.58cafuegounknown_lamer: On Linux, yes, for some apps.
07:52.59Cokecafuego: xterm
07:53.06directhexunknown_lamer, athlon fx doesn't do smp
07:53.11cafuegoCoke: Set that to 'linux' and check again.
07:53.17nomed^unknown_lamer: so i just need libc6-i686 and the arch will be i686?
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07:53.44peterSnomed^: no, but your libc6 will have been compiled for i686, and that makes about as much difference as anything that is worth the trouble
07:53.49Cokecafuego: yeah man. why does it think that "xterm" doesn't have colors?
07:53.51unknown_lamernomed^: No. Just the libc. But the libc optimized for the 686 will give you an quick and easy small speed boost (since everything uses it)
07:53.51ctmnzi have 2 real ip addresses
07:54.11cafuegonomed^: No, but that will give you an optimised libc6 library, which will give you a better speed boost than recompiling EVERYTHING else on the system would.
07:54.12ctmnzand i wont first ip to be gateway to the second ip
07:54.12Cokecafuego: and where is the appropiate place to set the TERM env var?
07:54.13AlexPerryctmnz:  Ok ... ?
07:54.25cafuegoCoke: .$SHELLrc normally
07:54.26ctmnzwith ip tunneling
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07:54.42Cokecafuego: the manual says "termcap file"
07:54.59cafuegoCoke: it lies. 'export TERM=linux; irssi'
07:55.04ctmnzbetween ip1 and ip2 i internet
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07:55.10AlexPerryctmnz:  If the two IPs are on the same network card, you want to use eth0:1
07:55.11unknown_lamercafuego: It gives a good boost for the things I run. ardour is nicely multithreaded and mencoder/ffmpeg do multi-threaded encoding so I get ~1.8x spped boost when ripping DVDs.
07:55.19ctmnzno no Alex_
07:55.34ctmnzbetween ip1 and ip2 is internet
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07:55.45Cokecafuego: you are now in full color. :)
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07:55.48cafuegounknown_lamer: Those bastards don't come in x86_64 flavour as of yet :-(
07:56.11unknown_lamercafuego: Ardour isn't 64-bit clean? Weird.
07:56.13AlexPerryctmnz:   Oh.  You want to create a virtual network interface on one computer that apparently delivers traffic directly to the other one.
07:56.16unknown_lamercafuego: Just wait for 1.1 :)
07:56.25cafuegounknown_lamer: Dunno about ardour, mencoder wasn't last I checked.
07:56.46Lee__unknown_lamer: what do you mean by "64-bit clean"?
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07:56.54cafuegoProbably full of ugly hand-tweaked x86 asm
07:56.58unknown_lamercafuego: ah. At least you can run it as a 32-bit binary and still get better performance than on a vanilla athlon.
07:57.06cafuegowith inferior 32bit integers
07:57.10AlexPerrylee:  In the same way as there is a good reason why OpenOffice is 32 bit only.  The code isn't 64 bit clean and fails to run when compiled.
07:57.18cafuegounknown_lamer: In the 32bit chroot, yes.
07:57.43Lee__guess that answers if I'll be getting an opteron soon.
07:57.49unknown_lamerLee__: The ability of the program to handle longs being replaced by 64-bit ones (since x86_64 is I32L64) and pointers being 64-bit and stuff
07:57.53AlexPerryctmnz:  You want an encrypted tunnel, or just forward the traffic ?  If the former, I suggest you look into the PPP/SSH documentation.
07:58.02unknown_lamercafuego: oh, so Debian doesn't have /lib32 and /lib64 for x86_64 :-\
07:58.13cafuegoLee__: The debian packages run fine in their auto-chroot, it's fully transpareny.
07:58.15ctmnzi dont want to encrypt :)
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07:58.52cafuegounknown_lamer: no, just /lib (with /lib64 link that points at it) and /emul/lib
07:58.52unknown_lamercafuego: shouldn't x86 asm still work fine in LONG mode ?
07:58.52AlexPerryLee:  The nice thing is that Debian uses separate environments for 32 bit and 64 bit, so you can control exactly how the application runs.
07:58.52unknown_lamercafuego: I mean, ints are still 32-bit ...
07:58.54ctmnzi just wont to make first real ip addres to be gateway to the second real ip address
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07:59.05mousexhi!  how do i configure lircd?
07:59.08Lee__the only reason I'd get an Opteron is for DSP at this point.
07:59.11cafuegounknown_lamer: No idea, just mocking 32bit users in general ;-)
07:59.26Lee__so if the big audio app I need for the studio I'm building doesn't even care it's kind of moot  :)
07:59.29AlexPerryctmnz:  The vtun package can do that for you, but I've not used it personally.
07:59.30unknown_lamercafuego: I'm going to have to go and buy a 4-way Alpha system now just to regain my manhood.
07:59.31cafuegoLee__: they transcode video at a very nice speed indeed.
07:59.37Lee__I'll bet
07:59.50cafuegounknown_lamer: How about a cheaper, faster Dual G5 box?
08:00.15unknown_lamercafuego: meh, I have no money now. I decided to take the semester off (from work, 19 credits at the university)
08:00.20mousexcafuego, G5 cheaper than Alpha?
08:00.23Lee__yeah, Apple's are more fashionable. you'll get mad play with a dual G5.
08:00.28cafuegomousex: Surely
08:00.45unknown_lamercafuego: when I can get a 4-way dual-core opteron rig (8 cores) with 16GiB of RAM for less than $2000 I'll upgrade :)
08:00.47cafuegoLee__: I have a handy remote shell into my mother in law's G5 imac ;-)
08:01.28unknown_lamercafuego: an alpha is more useful because I could run opengenera on it ;)
08:01.32ctmnzAlexPerry: tanks, i will see
08:01.34mousexthis lirc remote thingy really sucks!  it's zero user-friendly
08:01.42AlexPerrycafuego:  How about a chroot that contains debian ?
08:01.42EvanCarrollAnyone here know how to fix a error 513 relaying delayed, i'm using courier-mta
08:01.50directhexunknown_lamer, there si no way to put "alpha" and "useful" in the same sentance
08:01.58cafuegoAlexPerry: Tha's pretty much what fink is.
08:02.01EvanCarrollmousex: try iirc
08:02.08AlexPerryEvan:  Sorry, I use Exim, but that sounds like you've got a remote host that is refusing to accept the message handoff.
08:02.09cafuegoAlexPerry: Just recompiled for the Darwin BSD arch
08:02.14dpkgIIRC, "IIRC" is an acronym for "If I Recall Correctly", or "If I remember correctly"
08:02.18nomed^what is the Hesiod domain for searches ?
08:02.19unknown_lamerdirecthex: it's useful for running Symbolics OpenGenera if you don't want to track down a NuBus Mac
08:02.20AlexPerrycafuego:  I didn't think it actually went into a chroot ?
08:02.27nomed^what should i write ?
08:02.35unknown_lamerdirecthex: with system 7
08:02.36cafuegoAlexPerry: Not literally, no.
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08:02.48mousexEvanCarroll: lirc is for infrared remote controls, not an IRC client :)
08:02.58cafuegoAlexPerry: it's just an install into a subdir, which is sourced via ,shellrc (that sets PATH etc)
08:03.20cafuegoAlexPerry: As long as all apps know they live in a subdir, it doesn't much matter.
08:03.42AlexPerrycafuego:  That's what I thought it did.  A chap at work seems happy ... 8-)
08:03.46cafuegounknown_lamer: I have a few of those sitting around
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08:04.20cafuego(nubus macs ANd various System 7.x install floppies/cds)
08:04.23EvanCarrollAlexPerry: I think i know whats causing the problem, i just don't know how to impliment a fix through the conf file in couier - I plan on writing a tutorial for it later =/ its my class A name registered via godaddy redirects to no-ip which redirects to this computer, so when a message is sent to the fqdn it resolves to and my implimentaiton of courier wont take a relay from them
08:04.56mousexis there any good software to monitor Amazon or eBay listings in Debian?
08:05.12mousexor do I have to write my own with their APIs?
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08:05.22unknown_lamermousex: bidwatcher for ebay
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08:05.36AlexPerryEvan:  Sounds reasonable to me.  I know that'd work in Exim.  I suspect you've got a problem with someone trying to do a reverse lookup on the IP addresses and not liking the host name that comes back.
08:05.40mousexunknown_lamer, bidwatcher has too many bugs right now
08:05.40aumhi - is there any way to foreground a background process that was /not/ started with the current bash?
08:05.51unknown_lamermousex: then you have to write your own. or fix bidwatcher.
08:06.01mousexunknown_lamer, ha, ha :)  thanks
08:06.14unknown_lamermousex: the latter is probably more productive :)
08:06.31EvanCarrollAlexPerry: nothing works in exim and it with a passion =/
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08:06.52mousexunknown_lamer: for some reason, bidwatcher doesn't sign in into eBay's servers.
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08:07.16AlexPerryEvan: is the error being generated by your machine or by the remote machine?   I assume you're talking about _incoming_ e-mail ?!
08:07.42AlexPerryEvan:  I have to admit I tried Exim4 and rapidly went back to Exim3.
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08:08.47AlexPerryEvan:  It occurs to me to suggest that you check that the MX record is properly delegated and visible to the remote machine.  If they are getting something silly for the MX record, that'd also explain it.
08:09.15karamelosis there a console based calculator in Debian?
08:09.44AlexPerrykaramelos:  man dc
08:11.03ericcafuego: just downloaded, burned and booted off of the new deb-installer
08:11.08ericit found the adaptec card..woohoo!
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08:12.25EvanCarrollAlexPerry: the error is being generated by my machine, ie a remote machines sends me an email and it hits my machien and bounces
08:12.25EvanCarrollAlex_: MX records are good =/
08:12.55EvanCarrollhost -t mx >; host -t mx >;
08:14.37EvanCarrollthat works, i have had this working before i just had problems with my imap conf and exim so i switched over after comming to the conclusion that exim isn't worth the trouble i refuse to use a program that has less than 5minutes going into conf design
08:14.37EvanCarrollexim4.template.conf.conf what in the hell where they thinking
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08:17.25nomed^the difference between autofs and autofs4?
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08:18.07nagualEvanCarroll: yea, they must be totally retarded. :)
08:18.17KilrInstkanyone know any linux junkies for hire?
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08:18.25nagualKilrInstk: me.
08:18.36EvanCarrolli think so
08:18.44EvanCarrollKilrInstk: me
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08:19.46hjcHI, i have a problem with mounting some HD, the fstab is "/dev/hda1        /mnt/hda1        ntfs        ro,gid=102       1   0"and the use that i want to mount with is in group 102,when i try to "mount /dev/hda1 /mnt/hda1" its write "mount: only root can do that
08:19.54hjc" why is that? HELP me thanks!
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08:20.43AlexPerryhjc:  If it is listed in FSTAB, you only need to provide the first (or just the second if you prefer) parameter.
08:21.09hjcwhat do you mean?]
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08:21.55AlexPerryhjc:  The information that is in /etc/fstab is a series of mounts that are preapproved by root.
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08:22.03shingouzhjc: man mount. also /msg dpkg ntfs
08:22.06darkhackanybody knows where the right IRC channel for asking noob's exim4 question ?
08:22.22hjcAlexPerry:ok so what do i need to do?
08:22.26AlexPerryhjc:  If the options do not have "noauto", the system knows to add them at boot with root's permission.
08:22.40EvanCarrollhaving an imap server and ldap running in your house serving one computer definintly gives you some degree of bragging rights though
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08:22.52AlexPerryhjc:  As shingouz says, read the man page.
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08:23.18hjcAlexPerry: iread them and wrote the fstab and its still not working
08:23.31AlexPerryhjc:  If you're getting the "only root can do that" error, then you're trying to do it as a normal user.  The fstab only permits that if you have either the option "user" or "users" depending on what you want to achieve.
08:23.36shingouzhjc, AlexPerry ntfs has a few quirks too. /msg dpkg ntfs
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08:24.06AlexPerryhjc:  Yeah.  Go read the specialist bit on ntfs.
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08:24.28hjcits not only on ntfs, its also if i try to mount a data cd
08:24.46AlexPerryEvan:  Sorry, I'm back (had to switch to a different station).
08:25.04AlexPerryhjc:  Are you root when you're trying to do that ?
08:25.09shingouzhjc: you need ro,user in fstab
08:25.21hjcAlexPerry: no, as root i can mount it
08:25.35hjcso i made a group 102 and added it
08:25.37AlexPerryThen go and read the bit in the man page about the "user" and "users" options.
08:25.44hjcso i could mount it not as root too
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08:25.52hjcand put my user in 102 group
08:26.15AlexPerryhjc:  No the gid parameter is not for that purpose; it determines what rights are available to the contents of the mount point _after_ the mount has succeeded.
08:26.34hjci got it
08:26.39xcyborgwhat does the "dfsg" stand for in the name of some packages ?
08:26.52dpkgdfsg is probably the Debian Free Software Guidelines, which can be found at, or
08:27.00dpkgit has been said that tree is a plant made from wood
08:27.10hjcso i need to read about what if i want to tell it about premossion *before* ?
08:27.15AlexPerryxcyborg:  it means that this is modified from the distribued version in order to be compliant with the DFSG.  See the changelog.
08:27.28xcyborgAlexPerry: I see, thanx
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08:27.35AlexPerryhjc:  Yes.
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08:27.56shingouzhjc: most of the time you do not need the gid at all. man fstab again
08:28.00emergoIm trying to configure my sound card to use alsa and installed alsa-base and some other stuff and alsa base is added under modutils. snd_ens1371 is also loaded as a module but I still dont get sound in xmms.
08:28.19hjcAlexPerry: so i need to read about what if i want to tell it about premossion *before* ?
08:28.38shingouzhjc: man fstab
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08:29.59AlexPerryhjc:  Yes, as shingouz says, the man fstab
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08:30.09hjconly fstab?
08:30.49karameloshow can I make 2/4 in bc to output 0.5?
08:30.54thesaboteurkoolness, apt still has in its database what I told it like 3 or 4 years ago :)
08:30.57AlexPerryhjc: Yeah
08:31.02*** join/#debian EvanCarr3ll (
08:31.37shingouzhjc: fstab and mount. you might get something out of this for the cd: "<device> <mountpoint> iso9660 ro,user 0 0"
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08:32.02hjcok thnks bye
08:32.25qwertzHi! When I do "useradd xxx" and "passwd xxx" login to vsftp running on the same machine fails with "530 Login incorrect." although login of local users is enabled (using my account works without problems) - any ideas?
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08:33.18thesaboteurcan you login via ssh or telnet with a user you created via useradd?
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08:33.36AlexPerryqwertz:  Did you remember to make the home directory point somewhere legal?
08:33.47nomed^is there someone using autofs?
08:34.02AlexPerrynomed:  [unhelpful answer] yes.
08:34.08nomed^it doesn't work anymore for me
08:34.25EvanCarr3ll!doesn't work
08:34.25dpkgLook buddy, doesn't work is an ambiguous statement.  Does it sit on the couch all day?  Does it want more money?  Does it waste its time on IRC all day long?  Please be specific!  Define 'it' and what it isn't doing.
08:34.31AlexPerrynomed:  It doesn't work for me either.  Whenever my blood pressure gets up to about 200, I disable it.  8-)
08:34.39carretthey, anyone know which package you need to make gconfig?
08:34.47shingouzAlexPerry: 200psi?
08:34.59AlexPerryThat's what it feels like.  8-)
08:34.59EvanCarr3llcarrett: gtk dev packages
08:35.08nomed^AlexPerry: when autofs demon start it should create the mount points i have in my file auto.mnt
08:35.21AlexPerrynomed:  Yeah.
08:35.29dpkgnopaste is, like, or
08:35.47carrettEvanCarr1ll: would you spell out exactly which pacakges those are? or one that'll get the others through deps or something? thanks.
08:35.48EvanCarr3llcarrett: i believe libgtk2.0
08:35.52nomed^AlexPerry: i'll show you my configs
08:35.55carrettEvanCarr1ll: thanks
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08:36.19qwertzAlexPerry, yes /home/ftp/xxx exists and is in /etc/passwd
08:36.37EvanCarr3llcarrett: err libgtk2.0-dev rather
08:36.47thesaboteurqwertz: may seem odd, but you certain vsftp is using the same authentication you think it is?
08:36.54AlexPerryqwertz:  Did you try the [scrolled off] suggestion of logging in with ssh?
08:36.54carrettEvanCarr1ll: right
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08:37.56nomed^what is the debian nopaste?
08:38.10shingouznomed^: you can paste in #flood
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08:38.43siimoanyone know if wget can do multi-threaded downloads like some windows clients can?
08:39.08nomed^AlexPerry: could you take a look?
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08:39.47jm_siimo: lftp can
08:41.07qwertzAlexPerry, ssh xxx@localhost works with the given password and is going to /home/ftp/xxx
08:41.58EvanCarr3llsiimo: i don't believe so but wget can be used for multithreaded mirroring
08:42.05EvanCarr3llsiimo: see httrack
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08:42.26EvanCarr3llsiimo: Also see webhttrack for a v. sexy interface
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08:44.08qwertzthesaboteur, there is no specific config entry in vsftpd.conf so I think it uses standard authentication
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08:45.10thesaboteurqwertz: I haven't messed with vsftpd in a long time, I just remember that some ftpd's use a .cdb IIRC?
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08:46.48emergoI just ran alsaconf and it says everything is fine, and xmms found the es1371 name in the oss driver section now, but it ask me to check the sound card I have plenty of modules loaded with snd in from. Isnt that a sign for alsa ?
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08:47.45nullvoidI had set postfix-tls and everything is working fine, my remote users able to send through secure-smtp, but the problem is that only our local users email able to be delivered, for other users (different domain) email was rejected with error code 554 relay access denied. How do I solve this
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08:48.44Chameleon22what deb provides traceroute? and also dig?
08:48.55shingouzemergo: if you used to run oss before you installed alsa you may still have the es1371 module installed too along with snd-es1371 (or whatever the names are). the ones with snd are alsa while the plain version is oss. they do not work together
08:49.02*** mode/#Debian [+l 772] by debhelper
08:49.15nullvoidChameleon22: ask google
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08:49.25peterSChameleon22: dig is in dnsutils, traceroute is its own package
08:49.42nullvoidpeterS: do you use postfix-tls?
08:49.43Zero_Doggshingouz: apt-cache search whatyouwanttofind :)
08:50.00peterSnullvoid: yes, but I only use the tls portion for outgoing mail to my smarthost, not for incoming
08:50.06shingouzZero_Dogg: huh?
08:50.10peterSnullvoid: errr, not the tls part, but the sasl part
08:50.20peterS(which also requires postfix-tls)
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08:50.40emergoshingouz: its a new isntall so then its autocnfigured and the only one without snd in from is soundcore
08:50.46Zero_Doggshingouz: good away to find packages, apt-cache search followed by waht you are loking for
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08:51.05shingouzZero_Dogg: i know about apt-cache, it is not like i was even asking
08:51.49Zero_Doggsorry, nevermind me, I just confused myself, it was aimed at Chameleon22
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08:51.57nullvoidpeterS: I also use it for outgoing, it only work for my local users and not for external users
08:52.03emergoshingouz: and snd                    57188  8 snd_ens1371,snd_rawmidi,snd_seq_device,snd_ac97_codec,snd_pcm_oss,snd_mixer_oss,snd_pcm,snd_timer
08:52.14Chameleon22Zero_Dogg: i tried that, didnt get results hence asked here
08:52.19peterSnullvoid: you want to be an open relay?
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08:52.39Zero_DoggChameleon22: really? apt-cache search traceroute gave 19 packages here :o
08:52.52shingouzemergo: check if your mixer has been turned to actually let sound through, after that i am a bit stumped :(
08:52.55nullvoidI am using sasl as well
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08:53.09peterSnullvoid: how do you intend to distinguish *your* users from other users, then?
08:53.11thesaboteurqwertz: Controls whether local logins are permitted or not. If enabled, normal user accounts in /etc/passwd may be used to log in. default=no
08:53.32emergoshingouz: xmms complains about it cant reach the sound device
08:53.39nullvoidpeterS: all outgoing mail require smtp auth
08:53.44thesaboteurqwertz: check local_enable=
08:54.03peterSnullvoid: right, you said that.  however, your users will be sending mail *to* your postfix install.  that's incoming.
08:54.06shingouzemergo: did you configure xmms to actually use alsa? if you did, try setting it to oss or vice versa
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08:54.25peterSnullvoid: what you probably want is to use sasl for incoming as well as outgoing mail.  and that's something I haven't done.
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08:54.41shingouzemergo: check the permissions on the sound devices too while youre at it
08:55.25nullvoidpeterS: my users able to use smtp-auth to send out email, but for email outside my domain, it will be rejected with relay access denied
08:55.41karamelosusing a bash script, I want to launch gcalctool and firefox, but this one just loads when I close the calculator. How can I launch both with the script?
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08:55.58emergoshingouz: I did and it still complains but in the oss section it says es1371 and that worries me :-)
08:56.03nullvoidpeterS: eg. able to send but not to
08:56.13emergoshingouz: what should they be ?
08:56.17EvanCarr3llkaramelos: have the script fork "| mozilla-firefox"
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08:56.27Guerinkaramelos: #bash, read the faq
08:56.46peterSnullvoid: right, that's incoming mail
08:56.52streunernullvoid: what does the people in #postfix say?
08:56.57peterSnullvoid: your users are sending mail *to* your postfix install.  that's incoming.
08:56.57emergoshingouz: crw-rw----  1 root audio 14, 0 Mar  2 09:34 mixer
08:56.58shingouzemergo: you need to have rw access for the sound devices either by making them a+rw or adding yourself to the audio group
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08:57.34shingouzemergo: and when it comes to why xmms still sees pure oss there.. no idea
08:57.57emergoshingouz: im in audio
08:58.20shingouzemergo: you did logout/login after you added yourself to the group
08:58.34emergoshingouz: no
08:58.39shingouzdo so
08:58.42emergodont think so
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08:59.14redcliffehi - anyone know if there are any *dvd audio* player packages in debian?
08:59.37redcliffelike ones that play the actual DVD-A 5.1 tracks, rather than the lower quality compressed stream?
08:59.45jm_redcliffe: gstreamermaybe
08:59.48jm_gstreamer even
09:01.01tarzeaugood morning
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09:01.59peterSyeah, check the usual suspects like gstreamer and the libxine ones
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09:02.30redcliffehaven't spotted any mention of it anywhere yet
09:02.45redcliffebut will try those two, thanks jm_, peterS, all
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09:04.43qwertzthesaboteur, local_enable=YES is set in /etc/vsftpd.conf
09:05.27thesaboteurqwertz how are you running vsftpd , standalone or via (x)inetd?
09:05.51nullvoidpeterS: Mar  2 17:01:10 mail postfix/smtpd[30163]: fatal: parameter "smtpd_recipient_restrictions": specify at least one working instance of: check_relay_domains, reject_unauth_destination, reject, defer or defer_if_permit
09:05.59qwertzthesaboteur, standalone
09:06.03nullvoidpeterS: what does this mean
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09:06.35peterSnullvoid: I told you I did not use sasl for incoming mail
09:07.08thesaboteurqwertz I would restart vsftpd and try to login again, if that doesn't work post the line for whatever user is trying to login from /etc/passwd
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09:07.28MacTAnzuAttach msg ignored: coming from inside.
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09:07.56ik-ppcany knows how can i install xfce? =/
09:08.07nullvoidpeterS: sorry :)
09:08.08tarzeauik-ppc: sid? sarge? woody?
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09:08.35ik-ppcis debian installer ppc
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09:09.56ik-ppcits posible tarzeau?
09:10.11tarzeauik-ppc: i think so, do you know how to use apt-cache search xfce ?
09:10.35ik-ppcnop =/
09:10.37thesaboteurqwertz are you using vsftpd debian package or did you /configure your own?
09:10.41tarzeauik-ppc: type it in the shell
09:11.16ik-ppcxfce package not found
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09:11.44jabbaich wollte grade debian auf ein laptop installieren...
09:11.57jabbahabe mir dazu eine net-install-cd runtergeladen
09:11.59tarzeauik-ppc: what did you type? not what i told you!
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09:12.13jabbaoh ..
09:12.18jabbaworng chan
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09:13.09ik-ppci think there is
09:13.27ik-ppcit shows xfce things
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09:13.46tarzeauik-ppc: good
09:13.49ansongdoes anyone know if captive has been packaged for debian?
09:13.56tarzeauik-ppc: do you know how to use apt-get install xfce things ?
09:14.05Guerinansong: you can, if you search
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09:14.59ik-ppcnop , i just type, apt-get install xfce
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09:15.11ik-ppcbut it says its not there
09:15.14tarzeauik-ppc: you have to type one from the results of apt-cache search xfce
09:15.23tarzeauik-ppc: it isn't there, it's called slightly different
09:15.26fatal_ik-ppc: try xfce4
09:15.38ik-ppcok =)
09:15.48*** part/#debian fr33ky (
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09:16.38ansongtarzeau, Guerin, apparently it  isn't officially packaged
09:17.01ansongthanks though
09:17.04tarzeauansong: did you search the wnpp page if it was itpd or rfpd?
09:17.16tarzeauanyway, what is captive? url?
09:17.28dpkgit has been said that captive is The first kind of free if you squint NTFS read/write filesystem for GNU/Linux.
09:17.40Guerinfree if you squint
09:17.54Guerinof course, it ain't
09:18.00ansongGuerin, i checked dpkg already, i guess i'll use the rpm
09:18.05dpkgi heard dpkg is the debian package manager, sort of like the debian equivalent to rpm. a blootbot on #debian, or a bloodbot on #crack
09:18.13Guerinwell, it is, but not without a fairly crucial non-free component
09:18.49*** join/#debian war- (
09:19.10ansongluckily ms has provided my college with an enormous amt of 'free' crap. xp-pro is included.
09:19.23Guerinhow is that lucky?
09:19.26*** join/#debian dings (
09:19.36d03boyi would definetly do marsha brady
09:19.45G400A really boring one for you ... why is there a locale called en_GB.ISO-8859-15 ISO-8859-15 (sic) as well as just en_GB.ISO-8859-15 if I look at dpkg-reconfigure locales?
09:20.06*** join/#debian Sikik (
09:20.18EvanCarrollOnly bother answer if your sure of your answer, when i get an error that reads as such 'SMTP error from remote mailer after RCPT TO:<>:\n host []: Relaying denied.' the relaying denied comes from i take it right?
09:20.25qwertzthesaboteur, using debian package, just experienced that when I set the login shell to /bin/bash it works but the user should only have ftp account, setting it to /bin/false provokes the failure
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09:21.13Guerinqwertz: add /bin/false to /etc/shells or something
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09:21.25ansongGuerin, because some people need full compatibility with visio & other ms office stuff (which ms also gave the school, part of their MSDNAA thing). i can't tell my customers what they can & can't send me. and i better be able to read it.
09:21.26thesaboteurqwertz yeah that's why I wanted to check that, I've ran into that before when setting up ftpd's :)
09:21.43Guerinansong: heh
09:21.43*** join/#debian ik-ppc (
09:22.02Guerinansong: I fear I am going to feel that pain in the next couple weeks
09:22.09ik-ppci think is install xfce now, but how can i start it? =/
09:22.10*** join/#debian pechito (~pechito@
09:22.14ansongGuerin, no!
09:22.45thesaboteurqwertz IIRC you can create a fake one like /bin/foo and add to /etc/shells maybe?
09:22.54ansongneed to install win or deal with customers (both can be painful)
09:22.58Guerinansong: I live in an even bigger software monoculture than the usa
09:23.13Guerinnah, it'll be other workmates and things
09:23.15ansongGuerin, uh, the soviet union?
09:23.34ik-ppcany one knows how can i start xfce?
09:23.39Guerinansong: closer than you might think
09:23.43*** join/#debian huliganz (~huli@
09:23.46Guerinik-ppc: startxfce4
09:23.52ik-ppcokis =)
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09:24.01dpkgFor help with foo, look in /usr/share/doc/foo There may be an examples/ directory there as well.
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09:24.17thesaboteurqwertz and/or if you plan to create alot of ftp only accounts then changing your ftpd authentication might work out better in the long run.
09:24.22ansongik-ppc, what dm are you using? when i installed it, gdm put it into a nice dropdown menu...
09:24.44ansongGuerin, from spain? /guessing
09:25.12ik-ppcansong what is that dm?
09:25.16qwertzthesaboteur, thanks for your help adding /bin/false to /etc/shells worked!
09:25.24*** join/#debian Flain (~flain@
09:25.35Guerinansong: heh, in KOrea
09:25.45ansongik-ppc, gdm handles my logins
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09:26.04Flainhi, can anyone point me at a howto on setting up exim4 with mysql and webmail on Debian?
09:26.06ik-ppci just type apt-get install gdm?
09:26.14Guerinwhere, if whois didn't indicate otherwise, I'd presume you were, too
09:26.29EvanCarrollFlain: exim4 is impossible to set up, i spent 10hrs today
09:26.40ansongGuerin, why did you think that?
09:26.45FlainEvanCarroll: i know.. i spent 3 hours RTFMing heh
09:26.54Guerinyour nick is a place in South Korea
09:27.00Guerinansong: ^^
09:27.00ansongik-ppc, yeah, that should work
09:27.05EvanCarrollFlain: i spent much much longer =/ it's a horralbe program that sucks balls
09:27.16EvanCarrollFlain: exim4.template.conf.conf i mean wtf now?
09:27.17thesaboteurqwertz np, although im unsure as to the security implications that might have.  Try adding /bin/foo to /etc/shells and see if that works instead?
09:27.31ik-ppcoki ansong =) thanks
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09:27.36EvanCarrollFlain: courier has been very easy to set up i just have one more problem with it =/
09:27.40FlainEvanCarroll: did you get anything else setup as an alternative?
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09:27.49EvanCarrollFlain: courier-mta
09:28.19FlainEvanCarroll: cool, does it support mysql and allow you to manage virtual domains easily? :)
09:28.21ansongit's actually the username the cs dept. at school gave me many years ago. i wonder if mapquest covers korea?
09:29.02saintisshi, can I "kill" a connection which is in the SYN_SENT state and blocked by the firewall?
09:29.04*** mode/#Debian [+l 786] by debhelper
09:29.13EvanCarrollFlain: i think so, atleast the conf files for the courier swete are logically configured
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09:29.29EvanCarrollFlain: i don't need virtual domains, i just need users, and imap
09:29.43EvanCarrollFlain: and excluding my error 513 everything is working fine
09:30.15GuerinEvanCarroll: #courier
09:30.19EvanCarrollim in there.
09:30.32EvanCarrollso are 20 others afk
09:30.40Guerinansong: it does, but not very well
09:31.55Dewimy routing / ip masquerading seems to be automatically prioritising interactive traffic. Is there a way I can control what types of traffic gets priority?
09:32.13cafuegoPhated: You awake?
09:32.14nagualDewi: wondershaper or some other qos
09:32.18Phatedcafuego: Yeah?
09:32.31Dewinagual: well, there already seems to be some shaping
09:32.33cafuegoPhated: the trip to Malaysia is go, but I won't be going through SG.
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09:32.39Phatedcafuego: Aww, bomb.
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09:32.50cafuegoPhated: it's at a resort on Borneo
09:32.55Phatedcafuego: Sweet.
09:33.06cafuegoPhated: *nodnod*
09:33.16qwertzthesaboteur, using non-existent /bin/ftp and adding it to /etc/shells works too
09:33.20Phatedcafuego: :) Well, have fun. :)
09:33.29cafuegoPhated: prolly will <hehe>
09:33.36Phatedcafuego: Heh. True. :)
09:33.47thesaboteurqwertz kool, you should be good to go then :)
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09:34.42ansongdamn, it's 3:30 here. home for me. Guerin, thanks for the help
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09:36.29nksenis there a way to check out in which resolution my x-server is running? i somehow got the feeling that it does not give me the resolution that I set in /etc/X11/XF86Config-4
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09:36.50Guerinnksen: xpdyinfo
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09:39.09streuner!find xpdyinfo
09:39.19dpkgDebian Package/File/Desc Search of 'xpdyinfo' returned no results.
09:39.33Guerinit's in xbase-clients
09:39.44nkseni see. nice nice. thx a lot, I'll try
09:39.48streunercommand not found
09:40.09Guerin!find xdpyinfo
09:40.15dpkgDebian Search of 'xdpyinfo' (1): (/usr/X11R6/bin/xdpyinfo) in x11/xbase-clients.
09:40.22Guerinmy bad
09:40.41*** join/#debian nomeata (
09:40.47nksenhm. but xbase-clients is installed
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09:41.06yxacafuego you there?
09:41.27yxais software raid and lvm mutually exclusive?
09:41.53netichi. where is the file that is beeing written when i use crontab located?
09:42.30hexxehyxa, no, they're usually combined.
09:43.31valdyn_netic: /var/spool/cron/crontabs/<username>
09:43.38yxahexxeh how do i do that? a partition can only be marked software raid or lvm
09:43.57neticvaldyn_: thank you
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09:45.35hexxehyxa, erm... chapter 11 of the software raid howto
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09:46.50valdyn_yxa: lvm logically will operate on your raids partition, not on a harddisks partition?
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09:47.06myfilikahi every body
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09:47.47Skiverhi people
09:48.00Skiveranyway to make a CD password protected ?
09:48.04yxayeah i know lvm was invented to overcome partitioning on a md
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09:48.28yxabut when i tried using the installer to set it up it wouldnt let me
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09:48.46emergoshingouz: hey, that was it. after I logged in again sound is working :-) thx. (alsa xmms etc)
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09:50.39zahodso, does anyone know an easy way to check which packages are dependent on a certain package?
09:51.11hexxehzahod, apt-cache rdepends foo
09:51.13streunerzahod: man apt-cache
09:51.25huliganzapt-get moo :)
09:51.33streunerzahod: or just use /msg dpkg depends foo
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09:52.34mikei am trying to set up email accounts on my server. I have just upgraded my machine and now i have 3 domains to host email for. What would be the most "debianish" way to host virtual accounts without giving shell access to my server? id like to try install it as IMAP and POP3. thanks.
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09:55.36gypsymauroI'm using apt-proxy but for an error a new user downloaded a lot of packages directly from network, now I've all that packages in /var/cache/apt/ can I import them in apt-procy archive? that menas split them in pool/a pool/b ecc and update the dists/testing/.. there is a tool?
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09:56.28valdyn_gypsymauro: apt-proxy-import, but that script does not seem to respect /etc/apt-proxy/apt-proxy-v2.conf properly, so it may work for you or not
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09:56.41brislinghow can i chance the rights for a libary, so that apache can read from it.. ?
09:56.50tommi^Who said that dont thank yet, until youve installed debian again, few days ago?
09:56.52gypsymaurovaldyn_: great!
09:57.01zahodhexxeh, thanks
09:57.02lnxgrlcan i get the woody gcc (2.95.4) into my sarge distribution ?
09:57.05lnxgrlas alternative ?
09:57.19zahodapt-cache --installed rdepends was what I was looking for
09:57.22gypsymaurovaldyn_: I've v1 :)
09:57.25Zeit|idleFile: LATEST-IS-2.6.11   02.03.2005  8:00:00 Uhr   ... grrr compiled rc5 yesterday.. ^^
09:57.46valdyn_lnxgrl: why the hell use "woodys" gcc, when 2.95 is in sarge too?
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09:58.14lnxgrlgcc 3.3 is in sarge
09:58.25lnxgrli'm just doing a distupgrade and need the old one for compatibility
09:58.26valdyn_lnx: as is 3.4 and 2.95
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09:58.35valdyn_lnxgrl: as is 3.4 and 2.95
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09:58.44lnxgrlhow can i compile with 2.95 ?
09:58.46valdyn_!info gcc-2.95 sarge
09:58.49dpkggcc-2.95: (The GNU C compiler), section devel, is optional. Version: 1:2.95.4-22 (sarge), Packaged size: 915 kB, Installed size: 2224 kB
09:59.00valdyn_lnxgrl: compile what?
09:59.03*** mode/#Debian [+l 795] by debhelper
09:59.16lnxgrlah so i can just install gcc-2.95 in sarge ?
09:59.19lnxgrlas package?
09:59.35*** part/#debian Dexamyl (
09:59.39streuner!info gcc-2.95 sarge
09:59.41dpkggcc-2.95: (The GNU C compiler), section devel, is optional. Version: 1:2.95.4-22 (sarge), Packaged size: 915 kB, Installed size: 2224 kB
09:59.51lnxgrlalright, thanks
10:00.24streunerjust change the symlink to 2.95 - gcc is an symlink
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10:00.34dpkg[equivs] a package that enables you to create dummy packages that tell apt you really have installed (through some other means) the package. apt-get install equivs, and read /usr/share/doc/equivs/*, or see also "usrlocal"
10:00.44valdyn_aww, ffs
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10:01.30valdyn_lnxgrl: recommended to use dpkg-divert on each symlink you change for gcc, but what streuner said always worked for me too
10:02.14hexxehand cpp, g++, i386-linux-gcc, i386-linux-g++, i386-linux-cpp
10:02.16brislingif i use chmod on catalog/libary on my webserver, which number is the right then i want apache to read from it?
10:03.05lnxgrlthanks, i'll try it ;)
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10:04.42valdyn_brisling: why not just read chmod(1) ?
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10:07.25JYL57hello, how to configure mc to stay after exist in the displayed directory ?!
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10:13.19rixthWhen ever I double click an mp3 I get:
10:13.37rixthCouldn't display ___.mp3
10:13.38rixthThere was an error launching the application.
10:13.47rixth(trying to open in xmms)
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10:14.05rixthBut I know Xmms is ok, as I can play mp3s if I open them from there
10:14.32brislingvaldyn_: cant find anything otherwise i wouldnt have asked..
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10:15.35valdyn_brisling: who owns that file?
10:16.07brislingit was set to have a+r for the directory
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10:16.26smlstudent and NeScHe`mUziK`diN spam
10:16.35sml(on join)
10:16.36jm_JYL57: man mc, read about -P
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10:17.03sml!ops Student and NeScHe`mUziK`diN are naughty naughty lil' spam bots
10:17.04dpkgHydroxide, bob2, caphuso, dondelelcaro, doogie, eeyore-, ElectricElf, greycat, helix, ljlane, LoRez, mentor, Netsnipe, TML, walters, xk: Student and NeScHe`mUziK`diN are naughty naughty lil' spam bots
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10:17.47lnxgrlhmm and can i use the old libc ?
10:17.53dpkgextra, extra, read all about it, permissions is multiple acts of permitting
10:18.17valdyn_lnxgrl: if you install it
10:18.24lnxgrli did a distupgrade
10:18.37brislingsome have suggested chmod 777 but as i can se it will give all users the right to write to the directory
10:18.38lnxgrlto be honest i don'T know how compatible the two libc versions are
10:18.40valdyn_!depends gcc-2.95
10:18.43dpkggcc-2.95: depends on libc6 (>= 2.3.2.ds1-4), cpp-2.95 (>= 1:2.95.4), cpp-2.95 (<< 1:2.95.5), binutils (>=
10:18.45lnxgrli have to compile for the older libc
10:18.45JYL57thanks jm_
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10:19.49valdyn_brisling: so why dont you run chmod a-w <file> ?
10:20.13brislinghmm going to try that..
10:20.36valdyn_brisling: you really want to understand how this works, nothing difficult about it
10:20.44valdyn_brisling: instead of blindly copying numbers
10:21.18ricky_clarksonbrisling: man chmod; info chmod; google chmod
10:21.26smlciao ricky_clarkson
10:21.43ricky_clarksonbuongiorno sml.
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10:22.16ricky_clarksonsml: tu parli italiano?
10:22.18smlI went to the dentist yesterday and today my cheek is like a spanked penguins ass :(
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10:22.29smlricky_clarkson: si' so parlare l'italiano :)
10:22.37ricky_clarksonel show-offio.
10:22.42thesaboteursml mmmm..... spanked penguin's ass
10:22.51smlthesaboteur: lol
10:22.52henricwhats the command for searching for files?
10:22.57smlhenric: lol. find.
10:23.09SonnyChibais it enaugh "cat /dev/cdrom > file.iso" to create an iso file from cd
10:23.14smlalso "locate" is a good one :)
10:23.24*** join/#debian protoloc0 (
10:23.32smlSonnyChiba: better to use dd. coz there might be errors on the cd
10:23.35shingouzSonnyChiba: you can also dd it
10:23.41valdyn_SonnyChiba: yea
10:23.42protoloc0I have setup my iptables, and added some rules to LOG some ports... Where they go?? i cant see them in /var/log ...
10:23.49EvanCarrollSonnyChiba: dd is by far better
10:23.50protoloc0?? where do i have to specify ?
10:23.52haddockHey, is there anyway to install Xorg with apt-get ?
10:23.53smlproto: depends
10:23.58protoloc0sml, of :S
10:24.02henricthx sml
10:24.04smlprotoloc0: whats the log level set to ?
10:24.08SonnyChibaso, dd if=/dev/cdrom of=file.iso
10:24.10protoloc0warning.. says..
10:24.16protoloc0LOG        tcp  --  anywhere             anywhere            tcp dpt:ssh LOG level warning
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10:24.30smlprotoloc0: where is the warn set to go to in the syslog conf ?
10:24.34smlprobably /var/log/syslog
10:24.43valdyn_!xorg debs
10:24.43dpkgxorg debs are at, if you are in one of the countries permitted to access that server
10:24.45protoloc0sml, how can i make a warning ? a conection of ssh ?
10:24.49EvanCarrollSonnyChiba: yes, you can add bs= too if you want to specify the byte size, like 1MB or such and it will show you as it reads in and writes out
10:24.50valdyn_no idea if this works from sweden ^^^
10:24.56protoloc0sml, better, when it will LOG ?
10:25.24smlprotoloc0: the rule you have will log all ssh connections to syslog and alos to the terminal.
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10:25.37smlprotoloc0: I use log leve debug so that it doesn't go to the terminal.
10:25.59protoloc0where it goes ?
10:26.16smlprotoloc0: LOG level debug prefix 'My rule:' , will help you see the rules in the syslog and aid grepping.
10:26.30smlprotoloc0: i just told you. /var/log/syslog.
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10:28.37jon273 <- does this use the new installer i keep readng about?
10:29.05valdyn_jon273: yea
10:29.24jon273great. I can't work the package selection thingie
10:29.39valdyn_jon273: eh?
10:29.52smlprotoloc0: iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport ssh -j LOG --log-prefix "[ssh logged connection]:" --log-level 7; iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport ssh -j ACCEPT
10:29.55valdyn_jon273: that installer does certainly not make selecting packages obsolete
10:29.56brislinghmm it still wont work, i have postet my error_log here
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10:30.02smlprotoloc0: try that.
10:30.25jon273lol, i was trying to select apache form the list, next thing i know, it's starting to download the stuff. I prob got a bit trigger happy, i'll try again.
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10:31.29protoloc0sml, thanks
10:31.55protoloc0sml, leve 7 what means.. ?
10:32.06smlprotoloc0: log level debug. man iptables dude.
10:32.29ricky_clarksonNo manual entry for dude
10:32.42smlricky_clarkson: LOL
10:34.56smlOh well I have to setup a couple of CISCO's <sigh>, back later
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10:35.22gillessome people say ubuntu is the future of debian, does it make sense ?
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10:36.23valdyn_gilles: no
10:36.35valdyn_gilles: ubuntu cant exist w/o debian
10:36.35ricky_clarksongilles: We're not likely to be objective here.
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10:37.16nagualricky_clarkson: do you really think objectivity exists?
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10:38.28ricky_clarksonnagual: Yes.  PI is 3.142..., objectively.
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10:38.37ricky_clarksonnagual: PI doesn't depend on your point of view.
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10:39.04RedGlownagual: put it this way - surely we are much less objective than in other places :-)
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10:40.05gilleswhen debian will be as easy to install and configure as mandrake is, then will there still be a future for ubuntu ?
10:40.41valdyn_gilles: very much doubt that debian is even trying to accomplish that
10:41.05EvanCarrolldebian is just as easy to install as any other linux distro, imho excluding the bit abuot usb keyboards that i keep hearing
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10:41.22nagualricky_clarkson: you just gave me your subjective view of what pi is. if that even has anything to do with 'objectivitiy' i dont know.
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10:41.44ricky_clarksonnagual: How is what I said subjective?
10:41.49jetscreamerdebian's easy, if you already have the slightest clue how shit works
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10:41.55EvanCarrollI have personally never spent much time installing debian, its like hitting the enter key 7 times or something not difficult
10:41.57gillesEvanCarroll: i'm talking about install *and* configuration
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10:42.00jetscreamerand can think
10:42.01simonrvnnagual: usually apple, with ice cream (or "plain")
10:42.16EvanCarrollgilles: try gentoo.
10:42.37jetscreamergentoo docs are kickass... gentoo is a pain in the ass...
10:42.49jetscreamerwell for my limited n00b skills it was
10:43.00nagualricky_clarkson: by saying exactly what you did. PI is 3.142...,. one could claim thats your subjective experience of pi.
10:43.01gillesEvanCarroll: i guess mandrake would be better than gentoo...
10:43.04nagualsimonrvn: exactly.
10:43.08simonrvnyeh. docs are ok, a little short on detail, but ok
10:43.10jon273why did it install lilo last time, and grub this time?
10:43.21jetscreamerthey cahnged the default
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10:43.35jetscreameri hated that when i found out the hard way
10:43.39jetscreamergrub borked, too
10:43.39asuffieldI can get a box from bare to woody deployed with exim and apache, in a shade under 11 minutes
10:43.47jon273but i just used the same install cd
10:43.47asuffieldanybody who can't do it in under half an hour isn't trying
10:43.52EvanCarrolli don't think the docs are that kick ass they still have bugs in them, i just burned a new iso last week, see the htmlsdocs-section about appending mirrors to your /etc/mirror.conf, the syntax is wrong and will append binary data if you follow it
10:44.03jetscreameri was thinking 15-20 for me on woody, but i take my time
10:44.22ricky_clarksonnagual: How could you justify that claim?
10:44.31asuffieldthat's the only meaningful comparison of installation that I know of
10:44.32simonrvnEvanCarroll: net/sys admin/set up docs that i've seen are ok. i guess they need to vette them more
10:44.38gillesIs there a configuration tool for debian than would configure all my hardware : wifi card, radeon 9600, webcam... ?
10:44.44EvanCarrollof i remember correctly the quickest fix i could find was to grep for GENTOO_MIRRORS, but i could see how 95% of the people would never think of that
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10:45.00miyogilles: apt-get install discover
10:45.00jetscreamerhmmm.... jon273 did you type expert26 last time and linux26 this time?
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10:45.14jetscreamerdon't let discover manage mount points!
10:45.22miyogilles: It will configure hardware that it supports.
10:45.27simonrvnit mangles them...
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10:45.35jetscreamerunless they fixed that disappearing /media/cdrom thing
10:45.41emergohow can I get ensure my disk are use dma ? and at its fastest :-)
10:45.41nagualricky_clarkson: i dont need to justify anything at all.
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10:45.44gillesmiyo: i have ran it, but i didn't see what it did
10:45.55valdyn_emergo: use a debian kernel
10:46.10jon273jetscreamer, the only difference was that i chose to manually set up the partitions..
10:46.15jetscreameremergo, man hdparm
10:46.18miyoemergo: hdparm
10:46.28emergochii: ;-)
10:46.30miyogilles: How did you ran it?
10:46.36emergohdparm yes
10:46.37fatal_emergo: hdparm can show the settings. They should be set properly if your ide-controllers driver was loaded....
10:46.40valdyn_emergo: and dont just set dma on in hdparm
10:46.55miyogilles: /etc/init.d/discover start ?
10:46.56emergovaldyn_: ok why ?
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10:47.02jetscreamerdon't jack around with hdparm, know wtf you are doing
10:47.05jon273also, does the sarge netinst have kernel-2.6?
10:47.17valdyn_emergo: debian kernels will enable dma by default, only if theres a good reason not to, then they wont
10:47.18ricky_clarksonnagual: If you can't justify a claim, the claim is invalid.
10:47.25jetscreamerif you tell it to install it it will, but you have to tell it
10:47.29miyojon273: Yes... start with linux26
10:47.35emergovaldyn_: ok im running a debian kernel
10:47.40nagualricky_clarkson: i dont have a problem with you having that opinion.
10:47.49valdyn_emergo: and? is dma on?
10:47.57jetscreamerat the boot: prompt.. hit f3
10:48.05emergovaldyn_: installing hdparm to test now
10:48.10jetscreamerand 2 & 4 and...
10:48.16valdyn_emergo: yea, use it to look at settings is fine
10:48.19emergovaldyn_: or can I see in proc maybe
10:48.20ricky_clarksonnagual: Try learning about structured thought at some point.
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10:48.52valdyn_emergo: /proc/ide/hda/settings
10:49.21emergovaldyn_: hdparm has a "speed test" doesnt it
10:49.27nagualricky_clarkson: try making a valid point at some time if you ever end up in a discussion. like if you talk about something you could make a good example, not something that could impossibly be a part of it.
10:49.33emergocat /proc/ide/hda/settings
10:49.44valdyn_emergo: yea, but its not a benchmark, not really meaningful
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10:50.11EvanCarrollemergo: hdparm -Tt
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10:50.27emergovaldyn_: never tried any benchmark tools, can you recommend any
10:50.28Space_NLmorning people .. have set up postfix and stuff, now i would like imap/pop3 to run .. someone pointed me to imap from the washington university .. but i cant seem to find the correct package name for apt .. any one got a clue for me ?
10:50.30miyoemergo: bonnie++ - Hard drive bottleneck testing benchmark suite.
10:50.51mr_"Lorenzo" is spamming with a porn site
10:50.53EvanCarrollSpace_NL: try courier-imap
10:50.58valdyn_emergo: ^^^ , hdparm -tT tests your kernel )
10:51.05ricky_clarksonnagual: I did make a good example.
10:51.13Space_NLEvanCarroll: thats a different popper i guess ?
10:51.24valdyn_emergo: ^^^ , hdparm -T tests your kernel and your interfaces speed, not your disk really
10:52.00EvanCarrollSpace_NL: its just an smtp server, there is courier-mta as well, it can replace exim
10:52.12mr_and my problem is: debian doesn't see my CDROM (combo), kernel 2.6.10, one SATA hdd and one IDE CDROM
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10:52.24miyoSpace_NL: Use dovecot.
10:52.37petemcEvanCarroll: but it doesnt have the same functionality as exim
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10:53.13EvanCarrollpetemc: no but it works.
10:53.13nagualricky_clarkson: yea, i know that you think so. well, one could claim the only 'objective' way of describing what pi is by simply calling it pi, since pretty much everything else is limited, either by mans knowledge about it, or by limited space or unclear rules about how long you want it to be after the dot. so you made my point for me actually, since you gave your subjective view of what pi is.
10:53.16emergomiyo: Ill look at bonnie
10:53.21petemcEvanCarroll: exim works too
10:53.49EvanCarrollpetemc: no, exim, doesn't, and it does for the most part what exim can do -- ( I can't think of anything it can't do )
10:54.01emergovaldyn_: /dev/hda:
10:54.02emergocould not allocate sharedmem buf: No space left on device
10:54.08mr_noone have an idea? i'm trying to get this cd working since yesterday :(
10:54.24emergovaldyn_: running hdparm -Tt
10:54.24petemcEvanCarroll: exim does, you blatantly didnt read any docs, and then started trolling saying exim was broken when the real problem was user error
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10:55.04emergovaldyn_: in proc using_dma               1               0               1               rw
10:55.24emergovaldyn_: guess one means on
10:55.47ricky_clarksonnagual: PI is the ratio between the length of a circle and its diameter.  How is that ratio subjective?
10:56.22EvanCarrollpetemc: I uploaded both of my docs to the webserver, and told the chat room of the different solutions i tried, none of those kids lended a hand, the docs in exim are ass backwards, exim4.template.conf.conf -- WTF, and after 10hrs of reading the docs on the cambridge site i gave up. And i will personally never use exim, on any of my systems again, nor will i suggest it to anyone. those configs are absolute bull shit
10:56.25valdyn_emergo: yea
10:56.32EvanCarrolluploaded both of my configs *
10:57.00jon273Will it mind if I install qmail etc. instead of exim?
10:58.00petemcEvanCarroll: i tried to help you, i told you what your problem was, its not anyones fault if you cant understand that
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10:58.17valdyn_emergo: i dont know that error message, it *might* have to do w/ /dev/shm, try google ( )
10:58.19jon273I know bugger all about MTA'sreally, and have just spent ages trying to figure out how to use qmail, i don't wanna learn another mta
10:58.26daxxarWhy does apt-get dist-upgrade want to install "caudium caudium-modules caudium-php4"?
10:58.36daxxarOn Debian Testing.
10:58.50thesaboteurEvanCarroll does this mean you will now become a proud Qmail user? ;)
10:58.55ricky_clarksonjon273: I know very little about MTAs, I just installed exim4 and left it to it.
10:59.01EvanCarrollpetemc: i knew what my problem was, it failed to do one thing. write to Maildir something that any decent mta would do easily
10:59.23EvanCarrollthesaboteur: no i think i sided with courier-mta but i will still encourage anyone to move away from exim4
10:59.27daxxarOh, let me rephrase. Why does php4 depend on caudium-php4 on Debian Testing? :p
10:59.39daxxar(and that recently changed, afact)
10:59.40moodedjon273, and its not worth learning exim if one knows qmail..
10:59.46valdyn_daxxar: it does not, apt-cache show php4
10:59.54MobyTurbo!ops LoreNZo and Linda^is^a^geniu are porn spambots
10:59.55dpkgHydroxide, bob2, caphuso, dondelelcaro, doogie, eeyore-, ElectricElf, greycat, helix, ljlane, LoRez, mentor, Netsnipe, TML, walters, xk: LoreNZo and Linda^is^a^geniu are porn spambots
11:00.02*** mode/#Debian [+o helix] by ChanServ
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11:00.05EvanCarrollI was able to understand the structure of the courier set of products, by reading the faq... thats stcuture and design.
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11:00.08daxxarvaldyn_: zevs:~# apt-cache show php4
11:00.10*** part/#debian Linda^is^a^geniu (~RuDeGiRL_@
11:00.10daxxarDepends: libapache-mod-php4 (>= 4:4.3.10-8) | libapache2-mod-php4 (>= 4:4.3.10-8) | caudium-php4 (>= 4:4.3.10-8), php4-common (>= 4:4.3.10-8)
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11:00.29thesaboteurEvanCarroll close enough, I like courier.
11:00.30MobyTurbohelix: thanks. the problem is getting worse, isn't it
11:00.31valdyn_daxxar: see, "|" is an OR
11:00.45helixMobyTurbo: indeed
11:01.12daxxarvaldyn_, hm. why did this trigger when i did apt-get dist-upgrade, and not when i installed php4? o_0
11:01.34EvanCarrollthesaboteur: I might be trying qmail here soon, while i feel i have made progress understanding courier, and i'm extremly happy with its design model, it still gives me this error 513 and bounces when i try to send mail to it from outside the domain
11:01.38kM0ti0n_trying to upgrade testing - > unstable.  I have changed the sources.list but I get a 404 some of the lists
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11:01.48kM0ti0n_where can I find correct sources?
11:02.02daxxarvaldyn_, and, heh, libapache-mod-php4 is installed.
11:02.05valdyn_daxxar: b/c you ran apt-get update in between? i dont know..
11:02.23valdyn_daxxar: the wrong version?
11:02.37mr_please help with cdrom: debian doesn't see my CDROM (combo), kernel 2.6.10, one SATA hdd and one IDE CDROM, debian unstable, in dmesg about cd is only some "ata2" lines
11:02.39EvanCarroll'513 Relaying Denied'
11:02.49daxxar4.3.10-2, so yes. but apt-get dist-upgrade wants to update it, as well as install caudium.
11:03.33daxxarWhy would it try to satisfy two of the OR-dependencies in one apt-get dist-upgrade? 
11:04.04ricky_clarksondaxxar: Try apt-get upgrade, then apt-get install all the extra packages individually.
11:04.06jimEvanCarroll: if you didn't get that error your mta would be operatiing as the antisocial thing called an open relay
11:04.08valdyn_daxxar: try apt-get dselect-upgrade
11:04.13valdyn_daxxar: see if it does the same
11:04.45daxxarapt-get upgrade only wants to update grub, and holds back libapache-mod-php4 php4-common php4-gd.
11:04.56thesaboteurEvanCarroll Sounds like it's not configured to accept email for your domain, or maybe it doesn't know what your domain is, I don't know i've never used courier-mta
11:04.59daxxarvaldyn_, nope, that only takes libapache-mod-php4
11:05.13EvanCarrolljim: could you explain what you mean by 'open' rely and what i can do for a solution, i have googled, for error 513 and viewed the first 10 pages of results =/
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11:05.22valdyn_!depends libapache-mod-php4
11:05.25dpkglibapache-mod-php4: depends on libbz2-1.0, libc6 (>= 2.3.2.ds1-4), libcomerr2 (>= 1.33-3), libdb4.2, libexpat1 (>= 1.95.8), libkrb53 (>= 1.3.2), libpcre3 (>= 4.5), libssl0.9.7, libzzip-0-12 (>= 0.12.83), zlib1g (>= 1:1.2.1), debconf (>= 0.5) | debconf-2.0, mime-support (>= 2.03-1), apache-common (>= 1.3.33), php4-common (= 4:4.3.10-8), libmagic1
11:06.21jimEvanCarroll: an open relay can be used by anyone to transport mail... therefore (and this is the larger problem) it can be used by spammers to transpiort mail
11:06.35mr_hobody knows how to setup cdrom on debian??
11:06.46EvanCarrollthesaboteur: I have a quite confusing MX situation that might add to that, points to but they both resolv to different ips, resolvs to my ip (the no-ip service) however i know this works because i had it working with exim4, and i haven't chagned the MX records
11:06.47valdyn_daxxar: having multiple sources for the same software in /etc/apt/sources.list *can* fuck up some things
11:07.11valdyn_daxxar: now thats not supposed to happen with official mirrors, i don't know if it can
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11:07.26daxxarI have testing/updates and testing, latter for deb and deb-src.
11:07.28EvanCarrolljim: so then theoretically you would think that courier would have an option to enable open relay and my problem would be solved
11:07.41jimmr_: what cdrom do you have? what do you mean by setup? have you read your logs?
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11:07.45thesaboteurEvanCarroll so you get 513 when someone sends email to
11:07.50cafuegodaxxar: Yes, 'upgrade'c an hold back stuff if depends change. 'dist-upgrade' will pull in more.
11:07.59EvanCarrollthesaboteur: right
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11:08.10valdyn_cafuego: problem is its pulling to much ( dist-upgrade )
11:08.23cafuegoEvanCarroll: So tell courier it also needs to accept mail for
11:08.25daxxarcafuego, it's pulling two dependencies that are |'ed.
11:08.29mr_jim: it's a combo (dvd reader + cd-rw), nothing in logs else some ata2:... lines
11:08.32jimEvanCarroll: and while your problem would be solved, the spam problem of everyone else in the world would be just beginning
11:08.46thesaboteurEvanCarroll you have 2 mx's listed, it should go to pref 10 first which is set to 10
11:08.48cafuegodaxxar: Peculiar.
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11:08.52mr_jim: no hd*, scd*, cdrom devices, when I MAKEDEV them, I can't mount them
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11:09.00daxxar!depends php4
11:09.02valdyn_daxxar: i'd remove the testing security part . try to install individually instead of dist-upgrade ( just apt-get install )
11:09.03*** mode/#Debian [+l 786] by debhelper
11:09.05dpkgphp4: depends on libapache-mod-php4 (>= 4:4.3.10-8) | libapache2-mod-php4 (>= 4:4.3.10-8) | caudium-php4 (>= 4:4.3.10-8), php4-common (>= 4:4.3.10-8)
11:09.06thesaboteurEvanCarroll so courier-mta should be set to recieve email for domain
11:09.07EvanCarrollcafuego: Well i have evancarroll, and in my locals/default file
11:09.16jimmr_: does the output of dmesg show your device?
11:09.19valdyn_daxxar: but im as clueless as you now, O_O
11:09.28daxxarI can just use dselect-upgrade, valdyn_. that pulls the right stuff.
11:09.35cafuegodaxxar: Ah yes, caudium. I noticed that too earlier today. I'm holding off on the update for now.
11:09.37valdyn_daxxar: oh does it?
11:09.45thesaboteurEvanCarroll but your mx records are a little strange.
11:09.45daxxarvaldyn_, indeed.
11:09.50EvanCarrollthesaboteur: ? I thought MX prefrences worked in reverse order, 0 first than 5, than 10 and so on
11:09.51valdyn_daxxar: i think you should file a bug report then
11:09.52mr_jim: no, only lines that there is ata2, but without any name
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11:10.15cafuegoEvanCarroll: yes, the lower numbers have preference.
11:10.20daxxarThe following packages will be upgraded: grub libapache-mod-php4 php4-common php4-gd
11:10.24daxxarThe following NEW packages will be installed: libzzip-0-12
11:10.28daxxar(for dselect-upgrade)
11:10.37daxxarvaldyn_, hm. what info should i include?
11:10.45Remjeyhi, please can somebody explain me what Minimize-Cost means precisely when applied to a packet in iptables?
11:10.52EvanCarrollright so mail should bounce from the mx record at evancarroll, to the one at which is this box and valid
11:10.56cafuegodaxxar: Just report that it wants to install caudium and that you don't think that's right.
11:10.57Zap-Wnvidia-kernel-source is gone from sid
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11:11.06jimmr_: is the device connected to power and data correctly?
11:11.07xerophyteDoes anybody know any good program which can monitor diskspace and others service if they are down it will restart the service on the server?
11:11.09EvanCarrollor so i would think
11:11.19daxxarcafuego, ok.
11:11.26mr_jim: yes
11:11.30cafuegoEvanCarroll: just add as MX for The MX doesn't HAVE to be on the same domain.
11:11.46EvanCarrollcafuego: thats the way it should be now
11:11.57jimmr_: look more carefully at the output of dmesg
11:12.10EvanCarrollcafuego: yea just checked thats how i have it =D
11:12.26mr_jim: I can paste you some
11:12.34daxxarShould I upgrade, though? Or leave it, in case they want more info..
11:12.41jimI don'[t want to look at it...
11:13.05mr_jim: of course not the whole dmesg
11:13.09EvanCarrollcafuego: I can send mail out fine, i just can't receive it because it bounces from box with the wonderfull 513 Relaying denied.
11:13.25jimthat doesn't change anything :)
11:13.36jahiHi, is there a simple midiplyer? seems that alsaplayer cant play midi, nor does xmms or mplayer
11:13.48mr_jim: there are only lines like "ata2: dev 0 configured for UDMA/44", nothing else
11:13.50cafuegoEvanCarroll: *nod* So that box doesn't know it's supposed to accept mail for said domain, even though you added it to that file.
11:14.09jimmr_: make sure the device is connected properly
11:14.22mr_jim: and dmesg | grep CD returns nothing
11:14.22EvanCarrollcafuego: if error 513 implies that then I would say you are right
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11:14.46thesaboteurEvanCarroll I can't connect via smtp to either of those Ip addresses.
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11:14.57mr_jim: ok, so i'll go :) thanks for [trying to] help :)
11:14.58jimthat's not gonna get you any?thing necessarily... pipe to less
11:15.11EvanCarrollthesaboteur: does the mail bounce with error 513?
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11:15.16Zap-Whow do i see on what other modules a module depends on
11:15.18jimI didn't say that... I'm just saying make sure your hardware works
11:15.22xkzap-w :)
11:15.42jimZap-W: one of the files in your installation has that info
11:15.44thesaboteurEvanCarroll it never gets that far, neither one responds with an smtp greeting.
11:15.59Bobfwhy dist upgrade keep pushing me useless pakage?
11:16.02cahootZap-W: modinfo
11:16.07thesaboteurEvanCarroll hold on its just really slow
11:16.14daxxarHm. Do I report it on apt-get or on php4? :o
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11:16.26EvanCarrollhrm thats odd, so when you email you don't even make it to the 513 bouce?
11:16.26Bobftoday i got caudium installed will upgrading apache2
11:16.45mr_jim: i don't know what shall i do with this, maybe there is a conflict between SATA driver for hdd and IDE cd?
11:16.56emergoIm trying to run limewire and get this (.:29034): Gdk-WARNING **: shmget failed: error 28 (No space left on device)
11:17.01jimis this a sata drive?
11:17.02Zap-Wright on
11:17.08Bobfwhat the big deal whit caudium and why it is require for updating ?
11:17.09mr_jim: HDD is, CD isn't
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11:17.33emergoI have 42gb left
11:17.33Gathondemergo: so it fails to allocate some shared memory, iirc that is not a critical error for Gdk
11:17.56emergoGathond: it stops
11:18.04Gathondemergo: shm is iirc shared memory, so it is not diskspace it talks about
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11:18.08jimI guess that's vaguely possible... but I dont' think the driver would last long if that were the case... the kernel people would get flooded if that were allowed to stay like that
11:18.42thesaboteurEvanCarroll I get 513's its really slow to.  Somewhere in the config for courier-mta it should let you set like a default domain?
11:18.43jimthis sata drive, how does it show up in dmesg
11:18.45Zap-Wwhy cant i find nvidia-kernel-source in sarge
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11:18.50emergoGathond: strange then
11:18.55*** join/#debian dptr (
11:19.03hexxehZap-W, it isn't in sarge anymore. pull it from sid.
11:19.04jimZap-W: you haven't looked yet?
11:19.09*** part/#debian |nickless| (
11:19.11hexxeh!tell Zap-W about non-free sources
11:19.11EvanCarrollthesaboteur: i have already set it in /etc/courier/locals
11:19.16hexxeh!tell Zap-W about quick sid/sarge mix
11:19.21hexxeh!tell Zap-W about nvidia one-liner
11:19.23jimzap-w: saw you coming a mile away :)
11:19.27*** join/#debian sorahn (
11:19.34hexxehZap-W, ask the package maintainer.
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11:19.37hexxeh!maint nvidia-glx
11:19.38dpkgnvidia-glx: Randall Donald <>
11:19.48thesaboteurEvanCarroll I dunno then I never used courier-mta, did you restart courier after you made the config file change?
11:19.49mr_jim: ata1: SATA..., scsi0 : ata_piix
11:20.00Zap-Woh that's more than 2 lines to read
11:20.02EvanCarrollthesaboteur: yar i always restart
11:20.13*** join/#debian globber (~Sanabsaba@
11:20.15thesaboteurEvanCarroll :)
11:20.16jimmr_: so the sata shows up on ata1?
11:20.29EvanCarrollthesaboteur: considering it
11:20.31mr_jim: looks like that
11:20.38mr_jim: and something on ata2 - i think cd
11:20.48jimok, howbout ide0?
11:20.54thesaboteurEvanCarroll yeah it's really slow to connect even if it does start working.
11:21.02jimwhat do you have the cd connected to? primary master?
11:21.03*** join/#debian XTR-lol (
11:21.14mr_jim: sec. master
11:21.24jimok, then ide1
11:21.24mr_and dmesg | grep ide0 returns nothing
11:21.32mr_ide1 too
11:21.37EvanCarrollthesaboteur: don't know why its slow to connect
11:21.41jimlook without grep
11:21.43jimuse less
11:21.44EvanCarrollthesaboteur: im not torrenting at the momment
11:21.50jimlook at the whole thing
11:22.00mr_i have looked
11:22.16jimyou won't understand everything, you won't understand most of it probablyu
11:22.24*** join/#debian DonPettersen (
11:22.26mr_it looks like it wants to treat CD with ata_piix driver
11:22.27jimthat's ok, just see what it says
11:22.53jimpiix, is that a motherboard chipset?
11:23.05mr_jim: yes, ICH5
11:23.12*** join/#debian KillerBunny (
11:23.31thesaboteurEvanCarroll yeah It's most likely the daemon itself that's slow, it may be trying to do hostname lookups, etc.
11:23.32*** part/#debian JohnFlux (~John@JohnFlux.developer.konversation)
11:23.49jimput all of output of dmesg there
11:24.09*** join/#debian Xer (
11:24.17Xerho guys
11:24.20Xerhi guyes
11:24.25mr_jim: it is a http link?
11:24.47jimwhat, you can't browse yet?
11:24.53Hybridized_Hi Xer
11:24.53mr_jim: my browser says the domain name could not be found
11:25.02Xercan anyone tell me why i get this
11:25.03Xerbash: ./bootsplash-3.1.3-2.6.0-test9.diff: Permission denied
11:25.03Xer[im rooot]
11:25.10Xerhi hybrid
11:25.11jimok, I got it wrong then
11:25.14*** join/#debian Bhaal (bhaal@bhaal.staff.freenode)
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11:25.17jimlet me check
11:25.18*** join/#debian haffalump (
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11:25.40Zap-Wtoo bad there isnt a console ver of Skype
11:25.52*** join/#debian jdhutchin1 (
11:25.57*** join/#debian Tolimar (~alex@
11:25.59thesaboteurXer what are the permissions on that file?
11:26.05mr_Zap-W, good that there is a linux version :)
11:26.12*** join/#debian Lenny_ (
11:26.15Xeri think its about kernel thinges
11:26.18ricky_clarksonXer: Because you are trying to run a file that isn't for running.
11:26.21haffalumpI got the following error by installing kernel-image-2.6-amd64-k8: cpio: (0x00000000): Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
11:26.24ricky_clarksonXer: man patch
11:26.31*** join/#debian lanchow (
11:26.32Xerim trying to install this
11:26.33Zap-Wmr_: yes
11:26.34haffalumpcp: Aufruf von stat für ,,(0x00000000)" nicht möglich: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
11:26.34Xerits look cool :)
11:26.38Zap-Wmr_: atleast that..
11:26.43haffalumprun-parts: /usr/share/initrd-tools/scripts/e2fsprogs exited with return code 1
11:26.46xkhaffalump: you have an athlon 64 chip?
11:26.52mr_jim: so? what with this address?
11:26.54haffalumpFailed to create initrd image.
11:26.59haffalumpxk: yes
11:27.14haffalumpWhat should I do now ?!
11:27.15jimpatience grasshopper
11:27.15xkhaffalump: cool - I getting one tomorrow.
11:27.33mr_jim: there is
11:27.41jimyes that's the one
11:27.56Xerroot@errorlinux:/home/error #  patch -pnum bootsplash-3.1.3-2.6.0-test9.diff
11:27.56Xerpatch: **** strip count num is not a number
11:28.02Xerwhats the wrong?!!!
11:28.25ricky_clarksonXer: The user!
11:28.34ricky_clarksonXer: From that site: "yourbox:~ # cd /usr/src/linux"
11:28.37xk-p<num> where <num> is 0 or 1,
11:28.38Zap-Wxk: you are the australian xt?
11:28.38hexxehXer, you run a 2.6.0-test9 kernel?
11:28.38Xerwhats about it?
11:28.48xkZap-W: yeah.
11:28.54Zap-Woh ,
11:28.54xkZap-W: are you the israeli zap-w?
11:29.04*** mode/#Debian [+l 796] by debhelper
11:29.06dpkgyou are probably english
11:29.21mr_jim: ok, pasted
11:29.25Zap-Wi still remeber when how pissed you were when i changed your factoid heh
11:29.42ricky_clarksonHeh, drunk IRC.
11:29.53*** join/#debian yoo (
11:31.05xkmr_: dual 3.0ghz?
11:31.40jimmr_: look at line 170
11:31.47mr_xk: one 3.0 with HT :)
11:31.59mr_jim: yes, it is my hdd
11:32.01*** join/#debian dossi81 (
11:32.25haffalumpNobody could help me ?
11:32.28jimthe thing is on ata2
11:32.53Xercan i just install it to /user/src ?
11:32.53dossi81Hallo. Wie kann man herausfinden mit welchen installationsoptionen debian pakete bereitgestellt werden (speziell squi)?
11:33.14mr_Xer: do you have other folders in /usr/src ?
11:33.21jimotherwise known as /dev/scsi/host0/bus0/target0/lun0 to the scsi emu driver
11:34.50Xeri cant read any thinges
11:34.52sepskihaffalump, well i for one have no idea what your error message means since its not english... maybe would understand it. but it sounds like a issue with the kernel image. i may be both silly and stupid, but i have had success with apt-get install --reinstall kernel-image-yadaydad in such cases
11:34.54*** join/#debian sorahn (
11:34.55Xeri do /list in here ;)
11:35.02*** join/#debian try_catch_this (~trycatcht@
11:35.11sepskii mean with the initrd cration of the kernel image install
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11:35.27Xeri finshed
11:35.34mr_jim: any ideas? :/
11:35.38Xercan i just install it to /user/src ?
11:35.50jimmr_: you didn't read what I just posted? :)
11:35.54jimthe thing is on ata2
11:35.54daxxarhm. When I've reported a bug with reportbug, but mailing failed, so it stored it in a local file; how can I send it when I fixed mailing? =)
11:35.57jimotherwise known as /dev/scsi/host0/bus0/target0/lun0 to the scsi emu driver
11:36.01Xeranyone can help me?
11:36.02mr_Xer: if you have /usr/src/kernel* you can make a symlink
11:36.13Xerlinux-headers-      minifo.tar.bz2  rpm
11:36.14Xerlinux-headers-  modules
11:36.18Xeri have that folders
11:36.27sepskiXer, /usr/src/linux is usualy a symlink to /usr/src/linux-version-whatever
11:36.31Xersymlink? i dont know whats this for?
11:36.36mr_jim: and if ls /dev/scsi/ returns no such file or dir?
11:36.47Xercan anyone tell me how to do the link?
11:37.03jimand no /dev/sga?
11:37.20*** join/#debian CyzarX (~cyzie@
11:37.22mr_jim: no sga, there is sg0
11:37.26haffalumpI got the following error:
11:37.47valdyn_Xer: cd /usr/src && ln -s kernel-source-2-blah linux
11:38.03Xerhere is new problem
11:38.07Xeri have to kernel folders ;)
11:38.14Xertp = two
11:38.17Xerto = two
11:38.56mr_jim: and.. this /dev/scsi/host0/bus0/target0/lun0... isn't it HDD?
11:38.58Xerlinux-headers-  <- folders and -> linux-headers-
11:39.01valdyn_Xer: what are yu trying to do?
11:39.15Xertrying to find wich folder is my kernel :P
11:39.18valdyn_Xer: /usr/src/linux is not required for much at all..
11:39.22jimmr_: no, don't think so
11:39.23emergols usb give me this, but vlc cant stream : Bus 003 Device 002: ID 046d:08b2 Logitech, Inc. QuickCam Pro 4000
11:39.27mr_Xer: try 'uname -a'
11:39.32valdyn_Xer: you don't have any kernel-source folder
11:39.35jimdo you have scsi general built into your kernel?
11:39.38xkhaffalump: would be understandable for us if it wasn't in german.
11:39.50XerLinux errorlinux #1 Tue Oct 12 12:41:57 BST 2004 i686 GNU/Linux  <<<-- i found it thx :)
11:40.15Xerto get*
11:41.07mr_jim: as a module
11:41.24mr_jim; and sg is loaded
11:41.27Xer/usr/src/linux-headers- # /usr/src && ln -s linux-headers- linux
11:41.28Xerbash: /usr/src: is a directory
11:41.40daxxarI get sent a "confirmation email" or similar when I report a bug to the btw, right?
11:41.46mr_Xer: cd before /usr/src
11:41.46xkXer: forgot a cd?
11:41.47valdyn_Xer: cd /usr/src
11:41.52haffalumpxk: How could I change the output to english ?
11:42.07*** join/#debian syrea (~nobody@
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11:42.30xkhaffalump: "unset LANG". try again.
11:42.39jimmr_, do you have any /dev/sd* ?
11:42.42xkor maybe unset C
11:42.46*** join/#debian TiffOn (
11:43.03valdyn_Xer: youre trying to do something silly probably, as i said, that symlink is not required for much at all
11:43.05mr_jim: sda, sda1 sda2 sda3 - this is hard disk
11:43.16*** part/#debian syrea (~nobody@
11:43.18Xeri like to use linux folder
11:43.19jimok, howbout /dev/sg*
11:43.33Xer[maybe i will get new patch and use it to upgrade to kernel 3
11:43.54jimI'm thinking your thing can be read as /dev/sda
11:43.59Xerand i will not write kernel-src-2..000000.000000  ;)
11:43.59valdyn_Xer: kernel 3? in 2015?
11:44.09Xeri dont know ;)
11:44.11*** join/#debian jb34 (
11:44.16Xeruh wait
11:44.19Xertis 2.10
11:44.23Xeror 2.6.10
11:44.30*** join/#debian Melsen (~Melsen@
11:44.55Xerhow long the patch neeed to work?
11:45.20*** join/#debian Kbyte (
11:45.21mr_jim: sg0
11:45.49jimmaybe that's how you refer to the writer
11:46.12jimgot a cd with a data track?
11:46.26mr_"/dev/sg0 is not a block device"
11:46.26jimiso filesystem?
11:46.32haffalumpI've got a Problem: (now in english)
11:46.42jimno, it's not a block device, so that's normal
11:46.49Xerhow long the patch neeed to work? 4 patching thinges?
11:46.55Zap-WSunOS 2.4 - 40Mhz"
11:47.03Xer40 mhz?!!
11:47.15Xerwhats the date of today?
11:47.39mr_jim: so how should I mount it?
11:47.54Xerrm -r /dev
11:48.02Xernow how long its will take?
11:48.35mr_Xer: try :p
11:48.58nksenanyone using aterm? starting it with 'aterm +tr' does not set it transparent on enlightenment. any ideas?
11:49.18*** join/#debian jill^crux2 (
11:49.29jimtry:  mount /dev/sda /mnt
11:49.35jimwith a cd in the drive
11:49.36xkhaffalump: hrm... looks like a parsing error. I'd put an " -x" after the shell in the postinst script to enable verbose level (/var/lib/dpkg/info/<pkgname>.postinst)
11:49.43MelsenIs there a command to see what modules that is currently loaded?
11:49.47xkhaffalump: then dpkg --pending --configure
11:50.17mr_jim: without -t it doesn't work, with: sda already mounted or /mnt/s2 busy [and it is ot busy]
11:50.41jimwhat type is the cd?
11:50.49haffalumpxk: These pending is still not working... it occours the same error
11:51.01jimtype: mount
11:51.03mr_jim: from a computer magazine
11:51.09jimis sda mounted?
11:51.18XerUser@linux:/usr/src/linux $ patch -p1 /home/User/bootsplash-3.1.3-2.6.0-test9.diff
11:51.32Xerhow many days i need to wait?
11:51.51mr_jim: no, but... /dev/hda2 is and i don't have /dev/hda2 :)
11:52.07xkhaffalump: what I said still stands... you need to do it to see what happens.
11:52.10jimso it -is- busy
11:52.31*** join/#debian chad|david (
11:52.34mr_jim, why if it is NOT mounted?
11:52.34jimhda2 is your cd as seen by ide driver
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11:52.40xkhaffalump: eg: "bash -x /etc/init.d/ssh"... you should get that type of info.
11:53.14mr_jim: so change in fstab hda* to sda* and try to mount /dev/sg0 and /dev/sda ?
11:53.15*** part/#debian smakks (
11:53.29jimwait, hda2?
11:53.36valdyn_mr_: sgX cannot be mounted
11:53.42jimsorry, I'm not thinking straight
11:53.57jimhda2 is second partition of primary master
11:54.06mr_valdyn_ thanks :)
11:54.06Xerhow to mount a hardisk?
11:54.07jimhdc is secondary master
11:54.08mathieu_Xer, it's patch -p1 < /home/...
11:54.14mr_jim: yes
11:54.15Xerhda1 ?
11:54.27mr_and i don't have any hd* devi
11:54.28Xermathieu_ , i know
11:54.29Xeri write it
11:54.33Xerthen its didnt work
11:54.35mathieu_Xer, whatever
11:54.38Xersoo i change and remove the >
11:54.48valdyn_!tell Xer about enter
11:54.58Xernow how to mount a driver?
11:55.05Xeri know im trolling ;)
11:55.20Xermy last before before before g-line was annoying trolling :P
11:55.24jimyou do?
11:55.37haffalumpxk:  "bash -x /etc/init.d/ssh".  what sould that mean... ?
11:55.56mathieu_i know
11:55.57Xer!country .ae
11:55.58dpkgCountry codes are at
11:56.05PerfDaveWow, it's #tards in here today
11:56.08*** join/#debian smakks (
11:56.15Xerbad script ;)
11:56.15jimself-described troll?
11:56.18MelsenI'm having a problem recompiling a new kernel... I can't figure out what network driver to use... How do I see what network driver is used on a running dist?
11:56.26xkhaffalump: it means run it... that's an example of output you should get when you modify the postinst script of the intended package you want to setup... I want to see what is executed because it's failing at some command.
11:56.27Xer@tell xer about mounting
11:56.33Xer|!tell xer about mounting
11:56.33Xer!tell xer about mounting
11:56.38mr_isn't that strange that my system works and according to fstab /dev/hda2 is mounted on / and there is no hda2 ? :)
11:56.41Xer!tell xer about mount
11:56.55Xer!tell xer about how to mount
11:56.55mr_Melsen, try lsmod
11:56.59jimok, can we silence this guy?
11:57.06valdyn_mr_: does /.dev exist?
11:57.06Xer<dpkg> i dunno what is 'how to mount'.
11:57.08Melsendoesn't show anything mr_
11:57.19mr_Melsen, as a root
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11:57.28mr_valdyn_ : no
11:57.29MelsenI am logged in as root =)
11:57.34ctmnz!country .bg
11:57.35dpkgCountry codes are at
11:57.54jimyou ware -glined-? on what net?
11:58.13Melsenlsmod shows me lockd, sunrpc, af_packet and thats it
11:58.18*** join/#debian sorahn (
11:58.22Xerjim, do you mean me?
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11:58.45jimof course... there's no other self-described troll here that I know about :)
11:59.06Error_<- if you dont know me this nick will remmber you  ;)
11:59.06*** join/#debian beyond (
11:59.52xkError_: you're starting to annoy me ;)
11:59.52mr_valdyn_, so i don't have /.dev, what is it for?
12:00.06*** join/#debian Pomax (
12:00.14jimError_: so you say you were glined for annoyingly trolling? on what net?
12:00.32Error_i think i saw ur nick sameone where :P
12:00.36Error_soo i wont tell you
12:00.44Error_try to GUESS
12:00.56jimI'm done... let's get rid of him
12:00.58PomaxI'm still reasonably new to debian, but I'm trying to install wacom-kernel-source, and can't find my kernel headers anywhere. if I tell it to use /usr/include/linux/, it claims that's nota  valide kernel headers location =/
12:01.04*** join/#debian nanok (~nanok@
12:01.31Error_efnet correct
12:01.33Error_and dalnet
12:01.37jimthanks for telling us you troll on purpose
12:01.40Error_and few others servers ;)
12:01.43*** join/#debian emergo (
12:02.11mr_Error_: could you click enter rarer?
12:02.12valdyn_Pomax: apt-get install kernel-headers-$(uname -r)
12:02.13*** join/#debian TiffOn (
12:02.42mr_valdyn_, what with this /.dev?
12:02.59valdyn_mr_: dont worry about it if it does not exist
12:03.17Error_noo i cant my enter stick and now im useing script to prece enter if i write more then 20 words then my enter will be enable soo i can prece it [ nice script fot stoping me from trolling ;) hahahah]
12:03.40valdyn_Pomax: did that work?
12:03.45Pomaxup to a degree,
12:03.53dpkgVAGUENESS KILLS!
12:04.01Pomaxthe comma implied more =)
12:04.02MelsenHow do I check what network drivers is used specifically on a running debian. All 'lsmod' is showing me is lockd, sunrpc and af_packet... and I am logged in as root on that machine.
12:04.05mr_hmm, ok, maybe I'll give up and rip this dvd under 2.4 :D
12:04.09jimis it any clearer now that this person should be +q?
12:04.18jm_Melsen: cat /proc/interrupts
12:04.22Pomaxthe wacom installer still refuses /usr/src/kernel-headers- as a valid kernel headers location
12:04.36jm_Melsen: or maybe not
12:04.45valdyn_Pomax: is that wacom source off a debian package?
12:04.49*** mode/#Debian [+o xk] by ChanServ
12:04.54jm_Melsen: also try /proc/ioports
12:05.03Error_xk do u know i like you
12:05.06Error_you are good friend
12:05.10Error_you the best
12:05.12xkError_: you're annoying.
12:05.24valdyn_Pomax: if that is the case, apt-get install module-assistant - and run it, if not, then I cant support you
12:05.30Melsenjm_: I think what you said first works.. it shows me 'PCnet/PCI II 79C970A'
12:05.38*** join/#debian dingo (~dingo@
12:05.38xkFriendyou wont kick ban your friend , doo you?
12:05.43Melsenjm_: looks right.... doesn't it?
12:05.47mr_Error.. go back to Arabia :)
12:05.48Pomaxyeah, it's the one retrieved through aptitude.
12:06.00*** mode/#Debian [+q *!*] by xk
12:06.20nagualwhats +q?
12:06.22Pomaxalright, module assistant installed.
12:06.27*** mode/#Debian [-o xk] by xk
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12:06.38valdyn_nagual: _q_uiet
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12:07.02xkit should keep him quiet :)
12:07.07*** join/#debian kn0t (
12:07.13nagualhm. nice
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12:07.16xkunless he nick floods.
12:07.29nagualthat a regular dancer, or have you modified it?
12:07.38nagual(the ircd)
12:07.53nagualnice feature, they dont have that on q-net or efnet
12:08.14xkI wouldn't know.
12:08.22*** join/#debian grmbl (
12:08.35Melsenhey grmbl
12:08.38jm_Melsen: yes
12:08.47Melsenthanks jmspeex
12:08.48xkircd servers have been custom modified since pretty much from the beginning.
12:08.51Melsenthanks jm_
12:08.55*** part/#debian xkFriend (
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12:09.09*** join/#debian Error_ (
12:09.24grmblis there a debian package of the blackdown java jre version 1.4? im using 1.3 now, bit i need 1.4
12:09.51jimgrmbl: there's java-package
12:10.04grmblfor woody i should add
12:10.16jimdebian package? dunno./
12:10.57*** join/#debian TiffOn (
12:11.10grmbljim: did you install the binary from sun?
12:11.19ricky_clarksongrmbl: java-package works on woody, reportedly.
12:11.26kn0tgrmbl:  did you take a look at  ?
12:11.29jimI don't have a woody anymore
12:11.40xkget some viagra
12:11.50*** join/#debian karamelos (
12:12.04jim(and before all of you laugh, I stick my tongue out in your general direction :P )
12:12.07Pomaxvaldyn_, I'm running the module assistance, but it seems to be missing some text =)
12:12.07xkand some porn videos.
12:12.24Pomax'the source package may not be installed. Woul you' and then a yes/no choice.
12:12.33PomaxI hope that asks me if I'd like to install it.
12:12.33MobyTurbogrmbl: you can search for it at Incidentally, its available
12:12.46grmbljust saw it. thatnks
12:12.53karameloswhen I launch nano with gksu the arrow keys return code like ^[OD instead of moving the cursor. What is wrong? ... i didnt even know that
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12:14.17MobyTurbogrmbl: it
12:14.28makxguessnet ignores the dns-search home.loc stanzas in my interfaces file
12:14.33MobyTurbogrmbl: it's the best place for finding third party repositories
12:14.35*** join/#debian tommy2 (
12:14.49makxalos the dns-nameservers one, no entry change of /etc/resolv.conf
12:15.03grmblMobyTurbo: indeed. i was always looking at
12:15.05*** join/#debian kensuke (
12:15.11tommy2anyone know of software that can extract barcodes from flatbed scaner images???
12:15.24dpkgI am not your damn csh prompt!
12:15.46*** join/#debian SiliconViper (
12:15.50MobyTurbogrmbl: is OK, one of the few repositories that makes a serious attempt to provide security fixes
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12:19.04nksenis there a way to run access programs (.mdb) under linux?
12:19.04*** part/#debian luc (
12:19.21jimwhat';s an access program
12:20.00jimif this is some microcrap database, you might consider postgres instead
12:20.10*** join/#debian zbrown (~suifur@suifur.linuxfordummies)
12:20.27nksenit's a database program at our university
12:20.40nkseni have to use this program
12:20.51nksenso no way on changing the structure or database
12:21.02jimok, run windows
12:21.03zinxnksen: no, but you can probably run access if you try hard enough.
12:21.05jimand access
12:21.14zinxnksen: it's probably better to use windows for it, though
12:21.20nksenzinx: you mean running it with wine
12:21.25nksenyeah, i see
12:21.50jimno I mean run it under real windows
12:21.54*** join/#debian infodroid (~AI@infodroid.user)
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12:22.09nksenjim: see the 'zinx: ' in front of my question
12:22.15jimit might be possible under sine
12:22.32daxxarWhat do I need to get DMA-support, except the IDE-controllers driver?
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12:23.17shiner840nksen you could try
12:23.29jimsee the "go away, run microsoft if you have to, it's non free, why should you be supported here" in front of mine :)
12:24.21*** join/#debian Zap-W_ (
12:24.29jm_so 2.6.11 is out then
12:24.48infodroidnksen: you got problem with access?
12:24.51*** join/#debian arturaz (
12:24.53Zap-W_what's wrong with : exec twm & in .xinitrc ,it quits X right after running startx
12:25.03jm_Zap-W: & is wrong
12:25.29nkseninfodroid: no, no probem. just thinking about running this program under linux
12:25.32*** join/#debian kromagg (
12:25.43nkseninfodroid: meanwhile i have to switch between two computers with a kvm-switch
12:25.52Zap-W_it dosent work with  & eithr dosent run twm
12:26.07infodroidnksen: oh, i had to migrate an access db to postgresql under debian. was best achieved in pgaccess in windows. rather than mdbtools.
12:26.09jm_then it's not in your PATH
12:26.29jimZap-W_: full path to twm
12:26.53infodroidnksen: thats my meme for the day
12:27.10nksenok, i see
12:27.12tommy2anyone know of software that can extract barcodes from flatbed scaner images???
12:27.15*** join/#debian pragma_ (
12:27.26Zap-W_wait it works , it's just invisible cause of the huge nvidia  LOGO
12:27.48jm_nvidia logo goes away after a while
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12:28.10jm_but your X server probably quits before that because of &
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12:31.11Zap-W_jm_: no & dosent quit thought now i removed the logo and it'sall  blackA
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12:35.47Zap-W_i dont understand why my desktop background is black
12:35.51Zap-W_mice cursor appears
12:35.56Zap-W_and moves
12:36.02valdyn_Zap-W_: you are using Xorg?
12:36.15valdyn_Zap-W_: are you even on debian?
12:36.34*** join/#debian dpblnt (
12:36.43Zap-W_no on windows
12:37.43xerophytecould somebody recommend any linux good magazine which is good for system and network admins ??
12:37.45*** join/#debian Mo666 (~mo666@f2ec040594bdcc8b.node.tor)
12:38.23Pomaxhm, right. I hate the wacom installer. it refuses any headers location I throw at it, except the obviously bogus /usr/src/kernel-headers-*/ location. then it proceeds but discovers there's no such location
12:38.45valdyn_Pomax: youre not supposed to use a wacom installer in debian
12:38.54*** join/#debian skiold (
12:39.08Pomaxsuppositions aside, my wacom is not properly processed, so I don't quite see another way
12:39.15Pomaxis there a better way?
12:39.16*** join/#debian igraltist (
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12:39.41valdyn_Pomax: module-assistant, make-kpkg ( /msg dpkg kernel-package )
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12:39.57valdyn_Pomax: or /msg dpkg kp
12:40.03Pomaxmodule-assistant misbehaves quite a bit though
12:40.18Pomaxit doesn't write fail logs, and sends me incomplete question dialogs
12:40.39valdyn_Pomax: type: module-assistant update <enter>
12:40.44PomaxI did
12:40.54*** join/#debian Bhaal (bhaal@bhaal.staff.freenode)
12:40.58valdyn_Pomax: now type module-assistant build wacom <enter>
12:41.09*** join/#debian dBOFH (dpuertas@
12:41.39petemcPomax: its not just looking for you kernel source in /usr/src/linux ?
12:41.55Pomaxdies with a totally misplaced line about a 'no such location' for my kernel headers,
12:42.04Pomaxand then asks me to view the fail log, continue, or stop
12:42.09Pomaxbut it hasn't written a fail log.
12:43.05valdyn_Pomax: you're doing this as root?
12:43.14Pomaxhmm, no, it flashed by too fast so I didn't properly read it.
12:43.24Pomaxit can't find the wacom-kernel-buildlog
12:43.47xerophytemiyo, do you have any promotion code :)
12:43.53*** join/#debian panda (~panda@
12:44.13pandahow to specify a single port in iptables?
12:44.33zamolxespanda: #iptables , --dport
12:44.34*** join/#debian BobbyBT (
12:44.36valdyn_Pomax: i just build it, it worked, so m-a is fine, something else is wrong
12:44.37petemcPomax: --dport
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12:44.47zamolxespanda: don't forget about -p
12:45.13BobbyBTis there somebody familiar with Knoppix's customization ?
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12:45.48valdyn_Pomax: try cd /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/build/ to see if your tree is ok there ( m-a needs it )
12:45.49zamolxesBobbyBT: well, the guys on #knoppix might
12:45.49dpkgknoppix is not debian, and #debian is not #knoppix.  go there
12:46.06*** join/#debian r0o0d0r0i0g0o (
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12:46.28Pomaxwell, the location exists and has content, I'm not sure how to verify it's an intact source tree
12:46.40panda<PoWeR> Free Porno Videos
12:46.50*** join/#debian davinci` (
12:46.51*** mode/#Debian [+o xk] by ChanServ
12:46.54*** mode/#Debian [-o+b PoWeR *!*BrItnEy_S@*] by xk
12:46.54*** kick/#debian [PoWeR!] by xk (Early to bed, early to rise, Makes a man healthy, wealthy, and rise.)
12:46.57*** mode/#Debian [-o xk] by xk
12:46.57khanmanhow do i keep resolve.conf from being updated everytime the lease on my ip address is renewed? im using a linksys router for dhcp but i would like dns resolution from dns servers in my win2k domain
12:46.58*** part/#debian dingo (~dingo@
12:47.33miyokhanman: What is your dhcp-client?
12:47.47*** join/#debian psychologizer (
12:47.54khanmanmiyo: dunno whatever was installed by default in sarge
12:47.57petemckhanman: look in /etc/dhclient.conf , or use resolvconf, the package
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12:48.25khanmantnx guys...ill look into that petemc
12:48.38sakiskANENAS APO ELLADA?
12:48.54valdyn_Pomax: somehow I suspect that you messed with /usr/src/modules/wacom/
12:49.04*** mode/#Debian [+l 796] by debhelper
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12:49.36miyokhanman: To find out what it is that you have installed 'apt-show-versions | grep -i dhcp'
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12:49.46Pomaxbeing pretty new to debian, that's not unlikely.
12:49.47ricky_clarksonsakis: Nobody seems to speak Greek who uses Debian.  You could start a #debian-gr if you like.
12:49.50miyokhanman: But most likely it is dhcp-client, in which case follow what petemc said.
12:49.53*** join/#debian maccadam (
12:49.56psychologizerwhat should i read to tune my init as best and as fast as possible? :)
12:50.05PomaxAnyway to revert the wacom module to a working set?
12:50.09Pomax*Any way
12:50.50miyoxerophyte: No, I don't have any promotion code.
12:51.07khanmansudo: apt-show-versions: command not found
12:51.09xerophytemiyo is it really good for 10$/month just wondering
12:51.09valdyn_Pomax: rm -r /usr/src/modules/wacom && apt-get --reinstall install wacom-kernel-source && m-a clean wacom && m-a build wacom ( cut and paste this )
12:52.03*** join/#debian kalag (~kalag@
12:52.13Pomaxit does all the cleaning and regetting, then m-a fails in the same way.
12:52.35miyoxerophyte: Well... " has been covering the Linux and free software communities since 1998. Our aim is to provide complete information from the development community in a concise, well-written, and objective manner."
12:52.37Pomaxstill without writing a fail log
12:53.04xkmiyo: set that as the factoid on dpkg.
12:53.16*** join/#debian faw (~felipe@
12:54.16miyoxk: Wouldn't know how to do that =)
12:54.19valdyn_Pomax: ok - going one level lower: cd /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/build && make-kpkg modules-image
12:54.35xkmiyo: "/msg dpkg no lwn is ...."
12:54.42miyoxerophyte: And don't forgot to read their FAQ which might actually answer to your questions (after all it is FAQ) -
12:55.04Pomaxmake-kpkg or make-dpkg?
12:55.18*** join/#debian ivan (
12:55.28valdyn_Pomax: kpkg ( kernel package )
12:55.31Pomaxbecause make-kpkg isn't found as command
12:55.39miyoxk: Hmm... what parts of that are required as 'lwn is has been..." does not really make sense.
12:56.09xkmiyo: all of it. since the factoid already exists, it needs to be overwritten (hence the "no" bit)
12:56.10valdyn_Pomax: apt-get install kernel-package
12:56.10pandais this correct? iptables -I INPUT -p tcp -dport 80 -s ! xx.xx.xx.xx -j DROP
12:56.42Pomaxalright, running the modules-image make
12:56.47xkpando: --dport
12:57.06*** join/#debian Gandalfar (
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12:57.16xkpando: I usually use -A instead of -I
12:57.32Pomaxhmm, I get a few make errors on /usr/src/modules/wacom,  "No targets specified and no makefile found."
12:57.32valdyn_Pomax: i dont expect it to work, but to produce a more meaningful error message
12:57.33petemcpanda: iptables -A INPUT -s ipaddr --dport 80 -j REJECT
12:58.00xkand you need -p <protocol>
12:58.08petemcdo you need it?
12:58.35xkhrm... I prefer to set it.  in some cases you do.
12:58.48valdyn_Pomax: pwd
12:59.11miyoxk: Done =)
12:59.13*** join/#debian PsyKoBoY (
12:59.14dpkgmethinks m-a is your daddy. use it, especially for nvidia kernel module creation
12:59.30petemcxk: you're right, it doesnt like the --dport argument there either
12:59.53*** join/#debian nutshell42 (
13:00.03valdyn_Pomax: did you do stuff in the directory too?
13:01.14PomaxI haven't actively modified anything in any dirs myself, other than updating my Xconfig trying to get Japanese input to work.
13:01.15valdyn_Pomax: cp /boot/config-$(uname -r) .config && make oldconfig
13:01.31*** join/#debian macondo (~unknown@
13:03.29zahodPomax, do you have a nice guide for making japanese input work? :)
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13:03.55macondohi all, i need to know exactly the amount of ram i'm using for a session, i tried 'memstat', 'top' doesn't give me that information, is there another program
13:04.31pandapetemc, xk thanx
13:04.39Pomaxzahod, I've been told iiimf-htt-le-canna is the works, but the old way of installing canna, kinput2, and using that instead seems the most reliable.
13:04.53Pomaxthere's a few googlable pages out there that can help you better than I can probably =)
13:04.55*** part/#debian [SemTeX] (
13:05.04valdyn_macondo: free, but what info are you not getting?
13:05.32Pomaxhmm, valdyn_, how long ish will the crc32c test take? =)
13:05.53valdyn_Pomax: eh? which crc32c test?
13:06.24*** join/#debian eugenesan (
13:06.28Pomaxit's stuck on "CRC32c (Castagnoli, et al) Cyclic Redundancy-Check (LIBCRC32C)"
13:06.33macondovaldyn_, 'free' gives me the same as top, which tells me the same information in general, no the EXACT one
13:06.47Pomaxah wait, no it just didn't print a prompt.
13:06.49pandanmap shows 80/tcp  filtered http, how could i set some iptables rule to not let it show up this?
13:06.54*** part/#debian raghu (~raghu@
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13:07.03Pomaxright, finished the make without errors
13:07.26xkgreat. 2.6.11 has broken dvb drivers
13:07.35valdyn_Pomax: now try: make-kpkg modules-image
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13:07.58valdyn_macondo: _which_ info else do you need?
13:07.58nagualxk: you know what they say about linux being free :)
13:08.08Pomaxstill the make error for wacom
13:08.20valdyn_Pomax: ok fuck, im out of clues then
13:08.25*** join/#debian khanman (~khanman@
13:08.34xknagual: :)
13:08.45xknagual: I'll hack it so it will compile
13:09.08Pomaxworst comes to worst, I'll have to ditch debian then =(
13:09.18Active2annoying.. people trust me without checking if i'm ok and i get root passwords on their colocated servers
13:09.22nagualxk: no doubt about that here.
13:10.10Pomaxohwell, thanks valdyn_
13:10.10macondovaldyn: i want to know exactly how much memory is icewm, and 2 terminals plus xchat are using
13:10.16xknagual: it's funny... it was broken (in a different way) on 2.6.10 aswell
13:10.43*** part/#debian Pomax (
13:11.10xkahhh... no wonder... it _still_ requires that patch.
13:11.52nagualwell, they cant do it all at the same time i guess
13:12.15makxxk: which patch?
13:12.23xkmakx: enable-dvico-dvb-2.6.11-rc4.diff
13:13.13makxwhere does it sit?
13:13.17valdyn_macondo: top shows exactly what memory the process needs _but_ processes cause X to allocate memory too ( xrestop )
13:13.23*** join/#debian mr_claus (
13:13.24xkmakx: you have a digital tv card?
13:13.53*** join/#debian gilles (
13:14.11makxxk: no, ahh that was the one that got disabled in 2.6.11 process.
13:14.21macondovaldyn_, thx
13:14.34xkmakx: I guess the problem won't affect you ;)
13:14.35makxit caused some troubles afair.
13:14.37jakhello everybody. im having trouble setting up cpudynd on my debian system... it tells me that he has nothing to do...
13:14.59makxxk: no not yet. ;-)
13:15.10makxjust curious about kernel stuff, as usual. :)
13:15.18*** join/#debian gilles_ (
13:15.18infodroidjak: do you have a /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq
13:15.43nagualhm, sunet hasnt been updated yet, it hurts me to steal bw from
13:15.47jakinfodroid: no, but /proc/cpufreq is existing and i enabled all the necessary options in the kernel i think...
13:16.03nagualthat machine is under enough strain as is :)
13:16.08infodroidjak: like exactly what did you enable in the kernel
13:16.14xknagual: has 800mbit/s to spare :)
13:16.32nagualyea, but still, its one extra process :)
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13:16.51jakinfodroid: ive enabled nearly everything... 3 governors, the depraced interface...
13:16.53naguali only get 300K/s from it at home :(
13:16.54infodroidjak: sounds like you didn't modprobe something
13:16.57xkI'd send it to you...but 128kbit/s upstream is hopeless.
13:17.06jon273hm, why can't i get qmail with apt?
13:17.11nagualits ok, i got it now
13:17.12nagualthanks anyway
13:17.15jakdo i need a "CPUFreq processor drivers" ?
13:17.25xkjonmasters: qmail-src?
13:17.29xkjon273 rather.
13:17.30jakive compiled everything into the kernel
13:17.38streunerjon273: /msg dpkg qmail
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13:17.44nagualjon273: you need to add some sources in sources.list?
13:17.55nagualits in the non-free sources iirc
13:17.56streunerjon273: you can get the source from the mirrors
13:17.59infodroidjak: you're missing something, it depends on your processor and setup
13:18.05xknagual: qmail-src is in debian... no need for external repository
13:18.06*** join/#debian ddmdd (~lizf@
13:18.28xkI think it actually downloads the source with the package.
13:18.29jakinfodroid: ive an ibm x40 with intel speedstep...
13:18.32valdyn_jak: that or acp support
13:18.36valdyn_jak: that or acpi support
13:18.58jakvaldyn_: acpi works just fine, i can suspend and everything, so i dont think the problem is acpi...
13:19.00*** join/#debian jb34 (
13:19.15jon273k, how do i find which sources have qmail-src?
13:19.26*** join/#debian maLKoc (~TaNeR@
13:19.27ricky_clarksonjon273: What does that mean?
13:19.35ricky_clarkson!info qmail-src woody
13:19.37dpkgqmail-src: (Source only package for building qmail binary package), section non-free/mail, is extra. Version: 1.03-24 (woody), Packaged size: 284 kB, Installed size: 352 kB
13:19.40*** join/#debian eNTi (
13:19.50ricky_clarksonWoody has it, everything else probably does.
13:20.07ricky_clarksonIt's in non-free if that's what you mean.
13:20.16*** join/#debian maccadam_ (
13:20.29maLKoci want to install any *.deb file
13:20.31infodroidjak: try lsmod | grep freq_table
13:20.32valdyn_jak: cat /proc/acpi/processor/CPU1/throttling
13:20.38*** join/#debian Yassaccan_ (
13:20.39maLKocbut i don't do
13:20.43spiff_is courier-imap-ssl 3.0.8 broken? I'm getting weird errors
13:20.52ricky_clarksonmaLKoc: dpkg -i *.deb
13:21.01maLKocok ty.
13:21.03jakvaldyn_: that gives me something...
13:21.16jakT[0-7] with [00-87]%
13:21.22*** join/#debian XTF (
13:21.30ddmddHello, everyone.  I need dpkg-source, but I don't know which package I should install.
13:21.37jakinfodroid: freq_table is compiled into the kernel... should one try to load it as a module
13:21.49thesaboteurspiff_ have you installed courier-imap-ssl previously?
13:21.50PerfDaveddmdd: "dpkg-source"?
13:21.59infodroidjak: no i was trying to see what other modules there were
13:22.10XTFHi. What should one do if one would like a bug to be fixed or package to be updated, but the maintainer is MIA?
13:22.20PerfDave!tell jon273 about qmail
13:22.22ricky_clarksonddmdd: apt-cache search dpkg-source
13:22.29jakinfodroid: nothing that has something to do with power management/acpi... drivers for wlan, etc
13:22.31PerfDaveXTF: Read the Debian Reference which details the procedure
13:22.39valdyn_jak: cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor
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13:22.52jakvaldyn_: this file does not exist... (?)
13:23.01ddmddbut no such package
13:23.10jakvaldyn_: the path exists till "cpu0" after that: nothing...
13:23.10infodroidvaldyn_: thats the problem, methinks he's missing out a module
13:23.12PerfDave!wayttd ddmdd
13:23.13dpkgWhat Are You Trying To Do, ddmdd?
13:23.15ricky_clarksonddmdd: search, not show.
13:23.58spiff_thesaboteur: yes, I just apt-get upgrade'd
13:24.04ricky_clarkson!rfd ddmdd
13:24.04dpkgA book you might like to study, ddmdd:
13:24.07jakisnt it possible to do something with /proc/[...]/throttling?
13:24.21ddmddapt-cache search dpkg-source ,, and I can only see debnest and dpkg-dev
13:24.41ricky_clarksonddmdd: ok, apt-cache show debnest, read it.  If that fits, install it.
13:24.43valdyn_jak: you might have to setup cpudyn to use that, i never used cpudyn
13:24.52jakddmdd: do you mean apt-get source <package> ?
13:24.55ricky_clarksonddmdd: then apt-cache show dpkg-dev, read it.  If that fits, install it.
13:25.01ricky_clarksonjak: There is something called dpkg-source.
13:25.02thesaboteurspiff_ ah ok I dunno I always built those from source.
13:25.07jakvaldyn_: what do i want then?
13:25.25ddmddyes, I want get a source, but, it doesn't work
13:25.33ricky_clarksonddmdd: Get source of what?
13:25.39infodroidjak: post the output of lsmod | grep speedstep
13:25.53jakinfodroid: nothing...
13:25.58valdyn_jak: try to use /proc w/ cpudyn or enable the sysfs interface for frequency scaling in your kernel config
13:25.59MobyTurboddmdd: apt-get build-dep foo && apt-get source -b foo
13:26.01*** join/#debian [Gbillou] (
13:26.06infodroidjak: try modprobe speedstep_lib
13:26.12*** join/#debian Spives (~Spives@
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13:26.34ricky_clarksonddmdd: What happens when you try?
13:26.36jakvaldyn_: d you know where to find it in menuconfig?
13:26.39*** join/#debian Gbillou (
13:26.50ddmddsh: line 1: dpkg-source: command not found
13:26.55jakinfodroid: FATAL: Module speedstep_lib not found.
13:27.01ricky_clarksonddmdd: apt-get source libsasl2
13:27.01*** join/#debian Spives (~Spives@
13:27.03ddmddUnpack command 'dpkg-source -x cyrus-sasl2_2.1.19-1.5.dsc' failed.
13:27.05infodroidjak: you're using some custom compiled kernel?
13:27.10*** join/#debian vojko (
13:27.14Gbilloui'd like to compile linux-2.6.10.tar.bz2
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13:27.21ricky_clarksonGbillou: Why?
13:27.22XTFPerfDave: What's that about?
13:27.24Gbilloubut when i'm doing make modules_install
13:27.24jakinfodroid: as i said, ive enabled all the options to be build in into the kernel.
13:27.29Gbillouthere's some errors
13:27.40Gbillou<ricky_clarkson> Gbillou: Why? <- coz i'm installing my debian ^^
13:27.46Gbillouand i want a 2.6 kernel
13:27.48Gbillouand i thought
13:27.50Gbilloute lastest
13:27.52Gbillouis better
13:27.52ricky_clarksonGbillou: apt-get install kernel-image-2.6.10-something
13:27.55PerfDaveGbillou: Don't do it.
13:27.58infodroidjak: at the top of /etc/cpudyn.conf, is there a variable to control the mechanism [acpi, pmu, ...]
13:28.01Gbillou2.6.7 is avaible
13:28.02spiff_thesaboteur: the error I'm getting is: couriertls: /usr/lib/courier/imapd.pem: error:0906D06C:PEM routines:PEM_read_bio:no start line
13:28.04ricky_clarksonGbillou: Maybe the latest is worse.
13:28.30PerfDaveGbillou: You don't need to compile kernels in Debian. And the latest is not the best, especially not with 2.6 kernels.
13:28.34Gbilloui'd better use the lastest .deb kernel?
13:28.45Gbillouofficial debian one i mean
13:28.46bogonthe latest is 2.6.11 btw
13:28.52jakinfodroid: hum... nothing happens, the same error
13:28.52nagualgrsecurity doesnt patch cleanly
13:28.54Gbillouyep but i need to apply patch etc..
13:28.56valdyn_jak: no idea, its not an option anymore in my 2.6.10 kernel
13:29.06ricky_clarksonGbillou: You could do, yes.  Why do you need to apply a patch?
13:29.15infodroidjak: at the top of /etc/cpudyn.conf, is there a variable to control the mechanism [acpi, pmu, ...]
13:29.29Gbilloui've not found
13:29.32Gbillouthe full source
13:29.34PerfDaveXTF: Whoops, mispaste.
13:29.36Gbilloufor the 2.6.11
13:29.45TinoWGbillou: which patch?
13:29.55*** join/#debian sdlinuxgeek-work (
13:29.59PerfDaveGbillou: Which version of Debian are you running?
13:30.01Gbilloui'm stupid
13:30.02*** kick/#debian [Gbillou!~debhelper@debhelper.user] by debhelper (flood: Consider using #flood)
13:30.07jakinfodroid: ive set it to acpi...
13:30.08jakno effect
13:30.14[Gbillou]i've not seen it
13:30.17*** join/#debian sysdef (
13:30.39PerfDaveGbillou: Which version of Debian are you running?
13:30.47valdyn_jak: no effect what?
13:30.47ricky_clarkson[Gbillou]: That's not a Debian package.
13:30.50[Gbillou]hmm i'm not running it
13:30.53[Gbillou]i'm trying to install it ^^
13:30.54PerfDave[Gbillou]: Then you won't have 2.6 kernels.
13:30.58jakvaldyn_: the same error: Nothing to do
13:31.04ricky_clarkson[Gbillou]: So install it using a sarge ISO.
13:31.42PerfDave[Gbillou]: You're failing to comprehend the way that Debian does things. You don't need to hand-compile stuff. Even if you did, you don't need to compile from upstream sources. And even if you did, latest is not always best.
13:31.46pandanmap shows 80/tcp  filtered http, how could i set some iptables rule to not let it show up this?
13:31.47jakvaldyn_: ive compiled sysfs into the kernel...
13:31.56valdyn_jak: yea i know
13:31.56*** join/#debian Kane32 (
13:32.10ricky_clarksonPerfDave: That's a whole load of ignorance.
13:32.23valdyn_jak: having the cpu scaling interface _was_ once an option, in my kernel it is no more, nor is it in yours, i suppose
13:32.26infodroidjak: did you do like this
13:32.32PerfDave[Gbillou]: I suggest you read the Installation Manual for Debian.
13:32.34MobyTurbo[Gbillou]: another thing, quit flooding the channel; unless your terminal really is limited to ten characters per line
13:32.36ricky_clarkson[Gbillou]: Install Debian.
13:32.47*** join/#debian zomtec (
13:32.48*** join/#debian aim1159 (~aim@
13:33.01jakinfodroid: ive read this already and enabled all the options
13:33.10ricky_clarksonWhat's that kernel building package called, I can't remember?
13:33.14ricky_clarksonmake-kpkg or something
13:33.17[Gbillou]coz i need
13:33.18TinoWMobyTurbo: or maybe MTU too small ;)
13:33.18[Gbillou]to install
13:33.26*** join/#debian eNTi (
13:33.27[Gbillou]in order to have my wireless card
13:33.29ricky_clarkson[Gbillou]: /msg dpkg enter
13:33.31jakhum... im wondering what i am mising... got acpi, got cpufreq-interfaces (at least make menuconfig tells me so :)
13:33.33[Gbillou]so i need kernel header
13:33.39valdyn_jak: dmesg | grep -i speedstep ( if your cpu supports speedstep )
13:33.47*** part/#debian aim1159 (~aim@
13:33.47infodroidjak: i recommend you consult
13:33.55PerfDave[Gbillou]: Use hardware that has Linux drivers :)
13:33.56[Gbillou]and that's why i thought i should intall the 2.6 instead the default 2.4 kernel
13:34.01MobyTurbo[Gbillou]: to get 2.6 you need to install Sarge or Sid
13:34.02jakvaldyn_: hum.. nothing...
13:34.03ricky_clarkson[Gbillou]: Stop typing in #debian.  /msg dpkg enter
13:34.14PerfDave!tell [Gbillou] -about enter
13:34.34xkhow do I enable 64bit option for athlon64 in the 2.6.x kernel?
13:34.39PerfDave!tell [Gbillou] -about leading punctuation
13:34.39valdyn_jak: do it after a reboot, if your system has been up to long then its no longer in dmesg
13:34.40jon273so everytime i get: couldnt find package qmail-src , apt-get install source qmail doesn't do owt either...
13:34.40*** join/#debian pingouin_ (
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13:34.56jon273what aren't i doin?
13:35.07infodroidjak: you need the speedstep module for sure and perhaps the p4 clockmod for good measure
13:35.13PerfDavejon273: You have to have the non-free repositories in your sources.list because qmail is non-free.
13:35.17*** join/#debian jharrisonwk (
13:35.18ricky_clarksonPerfDave: /msg dpkg msg
13:35.19*** join/#debian daww (
13:35.24valdyn_jak: cat /var/log/dmesg | grep -i speedstep <- try that
13:35.28*** join/#debian gilles (
13:35.30*** part/#debian wart (
13:35.34petemcjharrisonwk: you dont have non-free in your sources.list
13:35.35*** join/#debian Holborn (
13:35.41petemcjon273: ^^^
13:35.50jakvaldyn_: there is nothing in my dmesg telling me something about speedstep...
13:35.54jharrisonwkI dont?
13:36.13*** join/#debian Spyru (
13:36.15jakmaybe that is the reason... but i was sure that my intel supports speedstep.. .there is also a bios option (which i turned on)
13:36.19jharrisonwkpetemc: howdy
13:36.26ricky_clarksonPerfDave: ;)
13:36.28petemchey, hows things?
13:36.31infodroidjak: maybe you need p4 clockmod?
13:36.43jakinfodroid: ill give it a try...
13:36.44*** join/#debian miib (
13:36.50*** join/#debian Gbillou (
13:36.57miibAny danes in here ?
13:37.04petemcjharrisonwk: eating a bowl of stew atm, very tasty :)
13:37.08dpkgdanish is, like, better than swedish.  To get danish support in KDE do: apt-get install kde-i18n-da, or a damn fine pastry, or #debian-dk, or, or and of course it's better than dutch
13:37.16*** join/#debian galgen_ (
13:37.25valdyn_jak: cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep model | grep name
13:37.38jakmodel name      : Intel(R) Pentium(R) M processor 1.40GHz
13:38.13valdyn_jak: well that does support speedstep.. i suppose
13:38.42*** join/#debian revenger (
13:38.45galgen_I got problems playing Realplayer in Debian. I think there some kind conflict of two different sound-servers that Realplayer try to use, how could I fix this?
13:38.59revengerxmllint: relocation error: xmllint: undefined symbol: xmlSAXDefaultVersion .. is there any workaround available?
13:39.08zamolxeserm swedish > finnish > norwegian > swedish .. WTF?
13:39.09revenger(I use debian sid)
13:39.13*** join/#debian djg (
13:39.39miibI was actually looking for a dane that could agree/disagree on the translation of a word
13:39.48djgHi, is there a simple command to purge all the deleted packages on one's system?
13:39.53*** join/#debian LucyMaGoose (
13:39.57spiff_configure: error: Cannot find either the gdbm or the db library... how can I install this?
13:39.57*** join/#debian hever (
13:40.07LucyMaGooseis there anyway to reinstall everything thats installed
13:40.14revengerdjg: apt-get clean?
13:40.24miibdjg: something like debfoster ?
13:40.25jakvaldyn_, infodroid thanks for your help... gotta go now...
13:40.45djgrevenger: miib: Thanks both, I'll investigate.
13:40.46*** join/#debian netic (~konversat@
13:40.52MobyTurbodjg: apt-get autoclean
13:41.06*** part/#debian jak (
13:41.16PerfDaverevenger: /msg dpkg smart questions
13:41.26PerfDaveLucyMaGoose: Why would you want to?
13:41.27*** part/#debian thesaboteur (~thesabote@
13:41.28heverI'm in big trouble, just installing a kernel: Have you got a idea ?
13:41.30*** join/#debian WageSlave (
13:41.51*** join/#debian ben{} (
13:42.03*** join/#debian Herodes (~Herodes@
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13:42.21ben{}hi Herodes
13:42.38LucyMaGoosePerfDave: erased several core libs
13:42.40*** join/#debian Guse (
13:42.44LucyMaGoosethe system still seems to work
13:42.47LucyMaGooseapt works
13:42.49aptrumour has it, works is something I am
13:42.53Herodesanyone who uses azereus with iptables?
13:42.55PerfDaveLucyMaGoose: Then reinstall them.
13:43.05LucyMaGooseI don't know what they are though
13:43.09PerfDavehever: Have you checked the BTS? Which version of Debian are you running? It might be worth asking #debian-amd64 about -amd64* kernel-images
13:43.16PerfDaveLucyMaGoose: Then how do you know you deleted them?
13:43.26*** part/#debian ben{} (
13:43.37heverPerfDave, sarge... No other kernel-image is working....
13:43.44ricky_clarksonapt: works =~ s/am/do/
13:43.44aptricky_clarkson: OK
13:43.45LucyMaGooselets say it was a botched wipe cmd
13:43.47ricky_clarksonapt works
13:43.48apti guess works is something I do
13:43.48dawwWhen I run "cd /usr/src/linux/; make-kpkg --initrd" I get "You are using the initrd option, that may not work, depending on your kernel version and architecture, unless you have applied the initrd cramfs patch to the kernel, or modified mkinitrd not to use cramfs by default." What should I do (running Sarge 3.1 RC2, /usr/src/linux/ is 2.6.8)?
13:43.51superSSSwhere is the explanation on updating kernel
13:44.19TinoWsuperSSS: apt-get install kernel-image...fancy-new ?
13:44.19PerfDavehever: Are you using the "real" Sarge sources or the Alioth ones?
13:44.27jm_daww: it should be fixed in 2.6.8
13:44.29Gbillouhmm so, which isos should i download, in order to get a 2.6 kernel, a ndiswrapper working?
13:44.29PerfDaveLucyMaGoose: What, exactly, did you do?
13:44.33heverPerfDave, Sarge....
13:44.39LucyMaGooseinside of home I did wipe -r ./.*
13:44.42superSSSTinoW: but if i want to change some parameters in the kernel...
13:44.43PerfDavehever: OK, have you checked the BTS?
13:44.44dawwjm_, ok
13:44.52LucyMaGooseit traversed into all of my home dirs, and then onto lib
13:44.53*** join/#debian gilles (
13:44.55Herodesanyone who uses iptables?
13:45.08heverPerfDave, No other kernel is working...
13:45.14*** join/#debian BobbyBT (
13:45.15heverPerfDave, Yes I was there...
13:45.16PerfDavehever: What's that got to do with checking the BTS?
13:45.18*** join/#debian laurent_ (
13:45.19*** part/#debian makx (
13:45.23*** part/#debian laurent_ (
13:45.35heverPerfDave, hmm.... I think nothing...
13:45.36MobyTurbo!lart LucyMaGoose
13:45.54ricky_clarksonHave we got *.tor on +q or something?
13:46.07heverPerfDave, There are no informationts at the BTS....
13:46.22PerfDavehever: So file a bug already.
13:46.39*** join/#debian [Granger] (
13:46.41*** join/#debian DoDo (~Mu{R}aT@
13:46.42heverPerfDave, What do you mean ?
13:46.44*** join/#debian hackeron (
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13:47.00ricky_clarkson!ops please explain to Mo666 why he is +q in #debian (or -q him) - ricky_clarkson can't read the /bans very well
13:47.00LucyMaGooseso basically, I don't know what was a erased, but a lot was
13:47.01dpkgHydroxide, bob2, caphuso, dondelelcaro, doogie, eeyore-, ElectricElf, greycat, helix, ljlane, LoRez, mentor, Netsnipe, TML, walters, xk: please explain to Mo666 why he is +q in #debian (or -q him) - ricky_clarkson can't read the /bans very well
13:47.02PerfDavehever: I mean file a bug against the package that isn't installing for you. It's how things get on the BTS in the first place.
13:47.07LucyMaGooseso I need to reinstall everything
13:47.18LucyMaGooseapt-get seems to work
13:47.23*** join/#debian Pupeno (
13:47.28PerfDaveLucyMaGoose: No, you can use dpkg to fidn out which packages you have instaslled which have files in /lib and reinstall them.
13:47.30*** join/#debian ypw (~ypwong@
13:48.02LucyMaGoosethanks PerfDave, I'll give it a shot
13:48.19dawwAfter "cd /usr/src/linux/; make-kpkg --initrd" I get "make: Nothing to be done for `all'." What could be wrong?
13:48.42PerfDavedaww: man make-kpkg
13:48.45heverPerfDave, I don't understand "file a big against a package"... What does this mean?   At the BTS there are no informations abount my problem...
13:48.52superSSSwhere is the explanation on updating kernel in manual
13:49.04heverPerfDave, I think it has something to do with cpio or initrd-tools
13:49.06jm_superSSS: read the FAQ
13:49.08PerfDavehever: It means "report a bug in the package"
13:49.36*** join/#debian settledown (
13:49.46PerfDavehever: You report the bug, the bug goes onto the BTS, the package maintainers (and anybody else) help you to resolve your problem.
13:50.01heverPerfDave, Ok... and then... My Laptop couldn't be so long online until the error is fixed...
13:50.18PerfDavehever: I'm sorry, that makes no sense to me.
13:50.27MobyTurbohever: apt-get install reportbug
13:50.32*** join/#debian FieldySnuts (~nikki@fieldysnuts.user)
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13:50.52infodroid!tell Mo666 about msg me
13:50.54xkricky_clarkson: 21:49 2  #debian    bob2!rob@b 62419  %*!*@*.tor
13:51.05FieldySnuts@ops DoDo has an onjoin spam msg, it's the same one we've had the past few days. for alindeman, too.
13:51.11xkit's on *.tor
13:51.14*** join/#debian max (
13:51.15Gbillouwhat's the best way to get, a 2.6 kernel, and ndiswrapper working, without a working connection (when i'm using debian). i only want to have a woring connection to be able to download lastest package
13:51.23FieldySnutsmaybe somebody should contact the domain that web site is hosted at and tell them, this is BS
13:51.25ricky_clarksonxk: Aye, but there's so many and I don't know how to grep them in irssi.
13:51.26RawplayerFieldySnuts: ! instead of @
13:51.27Gbillouand actually i've 3 first 3r4 cd
13:51.28*** join/#debian zergouille (
13:51.36heverI think I remove Debian... the whole day I can't work... because it makes problems and problems... I just make a dist-upgrade and now my system is down...
13:51.43*** part/#debian Rawplayer (
13:51.43*** join/#debian Rawplayer (
13:51.44FieldySnutsRawplayer: those bots ignore me, and apparently ravenbird (which @ triggers) isn't here, so someone else will have to do it
13:51.49xkricky_clarkson: yeah... I just did /lastlog <string> in bitchx... third attempt and I got it ;)
13:51.55PerfDaveGbillou: 3.0 doesn't support 2.6 kernels.
13:51.55Gbilloui don't know if it is woody or sarge cds lol.. should be woody i think
13:51.55ricky_clarksonxk: Ah, good idea.
13:52.08Gbillouso which iso should i download?
13:52.08nagualricky_clarkson: i dont think you can, but you can put them into a file though
13:52.12maxHi all!
13:52.21ricky_clarksonnagual: /lastlog can do it.
13:52.22Rawplayer!ops DoDo has an onjoin spam msg, it's the same one we've had the past few days. for alindeman, too.
13:52.22Gbillouwhere can i found them?
13:52.23dpkgHydroxide, bob2, caphuso, dondelelcaro, doogie, eeyore-, ElectricElf, greycat, helix, ljlane, LoRez, mentor, Netsnipe, TML, walters, xk: DoDo has an onjoin spam msg, it's the same one we've had the past few days. for alindeman, too.
13:52.25nagualyea, lastlog doesnt let you grep though
13:52.27FieldySnutshe should stick to #redhat, they don't take care of their chan
13:52.30FieldySnutsRawplayer: thanks :)
13:52.33nagualricky_clarkson: ok, i didnt quite read what you were trying to do .)
13:52.33XTFI was wondering, why do you sometimes get config questions when you do apt-get upgrade? Shouldn't those questions have been asked before?
13:52.40PerfDaveGbillou: If you want 2.6 kernels and ndiswrapper, you want Sarge (which will be 3.1). But then you get no security updates.
13:52.40nagualjust saw the 'grep' part
13:52.51Rawplayernp :)
13:53.02*** part/#debian djg (
13:53.02xkdodo spamming?
13:53.05PerfDave!d-i Gbillou
13:53.06dpkgGbillou, you want to go to - for your own good, and everyone else's.
13:53.13*** part/#debian xk (
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13:53.23Rawplayeru see?
13:53.27*** mode/#Debian [+o xk] by ChanServ
13:53.28*** join/#debian Rydekull (
13:53.41maxI've a problem, can anyone help me, please?
13:53.49PerfDave!tell max -about ask
13:53.54*** mode/#Debian [-o+b DoDo *!*Mu{R}aT@213.197.129.*] by xk
13:53.54*** kick/#debian [DoDo!] by xk (Yo momma so stupid she bought a videocamera to record cable tv shows at home.)
13:54.00*** mode/#Debian [-o xk] by xk
13:54.34*** join/#debian macwheel (
13:54.39maxwwell, the problem is about bootsplash
13:54.46*** join/#debian dcoulson_ (
13:54.57Rydekullhmm, anyone have a nice guide in hand on how to set up a local apt-mirror
13:55.03MobyTurbomax: Debian doesn't have bootsplash
13:55.08PerfDaveGbillou: Your best bet is to use hardware that is supported by Linux, and hence support Linux-friendly manufacturers.
13:55.21PerfDave!tell Gbillou -about msg
13:55.26maxwhen I install a packet, I recive this error: Setting up bootsplash (3.1-8) ...
13:55.26maxdpkg: error processing bootsplash (--configure):
13:55.27maxdpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of bootsplash-theme-newlinux:
13:55.27*** kick/#debian [max!~debhelper@debhelper.user] by debhelper (flood: Consider using #flood)
13:55.38Rydekullscarynetworkguy: thank you :)
13:55.47xk!info tor
13:55.50*** join/#debian akasha (
13:55.51ricky_clarksondebhelper: I hear you discriminate against fast typists.
13:55.52dpkgtor: (anonymizing overlay network for TCP), section comm, is optional. Version: (sid), Packaged size: 750 kB, Installed size: 1864 kB
13:55.55zinxthat's not even a debian package :x
13:55.58PerfDaveFieldySnuts: It's a practical consideration, since using ndiswrapper seems to be a PITA.
13:56.03*** join/#debian caphuso (
13:56.07FieldySnutsPerfDave: it's just wrong, as well.
13:56.32ricky_clarkson!cookie PerfDave
13:56.41*** join/#debian max (
13:56.49zinxmax: bootsplash is not a debian package
13:56.55xklol @ broken factoid
13:56.57ricky_clarksondrp: /msg dpkg msg
13:57.04ricky_clarkson!perldave xk
13:57.05dpkgFFS, xk, it's "PerfDave", not "PerlDave".
13:57.10maxyes you' right
13:57.11ricky_clarksonThat's not broken.
13:57.12drpthose are the only two I wanted to do
13:57.35MobyTurbomax: well, we only support Debian in #debian
13:57.48xkI know why... because !cookie does it literal.
13:57.51ricky_clarkson!not supporting bootsplash
13:57.52dpkgWe have enough trouble not supporting Debian, without trying to not support bootsplash too.  Try #bootsplash or donating money to charity.
13:58.05zinxthat is an excellent factoid
13:58.17*** join/#debian bl4ckh4t_ (~armt@
13:58.30ricky_clarkson!factinfo cmd: not supporting (.*?)
13:58.30dpkgCMD: not supporting (.*?) -- created by ricky_clarkson <> at Tue Feb  1 18:47:21 2005 (28 days).
13:58.36jm_isn't cookie an internal command?
13:58.41ricky_clarksonjm_: Yes.
13:58.46*** join/#debian catulix (
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13:58.51maxbut the really problem is the strange behavior of dpkg
13:58.54xkjm_: correct.
13:59.04*** mode/#Debian [+l 805] by debhelper
13:59.24zinxmax: that's not the problem at all.  the problem lies entirely with the package
13:59.31zinxmax: talk to whoever made it.
13:59.31*** join/#debian irvken (
13:59.34macwheelhow to rescan for scsi devices?
13:59.36MobyTurbomax: the real problem is how dpkg is broken by your non-Debian distro, which is off-topic here.
13:59.49maxso I must connect to bootsplash channel isn't?
13:59.59xkis initrd needed for debian kernels?
14:00.04daxxar!not supporting string with spaces in it
14:00.05dpkgWe have enough trouble not supporting Debian, without trying to not support string with spaces in it too.  Try #string with spaces in it or donating money to charity.
14:00.06zinxmax: or whatever distribution you're using that has bootsplash
14:00.07jm_xk: yes
14:00.15maxthanks for all
14:00.46*** join/#debian ppma (
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14:01.15*** join/#debian Lorvy (
14:01.49xkjm_: where can I get initrd.img from since I haven't used initrd ever.
14:01.52*** join/#debian Mo666 (
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14:02.19xkI just don't want an unbootable system when I get my athlon64 setup ;)
14:02.38PerfDavexk: Just use a kernel-image package, it should do everything for you.
14:02.58Rydekullscarynetworkguy: excellent guide :)
14:03.02xkPerfDave: /initrd.img doesn't seem to be installed... and it was bitching about lilo when I have grub installed.
14:03.02*** join/#debian User__ (
14:03.12xkwell... not bitching... just a message about lilo needing initrd
14:03.17jm_xk: it will be created when you isntall it
14:03.30ricky_clarksoninitrd is one of the Dark Arts.
14:03.32PerfDavexk: Which version of Debian are you running?
14:03.39xk"You are attempting to install an initrd kernel image", "This will not work unless you have configured your boot loader to use initrd"
14:03.50*** join/#debian MoDaX (
14:03.52jm_xk: /initrd.img is a symlink to /boot/initrd-foo
14:03.55*** join/#debian Arvind-NL (
14:03.59*** join/#debian srid (~sridhar@srid.user)
14:04.02xkPerfDave: testing.
14:04.14sridwhere can I find anjuta2 debs? this doesn't seem to have one - deb
14:04.20xkPerfDave: finally gave in and upgraded to sarge a couple of months ago
14:04.23ircdevili have a chunc of text with color codes in html. any ideas to turn that into ansi colored text?
14:04.30*** join/#debian libv (
14:04.36Mo666why would "cat /etc/mtab | grep '/media/usbstick' 2>&1" give me a status code of 1?
14:04.41jm_ircdevil: links ;)
14:04.42xkjm_: ahh.. thanks.
14:04.58ricky_clarksonMo666: Because grep doesn't find /media/usbstick perhaps?
14:05.25ircdeviljm_ i dont get it?
14:05.33Mo666ricky_clarkson, I expected it would just not give any output then
14:05.40*** join/#debian Araldi1 (~araldit@
14:05.45vvlawif i set up the debian...which CD i need?
14:05.50ricky_clarksonMo666: That's right, but it has a return code as well.
14:05.52jm_ircdevil: links can show the colours
14:05.56Mo666ricky_clarkson, thanks
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14:06.08Araldi1What is the command for showing the amount of used harddisk space??
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14:06.27ricky_clarksonMo666: man grep - Normally, exit status is 0 if selected lines are found and 1 otherwise.
14:06.28sussudioAraldi1: df
14:06.29WageSlaveAraldi1: try df
14:06.30ircdeviljm_ what version of links is that? and is it working with <FONT COLOR=whatever> ?
14:06.35PerfDavexk: Did you dist-upgrade from Woody or reinstall with Sarge?
14:06.52jm_ircdevil: can I download this and test?
14:06.54xkPerfDave: I think I've used my system since.... slink :)
14:07.06ircdeviljm_ one moment
14:07.06*** part/#debian srid (~sridhar@srid.user)
14:07.12PerfDavexk: You may need to change your /etc/kernel-image.conf to tell it to use grub instead of lilo for kernel-image packages.
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14:08.49xkdo_symlinks = No
14:08.52xkahh... I have that aswell.
14:09.17xkwhy does apache now require apache2-utils?
14:09.51dawwHow do I add "--initrd" in "make-kpkg buildpackage -rev custom.1 kernel_image"?
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14:10.10jm_ircdevil: nope, it doesn't work like you would expect it
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14:10.21daww"make-kpkg buildpackage --initrd -rev custom.1 kernel_image" didn't work
14:10.52jm_daww: tried reading the man page?
14:11.33xkdaww: try --revision=...
14:11.35dawwjm_, yes, but I'm really not sure where to plase it
14:11.37pandahow to know what daemon listening on some port?
14:11.55nagualxk: yea, i noticed that too just did a dist-upgrade. it also need caudium if i understood it correctly.
14:11.57jm_panda: nestat/lsof/..
14:12.12WageSlaveheh netstat even
14:12.13jm_daww: why are you building a kernel that requires initrd anyway?
14:12.24ircdeviljm_ stuff needs serious script foo? or some application that can export text with ansi colors
14:12.44dawwjm_, I get kernel panic when I boot the compiled kernel
14:12.58pandajm_, what's the whole command?
14:13.02jm_daww: configure and build it correctly
14:13.18dawwjm_, I guess I need initrd.img when I have configured modules
14:13.19jm_ircdevil: well something needs to generate the colours first
14:13.26xkis grub going to work on an amd/athlon64 system?
14:13.35jm_daww: yes, so build the stuff that you need for booting and mounting rootfs static
14:13.46jm_panda: man netstat, see what -a and -p do
14:14.02ircdeviljm_ replace the html font color tags with the appropriate ansi tags ...
14:14.10ircdevilhell of a job
14:14.23WageSlavethats not too tough
14:14.41jm_ircdevil: it won't work for your example because it uses shades of gray
14:14.57dawwjm_, So I don't ever need initrd then
14:14.58WageSlaveI did a quake output name colorizer once, that was tough... cause of all the special charaters.
14:15.17jm_daww: well there are cases when you do, but not for simple setups
14:15.34ircdeviljm_ i actually want bold for the black and normal for the shaded, if possible
14:15.54dawwjm_, fine
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14:16.19jm_ircdevil: that should be a matter of search and replace
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14:18.03alexloveshii!! someone knows how to sync my hard disk without cache ??? thnx
14:18.29nevynwithout cache?
14:18.33xk!depends apache-common
14:18.34dpkgapache-common: depends on libc6 (>= 2.3.2.ds1-4), libdb4.2, libexpat1 (>= 1.95.8), perl (>= 5.8.4-2), mime-support, debconf (>= 1.4.22), apache2-utils, sed (>= 4.0.5-1), ucf (>= 1.06), lynx | www-browser
14:18.35dawwjm_, "stuff that you need for booting and mounting rootfs static" what could that be if I get "Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-clock(0,0)", The kernel doesn't find my IDE drive
14:18.35nevyntype sync
14:18.36ricky_clarksonalexloves: sync
14:18.51xkwhy does apache-common (1.3.x) now depend on apache2-utils?
14:18.54ricky_clarksonsync is annoying because you can't cancel it.
14:18.55nevynbut that doesn't include the on-disk cache
14:19.03jm_daww: hardware drivers (disk), file system support
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14:19.16nevynricky_clarkson: it also no longer garuntee's that the data has ACTUALLY hit the disk
14:19.24jm_daww: and the fact that it's trying to mount wrong device (0,0)
14:19.26alexlovesi use ext2
14:19.35ricky_clarksonnevyn: So now it guarantees that the shit hits the fan? ;)
14:19.36MaCahow can i force apt-get to use HTTP 1.0 instead of http 1.1? Some reverse proxies (ibiblio) seems to have issues with http 1.1 requests...
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14:19.42alexlovesi try to type in fstab noatime
14:19.43jm_daww: pass appropriate root= option to the kernel if it was build elsewhere, or use rdev
14:19.47ricky_clarksonnevyn: As of what kernel version?
14:20.09nevynricky_clarkson: it can't garuntee the on-disk cache is flushed.
14:20.23nevynwhen that's 8mb that's non-trivial
14:20.40alexlovesi use my debian like router
14:20.43ricky_clarksonnevyn: Because the drives don't flush when asked to?
14:21.04jm_MaCa: not sure if you can, at least /usr/share/doc/apt/examples/configure-index.gz doesn't list anything
14:21.16nevynthere's an ata command to shut the drive down which flushes that cache.
14:21.24alexlovesand sometimes the people turn off the router without poweroff
14:21.26nevynso possibly the block layer can do it.
14:21.30jm_MaCa: one way would be to let apt-get use a local proxy that does only http 1.0
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14:22.14dawwjm_, the running kernel use (hd0,0)
14:22.15alexlovespoweroff without shutdown apropialy
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14:22.40jm_daww: that's GRUB's notation, not kernel's
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14:23.08alexloveswhen the machine starts it make fskext2
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14:23.12dawwjm_, what file should I check then?
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14:23.34jm_daww: specify the right root device for your kernel in boot loader's config file
14:23.40MaCajm_: Well that would sorta of be a problem for me: I'd have to settup different proxies for when I'm at home or at the campus.. Ant it's not just me: apt-proxy is not very found of http 1.1 request either
14:23.44ricky_clarksonalexloves: Set up your router, then make it mount the partitions read-only.
14:23.56ricky_clarksonalexloves: That way when you power off you won't have that issue.
14:24.05jm_MaCa: apt-proxy? I use squid for apt-get requests
14:24.12ricky_clarksonalexloves: That might be a problem for /var and /tmp depending on what you need to run.
14:24.19alexlovesthanks ricky
14:24.33alexlovesi'll use another partition
14:24.37alexlovesfor tmp and var
14:24.46nevynjm_: that's a bad idea for a bunch of reasons.
14:24.50alexlovesand the rest read-only
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14:24.55alexloves< ricky_clarkson> alexloves: Set up your router, then make it mount the partitions read-only.
14:24.58alexloves15:23 < ricky_clarkson> alexloves: That way when you power off you won't have that issue.
14:25.01settledownwhen i type startx, it says command not found
14:25.01alexloves15:24 < jm_> MaCa: apt-proxy? I use squid for apt-get requests
14:25.04alexloves15:24 < ricky_clarkson> alexloves: That might be a problem for /var and /tmp depending on what you
14:25.05ricky_clarksonalexloves: Stop.
14:25.10jm_nevyn: heh if only I'd care
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14:25.28nevynjm_: mainly because squid throws large things out quite quickly
14:25.28sdlinuxgeek-workLater everyone gotta finish up at work then get home and study... l8r
14:25.47ricky_clarksonalexloves: de nada
14:26.22jm_nevyn: ahh yes, I know - but there aren't very few big packages that I download often, it's just something to help reduce outbound traffic a bit for me and my bro who use Debian at work
14:26.34dawwjm_, and that would be /boot/grub/menu.lst since I use GrUB, Running kernel "root  (hd0,0), kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.4.27-speakup root=/dev/hdb1 ro" compiled kernel (2.6.8) "root  (hd0,0), kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.8 root=/dev/hdb1 ro"
14:26.39settledowni think i muffed the install, is there a way to rerun the install so it can catch what i missed...
14:26.47dawwjm_, That should work but it doesn't
14:26.59nevynjm_: locales changes often and is 3+mb
14:27.08jm_nevyn: I don't use sid
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14:27.50ricky_clarksoneminem uses sid.
14:27.53dpkghmm... eminem is < za> I just got back from the eminem gig at Milton Keynes... it rained... constantly.. and he sucked ass. a debian user ("try 'cid [sid] and get fucked up worse than my life is" - My Name Is)
14:28.14Th3dnd eres?
14:28.15FieldySnuts"muffed" heh
14:28.17dawwjm_, Ext3 support is compiled as module while Ext2 is compiled as a driver in the kernel, do you think that could be the problem, I use Ext3 on my linux boot partition
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14:28.29ricky_clarksonTh3: Manchester.
14:28.41jm_daww: yes, but it's a bit different if you use initrd, in that case it would tyr to mount 1,0 (ramdisk)
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14:28.47asgricky_clarkson: spanish l33t?
14:29.07dawwjm_, But i'm not using initrd yet
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14:29.15ricky_clarksonasg: I'm guessing so.
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14:29.28asgricky_clarkson: interesting
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14:30.07dawwjm_, so menu.lst should be correct
14:30.09jm_daww: ok, in that case passing root= is OK as long as kernel knows how to access the device at the time
14:30.11asgricky_clarkson: hehe
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14:31.05dawwjm_, so again: Ext3 support is compiled as module while Ext2 is compiled as a driver in the kernel, do you think that could be the problem, I use Ext3 on my linux boot partition
14:31.17asgricky_clarkson: (for the gamer who can't /away taking a piss)
14:31.30NarCoTHi, I installed Samba & Swat. Yet, I can figure how to share files with my other win PC. anyone knows how or knows a good help file/site ?
14:31.37settledowni am getting better dload speeds today
14:31.42asgNarCoT: did you ask #samba yet?
14:31.46ricky_clarksonhelix: Just for you:
14:31.48settledown30kB/s yesterday, 300 today
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14:31.58helmiHi I'm new. I have a question about NVIDIA graphics card: what is the best driver for it. I am using debian testing.
14:32.02NarCoTricky_clarkson: no, didn't know there is one...  thanks
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14:32.25stewhelmi: do you want 3d accelleration or are you just going to use 2d?
14:32.27jm_daww: well you can mount ext3 as ext2 provided it's clean, but still, the fact that it tries to mount device 0,0 is totally wrong
14:32.29asghelmi: the standard X driver works well for 2D applications with most cards. Otherwise, /msg dpkg nvidia debs && /msg dpkg faq
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14:32.32helmi2d is fine
14:32.44helmithank asg
14:32.48stewhelmi: use the free "nv" driver then
14:32.49helmithanks stew
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14:32.57jeanmi_how can I look for what packages contain a given filename ?
14:33.07jm_jeanmi_: read the FAQ
14:33.17xkjeanmi_: /msg dpkg find <file>
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14:33.26jeanmi_dpkg ??? not apt ?
14:33.26xkif you don't have the package installed.
14:33.41xkif you do have the package installed, dpkg --search <file>
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14:33.49jeanmi_thanks works
14:34.13jm_you can also use Debian tools if it's not installed, it's all in the FAQ :)
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14:34.42jeanmi_ok thanks
14:34.49nockjust did a net install of testing on my server, but I can't seem to get my printer to work (it did under RH) - any good pointers to documentation on setting up printing under debian?
14:35.10jm_nock: it's basically the same
14:35.28ricky_clarksonjeanmi_: apt and dpkg are the same (bots), but dpkg is the current favourite.
14:36.01*** join/#debian hexxeh (
14:36.13ricky_clarksonjeanmi_: also, apt-file search <file>
14:36.24ricky_clarksonnock: /msg dpkg cups
14:36.38nockjm_: I was using an ancient version of RH, using lpr and sharing via samba - I've never touched cups
14:36.57WageSlavethen its exactly the same
14:37.04dawwjm_, is it all right with you if I paste some line from menu.lst? My ISP doesn't allow me to use my webbrowser for the moment
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14:37.10jm_nock: lpr only sends the job to spooler
14:37.38Vint_cerfsomeone live in canada?
14:37.46asgVint_cerf: many Canadians do I expect
14:37.47jm_daww: people doen't like if you paste here, use #flood
14:37.48PerfDaveVint_cerf: Nope, not even the people who live there.
14:37.51Roninmany folks do Vint_cerf
14:37.55ricky_clarksonNarCoT: I think you thanked me instead of asg.
14:38.37asgricky_clarkson: probably no need, #samba is always asleep or having a raunchy party
14:38.40dawwjm_, I mean I would paste to you
14:38.47ricky_clarksonI heard some people live in Canada, but none of those people live around here.
14:38.48jm_daww: go to #flood, paste it there
14:39.10PerfDavericky_clarkson: My old landlady in Manchester was from Toronto.
14:39.47ricky_clarksonPerfDave: Did she live in Toronto while she lived in Manchester though? ;)
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14:39.59Vint_cerfasg do you know enteprise shipping packages international???
14:40.04PerfDavericky_clarkson: She lived in Toronto while she owned my flat in Manchester...
14:40.11Vint_cerfasg from Canada
14:40.29ricky_clarksonYou can fly from Manchester to Toronto for <tiny><itsy><bitsy>from</bitsy></itsy></tiny> 95 quid.
14:40.47asgVint_cerf: I'm sorry, I don't. They probably have a website though.
14:40.53ricky_clarksonIt gets ridiculous, the fonts on adverts.
14:41.01dawwjm_, ok, now it's pasted in #flood
14:41.03Vint_cerfasg ok
14:41.12jm_daww: can't be, I haven't seen anything
14:41.24ricky_clarksonFly from Manchester to Milan, £60.  The 'FROM' is on the middle 'rung' of the £ sign.
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14:41.43ircdevilhow can i generate a high resolution image of a html document?
14:41.50ricky_clarksonircdevil: man import
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14:42.04neo10-CZEhello :)-
14:42.17neo10-CZEHow can I install .gz file in Linux system please?
14:42.23ircdevilricky_clarkson: no more than 72 dpi - right?
14:42.28ricky_clarksonneo10-CZE: You unzip it.
14:42.36ricky_clarksonircdevil: Depends on the size of your monitor.
14:42.51jm_ircdevil: tried html2ps?
14:43.02Cokeneo10-CZE: gz files aren't installed.
14:43.23Cokeneo10-CZE: it usualy means the file is packed using GNU Zip.
14:43.31ircdeviljm_ i tried htmltoedit -> that went really bad
14:44.00Cokeneo10-CZE: and if it has the .tar before .gz that means that it is a file archive (Tape ARchive) that contains a lot of files and/or directories.
14:44.01ircdeviljm_ how is html2ps different from printing to a ps file with galeon?
14:44.05nockok, so I've got cups installed and working, and I've gone to http://localhost:631/admin and I've put my wang in there - but it still won't print!
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14:44.36Cokenock: no, you don't say.
14:44.40MaCaircdevil: rendering habilities?
14:44.47nockI get a "Printer not connected" error
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14:45.02smlnock: better than "lp is on fire"
14:45.08jm_ircdevil: there's also gnuhtml2latex
14:45.20Cokenock: yes, that can probably occur if your printer isn't connected or configured properly
14:45.22jm_ircdevil: I wouldn't know
14:45.24NarCoTHow do I use 'dpkg' for installing .deb pkgs the right way +configuring ?
14:45.34xkNarCoT: dpkg -i blah.deb
14:45.53NarCoTxk: That's all ?
14:46.03CokeNarCoT: why don't you use apt-get instead?
14:46.06xkwell... if you have the ".deb" file in question yes.
14:46.10xkotherwise, apt-get install <pkg>
14:46.14NarCoTxk: I thought I should add like '--configure' or somthing..
14:46.14nockCoke: well, it's definitely connected, and definitely worked
14:46.16dawwjm_, Ok, now it's there
14:46.27Cokenock: so that leaves misconfiguration. excellent!
14:46.40NarCoTCoke: But I want to install skype... and it's not in there
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14:46.46Cokenock: now all you have to do is read the CUPS documentation on how to configure it and you'll be printing in no time.
14:47.10nockhmm, what package is the command lpinfo in?
14:47.13PerfDaveSkype isn't in Debian because it's non-Free. Skype provide their own .debs.
14:47.25nockand is there a common way to find that sort of thing out?
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14:47.28jm_nock: read the FAQ
14:47.36CokeNarCoT: yes, that's another case. that means dpkg is needed. I, however, refrain from all packages distributed in half-arsed ways. If they don't have a repository setup I don't use it.
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14:47.53nockreading an FAQ: it tells me nothing about what package lpinfo is in
14:47.57jm_nock: yes, the FAQ will explain you how to find the package with given file
14:47.58nockit just assumes I have it
14:48.01jm_yes it does
14:48.05RedPenguinI currently have a NIC in one of my Debs and I want to know what is the way so I can switch it with a new NIC making that eth0 and making the old one eth1
14:48.31Cokenock: that could depend on the lpr implementation you want to use
14:48.33helmiHow come my mic isn't working with skype? It's working on Win98 all right. How can I test it?
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14:48.48CokeWhat the heck is this Skype?
14:48.56jm_right under PackageManagement
14:49.02dawwjm_, what more entires are you talking about
14:49.04*** mode/#Debian [+l 818] by debhelper
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14:49.11helmiskype is internet phone
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14:49.24PerfDaveCoke: It's a non-free VOIP thing which routes everything through centralised servers to avoid NAT issues. It's a hack, and it uses all kinds of propriatery malarkey.
14:49.36CokeQuit using it already!
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14:49.45NarCoTWhen I try downloading from Konqueror I can't choose a destination or file name... is there a way to change it?
14:49.53PerfDaveCoke: It's for people who can't handle running Gatekeeper on their firewall, or forwarding half a dozen ports.
14:49.57helmiIs there a better thing than skype?
14:50.20jm_daww: those GRUB settings look fine, it should attempt to mount device 3,65
14:50.26Cokehelmi: I don't know about better, but I have used free solutions for video and voice chats
14:50.26bvsPerfDave, or for people with no power over their firewall? :)
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14:50.51CokePerfDave: why would you need to do all that?
14:51.03CokePerfDave: the forwarding, that is
14:51.10helmilike what, coke?
14:51.17PerfDaveCoke: If you're behind NAT, you can't communicate with other people behind NAT without port forwarding.
14:51.26Cokehelmi: I have used p2p chattnig using gnome-meeting
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14:51.27dawwjm_, should I change them or just let them be?
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14:51.59psychologizererm in which package is the "man" command contained?
14:52.00helmithanks, you guys.
14:52.01CokePerfDave: I have a NAT and I've used gnome-meeting
14:52.12jm_daww: well they look OK to me - sorry I have to go now, hopefulyl someone else can help you with it
14:52.21thenukeI cant find gdesklets configs anywhere! and it does not start anymore because of broken desklets
14:52.21psychologizerjust figured out i've got the latest man pages installed and no "man" command to view them with
14:52.24thenuke"gDesklets uses the following files and directories for storing data. ..~/.gdesklets/Displays/ Contains desklets installed by the user.."  and there is nothing like that on my PC :)
14:52.25PerfDaveCoke: Without portforwarding? Have you got some crazy misnomered "DMZ" thing set up?
14:52.26xkdpkg find bin/man$
14:52.26idnarPerfDave: whoever designed H.232 was smoking liberal amounts of crack
14:52.35dpkgDebian Package/File/Desc Search of 'bin/man' returned no results.
14:52.41PerfDaveidnar: No, they were just not planning on running it over IP.
14:52.53xkbah @ symlinks.
14:52.59ricky_clarkson!dpkg find /usr/bin/man
14:53.07ricky_clarksonOops, well, it'll still work.
14:53.08dpkgDebian Package/File/Desc Search of '/usr/bin/man' returned no results.
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14:53.11xkricky_clarkson: it's a symlink.
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14:53.20xkdpkg find man-db/man$
14:53.25Space_NLow, ze is al weg .. hmm
14:53.26dpkgDebian Search of 'man-db/man' (1): (/usr/lib/man-db/man) in doc/man-db.
14:53.27ricky_clarksonMandy B?
14:53.27Space_NLwrong chan
14:53.36CokePerfDave: wait, I don't have NAT.
14:53.38*** part/#debian Space_NL (
14:53.42PerfDaveCoke: :)
14:54.03suboptDoes the new installer for sarge let you choose a 2.6 kernel? Or are you stuck with 2.4 still?
14:54.03CokePerfDave: I don't know what I was thinking. I only have one machine and it has a public IP.
14:54.09dawwDo I need initrd if I've compiled Ext3 support as a module for the kernel to boot a ext3 partition with it?
14:54.29xkdaww: you don't need initrd if you compile your own kernel.
14:54.46xkdaww: why not compile ext3 into the kernel?
14:54.56PerfDavesubopt: Read the Installation Manual.
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14:55.04CokePerfDave: and you only need the port forwarding if you want to be able to take incomming calls. :)
14:55.13nevyndaww: build support for your root filesystem and your root device into the kernel or use an initrd.
14:55.28CokePerfDave: in either case, it sounds way better to port forward than to use some man-in-the-middle solution.
14:55.30jharrisonwkwhat is the best way to run newer software on woody without compiling it from source?
14:55.39*** part/#debian dBOFH (dpuertas@
14:55.44nevynjharrisonwk: use sarge :)
14:55.46dawwxk, I have, I ment that ext3 is a module and not a driver, is that a problem if I don't use initrd
14:55.58nevynjharrisonwk: there's also a bunch of backports ok
14:56.20Cokedaww: the module is a driver, just that it is a module (loadable kernel object) and not statically compiled into the kernel.
14:56.26psychologizerhm, that man-db did its job well
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14:57.55Cokejharrisonwk: testing (sarge) is almost stable-ready. it's solid and has more recent updates than woody, which is natural since woody is frozen.
14:58.07PerfDaveOTOH, Sarge doesn't have security updates.
14:58.11jharrisonwkCoke: yes im very aware of that
14:58.26PerfDaveCoke: Or run Gatekeeper which does the port-forwarding dynamically and automatically (and allows you to run multiple H323 clients behind one NAT)
14:58.32CokeTrue. And if someone slips in a bug/trojan into the sarge code it will take a while before the fix in sid reaches sarge.
14:58.39*** join/#debian ggl_6 (~bfdb@
14:58.55Cokeand that sucks
14:58.58smlCoke: trojan/code ? wtf!
14:59.03*** mode/#Debian [+l 809] by debhelper
14:59.05dawwCoke, ok, im new so I have my own language =), anyway do I need initrd if ext3 support is a module in the compiled kernel?
14:59.10ircdevilmonospace fonts?
14:59.23jharrisonwkdaww: yes
14:59.46Cokedaww: yes. but why not make ext3 static in your kernel if your root filesystem is ext3? that way you can skip the initrd.
14:59.58nockok, so I've gone through the cups mini-mini-howto to no avail, I've searched newsgroups and forums with the answers either not being in english or ending in "don't know the solution for this one..." - I've even searched the cups web site and found nothing - is there any place left to go for help?
15:00.04ggl_6hi folks, where can I get a complete reference of C++ functions available.. reference posix stuff + linux native stuff
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15:00.24Cokenock: yes, you can always do it the right way: learn how CUPS works and figure it out.
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15:00.47jahiHi, can someone help me with pmidi and alsa?
15:00.51jharrisonwkPerfDave: <- whats the deal?
15:01.11xamggl: there is hardly any or no c++ in posix or in the linux kernel
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15:01.18Cokenock: I mean, we could swing wild guesses at you like "is your printer supported", "have you specified the correct driver", etc, but we just pressume you have already checked those things already.
15:01.21dawwCoke, Ok, good! So in xconfig that would be [v]Ext3 journaling file system support (not *Ext3 journaling file system support)?
15:01.28PerfDavejharrisonwk: No idea, I've never seen that page before.
15:01.38nockCoke: since it worked before, under RH, I assme there's no problem there
15:01.43Cokedaww: eh, what?
15:01.49nockand the parallel port is being detected, etc. etc. etc.
15:01.53Cokedaww: you set it to be included, but not as module.
15:02.01jharrisonwkPerfDave: I would like some documentation about backporting.  Do you know of any place before I ask google?
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15:02.43PerfDavejharrisonwk: The APT HOWTO.
15:02.50CokePerfDave: you mean to do it the easy way? :) I think not. And besides, you want to use the Debian packages, not some lousy non-free crap.
15:03.04*** join/#debian immortalsinger (
15:03.10jharrisonwkPerfDave: ok thanks
15:03.13PerfDaveCoke: Gatekeeper *is* a Debian package.
15:03.24dawwCoke, just to make sure for the last time, in .config: CONFIG_EXT3_FS=y not CONFIG_EXT3_FS=m, right?
15:03.25PerfDaveCoke: it's Skype that's the lousy non-free crap.
15:03.37CokePerfDave: oh, I misread.
15:03.44CokePerfDave: It's OK. I'm on crack.
15:03.55Cokedaww: right.
15:03.57ircdevilwhen i look very closely on the fonts i have in galeon, (make a screenshot and enlarge) it is clear that galeon misrenders. what can be the cause of this?
15:04.00petemcskype may be non free, but its hardly lousy, it works quite well
15:04.01dawwCoke, great
15:04.29Cokepetemc: all non-free software is lousy. I hardly ever use anything that doesn't apt-get install itself.
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15:04.47PerfDavepetemc: It's a hack. It might work for the end user, but it's inelegant :)
15:05.11nockhmm, found more info at - but dear god this much work shouldn't be required just to print...
15:05.13petemcCoke: i can give you sources for skype :)
15:05.13*** join/#debian mrphreak (~valdy@
15:05.55PerfDavepetemc: You've got the source code for Skype?
15:06.09hexxehCoke, mount /media/dvd && sh /media/dvd/ && ut2004
15:06.09swatikisshow do you get lcdproc to do useful things like display memory usage, etc ?
15:06.15petemcPerfDave: yeah, guy i know packages it
15:06.27petemcPerfDave: not the, a :)
15:06.29Cokepetemc: naw, if it doesn't apt-get install itself with a nice, working debconf I'll skip it. You know... I'm a lazy and stupid fuck.
15:06.52Cokehexxeh: how did you know that I have ut2004?
15:07.11CokeCaught me with my hand in the cookie jar
15:07.14hexxehCoke, well, is there anything else without a .deb worth using?
15:07.16mcmehlHy @all i have a new HP Proliant ML150 G2 and want to install Debian but seems that the SATA Raid (Adaptec AIC8130) isn't supported yet. At HP-Page there are only Driver-Disk-Images for Suse und RedHat Enterprise Linux. What can i do?
15:07.35Cokehexxeh: yes, I'm still waiting for a Q3 binary. :)
15:07.43Cokeother than that, no.
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15:08.30RedPenguinI just want to make sure I have this write
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15:08.56Cokemcmehl: don't buy unsupported hw
15:09.02RedPenguinI read how to compile a kernel and stuff, so this means that now I can basically just compile a kernel when I need and make it usuable on basically more then one Deb machine?
15:09.26RedPenguinI believe so, I just want to make sure
15:09.32Noidwhat is the debian way of setting up an infrared remote for a tv card? lirc? another thing?
15:10.01CokeRedPenguin: the kernel will be architecture bound
15:10.05resiakRedPenguin: You know how to use make-kpkg? The other question is why?
15:10.26*** join/#debian sTone_heAd (~rudy@4ad310e3f80e1a5b.node.tor)
15:10.44PerfDavemcmehl: Which version of Debian are you trying to install? It may be supported in a more modern version.
15:10.56*** join/#debian vahid (~vahid@
15:11.37vahidi install debian from network
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15:11.54resiak!tell vahid about enter
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15:13.18RedPenguinCoke, well yeah, I meant that
15:13.22nomed^it seems it's not possible to optimize packages compilation for i686 ... is it true?
15:13.33vahidi install debian from network
15:13.41vahidand i install x
15:13.43vahidand KDE
15:13.46resiaknomed^: Well, unless you recomile them, no.
15:13.47resiak!tell vahid about enter
15:13.52vahidbut how i can start X ?
15:13.57RedPenguinI'm not looking to make a .deb for 450 machines
15:13.59resiak!faq vahid
15:14.06RedPenguinJust curious since I have two fairly similar machines
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15:14.28De_Moncalc 8*2
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15:14.39takatumiRedPenguin: why not use debian packaged kernel-images?
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15:14.39nomed^resiak: i'm trying to use apt-get source and dpkg-buildpackage ... but dpkg-architecture always says i386
15:14.43solemnwarninghi all
15:14.51solemnwarningi need to edit the partitoning on my internal server
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15:14.58solemnwarningif i move swap from /dev/hda3 to /dev/hda2 and change the fstab file swap to /dev/hda2 will it work?
15:15.17RedPenguintakatumi, well the reason I wanted to compile my own is because no matter how hard I tried I couldn't get ftape working with my Iomega Ditto 2GB Parallel Tape Drive
15:15.19resiak!tell nomed^ about apt-build
15:15.29RedPenguinWhen I got the ftape sources, it said I needed kernel sources, so here I am
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15:16.13resiaknomed^: But are you planning to recompile everything?
15:16.13solemnwarningim guessing no1 knows?
15:16.20takatumiRedPenguin: try getting the kernel-headers, or try module-assistant
15:16.23resiaksolemnwarning: Why wouldn't it?
15:16.32nomed^resiak: step by step ...
15:16.40resiaknomed^: Go use Gentoo...
15:16.45resiaknomed^: Dare I ask why?
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15:16.47solemnwarningwasnt sure if there was another file i had to edit
15:17.06RedPenguinAnd besides, I never compiled a Debian kernel but I did do Gentoo kernels, so I figured, heck I might as well try it
15:17.51ZvpunRedPenguin: I like make-kpkg. I think it is cool once you are used to it.
15:18.17takatumiRedPenguin: with kernel-package the kernel you compile will be a .deb package, you could install it on another similar machine.
15:18.19resiaknomed^: If you start building all of Sarge from source, what will you do when a new release of a package comes out? Build it again? At least wait for Sarge to go stable. In any case, you won't notice any difference, except for maybe libc6, the kernel and X. I must confess that I've tried to build libc6 from source, and failed dismally. YMMV.
15:18.21RedPenguinYeah, I got to use it when I read what dpkg said about compiling a new kernel
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15:19.07nomed^resiak: what about libc6-i686?
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15:19.18aVallarkhi all
15:19.25Deep7guys what does setuid and setgid do on directories?
15:19.42aVallarkhey all , what does this config option stand for in the 2.6.10 kernel .. "CONFIG_BLK_DEV_HD_IDE"
15:19.52RedPenguinAlso, do you need to do anything hardware wise to your stuff to support IPv6? I am curious because I've really only ever used IPv4
15:19.56resiakaVallark: Try the help?
15:20.01nockwell, I've gotten as far as getting my printer to spit out gibberish... which is a start I guess
15:20.05resiaknomed^: I have a Pentium M, and have heard good things about gcc3.4's -march=pentiumm
15:20.14aVallarkresiak: help??
15:20.23nockstill, I think things like this should be easier, damnit - thanks to those who've helped
15:20.33resiakaVallark: Are you using menuconfig as nature intended? If so, highlight the option and press h
15:20.51resiakaVallark: Otherwise, your mousey-windey config program will have something similar.
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15:20.53nockand /msg dpkg cups should mention!
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15:21.15aVallarkresiak: :P
15:21.32resiakaVallark: This is a case of "read the screen".
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15:22.48solemnwarninghi all
15:22.58RedPenguinYes, definatly making a .deb from it makes sense, especially since these are older machines and it would be annoying to always compile it on both
15:23.10solemnwarningi need to make a boot floppy that gives me bash, fdisk and vi
15:23.13solemnwarninghow can i make 1?
15:23.27resiak!tell solemnwarning about tomsrtbt
15:23.35solemnwarningoh i 4got about that disk
15:23.43solemnwarninghavnt used it in ages
15:23.53resiak!tell solemnwarning -about enter
15:24.02xkdebian-installer doesn't come with fdisk any more?
15:24.04ircdevilwhere can i find a list of mono space font names?
15:24.24RedPenguinChoosing 386 in the kernel makes it pretty much compatiable with almost all Intel Processors right?
15:24.37aVallarkxk: cfdisk
15:24.40RedPenguinFor processor type and features that is
15:24.46xkaVallark: I hate it. I prefer good old fdisk.
15:24.56xkI don't need some interface to help me.
15:24.59vahidhow can i configure x ?
15:25.04aVallarkxf: what way do u think cfdisk is worse than fdisk?
15:25.04vahid!faq vahid
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15:25.19resiak!tell vahid -about msgdpkg
15:25.24resiakRedPenguin: Yeah.
15:25.33aVallarkvahid: XFree86 --configure
15:25.40resiakaVallark: NO!
15:25.44*** join/#debian greycat (~wooledg@
15:25.45resiak!drxx vahid
15:25.46dpkgvahid: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86   (as root)
15:25.56aVallarkresiak: what was that for?
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15:26.06xkaVallark: it's worse in that it doesn't give me 100% control.
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15:26.13resiakaVallark: Don't tell people to use XFree86 --configure. It breaks d-r x-x
15:26.30aVallarkresiak : oh :(
15:26.46ricky_clarksonDoes drxx still fail silently when you have already edited XF86Config-4?
15:26.46resiak!tell aVallark -about x md5
15:26.52resiakricky_clarkson: Yes.
15:27.05ricky_clarksonresiak: That is a fuckup above the rest.
15:27.11resiakricky_clarkson: I absolutely agree.
15:27.20greycatPeople who put README files on ftp servers need to be slapped.
15:27.31*** join/#debian LegendLady (
15:27.38LegendLadyWhere can i configure the NTPD Servers
15:27.41ricky_clarksonI need a remote control office-door closer.
15:27.46*** join/#debian MoDaXaS (xjdyxq@
15:27.47RedPenguinThat was a hell close one
15:27.57ricky_clarksonMaybe I can phone someone and ask them to close my door.
15:28.18greycatThat's not as clear as I could have written it.  Let's try again: people who put policy documents, that they want end users to read, on ftp servers that don't work properly in *any* NATted browser, instead of using a web server, need to be slapped.
15:28.20*** join/#debian Zvpun (
15:28.21RedPenguinI was going great into compiling the kernel then remember, shout the Processor Type and Features. I don't think the default of PIII is going to work that nice on a Pentium MMX
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15:28.36Zvpunis there a channel for irc newbees?
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15:28.39greycatLegendLady: /etc/ntp*.conf
15:28.44xkgreycat: haha.
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15:28.57LegendLadyhmm i configured that greycat! But it doesnt seem to sync my time!
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15:29.04LegendLadyits still Feb, 26 on my box :(
15:29.13resiakLegendLady: It's still Feb 26 in real life.
15:29.15greycatLegendLady: did you stop ntpd, re-run ntpdate, then restart ntpd?
15:29.21LegendLadyno resiak
15:29.25resiakYes LegendLady.
15:29.29LegendLadyits 2 march
15:29.41resiakLegendLady: No, it's not. Don't lie to me.
15:29.42LegendLadyntpdate doesnt work greycat
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15:29.45greycat!doesn't work
15:29.46dpkgLook buddy, doesn't work is an ambiguous statement.  Does it sit on the couch all day?  Does it want more money?  Does it waste its time on IRC all day long?  Please be specific!  Define 'it' and what it isn't doing.
15:29.56stewntpdate sits on the couch all day
15:30.02xkgreycat: gotta love that factoid ;)
15:30.05LegendLady26 Feb 22:08:50 ntpdate[1509]: no servers can be used, exiting
15:30.06resiakxk: He does.
15:30.06aVallarkresiak: thanks
15:30.10*** join/#debian abdala_ (~Abdala@
15:30.12greycatLegendLady: what command did you type?
15:30.23LegendLadyntpdate :P i dunno wat else to type?
15:30.30greycatLegendLady: try "ntpdate"
15:30.34xkrdate -s
15:30.38xkhwclock --systohc
15:30.41greycator "man ntpdate", sheesh.
15:30.49LegendLady[root@localhost etc]#  2 Mar 16:30:39 ntpdate[1511]: step time server offset 325271.406927 sec
15:30.58LegendLadydont sned me to the manuals
15:31.05LegendLadyI dont understand them I m not that good at english
15:31.06greycatLegendLady: read the manuals, or else.
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15:31.14LegendLadymake the manuals dutch
15:31.15LegendLadyor else!
15:31.31*** join/#debian bilbo_ (~bilbo_@
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15:31.38sussudio!doe LegendLady
15:31.41stewLegendLady: apt-get install manpages-nl
15:31.43PhatedThey're probably available in dutch.
15:31.51resiakPhated: You're late, dear :)
15:31.53LegendLadyanyway now how do i get ntpd to sync my time every 24 hours??
15:31.54PhatedOh look, they are.
15:31.54RoNiSmy kde trash icon doesn't change when i put something on it, how i can fix it?
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15:32.09LegendLadycommand not found ;p
15:32.10greycatLegendLady: use ntpdate in a cron job instead of ntpd, if you want it to be THAT far behind.
15:32.15Phatedresiak: Buzz off.
15:32.21oskiehmm, what happened to tcp_default_win_scale in >2.6.9? It no longer exists in proc!
15:32.25resiakPhated: I'm only poking you.
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15:32.41LegendLadyOk thanks greycat :D
15:32.42ircdevilwhat package provides the courier new true type monofont ?
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15:33.06resiak!tell ircdevil about msttcorefonts
15:33.34Zvpunare there free fonts too?
15:33.43resiakZvpun: Bitstream Vera?
15:34.10Zvpunresiak: are these the free replacements for msttcorefonts?
15:34.34PerfDaveMaybe we should have "knoooooooooooooooooooooopix has landed!" and "kuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurumin has landed!" :)
15:34.35resiakZvpun: There are other fonts in the world.
15:34.38*** join/#debian bek (
15:34.47greycatPerfDave: *shudder*
15:34.49xkPerfDave: hehehehe.
15:34.56resiakPerfDave: I was thinking along those lines. Or perhaps just !knoppix and !kurumin
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15:35.16xkI think lilo didn't like it when I implemented "ROOT has landed!"
15:35.20PerfDaveresiak: Yeah, but this would be /automatic/ :)
15:35.20grigorais there any restrictions on naming cron files in /etc/cron.daily? I have a file called www.domain.com_rsync that does not get executed and I am trying to figure out why. thanks!
15:35.21gillesWhere to find a website to put my flood ?
15:35.23greycatxk: I know he didn't.  I remember it. :)
15:35.35greycatgilles: /msg dpkg paste
15:35.37PerfDavexk: Why not?
15:35.39xkno idea why timriker enabled it.
15:35.42resiakPerfDave: So would that.
15:35.46resiak!topicsmite gilles
15:35.47dpkgAnd the wrath of /TOPIC descended with terrible fury upon gilles.  And all the people marveled, saying, Behold, we too should read the /TOPIC, lest we be stricken.  And all the people read the /TOPIC, and went away edified.
15:35.55PerfDaveresiak: Oh, ISWYM
15:35.59solemnwarningi cant make the disk with a usb drive
15:36.03xkPerfDave: "creates too much attention for them to get hacked"
15:36.11resiakxk: Isn't that kinda the point?
15:36.13PerfDavexk: Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight
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15:36.27PerfDavexk: Because any hacker can't just set something up themselves.
15:36.35gillesgreycat: i need a website, i know this channel
15:36.49greycatgilles: are you retarded, or just dumb?
15:37.00resiak!topicsmite gilles
15:37.01gillesgreycat: ??
15:37.01dpkgAnd the wrath of /TOPIC descended with terrible fury upon gilles.  And all the people marveled, saying, Behold, we too should read the /TOPIC, lest we be stricken.  And all the people read the /TOPIC, and went away edified.
15:37.06greycat!tell gilles about paste
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15:37.20greycatnow, do we have to teach him how to use his IRC client too?
15:37.31gillesgreycat: thanks
15:37.39ricky_clarksonAnti-Gentoo propaganda:
15:37.39*** join/#debian Xyrouz (
15:37.57abrotmanricky_clarkson: /msg dpkg gentoo
15:37.58greycatricky_clarkson: haha
15:38.03gillesgreycat: no, it's still not what i need...
15:38.08resiakgilles: WTF do you need?!
15:38.14abrotmanbah .. what's wrong with dpkg abbreviating things?
15:38.17PhatedOh FFS /msg dpkg paster
15:38.21abrotmanor sohrtening them rather
15:38.27nomed^resiak: still dpkg-buildpackage: host architecture is i386
15:38.31nomed^is it normal
15:38.36greycatgilles: explain how is not a web site.
15:38.39ricky_clarksonabrotman: /msg dpkg say fuck the hell off, abrotman
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15:38.44ircdevilresiak: thanks -> nifty with some ms fonts
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15:38.55resiaknomed^: I DON'T KNOW! Use apt-build. :)
15:39.03*** mode/#Debian [+l 819] by debhelper
15:39.04abrotmanricky_clarkson: no ?
15:39.18gillesresiak: just a website where i can put my flood, not an irc channel, and with no link to irc channels
15:39.21nomed^i'm using apt-build o0
15:39.21ricky_clarksonabrotman: Forrest?
15:39.26abrotmanbut .. i do wonder why ricky_clarkson is so angry
15:39.28greycatgilles: apt-get install apache
15:39.38xkabrotman: man rags.
15:39.45abrotmanxk: you're still here? :)
15:39.47ricky_clarksonabrotman: I'm not angry.
15:39.50ricky_clarkson!cookie ricky_clarkson
15:39.55abrotmanricky_clarkson: oh .. you just hate me :)
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15:40.02ricky_clarksonActually, the above could be a reason.
15:40.13greycat!smite the netsim factoid for omitting the trailing slash on a URL
15:40.13xkabrotman: yeah. people don't want me any more?
15:40.24gillesgreycat: if you dont know, just don't care about what i ask, don't be such aggressive, please
15:40.25abrotmanxk: i didn't say that ..
15:40.41abrotmanxk: i just haven't seen you much before .. always wondered why you were op'ed
15:40.46ricky_clarkson~netsim =~
15:40.46aptricky_clarkson: i didn't have anything called 'netsim' to modify
15:40.50ricky_clarkson!netsim =~
15:40.51dpkgricky_clarkson: OK
15:40.53PhatedWTF... It's a http:// address... How isn't that an URL?
15:40.56*** join/#debian yang (
15:41.01nomed^but  cat /etc/apt/apt-build.conf says march = -march=pentium4 ?
15:41.14nomed^can someone explain me this trick?
15:41.29grigoraanyone knows why a valid bash script that runs fine from command line would not get picked up by cron from /etc/cron.daily?
15:41.29yanghi, can anyone help me please, when I run Maple 9.5, i can't make the ^ symbol with Shift+`
15:41.31Phatedgreycat: Aww, gee, how sweet. :)
15:41.35greycatgrigora: man run-parts
15:42.47xkabrotman: because I used to code and maintain the bot apt.
15:42.59*** join/#debian llord (
15:43.03abrotmanxk:  oh .. gothca
15:43.04xkabrotman: plus dished out abuse here and there :)
15:43.07abrotmangotcha even
15:43.13grigoragreycat: thanks, no periods allowed, that's why
15:43.13tweekken_grigora: my keyboard has ~  with shift+`
15:43.14ricky_clarksonxk: I found it quicker to write my own bot than to get blootbot working.
15:43.38jcamel2k5how do I mount a physical target from the shell during install?  (I need to mount /dev/scsi/host0/bus0/lun0/targetx)
15:43.40grigoratweekken_: what?
15:43.47xkricky_clarkson: yeah? it's my fault that I didn't bother to fix up the installation process or documentation... but I didn't intend it to be a public project.
15:43.47tweekken_girgora:  the caret or hat is above 6 on my keyboard
15:43.57gillesgreycat: (i found what i looked for :
15:44.05nomed^i mean when i use apt-build .. it calls dpkg and dpkg-architecture also .... apt-build.conf says march = -march=pentium4 but architecture is i386
15:44.35tweekken_grigora: shift+6 gives me a ^
15:44.38nomed^it's really making me crazy
15:44.39ircdevilhmmm? i installed all these ms ttf and it looks like it went well (msttcorefonts) but they are not availible to galeon?
15:44.44ricky_clarksonxk: Fair enough.  I only documented mine recently, and it's been in use since 2003.
15:44.55ricky_clarksonresiak: You were.
15:44.57*** join/#debian shrink (
15:45.02resiakircdevil: Did you log out and in?
15:45.03*** part/#debian llord (
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15:45.44grigoratweekken_: and?
15:46.01ircdevilhmmm ill try to restart x
15:46.11*** join/#debian Weems (
15:46.15resiak"Try" to restart X?
15:46.34*** join/#debian meff (
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15:46.44PhatedHe stabs at his keyboard randomly, like so many others.
15:46.46xkoh well... lates.
15:47.02yanghi, can anyone help me please, when I run Maple 9.5, i can't make the ^ symbol with Shift+`
15:47.03resiakPhated: Heh.
15:47.08resiak!tell yang about repeat
15:47.15stew!info maple
15:47.22resiakyang: On most keyboards, ^ is Shift-6. ¬ is shift-`.
15:47.25stew...does not exist
15:47.29jharrisonwkhow do you set the DISPLAY enviroment variable?
15:47.29nomed^hoping someone will find the time to answer i'll wait .... :P
15:47.32*** join/#debian tdonahue (
15:47.41greycatjharrisonwk: why?
15:47.45Phatedresiak: Yeah, see, with non-utf rubbish, we get ~ with shift-`.
15:47.57resiakPhated: No, actually, it's the UK keymap.
15:48.05NarCoTIs it possible I get this error cause 'apt-get' is working : 'dpkg: status database area is locked by another process' ?
15:48.05resiakPhated: But thanks for correcting me.
15:48.05jharrisonwkgreycat: installing oracle and the first error out of the box is that DISPLAY is not set
15:48.06ricky_clarksonIs it correct to say "I'm on Linux" and "I'm under Windows", respectively, to imply that using Windows is like being under the influence of something? ;)
15:48.08greycatwhy on earth did his IRC client spit out a UTF-8 mess instead of a tilde?
15:48.12jharrisonwkgreycat: please set DISPLAY and try again
15:48.12*** join/#debian ircdevil (~maasha@
15:48.12resiakPhated: ~ is Shift-#
15:48.14Phatedresiak: See, with non-UK rubbish...
15:48.15greycatjharrisonwk: /msg dpkg run stuff as root
15:48.41PhatedIt isn't, whatever the fuck it was.
15:48.43jharrisonwkgreycat: but this is as root and as a normal user
15:48.44ricky_clarkson¬ is not in ASCII.
15:48.48greycatresiak: I see a capital A with a ^ over it and then a bent line thingy.
15:48.51ricky_clarksonNeither is £.
15:48.57ricky_clarksongreycat: UTF-8
15:49.03*** mode/#Debian [+l 813] by debhelper
15:49.05resiakgreycat: The bent line thing is what I'm after.
15:49.05greycatricky_clarkson: HP-UX 10 can't *do* UTF-8.
15:49.14yangresiak: shift + 6 doesn't work
15:49.16PhatedWTF is the bent-line thing for?
15:49.18greycatresiak: well, it's not in ASCII.
15:49.21resiakPhated: It's logical not.
15:49.23greycatPhated: logical negation symbol
15:49.23resiakgreycat: Okay.
15:49.32PhatedI see.
15:49.34ricky_clarksongreycat: He was after ¬ and I was after £ (ISO-8859-1)
15:49.43ricky_clarksonHope that worked.
15:49.46greycat!punish ricky_clarkson for using UTF-8 on IRC
15:49.46*** join/#debian TheBlueWizard (
15:49.56resiakricky_clarkson: They were both UTF-8
15:50.05ricky_clarksongreycat: Blame your countrymen for ASCII.
15:50.40stewricky_clarkson: blame your countrymen for using an american standard :)
15:51.00tweekken_cough transitor invented  cough
15:51.00HaukkariI had to change the motherboard for my Debian router, I had compiled the kernel for Pentium III and now it has the old Celeron (the one that was around when Pentium 2 was around)... How much slower it'll be on that kernel?
15:51.01ricky_clarksonSomehow the Americans thought that the ~, #, `, ^, \, { and } symbols were going to be more important than the pound sign and accented vowels.
15:51.24ricky_clarkson[oh, and
15:51.25stewricky_clarkson: i certainly use those symbos more than the pund or accented vowels
15:51.27abrotmanricky_clarkson: why don't you love me anymore?
15:51.27tweekken_ugh I need coffee
15:51.29ricky_clarkson# is not a pound sign]
15:51.33*** join/#debian Fikrann (
15:51.44abrotmanricky_clarkson: it is here
15:51.50tweekken_# is pound, number, hash
15:52.03resiaktweekken_: It's hash. £ is pound. We're right. Shush. :)
15:52.06stewtictactoe thingy
15:52.18ricky_clarksonSo do you weigh, e.g., 200#?
15:52.20abrotmanricky_clarkson: some people note it that way ..
15:52.22thingfishit's a sharp sign in music notation.
15:52.25abrotmanbut it's more for another use ..
15:52.26PhatedYou don't weigh 200£ either. ;)
15:52.27*** part/#debian DoS (
15:52.34FikrannHello! Does anyone here know how to change TTL of an incoming packet, using iptables?
15:52.38stewhe probably weights 14 stones or something
15:52.45ricky_clarksonI weigh 12 stone.
15:52.53resiakthingfish: Actually, the sharp sign is more slanted.
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15:53.00tweekken_2.5 score in age?
15:53.05thingfishresiak: it is, isn't it.
15:53.05LSorensenFikrann: I would guess the mangle target might allow such things
15:53.09ricky_clarkson1.25 actually, tweekken_.
15:53.13resiakthingfish: Yes. :)
15:53.19*** join/#debian lestest (
15:53.22ricky_clarksonUm, 1.2 rather.
15:53.26stewhalf a twain tall?
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15:53.47greycatstew: just bust out the furlongs.  you know you want to.
15:53.52jc-dentonanybody here famliliar with the acpi support under 2.6.11?
15:53.58ricky_clarksonI'm 3 cats and 2 frogs high, and my mouth is one Big Mac wide.
15:54.02FikrannLSorensen, I was looking at mangle target, but I found no useful clues ..
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15:54.13kevinzany easy software to make gif animation?
15:54.16greycatI'm one greycat high.
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15:54.34resiak!convert 300000000 m/s to furlongs/fortnight
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15:54.40stewgreycat: i haven't gotten one greycat high since high school probably
15:54.47aVallarkhi all :)
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15:54.52tweekken_fortnight  love that one
15:54.58resiaktweekken_: Google can do it. try it.
15:55.10aVallarkif a parent process is set to nice -10, would all its child process inherit it?
15:55.11LSorensenFikrann: well I have certainly never wanted to change the TTL
15:55.13stewso can cvs: "cvs update -D "one fortnight ago" works
15:55.14tweekken_I knew all of these already
15:55.19tweekken_I am OLDE
15:55.20greycataVallark: I think so.
15:55.30LSorensenFikrann: I would just think that would be the most likely target to do such a change
15:55.37greycataVallark: should be simple enough to test...
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15:55.45aVallarkgreycat: by child process i mean those processes that are started by this process
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15:55.54tweekken_I live in a backward nation where the pound is lbs
15:56.01greycataVallark: nice bash -c 'sleep 60' &
15:56.03greycataVallark: top
15:56.18ricky_clarksonImagine if women all conspired to have their period at the same time as each other.
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15:56.25ricky_clarksonNo, that's too painful to think about.
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15:56.56FikrannLSorensen, I know .. I was curious if anyone here knew exact IPtables rules I should use for that ..
15:56.56greycaterr, I guess sleep doesn't show up on top very easily.
15:57.01greycatyou could use "ps xw" instead of top, though
15:57.13cahootricky_clarkson: isn't that what happends in convents?
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15:57.16ircdevili want to install courier-new on this box and i failed. apt-get install msttcorefonts went well. but fonts dont show up in galeon. why?
15:57.18ivo_hello guys
15:57.30XaquethCan someone help me with Belkin Bluetooth USB dongle, I cannot get it to work ...
15:57.32ivo_can some of you help me, private is easier I think!!
15:57.33LSorensenFikrann: man iptables has a section called TTL
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15:57.52ivo_ik have problems with apt-get, (who can help me with that??)
15:58.06LSorensenFikrann: and it is in the mangle table.  it also says to NEVER alter the TTL on packets leaving your own network
15:58.10aVallarkthere is soemthing wrong..  my memory usage is gr8!
15:58.10ricky_clarksonivo_: ask
15:58.16*** join/#debian GooZ (
15:58.17dpkgAll days in #debian will remain Sunday until further notice. Unfortunately, outside #debian the world keeps turning, so you still have to get up and go to work. Welcome to PermaTardsday!
15:58.19greycativo_: NOBODY is going to help you in private.
15:58.37*** part/#debian kony (
15:58.49ricky_clarksongreycat: Maybe #debian-friendly if he can't hack the pace of #debian, dunno.
15:58.54tdonahuei have a really stupid question but for some reason I can't find the answer... how do you enable routing between interfaces?
15:59.06greycattdonahue: enable IP forwarding in /proc/something
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15:59.09ricky_clarksongreycat: Oh, it's dead now.
15:59.13*** part/#debian Renato (
15:59.19FikrannLSorensen, thanks
15:59.25greycatricky_clarkson: I think they switched it to ##debian
15:59.32Zvpunhow can I get colored manpages?
15:59.44LSorensenZvpun: why ever would you want to?
15:59.46greycatZvpun: printer, paper, crayons.
15:59.46stewZvpun: change the default pager to most
16:00.07stewZvpun: apt-get install most ; export PAGER=most
16:00.10tdonahuestew, i'm guessing I just have to set ip_forward to yes?
16:00.11FikrannAnd I need to bump up TTL on incoming packets, the ISP is setting TTL=1 (like it'd change something, except to piss off users)
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16:00.23stewtdonahue: yes, then /etc/init.d/networking restart
16:00.29MattFHow do I split a file into smaller chunks?
16:00.32Zvpunstew: it should work with less too, since it is colored by default on cygwin (with less)
16:00.33greycatMattF: man split
16:00.46stewZvpun: dunno
16:00.46MattFis it possible to rejoin them in windows?
16:00.48ivo_i was trying to install shh but it didn't work, so I wanted to remove shh, with the openssh-server but I get errors
16:00.49greycatZvpun: you can configure rxvt to use colors for bold, etc.
16:00.50ZvpunLSorensen: who are you to decide what people want?
16:00.53*** join/#debian scytheman (
16:01.05greycatrxvt*colorBD:           blue
16:01.05MattFI have a 2GB file I want to copy to a windows PC, if I use FTP it's too large and crashes my server
16:01.09ivo_/etc/init.d/ssh: line 49: log_begin_msg: command not found
16:01.11MattFSFTP is too slow
16:01.17ivo_invoke-rc.d: initscript ssh, action "stop" failed.
16:01.26ivo_dpkg: error processing openssh-server (--remove):
16:01.37ZvpunMattF: yes, you should read the windows help for cat or more I dont remember exactly
16:01.38greycativo_: what version of Debian are you running?
16:01.42LSorensenZvpun: man has only ever had underscores and bold.  You would have to come up with rules to decide which part of a man page should have whatever colour and implement some kind of filter.  perhaps that is what 'most' does.
16:01.48tdonahuestew, thanks a lot, that worked
16:01.50ivo_this is a ubunto version
16:01.56stewtdonahue: you're welcome
16:01.58Gbillouhi, is there an ndiswrapper package for debian?
16:02.02LSorensenZvpun: and why is often a good question when people ask for something that appears to add no useful value to anything
16:02.03Gbillouor should i compile source code?
16:02.03ricky_clarksonMattF: Cygwin is a great environment to pretend you use an OS when you're 'under' Windows.
16:02.04greycativo_: /part #debian    /join #ubuntu
16:02.10LSorensenZvpun: perhaps people have a good reason.
16:02.18ZvpunLSorensen: I have seen colored manpages on a BSD box of my friend and on cygwin.
16:02.26brosioanyone known when will be release an official version of xorg?
16:02.28ivo_ubuntu = debian
16:02.35PerfDave!topicsmite brosio
16:02.36dpkgAnd the wrath of /TOPIC descended with terrible fury upon brosio.  And all the people marveled, saying, Behold, we too should read the /TOPIC, lest we be stricken.  And all the people read the /TOPIC, and went away edified.
16:02.37greycatZvpun: they probably configured their terminals to display bold/underline as colors, like I do.
16:02.39ggiI'm trying to copy a directory of music files to a vfat-formatted USB hard drive, and for certain ones I get 'cannot create regular file `x.ogg': Invalid argument'. I've tried adding 'utf8' to my mount options, but it doesn't appear to make any difference. What's up with that?
16:02.40FieldySnuts@topic... n/m
16:02.40stewivo_: false
16:02.41thingfishnot hardly, ivo_
16:02.57LSorensenZvpun: hmm, neat.  I guess they have man set up to use a pager that knows about man pages and does some creative filtering
16:03.06PerfDave!topicsmite ivo_
16:03.07dpkgAnd the wrath of /TOPIC descended with terrible fury upon ivo_.  And all the people marveled, saying, Behold, we too should read the /TOPIC, lest we be stricken.  And all the people read the /TOPIC, and went away edified.
16:03.14greycatggi: are you SURE the file is named "x.ogg"?
16:03.16*** join/#debian green_earz (
16:03.20GbillouIs there a ndiswrapper package?
16:03.24greycatggi: are you SURE it's not actually called "my song.ogg" with a SPACE in it?
16:03.37ivo_okay, i'll ask somewhere else, thanks for you help!!
16:03.42RedPenguinWait a minute
16:03.46ggigreycat: Uh, it's not. It was just to shorten the name.
16:03.50PerfDave!tell Gbillou about search
16:03.55thingfishivo_: come back when you're running real debian.
16:03.59ricky_clarksonGbillou: apt-cache search ndiswrapper
16:04.01LSorensenGbillou: apt-cache search ndiswrapper (answer is uet)
16:04.05LSorensener yes
16:04.08greycatggi: it's the name that CAUSES the problem.
16:04.08RedPenguinIs it possible to put two NICs in a machine, then put a machine on the second NIC to get Internet from the first NIC card?
16:04.12Gbillou<PerfDave> !tell Gbillou about search <- i've already searched
16:04.14PerfDave!tell Gbillou -about ndiswrapper
16:04.16Gbillouand i've not found it
16:04.17LSorensenRedPenguin: yes
16:04.19*** part/#debian jc-denton (
16:04.20ivo_okay, but in real debian I can't get my ati radeon working, it really sucks!!
16:04.21ricky_clarksonGbillou: apt-cache search ndiswrapper
16:04.30LSorensenGbillou: assuming you are NOT running woody
16:04.38PerfDaveivo_: Yes, ATI cards do suck.
16:04.46ivo_but I must go, see you later.
16:04.49*** join/#debian jonasn (
16:04.53RedPenguinI think I would just need to get a crossover cable thoough
16:04.56RedPenguinSo that is about i
16:05.05Gbillou<LSorensen> Gbillou: assuming you are NOT running woody <- i am
16:05.17*** join/#debian cdc (~cdc@
16:05.25grigoraRedPenguin: yes, what you need is IP forwarding enabled in your kernel and /proc//sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
16:05.27PerfDaveGbillou: You were already told that if you wanted to use a 2.6 kernel, or ndiswrapper, you'd be better off using Sarge.
16:05.29ircdevilwhere does the fonts end up when install msttcorefonts ?
16:05.29ggigreycat: Well it's occuring with songs with '?' in the name, primarily, and also with ones with Hiragana characters.
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16:05.36Gbillouhmm and can't i just change the sources.list file?
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16:05.41greycatgilles: FAT can't handle ?
16:05.44LSorensenGbillou: then there is no such thing
16:05.45Gbillouin order to update my woody to a sarge?
16:05.48greycatgilles: you must rename the file
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16:05.57LSorensenGbillou: if you run sarge there is ndiswrapper support
16:05.58ricky_clarksonGbillou: Upgrade to sarge.
16:06.18RedPenguinWell IP forwarding I have done
16:06.25RedPenguinBut it feels like I still need to do one thing
16:06.31LSorensenGbillou: after upgrading apt-cache search will find ndiswraper
16:06.36*** join/#debian zinx (
16:07.30FikrannLSorensen, thanks for the pointer!
16:07.36FieldySnutsevery time you help an Ub*ntu user here, Jesus kills a kitten.
16:07.42Gbillou<LSorensen> Gbillou: after upgrading apt-cache search will find ndiswraper <- ok, so the only way to apt-get ndiswrapper, is to upgrade my woody to a sarge
16:07.52ricky_clarksonIn Soviet Russia, the kitten kills Jesus.
16:07.55Gbillouwoody suxx ^^
16:07.57RedPenguinIs 1.2M a correct .deb file size for a kernel image?
16:08.03RedPenguinIt sounds to me, awfully small
16:08.09RedPenguinFor a custom made one that is
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16:09.02NarCoTI got this error frmo the 'apt-get install smb4k': Errors were encountered while processing:
16:09.02*** mode/#Debian [+l 822] by debhelper
16:09.02vhurencan a radius server be used to authenicate ehternet connections other than just ppp ones?
16:09.02NarCoT<NarCoT>  /var/cache/apt/archives/knetfilter_3.3.1-1_i386.deb
16:09.02NarCoT<NarCoT> edp: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)
16:09.13stewthe woody->sarge factoid should really be updated, it says to use apt-get, which doesn't work
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16:09.47stewyeah, i'm on it
16:10.37*** join/#debian sTone_heAd (debian-tor@3484bb74215b78c8.node.tor)
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16:10.54abrotmanwhy doesn't apt-get work ?
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16:11.06NarCoTanyone ?
16:11.32*** join/#debian klamar (~klamar@
16:11.44stewabrotman: apt-get runs over the 1024 limit when calling dpkg and splits it into multiple calls which breaks circular dependencies
16:11.58cdcwhats the difference between su - and su -l
16:12.03stewdpkg: woody->sarge =~ s/apt-get/aptitude/g
16:12.03dpkgOK, stew
16:12.04cdcis there any difference between the two
16:12.12abrotmanstew: yay
16:12.23RedPenguinMy new .kernel Deb is making lilo say
16:12.23RedPenguinWarning: '/proc/partitions' does not match '/dev' directory structure.
16:12.25*** join/#debian PSIplus (
16:12.27ricky_clarksonricky@ricky:~$ su -l
16:12.27ricky_clarksonsu: invalid option -- l
16:12.30ricky_clarksoncdc: ^^
16:12.30stewdpkg: woody->sarge =~ s/This upgrade is not painless (yet). it is less painless, so there//g
16:12.31WageSlaveI know su - takes that users eviroment
16:12.31dpkgstew: OK
16:12.32RedPenguinIs that a common error or did I miss something in .config?
16:12.35stewdpkg woody->sarge
16:12.35dpkgsomebody said woody->sarge was edit /etc/apt/sources.list, changing all non-local mentions of "woody" or "stable" to "sarge". Then "aptitude update" and "aptitude dist-upgrade".  , or consider installing hotplug and/or discover1 afterwards if you're not confident with linux hardware management.  DWN says "use aptitude, not aptitude" for this upgrade
16:12.47*** join/#debian dooteo (~dooteo@
16:13.00Zvpuncdc: my su manpage states that -, -l makes the shell a login shell
16:13.01WageSlavewheras us <user> doesn't take the whole user enviroment
16:13.02*** join/#debian kony (
16:13.21NarCoTHelp please: I got this error frmo the 'apt-get install smb4k': Errors were encountered while processing: /var/cache/apt/archives/knetfilter_3.3.1-1_i386.deb  edp: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)
16:13.40*** join/#debian kjetil (~kjetil@
16:13.49PhatedRedPenguin: Do you have a /proc/partitions/something for your root device instead of /dev/hda1 or something?
16:13.51*** join/#debian BasL (
16:13.58ZvpunNarCoT: Do you have a more detailed error report?
16:14.09kjetildoes debian woody (bf2.4) have QoS support ?
16:14.20abrotman!tell kjetil about real kernel
16:14.22directhex|workPhated, you any good with debugging nasty kernelly general protection faults?
16:14.26NarCoTZvpun: not really...
16:14.36Phateddirecthex|work: Ew, gross.
16:14.49PSIplusgot a little problem...
16:14.49PSIplusPC Crashed, since that /var/lib/dpkg/available and available-old are corrupted... (thank god it wasn't the status) ... is there a way to re-build it?
16:14.56PhatedRedPenguin: In your lilo config.
16:15.00dpkgfrom memory, available is run "dselect update" to restore /var/lib/dpkg/available, or if your 'available' file is corrupt, remove it first, then see above.
16:15.10*** join/#debian appaji (~appaji@appaji.user)
16:15.12cdcZvpun, if i give su -l it makes it as a login shell right?
16:15.12RedPenguinIt says root=/dev/hda2 in my lilo.conf
16:15.12ZvpunNarCoT: I thought it tells you about where the error occured. (Like in knetfilter.postinst or somwhere else
16:15.31Zvpuncdc: that is what my manpage says -, -l, --login make the shell a login shell
16:15.32directhex|workMar  2 14:52:47 localhost kernel: general protection fault: 0000 [1]
16:15.57PhatedTralala. Do you have /proc/partitions anywhere in your lilo config? But if you're sure everything in it is OK, it's really just a warning.
16:15.58PSIplusdirecthex|work: thanx :-)
16:16.42directhex|workPhated, suggest a channel of people who can understand kernel barfing
16:16.46telpochis there a command i can run to find out what jobs cron has loaded in memory?
16:17.15Phateddirecthex|work: debian-kernel or debian-<the thing I'm not supposed to say>
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16:17.51ircdevilstupid true type fonts! why dont they show up in any gnome app?
16:18.06cdci want to enable DMA when the system boots by default how do i do that ?
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16:18.48RedPenguinDamn, I can get used to compiling my own Debian kernels. It is actually fairly easy
16:18.49asuffieldcdc: install a vaguely recent kernel, configured to enable DMA at boot time
16:18.52cdci added hdparm in etc/profile but it is used only by root but the other users get error when they login "hdparm command not found"
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16:19.13cdcasuffield, no all u need is hdparm thats it with that u can enable it
16:19.20dpkgIt's YOU. Y-O-U. Not *U*. U is a letter. YOU is a word. See ne1, or wud.  Dutch for 'you' (formal singular). See
16:19.28asuffieldcdc: do not do that, and go away until you can speak english intelligably
16:19.42resiakcdc: Of course putting it in /etc/profile only works for root -- you must be root to use hdparm
16:19.45Zvpuncdc: I thought that dma is enabled by default by the BIOS. Did you compile your on kernel?
16:19.53cdcasuffield, i have used it in Red Hat 7.2
16:19.54asuffieldZvpun: not by the bios, by the kernel
16:20.04Zvpunasuffield: fair enough
16:20.06asuffieldcdc: I'm sure you've done all sorts of silly things
16:20.28cdcok fine how do i enable it by default help me please
16:20.36asuffieldalready told you, see above
16:21.14*** part/#debian kony (
16:21.16cdcresiak, i want to enable DMA for everyone and not for the root alone
16:21.41resiakcdc: Do as asuffield says.;
16:21.50RedPenguinIf the .deb for a newly compiled kernel is only like 1.2M, does that mean it downloads the kernel source as a dependency?
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16:22.23cdcand Morever when i add it etc/profile only after the root logs in that gets affected but i want that to happen when the system gets booted
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16:22.32Zvpuncdc: try installing  hdparm and hwtools add it to /etc/init.d/hwtools
16:23.14*** join/#debian Bhaal (bhaal@bhaal.staff.freenode)
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16:24.30resiakcdc: I just told you why it only works for root if you do that. Read what people say.
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16:25.51difetai need some help with cups. For some reason I can no longer print as a regular user, only root. Anybody know why?
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16:26.13cdcresiak, i can understand what you say but how do i do that globally for all users
16:27.46Zvpuncdc: did you install hwtools? Run hdparm from /etc/init.d/hwtools instead of /etc/profile. hwtools is run during system startup (as root).
16:28.17quitttwhen Sarge is going to release?
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16:28.25quitttthere are 3 years of no releases
16:28.29quitttand Woody is very old
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16:28.37Laneywould i have problems installing on a sata drive that is connected through a pci card?
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16:28.55Zvpunquittt: solve some bugs and it will be released sooner
16:29.07sorahnhow long after the newest kernel is released before you can apt-get it
16:29.17sorahnor, do i just need a new apt source
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16:29.33RedPenguinAnyone know the file  you are to edit to allow connections into Webmin?
16:29.35resiak!tell quittt about wwsr
16:29.38RedPenguinI get access denied from my IP
16:29.59Zap-Wis there a problem with the latest nvidia driver? with the logo it draws it , but  whatever i load next  isnt visible and the background is black if i disable the logo , cursor appears and moves
16:30.08Zap-Wworks fine with the "nv" driver
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16:31.01thingfishLaney: installing sarge using the 2.6 kernel would give you your best chances of success.
16:31.08stewsorahn: what version of debian are you using?
16:31.20Laneyok, thingfish. will i need to download drivers or anything?
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16:31.38directhex|worksorahn, never. sarge will release wqith 2.6.8 and 2.4.27
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16:31.43stewsorahn: sarge is (almost definately) going to release 2.6.8, it will never get 2.6.9 or .10
16:31.52thingfishLaney: no, if it's going to work or not, you'll find out pretty quick.
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16:32.22sorahnso, to get 2.6.11 id just have to do it manually
16:32.33resiaksorahn: You'd pull it from Sid.
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16:32.44_rene_if it is in sid
16:33.01resiak11 is not in sid yet. Hell, it was released _today_.
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16:33.14_rene_which will take some time probably since it was a) released today morning and b) are NEW packages and therefore have to be approved manually
16:33.17settledownstartx is giving me a 'fatal server error:'
16:33.25cdccan i upgrade to a newer version of kernel using apt-get ?
16:33.26sorahnone of my friends mentioned that the 2.6.11 kernel was out, so i thought id see if i could apt-get it
16:33.33cdcis that possible? i am using Sarge
16:33.38stewcdc: yes, apt-cache search kernel-image
16:33.40resiakcdc: What version are you using?
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16:33.46mdg_wkDoes anyone know if there is a log I can look at, to see every connection that comes in to my debian box?  I want to see what my mysql connections are doing.
16:33.48sorahnbut, i can still just download it and install it right?
16:33.50cdci am currently using i want to upgrade to a new version
16:33.59resiakcdc: You mean 2.6.8-1
16:34.04cdcmy system is Celeron 1.7 Ghz and 256 MB SD RAM
16:34.05resiakcdc: 2.6.8-2 is in Sarge.
16:34.05stewcdc: you can get 2.6.8-2
16:34.06cdcresiak, yes
16:34.06settledownxf86OpenConsole: cannot open /dev/tty0 (no such file or directory)
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16:34.13settledownstartx is giving me a 'fatal server error:'
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16:34.21xabier98how can i redirect conection to a pc to other pc on the lan
16:34.26PhatedWhat functionality would you possibly need to upgrade a kernel for if you already had a working kernel?
16:34.32abrotmanxabier98: iptables iirc
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16:34.36resiakPhated, newness!
16:34.40stewPhated: -2 is a security fix
16:34.45abrotman!kiwismite resiak
16:34.49cdcbut when i say apt-cache search it shows and others
16:34.51abrotmannope .. that's not it
16:34.53abrotman!kiwismite resiak
16:34.57abrotmandamn it
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16:35.04abrotmanresiak: shiny thing!
16:35.07abrotman!kiwismite resiak
16:35.08Phatedstew: I meant, up tp stuff like 2.6.11.
16:35.08cdcbut in there are many items i dont know which one to install
16:35.10abrotmani give up
16:35.21stewPhated: no idea
16:35.23abrotmanoh ..
16:35.27abrotman!kikismite resiak
16:35.30resiakcdc: No, it doesn't.
16:35.40resiakcdc: It definitely doesn't say
16:35.51settledowndo i have to be in the home directory to go to the desktop, im stuck in the CLI
16:35.52Phatedstew: Exactly.
16:35.55cdcresiak, oops as you say it says also
16:36.06cdcshall i install ?
16:36.08stewcdc: still wrong
16:36.08resiakcdc: No, it says 2.6.8-2 :)
16:36.12resiakcdc: Yes.=
16:36.18resiakcdc: And then leave it and don't worry about it any more.
16:36.23xam!beersmite resiak
16:36.34resiakEww, Corona Light.
16:36.37thingfisheww light beer
16:36.46cdcis it just apt-get install <package name> after installation should i change anything?
16:36.50Phated<sigh> Men.
16:36.54settledownwhat is the command to start the desktop
16:36.56resiakcdc: Reboot for a kernel.
16:37.00resiak!faq settledown
16:37.06resiakPhated: What about men?
16:37.13dpkgTHX is an audio technology company founded by George Lucas. See If you mean "thanks", please just say so. Thx.
16:37.16*** part/#debian pif (
16:37.17xam<sign> Women that expect anything else in this channel
16:37.50Phatedresiak: Why do you care, I wasn't referring to you.
16:37.54difetasorry heres a recap. I cannot use the lpr command to print.. Any ideas?
16:38.03cdcresiak, and when you say apt-get there are 2 versions of kernel one for 386 and the other one for P4 and celeron systems but they both have the same package name so how will it differentiate between the two
16:38.06sorahnyou guys have more fun with that bot then any other IRC channel ive ever been to
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16:38.16resiakPhated: Okay.
16:38.23resiakcdc: No, they don't have the same package name.
16:38.36resiakPhated: Fair enough. I was just wondering...
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16:38.46cdcresiak, ooops sorry its 386 and 686 sorry didnt notice that
16:39.15cdcresiak, should i back up my data before installation ?
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16:39.37resiakcdc: Not in addition to your regular backups which you of course make.
16:39.44MattFif I want to join together a load of files that I have split, but don't have the space to do it, is it possible?
16:39.46stewof course
16:40.09MattFie 2.8GB split into 500MB chunks on a 4GB disk
16:40.20stewMattF: you can join them one at a time
16:40.30cdci hope that my current applications run as it is when i boot into my new kernel :-)
16:40.30MattFgood idea
16:40.32LSorensenMattF: you can do one at a time like: cat file2 >> file1; rm file2; cat file3 >> file1; rm file3; cat file4 >> file1; rm file4; etc
16:40.43MattFgood idea, thanks
16:41.12xamLSorensen: don't forget a 'rm file1' at the end ;)
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16:41.25LSorensenxam: yeah that would be so useful :)
16:41.56MattFso what's the full way of cat'ing two files?
16:42.08MattFI am using GNUwin32 textutils
16:42.20resiakMattF: Then WTF are you asking on #debian?
16:42.28MattFcos i split the file in debian
16:42.38MattFand I am merging it together in windows
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16:42.57MattFtried to just FTP the file but it crashed my FTP server cos the file was too big
16:42.59resiakMattF: cat file1 file2 file3 file4 > onehugefile
16:42.59MattFso I had to split it
16:43.16MattFso cat file1 file2 > output
16:43.20MattFrm file1 file2
16:43.31MattFcat output file3 > output2
16:43.36cdcresiak, should i change anything in Lilo or Grub
16:43.40MattFwell, that could get confusing
16:43.46cdcresiak, i am using Grub should i change anything?
16:43.47resiakcdc: Debian does it for you.
16:43.57PhatedNot lilo.
16:44.18PhatedYou need to edit (or at least check) the initrd bits in lilo when you install a kernel-image, don't you?
16:44.20resiakMattF: Cat just prints out the contents of every file you give it. You redirect that to another file.
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16:44.29cdcif its Grub not a problem is it?
16:44.30resiakPhated: Oh, okay. I didn't know. Thanks.
16:44.33resiakcdc: No, it's not.
16:44.43Phatedresiak: The joys of lilo.
16:44.48resiakPhated: Use Grub :)
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16:45.04Zvpunwhat does the readline key "\e[~" stand for?
16:45.16greycatZvpun: whichever key sends ESC [ ~
16:45.25greycatZvpun: infocmp | less
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16:46.22Zvpungreycat: thanks
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16:46.54jaszdamn that guy lipsyncing is good.....
16:46.58MattFresiak, I get that, thanks :)
16:47.06alexquick one, how do I get the space of my HD ?
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16:47.24smakksor df -h
16:47.39WageSlaveyea gotta like the human switch
16:47.54jaszquestion: is there any program that can be comparable to Adobe Illustrator.. for linux?
16:47.58WageSlaveamazes me sometimes that people don't know the standard *nix stuff
16:48.18WageSlavedidn't they have to deal with it in college?
16:48.18MattFWageSlave, it's rarely documented that well
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16:48.28smakksI have trouble with tomcat4/ant does anybody have experience in that field?
16:48.41stewsmakks: #java
16:48.44jaszsmakks, #java
16:48.47MattFtrouble with command line is that there's not some options that you can see what does what
16:48.59MattFunless you try every single possible combination of keys
16:48.59petemcMattF: command --help
16:49.04MattFwhich could take a while :S
16:49.05stewMattF: that's what manpages are for
16:49.14MattFyeah but if you don't know the command...
16:49.17petemcand man/info pages
16:49.17MattFthat's what I mean
16:49.33MattFif you didn't know the the program called "df" was disk space free
16:49.36stewMattF: thats what google is for
16:49.38MattFhow would you find out?
16:49.41MattFwell yeah
16:49.42MattFor IRC
16:49.46MattFhence people ask here
16:50.00smakkswell I'm not sure if it's a java problem... I think it's something debian specific. tomcat4 overwrites a config file wich doesn't happen under windows... but I'll try #java
16:50.04greycatWageSlave: the problem is that many of the newbies here haven't even *been* to college yet.
16:50.43stewmy college certainly didn't teach us how to use unix stuff
16:50.49MattFu saying you need to go to college to learn how to find out basic things like "df"?
16:50.51greycat(also that many colleges seem to be using Windows instead of Unix)
16:51.03SPmy college never taught me df
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16:51.15MattFor that people can't use unix until they go to college?!
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16:52.03PhatedNo, but one hopes that college would teach some sort of grammar.
16:52.28RedPenguinI know this isn't a smart idea, but has anyone gave Internet access to a machine through a dial-up modem then gave Internet through a NIC?
16:52.32stewPhated: I would hope that grammar would be en entrance requirement
16:52.39cireDo you know some RAID Controllers (SATA or ATA) which are fully supported by linux and don't need a software layer? (raid1 array shall look like one huge disk for linux). Are there any?
16:53.08*** join/#debian LordLamer (
16:53.13WageSlaveThe perc controller in my dell servers match that
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16:53.25PhatedYeah, but since we know that high school doesn't seem to teach any, I'd hope college did it. I mean, you have to turn in fucking papers, I hope you damn well don't type "u need 2 run this commanz".
16:53.42WageSlavethey are just one disk to linux... unless I boot into the management softs to fuzt with the raid 5
16:54.06*** join/#debian Adeene (~UTPinux@
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16:55.16AdeeneHi! 'Debianitas' :)
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16:55.44PhatedDo people never get sick of coming up wit collectives that simply -beg- for 800 responses?
16:55.55cireHow may I see, which controllers match my criteria, and which don't? Or, does every raid controller work the way I want them to?
16:56.25*** join/#debian vchrizz (
16:56.35jaszis there a gtk/gnome program similar to KIllustrator? (Kontour?)
16:56.36settledownx-window-system-core is already at newest version, but it says samba and swat are not configured yet
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16:56.41settledownhow do i configure them
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16:56.52MattFI don't even have the space to join two files :(
16:56.58MattFthat's annoying.
16:57.41stewMattF: spend 2 dollars on an 8 gig drive
16:57.41sussudioin soviet russia, PC chucks you
16:57.54Chronozdoes debian have any special way to install styles, window decors and such stuff through apt-get or do you just compile from source? cuz i compiled some stuff and it just didnt work
16:58.11MattFstew, even then I'm trying to play games on a PC with half the minimum requirements of HL2
16:58.15MattFwhich is what I want to play
16:58.43PhatedJeez, just... upgrade. Even -I'm- doing that, and I live in a rubbish country for PCs.
16:59.03*** join/#debian bogon (
16:59.12settledownhow do i reconfigure samba?  dpkg-reconfigure samba?
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16:59.17MattFwell, I have a much better PC running debian, hence my presence here, but I can't get games to work in it
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16:59.38Rawplayermsn_immortalsing: stop querying people
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17:00.28xabier98hi how can i redirect port tcp conection to local machine
17:00.30MattFAnyone got any experience running Half-Life 2 in Debian?
17:01.04stewxabier98: with the prerouting chain in iptables
17:01.06WageSlaveprobably need to take a step back and work on steam first.
17:01.12MattFgot steam working
17:01.15MattFjust no games
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17:01.34xabier98need it restart
17:01.36MattFCS 1.6 gives me an opengl32.dll missing error that I can't work out
17:01.38WageSlavethen your already further than me ;)
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17:01.41MattFand HL2 just opens and closes
17:01.46MattFcvswinex is quite good
17:01.56MattFI've got UT:GOTY working apart from without sound
17:01.59greycatxabier98: man iptables;
17:02.02Arvind-NLnvidia one-liner
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17:03.52superSSSIs there only 2.4.18 kernel iamge done for HPPA ?
17:04.06settledownsetting up samba (3.0.10-1)... couldn't reopen stdin at /usr/sbin/update-inetd line 29
17:04.09settledownwhat does that mean
17:04.12nutshell42why does debian clean /tmp at boot? It seems much more sensible to do it when shutting down that way you won't lose the directory contents in case of a crash
17:04.29greycatnutshell42: if you need to keep any of it, use /var/tmp
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17:05.24nutshell42greycat: I have a number of files that I want to be deleted automatically by the system.
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17:05.46nutshell42It's just stupid if it's done because of a crash although I still wanted/needed that file
17:06.12superSSSWhere can I get instructions on building kernel-image the debian way?
17:06.23greycatnutshell42: anything in /tmp is fair game to be deleted in the event of a crash.  Deal.
17:06.25ricky_clarksonsuperSSS: The debian way is to *install* kernel-image.
17:06.44greycatsuperSSS: /msg dpkg kp    if you insist on being masochistic
17:06.52superSSSricky_clarkson: I found only 2.4.18 kernel image for HPPA
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17:07.14LSorensensuperSSS: there is also kernel-package's make-kpkg that can be used to build a debian package from kernel source
17:07.14nutshell42greycat: sorry but that's just stupid. What would you lose by cleaning it during a shutdown?
17:07.15ricky_clarksonsuperSSS: make-kpkg I believe.
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17:07.30LSorensensuperSSS: but I tend to avoid doing that unless I have a real good reason to build my own kernel
17:07.38greycatnutshell42: disk space, if you have leftover crud from 17 months of continuous uptime followed by a single crash.
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17:07.52greycatnutshell42: just fucking DEAL WITH IT.
17:07.59nutshell42(actually I just rewrote the init scripts to do just that but I wanted to know if there's some sensible reason to do it)
17:08.00greycatnutshell42: if you want to change the behavior, cd /etc/init.d && ls && vi *
17:08.09nutshell42greycat: FUCK U TOO
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17:08.33superSSSLSorensen: I would like IPV6 to be enabled in the next kernel build...probably i cant find that option in kernel-image?
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17:09.22PhatedNo, but you can probably modprobe it.
17:09.25synicI have a linode running debian, but for some reason when I'm sshed in, I can't use my backspace key - it acts as though it's the delete key
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17:09.28synichow can I fix this?
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17:10.05jonohi all
17:10.17cdci am installing the kernel should i upgrade XF86 and other packages since i am upgrading my kernel?
17:10.17greycatsynic: stty erase ^?
17:10.21cdcis that necessary?
17:10.25greycatthere is no
17:10.32greycatand no, it's not necessary.
17:10.40jonoI am trying to remove apache2-mpm-prefork and it keeps failing saying invoke-rc.d cannot stop apache2 - it is not running, and I am unable to start it - how can I fix this?
17:10.43cdcits 2.6.8-2
17:10.44LSorensensuperSSS: debian kernels have ipv6 support already
17:10.50LSorensensuperSSS: at least in sarge they do
17:10.53greycatcdc: yes
17:11.21superSSSLSorensen: hmm, I installed debian with 2.4.17 kernel, and it doesnt have support
17:11.21valentinoscan someone convert ext3 to reiserfs without lossing data?
17:11.37jonoany clues?
17:11.48WageSlavesynic you ssh client is set to the wrong term type...
17:12.01synicWageSlave: $TERM is set to xterm-color
17:12.14LSorensensuperSSS: well what architecture is that?
17:12.21greycatWageSlave: term type does not affect the key bindings of the backspace key, or the termios ioctl binding of the "erase" character.
17:12.22superSSSLSorensen: parisc
17:12.24LSorensensuperSSS: and which debian version (sounds like woody)
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17:12.36superSSSLSorensen: woody yes
17:12.38*** join/#debian beeblebrox87 (
17:12.39WageSlaveI usually use xterm emu over ssh... then the extra keys 'delete pup pdown' etc work
17:12.48NaRCoTI tried to install 'smb4k' on Debian kernel 2.6.10 and now my all system crashed... 'apt-get install smb4k' got the next error:'dpkg: error proccessing /var/cache/apt/archives/knetfilter*.deb trying to overwrite /usr/share/icons/hicolor/16x16/actions/stop.png which is also in pkg kdelibs'  what should I do
17:12.50LSorensensuperSSS: I don't think woody had ipv6 by default, while sarge will.  I wouldn't install woody on a machine anymore.  Just way too old.
17:12.52greycatI don't know of any Debian release that has a 2.4.17 kernel by default.
17:12.52*** join/#debian junix|work (
17:12.59greycatunless it's just different on his arch.
17:13.05*** join/#debian Scorper (
17:13.05LSorensengreycat: 2.4.17 was common on non x86 for woody
17:13.05*** join/#debian The420thPlateau (
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17:13.21beeblebrox87when using gcj/gij, where is JAVA_HOME?
17:13.34cireokay, now I'll reask my question a little more dteailed. A friend uses a dawicontrol raid controller (the cheapest which was available). He configured a raid1 array with two disks. The problem is, that linux continues to recognize 2 discs instead of the raid array. Is this a cause of misconfiguration, or are there controllers which canot be used with linux? And if yes, how may I sort them out?
17:13.40settledownwhen in fixed my problem
17:14.02superSSSLSorensen: Ah, i found kernel-image-2.6.8-2-32 on sid for HPPA, guess i am gonna upgrade to sid first not to waste time on building my own kernel
17:14.14WageSlavecire sounds like the wrong driver is init the raid
17:14.15NaRCoThelp anyone??
17:14.42cireWageSlave: If you were right, how may he find this out?
17:15.00adjacent_im having a brainfart. what package provides the standard C headers?
17:15.21*** join/#debian kalila (
17:15.24greycat!FAQ adjacent_
17:16.02Kamusalguna mina que hable español?????
17:16.12sussudioKamus: tejon
17:16.12*** part/#debian cgc (
17:16.13adjacent_haha. i know i _can_ read the FAQ again, but i was hoping to not have to wade through all that dtext to jog my meory ;)
17:16.18NaRCoTHELP: I tried to install 'smb4k' on Debian kernel 2.6.10 and now my all system crashed... 'apt-get install smb4k' got the next error:'dpkg: error proccessing /var/cache/apt/archives/knetfilter*.deb trying to overwrite /usr/share/icons/hicolor/16x16/actions/stop.png which is also in pkg kdelibs'  what should I do ?
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17:17.32stewsuperSSS: how so?
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17:17.47stewsuperSSS: woody->sarge
17:18.01nutshell42adjacent_:  libc6-dev I think
17:18.18ricky_clarkson!woody->testing is <reply>see woody->sarge
17:18.24*** join/#debian njan (~james@james.user)
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17:18.42dalecphi. ppl, anyone can help me with: "can't see russian filenames in file manager" ?
17:18.45adjacent_nutshell42: funny, i got it right as you said it. thanks =)
17:18.57sussudiodalecp: in soviet russia, file manager sees you.
17:18.58superSSSwhich is more stable sarge or sid?
17:19.03*** mode/#Debian [+l 825] by debhelper
17:19.12usnhi all
17:19.34dalecpkde 3.
17:19.43ricky_clarksonCrazy bot.
17:19.58cdci ve installed the kernel i ve got the following messages
17:19.59cdcFound kernel: /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.8-2-686
17:19.59cdcFound kernel: /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.8-1-386
17:19.59cdcUpdating /boot/grub/menu.lst ... done
17:19.59*** kick/#debian [cdc!~debhelper@debhelper.user] by debhelper (flood: Consider using #flood)
17:20.00ricky_clarksoncmd: woody->testing works, but without the cmd: it doesn't.
17:20.03*** join/#debian EdibleText (~EdibleTex@
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17:20.12cdcis that all?
17:20.56cdci know
17:21.48EdibleTextIm looking for a lightweight MTA to act as smarthost. It must support smtp auth on remote server. any suggestions?
17:22.08*** join/#debian valentinos (
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17:22.52thingfishhehe that's a good one.
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17:24.11Marticusshould have put the tape all the way around it
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17:25.45cdcMarticus, could you help me pls
17:26.03cdci ve installed the kernel should i install any other packages?
17:26.11*** join/#debian trouble (
17:26.17cdci ve installed 2.6.8-2
17:26.36cdci am using Grub should i make some changes in any files?
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17:27.15troubleis there and gui app for configuring routing in debian ?
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17:27.42xamtrouble: gvim
17:28.18kernalpanichey I have a problem...anyone know how to drop into command line from yaboot on an iBook...I'm running hoary btw
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17:28.44xamtrouble: nope, that is just a graphical version of the vi editor. To configure your routes you have to edit your /etc/network/interfaces etc.#
17:29.10Marticuscdc find a howto or something
17:29.10Guesti can't get xstart to work
17:29.15MarticusI'm not familiar with grub
17:29.32Marticusand I build my own kernels, so I don't know what you need to go along with the kernel package
17:29.44Marticusmost likely modules
17:29.53Marticusbut it should pick those for you when you install
17:30.01Marticusat least it would make sense to do so
17:30.14Guestwhen i type startx (mistake in the last one) it doesn't recognise the command. Any help?
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17:30.36setuidAnyone know when/if autofs is going to be working in Debian?
17:30.37*** part/#debian Adeene (~UTPinux@
17:30.55dpkgwell, autofs is a kernel-based automounter for Linux, or silly to use 5 minutes as a default timeout for unmounting
17:31.03setuidI've just followed 5 separate autofs HOWTO documents, and none of them work at all with the Debian autofs
17:31.11*** join/#debian cdc (~cdc@
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17:31.22cdchey i ve installed the kernel 2.6.8-2
17:31.27kernalpanicI have a kernal panic after trying to install netatalk via synaptic package it won't boot into do I bypass the GRUB menu and drop directly recovery/single user mode??
17:31.30*** part/#debian Darkbird (
17:31.38salutemesomebody told me i should install kernel-image2.6.8-2 but i only see kernel-image2.6.8-2-k7 is that what i want?
17:31.43*** join/#debian b_52GM (
17:31.43cdcits good
17:31.43Guesthow does one use this forum?
17:31.46cdcenjoying it
17:31.53setuidGuest: its irc, not a forum
17:31.54nutshell42setuid: afaik it works just fine. Only the post-install script is fscked up
17:31.56troubleanyone know a routing how for total noobs and i mean total ???
17:32.03*** join/#debian ekix (
17:32.08ricky_clarksonGuest: You ask questions.  But read the topic first (type /topic).
17:32.15cdci want to remove the old Kernel Entry from Grub
17:32.22cdcwhat file should i edit for that purpose?
17:32.26cdccould anyone tell me ?
17:32.32setuidnutshell42: Funny, I have all of my devices mapped with udev.rules, to say... /dev/backup_X, where 'X' is a number of the partition. I have the right entries in auto.master and auto.removable, and autofs doesn't even _try_ to mount them.
17:32.39Guestwhat is the topic? where do i read it?
17:32.41PhatedDon't. You want to keep it there just in case your new kernel can't boot.
17:32.50setuidFor example:
17:32.51setuidbackup_1        -fstype=auto    :/dev/backup_1
17:32.51setuidbackup_2        -fstype=vfat    :/dev/backup_2
17:33.11*** join/#debian kimcascone (
17:33.12setuidRestarting autofs doesn't even show a single entry in the logs, and I'm cranked up to maximum verbosyt
17:33.14XaquethCan someone help me with Belkin Bluetooth USB dongle, I cannot get it to work ...
17:33.14setuider, verbosity
17:33.19cdcPhated, shouldnt i comment those entries atleast?
17:33.22schulerI got to install and configure Linux with xfree86 4.3.0 on my new notebook MEDION MD 95400
17:33.23nutshell42setuid: that's strange, it works for my cdroms, I use devfs though
17:33.38setuidnutshell42: Are you hooking into hotplug to mount them?
17:33.44sdogidoes that apt system create full list of installed packages somewhere? i mean i know it creates but where, can't figure it out
17:33.46cdccoz right now i ve got 4 entries 2 for the latest kernel and 2 for the old kernel
17:33.48Phatedcdc: Er, no? If you can't boot into your new kernel, you go to the grub menu again and select an old kernel.
17:33.50*** join/#debian paul0 (
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17:34.05cdcoh ok
17:34.05*** join/#debian ekix (
17:34.24salutemehow do you tell if you should get 686 or 386
17:34.33sdogisaluteme: what computer do you have
17:34.39nutshell42setuid: why should I?
17:34.46Guesthow do i change my name?
17:34.50sdogisaluteme: do you have some newer pentium or you have older one
17:35.09kimcasconeanyone have time to help a n00b? :)
17:35.15sdogisaluteme: you aren't familiar with stuff like 386 486 etc ?
17:35.16setuidnutshell42: One of the howto documents I googled for said hotplug was required (and explained how, with some custom scripts) to get autofs working
17:35.26EvanCarroll!tell kimcascone about newb
17:35.34stewsaluteme: what cpu do you have?
17:35.53*** join/#debian ekix (
17:35.56sdogisaluteme: cat /proc/cpuinfo
17:36.04nutshell42setuid: In my case I use symlinks to the autofs locations. If I enter the directory with the symlinks autofs tries to mount the devices
17:36.13*** join/#debian Invisible (~Invisible@
17:36.18stewsaluteme: /msg dpkg 686, /msg dpkg k7, etc
17:36.18sdogianyway, does someone know where does apt create installed packages list?
17:36.24sdogithe directory
17:36.25kimcasconeI tried to load 'netatalk' on my iBook and it rebooted in the middle of the install and now when it tries to reboot it goes into kernal panic
17:36.35setuidMar  2 12:35:35 angst automount[6615]: bad map format: found indirect, expected direct exiting
17:36.37setuidthat's interesting
17:36.37bodqsdogi: use dpkg -l for heaven's sake
17:36.40kimcasconeso I need to know how to get to recovery mode from yaboot
17:36.58kimcasconeor if this is possible...
17:36.59stewsdogi: /var/lib/dpkg/status
17:37.00sdogibodq: duh, can't you tell me the directory, well i guess i'll strace it then
17:37.01*** join/#debian cyberyo (
17:37.12bodqsdogi: good idea :)
17:37.13*** join/#debian Hell-Man (
17:37.14troublei have setup my debian for routing but everytime i boot it asign's the same ip regardless of wether the modem is pluged in or not, any sugesstions ?
17:37.19setuidoo, i think I got it working now
17:37.34sdogistew: eh, thanks, there are lot of dirs but i guess i'll figure it out :)
17:37.37salutemesdogi an old one its a 950mhz
17:37.43stewsdogi: thats a file
17:37.58kimcasconeis there a way to get to recovery mode from yaboot...I'm ppc ubuntu
17:38.01sdogione file
17:38.15stewkimcascone: wrong channel, you want #ubuntu
17:38.20setuidhrm, this is going to suck
17:38.21karstensimonrvn: You awake?
17:38.26kimcasconeI tried there and they sent me here...
17:38.33*** join/#debian Netcraft (~netcraft@netcraft.user)
17:38.33sdogiok, no problem, i just really loved slackwares /var/log/packages ,but this suits too
17:38.39karstenstew: I suggested s/he come here 'coz there's more yaboot / PPC types here.
17:38.45karstenkimcascone: Oi.
17:38.48tweekken_ONE positive thing is they are drawing a TON of attention to debian
17:38.50kimcasconeyeah they told me to ask simonrvn
17:38.52*** join/#debian jeebers (~derek@
17:38.52stewkimcascone: check the /topic, try a mailing list
17:38.57kimcasconeis she around?
17:39.01salutemehow do i know if i should pick a 386 or a 686 its an old computer 950mhz
17:39.15karstenkimcascone: He.  I'm trying to roust him....
17:39.16troublerouting ?
17:39.21troublehelp ?
17:39.23sdogisaluteme: 19:35 < stew> saluteme: /msg dpkg 686, /msg dpkg k7, etc
17:39.26karstenkimcascone: may be asleep or at work...
17:39.28stewsaluteme: if its 950mhz then you want 686
17:39.31sdogisaluteme: try that, i don't know maby it helps
17:39.33PerfDavesimonrvn is a she?
17:39.36karsten@seen simonrvn
17:39.43salutemeok thanks
17:39.44karstenPerfDave: As much as I am.
17:39.51sdogistew: sure about it? not very familiar but can't 586 be 900 mhz ?
17:39.54karsten!seen simonrvn
17:39.54*** join/#debian warty (
17:39.56dpkgsimonrvn is currently on #debian (19h 35m 8s) #debian-bots (19h 35m 8s).  Has said a total of 55434 messages.  Is idling for 6h 54m 29s
17:40.05jeebershi guys having a bit of a problem with a new installation.. outlined here on this post .. any ideas?
17:40.09stewsdogi: no, 586 maxxed out at 233 or 266 i don't remember which
17:40.09*** join/#debian rdr (
17:40.14karstenkimcascone: May be asleep.
17:40.24sdogistew: ahh, ok
17:40.36kimcasconekarsten: yeah I did a '/whois' for simon and he hasb't been on for 6 hrs
17:40.44sdogiactually it makes sense, i have a lot 586's here which are pretty shitty
17:40.54dpkgdoom is, like, an old first person shooting game that spawned the likes of Quake and so on.  The classic Castle Wolfenstein series spawned Doom. or There are several cool ports of doom, including zDoom (but it has major licensing problems, includes non-free code from Hexen) and DoomForge(  Doom Legacy is also cool. ...
17:40.57*** join/#debian me (
17:40.57asgkimcascone: he usually sleeps at 6 to 7 am EST
17:41.03*** join/#debian Empty (
17:41.07karstenkimcascone: I know his online habits, I think this is downtime.
17:41.09rob0hey karsten: check out "whois": Status: REGISTRAR-HOLD, updated yesterday :)
17:41.10kimcasconeok thanks! asg
17:41.26stewquittt: /msg the bot
17:41.38pipelinestew: IIRC, all of the kernel packages are /compatible/ with any subset of the x86 ISA.  They're just optimized for a particular one.
17:41.38kimcasconekarsten: thanks
17:41.38karstenrob0: Yeah.
17:41.41*** join/#debian jelly (
17:41.45karstenrob0: Oh...  Coolio.
17:41.51karstenrob0: Don's on crack, BTW.
17:41.53mecan anyone help with getting an external monitor to run?
17:42.13*** part/#debian setuid (
17:42.16jeebersif a program like mozilla crashes.. where would the error logs be for it?
17:42.19valentinoshow i can add "Direct Rendering" on my box  what should i read to do it ?
17:42.20*** join/#debian Guest (
17:42.21stewpipeline: if they use instructions which don't exist on an earlier arch, they won't work on that arch
17:42.57*** join/#debian shark_ (
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17:43.00karstenjeebers: Run from shell with:  'mozilla 1> mozilla.log 2>&1'
17:43.05shark_hello, can anyone help with freeradius please?
17:43.08Guestis this the place to ask qustions about debian to get some help?
17:43.14karstenjeebers: ...which will log all output.  Try also ~/.xsession-errors
17:43.16CokeHow come cdrecord can't burn a 4.3GB ISO on a 4.7GB DVD?
17:43.24ricky_clarksonGuest: It is *a* place.
17:43.28ricky_clarkson.. for that
17:43.30stew!tell Guest about ask
17:43.37*** part/#debian dingo (~dingo@
17:43.41karstenCoke: adolescent recalcitrance?
17:43.46karsten!tell Coke about smart questions
17:44.15NaRCoTHELP Please...: I tried to install 'smb4k' on Debian kernel 2.6.10 and now my all system crashed... 'apt-get install smb4k' got the next error:'dpkg: error proccessing /var/cache/apt/archives/knetfilter*.deb trying to overwrite /usr/share/icons/hicolor/16x16/actions/stop.png which is also in pkg kdelibs'  what should I do ?
17:44.19shark_hello, can anyone help with freeradius please?
17:44.40stewNaRCoT: check the bts for both packages
17:44.41GuestCan anyone tell me what the topic is - i'm very new
17:44.43karsten!tell shark_ about ask
17:44.56NaRCoTstew: check what ?
17:44.57*** join/#debian Lancelot_ (
17:44.58shark_karsten, my radacct table seem to be missing
17:44.58stewGuest: type "/topic" in your irc client
17:44.59Cokekarsten: what's wrong about that question?
17:44.59jeebersthanks karsten.. will have a look there
17:45.05stew!btssmite NaRCoT
17:45.09*** join/#debian zOap (
17:45.17shark_karsten, some table are missing ? :S
17:45.24karstenCoke: It tells us nothing about what you did or what went wrong.
17:45.29stewNaRCoT: you failed to read the /topic
17:45.30superSSSwasnt it easier to upgrade a distribution, without the need to install aptitude?
17:45.49Guestthanks but when i type /topic in it says that there are too few parameters
17:45.49karstenshark_: If someone knows the answer and is on channel, they'll help you.  Otherwise, try postign to a mailing list.
17:45.55NaRCoTstew: I don't have any browsers...
17:46.06Noidwhat is the debian way of setting up an infrared remote for a tv card, for a 2.6 kernel? lirc? is there another thing?
17:46.09asgNaRCoT: apt-get install lynx
17:46.11stewNaRCoT: install lynx | w3m | elinks
17:46.12Cokekarsten: I have a 4.3GB ISO and cdrecord says a 4.7GB DVD has insufficient space.
17:46.16bogonGuest: try /topic #debian
17:46.18beardyGuest: type "/topic #debian" then
17:46.34*** join/#debian Vme- (
17:46.51karstenCoke: NFC myself.  I'd start googling.  I'm not going to do it for you.
17:46.56Vme-when you SSH to your debian box where is the configuation for the banner you recieve after you login?
17:47.04ricky_clarksonVme-: /etc/motd iirc
17:47.08Cokekarsten: did I ask you to?
17:47.14Vme-lol, thanks
17:47.14karstenVme-: /etc/
17:47.23karstenCoke: No, I just told you I wouldn't.
17:47.24Guestbeardy: i did that and it told me who set the topic but not what it is
17:47.31NaRCoTstew: Is there a way to go back? I mean before smb4k deleted half of my system?
17:47.34ricky_clarksonGuest: What is your IRC client?
17:47.35MattFI appear to have got a 3D game working in Debian.
17:47.35karstenCoke: Some people expect channel to read the Web back to them.
17:48.06Guestricky: ircxpro messenger
17:48.10*** part/#debian me (
17:48.12ricky_clarksonkarsten: People are always looking for THE answer.  Never AN answer.
17:48.24karstenricky_clarkson: 42.
17:48.24stewNaRCoT: smb4k didn't delete half of your system.  you can remove it and install a older version by hand (with dpkg -i) if you download an older version (/msg dpkg sdn), read the apt-howto
17:48.42stewNaRCoT: what version of debian are you running?
17:49.06EvanCarrollNaRCoT: /etc/debianversion
17:49.16*** join/#debian eNTi (~eNTi@
17:49.17Guesti'm trying to install debian on my computer but when i type startx nothing happens
17:49.30stewGuest: /msg dpkg set up x
17:49.33*** join/#debian alemao (~alemao@
17:49.40quittthow do I make a .deb package using make install?
17:49.48*** join/#debian igraltist (
17:49.49Gueststew: is that what i type in?
17:49.51alemaoHow do I dissble the "shell login"?
17:49.51NaRCoTEvanCarroll: 3.1
17:50.00NaRCoTstew: 3.1
17:50.08bogonGuest: yes
17:50.20PhatedGuest: You type it in your irc client.
17:50.31karstenalemao: Explain.
17:50.49NaRCoTstew: EvanCarroll: kernel is: 2.6.10
17:50.55*** join/#debian jordin (
17:51.00stewNaRCoT: i mean sid? sarge? ubuntu?
17:51.06GuestPhated: i did that but nothing happened
17:51.12bogonquittt: read the new maintainer's guide
17:51.13NaRCoTstew: Just Pure Debian
17:51.16PhatedWhat irc client are you using
17:51.21asgstew: yeah, /etc/debian_version is useless at the moment
17:51.22*** part/#debian jordin (
17:51.42GuestPhated IRCXpro
17:51.44asgPhated: PhatedX, doesn't everyone?
17:51.53stewdpkg: tell Guest about set up x
17:51.56PhatedWTF is IRCXpro?
17:51.56*** join/#debian eNTi (~eNTi@
17:52.02PhatedOh, FFS.
17:52.11alemaokarsten: Every XTERM or GNOME-TERMINAL oppened it is counted that a made a login! I want to disable this
17:52.14Phatedasg: I don't code.
17:52.28NaRCoTstew: EvanCarroll: any ideas ?
17:52.36asgPhated: get asuffield to do it then ;)
17:52.36karstenalemao: You don't understand your question.  Don't worry about it.
17:52.38stewNaRCoT: i gave you a whole bunch of them
17:52.41EvanCarrolli wasn't paying attention
17:52.51Phatedasg: OK, when he appears and bitches, it was -your- fault, you hear?
17:53.04bogonalemao: do you start xterm with the -ls option?
17:53.12stewNaRCoT: if there is no bug on either of those packages you should be filing one, you also didn't mention if you were on sid or sarge
17:53.25jeeberskarsten: 'mozilla 1> mozilla.log 2>&1' you suggested this.. can you tell me what taht does roughly
17:53.30*** join/#debian KayJ (
17:53.30asgPhated: bah
17:53.31alemaono without any options!! And I want to disable the utmp update by a conf file
17:53.38KayJhi all
17:53.38stewNaRCoT: and the bts should tell you how to fix it if there is a bug filed
17:53.42NaRCoTstew: how do I know, I thought it's just called Debian.
17:53.53KayJcan i use knoppix to resize my linux swap partition?
17:53.57karstenjeebers: It redirects all standard output and standard error to a file 'mozilla.log'
17:54.01*** part/#debian Guest (
17:54.01stew!faq NaRCoT
17:54.06KayJi accidentelly left some free room on my hdd
17:54.11NaRCoTstew: and I check bts in '' ?
17:54.13*** join/#debian Raksu (
17:54.21karstenjeebers: If there's any debugging / error output, you can read that file.
17:54.28asgKayJ: just make another one, both can be used at the same time.
17:54.30stewNaRCoT: did you read the topic yet?
17:54.30karstenKayJ: Yes.  'qparted' is recommended.
17:54.32alemaobogon: no without any options!! And I want to disable the utmp update by a conf file
17:54.50stewNaRCoT: or the faq?
17:54.58karstenKayJ: ...though rather than resizing, just create another swap partition with the free space.  It's _far_ easier and works just as well.
17:55.15TCW <- would anyone suggest a quick-fix (even if it is a "dirty" hack) for this problem? It is gnome-volume-manager related
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17:55.42NaRCoTstew: I'm reading it now...
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17:56.05KayJkarsten, actually i would like to resize several partitions at once
17:56.11KayJ1: fat32
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17:56.31KayJ2. swap and 3. ext3 + ntfs from windows
17:56.36jeeberskarsten... hmm thank.. will try that.. only problem is it takes 3 hours or so before it actually crashes.. just been hving a look at kde system guard... looks like the vmsize for mozilla-bin process is getting bigger and bigger all the time.. might this be the reason.. and if so is there a a way i can stop this happening?
17:57.01*** join/#debian Spike-Sp (
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17:57.15karstenKayJ: OK.  In which case qparted is your tool.  BACK UP YOUR DATA FIRST, THIS IS YOUR FIRST, LAST, AND ONLY WARNING.
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17:57.39vahidwhat is equal of "rpm -qa " in debian ? :)
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17:57.46jeebersmoxilla-bin = vmzize 929,628 and rising
17:57.46karstenjeebers: Memory leaks are an issue.  You can run your browser under a debugger but it's *really* slow.
17:57.52karstenvahid: dpkg --get-selections
17:58.01abrotmanjeebers: flash in the page ?
17:58.05*** join/#debian aakkonen (~aakkonen@
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17:58.18abrotmanjeebers: i've seen it before
17:58.18*** part/#debian mhall (~mhall@
17:58.23jeebersplays a flash video
17:58.24karstenjeebers: File a bug on memory leak.  It's really not enough info for the devs, but it's a datapoint.
17:58.25vahidkarsten, i need learn lot of thing in debian
17:58.25Cokekarsten: fyi, if you're interrested, cdrecord simply does not record > 100 minute DVD's it seems. answer: use dvdrecord instead. :)
17:58.32*** join/#debian llahm (~mhall@
17:58.34vahidkarsten, i still can run X
17:58.36jeebersphp file process 5 big videos in a loop
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17:58.53karstenjeebers: Google "click to play flash".  There's a stylesheet hack you can use to prevent Flash from automatically playing.
17:58.56KayJkarsten, do i have to adjust my linux distro (suse) prior or after resizing?
17:58.59cahootCoke: unless you pay
17:59.03*** mode/#Debian [+l 832] by debhelper
17:59.04karstenCoke: Interesting.
17:59.07llahmIs there anybody here from Israel who can explain how daylight savings time works in your locale? From what I read the government changes the data every year.
17:59.12vahidi can run X in debian ( netinstall) /usr/bin/X11/X no such file ...........
17:59.14abrotmanKayJ: wrong channel
17:59.19jeeberskarsten: but i want flash to play
17:59.21*** join/#debian SiliconViper (
17:59.27karstenvahid: "Debian Reference" and "APT HOWTO" are *strongly* recommended.
17:59.31Cokecahoot: I don't mind paying the authors of dvdrecord, as long as the software remains free.
17:59.42abrotmanKayJ: are you asking us how to use parted in suse?
17:59.46vahidkarsten, tnx
17:59.53abrotmaneven worse
17:59.55cahootCoke: was referring to cdrecordprodvd
17:59.56abrotmanKayJ: #knoppix
17:59.58infodroid!tell vahid about reference
17:59.58karstenKayJ: Your bootloader should still work, particularly if it's GRUB.  If you're using LILO and move your kernel, you'll need to rerun 'lilo' after resizing.
18:00.06*** part/#debian skiold (
18:00.19karstenKayJ: lilo directly addresses the kernel offset in disk blocks.  GRUB reads the filesystem.
18:00.26Cokecahoot: yeah. like I said, I don't mind paying, but I do mind using non-free software. :)
18:00.33KayJok, i am using lilo
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18:00.41karstenjeebers: It *will* play.  You just get the option of _not_ playing it unless you want to.,
18:00.49superSSSIs there another step, when you update kernel-image with newer, do you have to erase the old one to work?
18:01.09abrotmanjeebers: in this channel .. do not /msg people without permission
18:01.09karstensuperSSS: No.
18:01.18karstensuperSSS: ...unless you're out of space ;-)
18:01.29abrotmanjeebers: and no .. i didn't .. i think i took flash out of one of my browsers :)
18:01.33karstensuperSSS: Your bootloader needs to know you've got a new kernel, usually Debian handles that for you.
18:01.55superSSSkarsten: ok
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18:02.00abrotmanjeebers: ask the channel for your browser
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18:02.27jeebersabrotman: sorry i don't follow? ask the channel for your browser?
18:02.29zOapHeres a tip for people struggling with linux and wifi: If you get an ordinary lan card to work, just buy a small(batterydriven) accesspoint. I've a 3COM which runs on both battery and ordinary electricity. It could be a nice option if you have some out of the ordinary setups...
18:02.33KayJkarsten, does qparted edit lilo stuff too? on its own? or do i have to edit lilo manually?
18:02.37abrotmanjeebers: which browser?
18:02.44jeeberssorry mozilla
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18:02.48Benhello everybody...i posted a question on the debian-user mailing list and got nowhere...instead of doing a cut and paste (it's a bit lengthy), i will simply send the link to my posting and hopefully, someone here can help me solve this's the link:
18:02.57abrotmanjeebers: so go to and ask on the #mozilla channel
18:02.59karstenKayJ: I don't believe so.
18:03.09jeeberswill have a look
18:03.23KayJhuh? do i have to do it manually or not???
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18:04.07karstenKayJ: Well, if it doesn't, then yes, manually.
18:04.10priestafter the installation and in the first "apt-get" the system ask which "prompt level" it should be to ask questions about to update configfiles, how do i change this option afterward?
18:04.15abrotmanben: did you add the initrd part to grub ?
18:04.32karstenjeebers: click-to-play:
18:04.33abrotmanpriest: dpkg-reconfigure <pkg>
18:04.39abrotmanben: there's a good place to start
18:04.51stewpriest: dpkg-reconfigure debconf
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18:04.56Beni simply pointed to the boot image
18:04.58doublehpI want to compile lirc module; I actually use debian pre-build kernel; I have understand that I must anyway recompile a kernel; I did "apt-get install kernel-package kernel-source-2.6.10" and "make menuconfig"; the conf look OK; how do I build the kernel in the Debian way ?
18:04.58karsten!click to play flash
18:04.59dpkgclick to play flash is probably
18:05.01*** join/#debian trouble (
18:05.03Orfeoushi everyone! need some help over here :P
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18:05.07prieststew: thanks
18:05.09abrotmanstew: oh .. good catch .. i thought he just watned any random package ...
18:05.18karsten!tell Ofabout ask
18:05.19Orfeouswhen i try to ínstall a new package.. i have an error..
18:05.23abrotmanthis is why i'm 6 years old
18:05.31abrotmankarsten: failed!
18:05.32ricky_clarksonI knew it!
18:05.32Orfeousfiles list file for package `libxml1' is missing final newline
18:05.36karsten!tell Orfeous about smart questions
18:05.44jharrisonwkladjfllqwe wqelrjslafj!
18:05.47karstenabrotman: ??
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18:05.48stewOrfeous: check the bts
18:05.51jharrisonwk@#$ #@$% @#^ @#$^ #$% @#%$!
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18:06.01karstenOrfeous: apt-get update
18:06.04abrotmankarsten: <karsten> !tell Ofabout ask
18:06.06karstenOrfeous: Reload your package lists.
18:06.13stewOrfeous: read the /topic
18:06.16karsten!tell Orfeous about bts
18:06.22abrotmanjharrisonwk has a pussy cat!
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18:06.27Orfeouskarsten: i have allready updated list..
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18:06.32jharrisonwkabrotman: I do?
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18:06.44jeeberskarsten.. but this is a machine that just plays flash ads.. "Click to play" does that not mean i'll have to click to play a flash file every time.. this isn't a desktop machine its a kiosk type machine that just plays flash advertisements in a loop there is no human interaction once up and running
18:06.46karstenOrfeous: Re-run.  You've got a corrupted package file.
18:06.51Benabrotman...i used the exact same (cut and paste) stanza in grub that i used to boot the old fact, i left the old kernel stanza in there and can still boot into how come that stanza / kernel finds root, but the the stanza doesn't
18:07.01Orfeouskarsten: i have re-runned it 5 times
18:07.05karstenjeebers: That's sad.
18:07.08abrotmanben: that doesn't make it right
18:07.12Benthe new stanza i mean
18:07.16cirehow may I get the uptime of my machine? (how long it has been running since now)
18:07.23EvanCarrollcire: uptime
18:07.24stewcire: uptime
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18:07.28abrotmanben: when oyu install 2.4.18-1-686 .. it tells you about setting up the initrd .. if you fail to do so .. your system will not boot
18:07.32karstenjeebers: are the flash ads HTML or local?  There are standalone players.
18:07.35ciresometimes it's that simple. Sorry.
18:07.42karstenOrfeous: Well, you didn't *say* that, did you?
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18:07.43jharrisonwkabrotman: yes it will
18:07.46karsten!tell Orfeous about esp
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18:07.50Cokekarsten: and now dvdrecord says that my 4.7GB DVD is a 700MB CD.
18:07.52jharrisonwkabrotman: you dont know what you are talking about
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18:07.55ricky_clarksoncire: "How do I find out which javac I'm using?" which javac
18:07.59abrotmanjharrisonwk: no more drugs for you
18:08.04jharrisonwkabrotman: :(
18:08.04Guesti installed sarge but when i type startx nothing happens. I tried the following "apt-get install discover read-edid mdetect && dpkg --force-depends -P xserver-xfree86 && apt-get install xserver-xfree86" but i got the following message 'Package discover is not available but is refeered to by another package. Package discover has not installation candidate'. Can any one help?
18:08.13RedPenguinI am following the kernel compiling insturctions and did --initrd but I get this after trying to install the .deb
18:08.14Orfeouskarsten, i said that i have runned it allready
18:08.15karstenCoke: Are you sure it's a DVD?  Is your burner DVD-capable?
18:08.15RedPenguinFatal: open /initrd.img: No such file or directory
18:08.17jeeberskarsten: its dynamic.. managment server updates mysql database telling it what files to play
18:08.21abrotmanjharrisonwk: it only boots if *everything* you need is in kernel .. which apparently is not his case
18:08.24ricky_clarksoncire: "How do I time apt-get dist-upgrade?" time apt-get dist-upgrade
18:08.29Orfeoushmmppf.. i dont get any further here..
18:08.33jeeberskarsten: so php does all the donkey work therefore has to be in browser
18:08.35jharrisonwkabrotman: well it should be
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18:08.42stewabrotman: but with grub, you shouldn't have to worry about the initrd, right?
18:08.46LSorensenCoke: dvdrecord?  what is that?
18:08.47karstenOrfeous: Please don't argue, believe it or not we're trying to help.  Re-fetching package lists is a first, easy step.
18:08.50abrotmanjharrisonwk: you didn't read the problem
18:08.52abrotmanstew: wrong
18:08.59jharrisonwkabrotman: of course I didnt
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18:09.08stewabrotman: of course i didn't either
18:09.15infodroidGuest: try apt-get install discover2
18:09.16jharrisonwkabrotman: im doing actual work unlike some people I know
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18:09.21abrotmanstew: check your menu.lst if you're running a debian kernel somewhere
18:09.30abrotmanjharrisonwk: i'm fucking waiting for shit to finish ..
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18:09.35jharrisonwkabrotman: yeah yeah
18:09.36CokeLSorensen: utility in dvdrtools package to replace cdrecord because cdrecord cannot write more than 4GB DVD's.
18:09.37Guestinfodroid: what is discover?
18:09.38asgabrotman: eat more fiber
18:09.38jharrisonwkabrotman: me too
18:09.40LSorensenCoke: I know what cdrecord is, and what growisofs is, as well as cdrecord-prodvd.  I use cdrecord and growisofs for cd and dvd respectively since they are the best tools for it
18:09.44infodroidGuest: s/discover2/discover1
18:09.49EvanCarroll!tell Guest about discover
18:09.50jharrisonwkhehe more fibre
18:09.52jharrisonwkthats funny
18:09.55abrotmanyou try zipping 1.5GB and then uploading it so your boss can download it
18:09.57stewabrotman: and?
18:09.58abrotmankarsten: exlax
18:10.05jharrisonwkabrotman: ok done
18:10.12CokeLSorensen: have you burned a 4.7GB DVD?
18:10.16jharrisonwkabrotman: wasnt so hard either
18:10.17ricky_clarksonabrotman: Write to a DVD.
18:10.17abrotmantook my machine an hour to zip it
18:10.20karstenabrotman: Ah.  You're familiar with it ;-)
18:10.23CokeLSorensen: with >4GB of data that is
18:10.29abrotmanricky_clarkson: i can't .. she's fucking in Detroit . i'm in philly ...
18:10.32LSorensenCoke: if it is the hacky patched cdrecord, don't bother with it.  It was meant to work on the pioner a03 and nothing else
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18:10.34LSorensenCoke: growisofs -Z /dev/dvdhdc=someimage.iso
18:10.37jharrisonwkabrotman: what are you using, 486?
18:10.37LSorensenCoke: sure many times
18:10.39ricky_clarksonabrotman: Postal service?
18:10.40abrotmannot everything is a 10 minute train ride like it fucking is in england
18:10.42stewabrotman: i checked my menu.list, and there is an initrd line there for my debian kernels that was automatically put there by update-grub...
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18:10.47abrotmanit's a fuckign island for christ's sake
18:10.47jharrisonwkshe is fuckign in Detroit?
18:10.52jharrisonwkwhere will she be fucking next?
18:10.54abrotmani hope so .. she needs it
18:11.05Benabrotman, well when i ran dpg -i it did, in fact create the initrd image...keep in mind that when i select the new kernel at the grub menu *does* boot the kernel into RAM, it only panics at the point of trying to find /
18:11.05CokeLSorensen: how come growisofs will work? doesn't it just use cdrecord?
18:11.14ricky_clarksonabrotman: English trains make a 10 minute journey into a 30 minute wait followed by a 20 minute journey.
18:11.17LSorensenCoke: no.  it's a dvd writing tool.  it only does dvd.
18:11.23abrotmanben: please double check your initrd setting
18:11.28LSorensenCoke: they name is leftover from it's start and a very bad name
18:11.34CokeLSorensen: where is it? apt-file can't find it
18:11.37LSorensenCoke: it comes from dvd+rw-tools
18:11.40abrotmanricky_clarkson: right ... now think going on a train from london to rome
18:11.49LSorensenCoke: which now also supports dvd-r, dvd+r and dvd-rw
18:11.54LSorensenCoke: so that name too is bad
18:12.03*** join/#debian zophyx (~Emile@zophyx.student.supporter.pdpc)
18:12.06ricky_clarksonabrotman: 2.5 hours to Paris, 2 hours more to Milan, 2 hours more to Rome.
18:12.14abrotmanricky_clarkson: ok .. then farther :)
18:12.15CokeLSorensen: oh, but that looks like the ticket. crappy cdrecord and dvdrecord, niether will work properly with large DVD's.
18:12.23LSorensenCoke: but for writing cds, you use cdrecord and/or cdrdao, and for dvd you use growisofs.
18:12.25abrotmani think .. i'd suspect it to be a 8 hour train ride
18:12.34jharrisonwkI love installing oracle
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18:12.38ricky_clarksonOr however it's spelled.
18:12.46jharrisonwkits the most exciting thing I have ever done in my life
18:12.46PerfDavericky_clarkson: "TGV", saves hassle.
18:12.51abrotmanricky_clarkson: we have no TGV here
18:12.57ricky_clarksonabrotman: Don't you backward people have aeroplanes?
18:12.58*** part/#debian Guest (
18:13.01abrotmanricky_clarkson: we have amtrak .. and the acela .. which apparently sucks
18:13.05CokeLSorensen: right on.
18:13.08CokeLSorensen: thanks
18:13.08abrotmanricky_clarkson: only biplanes
18:13.12Benabrotman, unfortunately i'm not at that station...but what i can't figure out is why there are two identical stanzas in points to the old image, which boots and finds / and the other points to the new image, which also boots, than panics when it tries to mount /
18:13.14jharrisonwkbackward people?
18:13.18jharrisonwkabrotman: you are backwards?
18:13.19LSorensenCoke: growisofs is also much nicer to work with.  you can either do growisofs -Z /dev/dvd -R -J -othermkisofsoption somedir, or use -M instead of -Z to appeand files to an existing dvd, or -Z /dev/dvd=image.iso to burn an existing image
18:13.30Cokekarsten: as you can see, both cdrecord and dvdrecord sucks plenty of ass and growisofs is the way to burn DVD's. :)
18:13.33tweekken_there might not be US inter-city trains anymore in a couple of years if TARDs in US congress get their way
18:13.33abrotmanben: unless oyu show me the lines .. i can't tell you
18:13.41abrotmanjharrisonwk: apparently .. ask ricky_clarkson
18:13.42greycat!start a dvd war
18:13.42CokeLSorensen: that = syntax seems weird
18:13.52Cokegreycat: my DVD has the most pr0n
18:13.56LSorensenCoke: cdrecord-prodvd works too, but is harder to use and not open source/free
18:13.59karstenCoke: Sorry, only following marginally, but noted.
18:14.01jharrisonwkricky_clarkson: are you forwards then?
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18:14.08ricky_clarksonjharrisonwk: Progressive, I'd say.
18:14.16jharrisonwkricky_clarkson: righteo
18:14.26LSorensenCoke: but I agree the growisofs syntax is odd, but it's so simple to use when you get used to it.
18:14.31karstenjharrisonwk: No, that's leftish.
18:14.33LSorensenCoke: things like k3b supports it too
18:14.41jharrisonwkkarsten: lefteo
18:14.48ricky_clarksonjharrisonwk: The US just made capital punishment of minors illegal, a *long* time after the UK.
18:14.52greycatdpkg, start a dvd war is <reply> ((DVD+|DVD-) sucks (rotten |) (ass|balls|shit)|(cdrecord|cdrecord-ProDVD|growisofs|dvd+rw-tools|dvdrecord) is the best!!!11!)
18:14.52dpkgokay, greycat
18:14.55greycat!start a dvd war
18:14.55dpkggrowisofs is the best!!!11!
18:15.10greycathmm, I think I have an extra space in it.
18:15.15CokeLSorensen: unfortunately, I didn't specify the speed and it set the speed to 2.5x for some reason. :(
18:15.26abrotmanricky_clarkson: kill the little rugrats
18:15.26ricky_clarksongreycat: That's hard for mere mortals to read.
18:15.32jharrisonwkthats stupid
18:15.45greycatricky_clarkson: fixed it in /msg.
18:15.49takatumistew: iirc, the do_initrd=yes in /etc/kernel-img.conf controls the menu.lst initrd line addition.
18:15.49jharrisonwkI say let the murderers run around free
18:15.57jharrisonwkwe ought to pay them
18:16.02karstenjharrisonwk: oreo?
18:16.17ricky_clarksongreycat: Ah, (rotten|) is rotten or nothing.  I see.
18:16.23stewtakatumi: ahh, ok
18:16.36jharrisonwkwe should be at least feeding them for the rest of their lives
18:16.39ricky_clarksonjharrisonwk: Fix them.
18:16.49CokeLSorensen: have you seen any progress on the dual layer dvdr's lately? here in europe they are so expensive that I can buy five single layer dvdr's for the price of one dual layer.
18:16.56jharrisonwkthey should get metals for each person they kill
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18:17.19ricky_clarksonKilling them doesn't fix them, it shows that the state doesn't know how to fix them.
18:17.20jharrisonwkand who cares about the victums loved ones
18:17.23jharrisonwkthey are stupid
18:17.27greycatricky_clarkson: I used that technique heavily in CMD: fuck (.*?)
18:17.36jharrisonwkits too bad the murderers didnt get them too
18:17.37jharrisonwkdamn it
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18:18.12ricky_clarksonjharrisonwk: dict justice; dict revenge
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18:19.03abrotmanricky_clarkson: does that bother you?
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18:19.10abrotmanricky_clarkson: what if they cannot be fixed?
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18:19.23Guesti can't apt-get install discover2. anyone know why?
18:19.25tweekken_so simple  just pay a prison gang to eliminate the little murders
18:19.31jharrisonwkabrotman: we have a fix here
18:19.34jharrisonwkabrotman: its sure to work
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18:19.44ricky_clarksonabrotman: That is so unlikely that the state could afford to keep those few in jail.
18:20.07jharrisonwkthe problem is no one wants to face the consequences of their actions
18:20.09ricky_clarksonabrotman: If they can't be fixed, they can be conscripted.
18:20.10slocate_is sid "stable" these days?
18:20.11jharrisonwkthey just want to get away with it
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18:20.20stewslocate_: never
18:20.21abrotmanricky_clarkson: and give them guns ?
18:20.21ricky_clarksonslocate_: for what meaning of stable?
18:20.29jharrisonwkpeople dont have the fucking balls to deal with the actions they take
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18:20.36ricky_clarksonabrotman: Yes.
18:20.41tweekken_sid is never stable
18:20.41mohohahaanyone familiar with dns bind
18:20.46jharrisonwkpeople are not machines you can FIX
18:20.49slocate_ricky_clarkson lol does it  run
18:20.59stew!fix jharrisonwk
18:21.01jharrisonwkif you take someones life you forfit your own
18:21.08ricky_clarksonslocate_: Be more specific.
18:21.09abrotmanricky_clarkson: good plan
18:21.14RedPenguinWhen you use the command, make-kpkg --revision=custom.1.0 kernel_image --initrd, does it not make the initrd, just tell it that it is to have an initrd.img?
18:21.18infodroidGuest: i meant discover1
18:21.18tweekken_circumstances of taking a life
18:21.23EvanCarrollAnyone here good with courier-mta that knows how to fix a bouce with 'SMTP error from remote mailer after RCPT to <> host []: 513 Relaying denied.
18:21.37RedPenguinI made a new kernel like it said but I can't find the new initrd.img
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18:21.51RedPenguinIt as in README.gz
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18:22.16stewEvanCarroll: is in hosteddomains and esmptpacceptmailfor.dir?
18:22.24moebiusi recently recompiled my 2.6.10 kernel on laptopt and now when I attach my usb mouse I get this error: khubd timed out on ep0in
18:22.24stewEvanCarroll: did you run makehosteddomains and makeacceptmailfor?
18:22.38Guestinfodroid: what if it doesn't work?
18:22.42dvsmoebius: Get 2.6.11 ;-)
18:22.46*** part/#debian mohohaha (
18:22.48infodroidGuest: what version debian you running there?
18:23.02takatumiRedPenguin: did you use --initrd with make-kpkg?
18:23.04moebiusdvs, debian has only 2.6.10 for the moment
18:23.16ricky_clarksonjharrisonwk: Check your invite.
18:23.22EvanCarrollstew: is in locals, and smtpaccess/defaults
18:23.33dvsmoebius: Did you compile the kernel from Debian's kernel source?
18:23.41moebiusdvs, yep
18:23.45dvsmoebius: ok
18:23.52stewEvanCarroll: neither of those matter, you need to do the two i mentioned, the two make commands have manpages
18:23.58*** join/#debian LordLamer (
18:23.58Guestinfodroid: i'm on windows at the moment as i don't know very much about debian. I down loaded the first 5 cd's of sarge the other day. Not sure what version
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18:24.10EvanCarrollstew: I dont even have the util makehosteddomains
18:24.20EvanCarrollstew but ill do makeacceptmailfor
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18:24.31stewEvanCarroll: how did you install courier-mta?
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18:25.16stewEvanCarroll: woody or sarge?
18:25.33Steven_someone will probably throw a rtfm at me, but is it possible to do a dpkg-buildpackage and not build all packages that it would build otherwise ? I don't want to build x-clients for example
18:25.53infodroidGuest: its crazy that you can't install discover OR discover1
18:25.59EvanCarrollstew: sarge
18:26.10stew!find bin/makehosteddomains sarge
18:26.14EvanCarrollstew: yes to courier-mta, and courier-imap, and courier-imap-ssl
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18:26.26faserhi all
18:26.41abrotmanpoor weasel
18:26.51dpkgDebian Search of 'bin/makehosteddomains' (1): (/usr/sbin/makehosteddomains) in mail/courier-mta.
18:26.52takatumipoor pants
18:26.55stewEvanCarroll: ^^^
18:27.14stewEvanCarroll: if you installed courier-mta, you have makehosteddomains
18:28.15*** join/#debian Bootz (
18:28.19EvanCarrollstew: yea your right, lol its cat thats returning 'no such file or directory' not bash my confusion =/
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18:29.23BootzWhat's the smallest/cheapest qwerty device i could use for webbrowsing and ssh?
18:29.46stewa keyboard out of a local dumpster?
18:29.46infodroidBootz: you can try an EEG interface
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18:30.31LSorensenCoke: 2.4/2.5x is rather fast given most dvd writers do 4x or 8x max, and it does depend on the type of media.  if the drive doesn't support that media well it is likely to drop to 2x or so.  I have that problem with some media I bought that is supposed to be 8x, but my 8x drive says it won't go faster than 2x on it.
18:30.32greycatinfodroid: uh... if you mean what you literally said, they're not quite up to that level yet in the primate-brainwave-cursor-movement experiments.  and it's not qwerty.
18:30.34Bootzi meant a device that could use the cellular pocket pc, etc..
18:30.43quitttdo you know a descent port of Doom for LINUX?
18:30.45EvanCarrollstew: after reading the man page on makehosteddomains, it sounds like locals is a better option is goes on to say that the difference is locals removes the fqdm from the address before the mailbox is looked up which is exactly what im looking for it to do
18:30.57LSorensenCoke: to get full speed you have to make sure your firmware is up to date and you are using media known to work with your drive at that speed
18:31.04greycatquittt: you mean other than the libc4 one from 1995?
18:31.25infodroidgreycat: right, i should pull these trodes off and get a reality check
18:31.57greycatinfodroid: also, it fails the "cheap" requirement.
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18:32.21xarghi ... what could possibly be the problem if I can ping a host but when I try and connect to some service the packets do not appear to go out the proper interface
18:32.24stewEvanCarroll: which autthlib are you using
18:33.00greycatxarg: my first guess would be PEBKAC.
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18:33.04EvanCarrollstew: pam i believe
18:33.34asgquittt: there used to be a nice doom hack that allowed you to manage your system processes by fragging them. That was some time ago though.
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18:33.40EvanCarrollstew: im logged in now as a local user via smtp and i didn't add it anywhere, so i just assumed that part was working
18:34.06ralfi'm tryng reiser on my /home just now
18:34.17greycatI think one of the better Doom implementations for Linux is called "Legacy Doom" or simiar
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18:34.25ralfnote that i have a slow 2.5hdd (laptop)
18:35.05bogonasg: yes, it's called psdoom
18:35.14asgbogon: that's it
18:35.31stewEvanCarroll: had you run makeacceptmailfor before asking here?
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18:35.44stewEvanCarroll: looks like you might be right about locals, i havne't used pam with courier-mta though
18:35.54bonyanyone recommend a weeny mp3/usb flash drive that works with linux usb?
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18:36.51Blissexbony: practically all. Make sure you choose one that handles many write cycles
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18:37.58bonyBlissex, thx, they work like mass storage?
18:38.09EvanCarrollstew: no but after having added it and running makeacceptmailfor still no joy
18:38.48Blissexbony: yes.
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18:39.00xarggreycat: ya but what'd I do wrong? iproute stuff? I have 2 interfaces on the box I am trying to connect FROM. I followed the directions in the LARTC doc to have the box respond on the interface it recieved the connection on
18:39.16RedPenguinDo you need to do mkinitrd on a new kernel compile?
18:39.23RedPenguinOh nvm
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18:39.28EvanCarrollstew: im not getting 513 but the mail isn't being delivered to mailbox =/
18:39.29RedPenguintakatumi, yes
18:39.30rhalffhi would it be possible to start a bios upgrade disk which I've made, through grub ?
18:39.33RedPenguinBut I still can't find initrd.img
18:39.42stewEvanCarroll: well thats progress
18:39.46greycatxarg: unless you *really* used some advanced lartc stuff to route packets differently based on procotol, destination port, etc.... then I'd say you're misreading the results of whatever diagnostic tool you're using.
18:40.11EvanCarrollstew: I agree fully! i spent probably 5hrs trying to get that far
18:40.13bonycool. is it possible to have a mass storage device to come up with a consistent device name? Currently camera or exernal HD comes up as /dev/sda1
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18:40.27Blissexbony: dream on...
18:40.35xarggreycat: I am misreading the results of telnet host 25?
18:40.38danuviusI'm updating my debian testing and apache2 and a lot of php4 were kept back, so I went for the dist-upgrade, but then it sudenly wants to install caudium (I don't need another webserver), how can I find out what package is depending on acudium?
18:40.38stewEvanCarroll: sorry, i had been ignoring #courier today
18:40.46RedPenguinIt even asked me before I made it, that it is going to make an initrd and if I was sure I wanted to continue
18:40.53Blissexbony: some people have been working on that kind of stuff, but in a slightly different way.
18:40.54greycatxarg: "telnet host 25" does not say "I am now routing packets out the eth0:23 interface" in my experience.
18:40.57jstevensyou all are gonna love this question... for the user account "nobody" ... is there a default password?
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18:41.06greycatjstevens: no
18:41.19infodroidbony: use udev
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18:41.28jstevensgreycat: blank doesn't  work...
18:41.30bogondanuvius: try apt-cache rdepends caudium
18:41.35Blissexbony: the main problem is how to _identify_ a device, so you can say ''*this* device always comes up as X''. Suppose you have 2 otherwise identical USB sticks..
18:41.38greycatjstevens: which drugs are you on?
18:41.43jstevensgreycat: I can su to nobody
18:41.47greycatjstevens: so?
18:41.51*** join/#debian trouble (
18:41.56jstevensgreycat: lol... just goofing off, that's all
18:42.02robin_szok, so in 'less' when I press v, it invokes some crazy editor instead of vi or vim, despite me installing vim .. how do I make it use vim please?
18:42.05greycatjstevens: man 5 passwd
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18:42.13bonyyes, bit of a pain with things in fstab
18:42.16Blissexbony: so there are schemes that instead ensure that the same _partition_ can always be mounted at the same _mountpoint_, not matter which device it comes up as.
18:42.44jstevenslol.. will do
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18:42.57Blissexbony: check the various volume/UUID options in 'man 8 mount'.
18:43.08troublewhen i do a netinstall of debian can i connect my cable moden directly to the comp ???
18:43.20bonyBlissex, thanks, looking now...
18:43.21infodroidbony: easy udev guide
18:43.26greycattrouble: try it.
18:43.30troublei did
18:43.31robin_szand just what is this crazy editor anyway? nano? should I just rm it and make it a symlink to vi?
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18:43.41troublesays i need a dhcp server
18:43.54bonyinfodroid, thanks, looking there too
18:44.03xarggreycat of course it doesn't. however the 2 machines in question are on the same subnet.
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18:44.35danuviusbogon: the packages that ar kept back are none of them in that list
18:44.44xargip route get smtp_server shows the proper interface
18:44.58troubleso i have to have a dhcp server to do a netinstall ??
18:45.14bogonrobin_sz: did you set VISUAL or EDITOR accordingly?
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18:45.28robin_szbogon: nope
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18:46.00bogonrobin_sz: well, are the defined?
18:46.22robin_szbogon: nope
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18:47.37robin_szbogon: and the 'less' man page says it invokes vi if neither are defined
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18:47.52bogonrobin_sz: yes
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18:48.08robin_szbogon: but it doesnt, should I submit it as a bug?
18:48.17mirakwith wich tool can I test the hard drive ?
18:48.57ralfmirak: bonnie++
18:49.17ralfmirak: for performances or for failures?
18:49.25settledowni downloaded firefox and installed how do i start it?
18:49.32stewsettledown: "firefox"
18:49.38settledownis ther no icon to start firefox?
18:49.40ralfor mozilla-firefox
18:49.42settledownor desktop alias
18:49.45greycatI'm very afraid of the phrase "downloaded firefox AND INSTALLED IT".
18:49.50greycatThat implies he didn't apt-get install mozilla-firefox.
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18:49.54stewsettledown: it should be in the debian menu if you wm supports it
18:49.54dvssettledown: make one
18:49.58takatumiRedPenguin: do you have the initrd.img in /boot/ ?
18:50.01settledowni did not apt-get it
18:50.06greycatsettledown: then you're a fool.
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18:50.08stewsettledown: you are on your own then
18:50.08dpkgAccording to Murphy's law, nothing is fool proof. Also, if you make anything even a fool can use, only fools will use it..  Moses
18:50.12settledowni went to the site with mozilla
18:50.16stewsettledown: why?
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18:50.24bogonrobin_sz: I think so
18:50.26settledownwhy what?
18:50.34jetscreamersettledown, try apt-get install mozilla-firefox
18:50.35RedPenguinWell that is what I was thinking was the problem but I wasn't sure where to look in the kernel source for the correct .img
18:50.36ralfwhy don't use apt?
18:50.36settledowni went to firefox and dloaded firefox for linux
18:50.39stewsettledown: why not use apt-get?
18:50.46RedPenguinI see init as a dir but I don't see any initrd.img
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18:50.53robin_szbogon: 'k .. my chance to try reportbug then :)
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18:51.06asg!fool =~ s/fool proof/foolproof/
18:51.06dpkgOK, asg
18:51.28settledownok im am brand new to linux, but isnt the idea of a gui to make things easy for the non-tech user?
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18:51.57asgsettledown: no, it's a different way of working with computers. It doesn't necessarily make it easier.
18:52.04infodroid!tell settledown about mgmt
18:52.18Roninsettledown: its certanly more familiar feeling to new users though
18:52.51asgRonin: I gave up using GUIs when I learned you had to drag a drive to a trash can.
18:52.56jeebersin kde.. there is kde system guard.. is there a similar program in gnome?
18:53.12paster"niki" at pasted "test" (10 lines) at
18:53.16Roninasg: think my wife woudl kill me if i dumbed the gui
18:53.22Roninnice spam psyBNC`tr
18:53.23asgRonin: :)
18:53.26settledownim trying to get to know linux and learn it and use it, but if i goto a webstie and dload the software, and install it, then how is this a bad thing to do?  ignoring the virus type issues
18:53.46stewsettledown: you should read the apt howto
18:54.21jetscreamersettledown, you can do it anyway you like, but you need to do things the debian way, mostly, to be able to get help when you need it
18:54.23settledownso what you are telling me is that i can use a gui to dload and install an app, but i then have to go to cli to start it?
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18:54.44jetscreamersettledown, just make you one of those "shortcuts"
18:54.44Roninsettledown: no it should appear in the menu of whatever wm you run
18:54.44mirakralf for failure
18:54.46bogonrobin_sz: can you show me the output of "ls -l /etc/alternatives/editor"?
18:54.50stewsettledown: no, if you had used debians package management then the icons and menu items would have been created for you
18:54.54jetscreamersettledown, you should try update-menus
18:55.03dvssettledown: we're saying that you could have downloaded it directory from Debian and it would be supported here
18:55.38settledownmy first impression of linux....
18:55.40ralfmirak: i dunno, try `dd if=/dev/XXX of=/dev/null bs=4M`
18:55.41takatumi!faq settledown
18:55.42robin_szbogon: ahh, a symlink to nano
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18:55.52emergoim trying to get a logitech 4000pro webcam working. lsusb shows it and I installed the pwc module. but vlc give me  main decoder error: failed to create video output
18:55.52robin_szI just rm that right?
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18:56.05TrograinHow do I mount ntfs disks so that all users get read rights ? /etc/fstab is the file I mount them in so they are automaticly mounted allso. but how should a proper line look like so that ALL users get the rights to read??
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18:56.21bogonrobin_sz: vim is installed?
18:56.30jetscreamerTrograin, make fstab say users, not user
18:56.34RedPenguintakatumi, my /boot has initrd.img-2.4.18 which I believe is the one I need but lilo or dpkg wants to use initrd.img
18:56.35dwangoTrograin, in fstab, use option "umask=0222"
18:56.41tullcan anyone help me installing ati drivers?
18:56.48bogonrobin_sz: then change the link using update-alternatives --config editor
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18:56.53TrograinThanx people
18:57.03jetscreamerRedPenguin, ln -sn boot/initrd-blah /initrd.img
18:57.04robin_szbogon: uh, OK ..
18:57.07takatumiRedPenguin: edit it and point to the right one.
18:57.11bogonrobin_sz: this will show you a list of all possible alternatives for "editor"
18:57.26jetscreamer!tell tull about ati
18:57.29robin_szbogon: ahh, cute.
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18:57.51mirakralf problem is there is no verbose to see where it is
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18:57.59stewrobin_sz: you might wanna --config the vi alternative as well
18:58.24tulljetscreamer thanks
18:58.56robin_szbogon, stew: ta
18:59.02jetscreamertull, don't thank me yet, some ppl have a hard time w/it :/
18:59.05robin_szright ... now back to my original task
18:59.10bogonrobin_sz: debian compiled less with --with-editor=/usr/bin/editor but forgot to reflect that change in the manpage
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18:59.19robin_szripping out this exim thing ...
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18:59.42stewtull: if you dont' need 3d acceleration you can stick with the free driver
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19:00.11tullstew i do need the 3d acceleration
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19:00.21robin_szbogon: right, ive always been impressed by the bug-squashing in debain, even in manpages, im sure it will work out down the list eventually
19:00.22stewbogon: file a bug against the documentation
19:00.32tullstew i cant even see openGl screen savers properly
19:00.39dwangotull: then you need ati's drivers
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19:00.52robin_szbogon: filed a bug about 2 minutes ago
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19:01.01LSorensendwango: or a non ati video card :)
19:01.01tulldwango ok.
19:01.17infodroidtull: try glxgears to test things out
19:01.28bogonrobin_sz: okay
19:01.36jetscreamersomebody send me a radeon9800 so i can learn about how to install ati drivers
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19:01.51robin_szright, now .. the pain of installing qmail ... presumably there is some way to say "remove exim, install qmail, and dont rip out all the things that depend on a MTA in the process" ??
19:02.03tullinfodroid 190.00
19:02.16jetscreamerrobin_sz, dselect has that functionality
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19:02.17LSorensenrobin_sz: like apt-get install qmail-src, and then go follow whatever instructions it requries to build?
19:02.24infodroidtull: the point is, that glxgears is working!
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19:02.30EmptyIs there any way from the command line to tell if a box is usung sdram or whatever?
19:02.32LSorensenrobin_sz: you can also use dpkg --force-depends -r exim, then dpkg -i qmail
19:02.39robin_szLSorensen: no, its available from dotdebs
19:02.44LSorensenEmpty: maybe using the lm-sensors/i2c eeprom reader
19:02.44tullinfodroid still i should be getting at least 1700.00
19:02.52robin_szLSorensen: ahh, K, ta
19:02.55danuviusFound the problem package.
19:02.58infodroidtull: you're not running ppc by any chance?
19:02.58LSorensenrobin_sz: well it's not supposed to be
19:03.02EmptyLSorensen, eek, OK thanks
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19:03.04LSorensenrobin_sz: given that would violate the license
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19:03.17tullinfodroid no.
19:03.20LSorensenEmpty: dimm's have a SPD eeprom on them that can be read that way
19:03.27danuviusdoes anoyone knows wy php4 depends on caudium-php4???
19:03.34tarzeauthere was this very anti-but-informative(true) debian faq, does someone remember where it is?
19:03.40LSorensendanuvius: I was wondering about that too.  seems like a bug.
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19:04.07robin_szLSorensen: probably .. but I appluade dotdebs for making it easy and djb can just be happy that ive endured the pain of qmail before in the past, ive done my time.
19:04.13LSorensendanuvius: although it appears it depends on either caudiium, apache or apache2 php modules
19:04.24LSorensenrobin_sz: or you could use a sensible mailer instead
19:04.33robin_szLSorensen: no alternatives sadly
19:04.48LSorensenrobin_sz: postfix, exim, lots of good mail systems not under such an annoying license
19:05.07robin_szLSorensen: but I need virtual domains, web based user admin, webmail ...
19:05.07tullinstalling this cards are much more difficult here than slackware!
19:05.09danuviusLSorensen: true, but I have the apache2-php4 installed (one webserver is enough ;)
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19:05.23LSorensenrobin_sz: courier does wonder ful webmail, and virtual domains are not hard to do in exim
19:05.35infodroidtull: maybe take a look at this, if you haven't already
19:05.46ggl_6where can I find gcc's header files?
19:05.47RedPenguintakatumi, I just deleted the lilo stuff from when I used the 2.4.18 kernel image, then dpkg -i'ed mine, and lilo had no errors
19:05.49infodroid!tell tull about ati debs
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19:06.00Roninrobin_sz: not to push qmail but has it all set up so even a windows user can follow it
19:06.04RedPenguinI think it saw the old kernel which was the same version just the precompiled one, and got confused
19:06.05LSorensenrobin_sz: qmail has no feature good enough for me to even consider running it.
19:06.08Roninwell mostly that is
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19:06.47takatumiRedPenguin: that didn't make sense, but if it works, good.
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19:07.09RedPenguinI think I wored it wrong, but still
19:07.13settledownis apt-get the only way to add software to debian
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19:07.21settledownthe debian way
19:07.28Roninsettledown: no but its certainly the best way
19:07.37tdsfanis there any way to make Debian limit it's bandwidth usage to some level so my bittorrent doesn't use up my whole connection
19:07.42WageSlaveis a gas station the only way to add fuel to an auto?
19:07.47LSorensensettledown: apt-get or dpkg -i blah.deb.  there are frontends to apt-get like aptitude and synaptic of course, but they still call apt-get
19:07.53infodroidsettledown: you can use unstable and live on the edge
19:07.54WageSlaveno but it the easyiest best safest way.
19:07.54stewtdsfan: man btdownloadcurses
19:07.56asgtdsfan: most bt clients support bandwidth limiting
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19:08.09LSorensentdsfan: you could ask bittornado to limit it's use.  that is an option
19:08.17bogontdsfan: at least bittornado does
19:08.22settledownis that a debian thing or a linux thing
19:08.33stewsettledown: debian
19:08.44tullim new at this! can anyone explain me why i need to get the kernel source to install fglrx?
19:08.53takatumiRedPenguin: are you on woody?
19:08.57LSorensentdsfan: like --max_upload_rate 10 for example
19:08.59stewtull: you don't, you only need the kenrel headers
19:09.03*** mode/#Debian [+l 842] by debhelper
19:09.08settledownis there a list of the software available through apt-get
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19:09.19asgsettledown: apt-cache search <keywords>
19:09.19LSorensensettledown: apt-cache search can help find stuff
19:09.22takatumisettledown: apt-cache search
19:09.24jetscreamertdsfan, make bittorrent limit it, it's in settings or what LSorensen said.... man btdownloadgui and btdownloadcurses
19:09.30dvssettledown: aptitude, dselect, synaptic
19:09.32tullstew so just apt-get install kernel-headers-xxxx
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19:09.44ggl_6wow, nobody uses dselect anymore?
19:09.47tullstew and install the drivers?
19:09.54LSorensensettledown: with btlaunchmanycurses it shares that limit across all torrents at once
19:10.01bogonggl_6: I do
19:10.01LSorensenggl_6: no one sane at least
19:10.02asgggl_6: never used it to begin with
19:10.03*** join/#debian diego (~diego@
19:10.07jetscreamerdselect is your god
19:10.20jetscreameryou mean nobody who doesn't mind unmet dependencies
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19:10.29stewtull: yes
19:10.32*** part/#debian diego (~diego@
19:10.36LSorensenjetscreamer: apt-get and aptitude are far superior to dselct
19:10.39stewtull: make sure you get the headers for your running kernel
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19:10.45stewtull: what does uname -r say
19:10.52dvsLSorensen: What about aptitude?
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19:11.13jetscreamerggl_6, / to search in dselect
19:11.16LSorensendvs: it's a nice curses frontend to apt-get that is much better and easier to use than dselect
19:11.18settledownok then what is the best irc client for debain
19:11.26tullstew 2.6.8-2-386
19:11.27asgsettledown: irssi-text
19:11.29PRO1has anyone got a decent install guide for debian (as a dedicated server)
19:11.30dpkgbest for what? please define what you mean by "best"  Gloria Gaynor!  Tina Turner!  Aretha Franklin!  Men without Hats!  Women without Hats!  Men at Work!  Women at Play! Anyone for Tennis!
19:11.33*** join/#debian hellman (
19:11.35tullstew 2.6.8-2-686
19:11.40LSorensensettledown: I second irssi-test
19:11.42asgPRO1: /msg dpkg ig and install the harden-doc package
19:11.43LSorensener text
19:11.44jetscreamerLSorensen, not really.. they 'may' have repaired aptitude by now
19:11.49*** join/#debian Ken|JL (
19:11.52settledownok noob irc client
19:11.54jetscreamerand apt-get is fine for most things
19:11.56LSorensenjetscreamer: yeah they have.  it works very well.
19:11.56sepskisettledown, if you want something gui then i like xchat
19:11.59stewtull: then you should be good to go, also check out /msg dpkg module-assistant
19:12.05LSorensenjetscreamer: initially it was pretty bad
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19:12.18settledownim using xchat aqua right now
19:12.21PRO1asac right
19:12.27LSorensenjetscreamer: too bad dselect is still quite bad
19:12.27jetscreamerLSorensen, that's when i used it :/
19:12.30PRO1thanks alot
19:12.41karstensettledown: You'll get over it.
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19:12.46tullstew thanks! got to reboot brb
19:12.54jetscreamerdselect has an ugle selection menu, that's the only problem anybody has with it
19:12.55chinoif i want to setup ip masqurading and make a linux router do i have to have static ip's or can i have one interface use a dhcp address ?
19:12.58settledownbut you see i like gui
19:13.06settledowni dont like cli
19:13.07jetscreamerit FUNCTIONS
19:13.14LSorensensettledown: I like working, fast, efficient, reliably.
19:13.19Roninsettledown: learn it though, it will make your life much easier
19:13.20karstenchino: Either.
19:13.21settledownme too
19:13.22jeebershow to id kill mozilla remotely or from the comand like.. can i do a kill mozilla-bin
19:13.25LSorensensettledown: and working in screen over ssh is handy too
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19:13.41karstenchino: shorewall actually makes this really basic.
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19:13.44karstenjeebers: 'killall'
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19:13.45LSorensenjeebers: look at killall
19:13.46asgsettledown: use what you like and works for you. It's easier for *us* to help people who are familiar with CLI because irc is a text medium.
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19:13.55jetscreamerit's mozilla-browser to start it, not sure what it's called when it's running
19:14.11jeebersmozilla-bin in the processor list anyhow
19:14.13karstenjeebers: ps aux | grep [m]ozi
19:14.14jetscreamererr plus ver #
19:14.38karstenjeebers: You can also kill processes from 'top'
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19:15.07jeebersps aux just lists it.. i need to kill it
19:15.10chinois there any gui front ends to uif ?
19:15.14jeebershow do i do that
19:15.19jetscreamerapt-get install internet explorer ..... omg!
19:15.31jeeberstrying to create a script to effectively restart the app
19:15.38LSorensenjeebers: you can either kill the process number listed in ps, or you can killall the process name listed in ps
19:15.41karstenchino: WTF is uif?
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19:15.49jetscreamerkill -HUP or something like that
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19:16.07jeebersk.. so 'killall mozilla-bin' would do it then?
19:16.11chinoits a debian package for controlling ip filtering
19:16.12karstenchino: aptitude install shorewall.  cd /usr/share/doc/shorewall/default-config/; cp * /etc/shorewall; cd /etc/shorewall.
19:16.22chinoi dont want a firewall
19:16.27chinoim using uif to control iptables
19:16.28karstenchino: In 'masq':  eth1                    eth0
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19:16.45karstenchino: ...masquerades all of eth1 out over eth0
19:16.54robin_szLSorensen: I haven't seen any web-based admin packages for exim that give the same functionality as qmailadmin and vpopmail
19:17.04karstenchino: masq *is* a firewall function.  If you don't want other rules, don't set 'em up.  If you do, it makes 'em easy.
19:17.05chinokarsten: are you talking about using shorewall ?
19:17.19karstenchino: ...otherwise, read the Masquerade HOWTO.
19:17.24karstenchino: Because IT WORKS.
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19:17.48LSorensenrobin_sz: well have a look at courier then.  it has a lot of virtual host stuff and webmail and such.  Of course I have never wanted to have a web interface for creating and managing users, so I have no idea what that would take
19:17.49karstenchino: ...I've typically written my own masq configs.  I've just started using shorewall.  It's good.
19:18.02chinoi use slackware and i have like 2 little lines that can configure ip tables i come in here and poeple tell me to use uif in debian to control ip tables easilly and its not working really
19:18.17jetscreameri don't want a firewall i want iptables...
19:18.22LSorensenchino: never heard of uif.  I use shorewall
19:18.29karstenchino: TMTOWTDI
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19:18.34chinoshorewall is a firewall package
19:18.48karstenchino: Yes, you can just use your own hand-rolled stuff.
19:18.49chinouif just automates iptable setup for you at boot
19:19.02chinoin slack i just used a couple simple ip table rules
19:19.16karstenchino: "firewall" == IP filtering.  Network masquerading is an iptables function.
19:19.19chinoi was gonna use a 3rd party package on my freinds debian box but you guys told me debian had a native version
19:19.29sussudioasg: 3 badgers on the badgercam
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19:19.42asgsussudio: rock!
19:19.45karstenchino: In shorewall, you've got ~4 lines to edit and you're set.
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19:20.11karstensussudio: sssnnnaaaaaaakkkke!
19:20.12asgsussudio: hungry little critters
19:20.23robin_szLSorensen: courier is the pop/imap interface, vpopmail is a bulk virtual domain mail hosting thing .. I'll be using courier, but its not an MTA, so its not relevant to the qmail or exim choice surely?
19:20.36sussudioasg: in russia, they get the fattest. like 40 kilo's of fatass badger.
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19:20.47LSorensenrobin_sz: courier has pop/imap/pop-ssl/imap-ssl/vhost/authentication/users/smtp/everything
19:20.52karstenchino: If you don't like my advice, you're entitled to a full refund.
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19:21.15asgsussudio: sizable
19:21.29sussudioasg: i think they called it tubby
19:21.30robin_szLSorensen: its an interface to an MTA, not an MTA in itself
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19:21.55robin_szLSorensen: so it doesnt have smtp AIUI, but it does have all the other things youlisted
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19:22.13LSorensenrobin_sz: it is also and mta.  otherwise I don't know what courier-mta and courier-mta-ssl are for
19:22.15asgsussudio: hehe
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19:22.18asgsussudio: like my cat
19:22.43LSorensenrobin_sz: courier-mta - Courier Mail Server - ESMTP daemon
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19:22.56robin_szLSorensen: hmm, OK, so howcome I can have Courier and Exim installed on this box concurrently then?
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19:23.17LSorensenrobin_sz: because courier is modular enough that you can use just parts of it.  I tend to run courier-imap together with exim
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19:23.35LSorensenrobin_sz: to me it's an indication courier is well designed/written
19:23.39robin_szand exim works OK for virtual domains?
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19:23.56LSorensenrobin_sz: yeah I have done virtual domains with exim.  takes a bit of configuring but it's not too bad
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19:24.08rdrIf you apt-get install a program and all goes ok but there is nothing in the menus to run it what do you do  I am really new at this  Thanks
19:24.09LSorensenrobin_sz: I wouldn't say it's the easiest mta to do virtual domains with
19:24.26LSorensenrdr: not everything provides an x applicatoin with a menu entry.
19:24.42robin_szso its pain with qmail now and esy virtual domains thereafter, or easy exim and painful virtual domains ...
19:24.44rdrahh ok
19:24.53troublekarsten ????
19:24.58karstenrdr: Some WMs require a restart for menus to be updated, some don't.
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19:25.10karstentrouble: ????
19:25.11rdri did that
19:25.17Roninrobin_sz: in the time youve been talking about it here the last 2 days you could have had a functioning qmail install with virtual domeains and users :)
19:25.19EvanCarrollI like courier-mta
19:25.22EvanCarrollim setting it up now
19:25.28troublecan u tell me what u just told chino plz ??
19:25.45troublehe told me to ask u
19:25.48EvanCarrollthey could refine the whole 100 letter executable make*s but overall its excelent especially when you comapair it to exim
19:25.54johnsu01So, my system hangs completely on trying to upgrade pcmcia-cs, in testing. Any ideas what's causing this?
19:25.58robin_szRonin: possibl, but "other things" got in the way .. like I tried the dotdebs thing two days ago, the box shat itself and I ran away
19:25.59dracpsyBNC`tr: You have to be kidding.
19:26.17LSorensenrobin_sz: in exim4 they weren't too painful to setup.  But I haven't done it in a while.  All i ended up having to do was define a couple of transport handlers in teh exim config, create a file listing my domains and a dir with a passwd and aliases file for each domain.  then it just dealt with things.
19:26.24Roninrobin_sz: did you check out the url i told you about?
19:26.26LSorensenrobin_sz: I wasn't doing anything too complicated though
19:26.26karstentrouble: Fore network masq through a DHCP-assigned server, shorewall works easily.
19:26.32EvanCarrollexim4 is a piece of shit =/
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19:26.50LSorensenEvanCarroll: works for my needs, and I can get along with the license just fine
19:26.51EvanCarrollexim4/exim4.template.conf.conf i mean come on
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19:27.06robin_szRonin: qmailrocks? yes. ... cant seen any debian instructions though .. its the usual "life with qmail" stuff ... ie compile from source.
19:27.08troubledo u have a morons version of that  text for me plz ??
19:27.11stewpsyBNC`tr: have you ever heard of a guy named turing or his test?
19:27.16superSSSanyone runs debian on a 486 :)?
19:27.25PerfDavesuperSSS: Not any more
19:27.27Roninyo cant see debain instructions?
19:27.30LSorensensuperSSS: yes
19:27.33johnsu01It hangs after downloading the archive, pretty much immediately on trying to install.
19:27.52superSSSLSorensen: how much ram do you have?
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19:27.57LSorensensuperSSS: 48M
19:28.02Roninhumm lets count my typos shall we, sad very sad
19:28.10EvanCarrollconfig file is so jumbled that an automated script has to be made to break it up into an almost abitrary manor just to make it managable, and the conf files have scripting syntex in them
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19:28.15EvanCarrollmakes me want to /suicide
19:28.22robin_szRonin: thanks !! thats neat
19:28.24johnsu01It's pcmcia-cs version 3.2.5-3. I'm not sure if that's the new version or the old version since it's in the in-between stage, but I think it's the new one.
19:28.27jharrisonwkPhated: you suck
19:28.37superSSSLSorensen: upgrading woody to sarge takes me 2 hours:)
19:28.57LSorensensuperSSS: yeah sounds likely.  I had mine going for a few days and I would answer it's questions whenever I came by
19:28.59Roninrobin_sz: ive ran it on woody and currently on sarge with no problems, only tricky part is removing exim and keeping it off but thats not to bad either
19:29.07Phatedjharrisonwk: Ho hum.
19:29.16karsten!tell trouble about u
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19:29.39troublewhat ?
19:29.47stew!ops psyBNC`tr spammer
19:29.48dpkgHydroxide, bob2, caphuso, dondelelcaro, doogie, eeyore-, ElectricElf, greycat, helix, ljlane, LoRez, mentor, Netsnipe, TML, walters, xk: psyBNC`tr spammer
19:30.00*** mode/#Debian [+o mentor] by ChanServ
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19:30.18robin_szRonin: yeah, I was hoping that by installing as a .deb from, err, .debs, it would get the idea about not putting exim back
19:30.28LSorensenrobin_sz: it should
19:30.43sussudiomentor forgot rule #1 of "how not to be seen"
19:30.45johnsu01I don't see any recent similar bugs reported on pcmcia-cs, wondering if I should report it, but I'd like to make sure I'm not missing something first, since I probably am.
19:31.02robin_szLSorensen: indeed.
19:31.49mentoronjoin spam?
19:31.50karstentrouble: Define what you're trying to do.  Using standard English please.
19:31.59johnsu01The hard drive continues to spin furiously while the rest of the system hangs, but I did let it go for at least 10-15 minutes before giving up on it.
19:32.03troublehere goes
19:32.23troubleim trying to setup my linux box as a router
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19:33.26troublethats about the shot and curly's of it
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19:34.01Steven_does anyone happen to know if there are debian packages for heimdal-kdc, with openldap support ?
19:34.07mythsmithis there a project for a p2p apt system?
19:34.33karstentrouble: OK.  You're NATing an internal LAN over a DHCP-assigned connection?
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19:34.58stewSteven_: /msg dpkg search
19:35.01troublei dont really know what that mean but ....
19:35.03LSorensenmythsmith: someone suggested it, but it never did make much sense
19:35.24LSorensenmythsmith: too many small files.  too frequent changes
19:35.29jharrisonwkPhated: I am all broken up about you kicking me since I find that channel to be an abombination to me
19:35.31troublei want my modem pluged in the linux box then the lin box to the hub
19:35.32mythsmithLSorensen: why? it would be good if all FTP mirrors could share the load...
19:35.44Phatedjharrisonwk: Shouldn't have hung around to be kicked, then.
19:35.49LSorensenmythsmith: why, it's more efficient to use one close to you
19:35.53jharrisonwkPhated: I could care less
19:36.11jharrisonwkPhated: did you not sense my sarcasism?
19:36.13PhatedWhich was why you went to all the trouble to bitch about it. Sure.
19:36.19LSorensenmythsmith: and you would have to invent a new protocol, and worry about routing it, etc for a client to know how to talk to all the servers at once
19:36.20troublethe problem is that when i plaugin the moden and try to get an ip, it get a different  ip
19:36.21Steven_stew: thx, already looked on google and with apt-cache
19:36.31jharrisonwkPhated: I like fighting
19:36.36LSorensenmythsmith: and many servers are simply http and/or ftp and nothing else.  they don't want yet another protocol to worry about
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19:36.50Phatedjharrisonwk: We can tell.
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19:37.06mythsmithLSorensen: but if the one close to me is very busy, it would be beautiful to download from all the other FTP mirrors.
19:37.07sepskitrouble, use some dynamic host assignment like dyndns or get a real uplink
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19:37.24robin_szRonin: I was also hoping that dotdebs might save me from the djb directory stupidity
19:37.27troublei wish i knew what u ment
19:37.42nanookhello all, i want to have user's home directories mounted on a smb share at logon but don't know where to start. does someone have link o just a hint please?
19:37.43stewSteven_: you have found the heimdal-kdc package but you want to know if its got ldap support or you are looking for a different version?
19:37.52jharrisonwkPhated: yes well I wont say what I was going to say for fear of hurting the little ladies feelings
19:37.56sepskiit provides a static host to a dynamic ip
19:37.56mythsmithLSorensen: it is not necessary to change the server type: just to make an apt that can download from all the sources at the same time.
19:38.00dpkgdyndns provides hostnames for dynamic/static ips for free:
19:38.01tchinohello, how can i print with a higher solution, my print is so pixelnd
19:38.06Skaagis there a channel dedicated to linux networking?
19:38.08jharrisonwkanyone have oracle experience on debian?
19:38.24troubleok i see the but haw will that help ?
19:38.25Skaagjharrisonwk: I'm about to install Oracle 10 on debian
19:38.30LSorensenmythsmith: so you can wait while a server on the other side of the planet sends you a 15M file while the other files from a close by server were already downloaded.  no thanks.
19:38.31Steven_stew: it doesn't have ldap support, and I was looking for binary packages. I also tried building the package from the source package, but it would require me to install all kinds of xlibs, which I'd rather not do
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19:38.37jharrisonwkSkaag: wonderful, and good luck to you
19:38.44Skaagjharrisonwk: thanks
19:38.55jharrisonwkSkaag: any advice, problems, solutions etc...?
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19:38.58solomonnin sh, what's the variable for the arguments a script was called with?
19:38.59Steven_stew : of course, I could build on another system, and then install only the binary packages that I need
19:39.03sepskiSkaag, #networking but it's few in there and not very active, if it's debian related ask here
19:39.05solomonner, what are the variables
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19:39.06Skaagjharrisonwk: If you think it would be useful, I could make a wiki about the process, and write down any gotcha's
19:39.09polytansomebody can help me in private to boot a debian via nfs ?
19:39.10mythsmithLSorensen: well, the priority is given to the lowest ping server
19:39.16timomythsmith, there's been discussion about it on debian-devel. see
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19:39.27jharrisonwkSkaag: sure sounds good.  I have to install 9i unfortunately
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19:39.50jharrisonwkSkaag: I just installed x-window-system because the installer does not seem to run without a GUI
19:39.56LSorensenmythsmith: most of the servers have more bandwidth than my connection anyhow, so one is plenty
19:40.10jharrisonwkSkaag: and there is some library I need from woody but I have sorted all that out
19:40.10LSorensenmythsmith: low ping != fast transfer.  no relation
19:40.21Skaagjharrisonwk: Yes, was the same in 8i - the oracle gurus can run the shell scripts themselves but it's rather complex without the GUI
19:40.22abrotmanjharrisonwk: which oracle and which debian?
19:40.23Techdeckhey, somehow the lilo menu doesnt come up until I hit ctrl, whats the fix for this one? btw I'm using debian unstable
19:40.24jharrisonwkSkaag: the only problem now is that in x windows I cant seem to execute a shell
19:40.32jharrisonwkabrotman: 9i and sarge
19:40.38abrotmanjharrisonwk: i've done 9i and woody
19:40.39stewSteven_: or build, then remove the stuff you don't want...
19:40.50Skaagjharrisonwk: that's a general problem unrelated to oracle, is it not...?
19:40.58jharrisonwkSkaag: but I have not begun to work on why I cannot execute the shell
19:40.59robin_szanyone tried robomail for bulk mailing?
19:41.02Steven_stew: you mean remove the stuff I dont want before the build ?
19:41.05jharrisonwkabrotman: do you have an install guide?
19:41.05borisis php5 still not on the archives?
19:41.07hypohi, i want to download the mono package from the unstable release of debian; with apt-get; but how do i put the server in sources.list?
19:41.09sepskitrouble, if i misunderstood your question then im sorry, i thougt you had issues with dynamic ip on your uplink
19:41.13abrotmanjharrisonwk: some notes i took are in there
19:41.18stewSteven_: no, get the build-deps, build, remove the build-deps
19:41.18jharrisonwkSkaag: yes I believe it to be unreated to oracle
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19:41.34troublei have troubles thats for sure
19:41.37Skaagjharrisonwk: are you running the x session as user 'oracle'?
19:41.39Steven_stew : ah, could do that too indeed
19:41.48Steven_I'll give it a go
19:41.57troublemy comment was not intended in a nasty way
19:41.57stewSteven_: /msg dpkg source
19:41.58jharrisonwkwhat I find most dreadful is that I must isntall on debian for testing and later on redhat enterprise
19:42.01hypoi typed deb unstable main
19:42.05jharrisonwkSkaag: no
19:42.12hypodeb-src unstable main
19:42.14jharrisonwkSkaag: no
19:42.16troubleand im sorry if you saw it that way
19:42.18jharrisonwkSkaag: normal user
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19:42.21SkaagI see
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19:42.53abrotmanjharrisonwk: good enough notes ?
19:42.55sepskitrouble, if we misunderstand your problem try explaining it in a different way
19:42.59Skaagtry to do an xhost + thingy
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19:43.18Steven_stew : ah, handy
19:43.39ico2i am using gs and apsfilter to install
19:43.45jharrisonwkabrotman: looks pretty good
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19:44.03Ericaomry are you here?
19:44.07jetscreamerico2, where did you say what model printer
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19:44.14SkaagI have a box with as its ip, as the gateway, netmask, and now I need this box to also have with gateway with netmask, which is an internal network, but when I do that, the machine is no longer reachable from the net. Anything i'm missing here?
19:44.15Orfeousunable to open files list file for package `libxml1': Permission denied
19:44.16jharrisonwkabrotman: from what I read in chapter 2 of the install docs your notes make sense
19:44.18jetscreamer!smart questions
19:44.18dpkghmm... smart questions is Go here to find out how to ask intelligent questions: - Be sure to look at the section - This FAQ has information to help many users solve their own problem more effectively and to help users interact more effectively with computer ...
19:44.20ico2when i run apsfilter and select my printer driver it says your gs version was not compiled with hpijs
19:44.20mythsmithtimo: thank you very much for the link!!!!
19:44.22jharrisonwkSkaag: you should still do a wiki or something
19:44.27Skaagjharrisonwk: I will
19:44.30ico2hp deskjet 810c
19:44.31jharrisonwkSkaag: or use
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19:44.41jharrisonwkSkaag: if you do a wiki please give me the link
19:44.44jetscreamerOrfeous, either you're not root or there's another apt like proggy running
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19:44.55ico2i installed the debian testing gs version and tried again
19:44.57ico2same error
19:44.59vahidhow can i reconfigure mouse in debian
19:45.01Skaagjharrisonwk: I usually do. I used to have a large wiki for qmail, vpopmail-mysql and qpsmtpd, but spammers killed it for me when they posted their referrer links all over the site
19:45.07jharrisonwkabrotman: did you have to do the install with a x-window system?
19:45.08ico2i apt-get installed hpijs
19:45.11ico2same error
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19:45.18jetscreamerico2, hpijis or something like that and maybe you need pnm2ppa also, not sure but i needed pnm2ppa for my 712c
19:45.20Skaagnow I need to find a good wiki software that's more secure than wakkawiki
19:45.21jharrisonwkSkaag: bastards
19:45.27ricky_clarksonvahid: in X or console?
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19:45.48sepskiSkaag, you only want 1 default gw. you add the second ip in /etc/networking/interfaces using a up statement on the interfaces
19:45.49vahidricky_clarkson,  X
19:45.58vahidricky_clarkson,  or console
19:45.59jharrisonwkSkaag: apt-cache search kwiki
19:46.09jharrisonwkSkaag: apt-cache show kwiki is better
19:46.10sepskiSkaag, if you need a additional static route to reach the net you do that also with a up statement
19:46.11jetscreamerico2, apt-cache show pnm2ppa should tell you if it's for the 810
19:46.37Skaagjharrisonwk: I'll install it now, let's see how it goes...
19:46.46jharrisonwkSkaag: ok
19:46.49ricky_clarksonvahid: Decide on one.
19:46.49Skaagsepski: fair enough - trying it now
19:46.50jharrisonwkabrotman: ?
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19:46.54CodeWarrior_hello friends
19:47.03Steven_stew: is there a way to pass an option to the configure script, with dpkg-buildpackage ?
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19:47.06vahidricky_clarkson,  X
19:47.09jetscreamerico2, another thing i didn't know was being in the lp & lpadmin groups
19:47.11Steven_wait! I read something about it in manpage
19:47.12Skaagsepski: so I add: up route add gw
19:47.16sepskiSkaag, if the second net is on a nother nic you dont need the up statement, just avoid the gateway
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19:47.22Orfeousjetscreamer: hmm.. i am root :)
19:47.35Orfeousi cant either install or remove a package
19:47.41stewSteven_: edit debian/rules
19:47.47ico2pnm2ppa is not for the 810c
19:47.48CodeWarrior_I'd want to know about what is the best way (faster) to get debian CDs from the Internet: Using Jigdo or using BitTorrent ?
19:47.50ricky_clarkson!drxx vahid
19:47.51dpkgvahid: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86   (as root)
19:47.56LSorensenCodeWarrior_: jigdo.
19:48.01Skaagroute add gw
19:48.01Skaaggw: No address associated with name
19:48.14LSorensenCodeWarrior_: at least if you want them up to date.
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19:48.27vahidricky_clarkson,  how can i ask my self?
19:48.27sepskiSkaag, first of all is there 2 nets on 1 nic or separate nics ?
19:48.30Steven_very cool :)
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19:48.36vahidricky_clarkson,  what i must type ?
19:48.47ico2gotta download 1.7mb on dialup, this will take a few mins
19:48.48jetscreamervahid, try modprobe mousedev
19:48.49ricky_clarksonvahid: I don't understand.
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19:48.49Skaagsepski: it's 2 nets on 1 nic, unfortunately.
19:48.52jetscreamerworth a shot
19:48.56CodeWarrior_LSorensen: yeah, I need to get Testing ISO images... I'll get them trough Jigdo so
19:49.04*** mode/#Debian [+l 854] by debhelper
19:49.11Skaagsepski: the physical construction of the motherboards did not allow me to add another nic to the box
19:49.25Orfeousrm -rf *debian*
19:49.25LSorensenCodeWarrior_: certainly the simplest.  of course most people are better off with the netinstall iso than the full jigdo images since you are unlikely to ever need most of it
19:49.26jeebershey trying to run the folling script : #!/bin/sh ; killall mozilla-bin ; /home/kiosk2/.kde/Autostart/mozilla & ;
19:49.37sepskithen you first need to assign the correct second ip for the second nic, using a up statement, the route will fail until it's right
19:49.55vahidricky_clarkson, my mwan how can i ask question from dpkg bot
19:49.55jeebersbut you need to be roo to call the killall command.. is there a way to call this command as root in the script?
19:50.00abrotmanjharrisonwk: i just pasted you a link .. did you look at it ?
19:50.02greycatjeebers: no, you do not.
19:50.03ricky_clarksonvahid: /msg dpkg <whatever>
19:50.04Skaagsepski: it's up right now, on eth0:200
19:50.09jharrisonwkabrotman: yes
19:50.14salutemei installed kernel-image2.6.8-2-686 but now when i do apt-get upgrade it tries to go back to 2.4.27-speakup
19:50.15abrotmanjharrisonwk: not good enoguh ?
19:50.21greycatjeebers: you just need to be root to kill *other* UIDs' processes.
19:50.23jetscreamerOrfeous, what's the exact error again?
19:50.27vahidricky_clarkson, tnx
19:50.31sepskiSkaag, for it to survide reboot you add the ifconfig to a up statement in the interfaces file
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19:50.39LSorensensaluteme: did you uninstall 2.4.27?  if not it will upgrade it if a new release of the old kernel comes around
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19:50.54adapterwhere can i find an ipfm log analyser that generates a grafic in html?
19:50.57jharrisonwkabrotman: do you give your permission to put your instructions in /public/docs on my website?
19:51.02Orfeousjetscreamer: unable to open files list file for package `libxml1': Permission denied
19:51.09abrotmanjharrisonwk: they already are public
19:51.10jarmoHi there =)
19:51.13OrfeousProcessing was halted because there were too many errors.
19:51.13Skaagsepski: I added it to /etc/network/interfaces
19:51.14salutemeLSorensen thats the exact kernel it was using before i changed to 2.6.8-2-686
19:51.18Skaag(the debian way)
19:51.24greycatOrfeous: ugh.  check the permissions on all the dirs in the path /var/lib/dpkg/info
19:51.30Skaagsepski: but how do I set the route?
19:51.33greycatOrfeous: that's five dirs total.
19:51.34jeebersgreycat.. though that originally but didn't work.. must have been doing something wrong..did it there and it worked fine
19:51.37jetscreamerOrfeous, only thing i can think of... what greycat said
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19:51.51CodeWarrior_LSorensen: in the truth, I can't install trough NetInstall because I need the CDs to install on other machines that don't have Internet access...
19:51.56LSorensensaluteme: sure but if a new release of it comes out (like -5 from -4) to fix a bug, it will try to upgrade it if you didn't uninstall it.  with grub it will still default to the newest kernel, but with lilo it will probably default to the most recently installed
19:51.56sepskiSkaag, do you want 2 default routes or just a route to a different internal network
19:52.06Skaagsepski: the latter
19:52.07jharrisonwkabrotman: cant hurt to ask though
19:52.11LSorensenCodeWarrior_: well that's different.  I prefer the 2 DVD set personally. :)
19:52.13Skaagnot default
19:52.19Orfeousgreycat: ok, when i typed "ls" i got Permission denied on all dirs.. but not on the files :)
19:52.24jetscreamergreycat, is / the fifth one?
19:52.24jarmoany ideas about howto get for not root user to get rights to access other hd's than linux partition? it says me "you don't have permission to access.."
19:52.26adapterwhere can i find an ipfm log analyser that generates a grafic in html? i'm not heading to rrdtools and mrtg, these are hard enough for me
19:52.29greycatjetscreamer: the first ;-)
19:52.33abrotmanjharrisonwk: that was actually for OCS .. which i never got working properly .. but the DB worked fine
19:52.34jetscreamerls -l
19:52.37salutemeLSorensen so i should apt-get remove it?
19:52.44Orfeousgreycat: hmm..
19:52.48LSorensensaluteme: if you don't want to run it anymore then I would suggest doing that
19:52.50jetscreamerjarmo, what fs
19:52.54greycatOrfeous: ls -ld / /var /var/lib ...
19:52.54jharrisonwkabrotman: I put by you on my copy
19:52.55salutemeok thanks
19:52.58sepskiSkaag, something like up route add -net gw ipaddressofgw in interfaces
19:53.00Orfeousgreycat: i mean i got permission denied on all .list-files..
19:53.01greycatOrfeous: just don't flood us.
19:53.06greycatOrfeous: oh?  that's .... weird.
19:53.09jarmoI'm newbie, don't bother me with unknown words =)
19:53.17Orfeousgreycat: for example..
19:53.17sepskireplace with the correct ip network for the route and the correct gw ofcourse
19:53.19Orfeousgreycat: /bin/ls: libnet-server-perl.list: Permission denied
19:53.26greycatOrfeous: ls -ld /var/lib/dpkg/info
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19:53.29Orfeous/bin/ls: libxml1.list: Permission denied
19:53.35abrotmanjharrisonwk: of what?
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19:53.42jetscreameryou forgot the d Orfeous
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19:53.46jarmo??? debian? kde? I really don't know what you mean =)
19:53.54greycatjarmo: not amusing.
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19:54.02jetscreamerjarmo, is it fat32? ext3? ntfs?
19:54.02Orfeousjetscreamer: what d?
19:54.02jharrisonwkabrotman: written by abrotman I put that in my copy
19:54.04Skaagsepski: thanks
19:54.06CodeWarrior_LSorensen: I guess I can get the 2 DVD set too, because the machines have DVD-ROM drives, but I don't know how much time I take to get 2 DVD trough my Internet access...
19:54.20abrotmanjharrisonwk: oh ok . i thought oyu meant OCS
19:54.20jharrisonwkabrotman: so I will always remember you wrote it
19:54.20jarmoand another one is ntfs
19:54.20dpkgadd a line similar to: /dev/hdd1 /mnt/hdd1 vfat rw,users,auto,gid=24,uid=1001,fmask=0222,dmask=0222 to your fstab... change the hdxx and uid, and maybe the gid if you want.
19:54.20nanookhello all, i need a hint on how to mount home directories in a smb share, don't know where to start
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19:54.20vile_maximsaluteme, apt-get remove kernel-image-2.4.27-speakup
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19:54.20Orfeousgreycat: drwxr-xr-x    2 root     root       158848 Feb 24 22:51 /var/lib/dpkg/info
19:54.28LSorensenCodeWarrior_: the same time as getting 14 CDs
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19:54.42Skaagsepski: route add -net gw
19:54.42SkaagSIOCADDRT: Network is unreachable
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19:54.58jetscreamerneed auto eth0 ?
19:54.58CodeWarrior_LSorenson: of course :-) but I thought to get just 3 CDs
19:55.03jjazznanook: smbmount
19:55.05jetscreamerjust get cd#1
19:55.11jetscreamerunless you need the others
19:55.13jarmoas a root I may access to 'em all, but it isn't that what I want..
19:55.21sepskiSkaag, do you have a correct route for your second ip to your device ?
19:55.25jetscreamerjarmo, i just told you how
19:55.32jetscreamer!tell jarmo about rw-vfat
19:55.32LSorensenCodeWarrior_: well depends what stuff you want.  I have found kde stuff on cd 5 in the past, which some people think is important
19:55.35CodeWarrior_LSorenson: anyway, the best way to get is using Jigdo... later I'll decide how much CDs or DVDs I'll get... thanks a lot friend
19:55.36Skaagsepski: I don't know what you mean...
19:55.54jarmowell it is there but um..
19:55.57jarmowell I might try
19:56.06Skaagsepski: sorry my bad
19:56.07CodeWarrior_LSorensen: yeah, you're right... the best is to get all CDs/DVDs
19:56.08ico2still i get same error
19:56.10Skaagsepski: fixed it
19:56.15jetscreamerjarmo, gid 24 is games... uid, type id in console....
19:56.17CodeWarrior_LSorensen: thanks friend ! bye bye
19:56.19ico2stupid printer
19:56.23nanookjjazz: thanks, but the part of mounting /home/[user] at logon? .bashrc or what?
19:56.25LSorensenCodeWarrior_: you can always get the first few and see what you are missing and get more later
19:56.39CodeWarrior_LSorensen: yes
19:56.41jjazzCodeWarrior_: jigdo = lots of time waiting for downloads only to have to start over when it fails
19:56.52jetscreamerno 24 is cdrom sorry
19:56.55jetscreamer60 is games
19:57.00ico2anything else people can think of?
19:57.13ipscguii'm looking for graphical frontend for ipsc (IP Subnet Calculator) which is currently mantained and does not depend on gnome or kde, any pointers?
19:57.18CodeWarrior_jjazz: yeah, I'll use Jigdo
19:57.25jetscreameris it a usb printer, ico2?
19:57.37LSorensenipscgui: what improvement would a gui make to that?
19:57.50CodeWarrior_jjazz LSorensen: bye bye friends, thanks !
19:57.53CodeWarrior_bye bye all !
19:57.54jjazznanook: /etc/fstab can take smbfs lines to mount the share
19:57.58LSorensenjjazz: no if it fails you can still recover later.
19:58.06LSorensenjjazz: jigdo is rather good that way
19:58.07ico2is there an alternative to apsfilter about?
19:58.09nanookjjazz: ok
19:58.15LSorensenico2: cups/foomatic
19:58.22jetscreamerico2, ^^^
19:58.26LSorensenico2: absolute best printing system ever
19:58.53jjazzLSorensen: Hmm... jigdo must have improved, because when I tried it, it downloaded 98% of the data and then told me I was SOL
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19:58.53LSorensenjjazz: on linux or windows?
19:58.53jjazzLSorensen: debian
19:58.53PTH_LSorensen who r u?
19:58.54LSorensenjjazz: well I have managed before.
19:58.54robin_szargh ... what was that dpkg thing for removing a package without ripping out all the depends?
19:58.57LSorensenPTH_: what?
19:58.58jeebersis there a combination of keys you can press to do a shutdown.. or is it possible to set this up some how?
19:58.59jarmobtw, if it is ntfs, does it still work?
19:59.01jetscreamerjigdo was very slow for me when i tried it the first time i tried to get debian...
19:59.05PTH_LSorensen r u franklin?
19:59.08jjazzLSorensen: I'd rather use a torrent
19:59.08dpkgadd a line similar to: /dev/hdd1 /mnt/hdd1 ntfs ro,users,auto,gid=24,uid=1001,fmask=0333,dmask=0222 to your fstab... change the hdxx and uid, and maybe the gid if you want. and you should want.
19:59.09ico2which one?
19:59.16LSorensenjjazz: you can always loopback mount the iso that is partialyl done and use it to read anything already downloaded in to a new image
19:59.18ipscguiLSorensen: why use a window manager when the command line is all you need, right?
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19:59.25ico2i am not able to apt-get install cups
19:59.25LSorensenPTH_: not that I know of
19:59.26settledowni noticed during startup that appletalkservices are started
19:59.29LSorensenipscgui: exactly.
19:59.32ico2Package cups has no available version
19:59.36settledowndoes that mean it can see appletalk printers?
19:59.37LSorensenico2: cupsys
19:59.38jetscreamerboth ico2, and it's cupsys
19:59.39sepski!cups setup
19:59.40dpkgi heard cups setup is Install cupsys, cupsys-bsd, cupsomatic-ppd and foomatic-db.  Hit http://localhost:631/ and add a new printer.  Enjoy!
19:59.47Skaagoh damnit - i can't use cgi scripts because suexec is enabled :-(
19:59.52jjazzLSorensen: Yes, I noted that in the instructions, but that seemed like a pretty crappy replacement for, you know, just giving me the files I had downloaded.
20:00.04ico2this will take some time
20:00.15LSorensenjjazz: but it makes it easy to get a new cd next week using what you have already.  torrent does you no good there in most cases
20:00.24solomonnanyone know the device name for the system speaker?
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20:00.41ico252min remaining
20:00.51ipscguiLSorensen: who needs a gui anyways, the people at gnome/kde/icewm/xfce, etc are wasting their time. why use nedit when you can use vi, right?  yeah righ!
20:00.53jetscreamer2.6 has it's  module for the system speaker
20:00.53jjazzLSorensen: Why would I want a new CD next week?
20:01.03jetscreamerit's own
20:01.03LSorensenipscgui: vim is better
20:01.09sepskisolomonn, are you doing something that beep can't acomplish ?
20:01.18PTH_when is debian gonna come with reiser4?
20:01.21solomonnsepski: beep doesn't work and i can't figure out why
20:01.23LSorensenjjazz: well maybe next month when you want and updated sarge cd set
20:01.33LSorensenPTH_: when reiserfs4 is stable
20:01.35ipscguiwhy use ted o abiword when vim is you need, right? yeah right!
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20:01.41jetscreamerpth ask, it's a patch on the kernel atm
20:02.08jjazzLSorensen: Maybe I don't reinstall my box often enough and perhaps I'm spoiled by broadband, but I'm pretty happy with apt-get for keeping things up to date.
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20:02.30beardysolomonn: Your user is not in the audio group, or you choosed wrong when you installed it. "dpkg-reconfigure beep" maybe.
20:02.40vile_maximipscgui, why use vi when you can use vigor!
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20:02.47jjazzLSorensen: I see why jigdo exists... it just doesn't meet my needs, and torrents are so easy that I would like to see them provided by
20:02.54LSorensenjjazz: sure once installed, apt-get is the way
20:02.58PTH_franklin y u hatin on reiser4?
20:03.01solomonnbeardy: nope, i told it to be suid and only available to the audio group, and i am and have been in the audio group
20:03.05LSorensenjjazz: but for that reason torrents make even less sense
20:03.06Skaaganyone successfuly managed suexec + cgi scripts under apache?
20:03.12sepskisolomonn, have no idea. your certain your hardware is ok ?
20:03.16solomonnbeardy: in fact, beep doesn't work as root :)
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20:03.29jeebersok have this script.. #!/bin/sh; killall mozilla-bin; /home/kiosk2/.kde/Autostart/mozilla &;  i have a crontab that calls this script.. the crontab when it calls the script shuts down the mozilla browser like it should but it does start it aftwards like it shoudl.. if i run the script form the terminal it does what it should.. do i have to put something in to direct it to the right tty or something? any ideas?
20:03.48solomonnsepski: fairly.  it functioned before beep was installed, when i was in console doing things that caused beeps.  but no more
20:03.51jjazzLSorensen: Why?  Torrents seem like a great way to get that first ISO for doing a net install.
20:03.52ipscguiwhy i18n apps? let the lazy complacent bastards (i.e users) learn English, right? yeah right!
20:03.59solomonnsepski: it could be my kernel but i don't know where to start investigating :)
20:04.00caphusojeebers: $DISPLAY isn't set inside cron
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20:04.28LSorensenjjazz: there are many more fast http/ftp sites near me than there are torrent users with debian dvd images around.
20:04.31greycatjeebers: cron jobs don't have your $DISPLAY variable.
20:04.35jeebersi have this in the crontab at the moment : */5 * * * * ~/
20:04.50jeebersthis is just a test .. won't be doign it this regularly.. just onece a day eventually
20:05.03greycatjeebers: put "DISPLAY=:0; export DISPLAY" in the script.
20:05.03LSorensenjjazz: and I can update my current image to a new one with only downloading the new stuff.  it is far superior for such things.  for downloading tv shows, nothing beats torrent
20:05.12beardysolomonn: beep works as root for me.
20:05.13ennteeI'm trying to get my iptables rules to run at startup. I've followed the Debian instructions and saved my rules with "/etc/init.d/iptables save active", but the rules still don't load on startup. Any ideas?
20:05.14ipscguiLSorensen: that is why most PC users are reluctanct to use Linux. the attitude: you do not need a gui, use the command line! bolocks!
20:05.16Nwallinshow can i disable framebuffer on boot?  using grub
20:05.17jjazzLSorensen: Perhaps you're right on that one.  I sort of imagined that Debian gets enough constant downloaders that the swarm would always be populated.
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20:05.48solomonnbeardy: it probably works for most people :P but not for me
20:05.51beardysolomonn: If you are running a 2.6 kernel, you need the pc-speaker module, built in, or as a module, I guess.
20:06.08LSorensenjjazz: given the fastest and recomended install is the netinstall cd, no not very likely
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20:06.19jeebersok.. so new script would be #!/bin/sh; DISPLAY=:0; export DISPLAY; killall mozilla-bin; /home/kiosk2/.kde/Autostart/mozilla &;
20:06.19sepskienntee, maybee you dont have a link from rc2.d to init.d/iptables use update-rc.d to create one
20:06.20abrotmanjharrisonwk: uhm .. could you put a note on there that i don't guarantee it will work?
20:06.21jjazzLSorensen: perhaps you are correct
20:06.27greycat"fastest" may vary depending on your setup.
20:06.29jharrisonwkabrotman: sure thing
20:06.35abrotmanjharrisonwk: you know .. standard disclaimer .. don't kill me if oracle implodes
20:06.38solomonnbeardy: i think i have it built in
20:06.38ennteesepski: i checked that. i do =\
20:06.50sepskisolomonn, if you'v made a custom kernel then i guess it might be there
20:07.06LSorensenipscgui: most PC users shouldn't even be using windows quite honestly.  They have no idea what they are doing.
20:07.06beardysolomonn: Are you sure the speaker is working, the cable hasn't "falled out" or something simillar?
20:07.27sepskienntee, if you try stating it manualy using the /etc/init.d/iptables start does it work then ?
20:07.35LSorensenipscgui: all the gui does is hide most of the options from the user so they are less likely to make a mistake, yet they manage to make them anyhow
20:07.52S4nD3r_Theres some limit of devices mounted?
20:07.52LSorensenipscgui: And when something goes wrong you can't see what the reason is, since it's all hidden away
20:07.57ennteesepski: yep.
20:08.20S4nD3r_How to fix a fstab file, I think my one crashed
20:08.23*** part/#debian PTH_ (PTH@
20:08.28greycatS4nD3r_: editor
20:08.37S4nD3r_I try it
20:08.38ipscguithe attitude: you do not need a gui, use the command line, learn to compile from source!  do not use openoffice or abiword, use vim or vigor.bollocks!
20:08.41solomonnbeardy: afaik.  don't see any displacement and all the led's etc. work
20:08.43sepskienntee, then the link from rc2.d contains some error like missins Sxx insfront or trying to load the iptables before networking or something
20:08.54LSorensenipscgui: actually compiling from source is something most people should not need to know how to do
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20:08.58greycatipscgui: use apt-get install instead of compiling.
20:09.03greycatipscgui: the rest sounds good.
20:09.03S4nD3r_I tried it greycat
20:09.03*** mode/#Debian [+l 843] by debhelper
20:09.11greycatS4nD3r_: man fstab; editor /etc/fstab
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20:09.15ennteesepski: i'll double check it. i used update-rc.d to make the links tho =\
20:09.23LSorensenipscgui: and TeX gives way better control over a document than openoffice
20:09.37S4nD3r_I know that is basic, but it was working good
20:09.42LSorensenipscgui: and it's scriptable so you can save time on repeated tasks, something gui's are very bad at
20:09.53S4nD3r_There were no problem to mount another partitions of my HD
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20:09.58ipscguigreycat: i'm looking for graphical frontend for ipsc (IP Subnet Calculator) which is currently mantained and does not depend on gnome or kde, any pointers? i can also use a different similar app (with a gui!)
20:10.02S4nD3r_But, suddenly it stopped to mount them
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20:10.15S4nD3r_shows messages as fs is wrong
20:10.22LSorensenipscgui: calculating ip addresses and subnets is so trivial I can't even imagine what a tool would do for you
20:10.25S4nD3r_the partitions are VFAT and NTFS
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20:10.51LSorensenS4nD3r_: does your kernel have support for those filesystems?  check /proc/filesystems
20:11.00ipscguiLSorensen: the developers of gipsc wasted their time, right?
20:11.04jeebersgreycat:  thanks a mill.. that worked a treat.. not a perfect solution over all but i will do for now anyhow.
20:11.10Nwallinshow can i make sure that the agpgart module isn't loaded on boot?
20:11.20sepskienntee, try running the link in /etc/rc2.d/Sxxiptables start manualy to verify the link, if that work try moving the link out later in the boot prossess
20:11.20LSorensenipscgui: I sure think so.
20:11.26S4nD3r_If I use the command mount -t vfat /dev/hdXX /XXX it works good.
20:11.28LSorensenipscgui: they could have written something useful instead
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20:11.39superSSSI installed new kernel-image but now PALO loader doesnt want to start it becouse of error, how do i use an old kernel, what is the escape sequence from palo?
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20:12.01ipscguiLSorensen: they could have written another vi clone, right?
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20:12.10S4nD3r_LSorensen, yes, the kernel support
20:12.10LSorensensuperSSS: hmm, tought question.  lilo uses shift, not sure about palo
20:12.11tweekken_ipscgui: basics of vim are SO simple
20:12.18greycat!vi basics
20:12.18dpkgvi is a modal editor: it has insert, replace and command modes.  You start in command mode.  Press "i" to enter insert mode, and ESC to go back to command mode.  "dd" deletes a line, and "x" deletes a character.  Save-and-exit with "ZZ".
20:12.20LSorensenipscgui: vim is already perfect.  don't need another
20:12.23speedymy local time is set to EST how can i change that?
20:12.29superSSSLSorensen: shift doesnt work :/
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20:12.39LSorensensuperSSS: not surprised.  serial console?
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20:12.46EvanCarrollspeedy: tzselect
20:12.47superSSSLSorensen: maybe i specify in console what to boot?
20:12.49LSorensensuperSSS: control+c maybe, or 'break'
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20:12.53ennteesepski: yep, it all checks out. i wonder if maybe "iptables save active" is not saving some part of my iptables script.
20:12.55LSorensensuperSSS: hmm, could be
20:13.03ipscguitweekken_: you do not need images, and by the way why use bloatware likefirefox when you can use elinks, right?
20:13.03LSorensensuperSSS: I haven't used parisc with linux
20:13.11S4nD3r_mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hdf5,
20:13.17S4nD3r_Its so strange
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20:13.24speedyEvanCarroll: thanks
20:13.25LSorensenipscgui: I do use elinks for most of my browsing.
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20:13.26greycatevil PCI IDE adapter things.
20:13.35EvanCarrollS4nD3r_: is it on an expansion card?
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20:13.52sepskiLSorensen, people that want to use the computer for writing a letter and paying their bills on the net, dont want to mess with vi or such they use the computer as a tool, use the right tool for the job, vi is awsome for config files, not so good for your letter to you'r grandchild. people have different needs.
20:14.00tweekken_ipscgui: in order to convince someone of your ideas you must first be sure you know what they are
20:14.00LSorensenS4nD3r_: well the wrong fs type, bad option or bad superblock are all possible, and much more likely than the last possibility
20:14.02EvanCarrollS4nD3r_: hrm do you need the data on it?
20:14.03ipscguiLSorensen: firefox and X web browsers are for wimps, right?
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20:14.17jetscreamerNwallins, take it out of /etc/modules or blacklist it in discover and/or hotplug
20:14.22tweekken_ipscgui: is a GUI troll?
20:14.26LSorensensep: sure, they can go use an internet appliance.  A PC is probably overkill for their needs.
20:14.27travisatI have used vim to write papers.
20:14.30greycatsome sort of troll, to be sure.
20:14.32S4nD3r_are files from another HD that Im transfering to linux partition
20:14.34tweekken_ipscgui: #gui ?
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20:14.45greycatS4nD3r_: are you sure hdf is the right designation for it?
20:14.47PRO1how do i enable ssh on debian??
20:14.51greycatPRO1: apt-get install ssh
20:14.53LSorensenPRO1: apt-get install ssh
20:15.04jetscreamerand man hosts.allow and hosts.deny
20:15.21S4nD3r_greycat, yes
20:15.24EvanCarrollS4nD3r_: so is that a yes or no?
20:15.25greycator if it's already installed, dpkg-reconfigure it
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20:15.37LSorensenipscgui: firefox is for when you NEED graphics, which fortunately is not the case most of the time
20:15.43tweekken_ipscgui: pershaps your energy could be spent writing white papers on GUIs and their purposes then rewrite EVERYthing to use GUIs
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20:15.51ipscguii'm not trying to convince anyone about anything, it isjust that when you ask a question here, they do not give you THE answer (there is no such app yet,mate)
20:16.02dpkgi guess trollfood is Substance to feed trolls; Statements worthy for flamewars; Responces to contentius remarks; Remark made in effort to get the last word with a cantankerous unemployeed prepubescent bastard.
20:16.14jetscreamer'why not just make a gui that's a front end to everything instead?
20:16.15greycatipscgui: we can't definitively say "nobody has ever done XXXX", because we might be wrong.
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20:16.27sepskiipscgui there is web based ip calculator if that helps you i assume the web is considered a gui ?
20:16.32greycatdpkg, trollfood =~ s/contentius/contentious/
20:16.33dpkgOK, greycat
20:16.42jetscreameruse qalculate
20:16.50greycatdpkg, trollfood =~ s/unemployeed/unemployed/
20:16.50dpkgOK, greycat
20:16.50ricky_clarksonUse?  I can't even pronounce it.
20:16.57jetscreamer1INFO QALCULATE
20:17.10greycatjetscreamer: U R TEH FUNNY LOLZ
20:17.13jetscreameri am the capmonster
20:17.19LSorensenipscgui: besides there is a package called gipsc in debian (but likely not woody)
20:17.25ipscguisepski, thanks. does it work on aPC with no internet connection
20:17.42sepskiipscgui, obviously not
20:17.43jetscreameroh wait... there are no caps
20:17.59ipscguiLSorensen, did you read my question? no gnome dependency!
20:18.07jetscreamer!info qalculate
20:18.12solomonnyeah, i didn't have speaker support in my kernel.  hehehehe.
20:18.13dpkgqalculate: (Powerful and easy to use desktop calculator), section gnome, is optional. Version: 0.7.1-1 (sid), Packaged size: 1622 kB, Installed size: 4880 kB
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20:18.46jetscreamerthat's a fucked up description, that thing does everything i think
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20:19.00LSorensenipscgui: too bad.  that's what it uses.   people writing GUIs don't want to spend forever reinventing the wheel so they use nice toolkits like gnome to save time.  After all they have better things to do than writing useless guis
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20:19.05jetscreamer'probably' has the ipcalc too
20:19.28RedPenguinDarn, my new Deb machine has the two NICs switched
20:19.33jetscreameri'd crank it up and look but i seem to be hobbled
20:19.38ipscguiLSorensen: i do not consider non gnome guis useless, do you?
20:19.54LSorensenipscgui: I consider most gui frontends to command line tools useless.
20:19.56PRO1i've installed debian and its all working but im a little worreid about my partitoins i wanted a couple of seperate partitions for like /home and stuff how can i check what partitions i have??
20:20.09tweekken_ipscgui: you can write your own with ANY interface(s) you wish at any time...
20:20.12LSorensenipscgui: and there is nothing wrong with gnome.
20:20.15RedPenguinWhat is the easiest way to switch two NICs?
20:20.18polytancan have add help to install debian from nfs !?!
20:20.25RedPenguinMeaning eth0 to eth1 and eth1 to eth0
20:20.30LSorensenRedPenguin: swap the order of the modules in /etc/modules?
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20:20.41ricky_clarksonRedPenguin: modprobe -a ne io=0xfirst,0xsecond
20:20.44jetscreamereasiest way is cfdisk /dev/hda (b) PRO1 .. just dont write anything
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20:20.50robin_szRonin: that qmailrocks thing? .. its even madder than DJB!! ... and thats saying someting
20:20.50ricky_clarksons/ne/whatever your module is/
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20:20.56jetscreamercat /proc/partitions just gives #'s i think
20:21.06PRO1ok jetscreamer thanks
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20:22.05PRO1thats great its automatically given me seperate partitons for everything :))
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20:22.37jetscreamerthat thing will write you new partions so don't write unless you mean it
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20:22.46S4nD3r_If I use the command mount -t vfat /dev/hde1 /windows/c it works good.
20:23.14LSorensenS4nD3r_: do you have an hdf5 partition?  cat /proc/partitions to see what the system found on boot
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20:23.46S4nD3r_yes I have
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20:24.17S4nD3r_LSorensen, I see hdf5 there
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20:25.11LSorensenS4nD3r_: well what does this tell you: file -s /dev/hdf5
20:25.32S4nD3r_dev/hdf5: x86 boot sector, code offset 0x5a, OEM-ID "MSWIN4.1", sectors/cluster 16, Media descriptor 0xf8, heads 255, hidden sectors 16386363, sectors 24579387 (volumes > 32 MB) , FAT (32 bit), sectors/FAT 11996, reserved3 0x800000, serial number 0x9e9203c, label: "DADOS      "
20:25.47LSorensenS4nD3r_: well that would be fat32/vfat then
20:25.59ipscguiLSorensen: i do not consider* non *gnome guis useless, do you?  write my own interface front end, i am not a programmer!
20:26.22LSorensenipscgui: well if you can't write one, you will have to use what exists which at the moment (in debian at least) is gnome based
20:26.33asplodzor_what about kde?
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20:26.47LSorensenipscgui: and in my experience gnome is way nicer for a programer than kde's awful mess
20:27.05LSorensenipscgui: I have written both kde and gnome stuff, and the gnome stuff is way more sane
20:27.08S4nD3r_Why doesnt accept that in my fstab file?
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20:27.15LSorensenS4nD3r_: wrong syntax?
20:27.18S4nD3r_/dev/hdf5       /windows/F      vfat    rw,alunos,gid=alunos,umask=0002,iocharset=utf8 0 0
20:27.20PRO1when i try to add a user account i get "groupadd: unable to lock group file" any ideas?
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20:27.37Roninrobin_sz: madder? its a cake walke to install it
20:27.52LSorensenS4nD3r_: the option after rw, looks unvalid.  should that be uid= ?
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20:28.13robin_szRonin: did you follow all the instructions?
20:28.15S4nD3r_Oh.... myyyyyy
20:28.26S4nD3r_I got the error
20:28.33vahid:(( debian can't detect sound card , i'm new in linux ( mandrake and suse and fedora work wel l by sound card , what can i do ?
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20:28.37S4nD3r_rw, alunos, gid=alunos... its duplicated
20:28.40Roninrobin_sz: yes, well except for clamav, i have no windows machines connecting to the mail server so i don't need the avp
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20:29.03greycatvahid: install sarge.
20:29.09greycatvahid: don't use an Audigy 2.
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20:29.28asplodzor_is the Audigy 2 not supported in sarge?
20:29.31robin_szRonin: it starts off with create a /downloads directory. anyone who starts off creating random directories in / for storing install files i as mad as djb
20:29.46jetscreameripscgui, why do we need to know these things, btw
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20:29.59greycatasplodzor_: probably not in any version of Linux that uses OSS, which Sarge uses by default.  It *might* work in ALSA, which is in sarge, but which is not the default.
20:30.03vahidgreycat, i install sarge
20:30.08Roninthen delete the thing when the install is done, its just a repository for when you extract the packages
20:30.13vahidgreycat, net install
20:30.18tetronI have a packaging question.  there's a debhelper script which is supposed to scan all the binaries in a package and generate dependency info in ${misc:Depends}.  what's that program called?
20:30.21jarmohmm.. it didn't work with that.. another hd says you don't have permissions, and another one says that access denied =D
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20:30.34jetscreameralsa is the default in sarge d-i, if that wasn't clear
20:30.37Zap-Wneed examples for configuring ppp device with /etc/network/interfaces
20:30.46RoundQubei just installed fluxbox and up til about a minute ago, i could start it as reg user but now X only loads as root. Any ideas? I've looked at the log file and no errors.
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20:31.48jetscreamerRoundQube, did you upgrade sometime recently? dpkg-reconfigure xserver-common has something that seems similar, might be something different
20:31.52RedPenguinI just want to add in the newest ftape into my precompiled kernel, can I do this without taking tons of time and compiling and stuff?
20:32.05robin_szRonin: sigh .. creating things in / is bad.
20:32.10jetscreameryeah RedPenguin just modprobe it
20:32.10valdyn_Zap-W: iface ppp0 inet ppp \ provider dsl-provider
20:32.18jetscreameror use modconf
20:32.33Roninthen dont do it, only takes 30 minutes to get up and runnign but hey to each thier own
20:32.35RedPenguinAll I know is that I need at least ftape 4 for my tape drive
20:32.42jetscreameriirc the ftape modules are compiled as modules by default with stock debian kernels
20:32.54RedPenguinAnd it doesn't seem to be in the last kernel I used but I selected a slightly newer kernel this time
20:33.11jetscreamernot sure the version though
20:33.27NaRCoTHelp Please: Since I've tried to installed 'smb4k' and crached my Xserver I can't use 'apt-get'. always the same error: 'dpkg: error prossecing xxxxxxx.deb trying to overwrite xxxxx.desktop which also in pkg xxxxx    E: subproccess /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)'    I found a bug report on it but I can't get rid of it....what Do I have to do?
20:33.41jarmowell, if I'm @ uid:1000 and gid:1000, and those are in fstab, why can't I access those hd's?
20:33.50dondelelcaroNaRCoT: paste the full output of the dpkg run into #flood
20:34.02dondelelcarojarmo: what is the output of mount for those harddrives?
20:34.07RoundQubehmm jetscreamer, still didn't work although it looked like it might have
20:34.16jarmoU mean partition or..?
20:34.20NaRCoTdondelelcaro: How do I do it with ircII?
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20:34.23jarmonewbie still =)
20:34.23RoundQubei know permissions are fine on my xserver because it worked a lil while ago
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20:34.35dondelelcaroNaRCoT: dunno, if you can't figure it out, use the paster bot.
20:34.37dpkgInstead of pasting in #debian or #flood, use paster, your friendly paste bot. Visit select #debian, and paste away.
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20:34.44ipscguijetscreamer: what do you mean?
20:35.01dondelelcarojetscreamer: don't EVER run --force-all.
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20:35.07RedPenguinjetscreamer, yeah that is what I mean, I just want to upgrade the version of ftape, but I wasn't sure of what other to do excpet use the ftape sources
20:35.09NunyerBsup all
20:35.13RedPenguinBut the ftape sources want the kernel sources
20:35.15dondelelcarojetscreamer: if you need specific options, use the exact --force that you need
20:35.21RoundQubesup NunyerB
20:35.21NaRCoTdendelelcaro: I can't use a browser, I'm Xserverless
20:35.26Zap-Wiface ppp1 inet ppp
20:35.30Zap-Wgood enouth?
20:35.32jetscreamerNaRCoT, lynx
20:35.39jarmowhat did you mean by that output of mount?
20:35.41dondelelcaroNaRCoT: well, then you need to at least fill in what the xxxx stuff is.
20:35.52valdyn_Zap-W: yes
20:35.52POVaddctNaRCoT: w3m, links
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20:35.54dondelelcarojarmo: just run mount; and then tell me what it says for the harddrives that you can't access.
20:36.03NaRCoTdondelelcaro: I'll write the full msg...
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20:36.32NunyerBlong time slack user here (off an on) i got a few really old systems here that im gonna combine to make a 1/2 way descent linux box. my question is the powersupply this box has, has only 3 molex connectors. i have 3 3.2gigers and 1 32x cdrom. which way do u think i should go
20:36.46NunyerBshould i just toss out the cdrom?
20:36.58dondelelcaroNunyerB: the number of connectors doesn't matter. The wattage of the powersupply does.
20:37.07greycat!dict descent
20:37.11valdyn_NunyerB: how the fuck should we know
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20:37.19RoundQubeNunyerB: just use a power splitter or buy a cheap power supply that has enough connectors because the more wattage one will
20:37.23NunyerBi dont think the box has space for 3 drives and a cdrom
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20:37.37RoundQubeNunyerB: then buy a new case w/ psu
20:37.40jetscreamerNunyerB, they sell y adapters for like 2.95
20:37.41dondelelcaroit's a harddrive. You can tape the thing anywhere you want to
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20:37.44jarmothat's what it says
20:37.56jetscreamerntfs rw??
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20:38.01sepskiNunyerB, that's ok most of the stuff that's "in" my pc hang from wires on the outside anyway
20:38.13jarmowell but still can't connect to that another one
20:38.14dondelelcarojarmo: ok, then you haven't mounted it with the appropriate uid, gid, fmask ,dmask, and umask options.
20:38.17abecohello does somebody know about a howto or something well explained about how to install linux on an externel usb disk (20 GB) without usb boot support on the motherboard? (burning a cdrom with boot)
20:38.21jetscreamerdon't write to it eh... and if you do, man ntfsfix
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20:38.44dpkgadd a line similar to: /dev/hdd1 /mnt/hdd1 vfat rw,users,auto,gid=24,uid=1001,fmask=0222,dmask=0222 to your fstab... change the hdxx and uid, and maybe the gid if you want.
20:39.00jarmowhat about that umask thingy?
20:39.16sepskiabeco, generaly bootloader+kernel+initrd with the nessesary usb/fs drivers on the cd and filesystem on usb
20:39.16jarmonot needed?
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20:39.19NaRCoTdondelelcaro: error: 'dpkg: error prossecing /var/cache/apt/archives/kdebase_4%3a2.2.2-14.9_i386.deb trying to overwrite /usr/share/local/l10n/caribbean.desktop which also in pkg kdebase-data    E: subproccess /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)'
20:39.21dondelelcarojarmo: you don't need to set it if you set fmask and dmask
20:39.37jarmowell it didn't work last time I tried it..
20:39.39abecosepski the problem is that i don't know how to do that...
20:39.41jarmobut gotta try again then
20:39.42stewNaRCoT: did you check the bts yet?
20:39.45dondelelcaroNaRCoT: file a bug against kdebase-data (or kdebase) and dpkg --force-overwrite /var/cache/apt/archives/kdebase_4%3a2.2.2-14.9_i386.deb;
20:39.50NaRCoTdondelelcaro: But I get it with other pkgs too, that's why I wrote xxxx  before....
20:39.55Noliushello can somebody help me to add my appl into debian distro?
20:39.56PRO1do my partitions look OK? > i have got nothing installed but im getting drive full errors on boot??
20:39.59jarmoare those 0222 numbers the one's to be added or something else?
20:39.59dondelelcaro!info kdebase
20:40.03dpkgkdebase: (KDE Base metapackage), section kde, is optional. Version: 4:3.3.2-1 (sid), Packaged size: 19 kB, Installed size: 48 kB
20:40.09dondelelcaroNaRCoT: which version of Debian is this, by the way?
20:40.16dondelelcaro!info kdebase woody
20:40.19CurtmanIs there some way to have a package like samba installed, but not have it added to /etc/rcX.d/ every time I apt-get upgrade?  I'd much rather just manually start it when needed.
20:40.22*** join/#debian ribnitz (
20:40.26dpkgkdebase: (KDE core applications), section x11, is optional. Version: 4:2.2.2-14.8 (woody), Packaged size: 6333 kB, Installed size: 16280 kB
20:40.28sepskiabeco, you should also be able to use a floppy i guess. easier to try out stuff before you burn it on cd
20:40.30NaRCoTdondelelcaro: Ver. 3.1
20:40.42ribnitzdo I need the 75 dpi fonts if my display does 100 dpi?
20:40.43abecosepski my laptop has no floppy
20:40.43dondelelcaroNaRCoT: you've still got woody packages kicking around, though.
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20:40.52dondelelcaroNaRCoT: 2.2.2-14.8 is woody, not sarge.
20:41.02*** join/#debian Blackvel (
20:41.14dondelelcaroNaRCoT: you need to fix your sources.list to point at sarge and apt-get update; apt-get upgrade; until these errors stabalize
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20:41.19Blackvelhow can I list which packages I have installed on 3.0? apt-get? apt-cache?
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20:41.30jetscreamerdpkg -l
20:41.32dpkgTo list installed packages, COLUMNS=200 dpkg -l |grep ^[hi]i|awk '{print $2}'; man dpkg; man grep; man awk;
20:41.41ribnitzBlackvel: dpkg -l |grep ii
20:42.05Blackveloh, hadnt known that dpkg (its some vserver with debian)
20:42.09*** join/#debian Ketter (
20:42.10Blackvelcool stuff!
20:42.12NaRCoTdondelelcaro: How do I fix my sources ?  How do I know which ones are ok and which aren't ?
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20:42.29ribnitzNaRCoT: apt-setup
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20:42.29jetscreamerNaRCoT, try dselect...
20:42.48NaRCoTBut how Do I know which ones to select ?
20:42.52Blackvelanyone using postfix with some webmailer?
20:43.10jetscreamerNaRCoT, for a looksee
20:43.11Blackvelis IMAP and squirrelmail really the only way to go?
20:43.14ribnitzBlackvel: exim + horde here.
20:43.18greycatdpkg, installed =~ s#grep ^[hi]i|awk '#awk '/^[hi]i/#
20:43.18dpkggreycat: that doesn't contain 'grep ^[hi]i|awk ''
20:43.20*** part/#debian Nolius (~Nolius@
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20:43.35ribnitzBlackvel: also, how much do you ask from your webmailer?
20:43.42NaRCoTjetscreamer: how would I know what to choose ?
20:43.47RoundQubejetscreamer: any clues as to why else X wont start as regular user?
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20:43.54greycatdpkg, installed packages =~ s#grep ^[hi]i|awk '#awk '/^[hi]i/#
20:43.54dpkggreycat: OK
20:43.58dpkgTo list installed packages, COLUMNS=200 dpkg -l |awk '/^[hi]i/{print $2}'; man dpkg; man grep; man awk;
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20:44.04jarmoshould there be some kinda boot or something to be added or done after those lines????
20:44.10jetscreamerNaRCoT, try apt-spy like they said, or apt-setup is another i think
20:44.27jarmo'cause it didn't work =)
20:44.30jetscreamerNaRCoT, or just change the countrycode and change sid to sarge or whatever
20:44.32Blackvelribnitz: it's a really very basic vServer system with aprox 2 pop3 accounts. that shouldn't get any webmailer into much trouble
20:44.53NaRCoTjetscreamer: where can I find the sid ?
20:45.01jetscreamerjarmo, no if you mean that factoid... but that line does work if all else is correct
20:45.06jetscreamerNaRCoT, you don't want sid
20:45.09ribnitzBlackvel: but do you want calendaring/addressbook/... or just a basic webmail?
20:45.15jetscreamerNaRCoT, are you running sarge or woody
20:45.24NaRCoTjetscreamer: debian 3.1
20:45.26jarmowell they must be if I can access to those hd's on root account..
20:45.46NaRCoTjetscreamer: Where do I have to change it?
20:45.58jetscreamerjarmo, did you change the uid and gid? or are you in the cdrom group if you didn't change the gid?
20:46.07ribnitzBlackvel: ilohamail is about the most basic I can think of, else its horde, or squirrelmail, or whatever.
20:46.11*** part/#debian ipscgui (~ipscgui@
20:46.15NaRCoTjetscreamer: In 'apt-setup' I have to choose what I want and I won't know the answers for that....
20:46.16jarmothey're now 1000 both of em as mine uid & gid
20:46.19jetscreamerNaRCoT, change what says sid to sarge, using that sources.list as a template
20:46.33ricky_clarkson!install gentoo
20:46.47ricky_clarkson!install gentoo is <reply>It takes three commands to install Gentoo:
20:46.47dpkgokay, ricky_clarkson
20:46.53jetscreamererrr change unstable to sarge
20:47.07NaRCoTjetscreamer: nothing says sid or sarge in there...
20:47.16NaRCoTjetscreamer:  ok...
20:47.32NunyerBwhat proc overclocks better a PII 300 or PII 333
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20:47.42NunyerBi also have a PII 266
20:47.43ribnitzNaRCoT: "stable" = woody, 'testing = sarge, 'unstable' 0 sid
20:48.05NaRCoTribnitz: thanks
20:48.22greycat!any ideas
20:48.22dpkgYeah, I have an idea!  But I'll need a drawer full of string, a little cod liver oil, and a dozen sex-crazed dairy cows.  And keep the NSA off my back for the next few minutes!
20:48.25jetscreamerRoundQube, one thing happened to me once that did that was ~/.ICEauthority and ~/.Xauthority had their permissions fuxored
20:48.25ribnitzNaRCoT: so change woody to sarge
20:48.37jetscreamerNaRCoT, ^^
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20:48.57NaRCoTribnitz: so everywhere it says stable needs to be changed to sarge ?
20:49.06ribnitzNaRCoT: yep.
20:49.10CurtmanIs there some way to have a package like samba installed, but not have it added to /etc/rcX.d/ every time I apt-get upgrade?  I'd much rather just manually start it when needed.
20:49.12jetscreamerjarmo, paste your fstab in a pastebot
20:49.13foob4rtWho runs the top-level domain name zone?
20:49.15dpkgextra, extra, read all about it, paste is Do not paste into the channel. Use #flood , visit , or try /msg paster help. don't eat this stuff
20:49.20ribnitzNaRCoT: except for security, which isnt there yet.
20:49.36greycatfoob4rt: which one? ;-)
20:49.37NaRCoTribnitz: ok, I'll try that...
20:49.41*** part/#debian websdale (
20:49.45jarmowhere's that pastebox =D sorry for my newbie thingy =)
20:49.46foob4rtgreycat: "."
20:50.01greycatfoob4rt: depends on which root.hints file you use.
20:50.03jarmosomething like !paste?
20:50.08jetscreamer!tell jarmo about paste
20:50.10greycatyou mean the one that MOST people use?
20:50.20ribnitzI dont need 75 dpi fontas for X do I?
20:50.28foob4rtgreycat: ok...I'm curious.  Which one is that?
20:50.34jetscreamerribnitz, i 'think' i read you don't have to, but i don't remember
20:50.37stewfoob4rt: type dig, you'll get a list of root servers, then run whois on each
20:50.41jarmoit is there already
20:50.46jarmono help from it
20:50.51jarmoon fstab
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20:50.57jetscreamerwhere is the paste
20:50.57ribnitzjetscreamer: My display does 100 dpi..
20:51.08jetscreamerribnitz, i dunno, i just think i remember
20:51.10foob4rtstew: but I assume those are all synchronized from a central registry, which all the registrars update.
20:51.27stewfoob4rt: yes, thats what the root servers are
20:51.34jarmooh damn
20:51.58jarmojust can't get any sence from this thingy..
20:52.01Blackvelribnitz: I am not sure about calendaring/addressbook. I even do not use outlook 2002 yet. I have to upgrade to it some day so I can syncronize with my PDA. so no, I do not use these functions for the moment and there is no requirement for them in a webmailer
20:52.02jarmotoo hard
20:52.02greycatthat's *probably* who you wanted me to say.
20:52.08jetscreamerwhat thingy
20:52.10foob4rtgreycat: How did Internic fit in?
20:52.13jarmolinux thingy =P
20:52.18stewfoob4rt: i think the answer you are looking for is network solutions
20:52.24jetscreamerjarmo, did you paste your fstab somewhere?
20:52.27greycatfoob4rt: I don't know the whole history of the internet, sorry.
20:52.30jarmonot =D
20:52.31greycatfoob4rt: I use OpenNIC at home.
20:52.35jarmojust trying..
20:52.42jarmowas it #flood?
20:52.43jetscreamercan't see it from here dude :)
20:52.52stewinternic is gone replaced by icann
20:52.52jetscreamer#flood or paste in a bot
20:52.59jetscreamer!tell jarmo about paste
20:53.20jetscreamerjarmo, /msg dpkg paste next time eh :)
20:53.25ribnitzBlackvel: take ilohamail.
20:53.41ribnitzBlackvel: very basic webmailer that does just that.
20:54.23omry_how do I activate tun module (and have /dev/net/tun) ?
20:54.42jarmoI just can't use this even.. don't be mad to me =/
20:54.59jarmoI haven't got any usage for irc earlier than this..
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20:55.04dpkgi heard tun is sudo mkdir /dev/net && sudo mknod /dev/net/tun c 10 200
20:55.10NaRCoTjetscreamer: will it solve the 'apt-get' errors problem?
20:55.17jarmodid it came through?
20:55.25jetscreamerNaRCoT, should.. do apt-get update first
20:55.35Curtmanomry_: Check /usr/src/linux/Documentation/networking/tuntap.txt
20:55.56NaRCoTjetscreamer: already did, I'm 'apt-get -f upgrade' now...
20:55.56jarmooh well
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20:56.11jarmoit isn't going to work tho
20:56.23stewNaRCoT: if you are trying to go from woody to sarge, see /msg dpkg woody->sarge
20:56.29jarmowhy it has to be so f----ing hard
20:56.34jetscreamerjarmo, that's the mount output.. i want to see /etc/fstab , the file
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20:56.50jetscreamerjarmo, it gets easier after the first 1000000000 times... :)
20:57.23jarmo/msg dpkg /dev/hde1/media/kovo2vfatrw,users,auto,gid=1000,uid=1000,fmask=0222,dmask=0222
20:57.34jetscreamernonono not here :)
20:57.37omry_Curtman, I don't have Documents, what should I install to get it?
20:57.40jarmoI saw too late
20:57.43NaRCoTstew: thank you...
20:57.47jarmoenter was faster than me
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20:57.55Skaagomg i love debian so much
20:58.00jarmoI don't
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20:58.04jarmoI hate it already
20:58.08sepskiSkaag,who dosnt :)
20:58.13Curtmanomry_: Documents?  It's in the kernel source.
20:58.14Skaagjarmo: you will mature
20:58.26ricky_clarkson/part I hate teh Debain! /j #windows
20:58.29Skaagjarmo: seen it, done it..
20:58.34jarmoand fucked it up
20:58.35marcincould someone help me and tell how to write simple script which will check periodically (cron) if ppp connection exists and restart /etc/init.d/networking when ppp is broken?
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20:58.55RedPenguinIsn't it usually /dev/eth*? I am using ethernet but /dev/eth* is no where
20:59.09NaRCoTstew: I can't 'apt-get install aptitude' cause my 'apt' doesn't work...
20:59.09Curtmanomry_: I can mirror it for you here if you like.  ;)
20:59.13EvanCarrollmarcin: the ppp dameon should be able to do that
20:59.22ricky_clarksonNaRCoT: sup with apt-get?
20:59.30jarmowell was there any help from that fstab paste?
20:59.43jarmoor should I again format this partition?
20:59.48cartel_hey guys
20:59.52sepskiRedPenguin, it's usualy just eth0 what context ?
21:00.00marcinEvanCarroll: should but it doesn't restart connection
21:00.01jarmohaven't got use for unworking os =P
21:00.05*** part/#debian chino (
21:00.07omry_Curtman, thanks :)
21:00.11stewNaRCoT: then you need to try repeating apt-get dist-upgrade ;apt-get -f install  until it fixes itself i guess
21:00.22stewNaRCoT: or backup your data and start over with d-i
21:00.32NaRCoTricky_clarkson: I always get the same error about proccessing ***.deb  then trying to overwrite  - > error, then it ends with errors...
21:00.34marcinEvanCarroll: persist option in pppd script doesnt work
21:00.39omry_Curtman, just saved me ~40mb download of kernel sources for the wrong kernel :)
21:00.47jetscreamerjarmo, tell me what ls -l /bin/mount returns
21:00.49ricky_clarksonNaRCoT: That's amazingly nonspecific.  Do you aim towards vagueness?
21:00.52stewricky_clarkson: he's running mixed woody/sarge/sid
21:01.03ricky_clarksonstew: Or "sid with some old packages".
21:01.04jetscreamerNaRCoT, use dselect
21:01.05EvanCarrollmarcin: not using ppd, srry =/
21:01.23dpkgfix-unmet is probably run dselect --expert. hit the down arrow once. then hit enter a lot. problem solved. (if the packages are available and/or scripts not borked)
21:01.26NaRCoTricky_clarkson: that's because I already pasted it twice in the channel and it's long....
21:01.38RedPenguinsepski, well I should now have /dev/eth0 and /dev/eth1, but I don't see even /dev/eth anything but I don't see how the heck that can be possible if I just SSHed into it on the one Ethernet card
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21:02.04sepskiRedPenguin, you never have those, ever. what do you need them for ?
21:02.09jarmoand where you want that paste..
21:02.15ricky_clarksonNaRCoT: Perhaps you should use a Uniform Resource Locator.
21:02.22NaRCoTjetscreamer: Which ones to choose with dselect ?
21:02.22jetscreamerjarmo, here is cool, it's one line right?
21:02.35settledowni got  "error while initializing sound driver" at login
21:02.36RedPenguinWell, where would I configure my second ethernet card then?
21:02.38jetscreamerNaRCoT, choose nothing, follow instruchtions, hit enter a lot
21:02.39RedPenguinIsn't it still eth1?
21:02.41jarmoit shouldn't be
21:02.44jarmobut is still =P
21:02.44stewNaRCoT: /lastlog dondelelcaro and read his advice, the --force-overwrite will get you past your current woe
21:02.47sepskiRedPenguin, in /etc/networking/interfaces
21:02.49ricky_clarksonRedPenguin: What makes you think that you should have /dev/eth anything?
21:02.54settledownhow do i reconfigure the sound driver
21:03.02NaRCoTricky_clarkson: what's Uniform Resource Locator ?
21:03.03jetscreamerok #flood is cool jarmo
21:03.13jarmoit works with that?
21:03.14RedPenguinricky_clarkson, well, just because I am used to other distros and they usually all had them is all
21:03.16jetscreameruri, kinda like a url but a little different
21:03.21jetscreamerjust flood
21:03.23dieguitois something happening with php4-mysql package? or php packages in general? mysql module is not working ... im using lastest version of everything on sid
21:03.28jarmoflood -rwsr-xr-x  1 root root 76888 2004-09-24 07:34 /bin/mount
21:03.32jarmojust can't sorry
21:03.38NaRCoTstew: I'll try that..
21:03.45stewdieguito: did you check the bts?
21:03.49jetscreamerno while in flood chan, but that's cool your mount permissions are fine :/
21:03.52ribnitzdieguito: didnt they switch to 4.1?
21:04.07RedPenguinThis is very interesting
21:04.10RedPenguinno /etc/networking
21:04.23dieguitoribnitz, then i should install mysql 4.1 server?
21:04.27sepskinetwork sorry
21:04.27RedPenguinIf it is supposed to be there, it should, I just installed this machine
21:04.30juhovRedPenguin: it's /etc/network
21:04.46jarmonext idea =)
21:04.51ribnitzdieguito: no idea there, but I heard people fussing about 4.1
21:04.54sepskiRedPenguin, i never remember them exactly i just write the first 3 letters and use the [tab] key
21:05.02dieguitostew, no idea what is bts...
21:05.04RedPenguinOh I think networking is like RedHat
21:05.06stew!btssmite dieguito
21:05.19stewdieguito: /msg dpkg bts
21:05.23jetscreamerjarmo, those lines you have in your fstab should work, (but hey change the fmask on the ntfs one to 0333) so either your uid is wrong (id in console to check) or your filesystem types are worng, or... try chowning the mountpoint directory (while it's not mounted)
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21:05.26sepskiRedPenguin, not exactly, this is more sane
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21:05.54RedPenguinlol sep]
21:05.59RedPenguinI mean /etc/networking i think is RedHat
21:06.09NaRCoTstew: what was the exect command? overwrite kdebase_4 with which pkg ?
21:06.18MarkaciWhat does "cat /etc/debian_version" spit out for sid?
21:06.25jetscreamerthat whould be chown jarmo:jarmo /media/kovo* or something
21:06.41RedPenguinJust out of curiousity, if you have to functional networking cards running and can both access the Internet, does most stuff just still use eth0 to download stuff?
21:06.44ricky_clarksonMarkaci: 3.1
21:06.53jetscreamerNaRCoT, scroll up or type /lastlog dondelelcaro
21:07.09sepskiRedPenguin, depends on how your routes are setup
21:07.10NaRCoTjetscreamer: thanks
21:07.13Markacisarge says 3.1 too. >_>
21:07.22sepskiRedPenguin, the one that have the default gw is used
21:07.22jetscreameryes it does
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21:07.43RedPenguink, second one configured
21:07.51RedPenguinJust need to figure out how to bring it up
21:07.55robin_sz#join #qmail
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21:08.12jarmothey're just correct, as I suspected : uid=1000(jarmo) gid=1000(jarmo)
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21:08.31sepskiRedPenguin, /etc/init.d/networking restart
21:08.34NaRCoTjetscreamer: lastlog gives me nothing except your msg
21:08.40apneadefault compiler doesn't have multibyte support?
21:08.43sepskiRedPenguin, or ifup eth1
21:09.14kingsley_What's a good way to merge several postscript files into one file?
21:09.38jarmogotta try to change that folder thingy which you told, thanks anyway [thinking windows again =D]
21:09.43RedPenguinEverything looks good
21:10.00RedPenguinI can half SSH in, if it will just hurry up and ask me for the password
21:10.28SkaagRedPenguin: it might have problems doing reverse dns on you
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21:10.56jarmog2g, I'll be back to tell if it works \o
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21:11.25RedPenguinSkaag, that might be it
21:11.30garyHello, i've just installed a new 2.6 kernel.  Could someone please remind me what the mouse device is named under this kernel.  I got it working yesterday, but i can't remember what it was.  The mouse device was /dev/aux under 2.4, but it's now changed.  Any ideas?
21:11.48RedPenguinBecuase now it kinda lags logging into SSH on both NICs
21:11.48PerfDave!2.6 mouse
21:11.49dpkgwell, 2.6 mouse is or see the #Debian FAQ ( (#1.3))
21:11.59*** part/#debian settledown (
21:12.12RedPenguinBut after logging into SSH, it is back to normal
21:12.14Skaaggary: I personally use /dev/input/mice or something like that
21:12.32garySkaag:  thanks
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21:12.39garyWageSlave: i tried that one :-\
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21:12.47Skaaggary: which version from the 2.6.x branch?
21:12.53Skaag(just out of curiosity)
21:12.57stewgary: /msg dpkg 2.6 mouse
21:13.01garyI can't really visit any urls as i am not in X, aww, i guess i'll manually type them into links
21:13.05garylet me just see
21:13.09RedPenguinSkaag, any solution to the rDNS issue?
21:13.19PerfDavegary: use screen to copy and paste URLs from irssi :)
21:13.19*** part/#debian Epilog (~duckman@
21:13.33SkaagRedPenguin: not that I know of :-)
21:13.35RedPenguinOh wait, I think like DNS is messed up on everything now
21:13.43WageSlaveKeep guessing all day I guess.
21:13.43RedPenguinIt is taking forever to just DNS on a ping
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21:14.20garyPerfDave: well i can't use my mouse :-\
21:14.24sepskiRedPenguin, check your resolv.conf and test that the servers in there are reachable
21:14.28PerfDavegary: You don't need to
21:14.28NaRCoTjetscream: stew: dondelelcaro: It worked !!   thank you all !  :)
21:14.41RedPenguinI just restarted networking and it went back to normal
21:14.49RedPenguinI only used ifup before
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21:15.03sepskiRedPenguin, also check that you only have 1 default gw unless your doing a dual uplink system that is
21:15.09garyhow can i check to see if /dev/input/mouse or whatever is my device?
21:15.24RedPenguinWow, this is so cool to me, I never really had the change to have two addresses for one machine.
21:15.36garydo i have to manually put it into Xfree86Config-4 ?
21:15.37RedPenguinI figured I might as well try it, since my one system was down and I am sicked and tired of trying to fix it
21:15.41ribnitzgary: usually the mouse maps to /dev/psaux
21:15.52sepskigary, dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86
21:15.56RedPenguinIt has to be overheating or something and on the net I found out Intel recalled the processor but now they say they didn't
21:16.06dracgary: You mean /dev/input/mice ? Try, cat /dev/input/mice and move the mouse, if some rubbish appears on your screen it's the right one.
21:16.15garyhmm, let me try it
21:16.17sepskiRedPenguin, why you think it's overheating ??
21:16.55garydrac: i tried it, but it just paused, i moved the mouse and nothing happened
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21:17.13garyso it went from bash# cat /dev/input/mice to just a blank line, i then pressed ctrl + c and it stopped
21:17.16garyi'll try that
21:17.33sepskigary, then try the same with /dev/psaux
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21:17.35ribnitzcan you recomment an audio steaming thing over a network?
21:17.40RedPenguinWell, no matter what OS I put on it, it will be find for a while, and all out of the blue just reboot
21:17.43doneillribnitz, icecast?
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21:17.57RedPenguinAnd when I took off the processor fan, the heaksink spelled like a barbaque
21:18.02bourne_againHey does anybody know where I can get an ISO for the netinstall cd for "sarge"
21:18.09RedPenguinPlus my mother thought something was burning in the room
21:18.10sepskiRedPenguin, outch..
21:18.14garyi tried sepski i tried that all ready
21:18.24ribnitzdoneill: with a nice web interface, etc?
21:18.41*** join/#debian bowman (
21:18.45garydrac, sepski : could it be that the module isn't loaded or something like that?
21:18.54sepskiRedPenguin, the coller is rated for that cpu ? then get some cooling paste to aply between cpu and cooler
21:18.57dracgary: yes, you have ps2 or usb mouse?
21:18.58doneillribnitz, good luck
21:19.08sepskigary, you have loaded the psmouse module ?
21:19.10dracgary: modprobe mousedev
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21:19.15dracgary: and perhaps modprobe psmouse
21:19.17ribnitzdoneill: the files are ogg vorbis.
21:19.20RedPenguinWell, I haven't looked into the specifics, but it isn't a computer from a factory
21:19.29RedPenguinMy friend made it for a Christmas present
21:19.30dracgary: then try cat /dev/psaux again.
21:19.33garydrac: i done that, but it just went to another bash prompt, didn't output anything
21:19.42garyi tried doing that a few times before actually
21:19.43sepskigary, also possible mousedev
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21:19.50dracgary: it just means they are allready loaded.
21:19.50bourne_againnvr mind
21:20.00dracgary: modprobe should be silent :)
21:20.03EvanCarroll/dev/psaux is depreciated
21:20.04ribnitzRedPenguin: there is very little hw that cannot be gotten to work with the penguins.
21:20.04dracgary: look at lsmod
21:20.07garyyea, i think i did add them to /etc/modules yesterday
21:20.11vahidhelp me !! the Sarge can't find my sound card
21:20.16sepskigary, lsmod to see if they are loaded.
21:20.17garydrac: just done that :D
21:20.21EvanCarrolluse /dev/input/mice on 2.6.x
21:20.30garyyep, it's there
21:20.52NaRCoTribnitz: DO you know if there's a way to remove all unneeded pkgs/file & folders after all of the mess I made with this woody sarge upgrade...?
21:21.02sepski!tell vahid about alsa
21:21.05PerfDaveNaRCoT: "unneeded" how?
21:21.08*** join/#debian phyrexx (
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21:21.24ribnitzNaRCoT: apt-get autoclean, otherwise try debfoster/deborphan
21:21.25RedPenguinHoly cow, I accident hit my ban button, and the banlist came up and it is huge
21:21.28*** join/#debian eNTi (~eNTi@
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21:22.10NaRCoTperfdave: I had tons of pkgs I don't need now. and while 'apt-get' worked I saw lot's of couldn't delete lines...
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21:22.17sepskiRedPenguin, big channel many assholes
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21:22.48RedPenguinI just didn't mean to look at it and it was just one big flood
21:22.58NaRCoTribnitz: I already ran 'apt-get clean' & 'autoclean' but I've got lots of files & folders that weren't deleted
21:23.21PerfDaveNaRCoT: You might want to look at deborphan and debfoster.
21:23.45Rambo3i get this error messege :" no core pointer " on start, and x cant start  , i run dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86 , and it doesnt work , its a tuchpad.  help
21:23.51ribnitzNaRCoT: thats uaually what --purge is for
21:23.59stewNaRCoT: whats an example of a file that you think should have been deleted?
21:24.15ribnitzdoneill: does this thing also stream video?
21:24.19RedPenguinJust out of curiousity, what is some of the stuff that people do in here with mulitple NICs?
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21:24.25RedPenguinBesides routers and/or firewalls
21:24.36doneillribnitz, no, your question didn't have 'video' in it..
21:24.39maxI'm trying to set up infrared device, it all seems so easy in the howtos :-/... after I use irattach status of /dev/ttyS2 is busy - where irattach is binding that device to? where should I look for infrared device? udev/2.6.10, Debian unstable
21:24.44doneilllook on
21:25.20maxthere are no /dev/ir* devices either before or after irattach
21:25.45ribnitzdoneill: basically what I want is that through some interface (does not have to be web-frontend), I can clic on a file and it gets opened, either audio or video (dvd..)
21:26.06sepskiRedPenguin, multiple uplinks if you need the redundancy. snifferbox with passive nic's. trafic shaping. but routes and firewalls mostly ofcouse
21:26.45ribnitzRedPenguin: securised connections.
21:27.16PerfDaveOoh, sniffer box is a good one, I forgot we had one of those.
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21:28.00ribnitzPerfDave: you mean that legal copying of all packets ot your friendly local authorities?
21:28.05sussudioin soviet russia, box sniffs you
21:28.06sepskisnort is good for keeping crap out of your network are there any better ?
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21:28.22bourne_againIn soviet russia, linux configures you!
21:28.32ribnitzsepski: snort is an ids, not a firewall.
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21:28.37sussudiobourne_again: reconfigures
21:28.51bourne_againsussudio: Reinstalls
21:28.55RedPenguinSnifferBoxs sound interesting
21:29.02*** mode/#Debian [+l 837] by debhelper
21:29.05sepskiribnitz, exactly i want it to detect virus /spam runs and trojans on my /20
21:29.15jetscreamerNaRCoT, run dselect, scroll down to the header where nothing is installed, (no *'s) highlight the header and hit _
21:29.19jetscreamerthat purges
21:29.19mike____hi, what MTA is best for setting up virtual domains and accounts?
21:29.22garydarn my mouse
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21:29.34vahidwhat is equal of "rpm -qa" in debain ?
21:29.40sepskiXsquared, exim is nice
21:29.42TiJayhi all
21:29.55beardyvahid: what does it do?
21:29.59sepskivahid, -qa = show all right ? then dpkg -la
21:30.02jetscreamerman alien
21:30.06Xsquaredsepski: i couldn't get virtual domains working in it very easily. :(
21:30.06jetscreamerah nm
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21:30.23jarmoHi again =)
21:30.29jarmoit didn't work =/
21:30.36jarmobut, something else appeared =D
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21:30.53sepskiXsquared, i'v allways used sendmail. but ill migrate when i have spare time... (something that is rare nowadays)
21:31.07jarmotried to add the line to mtab 'cause told can't find from either one that mount.. but not working even with it
21:31.12mixedupdoes anyone know where i can find documentation for working with vlans and debian?
21:31.24sussudiomixedup: google?
21:31.25jetscreamerno mtab is generated automagically, you don't want to edit that one
21:31.26PerfDaveribnitz: We use it to detect viruses and worms attacking our LAN
21:31.40*** part/#debian bourne_again (
21:31.41jgouldDoes any one know what firmware versions are supported using the Cisco Aironet minipci cards?
21:31.42ribnitzPerfDave: I dont use it yet.
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21:31.49Xsquaredsepski: at the moment im trying to setup postfix as an alternative. how do you use virtual mail... mysql or something else?
21:31.49maxany hints about configuring infrared?
21:31.56sussudiojgould: ask cisco"?
21:31.58jetscreamerdid you chown the /media stuff jarmo ?
21:32.16dpkg"Does anyone have X or use Y?" is taking a poll, not asking a valid question. Don't do it or sussudio's army of militant badgers will hurt you. Also see <ask> and <bad polls>
21:32.20jetscreameraka mountpoints?
21:32.20sepskii use mysql on sendmail will have to use some sort of db backend ofcouse
21:32.32jetscreameryeah like i typed out for you earlier
21:32.37sepskiunless it's only a few domains then flat files are good enouhf
21:32.41jarmotried to change the folder to /mnt/xxx
21:32.42jetscreamerthat whould be chown jarmo:jarmo /media/kovo* or something
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21:33.04Xsquaredsepski: yeah, my experiences with mail havn't been great in the past.
21:33.08jetscreamerthat would function, subsiture /mnt for /media
21:33.08jgouldsussudio: ask cisco?
21:33.09jarmoor just couldn't understand you =)
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21:33.23linux_Tuxhello how to use apt-get to install kernel source from CD i'm using Debian sarge
21:33.29jarmoso what should be done now?
21:33.32vahidalsaconf can't find my sound card , what can i do ?!
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21:33.36Rambo3what drivers do i need to for touchpad pointer...
21:33.39jarmo[get some sleep I think, but before that..]
21:33.42jetscreamerso ls -ld /mnt
21:33.48zeemannice irc room
21:33.49StooRambo3: synaptics perhaps
21:33.50ribnitzlinux_Tux: apt-get install kernel-source...
21:33.55jetscreamerif that's where your fstab points, JarJarBinks
21:33.56sepskivahid, do you use discover ? or did you load your card modules manually ?
21:34.00*** part/#debian kiu (
21:34.00jetscreameror /media
21:34.14jarmoand wanna know what's there?
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21:34.22jetscreamerjust does it say YOU
21:34.22vahidsepski, but i don't know name of driver
21:34.43linux_Tuxribnitz: suppose that i'm using sarge what about the kernel version correct name if the kernel is 2.6.8-2-686-smp
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21:34.47vahidsepski, "discover" ?
21:34.50WageSlavevahid do you have and snd* modules loaded already?
21:34.54jarmowhat does it say?? ...........
21:35.15jarmoit said total 8 and then those lines
21:35.16jetscreameryeah, does it say you... are you owner of those mountpoints blah blah.. no details
21:35.20sepskivahid, discover is a package that try to load the modules your hardware needs autmagicaly,. it's the first part of the dpkg output i showed you
21:35.22dezuriahow to turn off xserver ?
21:35.27sepski!tell vahid about alsa
21:35.30jarmoroot it said =D
21:35.34jarmowhy's that
21:35.36jetscreamer/etc/init.d/?dm stop sometimes
21:36.04jetscreamerjarmo, chown jarmo:jarmo /mnt/whaterveryouuseasamountpoint
21:36.15jetscreameror your username
21:36.21vahidsepski, tnx , i back again :)
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21:36.37zeemanahh fluxbox is a biatch to install
21:36.40jetscreameror just chown -R jarmo:jarmo /mnt
21:36.44JarJarBinksjetscreamer: ?
21:36.57jetscreamerah shit sorry tabaction
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21:36.59jarmodone both of em
21:37.02jarmoand should work now?
21:37.06sepskivahid, use lsmod to find out what is already loaded on your system, use lspci to find out what soundcard ytou have. use google to find out what alsa module you'r soundcard needs, or just use discover to try and do it automagicaly
21:37.09dezuriahow to turn off xserver ?
21:37.16jetscreamerjarmo, should
21:37.24jetscreamerdezuria /etc/init.d/?dm stop sometimes
21:37.31jarmoactually the folder opens but there's nothing inside =D
21:37.37dezuriatnx :)
21:37.46jetscreamerjarmo, mount /dev/hdb1 or whatever
21:37.49jarmooh didn't even..
21:38.17*** join/#debian tiredbones (
21:38.20jarmosays line 8 & 9 are bad
21:38.33jarmothat's where those your told lines exist =)
21:38.35jetscreamerokie.. what are 8&9.. the new ones?
21:38.40*** join/#debian Flimzy (
21:38.44jetscreamerpost em in #flood again
21:38.45vahidsepski, how can i run discover  , i have not "discover" command
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21:38.55jarmodon't tell me that #flood thingy, I just can't use it =D
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21:38.58quitttdo you know a decent port of Doom?
21:39.12jetscreamerquittt, apt-cache search doom
21:39.25jetscreamerjarmo, you just go into that channel and you type
21:39.27jetscreameror paste
21:39.31juhovjarmo: /join #flood, paste your stuff, /part #flood. now you can
21:39.34vahidsepski, in debian if i want list files of a package what parameter i must use with "dpkg" ?
21:39.44sepskivahid, discover runs at boot check if you have discover and version with dpkg -la | grep discover
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21:40.01jetscreameror use that pastebin again
21:40.09vahidsepski, version 1.7.7
21:40.15sepskidpkg -L package
21:40.16dpkgNo packages found matching package
21:40.18quitttjetscreamer, some of them sux!
21:40.40Blackvelribnitz: that ilohamail, can it access postfix pop3 accounts?
21:40.52EfaistOsdo u know how to disable devfs ?
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21:40.57jetscreamerquittt, google dark places
21:41.01ribnitzBlackvel: it accesses it through imap
21:41.13ribnitzBlackvel: apt-cache show ilohamail
21:41.17sepskivahid, check with lsmod if you have any sound modules loaded they start with snd_
21:41.23BlackvelI have no imap server on the vserver yet
21:41.26inc|freakywhere can i find a good apt-tools tutorial?
21:41.26sepskiand now it's goodnight
21:41.42garynighty night
21:41.50*** join/#debian Desolator (~MAREFUCK@
21:41.52Blackveli can not find that ilohamail package anyways, probably that 3.0 version is too old
21:42.04ribnitzBlackvel: yep.
21:42.19ribnitzBlackvel: upgrade to sarge, uless itas real critical
21:42.23Desolatorim a complete ass, I just started learning linux, is Debian a good distro for starters?
21:42.27*** join/#debian GooZ (
21:42.36dpkg[better] a matter of personal taste; asking "is foo better than bar?" is almost meaningless unless we know what *you* mean by "better".
21:42.39garyDesolator: hmm, it's not the best
21:42.39Blackvelnot sure
21:42.45Blackvelwell it is for homepage and email
21:42.49Desolatorwhat should I choose then?
21:42.54Desolatormaybe fedora, or gentoo?
21:42.54Blackvelbut I guess sarge won't crash neither
21:42.57garyprobably something like Mandrake or Fedora
21:43.03jarmoso was there help from it?
21:43.06BlackvelDesolator: gentoo is nothing for newbiews :)
21:43.07Desolatorim sorry for being such a moron
21:43.13ribnitzBlackvel: no, sarge will be fine.
21:43.30garyDesolator: you're not a moron.  There are so many distrubutions out there, it's very hard to know what to pick
21:43.31tiredbonesDesolator: try ubuntu, it's built on deb
21:43.31ribnitzDesolator: take a debian-installer and see yourself.
21:43.58Desolatorok, let me try
21:44.20PerfDaveDebian's a pretty good distro for beginners, because it's largely consistent and largely works without too much hassle.
21:44.21vahidwhere is module of sound ? sorry i'm new in linux
21:44.24garyDesolator: You said you just "started learning linux".  What did you start learning with?
21:44.36garyvahid: i believe it depends on your sound card
21:44.44greycatvahid: install sarge.  it should just work.  if it doesn't, you have to give us DETAILS.
21:45.03vahidgreycat, i install it, netinstall
21:45.20quittt./lsdldoom: relocation error: ./lsdldoom: undefined symbol: open_music
21:45.20*** join/#debian NaturalRoots (
21:45.29NaturalRootsdownload sarge iso? wherE?
21:45.38Blackveli really know too less about that server stuff
21:45.52Blackvelbut will some IMAP server just connect to postfix pop3 account?
21:46.06Blackvelso the imap server functions as an addon to postfix?
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21:46.26ribnitzBlackvel: that thing also does pop3 it seems
21:46.32Blackvelbut MX e-mails to my domains still get sent to postfix?
21:46.49Blackvelwhat thing? postfix?
21:46.54Blackveloh you mean the webmail?
21:47.08ribnitz1) Read
21:48.02EfaistOsdo u know how to disable devfs ?
21:48.04*** join/#debian tweekken_ (
21:48.16directhex!d-i NaturalRoots
21:48.17dpkgNaturalRoots, you want to go to - for your own good, and everyone else's.
21:49.04*** mode/#Debian [+l 830] by debhelper
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21:49.42dpkgIt's YOU. Y-O-U. Not *U*. U is a letter. YOU is a word. See ne1, or wud.  Dutch for 'you' (formal singular). See
21:50.05*** join/#debian Yassaccan (
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21:51.03Varg_How do I configure apt to change the default install directory?
21:51.12PerfDaveVarg_: Default install directory of what?
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21:51.28zeemananyone know of any good websites for linux ebooks ?
21:51.29Varg_PerfDave: I want binaries and libraries to go to /usr/local instead of .usr
21:51.45PerfDaveVarg_: Why do you want to do that? apt leaves /usr/local alone for a reason.
21:52.02sorahntrying to play the UT2004 demo on my computer and i get the following error: Couldn't set video mode: Couldn't find matching GLX visual.  Running Sarge and a 2.6.8 kernel
21:52.05Varg_PerfDave: I just do; is it possible?
21:52.41PerfDaveVarg_: Not as such, no. You can manually unpack a .deb and put it in /usr/local, however.
21:52.49PerfDaveVarg_: There are lots of reasons why it's a bad idea.
21:53.04Varg_PerfDave: Alright; well thanks anyway then
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21:53.28stewVarg_: debian tries hard to adhere to fhs: /msg dpkg fhs
21:53.46abrotmanevery linux tries
21:54.19abrotmanVarg_: why do you want to do this again? .. and why not link /usr/local/lib to /usr/lib etc ?
21:54.21brendan_is there any info about debians selinux support
21:54.21Blackvelribnitz: thanx for your suggestion!
21:54.27dpkgmethinks selinux is the NSA's port to Linux of the FLASK security Architectur, called Security Enhanced Linux.
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21:54.31abrotmanapparently not
21:55.04abrotmanany of you know what happens if you use a stranded jack on solid cable ?
21:55.07valdyn_sorahn: glxinfo | grep direct
21:55.25Blissexabrotman: #electronics perhaps?
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21:55.53stewabrotman: say what?
21:55.55abrotmanBlissex: well .. it was just a question .. if noone here has the answer .. i'll just wait til the parts i want are in stock
21:55.57stewabrotman: wayttd
21:56.08abrotmanstew: rj45 straned jack on cat5e solid cable
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21:56.41stewdidn't know there was a stranded variety
21:56.57vahidi have sarge with kernel 2.4 , how can i install kernel 2.6 ?
21:57.00abrotmanstew: neither did i .. that's why i'm asking if it's bad :)
21:57.06kbhon the debian sarge net install, how to i select what package group to install?
21:57.11abrotmanvahid: apt-cache search kernel-image-2.6 .. find the one you need .. install it
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21:57.27abrotmankbh: tasksel is one way
21:57.31*** part/#debian Desolator (~MAREFUCK@
21:57.44kbhright, but the installer comes with package groups
21:57.53*** join/#debian haich (
21:57.55valdyn_kbh: that is tasksel
21:58.00kbhlike webserver dns, etc etc
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21:58.22valdyn_kbh: d-i runs tasksel - what is the problem?
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21:58.39abrotmancomprehension apparently
21:58.46vahidabrotman, yes i find it but how can i install it ( i'm new )
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21:59.00abrotmanvahid: apt-get install <theoneyouwant>
21:59.07valdyn_kbh: <tab> and <space> get you far
21:59.08kbhwhat to press when the list of package groups come up
21:59.14vahidabrotman, oh, yes tnx
21:59.23mixedupis vconfig a standard command that should be in my debian release?
21:59.26kbhaah, tab and space, i was just hitting entert, not installing packages at all
21:59.37EvanCarrollkhb: apt-get install aptitude; aptitude
21:59.50inc|freakyhow can i burn a .iso with k3b?
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21:59.57inc|freakyit keeps burning the .iso file instead of the content :\
22:00.02inc|freakyi think im doing something wrong
22:00.13valdyn_!win inc|freaky
22:00.14dpkgCongratulations, inc|freaky! You have won a one way ticket to Soviet Russia!
22:00.15abrotmaninc|freaky: #debian-kde
22:00.21jetscreamerburn cd not datadisk
22:00.28EvanCarrollinc|freaky: mount the iso, mount -t iso9660 /location/iso /mnt/mntpoint -o loop0
22:00.39kbhthanks for the help
22:01.16kbhi'm not really a noob with linux, just it bothered me that i had to use aptitude to install all my packages
22:01.30EvanCarroll!tell kbh about newb
22:01.35Flimzykbh: I've never used aptitude, and I intall pacakges all the time
22:01.44abrotmanEvanCarroll: poor advice .. you don't know what's on the CD
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22:02.04EvanCarrollabrotman: so... why do i need to know whats on the cd
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22:02.14valdyn_kbh: tasksel works "ok" i guess but its not the preferred method. Since it does the same shit that most distros do - install alot of crap that you dont want or need
22:02.23abrotmanEvanCarroll: have you considered it's an installer? .. mounting over loopback does no good
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22:03.03dorpeli'm trying to install debian over NFS / SMB using netinstall on PPC.... has anyone every tried it or something like that on x86?
22:03.03mixedupis there a package that would contain vconfig?
22:03.15abrotman!tell mixedup about search
22:03.30EvanCarrollabrotman: ... feel free to tell him another way thats how i've always done it (that i can remember)
22:03.43abrotmanEvanCarroll: i told him to ask #debian-kde how to use k3b
22:04.27quittthow do I show the libs that I dont use?
22:04.35EvanCarrollquittt: deborphan
22:04.40abrotman!tell quittt about deborphan
22:04.43valdyn_kbh: later on, have a look at synaptic if you want a gui package installer
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22:05.09quitttabrotman, nothing thanks!
22:05.29JaccoAh well, it's for the best.
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22:05.47EvanCarrollJacco: having problems are we?
22:05.54travisatJacco: why did it take you that long, it only takes me at most 1 hour, at that was mostly waiting for stuff to download
22:06.14abrotmanquittt: huh?
22:06.18EvanCarrolltakes me about 5minutes of my time about 30comp minutes
22:06.33JaccoActually, no.
22:06.35quitttabrotman, I have that app
22:06.41quitttbut I didnt remeber its name
22:06.43JaccoIt's just taking hours to install all the packages.
22:06.45abrotmanquittt: ah .. gotcha
22:06.56quitttand there is nothing
22:07.02quitttabrotman, I love Debian
22:07.05quitttit is so clean
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22:07.12quitttsynaptic under Debian rox
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22:07.26abrotmanquittt: you may also want to look at debfoster .. though i personally don't like it
22:07.52quitttabrotman, aptitude does it
22:07.54EvanCarrolldebfoster does something different than deborphan
22:07.57abrotmanquittt: ok
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22:08.09abrotmanEvanCarroll: i realize that .. but it can still help you keep your system clean
22:08.21abrotmani didn't suggest he look at it for no reason
22:08.26linux_Tuxi installed Kernel-source i'm using ndiswrapper , where can i find the installed kernel source to point the KSRC to it when using make with ndiswrapper
22:08.38abrotmanlinux_Tux: /usr/src ?
22:08.43PerfDavelinux_Tux: dpkg -L
22:08.52valdyn_linux_Tux: do not use make with ndiswrapper
22:09.04*** mode/#Debian [+l 823] by debhelper
22:09.11linux_Tuxvaldyn: so what to use
22:09.16valdyn_linux_Tux: use module-assistant or make-kpkg ( the first if you don't know either )
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22:09.24PerfDavelinux_Tux: You might want to look at module-assistant, I think that automates building ndiswrapper for you. Though really you should just use hardware which is supported by Linux.
22:09.28dpkgi guess ndiswrapper is evil, because if a vendor can make users use a windows driver for their product, why should they bother writing a Linux one? Don't use it, email your hardware manufacturer and ask them for a REAL Linux driver, or choose different hardware.
22:09.28valdyn_!tell linux_Tux about kp
22:10.07valdyn_linux_Tux: apt-get install module-assistant && m-a update && m-a build ndiswrapper - thats it i think
22:10.13igraltist!dpkg tape
22:10.22abrotmanigraltist: tape!
22:10.37igraltiststreamer mayby better
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22:10.56PerfDave!wayttd igraltist
22:10.57dpkgWhat Are You Trying To Do, igraltist?
22:11.00linux_Tuxvaldyn: what's m-a ?
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22:11.07PerfDavelinux_Tux: module-assistant
22:11.45igraltisti am looking for some infos about an ugly onstream ide streamer
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22:11.57Kbytehi, k3b reports wrong cdrw capability. How I can look if this is a k3b or kernel problem?
22:12.15abrotman#kde might know
22:12.38sdogiabrotman: we meet again :)
22:12.44Blissexigraltist: thanks for letting us know about your enquiries.
22:12.56FlimzyKbyte: what capability is being misreported?
22:12.57abrotmansdogi: stop stalkiung me :)
22:13.05sdogiabrotman: in what timezone do you live ?:)
22:13.24abrotmansdogi: EST .. GMT-5 or something like that
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22:13.38sdogiThu Mar  3 00:12:57 EET 2005
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22:13.44igraltistBlissex, i never use this feature bevor and mayby sometime i find some usefull informations
22:13.45sdogiit's late
22:14.02KbyteFlimzy: The drive is a dvd/cd writer. k3b report dvd and cd-rw writing, but not cd writing.
22:14.06Blissexigraltist: just ask a question!
22:14.08PerfDaveigraltist: You can talk to dpkg in /msg
22:14.08abrotmanigraltist: what is your native language ?
22:14.08*** join/#debian raz0 (
22:14.18sdogiabrotman: always thinking why you get here so late and still get to sleep before me, well actually i have been up too much lately too though
22:14.22dpkgsomebody said german was - deutschsprachige Debian-Hilfe gibt es in
22:14.23linux_Tuxvaldyn: using m-a build ndiswrapper , got Bad luck, the kernel headers for this kernel version could not be found and you did not specify other kernel headers to use
22:14.40abrotmansdogi: yes .. perhaps youhave ..
22:14.41valdyn_linux_Tux: so install your kernel headers
22:14.50abrotmansdogi: i know .. you told me before
22:14.53Blissexigraltist: BTW, I have a !"£$%^ OnStream, so if you ask a question I may be able to answer.
22:15.01abrotmansdogi: i only remmeber because my grandmother was from lithuania
22:15.11valdyn_linux_Tux: you're using a debian kernel, I assume
22:15.13linux_Tuxvaldyn: how :) .. i already installed the source for the kernel
22:15.14*** join/#debian ecivo (
22:15.19sdogidon't remember, have been on antibiotics about 2-3 days
22:15.38valdyn_linux_Tux: apt-get install kernel-headers-$(uname -r)
22:15.41sdogigrandmother? you lived in europe before then?
22:15.42linux_Tuxvaldyn: i'm using sarge with kernel 2.6.8
22:15.52abrotmansdogi: no .. she did .. i was born in .us
22:16.06sdogiman i would want to see america
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22:16.15abrotmansdogi: fedex has cheap rates :)
22:16.16valdyn_linux_Tux: you *might* have to install a new kernel too since the rc2 installer comes with a kernel that is now unsupported
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22:16.33valdyn_linux_Tux: but try installing headers first..
22:16.46sdogiabrotman: yeah well, gotta get nice job before :)
22:16.49igraltistBlissex, is not so easyi have made a kernel vor the tape driver support but now i do not have a /dev/ht0
22:16.49PerfDavelinux_Tux: If you're using the same kernel you installed Sarge with, it and its headers are no longer in Sarge. Upgrade your kernel-image.
22:16.58abrotmansdogi: good plan
22:17.01bokeoaso I upgrade my desktop for the first time in a couple months, and then lvm doesn't work anymore...
22:17.03dpkghmm... german is - deutschsprachige Debian-Hilfe gibt es in
22:17.13bokeoaanyone know of changes that happened recently there?
22:17.14PerfDaveMy friend Tal is half Estonian.
22:17.16dpkgrumour has it, estonia is a country between finland and russia
22:17.20PerfDavebokeoa: Did you check the BTS?
22:17.21sdogino estonia
22:17.34sdogidpkg: yeah rumour has it :)
22:17.38ecivohey guy's, I'm switching to debian and wanted to get some personal opinions on the diffrent flavors: Which one are u using, why and what in your opinion are its unique stregths and weaknesses?
22:17.44dpkgIt's YOU. Y-O-U. Not *U*. U is a letter. YOU is a word. See ne1, or wud.  Dutch for 'you' (formal singular). See
22:17.50abrotmanecivo: workstation or server?
22:17.54bokeoaPerfDave: There something there?
22:17.56sdogiit sound much worse when you say that estonia is little west from russia :)
22:18.04mixedupI am trying to search the debian packages for vconfig .. can someone give me a quick hand... i am new.. this is what i have typed on the CL  apt-get install apt-file vconfig
22:18.09PerfDavebokeoa: No idea. But it's the first place to check when you have a problem after an update.
22:18.16PerfDavebokeoa: Of course, you should really be using apt-listbugs.
22:18.17abrotman!find vconfig sarge
22:18.17ecivoabrotman, workstation...
22:18.21abrotman!d-i ecivo
22:18.23dpkgecivo, you want to go to - for your own good, and everyone else's.
22:18.23dpkgsysvconfig: (A text menu based utility for configuring init script links), section admin, is optional. Version: 0.10 (sarge), Packaged size: 22 kB, Installed size: 144 kB
22:18.35abrotmani bet that isn't what he wanted
22:18.45sdogitravisat: thank you :)
22:18.45bokeoaPerfDave: will take a look at apt-listbugs
22:18.58abrotman!find bin/vconfig sarge
22:19.02PerfDavebokeoa: it won't fix your problem, the BTS might. apt-listbugs will just help prevent it in future.
22:19.04dpkgDebian Search of 'bin/vconfig' (1): (/sbin/vconfig) in misc/vlan.
22:19.05abrotmanmixedup: is this what you want ?
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22:19.30travisatsdogi, i'd like to see your mittens on my bedroom floor, baby
22:19.40bokeoaPerfDave: I usually update more often, so I thought it might be something that happened ~1 month ago or more
22:19.41mixedupthat is what i need
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22:19.51mixedupi do not know which package to install that would contain vconfig
22:19.52sdogitravisat: wha? :D
22:19.55deadlinehi, whats the best way to setup direct rendering with a nvidia geforce4. kernel is 2.6.8-1 on an i686 machine
22:19.59linux_Tuxvaldyn: what's after installing kernel-headers , try m-a build ndiswrapper ?
22:19.59bokeoaas in daily, just got busy you know...
22:20.02abrotmanmixedup: dpkg just told you .. it's in vlan
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22:20.07abrotman!info vlan
22:20.08travisathmm, nobody reags dilbert
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22:20.12ecivohm, well I just wanted to know which flavors u guys use and some general statements on useability, special features you love, things u hate and so on...
22:20.13dpkgvlan: (User mode programs to enable VLANs on your ethernet devices), section misc, is extra. Version: 1.8-1 (sid), Packaged size: 23 kB, Installed size: 132 kB
22:20.14PerfDavebokeoa: How the fuck should I know? Check the BTS, it's where the bugs are reported.
22:20.14abrotmantravisat: i do . bad joke
22:20.33sdogitravisat: don't like mittens
22:20.39valdyn_linux_Tux: im surprised that installing headers worked ( is it the right ones? ). m-a build ndiswrapper, yep
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22:21.01JaccoPondering............................... done.
22:21.10Jaccowhat does dat mean?
22:21.24mixedupok now what do i do with that info you gave me? search the debian site?
22:21.29*** join/#debian Zitter (~danilo@
22:21.32abrotmanmixedup: apt-get install vlan
22:21.34linux_Tuxvaldyn: i'm using kernel-2.6.8-2.686-smp .. why you are surprised
22:21.54*** join/#debian Ketter_ (
22:22.21valdyn_linux_Tux: yea, that you are no longer using the default one - then its alright
22:22.21Zitterdo you know in which pkg is msgfmt? TIA
22:23.01valdyn_linux_Tux: now, build worked? install the package w/ dpkg -i
22:23.13igraltistBlissex, de-tape: Use drive hdc with ide-scsi emulation and osst.
22:23.13igraltistide-tape: OnStream support will be removed soon from ide-tape!
22:23.13igraltistide-tape: hdc <-> ht0: OnStream DI-30 rev 1.09
22:23.13igraltistide-tape: hdc <-> ht0: 990KBps, 64*32kB buffer, 10208kB pipeline, 62ms tDSC
22:23.13*** kick/#debian [igraltist!~debhelper@debhelper.user] by debhelper (flood: Consider using #flood)
22:23.27linux_Tuxvaldyn: got , Build of the package ndiswrapper-source failed! How do you wish to proceed? , must i point the m-a build to the path of ndiswrapper ?
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22:24.27valdyn_linux_Tux: no, nothing you have to do extra, is ndiswrapper installed via apt-get?
22:24.45abrotman!tell igraltist about flood
22:24.58PerfDavelinux_Tux: Read further back up the errors.
22:25.02godsmokewhat package contains 'dig' -- I can't seem to find it?
22:25.15PerfDavegodsmoke: /msg dpkg search
22:25.21godsmokepackage searches yielded nothing
22:25.23jetscreamerapt-cache search dig or apt-file
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22:25.27Zitterok, gettext pkg, thanks
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22:25.44igraltistjes too much pasting sorry
22:25.52sorahnvaldyn_ : glxinfo | grep direct / direct rendering: No / OpenGL renderer string: Mesa GLX Indirect
22:26.00linux_Tuxvaldyn: i have the ndiswrapper source .. that's all and tried to use make , got no kernel source in /build
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22:26.21igraltistBlissex, this i have , but no /dev/ht0 exist
22:26.31valdyn_linux_Tux: look at the error message you got
22:26.37directhexlinux_Tux, update your kernel to one currently in sarge, then use m-a
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22:26.52jetscreamerso and?
22:26.57abrotmanoh well
22:26.58Blissexigraltist: then make it.
22:27.10linux_Tuxdirecthex: i'm using kernel-2.6.8-2-686-smp
22:27.21Blissexigraltist: however, follow the advice: use the 'ide-scsi' driver plus the SCSI 'osst' driver.
22:27.25PerfDavegodsmoke: That factoid tells you what you need to know.
22:27.27abrotmanlinux_Tux: uname -r
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22:28.24valdyn_!b-e linux_Tux
22:28.25dpkglinux_Tux: Sounds like you need to install build-essential.
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22:29.39godsmokealright ... so unless I'm going to review 10,000 lines of apt-list response
22:29.52godsmokeconsidering an apt-cache search doesn't yield anything ...
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22:30.54deadlinehi, whats the best way to setup direct rendering with a nvidia geforce4. kernel is 2.6.8-1 on an i686 machine
22:31.02PerfDavegodsmoke: FFS, if you can't read the dpkg factoid and take the simple steps required to get very specific information about what you want, then there's no helping you.
22:31.11deadlinei mean what packages do i have to apt-get install ?
22:31.25valdyn_!nvidia one-liner
22:31.25dpkgmethinks nvidia one-liner is apt-get install build-essential module-assistant && m-a a-i nvidia && apt-get install nvidia-glx nvidia-settings && echo nvidia >> /etc/modules && modprobe nvidia && dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86. You need contrib and non-free in your sources.list first!  You currently need unstable/sid sources, not just testing/sarge. see <quick ...
22:31.26PerfDavedeadline: Running Sarge? Install a later kernel-image package, /msg dpkg nvidia-howto
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22:31.39vladsterpardon me, but what is the command to make a boot floppy so when I redo my wifes windows partition I can reinstall grub on the boot sector
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22:31.50pSycoRei need some help...
22:32.17pSycoReafter install is no desktop loaded.. but the faq says there is kde as default ???
22:32.33pSycoRei have only conole.after install
22:32.34PerfDavepSycoRe: Did you tell the install to install a desktop environment?
22:32.51PerfDavepSycoRe: /msg dpkg troubleshooting x
22:32.57linux_Tuxvaldyn: what to do after installing ndiswrapper, i tried ndiswrapper in the terminal i got command not found
22:33.15valdyn_linux_Tux: the build worked now?
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22:33.25abrotmanpSycoRe: did you install gdm /kdm /gnome or kde ?
22:33.29dbronHi all, anyone know of a debian specific nfs howto, I am not doing too well on my own and the tldp docs are pretty generic.
22:33.36linux_Tuxvaldyn: no i used make
22:34.06pSycoRein the instal routine it only give me x and destop, and i checked both
22:34.15PerfDavepSycoRe: /msg dpkg troubleshooting x
22:34.25PerfDavepSycoRe: You have probably got X installed, but for some reason it's not working.
22:35.03igraltistBlissex, to make this /dev/ht0 makes me trouble because i do: mknod /dev/ht0 c 22 0, because i think the streamer is on /dev/hdc but aufter chown to tape i get no such device
22:35.03pSycoReim new to linux and i dont know to open :P ...
22:35.10PerfDavepSycoRe: How to open what?
22:35.20valdyn_linux_Tux: its a kernel module, so you want to modprobe it , but i dont know anything about ndiswrapper specifically
22:35.20pSycoRethe file it says in the query
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22:35.41PerfDave!faq pSycoRe
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22:35.46Blissexigraltist: 'man MAKEDEV;'
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22:35.48Blissexigraltist: 'man MAKEDEV'
22:35.55valdyn_linux_Tux: using make wasnt a good idea anyway. if m-a cannot build it then your kernel-headers are likely wrong
22:36.07igraltistok i will take a look
22:36.08Blissexigraltist: and delete the current 'ht0'
22:36.08deadlinevaldyn_: thanks
22:36.10PerfDavepSycoRe: Use "less" to scroll through files. "apt-get install less" if you don't have it, "man less" for instructions once you have.
22:36.12pSycoResry dudes .. ill read it
22:36.13linux_Tuxvaldyn: i didn't use it
22:36.31doneillwhat's this about ndiswrapper?
22:36.32tulli need some help gettting ati radeon 9000 to work
22:36.38doneillndiswrapper = the poo :<
22:36.45doneillit locks my system like, every hour.
22:36.47valdyn_!ndiswrapper one-liner
22:36.48dpkg[ndiswrapper one-liner] apt-get install build-essential ndiwrapper-source module-assistant &&  m-a a-i ndiswrapper
22:36.54*** part/#debian Dralock (user@
22:36.54tulli installed apt-get install kernel-headers-2.6.8-2-686
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22:37.13tullthen the fglrx source code, then binaries and still nothing
22:37.14wolvie_Howto list all users belonging to group foo?
22:37.18MobyTurbovaldyn_: isn't there a typo in that?
22:37.22PerfDavepSycoRe: Best of luck. This stuff isn't hard, hopefully the FAQ will give you some basic pointers.
22:37.50deadlinei need to install kernel-headers-2.6.8-1-386, but apt-cache shows me that only kernel-headers-2.6.8-2-386 is available. how can i get the right headers?
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22:38.00resiakdeadline: You upgrade to -2
22:38.05linux_Tuxvaldyn: i'm trying to access the /mnt , got this error access denied to /mnt , what to do from terminal after su root ?
22:38.44valdyn_MobyTurbo: thanks.
22:38.50valdyn_!ndiswrapper one-liner
22:38.50dpkg[ndiswrapper one-liner] apt-get install build-essential ndiswrapper-source module-assistant &&  m-a a-i ndiswrapper
22:39.03MobyTurbovaldyn_: np
22:39.15deadlinehow can i apt-get kernel headers which dont show up in apt-cache?
22:39.47*** join/#debian Bleak (
22:40.13valdyn_deadline: dont even try that, install a kernel that is supported by debian, like kernel-image-2.6.8-2-386 and kernel-headers-2.6.8-2.386
22:40.15resiakdeadline: You don't.
22:40.17valdyn_deadline: dont even try that, install a kernel that is supported by debian, like kernel-image-2.6.8-2-386 and kernel-headers-2.6.8-2-386
22:40.24resiakdeadline: You do what I just told you to do.
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22:40.53deadlineresiak: what should i do?
22:41.07resiakdeadline: Install kernel-image-2.6.8-2 and its headers, and reboot with it
22:41.11fred87apologies, i know this is off-topic - is there any official kde packager here? i'm the maintainer of slamd64, a slackware port to x86_64, and no-one seems to have any idea how to get on kde-packagers mailing list?
22:41.17MobyTurbodeadline: it's time for a kernel upgrade
22:41.20deadlinevaldyn_: then i would have to recompile, right?
22:41.29valdyn_deadline: no
22:41.35resiakdeadline: Did you roll your own kernel?
22:41.44JaccoI'm sad.
22:41.48JaccoI finished installing.
22:41.49cafuegofred87: Give #debian-kde a go, they're more likely to know.
22:41.50MobyTurbofred87: #kde
22:41.53Jaccoand now X is broken
22:41.54foob4rt!+console Jacco
22:41.58deadlinevaldyn_: so installing kernel-image-2.6.8-2 would do everything for me? even setup the bootloader (grub) ?
22:41.59resiak!faq Jacco
22:42.02resiakdeadline: Yes
22:42.06resiakdeadline: Did you roll your own kernel?
22:42.29*** join/#debian szgabor99 (
22:42.37deadlineresiak: im usually a gentoo user, trying debian atm, the kernel is installed by the installation proces. its a fresh sarge install
22:42.37doneillhehe, gabor...
22:42.46fred87mobytubro, already tried and #kde-devel, it's a "secret" list no-one seems to know
22:42.53fred87cafuego, mobyturbo, thanks for your help
22:42.57resiakdeadline: You don't compile anything from source on Debian by default.
22:43.05deadlineresiak: ok
22:43.08resiakszgabor99: Don't IRC as root.
22:43.12igraltistBlissex, thats was thanks now i think it will work :)
22:43.15deadlineresiak: will apt-get install kernel-image-2.6.8-2 install the headers also?
22:43.20MobyTurbofred87: well, you could switch to developing fvwm ;-)
22:43.31resiakdeadline: No. apt-get  install kernel-image-2.6.8-2 kernel-headers-2.6.8-2
22:43.33valdyn_deadline: as was already said you need to replace that kernel, compiling a kernel is not required unless you explicitely chose to, just apt-get install <kernel> <headers> and evertying ( including grub ) will be setup automatically
22:43.41tullplease some help with ati!
22:43.41Blissexigraltist: ideally, however, use 'ide-scsi' and 'osst', not the IDE tape driver.
22:43.44doneillmmm, fvwm...
22:43.45resiak!tell tull about ati
22:43.51fred87mobyturbo: don't need it for my kde development, need it for my distro :)
22:43.54*** part/#debian reppal (
22:44.16tullresiak ive done most of the stuff, still can get the fglrx module to load
22:44.19valdyn_deadline: apt-get will be pretty verbose too about what its doing so uh, you will see yourself
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22:44.30MobyTurbofred87: sounds like a cool distro, but we probably can't help in spite of #debian being the smartest IRC channel on freenode. ;-)
22:44.34igraltistBlissex, yes i will do, but first was for me interesting how its work
22:44.34resiaktull: To be honest, I haven't a clue. That was a reflex.
22:44.41resiakszgabor: That's better, eh/
22:44.47tullresiak fair enough :) thanks
22:44.56szgaborok i an lamer...
22:45.08fred87mobyturbo, thanks
22:45.09*** part/#debian fred87 (~fred87@emmott.developer.kde)
22:45.27deadlineresiak: valdyn_ thanks a lot. what about security bugs in 2.6.8 . are they fixed by installing the kernel image or do i have to patch manually?
22:45.53resiakdeadline: -2 is a security update. Any bugfixes that were available when it was made will be in it.
22:46.05quitttif I install NVIDIA driver using NIVIDA INSTALLER
22:46.12resiakquittt: DONT
22:46.20resiakquittt: USE THE PACKAGES
22:46.21quitttresiak, I already did
22:46.42resiakquittt: Uninstall it and use the packages.
22:46.47resiak!tell quittt about nvidia howto
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22:46.50MobyTurboresiak: there are no nvidia driver packages in sarge, they were removed due to bugginess in the latest.
22:46.57resiakMobyTurbo: But they're in Sid
22:47.04quitttresiak, I didnt find THOSE package anywhere
22:47.04resiak!tell quittt -about nvidia one-liner
22:47.22Steven_if I build a package from source with a special option enabled, how can I make sure it nevers gets updated with the "standard" package when I upgrade ?
22:47.26deadcatanyone know the syntax for an if statement in .Xdefaults?
22:47.34Steven_I was thinking of putting a suffix in front of the package name
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22:47.44dpkgit has been said that pinning is 'man apt_preferences', or add testing and unstable lines to sources.list, create /etc/apt/preferences containing "Package: *\nPin: release a=testing\nPin-Priority: 900\n\nPackage: *\nPin: release o=Debian\nPin-Priority: -10\n", then apt-get install foo/unstable, or at, or read ...
22:47.45Steven_and having a Provides: entry in the control file
22:47.56valdyn_Steven_: ^^^^ what dpkg said
22:47.58quitttresiak, lastest NVIDIA driver doesnt work here too
22:48.06quitttresiak, what is the problem use NVIDIA setup?:
22:48.09deadlineresiak: thanks
22:48.25valdyn_Steven_: uyh, thats referring to distros, but you can pin packages too
22:48.26resiakquittt: It FUCKS your COMPUTER. WHY are you CAPITALISING random words?
22:48.48Steven_valdyn_ : I'll look into it, thx
22:48.50quitttresiak, for nothing
22:49.03*** mode/#Debian [+l 809] by debhelper
22:49.17deadlinei want to unpack about 200 tarballs at once. they are the gkrellm-skins packed in about 200 tarballs. any idea how to solve that. i remember something with 'for...'
22:49.20resiakquittt: Specifically, it puts things outside of /usr/local that apt/dpkg don't know about, and has to be manually re-run whenever you upgrade X or your kernel.
22:49.20quitttresiak, I didnt find the package to install NVIDIA driver!
22:49.25*** part/#debian pestilence (
22:49.36resiakquittt: Read the stuff at the end of nvidia one-liner that dpkg just told you.
22:49.46resiak!tell quittt -about nvidia one-liner
22:49.57quitttmix Sid and Sarge?
22:50.01*** join/#debian pngwn (pngwn@3ffe:bc0:8000:0:8000:0:cda7:6106)
22:50.05quitttare you kidding?
22:50.39resiakquittt: You need only two packages.
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22:50.58resiakquittt: Read the simple sid/sarge mix stuff
22:51.09quitttresiak, I cant understand
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22:51.13PerfDavedeadline: #bash, or "for file in *.tar; do tar xf $file; done"
22:51.24resiak!tell quittt -about quick sid/sarge mix
22:51.30deadlinePerfDave: thanks
22:51.59WiFiTuxI need to replace <body lang=EN-US style='tab-interval:.5in'> for <body style="margin: 7px;">, this the right command? sed index.html s/<body lang=EN-US style='tab-interval:.5in'>/<body style="margin: 7px;">/
22:52.17resiakWiFiTux: Does this look like #sed? :)
22:52.32WiFiTuxresiak, yes
22:52.34PerfDaveWiFiTux: Try it and see? :) You probably want single quotes around the regexp and to escape the single quotes inside it.
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22:52.58WiFiTuxPerfDave, :|
22:53.14quitttresiak, and if I do aptitude update and aptitude upgrade will fuck my system with Sid
22:53.28WiFiTuxPerfDave, is there an easier way? or so that I can look for that line in a document?
22:53.33PerfDavequittt: Not if you set the default release.
22:53.36JaccoI'm getting this error.
22:53.37PerfDaveWiFiTux: Easier than hat?
22:53.39Jaccofor the X server.
22:53.46PerfDave!tell Jacco -about enter
22:53.47MobyTurboWiFiTux: well, obviously you need to escape the greater-than lesser-than signs from being interpreted by the shell
22:53.51resiakquittt: But if you do what that factoid I just !told you says, aptitude will only use Sid for packages that aren't in Testing, or that you explicitly install from unstable.
22:53.52Jacco(EE) Screen(s) found, but none have a usable configuration.
22:53.58resiak!drxx Jacco
22:53.59dpkgJacco: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86   (as root)
22:54.00JaccoFatal serve error:
22:54.01dpkgsomebody said noscreensfound was probably dpkg-reconfigure -plow xserver-xfree86 and SAY NO to the framebuffer question. If that doesn't work, ask me about "troubleshooting x"  NOT A SODDING ERROR. read your XFree86 log to find the actual problem.
22:54.03Jaccono screens found
22:54.03WiFiTuxMobyTurbo, :|
22:54.05dpkghurd is, like, a POSIX compatible collection of servers that run on the GNU Mach microkernel. the core of the GNU system and available at, or a HIRD of Unix-Replacing Daemons. #hurd-bunny the underground #hurd channel, or
22:54.11PerfDave(assuming aptitude honours default release, I ahve no idea)
22:54.21resiakPerfDave: It does,.
22:54.39PerfDaveresiak: Fair enough, I don't use it.
22:54.42Jaccowth? I'm using perfect punctuation.
22:54.44MobyTurboWiFiTux: escape with backslashes
22:54.56*** join/#debian serum_ (~elf@
22:55.01WiFiTuxMobyTurbo, yeah.
22:55.09deadlinePerfDave: that doesnt work, says no such file or directory
22:55.50PerfDavedeadline: *shrug* Then ask #bash or read "man bash" or a bash howto.
22:56.19Jaccohow do I leave su?
22:56.21Jaccokill su?
22:56.27catJacco: exit
22:56.32deadlinePerfDave: heh ok
22:56.43JaccoYay it broke!
22:57.05catwhat did ya brake?
22:57.09*** join/#debian gilles (
22:57.18szgaborJacco: Ctrl-D
22:57.28Jaccoszgabor: It's not that.
22:57.28catexit works fine, two
22:57.32Jaccostil lthe same screen problem.
22:57.39catare u getting any errors?
22:57.41cator something?
22:57.44dpkgIt's YOU. Y-O-U. Not *U*. U is a letter. YOU is a word. See ne1, or wud.  Dutch for 'you' (formal singular). See
22:57.52catJacco: type whoami
22:57.55szgaborTacco:my computer :)
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22:58.09Jaccooh. ;x
22:58.11catJacco: terminal
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22:58.18MobyTurboJacco: passwd
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22:58.35curelessJacco: what's wrong with your screen?
22:58.39catjack__: hello
22:58.44jack__i'm looking for some printable linux posters
22:58.49jack__do u know where I can find them?
22:58.50Jaccocureless: I appear not to have one according to XF86cfg.
22:59.02*** mode/#Debian [+l 802] by debhelper
22:59.07catclick on images and you'r set
22:59.09jack__i searched, but couldn't find any
22:59.26JaccoWell, can anyone help meh?
22:59.26jack__i want to promote linux to my computer science class
22:59.34curelessJacco: oh, I thougt you were getting other errors.  What kind of screen do you have? How did you configure XFree?
22:59.43jack__8' by 11 1/2 preferred
22:59.44JaccoI have a virtual pc screen. :p
22:59.47catjack__: i'm sure you will find lots of stuff there on google
22:59.48foob4rtjack__: perhaps Linux International has some.
22:59.57dondelelcarodamnit, fucking adjtimex is fucked again
23:00.00WiFiTuxjack__, Linux is pretty promoteed already
23:00.24curelessJacco: what's a virtual PC screen, vmware? vnc?
23:00.25cat!hurt adjtimex
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23:00.58cafuegovirtual pc is virtual pc
23:01.05szgaborJacco: Find first line in the /var/log/XFree86.0.log with (EE)
23:01.07dondelelcarotick: 9945 <-- This is not sane
23:01.28foob4rtjack__: not sure.  I got a real-life poster from them once.
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23:01.33dondelelcaroit's always good when your clock looses 2 minutes in less than 3 hours
23:01.50jack__is it free though?
23:02.11WiFiTuxjack__, tell College to pay for it
23:02.12Jacco(EE) No devices detected.
23:02.16JaccoFatal server error:
23:02.19Jaccono screens found
23:02.27jack__i'm in highschool, actually
23:02.30dondelelcaro!no screens found
23:02.30dpkgno screens found is NOT a useful message - it means XFree86 has a problem SOMEWHERE with SOMETHING. Read your /var/log/XFree86.0.log more closely, and look for the REAL error, which probably begins with (EE)
23:02.31curelessoh, that virtual pc.
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23:02.51WiFiTuxjack__, tell your mom to give you money, or go clean windshields in the street
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23:03.16Jacco(EE) No devices detected.
23:03.18szgaborJacco: this error message to mouse, keyboard or VGA card?
23:03.30curelessjack__: why don't you create one?
23:03.46RedPenguinJust out of curiousity, did anyone make a download manager or something that can download some from say eth0, some from eth1, etc
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23:03.56jack__I want to print them
23:04.03WiFiTuxjack__, come on, don't be a jack
23:04.09jack__i'm not that good at graphics...
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23:04.17jack__I didn't learn graphics before
23:04.29jack__is there any debian posters out there?
23:04.35curelessjack__: download a copy of Tux, put in some text.
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23:04.50JaccoWell, anyone got an idea?
23:04.57szgaborJacco: just write to Driver line "vesa" and restart X server.
23:04.57WiFiTuxjack__, type debian then hit enter then click images
23:05.10Jaccoszgabor: did that before.
23:05.12baidoes anyone know if there are debian-installer cds available without the horribly crippled set of tools that comes with the normal install cd?
23:05.15Jaccoit gave me a different error.
23:05.28stewbai: what does that mean?
23:05.47baistew, it means if you drop to shell in the installer it's practically worthless
23:05.50Blissexbai: Kanotix? Knoppix? :-)
23:05.57baiif you want to do anything other than the extreme basics
23:06.00baino, debian
23:06.04stewbai: no
23:06.10baioh, you mean try them, heh
23:06.19baiI tried ubuntu and it uses the same set of busybox tools
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23:06.32Blissexbai: well, they can be used as Debian installers, with some care.
23:06.36baithe biggest problem is I need an installer which understands nfs
23:06.50Jacco:( *cries*
23:06.53x-256anyone know which kernel module I need to load for Realtek 8180L
23:06.58Blissexbai: the issue here is that the installer is not a recovery CD, it is just meant to install and have some little extra on the side.
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23:07.24Blissexbai: the more stuff is on CD1 that is not installable packages, the less installable package are on CD1.
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23:07.40baiBlissex: yeah I understand....I think with the new modular installer it would be nice to include a module with a decent working environment that could be used for recovery though
23:07.40szgaborx-256: ndiswrapper?
23:07.50dezuria_how to know wich kernel i should install ?
23:07.54lauragplIm'trying to compile 2.6 with error unable to open console when booting
23:08.07stewbai: #debian-boot is the channel for d-i, talk to them
23:08.10lauragplI saw it could be cos i dont have unix 98 support
23:08.11deadcati just patched the 2.6.11 source with bootsplash, everything is fine but when i make menuconfig and try to select bootsplash. it wont let me go into the submenu. any one having this problem?
23:08.16x-256szgabor, ugh, is that the only way you think ?
23:08.23lauragplbut i do not find it in char.devices, where is it plz?
23:08.27jack__what's the size of 1204x768, converted into inches?
23:08.28PerfDavelauragpl: Why are you compiling and not just using a kernel-image?
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23:08.37baiI mean technically right now I'm just talking about using it as what it's meant to be, an installer....with the crippling added in, it makes the install cd all but useless if you're doing anything other than a standard installation
23:08.42baistew ok, thanks
23:08.42PerfDavex-256: Google?
23:08.45Sjimmiedeadcat: i can try, also gonna config 2.6.11 now
23:08.54Sjimmiewhere do i get the bootsplash patch deadcat ?
23:09.03x-256PerfDave, i found what szgaabor said... but i'm trying to remain hopeful :)
23:09.06deadcatSjimmie: cool., i am on a ppc though.
23:09.17deadcatSjimmie: but let me know (=
23:09.21Sjimmieok, im on amd k6
23:09.21Blissexbai: remember, the goal is to fit as much as possible on CD1 to make a single-CD install as useful as possible.
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23:09.24lauragplanyone had similiar problem??
23:09.36PerfDavex-256: It's always worth checking that hardware is Linux compatiable before you buy it ;)
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23:09.46Blissexbai: if you want a complete Live CD, use Knoppix or Kanotix.
23:09.47*** part/#debian aOispe (
23:10.05directhexno, not kanotix
23:10.05deadcatlauragpl: i think i have that problem on my x86 machine using 2.6.10 as well. but i stop messing with it . still on 2.6.7 for the x86
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23:10.15travisatit would be cool to have a completely compatible debian live cd
23:10.15baiBlissex: but I don't want a livecd, I want an install cd :P
23:10.18szgaborx-256: it is a workaround and not an solution..
23:10.24lauragplit happens to me as w in 2.6.10
23:10.29dpkg[d-i] the new installer for sarge (debian 3.1), at or see #debian-boot, but don't pester the d-i devs with unrelated questions, or see <debian-installer>
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23:10.31baiI just want one that will let me do some of the more tricky install tricks that most people never need to do
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23:10.36lauragplIt could be a problem with that specific kernel then?
23:10.37bailike installing directly to an nfs root
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23:10.41Blissexbai: an *install CD* with an *NFS server*?
23:10.42x-256szgabor, yeah :(   btw I just found something:
23:10.48bainot, *SERVER*
23:10.49PerfDavelauragpl: Why are you compiling and not just using a kernel-image?
23:11.04baiit just needs an nfs CLIENT
23:11.05curelessbai: if you want an install CD just use the install CD. If you want to recover a "working" system use the livecd and mount the system. if you want a full recovery CD use a recovery CD (plenty around) and if you want a livecd, well :-)
23:11.10baijust to be able to mount nfs drives
23:11.19curelessthat first livecd was meant to be the install cd.
23:11.23stewcureless: you aren't following this conversation very well
23:11.29lauragplI do not have hostap supported,neither apm, or fat support
23:11.29baiI'm not recovering a system and I don't want a livecd
23:11.36linux_Tuxi'm trying to log into the system  i got this error, Your session only lasted less than 10 seconds. if you have not logged out yourself, this could mean that there is some installation problem or that you may be out of diskspace.
23:11.38ajjllinux kernel 2.6.11 was released today. :-)
23:11.48baiI want an install cd that understands some of the more advanced installations linux supports
23:11.55Sjimmieits wednseday here ajjl :)
23:12.02szgabori read this chipset and amd(SMC), ralink(ASUS) developing to freebsd...
23:12.05Sjimmiei think it is release tomorrow for you :"D
23:12.07directhexbai, such as?
23:12.09deadcatam i the only ppc using who is trying to get bootsplash to work?
23:12.11Blissexbai: what's wrong with FTP install? Why NFS?
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23:12.14baidirecthex: such as installing onto nfs-roots
23:12.15linux_Tuxwhat is this error... i tried to log in failsafe terminal i got no xterm ..? what to do ?
23:12.30baiBlissex: you can't use an ftp server as the root filesystem for your box :P
23:12.41baiI'm talking about a diskless box
23:12.41*** join/#debian XeLoN (~xxx@
23:12.52baithe entire system runs off a network drive
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23:12.56Blissexbai: then you are trying to do something very wrong.
23:12.57curelessnow I see, installing into nfs-roots...
23:13.06lauragplajjl, i know but i have enough with this i look for something very stable
23:13.11linux_Tuxhello anybody there
23:13.13baiBlissex: no, it's very right
23:13.14curelessbai: so you want to install the diskless client?
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23:13.25Blissexbai: you seem to be trying to install Debian onto a diskless client...
23:13.26lauragplanyway is the second time i compile in my life and i am getting crazy
23:13.29baiBlissex: yes
23:13.37curelessbai: or you want to run the diskless client from the CD? (makes more sense)
23:13.37baiwhich I've done before
23:13.39baiand it works perfectly
23:13.42szgaborHi all, i go to sleep..
23:13.44ajjllauragpl: I wasn't recommending 2.6.11, just sharing the good news
23:13.45deadcatlinux_Tux: try console
23:13.51Blissexbai: that's not the way to do it.
23:13.55lauragplok then ; )
23:13.56baicureless: so there's a diskless client already
23:14.05Blissexbai: you don't do it _on the client_.
23:14.09baiBlissex: heh, worked before, never saw any official diskless client before
23:14.10linux_Tuxdeadcat: what to in the console ?
23:14.26baiBlissex: yeah before I just extracted base_2.2.tar.gz onto the server and went from there
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23:14.27XeLoNHi guys, I installed kernel-image-2.4.27 by apt-get install, and I tested lilo. But when I reboot the system, Kernel panic. I cant open the system. And I cant select the old kernel, because the menu didn't come. What can I do???
23:14.28deadcatlinux_Tux: i dont know. install xterm?
23:14.30linux_Tuxdeadcat: what to do in the console ?
23:14.32Blissexbai: you do the install _on the server_ and then you mount that tree on the client.
23:14.33curelessbai: the diskless client ... does it have a disk? Where is it that you want to put debian?
23:14.36baibut that option is no longer available, since woody
23:14.53linux_Tuxdeadcat: what to do with error ?
23:14.57Blissexbai: but you can do installs to any arbitrary subtree.
23:15.15baiBlissex: using the normal installer, or using some special tools?
23:15.21Blissexbai: either.
23:15.32XeLoNBlissex : can you recognize me?
23:15.35MobyTurboXeLoN: the default is not to show the menu unless you press "shift" while it boots
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23:15.43BlissexXeLoN: I'd rather not, but I do :-)
23:15.43baiheh, well I'm kind of wary about executing the installer directly on my server
23:15.58baisince the installer tends to do some hardware stuff as well
23:16.00deadcatlinux_Tux: dont know.
23:16.28cafuegobai: Use debootstrap to set up a chroot install, it's easy.
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23:16.38baihrm, ok I'll check that out then
23:16.39Blissexbai: then use the appropriate tool. I can't remember exactly how to do it, but this is used for example for installs for things like UML clients etc.
23:16.58cafuegobai: Like, REALLY easy - it's a single command to set up a woody or sarge chroot.
23:16.59Blissexbai: yes, as <cafuego> says, it is 'deboostrap'.
23:17.08baicool, thanks
23:17.25alushow is it that I can add a user to the group with permission to write to the audio device?
23:17.29XeLoNBlissex : I solved my problem by installing fileutils :) . now I can see my harddrive as normal . I said it's a program problem :)
23:17.51BlissexXeLoN: thats very unlikely, because you had 'df' already installed...
23:18.04*** part/#debian moebius (~Neo@2001:760:202:4:201:2ff:fe22:a424)
23:18.12XeLoNBlissex : i think it's a bug or sth.
23:18.15BlissexXeLoN: also note that the 'MySQL' installer had trouble.
23:18.35BlissexXeLoN: as to the new kernel, you can use a live CD, mount the hard disk and run LILO again.
23:18.37XeLoNBlissex : it's solved also by fileutils
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23:18.55bainow, what about using debootstrap with debian-amd64, from a 32-bit system? :P
23:18.58baiwill that just work?
23:19.08XeLoNBlissex : i pressed shift key, and load with linuxold
23:19.14XeLoNBlissex : thanks again
23:19.17linux_Tuxvaldyn_:  i'm trying to log into the system  i got this error, Your session only lasted less than 10 seconds. if you have not logged out yourself, this could mean that there is some installation problem or that you may be out of diskspace. Try logging in with one of the failsafe sessions to see if you can fix this problem  (-/.xsession-errors file) , what is this error and how to correct it i tried to log into gnome failsafe and terminal failsafe said ..
23:19.29Blissexbai: probably -- installation after all is just roughly unpacking stuff.
23:19.30cafuegobai: It will install, but I doubt it will run on the 32bit box. The other waya round works fine.
23:19.33XeLoNMobyTurbo : thanks a lot
23:19.38MobyTurboXeLoN: np
23:19.52baicafuego: well the server is 32 bit, the client is 64 bit
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23:20.03Blissexbai: fine, fine...
23:20.03XeLoNMobyTurbo : what can i do? Do i have to install another kernel?
23:20.14cafuegobai: *nod* Just serve it  a32bit system to get things going.
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23:20.31MobyTurboXeLoN: make sure everything is OK in your boot loader configuration file would be the first step.
23:20.36cafuegobai: You can always install a second, 64bit chroot (and have the client pick one at bootup!)
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23:20.47XeLoNMobyTurbo : lilo is ok
23:20.54XeLoNMobyTurbo : but kernel panics
23:20.56linux_Tuxanyone may help ?????
23:21.05MobyTurboXeLoN: if needed, does it have the initrd stanza?
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23:21.14cafuegobai: I used that when setting stuff up here
23:21.18MobyTurboinitrd command in the stanza
23:21.20baihrm, according to the alioth debian-amd64-howto you have to be running a 64bit kernel before you even start the bootstrap process
23:21.25Sjimmiedeadcat: how do i apply the .diff file?
23:21.28XeLoNMobyTurbo : I don't think so!
23:21.34baiI'm looking at
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23:21.52Sjimmiei have it in the kernel source path now, so patch < bootsplash.blabla.diff
23:21.56MobyTurboXeLoN: well, as the instructions that should have appeared on the screen when you installed the kernel, you need to do that.
23:21.59cafuegobai: Only if you intend to run thise binaries on the host system.
23:22.20baioh ok
23:22.24Sjimmiepatch -p0 < bootsplash-3.1.4-2.6.11.diff
23:22.24Sjimmiecan't find file to patch at input line 4
23:22.47linux_Tuxmay anyone answer
23:22.48cafuegobai: Besides, an amd64 runs 32bit stuff happily (and a lot faster then a same speed 32bit cpu)
23:22.53dracSjimmie: -p1 ?
23:23.31Sjimmiethat works drac !
23:23.32Sjimmiethanks :)
23:23.54baicafuego: yeah but from what I hear 64bit really helps with things like movie encoding
23:23.54deadlinehi, i just updated my kernel from 2.6.8-1 to 2.6.8-2 and xmms results in this error messages: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory.and so on. how can i fix that?
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23:24.24baiI'm migrating this diskless box to boot off a different server anyway, I figured now would be a good time to redo the OS and try 64bit anyway
23:24.28cafuegobai: Haha, yes, as soon as the apps get ported to 64bit. For the moment they need to run in a 32bit chroot.
23:24.30jimdeadline: go back to -1?
23:24.43cafuegobai: It's bloody annoying.
23:24.45Sjimmiedeadcat: where is the bootsplash option?
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23:25.15linux_Tuxhelloooooooooooooo any one answer my error
23:25.16deadlinejim: cannot, this update was required by direct rendering. nvidia...
23:25.36baicafuego: yeah I know...but really that's not an issue for my application, the only program it'll have a problem with is mozilla
23:25.42baispecifically the flash plugin
23:25.54jimdeadline: ok well I guess you'll have to determine the problem
23:26.01meffis there a way to 'dpkg -i name.deb' but, install name.deb and the dependencies that it has? dpkg -i won't autofetch deps..
23:26.23dondelelcaromeff: dpkg -i it, then apt-get -f install;
23:26.23arkaossi've installed a deb which for some reason seems to need php4 but in dpkg or by dpkg gets uninstalled when i install php4....
23:26.33deadlineif i want to upgrade glibc to the latest version, which packages should i get via apt?
23:26.47dondelelcaromeff: or, install it, then use aptitude to resove the dependencies
23:26.52dondelelcarodeadline: just apt-get update; apt-get upgrade;
23:27.05meffdondelelcaro: you mean dpkg -i --force-deps ?
23:27.09deadlinedondelelcaro: ok thanks
23:27.17dondelelcaromeff: no, I mean dpkg -i; then apt-get -f install;
23:27.17arkaossi am contemplating just dl'ing the latest php and installing/Making it
23:27.25bai'sup don, long time no see :P
23:27.33curelesslinux_Tux: can you log in normally? Do you have a $HOME, do you own the files in your home? are you out of disk?
23:28.11dondelelcarobai: wait, you're from UCR, right?
23:28.19linux_Tuxcureless: how to know if i'm out of disk .. i can't load any terminal
23:28.26baiyeah, I was an RCC, heh
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23:28.38dondelelcarobai: ah, right... good, my memory hasn't failed me yet.
23:28.56Sjimmieoh i did it deadcat and it works, i can enable it int he conf
23:29.01aluslinux_Tux: sounds like a pretty good indicator
23:29.04*** mode/#Debian [+l 792] by debhelper
23:29.07deadlinewhat does that mean? Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server Xlib: No protocol specified. ./ line 260:  2809 Segmentation fault      "$setup" "$@" 2>>$NULL The setup program seems to have failed on x86/glibc-2.1. im trying to install a game (tactical ops) with a shell script
23:29.12curelesslinux_Tux: log in without X, type df. Did you install all the X stuff (xterm and kde/gnome or fluxbox,etc)?
23:29.20alusdeadcat: you don't have a GLX implementation installed
23:29.48alusdeadcat: what video card do you have?
23:30.09curelesslinux_Tux: in case you don't know control-alt-1 will get you a login console.
23:30.11Vladican someone please explain IRQ load balancing and MSI interupts to me im trying to decide if i need them in my kernel its a dual p3 450 server. thx!
23:30.11alusor, maybe you don't have X started
23:30.22deadlinealus: nvidia geforce4
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23:30.32PerfDavedeadline: At a guess, you're running X as a user and the install script as root, and you've used "su" to get to root instead of "sux"
23:30.32linux_Tuxcureless: the system was runinng correctly .. but after installing kernel-headers and modules-assisstant and rebooted i got this error , where can i type df to loging without X
23:30.36deadlinealus: btw im deadline not deadcat :)
23:30.50alusdeadcat: sorry, not you
23:30.56alusdeadline: is X11 running?
23:30.56deadlinePerfDave: you are right maestro:)
23:31.00deadlinealus: yes
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23:31.26alusoh, what PerfDave said I guess
23:31.26curelesslinux_Tux: no, you login without X by pressing control-alt-1, then on the console login screen type your username and password. Then you will have a shell and you can type commands and fix your system.
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23:31.57MobyTurbocureless: control-alt-F1
23:32.09curelesswhoops, yes, that's what I meant.
23:32.17d3sI'm using deb-testing + fluxbox.. how can I use gtk theme. I installed gtk-theme-switch and gtk-mac2
23:32.21curelessnext time I should look at the keyboard.
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23:32.47linux_Tuxcureless: i'm now on the X welcome screen , should i reboot and press ctrl-alt-1 after reboot ?
23:32.48PerfDaveresiak: It's pretty easy to set it up to work permanently. Either call xauth from root's .bashrc or just symlink your .Xauthority.
23:32.54deadlinealus: PerfDave it works now. thanks a million
23:32.57jetscreamertype gtk-theme-switch. or click the menu thing
23:33.01curelesslinux_Tux: get that, it's F1 (Crl-Alt-F1) or F2, etc.
23:33.02PerfDavedeadline: Good oh :)
23:33.03resiakPerfDave: I didn't even do that.
23:33.11PerfDaveresiak: Maybe something did it for you.
23:33.16jetscreamerand it's ctrl+alt+F7 to get back to gui btw
23:33.22curelesslinux_Tux: nooo, don't reboot.
23:33.28PerfDaveresiak: Or maybe you're running X as root ;)
23:33.48linux_Tuxcureless: i'm on now , what to do to check if i don't have a disk space
23:33.55curelesslinux_Tux: df
23:34.30resiakPerfDave: Well, the X process is running as root... *worries that he's being moronic*
23:34.39linux_Tuxcureless: available 0 :) and i don't know what to remove :)
23:34.40d3sjetscreamer: I did.. but After i installed gtk-themes-mac2... I ran gtk-themes-switch but I did not find anything to use.. it's only default.
23:34.50curelesslinux_Tux: apt-get clean
23:34.56deadlinePerfDave: maybe you know a solution for my xmms problem. after upgrading to 2.6.8-1 kernel i get errors, it says that for example: es-mac2... I
23:35.11linux_Tuxcureless: still 0
23:35.22jetscreamerd3s, you need to install some gtk themes also
23:35.44jetscreamerd3s, apt-cache search gtk-theme and gtk2-theme iirc
23:35.48curelesslinux_Tux: well, time to decide. Remove all those mp3s and next time partition your hard disk in a better way.
23:35.50jetscreamerthen install some
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23:36.04deadlinePerfDave: i guess you didnt understand my question
23:36.12linux_Tuxcureless: how to remove from console
23:36.14PerfDavedeadline: I have no idea, I don't use Gnome for starters.
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23:36.27d3sI ran gtk-themes-swtich after I installed gtk-engines-mac2 but only found default theme.. nothing more to use.. I'm using fluxbox
23:36.29deadlinePerfDave: i dont use gnome either
23:36.47curelesslinux_Tux: rm,  but read up on using a unix console first
23:37.12*** part/#debian Cy6erBr4in (~brain@
23:37.14PerfDavedeadline: In that case I definitely didn't understand your question ;)
23:37.36jetscreamerdamn dude what part of you need to install some themes also
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23:38.05deadlinePerfDave: xmms died after kernel upgrade. cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory...and similar errors; any idea how to fix that one?
23:38.13PerfDavedeadline: Have you checked the BTS?
23:38.19linux_Tuxcureless: i have dev/hda1 with 0 available and dev/hda6 1% use is it like that the disk doesn't have a free space or it's the boot directory only
23:38.21*** part/#debian Zitter (~danilo@
23:38.26deadlinePerfDave: what is BTS
23:38.42curelesslinux_Tux: your problem is probably the directory /tmp
23:38.43dpkghmm... bts is the Bug Tracking System for Debian packages, or to go directly to the bug page for a particular package, try or anyone running unstable who's unable to check the BTS should be shot on sight. apt-get install reportbug, and check out querybts too. sid users, apt-get install apt-listbugs, or ...
23:38.43d3sWaa. I think i have to install gtk-smooth-themes to see a new gtk themes lists
23:38.51jetscreamerd3s, make that gtk-engine, for themes
23:39.02jetscreamer!find gtk-engine
23:39.03*** mode/#Debian [+l 786] by debhelper
23:39.04dpkgDebian Package Listing of 'gtk-engine' (14 of 20): gtk-engines-begtk ;; gtk-engines-eazel ;; gtk-engines-geramik ;; gtk-engines-geramik-data ;; gtk-engines-icegradient ;; gtk-engines-industrial ;; gtk-engines-lighthouseblue ;; gtk-engines-mac2 ;; gtk-engines-metal ;; gtk-engines-mist ;; gtk-engines-notif ;; gtk-engines-pixmap ;; ...
23:39.04curelesslinux_Tux: so your root directory if you didn't partiton /tmp as a separate thing.
23:39.18jetscreamersee also gtk2-engines i think
23:39.18linux_Tuxcureless: so what to do ?
23:39.28alusafter running 'sndconfig' my soundcard works, but after I reboot it stops again
23:39.47alushow can I cause /etc/modutils/sndconfig to be considered on boot?
23:40.17curelesslinux_Tux: I don't know, erase something. Without knowing you, your system, what you do, what you like and where you live I can't tell you what to erase. You can remove some logs if they are too big, or move them to the partition with free space. (logs in /var/log)
23:40.19*** join/#debian tull (
23:40.29d3sOk now.. It's OK... but I'm still looking for Aqua-Mac theme for os.. I found gtk-engines-mac2 but not the themes
23:40.40deadlinePerfDave: no idea?
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23:40.50tullhow do i boot to console directly>
23:40.57resiak!tell tull about nodm
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23:42.01linux_Tuxcureless: how to move from hda1 to hda6
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23:42.54curelesscureless: hda* are devices, you need to look at the filesystem and where they are mounted. (df would have told you that, mount too). The command to move is mv, but I can't help you with every command. Look up some info on the unix shell on google.
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23:43.17apthmm... faq is The #debian FAQ is at
23:43.58tullresiak thanks
23:44.02resiaktull: No problem.
23:44.05PerfDavedirecthex: Is there nothing in the BTS?
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23:44.11PerfDavedeadline: is there nothing in the BTS?
23:44.20deadlinePerfDave: what is BTS?
23:44.21callipygoushey, I updated my woody to testing, and now when I boot I get multiple "mount wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on empfs, or too many mounted file systems"
23:44.24dpkgfrom memory, bts is the Bug Tracking System for Debian packages, or to go directly to the bug page for a particular package, try or anyone running unstable who's unable to check the BTS should be shot on sight. apt-get install reportbug, and check out querybts too. sid users, apt-get install apt-listbugs, ...
23:44.29*** join/#debian cg0def (
23:44.34callipygousthing is, I don't have tmpfs, and im defainately not using tmpfs
23:44.42callipygousmy /etc/fstab looks fine...
23:44.49deadlinePerfDave: didnt check. will do that
23:45.24cg0defis kernel-image-*-amd64 64 bit or 32?
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23:45.30znohow do I make sure the kernel headers and kernel image are the same version?
23:45.46linux_Tuxcureless: sorry last command :) how to delete files ?
23:45.46deadlinehow can i upgrade to gcc 3.4 version?
23:45.55curelesslinux_Tux: rm
23:46.27cg0defzno: hum look at the versions and install matching ones
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23:47.03znocg0def: they're at the 2.4.27-X but X is different
23:47.04callipygousso what is wrong?
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23:47.43cg0defzno: that shouldn't be a problem the headers are just source code
23:47.52Granthey guys, got a bit of a issue anything in my cgi-bin aint workn
23:48.09Grantthe alias is in the conf and the files are in there but no worky
23:48.17znocg0def: well I'm trying to compile something against the headers, and it's failing because (I think) the source is out of sync iwth the headers
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23:48.53resiakdeadline: apt-get install gcc-3.4 perhaps?
23:49.02cg0defzno: if you are trying to compile modules agains the headers you will need the whole kernel source
23:49.17GrantBTW, when i go to the browser to view the cgi apps my browser try's to download them
23:49.17znocg0def: that's what I was afraid of
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23:49.39cg0defzno: some modules compile agains that headers fine but often they don't
23:49.40deadlineresiak: is that all i will need for a full function compiler?
23:49.44linux_Tuxcureless: where can i find the installed packages by apt-get , i installed modules-assisstant where can i find it to remove it
23:49.47znocg0def: should I remove the kernel-headers package when I get the kerne-source?
23:49.56resiakdeadline: You may also want g++-3.4
23:50.01cg0defzno: no you can keep it
23:50.08deadlineresiak: ok thanks
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23:50.18cg0defzno: unless you need the extra 15-20mb
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23:50.24Grant2can anyone help me with my cgi-bin problem?
23:50.26znocg0def: gonna give it a try thanks
23:50.53ExxonECan anyone help me with the command downloading a torrent in terminal?
23:51.10dpkg***anyone: No such nick/channel - and yes, there probably is someone, somewhere, who knows or runs it; that doesn't mean *I* do.
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23:52.05Roninya that always helps
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23:52.13quitttChe is SENDING PORN!
23:52.17quitttban this asshole!
23:52.19resiakExxonE: man btdownloadcurses
23:52.24resiak!topicsmite quittt
23:52.25dpkgAnd the wrath of /TOPIC descended with terrible fury upon quittt.  And all the people marveled, saying, Behold, we too should read the /TOPIC, lest we be stricken.  And all the people read the /TOPIC, and went away edified.
23:52.29*** part/#debian RichiH (richih@richih.staff.freenode)
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23:52.33Roninsending porn? anythign good too look it quittt ?
23:52.36ExxonEthx resiak
23:52.43RichiHquitte: thanks
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23:53.00quitttRonin, it is a virus
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23:53.17Roninahh no worrys then but no fun either
23:53.21alusso sndconfig makes my soundcard work until I reboot, what should I add to make it work on bootup?
23:53.29RichiHquitte: and klined. thanks again :)
23:53.40MobyTurbovirus porn - naked rna strands?
23:54.58travisatshake those nucleotides
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23:57.19RichiHjust so everyone knows - when these spambots surface, /join #freenode and tell staff about it. also, you can do "!ops foo is a spambot" in here to send a message to the ops
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23:57.53Vint_cerfhello someone from Canada?
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23:58.08sussudiobryan adams?
23:58.24callipygouscanadians talk funny
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23:58.53callipygoushey, I updated my woody to testing, and now when I boot I get multiple "mount wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on empfs, or too many mounted file systems" cus if anybody knows why i get this annoying message, i'd be relieved
23:59.05callipygousoh and the filesystems still mount
23:59.17Xenguycallipygous: everybody talks "funny", depending on where you come from =)

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